HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT 15 SKI MUSEUM POCKET PARK LEGAL/u /rl/"H f,n44'2\J.-- Lof 15 5,U'/luseamc/lv'r WtHz/ ,, I ORDINANCE NO.16 Serles ol 1992 AN ORDINANCE REZONING A PARCEL OF PROPERTY FROM PUBLICACCOMMODA]ION DISTRICT TO PUBLIC USE DISTRICT, GENERALLY LOCATED ATTHE NORTHWEST INTEFSECTION OF vAlL ROAD AND WEST MEADOW DRtvE, ANDLEGALLY DESCRIBED IN THE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A; AND AMENDING THE OFFIqAL ZONING MAP IN RELATION TO THE REZONING OF SAID PROPERTY. WHEREAS' ths propsrty lo be rezoned ls located wlthln the munlclpal llmltrs ol tthe Town ol Vall; and WHEREAS, the Plannlng and Environmontal Commlssion has consldered.lhe approprlate rezonlng lor the property and has unanimously recommended that the Town Council rezone the parcel from Publlc Accommodation to public Use; and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers lt in the publlc Interest to rezone sald property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Town Councll flnds that the procedures for the provlsion of rezonlng property In.[he Town of Vail have been fullilled, and the Town Council hereby received the report ol recommendation from the Plannlng and Environmental Commission recommending the rezoning of sald property. Section 2. Pursuanl to Sectlon 18.66.100 - 18.66.180 of the Vail Municlpal Code, the parcel ol propsrty legally described In the attached Exhiblt A ls zoned as public Use. Sectlon 3. As ptovlded In the ordinances of the Town of Vail, the zoning admlnlstrator ls hereby dlrected to modify and amend lhe official zoning map to include the zonlng specified in Sec-tlon 2 aboye. Sectlon 4 lf any part, sectlon, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase ol this ordinance ls for any reason held to be invalid, such decislon shall not etlect the validity ol the remainlng podions ot thls I I ordinance; and lhe Town Councll hereby declares it woutd have passed thls ordlnance, and each parl, secUon, subsection, senlence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact th'at any one or more parts, sectlons, subsectlons, sentsnces, clauses or phrases be dectared lnvattd. Sscllon 5 The Town Council hereby finds, determlnes and declares that this ordinance ls necessary and proper lor he health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vall and the Inhabltants thereof. I Sectlon 6 The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provlslon ol the Vail Munlclpal Code as provlded In this ordlnance shall not affect any rlght whlch has accrued, any duty lmposed, any vlolatlon that occuned prior to the effective date hereol, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under of by virtue of the provislon repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal ol any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated hereln. Section 7 Altbytaws, orders, resolutlons and ordinances, or parts thereof , lnconslstent herewlth are repealed lo lhe extent only of such lnconslstency. Thls repealer shall not be conslrued to revise any bylaw, order, resolutlon or ordinance, or part thereof, theretolore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE lN FULL, lhis tgth day ol r'rav , 1992. A public hearing shall be held hereon on the 2nd day of June .|992, at the regular meeting of the Town Councll ol the Town Bullding of lhe Town.of Vall, Colorado, in the Munlclpal a. ATTEST: ^AA^+l^, g. Zu,l^) Martha S. Baecker, Town Clerk -; :.i.. , , READ A'IID APPROVED ON SECOND FEADING AND ORDERED PUBLTSHED by tltle only this 2nd day of June . 1nna. 't .t ATTEST: ,wf.wMailha S. Raedter. towlr Cterlt n" -.r11., '-.1. . o E)(IIIBIT A. Thc sitc is located at the northwest intcrsection of vail Road and west Meadow Drivc, andmorc specifically describcd as follows: A pan of Lot "8", Amcnded Map of vail.vil'agc, !9cond Filing, counry of Fagre,starc of colorado, more pardcurarry dcscribcd ., folro*ri - --'-'' commencing at rhc Nonhcasr corncr of scction z, Township 5 south,, Range g0 v/estof the 6th p.M.: thencc southcrry arong rhc gast Linc of ;; i""uon z r disrancc of390.78 fq rhcnce ol {.gerc.1o the righ of 90o00'00,, " air*i, ,r 25.00 ft ro a pointon the Easr Linc of.said ?,."s", said-poinr ueing zr.oo r"c-t r.iiiicrry ftrom rhc SEcorner of said Lot "8" and rhe ruc point of ucgining; rrrerrc" .-oitinuing along thcaforcsaid coursc a distance of 98.75 ft to a point on r[c sourt *esicrty tinc of said Lot"B", which is the Nonheasrerly line of W. Meado* ;r.,;;;;; ; fi.i" il il; .of r2ro43'2r" and arong rhc curve ro rhe right r,uuin! u ,"Ji* Jizs.oo fecr and accnrar angre of 02"06'2r and an arc disranJc- of 6airt ro ;;;i;, of rangenr; rhcnccconrinuing arong said tangcnt a disrancc of 33.97 n a . p"i"'a"i'",rru", thcncc on acurve ro the refr having a radius of?5.00 ft and a "rnt uf"n!i" oioo"z3,00,,and anarc disrance of 79.04 fr.to a point of tangent; thcnce contin;i;;;o"g said .ungent adistancc of r 3.48 fr ro thc southeasterry io,n", of said r-ot n;, salo co.ner ueing25.00fr-\lr'esrerly of rhc East rine of said secrion ?; rtrcncc oi -Lgr" to rhe rcfr of90o00'00" and arong rhe Easrerry rine of said r at "i]" ;td-; a-unc para'er .o rhcEast linc of said section ? a disunce of 73.00 rr n rr,e- true prii"r beginning, morcgeneraily known as NW comer of vail Road and west veaiow nrivc, vait,Colorado. o 730 P.M. 7:35 P.M. Blondie Vucich 7:45 P.M. Eric Affeldt 7:55 P.M. Larry Eshritr Mike Mollica 8:05 P.M, Larry Eskwith Steve Banrick 9:05 P.M. Steve Thompson 1. 2. 3. VAIL TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1992 7:30 P.ll. EXPANDED AGENDA CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. Update re: Trapping issue. Introductory Comments by Eric Affeldt. Backoround Rationale: Mr. Affeldt is the Republican Candidate for County Commissioner. Consent Agenda: A. Approval of minutes of May 5, 1992, and May 19, 1992, Evening Meeting minutes. B. Ordinance No. 14, Series of 1992, second reading, an ordinance Larry Eskwith repealing and reenacting Chapter 5.08 Business and Occupation Tot Ron Phillips - Ski Lifts, of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail. C. Ordinance No. 16, Series of 1992, second reading, an ordinance rezoning a parcel of property' from Public Accommodation District to Public Use Disfict, generally located at the northwest intersection ol Vail Road and West Meadow Drive, and legally described in he attached Exhibit A; and amending the official zoning map in relation to the rezoning of said property. ('Commonly refened to as the 'Ski Museum Pocket Park") Ordinance No. 15, Series of 1992, first reading, an ordinance amending Title 3 of the Municipal Code of the Torn of Vail by tre addition of Chapter 3.42 establishing a Use Ta<; and setting forth details in regard hereto. Action Requested of Council: Approve or deny Ordinance No. 15, Series of 1992, on first reading. Backoround Rationale: This tax would impose a 4o/o lax on the purchase ot construction material used within the Town. Statf Recommendation : Approve Ordinance No. 1 5, Series of 1 gg2, on first reading. Ordinance No. 17, Series of 1992, first reading, and ordinance amending Tite 2 - Administration and Personnel of thg Municipal Code of the Torrn of Vail, by the addition of Chapter 256 concerning disposition of unclaimed property. 4. 5. 9:25 P.M. Ron Phillips 9:45 P.M. Martha Raecker 9:55 P.M. 7. Action Reouested of Council: Approve or deny Ordinance No. 17, Series of 1992, on tirst reading. Fackoround Rationale: The State has adopted legislation that goes into effect July 1, 1992, which requires atl unclaimed property be given back to he Slate. The most common type of unclaimed property fie Torn possess is deposb and oubtandirB payroll and A/P checks. Adoption of this ordinance would protect the Town's ownership right to unclaimed property, deemed forfeited. Statf Recommendation: ApproveOrdinance No. 17, Seriesof 1992, on first reading. Resolution No. 10, Sedes ol 1 992, a resolution opposing a stateurids initiative to raise the Colorado Sales Tax from 3% to 4%. Action Reouested of Council: AdopUmodify/deny Resolution No. 10, Series of 1992. Backoround Rationale: Exflained at last work sssslon. lf adopted, request permission to send to all municipalities in Golorado encouraging hem t0 adopt something similar. Staff Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 10, Series of 1992. Local Licensing Authority Applicant Appointmenb. Action Requested of Council: Appoint two applicants to he Aulhority. Applicants appointed to fiese positions will serue until June, 1994. Backoround Rationale: MiEiThomas, Don Whib, and DaveyWlson were interviewed at the May 26, 1992, work session. Adjournment. 