HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL COMMONS CITY MARKET INC LEGALI \.^ . -Ya4 Umm6745 oortrfittF, DEvEL@liEt{T Design Review Boad ACTION FORM Departrnent of Communaty Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Proiect Name: Prcject Description: Participants: DRB Number: DR8070552 FINAL APPROVAL FOR CONCRETE REPI.ACEMENT FOR THE CITY MARKET UPPER PARKING LOT OWNER TOWN OF VAIL ATTN: SHELDON REAL PO BOX 5567 DENVER co 80217 APPUCANT DILLON COMPANIES, INC AKA CITY MARKET #42 TES TE'AN STREET DENVER co 80223 L010312007 t010312007 Phone: 303-778-3058 Location:ProiectAddrcss: 2109 N FRONTAGE RD WESTVAIL CITY MARKET UPPER PARKING LOT Legal Description: Lot: A Block: Subdivision: VAIL COMMONS Parcel Number: 2103-114-2402-5 Comments: SEE CONDmONS Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACIION Adion: STAFFAPR Date of Approvah lOlO3l20O7 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not consHtute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and consbuction is commenced and is diligenUy pursued toward completion. t Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO t v,g \,o 9,lffi1r $s0 Na.E! ,${o tsap $s$np.n r s|to|r tut dEtal dgn to' tr NFrior$ldgt tr ;NrttliDn cl I tYl itHAht@r/ - (|nufr.Sn{lyotnpcfr} 1. srvldffialOr trbmslbtsl. t,dlrc,, tErgt and ffi'#offsm,*E* tteldy aFF Dtrd by plDnnltrg sEffi or tlrc tr tr iltna'Alu.don (st'orcFrttt/duplq) :I drilPf trAPptotdPLnt sGFrrUDtt RltlucC $ro I{o Fae r'r .-l I 4G\c\taaS datt ;,sf, t 4rr l-t + '{ \\ lclinsr Exterior AlFntions Dsls|| n( DcdoollGt* C*rrdo 8169 {79,4{se ur!b: wt+fr,. thwdll Gcfiet?l In'ofihsdol|; A! gojeCs rtqrirhg d.Can t€vi€rv, mJ* rEcEtv€ aFfml 9ilorb. sJbintsng a bulkltB p€tlt|tt apPsr8$on' Plcrtc *$.r tr#.ssx#ffi *m r,n umfi ffi sS#Hffi#tr#tr;fi t4'Aid6d lrf"d;'u* ls riltvel ry..dp cotrttn'ttrv D6'€loptt6 't Depg8nglt' ItF Drotcct tlu,y dlo ne..t U tr .,uii-iifr;-i;*'O*ndr uilt u|. nanntrU qd qd.tt*11-Comil$stbn' ocitsn f.',,trer, "fp-t",,r"o"""Hdl;'ilt-kih;;n F;;,r.d end oinrtructlon aoilttonar riftin onaipaed &geP$covrl,.A of $6nr{$ritb Pkydmlldd|*3et Parcd nt'! Zoffng! xamq(r) of{hril€{r} a:ibr.tq.lf{ *o-rg*/omert4sltu$u{t}! Harnc ('f lp9liisnt! l|;ilingrddtilt: Ft> E-natlA44r*i Tyga of ltaiarard FIG! n ssilt CorsF0jtl Ffivth| Nc!., Congruat'rdr Adi6on Hh,r Ah$uon (Dufi -fllnlly/sornm€reia l) t{nsf A!tsr€tbn {singlc-f tnlly/duPl€{} I 6tBtqt'e AFProwd Rtnt S€p6r.Uon Raque$ *50 gUI 31,00 p$ s$rrru focn af @l slgn ar$' llo Feetr E n X u TI "{' ilditfffil'ftd -;fia*i' tdduo{rs' ra'dte}pr}q' fsres ind t$rlnw ,NllE, €tr'$20 fft;niotts-it trm lktltdy approvtrt bY plannrng szff or si€ D€slgn Rad€vt !o!t6, No Fea ntn 6m-r.r,s Design Review Board V^,t aa 5lttrudt s ACTIOI{ FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tef:970.479.2139 fax.970.479.2452 web: www.vailgrlv.€om Proiect Name: VAIL CHILD CARE CTR PI-AYGROUND DRB Number: DRB070409 ProJect DescripUon: FINAL APPROVAL FOR THE VAIL CHILD CARE CENTER PI.AYGROUND RENOVATION Participants: OWNER TOWN OF VAIL ATTN: SHELDON REAL PO BOX 5567 DENVER co 80217 APPUCANT TOWN OF VAIL-GREGG BARRIE O9IL4IzOO7 ATTN: SHELDON REAL PO BOX 5567 DENVER co 80217 ProjectAddress: 2109 N FRONTAGE RD WESTVAIL Location: VAIL CHILD CARE CENTER Legal Description: Lot: A Block: Subdivision: VAIL COMMONS Parcef Number| 2103-LL4-2402-5 Comments: coar,H lYcEvEKF$E tr 081t412007 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION . ACI.ON: STAFFAPR Date of APProvaE 091 17 12007 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s)' Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval' Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO Minor Exterior Albrations Apdication for Design Review D€partmert of Commurlty Der/dogn€rt 75 South konrtage Road, Vail, ColoGdo 81657 Et 9m.179.21?8 faz 97O.479.2+52 w€b: www.vallgw.qn Gqpnllnformdon:fl projeds requlrlng dedgn leylcw mr6t r€adv€ amrwal p.lor b submitting a h.ritcfng pennit application. Please reftr b A€ slbfi{Ed rcq.lEments fur ttn pardafar apriyat Erat S rcque*d. An apdka0on idr Deslgn Re'rielv canrd be acepEd urtil dl requlr€d Infrrm€tion is rccch,ed by the Commrnig OerdoFn€nt Oepartnent The project rnay abo need b be rcvlerved by lfe Town Corncil adlr ttre t'laIIrg ad En lorm€ntd Conl|lFlon. Dcdgn lcYi{ lpProt C hprc mlcr r buldllrg pcmk il ierucd and cqguctlon cornnqrs witfiincn yoar of thc aFrovd. ap €, %o €o {t Zorlng llem{s)of Orner(s} -Ki$q-Soepcrs u"ltluldd*r do( Qa.t^t 5d."* D..grr.- Cs, foTS i tuns(tslgncrcG} S llameof Applkrnt: llafingldian: d Cc.-r< G-.1-"L - oo C/O Phonc:-i2G-as6 t =-92.9 -l-oltrE*ailAddrsr: fyps of Reulcnr and Fd! U Sgts tr c.qrceptual Review tr ilav Corruucdontr Addiuon ,f MinaAlErauon (mdti+antfly/cqnrcrcid) tl Minor Altrraton (Sng[e.tamily/d^d€'o D Chang€s b Approved Ptans tr Separsuon Request lc vc.-llc.1crs..sq JiS Plus $l,qt p€r squre fuot of ttd sgn a€a. No Fee $650 For ffiucuon of a rnw buildrq or demo/rcfuiH. $300 For an addlton wlEre squar frotage is added b any r€sidential or onmeroal buldng (ncfides 2El addlfHrs & inEria qn erdor6). $250 fu minor d{|gGs b hrildlrps ard :tte impro\r€rnefts, sJdr a$ |e{oofing, painung, wlrxtow addifiors, laxbcaping, €rrces and retalning walls, eb,$20 For mnor dEngEs b hildngs and dE lmForsn€rts, cldt as, |efiofimt pdnurB, wlrdoy addi0orq ladscaping, ftnoes and retairirg rudq, €t +20 For revislons b darE alrcady appror€d by Hanrfng Saff or ttrc DEfun Revicur Board o Fee Pftyricalfd*c: nrcfl i nchrdiur.. W hgle Co. Assesso*t 9 Offie tfroOnlv:*t-- -;-'---'' ctre* lrb-: / ry: D TOWNLQ.E-VAIL Plywood against fence to be replaced with "Keystone" block wall to match other walls in parking lot. Existing fence height varies between 32-36". State regulations require minimum of 48" from play surface. Fence to be raised as part of work. Worn out grass play surfacing is not impact ng per state regulations. surfacing to be rubber tiles over compacled base. EVCCArfr<: Eagle Valley Child Care Association, lnc. A non-profit organization Executive Director Amy Drummet Director Vail Cindy LaGace Director Miller Ranch Pam Mattson Board of Directors David Blackwell Stacey Klein Arn Menconi Ktn Newbury John Power Kim Toms August 2,2007,2007 Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Vail Child Care Center Design & Review Application Dear Design & Review Board, Vail Child Care Center is requesting approval from the Review Board, for some renovations to our playground area to Division of Child Care licensing requirements. Town of Vail, Design & address State of Colorado. Vail Child Care Center has worked collaboratively with Greg Barrie, Town of Vail Senior Landscape Architect, to address licensing issues that have been identified with our outdoor space. The proposed repairs and improvements are es follows: r New playground equipment for the toddler playground area-The new equipment u,ill be bolted to a 4" concrete slab as opposed to having t<l install concrete footers. This will eliminate the need for a deep excavation. r Installation of a 16" high block retaining wall-This wall will be inserted around the perimeter of the play area. The existing situation, where plywood is installed behind the steel fence to retain the play surface, is structurally and aeslhetically unacceptable. Please see attached photos. o Re-grade the existing surface and removal of approximately 6" of existing dirt to allow for proper installation of rubber playground tiles . Raise the height of the fence to meet the 48" minimum requirement established iry State regulations o Installation of new shade structures. & repair of existing shade structures. P.O. Box 1700 Vail, Colorado 81658 E-mail: vailchildcare@qwest.netTeiephone: (97O) 47 6-1,615 Facsimile: (97O\ 476- 1521 Attached you will frnd the Design & Review Board application with the approval signature from King Sooper's who is the prcperty owner. In addition, you will find architectural drawings of our current and proposed situation as well as pictures to document sorne of the work areas. If you need any further information, please let myseHor Greg Barrie know so that we can rectify any questions or concerns with the proposed plan. July 8, 2002 Matt Miller 2095 AZermatlLane Residential H.O.A for Avanti Limo. The Board has reviewed your request and grants permission with the following requirements: -No increase in traffic in front of your unit will be created. Any visitors must comply with the Rules and Regulations of the association (i.e , no parking on Zermatt Lane). -All parking rules must be followed which for your unit requires limit of 2 vehicles outside of garage that must be parked in driveway only (guest spots are for 2090,2092 and 2094). -No washing or "working" on vehicles in front of the unit. -A separate oflice be maintained where vehicles are parked overnight- no commercial vehicles kept ovemight on association premises. -All Town of Vail code requirements are met. Ifyou have any questions please feel free to contact management. Sincerely, Dan McNeillCMCA AMS Broker McNeill Property Management Inc. 2077 N. Frontage Rd. #104 Vail, CO. 81657 970-479-6047 C.C. Vail Commons Board of Directors ,rr€tl[:IVHD MAR z 1 r.,i05 TCV-C8tur.DEV. TOWN OFVAIL Department ol Community Development 75 South Frcntage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 wwwci.voil.co.us April 14,2004 Teak Simonton Eagle County 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 Re: Master Site plan of Vail Commons Dear Ms. Simonton, We found in our plans an original mylar copy of this site. Based on the bar code we believe this is to be filed in your office at Eagle County. I am returning the 2 part original so it may be filed conec{ly. lf you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me at 970-479-2150. Sincerely, .//\l\t-a t V, I -.V4l/LpLl-ryl2"ll Lynne Campbell' ffice Manager enclosures xc: file tg*t 'o' FEB- l2-O l ro:45 FROH: TOU-COM o .DEV-DEPT. I D.3?@ APPLICANON FOR CONDOMINIUIJUTOWNHOUSE PLAT REVIEI'V (T11TE:113,,,r Vail Municipal Code) (ptease print or type) 47gl2452 o PAGE 2/4 I lt'/b4t 1o|i2rP A. APPLICANT ies, Inc., dba City Market MAILING ADDRESS 65 re on Street, Denver, C0 80223 PHONE (303) 778-3100 B.APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Mike Shunk ADDRESS SAINE PHONE (rosr zrs-+sor C. PROPERfi OWN OWNER'S SIGNATURE r.artn\ , tn 11 i8PHONE \rtv) +tJ-1L' MAIUNG ADDRESS 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, C0 81657 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: STREETADDRESS aroq N",th Fro"t"q LOT_ BLOCK SUBDIVISION- FILING' APPLICATION FEE $1OO.OO PAID CHECK #$.Z439Jg.6DATE s-27 -oL D. E. F.MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED: 1. Two mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivision ptat shall be submitted to the oepartmerft of communily oaretopment. The plat shall include a site. map with the following requirements: a. The final plat shall be drawn by a registered surveyor in India ink. or other substantiar solution, on a reproducible medium (preferably mylar) with dimension of twenty-four by thirty-six inches and'ihatt be at a scate of one hundred feet to one inch or larger with margins of one and one- half to two inches on the refi and one-harf inch on a[ other sides. b. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot for alt tines. angles and curves used to describe boundaries. streets, setbacks, alleys, easemenls, structures, areas to be reserved or ctedicated for Pubtip or common uses and other irnportant features. All alrves shall be circular arcs and shalr be defined by the radius, centrar angle, arc scored distances ancl bearing. A[ dimensions, both linearlnd angular, are to be determined by an accurate control survey in the field which musrt balance and cjqse within a limit of one in ten thousand. c. North anow and graphic scale. d' A systemalic identification of all existing and proposed buildings, unils, lots, blocks. and names for all sireets. RECEIVED APR 09 2001 .. 9?@4?924s.2 PAGE.A2AAAL tAtzt fenver l,ta,ling nddress . PO. Box 5567, Denver, Coro,.oo of General Offrce & Warehouse . 65 Teron St., Denver, Colorado 80223 (303) 778-3100 . Fax (303) 78-7513 Grand Junction Mailng Address . P0. Box 729, Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 Oflice . 105 W. Colorado Ave., Grand Junction, Colorado 81505 (970) 241-0750 . Fax (970) 244-1052 May 8, 200'l VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS: Allison Ochs Community Development Department Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Re:Vail Commons Condominium Map Dear Allison. Please find enclosed for signature and recording two original mylar sets of the Condominium Map for Vail Gommons. Page one has been signed by a representative of Dillon Companies, Inc., and by Sam Ecker, the surveyor who prepared the Map. A representative of the Town of Vail will need to sign page one of each set. Also enclosed is a24" x 36" paper copy of the Map set. I trust this is all the material necessary to proceed to recording' Please let me know if you will handle recording of this Map or if you wish my assistance in the recording process. I appreciate your assistance with this matter. Please call if you have questions or require additional information. Sincerely, t -7-4/.f/^^tc- EnclosuresCc: CM 442file Gary Fritzler Bob Letcher Mike Shunk DILLON COMPANIES Pinled on Recvcled PaDet. TOWN OFVAIb 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: Location. ......: Parcel No....: Project No . : Building--->' Plan Check--> lnvestigation-> Will Call--> DEPARTMENTOFCOMMLJNITYDEVELOPMEI'IT {--i\,. ( r^\.--^-r.\ \l-:-a >&' <-r" ) - NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT 2IO9 N FRONTAGE RDWEST VAIL CITY MARKET PARKING SPACE 210311424025 Permit #: B0l-0354 LL/0e/200L Phone: Pt{lot #S\1 OWNER TOV{N OF VAIL ATTN: SHELDON REAL PO BOX 5557 DEIVVER CO 8021-7 License: CONTRjACTOR Clearwater Cleanup Company L1-/Oe/2O0L Phone: P.O. Box 4480 Breckenridge, CO 80424 License:581-B APPLICAI\TT Clearn"auer cleanup company ]-L/08/2OOL Phone: 9'70-453-8875 P.O. Box 4480 Breckenridge, CO 80424 License ' Desciption: INSTALL NEW GREASE INTERCEPTER Occupancy: 53 Type Construction: II FR Type II Fire Resistive Tlpe Occupancy: ?? Status. . . : Applied. . : Issued...: Expires . . .: Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-----> 'fotal Pormit F€e------' Paymenls----------'- BALANCE DL]E...----.>. ISSUED I l/08/2001 lvzl/200r 05120/2002 Valuation: 526,737.15 Fireplace lnformalion: Reslricted: C ofcas Appliances: :l:|*:i*t**tl:.aaalt**aaaaaa*tttt*,1.,t**rtrtalll'|'a'l****'lj}jtt'lll*l'l'l'**'ltt*i9*** S329 - oo Restuarrnt Plan Revrew- ' 5213.8s DRBFee----------- So. oo Reqeation Fe€---------' 93 . oo Clean-up DePosir----- TOTAL FEES------------.' Add Sq Ft: 0 O fl of Gas togs: O # of Wood Pellel: 0 FEE StlMt!,tARY *,t***rrt***'tl**t**t***********rr't't*rt*'l*t'rtt'l*:.:l*'i**ti'l:3*r*r s0. oo 950.00 90.00 90.00 s0. oo $o. oo Approvals:If.em: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTME'IT IL/L3/2OOL CDAVIS Action: AP THrS PERMIT rs GOOD FOR TRAP INSTALI,ATION ONLY. ANOTHER PERMIT AND MORE INFO IS REQUIRED TO CONSTRUCT THE TRAP ENCI,OSURE Item: 05400 PI-,AIINING DEPARTMENT It,CM: 056OO FIRE DEPARTMBII| It,em: 05500 PIIBI-,IC WORKS {arrIraa,t*'t'tltaaar see page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I here\ acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is cbnect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the nd subdivision codes, design review approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable REQL'ESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry-FOUR HOI TRS IN Send Cle8n-up DePoslt To: N/A FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEWNER OR PAGE 2 +**!t*d!*****:|!rtidr!t'****!**+t rt**{r********+**********:t******'}'t *************+*!t,**+*!t!t***'**+*+***'t't'****'********:l CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: B0l-0354 as of 11-21-2001 status: ISSUED ***,t*********t**'i+**,******t****+****t************:t't*t*!t***t*:|!***************tt*****'*****i+******'***'t**{'** Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: I l/08/2001 Applicant: Clearwater Cleanup Company Issued: lll2ll200l 970-453-8875 ToExpire: 0512012002 Job Address: 2109 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: CITY MARKET PARKING SPACE ParcelNo: 210311424025 Description: INSTALL NEW GREASE INTERCEPTER Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:CON0005122 THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR THE INSTALLATION AND ASSEMBLY OF THE GREASE TRAP ONLY. ANOTHER PERMIT AND MORE INFO IS REQUIRED TO CONSTRUCT THE ENCLOSURE .$ sqs 85 CN- APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UN Building Permit #: 970.479-2149 (Inipe ll 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 C.ontact and Phone #'s: ?70-/ 7 t General Contractor: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUITDING PERM@ BUILDING: $ l(F ELECTRICAL: $ Nb orHER: $ 2{, {37, lE PLUMBTNG: $ l2OO,o a MECHANICAL: $ llk rorAl:$ 26,73?, l{ For Parcel # Contad AssestuE Ofrice at 970'328'864O or vie,i! 2to3llLl e,+oa{ rob Name: f ,1, lyarv-r 6uay',slp.ce^dw-rob Address: 2 lo? f-+t^&-!_ ilriL LegalDescription ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivisionl W lPhone:. -. Architect/Designer: ,Addres$ O Phone: Engineer: ll Address:Phone: c/os''-tP- t\ o-tla'ts_ fiqrhlt tuva 6Va.*f"ffi"'Xl"++t Work Type: Interior ( ) Exteriorx) Both ( )Ooes an enu exist at this location: Yes ( ) ruoK) iypeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) MultFfamiry( ) Commercial(l Restaurant( ) Other( )t\ No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: --No/Type of Fireplaces Existing: Cas nppliaqces ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/M No/Tyoe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances 1 ) Gas toqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (ffi: Yes() No() **********************'t*******rr*'t*****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************rr* voe of Constructionl F :/everyone/forms/bld gperm Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 T0I{I\I Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: r' This Checklist must be ompleted before a Building Permit apolication is aceptd. o All pages of application is complete d' Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form fuy- o Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,oarkinq or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulderc without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on olans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: p*a UY8 ,,rr a lJtL-aPrahl{a ltuq tko fu-o UoD ,'/Vs t?o t{-i F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: Planning DRB PEC _ 2. Was your inilial conbct witr our sffi immediate / slow or no one available ? /fu.I'r..)f$4JNwmy HOW DIDWE RATE W]TH YOU? Town of VailSurvey Community Development Departnent Russell Fonest, Direcior, (970)4n-2139 Check all that applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you conbcl? Building 4jnironmental t/ Housing_ Admin _ 3. lf you were required p.wqit how long was it before you were Thank you for taking tre time to complete this survey. We are committed b improving our service. 4. Was this your first time b file a DRB app_ PEC app BldgPemril.(- NA tl 6. Please rate tre performance g$re sffiperson who assisted you:5/t321Name: (- (knowledge, responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall effectiveness of tre Front Service Counter. 04 3 2 1 8. Whatis the best,time of day for you to use fie Front Service Counter? Vz > 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you nexttme? Was your project reviewed on a fimely basis{Yeg WHEN A *PUBLTC WAY PERMTT" rS REQUTRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUEfiONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT": Is this a new residence? Does demolition work being public property? Is any utility work needed? YES NO performed YES require the usgof the Right-of-Way, easements or NO_ ,t'' NO "' Is the driveway being repaved?YES NO Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES- NO /" Is any drainage work bejpg done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public propefi? YES NO r" Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES Is the Right-of-Way, gsenients or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES NO .' If answer is NO, is a pyltnS YES_ NO__-4_ , staging or fencing plan required by Public Works? If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Workt office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2L98. C/e". r^,*^ CQ, C" Job or Project Name: C# Date Signed: F:/everyone/forms/bldperm4 Company Name MWNOF PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. D Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. D A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. > The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any reguirements that may be needed, Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. D As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". ) NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and underctand the above. Signature F :/everyone/forms/bldperm5 Date Sagned BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Depaftment review, and a review by the Building Depaftment, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projecbs impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 APPLICATION FOF TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PW*:IN'!TTT Parcerf:! I X I-M-[ I-n ! n 1s- Brds.Permit#:E I I'n I II 1.Job Name Slroet Address | | Tl l-l _ l-l (tt unknown cell| | I I I I I | 479-2l38ext.O) ztpCity Ptrcne # 4. Start DEto Work is for lcircle onel Other Comolotion Dale Water Sewer Gas Electric (Pemil Expkaton Date) Telephone CATV Landscaping Temp. Site Access c.Trench-width (min.4') Bond Amount $ ALL MATERIAL, EOUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC JOB IS STARTED. 7.Rubber out-riggers are required on Asohalt surfaces undemeath the A signature below indicates a signatures are obtained, permittee necessary Town of Vail signatures. BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE working on asphalt. al all times. utlllty locations and approvals, Once all utility company application through the Public Works ofiice to obtain the up to one we€k to prooess. Depth Total SF $ Total LF $ Permit Fee Total Permit Fee $ Public Service Natural Gas Group (1-800-922'19871 Public Service Company (1 U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) 9. 10. 11. 12. TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (1-800-922-1987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation Diskict (970-476'7480, ext. 114) Holy Cross Electric Company (1-800-922-1987) Town of Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town ol Vail lnigation (970-479-2158) Town of Vaif Public Works Construction Inspector (97O'479'219Bl THERE W|LL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A conslruction trafiic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance ol the permit. ? All excavation must be done by hand within 18'of utilities - (Senate Bill 172)' Pennittee must contact Publlc Works Department at 479-2198 24 hours prior to commencing of work. Failure to notify the Town will resuh in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 8 - Public Ways and Propefi of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and wlll abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. Conlrac,tor's Signalure ol Agr€ement ATTACH PLAN OF WORK INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION TBAFFIC CONTROL PLAN show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. usE DASH LINES FOR CUT. Pdnl nam€ cleatly Date of Signatur€ White - Public Works Y€llow - Conlractor DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: r The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. q The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culvefts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection, Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Depaftment. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. a Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be approving all final drainage and culveft installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Ceftificate of Occupancv issuance. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date Signed: F :/everyone/forms/bldperm6 rWn\ TVWT{OF Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUELIC WAYS PROHIBITED o Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. c Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifo and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works, In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. o Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. tr Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-1 AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED n No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 1) o Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge, (Ord. 2(1968) g 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship to Project: Dare Signed: tt /f , t, F:/evervone/fomrs/bl dDermT TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Desciption: INSTALL NEW GREASE INTERCEPTER Valuation: $1,200.00 Fireolace lnformation: Restricted: ?? # ofGls Appliances: ***i*t**{rtt*tt***tt't**t*:t:}***,ttt'***lltal*aaa,tll*a*ttaaaal'ltl*l*,tt*:} DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Job Address: 2109 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL [,ocation.....: CITY MARKET PARKING SPACE ParcefNo...: 210311424025 ProjectNo : Pt<Ol - Ct+|.? Permit #: Status. . . : Applied. . : Issued . . : Expires . .: Phone: P0l-0130 ISSUED I li08/2001 12106/2001 06t0412002 OVJNER TOIIN OF VAIL ATTN: SIIEI,DON RE,AI, PO BOX 5567 DE}IVER CO 80217 License: CONTRACTOR MARTIN PLI'MBING & P.O. BOX 2198 tL/ 08 /200L FRrsco, co 80424 License t 290-P APPI-,ICANT MARTIN PLIJMBING & HEATING lNLL/08,/2001 Phone: 970-547-9805 P. O. BOX 2l-98 FRrsco, co 80424 License:290-P HEATING INlL/08/2001" Phonet 970-547-9805 ?? 4 ofGas trgs: ?? 4 of Wood Paller: ?? FEE SUMMARY *t****rf*r*r+****r''r**'r******rr*t'|*'ttr*****'ir{'*r":}****:}*:}:}r Plumbing--> 93o.oo R€stuarant Plan R€view--' $o.oo Total calculated Fees--: 940'50 Plan Check-> S7. so DRB Fee----------' $o ' oo Additional Fees------: 975 ' 00 lnvestigalron-> so-oo TOTAL FEES-------.- s4O.5O Total Pemit ['ee------> s115'50 Will Catl--> 93 . oo PaYments----"------- ' 5115 ' 50 BALANCI Dt:E--------- s0.00 It.em: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT LL/t3/200r cDAvrs Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEMT Action: AP APPROVEDAS NOTED ON THE PI,AITS CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE' artaat'tatalaltat*:t DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application. filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to ihe towns zoning and subdivision codes' desigr review approved. Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto' *EQLTESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BD MAD-E TWENTY-FOLrR HOLTRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479'2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM' \ .'i> .f-X Azt--.-c- lllqafrf V Building Permit #: m/VTIWYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, C.olorado 81657 L n$ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPTETE VALUATION FOR PLUMEII{G PERl,lF (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING:$ lZoo.6C) bing Contractor:Town of Vail Reg. No.: Contact Officeat9.or torPatel # lo3ll tl2't oas JobName: Cll ^ort., Gruts< i,*k*ut-lo--JobAddress: R loq fron-;a., ?"--! notL Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners Name: C'+ , jy1^1,K2-f llAddress: 2loq Fq,Jz.o g-^f portL ll Phone: Engineer: ll Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: ?la,,"tiw Lr^^.;to- a,. i,..\cf \ a^i\d tr1, Staz< iv-k-,,t-r.t{n>- wtlLr t/c^t )iv<, WorkCfass: New(7) Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other() )Uyon-k exiSJi,* ,rbir( Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial pQ Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) \' No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: !-__No. of Accommodation Units in this building: IsthbaconversionfromawoodbumingfireplacetoanEPAPhaseildevhe? Yes( ) No( ) - **r!i*********************rr*:r:rrrrrr*****rrtFOR OFFICE USE ONLY*********f,!r***t*:r***'r***n************ F/everyoneforms/pl mbperm LL/06/2A6r.15:44 972-547-9405 MARTYN R-LJ|,|BIl.lG PACE 65 {\dt.-l'f Euilding Pennit#:^-.N\FI mutm;.rll -, . vrt.t !a aauy- 75 5. Ftontrgp Rd- Veil, C.obndo 81657 OOiIPLEIEVAUTATIOIT FOR PtulrBlx6 pssltllT (fabor A ilatcriab) - lt*"tt*r t l.r-". ". I Corlact rnd Phonc *t: q2t or hbnddrcss: " 1 Jobllacr: Cil w,t.t Grttx i, i^lef |' d^Cld ta Ste< i WckChss: |E"tV Addition( ) Aieratlon( ) ReFir( ) OtrerK) Typof 8H9-: Snqb-fimfy( ) hrplrr( ) l.fultFfantV( ) Critlttctdd0Q Restatat( ) OOt€r( ) No. d A.cqnmodatlrn Unils in drb bulldlng:No. d Abung Elwelllng Units in tfirs bualding: -.--OariPz ves( ) No( ) -- i tr..r...r... *tt*t..**t.. t tlttl r.t. rttIFOR OFFICE USE OtLYr*r.*. tt a'tt"'t""""r'i"'r l'* ' ** F/6r€r1,fiC/ftflF/CttaF fil m]5:.]-lf,i --lnipsi6ri treque$tREtfirtrng-Q:f8-,an- _ vrt[L.c') ,'TtrttttDt-OF,.- -" Page 21 . Req{estgd Insi8,rl Dat+: Tuesday, ,Jsnudrlr 15, 200t lnsp€cli()n Area. (:L) glte Address: 21dS N FROI{IAGE RP W[:ST yAIL ct"rg MARf{ET rr4,Rr.ihr$ $PA{:E ArFrD lntonns:Ug! Act|!'kv. pO1-O13{, fvDe i-Pt-ltltB Sub TvD{: ,{v)L)M Sutllt: I$SUEO Const Tyyi' Occupeiri y: il:*: h'sp Are6: rlEl f'aic€r: ?103'i 1424025orf}er TovlrN oF vAlL Apdlcart: MAJ$fN PLU|r't8lf{G & HEA''ING tltc. Pipne: 3?C-54?- 61]5 Contr€ctor MA|?Tf, PLUIAS\&|} & HEATII IG lil\!C. Ffrsne: aT& 547-9805 Descr'ptlon lhlSTAt L NFr/{. cREAgE INTEFCI PIEF Cornincrrl: ra.aivsJ conbarJd ntofirlalior,. foftrard{d ?rii l& cfiariis for ,(rrb*ralxrcryal - CIIAV}S COm,y}rnT: 1 1/lEO I : THIS WILL $TAY On,| H{]I.D U'{-TL COMTRACTCR GNTS ME ilORE TNFCI FOF H}3 PERMIT - eBAV|s Requqsted inspesjql{gl it*mi 290 PLtB-Flnrl ReqUe$Iof . MARTYN FT.UMHNG E HEATIhIG INC Conimenlc: S4'j'-s803 ttedu*stEd l'lm.*; 08li)0 AM Pnorie. s7G{i47-Sgt}5 Entersd Bv; AFLDHE$ KAssigned To: rj trRVfS Acllon'Tlr$c &:rp: Dw...l WWd-va ?toubrxx; {t*-t',rt-frrr*, !n,tFecdonjllsta|:I lbrfl: lrro PL|/lE-FIn6l n6rn: ?10 tterr. 2!Q PLMFundetglourr{l \Y..'' PtMSRc{roltD.utJ.Vi?t?rof In6De€tof. COAVIS Actiorr: P.e,PARnAI APFfiOI;AL commeats: wi.sTE ilNE FoRil T/tf{K TC ttAS iE $IAOi( Iil9TALLED MU51 iWN.sTE LINE FOR'yI T/f.IK TC'IIAS iE $IAOI( }TIgTALLED MU51 {]OIIPLETE CCT.JNECTIOT.T FROil| UPPfF PtLJ}jtbhIG I C' TANE A}IT, HSTALL Vr:NT FROra iA}iI( R.EpT13l Fun I,C: L272 : f'-. ?-.----_-l liT:i6TD67-- G$Ddifiort ttdguest neooruno_?;O9glrL___ ___ __t{AtLCO-._TpWH_bE__l Fage 3 R€qresfer.l lns.peet Dste: fJ*dnesday. January !$, ?003 |nspequon rv€a: C$ Slt€, Address: 2109 N FRONTA(;E RC y!EST VAIL CIIY MARKFT PAFKING frFACE AflOlnltlrolttSQ Aciivrty' B0 !.O3b4 Type: A-COMM SrrD Tup€ AC{f,M S,tslus: FINAL Consi Typ?' Occupoircy: I,S6: lt FR irrsp Area: CfJ Paic€l: 21(N1142.{125 o?.nir: TOVUFI OF VAIL Applicanl: Charwcler Cl€rnuD Com9onv Phor'€: 9?tr4538875Coritartcr Chorurat€r CLanub Crmbani Dssc.lpiiir,: f{STALL tlEtl, GREASE'IN1ERC;PTEI; Comrr|€nl. 1l/g01: Gcofoe hrr3 aMno ihls hr$ tlbrsif\:.-|- Df LCIFIE S{bnflrsDl- recelv€d contbclot irilo; lbirmrdrd tc, cllsri6 for r€vt€w,spprovEl. CDA'dlS CO{N'N*NI] ROT,IED TO CI"IARLE FOR REUiEW WHE'.I ALL INFO IS RECEI,IEI. 1{/8,0t: tHlS PERMIT lS O$l FiOi-D YVAITlblc FOR MORE INFORMAl}i3fl FROM CONTRACTOft, CONfi1AC'TOR NOTIFIED " DFI{FIES - Commoflls: Asshned'Io: Ac?lon:Timo tirp: Rsqqlested flme: 06:00 Afl' Phone: 97${6ii€87$ -or- 97O"3€G 1815 coll iPntareo tsy: DFLORES K FrtuftLP.t I W6: Yott' Actcn: .{P APPROVED Lnr:90 BLDf"-Finai 12i?7tOICo n€nls: t?i3l!O1 h6p€rtor: CDAVIS j $scsekillsEls{slts}r. ! lteml 9{! BU}G+lnar : ;l R€quesl}or Cl€Erlvat r CtsemtP contpgny [g^qg***r(3*1616 NJ(D . /1 >--)<t)rtl-U>/)p.__t UJr L\-,/ PO1.O13O I,UST AISO B€ FINALEC} AND ALL OTHER PLUTIB{.IG CONNECTIO'{$ IUADE AI.ID F{SPEGTED REPT131 I fttrn 1:d: t274 \ TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES U..^\ l-),,. -,r':r..L,,.. + C-q N'-^-it-\ ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #: B0l-0375 Job Address:2109 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......:CITY MARKET PARKING SPACE Applied. . : 12/0412001 Parcel No....: 210311424025 Issued. . . : l2lll/2001 Project No . : ?glOt - C4h Expires . . .: 06109/2002 OITINER TOWN OF VAIL L2/04/200I Phone: ATTN: SHELDON RE,AL PO BOX 5567 DENVER CO 8O2L7 I-,icense: CONTRACTOR MARK YOIJNG CONSTRUCTION, INCL2/04/200L Phone: 970-484-'J'648 155 Nort,h College Ave., Ste 220 Fort Collins. CO 80524 License: 260-A APPIJICAIfT MARK YOITNG CONSTRUCTION, INCL2/04/200L Phone: 970-484-L648 155 North College Ave., Ste 220 Fort Csllins, CO 80524 Li.cense: 260-A Desciption: ADDING NEW WALLS TO INSTALL NEW GREASE TNTERCEPTER IN PARKING SPACE 302 ONLY Occupancy: 53 Type Construction: II FR Type tI Fire Resistive Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $ I,500.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplace Informatioo: R€stricted: # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGa.s [.ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: O .......'rr.t'tt'rtrr*r$*t..*****'r***rt r.*ir**'r'r:l:rtr:lr FDF; Sl IN,IMARY Building- -' S5o. o oReduarant Plan Review-" S0.00 Total Calculaled Feeri-' S8s-s0 Plan Check-- S32 . soDRB Fee-- S0 . 00 .,\ddilional Fees-----.' S0 . 00 Investig&tion-' So. o oRecaeation Fee- So.oo 'fotal Pennit Fee------ S85.50 Will Call-). S3.ooclean-up Deposit.----- S0.00 Payments--------------, $8s. s0 TOTALFEES----? 9ss.5oBALANCEDlrE- $0.00 ADprovals:If6m: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT t2/06/200]- CDAVIS Action: AP SEE CORRECTIONS A}ID CONDITONS OF APPROVAIJ Itsem: 05400 PISIIINING DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT It,em: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS |t|||.l''****|'.'||t.|*.'ltt.t.|.|||||'''||||*'t..|.||||||'|*'''|tlt*t|t''*'**l}*|''.|||**** See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree t,o comply with the information and plot pla4 to comply with all Tovyn ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQLIESTS FOR INSPBCTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOIIR HOLTRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-213t OR AT OUR OFFICE FRoM 8:00 AM - 5 Plrvt. Send Clcrrrq Depoclt To: N/A SIGNATURE OF O OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE t.t L/q+ IWt{0FWn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor:Town of Vail Reo. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: PLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Laboi & Materials EUILDING: $ /Edo. oO For Parcel DRB F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm of Construction: visfr **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***********************<l************* # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-864O or Parcef # J-,o3lf qel oa5 (applicCtioii will'not belac&Dted without parcel n u m ber) '"od3H. zvta,,Jt /rrt^-- o^-o^ -o Job Address: --a I O4- fl . *n n*-ll--'-', R.l a'|.",f l-esat oXcription ll r-ot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners *u tt(, lo-nn^^-a--t Address:atoq al ,+^^fru t(.J Phoneaa-g"f .g5/a Architect/Designer: u Address: o Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: Br.',!-A &)a.a126 rtn^.',"^J 1ltr,-no f^^ L WorkClass: New({ Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (-f Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (--) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial (4 Restaurant ( ) fther( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: .- No/Typeof FireolacesExistinq: GasAooliances( ) GasLoos( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq( \ naxX Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) WoodiPellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( -f No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (vf No ( ) RECD DEC O 42001 "br t)"?u) {qef l- PP Grtrsr?rr'rt*J 3 occu,PtittCV )nEt{Y!^oO I F/(ttrkj^.i\/P1u>T lrtp.6t) t^;,1 t1O€J DEff . _.-?lo't?o-t?U, _*- ?ltz/or LU*tL A:J ry#rff:ff.-o-Corr,t@g5ng.1 t-lA-uE i- nz rt.er AsSt r,t fut{:>Town of Vail OFFIffffi #OPY- r'r 1' O,D. {ou. > [:,'l:i, P*t#clu e$tF) r Pr:lht'?ltE (J(t 0F yl r 06.,iJ,htrd|ry Cad!, ltlHlf ot pcrmil The isua eFrral d-tld, qHfcations and comprnarirr frd ftq c ro morat of, any vroiauon coal .r dry & qdirecc of rhc jurisdicr, rg of a permit o be construcd to provisions of pnrsumtng to uthritt to nble 6 cecct tlE provisio$ of thc jurhddo rhall oo bc val.id.olhsr ordinances of a HffmlH:n"?o#g#.,,i s rnd orheFdur, or from prcvcntiag buildr :' t::cr' ' ;l :;s, ::r:rl:r ,.,.,!- r rr viclation of this code or 9au"4 l)-6-o t-$ "gl', lrt'.9'y02"e"1 { 2- Chrw,Ur : * SAgsfrct, t ,o'ot S. 1 Eprry carts$. 1 !- Scrk0 eo" rrra1. )'l11"-? utr 4rtirtI 1too,> ' Ap?'.1il're{"tttnl Yrrl\trtf;)"' tar=-- fn-.t1' g\lrLo: 'l v 7r"a.bFZ Steoxd.rry eh.*$ct Action Form TOWN OFVAIL ProjectName: Vail Commons - Air Handler Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone:TOV and City Market (Andy Knudtsen) ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: nla Project Street Address: 2107 North Frontage Road Legal Description: Unplatted - Vail Das Schone o D Modification to air handler building - providing sound atenuators on three sides - stucco and paint to match building Parcel Number: Comments: BuildingName: VailCommons Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Dominic F. Mauriello Date: tt-17-97 Board i Staff Action Action: staff approved F :\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL91VA ILCOM.N I 7 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: nla N0.002 '-lo' '-b' fiu FE5=bHS i\<o-= veE46ilura fr Dz HXut f---,r[1 Zs; 'J.^ - - t-z--rlll lll\ ll F>-tsr ', rrparNl' L- --1_J / [f:rltf \l f\ ll F -:<{ re) t ul $,_ r,|'_ (nc.t =rVV.l tI.r\ tL-Ft) HS b CONDENSEP BLDG. FLOOR PLAN SCALE l/B' . l'-O' DLIn!mnY.Etan vArL m|rIO!{S {ONDEN$, EU|IIulKr crruKns x/tDf offirlslhbh.Hr*,o*||Ib tDr.l4! tb 11/17 /s7 ) TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER NOTE: THIS PBRMIT MUST BE POSTED NEW COMM BUILDING PERMIT Job Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST SIaTus... Location... : CITY MARKET (VAIL COMMONSAppIied. . Parcel No..: 2103-114-15-013 Issued... !jxD].res . . Descriprion: Clean-up De TENANT FrNrsH( (r6pFug6dl . occupancy ''.-qm0-URtipe .pancy '\lilrrY_r+r{llype rable Date: 0sdbt6lee6 CITY MARKET/ INC. P.O. BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTTON, CO 81502 CITY MARKET, INC. P.O. BOX 729l GRAND JUNCTION, CO 81502 T"ETt?"r#ffifCmrrnxDev, .RAND JUNcrroN Phone:. 970-2 Phone:. 970-2 co 81502 Valuation: Factor Sq. Feet ValuationTotal Val-uationl ,00 I SSUED o4/28/ree7 05/08/7ee7 tt/04 /7ee741-0750 41-0750 accurate ptot and ptot plan, subdivision 10, Fi reptace Information: Restricted: Y fof Gas AppI i ances:fof Gas Logs:#Of ltood/Pa l. L et: **********t********************************************i*t* F EE SUI 4ARy ***********************************t********************** Bui Ld ing-----> P Lan Check---> Invest igat i on> Hi l"L CaL L----) 145.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi ew--> .00 Recreation Fee---------->3.00 Clern-Up Dcposi t--------> .00 Total. Catcutated Fees---> 312-2591-25 oRB .oo 342 .25 5.rZ - Z> **r*****i******************************lllil*liii;;;;;;;;;;;ii*i**********ili;i?*******lillfi-lYi;;;;;;;iiii*ii************i??*** Itqm: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:04/28/1997 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO CHUCK04'/29'/1997 CHUCK Action: APPRItemi'.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division;04/.28/1997 CHARLIE Actionr NOTE PLANS TO ANDY0570871997 ANDY Action: APPR akIt'em:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:04/.28/.1997 CHARLTE ecrionl NoTE pLANs To FiRli9t729'/\227 _MIKE M Action: ApPR Shop drawinqs requiredI!e$i"055q0_puBrrc woRK$ D6pr: pus wonx Division:O4/28/7997 CHARLIE Action: AppR N./A Iqe{r_i',957Q0_qNVIBoNMENTAL HEA_LTS ,',- Depr: HEALTH Division:9!/28/\227 CEABLIE Action: AppR N/A _ -_ _, .Ite$i'.q5550_EI.IEINEERING Depr: ENGTNEER Division:04/28/7997 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A *********************************tr*************************)t*********Jr******f,t********************t#*****************t********** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS .OO Additionat Fees--------->.00 Totat Permit Fee--------> 100.00 Payments------- I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this appl,ication, fil,ted out in tul.L the information required, compteted anptan, and state that atl. the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty uith the iniormationto compty with at[ Town ordinances and state [a]rs, and to buiLd th.is structure the ToFn's zoning andcodes, design revie!, appfoved, tjniform Buitding code and other ordinances of i cab [e thereto. REOUESTS TOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I4ADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Scnd Cte€n-Up Deposi t To: CfTv IiARKET OR AT OUR OFFICE F R01'l '.-- l)"&Hdts# DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0083 it Refund CONTRACTOR FOR HII.ISELT ANO OIINER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 897-0083 as of O5/L2/97 Status: ISSUED**********************************rr*rr**r.**************************************** Permit Type: NEW COMM BUILDING PERMIT Applied. 04/28/1997Applicant: CITY MARKET, rNC. Issued: 05/08/1997970-24L-O750 To Expiret 1,L/04/t997 Job Addre6s:Location: CITY MARKET (VAIL COMMONS)Parce] No: 2103-l-L4-15-013 Description: TENANT FINISH (H&R BLOCK) Conditions:1. Submit fire alarm and fire sprinkler shop drawings.2. DOOR MUST COMpLy WITH S8C.5406(h) OF THE 1991 UBC. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON Job Address I-,ocation. . . Parcel, No. .Project No. ISSUED 04 /28 /ree7o4/30/rss7 10/27 /ree7 77-7737 JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Pernit #: 897-0065ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status... CITY MARKET (VAII-, COMMONSAppI-ied. .2L03-LI4-15-013 Issued... PRJ9 6-0007 ExDi-res . . Phone: 303-7APPI.,,ICANT ELECTR]CAL CONTRACTING SERVICES 363 WEST EVANS AVENUE, DENVER, CO 80223 CONTRACTOR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING SERVICES 363 WEST EVANS AVENUE, DENVER, CO 80223 OWNER Phone: 303-777-7737 Valuation:2 r 000 . oo ***********************i*************t*f, ****************** TotaL Catcutated Fees---) 53.00 Additional Fees---------> .00 Total Pefmit tee--------> 53.00 Payments------- .oo TOWN OF VAIL T CITY MARKET, PO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81502 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR TENANT FINISH ****************************************i****************** tEE SUt4llARy E Iect ri ca [--->50.00 DRB Fee .00 3.00 TOTAL FEES---> 53.00 Investigation> l,f i l,l, caLt----> *******t**************************************t*****************************************************************************t***** IlSlri,gQQqO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:04 /.30 /.1997 CHUCK Action : APPR04'/30'/1997 CHUCK Action: NOTE ok per ernstI!e{'i'.Q56q0_LI_BE DEPARTTTENT ____ Depr: FrRE Division:04/30/1997 CHUCK Action: AppR ****************************************f***********************************t*****f***********************J.t********************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ***********************************************t lt*******t************t*****i***ff********ff***************t*ft*ft****ff*****t** DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknovtedge that r have read-this apptication, fil.ted out in futt the information required, comp[eted an accurate ptot Ptan, and state that att the information provided as regui red is correct. I agree to compty riith the infornation and ptot itan,to compty lrith aLt Town ord'inances _and state Laws, and to buitd this structure according to'the Town's zoning and subdivisibncodes, design reviev approved, uniform BuiLdjng code and othe. ordinances of the town afpticabLe thereto. REAUESTS TOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I,IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS tN ADVANCE TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2r38 Job Address. . . Location Parcel No.....Project Number DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M97-0064 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST C]TY MARKET (VAIL COMMONS 2103-114-1s-013 PRJg6-0007 Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Expires . . I SSUED o4 /28 /7ee7 o4/30 /1.ee7 ro /2'7 /\es7 APPLICANT COMMERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERING,LTP.O. BOX 2440t COLORADO SPRINGS/ CONTRACTOR COMMERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERING,LTP.O. BOX 2440t COLORADO SPRINGS,OWNER TOWN OF VAIL t CITY MARKET, PO BOX 729, GRAND Description: MECHANICAL FOR TENANT FINISH JUNCTION CO 81502 Valuation z 2, 000. 00 Phone: co 80901 Phone: co 80901 '719 /390-059s 7 L9 / 3e 0-05e5 Fi reotace Infornation: Rest fi cted:flof Gas Appt iances:#0f Gas Logs:#0f tlood/Pa l. Let: ***********************************************ff********** FEE SUrt'lARy ********************************************************** l,lechani cat---) Ptan check---> Investi gat i on> ui tt cat t----> 10.00 DRB 40.00 Restuarant P lan Review--).00 Total Catcutated Fees---)51.00 .OO TOTAL FEES----- 3. O0 .0O AdditionaL Fees---------> -O053.00 Totat Permit Fee--------> 53.00> 53.00 Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: IIem: -O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT04/29/1997 CHUCK Action: APPRIt.em:' .O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENT04/29/1997 CHUCK Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL ].. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOU]RED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE ],991 UMC.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS ANDTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 UMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND703 OF THE ].991 UMC'6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNLESS L]STED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMITIPLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICALROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER $UPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 0F THE 1991 UMC ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS t hercby ackmvtedgc th.t.l have rlad this apptication, fiLtrd out in futt thc inlornation requircd, cornptetld rn accurate ptot ptan,,and state that all thr intormtion provid.d as required is corrcct. I agrcr to corpty rrith thc infornation and ptot pl,an, to corply uith aLt Toun ordinancca rnd state tavs, and to build this structurc according to the Toenrs zoning and suMivlsion codes, dcsign pcvicH approvcd, lrnifonm Bui tding Codr lnd other ordinances ot thc ToHn appl,lc!b[. thereto, NEQUESTS FOR ITISPECTTOIIS SHALL 8E IADE T9EilTY-FOI,R TELEPHo|{E AT 479-213A 0R Al OUR OTFICE FROr 8:00 AH 5:00 Plt SIGNATURE OF OII}IER OR CoIITRACTOR FOR HI}ISELF AND r<l L 1.::";;;:r;6gi[o3"ill"f::i";:tjffi oF vArL coNsrRucrro"l IPARCEL /l:- pERMrr AppLrcATroN FoRMl ---- oerct 4-,+*Sl - , APPLTCATION MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR rT MAy NOT BE ACCEPTED x***************************** PERMIT INFORMATTON *****************************n-fi1=nuildins €nrunbing ffi-Etecrrlcal $ry-uechanibal [ ]-other Job Name:( Job Address: _& Lega1 oescription: Lot Block_ FilirS suBprvrsroM ourners Name: (l.tfY Urul"{ Address: Architect:Addpess: PER.IIIT # General Description: Work classt 1$.*11"" t l-AI Number of Dwelling Units: a]ation [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Accommodation Units: ter ,.,4 Q c;u= Logs O Wood/pelte6_ iurr,prHct ! d.P0 ELEcTRIcAt z $;p1Q Address: Mechanical Address: ontractor: ********************************FOR Town of VaiI Reg. No.&bO -EPhone Number: Tovrn of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of VaiI Reg. No. l1&-l/) Phone Number: oFFrcE usE ** * ** * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * :r'r * * BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: Phone Number: Electrical C,.,ontractorz 6C 9 FgZ _cl:_-&,fAddress; 6f-C;,,er ,rooS CPFF6- Plurnbing Contractor: Address: BUTLDTNG PERMIT F'EE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE! I,IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTI.IDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: J SIGNATURE:.' VALUATION CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFIINI) ili 75 3oulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 l3o3l 479-2I.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUEJECT: ottlce ol communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTIYL REGISTERED T{ITH THETOWN OF VAIL i TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORr(S/COMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sumnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soiJ-, ,"c[, sand, debrisor rnateriar, incruding trash hurp=t"r., portabre toirets andworkrnen vehicles. upon any streetl siaeraixl -;ti;y or publicpl?:" or any portion theieot. The rishr_"i_;;t-;n alt Town ofvail streets and roads is approxinatery 5 ft. 6ff pu.r.rn"nt,.This ordinance wir.r be strilliv -entorc-ea uy the-rown of Vair IPublic works Department. pers3ns found v:_6fatins this ordinancewiII. be given a 24 hour written ""1i""*ti-;;;;:"=aid mareriar.rn the event the person so notified. does not conrpty with thenotice within the 24 hour.tine sfeci;i;d,"G";;;lic worksDepartment wilr remove said mateii-r .t tn"'""p""se of personnot-ified. The provisions of this-oiai".n"" ;t5ii'nor beapplicable to c6nstruction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alt-ey or any utilities i" in"-rl!ti_"_r"y. To review ordinance No- o in furr., prease stop by the Town ofYii-r Buir-ding Department to obtain a copy. ttrant< you for yourcooperation on this matter. knowledged (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 south lronlage rord vall, colorsdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 otflce ol communlty dey€lopment 'IBUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TII,IE FRAI.IE If this permi.t requires a Town of vair Fire Deparfinent Approvar,Engineer''s. (.Publ ic works) reyiew and approvat,' a pjinnlni'bLpartnentreview or Hea'l th Department review, anb'a_rev.i ew by the Builaing - - Department, the estinated time for a total "euier-ilay"iai!'as iongas three weeks. f]] c9mm9r9ia1 (iarge or sma'il) and ail murti-familv permits wirihave to follow the above mentioned maximum requireminii. Residentia.land.small projects shourd take a resser amount of time. However, irresidential or smal'l er.projects impact the various above mentioneodepartments wi.th regard' to-necessary review, tf,ese proje.ir' ruva'l so take the three week period, Every attempt wrlll be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as s.gon as possible. - I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. --s Communi ty Development Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED Job Name:Date:1-&-qq Please answer the following questionnaire regarding lhe need for a 'Public Way Permit': 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use ol the right of way, easements or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls diflerent access needed lo site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easemenis, or public property? 7) ls a "Bevocable Bight Ol Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit' musl be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Works otfice or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis, the Town ef Vail Construction lnspec,tor, at 479-215f., answered allthe above questions. e.0-or<64 t-25 6"1 Date YES NO x= D4_ * A i I F_ x- P< Contracto/s Signature ;{EE5t d 5 PBgE.E; Eb;ts38 F EIii sE":E; SE;E€ .Eg 5€ s > E.E e.E EEEE; E rE e€ . E EI BgE .gE€ I ats H€EE g€ I I I I I I I I I I I I I €I ?lF-lo,l I I,:.v, o z c) ,HIt I f. o (J c) F N .tt Y o r\\r'Z rrl nZE|||HEa lllV xF | | Ir\ Ee I I IXEq IiIXf5s lllv FEe | | |EgEE IiI ^ EsE | | IV :es I | | rv\ 'l:; | | |;:= E.-YF vl | | F= r*E Hl | | ri EEr €l :l 4)v s€E rt 9t hlF Bd3- I H gltrIEE IEI =IF E:g EI IIe a;i q51 6l /O\ E€'E X *I Ifig;; !Rl s\r' E=*H .0 €€E€ s g €sul s .E HFsE E a E 'FbE;3z 'a's r... a\ q)\rs aaC s$ss SESE.i s:\.):i sEs*tt s fAEs - ),rX v €s I sdis F\ goF SU'.: h Printed by Joan Nolen 6/23/9e 8:53am From: ludy PopeckTo: loah t{olen, tynne Canpbe]]Subject: eood crief! I | | ===NOTE===-= ==:=:e*$ / 22 / 9*= 4 z 3 4pn==f'n not sure wish one of you is workino on these permi ts more so i ' 'l'l send to - both of you. V"'brts Scrtdrte 4: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 896-0306 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9 -2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED NEW COMM BUILDING PERMIT APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Job Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..: crTY MARKET, INC. P.O. BOX 729, GRAND CITY MARKET, INC. P.O. BOX 729, GRAND TOWN OF VAIL 2099 N FRONTAGE RD VAIL COI,IMONS (CITY 2103-114-1s-013 JUNCTION, CO 81502 JUNCTTON/ CO 81502 WEST Status. . . MARKETApplied.. Issued... Expires. . I SSUED to/o4/ree6 r0 /2r / ree 6o4/re/reel 41-0750 41-0750 Phone: 970-2 Phone : 97 0-2 7s s FTWfeoffi#i. &\l. to 816s7 Investigation> uiLL caLl,----> 285-O0 Restuarant Ptan Revi ew--> .00 Recreation Fee----------> 3.00 Ctean-up Deposi t--------> Valuati-on: Additional, Fees---------> TotaI Permi t F ee--------> Payment s 50.00 .00 100.00 623 .25 .oo 623 .25> 623.25 Dept: BUILDING Division CHUCK? ? Dept: PLANNING Division ANDY Dept: FIRE DivisionFIRE DEPTAS NOTED BY 460Dept: PUB WORK Division Dept: HEALTH DivisionNOTIFY PAUL DeDt: ENGINEER Division *************************************************************i***********************************i*******************t************ See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that rnay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, f it,l,ed out in fuLl. theptan, and state that aLt the information provided as required is cofrect. I aoto compty lrith att Tor.,in ordinances and state laHs, and to buil.d this structure codes, design review approved, Uniform Euil,ding Code and other ordinances of REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI.IENTY-TOUR IIOURS tN ADVANCE BY TELE accurate p tot and plot p tan, subdivision Descript-ion: Clgan-UODeOTENANT FINISH (SMARTCARE.) 'approvedo"'"B:;i: Dare:afFAq date F i reptace Information: Restricted: i**********rr****t******************************i**********t FEE SUHIlARY *****************************t**************************** Bui !d i ng-----> P [an check---> 145.25 Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTI0/.04/1996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TOI0'/2I'/1996 CHUCK Action: APPRItbm:'.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENTI0/04/.1996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO1071171996 ANDY Action: APPR akItbm:' -O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENTI0/04/.I996 CHARLIE Action: NoTE PLANS TOI0'/I4'/1996 MIKE M Action: APPR APPROVEDItem:' 05500 PUBTIC WORKS !9/o4/\s_e_q^clAB!_IE Action: APPR N/AItEm:' O57OO ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTHl0/04/1996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE CHARLIEIO'/21'/1996 CHUCK Action: APPRItbm:'.05550 ENGINEERINGI0/04/1996 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A Factor Sq. Feet Val-uationTotal Valuation: .00 dof Gas Logs: ,0f [ood/Pattet: .0O TotaI Ca Lcu lated Fees---> ,? dof Gas App I i ances: informat ion required, compteted an o conpty Hith the information ccoJding to tE ToHn's zoning and thereto. OUR OFFICE F ROI"I 8:OO ATl Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: CITY IIARKET SELF AND OI,INE R ******************************************************************************** Permit #: 896-0306 Permit Type: NEW COMM BUILDING PERMITApplicant: CITY MARKET, INC. 97 0-24L-O7 50 Applied. Io/04/Ige6 Issued t LO/2t/L996 To Expiret 04/I9/!997 CONDITIONS as of to/30/96 Status: ISSUED *************************r.**********************************************!k******* Job Address: Locatj-on: VAfL COMMONS (CITY MARKET)Parcel No: 2103-114-15-013 Descr j-ption: TENANT FINISH (SMARTCARE) Condi-tions:1. As the space is 1258 square feet of finished space, there isa parking requirement of 6.29 spaces (I258/Z0o). Thestandard parking reguj-rement for retail square footagers one space per every 300 square feet, or for this amountof floor area, 4,1-9 spaces. The difference of 2,1 spacesmust be deducted from the surplus amount of parkinqt spacescurrently on the site.2. SUBMIT FIRE ALARM SHOP DRAWINGS.3. FIRE SPRINKLER SHOP DRAWINGS NEED TO BE SUBMITTED.4. SUPPLY KEYS FOR KNOW BOX BEFORE TCO5. THIS TENANT SPACE HAS BEEN DETERMINED TO BE A "B" OCC. ANDIS DESCRIBED AS AN OUTPATIENT CLINIC AND MEDICAL OFFICE (WHERE FIVE OR LESS PATIENTS IN A TENANT SPACE ARE INCAPABLE OF UNASSISTED SELF PRESERVATION). TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9 -2138 E !ectri cat---> DRB Fee Investigation> Ui l,l, Ca l.l.----> TOTAL FEES__-> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 896-0248 Job Address Location...Parcel No..Project No. APPLICANT E C ELECTRIC, rNC. P.O. BOX 3374, GRAND CoNTRACTOR E C ELECTRIC, INC. P.O. BOX 33?4, GRANDOWNER TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S FRONTAGE RD W, 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status. . . vArL coMMoNS (crTy MARKETAppIied. .2103-1f4-15-013 Issued. . .PRJ96-000? Exoires. . Phone:970-2 JUNCTTON, CO 81502 JUNCTION/ CO 81502 VAIL CO 81657 Phone:. 