HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT 8 LEGALL't| UnrlUrtt^1.6t,T ) Cuecfw., llp %c MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Vail Town Council Matt Mire l(loton t (?ws 2'n,NrJLry Vott:5-o-o November 02, 2010 Town..Council 'Call-Up", pursuant to Section j2-3-3(C) Vail Torrn Code(the^"Code"), of the planning and Environmentai bommisslon -[fre "PEC") decision.of September Zl, ZOIO, amrmint-sars interpretaiion l1jl1,,l9_t!: ao1t1!v. ot q proierty owner io estabtiSh a oeveroprireni sitt trJB:::: ot muttipte tots of record and rhe prooess required, if any, by This matter comes before the councir for consideration of the pranning andEnvironmental commission's (the. "pEC) oeciiion to affirm . si"n inierpretationconcerning 1 nroReo ou/ne/s ability to comoine multiple resioeniiat lG to'.r""t" on"development sile and the process rilquired for this as set forth in the Vail Town code(the "Code"). ln response to a request by a resident, on septemb er 21, 2010 the Town,sZoning^Administrator (the ?dminisriaro4, isiled i nttei prouinfto d""tion 12-&3(A) g_f !9 9,9d".:Iptaining what he berieved i6 o" n" io"nn's process f* ;;bi;i"g rwo rotsin a residential subdivision to create one "Lot or Site'as dennJ o/ i-i_i'it the code.(see attached lefter dated August 27, 2o1o). suGquentty, on september 27 , 2o10, thePEC considered the issues addressed in de naminiihatoi's tetter. (sie-Aininistrabrs memorandum to the pEC, dated September 27, 2010). . , . .41 the. hearing, the pEc commissioners expressed concems with regard to theAdministrato/s findings and determination, as ,ri|i "" with the tack of clear directionprovided by the Code. In addition, the PEC requested that the rown nttoin-y continueto research the issues invorved. (see arfacheci pEC minutei oid;pi;;;;; 27, 2oto,item#{il. ultimately, however and based rargely upon the staff recommendation, the pECdid vote to 'affirm statrs administrative-o&eihrination." After the Feb trearing, treAdministrator discovered a relevant section of the Code which was nol considered in hisinitiaf fetter and which was not presented to the pEC. (see aftached code section 12_3-?: .Th."t.secrion, arong with the_other pr*,'Ln" of the code set foilh in theAdministrators memorandum to the pEC, now ippear to provide a ritfle more guidanceon the process at issue. Accordingly, in response to the concerns raised by the pEC in addition to some ofmy own concems, my recommendations are as follows: 1' overlurn or reverse the decision of the PEC and direct staff to anatyze the issuesraised herein with the inclusion and consideration of code section 12_$5 and other relevant sec'tions.of the code implbated by that section, including but not limited to any and all relevant sections of ritle 13 "subdivisions Regulations". 2. Direct the Administrator and stafi to prepare any necessary and appropriate amendments to ihe Code for consideration by the PEC and uttimately th6 C6uncil to address the issues raised by the pEc, including but not limited tJ lmenomenrs to develop or clariff the process for lhe creation of a 'development site" in thecontext presented and providing for appropriate regulations to prevent theproblems inherent in that process as identified by the pEC at theii hearing on September 27, 2010. ATTAGHMENTS Letter dated, August 27, 2010 Memorandum to PEC dated September 27,2010 Section 12-3-5, Vail Town Code Dqartnent of hnntnity Dcubpncnt 75 Soutb Rorrt4gr Rotl Udil, Ah,gdo EtGiT 97U179-2r38 FAIY97G4792452 uruta,wilgoucottr Augusl27,2010 Merv Lapin 232 West Mcadow Drtue Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Establishment of Lots 6 and 7, Vair Village Firing 2, as a developmqr gile. Merv, Thie lette-r ls beig provided.as a follow-up to our discusslon regarding thE establiahmentof Lob 0 ard 7 of Vail Vrilage Fiilng i as a cevetopment srte in order to purcue aproposal lo conghuct a single structure acroes the shired plattd pr"p;,ty iine. aenware the provislons of the Vair rown code whrch appry to thrs'request. ' r - . -' .-' Section 12-2-2,Definltions, Vail Town Code. Lor.oR. srre 4 parcel of tad occltprad or intdnded ro be oecupred by I use, buttdtng,or strudure under tha provisions of thts tifle and mrthis ttile. A tot or stte mev c,,n,otst nr e otnnta,^, ^rY:!:3'1"^!::yYnlt:yenfs, of Chapter 12-6D, Twofamily prlmary Sccondary Resldential District 12-6D-1: Purqse: Tle lw9'faylly primary/sercndary rcstdential dlstrict is intended to provide sitesforsingl*famlly rcsldenfial uses or fuwfamity resdenttal usas ln wnrch one- iiF ls a largerprlmary rcstdence and the second unit lsb snattei caretaker apartmini, tqetnerwttnsltch public tacilities es may approrytatety be tocated in the sahte ,one atsirtr/- me tuuf:lj!:9:y!:emndau restdentia a$:rta b intinded to rr"ri "J"qiiti'isnt" atr,p,yly and open space for each dwelling, cmmensunte with single-iamilv ind rvvo-tamily occupancy, and lo maintain the desinbla rcsidenttal quatitiis of sucit siles byestablishing apptopriate site development stadards. 12-6U5: Lot Ana And Slte Dlmensions: The mhimum ld{rstp area shail be fifreen thousand (ls,ooo) squara feet ot bultdabtearea, and each site shail have a mintmum frcntage or nirty re6t 1ioi.-eiii iite snat oeot.g !ry and shape capabre of encrosrng asguab are", ;tghty ieet'(0Q,1 on-eacn swe,within its boundaries. $lo"ro-** 1 2-ED8: Denstty Contrcl: A. Drelling Units: Not morc than.a totat of two (2) dwelling units shall be permitted on 99cn g!!|wfth only one dwelling unit permitled on exiitlng tots te.ss tiiin fourteenthousand (14,N0) square feet. 8. Gross Residential Floor Area: 1 . The followlng gross resruentia/ floor arca (GRFA) shail be parmtfted on each site: a. Not more than forty.six.(46,) square feet of gross residenilal floor arca (GRFA) for each one hundrcd (r0o) sguare feet of the first ten thousand (rT,i)N) square feet of sita area; plus b. Thirty .eight F!!.lqyare reet of gross rcskrenilar floor area (GRFA) for eachone hundred (r0a) squarc feet of site are!-gyar ten thouiana ft'0,,000) squareteet, not exceeding fifteen thousand (ro,oo0) sguara teet of sie irea; ptus c. Thldeen (13) square feet of gmss restdentiat ftoor area (GRFA) for aadt onehundrcd (1@) sguare feet of site arcd over .ffiaen tnoisia h i,fu) squ"nfeet, not exceedtng thirty thousand (30,000) square feet or sia-iia; ptus d. si!,!61sguarc feet of gross resldential flow arca (GRFA) for each one hundred (_I (N) square feet of site arca in excrss ot thirty ihousini rio,ixV "su"nfeet. 2. The.secondary unit sh.all not.exeed forf pereent (40%) of the allowabte gross residentlal floor ale,a (GRFA). Furthermore, the Town'g adopted Building codc contains provislons to prohibit theconstruction of a EtructurE across a prop€-rty tins without coi"pli"nc" witfr'regutauons !glTr'!q : fire-rate! party wail., Jhgse provlsions can be found in siai"-i ibe.r.l of the2009 Edition of tie lntemational Buildin! Code. ll is the determination of staff that you, the appllcant, can choose to determlne what yourdeslred lot or site wilr be with.regjrrd qthe irgnorrr ot a Jtruaure in'youilots unoe, T9.12, Zonlng Regurations, Vail rown code. Fbr the purpos.s or revrdvirq a proposalwhlch is comprised of a_.site._containing two prattird'lob;t"ff-;iri 'icutate thEdevelopment standards forthe site based ulon the'site ag a wnob. In order to address the regulaflons and provlsions in the Buildlng code a documentneeds to E qproqo againsr the propertiee, with the Torvn as " pirtyiJGigr€em.nt,whlch ctearly rdentifies that the tr,vo 6ts are considered to 0""- Jingil JeiJJpment stteand eo tong as the structurE is in prace neither of the.two_rots wirib;sorol iiliisreneu, o,developed further, without compriance wifr rhe Zoning coJe-""0-eiririihi dode beingdemonstratad. The Town n6eds. to b9 a party to this document to preveit its removarprior lo the removal of the structure from the deveropment srt;. u;;-;;ovat of thestructure the recorded document can be removeo ftom ttre pi"p"rtviJli.oi ior the rotswith the County. Please be aware that "t"I_"rgiq1"s tardng thre determination before the prannrng andEnvironmentar commiseion for iiscuesio;'inJ-Jnnrmarion. shoutd the Gommissionffnd that staff has miernterpreted._nE cooe, tit" tiriaing" of the commrssion w, providethe method for moving torviaro win'i;;U;L's!r ruo ',r rtrs .-,ommsston I Thls intefpreteton does iglPprl: in any form that etafi has performed any anarysis ofvour proposar for comorance wiirr *rq i,"o.i"m'v ffi;t7d;ffi;;6i&r,",. o"rrgnRevlew, or Devetopmenr stanoa-n[ ;ijh; ili i#t" coc". Thank you for taktng ,h lx11p l1cu* y9ur. proposat wrlh George and myeelf. tf younave any_ turther gucasons please 'roet. ti5iwcamob€ii@y;iil;.co-;;rby phone at s7042$,2r1s.lo contact me bv email - at Cc: File FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEiltORANpUtl Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department Seplember 27,2010 l_lgp.r to the pranning and Envhonmentar commission on an administrarivectetermination, pursuant to 12_3_3(4), Administrative Actions, Vail Tovvn Code,regarding.th-e ability of a-prope(y owner to estabrish "'oeueropreniiitecomprised of munipre rots oJ record,-portions of "iot or,ecoro,lt-ori6iiiiili "rlots of record or portions thereof, oi a parcei oi iano oescrioeo ov'r"t"" l"cbounds, without the review.of a sJooivisi6n fu'"u"ni to the provisions of riile 13,Subdivision, Vail Town Code. Applicant Town of VailPlanner: Waren Campbell SUMMARY The Town of Vair staff has prepared this memorandum to the pranning andEnvironmentar commission in oioei to info;; the -commission of an administrativedetermination rhar was made regarding " pr*i"ion ot rf-e yiir i;;bJo"llgaroing t eesrabrishment of a deveropmentlor oriite'pursujnt to ri-s--iini, Ajr"'i"lrirrliii" Actions,Va' Town code. Staff made its oeteimination after reviewing the code that adeveropment site can be established ov ptop"rtv gwngrs without a formar process.Based upon staffs review of the code ""b,liN?rJ ii, section ilr of this memorandum andrhe evidence and testimony presented, rhe community Devetopment Departmentrecommends the Commission afflrms sta*s Oetermination. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST Recenfly, Merv Lapin, the--owner of two adjacent properties on west Meadow Driveinquired with the Town staff with regard tolnll ieJeveropment of his two lots. His initialconcept is two remove rhe structur6 upon eacrr inoiuiol"r ni ;;J-;;";;d a singresrruc'ture across lhe shared.property rine. rn response to this request rown staffreviewed the code with regard to itre iegutations pertaining to a concept of this nature. The portions of the code that were examined include_Tifle 12, zoning Regutations, and ItL"_13' subdivision Regurations, vair rown codl. 1n""" portions of the code wereexamined as they contain-the regulations which determin" t[" i].Li.es-ror rano usedevelopment. The code sectionJ *rat star tounJio o" appricabre are found in sectionlll of this memorandum. ln reviewing Title it;i th; code staff found references to theabirnv ro utirize rors or sites in nufierou! zone-o]stral "i-ii,Ji"li', ?lr"ir," .oningparameters which estabrish deveropment potenriar, rrritlri,ri", i. ,Jliiird tire Tile 12definition of "lot or site" it is clear that a roloiiiie" c"n.be comprised of multiple differentland defining methods from platted to ,eteJanO- Ooiinds descriptions. \"nh this information S,"I_y?.: lefl with the questions of who can estabtish adeveropment "rot or site'..and..the process tnat ias required by the code. Thesequesrions pointed sraff in rhe direcridn ot reviewing'iite r], 6iil6.;;irU purpose, 1 and 13-1-3, compriance' v1! r9l! code, were reviewed in order to estabrish anyapplicabilitv' subsection 13-1-3(D), ailpiL;;, Vair rown code, regurates rheconstruction of structures on parc6rs of rind which meet fi,"-.roiiuiJiln chapterregulations.. Staff interpreted nis initianv ai aitiuaure need to be containe<t within asingle esjablislqd narcer thu" .prortioitihg a-.iiraur" from crossing over a sharedpropefi line. However, upon further ,"ii"w Si"f concluded that so long as all lheestablished defined parr6. meet irrl r"suriiiil oiilril3; il;i rh#'il.s norhinsprohibiting. r{tipre parcers.rrom oeing asiemLreJ to create a deveropment "rot or site"as defined in Title 12. F:llTIgr:, ii ,"fi"*i"g tne definition of ,Lot" as found in Tilte l1r _sy99ivision Regurations, Vair rown coa", 5t"n o"termined thar it was possibre tonave a "Lof comprised of a "parcel or portion of tano." l In conclusion, when reviewing the definition of "Lof from Tifle 13, and the definition of"Lot or site" from Titte 12, it-was o"i""iil'iii'ff-"i no pratting process was required toestablish a deveropment rot or site as pJimittert in murtiple zone districts. whire thecode did not provide a crear ans'u/er to whom could estabrish a deveropment .rot or site, ^SFII"!that so-tong as a su*ivision pr"*;;;. nor required by Tiile 13, that anowner or group of ou,ners had the right to determine wrrat asiemul# ;il; of record,a portion of a rot of record, a combinition oi rots oi iecora. or porrions thereol or a parcelof land described by metes ano uounJJworrJ oJ""aurirhed as their deveropment rot or Ilil" q specific reguest was made Merv Lapin regarding his situation, the review of thisstaff determination shourd oe revieweol;ii-ifr, mindset that the affirmarion ormodification of staffs determination irp""tr-nurlrous properties throughout rown.Any afiirmation or modification ot siffis- aoh-i'nistratve determination-"wiil applythroughout the Tourn. A copy or tne written Jetermination ro Merv Lapin has beenattached for reference (Attachnient A). III. APPLICABLEPLANNINGDOCUMENTS Chapter 12-3, Administration and Enforcement l2-3-3: Appeals: A' Administrative Actions: .Any decision, determinatbn -or intetpretation by any townadministrative ofricial with ie.seect toiniiroiiilons of flrrb tiila and the stanclads andptocedurcs hercinafter .set forth shatt' o'ecoie finar { the next ptanning andenvironmentar commission meeting 10r ii irr"'"""" of design rctated decision, thenext design review board my.!no).agwnj ine aaministraiot" aiiiion unress ff,edecision is calred up and modifiei'by n" oo""i-o, *mmission. Seclion 12-2-2,Definnions, Vail Town Code, LOT OR S'rE; A parcer of land orcupied or intended to be,.occupied by a use, buirding, i[,{W:f ,:!::'.1"::x::*":\':!!jz"*ii:ytsu,;;r;;;;;i]ff ementsor and bounds. Chapter 12-6D, Two.family primary Secondary Residential District 12-6D-1: Putpose: The two'family pimary/senndary rcsidential district is intended to povide sitesforsingte-famitv residentiat uses or twgrqryity residentiat usei i;ii";;;;;;iE a hrserprimary residence aN the second unit is a smailer carctgxer apiriiii,iogeinerwitnsuch public facilities as may appropriatety be tocated n the same zone distict. The two-family pimary/secondary residentiar diirict is intended to ensure adeqial"'wnt, "irpriva.cv and open qpace for e99h.&u.erting, commensurate;ii ;rgr;l;;i;'xna two-family occupancy, and to maintain the aisrnote rctsidentiarguaniis o{"iinstbs oyestablishing apprcprtab site development standards 12-6D-5: Lot Arca And Site Dimensions: The minimum lot gLs,!: area shail be fifteen thousand (r s,ooo) sguare teet of buitdabtearea, and each site shail have g mi7imlm frontage or tniii ti6t rsof. iiii ini ,n"tt o"of .g .sizg a.nd sh.aqe capabre of encrosing a quali arca, eighty feet (80,) on each side,within its boundaries. | 2-6D8: Density Conhol: A. Dwelling Units: Not m,ore than a.total of two (2) dwelling units shall be permitted o_n each site with onj!-o!:^lweilinS unit peritittea on jr,,Sfinglots'l""Jfi"n fou,teen thousand (14,@0) sguai feet.' 8. Gross Residential Floor Nea: 1. The foilowing gross rcsidenfra r froor arca (GRFA) shail be pemitted on eachslfe; a' Not more than forty six .(46) squarc feet of gross rcsidentiar floor arca(GRFA) for elch 9ng nltngrea ft00) square feet of the iist'tei' i,or,ona(10,000) sguare feet of site area; pius' b. Thirty eight (38) -sqyare feef -of gross re sidentiar floor arca (GRFA) for eachone hundrcd (100) qua,.o feet ot site arca overten tnouiani itb,ooo)squarc feet, not exceeding ftfteen thousand (15,0001 iiiii-dli'or ,n"arca; plus c' Thifteen (13) squarc feer of g,rcss re sidentiar floor arca (GRFA) for eachone hundred (100) quara feet of site area o.ver_fifteen,niisini'Os,OoO) squarc feet, not exceeding thirtv thousand rso,ooojiqia;-riiir st"area; plus d. six (6) square feet of gross residentiar froor arca (GRFA) for each onehyldry! (100) square feet of site area rh excess ot thiiy thiiiani(30,000) square feet. 2. The senndary unit shltl2oj ^e1ned fotty rrrtrrrnt (40%) of the ailowabte grcssresidential floor arca (GRFA). 13-1-2'PURPOSE. A' Statutory Authority: The subdivision ragulatbns contained in this tiue have beenpreparcd and enac:ted in accotdance wfth Cdorado Reyrsed Sfatufas tiile 31, atticle l3t tor the purpose of promoting the health, safety and welfare of the present andfutwe inhabitants of the town. 8' Goals: iro liese ends, fhese rcgulations are intended to protect the environmeit, toensure effnient circulation, ldeguate imprcvements, sifficient open space and ingenenl, to assisf the ordefi, efficient and integnted devetopinent of the town.These re_gulations also provide for the prcper anangement of strpefs and ensurcprqer distribution of population. The tegutations atso-coordinate the need for pubtic seruices..with govemmentar improvement prcgnms. standards for desigi andconstruction of_ improuements are hereby set ronn b ensurc adequate andconvenient tnffic circulation, utirities, emergency access, drainage, reciation andlight and air. Also inteNed.is.the imprcvement-of land records ind surueys, ptansand plats and to safeguad the inteiests of the public and subdivider and pioviae consumer protedion for the purchasec and to tegulate other matters as the townplanning and envircnmentar commission and towi councir may deem nicessary inorder to protec,t the best interests of the pubtic. 6. snec(g Purposes: These regutations ard futther intended to serue the foilowingspecl/Ic purposes: 1. To inform each subdivider of the standads and criteria by which developmentproposals will be evaluated, and to provide information as io the type and-extentof imryvements rcquired. 2. To provide for the subdivision of property in the future without conflict withdevalopment on adjacent tand. 3' To protect and consp,rue the value of tand throughout the munbipatity and thevalue of buildings and improvements on the tand. 4. To ensurc that subdivision.of propeily is in compliane with the town,s zoningodinancesr, to ach'eve a hamonioui, conveniait, workabre raatnninip amon:sland uses, nnsistentwith town development objectives. 5. To guide public and.private pottcy and action in order to provide adequate andefricient tnnspottation, wate4 siwage, scioo/s, pa*s, ptaygrounds, reqeation,qnd other public reguirements and iacilities and'geneia'lly ii pirii" tiat public facilities will have sufibient capacity to serue tne ircposed suidinision. 6. To provide for accurate tegal descriptions of newly subdivided land and toestab/ish reasonable and desinbie constructioi design staniirds andprocedures. 7. To prevent the poltution of ain strcams and ponds, fo assure adequacy ofdninage facilities, to safeguad the water tabte and to encouije trre wlse useand .management of naturar r?.rourc€s throughout the town in oiiei to yese,e the integrity, stability and beauty of the comtiunity and the value of the-land. 13-1-3: COMPLIANCE: A. Genenl Prohibition: tt is unlav'rfut for any Wrson, busrness, or corporation to viotate any of the provisions of this chapter or to tnnder, sell, lease or agrae to sell or lease, any lot, tract, parcel, site, separate interest (including a leasehold interast), interest in common, condominium interest, timeshare estate, fractional fee, or timesharc license, or any other division within a subdivision within the town until such subdivision has been apprcved in writing by the administntor, planning and envircnmental commissbn and/or the nuncil (whichever is applicable) and a plat thereof rcmrded in the office of the Eagle County cleilr and rccotdec provided, howeven that a wriften agreemant to sell or lease which ls exprass/y nnditioned upon full compliance by the seller with the subdivision regulations of the town within a specified period of time and which expressly rccites the se//e/s failure to satisfy such condition within such period of time shall terminate the agreement and entitle thd buyer to the prcmpt rctum of all considention heretofore paid by the buyer under such agreement, shall not constitute a violation of this subsection. B. Prohibitive Conveyance: No lot or parcel of land, nor any interest therein, shal he transfaned, conveyed, sold, subdivided or acquired either in whole or in paft, so as to crcate a new nonconforming lot, or to avoid or circumvent or subveft any provision of this chapter. C. Responsibility: The owner, developer, buyer, or seller shall be fully responsible for att acts of agents or employees thereof that are @mmitted in violation of tha terms of this chapter. D. Prohibited Construdbn: No structure shall be constructed. nor buildino permit issued for a strudurc. on anv parcal of land excent where such structurc is to be constructed uoon a oarcel which meets the reoulations contained hercin. The lot lines, common walls, individual units, condominium unils established in such development or parcel shall not be changed or altered by conveyance of a paft thereof, nor shall any part of the same be joined with a paft of any othar for conveyance or construction or convefted to condominiums or time sharing unless and until written application, and other requircd mabrtals, has been made to and apprcved in writing by the administntor, planning and environmental commissrbn and/orthe council (whichever is applicable). E. Remedies For Violations: ln addition to all rcmedies prcvided by law, the town shail ba authoized to enforce its subdivision regulations as follows: 1. The town, in addition to other remedies provided, may institute an action for injunction, madamus, abatement, or other appropriate action or proaeding to prevent, enjoin, abate, remove an unlawful construction, use, occupancy or convaydncd or to enjoin any subdivider from selling, agreeing to sell or ofrering to sell, or otherwise convey, beforB full compliance with the provisbns of tha chapter, any parceled land or other interest which sale conveyance would constitute a "subdivision' as defined in secfrbn 1i2-2 of this tiile. 2. The town building oflicial shall refuse to issue permits of any kind for the construction of any building or other imprcvements upon any land for which an apprcved final plat is requircd by this chapte4 unless and until tha requhements hereof have been complied with. lv. 3. No building permit shall De issued for any lot or parceted land which has been tnnsfened, conveyed, sold, subdivided or acquired in violation of this chapter. Any transferee who acjuircs a lot or a parcel of land in viotation of this chipter without knowledge of such violation, and any subsequent transferee, shall have the right to rcscind and/or rcceive damages fiom any transfercr who viotates the provisions of this chapter. 4. The administrator, ptanning and enironmental commission and/or auncil (whichever is applicable) may withdraw any approvat of a plan or plat or requirc ceftain @nective measurcs to be taken following a determination that information provided by the subdivider, or by anyone on his or her behalf, upon which a decision was based tls false or inaccurate. The administrator shall cause written notioo to be sr,rued on the subdivider, or his/her assigneeg set0hg ouf a clear and ancise statement of the alleged false or inac,cunte informationprovided by the subdivider, or agents on his/her behatf and dhecting the subdivider to appear at a ceftain time for a hearing before the planning and environmental commissbn nol /ess than fifteen (li) days nor more thai thifty(30) days afrer the date of servrbe of notice. The planning aN envircnmentil commission shall determine at the hearing the nature and extent of the alleged false or inaccurate information and shatt have power, for good cau* being shown, to withdnw any apprcval or require ceftain conective measures lo De taken. Howeven withdrawal of approval or imposition of conective reguircments shall not be an exclusive remedy on finding by tha planning and environmental commission that inaccunte informatbn Das been received, and any and ail rcmedies govided by law may be exercised. Chapler 13-2, Definitions, Vail Town Code (in part) Lor: A parcel or portion of lad sepanted frcm other paroels or poftions by legat descriptbn and abutting upon one or morc public sfreets orroads and intended as a init for the transfer whether immediate or futurc, of ownership or for developmant. RECOMMENDATION The Community Development DeparUnent recommends the Planning and Environmental commission confirms staffs administrative determinalion pursuant to 12-3-3(4), Administrative Ac{ions, Vail ro,vn code, regarding the ability of a property owner to establish a delelopment site comprised of multiple lots of rCcord, pbrfions'ot a lot of record, a combination of lots of record or portions thereof, or a parcel of land described by metes and bounds, without the review of a subdivision pursuant to the provisions of Title 13, subdivision, Vail rown code. This recommendation is based upon the review of the Vail rown code as outlined in this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented. should the Planning and Environmental commission choose to confirm staffs administrative determination there is no action that needs to be taken by the Commission. Should the Planning and Environmental commission choose to confirm staffs administrative determination, the communig Development Department recommends the Commission makes the following flndlngs: v. "Based upon the review of the Vail Town Code as outlined in the Staff memotandum to the Plannirg and Envircnmental Commission dated September 27, 2010, and the evidence aN testimony prc*nted, the Planning and Envircn me ntal Commi ssion find s : '1. The establishment of a developmenl sde by a propefi owner cunplies with each of the applicabla prcvisions of Titla 12, Zoning Regulations, and Title 13, Subdivision Regulations, Vail Town Code 2. The establishment of a development sife does not grant any approval for any future development as all proposa/s sha// @mply with the applicable regulations of tha Vail Town Code for review. 3. The edablishment of a devebpment sight resu/ts ,h all bts of reco'd, a poftion of a lot of rcqd, a combination of lots of rccord or portions thereof, or a parcel of land described by metes and bounds being considered a single lot for zoning purposes." ATTACHiIENTS A. Letter to Merv Lapin dated August 27 ,2010 -ffi PLANNING AND ENVIRONiIENTAL COUMISSION MEEIING RESULTS September 27,2010 at I :00pm TOWN COUNCIL CHATIIBERS / PUBLIC WELCOME 75 S. Frontage Road - Vall, Colorado, 81657 MEMBERS ABSENT Tyler Schneidman BillPierce MEMBERS PRESENT David Viele John Rediker Luke Cartin Henry Pratt Michael Kuz 30 mlnutes1. A request forthe review of a conditional use permit pursuant to Sec{ion 12-gC-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construstion of active outdoor recreation areas, facilities, 31! u_s.9s (lightning shefter), generally located at the #3 green of the Vail Golf Course/Trac{ E, Vail.Vllage Filing 7; and setting forth details in regard thereto. (pEc10o0g7) Applicant Vail Recreation District, represented b-y Scott O'ConnellPlanner; Bill Gibson ACTION: Approved MorloN: Kurz SEGOND: car{n vorE: 3-1-1 (Mele opposed, pratt recused} Henry Pratt recused himself due to a conflict of interest. Bill Gibson made a presentalion per the Stafi memorandum. Scotl O'Connell of the Vail Recreation District made a brief presentation regarding the project and noted thal lhe efforts the VRD has made to work with the adjacent horieown6rs inbtuilng the proposed removal of the shelters walls. Commissioner Kuz asked O'Connell how the proposed lightning shelter locations were selected and noted that similar shelters are @mmon at many goff Courses. O'Connell responded that.tightening is a significant conoern for guest safety and as a result, lightening shelters are an importanl improvement to the course. He noted ihat several alternative locations were considered for the lightning shelter. Mike Ortiz, Executive Direclor of the VRD, added that there are over 25,0fl) rounds of golf are |1ryallV played at the Vail.Golf Course and lightening shelters would improve ptayer sifety. The VRD will be proposing additional future lighting shelter sites based upon the recommendation of the golf course architec{. Commissioner Rediker asked if architec{ural changes based upon neighbor concems would result in changes to the size of the shelter. o'connell responded that the shelters would be reduced in size from 1g'xlg, to 16,x16'. Commissioner Cartin asked if there are utilities, lighting and olher aspects to the shelters. O'Connell responded that there are no utilities or lights associated with the structure. Page 1 Ned Gwathmey, representing adjacent propefi owners Johnson and Mclntyre, stated lhat the proposed shelter will be visible and dosely located to the neighbo/s homes. He noted that the proposed shelterwill create an attractive nuisance that could be used for olher purposes than shelier from lightning. They requested that the VRD pursue an ahernate location such as one doser to the Hole #3 tee box or elsewhere. Bill Mclntyre, neighbor on Hornsilver Circle, stated that he has lived in this location for a long time and has a great relationship with the VRD. He stated the shelter will create a nuisance due to its proximity to his house and to the road. He said alternative locations including the tee box at Hole #3 or on the other side of the road at Hole #4 wouH be more appropriate. He stated he is not against the concept of lightning shefters, but hopes for a better location. Jim Weir, of Sherman and Howard, LLC, is a representiative of the Mcln$res and the Johnsons. He stated that the shelter should be located in a place that minimizes impac{s to neighbors. Ned Gwathmey stated that he lives on the Anowhead Golf Course at the Country Club of the Rockies. He said lightening shellers at that course are far from homes. He then distributed an email from Scott O'Connell outlining changes lo the shelter design. Commissioner Kuz asked Scott O'Connell about the potential nuisance issue at other shelters and this shelter. O'Connell responded that he met with the Vail Police to discuss potential issues with this type of shefter. He stated that Vail Police although Vail Police do not have current issues with criminal behavior in this area, they would monitor the proposed shelter, Commissioner Rediker asked what considerations were given to move the structure lo other locations, such as the Hole #3 hole tee box or Hole #4. O'Connell stated that there were lhree alternate locations that were studied. He said that placing the structure near the tee boxes would eliminate much needed tee box area. He said other areas did not provlde ADA access without adding new elements such as ramps. He also stated the VRD looked at the area west of the #3 tee box, but this area was eliminated as an option since the shelter would nol be apparent to passing golfers. Locations at #4 were eliminated because potential locations since the structure would be in the range of play. He stated that there are more homeowners impacted with structure at Hole #4. He siated that guest safety is the number one conoern ofthe VRD. Commissioner Rediker asked if opening up the structure would reduce effectiveness of the shelter for guests. O'Connell responded that while guests might get rained on, they would be protecled from lightening with an open shelter. Commissioner Viele asked where olher shelters were located. He stated that there could be other locations further from the road that would better protect people while not attracting kids. He suggested a location near Hole #8. O'Connell responded that any location on Hole #8 would be in play and would disrupt the ease of golfing on lhe adjacent holes. Ortiz added that ihe average age of Vail Golf Course golfers is 55 and easy access and ADA compliance are important. Page 2 Commissioner Mele asked what percent of golfers are driving carts. Ortiz responded that approximately 40% of golfers are driving carts. Ned Gwathmey added thal the proposed lightning shellercould be moved to a different hole. Ortiz responded that the key to a useful lightning shelter is visibilig for golfers. He said kids who are partying are going to go where they are not visible and not in this shefter near the road. Commissioner Kuz commented that he understands the concerns of lhe neighbors, but any improper aclivilies could quickly be resolved with a single phone call to the VRD or police. He noted that the VRD had done great due diligence on this proposal. 20 mlnutes A request for review of a variance from Section 12-6F-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapler 12-17, Yarianes, Vail Town Code, lo allow for an addition within the side setback, located at 1817 Meadow Ridge Road, Unit 6/Lot 21, Buffehr Creek Subdivision, and setting forth delails in regard thereto. (PEC100040) Applicant Robert Boymer Planner: Rachel Friede AGTfON: Tabled to October 11,2010 MOTION: Kuz SECOND:Pratt VOTE:5.0{I 30 mlnutes A report to the Planning and Environmental Commission on an administrative determination, pursuant to 12-$3(A), Mministrative Actions, Vail Torn Code, regarding the ability of a prope{ o\flner to establish a development site comprised of multiple lots of record, portions of a lot of recod, a combination of lots of record or portions thereol or a parcel of land described I metes and bounds, without thE review of a subdMsion pursuant to the provisions of Title 13, Subdivision Regulations, Vail Town Code. Applicant Town of Vail Plannen Wanen Campbell Wanen Campbell made a presentation per the Staff memorandum. Merv Lapin staied that he does not want to replat the property so that it is easy for the heirs to his estate to build two new homes on the properties instead of having to subdivide the properties in the future. The proposed confrguration of the duplex would allow one half of the duplex to remain while another struclure could be built on the other lol with both complying with setbacks. Wanen Campbell stated that the proposal has not been reviewed by the Design Review Board. Mr. Lapin added that the project would remove minimal trees. Commissioner Rediker stated his concern that this type of approval of combining platted lots into a development site does not take into account the future impacls. He asked if Staff or the Toryn Attomey have looked into long-term impacts. Wanen Gampbell stated that staff has looked at long term impacts and the Town Attorney has participated in these discussions. He said the main concern of staff is hor,v this potentially changes the neighborhood. He said the Design Review Board could use the criteria to deny a struciure of this size due to any negative effecls on the neighborhood. Page 3 Commissioner Pratt asked how setbacks could be ignored from a zoning perspeclive as the struc'ture would cross a shared plafted property line. Wanen Campbell noted that in some cases, development sites have been established lo create setbacks on the perimeter of lhe combined properties. Commissioner Viele stated that the applicant would be giving up a lot of development potential and this could ofiset the setback requirement. Wanen Campbell stated that a variance would be difficult to support due to a lack of hardship. Commissioner Praft asked wtat mechanism allours the Tourn to vacate the setbacks. Wanen Campbell stated that the conglomeralion of parcels is administrative and establishes the new "development site". Commissioner Praft asked lf this allows staff to supersede a platted property line. Commissioner Kuz stated that this process would allour propefi owners to create their own development siles. He asked if this is strong enough of a process to allow combining lots. Commissioner Rediker stated his concern regarding creating de faclo legislation through this determination. Merv Lapin said he wanted to keep the proper$ line for estate planning purposes and to keep the two lots. Commissioner Carlin asked if this type of determination could be limited to a certain district or overall lot size. Wanen Campbell stated that any type of limitation to this determination should be codified by creation of new regulations. Commissioner Pratt stated that he doesn't have anything against the proposed design or concept, but he couldn't justity the elimination of setbacks. Commissioner Kuz stated thai there are holes in the Vail Town Code that perhaps should be addressed for procedural purposes. Merv Lapin stated that he loses development potential by combining the lois. Commissioner Kurz stated that reduction in GRFA is positive. Wanen Campbell stated that there are two oplions- call up the administrative determination or confi rm staff s administrative determination. Commissioner Rediker asked if ihe PEG could approve a variance versus a blanket approval of creation of development sites. Wanen Campbell asked Matthew Mire, Town Aftorney, if lot lines could be reinstated after a structure would be removed. Page 4 Matt Mire, Esq. responded that a resubdivision would need to occur, although he said olher attorneys could have another opinion. Commissioner Pratt asked what mechanism allorls the vacation of setbacks. Wanen Campbell stated that all other examples have plat notes thai state a development site has been established. Matt Mire, Esq. added lhat a combination of properties could occur by a property owner to create a site. Wanen Campbell said that if the PEC wants to discuss this to a greater degree, the item needs to be called up. Commissioner Rediker asked what finding #1 in the memorandum means. Matt Mire added that ihis process to combine lots for the purpose of creating a development site are within the regulations of Titles 12 and 13. The Planning and Environmental Commission choose to affirm staffs administrative determination. 30 mlnutes 4. A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council on prescribed regulation amendments to Title 11, Sign Regulations, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Section 11-3-3, Prescribed Regulations Amendment, Vail Town Code, to establish regulations for ski yard base area signage, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PECI00041) Applicant Town of Vail Planner: Rachel Friede ACTION: Recommendatlon of approval lrlOTlON: Kurz SEGOND: Prafr VOTE: &0-l (Gartin recused) Commissioner Cartin recused himself due to a conflict of interest. Rachel Friede made a presentation per the staff memorandum. Commissioner Kuz stated that what was being proposed was appropriate for the ski yards. Commissioner Rediker inquired as to seasonal and restauranl advertising in the ski yard. Commissioners Mele and Pratt expressed their support. 5 mlnutes 5, A reguest for the revia,v of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Sec'tion 12-9G3, Condilional Uses, Vail Town Code, for a public building and grounds, to allow for the construction of a neur strudure to replace the Lionshead Parking Struciure Auxiliary Building to provide guest related facilities, located at 395 Soulh Frontrage Road WesULot'1, Block 2, Vail Lionshead First Filing, Lot 3, A Resubdivision of Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Second Filing, and East Lionshead Circle rights.of-way, and setting forlh details in regard thereto. (PEC100042) Applicant Town of Vail, represented by Tom Braun Planner: WanenCampbell ACTION: Tabled to October ll, 2010 MOTION: Kutz SECOND: Pratt VOTE:5-0-0 Page 5 t 5 mlnutes 6. A request for final review of conditional use permits, pursuant to Section '12-71-5, Conditional Uses: Generally (On All Levels Of A Building Or Outside Of A Building), VailTown Code, to allo,rr for the development of a public or private parking lot (parking structure); a vehicle maintenance, service, repair, storage, and fueling facility; a ski lift and tow (gondola), within "Ever Vail" (West Lionshead), located at 862, 923, 934, 953, and 1031 South Frontage Road West, and the South Frontage Road West right-of-way/Unplatted (a complete legal description is available for inspection at the Town of Vail Communig Developmenl Department), and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC080063) Applicant Vail Resorts, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Planner: WanenCampbell ACTION: Tabled to November 8, 2010 MOTION: Kurz SECOND:Pratt VOTE:5-0{ 5 mlnutes 7. A request for a final recommendation to the Vail Town Council for a zone district boundary amendment, pursuant lo '12-T7, Amendment, Vail Toryn Code, to allow for a rezoning of properties from Arterial Business District and unzoned South Frontage Road West right-of-way which is not zoned to Lionshead Mixed Use-2, properties known as "Ever Vail' (West Lionshead), located at 953 and 1031 South Frontage Road West and South Frontage Road West right-of-way, (a complete legal description is available for inspeclion at the Town of Vail Communig Development Department), and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC080061) Applicant Vail Resorts, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Planner: WanenCampbell AGTION: Tabled to November 8, 20{0 MOTION: Kurz SECOND:Pratt VOTE:5-0-0 5 mlnutes 8. A request for a final review of a variance from 12-7114, Site Coverage, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-'17, Yarianes, to allo , for additional site coverage below grade, within "Ever Vail" (West Lionshead), located at 934 (BP Site), 953 (Vail Professional Building), 1031 (Cascade Crossing) S. Frontage Road / Unplatted; 862 (VR Mainienance Shop) and 923 (Holy Cross Lot) S. Frontage Road / Trac{s A and B, S. Frontage Road SuMivision; 1000 (Glen Lyon ffice Building) S. Frontage Road / Lot 54, Glen Lyon Subdivision (a complete legal description is available for inspection at the Town of Vail Community Dravelopment Department), and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC090035) Applicant Vail Resorts, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Planner: WanenCampbell ACTION: Tabled to November 8, 2010 MOTION: Kurz SECOND: Pratt VOTE: S0-0 5 mlnutes 9. A request for a final recommendation to the Vail Town Gouncil for a proposed major amendment to Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, pursuant to Article 12-94, Special Development District, Vail Town Code, to allow for the removal of the Glen Lyon Commercial Site, Development Area D, (Glen Lyon Ofrice Building) from the District for incorporation into the properties known as "Ever Vail" (West Lionshead), located at 1000 S. Frontage Road WesULot 54 Glen Lyon Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC090036) Applicant Vail Resorts, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Planner: WarrenCampbell ACTION: Tabled to November 8, 2010 MOTION: Kurz SECOND:Praft VOTE:5-0-0 10. A request for a work session on a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Sec{ion 12-?F?,1*:li"? Alterations or Modifications, Vail Toryn Code, to allow for the redevelopment of the area known as 'Ever Vail' (West Lionshead), with multiple mixed-use structures including but not limited to, Page 6 mufiipls'family dwelling units, fractional fee units, accommodation units, employee housing units, ofrice, and commerciaUretail uses, located at E62, 923, 934, 953, and 1031 South Frontage Road West, and the South Frontage Road West righhof-way/Unplatted (a complete legal descdption is available for inspection at the Town of Vail Community Devetopment Department), and setting forlh details in regard thereto. (PEC080064) Applicant Vail Resorts, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Planner: WanenCampbell ACTION: Tabled to November 8, 2010 MOTION: Kurz SECOND:Pratt VOTE:5-0-0 5 mlnutec 11. A request for an amendment lo an Approved Development Plan, pursuant to Section 12-61-11, Development Plan Reguired, Housing Zone District, Vail Town Code, to allow for revisions to the required landscape plan and geologic hazard mitigaiion plan for the redevelopment of the eastemmost 5.24 acres of the Timber Ridge Village Apartments; and a request for the review of a variance, from Sec'tion 14-$'1, Minimum Standards, Parking Lot and Parking Structure Design Standards for All Uses, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Varianes, Vail Town Code, to allow for a crossover drive aisle width of less than thirty-feet (30') within the required parking struc'ture, located at 1280 North Frontage Road/Lots 1-5, Block C, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing 1 ,and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC1 0001 8/PEC10001 9) Applicant: Vail Timber Ridge L.L.C. Planner: George Ruther ACTION: Tabled to November 8, 2010 MOTION: Kurz SECOND:Pratt VOTE:5-0-0 5 mlnutes 12.A request for a final recommendation to the Vail Town Council for prescribed regulations amendments to Title 12, Zoning Regulations and Title 14, Development Standards, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, to provide regulations that will implement sustainable building and planning standards, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC090028) Applicant Town of Vail Planner: Rachel Friede AGTfON: Tabled to November 22,2010 ilOTION: Kurz SECOND: Prat VOTE:5-0{ 5 mlnutes 13.A request for the review of a conditional use permit pursuant to Section 12€H-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for a private parking slructure (the seasonal leasing of existing private parking spaces), located at 434 South Frontage Road (Lunar Vailll-ot 1, Resubdivision of a part of Tract D, Vail Village Sth fiting, and setting toittr Oetani in regard inereto. (PECIOOO43) Applicant Vail Mountain View Residences on Gore Creek, represented by Jack Hunn Planner: Bill Gibson AGTION: Wthdrawn 14. Approval of September 13, 2010 minutes MOTION: Kuz 15. Information Update 16. Adjournment MOTION: Kuz SEGOND: Pratt VOTET 5-0-0 SECOND:Prafr VOTE:4-0-0 The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours at the Tourn of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The Page 7 public is inviled to altend the proiec't odentation and the site visits that precede the publio hearing in the Torvn of Vail Communfi Devebpment Depailment. Please call (970) 479-213E for additional infonnation. Sign language inbrprelation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Pleaee call (970) 47$23ft ,Telephone for the l'badng lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published September 24, 2010, in the Vail Dally. Page I 12-3-5: DECI-.ARATION OF SITE ALLOCATION: A. File With Administrator: Whenever a site used or intended to be used pursuant to the provisions of this tifle cannot be cleady defined or identified by means of a single lot of record or by portions of combinations thereof, or by other recorded or legally recognized designation, the owner or his/her authorized agent may file a declaration of site allocation with the administrator. B. lnformation Provided: The declaration of site allocation shall be filed on a form to be provided by the administrator, and shall be accompanied by a map drawn to scale indicating the exact location, shape, and dimensions of the site and such other information as may be required by the administrator, including existing or proposed structures or improvements on the same or adjoining sites. C. Sworn; Option: The administrator may require that the declaration of site allocation be swom to by the owner or owners of the site. D. Lots To Meet Standards: No site declared under this section shall be recognized as a usable site pursuant to the provisions of this title if it results in creation of any site or parcel of land which does not fully meet the lot site and dimension requirements of the zone district in which it is located. The declaration of site allocation procedure shall not be substituted for the procedures prescribed in title 13 of this code if the site constitutes a portion of a parcel which can be further subdivided or othenrvise is subject to the provisions of !!!!g!j! of this code. (Ord. 29(2005) S 19: Ord. 8(1973) s 21.300) PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING RESULTS September 27,2010 at 1:00pm TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS ' PUBLIC WELCOME 75 S. Frontage Road - Vail, Golorado, 81657 MEMBERS ABSENT Tyler Schneidman BillPierce MEMBERS PRESENT David Viele John Rediker Luke Cartin Henry Pratt Michael Kuz 30 minutes 1. A request for the review of a conditional use permit pursuant to Section 12-9C-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of active outdoor recreation areas, facilities, and uses (lightning shelter), generally located at the #3 green of the Vail Golf Course/Tract E, Vail Village Filing 7; and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC100037) Applicant Vail Recreation District, represented by Scott O'Connell Planner: Bill Gibson ACTION: Approved MOTION: Kurz SECOND: Cartin VOTE: 3-1-1 (Viele opposed, Pratt recused) Henry Pratt recused himself due to a conflict of interest. Bill Gibson made a presentation per the Staff memorandum. Scott O'Connell of the Vail Recreation District made a brief presentation regarding the project and noted that the efforts the VRD has made to work with the adjacent homeowners including the proposed removal of the shelters walls. Commissioner Kuz asked O'Connell how the proposed lightning shelter locations were selected and noted that similar shelters are common at many golf courses. O'Connell responded that lightening is a significant concern for guest safety and as a result, lightening shelters are an important improvement to the course. He noted that several alternative locations were considered for the lightning shelter. Mike Ortiz, Executive Director of the VRD, added that there are over 25,000 rounds of golf are annually played at the Vail Golf Course and lightening shelters would improve player safety. The VRD will be proposing additional future lighting shelter sites based upon the recommendation of the golf course architect. Commissioner Rediker asked if architectural changes based upon neighbor concerns would result in changes to the size of the shelter. O'Connell responded that the shelters would be reduced in size from 18'x18'to 16'x16'. Commissioner Cartin asked if there are utilities, lighting and other aspects to the shelters. O'Connell responded that there are no utilities or lights associated with the structure. Page 1 Ned Gwathmey, representing adjacent property owners Johnson and Mclntyre, stated that the proposed shelter will be visible and closely located to the neighbor's homes. He noted that the proposed shelter will create an attractive nuisance that could be used for other purposes than shelter from lightning. They requested that the VRD pursue an alternate location such as one closer to the Hole #3 tee box or elsewhere. Bill Mclntyre, neighbor on Hornsilver Circle, stated that he has lived in this location for a long time and has a great relationship with the VRD. He stated the shelter will create a nuisance due to its proximity to his house and to the road. He said alternative locations including the tee box at Hole #3 or on the other side of the road at Hole #4 would be more appropriate. He stated he is not against the concept of lightning shelters, but hopes for a better location. Jim Weir, of Sherman and Howard, LLC, is a representative of the Mclntyres and the Johnsons. He stated that the shelter should be located in a place that minimizes impacts to neighbors. Ned Gwathmey stated that he lives on the Arrowhead Golf Course at the Country Club of the Rockies. He said lightening shelters at that course are far from homes. He then distributed an email from Scott O'Connell outlining changes to the shelter design. Commissioner Kuz asked Scott O'Connell about the potential nuisance issue at other shelters and this shelter. O'Connell responded that he met with the Vail Police to discuss potential issues with this type of shelter. He stated that Vail Police although Vail Police do not have current issues with criminal behavior in this area, they would monitor the proposed shelter. Commissioner Rediker asked what considerations were given to move the structure to other locations, such as the Hole #3 hole tee box or Hole #4. O'Connell stated that there were three alternate locations that were studied. He said that placing the structure near the tee boxes would eliminate much needed tee box area. He said other areas did not provide ADA access without adding new elements such as ramps. He also stated the VRD looked at the area west of the #3 tee box, but this area was eliminated as an option since the shelter would not be apparent to passing golfers. Locations at #4 were eliminated because potential locations since the structure would be in the range of play. He stated that there are more homeowners impacted with structure at Hole #4. He stated that guest safety is the number one concem of the VRD. Commissioner Rediker asked if opening up the structure would reduce effectiveness of the shelter for guests. O'Connell responded that while guests might get rained on, they would be protected from lightening with an open shelter. Commissioner Viele asked where other shelters were located. He stated that there could be other locations further from the road that would better protect people while not attracting kids. He suggested a location near Hole #8. O'Connell responded that any location on Hole #8 would be in play and would disrupt the ease of golfing on the adjacent holes. Ortiz added that the average age of Vail Golf Course golfers is 55 and easy access and ADA compliance are important. Page2 Commissioner Viele asked what percent of golfers are driving carts. Ortiz responded that approximately 40o/o of golfers are driving carts. Ned Gwathmey added that the proposed lightning shelter could be moved to a different hole. Ortiz responded that the key to a useful lightning shelter is visibility for golfers. He said kids who are partying are going to go where they are not visible and not in this shelter near the road. Commissioner Kuz commented that he understands the concems of the neighbors, but any improper activities could quickly be resolved with a single phone call to the VRD or police. He noted that the VRD had done great due diligence on this proposal. 20 minutes 2. A request for review of a variance from Section 12-6F-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Yanances, Vail Town Code, to allow for an addition within the side setback, focated at 1817 Meadow Ridge Road, Unit 6/Lot 21, Buffehr Creek Subdivision, and sefting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC100040) Applicant RobertBoymer Planner: Rachel Friede ACTION: Tabled to October 11,2O1O MOTION: Kurz SEGOND: Pratt VOTE: $0'0 30 minutes 3. A report to the Planning and Environmental Commission on an administrative determination, pursuant to 12-3-3(A), Administrative Actions, Vail Town Code, regarding the ability of a property owner to establish a development site comprised of multiple lots of record, portions of a lot of record, a combination of lots of record or portions thereof, or a parcel of land described by metes and bounds, without the review of a subdivision pursuant to the provisions of Title 13, Applicant Town of Vail ll.)Planner: Wanen Campbell Wanen Campbell made a presentation per the Staff memorandum. Merv Lapin stated that he does not want to replat the property so that it is easy for the heirs to his estate to build two new homes on the properties instead of having to subdivide the properties in the future. The proposed configuration of the duplex would allow one half of the duplex to remain while another structure could be built on the other lot with both complying with setbacks. Warren Campbell stated that the proposal has not been reviewed by the Design Review Board. Mr. Lapin added that the project would remove minimal trees. Commissioner Rediker stated his concern that this type of approval of combining platted lots into a development site does not take into account the future impacts. He asked if Staff or the Town Attorney have looked into long-term impacts. Warren Campbell stated that staff has looked at long term impacts and the Town Attomey has participated in these discussions. He said the main concern of staff is how this potentially changes the neighborhood. He said the Design Review Board could use the criteria to deny a structure of this size due to any negative effects on the neighborhood. Subdivision Regulations, Vail Town Code. /) Applicant Town of Vail UA. UGller./. W OY loc,rt Louvrc update Iz,1 o' oo{n o+ 1^oO b'7 T* G,^.i | /ur,n1 reC Page 3 Commissioner Pratt asked how setbacks could be ignored from a zoning perspective as the structure would cross a shared platted property line. Warren Campbell noted that in some cases, development sites have been established to create setbacks on the perimeter of the combined properties. Commissioner Viele stated that the applicant would be giving up a lot of development potential and this could offset the setback requirement. Warren Campbell stated that a variance would be difficult to support due to a lack of hardship. Commissioner Pratt asked what mechanism allows the Town to vacate the setbacks. Wanen Campbell stated that the conglomeration of parcels is administrative and establishes the new "development site". Commissioner Pratt asked if this allows staff to supersede a platted property line. Commissioner Kurz stated that this process would allow property owners to create their own development sites. He asked if this is strong enough of a process to allow combining lots. Commissioner Rediker stated his concern regarding creating de facto legislation through this determination. Merv Lapin said he wanted to keep the property line for estate planning purposes and to keep the two lots. Commissioner Cartin asked if this type of determination could be limited to a certain district or overall lot size. Wanen Campbell stated that any type of limitation to this determination should be codified by creation of new regulations. Commissioner Pratt stated that he doesn't have anything against the proposed design or concept, but he couldn't justify the elimination of setbacks. Commissioner Kurz slated that there are holes in the Vail Town Code that perhaps should be addressed for procedural purposes. Merv Lapin stated that he loses development potential by combining the lots. Commissioner Kuz stated lhat reduction in GRFA is positive. Warren Campbell stated that there are two options- call up the administrative determination or confirm staff's administrative determination. Commissioner Rediker asked if the PEC could approve a variance versus a blanket approval of creation of development sites. Warren Campbell asked Matthew Mire, Town Attorney, if lot lines could be reinstated after a structure would be removed. Page 4 Matt Mire, Esq. responded that a resubdivision would need to occur, although he said other attorneys could have another opinion. Commissioner Pratt asked what mechanism allows the vacation of setbacks. Warren Campbell stated that all other examples have plat notes that state a development site has been established. Matt Mire, Esq. added that a combination of properties could occur by a property owner to create a site. Warren Campbell said that if the PEC wants to discuss this to a grealer degree, lhe item needs to be called up. Commissioner Rediker asked what finding #1 in the memorandum means. Matt Mire added that this process to combine lots for the purpose of creating a development site are within the regulations of Titles 12 and 13. The Planning and Environmental Commission choose to affirm staffs administrative determination. 30 minutes 4. A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council on prescribed regulation amendments to Title 11, Sign Regulations, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Section 11-3-3, Prescribed Regulations Amendment, Vail Town Code, to establish regulations for ski yard base area signage, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC100041) Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Rachel Friede AGTION: Recommendation of approval MOTION: Kurz SECOND: Pratt VOTE:4-0-l (Gartin recused) Commissioner Cartin recused himself due to a conflict of interest. Rachel Friede made a presentation per the staff memorandum. Commissioner Kuz stated that what was being proposed was appropriate for the ski yards. Commissioner Rediker inquired as to seasonal and restaurant advertising in the ski yard. Commissioners Viele and Pratt expressed their support. 5 minutes 5. A request for the review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-9C-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, for a public building and grounds, to allow for the construction of a new structure to replace the Lionshead Parking Structure Auxiliary Building to provide guest related facilities, located at 395 South Frontage Road WesULot 1, Block 2, Vail Lionshead First Filing, Lot 3, A Resubdivision of Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Second Filing, and East Lionshead Circle rights-of-way, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC100042) Applicant Town of Vail, represented by Tom Braun Planner: WanenCampbell ACTION: Tabled to October 11,2010 MOTION: Kurz SECOND: Pratt VOTE:5-0-0 Page 5 5 minutes 6. A request for final review of conditional use permits, pursuant to Section 12-71-5, Conditional Uses: Generally (On All Levels Of A Building Or Outside Of A Building), Vail Town Code, to allow for the development of a public or private parking lot (parking structure); a vehicle maintenance, service, repair, storage, and fueling facility; a ski lift and tow (gondola), within "Ever Vail" (West Lionshead), located at 862, 923,934,953, and 1031 South Frontage Road West, and the South Frontage Road West right-of-way/Unplatted (a complete legal description is available for inspection at the Town of Vail Community Development Department), and setting forth details in regard thereto. ( PEC080063) Applicant: Vail Resorts, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Planner: WarrenCampbell ACTION: Tabled to November 8, 2010 MOTION: Kurz SEGOND:Praft VOTE:5-0-0 5 minutes 7. A request for a final recommendation to the Vail Town Council for a zone district boundary amendment, pursuant to 12-3-7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, to allow for a rezoning of properties from Arterial Business District and unzoned South Frontage Road West right-of-way which is not zoned to Lionshead Mixed Use-2, properties known as "Ever Vail" (West Lionshead), located at 953 and 1031 South Frontage Road West and South Frontage Road West right-of-way, (a complete legal description is available for inspection at the Town of Vail Community Development Department), and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC080061) Applicant: Vail Resorts, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Planner: WarrenCampbell AGTION: Tabled to November 8, 2010 MOTION: Kurz SECOND:Pratt VOTE:5-0-0 5 minutes 8. A request for a final review of a variance from 12-71-14, Site Coverage, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Yariances, to allow for additional site coverage below grade, within "Ever Vail" (West Lionshead), located at 934 (BP Site), 953 (Vail Professional Building), 1031 (Cascade Crossing) S. Frontage Road / Unplatted; 862 (VR Maintenance Shop) and 923 (Holy Cross Lot) S. Frontage Road / Tracts A and B, S. Frontage Road Subdivision; 1000 (Glen Lyon Office Building) S. Frontage Road / Lot 54, Glen Lyon Subdivision (a complete legal description is available for inspection at the Town of Vail Community Development Department), and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC090035) Applicant: Vail Resorts, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Planner: Warren Campbell ACTION: Tabled to November 8, 2010 MOTION: Kurz SECOND:Praft VOTE:5-0-0 5 minutes 9. A request for a final recommendation to the Vail Town Council for a proposed major amendment to Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, pursuant to Article 12-94, Special Development District, Vail Town Code, to allow for the removal of the Glen Lyon Commercial Site, Development Area D, (Glen Lyon Office Building) from the District for incorporation into the properties known as "Ever Vail" (West Lionshead), located at 1000 S. Frontage Road WesULot 54 Glen Lyon Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC090036) Applicant: Vail Resorts, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Planner: Warren Campbell ACTION: Tabled to November 8, 2010 MOTION: Kurz SEGOND: Pratt VOTE: $0-0 5 minutes 10. A request for a work session on a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-71-7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the redevelopment of the area known as "Ever Vail" (West Lionshead), with multiple mixed-use structures including but not limited to, Page 6 multiple-family dwelling units, fractional fee units, accommodation units, employee housing units, office, and commercial/retail uses, located at 862, 923, 934, 953, and 1031 South Frontage Road West, and the South Frontage Road West right-of-way/Unplatted (a complete legal description is available for inspection at the Town of Vail Community Development Department), and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC080064) Applicant Vail Resorts, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Planner: Warren Campbell ACTION: Tabled to November 8, 2010 MOTION: Kurz SECOND:Pratt VOTE:5-0-0 5 minutes 11. A request for an amendment to an Approved Development Plan, pursuant to Section 12-61-11, Development Plan Required, Housing Zone District, Vail Town Code, to allow for revisions to the required landscape plan and geologic hazard mitigation plan for the redevelopment of the easternmost 5.24 acres of the Timber Ridge Village Apartments; and a request for the review of a variance, from Section 14-5-1 , Minimum Standards, Parking Lot and Parking Structure Design Standards for All Uses, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17 , Yariances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a crossover drive aisle width of less than thirty-feet (30') within the required parking structure, located at 1280 North Frontage Road/Lots 1-5, Block C, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing 1,and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC100018/PEC100019) Applicant: Vail Timber Ridge L.L.C. Planner: George Ruther ACTION: Tabled to November 8, 2010 MOTION: Kurz SECOND:Pratt VOTE:5-0-0 5 minutes 12.A request for a final recommendation to the Vail Town Council for prescribed regulations amendments to Title 12, Zoning Regulations and Title 14, Development Standards, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, to provide regulations that will implement sustainable building and planning standards, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC090028) Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Rachel Friede ACT|ON: Tabled to November 22,2010 MOTION: Kurz SEGOND:Pratt VOTE:5-0-0 5 minutes 13.A request for the review of a conditional use permit pursuant to Section 12-6H-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for a private parking structure (the seasonal leasing of existing private parking spaces), located at 434 South Frontage Road (Lunar Vail)/Lot 1, Resubdivision of a part of Tract D, Vail Village 5h Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC100043) Applicant Vail Mountain Mew Residences on Gore Creek, represented by Jack Hunn Planner: Bill Gibson ACTION: Withdrawn 14. Approval of September 1 3, 2010 minutes MOTION: Kurz lS.lnformation Update 16. Adjournment MOTION: Kurz SEGOND:Praft VOTE:5-0-0 SEGOND:Pratt VOTE:4-0-0 The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The Page 7 public is invited to aftend the project orientation and lhe site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call (970) 479-218 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (970) 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published September 24 , 2010, in the Vail Daily. Page 8 TO: FROM; DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department September 27,2O1O A report to the Planning and Environmental Commission on an administrative determination, pursuant to 12-3-3(A), Administrative Actions, Vail Town Code, regarding the ability of a property owner to establish a development site comprised of multiple lots of record, portions of a lot of record, a combination of lots of record or portions thereof, or a parcel of land described by metes and bounds, without the review of a subdivision pursuant to the provisions of Title 13, Subdivision, Vail Town Code. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Wanen Campbell il. SUMMARY The Town of Vail Staff has prepared this memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission in order to inform the Commission of an administrative determination that was made regarding a provision of the Vail Town Code regarding the establishment of a development lot or site pursuant to 12-3-3(4), Administrative Actions, Vail Town Code. Staff made its determination after reviewing the Code that a development site can be established by property owners without a formal process. Based upon Staffs review of the Code as outlined in Section lll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission affirms staffs determination. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST Recently, Merv Lapin, the owner of two adjacent properties on West Meadow Drive inquired with the Town Staff with regard to the redevelopment of his two lots. His initial concept is two remove the structure upon each individual lot and reconstruct a single structure across the shared property line. In response to this request Town Staff reviewed the Code with regard to the regulations pertaining to a concept of this nature. The portions of the Code that were examined include Title 12, Zoning Regulations, and Title 13, Subdivision Regulations, Vail Town Code. These portions of the Code were examined as they contain the regulations which determine the processes for land use development. The Code Sections that Staff found to be applicable are found in Section lll of this memorandum. In reviewing Title 12 of the Code Staff found references to the ability to utilize lots or sites in numerous zone districts as the basis for the zoning parameters which establish development potential. Furthermore, in reading the Title 12 definition of "lot or site" it is clear that a "lot or site" can be comprised of multiple different land defining methods from platted to metes and bounds descriptions. With this information Staff was left with the questions of who can establish a development 'lot or site" and the process that was required by the Code. These questions pointed staff in the direction of reMewing Title 13. Sections 13-1-2, Purpose, |il. and 13-1-3, Compliance, Vail Town Code, were reviewed in order to establish any applicability. Subsection 13-1-3(D), Compliance, Vail Town Code, regulates the construction of structures on parcels of land which meet the subdivision chapter regulations. Staff interpreted this initially as a structure need to be contained within a single established parcel thus prohibiting a structure from crossing over a shared property line. However, upon further review Staff concluded that so long as all the established defined parcels meet the regulations of Title 13, that there was nothing prohibiting multiple parcels from being assembled to create a development "lot or site" as defined in Title 12. Furthermore, in reviewing the definition of "Lot' as found in Title 13, Subdivision Regulations, Vail Town Code, staff determined that it was possible to have a "Lot" comprised of a "parcel or portion of land." ln conclusion, when reviewing the definition of "Lot" from Title 13, and the definition of "Lot or Site" from Title 12, it was determined that no platting process was required to establish a development lot or site as permitted in multiple zone districts. While the Code did not provide a clear answer to whom could establish a development "lot or site" Staff felt that so long as a subdivision process was not required by Title 13, that an owner or group of owners had the right to determine what assemblage of lots of record, a portion of a lot of record, a combination of lots of record or portions thereof, or a parcel of land described by metes and bounds would be established as their development lot or site. While a specific request was made Merv Lapin regarding his situation, the review of this Staff determination should be reviewed with the mindset that the affirmation or modification of Staffs determination impacts numerous properties throughout Town. Any affirmation or modification of Staff's administrative determination will apply throughout the Town. A copy of the written determination to Merv Lapin has been attached for reference (Attachment A). APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Title 12. Zoninq Requlations. Vail Town Code (in part) Chapter 12-3, Administration and Enforcement 12-3-3: Appeals: A. Administrative Actions: Any decision, determination or interpretation by any town administrative official with respecf to the provisions of thls title and the standards and procedures hereinafter set forth shall become final at the next planning and environmental commission meeting (or in the case of design related decision, the nert design review board meeting) following the administrafor's declslon, unless the decision is called up and modified by the board or commission. Section 12-2-2, Definitions, VailTown Code, LOT OR SITE: A parcel of land occupied or intended to be occupied by a use, building, or structure under the provisions of this title and meeting the minimum requirements of this title. A lot or site mav consist of a sinqle lot of record. a portion of a lot of record. a combination of lots of record or portions thereof, or a parcel of land described bv metes and bounds. Chapter 12-6D, Two-family Primary Secondary Residential District 12-6D-1: Purpose: The two-family primary/secondary residential district is intended to provide sifes for single-family residential uses or two-family residential uses rn which one unit is a larger primary residence and the second unit is a smaller caretaker apartment, together with such public facilities as may appropriately be located in the same zone district. The tuvo- family primary/secondary residential district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, privacy and open space for each dwelling, commensurate with single-family and two- family occupancy, and to maintain the desirable residential qualities of such sites by establishing appropriate site development standards. 12-6D-5: Lot Area And Sife Dimenslons: The minimum lot or site area shall be fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of buildable area, and each site shall have a minimum frontage of thirty feet (30). Each site shall be of a size and shape capable of enclosing a square area, eighty feet (80') on each side, within its boundaries. 1 2-6D-8: Density Control : A. Dwelling Units: Not more than a total of two (2) dwelling units shall be permifted on each site with only one dwelling unit permitted on existing /ofs /ess fhan fourteen thousand (14,000) square feet. 8. Gross Residential Floor Area: 1. The following gross residential floor area (GRFA) shall be permitted on each sife; a. Not more than forty six (46) square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) for each one hundred (100) square feet of the first ten thousand (10,000) square feet of site area; plus b. Thirty eight (38) square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) for each one hundred (100) square feet of site area over ten thousand (10,000) square feet, not exceeding fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of site area; plus c. Thifteen (13) square feef of gross residential floor area (GRFA) for each one hundred (100) square feet of site area over fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet, not exceeding thirty thousand (30,000) square feet of site area; plus d. Six (6) square feef of gross residential floor area (GRFA) for each one hundred (100) square feet of site area in excess of thirty thousand (30,000) square feet. 2. The secondary unit shall not exceed forty percent (40%o) of the allowable gross residential floor area (GRFA). B. Title 13. Subdivision Reoulations. Vail Town Code (in oart) 13-1-2: PURPOSE: Statutory Authority: The subdivision regulations contained in this title have been prepared and enacted in accordance with Colorado Revised Sfafufes title 31, afticle 23, for the purpose of promoting the health, safety and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of the town. Goals: To these endg these regulations are intended to protect the environment, to ensure efficient circulation, adequate improvements, sufficient open space and in general, to asslsf the orderly, efficient and integrated development of the town. These regulations also provide for the proper anangement of sfreefs and ensure proper distribution of population. The regulations a/so coordinate the need for public serylces with governmental improvement programs. Standards for design and construction of improvements are hereby set forth to ensure adequate and convenient traffic circulation, utilities, emergency access, drainage, recreation and light and air. Also intended is the improvement of land records and surueys, plans and plats and to safeguard the interests of the public and subdivider and provide consumer protection for the purchaser; and to regulate other matters as the town planning and environmental commission and town council may deem necessary in order to protect the best interests of the public. Specific Purposes; These regulations are further intended fo serve the following specific purposes: 1. To inform each subdivider of the standards and criteria by which development proposals will be evaluated, and to provide information as to the type and extent of im provem ents req u ired. 2. To provide for the subdivision of property in the future without conflict with development on adjacent land. 3. To protect and conserve the value of land throughout the municipality and the value of buildings and improvements on the land. 4. To ensure that subdivision of property is in compliance with the town's zoning ordinancesl, to achieve a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses, conslsfenf with town development objectives. 