HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT D2 1975-1977 LEGALl/M /,//aau lZ.h^a aa Lof o(z Flaet Uqt''fue/*Ei;;-6;//"'?f nt? Aa6,Ease.P /f7t-/?72 oo r975 2r0 10640800 1 Vail Village Filing 2 Resubdivision, Lot D Lot D-2 --i--.-,rrF-|1ril 1r'\o MEMORANDUM TO: Plannlug CommLsslon FROM: Department of Community Development DATE: October 2, 1975 BE' Conditional Use Permit for Tofel and Selby Office. Bulldlng Based on Crlteria and Findings from Article 19 of the Zoning Ordlnance, the Department of Community Develop- ment staff recommends approval of the subject conditlonal use permit: 1. The development obiectives have not been clearly deflned for this paitlcular district; however, we must recognize that 1t has become'Town policy to discourage office use within the CCI area. Tbis pollcy was created not to deny the need for office space but to malntaln the mlxed use concept. The issues that must be consldered in, 'light of this proposal are: a. Is it desirableoffice buildingin area outslde csc? to allow anto be locatedof CCI, CCII, or b. Is lt deslrable to mix Pure hlgh density residential structures with a pure high densitY office st'rrrcture, or should the uses be'- mixed within the structure? c. If it is desirable, what ls the most appropriate locatlon for tbls use to occur? PLANNING COilIl l -L()i'tcoNDrrroNAL u-jRlrrrOetober 2, 1977 Page Two FOIT OI,'FICE I]UILDIC Wlren one views the community for tlre most suitable means of provlding offlce space, the following factors should be consldered: are higher for occupants. ) a, The frequency of vehicular vlslts offlce uses. (Dependent upon the types of b. User access by vehicles should be convenlent. c. The office structure centrally located to corunerclal cores. d. The location ol the should not conflict wlth exlsting use. The proposed project ls located within a HDMF uone surrounded on the rvest by the ValI Clinic (lrtDMI') and on the east by the Hollday Inn (Public Acconrmodatlon). The MDMF and Public Accommodatlon districts are high intenslty use areas. The relationship to tbe clinic and munieipal bullding will more than likely encourage support services to be located wlthin the proposed building. The exlstlng uses ylthin tbe llDllP nne are ghort and long-term dwelling unlts. The nature of the office use will have minimal effect providi.ng that uses do not produce off-site noise or odor pitUtems The effect of mixing residential and office use wlthfn the ":r".structure has the tendency to spread the offlce use throughout the entire area. With the advent of should be offlce structure , -:j",fl E3$il1+13-13't|tilr,, "o* o, FrcE r3urLDrN Oqtober 2, tgZV Page Three the l[all System many of these offlces wiIl lose their desirablllty because of the lnconvenlence of access. Any sltes whlch are in close proximlty to the Frontage Road have the tendency of belng below everage llvlng 'environments. The proposed use wl 11 prectude the addltlon of more dwelllng or accommodation units into the available houslng re$ource base. It has been the impllclt policy of the Town to dlscourage whenever posslble major actditions to the housing resource base. The locatlon of the slte wlll. al. low prlncipal traffic to enter from the Frontage Road. This will llmit trafflc clrculation on resldential streets. 2. The proposed use will have little, lf any, impact upon distrlbution of populatlon, transportatlon, utllitles, schools, parks and recreatlon or other ,publtc facllitles. In fact, there ls perhaps a posltlve lmpact ln that a potentlal condominlum site which would impact these important community concerns is not adding to the bed base and populatlon. The slte would al1ow approximately 30 - two bedroom condominl-um unlts or 120 additlonal people. 3. Trafflc could be a Problem ln the area due to the cl.os-e proxlnity of the llilton Inn and tbe Post Office driveways. ih" p"oposed traffic pattern is more desirable than routing the cars through a residential and emergency ambulence and flre routes, A portlon of the traffic problem could be alleviated by proper signlng a potentlal 4. The character of the neighborhood is some- what commerclal in character due to the cltnlc, the lltl.ton , the Munlcipal Bulldlng and the post office. rn terma of bulk, the proposed proJect ls ln keeplng wlth the general scare . of tbe aree and somewhat smarler than some of the aurroundrng atructur€s. 5. There would be little or no envlronmental lmpact created by the proposed offlce bullding t THE MORTER/TODD PARTNENSHIP, AIA Propoeed Va11 Profeeglonel Butldlng The appllcants for the Conditlonal ljse Permlt are: Jeffrey B. Selby P.O. Box 1528Veil, Colorado 81657 Rlehard l{. Tofel P .O. R;ox 172 VaiI, Colorado 816 57 Condluonal UBe Pendt ls sought for the expregs purpose of provldlng profeealonal offices. Tha property is ?r.Bently zone Hlgh Derstty Multtple tantly Dl8trlct and Ln aecordanie wtth Sectton 6.300, of the Zollng OrdLnance, Condl.tional Uaes, subparagraph (1), Lbe propoaeil use 16 pernicted, upon Lsauance of a Condltlonal Use PerElt. The precLse uae of the buildlng wlll be for professlonal offices tncludlng, but trot treceasarlly llntted to the folloeLng; legal offlces, accountanta offlces, inaurance offlces, engineerilg offlced, architecta of flces, general bilgine-se of f 1cee, corporate of f lces, Eovernuentel offices, brokerage offlces, real eElate offlces, and other sinil-ar ugee. Other data requireil by the Zonlng ordlnance is contained rrlthin Ehe stteched architectural drawlnge. In accordance vith Sectlon 18.500, Criterla and FindinSs, the appllcant- respectfully offere the fol]owing coments. (Paragraph nunbers are leferelced to those 1n the Zonlng Ordlnance) l) Appltcant rDderstalda that the de8lgn objectlve of the Town of Vall rrlth respect to profeselonal offices ls that lt be located in Buch places nhere re6ldentlal la not conduclve. To thls end, tbe proposed proSect would provide sn alternative locatlon for Ehese types of professtonal offlces preeently located l-n btherareas atound v411. 2) The proiosed uge is sErlcEly non-resLdentl€l, and r11l have no effect on population gro!|th. Coneequently, Lt e111 not create :rny addltLonal needs for schoola, parts, recreatton facilities and other publlc facl1itles. Its overall lnpact. dn utllltles rlll be rdnlnal becauge of lta lack of effecE 'on populatlon. No additional transport- atlon facllltles stl1 be requl.red and the non-regldential cheracter of the bulldin8 rleans no flreplaces to add to Vail's perlodlcal air pollutlon problen. The bulldlng 1s sufflciently renoveil fron surrounding atructureg to avold any probLens aseoclated wlth light and aun expoaure. cRossRoADs AT vAtL BOX 1186 VA|L, COLORADO 81657 47&5105 v THE MOFTER/TODD PARTNENSHIP, AIA the Crafflc affect. at th16 congosted area; 3) Trafflc conttol, The buildlng ls belng deslgned to be In total conpllance. wlth the zonlng regulaEtons wlth respict to parklng. thisoeana tlat all vehicular traff{c cieated by the butldlng can te handlednlthln the site rlth absolutely no Lnpact on aurroundlng parklngfaci1ltle8. Access to the 81te Ls available on 2 eldee. Due to therore resid€ltlal nature of the south eide of the building, the pEinarytf&fflc pattern wlll revolve around tbi north.eotrance- Thle entrandetLeg into the Frontage Road st a pol.nc rdrere traffic has been ELowed dona already by traffic colltro]. slgna. ftth a heated ramp and trafflcco(trol slgns on the propercy, every effort vilt be llade co [r.nimlze As an eltertstLve solutLon, lngress trafflc coulil be routed from theFrontage noad nlth egress trsfflc routed to the 6outh of-the bul.lding.Thla solutlon cen be instigated at the outsei of the project, or heldLu abeyaace until Lt {E deterBl,ned through uae that a piobleo doea exls t . Olre poBltive hpsct the prolect couLd have Ls the ellralnation oftraffl.c to the core area of thb village where eertaln buslness office8are preseEtly loc.ated lf the8e offices I|ere relocaled to the proposed€tructutE. The propoeed butlallng 1s ceutrally locared !r-l thln the Vai1./Llon6Eeadcmplex e.td pedeatrlan acceeaLbllLty 16 ancicipateil, Thls type ofactivlty s111 have a posltlve firfluence oo traffLc control. 4) The eharecter of the surroundlag area la such that a buslneaa end profes8lonal bulldlng is a consiatant u8e. Speciflcally the useof the bulldlng or the eest and. Bouth are high density resLdentlal coEdoni.nluna, l'hlle Ehe uaes to the rest are the clinlc and the Hiltonhotel. On tbe north is the tosn offlces anil ?ost Office. In terl,g ofbulk site, tbe proposed structure ia snaller than both Scorpto andthe gllcon, but larger than tbc torn offlce6, the cllnlc and the Ska11Haus. 'By usa and. bulLllng ne8s, the proposed stritcture ls very conaiatentrdth the surroundLng oeLghborhood. PI,ANNIilG COMIIISSION SI]UMARY ocToBER 3, 1975 MEUBERS PBESENI: Dudl€y AbbottBiIl EeimbachBill gaDlotr Gordon PierceBill Yilto -- II Dave Sage -- III Pete Eichsteedt JID Lanont' Jim Xortor R1c-b Tofel lten on tbe agendaitem oD the agenda OIIHINS PBESSNT: I. Resubdivlsion for School Site -- BLock B, Potato Patch --. final After a brlef sumary of the resubalivlsion proposal 1o! tbe reaubdivlslon by Ji.n Lanont, Bill [anlon made a. motion tof final approval of the resubdivision. and Dudley Abbott seconded tbe aption. A vote was taken and tha proposal rras unaniDously approv€d, II, Resubdlvlg_{on of Lot D, Vail Village trlrBt l1}1ng *- A pfoposal was made by Rich Tofel and Jim l{ortorfor the resubdlvlslon of Lot .D; Vall Village llrstF1l1trg. J1m Lanont ga.ve a bri6f descrlption of thelot in questj.on and steted that stafl had tro problem with the request. Gordon Plerce Bade the rootion for a.pproval of the resub, and Dudley Abbott secoadedthe notlon. A vote vas ta.ken and itsas approved un- aninously . III. Condltlonal Use Pernlt fo" the proposed offlce building . Attached 1s the writteu request by Tofet/Selby folthe Coadltlonal Use Peimit lD order to allow aB of f lce building on lot D, Va1M11age First Tiling . The Planning Comnisslon felt that there was no problem wlth the requested use but that a better traffic plan' and pedestrian access should be worked out. 8111 Wllto mad€ the motlon for approval contingent uponthe fBct tbat Jim uortor worl< wlth the Department of o PLAI{NII{G CO XISSIONoctober 3. lg75 Sunrhary Page Two III. CO}IDITIONIIL U Conounity Develophont to work out a flnal trafflcpLaD as,well as a. ped,€strlaD access.and then returnto the plannlng CoDmlsslo! wlth their tinOfngs-ior-&pproval - Goidon pierc6 seconded the motion'and ihevote wa.s unanlnously ln favor of grantlng tne con_---dltlona,l use permlt . IV. Ski Uuseun -- Joint se66lon vith the Town Councll o II r976 210 10640800 1 Vail Village Filing 2 Resubdivision, Lot D Lot D-2 Town of Vail ELECTRICAL PERIT{IT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 283 $....-..........-......-..-.. $....-....................... s..../..D.?. l@rcRftev' s.........-..--.........--... ,../o-.:- Received rr... &R.....-.. H..7- t /..'- Date or Apprication.... JU)V-. .. Z 7- ...------rr--Z-G--,------ Electrical Contractor /) tppri"u,t..fu. Wtslurtur. APPROVALS TO BE FOSTED ON RING GOltlSTRUCTlOt{ 24 HOIJRSI N)VANCE NOIICE REQI,'IRED FOR TNSPECTIONS rNa a. r. Hor!raL 3o,, oaxvrl tl0atl PLUMEilNG;/MECHANTCAL PEFTMIT TOWN OF VAIL DATE F)l t T.BNAME lA'; &*n'tu ' B )i/ r-lLl^rJ --t owNER J=7.tr3rl / %ert ADDRESS "o"r*o"ro" / .N;/JA;€ S^z /ua eaonej4l-,4a9 E OF BUILDING: # LASS oF woRK: cJ NEW ! noorrroru E nEuooel ! nepntn IPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER / .P MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALuArfoN$ /q.rvlrl.VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERM.T FEE /42 a PERMIT FEE / ZJ nppnoveo E otsnppRoveo *W , ,Z IToTAL FEES: $ lZ-lL- PLUME|ING!/MECHANTCAL ITEF|MIT TOWN OF VAIL OF BUILDING: oF woRK: ' Mw E noollo' E neruooel E neparn RIPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANTcAL: NuMsER 1^{ /n VALUATION $vALuAroN s /tX I\Dn REMARKS:REMAFKS: ,,. \l, PERMIT FEE Kr*,rrr{{o).od /#.4U (r'lnrd) l,/'/t / //, ffioveo TOTAL FEES: $ E orsappRoveo r' .,I:t#:l*I " t""T"u r'Lffi# @F TRANSnflrrrAL TO 4101 Fox Street DENVER, COLORADO 80216 Phone 433-3329 Clty of Val | - Bui lding Deoartment Voilr Celerade 91657 GENTLEMEN: wE ARE SENDING YOU xE ! Shop drawings tr ! Copy of letter ! n Under seoarate cover via n Plans the following items: n Samples E Specifications Attached Prints Change order tr ovember l. |,976 A-u.tonretJc Sprl-nlr'l er- |nstg Val I Professlonal Bui ldin coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION t/-t-76 lheck#3832 coverino nFlre Protectlon P-rmltn - 3142.50 {lContracl Prlce =$r9.o00.oo THESE ARE TRANSMITTED I For aPProval ! For your use B( As req uested as checked below: ! Approved ! Approved n Returned as submitted as noted for corrections I Resubmit-copies for approval ! Su bmit - copies for distribution n Retu rn -corrected prints ! For review and comment n ! FOR BIDS DUE 19- t] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO ff cncrosures tra not as not.d, kindly notiry us at once-trrAor-ii arll,.t ! 3d*., lt., lmd,I- t office of the town msnagor lnwn box l(Xl rdl. colorado 81657 13031 47F56r3 August L2. 1976 llr. Rlch TofelVatI Professlonal Bulldlng Group Box 1578Vall, Colorado Re: Recreatlonal Amenitles Tax - Vall- Professional Bulldlng Deer Rich: Tbe Recreational Amenities Tax due for the subject buildlngis $16,119.75. This is a one-time charge whLch is due nolater than August 21 , L976. If you have further questJ.ons, please contact thls offlce. SlncereLy, ITY DEVELOPMENT S. Toughill Administrato MEMORANDUM ITEM I ITEM ITEM ITEM 4 ITEM 5 ITEM 6 ITEM 7 ITEM 8 ITEM 9 ITEM 10 ITEM 11 ITEM 12 ITEM 13 2 3 TO: Mortor/Todd Partnership FBOM: BitI Pierce, Building Official DATE: July 19, )-976 RE: Plan Check on VaiI Professional Building Specifications page I4-2 number 4(i) -- add "must be 1+ hr. fire rated assemblY". Handrails must return to wa11 (Sec' 3305(i))' Doorsshallbeselfclosingorautomaticclosingas required bY Code (sec' 43O6 E) A11 openings in a one hour separation shall be t hour' (sec. 503(c) ). Non-abosrbant, smooth finish required for all srrfaces of restrooms (sec. 1711) Parapets must be of same fire resistive construction as building ""tu"i-r walts ' If walls are non-structural in Fire Zone 3, they need not be rated' Verify that ceiling tile is I hour fire resistive (specs. Pg. 9-6) Glassindoorsubjecttohumanimpacttobetempered(sec. 54OG). Basement portions of stair must have approved.barrier to prevent upper tioor exiting into ba-sLment (sec' 3305 (c)) Overfloor drains or ssuppers are required when roof drains are used and roof is not designed to carry loads (sec. 3207 (c)) Need location for siamese connection, wet standplpe ;;;;"; is required (sec. 3804 amended)' A wet stand- pipe system is required (sec' 3804 amended)' Wa11 finish j-n corridors must be Class 2 (Tab]^e 42A) concrete tests must be made by reputable testing agency in accordance *iit -Sectio" 304 Te;ts' This shal1 be conducted t& -.-"-.rv 50 yards,or fraction thereof' placed' ITEM 14:Plywood used(Chapter 2b) on exterior must be exterior grade '/ .1'..q"i!rc" i,.':-:-:'-7 ----:--.,-,- ,qrit.t:iti,}7;i.q.*t]!q-,re-:,' ;ll-:|.i:-;i:i---?-':.-,-1;;::i:r-:. -- I|NSiPECIE N FTEOUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE n pnnrrau LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION wEo THUR FR PM E nppRovED I orsneeRovED f] nerNSPEcr fl uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNS: CORRECTIONS l- DATE INSPECTOR )rNs"=t$t TOWN OF FIEEUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! oruen I pnarrau. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: FRITUE AM PM E appRovED E orseppRovED n nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTlONS DATE INSPECTOR 'l,i.].l,"-"j:;r,.,1'.]]--ij:]':.:'-f'];{.'.j,i.Lqi,l,?i^r,.:ilii'..{T'i.+.:jEq'Erf{iTT]T4f$.'j.T:i-'EI:FlT]F; rNsPEc$ru HEtllJEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM .CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: I penrrru LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E eppRovED ! orseerRovED E nerNSPEcr f] uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECrroNS: CORRECTIONS DATE " ;ur;Lir**iiarqrd:-... ;,.,r.rihr INSPECTOR TOWN OF FIEOUEsiT VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE ! pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E nppRovED E uporu rue CORRECTlONS E otseppRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: fl nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR ':.'.')*^.''r|'''-...j.'',,"'.',.,.'..n,''"i'';J'.:.::r--i..!.{Jd,J!r'.d&',,drii$.,i.k1qti!E^,...dIq.,.dr.H"Ja.dI1r1lll&e-4ia.ii4l^' DATE rNst=.$* FtEolJEsr JOB NAME TOWN OF VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxEn MON COMMENTS: n pnnnel LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM E nppRovED D upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS I ,; E orseppRovED E ner NsPEcr -- I)rNsi"=.$* TOWN OF FIEGrUEsiT VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE fl pnnrrnl. LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM E nppRovED n orsnppRovED D nerNSPEcr fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rNs"=r$* TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE fl pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM ! appFovED E orsappRovED ! nerNsPEcr E uporu THE FoLLowrNG GoRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE ! DATE '=- | -i , JOB NAME INsPEcGT HEEUEST TOWN OF VAIL TIME REcEtvED .' AM PM GALLER fl orxen I penrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRMON COMMENTS: TUE PM flnppRovED ! orsnppRovED E netNsPEcr El uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rNst=.$* HEBIJE=T TOWN OF VAIL '., : , '' , ,, ".'it' I :'DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER; E oruen I pnRrrar LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: t-.'. ,t':::(' TUE'. WED\/THUR FRI-AM PM E orsepp RovE D fl nrrNsPEcr D uporu rHE'FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR )rNsr=.$* TOWN OF F|EEUEST VAIL JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I oruea n pnnrrnu. LocArloN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: PMFRTUE flnppRovED D upolrt rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcrtoNS: CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED n nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR r\rsr=.lo*FIEEUEST I ;-TO,WN OF VA]4L ('.t*.'.t ''i ' ,^,- t^ 7' @anp RovED El tjporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: ! penrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION I, WED THUR E orxen TUE FRI AM PM fl nrrNSPEcr! orseppRovED GOMMENTS: CORRECTIONS ,4 :;r7 r' ( DATE r/ t' -' JOB NAME -,:1RECEIVEDL AM PM CALLER INsPEcTT HEBUEsT yA-t L / W, ,"ia/, )DATE TIME E orxen MON COMMENTS: READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR.: D penrral LOCATION TUE'l Q nrr'froveo E upon rHE FoLLowrNG cqRRECTToNS: florsaeeRovED n nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS ii'.t'1DATE BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 OATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER INSPE l_F,I IJ '!. ' e ,!.- A€TE t\l FIEOUEST E orsen E pnnrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION /-'-TUE 't wED THUR flnppRovED florseppRovED E nerNSPEcr E upol,t rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE 'f rNsPEr$* HEouEsr owN oF vA!_I .. a. /"t' 7-, ,r-rt/ ,t*t ,/t'u/rr, i E orxen MON COMM€NTS: READY.FOR INSPECTION - /... WED ' THUR / ! pnnrral.LOCATION TUE ''' '!' 1' \ t,i ';'-'-:.t/ / \FRt //Lt L'- lMleu , |daeeRovED E orseppRovED LI UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: COBRECTIONS iir E nerNsPEcr )rNs"=t3*FIEOUEST VAI L TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E ornen E pnnrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PMTUEMON COMMENTS: ElnppRovED El upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECrtoNS: CORRECTIONS florsaeeRovED fl nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR t rNs"=.!s*FIEOUEST ^ /, / TOWN OF/ .,. ,'-.,,,- / .'./ ilr.,.4 ., u,,1,,' ' r, ! orxen f]pennal LOCATION | ,/' W'a,pp RovED E uporu THE FoLlowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS . 'i .1-'L-,, -' ' ---' "t-<*, - r ! nerNsPEcr ) i-t t tNs cos NAME l=.rG* TOWN OF FIEEUEST verl,4 LI OTHER f] pnnrrnu LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: ,,r ._ -",---"--..,; TUE 't '---.*,--.-----t PMFR ElsppRovED E orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr fl upon rHE FollowrNG coRRECnoNS: coRREctibNs /I rNsr=.$* TOWN OF .: FIEGIUEST VAIL OATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE E penrrel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR PMFR D nppRovED ! orsnppRovED fl nerNSPEcr O uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rNsi"=.$*FIEGIUEEiT TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE n pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PM ElappRovED E orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRFECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE I)rNsr=.Gt TOWN OF DATE FIEOUEST VAIL JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE I panrrnl LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM E nppRovED I orsnre Rov E D ! nerNsPEcr fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECnoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR ^I -/ TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ,1-,IIIIUSPECilEN TOWN OF HEEUEST VAI L OATE JOB NAME fl orsen MON GOMMENTS: E pnRrrnl. LocATroN FRITUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM I eppRovED ! orsnppRovED ! n e rNsPEcr E uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR ) I "t#;:-^nh';;:::fi Area.....,.-.............,...........