8. 9. C:\AGENDA.TCE A regular meeting of the vail rown council was held on T\resday, May 19, 1gg2, at ?:80 p.M., in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building. MINUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MAY 19, 1992 7:30 P.M. MEMBER^S PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Peggy Osterfoss, Mayor Men Lapi:r, Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Shearer Tom Steinberg Rob LeVine Bob Buckley Jim Gibson TCIWN OFFICIALS PRESEI{I: Larry Eskwith, Town Attomey pnm hsndyneyer, Assistant to the Town Manager Martha Raecker, Town Clerk Ken Hughen Chief of Police The first item on the agenda was citizen participation of which there was none. Item No. 2 was Ordinance No. 14, Series of 1992, first reading, an ordinance repealing and r_eenarcting Chapter 5.08 - Business and Occupation Tax - Ski Lift,s, of the Municipal CJde oft!9 fown of Vail. Mayor Osterfoss rcad the title in full. pirs1 rcgding had be; tabled tothis date at the May 5, L992, gvgning meeting. Bob Buckley stepped down due to conllict ofinterest. Larry Eskwith provided brief background information, -noting this ordinance wouldigqosg a mandatory 4% tax which would replace the 2?o tax on gros- profits from the sale of ski lift tickete and the voluntary 2?o paymenrtwhich is presently maae to Oe Town by Vail Associates to_ hglp pay !o-r the Town bus system. After brief discussion, Men Lapin moved.to approve ordinance No. 14, series of lgg2 on first reading, with a secpnd -fron Tom Steinberg. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-0-1, wit[ Bob Buckley abstaining. Item No' 3 was Ordinance No. 16, Series of 1992, 6rst reading, an ordinance rezoning aparcel of property (commonly reGned to as the "Ski Museum-Pocket Park) from puf,iic Accommodation District to Public Use District, generally located at the northwest intersection of Vail Road and West Meadow Drive, and legaly described iu the attached Efibit A; and "-sading the official ?oqlq map in relation to the rezoning of said property. Iti"yo" Osterfoss read the title in firll. Mike Mollica I ,m'r,arized the backgrouna ana aescrlption of the request. After brief diecussion, Rob LeVine moved to approve O"dioan"e No. 16 on first reading, finding the change in zoning would be a furtherance of the Town's Master Plan, specifically the Streetscape Master Plan. Tom Steinberg seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the m.otion passed unanipsusty,6-9. Item No. 4 was a discussion of Pitkin Creek Townhome bond rcstructuring. Steve Jeffers,representing the investment brokerage fim of George K. Baun, extensivJly addressed ali areas and options related to this issue, and distributed a proposed time echedule for completion of refunding and a document detailing cash flow aoa tnl econonics of refunding. Council instructed stalf to investigate the ramifications of having the Town guarantee th-e mortgage loans' After discussion, Merv L,apin moved to direct statr to proceed with the p_ropos-al from George I(. Baum that will save the Town of Vail approxinately $72b,000 on the refunding ofthe 1979 Pitkin Creek bonds. Tom Steinbe"g secooded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 6-0. There being no further business, a motion to adjourn the meeting was made and passed unanimously. The meeting was a{ourrred at 8:b0 p.m. / After adoumment, Pegp orterbsg intnodued Jamieon smith, who was nmning ftr a reat in the Colorarlo Houee of Representatives. Council wisbd l&. Smith lucl& : neepectfu[y submitted, Margaret A Oeterftss, Maym ATIEST: o Martha S. Raec,ker, Town Clerk l|ilb C€|| tt lbfunnc 3. D* cilfilll Y19.9 VAIL TOWN COUNCIL 7:30 P.M. 735 P.M. Larry Eshrith Ron Phillips 7:55 P.M. Mike Mollica 8:15 P.M. Steve Jeffers 8145 P.M. TUESDAY, il,ltY 19, 1902 7:30 P.M. 1. CITIZENPARTICIPATION. 2. Ordinance No. 14, Series of 1992, first reading, an ordinance repealing and reenacting Chapter5.08 Business and Occupa0on Tax - Ski Ufts, of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail. Action Reouested of Council: Approve/deny/modify the ordinance. Bacloround Rationale: First reading of tris odinance was tabled from May 5, 1992 to this meeting. This tax imposes a 4% ta( on the sale of lift tickets by any ski area within the To$rn. (Please note minor wording changes to 5.08.020(J) and 5.08.070(8). Statf Recommendation: Approve Ordinance No. 1 4, Series of 1 992, on first reading. 3. Ordinance No. 16, Series of 1992, first reading, an ordinance rezoning a parcel of property' from Public Accommodation District to Public Use District, generally located at tlre northwest intersection of Vail Road and West Meadow Drive, and legally described in the attached ExhibitA;and amending he oflicialzoning map in relation to the rezoning of said property. (.Commonly referred to as the'Ski Museum Pocket Park") Action Requested of Council: Approve/deny/modify Ordinance No. 16, Series of 1992, on first reading. Backoround Rationale: On May 11, 1992, the Planning and Environmental Commission unanimously recommended approval of the rezoning from Public Accommodation to Public Use Distict. The vote was 5-0. Please see the attached staff memorandum dated May 1 1, 1992, for further background information. Staff Recommendation: The statf recommendation is for approval of ordinance No. 16, Series of 1992, on first reading. 4. Discussion of Pitkin Creek Townhome Bond Restructuring, CTACiENDA.TCE 5.Adjoumment. TO: FROM: DATE; SI-IBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Deparrnent May ll,1992 A request to rez)ne the "Ski Museum" pocket park site from Public Accommodation to Public Use Disrict. The sitc is generally located at the northwest intersection of Vail Road and West Meadow Drive. (See attached legal Exhibit A). Applicanr Town of Vail Planner: Mike Mollica I. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The Town of Vail is the owner of the property generally located at the northwest intersection of Vail Road and West Meadow Drive, commonly referred to as the Ski Museum Pocket Park site. This parcel was acquired from the Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company on June 25, 1975, with the condition that the property be used exclusively for a museum or other related public use for a period of nventy-five (25) ycars from the date of thc deed. Up until the fall of 1991, the Town had been using this site for the purposes of housing the Colorado Ski Museum. During the fall of 1991, the Colorado Ski Museum relocated to the Vail Village Transportation Centcr and the structure on the ski muscum site has subsequently been demolished. The property is currently vacant and the Town's intentions arc to construct a small pocket park in this location. The Ski Museum Pocket Park site is currently zoned Public Accommodation (PA). As stated in the Zoning Code, the Public Accommodation Zone District "is intended to provide sitcs for lodges and residential accommodations for visitors, together with such public and semipublic facilities and limited professional offices, medical facilities, private recreation, and related visitor-oriented uses as may appropriately be located in the same district." As such, the PA Disrict only allows for lodges, and accessory dining decks as permitted uses in the District. Conditional uses in the PA District range from professional and business offices, hospitals and dental clinics, to theaters, meeting rooms and convention facilities, and churches. Public parks and recreation facilities are also listed as conditional uses in thc PA Zone District. The Town of Vail is requesting that the zoning on the ski museum site be changed from Public Accommodation to Public Use District (PUD). As stated in the zoning code, the Public Use Zone District "is intendcd to cnsurc that public buildings and grounds and certain types ofquasipublic uses permitted in the distict are appropriately located and designed to meet the needs of residents and visitors to Vail, to harmonizc with surnrunding uses, and in the case of buildings and other strucnues, to ensurc adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of uses." Public parks, playgrounds and open space, pedestrian and bicycle paths, and seasonal structures or uscs to accommodate cducational, rpcreational, or cultural activities, are all permitted uses within the Public Use Disrict.. tr. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A. Suitability of the Proposed Zoning. Although it is possible to rcquest a conditional use permit to construct a pocket park on the ski museum site, given the Public Accommodation Tnne District, it is the suff's opinion that the Public Use District is a much more appropriate zone district for the uses anticipated for this site. We believe that the proposed pocket park more closely meets the purpose section of the Public Use Disnict, than the Public Accommodati on Znne Disnict. B. Is the amendment proposal presenting a convenient, workable rclationship among land uses consistent with municipal objectives? The ski museum site has been specifrcally designated as a pocket park site in the recently approved Sueetscape Master Plan. Preliminary design work for the pocket park is currently underway, and it is anticipated that should this zoning change be approved, the pocket park would be constructed during the summer of 1992. The Town of Vail Land Use Plan has designated the ski museum site as a "transition zone". The [:nd Use Plan further defines a transition zone as an arca in which "activities and site design are aimed at encouraging pedestrian flow through the arca and strengthening the connection between the nvo commercial cores. Appropriate activities include hotels, lodging and other tourist oriented residential units, ancillary retail and rcstaurant uses, museums, areas of public art" natural exhibits, gardens, pedesrian plazas, and other tlpes of civic and culturally oriented uses. The staff believes that thc rezoning of this sitc from PA to Public Usc Disrict would be consistent with the zoning previously placed on Gerald R. Ford Park. Town parks are also zoned AgriculturaVOpen Space, and Greeenbelt Natural Open Space. C. Does the remning proposal provide for the growth of an orderly and viable community? The staff feels that this proposed rezoning, and use of this site as a pocket park, would provide for the growth of an orderly and viable community, and would also suengrhen thc pedestrian conn@tion between the Villagc corc and the Lionshcad corc. The Stneetscape Master Plan addresses this site as follows: "A pocket park is proposed on the ski museum site, creating a sense ofpedesuian entry for the corridor and a bcner visual connection to East Meadow Drive. The park would include needed public resnooms, seating, and extensive landscaping." At this time, public rtstrooms are not included in the park design. If a restroom is proposed in the future, it would require a conditional use review. The PUD allows for sitc specilic rcview of development sundards through the conditional use process. trL STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommendation for the proposed rezoning of this property from Public Accommodation to Public Use District is for approval. We believe that the Public Use District designation is the more appropriate zone district for the uses which ale anticipated for this property. We also believe that the addition of a pocket park on this site would be in conformance with the Town's Sueetscape Master Plan, and that the pocket park would be a positive conribution to the community as a whole. E)(rIIBIT A. The sitc is located at the northwest intersection of Vail Road and West Meadow Drive, and more specifically described as follows: A part of Lot "B", Amended Map of Vail Village, Second Filing, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, more particulady described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast Corner of Section 7, Township 5 South, Rangc 80 West of the 6th P.M.: thence Southerly along the East Line of said Section 7 a disance of 390.78 ft; thence on an anglc to the right of 90o(X)'(X)" a distance of 25.00 ft to a point on the East Line of said Int "B", said point being 73.00 feet Northerly ftom the SE corner of said l.ot "8" and the true point of bcginning; thence continuing along the aforesaid course a distance of 98.75 ft to a point on the Southwesterly line of said Lot "B", which is the Northeasterly line of W. Meadow Dr.; thence on an angle to the left of 121"43'21" and along the curve to the right having a radius of 175.00 feet and a central 6ngle of 02o06'21 and an arc distance of 6.43 ft to a point of tangent; thence continuing along said tangent a distance of 33.97 ft to a point of curve; thence on a curve to the left having a radius of 75.00 ft and a central angle of 60o23'00" and an arc distance of 79.04 ft to a point of tangent; thence continuing along said tangent a distance of 13.48 ft to the Southeasterly comer of said Lot "B", said corner being 25.00 ft Westerly of the East linc of said Section 7; thence on an angle to ttre left of 90"00'00" and along the Easterly line of said Iot "B" and along a line parallel to thc East line of said Section 7 a distance of 73.00 ft o the true point of beginning, more generally known as NW comer of Vail Road and West Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado. I,|OUNIA'N EELL t6o NDA YTOWN l-l o*'i3,oo.,JElnllnc rats I tze HE:.IPAO 9A t67 s;le VAIL \,tA7'L Bi , 8LCG. HOLIDAY INN LOT O (501 VILLAGE II''N too ARCADE VAILF 'Mtg-/-1\Y/- ffib 7*kI TeaR a- I TTOUNTAIN SELL 160 X€LInAD I-l or.'S,*,-, -LEARNING TREE ! t.e €;fe HOLIOAY INN LOT O VILLAGE INN loo ARCADE ?orlfet ZlnK )-l' PIANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION May 11, 1992 Present Staff Greg Amsden -Xristan pria Diana Donovan Mike Mollica Kathy Langenwalter Mary Caster Gena Whitten Dalton Williams Absent Chuck Crist The meeting was called to order at 1:35PM by Chairperson Diana Donovan. 1. A tequest for a worksession on a conditional use permit for the Vail Team Tennis facility, generally located to the south of the Lionshead Skier Bridge and north of West Forest Road on the existing tennis courts. Applicant VailAssociatesA/ailRecreationDistrict Planner: Mike Mollica There was general discussion relating to the proposed tennis facility. 2. A request for an extension of a previously approved setback variance for the Pitto Residence, Lot 3, Block'1, VailViltage Eleventh Filingpg20 Booth creek Drive.Applicant J. Russell PittoPlanner: Mike Mollica Mike Mollica reviewed the request. After some discussion, a motion was made by Dalton Williams to approve the request. Gena Whitten seconded the motion. A unanimous 5-0 vote approved the motion. 3. A request to expand a previousty approved conditional use permit allowing a public utility and a request for a variance from Section 18.58.320 regulating satettite Oisn antennas for 501 N. Frontage Road WesULot 8, Block 2, Vail potato patch. Applicant: U.S. West New VectorPlanner: Andy Knudtsen/Jill Kammerer The presentation was made by Kristan Pritz. A motion was made by Kathy r angsnwaglrr,a approve the request per the staff memo. The'motion was given a second by Greg Amsden. The motion was.approved by a vote of 5-0. 4. A request to rezone the 'Ski Museum'pocket park site from Public Accommodation to Public Use District. The site is located at the northwest intersection of Vail Road and West Meadow Drive. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Mike Mollica Mike Mollica presented the request to the PEC, stating that this was a Town of Vail request, stating the change of zoning was consistent with the zoning of other town parks in the area, as well as the Vail Land Use Plan and the Streetscape Master Plan. Mike also stated that this request would need to be approved by the VailTown Council. Mike stated that the stafl was looking for suggestions as to what should be placed in the park, as well as the as naming the park. Diana Donovan voiced her opposition to having the park named after a specific person. Kathy Langenwalter suggested some sort of artistic benches and that a permanent art pedestral be a pan of the park. Afler further discussion, a motion was made by Kathy Langenwalter to approve the Town of Vail's rezoning request and Gena Whitten seconded the motion. A vote was tiaken and the motion passsed unanimously, 5-0. 5. A discussion concerning the roof form for Special Development District No. 6, Phase lV-A of the Vail Village Inn; Lot O, Block 5-D, Vail Village First Filing/1O0 East Meadow Drive. Applicant: Josef StauferPlanner: Mike Mollica Kristan Pritz summarized the resolution of the project for the Planning Commission. She reviewed the issue, strating that this was an unusual circumstance and that she felt the change in the roof was not a minor amendment to the SDD, but a DRB review. She stated that the Town Council could have called up the DRB decision for review. However, at this point, the decision could not be calted up by Council or the PEC. Diane Donovan stated the Planning Commission appreciated the comments glven by Bill Pierce and Mike Lauterbach. 