5. To guide public and private policy and action in order to provide adequate and efficient tra nsportation, water, sew age, schoo/s, parks, pl aygrounds, recreation, and other public requirements and facilities and generally to provide that public facilities will have sufficient capacity fo serve the proposed subdivision. 6. To provide for accurate legal descriptions of newly subdivided land and to establish reasonable and desirable construction design standards and procedures. 7. To prevent the pollution of air, sfreams and ponds, fo assure adequacy of drainage facilities, to safeguard the water table and to encourage fhe wSe use and management of natural resources throughout the town in order to preserue the integrity, stability and beauty of the community and the value of the land. C. 13-1-3: COMPLIANCE: A. General Prohibition: lt is unlawful for any person, buslness, or corporation to violate any of the provisions of fhls chapter or to transfer, sefi /ease or agree to sell or lease, any lot, tract, parcel, sife, separafe interest (including a leasehold interest), interest in common, condominium interest, timeshare estate, fractional fee, or timeshare license, or any other division within a subdivision within the town until such subdivision has been approved in writing by the administrator, planning and environmental commission and/or the council (whichever is applicable) and a plat thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle County clerk and recorder; provided, however, that a written agreement to se/l or lease which ls express/y conditioned upon full compliance by the seller with the subdivision regulations of the town within a specified period of time and which expressly recites the se//er's failure to safisff such condition within such period of time shall terminate the agreement and entitle the buyer to the prompt return of all consideration heretofore paid by the buyer under such agreement, shall not constitute a violation of this subsection. B. Prohibitive Conveyance: No lot or parcel of land, nor any interest therein, shall be transfened, conveyed, sold, subdivided or acquired either in whole or in part, so as to create a new nonconforming lot, or to avoid or circumvent or subvert any provision of this chapter. C. Responsibility: The owner, developer, buyer, or seller shall be fully responsible for all acfs of agenfs or employees thereof that are committed in violation of the terms of this chapter. D. Prohibited Construction: No structure shall be constructed. nor buildinq permit issued for a structure. on anv parcel of land except where such structure is to be constructed upon a parcel which meets the requlations contained herein. The lot lines, common walls, individual units, condominium unifs estab/rlshed in such development or parcel shall not be changed or altered by conveyance of a part thereof, nor shall any part of the same be joined with a paft of any other for conveyance or construction or converted to condominiums or time sharing unless and until written application, and other required materials, has been made to and approved in wrrting by the administrator, planning and environmental commission and/or the council (whichever is applicable). E. Remedies For Violations: ln addition to all remedies provided by law, the town shall be authorized to enforce its subdivision regulations as follows: 1. The town, in addition to other remedies provided, may institute an action for injunction, mandamus, abatement, or other appropriate action or proceeding to prevent, enjoin, abate, remove an unlavvful construction, use, occupancy or conveyance or to enjoin any subdivider from selling, agreeing to sell or offering to sell, or otherwise convey, before full compliance with the provisions of the chapter, any parceled land or other interest which sale conveyance would constitute a 'subdivision" as defined in section 13-2-2 of this title. 2. The town building official shall refuse to rssue permlfs of any kind for the construction of any building or other improvements upon any land for which an approved final plat is required by this chapter, unless and until the requirements hereof have been complied with. tv. 3. No building permit shall be issued for any lot or parceled land which has been transferred, conveyed, sold, subdivided or acquired in violation of this chapter. Any transferee who acguires a /of or a parcel of land in violation of this chapter without knowledge of such violation, and any subseguenf transferee, shall have the right to rescind and/or receive damages ftom any transferor who violates the provisions of this chapter. 4. The administrator, planning and environmental commission and/or council (whichever is applicable) may withdraw any approval of a plan or plat or require certain corrective measures to be taken following a determination that information provided by the subdivider, or by anyone on his or her behalf, upon which a decision was based is false or inaccurate. The administrator shall cause wriften notice to be served on the subdivider, or hi{her assignees, setting out a clear and concrse statement of the alleged false or inaccurate information provided by the subdivider, or agents on hidher behalf and directing the subdivider to appear at a certain time for a hearing before the planning and environmental commission not /ess than fifteen (15) days nor more than thirty (30) days after the date of seruice of notice. The planning and environmental commission shall determine at the hearing the nature and extent of the alleged false or inaccurate information and shall have power, for good cause being shown, to withdraw any approval or require certain conective measures to be taken. However, withdrawal of approval or imposition of corredive requirements shall not be an exclusive remedy on finding by the planning and environmental commission that inaccurate information has been received, and any and all remedies provided by law may be exercised. Chapter 13-2, Definitions, Vail Town Code (in part) LOT: A parcel or porlion of land separated ftom other parcels or portions by legal description and abutting upon one or more public streets or roads and intended as a unit for the transfer whether immediate or future, of ownership or for development. RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends the Planning and EnMronmental Commission confirms Staffls administrative determination pursuant to 12-3-3(A), Administrative Actions, Vail Town Code, regarding the ability of a property owner to establish a development site comprised of multiple lots of record, portions of a lot of record, a combination of lots of record or portions thereof, or a parcel of land described by metes and bounds, without the review of a subdivision pursuant to the provisions of Title 13, Subdivision, Vail Town Code. This recommendation is based upon the review of the Vail Town Code as outlined in this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to confirm Staff's administrative determination there is no action that needs to be taken by the Commission. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to confirm Staff's administrative determination, the Community Development Departmenl recommends the Commission makes the following findings: v. "Based upon the review of the Vail Town Code as outlined in the Staff memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated September 27, 2010, and the evidence and testimony presented, the Planning and Environmental Commission finds: "1. The establishment of a development site by a property owner complies with each of the applicable provisions of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, and Title 13, Subdivision Regulations, Vail Town Code 2. The establishment of a development site does not grant any approval for any future development as all proposals sha// comply with the applicable regulations of the Vail Town Code for review. 3. The establishment of a developmenf sr'le resu/ts in all lots of record, a portion of a lot of record, a combination of lots of record or portions thereof, q a parcel of land described by metes and bounds being considered a single lot for zoning purposes." ATTACHMENTS A. Letter to Merv Lapin dated August 27,2010 Dqartmcnt of Community Dcuebpme* 75 Sorth Fronuge Road Vail" C,ohrado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 uruu.aailgoucom August 27,2010 Merv Lapin 232 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 RE; Establishment of Lots 6 and 7, Vail Village Filing 2, as a development site. Merv, This letter is being provided as a follow-up to our discussion regarding the establishment of Lots 6 and 7 of Vail Village Filing 2 as a development site in order to pursue a proposal to construct a single structure across the shared platted property line. Below are the provisions of the Vail Town Code which apply to this request. Section 12-2-2. Definitions, Vail Town Code, LOT OR SITE: A parcel of land occupied or intended to be occupied by a use, building, or structure under the provisions of this title and meeting the minimum rcquirements of this title. A lot or site mav consist of a sinqle lot of record. a poftion of a lot of record, a combination of lots of record or portions thereof. or a parcel of land descibed bv metes and bounds. Chapter 12-6D, Two-family Primary Secondary Residential District 12-6D-1: Purpose: The two-family primary/secondary residential distict is intended to provide sifes for single-family residential uses or two-family residentia/ uses in which one unit is a larger pimary residence and the second unit is a srnaller caretaker apartment, together with such public facilities es may appropriately be located in the same zone district. The twe family primary/secondary residential district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, privacy and open space for each dwelling, commensurate with single-family and two- family occupancy, and to maintain the desirable residential qualities of such sifes by establishing appropriate site development standards. 12-6D-5: Lot Area And Site Dimensions: The minimum lot or site area shall be fifreen thousand (15,000) square feet of buildable area, and each site shall have a minimum frontage ot thirty feet (30'). Each site shall be of a size and shape capable of enclosing a square area, eighty feet (80') on each side, within its boundaries. €!lo*ruo 1 2-6D-8: Density Control: A. Dwelling Units: Not more than a total of two (2) dwelling units shall be permifted on each site with only one dwelling unit permitted on existing /ofs /ess than fourteen thousand (14,000) square feet. 8. Gross Residential Floor Area: 1. The following gross residential floor area (GRFA) shall be permifted on each site: a. Not more than forty six (46) square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) for each one hundred (100) square feet of the first ten thousand (10,000) square feet of site area; plus b. Thirty eight (38) square feef of gross residential floor area (GRFA) for each one hundred (100) square feet of site area over ten thousand (10,000) square feet, not exceeding fifteen thousand (1 5,000) square feet of site area; plus c. Thifteen (13) square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) for each one hundred (100) square feet of site area over fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet, not exceeding thirty thousand (30,000) sguare feet of site area; plus d. Six (6) square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) for each one hundred (100) square feet of site area in excess of thirty thousand (30,000) square feet. 2. The secondary unit shall not exceed forty percent (40%) ot the allowable gross residential floor area (GRFA). Furthermore, the Town's adopted Building Code contains provisions to prohibit the construction of a structure across a property line without compliance with regulations requiring a fire rated party wall. These provisions can be found in Section 706.1.1 of the 2009 Edition of the Intemational Building Code. It is the determination of Staff that you, the applicant, can choose to determine what your desired lot or site will be with regard to the proposal of a structure on your lots under Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code. For the purposes of reviewing a proposal which is comprised of a site containing two platted lots staff will calculate the development standards for the site based upon the site as a whole. ln order to address the regulations and provisions in the Building Code a document needs to be recorded against the properties, with the Town as a party to the agreement, which clearly identifies that the two lots are considered to be a single development site and so long as the structure is in place neither of the two lots will be sold, transferred, or developed further, without compliance with the Zoning Code and Building Code being demonstrated. The Town needs to be a party to this document to prevent its removal prior to the removal of the structure from the development site. Upon removal of the structure the recorded document can be removed from the property records for the lots with the County. Please be aware that staff anticipates taking this determination before lhe Planning and Environmental Commission for discussion and confirmation. Should the Commission find that staff has misinterpreted the Code, the findings of the Commission will provide the method for moving forward with your proposal. This interpretation does not imply in any form that staff has performed any analysis of your proposal for compliance wlth the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Distric{, Design Review, or Development Standards of the Vail Town Code. Thank you for taking the time to discuss your proposal with George and myself. lf you have any further questions please feel free to contact me by email at wcam pbef f @vai lqov. com or by phone al 97 O-47 9-21 48. Sincerely, {,},.A^TX'.{I Warren Campbell, AICP Ghief of Planning Town of Vail Cc: File 0o i Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Cornmunity Development 75 South Fontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proiect Name: Halaby residence DRB Number: DR8020388 Prcject DescripUon: New two-family and EHU Pafticipants: OWNER Theodore S, Halaby t012812002 Phone: 303-888-5959 12 Vista Road Englewood, CO DENVER CO 9=80110 License: APPUCANT Segerberg Mayhew&Assoc, ArcL0/28120A2 Phone: 476-,1433 1000 S Frontage Rd West Suite 300 Vail, CO Ksegerberg@smarchs.com 81657 License: Project Addressz 252W MEADOW DR VAIL Loca6on: east unit with EHU legal DescripUon: Lot: I Block Subdivision: VAIL ULLAGE FIUNG 2 Paroel Number: 210107101002 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Moffrt Action: APPROVED Second By: Slifer Vote: 4-3 Dateof Apprcval: 05/16/2003 CondiUons: Cnnd:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Toryn of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Condr 0 (PIAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiUes. Cond: CON0005684 Residential fire sprinkler system required due to circumferential travel distance, lack of acess to rear of property, driveway grading and width. Cond: CON0005864 That five of the replacement trees required by the Design Review Board shall be 35 ft. tall. Cond: CON0005865 That the driveway turn-around areas be removed. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $650.00 0cT-25-20t12 FRI t2:20 Pll Ls-/'6/o2 o0: It F I t03?cl05l0.rn./itraL rlor olr."zt r,t4l_g@g _ FA)( NO, IL I.ADY srfitrff9-VAIL P, 01 I{tl 0 0 $oo? T(,}1IN Appltcatlon for Deiign Review,'ffi#ffi,ffi' GGna|?l tnfotlnlgcn r H#B'tH!,x*ffi f,EilJ#iiffif=:qru#f"fiffi,l{#ffi-H.m$;*g';S**'ffi it#,1ffi;,ffi:+ffiH#,ffi ffi;Jj$H;'HiltrWrui+'8ffi nffi#ffitrss5l#HiH'ffi'*ff"ffi ff +?#*'j*m*9";unffl;Yfl ^uHi'&;;'e;;;-''''s'crtrrtrr'n oeslgn Ferrl-or - DuFlex )btziaqnac Gonanl lnforrnagcn; All Projdtc$ or* i"ni"rtte rPPrenl' oe*tlPtlon of tlE B.qqartt r-ocruprr of rfia Froeodt'-''''-'-o &"-=-subaivlslaqs ' vl@ 252 lrbEt l*noagllE$ H;rfrTi ,fi t t .J-_-f'o tI- (co'ritct E,,el. cn- Asrc'sr at e'evr!*6'.n lbr *o no l Nerre(r) or 0woG(3)r ffi* r? vtrta noad Rglewood, c.a j9:10 l{a[lng Addrger: +k srrncr(r) Signlt'm(5)t , ltalhew & Igcbei chlte<ttE t{rrnc tf APPlicant: IOAO g. Fronta$e l3cr.d fle=t, E:1". 39!vul-l'''CO 81657 Hdlln€ Addrccr:Pl|oft:-E a-+l#l--- Fhyricrl Addrs: for (Ifilcc Fct lla|d: fue TyF,6 ot R3rlfl 'td F:a: U 5.rqn5 trl Gon.l.ftull R'l'igrv fl/t{cw condrqcr.lon o arldh-on O Hinor Altcrsbo (multrflmivletmmorclntr (l llinnr /\ltr:r#orr -(9d9ltf f .nlilY/Cuglcr ) U Cttan$! ta AtlPrqnod PUns Cl ScPlrJfion Rcqu'it Btlr *l.oo Fr qudr ioEt (' tdEt c'Jn lro'nffiffiffi #f,#ffi: pigs tE $ill',Hf;3,S1,*f,'g' ""u f#T:%HI{*;ln5 3k'rdv apprarcd !d Pt..rnlt strlr rx tr'tc brabo natqr Eoato' ts0 NO TGG f,6sD ftoo s2so 120 $20 No Flc ,lu RECEIV EB A*(*! o4'4P Ctn-41 Allpfi<euofi flffineri- ()cr 21 2002 t3b $l/ MEMORANDUM TO: Vail Town Council FROM: Department of Community Development DATE: 4pn115,2002 SUBJECT: An appeal of the Design Review Board approval of the Halaby residence (DRB02-0070), a new two-family residence and Type ll EHU, located at 252 West Meadow Drive/Lot 8, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: Theodore S. Halaby, represented by Segerberg, Mayhew & Associates Appellant: Merv Lapin (232 West Meadow Drive) Appellant: Caleb and Maryan Hurit(272 West Meadow Drive) Planner: Bill Gibson I. SUBJECTPROPERTY The subject property is a Two-Family Residential zoned lot located at 252 West Meadow Drive/Lot 8, Vail Village 2nd Filing. The applicant is proposing to construct a two-family residence and Type ll Employee Housing Unit (EHU). II. STANDING OF APPELLANT The appellants Merv Lapin (232 West Meadow Drive) and Caleb and Maryan Hurft (272 West Meadow Drive) have standing to file appeals as adjacent property owners. III. REQUIRED ACTION The Town Council shall uphold, overturn, or modify the Design Review Board's approval of the Halaby residence (DRB02-0070), a new two-family residence and Type ll EHU, located at 252 West Meadow Drive/Lot 8, Vail Village 2"" Filing. Pursuant to Sub-section 12-3-3-C5, Vail Town Code, the Town Council is required to make findings of fact in accordance with the Vail Town Code: The Town Council shall on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the pafticular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must support conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requiremenfs of fhis title (Zoning Regulations, Title 12) have or have not been met. Please refer to Attachments A, B, C, and D for additional information related to the Halaby residence proposal. fte\.,'l( Vt bd" tv. :, "t,-:' 1,. ' -!a BACKGROUfiID The Desigri RevieW Bbard has reviewed the proposed Halaby residence (DRB02-0070), a new two-fami[4 residence and Type ll EHU, located at 252 West Meadow Drive at a total of seven public hearings. September 18,2002: Conceptual review of the proposed two-family residence and EHU and review of a separation request. The separation request was denied by a vote of 4-0. October 2,2002: Conceptual review of revised two-family residence and Type ll EHU proposal with no vote. The discussions of the September 18, 20Q2, and October 2, 2OO2, meetings focused on the physical and visual connection of the two-family residence dwelling units. These issues were resolved to the Design Review Board's satisfaction. These discussions also focused on the proposed site/landscape plan and proposed tree removal. November 20, 2002: Conceptual review of revised two-family residence and Type ll EHU proposal with no vote. December 4,2002: Final review of revised two-family residence and Type ll EHU discussed and tabled. February 5, 2003: Final review of revised two-family residence and Type ll EHU discussed and tabled. February 19, 2003: Final review of revised two-family residence and Type ll EHU discussed and tabled. The discussions of the November 20,2002 through February 19, 2003 meetings focused primarily on minor architectural revisions, minor parking/drlveway revisions, and continued discussion related to the proposed site/landscape plan and proposed tree removal. March 5, 2003: Final review of revised two-family residence and Type ll EHU approved by a vote of 3-0 with one condition: The applicant shall revise the landscape plan to replace, not relocate, the two cottonwood trees located direcfly east of the proposed east unit parking area with two cottonwood trees of the same caliper, which must be reviewed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department for apprcval prior to the submittal for a building permit. Understanding the controversial nature of this application, the Design Review Board articulated the following specific finding with their March 5, 2003, approval of the Halaby residence: This application complies with the objectives and design guidelines of Chapter 12-11 (Design Review) and Title 14 (Development Standards Handbook) of the Vail Town Code. Furthermore, the prcposed site planning and landscaping comply with the objectives and design guidelines of Sectbn 12-1 1-1D (Guidelines), Chapter 14-6 (Grading Standards), and Chapter 14- 10 (Design Review Sfandards and Guidelines). At the March 5, 2003, public hearing the Design Review Board noted their appreciation for the applicant's efforts to revise the proposal to meet the Board's recommendations and the applicant's efforts to work with the adjacent property owners in an attempt to address the neighbors' concerns. The Board commented that the numerous revisions to the proposal have resulted in a final design with attractive architecture and a well designed site/landscaping plan. The Design Review Board expressed its regret that existing trees are proposed to be removed from the site, but acknowledged that the site is currently so heavily covered with trees that any redevelopment of the property is not practical without the loss of some existing trees. The Board also noted the proposed landscape plan, in conjunction with the tree preservation plan, created an attractive landscape design that compensated for the proposed removal of some existing trees. On December 9, 2002, the Planning and Environmental Commission approved a conditional use permit for the proposed Type ll EHU, located at 252 West Meadow Drive, based upon the findings noted in the staff memorandum by a vote of 7-0 with two conditions: 1. The applicant shall revise the plans to provide an adequate and safe walkway frcm the EHU entrance to the parking area. 2. This conditional use permit approval is contingent upon the applicant receiving design review apprcval for the related design review application. A complete analysis of the application and the Design Guidelines is provided in Sections V and Vl of this memorandum. On March 17,2Q03, property owners adjacent to this site, Merv Lapin (232 West Meadow Drive) and Caleb and Maryan Hurll(272West Meadow Drive), filed appeals of the Design Review Board's approval of the Halaby residence. The appellants' appeals primarily focus on site plan and landscape plans issues for the proposed Halaby residence. Please refer to Attachments E and F for more information related to the appellants' appeals. Per the requirements of Section 12-3-3, Vail Town Code, notice of the appeal has been published in the Town's newspaper of record and all adjacent property owners have been notified. ZONING ANALYSIS Lot Size: 21,535 sq. ft. (0.494 acres) Hazards: Gore Creek 100-year floodplain and wetlands V. Standard Allowed/Required Proposed Density Site Coverage Landscape Area GRFA Two-family Type IIEHU Height Setbacks Front Side Rear Parking Two-family Type IIEHU 2 du + lType ll EHU a,307 sq.ft. (20%) 12,921 sq.ft. (60%) 5,252 sq.ft. 575 sq.ft. (credits) 33 ft. 20 ft. 15 ft./15 ft. 15 ft. 2 du + lType ll EHU 4,306 sq.ft. (20%) 13,884 sq.ft. (6a%) 5,El€#?#sq.fi. 575 sq.ft. (includes storage) s33 ft. 27 ft. 23ft.t17 ft. 22ft. 3 spaces per du (6 total) 3 spaces per du (6 total) 2 spaces 2 spaces vt.APPLICABLE REGULATIONS OF THE TOWN CODE Sub-section 12-11-1D (Design Review; Intent; Guidelines), VailTown Code, describes the intent of the Design Review Standards and Guidelines for development within the Town of Vail. Staff has identified intent of the guidelines below and reviewed the application for compliance: D. Guidelines: lt is the intent of these guidelines to leave as much design freedom as posslb/e to the individual designer while at the same time maintaining the remarkable natural beauty of the area by creating structures which are designed to complement both their individual slfes and sunoundings. The objectives of desrgn review shall be as follows: 1. To recognize the interdependence of the public welfare and aesthetics, and to provide a method by which this interdependence may continue to benefit its citizens and visitors. Staff Response: Staff believes that the application conforms with the above intent of the guidelines. 2. To allow for the development of public and pivate property which is in harmony with the desired character of the Town as defined by the guidelines herein provided. Staff Response: Staff believes that the application both complies with the technical requirements of the Vail Town Code and conforms with the above intent of the guidelines. 3. To preventthe unnecessary destruction or blighting ofthe natural landscape. Staff Response: Staff believes that the application complies with the above intent of the guidelines. Specifically, the proposed site plan is in harmony with the natural wetlands and waterflow characteristics of the site and the proposed landscape plan appropriately compensates for the removal of some existing vegetation on the site. 4. To ensure thatthe architecfural design, location, configuration mateials, colors, and overall treatmentof built-up and open spaces have been designed so thatthey relate harmoniously to the natural landforms and native vegetation, the Town's overall appearance, with surrounding development and with officially approved plans or guidelines, if any, for the areas in which the structures are proposed to be located. Staff Response: Again, Staff believes that the application complies with the above intent of the guidelines. Specifically, the proposed site plan is in harmony with the natural wetlands and water flow characteristics of the site and the proposed landscape plan appropriately compensates for the removal of some existing vegetation on the site. Additionally, architecture design and characteristics are compatible with the architecture of the neighborhood. 5. To protect neighboring property owners and users by making sure that reasonable provision has been made for such mafters as pedestrian and vehicular traffic, surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, the preseruation of light and air, and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. Staff Response: Staff believes that the application complies with the above intent of the guidelines. Specifically, the access to the site has been designed with consideration to the Town's proposed Meadow Drive streetscape plan. The proposal has been designed in consideration of the natural wetlands and waterflow characteristics of the site, and adequate vegetation is being preserved and proposed to provide an adequate buffer with the adjacent properties and West Meadow Drive. Title 14 (Development Standards), VailTown Code, provides Design Review Standards and Guidelines for the development in the Town of Vail. ln reviewing any application for development, the Design Review Board is guided by the Design Review Standards and Guidelines. Staff has provided the applicable site plan/landscape plan guidelines below and reviewed the application for compliance: A1 . Structures sha// be compatible with existing structures, their sunoundings, and with Vail's environment. lt is not to be inferred that buildings must look alike to be compatible. Compatibility can be achieved through the proper consideration of scale, proportions, site planning,landscaping, mateials and colors, and compliance with the guidelines herein contained. Staff Response: Staff believes that the application complies with the above guideline. Specifically, staff believes that the scale, proportions, site planning, landscaping, materials and colors of the proposal meetthe technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations and are aesthetically compatible with the neighborhood and the surrounding environment. A2. Any building site in Vail is likely to have its own unique land forms and features. Whenever possible, these existing features should be preserued and reinforced by new construction. The objective is to fit the buildings to their sltes in a way that leaves the natural land forms and features intact, treating the buildings as an integral part of the site, rather than as iso/afed oblects at odds with their sunoundings. Staff Response: Staff believes that the application complies with the above guideline. Specifically, staff believes that the proposal has been designed to preserve and enhance the natural wetlands and water flow characteristics of the site, which were altered by the construction of the existing structure. Additionally, staff believes that the proposal has been designed to accommodate the redevelopment of the site with a landscape plan that adequately compensates for the removal of some existing vegetation from the site. 81 . The location and configuration of sfrucfures and access ways shall be responslve to the existing topognphy of the site upon which they are to be located. Grading requirements resulting ftom development shall be designed to blend into the existing or natural landscape. Any cuts or fills shall be sculptural in form and contoured to blend with the existing natural undisturbed tenain within the property boundary. Staff Response: Staff believes that the proposed structure and access ways are responsive to the topography of the slopes. Specifically, all proposed retaining walls and grading meet the technical requirements of the Town Code. 82. Building siting and access thereto shall be responsive to existing features of tenain rock outcroppings, drainage paftems, and vegetation. Staff Response: Staff believes that the siting of the building is generally responsive to the natural wetlands/water flow features and vegetation of the site. Staff does not believe that any significant redevelopment of this property is practical without the removal of some existing vegetation. After numerous plan revisions discussed by the applicant, adjacent property owners, the Design Review Board, the Town of Vail Public Works Department, and a consulting forester; staff believes that the proposed access is also responsive to existing features of the site. 83. Removal of trees, shrubg and other native vegetation shall be limited to removal of those essenfia/ for development of the sife or those identified as diseased. Staff Response: Staff does not believe the intent of this guideline is to completely prohibit the removal existing vegetation within the Town of Vail, but to instead promote the responsible removal of vegetation in conformance with the Town's other development standards and goals. Additionally, Staff does not believe that any significant redevelopment of this property is practical without the removal of some existing vegetation from this site. After numerous plan revisions discussed by the applicant, adjacent property owners, the Design Review Board, a consulting forester, and Town staff; staff believes that the applicant has complied with the above guideline. 84. All areas disturbed during construction shall be revegetated. lf necessary, the Design Review Board may designate allowable limits of construction activity and require physical baniers in order to preserue significant natural feafures and vegetation upon a site and adjacenf sifes during construction. Staff Response: The applicant has indicated a "limits of disturbance" on the site plan and all disturbed areas are to be revegetated. Staff believes the applicant has complied with this guideline. EI . The purpose of fhis Section is to ensure that duplex and primary/secondary development be designed in a manner that creates an architecfurally integrated structure with unified site development. Dwelling units and garages shall be designed within a single structure, except as set forth in subsection 2 below, with the use of unified architectural and landscape design. A single structure shall have common roofs and building walls that create enclosed space substantially above grade. Unified architectural and landscape design shall include, but not be limited to, the use of compatible building mateials, architectural style, scale, rcof forms, massing, architectural details, site grading and landscape materials and feafures. Staff Response: Staff believes that the applicant has designed a two-family residence and Type ll EHU that meetthis guideline. Specifically, the Design Review Board has determined that the dwelling units are proposed within one architecturally integrated structure. G1 . Various natunl vegetation zones exist within the Gore Valley as a result of the form and aspects of the land itself. The north facing slopes within the valley are typically heavily wooded with spruce, pine and aspen and generally receive /ess direct sunlight than the drier south facing slopes which typically consisf of sage, aspen and other vegetation tolerant of drier conditions. The valley floor which is adjacent to Gore Creek consists of a wide variety of trees and shrubs adapted to the relatively fertile soil and natural availability of water. The goal of any landscape plan should be to preserue and enhance the natural landscape character of the area in which it is to be located. The landscape scale and overall landscape design shall be developed so that new vegetation is integral with the natural landscape and the inherent form line, color and texture of the local plant communities. Since the major objective of the landscaping is to help reduce the scale of new sfructures and to asslsf in the screening of structures, the planting of large sized plant materials is encouraged. Special care should be taken in selecting the types of plants to use when designing a landscape plan. Final selection should be based upon the sor/s and climate, ease of establishment, suitability for the specific use desire4 and the level of maintenance that can be provided. New planting shall use p/ants that are indigenous to the Rocky Mountain alpine and sub- alpine zones or as capable of being introduced into these zones. A list of plant materials indigenous to the Vail area is on file with the Department of Community Development. Also indicated on the list are ornamentals which are suitable for planting within the Vail area. The minimum sizes of landscape mateials vil. acceptable are as follows: Required Trees: Deciduous - 2 inch caliper Conifers - 6 foot Required shrubs - #5 gallon container Foundation shrubs shall have a minimum height of 18 inches at time of planting Staff Response: Staff believes that the applicant has designed a proposal which meets this guideline. Again Staff does not believe that this guideline completely prohibits the removal of any existing vegetation within the Town of Vail. After numerous plan revisions discussed by the applicant, adjacent property owners, the Design Review Board, a consulting forester, and Town staff; staff believes that the applicant has complied with the above guideline. Additionally, the applicant's proposal not only meets, but exceeds the minimum landscape material size requirements. G2. Landscape design shall be developed to locate new planting in orderto extend existing canopy edges or planted in natural looking groups. Geometic plantings, evenly spaced rows of trees, and otherformal landscape pattems shall be avoided. Staff Response: After numerous plan revisions discussed by the applicant, adjacent property owners, the Design Review Board, a consulting forester, and Town staff; staff believes that the applicant has complied with the above guideline. G3. Particular attention shall be given the landscape design of off-street parl<ing lots to reduce adverse impacts upon living areaswithin the proposed developmenl upon adjacent properties, and upon public spaces with regard to noise, Iights, and visual impact. Staff Response: After numerous plan revisions discussed by the applicant, adjacent property owners, the Design Review Board, a consulting forester, and Town staff; staff believes that the applicant has complied with the above guideline. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Town Council uphold the Design Review Board's approval of the Halaby residence (DRB02-0070), a new two-family residence and Type ll EHU, located at 252 West Meadow Drive/Lot 8, Vail Village 2d Filing, subject to the following findings: 1. That the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations) and Title 14 (Development Standards) have been met with the applicant's proposal. VIII. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicini$ Map B. Halaby residence architectural plans for the March 5, 2003, DRB public hearlrg C. Determination of the Occunence of Wetlands, prepared by Rangeland Resources D. Tree Preservation Report, prepared by A Cut Above Forestry E. Lapin Appeal F. HurttAppeal Attachment: B ocrf{otoc "IIV 3AruCI ./r\OCV!Ihl IS!L!\ ZSe X!I'IdNCI ry IICNACIISIU ASVT]ilH$:liii;l:!liilii .t' 1i-ill llr *$i 131 t I r! IE Pr ?t liliiilr iiiilliii j; azriI6Criii B'.: ili[;llrl If -. lEt ^t.I li6 iiliii iiiiii ii !:ir iiiiilr ioa-rtt:tii il5[TI II na 11(f rr l!,ii !iili3iI5i -_ttilt{rftrlxdEqqrr -tiiiii -ct itiIS fill:Itll ils!3!31 .8lrillll !l:iEi liir 2a aPffi j,'i,,,-',,'L-i--;ilJ; I l,i*u,--ffiiil.;; ] | ;il*ilt---,-,*'-i, I | -*l-',",--',t,','m,'i I liili.nt,d-t;t;l; I ] i'**1,-h,-,-u*iuJ ,d* | lffi;il-;l ldil#d;;,;; I | :;,;;ffid,il,i,-1,,.,,, I I rt rr.itfirtrrr:a rI III tr'llthrtltrrm:hult J_i lE r ii;i !!l: i:il iii;ii I lri :t lilliiiirliiliiiiilliilili frl;uaii:ii. .hid! Erili " {l-a rl, HfrNEdt.1F tfl [:l :;iiiiiiri: ffiNMZHEI ft I j . l:,' i:iir,itiiiii;iii IIE[ilgHNNNE X trjJ 0_:fo qtu U 5az_ osru ?9o H8 rD b : u_l=> V-nc\ Fn J :t E:ilils {irlliii t ttt 3i. siilr *iliiii' lqt i iiii'rl! !ili:!ii Ir 'liiiirlliiil:i:li i II Ilti siiiiii r!!il:r iifrui$,; iiqi tl*4 3!iui )n r{ti ii;rtl ii;td; "T H!1:ti sd$ t**l :IJ R't i{I'$iliiiiltll;tlii ooYto lotr 1vn l^tao Alocvtyv Is]A\ z9z xltdno zsz ,ii;ii:,:,;;, (rx. 1.4,=rEEIfE<-ad--ill'il'il' I [' <I/ t1 I ll ri l1 ll EE 2 ulE |J c, z J 4 z EJItlca ,fro :!;E6t () ;( r c,- @ "l/n',Y,o) /n1 ,:/,;fl 7o o/ /9 , 6 E I I a t o On :t ttitililrii !!t t 6: Ig Eg al il , i, ft oa J 2 Li r, iii'ii rIlrt" ! " t- l6ti liElrattlit t.:llti fl lEi! :l t;5; gEt6 lr; | ! EtE" JEI E! EE lir rs ri t'_-' 19 E 19i ! n! t9t I Ei ! 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IICNIIOISIIU ASV'IYH oo\auo.Ioc "Irv ll^lxc /l\ocrvahr Isga zsz : AriV/te zl'a1li 6'll qllu.oE *l- JI UI ull -lftlq R Y]-lxl Jlgh oll otilrllr3tl/.'r\ \ -l?,/ Arvt zli<laJlltrl' uli 8liJt6*,1 6t ,il ul |lll ql ;l rrll Sliol; (')li<l{rxllffn\T/ XS.IdNCI ry A3NIICIISITU ATIV'IVH oqwo'103 "iIvA gn luq noqvghr Isa,& ztz eElii;iiilr:iii AiEVt2 n iiiriiiiiiiiiir ii' li* $iliii iilig iir il iil$ilili,i, iifiiii,i,i,i i giiiiiiiil'iiiriirir i EEr!P;rrr!f !r riittrtli <f"-"-.,/'\ d\/\ .3.:l>:l .il l!c!lliiii:!fi:lii oov80tof, "ltv^ l^lto l ooYSr,v J.s3Al zga rcldno tr llNlcrsSu ABVTVH t i,E r3rE9i !EiEn Ee rl E : :IEll' 'll,ili + siift$!iiiiiiiriiffiiliilfilililliiriiii*{iffi,!,iiii$i,i,i,iuieiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiii li lir Lt: rli eli XI gl Sliol: Fl! <t{ urll @ l-t >J: IE!E;lii;ii:iliiiir ooYlolof'llv^ l^tuo ,r\oovlw lq A z9z X]IdNC tr 3]N3CIS]U ABV]VH -! 6!s l: tal i!:!5iEs 6 i !1 ,ffiil;l; .f li ilr uliottot! XI ullJI 5t:ol; (f,tatrlllft8,/.n\ev ,l ,E \i' siiiriiliiiiiiirii'iituiiilii!i!!iiiliriliii$iiilii,iififiii,i;-;,i!iliiiiiddiiiiiii X!I'IdNCI T AJNACIIS!ru ASY'IVH oqv8o1oc "IIvAgAruO /tlOOVlU I ISaA\ ZSZ EElii;ir:!;*lii I r\ I r!F 7l 6l F il utl 9i UI: 9tJ (l9 \ L_.] I ll t ,i iB-, !*r!l 1t FJII={l{ | tHl I rTtlll s siii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii $iilii,i,ilfifii,i,ir iiillilillifullrlllilr a r r r r 1: slltuliliiiiilili!'ilir XIITdNCI ?8 AJNII(IISEftI ASV]VH oq\ruo.Ioc "lIvA a^ruo 1l\oGVaI^t Isa \ z9z wtll t'll Ll| ,61l-l,<l;>iI ullb/ Jt-r; ull.'I +lrI ota I sliI /'1;\I uJ, -l al €l >lu!I url ' (l)I.r<li Lirlll,,f\(j9 tsgll f * sli!iiiiiiriiiiiiiiiii $iiiii,i,ii#iii,ii liiliilffift1*llfil s il$iiiiiiiiiir ii' $ir Attachment: C 'l I I iJ DETERMINATION OF TIIE :l rl I i,,J tlt.l l:l :l .l tl ri t1i1U il.l r.J i',1 ..1 LJ ilili-l I OCCURRENCE OF WETLAIIDS 252 Duplex West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado REPORT PREPARED BY: RANGELAI\D RESOTTRCES OO49 PIMON DRIVE GLNNWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81601 TEL: (970) 947-r8ss FAX: (970) 947-18s6 E-MAIL: lrobinso@ rof. n et September 6,2002 INTRODUCTION A. OBJECTIVE The objective ofthis report is to document the findings regarding the presence and extent of federal jruisdictional wetlands on the subject property for the purpose of satisfring requirements of Section 404 ofthe Clean Water Act. B. GEI\TERAL DESCRIPTION The zubject property is located at252We* Meadow Drive, Vait Colorado. One housing structure, consisting of two duplex units, currently exists on the property. A smail spring (flowing approximately 1/4 gallon per minute) surfrces approximately 16 feet below the deck of the housing structure. The flow from the spring creates a miniature sheam (see Map A-attached). The sheam below the spnng flows approximately 15 feet on the subject property before flowing orto City of Vail property. It then continues for an additional estimated 55 feet and enters Gore Creek. C. ACTIONS PROPOSED FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY The proposed actions are to tear down the existing housing structure and replace it with a new housing structure(s). The proposed duplex housing could be either one or two struch[es. D. REGIJLATORY AUTHORITY Jurisdictional wetlands frll under the regulatory authority of the U.S. Corps of Engineers under Section 404 ofthe Clean Water Fact (Federal Register, 1986, 33 CFR Parts 320 tbrough 330). E. REGULATIONS PERT{NING TO PROPOSED ACTIONS ON SI]BJECT PROPERTY Nationwide-permit #39, (residentia[ commercial and institutional developments) regulates the discharge of dredged or fill material into non-tidal waters of the United States for tlre construction or expansion of residentjal, commercial and institutional buil'Cing foundations and building pads and attendant features that are necessary for the use and maintenance ofthe structures. Residential developments include multiple and single developments. The activities listed above are authorized, provided tbat the activities meet all oftk following criteria: a- The discharge does not cause the loss of greater tl:an% acre of non-tidal waters of the United States... b. The discharge does not cause the loss of greato than 300 linear fee of stream bed; Page? of 6 l:l i1'!gl ,l c. The permittee must notifr the District Engineer in accordance with General Condition 13, if any of the following criteria axe met: (1) The discharge causes the loss ofgreater than l/10 acre ofnon-tidal watEr ofthe United States, excluding non-tidal wetlands adjacent to tidal waters; or (2) Tbe discharge causes the loss of any open water, including perennial or intermittent streams, below the ordinary highwater mark. d. For discharges in special aquatic sites, including wetlands, the notification must include a delineation ofaffected special aquatic sites; e. The discbarge is part ofa single and complete project; f, For discharges causing the loss of l/10 acr€ or less of waters of the United States, the pemrittee must zubmit a rq)ort, within 30 days of completion of the work, to the District Engineer that contains the following ffirmation: (1) the name, address, and telephone number of the pemr:iuee; (2) The location of the work; (3) A description of the work; (a) the type and acreage of the loss of water of the United States (e.g., Lll2 acre of emergent wetlands); and (5) the type and acreage of any compensatory mitigation used to oftet the loss of waters of the United States ((e.g., lll2acre oferrergent wetlands created on-site). F. WETLA}IDS DEFIIYITION The following deftrition of wetlands is usd by the Corps of Engineers for administering the Section404 progmm: Those areas that are inrDdated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence ofvegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. :r I ,i l t'l i:I I I -J J J I .,1 l ,J j I : Page 3 of6 METIIODS OF DETERMINATION FOR WETLANDS The determination was made by closely following procedures specified in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual dated January I 987. General Procedures for Making Wetland Determinations: The following general diagnostic environmental characteristics or pamrneters are evidence ofthe presence ofjurisdictional wetlands: l. Wetland Vegetation Conditions: The prevalent plant species associated with the plant community are tpically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Hydrophytic species, due to morphological, physiologica[ and/or reproductive adaptation(s) have the ability to grow, effectively compete, reproduce, and/or persist in soils in which rnolecular oxygen is absent (or efectively so) from the environrnent. A check list ofplants charactewnd on a wetland to upland ecological spectrum hes been developed by a technical committee ofthe U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The'National List of Plant Species That Occru In Wetlands: Intermountain @egion 8)" was used for this study. 2. Wetland Soil Conditions: Soils are pres€Nrt and have been classified as hydric, or they possess characteristics that ard associated with reducing soil conditions. Indicators of soils developed rmder reducing conditions are listed inthe above referenced 1987 manual. 3. Hydrology The area is inundated or saturated by surhce or groundwater permanently or periodically during the growing seasor Indicators of hydrologic conditions that occur in wetlands are listed in the above referenced 1987 manual. Evidence ofat least one positive indicator for each ofthe above tbree pararneters must be fourd before a positive determination ofwetlands can be ur,ade. Evidence may be developed from historical data, recent existing data and/or observations made in the field. Page 4 of6 1 FIIYDINGS l. The ares delincated onlvlap A (attacbed) is juxisdictioDal wetlands. 2. \\earea on thc zuliect poperty encoryassed byjuisdictional wetlands is approxiuely 266 squre ftet i't coNclusroNs | 1. Provided tbat the work is corybted as proposed with no iryacts to thciurisdistioml wetknds, tbe wort may be corybtal withort any notice to tbe C-orps ofF-'gln"drs. I. J 2. In tb€ eved tbat the proposal is nodified and the wetlands arc iryactd no pre- constnrctforn notification to the Corps ofBngine€rs is required. This is because tbc11 size of tbc jurisdictional wethnds is less than lll0 errre. However, a report mlst bc : J zubmittcd to tb€ Corps sfF'ngineers within 30 days of coryletion ofthe work- Th report mr$ oontain the in$rmation as sbown in Seotion E(f) of this docurent. :. 1 ,J .-l I I I J II ) I'IJ I.t .J ,| II I I-t I II II .lj l Page 5 of6 Photograph A - Upper end ofjurisdictional wetlands. base ofthe tree. Spring surfaces at the Photograph B - Lower end ofjurisdictional wetlands. Page 6 of6 =-'i'.$,-\do4:,/' 'n:,)q t =b- \ .,"'\.. r i.5' \-x.O \ \ to'r,- '\-- \*'-ii.l \ '/+\\ "l', tV V l/? duptex MAI, '\ t l/2duple-"R 0,4' x t'toor. e(evotron = 8131,8' Zr.s+ '.. concrete deck'.. ete votion = 813i.6'-.' ttt,. ,'/ $t..r," .. -- x 8!31.8' qf ?o) ---/V 1.0'o Kk,- 1.0'o "A e )b "r ds;t Attachment D Tree Preservation Report for the Halaby Residence and Duplex 252 West Meadow Drive Vail,Colorado Prepared for: Segerberg Mayhew Architects 1000 S.Frontage Road West, Suite 300 Vail, CO 81657 January 29,2003 Rick Herwehe Certified Arborist #RM-21 95 A Cut Above Forestry P.O. Box 7133 Breckenridge, CO 80424 ! I I il I I I I T I I ! ! I f I l f I t T I I I I I I t. tr I tr E Table of Contents Summary.... ...................1 Introduction. ..................2 Purpose... ............ ....................2 Present Condition and Descriotion.........:........ .................2 Tree Data Sheet......... ........3 Construction lmpacts ......... ...........+ Mitigation Measures.... ........6 Recommended Tree Protection Zones........ .............7 Tree Preservation Prescriptions... .....,..7 Specifications fro Tree Preservation .......8 Monitoring Tree Health and Compliance...... .........10 References. .......11 Glossary..... ..,...12 Site Map with Treeldentification ............13 Site Photos. ....................14 Inspection Form... ...........,19 I 1-Halaby Tree Preservation Plan A Cut Above Forestry t 0l/29D003 Summary On January 24,2003, Kurt Segerberg, Architect and principal of segerberg Mayhew Architects met with me at the Halaby Residence located at 252 Meadow Drive. Kurt provided me with a site plan for the proposed project. we walked the property, Kurt located the house placement and identified the building envelope and lot corners for me. Kurt informed me that the owners were concerned about saving the trees located between the proposed house and Meadow Drive because they provide privacy and the wooded effect they desired in a mountain home. The Halaby's also know that the Town of Vail is concerned about the trees because they will help obscure the house from visually sensitive areas on Meadow Drive and Gore Creek. The Halaby project will include building two single family units and the necessary infrastructure such as a driveway, drainage and landscaping. The site will be landscaped after the house is finished according to a landscaping plan developed by Dennis Anderson and approved by the Town of Vail planning Commission. Lodgepole Pine (Prnus contofta), Colorado spruce (picea pungens), and Englemann spruce (Picea englemannii) are the predominant tree species on the property. Most of the trees are in good to fair condition. The trees are typically large. The lodgepole pine trees have dead branches or pruned branch stubs in the bottom 1/3 of the crown. The spruce trees have fullcrowns and are esthetically high in quality. Approximately 11 trees will be removed for the project and 22 will have the critical root zone encroached upon. The actual number of trees impacted by construction will depend upon the final design. Trees can be stressed during construction in several ways. Because the site is heavily wooded, some trees will have to be removed to complete the project. other trees will be compromised because when the site is opened the local wind patterns will be changed leaving them more susceptible to toppling in a storm. Additionally, grading can change the run-off patterns affecting the timing and amount of soil moisture available to the roots. Trees can also be stressed due to soil compaction, root loss and mechanical damage. I recommend the following steps be implemented to lessen the negative impacts the construction will have on the trees. The specific details are in the Specifications Section of the report. gt il u U U f t I U U I U I r u r T u I u u I l ! T T T t I T I I Halaby Tree Preservation Plan 2 ACutAboveForesty Ol/zgtZOO3 1. Fence around the critical root zone (as much as possible given the site)2. Root prune the trees where the CRZ will be encroached. 3. Properly prune branches that will likely be damaged during construction.4. Deep root feed trees near the edge of construction prior to, and during construction. Feed them with root stimulating fertilizer and mycorrhizi fungi. Introduction Home construction in the mountains is a difficult task and can become more complex when tree preservation is involved. yet, mature trees offer invaluable benefits to the landscape that relatively small transplants cannot. when properly planned for, trees need not complicate the development process. To insure a successful tree preservation plan, five areas must be addressed;the existing site conditions, potential construction impacts, mitigation tactics and techniques, prescriptions for tree health before, during and after construction, and monitoring tree health and contractor compliance during construction. The Halaby project will include demotishing some of the existing building and replacing it with two larger structures with a more modern design. The parking areas will be enlarged and moved closer to the buildings. The existing water and sewer lines will be used. The disturbed areas will be landscaped boulders, native grasses a water feature and native trees per the landscape plan prepared by Dennis Anderson Associates. Purpose The purpose of this plan is to provide tree preservation and management guidelines for the property owners and their contractors. The guidelines will address tree preservation measures to retain healthv native trees all around the remodel. Present Tree and Site Condition The site is located at252 west Meadow Drive in Vail colorado. currently, the site is occupied by a duplex built in the 1970's. The duplex has a small parking pad located in the northwest corner. An elevated walkway provides access from the street to the front door. The western unit has a wood deck in the back while the eastern unit has a concrete patio that is covered with a second story deck. The existing duplex is located between two developed lots to the east and west. West Meadow Drive bounds the north side of the property. The Vail I t Halaby Tree Preservation Plan A Cut Above Forestry J 0t/29t2003 Hospital is located across Meadow Drive from the duplex. Gore Creek delineates the southern property line. All trees greater than 8.0" in diameter are identified on the site map. The trees that will be directly impacted during construction have been assigned identification numbers. The trees are marked with numbered, pink flags and identified on the site plan prepared in December of 2002 by Segerberg Mayhew Architects. Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta), Englemann spruce (Picea englemanii), colorado spruce (Picea pungens) and narrowleaf (Populous angustifotia) are the four tree species found on the site. Lodgepole pine and Englemann spruce are the dominant species. Trees on the site vary in height from 45 feet to 75 feet tall. Tree diameters range from 6.0 inches to 22.0 inches. Tree diameter was measured at 4.5' above the ground (diameter standard height). Crown radius, the distance from the bole of the tree to the edge of the branches, a.k.a. the dripline, varies from 10Jeet to 24 feet. The dripline is an indicator of the root system. Although roots can extend far beyond the dripline, a high concentration of absorbing roots is typically present between the dripline and the trunk. Crown ntios vary from a high of 20% to a low of g0%. Crown ratio is an impodant indicator to tree health and vigor. A low crown ratio means the tree has less green foliage to perform produce food. Generally, we can assume the less food production, the weaker the plant and the less likely it is to survive the stress of construction. No insect or disease problems are evident in any of the tree species. The soils around the house likely have urbanized characteristics such as compaction, lacking organic mafter inputs, bacterial dominated and poorly drained. Characteristics that are uncommon in the soils of native conifer forests. The measurements and specifications trees that are located close to the area of disturbance are outlined in the following table. Tree Condition Table 1 Tree #Species Diameter Inches Height Feet Crown Radius Crown Ratio Condition Comments 1 ptpu 12 70 22 90 No Damage 2 ptpu 16 oc 18 80 No Damaoe prco 18 65 24 40 No Damage 4 pren 17 70 18 70 No Damage 5 prco 15 o3 16 50 No Damage Ri 3l il $N 3r . u g U Iil ,u p lii,F F *! Fil i!:.g :b Ff ilt! 6bp rsli !-ttt !S ,d!g ,$"g Halaby Tree Preservation Plan A Cut Above Forestry Poan= Nano,vleaf coltonwood Pien = Englemann spruce Construction lmpacts All trees on the site will be either directly or indirectly impacted by the project. The indirect effects include changes in waterfrom grade adjustments, chemicals leaching into the soil and changes in local wind patterns due to lot clearing. Direct impacts are those activities that invade the critical root zone the crown, the trunk or require the tree to be removed. This construction project will directly impact 11 trees ranging from 12 to 24 inches in diameter by removal. The project will encroach upon the critical root zone of 22 trees. The remaining trees on the lot will be exposed to minor impacts from changed run-off, changes in local wind patterns and potential changes in pH and chemical leaching. Tree condition, age and species all affect how well a tree will stand up to construction stress. Trees that are already in poor health from disease, insect damage, soil compaction, nutrient deficiencies, overcrowding or being 4 0U29/2003 6 ptpu 12 oc 28 60 Sweep (trunk is curved) 7 ptpu 14 65 both 60 No Damaoe Tree #Species Diameter lnches Height Feet Crown Radius Crown Ratio % Condition comments U pipu 14 14 60 No foliage to north ptpu zz 75 26 80 No Damage 10 ptpu o 40 16 40 Poor foliage/ grown over 11 prco o 40 10 20 bv trees 9 and 12 12 prco 14 75 26 50 Forked top 13 prco 10 OU 10 40 No Damage 14 pico 12 70 18 20 No Damaqe 1q prco 14 75 20 40 No Damage 16 prco 19 60 17 50 Root zone covered with backfill from original bld. Likely old root loss and damage. 17 pidu 7 45 12 50 overtopped by tree #16 18 pien 20 65 28 90 Non bark inclusive fork at 4 feet above ground. Root zone bacKilled over during original construction. Likely old root loss and damage. 19 pren 17 55 28 90 No damage 20 poan 12x4 45 10 80 No damage 21 prco 11 70 18 60 No foliaqe on south side 22 prco 14 50 12 60 No damaqe spruce pine Halaby Tree Pre servation Plan A Cut Above Forestry overtopped are a serious disadvantage when stress. 5 it comes to surviving ."ri,tfff::' Young trees are generally adaptable and have a better chance at surviving the environmental changes that occur during construction. Trees live on an energy cycle that produces a surplus of energy during the summer months and a deficit in the spring during bud break. Young and middle aged trees in the growth and structural stage generally produce an adequate amount of energy to grow and provide defenses against insects, disease and environmental stresses. At least for one or two growing seasons assuming the stresses and damages are not too severe. As trees reach the mature and overmature stages of their lives, they are only producing enough energy to break the buds in the following growing season. Any root loss causing a reduction in stored energy or absorption capabilities will likely result in rapid decline and eventual death for the tree. Tree species respond differently to construction impacts. Lodgepole pine trees are considered moderately tolerant of construction stress. They can withstand some root removal but cannot survive in heavily compacted or saturated soils (Clark and Metheney). Deep backfill over the root zone will usually cause decline and often mortality. From a health standpoint, lodgepole pine trees respond wellto root removal. Unfortunately, removing woody roots will leave the tree susceptible to failure during high winds. Although the specie seems to tolerate the loss of absorbing roots, the loss of structural roots could leave the tree structurally unstable. Colorado spruce trees are moderately tolerant of root removal and intolerant of backfill soil compaction but will tolerate moderately drained soils. Englemann spruce trees are similar to Colorado spruce trees in that they are moderately tolerant of root loss and somewhat tolerant of saturated soils but soil compaction will cause a slow death to roots. Narrowleaf cottonwood trees are fragile and intolerant of drastic reductions in water supply or in the timing of the supply. The following table outlines the existing trees and the potential impacts of construction. Construction lmpacts Table 2 Tree #lmpacts 1 Root loss and damage from driveway excavation. Soil compaction from equipment, foot traffic and materials storage. z Root loss and damage from driveway excavation. Soil compaction from equipment, foot traffic and materials storage. Extensive root and foliage loss due to excavation and wall construction. Root loss and damage from excavation. Soil compaction from equipment, foot traffic and materials storaqe. Root loss and damage from excavation. Soil compaction from tril il! ttil il u Tf'/ itFIE tr I*ilt &.'p ffit ffiil $tE i?t {til ffiil ff. ffin Eitt n h iiib h h i4 rg :'; +^rA b a Halaby Tree Preservation Plan 6 0il29/2ffi3A Cut Above F Mitigation Measures Typically, the healthier the tree, the more likely it is to remain a contributing part of the landscape for many years after the project is completed. The best approach is to bring the trees to the best possible health and condition before the project is started. This can be done by insuring adequate soil moisture for as long as possible prior to construction, testing the soil and applying fertilizer if necessary, inoculating the soil with mycorrhizae fungi and root stimulating fertilizer. Mycorrhizae literally means fungus root. The roots and fungiform a symbiotic relationship that provides a secondary and very expansive root system for the host tree. The mycorrhizae relationship can multiply a tree's absorbing capacity form 10 to 1000 times the capabilities of non mycorrhizal trees. Studies have demonstrated a well colonized mycorrhizal root system is more tolerant of drought, soil salinity, soil pathogens, parasitic nematodes and chemical imbalances in the soil. Mycorrhizal filaments produce humic compounds and organic "glues" that bind soils into aggregates and improve soil equipment, foot traffic and materials storage. 6 Soil Compaction, root loss and damage from flagstone patio construction. 7 Soil compaction, root loss and damage from flagstone patio construction. d Change in water volume and qrade for sod lawn. o Soil compaction, root loss and damage from flagstone patio construction. 10 Soil Compaction from equipment, foot traffic and materials storage. 12 Soil compaction, root loss and damage from flagstone patio constr. 13 Excavation within 8 feet to north will cause some root loss and soil compaction. 14 Excavation within 10 feet to north will cause some root loss and soil compaction. 15 Little direct damaqe. 16 Little direct damaoe. 17 Excavation within 8 feet to north will cause some root loss and soil compaction 18 Root and foliage loss from excavation and wall construction. Soil compaction from equipment, foot traffic and materials storage. 19 Extensive root and foliaoe loss due to excavation and wall construction. 20 Soil compaction from equipment, foot traffic and materials storage. Soil miqration into root zone durinq excavation. 21 Extensive root and foliage loss due to excavation and wall construction. 22 Extensive root and foliaoe loss due to excavation and wall construction. t. I nalabY Tree Preservation Plan 7 I A Cut Above ForestrY 01/2912cf3t porosity. Soil porosity and soil structure positively influence the growth of trees by I promoting aeration,. water movement into soil, and root growth that more closely mimic the soil condition in the natural forest setting. I . The second concern is to identify, protect and treat the critical root zonet lcrz) throughout the construction process. To protect the crz, delineate it with I fencing and installa 6-inch layerof chips on top of the existing soil (See' specifications section). Unfortunately, construction space constraints do not I always allow protection of the recommended crz (See table 3 for the desired tree protection zone size). In these cases, individual prescriptions are prepared fort the trees to address the problems created by disturbing the root zone. I Critical Root Zone Table 3 Tree #Root Zone Diameter (Feet) Tree #Root Zone Diameter (Feet) Tree #Root Zone Diameter (Feet) 1 12 8 1A| .-t 15 15 z 16 IJ 22 16 19 18 10 o 17 7 4 17 11 b 18 20 5 .t 6 12 rlAt+19 17 o 12 13 10 20 12x4 7 14 14 12 21 14 The specific needs of each inventoried tree are outlined in table 4. Protection Prescriptions Table 5 Tree #Prescription General Guidelines Trees # 4,5,6,7,8,13, 14,15,16,21 Alf trees should be inoculated with mycorrhizae fungi and treated with a root stimulating fungi. Unless otherwise specified, the critical root zone (or as much as possible) shall be fenced with plastic construction fencing and reinforced with hay bales to minimize soil migration into the crz. The fenced area shall be covered with a 4" layer of tree chips. Any excavation in the cz shall be supervised by a certified arborist. Any roots greater than 112 inch in diameter shall be pruned with a sharp tool and documented. Any branches that may interfere with construction should be pruned by an arborist prior to construction. "Claw hammer pruning" by the construction crew is prohibited. 1&2 Trees shall be fenced with chain link fencing and silt fencing placed inside of the chain link. Move the drive as far to the west as possible. Since these trees are a critical part of the landscape, consider air Td u ils iln il[ E u U $ g Iil s IE M u 5 !q E ru 5 tq i E E a a I & b E 8 I Halaby Tree Preservation Plan A Cut Above ForestlY The landscape plan prepared by Dennis Anderson Associates will address tree replacement. The plan calls for planting 25,8 -14 foot Colorado spruce trees to replace the 11 lodgepole and spruce trees that will be removed fro construction. Specifi cations for Tree Preservation Fertilizing 1. Deep root feed all spruce and pine trees to be preserved. 2. Feed with a root stimulating fertilizer. 3. Feeding will be performed in a radial pattern with the feeder needle being inserted 8-1 0" below the soil surface. Insertions will be made at 18" intervals on the edge of the drip line. 4. The first feeding shall include an inoculationwith mycorrhizae fungi. Fencing 1. Fence all trees to be retained to completely enclose the tree protection zone, as indicated in table 3 and the accompanying staging plan map, prior to cleadng or grading. Plastic snow fencing attached to metal posts driven into the ground will be acceptable fencing unless otherwise specified in table 4. lf the fencing is continually damaged or torn down, it shall be replaced with chain link fencing. Fences will remain until construction is completed. Fencing on the uphill side of the trees will be re-enforced with silt fence or hay bales to minimize soil migration beyond the fence line. 8 01t29t2003 excavating the roots under the drive and backfilling witr structural sol/. 9&12 Trees shall be fenced with chain link fencing and silt fencing placed inside of the chain link. 10&11 Remove 17 Remove 18 Trees shall be fenced with chain link fencing and silt fencing placed inside of the chain link. Air excavate the roots in the excavation area. 19 Remove 20 Prune sprouts and weak branch attachments. zz Trees shall be fenced with chain link fencing and silt fencing placed inside of the chain link. Air excavate the roots in the excavation area. I r HalabY Tree Preservation Plan 9t r A Cut Above ForestrY 0112912003r 3. Construction traffic and material storage must remain outside of the fenced I areas at alltimes. Pruning 1. A. Prune dead branches from trees on drive and around the house. B. Prune branches to provide adequate clearance for scaffolding and construction crew. . 2. Pruning shall be performed or supervised by a certified arborist. The treeI service must provide proof of insurance for liability and workers compensation. I' 3. All pruning will be within the Tree Pruning Guidelines (lnternational Society of I Arboriculture) and adhere to American National Standard for Tree Care Operations (ANSlA300) t . 4. Any additional tree pruning needed for clearance will be performed by anI arborist, and not by construction personnel. I' Root Pruning I 1. All encountered roots over 112 inch in diameter will be cut off with a sharpJ toot. a 2. Root will be pruned with a sharp shovel, saw or by-pass pruning tool. l- 3. Root pruning will be performed prior to stumping and grubbing. t - 4. Root pruning shall be performed or supervised by a certified arborist. I I 5. Roots should be exposed by hand, with an air spade or with a small' excavator. Any digging to expose roots shall be done parallel to the tree to t avoid breaking or tearing roots. I eeneral I 1. Any activity within the tree protection zone must be approved and monitored I by the Consulting Arborist. | 2. Any herbicides placed under paving materials must be safe for use around trees and labeled for that use. 1 3. Any grading, construction, demolition or other work that may encounter treer loots should be monitored by the Consulting Arborist. l t I Hn. sr M ilr 5 4Tr t *r il h EI tr Frg :,g F tr lr"tt il Ar b !l :t il !! it h il ttt Halaby Tree Preservation Plan A Cut Above Foresfy l0 0r129t2003 4. Do not store or dump excess soil chemicals, debris equipment or other materials within the tree protection zone. 5. Install and maintain a 4"-6" layer of mulch within the tree protection zone. The mulch will help reduce soil compaction and moderate soil temperature. Monitoring Tree Health and Compliance Successful tree preservation programs start during the planning phase when critical design decisions are made. However, activities in the construction and post-construction phases are critical to successful tree preservation. In other words, trees cannot be preserved during construction but they can be killed during construction. Monitoring tree health and compliance during construction helps ensure that the program and details specified in this Tree Preservation Plan are properly implemented. The monitoring phase of the plan is fourfold: 1) Maintain the integrity of the Tree Protection Zone,2) Assist with field changes, 3) Continually evaluate tree health and injuries, and 4) Communicate with the superintendent, Segerberg Mayhew Architects, Dennis Anderson and Associates Landscape Architects and the Town of Vail Planning Department. Inspections will be more frequent during the early phases of the project. During the excavation phase and the early stages of material delivery and staging, inspections will occur weekly or bi-weekly. After the kinks are worked out, inspections will occur on a monthly basis or upon request of the contractor, architect, owner or building department. Inspections will be document on form 14 and copies made available to the contractor and Segerberg Mayhew Architects , ! I Halaby Tree Prescrvation Plan ll r t A CutAbove ForestrY OU2gn.''3 I I I Reference t- Certified Arborist Certification Proqram Studv Guide. lntemational Society t of Arbot,'ict tt,re, 199( I Matheny, Nelda P. and James R. Clark. Trees and Development. A r Technical quide to Preservation of Trees Durino Land Develooment.I International Society of Arboriculture, 1997. I- Shigo, A.L. A New Tree Bioloov. Duram, NH, Shigo and Trees, 1986.t I I I I I I I I t I I ll I I I I I I I I F M Sr ilt F h..p !* F F FtttF[ HiE T,tn FFiatr silil b h Halaby Tree Presewation Pian A Cut Above Foresay 1) 0U29/2003 Glossary Crown The upper part of a tree, including the branches and foliage. Crown diameter (Dripline) The distance from the trunk of the tree to the edge of the branches. DSH or Diameter Standard Height The diameter of a tree measured at 4.5 feet above the ground. Live Crown Ratio The percent of the tree trunk that supports live green foliage. Mycorrhizae Mycorrhizae are organs made up of tree and fungus tissues that facilitate the absorption of phosphorus-containing ions and others essential elements for growth. b) Non-woody roots that are infected by beneficial fungi are called mycorrhizae. Mycorrhizae are organs that facilitate the absorption of phosphorus and other soil elements as well as water. Mycorrhizae (sometimes written as mycorrhizae, singular, and mycorrhizas, plural) are active for months to a year. They are organs on most trees. Pruning The selective removal of woody plant parts of any size using saws, pruners, clippers or other pruning tools. Roots (absorbing) Absorbing tree roots are organs that absorb free water and elements dissolved in it from the soil. Non-woody absorbing roots have very little lignin and no corky outer bark. Woody roots have lots of lignin and a corky outer bark. Non-woody roots do grow in winter in non-frozen soils, and may even grow in non-frozen soils below frozen soils. Also see root hairs and mycorrhizae which are associated with non-woody roots. Roots (woody) Woody tree roots are organs that support the tree mechanically, store energy reserves, transport free water and the substances dissolved in it ! I .Halaby Trce Preservation Plan 13 r A CutAbove ForestrY OlngnOO3t and synthesis substances such as growth regulators, amino acids and I vitamins that are essential for growth. They also hold water in the form of- bound water. They also contain more lignin than non-woody roots.I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I Itl 3 trl t-,.q -t/ -i // ,4 { diliA *HE l nnuI tr' t;.! TOIIN Generat Information: This form ls required for filing an appeal of a Sbaff, Design Review Board, or Planning and Environmental Commission action/decision, A complete form and associated requirements must be submitted to the Cornmunity Development Departnent within ten (10) business days of the disputed actionidecjsion. Attachment: E ill',ls ;!.: Appeals Form Deparfnent of Community D€veloprnent 75 Soutrr Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 8169 tef : 970.479.2139 tax; 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail:co.us Action/Decision beingappealed: APPAoVa r*" tlp f'A e Hrl U* BY Date of Action/Decision: Board or Staff person rendering action/decision: Does this appeal involve a specific parcel of tandz-ff9 (no) If yes, are you an adjacent property owner? (G-5'It (no) NameofAppellant(s): Me-e'.llLagf J -Mailing Address: 'L3r* [, . A1 gtr p c'-J ]t. Ve' u , G Phoner Physical Address in Vail:frAs r*b o,-J Legal Description of APPellant(Property in Vail: Lot:|Block:- Subdivision: Vr, r* V,r LL*'d di Appellant(s) Signature(s) I (Attach a list of signatures if more space is required). Submittal Requirements: 1, On a separate sheet or separate sheets of paper, provide a detailed erplanation of how you are an "aggrieved or adversely affected person". 2. On a separabe sheet or separate sheets of paper, specify the preclse nature of the appeal. Please cite specific code sections having relevance to the action being appealed. 3. Provide a list of names and addresses (both mailing and physical addresses in Vail) of all owners of property who are the subject of the appeal and all adjacent propertl owners (inctuding owners whose propertieJ are separated from the subject property by a right-of-way, strearn, or other interuening barrier), 4. Provide stam@, addressed envelopes for each property owner listed in (3'). PLEASE SUBMIT THIS FORM AND ALL SUEMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS TO: TOWN OF VAIL, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENI, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. : l1* ac)(\J t- =F<JlrlE Dqsicd EL,l ,ui Activity No.: Project No.: APPeals Form HalabyDuplot 1 . Please refer to my letter of January 9, 2003 which is attached' t. Th" rernoval of spruce and lodge pole pines in excess of 60 feet tall and over 100 years old is not ionsistent with 12-11-1 paragraph 3. House on \Mest Meadow brin, *or not allowed to remove trees when new houses were built, we had to build around the tees. Rernoval of the tees is not allowed under the Town of vail Development standards Handbook page 32..."The goal of any landscape olan shoulil be to PRESERVE (emphasis added) and enhance the natural iandscape character of tha area in which it is to be located"' 3. Caleb "ita Vfoy*o Hurtt 272 lVest Meadow foivc, Vail, Coloradb Lof t - L)€+-r Ted HalabY Vt.,* e.r'-t rc- llc' -t€ | 14, ' l\ac+os-cJ )11rlc: ,VAtr.t(o t"r'st Lor 6 , VrtL Vl.J--+'aB :-'JD F'L'^JG' I *n.