970-241-3302 Valuation:5 r 000. o0 I SSUED 70/04/ree6 to /22 / ree 6 o4/20/ree7 41_-3302 Description: TENANT FINISH (SMART CARE) *****************t**i********t***************************** FEE SUl.l14ARy 90.00 .00 .00 3 .00 93.O0 Tota I Catcu [ated Fees---> Addi tiona L Fees---------> Tota t Permit Fee--------> Payments 93 .00 .00 93 .00 93.00 .oo **************Jr*********t******************i***************************************1********************************************** rtem: .060Q0 ELECTRTCAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:10/.Q4/.L996 CHARLTE Acriont l.rOrE-plaus ro ERNSiIo'/22'/1996 CHARLTE Acrion: ApFn FeR- eH0cx-Itbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: ***t**********i*********************i**************t*********************************i***t***********************************i**** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. F'IELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. **********t**************************************************************************************ti********i********************** DECTARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read.this appl.ication, f il,l,ed out in ful.l, the information required, compteted an accurate ptot Pl'an, and state that atI the information pfovided as required is correct. I agree to conpl.y Hith the information and ptot pl.an,to compty lrith atl' Toun ordinances_and state [aws, and to buil,d this structure according io the Town,s zon.ing and suMivisioncodes, design review approved, Uniform Euil,ding code and other ordinances of the Town aooticabl.e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I4ADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 llechanicat---> PLan Check---> Invest igat i on> Ui L l, Ca t l.----> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M96-0164 Job Address. . . : 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WESTLocation : VAIL COMMONS (CITY MARKET)ParceI No..... : 2103-114-15-01.3Proiect Number: PRJ96-0007 Description: TENANT FINISH (SMART CARE) fireptace lnformation: Restricted: fof Gas Apptiances: APPLICANT COMMERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERINGp.o. Box 2440, coLoRADO SpRrNcS, CO 80901 CONTRACTOR COMMERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERINGp.o. Box 2440t coLoRADo spRrNcs, co 80901 OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD W, VAIL CO 81657 100.00 Restuarant P lan Revie!-->25.00 DRS iof Gas Logs: .00 Total Calcutated Fees--->.0o Additional, Fees--------->128.00 Tota[ Permi t Fee--------> Phone: 9719-390-0595 Phone: 9719-390-0595 5, 000 . 00 fot Uood/Pa t Let: 12E.00 .00 128-00 128.00 Status. . .Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Valuation: I SSUED 10/04/tee6 ro /22/tee6 o 4 /20 /|ee7 *****t***i**t***t*****tt***i***********ff**tt***********ft* FEE SUlll.lARy **********t***********i*******************************i*** .OO TOTAL FEES----- 3. O0 *************i*******t****r*r**********r*r************i*******************************lllllillli;;;;;;;ii**iii************ill*** ItE{'i,Q51qO-EUII,DING DEPARTMENT DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:t0/22/L996 CHARLTE ecEion:- AFFn cHaurE DAVrS*I!S{'i',glqq0_IIRE DEPARTTTENT _ Depr: FrRE Division:10/22/L996 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *********tk****************rf***************************************************** DECLARATIONS r hereby acknow(edge that I have read this apptication, fiLLed out in fuLt the information required, compteted an accufate ptot Ptan, and state that atl the infornati.on provided as required.is correct. I agree to compl,y vith tire iniormation and pl,ot pl,an, 1:,::tpjl^Y]lh_i l! T:1 ordinances-and state.taws,.and to buiid th'is structure according to'the Townis ionin! "no suMivis.ioncodes, design review approved, Uniform SuiLding Code and othen ToHn appticabte thereto. AI 179-2138 0R AT oUR oFFIcE tRolt 8:00 A 5:OO pr4REOUESTS fOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII.ISELF ANO TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-4't 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS ITE PermitPLUMBING PERMIT AT #r ALL TIMES P96-0168 APPLICANT COMMERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERINGP.O. BOX 2440, COLORADO SPRINGS/ CONTRACTOR COMMERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERING P.O. BOX 2440, COLORADO SPRINGS, OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD W, VAIL CO 81657 ' Description: TENANT FINISH (SMART CARE) *********************************************************** FEE SUllllARy P tumb i ng-----) P tan Check---> Investigation> ui tt cal.i----> Restuarant P lan Review--> REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TIJENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status. . . VAIL COMMONS (CITY MARKETApplied. .2103-11-4-15-013 Issued... PRJ96-0007 Expires. . Phone: 9779-co 80901 co 80901 Phone:9719-390-0595 VaLuation:3,500.00 .00 Total ca lcutated tees--->60.00 15 .00 .00 3.00 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No.. Project No. I SSUED L0/o4/rse6 L0/22/ree6 o4 /20 / 1,es7 390-0s9s 78.00 .00 78. 00 78.00 Additionai Fees---------> TotaI Permi t Fee--------> Paynents > 78.00 *************************************i*********************r***************************?llilli-lli;;;;;;;****iii************i??*** Ilqm: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:70/22/1996 CHARLIE AC€iON: APPR FOR CHUCKII.em:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DepI: FIRE Division: *******************)t********************************************t***********ti*****i*******t*********i*****tt***************t***** CONDITION OF APPROVAL **rd**********************************t***t**********t*******************************************t************t****************** DECLARATIONS I hereby ackno'rtedge that I have read this apptication, fitLed out in fuLl. the information required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atI the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty viith the information and pl.ot itan,to comPty with atI Town ordinances and state taws, and to buil,d this structure accordiqg to the Town's zoning and subd.ivisioncodes, design review approved, Uniform Bu.itding Code and other ordinances of theJounf;pti to. T OUR OFFICE FROI,I TOR HI}1SELF ANO OTINER f*Contact Eagle County Assessors j$ru;J';:t'=: fn:";r:I 0ffice '99il":[ xlll,8iili3il"F3ip PERI-IIT /I Ffl896-g,gq7 a APPLfCATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COTIPLATELY OR IT I,|AY NoT BE AccEpTED I******* *********************** PERMIT fNFOR!.IATJON ********** ****'l****** *******:rrl-1v'3-auitaing gr/5-erunuing ffi-Electrical [p{-Mechanibal [ ]-other Job Narne: Legal Description: Lot Block_ riling Owners Nane:Address: /oK itt 0^1, de,i.,*, 'to[--Ph@ en. ff-5rooArchitect: ceneral- Description: Work CLass: ffi-few [ ]-Alterati.on [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Unj_ts: Nunber of Accomnodation Units: f*"t and Tlpe of Firepraces: Gas Appliances- Gas Logs_ woodr/perlet_ l[*******..".."Hfir_6"d;e******** uo"uoHHSlE6***************************** PY_lt_pII9t ! (Q *er'. ErrcrRrcAL, r__5,2r2f orHER: $ Address: _gir^ ;;:1""f"ffi11,*"n- *o. /4o-A ILWBTNG: $_3;bo'? MEcHANrcar: t@ ioil;; Ef * * * * * * *t?n;gJ"e A * * y1* * ** * "ory**ffifsdftffi ro* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *f EeneraL contractott ( '.Ir., UrK------ Town 6f va i.t Da.- rr.i ta/, - a PLUMBTNG: g_j Electrical Contractor:Address: G Plurnbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * *********** BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLI,'IIIBING PERMIT FEE: }TECHANTCAL PER}TII FEE: Town of Vail Reg. No.2(A.-E Phone Number: Town of vail Reg. no.JJ8-PPhone Number: Town of Vail Reg. nO.l9?--tvl Phone Nurnber: oFFrcE usE * * ******* * ********** * ** *** ***** BUTLDTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE: FOR TOTAL BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATURE! ,[ pg3 ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: cLEAtr UP DEPOSIT REPIIM) I1): 0.ul 75 loulh tronlsge road Yail, colo.ado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SURTECI: rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit "ni ,oif,-r""i, sand,, debrisor rnaterial , including trash iunpsters, portabre toirets andworkmen vehicles.|pon any streetl =ia"".il;-;ii;y or publicpl::" or any porriin th;;e;i:--rl" rr.shr_of_way on alL Town ofvail streets and.roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance rlll b..;ir$it;'-enforced by the Town of vailPubric I'{orks Deoartrnent. pers6ns found vi;ratin; this ordinancewill- be siven a 24 hour *r"ia[;;-';"ti""-tJ-;;;;""="id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified.aoes noi--coipry with thenoti.ce wirhin the- 24 rroui-tirn"-=p""iiiil, "il"-;l;ric worksDepartment wilr remove said aateli"i-il-in"'"*i!i=e of personnotified' The provisions-ot-trril orainance sharl not beapplicable to cbnstruction, '.irri.rurrce or repair projects ofany street or atley or any "aiiiai;--i; G"-;i;;i_"_""y. To review ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. tlani< you for yourcooperation on this uratter. offlce ol communlly devclopmanl ALL CONTR,ACTORS CURREMTLYL REGISTERED I{IIIT THETOI{N OF VAIL TO!{N Or VArL PUBLTC WORKS/CO!,IMUNITY DE\ELOPMENT IT'ARCH 16, 1998 CONSTR,UqTTON PARKING & }fATERTAL STORAGE cknowledged r (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 louth lrontrge roed Y!ll, color'do 81657 (3o3't 479-2L38 or 479-2139 ottlce of communlty devclopmc|rt BUILDING PERI4IT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If this perylt requi.res a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approva.l,Engineer"s (pubric works) review .nJ ipp"ouai,'i iiiiiiini'blp."t "ntreview or Health Departnent review, ani'"_review uy tne duiioinsDepartment, the estimated time tor'a totat ""ui""-il.v"ia[l'as tongas three weeRs. A]'l commercial ('large or sna'll ) and all rnu'lti-family permits willhave to follow itre Soove renti6nia-maiimum requirements. Residentialand.small projects should take a teiie""amount of time. However, ifresidential or smatler.prcjects impiii ilre vJrious;;;;" rinilon"adepartments with reoard' to-necessaiy-r"ui"", these projects mayalso take the three-weet periroal Every attempt wil'r be nnde by this department to expedite thispermi't as soon as possible. - 'v Y'\rrY I:-!1. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeTrame. 1o-a{6 .+-Ac\l Ufuo Comnun j ty Devel ooment Department. l,MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMTT'IS REOUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Date: lO --t -QG Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need lor a 'Public Way Permit.: 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use ol the right of way, easements or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? v- F-4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls difierent access needed lo site other than existing driveway? Y- 6) ls any drainage work being done aflecling the right of way, easemenls, or public prcpefty? 7) ls a "Revocable Right CI Way Permit' !2_ required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easemenls or public property to be used for staging, )4 parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? !f_V9u_ algwered yes to any of these questions, a "Pubtic Way Permil" must be obtained.?ublic Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Works ofiica or atC9-llulity Development. lf you have-any questions please catt Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construc.tion Inspector, at 479-21*. YES NO D( r- all the above questions. !liiiii:::=:3:*-:::s:xdi!i:iir!li!diliilil:::''Q':r1r333====== F.R6E AREA: CF I4 Ac.b i vi by : 496-ttr3Eri'4/ei/13 Type: CUMBUILD Status: I$$UED Constr: NCOlvl *cidress: tO99 N FROI{TAGE RD t-,EgT Lr:c:ab idn: UAIL COHMONS (CITY mAfiPlET) l-'arcel r PlES-1 l4-1 5-0t3 Descr'iL:tion: TENANT FINISH (Sf4ARTCARE) rrg:prl icarlb; CITY ITIARKF:f, INf,. Dwnet': IOt.lN OF VAIL Contraetorr CIT'Y FlrlRKETr INC. Occ l Use: I FR F,hone r 9701*i:41 "-8175{i| Fhotre r Fhone : 97tZ'-'e41*875O lnspec'tion Raquest Infornation. .., Reqr-restor: DARRELL Req Ti me r fltl : tl0 Comment s r MEET Items r equested ta be Inspecbed... 0atfi40 BLDG*F i rra I C/tr Ei453T} FI RE*.FINAL C/O Ffhone: 97dt*PGL-4577 F,rT l F,Fl Act i r:n Comment s Time Exp In*pect i on Hi st ory" , , . , 005OlZr t-'t^l-Fackf i I I Inspect ion tAlagE 1 Ft^l*Temp. accpes/drai nage OUrS{.li: I-,tJ-Ror-rgh grade otASr3rt F,t,l-Fina1 dr.i veway qnade 'OO5J.tt dri veway grade f ina.L Otautl rA BLDG-Foot inqs/st ee I AUU'ctA BLDG*Foundat i on/5t ee I rz[araE5 Ptl-FRAl4ING rABrSgrA F,LAN-ILC tiite F,lan oerBSrA BLDG-Fr.am ing UA$4$ * * Not Un F i le -,t 't+ qtAASO Bl-D6-Insrrlat i on AAgt6A BLDG*Sheetroek Ne,i I AIiEIl97 Inspecton: CF rZlO0BA {. * Not On FiIe * r+ rAArZrTra BLDG*lvli sc. gtqt09Pr BLDG-FinaI AES:]A BLD6"-Ternu. tr/A @7 /I5/97 Inspeetor*: [rS lAlAS3I FIRE*TEI'|P. X/A grn53e FrW*TElYlP. E/O 6O533 FLFIN-IEMF " tr/n fiW337 PLAN_F INRL E/O IAESJB FIRE..FINAL C/O U'@539 F'l,j-FINflL. t;/fi Utl2t54'Z' BLDG*F inaL tr/U It em r Iteml Itemi Iteml Iteml Ibem: Item: Item: Iteml ItEm: Itcm: Iteml Itelr l ILem: Item: Item: 1L e+n: Item: Item: Item:'ltem r I t efr|: Item! item: Act i sn: AFF Itr Ar::t i on: F'A MEDItrF{L CARE RREA SMNftT CRfIE ONLY (' ln Ptaue{'o-/b> 0&. {lt *'i L {'rfri'd' : '{f1 F fJ 'il ,h ot ot #€ g i;>., o= c SqEEE.o ".9 9 o E E5l a 9ge8,.: -O F'E vPts6I c s+;tE E€ E{'t h 5.5 s.E ;EEE; E r;:9 S$,EEE€ EgE$E.f ,EbE I a;l- gteE EEEEgE Y {J ).X9.. S\IH-lc{\ ; o () lt) F I I I ItlttIItttttlql ,ol | .-ll | -61I o\l,ol .. I II ..r =vvt: vv ().raz :(r-5fl QIzl-l F-il gl <l >l >lFI 6l I 3c) 6 B q) I =va)EE;: TBt -!2 >r!t fi.8;=e .! .= .^;'g >.; 11 .6t:j3o \J (g -obnit-E€9 F S.EHOC) EE 3.E€ =et a.= .EEE,iortE:EgER BfiPg.g =E -"5sEE : aE-:- boEE g x() dtlrEt =!-=R9 or d-= .i.:Z .s.E g 9 ooF(lEc €FE EET.g= F FS ! r\\r'z o-,Far\\Jr\v -V (v. -V f 'r't (-^tr- r\v (-t [-,M t-\ t-\U 'a A a.)\Ro^SI b=h $$*3 FSSQ.isi! N S".l ETPq T,5 R -t OJiEE ^ \rl v €sIsd;s a sssu's c)o.F (r () c) c) z TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAIL/ CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 o D NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE ADD/ALT COMM BUILD Job Address Location. . . ParceI No..Project No. EPARTMENT OF \)"\reselnrlso COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PERMT Permit #: 896-0303 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST SIaTus... VAIL DAS SCHoNE Applied..21"03-114-15-013 Issued...PRJ96-0007 Expires. . I S SUED 1,0/03/tee6 **********t**Jr*****ff*********************************ff** FEE SU14llARY **i**ir***********ff********#**************************** APPLICANT CITY MARKET, P.O. BOX '129 , CONTRACTOR CITY MARKET, P.O. BOX 729,OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE Description: REBUILD BANK ANNEX DRIVE Occupancy: 82 Type Construction: V N Type Occupancy: Valuation: fi reptace Infofmation: Restri cted: Bui Idi ng-----> P Lan check---> Invest igat i on> [,i t I Ca l. l,----> .00 .00 .00 3.00 INC. GRAND JUNCTION, CO 81502 INC. GRAND JUNCTION, CO 81502 RD W, VArL CO 81657 UP B2 Type V Non-Rated Add Sq Ft: fof cas App[ i ances:#of Gas Logs: Phone z 970-24\-O750 Phonez 97O-247-O750 Restuarant Ptan Revi ew--> DRB f er------- Recreation Fee----------> Ctcan-Up Deposit------> TOTAL FEES-_-- TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up Dep approved amount date .00 Total catcutated Fees--->.00 Additionat Fees---------> .00 Total Permit Fee--------> #of Uood/Pa t tet: 3 .00 .00 3 .00 3 .00 BALANCE DUE---- .00 3 .00******************ff******Jr**Jrltff***********ff***t****************i*********ff**************i***ff***ff********ffiffi*********** *************************************ir************************************ii***ti*************t*************1********************* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I . hereby .acknow tedge that t have read-this aPPLication, fitl,ed out in ful,l. the information required, compteted an accurate ptotp[an, and state that a([ the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compl,y w.ith the information and pl.ot plan,to compty |{ith al't Town ord'inances_and state [aws, and to buiLd this structure accord,ing io-the Tovn,s zoning and su6ivisioncodes, design revie!, approved, uniform Buil,ding cilde and other ordinances of the Town appl,icabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL gE I.IADE TI.'ENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROTI E:OO AI4 5:OO PI.I iEitiz?iiSosHXll?$*toBEIS*Ttfi8[u r"o*r ro oRfipt' BUTLDTNG Division: LO'/O3'/I99 6 CHARLIE Action: Appn - I!9{r_: ,954q0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Depr: PLANNING Division:LO /.03 /.7996 CHARLT !e'/o3'/\s-s.Q-.ouu",E isiis* ;TBgn *tU'^$9-S$Eg';rl,-,u iEt,\i6?E1oq[ipf,rBu"il3y3ilT o""* *uo -----'-oeptl-rine- Division: L_p'/o3'/\ge_Q_cHABI,IE ecrloni AppH Jbirr eppnovED 1o_3_96 iE"t,TiA7ir8'qEERilE *RE[i", Nore 'LANS ro "BEEit fi8R;go** Division: L0'/04'/1996 LARRy_p Acrion: AFFn IaEt pira6e--- "' efund tr Send Cl,ean-Up oeposit To: CITY IIARKET * * * * * * * ******* * **** * * * * * ** ** *** * * * ** ** * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !t !k * * * * * * ** t !k**** * * * * ********************************************************************************Permit #: 896-0303 Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMTApplicant: CITY MARKET/ INC. 97 0-24t-07 50 CONDITIONS as of L0/04/96 Status: ISSUED Applied: Lo/03/I996 Issued: To Expire: Job Address:Location: VAIL DAS SCHONEParcel No: 2103-1"14-15-013 Description: REBUILD BANK ANNEX DRIVE UP Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.3. EXISTING RESTROOMS EAST SIDE OF VAIL DAS SCHONE BUILDING TO BE BROUGHT UP TO CHAPTER 11 AND APPBNDIX CHAPTER 1]. OF THE 1994 UBC,BEFORE FINAL C/O WILL BE APPROVED SICNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII,ISELF AND OI,]NER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 APPLICANT CITY P. O. CONTRACTOR CITY P.O.OWNER TOWN 75S Bui td i ng----) Ptan check---> Invest i gati on> tlitL Cat t----> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED DEMO. 0F PART/ALL BUDG. ON JOBSITE AI ALL TIMES Pernit *: D96-0015 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No.. Project No. 2099 N FRONTAGE 2111 N FRONTAGE 2 t- 0 3- 114- 15-013 PRJ9 6-0007 WEST Status. , . Applied.. Issued... Expires.. TotaI Pefmit Fee--------> BALANCE DUE---- I S SUED oe /26/tee6 oe /26 /7ee 6 03/25 /tee7 RD RD MARKET, INC. BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTTON, CO 81502 MARKET, INC. BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTTON, CO 81502 OF VAIL FRONTAGE RD W, VArL CO 81657 Phone: 970-241-Q750 Phonez 970-241-0750 Description: DEMO/GRADING BANK ANNEX Occupancy: Type construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation: 75, 000 Add Sq Ft: Fireptace lnformat'ion: Restricted: loJ Gas Appliances: fof Gas Logs: fot tlood/Pa l, Lrt: ffi***ffi***ffi**ffi FEE SUlttlARY *#liffit*Jr**#r****tffffiffiffiffiffffi 615,00 Restuarant Ptan Reviev-->399.75 DRB F.O0 Recreation Fee---------->3,00 Ctean-Up Deposi t--------> TOTAL FEES------ .00 Total Ca[cutated Fees--->100.00 Additional. Fees---------> .00 250.00 1 \47 7\ t 'a,Aa a< .001 747 7q ,l ?a', 7< *#****#ffiffi ffi ***Hffi ffiffi*titffi*ffi *ffi ****#****ffiffiriffi ffi * ***Jrrtt(lrk***ffiftif,*'**iiktr**ffi #ff ff.ffrffi **ffi ffi **r.t*********tr*ffi ffi ffi *** See Page 2 of this Document, for any conditions that rnay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I havc read this apptication, titLed out in ful,t the infornation required, compt.eted an accurate ptot pl.an, and state that att thc infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to compty uith the intormation and ptot ptan,to conpty vith atl Tovn ordinances and state [avs, and to buiLd this structurc according to the Toyn's zoning and subdivision Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMBNT DeDt: BUILDING Division:09/26/L996 CHARLIE ACtiON: NOTE PLANS TO CHARLIE09'/26'/7996 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISItem!'O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT DepT: PLANNTNG Division:09/26/L996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO ANDY09'/26'/1996 A\IDY Action: APPR akII.EN:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DeDT: FIRE Divj.sion:09/26/I996 CHARLIE ACtiON: APPR N/AIt'em:'05500 PUBLIC WORKS DeDt: PUB WORK Division:09/26/I996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE TERRI NOTIFIbD BY ANDY09./26'/1996 LARRY P AcIion: APPR FOR GREG HALLIt'em:,-O57OO ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DeDt: HEALTH Division:09/26/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/AItbn:'05900 LIOUOR ' Dept: CLERK Division:09/26/1996 CHARLIE Acrion: AppR N/A - codes, design review approved, un'iforn e-ing Code and REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IAOE T[IE[TY-FOUR HOURS Send c lean-Up Deposit To: other ordinances of IN ADVANCE BY CONDITIONS as of 1,0/03/96 F Rol'l 8:00 Alt fOR HIIISELF AND OI,INER Status: ISSUED d ******************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************Pernit #: D96-0015 Permit Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG. Applicant: CITY MARKET, INC, 97 0-24I-07 50 Applied . 09 /26 /L996Issued: 09/26/L996 To Expiret 03/25/L997 Job Address:Localion: 2111 N FRONTAGE RD Parcel No: 2103-114-15-013 Description: DEMO/GRADING BANK ANNEX Conditions: 1. F]RE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.3. THIS PERMTT IS GOOD FOR DEMO/GRADING ONLY. NO CONCRETE OR FOUNDATION WORK ALLOWED4. Access to VaiI das Schone from the Frontage Road shall be Maintained at all times. Use of Safeway property shaLlnot be allowed in the effort to preserve access to the VaiI das Schone site.5. contractor shall erect a six foot chain link fence, separating the construction area frorn the VaiI das Schoneparking lot prior to any excavation or demolition.6. Contractor shall not install any gates through the chainlink fence, accessing the construction site from the VaiI das Schone parking lot. All construction access shall be made from the Vail Commons site. [e thereto. OR AT OUR OF F ICE Iv" ,( Jios - //4-tc-4zf omnz i /zi,/fr^pzslb- oM7 APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT I'TAY NOT BE ACCEPTED * *********** **********:l ****** PERI.IIT fNFORMATfON ******* ******** * * * * **** ** **** bA-srrifaitrg. t l-Plunbing [ 1-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other Job Narne: VAIC Corud,ntu{.Job Addresst fu35 x. FatpYAe! P\ . Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Owners Narne:tf-uAr1Address: Architect: Ml*p( v. tsouar/bcl Address:AW O- xvra o^kva+ P:n.g19'.42d 4,tc (t*<rtotl p]n.92o?4.4/'il cenerel Description: Work CLass: [ ]-New I l-Alteration I l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-otber Nunber of Accomrnodation Units: Gas Appliances_ cas Logs_ Wood/Pe1let_ Phone Number: *'\*J t * VALUATTONS * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * ** * * * * *** * *U/b-ootSer,rctnrcal: l- otxnR: $ MECHANTCAT: $-- TorAL: $- Q^;9.?.oQoNrRAcroR Town of vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Reg. No. Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: *******************************OFFICE USE BUTLDTNG TOTAL 4- ul,J, i,l?,r i PLUMBING P MECHANICAL i RECREATION J i_ llcT 0 3 1996 'r-,:' CLEAN-UP D BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Nunber of Drsetling Units, 0 BUTLDING: PLI'MBING: Address: Electrical ConEractor:E0t Address: Plumbing Contracior: Address: Mechanical Contractor : Address: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tt tt FOR BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: aur***** Tervn ef VafI t--r'-' -' I 75 louth lionlage rosd vi.il, coloredo 8't657 (303) 479-2I38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: rn surumary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit a;t-="ir,-"J"i, sand, debrisor materiaf, incruding trash &unpsters, portabre toilets andworkrnen vehicles. upon any streetl siaewairl -;ri;y or publicprace or any porti6n trreieoil- itre *gnt-of-way on ar.r Town ofVaj.l streets and.:?"g= is approxirnatety 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance ri1] b". "tr_iEifY'-enforced by the Town of vailPubric works DeDartment. pers6ns found. vi6rating this ordinancewitl be siven a 24 hour r=ia[;;-';"ii""-to-;;;;;;"".id marerial.In the event the person so notified. does not cornply with thenotice wirhin the- 24 rr"ui-time-"p""rii";, "il"-;;ftic worxsDepartment wir-l remove said 'ateli"t --t the expense of personnotified' The nrovisions "t iiri" ordinance stritt not beapplicable to cinstruction, naini"rrance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilitres j.n the right_a_way. To review ordinance No. e in fult, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to ouiiin a copy. tnani< you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. offlce ol communlly developmcnt ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VATL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DE\IEI.,OPMENT ITIARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE acknowledged sltion/Re:.a@P#e((i.e. contractor, ovrner) lnwn 75 loulh tronlege road rall, colondo 81657 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2139 offlce ol communlty developmcilt BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If this permit reaui:res a Town of vair Fire Department Approvar,Engineerts (-pubrt. prlrt ""vi"r ana'approvar,' u piinnin!'bepu"t .ntreview or Health Departmint review, .ni'i-".uiJ ;i-;;i;";rituingDepartment, the estimated time tor'r-tot"r "*i;,u-'*i"Lil'a, tongas three weeks. All commerc-ial ('Iarge or smat) and all multi-famiry permits wi'have to follow the ibove menti6ned maximum requirements. Residentiarand smarl projects shourd tite J-ieiie"'amound of time. However, itresidential or smar)er.projects rmpiii the various above mentioneddepartments with reqard' to-necessaly-rev.ie*, these projects mayalso take the three-weet peiioJ. Every attempt will be made by this deparmeni to expedite thispermrlt as soon as possible. - I:-jl. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timet rame . Communi ty Devel oom.11 Department. I TO: FROM: DATE: HE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'tS REOUIRED Job Name:v\{L I\^4/<, Date: V-26- Pfease answer the following questionnaire regarding lhe need lor a 'Public Way Permit': YES NO 1) 2) ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhal requires the use of the right of way, easements or pubtic property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls ditferent access needed lo site other than existing driveway? r x 6) ls any drainage work being done' atiecting the ight ol way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a'Revocable Right CI Way permit" requied? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used lor staging, 6r parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf You- answered yes to any ol these questions, a "Public Way Permit" musl be oblained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the public Work's otfice or at C9.1{.tu1ity Development. tf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-215g. answered allthe above questions. o\ Contractor's Signature PFPti|TT JI PERMIT APPLICATION FORMotrtz f/zC/Qc. , APPLICATION MUST BE FrLr,ED OUT COUPLETELY OR IT l{AY NOT BE ACCEPTED I* * *************** * ************ pERMIT fNFORI.IATION *r***************************/t [A-auitaing [ ]-PJ.urnbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-MechanibaL [ ]-other _tr Job Narne: VnfC Corilru,,nlo<Job Address: eOq9 u- FanpYAc6 EN . Legal Description: Lot Block Fiting SUBDIVISION t YAlc (o*<,ou! owners Name: 0i' n aal r, ,,n"^l-,r r{iddress: Architectz ltlt4?t( v. lsouucA<a+ Address:(y,t? O_ ktttN A-,1Ava< p:n. gt?-.fu p1..92bOr4/,/l Generdl Description: I{ork Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dqrelling Units;Number of Accommodation Units: Iiances cas Logs Wood/Pellet *v TTONS * * * ***** ** *** **** ** ******** * ****lt cr7) OTHER: $ TOTAL: I Phone Number:Address: El.ect,rical Contractor : Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAI., PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: O"HER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: 'M-7 0Da. EI,ECTRI :$ MECHANTCAL: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ***********************t*.** Town of Vail Reg . no/ 7u-fr Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of VaiL Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLU},IBING PI,AN CHECK .FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: fFo ** and Type **g%# VALUATION BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: ^t/4t12 t td.qu s, c'< t (- t-.1 e t L*n * o""or' l"(k6iJor "'):ffr|,rl-/\l trlr '\, \., I luwn TO: FROM: DATE: su&TEet: 75 3oulh tronlage road vail, colo.edo 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 rn sumrnary, ordinance Ao. 6 -states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, 11aCf or deposit any ,"if,-"""i,, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash lunpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles.upon any streetl sia"waixl-;li;y or publicpll:e or any porti6n theieof. rrre risht_"i_;;t-;n alr Town ofVail streets and.Igag" is approiirnateiy s it.-iri p..,r"nenr.This ordinance wilr be strilliy -Lnrorcla uy ttre-iown of VairPublic works DeDartment. perslns found vi;ratin; this ordinancewirl be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said materiar.rn the event the person so notified aoes noi- cornpry with thenoti'ce within the 24 hour time specified, the-p"[r:-" worksDepartment lrirI remove said mateiiat-"t it" "*p""se of personnotified- The provisions or inii ordinance shar.l not beapplicable to cbnstruction, r.iri..-.,ce or repair projects ofany street or atley or any utirities i" it"-ii9il_"_.".y. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Tot n ofYlil_lyi+ding Deparrment to obtaj_n a copy. rnanX you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. ofllce of communlty deyelopmenl ALL CONTR,ACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOI^IN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArt PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOP!{ENT I,IIARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & !,IATERIAL STORAGE (i.e. contractor, owner) acknowledged onlRe p to Pro 75 3oulh tronlsgc road u!ll, coloredo 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 ottlcg of communlty dovalopm€trt BUILDING PERI4IT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE If this permit requires a Town of Vail F'i re Departnent Approval ,EngineerLs. (Public l.lorks) review and approval ,'a plannin!'Department review or Health Departrnent review, and a review by the Eui'liing Department, the estirnted time for a tota'l review may take as longas three weeks. All cormercial flarge or sma'l'l) and all mu]ti-family permits will have to fo]low the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentia'l and small projects should take a lesser amount of tjme. However, ifresidential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt wi'| 1 be made by this departnrent, to expedite this permtl't as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the p'l an check procedure and time frame. Corununi ty 0evelonrn^'lt Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM I ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VA]L PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS DEPARTMENT PERMIT'IS REOUIRED Job Name: -*1--lv*t< Dale: '118 Ptease answer the tollowing questionnaire regarding the need lor a "Public Way Permit": NOYES * "1 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? 3) ts any utilitY work needed? 4) ts the drivewaY being rePaved? 5) ls ditferent access needed to sile other than exisling drivewaY? r x 6) ls any drainage work being done # atfecting the right of way, easemenls, or public ProPertY? 7') ls a "Bevocable Right Of Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easemenls or .-*- public property to be used for slaging' \-/ -\ parking or lencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a Parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community answered allthe above questions. Developmenl? lf you answered yes ro any of these questions, a "Public way Permit' musl be obtained. 'pubtic way peimit. appiications may be obtained at the Public work's otfice or al Community'Developmeni. tt you have'any questions please call Charlie Davis,lhe Town of Vaif Construclion Inspec'lor, at 479-2158' o\ Contradofs Signalure ot ti lo 11 r't'Do z J IL zo F Az5oIL oz trootL ko ^'dRrt Ho ,,o-,zl JJ { tLOO R6FO oz trooIL lLnn\z:oL rC- Ps ,e JJ { ILOO R6 FO oz trooIL hq ^aKv FO JJg s. ILOOq6 FO Town of Vail OFFIE: C]:Y tiEsH:it-agei32"EX-8:a 5:Feg"l -O d'q v9Eo I c EE;EE.s{ E€;*Ec.9f: :E g; e E E;#E E r'i a€ S$'!EEE EgE+Ef .gt.E i:t-€!EeE pE€€ EE $I I I I I I I I I I I .-,1 vlcal \ol O\l cql I I;. ! 1U z.: c) zt ; a li rtt (.) () F cil zl<l El el 3lFIol rJ]I ul 2g b B ;l b0 9l,-lrr.l olzl Kl jjo 0).F tr b g IF.l >)l r!l>l &lol F1lzl<lEl tlFI(nl HI =l 6 C) o' E.+. a o 3€ ct c) c!z !va, s5 E8 >,b oiE5jje c.: ;-ig >,F()? i5.E O \.,, tg oani6vq€9 Ed=.=o=;e€-OoFE: 'a .o ,-,:e =)tt,=EiE e=.trrrXO EFE g g= E 8-oo E E'Eo3i;E il=--59Fe.E 2a;: d-i .s;J.ed E9 ooH ,P.i€E:|: ! 88! .2 =.7tr> s r\vz e-F r\vr\\J ^v rY. ^ V tr\ f-a[- r\v fT (-t [-,Fr' tv\r\\J '!: \. Aq)\seaS $ Frhss&; sE$"* NS.PITSi\ IS i.s OJdEE b.sq :--gSRiEdis A sstu.: q TOWN OF VAII., 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD 1 VAIL, CO 81657 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY lean-up De )provBd mount clate 2099 N FRONTAGE VAIIJ COMMONS 2ro3-t 14-1s-013 RD WEST StatuE. . . App1ied. . Issued... ExpJ.ree. . Phonez 970-2 ISSUED 02/Ls/Lee6 05/08/Lee6 LL/ o4 /tee641-0750APPLICANT CITY MARKET, INC. P.O. BoX ?29, GRAND JUNCTToN, co coNTRAcToR crTY MARKET, rNC. P.o. Box 729, GRAND JUNCTToN, co OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD W, VAIL co 81657 B ls02 81502 Description:plniill'c cARAGE/suPERMARKET/nn s rouur rAL- 1 8 uNr rs occupancy Type actor ss' {99t - -Valuationsrore8 zSire r rr-1HR & V-1HR 40 ' 30 ig '353 3 'L97 '925 '90 public Garages zone 1 I-FR- t ir-rn 39.60 79 tO69 3' 131 'I32 '40 School.s Zone L II-1HR & III-LH 64'70 2'768 179'089'60 Apartment, Houses Zone 1 f rrlirln & III-N 70.80 t3'784 975'907 '20Subtotalz L74,974 7'4841055'10 Table Date: 06/20/1995 Total Vafuationz 7 '494'055'10 Fireptace Information: Restricted:#of Gas Appt i ances:flof Gas Logs: 97 0-47 9-2t38'ToVico;;". Dev.NorE: rHrs PERMTT MUsr BE PosrED oN roBsrrE Ar ALL rrM's Refund NEw col,tll BUTLDTNG PERMTT Pernit *: 896-0014 Job Address:cation...:rcel No..: ***t*******t**l***f,tffi***rr*'********r**ffi*********i****,(* FEE sufil{ARy *******r**t*ff****t*************t*ffi*r**t**}***ft*ff**i* Bui Lding----> 3g,7O7.N Restuarant Pl,an Revievll> .OO Tota! catcutatcd Fces---> 162'924'55 Pf,an check---> 25,A@.55 DnB Fee------ lnvcatigation> .oo Recfcation Fee---------> 95,905.@ Totat Pcrmit F"c------> 162'924 '55 uir,. carr---> r.# iiiil=k,i:[i:::::::_i ,,1:,ffi:8 3ilffi:::il;;;;:;;;r;=ri ,',',,.,fr . ***i****************ff***ft****ffi*rrffi******t*****ff***ffi************it***********trt***lr**ffi***ff*ff***rtffrtrtt#rtt*#rrtrt'rttfitt*tr Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT - - ----PgP-t-: BUILDING Division:-o27ii tl'gii;-p[rl--- -- -Action :--llbin cHUcK FELDMANN 6570871996 cHUcK Actign: APPR rrr r**rnr. n-'ii.'d;'0sA0o-ijiliinrnc -oeFAiirunnr --- --.-----DePt: PLANNING Divlsron: d17T5 /19e(t-Dl\fr--'-'--' -eEEionl--llbfe aNov KNUDTSEN-0-5'/67'/1996 ANDY Asligq: APPR ak Itbrn:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT ------Dept: FIRE Division: 617TB/itt6-DAN-- Action: NorE MrKE ygqpp 6E i)6'/iss6 3iii,r a [iilon; AFFR iiriin DnpeRrMENr AP-PR9Y4L -.ii6;;r.d666o"FubrTc wiinx$-'-' -_^__ ^:_^ :._.. Dept: PUB woRK Drvrsron: 6>7I6/i096-DAN- Action: I1QIE GREG HALL 6a'/66'/1996 CHUCK Action: NorE6i'/(l6/tiggf iEnnr u ecllqni AppR roorrNcs oNLY! ii.'ei:'osToo-niiVix-rjlluEllrA.r-, Hneltti Dept: EEAITH P+Ylq+9l:ii6iii : 65goo LTQUoR - -"^---^- Debt: cLERK Dlvtsron: Item: O58OO NweCOG COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS DeFa: gUILDTN6 Division: **t****t*t****ff******r.i*r*****************f***tt*****************f,*******t************fffi****t*ff*****ff******Jr***f**t***ft** see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to thie permit' DECLARITIONS I hereby acknwtedgc that I have rcad this apptication, fiLted.out in ful't thc intormtion rcquired, conrptctcd an accunatc P[ot plan, and strtc that au, thc infornation pfo;ided as rlqui red is correct. r agre! to conpty uith tire infornation and p[ot ptan' to conpty trith al,l, ToHn ofdinance3 and state ta*s, and to buiLd this structure according iothe Town'g zoning and subdivision Phone z 970-241-0750 Valuation z 12,'188, flof l,ood/Pa t Let: / coded,'design reviev approvcd, Uniform BftS Code and REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIAOE TIIEIITY-FOUR HOIJRS Send ctean-up Deposit To: CITY IIARKET other ordinances of the T FROit 8:OO fOR HIIISELF AND OT.II{ER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSpermit #: 896-0014 aa of 05/09/96 Status: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type: NEW COMM BUILDING PERMIT Applicant: CITY MARKET, INc. 9-t 0-24I-07 50 Job Address:Location: VAIL COMMONS Parcel No: 2103-114-15-013 Applied: 02/Ls/Leg6tisued: os/08/L996 To Expire: n/A4/1996 Description: PARK ING GARAGE/SUPERMARKET/RE S I DENT IAL_ 1 8 UNI TS Conditions:1. Mechanical plans not submitted, Electrical plans not eubmitted, both are needed before approval . Mechanical ventilation, fire sprinkler plans, fire alarm plans, emergency power' emergency egreas lighting aleo iequired. if in the event contractor decides to proceed under 'fast track" ru1es, the fire department would not permit work on the project to continue beyond framing without the missing information. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. L I/2 HOUR OPEN]NGS OR WATER CURTAIN REQUIRED BETIIEEN GARAGE AND STORE SPRINKLER PLANS MUST BE SUBMITTED PRYOR TO FRAMING INSPECTIO N. The permit issued May 7, 1996 allows work to proceed through foolers and foundation onty. Applicant's architect must make minor revieione to architecture prior to release of permit for remaining work. PN. T-,NttSR REQUIRED FOR STRUCTURAL SUPPORT OF FIRE VEHICLES ABOVE CITY MARKET ON PARKING LOT, BEFORE FRAMING INSPECTIONS THE CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITH ALL FEDERAL AND STATE ACCESS IBILTY REGULATIONS . thereto. OR AI OUR OFFI-.af/,r., /, PARCELtIzM 0ffice -.....-..-: r '3H"$ I3lil:ffi3i'"* DATE: Februarv 13, 7996 PERIIIi , APPLICATION !!UST BE FTLLED OUr COUPLHIELY OR Ir !{AY NOr BE ACCEPIEDr (* * **** * **** ** **** *** ******** ** pEIU{If INFORHATfON ****** ** ****** ******** ***** *!.[x]-3ui1dingt].P1unbing[]-E1ectrica1[]-Uechaniba1[].other Job Name: VAIL COMMOIiS _Job Address : _j.Q9.U_Ei:sage.@_-l&j_1,.co91!5 Legal Description: Lot BIock Filing suBDrvrsroNr v.i1 Owners Name: eirV Markct,/Town'of \/e.it' Address: 1o5 W. Cololado Grand Jct. Ph,(970)241-0? Architect: MARK V. DONALDSON _ Address: Pht970)9u9-52 General Description: Park Work Class: I x]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other' Nu:uber of Dwe]-].incr Units: 0 Number of Accommodation Units: 0 lpnbe= and. Qzpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances N/A Gas Logs-!! wood/Pellgg li,/A,rlr********************************* VALUATIONS *************************rt******:r I tz7f,€/ 7/5i'a)gull,plllc: $ J.646r1+Bz:oo ELECTRICAL: $ oBHER: $ pLUMBTNG: T-- lleclrANrceJ,: $- roiar.,: $ rilffio-/ QcJ iQ^ua1 l*********************if ***** CONrRACTOR IIfFOR!.IAT'ION ******** ****** ************l leneral contracto=, crw r,tenxw. :rNi.-- frqU:aDIi-----Town of VaiI Aeg. no. /?A-flAddress: 1nq ld. coLoRADo AvE P.o. Box 729 Ptrone Number: 929:_241-0250__ GRAIiD JUNCTTON C0 81501Elect=ical Contractor:8t5O2 Address: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nu:nber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: FOR OFFTCE' USE *******************************r******************************* SUTLDING PERMIT FEE:,LUMBING PERMTT FEE: IECI{ANICAL PERI{IT FEE: :LECTRTCAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF TEE: tDF, FFF. TBD ?luniring Contractor: lcidress: TBD ilechanical Contractor: \ddress:TBD BUrI,DfNG PI"AN CIIECK FEE: $ 32,1q6 qq Pl,rrl.tBrNc PLAN CHECK FEE: I.IECTTANICEL PIAN CIIECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PER!{IT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATT'RE3 ZONTNG: SIGNATTIRE: GROUP VALUATION :I,EAN I]P DIBOSIT RXFT]M TO:,--.iturlru 8t,,4'*rt Z/'8n/ 7.9 ,Jor,,i.it:, (l tr'tnz Asset Engineering Limited 816 Grand Avenue, Suite #3 Cirand JunctiorL Co. 81501 02114/96 Valuation Calculations for Vail Commons Project Based on "Building Valuation Table March - April, 1995" Grocery Store Parking Garage Commercial / Retail Space Day Care Area (School) Residential TOTALVALUATION x TOV Modifier MODIF'IED TOTAL VALUATION Building Permit Fee Calculation for Vail Commons Project Project Valuation : Fee for first $1,000,000.00 = Fee for each additional $1,000.00 @ $3.00 per: TOTAL BUILDING PERMIT FEE: Plan Check Fee Calculation forVail Commons Project 657o of Building Per:mit Fee = ffi2r196.95 68,431 160,108 6,589 3,509 74++{ t7,9?cs sfx sfx sfx sfx sfx $70.40 $41.60 s42.60 $9s.00 $53.60 $4,817,542.40 s6,660,492.80 $280,691.40 $333,355.00 $39?2f,+€n*0 L? 4, z Ott, oo $16,064,se2.0 o / Zt7 8q 7 45 x 1.0 $16,064,592.00 $16,0tr,592.00 $4,340.00 $45,193.78 $49,533.78 fari 303 - 245 - 0244 Page I ofl ohone 303 - 245 - 0228 T5 South Frontage OooO NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL T]MES Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 ,lob Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status...FAX970-479-2452 Location...: VAIL COMMONS Applied..Parcel No..: 2103-114-15-013 Issued... Expires. . ISSUED 02/t4 /tee ( 03 /07 /199 t. oe /03 /tee ( 41-07s0APPLICANT C]TY P.O. CONTRACTOR CITY P.O.OWNER TOWN 75S Description: 8fl"I+i]pilgGo rnm" Dow r o s z MARKET, INC. BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTION, MARKET, INC. BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTTON, #0f Gas Appt i ances: Phonez 970-2co 81s02 co 81502 Phone; 97Q-241-0750 Valuation: Factor Sg. Feet Total Valuation: 933.40 DRB Fee--------.O0 Recreation Fee---------->3.@ Ct.an-Up Dcposit------> fof Gas Logs: .00 Total catculated Fecs---> 3,072.10200.00 Additional Fees---------> .00.0O Total Permit Fee--------> 3,O72.4O500.00 Paynents------- 274, Valuation .00 #Of Wood/Pal. Let: accurate ptot and ptot p[an, subdivision '13tTitlilifi'a$$ll"'""xi8i3fi ifi 5T"."u"*FELDfi iRF 62"i.\ i A?t' 0 DP LAN N r ""oBP l3*T'fi8$; AND' KN'DTB fi Rt9.?TIL'/L996 ANDv Aaalona AFeR iETIe,ti1s,ElsE*1""""'fi lETgil:igiis:""xnsrt:::: iEr,t+i tiij,E laExllll .iif i:r' xgsR ssn""x*r ::n' i?VittiZig.rffi "".*fi lgiiri'fi FIH$yi';;';":::: 9?/oL/19_20 _ DAN- Acrion: AppR N,/A 6578iz9380.DNwccoc tRBUgIl oF GcjvEllt{eNrs Dept I.hereby -acknoutedge that t have read this appl,ication. fitted out in futL the infornation required, compteted anptan, and state that al't the intormation provided as required is correct. I agree to compty Hith the ,infofnEtion ::,::tp.ll^:i:h_-"j=t -I:11-gfdlTnces.and state.Laws,.and io buil.d tni" structr"i'accordi ns to'thc royn,s zonins andcodes, design reviev approved, unitorm Buil,ding cide and other ordinances of the T,gr:qn afpticabte thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY S.nd C[.aF-t p Dcposit To: CITY nARKET GRADTNG pERMrr FoR AFlpfgfnedr Occupancy arrieu.tlt-rr,"Table Date: 06/20li.gR$ Fireptacc Infornation: Restricted: *********#ffi****lit:ftffi**tH.*fi*******fffr***** fEE SUllt',lARy H*********ff*ffifi*ff#rffiffiffiffi Bui Lding---) 1,436.00 Restuafant ptan Reviey--) Pl.an Check---> Invest igat i on> l,li Lt Catt----> TOTAL FEES-----It**ffi:tirt**ffi*ffi*ffilrt**ffi*ffrff***ffiffi*rbr*tr*H****fi*ff*******t****ff*****t**********ffi**Jrtff*ff*ffiffiffffi* BUILDING Division PLANNING Division FIRE Division PUB WORK Division HEALTH oivision CLERK Division BUILDING Division ffiffiff**'ri**lrt't****ffffitt*******'r*******ff************ffi****ffi*******fi******ffilri*****Jr*ffi****r**********fi****i see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS {P ""'""t"ut* LF AND O}INER 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 3V479-2 I 39 D ep artment of C ommunity Deve lopme nt * * *Ffrtqftltfrtt45r* * ). )< * tttt t * * * * * * * * * :l * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Permit #: 896-0012 CONDITIONS as of 03/It/96 Status: ISSUED ************************************************************ik******************* Perrnit Type: NEW COMM BUILDING PERMITApplicant: CITY MARKET, INC. 9'10-24t-07 50 Job Address:Location: VAIL COMMONSParcel No: 2103-114-15-013 Description: GRADING PERMIT FOR CITY MARKET Conditions:1. THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR GRADING AND Applied: 02/t4/L9s6 rssued: 03/07 /1996To Expirez A9/03/1996 EXCAVATION ONLY. {P *o'"uo'u'* TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 97 0-47 9-2138 Description: INSTALL ELEVATOR ISSUED 0r/15/ree7 0L/15/7ee7 07 /r4/|se7 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES COMMERCIAL ELEV. PERMIT Permit #: 89?-0003 Job Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status...Location... : CITY MARKBT (VAIL COMMONSAppIied.. ParceL No..: 2103-114-15-013 Issued... Exoires. .APPLICANT MESA ELEVATOR phonet 970-244-0626 PO BOX 3631, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81502 CONTRACTOR MESA ELEVATOR Phone: 9'lO-244-0626po Box 3631, GRAND JUNCTTON CO 81502OWNER TOWN OF VAILt crTy MARKET, pO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81502 FOR CITY MARKET Vatuat i on------65,000 **********************************f*******i*****i*t*******i rEE SUI IARy ************r***f,*******************ri**********i********* E tevator-----> DRB Fee------> Investigation> Ii l. L cal. t----> 80.o0 .00 .o0 3 .00 Total catcutated fees---> 8].00 Addi tional, Fees---------) TotaI Permit FeF-------> .00 85.00 TOTAL FEES---> 63.00 BALANCE DUE----**************ff*********************ft*ff*******t***************************************t************************i**********ff*** Ileqr! .q58Q0_NW.cqAq CoUNqrL oF GOVERNMENTS Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:07/I5/1997 CHARLIE Acrion: AppR FOn FMllx xitl,rell- I99r-n!',9tlQ0_9qrI-,DING DEPARTMSNT_ _-,_ Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:OT/15/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N,/A I!eT!',q54q0_PIANNING DEPARTMFNT_ --',- Dept: PLANNTNG Division:Ol/L5/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A Iteni',056q0_EIB_E_DEPARTryIENT --__ Depts FIRE Division:o1/1.5/L997 CHARLIE Act,ion: AppR n/a *************************t******************************i**********************************t**************i*t*********i*********** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS r. hereby .icknow I'edge that I have read this appl.ication, fiL(ed out in futL the information required, compl,eted an accurate plot Ptan, and state that att the information provided as required is conrect. I agree to compl,y with the information and ptot ptan,to comPty with al'l' Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buil,d this structure according to-the Town's zoning and subdjvisioncodes, design review approved, Uniform Buil,ding Code and other ordininces of the Tovn appticabLe thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TTIENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE Si gnature: ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 897-0003 as of 0l/!S/97 Sratusr ISSUED ********************************************************************dr*******d.*** Permit Type Applicant Job Address Location ParceL No Description COMMERCIAL ELEV. PERMIT MESA ELEVATOR 97 0-244-0626 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST crTY MARKET (VAIL COMMONS) 210 3-114-1s -013 Applied 1 oL/t5/799't Issued t OL/],s/7997 To Expire; 07 /7 /1997 INSTALL ELEVATOR FOR CITY MARKET Conditions: 1. A FINAL INSPECTION APPROVAL REQ'D BY NWCOG :ehgl'H_W*t1t 9*Con cacf at 97o lplRcnl, iI E Eagle County Assessor , APPLICATION I.{UST BE FILLED Ir* *** * * *************** * * * * ** **rl [ ]-Building I j-Plunbing t UECHANICAL: CONTRACTOR Address: Ij@ Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********************************FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBINC PERMTT FE8: MECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: VALUATION Conments: Reg. NO. t* o" vArL coNsrnucrror.rOR.r/ PERMIT APPLTCATTON FORM YI4T'.PERI'IIT II olr.E: l-/S-77 PPlgc' - ooc)? OUT COI'{PLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT INFORMATION * ** * * * * * ** * ** * * ** * ** * * * * ** * * * l-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal tf,l-otn"t 5peC t I rob Name: f ;.hl fnnrf "+ it LJa rob Address: tJAiI Co-mnns Legal Description: Lot Block FiIing Architect: m Address: ?,t5, bt Ph. ceneral Description: 6o.l ChatU s.lore- owners Name: 0'{.1 lrnn.l(-e .t fn"Address: Work Class: ff1 -new [ ]-Alterat,ion'\ Number of Dwel.ling Unitsr N,l+ t l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-oLher Number of Accommodation units: N/A 9n- c"= r,os=PJA- r{oodlperl.t:lL ********************************* I 9'9-orHER: t t"sl..)nD. TOTAL: + nes. ro@'Ai)Zf(- o6zc' Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLTIMBfNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT; TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: INFORMATION *************************** Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Cqro) a Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: ,Ptu.t and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances ,lt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS *r"or*", $ ,"rBfr7-ago3- CLEAI{ I'P DEP,OSIT REFI'}ID N/4r 75 ioulh trontage road vait, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ottlce of communlty deyelopment ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLVL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC VIORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STOR,'.LGE rn sumroary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any "Jif,-ro"[, sand, debrisor material, including trash dunpsterl, p"ii"Ui" ioilets andworkmen vehictes. !pon. any streetl siaeiai;, -;ii;y or pubricpface or anv oortion theieof. The right-"i-;;t-;n arr. Town ofVail streets ind.Ig"g= is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wir.l be ;iti;i1y--lnrorced by the Town of VairPublic l{orks Denartment. pers6ns found viiraiing this ordinancerill be siven a 24 hour writien i"ti""*t"-;;;;;;'="id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified does n"t -conpry with thenotice within the 24 hour.time -le-iii;e,"irr.-iiiiric worksDepartment witr remove said mate;i"i ;a-ir,"-'"*pli.e of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beappricable to c6nstruction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in tne-iign[-u_"uy. To review ordinance No. e in fur1, prease stop by the Town ofYlil B"ilding Departmenr to obrain a copy. riani< you for yourcooperation on this matter. osition/Rela-EIonsEip-Project (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 loulh lrontage road u!ll, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 ofllce of communlty doyolopmelrl BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If this peryit. requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineer''s. (Public wgrfs) reyiew and approva'r ,'a prannini'bepartrnent review or Heatth Deoartment review, .ni'. ".uie; Li-;i;;"EriiaingDepartment, the estirnated time for'a totar review may take as longas three weeks. All commercial flarqe or sma'll) and ail murti-family permits wiilhave to follow irre iuove r"nii6n"J-ririrur requirements. Res.identiarand.small projects,shourd take a lesser amount or-lime. Hoiever, .itresidential or sma'l ler.projects impact the various auove mentioneadepartments with reqard to necessary review,-il.i. i""j".ti"ruyal so take the three weel peiioJ. e"sr! l'' !\'t\' r'J Every attempt will be made by thispermi't as. seon as possible. - I, the undersigned, understand the frame.. department to expedite this pian check procedure and time Ir$ltt rum' "'' " qz , Communi ty Development Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: . MEMORANDUMv ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBL!C WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Job Name: ('- P31g: tr- io:E Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way Permit': ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting lhe righl of way, easements, or public property? ls a'Revocable Right Of Way Permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no lo 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" rnust be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's ofiice or at Community Developmenl. lf you have any questions ptease catlCharlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspectol at.479-218 I have read and answered allthe above questions. NOxYES ! 1) 2) X 3) 4) 5) 6) X X Job Name Contracto/s Signature Date TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 9'7 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P96-0103 Job AddTCSS: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST STAIUS...: ISSUED Locarion...: crry MARKET Applied..z !!/,!l/,!le^l Parcel No..: 2IO3-LL4-15-013 Issued"'t 07/.Io/.I999 ii"j""t No. : PRJ96-ooo7 Expires ' ': 01/06/1997 Description: PLWBING SYSTEM FOR STORE, GARAGE Valuation:S 350, 000 . 0o ffi *trrrffrrnt#tt*#rrrf**t F EE SUI'II'IARY **rrhh*******rt*rt****ff **r*lHr**Jr*tff *******t*ffi**f* APPLICANT COMMERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERING,LT 2710 DELTA PLACE' COLORADO SPRINGS, CONTRACTOR COMMERCIAI, DESIGN ENGINEERING,LT 2710 DELTA PLACE, COLORADO SPRINGS, OWNER TOWN OF VAII-, 75 S FRONTAGE RD W, VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR COMMERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERING 2710 DELTA PLACE, COLORADO SPRINGS Phone 2 719/390-0595 co 80910 Phone: 719/390-0595 co 80910 Phone:719 390-0595 co 80910 .00 6,565.50 Total, cal,cutated Fees---> 6,565 -5O P Lumbing----> Ptan check--> Investigati on> ttiLl catt---> 5,250.00 1,312.50 .@ 3.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi$i--> To]AL FEES------Additionlt Fees------> Total Pernit fee-------> Payments-------- BALANCE DUE---_ .00 6,565 -5O 6,565 -5O .00 rccurlte Pl,ot and ptot ptan, subdivision DeDI: BUILDING DiViSi-ON: Dept: FIRE Division: **ffi ****t***irft,kr"**'tf****#t***t*}*,ttffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL ***** *fft***t*hffit***r**t*ffi*f**** DECLARATIONS Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEN!-61/$/L996 cHUcK Action: APPR it'em:' 05600 FrRE DEPARTI"IENT ----61/62/lgga cnucK Action: APPR I herrbyacknovtedge that t havc read this rPplicrtion, fil'tcd.out in futt th" !^1"191::1,.1t::llt1l^"?1?::1.::irll,=llo-liiil'il:;;ii'd";;L"*iiii p"iliiJ-"i .&ur.J is conrect' ^I ?sl::-:9=::'ll)'-['l^:.li-r:P:5t::lio clnrpty vith att Tovn ordinances and state.taes,.and to buitd this stnucture thr Tolrn's zoning ands zonrng codes,'dlsign reviev approved, unilorm Bu'i ldin9 code and othef ordinances ot te thereto REOUESTS FOR TNSPECTIONS SHALL 8E ]'IADE TI.IENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY AT OUR OFFICE FRolt 8:00 Atl .i- tt z'04<-* Offlce '3S"?; X3lilEiiliffi"F3J DATE: . T APPLICATION t'tUST BE FTLLED OUT COUPL TELY OR IT UAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDU f,*********************t******t IIEIUNfT fNFORI,|ATION **********rt*****************-[ ]-Building pq-pt"rling [ ]-Erectrical [ ]-Mechanibal I J-other Job Nane: VAtt Urttl,was rtou*autL Job Address: gAeQ il. Fan,tfa,: Legal Description: Lot Block- Firing--siEprvrsrol,\rA( PERI'IIT /I -".--. ceneral Description: Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: OTHER: TOTAL: Town of Vail Phone N.umber: 6u6octgtt< Toqm of Vail Phone Nurdrur: Torn of Vail PhOtte lifrrrnhg!'; Reg. NO. Plunbing Address:ctor: Mechanical Address: Contrastor: PLI'I.'BING PERUTT FEE3 }fECIIANICAL PERUTT FEE: EI.,ECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: oFFrcE usE ******.1 * ******* **************** BUTTDTNG Pf,AIf CHECK F.EE: lLtt'tBfNG pLA![ CHECK FEE:I,IECTIAI{ICAL PIAN CHECK FEE:RECREATIOI FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: Reg, NO. BUTLDTNG: SIGNATTIRE: ZONTNG: SIGNATT'RE: owners Nane; ( f,l Uw,-r ,Ci,, ' Address: E(, n^1 , C? tn Sr\(. pr..tezLelsp Architect:Address: \MA 6. kA,il<p 0t'^ f,toLt ph. %E-Saao onal [. J-Repair [ ]-Other_ Nunber of Accornnodation Units: Applianees-t{&_ Gas Iogs4a l{ood,/pell e|rr-{; vALItATroNs ** ** * ***** * * * **** * * * * * * *********r EI.ECIRTCAL: I I.IECIIANfCAL, $@ @t4,4cotuecD66|t CONTRACTOR TNFORI-IATION *****t******t** **a ******** * I{ork Class: Jvf-New I J-Alteration [ ]_Actditi tIto"t and Tlpe of Firepraces: cas . tf********************************* Number of DrrelLing Unitsl. ta BUTLDTNG: S Electrical Address:Contractor: CI.EAI UP I'DPOSIT NENND m: \naA furtrcnrtcq ?o. )]7 Gw.tna{c}.t f5oa 0rTIt 0 75 .oulh |rontrgr rord urll, coto?.do Al6!i7 (3031 479-2L38 ot 479-2t39 TO: FROM: DATE: su&TEet: ottlcG of comrnunlly devclopmrnl AI,L COMTRAqIORS CURREMTLYL REGISTERED WTTII IITETOWN OF VAIIJ TOWN OF VArL HTBLIC I{ORKS/COIT|UITNITY DEVEL,OP}IENT }'ARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUEITON PARKTNG & UATERIAI, STORAGE rn sura'n3'" ordinance No. 6 states that it is unr.awful for anyperson to lirter, track or a"pos_it-;;:;iri-"lli, sand, debris;:'ffi*"i:ii"i::t"ains ti-sr' -[iipste"3, -poii"iiJ' to'"ts and $i5.