6. Bruce Chapman asked to present a letter to ihe Planning Commission regarding ltem #1 on the worksession agenda. The letter was in protest to the tennis facility proposed near Lionshead. The Planning Commission thanked him for the input and stated hey would be voting on the issue at the meeting next Monday, May 18, 1992. 7. Aooroval of Aoril 27, 1992 meetino minutes. Kathy Langenwalter moved to approve the meeting minutes of April27, 1992 with conections. Dalton Williams seconded the motion. The Commission unanimously approved the motion, 5-0. The Commission discussed Kathy Langenwalte/s suggestion of adult play equipment in public parks. Kristan stated she would pass on the Commission's suggestions to Public Works. The Commission also discussed the possibility of naming the skimuseum pocket park In relation to its midway point between Vail Village and Lionshead. Kristan also stated the AIPP had received a $2000 donation but had not been granted the NEA grant. She also stated that Dan Dailey witl initiate the clay work for the artwork o TO: FROM: DATE: STJBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Community Development Deparunent May ll, 1992 A request to r€zone the "Ski Museum" Accommodation to Public Usc District. The site is generally locarcd at the northwest intersection of Vail Road and West Meadow Drive. (Scc attached Iegal Exhibit A). Applicanr Town of Vail Planrier: Mike Mollica I. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF TIIE REOI'EST The Town of Vail is the owner of the property generally located at the northwest intersection of Vail Road and West Meadow Drive, commonly referred to as the Ski Museum Pocket Park site. This from the Mountain States Te and T on for a muscum or related public use for a from the of the dced. fall of 1991, the Town had using this site for the purposes of Colorado Ski Museum. During the fall of 1991, the C-olorado Ski Museum rclocatcd to the Vail Village Transportation Center and the structure on the ski museum site has subsequently been demolished. The property is currently vacant and the Town's intentions arc to construct a small pocket park in this location. The Ski Museum Pocket Park site is currently zoned Public Accommodation (PA). As stated in the Zoning Code, the Public Accommodation Zone District "is intended to provide sites for lodges and residential accommodations for visitors, together with such public and semipublic facilities and limited professional oftices, medical facilities, private recreation, and rclated visitor-o'riented uses as may appropriately be located in the same district." As such, the PA Disrict only allows for lodges, and in the Districr range from professional and business offices, and d€ntal clinics, to theaters, meeting rooms and convention facilities, and churches. Public parks and recreation facilities are also listed as conditional uses in the PA Zone District. The Town of Vail is requesting that the zoning on the ski museum site be changed from Public Accommodation 3o Public Use District (PUD). As stated in the zoning code, the Public Use Zone District "is intended to ensur€ that public buildings and grounds and certain types of quasipublic uses permitted in the district are appropriately located and designed to iq 5,[""pt-'r/ meet the needs of rcsidcnts and visiton to Vail, to harmonize with surrounding uses, and in the casc of buildings and other strucfules, to ensur€ adequate light, air, open spaoe, and other amenities appropriate to the permined q'pes of uses.,, public parks, playgrounds and open space, pcdestrian and bicycle paths, and seasonA st o"ffi B. Is the amendment proposal presenting a oonvenient, workable relationship among land uses consistent with municipal objectives? Public Usc ta-V %-,}eB ^/'f4.tr. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A. Suitabitity of the propced Tll,ning. Although it is possible to rcquest a conditional use permit to construct a pocket park on the ski muscum sitc, given the Public Accommodation Tnne District, it is Ogstafs opinion that the Public Use District is a much more appropriatl mne district for the uses anticipatcd for this site. We believe that the meets the section of the The ski museum site has been park site in the heliminary pocket park is underway, and it is anticipated that should this zoning change be approved, the pocket park would be constructed during the summer o{t92. # fn. Town of Vail Land Use Plan has designated the ski museum site as a "transition zone". The Iand use Plan further defines a transition zone as an arca in which "activities and site design arc aimed at encouraging pedestrian flow through the alea and suengthening the connection between the two commercial cores. Appropriate activities include hotels, lodging and other tourist oriented residential uniti, ancillary retail and restaurant uses, museums, areas of public art" natural exhibits, gardens, pedestrian plazas, and other types of civic and culturally oriented uses. Use Disrict would be consistent with are also zoned Ae Park. Town c. Does the rezoning proposal provide for the growth ofan orderly and viable cpmmunity? The ltaf{ feels that this proposed rezoning, and use of this site as a pocket park, would Plovide for the growth of an orderly and viable community, and would also stengthen thc pedesrian connection between the village core and the Lionshead core. The Streetscape Master Plan addresses this site as follows: -2- A "A pocket park is proposed on the ski mus€um site, creating a sensc ofpcdestrian entry for the corridor and a bener visual connection to East Meadow Drive. The park would include necded public resrooms, scating, and extensive landscaping." At this time, public rcstrooms are not included in the park design. If a restroom is proposed in the future, it would require a conditional use review. The PLJD allows for sitc specific rcview of development standards through the conditional use process. trI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommendation for the of this from Public e that the Use designation is the more appropriate zone district for the uses which are anticipatcd for this property. We also bclieve that the addition of a pocket park on this site would be in conformance with the Town's Streetscape Master Plan, and that the pocket park would be a positive conribution to the community as a whole. -3- HC{IBIT A. The site is located at the nortliwest intcnection of Vail Road and West Meadow Drive, andmce specifically described as follows: A part of Lot "B", Amended Map of Vail village, Sccond Filing, county of Eagle, State of Coloado, more particularly describcd as follows: Commencing at the Nonheast Corner of Sectioir 7, Township 5 Soutlr, Range 80 West of the 6th P.M.: thence Southerly along the East Line of said Scction 7 a disancc of 390.78 ft; thence on an angle to the right of 90o(X)'(X)" a distance of 25.fi) ft to a point on the East Line of said Lot "B", said point being 73.00 fcet Nontherly from thc S-E corner of said Lot "B" and the true point of bcginning; thence continuing along the aforesaid courlr a distance of 98.75 ft to a point on the Southwcstcrly linc of saiC tat "B", which is the Northeasterly line of W. Meadow Dr.; thencc on an angle to the left . of 121"43'21" and along the curve to 0re right having a radius of 175.00 feet and a central angle of 0206'21 and an arc distance of 6.43 ft to a point of ungent; thence continuing along said tangent a disunce of 33.97 ft n a point of curve; thence on a curve to the left having a radius of 75.00 ft and a cenml angle of 60o23'00" and an arc distance of 79.04 ft o a point of tangent; thence continuing along said ungent a distance of 13.48 ftro the Southeasterly corner of said Lot "B';, saidtomer being ?5.00 ft Westerly of the East line of said Section 7; thence on an angle to the bh of 90o00'00" and along the Easterly line of said lot "B" and along a line parallel to t1e East line of said Section 7 a distance of 73.00 ft o the true point of beginning, morc generally known as NW corner of vail Road and west Meadow Drive, vail, Colorado. -4- MOUNTAI'.I BELL t60 vArL Qou*oon l-l o,.'33*,.. TEanmno tnEE ! tze :;*g SPFADOLE CREEI( RANCH I@ T{. FROI{TAGE iD. HOLIOAY ?LOT O (sDl VILLAGE INN too ARCAD€ ?orlfqt ?nR o kU - "f*"f N h f-q'J 2/'^/,< - -QKn_ 0K?(aT/> zla -l* { E -. z.- *^.