*s krr{ct - r\q'? t V'r r e|(cAeE't€'- Le"'rg -Su r ri-G to I t\oo t* il , 1-B'IS -1 -1 o+3' Lor{ €rrgfl, Vrrls' Vrr-u;ar*- 2+fp FrcrrJe T-or.r$ 9F Vr*n* - -rZler B \ /AILV{ECUNITIES \il/TNVESTMENT I* Merv Lapin, Presidcnt 232 Vesc Meadow Dive, Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476.5183 (303) 476-5531 - Fax/Phone JanuarY 9,2003 Town of Vail Design Review Comldssion Town of Vail ?5 S. Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Halaby redevelopment of 252 West Meadow Drive GentlePersons: Iwishtoobjecttothepresentproposaltoredevelopthehorrseat252WestMeadow Drive for the following reasons: l) The proposal is not in conformance to the Design Review Guidelines of 12-11-1 DandinparticularD3.Theremovalofl5sprucetreesthat.areabout60feetta|] and over 100 years old IS ..the unnecessary dlstruction or blighting of the natural landscape,,. - iif of the homes on West i4eadow Drive were required to build without,".*i.,gANYtrees.Thisprecedentshould"olb"charrged.This ..spec,, t our, *itir"t a new precedout ihat will bring about the elimination of the h"avy mature landscaping tfrat ryf9s West Meadow Drive a pleasant experience for walking between Vail and Lionshead' 2) The replacement of 60 foot Colorado Spruce with.6-8. foot trees evetr with a requirement for an equal footage replaiement. will lake l5 V9'nt to make a difference. A 6 foot tree is really a 4 foot hee with a single top' The spruce trees on the berm in front of my home were 6 foot trees planted 15 years ago' Any replacement trees should be at least 20 foot Colorado spruce trees' 3) The r"*" i' pi*inJ a multi-miltioiaottrt improvem_ent of.west Meadow Drive in order t" pi.*"t"Lore pedestrian traffrc betweenLionshead andVail. This planincludesextensivelandscaping.Doesitmakesensetoallowtherernovalof so much natural vegetation? 4)Theduplexhouse-goesfrompropertylletoproPertylineand..reads''asa massive2housestructure.This2separatehouseappearanceisnotallowedunder thg T own oiV uif D evelopment S tandards. T his i eparation i s e nhanced by t he *ato featur";i th" 2 sep'arate driveways and the 9?ttlt roof line' 5) The house does not fit harmoniously to the natural landforms as required by t2- 11-1 D. 4, Instead thelandform is Ueing changed P.rn{" way for.the house' One of rhe elements that has made iail splcial is the protection of the envi,onm"r.tuytt'"DesignReviewCommissionandthePlanningand Environmental commission. The removal of the natural environmont is wlut makes Beaver Creek unattractive and corporate appearing to me' 6) 1'he removal of trees for the patios seems unnecessary', 7) The present property has a natural spring running on the east side ofthe building. . fn" water ijabove ground during ttre spring and is underground otherwise. The new house is built on top ofthis spring' I would hope that you will 5rrggest to th-e arcfilect not to use every square inch allowed unorr ttr" rut"s wniie ignoring many of the "spirit" of the guidelines' : Unfortunately I will be out of the country setting up a hockey trip for the kids on January 15. I will retum on January 20. Thafiks for your consideration. t do appreciate the amount of time that each of you put in ;rktd Vaii a great place to live and bring up a family' Sincerely, f*rt -Merv Lapin 12-11-1 shall be subject to design review as specified in this Chapter. D. Guidelines: lt is the intent of these guidelines to leave as much design freedom as possible to the individual designer while at the same tirne marn- taining the remarkable natural beautyof the area by creating structures which are designed to cornplement. both their individual sites and sur- roundings. The objectives of desrgn review shall be as follows: 1. To recognize the interdependence of the public welfare and aesthetics, and to provide a method by which this interdependence may continue to benefit its citizens and visitors. 2. To allow for the development of public and private property which is rn harmony with the desired character of lhe Town as defined by the guidelines herein provided. \,l ---+ 3.To prevent the unnecessary de-r struction or blighting of the natural Iandscape. 5) -'-l 4. to ensure that the architectural design, location, configuration materi_ als, colors, and overall treatment of built-up and open spaces have been designed so that they relate harmoni- ously to the natural landforms ano native vegetation, the Town's overall appearance, with surrounding devel- opment and with otficially approved plans or guidelines, if any, for the areas in which the structures are pro- posed to be located- 5. To protect neighboring property owners and users by making eure that reasonable provision has been made for such matiers as pedestrian anovehicular traffic, Surtace water drain-age, sound and. sight butfers, thepreservation of light and air, and thoseaspects of design not adequately co.vered by othei regulations which may have substanlial effects on neigh- boring land uses. (Ord. 39(19S3) $ i) 12-11.2: DEFIF{ITIONS AFID RT]LES OF CONSTRUCTION: Basis For Meanings: Any words, terms, or phrases ;used in this desion review guide shail be defined aid interpreted in acCordance with the definitions contained in Section 12-2-2 of this Title, unlesq the context cleady indicates a diffefent meaning was intended. lf the context is unclear, the matter will be reiqrred to the Design Review Board for fihal determination. Mandatory Discretionary Distinction: The distinction rnqde belween those items contained vyithin this Chaoter that are mandatory: and those that are discretionary is that stalements whiih are .mandatory are prefaced by the word 'shall', and ithe statements or guldelines which are discretionary (or merely suggestions) are prefaced by the words 'shouldl or !may'. lh all instances, any particular or specilic controls over the general. (Ord. 3e(1s83)S 1) A. B. A. 12-11.3: DESIGN APPR,OVAL: Scope: No person shall commence rernoval of vegetation, site prepara- tion, building construction or demoli- tion, dumping of material upon a site, sign erestion, exterior alteration or iieqtal (2€:{ | €'' t ) Town of Yoil Go t oG r rr".I€5 <l1i9, \}-tl adjacent to Gore Creek consists of a wide valicty of trees and shrubs adaptcd to thc relatively f'enile soil and natural availability of warer. \.4\-:rtte goal of any landscape plan should be to preserve and enhance the natu.al- landscape character of the area in which it is to be located. The landscape scale'and overall landscape design shall be developed so rhat new vegerarion is integral with the natural landscape and the inherent form line, coior and texture of the local plant communities. Since the majorobjective of the landscaping is to help reduce the scale of new structllres and to assist in the screening of struc$res, the planting of large sized plant materials is encouraged. Special care should be taken in selecting rbe types of plants to use when designing a landscape plan. Final selection should be based upon the soils and climate, ease of ,establishment, suitability for the specific use desired, and the level of maintenance that can be provided. New planting shall use plants that are indigenous to the Rqcky Mountain alpine and sub-alpine zones or as capable of being introduced into these zones. A list of plant materials indigenous to the Vaii area is on file with the Deparonent of Community Development. Also indicated on the iist are orDamentals which are suitable for planting within the Vail area. The minimum sizes of landscape materials acceptable are as follows: Required Trees: Deciduous - 2 inch caliper Conifers - 6 foot Required sbrubs - #5 gallon container Foundation shrubs sball have a minimum height of 18 incbes at time of planting Landscape design shatl be developed to locare oew planting in order to extend existing canopy edges or planted in natural looking goups. Geometric planrings, evenly spaced rows of trees, and other formal landscape pattems shall be avoided. Particular anenfion shatl be given the landscape design ofoff-street parking iots to reduce adverse impacts upon living areas within the proposed development, upon adjacent properties, and upon public spaces with regard to noise, lights, and visuat impact. All landscaping shalt be provided with a method of inigation suitable to ensure rbe continued maintenance of planted materials. Whenever possible, natural drainage pattems upou the site shall not be modified. Negative drainage impacts upon adjacent sites shall not be allowed. Runoff from impervious surfaces such as roofs and pavement areas shall be directed to natural or improved drainage channels or dispersed iuto shallow 2. 3. ,+$ 5. 6. *J#:''i.: ' tz- | t-\) en largement of an existing structure, paving, fencing or other improvements of open space within the corporate limits ot the Town unless design ap- proval has been granted as prescribed in this Chapter. The addition of plant materials to existing Iandscaping, gardening and fandscape maintenance shall be exempl lrom this provision. Violation: lt shall be a violation of this Chapter and the building permit for any person to commence, continue or complete work that has not received design approval as prescribed in this Chapter and/or is not in conlormity with the plans approved and autho- rized by the Administrator and/or the Design Beview Board and the Building Official. Nonconforming Sites And Structures; Effect Of Design Guidelines: 1. Buildings and sites which are not in conJormance with the design guide- lines, due to annexations or changes'in code provisions (i.e., legal nonconformities), shall be required to conform with the design guidelines when allowable gross residential floor -area (GRFA) (the GBFA that is Per- mitted by the density control section of various zone districts), commercial floor area, or garage area credit is added to any existing structure or site. 2.From the effective date of July 21, 1998, there shall be permitted a one- time exclusion irom this provision for an expansion to single'family, two- family, and primary/secondary resi- dential dwelling units. This onetime exclusion shall be allowed lor a single expansion of five hundred (500) 12-l 1-3 square teet or less of allowable GFIFA or garage area credit per dwelling unit. In which case, structures may be expanded without requiring upgrades to entire structu res and sites to con- form with the design guidelines. The addition itself, however, shall conlorm with the design guidelines. An expan- sion which is greater than five hun- dred {500) square feet, or any subse- quent expansicn to a structure, re- gardless of size, shail require full cornpliance of the dwelling unit with the design guidelines. 3. General maintenance and upkeep o{ a property shail continue to be required regardless of the arnount of floor area added to a structure. The one-time exclusion noted above shall not preclude the Design Review. Board, pursuant to the design guide- lines, from requiring landscaping and other improvements necessary to bufier or mitigate development im- pacts associated with the expan- sion/remode l. 4. Expansions made pursuant to Sec-. tion 12-15-5 of thls ntle shall require full compliance of the entire dwelling unit with the design guidelines. Interi- or conversion additions pursuant to Section 12-15-4 of this Title shall not trigger the requirdment lor upgrading sites and structures to fully comply with the design guidelines, unless it can be classified as a demo/rebuild, pursuant to Section 12-2-2 oi titis Title. (Ord. 10(1998) S 1: Ord. 3s(1s83) $ 1) tt. Tautn of Voil 1298 13. t4. All light soluces rocated in commercial zone districts which exceed fifteen feet(15') in height shall exhibit a full cutoff shield. Fiashing, Revolving Lights: Lights which flash, molg revolve, rotatg scintillate, blintq flicker, vary inintensity or color, or use intermittent electrical pulsation are prohibitea.--' Exemptions: The standards ofthis subsection shall not apply to: ^. christmas tree ligbts which are of a temporary nature located in residentiarzone disfricts, as listed herein, and which are iiluminat"a-ooty-u"t*".o November I and April 15 of each year. b. cbristmas tree iights wbich arc ternporary in nature and are located in zonedistictsotherthanthoseresidentialdistricis1istedherein. c, sign illumination, as set fonh iq Titte lr oftheMunicipal code. d. Municipal lighting installed for the benefit of public health, safety andwelfare. e. outdoor light sources as set forth in Section rg.54.050,J, 2, which are withineighteur inches or less of finish grade and are either fuil "ut-orf ronues orbave a maximum soluce lumens oi+OO.' G. 15, Nonconformities: As of the effective date of this subsection, a[ outdoor lighting that does notconform to every requirement of this subsection shall be,Tegal' nonconforming outdoor lighting. Legal nonconforming outdoor lighting shall n-oiie moved in anydirection, nor shall there te any change iu use or ligbt-type, br any replacement orstrucrurar arteration made to the nonconforminglutiooi tightiog, witbout theoutdoor lighting conforming to all applicable requi-rements orrltte tz. 16. Penalty: The penalty for violating tbis subsection shall be as provided in Section l-4-l ofthe Municipal Code. Eacb day of violation shall coustitute a separate offense fortbe purpose of calculating the penalty. Landscaping, Drainage, and Erosion Control: r. various natural vegetation zones exist within the Gore varley as a result of theform and aspects of the land itself. The north facing stop.s,*itnin the valley aretypically heavily wo-oded with spruce, pine and aspen and generaliy receive lessdirect zunlight than the.drier south facing slopes wuict typi'bally consist of sage,aspen and otber vegetation tolerant of drier conditions. ftri vatiey floor which is lt H. 7. 8. 9. 3. 4. sloping vegetated areas. Slope of cut and fill banks shali be determined by soil charaoeristics for thespecific site to avoid erosion, and promote revegetaiion. opportunities, but in any case shail be limited to a maximum of two to one (2: I) slopl. Measures shail be taken to retain all eroded soil marerial on site during construction, contol both ground water and surface water runof{ and topermanentiy stabilize all disturbed slopes and drainage features upon completion of construction. All plauts sball be planted in a good quality topsoil mix of a type and amount recommended by the American Landscape contraclor Rssoiiation and the Colorado Nurseryman's Association. 10. AII plantings must be mulebed. 11. Paving near a tree to be saved must contain a plan for a "ree vault', in order to ensure the ability ofthe roots to receive air. Fences, Hedges, Walls, and Screening: I' Tbe placement of walls and fences sball respect existing land forms and fit into land massing rather thaa artitrarily follow sire boundary lines. Fences shall not be encouraged except to screen trash arcas, utility equipment, etc. 2, Design of fences, wails, and other stnrctural landscape features shall be of materials compatible with the site and the m4terials of ihe structures on the site. Retaining walls and cribbing should utilize natural materials such as wood timbers, logs, rocks, or textured, color tinted concrete. No chain link fences shall be allowed excePt as temporary constructiotr fences or as required for recreational facilities. Setbacks Observed: All accessory uses and structures except fences, hedges, walls and landscaping, or ground level site development such as walks, driveways, and terraces itt"tt u" located within the required minimum setback lines on each site. Recreational amenities may be exempted by the Design Review Board if it determines that their location is not detrimental environmenully and/or aesrherically. Sight Triangle: To miaimize traffic hazards at street intersections by improving visibility for drivers ofconverging vehicles in any district where setbacks are required, no fence or stnrcture over three feet (3') in height shall be permitted witbin the rianguiar portion of a corner lot measured ftom tbe point of intersection of the lot [nes abutting the streets a distance ofthirty feet (30') along each lot line. 33 ZTZWes Moadowlhive Vail Colorndo 81657 ranuaryd, zoor r Torm ofVril C,omrinrnity Development Ase[tie*- B$ssForre$ Subject redseloppent of252 West Meadow Drive i:l Itc purpose ofthi< letts is to inform you ofour thoughts regarding the potcntial redsvolapq€nt of 252 W. Meodow Drive. On Decenrber l8r', 2002 Merv l^rpin and Caleb m€t with purBill Gibson regarding the subjectpotentialredwelopment, and atteryted to comnrmic,rtetohim ourthoughts as neighbors tothatproperty. Mr. Gibson is to be commended....he isverypatient. Basically, our ooncero is one of over dwelopme,nt ofthe propcrty md orcessive tree renoval Sp*ificollyr Trees there trc mr.y beautifirl ev€rgreen troes m thc property. It appears that little has been done to presenre them- Tte TOV is 'boon" to redo Weg Meadow Ihive....spending many $ to bearri&the Sreet. Thc planned tree removal is not only for the basic houses but also 6r patbs! Inorediblel When we buih fo 1982, the TOV required thrt weNOT remove any tees! This wc corylied with....and we're glad. It did require us to build 3 floors thus considcrsbly reducing the house fod print. r Driveways: much land getsconvertedto &ivewrys. Why? Itwould seem to us thst th€ design could considembly reduce thc rmount ofprving .. . .lerving nrore in gass rod trees. r Patios: rviy so big? And rafry take rees ord to eoablc large patios? . Fodpdnt: agarn, why so big? The units could be closer, the r"rits could be h^alwcls. nft, & lvft$ Ilalaby were kind enough to drop by our house to try rnd crphin nrhat thcy arc up to. We appreciated that and tried to erylain our sonccrn to them- We doubt that either ofus coavincedthe orther. otr wish birs is thst the TOV would trke action to preserve rs mmy trces es possible 1afl 1s minimiz€ construction foot prints thus enabling more vegctation on ou properties. Ttank you for ymr cosideration Sincerely yours Caleb B. Iturtt Ilftryrn F. Itu$t Attachment: F Appeals Form Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail:co.us General Information: This form is required for filing an appeal of a Staff, Design Review Board, or Planning and Environmental Commission action/decision. A complete form and associated requirements must be submitted to the Community Development Departrnent within ten (10) business days of the disputed action/decision. Action/Decision being appealed: A P P&<eVr u. o ti lrq e H rq u t' lS'1 ---.__-?-iJ (, ut- Date of Action/Decisionr /Z"*fue 4 -{- O4 Board or staff person rendering action/decisisn; D Els ;6. "l I q'.i t g Q O (\.1 t- d. =F<Jlr I Does this appeal involve a specific parcel of land(p (no) Ifyes, areyou an adjacentpropefi owner? @ Name of Appellant(s): C" Mailing Address: Phone: Physical Address in Vail: Legal Description of Appellant(q)in.lail: Lot:-Block:- Su reVrLr-.hd{r Appellant(s) Sig4ature(s) : (Attach a list of signatures if is required). Submittal Requirementsi 1. On a separate sheet or separate sheets of paper, provide a detailed explanation of how you are an "aggrieved or adversely affected person". 2. On a separate sheet or separate sheets of paper, specify the precise nature of the appeal. Please cite specific code sectlons having relevance to the action being appealed. 3. Provide a list of names and addresses (both mailing and physical addresses in Vail) of all owners of property who are the subject of the appeal and all adjacent property owners (including owners whose properties are separated from the subject property by a right-of-way, stream, or other intervening barrier),4. Provide stamped, addressed envelopes for each property owner listed in (3.). PLEASE SUBMIT THIS FORM AND ALL SUEMiTTAL REQUIREMENTS TO: TOWN OF VAIL, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. Activity No.: Project No.: APPEALSFORM Regarding 252W. MeadowDrive, Vail Submittal requirements: 1. "showhowyou are m adversely affectedperson" ...see owletterto TOV ilated Ll6l03, attached 2. 'hature of appeal" ... we submit that the removal ofmany large old evergreen treesis inconsisent with the following: o the TOV's Dwelopnent Standards llandbook, pg32: '1he goal of any landscape plan should be to preserve and enlance the natural landscEre charact€r ofthe area in which it is to be located" r TOV's 12-1l-f parD 3:'toprwenttheunnecessary destruction or blighting of the natural landscape" . TOV's l2-11-l par D 4: 'to ensrue ttrat the architecfuml deqign, location...and overall treatment ofbuilt-up and open qpaoes have been designed so tlat they relate harmoniously to the natural landforms and native vegitation....." 3.'lfut of names. ... of adjacent properfy own€rs: Merv I-apin, 232 W. Meadow Drive- Vail Submittedby: Caleb B. Hwtt &MaryanF. Hurtt March 17- 2003 2TZWe*, MeadowDrive Vail Colorado 81652 laauary d, zoor Toram ofVail ComnunityDwelopment Attation: RussForrres Subject of252 West Meadow Drive The puryose offt H3 T-,o inforn you of o'r thougtts regarding the pdentialredenelopment of 252 W.Meartow 6". - -- on Dscember rB1 2002 M€rr/ r rpin and caleb mer with your Eirl Gibson regarding thesubject potential rdeve]onn-glUlgra ffirytJto commrmicate to him ourthoughs asneighbors to that Foe€rry' Mr. Gibson n ti be conne,ndet. . . .n" isfr p"ti*t. Basically, our oonsern is one oforer dwelopme,nt ofthe property and .,rc€ssive treerenovaL Specifically:r Trees: there are many beautiftl wergre€ngees on the property. ft rppearsthat litde has bea donero preserve thm- rte Tov is .toon-to redo wesMeadowlhive....ry_e'ding- many S to bearrifythe rt e.t fn"g"oredtreeremoval is not only sr the basic houses bur rai r"r p"n"-! ilcredibre!When we buiftilgf, the TOVreguired that we NbT remove any trees! Jhis we corylied with....anrl rve re g!ad- n aia require us io Uoila S noorcthus considerabty reducing the hoor"-foot prioto Driveuays: nrct rrndgetscorvertedto drivorrays wbfl rturcurdseeonto usthatfte design could considerabty rerhrce Ae'arnmt ofn*Oo,....leaving more in grass nnd trees.o Pgtios: qfry so big? And tfry take trees orr to enable large patios?o Footprin[ egain, uihy so big? The units could be closer, ile'units could betwolwels Mr' & Iwrs. rralaby were kind e'nqrgl tg drop by our house to try aad erprain'rfiar they{ 9 try to. We appreoiated that and tried to eleliio our cono€f,n to them We doubrt thateifter ofus cmvincedthe other. our wish bias is thst the Tov u.urd take actim to pres€rve trs mrny trees as possreand to minimizc conc'ctioa foot prims thus eaabling more vegetatim on or propemies Thaok you frr yonr oomideration Sincerely yours Caleb B. Itrtt Itfirryan F. Ilrrrt Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co,us Protect Name: Hallaby residence DRB l{umber: DR8020311 Project DescripUon: Final revis,,r of separation request for new duplex Pafticipantsr OWNER KEPNER, H.F. - HALEY, A.D. t9/06/2002 Phone: - HOLMAN, R. & R. - BEAUREGARD, M. 310 JASMINE ST DENVER CO 80220 License: APPUCANT KEPNER, H.F. - HALEY, A.D. -09/06/2002 Phone: 303-888-5959 T Halaby - HOLMAN, R. & R. - BEAUREGARD, M. 310 JASMINE ST DENVER CO 80220 License: ProjectAddre*sz 2S2WMEADOWDRVAIL Location: L€gal Description: Loft 8 Block Subdivlsion: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 Parcel l{umber: 210107101002 Commenb: per DRB 9lL8lO2 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Actionl DENIED Gondidons: Cond:200 A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval. Planner: Bill Gibson T0i{4v ffi General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a. building permit application. -Please retdr t6 tne submittal requirements for the paticular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted untii all required information is received by the Community Development Departfient'- The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission' b"rign ,"ni"t" approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97O.479 .2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Conceptual review and seDaration request one year of the apProval' Description of the Request:for new du lex construction. Location ofthe ProPosat: Lot: 8 Block: - 9u661v15;6n' Vail Village 2nd Meadow Drive252 WestPhysical Address: 210107101002 & 003Parcel No.: ---(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') residentialTwo family Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):Theodore S. HalabY L2 Vista Road Englewood,CO 80110 Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Phone: Segerberg, l'{aYhew & Associates, Architects 1000 S. Frontage Road west, suite 300 Vail, cc 8L657 Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone:970-416-4433 Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review ! New Construction tr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-familY/du Plex) E Changes to APProved Plans A Separation Request $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 $20 No Fee Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painiing, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as' *onng, pairiting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For rev-isions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the '/)i1 Design Review Board.RECEIVED ' Ll.llc .t(,t TOItlN Application for Design Review DEps.tncnt of Cq|rnunlv Devdotrfi€Irt. 75 Soufi Ftonoge Rood, v.il, Glorado 81657g: 970.479.2131, f.x: 970.+9.2{52 r*b: rlvw.ci-vail-o.u €ensnl lnferrnadon!'ell projects Gquiring dedgn re,lctr m|Et.€cEil€ approval Flor !o gJhIinhg a bulldfuE pcrmit apDlkztloi, Ples5r r€f€r E the sibnitral tCqdre]nenb trr tre pafiofi€r rpgwEl tfiat b ?€qusied. An appllztbn Fr Dgdgn Rciar @nnd be .ralcded undl Ell rerulr€d lrrfcmatron ts receiud W th€ @rhmunily Daelopmrn hFrtnert Th project tnay abo nend b be revlc,red by Or Town Ounctl andrq tf|G Pflnnlng rnd Erru|lE ilrcnt'l CsmmHar Dctlgn lculcu, epgrwel irpc urrlcl I buildinl pcntrit b hrd rnd corcbudiln comlr|nc wfurh orF ta.r C |fi. rDe|D|.l. Dccolpdon of rlp R,aqrcrt:for new dup consEruction. Coneeptual revies and sepe:etLoD trsqueEc LEtlon of ths Froporel: Lotl:9-Bbctr-L suDdMalon; Phfdcel Jlddrccr:252 Hesr Meadow Drive 210107101002 a 003Partel llo.;(Onbct Eagle Co. Asessor al97E-328-86'm tor panel no.) 1\ro faoLly reeidenEialZorrlng: n!rF(3) otOrnrr(r);lteodore S. Halaby rrllng lddneo:L2 Vleta Road &rglewood.co 80110 Phonci Orrnc(r) Slgn t lr(t); iL|f,c of ApDllcantr Seger , Ilayher 6 Aesociales, Archltecta 1000 S- Frontage Foed West, Sutae 300 Vail, Ce 81557}|rllhg ldart!!: 97o-476-tL433 E-m.ll Add6er. kaeBerberg@euarche . qoqrar: Type dRrulonr rrd Fc: D Signs 15. Cancptud Revlcrw tr ileh,@nibxtlontr Addnbn ll MlnorAbubn ( rnuft i{gmlV/cornnErcial) O f{ira Alreration (:inglFfinrly/dudex) O cIn.rge tr npprocd Ptans A ScP.rftim R€qucrt fso EIE $f .00 per square loot of tsltrl dgn .I€ . t{o Fee 1650 For cottsbuctlm of . new buiHlrE d demay't€bulld. f3m For rn tddltion wh€t€ duare fu'bge b ilcl D aq' le#ertlEl a @rflmerdal tlltdlfig oncludE 25O adddons i inElct 6twer*toE). $250 Fot mirro datBcs b buildlngn and ft impocnents, $dl 6, rsrrnrrg, . parnting, windoti rdfriotts. lan lsplnE, fuicss end rcEining r€lls, €tc- $20 For nrlnor dranges to building,s rnd slE |rrprovqDenq sudl !s, |lr€ofing, Flndm, wlndow addittod:, lendcaPlng, lbtr(Et end retrlnirrg r,,illi, €ta $20 For levisions b Can5 ekead agFoned by Planning Strlt or tt: D6gn nsth|rt Board. No ftc UtcOnlV: Fm hld:Ch€d( No.:- By: DRB No.:DaE; Roject No.: ry+iisllrots Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses PROPOSED MATERIAI.S Tvoe of Material Cedar shake tlafit Color Tan Grey,/brown blend Tan Tan Burgendy Tan Brown Brown Brovrn stained. Grey,/brown blend Wood board c batten Stone T&G Wood. Clad wood 2X wood Wood stained !,Iood l{ood,/meta1 Stone Copper Stone N. A. Extbiior Ughtiaig Other Notes: Please specify the manufacUre/s name, the color name and number and.attach a olor chip. Grey,/brown blend Page 5 of LU02107102 PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Size .*8',Q 5'ro. 7-rz' ,-*t't'l9 :z:.'c't'.t-- JJSJZ'c:tt-t?c /.5L 9uPt-€F/rf|? ez. PROPOSED IAI{DSCAPING Botanlcal Name @mmon Name Ouantitv frcafr ?4affi Cb/a/r//A 9/%4 ,, <tru tt ffc.at fqfAut Caoafzrz a Sea€ 1' { ,t tl tr I & efl--.DCSNNGTREES TO BE REilOVED Mlnimum Requircnrents for Landscaping: soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION @I{TROL &tua @ /Wr 9t-ofES 4?4affe\..---- lmrv ?l Decjduous Trees - 2" CaliPer @ntrerous Trees - 6' in helgltt Shrubs- 5 @1. frwd aqQ Scuare Footaoe 1-l/0 b400 rttfitve d4t14F ?/ao ef4l/ fuEt StaP6tttutaT IJpg cRouND@vER k @ lanGcape fea$res (le- retalnhg- walb, f9nG, -llry!:tg PageT of lAo2l07/0z ro-ZS-o2 i 6 ! 57AM; OWEST ENG. 'o2 LOtZa lgu 0r:51 FN( so! 62i| 2262 QWEST e7038r.ozt8 (rd) 970.384.@5, (ra() Contact lason Sharp 9rcE. }UGH PRE5SURE GAS 970262.q7' (d' @ntacn Bdan Sulzer HOLi cRoss ELECTRIC Assoc 970.949.s892 (rel) 970.949.rf566 (fax) Conbcg Ted Husky EXCFI ENERCY 970.262.4024 (td) 970.252{(t38 (Fax). @ntacn Kt BogErt EAGI.€ RTVER WATER & SAf{TTANON DISTRICTT 97o.176.71'm9f]0 97q176..t089 (fax)' Ontact! Fred Haslee ATAT BR.OADBAND no.s49.L2a1x tt2 (d) 970.949.9138 (tax) Ghtace Hold glazar SIARCBS-DBNVER Authorlzcd Slanilurt EE i97O 341 o?57 * 2,,_, vr, e-€w6 i e... SXARCES-VAIL to - zt-oL lo-z-5- 6u /a,-'z'4.-,o/ lo A{.cK ,s -&4 oJ._ UTIIJTY LOCATIOTI VERIFIC.ATTOII TE q is to veriff servi- availabllity and locatbn for new co.nstrucflor ard should be r.rsed Inqllynory w,$ prepathg vour utility plan ana s*reouttne tnstatBuoni. Tlt;l;ur" and aya[ability dfu0uties, wtreB.r thev are marn trunktines "r p.poiJ iirt,il; b. bd;;; verrfled by rhefollowfng udDes for ite accornpanytng site p6n. :ryPT Prwrde a 5lte Plan, floor plan, and ekvaUons when obtalnlng apprwal fronr the Eagle Rlver mter & Sanitadon DGfiliL Hrc flotrr needs must be addrcsscd, T{OTES: 1- lf thc try4y.v€rlficaUon form har dgnabrrcs ftom eqdr of UE utillty onpanles., and m comrnerB Te lrtad€ dlrcdy on t*re fqm, the Toyyo w,fl presume that Ortri am nd pqoOla;s End tEdcr'cbFf|ent@nFrd. 2. tr I uUllty onpany las qrernr vrlth tE pmpccd consuurion, the uUlW rcpcsentauve dratl noE-dlr€c0t on the sily verlllcatbn furrr Srat $ere ts r probhnt rrtrlCr neelE'to be rcsolved. Thc bsrE shouU uEn be detalled.h an ffi lcGr b Ud Tovm dvad. ltomrer,ptease rccp ' ' h mhd srat t a the respoastbltv of $e udrv onpanf ard ure app[cant to resdG Ecnffie;poblems. 3, Page 8 of IUOUOI,OZ January 29, 2003 Mr. Bill Gibson Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: 252 DUPLEX DRB "Final Review" Submittal Dear Bill: We are submitting drawings dated January 29,2003 for "Final Review" of the new conshuction of a two family residence located at252 West Meadow Drive. These drawings have been revised to accommodate the comments listed on your letter to us dated January 22,2003. The following is a detail list of our responses: Comment:Response: Planning Department l. Site & Grading Plans: a. IdentiS the locations of all utilities including extisting sources and proposed service lines On Site plan (A2.1) we now show the location of the electrical line from the sansformer to both unie. We still need to locate the source for gas, and water b. Identi$ all unenclosed surface parking spaces with 9'Xl9'box On Site plan (A2.1) we adjusted the unenclosed surface parking spaces boxes to 9'X19' c. Identiff proposed surface drainage on the east side ofproperty On Site plan (A2.1) we show and label a drainage swale at the east side of property. d. Label the proposed retaining wall elevations at the iop and bottom of all walls. On Site plan (A2.1) we labeled top and bottom of wall elevations of all retaining walls. e. Delineate all wetlands per the Rangeland Resources September 6, 2002, study On Site plan (A2.1) and Landscape plan (L-l) the wetlands are delineated and labeled per the Rangeland Resources repod. f. Show site coverage and landscape area calculations On Cover sheet (A1.0) site coverage and landscape area calculations are shown. g. No grading shall be permitted within 100 year flood plain On Site plan (A2.1) grading is now shown outside of the 100 year flood plain. h. No grading shall be permitted within wetlands area On Site plan (A2.1) no grading is now shown within the wetlands area i. No grading or improvernents are permitted outside the properly boundaries of the site, with the exception of those approved within the West Meadow Drive ripht-of-way On Site plan (A2.1) no grading is shown outside the property boundaries with the exception of those in the West Meadows Drive right-of-way j. The limits of disturbance fence shall be relocated within property boundaries, with the exception of those approved within the West Meadow Drive right-of-way. The limits of disturbance fence also needs to be outside On Site plan (A2.1) the limits of distutbance fence has been relocated in correspondence to new grading, wetlands, 100 year flood plan and critical root zon€ of existing trees. of 100 year flood plan and wetlands, as well as the critical root zone of existing trees k. No improvements shall be permitted within the utility easement without the express written consent ofall groups party to said easement Our plan is to submit for a revocable permit from the Town of Vail for those improvements within the utiliw easement at the south end of the site 2. Landscape plan: a. Lanscape plan should be drawn at same scale as site plan Plan is now 1"=10' b. Delineate critical root zones for existing trees to be preserved and delineate all constuction fencing necessary for tree Dreservation The owner has hired an arborist to create a report that will outline recommendations for dealing with - existing trees. The numbering of existing trees on Site plan (A2.0) conesponds to this report c. Delineate all wetlands per the Rangeland Resources September 6. 2002. studv The wetlands are now delineated d. The proposed building layout must be consistent with the site plan The building layout is consistent with the site plan 3. Architectural Floor Plans: a. Submit one set of floor plans "red-lined" indicated how the gross residential floor area was calculated GRFA-I and GMA-2 indicate how the gross residential floor area was calculated b. Crawlspaces not counted as GRFA shall be accessible through an opening ofno greater than 12 s.f. in area On Lower level floor plan (A3.0) we added walls to the mechanical room and have indicated an opening of 12 s.f. 4. Architectural Elevations: a. All elevations must be fully dimensioned On the Building elevations (A5.0 & A5.l) horizontal dimensions were added to indicate wall and roof dimensions b. Identifu all exterior utility service panels On the Floor plans (A3. I & A3/2) Building elevations (3/45.0 &2l. .5.l) the locations of service panels are indicated. 5. An exterior lighting plan must be submitted for review (this may be incorporated into the site plan or landscape plan) On Site plan (A2.0) the exterior wall sconces are shown and labeled by typ€. On the Landscape plan (L-l) the path lights and step lights are indicated. 6. The upper garage level ofthe east residence (previous EHID must be accommodated within the allowable GRFA limits for the property or be eliminated to reduce unnecessary building bulk and mass on the site The upper garage level of the east residence will accommodate a 500 s.f. EHU unit 7. A Revocable Right-of-Way Permit shall be required for all improvements within the West Meadow Drive right-of-way Applications for permits will be filed and obtained before improvements are built Public Works Departnent 1. The 100 year flood plain must be surveyed, staked and marked prior to any excavations and noted as such on the site plan. On Site plan (A2.0) this note relating to the 100 year flood plain was added 2. On the site plan, identifu BMP Erosion Contol measures above limit of disturbance fence on the south side of property On Site plan (A2.0) a note was added to indicate the need for a silt fence for erosion conftol 3. Provide stamped, approved drawings from a licensed PE for all boulder retaining walls per Town of Vail standards at the Buildins Permit stage Drawings for retaining walls created by a licensed PE will be a part of the drawing set submitted for a Buildine Permit 4. Provide grade elevations at the centerline of both driveways and throughout West Meadow Drive Site plan (A2.0) now shows grade elevations and slope percentages along the centerline of both drivewavs. 5. Heated portions of the driveway in the West Meadow Drive right-of-way shall be in separate heat zones. On Site plan (A2.0) there is now a note and a graphic indication of the need for separate heat zones 6. The west$riveway vehicle turnaround must be revised to meet Town of Vail standards On Site plan (A2.0) the tumaround on the west driveway has been revised to meet Town of Vail standards 7. Remove trees around the electric transformer to meet Town of Vail site distance requirements. Trees have been moved back 250'. Dashed sight line is on Landscape plan (L-l) 8. Some form of a guardrail or retaining wall is required above the east driveway fumaround area Driveway barrier of 4-5' boulders and spruce tees shown on Landscape plan (L-l) 9. The proposed grading ofthe driveways must be designed per existing conditions The revised proposed grading on the Site plan (A2.0) is desigred per existing conditions as shown on survev 10. All disturbed areas of the site must be retumed to a grade of 2: I or less The revised proposed gading on Site plan (A2.0) is 2:1 or less Fire Departrnent l. Fire sprinkler systems will be required for each dwelling unit. To be reviewed with Mike Vaughan with Town of Vail Fire Department Sincerely, ERG, MAYHEW & ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS, P.C., A.I.A. KrJrt A. Segerberg, A.I.A. -,.t LIGHTING SCHEDULE ARROYO CRAFTSMAN LIGHT FIXTURES FIXTURE TYPE A Berkeley: Wall Mount FIXTURE TYPE B Berkeley: Wall Mount Specifications Item # M-A8ZWidth I 8-t/ZeHeight tZ.Projection 11 Wall Canopy 7-t/2' Finish Shown Verdigris patina Art Glass Shown Gold-White lridescent Art GlassWattage IOOSockets 1 Specifications Item # M-A8O width ' 7,Height l'4-',/4rProiection 10' Wall Canopy 6-l/4' Finish Shown Verdigris Patina Art Glass Shown Gold-White lridescent Art GlassWattage IOOSockets 1 Berkelev lell"3 INcANDEsicENT coNvENlENcE uonnnG' SI'PPI."EilENT I.JG}MNG It. t{L€877/NL.6t78 NL€876 - plf,ENsloils = 'concrote pour only l$;tffi m$iig;$ffiffi**r*g;ffisiBt*EBri PEBFECLITE CO. A !IGatlt Atttll.t. r rE? c ,^rh strccl Clevaland. Ohlo 44103 EnterZp/Postat coo", ffi] @D Product Data ilrrr{aliiil;L, tlescrlPtlon IIIONACO ADI Metal Halkte Adjustable Boam Area & Accent Fixture Spec Sheets Catalog lD Descriptlon uoNAco 2mr ffi:,iF,'ffStjustaue Beam Area & IES Flles ilil$ Descrlption lrot{Aco2oor ff$eewno MH lanp' Adjustedfor toNAco 2tnt ffi t:*tu MH lanp' Adiusted for Technlcal Inlormatlon Technical lnformatlon for: Lumlclo Technlcal lnformadon r Retum To Brand Resufit Soec Sheet Uodates Ugfirfig Metal llallde (MH) 4ueulslccentLumilre Solrrdo.ttqrlbftarr H:lo Fo.t o{o l{*rtux t|c+'ary @Eftr Lrrnak tr,to€ra,?-E(ktrt grr.-Utes FrGhl. l.b AlLh. LiirY!gE MWS 9lr6aterdl6 C('op.rtED hrternatbfld Regent Product lnformatlon for: uoNAco 2001 Find thls brand at a near you: t-ast Updated 11l4l02 Last Updated s16102 t-ast Updated 11tNOz 11t4t02 View Buye/s Gul Download lnstrucdmg Viewas PDF Dofvnlold lmhrcdonr Ilownload as lE Downloed as lE Open Page O. Cogtdgftt 20(B gooq€. !4Ftio.. hc. Al dghtg r6ssn,€d. Cmydght end DirdairE wo nolcornc youl tla(baalc Ta|( To Usl httn'//wltw connediohfin o nnvn /ccarnh /nc^drrnf< acn'i,.{- I 1AQ{ ?.lr-^- ,|-r ,,-;^-^ e- ^-- - ^ J: 1 ..r'-, ,4t\Aa '- LandscaPe - 902 Bollard SAIIJTE RESTAI'RANT RtcHilot{o, c Page I of3 " cfi'Jp t'{$p ft[!!@ ,llEo'Gulloh$ scneUnmn SHOU'.I WTH OPIIONAAFPED }IOOq SilITIIRAlrcH}|()r|ES 1{O\,ATO, CA f.rncs: novsroH, rnNA oro' ALLEY & ABEY EE: llAl€EN & SAIIGHIER Iie. oesGN: euengActl e Gusow 'tbiitr(4[.8 fili.tr rq s'lshtm F be.{} .st-; .tlTi'$ = .'q${ f, s#F,p E PDFF||es:edcsPase.LE[erspgc|Foafio|E.-|''$altsfie4'|nFcn'clioo.PloelDdctIZpF||e:E$ . Solid bronze and copper construction provide mainbnance'ftee fi nishes. . Ebcronic ballasts are standard for CF lamping and provide lol temP starting. .Available with lovv wattage metal halide' lamping.Companion galden light available' http ://shaperlichtins.com/caraloeJslan(X'htm 4n6no02 - 902 Bollald Pqe2of3 902 BOI.IARD IIFS'BAIIISTS lncandccent 1 - 100W max (A-19). Ffnonccent I @mpact 26W (F26T|T), or I orpaci 42W (F42TT[. H.LD.: 1- 5(Mor70Vllme0d hallde, or 1- S(Ml or 7OW h(g geesure sodhm. (ED17, medium base). Spedff voltege. Incendescant araaibble 120V only. For H.l.D.. balas0s are High Porer Fa6r (HPF) thermally pr@@d srd ou6mr-rtrd. For fruoresent Elecronb B€IS (SSB) ate startrd. 4fh brnpo r€quircd. See'BaK" and .l.ampef in Sedion G. Lampo by o0r€rs. See 'Us6r Guktd 6r infurdion on starting bmp€rdres of f,rlaeeent bOrres. TATEroALS' FXruRE LOGANOiI U.L lisied br ntet locatin. Hood, atpport ams and po€t ale solitl copper. Fintrre body and nrunting base arc Sand Cd Bronze. RXtslrES Dlftrcoc Cbar Gbss, inside sanded. B*o a Body: Sand Cac* Broeize (weatrecto a dad< patina). Hood,Annr, Polt: l{GP - Natural Copper (weafterc b a dark pdina). VG -Verdi€da CC -CusbmOolor, Sent€lcs f,oulfnilG Overall bollad heigtrt b if standdd. Speciff oher, (ex 2SOA). Pct is winway; wire b made up bebrv remonablehd. Corduit €nters a[ enbr of be pleb. Andror bolE and bmpbb a]€ sttpplid wi[r fr<ture. OPTIONS Forcompanlon gdd€n faght omduft mounbd. see Spc" tfo. 911 in thb Aveabdeqih-lrdi Cast base b standad rnuntq, supplbd wth ancfior bolbandbmd#. -ft.. l'tl\ \\JI l v{d, f. Ag l Avdbble uih hlppcd hood, sp€dry sufix HH. huD//SaD€rlichtins.oo'n/calalocs/slm04-htu 4D6r2W2 1o-25-O2; 8:57AM; OWEST E NG. 'oZ LO/21 TfiU 0r:5{ FAI lor 825 2282 QWEST 970.384.0238 (Et) 970.384.0?57 (fdx) Contact Jason Sharp B(CB. HIGH PRESSURE GAS 97o.262.fi7, (tEl, Contac* Erlan Sulzer HOLY CROSS ELEC1TIC ASSOC. 970.941r.5892 (tet) 970.'901t.4565 (nax) CpnbcU Ted Husky EXCEL ENER,GY 970.262.4024 (tel) 970.262.N38 (fax). contact: Kit Bogart EAGLE RIVER WATER A SANIIATION DISTRICTI 970.176.7180 (tfjt, 970,476..1089 (fax) Contach Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.9tt9.t224 r tt2 (H) 970.949.s138 (fax) Conbct: Floyd Salazar SXARCgS-DENVER Authorlzld SlqnrturG Date ;97o 3€4 C)257 * 2/ 2 e,v',si€u6iF z .+- SIARCHS-VAIL la -Ls - 6U UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICAIIO|| nf foqt is to verifi servi- rvaltabllfty and locatinn for new construction and should be used inconJunctlon wlth prepathg your utility plan and schedutlng installauoni. nilo"alion ana ara,fabiliv 6futfllh:es, whether they rre maln tsunk-lthes o. proporeJ lries,fi+ d;pd;;;; vertficd br rhefolbwing ub:lldes for thc accompanyfig site plin.' to N.ix /o -d4- oJ,_ 1. lplotS ryryLdl a site plan, lloor plan, and ehvations when obtalning rpproval fto.n the Eagle River waEr& Saritation Dtstdct. Flrc lbrrv nceds must be addresscd, r{oTES: If thc utiliV verlfication form has slgnahrrEs from eaclr of the stillV companles, and no camments ire Tt(l€ drecdy on tie form, the Town wnl prcsume ttrat thirc are no poblems 6nd the dcvclopment can prrerd, If a utlllty lornpany has oncems wililr thc propead construidftm, the uUlty representadve sfiafl note dlrectly on the utlllty vcrlflcatlon brm that ttrere is a problen wfrlch ieed;'tE be resolvpd. The issue should then be detalled.in an adached lett€r b thi Toran of Vall. However, ,please keep , In mjnd .that lt is the tesponsibility of the utility compani and the apptlcant to resoG identillcdproHems, 3, Pase 8 of tzlozloTlPz 1-5L euPl-tFlrfll/ eA. PROPOSED IAilDSAAPING Botanlcal Name Common Name OuanUtY PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS OCSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVER 50D SEED IRRIGATION W ftcafr fu,ad6 fuaqna eM /r" @o4__6reo1- CaPn6 €taUpfuqr AeD rttra(Wfr€ Lfo ame^ fAtffi ll gnur ftiffiipaf gt/,6 ttrp Mc(aJ 7 r 4?z Frffiif ?.{. L//rt4 M€ L( _ < a*4/ tt tt tl tll& efi-. Minimum Requirements for [andscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferos Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Cial. IJPC $Dars Footaoe b.W LflO Fwl rc b4oo ui-nvP. e4%F ?/ao KfuA2t--7I Y .:\O v v TYPE OF EROSION CONTR^'oL NLQ-SIaP frP- lttu" 7nf.F aafis\ 6UWTET 7vy71v 2l Please speciff lanOscape features (i.e. retaining walb, fences, srivlryiP rylt' ry')a dl Jw Page 7 of t2l0AO7lO2 t Fron Lard TJtlc Wed Sep 4 XLz47:49 2OO2 Prgc 1 of 9 LdTltleGarde@y Cl|srcilniltrHE no,l Drtc! ll$,ll+ltlltl Our Ordet Nunber: V2?5t39.1 Propcrty Addrcr: PATGLA AIID PAnffi. 4 r.I)f t, VAIL VII,IAGESECm{D nLrNG rsrrrsEf,ntsEnG Phn: 9l0{7641fit sGfiYlFa RrnEJlfr From Land T'l tl e fed Sep 4 LL:47:.49 2OO2 Page 2 of 9 LadTrtleQ.rfie@ny lo'n*NrrcIs Drte: o9-o+2ooz Our Order Number: V275E39.f Property Address: PARGL A AND PARCU, B, I,'OT E, VAIL VII.AGE SECOND tr'IIING Buyer/Borrower: THEODORE S. IIAI.ABY, AS TO PARCEL A THEODORE S TIAI"ABY, CYNTHIA G. IIAI-ABY, PAUL R STEINWAY, MF,RROLE STENWAY' Seller/Orvner: TIIEODORE S. TIAI.ABY, AS TO PAR@- A TIIEODORES. IIAI.ABY, CYNTTIIA G. IIAI.ABY, PATILR STEINWAY, MMNOI-ESTEXNWAY, HARruSON F. KEFNE& AI{D ANLENE D. TIALEY, AS TO PArcEL B If you have any Inqulrles or require turther essbtancg please contect one of the numbers below: For Closing Asslstence: Need r mep or dlrecdons lor your uFomlng closlng? Check out IJnd Tltle's web slte at www.ltgc.com for directiors to anv of our tl{l otfrcc locations. lor dllc:l TEANK YOU FIOR YOTJR ORDER! For Tltle Asslstinces Vdl fith DepL I&rcnBlggs 10E s. moNTAGAnD. W. #i103 P.O. BOX 357 vAtr co tr657 Ytnlr: fil$-tfl 6-XISI Fs: 9Io-4754534 Eltttdl: ldt'ggs@lgc.com of our tl{l otttcc EIIMATECFTITIEFEi Alb OwrEtr Follcy 10-17-92 TBD TC'TAL so.00 ' From Land TJtl e Wed Sep 4 LL.47 249 2ooZ Page 3 of 9 Odcryo Tlde lr|rmce Corryany ALTA COMMITMENT OurOrderNo. V275E39.1 Schcdule A CusL Rcf.: Prop€rty Addrrss: PAR(EL A AI{D PANgEL B, Il)T E, VAIL VILIAGE SECOND FILING 1. Efiectlve Date: Arryttst Zl, 2002 at 5:00 P.l!L 2. Pollcy to be Issued, end Proposed Insur€d: 'ALTA" Owmr's Pollcy 10-17-92 $0-00 Propcecd lrsued: TIIEODORE S. IIAIABY, AS TO PAR@. A TTIEODONES. IIAI.ABY, CYNTIIIA G. HAI.ABY, PAULR STEINWAY, MERNOLE STEINWAY, HARRISC'I! F. I(EPNM, AND ARLENE D. IIALEY, AS To PANCEL B 3. The ertste or interest ln the lrnd descr.lbed or relerred to In thls Commlbnent and covered herelD ls3 A Fce Sl@e 4. fitle to the eststc or lntcrest covcrcd hcre{n ls at the ettecdve date hcreof vcstcd In: TIIEODORE S. IIAI.ABY, AS TO PARCS, A TTIFI)DONE S. IIAI.ABY, CYNfi-IIA G. HAI,ABY, PATJL R. STEINWAY, MERROLE STEINWAY' IIARruSON F. I@NEN. AND AM,UYE D. IIALET, AS TO PARCE- B 5- The lgrd rrlerred to ln thls CoDrdtrDent ls dercrlbed es tolbws: SEE ATTACHE) PAGq$ TORLEGAL DESCRIPTTd{ ' From Land TJt'l e Wed sep 4 LLr47 r49 2ooz Page 4 of 9 Our Order No. V275E39.1 [.gLTECHPnCN PARGLA: LOT t, VAIL V&T.AGE SECOND FILING, AMENDED MAP EXCEPT PARCEI. B HERSN DESCRIBED ASF{)LLOVIE: COIUMET.ICING AT THE S(ruTHEASTERLY CORNER OF LI)T B, TIIENCE NORTTIWESTERLY AI-oNG TIIE F,ASTERLY LINE OT SAID I,('T I ON A CT'RVE TO TTIE RIGIIT IIAVING A RADIUS OF 525.00 FEET, A CEhITRAL ANGLE OF 02 DEGREES 10 MINUTES 5E SECONDS AI{D AN ARC DISTANS OF 2O.OO TET TO A PIOINT OF TANGEITIT; TIIN,.{CE NORTIIWESTENLY AII)NG SAID TANGtr..{T AND SAID EASTERLY I,INE 40.33 FEET TO TTIE FOINT OF BEGIIINING; fiIBNCE CONTINUING AL(XilG SAID AFORESAID LINE A DISTAN@ OF 10l-67 FEET TO A FOINT OF CTJRVE; THENCE AI.ONG SAID EASITENLY LINE AND AI'NG A CI,'RVE TO TIIE RIGTIT IIAVINGA RADIUS OF 5O.OO tr'BT, A CEITRAL ANGLE OF OE DEGRES U MINUTES 6 SECOI{DS AI{D AN ARC DXSTANCB OF 7.T5 FffiT; TTIA\CE oIII AI\I ANGTJE TO TTIE LEFT OF 90 DEGNEES OO MINUTES OO SEIOONDS AND AI,'oNG TIIE NORTIIF,RLY LINE OF SAID Il'T t, A DXSTANCE OF 93.93 FEET; TTIM{CE ON AN ANGLE TO TTIE LM'T OF E5 DEGRMS 25 MINUTES 35 SECONDS AND AI.ONG TIIE WESTMLY LIIIE OF SAID TITT t, A DISTANCE OF ?E.t3 FET; TIIEhICE ON AN ANGLE TO LtrT (X'EO DEGRE:ES 2I} MINUTES 3I SECOI{DS A DISTAI{CE OF IIt.t3 FEET AI,OI{G TIIE CENTm'LIDIE ()F'A PARTY WALL EKTEIIDED TO THE FOINT OF BEGII\INING, CIXJNTY OF EAGI..q STATE G' COII)RADO. PARCELB: II}T t, VAIL VILI.N,GE SEC(T{D FILING, AMENDED MAP, MORE PARTICT'I.ARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLIOWS: COIVTMENCING AT TIIE S(XJTTIEASTENLY CONNER OF I]OT t; THENCE NORTIIWESTENLY AI.ONG TIIE EASTENLY LINE OF SAID IlT S OI! A C{'R\rE TO TIIE RIGIIT TIAVING A NADruS G'525.00 FEET, A CTT|ITRAL AI\IGLE OF 2 DEGREES IO MINUTES 5t SECONDS AND AN ARC DETANCE OF 20.00 FEETTOA FOINTOFTANGF{T; TIIB{CENORTFIWESTERLY ALONGSAID TAI\IGE{TAND SAID EASTERLY LINE /A.33 FET TO TTIE IIoNNT OF BEGII{NING; TIIEITIG CONTINUING AIONG AF1ORESAID LINE A DISTAI{@ OF 101.67 FEET TO A FOINT OF CT.]RVE;, TTIEI'{CE AIJONG SAID EASTERLY LIIIE AND AT.ONG A CURVE TO THE RIGIIT HAVING A RADIUS OF 50.00 FEET, A CB.TTRAL ANGLE OF E DEGREIES 1l MINUTES 35 SECONDS AND AN ARC DXSTANG OF 7.r5 FET; TIIEN@ ON AN ANGLE TO TIIE LEFT OF 90 DEGRffiS 00 MINUTES OO SEOONDS AND ATONG TTIE NOMTIERLY LINE OF SAID I,I)T I, A DISTANCE OF 93.93 tr'EET; THENCE Oll AN AI\IGLE TO TIIE LEfi'T OF s5 DEGREIES 26 MINUTES 35 SEOONDS AND AIJONG TTIE WESTF,RLY LINE (X. SAID I,I)T E, A DXSTANCE OF 7t.EIt FEET; TIIEi.TG ON AN ANGLE TO LEFT OF EO DEGRB]ES 20 MINUTES 3T SECONDS A DXSTANCE OF 118.t3 FET AI-ONG TIIE GTiITER.LINE OF A PARTY WALL EXTEhIDED TO TTIE FOINT OF BEGINNING, COUNTY OFEAGLF. STATE OFCI)I-NADO. ' From Land Tltl e Wed Sep 4 Ll:47249 2OOZ Page 5 of 9 ALTA COMMITMENT SctcduleB-Secdonl (Rcqulrementg) The followlng arc the requlrerEer s to be complled wlth: Our Ordcr No. V275E39.1 Irem (a) Peynent to or for lfu accornt of lhe grmlors or mrgsgors of the tull consldeladon for the eabte or lnbrcst to be lrsured- Itsm (b) Ptopr lrrstsrrrrn(s) cmadrg tfu esblc or lnbrtst to b lrsued rrltt be cxecrd ard duly trled tor rccond' b-wlG Iem (c) hyment ot rll ffics, clEges or EsegsftrnE tevled Bd essessed sgdrat tlE subJect Ftldset wtdch s|t &!e rdpryede. Itfii (d) Addldoml r€qtltersr8, lf rnl dfudosed below: THXS COMIUITMEIIT XS FOR II{FORMATT(X{ ODTLY, AND NO FOL[CY W[,L BE XSST'ED PURSUANTHNETO. IA*IT*III* NOfiCE OE Fffi CIIANGF,, EFFECTIVE SEPAEMBER L, 2OOI SIS*ITTT** hnrnrl to Colorado ncyfued $enft 30-1lt-421, 'TlE coury clerk nrd rccorder sMl collcct e $rcherfe of $l.lX) tor each docrrrErl rccelved tor rccotdrg or tllhg ln lds or her otttce- Tln surclnrge slIrll b In adddon to sry olher fces prnitEd hg staift. " ' From Land Tl t'l e ttVed Sep 4 tLz 47 249 2OO2 Page 5 of 9 ALTA COMMITMENT SchftdeB-Secdon2 (Exceptlons) Our Order No. V275&t9.1 The pollcy or pollclcs to be lss|rcd wllt contaln exceptlom to the tollowlrE unlers the s.ntc ere dlsPo$d of to thc srdshctlon ol the Company: 1. Rlglfs or cldrr ol pordes In porseselon rDt rhown by ttr pbllc records. 2. Elserrrlq or cldms ol ercrmrls, mt rhown by lh ptllc recordc. 3. I,fscre;nrler, corf,lc8 ln borrdry llrs, shortrge ln ercq emmadrrntB, rd ur5l lrcts wHdt e correct arlvcy fld lrspccdon of the prcnlses would dccloge srd wtdch rt mt chown by ttr pHlc records. 4. Ary lleq or dght to r llel|' tor s€rvlcer, tsbor or nElerld tlnm0otorr or lprcdlcr filrdshed, lrryored by lsrv srd mt shown by the Frulc records. 5. DelecB, llor, crruabr.grcs, edvene clrlrr or oltrr rmtEr8, ll q/, c|3dc4 trtst rysdrE ln the pbllc records or effiE suhe$r€rf io tlE cf,fccdve .!eE lE|tot htr Flor b lhe dsle Er popored lmrcd ecqdrcc ol ltcold for vd|l OE €strE or InteEst or mrlgege tlErron covertd by ttds Col[d0rrnL 6. Texes or speclal sssessrlFnts whlch are not shown c ed,rdrg llens by the pHlc r€colds. 7. Uers tor urgdd waEr {d servcr clnrges, lt rry. t. In eddidon, lhe owrrds poticy wlll be $tldect to the rrrrlgqge, li rry, mEd In Secdon I ot Schdule B ltrtot 9. RIGIIT OF. PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR IJODE TO EJ(TRACT AND XEMO\rE HXS ORE TIIEREENOilT SHOULD THE SAME BE K)UND TO PENETRATE OR INTENSECT TIIE PREMISES AS RESER\rE,D IN I,JNTTED STATES PATE\IT REC€RDED SEPIEMBERO , T923, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 9t. IO. RIGHT OF \YAY flOR DTTCIIES OR CATi|AI,S CI)NSTRUCTH) BY THE AUTHORITY OF TTIE TJNTTED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATE\IT NECI)NDED SEFTEMBEN'o4' I922I, IN B(X)K93 AT PAGE9t. II. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, WHICXI DO NOT COI\TAIN A FONFEITUNE OR REVERIER CTAUSF,, BUTOMITTINGNESTRICTTONS, TFANY, BASED or{ RAtrT C(xl)& RELIGION' ORNATIONAL OnIG}IN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRT'MEhIT RECT)RDED JANUARY II!', 1963' IN B(X)K 174 AT PAGE,€I AND AS AMENDE) IN INSTRUMETYT RECORI'E) AUG|T]ST 27, 1954, IN B(X)K 1E3 AT PAGS,239. lZ EASEtrlIEtr{TS, CONDfl(}{S, CI)VBIIANTS, nESTTCTIOI{S, RESRVATIONS AND NOTES ol{ THE NEOONDED PI.AT OF VAIL VILIAGE SECOI\ID FILING 13. TERI!!S, C(NDITIONS, AtrgD PROVI$(I{S OF pARTy WALL AGXEmIUE{T RECORDED MARCII o\ Lln4, IN B(X)K 233 AT PAGE 511 AND M(DmCATION RECORITED APRIL 5, 19E2 ' From Land Tltl e trtred Sep 4 LL247.49 2o0z P4e7of9 ALTA COMMITMENT SclEdtdcB-Secdon2 (Exceptlons) Our Order No' V275t39' l The potlcy or pollclca to bc lssucd wlll contsln crceptlor|s to the tottowlqg unlc$ the satDc ore dlsPos€d ot to the sstbLcflon of thc Coropony: IN Bq)K33t AT PAGE 7g'. L4. DEED OF TRUST DATED FR(N! TIIEODORE s. HAIABY TO THE P!,JBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE CI)T,NTY FIORTIIE tIStE OF BAI{KONE TO SECI,JNE THE SUM OF $1,575,INO.00, AND ANY OTHHLAMOT]NTS PAYABLE T'NDERTTIETERITilS fiCREOT', RECORDED JITJIIIE 14, 2IXI2, LJNDEn'REGPIIION N(} 798tt6 AND nERECOntED JUM rA' 2n02, RECEFTIOT{ N(} 7994!rt. (AI'FECTS PARCEL A) 15. IERIVXS, CONDITIONS AI{D PROVISIONS OF C(>OWNERSTilP AGnEEDTU{T RECORT}ED APRrL 06, I9I2 IN BOOK 33t AT PAGE ?5I AI{D FIRST AMET.IDMEIIT NECONDED JANUARY 25, 2002 UNDERREGPTIOMO. 7E4025 AM AMEIDMm{T RECORDED FEERUARY S,2AO2 T,JNDER REGFIION NO. 7tsuIt. (ATFECTS PARCELB) From Land Tl t'l e Wed Sep 4 LL'47t49 2Oo2 Page 8 of 9 LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DTSCLOSURE STATEMENTS NoE: hnsuurt to CnS 10-11-lzl, m0ce ls hreby glven tlnt A) Thc subJect ttal pmperly lrny be loceEd ln e sFclal hxlng dlsts|ct B) A Certtrcd€ of Tbxes Drr llsdrg eech ulry Jurtsdcdon nrry bc obtdrEd trom tftc Co|tr|ty T[easutrts ndrodzed agent c) The lrtronmdon rcgrrdrg rpeclsl dbllcE rnd the borndarles of srrh dls[lcb rry tn obtelned tom the Bord of c.ounfiy conrldsslolrn, tlt courtr oerk ard Recorder, or tlr couns Alsca3or. NoE: Ettecdve Scplernbr l, 'rlDn, CnS 30-104{16 reqdrcs tlnt nll doolrents tecclved lor recordlrg or tlllrg In th clcrh erd rccordcf r ottrce slnll contdn I bp nnrgln of et leest orE hrch ad r lefg rlght md bofiom rmrgln ol et lest orr helt ol en lrrh Tlr cle* erd Ecorder mly rttrlse to rccord or ttle rqr docurmr lld does IDt cotjontr, ercep tln! tln tteqrlrelrnt tor th bp nnrgtn sltr|l mt ryfly to docurrxB r8lrry tonns on wldch rpecc ls p.ovldcd for rccordlng or trlhE llilon! tlon et the bp rrrgln of lhe docrrrent Note: ColoEdo Dlvlslon ot tnnnerrc RegddorE 3-5.1, Peragrqh C ol Ardde Vtr rcqires Ont "Every dde erdty slnlt b rerponslue tor dl nrrtr rr wHch ryeer ot Ecotd F'lor b dE drE of rccotdrE wlsrver th ddc endty con&rB the closLE ed b rcrponslHe tor rcotdrE or tllhtg ot legd doc|rErlb tEsultlng ft|om the Cenecdon wllch wes ctos€d". PtovLled O|8f llrd Tlde Guarrtt€c Corqry ond|EE tlr closlrg of th lrsurcd Ersecdon md ls lcsPorElue lor rtcordrE OE legel docurnls from ttr [urecdoq excepdon mlrfur 5 wltt rret ryear on the Orrrtcr's Tlde Pollcy ald the Len&rs Follcy when lssrcd. Note: Afrlnrdvc rrclm{c'l llen Fotrcdon lor lfu Orwrr nry bc welleble ([flcelly by deledon ol Excepdon no. 4 of Schedde B, Secdon 2 of tlrc Conrrdtsmnt llom tE Omtds Follcy lo bc ismd) upon corSirre wlth the lollowlrg condldorr: A) TtE lrd descrlbed tn ScHule A ol tlis cotrtrri8tEr rm$t h e slrgle tuily reslderre wllch lrrldcs r cordondrlur or towr Dt|se rldt B) No t$or or tnHrlc h.vc b€n nndthcd b5r nrclnrdcs or rlntcrlel-nEn tor FrPos€s of corBtrrrdon on lte lg|d descrlH In ScHrde A of Ods Crrrrtlrfnt wltldn the Prsf 6 tmrdB. C) Tfr Cor4oy ruEt r3celve n rymFlele d!&vlt lrdelrldtyftE th Corryary {drBt |r|'trld rulgdc'r ord rruld-rrn'c ll€ts D) TIE Corq.rv rn|st rtcelv€ Fyrrnt ot tlr rymFlrte Frd|tD. E) E ItEr€ l8 becn coEtrrrdorl lnpmverrntr or rqlor rcpdrr rr*]trkEn on ttE PmFedy to be plclced wltHn slx rmnths Flor to the DeE of the CoildEtEtl' OE rtqdl€rr|e b obhln coYerege for rmrccorded ller6 wllt lrnhde: drctosure of certrln corstraton lrtronndon; trrmxlol lrfonndon I io tlE scller, llt trdder srd or the cortttoB Fymmt of the rytoprfc pctdlm luly exeorted Indgrrlty Agrcerffi*c artlstfftoty to 0t comFv, ud' my edddonl reqdrtmnb s rrny be neccrsary dler m exeldrudon of lh dorcseld lrtrormdon by the Corryrry. No coverage wllt be glven rrder ry clrurrterres tor tabor or rdtrld tor whlch tlE lrgurcd hr corfiecbd ior or sgrced b pEf. NoE: hnsurytt to CRS 1G1l-123t, mdce ls |rtsby glven: A) Tfnt OEr€ k rccordcd evlderre lH a tdmrel ertcE hc been reverd teased, or olltrrvke elnvclrcd tom tlE rufre erbE sd lhqt there ls s flbdd llkcllhood 0|if r ddd FIV holde rorr or rll Inlelrsl In oll, ges, olher rdrttds, or geothentrl emrgr In tr FF1tr; sd B) That nrh rdrrml cslnte rry lnclude oE rlght b en&r md use the poperty wldDnt OE $[fre owndr Fndsdon Tlds mdce qdlet to ownCs pollcy cornrdtsmnts condrdrB e tdtrrrl sevela|cc lrstnrrr* excepdoq or c[ccpdors, In Schedule B, Sccdon 2. Notldrg l*rtln conblned wlll be deertd to obllgaie thc comprry to Pmvlde arry of tlr coYerqges referrtd to lrrsln tlrless lhc above condldons {€ t|l|ly sarbncd- From Land Ti t'l e tlred Sep 4 L!t47249 2OO2 Page 9 of 9 JOINT NOTTCE Otr'PRIVACY POLICY Ftdetlty Nedonat Flnonclet Group ot Companles/Chlcego fitle Insurence Company and Land fitle Guarentee CompanY July l, 2fi)l We recosrdre aDd r€rcl lre prlvecv exrctndons ol todav's connrrDe erd 0E mqrdrcrmnE of opflkaHc f9{elal ed slete lrtfi- Iarvs. W'e cllevd 0ret riretcis you mvar" of fuw wc rse your mrrpubllc prrord lntonm{on ('?egoml Irtrorimdonl), sd to whom lt ls dscloser4 irlll tonn lhe hsls for a rElatlor|shlp of ^ErEt +twceq.rE an l llE FlDllc lhet we sene.'Tlds Pllyrcy StelerEnt goritaes OBt expl8|cdon. We rcserve tr rlgttt to clBr€e tlds Ptlv*y Strtenrnt tmm drn b dnfo conslstenLt-wlth oFdlceHe prlvery Invs. nt the couEe of our buslness, we mry coltect Personel Intormstlon rboul you lrom the tollowlng sources: r Fmm amllcdotr or ollEr ronrr we rccelve fiom vou or your aldx'rlzcd rcpreserffve;. From y'oir tancecdorB wi0t or lmm th servlces Selrg frtonm by, rn, our attlllaes, or otltts;t Frrom -our InErrrt wcb slEsjt Fnom th n$llc ncordr rmirf*Id by goven[rEnlrl enddes tlnt we eltbr obdn drecdy irom tlnse erlides, oi lmm orr emfisbs or o0r-rf eldI Frum corrur or othr rtporErg egerdes. Our Potlcles Regerdhrg the Protecdon of thc Contldentlallty and Securlty of Your Personel Intormetlon lVe rmintntn olrslcC. ehcqordc rrd qocedqrct sdeeusrdi to protect your Rnoml lrdonltdon f-rom unutprized ecceG;lr&futtn*eiinil-aecce&a tf dE Fer$nel iftonmooir only ni trose ernfloyees rYho rrcd such rcess In corrrcdon wlth pmvldrg predrrb or sewices to you or tor other li4ldnEte busl|Ess FllPo36. Our Pollcles end Pracdces Regerdtng the Sharlng ol Your Personr! Intormadon We rmv sl|rtr vour PelsorEl lr{ormdion wlor our alllthtcs, such s In$r8rce cotqxrdes' egcnts, ud olher real eslrb s[dcrnft cervlce provlden. We dso may dbclose yrirr Fersoml Intonntion: I to qenb. hokers or regsenlelives to pmvlde you wlth servlces you hrve regrsed;. to fir+dattr contrcioir or scrvlce pmhaers u;to pmUae serrtris or perform nnrftedrg or other tlncdori ori orr bHt; andI to orlErs wllh wlmm wd cnbr hfio Jolnt nnrlcdrE €]terrnb for prodr8 or servlccs lhrt we belleve you rry fid ol lnErcst- In edddon, we wlll dlsclose yo|r Persord lrfonrndon when you direct orglve us Peildssloll when we rlt restircd by lew io do so. or when we-susrct fr{ftdent or crlniml cilvlder. We fio rue5r-dlsclose your Fersolql ift;nriton itbn;dJnibe rnidued Uv rrdtcaUe prliscy tnvs such as, for exdnqrle, when dlgclosur€ ls needed b erforte orr dghb arlslrg but ot ury d$66rEng Ufosacdon or reldorshlp wllh you Orc of th |tr['ott|nt ltsFra{tillties of sorE ol our fillaled cormrles is !o ncord docurE-nB h the pHic dordn Srrh'docurrnts' rry contlln your PersoDrl lrilonndon - Rlght to Acccas Your Personel Intormedon end Ablllty to Correct Errors Or Requcst Changer Or Dclction ffin stnCs dord vou trc rldrt lo acccss vour Ferrornt tr{orrdon ard, rndcr ccrtdn drc rtarrccr b [rd o||t b wlmm yorr Rrrorirt tr(onddon hs hd dsdosed. Also. cerrdn soEi dtord you dr dgfr b rcSEqt -correcdoi, rendnent or d.lcdon of lrour Fcrrorrl lrtronurdorr lWc r:cctve fu .igt$ wlsc Flflatbd bt lqs' io clnrge r reoordle t€. b covcr OE cortr lrxurred In b trh t3$E b. All rcqE3tt $ffiH to OE [ldellty Ndornl Fft|lrEl.l Gmrp of Corryrtes/Odcego Tlde lrrurste Oolryeny $ndl lE lrt rvrlurE, rrl d3llvcttd u, rc n llowltB |rt&E!s: Prlvc.v Cordlste Ofllcer ffdclltY Nd6mt Ftmnclal, Inc. ffisffug5.?3' rtlutnP|c rrocucB or ucnnccs |t we lroylde you t'lih r'r|re thsr om ltrsrclel pmdEr or f,ewlce, you mry '€celv€ rnrt Otgr or* prlvrqr rnde &om rr. We ryloglze for rry trmmerderre tlilc nrey csltge yort. Fs@, lR[\l. POG. CAf September 4, 2002 Mr. BillGibson Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: 252 DUPLEX SEPARATION REQUEST Dear Bill; We are proposing to separate the two duplex units on Lot 8 due to the following site constraints as referenced in Section E(2) of the Town of Vail Development Standards Handbook. As shown on the survey and site plan, there is an existing free.flowing spring that occurs in the middle of the site. Significant amounts of water from this spring flow to the north bank of Gore Creek. There are also designated wetlands in the vicinity of this spring area, which are to be preserved. We are proposing to locate the foundation walls for the habitable portion of the building away from the spring as shown on the proposed site plan. The building separation would allow for a greater unobstructed flow of surface and subsurface water associated with this spring in the central portion of the site. The owner has significant concerns about this issue and feels that the proposed site plan represents a precautionary solution at mitigating potential water problems. We propose to use architectural massing, site walls and landscaping to insure the compatible development of the site. We have also enclosed conceptual elevations that show the proposed architectural character of the project. A geological report prepared by Hepworth Pawlak Geotechnical Engineers and a wetlands study prepared by Larry Robinson of Range Land Resources will be forthcoming. We look forward to reviewing this project with you on September 18,2002. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, SEGERBERG, MAYHEW & ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS, P.C., A.I.A. ft'rt Kurt A. Segerberg, A.l.A. / IPresident t KAS/rt enc. Segerberg, Mayhew & Associates Architects, P.C., A.I.A. Maid Olfice: 1000 South Frontaqe Road West. Suite 300 . Vail. CO Denve. Office: 1617 Wazee Sire€t. Suite C2 . Denver. CO 80202 email: info@smarchs-com 81657 . phone:. phone: 303 970 476 4433 . fax: 910 476 4608 623 3355 . fax: 303 623 2262 htto://wwrtr smarchs. com I I I t I DETERMINATION OF THE I occTJRRENCE oF'wETLAI\Ds 252 Duplex West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado REPORTPREPARED BY: RANGELAI\D RESOURCES OO49 PINION DRIVE GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81601 TEL: (970) 947-1855 FAX: (970) 947-1856 E-MAIL: lrobinso@rof.net September 6,2002 I t INTRODUCTIONt A. OBJECTIVE I The objective ofthis report is to docwnent the findings regardlng the presence and extentr offederaljurisdictional wetlands on the subject property for the purpose ofsatisfying I requirements of Section 404 ofthe Clean Water Act. I B. GENERALDESCRIPTI'N I The subject property is located at 252 West Meadow Drive, Vail Colorado. One housing I structure, consisting of two duplex units, curently exists on the property. A small spring (flowing approximately l/4 gallon per minute) swfaces approximately 16 feet below the I deck ofthe housing structure. The flow from the spring creates a miniature stream (see I Map A-attacbed). The stream below tlre spring flows approximately 15 feet on the zubject property before flowing onto City of Vail property. It then continues for an additional r estirnated 55 feet and enters Gore Creek. I C. ACTIONS PROPOSED FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY I The proposed actions are to tear down the existmg housing structure and replace it with a I new housing structure(s). The proposed duplex housing could be either one or two structures. I D. REGULATORY AUTIIORITY Juridictional wetlands fall under the regulatory authority of tlre U.S. Corps ofEngineers I under Section 404 of the Clean Water Fact (Federal Register, 1986, 33 CFR Parts 320r tbrough330). t E. REGULATToNS pERTAINTNG To pRoposnD ACTroNs oN SuBJECTI PROPERTY I Nationwide-permit #39, (residential commercial and institutional developnrnts) regulates the discharge of dredged or fill material into non-tidal waters of the United r States for the construction or expansion of residential commercial and institutional t building foundations and building pads and attendant features that are necessary for the use and rmintenance ofthe structures. Residential developments include multiple r and single developments. I The activities listed above are authorized, provided that the activities meet all of the I folowing criteria: I a- The discharge does not cause the loss of greater tban% acre of non-tidal waters of the United States. .. b. The discharge does not cause the loss ofgreater than 300 linear fee ofstream bed;I I I Page? of6 I I I T I I I I I I t t I I I T I I I c. The permittee must notify the District Engineer in accordance with General Condition 13, if any ofthe following criteria are met: (l) The discharge causes the loss ofgreater than l/10 acre ofnon-tidal water ofthe United States, excluding non-tidal wetlands adjawm to tidal waters; or (2) The discharge causes the loss of any open water, including perennial or intennittent streams, below the ordinary high water rnark. d. For discharges in special aquatic sites, including wetlands, the notification must include a delineation ofaffected special aquatic sites; e. The discharge is part of a single and complete project; f. For discharges causing the loss of l/10 acre or less ofwaters ofthe United States, the permittee must zubmit a report, within 30 days of coryletion of the work, to the District Engineer that contains the following information: (l) the naure, address, and telephone number of the permittee; (2) The location ofthe work; (3) A description ofthe work; (4) the type and acreage ofthe loss of water ofthe United States (e.g., l/12 acrc of errrgent wetlands); and (5) the type and acreage of any corryensatory mitigation used to offiet the loss of waters of the United States ((e.g., l/12 acre of emergent wetlands created on-site). F" WETLANDS DEFINITION The folowing deftrition of wetlands is used by the Corps of Engineers for administering the Section 404 program: Those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and under norrnal circumstances do support, a prevalence ofvegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Page 3 of6 I I I I t t t I I I I I I I I I I I I METHODS OF DETERMINATION FOR WETLAI\DS The determination was made by closely following procedur€s specified in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation lvlanual dated January 1987. General Procedures for Making Wetland Determinations: The following general diagnostic environrnental characteristics or parameters are evidence oftb presence ofjurisdictional wetlands: 1. Wetland Vegetation Conditions: The prevalent plant species associated with the plant community are typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Hydrophytic species, due to morphological physiological and/or rqrroductive adapfation(s) have rhe ability to grow, effectively compete, reproduce, and./or persist in soils in which molecular oxygen is absent (or effectively so) from the environment. A check list of plants characterized on a wetland to upland ecological spectrum has been developed by a technical cornrnittee of tlre U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The'National List of Plant Species That Occru In Wetlands: Intermountain (Region 8)" was used for this study. 2. Wetland Soil Conditions: Soils are present ard bave been classifi€d as hydric, or they possess characteristics that are associated with reducing soil conditions. Indicators of soils developed under reducing conditions are listed inthe above referenced 1987 manual 3. Hydrology: The area is inundated or saturaled by surface or groundwater permanently or periodicalb during the growing season Indicators ofhydrologic conditions that occur in wetlands are listed in the above referencrd 1987 rnanual. Evidence of at least one positive indicator for each of the above three pmarneters must be fourd before a positive determination of wetlands can be made. Evidence may be developed from historical data" recent existing data and/or observations rnade in the field. Page 4 of6 I I FINDINGS I l. The area delineated on ldap A (attached) is jurisdictional wetlands. I 2. The area on the subject property encorryassed by jurisdictional wetlands is I ap,proxirmtely 266 square feet. CONCLUSIONS t l. Provided that the work is corryleted as proposed with no irnpacts to the jurisdictional wetlards, the work may be conpleted without any notice to the Corps ofEngineers. I 2. In the everfi t]at the proposal is modified and the wetlands are impacted, no pre- construction notification to the Corps ofEngineers is required. This is because the I size of the jurisdictional wetlands is bss than l/10 acre. Aoo,ener, a r€port must ber zubmitted to the C.orps of Engirrcers within 30 days of conpletion oftlre work The r€port must contain the infommtion as slrown in Section E(0 of this document. I I I T I I I t I I t I Page 5 of6 Photograph A - Upper end ofjurisdictional wetlands. Spring surfaces at the base ofthe tree. I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I Photograph B - Lower end ofjurisdictional wetlands. Page 6 of 6 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I JIAT(UtrD- Y' fi T L V 1/? duplex MAP A a \/?duple x lrloor etevottc'l " 813i.8' /^o vi'.U'A l%\c ( WETLANDS 1.0o S^* $i oos;--s\ Cz^^\ '.t O.A' ,"\ fl s.o r n. Q,4' ')t' \---:a---Y ,/ r.c,\ ..- o'4o 0.4'," o^ I5^\(J dPck ' a C,o\\ to', \\ \ - ,botv. ""\-.. \ -\ 'ot"o*r,. '..'..i. concrete deck','..etevo'tron = 813i.6/' COPYFIL T Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us November 20, 2002 Kurt Segerberg Segerber, Mayhew & Associates, Architects 1000 South Frontage Road West, Suite 300 Vail, CO 81657 RE: Ilalaby - Two-Family residence and EHU 252West Meadow Drive/Lot 8, Vail Village 2no Filing Dear Kurt, Town Staff has preliminarily reviewed the application for the two-family residence and EHU for the Halaby residence located at 252 West Meadow Drivs. The following is a summary of the comments from that rwiew: l. Site and Grading Plan:r Must be drawn at a scale of l"=10' or l"=20'. r Label all proposed roofridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown undemeath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height. r Identif the locations ofall utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the strucfures. o Identiff all proposed parking spaces with a 9'Xl8' box for interior parking spaces and a 9'Xl9'box for surfaceparking spaces. Label parking spaces by associated dwellingunit. Please be aware that dwelling units larger that 2,000 sq. ft. of GRFA require 3 parking spaces and the proposed EHU requires 2 parking spaces. o Delineate the Fire Department Staging Area. r lde'ntiff the proposed surface drainage on and off-site. o Label the amount ofsnow storage area in square footage. r Label the proposed retaining wall elevations at top and bottom of all walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4' and 6' feet in height. Please be aware that retaining walls shall not exceed 6' in height. . Delineate all wetlands. 2. LandscapePlan:o Must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. o Delineate critical root zones for existing trees to be preserved and delineate all construction fencing necessary for tree preservation. o Delineate all wetlands I RECYCLED PAPER$ Department of C ommunity D evelopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us Architectural Floor Plans: o Provide dimensions ofall roof eaves and overhangs. Architectural Elevations : o All elevations must be fully dimensioned. The elevations must show both existing and finished grades. r All exterior rnaterials and colors must be specified on the elevations. r Illustrate proposed building height elevation on roof lines and ridges. GRFA calculations must be revised to include bay windows, mechanical chase, vents, freplaces, and flues on all building levels. Purzuant to Section 12-134, Vail Town Code, the proposed EHU shall have enclosed parking or an additional storage area of75 square feet. The proposed EHU shall be required to be permanently deed restricted for employee bousing. The proposed EHU shall require Planning and Environmental Commission approval of a Conditional Use Permit. An exterior lighting plan must be submitted for review (this may be incorporated into tbe site plan or landscape plan). 10. A Revocable Right-of-Way Permit shall be required for all improvements within the West Meadow Drive ri ght-of-way. I l. The proposed dwelling units shall be physically connected, unless a separation request is approved by the Design Review Board. Ifyou have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173 or at bgibson@.ci.vail.co.us . Sincerely, 4. 5. 6. '1. 8. 9. Bill Gibson, AICP Planner II Town of Vail 2 RECYCLED PAPEN$ c0PyFt[ t Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Itail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 vtww.ci.vail.co.us December 13,2002 Kurt Segerberg Segerberg, Mayhew & Associates, Architects 1000 South Frontage Road West, Suite 300 vail, CO 81657 RE: Halaby - Two-Family residence and EHU 252 West Meadow Drive,&ot 8, Vail Village 2"d Filing Dear Kurt, The Town ofVail Public Works Department has reviewed the application for 0re two-family residence and EHU for the Halaby residence located at 252 West Meadow Drive. The following are the comments from that review: l. The site plan and topographic survey do not match - 2 to 3 foot discrepancy.2. Need to correct and adjust the limits of disturbance fence around the flood plain. 3. No grading is allowed in the 100 year flood plain.4. Need to show elevation grade at the center ofthe driveway at edge of asphalt. Fint l0 feet of both driveways shall not exceed 8%o - show on the site plan. 5. Show on the site plan, a 4 foot concrete pan with a 2 inch invert (no heat) for both driveways. 6. As proposed, the tumaround areas do not work per Town of Vail standards - adjust and revise. 7. Remove trees per Town of Vail driveway site distance standards.8. Label the heated concrete driveway. 9. Area of heated driveway in Town of Vail right-of-way must be in a separate heat zone and marked at the control box - show on the site plan. 10. Revocable right-of-way permit required at building permit stage. I I . Show erosion control on the south side of the property. 12. East parking space #3 doesn't meet Town of Vail standards - readjust. 