=:I":ti fff iii".f, 3l"3f""il=li,d:1li-;:l;l;;i;i"i:#"", lnii ;;i;.-;.:. $iii_T: $d:f il.:u::i1.';.;i'f#*fiil, "' PubLic l{orks o"""rtr.rt. --pliiins found ,rirr"tirrg this ordinancewilt be Eiven a- zr rroui-*"i;il;lotice-to-;;;;=said materiar.i:.i:: ff:ill".|; person so norifiea-aoeJ-nll-I"ipry witrr theo"ry!!"tii' iir r-'idl"l"llrl.ffriFiiliE.;"p:,.ill*""p;Ii=_,notified' The orovisi""s-or-Gis orainance srrili not beapplicable to cinstruction, -ruiii"rr"rr?e gI repair projects ofany street or attev "= i"v'"Ilii?r."= in the rj.9ht_a_way. $lri"fiiluiilti:33e No..6 in rul1, prease stop by trre ior.,n or ""op"iirl;";"Tf,if*:i:.:: obtain I copv.--rf,.;i. vou ror your lntryn 75 routh tronlrg. ?o.d Yrll, colorr.ro 81657(3o3) 479-2138 or 419-2139 offlcc of communlty dcvolopmcnl BUILDING pERtiIT ISSUANCE TIfiE FRAfiE If thi.s permi.t reoujres a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Ensineerts (.pubrii t:gt il;;'.#'ipp"ouat, a prannin!' oeparrnentrevrew or Health Departnrint."eri"r,-.nl.r.review by the duita.ingS;ri[H;t"lll "r.t*ted tinre r""'.-tutur ;.;i;*-;ri',L[!.as rons A'll commercial llarge or sma.ll) ana all multi-fanily permits willhave to fo?row irre iuove ft;;i;ril;iirum requirements. Residentialand smalt proiects :prl9_Fi:-;-i";;; amount,of time. However, ifres'idential or smal I er ,prcjects -impici *re-variius ;il;" mlntioneodepartments with rega.rd' to-nlJirjli!'i.ui",r, these projects mayatso take the three-week period Every attempt will be made by this departrnent to expedite thispermi't as soon as possible. - -"'- i-re' e'rrErrL LU exPeqlEe El i;.*ll undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time x r Sheet wEi tu-iiEt i nt-o-EhEDate-XoFI Devel ooment Departmenr. I TO: BE: MEMORANDUM aCcoNrn^;o EPARTMENTFROM: TOWN OF VAIL pUBLtC WORKS DDATE: MAY9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBUC WAY PERMI,r'IS REQUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answerthe tottowingaGaio;;@arding the need fora.public way permit.: YES * & 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public properfy? 3) ls any utitity work needed? ,* 4) ls the driveway being repaved? )A_ 5) ls different access needed to site K olher than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done- afleaing lhe right of way, easemenls, or pubtic propety? 7) ts a .Revocabte Right CI Way permit,. required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements orpublic property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. It no to gA, is a parking, staging or fencing ptan required by Cbmmunity Development? lf-y?Y. tfy.rqd Yes-to any oflhese questions, a'Public way permit'rnust be obtainect.'Public way Permit' appiicationl miy be obtained "i tne'prutic work,s office or atcommunity Developmeni. ltyou have any_questions please cail charlie Davis, the Town' ot Vaif Construction Inspectoi, at 479-Ztlsf'. I have read and answered allthe above questions. " {f*^ / SSQC"] Contrastor's Signture DaiEJob Name a EVEI,OTOWN OF VAII 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 9'? O-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D PMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAI, PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALI, TIMES Permit #: M95-0086 Job Address...: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Location...... : CITY MARKET Parcel No..... ; 2103-114-15-013 Project Number! PRJ96-0007 Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . I SSUED o7 /03/tee6 o7 /ro /tee6 or /06 /te97 AppLrcANT coMMERcTAL DEsrcN ENGTNEERTNG,LT Phonez 719/390-0595 2710 DELTA PLACE' coLoRADo SPRTNGS, co 80910 CONTRACTOR COMMERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERING,LT PhONC: 7I9/390_0595 2710 DELTA PLACE' COLORADO SPRINGS' co 80910 OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD W, VAIL CO 81657 Description: aluation: 400 ' 000 ' 00 MECHANiCAL SYSTEM FOR STORE, GARAGE AND CONDO'S Fi reo[ace lnformation: Restri cted:#0f Gas Appt iances:#0f 6as Logs:fof Llood/Pa I tet: *i****.*,rt*l**,******ffiffrtrffi}**ffrffi*ffiffi*** FEE sUt|l,|ARY**r*bt**,rffi*****ffi***M lechanical,---) E,000.00 Restusrant Ptan Revievll>' .00 Total cEtcutated Fees---) 10'003'00 Ptan check---> 2,OOO.OO DRB Fee--------- tnvestigatioD .@ TOTAL FEES------ Hi Lt CEl,l,----> 5.OO Paynent s-------------: 10'003'00 aAi-AHce oue---- *t**rt****f*tlt* ****ffi******"*r**ttffi It,em: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTI' NI-ol7di/1996 cHUcK Action: APPRItbn:'05600 FIRE DEPARTUENT ----61/65/tgg1 CHUCK Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FrELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQqrUp TO cHEqK E9R-9qDE qQMPI1I-ANCE' 2. boMe0srioN-AiR-tE iticeuiEED-qEn Sec. 007-qr-1qq- 1ee1 uMc' 3 . INSTALLATIqN'iiudi bAFio4l,t- fb-1iefruFacitlneS- rNSrnucrIoNs AND-' rat-[FFEliorx- cnaFirR 21 oE TqE 1e91-quq.--+. GXs'iFFi;niicE'f irn[i,r,-6E vuufEo-AeeonDlryc To-qlaPrER 9 AND ; : iEett'te$iUlT*ts,A#Sfr8fr.f;6,,5u;58ff3fl I fil'fr *8't ? 3 6 uuXfi o 703 0F THE 1991 ttMC.6. BoTLERS sHAr,i-68-iiduNrED QN_qLooRS oF N9NCqI4qUSTIELE CoNsr.- ' fifriE5ii-LiS-CEb F6n 'noijni-tryQ gry-colteusr-rELE-qloQRrNG ' z . F'Eilfiii , FiANS-AiI6"c^dDE-'4NeIr5-is -rlTuli - sE-FoSrep IN MESHAN I cAL. RObI'i-PRTON TO AN INSPECTIQN-R9^'''AM8. DRATNAGE oF MECHANTCAL RQQ!4s-E6fiiriut-w9 E-EAIIN9 oR Hor-wArER suppLy sor1,eit!-bh3ii^'ee"E9ijiPFEij-i-tirg- I FioQn DRAIN PER sEc' 2119 0F THE 1991 UMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATlONS Dept: BUILDING Division: t\: 'DEDI: FIRE UJ.VISION: a r hcrcby acknovr'edse tf?t I qu9 ""^o.t0'rl*,r":1"::l::sd,:":^ll":i:t l':"1::"i1":Htil["ti""il?lil*,il li!'iili ii3lr hcreby acknortedse that r have rcad this Eppr'rc"tton, 1115",1":"::":;:' i"L.l.-ii]-i*pVtiittr tfr. information and plot_Ptan, pr.an, and stltc that "fr' q:-ili:iq:i":-f:;11* ":":T:ti:1,1',;::'::h..1.:n:::"1!,nn .o the Town's zonins and subdivisibnr:;:#li ;l:l""tFlil'"lH"ll:::T:1":':i;:!iq,:i"i:::iil:;"::ii":iii':i.i,:;i:rl':i,t:.:ii"':il$:.::"ins and subdivision ::r::lt::"il:'.:llJ":lr:fi1["iiirlli iiiiiiir';;d]';J-"i;;;o"li*ni." ot th. ro*n appricabr'e thereto' REOUESTS FOR IilSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TI'IENTY-TOUR HOURS IN AT 479-2138 oR AT oUR oFtIcE tRoll E:00 At'l 5:00 P]'l SIGiTATURE OF O}INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HI]ISELF AND OI'II{ER l(o ;^ ,*Contact Eagle County Assessors $*,il';,'s-T1o' "._t?_"r ll 0ffLce -, APPLICATTON MUST BE FTLLED OUT COI{PLEIEIJY ORUIF * ** * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * I pERttIT fNFORI,IATf ONr! Job Nane:Job Address: tegal Description: Lot Owners Name: Architect: Address: PER}IIT II .r__- rT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ****!r*********************** '39x''?; Hil:iili3fF3il DATE: [ ]-Buirding g 1-pr'rnhing [ ]-Electricar pd-uechanibar I J-other ph124!Me_ Address: 6lRe . R6avar- (ac*K, A,tz'a- pn.fusfugL Nunber of Dnelling units: 0 Nunber of Accornnodation Units: ^ lpnber and Tlpe of Firepraces: Gas Appri "n"r"T eas LogsJlLwoodlpe* "rTv-_-_-1+...[********************************* vArruATroNs ********* ***(*************-il BUILDING: $ ceneral Description: Work Class: F4l-New [ ]-Alteration f l-Aalaliti'onaf t lln.p"t" [ ]_other ILIIMBING: T-EIJCTRTCAL: $_^---OTLTER: $ - Address: _Efu_Qa3_e Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Address: Contractor: Mechanical Contractor:Address: /rc ******************************** FORBUTLDING PERI{TT FEE: PLT'I'fBTNG PERMTT FEE: I'fECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: -.EIA TRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF EEE: DRB FEE: TOTAL:€ Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: Town of Vail Rqs. No. l?e-mPhone Number: 9n:E(A{' OFFfCE USE *************rr**************rr* BUILDTNG PI,AN CIIECK FEE: PLT'}IBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:IifECHANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEEs RECRTATTON FEE: CI,E,AN-UP DEPOSIT: CIJATT UP I'EPOSIT IEFITIID T{I:f,n,Un fLt&ttbv< F.O.qae (,taotj y1f, luwn TO: EROM: DATE: SUBJEEI: 75 south fllntrg! ro.d nil, colondo 8165? (303, 479-2L3E ot 479-2L39 rn sunnary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unrawfur for anvperson to litter, lgack or aeposia-;;;;irl-"o-il, sand, debrisor nateriar, incrucring trisrr-["ip"t.1s, portabre toi].ets andworkmen vehicres-.-Ypo"...nv =tr".tl sia""aii];ii;y or pubticg:ii.=::.:lg ff.+.on theieor. --*," rislrtr;i_iii-a, alr. rown of Thia ;;i;;;":' *iii'g: ::"i:iil-:li::lg.';i{;:*,#:$#, "'Public l{orks oe"aitneit. --pJi"ins found .rii,riri'e this ordinancewilt be qriven "' zl rrJoi-rrl.ri;;';"€iJ"-to-i!io-i"=="id nareriar.rn the event the person so notitiea-aoeJ-";;;;ety with thenotice within the 24 hour tine-ipeclried, the puf,ric worksDepartment wirr. ""r"""-=iiirltliiar _ii-irrJtrqp"-i=. or personnotified' The orovi=i""=-"r-iiis orainance srritt not beapplicable to cinstruction, -dili:llnge 9.r scpair projects ofany street or alley or any utiLitres in the right_a_way. _To.review ordinance.No..6 in full, pI:1=" stop by tfr" iown of:::i":lii3i"g,":f,il*:ll"::"";;i" a copv. i;";i you ror your ottlc. of communlly devclopmcnl AI,L CONTRACAORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WrlE THETOWN. OF VAIL Totsls oF vArt puBLIC r{oRKs/co!,IMITNITy DEVEIOPMENT lilARcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKTNG E ITAIERTA! STORAGE (i.e. contractor, owner) 60- 4.r\'v /o A/a/"f luwn 75 roulh trontlgc .ordnll, colondo &165?(gos) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 oltlc. of comnunlty dryctopmqf BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TI}IE FRAI.tE If thr's penni.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Depar_tnrent Approval ,Engineer's (Pub'l ii llorks| ""vi"r'.ni'ipproval, a plannin!. Oepartrnentreview or Hea't th Departrn6ni-"i"i"*, -rii. u ""uie* Ly-tii.,,duir ai ngl:rilS:k.*.ll "r.t*ted time ro"'.-totur ;;;i;. ;";.,L[!,u, rons A'll comrnercial f'rarge or sma'') ano at nrurti-fami.ry permits wi'have to foilow ttre Suove ;;;ii6nil-nirir* reguirements. Residentialand small projects shourd di;-;-i";;li'amount or tme. However, ifresidenti'al or smal I :",p-j"fts-iil;;;' the various above mentioneddepartments with reqa.rd' to-"""&irii-ievie*, these prrjectJ nayalso take the three-week period. Every attempt wi'r 'r be made by this department to expedite thispermit as soon as possibie. ' -"'- tbrs' s'rsrrL Le exPeorre Er i;.j!i undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time x r Date XorR Snee t wa iEFiEd'-TnT6lhE Deve'looment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM a.!}oNrnAc; TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS D o EPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED Job Name: Date:enas arding the need lor a "public Way permit.: YES NO ls this a nEw residence? ls demolition work being perlormed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site ofher than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or pubfic property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easernenls orpublic property to be used for staoino parking olten-cingl -' ---w"'e' B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing ptan required by Commrinity Development? Afea,r;, / SSqoo 1) 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7) lLvg'- "T.*tt9d yes to any oflhese questions, a'Pubtic way permit' musf be obtained.?ublic way- Permit' aprpiicationl miy ba obtained at the'pubtic workl office or al 9.o.TTrliry Devetopmeh! lltrl lfr^"g"f-Oresrions ptease cail Chartie Davis, rhe Townof Vail Construction tnspector, al47g-21fu.' I have read and answered allthe above questions. Job Name Contrac{o/s Signaure Date I D 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST CITY MARKET (VArL COOMONS 2103-114-1s-013 PRJg 6-0007 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD W, VArL CO 81657 PERFORMANCE AIR COOLING ]NC. 1131 W CUSTER PLACE, DENVER CA 80223 PERFORMANCE AIR COOLING INC REFRIERATION Status. . Applied. Issued.. Expires. Valuation: fof Gas Logs: Payments Phone: 80223 . ,. l TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2738 Job Address. . .Location...... ParceL No.....Project Number OWNER CONTRACTOR APPLICANT Description: CITY MARKET FireDtace Information: Restricted: EPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D LOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMII MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PermitMECHANICAL PERMIT o EVE AT ALL TIMES M9 6-0 15 3 ISSUED oe /24 /1,ee6 os /24 /ree6 03 /23 /Les't 303-778-0100 145,000.00 fof Uood/Pal. Let: *rt,effir*ffi*ttffi ,tffi**ffi ffi *ffi *ffrJr F EE SUl,lllARy ffrrffi*Jrffi rt#rtffiffi ***ffi *ffi t',lechani cal---> 2,900.00 Restuarant P lan Reviey--)-00 Total calculated Fees---> #0f Gas Appt iances: TOTAL FEES----- PLan Check---> Investigation> Ui L l. cal. L----> 725 -OO .00 3.00 .00 3 ,628.O0 AdditionaL Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> 3,6?8.@ .00 3,628.OO> 3,628.00 CE FROll 8:00 Al4 5 : 00 Pl'l ,t*ffiffirrr*ffi****ffi***i**ffiffirnttiurffi*r****tffiffin*********illllillli*;;;;;;;i********ri$o* ItE,$i ,O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEPI: BUILDING DiViSiON:09/24/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISItem:'.0s600_EI8E DEPART\,IENT -___ -_ ,_ Dept: FIRE Division:09/24/79e6 CHARLIE Acaion: AppR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. * * * * * * * * * * * * * r. * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r, * * * * * * * * * * * *** * r, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovledge that I have read.this apptication, fitl,ed out in ful,l, the information required, compl,eted an accurate ptotptan, and state that a[[ the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to compl,y iith the ,iniormation and pl,ot i:Lan,to conP[y uith al'l' Tovn ordinances and state [aws, and to buil,d this structufe according to-the ToHn's zoning and suMlvisibncodes, design revieu approved, uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town appl,icabte thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IAOE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS SIGNATURE OF OI,INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII,ISELF AND OI,INER 24-1g96 A?':39All FROI'1 PERFORINNCE AIR |97A4?9E,28L P.E P.2 ontlct Eaglr Couacy Asgessors Office ,if|,?i'frTt3t2fwii'-l;,s'3H,,31 ll;lr$H:il"sig- .,_:*'::DAaE: tstps 2t, iigs f@{r-6o67 , APPIIGATIoN ultsr BE FILLED ouT col{PLEIELy oR rT ral }t9T gE AccgpTED 'lr****r*i.*ttr.r*rrrr****r.*t'r* pgR!{IT fNFoFl.lATIoN **ratiatrrr*********r*irl****rl ( l-Butldlng t l-Plrubing I i-llectricat 1 ;-uecrranfrjar B l-trther&lbtgg1giq, Jo! t{urc; City litarket #142 ,_ Job Addregt; ZO99 I,cgal oescriBtlon: Ipt Bloclc Fillng Orne='E Nsnc: eity tGrket Address:,Po 8o" ?"?1, 6ra{$ld;".bco Plf,,?U:tfiqg oo* lrehitect: @ Address: og4B E"l3a,,l. c"-t.fi',"t .w},?JLs@ Canar.l Dcscrtption: rork class: I J-!r.w [ ]-Alterarion [ ]-addirlonal. I l-Rep.lr g ]-ottrer Nunber of, Accslufffdttlcn Unltc: Appliances_ cas Irogsd- trood/pellet_-otss1AI,0I!|-IONS t * * * * * * * * *.l r r I J I I * * * * * * * !. * * r i t * * * CONTRACIoR INFORIIASION * * * r* *. n r r t r, *** r* r ** | ** * * * * TO Number of Dyelllng Unlts: E&ICIBICA!: I uEctsANrcffrc l-- tSG: q80,000.00 onnlR: | !,lateriat: 65,000.00 TOtl&: Electrical Contractors Address: Plunbing contractot: Address: Mechenl,eai gontractorl Address: *t****lt*** ****t*****:r********** FOR BUII,I'ING PERTT* TE8' PW}IBING PERMIT FEE: I.GCHANTCAL PEND'ZI FEE! EI.,E TRtrCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF F8E: DRE FEE: Tol.rn of vail Ree- no..1 I rpbone ryq4psy3970-479-0fIT- Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nulrber: ---- -l- Tovn of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: OFFICE USE *** r*******!. r ******* ir****.r*tt BUTLDTNG FI,AN CXECX NNg: PUn'lBIlfc PrAN CHECX ISE: MECHATICAL PI.AN CI{ECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE; CI.ET}T-UP DEPOSIT: TO?AIJ PERMTT TEES: r996 l 'A7Pr.l BUTI.DTNG: stdNATunEr flNING: EfcNAruRE: o9-24-1996 B?:41p* luttn TO: Etglts DATE: SUBJECS: neadl FRON PERFORT'IPNCE EIR tE torr$r tllrtrgr 'tnduif. G.lorado tt6ttl 1r€t .79-2138 or 479-?t39 TO t9?a4?9@n1 P.A5 ol$q! cf ctilrrurilt' Csralq'|||.at AIL CO!f,IRAETORS g1,NRENTLSIJ REGTSTERED If:TE TEEtowu oF vAt& EOI{N OF VAII SUBLTC YVORKS,/COUMUI{TIY DI\/EIOPIENT l|lncr 16, 1988 CONSTRT'CTION PINKINC E UETERTAL S?ORAGE In suroary..ordLnance No, 6 states tbat it is unlawful fgr anyPerson to J.itter, lTacR or ieposit any soll, rocr(, iand, debrisor matcriel , I'ncluding trasb buaSrsters, porcable igirets and,work'ei vehLeies upon-any strrst; siaewaii, -ifi.V-ii puui-ii::r_::_?fy portion theieof. ric risht-oi-eay i,n-iri rown qrvtrl. streets and fga-ds is approxiaateiy 5 ft, 611 5rJrrenent.lttll. ordinance virr be atriliiy enio=..a bv the Tori,., of vailDubllc r{or}:s Departnent. persins touno viiraling-iHi"u ordinaneewirl- be gi*en a ?4 hour r-iii."--noiiee to re&eve said nateria.r.In the event the person so notitiid ao"" nor. conply witb thenctice sithin the- 24 hour.tiae-=e.ciii"o. "il";;iic h-o=ksDspartnent will renove said n"teliir -at the cxponse of personnocificd. ?he provisions ef *rit-Jrainance sharr not bcapplieable to c-onstruction, *ii;enanca or repair projects gfany street or allcy or an)r urilities in ifia-rlgni-I-""v. to review ordinance.No. 6 in fu1l, pl.ease stqp by the To.r,rn of::11^:::+din9 oep1rtnent ro obtain ! copy. ?hanlc you for you!cocpcsa:ion on this nEttsr, T.il<.--,(i,e. contractor,suner) 69-24-1996 E?t4len FROr.l pERFoRrlnNCE nIR TO 9*23- 1996 L l@t',l FROM vAlL COl.rNLr\E PRUJEU I Ytta 4,v u)zo Io L97@479A8L P.g7 ir MEIj|ORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOHS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKg DEPAFTMEI{T MAY I, 1994 WHEN A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT' IS REOUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Job Name: Date: Plcase YE3 1) ls this a new residence? 2l ls demolttlon wot|t being performed that roquires lhe us€ of the right of way, eesernofits or public prgp€rty? 3) ls any utifty wofi needed? 6) ls the dtiveway belng repaved? 5) ls difterent access needed to gite olher than cxisting ddveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done aflecting the right of way, eesemenb, cr public property? 7l ls e'Bevocabte Right O Way Permit' required? 8) A. ls lh€ ighl of way, easements or public properU lo be used for siagfng, p6rfting or tsncing? B. tt no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Gommunity Dcvelopment? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permtf must be cbtained. 'Publlc Way Pcrmil' applications may be obtained at ihe Public Work's offiee or at Community Developnent. lf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis. the Town of Vail Conslruaion Inspector, at 479.2158. I haye read and answered all -Jt -7€ Nll X * r Job Name s Si,gnature Date @9-24-L996 @?t4?p/n F23-1996 1rEl9Pl,lt. FROI'1 PERFORIIRI"{CE A]R F!t.!JM VA I L Cul"fllltj\f> Pt1\rJBt- | L97r479a.?8L P,@B olftro of Ecilnuetv ddop|l|'tft TO 9 ' tal .+t.J tat-<, I 't lunn lfll 7E rou$ t.ttat|ifc }!aa f,fi, Edor.do 5t!57(30e) 479-113E or 4t9-2139 BUILDING PERI4IT ISSUANCT Tlrrt FR/{,!E If thls .p-eryit trquil::-t J?ll of vail Fire Deparsnent Approval,Ensi neen's (pubr re r.rorks ) "e"ier uii'ipiriorai, -i iiiiiit.i'irliii*.ntrevtew or Health oeoartmint-r;;;;;-";I';'rcvfe, by ure Buiriring frilH:"hthe es tiroa iei i;,ni' ii'"'a-iitii "*niew-inf ; p;. ;i. i one AJI connercial flaroe_or sru.l1) and alI nulti.741;1y penrits willhave to follow rh: icove,entt6ntJ-naij,r,u,r.equl.ements. Residentia.land sma]l proJects shou'rd ;f;-;-i";l""l,nsunt.or time. However, if:::]l:ntflt ol sngtrer projecis-dil;;'tie ua"io* above mentionedoeprrEments with reca.rd' to-n*essiry-r""iJ", these projsci5 maye'lso teke the three-wrek period 1:1.:!.ltt wfl: be Tge by rhis departneL-t i,e exoedite thlsp?rml'i as soon as possl bi e. - rs err | ! i;.jil undgr$igned, understand the plen check procedure and tine Conrnun{ ty gevelnn-.rt Oepa"tnent. - 6 I o THI S PERMIT'MUST BE POSTED O OBSITE AT ALt TIMES oNJ TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479 -2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Job Address: Locat,ion. . . :Parcel No..:Project, No.: NEW EI,ECTRIC INC P O BOX 957, AVON CO NEW EI,ECTRIC INC P O BOX 957, AVON CO CITY MARKET TOWN OF VATL ELECTR]CAL PERMIT 2099 N FRONTAGE CITY MARKET 210 3- 1 14- 15 -013 PRJ9 6-0007 81620 87620 Department of Comrnunity Development Permit #: 896-0032 RD WEST Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Expires. . I SSUED o3/26 /ree6 o3 /26 /ree 6 0e /22/ree6 Description: TEMPORARY POWER *****i************fr**********t***tt***if*i*****fi *****t** F EE Valuat.ion r 2, 700.00 sut'tllARy ****t************i*****i**r*******t*r*i********r*****r**r* Totat Catcutated Fees---> AdditionaL Fees--------> Total Pefmit tee-------->. Payments-------- BALANCE DUE---. Phone:3039494651 Phone: 3039494651 57. 00 .00 57.00 57. m .00 E Iect ri ca [---> oRB Fee lnvestigation> tli tI, Catt----) TOTAL FEES---> 54.00 .00 3.00 57.m ***f**********ft**************************************************************************************fft*************ff******ff E\i2 i fi8820 DI : LEcrR r ct!.?3it*IHBil'Dept: BUILDING Division: ************************tt*******t*trt***t*t************'t*t***********************************i**********t*********ifi**t********** CONDITION OF APPROVAL **********ff******ff*t*********fi****************ff***t******t********ff*************************ff******ffi******ff************** DECLARATIONS I hereb;r acknoutedge that r have read this apptication, fitLed out in ful,t the information required, colpteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that att the information provided as required.is correct. t agree to.compty Jtttr the iniormation "na piot i["n,to compty !,ith al't Town ordinances-and state [aws, and io buil,d this st ructur e'accord i ng io' ttt" -iolrn;. 'iining "no subdivisjoncodca, design rrview approvcd, uniform BuiLding code and other ordinances of thc Town afpticabl,c th.fcto. NEOUESTS FOR INSPEETIONS SHALL BE [Ar,E TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS III ADVANCE 8Y TELEPHoNE At 179-2118 0R AT oUR OFFTCE FRoil 8r0O Ail 5:m pil l'9 n ''"'"''""^"'n a TOWN. dF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 APPLICANT CONTR.R'CTOR OWNER E Iectr i c! [---> DRB Fee lnvcstigati on> l,li L l. caL t-_-> TOTAL FEES_-> I D Total catcutated Fees---> '103.00 Additional Fecs--------> Totat Permit Fec-------> Paynents-------- .m 103.00 103.00 BALANCE DUE----- REOUESTS TOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ITADE TI,'ENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY EPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D PMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit, #: E96-0153ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WESI Status...: ISSUED Location. .. : vArL CoMMoNS/CITY MARKET Applied,. z A7/D/L996 Parcel No. . : 2103-114-15-013 Issued. , .: 0'7 /12/L996Project No.I PRJ96-ooo7 Expires..t 0l/08/L997 NEw ELECTRTC INC Phone: 3039494651 P O BOX 957, AVON CO 81620 NEw ELECTRIC INc Phone: 3039494651 P O BOX 957, AVON CO 81620 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONSAGE RD W, VArL CO 81657 Description: TEMP POWER FOR CITY }.,IARKET VaLuation:s00.00 FEE SUI.IIIARY o EVELO 50.00 .m .00 3.00 103.00 ****f,**t***** I!s4u .969q0 ELECTRTCAL DEPARTMENT Depr: BUILDING Division:07/12/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR FOR ERNST CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPTIANCE *rH. DECLARATIONS I her.by lcknovl.dge that I hlve read this lpptication, f il,l,ed out in tutl, the information required, copteted an accuratc ptot ptan, and state that atl thc infornation provided as required is correct. I agrce to conpLy yith thc information and pLot plan, to compty vith olt Tom ordinrnc"s and state [aws, and to buitd this structure lccording to the ToHn's zoning and subdivision codes, drsign rcvicv approv.d,, uniforD Buitding coda and othcr ordinanccs of thc Town appl,icabtc thercto. )*Contact Eagle County Assessors Office!45rE vrJulrLJ Aslie5 ]1 at 9Z0-328-8540 for parcel K?ARCEL llz)1.O3 - rttl-tS-Fii',-"T-e,','d-'?f I L'31H"?; $flr8iil:3fi"ffittt PERI'IIT iI DATE: t APPLfCATION MUST BE FIL,I;ED OqI CO!{PLETELY OR IT !!AY NoT BE AccEgtEDaf x***************************** PER!{rT TNFORMATTON *****************************rl [ ]-Building I J-plr''nhing [SJ-Electricat [ ]-uechanibal [ ]-otherftt*uaF,Dcc' Job Address:Job Nane: Legal Description: Lot Filing P.6. n^9, (1Qou* *rl..A Pn.fzeil orfr Architect: Nrerqo,,r.f.,* Address:Ph. General Description: work class: ffi-xew [ ]-Alteration t l-Aarditional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Vni1*;s_"---'Nunber of Acconmodation Units: ^ lpnber and Tlpe of Firepraces: Gas Appriances/ cas Logsj wood/perlet---v /t_:_::::*******************.****?;tltxlgr€Ns ********************************* i#131il3: **SI*T:11.; l-,? oo eTrF3'^ rlsraE r.Nq: I UECHANICAIT: $-'- Ir*********!:***{f Eenerat "or,... jil: I.Zfi. - IJPTI.I$oR rNFoRMArroiContractor:coNIRAeIOR TNFORMATToN *** * * * *** ** * * ** * * * * ******* * Address: . Torf,n of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: TOTAL: iffi:5::"r contractorz kq"t BLa--tqte,Town of vait Req. No.lll-dPhone Nunlcer: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: * ************ *** * * * ** **** * * * * i * * Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone lfrrDl.gl'; FOR OFFfCE USE **********:r******************** BUILDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLWBTNG PIAN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE3 CI,E:AN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAT PERI.TIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNAtrtlRE: BUTLDTNG PERUIT FEE:PLWBING PERMTT FEE: }fECflANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCA! FEE: OTHER TYPE OF AEE: DRB FEE: CLEA}I I'P I'EPOSIT REFTtf,D r1): luwn TO: FROM: DATE: SUBTECT: 75 touth trontrgc mrd ural. coto?rdo 816s7 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 rn su'mar?, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to ritter, track or aeposit^;;;irl-tJJi, sand, debrisor naterial , incruding trisrr-Sunpsters, portable toirets andworknen vehicr.es.,rpon-uny-;tr;Ji; =ia"w.ix] -;ii;y or pubricplace or anv oorciin trr"i""i. --ir." ri9i,i:;;;;;-rn au rown ofVail streets ind.roaas--il-iii""*irqtelv 5 rt. irr pavement.rhls ordinance Tll_*-;r_i;ii;^"nforced by the rown of vairPubric works DeDartment- persrns found .'iiriti'g this ordinancewirt be siven a-ze houi r"it[Ii'ioiiJ"-t"-;;;;;==.id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified.does not comply with thenot'ce within t131 rr-"i-tii"-lpecified, ttre puitic worksDepartment nirl remove said natEli"i-ai-inJ'lr.pEi=e of personnotified' The provirion.-or-iiis orainance shitr not beapplicable to cinstruction, ,iiii"rr.r,ge 9f repair projects ofany street or alley or irry'oliilir"= in the rigtrt_a_way. To review ordinance No. 6 in fuLl., please stop by the Town of:::i"::il3i"g,o:f,i**:lt"::"oi.-ii" a copv. rira,,r you ror your olflcc ol communlty devclopmcnl AI..L CONTRASIORS CURRENTLYI REGISTERED WITII gtTETOWN OF VAIL TO!{N OF VAIL PUBLIC rvoRKs/CO!{MITNITy DEVEr,oP!!ENT UARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & UATERIAL STORAGE (i.e. contractor, owner) lnwn 75 routh Irontrge road nll, coloredo !n667 13031 479-2138 or 479-2139 otflce of communlty drtclopmrnl BUILDTNG pERtiIT lsSulnce rIilE FRAME If this permit ""qrilT a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval,!lgil:q l=,, (pl ll i g IgI[' ] ""vi"n . ni'ipp"ou.i, "i iiiiiii l5'beparrmentrevrew or HeaI th Deparrnent. review, ano' a-"euid ;i-i;;;,,;rit ai n9 SSrilg;r,l;"the estinated time ror'.-iot"t ;;;;;" ;"i"L[!'u, rone All commercia'r frarge or sma'r'r) and a'multi-family permits wi.'have to folrow itre ibove ;";ii6";;ximum reguirements. Residentia.land smalt projects strouia taie-;-i#;;'umount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller,projecis impiii the various above mentioneddepartments with reqard' t"-r"i"riil!-reuie*, these projects r'yalso take the three-weet pe"ioJ.--'r' '!J lvery atternpt will be Bge OV this departmeni to expedite thispermi't aS SOOn aS pOSS i bl e. - s"s" '' Lv SAPEU I Le rr l-il" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeTrame. t t(-\lt f f \1 . -- (FJW- project S hee t ia J-TuinEE-Tn-r-dThEDate XoiE Devel ooment Department. MEMORANDUM oJlo*ro*.TO: FROM: DATE: FE: TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED Job Name: Date: P|easeanswertne@ardingtheneedlora,PubticWayPermit': YES NO 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easernenls or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) fs different access needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit. required? 8) A. ts the right of way, easements or public property to be used lor staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to BA, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf-v?Y. "Tyttgd yet to any oflhese questions, a'Public Way permit' rnust oe oAtaineo.jPP Y:y^l"llif appricarions miy be obrained a r,e'prutic work,s office or arcg.y.r1u]itv Devetopmen! llIrl n13!ry_euesrions p|ease carrcrrJie-'riJu;fi; il*;ol Vail CoAqtrry*ioft Inspectoi, at 479-215A.' all the above questions. NO Contrador's Signature o DEP NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address Location... Parcel No.. Project No. APPLICANT ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING SERVICES 363 WEST EVANS AVENUE, DENVER, CO 80223 CONTRACTOR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING SERVICES 363 WEST EVANS AVENUE' DENVER, co 80223 OWNER TOI'IN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD W, VArL CO 81657 Description: CITY MARKET(STORETCONDOSTDAY CARE) I rOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD /ArL, co 8t657 )7 0-47 9 -2L38 ARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D PMENT o EVELO ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit *: E96-0177 RD WEST Status... ePPIied. . Issued. . . ExPires. . 2099 N FRONTAGE VAIL COMMONS 2LO3-LL4-15-013 PRJ96-0007 ISSUED 08 /08 /Lee6 08 /74 /Lee602/Lo/Lee7 Phone z 303-?77-7737 Phone t 303-777-7737 Valuation:905, 000.00 '*** rEE sul'll{ARY 3.00 9,955 .OO 9,958.00 9,958.0O. .00 ***ir|tffi rffi ,t*rrf,t****rtrf,***'r*f ***|t*f,f,*fi rhtt*lriffi|* Ite.m:,O6000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT08/08/1996 DAN Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: Electricat---> .00 DRB FeA Investi gati on> Ui t L Ca t t---> TOTAL FEES---> .00 3.00 5.00 Total Catcutated Fees---> Additionat Fees--------> Total Permit Fee-------> Payncnts-------------> BALANCE DUE---- '* ffii***r**#'ffi******* CONDITION OF APPROVAL ,* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fitl.ed out in futt the informstion requi red, conptetcd an rccurate ptot pLan, and state that att the infofnation provided as required. i.s correct. .t agree to.cornPl'y.vith t!? ill:lftion lnd p[ot pl'an, to compt,y with rtt rown orlinan"is ina stlte [aws, and io buil.d this structure according iothe Toun's zoning and subdivision coaes,'dls.ign reviev approved, uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Tovn appticabte thereto' REOIJESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TI'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT oFFtcE FRoll 8:00 All on cotrnAcron FoR HrllsELF AND olrNER 200 'd rsle 'oN *o re: rr 96/90/80 - liconCacC Eagle Gouncy Aa.rsaors l{ ce 97O-32E-864O tor Parccl il. ffARCn Iz zto3-uj-tf -oi3 Off,tcc TOIW oP \reIL gol|8tmuqlror DErurrr ^PD!ficalllor $ofl(a\cBr ,9-6-a_!__ , APPLfCATION trtt6l! EE fII/LlD OUtf COMPI;ETELX OR IE UAI ltlol EE ACCEPTED Ittt*rllltlr*r*t**|}tll**'.rrt|r***r*r pEnutr.|I' ilFoluo|ll'oN *rr*r*r*tr*r*.****t****+**irrl(fl-Buudlng t t-Prunbhg r J-Itle€t"tcal I l-ttachrnl'cal I l-other tob Nam€: VAt trob Addr.|rr PER!{tt 0 Iagal oosorlptlont Lot_- Eitoclc_ onneirr I{!!r€! C,{u t-tnreXeT Iro AddrGall Fll,lh c€trcral Drrcrl.ptiant t<Zq rork clrg.r t)o-xcw I J-A].rera]J,on 6 l-Addltl,onar t l-Reptl: I l-other l{unbcr of lrelllng ttnttsr lluob.r of Aaconosdatlon Unl,tg; lP*." and Typr ol Plreplac.rt cre Attrllaac!.r_ ctr IpgE Wood,/pel1.t_ Itrrr*r*rtttt**t***ttt.t*i*.*tttr.* vl|IrA1'lo1s rr******rr ****rr*ri***ir**rrtrr*r BUILDING3 Er.lgrRrcalr t_3gi.a_g_g__ dr$Enr tputuBrNcr T- _ ulcBAtfrcAl: l-- md;t; !-_v -*t**.* i*******tlti****lrttttr CON'lf,RlClOR INFORrTBION *tt*t.*rrlrtrrrr!r..r*r*rr.f {'Y:p11l- eont,;rrcXoli"t _Sr}t H^aKqT Torrn of vrl.l Reg. NO._Addreeg: ro Ro. ,.- - lbone xunoiir _"1.-- ueohanlcal contractorr Addrser: FOR otlrcB uN8 t*r*****r'r*t**tr *. *a*i***+r*ar*ntfLDlf,C PLA![ CI|ECK FEE3P&UllB!il€ PIAI{ cltEcK fEAs}IECHATICAL PIAII CHECX E'EE!.RECREI|trlOlf lEEr CIEIII-UP DEPosIl! AolTtIJ PlEUIf FEEsr n Ir.DfNC3 9IOlIAlURgA ZOt|IMlrgrolfATuRSr Archltrct'. V)croz tna<rc louqllr"* - Alldrarr3 OIXB €.8%.!e^ Cre"k Bla/ .,Fb .PluublnE ContraotoE:Addrras:Town of, vaLl Reg. NO.Phonc Nurbtrr Town of Val,lPhona NuDbsr: R.g, NO. *:l*i)*a*r.a*** rr**tr* i, ** ****t t*t** AUILDING PANilII IEEI Elrotrical contnctort Ecf €!( -(l-tL rofln of v-atI Rag. tro,4<oAddrrrst 363 r*t- e.tr+'u tze^-u.< -6_-Td-l-4 irron:-l,lunuair-ii't=_?z-I PI{tUlrNc pEt$fir EEE! }TECilAilTCAI, PER|iIE T8I3 EI"BCTRICAL FEEI OTTIER TCPE OT FEE: DRD fEE: eo' d lro'oN lv, vt 96,90 9fi4 egT4-6zv-tot: g.I I13G-HOJ -lIUr1 JO NfiOl t00'd rsffi'0N r.o r8: tr 96/90/80 luwn tf r.ullr fuontr{. r.rd[tl. calof|tto altlt(totl 479-1118 cr 479-2139 tOr FROU: DAfEr au&rEcl!: lo.gryJ.ar Ordinanar tto. 6 Ln firll, plraae ttop lryylll_tll+dinr Dopartmat ro obtatn I copy. riani<cooFe,rttt.on on thl'i nettir. cff,cr cl oo||tor||trlty d.{aloFt|rrnl AIJ. COI|EBAETANS cllnNlNXLVIJ RESI8IERED TOITIT TH8mrw oF VAI! Botfll ot vrtl. puBLIc $Onns/colmruty DgyErppuENT ilAncE 16, 1988 clclrsmxtclloN prnKE[c t uA!!DnIAL STOEAGE tlrc aqen s1you lor your rn ru'rnary, . ordlnabga lfo. 6 rtrt€f tbat it Lc unlarful for anypcrron to llttcr, traclc or leporlt rny eoil, rJci, ,anc, ctolriror laterlal, ,inoludlng trach iunlrrtcrl, poriable iol.lct; a;a---rrork&.n wehLcles. Tpoa-fny ctrmtr rldriaiX, a[ay or prrbllcpl?g. gE rly portt6a tlciror. Ei'.-;r;ba:;i-d;-en alr ror' ofvall arre.tr .nd,l_orgr lr apptoxlnrtrly 5 ft. off, pavcrrent.Th1. -or-dlni,nc. rtrl bo etri-ciiy -ontorsia-ui-tn.-rourn of varrE\rblls workr DGDATtrlant. Drrsinr io"na-vr6ritr"g-trrr"-orafi.n""wlrl. be gtven F za hour vrlttrn notlor to tr.Dovc iald naterial .rn,th. 6vcnt the grrnon ro. noticted co*-not Jiueri-rrEfi trrl--'notl'ee rl.thln the-a{ hour tlne-ipicrir"a,- ttr"-ilf,irc rcorkrD.padEhont rl.rl rmovr crld natriirr-it inJ'ixpinar ot perronlTti-lff..d: tllrc provfulonr-of tUf.i orOfnanc€ nhett not brrapprlcabl. to corrrtnrcrElon, lgiqrtplrns. or rcpalr proJe-tr ofany strcrt or eltcy or any'utiltttjr in ttr-;if[I-a-u"y. Rcad and.aoknoyledged byr /)Y -n". A,,-, ,,+,-,4L EluJi-o( Q*J.*k E. c.t to ProfcCt-(1.c. contraator, own€r) C-?!,€_cT_ l-1 Ax*Goaltion/RrlltlonrF ,.o'd /,r0'oN tv:vl 96,90 gflA zgve-6/-v-t0f : (I 11f(*l^l03 lIUtl -J0 Nm01 I 900'd it rsrs'0N *tl r8: tr 96/90/80 TO: FBO[I: DATE: RE' itEuoRANpinr ALL CONTHACTORS TOWN OF yArL PUEttC WORrg DEPAFTMETI? MAY e, tee4 WHFT{ A "PUEUC WAY PERIIIT |a REOUIREO r) 2'l rLA Date:E -(-C (:---*- Please enc\ry|'r lhe followlng quetffonnaire regardhg tho need lor a 'Publtc Wry Parmlf : YES F tNs a new rcsUence? ls domofitlon work beitq porformed thet requhee lh6 uss of tho dght of wey, aesements or pub[s pro,pefty? ls any utllfty rrnr* needad? ts thc drlraeway beirp rcparcct? lc dlfferent accesi nrcded to rltc othcr than erl3ling ddwu|ay? ls eny dralnage rvoA bellg donc atlecllng the rlght ot wey, rsromcnt3l --:-' I( ff'Tt ho<r.- l t UE X X v X 3) 4) 5) 6' or pubflc property? 7l ls e'Bevocabfe Rlght o| Wry PermJt" requirecl?. 8) A. ls the dght ol way, elr.rnents or puolfo propeny to bo us€d for gteging, parldrlC or fenctng? B. lt no to 8A. lg a F{ddno, steglng or fandng phn requlrad by Oommunlty Drvelopment? !l_l9u- answerod yes to any of theaa qut8ffons,.a 'pubxc way permil* mud bi obtalned.'Fubfc Way Perrnit' applloffons may be obtalnod rt th6 Publlo Worldr ofici or at qg-ryTqIttty Devslopmont. lf you het€ any gu.srtont deas. cdt chlrfls oavls, the Tarn ot Val, Congtrucilion Inspector, rt.47g.2tSB. I haw reed and aneuored all the abow gueailoru. r4n G. c. JoD Name 50'd /.fO'oN 2F:tt contnadofs slgnature Dao 96.90 gnu este-62F-tot: CI r13(-llB3 -lfun JO Hf'l0l f00'd rsts'0N xuo It: tr 96/90/80 tt roul'| t|ttrrfilr io..lfllr oCor|do l |l?Fs) {?9-Xr38 or 479-2139 lnntl olllot ol ccmmunlly d.rl|opl|rttil EUITTIING PERfiIT ISSTTAIICE il!{E FR/tItE If thls pGnllt rrqurrcs e Tonn of uafl Ffrr Dcpartnent Approvar,5lg!n*r""..(Pgblic ltorkrl tiiie* e,ra'ipinoJrirT'p-iiir:iri5'irlporu,.ntrevlwor Herltll lhpartnint icvretr, anf,'a-re.rien by thc gurfii;,g-'-"-Departnent, the €sttmtod tim ror'a-totar' ;il;;;;ry"Iai!'"s ronsas tliree rcetr. All comnrrctal CIrrge or $mll) and att nrlfi-famf ly permlts wilthrvc to-folrow the itovg rnenii6niJ niii*n regurrcmcnts. . R*idcntfrland.snall proJccts_ should talte i iclicr'rmsrii-orniddl' Hoievcr, rf 'esidenttal or smailer .proJects tmpaci ilrlvirr6""-i$"" *liuonuadepa rtnents wt th reoa.rd. q _ ngcg=iiFi-rciri",-ir,;;; ffij;i"i''*yelso tate tne tltr€e-Ireet priioJ.- Every lttcnpt w{ll be |:9ie ty thfs departnent to cxpcdite thlsporutt f,q soon as posslble. - llll" undersigned' undoFstand the p'lan chrck procedure and timeTrarne. Comunlty Dcvalonment Dsps,|.tnent. qAfc Com-n-otrf VO'd /-f0'oN 2t:Ft 96,90 gnu zg|e-6ZF-tof: (Ir n3(-tto3 lrun Jo Nrlot TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAlL, co 81657 9'70-479-2738 DEPARTMENT OF COMMIINITY D PMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 896-0032 Job Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE LOCAIiON... : CITY MARKET Parcel No.. : 2103-114-15-013 Project No. : PRJ96-0007 APPLICANT NEW ELECTRIC INC P o BOX 95?, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR NEW ELECTRIC INC P O BOX 95?, AVON CO 81620 OWNER C]TY MARKET Description:TwoTEMPoRARYPowERDISCoNNECTSFRoMDAValuation: 8,942 .00 ffifi*f**r*r*****f,*W FEE sul'tllARY ***t*fft**fff*flr*t**i*******i**ti**tt**r*fffr**r**fi o EVELO RD WEST Status. . . APPlied "Issued. .. ExPires. . Phone:30394 Phone: 3039494651 Etectricat---> 162 - 00 DRB Fee ISSUED 03/26 /tee6 03 /26 /tee6 oe /22/tes6 94651 tnvesti gat i on> !f i Lt ca l,t---> TOTAL TEES-_> .00 3.00 165.00 Total, cstcutated Fees---> Additional' Fees---------) Totat Per[it Fer----> Paynents------------l BALANCE DUE---- 165 .00 .00 165 . 00 165 .00 .00 Item:.0600003/26/tee6 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTDAN Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL . DECLARATIONS I hrreby lcknoHl,edge thrt I h6v3 read this appLication, fil'ted out 'in futt the infornation required' coBPteted an ptan, and statc that att tfrc iniormation proviOeO as requi red is correct. I agree to con'tv vith thc information to compty lrith rl,l, forn o.ainii"is "na-.tlt. tavs, and io buitd this structune lccording iothe Tovn's-zoning and codes/ design ".v.i., "pp"ouJ]' uiit"." auitOing codc and other ordinances of thc ToHn rppIicabtc thcfcto' REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ITADE T}IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47}2158 OR AT OUR OTFICE FROI'I accurate P lot and ptot Ptan, subdivision E:00 Ail 5:00 Plt NQ \^j ilELNMPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479 -2 t 3 8/479 -2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Deve lopment Town of vaiT 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81557(303\ 479 - 2L38 Plan the 19 91 Project Nurnber: PR.l95-0007 Addressz 2099 N. FRONTAGE RD. Occupancy: 82, Rl-, E3 Tlrpe of Const: III - thr DIRECTION BOUNDARY NORTH Public way EAST Building SOUTH Buildins WEST Building Area increased. 36.25% FL NAME analysis based on Uniform Buildinq Code Name: VAIL, COMMONS Date: February 29, L995 Contractor: CITY MARKXT Architecb: DONALDSON Engineer: MONROE Plans Examiner: C. R. FEL,DMANN NOTE:The code it.ems listed in this report are not intended to be a completelisting of all" possible code requirements in the 1991 UBC. It is a guide t,o seLected sections of the code. Sprinkler system used for area increase SEPARATION AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION 49 .0 Feet 35.5 Feet5.0 Feet 3.0 Feet0,0 Feet 0.0 Feet 50.0 Feet 25.0 Feet for open area on 2 sides. OCC MAX FtR AREA ALLOWED RATIO STATUS 1 Mechanical Roorn 1 Day Care 1 Unit #E1 Condo1 Unit #E2 Condo1 Unit #E3 Condo1 Unit #E4 Condo 1 Unit #E5 Condo 131-1 73575 0.02600 82568 0.0L 500 55181 0.0L 500 55181 0.0l" 500 55181 0.01 500 5518r. 0.0r- 500 5518r- 0.01 E4 t9J Rt Rt tll" R1 R1 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok {j r""oruo r*rr 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 D e partme nt of Community Deve lopme nt 1 Unit *E6 Condo L Unit #E7 Condo 1 Unit. fEB Condo l- Unit #F1 Condo 1 Unit #F2 Condo 1 Unit #F3 Condo1 Unit #F4 Condo 1 Halls & Closets TOTAL FOR FI,OOR M Office B Stock/Storage Room B Loading Dock B Trash Room B Future Retail SDace B Grocery Store B Hal L s, Closet&Starrs TOTAL FOR FI.,OOR BUIIJDTNG TOTAL 500 55181 0.01 ok 600 551-81" 0.01 ok 600 551-81 0.01 ok 8i-1 55181 0.01 ok 811 55181 0.01 ok 811 5 5181 0.01 ok 811 55181 0.0L ok 2239 55181 0.04 ok't2L94 51673 0.2I ok 3532 73575 0.05 ok 77 45 73575 0. 11 ok 2519 73575 0.03 ok 5L9 73575 0.01- ok 8394 73575 0. l-1- ok 44233 73515 0.50 ok 5051 73575 0.07 ok 72004 73575 0.98 ok 12L94 57573 0.21- ok may not exceed I/3 of the floor is in- -- Sec. L7L'7. 3. KI OK RL ok R1 ok R1 ok R1 ok R1 ok R1 ok KI OK B2 bz bz bz BZ B2 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok NOTE: -- The f l-oor area of the mezzanine area of the room or area that it The actual heiqht of this build.ing' is 14.0 feet. NOTE: The height of the aircraft. hanger may be unlimited if the minimumclear area around the build.ing is not less than one and one-ha1f timesthe buildinq heiq'ht. -- Sec 507 Exc. #2 The maximum height of the building is 55.0 feet. -- Tab1e 5-D EXTERIOR WAI,I, FIRE FATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTIONTable 17-A & Sec. 2003. (a) NORTH EAST SOUTH OCC BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALI, PROT WALI, WALL PROT WALL WALI., PROT82 2hr thr None 4hr* 4hr* NOP 4hr* 4hr* NOpRt- 2})r thr None 2},.r* 2hr* prot 4hr* 4hr* NOpE3 4hr thr None 4hr* 4hr* NOp 4hr* 4hr* NOp WEST BRG NON.BRG OPNG WALL WALI, PROT 2lrr Lhr None 2hr thr None 4hr thr None The exterior walls are required to be of NONCOMBUSTIBLE nraterial. Sec.2003. (a) None -- No fire protection requj-rements for openings.Prot -- openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50* of thearea of the wall maximum. Sec. 504. (b) & Sec.2003. (b) Maximum single wind.ow size is 84 sq.ft with no dimensiongreat.er lhan 12 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- Openings are not permitted in this wa11.i - - These walls may be required to have a parapet wa1l 30 inchesabove the roofing. The parapet wall is required to have the samefire rating as the wall - see section 1?10. for details and. exceptions. {P ^""'"'uu '*'* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTSEI,EMENT MATERIAL Inter j-or Bearing wall AnyInterior nonbrgr wall AnyStructural Frame Any Exterior Struct Frame AnyFloor/ceiling Assembly Any Roof/Ceiling AssembLy AnyStairs Anv Table 17 -A RATING NOTES l- hr l- hr thr thr thr thr None See Footnote #5 See footnole fl1 See Foolnote f L1 FOOTNOTES: 1) Elements in an exterior wa11 located where openings are not permitted or where protection of openings is required, shalt be protecbed againstexternal fire exposure as required for exterior bearing walIs or thestructural frame, whichever is greater. -- Tab1e l-7-A, footnoCe 15) Nonfoad-bearing wa11s within a lenant. space that. are not parE of athr corridor may be of:a) Noncombustible (nonrated) material sb) Fire rebardant - treaLed wood c) One-hour construction (any material) -- Sec. 1705.(b)1.11) A self-c1osing. 1 3/4 inch thick so1id. core or noncombustible d.ooris required betr^reen the basement and the Lst floor. - - Sec. 1703 . 17) The ceiling of the basenent is required to be protected with thr fire-resistive construction and doors t.o basements are required to be ofnoncombustible construction or l- 3,/4 inch S.C. wood. -- Sec. j.703. DRAFT STOPS: IE there is combustible construction in the roof/ceiling assembly, draftstops shaLl be installed so that the area of concealed space does notexceed 3000 square feet and so that the horizontal dimension between stoDsdoes noE exceed 50 feet. - - Sec. 251G. (f) 4.B. (iii) See exception when sprinklers are inst.alled. in concealed space. OCCUPANCY SEPAMTIONS -- Table 5-BB2-R1 thr Shops and offices less than 10* of floor area need notbe separated. -- Sec. 503. (a) ex #2C82-E3 thr Offices less than 254 of major use do not requrre aseparation. -- Sec. 503.(a) ex #2BR1-E3 Lhr ADDITIONAIJ SE PABATIONS FOR 82 OCCUPANCY: A J-hr occupancy separation is required around rooms containing a boirer orcentral heating unit greater than 400,000 BTU input. -- Sec. 709. FOR R]. OCCUPANCY: A thr occupancy separation is required around rooms containing a boirer orcentral heating unit servingr more than one unit. -- Sec. l-213.A thr occupancy separation is required around. common storage and. laundryrooms. - - Sec. 1.2 02 . (b) A thr f i-re separation is reguired between dwelling units. -- sec. 1202. (b) {p *"t'"uo 'u"' 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 De partment of C ommunity D eve lopment FOR E3 OCCUPANCY: A thr occupancy separation is required around. central heaEing unit greater than 400,000 EXIT REQUTREMENTS: FIJ NAI.{E OCCUPANT NUMBER EXIT LOAD REQUIRED WIDTH rooms containing a boiler or BTU inDut. -- Sec. 808. PANIC RATED DOOR HDWR CORRIDOR SWING 1 Mechanical Room L Day Care 1 Unit #E1 Cond.o 1 Unit fE2 Condo 1 Unit #E3 Condo 1 Unit *E4 Condo l- Unit *85 Condo 1 Unit #E5 Condo 1 Unit #E7 Condo 1 Unih #88 CondoL Unit fFL Condo 1 Unit #F2 Condo 1 Unit #F3 Condo1 Unit *F4 Condol- Ha11s & C loset.s TOTAL M Office B Stock/Storagre Roon B Loading'Dock B Trash Room B Future RetaiI SpaceB Grocery StoreB Halls,CloseE&St.airs TOTAL 0.1 No No 0.3 No Yes 0.1- No No 0.1 No No 0.1 No No 0.1 No No 0.L No No 0.1- No No 0.1- No No 0.1 No No0.1 No No 0.1 No No 0.1 No No0.1 No No 0.2 No Yes 7.2 Yes Yes 0.5 No No 0.4 No No 0. 1- No No0-0 No No 4 .'7 No Yes 24.5 No Yes0.9 No Yes 46.8 No Yes 4 1'l J J J J 3 4 4 l- l" 72 zo f, 1 z6v L47 4qt L6tZ N,/R N/n t2 N/R N/R N/n N/R N/n N/n N/n N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/n OUC N/R 11 N/R N/R N/R Out Out Out Out RaLed corrid.ors are to have thr fire protection on both sid.es of walls andceiling. -- Sec. 3305. (S) Door openinqs are required to be protected.with 20 rninule assemblies and window openingrs are required to be protectedwith labeled 3/4 hour assembl.ies. -- sec. 3305. (h) rn areas where 2 exits are required, the minimum separation is r/2 of themaxinun diagonal of the area or f1oor. -- Sec. 3303. (c)Exit signs are required from alr areas serving an occupant load of 50 or more.-- Sec. 3314, (a) Door swinq is based on Sec. 3304. (b) except as noted.Occupant load is based. on Table 33-A. Number of exits is based on Tabl-e 33-A except as noted. {P *o'""'o '*"" a 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 97 0-479 -2 1 3 8/479-2 1 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Comrnunity Development Exit width is in feet and based on Sec. 3303. (b). Exit width is to be divided approxinately equally among exits.Width shown for all areas is based on other exits. (0.2) Width shown for 1st floor is based on other exits. (0.2) Width shown for other floors & basements is based on stairways. (0.3) For Lhe minimum width of doors, see sec. 3304. (f) For the minimum width of corridors, see Sec. 3305. (b) For the minimum width of sEairways, see Sec. 3305. (b) FOOTNOTES: Ll) Corridors within a tenant occupant load less than 100 may notrequire a rated corridor. -- Sec. 3305. (S) exc. #512) A11 corrj-dors are required to be rated. unless all rooms used forinstructi-on have one exit directly out to g.rade and assembly rooms h.ave 1,/2 of the required exits to exterior. -- Sec. 3318.(e) exc. HANDICAPPED ACCESS: 1) Handicapped access is required. to at least one primary entranceto this building. -- sec. 3103. (a) & (b)3. 2) If a ranp is used for handicapped access, the max slope is!212. - - Sec 3307. (c) Handicapped access may not be required to levels other than the primaryentry level . -- Sec. 3103(a) exc #2 STAIR NOTES :Within a dwel l- ing unit: A stairhray in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 330b. (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. - - Sec. 3305. (c) exc.#1 Provide a handrail on one sid.e of stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ifthere is more than 3 risers. -- Sec. 3305. (j) ExceptionsProvide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height= 35 inches, maximum opening size = 4 j_nches. -- Sec. j.712. (a) exc j- For cornmon stairways: The maximum rise of a step is 7 inches and the minimum run is 11 inches. - - Sec. 3305. (c) The minimum width of a stairway is 36 inches, 44 inches if the occupanE loadis g'reater than 49. -- Sec. 330G. (b) AIso see exit tabLe above to see if minimum width is greater than 44 inches,Provide handrairs on bot.h sides of a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nos r- nlt . (May be on one side if less than 44 inches wide) -- Sec. 330d. (j)Provide a guard rair where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimun heiqht= 42 inches. maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. L7'J.2. (a) The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 330G.(o)Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be probected. as requiredfor thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 330d. (f) {,2 *""""o'*"' TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development Provide a landing within 1 inch (I/2 inc}:. ab d.oors used. for hand.icappedaccess) of the threshold. -- Sec. 3304. (i) The minj-murn width is same as door width and the mininum length is 44 inches. - - sec. 3304. (j) The maximum travel distance in this buildinq is 200 feet.-- sec. 3303.(d) The maximum travel distance within an E occupancy roons is 75 feet. - - Sec. 3318. (c) 1. The maximum travel distance in an E occuDancv is 225 feet. - - Sec. 33l-8. (c) 2. ROOFING REQUTREMENTS : 1) The roofing on this building is required to be Class B or better.-- TabIe 32 -A 2) See section 3204. and. ICBO research reports for requirements. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: If there are 1-00 or more sprinklers, the automatic sprinkler system shall besupervised by an approved central, proprietary, or remote station serviceor a local alarm which will give an audible signal at a constantlyattended location. -- Sec. 3803. STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS : There is no requirement for a standpipe. -- Table 38-A A hose is not required. -- Table 38-A FOOTNOTES: 1) The location is to be per Sec. 3805.(c) , (d),and/or(e) 2) A standpipe is not required in the basemenb. -- Table 38-A, footnote 1 WAIJIJ AND CEILING FINISH:1) WalI and ceiling finish maLerials are required. to comply withSec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-B.2) Carpeting on lhe ceiling is required. to have a Class I flame spread. rating. -- Sec. 4204. (b) 3) Textile wa1l covering,s shall have Class I flane spread rating.and shal1 be protected by automatic sprinklers or meet theacceptance criteria of U.B,C. Standard No. 42-2 -- Sec. 4205. INSUIJATION NOTES :1) A1t insulation material includinq facings are required to havespread rating of 25 or less and a maximum smoke density of 450it is in a concealed space and the facing is in contact with aceilinq. -- Sec. 1714. (c) exe.#22) Foan plastic insulations are required to be protected. -- Sec. GIJAZING REQUIREMENTS :AI1 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safeEyglazing malerial . -- Sec. 540G. (d) a f lame - unl ess lral1 or 1713 . {,2 *"n""" '*"" 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 e70-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 D ep artment of Community Deve lopment ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For 82 occupancy AII rest.aurants or food service operations shalI be reviewed by the Town Of VaiI environmental health officer for compliance to waII and ceilingr finish, and equipment approval . A 975 f ooilservice review wilL be charged to such plan check.In aLI areas customarily occupied by humans. provide natural orartificial liqht and ventilation. -- Sec. 705. (a)a(b) For R1 occupancy A11 chimney encl-osures for wood. burning fireplace factory-buiIt chimneys sha1l be protected by a t hr. fire resistiveconstruction. All projecLs larger than four dwelling units sha11 be supplied with stamped drawings from a quilified architect and/or structural enqineer . A11 building within the Town Of Vail- with 20 units or more. or over t.hree stories. and containing any dwelling units shal1 besupplied with engj.neer fire alarm and fire sprinkler systemsfor approval be the Town Of Vail Fire Department. ORD.3 of 83. All crawl spaces within the Town Of Vail shall be limited to 5'heiqht from floor to structural f 1oor,/ceiling, hawe a dirtfloor on1y, with ventilation as per UBC code, and minj.mum access as per UBC code or maximum access of 9 sq. ft.AlL R-1 occupancies within the Town Of Vail will be required to haveall landscaping and parking facilities complete to obtainfinal inspection approval . Address numbers shall be posted plainly visible and legible fron the s EreeE .If there is 15 or more dwelling units, a fire alarm system isrequired in this buildj_nq. - - Sec. l-211.Provide a window or door to the exterior from every room used. forsleeping. -- Sec. 1204. A window nust provide a clear open area of 5.7 sq.ft.. a clear heigihtof 24 inches, and. a clear wid.th of 20 inches (nininum) . -- Sec. 12 04.AII habitable rooms require exterior glazed openings equal to 10t ornore of the floor area. (min 10 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1205. (b)AlL habitable rooms require an operable exterior openings equal to 5tor more of the floor area. (rnin 5 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1205. (c) Provide a smoke detector in all sleeping rooms and areas havingaccess to sleeping roons. -- Sec. 1210, (a)4. The minimum ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feet. 6 inches exceptkitchens. halls, and baths may have a ceiling height of 7feet. -- Sec. -- 1207. (a) {7 *'""""o '*"* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-21s9 FAX 970-479-2452 De partment of Comnunity Deve lopment For E3 occupancy In all areas cu6bonarily occupied by humans, provide natural orartificial light and ventilation. -- Sec. 805. Provide an approved fire alarm system when the occupant load exceeds 50. -- Sec. 809. A fenced in area without unlocked gates must have a d.ispersal areagreater than 50 feeL from the building. -- Sec. 3319. (k) Rooms for day-care are not permiEted in basements or on floors abovethe first story. -- sec. 802. (c) Rooms for day-care are permiEt.ed on the 2nd floor provided there are2 exils directly to Che exterior for their exclusive use. -- Sec. 802. (c) exception Floor- lst Occupancy-Day Care HANDICAPPED REQUIREMENTS : NOTE: Secti,on numbers listed below are fron ANSI All-7.1 - l-985 WATER FOUNTAINS: L) One must have a spout within 35 inches of the floor. -- Sec. 4.t5.22) Spout must be at the front of the unit. -- Sec. 4.15.33) Control-s must be at or near the front of the unit. -- Sec. 4.15.4 & ' 1E A 4) A cantilevered unit is required to provide a clear area under the unit of27 inches hiqh, 30 inches wide, and 17 inches deep. -- Sec. 4.15.5 (L)5) A clear area of 30 X 48 inches is required at the fountain. The cleararea is required to provide for a forward approach with a cantileveredunit and for a side approach otherwise. -- Sec. 4.15.5 a Fig.27 b,c,d TOI I,ET FACI I,ITIES : 1) A 5' diameter unobstructed turning space is required in the toilet room,-- sec. 4.2.3 a Fiq. 3(a)2) When water closet is not in a compartment, the clear area required is:a) 48 inches wid.e by 55 inches deep with a side approach.-- Sec. 4,L6.2 & Fiq. 28 48 inches wid.e by 55 j.nches deep with a front approach.-- Sec. 4.L5,2 & Fiq. 28 50 inches wide by 55 inches deep with both approaches --- Sec. 4,16.2 & Fig. 28d) Side bar i.s required to start within 12 inches of the back wa1l andextend to 54 inches from the back wall. -- Sec, 4.L6,4 & Fig. 29The rear bar is reguired Lo be 35 inches long. -- pig. 293) When water closet is in a compartment, the area required rs:a) 55 inches deep by 60 inches wid.e with a grab bar at the back and oneat the side. Door is at front or side. -- FiS. 30(a) orb) 55 inches deep by 35 or 48 inches wide with grab bars on both sid.esand d.oor at front. -- Fiq. 30(b)d.) If a floor mounbed. water closet is used, the depth dirnension shown above must. be increased 3 inches. -- FiS. 30(a) c (b)e) side bars are required to st.art within l-2 inches of the back wall and ext.end. to 54 inches fron the back wal1. -- Fig. 7.5Ga & T.5dbThe rear bar is required to start wi-thin 6 inches of the side warland be 35 inches 1ong. -- Fiq. 30(a) b) c) {,7'""'n"o'*"* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Deve lopment The bars are Eo be 33 to 35 inches above the floor. - - FiS. 29 (a), (b) &Fiq. 30 (c) . (d) The top of Ehe seat on the water closet ie required to be 17 to 19 inches above the floor. -- FiS. 29(b) & Fis. 30(d)Urinals are required to be sta11 lype or have an elongated rim and bewithin 17 inches of the floor. -- Sec. 4.78.2 e Fiq. 29(c) A clear area of 30 X 48 inches is required in front. of bhe urinal .