-t ,",-/ M;**n1.ttr ci. r l^t Cn . f'lon, ,l lrL IAn ^v ,l*, SJJ-/< ft irtt sr- ,T 13> !:' Vo;J \ !!DUCE, RECYCLE, RE-ISq qyinSlhe rain torest wiil be arnong the rnany ehvirtmessages conveyed by Meadow Mountain ehmentary scr,oor JebnJ_sEJ6rs'd,r, ffi;Fl*i Dav' puui6 prcsram ronighi afi';r;i': in tne eaniJ-ir,oiiiiiil-xign Councll flushes Ambulance district breakipublic restroom Oait ltalt |rporr ground on building next w Pede.srians will have o plan 3fe{ c_ .walk qubkcr abng Meadow Drirrc after plans to put a batfumm ar th€ road's haliway point w€rc fushed by rhc Vail Town Cormcil. - The council docided nresday obuild a snrall pa* 8t rhc mrthwe,*ccner of \rail Rood ard MeedowDriw, 0re fsnrcr site of theColoado Ski Museum. ptans origimlly called for the own o build a small r€stroom abnr with the padc Council members said they'd rath€r put more signs around ex-ist- ing public restrooms. Town-ownod public resrmms along Meadow prive are in 0re Liooshead pa*ing lq"h*, the rr'ail hrblic Librrary, Dobson Ice aena md dle Vail Vil- lage hrting Stnrctne. The F^gle county Ambulance Distict will be breaking grorndro a new ambulance headquarters building on Tiresday at ll a-m. in trwards,just west of the main Edwards exit on Highway 6. - The 10,000-squar€-foot buiH_irg includcs expanding erner-gency service cpabilitirx to ar€as west of Dovd Imction, housing several of the district's five. ambularrces, and prroviding additional adminisrative snace.The tr'ail Mountain R6scrrc group will also have of6cc and storage space in the new struc_ nne. T\+enry-four hour emergency response will continue from the present district quarters near tfte Daily stalt €porl Vail Valhy Medical Vail, with response Edwards location o in over several yean. The new Edwards be the distrkt's sec ard is expected to be bylanuary 1993. The ambulance provides on-scene support via dent and ilkess as ambulance hospital. The archirccc for are. Fritzlen, Pierce and \hil, TIre general can Marcal Consrrrctftm, cngineers are Boyle ing, Inc. and Beaudin Engineering. 1' Presentation and funding request concerning tre vair RecreationDistrict Tennis Stadium eomfuex proposal in Uonshead. i'crPn49ou:eited dequncil: Review enclosed letter from SteveFosrer dated Aprit 16, 1992, listen to his presentation, and pftrpare VAIL TOWN COUNCIL woRK SESSTON ruESDAY, APRTL 21,1992 2:OO P.M.IN COUNCIL cHAilBERs EXPANDED AGENDA to discuss funding reguest. 2:00 p.m. Steve Foster 2:20 9.m. Shelly Mello 2:30 p.m. Mike Mollica Kristan Pritz 3. eTharoqnd RaUonale: The Vail Recreation District would like to levrglv me. proposed ptans for the Uonshead Team TennibFacilrty to be constructed fris summer. They will also discussthe need to resurface one center court at tne UonstreaO tacitityand request the Town to fund that resurfacing (approximately $3,800.) DRB Report. Discussion re: Proposed rezoning of tre Ski Museum pocket park wtrich is located at the northwest iitersection of Vair Road and westMeadow Drive. gl:ot Fgquesred or council /@r deny the request ro 111?:F_ -tlroygh. rhe ptanning-preeedior rhe rezoning of rhepocket park site from pubtic Accommodation (pA), to pu-btic UseDistrict (pUD). ++c4qr?gq:Ritgnal6: The srarf is in the process of finatizingme.oesign. for the improvemenb to the Ski Museum pocket park] 1l-d *.ould- like to requ-e:! thl the zoning on rhe property Oeamended from pA to pUD. lf approval is granted'to'probeO t.n1o19tr the.ptanning process, tne FEC wiil reiiew the apiticationon May 11, 1992, and then Town Councit wiil review theapplication o.1 May 19, 1992, (first reacting), and June Z, tggi,(second reading). Staf necommenOation: Statf recommends that the Townuouncir approve ths request to proceed through the planningprooess. Revierv of evening parking Structure fees. @: Heview enclosed memo from SteveBarwickclated April 15, 1992,'Expanded Free parking,, and prepare to discuss issue. t/AN?'l' " -'/-i(-Ma 2:45 p.m. Steve Banrick 4. 3:15 p.m. Steve Banrvick Larry Eskwith 4:15 p.m. 5. B.ackgrould Bationale: The issue of eliminating evening parking structure fees has been raised. This suggestion, ind otheipossibri changes, will be discussed. n proposat has been made by Vailrestaurant owners to allow free evening parking in the Townsstructures. staff has estimated that the cosi ot thii program wourdbe $265,000 annualty. $!af! Feqommendation: Delay final action on this matter until the1993 budget process. Any decision with such large fiscal impactshould be considered during the annual budget process. Beview of draft Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1992, an ordinance amending section 3.49.040 0f the Vair Municipar code of the Townof Vail to provide that the Reat Estate Transier Tax may Oe useJ for.the acquisition, improvement, and maintenance of reit property wiftin the limits of tre Town orwithin a mire of the rown oounoiries;amending section 9.48.090 of the Municipat code of the Town oiVail providing more specificity as to what the tuncts received by thJTown pursuant to the Real Estate Transfer Tax can be used foriandsetting torth details in regard thereto. Agtiqn Bequested of Council: Review enclosed draft Ordinance No.10, Series of 1992, and prepare to discuss. FacIq@uqd Rationale: Council has directed staff to prepare language to amend and clarify the allowed expenditures of RealEstate Transter Tax revenues. rssues to be addressed by the newlanguage include funding for sidewalks, parks maintenince, andlandscaping. Information Update. Council Reports. Other. Adjournment. 6. 7. 8. v. C:\AGE NDA. WS E * Jt,-,h,--J"?m"K n*g NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that $e Planning and Environmsntal Commission of he Torrn of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 ol the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on May 11, 1992 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Bullding. Consideration of: 1. A request for an extension ol a previously approved variancs for the Christiania Lodge, 356 Hanson Ranch RoacULot D, Block 2, Vait Viilage First Flting. Applicant: Paul & Sally JohnstonPlanner: Mike Mollica d1 2-A request to tezone ths 'Ski Museum'pocket park site from Public Accommodefion to Public Use District. The site is located at the northwest intercsction of Vall Road and West Meadow Drivo, and more specjfically desoibed as follovs: A part of Lot'B', Amended Map of Vail Village, Second Filing, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, more particularly described as lollows: Commencing at lhe Norheast Corner of Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th P.M.: thence Southerly along the East Lins ol said Section 7 a distance of 390.78 ft; thence on an angle to the right of 90"00'00' a distance of 25.00 ft to a point on lhe East Line of said Lot'B', said point being 73.00 feet Northerly lrom the SE comer of said Lot 'B'and the true point of beginning; thence continuing along hs aforesaid course a distance of 98.75 ft to a point on the Southwestedy line of said Lot 'B', which is the Northeasterly line of W. Meadow Dr.; thence on an angle to the left of 121"43'21'and along the curve to the right having a radius of 175.00 feet and a central angle of 02'06'21 and an arc distance of 6.43 ft to a point of tangent; thence continuing along said tangent a distance of 33.97 fl to a point of curve; thence on a curvs to the left having a radius of 75.00 ft and a central angle of 60?3'00' and an arc distance ol 79.04 ft to a point of tlangent; thence continuing along said tangent a distance of 13.48 ft to the Southeasterly comer of said Lot'B', said comer being 25.00 ft Westerly ot the East line of said Section 7; thence on an angle to the left of 90'00'00'and along the Easterly line of said Lot 'B'and along a line parallelto the East line of said Section 7 a distance ol 73.00 ft to tre true point of beginning, more generally known as NW comer of Vail Road and West lr/eadow Drive, Vail, Colorado. Applicant: Town of VailPlannsr: Mike Mollica A request for an extension of a previously approved setback variance for the Pitto Residenc€, Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Village Eleventh Filing2920 Booth Creek Drive. Applicant: J. Russell PittoPlanner: Mike Mollica A request to expand a previously approved conditional use permit allowing a public utility and a request for a variance from Section 18.58.320 regulating satellite dish antennas lor 501 N. Frontage Road WesVLot 8, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: U.S. West New VectorPlanner: Andy Knudtsen/Jill Kammerer / a7,qt& 3. 4. 