-...Sq. Ft. Or'vner.. a t/. , I V-!-1.-!-.:1.-.- LIST Fire Zone Job Address... I I I i 1 I State.- Total Allowable Floor Basis for Increase Occupant Load COMMENTS OR ASSUMPTIONS: h Corrections checked below The approval ot Plans and State Law. are to be made on sDecifications does plans before permit is issued. not permit the violation of any section of the Building Code, or othet City Ordinance or Valuation should be $............... GENERAL The tolal tloor area is squ 3[e feei. Seci rc n s (b) Total width ot all cent of the wall consideration.(c) All openings protected having a tire.resistive half (three) hou rs- (d) Ducts through area separation walls should be avoided. lf allowed, fire dampers on each side of the wall are required. Section 30.102, U.B.C. Standards. A fire.resistive occupancy separation in contorm' ance with Table No.5.8 and Section 503 is :li::.,::y.:t.*t...',.',,,...,.. i..-..',..'...HIi Honzontal occupancy separations should be suD. ported with a structural system havrng equtva. lent tire.res6tive protection. Sectron 503 (d), The buildrng rs limrted to t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 .... feet rn trereht) ji structure. Section 507 and Table openings limited to 25 per length in the story under with fire assemblies rating of one-and.one.Show job address on Plans. Give name of person responsible for plans. Submit lullv dimensioned plot plan. Give all dimensions on Plot Plan. AREA LIMITATIONS AND GENERAL OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS Grouid elevation3 should be shown at corners of the building and at changes In ground slope. The ground elevations should be taken at the lowest Doint betv,/een the exterror wall and a point 5 feet out or at the proDerty line, rf closer. Where the exteflor wall rs parallel to and within 5 teet of a publrc srdewalk, alley' or other public way, the ground etevatrons should be the elevatron ot the publrc way. The number of stories in this burldrng cannot be determrned until this data is furnrshed. lrmited to 5C5 and ,lrJ\a Unobstructed yards of teet should bc maintained on ... ... ., ...... . ................ sides of the buildrng for area purpo3es. Section 506. P.ovrde deiarls to show lhat .hour Jrea scDarJtton wJlls should comply wrth Sectron 505 (c). (a) Ertend vertically trom the foundation to a Doint 30 inches above the roof. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 13. I Type V (lll.N) (lV.N) buildings are not permrtled in Frre Zone f.lo. ]- Seclron 1602 (a). Roof coverings should be tire retardant, Sectron 1603 (a) ot 1704. Oetails or speotrcatrons com. plying with Seclion 3203 (e) are requrred. El lrl )r> E,r<FAIr.E-i3 <:gIFFFir 3H;an(,6;<jEo7zZ+;9<Xt F.a<i)<Otrl:iE :<aG2. -Fr'lo><o E< F =ct uJc o uJ ut a2 u,i z s F2ul E!J Q ul 9 E ul oo Jtt ulE EooJtt J FoF t.t =ff-q. o z -oJ -f o Lb-Gt - -etF UJ G FoJ- Fo (9z Yc 4 Fotttto F artocuo 4 z ItlJ(t =u,c z o J o c (lql G zo F 6o 2 F GltlFJ o2 6 t!o ulv, G oulo t! lt!JF 3 o LIJ tI- 6 uJ o,o aD a, u,l Yz tGtt ulE tt a JE Ft! o a\E' uJ o cfo Uz 4 (,t c\ v = Y 9 ()l Fo2 llo |Jro. IE =tt zo FE G,ooulo 2I =o4 ILo u,F o 1t F =uJ 3H:s<Eo. ?rrEE_<9(, < :. I zFE'< r,r i r4 9?i'r a/r tr F6o9Eq{z - <:<oz67VAi;:Eo<i)<oa z hiEB ;<(.)-al 9o'.1 lFr <Q> _<on E<'l 2 tr Io uJ zf gl z Fz ur Eul llJ F |ll J IJJ F aF IJJ J II f .I ? Nil ! E tr lrl o o z -o Jl B = lre =,-€F i I t Y 3 z F glo 2o9 z 9qqd.6FCC9o-> :2:< o.o>o -ci !lr Is :6 o'o I T 15.till"Jl"lrli1:?" *"' !-' n :n;; ;;;; ;i,l:it;I Section .................... 03 (a). 16.Openings in extenor (court) walls within ............feet ol propeny lines should be protected with three-fourths.hour fire assemblies. Sectro. -...-...-.......-. 03 (b). 17.Usable space under the first tloor except In Group l(J) Occupancres should be enclcsed as required in Section 1703. 18.Fiae-resistive constructron for structural elements in the exterior wall3 snould comoly wrth Foot' notc No. I of Table No. 17-A and Sectrc'l ............-..-..... See Section 17Q2 for clarrticatton. 19.Building paper should be applied to exteflor walls as specriied in Section 1707 (a\. 20.Enclosures lor floor openrngs should comoly wrth Table No. 17'A, Sectton L7C6, and Chapter 30. Oetails should clearlv Indicate thrs. 21,Structural members carryrng masonry or con- crele walls in buildings over one story In height should be protected wrth minimum one.hour i.=.i=i-lii .i lll- llii :::: ::: : I 22,Nonabsorbent tinish and backing for toilet room walls and lloor should contorm wtth Sectionl7l1 (a). 23.Shower stall walls should be tinished with a hard. nonabsorbent surtace to a h'eight ot 6 feet. Section l7l I (b). 24.Ooors and panels ot shower and bathtub en- closure should comply with Section 171 I (c) to (e). 23.Parboet walls not less than inches in height are required. Section 1709. 26.Eave overhangs and similar architectural pro. iections should comply with Section 1710....-........... q Metal rooting (siding) should be bonded and grounded in conformance wrth lhe local elec- trical code. Section 1715. 24.Proiections beyond the exterior wall should con. torm with th€ least restnctrve ot the followrng: (a) A point one-thrrd the distance to the propeny line from an extenor wall. Section 504 (b). (b) A point one.thrrd the distance from an as, 3umed vertical Dlane located where tire- resistive protection ol openrngs rs first re. quired due to locatron of property. Sectron 504 (b). ! { J 29.Envelope cerlings should satisty the tollowing conditions lSectron 4303 (b) 6.1: (a) Should not be used to provrde frre protectton beam and Brrders supportrng more than one tloor. (b) Columns should be r.dividually tire protected. (c) Duct and o!tlet ocenrnPs ,lre ir"1'red to 10O square Inches rn eacn 100 square leet ot cciling area and should De protected wrth approved fire dampers. (d) Electrical outlet boxes should-be of steel and not greater than l6 square inches In area. 30.Gypsufl board ccrlrnis in coniunctron wrth frre' reststtve assembtres should be suoporled at intervals not crceedinB l6 inches. ltem 25, Teble No. 43.C. stripping or suspendeC wood systems for Fsum board ceilings should be not less than -inch nominat thickness. Section 4704 (b), lSection 4703 (b) for wall stripping.l Final partition layouts and details should be sub. mitted prior to rnstallation to Justity complianig- with occupancy, lire-resrsttve, structural, i exit reo u iremen ts. Justifying test data in contormance wtth Section 105 or an ICBO res€arch recommendation is required tor Rooms in which rubbish (linen) chutos terminatc Should be separated from the remarnder of the building with a one.hour occupancy separation. Section 3003. Openings into rubbish and not be located in reouired ways. Section 3003. SPECIAL OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS linen chutes should ertt corridors or stair. Group B 36.B-3 Occuoancies should be of one.hour fire- resistive construction it located in a basement or above the tirst story. Section 702 (b). 37.B-2 Occupancies with an occupant load of 1000 or more should be in Type l, ll, or lll one.hour buildings. The assembly room should not be in a basement if it contains this high occupant f oad. Section 7OZ (b,. 38.The main entrance should tront directly upon or have a 2o.foot wide access to a publrc way at least 20 feet in width. Section 703. 39.Light and ventilation should comply with Section705' -rl 40.A one-hour tire-resislive occupancy separatior, ,- required between lhe boiler or central heating plant and the rest of the building. Sectron 708. 41.Exterior openings for rooms containinS a boiler or central heating plant should be protected with three-fourths-hour tire.resistrve assemblies that are tixed, automatic, or self.closing it lo- cated below openings in another story or if less than lO teet from other doors or windows in the s6me building. Section 708. 42. Group c Euildings housing Group C Occupancies shouldbe of one-hour tire.resistive conslructron thtouRhout. Section 802 (a) and Table No.5.C. | | CS. I Use ot rooms should be claritied. Note that | | | rooms having an occupant load of riore than | | | l0O and rooms used lor krndergarten, trrst, or | | | second Srade cannot be located above the trrst | | | story abov€ grade except rn Type I construc- | | I .tron. Sect'on 802 (b). 44.A one.hour fire.resistive seoaratron is reouiaed between laboratones, shops, storage rooms. These areas should also be seoarated from olher classrooms. Sectron 802 (b). One required exit should tront directly upon, or have a 20 toot wide access to, a public way at least 20 leet in wrdth. Section 803 (a). SanitJry fJcrlrties should be provided ance wrth Sectron 805. Shcst No......?......ot........F..........strccts rr^ tttri r+8.^r',:"1t?'J#ii:?l"tiFr::itrTt*i'ei Group D 49.Group D, Division I Occuoancres shouid be of Type lor ll constructron unless complyrng wr' the Exception in Sectron 902 (b). 50.Group D, Division 2 (3) Occupancies should lle of one.hour fire.reststrve construction lhrough' out. Table No. 5.C. 51.Light and ventilation should comply wrth Section'905. 52.A one-hour fire.resistive occupancy separation is required between the borler o. Eentral heatrng ptant and the rest of the burlding. Section 908. 53.Exterior openings for rooms containing a borler or central heating plant should be protected with three.lourths.hour frre.resrstrve assemblres that are fixed, automatrc. or self.clostng if located below openangs In another story or tf less than lO feet from.other doors or windows in the same building. Sectron 908. Group F 54.Motor vehicle service stations should be of non. combustible or one.hour tire.resrstive construc- tion. Section ll02 (b). 55.Storage areas in excess ol l00O square feet in connection with wholesale or retarl sales should be separated trom the pub[c areas by a one. hour tire.resistive occupancy separation unless the building is equipped throughout with an automatic fire.extingurshrng system. Sectionll02 (b). 56.Light and ventilation should comply with Sectionll05, V5 +h shdtr b. takcTr fro' o.J{3rd€. 57.Erhaust ventilation at or near floor level is re. quired by Section I 105. 58.A one.hour fire.resistive occupancy separation is required between a borler room or central heat. ing plant and the rest of the building. Section 1108. Group H 59.A Group H Occupancy more than two stories in height or having more than 3000 square feet above the first floor should be of one.hour fire-resistive construction throughout. Section 1302 (b). @.The following rooms should have wrndow areas as specified in Section f305 .(a), one-half ofill.ilTli:L : ::::::::::::::::: 6l Mechanical ventilating system in bathtooms should provide g Pc--- no r air change direclly to the outside. Sectron 1305 (a). 62.windows from ........-..,. ....--...... should not be considered as futnishrng required lrght or ventilation since they do not open to a yard, court, or Street in accordance wrth Section 1305 (a). 63.Courts bounded on four 3ides with walls should be at least l0 feet in lenglh. For courts more than two slo es In he,Ant. the requrred \ryroth should be rncreJsed by one foot and the re' quired length by 2 feet for each additronal story. Section l3O5 (c). table rooms in cellars are not a llo\aed. See Sectron aca. roorns to be ble foom" def in ttron In' intent is to prohibit such tormed wrth tetainrng walls. r,;;; ih;' ;;;i;;;";;iii;;"'i;,J;i%f;::.":"' Sectron 1307 (a). have a minimum ........ ..-........ square suoerficial f loor area ol feet. Section I307 (b). A toilet room should not open ditectly kitchen. Section 1305 (b). €,<r.rs.r: Efficiency dweiling units should comPly with Section 1308. I A one-hour fire.resistive occupancy separation I is required. between a boiler room or centralI heating plant and the rest ol the building.I Section 1312. Every dwelling unit and guest room should have comlort heating facilities as specifred in Section l3l l. 7t.Group J Occupancies are limited to 1000 (3000) square feet in floor area and one story in height. Section 1502. 72.Exhaust ventilation openings in a gatage are re- quired by Section 1504. t 5,Garages should not open drrectly into a room used for sleeping purposes. Section 1504. 74.An approved noncombustible material is required tor ga€ge lloor surfaces. Section 1504. Asphal- :::::T:::: _'::l Ti iltill EXIT REQUIREMENTS II tl 75.An occupant load sign is required in classrooms. assembly areas, etc., having an occupant load of more then 50. Section 3301 (j). See.....,-..... 76.Conforming exits are required from the areas :::: i:.ir:.::il _ llllil lil1,l,l ,, ........'..................... I 77.Exits should have a minimum separation ot one' fifth the perimeter of the room or area served. Section 3302 (c). Note that "peflmeter" rs along the outer boundary of the room or area Served. ....-..-.... 78.No ooint in the building should be more than 150 (200) feet from an extenor eI|t. honzontal errt. enclosed starrway. or exrt passaqeway. measured in the direction of travel. S€ctron 3302 (d). ,/ .F Exit doors should swing in the direction of egress. Section 3303 (b). See doors ,60 Double acting doors are not allowed where serv' rng a tflbular' occupant load of more than 100. Sectron 3303 (b).v Exrt coors 5hould be ooenable from tne Insri€ wrthout the use of a key, soectal knorJ,rr3:", !r etfort. Section 3303 (c). Note also that llush bolts or surtace bolts are Dtohrbrted. Exit doors should be with a minimum d um size ot 3' x 6'8' of 90 degrees. The net dimension (clear width) at doorways Should be used rn determrnrng exlt wtdths required by Section 3302 (b). Section 330.1 (d). In consideration ot door thicknesses, pant,: hardware, door swrng, etc., the requrred extt widths have not been furntshed. See door A floor or landing not more than 2 inches belo.''/ the threshold is requrred on each slde ot arl exit door. Section 3303 (h). Doors should not proiect more than 7 inches intc the required cor dor wrdth vihen fully opened ot more than one-half into thg requrred cotri' dor width when in any position. Section 3304 (c). .................. Revolving (sliding) (overhead) doors are not per' mitted as erit doors. Section 3303 (t). Exit doors should provrde immediate access to an approved means of egress. Section 3303 (8). Exiting through another room does not comply. A landing or tloor that is level or not more than 2 inches lower than the threshold is required on each side of an exit door. Section 3304 (h). have a minimum width of 44 3304 (b). Corridors should inches. Section Corridors have an (c). Dead end of corridois and limited to 20 feet. Section serving nonambulatory persons should 8.foot minimum wrdth. Sectton 3318 exit ba lconies are 3304 (e). Walls and ceilings ot corridors should be of one' hour tire.resistive constrttction. Section 3304 (f), An arch'tectural section througn the corri' d6r is necessary to determrne how this is accomplished. Exterior exit balconies cannot project into an area where protected openings are required. Section 3304 (f). Interior op€nings into corridors should be pro' tected as set forth an Table No. 33'B and Section 3304 (g). should have Openings localed between the end ot an exterior exit balcony and the nearest stainrray ,should be protected as required tor corrrdors. Section 3304 (s). Stair ay e minimum width ot..inches. Trim and handrails should not prolect more than 3% inches into the requared wrdth. Section 3305 (b). Risers on stalrways should not erceed 7 r/z inches and runs should not be le33 than l0 inches. Sectron 3305 (c). LandinSs on slairways Should heve a dimension in the direction o, travel equal to the wrdth ot the stairway but need not elceed 4 teet. Sec' tion 3305 (f). Sagement a pproved floors in porlron of starrways should have an bJrrter where conttnuous to uoger an errt enclosure. Sectton 3305 (8). Vcrlical distances between stairway landings arc limited to 12 feet. Section 3305 (h). l0l ils should be Dlaced not less thaninor more than 34 inches above tiead. Section 3305 (i). Two handrails are re' quired where stairways exceed 44 inches in width. 30 the 102.Guardr'ails lor stairs, balconies, and. landitles-. should conform with Section 1714. Note t maximum clearance between intermedlate ti'. - is 9 inches. /t 103.I Ooenines In exterior walts with;n 10 feet of exterror stairways should be protected with self-closing three.fourths-hour lire'rsllstlve as' semblies. Section 3305 (k). Enclosed usable space under interror stalrways should be Drotected on the enclosed srde as reouired tor one'hour fire'resistive construc' tion. Section 3305 (l). 105.Noncombustible exterior stairs are required. Sec' tion 3305 (m). (')( 106.Exterior stairs should not proiect into an area (yards ot couns) where wall openinBs must be orotected. Section 3305 (m). I I 107.One stairway should extend to the roof Section 3305 (n). lt must be in a smokeproof enclosure in uuiidings over four stories in herght. Sec' tion 3309 (b). 08.t Six.foot 6-inch minimum headroom clearance for stairwavs should be indicated on plans Sectron 3305 (o). Note that this is from a ptane tangent to the stairway tread nosings. 109.Ramo slooes should not exceed one foot in I lo.Surface of ramps should be roughened or of a nonslip material. Section 3306 (0. \Jv llr.Stairways should be enclosed as specitied in Section 3308. (a) One (two).hour tire-reslstive walls are AJ q uired. (b) Only exit doors are allowed to open into exit enciosure5. (c) Doors should be labeled one (one'and'one' halt)'hour fire assemblies. (d) Exit enclosures should include a corridor.on the Eround floor extending to the exterror. Fire.resistive construction should be as re' quired for the exit enclosure' including pro' tected openings. Only exat doors are per' mitled to open Into the corridor. (e) An approved barrier is requited at the ground floor to prevent people from accidently con' tinuing to the lower level. (O Usable space is not allowed under the starrs. tt2.One exit from the building should be a smoke- qr.oql ..q! 919_s_u L9 9o1l p ly'I g- w th^ S ect ion 3309. 1r3.Openings into exrt courts less than I0 feet wrde should be protected wrth labeled 45'minute iire assemblres, Sectron 3311 (e). Also see "extt court" defrnition in Sectron 330I (c). ODenings more than l0 feet above the coun tloor are erempted. v I 14.No openings other than r€quired exrts ate 9er' mrtted In exit Dasstgeways. The passageways should be ol .. ...1.... .... ... .hour ftre'resrstrve construct'on. Sectrcin 3311 (a ). I t5.i Exrt ittumrnatron and signs should be provided in I conformance wrth Section 3312. r5.Aisle (cross arsle) In audttortum should ntFl minimum width ol .......................-..-...... Secr,oir 33I3 (b). S€ction 3313 (e). r F ,AAf !34. 'al., I i' 5::"" ; : ":TV",??An approyed aulomaljc fire.F.xtrnguish ing system in he ....-...,.t1.: I-..1. ^...-,-1.*:.......... is required. Section 3801. This inctudes blind spaces en' closed wholly or partly by cornbustlble cbn' struction. U.B.C. Standard No. 38.160 (k). Drv staFdoroes are requrted in burldings 1*.--. or more stories rn heiSht. Sectron 380'1. .EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM wet standpipes are requited as specified in Sec' t|OnS J6Uf ano 56UO. exits in conformance wrih Sec. requrred for 8.2 (I) Occupancres. (a). Corridors ol Group C Occupancres should have a width required by Section 33C2 plus 2 feet, but not less than 6 f€et. Sectron 3317 (a). Each floor above or belcw the ground tloor level of GrouD C Occuoancies shourd have no l€ss than two erit stairs. Sectron 3.317 (c). Exit stairs servrng an occupaot load ot more than l00 ln a Group C Occupancy should have a mininium clear width of 5 teet. Sectron 3317 (c). Fire-extingui3hing system plrns should ba rub' mitted to vou to determrne compltance with apDlicable 'building, plumbing, and fire cocj€s' of more than 100. Section of this, doors shall have no Main and side tion 3315 are Section 3315 Exit doors from the direction ot Rooms of Group C and located below leading difectly to Section 3317 (e). exit doors servrnE an occupant Ioacl 3315 (a). In lieu .locks or latches. 50. ItFrir \ltsz' r 138. I FIREPLACES AND CHIMNEYS 139.Chimneys should comply with Section 3702. 140.Fireplaces and barbecues should comply Section 3704. FINISH WORK 141.schoolrooms should swrng In egress. Section 3317 (d ). Occupancies used by pu pils grade should have one exit the extenor ot the buildiflg. The interior wall and ceiling specified and comply with Section 4203. Gypsum wallboard (interior lath and plaster) can' not be installed on weather.exposed surtaces. Sections 4705, 47LO. See Section 424 lor deli' nition of weather exoosed surface. with Exit doorg cannot bg more than 2 feet narrower than the reQuired cor dor wrdth tn Group C Occupancies. Seclon 3317 (d). 123. r28. I Ifr' finishes should be Table No. 42.8 and t24. ^l,11 t42. 