-- Sec. 4.18.3 4) s) 6) 7',, ql 10) 8) Accessible lavatoriee sha1l provide a clear area und.er the 29 inches. -- Sec. 4.I9.2. 1 & Fiq. 31 A clear area of 30 X 48 inches is required in front of the-- Sec. 4.19.3 a Fig. 32 The bottom of mirror is required to be within 40 j-nches of-- sec, 4.L9.6 & Fig. 31 lavatory of L avaLory . the f loor. {S *""r"uo r*", 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-213e FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Comrnunity Development fowa of VaiI 75 South Frontaqe Road Vai1, Colorado 81557(303) 479-2L38 Pl-an analysis based on the 199L Uniform BuiLdin<r Code Project Number: PROJ - OOOT Address z 2099 N. FRONTAGE RD. Engineer: PETER MONROE Occupancy: 81, 82, Rl- Type of Const: (B1) II - 1hr (82 &R1) III. ]-HR NOTE:The code items listed in this rbportlisting of all possible code requirements selected sections of the code. Sprinkler system used. for area increase Name: VAIL COMMONS PARKING Date: April 16, 1,995 Contractor: CITY MARKET Architect: MARK DONALDSON Plans Examiner: C. R. FEL,DMANN are not intended to be a complete in the l-991 UBC. It is a quide to FIRE PROTECTION 44.5 Feet u. u f eec 120.0 Feet 27.0 Feet 2 sides. AREA ALTOWED RATIO STATUS DIRECTION BOUNDARY NORTH Public way EAST Building SOUTH Public wayWEST Property line Area increased 50.001 FI., NAME SEPARATION AREA INCREASE 52.0 Feet 0.0 Feet 195.0 Feet 27.0 Feet for open area on OCC MAX FLR 2 UNIT #F5 Condo Rl2 Unib #E12 Condo Rl2 Unit #11 Condo Rl2 Unit #E10 Condo Rl2 Unit #E9 Condo Rl2 Unit *F5 Condo R]-2 Stairs, cl"osets, ha11s 82 TOTAL FOR FITOOR 1- Retail Sales Room TOTAL FOR FLOOR B Parkingi Garage TOTAI, FOR FLOOR BUII,DING TOTAi, 50750 0.01 ok 50750 0.01 ok 60750 0.01- ok 50750 0.01 ok50750 0.01- ok50750 0.01 ok 81000 0.00 ok 52038 0.07 ok81000 0.08 ok 8L000 0.08 ok81000 0.98 ok 81000 0.98 ok 953T7 0.11" ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok 834 582 582 582 582 834 362 4358 oozJ oozJ 79059 79069 10981 Bl, {p *"n"""' "*"* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-21i9 FAX 970-479-2452 The actual heiqht of this building is The maximum heiqht of the buildinq rs EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND Table 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG WAI.,L WALL PROT WALIJ WALL PROTBl- thr Ohr None thr thr NOP82 l-hr Ohr None thr ]"hr NOPR1 thr Ohr None Lhr thr NOP D e p artme nt of C ommunity D eve lopment 44.0 feet. 55.0 feet. -- Table 5-D OPENING PROTECTION SOUTH BRG NON-BRG OPNG I4IALL WALL PROT thr Ohr None thr Ohr None Lhr Ohr None WEST BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT l-hr thr None thr thr None thr l-hr None The exterior wall-s are required to be of NONCOMBUSTIBLE material . Sec.1901. None -- No fire protection requirements for openings.Prot -- Openj-ngs are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50t of thearea of the wa11 rnaxinun. Sec. 504. (b) & Sec.1903. (b) & Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimensiongreater than l-2 feeL. -- Sec. 4305. (h) NOP -- Openings are not permitted in this walt. OTHER BUIITDING ELEMENTS TabIe t7-AELEMENT MATERIAI, RATING NOTESInterior Bearing wa1I Noncombust.ible t hrInh.erior nonbrg wa1l Noncombustible 1- hr See FootnoteStructural Frame Noncombustible t hrExterior Struct Frame Noncordcustible t hr See footnoEeShaft Enclosure Noncombustible L hrFloor/Ceilinq Assembly Noncombustible I hr See FootnoteRoof/Ceiling Assembly Noncombustible I hr See FootnoteStairs Noncombusbible None NOTE: See Sec, 1705. (a) for Shaft Enclosure exceptions. FOOTNOTES: 1) Elements in an exterior rtall- located where openings are not permit.ted orwhere protection of openings is required, sha1I be protected againstexternal fire exposure as required for exterior bearing wal1s or thestructural frame, whichever is greater. -- Table 1T-A, footnote 14) Fire-retardant treated wood may be used. within i-nterior non-bearingl-hr wa11 assemblies. -- Table 17-A, footnote f25) Nonload-bearing walls within a tenant space thab are not part of al-hr corridor may be of ra) Noncombustible (nonrated) malerial sb) Fire retardant - treated. woodc) One-hour construction (any material) -- Sec. 1705. (b)L.8) If roof is greater than 25 feet above floor, see Sec. 1906., 1g06.9) In areas hrith vehicles or airplanes, the floor surface shal_l be of noncomlcus tibl e, nonabsorbent. materials. -- Sec. '102. (cl & 902. (b)1t-) A serf-closing, 1 3/4 inch thick solid core or nonconbustibre dooris required between the basement and the 1st floor.-- Sec. 1"703. #s #1, #9 #8 {,2 *""'"'u"*"r 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development 17) The ceiling of the basement is required Eo be proEect.ed with thr fire-resistive constructj-on and doors to basements are required to be of noncombustible construcCion or 'J,3/4 lnc}:. S.C. wood. -- Sec. L703, OCCUPANCY SEPARATIoNS -- Table 5-BB1-82 thr B1-Rl 3hr The separation may be two hours if storage of private or pleasure vehicles. .ta a 82 -Rl- thr Shops and offices less than 10% of be separated. -- Sec. 503. (a) ex f2C ADDITIONAIJ SEPARATIONS FOR 81 OCCUPANCY: A thr occupancy separation is required. around rooms containing a boilercentral heating unit gireaber than 400,000 BTU input. -- Sec. 708. FOR 82 OCCUPANCY: A thr occupancy separation is requj-red around rooms contaj-ning a boilercentral heating unit qreater than 400.000 BTU input. -- Sec. 708. FOR R]. OCCUPANCY: A thr occupancy separation is reguired around rooms containing: a boiler orcentral heating unit serving more than one unit. -- Sec. 121-3.A thr occupancy separation is required around. common storage and Iaundry rooms. -- Sec. 1202. (b) A thr fire separation is required between dwelling units. -- Sec. 1202. (b) EXIT REQUI REMENTS :FI.,, NAME OCCUPANT NUMBER EXIT PANIC RATED DOOR NOTESLOAD REQUIRED WIDTH HDWR CORRIDOR SWING linited to parking or-- Sec. 503. (d) ex floor area need. not or 2 UNIT #F5 Condo 4 12 Unit #812 Condo 3 l-2 Unit *11 Condo 3 L2 Unit *E10 Condo 3 12 Unit #E9 Condo 3 12 Unit #F5 Condo 4 I2 Seairs. closets,ha11s 4 !TOTAL 24 21 Retail Sales Room 22I 2TOTAT, 22I 2B Parking carage 395 2TOTAL 395 2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.L 0. r_ u.o 3.7 5.6 9.9 No No N/n No No N/R No No N/RNo No N/R No No N/R No No N/R No No N/R No No N/RNo Yes Out No Yes OutNo Yes OutNo Yes Out Rated corridors are to have thr fire protection on both sid,es of wal-ls andceiling. -- Sec. 3305. (s) Door openings are required to be protected..with 20 minute assemblies and window openings are required to be protectedwith labeled 3/4 hour assemblies. -- Sec. 3305. (h)rn areas where 2 exits are required. the minimun separation is 1,/2 of themaximum diagonal of the area or f l-oor. -- Sec. 3303.(c)Exit signs are required from all areas serving an occupant load of 50 or more.-- Sec . 3314. (a) Door swing is based. on Sec. 3304. (b) except as noted.. {7 *""'"'uo '*'o 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3V479-21 39 FAX 970-479-24s2 Department of Comrnunity Deve Inpment Occupant load is based on Tab1e 33-A. Nurber of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noted..Exit width is in feet and based on Sec. 3303. (b). Exit width is to be divided approximately equally among exj.ts. Width shown for all areas is based on other exits. (0.2) Widt.h shown for 1st floor is based on other exits. (0.2) Width shown for other floors & basements is based on stairways. (0.3) For the minimum wid.bh of doors, see Sec. 3304. (f) For t.he minimum wid.th of corri-dors, see Sec. 3305. (b) For the minimum width of sEairways, see Sec. 3306. (b) FOOTNOTES : HANDICAPPED ACCESS: 1) Handicapped access is required to at' Ieast one primary entranceto this buildins. -- Sec. 3l_03. (a) & (b)3. 2) If a ramp is used for handicapped access. the max slope isL:L2. - - sec 3307. (c) Handicapped access may noh be required to levels other than the primaryentry level . -- Sec. 3l-03 (a) exc #2 STAIR NOTES : Within a dwelling unit rA stairway in a dwelling must be at least 35 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches.-- Sec. 3306. (c) exc.#1Provide a handrail on one side of sbairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ifthere is nore than 3 risers. -- Sec. 3305. (j) ExceptionsProvide a guard rail where drop off is grreater than 30 inches. Minirnum heiqht= 35 inches, maxirnum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. I7f2. (a) exc 1For common stairways: The maximum rise of a step is 7 inches and the minimum run is l-1 inches.-- Sec. 3305. (c) The minimum width of a stairway is 36 inches, 44 inches if the occupant loadis greater than 49. -- Sec. 3305. (b) Also see exit bable above to see if minimum width is g'reater than 44 inches.Provide handrails on both sides of a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosang. (May be on one side if less than 44 inches wide) -- Sec. 3306.(j)Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height= 42 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. L7L2. (al The minimum head.room is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 330G.(o)Enclosed usable space und.er the stairs is required to be protected. as required.for thr Eire-resishive construction. -- sec. 330G. (1) Provide a landing within 1 inch (j./2 inch ataccess) of the threshold. -- Sec. 3304.(i) The minimum width is same as door width and-- sec. 3304. (j) The maximum travel distance in this buildino-- Sec. 3303. (d) doors used for hand.icapped the minimum length is 44 inches. is 200 feet. {p ou"'"""o '*'* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 D ep artment of C omrnunity Deve lopme nt ROOFING REQUIREMENTS: 1) The roofing on this buildinq is required Lo be Class B or better.-- Table 32 -A 2) See section 3204. and ICBO research reDorCs for recruiremenEs. AUTOMATIC SPRINKI.,ER SYSTEMS: IE there are 100 or more sprinklers, the automahic sprinkler system shall be supervised by an approved central, proprietary, or remote station serviceor a local al.arm which will give an audible sigrnal at a constantlyattended location. -- Sec. 3803. STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS : There j-s no requirernent for a standpipe. -- Table 38-A A hose is not required. -- Table 38-A FOOTNOTES: 1) The location is to be per Sec. 3805. (c), (d),and/or(e) 2) A standpipe is not required in the basement. -- Table 38-A. footnote 1 WALL AND CEILING FTNISH: 1) Walt and. ceiling finish materials are required to comply withSec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-8.2) Carpeting on the ceilinq is required to have a Class I f larnespread rating. -- Sec. 4204. (b) 3) Textile wa11 coverings shaI1 have CIass I flame spread rating. and sha1l be protected by automaLic sprinklers or meet the acceptance criteria of U.B.C. Standard No. 42-2 -- Sec. 4205. INSUIJATION NOTES : 1) Afl insulation mat.erial including facings are required to have a flame-spread rating of 25 or less and. a maximum smoke density of 450. - - Sec. f7I4. lcl2) Foam plastic insulations are required to be protected. -- Sec. L713. GI,AZ ING REQUIREMENTS IAl1 gl,azing in hazard.ous locatj.ons is required to be of safetyglazinqr material . - - sec. 5405. (cl) ADDITIONAI., REQUIREME}flTS : For 81 occupancy A11 restaurants or food service operat.ions shall be reviewed. by the Town Of Vail environmental health officer for compliance towall and ceiling finish. and equipment approval . A g?5 foodservice review wiIl be charqed to such plan check.Devices generat.inq a grlow or frame are required to be 18 inches abovethe floor. -- Sec. 708. The minj-mum clear height is required to be 7 feet. -- sec. 709.(c)5.Parking garages require a ventilation system that exhaust.s L.5 cfnper sq.ft. of f 1oor area. -- Sec. 205. (b) 2. {g *"n"'"o '*'o 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Departmenl of Comrnunity Development For 82 occupancy A11 restaurants or food service operations sha11 be reviewed by the Town Of Vail environmental health officer for compliance to walI and ceiling finish. and equipment approva]. A 975 foodservice review will be charged to such plan check.In all areas customarily occupied by humans, provide natural orartificial light and ventilation. -- sec. 705. (a)&(b) For Rl occupancy A11 chimney enclosures for wood burningr fireplace factory-buiIt chimneys shall be protected by a I hr. fire resistrve cons truction . A11 projects larger than four dwelling units sha1l be supplied with stanped drawings from a quilified architect and/or structural ana i n aar A11 building within the Town Of Vail with 20 units or more, or overthree stories. and conLaining any dwelling units shall besupplied with engineer fire alarm and fire sprinkler systensfor approval be the Town Of Vail Fire Department. ORD.3 of 83. ALl crawl spaces within the Town Of Vail shall be lj-mited to 5,heiqht from floor to structural floor/cei1ing, have a dirtfloor on1y, with ventilation as per uBc code, and minimum access as per UBC cod.e or maximum access of 9 sq. ft.All R-l occupancies within bhe Town Of Vail will be required to havealI land.scaping and parking facilities complete to obtainfinal inspection approval. Address numbers shall be posted plainty visible and legible from thestreet. If there is 15 or more dwelling units, a fire alarm system isrequired in this buildinq. -- Sec. 1211.Provide a window or door to the exterior from every room used forsleeping. -- Sec. 1204. A windor^r must provide a clear open area of 5.7 sq.ft., a clear heigrhtof 24 inches, and a clear width of 20 j_nches (minimum) . -- Sec. L204. A11 habitable rooms require exterior gJ-azed openings equal to 10t or more of the floor area. (min 10 sq.ft.) -- Sec. L205. (b)AlL habitable rooms require an operable exterior openings equal to 5%or more of the floor area. (nin 5 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1205. (c)Provide a smoke detector in alI sleeping rooms and areas havingaccess to sleeping rooms. -- Sec. 1210. (a)4, The nininum ceiling in a habilable space is 7 feet 5 inches excepEkitchens, halls, and baths may have a ceiling heiqht of 7feet. -- Sec. -- L207. (al {7'""'"""o'*'r ol/oz/sz gslos Sszo I 488t 0295 I Dafpl To: I ,F&o'rq 2r4rl/ ffir/rz/1 Frcm:; I rranxKtian Comments: t/+tl-' CaUWa. Subject: ProiedName: Ct/ kl&Ehn lltr plpvator Plan Revieur ft l[vatorrest and Inspecnion Locdion; JdAe /V16ft &arfuAs ?A. VA/L &. Permit Number: 2 fg-Aaft/Eeo /o-* a &?-,uae Elevatorrype: fu"A t?PP, ?a'YsE(Aaz The plans have been revienared and bund to conform to all applicablE ANSf 17.1 and UBC codes. The elevator/ce#r at the above location was inspected and tested on qlt{and a TemiorarylfEftnspedion Certificate has been issued. I I I sisr,l*xe:fi2^r(. /A2., Blgdskldp\planinsp.sam o8/02/s7 to {oa I ,) 80?0 {6E 02s6 NWCC0G @ooz TO: iFROil: I Olfe: I SUB'ECT: I I City Madcl 1rc. Frenk Kilian Nor0twes[ Cololrdo Council of Goremments tlay 29, 1997 Suqod Elerretors Elevatorl*mbor2 Corod malftncdon of Filg Rocall Sy$em. Pfwrts access door and pltrorm (cat vrall0 io the Elwalor Govemor at lhe top of the Hobtrvay. Thls Csfrorm or cdyvaltwlll p|wftlc a 6aF Access !o Sorvica the d€Ydorgwemor. #il/c{-" APR-29-1997 1A..4 'Jt,1D ARCHITECTS P.C.343 949 52W P.Al o T ONENT/ t nqnerr nq Convllon{s, lnt YA.J(:c,t'J.'.Ae.1 MEMORANDUM 'lO: Ur. endy Botcr Vic'tor Mrrt Dotuldson Architec{s 1tf,etf,: Staro,nq. Itrrybria;. p1;. YlAFASCtlttfLE (llP{e I)ATE: AFil22,l9g7 Rb: VdlContmsVillogc YEC' 95255 C(: Grcg, sitc Ttr r,t*triol iospecror bcorq;rnd rtnul thc erpotbo arrl cornnsrbaof tbe jnils orlsile of ttr eryrcionjctb. Ve rc rcryoditrg with6b kdctr. Tb cousn b if ttuc b enoogh enpmbn aod oodrrctirn at ttcscirlf,s to tcquirc codtril cryonsbritit|ls at FFy slnrrrral joins. Wc'rc rwior'rtd with th $ndunl cngimer ad rlrrdcr:|rdl tbd rhrc *onld bc lcro thu l/16- urprcbn rnd sortrlc'tirn * thp sttuctunl joitls. We ruouH tlgr sry rhat a codrit opnsionplr *outd mt h rtquired' Phrs c.tl br rny dbcwrioa ISOIUc* \>.:sn :n r;|t'v-tr.&*rtrft-.i.*l|r.tifi?r.tdqlrdtil||tuir-l!'!!!4t!ffi.'.'!*X'dlGl \ if t rtivfrrrtj1u.vo.s-irrrirn-lTo Uritiro evdt,ril.oriVm lczg ttr?ptrat'llell xt?tntr.e.tere -\ A!hdw.|r l|Gtffllc.A.l* nEts.C.*td q N rsrtrL P.01 K O4/OL/SZ 08:03 89?o 468 ozss NWCCOG qA oo1 o MEMO NWCCOG Elanator Inspection Prograrn Date: To: Frcm: Subject: FnnkKlian PropctName: 3- et -07 Za,v trArue/Z fauar otr L4//- Bw'DaPn C lry /nAP//ET D Elevator Plan Review I etevatorTest and Inspection Location: eof? /v ,a/r46 PD VA// Ca 8/d,rg Permit Numben ElevatorType:geaDlr;? tr The plans harre been revieured and found to conform to all applicable ANSI 17.1 and UBC codes. E fnecf*aUlescalator at the above location was inspected and tested on' 3 -/O-A?- and aEgFmnylFinal lnspection Certificate has been issued. Comments: signature: -{"^& t&/,t^ Bigdsk\elp\planinsp.sam ,,, ' ffi_Q4_{En 13312 |.,[4D rcHITECTS P.C. t8,000 s.f. 9.000 e.f (50% increasc) 27,0ffi s.f, 27.0{D s.f. (2 story increase) 54,000 s.f- 54.000 s.f. (sprinkler increase) 108,000 s.f. allon'ed yB 949 52@ P.a.1. e70t949_s200 FAX,949.5205 VICTOR MARK DONALDSON ARCHITECTs, P.C.'rr'.: Ji!-"r: .. r:ai.:. - ._i.,,,,r,,:.. :;,,..,r,,,,_.j.,-...,r, AflCHIIECIIJRE. HANN|NG . tNlRlON Bo< 50fi1 . Arron. Gotoro<,o 6i620 April4, 1997 Mr.Dau Smck Buildingliaison Officcr TOWN OFVAIL 75 SouthFrcDbgeRd. Vail, CO.8t657 Re: City Market StoreNo. 142 Vail C,ommons Vail, Colorado DcarDan: (2PAGES BY FACSIMILE) Tbc following is a summary of lhc itcms discussed at the meeting held at thc City l\4arkct St66e No- 142 job sitc with yoq chucr( Feldrnaq Malin schrsilcr and Grcg Grmdling prcsent: A BuildiagsEl atrdE2 l. Thc protcctioD of opcnings betweeu Buildings El and E2 is to be omited pcr tbc E:rceptions allowcd by rhe l99l Unifmn Building Code, Sestion 504.(c) 2. The Exceptions are allowable with thc increase of ths aggregate arca of thc building as computed with the North Public way in"'case from 49'-0" to 60,-0" plus. This iucreasc in the North Public way allows the arca increase to bc computed at 507o in lieu of 36.25Yo as indicatcd on the Buildiug Perhit Ptsn Analysis work strect. 3. Thc increase in the aggreggte lusa was computed as follows: CityLfa*ct(OccuparryB-2) BuildingsEl &E2(OcorpancyRt) 13,500 s.f. 6.750 s.f- (58/o inuease) 20150 s.f. 20250 s.f. (2 story increase) 40,500 s.f. a0.500 s.f. (sprinlcler incrcase) t1,000 s.f. allowed . FFR-{/.-Lry? L3|r2 WD ffiCIIITECTS P.C. 93 y!9 5m P.eE ..t Mr. Datr Shr& April4, 1997 Pagc 2 B. Mwaniuc I ' It was agrod tbe separation at thc mczzarrinc cciting and rhc roof abovo had to be 2 horus. C. S6TowerRoofs l. It was agrecd, with tbc consbuction of a 4n concrrte slab over the stair tourers, ltis rvould provide the firc rcquirEmilts for thc 2 horr caress passge. Tbe urood rmf structucs may be bruilt ovcr the coucrcte slab. The abow is my understanding of the items discussed at ths above mcutioned mccting, ifl omircd or misrrepresanted the itcms discusgcd, pleasc conract me in *ritirrg. ff)^;OArto AttdrswA. Bobec, AI,A Dhdor ofArshitcshx€ VICTOR MARK DONAIDSON ARCHTTECTS. P.C. oc Mr.ChnckFeldman,Townofvail (VIAFAX) Mr. Jobn CddwEll, City tr,Ia*€r, Inc. (VIA FNC) Mr. Medin Schreirr, Assest Engincering Ltd. (VlA FAX) Mr. Gr,eg Guadling Asscst Enginecring; Ltd. (VIA FAX) TOTfl- P.@ TO: FROM: DATE SUBJECT: @rf S7-alctl L4/L ButtDtuP'Dez: Frank Kilian /s - 2r)-? / XElevator Plan Review E Elevatoriest and Inspection _:- r +. Project Name: C /n/ r44 A 7// tr 7 Location: lll ES'f lAZ Ct: Permit Numbec .The plans have been reviewed and found to conform to all applicable ANSI 17.'t and UBC codes. .The elevaton/escalator at the above location was inspected and tested on and a Temporary/Final lnspection Certificate has been issued. Comments: sisnature: VrU /dto^ nls\eip\planinsp.sam Erevator rype: a - i24 gs 6tlc'z.zz ryatu+z-ol? s Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vai1. Colorado 81557 (303) 479 -2138 Plan analysis based on the 1991 Uniform Buildinq Code Project Number: PROiI- OOOT Addresa: 2099 N. FRONTAGE RD' Engineer: PETER MONROE Occupancy: 81 , 82 , R1 Tlpe of consE: (B1) II - thr (82&R1) III - lItR NOTE:The code items listed in this reporE Iistinq of all possible code requirements selecEed secti,ons of the code. Sprinkler sygtem uEed for area i-ncrease Name: VAIL coMMoNS PARKING Date: April L6, L995 Contractor: CITY MARKET Architect: MARK DONALDSON Plans Examiner: C. R. FELDMANN are noE inEended Eo be a in the 1991 UBc. IE is a compl ete quide to DIRECTION BOT'NDARY NoRTH Public way EAST Buildinq soUTH Public way wEsT Property 1j-ne Area increased 50.00t FL NAI,{E SEPARAT ION AREA INCREASE 52.0 FeeE 0.0 Feet 195.0 Feet 27 .0 FeeE for open area on OCC MAX FLR FIRE PROTECTION 44.5 Feet 0.0 Feet 12 0.0 Feet 27.0 Feet 2 sides. AREA ALLOWED RATIO STATUS 2 UNIT #F5 Condo 2 Unit *812 condo 2 Unit #11 Condo 2 Unit #E10 Condo 2 Unit #89 Condo 2 Unit #F5 Condo 2 Stairs, closets, halls TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1 Retail Sales Room TOTAIT FOR FLOOR B Parking Garage TOTAL FOR FIJOOR BUILDTNG TOTAL 834 50750 0.01 ok 582 50750 0.01 ok 582 60750 0.01 ok 582 60750 0. 01 ok 582 50750 0.01 ok 834 50750 0. 01 ok 362 81000 0.00 ok 4358 52038 0.07 ok 6523 81000 0.08 ok 5523 81000 0.08 ok 79069 81000 0.98 ok 79069 81000 0.98 ok 10981 95317 0.11 ok R1 RL R1 RL Rl- R1 92 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok 82 B1 The actual heiqht of this buildinq is The maximum height of the building is EXTERIOR WAI,L FIRE RATINGS AND Table 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALI-, WAL.,L PROT WAL,L WAI,L PROT thr Ohr None thr thr NoP thr Ohr None thr thr NOP thr Ohr None thr thr NoP B2 R1 44 . 0 feeE. 55.0 feet. -- Table OPENING PROTECTION SOUTH BRC NON-BRG OPNG WALI, WAI-,L PROT lhr Ohr None thr Ohr None thr Ohr None )-u WEST BRG NON.BRG OPNG WALI, WAI,I, PROT thr thr None thr thr None thr Lhr None The exterior walls are required bo be of NoNCOMBUSTIBLE material'. sec'1901' None -- No f j-re protection requirements for openings' ProL -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 ht fire assemblies' 50t of the area of the wa1l maximum. sec' 504' (b) & sec'1903' (b) & Table 5-A Maximum 6ing1e window size is 84 sq'ft with no dimension greater than l-2 fee!. -- sec. 4305. (h) NOP -- openings are not permitted in this wa11' OTHER BUIL,DING ELEMENTS Table L7 -A EI,EMENT MATERIAL RATING NOTES Interior Bearing wa1I Noncombustible t hr Interior nonbrg wall Noncombustible t hr See Footnote *5 Structural Frame Noncombustibfe t hr Exterior struct Frame Noncombustible t hr see footnote #1 Shaft Enclosure Noncohbustible t hr Floor/Ceiling Assembly Noncombustible t hr see Footnote *9 Roof/Ceiling Assembly Nonconbustible t hr See Footnote #8 stairs Noncombustible None NoTE: see Sec. 1705.(a) for Shaft Encl'osure exceptrons' FOOTNOTES: 1) Elements in an exterior wall located where openinga are not permitted or where protection of openingrs is required. shall be protected against external fire exposurl as iequired for exterior bearing wa11s or the sLructural frame-, whichever is greater. -- Table 17-A, foobnote 1 4) Fire-rebardant treated wood may be used within interior non-bearlng l-hr wa1l assemblies. -- Tabl-e 17-A, footnote f2 5) Nonload-bearing walLs wit.hin a tenant space tha! are not part of a thr corridor may be of: a) Noncombustible (nonrated) materials b) Fire reEardant - treated wood c) one-hour construction (any malerial) -- Sec' 1705' (b)1' 8) If roof is greater than 25 feet above floor. see sec' 1905'' 1805' 9) In areas with vehicles or airplanes, the floor surface shall be of noncombustible, nonabsorbent materials. -- Sec' 702' (c) & 902' (b) 11) A self-closing, L 3/4 inch thick solid core or noncombustible door is required between Ehe basement and the 1st floor' -- sec. 1703. l-?) The ceiling of the basement is required to be protecLed with l-hr fire- resistive Construction and doors tO basements are required to be of noncombustible construction or l- 3/4 inch S'C' wood' -- Sec' 1703' oCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS -- Table 5-B 81-82 thr Bl-R1 3hr The separation may be t$'o storage of Private or Pleasure ADDITIONAL SEPARATIONS FOR 81 OCCUPANCY: A thr occupancy separation is required around central heating unit qreater than 400,000 FOR 82 OCCUPANCY: A thr occupancy separabion is required around centraL heaeing unic greaher than 400'000 EXIT REQUIREMENTS: FI, NAME hours if linited to Parking or vehicles' -- sec' 503'(d) ex *2B2-R1 thr Shops and offices less than 10t of floor area need not be separated. -- Sec. 503. (a) ex #2C FOR Rl OCCUPANCY: A thr occupancy separation is required central heating' uniE serving more A thr occupancy separation is required rooms. - - Sec. f202. (b) A thr fire separation is required between dwelling units'sec - 12 02 . (b) rooms containing a boiler or BTU input. -- Sec- 708. rooms containing a boiler or BTU input. -- Sec. 708. around rooms containing a boiler or than one unit. -- sec- 1213. around conmon storage and laund"ry OCCUPANT NUMBER EXIT PANIC RATED DOOR NOTES LOAD REQUIRED WIDTH HDWR CORRIDOR SWING 2 UNIT fF5 Condo 4 2 UniE #E12 Condo 3 2 Unib #11 Condo 3 2 Unit #810 Condo 3 2 Unit #89 Condo 3 2 Unit #F5 Condo 4 2 Sbairs, closets, halls 4 TOTAI, 2 4 1 Retail sales Roon 22]. TOTAI, 22I B Parking Garagie 395 TOTAIJ 3 9 5 No No N/R No NO N/R No No N/R No No N/R No No N/R No No N/R No No N/R No No N/R No Yes Out No Yes outs No Yes Out No Yes Out 1 1 L 1 1 1 1 1 z 2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 3.7 3.7 6.5 9.9 Rated corrid,ors are to have ]-hr fire protection on both sides of walls and ceiling. -- sec. 3305. (s) Door openings are required to be protected' with 20 minute assemblies and window openings are required to be protected with labeled 3/4 hour assemblies. -- Sec. 3305. (h) In areas where 2 exits are required, Ehe minimum separation Ls L/2 of the maximurn diagonal of the area or floor. -- sec. 3303'(c) ExiE signs are required from all areas serving an occupant load of 50 or more' - - Sec. 3314. (a) Door swing is based on sec. 3304. (b) excepl as noted' occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Number of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noCed ' Exib width is in feet and based on sec. 3303. (b). Exit width is to be divided approximately equally amonlJ. exibs' Width shown for all areas is based on olher exits' (0'2) Width shown for 1st floor is based on other exits' (0'2) width shown for other floors & basements is based on sbairways. (0'3) For the minimum width of doors, see Sec' 3304' (f) For the minrmun width of corridors, see Sec' 3305' (b) For the minimum width of stairways. see sec' 3306' (b) FOOTNOTES: HANDICAPPED ACCESS : 1) Handicapped. access is required to at least one prj-rnary entrance to this building. -- sec. 3103. (a) & (b)3' 2l If a ramp is used for handicapped accessl' the max slope is 12L2. - - Sec 3307. (c) Handicapped access may not be required to levels other than the primary entrv level. -- sec. 3103(a) exc *2 STAIR NOTES : Within a dwelling unit: A stairway in a dwelling must The maximum rise of a step is -- Sec. 3305. (c) exc.#1 Provide a hand.rai I on one side there is more than 3 risers. Provide a guard rail where droP = 35 inches, maximum opening For common sEairways: The maximum rise of a steP is 7 -- sec. 3305. (c) The minimum width of a stairwaY is is grreater €han 49. -- sec. 3305. Also see exit Lable above to see Provide handrails on boLh sides of be ah. least 35 inches wide- -- sec. 3305' (b) 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches ' of sbairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if -- Sec. 3305. (j) ExcePtions off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum heiqht size = 4 inches. -- Sec. 1712. (a) exc 1 inches and the minimum run is 11 inches' 35 inches, 44 inches if the occupanb load (b) if minimum width is gTreater than 44 inches' a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosr-ng. (l,tay Ue on one side if less than 44 inches wide) -- sec' 3305'(j) provide a g.uard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height = 42 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- sec' L7I2' (al The minimum headroom is 5 ft.- 8 inches' -- sec. 3305. (o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for thr fire-resistive construction- -- Sec- 3305'(1) provide a landing within 1 inch (1/2 indn at doors used. for handicapped access) of the threshold. -- Sec. 3304.(i) The minimurn width is same as door width and Ehe minimum length is 44 inches' -- sec. 3304. (j) The maximum travel distance in this building is 200 feet ' -- Sec. 3303. (d) ROOFING REQUIREMENTS : 1) The .ooiirrq on this building is required to be cLass B or better' - - 'r'at)-Le Jz -A 2) See section 3204. and ICBO research reports for requirenents' AUTOMATIC SPRINKIJER SYSTE}IS: If there are 1-00 or more sprinklers. supervised. by an approved cenEral, or a local alarm which wiI-I qive an attended location. -- Sec. 3803. a standpiPe. -- Table 38-A Table 38 -A 3805. (c) , (d) , and/or (e) the basement. -- Table 38-A, footnote l- o the automatic sprinkler system shall be proprietary, or remote station service audible siqnal at a constantly STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS : There is no requirernent for A hose is not required. - - FOOTNOTES: 1) The locaLion is !o be Per sec. 2) A standpipe is not required in WALI, AND CEILING FINISH: 1) wall and ceiling finish materials Sec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-B. are required to comPlY with 2) Carpeting on the ceiling is required to have a Class I flame spread rating. -- Sec. 4204. (bl 3) TLxtile wa11 coverlngs shal-I have class I flame spread rating' and shaI1 be protected by automatic sprinkl-ers or meet the acceptance criteria of U-B-c. SLandard No' 42-2 -- sec' 4205' INSULATION NOTES : 1) A11 insulation materj-al including f acinq's are required bo have a flame- spread rating of 25 ot lese and a maximum smoke density of 450' - - Sec. 1714. (c) 2) Foam plasti-c insulations are reguired to be protected' -- Sec' l-713 ' GLAZING REQUIREMENTS : A11 qlazinj in hazardous locations is requj-red to be of safeLy qrl-azing material . -- sec. 5405. (d) ADDITIONAI, REQUIREMENTS : For 81 occupancy A11 restauranbs or food service operations sha1l be reviewed by the TownofVailenvironmenbalhealthofficerforcomplianceto walI and ceilinq f ini-sh, and equipment approval' A $75 food service review will be charged to such plan check' Devices qeneratingT a glow or flame are required to be 18 inches above the floor' -- Sec. 708. The ninimum clear heiqht is required to be 7 feeE' -- Sec' 709'(c)5' Parkj-ng garages requiie a ventilation system that exhausts 1'5 cfm per sq.ft. of floor area. -- Sec. 705'(b) 2' For 82 occupancy A11 restaurants or food service operations sha1l be reviewed by the Town Of Vail environmental health officer for eompliance to wallandceilingfinish,andequj-pmentapproval.A$75food service review wilt be charged to such plan check' In aIl areas custonarily occupied by humans, provide natural or artificial lighi and ventitltion' -- sec' 705' (a)&(b) For R1 occupancy A11 chimney enclosures chimneys shal1 cons truction. A11 proj ects larger than starnped drawinqs engineer . Al-1 building within the Town Of VaiI with three stories, and containing anY supplied' with engineer fire alarm for approval be the Town Of VaiI for wood burning fireplace factory-bui1t be protected by a t hr. f j-re resistive four dwelling units shall be supplied with frorn a quilified architect and/or structural 20 units or nore' or over dwelling units sha11 be and fire sprinkler systens Fire Department. oRD-3 of 83. A11 crawl spaces within the Town of Vait sha11 be limited to 5' height from floor to sbructural floor/ceiling' have a dirt floor only, with ventilation as per UBC code. and minimum access as per UBc cod.e or maximum access of 9 sq' ft' A11 R-l occupancies within the Town Of Vail will be required to have all land.scaping and parking facilities complete to obtain final inspection approval . Address numbers shall be posEed plainly visible and legible from the s Ereec "If there is 1,5 or more dwelling units, a fire alarm system l-s required in this building' -- sec. l-211' provide a window or d.oor to the exberior from every room uged for sleeping. - - Sec ' 12 04 . A window musl provide a clear open area ot 5.7 sq'ft', a clear height of 24 inches, and a cLear width of 20 inches (ninirnum) ' -- Sec. 12 04. A11 habitable rooms require exEerior glazed openings equal to 10* or more of the floor area. (min l0 sq.ft.) -- Sec' 1205' (b) AI1 habitable rooms require an operable exterior openings equal to 5t or more of the floor area. (nin 5 sq'ft') -- Sec' 1205' (c) Provide a smoke detector in aLl sleeping rooms and areas having access to sleePinq rooms. -- sec. 1210. (a)4' The minimum ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feet 5 inches except kitchens, halIs, and baths may have a ceiling height of 7 feeE. -- Sec. -- L207. (a) }IANDICAPPED REQUIREMENTS : NoTE: Section numbera listed below are fron ANSI A117'L - 1985 WATER FOUNTAINS : 1) one must have a spout within 35 inches of the floor' -- sec' 4'L5'2 2) spout must be ac tne front of the unit' -- sec' 4'15'3 3) Controls must be at or near the front of the unih ' -- Sec' 4'15'4 & 4 .25 .4 4) A cantilevered. unit 27 inches hiqh. 30 5) A clear area of 30 area is required to unit and for a side TOIIJET FACILITIES: 1) A 5' diameter unobstrucbed turning -- sec. 4.2.3 & Fiq. 3(a) 2) When water closet is not in a compartmenb. a) 48 inches wid.e by 55 inches deep with Fis. 30 (c) . (d) 5) The top of the seat above the floor. -- 5) Urinals are required within L7 inches of 7) A clear area of 30 X -- Sec. 4.18.3 is reguired bo provide a clear area under the unit of it"tt"" wide, and 17 inches deep' -- Sec' 4'15'5 (1) x 48 inches is required ab the fountain' The clear provide for a forward approach with a cantilevered ipproach otherwise' -- sec. 4'15'5 e Fig'27 b'c'd space is required in the toilet room' the clear area required is: a side approach. - - sec. 4.L5.2 & Fig' 28 b) 48 inches wide by 55 inches deep with a front approach' -- sec. 4.75.2 t Fiq. 28 c) 50 inches wide by 56 inches deep with both approaches ' -- sec. 4-I5.2 & Fiq. 28 d) Side bar is requirei to start within 12 inches of the back wa11 and extend to 54 inches from the back wall' -- Sec' 4'!6'4 & Fiq' 29'The rear bar is required to be 36 inches lonq" -- Frq' 29 3) When water cl-oset is in a compartment. the area required is: a)56inchesdeepby60incheswidewithagrabbara!thebackandone at the side. Door is at front or side' -- Fis' 30(a) or b)66inchesd.eepby36or4Sincheswidewithgrabbarsonbot,hsides and door at front. -- Fiq' 30(b) d) If a Eloor mounted water closet is used' the depth dimens j-on shown above must be increased 3 inches- -- Fis' 30(a) a (b) e) side bars are required. to sbart within 1-2 inches of the back wall and exEend to 54 inches from the back wall' -- Fig' 7'55a & 7'55b The rear bar is required to start wiEhin 5 inches of the side wa1I and be 35 inches 1ong. -- Fig- 30(a) 4) The bars are to be 33 to 35 inches above the f1oor. -- Fis. 29(a).(b) a on the water closeb is required to be 17 to 19 Fis. 29 (b) & Fis. 30 (d) to be stall type or have an elong'ated rim and t.he f 1oor. - - Sec. 4.18.2 c Fiq. 29 (c) 48 inches is required in front of the urinal ' inche s be 8) Accessible lavaCories shall provide a clear area under the lavatory of 29 inches. - - sec. 4.1-9 -2.L & Fig. 31 9) A clear area of 30 X 48 inches is required in front of the lavatory' -- sec. 4.19.3 & Fiq. 32 10) The bottom of mirroi is required to be within 40 inches of the f l"oor. -- Sec. 4.L9.5 a Fiq. 31 llown oE VaiT 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 816 57 (303) 479-2138 Plan analYsis based on the 1991 Uniform Build'ingr Code Project Number: PRJ95- 0007 Address z 2099 N. FRONTAGE RD. Planner: Andy Knudson Occupancy ! 82,R1 ,E3 Type of Const: III - 1hr Name ! VAIL COMMONS Date: Febru arY 29, L996 Contractor: CITY MARKET Architect: DONALDSON Engineer: MONROE Plans Examiner: C. R. FEL,DUANN NOTE:The code items tisted in this report are not intendeil to be a complete lislinq of all possible code requirements in the 1991 UBc' It is a guide bo selected sections of the code. Sprinkler system used for area increase SEPARATION DIRECTfON BOIJNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Publ-ic way 49.0 Feeh 35'5 Feet EAST Building 5.0 Feet 3'0 Feet souTH Buildinq 5.0 Fee! 3 ' 0 Feet WEST Property line 48.0 Fee! 48 ' 0 Feet Area increased 35.00t for open area on 2 sides' MAX FLR AREA AI.,LOWED RATIO STATUS 2 Mechanical Room 82 2 Day Care E3 2 Unit #E1 Condo R1 2 Unit #E2 Condo Rl 2 unit #83 condo R1 2 Unit #E4 Condo Rl 2 Unit #85 Condo Rl- 2 unit #E5 Condo R1 2 Unit #E7 Condo R1 2 Unit #E8 Condo R1 2 Uni-t #F1 Condo R1 2 unit #F2 Condo Rl 2 UniE #F3 Condo R1 2 unit #F4 condo Rl 2 Hall-s. Closets ect. 92 ok 1311 ok 2768 OK OUU ok 500 ok 600 ok 500 ok 500 ok 500 ok 500 ok 500 OK O.J. I ok 811 ok 811 ok 811 ok 71 72900 0. 02 ok 81810 0.03 ok 54675 0.01 ok 54675 0.01 ok 54575 0.01 ok 54675 0.01 ok 54675 0. 01 ok 54575 0.01 ok 54575 0.01 ok 54675 0. 01 ok 54575 0.01 ok 54575 0.01 ok 54675 0.01 ok 54675 0.01 ok 72900 0.00 ok NOTE: See Sec. 1705- (a) for Shaft Enclosure exceptions' FOOTNOTES: 1) Elements in an exterior wal'I located where openings are not perniEted or where protectlon of openings is required, sha11 be protected against exLernal fire exposur-e as iequired for exterior bearing walls or the structural tranel whichever is greater' -- Table 17-A' footnote 1 5) Nonload-bearlng wal1s within a tenant space that are not part of a thr corridor maY be of: a) Noncombustible (nonrated) malerial s b) Fire retardant - treated wood c) one-hour construction (any maleria1) DRAFT STOPS: If there is conibustible construction in the floor/ceil-ing assembly, draft stops shalI be installed so that che area of concealed space does nots excled 1000 square feet and so bhat the horizontal dimension between stops does not exceed. 50 fee!. -- Sec. 2516' (f)a.n. (iii) See exception when sprinklers are instal-led in concealed space' If there is conbustiile construction in the roof/ceilinq assembly' d.raf t sEops shalI be installed so that the area of concealed space does not excled 3000 square feet and so lhat bhe horizontal dimension between stsops d.oes not exceed 60 feet. -- Sec. 2515' (f)4.8. (iii) See exception when sprinklers are instal-led in concealed space' occUPANCY SEPARATIONS -- Table 5-B 82-R1 thr Shops and offices less than L0t of floor area need not be separated- -- Sec. 503- (a) ex #2C B2-E3 thr offices less than 25t of major use do not require a separation. -- Sec. 503. (a) ex S2B R1-E3 thr ADDITIONAL SEPARATIONS FOR 82 OCCUPANCY: A thr occupancy separalion is required' around rooms containing a boiler or cenuri1 hLating unit greater than 400,000 BTU input' -- Sec' 708' FOR R1 OCCUPANCY: A lhr occupancy separation is required around rooms containing a boiler or central heating unit serving' more than one unit' -- sec' 1213' A Lhr occupancy separation is required around conunon slorage and laundry rooms. -- sec. 1202. (b) A l-hr fire separation is required between dwellingr units. -- sec. 1202. (b) FOR E3 OCCUPANCY: A Lhr occupancy aeparation is required around rooms containing a boiler or centril hlating unit greater than 400.000 BTU j-nput' -- sec' 808' sec. 1705. (b) 1. EXIT REQUIREMENTS : FL NAME OCCUPANT NI'MBER EXIT LOAD REQUIRED WIDTH PANIC RATED DOOR HDWR CORRIDOR SWING 2 Mechanical Room 4 L 0'1 No No 2 Day care 79 2 L'3 Yes Yes 2 Unit #81 Condo 3 1 0'1 No No 2 Unit #E2 Condo 3 1 0'1 No No 2 Unit *83 Condo 3 1 0'1 No No 2 Unit *E4 Condo 3 1 0'1 No No 2 Unit #E5 Condo 3 1 0.1 No No 2 Unj-t #E5 Condo 3 1 0 ' 1- No No 2 Unit #87 Condo 3 l- 0 ' l- No No 2 Unit #88 Condo 3 1 0'1 No No 2 Unit #F1 Condo 4 f 0'1 No No 2 Unit #F2 Cond.o 4 I 0.1 No No 2 Unit #F3 Condo 4 1 0'l- No No 2 UniE #F4 Condo 4 7 0.1 No No 2 Halls, Closets ect. 1 1 0.0 No No TOTAL ]-24 2 3 '1 Yes Yes M office 41 2 0'7 No No 1 sEock/sforage Room 25 1 0'4 No No 1 Loading Dock 5 1 0.1 No No 1 Trash Room 1 1 0'0 No No 1 Future Retail Space 280 2 4.7 No Yes 1 Grocery Store ]^474 4 24,5 No Yes 1 Stair, Ha11s , Closets 51 2 0.9 No Yes TOTAL 1880 4 31' 3 No Yes Rated corridors are to have thr fire protection on both sides of wa11s and ceilinq. -- sec' 3305' (S) Door openings are required to be protected' with 20 minuce assemblies and window openings are required to be protected with ]-abeled 3/4 hour assemblies. -- Sec. 3305' (h) In areas where 2 exits are requireil, the minimum separation is l/2 of the maximum diagonal of the area or floor' -- sec. 3303' (c) Exit signs are required fron all areas serving an occupant load of 50 or more. - - Sec. 3314. (a) Door swing is based on sec. 3304. (b) except as noted' occupant Load is based on rable 33-A. Number of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noted ' Exit width is in feet. and based. on Sec. 3303- (b). Exit widEh is to be divided. approximately equal-1y among exits' Width shown for all areas is based on oEher exits' (0'2) Width shown for 1st f l-oor is based on other exi-ts' (0'2) widLh shown for other floors & basements j.s based on stairways ' (0.3) For the minimum width of doors, see Sec. 3304' (f) For the rninimum width of corridors, see sec. 3305' (b) For the minimum widbh of stairways. see Sec. 3305' (b) N,/R out 5 L2 N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R OutN/R 11 N/R N/R N/R Out Out Out Out FOOTNOTES: 5) Panic hardware is required from rooms wiEh an occupant load of 50 or more 11) 12l and from corridors. -- Sec. 331-8- (j) Corridors within a tenant occupant l-oad less than HANDICAPPED ACCESS: 1) Handicapped access is required to at least one to this buildingf. -- Sec. 3103. (a) & (b)3' 2) If a ramp j.s used. for handj-capped access, the 7212. - - sec 3307. (c) Handicapped. access may not be required to levels entry level . -- Sec' 3103(a) exc #2 pr j-mary entrance rnax slope is other lhan the Primary For common stalrways 3 The maxirnum rise of a step is 7 - - Sec. 3305. (c) inches and the minimum run is 11 inches ' if bhe occupant load greaEer than 44 inches - inches above the 200 feet . 100 may nots require a rated corridor. -- sec. 3305' (s) exc' *5 A1I corridors are required to be rated unless all rooms used for instruction have one exit directly out to grade and assembly rooms lnave 1'/2 of tshe required exits to exterior' -- sec' 3318'(e) exc' STATR NOTES : Within a dwelling unit: A stairway in a dhrelling. must be a! least 35 inches wide. -- sec. 3305. (b) The maximum rise of " "i"p is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3305. (c) exc.#1provide a handrail on one side of stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is more tfran 3 risers' -- sec' 3306' (j) Exceptions provide a guard. rail- where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Mininum height = 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches' -- sec' 1712' (a) exc L The minimum width of a etairway is 35 inches, 44 inches is greater than 49. -- Sec- 3305-(b) Also see exit table above to see if minimum width is Provide handrails on both sides of a scairway 34 to 38 nosl-n9.(ltay Ue on one side if less than 44 inches wide) -- sec' 3305' (j) provide a guard rail where drop off is greater Ehan 30 inches' Minimum height = 42 inches, maximum openingr size = 4 inches. -- sec' 77L2 ' (a) The ninimum headroom is 5 ft.- I inches- -- Sec. 3305' (o) Enclosed usable space under the stairg is required to be protected as required for thr fire-resisEive construction.. -- sec. 3305' (1) provide a landing. within 1 inch (1/2 inch at doors used for handicapped access) of the threshold' -- Sec' 3304. (i) The minimum widlh is same as door wid.th and the minimum tength is 44 inches' - - Sec. 3304. (j) The maximum travel distance in this building is - - Sec. 3303. (d) The maximum travel dislance within an E occupancy rooms is 75 feet' - - Sec. 3318. (c) 1 . AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: If lhere are 100 or more spri-nklers, supervised. by an approved central , or a loca1 alarm which will give an attended location. -- Sec. 3803. the automatic sprinkler system shall be proprietary, or remote station service audible signal at a constantly The maximurn travel d.islance in an -- Sec. 3 3l-8. (c)2- ROOFING REQUIREI'IENTS : E occupancy j-s 225 feet- 1) The roofing on this buildinq is required bo -- Table 32 -A 2) See section 3204. and IcBo research reports be Class B or better. for requirements - bo comply with class I Elame spread rating. or meet Ehe -- Sec. 4205. are required. to have a flame- smoke densitY of 450 unless is in contacE with a wall or be protecbed. -- Sec. 1713. STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS : There is no iequirement for a standpipe. -- Table 38-A A hose is not required. -- Table 38-A FOOTNOTES: 1) The location is to be Per WAI,I, AND CEILING FINISH: Sec. 3805. (c), (d),and/or(e) 1) Wal1 and ceiling finish materials are required See. 4204. (a) and Table 42'8. 2) Carpeting on the ceiling is required, to have a spread rating. -- Sec. 4204. (b) 3) Textile wall coverings sha11 have cl-ass I flame and shall be protected by automatic sprinklers acceptance criteria of U.B.C- Standard No. 42-2 INSUi.,ATION NOTES : 1) A11 insulation material including facings spread rating of 25 or lese and a maximum it is in a concealed epace and the facing ceiling. -- sec. t714. (c) exc.#2 2) Foam plastic insulations are required to GLAZING REQUIREMENTS : A11 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing materj.al . -- Sec. 5405. (d) ADDITIONAI, REQUIREft1ENTS : For 82 occupancy A11 restaurants or food. service operations shal1 be reviewed by the TownofVailenvironmentalhealthofficerforcomplianceto wall and ceiling finish. and equipment approval ' A $75 food service review witl be charged to such plan check' In all areas customarily occupied by humans, provide natural or artificial tight and ventilation. -- Sec. 705' (a)&(b) For R1 occupancY A11 chinney enclosures chimneYs shall cons Eruc ! ion ' A11 projects larger than stamped drawings ana i naar A11 buildinq within the Town Of Vail with three stories, and containi-ng anY supplied with engineer fire aLarm for aPProvat be the Town Of Vail for wood burning fireplace factory-bui1t be protected by a t hr. fire resistive four dwelling unita sha11 be supplied with from a quilified architect and/ ot structural 20 units or more' or over dwelling units sha11 be and fire sPrinkler systems Fire Departrnent. oRD-3 of a? Al.1 crawl spaces within Ehe Town of VaiI shal-t be limited to 5' heiqht from fLoor to structural floor/ceiling' have a dirt floor only. with ventilation as per UBC code. and minimum access as per UBC code or maximum access of 9 sq' ft' All R-1 occupancies within the Town of Vail will be required to have aII landscaping and parking facilities complete to obtain final inspection apProval . Address numbers shall be posted plainly visible and legj-ble from the s creeE . If there is 15 or more dwelling units, a fire alarm system is rarrrri rcd in this buildinqf. -- Sec. 1211. Provide a window or d.oor to the exterior frorn every room used tor sleepinq. -- Sec. 1204. A window nust provide a clear open area of 5.7 sq'ft', a clear heiqht ot 24 inches, and. a clear wi-dth of 20 inches (minimun) ' -- sec. 1204. A11 habitable rooms require exterior glazed openings equal to 10* or more of the floor area- (min 10 sq'ft') -- sec' L205' (b) A1l- habitable rooms require an operabLe exterior openings equal to 5t or more of the floor area- (min 5 sq.ft') -- sec' 1205' (c) Provide a smoke detector in all sleeping rooms and areas having access to sleeping rooms. -- sec- 1210.(a)4' The minimum ceiting in a habitable space is 7 feet 5 inches except kitchens, haLls, and baths may have a ceiling height of 7 feet. -- sec. -- t207. (a) For E3 occupancy In all areas customarily occupied by humans, provide natural or arbificial lighb and ventilaEion. -- Sec' 805' Provide an approved fire alarm system $rhen the occupant load exceeds 50. -- Sec. 809. A fenced. in area wibhout unlocked gates must have a dispersal area g'reater than 50 f eeb f rom the buj-lding. - - Sec' 33i-9 ' (k) Rooms for day-care are not permitbed in basements or on floors above the first story. -- Sec. 802. (c) Rooms for day-care are permitted on the 2nd floor provided there are 2 exits directty to the exterior for their exclusive use' -- Sec. 802. (c) exception Floor-2nd occupancy-DaY care If seats are not fixed, the capacity of this area is required to be posbed at 79 occupants. -- Sec' 3302' (c) HANDICAPPED REQUIREMENTS : NOTEr Seclion numbers lisled below are from ANSI A117'1 - 1986 a spout within 35 inches of the floor' -- Sec' 4'15'2 at Lhe fronE of the unit. -- Sec. 4.15'3 be at or near the front of the unit. -- sec' 4'15'4 & WATER FOUNTAINS: 1) one must have 2) Spout mus! be 3) Controls must 4 .25 .4 4) A cantilevered unit 27 inches hiqh, 30 5) A clear area of 30 area is required to unit and for a side TOIIJET FACILITIES: 1) A 5' diameter unobstructed lurning - - sec. 4.2.3 & Fiq. 3 (a) space is required in the toilet room' 2) When water closet is not in a compartment, a) 48 inches wide by 56 inches deep wich -- sec. 4-16-2 & Fig. 28 48 inches wide by 55 inches deep with - - sec. 4.1-5 .2 & Fig. 28 60 inches wide by 55 inches deep with - - Sec. 4.L5.2 a Fiq. 28 d) side bar is required to start within 12 inches of the extend to 54 inchee from the back wall. -- sec' 4'15'4 The rear bar is required to be 35 inches long' -- Fig' on the water closet is required to be 17 to 19 inches Fis. 29 (b) & Fiq. 30(d) t,o be sta11 tlrpe or have an elonqated rim and be che floor. -- Sec. 4.L8.2 e Fig. 29(c) 48 inches is required in front of the urinal' is required. to provide a cl'ear area under Ehe unit of inches wide, and 17 inches deep. -- sec' 4'15'5 (1) X 48 inches is required at the fountain' The clear provide for a forward approach with a canbilevered-approach otherwise. - - Sec. 4.15.5 & Fiq'27 b'c'd' b) c) the clear area required is: a side approach. a front approach. both approaches . back wal1 and & Fiq. 29 4t 3) When water closet is in a compartment. the area required is: a) 55 inches d.eep by 50 inches wide with a grab bar at the back and one at the sid.e. Door is at front or side. -- FiS' 30(a) or b) 55 inehes deep by 35 or 48 inches wide with grab bars on both sides and door at fronE. -- Fiq. 30(b) d) If a fLoor mounted water close! is used, tshe depth dimension shown above must be increased 3 inches. -- Fis' 30(a) & (b) e) side bars are requj.red to start within 12 inches of Ehe back walI and extend to 54 inches from the back wa11. -- Fig' 7'55a & 7'55b The rear bar is required to slart within 5 inches of the side wa1l and be 35 inches long. -- Fig. 30(a) 4) The bars are to be 33 Eo 35 inches above the floor. -- Fig' 29(a)'(b) a Fis. 30 (c), (d) 5) The top of che seaE above the floor, - - 5) Urinals are required within 17 inches of 7) A ctear area of 30 X -- Sec.4.18.3 8) Accessible lavatories shall provide a clear area under the lavatory of 29 inches. -- Sec. 4'19.2.1 & Fig' 31 9) A clear area of 30 X -- Sec. 4.19.3 & Fig. 10) The bobtom of mirror-- sec. 4.L9.6 & Fig. 48 inches is required in front of the lavatory' JZ is required bo be within 40 inches of the floor' o ToTAL FoR FLooR 1'2:.94 60995 0'20 U Office 82 ok 4258 '72900 0'05 1 stock/storage Room 82 ok 7'745 72900 0 ' l-1 1 Loading Dock 82 ok 25t9 72900 0 ' 03 1 Trash Room 82 ok 519 72900 0'01 1 Future Retail Space 92 ok 8394 72900 0'12 1 Grocery store 92 ok 44233 72900 0'5L 1 Stair,Halls,Closets 92 ok 5051 72900 0 ' 07 TOTAL FOR FLOoR 72730 72900 1'00 BUILDING TOTAL' 84924 94550 0 ' 90 NOTE: -- The floor area of the mezzanine may not exceed L/3 of area of the room or area that iE is in' -- sec' L7I7 ' ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ttre floor NORTH EAsr sourH OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON'BRG OPNG . WAI,I, WAI.,L PROT WALI., WALI, PROT WALI., WALL PIOT 82 2hc thr None 4hr* 4hr* NOP 4hr* 4hr* NOP R1 2:nr thr None 2rlt* 2hr* Prot 2}l.r* 2hr* Prot E3 4hr thr None 4hr* 4hr* NoP 4hr* 4hr* NOP The actual height of this building is The maximum height of the building is EXTERIOR WALI., FIRE RATINGS AND Tabte 17-A & Sec. 2003. (a) OTHER BUf I,DING EI,EMENTS ELEMENT MATERIAL Interior Bearing wall AnY Interior nonbrg wall AnY Structural Frame AnY Exteri.or Struct Frame AnY Shaft Encl"osure AnY Floor/Ceiling Assembly AnY Roof/Ceiling Assembly AnY stairs AnY 35.0 feet. 55.0 feet. -- Table 5-D OPENING PROTECTION 'l'abte r / -A RATING NOTES WE ST BRG NON. BRG OPNG WALL WALIJ PROT 2hr Ohr None 2lrr Ohr None 4hr ohr None The ext.erior wal1s are required tso be of NONCOMBUSTIBLE material' Sec'2003' (a) None '- No fire protection requirements for openings' prot. -- openings are Eo be protected with 3/4 ht fire assenibl-ies. 50t of the area of the wall maximum. Sec. 504. (b) & Sec.2003. (b) Maximum single window size is 84 sq.fE with no dimension grreater than 1,2 f ee!. - - sec. 43 05 . (h) NOP -- Openinqs are not permitted in this wall- * -- These walls may be required to have a parapet wa11 30 inches above the roofinq. The parapet wa1l is required to have the same fire rating as Ehe waIl. see section 1710. for details and excePtions. lhrthrthrthrrnrthrthr None See Footnote #5 See footnote #1 o G-H t l:,- -, ,2 1t t ' t *-i"-{<'4 ^ " V*A*'"1 -tTi Fx/o d-ca:^-'"-f { ,t "a__r,-t_i-.-t 970t949-5200 FAJ/g49-5205 VICTOR MARK DONALDSON ARCHITECTS, P.C. ARCHIIECIURE o PIANNING . IMERIORS November 151996 Mr. Chuck Feldman Building Inspector/Plans Examiner TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. CO.81657 Re: SMART CARE City Market Vail Commons Village Vail, Colorado VMDA Job No. 9629 Dear Chuck: Box 5300 . Avon, Colorodo 8'1620 970t949_5200 FAJ/g49_5205 xlflRh#I[f^R ilAi?,'rI?j:a .H'TEcrs, ; ; Andrew A. Bobet AIAurrecror of Archrtecture Srudio: Surre 207 ffi 3."35",.fi 8ffi ',t?"'fiu1Z To confirm our meeting in your offices on Wednesday, September 6, 1996 regarding the above project, we discussed the following: l.The Smart Care is to be considered a Medical Office in accordance with Section 304.1 Group B Occupancies Defined, paragraph 8. "Outpatient clinic and medical offices (where five or less patients in a tenant space iue incapable of unassisted self-preservation)". Minimum egress requirements per Table 10-A for offices is 100 per square foot per person. The medical clinic is 1,230 s.f., therefore the occupant load is 12 persons, which is less than the requirement for two exits which is an occupant load of 30. Based upon the above discussion we had, the exit hall to the west of the Smart Care space and the door to the hall may be eliminated. I want to thank you for the time you extended to me to discuss this matter. Sincerelv.fuffita Andrew A. Bober, AIA Director of Architecture VICTOR MARK DONALDSON ARCHITECT, P.C. 2. Revised plans DEC-A4-1996 1,7147 UT4D RRCHITECTS F.C.3A3 949 5?:AA P.@1. YIWY4.Y.J:/I./V FNU949-5205 VICTOR NAARK ARCHIIECTURE. PLTNNNG r INIERION Bol( 5300. Avon, Cototodo 61620 Decembcr 04, l99ti Mr.ChuokFeldman Building Inspeclor/Plans Examiner Torrn ofVail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Co. 81657 Re: Yril Virion' Tcnant Finish SParc CityMa*et Store - #142 Vail Comnons Village' Vail CO- VMDAJobNo.9643 Dcar Chuck: To confirn oru ro,eeting in your office on M6nday, Novemher 25,I 996 regarding thc above projct! we discussed thc following: l. Ths vail vision is to be considered a office space in accordance with section 701 Group B Occupanores Defincd, Division 2' 2. Minimrln egress requircment$ p€r Table 33-A for Oflices is 100 per squaft foot per p,,$on. Ih;Vail Vision is 220i s.f., fi€rofore the occupant toarJ is 2! ntrsoru' wlish is less than the r€quirem€ff for two exits which is an occupant load of 30' Bascd upon the abovc digcussion we had, there will only be one exit provided out of the space. Thank you for discussing this issuc. Sinceicly, / //,,-/ltfr DeanaL. Dix Vicmr Mark Donaldson Architeots' P.C. TOTCL P.A1 URIL FIRE DEPT.9?A 4'.79 2t?6 P.A3 T(]II/N OFVATL 42 l|cst illcalou Driuc l'ail, Colorado 8/,6r7 t0t-479-22fl) hil Fire Dcpartncnt Februnry 16. 1996 Dan Stanck, Chief Iluilding Oflicial Town of Vail Departrnent of Corurrrurrity Developrnent 75 South Frontage ltoad Vail, Colorarlo 81657 Re: Vail Cournrorrs Slagirrg l,lau t)ear l)an; We lr*vc rcvic',vcd tlre plans subnritted for the staging plan and the nrajor excavetioD penrit for the Vail (lonrrrrons. As a re-sul! of the lcview, wc havc schedulcd a nrceting witlt Upper Eagle Valley Wafer for 9 A.M, on'l'uesday, 2120/96, at their oflice, !Vlrile rve rl<r rrqrl see any lcast)n thc cxcavalicrn pcrtnit cartttot be issuecl, tltet'e ale sonle corccrrrs willr tlrc utility plnrr, spccilicnlly llrc lirc lrydrilrtts arrd water rrrains. Apparerrtly they have lailed to include the requiretl fir'e hyrJrarrts in thc ncw lucations and lrave insturrl, elected to try and use existirrg locatiorrs, relocatc thc rcquircd hydrattts 1o alternative locations, arrd sclcctcd altcrrralc rncans of looping the watcr lnains that lcave us witlr 50 + l'eet ol'a dearl end ruain. We ale not agreeirrg to tltis design uutil we nreet witlt the Water l)istrict. Thu street plarts do rtot shc.rw arry rr['tlte fire lrydrarrts arrd tlre detail on page l0 drtcs rrot slrorv the lcquircd clearance, hcight, nud related detail rccluircd by Llre VIiD aud UEVW&S. 