5. A request for a condtional use permit br the VailTeari Tennls faclllty, generally located to he souh of he Llonshead Skler Brtle and nor$ of Forest Road on he exlsting tennis courts. Applicant Vail AssodatedVail Recraaton Dlsticl Planner: Mke llollica 6. Any lbrns tarbled ftom the Apr|l 27,19p/2 meetlng. The applications and intormatlon about the proposals are avallable lor pr,rblic revlew ln the Community Development Deparlment ofilce. Town of Vail Community Development Depattment Published In the Vail Trail on Aprll 24, 1992 Petltlon Date Qr*;t ti,t??2- t tPr;i ...,.f. , :,..:,: PETITION FORM FOR N,IENDMENT .oR A cBAr,rcE fftff3fl"131 u,t7?L TO TtsE ZONING ORDINAIICE BOI'NDARIES f. fhis proced,ure is_required for any anendment to'- or for a request for -a district lirruaid cfrani.e A. NADTE OF PETIEIONER ADDRESS 75 S. Frontage Road/Val1, CO 8L657 NN.TE OF PETTTIONERIS ADDRESS REPRESEbITATIVE c.NAME 0F ohtNER (1-V.. Phillips/Tovrn of Val1 of Vall '' pggpg479-2100 PEONE ST6{AII'RE ADDRESS 75 S. Frontage Road/Vail, c0 81657 1t119p9479-2100 D.IOCATION OF PROPOSAI Generally located at ADDRESS and Vall Road, Vail, the northwest corner Co lorado of l,lest Meadow Drive E. LEGAI DESCRIPTIoN lot FEE $zoo-oo -PAID Waived ock Vi11a Cortina Condo Assoc. 22 W. Meadow Drive Vai1, C0 8L657 FirstBank of Vail 17 Vall Road Vail, C0 8L657 Please See Attached Johannes Faessler Sonnenalp Hotel 20 Vail Road. Val-1, CO 81657 Vail Vlllage Inn Assoc. 100 E. Meadow Drlve Vall, C0 81557 F- A list of the names of oerners of all property adjacent to thesnbject property, and their Dailing aadrisses. Hollday House Condominiums 9 Vail Road Vai1, C0 8L657 Holiday Inn of Vall 13 Vall Road Vail-, C0 81657 (ot,ER) Town of Vail ' *-Petl.tion -for:u for Iff. Tiroe Requirements to ' zonins ord or Resuesr O" .rr.r,g" i" uli3lri"" II. Four ({) copies of the foUowjng.infornation: A. The petition sharr incrude a sumnary of the proposed revisionof, the regulations, or a-comprete_description oi u,J piipo".achanges in district boundaries and a nap indicating tbe existing, -3-l.P'loposed district boundaries-. Applicant elst subDil nitt"n'and/orgraphic naterials stating the reasons for r-quest. IV. The-Planning and Envlronmental Counission neets on the 2nd and 4tlr.llondays of each rnonth. A_petition with tlre necessary accoDpanyingqr-terial must be subnitted four weeks prior to the E"t" oi- trr'" n6et-t1'g- Fottowlng tbe- planning and Enviroinentai conuni;;i;";;;i"il'all amendments to the zoning-ordinance or district b.""d;t A;;:must go to the lown Cowrcil for final action. Your proposal will be reviewed for compfiance with Vail,s Comprehensive plan. .--' A part of Lot'B", Amended Map of Vail Village, Second Filing, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast Corner of Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6tt P.M.: thence Southerly along the East Line of said Section 7 a distance of 390.78 ft; thence on an angle to the right of 90o00'00" a distance of 25.00 ft to a point on the East Line of said Lot "8", said point being 73.00 feet Northerly from the SE comer of said Lot '8" and the true point of beginning; thence continuing along the aforesaid course a distance of 98.75 ft to a point on the Southwesterly line of said Lot'B', which is the Northeasterly line of W. Msadow Dr.; thence on an angle to the left ol '121"43'21'and along the curve to ths right having a radius of 175.00 feet and a central angle of 02'06'21 and an arc distance of 6.43 ft to a point of tangent; thence continuing along said tangent a distiance of 33.97 ft to a point of curve; thence on a curve to the left having a radius of 75.00 ft and a central angle of 60"23'00" and an arc distance of 79.04 ft to a point of tangent; thence continuing along said tangent a distance of 13.48 ft to the Southeasterly corner of said Lot "B', said corner being 25.00 ft Westerly of the East line of said Section 7; thence on an angle to the left of 90o00'00" and along the Easterly line of said Lot '8" and along a line parallel to the East line of said Section 7 a distance of 73.00 ft to the true point of beginning, more generally known as NW corner of Vail Road and West Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado. l j ..: i v lrm nil:t'!r ft, JNtr'74 :tidc? Drlltci then.e 6n rn onll€ to the lcft of l?l'1l 2ln and -tl''nr thti -rrrvs ;l lrrrunor"^rr. €F-iA,*Se,am 5,q. rf rr,r rir!: b ?. o. ror too (QQ ) i"vn | ' 'r Lq.!s' of i *r,. , rld Ml,r',J ttr folrrhj r..r DroD.tt t! tL. il n*,, .,r v.l r , Coqstt ot !:ratc . rtrd Strt ot eotondJ. !q t!t: le o.rt ot tot !'!". At€ndcd Ya? of vrtl lJlll;rsc. Sccond Fillng' c'r'tr "f i1r:t' .l St.t. .rt Color.do, rrre gtrtlcullrl:t dcscrlbcd tr f'll"t''3: C"ltren'l:rg 1! th'' ii Giii"".. €.r,*r ,'.r s".r,l-r, t. r.,;.r:...tp ! S.:r:h, 1r-s- in r..<r .f I!. 6rr P.l.:I brlncaaa trrlocl ! l J.r(rvli ,r t.,.-ri:7 i :-r'- !t ,l theacc Southcrly alon8 the E.irt Ltne of tald sf.it,'n 7 n rll''tin'e rf ]9q':t it'etl Ith.n.. ,r.r .n angl€ to thc rttht of ,0'0O'0O" e dl3t.tn.c 'rf 11.00 f"'t t' I I ir' loo thc E.rr Ltnt .f salJ L.rt "!-, srtJ F.-lnt bclsB 71.10 f!e' :;'rtnerl r {r'i i\'' ito|rthe.rf cornc. of rrld L,rl"!'rnd tha tru€ P.ln: ol b€qlnnrnq: tir(r'e ' '_j:ta'rto3 tlont the af.ie"!rd .^!r.? . 'li{'ii"' nf t8.,7; i('(( tr' I " i 'i i l'-' iSr'uthucrt.rlr 'i i. .l --l.l L-.: ":", i:::i: !e :1"! :i.'ti!:j!-'!r.l ::- ' r'" 9t rtll *Lrf. Cf lt ra Cbtt d Dr.nv.r ,Srbd va luiblc- Color.&!r tb codrldo of c.orld.t.tloo and tco (fl0'dl) a-rr, h bd Fl( f.t*t r[(rl d co!tt(r) lD L J^;)rd (- tg th. ilght havlng a radtoa ot lr).ltl le.t .rrrd r.enlirr'nrr(r' ro arc dtitrnc" of rt.',1 feet to e Pnl^l df rargent; !irtrr, g "'',ililnlii rl li j;:r1 tantcn! a dlatance ot 11.97 fect to ! Frlnt of rurvo: lhl 6r'e-on r curvr' t I i\r' f.fi \.vl.B. t'.tl'ti,ri ll.m f€et .nd a rcotrnl lrale ff 6r":lrl)4" rrri rr rr' dtatancc of t9.Oa feet to a goln! of !erRert: ther'_P -'rnt inulxs tllinc idI; t&Bcnt r dlrten,.- ',r ll.in i..t l,' tl,( S"!!!rc.r5t.!tl1 ' 'rirct 'r srll !'t "q"' artd .orocr bctnS :5.0l fecl lJcsti'rls of the Elrt lln' ''r qrlrl sr'' l in1 ;: 'h': ' oi i., .off. to tic le(t of c0'fi)'0o" and alang th€ t:n<(Grly llnt' "r sri i i 'i "t' ina at"oi I lln. P.rall.l to the En.t lln€ of srtd secrton t 'r 'liitr"r' 't :'' r) t.aa to tba !ru! tolnt of bctlnnln!' Drc lenatally knoen A$ Iy C"rn€r of Vrli Rr.lJ 'nr it st tc:rd''!' nrivr" l'.l l r Crl nrj|d,r r dO ett ltr e||'Irtaoc, aDd t|rtt!t(r) tb dtL fo th. t tE .obrrt to t:rxf s: -.'t ' i;r l aatettaanta: reteivttlans and l.'itrlctlve or Drnt''ttive \'v(nrnt\i i'ri:j: " ' h.althr tonlnt.nd lubdtvltlon.G8ulatr.nii ind r'jrrca''nt s 'ri rr("r':: lt r:r\' tla rboya-deacrlbcd propcrty .hell h' u3"d .'tciu3ivr'lv ior :r nuserrn 'r "t t': talatad Frbl lr uec l,rr tYentlr-ftt'c (.:i) vc;rrs ftr'n th? dir' 'rr- rhi< n" r' ,i *,*-_Lt{_-- . .r'o( 'I ri-;t-.t, .- 2 .:1'!1',$;l: tv, /4 o'."'' -;?z rlrtc3 rsstsl[l $$iu& 8f,AE Ot COlDrADo, lr.^rr.uuro.r.s m n tsr u!!y .rd ooott d tt to..ad!t bdlmrt ru r&rorhd|d b.loE ln tltb -!:l:'!-.'-. - dq7pf -.. -.:+r...r ,tt_I: ,br l.-...*.-- u.!t*..---- - -f/.-r-->.t;taz --- ... ", n,i'l'.itTr',i-si.it-iiT'ir'"'*'- i"?- iJt'f'r11'ti curp'n'' Itrmlrft{..sdtt .--iL,--:.':7 l'J Slir-w i.rt|!ddtlddiL -ffi|ffi@rsH*iFi-fiffiffi*iE*!fis ia lt. r-- H---r t-.+ tl.{'tt. c,l4 lo- lt!.-. . '5rt{ c;""t .. tr< stJ* !ti- ct-.'b 'ir r,, t" rr s,) C ( _-o r* {aflss6 ?ANRA$Tr DGEI)ttolt tE \ rt rTE Oti ..''-rlor'.!b.e- co{,rr.tfu,&- t b.lt ntt Urr :fu ,,-r.,L-, .- t,;< tr .r.-. r tr d,!., */q .-. . . .'.a'ar Jt.fu* -a.: .,,../ ..a b -1, ri.'aa b bdr 2+* -th-:-.''i Iad !a:-_ S-a ?'rt '. t.t d.a-6r. t: ffi ot. IJAND TITIJE GUARANTEE CO}IPANY Reprceenting Tltle Insurance Conpany of ltinnegota TtlAill( YOU FOR YOT'R ORDER April L7, L992 Our Order No.: VL8762 BTIYER/O$IER: TIIE TOTW OF VAIIJ SELLER3 ADDRESSs I PART OT IdT B N,TENDED UAP VAII. VIIJIJIGE 2ND DBED TO TOnN 8222 P395 (OLD SKI uusauu srTE) '/OltN Of VAIIr 75 S. FRONTAGA RD.VAIL' CO 81657 1 AttN: IIIKE BRATE PICKED t'P FOR DEIJIVERY AIrf Plf COVENAI{TS ATTACITED YES NO FOR TITIJE QUESTIONS CALL KAREI.I HORTH 3O3 476-225L FOR CIOSING QUESTIONS CALL MINNESOTA TrTrF l$ HOME OFFICE 3033 East First Ave.,Suite 600 Denver, CO 80206 P. O. 8ox 52140 Denver, CO 80217 321-1880 IFAX322-7603 ARAPAHOE 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd.. #150 Englewood, CO 80112 770-9596 | FAX 290-9040 ARVADA 5440 Ward Road, #200 Arvada. CO 80002 420-0241 / FAX 423-1365 DRY CREEK 26 W. Dry Creek Cir<le, #520 Littleton. CO 80120 7 94-5307 I FAJ1, 79+5802 EAST 3300 S. Parker Rd., #105 Aurora, CO 80014 7514336 lFAX745-2669 FIDDLERS GREEN 5400 S. Fiddlers Green Circle, #103 Englewood, CO 801 11 7714s39lFAX 771-4526 GLENWOOD SPRINGS 817 Colorado Avenue, Suite 203 P O. Box 2102 Glenwood Springs, CO 81502 945-2610 IFAJ<945-47U HAMPDEN 8821 E. Hampden, #100 Denver, CO 80231 750-4223 I FAX 750-4267 JEFFERSON 710 Kipling, #202 Lakewood, CO 80215 232-31 t.