13. Readjust grades near hot tub to be 2: I or less. 14. Approval required from fre department for fire sprinkler system 15. EHU parking on east unit requires more area and a boulder retaining wall. Ifyou have any questions or comments, please feel fre€ to contact me at (910) 479-2173 or Leonard Sandoval with the Public Works Departnent at (970) 479-2198. zZa-: h. zza Bill Cibson, AICP Planner II Town of Vail {g*un*or^ro 272Wesl., Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Januarvotr zoo: Toum ofVail ComnunityDwelopme,nt Attention: Russ Forrest Subject: redwelqrnent of 252 Wec Meadow Drive The purpose ofthis letter is to inform you oforu thougbts regarding the potential redwelopment of 252 W. Meadow Drive. On December lS1 2002 Merv Lapin and Caleb met with your Bill Gibson regarding the srbject potential redwelopment, and atteqrted to communipds fe him sur thoughts as neighbors to that property. Mr. Gibson is to be commended. . ..he is very patient. Basically, our goncenr is one ofover dwelopment ofthe property and excessive tree renoval. Specifically:o Trees: there rre many beautiful evergre€n trees m the property. It appers that little has been done to pres€rve then lhe TOV is 'boon" to redo West Meadowlhive....speNlding many $ to beautiS the Sreet The planned tree removal is not only for the basic houses but also for patios! Insredible! When we buift in 1982, the TOV required that we NOT rernove any fees! This we corylied with... .and we're glad. It did require us to build 3 floors thus consid€rably reducing the house foot print.o Drive ways: rmrch land gets converted to driveways. Why? It would seen to us that the dssigil could considerably reduce the amormt ofpaving . . ..leaving more in grass and trees.o Patios: uihy so big? And ufry tske trees ort to enrble large patios?r Footprint: again, u/hy so big? The 'r"its could be closer, the rmits oould be two lwels Mr. & Mrs. Ilalaby were kind e,nough to drop by our house to ry and erylain what they axe up to. We appreciated that and tried to erylain our concem to them. We doubt that either ofus oonvinced the other. Our wish bias is that the TOV uruuld take action to preservs 1s rnany tf,oes as possible 31d 16 minirnize construction footprintsthus mabling more vegetation on our properties. Thankyouforyourconsideration. fi-il/rr:Tr,,(hXil il,,^f /F,p,,tffi,f Caleb B. Ilurtt Maryan F:Itu6 FIIE COPY Department of Community Development 75 South Frcntage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I 38 - FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us January 22,2Q03 Kurt Segerberg Segerberg, Mayhew & Associates, Architects 1000 South Frontage Road West, Suite 300 Vail, CO 81657 RE: Halaby - New two-family residence 252 West Meadow Drive/Lot 8, Vail Village 2'o Filing Dear Kurt, Town Staffhas reviewed the revised application dated January 9,2003, for the two-family Halaby residence located at 252 West Meadow Drive. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: Planning DeDartment 1. Site and Grading Plans: a I a a a a Identi$ the locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures. Identifr all unenclosed surface parking spaces with a 9'Xl9' box. Identify the proposed surface drainage on and off-site on the east side ofthe property. Label the proposed retaining wall elevations at the top and bottom ofall walls. Delineate all wetlands per the Rangeland Resources September 6, 2002, study. Show site coverage and landscape area calculations. No grading or improvements shall be pemritted within the 100 year flood plain without approval from the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission and the Army Corp ofEngineers. No grading or improvements shall be permitted within an existing wetland area without approval from the Town of Vail Public Works Department and the Army Corp of Engineers. No grading or improvements are permitted outside the property boundaries of the site, with the exception of those approved within the West Meadow Drive right-of-way. The limits of disturbance fence shall be relocated to contain all grading within the property boundaries of the site, with the exception of those approved within the West Meadow Drive right-olway. The limits of disturbance fence shall also be relocated to prevent grading within the 100 year flood plain or any existing wetlands. The limits of disturbance fence shall also be relocated to Drotect the critical root zones of all existine trees to be preserved. I RETTELED PAPERs Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us r No improvements shall be permitted within the utiiity easement without the express written consent of all groups party to said easement.2. LandscapePlan:. The landscape plan shall be drawn at the same scale as the site plan (1"=10').o Delineate critical root zones for existing trees to be preserved and delineate all construction fencing necessary for tree preservation.r Delineate all wetlands per the Rangeland Resources September 6, 2002, study.. The proposed building layout must be consistent with the site plan. 3. Architectural Floor Plans:r Submit one set offloor plans "red-lined" indicating how the gross residential floor area was calculated. o Please be aware that crawlspaces not counted as gross residential floor area (GRFA) shall be accessible through an opening of no greater than 12 square feet in area. 4. Architectural Elevations:. All elevations must be fully dimensioned.o Identify any exterior utility service panels. 5. An exterior lighting plan must be submitted for review (this may be incorporated into the site plan or landscape plan). Please be aware that the total number ofexterior lights on the property shall not exceed a count ofone per 1,000 square feet of lot area. 6. The upper garage level of the east residence (previous employee housing unit location) must be accommodated within the allowable GRFA limits for the property or be eliminated to reduce unnecessary building bulk and mass on the site. 7. A Revocable Right-of-Way Permit shall be required for all improvements within the West Meadow Drive right-of-way. Public Works Department 1. The 100-year flood plain must be surveyed, staked, and marked prior to any excavations and noted as such on the site plan. 2. On the site plan, identify BMP Erosion Control mqrcures above limit of disturbance fence on the south side ofpropedy. 3. Provide stamped, approved drawings from a licensed PE for all boulder retaining walls per Town of Vail standards at the Building Permit stage.4. Provide grade elevations at the centerline of both driveways and throughout West Meadow Drive. 5. Heated portions of the driveway in the West Meadow Drive right-of-way shall be in separate heat zones. These zones must also be marked at the control box. Additional zones may be required if and when the Town of Vail constructs streetscape improvements along West Meadow Drive. If the owners want the additional portion of the driveway to be heated in the future it will be at owners' expense. Additional zones should be stubbed out. Note and show on site plan for both driveways. 2 RECVCLED PAPEBs Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us 6. The west driveway vebicle tumaround must be revised to meet Town of Vail standards. 7. Remove trees around the electric transformer to meet Town of Vail site distance requirements. Any trees planted around the electric transformer require written approval from Holy Cross Energy. 8. Some form of a guardrail or retaining wall is required above the east driveway tumaround area along West Meadow Drive. The guardrail or retaining wall must be at least 32 inches in height per Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) specifications. 9. The proposed grading of the driveways must be designed per existing conditions. 10. All disturbed areas of the site must be retumed to a grade of 2:1 or less. I l. Please contact l-eonard Sandoval with the Town of Vail Public Works Department at (970) 479- 2 198 to further discuss these issues. Fire Department l. Fire sprinkler systems will be required for each dwelling unit. Please contact Mike Vaughan with the Town of Vail Fire Departrnent ^t (970) 479-2252 to further discuss this issue. In order to remain on the Design Review Board's February 5, 2003, public hearing agenda for a "Final Review", three sets of revised plans addressing the above listed items must be submitted to the Community Development office by no later than Wednesday, January 29, 2Q03. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173 or at blib!o!@9!v4!!_€o..u!_. Sincerely, .\Z/d.a- 4t--rZa Bill Gibson, AICP Planner II Town of Vail J BECIYCLED PAPERs RaxcE[.A.ND RnsoulRaEs September 6,2002 Mr. Dan Schneider Segerberg lulayhew Architects I 000 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Dan, During my visit to tlre property at 262 West Meadow Drive to conduct a wetlands delineation, you requested that I give my professional opinion in respect to the subsurfrce drainage on the property. Following is that opinion to the best of my ability. l. Due to the location and topography ofthe area surrounding the spring, I feel quite certain that the subsurface flow feeding the spring is under tlre existing house. 2. The subsurfrce flow feeding the wetlands away fromthe spring is less certain. However, I did note the presence and abundance ofthree species growing below the existing house and to the southeast ofthe existing spring. The three species of note arc twinberry (Ionicera involucrate), common horsetail @quisetum arvense), and fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium),. Twinberry is commonly seen along mountain streams and on rnoist slopes. Horsetail is generally found growing in moist areas. Ahhough fireweed is a much more drought tolerant species than either twinberry or horsetait it would be unusual for it to be growing in a full-sun location such as below the house without some high subsurfrce moisture. Although there is a surface drainage swale built along the south side of the existing house, this drainage would not be expected to provide the arnount of water needed to sustain the pres€nce ard abundance ofthe above species. 3. For the above reasons, it is my professional opinion that the subsurface flow feeding the wetlands is likely under the house, and particularly the part that is identified asE%dupler Please feel free to call if I can provide any further information. Sincerely, /1f*t Larry Robinson Rangeland Resources 0049 Pinon Drive . Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Phone: (970)947-1855. Fax (970) 947-1855 Merv Lapin,. President 232 \fl.,est Meadow Dive, VailgOolorado 8tr65? (303) 4?615483 (303) 476:.5531 - Fax/Phone January 9,2003 Iwishtoobjecttothepresentproposaltoredevelopthehouseat252WestMeadow Drive for the following reasons: 1)TheproposalisnotinconfotmancetotheDesignReviewGuidelinesofl2.ll-1 DandinparticularD3.Ther€movalof15sprucetreesthat.art.about60feettall. and over 100 years old IS ,.the unnecessary aestructlol or blighting ofthe natural landscape". All of the homes on West ideadow Drive were required t" tritd withoutremovingANYtrees.Thisprecedentshouldnotbechanged.This .,spec,, house wilis"ia new precedent-ttrt *itt bring about the elimination of the h;;; ;;t*" tanascaping that makes west Meadow Drive a pleasant experience for walking between Vail and Lionshead' 2) The reptacement oi 60 foot colorado spruce with-6-8. foot trees even with a requirement for an "qoui iootug" replacement will take 15 years to make a difference. A 6 foot tree is really a 4 foot tree with a single top. The spruce trees' ontheberminfrontofmyhomewere6foottreesplanted15yearsago,Any replacement trees should be at least 20 foot Colorado spruce trees' 3) The Town is pl;G a multi-million dollar improvement of west Meadow Drive inordertoplomotemorepedestriantrafficbetweenLionsheadandVail.This planincludesextensivelandscaping.Doesitmakeserrsetoallowtheremovalof so much natural vegetation? 4) The duplex house-goes from property line to prop"tl- -li:,"- and 'teads" as a massive 2 house structure. This 2 separate house appearance is not allowed under the T own o f v ail D evelopment s tandards. T his siparation i s e nhanced by t he waterfeatureandthe2separatedrivewaysandtheseparatgroofline. 5)Thehousedoesnotfitharmoniouslytothenaturallandformsasrequiredby12. 1l-1 D. a. Instead thelandform is Ueing changed to.ta.|" way for the house' One of the elements that has made Vail special is the protection of the , #1";; ;; *" Design Review commission and the Planning and ir.l :. Environmental commission. The removal of the natural envhonment is what mak€s Eoov€r Crsek unstEactive and corporate appearing to me' 6) The rwroval of tecs for the patios se€ms unnecessary' ' 7) The pres€nt p-pJV n* " or;no4 spring running on th9 east side of the building' ," ffru *"to it "Uon" tt"*a during tire rdog aod is underground otherwise. The ,aqnr ho-usc is built on top of this spring' I would hope that you will suggest to the architect not to use Ev€ry square inch allowed *O- dfie.rilts whiie iporing many of the "spirit" of the guidelines' udortuq4tely t will be out of the country setting up a hockey tip for the kids on January . 'Irrvillrr'liluP on January 20. IZ- | t- | shall be subject to design review as specified in this Chapter. D. Guidelines: lt is the intent of these guidelines to leave as much design freedom as possible to the individual designer while at the same time main- taining the remarkable natu ral beauty of the area by crealing .structures which are designed to compiement both their individual sites and sur- roundings. The objectives of design review shall be as foilows: 1. To recognize the interdependence of the public welfare and aesthetics, and to provide a method by which this inte rdepe n de nce may contin ue to benefit its citizens and visitors. 2. To allow ior the development of public and private property which is in harmony with the desired character of the Town as defined by the guidelines herein orovided. 3. To prevent the unnecessary de- struction or blighting of the natural landscape. 5) + 4. To ensure that the architectural- design, location, configuration materi- . als, colors, and overall treatment of built-up and open spaces have been designed so that they relate harmoni- ously to the natural landforms and native vegetation, the Town's overall appearance, with surrounding devel- opment and with officially approved plans or guidelines, if any, tor the a[eas in which the structures are pro- posed to be located. 5. To protect neighboring property owners and users by making sure that reasonable provision has been made lz- | t-J for sLrch matters as pedestrian and vehicular traffic, surface water drain- age, sound and sight buffers, the preservatron of light and air, and those aspects of design noi adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neigh- boring land uses. (Ord. 39(1983) S 1) 12.11.2: DEFINITIONS AND RULES OF CONSTRUCTION: Basis For Meanings: Any words, terms, or phrases used in this design review guide shall be defined and interoreted in accordance with the definitions contained in Section 12-2-2 of this Title, unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning was intended. lf the context is unclear, the matter will be referred to the Design Review Board for final determination. Mandatory, Discretionary Distinction: The distinction made between those items coniained within this Chapter that are mandatory and those that are discretionary is that staiements which are mandato ry are prelaced by the word 'shall', and the statements or guidelines which are discretionary (or merely suggestions) are prefaced.by the words 'should' or "may'. In all instances, any particular or specilic controls over the general. (Ord. 3e(1s83) s 1) 12-11-3: DESIGN APPROVAL: A. Scope: No person shall commence removal ol vegetation, site prepara- tion, building construction or demoli- tion, dumping of material upon a sile, sign erection, exterior alteration or B. ,) Town of Yoil Town of Vail Developtnent Standards Handbook adjacent to Gore Creek consists of a wide variety of trees and shrubs adapted to the reiatively fertile soil and natural availability of water. 4\->fn. goal of any landscape plan should be to preserve and enhance the natural- landscaDe character of the area in which it is to be located. The landscape scale "'and overall landscape design shall be devetoped so that new vegetation is integral with the natural landscape and the inherent form line, color and textue of the local plant conununities. Since tbe major objective ofthe landscaping is to help reduce the scale of new structures and to assist in the screening of structures, the planting of large sized plant materials is encouraged. Special care should be taken in selecting the types of plants to use when designing a landscape plan. Final selection should be based upon the soils and climate, ease of establishment, suitability for the specific use desired, and the level of maintenance that can be provided. New planting shall use plants that are indigenous to the Rocky Mountain alpine and sub-aipine zones or as capable of being inuoduced into these zones. A list of piant materials indigenous to the Vail area is on file with the Departrnent of Community Development. Also indicated on the list are omamentals which are suitable for planting within the Vail area. The minimum sizes of landscape naterials acceptable are as follows: Required Trees: Deciduous - 2 inch caliper Conifers - 6 foot Required shrubs - #5 gallon container Foundation shrubs shall have a minimum heisbt of 18 inches at time of plauting Landscape design shall be developed to locate new planting in order to extend existing canopy edges or planted in natural looking groups. Geometric plantings, evenly spaced rows oftrees, and other formal landscape patterns shall be avoided. Particular attention shall be given the landscape design ofoff-street palking lots to reduce adverse impacts upon living areas within the proposed development, upon adjacent properties, and upon public spaces with regard to noise, lights, and visual impact. All tandscaping shall be provided with a method of inigation suitable to ensure the continued maintenance of planted materials. Whenever possible, natural drainage pattems upon the site shall not be modified. Negative drainage impacts upon adjacent sites shall not be allowed. 6. Runoff from impervious surfaces such as roofs and pavement areas shall be directed to narural or improved drainage channels or dispersed into shallow .:il '-li I I I ;1r 2. 3. A-i' 5. 32 f" [, I l ! I I T f I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I Tree Preservation Report for the Halaby Residence and Duplex 252 West Meadow Drive Vail,Colorado Prepared for: Segerberg Mayhew Arch itects 1000 S.Frontage Road West, Suite 300 Vail, CO 81657 January 29,2003 Rick Herwehe Certified Arborist #RM-21 95 A Cut Above Forestry P.O. Box 7133 Breckenridge, CO 80424 [, I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table of Contents Summary... .........1 lntroduction. .....................2 Purpose...... ..........2 Present Condition and Description......... ....................2 Tree Data Sheet........, .......3 Construction lmpacts ................. ..........4 Mitigation Measures.... ........6 Recommended Tree Protection Zones........ ....................7 Tree Preservation Prescriptions... ........7 SpecificationsfroTree Preservation .................8 Monitoring Tree Health and Compliance.. . ... . .. .. . .. ... 1 0 References. ..............11 Glossary... ..................12 Site Map with Treeldentification .......13 Site Photos. ....................14 Inspection Form... ......19 il I r: I r I t I T r I l, ll I I I I l l I I I I I I I I I I I I I Halaby Tree Preservation Plan A Cut Above Forestry I 0r/29t2003 Summary On January 24,2003, Kurt Segerberg, Architect and principalof segerberg Mayhew Architects met with me at the Halaby Residence located at 252 Meadow Drive. Kurt provided me with a site plan for the proposed project. we walked the property, Kurt located the house placement and identified the building envelope and lot corners for me. Kurt informed me that the owners were concerned about saving the trees located between the proposed house and Meadow Drive because they provide privacy and the wooded effect they desired in a mountain home. The Halaby's also know that the Town of Vail is concerned about the trees because they will help obscure the house from visually sensitive areas on Meadow Drive and Gore Creek. The Halaby project will include building two single family units and the necessary infrastructure such as a driveway, drainage and landscaping. The site will be landscaped after the house is finished according to a landscaping plan developed by Dennis Anderson and approved by the Town of Vail planning Commission. Lodgepole Pine (Pinus contofta), Colorado spruce (picea pungens), and Englemann spruce (Picea englemannii) are the predominant tree species on the property. Most of the trees are in good to fair condition. The trees are typically large. The lodgepole pine trees have dead branches or pruned branch ituos ih the bottom 1/3 of the crown. The spruce trees have full crowns and are esthetically high in quatity. Approximately 11 trees will be removed for the project and 22 will have the critical root zone encroached upon. The actual number of trees impacted by construction will depend upon the final design. Trees can be stressed during construction in several ways. Because the site is heavily wooded, some trees will have to be removed to complete the project. other trees will be compromised because when the site is opened the local wind patterns will be changed leaving them more susceptible to toppling in a storm. Additionally, grading can change the run-off patterns affecting the timing and amount of soil moisture available to the roots. Trees can also be stressed due to soil compaction, root loss and mechanical damage. I recommend the following steps be implemented to lessen the negative impacts the construction will have on the trees. The specific details are in the Specifications Section of the report. il I ! l I I I I I I I I I I I T I r I I I I I ! I I I I I ! I I Halaby Tree Preservation Plan A Cut Above Foresry 2 01t29/2003'1. Fence around the critical root zone (as much as possible given the site)2. Root prune the trees where the CRZ will be encroached. - 3. Properly prune branches that will likely be damaged during construction.4. Deep root feed trees. near the edge of construction prior to] and duringconstruction. Feed them with root stimulating fertilizer and mycorrhizi fungi. Introduction Home construction in the mountains is a difficult task and can become more complex when tree preservation is involved. yet, mature trees offerinvaluable benefits to the landscape that relatively small transplants cannot.when properly planned for, trees need not complicate the development process. To insure a successfur tree preservation pran, five areas must beaddressed;the existing site conditions, potentiaiconstruction impacts, mitigationtactics and techniques, prescriptions for tree health before, during and after construction, and monitoring tree health and contractor complian6e during construction. . The. Halaby project will include demolishing some of the existing building and replacing it with two larger structures with a more modern design.lheparking areas will be enlarged and moved closer to the building.. in" existingwater and sewer lines will be used. The disturbed areas will b6 landscaped boulders, native grasses a water feature and native trees per the landscape plan prepared by Dennis Anderson Associates. Purpose The purpose of this plan is to provide tree preservation and managementguidelines for the property owners and their contractors. The guidelines wilt address tree preservation measures to retain healthy native trJes all around the remodel. Present Tree and Site Gondition The site is located at2s2 west Meadow Drive in vail colorado. currenfly, the.site is occupied by a duplex built in the 1970's. The duplex has a smallparking pad located in the northwest corner. An elevated *'alt*"y provides access from the street to the front door. The western unit has a wood deck in the back while the eastern unit has a concrete patio that is covered with a second story deck. .Jh" existing duplex is located between two developed lots to the east andwest. west Meadow Drive bounds the north side of the property. The Vail il f il t il il L L T il ! tr L L Lt I il L IL il F L L L h L L L L L L Halaby Tree Preservation Plan A Cut Above Forestry 3 0U29/2003 Hospital is located across Meadow Drive from the duplex. Gore Creek delineates the southem property line. All trees greater than 8.0" in diameter are identified on the site map. The trees that will be directly impacted during construction have been assigned identification numbers. The trees are marked with numbered, pink flags and identified on the site plan prepared in December ol2002 by segerberg Mayhew Architects. Lodgepole pine (Prnus contorta), Englemann spruce (picea englemanif , colorado spruce (Picea pungens) and narrowlea'f (Populous angustifotia) are the four tree species found on the site. Lodgepole pine and Englemann spruce are the dominant species. Trees on the site vary in height from 45 feet to 75 feet tall. Tree diameters range from 6.0 inches to 22.0 inches. Tree diameter was measured at 4.s' above the ground (diameter standard height). Crown radius, the distance from the bole of the tree to the edge of the branches, a.k.a. the dripline, varies from 1O-feet to 24 feet. The dripline is an indicator of the root system. Although roots can extend far beyond the dripline, a high concentration of absorbing roots is typically present between the dripline and the trunk. Crown ratios vary from a high of 20%to a low of 90%. Crown ratio is an important indicator to tree health and vigor. A low crown ratio means the tree has less green foliage to perform produce food. Generally, we can assume the less food production, the weaker the plant and the less likely it is to survive the stress of construction. No insect or disease problems are evident in any of the tree species. The soils around the house likely have urbanized characteristics such as compaction, lacking organic mafter inputs, bacterial dominated and poorly drained. Characteristics that are uncommon in the soils of native conifer forests. The measurements and specifications trees that are located close to the area of disturbance are outlined in the following table. Tree Gondition Table 1 Tree #Species Diameter Inches Height Feet Crown Radius Crown Ratio Condition Comments 1 ptpu 12 70 22 90 No Damaqe 2 ptpu 16 65 18 BO No Damage 3 prco 18 65 24 40 No Damaqe 4 pien 17 70 18 70 No Damage 5 pico 15 65 16 50 No Damage *l il il tr ilt il il t I ilr n il t 'lLiI i ir iI tu il !9!l.ii ,tililItht hI l Halaby Tree Preservation Plan A Cut Above Forestry Poan= Nanowleaf cottonuDod Pien = Englemann spruce Gonstruction lmpacts All trees on the site will be either directly or indirectly impacted by the project. The indirect effects include changes in water from grade adjustments, chemicals leaching into the soil and changes in local wind patterns due to lot cfearing. Direct impacts are those activities that invade the critical root zone the crown, the trunk or require the tree to be removed. This construction project will directfy impact 11 trees ranging from 12 to 24 inches in diameter by removal. The project will encroach upon the critical root zone of 22 trees. The remaining trees on the lot will be exposed to minor impacts from changed run-off, changes in localwind patterns and potentialchanges in pH and chemical leaching. Tree condition, age and species all affect how well a tree will stand up to construction stress. Trees that are already in poor health from disease, insect damage, soil compaction, nutrient deficiencies, overcrowding or being 4 01/29/2003 6 pipu 12 65 28 60 Sweep (trunk is curved) 7 prpu 'lAr.+65 both 60 No Damaqe Tree #Species Diameter Inches Height Feet Crown Radius Crown Ratio % Condition comments 8 ptpu 14 55 14 60 No foliage to north I ptpu 22 75 26 80 No Damage 10 ptpu o 40 16 40 Poor foliaqe/ qrown over 11 plco 6 40 10 20 by trees 9 and 12 12 pico 14 75 26 50 Forked top 13 pico 10 60 10 40 No Damage 14 prco 12 70 18 20 No Damaqe 15 pico 14 75 20 40 No Damage 16 pico 19 60 17 50 Root zone covered with backfill from original bld. Likely old root loss and damage. 17 pidu 7 45 12 50 overtopped by tree #16 18 pren 20 65 28 90 Non bark inclusive fork at 4 feet above ground. Root zone backfilled over during original construction. Likely old root loss and damage. 19 pren 17 55 28 90 No damage 20 poan 12x4 45 10 80 No damage 21 pico 11 70 18 60 No foliaqe on south side 22 prco 14 50 12 60 No damaqe Pipu=spru@ il ilt il ilr ilr il It ll il n il L L il n il I L ililil L Fililril h hilLil Halaby Tree Preservation Plan A Cut Above Forestry overtopped are a serious disadvantage when stress. f 0|29t2003 it comes to surviving construction Young trees are generally adaptable and have a better chance at surviving the environmental changes that occur during construction. Trees live on an energy cycle that produces a surplus of energy during the summer months and a deficit in the spring during bud break. Young and middle aged trees in the growth and structural stage generally produce an adequate amount of energy to grow and provide defenses against insects, disease and environmental stresses. At least for one or two growing seasons assuming the stresses and damages are not too severe. As trees reach the mature and overmature stages of their lives, they are only producing enough energy to break the buds in the following growing season. Any root loss causing a reduction in stored energy or absorption capabilities will likely result in rapid decline and eventual death for the tree. Tree species respond differently to construction impacts. Lodgepole pine trees are considered moderately tolerant of construction stress. They can withstand some root removal but cannot survive in heavily compacted or saturated soils (Clark and Metheney). Deep backfill over the root zone will usually cause decline and often mortality. From a health standpoint, lodgepole pine trees respond well to root removal. Unfortunately, removing woody roots will leave the tree susceptible to failure during high winds. Although the specie seems to tolerate the loss of absorbing roots, the loss of structural roots could leave the tree structurally unstable. Colorado spruce trees are moderately tolerant of root removal and intolerant of backfill soil compaction but will tolerate moderately drained soils. Englemann spruce trees are similar to Colorado spruce trees in that they are moderately tolerant of root loss and somewhat tolerant of saturated soils but soil compaction will cause a slow death to roots. Narrowleaf cottonwood trees are fragile and intolerant of drastic reductions in water supply or in the timing of the supply. The following table outlines the existing trees and the potential impacts of construction. Gonstruction lmpacts Table 2 Tree #lmpacts 1 Root loss and damage from driveway excavation. Soil compaction from equipment, foot traffic and materials storage. 2 Root loss and damage from driveway excavation. Soil compaction from equipment, foot traffic and materials storage. 3 Extensive root and foliage loss due to excavation and wall construction. Root loss and damage from excavation. Soil compaction from equipment, foot traffic and matedals storage. 5 Root loss and damage from excavation. Soilcompaction from il n ilril 'iil il il I it 4ril fl'ililsil F"il 6ilhh Ft h fl.il L h ;l'tL.it ,5Th $.L L Halaby Tree Preservation Plan A Cut Above Foresty Mitigation Measures Typically, the healthier the tree, the more likely it is to remain a contributing part of the landscape for many years after the project is completed. The best approach is to bring the trees to the best possible health and condition before the project is started. This can be done by insuring adequate soil moisture for as long as possible prior to construction, testing the soil and applying fertilizer if necessary, inoculating the soil with mycorrhizae fungi and root stimulating fertilizer. Mycorrhizae literally means fungus root. The roots and fungi form a symbiotic relationship that provides a secondary and very expansive root system for the host tree. The mycorrhizae relationship can multiply a tree's absorbing capacity form 10 to 1000 times the capabilities of non myconhizal trees. Studies have demonstrated a well colonized mycorrhizal root system is more tolerant of drought, soil salinity, soil pathogens, parasitic nematodes and chemical imbalances in the soil. Mycorrhizalfilaments produce humic compounds and organic "glues" that bind soils into aggregates and improve soil 6 0u29t2003 equipment, foot traffic and materials storaqe. 6 Soil Compaction, root loss and damage from flagstone patio construction. 7 Soil compaction, root loss and damage from flagstone patio construction. 8 Change in water volume and grade for sod lawn. I Soilcompaction, root loss and damage from flagstone patio construction. 10 Soil Compaction from equipment, foot traffic and materials storage. 12 Soil compaction, root loss and damaqe from flaqstone patio constr. 13 Excavation within 8 feet to north will cause some root loss and soil compaction. 14 Excavation within 10 feet to north will cause some root loss and soil compaction. 15 Little direct damaqe. 16 Little direct damaqe. 17 Excavation within 8 feet to north will cause some root loss and soil compaction 18 Root and foliage loss from excavation and wall construction. Soil compaction from equipment, foot traffic and materials storage. 19 Extensive root and foliage loss due to excavation and wall construction. 20 Soil compaction from equipment, foot traffic and materials storage. Soil migration into root zone durinq excavation. 21 Extensive root and foliage loss due to excavation and wall construction. 22 Extensive root and foliage loss due to excavation and wall construction. f, I I Halaby Tree Preservation Plan A Cut Above ForestrY 'l 0r/29t2003 r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I porosity. Soil porosity and soil structure positively influence the growth of trees by promoting aeration, water movement into soil, and root growth that more closely mimic the soil condition in the natural forest setting. The second concem is to identify, protect and treat the critical root zone (cz) throughout the construction process. To protect the cz, delineate it with fencing and install a 6-inch layer of chips on top of the existing soil (See specifications section). Unfortunately, construction space constraints do not always allow protection of the recommended cz (See table 3 for the desired tree protection zone size). ln these cases, individual prescriptions are prepared for the trees to address the problems created by disturbing the root zone. Gritical Root Zone Table 3 The specific needs of each inventoried tree are outlined in table 4. Protection Prescriptions Table 5 Tree #Root Zone Diameter (Feet) Tree #Root Zone Diameter (Feet) Tree #Root Zone Diameter (Feet) 1 12 I 14 15 15 2 16 9 22 16 19 3 18 10 I 17 7 4 17 11 6 18 20 5 15 12 14 19 17 6 't2 13 10 20 12x4 7 14 14 12 21 14 Tree #Prescription General Guidelines Trees # 4,5,6,7,8,13, '14,15,16,21 All trees should be inoculated with myconhizae fungi and treated with a root stimulating fungi. Unless otherwise specified, the critical root zone (or as much as possible) shall be fenced with plastic construction fencing and reinforced with hay bales to minimize soil migration into the cz. The fenced area shall be covered with a 4" layer of tree chips. Any excavation in the crz shall be supervised by a certified arborist. Any roots greater than 112 inch in diameter shall be pruned with a sharp tool and documented. Any branches that may interfere with construction should be pruned by an arborist prior to construction. "Claw hammer pruning" by the construction crew is prohibited. 1&2 Trees shall be fenced with chain link fencing and silt fencing placed inside of the chain link. Move the drive as far to the west as possible. Since these trees are a critical part of the landscape, consider air il il il T il T il T I il il I N il i il Ir il il t if il ir I il t I L I l I Halaby Tree Preservation Plan A Cut Above Forestry The landscape plan prepared by Dennis Anderson Associates will address tree repfacement. The plan calls for planting 25,8 -14 foot Colorado spruce trees to replace the 11 lodgepole and spruce trees that will be removed fro construction. Specifications for Tree Preservation Fertilizing 1. Deep root feed all spruce and pine trees to be preserved. 2. Feed with a root stimulating fertilizer. 3. Feeding will be performed in a radial pattern with the feeder needle being inserted 8-10" below the soil surface. Insertions will be made at 18" intervals on the edge of the drip line. 4. The first feeding shall include an inoculationwith mycorrhizae fungi. Fencing 1. Fence all trees to be retained to completely enclose the tree protection zone, as indicated in table 3 and the accompanying staging plan map, prior to clearing or grading. Plastic snow fencing attached to metal posts driven into the ground will be acceptable fencing unless otherwise specified in table 4. lf the fencing is continually damaged or torn down, it shall be replaced with chain link fencing. Fences will remain until construction is completed. Fencing on the uphill side of the trees will be re-enforced with silt fence or hay bales to minimize soil migration beyond the fence line. 8 0l/29t2003 excavating the roots under the drive and backfilling with structurat soi/. 9&12 Trees shall be fenced with chain link fencing and silt fenCing placed inside of the chain link. 10&11 Remove 17 Remove 18 Trees shall be fenced with chain link fencing and silt fencing placed inside of the chain link. Air excavate the roots in the excavation area. 19 Remove 20 Prune sprouts and weak branch attachments. 22 Trees shall be fenced with chain link fencing and silt fencing placed inside of the chain link. Air excavate the roots in the excavation area. il n il il I il il il il T I iltt T il n ililt il lr iil h til It lr il L! Lf Halaby Tree Preservation Plan g A Cut Above Forestry 0l/29l13p'3 3. Construction traffic and material storage must remain outside of the fenced areas at alltimes. Pruning 1. A. Prune dead branches from trees on drive and around the house. B. Prune branches to provide adequate clearance for scaffolding and construction crew. 2. Pruning shall be performed or supervised by a certified arborist. The tree service must provide proof of insurance for liability and workers compensation. 3. All pruning will be within the Tree Pruning Guidelines (lnternational Society of Arboriculture) and adhere to American National Standard for Tree Care Operations (ANSlA300) 4. Any additional tree pruning needed for clearance will be performed by an arborist, and not by construction personnel. Root Pruning 1. Aff encountered roots over ll2inch in diameter will be cut off with a sharp tool. 2. Root will be pruned with a sharp shovel, saw or by-pass pruning tool. 3. Root pruning will be performed prior to stumping and grubbing. 4. Root pruning shall be performed or supervised by a certified arborist. 5. Roots should be exposed by hand, with an air spade or with a small excavator. Any digging to expose roots shall be done parallel to the tree to avoid breaking or tearing roots, General 1. Any activity within the tree protection zone must be approved and monitored by the Consulting Arborist. 2. Any herbicides placed under paving materials must be safe for use around trees and labeled for that use. 3. Any grading, construction, demolition or other work that may encounter tree roots should be monitored by the Consulting Arborist. il. il U t il il U il Ir I| il rr il U r|l T I il il T I ilr t I il I I I ItI Halaby Tree Preservation Plan A Cut Above Forestry t0 0t/29/2003 4. Do not store or dump excess soil chemicals, debris equipment or other materials within the tree protection zone. 5. Install and maintain a 4"-6" layer of mulch within the tree protection zone. The mulch will help reduce soil compaction and moderate soiltemperature. Monitoring Tree Health and Compliance Successful tree preservation programs start during the planning phase when critical design decisions are made. However, activities in the construction and post-construction phases are critical to successful tree preservation. In other words, trees cannot be preserved during construction but they can be killed during construction. Monitoring tree health and compliance during construction helps ensure that the program and details specified in this Tree Preservation Plan are properly implemented. The monitoring phase of the plan is fourfold: 1) Maintain the integrity of the Tree Protection Zone,2) Assist with field changes, 3) Continually evaluate tree health and injuries, and 4) Communicate with the superintendent, Segerberg Mayhew Architects, Dennis Anderson and Associates Landscape Architects and the Town of Vail Planning Department. Inspections will be more frequent during the early phases of the project. During the excavation phase and the early stages of material delivery and staging, inspections will occur weekly or bi-weekly. After the kinks are worked out, inspections will occur on a monthly basis or upon request of the contractor, architect, owner or building department. lnspections will be document on form 1-4 and copies made available to the contractor and Segerberg Mayhew Architects , . Halaby Tree Prescrvation Plan . A Cr$Above Forestrv ll 0u2912W3 Reference Certifi ed Arborist Gertification Proo ra m Studv Gu ide. I ntemational Society of Arboriculture, 1991 Matheny, Nelda P. and James R. Clark. Trees and Develooment. A Technical ouide to Preservation of Trees Durinq Land Develooment. Intemational Society of Arboriculture, 1997. Shigo, A.L. A New Tree Bioloqv. Duram, NH, Shigo and Trees, 1986. t il n il il il trr i':,,rr!r il ;iIi:I il I tr I !ril :I fr ilr I t L Ltl t"il L I Halaby Tree Preservation Plan A Cut Above Forestry 12 01/29/2M3 Glossary Grown The upper part of a tree, including the branches and foliage. Crown diameter (Dripline) The distance from the trunk of the tree to the edge of the branches. DSH or Diameter Standard Height The diameter of a tree measured at 4.5 feet above the ground. Live Grown Ratio The percent of the tree trunk that supports live green foliage. Mycorrhizae Mycorrhizae are organs made up of tree and fungus tissues that facilitate the absorption of phosphorus-containing ions and others essential elements for growth. b) Non-woody roots that are infected by beneficial fungi are called mycorrhizae. Mycorrhizae are organs that facilitate the absorption of phosphorus and other soil elements as well as water. Mycorrhizae (sometimes written as mycorrhizae, singular, and mycorrhizas, plural) are active for months to a year. They are organs on most trees. Pruning The selective removal of woody plant parts of any size using saws, pruners, clippers or other pruning tools. Roots (absorbing) Absorbing tree roots are organs that absorb free water and elements dissolved in it from the soil. Non-woody absorbing roots have very little lignin and no corky outer bark. Woody roots have lots of lignin and a corky outer bark. Non-woody roots do grow in winter in non-frozen soils, and may even grow in non-frozen soils below frozen soils. Also see root hairs and mycorrhizae which are associated with non-woody roots. Roots (woody) Woody tree roots are organs that support the tree mechanically, store energy reserves, transport free water and the substances dissolved in it Halaby Tree Preservation Plan A Cut Above Forestrv 13 0u2912003 and synthesis substances such as growth regulators, amino acids and vitamins that are essential for growth. They also hold water in the form of bound water. They also contain more lignin than non-woody roots. F h F f,r E!F L h tsht F t ts $rh h F hhil h h !.hh :. I/tllla. g lrlt- (/) //" .1 /.'-'' V"//,{t// L', ,y't-' I { q !!! ',r/i: l2 /7 #,i -r! iiI ( February 12,2003 Mr. BillGibson Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: HALABY RESIDENCE & DUPLEX Dear Bill: Per your request, we estimated the tree heights and general conditions of those trees to be removed from the Halaby Duplex site. I have included a marked-up plan for reference. lf you need any further information, please let me know. Sincerely, SEGERBERG, MAYHEW & ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS, P.C., A.I.A. Kurt A. Segerberg, A.l.A. President KAS/Irt enc. Segerberg, Mayhew & Associates Architects, P.C., A.l.A. t1657 . Dhone: 97o 476 4433 . fsxi 970 416 4608. nhoni:: 303 623 3355 . faxr 303 623 2262' httD://www.smarchs.com Main Office; 1000 South Frontase Road West. Suite 300 . Vail. CO Denver Office: 1617 Wazec SFeet. Suite C2 . Denver. CO E0202 email: info@smarchs.com Tree RemovalTable Tree #Species Heisht Condition Comments 1 Englemann Sprue 55'+/-Grorvlh to north, laying aoainst existing struclur€. 2 Colorado Sprucg 55'+/-Competing for space with #3, dead undergroflth branches. 3 Colorado Soruce 5(}+/-Competing for space with #2, dead underqro'\ /th branches. 4 Lodqepole Pine @'+/-No n6w grorrth on west side dead underoroufih branches. 5 Golorado SorucE 50'+/-Split trunk, ageint existing struc{ure dead undergro^rth branches. 6 Lodoepole Pine 7g +l-No damaoe 7 Lodgepole Pine 60'+/-Competing for space with #8,#9 dead underqro$,th branches. I Lodoepol€ Pin€55 +/-Competing for space with #7,#9 dead underorowth branches. 9 Lodsepole Pine 60'+/-Competing for space with #7,#8 dead underoro /th branches. o@\D[o]too "iltvr\ Sr\IUG IAOG\fflMI .n SiIlA ZSZ XEITdNCI ry gONSCINSEN AEIVTVHHIlip* rirulii &E\Me o1 .'{0if1) tLt -.,2 \)2 .- i ii., :::::....t....... 'r li)$;i:-- {r/ K {.) ;iJ () .? !!! a. \t) !11.:i I 7,\ ,1 )i,rl ui " ..- t),t ';r" --- 7'a I -*t. 't {*i,^@ fiir ,,*, 0 ':v cr t ----J tiks,/ t4;v J..',' ! 'v' "l. \\_.:-) ,/-, | ,,ii/ i: !! --v' '/iilrv'ta E1 ..-"i14, \!.,-...i ..; - '.'j.. .'... SYi"':|,,, .l " . ..rz ,.i ,.' .;.i <'?:.,1t-..-;^ t'",' I t !,ii t) . .,i.ri t February 20,2003 Mr. Leonard Sandoval Town of Vail Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vail. CO 81657 RE: HAIABY DUPLEX Dear Leonard: Per our discussions, enclosed herewith is a site plan showing an alternative driveway layout for the East Unit of the Halaby Duplex. At the February 19, 2003 Design Review Board meeting, the Board wanted to see more landscape area between West Meadow Drive and the driveway area of the East Unit. They felt that the future West Meadow Drive streetscape plans would have more flexibility with more area off of West Meadow Drive. For your reference, I have included a photocopied page from my book, which shows the maneuverability for a single-car garage. I thought that this might be helpful in developing an acceptable layout for our project. I appreciate your input on this issue. Please review and let me know your thoughts. I look forward to hearing form you. Sincerely, SEGERBERG, MAYHEIA/ & ASSOC IATES, ARCH ITECTS, P.C., A. I.A. Kurt A. Segerberg, A.l.A. President KAS/Irt enc. @: Mr. BillGibson Segerberg, Mayhew & Associates Architects, P.C., A.I.A. Main Otficc: l00O South Frontrge Road Wesl, Suilc 300 . Vail, CO 8165? . phon.: 970 476 4433 . fax: 970 476 4508 Derw.r Office: 16l? Wazcc Si.cet, Suitc C2 . Dcnver, CO 80202 . phone: 303 521 3355 ' fex: 303 621 2262 cmait: info@smarchs.com htF://wwt].smarchs.com unvewqys o IoNcRere RuNwaYB To C|aRAcrE 4% 5% 6ft 7 APPROACH APRON 0% ro 2r 096 to 2* ()% lo 2A 096 to lX 096 le\'kv , -O' ,",,tU. \ - FROM \^,ALL ,> t7ft 6ROAOTO <IARA('E RAMPS NOTE Thrcc mrncuver entcnco tor lingla clr g|rTe. Em' ploy only whon rpe! limit€tltrit dam$d us.. Diman' 3lonad lor l.r!€ o!r. \3 ,/ o .'[rv,v\q-\ -..'r-..+-..->FORWARO }"f STRAI6HT IN-AACK OUT X g',.0't010"12'-O'1610 26',.O"25',-O"23'.6"24',.O z 3'-4'3',-1"2'-O"3'-0 l4'-4't415"ft'.4'2010 g0' r -BACK ouT l1 caRl Yf2510"124'-6"|'21-a' PRIVATE ORIVEII/AYS TO OARAOEB CONIROLLTO ENTiANCC, BOOTH REMOTE FEE INOICATOR - --. t ':. CON'ROLLEO ENTRANCE-TXIT T'ENOTO E,<IT ORIvEwAYa FOR FARKINO FACIL3TIEB li/iliam T. Mahsn. AIA: Sanie Blrbara. Cltlo.nls :oN ltPlec ,ol.,t .cle?$ :uo!€!Aau aqac€zq€@€ 'x?J sQ€,qelqeQ€ l.r l@zQ4t o? otdJ'D^t/Do t-? Drlr€ lDDJlg sDzqn Llgl €1"e1 IL{?JV seleL?o6.6v e@?v.rLv 46 .x. J ec, u qll oL6 1. L L€qt? o?eplo?'|]e^ @iDih'trn(tt ?eod clae1npa'Q eptott maL,fn?LJ 'E;F.qtaaegta@/@uz ,3190 >t-l€ ,nE umeJO ="N=Cr9=> LaVIVH@qq@ae ,aN qor u elcJ elta I ?!1r ?d F J ILo(HuuFF ozv,3d I u fia'oYc>r-|.nqA rCU<l SLNCUll llr..gJ (9 cr'tN // // // \ Il!Fui E Ps .9) 0, o,LP tn O I o q F(o+ -\? 4 U)v, i4 x .c =*x.oo-, ul l\lF- Futi $=uu $ rE8 uJ ? bp i6fo "+o:=( \ / // Hl= ,x eUu H$o ---- tn \ l! EFs{9tr H60u #?r iiiIH \D€trao airnrl6ll \\ RECS FEB S0 2003 Appeals Form __ -Deparbnent of Community D€velopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Cohrado g165/ tel: 970.i19.2L39 fax: 97O.479.2qSz web: www.ci.vail:co.us Action/Decision treing appealed: IO}[N General fnformation: This form is required for filing :n app?! of-a statr, Design Review Board, or phnning and Environmental 'cornmission action/decision. - n complete rormlti,:-asso.iaEct requirernenE must be sutrnitred to thecommunity Developrnent Deparuneni wittrin ten iiolLines days of the drspuEd action/decision. Does this appeal involve a specific parcel of land"(yg (no) ffyes, are you an adjacent pmperty owner? @ (R") Name of Appellant(s): Date of Action/Decidon : Board or Staff p€nson rendering action/deciion: Mailing Address: Physical Address in Vail: Legal Description of Appellant(q) Appellan{s) Signature(s) : (Attad a list of signatures if l) s'..; ic{ Rc{r s'\) : tot:_-,_Block:_, Vr,. U,.c-,t-cG is required). Submittal Requirements:1' on a separate sheet or tgtsPF sheets of paper, provide a detailed oplanation of how you are an"aggrieved or advenely affected person".2' On a separate sheet or separate sheeb of paper, specifo the preclse nature of the appeal. please cite specir. code sectbns having ierarance to ttre rtion being appeared.3' Provide a llst of names and ad<rresses (both mailing ana prrfricii addresses in Vaif) of all owners ofproperty who are tie subject of the appeal antt ltt aajaclft property owners (including ownerswhose properties are separated from de subject property by a right-of-way, stream, or otherintervening barrbr).4. Provide stamped, addressed enrrelopes for each property owner listed in (3.). PLFTSE St BIUT THIS rcRfi At{D AtL SUBMffTAL REQuIREMENIS TO:TOWIg! v4rt oEpARTl.tENT OF @MMUNTTY Dn EL@MErfi, 75 SOUTI| FRONTAGE ROAD, VNL, COLORADO 81657. FOooNIt- t-{ G, -Fa5l--l G Mglt, a.*J Acuvity $o.: hojert No.: Date Received: APPEALSFORM Regarding 252 W. Mendorv Drive, Vail Submittal requirements: l. *Sow how you ore m adversely affected person" ... see our letter to TOV datd 116103, Nfrach€d 2. 'hature of appeal" ... we submit thrt the removal ofmany large old evergrselr trees is inconsistelrt with the following:o the TOV's Dweloprnent Standards lhndbool pg 32: 'the goal of any landscape plan should be to preserve md e,nhance the natural landsoape charact€r ofthe area in ufiich it is to be located"o TOV's l2-11-l par D 3: 'to prwent the unneoessary destnrctim or blightins of the natural landscape"o TOV's l2-1l-f par D 4: 'to qsre that the architecturd design, location.. . and overall treatme,nt of buift-up and open qpaces have been designd so that they relate harmoniously to the natural landforns md native vegitation. . ..." 3. 'liS ofnames....of adjacent propefy owners: Merv Lapin, 232W. Meadow Ihive, Vail Submined by: Caleb B. Hurtt & Maryan F. Hurfi March 17- 2003 272Wes. Meadowfhive Vail" Colorado 81657 Januarvd.2oog Toum ofVail Cornmunity Dwelopme,nt Attention: Russ Forre$ Subjeoc redwelopment of252 West Meadow Drive The purpose ofthis letter is to inform you ofow thoughts regarding the potential redwelopment of 252 W . Meadow lhive. On December 181 2002 Menr tapin and Caleb mct with your Bill Gibsm reglrdiry the srbject pcential redwelopment md atte,ryted to conrmunicate to him ourtloughts as neighbors to that property. Mr, Gibson is to be commended....he is very patieirt. Basioally, our oonoern is one of over dwelopment ofthe property and excessive tree removal Specifioally: o Trees: there arc mrny beautiftl wergree,n trees on the prop€rty. ft appears that little has been done to preserve them- The TOV is o'soon" to redo We$ Meadow Drive....sp€rding many $ to beautify the stre€t. The planned tee removal is not only for the basic houses but also for patios! Incredible! When we buift in 1982, the TOV required that we NOT rernove any trees! This we oorylied with....and we're glad. It did require us to build 3 floors thus oonsiderrbly reducing the house foot print. o Driveways: mrch land getsconv€dedto driveruays. Why? Itwould seem to us that the rtesip could considerably reduce the amotmt ofpaving ....leaving more in grass and trees. r Pstios: wty so big? And rfry take trees ort to enable large patios? . Foo@dnt: egain, rfry so big? The mits could be closer, the rmits could be two levels. Mr. & Mrs llalaby were kind enough to drop by our house to fiy and erylain uihat they are up to. We appreoiced that and tried to explain our cono€,m to them. We doubt that either ofus convinced the other. Our wish bias is that the TOV would take action to presene as many tre€s as possible md to minimi'e oonstnrotion foot prints thus enabling mre vegetrtion on our properties Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely yours Caleb B. Iturr Illaryan F. Hutt Uoa-6 tr;.)" w g (\ EI d a Eltdo { \ \ F\ s $ A H'ir 6e ".s€EF€Ha'€€5Ets €Fss€r;;i:fii,ig fEgi*€*ffi,u,,,*g,AgEg;i;EC!;E EE st ;!EBag;;Eg=;$Ef*; ffEsEsE f3€gFgg E $Fii€Eiiss€E€gEg.g igg,:ggggggsigigff E:Eg€$i'€eiE€ ::Eg gEEf,ifFggEg€;,EfiF F€sesiicgg€efg;AeE FF .at rzllb 4 E - Es.s!Estsi -EEE EEE4EEHffigEresFm' 6cres'$ -: EE:ETgE - -:Effiil :==EreG:r === --r ===G|F 3gg E:€;: :E' 's*gg E# q + Fe-rs€-s8FE'F: etsE"I E j)€: t!€.P E s "F;$ iEg;c,EEie;E ;.'E F.S€ E = .l r; E.E g E:;;A€E;*; gE Ft€$f€€ i" ::EF;:gc€ 3cs$gsgg[gfg I 1""f,-l_88 f tr b H IUHEI gH ,l I I II I tnnns Fnotr Pacn 4 go togethet he concludes. serf a former counc' rrember. Lapin says the ::i!:T txT[;i"i:iTii,:T?iXJi ::.:-^":l:T* is designed for maximum 1990s,', says lonitime p;;;; .".#r_square tootage' only a few feet under the sioner Donovan. ,iNo -r.'" ;;;;':r"-;;"""..ti.it ro. *," !i"";;il;. h orher cases _ far as r mornlln. "No rules have changed as notably the lots on either side of 252 west Ifevery les ia levn to be redeveloped takes Y:,"-d:* - froperty owners have a"rig".J that apprlach, *re pictur" oiae#;ffiil 311*:gt with an ^eye toward maintaiiring change dramatically, Donovan warns.extstrng natural features. According tJ "It,s understandable that ,o_" of trr"Itapin,one of the adjacent lots r"ut r." ir ii neighbors -. ,rpr"r. But we did the best forshaped bui.lding and the other a ,p"A_ryeJ, the-long+erm,,, says Mayor Kurz. ,,We haddevelopment, both designed to be in harmo- seven meetings wth the design review boardny.$/ith. the existing landscape. (including a s-ite visit; to get tiis sil;;;"In .the past, people have had to .work way to leive the ,.""r,, f,Jruyr. e.;;ffi;;around trees," Lapin savs. If the decision io Kurz, the project -"rri,"".iJi.r";i'#-.;;allow this qpe ofproject r"t" u pr"""d*i, ri that he hai ione everything possible to pre- il"td ,r.T&L * other treescapes in Vair in serve as many trees as he could. ,'Even if fourareas like Rock Ledse and Beaver Dam or five morJ could have u."" ,"*q-,iriroads, he adds. "Atl thise lOO-year-old trees probably wouldn,t live long,,, Kurz savs. ::11j::ryd,y,"L:ph.lul.,'wr'ut'vlthup- ixplaining,hu, irnpu.,, ;oi, co,ilil",,*pen ts' you'll lose the ord forest, the beauty of woutd rikily damage some of the remainingit. A lot of those values are not being rrees. retamed. It3 sad. It's sad for my kids,', hI vail's landscape, including those trade-says, explaining that a cool-down in the mark spruce und fi. grou"r'u.. ,"ii.., aresort economy may be generating more other piessures b"rtd;";;;;J;;';:pressure to approve developm:I_"]i". tr 1 explains. Ag:ng rorests and new fire regula_comes at the expense ofthe environment. tions aimed ai mrtrgating w dfire hazards ,"*::::o;:r-::.t_ttn,rhe decision is symp_ wiu arso play a role, he concludes. e3 M. Wings, tomatic of a new-school menraliry i" vi li'", B"rh;;;"- and Lapin fired what couldfavors quantity over qualiw - * i$* ,i"i u" * ."".11""",51 in the upcoming townI1tl:il'-I" .l"re rrequglitv as rhe pace of counc' eleJtion. r nev sav voters should keenredevelopmenr increases. "when yoo gi"" up these rypes oiir.u"rln #ra *i* ii." i#quality for quanritv, the community rrff;;; .".p"ilrg "-aior""rr,i, i.r""u';ii: .*' thelong+erm. Thatt what this project repre- .pi,"piJ*ra to find out what their electedsents to me,r' Lapin says. And thuiir.rtong- om"iuir ..frJr"nr and vote accordingly,,,headed, because qualiry and economic vahie Lapin says. b V"il I'tu.Lith(-l I r\ Jr4\-napeL Uirectofi . B'nai Vail Congregation :gvi$-s--!st Friday ol ea-ch month477-2992-3rd Friday of each monih _5t_. Patrick,s Catholic parish rr..Frank Maroney 477-037g )ll_uld"y-I"t'.t ip s:30pm :ulldly Worship - a:ogirmDaily Mass (M-F) - 8:00 am Cov-enam_f csbVterian Chapels Kev€€nd Eugene c scotl 5tci(970)477_0383 1rl,9"V Worship - 1t:00amChild Care -ioneviinversation- ll;33;il lt Bu The Sunc Cov F Sunc child 959 said "foilow me" and to make Christ knoi,vn, eag e r\€: presbytenan churcn ,fie e:jq call 970 /49 S4C fu detals *xftlYIElrEuFrE|t Planning and Enuironmental Commieson ACTIOI{ FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage fload, Vail. Colorado 81657 t€l: 970.479.2139 ferc 970"479.2452 web: ivww,vailgw.com Protect Name: Protect Descrlption: New construdion Particlpants: OWNER Theodore S, Halaby 12 Vista Road Englewood, @ IOl28l20O2 Phone: 303-888-5959 DENVERCO 9=80110 APPUCANT Segerberg Mayhew& Assoc, ArcL0l28l2O02 Phone: 476-,1433 1fl)0 S Frontage Rd West Suite 3ff) Vail, CO Ksegerberg@smarchs.com 81657 ProtectAddr€ss: 252W MEADOW DRVAIL location: east unit tcgal DescrlpUon: Lot: 8 Block Subdlvislon: VAIL vIl.LAGE RUNG 2 Parcel Number: 2101-071-0100-2 Comments: Hof"If PEC Number: PEC020055 PEC Type: BOARD/STAFF ACTTON Astion: APPROVED Date of Approvalz 051 L612003 Meeting Date: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Motlon By: Second By: Vote: CondlUons: Planner: Bill Gibson PEC Fee Pald: $0.00 0cT-25-2002 FRI 12r20 Pll LO/ZE/02 o9: 15 FAx s037616310. Lo/'ts/oz r.1t!_!!j3!."ElI-9LPl?E-1C.c!.-_ ,o?. ro/81 tlIU or:61 FAr r0r rls Plitr I FA)( NO, E,IUIDY SIJ|nCES.VAIL 3l^9d!s-DEflla P;-!2 Bt'tt"-._ B!4IC'S-VAI t_ APflication for Review bY the Plenning and Envitunmental Commlsslon Oeerfngu d (gnrrurltr batnarl ZSScirtr l'drt* Fil4 t/il, CoE do 41657 H: t7D:{7!t}1D flE 97D.{7t-L5E , rtrb; rfir 'd-€['o-ltr c.hcrrt lnlbttr|ouon:naJrq;t fi.*;lPbnnhg a,f 5,'vrq1114nEl Cor1'rrrisbn rrrlv rrgs rrcdt rprcd EtCr El $trdIrrre 'rrlukB 6rrt1q rppt'din. prii aiii o iiiliruofiai rq,,-rJjits tu ft putiorlir ereonr litrt it rq'Gsbd' 1n ppicaibn br Hililrrl r,u -f,i;ryrrmi orrnlron lEi; ot"or u ';..F t .nt rlt rolr. Itrfttn{*xr ir r*hed !y thc 6E'.,.tily Dcdo,lt' t DcAltUBnL fft -"iif dw rt-, rild b h t!r'Er''d bv t}r T6'n counot ]tC/il thc 9€'69n Rsdqv Edd TYIPG o7 APFliat{en lnd FcG: ^/o te:onrrrg ' .r13oq f autsu us'htnlt 9d-a- D rbFrs$.lMdon ';iffi q rIfrts-urrCr'ei-t' r'too F lrtfiorgruliyt*at ffi;- 9 ffiA;rr''-l*'4n t650 o Elcngrh.t t'lrt ;;5o 9 ffftl enrri;3tt=t*n filr D 'i-'d-^r'rra'mruu,sDD ;iooo q #m#L***,r iiii:E ir'i"-siiolt-o,i,*.,m'tol$tl4 l6m0 E Io tutrtc.A,m'\dm.r*ro.,sril- iffi Q difii-iliietnna'r'an t}#5 iiffid;d;;*r"$StE iuso g lnsttcr ha'efr(Etdlwt) -. - ff iEivltlta 't2oo DcrcriFHc6 of fhc F.{udt, f-""tfon of *,€ PFPos-lt torl-9-enct!--L- 252 llGst vesaort nrlnc Phydcel lddrtt.! Ptrqrl l{o.:210 ro'/10I002 :f-lglrsntea f,rslc Co- Ass6or al 9?r3?8-t5{o for p'ircl na') trtlro-f RtDi LY rerj I'dentiirl zonlnEl Tbeodl.re S- ualabY PAVLlf\et,{ryfYHrmdr) D? orn r(d)l f|ol$ot lddrcls:2 V:lsta RoaC Erglertooa co 90Lf0 hEigr iu'a w I !|eaoclates, IO0O S. FrontaEa t6 0l: El 9 7or- 17 6 -tl5 O E nht RECEIVED 5?Attk^\ gerwe't o(&'o ' 1,( {i ow,r"tt.l 5rt|rbft{qlr Nem€ cf AFplicrne -E tlalllng Addmrr: Ieaagcrb(trse E,.rrtll tddrG.fi: - .8tna,!ahE. FPI,n PrEc I d(s-olrlfroa , *n}(.'!&-@ 5o'*d Qoz\ 623 -Bt{ qcT 2S 20n . From Land Tltle Itled Sep 4 Ll:47:49 2ooz Page 1 of 9 LdTitleQarffeeGml(l.E:IcttlBDStIFftfld.l Datc: lD-llG2lX)2 Our Order Number: V275t39.1 Property Addrers: PANCEL A AIJD PANCE, B, IJOT E, VAIL VILLAGE SECIND FIIING K'XTSEGNBBG Plnr: 9ll47Gtl4ill S.nt Vh Frr ftrntEjltl ' From Land Tl t'l €lyed Sep 4 LLr47.49 20oz Page 2 of 9 LdTtleG.ade@ny Yx'R(INrrcIsi Dete: o9-0+2ooz Our Order Number: V2ilSEfjg.L Property Address: PARCTL A AND PARCU, B, I,OT t, VAIL VILI,AGE SEIC{)ND FILING Buyer/Borrower: THEU)ORE S. IIAIABY, AS TO PARCEL A TIIFODORE S. IIAI.ABY, CYNTTIIA G. HAI.ABY, PAIJL R SIEINWAY, MERROLE STENWAY, Seller/Owner: TTIEODORE S. HAIABY, AS TO PARCU.A TTIEODORE s' IIAI.ABY, CYNTIIIA G. TIAIABY, PAI,JL R STEINWAY, MER,ROLE STEINWAY' HARRISON T. I@NER, AND ANLB{E D. HALEY, AS TO PANCE, B If you have any Inqulrles or reErlrc turther sslstsnce, pleese contact one of the nwnbers below: For Closlng Assletsnce: Need a mop or dlrecdons for your upcomlng clorlng? Check out IJnd Tttle's web slte ct wwrr'.ltgc. com for dlrectiors io any of our 4ll ottlce locetlons. E NMA'IEGTTIEIE Alta Owmrs Follcy 10-17-92 TBD TOTAL so-oo THANK YOU f1OR, YOT]B ORDER! For fith Asslstancc: Vdl Ttde DcFt I('rcn Blggs l0r s. FRoNIAGE nD. W. *203 P.O. BOX 357 vAtr co t1657 Ylnrrc: 9lO-t175-XEL Fg: tlo-476.45]l4 EMdl: ldlggs@lgc.com toft dltlcl . From Land Tltle lVed Sep 4 LLt47:49 2OOZ Page 3 of 9 Cldcryo Tlde L|surf,rce C-orryery ALTA COMMITMENT Our Order No. V275t39' I Schedule A Cust. Ref.: Prop€rty Addrtss: PARCEL A AND PARCEL B, I'IOT t, VAIL \rILLAGE SECOI{D FILING 1. Ettectlve Date: Aqgxt Zl, 2002 at 5:00 P.l!f, 2. Pollcy to be Isnrd, and Proposed Insur€d: "ALTA" Owrnr's Pollcy 1:0-1r7-yz $0.00 kopcred lrsured: THEODORE S. TIAI.ABY, AS TO PARCS. A TIIEODORE S. IIAI.I\BY, CYNTHIA G. HAI,ABY, PAUL n- STEINWAY, MERROLE STEINWAY, IIARruS'OII F. IGPNER, AND ARLENE D. HALEY, AS TO PARCEL B 3. The estate or lntercst in the lrnd dcacrlbed or relerrcd to In thls Commltrnent rnd coYeFed hereln ls: A Fee Singe 4. Tltle to thc estrte or lnterert covercd hereln ls at the eflectlve date hereot vested In: TTIEODORE S. HAIABY, AS TO PAR@- A TIIEODORE s. HAIABY, CYNTIIIA G. IIAI"ABY, PATJL R STEINWAY, MMROLE STEtrNWAY, IIANruSON T. IGPNE& AND ANLEIIE D. IIALET, AS TO PARCEL B 5. The lend relcrrcd to In thls Cornmltrtrerrt ls dcscrlbed es folbws: SEE, ATTACHED PAGE(S) FON LEGI\L DESCruPTI(N . F rom Land T'l t'l e llled Sep 4 LLz 47 :49 2OO2 Page 4 of 9 Our Order No. V275t39.1 [EC{LIECHmC.I PARCELA: I,OT t, VAIL VILLAGE SEiCI)ND FILING, AMENDED MAP EXCEPT PARGL B HENEXN DES'CRIBED ASF(I.I,OWS: COTVIMENCING AT TTIE SOUTIIEASTENLY C{)RNER. OF II)T B, TTIB..TCE NORTIIWESTERLY AIONG TTIE EASTERLY LIIilE OF SAID IJOT 6 oN A CURVE T0 TIIE RIGIIT IIAVING A RADIUS OF 52s.00 FmT, A (ffi.ITRAL AI{GLE OF 02 DEGnffiS 10 MINUTES 5E SECONDS AND AN ARC DISTAN@ OF 2O.OO FMT TO A P'OINT OF TANGINT; TTIENCE NoRTIIWESTERLY AIJoNG SAID TANGEtr..TT AND SAID EASTERLY LINE '10.33 tr'EET TO TIIE FOINT OT' BEGIIINING; TIIEITICE CONTINUING AIONG SAID AEORESAID LINE A DISTANCE OF 10T.6? FffiT TO A FOINTOFCI,JRVE; THF{CE AIIT{G SAID EASTERLY LINE AND AI]ONG A C{JRVE TO TTIE ruGET IIAVINGA RAI,IUS OF 5O.OO FEET, A CEYTRAL ANGLE OF Ot DEGREES T1 MINUTES 6 SECONDS ATID AII ARC DXSTANG OF 7.I5 FEET; TIIEhICE' Ol{ Ar.r ANGT.E TO TIIE LrT OF 90 DEIGREES oo MINUTES 0o SEICONDS AND ALotiIG THE NORTHENLY IINE OF SAID I.I)T t, A DISTANCE OF 93.93 FTT; TIIETTTCB (N AN ANGLE TO TIIE LET OF t5 DEGRffiS 25 MII{UTES 35 SECONDS AfrlD AIONG THE WESTBLY LI}IE OF SAID I.oT 8, A DISTANG OF 7E.83 F'BT; THET.{CE ON AN ANGLE TO LE['T OF EO DEGREES 20 MINUTES 31 SECONDS A DISTAIT@ OF T18.t3 FEET AIING TTIE CED{TEI,LII\IE OF'A PARTY }VALL EXTENDED TO TTIE FOINT OF BEGII{NING, COUNTY OFEAGI,E STATE (x. CI)II)RADO. PARCELB: I;OTt, VAIL VILL^A,GIESEC{X\[D HLING, AMEI.{DED ll/tAP, MORE PARTICLJI-ARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLI.IOWS: CONTMENCING AT TTIE SOUTHEASTENLY CORNER OF I,OT t; TIIENCE NORIIIVYESTENLY AI/ONG TTIE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID I- T E ON A CIJR\rE TO TTIE ruGIil IIAVINGA NADIUS OF'525.00 FI]ET, A CEI|TTRAL ANGLE OF 2 DEGRFES lO MINUTES 5t SECONDS AND AN ARC DXSTANCE OF 20.00 FEET To A FoINT oF TANGENT; TIIIT'IGE NoRTTIWESTERLY Arrot{G SAID TAIIGENT AND SAID EASTERLY LIIrtE 4t.33 FET T() THE PTOINT OF. BEGIIINING; TIIF{CE Cd\TTINUING AIPNGAFORESAID IITIE A DISTANG OF 101.57 FEET TO A FOINT OF CIJR\rq THENCE AIJONGSAID EASTERLY LINEAND AI-NGA CURVE TOTTIE ruGHT IIAVINGA RADIUS OF 5O.OO FET, A M{TRAL ANGLA OF E DEGREES TT MINUTES 35 SEC{)NDS AND AII ANC DETANG oF 7.15 FffiT; fiIAnCE ON AMNGU To TIIE Ltr'T OF 90 DEGIEES 00 MINUTES 00 SEC{)IYDS AND ALTONG TIIE NORTIIERLY IJI{E OF SAID IrT E, A DISTANG OF 93.93 FIET; TIIENCE ON AN ANGLE T() TIIE LEFT OF tS DEGRmS 26 MINUTES 35 SECONDS AhID AITONG TIIE VyESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT t, A DISTANG ()F'7E.t3 FEET; THEI{G ON AN ANGLE TO LEFT OF SO DEGREES 20 MINUTES 3I SECOT{DS A DXS'TANCE OF lTt.&I FET AIJONGTHE @{TER,LINE (x. A PARTY WALL EXTENDED TO TTIE FOINT OF BEGINNING' c(xrNTY oFEAGLE STATE OF COLOnADO. . From Land Tltle Itled Sep 4 L!147 249 2oO2 Page 5 of 9 ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Secdonl (Regulrements) Our Order No. V275t39' f The followlrrg are the regufterrents to bc comPllcd wlths Itern (a) Pq!/rEnt to or tor the rcco|t|i oi the granto]s or mdgagors of tlr tull corsl&mdon tor lhc ertrle or trbrcgt tD be lrured- IEID (b) PioFr InctrrEn(s) crtedrg tlE GstrE or fuibrcst to bc lrsurcd rmrst be exccrftd {d drJy llled tor rccond' b-wlts Imn (c) tbjrrBnt of dl bres, clnlEes or cKecanHrts levled srd essessed egdnrt the $ntJect Plcmbe3 wHch rtf due sdpryrble. Ilern (d) Adddorul rcgdrcmrb, li rry drclosed blow: TIIE COMMITMEI{T E FOR IIIFORMATIOT'{ ONLY, AI\D NO FOLICT WILL BE ISSI'ED PI'NSUANTHMETO. I'IIIII*II NOTICE OF I.m CIIANGE MT'ECTTVE SEFTEMBtsR.1, 2OO! *ITTITTU hr$t[t !o Colorado ncviscd Strn|t. 30-10421, 'TlE co|rl6/ ctcrh urd reordcr cHl coll€ct e srrclnrgc ot $1-0O tor eadr docrrrent rccelved tor recordrg or ttllrg ln lds or hr ofilce. The srrclnrge slnll b In adddon b dry otlEr tecs pendtEd by rtenfr. " . From Land T'l t'l e Wed Sep 4 L!:47249 2OO2 Page 6 of 9 ALTA COMMITMENT Schedie B - Secdon 2 (Exeptlons) Our Order No. V275&t9. f The pollcy or potlcles to be lssued wlll contaln exceptlons to the followlng rmless the sarDe are dlsposed of to the setlstrctlon of thc Compeny: l. frglts or cldrr ot pardes In pcrscrrlon mt rlDvtr by the pb$c rccords. L Ers.rEr*r, or cldrE ol ererm{!, mt lhowr by tln prHlc Ecords. 3. Dkcmprler, corf,lcts tn bo|rdrt llru, slnrtrge In ercq errcroechrents, ad nry fects wldch a consd sur"ey etd forpecdon of lh pcrdrcr sorid dsclose sd wldch re mt shown Sl the pHlc records. 4 Arry lleq or rlg!* b r tlcn, tor serrlcca, hbor or mEdC ttrrebtorr or bndEr tlrrd,rlrd' ltqoced by hv eld rDt shown by tlr Ftllc rccordc. 5. Detcctr, llclr, enoltrbrurces, sdyeEc cldra or otlnr rmt&|B, lt Ery, cr€sled, tlEt ryedrE ln lhe pbllc rlcords or emtdt€ $fucqs[ b thc cftecdve &e tEllof h Flor b 0E dale the pmposcd lrsutd eqdrcr of ncotd tor vdrr the calnE or lr|tetlst or rmrqsgc ttcEon covecd by Ods Cotud[rnl 6. Tbxes or rpoclol ssersrrr*s whlch rre mt sbwn r exlsdrg llens by thc ptHlc records. 7. Liers lor urpdd wrtr lld r6ver clurgcs, lt rry. t. br addldon, the owr*dr pollcy vttl be sullcct b [E rmdgsgc, lt ary, mEd ln Secdon 1 of Schddc B hecot 9. RIGIIT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR I-DE TO EXTRACT AND NEilTOVE HF ORE TTIENEFROM SHOI,]LD TTIE SAME BE XOI'ND TO PENETRATE ORINTERSECT TIIE PREilTISES AS REfrRVED IN I,'NITE) STATES PATENT RECDNDED SEPTEIUBEN, M, IY23, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGEgE. IO. RTGIIT OF WAY T1OR DMq|ES OR CANAI,S CI)NSTRUCTED BY TIIE AUTHOruTY (X TTIE LJNffED STATES AS RESERVED IN t NIIED STATES PATB.IT RECORDED SEFTEMBER 04' 1923, IN B(X)K93 AT PAGE 9E. ll. nEsTRrcTrvE covF{At{ts, wtilcxl Do N(yr c(r.,[TArN A FoRTEITUnE OR nEVEIIIR C["AUS]E BUTOMITTINGRESTRICTTONS, ItrANT, BASED ON RAq C(xI)& NE,IGION' oRNATTONAL OrucIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUME\IT REICOR.DED JANUARY 09, 1963, IN B(X)K r?4 AT PAGE €1 AI{D AS AMUTIDED IN INSTRUMEIYT RECORDE) AUGUST 27, 1964, IN Bq)K 1t3 AT PAGA 2:t9. t:2. EASEIYIENTS, CdiIDITI(NS, COVEtr{ANIS, RESTRTCTIONS, RESERVATIOI{S AND NOTES ON TTIE RECONDED PTAT OF VAIL VILI.Affi SECOND NLING. 13. TERltfiS, Crcf,\rDIIIONS, AI|ID PROVEI()YS (X PARIY WALL AGnEEI}IEr|T RECORDED MARCI ot, tyt4, IN B(x)K 233 AT PAGE 6ll AI\D MODITTA\TIq{ nEC{)nI'ED APRIL 6, l9t2 . From Land T1tl e Wed Sep 4 LLz47 249 2OO2 Page 7 of 9 ALTA COMMITMENT Schedde B - Sectlon 2 (ExccPtlons) Our Order No' v?f,SBg.l The pollcy or pollcles to be ksued vlll cortaln cxceptlons to the tollowlng urlefs the samc ere dlsPosd ot to the sstlstrdlon ot thc Gorryrrry: IN B(X)K3E AT PAG3757. 14. DMD OF TRUST DATET' FROM TEEOD(NE S. IIAI"ABY TO TIIE PT'BLIC TRTJSTffi OF EAGT-E CTX]NTY FON.IHE USE (F BANKOIYE TO SECUNE TTIE SUM G'f1,575,fl}O.OO' AND AI{T (}TIIER, AMOT]NTS PAYABLE TJNDER. TIIE TERITG TffiNEOT', RECI)ru'ED JUNE 14, 2002, UNDERNECEPrION N(} ?94'E6 AND RENACORDED JUNE2A, 2IX'2, RECEFrION N(} 79!1494. (AFFECTS PARSE,A) 15. TENMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF C{}OWNMSHIPAGNEEMENT RECONDED AFRIL |r, U't2 IN B(X)K 33E AT PAGE 75t AI\TD FINST AMENDMENT NEC{)RDED JANUARY 25' 2OO2 T'NDERNI1CWIIq{ NO. ?t4025 AND AMEI{DMThIT REC{)RI'EI' TBNUARY S,2NO2 UNDER NEffPfION N(} 7t513I. GrrBcTs PAnCELB) . From Land Tltl e lVed Sep 4 1Lt47249 2OO2 Page 8 of 9 LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: hrsurrf to CRS f0-lf-P:l, mdce ls tnrcby glven tlnts A) The subject r€al PmFrtt tBy be locaed h o sFld taxlrg dlsutct B) A Ccrdtrcste ot Tbxes Drr llsdrg each drg Jrrlsdcdon mqr h obldrrd lmm the Courty Ttcasureds u{lrerlzed agent C) The lr{onmtlon rcgardrg speclel dbHcts end the bourddes ot such dlstrlcE rrry be obtelned llom lhc Board of C-ounry Corrdsslorrrs, the Cour5| C-lerk and Recorder, or ttc CoulF Asse$or- Note: Etfecdve S€ptcmber 1, 199?, CRS 30-10406 reEdrcs llnt all docrntnb recelved tor recordirg or tlllrg In ttn clcrk srd recorder,s olltce stnll cortdn a top m.rgln of at least orr lrrch.nd e lefq rlght md h6om nnrgln of at leut om lntf of an lmh Tlt cterlc rnd recorder rmy rcllxe to record or llle ary docurr* thet does rDt corilonq excep ttet, ttE EqrdlerEnt for the top rmtgln shdl mt rytsy to doc|llEnE rrlrg torns on wldch spece ts provlded lor recodlng or trtlqg lrdonrndon at tlE bP rnryln ot tE documnt Note! Colorcdo Dlvlslon of Inruarre Rcgriedors 3-5-1, PsrqrTh C of Ardcle Vtr rc$dres tlBt 'Bvery dde endty shell be rccporrlue tor stl rtn&rs wldch olDe{r ot rccotd Flor b tE drt ot rtcordirg wh.rEver the dde endty condrts the clmlrg rnd ls reeporstHe for rccordlrg orfitbg of legd doc|trDents rcrdtbg tlom the EsItecdon wldctr was dosed". Piovlded t|sf l.srd Tldc G|relf,rlce Corryry corrdrs lhe ctoslrg ot tE |rrsrr€d trrsocdon rrd ls rcsporrlble tor recordrg tlrc legd doormrls ftom tln tcrsardon, excepdon nnber 5 wlll mt ryeer on th Orvner's Tlde Folicy ard th Lendets Follcy when lssrcd- Note: Atrlrr {ve rrnlgric's llen protecdon lor tfu Orvmr rql be wellable (tytrcdly by deledon of Exccpdon no. 4 of Sdrcdule B, Sccdon 2 of thc Conrrdtrrrril trom ttt Ovrr/s Follcy b be lssrrd) upon corr;tisre wlth the tollowlrg cordldorr: A) Tlr lsrd &scrlbed in ScHule A of ltds conrrltrrnt nrrst h e slrgle inndly reslderre which lrdrdes e cordorffun or iowtlnuse rrdt B) No labor or rmierlds lnve been trdshcd by recfnrdcs or rrtcrld-rEn for prPoses of consErrdon on the lrrd descdbed In ScHrle A ol tHs CorrrdorEnt wlttdn ttr Fst 5 mntla- C) TfE Corry{V mrst recelve rt rympdde dtrdrvlt lndcndtylrg ite Corqcry rgelrst u>6led rEcMc's srd rEbrlC-rtln's ltetB. D) Tlr Corryly rm|ct rtcelve FJr|Ent ot ttn ryroprlete ptntun E) tr OEte la been cortttlrdorl |r|?rcverH|E or mrJor cpdrs |ndert*en on lhe FoFerty !o be Frchesed witldn slx r|bn0tst Flor io ttE DeE ot the Conrrdlrrnt lhe rlqdrcrmnts to o]filn covctqe for u[,ecorded llers wlll lmlude: dlsctosure of cerbln corEor.tcdor lrforfmdon; trrnrrlel lrfonrroflor G io the scttcr, 0E tfillder rd or the conbrctoB PaFrstt of the eprcprloe pertuu t|Illy €xecued Inderurlf AgrcetErG satlslrctory to tlE co|rpsry, nd' r|y eddldonal rcq|drtrEDB I nny be necessary dtcr sr cxandrsdon ol tlE alorccrld lrtronE[on by thc Corryry. No covenge wlll be glvcn urdcr [V clrtrmrtrm€s tor hbor or mtterld tor whlch the lrsuned hrs contsacted lor or egrced b pe,y. Note: hrfls|t to CRS l0-11-121t, mdce ls trreby glveru A) Thet thert lc Ecorded evlderre tlnt e rrfr:ml eltste he3 been severed, tered, or othetwlse conve5red ftom the nrice ertrE eld dret tEr€ ls e nrbErdrl llkellhood thet e ddd parly holde sotrE or rtl tnlerlst tn oll ge3, oorer rdtEntr, or geod|errEl crr|El ln tlE FoFrty; tnd B) Thst nrh rdrErrt eslrb mry tnc|||& the rlgt* b enler sd rse the pmperry wltnut tE surfre owrEf 8 pendsslorr Tlls rDdce dler to owEds potlcy cot|ldurIffi contdrlrg r rdrnrsl severarce lrrtu|Int excepdon, or excqrdott, In Schcdttlc B, Secdon 2. Notldrg hertin contrftrcd wlll be dcerEd to obilgrfc |he conprry to ptovlde my ol thc covet4cs reterred to hercln udess lhc above conddors re t|{ly sedsned- Foa, DtrsCuIInE . From Land Tltle Wed Sep 4 LL:47:49 2OO2 Page 9 of 9 JOINT NOTICE OF PRTVACY POLICY Ftdelity Nrdonel Flnenclal Group of Companlea/Chlcago fide lwurance Compeny and Lend Tltle Guarrntee ComPenY JulY l' 2001 Wc rccoqrdze arrd rcsrct thc prlvarv exrctrdors ol todry's conflrrEt! ad 0r rcqrdremnts of qSlcaUe l+r"l "td!t"&l- lrlEe"r_-__ l"*s-. -fry6 Uiclyf O* fiddiE vou ewar€ ot liov we ure your rprlprbflc Frsord lniomn{on ('ftrroml Irforimdona), rd b whom lt |3 dscfo*4 irlll torm llE bsls tor e rrladorBlh of -q||st qgtwccn-us erl or FDllc tnt we gend.'Tfft hlvery fuianrt Boildes tlnt cxdorrtlon. We rrserve Oi rlghr o dru€e tftis klvry SlrErrril tmm drr to dric conslsEnf-w|th sdlcaue prlvecy lews. In the courre of our buglness, we mr:r collect Personcl lntormetlon rbout you lrom the tollowfrrg sourcea: * Fmm arrClcdiors or o0rr fonns we mcelvc tmm you or yotr aufinrlzcd rcpresentrdve;I From yiiur trrsacdors wltr, or lmm Or servlces finrg *rfoilrd by, rs, o-ur efilllatec, or olhers;r From bm lrsenrt web slbs jt Flo; dE urHic rccor& rmintdrrcd by sovenrrnhl enddes llnt rye elthr obeln dlrccdy lmm those endder, oi tmm our gtrll|rel or otlnisj-rrdI hom corrsurr or othr ruaordrg agerrdes. Onr Pollcles Rcgardlng tlrc Protectlon ot the Contldentlellty and Sccurlty o[ Your Persoml Inforrmtlon We rrffin nftvsicd. ehchordc sd noceduol sdes|trrds to fotcct yo|r Rnord lrdondon ftom untdro{zed ii"efi oiliiiiiton-i&e lLda;*esJ tf,dte-Per$rlll-iiforrmdoir ody 6 tlnse emfloyees who red such roe8s lr conrc{on wlth povldrg pmdrts or seFlces to you or lor oller liryldnrte trlsllEss FrPosca. Our Potlchs and Pmcdes Rcgardlng the Sherlng of Your Personal Intormadon We mv slEre yo|I. Felsoml lrtronDrdon wllh our eltttlalcs. such ss Infllrf,rce comlEdes' sgenE, erd olher rcrl esgn sl|derrfr servlce provlden. We also try dbclosc ytirr Fenor|8l Infonndon: * !o gnB. bmke]s or rtpttscntedvcr to fovlde you wlth servlces you hse ]e$Este4r to diitd-iar{l contcrois or s€[dce pm]iaers wln provlde servlc& or perform rndadry or other turcdori ori orr beHt: erd* to ollErs wlth wlrm wd erbr ffio Jolnt nnrkedrE qr,eerEnts lor podrra or scrylces thst we bellcve you rry frrd of het€st hr edddon, we will dlscloge your Fetsoml ffiomadon when you dft€ct orgive rr penrdssloq when we an l€quhEd bv lsw to do so. or when we-srrgrct ttruddent or crlnlrnt rilvldes. We eEo nrry-dlsclose yow Fersoml 11foonmtlon whi:n otherrlse rntd@d by smtlcrHe Drlvary lcn's srf,h as, for exei$g when dsclosult It nce.led b erfotc€ our rlglts rldrg irrl of eny dgr€frrEt4 trinracdon or relatiorrldp wl0t you (tr of th tnDormri rcsrnrtllHlldet ol sorm ot orr dtllmed corrrdg is to rccord docurrnts ln the p$llc dordn $rlfdodrrrls'm4l conhln your Perlsord lr{orrdorr - Rlght to Access Your Perronel Intormrdon and Ablllty to Corrcct Errors Or Regust Change Or Dcledon Ocrtdn rtaEc ford vou Orc rlclf to ecccrs your Rsorral lr(orrrndon o4 rmdcr certdn drcurbras' b 6rd out D wlrm vom Ferotbl lr{onddon lns hcci dsdosed" Also. cefieh s@s dtord you tte ddr b ltqnst -eorrccdoi, rendent or &ledon ot your Fsrsornl lr{orrsdon We rercrve OE rfghq whers Frrdtled !t lnt' to clruge e rceronrhlc fee to covcr dE cocb lrrrrrrcd In rerpordng to tuch rrqtrttt- All rEqlEsts suHed b dE Fldelltt Nedoml Ft|Elrlrl Gmrp of CorqeilG3/Otcego Tlde lrnrstce C.otryryddl lE ltt wrturtsr ||||| drllycrtd |t, Or llrllowllts dlnrs: Prlvecc C-otollurce dtcer FfdctttY Nd6rrel FtmtElal, ItE.g*.ffia$f'?P elu|lPtc rrotlucGr or scrgrcct Il we prnvldc you rylo| tmr€ ttrsn om nrarlet prt|d|rt or mtTlae, you may ltcelre rmm lhm orE pr{vrqr rndce nom ns. We epologlze for rry Inconverd€me tlds nray cflrse yort. tbla PRtv.Fo[.. cEI Adjacent Properties Caleb Hurtt 272W. Meadow Dr. Vail, Co 81657 (Tel. 476-5294) Legal: Vail Village Filling 2, Lot #9, Unit A Mervyn Lapin 232-9W. Meadow Dr. Vail, Co (Tel. 476-553 l) Legal: Vail Village Filing 2, Lot #7 Vail Valley Medical Center 181 W. Meadow Dr. Vail, Co (TeL 476-2451) Legal: Vail Village Filing 2, Lots E&F THIS ITEM MAYAFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on November 25,2002, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit, located at 252 West Meadow Drive/Lot 8, Vail Village 2no Filing. Applicant Theodore S. Halaby, represented by Segerberg Mayhew & Assoc. ArchitectsPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for a variance from Section 12€D-6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for a building encroachment into the front setback, located at2642 Cortina Lane/Lot 6, Block B, Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicant: Bill and Norma Brown, represented by John G. Martin, ArchitectPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council, to allow for text amendments to Title 11, Sign Regulations, Vail Town Code, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Russell ForresUMatt Gennett A request for text amendments to Sections 12-7H-11 (Height & Bulk) & 12-71-11 (Height & Bulk), Vail Town Code and the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan to allow for a clarification to the maximum height and calculation of average maximum height requirements for buildings constructed in the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 and the Lionshead Mixed Use 2 zone districts, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Town of Vail Community Development DepartmentPlanner: George Ruther A request for a worksession to amend Chapter '12-1 5 (Gross Residential Floor Area), Vail Town Code, to discuss modifications and/or elimination of the Gross Residential Floor Area regulations in all zone districts and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Vicki Pearson, et.al.Planner: Russell Forrest The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published November 8,2OO2 in the Vail Daily. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT; MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department December 9,2002 A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit, located at252 West Meadow Drive/Lot 8, Vail Mllage 2no Filing. Applicant Theodore S. Halaby and Paul A. Steinway, represented by Segerberg Mayhew & Assoc., ArchitectsPlanner: Bill Gibson il. SUMMARY The applicants, Theodore S. Halaby and Paul A. Steinway, are requesting a conditional use permit as outlined in Section 12-16-2 (Conditional Use Permit), Vail Town Code, located at 252 West Meadow Drive. The conditional use permit is requested to allow the applicant to construct a Type ll Employee Housing Unit (EHU) within a proposed two-family residence. Based upon Staffs review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends approval of this reguest subject to the findings and conditions noted in Section lX of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant is proposing to construct a two-family residential structure and a Type ll EHU on this property. The proposed development of this property is cunently in the Town's design review process. The proposed EHU will be approximately 499 sq.ft. in size (plus an additional 75 sq.ft. of storage). The proposed EHU will be a studio style unit with a kitchen and a bathroom. The provisions of Section 12-6C-3, Vail Town Code, identifies a Type ll EHU as a conditional use in the Two-Family Residential (R) district. The provisions of Section 12-16-2 (Conditional Use Permit), Vail Town Code, determine the review criteria and procedure for a conditional use permit. F :\cd6v\PEqMElrOSU2\Halaby EHU_l mg02.doc ilt.BACKGROUND In September and December of 1992, the Town Council passed Ordinances 9 and 27, Series of 1992, to create Chapter 13 (Employee Housing) which provides for the addition of Employee Housing Units (EHUs) as permitted or conditional uses within certain zone districts. In Apdl of 2000, the Town Council passed Ordinance 6, Series of 2000, to repeal and reenact this chapter and provide additional incentives for the creation of employee housing in Vail. On November 20,2002 and December 4,2002, the Town of Vail Design Review Board conceptually reviewed the applicant's request for the demolition of an existing residence and the construction of a new two-family residence and EHU located at 252 West Meadow Drive. The Design Review Board was generally supportive of the proposal, but recommended some revisions for the applicant to address. This proposal is scheduled for further review by the Design Review Board at its December 18,2002, public hearing. ROLES OF REVIEWNG BODIES Order of Review: Generally, applications will be reviewed first by the Planning and Environmental Commission for acceptability of use and then by the Design Review Board for compliance of proposed buildings and site planning. Planning and Environmental Commission: Action: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval/denial/approval with conditions of Conditional Use Permits. The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. 2. Effect of the use'on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow ftom the streets and parking areas. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. 5. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed use. tv. F:\cdev\PEC1ME i,OS\oAHalaby E HU_1 209@.d@ 6. The environmental impact report concerning the proposed use, if an environmental impact report is required by Chapter 12 of this Title. Conformance with development standards of zone district Lot area Setbacks Building Height Density GRFA Site coverage Landscape area Parking and loading Mitigation of development impacts Desjgn Review Board: Action: The Design Review Board has NO review authority on a Conditional Use Permit, but must review any accompanying Design Review Board application. The Design Review Board is responsible for evaluating the Design Review Board proposal for: Architectural compatibility with other structures, the land and surroundings Fitting buildings into landscape Configuration of building and grading of a site which respects the topography Removal/Preservation of fees and native vegetation Adequate provision for snow storage on-site Acceptability of building materials and colors Acceptability of roof elements, eaves, overhangs, and other building forms Provision of landscape and drainage Provision of fencing, walls, and accessory structures Circulation and access to a site including parking, and site distances Location and design of satellite dishes Provision of outdoor lighting The design of parks Town Gouncil: Actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the Planning and Environmental Commission or Design Review Board erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overtum the board's decision. Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. F:\cdcv^PEC\ME[rOS\oaHalaDy EHU_l 20902.doc Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. V. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Staff believes that the following provisions of the Vail Town Code are relevant to the review of this proposal: Chapter 12-2: Definitions 12-2-2: Definitions Employee Housing Unit (EHU): A dwelling unitwhich shall not be /eased or rented for any period /ess than thirty (30) consecutive days, and shall be rented only to tenants who are full-time employees of Eagle County. EHUs shall be allowed in ceftain zone districts as set forth in this Title (Section 12-13). Development standards for EHUs shall be as provided in Chapter 13, "Employee Housing" of this Title. For the purposes of fhls definition, a "full-time" employee shall mean a person who works a minimum of an average of thirty (30) hours per week. There shall be five (5) categories of EHIJs: Type I, Type ll, Type lll, Type lV, and Type V. Provisions relating to each type of EHU are set forth in Chapter 13, "Employee Housing" of this Tifle. Ghapter 12-6C: Two-Family Residential (R) District 12-6C-1: Purpose The two-family residential district is intended to provide sites for low density single-family or two-family residential uses, together with such public facilities as may be appropriately located in the same distict. The two-family residential dlstrict ls intended to ensure adequate light, air, privacy and open space for each dwelling, commensurztte with single-family and two-family occupancy, and to maintain the desirable residential qualities of such sites by establishing appropiate site development standards. 1 2-6C-3: Conditional Uses The fottowing ccinditionaluses sha// be permitted in the R district, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of chapter 16 of this title: Bed and breakfasf as further regulated by section 12-1 4-1 I of this title. Dog kennel. Home child daycare facility as further regulated by section 12-14-1 2 of this title. Public buildingg grounds and facilities. Ftcd6\'\PEC\l,rEtSS\0aHalaby EHU_1 209o2.doc Public or pivafe schoo/s. Public park and recreation facilities. Public utility and public seryice uses. Ski/ifts and tows. Type ll employee housing unlfs as set forth in chapter 1 3 of this tifle. Ghapter 12-13: Employee Housing 12-13-1: Purpose The Town's economy is largely tourist based and the health of this economy is premised on exemplary service for Vail's guesfs. Vail's ability to provide such service is dependent upon a strong, high quality and consistently available work force. To achieve such a work force, the community must work b provide qualrty living and working conditions. Availability and affordabilily_of housing plays a critical role in creating qualrty living and working conditions for the community's work force. The Town recognizes a permanent, year-round population plays an important role in sustaining a healthy, viable community. Further, the Town recognizes its role in conjunction with the private sector in ensuring housing is available. The Town Council_may pursue additional incentives administratively to encourage the development of employee housing units. These incentives may include, but are not limited to, cash vouchers, fee waivers, tax abatement and in kind seruices to owners and creators of employee housing units. The Town of Vail or the Town's designee may maintain a registry and create /lsfs of all deed restricted housing units created in the Town fo assist employers and those seeking housing. 1 2- 1 3-3 : Gen e ral Req uire me nts A. Deed Restriction, Occupancy Limitations, Repofting Requirements Type I, ll, lll, and V. 1. No employee housing unit which is governed by this Chapter shall be subdivided or divided into any form of time shares, interual ownerships, or fractional fee. All_Employee Housing Units are required to be occupied and shall not sit empty or unoccupied. 2. For EHUs which are required to beJeased, they shall only be leased to and occupied by tenants who are full-time employees who work in Eagle County. An EHU shall not be leased for a period /ess than thirty (30) consecutive days. For the purposes of this Chapter, a fulbtime employee is one who works an average of a minimum of thirty (30) hours each week on a year round basis. The owner of each EHU shall rent the unit at a monthly rental rate consistent with or lower than those market rates prevalent for similar propefties in the Town. An EHU shall be continuously rented and shall not remain vacant for a peiod to exceed 5 consecutive months. Ftcdov\PEC\MEi,loS\0AHalaby EHU-l 209m.doc 4. For an EHU which can be sold separately, the EHU must be occupied by the owner of the EHU as a permanent residence, except for Type lll Employee Housing Units, which may be occupied by any person meeting the employment requirements contained herein. For the purpose of this paragraph, a permanent residence shall mean the home or place in which one's habitation is fixed and to which one, whenever he or she rc absent has a present intention of returning after a departure or absence therefrom, regardless of the duration of absence. ln determining what isa permanent residence, the town staff shall take the following circumstances relating to the owner of the residence into account buslness pursurfg employment, income sources, residence for income or other tax purposes, age, maital sfafug resrdence of parents, spouse and children if any, location of personal and real property, and motor vehicle registration. Thitly (30) days prior to the transfer of a deed for an EHU, the prospective purchaser shall submit an application to the Department of Community Development documenting that the prospective purchaser meets the criteria set forth herein and shall include an affidavit affirmino that he or she meets these citeia. No later than February 1 of each year, the owner of each employee housing unit within the Town which is constructed following the effective date of this Chapter shall subnit two (2) copies of a sworn affidavit on a form to be obtained from the Community Development Depaftment, to the Commu n ity Developme nt Deparbne nt seftin g forth evi de nce establishing that the employee housing unit has been rented or owner occupied throughout the year, the rental rate, the employer, and that each tenant who resides within the employee housing unit is a full-time employee in Eagle County. The provisions sef forth rn fhrs subsection (A) shall be incorporated into a wriften agreement in a form approved by the Town Aftorney which shall run with the land and shall not be amended or terminated without the witten approval of the Town. Said agreement shall be rccoded at the County Cle* and Recorder office pior to the issuance of a building permit for the construction of an EHU. Development Standards No property containing an EHU shall exceed the maximum GRFA permifted in Tifle 12 except as specifically provided in herein. All trash facilities shall be enclosed. All surface parking shall be screened by landscaping or berms as per Chapter 12-11, Design Review. Each EHU shall have its own entrance. There shall be no interior access from any EHU to any dwelling unit it may be attached to. C. 1. 2. 3. 4. F :\cdevlPEOMElvlos\oanialaby EHU- 1 20902.doc 6. 7. An EHU may be located in, or attached to, an existing garage (9451f;nS- on or before April 18, 2000 and whether located in a required setback or not), provided that no existing parking required by the Town Municipal Code is reduced or eliminated. A Type I EHU which has 500 sq. ft or /ess of GRFA may be considered for physical separation from the primary unit, if it is constucted in conjunction with a two car garage and is otheruise compatible with the surrounding properties, does nof have an adverse impact on vegetation, and does not dominate the street. The Design Review Board shall review such requests for separation. All EHUs must contain a kitchen or kitchenefte and a bathrcom. Occupancy of an of an employee housing unit shall be limited to the maximum of two persons per bedroom. F:\cd€vtPEC-tl,€irOSVmHeiaby EHU_1 209@.doc 12-134:EHU Requirements by Type. Ghapter 12-16: Conditional Use 1 2-1 6-1 : Purpose ; Limitations: ln order to provide the flexibility necessary to achieve the objectives of this title, specified uses are permitted in certain disfrlcfs subject to the granting of a conditional use permit. Because of their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require review so thatthey may be located properly with respect to the purposes of this title and with respect to their effects on surrounding properties. The review process prescribed in this chapter is intended fo assure compatibility and harmonious development between conditional uses and surrounding properties in the Town at large. Uses /isfed as conditional uses rn the various disfncfs may be permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as fhe Town may prescribe to insure that the location and operation of the conditional uses will be in accordance with the development objectives of the Town and will not be detrimental to other uses or properties. Where conditions cannot be devised, to achieve these objectives, applications for conditional use permits shall be denied. 12-1&5: Planning and Envircnmental Commission Action: A. Possib/e Range Of Action: Within thirty (30) days of the application for a public hearing on a conditional use pennit, the planning and environmental commission shall act on the application. The commission may approve the application as submitted or may approve the application subject fo such modifications or conditions as it deems necessary to accomplish the purposes of this title, or the commission may deny the application. A conditional use permit may be revocable, may be granted for a limited time period, or may be granted subject to such other conditions as fhe EHU Zoning drSicls permifted by rigttt or by condi$onal use Ownership/ Tnndercnce AddiAonal GRFA' Additional Srta CovEragE /Reduc€d Landscape Arca Garage gediv Sicrago Requinment Pad<ing Minimum/ Maximum GRFA of an EHU Densrty Type lt Condi$onal Use: Single+anily Residential, Two- Family Residential, Primary/Saconda ry Residential, Agrtculture & Open Space The EHU shall not--beso/d or trans:fened separately frcm the unit it is associated with. The EHU is entitled b an additional 500 sq. fL GRFA crediL MA Allowed 300 sq. ft. of additional gango araa for th6 EHU. All unib not condruclad witha garage shallbe required a minimum 75 sq.ft. of storage area in addition to normal closet space. This 75 sq. ft shall be acrcdit for storage only. Per Chapter 12-10 as a dwelling uniL 300 sq. ft min. 1,200 sq. ft. max, Allowsdas 3rdunit on prcp€,ty. Does not count as density, F:\cd€v\PEC MEiTOS\oAHalaby EHU-1 2o€o2.doc commission may prescribe. Conditions may include, but shall not be limibd to, requiring specla/ sefbackg open spaces, fences or walls, Iandscaping or screening, and street dedication and improvement; regulation of vehicular access and parking, signs, illumination, and hours and methods of operation; contol of potential nuisances; prescription of standards for maintenance of buildings and grounds; and prescription of development schedu/es. 1 2-1 6-8: Permit Approval and Effect: Approval of a conditional use permit shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and constuction not commenced and diligenfly pursued toward completion or the use for which the approval has been granted has not commenced within two (2) years from when the approval becomes final. Vt. SITE ANALYSIS Zoning: Two-Family Residential (R) district Land Use Plan Designation: Medium density residential Current Land Use: Residential 'Development Standard Allowed/Required Prooosed Lot Area: 21,535 sq. ft No Change Setbacks:Front 20' >20' Sides: 15' >15' Rear: 15' >15' Building Height max.33'/30' <33' Density: 2 units + 1 Type ll EHU 2 units + 1 Type ll EHU GRFA:Two-family 5,254 sq.ft. 5,195 sq.ft.EHU 500 sq.ft. 499 sq.ft. Site Coverage: 4,307 sq.ft. (20%) 4,306 sq.ft. (20%) Landscape Area: '12,921sq.feet (60%) 14,760 sq.ft (69%) Parking:Two-family Gspaces OspacesEHU 2spaces 2spaces(unenclosed) EHU Storage Area: 75 sq.ft. 75 sq.ft. F:\cd6\,1PECT'rElrroSUaHa|eby EHU_1 2OgO2.doc vil. Land Use MedicalCenter Gore Creek Residential Residential Zonino General Use District Natural Area Preservation District Two-family Residential District Two-family Residential District North: South: East: West: VIII. CRITERIAANDFINDINGS The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by the Town Code. The proposed Type ll EHU is located within the Two-family Residential (R) district. Therefore, this proposal is subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 12-16, Vail Town Code. A. Consideration of Factors Reqardinq Conditional Use Permits: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development objectives of the Town. When the Town Council adopted the Town of Vail Affordable Housing Study on November 20, 1990, it recognized a need to increase the supply of locals/employee housing units. The Town encourages EHUs as a means of providing quality living conditions and expanding the supply of employee housing for both year-round and seasonal local residents. The proposed unit will have a positive impact on the Town's rental housing needs. 2. The effec't of the use on light and air, disbibution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Staff believes that there will be an insignificant impact from the proposed Type ll EHU on light, air, population, transportation, utilities, schools or parks. 3, Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Two additional vehicles are anticipated in association with this EHU, and the applicant is proposing to accommodate this anticipated parking demand. Staff believes that this proposal will have an insignificant impact to the above-referenced criteria. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. F:kd€v\PEC\MEhlos\o2\Halaby EHU_1 20902.doc 10 The EHU will be located within a two-family residential dwelling that is currently in the Town's design review process. Staff believes that the Design Review process will ensure that the proposed EHU will not significantly impact the scale and bulk of this project in relation to sunounding uses, and that the proposed EHU will be consistent with the development standards applicable to this property. 5. The proposed EHU meets the Town's requirements for zoning, ownership/transference, GRFA, garage crediUstorage, and density. a. Zonine districts permitted by right or bv conditional use A Type II EHU is a conditional use in the Single-Family Residential, Two Family Residential, Primary/Secondary Residential, and Agriculture & Open Space zone districts. The subject property is zoned Two-Family Residential. b. Ownership/Transference A Type II EHU shall not be sold or transferred separately from the unit it is associated with. The applicant is not proposing to sell or transfer the EHU separately from the primary dwelling unit. c. Additional GRFA The EHU is entitled to an additional 500 sq.ft. GRFA credit. The applicant is proposing to utilize 499 sq. ft. of that credit. d. Garaqe CrediVSlorage Requirement An additional 300 sq.ft. of garage area credit is allowed for the EHU. If the applicant chooses not to construct a garage for the EHU, then a 75 sq.ft. storage area is required. The applicant is proposing to provide an additional 75 sq.ft. of storage area for the proposed EHU. e. Parking The parking requirements for EHUs are subject to the regulations of Chapter 12-10, Vail Town Code. This EHU is proposed to be 499 sq.ft. in size, therefore two parking space are required. The applicant is proposing to provide two unenclosed surface parking space. f. Minimum/lvfaximum GRFA of an EHU Type II EHUs are allowed with a minimum of 300 sq.ft. of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) and a maximum of 1,200 sq.ft. of GRFA. The proposed EHU will be 499 sq. ft. in size (plus an additional 75 sq.ft. storage area). F:kd€v{PEC1'vlE ti,los\oAnbbby E H U_1 209@.doc ll B. g. Densitv The applicant is proposing to construct a two-family dwelling unit and one Type ll EHU on this site. Pursuant to Section 12-134, Vail Town Code, a Type ll EHU will not count as density and is allowed as a third dwelling unit on a property in the Two-Family Residential (R) district. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findings before qrantinq a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the Two-family Residential (R) district. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it will be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning regulations. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of a conditional use permit, to allow for a Type ll EHU, located at the 252 West Meadow Drive/Lot 8, Vail Village 2no Filing. Staffls recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, subject to the following findings: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the Two-family Residential (R) district. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it will be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning regulations. lx. Ficdev\PECWEiros\oaHabby EHU_1 20902.doc l2 Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this conditional use permit request, the Community Development Department recommends the following conditions: 1. The Planning and Environmental Commission's approval of this conditional use permit is contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail design review approval for this proposal. 2. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall execute a Type 1l EHU deed restriction with the Town of Vail Department of Community Development to permanently restrict the use of the EHU for employee housing. X. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map .B. Public Hearing Notice C. Applicant's Statement D. Architectural Plans F:kdowEoirEt€s\oaHabby EHu_1 20902.doc LJ Attachment: A Attachment: B THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on November 25,2002, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit, located at 252 West Meadow Drive/Lot 8, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: Theodore S. Halaby, represented by Segerberg Mayhew & Assoc. ArchitectsPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for a building encroachment into the front setback, located at2642 Cortina Lane/Lot 6, Block B, Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicant: Bill and Norma Brown, represented by John G. Martin, ArchitectPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council, to allow for text amendments to Title 11, Sign Regulations, Vail Town Code, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Russell ForresUMatt Gennett A request for text amendments to Sections 12-7H-11 (Height & Bulk) & 12'71'11 (Height & Bulk), Vail Town Code and the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan to allow for a clarification to the maximum height and calculation of average maximum height requirements for buildings constructed in the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 and the Lionshead Mixed Use 2 zone districts, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Town of Vail Community Development Department Planner: George Ruther A request for a worksession to amend Chapter 12-15 (Gross Residential Floor Area), Vail Town Code, to discuss modifications and/or elimination of the Gross Residential Floor Area regulations in all zone districts and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vicki Pearson, et.al.Planner: Russell Forrest The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planneis office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information Community Development Department Published November 8,2002 in the Vail Daily. Adjacent Properties Caleb Hurtt T72W. Meadow Dr. Vail, Co 81657 (Tel. 476-5294) Legal: Vail Village Filling 2,Lot#9, Unit A Mervyn Lapin 232-8W. Meadow Dr. Vail, Co (Tel. 476-5531) Legal: Vail Village FrlingZ,Lot#7 Vail Valley Medical Center 181 W. Meadow Dr. Vail, Co (Tel. 41 6-2451) Legal: Vail Village Filing 2, Lots E&F Attachment: C October 28,20002 lvft. Bill Gibson Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, Co 81657 Dear Bill, Ws axe submitting an application for a T1rye Itr Employee Housing Unit for the Halaby Duplex Project located at 252 West Meadow Drive. The following list is a response to the community guide lines for compatibility. Item (a) The proposed use is a Type II Employee Housing Unit. The unit will be desigrred above the East Unit garage footprint which will have separate access and will be contiguous with the project architecture. Item (b) The proposal provides quality employee housing within the Town of Vail. Item (c) The proposed unit will not have any significant effect on these uses. Item (d) There should have a beneficial effect on traffic and congestion in the area. Pedestrian safety should be sigrificantly improved with better parking and maneuverability being provided on the site. Snow storage and removal will be improved as demonstrated on the proposed site plan. Driveways will be heated while providing good off street parking which currently does not exist. item (e) The character of the area will be sigrrificantly enhanced. The scale and massing of this project with the proposed employee housing unit will certainly improve the architectural character of the community as well as the need for housing. The scale and mass of this project has been desigrred to respond to the design guide lines for its intended zoning use. If there is further information needed regarding this request, Please feel free to contact me. 'o2 L2/o5 TEU 09:2r FAX 3o3 623 221 DENVER --- SMARCHS-VAIL @'ooz ,/r/ { / c I ( l hl 'ill s|rac il T fr+ lc t ^6+ I I Attachment: D €/--.. gITE PLAN HAL A?Y RESIDENCE Rewislan:Jab Na, 26O19@O Deta il I No, Dr.urn B!' 5fK 1egerberg, flagheur 4 Asoociates Arc.hile--ls lOOd 9. Fro|lwga faatd Ub^\, itOA |6l'l tlJazas 5tr6rt grlt€ C'2 vall. Colo.ada- A1611 D?'lqr, Colorade DA7O2 T eh 510.11 6.1 4a3 F. * 31e -116 -Ab OB 7 cl' ) Oa A2 )3t55 F. x: t@1 b2 3 22 6 2 Date: l2-b-o2 5eale, N.T5. SUARCES-DENVER ... suARcgs-vAIL @ oor'02 tztos rEU o9:22 FAx 3ol 623 2262 fn\J fl":k-^^aL.\t PLAI{ NOTTH Ht/#sn eauLr ffiFf z I rl)i en'z I r-- ----l I rarra^D. I'tF,-'.,r_____J I-1AIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN I.]AL A3Y REgIDENCE Revlslon:Jab Na: 2bOl5 OO Delail No: LDraurn tsg' Sl'K Segerberg, l'lagheu 4 Assoelales Archltects looo g. Franl.a. ea^d lb.l. $tD@ |6n Ulrzcc gtr.Gt 5|rltc C-2 v.tl, colon^o- albal Dqlvc., c,olc/'sao Do2o7 f d,a1@A16 A4a3 Fa\1a1a.116-46a.' f.'l:)@ab22339b Ftx' to)b2t22e2 Data: l2-9-O2 5.ale, llp".l'-@r 'o2 L2/O5 TgU 09:23 FAX 303 623 2262 SUARCES -DENVER .-- SUARCES-VAIL @.r0,4 T_ E}IJal@ere "Ig CE @ @ UPPER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN .L t7PLA tlOF{fH HAL AE-Y RE3IDENCE Revislon:Jab No, 2bOl>O@ Detall No: 3Draun Eru' SF[< Segerberg, l-lagheu 1 AssoclaLes Arc;hlLecls lO@O S- Ftot.A4e Rord |j,J'|r,4AO l6n Urzc€ straai gtJllc C'2 v. , aloddo- Eba'1 Dq|f.rq, colqtda bQ7o2 Tc1'11O,116 143' F axz 31O.11C.1bOb letlj.a@7.b2'.3t99 Fq!t,'Ot.b7rtzb7 Date: l7->-O2 5eale.: VA".l'-@" (q b0tr ! 5 .ts| U ta A grgFg€ F a E€Se ! b#EEr €FggE€#: E t;'s $s€3 Eit sEEEfEE HIf,EfgF (t 3 z E q l.r a U <t) r I I I I I I I I I .-.1trl! cOlsl I .itti :- x(J HYA E.,tY :; ari58xtr t ^1 ^9UX.E i,b F -2..E*E I.qEiv .8l ,rY .f{ *! 6;!3f:85 "EEb P o'il 8sHEgE€€e Hfrg.5.eir€ R u 9-e =t:cS.EE"E:9rn:- gEE og q itbi{ +r ra'-|!0).e5 HI oo! #s! sgHUr-.Y ES ! }{Un4A DUUo frro frl F{4UH FH HftHU F.s'F *. d$rr' € .H F=hR-.$ES.PHA<oo-F$s€ $$* sOH R,Qs$dd Y SSES-(4s s.E\]\JE s Fs)F{ (aqg (E 0.1 (! 3 11 'Fi (a(,) U OJ tr dql o .dz TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL. CO 8r657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECT TITLE: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Permit #: 803-0129 Job Address: 252 W MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 252 W MEADOW DR A SIDE WITH EHU (EAST) Applied . . : 05D8/2003 ParcelNo...: 210107101002 Issued. .: 07/14/2003 ProjectNo: PRI02-0404 Expires..: 0l/10/2004 OWNER Theodore S. Halaby os/2a/2o03 phone: 303-888-5959 12 Vista Road Englewood, eO DEIIVER CO 9=80110 License: CONTRACTOR GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTIoN05/28I2003 Phone: 970-845-5555 P O BOX 373 VAIIJ CO 81658 L,icense:129-B APPr,ICAI{m GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION05/28I2003 phone: 970-845-5555 P O BOX 373 VAIL CO 81558 License I L29-B Desciption: New construction SIDE A WITH EHUOccupancy Type Factor Sq Feet Valuation Dwellings Zone 4 V-N 2tL.90 3,078 9652,228.20 Private Garages zone 4 v-N 55.38 484 i26,8o3.92 Totals,.. 3.562 iL, 005,931.00* Number of Dwefling Units: 2 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 1,005,931.00 Fireplace Information: R€stricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas tngs: 0 # of Wmd Pallet: 0 r+ttttatta:t+rt+i*tr*at'tti*a:i*aartirtatlalatttttar+tarar'rarar*ar*rt* FEE SUMMARy *tatt***aartttttt*traataala*ll+t1*llrra'ral't*art'll'lattlllttla Building---> $5,630.55 Restuarsnt Plan R€vicw-> 90.00 Totalcslculated F€es-> 99,a27.81 Plan Check--> 93 , 5s9. 92 DRB Fee-----*-> $0. 00 Addilionsl Fe€s-----> $0. 00 Inyestigstion-> S0,00 Recreation Fee--> 9534.30 Total Permit Fe€--> 19,A21 .A7 Will Call--> S3.00 Clean-up Deprosit-> $O.Oo Ptyments_--> 59,821 .A7 TOTAL FEES-----> 9s.821 .81 BALAI{CE DUE-> $0.00 Approvals:Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTIT{E}fiI o7/oL/2o03 JI.Jryr Action: AP Item: 05400 PIJANNING DEPARTMEIiII 07/1,L/20O3 bgibson Action: AP IIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARII{ENT Item: 05500 PITBI-,IC WORKS o5/o9/2oo3 Ls Action: coND see Conditions IteM: 05550 ENGINEERING See page 2 of this Docunent for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I heleby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full 0re information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Tovm ordinances and state laws, and to build this stucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design rcview approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQTJESTS FOR INSPECNON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV ORATOUR FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 '}*:r,}***||,t,f*|t|**'t'|*:}:}'}*{t,}***'f'.{t:}:}'}!tt'||'tt'}{t't|**+{t**!**'||tt*'tt't*{'|},t!t{! CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 803-0129 as of 07-14-2003 Status: ISSUED **'|t'}'t'f+**'ttt't**'}**f*'|*'t{t'***'}*{.|,t*'|***'}***,t*!t'}lt***{t,l't'}*'}**'t********'}********** PermitType: NEW (SFR"P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applied: 05/2812003 Applicant GEORCE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION Issued: 07114D003 Job Address: 252 W MEADOW DR VAIL Location: 252 W MEADOW DR A SIDE WITH EHU (EAST) ParcelNo: 210107101002 'it:lr**'+f * f*f t *l't* * {r I t} *:} * lr,}*:t *'t 't | * t* * I 't **t t'tt*:if :}'} * '} t* *tt * f t't | * ** * t {ri't 't * 't *'t * * 't *{t * | *'}+ * + *** t i*ff,}* * t rt tt *a+* CONDITIONS '*l*'l *:t* * * * 'l * * ri rf rl * * * * * * 'f t 'l*!t * rf rt t * * * * t * * rt ri tr * * *'** * 't t tt * rttt rt tr*!t * * * * *'* **,i * * f * * * t * * * *:t**ti * *{. ** rf rf {r rt *tt rttt t!tr} rt * i ** Cond:33 (PLAN) THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECT|ON. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FORCODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0005904 Need Revocable Right of Way Permit for landscaping, heated driveway in ROW Need Public Way Permit lt APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UN d]0q 97 W7 I -tL49 (f nsnecttonc) mvvuFvtn for 75 S. Frortage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFO i ****** *t**i***i:t*r. ****** ******** *** *:.FOR OFEICE USE ONLY*****t*l*t***t***tt*ll *!t'**it*****:tt***t It tt.tt t Contact and Phone #'s: JaredManske 970-845-5656 General ConFactor: George Shaeffer Construction Town of Vail Reg. No.: COMPTETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMTT (bbor & Materials BUILDING: 51,141,753 ELECTRIOAL: $ 0 OTHER: $ 0 PLUMBING: S O MECfiANICAL: SO ror.{L: s 1,'141,753 l&l6Qlt ForParcel * Conbct Assesgplrs Offrce at 97O-328-8AO orvisit Parel'# (application will not be aceepted without parcel number) Parcel A, Lot #8, Second Filing # 210107101003 Job Name: Halaby Residence & Duplex Job ACdress; 252 West Meadow Drive Legal D€scription I tott 8 | etoac ll ritingt Second I subdivision: Parcel A O^rners Name: 1"6 Halaby Address: 12 Vista Road, Englewood, co Phons 303-ggg-59s9 dggUffi$frlHfftew & Assoc.Mdress: 1617 wazeeSt., suite c2, Denver Phone: 363-623-33ss Engineer: Monroe & Newell eno. ll Mdreqs761 Wynkoop St. Suite 200, Denver Phone: 393-6234927 ffi home and construction of a new duprex **".-R!| Wo*class: Newfr) Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) DemoC() Other(.) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (X)Does an EHU oost " t| l€na! rl9( ) TypeofB|dg.:Sing|e.hmily(X)Two'ramily()Mu|tj-Family()co'm",.i"rt)noauffi No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: gng No. of Accomrnoclation Units in th:E buiEftlgf \ No/Tvoe of Fireolaces Existinq: Gas Apoiiances ( ) Gas Lms ( ) Wqnd/Pellet ( ) wood Bumtno (1 ) No/Tvoe of Fireplaces Prooosed: @s Aopliances (1 ) Gas t-oo,s (2 ) ULood/pett* ( ) wooa gumim Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (X) No () No( F: /ev€ryon€y'fonrE/bldgperm f, l f l l l f Questions? Call the Building Team at 479'2325 I0lf\ D€partsnent of Community Development Proiect Name: Halaby Residence & Duplex Project Address:252 West Meadow Drive r/ This Checktist must be comoleted before a Euildina PErmit aoohjcatiot E 3 J f, J f f, acceoted. All oages of apolication is complete Has DRB approval obbined (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of aoproval attacheC if project is a lvlulti-Farnily compleY Complete site plan submitted Pubiic Way Permit applkation includeci if applicable (refer to Public Work cleckllst) Staging plan inciuded (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumEster.Darkino or material storaoe allJwii on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval Asbestos test and resulB submitted if demolition is occuning Arcnitect stamc and signature (Alt Commercial and Multi family) Fuil floor plans including building sections and elevadons(4 sets of plans for l4ulti-Family and Commercial) Window and dcor scheduh Full struciural plans, including design criteria (ie'loaCs) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and MUIU Family) Soils Report must tre submitted prior to footing insoection Fire resistive assernblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on Plans Types and quantity of ftreplaces shown Applicanfs Signature: Date orsubm tt";o. 9/f1/o: i:/€rreryone/formgbldlenn2 Received By: - WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND oiECK OFF EACH OF fiE FOLLOMNG QUESIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'': tr Is this a new residence?YESI-- No- :t Does demolition work being performed require the use of the Righttf-way, easements or public property?YEs_ NO X r Is any utility work needed? YESX NO J Is the drivewaY being rePaved?yEsX No_ Is a different access needect to the site otier than the existing driveway? YEs- NO f, Is any drainage work being done that affects the Right-of-way, easements, or public property? YES NOX is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES NO- is the Right-of-way. easements or public property to be usec for staging, parking or fencing? YES NOl(_ IfanswerisNO,isaparking,sEgingorfencingplanrequiredbyPublicWorks? YES X NO- If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public way Permif' must be obtained. .,Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work s office or at Community Development (a sample is attached), if you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoral in Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWEREO ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Geoige Shaeffer Construction Company Company Name :d6 or Proiea *ut"' Halaby Residence & Duplex Date Signed: F:/everyon4fcrms/bld cenn4 If this permii requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Deparfinent review or Health Department review, and a revierv by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all mulU-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of Ume. Hcwever, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioneC departmen6 with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks :o review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department io expedite this permit as soon as posslble. I, lhe undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and Ume ftame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expirafion date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fuil to do so it may affect future permirs that I apply for. Jared Manske Agreed to by: Print name Proiect Name: Da,v-, 7Bi/ o? 'alaby Residence & Duplex F: sreryondformslbldPeqn3 DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORI(S! Please read and check off e:tch of the items below: : The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new consiruction sites have adequateiy established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. a The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the insiallation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the constructicn site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department fcr footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Deparrnent. Ailow a minimum of 24 hour notice. : Also, the Town of Vail Public works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resul$ng road patching as necessary. Such apprwal must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occuoancv issuance. Agreed to by:Jared Manske Projec Name:Halaby Residence & Duplex Date Signed: Print Name F :,/e../e n/one/to rms/blcc€rm6 Par6el Detail Page I of3 E#G_LE.,g|Hyl$to*"ll site indcxll .oun*r.on.".*ll sFARcH Elactrd offlcirlt v Countg rervices v Visitors !Communlty t I usnt I Eagle County Assessor/Treasu rer Tax Arca Account Number Parcel Number Hall l'.w sc103 R010670 210107101003 46.566 $*aLLq / A-|"t - O 0,1^L, "/ Parcel Detail rnformation VD'OLw:AM{l*sffit-erpropertysearch I Assessorsubseteueryl Assessorsatessearch Baslc Bullding Characteristics I Tax Informatlon Sales Detail I Value Detail I Residentiaucommercial Improvement Detail I Land Detail Io\o 0t/ 5- {q- uril owner Name and Address Legal D€scription Location Property Tax Valuation Information co 80110 nUNG 2 LOT:8 -0245 PG-0012 WD Physical Address:252 W MEADOW DR UNIT: A VAIL Subdivision:VAIL ULI-AGE FILING 2 Acres:0.273 http://www.eagle-cormty.com/GoodturnVassessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber-210107101... M/0112004 oFircH'iiipv intended 1:o be a in the l-997 ttBC. a. (71-9) 599-s622 are reproduced of the ,D\?'t,*o,uo," BUTLDING 75 S. FRONTAGE RD "}it:l?; - 2:'"',' Plan analysis based on the 1997 Uniform Buildinq Code Project Number: PRJ02-0404Project Name: HALABY RESIDENCE Address: 252 WEST MEADOW DR Occupancy: R3 , Ul- Construcuion: V-N SEPARATlON DIRECTION BOT'NDARY AREA TNCREASE NORTH Property line 25.0 FeetEAST Property line 65.0 FeeE SOUTH Property line 26.0 FeetWEST Property line L0.0 Feets Date: 'June 30,2003 (EAST) CONITACTOT: GEORGE SHAEFFER Architects : SEGERBERG/MAYHEW Engineer: MONROE Report By: .IMONDRAGON NOTE: The code items listed in this report are not complete lisEing of all possible code requirementsIt is a guide to selected sections of the code. Report created using Plan Analyst soflware by b w & Portions of the mat,erial contained in this program from t,he Uniform Building Code with the permission Inuernational Conference of Buildinq Officrals. FIRE PROTECTION 25.0 Feet 65.0 Feet 26.0 Feet 10.0 Feet Code review for:Project Id.: HALABY RESIDENCE (EAST) Address: 252 WEST MEADOW DR EXTERIOR I{AIJIJ Page # 2 Opening Corrstruction Protection Material None Any None .P.nv NORTH For Occupancy R3 uL EAST For Occupancy R3 uL SOUTH For Occupancy R3 u1 }TEST For Occupancy R3 U1 None 3,/4 hour Bearing WaI1 0 hour 0 hour Bearing Wal1 0 hour 0 hour Bearing Wal1 0 hour 0 hour Bearing Wal1 0 hour 0 hour FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 5-A Non-Bearing Opening ConstrrrctionWall Protection Material 0 hour None Any 0 hour None Any Parapet Required NO Ncr Parapet Required No No ParapeL R.equired No NO ParapeE Reguired NO No Non-Bearing Wa11 0 hour 0 hour Non-Bearing Opening ConsEructionwa1l Protecti-on Material 0 hour None Any 0 hour None Any Non-Bearing Opening Construction WaII Protection Material 0 hour None Any 0 hour None Any No fire protection requirements for openings. Openings are to be protected wii-h 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50t of the area of the wall maximum. -- Table 5-A, Footnote 5 & Sec. 503.2.2 Maximum single window size is 84 sq-:Et. vrith. no dimensiongreater than l-2 feet. -- sec. 713.8 Not Allowed -- openings are not permitted in thi.s rrrall." Page # 3 Code review for:Project rd.: HATABY RESIDENCE (EAST) Address: 252 WEST MEADOW DR AREA MIN.LIGHT M]N.\rEIVT NO.SXTTS EGRESS 2 Bedroom #12 Closet (s) 2 Bathroom2 IiALL2 STAIRWAY2 Bedroom 2 Bathroom2 Closet (s) 2 Bedroom #32 Bathroomz Closet (s) TOTAI FOR FLOOR1 Garagel- Laundry room1 MEC}IANICAIJ ROOML Ha1lway1 Family room1 Kitchen1 Dining room1 Living room1 STAIR}IAY1- FOYER1. POWDER1 STTIDY1 Master bedroom1 Master CIJOSET1 Master bath1- BAR1 MUD ROOM1 STAIRWAY/EHU1 Kitchen/EHU1 Bathroom/EHU1 Living room/EHU1 STOR.,,AGE/EHU1 Bedroom/eHu 1 CI,OSET TOTAI-, FOR FIJOORB MEC}IANICAI ROOM TOTAL, FOR FLOOR BUIIJDING TOTAI 138 9 47 94 70 154 40I 155 50 10 785 484 44 28 39 L+r 138 r-55 322 60 89 28 135 233 34 128 t2 33 42 78 40 104 81 1"49 8 2606 1-70 :l-70 3391 13 .8 .0 .U .0 .0 15.4 .0 .0 16 .5 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 l-+ . r r_5 .6 32.2 l_0.0 L0.0 10.0 13"5 23.3 10.0 .0 n .0 .0 10 .4 10.0 L4.9 r.0.0 t7 .0 5.9 2.35 4.7 2q 7.7 2.0 .0 8.25 2.5 .0 .0 1q n J.V) 6.9 7.4 _t_ o - l- 5"0q,n qn 6.75 1_1.55 6.4 :1 .5 r..65 2.:. 3.9 2.0 5.2qn '7 .45 .9 .5 Yea No No No No Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No Yes J. 1 l_ :L 1 1 L L 1 ... t- 1 1 1 1 1_ l- 1 I l- ,) Page # 4 Code review for:Project Id. : HALTABY RESIDENCE (EAST) Address: 252 WEST MEADOW DR FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to theexterior is required from this room. The minimum cle€rr openablearea musU meet the followinq. -- Sec. 31_0.41) The minimum clear treilnt is 24 inches2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feet4) The maximum sil1 height, is 44 inches Escape and rescue windows with a finished sil-i" below ground shall havea window well . The cLear horizonta] dimens:Lon sha]l allow the the window t.o be fu11y opened and provj-de a mj.nimum clear acceseible net opening of 9 square feet wit.h a minimum dimensi-on of 35 inches. Window we11s with a vertical depth of more t-han 44 inches shall be equipped wiEh an approved permanently affixed ladder or stairs.2) The number of exits is based on Table 10-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanical ventilation system may be used in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1203.3 Such system sha.-iI be capable of providing two air changes per hour.4) The reguirement for an egress window in the basernent is l:lased on Sec. 3l-0.4 ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet6 inches. Kitchens, ha1Is, baEhrooms and toileb compa.rtments may havea ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the --Low,:st projection. If t,heceiling is sloping, then the minimum heighL io required in only t/2of the area. -- Sec. 310.5.1 Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which ha.s not lessthan l-20 sqluare feet, of floor area. Other l:.ah,itable rooms exceptkitchens shall have an area of not less Lhan. 70 square fe'::t.-- Sec. 3LO.6.2Habitable rooms other than a kitchen sha.L1 not be less tharn 7 feet,in any dimension. -- Sec. 310.5.3 page # 5 Code review for:Project Id.: HALABY RESIDENCE (EAST) Address: 252 WEST MEADOW DR STA]R REQUIRB'IE TTS:1) A stairway in a dwelling must be at l-east 36 j-nches wide.-- Sec. 1003 .3.3.2 2') The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9inches -- Sec. 1003.3.3.3, ExcepEion 13) A handrail is required on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches abovethe nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -.- Sec" 1003.3.3.6, Exceptions 4') Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. The minimum height is 36 inches and the maximrlm opening size is4 inches. -- Sec. 509.1- & 509.2, ExcepEion 15) The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.46) Enclosed usable space under the sEairs i.s reguired to be proEected as required for L hr. fire-resistive construct-ion. -- Sec. L003.3.3.9 code review forr nage # 5 Project Id.: HALABY RESIDENCE (EAST) Address:. 252 WEST MEADOW DR GITAZ ING REQUIREMEhITS A11 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be o:E safetsyglazing material . -- Sec. 2406.3 & 2406.4 L,ocations: 1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2) Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors oEher tha-n wa.rdrobe doors.Glazing in storm doors. Glazing in all unframed swinging doors.Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpooJ,s, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of abuilding wall enclosing these compariments where the bclttom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches alcove a standing surface and drain inlet. Glazing in fixed or operable panels nearest exposed edge of the glazingeither vertical edge of the door in bottom exposed edge of Ehe glazing walking surface. Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel, other than thoselocations described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets a.Il of thefollowing conditions:A. Exposed area of an individual pane g'rea.ter than 9 ,square feet.B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 j-nch-e-o atrove the floor.C. Exposed top edge greater than 35 inches above the fioor.D. One or more walking surfaces withir:.35 inches ho:rizontally ofthe plane of the glazing. Glazing in railings regardless of heighi: above a r,.ralking surface.Included are sEructural baluster panels a,nd ::ronst.ructur.al j.n-fill panels. Glazing in walls and fences used as ttie ba.rrier for indoor and outdoor swimming pools and spas when t-he bottom edges i.s less than 50 inches above the pool side and the glazing .is wlthin 5 feetof the pool or spa water's edge.Glazing in walls enclosing stairway landings or wj-rhj-n 5 feet of then bottom and top of stairways whe::e ':t-r-e br:Ltom ,erigr: is less than 60 inches above the walking srrrfa.ce. 3) 4) 5' 6) 7) adjacent to a door where the is wit-h:rn a. 24-i-nc.h arc of a closed position and. where theis less thar 60 inches above the 8) e) 10) Fage # Z Code review for:Project Id.: HALABY RESIDENCE (EAST) Address: 252 WEST MEADOW DR SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : 1-) A smoke detector is required on the ceil-ing or waIl at a pointcentrally located in the corridor or area giving access Lo earchsleeping area. -- Sec. 310.9.L.42) A smoke detector is required on the ceilintl or wa11 in eac:h sleepingarea. -- Sec. 31-0 .9.1-.43) A smoke detector is required on all- stories. -- Sec. 310.9.L.4If the upper leve1 contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector isrequired in t,he ceiling of the upper leve-L close to 1;ne stairway.-- Sec. 310.9.L.4 NOTE: A smoke detector is recruired in the basement. -- Sec. 310.9.t.44) Smoke detectors are required to be wired to the buil<ling's power source and shall be equipped with a battery baek',rp. -- Sec. 3L0.9.L.35) Detectors sha1l sound an alarm audible in a.-'-1 sleeping a::ea of thedwelling in which Ehey are located. -- Sec, 31C1 .9.L.4 OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, mar-,e:"ials approved for t hr. fireresistive construction are required on i-he garage sicLe rrnl)' and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closingL 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire Ccor. -- Table 3-B & Sec. 302.4 exc. #3 SHAFT EhICLOSI]RES: 1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts vrith a cross-F-.jecticlnal. area- of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the ins:-cle witn not. .Less than 26 gage galvanized sheet metal with all joints locklapped. The,rr-r'iside must be l- hr construction. All openings into any such enclos'-rre sirali be protsected by not less than a self-closinq solid wood doo:-- l3/8 inches thick or equivalent. -- Sec. 7l-l-.62) Gas vents and noncombustible piping insta"-rL.er-1 in vral-!.s p.rrising through3 floors or less do not need to lce in I hou.r: si:.a.fts, rcrc-nded the annular space around the vents or piping is filied at each floo:: orceiling with noncombustible maEerials.-- Sec. ?11.33) Shafts for gas vents, factory-built chimneys, pip:Lng, or ducts thats do not extend t,hrough noE more t,han 2 f --.-'ro::s ner-.,l not be, i n t hou.r shafEs, provided the openings airour.d lhcr ner:.et-!:ationr; are fire stoppedat each floor. -- Sec. 7L1-.34 ) A11 other shafts are requi-red to be en.:lo;-=ed j-:.i. a t ho',lr: a.ssembly. -- Sec. 7tl.L & Table 6-A Page ti 8 Code review for:Project Id.: HAITABY RESIDENCE (EAST) Address z 252 WEST MEADOW DR CRAWLSPACE REOUIREMENTS :1) Provide ventilat.ion eit.her by mechanical r,.reans or by opeirirLgs inexterior walls. Opening shal1 provide a net area of not less thanl square foot for each 150 sguare feeE of area in crararl. space. Openings shall be distributed on two opposite sides and be locatedas close to corners as practical . -- Sec.231,7.7 Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 109 of the above if g::ourrd. s'lrface area is covered wiEh an approved vapor barrier and the building official approves. For a L457.0 sq.fE. crawlspace area: Ratio L/!50 Minimum sq.ft. of vent 9.7r 2') 3) 5) 7) 1\ 4) s) Provide l-8-inch by 24-inch access opening to the cralvL space area. Note: opening may be required to be 1arge:: i.f meehaniea.!. t:qtr..i.pmentis locaEed in the crawl space. -- Sec. 2317.3 Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natlrral resistance to decay or treated wood, the minimum cl,ea.::ance kretween exposed earth and floor joist is 18 inches. The minirnurn cl-earance to beims and girders is 12 inches. -- Sec.231'7.3 Provide a window or door to the exEerior from every room used for sleeping and basements. -- Sec. 31-0.4 A vrir':.dow must provide a clear open area of 5.7 sq.ft., a clear heighL of 24 inches(minlmum) , and a clear width of 20 inches(minimum) . -- S,:c. 310.4 The minimum ceiling in a habitable space :'Ls 7 feet 5 incrns except kitchens, halls, and baths may harre a cej.l-:l.nq' height of l' f:eet. -- Sec.310.6.1 Provide a smoke detector in all sleeping l'ooms ar'r.d areas nawing access to sleeping rooms. -- Sec. 3l-0 .9.1. .,1If there is a basemenE, provide a smol<.e deuect-or thau is connected to an alarm audi-b1e in a1I sleepinq areas. --.iec. 3:10..9-L.4 Provide a smoke detector on all- f 16ors r:i1ar: i.s conneci:ei to a.n alarm audible in all sleeping areas. -- Se.:. 31ir.9.1"4 Dft,. Project Number: PR'J02-0404Project Name: HAIJABY RESIDENCEAddress: 252 WEST MEADOW DR Occupancy: R3 , UlConstruction: V-N SEPAR,ATION DIRECTTON BOT]NDARY AREA INCREASE NORTH Property line 25.0 FeetEAST Property line 55.0 Feet SOUTH Property line 25.0 FeetWBST Property line 10.0 Feet TOI{N OF VAIL BUIIJDING 75 S. FRONTAGE RD VAIIJ, CO. 81657 970-479-2L43 Plan analysis based onthe 1997 Uniform Buildino Code Date: ,June 30, 2OO3 (EAST) Town of Vail OFFICE GOPY Contractor: GEORGE SIIAEFFER ATchitect : SEGERBERG/MAYHEW Engj-neer: MONROE RePort By: ,JMONDRAGON FTRE PROTECTTON 25.0 Feet 65.0 Feet 26.0 Feet 10 .0 Feet NOTE: The code items lieted in this report are not intended Eo be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the L997 VBC-It is a giuide to Belected sections of the code. ReporL created using PIan Analyst software by b w & a. (7L9) 599-5622 Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced from Lhe Uniform Building Code with the permission of theInternational Conference of Buildj-ng Officj-als. Code review for:Project Id.: HALABY RESIDEIICE (EAST) Address: 252 WEST MEADOW DR Non-Bearing OpeningWalI Protection 0 hour None 0 hour None Non-Bearing Openingl{a}} Protection 0 hour None 0 hour None Non-Bearing OpeningWaIl Protection 0 hour None 0 hour None Non-Bearing OpeningWaII Protection 0 hour None 0 hour None Page # 2 ConsLruction Material Any Any Corrsbruction Material Any Any Construction Material Any Any eonstruction Material Any Any EXTERIOR WALIJ FIRE RATINGS AIiID OPEN]NG PROTECTION Table 5-A NORTH For Occupancy R3 u1 EAST For Occupancy R3 U1 SOIITH For Occupancy R3 U1 WEST For Occupancy R3 U1 None3/4 h.our Bearing Wal1 0 hour 0 hour Bearing WaIl 0 hour 0 hour Bearing WaI1 0 hour 0 hour Bearing WaI1 0 hour0 hour Parapet Required No No Parapet Required No No Parapets Required NO No Parapet Regurred No No No fire protection requirements for openings. openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies.50t of the area of the waII maximum. -- Table 5-A, Footnote 5 & Sec. 503.2,2 Maximum single window size is 84 sq.:Et. with. no dimensiongreater than 1-2 feet. -- sec. 71,3.8 Not All-owed -- Openings are not permitted in r-his waIl." Page # 3 Code review for:Project Id.: HAIABY RESIDENCE (EAST) Addressz 252 WEST MEADOW DR AREA MIN.IJIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Bedroom #12 Closet (s) 2 Bathroom 2 IIAIJIT 2 STATRWAY2 Bedroom2 Bathroom2 Closet (s) 2 Bedroom #32 Bathroom2 Closet (s) TOTAI, FOR FI.OOR1 Garage1 L,aundry room ]. IIIECHANICA]., ROOM1 Hallway1- Family room1 Kitchen1 Dining room1 L,iving room1 STAIRWAY1 FOYER1 POWDER 1_ STttDY1 Master bedroom1 Master CLOSET1 Master bath]. BAR1 MUD ROOML STAIRWAY/EHU1 Kitchen/ngu1 Batshroom,/eHu 1 Living room/EHU1. STORAGE/EHU1 Bedroom,/EHu 1 CLOSET TOTA]. FOR FIJOORB MECHANICAIJ ROOM TOTAI FOR FLOOR BUII,DING TOTAI, 138 9 47 94 70 r54 40 8 155 50 10 785 484 44 28 39 141 138 155 322 50 89 28 135 233 34 L28 L2 33 42 78 40 to4 81 L49I 2606 L70 L70 33 91 13.8 n .0 .0 .0 t5.4 L6 .5 .0 n .0 .0 .0 L4.L n 15 .6 32.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 13.s 23.3 10.0 .0 n .0 .0 10.4 10.0 L4.9 10.0 17. 0 6.9 2.35 4.7 3.5.7 .7 2.O I .25 2.5 .0 .0 1-. 5 n 7.C5 6.9 7.4 1.6.L 5"0c.n 5.0 6.75 11.65 5-0 6.4 1.5 r_.65 2. .1. 3.9 2.0 5.2qn '7.45 5.0 nq Yes No No No No Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yea Yes YeB Yes Yes No NO No No No NO No No Yea YeB No Yes.,| a Page # 4 Code review for: ProjecE Id.: HALABY RESIDEEICE (EAST) Address: 252 WEST MEADOW DR FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to theexterior is reguired from this room. The minj-mum clear openable area must meet the following. -- Sec. 310.41) The minimum clear height i"s 24 inches2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feet4) The maximum sill height is 44 inches Escape and rescue windows with a finished sil..- below ground shal1 have a window well. The cl-ear horizontal dimension shall alIow the the window to be fully opened and provide a minimum clear accessible net opening of 9 square feet with a minimum dimension of 36 inches. Window weLls wit,h a vertical depth of more than 44 inches shall be equipped with an approved permanently affixed ladder or stairs. 2') The number of exits is based on Table 10-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanical ventilat,ion system may be u.sed in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1,203.3 Such system shaj-I be capable of providing two air changes per hoirr.4l The requirement for an egress window in the basernent is irased on Sec.310.4 ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet6 inches. Kitchens, halls, bathrooms and toi"let compa.rtment.s may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowrest projerction. If t,he ceiling is sloping, then the minimum height is reguired in only 1/2 of the area. -- Sec. 310.6.1 Every dwelling uniE ehall have at least one room which ha.s not less than 120 sqluare feet of floor area. Other h.abitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 sl3rare fe,:rt. -- Sec. 3LO.6.2 Habitable roomc other than a kitchen sha"Lf not be less than 7 feet in any dimeneion. -- Sec. 310.6.3 code review for: Page # 5 ProJect Id.: HALABy RESIDENCE (EjAST) Addresg: 252 WEST MEADOW DR STAIR REQUIREMBITS:1) A etairray in a dwelling muet be at least 35 inches wide.-- Sec. 1003.3.3.22) The maximln rige of a step ig 8 inches and the minimum run ig 9inches -- Sec. 1003.3.3.3, Exception 13) A handrail is required on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inchee abovethe noeing if there ie 4 or more rigerg. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.5, Exceptiona4l Prorride a gruard rail where drop off is greater than 30 incheE. The minimum height ie 36 inchee and the maximrrrn opening size ie4 inchee. -- Sec. 509.1 & 509.2, Exception 15) The minimun headroom is 5 ft.- 8 inchee. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.45) EncloEed ueable space under the stairs ie reguired to be protected ae required for I hr. fire-resistive construct,ion. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.9 Page # 6 Code review for:Project Id.: HATABY RESIDENCE (EAST) Address: 252 WEST MEADOW DR GI.AZING REQUIREMMflTS A11 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetyglazing material . -- Sec. 2406.3 & 2406.4 L,ocatione:1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2) Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other tha-n wardrobe doors.3) Glazing in storm doors.4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors.5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpooJ,s, saunas, steam rooma, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of abuilding waII enclosing these compartmenEs where the bclLtom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet.6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent Eo a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazing is rr'ilhi.n a 24-j.nch arc ofeither vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above thewalking gurface. 7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel , other than thoselocations described in items 5 and 6 atrove, than meets all of thefollowing conditions:A. Expoaed area of an individual pane grreater than 9 rJr-lare feet.B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floo:r.C. E:q)osed top edge greater tshan 36 inches above the fioor.D. One or more walking surfaces withir. 36 inches ho:rizontally ofthe plane of the glazing. 8) Glazing in railings regardless of height- a.bove a rrralking surface. Included are structural baluster panels a.nd :ronstructu:':a1. in-fill panels. 9) Glazing in walls and fences used as the barrier for indoor and outdoor swimming pools and spas when the bottom edrres -i.s less than 60 inches above the pool side and the glazing is wiLhi:l 5 feetof the pool or spa water's edge.10) Glazing in walls enclosing stai::way landings or wi:hin 5 feet of then botstsom and tsop of stairways whe::e ::ire botlom ,:rrgr: ls less than 50 inches above the walkinq srrface Page # 7 Code review for:Project fd.: 1IALABY RESIDENCE (EAST) Addressz 252 WEST MEADOW DR SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS:1) A smoke deEector is required on the ceiling or walI at a pointcentrally located in the corridor or area giving access to eachsleeping area. -- Sec. 3l-0.9,L.42) A smoke detector is required on the ceilinq or wal-l in e;rch sleepingarea. -- Sec. 31-0.9.L.43) A smoke deEector is required on all stories. -- Sec. 3L0.9.a.4If the upper level contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector isrequired in the ceiling of the upper 1eve.L close to t::le stairway. -- Sec. 310.9.L.4 NOTE: A smoke detector is required in the basement. -- Sec. 310.9.1,.44) Smoke detectors are required to be wired to the buildinE's power source and shall be equipped with a battery back'.rp. -- See. -"L0.9.1.35) Detectors shall sound an alarm audible in al-l sleeping a.-:ea of thedwelling in which they are located. -- Sec. 31-0.9.L.4 OCCUPAIiICY SEPARATION : Between the garage and the residence, mater^ials appro'/ed for L hr. fireresistive construction are required on the oaraefe side on.!.y and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closingL 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute f-r,-re 'lcor. -- Table 3-B & Sec. 302.4 exc. #3 STIAFT ENCI.,OST]RES:1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional a.rea- of not more tshan 9 aquare feet may lined on the insrcle witn not l.ess than 26 gage galvanized sheet metal with all joints locklapped. The (ruiside must bet hr conatructsion. AII openings into any such erlclos'lr:e slral-I be proUected by not less than a self-closinqr soJ-id wood doo.': I3/8 inchesthick or eguivalent. -- Sec. 711-.62) Gas venEs and noncombustible piping insta-'L-l ecl in vral--!.s'oassing through3 floors or less do not need to lce in l- horrr: sna,fts, prc.rided the annular apace around Ehe vents or piping is filied at each floo:: orceiling with noncombustible materials.-- Sec. 711.33) Shafts for gas vents, factory-bui1t chimneys, pip:lng, orducts that do not extend through not more t-han 2 f.:'-rc::s nec:,l not br:, in t hour shafEs, provided the openings a:round th(l r,er:.etraEionJ a-rc fire stoppedat each floor. -- Sec. 71L.34 ) Atl other shafts are required to be en:lo:ed j-:r a l- hor.::: assembly, -- Sec.7LL.1 & Table 5-A Perg+: 6 3 Code revieer for: Project, Id.: HALABY RESIDENCE (EAST) Address: 252 WEST MEADOW DR CRAI{I,SPACE REQUIREMENIS :L) Provide ventilation either by mechanical rnea.ns or by orlelr:j,-rLqs inexterior walls. Opening shall provide a net area of noL less thanl square foot for each 150 square feeE of area j"n crarol- space. Openings sha1l be distributed on two opposite sides and be locaLed as close to corners as practical . -- Sec.2iL'7 7 Note: \ient openings may be reduced to 10? of the above if g:rerurid s'lr'face area is coveredwith an approved vapor barrier and the building officlal appr:oves.For a L457.0 sq.fE. crawlspace area:Ratio Minimum sq.ft. of ventt/Lso 9.71-2l Provide 18-inch by 24-inch access opening t-o the crar,rl sj:)ace area. Note: opening may be required to be larqer: if meehanieal t:ouipments is located in the crawl space. -- Sec. 23L'7.3 3) Unless the wood is list.ed as an approved wor:d ot: natural resistanceto decay or treated wood, the minimum clea.r:ance betweer. ,':xpoaed earth and floor joist is 18 inches. The rnj-nir'rum clearance to beams and girders is 12 inches. -- Sec. 231-7.? L) Provide a window or door to the exterior from every room used for sleeping and basements. -- Sec. 3l-C.4 A vrjr-..d.ow must provide a clear open area of 5.7 sq.ft., a clear height, of 24 inches(minimum) , and a clear width of 20 inches(minimum) . -- S,:e - 310.44) The minimum ceiling in a habitable space:',-s 7 feet 6 inr:rr,:s except kitchens, halls, and baths may ha\/e a ce-i.-'..;.nq height of , f-eet. -- Sec. 31-0.6.15) Provide a smoke detector in all sleepinq r()oms and area.s ha.ving access to eleeping rooms . - - Sec . 310 .9 . -1- ..,! 5) ff there is a basement, provide a smol{e der:ect.or thaE is connected to an alarm audible in all sleeping areas. -- r,ec. 31-0..9.1.47) Provide a smoke detector on all floors thirt- i-s cor:.necj:ei Lo a.n alarm audible in all sleeping aLeas. -- Se,). 310.9.1.4 g3l24l2gg4 12:33 3036236642 Il0.lRUE tlEl^ELL FACS'IMILE TRANSMITTAL LETTER PAGE gL/92 Monroe & Newell Engineers, [nc. l70l Wyukoop Srreci, Sulre 200 I)enver, Cotoredo E020230St6ZHy27 303/623_6602 Fax E-meil: denvg,@e:lewell, wwh,, monroe -neweLr. com **,fu(Pagcs (including rrans,minal): Z Atcntion Company Tdephone Fax Prom Subject Message eEr?abz Telephone Fax Iftansrnidal is not as indicated please notrfy sender lmrw SH"""' A3l24l2as4 12:33 3435235662 Dar: March 24,2004 Pmjec{: }laleby Dplex Wca,&cr: Suony To: Segcrbcrg Maybcw Associares l5l7 Wazcc Shc"t, CZ Deavcr, CO80202 Monroe & Newell E(€tncers, Inc. ltlRtE r€uE-L hojcct #: 5856 location: Vail, Colorado Temp:60' at t:fi) PM. PAGE g2/92 Vlil. Catoird<,tJt vrr, COlOrrdo Dillf|n, Color.drr Thc following was nored: strucftrd framing for east duplex is complete with the folowing exception; l ' Garagc ridgc beun suprport hcader at nortb outside wal! requirps columns paoks cach sidc to suck ro foundation. upm completion of orelbovc itcm thc smctud framing will be substamially comptcted. t t& f ,.tt- r D t^.trt .r. t-v|E!_r v.3uv5.yr., . r!' a^Irl.TE r--ftlt fta-rlfrit .iiH;* ivww. monroc_ncwell. com lTOl \rfynkoop.lrrcct . $uitc ZO0. f)cnvcr. Colorild() 902(t2 (10,3) 623-49!7 . rAX (.i0.t) 6e3-6602 . umiil: dehvcr&mr)nroe"newcll,conr BDSotzl ,*",fl{ok Pagcs (inoluding tradgnilrC): Attcrrion Corpany Tdcphonc Fax From Subjcct Mcq$gc Projcct # Monroe & Newell Engineersr lnc. 1701 Wpkoop Streef Suite 200 Dovcr, Colondo t020!,03t52U921 303l62t45o2Fr;l E-ndl; denver@npnroe -newe1 1 wr.rw, tnontoe -newel I . com FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL LETTER 'dt{rye 6 lftansnrittal is not E i[dicrt€d plcasc notifi sendcr CoryT"WLerlTa Ttonc ct{ s5lg5t26a4 a*27 3436236592 l*tl'lRrtE l.tEl/EtL Monroe & Neweil Engineers, fnc. l70t wlnkoop Strceg SuitiZOO Denver, Gotoredo 8lll02303t62H927 30316234602FuBmeil: @ wur,f. monroe-newell ,com FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL LETTER PAGE 0TIBL o*,#fu Pagcs (including transminal): l- &Fut-.AttcntioTr Company Telephonc Fex .From Subjoct Mcssrgc Telephonc Fa,r If tranmittal is not as indicatcd please notifr sender lFr E -mF -g,h Depdrtment of Community D evelopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2t38 FlX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com To: Paul Sisneros, Rob Faucett From: Greg Denckla Date: November2,2004 Re: 803-0129 Halaby Residence On Friday October 29, 2004 while conducting the final inspection for the Halaby residence I had noted there is no smoke detector or emergency escape and rescue window, in the room labeled "office" on the approved plans. On page 2 of the corection report notes 13 and 14 pertain to sleeping areas and bedrooms. Though there is no definition of a sleeping area in the 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC) it is the plans examiners and my determination that this is a sleeping area. The relevant code sections are noted in the attached pages from the plan review. Ig also follows that if a smoke detector is required, an emergency escape and rescue opening is also required in this space. See 97 UBC section 310.4; basements in dwelling units and every sleeping room below the fourth story shall have at least one operable window or door approved for emergency escape,. . As a solution to this problem, if the door were to be removed and the opening cased, this would open the room up to the rest of the dwelling. Thus the room is unlikely to be used for sleeping purposes, but would still be useful as an office. {} *,""""t' "'tt"* To: Paul Sisneros Fmm: Greg DencHa Date: November \2W Re: 80341 29 Halaby Residence On Friday Octob rr2g,2(fXwhile conducting the final inspection for the Halaby residence I had noted there is no smoke detector or emergency escap€ and rescue windoq in the room labeled "office" on the approved plans, despite red line note #14 requiring detection. I have discussed this with Mike Vaughn and Mike McGe of Vail Fire and Bmergcncy Services (VFES); two internal memos and a copy of the plan review note ale attached" Based on VFES determination a smoke detector is not required there for the egress window is also not reguired Frcm: To: Date: SubJect: Mike Vaughan Greg Denckla lOlzSnOO/. 4:49:46 PM Re: halaby... I blt that it didn't due to the fact that it was in fact an offce...lE, no closet. I spoke with the contactor early on about this, hey assurcd me that is r,rrhat it was. Thus, I didn't have trem put one in. Have a good weekEnd. Mike. ttt Greg Denckla 1OnSf2004. 4:35:53 PM >>> Miks. Regarding this permit I think the "studt''requircs a smoke deteclor. lwill be getting witr JR on Monday to revievy the office plans and nobs. Gleg >>> Mke Vaugtan 1Oli29l2OM 10:24:11AM >>> I have finalled the east half both alarm and sprinkler. There was only one sprinkler permit pulled br both halves. The west half is about tulo weeks behind. Mike. From: Mike VaughanTo: Greg DencklaDate: 11lO1nOA411:35:45 AMSubject halaby.... did you get my email Friday regarding the smoke in the study? | discussed it with Mike and we are of the same opinion. lf there is a problem, the plume fill rate in a room that size will catch the detector out in the main living area. Also, with the added protection of the sprinkler, the room should be covercd. lf you need us too, we could look at having them shave some of the door off the bottom to allow br smoke travel tothe otherdevices. gimmeacall. Mlke. Department of Community D evelopment 75 South Frcntage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com To: Paul Sisneros, Rob Faucett From: Greg Denckla Date: November 2,2004 Re: 803-0129 Halaby Residence On Friday October 29,20M while conducting the final inspection for the Halaby residence I had noted there is no smoke detector or emergency escape and rescue window, in the room labeled "study''on the approved plans. On page 2 of the correction report notes l3 and 14 pertain to sleeping areas and bedrooms. Though there is no defrnition of a sleeping area in the 1997 Uniform Building Code (JBC) it is the plans examiners and my determination that this is a sleeping area. The relevant code sections are noted in the attached pages from the plan review. It also follows that if a smoke detector is required, an emergency escape and rescue opening is also required in this space. See 97 UBC section 310.4; basements in dwelling units and every sleeping room below the fourth story shall have at least one operable window or door approved for emergency escape.. . As a solution to this problem, if the door were to be removed and the opening cased, this would open the room up to the rest of the dwelling. Thus the room is unlikely to be used for sleeping putposes, but would still be useful as a study. Please let me know if you have an altemate solution. Gres Denckla /-rfur,,/'rL TownOJVail Plans Examiner/Building Inspector {p ^""".""o or"^ 1c2&2m pectiirn Reqterlt Caportingl!{prn-- _____'valLco:_ra!,vN br___l PagP 19 Reguested Insp€ct Date: Fridry, October 29, 2004 lnspection Area: JRM slte Address: 252 W MEADOW DR VAIL 252 W MEADOW DR A srDE mTH EHU (EAST) A/PrD lnformaflon Acttultv: BG?0129 Ty!e: B-BUILD Sub TVDB. NDUP Statrs: ISSUED Const Tn6: 101 Occupairby: 7 C/se: V N Insp Ar€a: JRM Oyyher: Theodore S. Halabv Phone: 30&88&5959 Apellcant: GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION Phone; 970"84$5656 Coirbactor: GEORGE SI-iAEFFER CO{.JSTRUCTION Phone: 970.84.$5656 Descrip0on: l{ew consbucibn SID,E A {EASD WITH EHU REVISION: LOVVER FOUNDATION WAS MOVED t P BECAUSE OF WAIER CONO. FOTJND ON SITE. THE NEW FOUNDA'IION ALLOWS FOR FROST LEVELS. EAST UNIT DECK EXPAND TO TRY SAVE TREES TI{AT ARE IN THE D€CK. EASTA IID WEST UNIT DECK VIJERE Boltl CHAI,IGED. VIJEST UNIT WAS LOVI/ERED ONE FOOT lN ELEVATON Nothe: Recleved revocaHe rhht of wav oermlt b{tt fee h sllll oublrndlno lor Parcel B. \,trrEsl unfr. - LSANFVAL Commenti FIRE PIT SPECS SUBI,ITTED-ANO ROUTED To MIKE MCGEE AND JR - JSUTHER COMM€NI: CORRECTED ILC SUBMITTED AND ROUTED TO BILL GIBSON . JSUTHER CoMMont REVISIONS ROUTED TO JR A}ID EILL FOR REVIEW. DFLORES Comm€nt lLCs r.qulred. - BGIBSON Comm€nt: ROUTED TO JR, PtI/, BILL AND FIRE - JSUTHER Comm€nt ILC ROTJTED TO JR AND BILL . JSUTHER Requested Inspec0on{sl Item: 540 BLDG-Flnal C/O n.qu"rt"oPn-"?r?;o^#*-n' Pfione: 47ffi776 -or- 379486 EntEred By: DGOLDEN K - LL (t/n^- t/r:t'rnt'-' 4llem: 5Or2 Item: 5(I? O P"-l;au /t^"-/- d2ffio,-- /^'- n;4rr*1 /',) U Plru-Rouoh orad€ Plf.rl-FlnaldrfuewaRllFFlna{ drfo eway grade,-Fhal clrlveway orade " Aooroved " OgtzUod lnspbilor: ts Actlon: COND APPROVED/CONOnONS Commonb: Coirect driveway grads al east porldng lot, cross llope excaeds 8!!.L;.OItect o]wewav orad'e al east oornno lot. closs gooe €xoEads u . Adjust and correic{wesi pa.king'spacdto under 12{. currenlty ai l7%. ".o9,.t-qe!,1gJ3{:* " Approv€d " O9/3tY03 InsDector: GCD 'mmsnts: EAST SID€ UPPI #,, $,ffiffi-" lnsoecfon Hlstory Item: 10 CLR TO GROUND.1U038 Insp€ctor: Arl Actlon: APAPPROVED Comm€nts: APPROVED CORRECIED FOOIIhIG EAST PIf,R1ION. 1Ol17lO3 lns9aclor: Art ActFn: AP APPROI/ED Commer$s: APPROVED 3 PADS w/ 5 t 5'S EW OL5|14()d lnsp€ctor: GCD Actlon: AP APPROVED Com'n3nb: REYAINTNG WALL FOOTING MAINTAIN 3* MINCLR TO GROUND. BLDG.Fourda orvsl€€l * Approy€d * 10/1903 Inspector: GCD '' Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Commenb: INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR FOUNBATION WALLS EXECPT SITE WALL AT SE CORNER. ADD tPfu,'r.Aw* ^!",rlo N It€m: 20 Actioft: PA PARnAL APPROVAL CoMMsNts: EAST SID€ UPPER TEVEL FOOTING. REi,OVE WATER FROM 1 FOOTII.IG AND MAINTAIN Y REBAR AS DISCUSSED IN FIELD VERTS AT CORI'IERS, AROUND OPENIT.IGS AND 1 HORZ ATWl.lG WAIL. PROVIDE EtlG FIX FOR FOOTII\|G. 1Dl22tO3 Inspector: GCD Acilon: PA PARnAL APPROVAL Comrn€nts: SITE WALL EAST ANO SOUTH OF BUTLDING 05/1&M Insp€ctclr: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comments: APPROVED RETAING WALI FRONT OF FtoME NEAR GARAGE ONLY f( REP'131 PLANI-ILC Slt€ Phn " Approved " Run Id: 2520 Code review for:Project Id. : STETNWAY(}IALABY WEST) Address:. 252 WEST MEADOW DR AI-.,L AIJIJ ALI-,AIIJ 10 ALL AL,L l-1 AI-,L AIJL ]-2 AII-,AIJL Page # 2 This area requires glazed opening(s) having an area equal to 1/10 or more of t,he fLoor area. -- Sec. L203.2 Ehis area requires operable exterior opening(s) having an area egual Eo L/20 or more of the floor area. -- Sec. L203,3 This bathroom is required to have an openable windowor a mechanical ventilation system. Where there is a bathtup or sho\{er, such system shall be connecteddirectly to the outside. -- Sec. L203.3 This area requires an exterior opening for emergency escape or rescue. The minimum area is 5.7 sq.ft. andthe minimum dimensions is 24n X 2On. -- Sec. 310.4 A smoke detector is required in this area since itsprovides access to rooms used for sleeping purposes. -- sec. 310.9.1-.4 13 ALIJ l-4 AL,,L 15 ALI, 16 ALr_, t_7 ALI_., 18 ALL,, 19 ALI, AlJL ALL AI-,L ALIJ Al,L ALL A smoke detector is required in be used for sleeping purposes. A smoke detector is required on are required to be wired to anarea(s). -- Sec. 31" A smoke detector is required in Sec. 310 .9 .L.4 all rooms that may -- Sec. 3L0.9.1.4 all levels and they alarm in t.he bedroom the basement. The garage must be separated from the dwelling by 1 hour fire-resistive construction on the garage side. -- Table 3-B and 302.4, Exception 3rl The door between the garage and tshe dwelling is required to be a a 3/8" thick solid core or 20 minute self closing door. -- Sec. 302.4, Exception 3 The stairway indicated does noL provide the required minimum width of 36 inches. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.2 The maximum rise of steps is 8 inches. -- Sec. 1-003 . 3 .3 .3 , Exception l- ALIJ Code review for:ProJect Id. : STEINWAY(}IALABY WEST)Address: 252 WEST MEA_DOW DR SMOKE DETECTOR REQUTREMENTS:1) A smoke detector is required on thecentrally located in the corridor orsleeping area. -- Sec. 310 .g.t.42) A smoke detector is required on thearea. -- Sec. 3i.0.9.1,.43) A smoke detector is reguired on all stories. -- sec. 3i_0.g.L.4rf the lpper level concains sreeping room(s) , a smoke detector isrequired in the ceiling of the uppei leve1 ciose to the stairway.