143. Panic hardwa.e is required on exit doors servrng rooms containing more than l0O occupants and in corridors of Group C Occupanctes. Sec' tion 3317 (t). Every room in a Group D Occupancy sho_uld have access to at least two legal means of egress' Section 3318 (a). Doors from bedrooms and wards of Group D Occupancies and all exrt openrnBs where non' ambulatory patients are housed should have a minimum cleat width of 44 inches. No 0ro' jections in this width are allowed. Section 3318 (b). Panic hardware is requtred on exrt doors Servrng more than 50 occupants tn Group D Occupan' cies unless there is no latch or lock. Section 3318 (r). Eversleeping Toom below the lourth lloor should have one ogenable window or exteriol door conforming to Sectron 3320 for emer' gency exit or rescue. FLOOR. ROOF CONSTRUCTION. COVERING, SKYLIGHTS, ROOF STRUCTURES tion 3103. - '/Aus CaE i 1148.lY.rl Attics of combustrble materral should be divrded into areas not exceedrng 2500 (7500) square teet. Section 3205 (b). Roof drainage should be conducted under the pubtic aidewalk. Sectron 3206 (e). Skylights should comply with Chapter 34. Plastic skylights are allowed only under the condations specif;ed in Section 5205. Glass and 54. Type specified. glazing should comply with Chapter and thickness of glass should be ,a'-r) gTATs Gt-^+'2 '' .f. Glass and glazing in hazardous locations should comply with Section 5406. STRUCTURAL PrestressinP work6a a1 a. a;, Jco Special inspection in conformance with Section 305 is required for ihe following work: (a) Structural concrete where the desiSn is based on an ultimate compressive strength ln er- cess of 2000 pounds per square inch. (b) All welding except where done in the shop of an approved ta bncatot. (c) Installation of high strength bolts. Soil classification in conformance with Table No. .28.8 and Pounds Per square \foot soil bearing value used in desrgn should be- sDecitied on Dlans. Section 2803 (a). The foundation inv€stigation report mentloned plans was not included in data forwarded to It should be submrtted tot review. All masonry oi concrete elements resrsting Seis' fiic lorces should qualrfy as relnforced ele' ments. Section 2314 (k) 3. 133.Overllow drains having the same size as roof drains and on Indeoendent dtaln lrnes are re' ourred. ln lrcu ct 'i: , :";l'ira../ scucc€rs tnree limes the 5r2e Of rcat 0rJr.s shculd be Installed in Oarapet walls. Ov€rllow systgm snould have rEl Shcet N o...... -5-.....of .... -... 5........'. sheets Y/cod nrembers may su P Port cr concrete only under the in Section 2510. loads from cond rtro n s mascnry specrfred inlets located 2 inches above_the low polnts of the root. Se;tlon 3206 @rcVELb C The aggregate area of penthouses and other roof stru;turei cannot erceed 33th ?et cent ol the Supporting roof area. Sectron 3601 (b). tructural calcuratrons should be subrnrtlea :1 iustrly the adrquacy ot the structurJl s.sli- in resistrng sersmrc and wrnd loads, ano sup' porting dead and live loads. This includes foundations. JustityitlS calcula vided tor oofs shall be ....h5............. details should be oro. designed for snow loads of pounds per square toot. Section 5 (c). root should be designed for uplrtt wind pres. sures with due consrderation for laterat suoDort of compression flanges of tlexural members. load should consider a Eound per 2302 (b).tqgare foot partrtron load. Scction Marquees should be desrgned tor a 60.pound per souare toot live load, Table No. 23.A. Garages for the storage of orivate pleasure cars should be degigned for a mrnrmum 2000.pound wheel load. Sectron 2302 (b). Live load signs a're required. Section 2309. See Glued-laminated lumber should be tabricated in accordance wrth Sectron 2513 (c). A certificate of inspection should be submitted to you. Sec. tion 2513 (e). Allowable stress in glued-laminated members over 12 inchet in depth should consider a depth reduction factor. Section 2513 (a) 4. Cross grain tension in wood is limited to approxi. mately one.third the allowable stress in shear. Roof and floor ledgers should be iustified for this tension resultrng from a 20O-pound per lineal foot horizontal force specitied in Section 2313 in combination with dead loads, both causing eccentric moments. Eolted connections exposed to the weather are limited to 75 oer cent ot the allowable load under protected conditions. U.B.C. Standard No. 25.l7ll (c). Anchorage of concrete and masonry walls should comply with Section 2313. Plywood grades should conform with Table No. 25.C. Justification is required that sufticient slope or cember i3 available to assure adequate roof drainage after long time deflections. In lieu of this, roofs must be designed for possible ponding of water. Seclion 2305 (0. ldditional Corrections: / /67.ls on stressing method and hardware along fri justitying data are requrred on prestressed concrete work. This data should be submttted and approved prior to ordering of material. Note thit all tendons should comply wrth Sec' tion 4303 (e) 3, lor fire'resistive purposes. 68.i Welding data or details for steel decking used a diaphragm should be provided. Informatro'. should cohply vJith a specific ICBO researcn recommendation or test data submitted in com' oliance with Sectron 106. 169.Oetails should be provided on roof (floot) dia' phragm connections that indicatQ how the shears are transferred to vertical shear'resiSting elements. Connections should be iustifi€d with structural calculations for compliance wrth al' lowable values. t70.Nailing tor gypsum board (lath, sheathing board) used- struaturally on shear walls should be specified and comply with Table No. 47'1. rtt Shear walls utilizing gypsum board (lath. sheath' ing board) cannot be used to reslst loads lm' posed by masonry or concrete walls. Footnote l. Table No. 47-1. t7 2.Railings should be designed to withstand a 20' pound per toot horizontal force. Section 2304. t73.Ceiting ioists should be designed for total load of not less than 10 pounds per square toot. Section 2304. t74.Interior partitions should be,ustified structurally tor strength and detlection criteria specitied in Section 2312 (b). Tp t75. with a soecific ICBO research recommendation o? iustifying test data should be submitted in comoliance with Section 106. A t76.*S"".,,f :Il3',;il[.'i::,,S"'r?tg!rconcrerl{ 177.Plans should indicate that toundations exlerld below the frost line. 0P 178.Provide complete specification in contormance ::::::: :::5: lll : ::: : : : ::::: :::: :::::: Thata rhxtr ara t pa.t ot ihr glrnr and th.ll rcmain attach.d th.talo- Rcchecked and Approved.... -.... D.tr.. Corrrstionr rr !bovr i|rdicrlcd will b..compliad *iih. (SiPn Here)..' (S'8n.tu7. ot Own.? or ADPI'c.nt) tom zmj Checked by.............. but- lfl=eee THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP, AIA VAIL PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CODE ANAYSIS Fire Zone 3 Parking Building Occupancy - Construction Area: Leve'l s Level s Basis Sec. (2 stories) F-1 Type - 'l c&D A&B 0ffice Build'ing (3 stories) Occupancy - F:? Construction Type - V I hr. Area: Tota'l Level One Level Two Level Three Total for two building approach: 14225 S.F. 10675 S.F. 24900 S.F. 8129 S.F. 8758 S.F. 8974 S.F. 25861 S.p. 1 fufi,',t:' ALttrt,*'t-' ('zx taru '" f l+'t ', 1 '1 1102 (page 75)It----- A Group F, Division 1 occupancy story of a Building Housing a Group F, as a separate and distinct building for 'located in the basement of first Division 2, -------- may be c'l assed the purpose of area 'l imitation, of construction, when a'l I of thelimitatjon of number of stories and type following conditions are met: l. The Group F Division 1 occupancy is of Type I construction. 2. There is a three hour occupancy separation between the Group F DivisionI occupancy and a'l 1 portions of the Group F, Division 2 or Group H occupanc (0ur required separation consists of 18 inch deep twin-tees with 3 inches of concrete topping and a 5/8 inch driwall ceiling below.) 3. The Group F, Division 1 occupancy is devoted to the storage of passenger vehicles -----,but may contain laundry rooms and mechanical equipment rooms incidental to the operation of the building. 4. The maximum building height in feet shall not exceed the'limits set forth in tab'le No. 5-D for the least type of construction invo'lved." CROSSROADS AT VAIL BOX 1186 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 476-5105 Our bui'ldings meet these requirements. Therefore building and a three-story office bui'lding. we have a 2-storY Parking Building Permit Fee: Table 3A (p.32) Contract Amount is 1,093,472 - Al'lowabl e Areas: Since the parking building is type 1 area or height. The office bui'lding qualifies as type Allowable Area (type V-l hr.,F-2) plus increase for fire zone 3 construction there is no limit V-lhr.construction. to,500 s.F. 3,500 s.F. 14,500 s.F. \/t,, ?.r-' $887.00 for first $500,000 plus $1.00 for each additional $.|000. - therefore, Total Fee is $1480.47 Tab'le 38 (ordinance No. 5, series of 1974) Clean-up Deposit wi'l'l be $400.00. t,' Sec.503 (c) 2 (p.as);nti 6peniigs in floors form'ing a three-hour fire-resistive occupancy s.p.""i'ion itraii Ue p"otected 5y vertical enclosures extending-above and beiow such openings.' The wall -of such vertical enc'losures shall be not less than two-hour fire-resistive construction and a'l 1 openings therein sha'l I be protected by a fire assemb'ly having a one and one-half nour r'lre protection rating. (Our e'levator and stair shafts meet these requirements') Sec. 504 (b) "Fire Resistance of wa]1s", refers_9s tg.table 5-A for-protection of ixterior *uiii. -Oui-oitiit buifding wall, with a type V bu'ilding. in Fire Zone 3, must be one hour less thin 10 feet, and openings must be p"oieliei i6si-inan-f0 feet. Since we are more than l0 feet at al'l 'locations' we may have unprotected oPenings. Allowab'l e Area Increases Sec. 506 (a) (p.a8) 1. Separations of two sides. Cohsidering our ieparation on the north and south sides of our building' the smalleit of which is the 29'8" on the south, we are a'l lowed an area increase of l2%. Sub-Total plus 12% increase for separation on two sides 1'680 S.F. Tota'l A'llowance 15'680 S.F. (Our office buildings largest filoor is 8974 S.F.) Total al'lowance for all floors is 31,360 S.F. (0ur office building is 25,861 Total S.F.) The maximum number of stories allowed for'a Type V-l hr. is three. (Our office building is three stories.) The maximum a'llowable height allowed for a type V - I hr. is 50 feet. (Our office building is 'less than 45 feet.) Light Venti'lation and Sanitation Sec. I.|05 lr|e are providing mechanical ventilation as well as operable windows. lle are a'lso providing the required venti'lation of the park'ing garage. Our toilet rooms are mechanically ventilated. Occupant Loads Parking Building Levels C & D - 14225 S.F. + 200 S.F. = 7l.t occupants Levels A & B - 10675 S.F. + 200 S.F. = 53.4 occupants Tota'l for parking bui]ding 124.5 occupants 0ffice Building Leve'l One - 8129 S.F. + 100 S.F. = 8.|.3 occupants Level Two - 8758 S.F. + 100 S.F. = 87.6 occupants Level three - 8974 S.F. * 100 S.F. = 89.7 occupants Tota'l for office bui'lding 258.6 occupants Two exits are required for each floor. Our distance to an exit or stairue'l I never exceeds 150 feet. I' ff ri"e Extinguishing systems lle have provided and automatic Fire-extinguishing system at levels B, C' and D as required by Sec. 3802 (b) '1. Leve'ls A, one, two, and three are not required to have a sprinkling system since they have the necessary openings. Ue have provided a sprinkler head in the rubbish chute at levels one and three ani in the traih room as required by Sec. 3802,'(bl 7. \ June 7, 1976 Ur. Jelfroy B. 8cl'bY Box 1528Vall, Coloredo E1657 Derr Jelt: Tblg letter ls to aonf!.rn that th€ proDoaed "ProfegsloneL A,.fiAfog,i lc tocetia-fo Uotn the Ftie lnd ffater & Srnltetlon Dlatrlcta ol the Torn ot Vr!'l. Also, tn EnvtrodpDtal Inpact Staternent t'c not requlrcd by ine i"in ol yell tor tbe Droposed proJect. Addltlonrlly, ine ooastructlon and oparitlonc of tbe proposcd proJect ar€ Dot lD co1trovintlbn of ond do not vlolate any envtron- mentel or glmllrr ruloa, r€gulrtlons or ordlnaacca ol tbo Torn ot Yrll, Il you heve any queetlonc, or noed furtbcr lutornetlon' pleeea leel lrre to conteet me. SlnoereIY, DEPANflEltI OT @IIITUNITY DTVEIPPIEI{T Dtua S. TouEblll Zonlng ldmlnittntor , D8T/J& : tI tt DATE OII I,IBMBDRS MEETING: PRESENT: ACTION SUBJECT: APPROVED: ; DISAPPROVED: SUlrtlrlARY: SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: ' 1 -&o/ol-- 4rt )b;1 I R/TODDTHE MORTE PARTNEI!SHIP, AIA Proposed Vail Professlonal Bulldlng The appllcants for the Conditfonal Use permit are: Jeffrey B. Selby P.0. Box 1528 Vail, Colorado 81657 Rlchard M. Tofel P.O. Box 172 Vai1, Colorado g1657 condltionaL use PermiE is sought for the express purpose of provldlngprofessLonal offices. The property is presently zone High DensityMultipl"e Family Dlstrict and in accordance vrith secEion 6.300, of theZoning Ordlnance, Condltional Uses, subparagraph (l), the proposed usels perrnitEed, upon issuance of a Conditional Use permit. The preclse use of the building will be for professional officesincluding, but not necessarily limited Eo the following: legalofflces, accountants offices, insurance offices, engineering offlces,architects offices, general business offlces, corporate offlces,governmental offlces, brokerage offices, real estaLe offices, and otherslmllar uses. other data required by the Zoning ordinance ls conEained wlthln the atcached architectural drawlngs. rn accordance wlth sectlon 18.600, crlreria and Findings, the applicantrespectfully offers Ehe following comments. (paragraph nurnbers arereferenced to those in the Zonlng Ordlnance) 1) Applicant undersrands that the design objective of the Town of vallwith respect to professional offices is that it be located in suchplaces where residenEial ls noE conducive. To thls end, the proposed proJecE would provide an alternaELve location for these types ofprofes.eional offices presencly located in oEher areas around Va11. 2) The proposed use ls strictly non-re sldent lal , and will have noeffect on population grohrth. Consequently, it will not creace anyadditlonal needs for schools, parks, recreation facilitles and otherpubllc faclliEles. IEs overall lmpact on utilities will be mlnlmal hecause of lts lack of effect bn population. No addltional traneport-atlon faclllties wl11 be required and the non-residenEial cbaracter ofthe bullding means no flreplaces to add to Vailrs perlodLcal alrpollution problem. The building ls sufflciencly removed from surrounding structures to avoid any problems assoctaLed with llght andsun exPosure. CROSSROADS AT VAIL BOX 1186 vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 476-s105 I I ntr tytLl-t,=^,,], f,Atl I rrlElr,JHlp, Al/{ | 3) Traffic control. The bui.lding is belng designed to be 'n toEarcompllance wlth the zonLng regulaLions wlth respect to parking. Thismeans that all vehrcular craffic creacecr by rhe buirdtni can be handredwithln the slEe r.rith absoluEely no impact on surroundlng parklngfacilities' Access to the site is ..'i1ub1" on 2 sldes. Due to themore residential narure of thi: souEh side of the building, ihe primarytrafflc patcerir wirl revolve around the north entrance. Thls entranceties into the Frontage Road at a polnt where traffic has been srowedd own already by traffic control "igrr". l{iEh a heated rarnp and trafficcontrol slgns on the property, every effort will be made to mlnlmlzethe traffic effect at this "o.rg""tui ,."u. As an alternative solution, lngress traffic could be routed from theFrontage Road with egress trafilc rouEed to the south of Ehe buirdlng.This solution can be instigated at the outset of the project, or held fn,abeyance until it is determined through use Lhat a'priblem doesex1sE. One_positive inpact the project could have is the elirnination oftraffic !o Ehe core area of the village where certain business offrcesare presently l0cated if these offlcei were rel0cared ro the proposedscructure. The proposed building is centrally locared within Lhe ValL/LlonsHeadcomplex and pedestrian accessibility is anticipated. This type ofactiviEy will have a positive infruence on Eraffic eontror. 4) The character of the surroundlng axea 1s such thaE a buslnessand professional building is . "on"i"t.r,t use. specifrcally the useof the bullding on the east and south are high density residentialcondominiums, while the uses Eo Ehe west are the clinic and Ehe Hrltonhotel . 0n the north is the town offices and post offlce. rn terms ofbylk gfter the proposed structure is smaller than both Scorplo andthe Hilton, but larger than Ehe Eown offices, the clinic ".,d th" sk.llIlaus' By use and building mass, the proposed scructure 1s very conslstentwith the surrounding neighborhood. )Consulting Ensi,a' "-.JOHNSON-VOIL tNc. rr; s -3 PHON E (303) 444-1 9s l/., sHEEr r{o-L- or i,1l6v-!. r L- orre CHKD. 8Y- DATE CoLumsl PROJECT C LIENT FooT t t -)c..r D€.tt crt.r PRELIU, FI1{AL gr_r _83__ Q.oof ', 3@pL: Lu = l1 .8 /,uo r)D 3.u,/LL' ,,',bo FL. TossiIt Ir ll f--oeif I tr (? Dr- = s r,4 (,L\ = ')"). ? / ''/ \ -.&25(^o'e )!,"\ ,,r. 1.s .(E 7-s llrts Xro.zX+A : 13, 5 .a*'zs(a,)i'r ">(*";1;\ = s.i lz.Q" / \ ' \ zd-,Y r. .oz(tr,s)(1.9) \' -ia ) = t, D .oz(,:\( ro.f (r,!ii = 7 ,o DL. # DL ; 5.o LL r 14,8 DL : ,+a.s = 33.D col. 6L Rcpe'. 3oDrL: ?-uD FL'. l- trL: CpL /\. s- G T + Togpi,^q rt ' ) ll TTT5 Pr-,-{, {,.'"^-s tl EDL, PJ'RKI t Ir DL = ??.q LL: DL = 8.3 tu = l-4.? lt-.L tL.1 I)L : x5.) = ll .'l bl .o 5.? LL = loo,5 L?,7 t? ,) LLr /t tt.9 ,LL= /u DL''1, C G,O : ir- \/(J_)S L,)' {e'?\ \1- \/r.J_)S /L2 l{a'?\-d ,B) ( e)(t )(n .fr ,\( rl I LG t7, ,.G, 17." )(' o.a) I'L) o)( 13.1 60 (rr ,(" i(x ,(t \d = )( ')t .D&" .ot, 'OBzr) r(t >67s 'tL5 )gz5 ). Gr,i ( r..' '4: ) Ll,' .' .c a 'tr /IT B ,b3r( Por-{r-lr9"-s 'o(,o ,$T I r(f l'{lF .Iaa('l IJ.: .os(z.s' DL: 57,S Y1.),1r"{l(,2,) =, Gt.o = to.? + G,oq G.2 - l-.'r . L5 )G .)(g)' ."i' iY,.Y#) -g coL. A.s-G uu=[4.5r l?,3+ 4.t]({) = 34 .7 LL= Lb.7 e,"-:*-L- : r-Llt\ r Pt'RKtf\x^ LFV(L: Du= f,7.S-t,q-l,l = ,5.t.2. r.L = . os tr11 sY ro) +.os/rr \r,i(*ji +,os(ro.il('e,.\(*3> LEVEL: - ?').'t - 3 (Accu. ,',,.rl'.1'. ,J ) : DL: lt'l lo1 rL = 2--70 DL: 175'.3 | 42.3 TL = 3I?,(. rl9"7 .( qJ.r-r- = l1.r).1+ Ss,l(\ ; Fcdr r rJr-(4.gr1'' o I*l..l) : 7,Lg' t'-G x1'- f v'-1'-.(- .l i t r.,t 41,. ,l:/--/ R.ol.r.u: lS,B+ tn.*(+) = )PHONE (3031 444-1951 a.) SHEET NO 1 OF :. :: PRE LIiI. FII{AL - €fl"' FL / 3,1\(+ YaPPrrv- .o?,r-s!-UU..D(f) = I.1 oers(io)(r3 Xr#) : ?-r,t otrs (la)(t) = LL,a rTB.r":r(ro) ,, \. ./i.,,t, l1.o pc.rl-i{'1,-'r.,:r .oz(tz.s)( 4,.7)(-7"-''-t : . 1i{.11-,s.s .or(rz )fr.r\(''#) = .1" .or(rr,)?rs"'\ (ti'\= r.e 't.ut tr \ \eL. \-& Ror:F r l1.L /LL: ,/, t- ettoru Lo7 LL = /,(o ReD.uL = tt ,4 + rro,q (.+) 1.,n"tt 8'-D 'r ll tD r'81r> # I Lr,''i rJ..uY Drsto.t-l Du = t5,g Ls z 41 .2- DL: 31 .o = 19.1 Dw= L/,* = u.3 lsc = 2.LG,4 = l1's, g . o ezs( xr.) (,o il(*ii r., ,ae zs(.?Dxl.sYl#) = $ . 3 .o825 (3o_) (q ) = 7a.L .o,(2. s\ (,,')(*)''t. : .o"(r-r,s\ (q.r\( !#) = r .z .o:.(zt,s)q"\ = :.,'I5'\' 2r, ND')- trL : t3- trL: T1-; -tar:;li,-..1 tl ' t ITB lr-.r{-l-{r.t-€ rl goL Du = 16.Z LL = 48.4 DL = +q,L LL = 77.1 DL = L?.z- LL = 7A') DL = 7o.1- 3L.z r1 .s LL' 53.7 67.4 L8,7 DL: 24.7.?.- = -lJ!l . 3b-7. I ,v,\\r,rr)/\'"" \')-,L/ J o..' ll ,, '\ /-\,DL(rt.<)C?) -- 3.q b r.. 3.L 9r- =-t l,t,\ fa.r-fh =.roo (qX9 ) = 3L.t,,/ln*. = .os(8.o)r/,t:z-= 1A.o tt -. r,l .tLL - 5 rl''t 6o.r''lL ./ r .rlnf. . aE 11.z y! a 7 Plnrrw-' LGVEL; .DU' 6\.G LL = t,DJ +t C#r) . |g,q /, l\ rt'oalLlCr 1 Asr,..',."t1"*eol ) :FaaTr *rG (/ccrrr,.r-t.-,tJ) t B.r:.<tr-1e, LevLU; rL : l.o+ a.erl. uL : la,c-t q3.z(.4) DL -- +s('T,6ir't = 1.PL ll.,i* 1'-.ro.4 tlO,Fc,= 55J,qL:9.23t.ri 1r.ire.&\ -rk .- r,r.c6.;-,:r. 1"1,= - - ',."'' s =,,1 1?.'*, k =-t,(jq\,.'': lt.,t IL= 35"..2. I - :,"ix:::','?s ULETA, JOB r Er't l"- uL I,^-+, LL LEVEL: PBONE (3031 444-1 gsl SHEET ilo i oF :-'--' DL- t1.Z LL = 51.? DL-- ?o.9. ttLD., Le = )', Lo lL.o ,LL = /.t-_ zo,5 L7,3 b1.v 77,+ I1.4 CHKD. BY- DATE \!F.e:--DE<t1-.r \ Du= t5,7 LL= 4'l'1^ rh, c ^ | (V I-/'- - A.terb tr ='7'5.:'.,- =)D,P,'L\- - ." L- - ,-t COL, D2 t !,,t_ t .LL '' /, Ir l:{--. o-b p6rsrF', z"t-itL', aPDr=L' fr | .- \-t Po,Rlt.lrJc- f':r-:P', ?RI) -., . ,, llfi --, ,l)u -DL= Dt-= 33.o 3l.o ISTFL 1 It 4\6p1..i,,,, .OOzc,(i(k\ = 0o'4,.d j'o,.r . of..t.iy tf "' = f i 13 , 1".j 1 (_r e,\ s: OcQ. L4-, u 1a ll ,rL - 3,q-f)L: 5?,(- LL - 2?.+ Ea-* I\+, Pap,KtLlc., LE-veL: F:-oc.ii' r r J ( " (Ao*u.n"^**t..1"J, ) : L .zo,: (q\(r s) -- ,os(rr,dr(rs)= UL DL= G7,3 37,+ --l'1,!s sl,# DL -- tq,t - a-" Asi_ =.os(3o i i1e\ Fooa t $ L. (!,aa,',ua.u-.1', ['.'; ) : ao"i 1-g = sL,.l I 7,:t.d ?'- (- x tl-* , l'-,<- P, : l,,ik"i''' l,?(rr) = oe.l'' ,.,1,*= ^1)\.s1 :9-* l.n,r -_ F')t(r's'.(t.tlf-'^ = 310tr rr- = 'i.".1i',11.''t' -, ''t t -.n.. , .';,.:^.i6r'','r.;.,i,D =-- d.r rf.r.' I 1"1'r\ (;1':) :- ,og t, ( . tOC" - --11.1,.tY,") .':...,Ti*',,';,Gl(.ir-,'' .t1t, <.l-lt + q3, f($ DL:7P5.1> tl-L_t 3 ?J^ t' DL:Zi)z.5I t \ ^R."J. ut = 71:G + 1fr,t-(,c!", -= ttt,o\ ____._- a-l - ..r4 | r-I t1 _ 1; 1..> I. J A 1, t.c. .t< l-t y,7-ta I ilg aA._+l g.).,a../ ? .-)l' d< tNc. l<!, I J OHN SoN -votLAND-AQr av -ln r,\ oa:r- '4/t..,F.- U LETA, JOE r PROJECT PHot{E l3o3l 'ra.-|93t--, SHEET XO-i._ OF - -.' CHKD. BY- DATE 3Ro FL', ?,PDrL', lrru: , -.1 r lo * l'^(a * 6L? EotL bL=, +2.+ vL: 3?.V pu=ar.s(1?tin)= ro., Ear'ttr* LL =32.+-C#:-i : AF.5 1,..1. LL =ls, + (.!*t) : i-,t- -=- r --- DL= S,t t:-= 11.L DL = 3?.o LL= 25.9 DL= 33.D rus 2.5'S DL- So,5 Ct-: 24,? LL= I+.L 4+,7 1-O.L Pt- = 5.3 L\-: 15.7 Du: 36.1 LL = Lq,O ^Ro_. .3 FL. 2$rL: 7 r3,\: Sq.L\ ts ): +L-7_ ./ | ?, t*r--2:?.L(je:)=2D.(oa Fo,artxlt-n Levar-i DL LL trFc: Ca-rtL J,^#' PARr<t NL.' [-gYsg; Fadrtt-tc- Qle*1.,nilJ ; ;traoT-r t'.J L.r (+"-""^J J.il)'. e"d, uu = 4o.o+-"i.d^f i1,3 2:59 I DL= LL= p-^[,. "u = ar.s.(":i(i"rd--L4t. g tt, sC -?'-Ox tltox -z'-O'Tt-o \&a-y I J o H N s oN -vor LAND -ofnrr.ro, BY Je 1 OerZ 4 ,.'r . /',-E JOB r -CHKO. BY- DATE - PROJECT I tNc. rt PHONE 13031 444-t 951 -t1 sHEET ifo 5 or )i.' CLIENT Cz:cont-r ')TzcT'rt )r..-' D: tl L't \ PRELIX, FIl{AL @L, PG l*.Rrn)c- LeveL'. 1t e, 1)ut L- LL = .D1(r1.)\rt,'64rt F .i.,!-."' ,tr'*o x. tl D r, 4lct .t ?-l''o q,s - 2q. I '2L 'o CoL, trL ,jRo trLrpt? 1e"oe) ,- ,,-.- , _r-,r \ / l5:-l-\ tu \ .o s (u-) ( | o. a\ -t;y +.czi-s - /..2".." l.? )6^11 u)'.tt .oz(,1{l-r) = 2NDFt-ooT<,. / ,.)GC\pvroP- lr,l L.oz{- ) = E.(-r. trxtl .DLAAGD i.05-.'. ,yS = t ,l I.tz_; ., : ttr+Loae" Tt + ToFp,,^-,, . "sts/,A)(s) = Per*l-{-l "-J-o, az(tst(s) = r" *)]t .,ao(A(ro\ = .b3l(5) = C.plv. LL = r.s 6#) : 1co-F\'".rtJCr LEVE r.