'l'hc lrytlrarrts rlctails rrrust also be approvcrl by UIiVw&S. lrr atldiliorr, thc plarrs rvc rcccivcd do not strow llrc cnrcr3cncy accesdcgress ort tlte ruorlh side nt Charnonix nor the apploved rcconfiguration of lhc acccss irrto Vail das Scltotte. As sublnitted, we (;ilnrrol get to the lvsst or lrol th side of Vail das Sshorte ltor past tlrc drive up barrk rvirxlurv lo even access tlre liouth side olthe shopping center. 97A 4?9 2L?6 P.AA AJI of the issue$ were a resutt of the cornbined elforts of Plmning, Building, Fire, aod Public Works input ancl have been communicsted to and agreed upon by the architect, but are not reflected rrn the plans. We will enter these notes into Sierra and will probably put a hold on the construction pernrit until these issues are resolved. I trust the architect and the developer will want to ilIove on these issues sootr, Please call us ifyou have additional questions or concerils. Sincerely, / "'+4-4'"'/ r#' :i"'**"- MichaelMgGee Firc Marshal Andy Knudtsen Greg.Hall Ken Wentworth frle cc; VAIL COIVIMONS Sl'l'E PLAN REVIE\,V PAGE 2 February 16,1996 Dan Stanek, Chief Building Official Town of Vail Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Commons StagingPlan Dear Dan; we have reviewed the plans submitted for the staging plan and the major excavation permit for the Vail Commons. As a result of the review, we have scheduled a meeting with upper Eagle valley Water for 9 A.M. on Tuesday, 2120196, at their office. While we do not see any reason the excavation permit cannot be issued, there are some concelns with the utility plan, specifically the fire hydrants and water mains. Apparently they have failed iolnclude the required fire hydrants in the ncw locations and nave i"steaq elected to try and use existing locations, relocate the required hydrants to altemative locations, and selected altemate means of looping the water mains that leave us with 50 + feet of a dead end main. We are not agreeing to this design until we meet with the Water District. The steet plans do not show any of the fire hydrants and the detail on page 10 does not show the required clearance, height and related detail required by the VFD and UEWY&S. The hydrants details must also be approved by UE\|UV&S' In addition, the plans we received do not show the emergency accesvegress on the north side at Chamonix nor the approved reconfiguration of the access into Vail das Schone. As zubmitted, we cannot get to the west or north side of Vail das Schone nor past the drive up bank window to even access the South side ofthe shopping centsr' VAIL COMMONS SITE PLAN REVIEW PAGE 2 All of the issues were a result of the combined efforts of Planning, Building, Fire, and Public works input and have been communicated to and agreed upon by the architect, but are not reflected on the plans. We will enter these notes into Sierra and will probabty put a hold on the consbuction permit until these issues are resolved' I trust the architect and the developer will want to move on these issues soon' Please call us if you have additional questions or concems' Sincerely, MichaelMoGee Fire Marshal Andy Knudtsen Greg Hatl KenWentworth file l-a'f,DCDI YDD VICTOR MARK DONALDSON ARCHITECTS. P.C. Box 5300 o Avon, Colorodo 61620 Arncr m?Rii3i3.3333 ARCHITEOURE . PLANNING . INTERIORS MINUTES OF MEETING PRESENT: Chuck Feldman, TOV Andrew Bober, VMDA Ken Wentworth, VMDA PROJECT NAME: CityMarket. VailCommons PROJECT NUMBER: VMDA No. e501 MEETING DATE: April3, lee6 FROM: DATE: COPY TO: Andrew Bober, vlvIDA Jk5 April 12, 1996 Participants The following items were discussed on the City Market, Vail Commons, as follows: 1. The stair at the truck dock and receiving area was reviewed. This stair has been relocated from the exterior wall to an area south and adjacent to the exit doors from the dairy cooler and seafood display. Chuck agreed this new location meet the requirements of the code for exiting. 2. Ken indicated we were considering adding doors to the exit stairs on the east side of the store at the bottom to prevent the public from entering the stairs on a daily basis. This stair is an emergency stair only. The hardware will be sound actuated, so that an alarm will sound if used tbr a non-emergency situation. 3. The following items were discussed as they related to the Housing above the store: a. Exterior bearing walls shall be Type III, 2 hour construction. b. RooflCeiling shall be Type III, I hour construction as follows: 1) Shingles shall be a minimum of a Class B rating. 2) Ceiling shall have one layer of 5/8" Type "X" Gyp. Board. 4. The following items were discussed as they related to the Day Care Center above the store: o Minutes of Meeting AWil 12,1996 Page2 a. The strel frame shall have a t hour construction (columns & beams). b. The structure shall be Type IIl, I hour construction. c. The walls adjacent to the entrance court shall be 2 hour construction. 5. The stair tower serving the Lower Level through the Mezzanine shall be of I hour construction. The door a the Lower lrvel of the parking structure shall swing into the stair. There will need to be a gate a the store level to prevent pedestrians from exiting to the lower level. 6. VMDA will be submitting updaled Architectural drawings only, on April 10, 1996 for building permit. 7. The RetaiVOffice building in the northwest corner of the project shall be Type V, I hour construction. 8. MechanicallElectricat are not required to be submitted on April 10, 1996. tl ,' lla.aaz--".yO\. ) ,r'/-1 /*, .rta1 S/r*, c+e,e,/arz o/o*tttvg 6,i C,rrer Sfrenr.\ 7-? 4-6 y'ox ,:i\- At'h /? fl n 4/oot< SchcJ*t<s do poT 5/',0"t f*" \i '' ,e f €/euav)-: tfl/ss LqlekJ l \,/ t ,l/S b-ro zz.uoL JV-e e./ /.</.< oce J./. : ' ,/ /e^ oFetettug Pc.7 /4.grrar/ I t -dZ'I i >',5bf^J Sruar.; C^*-.""p.AINq O\3JiiN 'ti t /l& ,,f 6'ou-u,obn Y" r?os {3? 77f3: l ' 'r t ^aL' /Y'tl'' ri 'Jt fo€i'' tl jii .I iii ili,I UNDITMAY-85-1996 14r55 ARCHITECTS P.C.3A3 949 52AA P.At !.,UtWra.ar'.)avv FAXF49-520s ,t^ /., nsl'"(\d-"" =:--.-=--z---: dtt 4lL:# vrctoR A,'ARK DoNALDsoN ARcHlTEos, P-c. c-i"^J'- ARCH6STRE. pLANNING . lNTERloRS 8ox 5c00 ' Avon, Colorodo atoZO fo-Oaun ib'4444a43l'tuAlua t - May 6, 1ee5 ffI+ ^n;ufr*'+ "J tt"'t-/ur!-L\.*l trtE. sugen counelly 6 4#DLrector of Corsunity Devetolneat Ar,e. f3 - nl rorm of vall ,';l CbLluxt w,p.t^ R,e: tJsifora Buirding code -fFo"t^A-^', Area Separatioa RequireraenEs () Af fordable Eouaing[R-3 oooupacy) /ReEail (B-2 occupaaey) Dear Suganr lfe appreciaEe the aagistaace acd deEailed aaalyaig of the UAC requl-fene$t' that bas bee' provided by Dp _asd Cbuch is your euitaiag Departmeat- Tb,ey have been very helpful , t'ic'ely iad tborough in their revl,ew of our vail cocopn8 Docuire:lts. Ag I brvg discusged wltb you prewiouely --d now tbat we heve eppareatsly e:<bausted the poesibllitiea rrnder tbe =t+risiEi proviiions of Ebe I1BC, we will appreciate yorxr conslderatioa of the followi.ng requesE: Consider an anendment to the Town of Vail and,/or Uniform Building codes which would create like tTeatmer-rt of Arq? SeparaEions between R-3 Reslde@id ts-2 Retail- o@asarecurrent1yalIowedbetweenR-3Residentia1O..uiarr.i.s (among others) ana S-f Parking Garage Occupancies ' IEeppeargtbatwtthtsbcedveabofereacivezoalngandIana use -ioiL"i"" to addrees tJre ebortage of,. affordable Uo.t.iog, tfeee UaC requir€se:Bts wlll contigue to lnpact tb?g" proJeel,l thrl attseopt'Eo conbiae bouging over rctaLl or llke uaot. Nothiag about Ehla request ie an stteaPt Eo.circugvent Iif. ;;i;t-r"qolre."ntg, brfE insteEd to creete 'oiforuity of lic"tneat iru-*e rqixed. used. It aeens odd that tbe require- nnot. for bougiuf or"t a parklng Etrucbure'ara lesg tha^It for Eouefn! o\rer a tiffy epriiklered retait eetablLghroeut. Sugan, lor a point of r8feresce, tbe followlsg are tlre CurraaE requireoenfs for lhe tr'o relevent porttoas of Ehe VaiI Cornoaa projeat. -/ MRY-96-1995 14:56 lls. Susaa CoaaellY Director of, CouuualtY rowo of VaiI !!ay 5, 1996 Page rrm 383 949 3?AA P.A? RETAIIT over PARKING GA33GE: (lvpe v. 1 l{our) v, 1 tto\lr) UilDt RRCHITECTS P.C. DevelopaleEt NOR+{ CI:Y MARKET HOUSING ovel , '\ \r. d-1., eesidential occuPancY\ \r--J--- (over) B-2 ReLail OccupancY (TYPe (over) E-1 parkinE carase occupancy / t t / ilf?_ ..\ f\l\""idential occupancf irrpe rr' 1 Hour) /"''|,,r, V Yitj:Iii'o"",ro.ncv (gpe rr, 1 Horrr) /// /F/'u i//'rilR grrganr Ehenls you for yorg tine in revl'ewl nE tlria 'nT tter ar.a pi"it" faet trie to coJerc! ue with any queetsiaag you lay b,ave. t looh t"-t.ia- io beeriag yor* rleponaa io thiE requeat. ResPeaEtulI'Y subq"i LEed, t{ark Donald.son, ArA PrsBideaE vicron I{ARE Dot'tArrDsoN ARcgrrgc-T8' P'c' M},IN CITY MARKET HOUSING over RF'*IATD)- -' \ TOTfl. P.g2 -,-rDu,N oF vAIt-; C0LORADO FOR INSF.ECTION HORK SHEETS FOR I :5 StatLrs: FINAL Occ:U$e: 3fi3-777-7737 3A3-777-7737 /3Q/97 PAGE AIIEA: EG 16REF,T I31 a3/3A/97 rZrB:O1 REAUESTS Activity: E96-O177 3/3to/97 Type: B-ELEC Addtessr ltZt99 N FRONTfiGE RD WEST Loeationr VAIL COMMONS F,ar.ceI : llr?1]-1 l4-lE*B1J Con st r' r NCOM Descriplion: trITY MARKET(STORE'CtrNDOS' DAY CARE) Applibant: ELECTRICAL CONTRACTINE SERUICES Fhone: . Dwner^: TOWN OF VAiL Fhone: Contr'arton: ELECTRItrAL CONTRACTING SERVICES Fhone: Inspect i on Req ue st Request on r John ' Req. Time: OB:r30 It ems nequest ed to Inforrmation..... Commentsl Bldq El be Inspeeted.., Fhone: 479-€t141 At:t i on Time Exp4*0;Al93 EL.EC-Final .Inspect i on Hi st ory. , . . . . It em : A01eO ELEC-Rot-tgh 09l 1 1/96 Inspect ot : A9/?3/96 Inspector: LQ/sa/96 lnspector: Ie/44/96 Inspector: bl/06l97 Inspector: ,, 6?/Q6/97 Inspect ot : . @3:/lE/97 Inspector': 63/17/97 Inspet:tor': 04{14/97 InEoector: 'A5/ 14/97 InsPectot': ' Item: tZtOlSO ELEC*Condtrit- St9/A6/96 Inspector": Item : la6l4B' ELEC-Misc. lQ/L6/96 Inspector': A4/87/97 Inspeetor': Item I Otll9tZr ELEC-Final E6 EG EG EG EG E. t.J EG LF.V EG EG E6 EG EG Act i on : AF|F R Act i on: AFF'RAction: AF'trR Aet i on : AF'F R Act i on : AF'F RAetionr AtrFRAction: AF'PR Act i on : AF'F R Action: AtrFR ftetton: AFFR Aet i on: AtrFR Action: AFtrR Ar:t i on: AtrtrR Actionr AFFR Aet ion: AFFR AtrF.ROUED AF.F.ROVED AF,PROVED APF.ROVED AF.F.ROVED cei l inqs RF,F,ROVED Check f ol switch c. rr. in, un it s eii t enant apt service APF'ROUED AtrF,ROVED wal k t ht'ouqh CHANGE t... B. CONDULET. st or.e ;rrea /pat'king lotAe/85/97 Inspector: LFV A3/fr5/97 Inspector: EE Itern: OOEE4 FIRE-ALARM RUUGH Item: OO53g FIRE-FINAL C/O REP"T13I TOWN OF VNIL, COLORNDO A6/e6/97 68:tI3 REOUESTE FOR INSFECTIFN WORH SHEETS FORz 6/i26/97 trAGE lE AREA: EG Activity: f,ddre s s : l-ocat i on r . Farce I : Deseriptionl. f,ppl icant: Owner': Contr.act or': E96-'4177 6/"6/97 Type: B-ELEtr EIA99 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL COMMONS E t ra3- I 14- 15-@ 13 Occ: CITY MARKET (STOREr CONDOS, DeY CRRE) ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING SERVICES Fthone: TOWN OF VAIL trhone: ELEtrTRICAL CONTRACTING SERVICES Fhone: Statusr FINAL Donstr': NCOFI Use: 3,A3*777-7737 1fr3-777-7737 Inspeet i on Request Information.... Req r-1s s1 or' : JOHN Req Time! tZrglOO Comments: H & R Items requested to be Inspected... agr538 F!'|iE-*FTNRL C/n Fhone t 479-QI4I BLOCHAcliay tronnegtqzV Time ExP,dA@.a2-*Z-:'l// /r*&s Inspection Item: Item: History.,... 0OleO ELEC-Rouqh @9/11196 Inspector: AS/e3/96 Inspeetor : IA/3&/96 Inspector': LA./A4/96 Inspector; AL/fr6197 Inspectorr W/V6/97 Inspector: o,3/1.e/97 Inspeetoi : A3/17/97 Inspecbor:04/t4/97 Inspeetor: A3/ l4/97 Inspect or.:n3/3fi/97 Inspeetor: A6/LLl97 Insoector': frE/L3/97 Inspectorr A6/16/97 Inspector: OOl SrZl ELEC-Condr"r i t A9/Vt6/96 Inspeetor: Aral4ra ELEC-MiEe. IU/L6/96 Inspectorr A4/n7/97 Inspector": Offl98 ELEC-Final E . 26^ 9V. Actionr AtrF'R Act ion: APFR Act ion: AtrtrR llctionl AFFRAction: APFR Actionr AFFR Act i on: AFtrR Act ion: AFFR Act i on: APFRAction: AtrF,R Act i on: AtrtrR Aetion:"AtrtrR Act i on r OF,F R Aet i on: AtrtrR Action: AF,F,R .t, Item ! ..i,, : Item: E6 EE EG EG E6 EG E6 LF'V EE EG EG E6 EG EG E6 EG EG $e/:E3/97 Inspector.: LFV A5/to5/97 Inspector: EG A3/3@/97 Inspector: L,V 63/ltd/97 Inspector-: EGA6/eV/97 Inspector*: EE A6/-c3/97 Inspector.: EGItem: OA?e4 FIRE-ALARM ROUGH It ern I AIA53B FI RE*FINAt- C/t] AF,F'ROVED AF,F.ROVED RF.F'ROVED AF,F.ROVED AF.F,ROVED ceilings fiPF,ROVHD trheck for" switch c. r-r. in.r-rnits eFi t enant apt ;ervice day ear'e wa I I s r-rnd ergr'o und conduit bLdq e-3'"rnit1-E-3-4-5 e-3 rrn it 6 AF,f-,ROVFD Action! AFFR APFROVED Aet i on : AFFR wal k thror-rgh f,ct i on: AF,[-'R CHANGE L. B. CONDULET. Action: AFtrR store aFea /par"king Iot Jletion: DN condos eE Act ion r AFtrR AFFRDVED Aet ion: AF,FR cabin f ever' flct i on : DN sr-rllpont f i xt trnes' REF'T 1J I Tot^,N oF vAIL, COLORADO Q3/a,e/.97 rZrE:rZrA REGUESTS FOR INSF.EETII]N HORK SHEETS FORI 5/ ?./97 AREfl: EG Antivity: H96*0r177 3/ e/g? Type: B*ELEC Statr-rs: FINAT- Constr: NCOM Addr'ess: EO99 N FRONTRGE RD WEST Loeation: VAIL COIY|MONS Fat eel: l1O3-114-15-O13 Oec r Descr'ipt ion,: CITY IIARKET (STORE' CONDOS' DAY CARH) Appt ieant'i ELECTRICAL CONTRACTIN6 SERVICES Fhone t 3il3-777-7737 "., Ewner': TOWN OF UAIL Fhone ! _::-::::::-::::l:::::-:::T::I:::-:::::::---:T::: :!1-',-',-',:!',-:l------- Inspeetion Request Information..... 1ePAGE Requestor':5teve Req Time: tlg lBtZl Items requested to Ofi19ff ELEC-Final Comment s: Cit y be Inspeeted. . . Us e : ./ + B '/'; F,hon e : 9ijB-5669 J/ct AF,F.R APF'R AF.PR APF,R AF.trR RF,F.R APF,R NF.trR NF.F,R Mkt Act ion Com m qnt s 4W*d-{/:4 t'h gRect i o.f F{r { t orY;: ' It en: ' OOIaO i ELEC-Ro;-rgF' ,. . a^ /- Action! AtrPR Actionr FTFFR Action: APFR Action: f,FtrR eaLaZ-, APF,ROUED": ' AF.F,RNVED APF,RtrUED AF.F,ROVED AF,F.ROVED ceilings APF'ROUED Check fon switt:h c. t-t. in- units eE FTF'F'ROV ED AE.F.ROUED wal k t hro ugh f,HANGE L. F. trONDULET. bszt tlsg lnrp";tor^:' EG t i on :giste5/sa Inspeetor: EG /96 Inspectonr EE /9& Inspect or :.. EE lg7 Inspl,ctor:' EG /97 Inbbestor: EG 1 ,f UAilet€/9f Ins'pector: EG ^,:Q3/ L7 /X7 Inspector: LFV;,Q3/ L7 /27 Inspector: LtrV";,fi4/t4/s7 Inspector: EG Action: Aetion: Action: Aetion: Action: Action: Act ion r Act ion: Iter : OO1s0r- ELEC-Conduit h9/@6/q6 Inspector': [GIten: OOl4A ELEC-MiEc. '1O/16/96 Inspector': H6 @4/07 /97 Inspector:- E{3 Itemn ACt19U' ELFtrlFinal , fiE/e1/V7 Ihspect or': LF U Item: qA??4 FIRE-ALtrRlq ROUGH Item: 04538 FIRE-FINAL C/0 REPTlsIAe/&/57 14r13 TOWN OF VA!L, COLCIRAD0 REOUESTS FOR INSPECTION WTTRK SHEETS FOR: I e/e3/97 PA6E 1 AREA: EG -------------. Activity: ndd!.ess! Frarce 1 l Description: AppI ieant: Owner; Contract or: E96-8177 | etestgt Typer B-ELEC Eq'99 N FRT]NTAGE RD WEST Status: ISSUED 363-777-77s7 I 33.3-777-7737 llonstr: NCOM UEe:Occ:e103-l r4-15-Al3 CITY MARRET (STOREI CBNDOSi DAY CARE} ELECTRiTAL CUNTRACTING SERVIOES Phone: TOWN 0F VFIIL Phoner ELECTRICAL trONTRACTING SERVICES Phone: Inspeet i on Request Infornation..... Requestor: Steve Req Timel O8:lDO trommentsr gervice Eity Market ItenE nequested to be Inspeeted... flction^Comqreryfs , Tine ExpL-mtg0 ELEC-FinaI U I Inspection History..... ,-;'' r lttr l og$a ELEC-Temp. Fowen !"1" ftrlr OOleO. ELEC-Rough ,.| '. ,'09/11 /96 Inspector'! rEG Frtionl -:: +-----!---- 'F?.-- - n-r..:':- i-l A9/eF./96 t'qspqqtorr EF .. - Acti'bni lOl3OtqA lttqpq$tot r EB"' \' Ac*:ionr : ;1 \?/9!?2 Inspdfo+r*r EF-- Ac*ionr -,.,'!.' ..)- AtrFR .AF'PRCIUED ArlFRz" AtrPRUUED APPR\ APPRBUED APF.R APF.ROVED AF,trR AF,F,RUUED APF,R ceilings APPR RF'F.ROVED APFR NPF.ROVED t-- f I -. ttl/O6lg7 Inspeet oi"r' E6 Act i on: ' i- i . 6UA:6/97 Inspeetor.: EG Action: Itenr, O0I30 El-EC-Conduit"t', . , 6g/Q6l96 Inspeetorr \G Ag$[oon: Iten ri bAL40 ELEC-Misc. 16/16/96' Inspeetor: EG Actionl Iten: QQI9A ELEC-Final ,Iten: AAA?4 FIRE-ALARM ROUGH '1 If em r OO53g 'FIRE-FINAL C/O I l- tn" REFTr31 t fr5/ LVqT fiB:OF REAUESTS t* o, uorr, coL'RADo FOR INSF,ECTION WORR SHEETS FORt 3/19/97 F.AGE 4 AREAI CF == ====== === =i=-=:====== = ==== = ==== == = = == = = == === = =F: = -====:: Activity: 896-tlol4 3l19/97 Type: COMBUILD Status: ISSUED Constr': NCOM Addr-ess: EO99 N FRONTAEE RD I^IEST Location: VAIL C0MMONS Far.eeI : E:1?t3-l 14-15-O13 Oce: Descriot ion r trARKING EARAGE/SUFERMARKET./RESIDENTIRL..1S BAEJ UEe: III UNITS 97rzr-;:j4 1-4758Applicant: CITY MARKET, INC. 0wnerr TOt^lN OF Vf,IL Contractor': CITY MARKET, INC. Inspect i on Reqr"reBt Inf ormat i on. . . . Request orr EREI! Req Tine: tl8:OtZt Comments: I^JHOL-E ItemE reqr-tested to be Inspected,., OfaSSfa BLD6-Temp. t/n Fhone: F'hone: Fhone: 97tl-841-O75tl trhone: 479-O141 sToRE ! Flct i on llomnent s Time Exp It1ffi i $A56er FN-Backfill Inspection .,,-, .l r lO/O3./96 '''Inspector. I {lF Act ion: AFF,R BAt- F,ARK DECI'i SLAB ' . ftem: OOSOI trW-Temp.access/dr.ainage \ r.*^- . t^t lq,p'u rrl.r:-E^,.6lt ns--r^. Item: 9656€ Ft^l-Rough EradeItem: P95,fr3 F,W-Final. drivewdy qrade,"fteJn/ob514 dr.iveway gr.ade final .:JXWirrPro Aaqrl0 BLpc-Foqti.lgs{€t,qet :: _) "'-. (:r,r -. r.-,. $*- r. @5/e4/96 Inspebt'or-r -DS Act'ibn: -FA F IER H-15 "' -.'l ' E5/e9196 Inspector: CF Act j.on: FA FROGRESS INSFECTtONiTn',: '- \ @3/3L./96 Inspectorl CF Act ion: FA FARTIAL AFPROVAL 1(*- * Notes: prog}'ess inspect ion, r'equire .eng f ield t'eportI \- ra6l43196 Inspectot': CF Action: NO CANCET-LED''lr * il6/A1/96 Inspector.: CF Action: F,A trIERS-pRDGRSS REtrORT . t A6/A7/96 Inspeetorr CF Action-; FA FARTIAL ApFROVRL Notes; F1ROGRESS IN$F,ECT NOT FRESENT FOR CBNCRETE FOUR THIS IS BE t INSFEeTED By A sF,EcIffL INSF,ECT0R1 F'RE TIED $TEEL IS APF'ROVED\- a6/la/96 Inspector.: cF Actioi: trA FIER FRucREss INSFT fr6/L1196 Inspector': CF Actiorr: FA Fl'ogl"ess inspt ;,, Ah/L3/96 Inspector': CF Action) trA FARTIAI- AFFROVALi Notes : per conve.r'sat i on with cl thompson eng (.3ef f ) r'eenf orcemen inspeet ion report is for'theominq ft6/14/96 Inspeetor: DS td6/ L7 /96 Inspector": CF h6/ tB/96 Inspect ot': CF 66/19/96 Inspector.: CF Act i on: FA flet i on: FA Act i'on: NO Aetion: trA PIER C-1 SF.ECIAI.- INsF, REF.ORT NUE pnogreEs inspection trARTIAL APF'ROVAL '.4*.r Fl-.. I Notes: F0OTERS FRUM LINES ,Rr'F-4 TU D/p*1ql F.ADS LINE CI F,_lq' TO F._5 LINE F,F*lrzr T0 p*4 LINE O F'-14 TO F.-4 LINE N tr_14 TO F.-5 I^IAITING FOR SFECIAL INSF'ECTOR:j REFORT nF F'lERS n6/'ell96 Inspector': DS Action: FA pIER NORTH SIIIE A6/e3/56 Inspectorr: CF Action: F'ff FROGRESS REFURT A6/eJl96 Inspector: CF Action: NO PROGRESS INSF'HCIION NOt E S : sF,ECT AL I NSPECT I ON REF.ORT REGU I RED t .,, TOWN OF U 12 WatMcadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 97('-179-22t0 May 19,1997 DanStan* Chief B uildi n g Ollici al rc: TCO Itcmsfor Vail CitY Mor*et Dan, Vail Fire DeParlnent Thc list of irents idenlilied durtng the Fire salety Inspeclion conducted at 10:00 hrs' ott "ta! 19' 1997 is rcfollows: 1. Thelire hydrant al the soatlt etilrlnce lo the store ond thelire hydrant on clmnnnix Roail bollr nced i O" *ri n prinW" 36" mininum clearance to finish grade 2. hotective caps, plugs, or break-avay plates need to be installed on lheJire departnteut cortttctliotts' slandpipe talva, and sinil ar conncclions /^\ u-27'fli i. I ' The lire lane neetls to he properly signed, recoruIed with lr ileets and bouruk descrilttion' anil lhc \;Jrtu;;;;"rty iirir" ogr""rrirt'n"idt io be executed tvith the Town of vail l. The entrance atul ttll exitways need lo be clearei of conslruclion nnterials, sloruge wul truslt' t The lahel on thefire alornt panel itlentilial os "SECUNTY" needs to be chonged to "Aux FIIIE PAA{8L", 6. Thevoice evocualiott zones on thefire alannconlrol panel need to belabelcil 7. A phone needs lo be instolled in thefire olarnt cottunand roon, ilrc ceilittg tiles rcplncul' anil t sintplc ltoor ptai showing device localions, needs to be provfuleil &Themanagementslrculdprovidean"EntergencyKeyNng"altlefronttleskunliltheKnoxho'ris plaaed in scrrzice. g. The entire retail area on llte soulh side inleior of tln store is being feed oI[ of u single electrietl 'control panel Weleet each retoil space slnuld have il's own ponel 10. Elecfiical exlensiott corils sltould be renwvedfrom lhe retail aren, upeciully next lo thc liilco stclion' LtU nrar[el tLl' ttttlcettut. tuae! II. The power to thelour fV', frlo viilco section hos not yet he"n n'o|.,' Rcittspcctiort is retluircl 12. The phAo lab oppears to have a serious cross connecl behveen the lab clrcnicals und lhe sink' 13. Eleclricat power cortk in lhe photo lab are sabiect to physicol dannge and should huve opprur'cd thrcsholds lndailed. 11, Ceiting liles are nissing in lhelire commnnd roont, soulhwesl stair lotver' produce prep areo' corrqtuter room, ollice, otitniotuurn-south of thte meat market, dcli prep at lhe electrical subputels' unl thmughoalthc mezilnine E. Cover plates are requireil on tlrc energency duplex electrical outlels in the pharnacy' 16. Two surfoce nounted lighf ftxlure are ohstructinglire sprin&ler heads above the cosnrctic sccliott' 17. Fire sprtnkler lrcad escutclteotts are nissing on Isle 5/6, ahove the coffec' and in lhe deliianiktrs closet lg, open electrical tuiriug in rhe ligttts in tlrc oJ cooler, splash fiall in lhe deli, elcctrical sahpuncls in tlrc main eledrtcnl roont, parnel| FUF2 oirt mtnlZ, ceiling of ttte conq,uter roon4 arul refrigerdiort cot"ln'cssor tootrq must be corrected" 19, All compresseil gas cylinilers nttrst he secured lo prevent dannge to the botlles ani valvesfrontJulliug over, upecially in lhe deli, tloral, ond religeralion contpressor roottl 20. A mininum of 30 " occess tttusl be provideil to all eleclrical panels, especially in lhe cot"Pnlcr n'ot"' &li, and in lhe back of lhe store nett to the neal counler' 2L The electric deep lat fryers in the deti nust be alfixed directty beneuth lhc tire extinguishittg s)'ste"l nozzl* 22. Label all doors os to use in tlrc arcz4anine, garage' arul auxiliary space in tlrc store 23. A closure needs to be inslalled on thelire door at lhe lop oflhe sluir nexl to thc iny ctre 21, Elevator grophics orul stainvell gruphics need lo he installeil 25. Drafi slopping is needed ht the ceiling in the hot waler heater roon in the nrczzttttine 26, LN storagefor lhelloor bt$cr wasfourul in a dungerous conilition, AII LI\i cotrlain(,ls largcr tlnn 2 112 lbs must be stored oatside. 27, The enwgency accws / egress front the parking lot lo chamonix is obstructeil llennve constructiott debris, matedals, trash and cotttplete the curb' o iON FO e+ \u,fura^c 4,16' ro5 ve 57t-u{*v6ut-< Stt-r $l '-' r -- ._-4-' .%^ fa, 0)r<z . , /gty Town of Vail Vail Fire Department 42 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado Dan Stanek Chief Building Official re: TCO ltems forVailCity Market Dan ; The list of items identified during the Fire Safety Inspection conducted on May 19, 1997 are all currently in process of completion. I would like to offer the following responses on an item by item basis as of 10 a.m. May 20, 1997. 1. Hydrants have been dug out to provide temporary access and B & B Excavating is in process of raising these hydrants. 2. Complete 3. ln process by City Market 4. Complete 5. Complete 6. In process by Life Safety 7. Complete 8. Complete 9. New wall mounted lighting is being provided and alltemp lighting will be removed today. 10. Complete 11. Complete 12. Complete 13. Gomplete 14. Complete 15. Complete 16. Removed and will not be reinstalled 17. Complete 18. This is a factory installation that City Market will reinstallwith screwed connection. 19. Complete 20. Complete with all store personnel trained in the proper clearances required 21. Complete 22. Complete 23. Complete 24. In process 25. ln process 26. Complete 27. In process 28. We have been directed by the Elevator inspector to not put heads in this area. We will adjust to the needs of everyone upon direction from the Fire Department. 29. Complete 30. Conected / complete 31. Complete 32. Not installed due to non requirement of current system. 33. In process 34. In process - adding two heat detectors to this space. 35. Factory representative scheduled for certification Project Superintendent VailCity Market cc: Michael McGee Fire Marshall Chief Duran Asst. Chief Gulich Insp Atencio l_+ f{8F,1 i.i I *!nuo*,*.?ilu',u[',l',lh.-'3hE$?3oooo,|u,,,u,A4 / t7 i 1999 Ot{ r l4 fir::[: i v it y: 896*ult/14 4/e7/t9 T'pper DOI4BUILD Statr-rs: I$SUED Canstr"r NCOI4 . r-.l..jrjress; i:tZt99 N f:HONTACjE RD WL:il i-ui:aN,i'on l VAIL COI'1f4ONS f-r.rr'Ge1: e1qr3'-114-15-'tzt13 Occ: rZroi:3 LJse: I I l-HR Oesc:r'i s:ibionr f-'AHt(lltlti GFll{AGe /$UFERI'4ARKE:"f ,i t{EgIDENTIAL-18 Ul\IITF A;:;rl. rcanL r CITY FlRRftL-lr INC. l:horre: 97tz'*[41'-Ut75fl uwner': -ftlhjN trF VAIL Fhotre: [;crrihr';rc:tor': {]ITY }rlFiRKETr INC, F'}rone; 97r2-H41 -o7?rVJ ;;,;;;;;il;;;;;;-;;il;;;;;. " .'. :- "iryuffi;#hrc 3Yllg,-ir-rgstc;r-: Dt|llREL. 'r -'- pfrong: cr74-le.t-+ir/-7 -- tirrrr Time: ollrlo comrnents: MEET f+t lF,Fl tNal tftld*l 0Eutcea sft\u+qcfi<'L- Ibefls k]Ur54.rr' ft'ff5,$ti l_ts"i. reqr-re st etl to be Inspected, E|LD6*Fina1 D/O FIRE-FINFIL C/O ]JnJocc$ag0--lAls-l.at5gEo--sanr rs-----: Ilrspec-'t icn History.,.. "Item: [l05trrA F,W*Eankfill I lW/@3/96 Inspector: EF Actir:nr I l; em r OOSgtl FW-Temp. access/drai nage Itenr: lltaS€rc F,l^r-llor..tgh gr-'ade Itern: OAS|Z|J F,t^l--Final dri veway p ade I L em: OOSIE dri v€way grade f irial I b em I AAAlrzr BLDG-Foot i ngs/St ee Jq:t/e4/96 Inspeetorr DEi tAS/ 19,/96 I n spect $r^: CF 05/ 31,/96 lrrspector: L;F 06,/rzr5,,/96 Inspector': EF tn'6 /UtI /9b Irspect or: [Fr ftct i on: [-'t] \ F'1ERS-trRUGRS|3 REFERf Action: [:'fl r,ftRI-IAL AF'FROVAL Act i orr LtST. rAe' / t rzr,/96 1n goect or.; CF rA6/11/96 Inrpector.: CF 06/ 13/96 Inspect or: Llf: e6/t4/96 InstrecUor': DS 66/ I-/ /96 lnspeetor': f,F 86./1S/9ti lnspector': trF tA6/ 19./96 lns[iet:ttrr: l]]: Fct :i orr SleLiunr F{+ Action: Fl-l Actianr FFt flr::tit:nl FA Act i on: Ffl Act i un: trA Flcbianl Ffl Action: NO Actionr [-'ff Not es ! per conversat i on with cI Lhampsr:n en-g--(.j cf f ) rteenf orcemen i nspecb i on repor'b is f orthromirtp Netes: FOD.IERS FROtyt LINES R,/F_4 TB 0/F,_1ra FADS L.. INE O p-lit TO, F-5 LINE t_,$:,_1rZr TO F,--+ LINE O F,*10 TO r,-4 LIFIE N P_IO TTJ F.-::i L,TiIT IT'IG FOR SF,ECIAL IT.IE}PECTOREi REF.ORT O}: L'IER5 ra6lPI/96 Inspertoi': DS Act iorr I trA E6/15/96 lnspeetor": {lf: lleti.on: [-'Fi rA6/95,/9rl Inspector"r tlF Ar:bianI NtJ lrlobes: ItF.'Et'IAL- IllSF|:nTIOt"l RII|.'OR f fiLALIIREI):i .4r' I. omBent s. BAL F,AR}/, DE.EK SLAB t Fcre ftt*An Nr:bes: progress inspec-ti,crtn r'equile errg rf ield r-ept:t'b il6/tlt3/96 Insperbor. I fJF' A{:t ion I NO \ IANCELLEI) Notes: FRUERESiS INlil-'ECf fltrT FIIESEN-I FrDR U{JhICRET€ FDUR THI$ I5 FE INb'}F'ECTED FY A LiIJECIAL IN9JF'bCTOR F,itE TIED $]EEL IS AF,F,R|IVED 'r APF.R E.77 -oGb _t F,RO[iREriti Il'.lsFEcTIAN F,HRI IAL AI.,F.ROVAL F.IEN F.RO6RE5S, INsF.T pr'rt !lr.e s s inspt F'ARTIAL AF'trROVRL F.IET'I C_1 SF'ECIAL ]NSI. REPORT DUE pro[ress inspect i on F.FIR"T I AL AF.F'ROVAL PIHIt NfJR'Tfl tiIDH I I..ROGRESEi REPORT F.Rtr6RE5S INSF'ECT REF.T T J 1 TOI^,N UF VAIt." COLI.JRFIDO A4it:.?/1999 ra&:14 flEOUEtiTti - INSpECIN tJ0ftK $HEETS] F-ORz +/I:7/Lgctg PIERS B4 AND i1. nor^th tootei * F'AGE IA fiRUR: Cr "-. -.tL-..,.. * -" -..."-. -." -Eff-----1--fa'6l16/9t' Inspeetorr D[i fi7 /$12'94 Irrspectcrr: CF A7/A1196 Inspector: DS U7 /tZ5/96 I n spect or.: CF q7 /nB/.j6 Inspector.r Ct: &7 / IA/96 Inspector': IJF g'7 lL9/9,h Inspector: DEi fi7 /e4/96 Irrspector': CF tll-i /;:.6/cJ6 Inspectcirl [-F fr7/lJ9/96 Inspector: Cl: Nutr!s: f ooters pb to p1(l on ta8/tztel96 In sirect or r CF ngiUA/96 Inspec:t or': CF' Notes; NORTH TRUCK DOCK WfiLLS gjTRUITURFIL DECK BIIID 1-7 STI} I R I^IEI-L OB,/11/96 Inspector: CF 1Olrzr1./96 lnspector.: CF Notes: finish irrstalling t;op It em : AlZUlillZr BLD6*F{]undat i on/St ee I Action: AI-'FI-{ t).6 TO Fl FEOTINGS- Notesr F,ADS 6RIIlEi M--l3r lLrF7rtr6:F5 FRID L*l1 K-l1 N-f,5 O-F,S Actiorr: FA Actiunl Frl+ rlct i on: Ff, Ar:::tion: Nu Acb ion: FA flct id{: Ffi Action: FA Jlct i orr r F'A ,/ F.lct i on : AF F'R Iirre j Lo hI Action: FA Oct i on: Ffl Ftct i on :. P fictionl F.ART IAL AF.F,ROVAL i F,ROSRESS INSI-'ECTION F.ART]AL AF.F.ROUflL F'A/L, F,A/K,, H/ 74, t'e,, r F'l3R TO PT:/K F,NRTIAL AF'F'RiJVAL AF.I..ROVEI) LINE H 14 Ttr 15 F,driDg J./11,l3 & K,/9, 1Er FOOTER SMALL SEC. {SRID*4 t{PF,ROUED N I.IAI.F OF LOf,DING DOCK PRRTIAL AF'F'ROVfIL Nrrtesr F'ADS F'9/L-.,, l'9/K1 t.,9'lJ' FiS/Jr plgt/J,, Hl ltl FooERgi AT B ro I, F,e ro 1. 5 pND A'/ / 16/96 Inspector": OF'Actinnl FA Notes: STEtr RT F,E CLEAFI DEBRII] FROM FOOTER CHECK FOT]-OI4 ULEARRNCE TO REBAR F,ADS F,3lL, F,3/lyl, F3./N.' F,3,/c), F3/Fr F'e/fi.II F'3"7/fl.7' tr1"p F,;j. g,/N, J;r l'1. e/frbj. 5 FT]OTIR OI{ K LIhIE BITI^IEINN F,C 8. F.4 U.t7l 1S/9t' lnspec'bor: Cl-t Actiorr: Af'FR Nobes: F4 K*L--O-"F-{1 tlFF'RBVFD [:OOfING Ff,l) F.3 K-L-G AF.F,ROVED FOOT]NG F.AIJ T*I J AF,]..ROVED FOI]TIN6 T'AD {€e.n|l'u:}nrs 4. .:ffisp;*ffir"pest l*rg't € ilTii rf"w;r I'1, ba 5 Us tfqq't fl ; (, twa bars _l_,) Itlotee: ]'RLICR DOCK FOUNDATiUN TtjF, DEC1( SUpS 13 RiO iiNES'4.'rci'l+6'.hrl,rdr'(t o e'-'r'"''t ( +s6 UA/f.6/96 lnspectorr DSi Ag/;::/ /96 Inspectorr [:D Notes: FR0M LINE Fl-Pg RETAIL FTREA rA8/3tA/96 Inspectorl DS ffct ion; F'A F4-'m fO F:LOOR pARKING in9/A4/96 Inspeetor: DS Action: FA FLOCK t^lALL. NORTH STAIR rzr9,/ur6,/96 Ingpector. I Dgi Actionl FA R-J LINE SOUTFI TOF LEUET- 6S/13/96 Inspectar'; CF Action: FA FARTIAL RpFREVAL iZtg./f3/96 Irrspectclr; CF Acbion: trA FARTIf,L AFFRDVAL Notesr til,J CBRNER tiF F,iTRKING STRUCTURE $LABq9/t9/96 llrspectonl EF Action: FA FARTIflL AFFROUAL NoteE: halance Ioading dock footert 1,,\*.1) ..?,ii#itfin €6(!6 F, Ji.gt. i.ol'urnqq D\ ( L I [fh, ]rF,-; I a,-,f fl.op F--r $rii#rdnr: -AE*i$ 6,$fl1p!-b' I-TECKT N[i'tt l'- .iREfjl i I i 04 /i:'ii / l'r99 EB lt 14 RHfIUEST F'REE 11 tlREfl r CF tJ, /'e4/96 Inspectot-: DSi ItTtiUC/96 Inspector"l CF tfi/ l'i/96 Inspeetor'': DS 1fi,/15,/96 Irrepectorl D$ 1l,i lg,/96 Inspector: D$i 11/'l5l96 Inspector*: DS I t,/19,/96 Inspecbor: Cf: It /Etl/96 Inspector.: CF Notes: MFIKE CORNERS CONTIiltiuli .H,em! AAScUr F,L-AN-ILC Site F,lan Ae/ UJ/+'7 IrrsFlector': ANUY td7 / 1.3/96 Inspectcrr CF tilgl ilA/ (tE Inspector. :'CF t;t$/tzt6/ll6 Inspector.: CF O$lfi7/96 Inspeetor: trF rAS/'e1,/96 Inspertori EF lUl'eF:/96 Inspeetor-I CF: lrlobes: GARAGE VENT$ ANO IAt/:c9/96 Inspect(Jr: CF' Lt/il4/94 Insoector; CF Not es: ILC SUSMI IlED FOR i-tlCfll'IOl.l- KET ltlEET 5E1 BflCf( RE:.trULnTIONS. F{]R HEIGHT AI'ID FIELD MEA$UREI) II{SPECTION AFTER FESRURRY 7' rA6,/ 19,/96 Inspectorr CF Act ion r NO Ut6/14196 Inspecborr CF flcbiorr: NO Notesr RECEIUED ENG CONCREIE TEST RECEIUED ENG CtrNOREI-E NEEII ENG REENFORCEi'IENT lr*tionr FA LBADII.IE DBtrK RN TO F5-9 flCt i CTTi: FA ENT F'ARK STRLJCT RTN I'IALL ACt iOrr; F.A BLBCK I^IRLL$ JE H LiNES t+etionr FA UFFER J LINE RESIDENTIRL AcL i r:n r f'A BLOCK IIHLL LnttDINGr S"fRI R Actionr FA STAIR $HAFI 3RD LIF] tlctirn: Dltl noL ready Ar:t i orr : Al'il-'f( l-tLplOST IJONL Flet i orr r flFI-'ti lLC Af'F'ROVEU cttI550N G.6.-14.5 CnIEiSOI{ E.6-lr+ .I-EST REF.fiRT I NSF.ECT I ONS Frction: NO FROGRESi$ INStrEtrTION tlc't i on r AF'F R FUNII BEAM l-#5 AT SF T' At:bionr Ffl STRIR hIELL B0l!D BEAI4 Actionr trtr GRID A-E E 1-4 Actiorr! AFFR rmt-t lcading clock walls J.ICIiON: F'A REBNR TTBR VHNT SHAFTS ALL IIYIF'I"IOVEIYIENTS FOR CITY MR AF'F'LICAT'IT SHRL-I. sUFMIl ILC IMF.HOVEI{ENTS FRItrR. TO hf'iv ,,t. 1$ 97 I L en: . raOrAJtA S{-D6-Fratring I f7.1 3r'.96 'Irlsp,ecto"ri; CF i .'" Ac! iorr r .l:Ft VAttIOU$ $EC. OF STORE;.tiast,ti irii-rt""i. ce Action:, AppR sor:FIT .sti- DEL-I. AR6A , d!/'t4/9.7.Inspdctror-ri ,Dfir Action, itF . I='RobdcE. qRFA j. , .- I r,- i I6?/;,86/97'.Ins4lecLor: Dfi .. "lc,bJ?r1; i pA' Rfif4F 'HREA €hlLV a'e/'..e,/97 rnspedtor: DS i; "i 'Aet\ri+r: FA t4dZZ INE 'fiREA, ' U3/).7/97 Inspector'; EF Ac'bion: FA BLDG El $3/e4/9'/ Inspector: UF Actiori: AfF R nerrdnine tomplete NotesI F.ACK OUT F.T. LOAD$ FlT GIRDER TTi[5SE5 :. .i., I.i, ';;FHNDINIi EL-CT ROUGH ' r t'l i' "\* t i " ;1 i ' .\ t.- -,_ ;...T-_ l- - - i k ta4i r6/e7 Inspecboi.: CF Act ion: trA j ; .Tl-Pq *re L | / * --.fl.: ;, Not es: lil RAF EXT t^lffLL IIHERE TOF FLATE IS CUI l EHR b'HnFT REQuTRED Rt nln HnruOr-En' i \i-f ^'!*-"' ( ta6/tA1/97 Insnector: DS f-.lcL rorr: lrff DAYCARE A6/16197 Inspecton: DS Action! AFFR E-.J I 1- em : Erorzr5fi BLtrE-Insulat ion I L em: tltaklb|Zl BLD6-Sheetrock lilai I lL/Vt4/96 lnspector*: CF- tlc'tion: flFFR N. !.. EXTII{IOR WALL lll91./96 Inspector! CF: llction: Ftl vali cr..tg wa11 sections l#/rzt3/96 Inspect ora ! C[:: lict i un r F.iA VtiRItiUS ARE.AF tAJ,/91/97 Inspectorr CF Action: FA mer:allilre partial A4/1A/9? Irrspectorl CF flctionr F-'ff L,NIT;: AhlD l-IIr II{ 3 Ncrteg: IJHAFT NOT BIJIL"T TO F.RUF.ER $F.Ii CSg4/lE1./'i)7 Inspectorr D€i Aetionr iiFt-'R 6 UNITS EE A4/:lc/\'7 InspecLor: DS Action: AFFR ALD C A6/ |E'/97 Inspector': D$ Ac:t ion I FrA DALICRF,IE tb6/?3/97 Inspector: DS AcLion: A[:F'R E-3 b Uf.lI"fs I t em : tZrOOTri.r BLD6-Mi sc. CLil:rFF-E. SHOF t^lRLLs Act i orr r frA TRL,|;H DOCH rlct i on I AF,F,l"l S]TA I R/ELEV 5l-J4tr1'1F I fi?. 'J; RH.r-'] 1 3 r l Ot^lli OF ulr I L., COL"ORPDO F'AGE li: t+ii:'7t 1i)99 0{J! 14 R1:6!UHSiT'5 *. INEiL,EOThI r,iERH 5}"lEET5 FURr 4/87/1999 tlSEAr Ctj '-----===,=:::'::= ;:=:;=:l;===*= *-'-- JL Notc,s: r^tflRlyt REBAR Tti REtytcivE IcE -.;m-----;- rv'r}'/14/97 Inspector'r CF; Action: ffFFR layin EIrid ceiling- A4/ lA/97 lrrsper:torl CF Arb ion l N{J f RUSS I?EITEIRTSi RECVI) $3/AIr97 Inspeetor: CF Aetion; nFpR lwr'lvl errtr"y frepror:f inq J LcmI rZrBrirgrZt BLDGj-Firral l L err I ttt2t53lZ't BLDE-Temp. tr/g $A/14/9'7 Inspector ! Cf'' Aetionr DN DENIED Not es : guerrdreri L s are rteqt d al ong LtllFel" pai'k ing deck (:onst trai I er rnList be tnoved por-ta john must be moved gr,,lai'dr*ai I and stait"s niL(Et hP complete at coffe sllop congt f€nce (berr{niei.) mnst be in place at lrortft retai I sho pr"opane boot I es nLrst be t'emaved handrai I s reqr-rire at al I stairways all exit ways mr-tst be comFle'Le with ex j.t sigrrs irrtalled p I ann i n g / pr.r tr I i c workg dept, arpprovarl leqt tJ pl'ror to a l'CO nAi2U/97 In*pectsr: DS {lction; FA pARTIAL AFF;tCiUAL Notes; CITY MARKET tlND FRRKING STRUCTURE ONLY A6/tA3/97 Inspector'r DS flction: trA E-l A THROUGH F Vt6l.&4197 Inspectot': uS flct iorr; DN E-H NUI RF:ADY fr6lle/97 Inspector: D5 tlction: trA E-e 6 UNITS Ab/A4/rr7 Inspectorr: ART r+ct iorr: DN LlNl'l b.-3 l,lotesr SFRINKLHR SYSTEM }'1UST BE RHTE$TEI) ALARN SYSTEM FIU$I- B[ TFSTEI) AUUUPTINCY SEF,NRATlI]N I5 REGUlRI.TJ tlg/u-t6/17 I nspect or r CD 0A/ t7./i7 Insperbr:rr ilRT iict i on; NR Act i on: l]frl UNITI' E, F, D l1r-ril.di.ng El Notes; Site inspect ion with Fire lvlanshal Flifre l4rtiee anrJ f iFe ins we agree that an approvecl r(€thod of not i 1'- oli ctccupant s i s , be pr-ovided for. irrciderrts that flay oceun c,n the f irsb sto lhe r.rnit ov€r' tt're l4ay F'alace wi l ll rrc,t Fsceive ,a i.i'naI iqs. ' r-rnt i I tfre completion oF bhe shaft f o,'t" ttre r:omme?'ci'51 kit'c f r:r' Lhe May I-,alace. Smoke uet eit rir's lwith rio trxttpry ,b.qck will be Peplaced withifi 3O derys end in the inter''inr batte oper.at ed detector.s lrha11 be installecl. iipproved ftandr^ai I and guai dr.ai ls ar.e, to. be .pr:ovided in required al'eas ( bltes may be approvecl t'enrpbrany ddvices ttnt i I pePmaqent onPE aP installed. . Art ,: ..'- .$A/Xg/97 lnspe,ctonr t)l] Act ion;.. FA BLD-E E*q,,UNIT g. Notes: BATIERY OFERfiTED DETEC]OR FEING INSIALLED NOW OCCUF.RNGY I4ILL OtrCLJR Fftl 8/g.9/97 FIL,IRM HORN I^JILL BE INS]TAL.LED F'RIOR T'g TJCCUF.ffNCY 1a', en: rdrn5il F I RE-TEF|F. C/Li ] L e rn ; AO5;ic FtI-'TEI4F. D/tl Itenr: BUt53.: FLAN-TEIIIF. f/A I t em i {4rZ'3;7 pLfli\l-.F INAL tr/t) .ll*m: S'453S F:IRE--f-INAL tr/A tL/'SLlrJb Innpector! JH lictiun! AFI-'R f.ippROvED Item; otas3e F,{r-FINAL C/O item: Uq34A FLDCi*Final C/A lWitT/97 Inspectorr Attl Ftction: FA Units t{ & C t0/i7/X7 Inspector: flRT Flcticrn; Fll Day {lar*e bllrrotations Nober;: fIECUIYIMEINDIITION: WH$"f t{INDOt^l IN l:NFrANl 5 f{OOt4 IEi REf,OIYIMENDE TO HAVE ADDITIONAL TRII'I AT THE IOF. OF TIIE F,LEXI6LF]55 TB I4AKL SYSTEI4 }4ORE, RIGID. $OIYIE }''gRM OI- PROTECTII]N I5 RECtrMI{ENDED FOR LOI"I CEILING CORNER IN I|IFANT5 ROOI'4. t' RHtrT131 IULJN UF vAIL, f,IILORADO FAGE 1A a+/87 / 1919 Ur6 I 14 REGUtsST'5 - INSF,ECTT! IJ{JRK SHEET$ F011. 4/'17 / 1999 AREA; Ef: a6/x6/96 Inspector: D5 flction: FFI pIERS B4 ANII 11-5 A7 /bI /96 Inspector: CF Acbion: FA nortfi f ac'bei fr7/etll9€' Inspector: tts Action: At-'FR R.6 TO Fl }jg0"f INGS $7/tA5/96 Inspector: CF: Action: FA pARTIftL AFpROVAL Notes: I-'ADS GRIDSi lYl-1J, 11,F7,p6,p5 GRrD L-t I K-l1 N-F,s 0-.F,5 tA7 /V$/i6 Inspector: CF Act ion: NO FfiOGflESS INSF'ECTION A7 / ItAl96 1nspector'; [,[r Act ion: FA FARTIFrL AFFRIVAL Notes: FFD$ tr,g/L. tr9/V,t F'9/J,t F8lJr FtO/Jr FB./Lr FB/lt't j-l/I4tL?rI H/lO trOOER$ AT K TO I, F,g TO 1"5 AND F/:lR TO FAIK U7/16/96 lnspector': CF ActionI FA FAI{TiAL AFFROVAL Nstes I $TEF, Ar r'. e trLEAN UCbr(Is r:R0lyl FC]OIIR CHECI{ FOI'TON CLEAR']N{:E Itr REBAR F'ADS F3lL, FJ/fr'|, F3./N, F'-J/8, F'3/tr', F''1./tx. I I F'3.7 /l\.71 F 1. F' tjt. g/N. 3n M, l/F,e. 5 I:{JOIER ON H L]NH B[jII,'L[N F'C & P4 tb'i/lb/9ia lnspector-: LD Hc:tion: Al-l''R AF'FkUUED Nobes: l-'4 K"L*U-F-Q Al-'FROVED f:OOTING FAt) F.5 K_L_A AF.T.ROVtsD I..OOTlNG F.AI) 1IA J AFIT'RfJVED FUOI]NG I-'AI) A7/t}/rb lnspecto'r'r DS Action; FA LiNh. f1 14 lO l5 tA'| l?4/96 Inspector: Cl: Action: F'A l-'fiDs J/11r 13 & R/9r 1O tA7/e6/96 Inspector: CFi Action: FA FOO1ER SivlFtut- SHC. GRID#4 tZ//X9/)b Inspector: CF Action: AFFR Al-'FHCJUE.D Notes: footers pL, to plO on i ine j to h rzrg,/oe/96 lnspectorr cl:: Action; F,fi i! f.lAL_ttr Lri: LOnfJIllE DOCK Og/tlg/96 Inspector*: CF Aetion: [-'A l-'AtiIIAL AF'FI?OVAL Notes: NORIH TRUCK DOCI{ IIALLS; $T I{UCT URRL DECK GI( ID 1- 7 A-tr AND 1*3 6"'I NEEDIj D l AGONALS liTA I R HELL rA6./i1196 lnspector: CF Action: Ff, loacl ing dock footings 1A/rztll96 Inspector: CF Action: AFFII west r"etaininp wa11 Not es: fini sh instal l ing t op two bars It em: Uttztklira HLDG-.f: o r-rndat i onl1;1ee I o't1e9/96 Inspector': C[: Action: AFF-'R ApFROUED Notes: soils enq field inspectian neport reqt-tit'ed fi6/frl/96 Inspecbor': f,F f"tct ion: FA l-'ROfiRESS REpOliT Notes: ENE] FIELD REf'ORf IiEOUiRED tA6/fr7/96 Inspector': [-:F: Aet ion: F'A F IER Clrzt rerBl 19/9e' Inspector-: [f) f)r:tion: AFF'li tiTEtiL DECHING td\/IcJ/96 Inspector': CF Action: FA LMU IN LOAIJING DOUK NOTES: I. INE D'IHRUUGH F TIND LINE 4'II-IROUGH 1'A tA6lxttr/56 lnspecbor: CF Action: Fti top ievel par"k struct td8/ei2/96 Inspector: CF flction: Ff, F'ARTIAL Al-''FROUAL Not es : l RUOK DOCK FfiuhlDl-t i ttlN TUF, l0ECPi SLSrB tjRlu LlNES e" 14 'l-u Ft-t: . O8/'utr/96 lnspector: DS Action: FA LINI: 1tA-14 FROM F-J U8/l'7 /96 Inspecbor: CD Act ion I t-IFFR SlEt:L uECl{1NE l'.lotes: FR0ltl LINE F 1*FJ r{ITAIL AREA Urs/Jrllgh lnspector': DiJ Act ion: l.'Ft F'4-1,1 Tu F LOOR F'AR[(lNU u\L)/tA4/9e' Inspector: Dti Actionr FA BLLiUK I^JALL NORTH STAIR fr9/tt6/96 Inspector: DS Action: FA R-J LINE $OUTH TBF LEVEL U$/1J,/96 Inspector: CF Action: f'A FfiRTIFIL FrF'F'[1UVf,L tlt)/L3/\6 InspectonI t-F Action: FA FFIRfiAL AF'f'ROVAL Notes:StJ CORNER OF FARHING 51 iiUCIURE SLAB U'9l19/9e' Inspec'bor"l iiF Action: FA F$iRIIAL AFFROVRL NoLes: bal"rnce of loading dock footer, east Etem walls of garage [iiJ]iLee oB:14 RE&uEsrrJ?H]"gE'Xo,lbn*"3h8E?3"r"n,fazzrres ^[BH: "r" a9/24/g6Inspector:D5Action:F.ALoADINGDocKRNToF,5-9 I@/Ae/96 Inspectorr CF Action: FA ENT FARK STRUCT RTN WALL L6/ 15/96 Inspect or; D$ f,ct i on: FA HLOCI( t^JflLLS J& H LINES 1SIl15196 INSPCCTOTI DS ACtiON: trA. UT'PER J LINE RESIDENTIAL tL/Iu/96 Inspector: DS Aetion: FA BLOCK tlALt- LOADINGTSTAIR II/15./96 Inspector:: DS Action: FA STAIR SHAFT SRD LIFT 1l/19/96 Inspector: Cl- Action: DN not ready tL/uA196 Inspecton: CF Action: AFrFR FILMtrST DONE Notes: MAKE CORNERS CONTINOUS t$gi;3r;'-T;lb!"1:l: ffil Action: AF,FR rLc AF,F,RTJ,ED Notes: ILC $UBIYIITTED FOR LOCRTION. RLL IMFROUEMENTS FOR CITY f4A KET TTIEET SETBRCK RH6ULfITION$. AI'F'LICANT SHALL SUBMIT ILC FBR }.|EIGHT NND FIELD II1EASURED IMF.ROVEMENTS F.RIOR TO ANY Iteml tatAraStA BLDG*FramingLt/I3/96 Inspector: CF Action: FA VARIOUS SEf,. OF STORE Le/a3/96.Inspector: CF flction: AFFR SOFFIT AT DELI AREA 6I/14/97 Inspeetorl D$ Action: trA F'RODUCE RREA 6e/A6/97 Inspector: DS Action: FA RRMF AREfr ONLY Ae/?S/97 Inspector: DS Act ion: FA lrlEZZ INE AREA A3/t7/97 Inspector": CF Action: FA BLDG El A3l?.4/97 Inspector: EF Action: AtrFR meruanine complete Notesr FAtrK UUT trT. LOADS AT EIRDER TRUSSES F.ENDING ELCT RSUGH fr4/L6/97 Inspector: CF Actionl FA BLDG Ee Notes: STRAF' EXT I^IALL IIHERE TOp FLATE I5 CUT EHR $HAFT REOUIRED AT AIR HANDLER a6/U5/97 lnepector: lrtl Act i on: FA DAYCARE A6/16/97 Inspector: DS Action: AFtrR E-3 Item: IAOU'SIZI BLDG-Insulat ion Itemr Agttlt6ti BLDG-Sheetrock Nail' t1/ra4l96 Inspectonr CF Action: AFPti hl. E. HXTERIOR l"lRLL 11,/91/96 Inspector: trF Action: FA various waII sections Le/flJ/gb Inspectorl CF Action: FA VARIOUS AREAS &3/91/97 lnspector: CF Action: FA me:ranine partial . U4/ IB/97 lnspeet or*: CF Ftct i on : FA UNIT e AND LID IN 3 Notes: SHAF"T NOT BUILT TO F.RTJF.ER SF'E C5 b4/81 /97 Inspector: D€i Action: f;FFR 6 UNITS Ee A4/el/97 Inspectorr DS Action: AF'FR BLD g A6/16/97 Inspeetort D$ Action: l.'A DAUIIAREq6/u3/97 Inspector': Dli Actionr flFFR E-J 6 UNITS It em: AIZIETO BLDG-Mi sc. @6113/96 Inspector: CF Action: NO trAISSgN G.8*14.5 A6/t?/96 ltrspector: CF Action: NO CAISSON 8.6-'14 Notes: RECEI D ENG CONCHETE "IEST RECEIVED ENG CONtrRETE TEST REF.trRT NEED ENG REENFtrRCE:MENT INSFECI'IONSl87/t3/96 Inspector: CF Action: N0 F'ROGRESS 1NSFECTION bg/@5/96 Inspector: trF Aetion: AFFR BIIND BEAM P-#5 AT BFT. raB/'Zr6/96 Inspectorl CF Action:'F'A STAIR WELL SOND SEAM fr&/A7/96 Inspector: CF Action: FA GRID 0-E & 1-4 raB/91./96 Inspector: CF Action: AFFR cnu loading dock walls 1A/e?/96 Inspector: CF Action: FA REBAR FOR VENI SHAFTS Notes: GARAGE VENTS AND {IOFFEE SHOF WALL$ 1A/"c9/96 Inspector: CF Actionr FA TRUtjl( DOCK IL/IA4/96 Inspector: CF flctionr AFFR STAIR/ELEV SHAFT f{EpT131 TOI^,N tif- !AIL} LULURAITIi FRGE le ::f1i:3:3=13:,11=lii!!15===1I:::::y=1::1=::::::=::::=i:::i:33:=======::!1:=1':== Notes: t^lARltl REBAI{ TtJ }{ElYlOV[ I{-[ td}/14/97 Inspector: CF. Flctionr AFFR l.ryin grid ceiling ilq/ Ig/t)7 InspectBll: l;f: uct ian: Nil f RU$ri RlIt-'ORTti REUUD tASitXL197 lnspectar: CF Flction: AF'f'H lwr'1vl entry frept'cofirig Item ; mrilrzr9rA BLDG-FinaI It em I raBSJrZr BLDG-1-emp. C/A fr1/L4/57 Inspector: LF rlctionl DN DHNiED Notes: gr-rar"dr-aiIs ar"e reqt d along Lrpper" panking deck const tr'ai 1et' mr-rst be moved porta j ohn mr-rst be moved qr-rardrai 1 and stairs must be compl et e at caf f e shop const f ence {barri ei') mr-rst be in place at narttr i-etai I sho pl'rrpane boct 1es must be removed handr'ai IE neqr-rii'e st al1 stair'ways all exit ways mr-tst bp complete with exit siqns irrtalled planning/pr-rbl ic works dept. appr"oval reqt d pri or t o a TCtr il1/'d,A/97 Inspector: DSi i:tction: FA tlARTltrl- frFfiRC1VAL Not es: c.l IY MARP'ET {-rhlij t:.,$lR}(It\ri 5l"l"iu|j f Ulifl u[l|-Y h6/,a3/9'? Inspector': LtSi 6lction: [-'f'l E-1 A -fHROUGll ]j fi6/tA4/97 lnspectorr US t-lcbionl Ol-l E-c NOI"F{EiiOY 6e,/ L'r../97 lnspectorl ll5 i:rct ion: F'A L-l 6 UNI-l S U8/u\4/97 Inspecbar: Ftl{T i-lcbion: ljitl Ul!1T E.-] l,JaLes: SFRINKLER SYSTEFt t4US1" Ht- RhTtiSTt-D irLlrRM SYSTEI'I l4UgT BE TESTED AUCU' FINLV 5[I-ARII.I'1ON I5 REGUI R[T) Ag/tAL./')l l.nspector: CLt Act isn: NR UNI fS Er Fr l] 4A/le/9-/ lnspector: l+Rl. fletion: IJN Bt-tilding L. 1 Notes: Site inspection wiLh Fire Marshal f4ike FlrGee and fire ir"ts we agree that arr appnoved method of notif.of occup,ant s is tie provided Fon rncidertLs Lhat may o.ccur on Lhe f ii'st sto fhe r-tnit ovel the f'lay F'alace will not recelve a final ins r-rnti I the completian of the shafb for the commercial kitc fur the May [-'aIace. Simoke detectors with no battet'y back wr11 be repl.rced within 3td days and in the interimr batte oper'ated detector's rihal I be ins;ta11ed. Appi-oved lrandrai 1 and guardrails are.to he pr'ovided in requit'ed areas (thes may he approvecl temporary devices t-tnt i I per"manent ones at' installed. Art 'dE/r.A/97 Inspectorr CD Act ion: FFI BLOG E*3 UNII- B Not e s : BATTERY OF ERAI'EIJ DIT [:CTtrll BE I NG I f'15] ALLED NOt'l OCSUF'ANEY I".IILL OCCUIT FRI 8/.I.q/9'7 ALTTT{H HI]RN WILL BE INSTALLED F.RIOR TO OCCUF'ANCY ItEm! 'aU'531 FIRE-TEF|P. t/A i bem: Uil45J; t-,t,--le.l4l-,, C,itJ L.t ern : rAAgJS FLAN'-TEl4F . C/A Item: O'lt5.l7 l-'LrlN-FINAL C/U Item: AA5JA FIRE-FINAL C/O 1I'/'e| /96 Inspector': JA ftc'tion: AF'FR RF.'FRoVb.i) Item: rdu'sJ, F,t4*F1Nr1L u/E ltenr: Uudb4'lr BLDG-F inaf C/0 Ib/17/97 1n:pector': ARl Actian: FFt Units A E t LV/I7/97 Inspeetor: ART Actiarir FA Oay llai'e tJlnotaticins Notes: trEt-utvlML,NI)AT]UNr t^tL!j'f t4INDUH It-l INt-f-tNT5 f{UOf4 I5 RL:ULjMMENDE"fo HAvE ADirI"rl0NAL f RIlrl A I f Ht: 1-iiir i]]: f ]JE ]-'LEx rHt-Ass ru MT}(H SY51 LI4 FIORE ITIGID. 5OI4E FORM OT: F'ITO'TEC-TION I$ REtrOMMENDED FOR LUH CEILING CORNER IN INFANIS RIJNM. tt )o 9// f*(flMcnuascrYl //t,?1K77//e/ frnua to"ro**E*r oF coMMUNrry ?*at#kffi" -rzdTOIIN OF VAII 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr., co 8L657 970-479-2L39 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .IOBSITE AT ALL, TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #: 899-0285 Job Address: Location.. . : Parcel No..: Project No.: 2099 N FROIITAGE 2099 N Frontage 2103 -114 -15 - 013 PRiI99 - 0313 RD WEST Status.. Rd, H&R BApplied. Issued. - Erq)ires. ISSI'ED LO/2s/L999 LO/29/L999 04 /26 /20OO APPLICANT iI.L. VIBITB CONSTRUCTION 1000 s FRoNTAGE RD W, #202, VArL CO 81657 CONTRAC:TOR iI. t. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 1000 s FRoNTAGE RD W, #202, VAIL CO 81657 OI'INER BUSINESS Valuation: Fireplecc Infoluatsion: RcBtrictcd: TOWN OF VAII, I CITY MARKET, PO BOX 729, H&R BLOCK GRAND .JI'N TION CO 8]-502 TOViComm. Dev. Clean-up Deffisit approved amount date Add Sq Ft: Phone: 970-475-3082 Phone z 970-476-3082 #of wood/Pall€t ! Description: Tenant finish for uniE e:cpasion Occupancyz 92/83/E3Not in table! Tlpe ConsLruction:T:pe Occupancy: 20, 000 *of Gae ApplianceB:#Of GaE LogB: rt*!rit..l*i|..!rrtt PEB SUU!,IARY Building-----> Plan check- - - > 245.OO Regluarang Plan Rcview--> .o0 Tocal calculated Fcc6--_> So7.2s Addifional Fee6---------> .oo- o0 InvcstigaEion> .oo RecrcaLiott Fce----------> .oo Total p€rmit Fee--_---_-> EOl -25 9{ill call----> 3.oo clcur-ItE Dctto!Lc-_------> 1oo.oo Payuenca---_______----_-> 5o7 '25 .........]:lil.liii.:;;;;;;;;.;;;:.-........::l;?i.."....TH::":T;;;;;";;.;;;;:.'...."....;::'". Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTVIENT _ Dgpt.i.BUILDING Division: 70/25/L999 KATITY Act,ion: NoTE Routed tS charfie 7072177999 c1ranl,ru Actign: APPR charlie davis Itbml'OIIOO-D1IWwINq DuFARiT"IENT- --.--- - - Dept: PLANNING Division: LO/25/L999 KATITY ACTiON: APPR N/Aribm;' 65soo- r'rnr DEPARrllEtri '. DepE: FrRE Division: IO/25/L999 KATHY Action: APPR N/A1071577ttt KAUIi Aatlon, appn cbntractsor notiflelt Wt--- -.rEam;'6s560--p-ffi1-'rc wijm5 --- -.------- oept: PUB woRK Division:76124/1999-xaittv Action: APPR N/A See page 2 of tshis Documents for any conditions thaE may apply to Ehis permits. DECI,ARATIONS I hcreby acknowlcdge that I hav€ read thi€ appl.icat'ion, filled out in fulL the infornat.ion required, conPl€Eed an accurate plot plan, and seale thac all thc infomation plovided ae required j,s correc!. I agree to cooPly wi.rh the infodlation and plot Plan, Co conply eibh all Torn ordinancea and 6Eate 1aws, and to build thi6 struccure according bo the Toyn's zoning and eubdivision cod.s, deBign review approvcd, Uniform Building code and other ordinances of the Town applicable Ehereto. REQUBSTS FOR INSPBC:TIONS SmtL BB I.{ADE TfltsNrY-FOlrR HOT RS IN ADT ANCA BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9-213S OR AT OUR OFFICE PROIII a:Oo Afi 5:0O PU Refund t Cotrst rucl i on -*)=;aplv C\^*^-=a- Seod Clean-(4, Deltosit To: it.L. Vicle SIGNATURS OF OTINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIII'ELF AND O1INER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 899-0285 as of L0/29/99 Status: ISSIIED******************************************************************************** PermiE Tlpe: ADD/ALT COMM BUrLD PERMT applicant: iI.L- VIELE coNsTRucTroN 970-476-3082 ilob Address:Location: 2099 N Frontage Rd, H&R Block Parcel No: 2103-l-14-15-013 Applied: t0/2s/L999Issued: A0/29/L999 To E>'q)ire: Oa/26/200O Description: Tenant finish for unit, expasion Conditi-ons:1- FrRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL rS REQUTRED BEFORE ANC WORK CAN BE . STARTED IF THERE IS A FIRE AI,ARM OR SPRINKTER SYSTEI"T EXIST- ING IN TIIE AREA OF CONSTRUCTION. 2 . FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI.,IANCE. 3. AIl new partitsion walJ-s mus t, be fu1l.y constructed tso meet requirement,s of 1-HR fire resisEive. -- sec 503.1 Fire Prot.ection system must be rnodified and inspecLed prior to a framing inspection occurring, same for a fire alarm sys TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMEIiM OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRIEAI, PERMIT PermiE #: E99-021-7 .fOb AddTESS: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST STAEUS...: ISSUED tocation. -. z 2099 N FRONTAGE RD, H&R BApplied. . : LO/25/L999 Parcel No..: 2103-L14-15-013 rssued. . .: L0/29/L999 ProjecE No. : PT{J99-0313 E>cpires. . : 04/26/2000 APPI-,ICAI{T D. P. ELECTRIC Phone : 97 O -926 -4I4O P.O. BOX 711, EDWARDS, CO 81632 col{rRAcroR D.P. ELECTRTC Ptronez 970-926-4L40 P.O. BOX 711 , EDWARDS, CO 8a632 OI{NER TOIi'IN OF VAIL t CITY MARKET, PO BOX 729, GRAND ,JIJNCTION CO 81502 BUSINESS H&R BLOCK DescripUion: ETECTRIC FOR IINIT EXPANSION Valuation: 300-00 PEE SUIi'MARY Electrical---> 42.oo Total calculated Bee6---> 45'oo DRB FcG .OO Addilional Fec6---------> 'o0 Invsstsj.gation> .oo Tolal Permit Fee--------> {S-oo will call----> 3.oo Pa)'menbs - - - - - - - - 45'00 TOTAI, PBES---> 45.00 BAIANCE DUE...- .OO *r*r*tttttrlr**aar*trrrt*rtttt,ra*i*J**r.aa*rtti*rr*r**r*aa*r*f****t *r**** t**J*e*ttt**t**tilta+t**t**!, ***i*ir rtEM: O5OOO ELECTRICAT DEPARTI,IENT DCPI: BUILDING DiViSiON: LO/26/L999 KATIIY ACTiON: APPR APPRO\IED PER KWIiam;' 05600- FrRx DEPARTI,IENT Dept: FrRE Division: LO/26/L999 KATIIY Act,ion: APPR N/A t*t* * 'r t * a * t J t t * *, r * * t * * * * * * t * * CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPTIANCE. DECI,ARA'IIONS I hcleby acknoylsdge lhat I have read chi6 appl,ication, fill€d out in fu]l che inforuacion required, compl6tscd an acculate plot plan, and st'aLc lheb all ehe infor$ation provided as requircd i6 colr€ct. I agre6 to comply wich the infornalion and PIot p1an, !o couply rrj,Eh alL Town ordinanceB and slate laws, and ho build this slructure according tso t-he To!.n's zoning and gubdivi€ion codc6, degign rcwir|w approwcd, Itniform Buitding Code and other ordinrnees of Ehe Tonn ePPlicable Lhereto. RBQUaSTS FOR INSPECTIONS SflAIJL BE HADB T1{E!tTY-FOr,R ttot RS rN A.D''A.!ICE Bv TELEPHONE AT 4?9-213S OR AT OUR OPFTCE FROIII 8:00 Afi s:oo Pu SIGIIATURE OF O9INSR OR CONTRASTOR FOR HIUSELF AND OWNER 1O-21-99 09 | 14 CtTY MARKET CONEiTRUCTI ONt, ^ ocT-21-99 THU oB:35 AH t TowNoFVA|LcoNsTRucTlo}|PERiIITAPPUCATI0NFoRM Gori'x;-l the Eagle couttty /rt$essots ofEB at 970328-864A r'or Farc'c/ ll p*a4s@ 5to5'ttq:15 ' D\3 Dtn ID= Feli Nc, ,*,u--8fi14!52rc1-frttl1rctrt6t eetqd. 8'utl RD.tt.vArL, co 9702456409 v P. 04 varL C-a- Othcr ( ) Ioh NernB: Buildhg (r)Ptun'birg( )ElccEical ( )Mcchacical ( ) LegarDcscription: Lor-- Block- Fiting--_- suaa..visi'o**ffifirglPlflj- w,ryf'wf:4!qt'.n_e*o@4@_ru9zto,*.&DglFfELlrWA hrd'i*rrtrctu-t*t-Utsq*g*m Ailr*,''J,LryW!&-{tt39Jru5.o**F?t'.n*4t1t-1''t'*q2- Dcgcripiisr of Job , lrVorkClass: New ( ) - '*rrte|J-t*f Addltio8sl( l REpsx( ) olher( ) Number of Dwt'lling Urtirs: rr/a Number of Accommoddidu Uhits lt/A ---..- BUILDINC: $ Numbcr nrd ryge of Firepfacci: Gas Appliaacerj'lh-- c*s t og tJ/l W;d/Ee)rn-4!ft- VALU-ATIONS 'zn^ia Fr FCTRICAL: $ :l12ll_OTHEB:3-n-. TorAr $--(!)}(III_PLUMBhiG $MECI{A\ICAL S c or,JTBAcrOB_lNFoXUrull Bruu ileulos -Ym1ec+mQE' Gcurrd ContEAlof: -:! L Vtc e'e C-c'!:!-rr-c-Addrass:4ae 6o, faaanor-e 4g-:-4E!- EtEr(ricql Co4flctor: -A e eU-ar&l Ad.[css: Phone #Town of V-ail Regisratioa No.-!l g-E ,.td. )'t&- z.r5r) Plurnbing Conjfl.tor Aridres6: Tosm of Vail Rcgistrarion No.Phone # llq$hr nicrl GoplrJntor:Address: Pbonc #Tou/tr of vnil t{cglurarior No- F_oR oFFleE IIEE TownofVailRcgistrationNo,-c4 as A t lW11--------Em-. dat-l Ptrrml# rt.16' +a{2 - BUTL-DING: S]GNATURE: oEl:26te-2I-99 $5O'1,25 b)dq pecmit RECE I VED FROM : ocT X 1999 .^J.- L5 P. e3 I O-2I -99 09 : I5 C I TY MARKET CONSTRI'CTI ON" . 0CT-21-9S fiU 08:35 ^t O I D=9?O2456409 P. O5 ND. TO: EROlvl: DAT* SUBJECT: A.LL CONTN,ACTORS CURXE}TAY REGISTERED WTTH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN oF vAlL PCTBLIC w'O.RI(S AND COlvi\lUMTt' DEVELOFEMEI.IT ]ANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION FARI(IIIG -rrr\D MATERLIL STORAGE CODE 5-2-10: ITE.FOSITS ON rUEilC *AYS PnOIrIf,rrtD A. Unlarvfirl dcposirs: Subjoct to sutltection C tlrctcofl ir is unlswiirl fcr et[' perFor to littcr' trrck or dqosit, oa cruse to bc lillered, trac'ked or ddpositcd, silt4 gavcl, rocks, mud' dirt" snor', ice, or any othcr dcbris or rnaterill spod aay gtrc€t, sid€$dk, illgy or gublie phca, or any portion t}rereof. B. Nouie; Abdtctflcnt The Dircctor of Public Works may nci&' and require arry petsoa wbo r iolatcs or causeg inother to violatc de provision of subsuction A hsrm{ or who' bas in r}e l)irsdor-s cmploymeot r pcrsoa who viohcs or causes aocrhcr to violatc thc sanIc, top nrmovc such slan4 grrvcl" vqcks, mud, din, snow" ice or sny dher (kbris or matcrial within tw€Dty tour (?+) bours aftcr rcccipt of said notice by ths Dircctor ol Fuhlic Works- [n tbe sv-Bnt lhc pcruon so nsdfcat docs not ccrnply *ith the notice witldq th$ pcnod ofrirn,r hcrsin spacified, the Director of Public Works, or olher authorizcd Egcr{ lnry carrc ary swh sarr{ gravcl, rocks, nu4 dir( snow, ioe, debris or any other maturial to bc rcnrovcd fl'om *ry srreet or slley at 6c erpcnre ofrbe lorified. C. Exceptions: The provisious of subse.cticn A hereofsb.dl not bs applicsbie:I. Wrthin ihc immediare area of any co{r.strncticrt nurinbenancc or rcpair projcet of any s[rcrt or dle]' or dlny water m'rin, scwcr mrin, skctricit-v linc, 8as linc, tclephonc liltc or ruy appu(tenarlce thcre[o;2. To dcposits o{ sarld, dirt or marsials necessar-v for rbe prc:cctioo of tlc public sfcty; od i. To public a-rca6 deignated for the durnping or degosiri.g of srid m$eriah. D. Summons; penslty: As sn slretnative to th+ locice rbr rcm{rlaj provided in sribscdion B above, any pcrson $'ho violarcs or quses aaothcr to violarc tho samq nral' be issucd a summoos to appcar bcfore thc Municipal Court of the Tow! for sard r.iolarionl rnd upon being found guihy of a violarion herr,trnda be punishcd;u provided in Scction IJ-l of this code, E. Notice; Pcnalty: lr is unlawfirl for any person to fail or n$lse o co:nply with tbc noticc of the Dirccto( of Public Worts rs provided in subsection B hcreof, and an-v- such pcrson shall, io addil.ion b paymcnt of tle rx5'cnse of removal jncurrcd by tlc Director of Public Worl$, ar provided in zubscc60n B hereof upon beiqg found guiltl' ot'a r.iol*ion hcrornder, bc prnishable as pruvidcd in Secdoo l-4-l ofthis Co<Ic. (1992 Code: Ordinanco 6 (1979) ..--f</a-/l4*zre.->q4uur-- Read rd aclcrowl&gdby :M qAuczo'+l Annbfl'Qv r Pocitio0, or RcladoffihiD to FrojEd: aE_UlMaJ4er (i,c. contractor cr owncr) Dre: FAX DN, IO-21-99 0A:29 RECEIVED FROIT i P. 04 IO-2I-99 09: I5 CITY MARKET CONSTRUCTION, " 0CT-21-99 THU 08:3b Al1 .-.lnll NU, TOWN OFVAIL Departnent of Conmunity Developmenr 75 Souch Frontagc Road Vail. Colorado 8lti57 970-479-?t j8 FAX 970-47r-71s2 r D=97024s6409 P. O6 P. Ub E1JILDING PERMITIS.SUANCE Tf,llE FI'AME Ifthis permit requires a Town of vait Firc Dqurun':nt APPrDval, Engirrctr's prrbliC wc'rks) rc,i.icrv and approvat, a Planning Dcpaftnerrr rsriew of Hedd Deparmcnt rcrieq and a Kvie-rv by ttre Building DcpafinDnt thc e$imclatl tirne for a mral rcr,'icw me1- tako a's I'cng rs three (3) rvceks - r\ll commurcirl (large or srnall) ond oll muhi-family permits nitl have to follow thc abovc mentioncdmn-rimumrcqrrrrcruenrs.Residtrtialand:m+ltprojtrushcru]dtrlicalcsscramorrntof timc. Ilolwvct, if tl.rsidcdtjnl or sngller projcctr\ impect thc various above nrent'iorred dcp:r,nrne*tswithregar<ltonccessaryrevtct{-thcseprojcotrmlyalsotaketlrothrec(3)wetk pddod. Every urcmpt will be made by this dcparaxcnr to enpedite this pcrrut as soon as possiblo' I, thc uadurSignCd, underStand thc Plan Check proCCrlure and rime frqr.ne' I alSO uldCrsrend tJr'ot if ihe pemrit is nor picked up by the acpiration datq tlat I rrust sull pcy thc PLtr chcck Fer: and that if I lbil to do so h trroy a-ffecr futurc permits &at I apply fo:' Agrccdtog: et ffi L. &tc**'/, t16a.4't'saer ft oioi;r N'.irtei 4-l RtPte.E--rWL $EEC irtfi*tu n ar Datei tel4thl-- Work Sbe* was nrrucd intl ttn Cournurty Dcldoprtrt DrPL $***'* RECE I VED FROT'I :lo-2I-99 eE:29 P. €s IO-21-99 09: I6 CITY MARKET CONSTRUCTION 0CT-21-99 THU 0B:36 Afl t TO: FROM: DATE: R.E: I D= IAX NIJ. TNIORANDI'M ATL @!{TRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBUC 1VORKS TAMJARY I, 1999 wrneN e -prmuC WAY PEFMTT: IS REQUTRED Is tlcrndition rvodr binS pcrfornerl thar rcq[itBs Ih: tsc of t.Ie Figl|rd'tr'ay' cisEments ol public prqporry? \tS - NO- t--- 9702456409 o P. O7P. Ut. ]oBN?,r'1c:HlE Epe1w4{ DA\E: nhthl - FLEASEANSwERTI{EFoLIswL\GQuESTIoI.IJ.