| / FAX 238-2956 NORTH 9101 Harlan, #100 Westminster, CO 80030 427 -9353 I F AX 430-'t 57 2 SOUTHWEST 3609 S. Wadsworth, #115 Lakewood, CO 80235 988-8ss0 / FAX 980-8324 YOSEMITE 3600 S. Yosemite, #255 Denver, CO 80237 694-28f7 / FAX 843-0402 BOULDER 2425 Canyon Blvd., #230 Boulder, CO 80301 4444101 | FAX 786-U23 BRECKENRIDGE P. O. Box 2280 200 North Ridge Breckenridge, CO 80424 453-22ss / FAX 453-6014 CASTLE ROCK 512 Wilcox Castle Rock. CO 80104 688-6363 / FAX 688-0143 COLORADO SPRINGS 102 5. Teion, #1 00 Colorado Springs, CO 80903 6344821/Direct 595{1 13 FAX 634-3190 PARKER 19590 E. Main 51., #105 Parker. CO 80134 841-4900 VAIL P. O. Box 357 108 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail, CO 81558 47 6-2251 I Direcr. 595-95 1 3 FAX 476-4534 AGENTS DURANGO 120 1 Main Avenue Durango, CO 81303 247-5860 / FAX 247-9089 P. O. Box 357 108 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail, CO 81658 47 6-225 1 I Dir ect 595-96 t 3 FAX 4764534 LAND T]TLE C{IARANTEE @f\mNYGommitment To Insurc lssud through the 0ffie of: t lD Tm.E GIJAFANTEE @tum rY z89Z r,!ro'J t4tl hopuats pazuoqlnv vlostNNI t l0 ANVdr!03 ]SNvunsNt l'lltr 'fuoleubrs pazuoqtne raqlo ro racri;o burleprlen e Aq pau$rsralunoc uar1m ptle^ aq ot'V alnpaqrs ur umoqs alep aql uo srocrj;o pazrloqtne Alnp slt Aq paxuJe olunalaq oq ol lPas pue aueu elerodroc slr pasne3 seq elosauurl l lo Aueduio3 aruernsul aul 30lulHM SSlNllM Nl 'luaullruuro3 srql Aq paranoc uoaraql a0eOyolu ro tsorolur io alelsa aql anleA Jo] procar lo solrnbce patnsur pasodotd aql alep aql o1roud lnq loaraq atep a^rlca+]a aql o1]uanbasqns 0utqcege ro sprooar ctlqnd aql ut 0uueadde isJU'palearJ 'Aue lt 'slaueul taqlo t0 stltslc asta^pe 'saJUelqulncua'suall 'slgalao I 'sp.locar orlqnd aql Aq uMoqs l0u pue Mel Aq pasodurl 'paqsruinf JoUearaq ro arololaiaql leua]pur .io roqel 'saJtruas jol 'uatl e ol lqbtt lo 'ual; Auy 'tr 'splocat Jtlqnd aql Aq uMoqs lou aJe qcrqM pus asolcsrp p;noan sastuatd aql+o uorlcadsur pue Aaruns lcajroc e qorqM s1ce1 Aue pue'stuaurqoeorJUa'Boie ur a0epoqs'sautlfuepunoq ur slJrlluoo'satcuedalcst6 'g 'sprosal Jtlqnd aq] Aq uM0tls l0u 'slu0ulasea l0 st!lPlc l0 'sluaulasel 'z 'sprooer crlqnd aql Aq urroqs lou uotssassod ut satued +o slrtels lo slqDlU '[ burnno;;01 aql ol lcalqns osle sr luaulrurrlro3 srql'ol pa.lralar anoqe aberano3 ruoil suorsnlJxl pue suorle;ndr1g pue suorltpuo3 aql ut pautelu0c slaueul aqi ol uolllppe ul SNOIId]CX] OUVONVIS 'l,raulrrlrxo3 srql lo suorsr^ d aql ot lcelqns ate pue uo pasBq aq ]snu luaurlruuo3 srq1,{q pararor uoaraql a0e6pou aq1lo sn1e1s orll lo }sala}ut io a}elsa aq} 0} alill aql }0 snle}s aq} }o lno 6ursue lueduo3 eql lsure0e 6uuq ,{eur ro aaeq Aeu palnsul pasodotd aql leql uotlte lo slq6u ro suotpe to uotlJe ,{UV t 'urajaq patltpou Alssaldxa se ldarxa luaulrrxnlo3 srql ]0 ped e apeu pue aouaralai l{q palerodrolur lqaraq are qJrqm parnsul pasodord aql lo rolel ur rq paurullroJ sarcr;od ro ,(l1od l0 uxol aql ]o a0erano3 r.uo4 suorsnloxa aq] pue suorlelndrls pue suo0rpuo3 aql pue suorsrlold Ouunsur aq ol lcalqns sr rfrpqer; qons pue lol paurullJoo sar3tlod r0 irlod aql r0l V alnpaqJs ur patels ]unoue aLll paaJxe !llqe!l qrns lleqs ]ua^a ou ul ']uaqrurruoO srq lq pareroc uoaraql a0e0Uou.t lo Isalalut lo atelso aqt aleajc J0 ajrnbre 0l (r)r0 'B alnpaq3s ur uMor.ls su0rldaJxa aleururla ot (q)r0 ]oareq sluauja}nbar aql qlrM tduroc ot lelqlleJ poo6 ur 6uqeyapun ut uoareq acuellai ur parnrur ssol ;enpe ro1 /rluo pue roi paurururoJ sarJrlod Jo lsrlod lo urol aql ur parnsul lo uorlru4ap aql Japun papn;cur sarped Wns pue parnsul pasodord psureu aqt ot ,{1uo aq 1leqs lueurltrttlto3 srq} .lapun ,iueduoJ aq} lo ilrpqerl 0 'suortelndrts pue suorttpuoC asag to t qdelOeted ol luensrnd palncur ,{;snorrraldA1r;rqer;rrro4,(uedr.rro3aqla^a||a]}oU||eqs1uaulpueUeq3ns1nqri10utplocce1uau1tul|'Uo3s|q}}08a|npaqc5puar'rret{eruo aqt laueu raql0 Jo urelo asio^pe 'acuerqurnrua'u€rl Talap q3ns Aue 1o aDpalr',loul lenpe sartnbce asrraqlo lueduo3 eq I ro 'Aueduro3 ag ol apalMo$l q3ns asolJstp lleqs petnsul pasodord aq1 11 aopervroul rlsns asolrsrp 0s 0] pajnsul pasodoLd aql1oarnle1/{q palpnfaLd sr ,{ueduro3 aql lua}xa aqlo} uoalaq ecuerlat 1o 1re,(ue uLo4 0ur1;nsar aoeuep ro ssol /{ue ro1,{tr||qerl u.r04 pa^arl€r aq ;leqs lueduo3 aqt'6ur}DM ur ^ueduo3 aq1 ol aopervroul qJns asolsstp o} pel lleqs pue loalar.l B alnpaqJs ur umoqs asoql ueq) raqlo luaurlrurulo3 stql Aq pala,roc uoaraql a0eDUoLr ro Naralur ro alelsa aql 0urlca$e raDeur €rllo l0 urelJ asia^pe 'aJuerquinrua 'uarl ']ralap Aue ]o aopa1mou1 len1oe seltnbre lo seq palnsul pesodold aq111 '7 ]uaurulsur Alunras laqlo ro'paap tsnr]'lsu Jo paap apnlsur lleqs 'utalaq pasn uaqm ',,aOebpotu,, ural aql 'I SNOIIilNdIJ.S CNV SNOIlICNOT /(ueduo3 aql l0 ]lnel aql tou sr sarcrlod ro,brlod qcns anssr ol arnpeJ arlt leql papllord 'srn3lo isr] ra^aqlrqM'anssl lleqs Jol paptuuroc satct;od ro Acrlod aqt ueqrvr.ro loaraq alep alrpaga aql raue sqluout xrs aleutulla] pue aseao lleqs lapunelaq suoge6tlqo pue ftr qerl lF pup acupjnsur elu lo sarcltod ]o /icrlod qcns lo acuensst aq1 ol fueurujrlud sr ]uoujlultljoO stql 'luauresropua luan0asqns Aq r0 luaurulur03 srr]l l0 aJUenssr aql J0 aurl aql Ie raqtra riuedujo3 aql riq loaraq y alnpeqss ur pauesul uaaq a^eq rol paulujuloc satctlod ro Acr;od aLI l0lunoue aql pue palnsul pasodold aql lo Atluapt eql uaqM /{luo a^tpalla aq lleqs ]uaultu.trxo3 srql .+0ataq suoqe;ndrlg pue suorlrpuo3 aqt ol pue I pue V salnpaqJs Jo suorsr^ord aqt ol palqns ;1e .rolataq safueqr pue sunruard aql 1o luauL,{ed uodn 'y alnpaqrg ur 0i pala}or r0 paqucsap puel aq} ur ,{qaLaq para^oo }sata}ul lo alelsa aql l0 aa6e6lour r0 raun 0 sp 'V alnpaqJs ur paueu parnsul pasodord aql p roirej ur 'V alnpaqos ur par|luapr se 'aJuernsur allll ]0 sarJrlod r0l3rlod slr anssr 0] sl[.l.rx0c Aqaraq 'uorle]aprsuoo alqenleA e ro1 ,{ueduo3 aq} pallm uraraq 'uorlerodroc elosauull,ll e 'VIgSlNNll l l0 ANVd17\g3 l3NVUnSNl lllll ^au 0/6 [ -tuaurlruMS vI]v n$wbwv{ Vr1'r,.,. ernsq oI ueuilu|luo3 vroslNNtw o ALTA COUUITMENT SCHEDI'LE A our Order No. V18752 For Information Only A PART OF I,OT B A!,TENDED UAP VAIL VI DEED TO TOWN 8222 P395 (OLD SKr uusEnu srTE) - charges -AL'Aowne"-"3t*3il* - - tl33:33 ****WITTI YOT'R RE!,TITTANCE PLE.ASE REFER TO OI'R ORDER NO. V18762.**** 1. Effective Date: April 08, 1992 at 8:o0 A.l,[. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: nALTArr Owner's Policy 1987 Revision (Anended 1990) Proposed Insured: THE TOI{N OF VAIL 3. The estate or interest in the tand described or referred to inthis Comnitnent and covered herein is: A Fee Sinple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested in: THE TOI{N OF VAIL 5. The land referred to in this Connitment is described as follows: A PART OF LOT ilBil, AIi{ENDED MAp OF VAIL VILLAGE, SECOND FILING, EAGLE COINTY, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE pARTrCItr,ARLy DESCRIBED AS FOLI,OWS: COI.TMENCING AT IHE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 7, TOI{NSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 80 WEST OF THE 6TH P.U.: THENCE SOUTHERLY AI,ONG THE E,AST LINE OF SAID SECTION 7 A DISTANCE OF 390.78 FEET: THENCE ON AN ANGLE TO THE RIGHT OF 90 DEGREES OO UINTITES OO SECONDS A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LTNE OF SAID LOT X8II , SAID POINT BEING 73.00 FEET NORTHERLY FRO}! THE SOUTHE,AST CORNER OF SAID LOT ||BN AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE AFORESAID COI'RSE A DISTANCE OF 98.75 FEET TO A POINT ON TIIE SOUTHWESTERI,Y PAGE 1 o AALT CO}IUITUENT SCHEDT'LE A Our Order No. V18752 IJINE OF SAID I.,OT 'IBII T|HICH IS THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF WEST UEAI)OW DRTVE' THENCE ON A}{ ANGLE TO THE LEFT OF 121 DEGREES 43 I.IINIITES 21 SECONDS AND AIONG THE CURVE TO THE RIGITT HAVING A RADIUS OF 175.00 FEET AND A CENTRAIJ ANGLE OF 02 DEGREES 06 I,TINIITES 21 SECONDS AIID AN ARC DISTANCE OF 6.43 TEET TO A POTNT OF TANGENT' THENCE CONTINUING AIONG SAID TANGENT A DISTAIICE OF 33.97 FEET TO A POrNT OF CURVE' THENCE ON A CURVE TO TIIE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 75.00 FEET AND A CENTRAI, ANGLE OF 60 DEGREES 23 I{INUTES OO SECONDS AND AN ARC DISTRICT OF 79.04 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENT' THENCE CONTINUING AIONG SAID TANGENT A DISTANCE OF 13.48 T'EET TO THE SOTITHE,ASTERLY CORNER OF SAID I,OT[BN, SAID CORNER BEING 25.00 FEET I{ESTERLY OF THE EAST LTNE OF SAID SECTION 7i TEENCE oN AN ANGLE To THE LEFT oF 90 DEGREES oo UINUTES OO SECONDS AND AIONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID IOT NBN AND AI,ONG A I,INE PARALLEI., TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID SEETION 7 A DISTANCE OF 73.00 FEET TO TTTE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PAGE oALTA COMUITI{ENT SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirenents) Our Order No. V18?62 The following are the requirements to be conplied with: 1. Palment to or for the account of the grantore or nortgagors ofthe ful.l consideration for the estate or intereEt to be inEured. 