- :. TF+ l-cPprr.r{-.', .otr-s(:-il(tn) = ITa .aar(rs\1 = t.,fof,'-*'; ^-, ;ffi:(,*( *, = f.: tz.,t + "5.jA1r,,.,!:=r.r", = -" 'l (' s):(.*-- = t-1.\ zt.E(tp,rof K =-"-'r- (E)--* = lo7 5,, = ,.,.,1o"4,r)(i-l (9";= ', o t 4{t (.,)(,.y$' DL= t7,l 11,7 9,s s,l- .L+. G c'q ,8 q"7 7e :6r = /. .l >.4 pr =l ,j, l?.1 s,9 1,5 t2-,D 3.l J-LL D',-:. 7lt,o r.QJ ts U ^ bt-. / /lI\I\LL'- ,r.\-Lt \(rc ) = tr1pttua. (A*,r-,,^-*( ^l of),r, = rr, _, : *f5-:!- 187".8 q. r-a(z)'G\l---.t---'= qz..l .:: t.,7 {-.A19' al' r'rl u o1 .24 , Mu: L. i(- StFGr8f ^ R"J LL= 3e,l + trs -L.= .o12a6("\1i;(z\ .- I :,"ff"-::','ut Consulting nnsilULETA, INC. JOB t PROJECT CLIEilT PXONE 1303) 444'1951 sHEEr tlo----:L- or 57' CHXD. AY- DATE PRELIX. FII{AL WA._L 6) LrNe I _ A T:c. E,S n rr + -loPpr^.,\ .oszs(s.li)(r) - r,ur ll ,rs" (e;,d\ = Fr, _ ttLa t't l-.- I .^oo(q,4 U",.ne^--*r-oj/I eA @ Li'"*e E : ^tK€-d, t..-'- p.t i'. D @ Li^<_ E.5 : ReJ' /.'. O .t- ?'_A rlLooolci DL = x-z.i Lt :-!-l-:l- 'l-L: Ao.7F- DL-- 35 . r. uL= 183 Tu = 54,6K Cz,r'c<--J ro-*.J AI Li*.e- 8,. a.e.'l' )'-, ".1 .': @ 1i,".-e. C", .'lK e-d ' [ ')* l.') A, Lr.";a D : RJ ta,Ar', DL s bc, +'( LL-- +c.G Tu = ll ?.O'- Dr- = 7D.gF LL :, 55.1 TL I 1_5,9 K DL = la.o* LL = . J7..1- Tu = t6'1 .t( 1.s 3 "/,,r: ,". LaJ = ..,c-(r.s) "'l?-fr.".l U t. ++ L'9-2,- 5, &G l,qo ,4t .1 1 L,LL 3.35 \I.J^LL (6 Lrl)f, I - E.!_:A_G-.- -/" -\1T + Jnpp,*..v . , o€ 2-5(8,?5 ) wo-tl .rsd.(t7.1 = DL= $ r..a cr-) ,ll:c!-{\ _r- tyti 1C<oJ .ozo(q,il - .G-?\l-r,+.1- LJ^i+* b,L-- +,OS Wa-LL @ LrNrE 1- ATo E.5 If + r,ppi--r .esasG")ttl w4l | ,iqo ( gl.r) = l,q, r-,4'7 : 1.44 4,1 | rD. i> .i '1 ,/ (.I",G.n^ lo"At I .t Z I f[|aIL @- Li'^e ? - e.g .i; C" 1T- + T"ppinl +'9"-.1( :.r?-f 2.2-D = 2.\L Snou*r . a?o (q. s) = '67 Io+oJ U^,{rrn, L*"1= -:.sq /^ I PHON€ (303) 444-1951 /' j SHEET NO 7 OF : : PRE LIiI, FIIIAL W,'tL @ Lrue, P,-_:-l Ta 2- i 3 Yo 4 \Aln-tl .tst, (ro,r) = 4.oL*t crsu-uq-.:lr-l'.^l Lr" ls , 10) L;.,.'- 2-{- 3 : lcT- F' r-c*-rr l \T + Top,pi '"-qtt I TTTJ. ,/ '\, \.oeasha.8 )(ro\ = l?.?.\ '-' ''b:-?' Du = 13,' 5 / \.'r.2o:_:(Ll. s )(ratr __*_?_.DyL = 1-L.5 rE -r+ L-- O L,^.n- /*'. I srtr L.r,.i,i- | [o-"'ki-,a Le-.2': I : 'rT-t Tupp,.^-,1 .olzsit.a)(r$ = c*.r.,..:f.-'1.,,i t o.l Stn(rr) = wa-l( .reo(rr)(to);.\ n- + 1?1pr, i1' .o*.rs [s,)(,d = &a.--l L,- .Lc^2(tz.u\0 i o : r-J , .oq(q.z)(, o) = P-*ki ^1 Le're-L '. 1f * TAg,i--q -t- lf B L?.S ' L, =' .os(ll,),X'r .\ =- I D.-a Tu= t4.j* F?aTr [J (-r. (Ac. , t-t'"' rt -\,r{ J )t oL = 4r,o .e.,J,t-L = 4E.D+ ,rc(oa) =*51-? TL= tl9.o u,/a-LL A Lite A LIc 3 r,tta-tl ,rso (L,t) =l-.\Lr,/r hl4!L @ Lrue A-lTot/\v.jall ,tSD(32,\ -4,q t */, ll .4 Lq,1 tL,o _]:? sq, s, 3G.t- ,[., C- t | | tt'.:. a.F-\-'i- rr )f.* /4". r.r.,,^, ',*la'-l o<,[ \ ',('-- - -') I) L = qq.s LL = 4t,-l_ r- . T.-= yOO.7K C-6,',.-<tr.l -..*-*J & Lir-e- 5: S,Lvn{, O:4 r.,'.1- @ Li^-.- G" L-J, .. 3a-v,'4. taa 6- Li. -, L{ 3 a*cep* rdJ cn.'c 0,.,:.1, '.1.,-l oJ- | 3' FL,eatr '. ,l Lo'-'.'l )./, I I F arnl l,) ( \ | f-C..'-, .' ' ' ')'\ -' )' \ -.' -, t rliL =- 4".o + ll:"!'/-5t.L fe/\'LL. = 52 ,o*- 5>'\;7- = ?q.5 =- I'r._: l?P. ? I r, o FIN s oN - vul LA*o -^Ju,-.t ev .le rl oare-4/-E/-il,2- nao CHKO. BY- DATE CLIElIT \,lAuu troc'I-it JCr DE3 tG\\ WollQ. Li.*r-q- l\o1" \4Idt .rso(tr,i> Cu.'^c"^J *rl-J @.- Li^e-c, 2- enor.r)' .a7(er.r\(-ro) :U.rt TL : 3g.GK 1.t) z ic.|,\ , \,.otzs(o)(34. s\ = ls.z .L3 bL= al .5 / \ r-.a) L3l )(D = t-t.r. l.u= g$.2 A'-o A, f NC, Consulting * Otqc -a PHOIIE (30t1 'La-lrllF.-t sreer ro f, or l'3' PRELIT. L,G\.F/I Jf- r. Io O {-i r - ---a,lTB ,I J @ Lr'n-r-.t tl +' ldtpl q_q rt iTT'3 J Ao.i't,t-) l?. L --e-9DL-- 23 ,5 _ga,l-l _@, Li".r- 4 -_ B.s ra ,u^r). c'r,."i-\. aRorL. zuo Fu' c.,t^t-^^A-"*AJ @ 1*-- 6'i'. [eoF: Lo*J, t D!.= 2-1,9 1y= g.L_4 DL< sg,z tL= l4.g DL= st'z t-t- --4-l,l trFt-', ' T(-+Tapprt^-q ,aas(+e,+\ = i.so I%*{-lI; nL .or(+r.) = .c') wo-ll .rD(re,b =-1.*oDL= S,l 7 uu=. os(43 , e\ = z,t) p"'r[,,--4 Le-vil:'tr.\ fr *.f?pi-X ,r&s(,12.4) = 3,So wq-ll .to (tL;) LL = .osGr,o\ o: = \or', ./ | ll\ FooJ-r u.lC.. ql.c u-.,. "lo'\ e-"1 J : . T u =11fi*7,' ,t .l-' F q,'f'O.. (/t,*rr^^w(.tf-J\ : 56= 1??.1 PJ. uu = &4.tr+sc:G(.E=Joa-l . TL =Z3},O / CHKO. BY- DATE W"Jl + - 8.5 'I-o E.s (ae-+,^""--t) DL = t.s Lu = 1g'c[ OL = 3o'g Lw = 23'7 ULETA, lNC. Consulting trsil pxol{E (30!r.r&resr JoB* IRF 3 - sHEEr xo cl oF i'-r c^&"-+-Jel L*-lo: @. Li'."- D'4: R"-+: 3RDFI-', 2DoFt-: Dt- = 7o,1 LL = 2t,'7 /rFo.,rrD6 Qe'uc'.u\"-*=-t), DL = 1l.l R.J LL = 7s,1. +:,1(\'-lJ.a y",:)., r' ;., TU: 1P ,l 6li^.0-. Ro.:ri ; RD3' Ft- ?Fo ru E. DL = l?'6 Lr-: 40,t:. DL = 3t.S LL - 1-4'r- DL ' 31.5 LL= '7{'z- Fbo'I-t I rar (Ar-c-r-r-'r,,. t-p*"[) .FU = 1l-.L| ,- \R*l ur-= 1o,g+ ,d(49.1) =.Laz n I /J oHN soN -vorLANd'ol'.| By lc-il s117 +,/*,/''V CHI(D. 8Y- DATE - f NC. Consulting Ercff lqq7, PHOI|E (30t) il4{-1951 ?-, SHEET xO I {./ OF )1;' PRELIf,. FIIIAL ULETA, JOt t PROJECT ooLtltaN DE$l6N CoL. C6 - Brki,1 Lavol G lr tr=t. p'r_ = 194.ff LL(R.J) = ta.b+,,r(r"*,'i) = lo8,t- Pu = lg4,a (r,+) " tcg,u(r.i) = Lslr tts = +4.4( /-= ts.s(r")=,'l-?.:. , F-,r(rz-) = 3,u R. = l.o: -.<:o8 (ti,-o,) = ,GUubsR: ,bsb= G'7u DL 4 = f,o+s (ao-'(e) + . u? I (q)J (r. qx.r i) = f ra, z + s.r,*l (.+)(. tD = lg, g "' LL nu =.as&o)(q)(,,t."i = t1,?- -j.,L M.., VL,o 3b'o'\ .__aT-=,r'so =sd.f b2le K=ZereTe4) = ,11 dlt^ 1 vE RT. sa,s.(r+\_, , Kt = c(rd)(tr' :.o?t- fltr*t . @L. [: h= %/H c6- BsnT -ip &rtci^*q L.r"-\ t51t< 1.2 (z) = lrQ t.o', -"",;1t(r#\ = ,qzb = lgzG= (oab , \)ge nrlJ ,j I ': vep:F. (se e ; .: I t': -\,A,B.,V6 \) srsEL BEAn Ar RAnP.- Lrrlg 4(e-o) I<Ee '-jr Er?H ,ub...Lt ,-- ?*:{!!-f -, -'" | ''' tt- '-'I r-r- g -,14{ i wr*xdr$ -t,:,ttt _ u: --Ft,tpsLetrE^-?a., ;; (ga. 7?,2.tt +., - r{ -ia ,{^tLO tut,.L tttJlfll Tffrf: DEal4t sa. LM. '.c cnLl trttt st +y1'urltctt"'*i rlbtlL L lLi1 , ; p. 221.r1,s'/6, to1'n01'n *es--( roi4riS (*'g+.a) .,{1.,' w*]L'" f.azs r'.:,,)(,ortt\'t'$ +,o'.'a4,\' 4,11'&, ?,, ' :?;1ilt,l.i\' (r;t,,r ,s'1\''1't,9+ lse' tJh' ,1t. = \, I t:t,- -;. a,sz'tl's/, I t1t'rt1's/, =,]l3t!t lgglrtti- !,..1t't b:i-- { '?r.J -_/r"'1+; K' o t"th,$lt. = .ell i p..c.r16 r' A5..1o3f *,1'.1"*^2,cFN" .r( ' ietff''ii,r.'snl *4 ) n l' n JOHNSON.VOILAND-A-I ev . !c-r.\ oarc 4 ,/"2-F c CH KD, BY- DATE - ULETA, fNC. Consulttng Engiu PHONE {303) 444-195 | JOB *It 'HEET l{o lr oF---r-:--r- pRoJECT v^'lt Pe^Ftrq< tOt\*,I riLbaPRELlM. FINAL l5s 3 .--'-EB,---.. OF/ s LoA|>sCarx-eI$TR.ATE b WALL l.! tgL. ll,":]^Ro .ltD ,tT I le IcTA u RoaP 3PD 1r'0 l1t Ai,: t,3 t, 05 q.cc. L,L L3.q 3s. I 1,9 t.t 31. t- -r. L- 2.r I,L ,fr -5.2- LL ul.a.ti.t'b'- orlo 5! cn c o Ll- o'L'- o +. o*7. 2.1' g'l 1.X7 1,t 12,t 2.6 o zo4 ,.t , L,Z,,t",\,o{} 1t,b: 'L.l )ULETA, lNC. Consulting Erci,a JOB r JOI.INSON-VOILAND-A ev-$.r)- oare CHKD. BY- DATE PHoNE (3031 4/t4-195t .- .', SHEET I{O iA OF : '.' PRELIM. FIIIAL UrJrF6ll.,n LOAr> - WALLr: (KLF A.D Rt F.H-t (_-D-H t-f J-K L - I,1 t1- N o-P Rool-' 6 !-\i> l"' A+B ciD fc' T-\ cJ l,'r 4- tlL lf i? :.q !'r-..- -. -',tSo l.+c.o |,,D 160 I .it .I) I,AL\o |,2q..,,4 t,.l a) D I f r) O '7.'O (' ---' t.49. D o l-70 \,qo o I.L?D r'tC) L-) | 10 o t,go-o v'l ,i t) 0' ,LL5 | .a?c ,25 , OE '1 < ^ 11 .1 < r,< D o lo.q I,l ,,1 . ,t-t7 1.tb13 D l.t'V.oi t.q q'-".o! t.9 ()',o1, ,1. t '5,cs ) .q 37 i,i l+r " rqt * -,j? 3.ag -1 1.4:1' ,-)g 1.d?' .4.1 n"..t"l I , r..5 . s-19 tt7--"s1 ?,t I' c'l A')L-' .Ec 4.oB t. so.o \v'n 7?.ls ot.5(]t> Iu;(> o l.zo I.zo t,9De L,7 0 ^TJ , tl- r.56o 3.L (- a ',.,1;o l, qo'o 3,4'(.,O l,14 o r,t g, I.LL .> l, d,l'D r.(ot- o 1, io 2) lt'. -.i R-s L-a,M.R Qur,f; 3Ft> ?*tD l5T A+r3 '', i r'>\-lY Io r'r u l.< o r) . ;t:\7 3, L1 . sl: 't .1 ",. ,. s,t ?)2" ". s.l 7 L9,-' 'c,q 1.5 ().. U t5.? o t .,' r ,137 2,1 l.^ ?".1"1 .5 .. :$ r | _..! |.qt'- rs,tl ').i I Al-zr, t | \Ll' ['tF'_.-- --l - -*Qotf | -t'r'a | -,-rUt | -dl l.;f | -A+Bl* .L_L)) - | P.3 l'-il,/ L--:--* l';'(r .:- L. C?ilI.e ?Jad' ?:,T' .rUf) I'T F6 6)D alt ^ rl')u alz a tF a zl- aat - rY') cL ) - cuew M:711 !--a.t-'\)FITIAL, PHONE 1303, iLl-l961 sxeer xo-12- o, 5T tr:lllr rt ilil tll+l .n Lp.AD/.J p€.AO trlAD LIV€ l-r.AD adff\L Lcrrl{.,, ,RaEF f-gAt,4it.i6 ?t_.Al l'= ep'-o B.rJ. a4#6r"{ r , ?';r = 25 7,{^ 15 vst-w"i to,zt a c,l n ,!r,r.. sft.,fr+ Jttl:s. 2nt + 2e'.' + (ap:+-l I r lltto ', 4r,( ULETA, INC. ne o lt:,!.,?' ; CHI(O, BY- DATE PHONE {303) 444-1951 , I r-, SHEET ilO I+ OF >' PRELtit. _ FII{AL Eot( (tu,tiir!6 lotnilu1!> Ou,,rF Cx=*A( i M 41" J.tlA[i 4',-o bs=ttMe *'A(.t\.i(t \laf lr L\Q)UZ (.A. frl,Ktt AArZL:SS €t5p*- Tler-- ',,\' D 'Qol1 6\t1,"vtr?'3 , 8?r'" n" lDbrs(. l)::E 4'.o )o(q 3?MtJ6, B'Ji auLo 6.0 4''b tF Va?'D " '1lc:6)r'l) =' (Q'i lv,ru,' . ,,.t / )\lDo plt \?tuLl'' ttt,o7{) 4 o girrF'*e = 25is'''a/rt. S.rlarr'q, = 6b"^Yrt i 4''Y {A1{ = 2>4tJ'* ,}9[. "tr.'- -[l -- \ar;:)A '' 1o,r!'t'z ' ,r I' i'#Ti* *'*r Lrl AT 4' stltyrtt', TEy 2g'1O dl;'='l;T-..tt"ri"'\ N 3'-2, zar;v*v, 12f 2*tlto dli i:;!r "' ;trl?f AT 44 /:ft.auJ6, TEf ,2+tll 6;:t?,r l.,i' 5,o pd) Jt 17r i lvaL'"' ) #Lec1 hilb€ 4'Q a.l lo.in 1\ 1.' 'A- t;,L,^ l'-l-,t ura;j::,, 1+91* - 3t-3 ' $o12* ' 3''6 QooF Jos-r9 ?ii{ t2" 4 4'i; Wuxrr.- AMfug 6PA'.[- 42,Ft'pa-tlic; " M5= loo,4Zp"i,'g = 22:4L?sti'Ls -- 7Al''n,ro, = /t,r:;r.{X l) = .44.4" toort( " la:cl{ (wu t"u,ozrl) lz = 2161*ir et v = 41Ur*/zer , -- a*lt/ter r' 15fA"/a,s' o = bt6lf /+.ol TeY t&AA Q 4',-a i?-\ ^buto a3-L \e1 zrorlr'J +'-o " &,Zti.'?1.ata. /,2 8l6n']'or,, r' t fzr'ln'o'"1,*" ,^ r 11r11r' ' ,1.,r,, ' -4'e$ . + ''"2 g:( 4."o pf 5F-:E6T abtlb e4!o ot3-(3 3;(UWN, (D L Q)'. o.-e d :.racrl? To tu*Tctl ofl4E #ltQ WuNrr = 224t.)1-l{ , Snlkl * -!:?r."' Zclrl = ettrsr,l\,S *tz, 2113# I T +,\4 n M,o - 'korlg',3/s " 1)-!.s'l;,,1F1''z = lb+'.u #)&T 14il3e4\o )PHONE (3031 {44-l95 | P'n sHEEr ilO [> oF--':i'- PRELIII. cLrENr ),/DCT:v-TDDD FTNAL f tu [a1"r5 Be]\M5 1f,:Ail, ?6t1J 1L Pca,l DL ,,9:t"ro,,oE Lgfl* t1,2" br,t- v+" b4.b" lb,a" - t.o 22: 6?"' Z*a.q = "Lh6. 3,4nld.,w.6 = 53.5tt3 +LecLU4:H G.s+.",') 3.4,tt,s/,r,n = S;,3iltt /--et&T_N4-9. (E' 6 t.6-, AdLfT $eAM i - M,"u, = ''qt = 2,2*to,iri2 = lQl,7'"'n' 57re,,?' 6O,G ,rf Wtg,,4o (zr-ba,fi tb o(- 7<-t1.2 grl.lotl/), p2,ilGr)fiz, D|E -(o ff,s:]r{t.(t l,bu + Vfr" Fttt\.t)t\? Ai Fl:t'& * CAAf$a)AE., A flt('t'( f,:(-^\lA 14 P|r;DflPJr1 Pfr1'b' 1r> MA'tcl TUe- ?0" FLa':,2 ta{N(*\, E@g-W4*:#- EOPFW4@ ,ts r:sl t-rr.lE (dl Wru,r ='2n1*/er +lQ'.t2*r'rt '1L;rlf ' 14ooel( 27,o 2?,,,! 5,12- L?FT P:1AM : F|JD *PA( = lb' 6€]lTerz flFt\tA: />ttlf]ta- 5P4t.J= 1-7,5' Zr oe<,t. T.,: t(€r'r' tlr'".'-'7,'- \-{ f- 1;-z,,,tK 4to,l' ..,Ill,) )JoHN soN-vorLAND-th ey i qf l oor, l,,t|leDr, CHKD. BY- DATE - ULETA, lNC. Consulting trte toa t I ',?-.'?')sxeer m l(o or 53 PXONE llo3l 4la-lgtl 7rts1ljsr l.'.!.ti -. <':'nl:(-<':,('), !l! ^ t: i .{-),; , ?nELtn I t.\.-.,_-..4-,r .} -r-,r.)i-)CLlEllT '-- -''z=- t" -t''FlIIAL ^aootr f&jt MnJr. a:rffi NJ(X) ?rtAM* @( LrllEtO ; Wurrrp -- fu4o + 2lb1 *2sZ = 4Nr( alrAtrt fleAe QIATL qe*! eL 4,?'ts,"3 ZZt"'' 5.t go,2' +1.?* 7t.+ t?,f r ari zq,* bat 2o,lA 4,7L +,{ l,l 1( ,;3.ror- a3,bz 5.1' -/ Al"=.b1 * ph' ll'-' Zlrnq = 4,2q* ll9' 6en'a L#T Ffu\M,,:IMRE /-JE?4 ' lld4N * lo !5.3 lln 49tHT Wl?:ils 37,2,*e 2,11, tl (,bs- *)ii)(+e+Y') . 4,2+ x/2 " ?t.4zx - e rar; + 2s47'i r lt1,to )bt,43r -+x o el'ztt *PA] = lf,os'Zx= Lzhn.ot/v*" es,Z n3 5gEi7 !'lt{,'E 6"22,f, CAVW- ?;rAM: $17 awJ = 11.1 Me./ r t.1*rh 51Mftft. ANAT ftEhM i 14,t7zse )J O HN SON -VOILAND-A BY.:rr\ . DATE CHtrD, BY- DATE PXONE ltot| aat-195r sHEEr xo-l]- s7 €,3 PRELIil. CLIEIIT Rol"F trRAMtrJ-" (-pt-)rrt rjL)eF 6Ey'n9 _1_.!..33l€.1 lq.50 TL .rLrE,7 ]4.t (>\)Wr-j( ,o 2.oJ,O1 'L1b1 * 33 = LAO uG rq7 h4e qaa] = :b1o(1t81= *l:- qa43i15-:1t't- Hp= 7-gl- , 7r= 15.3 P.grr)D L NQ-Z-j'" rd-l H,c = r|rO LErif btA.r'\,. Lol 3el ra-y },{.P,, wa"l \.44 )JsGz t1p C-€tJTgP- 1L=ao r\lq ,.Ar O - .l-o16 sPAt,,.t = .^IS (34\ = t5a. , * =. 4 ( tq .s) = 3.q sr../ ./-', D \^/ lt x3l ^ PnOJECT '.'1.., t . l:D/,!: (--.{,:.tr.r \.c.-r 9r...1.L. LINE .L l.- .g 3 ,r5 '-1 er.i '/r',11 ,? l. + ) .-, J OHN SON -VOILAND-ATHULETA. INC. BYp.eA o^rE AI+ztL?-L rle, lf:(,3 Consulring E,rcit p.rEcr'.; l\tL r ? n7G.r:(.ro\l\l ? cr-renr A'[OZr11-lZ -Ttri ]il)- sHEEr xo 16 or i-'i' PHONE 13031 404-19sr CHKD. EY- DATE PRE LIf . FII{A L wF FaAI.AIJQ ///{igtlvc (tl E€AMg ol|_l1!g_+ ) : W,r,, = 2t>&]rc+ 2tb U( , 47pt( F.Afe L3"1 eeAM; FilD *Pnr.l ' lo'5'V^nr-"= +,2q"P,3')o,b "22,1 rt3 T^r tll t5.1' 54,4v i..,1" 4,o* tq,b' ,1,s" ?14*7 ert*M" Nl,,i,t tu/r,1 /'tNIWF:' b'.t' 2l,St' 41'o to,9* n '-eg,!. J!_n:lt ( a' .q,f rr-lo t-{4r.1 - 13,g2"' Z*(^.4,/24..ol{/a"1' }1,4,,t7 M7'- lv2"''7 &'J--yJWb-tz'44ot ' &r,s-rlr"\iqiOC-) + 4,2+x'fa ' '45,by -'2,12x7 +2,\4v' _--17,b, !!"Gx --oX' l,?l lPhrJ : lf,E' V,.4'24tr1'445,q = 1o,L,rts -.'fr,Ffi( WZbM k.1sz) n , . JoHN soN-vol.^): TuLErA, .,:r. ."^-*1 pHoNE (3031444-,ss, sv EE oarefiVrt't, ta JoBr l j'r:, 7 sxeer no l'1 o, 5?' GH KD. BY- DATE pnolecr VA lL'l j'Zj.ltrl-:il, lt:t ll'!-f:lLl23'- pr..,n. t t 'r1"1.' .'2 r -1-lr\'CLfEt{T lr''t'(- ' 't/-' : t."-i FIIIAL p.r6 f 2.2 ,"l(? :n\<', aa' ":= d1;( ,7iifir11"irtt . ltto rl{ Q.c,:;t ?t-ArulnJ6 4rtjTttJoegl ,.t"- /A _u'__v_t1,3t I--t nln gllll DL c* 7f 2, 1 zf zDB b5" 16.3" et* a{ ,NLa2 ls.bl' )'l,ze ni2* b,9- ?!1" :p" :!.t*Irlo=--.*l 9 1,-i2,.--' --..'q' -lt --).-)t+ i J,. 1' _1 -7,.*, ; Z:+)' I t [Zt. l.l;+ ; * (3.2 " lt t +2+ "t1:5o\J?.:,tl ? = 21"1- r ?t,t- + 2l'2. \t'il.ftot"'" ^ ffrAtb 2tJ t1F/€ [ ;; w,,, p = J4l4' Qatfl(. a\rr( ' l4h2 r( (ii)It I It,4' e, tn 1&lt,l 5.2' ^ 4g' lLL 1,b 1,t" 2,+ AOW WAMZ A,1a 1z,L a/ 7, o.etl' l,45* !7'$'4t',t, V2,b*t3 , 24,1tf L#T WA|A i Z* o*n = 1,41, t6/a.u =&&T NArll G'ro,r\ ?:9,AE'\5 o( Llile &t E(i uJ 19,7,-> U,\.,.,, ?o\ ,tz7*-+--'--z-eili) 6tArl = le -4"orq, " 3.ll* Ig?2}.t - 49,1rJ'3sgps711)tg*t-; flg-1-Wt6t3l- i:'' 5i'r ...-4. ,tl,i/ts,+ " 51,&rf, 51f=c1 .tb'z^ (z '5+) aii;'s " 2a1 LEFT E€AM; €ildffi P-',FAJrl: avtLli g',Ar)3 - 2.rla2x - .),ll (z'z+n'1 ErCltI- J O HN SON -VOILAND-AIHULETA, INC.Consulting PHONE l3o!l tLf.l951 h -, E.?, SHEET lf o---4- oF r*' \ tA I CHKD. BY- DATE - PROJECT-4 lJil 57r\i f)--.1"!yd:'i1-'l,r,p:/ PRELIT, n @ $ Q 0\| a J IL 1l L lqJS ezj.o .lo6T->i f.,ftFl l1''4 t aTtctrv -lt,l5flxl Io- (),) 5fi-7| !,,. 2:', 4'" i \Vru,o = (ri.?3i'A)dz,:o'-) - M"' ,16x lo7'b " ll,1''o' , 1r | / - / 'uFe !V,u,' =ll1bT e j (tfilo:' + r,1,=l.o I.,(r,3 = 'F,,.r-i"''' 'il--2.,-,"1* *- l2;7 O{ I{ =:f,r r. l{ + - pr\} oK , tttr ' 15otl{ '-,15o*"* 3" 4,{ (a,e "71'rrt:\ tt*, ws_go* Vil> y'1' ,.!)&W*w (B " o*n,*o- |a AwDHtn{4 ErrF a?',*. r:t .<'rPrUa t,-" '' .'\ (iarP = 1;,7'r, l*,J I 14,6lL 1of( ?ail ,r.:.1ri. "\ I1Y,!' ) v,t:J , /i'it( - t'1",t : .. !.'t{* d,,.-..t .1.'? * :ixdil -{h M f NC. Consulting 't\ t1:d1 ..'r-f' )F FVAI'/,|1,':, 47 1trr- { :::iV"".t)l! T r,\/y.r,.',.?')(iri;i'.'') ,V" = .').'), l1,Tli'T' ,rrt PHONE l30 4rt-l9gl ^ | F.-1 snrer ro f I oF ?--' PRELIM. - FIIIALn ?:f4\\ d', {&!'tA U.^'" ,\4o = I.o4 " 1it 31 ' 'ij'='l..tt--t I e. , latf ,. 1g'\(itp.r'1 ,,4" Q'.,tfi:,,',9 - (.t'"" etln .74 ,ttt ^' 6.2."19'1" 1{1> \ l)t?p; . 1,47., 2,O4" ', "t7l;:: ,'r: , 6,21 r g'"' x 5{'' { 4ar,7;; ,,. gli, r , lJ' r, 7l,z r/- - To.t{ tZct.l = ,ie. ?,.l-7. 1..1- Lo*{".'5,2" \ - _rr.-1, ., (t ) _ yl:1, usbdlo,tLs -at?,v&:!2 !=o=$ E i ECATA ? i K,'t,r ,\'1oo , 1a'X,6ll,) , :1slrt{ = 4o:,(( :(r*, rc*,.roo,, ,".r/,o), " 5,2*' 11,2:'i,"'.:(.,, 47,",t, = ,1t-,,q1-8" 54'''- = l4bt'" '') t Q,,,21 .'7a',rt1 ' b1' * 3.1 . ll.3* I€:. tv:t, 4i ,,. 5= ,9(,b, T, . gb,,l)z,-t ?r7 A,L ;1,.,- n tr/ IY o!:9 - rlll1,. - r,/,c;ll 5r.(^? = A." cr. i -_ r, {. ./ l_I, i-:-.lip{r T = llQnn) 19.',"S,tt:,'P' =,ftp' {, 11' = l,gs !.&M!.44 = 'o:;)tr * 4',$L = p' " '15,l''" r bt.1"''1 . lso,r-''" n t a J OHN SON -VOILAND.AIHULETA, INC. By F.{1 tl oerc S-vclV rle* E:,4- Consulting Ercil SHEET TIO 13081 t['ll.l lll or-53- PHONE lt- CHI(D. BY- DATE pnorecr VAll CLIEI{T PiELIT. FIIIAL 6tlEt( stnxh:VeU "AM AT fuioF ?oa,0. 2..:7e6' 6.o12 :Wlls''rc-., 'i 1t. " ar; .tl t,51 = 2@yft €Lltl- .a6{ 8d ,'e ,t = fi.1, T' Eli,i) ..:'. lh..i,, i. 14?,u f) 4z,,t"vt/,", - /Aet l,'4,,a tJte, t^il!x$.) 6'ao'*17't'' L3dl4 )4p\+' I - 5.6)rE**W z..Q .,,r,orll ,4,, = 62o6lrlo" \61,0, ^'iiirr -(1', r'.9ii,ur; )(.-.q) ,trd< ." (x !t(AJra.( *.",'l.t \l+ L,,1'('tD DF,L t' 42',.23 /441 = = |19"l. | | Cil€?at:\l:'treL r2-f-,414-> A-r ?'!o ,t8' 2,?a ru bVt)?'k) ffirt( n w13,.7i5' 1,11" L5-'':l'1, I. ='t")<-* l/za* o- t/i:rt. u* !ttP-:6- I JOHN SON.VOILAND-A ULETA, lNC. Consulting Engjnc, .uv QF,ll olrle I\A\7.A JoB * -l PHONE 13031 444-1951 / -'2 sxeer ro 11r oF_22- CHKD. BY- DATE LOAlp6 trEAQ LIVE lb7AL r^rLftirtol Ct' ,rnr, L@Af) = 2or+ + 3r) f( L6)AD LT'AD ?RotEcf vN L FraDFrt(f ,l nJi\l- F. I D6. I t^^4 t'> --R a-\ CLIENT lvlr-'l< : t't<' ,U''' PRELIT. FINAL /^4 df> Ft r1--tr--t t--) A ^.1 la |/'t-' YLL/(/Y_ t-KAlvilNt(? 25' 1 n &aP oPFlaE FLooQ. t"d' /t a- + 57{ NoeTH /\ U Mtg2,+ Qp,(.!DtsTt+ 6?l = 65y:( = bo* --F_ = ll5 7'{ N 9) PrO(r n PHON E (303) 444-1 95 r SHEET I{O ,rorr", \.' i' )1.- ?t7,.,i4" P..Ll)!r,PRELIiI. o, 5?' Jrtr>Is O2tG L. 41u33'= 12-. j)o*..-@ 4) CHKD. BY- DATE | / ' '.'-1t' - :t r'-:r'' r_-'\cLlEl{T _'! _ .1r.:,- :t..' ,t_,FINA L Jott;T t*trtECTtaJS Ai ffi^r> L.oA A#ut't FU\Z, OL = / ,- a ,.+ 6r-t +r2g:1.. = 4n7st Jr't a1" CLd', + MtA 4vt aMn.E gPetl FLooA Jo6J': 23il,": Vl,,:trp = 43ra' , /),Li '.lpi,i.,,.l{' = 6,'15rt; Ar, ' 5*EJl'>' 5'")'3g+*'^'l*ro& "'lf"r " ,'l("" ftLo'l\*, t4 4\MFEQ A,r'oo^u -lilil?irur,s,J (ed - tl ", ;'v,q,,ii"'; -i,1',()') *,2,,.1;, = (1,as''o-'') (31',' o''S'-- .g;' @{) t (t>o n'lt' -\ ,. ,'\ 't t / Arc = \*, /+sra,)(.\U) - l,l|' <- 74."o :tAy 6K r:'rl'- .42'' '{--- - n 1--5e)-___-+@+ wft,su[t6- 44 <tt,tna (?arl Eo|tr JetlgT :,2!r*3 e 2r-o ilt"r€ Wu*,t Ao" A"our = i ;1');!,i!, - ui [u z"q ! (in)i)' (o' t .^.+ + ,t,, -1 fltri"8?t*'fszo^ 24 = - ,41 + ,lO . -,i1" (U? 1 E>.L, - ').0gs1+ ^ I :,"ff" - ::','#t u,'o!"',o,'.*l)i """""o *t PHOI{E (303} 444-1951 h... Z-2. SHEET 0 /_2 OF - .- .HKD. Ey- DA'E - eno.'.c-. VAlt- i:r,1ol:F-'i'lal/1L il l...Qi.PRELI[. .47' ELgre-agtttteP tg)-' cuew l,,tDL"AaLl-,aOt .i ) ./ li 'n,2s 2s,+1 FIIIAL .,sa* \Y- +ilvl 2 -f ' 4t' 'vz'" \''t3'9?:) \12 '83) - - -.ql'",' l-=-___--_ ztiz4* ' is1l'lbt*Ls - &3+'i''+ - 4slle!'fr."^, =__F "=d,?;;;2:tr,{;(;,9:J#?.ry*:fr, e'lc'16' I AY - ,lu^l!lt;,^l[,f:)rln,,r',,:-l,u,.li-i].r',4 li=,.s. ',,',,1.;,'.'i,., ,,t,i(J!t ""rt. u,QaFr') rs E€d'r.,, + oeij}(,7"'J.i,.-t, it,?,,.,'r,r,7,,i:) l,7nr1 -:.t\lt\2, 24U1, Qbtl&t oe eeAB ee^l i X.t',,lttt. .flto .,lA(,tNG " -,r.itl,l ttVrrt e a (te'r"{\l,S) , aoOrl( inrll F,lD = qffii)(q.*')(n') ' ?,t".f ,z )eA ol( 14oor". ( - .'-:., .-- - -.-----Y e*. = 5!:13,t -12i -- bhoo---T- '-10qetd I w's' ,, 3,', = ,rn 'looDrd--,.- ^,5?'" (a''on *,!{ 2},4t,2,2.1(i:iL,,JG;.i.)@u't'lc',0 * ,€iiil?,i?;i,r"l fr,?,'.,'t,77,6:) t,7nr1 ':l\l:ltZ, 24U1, Qbtl&t oe ebAB Ee^l . | .!2u.+ ,lo' .=.-:_,.42'(cpu[) I 6ll(,..7 F:Lt.t:'r,:. \/il')rllit"il C,llt\f.icit:t,,laTl(/:> 41,7.l:lJrtNa /2blJ9 JoltTS €2'-6:;evunV{t?l 2'.2." r'or.lr,, 1.lirP. *L Af 't9.zltllr,'.AL dir.;:i No, 5:. r-.-"{ o -v O \1,, (, 4,3*,u 14 ,o+ lO.?3 ''l 2bT.V1 6bb,l 4,1'.I I 2.3 4 ! e\. t.3 r. o tl,s lS.o t1'5, Io.D az.i ; i .1 /1.iJl ,, lrpT\ , .,, / tl.'otf1 ,1 /tsr\ ,. 2cos\a;ii.s) * 2,"o..\4i ) *'la,'r\ +., ),'los\41,')+n / a2.':T'\'/Co31 1" 1 + 1,522'2 + 1,2!>'> + l,oao + ,bar* +,Xfr+ o o -- aa"'21 'lto'ls'*" ?4 43' ' Tro.r" = 6L4'l rta * 4,'12 ut' 67! n+ n = (EJt'-)., = (z,s)t L/- - t a.n Evt *'t* 't- lt )v eO U, = Y"tr,r6 = 611E./D" =?2,TlEo € = .(D., D;)'l = (t.zoiztzt)''' .411 x. =(EIa,z+)(e)Cu) =(,oaX.4ql)Gz.a=;),: 'l?.sJ, 11 /3 xb rr xr. x, N. t* 2r*G:;),I,sG:,"; + Tas('tf t .' 2r"'(Tf) "-- l.o t1,161 + I,A1 + 1,142 = ll.4z, ol*li:-, efw, 2,32 l,oo 2+,071 n I J O I.IN SON -VOILAND-TH BY lit,li orre 4,44C, 'j'i ll CHKD. BY- DATE - r,o,r = tll. " (t.4axalD = 132b.b3 ht = 12.!:nti + Q3id)trz s)(t+s) . b3,",2 ?\( = 1,71, L " 4142t' ./i)Da L=71r,/Db pri T". 611 ,,t in . {, [nir;' (u;b){ai'ru"r'rr^:s'" = l/el^ = )4,5.6-t = .o?,.-lb = ,ol ae"o, grlbf: te Consult ing PHONE (3031 4/t4-1951 srerr Ho l'" or t Z " (s,san;)tlGr.^rF = s,b1cp u':,€- r.QuA?otl ll vr P;,(,)A-Iroil " ?.,A?fuI WV<.,Fffitp,tF" s4y otL fuL 2ti 5tA4. =e9,3.$i73= 6fij'', t,rt' ' ( t:'.':, , i' r lNc. 'ra'-)3 U L ETA, JoBr It t*,,1 pnorecrVAlL FT-Zr.;i:F1--'1,;'i111- PLD7, pner-rm. FIIIAL ?,8:Q ftJyI?- Jz:{3TS CzdilllUFt> Dl L I 3e4.t r-lotll Iro leLd ^ A" = ffitl1iol ?l{,i,,n,r.,,][r,u (n'r,r1 ",= Q,*t,o"\(pg\' 3,171rt03'!ffiznt I \./ \ -[" (rn u Fo;ATror,l t4) = (rrl n.tt')(rau''12tr,5,01" ,sJ) = Q6+z\1,a31\',osb2/-t*(L t, = ,0592 > t.t " ,oS, Ute Eo'rATror-l 15. A. =V:*;l'*-.u,lii-ur,)" [u,, ,, J, ,.,,,] ,.f'[rr;Qn'' 1,!)1,, o s\s,rt2l's| g't ^, o s) -:,,rdi,uat, "r)f; prr:ffi ,"4' 1 = [1,w.a,rc'-t] - [. sun) ' Wil;t = 1lt*,rciv*:423rt.s4s ='5,Slrto-t ,i., =' , oof,S1 ,rr e = 5,ob [€frj#?3] "' = l.tl orz a-- s.a?.t lt''i:,1:"1:1 = 2,22 t ) ' 't ,n.,r:i|{:C11,= /,.41iI^ 7l,G{t' (p'Arjl' ts#- 't9A3 Josf C 2''(" asrlccttgorl: 41,' *AA FLoorz Jol:'T') -:AoucD EE 2bAb e d-t" WlTfl 2te" @tJc.,etie g-AB srMPLe 5{)111 Jol.:ir'} ; ,-)r) ',:.t.tl<l ),)rti,!'-, 2'-(, r..r .,,.'/') I a .J O HN SON -VOILAND-P'trHULETA, INC. av t{f?,Ff oere tr{i\P,'2'1'l!, na* l5r:2; consutring Enstl PHONE (303) 444-1 951 sxeer m 1l'1 or 53 CHKD. BY- DATE paorecr l4l!PRELli,l. c1.tEilr /,!i)Q--r-'.r -TODD FtilAL 22O dl nr.,2 161<(r Z t-, ltrr lr rr-_?-\') | Lvrl!(- -rwt; (D 4tli-l t ll.lul=lJ Jots7s anrl, (i\ i Je_: + *:' ? 'r{;,1" I R,t, = Erd = )ct?" 6n.)F'i'Lt"' J4.ln''u l44oo'14 = lJ?,gt''u " ,Od' 4* oK ._.F-:,,*- fir,rr-,0,14'.stfl!,; ^ Jots75 ELCII, 4c/41, t+l &Ju) JotsTs lcvXor(a TAug A3 Jo('ii't 6nf, ,J) + ,6) j w' 2",ep\( ?,1"a=.\eri = ezr.;,2* 82obt- 62il2+ . 1g,(to# TeY 22Ag Jots1 A .n'r1 - 41.,-,i t),j't 172" --Aot lZ. Z4rTlttob /2q1,b = 't245u!, c-4 A i';,,,., (r o 7,a 4s 7rl(, as\ |.A|ra A rl o{ r./[T I|ri _{vli clo1 _il.