-- Sec. 310.9.L.4 NorE: A smoke detector is required in the basement. -- sec. 3r-') smoke detectors-are required. to be wired to the buirding;" por",source and shall be equipped with a battery backup. __ Eec.'31_0.9.j..35) Detectors shalr sound-an-ilarm audibre in ilr s1eLping.r"" oi th.dwelling in which they are located. __ Sec. 310.g.1.4 OCCUPATiICY SEPARATION : Between the garage and the residence, materiars approved for t hr. fireresistive construction are required on the g"rig"--side only and anydoors between the garage and €he resid.ence ire io be a sel-f-crosin!L 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Tabre 3-B &Sec. 3o2.4 exc. #3 SHAFT ENCI-,,OSURES: 1-) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not morethan 9. square feet may lined on the inside with not ress than 26 gagegalvanized sheet metal wit,h aLl joints lockIapped.. The outside must bet hr construction. A1l openings into "r,y "u.ti'enclosure sharr beprotected by.not Less than a ielf-cLosing solid wood door L s/a inchesthick or equivalent. -- Sec - 7:-l-.62) Gas vents and noncombust.ible piping installed in wal1s passing through3 floors or less do not need Lo-be-in l_ hour shafEs, pr'ovided"theannular space around the vents or piping is filled at each floor or. ceiling with noncombustible mat,eri-ali._I Sec . 7LL.33) shafts for gas.vents-, factory-buiIt. chimneys, piping. or ducts thatdo not, extend through not mole than 2 floois'nLea not be in r_ hourshafts-, Provided the openings around Ehe penetrations are fire stoppedat each floor. -- Sec. 7LL.14 ) A11 other shafts are required. to be enclosed in a L hour assembly.-- Sec. 7Lt. 1 & Table G-A Page # 7 eeiling or wall at a pointarea giving access to each ceiling or wal1 in each sleeping TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTACEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t35 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Permit #: 404-0011 Job Address: 252 W MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 252 WEST MEADOW DR, WEST SIDE Applied . . : 03129/2004 Parcel No...: 210107101003 Issued . . : 04/13n004 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 10/1012004 OWNBR HAIJABY, TI{EODORE S. Phone: 12 VISTA RD ENGIJEWOOD, CO I0LL0 COT.ITRACTOR THIrJ EIJECTRONIC SYSTEMS 03/29/2004 phone: 970-949-4638 P O BOX 534 AVON, CO 81_620 License: 112-5 APPITICAITT TIIttL EIJECTRONIC SYSTEMS 03/29/2004 Phonez 97O-949-4638 P O BOX 534 AVON, CO 8162 0 License: 1L2 -S Desciption: INSTALL COMPLETE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM - EAST SIDE Valuation: $1,200.00 I ttttttttttl+tttt tti fi{ ttt tttttttt*t*tt ttr tttl*trtai tt+ttt1t++t *tr rrr FEE suMMARy **r*r**r**r'rr:rr*'rr*aiar,rlr*.*a:t*a*rt*rt****t*+*'}ar**1rt*t*ar Electrical------; So. 00 Total Calculated Fees-> 9280. 00 DRB Fee-> So. oo Additional Fees-> $0. 00 Investigation---> $0.00 Totol Permit Fee---> $290.00 Will Call > $3 ,00 Payments--------1 $280 . 00 TOTAL FEES.> S28O.OO BAI,ANCE DUE > SO.OO Approvals:Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARI'I{ENT 04/o5/2oo4 mvaughan Action: APCR notes hawe been sent to thul o4/L2/20O4 mvaughan Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: CON0O06351 sounding devices required in garages outside horn and slrobes required outside each unit battery calcs need to reflect fJ-ows/tampers and outside horn/strobes, . . . resubmit of cal' required DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS FROM 8:(X) AM - 5 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET .'TOW}.I OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2735 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLER PERMT Permit #: F04-0005 ]ob Address: 252 W MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 252 WEST MEADOW DR Applied . . : 07/27 /2004ParcelNo...: 210107L01003 Issued. .: 04/74/20MProjectNo:-{,Rs61{to\ Expires..: owNER HAIJABY, THEODORE S. 0t/27/2O04 phone: 12 VISTA RD E}IGIJEWOOD co 80110 License: CONTRACTOR ALL STATE FIRE PROTECTION, IOt/27/2OO4 Phone: 303-288-3901 6045 E 75TH #t2 COMMERCE CITY CO aoo22 L,icenge: 370-S APPIJICANI Segerberg Mayhew& Assoc, Arc0L/27/2OO4 Phonez 476-4433 1000 S Frontage Rd West Suite 300 VaiL, CO Ksegerberg@smarchs. com 81657 Lricense: Desciption: New construction Valuation: $17,600.00 FEESUMMARY Medunical-->So. oo Restuarant Plan Review->So . o0 Total Calculated Fees-> $1, 101 . 00 Plan Checl-> 9350. oo DRB Fee->so. oo Adfitional Fees->90.00 S0.00 TOTAL FEES---> 51,101.00 Total Permit Fee-> S1,101.00 $3.00 Paymmte--> S1, 101 . 00 Investigation-> will cal-> BALA\ICE Dt]E->s0. 00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT ITEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEIIT o4/o2/2o04 mvaughan Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 i-Tli#*f3-".1'-'.:'.I1*ff*ff.3.1.11""3..i1..1Tji...111.".13.?i..1T1."-1T.ll; DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required completed an "c*.ut" plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infonnation and plot plan, to cbmply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp tnd $$divbioncodes, designreviau approved, Unifonn BuildingCode and other ordinances of tlre Tovun applicable thereto. RDQUESTS FOR rNSpEgrrON StrALLDD MADE trROM t:00AI|I-5 PM. r -FOt R EOT RS IN ADVANCE BY ITI.,EPIONE AT,179.2135 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E03-0266 K">41').( Job Address: 252 W MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 252 WEST MEADOW DR Applied. . : 12/0412003 Parcel No...: 210107101002 Issued . . : 03/02/2004 ProjectNo ' -R1'OA {YO.( Expires. .: 08129/2004 OWNER Theodore S. Halaby t2/04/2003 phone: 303-888-5959 12 Vista Road Englewood, CO DEr.I\,"ER CO 9=80110 License: CONTRACTOR R & A ENTBRPRISES OF CARBONDL2/04/2003 phone: (970) 945-5500 5317 CR 154, Suite 201 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 License:339-E APPI-,ICAIillt R & A EMTERPRISES OF CARBONDL2/04/2003 phone: (970) 945-5500 53L7 CR 154, Suite 201_ clenwood Springs, Colorado 81501 License:339-E Desciption: wiring of new 2800 sq ft duplex (East Duplex only) Valuation: $18,500.00 Electrical*--> 9121 . oo FEE SUMMARY **+ir***,t*r*++r't'.r'|1**r**a*r*tr*ar+a'rrlraa'lrrtt'r****'rt'l:l**a:t** Total Calculated Fees-> 5124 .00 Additional Fees----->s0.00 Total permit Fe€___> 9124 .00 PaJme nts---------------.> S124.00 DRB Fe€----> ' lnYestigation--> Will Catl---> $0.00 90.00 $3.00 BAI-ANCE DUE_--->s0.00 :ltr +1t * a+ ll+:t**t* Approvals:Item: 05000 EIJECTRfCAI DEPARTMENI TOTAL FEES-> 9124 . oO t2/o4/2OO3 DF Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENI Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 l"-.11.,";1";-"fi-T:?--:T.::-:*::l:i-:..ffi.::::-1y,":-,T:-::'-:.1.-:-::"::-?.:--::l-"..1]-T."i;,..,,***,.,+,,*,i,,|.,+,*,,*:,,,**..* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY 479/2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FORHIMSELF AND OWNEF APPUCATION WILI NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPTETE OR A A\l "/'\'l r Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 970-47 9-2149 (Inspections) 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Electrical Contractor : l(r A Ln*e . o. ,1r t Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: 9to, 9-f:. O.sc., COMPTETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (tabor & Materiats) AMoUNT oF sQ FT IN STRUCTURE, d \ CO ELECTRICALVALUATION: S iX \OcT9 Contact Assessorc Office at 97O-328-g640 or visit for Parcel #P"*"r# alolo" i Job Name: rr ' | .:\ r Ho..lo.t'.,, Ke s ict -nr p JobAddress: n - n \ ,, r .:\d5A \^1. Meodo.^' [)r. ( L^* Legatpescripuon ll Loh ll aOOc ll riling:Subdivision: Owners Name:tl^\o.t..,Address: \__,r^ rv\z oho*' u ,..[,.o,.,., r.-tnn'n""tS.oerh,q Mo.,, I-.* ", Address: tL\)o s. F,"r{RJ Phone:11q, q \3"1 Detailed descllption of work: --------'---'-: Vl,c,nR rT n ,.^, l.tco .\,. {t. \ur ( Lorr D*1U" "*\r)o workclass: New64 Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Temppower( ) other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both ()l{Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No 6< ) Typeof Bldg.: single-family( ) DuplexD{ M"tti-f.rily( ) commerciat ( ) Restaurant( ) other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units1l this building: O No. of Accommodation LJnits in this building: 6 Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No (\) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Ycs ( ) llo \)Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( I tlo $() ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy****************c.******************** Q?003 \WAiIUAIA\CdEV\FORM S\PERMITS\ELECPERM, DOC 0n6/2m2 TOMYOF Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-6. o Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. o Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easily accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dweiling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verif,/ that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2L47. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. main disconnect D o a_t I have read and un nd the above. Date Signed TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECI{ANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M03-0217 3o3 ote1 3O3 o( xK Job Address: 252 W MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 252 WEST MEADOW DR Applied . . : 10D312003 Parcel No...: 210107101002 Issued . . : 1210512003 Project No : " RtOl -O L(d.1 Expires . .: 0610212004 OWNER Theodore S. Halaby L0/23/2O03 phone: 303-888-5959 12 Vista Road Englewood, CO DEI{IVER CO 9=801L0 Iricense: CONTRACTOR Kaibab Plumbing, Inc. 1,0/23/2003 phone2 970-390-7735 P.O. Box 1451 Eagle, CO 8163 L L,icense:249-M APPLICANT Kaibalr Plumbing, Inc. LO/23/2003 phone-. 97o-390-7735 P.O. Box 1451 Eagle, co 8153 1 License z 249 -Yl Desciption: INFLOOR HEAT SYSTEM FOR 3600 SQ FT.SNOWMELT SYSTEM FOR 3250 SQ DT. BOILER ROOM ASSY.AND ALL ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Valuation: $61.4'72.00 Fir€pl8ce Information: R€stricted: Y # ofcas Appliances: 0 # of Gas [,ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellet 0 *****|:}**,r****'|'}***:}****'|*,}*|'||'++l***|{*.{*'*|l.+*i+|+'|.'*{*.t|:|** Mechanical--> S1,240.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> 90.00 TotalCalculated Fees-> $1,553.00 Plan Check--> 9310.00 DRB Fe€--------> 90.00 Additional Fees------> S0.00 Investigation-> $0-00 TOTAL FEES----> 91,553.00 Totsl Permit Fee------> 91,553.00 Will Call--> $3-00 Palm€nts---> 91,553.00 BALANCE DUE----> 9o. oo Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT tL/o5/2o03 ccD Action: AP ITEm: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI'ICE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 Ul'lC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BL,DG.): INSTAILATTON MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTITRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 T]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE \IEIflIED ACCORDING TO TERMINATE AS SPEETFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF TIrE 1997 T'MC. OR Cond:29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEIfI MUST COMpLy WITH THE 1-997 I'MC AND CIAPTER 3 OF THE 199? IMC. Cond: 31 (BIJDG'): BOILERS SHAIJIJ BE MOI]NTED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI-,E CONST. TNLESS I-,ISTED FOR MOI'MfING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Cond:32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PLANS AIID CODE AI{AIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AliI INSPECTION REQIIEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRjAINAGE OF MECHANICAI-, ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-I.IATER SUPPLY BOIITERS SIAI,L BE EQUIPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR sEcTroN 1004.6 0F THE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN 149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF CHAPTER 8 A}ID SIIAI,L CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. CHAPTER 3 AND SEC,1O17 OF APPLICATION WITL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UN MWFIOPVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 LETE ORUNSO*EEA 'Proiect*, 'f r'lud -oVC( Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) Permit will not be accepted without the following: Room Layout Dimensions Duct Size Size Spec Sheets CONTRACTOR INFORMATION incl Mechanical Contractor:of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: . Q705?077. COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT & Materials MECHANToAL:$ 6l,q7z"t Conbd Assessrc Offrce at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above] Job Name:lQgirrnw 'm{Job Address: z5z atgrn€4futa aanE Legal Description ll Lot: ll atock: ll riling:Subdivision: owners Name7. n.aar ll nddress: 'inl'"lJl,#l-. eo,,o ll enone:rr ssc 62s? Engrneer: ll- Hffi- [ Aooress:Phone: Detaileddescription of work: <orz*or/*r s/sta FoA Stpo E 3. spantnn-r ftrste< Fe azs:o 6oFr'. fuue{ Rau tssl *^t6 *.tL t3s*ttttzr sOureuetri.(No sffi4ara rrro,eK) WorkClass: Newtr Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior ({) Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: ves $() No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family ( ) Duplex () Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Otner ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buibing:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Noflypeof FireplacesExistinq: GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Peilet( ) WoodBurninq( ) Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances (2) Gas Logs ( I ) Wood/Pellet (/) Wo"a Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) 6o *************r.**********FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***************{.************* Otter Fees:Planner Siqn-off:Accepted By: DRB Fees:Date Received: F: / everyone/forms/ mechperm & |tlUfY "{.1,|"tl -ttlT tttt llll r*r:At Urrfll 2tnllljl E|jtawcl .t IL.. I ) F'-d'.Mo DF\1 ' ]cl.t tat Layo,*YI*rrr 3AEe, ql er t996 w.?i * A??Lt,,tuE z,uftifirc ?6 rb | (urt n,) $afl"r Skor<- Hot (r)a-lerT6.^ks '*,rq'*7 lol.g./x nCrrn{rf lrc rullr ri *tt I ,,','|It+l,5f et.ftrA|If, APoaa!r.t/c.t* t-0,clr[ar13;E*C.Ptrj -) au 4 I i!' ; ri I t II t fF'iF--.f.'.-.,:l i . ,' ./ " . :i wuttl**t* t(a$rlAttT Tn*L Mbtt*dn?w k) .fu t g, trnat*W 4tttttt+t ct (5% )(=sax)*rrnbt tuatn*e fa nt fultFL.rel ar, (6,i<rtrr) kA.fa,rt-*tur pirzq Q7 &u nqii oonn c./5 p74 52,2q3 ?37,35? ?tr, rzb ?zo, aaa PrvtA*. r",s{"-\\Jow Attu ttt, Av.c. gy anW. bfl rt* T? u&tttt'*tc /Rtil w frr*t tsn F/P arrsE .H".rr &rc& leapt. AqAtSr?atr quflet ,lfultr:nrf,sr ga$F frrtl BU lfrtgr:t*J '.,rrfil f?tfahD I al frCrtltcrr u,IEtEu,&w4 Cr.tcl re\s\ r,,,.c.,lrtr>rt5 Orr,. Sr{<. Br >"spe<.tbhs hA ug'4t AatA Aoa-olt'l!$it[$ I,| {n Fofr6 4 T $ ,atb $, v $ r0sg F *il$l$$ E t\iF jQi R*rt "-oq-ilr:- :cNsf (rr tn lFrxil $ {ulI E s ro Se E$$\u iss| $g.g c,CFt. [* tsF+ $it:$[ CoNoeNSING Gas BorLen 155 & 230 Max. MBH with 20- 1 oo"/o Modulat,on i|t15t oll'( HIGFI EFFICIENCY @rQ)@we{Ai STANDARD EOUIPMENT Faclory T.3tcd Limit€d 15 Yaer Haat Exc'hangsr Warranly ?llfu Aomeowwr Protociion Plan with 5 yesrs Part8 & Labor Cast Aluminum Block 30 PSI ASME Roliel Valv€ Drain Vah/o Steinl€ss Ste€l Bumsr wlth wo/€n steel llber mesh Diroqr Spark lgnflon Variaue Spoed Blow€r Ag3ombly Gas/Air Ralio Vofiuri wilh Ak Silancer N€oallve Pr686ure R€ouletlon Ge6 Vslw 50 VA Translormor Comb, T&P Guag€ Out6l wal€r TomD. Sonsot Rstrrn Watsr Tgmp. Sensor Flu6 Gas T€mp. Sonaor Outdoor Temp. Sensot 01fu Contur Modute + Wilh Dtgltal Display + lonitbn contrcl . operatlng Conlrol . High Limit Protectiot . Low Water Prctac'llon + Outtloot Ra5€[ + OUVV Prbrry t Two Pump Con rcle (tlcating & AHW) Taco 0011 Boile. Circulatot Shippod separaoly wkh l' 6 l-1/4" tlsnges Comdete Jackst Aesembly wlth Fully Ramo\rablc Front Jad€l Covet AdiustsHe Boiler Legg VentAir T€mln8lion Platg Vent Tormlnation Bird Scre€n Un€ & Low Votlags Prc-wircd Teminel 9ttlq8 ortotl Powgr Swilcn Lino Vollage Servico RocePtacle Cond€nsate Trap wilh OEin Te€ Assemry Propane Conver6ion Orlf ice Automatrxlly adapts lor higi altilude (dente 4% Pot 1AN tt alt uda) -PhD PREorErc]N HYoRoNttr PACXAGED BOILER - Natural Gas (freld covedibte to Propane Gasl With Teco 0Ol l D^'o tecfrw{ogJ, llh'.4155 ur*dHrkfr Part No.Parl No. llltutss 'lllhozso 155 MBH 230 MBH 31 MBH 46 MBH 139 MBH 207 MBH 123 MBH 183 MBH 93.0%92.89o 98.0%98.0olo ' fuibt ntum watat temp . g@F ond boller ouqct r.atar lemp . 11eF 'llltn'tss 'lllbwZSO 3 in. PVC 3 or 4 in. PVC 3 in.3or4in. 1.17 Gal 't,57 Gal 193 lbs.204 lbs. 'llltutss Anb&zso 1in. 1in. 112 in. 5y1lt L x zTW x 23-1n H OPTIONAL E Wall Mounting Kit AM3 Alarm Contol Kit Indirsct-Firsd Water Heelors RATINGS CSA Input (Maximum) CSA Input (Minlmum) DOE Heating Cap. Net l=B=R OOE AFUE Low Tomp Apdications Amual E tici€ncy' DATA Vent Slze / Materi€rl Combuslion Air Size Water Volum€ Approx. Ship. W€ight DIMENSIONS SupCy Taprim Retum Tapltng Gas Connedlon Size Crat€ Dimonsltns U I I I Y' Supply Con crton Raturn Cmn.ok)n Lovr VoltEg. Wirt Oplning Elcclricd Ehuancr Oponhgs \bnt Cdn3clion Ai Oonnccltoal Gts Coniacdo.l I ln the interest of contlnual improvemonls in ptoduct and p€flormanc6, weil'McLain res6rves the right lo chsnge spcciticatlons without notlce Ultra PLUS 40. 60. & 80 Water Heat€rs Avaitabl€ D Weil- McLain 500 Blaine St(eet Michigan CitY' lN 46360'2388@ul$l'llklAlll Lo"'t" "" s"'"'-:l:;#:::T'rw,bsre: Form No. C'905(1002) Features >Anractive 0uality Silver finish Durable plastrc jacket for rusloroof finrsh even in morst enuronmgnts. >Constnrcted of type 310L stainles steel wi$ toleranc€s for high lemperstures 0f operation, Superior corosion rosi$tance, >Jtlew bfis Large }|igh OuSut Cupronickel Heat hchanger for 20% increased psrformance. Maximum lieal tansfer ofticiency with more surlace arsa, delivering larger amounts of hot water, Supplies H times more rscovsry comporsd io conventronal heSters. >Environmertally Sale, CFC-free wahr-blown loam insulation 2 inches ttr'ick; allows less than U2 degree F par hour heat loss; fte besl in $e induslry. >lifetime Waranty Prutection Plan >Easy h install and maintain >lmmemion type contol provides fsst response. >lnstallation ve$atility with either zone valve or circulated pump. >Full line of 7 difierent models and sins to meet all your hol water demands. >Very efficient Reduces fuel cost when operatod wifr high efficiency boiler. >New oudet exfactortube delivers F7% more hot water Dimonsions fiort Erc lo't BoihT werer IIFf Bollor tllater $!.f..':! [i::-" ?qir: la,acirv iilffi"' m,*'*"iHT,, [sl*'*'TlEt, ssr 30 n rn" id v,: ii i;ilii iiig:l l|!B:l i#g:i Sglissu.3oLB 281n" 23 |ssu.45 iztn. ,,|i: il fi$il iftiii il,!:'!$s|frr" 5Z1lT" 23l!!pso n ortff tr* s:r[ trr ffi lfiiii ffiilissu.rrs 'tiw" rt; _....iry i,iilii Hl:i ffiffi lliffl ffii:lOoE tr|l m€thod blscd D0 S.[ Tsmponturr dse. io.nl0,v/Aoihr w.ra at tAn"imf loor to Floor to Floor losoii' b';.riil bifrl'iir Dor*$ico Boiru TE$r workins shipping lT;5, ffij,Tarrk size S'pplv n'lr 0d -' - c;;;e;-" 6;'n*tior" i;;;"uro rrossurc lvcigrl gTursiro Bru/shessLJ-a) s" 4t4: 2l ui" vq ^iii.ar. r: r'l?I ro psi rlg pri r rbs r4,0o E7,(n08ius,' s" iifr: n#: siilirnli i,lli #ll ifril ilfr: ififfi liffissu.{s s. rt4- iqi,i: iilibil,r" !:lf! frfi !!9p,! 84rbs rrr,m r6r,m.silrf,F -F +{# ,{rir. -i-_#i,ir1n . -'.:NpT ien.L. .llgpry ,uf,:bs; s+fr0- l$,(mssu-80 zs. 6" ..- q{"il.. Trn; irrirm,re "i: lqi ffifii' !!9pq r4r rbs zrzbm 241,mssur re n v4" 7 1t4" s;' i iE" i,iri ;iii. iliiii ffi ili rbo psi 2r0 ibs z6e,m 30r,o0NoTE TANX BEc0vEnY RoM c0lo srAxt wltl St sFIwErl l0-r3 llll{ults wr_Gx s_lzri wnt conne cr now irtE, ao tR srzE AND plessunE 0F0p nAn 0s FR.M lrrsrAuAnoNlNsnuflrcils.Illt MAss 0rrrlt Botlrn vv|tr EF cr nrcovEny flMt, monr eoun mlss rouiLs io:loii-rilidfty nrrre How the l\o\'o N'l $uper Stor Ulfra Works: The SuperStor Uttra is true advancement in hot wat€r generstion. By tying the Uhra into your existing or new boiler as a seprrate zbne wift a circulator or zone vafus, h will start he boiler only when tre Uhra requirgs hot water and transhrs heated energy through the high or.lput exchanger to produce larger amou s ofhot watsr. Eneryy Efiicient opomtion The Supsr Stor Uttfs's 2" to 3" fiick insulation qualrty, connectBd to a modorn boiler system will reduce your oporating cosl to produco hot water. Wi$r today's increasing fuel costs 6e llttra will provide $e homeowner fast pay back over conventional me$ods of heating hol water! Limitsd lifetinre Protection Plan Super Stor Ultra's limited Lifetims Prmedion Plan will give homeovmers the perce of mind thatth€ir wster heatgr is covgred by $e irdusry's rfongesl wanantv. Maintenance-Free 0peration Super Stor Ultra does not nead expensive maintsnance check-ups. lB simple design requires virtually no msintsnance, soving money on costly service calls. Ulta l|igh 0uqut Heat hchanger 0ur Engineering Departnent has developed tre Ultra High ouptn Heat Exchangef adaptabls to nEw 0r older boiler systents. Tho heat exchangs/s increased intBrnal sizs and extarnal surfacg area gives the utra groster recovery performance. This way $e Super Smr Uttrr has two or more times he rscovery rate ol gas fhsd water hEaters, and supplies as much as live limes the amount of hot w8ter as I comparably sized electric walor hsstgr. Affactive [lesign The Super Stor Ultrab attractive appearance will assure each customerfiat they have installed a superior water heat€r. Th€ Ultra's silver color will match any old or new boiler color adding to ths systemb overall appearance. t PJr Iw. md l/nt WENFMilTE I-r t THE VENT-RITE SYSTEM . Heating Expansion Tanks . Packages . WH and WHV Series Thermal Tanks . Sizing . Accessories DIAPHRAGM TYPE EXPANSION TANKS u FLEXEcIN INDUSTRIES Aog -o)-l'( A(PANSION CONTROL - Alr Elmfnailon - Auto Fast F[l - System Pruosurlzatlon OPERATION re,eased as it is Ao3oa( t& i-..! "WH'and "WHV" SERIES With faucet open expanded water isgenerat€d. . No p/obl6m wilh expansion. No pressure build-up rygt Fqcets ctosed, as in he evening, pressure builos 3lT9st Lnsta$ty unUt rhe safery relieii vatve spiils horwarer-then the cycie repeats itselfl . Hol waler undfl high pressure-1s0 psig o Stress on wat€r heater and compononts o Relief valve used inconoc{y. Wasted BTU'S lVrtn a "[Vtt'l Serin Thermal Expans;ion Tank ins|alled oeMoen lhg checkvalve andfte waler heater, prsssures arecontoll€d and system is resbred O a sate anO'poper wo*.ing conditirn. ' . Expan# nnfrer is absorbed by WH S€dBs tank e Pressurs is controlled Braad on totsl wrtar hcltar ncov.ry t o.tr {f F.Bard on w.br rtpply pr!|surr of GO pglG, r.lll ntw rot at rS0 pslc.Artiud ranft pnchsr!. to .qd Incofi{.|g witJ p.t.crn: - -- . Rolief \rah€ is nolpal@gpon b operate ,/ - /.k(& .p. \= OUICK StZtNc {n* Wat.r firaL. thcnbL lrs'iil m tyat r T.o|p.ll3dF t4{f F ted F ilura r8d F NF Ja e ct4 VE vR t/ t( 30 Sab. 40 g6b. 50 gals. 00 eBb. 80 g€ls. lm gEb. 120 eEb. 150 gab. 175 gal$ 200 Sah 210 gab. 280 gab. 280 g6ls. 300 g!b. 350 gal!. 400 grls. 450 gals. 500 gah. 6q) galr 8m gds. 1000 gEb. WH.8 wH-8 wH-8 wH-8 WH€ wH-18 WH.18 wH-l8 wH-18 wH-s2 t,ft-32 wH-32 wH-3? wHv-50 wHv-50 vwlv€o wF{v-s0 wr'tv-75 wFN-75 wr.tl/-120 u#tv-l20 wfi.d WH€ wH.8 wH-8 wH-r 8 wH-18 wH-18 wH-i8 SUKdl&e yyFt-32 wH-oa^) WHV.5O,,J wltv-s0 wHV-50 wrd/-50 wHv-75 wHV.75 |VHV-75 wHv-120 wHV-120 wHv-t20 WH€ wH-8 WH-8 WH-8 wH-18 wH-l8 t rH-18 wH-32 wFt-32 l/tHv-50 Ilrftv-fl) wHV-50 wHv-75 wFfv-75 wHv-75 wHv-t20 wftv.120 wr{v.120 wHV-120 wHv-r65 wHv-235 wH-8 wH-8 w|t-18 wH-r8 wH-18 wH-32 wr+32 wH-32 wHV-50 wHV-50 w.rv-75 wHv-7s wHv-75 wHv-120 wHv-120 wHv.t20 w!tv-120 wt{v-l65 wHV-r65 wl{v-235 w,"tv-320 wH.8 w!r-lE wH-l8 wH-16 WH€iI wH-32 wHv-s0 wHv.50 wfry-50 wFtv-75 wftv.120 I'VHV-I20 wHV-120 wfl-r20 wHv.120 wltv-'65 wFtv-r65 wt"N.t65 wllv-235 wHv.320 wHv-320 auecs.' frr trro 'E ca (fo Aol - DAl"l Standard Size Tanks -f siz€s Standard Expansion Tanks Dimensions and CaPacities Mod€l tltmnsiorB (lrrch6!) Darmsts t Hslgttt Connec'tlrn Stsc TotC Tfik vbhrrl Gdlott3l \bl. (O.to.d c12130 Psl ttf.leht FlJ €{ Sizcr $pQvvElinF - SX vR15F - VBSoF ,fw M{-W Kta - €-" \nl5rtt|Ei.,/vW I/B(nF rSX{A$OF* $ft/RloF s)0F60F 9,rl 't1.5 13.1 16 10 16 16 21 21 21 112 15.8 t6 20.75 21,7 28.O 42.5 36.2 47.9 62 h 12 Yz lt I 1 1Yt 1y. 'tYt 2.1 "Hf6.1 15 rt&. m 3U.3 u &t 81 oaa 4th 2.45 G.6 aq}- &04 13J9 17,7 2a.e 35.C 5 8 10 a & s 6? 7i2 112 1Al ftbt'filltlrd VENT-RITE Combination Packages lncludes: Air Scoop Vent Expansion Tank A-1tr sx\4e90F $wR1loF $0R160F Vent-Rite diaplragm Lnks a€ prFchar!|3d to 12 PSIO Maximum working tcmpotahrs 2iOoE Maximum wo,ldarg Prorsur€ 100 PSIG. Vent-Rite Packages ddS !v 0et,21 '03 16:59 I,I CLEED I1F3 ftJ Ft+i 343431118G P.2 E'o MsE rD B ou? T}IREADa PucEl ruuru I rN--' o0EL l-lE ;15,,6 uPre1@,rery .5'e6 w cuBED f(03'olL1 ilANT'FACTUBING & ENGINEERTNG . P.O. Box 14 o Arvada, Colorado 80001 Phonc: €031/Bf'l1t0 lll*. [rALE..:PtPl TI{IEAD'" typrcAu I pulceg -,-FLUIO B tn ,/ t6,, *'ryergp' ,/ _FLU FLufD I out -'/ CAR L sON 'ilEAT EXcI{ANGER 0ct.2l '03 1€,:59 t^l CUBE' l4FE gU FA\ 3i3,l311lAa p1 Eo MeE FLUID A IN MANUFACTURING & ENGTNEERING ,j" P,O. Box 14 r Arvada, Colorado 80001 Phone: (g0g) 431.1180 FLUID w CUBED il'tDlDltl B OUT ilsTMloii? THmuoltr toDg. : lvo ,: , :,.r Lr .rn Suurntr.- rausareg u9.it FltlSo turplrnq Jql tui;iJd tott 8"., ., .rr,tto gur suotergoc(b frtd 0o pattq {uuad B Jo r.lrrenssr.rtl 'pIE^ .q los [rF |!F|TFFIIIJo *r'Iliurpro.re0oJo apor'prtE^ .q los [llF FFllI|lI l[ JO *r'riulpro .te0o Jo apo,iri I iudrsr^qrd aO lsur)lotll.lqFl-a^F ot tuFrnsard nlurrd1( , .{unf e$ro oEtggro.qD-tDDl'^ qr Jo suols!^ord 0JoIuI eo (, ot, 5 I$$' , 't^ .rtl3 'Jo F sE rf ! FF:t sl ol p.NrsuoJ ?q rou lJrqr!i lir..-r pur tEFtFa.Sr;n{l.o rru:rd I Jo turlurrt Io sro,|u{l ft got lot|} s TIVA IO NIIOT ' f ,ior^ .(trr.Jo tt od- G;i,.tUddV ti $o 1.r tx f .z trE e \, c4 $-1. ,. it. \)* \lc(. iEf L cto l cOo it !r raa+ il i$ .rtt1t ,* I I =*\ I{ s tsls \r s oC. "a:s \,II *a( s B t") =:Rt$ lli.{ !s1tl.----l--- DCIt,, qi :N,r €tsE \,.:tr, t-\ i)I t :.. tsq.aa $,?t "* I9lE | :sr I El 3 \,*. * !TrtNf\ $t iF fi A,s TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMI.JNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M04-0036 Job Address: 252 W MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 252 WEST MEADOW DR (EAST) Applied. . : 0311712004 Parcel No...: 210107101003 Issued . . : 04113/2004 ProjectNo : -f ![O?-O.(dl Expires. .: 1011012004 OWNER IIAI.ABY, THEODORE S. Phone: 12 VISTA RD ENGI_,EWOOD, CO I0110 CONTRACTOR SI/rTON TNSUIJATING WEST, INC. 03/L7 /2004 phone: 970-945-1313 s398 CR 154 #1 GI.,ENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601 License:' 2l.9-M APPLICAIIT SIIITOII rNSIITATING WEST, INC. 03/L7 /2OO4 phone: 970-945-1313 5398 CR 1s4 #1 GIJENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81501" L,icense : 27-9 -14 Desciption: INSTALL FIREBOX WITH NO LOGSET AND I DV FIREPLACE WITH FLUES, POSSIBLE DAMPERS Valuation: $4,100.00 Fireolace Informrtion: Restsict€d: Y # ofcas Applianc€s: 0 M€chanical-> S100 . OO R€stuirant Plan Review-> # ofGas l,ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEESUMMARY'r*r*'lr*r'rr+tt**1ar*t*t*rar*raaltt'i'*t*'**tt*rttrttttt'l:t***t'r:l So. oo Tolsl Cslculated Fe€s-> 9128 . 00 Plan Check-> Investigation> Will Coll---> S25 .00 DRB FF-> S0 . 00 Additional Fees--_--> 90. 00 $0 . 00 TOTAL FEES-----> $128 . 00 Total Pemit Fe€----> $128 .00 93.00 Payments--_------> S128.00 BALAT{CE DUE_......>s0. 00 Item: 05100 BUII-,DfNG DEPARTIT{EMI 03/3L/2o04 ecD Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIOT{S ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.)r COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUTRED PER SBC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BIJDG.): INSTAI-,LTATION MUST CONFOR.[{ TO MAIIUFACTITRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I'ME, EIIAPTER 1.0 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BIrDG.): GAS APPLIAIICES SIIALIJ BE VENIED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AIID SHAIJIJ TERI,TINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF TIIE 1997 TJMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BL,DG.): ACCESS TO I{EATING EQU]PMENT MUST COMPIJY WITH CHAPTER 3 AllD SEC.]"O1? OF THE 1997 UMC AI{D CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG'): BOILERS S[IALI-, BE MOUIiITED OII FITOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI-,E CONST. IINI-,ESS IJISTED FOR !,TOI'NTTNG ON COMBUSTIBIJE FI'OORTNG. Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PLANS AI{D CODE A}TAL,YSIS MUST BE POSTBD IN MECI{ANICAL RooM PRIOR TO ATI INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRATNAGE OF MECIIAITICAL ROOMS CONTAINfNG HEATTNG OR I{OT-WATER SI]PPITY BOILERS SIIALL BE EQUIPPED WTTH A FIJOOR DRAIN PER SEE. LO22 OF TTIE 1997 I'MC, OR SBCTION 1004.6 0F THE 1997 IMC. 'lartlt+*'it**tI*i+altt,tt't*'t't**t* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN N 47r2t49 8:00AM-4PM. OF OWNEROR ANDOWNEI TOVilWVM APP|JCATIOI{ U'ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF IT{COMPIETE OR Proiect #: Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #2 MiY.o.rb 970-479-2149(Incpectonr) TOWil OF VAII MECHANICAT PERMIT APPLICATION Permit will not be accepted without ffe following: PrcvHc ilechanical Room byoutdrawn to scabb Indude: 75 S. Ftontage Rd. Wl.and LocaUon nd Locatlon and LocaUon RECEIVEB MAR I / 28il4aC.lttr EqulpmertGut/SpecSheG OlrTE f Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) A I O I O \ t D I O OA. rob Name: /1*kL1 robAddress: 7fa A fn"*Jo,^*Le"rfl Legal Description fl lot I Block I Filing:Subdivision: 0o lPhonet 5o1_ gkt - ,ar_? Engineer:Address:Phone: ao 4Se( coi-,ed I QV Flc+yu< .^1\\L Et,* Qoz.'t,L(r.- breau,O<z"q I workClass: t@ttJ/, Addltion( ) Ahention( ) Repair( ) qqgr( ) Boilerl-mtin: InErbr( ) Fr@tur( ) O&er( )Ooes an enUe,rlst at this location: Yo/ No I l No. of Existing Dwelling Units In thb buiblng:No. of Accomrnodation UniB in thb buitsing: /Mood/Pellet( ) WoodBuminq( ) toEn EPn Phase ll device? Yes ( ) No ( ) forPard COMPLETE VALUATIOT{ FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (labor & Materials) @TTITRACTOR INFORITIATION ***{.*d.*rt**{.1.d.**rt**:l{.*{.*d.OFFICE USE Y****:r***:rd.***,t*********:t**tf ** d \Zb F:/cvcrtonc/bnnr/rndrponn Lrlr*r*- + !*s.,A{? €<p}rc{ To, the lll MAIESTIC. Csfifaplaaas SUPERHEARTH WOOD BURNING FIREPLACES a totally authentic, custom'built masonry apPearance Hearth Series woodburning fireplaces are the perfect . With one of the most expansive hearth areas in the the SnR:d has an opening of 36"W x 24"H, while the 5HR4{has an opening of 42'W x 24"H. The largest model, the SHR48 measures 48"W x 281liH.Yet, despite their size the SuperHearth Series fireplaces can be installed quickly and easily betause of Bteir zero deuance design. Plus, they are fully insulated to redr{ce outside air infiltra0on and improve heating efficiency. I standjd Featurcs . Totally refractory'lined firebox: Sides and back are lined with a realistic herrlngbone firebrlck Paftern imPrint for beauty and durabillty. Hearth is lined with a classic brick pattern for easy ash 6moval. . fape.hd Firebox Sides assure greater reflection of radiant heat. o Cleafi Suround Face permlts flush finishing around the firebox for a traditional appearance. . Fully Insulated Consbucffon helps improve home efficiency by reduding outside air infiltratlon. o Built-ln Flue Damper reduces home heat loss when fireplace is not ln use. o Baskct Grate albrtrr adequate combustion air to flow under fte fuel. o Gas Llne Access has knockout on both sides of firebrick for optional gas applications. . Undenvriters' Laboratories Llsted and Tested for Safety. e Limlted Wananty and 3O-Year Protection Plan assure quality and dependability. Optlonal Acc€ssories . Tempered Bi-Fold Glass Doors are simple to install and operate. Gives a great view of the flre while reducing heat loss. . AK-MST Outside Kit provides a constant flow of fresh air to the flre box for tightly sealed homes. . Majestic Fireplace Mantels are available in a variety of materials and come pre-cut for fast, easy installation. Slmplc, Economlcal Chlmncy Systcm The SuperHearth Series is designed to utilize our 1 1CF double wall drimney system to keep installation simple and economical. No tools of fasteners are needed for this snapJock pipe section and ef bow system. The 131/2" slim outer wall construction utillzes the traditlonal 1711>" x 17112" c-elling opening. ffi-Finaoi.ibo'l f-\rnffie=5143tiiffir_l 'f ?kf]l I r-sl-----j EAJ F- ! ---rr,1 ' rr.F-ffib-llll|---"4 tAl--3t'---{a:--l€lrrilffirn€##rIilJWT ffilw' H### -llK,/ | J l4lrr.' 4t$d attdltl-l-F---?f. -zarrt \ In lhs lr €r!8t ol corrltl'[ Prodrcr hprortnFr|lg, rr |r.dyr tr. tftt P dLt!9 t9€cncttloos wlthout notlca. Boforr InstsllatbnB' plaalr llad Intblldon In€lruqflon! tno chscl( !t loctl 8llldtm CodG and sas RceuladorB, Vermont Castings, Maiestic Products 410 Adrlnl 8lvd. i\ns*rg.. Ont. L5l2'.|6 t.| lg{Et QO-TIT, t$tfi.,.@ucb.co|n Fa* (905) 555.4690 ww$vtmontot(ntrcln 2(no.0898 G5l02 The HARGROVE WESTEnN PINEI bQ€tlence the beauty of mour ah gr-tn pn" fn rn" -mfort o{ your own home C-raftsmarlshlp {q -qFilt b renrieo you wtt be checkh! pur nngers for spllnters' ryqp,fs W.tt m n'ne fog are cast frolnleat ptni trees setectec lor fiElr knads and twlsts. CTIAN: No logs to carry ln, no ashes to cany oE no messy woodPllel HARGRoVE gas logs produce less polluuon fian bumlng wood' SAFE: HARGROVE togs arc cast In rcfractory oncrete and dryIced *nn tt*t ntn. rtt y ilttt wtttr*ano tempentures of orer 200@ F and dlmlnate dangerous spa s made by wood flres' BCONoMIGAI-: For less than the cost o{ bumtng h'ood, these logF will radlate heat for hours after the gas has been tumed oft COl.lVENlEl.lT: A reallstlc flre ls you6, complete rvfth tlolwlg vnben' by slmpty strtklng a matdl and tumlng on a vave' Atl HARGROVE vented gas log s€ts are deslgned to tunc$on In a tully uort'J ,na"r ot tuson-ty nreltace wur a natrral tas slPdy rvfiere wood can be bumed satsly. The flue damper must be fully open duflng use HARGROVE gas ffrc logs carry a llmited re me wananty agalnst breakage ln the odglnal ffrephce. All acc€ssortes carry a woy€ar llrnlted u/ananty tn rhe orlglnal f,rcplae' MWIIYllaruIFlnlshd HighesiQllri@C,onstucJirln tlAter;tftl,s&lmer Semtce All s€ts lnclude: ,SFb FIREPLACE DIMENSIONSF;:m Bdns these measure merits io your d€ahr for asslstance In sUhB a HaBrcve C,as log S€t Freplace OePth:- Frcitae Wdth:- Fheplace Floor Wdtl -8" Mea$tement should be laken 6" to 8" Indde rhe ft€box openhg1 }UINOHNISHED FINEj)GSAI€Ih€ dt|n|aE ftatu€ thd mal(es II,ARGROVE gG lo8 sets aufr|entd Z PEDESIiALGRATE.ls sPedalv deslSn€d to pla(€ fte hgs ln Perf€ct pos6or' fur Une b€51flame pabrn t EIIBER BURI{ER IftN b ma.h of hearry 16 gat8e $ed ard brns the foundauon fot the tumer rn€dh. if $IlcA sAt{D ts |lsed b tnadmtse dlfrslon ol natlral 96. \etmkulie b used wlth FoPane. 5. EitBEns o€ab dre lhdon o{ a bed of tb/vt€ @ds 6, CINDf,nS arc used b d€corab the 8rephe floor for a 'finlshed" loolc PtNa c iB7 nq,oF Mlt, Co.P, 7. CONNECTOR b us€d lo loln the gas supply to the emb€r burn€r Pan. OPNONAL: 8. SAFETY PIITOTVAWE comun€s the @nvenlence o{ oFoff @ntrcl wlth safety leature. Arrallable tactory assembled. ' When op€rallng on ProPane 8at I gfety Pllot conuol ts r€qulrcd. Please spectfy Natural Gss or Propane Cjas when odedng **"u1#$ffi slu8,,':g:**onoN For the hottest seMce ln the Industry, Please ontact: €sm"e @@ /20/2004 FRI 4:47 FAI 0ooyooo Cosf Trim Spcciffcctions for DV360 ilODEL 9PECtFtGArtQNgr @@@ Verrnont Castings, MalesHc koducts O Admlrd 8lvd. Orr. t5T 2N6 (9051 670-7777 wwri t|.l..ri.|r rodu€acc.rr Yrrvw.vrnnoBl€r;llngc.ac|n h lhc l r.aa d cotELna prldrd LnFtl|,rf!|a.to. s tt.&\,o |ia rioli !o ci|||€to tP|dHirtr tdhout m{Or. Bafrr€ ffilldiorE. pl€asc rcd ltsldtsffon l.rh.rctbru rrd dudt al lpcal Bd*lg ood.€ fd c|r B€g$dorE. cDr.l fffi 1e?6,1117fst1a476^14g*^ U's, Poloob:.f 096 a4o I llfitA?r.1,1W4L rPrErn perdlrrg. YOUF VEtrtorvr clsTt vos, t l.rtsTrc pFoptlcxs DEALEF (9031 lt65-.(690 GRDE-0038 GRDE-80(3 LBV43 r Generous 24-518" tall, 43' wide screen opening with recessed screen pockets . 50,000 Btu/hr input charted oak log set with glowing ember bed o Available in natural or ptoprne gas models r lnsallation and venting ere easy' thanks to 8" B-vent, . Ready for on/off wall switch or remote conuol . Flcx gas connector with shut-off valve o Rcalistic brickadcd interior (traditional or .$J,l;:i-,:-It GRDE_3gl43 Traditiooal Hcringbone r Tinted glass enclosure that resembles bi-fold doors . 45,000 Btu/tr sand (vetmiculite) burner available in natural gas or propene gas models . Realistic brickaded refractory interior panels . Sclf-gcnerating millivolt controls with piezo pilot ignition, or pilotless clectronic ignition o Automatic energy-efficient bi-metal damper . Remote wall switch . 20 year limited warranty LBV Model (Only) . Glass doors in your choice of styles and finishes r Electronic ignition - 120 volt . Pine cone kit o Decoradve volcanic stone LBV & GRDE Models . Outside combustion air kit o Wireless remote control kits (standard or deluxe) Notq Due to lrnnox' ongoing commitment to qualiry, all opccifications, ratings and dimcnsions arc subjcct to chrnge without notkc. LBV-{3 Listed as a dccorativc fircplacc in the United Statcs and Csnada, Bdh to ANZI 221.50 Strndard ard design ccrti- ficd by Wamock Hcrscy (R.poft * J20036399). Warnock Hcrscy (Rcport li 606-209900) Front Face GRDE.qI38& GRDE.TI43 lrft Side Rigbt Side Top Left Side Right Side DIMENSNNS ffi t-*,r'.1 f/+ffi ilffitiF E:S-l Front Face FRA[,||NG DIMENSIOf{S tllDU5a 716@tM &vA oll! 53" 50" 2s-ln" ffi)E.m 40-5i8' 39' 21-318" GnD€-m 45-3/8' J9' 21-3n" $t{talrt lav-43 l Vsit us at wwwl€nno&l eanlrProdrcts.on Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us March 30,2004 Mr. Tom Dunlap Sutton lnsulating West 5398 CR 154 #l Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 DearMr. Dunlap: This letter is to inform you that the Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Services will no longer accept applications from Sutton Insulating West that are incomplete. In order tlat we may provide you with the best customer service possible please include full appliance and equipment installation instructions with each submittal. Providing this information up front allows the plans examiner to evaluate the submiual in timely marmer for compliance with adopted codes and ordinances, without requesting additional information to be transmitted, thus delalng the review. The instructions will be returned to you when you pick up your approved permit and are required to be on the job site for inspections. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. You may contact me with any questions you have at970479-2321. aa,,w^- Greg Qerrckla Building Inspector/Plans Examiner {5"*uo"^ro TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 nu479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE FOSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PErMit #: MO4-0057 Go3-ot28, Job Address: 252 W MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : FINAL Location.....: 252 WEST MEADOW DR Applied. . : 04121/2W Parcel No...: 210107101003 Issued. . : 0412812C(X Project No : -PRSO I -O'tO'l Expires . .: lllz3l2ry owNER HA[,ABY, THEODORE S. 04/2t/20O4 phones 12 VISTA RD ENGTTEWOOD, CO 8 0110 License: CONIRACTOR MOI'NIAIII AIR MECIIATiIICAIJ INC.04/2L/2004 Phone: (970) 625-4352 601 West 2nd St. Bldg. A Rifle, Colorado 81650 License:294-Ui APPIJICAIqI MOITNTAIN ArR MBCHAIIICAI INC. 04/2t/2004 phone: (970) 625-4352 601 West 2nd St. Bldg. A Rifle, Colorado 8L550 License:284-Yl Desciption: SUPPLEMENTAL IIEAT, GENERAL VENTILATION Valuation: $6.893.00 Fireplace Infornation: Resricted: Y # of Gas Apliances: 0 # of Gas [ngs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY +'l'|*l***ta**'t'.t*'|:|:1.,1*'i*a**t'l:at**'.t:a*'}l.**'|t**ir*lt:|l.*|l*tt't:t'it***'t MeclBnical--- > S1,{0.00 Resoarsnt Plan Review- >S0. 00 Total Calculated Fees- > $17s.00 Plan Check-- > Investigation- > Will Call---- > S35. 00 DRB Fee-------------- >So. o0 Additional Fees*----- >so. o0 93.00 BALANCE DUE-----. >s0. 00 S0.00 TOTAL FEES-- > S1?g.oo Total Permit Fee--------> 5178.00 Payrnents------------ > $1?8.00 Iten: 05L00 BUIIJDfNG DEPARII{ENI ,4/2L/2OO4 JS Acrion: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARITi{ENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEI-rD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAIiICE. Cond: 22 (BLDG,): COMBUST]ONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION ?01 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BI-,DG.): INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO !4ANUFACTIJRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CIIAPTER 10 oF TIIE 1997 Ir!{C, CHAPTER 10 OF TIrE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPIJIAIICES SHAIJIT BE VEMED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AIID SHAIJIJ TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.806 OF THE 199? UMC, OR CHAPTER I OF TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 29 (BLDQ.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPIJY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND S8C.1017 OF THE 1997 tI'{C AND CIAPTER 3 OF IIiE 1992 IMC. Conds 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SIIALL BE MOItItrBD ON FLOORS OF IIONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. I,IILESS IIISTBD FOR MOI'NTING ON COMSUSTIBIJE FI'OORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AllD CODE AIIAITYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN Ii{ECIIAI{ICAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO AI{ INSPECTION REQIIEST. Condr 30 (BIJDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECIIANICA! ROOMS COIiITAINING HEATTNG OR HOT-WAIER SUPPIJY BOIITERS SIIAIJIT BE EQUIPPED WITH A FL,OOR DRAfII PER SEC. tO22 OF THE 1997 IrMC, OR SECTION 1004.5 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accunrte plot plan, and state tlnt all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQITESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOLJR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OlrR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vdl, Cobra.to 81657 sl RECEIVE D lri'ff / 1 1g5,; APPLICATION WILL ]IOT BE ACCEPTEDIF ITO(NPLETE OR Proiect #: Building Permit techanical Permit #: g7 O17 9 -21 19 (lnspectlonr) TOWN OF VAIL ]IIECHANICAL PERTIIT APPLIGATION Permit will not be accepted without the following: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**********.**ffi** Hr&: | -+r.J"{ RECEI Yffi'I l/Etl 201 4q6 v CONTN,ACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contactor: l&ov-t^b: q lrto fr.t o11,. Tmn of Vail Reg. l{o.: 4n*'u Contact and Phone #'s: qr.n\ ftrrrisr' 4'70. 6t5.4+SZ E{ail Addrecs: tr'orptJ*iwai, w< oh F ul, au_ Contractorsignatunr2 il MECHANfCAL:S 660172 Assessorc or vbit www.eaole-countv.com for Pal.d * Parcef r ZlOl O-7lo I ooJ JobName: ft,l"tay Prl;il<M ln4 Jobmdress: 4SV V) fAt^Louslt X,t'n^ legd Descripdon I Lot I Bl'ocf: I Filing:Subdivirion: ovYnersl'tame: fta{e,lnt [4hin"ny IAddress: 'tA1- w. tArr1ovs Dv. I Phone: Engineer: I Address:Phme: Detailed description of work: fuul<wru?al Fl "^{, \<1v,t-(al Vo*fr[allgw Work Class: U*h Addition ( ) Alteratbn ( ) Repair ( ) Other ( ) Bcriler Locatim: tnterior f(1 Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exbt at this localbn: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of 8l@: Sirpl€-family ( ) tur'ex fi Mdiframily ( ) Conrnenlal ( ) Redarant ( ) Otrer ( ) No. of Exbling Dtrelling Units in thb built-rg:No. of Accommodalbn Units in this bu*ling: No/Type of Fieplaces ExMng: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loos { ) Wood/Pell€t ( ) Wood Bumilo ( No/Type of Firephces Proposed: Gas Apfliances ( ) Gas LoSs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buming (NOT ALLOWED) ls this a corwer$on ftom a wmd bwniry freptace b an EPA Phase ll devbe? Yes ( ) No ( ) \WailVaabdqv\FoRMS\PEnMITS\MECIIPERM.DOC TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMLINITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P03-0135 3o-s -ot1( l3o5<l\2'\ Job Address: 252 W MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 252 WEST MEADOW DR Applied . . : 10/23/2003 ParcelNo...: 210107101002 Issued. . : 1U0512003 ProjectNo : ? il-ioz 'OL(O'1 Expires. .: 06/0212004 OWNER Theodore S. Halaby L0/23/2003 phone: 303-888-5959 12 Vista Road Englewood, CO DENYER CO 9=80110 Lricense: CONSRACTOR Kaibab Plurnbing, Inc. LO/23/2OO3 phone: 970-39O-7735 P.O. Box 1451 Eagle, CO 81531 I-,icense z 282-P APPITICANr Kaibab Plunbing, Inc. L0/23/2O03 phone- 97o-390-7735 P.O. Box 145L Eagle, CO 81531 IJicense z 282-P Desciption: New construction East unit only Valuation: $47,175.00 Ffueplac€ Information: Restricted: ??# ofGas Appliances: ??# ofGas Logs: '!? # of Wood Pallet ?? FEE SUMMARYPlumbing--> $720. 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check--> 5180.00 DRB Fee--------->go. oo Additional Fees------>$0. 00 Investigation-> Will CaI-->$3 .00 BALANCE DUE----->$0.00 a**i + t* ll.* r* +*+t {Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEMT LO/23/2O13 DE Action: AP IIEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. t*art *t* t*****++a t DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed im accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. $0. 00 Total Calculaled Fees--> $903 . 00 $0.00 TOTAL FEES_.-_> 9903.00 Totsl Permit Fee--> $903.00 Pa)ments----> $903 - 00 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN R AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FORHIMSELF AND OWNET APPLICATION WIIL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPTETE OR UN Project #: Building Permit #:_ Plumbing Permit #: 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 97 O - 47 9 -2149 (Inspections) COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Plumbing Contractor: B. Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: pLUMBTNG: $ 17, l75e 6*o /Zrt frzztt- f 56,q25+ Asssrc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Parcef # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) ZptoTtot ooz robNanet W4gf Pr<tezrg rob Address: 25 z ut*ll*ag,, i ttl@ztt- ett SrsT€A ut/g atze+x.Usrucstt/Pt.uEkr ,4 Z9 frsuAd- L 3*AjaE bAet{t,l Oas 414r1y1,Art b s F.;0/'* tt*.rts.2 ttt6a E C6t WorkClass: New(f) Mdition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single.family ( ) ouplex p() Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No, of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Is this a conversion ftom a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) ** ******** *** tr******* ** ** ** ******** *** * FOR OFEICE USE ONLY***** * *********** * ** ***************** F/everyone/forms/pl mbperm .'*D* )d*9r .f\ j\.i'i1,ai,i\'\', .l. x.rr .t \..'\ | ..' 3.. : lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? ij'Idr'v{$t+ T-};*;; . lf no, why nof I o. 7. 8. 'f HOW DE.TT}E RATE WITH YOU? Torm of.Vail Survey Check allthat appftes. 1. Which bepartnent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmental_ Housing_ Admin Planning _ _DRB_PEC 2. Was your initial conhct with our staff immediaie_ dow _or no one available ? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app- PEC app 'fBistit: '.rr' Bldo Permit Il/A Please rate the perfor,rrancb of the staffperson who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) Overall efiectiveness of fte Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best time of day for you to use tre Front Service Countef 9. Any comments you have which urould allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you br bking the time to complete this survey. We are committed b improving our service. 1t125-ztn4 hspectlon Requert Reportlng_6._4len0---_- _JAIL co_= TowN_OF - _- Request€d Insp€ct Date: luonday, October 25, 20(}4 Insp€cfron Are!: GD Slte Address: 252 W MEADOW DR VAIL 2s2 WEST TUEADOW OR, EAST (PARCELAI A/PrD lnform66on AciMty: M030217 Tvps: &MECH SubTvD€: NDUP SldI3: ]SS|JEDConstTyp6: Occupah'cy; [Ee: lnspAna: GDolfilef: FIALABY, THEODORE S. ADdbaDt K.llabPlumbino. lnc. Phon€: 97F39O-7735 Coifractor: K.lbob Plumblni, tnc. Phon€: 970'3SX>7735 DE6crlpdon: EAST IrNmNFL-OOR I-IEAT SYSTEM FOR 36txt SO FT.SNOVI|MELT SYSTEM FOR SHn SO DT. AOIER- ROOM ASSYATIDALL ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Requesbd lnsp€cdon(sl Item: 390 ITECH-Flnsl Req$Cof: Krlbab Plumblno. lncJ JW Conimenb: EastUnlUWlllCEil 3tx}7735 Asshned To: GDEIICKI.A- Acdon: Tlme Exo: Item comrndlts: T(DAFNSFECTpN CANCELED gTrGNTRlcToR Requested Tlme: 08:00 At' Phon€: 97S3q>7735 Entor€dBy: LTILLII N K lnrp€c0on HltbrY ncm: 20O Item: 310 MECH-RonohirlEcFt-t-haf,m " ADDrov€d -' Ogl,l/(X fnspacl,or: JRM " Comrn€r$3: HEAT liliAlNs 10Ot AR TEST Act|on: APAPPROVED It€m: 315 PLM&C'ar Pldm " ADprov€d " 04/OA(X hsp€ctor: GCD Aclion: AP APPROVED Conunents: lspel AIR TEST(HOC(X Inspcctor: GCD Acuon: AP APPROVED Comm€nl8: GASP|PE FOR GASLIGHTS AT GARAGE 2ODsl TEST.06/3ry9 lnsp€dor: cdrvls Actlon: AF APPROVEDCdnrnmtr: S6 dplng undcrg.ound lof .lrt6t rbetw !o luturc bbq and fut r. flrcplt nom: 32O rfECFl-E xhautr Hirms It€m: 33Olbm: 3ff MECFFSupolvAlr MECFI-MEC. - 03,|7/04 lnspecb,r: JRM Ac{on: PIPARTI{L|NSPECTIOI| Comm€nt3: APPRO\GD DECK OFF EHU l(x)' AlR TEST INFL@R HEAT GARAGE STAB lOOil AIR TESTf)li15lf)4 Inspactor: JRM Ac{on' Pl PARTIAL INSPECTTON ComnTe{Tb: APFROVED IN FLOOR HEAT EASI. SIDE ONLY 80 ' AR TEST O7l19/tX Inspoctor: JRM Actlon: Pl PARTIALINSPECTION Cornm€flts: APFRO\IED REAR DECKS ONLY 1OO, AIR TEST ^ Altom: 3€X) MECI-l-Flnal ll I I1w22l(x. lnsoec{or: Ail Actbn: NO NOTIFIED r ll ^ t I comrnent3: TobAYS INSPEeTON CA tcELED BY CONTFIACTOR I - Ir- I*_\,\w^ \ill\l\. I ntI \v'! \1\r^, )N { \tl..'zl\\ \ ul\t/ \, ^f$\ l\ ^At\t \'-l \\u\r \ REPT131 Run Id: 249L 10-25-2004 Insoecdon Resuest Reportlno-QlZ-em-- ' vAtL, co-:Iowl[OE-- -- Page 30 R.guesbd Inspect D.F: Monday, October 25,2004' Inss€ddonArer: JRil SlbAddre3sr 252 Yy IIIEAOOW DR VAIL 252 UYEST I'EADOUU DR, EAST SIDE (PARCELA) AIPID Inlbrmrflon Actlvty: P0$0135 Tvoe: $PLMB Conci Tni: Occupaircy: Orwter: FIALABY.THEODORE S.' Applkrril: K.b€b Plumb|m, Inc. Conb*tor: K.lDcb Plurr$hi, Inc. DBscrlpdon: l.lory consfrlrdon Eart unlt only R€ouecbd lns!€cdon{sl lbfil: 290 PIJUB-Flnd Rqu€dor: Krlb.b Plumtlm, Inc. / "ryVCofltnerfs: Ead UnUWil C5l 3g>7735 Aschn€d To: JIiOf\IDRAGCIN- Acfori: Tlmc ExD: ndn cotwn€nb: TlmvltfwEeroru crncelEb gTcUNTFecron : NSFR Strfrs: BSUED: lnspftn: JRM Phon€: 970.39I'7735 Phone: 970'390.7735 Requesbd Tlmer 08:00 At Phono: 97O39G7735 Enbr€d By: LTI-LMAN K lnsp€cton Hlsbrr lhm: ?10 PLM&Uffhroround * Aoorornd - Ogl11l(A'lnsooctor: JRM commenE: LlFt sTATtc,N St AtR TEST l!em: 22O PLM&RouglyD.W.V. "npqovett* 0(tr11/O{ In p.clor: JRMCoilu|enb: StAlR TESTlbm: 230 PLil&RouelVWlbI - ApHor,€(t " OO/11/(){ lrup.cto.: JRM Comrnrr{r: lOOf AlR TEST 24O PLMB€cPldno 250 PLMBPooI/l{bt fub 260 PLlBMhc.2g) PLi,BFttl Aclbn: APAPPRC'VED APAPPROVED APAPPROI'ED lbm: lbm: lbm: lbm: 10l22lo!- InsDedor: Art Acllon: l{O l{OTlFlED Cmrmeds: ToDAYS hlSPECTlo$I cAllcELED BY cofITRtCTOR ln Alv. t) v,nq REPT131 Rnn Id: 249L TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Permit #: D03-0020 Job Address: 252 W MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED [,ocation.......: 252 WEST MEADOW DR Applied . . : Ml24/2m3 ParcelNo....: 2l0l07l0rcA2 Issued...: W0l/20fl5 Project No . : ?? Expires . . .: Wl3llzCfis O$INER Theodore S. Halaby 06/24/2003 phone: 303-888-5959 12 Vista Road Englewood, CO DEMIER CO 9=80110 License: CONTRACTOR COIORADO EM/IRONMEI|TAL SF-RVI,O6 / 24/2003 phone : 303-789-4901 2331 W.HAII'PDE} AVE-SUITE 137 SHERIDA}I, CO 8 0110 L,icense: 160-S APPLICANT COLORADO EM/IRONMENTAIJ SBF-VI06/24/2OO3 phone: 303-789-4901 2331 W.HAMPDE}I AVE-SUITE 137 SHERTDA}I, CO 80110 License: 160-S Desciption: REMOVALiDISPOSAL OF ACM SHEET VINYL FLOORING Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $5.000.00 FireDlace lnforrn&tion: Restrictcd: Plan Check--> Investigation- > Add Sq Ft: 0 # ofcas Applianc€s: 0 # ofGu Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellec 0 S0. 00 Total Calculated F€€s-> 9186. 56 90. oo ***:*,**,r,*,*,*,r**r**,*,r***'*'|.,rt **t.t r*,r,i*{.t{t*****r**t tl.:t *,rt***itttii+**,tt{.t+** FEE suMMARY t+tt 't tt+a+*|lttt t'|'**'|*tlr*t *rl**:t*'r'l*****t{i:tt*'it+}rit {t**{.a*t*t Building---> $111,25 Restuarant Pla[ Review-> s0. 00 Additional Fees----- > So. oo Total Permit Fee-----> S185. 56 Will Call--- > 53 . oo Clean-up Depoeit----- > 90. oo Payments---------- > $185 . s6 TOTAL FBES-------- > 9186. s5 BALANCE DUE----- > $0.00lroo. ro 1.++*i++l+tt*+1,!tr Approvals: Itemr 051-00 EUII-,DING DEPARI!{ENT 01 /ts/2oo3 di Action: AP ftem: 05400 PLAIiINING DEPARII{ENI Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTI{EIqr o7/t5/2oo3 df Action: AP per mike v Item: 05500 PIIBIJIC WORKS Ir**ttl.tttt{.+tt **:} See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. $?2.31 DRB Fee--------------- > S0 .00 Recreation Fec------> DECLARATIONS I hereby that I have read this application, filled out in full tlre information required, corryleed an accurarc plot plan, and stiat€ rhtt all the inforn*ion as required is correct. I agree to coryly with the information and plot ptan, o co'ryly with dl Tovm ordinances ad sab laws, ard to build his structure according to the towtrs zoning md subdivision codes, Ortlg review ryproved, Uniform Buildirry Code ard other ordirunces of the Town pplicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SI{ALL BB MADE TWENTY-FOIJR HOLIRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFrcE FROM t:(tr AIr{ - 4 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR PAGE 2******t*********************,1.*****'t*****'f {.*:}:*:t***:t***!t********:**,t*,****{!***!t*'**:*****:f ,t**'s*:r'r*****t 'tt ***** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: D03{020 as of 02-01-2005 Starus: ISSUED****,t**************,1!tti*!****!t{.rt*'l*tt*******rt*tt!t:t******'t*****!t*'t*'t*{.1.,****,t*,t1.!*,t!***********rtr}**{.*t * *,t *,t *,},*:*:tG Permit Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Applied: Mt24t2ffi3 Applicant: COLORADO ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Issued: A2rcttzfts303-7894901 To Expire: 0713112ffi5 Job Address: 252 W MEADOW DR VAIL Iocation: 252 WEST MEADOW DR Parcel No: 2l0lffil0lW2 Description: REMOVAL/DISPOSAL OF ACM SHEET VINYL FT,OORING Conditions: Cond: 38 (BLDG.): THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY. AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWING THE AREA FREE FROM ASBFSTOS rS REQLIIRED pRrOR TO ANy FURTHER WORK occr.IRrNG oN THrs SITE. rF FURTHER QUESTTONS ARTSE, CONTACT THE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 479-2250. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQI.NRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQIIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. esti sulting * i. !i:1.:i rf * * * * rl. * * *{. {r rl. P.O. Box 1230 Clifton, CO. 81520-1230 0t0f;0t$lfAtFtiflc0ll$nt|cnHl 970-270-3689 Home phone 970-4u-526s i [8 ? 5 2n03 February 24,2003 To: George Shaeffer Constnrction Company P.O. Box 373 Vail, CO. 81658 Attn: Shawn RE: Asbestos Inspection and testing at252 W. Meadow Drive, Vail, CO. Oty. Description Cost /&l l*n)eterman A 13 BulkSamptes (3 to 5 day turnaround) @ $45 ea. 4 Point Count Analvsis @ S50ea. % Davs Labor @ $400.00 ea. 200.00 $585.00 200.00 & D Asbestos Testi John R. P A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterrnan **!f*******:S P.O. Box 1230 Clifton, CO. 8152G1230' Cell nGln04689 Home Phone nM&5265 INSPECTION REPORT PREPARED FOR: George Shaeffer Construction Company P.O. Box 373 Vail, CO. 81658 LOCATION: Residence 252W. MeadowDrive Vail,CO. R-E,P1ORT PREPARED BY: Iohn R. Petcrrnan Inspector Manager Certilicate No. 6601 A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterman AsbestosTesting, Proj ect De sign, and Consulting INTRODUCTION: On February'7'h,2m3,an inspection/survey was conducted and 13 bulk samples were collected from the: RESIDENCE 252W. Meadow Drive Vail, CO. The purpose of the inspection/survey was to locate and sample suspected asbestos containing materials that might be present in the building that is planned for demolition. The inspection was made, and the samples were collected by John R. Peterman, an A.H.E.R.A. and State of Colorado Certified Asbestos lnspector. Great care was taken during the inspection and sampling to be as accurate as possible. [t should be noted that minimal damage was done to the existing building structures during the inspection so there is no documentation for unseen conditions or stored items. All samples were analyzed by DCM Science Lab in Lakewood, CO. This laboratory is deemed "Proficient" in the E.P.A.Quality Assurance (QA) program for the determination of asbestos in bulk materials, and is accredited by the American Hygiene Association (AHA). SAMPLING PROTOCOL: A random sampling scheme was used to sample the suspect materials that were discovered. If during any future demolition or renovation work, suspect material is discovered that hasn't been sampled and would be disturbed, work should be halted until the material has been tested. A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterman As b e sto sT e s t in g, P roj e ct D e s ign, an d C on s ult in g Residence: 252W. Meadow Drive, Vail, CO. BUILDING DESCRIPTION: The Residence, at252 W. Meadow Drive, is a multi story building that is planned for demolition. The exterior walls are covered with wood siding, and rock with mortar. The roof was covered by snow at the time of this inspection, and appears to be wood shake shingles. The floors are wood and concrete, and are covered with carpet, ceramic tile, sheet vinyl, 9in.x 9in. floor tile, and l2in.x l2in. floor tiles. The interior walls are covered with wood and sheetrock. The ceilings are sheetrock, like the interior walls, and exposed cementisious fiberboard. The heating is provided by hot water heat and fire places. No suspect materials were visible on the heating svstem. CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS: Laboratory Analysis of the bulk samples indicate that three out of the seven suspect materials tested contain Asbestos. The l2in x l2in floor tile in the kitchen, and the sheet vinyl in the laundry area contain asbestos that is in excess of the regulatory limit (greater than lVo Asbestos). These Asbestos containing materials will need to be removed as per COLO. Reg. #8 prior to demolition of the building. The remaining positive material contains Asbestos that is less than the regulatory limit. The required Point Count Analysis was performed on the positive samples that contain less than l7o Asbestos. A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterman AsbestosTesting, P roj ect Design, and Consulting DATE: February 7h,2003 LOCATION: Residence, 252 W.Meadow Drive, Vail, CO. SAMPLE LOCATIONS FOR SURVEY COMPLETED: Sample #Description |. MD-B-00r 2. MD-B-002 3. MD-B-003 4. MD-B{n4 5. MD-B-005 6. MD-B-{n6 7. MD.B-007 E. MD.B.OOE 9. MD-B-{n9 10. MD-B-010 11. MD-B-011 12. MD-B-012 13. MD,B-{|13 Area Sampled From W. Unit Kitchen Floor W. Unit Leundry Rm.floor E. Unit Furnace Rrn Hallway E. Unit Furnace Rrn Hdlway W. Unit dowrctairs bedroom closet W. Unit upstairs bed- room closet E, Unit N,E. bedroom closet E. Unit Laundry Rm. E. Unit Furnace Arce Hellwey E. Unit downstairs bedroom closet E, Unit downstairc bcdmom closct E Unlt downstairs bedroom closct Front Roof overhang 12in,x 12in, floor tile dmastic Sheet Vinyl Flooring Sheet Vinyl Floorlng Cove Base drrastic Sheet Rock w/I.t Tetc Sheet Rock wl,t, Tex. Sheet Rock dl.t. Tex. Sheet Rock Lt. Tex. Sheet Rock w/I.t. Ter Sheca Rock flTrorvel Tex. Sheet Rock Trowel Tex. Sheet Rock w/Trowel Tex. Cementisious Fiber Board Fri-Y/N N Y Y N N N N N N N N N N KEY: FRI .FRIABLE A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterman AsbestosTesting, Project Design, and Consulting SAMPLE RESULTS FOR SURVEY COMPLETED: DATE: February 7o', 2003 LOCATION: Residence,zs?W. Meadow Drive, Vail, CO. SAMPLE DESCRIPTION ASBESTOS TYPE 7o l. MD-B-001 l2ir. x l2in. Floortilc dnrrstic Chry 2. MD-B -002 Sheer Vioyl Flooring Chry 3. MD-B {03 Shect Vinyl Flooring NAD 4. MD-B -{XX Cove Base mastic NAI) 5, MD.B{05 Composite SbeelRock dlight texture Chry (PC) 6. MD-B-006 Composite SheetRock dlight texture Chry (PC) 7. MD.B-fit Composite SheetRock Vlight texture Chry (PC) t. MD.B-00E Composite SheeaRock wnbht texture NAD 9. MD-B-009 Compositc ShcetRock wilight texturc Chry (PC) 10. MD-B-010 Composite SheetR6ck w.trowel texturc NAI) U. MD.B-01I Composile SheetRock w.trowel textur€ NAD 12. MD.B-012 Composite SheetRock w.trowel texture NAD 3.1 31.9 0.0 0.0 0.01 0.0f 0.01 0.0 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 13. MIIB-013 Cementlslous Fibcr Board NAD 0.0 KEY: NAD: CHRY: P.C: NO ASEESTOS DETECTED CHRYSOTILE POINT COUNTANALYSIS A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterman AsbestosTesting, Project Design, and Consulting SUSPECT MATERIAL COhIDITION: LOCATION: Residence, 252 W.Meadow, Vail, CO. Sample #Typeof Suspect OverallMstcrisl Condition DATE: Februara 7'hr2003 r. MD.8.001 MISC 2. MD.8.002 MISC 3. MD-B-003 MrSC 4. MD.8.004 MISC 5. MD.B4Os SUR 6. MD-B-006 SUR 7. MD.B{07 SUR E. MD.B.OOE SUR 9. MIIB.{n9 SUR 10. MDB.010 suR. ll. MDB.01I sun 12. MDB.012 SUR 13. MD.B-1113 MISC 9o Good Good C'ood Good M tu Good Good Good tu C'ood Good Good Dameged No No No No No No No No No No No No No Typc of Damege N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o KEY:MISC - MISCELLANEOUS SUR-SURFACING A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterman AsbestosTesting, Project Design, and Consulting POTENTIAL FOR DISTURBANCE: DATE: February 7thr2003 LOCATION: Residence,zl2W. Meadow Drive, Vail, CO. Sample# r. MD.B.00r 2. MD-8.002 3. MD"B-003 4. MD.B-O{|4 5. MD-B-005 6. MD.B.UI6 7. MD-B-fin E, MD.B.M8 9. MD-B-m9 10. MD-B-OI0 ll. MILB-011 t2. MII'B-012 13. MD-B-013 Accessibility Potential Influence Potential Located Contact Vibration Air in Plenum Erosion High Low Low N HiCh Low Low N High Low Low N High Low Low N High Low Low N High Low l,ow N High Low Low N HiSh Low Low N HiCh Low Low N Higb Low Low N HiSh l,ow l-ow N HiSh 'Low Low N ' Low Low Low N Yes/l,,Io Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y qqtt qq g6 qqqtrt ddddd qqqq 9qqq qqqq8888 rttS tttt rid eqIt qqe8t3 €5.to ooccEsds sidi gcci F3 F3 83A Fti.id iig.i ccd.i didci qqqqqtctEt l; l;tl AqAA AqAE2czz z-zz I' t: l' la l" =-&,&&,tscE t4!itH5 Ite 9()9 *tt{{ {{{$ {Ef$ {{{{I ..drs dQre --FF E oI*fi 3 E ; :iE -r ir .i j j I !EFir;rlrEsEiEgEzz= ==3zO ==z= l:z=tEt tttfs ttfr rrFt ide .idridrl iddd {cdri 9?q9 *.IAA AN Cv,Ure<o>a 2E.l C! 3a 96 Ed!rF =t 'Eid ee qo aoa oaooEFZ pZ ZZZ ZZZZZ AqAAzazz {${'ti Eg'Jr6 !l ta-lJ B' e4 ss 8s+t $d I u, E Bq.tt e4l aoaz-g3eEH E56; <d 95 5*i * Ha:isi FE iEFF E!iiti zi<!ua €.'Ei..F d 3ee Els it i1. <\<A " 3EEA8e EY4 : t3 J : ! a4 E q E E2 E6 E EEEE ]F96 tiE =8 CF tgEF gE PH, rEih;zad':i2 s lt z c 2 L 4 8ta ts.:E -< E;Ed6t e€EE6Z E e, ,x !,{ ? ---FEo I:IEAE Eeq>llr -etIH:xadb H iiiE'iiEEEE; t-zlt L)4 z E zx g z FilFF33"2!:<x HE;?:?A3Rlei Fzo I DCM Science Laboratory, !nc. 12421 W,49th Avenue. Unit #6 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 OCM Prolec'i No.: client Job No.: Bulk Sample Analysis BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROGEDURES: ADAT 32 252 W, MEAOOW DRIVE ,*A"L DCM Science Laboratory, Inc. analyzes bulk asbestos samples following procedures developed by the Mccron€ Research Institute and in compliance with guidelines established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA-600/R-93/1 16, July, 1 993). Bulk samples are prepared for analysis using a 10X-80X stereo microscope in a hepa filter hood which provides a contamination-free environment. The sample is then analyzed by polarized light microscopy (pt-lit) at 100X. When the sample consists of more than one layer, each layer is prepared and analyzed separately. Fiber and matrix malerials are identified by the charac{erization of optical properties including color and pleochrorism, form, cleavage, relief, birefringence, extinciion, orientation, twinning, interference figure and other distinguishing features. Dispersion staining is also used to futther aid in mineral iclentification, All percentages of asbestos, other fibers and non-fibrous consiituents are calculated from the values obtained from the stereo and PLM microscopes analysis. ln-house and NIST standards as well as a charl prepared by R.D. Terry and G.V. Chilinger for "The Joumal of Sedimenlary Petrology', (Volume 24' pp. 229-234,1955) provide a guide for estimating percentages. All samples are archived for six monlhs unless other anangemenls are made by the client. ACGREDITATION: DCMSL is accredited by the AIHA (sinc€ 1986). Our laboratory number is 101526. DCMSL is accredited by NVLAP (since April 1, 1989). DCMSL complies with NVLAP and AIHA requirements unless otheMise noted. ENDORSEMENT: The results of this analysis must not be used by the client to claim endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S. Govemmenl. This test report relates only to the items tested. This report may not be reproduced excepl in full, without the written approval of the laboratory. The analysis was performed by : Ron Schott Laboratory Dir€€lor pa8_ NV[As NVLAP Code 101258 q9eqtttt EgEEE EEEE EEEE EE:g q<tqq qaqqq qeqc e9qe 999?rdgt gegda qg-H E'ge 99'e qqaq eqqqq gcco ccqc ec99dtdd dddt-i ddE.i cdici dit.. le le lettlttlttl A6A6 AAAA O2z2Z ZZTZ z lcl' I I aao6zzzz zzzz t- le I I AqAAEz-zzz * BJF 6 ITI t88* $t*** 8SS8 StStqqcq qqeea qqqq qqqq...rFg o-..rs .r|.'r5 E E^o o a 4=5 5 = tsF> r z 6=r j il I I :I 2727 2?77 .-E?r Ee =EEE aEEE E-"EE EEEEEE EEEH HEEF E- FFSF FiFF ll3F Tt tddd {cdd iddd i Fq9EtsFFFAA.l .t > eE -:.t --: J :eEE iiIEIFEPF EFHEHFZ;= Z=tr2=trtt rttft.addd icddc EEa.t {{{t {r..rg t e*Eq9aLrFe;h6 =?42 I LlI 4F ta Ou,egD>!.<zSODEC qf?B\J2ca8a g 3 : ? 9E A ?I .? ?IA E EEEE DF6Zd9 EE'8 3p96 EF a'6z2 EE! I ll z z H=lrl ). ?" .E ECH: Eg z L t H rl.te ;r E!E 'a frl slExaz F|.<- b ? a 6 FIxI I J( zH(J IEL n d 2x _EZ II:EiE R rig g rieiEE i=gH!iEEEEi IiE 1.iil E ' z t-I 7 (J{ z FARF! 9A^I:<X EE!t?:?asqlei F2 E] .1I DCM Science Laboratory, Inc. 12421 W.49th Avenue, Unit #6 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 trcM Project ttlo.: Client Job No,: Bulk Sample Analysis BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROCEDURES: Ron Schott Laboratory Director NV[A# AOAT 33 252 W. MEAOOW DRIVE e"g" A tA, DCM Science Laboratory, Inc. analyzes bulk asbestos samples following procedures developed by the Mccrone Research Instiiute and in compliance with guidelines established by the Environmenlal Protac{ion Agency (EPA-600/R-93/1 1 6, July, 1 99s). Bulk samples are prepared for analysis using a 1OX-80X stereo microscope in a hepa filter hood which provides a contaminstion-free environment. The sample is then analyzed by polarized light microscopy (pUr4 at 1OOX. Vvhen the sample consists of more than one layer, each leyer is prepared and analyzed iepaiatety. Fiber and matrix materials are identified by the characterization of oplical properties including coior and pleochrorism, form, cleavage, relief, birefringence, extinction, orientation, twinning, interference figure and other distinguishing features. Dispersion staining is also used to further aid in mineral idlntification. All percentagei of asbestos, other fibers and non-fibrous constituents are calculated ffom the values ohained from the slereo and PLM microscopes analysis. In-house and NIST standards as well as a cha.t prepared by R.D. Teny and G.V. Chilinger for "The Joumal of Sedimentary Petrology", (Volume 2'f , pp. 229-2b4, 1955) provide a guide for estimating percentages. All samples are archived for six months unless other anengements ere made by the clienl. AGGREDITATION: DCMSL is accfedited by the AIHA (since 1986). Our laboratory number is 101526. DCMSL is accredited by NVLAP (since April 1, i989). DCMSL complies with NVLAP and AIHA requiremenls unless otherwise noled. ENDORSEMENT: The results of this analysis must not be used by the client to claim endors€ment by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S. Govemment. This test report relales only to the items tested, This report may not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory. The analysis was performed by : Ron Schott, Analyst a-6'o3- NVLAP Code 10,|258 CLIENT: A&D ASBESTOS TESTING 653 36 t/,1 ROAD PALISAIIE, co 8t526 I)cM SCIENCE LABORAMR'Y' INC. 12421 W. dgTH AVENTTE' l,NtT fl6 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 (303) 463{270 BULK ASBESTOS AIIALY$S. POINT COUNT METHOI) PAGE I OF 2 ANALYSIS DATE: REPORTING DATE: RDCEIPT DATE: CLIENT JOB NO': PROJECT TITLET DCMSL PROJECT: CROSS REFERENCE: 2J943 2-t9-03 2-18-.03 RESIDENCE 252 W. MEADOW DRIYE ADAT37 ADAT32J3 -3R 2-743 L0'/. MI>B{IO? PART B 0JSVr NI) NI) ND ND 0.75'/o o.7s.h 0,02'h PERCENTAGE COMPOSTTION BY AREA/VOLUME DCMLADNO.: SAMPLE DATE: ./I OF TOTAL SAMPLE: CLIENTNO.: ASBESTTFONM MINERAL FIBERS: CIIRYSOTILE AMOSITE CROCIDOLITE TRDMOLTIE-ACTINOLITE ANTHOPHYLLITE TOTAL ASBESTGI COTJNTED TOTAL ASBESTOS IN LAYER TOTAL ASBNSTOS IN SAMPLE NOTE$ SAM?LES NO. tR - 4R ARE WHITE DRYWALL MTJI'' ND - NONE DETECTED TOTAL ASBESTOS COI'NTED " TOTAL ASBESTOS IN LAYER - TOTAL ASBESTOS lN SAMPLE = DEFINITIONS TIIE AMOUNT OF ASBESMS PRESE,T{T IN TEE SAMPIT EXPRESSEI) ASAPERCENT. THE PERCDNT OT SAMPLE REMAINING TIMES ASBESTOS COUNTED EXPRESSED AS A PERCENT. THE PERCENT OF TOTAL SAMPLE (FROM PLM/SM ANALYSIS) TIMES TIIE TOTAL ASDESTOS IN LAYER (IF NO ASBESTOS IN OTIIER LAYDRS). .lR 2:74t 2.IVo M}B-{n5 PARTB -2R 2-741 3.0u" Mr>D{t06 PART B 0.7St/t NI} ND NI' ND 0.75'/o o,7s.h O,OZVC 0507o ND ND NI' ND 0.50.6 0.507. 0.OIY. -{R 2:l4t Itrh MD.HN9 PARTB 0svh NI) NI) ND NI' (L50% 050% 0.01% DCM Science Laboratory, Inc. 12421 W.49th Avenue. Unil #6 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 DCM Prolecl t'lo.: ADAT 37 Client Job No.: 252 w. MEAOOW DRIVE Quantitative Bulk Sample Analysis (Point Count) OUANTITATIVE BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROCEDURES:Page DCM Science Laboralory, Inc. analyzes bulk samples in accordance with the National Emission Standad for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for asbeslos (Federal Register, Vol. 55, No. 221, pp' 48406-48433, 11t2Ot9O). The analyilcal pDcedures followed are described in "lnterim Method for the Determination of Asbeslos in Butk tnsulation Samples", (USEPA 600/M4-83-020, '1982), with minor modifications recommended by the Atmospheric Research and Exposure Assessment Laboratory, USEPA, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Samples analyzed by the point counl method are milled to homogenize the sample, prepared on microscope slides and point counted using polarized light microscopy (PLM) in conjunction with a point counling stage and counter. One hundred counts are perforrned on four separate preparations of each samplo for a total of 400 points.. lf asbestos is identified but not counted during th€ point counting procodure, lotal asbeslos is reported as z€ro and presence is noted on the report. Other prepsratlon procedures including ashing and acid washing may be performed with client permission to improve accuracy in determining asbestos @ncentration. All samples are archived for six months unless other ananggmenls are made by the client. ACGREDITATION: DCMSL is accredited by the AIHA (since 1966). Our laboratory number is 101526. DCMSL is accredited by NVI-AP (since April 1, 1989). DCMSL complies with NVLAP and AIHA requirements unless otheMise noted. ENDORSEMENT: The results of this analysis musl not be used by the cli€nt to claim endorsement by NVI-AP or any agency of the U.S. Govemment. This iest report relates only lo the it6ms tested. This report may nol be reproduced except in full, wilhottt the written approval of the laboratory. The analysis was performed by : Ron Schott LaDoratory Director Ron Schott, Analyst ,X tct"o3- Nv[A+j a,A NVLAP Code 101256 c&Etecrt HEPIVORTH. PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL Hcpwonh-Pawlal Gcotcchnical, toc. 5020 County Rmd 154 Glenwood Springt, Colorado 8160t Phone 97O945-798E Fax: 9?O9453454 cmail: hpgco@hpgeoccch.com -ottr alaq STJBSOIL STTJDY FORNOU}IDATIONDFSIGN PROPOSED HAII\BY DIJPLEX LOT 8, VAIL VILLAGE, FILING2 252WEST MEADOW DRTVE vNL, COLORADO JOB NO. tU27X DESEMBER tE,z0(n PREPAREDFOR: TMODORSS. EALABY c/o SEGERBERG, MAYHEW & ASSOCIATES ARCtrTECTS ATTNI KT,RT SEGERBERG I(IOO SOUTH trRONTAGE ROAD WEST, #3{N VAIL. COLORADO 81657 Parker 303-841-?119 . ColoradoSprings 719-633-5562 . Silvenhome 9?O-468'L989 IIEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHMCAL, INC. December 18,2OO2 Theodore S. Ilalaby c/o Segerberg, Mayhew & Associates Architects Atur: Kurt Segerberg 1000 South Frootage Road West, #300 Vail, Colorado 81657 Job No. 1U2756 Subjea: Report Transmittal, Subsoil Strrdy for Foundation Design, Proposcd Halaby Duplex, Lot 8, Vail Village, Filing 2, 252 West Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado. Dear Mr. Hdaby: As reguested, we have conducted a zubsoil snrdy for the proposed duplex at the subject site. Subsurface conditions encountered in thc exploratory borings drilled in the proposed building area consist of abvt2k feet of topsoil overlying relatively dense, silty sandy gravcl containing cobbles and boulders. TXe soils encountered between about 5 and l0 feet depth in Boring I ard svz and E feet in Boring 2 were more sandy with less larger rock. Groundwater was measured in Borings 1afrz at depths of 8% and 6U5 f*t, resirctively. The proposed duplex can be founded on spread foorings placed on the natural granular subsoils and designed for an allowable beariag pressure of 3,000 psf. Due to the shallow groundwater conditions in the area, excavation dewatering may be needed for coDstnrction in the dry. The report which follows describes our exploratiotr, surnmarizes su1 fildings, and presenB our. recornEreDdations. It is iryortatrt that we provide consultation during design, and field services during construction to review and monitor the implementation of the geotechnical recomnendations. If you bave any questions regarding this report, please cotrtact us. Sincerely, HEPWORTH . PAWLAK GEOTECHMCAL, tNC. tzAtdib SLP on, Jr., TABLE OF CONTEIVTS PI'RFOSEAI{DSCOPEOFSTUDY -...... 1 PROPOSEDCONSTRUCTION ..... I SITE CO}TDITIONS . . FIELDHGLORAITON .....,...2 stEsttRFAcEcoNDmoNs.. .........3 ENGINEERINGANALYSIS ......3 DESIGNRECOMMENDATIONS .........4 FOINDATIONS... .......4 FOTJNDATIONANDRETAININGWALIJ ......... 5 FLOORSLABS .. ,. 6 T,NDERDRAINSYSTEM .... 6 SURFACEDRAINAGE .....7 LIMITANONS .... 7 FIGURE 1 - LOCATION OF E)(PI,oRATORY BORINGS FIGURE2. LOGS OF HPLORATORY BORINGS FIGURE 3. LEGEND AIYD NOTES FIGTJRE 4. GRADATION TEST RESTJLTS H-P GEoTECH PT]RP'OSE AI{D SCOPE OF STI'DY This report preserts the results of a subsoil study for a proposed drplex to be located on Lot 8, Vail Village, Filing 2, 25l2West Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado. The pnoject site is shown on Fig. 1. The purpose of the snrdy was to deyelop recommendations for the foundation design. The study war coldusted in accordance with our proposal for geotccbnical engineering services o Scgcrbcrg, Mayhew & Asociates Architects dated Scptenba 5,2WL A field exploration program consisting ofexploratory borings was conducted b obtein information on subsurface conditiorx. Samples of the subsoils obtained during thc field otploration werc tcated in the laboratory to detcrmirc thcir classification and other enginccring characteristics. The results of the field exploration ard laboratory testing w€re auralyzed. to develop recommendations for foundation t,?es, d€pths aDd allowable pressures for the proposed building foundation. This rcport surmarizcs the data obtained during this sody and preseffs our conclusions, design recommendations and other geotechnical engineering considerations based on the proposed constnrction and the subsoil conditions encountered. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Tte existing duplex will be razed as part of the new constnrction. The proposed duplex will be constructed as two horizontally different units consisting of two story wood frane sfir6{ues located as shown on Fig. l. The units will bave a snall counecting portion near the centcr of the lot. Ground floor of cach unit will bc slabon- grade. A crawlspace is being considered below the attached garages. A rock lid stream will be located beneath the connecting portion of the units to allow for flow betweetr two proposed landscape ponds. Grading for the structue is assumed to be relarively minor with cut de?ths between about 4 to 6 feet. We assumc relatively light foundation loadings, typical of the proposcd type of construction. Ifbuilding loadings, location or grading plans change significandy ftom those described above, we should bc notif,ed to re-cvaluate thc recommendations containcd in rhis report. H.P GEoTECH -2- SITECOIYDMONS The site is occupied by an exisfing two story wood frane duplex vith a walkout bosenetrt levcl. There was about 1 foot ofsnow cover at the tine ofour field exploration. The borings appeared to have be€o drilld in natuml aeas but minor cuts and fills could be on the property ftom the prior development of the sitc. Tbe ground surfaae ou the prope*y is relativcly flat with a gentle to moderate slope dowa to thc south. There is about 4 to 6 ftet of elevation difference across the proposed building area. .A snall spriag is located to the south ofthe existing stnrcture. A natural drainage is locarcd to the east of the eastern unit. Vegetation consists of scanered evergreen trees around the existing stnrch[e, grass and weeds. Thcre is a small gfove of willows and aspen trees at the northeast corner of the property. Cotrbles and boulders are exposed on the ground surface. TIELD EXPLORATION The field orploratioo for the project was conductcd oo December 5,?