|AJRERFfAI.DING,fttF}EsFoRA..}IUBLIC WAYPEF}dT'; l. Is tlis a nerv rcsidesce? YES No l/ +. .f. 1 L Is ary utility work osedcal? YES"-*-No ./ Is rte drivsrraY bcing. rcPricd?YE\ I.iO Is a rliftrgst Eccs.ss {ceded tO $c rit€ othtf ttua &e existing drireuzy? 1&S- NOJ-. Is sny draiD4gc wark b€ing dorB that afccts thc lhgfrr-of-Way, ea'$anents' ot public prwcfiy'l YES__ No---14, Is a "Rrvocable Rigtt-of-Way Permi{' rtquirtil? YE'T- NO- F A. Is lhc Figbt-of.wr)', cascocnF or pubEc propcry ro bc uscd for nagilg' parLittg or G$cing') YES_ NO rz i. -frflOoSf b rFire. *aging or fencbg pltT teqnin t by Costruwtiry DFreloPmenl? Yt:s_ NO -F- If yorr arurvcrr-d YES u arry of thctc uuestioru. a Tublit wilr' Pirmii' If,usl be obtilheaL "Irublic Way Pennit- apdicatbrs tsay bc obtainc{t at the Pubtic Wotrk's ':ffice or ar Corununiry I)cvclopmsut, lfyou hm'o ary qrrcstions pler$c call Leomnl Sandovrl Eorn hrbtic Wort1s 8t +79'1198' I HA!'E REA.D AND A'r',lswERED aLL THE AIlovE QUESTIONS' 4u*a#+atL-- Cunpnlv l.leos vztz: ,l,a/ailtf9 - ffioa*'contrdctor JtE rtlIe lO-21-99 0E: ?e RECE I VED FROI.{ :P. e5 o DEVELOTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970 -479-2L38 DEPARTUIENT OF COMMUNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON SPRINKIER PERMIT PMEI T iIOBSITE Permit AT ALL TIMES F99 -001-6 StaLus...: ISSUED Applied. . : L1'/ A3 /1999 rssued. . .: LL/LI/L999 Expires..: 05/09/2000 Phone: 970-434-4803 CO, FAX: 970-434-0802 81504 Phone: 970-434-4803 CO, FAX: 970-434-0802 81504 JI'NCTION CO 81-502 ilob Address. . - z 2099 N FRONTAGE Location......: 2099 N FronEage Parcel No..... : 2103-114-15-013 Project Number: PRJ99-0313 APPLICA}TT CONTRASfOR OVINER BUSINESS Descripcion:Installing 2 RD WEST Rd, H&R Block EXCEL FIRE PROTE TION, INC. 535 31 1/2 ROAD, GRAI{D iruNcTroN, EXCEL FIRE PROTE TION, ]NC. 535 31 1/2 ROAD, GRAND iTUNCTION, TOVIN OF VAIL ? CITY MARKET, PO BOX 729, GRAND H&R BI,OCK new sprinkler heads ValuaEion:600.00 Fircplac€ lttforlration: R€stricted:*of Gaa Appli,ancee:*of Oad Log6:*of Wood/Pallec: X'EE SI'I.IMARY t'lechanical - -- > 20.0O 5.OO .oo Restuarani Plan R6vier,l- - > DRB Fee------_- TOTATJ FEES- .. - - Total calculaLed Fee€- - _ > Additiodal Fae6-_----- _-> Totsal Pot1trits Fec------_-> Payments_-_-_-- Plan check_ - _ > Invcacigation> . o0 - 00 2A ,00 2A .00 .oo 2S.00 2g.oow111 call----> 3.oo BAIANCE DUE--_- .OO ITCM: O5]-OO BUILDING DEPARTMEIiIT - DEPF: BUILDING DiViSiON:IllE/199,! xatuv Action: APPR Approved p9r-kw iEam;'ose oo- Fiils onpARTl,IENl Dept: FI-RE Division: 17/05/L999 KATI{Y Action: APPR verbal appr trom Mccee CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ******************************************************************************** DECTA.RATIONS I hereby acknowledge tshat I have read Lhis application, fil1ed ouE. in ful] the infor$ation required, comPlebed an accurate plot plan, and state tshat aft the j.nfohnation prowided as required is correct.. r agree Eo comPly wich the informatsion and ploi plan' tso conply with all Toren ordinance6 and scate lawa, and ro build this scructure accolding Eo che Town'E zoning and eubdiviaion codeg, degign review approved, unj,forn Building code artd otsh€r ordinances of tshc Tot'rl aPPlicable thereto. RBeuEsrs FoR rNspEcrroNs smLIJ BE MA.DE Tt,iENTy-FouR HouRs rN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 479-2138 oR AT olrR oFFrcE FRoM g:00 AM 5!00 PM "'-- ,. r f-\ srcl{ATuRE oF owNER oR ccnrRAcroR FoR HTM.ELF AND owNER -< '\'424i- \y '\ \-7-- ,.1-l -l-/1Date: l\.\"-'l'44 Permit # Job Narnc:Job Addrecs: Btddiry( )Pftmbfig1_ I Elect'i€I ( )Mecbanical ( ) l-gal Descdfiion: Iot_ Block_ Filiog_ Subdivision onmcrsNarne 9.|- t {t1'rr ttt. Ad&es:' (). \t,,,t',- i', ..'- r, t_.r,l-(u_ Arctritera:Addrcss: *1f)., Phone# 1nA ut/4.11F4 Phde# Description of Job:l\Sfe ru., Work Chss: New ( ) Alteraion qA Additioual ( )Rrryair( )Orler { ) Number of Dwelling Unirs:Nutbcr of Accournodation Urifs; Number ad Type of Fireplaoes;CnE AppliancEE Cas Logs Woodr?ellet BUII.DING: $ PLU\,IBING $ Geoeral Coutracton Town of Vail Registrarion No. Ef ccrrical CorJtrador: Town of Vail Regisudion No. Ilumbing Contractor: Town of Vail Regiso-ation No- S{ect4lical qontrdor: To*nofVaillugist tionfto- 5rl4 - .S VALUATIONS FT.FCTRICAL: SMECHAMCAL$w GoNTRACTOR INFQRMATTON OTHER: $ TOTAI- $ Address: Phone # Address: Pbooc # Aildress: Phone # t,. t Q., 1999 BUILDING: SIGNATURE ZONING: SIGTIIATURE: ??-Iqp'.o3B rowN oF vAloNsrRucrtoN pERMtr ilucanoN FoRM Contad the EaoE Countv Assessors Qffice at 9763284640 for Parcel # P4rcei # elci3. lltl- 15.ol3 Date: Iob Namc: Building ( ) Legal Descripion: Owners Name: Phmbing( ) Lot Block Electrical ( ) Filine Subdivision Address: Address:Architect: DescriptionofJoa, Wtortu cr-nd o$ z- .f* A&t . Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Number and TlAe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances BI,JILDING: $ PLI./MBING S General Contractor: Additional ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs VALUATIONS Nter*iotlrf WoodlPellet ELECTRICAL: $-- rEgrnrl€dL $ t?psPz|n$'EC CONTR.ACTOR I N FORMATION OTHER: $ TOTAL $ ,JL Vret-e Ca,v sr -Zarc- Address: t,e? 5a' Ftonoo t /J' UtE' J C/eoe A * /f,t-A phone# 174. +a/2Town of Vail Re giffiitionNo. ct4o4 4 *- r a o 'a Electricaf Contractor-. D, P E lec-rp c, Address: Town of Vail Regisuation No.Phone #q1a. 17A- Za5q l!tllcu!4@!st:Address: Phone #Town of Vail Reeistration No.EPgNTT.EP.. ,.o xl i{Cdailicrtgsntraglo r:Address: s'g,- 'zr'12- V) Es' (2. zt** Townof vailRegisaarionNo 5 +1 'S Pnon* %1O ** 19013 FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING:Nov 01 1999 SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGI.IATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: Date Received Job Address: effi N' FE6lryItl6iE-]fa]? Mechanical ( )other00 sPetnrlEe Phone# Phoner# F€pair( I Other( ) %OPE OF h@RK - THE X,OPE OF hloRK FOR TH|S PROJECT 15 TO lt'lr-.Ll-]De THE REMOVAL OF A PORTION OF AN EXI5TIN6 DEMISINo ]4ALL,cONsTRUCTION OF NEIA PARTITION hIALL9 TO ADD A 45O 5.F. AREA TO THE EXISTINo HCR BLO6K LEA9E SPACE AT clTY MARKET *l42,VAlL. COLORADO. THE l"lORK 15 To INcLUDE CHAN6E9 TO EL:uC'fRI6AL MECHANI.'^L 9Y3TEM5 ANP INTERIOR FINI+IE5. B. 6ONTRACT l^k RK - THE 6ONTRACT hloRK INCLUDF FURNI9HIN€ ALL MATERI{ EdUIPMENT, TOOL9, LAtsoR ANP SERVICE9 T]E.-lffi3ARY FOR .*OT4PLETION tsY EACH TRAPEoF -rHE PRoJECT. ALL h@RK 9HALL BE poNE A9 gHol^lN oN THE pRANlt|6E. C, F. PERMITS AND LOOAL CODES - PERFORM ALL l,.lORK 10 COI4PLY l^llTH APPLICABLE AJILDIN(' CODES ANP REAJLATIONS. THE cONTRACTOR SHALL PRiOCURE Al.[2 PAY FORALL NECE96ARY zuILDIN6 PERMITg AND IhI5PECTION SERVICE5 OF LOCALAUrl-loRlTlEg. l,.ll-IERE EXlgTlNe ELECTRICAL, MECHANIcAL PLUMtslNO OR OTF{ER CONplTloNs I^IERE NOT INSTALLED PER CODE. THE CONTRACTOR *IALL pR.OVIDE ALTERNATE PRICINo TO BRIN6 ITEMS INTO COOE COT4PLIAN.-I=-' COORDINATION - COORDINATE VARIOUS ELEMENTS OF -THE hIORK AND ENTITIE9 ENOAff,D TO PERFORM I"IORK. ALfr, COORDINATE THE NORK nlTH ADDITIONAL OR 9JPPLIMENTAL l"{oRK BY ffPARATE CONTRACTOW (lF ANY) CONTRA6TED BY THE Ot.lNER. %Ii€:D|./LE THE TIMIN@ OF TI]F_ I4ORK A9 NOT TO CN)tr. DELAY9 TO ANY pttAf-, OF(-ON3-IRUCTION DUE TO LATE %HEr).)LN.i,€ OF INTER6ONNECTED I"IORK. @OftRA'TION hIITH OIANER - THE OhINER (OR HI9 SEPARATE CONTRACTORS) ARE RESPON9IBLE FOR CERTAIN f"kzRK DURIN9 'rHe oR:O-F.CT ANp l^llLL THEREFORE NEED ACCE55. DIgRUPTION OF CONTRACIOR'5 OPERATIONS NILL BE HELD TO A MINIMUM. SITE INVESTIoATION . BY 9JBMITTIN6 HI5 BID. THE CONTRAoTOR ACKNONLEDffi THAT HE HAs SAT|SF\ED Hlt43E'LF TO 111E I.IATURE AND LOCATION OF THE l^lORK. THE oENERAL AND LOCAL CONPITIONg, PARTICULARLY THO5E tsEARIN6I/PON TRAN5PORTATION, DI*O5AL. HANDLINo AND gTORA&, OF MATERIALS, AVAILAtsILITYoF LAEOR AND Pol^ER PHYSICAL coNDlTlON9 AT T1{E 5lTE. THE 6HARA6TER AND OUALITY OF MATERIAL5 TO BE ENCOIJNTERED. THE 6HARACTER OF Eo(UIPfiENT ANDFACILITIF NEEPED PRIOR TO ANP PIJRIN@ THE PRffiCUTION OF THE hIORK, AND ALL OTHER MATTERS I,.IHICH CAN lN ANY ldAY AffiCT THE l"l9RK oR THE C6T TrlERtuF UNDER THIg C.oNTRACT. FAILURE tsY THE @NTRAcTOR TO ACdUAINT HIMgELF I4ITH ALL THE AVAILABLE INFORMATION coNcERNlNo IHFE coNplTloNs l^llLL NoT RELIEVE HIM FROM REgPONgIBILITY FOR ESTIMATIN@ PROPERLY THF- DIFFICULTY OR COST OF ^)CCEStrVLLY PERFORMINo THE NORK. DI*REPAINIEg - ANT DI9CREPAN6IE5 DIrVERED BY THE 6ONTRA6TOR BETY.IEEN DIMENgIONg OR,6ONFLI6T9 UNFOREgEEN PREVIOUSLY +IALL BE tsR:OUAlT TO TI-E IMMEDIATE ATTENTION OF THE ARcHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION. LAtsOR - ALL AORK 9{.IALL tsE PERFORMED IN -rFE OfrT ANP I'4O5T PROFEggIONAL MANNER tsY I'-4ECHANICs 5RILLED IN THEIR RE5PE6TIVE TRAPEs. THI5 @NTRACTgIIALL W A)BJE.'T TO THE LAtsOR LAI'€ OF THE gTATE OF OOLORADO AND 9',E-E'CI TO LABOR RULEs AND REoIJLATIOI.IS OF WE LOCAL AUTHORITIE5. THERE I5 NO REdJIREMEI(fTFidT THE cONTRACTOR UgE UNION OR I.ION-UNION LAEOR.,a^\ e. H. J. pAMAefQfFAn )*Nv DAt lA&. we'f#ilDrl-r@ENcE oF rnE covrRtroroc- ro?n* ESSRFB=j1 AND REsroFE? -r,g"J[f,oRlolNAL coNplrloN BY rHE 6oNrRA6roRAr No C5g4r/ r .'";.;;ffi:f, *3'-t #^ffi1lrl-r@ENcE oF rHE covrRAcroR ro rHE r^roRK E? _T,gprl'lEf;roRlolNAL ooNplrloN BY rHE 6ONTRA6TOR trlffffi-.H *,'x, f-L+*h*-ffifi# o' 1: .Tq::^,^" triij.Hf*@,^"H',*#:iild:tTilt',#Hd; p"{l{ .,,,,r",,, i""-', i i'o;:i,T"tfJff :HP.*l - QR. OZt ,,:,:_:- 4ftt !,f,€Rt{Al{ 91R!ff, 5l,,lTE e,9!N{4. @. &tle)-ea*)-1zbq6@ r N< *)-1t224 balMrtcrrpl,l, PLUS AssocnTEs INc. I--#--@) "4" ,-q>/,G''B' AAAN FE\GR EIFT *PPqr re PROVIPE NEl"{ DIRECT 6LUE Dobf.l CARPET TO MATCH EXISTINo ERAY HER tsLOCK CARPET(AREA +IAtrED) RENTAL*ALe "e' ALPINE BANK ,I,-MITCiITLL ". REI\4OVE ALL PEMOLIg+1ED hIALL9 C,Ol//PLEIF-LY, REMOVE ANY UTILITIES IN }4ALL5 B.Ar-,K TO//- \IEAREST POTNT OF TERM|NATION. | . z. At-t- NEH t"lALLg ARE TO De 3 5/b' t4TL- 91UW @ 24" O.C. v.llT{ 5/O" TYPE "X" eYP. AD. ON\YITR F|La.-,K SI2E oF hALL- EXTEND AALL To 9TRT/6.TIR,E Qo'- b"). FINIg{ FoR PAINT BELohI(.lEJl].N9, FIRE TAPE ABoVE CEILINO. hALL FlNlS{ TO BE Ll4lT E@ 9[{ELL, PAINT COLoR To tj,ATC,H HTR ALOCK PAINT. PROVIDE 4' RUEEER B.Af-. TO MATCH EXISTIN@. .{4t grGf,f'{AN gIFeEr, g.,l1l &, DA{/1']R. @. e2e*t )6:t212464o ? L\ hr'-rz24OalMTTcHpLL PLUs AssocnTEs INc. , : RENTAI-*Ac,E OE' A.PINE tsANK ..Fil lN€i REMAIN RENTAL*AciE 1D:EXtgTtllg HER BLOCK I I___{i_c) tvRB{TA|-*rcE.8.\BlN FE\/F. €itFT gbpTI-T re ILEXI5TIN6 /,:DEMOTJNT EXI5T. CEILIN6 I L_ cEtLtr{6 TO REMAIN ----r-- ffi2'xvolnr ENTTRE E.$ffij * "' ffift:= Exlsrlt{o SPRINKLETjEff-|Eg 63s^lRy ro.Avot7 INTERFERENCE r^il]H NEr^{ F3t/ffi,, L iAEI 1l nA.L , , t-I|i t\Jbvtll t att I \-J \ 2<)41t t{oRT}F RdI{lA€E 20 AI F =I ,]lej .9:.. l*-:' Wl \tl , rcuot ?Al n'ql +(,//D \rE, to/2 7 J@B NK t5 {tt Still"lAN !TREEf,3JITE 2to, DAavEF. q. eZoO_rccMrrcHeLL pLUs Assocnres tNE aoa-1.t1e4 F pl br.rzt@1 %OPE OF NORK - THE %OPE OF I,.IORK FOR THI9 ?ROJECT 15 TO INCLUDETHE REMOVAL OF A PORTION OF AN EXISTIN@ DEMI9IN6 I,{ALL, .-,OT(STRU.oTION OFNEN PARTITION NALLg TO ADD A 45O 9.F. AREA TO TTf_ EXISTINE HCR BLOCKI-EA9E SPACE AT CITY MARKET *I42,VAIL, C-OI-OR}DO. THE I4ORK 15 TO INCLUPE CHANOEg TO ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL 5Y9TET49 AND INTERIOR FINIg.IE9. CoNIRACT,^'loRK - THE 6oNTRACT l^loRK INoLUDF FURNI9HIN6 ALL MATERIALEAUIPMENT, TOOL1, LABOR ANP 9ERVI6E5 NE:'E33ARY FOR .9OT{P-|-F-TION_EY E-ACH TRADE OF .IHE PROJECT. ALL I"IOR.K TALL BE DONE A9 5I{,I4N ON THE PRANII..I€6. PERMITg ANP LOCAL CODffi - PERFORM ALL hORK TO COI-IPLY I4ITH APPLICAtsLE AJILDINo CODE5 AND REAJLATIONS. THE @NTRACTOR +IALL PROCURE AND PAY FORALL NECEgSARY zuILDINO ffiMIT9 AND INSPECTION 5ERVI6E3 OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES. l,.lFlERE EXlgTlN@ ELECTRIcAL, MECHANIoAL PLUMtslN@ oR oTHER CONDITIONS l"lERE NOT IN5TALLED PER CODE. THE @NTRACTOR SHALL g€OVIDE ALTERNATE PRICINo TO BRIN@ ITEMg INTO C@E COI4PLIAT.{c|E. COORDINATION - C,OORDINATE VARIOUg ELEMENT9 OF THE NORK AND ENTITIF ENOAOED TO PERFORM l^lORK. ALtu,OOORDINATE THE I"{ORK l,'llTH ADDITIONAL OR SJPPLIMENTAL I4ORK tsY SEPARATE CONTRACTORS (lF ANY) CONTRACTED BY THE Ol^lNER. X'V+EDULE THE TIMINO OF -lrF' I^IORK A9 NOT TO CA)tr. DELAYS rO ANY !?P'A9IE Or CONSTRUCTION PUE TO LATE 3CIlEg)Lft.IE OF INTERCONhIEGTEP AORK. Ca}?ERATIoN hllTH ot{NER - THE ONNER (OR Hl5 9EPARATE @NTRA.,T2RS) ARE RESPONSfBLE FOR CERTAIN l"lORK Dt RIN@ TI]F- ROECT AND l^llLL THEREFORE NEEPACCE31. DI*UPNON OF CONTRACTOR'5 OPERATIONS hIILL BE HELD TO A MINIMJM. gITE INVEgTIEATION - BY SJBMITTII{o HI5 BID, THE CONTRACTOR ACKNOHLED@F THAT HE HA9 SAT!9F|ED HIM9ELF TO IltE NATURE AND LoCATION OF THE l^lORK. THE @ENERAL AND LOCAL CONPITIONg, PARTICULARLY TI{OgE tsEARINE UPON TRANgPORTATION, OI5PO5AL, HANDLIN@ AND 9TORA @ OF MATERI AL5, AVAI L ABILITY OF LA@R AND POI^ER, PPtrS\CA{- CONDlTlOl.lS AT THE 5lTE. Tl-E CHARACTER AND AUALITY OF MATERIALS TO BE ENCOUNTERED. THE CHARACIER OF E@IJIPI,'4ENT ANDFAlLlTlf NEEDEp PRIOR TO AND DURIN@ TtlE PRo*cUTlON OF THE l"lORK, AND ALL OTHER MATTER9I^lHlCH CAN lN ANY HAY AffiCT Tl€ HORK OR THE CoSr T+ffiOF LNDER TH|S CONTRACT. FAILURE BY THE CONTRACTOR TO ACAUAINT HIM9ELF l,,llTH ALL THE AVAILABLE INFoRMATION CONCERNINO THEE CoNDlTloN9l^llLL NoT RELIEVE HIM FROM REgPONgIBILITY FOR EgTIMATIN@ PROPERLY THE DIFFICULTY OR OO9T OF1JCCE9frJLLY PERFORMINO THE I"{ORK. Df%REPAN6IE9 - A},fr D|3CREPA||C\ES DtrcVERED BY TFE CONTRACTOR BETI"EEN DIMENgIONg OR C,ONFLICTS UNFOREgEEN PREVIOUSLY +IALL OE FIR.()')A]T TO TI.E IMI'4EDIATE ATTENIION OF THE ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION. LAtsOR - ALL I4ORK ?{ALL tsE PERFORMED IN TFIE DEgT AND VO9T PROFFgIONAL MANNER FY I.4ECHANIC9 SKILLED IN THEIR RFPECTIVE TRADEg. THI5 CONTRAcT+IALL tr. A)BJF:..,T TO THE LABOR LAT'9 OF TI4E gTATE OF COLORAPO AND S.BJECT TO LABOR RULES ANP REoT'LATIOI.IS OF '111F- LOCAL AUTHORITIEs. THERE 15 I@ REOIJIREI'4ENT THAT THE CONTRACTORUf-. UNION OR I.ION-I.JNION LAEOR. DAt{rl€E. REPAIR - ANY OA!-iA@. WE TO hE€Ll€Ehl6E OF Tl+E r-,ONTR}r--TOR TO Tl{E l"lORK3{ALL BE REPAIREP AND REgTOREP TO ft5 ORIoINAL CONPITION BY THE CONTRACTORAT NO EXTRA CO5T. Atlt g+ERI{AX g'rREgr,3UITE Zb,Oa*,/Ei. @. Dd26-aa@*) -.f y)-s40 ? ro1 ga-1224 aalMrtcgnt,t, PLUs AssocnTEs INC. t4'-6 RENTAL*A6,E'E' AI-PII.IE tsANK -re PROVIDE NEI^I DIRECT 6LIJE DOIAN CARPET TO MATCH EXI9TII.I6 ffiAY HTR aLOCK CARPET @ENERAL NOTES, cr",uur*r-.t, (AffiA #A9EP) t'. REIT4OVE ALL DEMOLI+iEP hALL' COI4PLE-IELY, REMOVE ANY UTILITIES IN NALLS B.A.-K TO NEAREgT POINT OF TERMINATION. 2. ALL NEI^I I ALLS ARE TO Ee 3 5/b' l'lTL- 91VD5 @ 24' O.C. WITH 5/O' TYPE "X" eYP. eD. ONHtR BLOCK S\DE G l,.lALL- EXTENP ]^{ALL TO 9TRI,CTURE QO| b"). FlNl+l FOR PAINT BlELot{ 6ElLlNe, FIRE TAPE AtsoVF_ 6ElLlN6. i^IALL FlNlg+t 'rO BE LIA]tr E@ 5HELL, PAINT 6OLOR To t{,ATcH HCR ELO6K PAINT, PROVIPE 4'' RUEBER OA9|E TO }{.AT.'H EXIgTINO. I---+--@ oAoogP44E E" 6ABIN FE\ER EIFT *PPIr ,.-MITCIiELL FLOOR, FLAN att t+cF .{Ax 9TREE.f, !{,tTE *O.DA{,lr'E\ @. b2d3-1e bJ-1rE -+A Er^X *a-1'a-oarlMTICSELL PLUs AssocnTES INc. /.*,.,,*. I--{tr I RENTAI.fiP,45 nE'n AI.PINE BAI{K a.Fil lN€; REMAIN. RENTAI. SPAciE ?_',EXtST[{OH'?AL&K CABIN /:DEMOIJNT EXI9T. CEILIN6 CEILII,IO TO REMAIN ----r-- J. MITCHELL l-€ H:ro,ff _Hltg+',,Fli:11ryff F&ffiffi ff-+:qioffi rsgffigy#rfi * ff;ffi #re*31phii;A_ffiIfi Hg?H,FiuvFFffi ffif+",b-2-oeuonxt ENTTRE E.$S+ * mlrt 'E EXIs'rrts.?nI5|E1!E1Pa\.9EE55ARy ro AvotD INTERFERENCE l^ilrH NEhl F3LJAfr;:6Fo" L A t I ll At ,F t .gt *; FI r?r F JbralW t -rlK fiqr2r)qq NORTN F ?A{TA€E AT \tt , collol 'A )Q -D \TE, lQ/21/q 1 J@E t{(,5 4!tt JCR.IAN STRrBr, gJ|Tr e. oat'.,a. @. &r20w*t_lzt_4ta 7 AX &*1ra€6al Mrrcgpt,l, plus Assoctntps INE X'OPE OF l"lORK - TFF'. %Oft. OF NORK FOR THlg PROJECT 19 TO INOLUDE THE REMOVAL OF A PORTION OF AN EXIsTIN6 DEMISINo NALL, CON9TRIJ6TION OF NEhI PARTITION hIALL9 TO ADD A 45O 5.F. AREA TO TI+E EXISTIhI6 HiRE'LOCKLEAtr 5PACE Ar CITY MARKET *l42,VAlL. COLORADO. THE l"lORK t9 To INcLUDE CHANEEg TO ELE-.oTRICAL I'4ECHANI.'^L 3Y3TEM5 AND INTERIOR FINI9{E5. CO}I!R46,11^k2RK - THE CONTRA6T l"lORK INCLUDF FURNI9HIN@ ALL MATERTALEdUIPMENT, TOOL5, LAtsOR AND SERVICES IIE.E'aARY FOR COT4Y-{E.IION-Of EAC.H TRADEOF THE PRoJECT. ALL NORK 9IALL BE poNE A9 gFlohlN oN THE DRAI^lll.l€'5. PERMIT9 AND LOCAL CODE9 - PERFORM ALL t"k?RK 'lO COl4eLY i"llTH APPLICAELE zuILDINE CODES AND RE@IJLATIONg. THE CONTRACTOR g{ALL PROCURE AND PAY FORALL NECEggARY EJILDINO ffiI4IT9 AND Iht5PECTION gERVICES OF LOCAL AUTHOf?ITIE9. I4IIERE EXI9TIN6 ELECTRICAL, MEoHANICAL PLUMtsIN@ OR OTHER CONDITIOhIS hERE NOT INSTALLEP ftR C,ODE. THE CONTRACTOR +{ALL "ROVIDEALTERNATE PRICINE TO BRIN@ ITEMg INTO CODE COI4PLIAIICIE. 6OORplNATlOll - CO&DINATE VARIOU9 ELEMENT9 OF 'ttlE t"lORK ANp ENTITIE9EN€Affp TO PERFORM hlORK. ALfr, COORDINATE THE l,.lORK l,.llTH ADDITIONAL OR 3JPPLIMENTAL I^IORK BY ffPARATE CONTRACTaRS (lF ANY) CONTRACTED BY THE ONNER. %IIEOULE THE TlMlNo oF 'rWE '^{ORK Ag NOT To CA)fr. DELAY9 TO ANY fl{hfr. OF ONSTRUC,.TION DUE TO LATE %}1ED)LN,IE OF INTfCONNE6TEP I^IORK. @OPERATION hlTH Ol^lNER - Tt{E OI^INER (OR Hl5 9EPARATE CONTRACTORS) ARE RFPON9IBLE FOR CERTAIN I"T?RK DIJRING .ft+E ROECT AND I,.IILL THEREFORE NEED ACCE11. DISRUPTION OF C,oNTRACTOR9 OPERATIONS hIILL BE HELD TO A MINII.TJM. SITE II.N/ESTI6ATION - BY gJBMITTINE HI5 EIP, THE CONTRAcTOR AoKNONLEDffi THAT HE HAg 9AT|9FIED Hlt'l9ELF TO TtlE IIATURE AND LO6ATIoN OF THE l^loRK. THE eENERAL ANP LO6AL CONPITIONg, PARTIAJLARLY THO9E EEARIN@ IJPON TRANgPORTATION, OIffiO9AL, HANDLII.Io ANP STORAoE OF MAIERIALS. AVAILABILI TYoF LAEOR AND Pot"ER PHY9IC.A{- 6ONDlTloN5 AT THE 9lTE. THE CHARACTER AND dIJALITY OF MATERIALg TO OE ENCOIJNTEREP. TI]F- CHAR,ACTER OF EdIJIPMENT AND FACILITIffi NEEDED PRIOR TO AND DIJRIN@ TIIF_ PRffiCUTION OF THE hIORK, AND ALL OTHER MATTER9 NHI6H 6AN lN ANY l,{AY AFFECT Tl-lE h@RK OR THE @9T -fi+REOF UNDER THI5 C,oNTRACT. FAILURE BY TFIE CONTRACTOR TO ACOUAINT HIMgELF I4ITH ALL THE AVAILABLE INFORMATION C,oN6ERNINE THFE 6ONDITIOII9 NILL NOT RELIEVE HIM FROM REgPONgIBILITY FOR EgTIMATIN€ PROPERLY 'IHE DIFFICTLTY OR CO5'T OF1JCCE5ffi.LLY PERFORMIN€ THE hIORK. DI%REPAI.VIES - ANT DIgCREPAIICIES DI%OVERED BY TFE CONTRACTOR tsET}..IEENpll'lENgloNg OR oONFLICTS UNFOREgEEN PREVIoU9LY +[ALL OE BlROU.edif 10'lt+E IMMEDIATE ATTENTION OF THE ARcHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION. LAtsoR - ALL I^IORK *IALL EE PERFORHEP lN THE tsEgT ANP |PST "?OFE99IOMLMANNER tsY I.€6HANIC5 *ILLED IN THEIR RFPEoTIVE TRADEs. THI9 CONTRAoTg{ALL W. S)BJECT TO THE LAEOR LAre OF THE gTATE OF COLORADO AND 1,E-F.CT TO LAEOR RULES ANP RE€I,LATIOT]5 OF T}4E LEAL AUTHORITIES. THERE I5 I..IO REdJIREI"4ENT THAT THE CONTRA6TOR UgE UNION OR }.ION-UNION LAtsOR. DA\4A€E REPAIR - ANY DAi4A.&.DW TO treLl€ENcE OF 7t4E CONIF}GTOR TO THE l"lORK+IALL BE REPAIRED ANP RE9TORED TO IT3 ORI€INAL CONPITION BYAT NO EXTRA CO9T. Date Receiv ocT ?g-lses re /r7'm M J. -I/IITCHELL att g+GRr'{Atf gllEEf, gJrTl 2to. 9cNVEi, @. @1Dr-1@ ha-T22-qc@ 7 AX #--E2ad)'lMTtcgpLL PLUs AssocnTEs INC. t4'-b RENTAL*Ac,E UE' ALPIT.{E BANK re PROVIDE NEl"t PIRECT 6L|.JE DOI^IN GARPET TO MAT6H EXI9TIN6 RAY HER BLO6K cARPET(AREA AAAED) l' cEt,torrE ALL DEMoLrg{Ep nALLg covpL';rELy. REMovE Ahtr uflLrrEg lN l"rALLg 1ACK To NEAREST POINT OF TERMINATION. 2. ALL NEl4 hlALLg ARE TO 0E 3 5/b', l4TL. 51UW @ 24" O.C. NITH r/b" TYPE nX' OfP. tsD. ON H6R BLOCK 5IOE OF }^IALL- EXTEND I,{ALL TO 9TRIJ6TURE QOL b"). FINIg{ FOR PAINT BELON 6EILIN@, FIRE TAPE ABoVE CEILIN6. hIALL FINIgH TO tsE LI€HT E@ 44ELL, PAINT COLOR TO MATCH HIR BLO6K PAINT. PROVIDE 4' RUEEER tsAgE TO I4ATCH EXIgTIN@. I --ilr-@*A" tg>l6E'8" cABfN FE\GR eFT *pPtrl FLOOR PLAN 44' *€F|,rAr gfREEr, SJrrE &,9E n,€R, @. b2A-41O3.oc-1"4-404 | N< 9t-'tz403lMrrcHnLL PLUs AssocnTES INc. t . I /,*,u,,*I ---til --@r- RF.{TAL*AaI=.Bt cABtN FEIER elrr +ppF .Fil lN€i, RENT.qL*rcE nEa AI.PII.IE BANK REMATNI RENTAI- /3P/\cE'o./u/EXtgTn{o He R A-O6K /-'',,-PEMOTJNT EXI3T. CEILIN6 .-IEILII.{6 TOREMAIN-'--) I ---r- q-7Eo re ff F,fi Htrirf'H-ti,FiFxlryff Fffisiffi isEiffi FtrsFil,sa-,*'eE'RE ALL ExrsrN€ c.qrlrryiFbrffioEgr4<es-;o s;drE@ ,l AFEAe r'nr nnE ro*o=JK#Fp=,ffi ,+lC,laEI*ff ililffi Eieil#iff bNen3Ndeddni<?,io2'o*tantr ENTTRE E "wq,+:trtr#xgi,li#i## - c'pELocAtE ExlsrlNe ?PRINKLER HEAD' A1NE'ESSAR' To AvorD TNTERFERa'E k{rrH NEr^r,IALLe. F3 *^ , LJ *eLEt t/b,,=t._o, L F+:l .-L ,r ,Pb -!l-t at ,E ,\ 20qq NORn FRChtl E AT F i, f''f. t,: ''tt'VAII.,@tc4a -,lT ,D \T =, lQ/2 Vq q &a FK ,5 :frr tlGRr.'tAN 91i!Br, gJtT! 2!a. Dar/!r, co. brbo-reMrrcHeLL pLUs assoclarps INc.br-'ta-SQ "N< gt*-EEt@j 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 De partment of C ommunity Development Building Safay & Inspection Services Division Date: rr/5/qq No. Of Pages FAX COr'ER SHEET Bruu fleuotonTO: COMPANY NAME: FAX NUMBER: PHONE NUMBER: FROM: Vt eu'= Ll,llc - 34Zg Kathy Warren. Perrnit Review Coordinator Town of Vail Cornmunity Development Department Building Safety & Inspection Services Divisiorr 75 South F'rontagc Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Phone 970.479.2325, direct I ine F 4X970.479.2452 B-mai l: kwarren(Oci.vail.co.us COMMENTS, NOTES; PUme tr\nD ,S-rr.b cHls -$AE, qDot FoE- PEOPo:€D 6Rrq Yr€ HeAOS AT -r!\e \+CE- B L-o(._E €Jap A(1b\6n Lccaf,rrr. ?\ea-se q.cDrbe. f-o SYrot-^, rn$arr-+lisn oF., ?- ac,ld'u+rtrre-[ \-rcarrbr -trrg <a>-T 5;12- llu'S PETzcntT t, tLL 6e s zB ee-. $*n oto ruo NOv-o3-99 lE.lO FROM 3 ToV-COM-DEV-DEPT.lD,9?O47924s2 PAGE 2/3 ,l {=*,tt* 4EirL$r+ RB,IA'hL-J @$H- /*KEE'/E/ TI | ,.-.. -{tr-tJJot*re,vAAftm/H. eFts# re F" RATALSPXEW A.PNEAAN<E POgTINEl+rRa-ocKn(,fiIL0{€TOt,V*g,Nf'E,(J6T,c€u-tN6 ;;tr RE}.{AI '{ Cltr Y-L [r("t y'' I L-; Zwlrl.*t ENnREExpAfgtoN AREA @Lr{6 F,@ RENSTAI A5 t}@taArED.^,Ll€}t vttg t{trf{ ExgnNg ute**. cElltl-t6, |.oo{lE tN RooM hIITH E4JAL ow@trEtsgF.fff, RE,.,/RJrJJfi UETM N E€A$6ION AREA TO * @}ITROIJ.P FROT'{ I{+R g[,O(K*KE RR'UTE Pv,f, OIrIT'tb A9I€cEgf,T\gf TO 5RIIG.I.C}T LEA€E AREA. ,€ aarrrl srf,cEr,st'€ €q, gaflR @. wtsy&$*FaJq*'fr<ta "-rg.-q.areEx9Trrl6 5pRTNKLER gtrDs A9lEcES6ARr To AvotD INTRFEREITE Hnt l€?t TED C|EILI MmcgEI,L PT,us AsgocIAJrEs INC, EXl9Ttt{6 Nov-O3-99 16: 1o FROM.IoV-COM-DEV-DEPT.PAGE I I+_@ l-RE}tfA*re,w6 BNEvt.eFi#Ifr I ;W f. Da-ror.ttr AlD REII6TA[LEx9T[€ cErLINe Ag tGcEggARr ro PERFoRM @@r:l.t c_ Exl5T0.r9 HALr-g ANz TdINSretr NEili PAR|TnON l-rAJ-g AS rlorcArEp 6t ?.,€[@ uE9,*)RE AI,l- EXISTIHE CCUXE },Id,NTED F1.{TITE5 TO STFTWE IN AREA9ITIAT ARE TOAr DOgTtlE HXrLRES. 4€.JJ6T l-or'*;lloJJ9 A9 t@Esref TA t"{11+ t€l"l PAR|.|TION ln#d15.?'E{rl*tt EIfiRE ExpAtrg,plr /qfiEA c/ElLrr{€ A@ REIIETAI. Ag t}@pATED. ^.lt€}{ cEil-$r9 Hril EXgTINg HceE/.-oC,/K. C€|LN6.lpOAlE tN RoOM t"Uttl E4rA. OwryfiEw,egr;r.rar Lrazrrg lN b<r^$6loll AREA To BE colnRotrEp FRol,r H4R *ooK*)a- RROrrfE l+v-,f;btaTT$e re-rcr'EgS\Rf To #Aq. hEt^t LEA€E AREA.3-rc..q.ateE(9Tt,r6 gpRlt{KLERT€ADg A,s NEcE6ART To hvorb IITRFEREI{CE t{il lEl"t ,.tAlt-g- € *alir$ srf,g, €f'E &. w*t4 @. cry!tca-ab4Qhxxrh:a<dt tD:9704?92452 E{gnNel$R a-@K | ,--. , L*,uo* (,F-ILT.{€TO RF{AI 2/3 REN:rALgPKEE A.P$E AAN<ET I I L-+ PE} EJilT EXIgT.cE[t]€ re MrxcgELL Pr,us Assocrnms Nc. -#2?-99 FRI 09:44 AI{ MITCHELL PLUS AsS0c. FN(:3037220851 PAGE 2 .4.ffiS-'trfr rb1ffi fr!"#ir#ffi ffi ffii"ffi ffis5p' ffi :#*n#+l',ffi ll.r*gm'rim.,m'#i m'*'Ho,n'r'.'u. E,s8ilsaff,ws,TRAOE F-#-FRb-Ecf.'ALL t^loRK eHALL tsE Dol'lE o.PERMIT9 Al.P LOCA- o@ffi - PERFOE[+!.l"lORK TO qOl@Y-$|^r-H NryLlcAEl. F aILDlr.f€ @offi At@ RE€rrLArrore. . .14-99${rli& -+4i-.+_ @IJRE A}'lD PAY FoR ALL NEoEe,eAnv euu-piil5-ftRi{lEarp-rl\lr:FEcrloN eERVl6# tr LoC AL Aun-DRrrEg. I4HERE ExtgTlNe eueqglq4;-1ftHell-fury4p1tl'o'oR' orf{ER colrprlor.tg r"ene xor'iili6inEuflFfg' abrie.'-li| c'ottml,clon sHALL "Rrl'/toEfif,iE#,ixiE FFic-ruii-io' 6H.il6 treuS tNro coCIE @t+LlrulcE' ffit*-*.lu.r iE rrurxe?r-fe l^b67B1o1ro cAU# D-EWe-t9^l 66rniEnbTr'orF- iollr'l€*ffiir-rue or lNrERcOtSEcrE[} l"loRK. COEFFFATION I^IITH OI^I}€R. TI{F OI{!ffi (OR,.HIa #PARATE_@IITBACTOR' AREffi#lg\'"#s l,y#'u'grylw*'w g|TE|NvEgT|€ATloN.BYSJtsMlTTll.loH.|t'.BfD-ITHE(,hfTRA6l,qRAo<|lav{-F:oeeg "l+^'- 6illf,lrr i# varrCtets ro EE ENccy.hi6ry Hffi+rPgffi'a;?r IDER THtg cONTRAcr. -FliiHd iif ire,qorffiaiioc-rij iwauA!.V HIMsELF l^llrH ALL rHE AVATLABLE rr,iro6ffrr?rs'q:qltqeEftll'i6-mF; cg.Lurit]qg"rtlLL l'ror RELIEVE HfM FRot4 REgpoNettslLlrY FoR Eg1MA1No p[o#-p!?-nre ptrrtctlrr &'c@r tr :ikie$rwlt PERFoRl4lNe rHE i^loRK. e|scBEp4t!6rF : 419 pr54REP4!{'l Ee Dt@lffED ZY,ffi 3w1H[*-piffiteiole- oC cptwrcrg ullFoREeEEN ltqi',,ii,EbiA-rfcr+l\rrrori-i#n€.Ancultectro*.6LARlFlcAT|0N. ,- RE6T'IREMENT THAT TH 3 jfffirHslf.#x,sHFo,#{s,+|#A?Elffi 5.%Jg'"ffi -ffiE%"LW#* AT NO EXTRA COgT. o. F. o. .:lr: i.: t-+R )AJ A =L ,:ltl r.,lj i.:t: :::! '1i!. :{L .:l I r't F--i.;i z Noftlr 7Fa |tl E <1,/ ';iii: I ,t t||J v ;tr_6ffiA 0,a*,to/2,1/i 4 ,.wo M E ffi.dssocremsffi*Taffi,fr'ffi . _ r-00 FRI 09 : 45 Ali{ll{ITCHELL PLUS ASSOC.FAX: 3037220851 14'-o -o' RENTAL PAGE 3 re ffiilffirffi , \ l__@ PR'VIDE h'l^l.D-l*Eql -, ' @6LIJE DOAN OARftT TA -il€I RENTAL*MB'cAtsrN@4llnWtl.l I *K;E€'ALPI€ BAI{<EI MATCH EXISTI}.IO €6?AY HTRB/IOOK cARPET (AREA *IADEp) OENEBAL NOTE9: tnrq.+Erottre l. nfVO've ALL DEb4oLtgt{ED talALLs coMPLETELY,, REMo\G Al.tf UTlLlTlEg lN }4ALL9 BA(XTO T.|EARE9f POINT OF TERMII,|ATION' 2. ALL NEl,.f ]^IALL9 ARE TO 0e ? 5/O' H:iL.g'IlDg e 24' OC. -hllTi{ 7.P' TYPE Y" Ofl: .w.-o}! HcR ELocK etoE * r"Efr-: Ex-ifr.p'r"r,{-l ib-sriuclrE izo:,-p:). rNleHroRfAlNT-a=Lo,^l ZErirxe, FinF'fApE a,H;frE eeil]il€.i^lll]..lixtsn ro 6e tie+r @-^q-u. 'eANr coLoR ro ilAiZ1|hbRE1oZE pntui. rpjo1tt* 4" RIJEtsER eFeEro MAI6H EXenN6. Ft=ooR FLAN .F 16r.tAfl 9r'Gf, gfie tO, 9AIYrS, A, $OWC' &4tEntw rAx'gtD.t&OJMrtcttur,L Ptus AssocIATEs INc. Prj-nted by Kathy Warren tL/03/99 4: li-pm From: Kathy WarretrTo: Mike McEee subj ect :fwd: Sprinkler pe:.mit for II&R BLock ===I'RGIENT=NCITE ========tl/ O3 / 99==2 t szgn=f Bpoke to th€m today regarding the need to puts irr 2 additionaJ. headg andleave the exlEting 2 where they are. They have no problem with that. 8!cce1Fire Protectsion ig going to do thesork. Is it okay for ne to go ahead aad approve the pennit for Irou in Sierra orrould you rather see the sketch f,rom Excel and approve it yourBelf. inrgt let me knorr what you sould like to do.... ii kat F\rd=b!z: =Uike=Mcgee-=r:11l03/99==3 : 01pm= Fwd to: Kathy lfarren Thanks I Page: 1 Printed bv Joan No]en 11 1.7 / 99 3: 02pm From: Joan Nol enTo: FINAL INSPECTION GToupsubject: frvd: rrrull rNsPEcrroN ===NoTE===== ==========tL/ !7 / 99==2 : Q6pn= For Thursday (LL/L8/99) morning B99-0285 2099 N. Frontage Rd - H & R Block TOV,/Owne rl. L. vi e'le const ructi onlcont racto r nemodel Fwd=by : =Mi ke=Mcgee====11 / L7 / 99==2 :22pn= Fvrd to: foan Nol en Hni' ;i;;i' ; ;';;i';il;;;;';;;'i;' i;;i''of compliance with fi re alarm. Page: 1 REF,Tl3I TOI^JN OF VAIL. COLORADO F.AGE AREA: CD11/30/1999 AS:€rr REGUESTS - INSFEC]'N t^tORK SHEETS FOR: l1/3rzr/1999 flctivity; 899-O385 1t/3A/ l9 Type: A-COMM Statr-rs: ISSUED Address: EO99 N FRONTAGE RD l^,EEiT Location: 3899 N Frontage Rd, H&R F,ar-ce I : E1rZr3-1 14-15-813 Descr^ipt ion: Tenant f iniEh f or" r.rnit Applieant: J,L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION Ownen: TOI^IN OF VAIL Contnactorr J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION BI ock expasion Constr: ACOII Use !Occ: F,hone : 97tZt-476-3OBE Fhone: Fhone r 97fr-476-JfrE:l Locks, Holds, and Not ices. . . . ACTIUITYNotice: FIRE ALARM NOT AFFROVED Inspect i on Reqr-reEt Reqt-1ss1 ot': TONY Req Tine: O8:EtE Items requested to erlzl*glzl BLDG-Fin*l -. Information. Comments: tIILL bti jrn s neet ed. .w/o F,hone: CALL/WILL HRVE HEY . Action Conments 471-5515 READY one side only Ti ne Exp Inspection History..... It em : qtS'O3'A BLDG*Framing L1/fi$/99 Inspeetor: CD Item ; GAOSta BLDG-Insulat ion Itemr OBO6O BLD6-Sheetrock Nail 11./AS/99 Inspector': CD Notes: m r.rst eonplete asEenb Ll / In/99 Inspactor r ERG Item : 0.rAtATrzr BLDB-tvli sc.Item: Qorzr9ra BLDG-Final 11/18/99 Inspector': JRM Notes: BE RESOLUED F'RIOR TO AT 47r-5515 lttu" I ilDY L Act i on: AF' f;ct ion: trA 1y for l-HR r'ated assembly flction: AtrFR RLL 5/S" TYFE 'Xt ffction: DN FIRE AL-ARM ISSUE HAS TB FINAL. LEFT MESSAGE I^IOTH TONY FERGERS I 1 APF'R AF'F,ROVED I O 1/ \rk ilnilF#s ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0080 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED NEW COMM BUILDING PERMIT Job Address:Location...: Parce] No. .: crTY MARKET, rNC. P.O. BOX 729l GRAND cITY MARKET/ INC. P.O. BOX 729, GRAND TOWN OF VAIL t C]TY 2099 N FRONTAGE RD CITY MARKET (VAIL 210 3- 114 - 1s -013 JUNCTTON, CO B l-502 JUNCTTON, CO 81502 WEST Status. . . COMMONSApp1ied. . Issued... Expi-res. . Phone z 970-2 Phone t 970-2 Valuation: t t.-t-\ -00 Tota[ Ca lcu lated Fees--->.00 AdditionaI Fees---------> 100.00 Payments------- I S SUED 04/28/ree7 os / 0B /ree711 /04 /1aa'l"t -'/ ""'41-0750 41-0750 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: TENANT FINISH ( Bui Ldi ng-----) Investigation> lli Ll. cal.l.----> 10, ,()Factor Sq. Feet Val-uationTotal Val-uation: .00 fof Gas Logs:#0f tlood/PaL Let:ances: *****************************lt*******tt********************* FEE SUl.lltARY *i****************i************Jdr(****lr***t*t************* 1/'5.00 Restuarant Ptan Rev i ew-->312 .25 .oo.00 Totat Permit Fee--------> 342 -25 342.?5 Itqm: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division04/.28/.1991 CHARLIE Action: NoTE PLANS TO CHUCKO4'/29'/ 1991 CHUCK Action : APPR ITELNi',O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division04/.28/.1997 CHARLIE AcLion: NOTE PLANS TO ANDY0570871997 ANDY Action: APPR akItqmi'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division04/28/.1991 CHARLIE AcTion: NOTE PLANS TO FIRE DEPTO4'/29'/L997 MIKE M Action: AppR Fire Alarm/SpkIr reouirdI!e{ri"95500 puBf,rg woRK$ bebt: pus'woRK Division O4 /28 /1997 CHARLIE Action : APPR N,/AI!e{ti',05700 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH '. Dept: HEALTH Division04/28/1997 CHARLIE Action: APFR N/AI!e$!',05550 ENGINEERING ,, DepLr ENGINEER Division04/28/7997 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A --E:-' - ******t*********tr******l|tt*t************t***rr*****t********************ff****************************ff***********tr***t*********** See Page 2 of this Docunent for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this apptication, f il,l,ed out in ful,l, the infornation requ,ired, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that att the information provided as requ'i red is correct. I agree_lg-compty riittr tire information and ptot ptan,to compty with aLL To\.rn ordinances and state [aws, and to buil,d this structure codes, design review approved, uniform BuiLding Code and othef ordinances o REOUESTS TOR INSPECTIONS SHATL BE i,IADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send C(ean-Up Deposit To: CITY I|ARKET Cdft,ntldj&/ GRAND JUNcTIoN co 81s02 it fun lr.u PLan check---> 94-2, DRB Fee---------.00 Recreation Fee---------->3.00 Ctean-up Deposit--------> o""E:ilil Dare: &rRgYfHE" date Fi reptace Inlormat ion: Restricted: to the ToHn's zoning and subdivision Ii cabte thereto. 38 0R AT OUR 0TFICE FROI'I 8:00 All 5:00 pM OR CONTRACTOR TOR HII1SELF AND OI,INER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 897-0080 as of A5/L2/97 Status: ISSUED * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * *** * ** * * * * * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * ********* * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * Permit Type: NEw COMM BUILDING PERMIT appliedz 04/28/1997Applicant: CITY MARKET, INC. Issuedz 05/08/1997970-24L-07s0 To Expire t lI/0a/$97 Job Address LocationParcel No Description CITY MARKET (VArL COMMONS) 2103-l-r-4-r_s-013 TENANT FINISH (CABIN FEVER) Conditions:L. Fire alarm and fire sprinkler shop drawings are required.2. DOOR MUST COMpLy WrTH SEC.5406(h) OF THE 1991 UBC TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 Job Address... Location Parcel- No..,..Project Number MECHANICAL PERMIT 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST CITY MARKET (VArL COMMONS) 2103-11_4-15-013 PRJg 6-0007 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTEI THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M97-0063 Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Expires. . I S SUED o4 /28 / |ee7 o4 /30 /|ee7 LO /27 /7se7 APPLICANT COMMERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERING,LT P.O. BOX 2440, COLORADO SPRINGS/ CONTRACTOR COMMERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERING,LT P.O. BOX 2440, COLORADO SPRTNGS, OWNER TOWN OF VAIL t CITY MARKET, PO BOX 729, GRAND Descript,ion: MECHANICAL FOR TENANT FINTSH Fireptace Information: Restricted: #Of Gas Apptiances: .00 TOTAL t€ES----- 1.00 .00 Total Catcutated Fees---> 53.00 .00 53.00 53.00 Phone: co 80901 Phone: co 80901 JUNCTION CO 81502 Valuation: #0f Gas Logs: 7 19 /390-0s9s 719 /390-Os9s 2, 000 . 00 fot Uood/Pa t tet: *********************************************************** FEE SUt'ltlARy ********************************************************** llechan'i ca [---> Ptan check---> Invest i 9at ion> UiLl. Cal.t----> 4O.0O Restuarant P[an Rev i eu-->10.00 DRB .00 Additionat Fees--------->53.00 Tota[ Permit FeF-------> Payments------- Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Item: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT04/29/1997 CHUCK Action: APPRIt€m:'.O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENT04/29/1997 CHUCK Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR rS REQUIRED pER SEC. 607 OF THE L991 UMC.3. TNSTALLATTON MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES TNSTRUCTiONS ANDTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDS}IALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 1991 UMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEE.505 AND703 0F THE 1991 UMC.6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTTBLE CONST. - UNTESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PEBMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSTS MIoST Be pOSteD- rN-l,tscHeNrcAl - ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST.8. IRATNAGE OF MECHANTCAL ROOMS eoNrAiNrNG HEATTNG OR HOT-WATER FUBPLY BOILER9 SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PNN SNC.2119 0F THE 1991 uMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS t hereby acknoetedgc that I hrvr reld this apptication, fil,ted out in futt the information rcqui rcd, conptcted an accurate ptot ptan, and stctc that att the infornation providcd as required is correct. I rgrcc to comply vith the infornation and ptot pt6n, to coapty |Jith al,t ToHn ordinances and state taws, and to buil,d this structurc according to the ToHnrs zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, uniforr Buitding code and of the Tovn appti cabl.e ther.to. REOUESTS FOR TNSPECTIONS SHALL BE I{AOE T!'E}ITY-FOUR HOURS TELEPHoNE Al 479-213E 0R AT oUR oFFICE FRol'l 8:00 Al1 5:00 Pl SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELT AND TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-479-2138 E Iect ri ca t---> DRB Fee Investigat ion> tliLt CaL L----) Job Address Location. . . Parcel No..Project No. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0064 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status. . . CITY MARKET (VAIL COMMONSAppIied. . 2103-114-15-013 Issued... PRJ96-0007 Exoires. . Phone:303-7 Phonel. 303-777-773'l 2,000.00 l SSUED o4/28/ree7 o4/30 /tee770/27 /ree7 77-7737APPLICANT ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING SERVICES 363 WEST EVANS AVENUE, DENVER, CO 80223 CONTRACTOR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING SERVICES 363 WEST EVANS AVENUE, DENVER, CO 80223OWNER TOWN OF VAIL t CITY MARKET, pO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81502 DescripLion: EI-,ECTRICAL FOR TENANT FINISH(CABIN FEVEVaIuaTionI FEE SUI'II'IARY 50.00 .00 .00 3.00 TOTAL FEES---> 51.00 TotaI Catcutated Fees---] AdditionaL Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> 51.00 .00 53.00 Payments------- EALANCE DUE---- ********************************f,*******************i*************t**************t********i*************************************)i* ITem: -06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT9!/30/\297^c!qgK Action: APPR ok perItEm:..05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT04/30/7997 CHUCK Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division:ernst-Dept: FfRE Division: **************************t**************************************rt****ff********************************************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL **t*********lk********t*****t***********ff(*******t**t*************lr*****t**t*ff**********ff*****fi**********H*H****************** DECLARATIONS I hefeby acknowtedge that I have read.this apptication/ f il,l,ed out in ful,t the infofmation nequired, compteted an accurate ptot P[an, and state that att the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty with the iniormation and pLot i:tan,to comPly uith al'L Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buil,d this structure according io the Town's zoning and subdlvisibncodes, design review approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town appl,icabte thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE 8Y -2^L-onEac c tsagre uounc, o"""r"otf ar"" ftt;,ii' o?W'?Iil,?f, Xlll,EiiliS$"F1ff"? oeri _E-ti - PER]'IIT '/ , APPLICATToN MUST BE FfLLED OUT COMPLETEIJY oR IT MAy NOT BE ACCEPTEDITX***************************** pERMIT INFORI4ATI9N **************************i**rl g/l-Buildins I J-p].unbing gx3.-rtectrical ggd-uechanibal [ ]-other Job Name: Legal Description:Lot Block_ Filirg susprvrsroN, Address:Pr). (n-a ?/ Architect: bnutqinelX Address: hUrla, A,h. .nn. Address: ceneral Descriptionz Wtaaf FrurSrl - eqer4 FtvML r {'' work class: fi-New [ ]-Atterat.ion [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Units:,,4\J Number of Accorulodation Units: O Fireplaces: Gas Appliance".O cas l,ogs d Wood/pellet C) **************** VALUATTONS * ***** ******************** ** *** * * EI.,ECTRICAL. $ AOU OTHER: SMECHANICAT,,W TOTAL:+W *** co CTOR INF9RMATT9N **********************i**** Town of Vail Reg. tto./96-4 Phone Number: Electrical cont,ractor: =4,O9 . Efl-C:&c/Address z CC-OrcqloUl S-peSS.- PJ-urnbing Contracto., &Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR Town of vair Res. no.2GO-E Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Town of VaiI Reg. No. /72-m Phone Number: BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: EI.,ECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDING PINN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Cornrnents: CLEAI{ I'P DEPOSIT REFIIM TO: 75 3outh lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ottlce of communlly deyelopment ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTIYL REGISTERED I{ITH THETowN oF vArL i TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn surnmary, ordinance No. G states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to ritter, track or deposit any soil , rori, sand, debrisor material, including trash iunpsterl , po.iubl. toilets andworkmen vehicles. upon any streetl ,i;;;"ik, -;ti;y or publicP1?:" or any portion theieof. The right_oi_".y Ln aII Town ofVaiI streets and.:gug. is approxinrateiy 5 ft. 6ff pavement.This ordinance wirr be strilliv--enrorced by the Torrn of vail tPublic works Departrnent. pers6ns found viaraiin; this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written ""1i""-ti-;:il;:'"aid mareriar.rn the event the person so notified does not cornpry with thenotice within the 24 hour.tir"--p""i;i;,"ii"-i"tric r{orksDepart'rnent wirr renove said mate;i;i-;;-ih;";d;;;e or personnotified. The provisions-or-iiri.= "rainance sharr not beapplicabre to c-onstruction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or a1l.ey or any utilities in the-ilgill_u_*"y. To review ordinance No- 6 in furl, prease stop by the Town ofYlll B"ilding Department ro obtain a copy. rrranx you for yourcooperation on this natter. cknowledged " , f6;*-*-n (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 south lrontage road vall, colorsdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 otllco of communlty developmerrt BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TII'|E FMNE If lttir permit requires a Town of Vail [ire Department Approval,Engineerts. (.public !9tlrt reyiew and approvai,' i Fiunnini'b.pu"t .nt I::]:I-::.H.1llh-?:furtm6nt ieview, and' a- review by the Buitdinsuepartment' the estinated time for a tota'r review inay take as ldngas three weeks. f]] cgmmgrgiai (large or smati) and a'lt mu.lti_family permits wiilhave to fol'l ow the above mentioned maximum requirem"enli. 'nesidential and.small projects-shourd take a resser amount ot-time.' uoiever, .irresidential or smarler.projects impact the various uuov" mintioneadepartments w:lth regard' to-necessai.y ""vi"*, il,"i" p"oj..ii"ruyalso take the three-weet< peiioJ. Every attempt wr'lI be made by this department to expedite thispermit as s.oon as possible. - I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. Communi ty Oevelopment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1gg4 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'tS REQUIRED Job Name: Dale: Please answer lhe following queslionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way Permit": YES ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? y_ 4) ls the driveway being repaved? D<_ 5) ls diflerent access needed to site dother than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done ,<- affecting the right of way, easements, or public property? K 7) ls a'Revocable Right Of Way Permit"required? <r 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property lo be used for staging, iarking oifen-cing? - ,a . B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community tDevelopment? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" rnust be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's ofiice or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis, the Townql Vaif Construclion lnspecior, al479-2158, I have read and allthe a NOx1) 2) Job Name Eliig, ffEBilE rlts;E € $i€g E IIiiEi \'--gs I I I I xl 4l-lFit-l I I lr ID U 6 0., >\ F" tltttltlsl sltoltsl :. colI ..r !i.A ;'\ ti,t'5XE?,2(g !.1 idE I fl €l H {tiill ijU k E rt)ttq)t{ ,+rl2z IE; I'or 3 |<o I -l) |>,9 |-o6 |*i. I.i: F I .ll rJ IE.E ib IR;.F I*.EE I .E E= Iv_gil Ig€E I::h IEiE IEi e IEEA I :.t o IJqE IEEE I*+. o i6 |EEE gI H frH iIi€E FIgggo \Jl ar tr.= |€ 5E Ie.q 3" IE:9 |HPi iiiEg .Fe-gI F3 E:E Lrr ; Eb b (, !- /J:i€ g .Eg bo5 ; ..s'tp hFE 6 FggH d la -.= .-t FS ! F Hdz FOz gpcUo Eo F4 ts UF+fr,- F+ tsil Itv\ C) NE€QF{F< oo SE oo,tEss Rr\ dd *,- tnENS R =C} F-.< sq) s et s qr ss. Ps t-J s ;3 € .S.str n.-?.str qtta s s (rl ,b >' E(/J R. s (t)o }r OJ k 02 3 REPT131 TOr^JN 0F VAIL, COLORODO PAEE IB AREAI EE6119/97 08:18 REOUESTS FUR INSpECTION NORK SHEETS FURt 6/19/i7 === = = == ===*=**-:!:: f :i== =*= =3=i:=5: *= =::5iB.: ia==$5: *=3==== =*==== ===::: = =3 ==== == ==L==:3= == ==5= Acti.vityr E96-tDl77 6/19/97 Type: B-ELEtr Status: FINAL Constr: NCOM Address: EO99 N FRONTAGE RD I^,EST Locationr VAIL trOMM0Ng Far.cel : ElOS-1 14-1s-tal3 Occ:Use: Oescription: CITY MARKET(STORET CONDOS' DAY CRRE) Appticant: ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING $ERVICES Fhonea 383-777-7737 Owner': TOWN OF VAIL Fhone: Contractor: ELECTRICAL CUNTRACTING SERVICES Fhonet 3oJ-777-7737 Inspect i on Request Reque st or': John Req Tiner OfJ:€t0 Itens requested to AOl90 ELHE-Final Information.... Comments! Cabin be Inspected... F,honel 479-tZt141 Fever. Exp Inspect i on Item: Item: Item: Histor y..,.. AOlgUr ELEC-Roughfr9/Ltl96 Inspector': fr$/e5/96 Inspector': l@/3fi/96 Inspect or': Le/Q4/96 Inspector': WL/o6/97 Inspectorl 6e/AA197 Inspector.: O3/ Le/97 Inspect or': A3/17/97 Inspector':h4/L4/i7 Inspectorr 63/L4/97 Inspectorl 65/36/97 Inspector.:q6/LLl97 Inspector": A6/13/97 Inspeetor': A6/16/97 Inrpector': 0O138 ELEC-Conduit O9lfr6/96 Inspector: la0l4tZt ELEC-Mi sc. LQ/16/96 Inspeetor': V4/47 /97 Inspector: 5 -/?- ??. Act ion: APPR Act ion: AFFR A*t i on: AFtrR Action: fttrFR Act i on ! AF FrR Action: AFtrR Action: AF'trR ffction: AFPR flction: RF'FR Act ion: AFFR Action: ftFtrR Act i on : AF FrR Act i on : AF F'R Act ion r AFFR Act i on: AtrtrR Act i on: AFFR ffctionl flFFR Act i on: RFFR EF*is* sfPn flet i on: ffFF'R 00194 ELEC*Final Al83/97 In*pector: LFU /@3/97 Inspect or': EG/3fr/97 InsPectot*: LV A3 lSA/97 InsPectorl EG OOEE4 FIRE_ALNRM ROUGH AO538 FIRE-FINAL C/O RF.F,ROVED APF.ROVED AF'F,ROVED AF.F'ROVED AF'F'ROVED ceilings AF'F'RTIVET) Check for switch c. u. in' units eE t enant apt s Bl'v i ce day c"rre wal I s r.rnd er.gr.o rrnd condui t bldg e-3 unit 1-3-3-4-3 e*3 uni.t 6 AF'F'ROVED AF,F,ROVED wal k thnough CHANGE L. B. CONDULET. EJrgaT, ag'pa /pat'king Iot AF.F,ROVF:D EG EG EG E6 EG EG E6 LF'V EG E6 EG EG E6 EG EG EG EG Item: t. TOhIN OF VATL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 !)70-479-2L38 APPI-,TCA}iIT CONTRACfOR OlrlNER DescripEion: Job Address: 2099 N FROIfTAGEI-,ocat.ion...: 2009 N FROI{IAGE Parc€I No. . : 2L03-1-L4-15-013 Project, No.: ELECTRICAL COITTRACTING SERVICES 363 WEST EVANS AVENUE, DENVER, CO ELECTRIEAI, CONTRACTING SERVICES 363 WEST EVAITS AVENUE, DENVER, CO TOWN OF VAII,* CITY MARKET, PO BOX 729, GRAND INSTALL PARKING LOT LIGHT RD WEST StaEus. . . : ISSI]ED RD I^IEST (App1ied. . zTO9/2L/a998 Issued...: LO/06/L998 E>ctrri.res. . : 04/04/L999 Phone: 303 -777-7737 DEPARTXENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMEIiTT f ,**Yt;nAI NOIIE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT AL,L TIMES ELECIRICAL PERMIT PermiE #: E98-O237 80223 Phone : 303 -777 -7737 80223 illlNgrroN eo 81502 Valuation:9,000.00 iirrtr**rr'r*r!, FEE suuMARy rrr r*'rlir.ttir. r 152.00 , o0 . o0 3 .00 165 . OO Elcct!ica1- - - > InveeLigatsion> TqTAII FBES'--> Totsa1 calculatcd Fce6-- -> Aaditlonal f€.8---------> Total PerEi! Fae--------> PeymcntB- - --- - - BALANCE DUE- - -. 165.00 .00 165.00 . oo I t*!|rir*trr*irittttrrt***t**t+aa rltraJt|rtti+|,a CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIEIJD INSPESTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COi.IPLIANCE. tr*ai*t*t+*rrrt DECI,ARATIONS I heleby acknowlcdgr thrc I havc r€rd Ehi6 .pplicarj.on, fil.I.d ouE i.n fulL tshG j.nformacion required, comPtereq an acculace pr(,- phn, and !ts.t. tha! rll thc inforurlion provid.d ra rcquircd ir corlcct. I rgrcr to codply xl,tsh tshc j'nfortation and Plot plaD, to cornFly }'ltsh r11 Tow!! orallnanc66 and rlats. lav!, .nd to bulld lhir ltructurc accordlng tso tha Town'! tolllng and 6ubdivi6ion cod66, .iesrgn r.wi6, approvcd, Unlfonn Building cod6 and otshcr ordibancea o! th€ Tovn rpplLcable the).elo. REQUESTS FOR IN9PEeTIONS SHAI,L BE MADB TllENfy-FOUR HOURS IN ADITANCE BY TELtsPHONE AT OT'R OFFICE FROM ITCM: OSOOO ELEETRICAT DEPARTMENT DCPE: BUILDING DIV1SiON: O9i21,/1,998 'JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED .TRM-It,bM:'05600 FIRE DEPAP.TIqENT DEPt,: FIRE DiViSiON:09/2L/L998 .rRM Action: APPR N/A SICNATT'RE OF 9-2138 0R AT Br00 AM 5:00 f. Offlce TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTT o ON PER}IIT / IPERMTT APPITCATION DATE: 4-.//o'- [ ]-Building t l-Plunbing l2d-nrectrical [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other Job Name:Job Address: i Lega1 Description: Lot Block_ Filing t,h LulEl Ph.+76- /o//__t_l_ 2p-612r ceneral Descripti,on: work crass:- [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration 5fradditional [ ]-Repair i l_other__ Number of Dwelli-ng'Units: -/ Nrrrl", of Accomrnodation Units: lttu"t and Type of Fireplaces! Gas Appliances- cas !ogs- wood/pellet_ fir*************'r******************* vALUATToNs *********************************'t Assess Parce L BUfLDfNG: $ PIUMBTNG: T-$ Address: El-ectrical .ContraAddress: 363 U Hechanical Contractor.: Address: ** * ***** ****:t ************** ***** ;lH*::? conrracro , c1E. o ELEcrRrcArz + 9.OM& Town of Vail Req. NO.Phone Nurnber: h(Town of vail Req.ne Number | 36-') Phone Nurnber: Tovn of Vail Req. NO.Phone Number: FoR oFFrcE USE ***************************!r***BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OT FEE: NDP, FFF. BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:PTUMBTNG PLAN CHECK FEE:I'IECHANICAL PI..AN CHECK FEE:RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING; SIGNATURE: VALUATION 75 soulh fro n tag e road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: o ltlce of communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETot{l-l oF VAIL TollN oF VAIL PUBLIC WoRKS/colBruNITy DE\rELopLtENT I1ARCH l_6, l_988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE fn surunary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfuL for anyperson to Iirter, track or deposit ;;t-r;ir]"rl"r, sand, debrisor rnaterial, incruding tr"=n-i"^psrers, portable toirets an.r+orkmen vehicles. lpon any street., sidewalk, alley or publicplace or anv nortitn tn"'r""il Tl" right-of-way on arL Tosrn ofVaiI streets and.roads i;-;;;r""imately s ft. Lff pavement.This ordinance :ill i".;r.;:[i; enrorced by the Town of Vai].' Public works Deoartment. perslnr found violating this ordi-nancevrirr be given a 24 hour r.itlo.,'noti-ce to remove said materiar.rn the event the person so notified.ao.=-nll"'""*prv with thenotice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the pubric lrorksDepartment wilr remove sai.d matei-i"i-ii-ir,J'^!*p"n=e of personnotifie$, The provi=ion=- or-'trri= oro.nance sharL not beapplicable to cbnsrrucrion, *.i.t"nur,;;-;;-=;;Ji. pro3""rs ofany street or atJ,ey o. .ny'"liiiti"= i" i;"^;i!it_u_"uy. To review ordinance No-- e in fu11, please stop by the Town ofvail Building Department to obtain a copy. Tirank you for your.cooperation on this matter. 'r'll'lrt acknowled r-onlReIatiopGffi 4',,//- ? {(i.e. contractor, owner) 75 !oulh tronlage road vall, colorado 81657(303) 4'19-2138 or 479-ZI3g olllce ol communlly devolopment BUILDING PERIiiIT ISSUANCE TII,IE FMNE If thi.s perrnl:t reaujres a Tov/n of Vail Fire Department ApprovalrEngineep''s. (.publii llopks) ;;ti"; .nl'rpp.ouu'r,'a prannin!'bepurtmentreview or Heat th Departm6nt. review, -unb'i-.uuiu; ;i"iii;";rit ain9Department, the estimated time tor'a-lotat ;;;i;"';.i"iu[.'u, tongas three weeks. A] I commercial (rarge or smail ) and a'r r murti-family permits r+i'r rhave to fo] I ow the ibov-e rnentioneJ-mi*ir* requi rements . Residentia.land.small projects shourd take a leii.. amouni or time. However, ifresidential or snrarler.projects impa-i the various above mentioneddepartments. r,ri.th regard. to necessary review,-th;;; ;;;j;.';; ,.yalso take the three weet< peiioo. -"1" r'vJE\'LJ Every.attempt vrjll be rl9g" bV this departnrent to expedite thispermi't as. s.qon as poss.i bl e. - I-' thr undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timef rame.. Lti rl Commu ni ty 0eve1 opment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDiJM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT'' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the ls lhis a new residence? ls demolition work being perlormed that requires the use of the right ol way, easemenls or public prope;ty? ls any'utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls diflerent access needed lo site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecling the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit' required? A. ls lhe right of way, easements or public property to be used for slaging, parking or lencing? B, ll no lo BA, is a parking, staging or {encing plan required by Community Development? I have read and answered all above qu li you answered yes 1o any ol these questions, a "Public Way permit" must be oblained, 'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Wor'x's oflice or at C9m1u1ily Development. lf you have any questions please.call Charlie Davis, the Town of VailConstruction Inspector, at 479-215B, need lor a "Public Way YES Permit': NO // l//'. // ,/ ,/ t/- 1) 2) e\ 4) 6) 7) B) 7-/6-a" DateJob Name Conl ois Signature t,'l ,i|l I| tlal trttt + I vl,'i.li,lrfire TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Bui Lding-----) Ptan check---> Investigation> Uil,t Cat l,----> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN'i NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE eoo/elr coMM BUrLD POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PERMT Permit #z 897-0429 Job Address Location. . .Parcel No..Project No, 2099 N FRONTAGE 2109 N FRONTAGE 2 10 3- 1 14 - 15-013 PRJ96-0007 WEST Status. . .(cITY App1ied.. Issued. . . Expires. . ISSI-IfI\ Ft? /'7.r'/L .c' 72 / 7L'l' r 06 / fi!1 1t t RD RD CITY MARKET, INC. P.O. BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTION, CO 91502 CITY MARKET, INC. P.O. BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTION, CO 91502 TOWN OF VAIL 8 CITY MARKET, PO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTION Descri-ption: ADD SOUND REDUCTION BOARDS TO UTILITY EQUIP. Occupancy: 82 82 Type Construction: II L-HR Type II l,-HourType Occupancy: Valuation: 1-0, 000 t i reptace Information: Restricted:#0f Gas Appt i ances: 145.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi ew--)94.25 oRB tee--------.00 Recreation Fee---------->3.00 Ctean-Up Depos i t--------> .00 TotaI Ca tcutated Fees---)20.@ Addi t ionaL Fees-----'--->.00 Tota! Permit Fee-------->10O-00 Payments------- Phone: 970-241-0', -( Phone: 970-2,4 I .. co 81s02 lqD ,' 't ltrg,l,?fr ,",.,*, *********************************************************** FEE SUl,lt4ARY *******************r(*******ii**********i****************** 362.?" .00 362 -25 362 -25 *t*****************rri******************lllif*liii;;;;;;;;;;;iiii**********iii;i?******llliXil-lli;;;;;;;ii*iiii************ill*** Itqm: ,O51OO_BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:L2/II/1997 cneRr,re ecEionl ApFn cnenHn naviS--rtQm:'.0s400-PI,A!.INING DEPARTMENT Depr: PLANNTNG Division:l2/.n/)997 CHARLIE ecEionr NOTE PLANS tO euot-K ----- - -'- --r2lLr'/resz ANDv Actloni AFeR ipfiioved iiy-it<..I!'eu;'.q56q0_EIBE_DEpARillnli,r _ -- 6e[t: FrRE Division: !? /rL/\gg7_cg4gqrE - Ac-aioii; anen u/aItbm:'oss0o_pqBl-,Iq WORKS _ Dept: pUB WORK Division:12/It/1997 CUAnr_,rn Ac-tlon: etnn u/e ****t*********ff************i******t**ff************ff*i*************************************************t t*********************** see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may appty to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this appLication/ f il,l,ed out in futl. the infornation required, comp[eted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atI the information provided as required.is correct. I agree to compty with tire information and ptot p1an,to comPty Hith aLl' Town ordinances and state [aws, and io buiLd this structure according io'the Town's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, thiform Buitding code and other ordjnances of the Tovn appLicabLe thereto. REouEsrs FoR INsPEcrIoNs sHALL BE IADE Tl.rENTy-FouR HouRs IN ADVANcE By TELEpHoNE 4r|'2|-zrrq,a\ erf olin orrrce FRoil E:oo Ar4 TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up Deposit Refund approved lc raa sfF?ount n0,49J9"., send ctean-up Deposit To: cITy I,|ARKET INc I *******************************************************************************{. CONDITIONS PermiL # t 897-O429 as of 12/15/97 Status : IStJUlf, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ****** * * * * * * ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r . . Permit Type Applicant Job Address Location Parcel No ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT CITY MARKET, INC. 970-24L-07s0 2109 N FRONTAGE RD (CrTy MARKET ROOF TOp) 2103-114-15-013 Applied: ...J.2 1t f ssue.C | "1.2 i l To Ex;rirr.: A6/",' Description: ADD SOUND REDUCTION BOARDS TO UTILITY EQUIP. Conditions: : 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. PROVIDE A STAMPED LETTER FROM MECHANICAL ENGNEER APPROVING THE INSTALATION OF SOUND ATTEUNUATION DEVICE, THAT IT WILI IMPEDE THE OPERATION OF MECHANICAL SYSTEM **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Reprinted- L2/15/97 11:58 Statemnt************************r,*************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0367 Amount: 362.25 L2/L5/97 IL|.57 Payment Method: CK Notationt #322031 Init: JRM Permit No: 897-0429 Type: A-COMM ADD/ALT COMM BUILD P ParceI No: 2103-114-15-0 13Site Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WESTLocation: 2109 N FRONTAGE RD (CITY MARKET ROOF TOP) Total Fees: 362.25 This Payment 362.25 Total ALL Pmts: 362.25 BaLance r .00 * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Account Code BP 00100003111_1_00 DR 00100003112200 PF 00100003112300 D1 00100002403100 wc 00100003112800 Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DES]GN REVIEW FEES PI-,AN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS W]IJIJ CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 14s.00 20.00 94.25 100.00 3.00 TLontact EaSle Corrnryrl *r 970-328-8640 for JPARCET, flt D TOI$T OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FONUo*at_l )- 9-44 Aasc aaor Parcc I f.fftce PERIIIT # P?:qn c'c'o7 - t APPLfeATfoN llllSf BE FTLLED OUT CO!{PLETELY oR fT UAy NOT BE AccEgrEDUx'r*r****t'*tlttl**.t*****rtr* PERUIT INFORI{AUoN {*********rrr**rrr.*rrr*r**r*,l l)Q-Eutldtns [ ]-prunbtng ( l-Erectrtcar I l-Mechanlbal I l-other Job Nabei Job Address: _Qpq..n4rH Fi:orrr4eg-Fo. Lsgal Deearlptionl Lot Block__ Flfing suuorvrs,ou- _ Ohrners Nane: Architectt Address: P.o,Bo'/ 72q 6^T hh, -qr.Qp.Zlr-a3ro llown of Va{I Phone Nurnber: Totrn of Vall Phone Number: Reg. No. NA Address: N4 _ ph. NA General Description: t{orkClass:[J.Newt]-Alteratl-ong{-laaitrona1[J-Repalr[]-other.