+i-il I -t- = t;;!;'i) (ifi) 6 o fiz,t r, ro',s,, r,, o t = ,14' = hzo a tJTtevFQ-Ft> .z;4, )or..4,. e 2'.b .Ns. I -91 -_l '|-i-l dAilTLE{CAED ',r,1"fr1 EdF, c.F 7t€ e2A6 0e ut l'+ o,o, I I . JOHNSON.VOILAND-Af,HULETA, INC. By t2?il oerc l,4ttt,,) ,,/):Yl.: toa n l! 35 Consulting Ergi,l PHONE {303) 444-t 95t alO SHEET o {i., oF :'{' cHKD. By-DArE - pRorEcr Vl\lL 'l--ll)f Ea:'lo(J,41-(['r.;,PRELIII. 1t,.,,-,-., --a ar '\ r- .cLfENT ;.r{',l .. 't _' 'L.')t _.'FIIIA L Tt'u PLmtl- crilTlrUr-D fitAf,lt 0l'l ltrlE- tQt i v- zQD. . ,ob x tf t3{Jl' = -?L: GSrd E(Dll- lL Qrtt1,' ,O?) r lo' , )t,1 - .6, io,*l' , 3Or{ Jl = ,ff,gf - ta tl' I I /t Sol> , ?,;.yl\ W ;p? ,*,,r,r^ WuvF' ( lr t /r< r,,.i ^loo, | 1177,,' )*' n o 4rt, 86.51 -M- 1rz\ A ca\tT A?i L\ tt- Tr?.l- ln L' nr) iTr $rlBs', 1.1x +rrv . (r,b ar3.ok LL 3,lk t9.3' (-rlt> LEFI BF:--AW: JfiT; TAY O€{rAt Unn^ ' prlo 3rT\il = Ir-Y '51t",46t, (7-to*i EF,#,\ : -,:;_=ir-::--..,=-..,1--==t-ia,onlrltt ?o* lol.'l* 44,6r tl,lF u,sr +1,2* t4,oz 2),f 4\,=^led rrz;ffd, -- 3,33 " lur:a,1ft W16,26 t Wl4"2G , ofL !Vl'2r 3l ' Zd.,c ?x . 3,36oG * 2O'i,20,(. Itlt4x 43 t Ol1 't'll2'41, 5,1 N 'K ,7' t,3 ,4 -4 ,*l 5t, Xs lL' 2tol-t,B glc ,2r .L 2' (n I I rEI,r I 4e l(., 1 (., 1 at, 'a .r\ "CF'? .ri3 ,u" ) t11 lJt lo '+ 6i lnj a 670trl) Ii - t,1- tl ac J-x lN, nE x rh N. if,'ia , \,t, 1 l,tl t .\ l,( 1, Irl to,' olJIr,l !l ll ''' l{ lr .Ir I s+v 1,.\ ,. 7C\ , r:lFtr/ |(, -.\ -.r6)t' 94l'."r"\, (,,, ( t2l lol (, (12ta l lob\i -, ( I+ c)( 9r 51 ,4t rl, b az' 4r ,14 lrt r4. 5/ )4t ,,tt'i !4 W2t i '(4' 9./r W r)t ( W. .-- - .3lJ i '{ a35.5 ut' = (6,0,rt? - '1-, O 7' I -.t ''; r'! sa-H1 N14^5a ) JOHNSON-VOILAND-ilHULETA, lNC. Consulting f,,rl aY?bll oereIIAQ,?dl'lb rcs, [5:,?, GHKD.By-DArE ?RorEcrvNL fYaf V.Sloil/iL ?LD6' PHONE (3031 444-1951 '1 'l t- -)sreerro /l oF22- PRELIM. - srrrr., ftt)tfiQl7--TtDD rnar 3F' FLtt:v- cailnllt)fl2 fFAMlt Ol L|:JE l.+^'i wr^o FEr:t{ FA-.,T grrrg = soo$i1,"''2v;r.?l( (r.u C rerr3 wrorr) LoAo v4a:'.1 ro€::( :t$L'(44,?A't!'z)ttl''-7'.4'1 | 2+11 pl{r 11'P- " i,'i: I - ar!..jLL z,ee'rrf tr;,! ' ,eb * I'ei'i ti.i/) " tf i'-. - lo$"/, -'1 ' t)'f- 4oo/, ?f.t)t:clr> [.[- = .(,6rx 4:;6':* =.,'4op!( DL. G;p-,( e?D.TL' '?5prt WuNrF = &Ert{)ed +21'GG']i * 42'pli = Aooopl( ?t#6',,bk /^ n $EAR r<f IlL loiL ,l 'rl'1, I g sr 2lB )t I,l.c 3..,5v' l4,eA (L g- EtL 45'/ b,a: tt nl 11. I 85,lr( 5b.2u- rrt aL 323k. T2,l* t0,2" wrl/' - Atl,t'tx ?Fr?b = iid,U, - .'U 'Aa : lQ l,'t ,7Il,tL *t f l,.ta,o\*tEc:t il:lktb.s L.efT eeAt(: Fdn -:,h\f.l '{D' -NLe- 6t,9)1ir.r I 4(x'iiz -12,1 " 4x' + VtAAi AFiP4j Et.lD seor,.l .21,5' Mo=A'b'''T + y4\tt,33-x)1x);2 55.+zx - 4'^"' | 2,tl tiL',,' Zxeee = z't'to 'q\u,51^!"' Bl.(ou't3 t 6A,E!T Y,121*$l(+'es) l Consulting trut Zr"'' f:ttt:'ttrt- f-aiitr.Itlpl) teel6(D) - E,E4M5 orl UFlg (A) l W,*,, -- Aoasrt€ lv.Ft>rcr--o\ n FHONE (3031 atl't-t 95t stnzr to 2ro or 5?t PRELIf.- . -- 14,:!?' i I t 3'1*3?* 22 lrc\ 22' 5i' l5r' *rtar-f = pt Vu.cea o */n.b - 4"ploo'11,* nf' [t r"T,\'"'1 '.Wg!P*l(7'N.):a ., r',r'. ,4.-t - 4,,".,\i{ + (4)t,11,3_r)(r.i,Z': .-5{. _ *y.1 , -l!:r .(v" X ' $1tb, l,11t = l'-c2 Vr, ('rLf,t, = 4"@|/2or Gb,6,,f '-9' lbttL' lra--*-, ''' !:l-r.:'t'tl steA"- € P/J1!|L l5* zriidct- lo' l-eF-( FrilT ?'un 4L ta/ttt 41' r,L 2t 4* 42"' : *tlD -Me- ; q'lD '3av1l * Pr'*l p@-Wts"zs(z't*.$; n )) J O HN SON -VOILAND-AtrHULETA. INC. "r@,1) oorcM/r8,?ril6 r,e, 1533 Consu!ting Ur"t PHON E {3031 444-1951 CHKD. BY- DATE BF:A\46 qJ LtrlE r.? 'l LoAO r.porr,( wE.J "ro5.t I/AIL Pf ,'r fi-:lril.r, lrll f--(/-ii, p6s1ru. cuew l,t 08-:F-E - *' ol-t) - FIIIAL a | ?., - sHEEr xo I | 6P Lr:-' 3,rpg = VS-%| -154fll (roon ta,3' TzrB wroll) ' 2*1lp{ = 49?,.- VE 4oZ t.65r{ Z'too P\( n = 1:,i:J' LaAD F?r,M wE3T sto€ = (4,ttz'/+\(ir:.y) LL U€oJC'il cr'! = ,ag. ta3" i ifru\". 'jll lt' '' 'ot* - tdfutz P,11[IL tir?1l B- 7t,tx 11.U'a r-l(r,o zro\ zl{ 5*,3" 'rlo'ik 2+,2t11,4r fz 1* ?1,'lL 21,1* 11,1' 1t. av 35,a,L n,t ylk 6b1L 45,+' tl -qt a = tu'l''{,1V.f-AMi .tli,t:t\e. arf?1;l " 11,rr'' '1,.lxll.g'z/14,1 = 59.6 rtl 1tu(l1 WlbxT> (a'a,s) Z* = '"' t.1,, = 31. orr{3 ffiF-LT V,[4,V2-(2,%.t) rzto# o?"t tez WAhAi tr!fti?ro'i-:irlrl 'i:,' tsEA{\{ : c,AtJiLevE€. = lo\ -Mur,,,"= *'7" + PL. l-J;F"qz6\('). taf.s''ot ,iro,o = 2IA*t*,' \UrQrr? 1a\ w,24rqg(s=$a,{!, t= 1320,!4) A::;. -lt'f]*i,2i,^*'rs,,,ffJ+proo-t1,g"rou* 5,ra',oj =,o1ri "-,,rr,Fr-",ro Al*" =Vi1'.;'n:",r-llor*. 4"2'" -6un) 2 ?''qtti"' o d-(ork'toAD .-.s1a4- 1.'1:rt1iL7t.tJ',> it1 ,;t svn,i 3q-eq--W2+x(ol ft,'zoo,u\ n ) PHONE t303) 444-1 95r 4,1 ...1 SHEET ilO , Z OF ', ,'' CHI(D. BY- DATE ,rotr", UIIL- fnel {.::,:j-'lar']ltl- 7-'LC} n,' cuew MoeiFrL-1cDD '1 ,' it PRELIM. FIl{ALr 6-ft1 TL AcflJ DL LL o l5'2k 15,2t 1,1' W B€AM: atJ Lril6til 2 -TorLL",totrs------: Ii 14, tt ^ttlLL ?ScruClorJ = ;69* 4',,l8_ " lr 'lt'- Be{lxl:u LL.,i ','1* atn}''r- -i?rgi-?{ir+ \r/u*1 = 4i'Xi;;;';;1 ,rt I -- ?lr,r "l6t;t!, 2+:l* 22."' 41,2r 1o.1'' 11,5" 1,1s,.6L " (;7,E 'o' flz-te, wou) fu= 1ri:rtgs* /^ 12 <( rl< ,Vt ^K 11,6,. T.4" LFTT r,€AIA: 6Al'11 1ef rI\ A tou' _iF_^( Mol"\8+JTerna," = 25.3'16,5L 4t''; n,2L | 4.c'k 2'ts* r+' 5L,5t< 3b.1k t1,c( 5xBe,1 " %,b,*r 1ftWtz B'EAM: f:rlo sPn( = la 7,v+<'- 223,tv'/ea.ro = 33,4,n3 Tel Nlby2b) yll$2bt oTL \ilZt4o Sltt&' snztfi, tra-ril ffr !ilE 5 = '21''2''2"*t4" =t-)6!', KslMe t:txvr€ LtAfr3 A?\,LY N udL (t). itFtl Wt6t3 ld, I t,.:f f$ :. 2)2" + 1'.1e"'. 1r.6' . 2.-61, Mq..Vl"!.A.9b- 'tll6; 2b (:-"t0.1y1, f ' ?ilN*) 'lM.,tI.,J?+',- iLto'n''"J ' ,61" Wt$" 40, I= by?-,u+ Nra,q = .lo-l - lft'u, to"; - lii:'yti) = ldlrertffi"r';,la),s,'n ,[],9,ut 1UY Wtfu4kta io drlx-fce:rt rrr$,J I.ffio t,l- ly\ E)u-1L -gF!? lt-l)^ . . :: Lu?r'L-:' - 5a-eL7 viltrt4r -.;'.ilnr t4;- (I?.li.' .f . - t'u'ii:'iii, "j;r..., 1,,,,', r.1,,.;, \lt, :, .-' - ti,t.;' .: r g.?,r'"a J ,+4'' o.o1 ' ,6li' " .ll" 't ,r'.1 . .13" /\ vtdrr ?f[f^ i ) JOHNSON.VOILAND ^T" BY ?Yd oerc MAt:21llG ULETA, lNC. Consulting&rc nao l5/s7> enoncr v[lL Ftu)(?-!f,l ]At- P:1-D'1, SHEET NO PHONE (303) 444-1 95r ?s4 o, €'"--' CHKD. BY- DATE PRE LIN. ctrexr M'cl/'c'?-'lcOD rnat / , lt!'t ;' r'fr l?('('tt l1a t'et-hl.,nl'Lg-/a' ff',,o )' lb - 40, W 1pr.eQ = &' ,,11 1l:Y Pt l,r-: ( 3' tr+, f tu r-\ -, ili.a ., l.','" I Z{-D A;..r - :3.2n'1,.'",,';.- " .-l'l . , , llF , -r ^ L'l ru .34,.,t W*,o = Qt:"./,{)'l) : ?Al{ " #1""-- -,* - M = ',hrto'/z -* ,g'i!d ', :'lt:";#'JJ;,H-l'rr, 3,r-n.'1h!,r,att+t,u3 €F#H \il4l:44ii;-;zi.i.) A;:; ='iJ;; ; i';'; i li i " {i'j lf; ,;' oT@, fr ',,,, ;) ' ,32"' ,oz" . -.:tt qEt.QL'( W2:".E+ i'r,e ceF-); ,4\,n " (4.i7,)(.:l )' ,rri . .. ,:,,.,:,, ,.., -., l{: n 1.'j I r, (, ,'( rb) a;f.t r-il wz4, l.$ ((eQ f>ftr(. I v?uFl !__r'/_l:_--.41..vi ,Jt rr ._\€_-*__-\C_' . fiUr{lF t-- P" \-..," r- f . ./ Ari" +M.wL'/'b' ,{ox,19',ig . |le, lu'?'t /->sp,;-}21(s,t" WA= 17,.r't,lav\F'1,$F 1n,t.tr \).:L t|r1,,;,t tlfL wt$,/,z {>ewpT_wJ9yJ4 (s.ts.,t.i - M ='il1?,/b, . 5 x 1,2^,/ 3 Svfre . 'C,2 ,*t J o-" tI,, /.I---z a ^ql = 6,rr.j''l 3e" flititZ- alMxlWD -.$nrptE Flp-F.rr:f.-ltrtrYJ- o*' WfilAt 4t\V,€' *c,l'siS .c/l]ffttF\Ft':- Fcol,1 d) rfV'V12't' -,tt = ;gr-1"'/* :,.^:;i'lJ13 a sl @fA,tr, il. PL, *'l Il qdlrL, sL'tl oc B#1t"1. lo.l " a O,l 4$n*\f l ,q' i wuu,, = t}'crtl r (4ntr;r:it] #1 (,i4;r'm, ",^A,W,o,' x*xlt)( Ti,3,o" Te\ il#"i| (?= t'1,(', T.t?0,,t) ,\1. IF f ;)i", ",' *!^i',,r',i, r,i,,r * r.n ",, A =, i]' a - v, ( . rd 4El Wl$,H ,3.2e,\ns, / -- 119,*" Ai,,t = ;?s4''")i4;'= '23'Vl(b""1 3.4'f - 7L 2,qL (trir't.rl'i r rt-v)4PIQI;T VtltQrl4 JOHNSON-VOILAND--HULETA, lNC. Consulting Ergl.r. pHoNE(s03r444-resl -av €AA oarc MAQ 2f,lb u,e* I4A - sxear ro-4- o, 53 cHKD. ay-oArE eaotecrVllL WoF6lotJLL A-PG, , rrrr. cuelr, Mot(€?-IDffi nxetnl\r,r ]l'i rliI t,- :| 3* tLoo?- dtJTttJU@ ',; " ,. , , : . . ,-i . t.-i".,.,,o|L|miilii]lll'u;|,iii.ljl' | ,-'.- r t, '-li /tA l, .-,, l,tt )+,a,i -^ tt I tt-ttli;t1 e it - /,:; /\/tn.li,ri\i-zr'^,-.rt r/retr1 W,u,, =,0?n0 (te,1'* I ;1''i2 prcl p(', i.ii:,rii:r 'M = 2,ot'1:,:/a +(1,s1".1,;\ - a"- -L-F{ - ai or-91;o tit t l-H r'-t 1t,0ts " | +'rjiv-, ; : '* | 11s,.2"t1. -M = 2,ot.-1,5'/a +(1,A.".1,;) = 1o,1*'F{ + 1O3!'el;" Lh;,lr"ft I ''' 5ci4-1?,bt"1 j i . . i i5se4'1o,b*i"' i : ..\ i 'Tfr, W2t|fl^ 6,,QtS,,Z: !]l,r') . i a:-, : #qll i:, ) r,1, 11 ;t:- t*4,{il'i i = .1r' 1,uu,F A:; ' itrili'rn, fstto+J ' =,oi!-'*.,',1'rl: ,ili ttiriiit-l t::ilr,;!-"i'-i .'JeY ,v,llb,1l 6:!7.2, r: ??+) : .jA:.;:#-topfruo fo4is,i;,):.1I .rr"1 . j- ,a1L, .E)iif,,vil fsnot) .,- i d- ", iAh' :"Xii';i*tti+;[ata*]-i: : *oO:t I i .iAo- : : ' i i"] i"1...,,,7'lt,+-glg4y I art sqff+lQ&, ft4.A.I lwtlr?r4 i i iBiilr:lrill'i '' j-i=;t,lt : i"" r'' 'll"t' i ittli:rlii-. , i I ' I 1' ilrlt t -"- _.-i -- - !.".lrlLliiiiiilr ', r 'l - 'i I;r ..i.1 I,t : . I I i I':_ I I I I i ;,i lr:ll '' i i: :i'1, ,t; 'j il ri ': l : t, : ' t_ l I J i I 'i;t 1! i:l ;t! l :l 1. :i ."."1 .i rll 1 ', "'',: l i ;ri;- .l ..i . 'il," i i-'' - 'i I I ii -j--l ti!illlili--I ". l'":il;* : - i--- 't- -^' ii ! 'i *'l- i,:i:i":-i:l ii."l.iii:i.: i -: iItilliil,1" ,l'\'. i, .1 "1. : i- ..i ._. .: .t ; --,1 tlI '- i . .-...,. .. l rrij 1,,:.'t..i,.i.. i JOHNSON-VOILAND-tHULETA, lNC. Consulting ErgJ pHoNEr3o3r444-resl ", fz\l oorrJtst ll'l1t- lre* 1553 - - - srre, *o-35- o, 53 cHKD. By-DArE pao:eq"t[lL 4VoF, eLD], pRELrrr.- cuew M,oZfr2--(oof) r'll.* 'i.\'\t i,ilt brlrlecflotJ, o? sT&L Wttul Ta ?tEUA.n wx:itl, CQ,rC' (.A'5,, -',u*t'Vqt 31?&gAL alcg, tlvce-nH j '?'q. = (es)ft,ra)(,io) (5,,b1" *,l,o')(s,,aq')@ =, 4do** =',4o;of (w ; tFri-l ":"'l - i' ; f' ll :l:{ '$ , gf /..1' (o8- YA.raTT*I corJ? I -r4s":-l -ryjl*.1 (f ', ', ,fle(' Ar.= fT"T,,4(4'*to-')=, B&.s,,r.', i _ | r I T :.r ;,,,i2*4.i[":, A; =iH,_iI;,g,r_GID-_;;;_;Un i i I I n:"(7an-naL.arrc1 J 1es.ey'o:Xlo,r-\-tl1,4n: i '' | : I iillli.r;i,ilr;:;ili:l,i iilliji:it.ii^.7, I, : I' ;f |i[ d o",t,t"-r,t". t T: ^ -- , 11 ''" sfi4^ = bl , 11,4* R,T v?zy ;t ,'^j_%i i i r ; i I , I : I ' roE-TBBotJ',irJ.cnAo . i ,'tlil i ' i :_.-l-..: r.i,i r i 1.... , /?llt&-Ut(l+ AWWI 3,. i 7',,'t:. r':,2i A.g:f, 4, z,o! ', , i I I [.t-rrP" ,F,?:l -*'r,1 ea,^{tEl 1 ..-: , i .,i . I i.,- i I It") = I5qJ I CA?p;ft ti WAeilJq i say oK ':ll ll:l" l 'l;i11.rliri';|l..-''ii....;...,..:'..,'....' Ff. l= ;q i.?,u'" 6ool '', lo.bt I i ._l_il--l i , i l-' I | ' ; ; i i r I i,'' ll l -,i ,l i ;. i -.' i--i- 1.. . i , I , ,. i .f- ' .,: .r -; Iiriliill '; _t, .____._----y--'I I l^; I I -, r:ri -' ,^ nL r i t-.-t- .,.,1.: )4-, :,ir;i,,il -t l-Ziro-b , . r i , i : i!,,i,lioi"-: ' , ; i i I , , i ii i I{,a.s. , ; I i ' l i' i,iriliirq,A.s. t r ,rl i'l;l llr:i *4'-o 'ti'itr, 'l :- ) ,lri l,i"-i i .,',,-.,,' i i I i i I i i i :iirlllil;ii';'llllI .;.,-1.-r. i I .1.. .; ..r i, l :,..i iIIlr,iiiiiii:i,::l ri: lli 'ri BY ?AA o1g;a MA'r- ,Alrt1;, na t lc.A2 -"'o -r'6"'ew" PHoNE (3031 440'r .HKD. By-DArE ,^o,r""r :::t;:. 3t or-s3.;'i:r rrllii.i o -f nraETA, tNc. consultingt rO pHoNE t3o3) 444-resr a,t W)A oorc lr1A8,,2Vb u,a* lE-53 ,rr.r ro 1? o, 5V cHxD.By_DArE_ enorccrvAlL p?nFg3:,l0tJAl Bt_DGr, pREuM._ n "trr', Moe1e?-TDd) FrilAL - \rt4l1 2s'= v"? frZ, r,e, 2eilb c2-6 - L= IB.b' W =(U+r{Xa5)=,2b9el( M=,2b9^ to,i/g = !2,1'*t = l4'1.1"'n IUVY ,rI. li alAL *. ^ML A3 g. --,2ba4 : rrAA ?w FtoE- F7AMrJG uLiqr# ,rf +1 . -l Z,te&' : I I ltJ &xG l'.A^" 41.r',F + (z,ze\( Ewrtr b1ltA:, atD :?sil . t( 6;F', , .i I o &,lnf ', i 4Ft Et, J\-g<J' .6/qt= l?,r3 t,r'l /\l/t,1) i ' y, ufi55. :ll,1r q, 41er 2s, z/'3,33"lb/2b.2 l'r. tri . , ',,1/ rrto= *'/u,b=2,41 ,^t.Pf,),u / (z-D(2")(,) '(4e,o : i ^ ,l (-.f : r : i r . ,,t,---r--" - I, i <tftttA&be(\w ' To . 3@ Ftbo? ln'a"*.,,t'.4; . ({S1yS1",r,rs€)=Qu-)(gtse)r(tr\(us)Qs*.fl e^'no'.G::{;{,,,) I '- '|biMp' 2104,3+ 102,4 +B225 . \P3'lai".t,a'iu1' ,' I iMp'grln-'," I --,j;;.-roz',|*lud;y. v,r,,f ffi W2!"41 tLonsulting Engineers BEAM'> arl ,,1* U, i La&>s z* a-e.. A, tNc. E-"4-,-2..PHOXa (ro!t a4 sneet xo 13 67 $, PRELIf. FIIIAL sttl,1o r(r ,<x ro* lr:! et l?o a*n' ,41r * st z+' '13^ v ' a1,"* t1lt n,or :) l-. t) \_ ,4.,.1 "T iI - lF*T ffi*l : E+tD sBlhl = t(), ?)lD V, = 4 * to)./u1" = 11.4,u3 'J1E -w-tHtJL \:u,p- tftl,t,!, 1g5r Z*- 4' ,u,tL.O, (a6,5 A : 2Aa}- oa A3 7 ,j " ?t. ! :irlo ll,c.s'. n PHONE 7,q 13031 444-t951 oe 52-' CHKD. BY- DATE SHEET I{O PRELI[. FIiIAL -) Nr2 El r",( | t-*AMril6 atlTnJv€l) Et"A,!,\': olJ Lrr.lE :4-ii LoAr;s 5.lrl, 7rr 2ttq FL/, (3,(a'f 2o.o tti -_'l- 24j"2+,4t *3^3",1' 49,b'' e2,4rt3,o, 12,4, I 5, (rl' ht,ur . *r?,o,G = ".o'."*2',r'/1r,h -- 51 ni 1'2 i l: ('b'o) FWAJtq:#. 3a4T-g\$g , ",,rr3g? ?.cil TL 7( Lt :n.$F )?'4" t5.6 -t nL r?hlD .fl\N = ?t,t z+# A2'4' 42,+e 20,un 2o' 7t 223' lsb -ffA vt tr{_EEqt.s- E:_ftHAToQ : EL-itJ " l1l4 yt{ " ['5'' 12,1< W,u,o '(24 *').ittpn')ii)' l1?!d{ slarl = 13' lr4r= t,1g'1zr',/5 . 4,,9"-'' 6eprt= 2o3 ,,t) gFs{*ul_v.fl- W,rr. = 1e.s!"1ts,..('i * #r( =.?-,o1.,k" ?CN *M' /"\ z r;.16.91 \ , (? |' (. 7?3' 21.&) + 12 1' ) $. ;"v) . 1.1 + :.tn, f .1' qfl'' i1,2'' '". 145"'fl 5u^ , 12.3 ntt 77s1rc7 V !- L f :'11 r'^l- C1/-:, t: ti IAL A,l. \t .,-aa 1_../ 1r.,:.-\cLfEl{T /Y'Jt'- .'',-- : .' -._. -JOHNSON-VOILAND-IHULETA. INC. atR*A oneAfrztL lSro nc* 19"s3 CHTD. EY-DATE - PIOJECT PHoNE (30!) '041.1961 ,r.", *o 4a or 5?:, PRELIT. - FIIIAL /^ AW ,(L wtll s- E:df\I LL F,5 l3'3 n.bL t+ o 13|23 E,2F 1,1* 9,2t'' 9,t t 31.1'' t?.'l'' Left 6fut^", a\ue. 253' )5,a'6.f P,,sF 2E1L E.?K p.oF 45 ':,s" FUfl\Zl4 n 4^wJZ BaNA; Edo f,rNJ'- te-o pv*-( BeNAs dMfue 5?Ail. 2o\ 5x = 13'?> rlt erc6T Wtbr(o 7*rq,.*t/*r- 2.25'* t6/up = .35,4rf .#!FgT l+rZb (e,4oo) +Y= fo = lg1,U'/tr= b7,5''tr Consulting Errl} f,FdA,(* ad UtJe (l) : Lano s1a4. To A@ WQ- t?'.13 l3,Sr' ab' 4nr s?tu.f vl|*,Ak(<'asr) PHONE (303t 444-1 gsl I | /'"a SHEET ilo 4 | OF i:'3 PRELItII. cLtENr ltlt-:?-*('-l?. -it.): ;FITIAL D"-swil {:"(411- 6itD E\ftt'lotz WALLS -Alr' tJ) 44"' 2rt' ?L(. ?o,"'co " @)A.a1 +ta+v)(za,ii/z ')o1,1 +2o2,o . @3,1..17'tyT- f, ,',,t7:' (5f X3.o) , (2.t''(\3.o) 't llos + !?,t.' * 2rQCl'-!%, i 5t5 9iw :iH rvlj ,ilu r i 9l-te I o \\?)s d)l: *rg la\, c\ n W\LL -,667ic1J ll'-1'-o 'L> ett. .:1ii'tu = .Ct-r'.',1 flfiC<. """ LLtoD UJCLD Fey.(E = .1o1* TEl l G*a".!)p -. 1{-l(--l tJG i M = 4co''1" no.. 1,gg = 557 *''' ut =,op= r-;t;1 r12. 6444 *e /:r,:> crlEt,K MtL4a6i4A qA, ?u$[tJ(DV' ST.|D 5, :''?4 +f i - l,152rta Aa;:ovf: Ftxrg ErJr'> raduTrqll. ., A = '^'tli.-t + Liz€i = ?;?,;;l!;Z!;* .fi{!l;:!!.", '- ,O21" + .(22:1" = ,O51'' 4 FMtq o( V>t 24' .-,fwu!(t i'l|= /,oa{'.'tr 2',(2.1114'* U3e (i' * l"s' " 20 64, 'c' sToD e24^o.o 5n,nt. = ,41 n{' T^,A. = 1,41 rrra = ,24 vt' 0l'T. = .1h ol€ I A&tLt. u)Q"Lf) . r:?,i'lrr * 1",',i" " .:.7::q_<3 - n r,.l..ll' .i r'')n t-1 , L:'.= la,(4 JoHNSoN-volLA*o-lnuLETA, rNc. consutring orr] ,, EB[] ,o* AW,E,A rce, lr;i,Z PHONE (3011 /t'la.l t'l CHI(D, BY- DATE eaoncr VAIL ?Vci'E€t;rtlA.L eLD4, cuew hloZ-G(1 --ft4 r'-'> E6MT WALL EEIIJFOT-AIh Mrro f / n24" to\ 1.12fr1"( -'. "l 254*0 n-cP-' + 3o.5r''rtr "( , l2'- 3+'- t; 'a . vl "[fuu^p++/d(t,s)f = ,_12167 Fl.Lfs t 3ob27,r't+/tf, b" vu= 7= wE 9" trNL- /$NMe, UAUU\', M€6tl ,rr., *o 42 ortfrt- "aruu, / Ft lt^ L 10,13" brJ, - 121 ";'l"=bT7M"/o4- = 4o,c7izs1, .eaQ2 ,opg7 ' Ar' ,oQ31x Ftre n w&L3 3AY ---- lttt" I ta, To e't?A =A\t t t.rJ? vt|. -gt.F?rl,dJ'- 4-t2-1b ALr>o io f or! 6\,qvfr.i, +6ato\tw l,ft *4en lk/e,, l,E q-+etb a,wyy aE *i-:-'.'i ''... /- J...) ,-:". '\ - .\..) iit +.tr*l 4, '',1 3- I ')' l I I I I'l:J . A::i- r-' ,-. 1 I I I I a.t. 1. ,, to,t' 1,4 - 44,1.1,-r-. -r1 ..: . - t.4 \.1 d i :.: i ,l v,' )'i, (,'. ' la -''i 1''. .- , '-'n ;:a : l l'(.:'"l Irrl,.. I I1.35.:. t tI)4|...:i .\ n 9..'i.":.': .:.- ,r . f ,'.7 117 4 -i:i'-- ^ to3.- t.4lr.L'l 6.r' [ ,=.,., - I \ t,."'.'' la\ \ '"' ?' |/'n1 la. ci? 7' 1.4 ' ^t'l'1 'l 'r 71,!, ! lt,?;- !': 1.2.cI*ii't'.* 1'],?. l'l ''(r'{.:t I. i't '.4 | i,.:" i'itr,"- i "- I=_li:/nl1','7'i) .i !rlr. t l I ott .1- 1l.1 r. f ,l? \I I 2,y1,,,:! tt - ]. ../ i; I t -, .,'-t - .- ., / ; l) ,.- . t-.". / - - .-,-_, ----,t--:..''.I II naz " :4 = /i' l.': | 21 't.'-) | t -," t II ti?.. 1.-), an'l /.-J f, COPY / (*"f'^r'ABtg .'lD^ ', l,0r i ,o.l'r,/ ,, i ,i!,* i,r, .. iqd",Ilo4 . rt lloq : a.Ah' ; i'-*-..-._1,,i,ii..-9 | t' i 'j . 11,; ll, j t*l! IP T 1--* '| ,451 . tl I.tt ! r. lltr,ll,6' i':lo 1 ,, il.4a f.oz i'''ol'lr:. i 1 I l,{i:; I ll,to r Qlil--j- ----.-_;li'l,r i' l,"lf' l^ 'fe4, Ilat/.'.1 ': ia I h .:r \ r,zs ia 1..,1'/ i3.0,, ' ''r:n '111 i: -.) t, I ,("o ( 't ,1 , 6:'i'i,{ 4t,.('' r I .') . r .i_ , 1,t.. ?t 't" ._. lr. l -'".'i. l 'i,ti i,5 l "1 .l:37 ln | /* i.r-''7 r.l) 17.'r i:- DESf 1,<'j-l r lb 3 -tc "1 .1k t ,1t'U- | ! 1 ",i23 r.td,r.:\ if"3r.'r'' '1,o, )., sP- " ,-a {. , 1r, i..2 '24 lai vtn Z) ', 8 lt., 'n'2.,,)./ d' .n'i r'- t 4 .- f'.. ' _> '20,: | ,t .),, .! wbtil 1,4 rr.". il444 Ir,rs | ;2t1 121/%* I il.t,t l?.og l.,A j 1.v; ) tllt l'fi,'+v ; :,"ff : - ::','ffi!ft',iii n,:,:Y """""'* {,,,.,'.0 illn' ::'?;'-' .HKD. By-DArE ?RoJEcrV/'\tll- | i '' F41 tn'lr'| . t1 tT);1 PRELIM. c r-rErr ,4,|r'iZ:'F i;. TCx..:,.-.)FI1{AL | ^'n'--t t ^ | i ^rr-\ .f r lil Y,< tz-l-"4'-t1l!l ,iJ.,/,_ Al-l*- Ar\l/rL l:--- ll_ Wr(t= LoADz; '. espst u? aL1 4at i 2.D r'{ Fah| v; T0 sot, \orsl' ,+ute at' {ET I I J YI-vrl 'l*' l$ l$ T ol$ -r 19 s13 l0 lF _L /^ - aAl\.:r, @ \-/ - - 2$' : ft * -o4o -!ffi 1< - -to)-Ft +----gE.-E-.Fl TaBurAuY wrdmt ro r&l | . I Ze.-.tST|Fh FeAMe. FcA iloo:4{-sor?}l LoADS ilo(fil fr 'tlI cHrD. By- DAIE - "rotrc;. vAlL fT''t '-'f Ft:::.'!nt ll\"1. . V'l f,)6 ' tt,i,.--..'t2 7/-r-.T-\CLIEI{T /rvl !ri'.. I -l:- - {r.-'r./t -,FINAL L -ieu,L Lol\D A!JA;:Y515 @)tlTtitJfr | tt at \"F?-AMa rl': %2 =t'-o er JoHNSoN-vorLAND-lnrarrA, rNc. consuttins Ens ev Z-Bl-l oorrA?AtLlQh lrs, l:-.(4, kl4tf .8.12 ?tM t ?q{X ?.+47 ,2t!6, utpt.s--. j ,i.r FHONE {303} 444-1 95 r 1.4.. (.2 SHEET IO t- OF J J PRELIfl. 1.4, dl' 'nOx/UO *'"-.".''= = "'/5.e4fr,", ,t.B ,4,4 4Ftt',., 5-34"# Aats et,vtD t a rr,,rrcit tsi ?,tt.lrf, ::llFla pLoW " 34,2",,,'1d= .451'F = 34,2u/ 3+ [dt-:Ti = l,oloi!,u.r C oe ts' FtrLt:( ltsn-O "Q)$il7\ -- g,6tr 1,ol"W Alfu.k .:,rlF-r,'.Tijt-1ll ti G Aeoff '.8.,s' (?,1)(3c) n 6r o")(la') 4o n)(1t D = (lo,rtXZ.)'411,2n'o' * ,i12r"-" r 116,1''" = lo,l1e*t R* '1'1'b*'r*'' (,rsL, E 5 DL A? LEVA 1 = J3,2r (ekrr tot> 1,At4: ,'. (r,--i uPLtF( = 11,b*-35.t , 4',2,6' 6417,1-1f,1prl' J1IE (uMpJF{Z {F ?zlrs Irt arlL Ct?t\(ca A?E. -oo illdil .l TAg oJ?.t}_Te'Ct['tli fur:es A(',t 1n r.lrri.i aJ ilri,lptu v;;46f1cALLl, A[:C A:i)-ti:;g Et!A'Ei-; ?'LY ,lf 1-tr1l-- il'r l.- t'1)t.tttl fiJ er62, ,i l'.rriir; \":Li-.:' l'i .j' t:"', '' t,.1., t ! i:.,,.1.1 t,'. f, "t t,,,1.'.,, . lii -1 1 ' 1:i ';'' \ ^":. " r;' ' i"; i ..-, '1,',: I -ll '. "',' 'I i'liLl ' .t ' , t. 11) i., , i:i 'r'.;"'. .'.t.,\'1i':1 i, ., : lii. " t, 'l : '-ll.l'/.".\ .' ,1 ,, "' () .:: ,i, ..t _ ' 2 . '4 /;i .-..i i !,t a r',, .:' ^ BEgf, '.h"{$il COPY .' 'o.{ AVAT.ABIE I To FI I I stlllu2 JOHNSoN-volLAND-TtrHULETA, lNc. Consulting Eng ,r, RfrlJ oarc ii:V[-|:.*lG rolo lr,it:'t | '' -''i,z JoB* l:--: :-' PHONE 1303) /r44-l951 sHEEr r{o j4l,t- o, 1i' PRELIII. FII{AL Lfr*tl- Lr:AP l.:.lni."'/stg - -;"tJ'irlUFn Agg?_ Fe, FZ, F4: tor- ilpfi{'tl,r,'il rlrt$>taAffi, Asst4f-- TttAT TltE Ll1.*i;il\L, tr-)AW {ilETFVAT)e .i' ?€is?ri/Trr:'r.l sr^rE 1i1211t i:lry5 aA(ZV.Y'frEll4 {::': lttlr;.2* : i I - qtalro./,r)t - fJu.n\1,r-i =la - t,t) --L' te lt Fl. fi''o = @,13lire)i- (r,rl)tir'c.)'- 5t*" - saor T;""" (r'"lil'"l[ G "'t';i-. bl1 - y>" ' l'51 rt,+ ,.er =d1!)(ra;1, (giglDt, <cn -4t.,1IF l,l .e| '2tt7 t,q l!,ors-- I i +5rt'2 I.?- 21366 - l':3? 1-'t2 i foA No:(rll.'xttt17l 14wlr: (a(tD, Kst?_'6f1*=,!',4s 3tl,E srlt:?.5 TltrQ % 2 0F lr.'r,F) lr|7t.> !7n111 it.t.)i:Qr-, Tv,ts (Eur't' {.lVtr> , ' rrtit ' .-it 'tl- L:l+'r.a * ,ijr;.+ *t:l;;*'= \gg?ra t,"t ,/'',',i,,...3 ? ,lD 1i'gpLri {i-t.FUAfift. * ruT ALC " ?2.5'T216, ,tit?il 7b FA. /:;"Alv :,.t',.t)F-{, !9'*l1t12o J O HN SON -VOILAND-EHULET BYf:F.',li orre ,\F'tlll f .7''., ,mo A, rNC. l-t - | CHTD. BY- DATE LA??i:iL 1^:ii,,1..' (1!: . *tt litt : l,!-Yt,rot.,-- f" ' 1,5' - ".4 o*to ?,.15' 4l,tt {'--,1H',jJ Consulting r),gt PHONE t3031 444-t95l 14 ,-.1 sxeer lo 4 I oF '- '" ' !-0t, \'nll i.',4: '--t l PROJECT i/lrr- i '"' ' 'PRELIT. crreHr Alcll'''1'2-- -' )1 .::..! - FIIIAL TetEftL fts?*cf,= op.u, rpsQ!:.- l- NeT Tfl!'g>tl = 161r fff<,1; ,11 f..,-rrrtFl<. F?nl, Sil't\ lglF( 7,O gAA l-l(-blrl{ b/- "\J-, I ffi LF_.rtr"-a ; 1gr a 1fnil- 3 r,a P-? ^\l !,,t o."";a:rr" " i: - (4 I.i +,-,''), (.14tSQt',;,') + (1.sr)( r.r"r') = ?,,r;,).'"i u 3Q6'" n ||l*'o? ., j61''" .? t'-?= :J/A!l- ?u= l4'*i,^-n , t,:z = 24,2* Asrea = 24,2*//40*' . ,b0 r,lo.{ ' 3-*4 Rt$?fulrc ,{\ roj a-',1), a t-'t !l{ ll 11 .: -'! vt filn t o tl J oHN soN -vorLAND-lnr.rrA, rNC. at K(-:4 oare,r.f Ktr- ::'D' JoB# r'r ir --r Consulting PHONE {3031 444-t 951 l.t -6 'HEET tto jf '--' or ?; ' CXKD. 8Y- DATE - ?r:fi ''41,0 Stit>i\P-: crreni,,!f )f 1'! "^ti- A")rl? PRELIM. FITIAL (nw ffiur.. (A?jrr:t -i1le il()5A LoA[ pp 4 srArQ"TowFEs) R@F | +D'-a Mde2ft a't 4d = (. l4,s)r 4o ) - tar. +Lla..l) {t l,r }it.ar')n . s,ft1t''r I 411r'Et * l7)**r. le31,'1 Tf:tFrr-e- f':ttf: {? $ : 1211''l1t4 i,_p,!, pz6i,, (4il?,i?.of) "ll,E" 7 41.,1* . llgT Tr:tl-i)r2l]- 2hb" A..6U|./E -il{: tt:E ,lf1 P.6,,tF ta-D. geglt6c"tW Tlcr J Ai1 tutTH utoe.l,nJf Letrt_:.MAQ)T! ."!.( . y4." _-m(-41$E4rorl,-. -->--.1 \" ]r -. -':- ,'.[5-ol,{LQPI?:, r.7/o AT Et\s-( +'\- -' I iut€::T sit??:, d= Bl, eflt?. Tatr:q ,tziirY., ?rt,t(: 4.1{4t+'- yl, rri' V = ta)L/"r"r - e-T2 Vl€ ..- Ie -r- L ?Ft:!iz F t . _-_-___ ____ 'Fqz',ut':-g>!, P[.'rlJ(rE .';,ti\:\.177 wet(;:' t! 12.' Q,{;" + z_r(E 0l' (r)FLl)1 AT ll rls9t1/\ JoHNSON-VOILAND-*HULETA, lNC. consultingurrc av wll D^rev1lr..t!.-2Qt, roa, F5i. ! PHONE (303) 444-195t/4 r^|'. SHEET lfO 1 | OF -', ' PRELIfl. FINAL SHKD. By_DArE me16q1 V\!i-. i f ':''F 2,1 c''. crrenr Af)i.:f''!. t: ' ' I4friA!_![4r1_IE:F1rr.a3 Nl EAr? r,J*: p, as -o n €.E7Tv\l l'. )>'-,.) 4 .Yl 'l .ql sl t.12" l. 1.l"- l"'.d'' lDs" . h'l .lQg,*1 b(o'132a,,r3 Pu,''o' = (r s"{ils,)fi.+) * (r s""?tr,e s'. t, ?) .( ;; ",i)(+ zt;Xi, 4; = [,2('t K = ll,ot' /?