-0V2. Two exploratory borings were drilled at tle locations shovrn on Fig. 1 to evaluarc the subsurface couditions. The borings were advanced with 4 inch diameter contimrous flight augers powered by a CME-55 drill rig mounted on a rubber tired all-tenain vehicle. This driU rig was utilized due to diffrculties accessing Parcel A. The borings were logged by a represcnative of Hepworth-Pawlak Geotcchnical, Inc. Slotcd PVC pipe was installd in the borings to measure fuhre watcr levels. Samples of the subsoils were takea with 17e inch aud 2 inch I.D. spoon samplers. The smplers were driven into the subsoils at various dcpths with blows ftom a 140 pound hrrnmet falling 30 inches. This test is similar to the standard pcnetration test described by ASTM Method D-1586. The peneration resistance vducs are an indication of the relative densrty or consisteucy of the subsoils. Depths at which the samples were taken and the penetration rcsistance values are shown on tbe Logs of Exploratory lslings, Fig. 2. Tbe samples were returtred to our laboratory for review by the project engineer and testing. H.P GEoTECH -3- STJBST'RFACE CONDMONS Graphic logs ofthe subsurface conditions encoutrt€red at the site are shown ou Fig. 2. The subsoils consist of about 2rA fer.lt of opsoil overlying medfum dcnsc to deosc, silty sandy gravet conaining cobbles and boulders. The soils encountered bern'een about 5 and 10 fu depth in Boring L afi5y2 and 8 feet in Boring 2 were more sandy with lcss larger rock. Iaboraory testing pcrformed on samples obtained from the borings included natural moisnrre content and gradation analyses. Results of gradation analyses performed on small dianeter drive samples (minus 1% inch ftaction) of thc natural coarse granular soils are shown on Fig. 4. Groundwater was encountered in Borings I atd 2 at depths of 17 and l4th feet, respectively, at the time of drilling. The grouodwater levels in Borings I axrd? were at depths of 8% and 6th feet, respectively, when checked 12 days later. The upper soils were typically moist. ET{GINEERtr{G ANALYSF The relatively dense gravel soils encountered at the site should be zuitable to support lightly loaded spread footings with relatively low settlement potential. Cuts for the proposed residence are assumed to be up to about 4 to 6 fect deep. Although the groundwater level was measured at dep&s 6Vz to 8th feet, the water level could rise md may be shallower in the building area due to the proximity of Gore Creek, eilsting springs and the drainage tbrough Parcel A. Cuts made below groundwater will present construqtion difficultics and wiU require dewarcring for constuction in the dry. Excavatioa for the development should bc kept as shallow as practical so tbat subdraim can be sloped to dayligbt above the 100 year flood plain. H-P GECTECH -4- DESIGN RECOMMENDAIIONS FOT'NDATIONS Considering the subsoil conditions encounterd in the ogloraory boriqgs and the nature of the proposed co[stnrctio!, we recomnend thc building be foundcd with spread footings bcafug on tbc nannal granular soils. Tbc desig! and constnrction criteria prescnted bclow should be observcd for a qpread footing fourdation system. l) Footings placcd on tbe undisturbd naural granular soils should be designed for an allowable soil bearing prcssure of 3,fl)0 paf. Based on experisrce, we expect settlemeut of footings designed and construstrd as discusscd in rhis scction will be about 1 inch or less. 2) The footings should have 3 minirmrm width of 16 inch€s for continuous walls and 2 feet for isolated pads. 3) Extcrior footings and footings beneath unheated areas should be provided with adequate soil cover above their bearing clevation for frost protection. Placement of foundations at least 42 inchc below exterior grade is t5rpically uscd in this area. 4) Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced top ad bottom to span local anomalies zuch as by assuming an u$upported leoglh of at least 10 fcct. Foundation walls acting as retaidng strucfiues should also be designed to resist lateral earth pressures as discussd in the 'Foundation ard Retaining Walls' scction of this report. 5) All existing fill, foundations and debris from prior sitc dwelopment, topsoil and any loose or disturbed soils should bc removed and the footing bcaring level extended down to relatively dense mnual ganrilar soils. If water seepage is encountered, the footing areas sbould be dewatered outside of bearing areas before @trcrete placenent. Trench drains, sumps and pumps could be need€d for excavation den'uering. 6) A rcpresentative of tbe geotechnical engineer should observe all footing excavations prior to concrete placemetrt to evaluate b€ari4g conditions. H-P GEoTECH -5- FOUI.{DATION AND RETAINING WALIS Foundation walls and retaining stmcnres which are laterally supportd and can be orpectd to undergo only a sligbt amoutrt of deflection should bc desigped for a lateral earth pressure computcd on the basis of an equivalent fluid unit weight of50 pcf for backfill consisting of the on-site ganular soils. Cantilevered r*aining structures which are separate fron the drplex buildings and can be eJrpectcd !o deflect sufEciemly o mobilize the full active earth pnssure condition should be designcd for a lateral earth pres$ue conputed on the basis of an equivalcnt fluid urit weigbt of 40 pcf for baddll consisting of the on-site granular soils. Backfill should not conlain dcbris ftom prior sitc developmcnt, vegetation, opsoil or oversized rock. All foundation and retaiuing stnrcturcs should be designcd for appropriatc hydrosatic aad surcharge pressures such as adjacent footings, traffic, constnrctiotr materials aod equipmcnt. The preszures recommended above assume drabed cooditions bebind the walls and a horizontal backfill surhce. The buildup of water be'hind a wall or an upward sloprng bactfill surhce will iucrease the lateral pressure inposed on a foundation wall or retaining stnrcture. An uoderdrain should be provided to prevetrt hydrostatic pressure buildup behind walls. Backfill should be placed in uniform lifts and compacted to at least 90% of thc maximum standard Proctor density at a moisture content near optimum. Backfill iu pav€mefi and walkway areas should be compacted to at least 95% of the maximum sta^ndard hoctor density. Care should be taken not to overcomPact the backfill or use large equipment ncar the wall, sincc this could cause excessive latcral pressrue on the wall. Some settlement of deep foundation wall backfill should be expected, even if the material is placed correctty, and could result in distress o facilities constnrcted ou the backftll- The lateral resistance of foundation s1 lstaining wall footings will be a combination of the sliding resistancc of the footing on the foundation materials and pasive earth pressure against the side of the footing. Resisance to sliding at the botoms of the fuotings can be calculated based on a coefficient of friction of 0.45. Passive pressure of compacted baclcfrll agninst tlhe sides of the footings can be calculeted using an equivdeot fluid unit weight of 350 pcf for moist backfill and 200 pcf for H-P GEOTECH -6- subn€rged backfill condition. The coefficient of ftiction and passivc pressurc values recomnended above assume ultinate soil sncngth. Suitablc fuctors of safety should bc included in the design is limil the strain which will occur at the ultimate strcngth, partieilarly in the case of passive resistance. Fitl placed against the sides of the footings to rcsist lateral loads should be a granular matedal compastcd to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor density at a moisure coffent near optimum. FLOORSLABS The natural on-site soils, exclusive of topsoil, are suitable to support ligbtly loadcd slab-orgradc constnrction. To reduce the effects of somc diftrential mvement, floor slabs should be separatd from all bearing walls and columns with orpansion joints which allow unrestrahed vertical movement. Floor slab control joiils should be used to lsxluce drmrge due to shrinkage cracking. The requirements for joint qpacing and slab reinforcernent should be €stablished by the designer based on experience and the intended slab use. A minimurn 4 inch layer of freedraining gravel should be placed beneath slabs-ou-grade to facilitate drainage. This materid should consist of minus 2 inch aggrcgate with at least 5O% retained on the No. 4 sieve and less tbar-2% passing the No. 2@ sieve. The underslab gravel should be connccted to the perimeter drain system with interior lateral subdrains as described below. All fill materials for support of floor slabs should be compacted to at least 95% of maximum standard Proctor density at a moisture conteil ncar optimum. Required fill car consist of tbe on-site granular soils devoid of vegetation, topsoil and oversizcd rock. T'NDERDRAIN SYSTEM Groundwater was enclunter€d at relatively shallow depth and it has been our expcrience in Oe area that grorndwater levels can rise and local perched groundwater candevelop during tines ofheavy precipitation or scasonal nrnoff Frozen ground during spring ruuoffcan create a perch€d conditiou. We recommend below-grade sorurtrucrion, such as rstaining walls and crawlspace areas, be protested ftom wetting and hydrostatic pressure buildnp by an underdrain system. H.P GEoTECH - t- The drains should consist of drainpipe placed in the bottom of the wall bacldll sunounded above the invert level with freedraining granular material. The drain should be placed at each level of excavation and at least I foot below lowest adjacent finish grade aod sloped at a miaimum L% to a suitable gravity outlet. The outlet should be above the 100-year flood plain of Gore Creek. Freedraining granular material used in tbe uderdrain systen shonld contain less than 2% pssng the No. 2(X) sieve, less then 50% passltrg the No. 4 sieve and bave a maximunr size of 2 inches. The drain gravel backfill should be at least 2 fect deep ad extend up to any scepage encounterd in the excavatiotr cut face. SURFACE DRAINAGE The following drainage precautions should be obscrved during constnrction and mninteia6d at all times after the duplex has been completed: 1) Inundation ofthe foundation excavations and underslab areas should be avoided during constnrction. Exterior backfill should be adjusted to near optimum moisture and compactcd to at least 95% of tbe maximum standard Proctor density in pavement and slab areas and to at least 90% ofthe maxilnum standard Proctor density in landscape areas. The ground surface sunounding the exterior ofthe building should be sloped to drain away from the foundation in all directions. We recomrnend a minimum slope of 12 inches in tbe first 10 feet in unpavcd areas aad a minimrrrn slope of 3 iaches in the first 10 feet in paved areas. Roof downspouts ad draiDs should discharge well beyond the limits of all backfill. LII\{ITATIONS This study has been conducted in accordance with generally accepted geotecbnical engineering principles and practices in this area at this time. We make no warranty either expressed or implied. The conclusions and recommendations sbmitted 2) 3) 4> H.P GEOTECH -8- ia this lsport are based upon the daa obained from the exploraory borings drilled u the locations irdicatcd oo Fig. 1, thc proposed type of construction aad our expericnce in the area. Ow findings ircftde interpolation and extrapolation of the subsurface conditions identified at the exploratory borinp and variations in the subsurfrce coaditions Inay rrct become evident util excavation is per.formdd. If cmditions encoutered during construction appear different fton those described in this rcport, we should be notificd so tbat rc+valuation of the recommcndatiot$ nay be made. This report has been prepared for the exchrsive use by our client for dcsip purposes. We are not responsible for tecbnicat iDferpretatioDs by otbers of our inforrnation. As the pmjcct evolves, we should provide continued consultation and field services during construction to review ad rironior the implemcntation of our recommendations, ard to verify that the reconrmeodations havebeen appropriately interpreted. Sfupificant design changcs may require additional analysis or modifications to the recosrmendations presented herein. We reoommend on-site observation of excavatious and foundation bcarhg streta ad testing ofstucn[al fill by a representative of the geotechnical cngineer. Sincerely, HEPWORTH. P lordy Z. Adamson, J Revicwed by: Steveo L. Pawlak, P.E. Iz,Ndjb cc: Monroe - Newell Engineers - Attn: Craig Carroll Segerberg, Mayhew & Associates Architects - Ann: Sarah Nicholsou H-P GEorEcH -\.-) APPROXIMATE SCALE 1'=30' LOT 9 8136 4eac* t LOT 7 /-,;')) g o*- !oo.t :* A!4s '- lr' t,'t a{$y-+ frd$.r ) Ir (onsnED)' 9 Qr*i.-: 102 756 HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC.LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS Fig. 1 EORING 1 ELEV.=8133 BORING 2 ELEV=8133' 8135 FnSr rtOfi SI.AS BEYATIOI - 6t5'l' El30 xt/6,1o/o Bn2 IC-tO8-MZ2 mfiz n/\tgn rc-i3.E -2O0-,lO ooIL I c -9 I c) lrl 50/6 a125 APPROETa tE 1@ tE 8 FLOq) PLAI oofL I c -gIo tJ1r/t2 '+.1-21 -2tx>r5 afio APPROXYATE HG|{ WA1ER TTR< 8115 8115 8110 ExplonoUon Fl9.symbds 102 756 HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL. INC.LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS Fig. 2 IfGENO:a H TOPSOI|i amdy doy. orgonlc. molst. block' uppcr 3 lncfica ftozcn. Lr'l m sANo Al{0 GRA\EL (Sil-Gilf)l allty, occosionol cobblcr, allty eond l!f|s.q m€dlum dcnsr. molct to FA vcry mobL dort brorn.v-t EA CnfWf- (Gff) s[ty, rondy, rlth cobbte ond polsblc bouldsrs, madlurn dcns. to dcnlc, molrt to Ef, rct bclou grorndrotc lcrol, brorns' LU Rdouvdy undlth.ub.d dritl somplc 2-inctr l'D' collfornlo lhcr complc' I I . Drhn complq :tondord p.n.trotlon tcst (SPT). 1 3rl8 Inch l.D. sPlit spoon somplc, ASIU 0-1586. I Orlrlr aonElc Uor counb lndcotcc thot lE blorr of o l/K) pound hommcr fdllng 30 hchcs rrc 1A/12 rcqukcd tb &|v. thc Cdlforrrlo or SPT rnrplcr 12 lnttrcr. g Frcc votr lcvd in boring ond number of doyr follorhg drllllng mcoslrcmant ros tokcn. € Ocpth ot *tich borlng hod cowd following drflllng. tTv f l{J lodlcotes dottcd PVC pipc inrtollcd in bclng to dapth shown-tvl NOTES: l. Explorotory bor'r.rgs wcr drill.d on Dcccrnbcr 5, 2OO2 slth o il-incfi diornctrr continuous iight POrCr Ougar. 2. Locotlons of ctglorotory borings wcrc mgosnrrcd opproximotdy by pocing from fcoturcs shom on thc gitc plon provldcd. J. Elcwgong of oxplorotory borlngs werc obtoincd by intcrpolotion bctween contours on thc aitc plon providcd- 4. Thc cxplorotory borlng locotimr and cliwtlmr rftould bc conrldcrcd occurotc only to thc dcarc. lmPlicd by thc m€thod uscd. 5. Thc linca batrcan motcrlolr drowr on thc cxplorotory borhg log3 rcPr€scnt thc opproxlmot. bo|'rddLg bctrocn motcdd tlpca otd tronrlUoos moy bc Anoduol' 6. Wotcr lcvd rcodtngr Crom on thc loga rrc modc of ths timr ond undor thc conditims indbotcd. Fluctuotion in rotcr lcvtl moy occur sith tLnc. 7. Loborotory Tcrthg Rc*iltr: lfC=t|ot*Cmtcnt(Z) +4 = Pcrccnt rctoincd on No. 4 si.v€. -2OO - Pcrccnt porrhg No. 200 sicw. 102 756 HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC.LEGENO AND NO1ES Fig. 3 us trnrp auriqr,|3eq5 ,rrl' tlr o €n Itn rrE i tf rto oLrlz. F- LJ TE FzIt C) E,1'(L (9 =a o- FztlloE,trlG .G St ore .!('' ma ts .SO .&l l'tt ZJ' UAT'ETER OF PARIICI-ES IN MILUMETERS tlrzr tg.o r.2 r;!a a cllY D al GRA\EL 21 UQIJID UMIT SAND Z SILT AND CLAY 15 PLAS]]CITY INDEX 7 SAMPLE OF: SiltY Sond with Grovcl FROM: Boring 2 ot 13 Fcet 102 756 HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC.GRADATION TEST RESULTS Fig. 4 ffil|tw El/ELm,c t Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com ProJectName: CORRIGAN RES. DEADTREE PmJect Description: DRB Number: DRB06047b Project Address: Legal DescdpUon: Parcel Number: Comments: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A MINOR ALTERATION TO REMOVE DEAD PINE BEETLE KILLED LODGEPOLE PINE Pafticipants: OWNER CORRIGAN, GLENDA K. & FREDRI1O/09/2006 6509 BISCAYNE BLVD EDINA MN 55435 APPUCANT CORRIGAN, GI"ENDA K. & FREDRI10/09/2005 6509 BISCAYNE BLVD EDINA MN 55436 252 MEADOW DR VAIL Locauon: 252 MEADOW DR loH I Block Snbdivislon: VAIL Utt-AGE RUNG 2 2101-071-0100-3 See Conditlons lloUon By: Second Py: Vote: Condifions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACTION: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 10/10/2005 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate revier^, committee(s). C.ond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to consbudion actlviUes. @nd:201 DRB approrral shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cord:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year follotting the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward omfleUon. Cond: CON0fi)8496 The applicant shall obtain a public way permit from the Public Works Department (970477-3507) prior to removing the tree if any sbging or equipment needs to be .t located within the West Meadow Drive public rightof-way. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Mi nor Exterior Alterations Appllcation tur Design Review DeParttteot of Communv DerdopmertEh|orFrd|bgc Ro.4VaU Cdoratb 8r6f/dt 970.479,21?a frrt 9m,q9.2qn. rwb: www.wilgw.corn General fnfurmaton: {!qg* Equldng.dldgn rcviar mu* '€ccirf, approvzl prior b submiEng 3 futtdir€ pcmit apDDdtion- pteEs! rercr @-urc $DmiqFl ]Equit€ments h thc prrrkubr approwl tftet is requcsted. m +dtansr id, Dedgn Ranlevrcannot be ueptEd unUl all r:quired lnformation is ri;ehcd by the Cdmrnr,nlV oer[bptnett oeparrint- fhepQect nay-also r€Ed b be Friewed by tlrc Tonn Ganncil ani/or the Planrini ad Envtronrnenbt crmmpson.Decan rcvleur aPpron l l4crs unlsi a bullding pcrmh ir irdrd .nd Gonstrcdolr comnEnccs wilrrironc y€rr ofdrc eppmval; Descrlpfion of tfre Resusts'bq,l= p.*. \\ed\t .kr\\qs \.i\r-ec\e. ors.,- locauon of trre pmpoer: rou-K-elock:- sruoivision: VlruVf tlafrC 5 €qrr.rO F/ phydcatAddress zS:L A L,Jest lA€.+ooil f)r-.rs .--Patel xs-; A.Pl-et A Zonlng: scp a6 os )os, t tp Seo 28 06 07:42a Kadn ,*m Glenda K. Corn i gan Augusiewicz s52 -938 -3226 97G926{664 p.l p.1 Namc(s)ofowner(s): CA.irr"Ora- k- * Fa:6rlr(-U- Qrn-r.^ Addrcss:( a 0wlrcr(s) Signaturr(s): llara of ApplicanE Malling Addre$s: FmailAddr€s; cd\ $50 Plus 91,00 per squrrt foot of &l s-€n arEa. No Fe $650 For onstsucthn cf a new bulHing or demo/r€bui6.$30O For !n addtfion urtlerc sqrrarc botage ls added to any Gsidendat or gmlgrEbl bulldng (hctJdEs 250 rddflons & inHor @nversions),$250 fur rninor changrc b hritdngF ard site improyemenB, sudl as, r€-roofing, palnting, windan addltions, landscafing, fances and reblning !fla]s. etc.SF fu nrlnor dranges b builtngE and st€ imFu,emerrt+ strdr as.r+rooflng, pairdng, whdolv addhb|rs, tandslphg, ftnces rnd rultalning hElts, ctc.f20 For rariCons b Fbrls dr€ady .pto\rEd by plantng Stdf or Ure D€sign Revia^r Board. No Frc Ur) Woo D6 .t< w o\ ootolarol Type of tteyiel,' and Fee:tr Signs Cl C.on@tual Radew O l|eirr Consucuontr. Attctidon O MinaAlbntim (mdti-farnily/ommerdaD MloorAlEadon (einglFf.mllyloplex) Char€es b Appru€d plans Separation ReCU€st tr tr (C.ontact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 br prcel no_) TDWN OF VAII DESIGN REI/IEIN' .. STAFF APPROVAL \, Vorz-Wftaf€/ 2-/,t'tr t ,-ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us ProjectName: HALABYRESIDENCE DRBNumber: DR8040185 Project Description: CHANGE TO APPROVED PLANS Participants: OWNER Theodore S. Halaby 0511312004 Phone:303-888-5959 12 Vista Road Englewood, CO DENVER CO 980110 License: APPUCANT Segerberg Mayhew& Assoc, Arc05/13/200a Phone: 476-'1433 1000 S Frontage Rd West Suite 300 Vail, CO Ksegerberg@smarchs.com 81657 Project Address: 252 W MEADOW DR VAIL Location: Legal Description: LoE 8 Block Subdivision: VAIL VILIAGE RUNG 2 Parcel Number: 210107101002 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofAPProval= I0l08l2OO4 Conditions: Cond:8 (ptAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s)' Cond: 0 (pl-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval' Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date oi hnal approvat, untess a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO FROI"I : HRLFBY r1y57'1 0}.04 l||(lN l5:117 trAX 9704784ti0|t FffX NO. : 3A37616519 sMAN(lll:; vA I l, Mag. 1@ 2E@4 @3:3@PN P1. r400r T()WNM one year of llro aPProvol" Application for Design Re'view Oq)itlltnollt o( Comltlunily l)nvtlol)tl lenl /t $or;lh Fronlitl;o Rurrl, vail, (jolorjrtlo Illtilt/ lcl. $;10.479.'/130 fnx: 9/0 4/91'!1452 weh: www vitilqov (;(trrl General Information: all projecls tequlfinll dBstgn Inviow rrrrr5l nxrive. opproval pfiot lr) sulnllrtling , t)|rilrinr 1 lrcrrtttl irppliurtioll rhitse fofer lo lt€ s*unittill u*1u,ruq*ur.i loi ttra partir:utar opJn,.,rsl lhat i$ reqtrcslrrri /rn :r1'.tltlicirlir'r for Drrsign Rcvicw cflnr|ot he a(f'epled unlll ll roquircd irlfolrnatit'.|n tt; t rlr:otved l:y lhe Grnrttturrity l)cr''r-'loprrrenl Dcl)srlfnanl l ll4 prol€c] n.tay itlso Hed r,., r.,o'iuul**"0;y tho lown (:rxrrr:it--rrnil/,rr tlto l'larl||rncJ ivxl fittvirott tnt:lttal (:rrftrtltirision ' pc'lgn r.view approval lon"o.t ,rnio"l lr bullcllng p.r*tt i" l$!iut!d 'll( constrrqt:ti*tr cotntnettces wilhltr Descrirrtiotr of lhc Requost:5P -1, A@trw kf.<xlTlalr ^{_' er nre P!!=._" tutrlHEilH+ RECEIVED MAY I J 200r Locatlon of tho ProPosal: Lttt:b lllock:$rrlrrliviukur:.- )4(- t t/ztx'e; f/u4- Z Physical Address:45t /1. narPa Dhu€, \/*)('' 6;"2Jot o?lo !gr7,----,qzontns, ?reY (Contact Ftrgle Ctr, Asst)tirrttr :'rt lJ/0 illltl uti40 for plroel tto') Namo(s) of Ownor(s):lu t/tr.rt Aa Iype ot Rovisw 16rl [ee; . Signs S50 . CormePtuitl Rcvuw N() Fdo . Now C.mstductio(r $fi50 ' Atrliliorr $300 rrllnhrirrg wiills' 0lc, $20 Fty r.:vitibflrr t(, , 'l ni ill'uilrlv l)c{itgrt RtvitJW f3ofl r(l No Ftx ! Mifro. AltorBtlDrr (multFlanrilY/urr1111s1rial) Mlncrr Allemlinn (single-lamilY/dt tPlux) (J Errgrxi lO APP|trvrxl Plans sclH.ali(Jn ll6quei''t $250 P1113 $'l (.lQ lrlr Squil() lLr(rl t1l lotirl lil.qrl ilr+li3l I(r rion$lrllol.ion ol u tlrrw builditla or l lHlll{1/lrrblllk:l FDr nlt urldilir r whtltc srltr.rte lr-rrlt;rgr: is ;r{l(lfnl to orty rrruidertlial ot itoirrrrror"iirt lrrilcliryl (irrckr<le$ ?5(] oddtliarlr' ll int(xlor cotlvnrsiol$)' l-or nlinor t)lD)|lfJcs lO lrtril(litllls An(l silc il rrllrrivel rHnls' sucll as' r'crooling, puinlrrrll. wuruuw ;rdtlili'rtr:i' lrl rtlsci tfrirlg ' lotxrts rlttd retairritrq willlt, elr;. For nrilror clliltlgos tdj Itrlr..Jill{Jii antj :;iltI ir'l rtrvurllrrnls' rill(:h ils' rrrrrxrlinq, p,.niri,tg, window nddltr)lls lnn{luci lllilll ' lcnns rttrl5?0 t rryl)r(lvr, I tty lllrlnnhlil ljtitll t.rt lhtt May 25,2004 Mr. BillGibson Town of Vail Building Department 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: HALABY DUPLEX Dear Charlie: Per your request, enclosed herewith are the following materials for your review and records. 1. Revised spa locations, fire pit additions and deck modifications (submitted May 10, 2OO4). See Enclosed plans. 2. Exterior gas light upgrades located at entries and garage doors (see enclosed plans). 3. Deletion of exterior door from west unit garage and replace with stone veneer (see enclosed plans). 4. Relocation of M-type window on east elevation of west unit (see enclosed plans. I sent an application fee of $20 for minor revisions to plans on my prior submittalof May 10,2OO4 which you should have on record. Please let me know if you need any further clarification. Sincerely, G.ERBERG, MAYHEW & ASSOCIATES, ARCH ITECTS Kurt A. Segerberg, A.l.A. President KAS/lrt enc. Segerberg, Mayhew & Associates Architects, P.C., A.I.A. Main OlTice: 1000 South Frontase Road West. Suite 300 . Vail. CO 81657 . ohone: 97O 476 4433 . fax: 970 476 4608 Denver OITice: 1617 Wazee Sireet. Suite C2 . Denver. CO 80202 . ohon!: 303 623 3355 . faxi 303 623 2262 email: info@smalchs.com http://wrvw.smaichs.com --l t/I I1 I I/__ G\ fr hrn IOCAT ION OF GAj LAI1F3 - I]JE3T UNIT RE, A3.l igl(Jr'll I..{AL A3Y RESIDENCE Revision,Jab No' 20@1900 DeLail No, bDraurn Bq: gflK 9egerberg, flagheur e AssociaLes ArchitecLs l@O 3. Fro rag€ futd UbsL 2OO 1611 Ubz€. gtrs€t gutrc C-2 vatl, Colorado e1691 OavG, Colorudo W2Oz 1a12a1O.416.4471 Faxt A10.416.46OA l€l' 7O7.623'?99b Ftr. 1O9b272262 Dare, obn9/O4 5cale. l/4'.1'-@' + :TION . TYP. LOCAT ION CF GAj LAHPS -=A3T UNIT RE,A9.l I.+AL A3Y REgIDENCE Revision'Jab No, 2bolro@ Detail No, Draurn Bg: gmK 5egerberg, l'lagheu I AssociaLes ArchitecLs @O 9. ko(rtag,. fuad llb.l,.9OO 1611 tuazs€ gtrcct grlt€C-? vall Colorado 81691 Og'nvclr, Colortdo &2O2 lcl.a1o.416.44tt Ftx, l1o.11b.4eOe f al totb2r.S)bb Fax' 3@7b212262 Datc, O>/2b/O4 gc,aler l/4"t\'-O" s?o -i+76 -?313 ELECTRT]NIC I6NITIIN STEEL II0UNTING BOX-8'X B' X 3'DEEP (trI| r Y E urcEr tr{ gnlEP foE|.s,<4 IGNITII]N CONTREL B0x 24 VSLT AC(POSITIVE) a4 vgLT AC ftEGATIVE) 6A5 SERVICE FREil YALL AUTT]T4ATIC 6A5 VALVE ATLAS 1 WITH AS1VEI VALL BRACKET SHNIJN IN THIS DRAVING l@2'-e 7/4" ,a"'-'/IIJEgT DU' PARKIl.IG I.]AL A3Y RESIDENCE Revision'Job Na, 26019.OO Detail No' I Drarun Bg: 9l1K 5egerberg, flagheu I AssociaLes ArchiLecLs lA@ 9. F?onrag. Road Uy'€cl, n@ 16l'1 Ultz€c gtr€ct gullc C-2vtll Color.do 81691 Dc'lMgI., Colorado OO2O2 fcl:a1OA16.44?7 Far; a1O.416.4OOO lel:V@)b2)3399 F t' )O)b272262 Dars o9n9/O4 gcale, l/4".1'-@' REI1OVAL OF PEDEgTRIAN DOOR - IUEgT GARAGE RE, A32 UTILITY I'lETER9 LOCATION EXlgTltlG 6RADE REIIOVAL OF PEDEgTRIAN DOOR-uJE9T GARAGE RE,z/Ab.l +]AL A3Y RESIDENCE Revision,Job No, 2b@l7OO DeLail Na: 2 Draurn tsg: 9F'1K Segerberg, l*lagheu I Aseociale,e Arc,hilecls IOOO 9. Fro aea Road UacL .3OO 1611 Utzce gtrsst guir6 C-2 vtll, Colottdo el6?1 g'fwar, Colotde eO2O2 f sltAl@A16.14)7 Far,t 41O.416.46O9 1 €1, r@7b213399 Fax' rO3b2t2262 DaLe' @>n>/@4 6calg, V4".1'-@' 4'-4" 3',-9 2t2 9TUDY F9 HAL A3Y RESIDENCE Revision:Job No' 2bOl>O@ Detail No: Draurn Eq: 9flK 9egerberg, flagheu 1 Associales Archile,cLs l@@ 5. Frontag'c Rodd .Jy'Ett, .)OO 16l'l ttlazco 9tr6ct g'rltq C-2 vall Colorado e1691 O€nv€r, Coloraao @2O2 talra10A16.147) Fa^, 91a.416.4ba4 1€1, 9A3.62V3V99 Fax, 30?b2?2262 Dale' @bn>/o4 5calc, l/4".1'-@' RELOCATION OF TIJINDOI1J . IIJEST UNIT RE: A3.4 RELOCATION OF IIIINDOUJ-II.JEgT UNIT RE'3/A9.1 I.+AL A3Y RESIDENCE Revision,JOO No-.2bOlr.@@ Detail No: 4Draurn tsg: gflK 5egerberg, flagheur 4 Aeeaciales Arc'hiLectg lO@ 9. FratjJ"ag€ F,oad !b.r,'?OO 16ll ulrzrs gtrs€t guirs C-2 vtll. Colorado 8|,69'l Da vcf, Colorado eO2O2 7€l'a1O.41O.44w F ar' A10.416.46OA l ol )O9b2 )3199 Fax: 3@3 b2? 2262 OdLe, obnb/oA 6cale, l/4'.1 -o' I;ALABY REgIDENCE Revieian:Jab No: 26019OO Detail Dfaun Bq' gf{< 5egerberg, flagheur l Associales Architects lO,Og 9. hc.*.3. tuaA !b., EOO 1611 u.2.. Etr..t slrttc C-2vtll, Cola Ao C|591 DJtvJ, Calara& @?O7 f el'A1a.116.11t? Ft* A1O.416.1aOa fdlta3.4ltSrrg F6rJ 9a3b2222b2 Datc: A/7lO? Scalg: N.T5, €fF *l)T |€€A 'zl,3 2ss#. 1+Uostr,=7tl17 A. = t+.gv -+. ho 7" H(N. FqutFED REVIgED LANDgCAPE AREA CALCULATION LANDgCAPE AREA' LAND9CAPING ll,21O 9F = b2% P AT \O54UALK5 2.42+4t =--EE& LANDgCAPE AREA = ,oN l!e7eo @1."1 .?le?G :uo!9!,^au zszc€zq€@e 'xc) qq€€'€aq€Q,€ 1.r zQ,z@,Q oP"Jolo)'l'.,r.o 2.2 oltng l3eJtg eezetn Ll?l 6l?e114?JV se7?lzoQQv e@qvqLV@LE 'xe J e€?tqLf @Lg,teL L€qte o?erop2'te^ Q@€t'1e3fi P?od cEcltJEJJ'Q @@ol,r -/.\mal{n?1.,1 'o)eq)epegtv@t@vq :e1?6 >l^19 :6€| r,me.r6 =3N=Ct9=> \eVlVH@qel@st 'oN qor - ---- in(o -) tuJ ILfo \\t r) w, / lji- {:# ozv,=d ueld atlg l?!1Jed 4// \d 1./\w o ;ff It\ I I I ;o o tr1 // ? c? I ! ol-r[-'| t Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Crrnmunity Development 75 Sorrth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel : 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: HAI-ABY RESIDENCE DRB Number: DRB0,10249 Project Description: CHANGE TO APPROVED IANDSCAPE PI.AN Participants: OWNER Theodore S. Halaby O6/tLl2004' Phone: 303-888-5959 12 Vista Road Englewood, CO DENVER CO 9=80110 License: APPLICANT STROEMEL, JOE O6lILl2004 Phone:303449-2929 ROCKY MOUNTAIN ENVIRONMENTAL CONST. INC. 1060 E. CR. 6C BERTHOUD co 80513 License: Project Address: 252 W MEADOW DR VAIL Location: l€gBl D€scription: loh 8 Block Subdivision: VAIL uLl-AGE RUNG 2 Paroel l{umber: 210107101002 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: ROGERS Second By: PROPER Vote: 4-0 Conditions: Planner: Bill Gibson Action: DENIED Date of Approval: DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 iplication for Design *S"* __ Department of C-ommunity Development 75 Sou$ Frontage Road, Vaii. Colorado g1G57 teti 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us llPtj*tt requiring design revie:v Iu* receive approval prior.to submitting a building permit application. pleaserefer to the submittal reQuirements for.the particulii .pp"j*f that.is requested. An application for Design Rodewcannot be acceplhd untii all required inroriration ii i#ir.o by the community Dselopment DeparbnenL Theproject may also need to be reviewed by the To^/n ourrcir anllor $re pi;;;ft in-i-r-nvironmenhl commission. =:t9:-:::I^approval.laPses untess a luiiaing per.it is issued "na c6nJ*aion commenoes within Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: - General Information: fr. It RECEIt,E O ruil I I Z00rr one year of the approyal. Z.l€-V ryosat: ron D ebck:-- suooivision: U Ll,|/g-_ Z.- ol lo lool Owner(s) Signature(s) : l{ame of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review aird Fee:tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multFfam ilylcom mercia l) Minor Alterauon (single-family/duptex) Changes to Approved plans Separation Request lhq - Zje $50 Plus 91.00 per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild.$300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (indudes 250 additions & interior conversions),$250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenb, srJch as,reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,regglnO, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For revisions to plans already approved by planning Staff or the Design Rwiew Board. No Fee Physical Address: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-329-g640 for parcel no.) Page 1of L3llllLTO3 gtfiItlE'fn|-colr5lf,trlullt LANDSCAPE' IRRIGATION . RECLAMATIO}I . DESIGil June 11,2004 lvlr. Bill GbsorL AICP Town of Veil 75 SouthFrontageRoad Vail, Cotorado 81657 RE: APPLICATION FORDESIGNREVIETil: CHANGES TO APPROVED PLANS - 252 WEST MEADOW DRIVT Dear Bill: We are writing this letter in reference to the attached Application for Design Review at 252 West Meadow Drive in Vail Colorado. The type of review will pertain to Changes to Approved Plans for this address and involves revising the sizes of some of the specified trees called out on the approved Landscape Plan. Specifically, on the approved Landscape Plaq four Colorado Spruce located on the East side of the property were called out to be 35'in height. Unfortunately, due to an existing 18" diameter drainage culvert, the installation of this size of tree is not feasible. Not only is this drainage culvert installed almost o<actly where the proposed Colorado Spruce trees were to be planted, but the depth of the culvert is anywhere from 12" to 24', ma:<imum. A rootball for the approved size of tree, 35'in height, would be 88u-90n in width and have a depth of 60"+/-. Obviously, due to the physical size, installing this size of tree with this rootball would create a conflict with the drainage culvert. futother situation that arises is the fact that a crane is required to s€t trees of this size. As part of this applicatiorq we have attached a letter from Ridge Crane & Riggng that states the road, West Meadow Drive, would have to be closed while lifting the trees to their locations. This may not se€rn to pose a large problan or inconvenience except that West Meadow Drive is the only access to the local Hospital's emergency room. We do not feel that a road closure to the emergency room will be tol€rated by the police and/or fire departments in the Town of Vail. The staking of the 35'trees, after installatio4 also needs to be kept in mind during implernentation. The trees will need to be staked and/or guyed to prevent any damage from the winds during the initial grow-in period, which will require 4"X4" wood posts and steel cable to brace the trees. Dealing with this height of tree, we feel that there is not sufficient room onsite, due to the lfunited landscape area that has been planned. We feel this limited area would not allow the proper placement ofany and all stakes, guy posts and cable. 1060 East Gounty Road 6G. Berlhoud, Golorado 80513 (303) {49-2929. FA)( (970}532-3634 RD: APPLICATIOTT TCOUSTCX RDVIEW:o MEAIX)W DRIVECHANGES TO APPROVED PLANS - 252 WEST Iune 11,2004 Page2 of2 Therefoa w€ af,e proposing the following ohanges due to this unforseen, oristing site cordition. We have r€vised the Landscape Plan to reflect the installation of a 4'height berm in the area where the 35'heigh tr€es w€re to be planted. We have then shown 7 Colorado Spruce, 15'-16 height, to be installed on the berm. This size of tree will have a smaller rootball, and when instatled on the bernL will allow the rootball to be undisturbed and not in conflict with the drainage culvert. The zurvivability is greatty increased by eliminating this corrflict as well as the overall hcalth ard vigor ofthe trees. Another benefit that will be Sained by installing the trees on the berm is that the overall tree heiglrt will be increased by 4'. The Owner has also asked Mr. Mark Stelle, a Consulting fuborist to provide his opinion on this matter and its proposed solution. We have attached Mark's letter as part of this application for your revicw and information in regards to tle trees long term heelth and survivability. In addition to the above mentioned reryisiong we have changed the height of the single Colorado Spruce, North of the residence, to 18'-20'height. By installing this height of tree, we feel this tree will blend in with tlrc reviscd tree heights and eliminate any need for a crane. We have also provided two cross-sections of the area where the proposed be,rm will be placed. One cross-section delineates the existing conditions and another cross-section delineates the new berm and trec installation. We hope that this additional informstion will further explain and otrtline the solution thot we ar€ proposing to eliminate these issues. Please feel free to call with any questions and/or concems or if we need to provide any additional information. Wc look fonvard to your r$ponse and we feel that this matt€r can be resolved to the rmraral satisfrction of all irrvolved parties. Respecffirlly, ROCI(Y MOT]NT{N CoNSTRU_CTION, rNC. Architect attachments - Town of Vail Application for Desigrr Rwiew 3 Copies of the Revised Landscape Plan dated 6/3/04 3 Copies of Cross Section A-A: Existing Crrade dated 6/3/04 3 Copies of Cross Section A-A: Proposed 4'Landscape Berm dated 6/3/04 3 Copies - Letter from Ridge Crane & Rigging duted 6l4lW 3 Copies - Letter from Mark Stelle, Consrlting Arborisl dated 6/10/04 Worfu, t 8o4606 Cotora{o 81658 . (970) 926-3594 June 10,2004 Mr. Ted Halaby 12 Vista Road Englewood, CO 80113 Re: Transplant tree size, 252W. Meadow Drive, Vail Dear Mr. Halaby, On Thursday, May 20,2004 I met with you at your construction site to review and comment on your proposed landscape planting plan. As we discussed, the largest concern that I had with the plan was the proposed planting of 35-foot tall conifers. This letter will explain in detail why I object to this tree size and what I suggest as an alternative. To be clear, virtually any size tree can be relocated (transplanted) successfully given an adequate root ball to trunk diameter ratio. Over recent decades, in this country alone, there have been many trees successfully transplanted that far exceed 100 feet tall and several feet in trunk diameter. Although there is a long list of criteria that limit whether a very large tree is considered a viable hansplant candidate, one of the most significant is site access. Given the location of 252W. Meadow Drive, site accessibility limitations dictate the maximum sized root ball that can be delivered. In the region, the largest highway-licensed tree transplanting machine commonly available is a truck-mounted 90 inch tree spade. This machine digs a root ball that measures 88 inches in diameter and approximately 60 inches deep. Concerning tree height, there is a dramatic difference between the mechanical limitations of the truck and the biological limitations of the tree. For example, the truck may easily dig and transport a 50 foot tall tree, when the biological limitations of the tree suggest a maximum height in the 20 to 25 foot range (dependant upon the species, soil type, level of vigor, time of the year, etc.). As we previously discussed, in the profession of arboriculture, tree diameter is a much more sigrificant indicator of transplantable size limitations than is height. Consulting Arborists generally accept a trunk at 8 inch Dbh (diameter at 4.5 inches above grade) as the "largest transplantable size" (Rocky Mountain Species Ratings and Appraisal Factors Guide, Intemational Society of Arboriculture). Although there is no direct translation to tree height, my experience tells me this is generally a conifer in the 20 to 25 foot tall range. ffi trlElllSR A\ A"\ "ffi"39s.Mari( Stcllc Again, the most common means of determining the maximum tree size for a given root ball diameter is to use a trunk to root ball ratio. This ratio has a direct relationship to how much stress the tree will undergo during and following transplanting. A conservative ratio would be I to 12. In the prior quotation by the Intemational Society of Arboriculture (ISA), the ratio used is 1 to I l. For example: An 8 inch diameter tree would require an 88 inch diameter root ball. Some contractors push the biological envelope by using a 1 to l0 ratio or less. It is very likely that a 35 foot tall tree would have trunk to ball ratio far less than I to I 1. This is a practice that I cannot endorse. Given the fact that 15 foot to 16 foot tall conifers are readily available, I suggest this be your target height. In order to gain a final tree height ofnearly 20 feet, I suggest these trees be installed in a 4 foot berm. Not only will trees of this size be readily available, but this size class will provide the opportunity to specify dense canopies and candidates that exhibit vigorous prior season's growth. The 4 foot berm along the southeast property edge not only translates to additional hee height, but becomes a physical necessity due to presence ofa large existing culvert located only 24 inches below existing grade. Without the installation of this berm, the size of root ball and therefore the size of transplant would be restricted to a very small tree. In conclusion, I cannot endorse 35 foot tall trees for this site, given the restrictions of an undersized 90 inch diameter root ball. As an altemative, I am suggesting the largest north property edge transplant be no taller than the 20 foot to 25 foot size class. Along the southeast property edge I am suggesting trees be no taller than the 15 foot to 16 foot size class. Young trees have larger amounts of stored carbohydrates compared to older trees and theybounce back faster than older trees when stressed. In comparison, trees of this size are more commonly available, have a much better opportunity to maintain foliage densitS and under proper care will likely undergo less transplant shock. I suggest that these biological considerations take precedence over arbitrary height minimums. Mark Stelle, Consulting Arborist Page2 ofZ Mr. Ted Halaby June 10, 2004 Sincerely, 'lrnty|f,ofr a&rrnmcm wrir- -tnE-AGlrilrr4oor|'tt o tL-rcrurh4 LULL/ _<*trrvl l^Kuu .Exloll t*L:.1 71'L -rrr-w a'lfl'rffifutfrtr,r& -,nbarcW4gonsB z5L [I.ru&N @h gr tr.'o! 1'! bxF;rruq 4wL k*tsr rU4 lo'4 +tcFld.lY Ll N-Ts ?E7tuwilotuntD Fnd rlnnchrl CO fl'og et0*fi{oil FIE rrD+{l4El Ft B4l2F{.Flffi@ eE WGI ltuadcnil D$,a W-Co trf,|Filt rFl!n!d||t pplsslggill||{* Ettlr|Gn.lt'tr11516rnr5lGlc Stghrt nrc frforffi tac b lr tcf,adl b ardb esraty phrneo rEdgrdey rton*tr 5'trt'84 't t*S am' I trsuc @mhd ftr, rffi; f, *n'E d #- 8nd fi ';il-;iia ttGi.ltd.utr i 'E ltv b LE sB rrr. of rdF oFrlt te ffirrg h rpodH # ffi"rff...ffi*il r rme chflt rugE ffift1-#tti'itnc inm m * **t n"r"o Slt'lFrydt //df \4't*/* I IOI4'NT) Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departmert of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 faxi 970.47 9.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Pruject l{ame: Halaby Residence DRB Number: DRB030384 Project Descrifiion: CHANGE PATIO AND PATIO WALLS TO PRESERVE EXISTING TREES Participants: OWNER Theodore S. Halaby 09/0512003 Phone: 303-888-5959 12 Vista Road Englaruood, Co DENVERCO 9=80110 License: APPUCANT Segerberg Mayhew& Assoc, ArcO9/05/2003 Phone: 476-4433 1000 S Frontage Rd West Suite 300 Vail, CO lGegerberg@smarchs.com 81657 Liense: Project Address: 252 W MEADOW DR VAIL LocaUon: 252 WEST MEADOW DR legal Desoifiion: LoG 8 Block Subdivision: VAILVIUAGE FIUNG 2 Parcel Number: 210107101002 @mments: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approval= L0109120O3 CondiUons: C.ond: 8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). @nd:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constltute a permit for building. Please onsult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: 320.00 T0It'i]V Application for Design Review Department of Community Development zS Soutn Fronbge Road, Vail, Colondo 8169 tef : 970.479'2139 faxt 97O'479.2452 web: www.ci'vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring desirjn reView must re@ive approval prior to submitting a building p€rmit application' Please refer to the submittat ,."qrit"runc roi ure partiq,rbi apprdval that is requested. An application for Design Revierv cannot be accepted until all required information ls r-eceived by the dmmunity Devetopment DeparynenL. Ihe project may also need to U"'ta"i"*aO by tha Totnn C-ouncil and/or the Planning and Erwironmental C'mmission' Deslgn review approval fapses uifesi a building p"t it it'iou"A and construction commences within one year of the aPProval. DescripuonoftheRequest' widen (approTllatery 4,-0',) each unit deck to help Preserve exi+ing-J=s:j vail Village 2nd Location ofthe ProPosal: Lot:Block:- Subdivision: Meadow Drive252 WestPhysical Address: parcel No.: 210107101002 c 0 0 0 3lgontact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') Two-f amilY residentialzoning: Theodore S. HalabY Name(s) of Owner(s): 12 Vista Road Englewood, CO 80110 Mailing Address:03-888-5959 Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of APPlicant:Seger ig, Mayhew & Associates, Architects 1000 Frontage Road West - #300 Vail, CO 8f657 Mailing Address:ptton"t 97 O-47 6- 4433 E--"it Add.** ksegerberg Gsmarchs' com F6a'4'76-4608 Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr c.onceptual Revien, U New C.onsbuction tr Addition tr Minor Alteration ( mu lti-fa milY/comm€rcial) E Minor Alteration (single-familY/du Phx) El Changes to APPro/ed Plans D Separation Request $s0 No Fee $6so $300 $2s0 $20 Plus $1,00 per square foot of total sign area' For construction of a ne,iv building or demo/rebuild' ;;;; ;iliti; *h"t" tqr.r" footage is added to anv residential or Jrn"roJ-uriroing (indudes 250 aiditions & interior con'€rsions)' f* .i* Atangesio buildings and site improrernents' sudl as' ;;;il;, -p.ititing, windoi additions, landscaping' fences and retaining walls, etc. ioititi.a.ttses to buildings and site improvements' sudr as' ;#;;; pdu"s windd adtliuons, hndscapins' fenes and retaining walls,'etc. $20 ioi t.uLiont io plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Rwiew Boar<t. No Fee For OffiRUse OnlY: Fee Paid: )4F Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Golorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Halaby Residence DRB Number: DR8030383 Prciect Dccription: Change to appro/ed plans (garage to slab-ongrade, raised footers, lowered west unit by I foot, expand mechanical rooms) Participants: OWNER Theodore S. Halaby 0910512003 Phone: 303-888-5959 12 Vista Road Englolrood, CO DENVER CO 9=80110 License: APPUCAiIT Segerberg Mayhew&Assoc, Arc09/05/2003 Phone: 476-,1433 1000 S Frontage Rd West Suite 300 Vail, CO lGegerberg@smardrs.com 81657 Liensei Prolect Addrcss= 252tN MEADOW DR VAIL l-oca6on: 252 WEST MEADOW DR tegal Description: Loft 8 Block: Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 2 Parcel Number: 210107101002 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: APPUED 9econd By:Votq Dateof Apprcval: Gondi6ons: Cond:8 (Pl-AN)l No dranges to these plans may be rnade without the written @nsent of Toryn of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond; 0 (PIAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: S2O.O0 TOWN Application for Design Review DeDartment of Community Development ZS Souttr Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81557 tef : 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479'2452 urcb: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: A[ pojects requiring design reviev, mu* re@ive approval prior.to submitting a, building -permit application' Please refer to the submittal requlrements for the partiolhr rppr*.i trut is requested. An application for Design Raniew cannot be accepted until all required information is r^eceivfi Uy tn" Cottunrty Development Deparfilent' The project may also need to u"'tii.*.6 by tn" to*n Counciianilo' the Planning and Erwironmental C'ommission' Design review approval lapses unless a buildlng p"t ii it'iou"d and construcdon commences within one year of the aPProval. Description of the Request: vail Village 2nd Location ofthe ProPosal: Lot:I Block:Subdivision: Drr-ve252 West MeadowPhysical Address: Parcel No.:210107101002 & 003 tContact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') Two familY residentialzoning: Theodore S. HaIabY Name(s) of Owner(s): 12 Vista Road Englewood, CO 80110 Mailing Address: Phone:303-888-5959 Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of APPlicant:Segerberg 'Mavhew' & Associates, Archiqects 1000 South Frontage Road Vibst - #300 Mailing Address:e7o-476-4483 970-475-460e Type of Review and Fee: B Signs D r,oncepfual Revie\,', ll New Construction tr Addition tr Minor Alterauon (multi-familY/commedal) D Minor Alteration' ($n9le-familY/dudex) 8l Changes to APPrwed Plans tl Separation Reqrrcst $s0 No Fee $6s0 $m $2s0 $20 Ptus $1.00.per square foot of total sign area' For construc$on of a new building or derno/t*Yild'.-- --- For an addition where square fdtage is added to any residential or Jrro.i.iuunoing (indudes 250 aJdisons & interior conversions)' F".*;ft;-d;gesio buildings and site impro'ements' sudr as' ;#;;;; Etiting, windoi- addiuons, -landscaping' fences and retaining walls, etc.'ni,i'iii''i6t'irt."G to buildings and site imprc^'emens' stdr as' ;;roon'ni, --puitiiins, win<toi- iooltlo*, landscapring' fences and retaining walls,'etc. $2oForrevisionstop|ansalreadyapproledbyP|anningstafforthe Design Revie$, Board' No Fee o QpPaea. Au&. 4a-Qp+Du t pla*p troe4&s _ , tierca, Segerberg & AssoctatestfFQO 5 er}'<elL- i'.nnJcrric ^^ 'fa frNx-w-e pffiBan* &tw {a0 lF I xi';ifrq{'T:H oLenalg?@ tn. vffi"ffi"(wa r7 qNK+) ;*,.i",tirE phone 303 623 3355.uXTNJ@ HEdl(. ?M9. s LPwe?+D T{ta *eop< l/-{o'/ 7o l/-at' LPx,u*sag4 z-*eo) Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co. us Project Nam€: Halaby Res'rlence DRB Number: DR8030311 Prcject DescripUon: Changeto approved landscape plan Participants: OWNER Theodore S. Halaby 0810412W3 Phone: 303-888-5959 12 Visba Road Englewood, CO DENVERCO 9=80110 Liense: APPUCANT Segerberg Mayhew&Assoc, A168lO412003 Phoner 476-4433 1000 S Frontage Rd West Suite 300 Vail, CO Ksegerberg@smarchs.com 81657 License: ProjectAddress 2S2WMEADOWDRVAIL Location: 252 WEST MEADOW DR legal Descdption: Loe 8 Bbck Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE RUNG 2 Parcel Number: 210107101002 Comments: motion to approve failed, thus denied BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Woldrich Action: DENIED Second By: PeirceVote:l-l DateofApproval: Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No dtanges to these plans may be made without the written onsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail BuiHing personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: +2O.OO {r TOI4'NM Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depaftment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unlccs a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Location of the Proposal:Brock: -/ subdivision: A/t- t)Uat", ZE Physical Address: Name(s) of Owner(s): Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: tr Signs ,... . 'tr Conceptual Review tr New Construction! Addition E Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration ; .. (single.fa mily/du pl:x) Changes to Appioved Plani' i t'. Separation Requelt. -, (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) $50 . Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee ' $6s0 $300 $2s0 n X tr \ c:Jlolua- Mailing Address:L6/4d, Type of Review and Feet For Office Use Fee Pqid: Application Date: Planner: Fu6 OE 03 lO=Z?a F O Flbove For.srru, Inc s!sa-+sre P:3- A Cuf Aboue Forestry, Sp*ialldng on rtee Servlce and Forcstry Consufting August 6,2003 Kurt Segerbcrg Segerberg, Maybew Architects 1000 S. Frontage Road West, Suite #300 Vail, CO 81557 RE: Halaby Residcncc Dear Kurt, Thank you for contacting A Cut Abovc Forestry to address your tree care needs. This letter addresscs the two tees to be left in tie cast deck at the Halaby residence. The two tr€es to question are lodgepole pinc trees. They are in fair to good healtb. H the trees are to be retaiaed, thc bole in the patio must be the same size as the existing fencing. I do not think this will bode well for thc uees or the constnrction- Since the trees arc not too large in diametcr and have few b'ranches in the bottom 50 Yo of the trunk, they provided little screening for the llalaby's or rhe neigbbor. The tatrsplaots tbat are to be planted will provide much more screening. I recorasrend r€rnoving the two lodgcpole pine tees, andplanting the new hanspla[ts in a way that they will provide adequate screening for both homes. I feel this will be the safest altemativc since the soil volume around the fee may reducc thc structrral integrity of thc tres. Please contact me with aoy questions at 453-9154. lnc. Sincercly, '.-.?-) Rick Herwche Certified Arborist RM-2195 PO. Box 7133 Breckenrldge 970-453-9154 Eagle County 970-926-92'tit . NEW SPRUCE PE TOWN COUNCIL CONDITIONS !.t I aJ bo I i 'f('21al &t.e5>l pl €*| #l E-s I t:t axI trt cG- zl .9€X .. .9 "ri 8. eg I r'-a O. I ! !-r qJF? Z Ef,i -'\ .iiJ s ,* EEA Y' 6' r-< ! >"- | 'i 8.9 I (n td9I r gas I I r-dta -Jt I Q:!el {l E i::-l zt F€.9| | 0.:E.. I v ,f =G. I oE60q I rYXi3 + 9Eb,i < gixS Y roCi i:HEH : E FlPx A aJ! x ? rr (,-tr >\9 y )4 EX l< ot.!\.,r v ^r o.l:r I Er "tt5": i I Lf I'I I B H.sI I F:1 0I RI :;: | :t EE.g..1 ol - 6:9l col .FeF Frl | .Yo;:'--1t | !r'x :xl | -E^€:6t A ;,e.9Fit {e EE!| 3 Esi5 ! "P€EE Z FbEF i EP;IJ H ?1 E',e d'zEE U :l bo- o.) U o lri ah r) ti (d (! q) 3 0) CJ ntS l>.9 |:F I t9 | I<l'o€ |€'5 |hq, I ElElE,! |E= |ti:j. IiF I(!Y Io- |(EE I x-a I\rd I 'r566b I:=..o c I to(^' I*a,o Id x= i .i iJ o.' I F::- | .t i.! |5q g IPE5 IE]: I!+.i5E elE!E :Itr H lJ 'r'11u -^ t^ i5l.b-'tr (.r)l.raO-lFr'= u 5lsiP dlq,) !.1 ;: If E; Ie,rd5 | :3oo I:'- q t;:9 Eo --:: Ft -, i !J Yaxe: 5 Ch \J .IJ';t; + g E; Egrt; :! PY E U .>.' S o, tsEF Etru6 z HUz tr DUUo fto F]H4UHf{H Hfr F]U N\rois \oOFt A< oo $sJ:\ .P€LrSss .Xv !o 's,-S L o x 5 .-( ( (a R U) .\ +t v) bO TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970479-2r38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECTTITLE: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Permit #: 803-0128 Job Address: 252 W MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 252 W MEADOW DR LOT B (WEST) Applied . . : 05/2812003 ParcelNo...: 210107101002 Issued. .: 07/14/2003 hojectNo : PRI02-0404 Expires. .: 0Ill0/2004 OWNER PAITIJ STEINWAY 05/29/2003 phone: 303-914-7501 6833 WEIJD CNTY RD FT I.UPTON COIJO 8O2O4 License: CONTRACTOR GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION}S/ 28 / 2003 phone : 970-845-5655 P O BOX 373 VAIL CO 815s8 I-,icense: L29-B APPIJICANT GEORGE SHAEFPER CONSTRUCTIONOS/2g/2003 Phone: 970-845-5555 P O BOX 373 VAIIJ CO 816s8 Iricense z L29 -B Desciption: DEMOLITION OF THE EXISTING HOME AND CONSTRUCTION OF NEW DUPLEX HOUSEOccupancy "y?e Factor Sq Feet Valuation Dwellings Zone 4 V-N 211.90 2,698 #571 ,706.20 Private Garages Zone 4 v-lil 55.38 286 $15,838.68 Totals.. - 2,984 $758,860.00* Number of Dwelling Units: 2 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: $758,860.00 Fireplace lnformation: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wmd Pall€t: 0 ***'|:ll *a l 'l l* l:|* t:t*'l *!tl *at *a l *a+ *t+ Building---> $4, 454 . 00 Restuannt Plan Review-> $0 . 00 Total Calculated Fees--> $7, 316 .20 Plan Check-> $2, 901. 60 DRB Fee-_---*-> $0. 00 Addilional Fees--> 90. 00 Investigation-> 90 . 00 f,screation Fee---> $44? .50 Total Permit Fee---> S?, 816.20 Will Call-> $3.00 Clean-up Deprqsit-> 90.00 Psyments----> S?.816.20 TOTAI FEES--> 9?,815.20 BAI,AI\CE DUE-> $0.00 Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARII{ENI 0?/01/2003 JRM Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANIIIIIG DEPARII{EI(I o7/L4/2oo3 bgibson Action: AP rtEM3 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIf,T Item: 05500 PIIBI-,IC WORKS 06/09/2003 Is Action: coND provide Public way permit, traffic control and staging plan. Item: 05550 ENGINEERING See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firtl the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan" to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfiucfure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECNON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 *'|*'|*t't|!*'f**t,t**t}*!t't:t'*'|.*f*t*'|*'''|*'}*,ttlt'}*'t.***:it**'t.'tl:t'tl.'t*{.'t*'t{.*!t***{!*********** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 803-0128 as of 07-14-2003 Status: ISSLJED *.i l'l' 'i*:t:l 't {r{r 't * * *:r.}+'+* + *'t 't * *'} *}* * | 'tr *'t !+ * * ++ + l' 't *{.:}*+ * *,t *{.****f+ * + * *+ *** ** * * * ** * | ***:} *,} *t * *,}** * {r** *** * | * f *,t+,} Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applied: 05n8n003 Applicant: GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION Issued: 07/l4n$03 Job Address: 252 W MEADOW DR VAIL Location: 252 W MEADOW DR LOT B (WEST) ParcelNo: 210107101002 |.'|'t**t.*|*'|f**'t**'i***'h}|.'t*'}'|'|***t'l*t't'}:|,|*{.***{.*lt*,t**tt't*f**********{.*f*,tt,tt'l*'t't*****f*t|t{.|'!t*'t:t***|**f*** CONDITIONS t'l * *tt*r|tt rl *{. r} * * * *,i* * * {r * * * i !tf tf r}1. rl t * * I '* * * * * * * * **:* * {. '} | * **:t * * *,t *,} * * * * * * ** + * * {. ** 't | '}'tt '} * * * * '} * '}'} * rf *:tt ar** * * 't * * 't ** Cond:33 (PLAN) THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. lr APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UN Building Permit #: mm{uFYtn uired [o 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CTOR * **** ** ********i********************.t FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**r**i***t******!t***f *!tit*a:rt:l*l*j}****t 7,> 1 trt" u/ - 97 H7 9-2L49 (tnspectons) Contact and Phone #'s: Jared Manske 970-845-5656 General Contractor: George Shaeffer Construction coMPtETE VALUATIONS FOR BUTLDTNG PERMTT (tabor & Matedalq BUITDING: 5861,322 ELECTRICAL: $ O OTHER: $ 0 PLUMBING: 5 O MECHANICAL: SO rOr.{L: S 861,322 ForParcel # Conbct Assesorc Offrce at 97O-328-8640 ot visit ot #S, Second Filing (application,wilt not be accepied without parcet number) #210107101003 Job Name: Halaby Residence & Duplex lob Address: 252 West ""j0"* Ot,* _a__l Legal Description Lot:8 Blodr:Filing: Second suoairi"*= Parcer B UlrtlD I nfu Road 31,Fort Lupton.cd Phone: 3 dEg$#We9[iew & Assoc.Mdress: 1617 Wazee St., Suite C2, Denvel Phone 303-623-33ss Engineer: Monroe & Newell Eno ffiFWvnkooo St. Suite 200. Denver Phone: 363-629-4927 Debiled. descriDtipn of wqrk'DEfri'dliti-dfrtfth6 dxi'sliiijg home and construction of a new duplex house. WorkOass: Newfr) Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) DemoC() Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (X )Does an EHU exist at Oris location: Yes (X ) No ( ) Type of BHg.: Singlefamily (X) Twofamily ( ) MuhFFamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Resburant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Exis$ng Dwelling Units in this building: gng No. of Accommodauon Units in thb building: No/Tvoe of Fireolaces Existinq: Gas Aooliarrces ( ) Gas Loos ( ) wood/Pellet ( ) wood Buminq (1 ) No/Tvoeof FireolacesProoosed:GasApoliances(1 ) GasLoos(2) wood/Pelle!( ) woodBuminq(NorSLLowEDl Type ofConsFuction: Occupanw Grcup: F: /everyon€y'fonnybbgpefm Questions? Call the Building Team at 479'2325 I()u\ D€partment of Community EleveloPment Project Name: Halaby Residence & Duplex Project Address:252 West Meadow Drive f l f, tr f, l f 3 f f f f f f l Date of submittal: 4": r This checklirt must be comoleted beforc a Buildino PErmit aoolication is acceod. All cages of apolicatbn is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of aoproval attachecj if project is a Multi-Farnily comple\ Complete site plan submitted Pubiic Way Pe.'rnit application includeci if applicable {refer to Public Works cl-'ecklist) staging olan inciuded (refer to Public works checklisi) No dumoster'Darkino or material storaoe allJwid on roadwavs and sh Asbestos test and resulls submitted if demolition ls occurrtng Arcilitect siamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi fiamily) Full floor plans including building sections and elevaiions(4 sets of plans for Mulu-Family and Commercial) Window and dcor schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and MulU Family) Sails Report must be submitted prior io footing insoection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on Plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicanfs Signature: i:,'ereryone/formtbldce!'tn2 Received By: WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUE5TIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": r Is this a new residence?YEsx-- No- J Does demolition work being perforrned reguire the use of the Right-of-Way' ease!-nents or public property?YEs_ NO X r Is any utility work needed? YESX NO- tr Is the drivewaY being rePaved?YESX NO- Is s different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YEs- NO X Is any drainage work being done that affects the Right-of-way, easements, or public property? YES NOX Is a "Revocable Rightof-Way Permit" required? YES_- NO is the Right-of-Way, eesements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YE5 NOX If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public WorK? YESI-- NO- If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public way Permi( must be obtained' ..public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sampte is attached). if you have any questions please call Leonard sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALLTHE ABOVE QUEfiONS. Geoige Shaeffer Construction Company Contractor Signature Company Name Kb or eroj*t*ut"' Halaby Residence & Duplex Date Signed: F :/everyonqfcrms/bldcerm4 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permii requires a Town of Vail Fire Deparffnent Approval, Enginee/s (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total re'/iew will take as long as three (3) weeKs. All commercial (large or small) and all mulU-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of Ume. Hcwever, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioneC departments with regard to necessary review, these projec$ may also Eke three (3) weeks :o review and apProve. Every atternpt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan dteck procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Jared Manske Agreed to by: Project Name: our", Jd/A7//a-// Print name F: ererycndformslbldFs.tn3 mvx0F Please recd and check off elch of the items below: : The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures t0 ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. a The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the insiallation of temporary or permanent culverts at accers points from the road or sireet onto the constructicn site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Tcwn of Vail Building Department fcr footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2L98 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. a Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such apprwal must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occuoancy issuance. Agreed to by:Jared Manske Projed Name: Date Signed:/ar, > '/ 'alaby Residence & Duplex F:/everyone/forms/blcperm6 Parcel Detail Page I of3 I $ent I E*gh"H**ffiu-ruw ttr_homell site indexll counR, cont:ctsll SEARCH bol'o\Lb/ vl,t:fr;W' -tY-/ s'W:':+iff's:?ilJ!0"'::,4t,/ ? 6b"' County servicesa Visitors ?Communitv v Ea gle County Assessor/Treasurer Parce! Detail Information Assessor/freasurer Propefty Search I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search Sales Detall Basic Building Characteristics I Tax Information I value Detail I Residential/Commercial Improvement Detall I Land Detail Ehdrd offidrls v Tax Area Account Number Parcel Numb€r Mill l,.evy sc103 R009314 210107101002 46.566 Owner Name and Addre86 STEINWAY, PAUL R, & MERROLE - HAI.ABY, THEODORE S. & CYNTHIA G. 12 VISTA RD ENGLEWOOD. CO 80110 Lcgal Descraption SUB:VAIL VILI.AGE FIUNG 2 LOT:8 oescfpincel s edosor pduJ6i-r oco oz-z}ts#65+3 PG-0640 Dc 12- 10-90 location Physical Address: llzsz w meaoow DR UNIT: B VAIL Subdivision:VAIL VILLAGE RLING 2 Acres:0 http://www.eagle-county.com/Goodturns/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber-210107101... 04/0L12004 Property Tax Valuation lnformation 65lL4l2gga LA:29 3036236682 50315234927 E -mail: denver@rngEF-oe - newe 1 I iTT.RTE I-EI€LL 3031623-6602Ftx wrr1,r. monroe -neweIL . com PA6E Ollot Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. l70l Wyukoop Street, Suite 200 Denver. Colorado 80202 o^n@{&r?[pv ..ffi2L Vai! Attcdtioo Company Telephone Far From Subject Message FAcsrMrLE rRANsvf;|F Pages (includrog rrensm ittal) Teiephone Fax Projcct # Rn3-olI - v--7P - (a)'U'lqu.U/t ftrc AmFfuw b*?zbz =w Town tf transnittal is not as indicetcd please notifu sender #trB g4l3Al2gg4 A7t2g 3436235662 E-mail: dg n11e r@monr oq_Uelre} AttcntiOn Compary Tclcphone Fax From Subject Message Pages(includingtniXrnitat)' 3" " Tclcphonc Fax 1r0'Rr0E NETELL Bo.<-o tlt Stsetnf,'6"y I # Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 1701 Wynkoop Strec! Suitc 2fi) Dcnvcr, Colorado E0202 303t6234927 30V623-6602Far FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL LETTER wvrw . monroe -newell . com PAGE gL/53 If trmsDittal is not as indicated please noti$ sander A4l3L126g4 67228 3s36236502 lfir.RtE t€r€LL PAGE g2|g3 vril, Color.do D€o var, C,olortdo Dillon. ct,lorrdo Monroe & Nevrell EngiFers, lnc. FIELD REPORT Dac: April29,2004 koject: #5856 hoject: llala;by Duplex location: Vail, CO Wcaher: Srnny Ternp: 55oat ll:00 A,M. To: Scgcrbcrg ldryhew & Associacs Architccrs 1617 Wazee, Suite C2 Denver, CO 80202 Tbe following uas noled: Structural franing for the west duplex is complcrc with thc following cxocption: o Coroptc wall blockorl into crawlspacc bas a roof oolumn load abow which nccds to bc rcsolved by adding header per attached options Upon complction of the above item, the stmctural frauring n'iil bc zutstantially complcted. www.m.)nrot;-ncwcll, com 70 Brr)chrttnrk Rord . Suile 20tl . P.O. Brrx 1597 ' Avon, (.olori!(ltr tf l6?0 (970) 9,19'-77fifi . fAX (970) 9{9-{054 . cmaili 0von0r}lont'oe-rlewell.corn 64t36t20a'4 A7i2g 3835236662 PAGE 03/43 Monroe & Newell Enggrccre. Inc. c tcutTED Ot€ocoF/ ,o]1f Project Number: PR\T02-0404Project Name: STEINWAY(HALABY WEST)Address: 252 WEST MEADOW DR Occupancy: R3,U1 Construction: V-N DIRECTION BOI]NDARY NORTH Property lineEAST Property line SOUTH Property lineWEST Property line NOTE: The code items listed in thie report are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the 1-997 tBC.It is a guide to selected sections of the code. Reports created using Plan Analyst software by b w & a. (7L9) 599-5622Portions of the material contained in this program are reproducedfrom the Uniform Building Code with the permission of theInt.ernational Conference of Building Officials. SEPARATION AREA INCREASE 30.0 FeeE 10.0 Feet 27.0 Feets 62.0 Feet Town of Vail TOI'IN OF VAII, BUIIJDING 75 S. FRONTAGE RD VAIIJ,CO. 81657 970-479-2L43 Plan analysis based onthe L997 Uniform Building Code OFFICE GOPY Date: ilune 30, 2003 ConEracEor: GEORGE S}IAEFFER ATChiECCT : SEGERBERG/MAYHEW Engineer: MONROE ReporE By: 'JMONDRAGON FIRE PROTECTION 30.0 Feet 1-0.0 Feet27.0 Feet 62.0 Feet Code review for: ProJecT Id. : STEINWAY(}AI-,ABY WEST) Addrese. 252 WEST MEADOW DR Page # 2 Construction Material Any Any construction Material Any Any Construction Material- Any Any Construction Material Any Any Parapet Required No NO Parapet Required No No Parapet Reguired No No EXTERIOR IIAJ-,I, FIRE RATINGS AI{D OPEhIING PROTECTION Table 5-A NORTH For Occupancy R3 U1 EAST For Occupancy R3 U1 SOUTH For Occupancy R3 u1_ WEST For Occupancy R3 u1 None3/4 };.o:ur Bearing Wa11 0 hour 0 hour Bearing WaI1 0 hour 0 hour Bearing walL 0 hour 0 hour Bearing Wa11 0 hour 0 hour Non-Bearing OpeningWaIl Protection 0 hour None0 hour None Non-Bearing OpeningWal1 Protection 0 hour None 0 hour None Non-Bearing OpeningWal-l- Protection 0 hour None 0 hour None Non-Bearj-ng OpeningWa11 Protection0 hour None 0 hour None Parapet Required No No No fire prot.ection requirements for openings. openings are Eo be protected with 3/4 hr fire aesenblies.50t of t,he area of the wall maximum. -- Table 5*A, Footnote 5 & Sec. 503.2.2 Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft. wiEh no dimensiongreater than 12 feet. -- Sec. 713.8 Not Allowed -- Openings are not permitted in this wall. Code review for: ProJecI Id. : STEINWAY(HAI.ABY wEsT) AddTCSS: 252 WEST ME,ADOW DR Page # 3 AREA MIN.I.IGHT MIN.VNqT NO.EI(ITS EGRESS 2 Bedroom #12 Bathroom Z Closet (s) 2 Study2 Hall 2 Stairway 2 Bedroom #22 Bathroom 2 Closet (s) 2 Bedroom #32 Bat.hroom 2 Bathroom TOTAIJ FOR FLOORl- Garage1 Mudroom1 laundry room1 Entry 1 Closet (s) L Powder room1 Stairwayt hallwayL Kitchen1 Dining room1 Living room1 Master bedroom1 Master bath1 MasUer closet1 Family room TOTAI-. FOR FIJOORB MECHANICAIJ ROOM TOTAL FOR FI,OOR BUIIJDING TOTAI L50 54 7 84 99 75 L72 47 11 207 46 L2 964 286 49 24 LL2 8 2L 64 6t 1_50 158 346 239 L20 40 L20 1808 2L2 212 2772 15.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 L7.2 .0 .0 20.7 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 10.0 .0 .0 16 .8 34.6 23.9 .0 .0 t2.o 21.2 7.5 2.7 .0 .0 .0 .0 8.5 2.35 .0 10 .35 2.3 L.5 .0 2.45 1.5 5.6 .0 .0 5.0 3 .05 7.5 4.4 L7.3 11. 95 6.0 2.O 5.0 10.5 Yes No No No No No Yes No No Yes No No No No NO No No No YeE No No No No Yes No No No No Yes Page # 4 Code review for:Project Id. : STEfNWAY(HALABY WEST)Address: 252 WEST MEADOW DR FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operable windord or door that opens directly to theexterior is required from this room. The minimum clear openabtearea must meet the following. -- Sec. 3i_0.41) The minimum cLear height Ls 24 inches2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 scruare feets4) The maximum si11 height is a+ iriches Escape and rescue windows with a finished sill below ground ehall havea window well. The clear horizontal dimension shall a11ow the the window to be ful1y opened and provide a minimum clear acceasible net opening of 9 square feet wit,h a minimum dimension of 35 inches. Window wells with a vertical depth of more than 44 inches shall be equipped with an approved permairently affixed ladder or staira.2) The number of exits is based on Table 10-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanical ventilation system may be used in lieu of exterior openings for venti-Iation. -- Sec. 1203.3 Such system shall be capable of providing two air changes per hour.4) The requirement for an egress window in the basement is based on Sec.310.4 ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet6 inches. Kitchens, haI1s, bathrooms and toilet compartments may havea ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If theceiling is sloping, then the minimum height is reguired in onJ-y L/2of the area. -- Sec. 310.5.1 Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which has not lessthan l-20 sqluare feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms exceptkitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet.-- Sec. 3LO.6.2 Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shal1 not be less than 7 feetin any dimension. -- Sec. 3L0.6.3 Page # 5 Code review for:Project Id. : STEINWAY(HALABY WEST) Addressz 252 WEST MEADOW DR STAIR REQUfREMENTS: 1) A stairway in a dwelling must be at-- Sec. 1003 .3 .3 .2 least 36 inches wide. 2) The maximum rise of a step ie 8 inchea and the minimum run ia 9inches -- Sec. 1003.3.3.3, Exception 13) A handrail is required on one side a stairway 34 tso 38 inches abovethe nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.6, Exceptions4) Provide a guard rail where drop off ie greater than 30 inches. The minimum height is 35 inches and the maximum opening size is4 inches. -- Sec. 509.1 & 509.2, Exception 15) The minimum headroom is 5 fE.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.46) Enclosed usable apace under the stairs is required to be protected as required for t hr. fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.9 Page # 6 Code review for:Project Id. : STEINWAy(HALABY WEST) Address z 252 WEST MEADOW DR GI,AZING REQUIREMENTS A11 glazing in hazardous l-ocationsglazing material . -- Sec. 2406.3 &.Locations: 1-) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2) Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors.3) Glazing in storm doors.4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors.5) Gl-azing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of abuilding wal1 enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 50 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet.6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels nearest exposed edge of the glazingeither vertical edge of the door in bottom exposed edge of the glazing walking surface.7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel, other than thoselocations described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets aII of thefollowing conditions:A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet.B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor.C. Exposed tsop edge greater than 35 inches above the floor.D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally ofthe plane of the glazing. 8) Glazing in railings regardless of height above a walking surface.Included are structural baluster panels and nonstruclural in-fiI1 panels. 9) Glazing in wa11s and fences used as the barrier for indoor and outdoor swimming pools and spas when the bottom edges ig less tshan 60 inches above t.he pool side and the glazing is within 5 feetof the pool or spa water's edge.l-0) Glazing in walls enclosing stairway landings or within 5 feet of then bottom and top of stairways where the bottom edge is lessthan 50 inches above the walking surface. is reguired to be of safety 2406.4 adjacent to a door where the is within a 24-inch arc of a closed position and where theis less than 50 inches above the Page # 7 Code review for:Project Id. : STEINWAY(HALABY WEST)Address: 252 WEST MEADOW DR SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS:1) A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or walt at a pointcentrally located in the corridor or area giving access to eachsleeping area. -- Sec. 31-0 .9.1.42) A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wa11 in each sleepingarea. - - Sec. 3L0 .9 .L.43) A smoke detector is required on all stories. -- Sec. 3l-0.9.L.4If uhe upper level contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector isrequired in the ceiling of the upper leve1 close to the stairway.-- Sec. 310 .9 .L.4 NOTE: A smoke detector is required in tshe basement. -- Sec. 3L0.9.L.44) Smoke detectors are required to be wired to the buildingrs power source and shall be equipped with a batstery backup. -- Sec. 310.9.1.35) Detectors shall sound an alarm audible in all sleeping area of thedwelling in which they are located. -- Sec. 310.9.L.4 OCCUPAI.ICY SEPARATION : Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for t hr. fireresistive construction are reguired on the Starage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a eelf-closingL 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minuEe fire door. -- Table 3-B & Sec. 302.4 exc. #3 SHAFT ENCLOSURES: 1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not morethan 9 square feet may lined on the inside with noE less than 26 gage galvanized sheet metal with all joints locklapped. The outside must beI hr construction. A11 openings int.o any such encLosure shall be protecEed by not less than a self-closing solid wood door L 3/8 inchesthick or equivalent. -- Sec. 7LL.62) Gas vents and noncombustible piping inst,alled in walls passing through3 floors or less do not need to be in t hour shafta, provided theannular space around t.he vents or pi-ping is filled at each floor orceiling with noncombustible materials.-- Sec. 7t!.33) Shafts for gas vents, facEory-built chimneys, piping, or ducUs thaE do not extend through noE more than 2 floors need noE be in t hourshafts, provided the openings around the penetrations are fire stoppedat each floor. -- Sec. 711.34 ) All other shafts are required Eo be enclosed i-n a t hour assembly. -- Sec.7tt.1 & Tab1e 6-A Page # 8 Code review for: ProJecI Td. : STETNWAY(HAI,ABY wEsT)Address: 252 WEST MEADOW DR CRAWIJSPACE REQUIREMENTS :1) Provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openinge inexterior waIls. Opening shall provide a net area of noU less thanL square foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawl apace. Openings shall be distributed on two opposite sides and be locatedas close to corners as practical . -- Sec.23L7.7 Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 10t of the above if ground surface area is coveredwith an approved vapor barrier and the building official- approves.For a 1356.0 sq.ft. crawlspace area: Ratsio L/LsO Minimum sq.ft. of vent 9.112l Provide l-8-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area.Note: opening may be reguired to be larger if mechanical equipmentj-s located in the crawl space. -- Sec. 23L7.33) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistanceto decay or treated wood, the minj.mum clearance between exposedearth and floor joist is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders is 12 inches. -- Sec, 23L7.3 L) Provide a window or door to the exterior from every room used for sleeping and basements. -- Sec. 310.4 A window must provide a clear open area of 5.7 sq.ft., a clear height of 24 inches(minimum), and aclear width of 2O inches(minimurn). -- Sec. 310.44) The minimum ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feet 6 inchee exceptkitchens, ha11s, and baths may have a ceiling height of 7 feeE.