2. Proper instrunent(s) creating the eEtate or lnterest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: THrS COllllITllENT IS FOR rNFOR}|ATrON ONLY, AND NO POLICY !{ILL BE ISSUED PURSUANT ITERETO. TIIE COI'NTY CIJERK AI|D RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETT'RN ADDRESSES ON DOCI'I{ENTS SENT FOR RECORDING! ! PAGE 3 oALTA COI'!MITUENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V18762 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to thefollowing unless the sane are disposed of to the satisfaction ofthe conpany: 1. Standard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover gheet. 6. Taxes and asseEEnents not yet due or payable and apecial assessments not yet certified to the Treasurerrs office. 7. any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. 8. I-,iens for unpaid water and Eewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR IJODE TO EXTRACT AND REI{OVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOT'LD TTIE SA}IE BE FOI'ND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PRE}IISES AS RESERVED IN ITNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED September 04, L923t IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE ATITHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN I'NITED STATES PATENT RECORDED September 04, L923, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. 1-1 . RESTRICTM COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CIJAUSE, BIII OIIITTING RESTRICTTONS, IF ANy, BASED ON RACE, COIpR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTR(,IiIENT RECORDED January 09, 1963, IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 431. 12. RIGHT OF WAY E,ASEUENT AS GRANTED TO TO THE UOI'NTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGR,APH COUPANY IN INSTRWENT RECORDED OCTOBER 20, 1969 IN BOOK 216 AT PAGE 212, AFFEqIING THE EAST 10 FEET OF THE NORTH 166.30 FEET OF SUBJECT PROPERTY. 13. RESERVAIION AS CONTAINED IN DEED RECORDED JANUARY 23, 1976 IN BOOK 244 AT PAGE 395: THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED PROPERTI SHAI,L BE USED EXCLUSIVELY FOR A I,TUSET'U OR OTHER REI,ATED PT'BLIC USE FOR 25 YEARS FROU THE DATE OF SAID DEED. PAGE 4 ao IJAND f,ITI,E GUARANTEEY CO!TPANY DI SCI.oSURE . STATEI,IEIIT Requind b1t Senata Blll 91-14 f) Ttrr rubJect real prolDrty nay be locatcd in a rlnclal taxinEdlrtrlot. B) A Certlfieate of Taxea Due listlng each taxing Jur!.sdlctlonnay bc obtalned fron the County freasurer or the County TreaBurerrr authorLred agent. C) Tha inforuati.on regardlng special dletrlctg and tbo boundarlecof such dl.etrictg may be obtained fron the Board of CountyCoulsrioncri, the County Cl.erk and Recorder, or the County Ag8c88or. ciz ==E uJI N rn o F\ tJ) IJJ uJ LL E =(r UJ -?5/ic/L \_(Q lg4our 4# N CN Fd FJ Fa T44 Hv) z rl I,l ' a.l ,I o'|, o\| rFl to(.)t l -l FII Frl I F:r I I ,l ^t It{. Fl It,t!] l ,a E, lQ rllli- Fl ,,:Jl lX iri I 16-l qJ F E U) == =z aI! oz oz J @ clt o =z & CA z () & H FI FTX z Gruz3o rlJ l- z LLJ uJ U) i oq) (5 o 0) o q) o g)c l E cl 0) (E ; c) 0) eq€s9Uk; F C R€*t e s -.= (! -Ffc: 96p.0c-o>elsl:te:€ >=:c96E -*=ot35t= EEAREtEo*OOc iEoSgqef Elseo- tE o--o=-o(5: o-oiE-or = fie€g6,E 6U:5 Eoo!'"i;EEi.!=t (!o--.c; o (a .r (D !.=gE€5 o ? B! =6>.=o(6;; ;T E";s;:9E o -e5g: lr) crr(n .if |r) c..l+tf)f.. F UJ z dJ l Yo IJJIoz .J(L o ollJ z =f J 9z uJ Hz tr ul (J u.tE o 3 5 zo uJo F TIJ lz L!-) x F uJol \t 2 I IIdizl .zi tJ) UJ uJu- E UJ J F.. z o F uJ u.l z =f) 2 I UJ = Fl F H NOlrvn'rvA A v. F u z ": FVz :< = zIFq E(J TIJo J e. UJz uJ =>E --(")lutN =(o(\ zz f, o- 4Y"1?,^=*E r/> O =>.ozr.l-< cv>x -iai z '--l f-] z H H& zo F ,a ''N YCa t q v-c J z tro 7x >4 utF 3 uJz 1l >2 e,^-3/r6t:':V R 'J-)!e plZ'(z(do3 'rr !I lll tlirt<li-l' Hlz 'rl I I o_ l- r'1 ; ttl 1(\+ I -T K-\ t\ >sz c (L (J lLto- F )X X (L ,< z tr c) z (r o- C \ \d*i :og =lolFl<l 2l 7(rI il b ,3 \,,yHH E zfr.-o E =< =@o\>z d,4= ( o-"* \ L_rt_lLJlFI\ =t \ Fl ,^#- bl =E<uJl =o*tl - u1illt =;= E (r uJ 6:1{E2E<cll€ua9tt ir.Etr =>.trFor!(r#\E =Ilr Xr=g 5EE P =F E =i # UJ co F trF{4 ,N f<l(5;+-+ -J u- E EI E H IA F.]a ui =z -l -al vlHIHI3lt Oi,vr lrsr l.<ll L ell c, l( 14 l(EI, Hi>l t EI I.l I3t :llEI ul I ?l -lU',UI IaE N n It\ ItL J-{ F (J E- rtltltltlI,Jlv\I LrJlIEItotol<lt-{ E I L F =tr ol =.1oltrilql =l<l>l bl zl3lolFI H ts Ei E cn =tr EI I o oz o UJ CE tl z3 F F @ Io\.ir c'\ =tt tr a A. tsrrlFl F-l FfH A I @ ol2 o UJE u- z1 3lI t\F\ F\ Io\.+ c'\ E oz oru TL z =I ulJut uJz3 I UJF T O <F l,! <ZE, t,l zo(-) )E<oC)F -< ;F =z-qa E >Y =EJZrrol() Oz 'r uJ = r l z3 =o2 J<Oo9.:io I I I Ilf-ti-F.,i tqLo6Lr) vOHO .Az F1 llJ tsoo -: z Fo ]l,tY uJ @ oFsl,orl- ch ='{uJ@ LLu-t\., D>F)t^z rVIH HFJoezo E =E lrJ o-zIF() EF CNzoo i3 I O + Jq uJ lrJ!oEo zo E UJY UJ TD o E trul o ooo I UJF z .v \ N\ t\ s z o9 =erDo =<ii DN E =E UJ4 o |l,r =gJ A oE9E=gste!k EEzaEgEi!FE:'E=E6 'Esi u,ooF /R\'.-lll=v/J=.= 'l ts =E, UJ o.z 9F(J =EFazoo :E: Es$ n- b'\l\ oz E.E H o UJ UJli!.Eu,a Et6 T oa EE;; E'L)- SEZE{E iEgii- lt u,oIi E Rco o a zoo :EEEi=:gE ii.,Et;;E t- -a!e)O <l 2l zl .. >lo uJog.l UJz U' IE c z tr oo 6 3*oE ^ dz;3 EF 14(,c6; Hc)zxL<oq iH6 s:t 7 t >c FI i,{ €sSe - cr .O o lr I I I I I J lD o { svlv \ B \N tri- =@q s N\t '{ \ UI UJE t N $ \ s $ .,J €a N $ A. \ t() D a E EIlr L<lt T (, tll lr oz C, lrJllJ l!oz 'o I -vl N sl\q E ,11rl J' 4Ior z] 01uli!lr(l>t5lo IE \ h $ ui lrJ tc I I I I I Iol nct urlcl J 3 q E $4 $'il\|3 N! HE *\N\ I $t ni UJ :c oz oI,E t o ;lu ul Gtl,z3o (J UJ E-() E E -rO<FG(,uJ<ze, .aZ-oo Ic (Jg, tr, ) ( z)I o =.D-t 4 tc IJ tr zou dE =3gE EEoEt:si*eo2 o() J<( c) sg 7t tosth lronhgr rord vall, colondo El05? (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2\39 olf lc. of communltY dcvcloPmonl BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If this pennit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval 'Engineerrs (Public Works) review and approval , a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the 8ui1din9 Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weeRs. A'l'l commercial (large or small) and all multi-fami'ly permits will have to follow ine aUove mentioned maximum requirements. Resjdential and small projects shou1d take a'l esser amount of time. However, if residential or smal'ler proiects impact the various above mentioned departmeflts wlth regard to necessary review, these proiects may also talte the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as Possible. I, the underslgned, understand the plan check procedure and time frane. .l' . Communi ty Oevelopment Department. 75 toulh lronlag. to.d v.il. colo?ado 8165t (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 offlcr of communlly devcloPmcnl TO: FROMs DATEs su&fEcT: ALL CONIRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TO!{N OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COIOIUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAT STORAGE fuII, please stop by the Town ofobtaln a copy. Thank you for your il-,4 In sunnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or material, includlng trash dunpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavenent. This ordinance witl be strictly enforced by the Town of vail Public Works Department. Persons found violating this ordlnancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said rnaterial .In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour tine specified, the Public works Departnent will remove said naterial at the expense of person notifled. lhe provlsions of, this ordinance shall not be appllcable to constructton, rnaintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To revLew ordlnance No. 6 lnVaIl BuLlding Departnent to cooperatl,on on thls natter. Read and acknontledged by: ._ g -., Dat,e I J. t ! ackngwledEed (i.e. contractor, owner)