_; = 3,b7'"F R^ = Uo"t/0 .;1,ft"".M, =.ri63' ll ^*wS'"lu23,b''n'r, (, " 2?.3,,'t723 . .al1, p' A..oo = .eo4! x l)L rt' = ,Sa,*)h, R* =iita"').s"+) -(qprj:)" J,t"l 1.s'. 6,'6'*'F F.- =1,1'r(4,U3",7,,) = 1P.2t" * $" = (, te b3, y',651 r p.F') r,..l,n' ro.q I .:') z 6.p4r'Ft * 1 s, g I eu" )'itt;'o -g r',1,.iirX t),t:,El,iil".r.r) r(io*^ ..{,6.14) : Ko = 21.",1,/F).'a. = ,olb| 7a .oo2;5 A3:,ro = .eO33. l\Ld'' t .4S',r''iz frtAf , -rt , ttl? ', I a r/-LL. vt\ LJ r{(- \l-, Q, .rX Kta.lil dl I :iil5l ItJlsl :l r{D =21,b(l 11 61r!F|, aa w,3'9' a 1' f"r - 4 FtR. 3.ir"ct, (,b'''r r$'1, ' : F. (! rrtl'-' L(JIC:L e,: d) q 5.\t -\la, r'r' (F t I 't g I r vo rl aIlAL loAE rs 3rA4. *4en tloe,. rE +4au. e.v. e.F, tY*€ +6'e p +4en ilop. n JOI.IN SON-VOILAND-HULETA. INC.Consult ing av €ii H oarc /,?QtL C CHI(D. BY- DATE cLtElln /dDiT-t: /' ";1Y)\') PHONE (303) 444-195l - - -.a 5HEET 1{o i/ ./ OF t i ' PRELITI. FIIIAL LWIJL _Ely,ili I'1,:ir-i:Jrtl ttJ f-:!r-.i;( .:rQ-a-4,( li - ,zS-]il:EU W\LL otJ L/rlE (|J P, Ror , M,t Ku . 6.o",',r'1, . 1,6!rn''F = I,|t"n , ,1,2.?s3" S,e.r". i[,61n = 6.!-rl'''r L.b1lUV . ,oDS2 F ,0016 ' !QL^t' -' ,')o ,rt' )'ir,A.2 =(4e,r):3;.rz) *(*+lLJt) = 4,2$ ' 2,b4*'t 3.o1r t 5,13" , (t zoz , +,(;5, = ll,1/t323 " ,oO28',l'lL- 1nr) "u4rn -1xf/bi) = ll9 *-" : .612frlxl,]J' .0016 l#4et2 E.w. #4e b e,N. = ,ee4l 'l,A,J I .Oozb ,J{t!2 o- j 3 $t:l R^o Ro '/r{, vu FP"lr3- ,DD1D ? ,35,x'/rrn {€ff I,E t\cg, t'F' fi,w, o,e .t r_ r!1 Itil $ rlO F-1 a)'- t- o rn d t.t: T. -r-t i\ r+ #5ew +4e12 n Consulting Eng PHONE 1303) 444-1951 CHKD. 8Y- DATE pRorEcr ''llll= f!f- !l!.1=2 sHEEr ilo--51- or 5?'' PRELI]II. FIIIALr I ^ r 'n./Fr ,1 -t. t-..i -\ CLf EI{T .\ / " ' i, '-t '--:'-''n L/ie.p-LL F/irzil PL.H.A)liEl> lN E/ui,T- lii":'ji ttr-CflmJ - (/otJTxltET) \ryazs.r 1-a1prrJ6, M.u6 N LE![:L *, d.o vt l: W*o = IS,1t_;-' t!ft\'14 b = ,t ,.1 *!','t'. i\,2\. 7,2 t {! z l,{,rl oq 'vl '217L n" rr( .-l "nMu. l'>15 tfj.\,tb. 62l,9r.rr Ku ""^?ii,"tob ' ,0a2,1 ? = 'oooE' l.Ts- ,oolo As '.C,.:t , 2t1b, I.A {<-{fr'X,, hi' a,1li -t{-Ci. l,t'tP.' '(;- ' "' ,n = 2b!'>t-3 "t" hl*".o' (C4{'", ta'./r, 4 l,io v-rtl = llot)r:r/3t. N | [400t +t ' ''t'J-' t JttoJ:'12 - tr lt[1t < , ' I C''+ {p rz-Y trui u- :oi, ( tA.Q r> ,ufr:'t Colo, -lhrJ&. srtt(..1a7!1, l4e$l e, ok 1tJ.(E a,& ltGD r{7o r"'tl,A. orl @, i6l ({'l !0 -j n Vr= itr,rid"-' ,l1,td''- 312/ t"' 5tz'/,ss,3'"fr2" ' .lotl*i "2ilffi =,llo'i ," oK tl4fll ^^.t t,rr - r * 4(Ut.lt -J-.::lO-1u-...- J.-,. I corlCL0:i,>t'l I LA-I]F,zAL F.Aplil ('\Dr A(lF- ilr:"r A flrp?'L6Cl lil 1-411- r.t1lt':; i T ur|lstjrlLl r( iloa;il *)0-ft1 PttT-QC1tl 9-r!{,i.11 Loilrr; A{'f:. ilo-l i1 ?Qo$LEll ?frfl\ otr :.4!e\fl wtuLL6 orJ iJ,, Lfi i 7 J OHN SON _VOtLAND_TEHULETA, tNC.t By Ffill D^rE A|R.'DJ- roli la{'!., Consulting Or-t PHONE (3031 444-1951 SHEET rfo /J? or r-:4 CHKD. BY- DATE 7r,s17s1 VAIL rJh9r:'-i:i't?',i * ?-!-l:',i eneun. 6sssx1 ,f,f,?l,'T? l!'- f;::!. '-r r'ro. e,a') +(6 5rc3?tl . J',A'lf! .) (/rA A, =' a5:7'''ffi6 rt', 74,n '. b"rtitt- F-41 i'/ltuF- 113 t)" * )at.ro' " 347, !:' " 9 - *lGtr^ ,'. c'(- p lU '' (&,,,'.!ll'" 4') +14s"/.it,?'" 4')'4.5* *1.(, ll,1' .. .\FtZ:( i:tt.t^t:.- . *r,,-:: t{.(ltlrlr 15 ,rK.. 4,12,,t' s Tn-€arg ,P'LL ptl LrlJfi j4 ) AT fP-l -ilzt-'r.P-FA12r{6, -a IV ,"p. , . 4/or) /rAi ) 7", b n' CAo$l- fitutll 5F{ )Ai) "xj )' A.oSs FPt r.l nt 4 J( ( a't Mptt'; 47+lK+ d,rf 4L' 9l\", 'u I t.D - t)v, t1, il: 13'\ *(w7d,l,d,j1) ', 13454 e( 9{- f'14 Lto I ) er'= A.rt: r0tf 2 )5 A7 EA. 1l t-F.-r,, ?u'. EFFW-rF- LAilrJ = r\rqoz = .CD29 r 43, rFtr = ,aal2 t ?u = ,5'rr '? r 4"'" 2'11, tAc< t,l' r12d tLF ,r + 4(t, I t'tI | -l-ll'\4r =. P, " (nrr'l l,+) + 4(.o:) . 5'l- ,u'(,ts) - b tusH) lnd, l'2 AT II{AK 5?. a1-, LrrlD errecliF- LEilr,Il = P : <<r 1 . tt" I u aur,"r: ,r t .., Ao " 4lb A1 ' t'2' 7 1.i4' ^ /Z L[fFeS $rlQ- o/o 1P,u),ff ALTi'/)lFt: WtEeD[]W:?ilJ ll gt tAW- areA?-tl| tb- Fn T Le6'> Acnq - ll,1'ft,+,'.,*" \,J OHN S ON -VOILAND-AIIHULETA, INC. BY VL'l oarc l,l!r\ CFfi', u,st'llt-:, CHKD. BY- DATE 10 -'.( Fkrllz ?-"ltl, Lf-V2i.. Pt I f- PQ.r?Q Consuttins *rt PHONE 13031 444-1951 FJEI-. r2q1'.-. 1'-b' AcA, fo ?'nft 7T L(49 t'.11'.a,', - (t-r.t - (y'-tr, = ot5'-4*'ilfrAe: V)EI. ft.r:t),^"t?- Jp:r.,,/' l-l- 4 6O7-1 VL, Z€l l/, :.4i^\ "" \.i',,.,,.' l!ktr'",' ; 1t"';(1r7) - f\:"h' 11t., = .r13'ly'ig= ,1o'-"7 f,.Jl , ,13" 1' . ?s..9* (1t!,\.! i'w-!w.,1'1 LQAlt, ,.?) : rt{' ':''., ' 9"'tJ''1'r, ' 11,'"' '', t)Jto.r.} |'4M_-w.fr ^'35.,,qt, ?p )'--v-- ,rrrr rofr-or-t-'1- pnorecr VAl.- P6.7.ti=. P : i) "'PRELIT. FII{AL b1 , ya"i2,a).r, i 1t i',e I-t' H.'E" ?*F,rd- chen and associates, inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 96 S. ZUN| . DENVER, COLORADO 80223 . 303/744-7105 1924 EAST FIRST STREET . CASPER, WYOMING 82601 . 307t231-2126 sotl t toullDAllox tlrGlLl:RIHG Subj ect : Harch 29, 1976 Recomnrendat ions and Review on Foundat ion System for the Proposed Val I Professional Bulldln_9, Lot D, Vail Vlllage, Second Flling, Eagle Count.y, Colorado Job No. 13039 The Horter/Todd Partnership, AIA C ross roads at Va i I P.0. Box | 186 Vaif Colorado 81657 Gentlemen: As requested, the underslgned rev iewed the subsoil conditlons revealed by Logs of Exploratory Holes performed by F. 1.1. Fox and Associates on March l/, 1975. We have also reviewed our subsol.l information in the immed iate vicinity and foundat ion designs for other buildings ln this neighborhood, 0ur findings are as follovg': Subsoi I Condltions: Subsoil conditlons revealed by the test holes dri I led ffilcate tIiT tE-subsoil consists essentially of dense to very dense gravelly sands and sandy gravels. 'l'he penetration resistance of such material is on the order of 50/12 to near refsual. 0nly in Test Hole 4 less dense sandy soils were encountered - Free water was found at depth about 15 feet below the proposed floor level. Foundat ion Recommendat ions : (r)Based on the results of our research, we believe the proposed office building can be founded with spread footings placed on the gravelly sands and sandy gravels designed ?or a maximum soil pressure of 6,000 psf. Under this pressure we estimate that the maxlmum settlement will be on the order of I Inch and differentlal settlement across the bulldlng less than 3,/4 i nch. The presence of large cobbles should not- affect the bearing capacity of the soll. However, if the presence of cobbles Presents a problem in provldlng a smooth surface for the foot ing excava!lon, then before pouri qg foundat lon concrete, the large cabbles protruding at the surface should be removed and replaced with compacted granular soils. (2) o Tlre Morter,/Todd Par,tnerslri p, AIA Harch 29 , 1976 Page 2 (3) lt ls our experience that in the vail area at tlmes there are layers or lenses of peat moss which can affect the bearing value of the soils. ouring excavation care should be taken to obscrve the presence of such rnaterial. /i soil engineer should be on the site to inspect the excavat I on. (q) Contlnuous foundat ion wal ls should be reinforced top and bottom to span an ultsuPported lengtir of at leas*L l0 feet' Floor slab Reconntendat ion: The natural soils are adequate to suPport ffifo'llowinEprecauti<.lnsshouldbeobserved: (t) Al I slabs should.be separated from the bearlng walls r'rith a positive exPans ion j cint. (Z) Slabs should be divided into units not larger than 20rx 20' Liy ' expansion jolnts t c.r nrinimize shrinkage. (3) lf the underslab soils are clean, then the conventlonal gravel layer beneat,l t.ire Slai, can r-,e Oti,itte,.,. ,rt the Same tinre, if tn.e unciers lab soils are erratic antj consist of more sand tiian gravel , then a minimun 6-inch free <iraining yravel siroulrl be placed beneatn the slab' The nraterial should coniiit of gravel size aggregates with maximum size of 3 inches ancj a Percen!.rge l)assing i.o. 2C0 sieve less. tlran I0 pe.rcent' (4) Tire water tal, le is Iow and tire chance of Cite rvater table rising above the lower floor level is rather slim. As a precaut ionary measure' a subcjrain systent sitould be installed aroun<J tlte perinreter of the building, The drain sh<-:uld consist of a perforated pipe installed in a grivel f ill.,d Lrencr located at ciepth at least 2l incrres be lovr the f io<.,r level leaoing to a sump where water can be renrrrved by punrping. 'iare su*p "e"d not be instal led ar present' At a later date ln case there is a problem of a high wacer taole' the sump can be instal led anci r'rater renrc.rved- i.,l iscellaneous: -iiris report is based o,rr inf <.rrrnaL ion gatitered by us and ffi-Ev-vor. lt is possir'le that during excavat ion erratic soi I conditions will be rcv-ea led. ,it that tinre it nray be necessary to reevaluate the recont- mendations given in tiris rePort, .o1ir'il'.,J'"", 1,,,,. ._...\;i;,:,!!1 .f -.'t'- ..'.. =-- =.'r! :.., i ,, i:- i3 :'--r'; : ; ..t'? .c .. '-.' r .-' "'3 );:' ;' -'..Yr; ; il iistl. '.- t ,Fnc/nbr "%,,",1,,1"o";i"s cc: Johnson, Voi land, Archuleta 910 28th street Boulder, Colorado 80302 --1 Very truly yours, cHEN AND ASSoCIATES, lNC. Crren, E Associates o o CONSULTING ENGINEERS E GEOLOGISTS sotL rcuNDATroN o GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS BIDGE loENvEBt, COLOFADo aOO33 . TE|.. l303l 424'l!74AT lnr S'HE f lll tnx s ffssor O 47a5 TNOEPE OENCE St. o o o a I SOIL INVESTIGATION LOT D, VAIL VILLAGE, SECOND FILING, TO}IN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Prepared For Vai'l Professional Building Group At The Request 0f Gore Range Properties o o o o ilob llo. 1235,02523 lhrch 17, 1976 CHEYENNE PORTLANO SPOKANEALEUOUEBOUEOEI\IVER o o TABLE CONTENTS o GENERAL PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS o SUBSOIL CONDITIONS DISCUSSION o FOUNDATION - REINFORCED CONCRETE MAT Foundation Alternative - Spreaa Footings o GAMGE SLAB CONSTRUCTION ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTION c BACKFILL ANO SURFACE DRAIIIAGE DESIGN CONSULTATION AND CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION a TEST HOLE LOCATION PLAN AND LOGS OF TEST HOLES MECHANICAL A}IALYSIS CHART o GRADATION TEST RESULTS SI.IELL-CONSOL I DATI ON TEST a SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TESTING GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS FOR PLACEMENT OF NEWLY FILL * Located in pocket at rear of report. OF COMPACTED Page Figure Tab'le Append'ix I I 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 l* 2 3 4 1 o a o o o a o o o o a a GENERAL This report presents the results of the subsoil investigation conducted at the sjte of a proposed office building to be located on a resubdivision of part of Lot D, Vail Vjllage, Second Filing, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. The investigation was made to determine the best type and depth of foundation, al'lowable soil bearing pressures, ground water conditions, and any special precautions which should be taken in the design or construction of the building due to soil and ground water conditions. The conclusions and recormendations presented are based on the data gath- ered during the site investjgation, on the results of the laboratory testing and on our experience with similar soil conditions in the area. The factual data gathered during the field investigation and laboratory testing is presented on Figures 1 through 4 and Table l. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS The proposed building wil1 have three floors over two levels of non-heated parking garage. It is our understanding that the lowest garage slab will be at approximate elevation 8,144 feet. The lower parking'levels will be vertically staggered approximately 4 to 5 feet in the center of the building (i.e., the lower parking slab on the east side of the building will be 4 to 5 feet higher than the west side.) Planned construction will be of reinforced concrete foundations, precast concrete for the parking'l evels and a steel superstructure for the upper three f'loors. Proposed foundation elevation is 8,142 feet. Interior loads will be supported by a system of columns and a main bearing wall running through the center of the structure. !'iaximum column loads are anticipated to be on the order of 276 kips. The center bearing wall will have c -t- O - a tota'l load of 24 kips per linear foot while the perimeter wa1ls will noto exceed 9 kips per linear foot. The site slopes topographically to the south with approx'imately'10 feet - of re'lief and js located on the flood p'lain of Gore Creek, approximately 500a feet from the main channe'|. At the time of this investigation, man-made fill covered a major portion of the southern part of the site. o suBsoIL coNDITIoNs Reference should be made to Figure I of th'is report. Soil conditions at shallow depths are fairly uniform. Generally, 3 to 4 feet of man-made O fil'l overlies gravel and cobb'les with a clayey sand matrix. The man-made fi'll consists of material with the same general composition. Difficult drilling was experienced in the shallow gravels with the jntermittent encountering ' of cobble and boulder size materia'|. Refusal to drilling was encountered in 8 of the test ho'les in the cobble-boulder materia] (i.e., holes I through 3A and 6 through 6C), at depths of 4 to 23 feet, (elevations 8,]3l to 8,155 feet). ' Holes 3'and 6 were offset to ho'les 34 and 6A through 6C to achieve penetration through the cobble-bou'lder nnterial to foundation depth. The size of the material precluded exploration of holes 6A through 6C below elevation 8,150 feet. ' Cobble and boulder size material decreased with depth in test holes 4 and 5. Dri'l'ling became less difficult with an increase in the sand fraction at depth 15 feet (elevation 8,143 feet) jn test hole 4 and depth 2'l feet o (elevation 8,136 feet) in test ho'le 5. The sand increases in si'lt content with depth. The soils encountered at foundation depth are non-swelling and vary in consolidation characteristi.cs when loaded. a n free water table was encountered in test ho'les 4 and 5 at e'levation o -2- o o a o o o a o a a O 8,129 feet. A during periods DISCUSSION general rise in the 1evel of the water table can be expected of spring melt. The soi'l profile on the site is very susceptible to settlements i.e., the smaller sands and gravels will settle appreciablyn whi'le large boulders and cobb'les wi'l 'l create "point loads" on the bottom of footings causing extreme differential settlement. In addition, the sojls profile shows that some fine grained si'lty sands will also be encountered at foundation bearing depth (i.e., test hole 4). The non-uniformity of bearing materials, (i.e., coarse gravels and fine grained soils), will increase the susceptibility of differen- tja'l settlements. Preliminary settlement analysis has shown that tota'l settle- ments on the order of 3.5 inches can be anticipated at very high bearing pressures if conventional spread footings are used. In addition, it is our understand'ing that fluctuations of the existing ground water tab'le vary with the f'low in both Middle and Gore Creeks, and could be as high as 5 to 6 feet below the existing ground surface. This con- dition has lead to major basement flooding in some buildings in the Vail area, and will reduce maximum soil bearing pressures, For the above reasofls, it is believed that the safest foundation for the proposed building would be the use of a reinforced concrete mat. However, a foundation a'lternative of spread footings is also discussed below. FOUNDATION - REINFORCED CONCRETE MAT The building may be founded on a reinforced concrete mat designed for a maximum soil bearing pressure of'3,000 pounds per square foot. At this pressure, total foundation settlements should not exceed 2 inches, and differ- -3- a o a o o o a o ential settlement shou'ld not exceed 0.75 inch. The mat should be rigidly reinforced to uniformily distribute foundation loads on the subsoils, and to minimize differential settlements. The foundation elevation shou'td be a minimum of 8 feet below grade to make mat constructjon feasible. It is our understanding that if a mat foundation is constructed, half of the mat wi'l'l be backfi'lled with approximately 4 to 5 feet of earth to pro- vide the differentia'l parking slabs on the lower1evel. This cou'ld lead to an eccentrically loaded mat, and a "triangular" stress distrfbution on the foundation subgrade. If this is the case, the "toe[ pressure of the footing should not exceed the maximum allowable soil bearing pressure. To he'lp eliminate the creation of point loads on the bottom of the mat, cobbles and boulders larger than 6 inches in diameter should be removed from the imnediate foundation subgradeand replaced wjth compacted sand and gravel . Since fluctuations of the ground water table are anticipated above the depth of the foundation, the use of "water stopsil between foundation wal'ls and the mat should be used to make the foundation water tjght. Construction of the mat in one continuous concrete pour shou'ld a1so be considered. Foundation Alternatjve - Spread Footings An alternative to mat construction wou'ld be to support the building on spread foot'ings. However, jt should be fully understood that the potential for increased differential settlements is increased with this alternative. To minimize the possibilities of increased differential settlements, spread footings should be founded on a uniform bearing material, free of cobbles and bou'lders over 6 inches in djameter. This will require the removal of at least 6 feet of subgrade soils beneath the proposed footing elevation. o o a o -4- o o a o o o a o o The soils should also be removed a horizontal distance equal to of the depth of overexcavation, beyond the edge of all foundations. The excavation should then be backfilled with a compacted fill composed of non-cohesive soils passing the 6 inch sieve. Excavation spoils on the site can be used for fil'l place- ment after all 6 inch p'lus material has been removed. The fill mat should be compacted to at'least 95% of ASTM D-I557-70. The use of a vibratory com- pactor should be specified. Refer to the Appendix for guide specifications for fill placement. l,le must be called to approve and supervise the placement of materials used for foundat'ion support. The building then may be founded on conventional spread footings placed onthecompacted fill mat, and designed for a maximum soi'l bearing pressure of 2,000 psf. Footings shou'ld be proportioned as much as pract'icab'le to mini- mize the effects of differential loading. The bottom of footings shou'ld be a mjnimum of 48 inches below final grade for frost protection. GARAGE SLAB CONSTRUCTION The use of the conventional spread footing alternative will require con- struction of an interior garage slab. The six feet of controlled fill material used to support footings wil'l more than adequately support the proposed slab loads. The use of the clean gravel bility at openings to the garage in slabs to control the location areas ). 'layer will help to jnhibjt frost suscepti- level . Also, frequent joints should be scored of any cracking (maximum 400 square foot The primary concern with interior floor slab construction will be the a potential for slab uplift because of a general rise in the water tab'le. a -5- o o a o o o o o o a Our research of the ground water conditions has revealed that the ground water tab'le can rise to as much as 5 to 6 feet below the existing ground surface. constru_ctjon and/or raising the qrade of the building if a conventional spread foot'ing foundation-js utilized. Constructjon of the building at the planned elevation will require the design and construction of the slab to resist hydro-static uplift. It is recommended that the s'lab be well reinforced. Structurally tieing the s'lab into foundation walls, and providing "water stops" will help to create a "mat".foundation effect. This will provide addi- tional stability to a conventional spread footing foundation and help the slab to resist uplift. We are available to djscuss this with you. Construction of a spread footing foundation and an interior floor s'lab at planned elevation will require construction of an extensive internal drain system beneath the structure. The system will have to be lead to a "closed" sump with an adequate pump discharge. If the spread footing alternative is chosen, we must be consulted to provide drain design criteria. ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTION The sands and gravels at sha'l low depths are very dense and some difficulty will be encountered in drilling the shaft for a hydraulic elevator through this material. It is believed that the shaft could be drilled by either a percussion or cable too'l rig. BACK-FILL ANp_ S-URFACE D&\TNAGE Backfill around the foundation should be mo'istened and somewhat compacted, and the final grade shou'ld have a good slope away from the foundation walls on all sides. The surface drainage from the north should be graded to divert flows away from the bujlding location. son, careful considerati ld be qiven to feasibility of slab o -6- o o o o o o a o o a a DESIGN C0NSULTATIoN ANq C0NSTRUCTI0N TNSPECTIoN The recorrnendations outlined above are based on our understanding of the currently proposed building. If the plans are modified in the future, we will be g'lad to review our recormendations, and revise them as necessary. l,le reiterate that because of the soi'l and ground water conditions, the safest foundation for the structure would be the use of a mat. The spread footing a'lternative should only be used after consideration has been given to the settlement and ground water risks involved, and feasibility of raising the structure. In any foundation investigation it is necessary to assume that subsoil conditions do not vary greatly from the conditions encountered in the test holes. Our experience in the area has shown that these variations do exist and thatthesoil conditions are very ematic. For this reason' we must be calted to inspect the soils exposed.in the foundation excavations prior to placing foundations. In additjon, we must be ca]led to approve and supervise the placement of a compacted soil mat to support footjng foundations. F. M. FOX & ASSOCIATES, INC. Frederick M. Fox, Presi dent Donald R. Clark Project Engineer llYK/DRC:ab Copies: 10 a 43lO ft**g -7- "i J J() o t- J 6 'ctc r('vl Lo'-rrf c, Gt .t!ll ttr F 'l'(U+' d, tn(lt cf)GI IF(J f., o lJ- c,F. .' iI(-' lrl l- O.trlJA Eo- ct lrJ r('v)-a ul EI :1, :l!zl9 <1.9l- JIE slE ;]|6.