-- Sec. 3l-0.6.15) Provide a smoke detecEor in all sleeping rooms and areas having accees tso sleeping' rooms. -- Sec. 310.9.1.45) If there is a basement, provide a smoke detecEor tshat is conrrectedto an alarm audible in a1I sleeping areas. -- Sec. 3L0.9.1.47\ Provide a smoke detector on al1 floors that is connecUed to an alarm audible in all sleeping areas. -- Sec. 310.9.L.4 i.l"E ,- -4.1)l - 'ogilr35-Xt'o rown or vail (l 1pl7 'u"i;"iEBT'ffi:,P SilFICE COPY 970-479-2t43Vv- .n" lli?31?l#i'"liiEt"!'""u" Project Number: PR,J02-0404 Date: ,tune 30, 2OO3Project Name : STEINWAY(HALABY WEST) Addressz 252 WEST MEADOW DR CONTTaCTOT: GEORGE SHAEFFER Occupancy: R3,U1 Architect: SEGERBERG/I"IAYHEWConstruction: V-N Engineer: MONROE Report By: .JMONDRAGON NOTE: The code items listed in this reporE are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the L997 UBC.It is a guide to selected sections of the code. Report created using PIan Analyst software by b w & a. (719) 599-5622 Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniform Building Code with the permission of theInternational Conference of Building Officials. # SHEET IDE}ITIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED 1 AIL AI-,L Include a compleLe floor plan for each floor. Sec. 106.3 .3 2 AI'T' ALL, Plans musE show the size and tlpe of all windows anddoors. -- Sec. 1-05.3.3 3 AII-., ALL 4 ALL AL,L Provide a trus€ drawing for each tlpe of truss by the truss manufacture's engineer. -- Sec. 106.3.3 Include a copy of the soils report for this site. Sec. 106.3 .3 5 AIJI-., ALL This exterior wall is reguired to be a t hour fire assembly. -- Table 5-A 5 AL,,l, AL,L The minimum ceiling height in this area is 7t-6tt. -- Sec.310.5.1 7 AL,l' ALL, Glazing in this hazardous location is required to be glazed with safety material . -- Sec. 2406,3 & 2406.4 Page # 2 Code review for:Project Id. : STEIIiIWAy(IIAI_,ABY WEST) Addressz 252 WEST MEADOW DR ATL AIL AI-,L ALL 10 ALL 11 AI-,L A],I. ].2 ALI-, L3 ALL 14 AIJL AI-,L AI,L 15 AIJIJ 16 ALIJ ALIJ ALL 17 AI-.,L Al-,L 18 ALL,, 19 ATL AL,L This area requires glazed opening(s) having an areaequal to L/LO or more of tshe floor area. -- Sec. L203.2 this area requires operable exterior opening(s)having an area equal Eo a/2O or more of the floor area. - - Sec. 1203 .3 This bathroom is required to have an openable windowor a mechanical ventilation system. Where there is a bathtup or shower, such system shall- be connecteddirectly to the ouEeide. -- Sec. 1203.3 This area requires an exterior opening for emergency escape or rescue. The minimum area is 5.7 sq.ft. andthe minimum dimensions is 24tr X 20n. -- Sec. 310.4 A smoke detector is required in this area since iuprovides access !o rooms used for sleeping purposes. - - Sec. 3L0 .9 .a.4 A smoke deLector is required in aLf roomc that may be used for sleeping purposes. -- Sec. 310.9.L.4 A smoke deEector is required on all levels and theyare required to be wired to an alarm in the bedroomarea(s). -- Sec. 310.9.L.4 A smoke detect,or is required in the basement. -- Sec.310.9.1.4 The garage must be separated from the dwelling by L hour fire-resistsive construction on tshe garage side. -- Table 3-B and 302.4, Exception 3'r The door between the garage and the dwelling is reguired to be a L 3/8tt thick solid core or 20 minuEe self closing door. -- Sec. 302.4, Exception 3 The stairway indicated does not provide the required minimum width of 36 inches. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.2 The maximum rise of steps is 8 inches. -- Sec. l-003 .3 .3 . 3 , Exception 1 AI-,L ALL ALL page # 3 Code review for: ProJect Id. : STEINWAY(HAI.,ABY wEsT) AddrCSS: 252 WEST MEADOW DR 20 Al-,L ALL The minimum run on each step is 9 inches. -- Sec. 1" 21 AIJIJ AI-.,L The minimum widht of a stair run at the narrow sideis 6 inches and the run must be 9 inches ats a point L2 inches out form t,he narrower point. -- Sec. r_003 .3 .3 . 8.2 22 AIJIJ AL,L The minimum head clearance vertically from a line along the nosing is 5- - 8n. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.4 23 AIJIJ AI-,L A continious handrail ie required along one side ofthe stairway. -- Sec. L003.3.3.6 24 AI'I' ALL The minimum height of the handrails ie 34'r and the maximum height of the handrail is 38". -- Sec. 1003.3.3.5 25 AL,,L AI-,L The maximum opening in the handrail/guardrait isless than 4 inches. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.6 & 509.3 26 AI"I" AIJIJ A 36'' high guardrail with openings less tshan 4 inches is required where the drop-off is 30 " ormore. -- Sec. 509.2, Exception 1 & 509.3 2'7 Al-1" AI-rIJ The enclosed usable space under the stairs ie required to be protect,ed by t hour fire-resistiveconstruction. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.9 28 AI-,L AIJIJ Show an access (18 X 24 minimum) to the crawl spacearea. -- Sec. 2305.3 29 Al,L, AL,L The crawl space area is required to be ventilated byeither an approved mechanical means or by openingsin the exterior walls. -- Sec. 2306.7 JUIi 30 2OO3 6:31Rl"l BOULDER EN V I R OIII1ENTRL 1 (866) 699-4121 p.3 ^ A, tl" l, lrv Bourder rr,m*r' ;* 6^o I ?- g Phone: O03) 11491175 Fu: r (860 699-4f2r June 28,21D3 George Shaeffer Corutuctioa Mr. IarcdManske P.O. Box 373 Vsil, CO 81658 RE; Final Air Cleamnce Monitoring 252 lVegt Mesdow Drive, Yeil' Colorrdo wsst uni! lowcr level bathroom Dear lvtr- Manskc, Aueched is the report for the final sir clearaoce monitoring performed on June 25, 2l)03 rt 252 Wect Metdow Drive, Yail' Colorado' Ifyouhavcanyquestionsregardingthoconterrtsofthisreport,donothesitatetocontact us. Thank you for this opportunity t'o have served you' SincerelY, C/^ //'-*, ClrisMamn Project Manager 'Arbertos*LeEd*Industrial Eyglene*Safety*Find Alr Tecting* *Hedth snd Stfety Trdnltrgi JUN 30 2OO3 5:3INH BOULDER ENVIRONI'IENTRL west lnitt lowcr bvel bctlrmn Sample II)Locetion Volume ([ters] Result (fiberdcc) 1(8661 699-.t121 p.4 Boulder Environmental Management, Inc' 5 Des Trail Roa( Bouldcr, CO 80302 Phonc: (303) 44$l 175 Fax: t (866) 699-4121 lntroductlon: Oo June 25, 2003, Boulder Environmental Management, lnc''s air monitoring specidist' ahrt M"6, coliecte'dfinal air clearance samplis from 252 West Meedorv Drivg Vril, Colorado. Prior to testing a visual inspeclion was performed to confirm the completeness of i asbestos rernoval and cleanup. .1f" uitri4 irupection was performed in accordance with the American Standard for Testing and Materials' "Standard Prachce tor vrsual G.-.ti* oil,"Uestos AbatemeniProjects". All abarcd asbestm materialg including *na'i*t.aoust,debris,orrcsiduesweresatisfactorilydetenninedtohavebeen r€moved Air samples were then collected inside the contained area utilizing aggressive air --.., *rpft r*rttiques as desciiJ io aOC'r.n' Parl763,Appendix A to Subpart E (EPA 19e5). Five air samples ad two blanl(s were analyzed utitizing Phase contast Microscopy 0i(Io ""pf"y.g the Nfosu 7+00 methoi. The resulrs of the PCM analyses as follows: l. 6-25-CM-C1 bathroom 2. 6A5-CM-C2 bathroom 3. 6-25-CM-C3 batlroom 4. 625-CM-C4 bathroom 5. 6-25-CM-C5 batbroom 1200 1200 1185 1185 1185 0.003 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 Diccucsion: samples wero analyzed by a hained microacopist under tbe direct control of Boulder Envirorunental Managem€nt, Inc. Boulder Eruirorunenlal Managg"gl Io:' syc.geslfuitV oarticioates in the American Industrial Hygiene Associadon's Prolicicncy Anaryucsl i;r,td;;"gr- GeD fo. Aa"t-ioing concenrations of atubortre asbestos fibers' (Laboratory I.D. 102935) Conduslon: Tbe sample results complied with rhe State of colorado Department of Public Health and Environment regulations for post'abatemerrt air quality' *Asbcctosrleld*Indurdal llygiene*Srfety*trInrl Air Terting* *Health and SafetY Trainlng' P.5I (866) 639-.r121JUN 3O 2O03 6:32RM BOULDER ENVIROIItIEIITRL € s 6 !)(i G) d8(' FIx -ct R.lo E& Jp trr Enolni a'l:: < EES EE )I H;HAE I I I I I I I .q 6.t) &r{fr a Fhl rdFi (n H A-(,z-Fl F{ E a /FI{5 q c<h\o JI 8l 'd, trl & FI v2 UxD dl sl 6l 5 drI] z z oeF E tr o x h ,riF 4+$, o Ysocl€ar' (\lo<rlo€ gl -l EIol EIolbl|ll q|l El cl TI ol EI FI EI Hl ol JIFIcltrt ,j Ittrlq1 .ew<ue(/) !? l,x>n t) x aiIt cltr E() aat t) t{!o F1 tl dl olol I tl I -t z F 2 z H (A 6,v p F z r/, I I { fd \91 rijF oE(t o 8 o.lt 2t E& .E I a,h (J a tr(J sE h 0 5& d c A E|r Iv, JUN 30 2OO3 6:33Rt1 BOULDER ENV I RONllENTRL I (8661 699-+r21 P.6 *huh tigt.,r8t< TI r* B.lFIarn +a v,o z t!a o O V)a t-J z *oF o cA Ft oz z J O. v) U)o F" c/) frl aA(n r4z oa& u 15 G'.0, o. Eo.|) }.| 5 raq. c,ou a v7cl t1Ho L<ct = cn r r-{k *'lU .i tttul.:t()(J ant=lc) ;td>J.cls IJrd {-}rl-lrFrS{J.arL\EI\v tnrJtJ\a- #3\rFa tr) C) Dr - -l \t €0 rrI 956l/tt/gt{ u;63ttoE'E'ITTI:H 30 2OO3 6: 35R1'l BOULDER ENV I RONI"IENTRL ( 8661 639-.+l?l P.7 3 .8t I l e6 T E lJ11 N $ I Eo EE F56Z CL r- E.gog EE B.g q8 Eq:<b'E B'E>ooo F€ fi$ I .9, gue 4E -POE o o:,5p.= R U.E ='ET E :gH $ r:..E.O E IEH a,,EE€ -E IaSaf c rd i;E i E$iu; JI FSIZcl 93l 6.rl EFI trl1 JUIt 30 P.8eOO3 6: 37R1'l BOULDER ENV I ROTI].IE1ITRL t866) 693-.tl2l P.9r (866) 693-r+121JUll 3() 2OO3 6: 1+3nl'l BOULDER ENV I RO]IIIE]ITRL o I E I -tE s TI $ T I E Ei E5 tr5ri Bg ?o.!{ f,t 6ti III' Fn| .r: bj ft$ ET; ffi $Ittir Is! fft[t? I' II ,= {F ir; ITI:.r*{r ;E ^..r TI DIE' EIfts.;tg'-F+Lt t!I T #: s, .\| b ol t E! t, T [: !. l, E E, st: i6 if$gI 13, !t'' Igrt iE Eg gD!t, *r l[ 6' T g ! rE EII! t b ntal sDI ,t1l F talts -- A 6 atitt! ,E 6 $ {, T III Fr IE g E -gI t' H b' I g tv $t E E o F: I E s t * ,a\ EE$E $$*{$ a aI aII I a I IIIIItItIII II.lIItIt a ItI I tt.tl III IIIIIII nl.ltfl glt nF IHHHifi OE fr3 H t E JUll 30 2OO3 6:43R1'l BOULDER ENVIROnHENTRL I (866) 539-rtl2r p. 10 ^ ,lh fifiW[il Boul er Environmental Managemen! rnc' 5 Decr Trall Roed' Bouldcr, CO SXl02 Phors (303) 44$11?s FrJ: I (866) 599-4121 June 28,2003 Gcorge Shaeffer Consfouction Mr. Jsrcd lvlanske P.O. Box 373 VaiL CO 81658 RE: Final Air Clearance Monitoring 252 West Merdow Drlvg Vail, Colorado east uoit, bathroom/ball Ilc6rMr. Maoslce, Attached is tbe rcport fu' $g ffnal air clcaraoce monitoring performod on June 26' 20113 at 252 Wert Medow Drtvg Ve[ Colorado' Ifyou have any qucstims regarding th€ contents ofthis report' do not hcsitatc to Qontact *. fn-t yti fot ilris o'pputrmity to have senred you' Sincerely' h/14 hoject Managor rArbcctoatlead*Itrthsffd Eyglene* Safety*Final Air Tectlngt *Healtb end SafefY Trahlngr JUN 30 2OO3 6:48R1'l BOULDER ENV I RONIIENTRL 1(866) 699-4121 P.rr Boulder Environmental Management, [nc' *0"" ", ?,?!i'ol[1'tl'?'fc*i ffi ,, lntroduction: on June 261 2fi)3, Boulder Environmental Managernen! Inc.'s air monitOring specialisq u*L Sf*it-k, collected final air clearance samples ftam 252 West Meadow Drive' Vail, Colorado. Frior to testing, a visual inspection was performed to confinn the conrpleteness of asbestos ..o,o-"ol and clcanup. The visual inspection was perfonned in accordance with the Arnerican standard for Testing and Materials' "standard Practice tbr vrsual ;;;;;iA"b;stos AbaternoniProjects '. All abatpd asbestos materials, including contamlnatea dust, debris, or residues were satisfactority daermined to bave been removed Air samples were then collccterl inside the contained area utilizing aggressive air --mmpting techdqucs as described h 40C.F'R. Part753,Appendix A !o Subpart E (E'PA l99s). Five air samples and wo bladcs were analyzed utilizing Phase conhast Microscopy acrvd,*proyrng the NIOSH 7400 metho'd. The results of the pcM analyses as follows: Sample ID 1. 6-26-MS-C0I southwall 2. 6-26-MS-CU eastwall 3. 6-26-MS-C03 north wall 4. 6-2GMS-C04 west wall 5. 6-26-MS-C05 center of hallwaY erct urit, b.Oroodlhrll Locstion Yotume (literc) Result (llbcrJcc) t275 0.0041260 0.003 t260 0.005 1275 0.003 t27s 0.007 Discussion: sanrples wcro analyzcd by a trained microscopist under the direct conrol of Boulder Bnvironmental Management, Inc. Boulder Environmsrtal Managemen! Inc. successfully purti"iputur lo tl. eto'ofu* too*oial Hygiene Association's Proficiency Al4ytoat i"*rini nogo* (pAT) for determining concentrations of airborne asbestos fibers' (Labontcry I.D . 10293 5) Conclusiol: The sample resuls complied with the state of colorado Departnent of Public Health and Environnrent rcguLrtions for post-abatcment air quality' rAsbestos*Leadtlndutrial Hygienetsafety*Flnal Alr Testing* *Eealth and Stfety Trslnlng' P.l2JUN 30 2OO3 6:48RM BOULDER ENVIRONTTENTHL I t 866 | 6S3 -rt 121 \-l J' EI "l H:*& $ E E # $ P fr oIItl vl 91I ts E &oI c EInr50 z b0\o I€ + o(rl H F!. tr'|F drsI oarl iiollF. Notrlo&o€6 b oo $s E Eg &, d6 F I trHf.ltra H ogzI FlFi E (a &tl I I I I I i I I i I I I I I 1 el Eilo G'ol6lu€ E a H c H {u =otr ;t ,I i i I I I I I I l)i \-/ B 4 fi € ni? .bI JI $l $ 8 H H a trIa4o FIv, sfr Fr g x E .€ It z o ). l-. E&trlA iiE 6 {og 5€ -gta B =t)x I,.tU.Fd! d"gq6 --A JUN 30 2OO3 6:4SBM BOULDER ENVIR0]II'IENTBL (866) 6s9-41e1 P. 13 t) 3E $a 'oc) ,H o !at N \- * 3a \ol fl e;z fiur E() g alrarl g g a s g I o J sl PI Fll B g o $ trit) EaI EUgH F?U IgHflgHE 9fZH H€Fg Fl g ta I|g JUN 30 20O3 6:52f,1'l BOULDER ENVIR0Ni1ENTRL I (866) 699-4121 P. 14 g !{ N t< 'R va e 3g H 2c Eltr E g g E +la{l /, 3 o E g W$i* H E JUll 30 2OO3 6:5.+Rl'l BOULDER ENV I RON]IE1{TRL 1 (866) 633-rtl2t P.15 l.: l{, P.l6BOULDER ENV I ROIIIIENTRL 1(866) 639-i+121 I E T b a x b s t , :iiotf i$ is tE IE Itr iEj lEr iE: tlt [; h E{ EE II t al l>l:l9rfr !h lst liilsl ill #1)!r 11, IEii is ll 'a=j:li I $$l ilil Ii ilf' tll Elllti !n, Eii fil iF ftl i'* I'l-i i;[ III l$r lri i:E EI!![t nl !-i a: g x T ,; ii I s * EiI ffi ffit I$i *nl E[*i f,E{i5i$t** lir rC<;_-i!, r rtt |E.raa; .E rIn IEE rEo iIEE I g- ..:E<c r* o g EI c!a.a *l [.1rl ll E8. # #' I E I € I $ $s$$ finolR I f; : JUH 30 2OO3 6:5881'l E; IE € tt E" Ea il3 rO EE# EHiE *E H it E t E E t TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2135 OWNER Theodore S, Ha1aby 12 Vista Road Englewood, CO DENVER CO 9=80110 IJicense: CONTR,ACTOR THT'IJ EIJECTRONIC SYSTEMS P O BOX 534 AVON, CO fJL620 L,icense: 112 -S APPI.,IEA$T THUIJ EIJECTRONIC SYSTEI{S P O AOX 534 AVON, CO 4L620 Li.cense : 112 -S VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARMPERMIT Job Address: 252 W MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: 252 WEST MEADOW DR, EAST SIDE ParcelNo...: 210107101002 Project No : Permit #: 404-0012 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 0312912004 Issued. . : 04/13/2004 Expires . .: 10/10/2004 03/29/2oo4 Phone: 303-888-5959 03/29/2004 Phone: 970-949-4638 03/29/2004 Phone: 970-949-4638 Desciption: INSTALL COMPLETE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM - WEST SIDE Valuation: $1,200.00 *a**,*r**artt *a* *a*,| Elecf-ical--> DRB Fe€-> Investigation-> will call--> TOTAI, FEES-> 90.00 $0.00 90. 00 $3.00 $280.00 s280. 0o $0. o0 s280.00 s280.00 $0.00 Totrl Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-> Total Permit Fec--._-> Payments-------> BALANCE DUE._--> a+t+* a +aa at+'tl+:r:l Approvals:Ifem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT 04/05/2oo4 rnvaughan 04/L2/2004 mvaughan Action: APCR Action: AP *r +t+ tt+r+++*tt +* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL tt** i tt+ t++tt+**!r DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws. and to build this structure accordinq to zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe T AT 479-2135 FROM 8:(X) AM - 5 Pnd.REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 803-0267 Bcr6tl,Y Job Address: 252 W MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 252 WEST MEADOW DR Applied . . : 12/0412003 Parcel No...: 210107101002 Issued. . : 0310212004 ProjectNo ' ?RSC( OL@.1 Expires. .: 08/2912004 OWNER Theodore S. Halaby t2/O4/2oo3 phone: 303-888-5959 L2 Vist,a Road Englewood, CO DENVER CO 9=80110 License: CoNTRACTOR R & A EIflTERPRISES OF CARBONDL2/04/2OO3 phone: (970) 94s-5500 5317 CR 154, Suite 201- Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 I-,icense: 339-E APPITICANT R & A ENTERPRISES OF CARBONDL2/O4/2OO3 Ptrone: (970) 945-5500 5317 CR 154, Suite 201 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 8 L501 License: 339-E Desciption: WIRING OF NEW 2800 SQ FEET WEST SIDE DUPLEX Valuation: S18.500.00 **:l * ** l* *:i * *,1'l:|'l 'l El€ctrical---> 5121.00 Total Calculated Fees-> 9124.00 DRB Fee-----> 50.00 Additional Fees---> S0.00 lnvestigation---> $0.00 Total Pemit Fee----> $124.00 Will Call-------> $3 - 00 Palments---------> 5124.00 TOTAL FEES_> 5124.00 BALAI{CE DUE-_> $0.00 lt|l||||tt+'|*|l'i|ltti*t*lt*lltittltt*||'l.t*.t*.|*|tl|t||ft|*t'l+t|'|llltt|lt+*|t|*|l.||t+|t*+|**t.tti|+t*|t*i|t**i|t|,||*+l|+l!|**..*.* Approvals:Ifrim: 06000 EI-,ECTRICAIJ DEPARTMEIiE L2/04/2003 DE Action: Ap ftem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 :::::;].:..:l:---.:T:::::.::T..T,:..T3:i::1.T.:..:Y..:.:,i.o:.:::.:..,".::i.:lT."l;.......**:,**,1,,,+....,1,,,....,,*. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY SIGNATURE OF O CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF 49 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM E:00 AM - 4 PM. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPTETE OR UNSIGNED R.-- A E,i.r pc i Contact and Phone #'s: O,1\S. GS nO $ \?\-Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 O-47 9-2149 (Inspections) TOVNOF 75 S. Frontage Rd Vail, Colorado 8 COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (tabor & Materiats) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: Q ,X OO ELECTRICAL VALUATIoN: g [t ,5OCl :: Contact Assessots Qfftce at 9ZO-32g-g64O or visit forParcel #Parc.t#AtOto-?lOlCOA JobName: tt I I D tflo.lo[" \eS: rC-lpy-\c e JobAddress:.,-^, \ ,cr.5ct \^). MeqJ-- br. (u,Jn.*' Legal pescription ll Lot: ll aloct: ll riting:Subdivision: Owners Name: il I Ille\lqF >Address: =,.r.-_ Phone: \ I I\lAK nc,i./v 6ttt'"*t&".,t, r M. Detailed description of $vork: \,,{ ,. ,r. g o€ ^* Q,\CO =q F .(w.tt d^f'lr- "^\n ) workclass: Newp'$ Addition( ) Remodet ( ) Repair( ) Temppower( ) other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (>0 Type of Bldg.: single-family ( ) Duptex pd nurti-rarniry 1 ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) A No. of Accommodation Units in this building: 9 Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No (x ) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No tr() ---l ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy************************************* Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:Accepted By: ttl'Ul) UtU -;2003 07n6t2w2\\VaiMata\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\ELECPERM.DOC o o o o O tr Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-6. Overhead seruices are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easily accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be oermitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-fami$ building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required, o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. )l ^,1 \\\- t9. al ?,t a t- \J ) Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, pfease contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2L47. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: TI{IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E03-0123 Job Address: 252 W MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 252 WEST MEADOW DR Applied . . : 08/05/2003 ParcelNo...: 210107101002 Issued. . : 08/06/2003 ProjectNo ' ?RSO L-o.{o.\ Expires. .: 02/02/2004 OWNER Theodore S. Ha1aby 0B/OS/2003 phone: 303-888-5959 12 Vista Road Englewood, CO DEr{vER CO 9=80110 License: CONTRACTOR !,!ARMOT EITECTRIC 08/05/2003 Phonez 970-926-0990 P.O. BOX 4511 AVON, CO 8162 0 License: 250-E APPIJICAIIT IT|ARMOT EIJECTRIC 08/05/2003 Phone: 970-926-0990 P.O. BOX 4511 AVON, CO 8152 0 L,icense:250-E Desciption: TEMP POWER Valuation: S1.000.00 *'l:l* ***,la*tt:l.alt *l * t:l * *,1* 't 'l:l * lla l Electicsl-------> S50. 00 Total Calculated Fees-> $103 . 00 DRB Fee--> 90.00 Additional Fees-----> (S50.00) Investigation----> $0. 00 Total Permit F€€--> S53 . 00 Will Call > 93 . 00 Payment5------.> S53 . 00 TOTAL FEES-> $103.00 BAt l{CE DUE---> $0.00 Approvals:Ifem: 05000 EITECTRICAIT DEPARTMENT o8/Os/2oo3 DF Action: AP Itern: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEMT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELTD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto' SIG}TATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF APP1ICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UI Project #: Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 O - 47 9' 2'49 (InsPecti ons) mvvwuAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Contact and Phone #'s: :;21 07qotown of Vail Reg. No.:Electrical Contrador: ELECTRICALVALUATION: 9 /NO O. AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: sQ.FEETFoRNEn'BUILDSandvALUATIoNsFoRALLoTHERs(rabor&Materia|s) Contact Assessrcon@ JobAddress: ?SZW.TetPAe d-cription of work: 'TtruF dvff* Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Remodel () RePair( ) Tgrnqign'"t t l No (>0' Does an EHU exist at this location: res ( ' rrv rvffiExteriorfi) Both( ) ffi n ."tt"Oation Units in this building: tlo. of e*isting Dwelling Units in this building: for a hot tub: Yeg ffif6rmexmr Yes( ) No o o o D o Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-5. Overhead seruices are not allowed in the Town of Vail, Underground seruices have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribuUon circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easilv accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-fami! dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be oermitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-famif building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. n If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required, *_s7o3 Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2L47. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. the above. HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Tovm of Vail Survey Community Development Deparfinent Russell Fonesl Direstor, (970) 47s.2133 Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnen(s) did you contac0 Building _ Environmenhl_ Housing Admin Planning DRB PEC Was your initial contact wiih our sffiimmediab_ dow _or no one available ? 4. lf you werer required to wail how long was it before you were helped? Was your project revierued on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this yourfirsttime to file a DRB app- PEC app Bldg Permit- NUA Please rate $e performance of tre staff person who assisted you: 54321Nams (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) Overail eiTeciiverress of ihc i;foir'( Serviue Countet: 5 4 3 2 What is tlre best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenb you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are commited b improving our seMce. 7. 8. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M03-0237 GEossfoQ1 Job Address: 252 W MEADOW DRVAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 252 WEST MEADOW DR west side of duplex Applied . . : 1l/0612003 Parcel No...: 210107101002 Issued. . : 0llO5DO04 ProjectNo : -PRsoX -OC(o.t Expires. .: 07/03/2004 OWNER Theodore S. HaIaJry ]-L/06/2003 phone: 303-888-5959 12 Vista Road Englewood, cO DEI\I\IER CO 9=801L0 License: COIf,IRACTOR HAYNES PLIIMBING & HEjATING LLLL/06/2003 phone: (7L9)486-3292 416 East 4th Street Leadville, Colorado 80461 License z 298-P APPLICAI\Ir HAYNES PLWBING & HEATING LI_,LL/06/2003 phone: ('7L9)485-3292 415 East 4th Street Leadville, Colorado 80451 I-,icense: 298-P Desciption: heat and snowmelt west l12 of duplex Valuation: $32.000.00 FireDlace Informalion: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas l,ogs: 0 # of wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY ++ttar**1*:t:t*'i***.t****:r*r*at*trr**t *+taat+.t..r.r.ratt*t*tr $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> S803.00Mechanical--> $64 0 . 00 Restuarsnt Plan Review-> Plan Check--> S150.00 DRB Fee------------>$0. 0o Additional Fees-----> Investigation-> Will Call-->$3.00 BALAI{CE DUE----->$0.00 a*'}a**al *i)*+**:l:lltt+tt tla t*lttr l**:ta.t*aaltl'll *'tt* * rt a a +,t:l:l:l ** * 'l:l | * rt,l,t a i 'l t +r*t*a:|'t:tlll,la,l'|a,|la +'r 'ta:rlItem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARI'I{E}IT L1/24/2003 ,JRN| Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARl'I{Bflr CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAIICE' Condz 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE L997 .rdil|C' OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTALLATIOII MUST EONFORM TO MANUFACTI'RES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO EHAPTER 10 oF TIIE 1997 UMC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1"997 IMC. Cond: 25 $0 . 00 TOTAL FEES-------> 5803 . 00 Total Permit Fee-----> $8sg . 00 Palments--------> $858.00 (BL,DG. ) : GAS APPIJIAIICES SHALIJ BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I AND SHAIJIJ TERMINATE AS SPECIFIBD TN SEC.8O5 OF THE 199? T'MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BIJDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AIiID SEC.1O17 OF THE 1997 I'MC AI\TD CI{APTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BIJDG. ) : BOII-,ERS SIIAIL BE MOIINTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTTBLE CONST. ITNLESS LISTED FOR MOIINTING ON COIIBUSTIBI-,E FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BI-,DG.): PERMIT,PLANS AIID CODE AITAI-,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAIT ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHAIIICAL ROOMS CONIAINING HEATTNG OR HOT-WATER SITPPLY BOII,ERS SHAI,I, BE EQUIPPED WITH A FI,OOR DRATN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR sEcTroN 1004.5 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV 149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. TURE OF OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF I APPUCATIOI{ U[tt T{OT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPTETE OR -f fste Mechanical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 - 2149 (Inspecti ons) Permit will not be accepted without the following: Air Du Gas CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechan ica I Contractor: dll L(c Town of Vail Reg. No.:@ntact and Phone #'s: ? ldf - OO COMPTETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT labor & Materials Ptanner Siqn-off:Accepted By: Date Re@ived: Conhct Arcssrc Offie at 970-328-862K) or visit for Parel # Parcet# \lp l,D+f O I Oo, too'u *//lrl*,1 Job Address:'Ze;''b n )-,.' ) r u ctr tL Legal Description ll Loh ll Btock: ll riting:Subdivision: 11"': Nary,tl /nl *L r, ll nddrest'z<z- r-t^J--- ./. ll Ps.q - Reg' . s g s g Engineer:0 llAddress:Phone: Detailgd description of work: Sno..^.1-l)eSr Y..€D.ro 1..< WorkClass: New@{ Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) \ Boiler Location: Interior (4L Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) ttto C*)- TypeofBldg: Singlefamily( ) DupbxplMulti-family( ) Commerciat ( ) Restaurant( )other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Noflype of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances (t) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) \WAiI\dAtA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITSU\,'ECHPERM.DOC 07D6t2002 {suF IuloPvi nr) ='N 3q iUlE a t- K3 > cC)qJq \ ':, ; .1 I t r.,h lD]tI - r{D FlI - "tA-* : il,+,Lt(av ksl,t.'ai 9r Ia-Y t cr\+ N d+a do - ra, E'. t: cid i, Page l- ***********************************IETTiT************************************** HEATLOSS Vers 5.0h Copyright 1986-1-996, Thomas and Associates, Be11aire, MI (5L5) 533-8472***************************************_***************************************** DAHL/AVON P.O. BOX 18306 AVON, CO 81620 (970)949-9101 o7 -2L-2003 HAYNES PLBG & HTG HALABY WEST 252 W. MEADOW DR,vArL, co Heatlose is baged on a Design Temp. Difference of 90 BDRM ]- CEIL]NG HEIGHT IS 10,50 FEET, VOi-,,I]ME IS I,630 CUBIC FEET2 EXPOSED OPENINGS, TOTAI-,,ING2 EXPOSED WALLS, noL including openings,TOTALING >>>> 22O.0 SQUARE FEET ROOM SIZE IS l-3.5 L,ONG by L1.5 WIDE, TOTALING >> 155.3 SQUARE FEET WINDOW TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .351-, Double Pane, L,ow e Coating, Clear G1ass WAI-,L TYPE IS: U-Va1ue = .06, Frame lnsulated CEII-,ING TYPE IS: U-Value = .026, Unconditioned Attic Space Above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Floor over any CondiEioned Space HEATLOSS The Total BTUH for t.he outsj.de walLs are L,1-88 The Tot.al BTUH for the Exposed Openings are 1,381- The totaL BTUH for the ceilings 357 The total BTUH for the floors 0 The BTUH infiltrat.ion for the openings is 981 THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THTS ROOM IS 3,907 Required Radiant floor outpuL, BTU's /square foot is 25.2 BATH 1 CEILING HEIGHT 1S ]-O .50 FEET, VOLI]ME TS 546 CUBIC FEET O EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING1 EXPOSED WALIJS, not including openings,TOTALINc >>>> 84.0 SQUARE FEET ROOM SIZE IS 8.0 IIONG by 6.5 WIDE, TOTALING >> 52.0 SQUARE FEET WINDOW TYPE IS: U-Va1ue = 0, No openings i-n this room WALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .05, Frame Insulated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Value = .025, Unconditioned Attic Space Above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS 454 0 l_20 n n 574 fooE is 11.0 The Total BTUH for t,he outside wal1s are The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openingls are The total BTUH for the ceilings The total BTUH for the floors The BTIJH infilt.ration for the openings is THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS Required Radiant. floor output, BTU's /square Page 2 STUDY CEILING HEIGHT IS 1.0.50 FEET, VOLUME IS 966 CUBIC FEET 1- EXPOSED OPENINGS, TOTALING2 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,TOTAI-.,ING >>>> 191.0 SQUARE FEET ROOM SIZE IS 8.0 I-IONG by l-1.5 WIDE, TOTALING >> 92.0 SQUARE FEET WINDOW TYPE IS: U-Value = .351-, Double Pane, Low e Coating, Clear Glass WALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .05, Frame Insulated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Value = .026, UncondiEioned Attic Space Above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space HEATI-,OSS The Total BTUH for the outside walls are 1,031 The Total BTIJH for the Exposed Openings are 447 The total BTUH for the ceilings 212 The totaL BTUH for the floors 0 The BTUH infiltration for the openings is 3L7 THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM TS 2,007 Required Radiant floor output, BTU's /square foot is 2L.8 HALL CEILTNG HEIGHT IS 10.50 FEET,VOI-,UME IS 1. EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING 1 EXPOSED WALLS, not includj-ng openings,TOTALING >>>> The Total- BTUH for the outside wal1s are The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are The totaL BTUH for the ceilings The total BTUH for the floors The BTUH infilLrat.ion for the openings is THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM TS Required Radiant floor out.put, BTU's /square foot is 1-,L26 CUBIC FEET 25.0 SQUARE FEET 59.0 SQUARE FEET 107.3 SOUARE FEETROOM SIZE IS 5.5 LONG by 16.5 WIDE, TOTALING >> WINDOII TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .35L, Double Pane, Low e WALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .06, Frame InsuLated Coating, Clear Glass CEILING TYPE IS; U-Value = .A26, Unconditioned AtLic Space Above FLooR TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS 3l_ 9 813 247 0 5'17 1, 955 L8.2 BDRM 2 CBIL]NG HE]GHT 1S 9.50 FEET, VOLUME IS L,73L CUBIC FEET 1. EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING 2 EXPOSED WALI-,,S, not including openings,TOTALING >>>> 157.5 SQUARE FEET ROOM SIZE IS 1-3.5 LONG by l-3.5 WIDE, TOTAI-,ING >> L82.3 SQUARE FEET WINDOW TYPE IS: U-Value = .351, Double Pane, Low e Coating, Clear Glass WALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .06, Frame Insulated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Value = .026, Unconditloned Attic space Above FLOOR TYPE 1S: U-Value = 0. Floor over anv Conditioned Space HEATLOSS eq1The Total BTUH for Lhe outsi-de walls are The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are The total The tot.al The BTUH htir -/\.n 7\ II l:I-E I \J I 'A!Required Page 3 BTUH for the ceilings BTUH for the floors infiLtraEion for the oPenings is BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS Radiant floor output, BTU's /sguare 4L9 n qAq J, bu+ foot is 19 .8 BATH 2 CEILING HEIGHT IS 9.OO FEET, VOLUME TS 396 CUBIC FEET O EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING O EXPOSED WAL,,LS, not including openings,TOTALING >>>> 0'0 SQUARE FEET ROOM SIZE IS 5.5 LONG by -A.b WrOE, TOTALING >> 44.0 SQUARE FEET WINDOW TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, No openings in this room WALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .06, Frame Insulated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Vafue = .026, Unconditioned Attic Space Above FLOOR TypE IS: U-Value = 0, Floor over any CondiEioned Space HEATI-,OSS The Total BTUH for the outside walls are 0 The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are 0 The total BTUH for the ceilings 101 The Eotal BTUH for Ehe fLoors 0 The BTUH infiltration for the openings is 0 THE TOTAI BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS 101 Required Radiant floor outpuE, BTU's /square foot is 2'3 BDRM 3 CETLTNG HEIGHT IS 9.50 FEET, VOI,U}IE IS I,824 CUBIC FEET 2 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING 3 EXPOSED I,TIAI-.,LS, noL including openings,ToTALING >>>> 328'5 SQUARE FEET ROOM SrZE rS L6.O LONG by rZ.b wron, TOTALING >> ]-92'0 SQUARE FEET WINDOW TypE IS: U-Value = .361-, Double Pane, Low e Coating, Clear Glass WALL TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .05, Frame Insulated CEILING TYPE IS: u-Value = .A26, Unconditioned AtLic space Above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-VaIue = 0, Floor over any condiEioned space HEATLOSS 1,774 1, O55 ++z n 750 4 ,022foot is 2O.9 The Total BTUH for the outside walls are The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are The Lotal BTUH for the ceilings The toEal BTUH for Lhe floors The BTUH infiltration for Ehe openings is THE TOTAL BTT'H FOR THIS ROOM IS Required Radiant floor output, BTU's /square BATH 3 CEILING HEIGHT TS 9.50 FEET,VOLTJME IS 1 EXPOSED OPENINGS, TOTALING 2 EXPOSED WALL,S, not including openings,TOTALING >>>> 444 CUBIC FEBT 4.0 SQUARE FEET L62.3 SQUARE FEET Page 4 ROOM SIZE IS 5.5 LONG by e.S WIDE, TOTAI-.,ING >> 46.8 SQUARE FEET WINDOW TYPE IS: U-Value = .351-, Double Pane, Low e Coating, Clear G1ass WALL TYPE IS:U-VaIue = .06, Frame InsulaEed CEILING TYPE Is: U-Value = .026, Unconditioned ALtic Space Above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS The Tot.al- BTUH for the out.side wa1ls are 8'76 The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are 130 The total BTUH for the ceilincrs 108 The total BTUH for Ehe floors O The BTUH infiltration for the openings is 92 THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS L,205 Required Radiant floor output, BTU'e /square foot is 25.8 DINING RM cErLrNG HETGHT rS 10.00 FEET, VOLUME IS 1,680 CUBrC FEET 2 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING 2 EXPOSED WALLS, noE including openings,TOTALING >>>> 145.5 SQUARE FEET ROOM SIZE IS 12.0 LONG by 14.0 WIDE, TOTALING >> l-58.0 SQUARE FEET WfNDOW TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .36L, Double Pane, Low e Coating, Clear Glass WALL TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .05, Frame Insulated CEILING TYPE IS: U-VaIue = 0, Conditioned space above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .O?1, Floor, over Enclosed, Unconditioned space HEATLOSS ,^7s1- r**3,;;; o[ut ,,2# -]{87 ,638foot 1s 45.5 The Total BTUH for tshe outside walls are The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are The tot.al BTIJH for the ceilings The total BTUH for the floors The BTUH infll-tration for the openings is THE TOTAL BTI]H FOR THIS ROOM IS Required Radiant floor out.put., BTU's ,/square LIVING RM CEILING HE]GHT ]S 15.00 FEET, VOLUME IS 5,544 CUBTC FEET4 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALTNG2 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,TOTALING >>>> 248.0 SQUARE FEET ROOM SIZE 1S L6.5 L,ONG by 2L.0 WIDE, TOTALING >> 345.5 SQUARE FEET WINDOW TYPE IS: U-Value = .351, Double Pane, Low e Coating, Clear Glass WALL TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .05, Frame fnsulaced CEILING TYPE fS: U-Value = .026, Uncondit.ioned Attic Space Above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = .07!, Floor, over Enclosed, Unconditioned space HEATLOSS 1 ?1q 4 ,68O lJ t .1,109 - /113,324 ts ' t-]- ,249 . foot is 32.5 The Tot.al BTUH for the out.side walls are The Total BTIII for the Exposed Openings are The total- BTUH for the ceilings The t.otal BTUH for the floors The BTUH infiltration for the openings is THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS Required Radiant floor output, BTU's ,/square Page 5 MSTR BDRM CEILING HEIGHT IS 9.50 FEET, VOLUIVIE IS 2,309 CUBIC FEET2 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING2 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,TOTALING >>>> 99.8 SQUARE FEET ROOM SIZE IS 1-3.5 LONG by 18.0 WIDE, TOTAI-,ING >> 243.0 SQUARE FEET WINDOW TYPE IS: U-Value = .36L, Double Pane, Low e Coating, Clear Glass WALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .05, Frame Insulated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Conditioned space above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = .07L, F1oor, over Enclosed, Unconditioned space HEATLOSS The Total BTUH for the outside walls are 539 The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are 3,396 The rotal BTUH for the ceilings 0 The t.ota1 BTITH for the floors 778 The BTUH infiltration for the openings is 2,4L2 THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS 7,L25 Required Radiant floor output, BTU's /square foot is 29.3 MSTR CI.,OSET CEILING HE]GHT IS 9. OO FEET, VOLUME IS 350 CUBIC FEET O EXPOSED OPENINGS, TOTALINGl" EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,TOTALINc >>>> 72.0 SQUARE FEET ROOM SIZE IS 8.0 LONG by 5.0 WfDE, TOTAI,,ING >> 40.0 SQUARE FEET WINDOW TYPE IS: U-Va]ue = 0, No openings i-n this room WALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .06, Frame Insul-ated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Va1ue = 0, Conditioned space above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = .0'7L, Floor, over Enclosed, Unconditioned space HEATLOSS 389 n n )_zd 0 5r7 fooL is I2.9 The Total BTUH for t,he outside wa11s are The Tota1 BTUH for the Exposed Openings areThe total BTUH for the ceillngsThe total BTUH for the floors The BTUH infiltrat.ion for t,he openings is THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS Required Radiant floor output, BTU,s /square MSTR BATH CEILING HEIGHT IS 9. OO FEET,2 EXPOSED OPENINGS, TOTALING3 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,TOTALING >>>> ROOM SIZE fS 7.5 LONG by L5.0 WIDE, TOTALING >> WINDOW TYPE IS: U-VaLue = .351_, Double pane, Low e WALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .05, Frame Insulat.ed Coat,ing, Clear Glass CEILING TYPE IS: U-VaIue = 0, Conditioned space above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .07I, Floor, over Enclosed, Uncondicioned space HEATLOSS VOLI,JME IS 1, 013 CUBIC FEBT 32.5 SQUARE FEET 237.5 SQUARE FEET 112.5 SQUARE FEET The Total The Total The total The total The BTUH THE TOTAI-,, Required Page 5 BTUH for the outside walls are BTUH for the Exposed OPeninga are BTUH for the ceilings BTUH for the floorsinfiltration for Ehe openings is BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS Radiant floor output, BTU's /square foot 1,283 L, 055 n Jbv 750 3 ,449is 30.7 FAIV1ILY RM CEILING HEIGHT ]S 12.00 FEET, VOLUME IS I,44O CUBIC t'EET 4 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING3 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,ToTAI-.,ING >>>> 293.3 SQUARE FEET ROOM SrZE IS 10.0 LONG by rZ.b WrnB, TOTALING >> 120.0 SQUARE FEET WINDOW TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .351-, Double Pane, Low e CoaEing, Clear Glass WALL TYPE IS: U-VAIUC = .06, FTAMC INSUIALCd CEILING TYPE IS: U-Value = .Q25, Unconditioned ALLic Space Above FLOOR TypE IS: U-Value = .07L, Floor, over Enclosed, Unconditioned space HEATLOSS 1, 584 1, 389 276 "Z+ .lo7o4 ,620foot is 38.5 The ToLal BTUH for Ehe outsside walls are The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are The total BTUH for the ceilings The total BTUH for the floors The BTUH infiltration for the openings is THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS Required Radiant floor outpuE, BTU's /square KTTCHEN CEILING HE]GHT IS 1O.OO PEET, VOI,TJI,TE IS L,495 CUBIC FEET l EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING1 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,ToTALING >>>> 80.0 SQUARE FEET ROOM SIZE IS 11.5 LONG by r:.b wfOe, TOTALING >> a49.5 SQUARE FEET WINDOW TYPE IS: U-VaLue = .361-, Double Pane, I-,ow e CoaEing, Clear Glass WAT,L TYPE IS: U-Value = ,05, Frame Insulated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Value = O, Conditioned space above FLOOR TypE IS: U-VaIue = .07L, Floor, over Enclosed, Uncondi-tioned space HEATLOSS The Total BTUH for the outside walls are 432 The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are l-,1-38 The total BTUH for the ceilings 0 The total BTUH for the floors 478 The BTUH infiltration for Ehe openings is 808 THE TOTAL BTI]H FOR THIS ROOM IS 2,856 Required Radiant floor outpuE, BTU's /square foot is 19.1 FOYER CEILING HEIGHT 15 12.00 FEET,VOLI]ME IS I,920 CUBTC FEET Page 7 2 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING >>>>>>;;;;;; 2 EXPOSED WAI-,I,S, not including openings,TOTALING >>>> !24'5 SQUARE FEET ROOM SIZE IS 10.0 LON6 by ie.b WfOE, TOTALING >> 150.0 SQUARE FEET WINDOW TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .351, Double Pane, Low e Coating, Clear Glass WAI-.,L TYPE IS: U-Value = .06, Frame Insulated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Value = .026, unconditioned ALtic space Above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-VaIue = 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS 6tz r,4!4 358 \J 1,004 3,458 is 2l .6 The Total BTUH for Ehe outside $talls are The Total BTUH for Ehe Exposed Openings are The toEal BTUH for t,he ceilings The toEal BTUH for the floors The BTUH infiltration for Ehe openings is THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS Required Radiant floor output, BTU's /square foot POWDER RM CEILING HE]GHT IS 9.OO FEET,VOLUME IS 189 CUBIC FEET O, O SQUARE FEET O. O SQUARE FEET 21..0 SQUARE FEET O EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALINGo EXPOSED WALLS, noL including openings,TOTALING >>>> ROOM SIZE IS 3.0 LONG by ?.0 WIDE, TOTALING >> WINDOW TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, No openings in this room WALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .05, Frame Insulated CEILING TYPE Is: U-Value = 0, Conditioned space above FLooR TYPE IS: U-VaIue = ,07L, F1oor, over Enclosed, Unconditioned space HEATI-,OSS The Total BTUH for Ehe outside walls are The Total BTUH for t,he Exposed Openings are The t.otal BTUH for the ceilings The Lotal BTUH for the f100rs The BTUH infiltration for the openings is THE TOTAL BTI]H FOR THIS ROOM TS Requi-red Radiant floor output, BTU's /square foot is 0 0 0 ot 0 67 5.2 LAUNDRY CEILING HEIGHT IS 9.OO FEET,VOLUME IS O EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING O EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,TOTALING >>>> ROOM SIZE IS 5.5 LONG by 7.0 WIDE, TOTAI-,ING >> WINDOVI TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, No openings in this room WALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .06, Frame Insulated CEILING TYPE IS: U-VaIue = 0, Conditioned space above FLOOR TypE IS: U-Value = .07:-, Floor, over Enclosed, Unconditioned space HEATLOSS The ToEal BTUH for the outside walls are The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are The total BTUH for the ceilings The cotal BTUH for tshe floors The BTUII infiltration for the openings is THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS 347 CUBIC FEET O. O SQUARE FEET O. O SQUARE FEET 38.5 SQUARE FEET U LZ5 L23 Page I Reguired RadianE. fLoor output., BTU'E-7sE[Ere fooE is 3.2 MUD RM CEILING HEIGHT IS 9.50 FEET, VOLI]ME IS 432 CTIBIC FEET1 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING1 EXPOSED WALIJS, not including openings,TOTALING >>>> 40.8 SQUARE FEET ROOM SIZE IS 6.5 L,,ONG by 7.0 WIDE, TOTALTNG >> 45.5 SQUARE FEET WINDOW TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, No openings in this room WALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .06, Frame InsulaLed CEILING TYPE IS: U-Value = .A26, Uncondilioned AEtic Space Above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = .0?1, Floor, over Encfosed, Unconditioned space HEATLOSS 220 t)62 1ntr ,,-ar-46 4{ J485 ,t1,618 ? fooE. is 35.6 The Total BTUH for the outside wa1ls are The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are The total BTUH for the eeilings The total- BTUH for the floors The BTUH infiltration for the openings is THE TOTAL BTUH POR THIS ROOM IS Required Radiant floor output, BTU,s /square GARAGE CEILING HEIGHT TS ]-O.OO FEET, VOLI]ME IS 2,860 CUBIC FEET4 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING3 EXPOSED WAIJLS, not including openings,TOTALING >>>> 367.0 SQUARE FEET ROOM SIZE IS 13.0 LONG by 22.0 WIDE, TOTALING >> 286.0 SQUARE FEET WINDOW TYPE IS: U-Value = .36L, Doub]e Pane, Low e Coating, Clear Glass WALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .05, Frame InsulaLed CEILING TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .02G, UncondiEioned Attic Space Above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .4I , Concret.e Floors HEATLOSS 1_,982 3, 5806s8 4 olc(\,77r 2 (t.z, ov6 10, 599 rooE t_s 3t.L The Total BTUH for the outside walls areThe Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings areThe total BTUH for the ceilings The total BTUH for the floors The BTUH infiltration for the openings is THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS Required Radiant fLoor output, BTU,s ,/square TOTALS******************************************************************************** VOLTIME IS EXPOSED OPENTNGS, TOTALING EXPOSED WALLS,above grade not including openings TOTAL SQUARE FEET, of walls below qrade FLOOR AND CEILING S]ZE IS 28,252 CUBIC FEET 809.5 SQUARE FEET 2,9LL.5 SQUARE FEET O. O SQUARE FEET 2,602.O SQUARE FEET HEATLOSS The The The The The The Page 9 Total BTult for the walls above lETd are Total BTIIH for the walls below grade are Total BTIJH for the Exposed openinga aretotal BTUII for the ceilingetocal BTI'I for t,he floore BTUH infiltraEion for tshe openings is ]-5,724 0 26 tL96 4,2l.O 5,882 l_8, 684 7O ,696 $4,*{? TOTAT BTUH, TITIS BUII,DING O BTUH *****************************************************************************t** End of rePort NOLOGY aluminum heat exchanger. blower and venturi technology that maintains optimal air and fuel ratio rates. CoNoer.IstNG HIcn Errrclerqcv Gas Borlen 155 & 230 Max. MBH with 20-1 00o,'o Modulation OOe ia""r/k-"PhD lil*=)":i*^n'^ Ultta 155 llltub 230 Part No.Part No. PACKAGED BOILER - Natural Gas (field coveriible to Propane Gas) With Taco OOl f OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT 389-900-180 383-500-080 N/atching Ultra PLUS 40. 60, & 80 Water Heaters Available 'llltza'tss 'llltzozso 155 MBH 230 MBH 31 MBH 46 MBH 139 MBH 207 MBH 123 MBH 183 MBH 93.0%92.8% 98.0%98.0% ' Boiler rctum water temp = 90oF and boiler outlel,aaler temp = 1 lOoF lllbntss llhurz3O 3 in. PVC 3 or 4 in. PVC 3 in.3or4in. 1 .17 Gal 1 .57 Gal 193 lbs.204 lbs. llltuo'tss llltu.zso 1 in. 1 in. 112 in. 53-112" L x 27"W x 23-'l/2" H STANDARD EOUIPMENT Factory Tested Limiled 15 Year Heat Exchanger Warranly I/&rz Homeowner Proteclion Plan with 5 years Parts & Labor Cast Aluminum Block 30 PSI ASME Reliel Valve Drain Valve Stainless Steel Burner with woven sleel fiber mesh Direcl Spark lgnition Variable Speed Blower Assembly GasiAir Ratio Venturi with Air Silencer Negative Pressure Regulation Gas Valve 50 VA nansformer Comb. T&P Guage Outlet Water Temp. Sensor Return Water Temp. Sensor Flue Gas Temp. Sensor Outdoor Temp. Sensor 2//trra Control Module . With Digital Display . lgnition Control + Operating Control . High Limit Protection r Low Water Protection + Outdoot Reset + DHW Priority + Two Pump Controls (Heating & DHw) Taco 001 1 Boiler Circulator Shipped separately with 1" & 1-1/4" flanges Complete Jacket Assembly with Fully Removable Front Jacket Cover Adjustable Boiler Legs VenVAir Termination Plate Vent Terminatron Bird Screen Line & Low Vollage P re-wired Terminal Strips On/Ofl Power Switch Line Voltage Service Receptacle Condensate Trap with Drain Tee Assembly Propane Conversion Orific€ Automatically adapts for high allitude (dercte 41i, per 1000 ft. altitude) right to change specifications wilhout notice. Wall Mounting Kit AN,13 Alarm Control Kit lndirect-Fired Water Heaters RATINGS CSA Input (lvlaximum) CSA lnput (l\4inimum) DOE Heating Cap. Net l=B=R DOE AFUE Low Temp Applications Annual Efficiency* DATA Vent Size / Material Combustion Air Size Water Volume Approx. Ship. Weight DIMENSIONS Supply Tapping Return Tapping Gas Connection Size Crate Dimensions O Supply connectron @ Return connecl on Q Low Vo lage Wrre Opening g) Eleclnca Enlrance Open rqs O Veni Connection QArr connecton (7) Gas Connecl on In the interest of continual improvements in product and performance, Weil-McLain reserves the @ uf EIl'mr nlil Locate our sa'|es ori;;'i:;:::'-"" website:Weil-McLain 500 Blaine Street Michigan City, lN 46360- 2 38I O 2002 Weil-McLain Form No. C-995( 1002) TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PCrMit #: MO4-0037 Job Address: 252 W MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 252 WEST MEADOW DR (WEST) Applied . . : 03/17/2004 ParcelNo...: 210107101002 Issued. . : 04113/2004 ProjectNo' TRf O? -O,-(o,( Expires. .: 10/10/2004 OWNER Theodore S. Halaby O3/L7/2OO4 phone: 303-888-5959 12 Vista Road Englewood, CO DENVER CO 9=80110 License: CONTRACTOR SIIrTON IIISI'IrATING WEST, INC. 03 /t't /2004 Phone: 970-945-1313 s398 CR 154 #1_ GT,ENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81501 License:219-M APPLICANT SUTTON INSULATING WEST, INC. 03/L7 /2004 Phone: 970-94s-1313 s398 CR 1_s4 #1_ GIJENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 815 01 Iricense : 2!9 -YI Desciption: INSTALL FIREBOX WITH NG LOGSET AND I DV FIREPLACE WITH FLUES, POSSIBLE DAMPERS Valuation: $4,100.00 Fireplace Information: Restdcted: Y # ofcas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of wood Pellet: 0 i**'*|*|*+t**l*l|*titl'*'*t'**l**|*||l**|l.***|l*|1|1.+i++|*1t{lli'****|FEESUMMARY+!|*lt|'t*********| Mechanical-> $100 . 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> go. 00 Total Calculated Fees--> S128 . 00 PIan Check--> $25. 00 DRB Fee------+ $0. 00 Additional Fees--_> $0. OO Investigation-> $0. 00 TOTAL FEES-*-> $128 . 00 Total Permit Fe€---> $12s . oo WillCall----> $3 .00 Payments----------------> $12s.00 BALANCE DUE-----> $o ' oo tt+tt* +trl tttl**aItem: 05100 BUIITDING DEPAR${EICI o3/3L/2004 ccD Action: AP Iten: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIflI CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIOI{S ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE. Cond 3 22 (BI-,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. ?01 OF TIIE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTTON 701 0F rHE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BL,DG.): INSTAL,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTTTRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 oF THE 1997 IIMC, CHAPTER L0 OF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 (BL,DG.): GAS APPIJTAIICES SHAL,L BE vENTED AccoRDrNc ro cI{AprER 8 AI\ID sI{ALrJ TERMINATE AS SPECTFIED I}I SEC.8O5 OF TIIE 1997 T'MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BL,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AIiID SEC.1O17 OF THE 1997 I]MC AIiID CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (Br,Dc.): BoTLERS sIrAt'rJ BE MoIrlrrED oN FIJooRs oF NoNcoMBusrrBLE collsr. ulrl-,Ess I,ISTED FOR MOI'!{TING ON COMBUSTTBIJE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLAIIS AIID CODE AIiIAL,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO Al.I INSPECTIOII REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAI ROOMS CONIAIIIING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOIITERS SHAI,L BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 Og TIIB 1997 IIMC, OR sEcTroN 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is corrcct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HO1JRS IN OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. TI.JRE OF OWNEROR AND OWNET t49 "f^' APPUCATIOT{ WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF TNCOMPTETE OR Project #: Building Permit #: 97 O - 47 9 -2149 (I ncpec{onr) Permit will not be accepted without the following: @nbct #orat JobNarne: ST.l.woJ &Y JobMdress: O5-a u) Legal Description I lofi [ Block I Filing:Subdivision: Engineer:Mdress:Phone: l $c't FtuPt* \.ol{{r €lt',e-,' Posel \ k ba.^.-o<r^q- workChss: NelilJn Additbn( ) Alterafron( ) Repair( ) Oher( ) . Does ar EHU o.ist at this location: Y6 f1 No ( ) rye""f AUgi Srngpfamily( ) Duplu,y') Mul6-tamlly( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Oater( ) No. of Exbting Dilelling Unfts in thb buildingr No. of AccommodaUon Units in thb building: No/Tvoe d Fireohces bdsting: Gas Apiliarces ( ) 'Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pelld (: ponrOe gf rrrepbe pto wood/Petlet ( ) wood Buming (NOT AIIOWED) de/ice? Yes( ) No( ) COI'IPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERJIIIT (LAbOT & MAtC]iAIS) 100 @NTRACTOR IIIFORITIATION l. l.*******:1.***f.d.:1.:l:1.*f.*d.**FOR \q||1y*r,*******!rr:r,r*r,****:3******* F:/GnGrtom/brn /mdpcmr L"\.*S^_ +-Lto* oc_ A/.rOt l.g" ul .@* ISNED MAlESrtC. crzrePtacas SUPERHEARTH WOOD BURNING FIREPLACES To create a totally authentic, custom-built masonry appearance the SuperHearth Series woodburning fireplaces are the perfect solution. With one of the most expansive hearth areas in the industry the SHR36 has an opening of 36,,W x24"H, while the SHR42 has an opening of 42,'W x 24,,H. The largest model, the SHR48 measures 48"W x 2g1U,H.yet, despite their size the SuperHearth. Series fireplaces can be installed quickly and easily because of their zero clearance design. plus, they are fully insulated to reduce outside air infiltration and improve heating efficiency. Standard Features o Totally refractory-lined firebox: Sides and back are lined with a realistic heringbone firebrick pattern imprint for beauty and durability. Hearth is lined with a classic brick pattern for easy ash removal. . Tapered Firebox Sides assure greater reflection of radiant heat. o Clean Surround Face permiE flush finishing around the firebox for a traditional appearance. . Fully Insulated Construction helps improve home efficiency oy reducing oubide air infiltration. . Built-ln Flue Damper reduces home heat loss when fireplace is not in use. r Basket Grate allows adequate combustion air to flow under the fuel. r Gas Line Access has knockout on both sides of firebrick for optional gas applications. r Underwriters' Laboratories Listed and Tested for Safety. o Limited Waranty and 3O-Year Protection plan assure ouality and dependability. Optional Accessorles . Tempered Bi-Fold Glass Doors are simple to install and operate. Gives a great view of the fire while reducing heat loss. . AK-MST Outside Kit provides a constant flow of fresh air to the fire box for tightly sealed homes. . Majestic Fireplace Mantels are available in a variety of materials and come pre-cut for fast, easy installation. Slmple, Economlcal Chlmney System The SuperHearth Series is designed to utilize our 11CF double wall chimney system to keep installation simple and economical. No tools of fasteners are needed for this snap-lock pipe section and elbow system. The 131/2" slim outer wall construction utilizes the traditional 171/2" x 171/2" ceiling opening.In ti€ htergct ol constant produci lmpfovements, w€ ros€wr h€ rlght to dungg sp€ctficatorE rvithout nolico. Bobl! installalon6, ploaso road Installadan ln6tuctons end chgck all local Bulldlng Cod6s a.E Ges R€gul.tlon6. +__j-+ E | ,[.'T-trF\_ffi'*'* T -1it-ti';t-1"-''- I <16----------?F-\A l-r.+'or-r*o.. 5y=ffi-=pa *-J rll ilil[f--llilt-Tl* | r#T+li liltulh+t3-L-Lhinl 1j -L---!.dr_-ffi" i l--r____-l I I i|llt arfa, arf,ra Iff-r-.er---re---E] l B l 40!a' f,ztl.' 5€ alreT-Er---Er--lir-ltrol-7gd---ffi-s9Fl I E | 18r/,f a8u.' 53' IT;T?i-1tF---AiFl fu F?1i"r-ii1 tztd Sgrd I Itr E?1rr6' 6rtlr,'- 06;l |_t.Tsr?/e' 8?td Grt.l I J l4ter6' a4iytt' aTrrfltRl-za---a-- zotal Vermont Castings, Maiestic Products 410 Admiral Blvd. Mississauga, Ont. L5T 2N5 l.lt l96l670-77n rvyiv.m{.3tcp@ducb.com F|x: (9O5) 555-4690 wwr.vcfiork ring..com :(D0-@98 05t02 The HARGROVE WESTERN PINEI Frqerlence tf|e beauty of mountaln grorvn plne In the cornfort of your own home. Craftsmanshlp and detalls so refined you wlll be 6€ddng your flngers for spltnte|s. I|ARGROVES Western Plne logs are cast from real plne trees selected for thelr knafls and twlsts. CI"EAN: No lo8s to c|ny In, no ast|es to carry out, no messy woodpllel I|ARGROVE gas logs poduce l€ss polluuon than bumlng wood. SAFE HARCROVE lo8s arc cast h re{ractory concrete and relnforced wlth steel lath. 'Ihey wlll wtthstand temperatures of orer 200@ F. and elimlnate dangerous sparks made by wood fires. ECONOMICAL: For less lhan the co6t of bumlng wood, lhese logs Wll radiate heat for hours after the gas has been tum€d off. COilVEt{lEl{T: A reallsfic ffre ls yours, complete with glowlng efibers, by shply strlldng a match and tumlng on a valve. All HARGROVE vented eas log sets arc deslgned to functbn In a fully vented metal or masonry ffrcplac wlth a natural tas supply where wood can be bumed sahly. The flue damp€r must be fully open durlng use. HARCROVE gas flr€ logs carry a llmlted llH|me warranty agalnst br€kage In the orlglnal f,replac€. All acc€ssorles carry a twe),ear limited wananty ln the odgtnal fircplac€. BqWIIy llond frnishd Htghut Qualtty Constucfron HottgtCusbnq *ruice Allsetslndude:,w FIREPLACE DIMENSIONS 8. Bdng th€s€ measure menb to your dealer iol asslslance In sldng a Hargrwe Gas lrg set Flr€phce Depth: Rr€place Wdth: Fireplace Floor wldth -8" Measurcmert should be taken 6" to 8' Inslde tt|e flrcbox openlng 1 HAND FINISHE)FIREIOGS al€ the uldmaie ffire that mal(es IIARCROVE gas log s€ts alttrcrtld Z PEITESrALGnAE b specially ddgned b phc€ fhe bgs ln perH poduon b. the b€st flame pattsm 3. EMBER BURNER FAN E made d tEavy 16 gauge # and bnns lh€ ioundaton ior A|e burner medla 4. SIUCA sll{D b used to maxmEe dlfr$lon ol rEbrral 96 \ermkl|lfte b used wl8| propane. 5 EIIBRS o€aie t|e firsbr of a b€d o( glowlr8coah 6 CINDERS arc us€d to demnfe Ele flrcpla(e foor for a 'fnlshed" look P E o +{t Hdroln Me cqp. 7. CONNECIOR is used bjoln the gas spply to |he efiber bumer pan. omoNAt: & SAFETY PIIOTVAIVE combines the conv€nlence of oftoff contrd wlth safetv ieatur€. A\allable faciory ass€mbled. ' When opera0r€ on Fopane 96, a safety pllot conbol ls rcqulrcd. Please sp€ctfy l,latunl cas or Fopane cas }UIRGROVE MANUEAGruRING CORFORANON sand Sprlngs, Oklahoma For the hottest servlce In the Industry, please contact: rvhen ordedngssffie@@ Manufactured by &ooyooo Cost Trim Specificalionr for D\A!6O alarifti t ftYtEf.l 1..- r 1. --.1 #+Er Vennont Castings, Mafestic Itoducts ll0lAnhollld, ui#*er,rre, Om. L5T 2M 19051 67o-n77 !w,!rrlal*lrFlrrnctrieaa! rrW.Yr|ttrOal|ttilhorrcti ln t. inbf,t d corEffi trldm lrnF.evgnefi, w6 lo*vo fto ,lgli io cf:Er rFdiEdanr|it|q rrdc.r E€frr€ ffilldbm, pl€a* rcd fftlHon lrd|&dor! rd otrrCt || lslqt*lg {.f rd GrF.$Hflt. CD{ffi I A4 t€t, r 24. ?tq 1&ft\l'g,g,,. U.6, Fat flb" a 808 44o , 1 w ?|t, 1 w zn 'fffi pandlno. YOUF| VEll4Oxr cAan ('s, N tEgttc Peoouc:t$ DEALEF (tosl 565..1590 GRDE-80138 G|DE-804i3 LBV-43 . Generous 24-518' tall,43 " wide screen opening witfi recessed screen pockets . 50,000 Btu/lr input chaned oak log set with glowing ember bed o Available in natual or propane tas models o Installation and venting are €asy, thanks to 8,, B-vent, . Ready for on/off wall switch or remore control . Flex gas connector with shut-off valve o Realistic brickaded interior (traditional or .ff"j:Tr:",.:-II GRDE_3gl43 Traditional Heringbone r Tinted glass enclosure that resembles bi-fold doors . 45,000 Bn/lr sand (vermiculite) burner availa-ble in natural gas or propane gas models o Realistic brickaded refractory interior panels o Self€enerating millivolt controls with piezo pilot ignition, or pilotless electronic ignition . Automatic energy-efficient bi-metal damper . Remote wall switch c 20 year limited warranty LBV Model (Only) . Glass doors in your choice of styles and finishes o Electronic ignition - 120 volt o Pine cone kit o Decorative yolcanic stone LBV 6c GRDE Models . Outside combustion air kit o Wireless remote control kits (standard or deluxe) Notq Due to knnox' ongoitrg commitmcnt to qualiry all specifications, ratings and dimensions are subiect to changc without notice, LBV43 Listed as a dccoratiye fircplace in the Unitcd Sates and Canada. Built to ANZI 221.50 Stardard and design ccni- fied by Warnock Herscy (Repon # J20036399). Warnock Herscy (Regnn * 606-209m0') Front Face kft Side Right Side GRDE-8038& GRDE-$43 UMENIONS Top Fe!/'._l/4F#iffiii l-- -r*s------JI rar+r? | Front Face E6.|}l||-I r€tDlr I ?5@l-lJm itgrnF dLt If--ffilrr ' TopLeft Side Right Side FMMING DIMENSIONS t8v-{53"25-rn' GDE-lltr 40-5/8 " GNDE-N[3 45-3/8' tav.43 ttb u5 Vsitus at wwrvl-enno4learthPoducts.orn TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTINITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M04-0056 Job Address: 252 W MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 252 WEST MEADOW DR Applied . . : 04/2112004 ParcelNo...: 210107101002 Issued. . : 0412712004 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 1012412004 OWNER Theodore S. Halaby 04/2L/2O04 phone: 303-888-5959 12 Vista Road Engflewood, CO DEIIVER CO 9=801L0 License: CONTRACTOR MOI'IIfAIN AIR MECITAIIICAIJ INC.04/2L/2004 Phone: (970) 625-4352 501 west 2nd St. Bldg. A Rifle, Colorado 81650 L,icense: 284-M APPIJICANr MOIINTAIN AIR MECHANICAL INe.O4/2L/2004 phone: (970, 625-4352 501- West 2nd St. Bldg. A Rifte. Colorado 81550 L,icense: 284-Vl Desciption: SUPPLEMENTAL HEAT, GENERAL VENTILATION Valuation: $6,893.00 FireDlace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY a.:|'t:|**attra'trr+**a**r'tr*a*ta*ara*:|*:r:r*:r*ar*ar*.r.tl*.lr*.**r S0 . 00 Total Calculsted Fe€s-> S178 . 00Mechanical--> 51{0.00 Restusrsnt Plan Review-> Plsn Check-> Itrv6ligation-> Will Call--> 53 5 . 00 DRB Fee_>50.00 AdditionalFc€s-->90. 00 $3.00 BALANCE DUE__.>$0.00 a**tt{ *al *t't t t't tlItem: 05100 BUILDfNC DEPARTMENT j4/2L/2OO4 JS Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARII{ENf CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODB COMPLIAIiICE. Condz 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. ?01 OF TIIE 1997 UII{C, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (BL,DG. ) : INSTAL,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS A}{D TO CHAPTER 1.0 OF THE 1997 I'MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 $0.00 TOTAL FEES-> $1?8.00 Total Permit Fe€--> $178.00 Payments----.-_-;' $178.00 (BL,DG.): GAS APPIJIAIICES SI{AITIJ BE VENTED ACCORDING TO C}IAPTER I AND SIAIJIJ TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEE.8O5 OF THE 199? IfiC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (Bl,Dc.): ACCESS To HEATTNG EeurpMEllr MUsr coMpr,y wrrH cHAprER 3 AtiID sEc.1o1z oF TI{E 1997 I'MC AI{D CTIAPTER 3 OF TITE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHAIJIJ BE MOUNIED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. UI{LESS I,ISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AIID CODE ANAITYSIS MUST BE POSTE|D IN MECIANICAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHA}IICAI, ROOMS CONTAINING I{EATTNG OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOIL,ERS SHAITIT BE EQUIPPED WITH A FITOOR DRAIN PER SEC. L022 OF THE 1997 I!MC, OR ::::-'--oj-'1-o'l-.';.i--3j.-T-"..'.ii'].-]jI;t|',t'|t+**|||*:t+*+:t:||'||+,t+|*|:|l,t*l+.'t|t|*****'*|ti DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQTJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry.FOUR HOURS IN ADVAME BY TELEPHONE AT 49 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF aaala*'t'}a*l*tfrtla*ftlaf*+la{'la*la*l**al*lfattaa'}gl**tal******tal!t**l|.!t+{r**aaa'}'}aaal*f*a'}aaa TOWNOFVAII. COIJORADO Staicmcnr *l'ifafaflaatlflta*a*ll+*tt*affatlfatalafat'}*lrtatfl+++tf+f***ta*t'l**********+a**l*aaa*t**lft* gtatsnent Nudber 3 R040005688 Amount: g1?9.00 04/27/2OO4O9:14 elt Palznent Dlcthod: Check Init: DDG Notation: Mountain Alr ltlechanical 7585 Permit No: ltl04-O056 Tlpe: MECHANICSL PERIT{IT Parcel No: 210107101002 Site Addrees: 252 t{ UEADOT| DR VArIJ Location: 252 WEST IIEADOW DR Total Fees: $178.00 ThiE Paym€nt: $1?8.00 Total ALL Hnts: $178.00Balance: $0.00 | *f 'l * l af ** {' **t t ||*f l' *'}a,}* l**'}* *'l *l* *a**l t *'}*** * *'}** | * f '}*** t+*** ***'}* ***{t* *f t}* t **aarl f *ll ttlf * | ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Prnts MP OO1OOOO31111OO MECHAIIICAL PERHIT FEES 14O.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 35.00 I,JC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO APPLICA nor wrLLilor BEAccEpTED rF rirconpl-ErEoR $iiHL,:j_qIO.,Buiidinse@-. ilechanical ee.mitE@6 970179-2119(lnspectlons) NWWVilL 75 S. Frontage Rd.u""'ft"fctl{eg APR iFleIiEo TOWN OF VAIL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Permit will not be accepted wlthout the following:"sb CONTRACTOR INFORMATION 2 ! 20U" RECE IVE D Mechanical Contractor: Mow4a\* AV Wol,.dcal Town of Vail Reg. t'lo.: 4.b+- M Contact and Phone #'s: g,,"ie ({o.lrtratu l1o - 6L5- 4tS2 E{all Addrsgg: W ow(", F-!k cl-g aol . ue* Contractor Sionature:N Yl' MECHANfCAL: $ 6,b71e Contect tor Parccl # Parcel #ztolo ltot ooz- JobName: tol^q1 (ct\/,cerA Wrl JobAddress: egf W.Mt,v.\ovga la? h.Mqt LogE! D$cription ll Lofi fi Block: I riting:Subdivision: orners ttame: fta,bgy llLi-,'*y ll Address: 4qL W. fwLJ,.r pr. I Phone: Engineer: l[e, ]Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: S,nyy(.,,u-t^( l\*l , ;1tw.,rl v, *li l.-{io* workCla6s: f.few[ Addition( ) Atteration( ) R€pair( ) other( ) Boiler Location: lnterior ( Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU sxist at this locatbn: Yes( ) No( ) Type of BHg: Singlo-famity ( ) erpbr( Mu[i-family ( ) Comrnercid ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buiuing:No. of Accommodatbn Un,ts in this building: No/Type of Fir€places Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Bumino ( No/Type of Fiteplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Feltet ( ) Wood Buming {NOT ALLOWED) lsthis a corwsrsion ftom a wmd buming fireplace to an EPA Phase ll device? Yes( ) No( ) \VriIUaIabdcv\FORMS\PERMITS\I}IECHPERM.DOC oTn4nNPR 2 \ _.",. ( 5Ol W.2ndBldg. A Rffe, Colqado8l55O offrce (g?ol G2r'4t52 rar(rro) 62s4f56 TAG FC-1 FC-2 EF.I EF-2 sA-l RA-I HALABY RESIDENCE MODELI\ruMBER Magic Aire DHW-400 Magic Aire DHW-400 Acme VQ250 Acme VQ400 I{art and Cooley 531 Hart md Cooley RH45 SI,JBMITTALS April 19,2004 DESCRIFTION Fan Coil Unit Fan Coil Unit Crawlspace Ventilation Fm Mechanical Room Exhaust Fan Floor Register Refirm Grille DHW Series AIR FLOW o DHvl/ CFM vs. External Static for Standard Unit DHW with HH-2 CFM vs. External Static for Standard Unit with HotWater Coil o MODEL SPEED SE,rNNGS .10 ESP CFM .20 ESP CFM ,30 ESP CFM .40 ESP CFM .50 ESP CFM DHW-400 HIGH MEDIUM LOW 590 420 315 570 410 300 555 395 280 525 380 255 490 350 225 DHW€OO HIGH MEDIUM LOW 805 615 520 770 610 5t5 720 58s 500 665 550 ,|85 610 510 455 DHW-800 HIGH MEDIUM LOW 1040 875 670 1000 860 665 950 835 660 900 795 655 845 750 635 oHw-1000 HIGH MEDIUM LOW 129iJ 1105 930 1245 1080 915 1200 1060 895 1155 1035 885 1110 1000 860 MODEL SPEED SETNNGS .10 ESP CFM ,20 ESP CFM .30 ESP CFit ..00 ESP CFM ;50 ESP CFM DHW-400 w/HH-40S2 HIGH MEDIUM LOW 580 415 310 560 400 295 535 390 275 505 370 250 475 345 220 DHW.6OO w/HH-600-2 HIGH MEDIUM LOW 755 605 515 715 590 505 670 560 490 615 520 465 555 480 430 DHW.SOO wHH-800-2 HIGH MEDIUM LOW 990 860 670 945 835 665 895 800 660 845 760 Br5 795 710 610 DHW-1000 w/HH-'t000-2 HIGH MEDIUM LOW 1235 1090 920 1195 1065 910 1150 1040 890 11t0 1005 870 't060 970 840 Page 3 RIGHT HAND SHOWN 7,l tiAcr! EutiPb|tllo Uf tOCAllO]l 't I I I I I I I I BLOIVER ACCESS FANEL ,. -/ -. i ,iJ/ 4 x4 J-BOX Q nr-er @ ourr-er ! coroensrre DRAIN :v4" FPr DHW - Serlee Unll Gablnet Dlmenslons DHW . Serles Speclllcallone MOOEL UNIT BLOWER OP€NING OUTLET sTuBottrs LocATroNs A I o D E F G H I J K L M oHw@ n 12.5 32.5 2.6 7 10.75 725 2.8 4.50 10.m tl,00 0.6a5 7.500 DHW€q)25 1r1.5 32.5 3 5 10.75 8.75 2.6 t|.50 11.(x)4.(n 6.645 7.375 oHw€d)31.5 14.5 32.5 3 &25 10.75 8.75 1875 r.50 10.50 4.@ 7.@ 7.375 DHW.Im 38 14.5 3a 3 10.25 1r.75 8.75 1.875 1.fr 10.50 4.00 6.875 7.9t5 Iod.l Fraa A,f 8q. Ft Rdr Tub. lSmhrlF{ta hTo|| DO llobr HI,/AIP Bloulr DD ffuou.tnry Fll!..r 7/t'Thlak (Acfrd 8ll.) Coll Connaadon Unlt ArFplng W.|e|rt 115/1 ?0&,foll T7t1 Dl-IW.400 1.50 4-3l8 1 1t1011.2 0.8 0.9 9-4 11.75X24.375 s/8'o.D, swr 102 DFrW€00 1.53 4-3/8 1.5 uals.t 1.0 0.9 9€14X20.76 5/8'O.D. SWT 103 DHW.SOO 2.O2 4-Sl8 2 1t4s.7 1.3 2.2 9€13.5 X 27.5 d8, o.D. swr 125 DHWn000 2.52 4-3/8 2.5 1t3t4.S 2.4 10-6 13.75 X 33.75 g4'o.D. swr 140 Motors - PSC | | 5V- l-60 Speed Direct Drlve; 3 Speed Wall Swltch (opt.) 1075 RPM Page 2 DHW Series I2O.' DCADG ffA l!?AAruT!150? aafn.IlG ltl|R fofR {t'n!rm? a|lBDti t.JtB t'|ra}llru coa Ftr.10?||d uE ^In LVGI1I Dlxa UE Alr ut!rlt 'o!ttt u,Gut L\ErL 'IItrxtt LtE TIR tlc|lt.F tvl l|EI ur ^It Llrcgn tut r{El u,rs Att U,GrL rolltlt L1(' AII.t tlE5t lot xtl Il'B lrn.l Il,Gttt lor ill lr'Etlt.t I'Gtlt.t D*a00 too dr 400 cra 540 cl|l !00 clr{a00 crt 500 cnl 300 crl a00 c''l 500 cllr 1.2 2.4 t.a o,9a l. at a. at la l5 15 tol.9 105.t to?. t ,1.2 t07.5 trl.3 L tl It 9a,t 101,5 lot.l ,t. t toa.t tot.5 la 2I t 92.8 9..5 to.a 90.2 rot.5 tor,a ?t 2t l2t,(It9.7 lll.l Dr.0 2a 21 2l lt2.a t25. I 109,8 12r.2 t34.2 2' !2 33 r09.r ut.o r20.9 105,2 u3.7 lrr.a za !0 l! r|r.1 !t2. ! 156.0 lta.2 t5{. t 16t.6 lil l5 !t tat. ! ta?.2 126.5 L9.7 19t.9 !6 {l ta t25.! t!?.2 r20,2 taa.9 t56.t *a@ 500 cra ao ot too 0rl 300 (}1l 600 crl 700 ctrl 300 cna 600 cnl ?00 cn 2,4 t.a a.l l. ra !.t5 ?.@ a a 21 t.0 to.0 r0l.t lo. t 107,t rl0.l 2t 25 It t r.2 ,t.6 9,0 to.a t06.t to.{ 25 11 ll tl.l 95,4 5.1 9.2 I05.0 r$.1 ll t3 J' l16, u0, 422. l2{,2 Dl.7 l!3.9 35 t1 !8 tr2,9 u6.a llt ! l2l.? tllt.a rJ,t, t t7 .0 a2 t09,1 lr3.l l$.0 rll,l l2?.5 M.5 al al a5 r36.1 Iao,r ta2,! ra5.a 155,7 16l. t a6 {9 5I tlt,{ r3l. ! l{1.6 tSit,6 I5l, ? 50 5a 56 13l. r!!. t!t. ! r|9.t 15a.7 *400 r00 ctn lr0 cnl 900 q||?m or eD cl||t00 CFr'l 700 cDa 800 cfll 9qt cn t.a a.a 4.0 2.54 t..' a, tt a r0 !l 9?.9 9.4 I00.a tot,t lot, a tD.t ll lt tl r.0 ,t.a ta.5 lo.6 loa.l to.a !t llt r ,a.0 94.0 96.8 l0l.a rot.t lc.0 a3 |5 t5 116. t ll,9. a t20. a 125.9 Itt,l I]a,5 a7 a9 5t ua. lt6. 123.i lit1r.5 II3.I !0 5! 5a III.I u{.0 122.1 12?,9 IlI.O 5t 60 a:l t36. t!'. tal. la?.t Isa,t l5t.a 6! 65 67 tt5,! Ltr.{ Ia'.1 Itl.6 t5t,5 6l tt 12 u8. Bt. ul.l r50.4 15.9 Fto00 90 Cr t000 0r uoo crl 9@ (nl l0o0 c u,00 qr|t00 ctl to00 ctn tlo cn a.l 4.0 1,2 2.G t.5 a, a2 t? !a t ta. o '9.o LO.O toa.t 10t.2 lo.t a0 at .2 9a.a ,7,4 ta.l rot.a loa.l lo.a .l al aa ta. t r.2 97.0 l@.5 m6.t tot.? , 58 :e tlt.2 ut. a 126.5 TJO,I r33.6 ao 6t 6! u5.a tI7.t lzt. r t2,.t 1t2,5 5t 69 67 IUI.9 llt.5 l15.5 12t.6 t2r,2 r3l.5 ]5 l7 7t rt9. t laa.l r3a. r5t.2 to c2 3a l!!. ll5. It?. la5.l 152,t 15.7 ta l7 J' t!0. t taa.9 ! .0 I55,a HEATING CAPACITIES FOR STANDARD DHW.4 COIL Crprcltlca lculrtad rnd brrcd on antcrlno elr lemD€.|turo! of @ dooru€r.Unlir not rocommended lor h..tlng appllcat-lon! whdn toavlng alr exceidc 1lo dcore.!. When correction factors are used for various entering water temperatures, multiply the correction factor times the 180 E,W.T. capacity.The correction factors may be used with all MagicAire published 1800 E.W.T. heating capacities, HOT WATER HEATING CORRECTION FACTORS Entorlng Alr Tomp (D Enterlng Waier Temp (D 1fit"110.12|J.130" 180. 5{1..419 .500 .579 .ooc .742 .838 .917 1.000 1.090 550 .376 .i160 .544 .629 .708 .791 .873 .963 1.0/l8 6(P .335 .41S .500 .579 .665 .742 .838 .917 1.000 .290 .376 .460 .u4 .629 .708 .751 .873 .963 7V .251 .335 .419 .500 (70 .665 .742 .838 .917 75c .205 .290 .376 .460 .544 .629 .708 .791 .873 80..167 .251 .335 .419 .500 .579 .665 .742 .838 Page 6 VQ CONSTRUGTION FEATURES Models VQ100, VQ150, VQ200, 100 - 150 - 2N - 250 - s{n CFM Models VQ900, VQ1500 900 - 1500 CFM Ceiling Momt Exhausterc vQ2s0, vQ3{x) @iling lvbunt Exhauderc r 120 VAC, 10, 60 Hz r 22G240 VAC, 1@, 50/60 Hz c 277VAC, 1Q,60Hz r 6'mund ducl connector (VO100, 150) r 8" round duct connector (VQ200, 250, 300) . Low profile while polymeric grille . Single, impac{+esistantcentrifugal blower wheel l'T- t { t? Lr Soundcbsorbinoacousticinsulalion--th- 'y'-A-.\l{ Models VQ400, VQ500, VQ700 400 - 500 - 700 CFM Ceiling Mount Exhausters o 120VAC, 1@,60H2 c 22U240 YAC. 1Q. 50160 Hz t 277YAC,1A,60Hz o 1t7 x 18 % ductamedor o Sturdy, low profile rnetal grille wih s'hite enamel finish r Two impaclresistant centrifugal blower rvheels o Sound-absorbing acoustic insulation o 120VAC, 10,60Hzc 22O-24O YAC, 16, 5U60 Hz r 277VAC, 1Q,6OHz o 8" x 17 duct connector Sturdy, low profile metal grilte wifr white enamel finish Sir€le, impacl-resistant centrifu gal blower wheel rp L., r Soundabsorbing acoustic insulation -__-'t \-rrtNi Ii ffiutr ExHAusrERs PERFoRHAilcE HgEH;ft FdTif#"ffif ffi."fffi EUKI'S.ffi s#ffi"ffi F#gH5#l#trffi * 420Toe-Space Grille I All-sleel con$ruction I Heavy-gauge stamped fuce I Multi-angle fins I Golden Sand or Bdghl White enamel finish - , ,trz J ffiffi &H#,*ggp"FJ I 420 Avallable Slzer Sia ftrr Aor so hclE61012 1512xZ lI1412 20l0r{ 2l 12r x2 1{r{37 42 | Floor Diffuser I AlFsteel construction I Multi-angle fin setting I Rolled fin for $rength and safety I Welded con$ruction I Foot-operated dial conbol I Heavy-gauge stamped face I Golden Sand or Bright liVhite enamelfinish ' LlSlaD SlZlE f-rLur 1-t//r--1 | ' USIED SlZt ' I, ll ,n*,r. l-llwzr. l--urrr*l- 421 Avallable Sizec Sb flolnN&lndtos rl0 15 x12 tI r14 m 22r10 n r12 32 r14 JT r10 it0 x12 {8 6r14 50 53 | Royalaire@ Floor Diffuser I Aluminum Face I Conodon resishnt high stnngth I Heavy cross bracing at strategic intenalsI l)ual multi-shutter valves lor adjuslable air pattem I llylon slide valve operators I Extuded aluminum constution I Satin anodhed finish -T LISTEO 3tzrtiul 531 4vC!4E!!rql!r.Sizr Fmo Aru So lnch0| 2x10 10 r12 12 2x1l 11 4xl0 l04xl2 23- 4rl4 27 6110 3t 6 r!2 -,- l- 6 r11 11 F LrsrED SrZa PLU3 1-112 i .^L_E#ffiT cL<i(ti, - 1"" " " 'lr=s7tf-t__ usilto stzE _-_____-.1' tttu3 l/a Englneorlngltffion Page l0l 7 i Grilles-Aluminum REFS Filter Grille, Grid Core I All-aluminum constuction lllil" x112" x1l2" sqtnre corc design I Accommodates standard 1" thick fiher (not included) I Filter 0filles equipped with knurled knob fashnen I Bdght Whib or Mill tinish [5___,;5,1T;li,:ri,fiJffil-L t''/' l.-*r;#-';,r RH45 Grille I Extruded aluminum construction I llorizontal ban at 45 degtees I Face bars permanentlY fixed into heavy aluminum lrames at a 45 degne angle I Bright White or Satin Anodhed finish t- ,I li oUcT llzt . ustEo 3t!a usrED gllt -l +l Llstao atl€ Additional sizos availabls up0n nque$ 50 Engtnaedng lltftr on Pagc t 18 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBINGPERMIT Permit #: P03-0145 Job Address: 252 W MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 252 WEST MEADOW DR l/2 DUPLEX (W) SIDE Applied. . : 1l/06n003 Parcel No...: 210107101002 Issued . . : 0l/05/2004 ProjectNo : ?RSOe.o.@.1 Expires. .: 07/03/2004 CONTRACTOR HAYNES PLT]MBING & HEATING LLLL/06/2003 Phone: (7].9)485-3292 415 East 4th Street Leadville, Colorado 80461 I-,icensel. 298-P APPI-,ICAI{T }IAYNES PLI]MBING & HEJATING LLLT/06/2003 PhONEZ (7L9\4A6-3292 416 East 4th Street I-,eadvi11e, Colorado 80451 License:298-P OWNER Theodore S. Halaby LI/O6/2O03 Phone: 303-888-5959 12 Vista Road Englewood, CO DENVER CO 9=80110 L,icense: Desciption: NEW 4 1/2 BATH DUPLEX WEST 1/2 ONLY Valuation: $29.000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: ?? *aa+t*+.i:***t **a,t t *t | *a | *rtl{ a,tl++,}+ **'}*'t # ofGas Appliances: ?? Plumbing--> 9435 . 00 Restuarant Plan Reyiew-> Plan Check--> S108.75 DRB Fee--------->S0. oo Additional Fees------>$0.00 InYestigation-> Will Call--->$3.00 Pa)'rnents----------------> I54 5 . 7 5 BALANCE DUE_--.> SO. OO Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEMI Ll-118/2003 JRM Action: Ap Item: 055O0 FIRE DEPARTMEMT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond:12 (BLDG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accuate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. # of Gas l-ogs: ?'! # of Wmd Pallet: ?? FEE SUMMARY ta:*:|a**'l:rt*a{lr+**.'i*a*:rta:i:i:|**atr+araarta:rt**ta*r:l:rr*:t***:r*'r SO . OO Total Calculat€d Fees--> $545 . ?5 50.00 TOTAI FEES---------> S546. ?5 Total Permit Fee-----> 5545. ?5 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OFOWNER APPLICATIONs mvTtwyfirlly 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Plumbing Contractor: IJ, @ntactand Phone #'s" frr +t, 18c 3L E. COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (tabor & Materials) for Parel *r.************'t*******************rr****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* Other Fe6:Date Received: Fees:Acceoted Bv: Planner Sisn-off: -$, A*ssors Offieat 970-328-8640 or visit # Parcef #?lA | ?tot oOL tobName: /aLaEr Job Address: . ILCz-t^: he_)a.t d( Legal Description ll Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners Nam*A! il..l.Lu-Address:/a y';snt t.A. F.^L,*."tll ?Bg''gBu s?sg Engineer:o ll Address:(phone: Detailed description of work: llpot Ll'L L^-L D4lu llct-V, onl,A7 Work Class: ' Newtzf AddiUon ( ) Alteration ( )Repair( ) ot#r( ) Type of Bldg.: Single.family ( ) Duplex [zfMultFfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No, of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is tr nTrom a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) \WEiMsIA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\PLMBPERM.DOC 07126Dm.2