<lutrlj gl ot€a, .s G c'tttcc,(\o a, l, an =,tt..E E C'o atj l{Dlar^ fq poulDtou tuerrod lqolari ,tq oulssqd luesi?d FICURE 2 o o o o o o o O a a o o f lfl fuxsffssnc ft .,A5 INOEPENOENC€ ST.WHEAT coNSULTT*a n,ONEERS ., GEoLocrsrs soil." FoUNDAT|ON & GEOLOGTCAL INVEST|GATIONS RIoGE loENvERl, COLOnAoO EOo33 . TEL. {3031 a24-5its s p o o o o a atr = a z tC c ot o!t l-a a,3t,l o a t(! 3tLl lnor.-ttrstrCl GRADATION TEST RESULTS . GRArIEL 14.3% slNo 71 .9" srl*T ANo cLAy'Silty, gravelly sand from test ho'le 4 at deoth CllY Itllttrct lO 3lLl IrO..-tlrl?rCl GRADATION TEST RESULTS % sANo 1o stLT r.No CLAY 14.5 % 16. feet. at 3i't I FI oC I ao 50 ao GRAVE L LIC|UTO LIMIT Foundation Soib Ine.itigarionr . Fill Conrrol % PLAsrrcrrY rNoEx . Ground Wale. Developnrenl . Engineering Geology % FIGURE .3 . Asphatr & Concr€rr . Detign & Tqting txl -rt rrrl aor\ rtrrl a r|rt I r,t orrxEt8t oF flo t.r9 LE I'I HI tnt-a rrt aor*t rlr|r a t|t I rrx oc9 ott olt or. r., trt-l-!9o rte ^ll!a .tl t.tt llt )ll tct |tr orAxEt € n or peeilidr-t rr vrllirJerte 3 |a SWELL-CONSOLIDATION Consolidation under constant pr.essure. due to .wetting. to sample. o I Df dBat >e ;oH HaH}loutzo C) I o Nl tt nnl \l or{d o 1OO, OOO o 100 1,000 10, o00 LOAD (psf) Sample of Grave'll.y SAND from test hole 4 from depth !L feet. Natural Moisture Content 4.g% Natural Dry Density 1'l 2.3 pcf .l I II I}fA &1B U) ;s .-, oH HdAH Float,zoo I I{ I o @ o or{o !4 !| oI .qol) o 100 Sample Natural 1,000 '. 1O,O0O lO0, O0O LOAD (psf) of- Swell under constant pressure due to wetting. Water added to sample. Moisture Content , Natural Dry Density _". FIGURE T rri (,.L 5'' o)1.,-lrEl o c.,. a/, oI't ctr lJ- (uoUI (\l ot Er .l! G'(l, ar', .aJ o,+r';=ato= ct ta.i td lrt = vtL.UI CD P-.t- +r-o > ct >a cD > .P'cr P o P= ag= G= -F Gl F= F= lE C.F< !< Ft <( r- 3: .F<ut vt a art <) vi v, crr t/, v, a/, u1 (J c.' -a (o lc'irlr(\t qf tb ro rl, oo(\t ('l to o' (\l @@rct trt (o rt o C\I Oi qf + 'o'- o r')@@ 'N ro(\t 6J o(v) TA t4& g ttl& FIFIo(r, ' tr.o tjlA}{t'{ a gHE sg8 . $*H o H'H Hs o o l o! FH;i> H#6() r I.9xo69 HfEtrl& H gs o o o t 1 o o o o o o o o o o APPENDD( Gulde Specifications for Placement of Newlv Compacted FiIl General Solls Enqineer. A Soils Engineer shall be the Owner's representative to control the backfill compaction. The Soils Engineer shall approve the material and method of placlng and compaction, and shall give a written approval of the completed fill. Flll Materlal . The fill material shali be gravel , sand, silt or clay mixtures which have a liquid limit not greater than 40 and a plasticity index not greater than 20, and shall be approved by the Soils Engineer. Materials present at the slte meeting the above criteria may be used in the new fill. The use of sand and gravel ls more desirable. Extent of FIll . The fill should extend horizontally at least a distance equal to the depth of the fill beyond the edge of foundations or pavements. Compactinq Clavev or Siltv Materials Ptacinq Fill . No brush, sod, frozen material , or other perishable or unsuitable material, or stones of 6 inches or greater in maximum dimenslon shall be placed in the f111. The distribution of the material on the fill shall be such as to avoid the formation of lenses, or layers of material. differing substantially in characteristlcs frorn the surroundlng material . The materials shall be delivered to the backfill surface at a uniform rate, and in such quantity as to permit a satisfactory construction procedure. Unnecessary concentration of travel tending to cause ruts and uneven compaction shall be avoided. Before placing successive layers, all ruts and other hollows more t}tan 6 inches in depth shall be regraded and compacted. After dumping of fill material on backfill surfaces, the material shall be spread by approved methods in approximately horizontal layers. These layers shall not be greater than 6inches compacted thickness. Moisture Control . The material in each layer shall be compacted by rolling and shall contain the optimum moisture required for maximum compactlon, as nearly as is practicable and as determined by the Soils Engineer. The moisture content shall be uniform throughout the layers. -r- o a o o o o o o o o o The Contractor rnay be required to add the necessary moisture to the backflll rnaterial in the excavation lf, ln the opinion of the Soils Engineer, lt ls not posslble to obtain uniform molsture content by adding water on the flll surface. Compaction. When the molsture content and condition of each indtvidual layer is satisfactory, lt shall be compacted by a method approved by the Solls Englneer to at least 95fl of. Modified Proctor Density (ASTM D 1557-70) for cohesive soils and 95% for coheslonless solls (10.0 rammer, 18 1ns5 drop, 5 layers, 1/30 of. a cublc foot mold). A Proctor test should be perforned on each typlcal fill material and frequent density tests of the fill shall be taken. Normally, I passes of a sheeps-foot roller loaded to 4r000 pounds per llnear foot, cornpacting a 6 inch soll layer is sufficient to achleve the speclfied denslty. Cornpacting Cohesionless Free - Draininq Materials When compacting coheslonless free-draining materials such as sands and gravels, the rnaterials shall be deposited ln layers and compacted by treads of a crawler-type tractor, surface of internal vibrators, smoottr or pneurnatic rollers, hand or power tampers, or by any other means approved by the Soils Engineer. The thickness of the horizontal layers after compactlon shall not exceed 6 inches cornpacted thickness if compactlon ls performed by tractor treads, surface vibrators or slrnilar equiprnent, or not more than the penetrating length of the vlbrator head if compaction ls perforrned by lnternal vibrators. The material rnay be ponded or flooded to aid in the compactton only lf free-draining materlal underlies new fill. -2: ao 1977 2r0 10640800 1 Vail Vill age Filing 2 Resubdivision, Lot D Lot D-2 t{',L" o o AT I Lr- Str r INSS I39il |HfiH I FFs IIH3 I05= |RER IFsF INs[ | 5t i I 3r53 |R\XO I : ! s S =lt.. f k q El !rF$ *l Rsilr =liHIs rl E$is El HXEF iI sHSil |$F:3 I F33s E tl{ -l t3rF 6.dEt;{ +ftlLatJ-f Et^-- 6r€, FR ENts -ri-att .lJt{ -H r.t{F{€F?Ftts|e f+\Ft,HrJt{ E *Fr LfL{ sv it.r Fr+ Arhl EHrt-t+-f flJ {r}f{A € -G:' NI J ('1c l! J co () N l|) I I I Ie,l-l -lrl =lrlxl I .9 (.) O o (O N Ioror G' (,L(u E eo(., or st t-(u5eo(J (l,cl 'llt oo z iDe .) o. =ot-(5 E)c ! CD (gco ,n U' o,q-oLo- VAOL PROFESSbNAL BUILDING*ROUP ffiii:9'S.iqffSd ;fSS' I'tEMO To: Fron: Date: Vail National Bank Building Tenants Richard M. Tofel December I, L977 Subject: Parking As you know, the parking situation at the Vail National Bank Building has been extrenely difficult over the past several weeks. This situation is largely caused by the extraordinary anount of construction, coupled with the full occu- pancy level. of the building, all of which is further aggravated by the lack of a comprehensive parking Plan. After careful consideration of alternatives, we have ilecided to enforce restricted parking which has been stipulated in your 1"""";r"rrr, we have worked up a parking assignnent plan which is shown on the enclosed schematic drawings of the four parking levels. Parking assignnents were deternined by randon drawing. Each suite has beep assigned the precise nurnber of parking sPaces which is allowable by the respectivetlease agreement. 'lhe two lowest parking levels, C € D, will be restricted entirely to reserved tenant parking, A sign at the top of the ramp leading frorn Level B to Level cwill caution drivers that all parking below i.s restriited and'that violatorswill have their car towed. Each space in Levels C 6 D will be designated bysuite'nunber. By virtue of the brown parking signs o4 the exlerior of thebuilding, we have legal authority to tow violators by:calling the vail Police Dep!. and so requesting. It will be the responsibility of eac[r tenant to con-trol parking in their assigned space. The Vail National Bank has been assigned parking spaces on Levdi A. Most cif these spaces will be identified by a sign which says 'lBank Palfting, 10 MinutesOnlytr. The balance of the client parking is intended for the exclusive use ofclients within the building. It is very irnportant'tha1 employpes who do not have an assigned space do 19!patk in these client spages. opr only nethil-of contTol of client spaces will be the right to tow vioiators. Even though we have the right to tow violators, this parking plan will not work without the total cooperation of everyone in the buif{ing. l ar4 sure that every Person who offices here will do their utmost to respeit parking rights of other tenants and guests of the building. We elpect the parking signs to be installed during thi latter part of next week, so I suggest that arrangenents be nade for the parki,ng of vehicles which will not have assigned spaces within the building. The allocation of space within your ir,articular office is entirely up to you. Thank lou for your patience while we solve this parking problen. If you have any questibns, please feel free to I I I l I \ \\ €/il6 l l'*--? Il(t)G. I'l i, frlL: HrtYtR , Ht+/'i|6,6R r efiAtltl"tftN or flrltt'rttu| t zott f oLlce Be hSsalttTF "cHAIS" ro -0o aJftfl PABtrtarc lu Tllts EXf LLt)Es Tfl€ Trtu il SETftR Lho n lil'ta / f call rhe. r}r7; Tout t) - oEU I cftt€F oF TIE/{E ULL Bero{e ff \-NQ\t sN\.n-\ \ \\\ lrl trl I>acJ<tr!:dr.E -<Y < t- I h lig\_f Q;<N i;e'.1 >g<u u3E| :i! 3l f [;bI E T - Fl - F t{I a>| <oI l'l EI d< 9J uJo2 s o F Q Fz a z ' 3F 2 F O t I{ F. F z z ul ul oz v, z !J =LIJ att !J F G uJ o JII |rlt Fo J J FoF gl G oJtt FoF I E 2 QA\ zo9-o-r0t zo F:=n6FG9oF> :z:< o.o>oFO -Gi L Er lrJ o o z I 0 Jl o = lre =-el- R F rNsPE.lb* neouLsr DATE JOB NAME \.-I TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER TOWN OF VAIL I o*re'n TUE E pnRrrlu LocATloN READY FOR,INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PMMON COMMENTS: APPROVE D tr DTSAPPRovED E nerNsPEcr fl uporu THE FoLLowtNG coRREcrtoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR )t Town of Vail FI.I:CTIIICAL PERIIIIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 418 $......-..--.............--.. $--Q-@0------ $..-......................... APPROVAI,S Ku#a3-r- ,o,*,^"....|ffi'.Sut,ffi*..*a.a_z.:.................. Date of Application..--..-..ld /3- Electrical Con d./a TH FORTi IS TO BE POSTED (,1{ .rOB SITE RING COilSTRUCTIOT{ 24 ITOURIT ADVAI\ICE NONCE REQI,'IRED FOR INSPECNONS rxa t. F. fiaaatlr r!{ -,| TOWN OF FIEGlUEST VAIL tNsPEc*fr OATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orHen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE D plnrral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM D nppRovED ! orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR Town of VaiI FI,NCTRICAL PERMIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Date Paid-..... 504 APPROVALS $.".....................-.... 24 H(XJNS ADVANCE NOTIG REQI,'IREI' FOR INSPECIIONS N".".}J7--qx.l/t*--.../b.,.+.../c.0..,,.!..:Le 4a0 Date of Application--.. -.- .--..... //./9--..--.-......-.|s...1./... t | .', --- Electrical contractor-...- ...-A-.{.!:l-..--e'-:{-(7-.1-!--c-,--..?-y..L*:---..--.--..-...-.-----.--.-- ,4\J'/ ' . // /7 Applicant.-..--. n /^JJ.. 7..t...6tero*-^- Slr6rt0rc Chltt Buud|lt Oflclal THIS FORM Ig TO BE POSTED (,1{ JOB sITE DURI]IG CONSTRUCTIOI{ Plrn Chack€r fir c. r. He:arrr !o., otnv!, lrcatz rNseeclru rtEouEsir TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orHen MON COMMENTS: PMFRTUE E penrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR flnppRovED I orsnppRovED D nerNsPEcr fl upolrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECnoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR .-' t-on,- d\:- - t:.l{:!i!i:' - F =cc IJJ J c vo uJIoz 2 KPY9. ",U u, uJ (Jz uJ z s Fz UJ E u.l ul tr{ utll G IL IJT F J J F ul Jtt J ! E tr ul o g z -oJ -l E --l> lr.e =,-eF E! NOtM'lVn (JY -o ; z trPqd.6F(Evr0 ;> -z*< cc)>c)FO .N --=] rNsinecfru TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! oruen I penrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PMMON COMMENTS: TUE E nppRovED ! uporu rxe CORRECTIONS flotsaeeRovED FOtIOWI NG CORRECTIONS: n nerNsPEcr DATE . .! :l!-u,!.,. !:.i:,i'{{&ilr!L, rriil; ra:Lr|];Ui}.i,11 ,,..t:!:i4.ijrr!Jr;ii;i";ji:r}a;!:i;!!rl: i j .. i..:..,- INSPECTOR rNseeclDru TOWN OF FIEEUESiT VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! oruen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E app RovE D D uporu rne CORRECTIONS florsnppRovED FOLLOWI NG COR RECTIONS: ! nErNsPEcr INSPECTOR -- - r,I- d--!; DATE r\rseecf rv TOWN OF FIEEUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! ornen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE fl panrral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM EappRovED florsnppRovED n nerNsPEcr fl upol THE FoLLowrNG conRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR :,: .i "r,- .":.. ;il'ain;; ,:,!!:,r.. r .r*1!;i -d-,. ,n!"L," r-,'rl . - N $t $ N o|{\ t... o *lFt:'T:<orlorO I :- y z t.E'<9 fiEes z2 Z2<ozd zZF )3:s: Q|lr2=i5i:::v=<OI o'.1 I Fr<cO> -t,)fi3i?E<'.r LJ F F t4 F]rl =2 o > UJ ut oz IJJ 2 sE U' z uJ =lll(h ul F IJJ l! uJ cc F J aFo ul J tl .J oF ! r5it =Y i t!o z o oJ tt F o ul 4 2 !t ! EE uJ z J fo !J uJtt Yo uJ C) z J outc 2 F o zo F ul 3ulz F z !J J uJ G t! =Fac ul zo F ur z c o a, u,i Y2 4 uJ lt ulA 6- z F F uJ B ulc z o o z 9 4ut uJ tc o lu u- 6 ut o- ch (, J t! F ^ Q uJ F lt z !, 2 oz 2 lt ;z o @ tt u,t @ J 3 Fz ozo = glo J Gul Q9{ z<.: 9 -o t 2 tr9qd.6FCo0 ;> -z*< :9 -.i B; u,l J E =J zJoz F J lto UJF ! Er lrl o o z -o Jf tr J lre =, =G' \ Town of Vail f,rI,r:ciTRICAL PERMIT Da te of Application.... ... - -.9J. a..,..*- S-.rs--?./---...-...-... Elecrrical confi actor..tfl.&() &."r*.*ur.&r* ,...*.- t ,/ /, .,2 Applicant..--..- Y..-J2 {-.- 6r-dt*lrt-4=, strodtsra APPROVAI,S N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 510 $.-...........-.............. $. J..0..0. 0....&........ $...................-......-. $............-...........-... .) ,i-/ .d, Platr Chccklr .z ...',1./ ^r / /t I z ) \z rDate Paid-...... ---.U--:-4-?----. ---.-..- n (,' Received sv....-.... /.:/..-1..-. -.. --.. T--. -. ):. - V lt 4r.f 2S Jt nr ( /a'e /, dlaa ..2-'-75".7. )dlEfrnawotrrarl Dat THIS FORTI 13 TO BE POSTED Oil JOB SITE DURING GONSTRUCTIOT{ 24 HOt'RSi ADVAI\ICE NOTI@ REQI'IRED FOR INSPECTIONS oo rNs"=&ot FIEIIUEST t-h ..," 1 :,r'i TO ,n .fi:t: WN O VAI E orsen E pnnrral.LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR rnr ,r ' AM PMMON COMMENTS: E appRovED E uporu THE FoLLowlNG coRRECTToNS: E]orsnppRovED .EI.nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS /.r,,...'.t.' ): ,'. I \l a I DATE INSPECTOR ;r"'/-_..,ktX.p-t (:..t al 0 "l' ,. .r: / // :< 9- rNsPEc?aN TOWN PF,/V4,r e FIEOUEST VAIL /t z- ) /,/Cy/J /74'org;e '/',1i '1 JSBNAME \/n,/L TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E ornen I pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: i TUE PMFR El npp Rov E D O nerNSPEcr DATE rNst=.ft*' 'i/1-- rq#) oF FIEBUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER D ornen ! peRrrnl.LOCATION ,,'/ .-_\ ,.4r:?.,FRI ' :.)' ," iAtVl FFF-MON COMMENTS: EIeppRovED E orsnppRovED .At upoN THE FOLLOWTNG .COj_R.ECTTONS: CORRECTIONS ..-,r" / /. -" ' 1' ,,-, DArE /A*?F 7" rNsPE.h* HE.,uEsr TOWN OF VAIL n oruen MON COMMENTS: E penrrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION TUE I WED THUR FRI-AM PM ffi neeRovED I orsappRovED E netNsPEcr I upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DArE /!' j&-,". )- DATE / I TIME RECEIVED 'i/-;?) rNsrrec|fru FIE(lUEsiT vllt/ i f /,,(;t 't., E pnnrral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WEDMON GOMMENTS: lt 11,/,,ojpu I APP ROVE D ! orsnppRovED I nerNSPEcr fl upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOF r1 ) Permit No. 000258 I NAME OF JOB I'AIL WATER Al{D SAI{ITATION TAP PERMIT WILL BE ISSUED UNTIL TAP FEES HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL. TYATER AI{D SEWER TAP PERMIT LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION GENERALCONTRACTOR i PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP: Wat6r Date Billed Dd."P"id l -t,3q lu a. 56 YJBC Llc. No. Lrc. No. Meter Siz6 -f W#r'"nft'Vart,Au.a IIISTRICT , "tGW4a# Bldg. Dept. - Whit.; - Watgr and Slnlt.tion - Gr€€n; -Public wgrkt - c!n.ry; - Contrlctor - Plnk; - Accountlng - Goldlnrod PLUMEilNGi/ MECHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL ' ADDRESS/2_"'(- 6_./ oF BUf LDTNG: 2.{-,f , ) " I oF woRK: {rr* E ooo,r,o*' E nemooel E n.por* IPTION OF WORK: PLUMBfNG: NUMBER 44'F MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALUAiloN$ /7. V,t"A VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: \ PERMIT {E / J ,/ y', ? PERMIT FEE r"]\ )P ! aernoveo I otsaReRoveo TOTAL FEES: $ DATE DATN OT TTDMDERS MIjETING: PRESENT: oo DI;$ICN nlvrl'l.t lloAP.D o .CTION TAKEI{ BY BOAeq ilOTION: VOTE: FOR: APPROVIiD: SECONDED BY: AGAINST: . AI]STENTTON: DISAPI)IIOVIiD: bo{ rSs F o Town of Vail nI,NCf,RICAL PMMIT e /4 o Lc/- Job Name.65 Date of Application--...........-..-:kP-e....12...........................-rs...?.7-.-.......... N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 4r7 $....-.-..................-.. $...... c-?-5- :. Q..-.. s......... *L.: P....... s........-..!..:9-.....-. o"t" p"ia..[d f ., [:i--fl1 1' Received By.-./AA.f rd*r BE POSTED ON CO]ISTRUCTTON 24 HOURII ADVANCE NOIICE NEQI'IRET' FOR INSPECTIONS y'zd. Btte'. APPROVALS THIS FORT 13 JOB SITE DURTI{G rHr 0. F. icarraL aa., orrvll lloat2 (- ta--{lA.-9 :U]:Ei;i€:33;i. ,-+ IiP ?hTl-tsEn.-Iil aBrg; N ii;ii NO IIVNlVA 0e! zo9 z FY=i6FC9ox> :z:< co>(J -.i b' + F E ql u,l llJ o2 ulF ql z s F u,l o Jtt ul F 9) F F ul o lt.)i?>,r <o .-fi < Fzll/:lu ul N N \-. \ $ i'r N s N ffi u iRix ! E tr ul o t9 z -oJ -f, o -l > l-o =, =eF ooOo rNseecllru HEoLrEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orHen E penrrel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM E npp RovED D orsnpp RovE D ! nerNsPEcr ! upom rHE FoLlowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rNseecQru HEo TOWN OF VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER fl ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE ! pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM InppRovED ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED CORRECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR *',--- ' :4n- !ir.-irud..lri.i6i.i.tdtltl' '';-rr{rrsr;i{-f: L;'.iL.j.i:d"-.rtarir"{re .r;!!". DATE / rNseeclOru TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orsen MON COMMENTS: TUE n pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI AM PM El npp RovED E orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr IJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR F<\4 ?_*l i!!ix;i3::.x <:9iF\.PIFF?U) + !l:i:wji: E; NOrrvntvA z z 9qid6Fccqo H>XO:2T< >(J -.i y668,* - E\ Nz tr ao u,o O F Fz O 2; llt uJ z llJF z 3 tr tu E o.JII uJ F 9 J F F u,l oo u- F F Fz UJ =ut q.J L ,E =r=H 6 E., o z -oJ -f o lro =, =of- -^-v Bxz 7 ,4sso.. Town of VaiI H.li:cf,IlIcAL PERITIIT 3qk.,.?.9-.. N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Received By--...-..-......... Y{t a. r. r{oaaatt to.r o 403 $...........---.-..-....-..". s.......{..?.4..*.... 8........e-.?.. " ".... " s.........-L-..u-...-... ll ..4 Electricalcontractor-...-.../V-.e4.....t-A.er-z-*-,..-.fu .*- ,//t '/-/tU/japplicant...-.-/-).atJJ..-rt-,---.{l**ttt*- StfDatura APPROVALS r,1!/zz THTS FORM 13 TO BE POSTED OT{ JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUGTIOI{ 24 HOI,'IRS ADVAI\ICE NO1ICE REQIJIRM FOR INSPECTIONS oo rNsPEcl|]u - ; --r -_F:f.:.:-;-- :.:' _.4 lri. HEEUEST VAIL JOB NAME TOWN O F DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CATLER n ornEn n panrrlr LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRIMON COMMENTS: TUE AM PM ! ereRovED E uporu rse CORRECTlONS E orsappRovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR , j', " .-- -i:L,L:irl-:r r4s rr{i !r-. !iira.l*.*ili.iili{r. '!r','sr.tlrsrogiiu*iAr*rA.!Sg:!{r&n!,\!t,4a i4 ft lo i*?j,.ljr.YFrL Wofr;EhottAt- tilfta1,iffiil+Tj, "E?tbDArE:'? Fgb.1? ro: -Filt fre-w* t. e.l). ) Specifications ) Change Order ( ) in accordance with your request FOR YOUR: ) use ( ) under separate cover via ' TfrINSMITTAI LETTER AIA DOCUMENI C81O -t J lf enclosures are not as noted, please inform us immediately. lf checked below, please: ( ) Acknowledge receipt of enclosures. ( ) Return enclosures to us. ATTN: L*t t*^TYt"*',n THE FOLLOWING: (fDrawings ) approval ( )_5listribution to parties ) review & comment (tfrecord ( ft'l'information () () () () () () Shop Drawing Prints Shop Drawing Reproducibles Samples Product Literature coPtEs DATE REV. NO.DESCRIPTION ACTION CODE I 'rF*.?"o/ szh;r ACTION A. Action indicated on item transmitted CODE B. No action required C. For signature and return to this office RfMARKS D. For siSnature and forwarding as E. See REMARKS below noted below under REMARKS coPlEs (with enclosures)Crdl,.1*r"Wt tr tr Do tr AIA DOCUMENT G81O . TRANSMITTAI LETTER . APRIL 1970 EDITION THT AMIRICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1785 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE, . coPYRtcHT @ 1970 . wAsHtNcToN. D.C. 20036 ONE PAGE ft lj _€r- '? OWG, 14>V?rF(26 afr+rtst\@e vauH- 1d - "Pt?a17lr6 :ffirny?r, = ?afrJt? -# kZ4-4 Va\t+ree ?'--fun@fie cnr'je? c23?7F ??lJtfioYFv ??o-'ffitofi?> ?uiV,, ry*f.r/ W ?*rcrufri? a-. i. a-' 2/7/77 of tNsPEc|lau TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE n pnnrral LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM flappRovED D otsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr I upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR ) THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP. AIA March 28, '1977 l^l'illiam Pierce Town of Vail Building Department Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear BilI: Inmed'iately after'l earning of the floodjng of levels rlCrl 'dnd."D1'0f ,tlleiVajl Professional Building, I contacted the office of Johnson-Voiland-Archuleta, and Chen Associates, to ask them if they could anticipate any potential structural problems as a result of the flooding. Their opinions were as fol I ows: 1. The structural engineer did not foresee any potentlal:,damage which would affect the structural integrity or safety of the bu'i'l djng. The only possible effect might be cracking of the surface of the concrete toppjng at level "8". This would not have any effect upon the struc-_. tural integrity. He added, if in fact cracking were to occur' it would become evident within a matter of a few days after the accident. I inspected the building today, 12 days after the flooding' and there is currently no evidence of any abnormal slab deterioration. 2. The soils engineer, Fu Hua Chen, indicated that he did not expect any- foundation piob'l ems, due to the highty granular nature of the sub-soil at the site. He also added that any settlement, heaving' or movement would become evident within one to two days. I inspected the building today, 10 days after the f'looding, and there is currently no evidence of displacembnt of the slabs on grade or structural members. In ad- dition, on friday, June 18, two days after the flooding' a crew from Shaw Constructioir Co., with the gsL of surveying equ'iprnent, "shot grades" at various locations'in the two parking levels, and reported to the 0wners, that there had been no settlement, heaving, or movement' what- s0ever. In conclusion, the only apparent damage which will require attentjon' is the erosion of the gravel base below the perimeter of some of the ex- terior driveway slabs-on-grade. This condition presents no hazard CROSSROADS AT VAIL BOX 1186 VAIL. COLORADO 81657 476-5105 )THE MoRTERCD pARrNERsHrp, ArA I tlilliam Pierce March 28, '1977 page 2 from a safety standpoint, and can be easily repaired by a cormon mud-pumping replacement technique. Please call if you have any questions regarding this matter. Yours tru1y, fuJ c r-(. Ronald A. Todd THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP, AIA cc: Vai'l Professional Building Group Johnson-Voi I and-Archul eta Chen and Associates ) THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP. AIA March 28, 1977 Wi 1l iam Pierce Town of Vail Bujlding Department Box 100 Vail, Co'lorado 81657 Dear Bil I : Jeff Se1by, of the Vail Professional Building Group, has informed me that, in answer to item rrErr of your letter dated, March 25, 1977, they wi'll install a chain barrier to be in place during the hours which the building is to be locked, to Iimit the parking to those levels which have a direct exit to the exterior. Please call if you have any questions regarding this matter. Yours truly, U n)^\ Ronald A. Todd THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP, AIA CROSSROADS AT VAIL BOX 1186 VAIL. COLORADO 81657 476-5105 .t DATR OT !,IUETING: IIE,\TDDNS PRDSDNT: STION TAKDi.I BY BOARD: \\llru lq , tqil . +"r'\ ft Sto\+r.ri 'l L\.)\u{'e, PorLs"I _tr i- . ArtrP,ro - AGAINST: lTt'C APPnOVTD,+__ \-I DISAPl]IiO\']iD: - 7 + F E ut t5Yo (J z z 1E;&Eo lll ul 2 UJ z -<cc Fz E llJ ul F CE UJ t! Ft, Fzoa clz = F z 9H!Ez<!3<:Er>FF_<oU)uFO 3r.t<'- l z t"/ ? F < tnF!r'r 73'EfrU82:?:>-<azQAzzA):g<;5Y F r- Olao<o<o!! z:ri:::ni5!;;<a <FSeiHli" <c A > -q)<oi=ar =<tr<BJ llJ J a o { !J J eF F R \\ t\\ \ rostt.N $IN N cl.- 0r il( $rtI $ $ i'l-r ! ErIl o o z -o -Jl o -l > 1&o =, =et- F IJ Fz Q z 3 p F z 6 O c F 9lt'l z F Oa O e ?z<:FF. z? z u,. <4za =z j I'l<c *tT<B,l |!ltd>!c<3 <.. tit F0u,oo4zi<7\ZZYYF()<< (.)ii3eE9 . <r \.. .,!'E IJJ 9r' u.lo\ z F ut llJ oz ulF u, z S N\\ b \-\ N 0r\ tr ft t\ (- -lt Fz Eul Iu F uJ J|r uJt Fo F F IJJ ooJ Fo t.-. . \l,- E:-;, t:l.z,+ ! =r= lrla20 lreto >z =oE'I l......_- l o !J F X z Y CI 4 Flh lt z o Fo tt F E uJ 2 ) olllul o Lll-a 2 J o3 It ul ct z tr o S z tr ulFJ B IIJz z J ott uJ F z our gl ul t! E IJJ 3 uJ4 z Ftn cco z F cc uJ Q oz G o uJ lt o uJ4 cn c uJ vz ul o olto Ftt o uJ oz 0 = z =E ; z v o3 2 9 Eo uto z 9F J d lto uJ oo ) a E 0e\ zo9 -Q z FYid.6F(Evro =>:z:< A(J>o -.i (J ==l! Y J t0 ,I INSPEC FIE(lUEST /.2 ..7, TOWN OF DATE JOB.NAME TIME REC VED- AM PM CALLER '1/=.Fz: fl ornen I pnnrrel LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION \WED ,,' THURMON COMMENTS: TUE FRI APP}DVED drro* r*FOLLOWI NG CORR ECTIONS: CORRECTIONS Ett;1L-,.l E orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr INSPECTOB rNsrtEcflv TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL E orsen I pnnrrnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRIMON COMMENTS: <:D AM PM E appRovED E uporu rsE CORRECTIONS r florsappRovED LOWING CORRECTIONS: .)-/17':: Z[ nerNSPEcr DATE .- -'- -irrrsp ol PLUMEilNGi/MECHANIEAL TOWN OF VAIL ot PEFIMIT NAME VA,, '?r,Ar--. Bl Bre ov, arh^< PH.NE 4b* LbqrRAcroR Louis Cbo E OF BUILDING: oF woRK: n ruew E ooo,r,o" E/"=,roo.. E nepern RlPTION OF WORK: PLUMBfNG: NUMBER 3UP MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALUATfoNE lt40D VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMfT ,rr#15. Db PERMIT FEEkQ+ gfr /-(9 JM APPRoVED II DISAPPROVED t[sllt DATE /-rs-27 r)._:Sarx=fil/"-=,ToTALFEES: S 15,ffi gnt //.3 r\rsPE.$t TOWN OF FIEGIIJEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orxen E panrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM ft aenRovED ! uporu rre CORRECTIONS E otseppRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: fl nerNsPEcr DATE )rNsPE.lotBUILDII{G DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-63:19 FIEEUEST y'rt, , DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orxen D pnnrrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED eer /t, & pvl ,'4p E nppRovED El-upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECnoNS: CORRECTIONS Elsrs{Fi nov E D E nrrNsPEcr /'*S INSPECTOR DATE 3- ,a*;,2 rNsr=.st TOWN OF FlEEUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E ornen fl penrrnu LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI-AM PMMON COMMENTS: TUE I D nppRovED E orsnppRovED ! nerNSPEcr f] uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOF DATE u-;ri'rs--."',,,. . .... -, -;t*.ir:-,il, -,.r;--:-'n!dJ )rNsr=.rGt TOWN OF FIEOUEsiT VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER D ornen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE D pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM E appRovED E orsnppRovED ! nerNSPEcr fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR )rNsr=.G* TOWN OF FIEGIUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n oruen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pennal. LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E eppRovED E orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR ),*4/e#o,u FrEeuEsrBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 EK3.L.E. DATE ---------._ci--...-' JOB Nl*g€ T]ME RECEIVED-..-T. AM PM CALLER fl orxen f] panrreu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON rTUE WED THUR FRI-AM PM E nppRovED fl upotrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRFECTToNS: CORRECTIONS florsappRovED ,R *rrNsPEcr rNsr=.Gt DATE JOB NAME TOWN OF F|EGTUEST VAIL ''. TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE I pnnrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E appRovED florsnppRovED ! n e rNSPEcr fl upol.t rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR I rNs"=r'}* TOWN OF FIEOUESiT VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E ornen ! pnnnnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THURMON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM D appRovED E upon rHe CORRECTIONS ! or seee RovE D FOLLOWING CORR ECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR i.';_T;l.ult;: l*d )rNseec{Gru TOWN OF HEEUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE flpnnrral.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR PMFR E nppRovED E uporu rne CORRECTIONS fl otsnee Rov E D FOLLOWI NG CORRECTI ONS: [] nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR rNsr=.$* TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orsen E pnnrral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRIMON COMMENTS: TUE aM pnn E nppRovED E orsnppRovED I nerNsPEcr E UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE rlusPEccN TOWN OF FIEGIIJEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orsen MON COMMENTS: TUE n pnnrral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E appRovED D uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! orsareRovED fl nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR o DIi$ I CN nl.y-!!d.JqAR.D ll SUBJECT: ICTION TAKE]{ BY tsO l'{OTION: DATI or [tuET[NG: }TD|\IBENS PRESINT: VOTE: FOR: APPRO\']jD: ,l/l sricoNDED "", h )lt/z- AGAINST: (ttud /4 /4C &n- AI}STIiNTION: DI SAPI)I'|OV]iD : Stii\h\tAljY : a-t^/7O4 l, /wa@ !/0w in 7 f^+-+ Jh,. NlttudJ b/rrq/pa",/ a trlfr* ,tao.t/ / "14./^/ 4 r.* -a,c,uxza.ftA/^nh,-//o/L s',#/ ,lffiW "i,T/ilt** f ,/r a/,r1,tie"l W"Ar*,;fi rO/1-{r;,^tr;ty<lty ry ) vruu pRoFEsd$ruau Bu*D^e(tRoup m:#iEilisd*es, March 29, 1977 Mr. ,tames Lanont Director of Community Development Town of Vail Box 100 Vail, CO 81657 Dear Jim: The Vail Professional Building Group hereby requests that the compliance date for submittal of a landscaping pJ-an for TheVail Professional Building be June 1, L977. This date is re-quired since we are attempting to make a coordinated effort of deveJ.oping a landscaping plan which will include the Scorpio, and SkaLl- Haus Condominiums along $rith the Vail ProfessionalBuilding. It is our feeling that a better plan can be formu-lated if all three properties are incl-uded. In any event, the landscaping plan will be substantially con-pleted by October L, L977. Thank you for your considerationin this matter. Yours truly, VAIL PROFESSIONAL BUILDTNG GROUP, LTD. JBS/sp lown MP/ jek This notice hereby grants permission for Occupancy ofthe vail Professional Building loLated on a portion ot r,ot o,vail viltage second-r'iling, vait, colorado ai a r-2 occupancy,based on the following condltions: L) A landscaplng plan for tire premises and. surroundingarea as outlined in your letter of March 29, Lg7Z,be submitted to the Town of Vail and receipt ofapproval of the-Design Review Board granted priorto June l, L927. 2) The landscaping materials described on theabove named plan be instaLled to indusrry_approved standards in a manner to assurelongevity of the installation. This must becompleted prior to October 1, 1977. Fallure to comply with the above stipulations mayresult in revocation of this permission for Occupancy. box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCYVAIL PROI'ESSIONAL BUILDING off ice of the town manager Marcb 29, L977 cerely, tfi{i{"a'3 Building 9 o ul zl z Eul UJ tr IE llt IJJ J J IJJ G J UJF o llJ z s ! E tr lll o o z -o Jl o I > lre =,-eF 6. Ee: v uJ z z UJ J >oat FrG{t o9 2 trY=n6 9ox> :z:< >oF, O ;.i - -ttt 7 Town of VaiI ELECTRICAL PERMIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 379 $-.-....--..-.---.-.......... s........?. &-:.& ,-.... s.......J.9.. :.Q.......... s........{:.Q . ..... s..... $.:.Q........... Date Paid... -... .3-.3-0.2-. -?- Received w......... K..b-'# t^3 b torNane.htek.a,...6.:.q&..:.!..y*-f .'-'...0-'f .,...(.q<.**.(tii) Electrical contractor..-.- --Llt.^1.-"{-*c.(7.4t9-,...k.S..r....-..-..---.-..--...-,..... Applicant. APPROVALS THIS JOB FORM BE POSTED OT{ SITE DURII{G GOilSTRUCTION 24 HOT,JRSI ADVANCE NON(E REQI,'IRED FOR INSPECTIONS SlgDaturc rN. c. f. t|caorrL !o., 0trvlr !tn.Er ; ,r1. rlt^r, rli ,1 IIVSPECIDN TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE fl pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM flnppRovED ! orseppRovED D nerNsPEcr fl uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRFECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 47G5613 off ice of the town manager March 25, 1977 To I'lhom It May Concern: A Temporary Certificate of 0ccupancy wi'l'l be issued by the Bui'lding0fficial of the Town of Vail, Colorado, for the Vai'l Professional Building located on part of Lot D, Vail Village, Second F'i ling, upon comp'l iance with the following items: A. Submission of a Landscaping Plan for the property described above. B. Approval of the above submission by the Design Review Board of the Town of Vail. C. Submissions by appropriate persons confirming the structura'l integrety of the afore named bujlding fo1 'lowing the water damage of mid-March, 1977. D. Repair of minor damage (building finish, e'lectrica1, elevator) caused by afore mentioned water damage. E. Resolution of problem regarding exiting from 'lower parking leve'l s due to locks on stairway doors. A Permanent Certificate of 0ccupancy will be issued upon comp'liance with items A through E above and installation of landscape materials jn accord with item A and B above. ,_J -. z L, /-."'<PieMe Offi ci al .si /, 7-212.'l.lilliam Building { Fa Fz a Irlz; t! F. 2 uJ oz ut zg zgJ =uJo ul F ul II !J F J J F F IJJ ) J F F ! Et NOt.tVn'lVA o .\ il <ltEl B; { >o(t 09e 2 OY 2 FY;i6 9o-> :z:< dlJ>o ;.i t E tr ul o o z -oIf o = l'r-e =,-oF D7 Town of Vail EIJCTRICAL PERMIT Job N :)/ ,/' / 7'cc,f ,' , (Nq Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 369 F .:t 2,, +-A 8-.qz:1:7-4 - -. - --. - --.. - /) ,-'' 4.- $---.--4)--^-.. ,..: ..... (- Electrical Contractor... THIS FO .rOB 3lTE+qDoo /)i Received sv...........JK...-(/-? a,ro[zz BE POSTED ON GOilSTRUCTION 24 HOURS ADVAI\ICE NOTICE REQIJIRED FOR INSPECTIONS r|la c. a. |lcratrr !!., orlrvar lroaa2 ',rNsPEctaN TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE n pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FR|-----=---AM PM E nppRovED florsnppRovED D nerNSPEcr I uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rNsFEcfhl FIEOUEST ,l./, TOWN OF VAIL 'i ',1 ''l)i, vrarE+ u\rE ll,l|lvlE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ' :', " .: - E ornen MON COMMENTS: PMFRTUE E pnnrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR .El-upolr rHE FotLowr NG coRRECrtoNS: E orsappRovED f] nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR ,rNsneclj FIEEUEST VAILTOWN OF DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER floruEn n pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM il eppRovED E upor,r rre rollowttrtG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E orsappRovED E nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR I \ O 3H:E;:i*_<9', < :- v zFE- < Hi:1 frio9Ztz - <5<oz ^2z ^>9<aYF!.oQ <i)<a|IlzidEits?6'6?,'{ lF, <o> _<onq<> o llJ cc o(Jz ut zg E Fz uJ Eul IJJ F llt 'J J UJ )tl. J F F ! Er ul o o z -oJ -l o -l fle =, =ot- t NO|]Vn'lVA lt' tq zoo z FY= 2oA> :z:< C(J>(J ;ni =c( uJ \...]Nt\ .\.,, .\s{\ z >u 9* EU ar F O z U c z = F z "Hln=<F{,erLE;-,kc4o+O =< :. I z I F?qr 1Hi3i3!X:o9-42<i2i<ozE ^zz^)z3<45YFr.otr <oQz:riSi:ne6;;;<o < ,FSsiE '- i .. < c Q> *t,<o*=a!q=<ri<>,) F o tc IJJ r)z z UJ E uJ UJ F u, G E tt uJ F aF F lu J t! J F F uJ(Jz 3(r E ! E t Er ul B o z I oJ l o -l lro =, =et- NOrJ-VnlVA B o z A E u, J ul t- ta >oct UJ 2 <.r 9 z Fqqd.6 9t5-> :z:< >oFO - c.i J.J]I,IHJ U V O F Fz a d!iz 3 Il FT z 3H:H!<F1<: Ir.2FF FEF<!:iil,F;ihd!leEzzizicozl..22^)i::5;a<iJ<oaz; iEEi;;<o <F9=i3Itr<tQ > -u)< o i=aE=<c< t'1 + E = uJ z IoKH9g o,- o u,lE UJ (Jz ul { UJ z s F uJ tt. ul F UJ J zul =UJo gl i F X !l o ul z c aatt z F t!t! =IJJ z o J c0 ul ut IJJ z .t u oul J ul IIJ z IJJJ uJ zo F z E u,lF B uJz z l IIo IJJ F z uJ uJ ut E IIJ F 3 2 F c( 4 uJt, uJt z tr !J oz oo o ut II 6 ul o-o IJJ z IJJ l! r! d z F Ful a UI oz ul oz u, t4gJ Y E B Fx IJJ uJ E E o Ft! A lh oJ(0 l! Ftt ul F z Fzf z f ^z NOIIVNlVA Y B 2 F IIJ ) UJz ut tl- ts>ost \l!N IJJ 2o9 zo Fqq aaOFIC9o=>-z6f 4()lq - C,i lllz N IJJ ct z J F o (, =E YJ @ F IC3l-IHCUV ! : tr lrl 0. o z -oJ -tr o -l > trG' =, =oF F O Fz e7 ' ?2<=FFLoOf Zt- z !4Po,"ze4zza J (J F. Irl Irl z t{ F FI F eF a:1o u,/ !,1 oz l, z uJ Eul tn u,l F uJ J tt ul J J o ul J J oF <I'l UJ z :< *'i-<t!J a t .E=r=H o z -oJ -l o l!o -, -ot- a t i, o NOrl.Vn'rV 2 -o 2 trqq'c. 6FC2tJA> :< 4()>()FO ;.i /< G'\9\J "J L/r Town of Vail FII,T:Cf'RICAL PERII{IT rcaNane...Mt*...y'.*..a-.,...6.tae.,..:3-.P...f*.' Date of Application--.- -..-....---fr*--,-.-d't.--.-------.---.---.--..-..------ts.-l/-/-. ./ avori"*,t...-,-.id-*iJ,*.: {. A*."*^*.. . APPROVALS N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee t..........1.!..:.&..... 375 $....-..-.. s...........t.,.lil....... s....-.../.{:.4-.....-. Datepaid.......r..:e3.:.).).............. Received 8y........6....b: FQso THIS FORM Ig E FOSTED ON JOB SITE DURII{G GONSTRUCTIOI{ 2,4 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQI,JIRED FOR, INSPECTTONS THa !. r. xorrrar ao,, oE'lvrr rr0a9z il\tsiPEcoN FIEOUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE I panrrnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR PMFR E eppRovED E orseppRovED n nrrNsPEcr fl upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcloNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rNseecQnr TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxen MON COMMENTS: PMFRTUE ! panrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR E app RovED ! orsnpp RovE D ! nerNsPEcr n uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG conRECTToNS: CORRECTlONS INSPECTOR Itl:It o V Town of VaiI ET,ECNRICAL PERilIIT roU r.rame../.....I cFFi<6, Date or Apprication... FEA, --......--.!Z---..---..-..--...-.--Ls:7-7--..-.... Electrical Contractor\\I \n Applicant-...,.. . JM- -ffi*!-tt-',r= -.. - - - Sltu!,tUra APPROVALS CIl.f Bu|ldllt Ottlclrl THIS FORTI BE POSTED OlI .'OB SITE DURIT{G CONSTRUCTION 2I HOT,JRII ADVANCE NOIICE REQI,'IRED FOR INSPECTIONS N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee i .2a. r ^eOs........-.o..=... $.2h*. 367 $.....-......-.......-..--... $.fu* e/z/zz {3 l{a a, r, ltc!rrat aa,r DaxYrt tt0a32 rNseecfiru TOWN OF VAIL FlEEL'EST DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orxen I pnnrrau LocATtoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE PMFR El.npp Rov E D E upom rHE FoLtowrNG coRRECTToNS: I orsnppRovED fl n e rNsPEcr CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR -rt tNsPEcflhl TOWN OF FIEEUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnrrel.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI AM PM E npp RovED n uporu rne CORRECTIONS ! orsneeRovED FOLLOWING CORR ECTIONS: I nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR DATE siniid:.'.,..'---l.-]5|A..,'l...'.!!"i,.'.!,;,*lil*u..;rrl.iu**;.r-.--,.I.,i.&drj$'l€|,]...!;1,*'.i;."..*;','/ rNsPEcrel)u TOWN OF F|EGTUEsiT' VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM EnppRovED D uporv rHE FoLLowrNG CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED CORRECTIONS: fl nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR ) |,j.i..:.;jli^:ll)ji:lI,l..{'i'I('l;ilil.:Tll.|.Cl' , l' . 0 . ir6i: '1 1r. i. v/rt 1,, col(r;i.',i ) s:L 6 5? ' l/i-r.1, lj.i..:';ili l:il) ii:tI,l..{'i'I('l; i,it.:Tll.t Cl' tli:ne of !itl;inc::s c,r i:(,t,:c {'S'il' t*t&,.u.tr,"tME:ffi"7'ry': L. li.':s.1r.t -2"* ...Lnd -7:- ^ r _Y_-__' st:<t _.12 ,ibi)-ct, th.i,.::r)., or" I,ja r.hl:c..,,l1.r.r: ltcsice:r.iir:ar >:0.75 =Co;*cr.cj.:I tZCi i.,co = -6fr fihoucr. or Tr:b -' x i1,.50 i - - ..- ,ltir fce !.iachirrc3 x (t.Zli !:. ! I ' 4tlr rr-r' J. (.,irt! I.d:l;i, ,;-) , ll, V t Llt - 4. i3l:: j 'r Ztrri -*-'-. 4,t\l,. srcl --' B:ici.l.r :r.,.rd l,oi.I*t . Znd ___*-_ I\rtL llath' ilrd ( Shci;e: c:. Tub, B:: I .t. (,t ?nd l{ r:<t $tir Daslst'Znd 3rclqth 7. 1' I I i is. .i Roons (Liv.ing ioc::ls, Xitchcns Xe s idc rrt.i.s.L Aishr...:shcr- ilcd:.col;rs, Oi:iccs, Sho;:s, Studios). ?5x l.0C = Z-5,9 /< t. x ): 2.$0 =1" CrC g >: 2.50 :: ): 1.00 :: !,. lrI I a f.is.lst 2nd :.lr..dlrth Xitchens Co;;:rcr.cial Di clrr':l chc r Seatirrg f { 0,lld n ,1$t ' 2lrcl ifr.(l l:1lr ' \1 2.50 : --l- 1,.'rundr.y ltr: l:iCcn f ilI ' Pt;' [f;11;1141 r3 0.$0 r !, l: :l.l 3:'(lltth l,l Itt . ..,r Col;,,;rcr.c i..t I .a!ihcr (t: . :'.<ii: l!.r'1. c:. ( :;, :ri;rurn oi' oae )(tu:ijidc Ip]..': niil.et s Iir'c. llosc Cabincts Ser-vicc Sta'ci]on Sr.rii:u:r j.n g PooL r:2.00 = l.oo = /,aC-- 0.33 = _j___ Dk.,{t .x Daslst 2rrti 3rrilrt)r z___ j'Qx\.oo = L,DQ X. x30.00 = x b.oo = lia sls't' 2r,C 3r.dlltlt Convclrt:ion Ce:Itc:: Pen i)ors on TOT.ril, DOillfS J"0:tto ]:c'iilts = l. 00 L;lit ?. 0.1.0 3 eaE .fo1l.o:.'ing *he co;:p3.e'c:iorr c:' ccJi) struct io:) of r.e s i.r.l cn'; i..:.L a;rri ,u,+r4AJ?-Z-L- $soo. oo = S.//"JZ€ Di.st:.::.: cfrr::i.:cr,c.ia I st r:uc'i',.::i: !; . 'tire Dis'!:':i-c'! slral!.J. De:r.i;ot:;t .r -oiiylrical i.rr-'spn,.rt.ic'l of e:t,L ple:ri.:cs 'to detcr.r:linc tl:e itrir,i:ct' of points 'il lre lgse:;:;cri i:cco:.ci:iilg to th.r ',iri:,T cr. iri)d Si-.'..ler Tep iec. ei:d ?atg Sc'r:etluiLl, ar: .1ttcl(;ed, and 'i:i!: Di:;-.'rict shi:.1-.1- ;:telrc a:ny aC j;us'.:r::::s Deces3€i:y in the c:.igi;r;ri. tai: fec paicl. Tiri.s inepectirr;r si',eli . also dctcrnine tlie builciirrg, ou:re:.'rs \'tirter. and sei,:cr. selvjc<tclriirge'. Boi'.rcl of Dircctc!.:; laiL l'l,ir"cen and Satlitation l< AaW on ,#.enzpnar) f Z"n"?EreR. = c 5BjZ.4'€