- Nurnber of DwellLng Unltsl NA Nunber of Acconrnodatlon Unlts: f!,A tlpnber and Typo of Flraplaces! Gas Appliances- NF Gas Logs Nft Wood/pell€t_Nl_v It*****t*t*r******tttl*l*tf t.*r*i*rr VATUATIONS ******lr*****t*r********t****tr*t* durr,orrc: + lf''. A-p. arJuqrRrcAt: l orHER; t @__ fr.uuar*c: ' : MEcHANrctL, t:--:= fir;;; iW u;:H-:ilil::i::**t***trr* -co-NtRAsron rNFoRl.tArroN **rr*rr*r**.***i***i*****!r* eadiess: -- r'ff '*ffitt tsv ffi:l-"f"Xl ::":l2rlLl4*. Electrical contractor: * ttrts N0NE __ ,ornnl%SW;.t{{;"?, .-Address: phone Nunber: Plunblnq Contractor: _ .fifA. NONE .Address: Mechanical Contractor :Address:Reg. NO. r*it***t*********ttr*******rr*lr roR oFTICE USE **rr***l*il*rtrt***rr*****T***rBUILDING PEru,ITT PIU}IBING PERI.IIT I{EEHINTCAI. ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OT DRB FEE:tr. TotAL PERUI1I FEES:rl BUTLDTNG: SICNATURE: ZOilINC! SIGNATTIRE: _;. BUILDTNG PLAN CHECK FEE:;..i PLtfiBING PI.AII cHEcK FEE:UECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE::i:; RECREATION FEE:.:,: CT.EAN-UP DEPOSTT! [? DEP,OSIT IEFUXD TO; |?^'^||./''L LU IJLV . V L CI.EAII e0'd 900' oN I0: s r.6. 60 ll0 z?-rl)|uuhl- A1I l luwn 75 roulh |ronf.gt rold urll, colo..do tl65z (3or) 479-2138 ot 479-2t39 10: FROM: DATE: SUILfECT: olflcc of communlly dovrlopmrnt AL_! CoNTRACTORS cuRRENTLyL REGISTERED tdrTfl rHETON|N OP VAIL TO!{N OF VAIL PUELIC t{oRKS,/CO!,lltttNITy DEVEIOPMENT rdaRcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTIOII PARKING & TiIATERIAL STORAGE fn sunnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that Lt is unlarfu). for anyperson to lltrer, track or aep"ii-.;il-.;irl-rlri., 3and, debrisor materiat, in:t:gil9 trirtr-iuipsters, portabte toilets andwortcnen vehtcles. upon any streerl srd"iair,;ii;v or publicilii"=3;.:H :ff.tin n"i.5i.--ir," righr_of-way 6n att rown of rni: ;; i;;;":tli!}"i^ ::"?:8il.:I?lill"'#.;;i'f"li":l;iii, "' Public r'rorks o-'"arimentr--p"iJirr" ro.r'd-"ii,riilni this ordlnancewl't' be stven a 24 hour "ri;;;;';oii".-ro-;;;;;'""id rnar,eriar.rn the event the person so notitreo.does not cornply rrith thenotice within an:^:l l"u".tfr"-specified, the puirlic tilorksDepartnent wilr renove said nateiiar ii-irrJ"i*pli"e or perronnotified- The nrovisrons-Jr-'lii= orainance srrirr nor beapprlcabre to clnstructr"n, -riiiiun"nge or reparr proJects ofany street or alley or--rry'rliifti." in the right-a-way.to revLew Ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town of:3:i"3:il3i'3.Tii:.*:lt"::"";;;i" a copv. rir.ni< you ror your Read and acknowledged by: (i.e. contractor, owner)rbffiltufrgL f0' d 900' 0N CU.5 ZO.OU JIU l-lol9Lv I AI et-11)uuN-A1I l tuun EUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCT TIME FMNE If this permtt recui.res + Toq of vair Fire 'epartnrent Approval,Fngf neerLs (pubtc 191111 1;i;i"*'uni'ipprovar, a prannins Departnentrevlew or llealth Departnrint.review, anl "-review try the 6ritatnglyil*!'ft"fll ."iroted time-ii"'"-titur i"rii,'-ilav"iu[!'a, rong All comnercial (rarge or smat) and all nulti-family permits wtrhavo to follow itre ibove rnenii6nuJ-riiirnum require.ments. Rcsldentra.land smal'l projects should taLe-J-ieillr'amount of tirne. However, rfrosf dential or smal I er .proj.c[s-imiiii''t" various above mcntioneddepartmants with reqa.rd-to-nii*.ii'li-iuvt"*, these proJects mayalso take the three weck period. Every.attempt wlll be made by this <tepartrnnt to expedite thispennit as sQon as possible.-- s"!"1 5v s^Psu r Le LI h-i!. undersfgned, understand the plan check procedure crnd ti'etrame. tlt touth tronlag. ro..t vrllr color.do 8'165tFor) 479-2138 or 4?9,2139 olflc. of comnunlly d.yatopma[t Comrnuni ty Oevel oo.nent Oeparirnent. t0'd 900' 0N (.At S /6. 60 ll0 L I0I9Lt : 0I eF-tlldul^r- A1I l TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OFVAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPABTMENT MAY g, 1gg4 WHEN A.'PUELIC WAY PER['IT'IS REOUIRED S0 U t..tD R€DrrarroN AT t/rrurry BIDN ta, pteas arding tho ne€d for a .public Way permlt.: YES ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right ol way, easemsnls or public propefi? ls any ulility woft needad? ls lhe driveway being repaved? ls diflerent access needed to sit6 other than exlsting driveway? ls any drainage work being done afiecting lhe dght of way, oasernonts, or pubfic proporty? ls a'Flevocable Fight Of Way permil" required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public properh/ to be used for staging, pafting or fencing? B. lf no to 8A. fs a parking. s|aglng or lencing plal required by Communtty Development? lhave read and answered all fOAerer ltJgY. ultyttgd yn" to any of these questlons, a'Public way permit" must be obtained.?ublic Way- Permit' applicalions may be otilained at the pubtic Work,s oflice or atc9.lqu1ity Devetopment. L you have any questions ptease cail charfie Davls, tha T;t;of VallConstruaion Inspecttor, at 479-215g.' 1) 2) NO_ X X Y { Y x v 3) 4) 5) 6) 7',) 8) c, Job Name 90' d 900' oN t0: S Date /-t0l9n tal26. 60 ll0 zr -rl)uur^r-A1I l !2/a9/f,997 14:57 9702450244o A55ET EI.IG,G PAGE 0.1/ 8J '-lo^ '-b" UJ u, doo=FF4 =r -o FS 'i,<= \,n> 4<b+5d\nO 6 oz HX IU [-1--<',1-t=\ l=-llt=.15" og,rx H l-z -.1rt \l l\ ll F --:- J t,/o*o')rtlitr;l Lt'.- -'l tu\){L\n 6'zvg (L utF =\D tn tuo Jzo uq. \) t-\) Ioum 'lcfi r'){otw Tdm !f tlall.Commun[I Dclohmmt- ' '\ \ l|il b G-r tr t,pprOf€d iiented lfrHr *.,,ft! trtr F: A..J L' ot Permlt v I Sec. 303 , ' i:,, rnce or granting of a permit or approval of ptans an0 CONDENSER BLDG. F to be a oermit for. or an the provisions of this cod6 . The issuance of SOUND ATENUATOP L j,.rpon plans, soecifications and other data snar EduitOing official fiom thoroaftor requiring thq errors in said pJrn5, speciticetions ano etrJSCALE' I/8'= .rflI5 l-\ ll ?z lt)a Istll I o tr \nzru L-fz.o\) E--e s UJ t VAIL @Mr'lONti .OOND8![SEB BIIILDII{G @ANGBS UA!{GTEmltrbln rz/ 03/ 1417 3 702.1502.1.1 €EE PETAIL'A'tHt5 911re1 1EE OETAIL'O" THIS g'|{EET iiJJL I LI TU \J FAGE O],/O,I EXTENP SIPEJ^IALK RM'P TO MAINTAIN AOA A(/,E% o 4'-O" HlN. TYPICAL SECTION L2/89/L917 970219024 4x4 PAINTEP *IEET METAL ORIP 4X4 AI.IOLE CONT, 3/4" PL-(V&OD 5CruNP ATENUATOR PREFINIg{EO STF:EL Stpn€ SroP 9l9tN.e e PLYrcOD AT 4X4 ANOLE 9IPEAALK TO EE EXTF}iIPEP t'4' PREFINIgHEP 9IEEL 'IOINO7/4" PLYrcOD ffiftlD ATEMJATOR 1X4 AN6LE FRAMINE 4X4 ANS-E LEO @ 4b' o.a. OVER CMU STRUCTURE sr(nBDEttilanat|runNlrLltf,ABEATD|IOYT r{'6tttC.lctrdolE|r. "-'ffiJ.*. tr-rr-, (r?o) iat-oztot tf (ltO) 8,aa-l0aa DETAIL "A] ACrreEOIDDTEUCITE{tf,urtrjuBrlxt, rid!tmntntrtX.i[ltCIDlllt |rc' .Aoz<'Dj9q{ F.o2o9.oou a clE 4 c oo o oo <;o oo oo oo c o o xL'E dI|IlD Eg I| !r EEU H.(o (, FI'.: E FdHr.e8 ctEc'a FTExo.Et .r{c aEr!o liOr{r tauo. ao>roFi :E Ho\ ct qtEB 36 'l H OHee&oE'!!l( &q FI C{ :r AB E8l'a Ir l..23i9Hlil!o tso HF.HZo58tA1o E Eai I F. 6 *FA lr '6 F. E6 ZE A E-qo 9Et Eoqt .(C}B E" A l.o U Etr A I FI IEE cl B EE trHqlo EA a{ o= lt EE EI&(1'4.iau-EOe.CEE o o , ot Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: City Market - Vail Commons Project Description: Planter and Coffee llouse Modifications - parking structure Owner, Address and Phone: City Market c/o John Caldwell, PO Box 729, 105 West Colorado Avenue, Grand Junction, CO E1502, (970) 244-1074 Architect/Contact. Address and Phone: same as above Project Street Address: 2099 N. Frontage Road West Legal Description: a portion of Vail das Schone, Filing I Parcel Number. 2l03-ll4-f5-018 Building Name: City Market Parking Structure Comments: Approved as submitted - no conditions. Project Number PRJ99-0054. Board / Staff Action Motion by: Action: StaffApproved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 3123199 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\99\CITYMKT.WPD 7{TF JOHN L. CALDWELL DIRECTOR OF REAL ESTATE (97O) 244 tO74 FAX (g7o) 25s4941 gr..tionrQai thc l'li,:.ning Staiier "1 ,'v-- l2[i APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigr review must rcccivc Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building pcrnrit. For specific information, see the submittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is requested. Thc application cannot bc accepted until all thc requircd information is submittcd. Thc projcct rnay also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and,/or thc Planning and Environnrental Conrrnission. Dcsign Rcview Board approval cxpircs one year after final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTION OFTHE REQUEST: TOWNOFVAIL B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:- BLOCK:- FILING: PFTYSICAL ADDRESS: C. D. E, PARCEL #:(Contact Eaglc Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: F. U. OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): PHONE: PHONE: Construction ofa new building. Includcs any addition whcre square footagc is added to any rcsidential or comrncrcial building. lncludes minor changes to buildings and site improvements. such as, rcroofing, painting. window additions. landscaping, fences and retaining walls. etc. NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: H.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 tr Addition - $50 E Minor Alteration - $20 DRB fces are to be paid at the time of submittal. Latcr, when applying for a building pennit, please identiff thc accuratc valuation of the projcct. The Town of Vail will adjust the fce according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTA.L REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL. COLORADO 81657. o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS BUILOTNC UerenlnlSt TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:+ Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trinr Doors Door Trinr l{and or Dcck Rail.s Flucs Flashings unlrnncys Trash Encldsurcs Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other * Please specify the nranufacturer's color, number and attrach a small color chip *r All extcrior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, plcase indicate the nunrbcr offixturcs and locations on a sefrarate lighting plan. Identi! each fixture type and provide the height above grade. lumens output, lunrinous arca and attach a cut shect ofthc lighting fixttues. Updatcd 6197 o PROPOSED LANDSEAPING Botanical Nanrc Conmron Namc Ouantity Sizc+ PROPOSED TREES. ANDSHRUBS: EXTSTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minintum rcquircmcnts for landscaping: dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous hccs _ 6 fcct in hcightshnrbs - 5 gallons Typc squarc Footaac GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL UpdatcdS/97 oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,'fenccs, swirtming pools, erc.) please specifi. Indicate top andbottom clevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 fLt. i,taximum hcight ofwalls elscwhcrc on the propcrty is 6 fect U.S, Wcst Communications .t-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Scrvice Contpany 949-s781 Cary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5lJ92 Tcd Husky/John Boyd o UTILITY LOCATTON VERIFICATION This form is to vcrifi scrvicc availability and location for new construction and should bc uscd in conjunction rvith prcparing your utility plan and schcduling installations. Thc location and availability of utilities, whcthcr thcy be rnain trunk lines or proposcd lincs. must bc approvcd and vcrified by thc following utilitics for thc acconrpanyiug sitc plan. Authorizcd Signature Date T.C.t. 949-5530 Floyd Salazirr Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanitatiorr District * 47(t-7480 Frcd Fllslcc * Plcasc bring a sitc plan, floor plan. and clcvations whcn obtaining Uppcr Eaglc Vallcy Watcr & Sanitation signaturcs. Firc llorv nccds rnust bc addrcsscd. NOTES: l. If thc utility vcrification fornt has signalurcs fronr cach ofthe utility companics. and no cortuucnts arc nradc dircctly on thc fbrnr. thc Town rvill prcsunrc that thcrc are no problcnts and thc dcvclopnrcnt can procccd. 2. If a utility,company has conccms with thc proposcd construction. the utility reprcscntativc shall note dircctly on the utility vcrification form that there is a problcm which necds to be rcsolved. Thc issuc should then bc dctailcd in an attached lcftcr to tho Town of Vail. Howcvcr, please kccp in mind that it is thc responsibility ofthe utility company and the applicant to rcsolvc identificd problems. 3. These vcrifications do not rclicve the conhactor of thc responsibility to obtain a Public Way Pcnnit front thc Dcpartmcnt of Public Works at thc Town of Vail. Utilify locations must be obtained bcfore diasing in any public right-of-way or cascnrcnt within thc Town of Vail. A Uodzrcd6197 o PRE.APPLIC'ATION CONFERENCE A prc-application confcrcncc with Town of Vail staff is rcquircd. No application can bc acccptcd unlcss thcnrandatory prc-application lLccling has bccn contplctcd. lr is the applicant's rcsponsibility to schcdulc thisrnccting by calling 970-479-2128. TIME REOUIREMENTS Thc Dcsign Rcvicrv Board mccts on thc lst and 3rd Wcdncsdays of each month. A complcte applicationfornr and all acconrpanying nratcrial must bc accepted by thc Community Developrncnt Department anrinirnunr of thrcc and a half (3 l/2) wecks prior to thc datc of thc DRB public r,earlng. REVIEW CRITERIA Your proposal will bc rcvicwcd for conrpliancc with thc Dcsign Guidclines as sct forth in Section 1g.54 of thcMunicipal Codc. NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: A' Ifa propcrty is locatcd in a mappcd hazard arca (i.c. snow avalanche, rocldall. floodplain. debrisflow' rvctland' ctc). a hazard study nrust bc subnritted and thc owncr nrust sigl an artdavit rccognizing thc hazard rcport prior to thc issuancc of a building permit. Ap;licants are cncouragcdlo chcck with thc planning staff prior to subnrittal of a DRB appiication to d-ctcrminc thc.rclatioiship . ofthc propcrty to lll rnnppcd hazards, tl. Basic l)lan Shcct Fornrat. For all survcys. sitc plans, landscapc plans and othcr sitc improvcrnclts plans. all of thc following nrust bc shown, | . Plan shcct sizc ntust bc 24"x 36". For largc projects, largcr plan sizc may bc allowcd.2.' scalc. Thc mininrunr scare is l"=20'. All plansnrust uc at tirc sanlc scalc.3. Graphic bar scalc.4. North arrorv. Titlc block. projcct namc. projcct addrc.ss and lcgal dcscription. tndication of plan prcparcr. addrcss and phonc rruntbcr. Datcs of original plan prcparation and all rcvision datcs. Vicinity rnap or location nraJi at a scalc of l',=1,000,or largcr.. Shcct labcl.s and nunrbcrs. A bordcr with a minimum left side rnargin of 1.5',. Narncs ofall adjaccnt roadways. Plan legcnd. C' For new construction and additions. the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicatepropcrty lincs, proposed buildings and building comers. All trees to be rcmovcd must be taped. The applicant must en$rc that staking donc during thc winter is not buried by snow. 41l sitc tapingsand staking must be completcd prior to thc day of the DRB meeting. , .Applicants who fail to appear bcfore the Design Revicw Board on their schcdulcd meeting date andwho havc not asked in advancc that discussion on their item be postponcd will have thcir itemsrcmoved fronr the DRB agcnda rurtir such tim6 as thc itcm has bicn rcpubiishcd. If thc.DRB approvcs the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approvalnrust be rasolvcd $gI to the issuance of a building permit. Il. III. tv. 5. o. 7. It. 9. t0. lt. t2. D. E. Updatcd 6/97 o STAFF APPROVAL 'The Adminisfrator may review and approve Design Rwiew applications. approve with certain modifications. deny the application. or may refer the application to thc Design Review Board for decision. All staff approvals are subject to final approval by the DRB. Thc following types of Design Review applications may be staff approved: A. Any application for an addition to an existing building that is consistent with the architechral desigrr. lnatcrials and colors ofthe building. and approval has been received by an authorized rnernber of a condorninium association. if applicablc: B. Any applicarion to nrodi$r an existing building that does not significantly changc the existing planes ofthe building and is generally consistent with the architcctural desigrr. materials and colors of the building including. but not limited to exterior building finish materials (e.g. stonework siding. roof rnaterials. paint or stain.), exterior lighting. canopics or awnings. fences. antennas. satellite dishes. rvindows. skylighb. siding, ninor colrunercial facadc improvcrncnts. and other similar modifications; C. Anv application fbr site improvements or modifications including. but not limited to. &iveway modifications, site grading. site walls, removal or modifications to existing landscaping, insta[ation of accessory structures or recreational facilities. ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. tfthis application requires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail. the application fbe shall bc incrcased by $200.00. Examplcs of such review. may include. but are not limited to: Colorado Dcpartmcnt of Highway Access Permits. Army Corps of Enginecrs 4M. etc. B. . The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fecs which are in excess of50% ofthe application fee. If, at thc applicant's request. any mattcr is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published. then the entire fce for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. C. Applications deemed by the Community Devclopment Department to have desigrr. land use or other. issuqs which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town saff that an outside consultant is needcd. the Community Devclopment Department may hire the consultant. The Department shall cstinute the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Expenses incurd by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the application shall be paid to the Town by tle applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess funds will bc retumcd to the applicant upon review completion. Uld^tr,d619'l 8(ilKocl, Ral 6rl4ia ltauetU p.o. Eo( n2t, cRAilDJu cfloN. cor,oRAm 8,t502 . PHorrE: (870t 2ll{f6'l x'.llE4 . Fex: (0701 255'091',1 Apdl9, 1999 Christie Barton, Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Roed West Vail. Colorado 81657 lf you have any questions, please let me know. Sincerely. Attulh4r* Beth Koch Real Estate Aseistant CC: $tore #42 Garden Center File Store ll42 Manager RE: lemporary Garden Cen{8,r- City ilarte4 hc' Doar Ms. Barton: Last year the Gommunity Development Department and the Planning and Environmental Commission approved iity M"*et" applicatlon for a conditional use permit for a temporary garden center at our Store -*Z,ZlOg North Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado. -The permit was granted for an eight-week period to begin April 28, 1998' and to end June 29, 1998, and ii allowed to occur each year, unless catled up by the PEC' However, those personnel from Gity Marketwho auended that meeting recall council "rggraiirg that the eight-week period $tart one we€k later and end one week later to mfr aoity match the high coirntry growing season. This time frame is also attractive to us. It is unclear to us whether we have the discretion to start operation of our temporary garden center on" *e"k 1"t", this year, or whether we must strictly conform to the gchedule which nre follorrued in t gd8. Pbase advise us of the wishes of the Town of Vail' eo that we may plan for the commen@ment of our galden center operation. Transmitbd Vla Facsimile !ol94I4Z9:3 Z0'd 600'oN 83:tI 66.60 ddu :0I - -r-- TOYTIOF B. rtcnniry$f J179'2lrt AF}T,.ICAIION FON. H./U{NING AND ENVTRONMEYIAL GOMMISSION APINOVAL o QEJior? C.ll @. ThirryEcricnirtuaoypfrt byb€nmhgodBsvirtnncfrlCmirdo'Fc$Gcffie ffiJtq;tlc efrft11f rqmlqn!fr fa ecpdnrlr lFottl tli..q,"*oC. rtcaptficdo cm-dbc elcclbd ndil dlnq$Gd ifrEfon i! 3tffibd' Tlctt!fi t""v.1-ottdri UotlYittoAp 6e To'o Cmpil ,adlcrtaDcdsRwic*Bord l*.t:ft,r,lll rj 4 .ti flli.|TUVYUVLV4 lt-A TWEOFAPPIJCAII0N: 'tr{ tr AddilioodcRrA€sg) Bl l*ltocbnAfovEdocYdrp:rHo E BcdodBrqffi tr EsoyceHndogUrit(Iypc: ,, t ) xE cfiditiodlrEP,.nit tr tr,fajrrtrlrf,rnrcclEroimNErlio tr lutairr trIrffmrSubdMdm ffiil!ry) -tr R;mbg' o MeirctrMinrocllErrnicAludio tr Signvaif,Doc (tiortd) tr Vriaca tr $cUrtUcrd@dDittictE zoiugco&Antotuo tr urircotrfinAmdncbssDD DESCRIPflON OF THB REQTTEST: Conrnons Shopping Center D. E F. G. LocATIoN oF PRoFCISAL: I.or--BrcG(- H'ING ADDRETS: 2107 N.fTontase Rd NAME@s ZOIIING: Connercial -, -. , NAMEOFOUNER(S): citv Merket. Inc. ., MAILING Grand Junction C0 81502 970-24r-0750 T, I OS'NER(S)SIGI{A state Assi.stant f{AMEtrREPRESNTATI\G: Linda J. Roberts -. . MAILINCADDRESS' P' O' BOX 729 Grand Junction C0 81502 p11g1gg: 970-241-0751 x1154 FEE - SEE TIIE St BMnTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR Tt{E APFROPRIATE FEE guilIT IUXS AXFIICAIION, AII. SI,IIflTTAIJ nEQI'IRSMEITTS AllD If,E EEA nO lif,E DEPARTMENT OT COMMIIMTY DEVE,OEf,BTT' 75 6OUTE TNOITTACE NOAD' Y/IILCOII'nADOtlc'? lcrid6|f SltZl L66|-Z\-AAW r{ P. O. Box 729 za"i aazs 6v6 tax 'f 'd Slf3llHllu 0Lln TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department April 13, 1998 A request for a conditional use permit, to allow a temporary garden center focated at2107 North Frontage Road/ unplatted, Vail Das Schone (City Market). 0tu! I. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPNON OF THE REOUEST I The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit in order to allow a temporary garden center in the Vail Commons Shopping Center parking lot from April 28 through June 29, to occur year after year. The fabric covered structure will be located in the western portion of the parking lot, north of the unused coffee house and pedestrian walk. This location is separated from the majority of the traffic, however it still provides easy access from the Vail Commons Shopping Center and the rest ot the Vail Das Schone retail areas. Water and electricity are available from the coffee house. The applicant's description of the proposal is attached. II. ISSUES FOR DISCUSSION A. Vehicle Access The proposed location is separated from the major entry points or emergency routes and will not cause congestion in case of emergencies, Customers will be able to park near the garden center in a lesser used area of the parking lot to load their purchases. B. PedestrianAccess Pedestrian access will be located along an existing walkway between parking areas. The garden center will also be able to be accessed from the stairs leading from the lower level of the Vail Das Schone area. C. tusign Beview The temporary structure is a portable retail garden center and has the appearance of a standard greenhouse. lt allows customers to enter the unit and choose plants similar to a nursery setting. The temporary nature of the structure will not interfere with the design appearance of nearby buildings. D. Potential Berpfits The garden center will allow Vail residents to purchase garden plants appropriate for the high elevations ol our mountain environment. The project will keep sales taxes within the community. III. GENERAL REVIEW CRITERIA FOR THIS REOUEST The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by the Town ol Vail Municipal Code. The Vail Commons Shopping Center is located in the Commercial Core 3 (CC3) zone district. The proposal is subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Title 12, Chapter 16. For the PEC's reference, the conditional use permit purpose statement indicates that: In order to provide the llexibility necessary to achieve the objectives of this title, specified uses are permitted in certain districts subject to the granting of a conditional use permit. Because of their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require review so that they may be located properly with respect to the purposes of this title and with respect to their effects on surrounding properties. The review process prescribed in this chapter is intended to assure compatibility and harmonious development between conditional uses and surrounding properties in the Town at large. Uses listed as conditional uses in the various districts may be permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as the Town may prescribe to insure that the location and operation of the conditional uses will be in accordance with the development objectives ol the Town and will not be detrimental to other uses or properties. Where conditions cannot be devised, to achieve these objectives, applications for conditional use permits shall be denied. A. Gonsideration of Factors: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development objectives of the Town. The establishment of the temporary garden center will provide a variety of shopping experiences and keep tax dollars in town. 2. The etfect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilitaes needs. The proposed temporary garden center will be temporary and will not have a negative effect on any of the criteria listed above. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, tratfic flow and control, accessr maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Staff believes that the proposed temporary garden center will not have a negative effect on the above referenced criteria. Staff believes that the shopping center is designed to deal with any additional traffic to the area. Parking will be adjacent to the garden center and loading of purchases will proceed out of the main traffic circulation pattern and will nol cause access problems. Since this operation is occurring during the slower season, parking will not be negatively impacted. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Staff believes this use will have little impact on the character ot the neighborhood. The garden center operation is temporary and will not change the existing structure. The Vail Commons Condominium Association has approved the project. B. Findings The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes ol the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to he public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit for a temporary garden center operation, subject to the following findings: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it will be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. The recommendation of approval is also subject to the following conditions: 1. That the applicant shall keep the hours of operation between 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. 2. The use shall be limited to one 5 square foot sign attached to the temporary structure. The design shall receive Design Review approval. 3. That this use shall discontinue after the proposed I week operation (April 28, 1998 to June 29, 1998) and the structure will be removed within 10 days. This approval shall be allowed to occur during this time period year after year, unless called up by the PEC. f:/everyone/pec/memos/9 8/cityma&4 I 3 l'lAR 'L 0 19uu CITYMARKET,INC. VAIL COMMONS SHOPPING CENTER PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A GARDEN CENTER FACILITY mW0illt'lt,DE!'Dtf,T' City Market, Inc. is applying for a conditional use permit to erect a-garden center facility in the Vail Commons 3f'opping Center parking lof from April 28' 1998' through June 29, 1998, The ZZ' iie'fab'ic civ"red aluminum structure and the area immediately around it facility wilt be usedto merchandise flower, shrub, tree and vegetable garden plants and ielated gardening supplies' The garden center is an extension ofthe supermarket's floral department and a seasonal enchancement for customers during the spring planting season' The garden center will provide Vail customers a convenient opporttrnity to buy garden plants appropriate for the area properly prepared for planting in the mountain environment. It also will keep the sUes aottars ani sales ta:res for such products within the community. n..uor" tn ;;d.r center is seasonal and temporary, it will have no long term effect on o"u"iopilit oujective. It will be disassembled before the major portion of the summer tourist season occurs' The scale of the structure is modest when compared to the vail commons project' Thegardencenterwillbelocatedintheleastusedportionolth"pTkiPlot,outofthe traffic pattern. It will ";;;;;; rh"ppers to walk outside, ultimatelv bringing attention to the orher businesses i" rr,. ,i"ppitti center. The green nature oilfre grgduct offered should provide temporary color io-the concrete parking area and will reinforce that the long winter season is ended. T ffi #[ ' rilcilD ilffi ------ rer|4'jtgrBPrE 3-27-98 ifl-ulII MAII E!: SEM BY: aJ6. #|E.'*ia.S ,cddt-;i;t\ G- 3|?E3fi19 v^t-DAt&lqclEriP ffirr'url ii!li! "#*uVAIL DAggr,t€|€ \r / li:ifNi. ll!.: liii'.lli-\\ tt* ------:-- -t?€LcrE .\lglGlrrlE SEM BY: ?:iH" peAilt' b;\&i, 3-27-98 ;o I I I I-i !r! Ir l I I T I I r-r*a- - -. -.--- {gr $ F i-+lb-to,|lr*i^l^n-- PORTABIE RETAIL GARDEN CENTER Clean! Neatl Sharp! Qulck! & i ?'iiii','f ,?X,"1,[ul,lnl]1,,,u,, ,u,y ', i'i,oi, |,,,"r'ce';rt wot'c'; t Potv ttr vinvl tr VittylCort'r ntr,i Ellds Cowr nnd Ends r Filll Lc,'$l tr iltri1t vt,ti, gott' sid*' ' Fiii r"gth Stri| w"t' Botlt Sittrs t 2 Enclr, T'lt x 8'tt'n"iil"l' ttJ;"'" t 2'E'aclt iih * 8'" Roll-up Ynd Doors . Slt,:crfitd Attcltttritrgsyitcnr ' 5pecifrad.A1.cln'ring Sysfc'rtr e Crrlrtr Hi.g/llr.gtrts t Q'ulur Higltiglils r fpppl;rlt,fu' DisptntlSysfctrt : Con\tlctcDisplny Syslenr ALL GardenPoRTs cAN BE PURCHASEP'$'TH weetherPonr''i6iii;;-srINGq*f::F'*9.I'.'I"YTN'Y!'9'?YF'11"" ....;..;;........r 'r""' r""'r' '^" "':.:: .- . ?r.1 t..t 30'. Standnrd Gnble Frnnrc 'Cilstottt lerlgtlts to 100 i:$ f'fr-m MODULARDIEPtffilu r Providcs Optimum Retail Footage . Att{ches simPlY right to the frnme of Your GardcnPORT' . All comPononts sliP'fit together' ffiaonwFd.ndY' NAR-14-94 €9:47 AH GLtrIBAL SHELTERS IHC frllt xlNGlti tltiT Ht|ioEll fL |' $lottt COMPTETE CHA.NDISING & Dirplay and shelving eystems allow rir to circulalc frccly. Wrtcr, roll nnd debria cannol accurttullte. 97t 6+l C.slr:t o MER i30'widel aut?lArFthr r PORT.A-BENCH'*I Free-stonding shelving ond hnnger dieplny; for extrn greuliuo producl spice. Providcs nttmctlnc Wrtnbh: dkploy for outtloor attd htdoor gardt'rt ccrrfi'rr, I Itl" I l{ttylxc tt' Units link together to any lsngth axarylr€ q Fr f.l (1 fax: 507-86,1-2980 WEsr: 800-569-1604 faxr 970-6{1-5309 W Ersr: 800-699-2538 www.wcatherport,com !'IAR-IS-94 99:TI7 AI'I GLOEAL SHELTERS INC aa o 5.11 5589 Merchandiser & GardenPORT"' DISPLAY- SHETVING SYSTEM o AtbrcIlva 'IMJtttt llotW duty oondrwllollr o |/rodulu t Etlklcnl wo of tpncr e lfrotr fufrpr lhrtl tord o ldenl hcisht lot rr,cctt , 4' fluc ddet meet fln coda . ll'ldo thlec tor eary ctftnfrlltil WeatherPORT's MODULAR DISPLAY. STIELVING SYSTEM OFFERS OPTIMUM USAGE AND ACCESSAEILITY! ALL COMPONENTS ARE GATVANIZED OR COATED FOR LONG LIFE H"igh, adjushrhL, hanging baskat mds and poles attnch to frilme. MoOutar interchangeable sections with no small parts to loge, Srai section, top vlew za" 9H!LF \.^ ruht FAnoEiS Shclf brackcts $lip-flt to frame - for complctc roof.-t.Ess eet.up nnd tako dor+'n, LL USEFUL 3f gHELF FLOOR SPACE \- FAX 970-255-0941 /VOICE 970-241-0751 x1194 . I ,+.1r4{ (('c o' ' P.O. Box 729 Grand Junction CO 81502 Eileen Hendrickson - Real Estate April 10, 1998 Christie Barton Town Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road W. Vail, CO 81657 Dear Ms Barton One ofthe adjacent property owner's notice for our public hearing on the temporary garden center came back to City Market for expired forward address. I am return the notice to you. Would you check your Town of Vail records to see if you have an updated address that this notice can be sent on to Timothv Ruotolo? Thank yo Eileen Hendrickson Real Estate Secretary c: #42 guden center file , I I ',i., i;i,:1.. t( t i i - -? i- Fl \l/ hrr- t-- ?n-?i**EXOL- i.r r)hY::< H-l r-lEo?FFi> F trl P a N 0 l{ 4 at *i-'r..-' jr,', - ): !' I tf I a/) I I Il r. I o CIa) J OR ZA ^;()ro 36_) oz (, TTIIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR o PROPERTY PUBLIC NONCE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Plannino and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance viith Section '12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on April 13, 1998, at 2:00 p.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 4 r.eg.ugqt for a minor subdivision, located at 1410 Buffehr Creek Road, Lot G-l, Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 2. Applicant: Eric Johnson, representino Lerov SchmidtPlanner: Dominic Maurielb A request for a side yard setback variance and a conditional use permit, to allow for the addition of a car wash, located at 2154 South Frontage Road/unplatted. Applicant: Planner: Planner: A request for a building height variance, to allow for an increase of one-foot in building height, located at 1799 Siera Trail/Lot 17, Vail Village West First Filing. Applicant: Julia WatkinsPlanner: George Ruther A request lor a site coverage variance, to allow for a residential addition, located at Unit #602, Vail 21 Condominiums, 511 East Lionshead Circle/Part of Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filing. Applicant:BillWalker Dominic MaurielloPlanner: A request for a site coverage variance and additional GRFA utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow fora residential addition, located at 1230 Westhaven Circle/Lot 32, Glen Lyon. Applicanl: Marilyn Quayle, represented by Eric HillPlanner: George Ruther A request lor an amendment to a previously approved plan for the Timber Falls Development, located at r$469 Timber Falls CourVunplatted. Applicant: RAD Five L.L.C.Planner: Dominc Mauriello A request lor a conditional use permit, to allow for a temporary garden center, located at2107 North Frontage Road/unplatted, Vail das Schone. Applicant: Sonny Caster, GTS, Inc., d.b.a. VailConoco Service George Ruther City Market, Inc. Christie Barton The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's'office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notificalion. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. CommunityDevelppment Dep.ar!1elt_ .. NrPublished March27,1998 in the VailTrail. SEI'{T BY:3-o 27-88 ; 15:21 ;ctfi FA)( 07G21+1052 /VOICE 07G241ry5,| xl lSf P,O, Bo,( i29 GRnd JwctitnCO 81502 LIilDA K)BERTE, REAL ESTATE A3{IISTAIIIT 9704752452i# Ll 3MARIGT a FACSIMILf, COVER SEEET TO: Chrisdohrton FAI(#: n0179-2452 FROM: LindoRob€tts, R€alEstatcAssitlant DATE: 3n7Dt 3 poepsrebeingtranmitted. lf thrc ue problems with tansurissioq plcasc call mc at 970'241'0751 Xl154. Here arc tbc dctail drawings of CM's gardcn ccntrr wcst parkhg lot localion to insert iato our conditimal usc pctrmit application package. Tha* you' ,'+A.(,\^lz , _ t 1./ltLl-l-<nn "'Y'etv' llttt'- NIP,tV| -- , Ar'u ) _i qru - lott- PHILIP L IIAUSMAN P O BOX 307r VAIL CO 81657 DAVIDJYT.]RICK 2O9O ZERMATTLANE #B vArL co 81658 THEODORERUATiI P O BOX433l VAIL CO 81657 ROBERT MCKNOWN P OBOX436l VAIL CO 81657 ROBERTHORGAS P O BOX 23s4 VAIL CO 81657 RENEEKIJHARSKI P O BOX 3515 VAIL CO 81657 KENNETH MOORE 2094ZERMATTLN #A vArL co 816s8 JEFFREY WHITESIDE 2094 ZERMATT LN #H VAIL CO 81658 WESTVAILASSOC 2I2I NFRONTAGERDW lOI VAIL CO 816s8 JOHNPETERSON RT 9 BOX 150 MANKATOMN 5600I P O BOX 5957 VAIL CO 81657 OLTVERKCOMPTON P O BOX 2596 vArL co 81657 ROBERT & JILL RITTNER P O BOX l29l VAIL CO 81657 JORGE DE LATORRE P OBOX722 VAIL CO 81657 TIMOTIIYRUOTOLO P O BOX 5453 VAIL CO 81657 LYNDA VAN NORMAN P O BOX 2284 VAIL CO 81657 BENNETTHIRSCH 935 HANOVER ST YORKTOWN IIEIGHTS NY 10598 TBETTENIIAUSEN 1583 RTVERCRESTRD LAKELAND MN 55043 VAIL DAS SCHONE II PTNS}IP C/O PHILLP PFEIFER 37OO MONTROSE HOUSTONTX 77006 KIMBERLYDYBVAD 21II N FRONTAGE RD W STE 5 vArL co 81658 P O BOX 6562 VAILCO 81657 CHARLES CLARKE 2O9O ZERMATT LA}IE #H VAIL CO 81657 ALA].{ SANDBIJRG ZOg?ZERNIATI LA}IE#C VAIL CO 81658 JEFFRY& M. RULAPAUGH P O BOX 2597 VAIL CO 81657 SCOTT KILBOURNE P O BOX 178 vArL co 81658 TODDHUCK 2094 ZERMATT LN #D VAIL CO 81658 TROYTRUJILLO P OBOX2792 VAIL CO 81657 SCOTTPITTMAN P O BOX 3891 vArL co 81657 SHARONCLIFFORD 2lll NFRONTAGERD 3 VAIL CO 81658 FOUR S PROPERTMS P O BOX 3926 CROFTONMD 2III4 o o"r**oKTA..rAKA O or"*AwEBER STEVENCONNOLLY I19 SPRINGLAKE HINSDALEIL 60521 JTHOMAS CONCKLIN TRUST 5NOLDMILLLN BI.JRRRIDGEIL 60521 ELZABETHCOLE 2IO9 B CHAMOND(LN vArL co 81657 DAVIDGOTTENBURG 5580 S FRA}'iIKLIN ST LITTLETONCO 8OI2I w & w Assoc C/O SCOTT WIRTH 2I2I NFRONTAGERD W IOI VAIL CO 81658 KENNETHSORTLAND T0T6INDIA}.IPEAKS TR BOT.TLDERCO 80301 LORIRUSSELL P O BOX 1763 VAIL CO 81657 DOWNHILLASSOC C/O WRICHARD HELMS ONE IBM PLAZA CHICAGOIL 606T1 RICHARDOVER 211I NFRONTAGERD A.I2 VAIL CO 81658 DAVID DIMARZIO 2III NFRONTAGERDW 15 VAIL CO 816s8 FRAI.{CIS PALOWITCH 1753 WIND DRIFTRD BELLEISLANDFL 32809 KAREN MCKEAN P OBOX 1624 VAIL CO 81657 PAULVESTERSTEIN 3822 GLADSTONE ST DULUTHMN 55804 RA}IDYROBASON 55OO FALLON CT CHARLOTTENC 28226 HERITAGE HOUSE APTS C/OH S POJMAN 34OCLAYMOORRD HINDSDALEIL 60521 GORE VALLEY ENT INC 2151 N FRONTAGE RD W VAIL CO 81658 GAYLE MNTBRS 7659 CROSBYDR LONETREECO 80124 ITEM MAYAFFECTYOUB PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vaif will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-G ot the Municipal Code of the Town ol Vail on April 13, 1998, at 2:fl) P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a minor subdivision, located at 141 0 Butfehr Creek Road, Lot G-1 , Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 2. Applicant Eric Johnson, representing Leroy SchmidtPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a side yard setback variance and a conditional use permit, to allow for the addition of a car wash, located a12154 South Frontage Road/unplatted. Applicant: Sonny Caster, GTS, Inc., d.b.a. Vail Conoco ServicePlanner: George Ruther A request for a building height variance, to allow for an increase of one-foot in building height, located at 1799 Siena Trail/Lot 17, VailVillage West First Filing. o THIS Applicant: Julia WatkinsPlanner: George Ruther A request for a site coverage variance, to allow for a residential addition, Vail 21 Condominiums, 511 East Lionshead Circle/Part ot Lot 3, Block 1, Filing. o PROPERTY located at Unit #602, VailLionshead First Applicant:BillWalkerPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a site coverage variance and additional GRFA utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow for a residential addition, located at 1230 Westhaven Circle/Lot 32, Glen Lyon. Applicant: Marilyn Quayle, represented by Eric HillPlanner: George Ruther A request for an amendment to a previously approved plan for the Timber Falls Development, located at 4469 Timber Falls CourUunplatted. Applicant:RAD Five L.L.C.Planner: Dominc Mauriello - A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a temporary garden center, located aI2107 L/J North Frontage Road/unplafted, Vail das Schone.E { Applicant: City Market, Inc.' Planner: Christie Barton The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation avaihble upon request with 24 hour notification. 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Development Department Published March27,1998 in the VailTrail. 'd nrU ,ffiu @qn' torunlY lJ Please call f$$$ F E $It $ffigruggg I $ { d u q P tr u $l HS /)(Nl- $ \eE \ \sT-r) v) s \ NU J S r t t ( ( I 6 flI I t ! I F o AE 3$ p n lI!6 d'{to Iol$i E$ EI 99 5 g uu c $ 5I Finx UJ ft.#'rurt. t\ I E $ $E HAR z 0 lisd CITYMARKET,INC. VAIL COMMONS SHOPPING CENTER PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A GARDEN CENTER FACILITYTOV.OOt\llhfi, DE\,, DEflI, City Market, Inc. is applying for a conditional use permit to erect a garden center facility in the Vail Commons Shopping Center parking lot from April 28, 1998, through June 29, 1998. The 22'X36' fabric covered aluminum structure and the area immediately around it facility will be used to merchandise flower, shrub, tree and vegetable garden plants and related gardening supplies. The garden center is an extension ofthe supermarket's floral departrnent and a seasonal enchancement for customers during the spring planting season. The garden center will provide Vail customers a convenient opportunity to buy garden plants appropriate for the area properly prepared for planting in the mountain environment. It also will keep the sales dollars and sales taxes for such products within the community. Because the garden center is seasonal and temporary, it will have no long term effect on development objective. It will be disassembled before the major portion of the summer tourist season occrus. The scale of the structure is modest when compared to the Vail Commons project. The garden center will be located in the least used portion of the parking lot, out of the traffic pattem. It will encourage shoppers to walk outside, ultimately bringing attention to the other businesses in the shopping center. The green nature ofthe product offered should provide temporary color to the concrete parking area and will reinforce that the long winter season is ended. t FlX, 970-)44-1052 /VOICE 970-241{751 xll54 P.O. Box 729 Grand Junction CO 81502 LINDA ROBERTS, REAL ESTATE ASSISTANT I i 'I ; I March 10, 1998 Sent by Federal Express Departnent of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail CO 81657 Re: Application for Conditional Use Permit Dear Sirs: Enclosed for your review is Application for Planning and Envirorunental Commission Approval, Conditional Use Permit, for the installation of a temporary Garden Center stucture at ow City Market Store #42, Vail Commons Shopping Center. Items enclosed are: l. Check for the fee of $200.00 2. Application (3 pages) 3. Stamped, addressed envelopes and a list of the names and mailing addresses of all property owners adjacent to the subject property. 4. A narrative describing the precise nature ofthe proposal. 5. One copy of Lease Agreement for Private Development between the Town of Vail and City Market,Inc. 6. Letter of approval from Vail Commons Condominium Association, Inc. -1 Town of Vaillpage2/3- o 10-9 7. 4 copies of each ofthe following: 1. Site plan showing the proposed location of the structure, 2. Detailed site location of the structure, and 3 . Specification sheets for the stucture. As I understand the Time Requirements listed on the application, this application will be heard by the PEC on April 13, 1998. Please call me at970-241-0751 Xl154 if additional information is required. Encls. cc: #42 Garden Center file Rick Swank, Director, Floral Dave Hittson,Mgr.#42 Real Estate Assistant VAIL COMMONS GONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. P. O. BOX 729 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 February 26, 1998 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Re: City Market, lnc. Conditional Use Permit application for seasonal garden center Ladies and Gentlemen: This letter shall confirm that the Vail Commons Condominium Association, Inc., the proper$ owners association for the commercial side of the Vail Commons project, supports and approves the application by City Market, Inc. for a conditional use permit for a seasonal garden center at Vail Commons. Certainly call at your convenience if you have further questions regarding this matter. John L. Caldwell Secretary/Treasurer cc:Correspondence file /zt'O 3'//, t' CITYMARKET.INC. P-990 n/$/95 03:t1p pG 1 oFEagle County Clerk & Recorder Y' ?.'l 576999 B-680 Sara J. Fisher REC DOC 171 .00 l'e'",c ' ili/7r^t 'll r'{'\ i ' ir 34 ,l Section l: Section 2: Section 3: Section 4: Section 5: Section 6: Section 7: Section 8: Section 9: Section 10: Section I 1: Section 12: Section 13: Section 14: Section 15: Section l6: Section 17: Section l8: TABLE OF CONTENTS Definitions ....'.1 Lease. .'.....'.2 Termoflease . '..... '.2 RentandPercentagePayment .. " " " '3 Conditionofland ......6 Lease and Title to lmprovements " " " ' 7 Assignment " " '7 fievelopmentAgreement " " " ' 8 ResidentialComnonent: AffordableHousing . " " " " 8 DqrCareComponent """ "' 10 TaxesAndOtherCharges " " ' ll MaintenanceandCharges " " ' 13 ConstructionAndAlteration " " " " ' 13 Mechanic'sliens "''"14 Insurance """14 FireAndOtherCasualtv " ' " ' 15 EminentDomain """16 Default '."""17 I 8-680 P-990 rl / l5 / gS 03 : 1lP PG 2 Al 576999 oF 34 1' Section 19: Section 20: Section 2l: o Ouiet Possession . . Holding Over Negotiation Prior to End of City Market Term; Non-Disturbance of Residential/Sale Units Upon Expiration of City Market Term Lease Subordination Indemnification Estoppel Certificates Signs . Hazardous Materials Notices Interpretation Brokerage 2l 22 CityMarket'sRightOfFirstRefusal ..... ' '..22 Section 22: Condition Of Land And Improvements Upon Sunender ' ' ' ' . .23 Section 23: Vail's Special Right to Require City Market to Commercial Component. Day Care Component and Residential/CM Units to Vail . . . . .23 Section 24: Exhibit A: Legal Description of Land Exhibit B: Schedule of Rents and Percentage Payments ll 8-680 P-990 LI / r5l95 03 : 1lP PG 3 24 24 24 25 26 26 27 27 28 Fl ( "aooo ol'34 I FASE AGRFFMENT FOR PRIVATE NFVELOPIVfFNT THIS LEASE AGREEMENT FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT (Lease) is made effective as of the 2gth day of September, 1995, between the TOWN OF VAIL (Vail) and CITY MARKET, INC., a Colorado corporation (City Marke|. RECITAIS; A. Vail is the owner of a parcel of real property described on Exhibit A (Land) which it purchased for the purpose of providing affordable housing in Vail. Vail has determined, after an extensive review of proposals and public hearings, that to accomplish its objective of affordable housing and other public objectives with minimal cost to Vail, it is necessary to lease the Land to a private entity.so that money will be generated for Vail's public purposes. B. City Market and Warner Development, Inc. (Wamer) have offered the proposal which Vail finds meets its needs for such development, and Vail has voted to accept such proposal, the terms of which have been divided between this Lease and a Development Agieement (Development Agreement). The Commercial Component described below is n"""rrury for City Market to fulfill its obligations under the Lease and the Development Agreement. C. In the interest of promptly providing affordable housing to meet the demand for such housing in Vail and developing the Land, the parties agree to use their best efforts to proceed diligently with the terms of this Lease and the Development Agreement to allow "o-."n""1nent of construction during the 1995 construction season, diligent prosecution of construction of residential, day care and commercial facilities and the opening of the supermarket and day care center for operation on or before July 1, 1997. Section 1: Definitions In addition to the other definitions provided in this Lease, the following terms shall have the following meanlngs. A. "Affected Entity" shall mean City Market, UOA, or a Residential/Sale Unit owner that is affected because a portion of the Improvements is owned by such entity. B. "Commercial Component" shall mean the supermarket of City Market (Supermarket), adjacent commercial space, and associated parking facility. At all times, no less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the Commercial Component shall be used for Supermarket purposes. c..li) 5?6999 8-680 P-990 Ll/15/95 03 r 1lP PG 4 oF 34 C. "Common Elements" shall mean all portions of the leasehold condominium except Units. D. "Day Care Component" shall mean the building constructed on the roof of the Supermarket to be used as a day care center. E. "Improvements" shall mean the Project, except the Land. F. "Project" shall mean the Land as developed with on-site and off-site improvements. G. "Residential/CM Units" shall mean those residential units constructed for use by employees of City Market as affordable housing. H. "Residential Component''shall mean all residential units constructed on the Land. I. "ResidentiaVsale Units" shall mean those residential units constructed for sale as affordable housing. J. "UOA" shall mean the unit owners association which is to be incorporated by City Market as the entity to manage the common interest community of the Project; specifically, a leasehold condominium. Section 2: Lease Vail hereby leases to City Market and City Market hereby leases from Vail, subject to all the terms and conditions of this Lease, the Land, the description of which is by this reference incorporated herein. City Market shall assign to Warner that portion of the Lease necessary for construction of the Residential/Sale Units and for Warner to obtain financing to construct the Residential/Sale Units. Wamer shall dedicate the portion of the Lease assigned to Wamer to the leasehold condominium referenced in Section 6 so that the Common Elements include the Lease for the constructed Residential/Sale Units. Section 7 shall apply to the assignment. City Market shall dedicate the remainder of the Lease to the leasehold condominium so that the Common Elements include the remainder of the Lease. Section 3: Term of Lease This Lease shall be effective upon execution. Rent and Percentage Payments shall commence with the first day of the month after the Supermarket opens for business, or 2 8-680 P-990 lt/LS/95 03: t1p pc 5 oF. 34576999 December l, 1996, whichever is earlier (Rent Commencement Date); provided, however, as to any ResidentiaUsale Units that are sold before the Rent Commencement Date, Vail shall receive amonthly rent payment in the amount set forth below in Section 4 for the type of Unit sold, on the terms set forth in this Lease. The term of this Lease for the Commercial Component, Day Care Component and Residentiat/CM Units shall be from the date of this Lease to the Rent Commencement Date and thereafter for forty-nine (49) years (City Market Term) and for the ResidentiaVsale Units shall be from the date of this Lease to the Rent Commencement Date and thereafter for ninety-nine (99) years (Residential Term). Section 4: Rent and Percentage Payment A. Rent. . ( 1 ) Residential/Sale Units. For the Residential/Sale Units, the following rents shall commence the first dav of the month following the sale of a unit: Type of Unit Monthly Rental A"" """ s75 (six 3-bedroom "duplex" with 1200 square feet finished living are4 with garage and unfinished basement) B "' ""'$75 (ten 3-bedroom "townhomes" with 1400 square feet finished living are4 with garage and unfinished basement) c"" ""'" $60 (twenty-four 2-bedroom "condominiums" with 1000 square feet finished living are4 with parking in garage below) D..,.....$s0 (thirteen 2-bedroom "condominiums" with I 100 square feet finished living are4 with no garage) 3 576999 8-680 p-990 II/t5/g5 03: tlp pG 6 oF 34 i.l Vail shall have the right from time to time to adjust the monthly rental on one or more of such four types of units upon giving six (6) months' notice to the UOA and the owners of the units. (2) ResidentiaVCM I Inits and Day Care Component. For the Residential/CM Units (twehe l-bedroom "condominium" Type E Units with 650 square feet of finished living area and six 2-bedroom "condominium" Type E units with 950 square feet of finished living area) and the Day Care Component, there is no rent separate from the rent for the Commercial Component because the rent for these units is included within the rent for the Commercial Component. (3) Commercial Component. The annual rent forthe Commercial Component shown upon Exhibit B shall be divided by twelve (12) and one-twelfth (l/12) shall be payable monthly, with the first payment due on the Rent Commencement Date and subsequent payments due on the first of each month thereafter. In addition to the rent, City Market agrees to pay a'?ercentage Payment." B. Percentage Payment. In addition to the rent, City Market shall pay a Percentage payment of one-half percent (.5%) of Supermarket Sales plus rental and license income from the remainder of the Commercial Component (Commercial Component Sales) in excess of the amounts shown on Exhrbit B in any one lease year. (l)ReportandPayment.cityMarketshallreportCommercialComponent Sales made from the Commercial Component to Vai[ within thirty (30) days after the close of the preceding lease year commencing with a report of Commercial Component Sales for the second lease year (the first full lease year), and if Commercial Component Sales disclosed thereby are suffrcient to require a payment hereunder, such payment shall accompany such report. The words "lease year" shall mean a period of hvelve (12) successive months, provided, however, that the first lease year shall begin on the Rent Commencement DaJe and shall end on December 3l of the same year. Subsequent lease years shall be calendar years, with Commercial Component Sales for any paltial lease year it the end of the City Market Term annualized, with the amount, if any, calculated by multiplying such annualized Commerciat Component Sales as exceed $32,003,200 by one-half perc ent (.5Yo), and that resulting amount by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of full months in such partial lease year and the denominator of which shall be twelve (12). (2) Supermarket Sales. The term "supermarket Sales" shall mean the sales price charged and received by City Market on account of all Supermarket Sales of goods, wares and merchandise of any nature or kind whatsoever sold at retail in, on or upon the Supermarket or any part thereof by City Market, including Supermarket Sales for cash or 4 8-680 P-990 II/I5/95 03:1lp pG ? )A 576999 oI,- 34 upon credit. Provided, however, that the following items shall not be included in Supermarket Sales: cigarette, cigar and tobacco sales; sales tax, occupational tanes, or similar taxes now or hereafter levied by any governmental authority upon any sales of goods by City Market and billed or charged to the purchaser as a sepaxate item; sales of assets in connection with the liquidation, reorganization or transfer of any part or all, of City Market's business; goods transferred to City Market from the premises to any other store or warehouse which is owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by City Market, or where the goods are to be held for the account of City Market by another party; customer retums and refunds; coupons and similar amounts credited to the charged price of any items for promotional purposes; sales to employees at a discount; sales of trade fixtures and capital equipment; sales of lottery tickets, bus tokens, postage stamps or any other item for or sponsored by any govemmental or quasi-governmental entity; sales of ski tickets and money orders; receipts or commissions from public pay telephones, facsimile machines or other communication devices; sums received for shopping, delivery or other services; sums received as agent for public utility companies or suppliers in payment of gas, electrical and water bills; sales of salvage cartons, meat scraps and other salvage merchandise; resale of materials collected or purchased for recycling; payments received by City Market on orders taken at the Supermarket but accepted elsewhere for merchandise not available at the Supermarket; credit payments, credits or refunds from returns to shippers or manufacturers resulting from claims for loss or damage to merchandise; proceeds from the sale, fansfer or exchange of the business of City Market or this Lease; sales in bulk of any merchandise or other property not in the regular or usual course of City Market's business; banking or brokerage income; rental or license fees paid for publication or magazine racks; demonstation fees received; electronic game revenue; advertising fees, including, but not limited to, shopping cart advertisements, shelf advertisements or on-site television advertisements; income received from services rendered on the premises of the Supermarket; income received for services performed off the premises of the Supermarket when the premises of the Supermarket are used as a drop-6g1orution, including any portion retained by City Markef isolated, casual business transactions conducted by charitable organizations on the premises, separate and distinct from the Supermarket's business, and losses from bad checks' In the event the premises of the Commercial Component are ever occupied under a month-to-month tenancy, the Percentage Payment hereunder shall either be calculated (i) on an annual basis, if the Commercial Component is occupied for a full year, or (ii) shall be calculated in the same manner as set forth in Section 4.8'(l) if the Commercial Component is occupied for a partial year. Payment in such case shall be made within thirty (30) days after the end of any year of such tenancy or other earlier termination of such tenancy. 5 B-680 P-990 Il/I5/95 03:l1P PG 8 it 576999 oF 34 (3) Examination. Vail and Vail's representative shall have the right to examine City Market's record of Commercial Component Sales for a period of three (3) years after the making of Commercial Component Sales to which they relate. Said examination shall be made during the regular business hours of the Controller of City Market's corporation. Vail shall be required to give twenty (20) days' advance written notice of its desire to examine said records within the three-year period referred to above. The examination shall be limited to only such items as may be required to ascertain the accuracy of Commercial Component Sales reports. Should the examination reveal that City Market underpaid the Percentage Payment due, such deficiency shall be paid within thirty (30) days of such determination. Ifthe deficiency should amount to five percent (5%) or more of the amount which should have been paid to Vail, City Market shall reimburse Vail for Vail's cost of such examination. All information examined by Vail is privileged and shall be kept in strict confidence by Vail and Vail's representative. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to indicate that any payments under this provision are rentals and City Market shall at no time be liable for any Percentage Payment except that specified herein resulting from actual Commercial Component Sales (as defined herein). C. Payment of Rent and Percentage Payment. AII rent payable under Section 4.A.(l) shall be collected by the UOA and paid to Vail, at its address set forth below or at such place or to such person as Vail may from time to time designate by notice as provided in Section 30, within frfteen (15) days after rent is due from ResidentiaVsale Unit owners. The UOA shall have the right and obligation to collect rent and Percentage Payments payable under Section a.A'(3) and 4.B. upon notice by Vail. Until such a notice is given by Vail, City Market shall pay rent and Percentage Payments directly to Vail. In the event Vail gives notice to the UOA to collect such rent and Percentage Payments, the UOA shall pay to Vail, at its address set forth below or at such place or to such person as Vail may from time to time designate by notice as provided in Section i0, such arnounts collected within five (5) days after rent and Percentage Payments are due from City Market. All rental payable to Vail may be referred to herein as "Rent'" Section 5: Condition of Land Vail shall promptly provide a title insurance commitrnent to City Market and Warner upon the Land showing that Vail has marketable title, that there is GAP coverage and that the first five (5) standard exceptions have been deleted. Vail represents that the Land is free ofunderground tanks and hazardous materials, that it has received no notice of violation from any regulatory agency, that it has no knowledge of any potential or actual claims of damages to any third parry, and that no remediation or monitoring is required under any federal or state environmental law, rule or regulation on the Land. Vail represents that it has allowed no uses, and it is unaware of past uses, of the Land which involve underground tanks or hazardous or regulated materials or environmental haz.ards and the Land is not within any one hundred-year flood plain and contains 6 B-fj80 P-990 ).1/ 15 /95 03 : 11P P(i 9 i.2 oF 34 no wetlands. City Market shall give notice to Vail within fifteen (15) days after any such condition is found. The existence of any such condition shall be promptly remedied by Vail, at its expensq so that commencement of construction in 1995 is not delayed, or Vail may elect to not remedy such condition and it shall give notice of such election to City Market within ten (10) days after notice of such condition is given by City Market to Vail, and City Market may either remedy the condition at its expense or terminate this Lease and the Development Agreement on the Commercial Componen! Day Care Component and Residential/CM Unia. Upon such termination, City Market shall have no further obligation to Vail. ln the event City Market remediates the property at its expensg it shall have all rights of Vail to recover such expenses and attomeys' fees from the gnntor of ttre Land to Vail. Vail shall cooperate with City Market in any such action. Section 6: Lease and Title to Improvements City Market shall cause this Lease and all Improvernents to become a leasehold common interest community under Colorado law; specifically, a leasehold condominium. This Lease and all Improvements shall be subject to the declaration for such leasehold condominium. Vail shall review and approve in writing the declaration, bylaws, condominium map and any other documents establishing the leasehold condominium. Each Residential/ Sale Unit shall be a condominium unit and shall initially be owned by Wamer, and shall be conveyed to individual owners and be subject to Section 9. The Residential/CM Units shall form a single condominium unit owned by City Market. The Commercial Component shall be a single condominium unit owned by City Marke. The Day Care Component shall be a single condominium unit owned by City Market. The remainder of the Improvements shall be Common Elements designated for common ownership solely by the owners of the separate ownership portions' Common Elements shall be maintained at the expense of the UOA. A condominium unit may be referred to as a "Unit." Section 7: Assignment The partial assignment of Lease to Wamer shall be subject to Section 9. The form of such assignment shall be acceptable to Vail and to the entity providing financing of construction for Wamer and the lender providing financing for the initial owners of the Residential/Sale Units. City lvlarket may assign this Lease to a company which is owned in common with City Market so that such company may finance the improvements to be made by City Market under this Lease; provided however, City Market shall remain responsible for performing the terms of this Lease and City Market shall operate the Commercial Component, the Day Care Component and the Residential/CM Units. The form of such assignment shall be acceptable to Vail and to 7 8-680 P-990 lL/ 15 /95 03 : 1lP Pc 10 oF 34 O 5 76999 the entity providing financing on such Unis. Vail understands that financing of these Units may be difficult and it agrees to review in good faith any request by a lender to modify this Lease to accommodate the requirements of such lender. Section 8: Development Agreement The parties agree that the Development Agreement and this Lease are to be read and interpreted as if executed contemporaneously. If the Development Agreement is not executed on or before November 15, 1995, this Lease shall terminate. The Development Agreement shall remain in effect until such time as the improvements described in such Development Agreement have been completed, as evidenced by certificdes of occupancy for each condominium unit from Vail. At such time, the Development Agreement shall terminate. At the termination of the Development Agreement, Vail will issuei a certificate in recordable form acknowledging such termination, which certificate shall be recorded in the records of Eagle County, Colorado. Section 9: Residential Component: Affordable Housing A. Residential/Sale Units. Residential/Sale Units shall be sold only to qualified buyers. Vail shall establish the qualifications for such buyers by October 3 I, I 995 and before the first sale of a Residential/Sale Unit. Vail shall have the right to modify such qualifications as to any subsequent buyer or buyers of a Residential/Sale Unit. All Residential/Sale Units shall have such qualifications placed of record in Eagle County, Colorado. After the initial sale to a buyer by Wamer, the owner of such unit shall only sell such unit with Vail acting as the listing agent. Resale of such unit shall be to a buyer meeting the then current qualifications established and recorded by Vail for a purchaser of a ResidentiaVsale Unit. The purchase price for sale of a Residential/Sale Unit shall equal the purchase price paid for such unit by the owner thereof plus an amount to be determined by a formula established by Vail in writing and recorded in the records ofEagJe County, Colorado, for such unit before such unit is purchased by such buyer or coincidentally with sale of such unit to such buyer. Vail shall have the right at any time to purchase or require the sale of a unit if the owner thereof no longer meets the qualifications in "ff""t ut the time the owner purchased such unit. Vail shall give written notice of any such required sale or purchase to the owner no longer meeting such qualifications and the sale shall be closed promptly. The purchase price for sale of a ResidentiaVSale Unit shall in no event exceed the fair market value of any such unit. This paragraph shall act as a deed restriction on the Residential/Sale Units, shall be binding upon successors and assigns of the first purchasers of the Residential/Sale Units, and shall run with the ResidentialiSale Units. Vait shall review and approve the form of deed used for sale of Residential/Sale Units. 8 8-680 P-990 tI/Ii/95 03:1tp pc rr OF 34 (7AOOO B. Residential/CM Units. City tvlarket shall use such units only for its employeeq and their families, at least ninety percent (90%) of which employees shall work in the Supermarket. No more than ten percent (10%) of such employees shall work at other stores of City Market located within a radius of thirty (30) miles from the town limits of Vail. City Market shall have no right to selt such units except to a subsequent operator of the Supermarket without the prior written consent of Vail, which consent may be withheld at the sole discretion of Vail. Vail may periodically review City Market's employee records to confirm such tenants are currently City Market employees, and to confirm the location of the City Market store where such employees work. City Market shall evict any tenant at Vail's request who is not qualified to reside in a unit. The value of the ResidentiaVCM Units shall be agreed upon by Vail and City Market and such value shall be determined solely by comparison of such units to the prices at which the Residential/Sale Units are first sold. Such agreement shall be made contemporaneously with fina\zationand execution ofthe Development Agreement and such value shall be memorialized in a supplement to this Lease. Any transfer of the Residential/CM Units (voluntarily or by operation oflaw, such as foreclosure) shall be at a price which does not exceed the agreed value established in this paragraph plus three percent (3%) appreciation per year. The purchase price shall in no event exceed the fair market value of a unit. This paragraph shall act as a deed restriction on the Residential/CM Units, shall be binding upon successors and assigrrs of City Markeq and shall run with the Residential/CM Units. C. Encumbrances and Liens on Residential Component Not to Exceed Purchase price. The purchase price to be paid under Section 9.A. shall be available to release encumbrances and liens on a unit. Except as set forth in Section 18.D., the Residential Component seller shall have no right, at law or in equity, as to such unit except to receive such p*"h^" pricg and after apptication of the purchase price to encumbrances and liens as specified ty la*, the holder of any unsatisfied encumbrance or lien shall have no further right or interest in the unit and shall execute a release of such encumbrance or lien and place such release of record. The purchaser of a unit with an excess tien and Vail, on behalf of such purchaser of a unit, shall have the right to quiet title and sue for slander of title in the event of failure to so release such encumbrance or lien and the encumbrance or lien holder shall pay all costs and expenses ofthe purchaser or Vail, including Vail's or the purchaser's reasonable attorneys' fees. D. Assignment b), Vail. Vail shall have the right to assign its rights to purchase as to one or more units referred to in Section 9; provided, however, the assignee shall have the obligation to sell such unit or units pursuant to the terms of Section 9 at such time as the assignee can recoup the amount it paid to purchase a unit, plus selling costs, including a reasonable commission. Any use of a unit shall be by a person or persons who qualifies at the time as "qualified buye(sf' and any sale by the assignee of a unit shall only be to a qualified buyer at the 9 8-680 p-990 tI/LS/gS 03:11p pc L2 oF 34576999 time of sale. Any purchaser from such assignee shall have the obligations set forth in Section 9 to sell such unit on the terms and conditions set forth in Section 9. E. Rule Against Perpetuities. It is intended that the affordable housing restriction of Section 9 remain in effect for a period of time which is no less than the applicable term of this Lease. Accordingly, the lives to be used to measure compliance with the Rule Against Perpetuities shall be the lives of the current Vail Town Council members, Town of Vail Manager andTown of Vail Town Attorney plus twenty-one (21) years after the death of the last survivor ofthe now living descendants ofsuch persons. F. Enforceability. The restrictions in Section 9 shall be covenants running with the Residential Component and each unit thereof. Vail shall have the right of specific performance of Section 9. In the event of specific performance litigation by Vail, the prevailing party shall recover all costs and expenses, including such party's reasonable attomeys' fees. Section 10: Da Care Component City Market shall rent the Day Care Component to a day care op€rator, which shall not be City Market. Rent for the first five (5) years of this Lease shall not exceed taxes, insurance, utility and maintenance costs allocated to the Day Care Component' At the end of such five-year period, if Vail continues to provide land owned by Vail to day care operations for nominal "tturg", rent for the Day Care Component shall be set to not exceed taces, insurance, utility and maintenance costs allocated to the Day Care Component for the following five (5) years. Thereafter, at the end of each five-year period of this Lease, a similar review shall again te made as wuts made at the end of the first five-years of this Lease. If Vail continues to provide land owned by Vail to day care operations for nominal charge, then rent as set forth above shall continue. At any five-year review, if the conditions set forth above do not exist, City Market shall continue to rent the Day Care Component for a day care center, but the rent charged by City Market shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of rents charged by City Market for rental space in the adjacent commercial space of the Commercial Component excluding space rented or licensed to banks. At such time as City Market charges rent on the Day Care Component in excess of taxes, insurance, utiliry and maintenance costs allocated to the Day Care Component, it shall account for such rent in excess of such amounts and at such time as such portion of the rent equals the cost to City Market of construction of the Day Care Component, Vail shall have the right at any time thereafter to purchase the Day Care Component for $l '00 Vail shall have the ,i!nt "t any time to purchase the Day Care Component from City Market at the cost to City Market of construction of the Day Care Component. 10 11/15/95 03:l1P PG l3 OF 34 ?l 576999 B-€j80 P-990 Section I l: Ta,xes And Other Charges A. Ta,res on the Land. Vail is not subject to payment of taxes or payments in lieu of ta.\es on the Land. The parties will use their best efforts to maintain the Land free of ad valorem or other taces. Any contest over application of tarces to the Land shall be in the names of both parties and the UOA but at the sole cost of City Market and the UOA. In the event the Land is iaxed, the parties agree that the income method of valuation, based on this Lease, is the appropriate method of valuation. Vail will cooperate in this etro( which effort will be at the sole cbst of City Market and the UOA. City Market shall have the right to select the representative of the parties in any such contest. Ifta:<es are payable upon the Land, the UOA will collect such taxes as an expense from the applicable Unit owners and pay such taxes. Any such payment before final conclusion ofany contest shall be under protest. B. tlnits and ResidentiaUsale (Inits Until Sold. Cify Market shall pay, or cause to be paid, all taces related to the Improvements before they become delinquen! including Residential/Sale Units before they are sold to the first buyers ofunits. C. Taxes on the Residential/Sale Units City Market shall not be liable for or responsible for payment of taxes or be responsible to dispute and contest taxes on ReiidentiaVsale Units except as set forth in Section 11.B. above. It is recognized and anticipated that Wamer will be the developer of such ResidentiaVsale Units and Wamer is to reimburse City Market all such to<es until such time as Residential/Sale Units are sold. D. Vail Real Estate Transfer Tax. Vail will amend its real estate transfer ta:< ordinance to exempt the Residential/Sale Units and the Residential/CM Units from such tax. E. Other Taxes and Charges. In the event an AJfected Entity does not pay and discharge punctually as and when the same shall become due and payable, without penalty, p"rron"l property taxes, rent taxes, assessments (including, but not limited to, assessments for public improvements or benefits) and all other govemmental taxes, impositions and charges of Lvery kind and nature, extraordinary or ordinary, general or special, unforeseen or foreseen, wheiher similar or dissimilar to any of the foregoing, which at any time during the applicable terms or any extended term of this Lease shall become due and payable by an Affected Entity and which shali be levied, assessed or imposed upon with respect to, or shall become liens upon, the Improvements or Units or any portion thereof or any interest of an Affected Entity therein under or by virtue of any present or future law, statute, chalacter, ordinancg regulation or other requirement of any govemmental authority, whether federal, state, county, city, municipal or otherwise, then Vail may make such payments and Vail shall have a lien for repayment of arnounts advanced by it which it may foreclose pursuant to Section 18.D. City Market shall not be liable for or responsible for payment of such taxes and other charges or be responsible to t< 1l 8-680 P-990 lI/L5/95 03:1lP PG 14 OF 345 ?6999 dispute and contest such taxes and charges except on the Commercial Component, Day Care Component and ResidentiaUCM UniS. It is the intention of the parties hereto thaf insofar as they same may be lawfully done, except as otherwise provided herein, Vail shall be free from all costs, expenses and obligations of all such taxes, assessments and all such other governmental impositions and charges, and that this Lease shall yield net to Vail the Rent and Percentage Payment specified in Section 4 through the applicable terms of this Lease and any extensions thereof. F. Proration of Taxes and Charges. Upon expiration or earlier termination of this Lease, real estate ta(es, assessments and other charges which shall be levied, assessed or become due upon the Improvements or Units or any portion thereof shall be prorated to the date of such expiration or earlier termination. With respect to assessments levied for public improvements, if such assessments may be paid in installments, an Affected Entity shall be obligated to pay only such installments thereofwhich shall become due and payable during the applicable terms of this Lease. G. Contest of Taxes and Charges. An Affected Entity may contest any such tax or assessment under Section I I in any manner permitted by law in such Affected Entity's namg and, whenever necessary, in Vail's name, provided that such Affected Entity shall pay for and indemnify and hold Vail harmless for and from any and all expenses, costs and liabilities in connection with any such contest and, if the Aflected Entity is other than City Market, the Affected Entity will also indemnifi and hold City Market harmless for and from any and all expenses, costs and liabilities in connection with such contest. Vail will cooperate with such Affected Entity at the request and at the expense of such Affected Entity, and execute any documents or pleadings required for such purpose. Vail will take no position as to any tax rate which may be applicable to a Unit. Such contest may include appeals from any and all judgments, decrees or orders until a final determination is made by a court or govemmental i"purt."nt or authority having final jurisdiction in the matter. However, notwithstanding such contest, such Affected Entity shall pay the contested tax or assessment in the manner and on the dates provided for in Section 1 1, unless enforcement of any lien, tax, imposition or assessment may be stayed by such Affected Entity during such contest by the filing of a bond or the payment of a monet-ary deposit made in court in connection therewith or any other similar action permitted by the local authority having jurisdiction in connection with the foregoing. Any tax refund with respect ro rurxes or assessments paid by such Affected Entity shall be the property of such AJfected Entity, except if collected by the UOA, shall be subject to oflset against other amounts owed by such AJfected Entity to the UOA. 576999 8-680 P-990 LI/75/95 03:1lPPc15 oF34 LZ Section 12: Maintenance and Charges City Market, for itsel{, and through formation of the leasehold condominium for the UOA" covenants that throughout the applicable terms of this Lease, Affected Entities will, at their sole cost and expense, clean and maintain the Improvements now or hereafter erected or located on the Land in an appropriate manner, and will keep the same in good working order and condition and shall promptly, and at Affected Entities' own cost and expense, make all repairs, whether exterior or interior, sfuctural or non-structural, to all parts of the Improvements necessary to keep the Improvements in a condition comparable to new condition, ordinary wear and tear excepted. When used in this Lease, the term "repairs" shall include replacements or removal when necessary. All such repairs shall be equal in quality to the original work. Affected Entities shall pay when due all charges for janitorial and landscaping services, trash removal and snow removal, fuel, water, gas, sewer, electicity, refrigeration, other utilities and services, and all other charges of every kind and nature, extraordinary or ordinary, general or special, unforeseen or foreseen, whether similar or dissimilar to any of the foregoing, incurred in the use' occupation, maintenance, operation or possession of the Improvements throughout the applicable terms of this Lease or any extension or renewal thereof, and shall indemnify, protect and save harmless Vail from any liability thereof. Should Affected Entities fail to pay any such charges, or to maintain the Improvements or to make or commence to make any repair or replacement required by this paragrdph for a period ofthirty (30) days after receipt ofwritten notice ofthe necessity for ,*" by Vail to the Affested Entity, Vail at its option with respect to a condition on the Improvements but outside the interior of the units and which poses an immediate risk of personal injury, may pay any such charges or make any such repair or replacement, and any sums paid by Vait fo. such purposes shall be repaid by the Affected Entity to Vail on the first day of the calendar month next following payment thereof. Section 13: Construction And Alteration An Affected Entity, after review and written approval by Vail, may, at its sole cost and expense, including the cost of amending the condominium declaration and condominium map, make such structural improvements and alterations to the Improvements or Unit which it then owns €15 it may deem desirable for the use thereof and may, atthe Affected Entity's sole cost and expense, construc! alter, remodel or add to any building or improvement on the Land, provided that any such improvement or addition, when completed, shall be of such a character as not to diminish the value of the Improvements or Unit. Notwithstanding the foregoing, City Market may make structural improvements and alterations to the interior of the Commercial Component witho,rt review or written approval by Vail so long as the use is not changed to a use other than a supermarket. The Affected Entity shall deposit with the UOA prior to any such construction the amount estimated by the UOA to amend the condominium declaration and condominium map. Vail will accept the Improvements or Unit with such building, alterations, additions or t3 8-680 P-990 ll/15/95 03:1lPPGlti OF34 F| 576999 improvements as may have been made pursuant to Section 13 at the termination of the applicable term of this Lease. Section l4: Mechanic's Liens A. Until Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy on All Residential/Sale Units. Subject to Section 14.C., City Market shall keep the Land free from any mechanic's liens arising out of any work performed, materials fumished, or obligations incurred by City Market or Warner prior to issuance ofall certificates ofoccupancy refened to in Section 8. B. After Issuance of Certificates of Occupanci' on All Residential/Sale Units' After issuance of all certificates. of occupancy referred to in Section 8, City Market, for itself, and through formation of the leasehold condominium for the UOA, subject to Section 14.C., shall keep the Land free from any mechanic's liens arising out of any work performed, materials furnished or obligations incurred by an Affected Entity. C. Contest of Mechanic's Liens. If City Market or the Affected Entity in good faith desires to contest the validity or amount of any lien under Section 14, Vail agrees to cooperate, at the request and at the expense of the Affected Entity, in the institution, defense and maintenance of any such action or proceeding, provided that the Affected Entity shall indemnify and hold Vail harmless for and from any and all expenses, costs and liabilities in connection with any such contest; provided that any such action or proceeding instituted by an Affected Entity may be instituted and maintained only if and so long as the enforcement of any such lien shall be stayed by reason of such action or proceeding or by bond filed or a monetary deposit made in court in connection therewith. Promptly after the determination of any such contest adverse to the Affected Entity and prior to the enforcement of any such lien, the Affected Entity will pay and discharge the amount of any such lien, together with interest, costs and penalties in connection therewith. Anything contained herein to the contrary notwithstanding, the Affected Entity may, at its option, release the Land from any such lien by recording a statutory payment bond. Section 15: Insurance A. Insurance on Improvements. Except as permitted in Section 15.B. with regard to City Market's right to self insure, Affected Entities, at their sole expense, at all times will keep their Improvements or Unit insured against loss by fire, vandalism, and malicious mischief and normal extended coverage risks with a qualified insurance company reasonably acceptable to Vail. Warner shall insure Residential/Sale Units during construction. The foregoing fire and extended coverage insurance shall be in an amount suffrcient to insure the full replacement of the Improvements or Unit, and in any event suffrcient to prevent the insured from becoming a co- insurer under any applicable clause. Each policy of such insurance or a rider thereto shall name \',i, -{J(U-! Jlt }'r l4 II/15/95 03:l1P PG l7 oF 34576999ts-680 P-990 Vail and Affected Entities as the insured, as their respective interests may appear, and such proceeds shall be applied by Affected Entities and mortgagee, if any, as set forth in Section 16. -City tut-t"t shall have no obligation to insure any Residential/Sale Units at any time. Upon its formation, the UOA shall place and maintain at all fimes during the applicable term, at its expense, a public liability insurance policy covering the Project and insuring the UOA and Vail wittr-limits of at least $2,000,000.00 for any number of persons injured or killed in one accident and $1,000,000.00 property damage resulting from any occulrence upon the Project (including any sidewalk or driveway configuous to or abutting the Project). Upon notice by Vail to the UOA, such amount of insurance shall be reviewed each ten (10) years and increased or decreased in an amount based upon the Consumer Price Index for Denver, Colorado, or a similar index ifsuch index is no longer published. The base year shall be 1996. - In case Affected Entities, except City Market if it self-insures, shall at any time fail, neglect or refuse to insure the Improvements or Units and to keep the same insured as hereinabove provided, then Vail may, at its election, after ten (10) days' notice, procure or renew such insurance, and any amounts paid therefor by Vail shall be due from the AJfected Entity on the first day of the calendar month after any such payment. All insurance policies called for herein shall be written by responsible insurance companies reasonably acceptable to and approved by Vail and authorized to do business in Coloiado. Certificates of such insurance shall be deposited with Vail and maintained during the applicable terms. Each policy of insurance required by Section 15 shall contain or have appticaUte thereto an unde.taking by the insurer thereunder, to the extent obtainable from such inzure., that such policy shall nof be canceled or have its coverage materially altered without at least thirry (30) days' priorwritten notice to Vail, and AfFected Entities shall fumish to Vail with respect to arry e*piring policy reasonable evidence ofthe replacement or extension ofsuch poliry and of the payment of the premium with respect thereto. B. Self-Insurance by City Market. City Market may elect to be self-insured under Section I 5.A. ; provided, however, that City Market shall maintain a net worth of not less than $25,000,000 in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied throughout the penod during which City Market is self-insured, as certified by the chief frnancial officJr of City Market or Dillon Companies, Inc., the sole shareholder of City Market. Information on City Market's net worth is privileged and shall be kept in strict confidence by Vail. Section 16: Fire And Other Casualty ment. City Market, for itself, and through formation of the leasehold condominium for the UOA,covenants and agrees, excePt A. 15 8-680 P-990 Il/L5/95 03:11P PG 18 oF 34576999 as hereinafter provided, that in the event of damage to any Improvement, or destruction of the whole or any part thereof, by any cause whatsoever, the Affected Entity will, entirely at its own expense and without cost to Vail, proceed immediately and diligently to restore the Improvements or Units to the equivalent condition or status in which they existed before such damage or destruction; provided that the value of the same is not less than that existing immediately prior to the damage or destruction. Rent and, if applicablg Percentage Payments shall be abated in proportion to the part of the Improvements or Units damaged or destroyed which are not usable by the Affected EntitY. B. Destruction Within Five (5) Years of Expiration of Applicable Term. Anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, it is understood and agreed that if as a result of any such damagd or destruction within five (5) years of the then scheduled expiration date of an applicable term and if the extent of such damage or destruction is such that the cost of restoration would exceed fifty percent (50%) of the amount it would have cost to replace the Affected Entity's Improvements or Unit in their entirety at the time such damage or destruction took place, then the Aliected Entity may relinquish such Improvements or Unit to Vail as of the date of such damage or destruction by giving written notice to Vail. The Affected Entity shall have thirty (30) days from the date of such termination to remove its personal property. Further, the Affected EntiU shall, at its sole cost, remove the damaged portion of the Improvements or Unit from the Land' C. Varl's Non-Liability. Except for the direct acts of Vail or Vail's failure to act as necessary to discharge its obligations under this Lease, Vail shall not be liable for (i) any damages to the Improvements or Units or any part thereof, or (ii) for any damage to fixtures or merchandise of the Affected Entity if caused by fire or other casualty, regardless of the cause thereof. City Market, for itsell and through formation of the leasehold condominium for the UOA, will ieleuse Vail of and from all liability for such damages and will assure that all insurance policies shall include a clause waiving rights of subrogation against Vail' Section 17: Eminent Domain In the event the Land, or any part thereof or interest therein, or any Improvement or Unit is taken or condemned for a public lr quasi-public use, the rights of Vail and Affected Entities in respect ofthe condemnation proceeding and the condemnation proceeds and the effect of such condemnation proceedings on the terms of this Lease shall be as provided by Colorado law; provided, however, if the condemning authority is Vail, then: A. If condemnation is of less than ten percent (10%) of the Commercial Component as originally constructed, then City Market shall be paid fair market value for the portion of the Commercial Component taken and for the damage to the remainder of the Commercial Component. No such taking shall place City Market in violation of any ordinance, rule or l6 II/15/95 03: l1P PG 19 OF 345 76999 B-680 P-990 regulation of Vail. In such event, rent payable by City Market shall be proportionately reduced based on the reduced size of the Commercial Component after the taking. B. If the condemnation is of ten percent (10%) or more of the Commercial Component as originally constructed (whether in one or more takings), then City Market may elect to declare this Lease terminated as to the Commercial Component, Day Care Component and Residential/CM Units and Vail shall pay City Market the fair market value of such Units. If City Market does not elect to make such declaration and receive such paymenf Vail shall make payrnent to City Market and rent shall be reduced as set forth in Section 17.A. Upon any further condemnation by Vail, City Market shall again have the right of election set forth in this Section 17.8. Section l8: Default A. Default by citv Market or wamer Prior to Recordation of condominium Declaration and Map on all Units. (1) If one or more of the following events shall happen: (a) I1: City Market or Wamer defaults in the observance or performance of any covenant, condition, agreement or provision hereof and City Market or Wamer shall fail to remedy such default within thirty (30) days after notice thereof from Vail to City Market as to a default by City Market, or to City Market and Wamer as to a default by Warner, or by City Market tq Wamer as to a default by Wamer, and the mortgagee of record of such persons, specifiing the nature of the default (or, in the event the default cannot be cured within such period, City Market or Warner shall fail to initiate action to remedy such default within said period and to prosecute the same to completion with due diligence); (b) If city Market or warner admits insolvency or bankruptcy or its inability to pay its debts as they mature, or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors or applies for or consents to the appointment of a trustee or receiver for City Market or Warner, or for the major part of its properry; (c) If a trustee or receiver is appointed for city Market or warner, or for the major part of its property and is not discharged within sixty (60) days after such appointment; or (d)Ifbankruptcy,reorganization,arrangement,insolvencyor liquidation proceedings, or other proceedings for reliefunder any bankruptcy law or similar law for the relief of debtors are instituted by or against City Market or cD t7 ll/15/95 03:1]-P PG 20 ol'34( TAOOq B-680 P-990 Warner, and if instituted against City Market or Warner is allowed against City Market or Wamer or is consented to or are not dismissed, stayed or otherwise nullified within sixty (60) days after such institution; Then, in any such case, Vail may at its option exercise any one or more of the following remedies: (D If City Market is in default: (aa) Vail may require that City Market assign its interest in this Lease to Vail and City Market shall vacate all Improvements upon such assignment or court order directing such assignment; or (bb) Vail may enforce the provisions of this Lease and enforce and protect the rights of Vail hereunder by a suit or suits in equity or at law for the specific performance of any covenant or agreement contained herein or for the enforcement ofany other appropriate legal or equitable remedy. (iD If Wamer is in default: (aa) Vail may require that Wamer assign its interest in the Lease to City Market and Wamer shall vacate all Improvements upon such assignment or court order directing such assignment and that, upon such vacation, City Market shall perform all obligations of Wamer under this Lease; or (bb) Varl may require that City Market enforce the provisions of this Lease and enforce and protect the rights of Vail and City Market hereunder by a suit or suits in equity or at law for the specific performance ofany covenant or agreement contained herein or for the enforcement of any other appropriate legal or equitable remedy' Units. ( I ) If one or more of the following events shall happen: (a) If City Market or a Residential/Sale Unit owner defaults in the payment of any of the rentals or any other payments of money provided to be paid l8 ll/I5l95 03:llP PG 21 oF 34 B. 576999 B-680 P-990 hereunder and such default continues for fifteen (15) days after Vail has given the UOA and City Markeg as to any default by City Market, written notice thereof; or (b) If an Affected Entity defaults in the observance or performance of any covenant, condition, agreement or provision hereof and the Affected Entity shall fail to remedy such default within thirfy (30) days after notice thereof from Vail to the UOA and City Marke! as to any default by City Market, specifying the nature of the default (or, in the event the default cannot be cured within such period, the UO,\ the Affected Entity or the mortgagee of record of such Affected Entity shall fail to initiate action to remedy such default within said period and to prosecute the same to completion with due diligence); Then, in any such case, Vail may at its option exercise one or more of the following remedies: (D Vail may enforce the provisions of this Lease and enforce and protect the rights of Vail hereunder by a suit or suits in equity or at law for the specific performance of any covenant or agreement contained herein or for the enforcement of any other appropriate legal or equitable remedy; (ii) Vail may require the UOA to enforce the provisions of this Lease and enforce and protect the rights of Vail hereunder by a suit or suits in equity or at law for the specific performance of any covenant or agreement contained herein or for the enforcement of any other appropriate legal or equitable remedy; (iii) vail may require the uoA to foreclose its lien upon a Unit, the owner of which has caused a default as set forth above; or (iv) In the event the UoA does not promptly foreclose the UoA's lien on a Unit as requested by Vail, then Vail shall have all rights of the UOA and in Vail's name or the name of the UOA it may foreclose the lien of the UOA on the Unit. (3) If Vail exercises its remedy provrded for in Section l8.A.l.(iXaa), Vail may then or at any time thereafter re-enter and take complete and peaceful possession of such Improvements, with or without process of law, and may remove all persons therefrom, and City Market covenants in any such event peacefully and quietly to yield up and surrender such Improvements to Vail. Vail shall recover from City Market all costs and expenses ofsuch action, including court costs and reasonable attomeys' fees. r.! 19 lI/I5/95 03:l1P PG 22 oF 34576999B-680 P-990 (4) In the event of the assignment of this Lease as provided in Section 18.A.1(D(aa), Varl shall be entitled to recover from City Market all the rent and Percentage Payments accrued and unpaid for the period up to and including the date Vail takes possession, as well as all other sums payable by City Markeq or for which City Market is liable or in respect of which City Market under any of the provisions hereof has agreed to indemnify Vail, which may be then owing and unpaid, and all costs and expenses, including court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred by Vail in the enforcement of its rights and remedies hereunder. (5) If Vail exercises any remedy provided for in Section l8.A.l.(i)(bb), A. t.(ii)(aa) or (bb), lS.B.l.(i) through (iv), inclusivg or if the UOA exercises the remedy provided in subparagraph 1S.8.1.(ii) or (iii), then the entity exercising such remedy shall recover from the entity €ainst whom the remedy is enforced all costs and expenses, including court costs and reasonable attomeys' fees, incuned in such entity's enforcement of such rights and remedies. (6) No delay or omission of any entity to exercise any power, right or remedy shall impair any such power, right or remedy. No waiver of any breach or any covenant, agreement or provision of this Lease shall be construed or held to be a waiver of any other breach, covenant, agreement or provision by any entity. C. Default b], Vail. If Vail shall default in the observance or performance of any covenant, condition, agreement or provision hereof and shall fail to remedy such default within thirry (30) days after notice thereof by the Affected Entity to Vail, the UOA and City Market specifuing the nature of the default (or in the event the default cannot be cured within such perio<1, Va:t stratt fail to initiate action to remedy such default within such period and to prosecute the same to completion with due diligence), the Affested Entity may enforce the provisions of this Lease and enfoice and protect the rights of the Affected Entity hereunder by a suit or suits in equity or law for the specific performance ofany covenant or agreement contained herein or for thl enforcement of any other appropriate legal or equitable remedy and the prevailing parly shall recover all costs and expenses, including court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees' D. of Wamer or Affected Entity. If a mortgagee shall foreclose its encumbrance on Improvements or a Unit of an Affected Entity, Vail shall suspend Rents and, if applicable, Percentage Payments during such foreclosure action and during the period the mortgagee holds such Improvements or Unit.-Sale proceeds fiom a buyer in excess of the amount necessary to satisfy the mortgage and the costs and expenses offoreclosing such mortgage shall be applied to such suspended Rents and, if applicable, Percentage Payments. Nothing herein shall impair Vail's right to collect any unpaid suspended Rents or Percentage Payments. Rents and, if applicable Percentage Payments shall resume upon sale of the foreclosed Improvements or Unit by the mortgagee to a buyer 20 B-680 P-990 Il/15/95 o3: llP PG 23 Ol' :i45 76999 (which will be pursuant to Section 9 as to the Residentral Component); however, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 9, the buyer of a Unit subject to Section 9 shall pay up to market value on any such Unit to a purchase money mortgagee who loaned not more than the purchase price paid by the Unit owner to fully pay such mortgagee the principal and accrued interest owed and ieasonable costs and expenses of foreclosure. To the extent allowed by law, Vail shall have a right of redemption from any foreclosure sale. City Market shall use its best efforts to obtain the agreement of any permanent financing lender on the Commercial Component, Day Care Component and ResidentiaVCM Unie that such lender, upon obtaining title by foreclosure of the Commercial Component, Day Care Component or Residential/CM Units, will offer to sell any such foreclosed property to Vail at a price that may be agreed by such lender and Vail. E. Mediation. By agreement of the Affected Entities or one ormore Affected Entities and Vail, any dispute or claimed default may be mediated by a person or persons agreed to by the entities. If agreement is reached on mediation, any time requirements under this Lease may also be modified by agreement to accommodate such mediation. Section l9: Ouiet Possession Vail agrees that Affected Entities, upon paying the specified Rent and Percentage Payments and lerforming the covenants herein agreed by them to be performed, shall and may peaceably and quietly have, hold, and enjoy the Land, for the applicable term' against all persons iawfully clai-ittg by, through or under Vail. Notwithstanding anything in this Lease to the "onnury, in the eveniVail's negligent act or failure to act results in a default of this covenant of quiet enjoyment which would result in an AJfected Entity being unable to use the Land for the purpor"t set forth herein, the Affected Entity, in addition to any other rights or remedies available tV iu* or in equity, after serving notice and demand on Vail and affording Vail a reasonable opportunity to cure, may cure such default and make the appropriate deduction from or offset uiuintt thi Rent, Percentage Payments or other obligations payable under this Lease to cJmpensate the Affected Entity for its cost in curing Vail's defaul! Vail shall have the right at all reasonable times during the applicable terms to enter the Land for the purpose of examining or inspecting the same; pr*id"d, however, that Vail shall use all reasonable efforts not to disturb the A-ffected Entity's use and occupancy. Nothing in Section 19 shall imply any duty upon the part of Vail to do or pay for any work which under any provrsion of this Lease the Affected Entity is required to perform and the performance thereof by Vail shall not constitute a waiver of the effected Entity's default in failing to perform the same. Nothing in Section l9 shall prevent Vail f.om reasonably enforcing its ordinances, rules and regulations, including zoning requirements' 21 II/15/95 03:11P PG 24 OF 34 ct 576999 B-680 P-990 Section 20: Holding Over If any Affected Entity with Vail's consent remains on the Land beyond the applicable term, such holding over in itself shall not constitute a renewal or extension of this Lease or any exercise of any option to renew, extend or purchase, but in such event a tenancy from month{o- month shall arise upon the covenants and conditions herein set forth, subject to payment of the Rent and Percentage Payment by the Affected Entity each month as that payable on account on the last month of the applicable term and payment of all additional obligations under this Lease, but nothing herein contained shall be deemed to give the AJlected Entity the right to hold over and the Affected Entity covenants that on the last day of the applicable term, or the extended or renewed term, as the case may be, it will peaceably leave and quietly surrender the Land and Improvements to Vail. Section 2l: Ciqv Market's Right Of First Refusal Either City Market or Vail shall have the right by notice to the other to request negotiation on lease terms for a new lease of the Commercial Component and associated Land after termination of the City Market Term. Such notice shall be given not earlier than four (4) years prior to the end of the City Market Term or later than three (3) years prior to the end of the City Market Term. If City Market and Vail are able to negotiate mutually agreeable terms, a new lease shall be executed before the end of the City Market Term. In the event City Market and Vail are unable to negotiate mutually agreeable terms of a new lease, they shall memorialize in writing the last offer of Vail to City Market. In the event Vail offers the Commercial Component to another prospective tenant of the Commercial Component after termination of negotiations with City Market on terms more favorable than memorialized as the last offer of Vail to City Market for a similar use, then City Market shall have the first right of refusal to lease the Commercial Component, at the rent and upon the terms negotiated by Vail with the prospective tenant. Notice, as provided in Section 30, together with a written copy of any proposal, all documents to be used to implement such proposal and a statement by Vail that such proposal is bona fide, shall be given to City Market not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date the prospective tenant is to take occupancy. City Market shall exercise such right of first refusal to Vail by notice, as provided in Section 30, within twenty (20) days after receipt of such notice. In the event City Market exercises such right of first refusal, it shall be given a reasonable amount of time to mobilize and take possession. In the event City Market does not exercise such right within such hventy (20) days, such right shall extinguish. 22 II/15/95 03:llP PO 25 oF 34576999B-680 t'-990 Section 22: Condition Of Land And Improvements Upon Sunender At the expiration of the applicable term or at the expiration of any period of holding over pursuant to Section 20, Affected Entities will quit and surrender the Land and Improvements or Units to Vail and execute such documents of conveyance to Vail that are necessary to vest Vail with unencumbered title to the Land and Improvements or Units. Vail shall make no payment to Affected Entities upon surrender. Affected Entities may not remove or damage any Improvement or Unit. Affected Entities may remove only their personal property. If any Improvement or Unit is damaged in removal of such personal property, Affected Entities shall restore such damage, at their expense. Section 23: Vail's Special Right to Require City Market to Assign the Commercial Componenl Day Care Component and Residential/CM Units to Vail Nothing herein shall be construed to mean or imply that City Market is required to conduct its business in any particulal manner, or for any specified number of hours per day or week, or to limit the number of hours per day or week that City Market may operate the Supermarket. Not'withstanding the foregoing, during the first thirty (30) years of the City Market Term, in the event the operation ofthe Supermarket is suspended for, or ceases for, more than three hundred sixty-five (365) days, except for delays caused by force majeure, labor disputes, casualty, or other causes outside of the reasonable control of City Marke! Vail shall have the right for sixty (60) days after such 365th day to require city Market to assign its Units to vail by giving notice to City tytartet and its mortgagee as provided in Section 30; such assignment shall be deemed made s*& (OO) days after receipt of such notice, unless City Market or its mortgagee resumes conduct of business within such sixty (60) days; and City Market shall have sixty (60) days alter receipt of the notice to assign within which to remove its personal property from its Units. After the first thirty (30) years of the City Market Term, if such period of suspension or cessation is for more than ninety (90) days, except for delays caused by force majeure, Iabor disputes, casualty, or other causes outside of the reasonable control of City Market, Vail shall have the right for sixty (60) days after such 90th day to require City Market to assign its Units to Vail by giving notice to City Market and its mortgagee as provided in Section 30; such assignment shall be deemed made sixty (60) days after receipt of such notice, unless City Market or its mortgagee resumes conduct of business within such sixty (60) days; and City Market shall have sixty (60) days after receipt of the notice to assign within which to remove its personal properly from its Units. Any such assignment by Ciry Market to Vail shall vest Vail with unencumbered title to the Units. f{ z) 8-680 P-990 LL/15/95 03:llP PG 26 OF 34576999 Section 24: Non-Disturbance of Residential/Sale Units Upon Expiration of City Market Term After the forty-nine (49) year term specified in Section 3, the Commercial Component, Day Care Component, and Residentiat/CM Units and associated Land shall be used by Vail in a manner which does not unreasonably disturb the use of the ResidentiaUSale Units by the owners thereof. The leasehold condominium, at the election of Vail, shall terminate as to the Commercial Componen! Day Care Component, and ResidentialicM Units and associated Land at the later of the following: (a) the end of the City Market Term, as extended; or (b) the end of use of at least seventy-five percant (75%) of the Commercial Component as a Supermarket, except for that portion of Common Elements necessary for ResidentiaVSale Unit Owners to use and enjoy their units. Section 25: Lease Subordination If the first mortgagee or prospective fint mortgagee of any part of the Improvements shall request the interest of Vaii in such Improvements be subordinate to the lien of the mortgage or its equivalent, the interest of Vail in such Improvements shall be subject to and subordinate to such mortgage and to all renewals, modifications, replacements, consolidations and extensions thereof and to all advances made thereunder and the interest thereon and Vail shall, within twenty (20) days of a request from the Affected Entity, execute, acknowledge and deliver any and all documents reasonably required by the mortgagee to effect the subordination of Vail's interest in the Improvements to the mortgage in the event of any foreclosure by the mortgagee or its surcessors or assigns, provided no such documentation shall impose any additional obligations on Vail other than those contained in this Lease. Except as otherwise provided in this Lease, any such subordination shall not impair Varl's remedies under this Lease. Vail shall not subordinate its interest in the Land. Section 26: Indemnification A. To Vail. Except for claims, recovery rights and actions which arise due to Vail's, its elected offrcials, officers, agents, employees and/or representatives, negligence or misconduct, City Market only as to the Commercial Component and Residential/CM Units, and as to the Day Caie Component and Residential/Sale Units until certificates of occupancy for such Units are issued, and the UOA only as to Common Elements, shall indemnifu, defend, save and hold harmless Vail and its elected officials, officers, agents, employees and/or representatives, from and against all liabilities, claims, suits, fines, penalties, damages, losses, charges, costs, expenses and fels (including attomeys' fees) which may be imposed upon, incurred by or asserted against either of them by reason of; (i) any work or thing to be done in, on or about the Units or Common aA B-680 P-990 LI/75/95 O:t:1tP Pcl 2 / oF 34576999 Elements described above, or any part thereof by City Market or the UOd as applicable' or any subtenant or assignee; (ii) any use, possession, operation' t9p.tt 11 -lntenance of the Units or Common Elements described above or any part thereof by City Market or the UoA' as applicable; (iii) any act or omission on the pafi;f'City Market or the U9t * applicable; (iv) any iiiig*ion or proceeding relating to or arising out of City Market's or the UOA's use' occupancy' operation or maintenance of ihe Units or Common Eiements described above to which Vail is madeapartywithoutfaultonitspart,commencedbyoragainstCityMarketortheUoA'as applicable; and (v) any toss, cos! expense or liability arising out of a risk which is required to be insured by City Market orthe UOdas applicable, iis subtenants or any person claiming through it but is not so insured. B.ToCityMarketandtheUoA.Exceptforclaims,recoveryrightsandactions which arise due to City Market's or the UOA's, as appiicablel -offt:"^tt, agents' employees andl/or representatives, negligence or misconducq Vail shail indemnifu, defend, save and hold harmless City Market and the UOA and their offlcers, agents, employees and/9r representatives' from and against all liabilities, claimq suits, fines, penalties, iutuL"i losses, charges, costs, expenses and fees (including attorneys' fees)-which-may be i.po; upon, incurred by or asserted against eitler of them by reason of: (i) any work or thing to be done in, on or about the Project or any part thereof by vail; (ii) any act oi omission on the part of Vail; and (iii) any litigation or proceeding relating to or arising out of vail's use, occupancy, operation or maintenance of any property in or about the Project to which city Market or the uoA is made a party without fault on its part' commenced bY or against Vail. c.Survival.Theindemnitiescontainedhereinshallsurvivetheterminationofthis Lease. Section 27: EstoPPel Certificates city Market, vail and the UoA shall, within fifteen (15) days after written request by one of such entities, fumish to the others or their designees a written,.acknowledged statement certifying: (a) whether this Lease has been moai-ned or not, and, if so, identifuing each modification; (b) whether this Lease (as and if modified) is in full force and effect; (c) the amount of any current installment of Rent; (d) the date the most recent installment of Rent was paid; (e) the date the next installment or n"nt is due; (0 the amounts, if any, of any sums held as prepaid Rent or security; -a gi *ft"ttter the parly has received any notice of default under this Lease' ,/.) 8-680 P-990 17/15/95 03: 11P Pc 28 oF 34576999 Section 28: Signs City Market may place and maintain on, in or about the Project, both outdoors and indoors, such appropriate signs advertising the businesses of the Commercial Component as it may desire, in compliance with the sign code of Vail. Upon termination of the City Market Term, City Market shall remove all such signs. Section 29: Hazardous Materials A. Compliance with Law; Notice; Insurance. Affected Entities, at their sole cost, shall comply with all local, state and federal taws, regulations, permit conditions and requirements relating to the generation, manufacture, above-ground storage, under-ground storage, use, handling, managemen! processing, treatrnent, recycling, transportation, or disposal of Hazardous Materials, as defined in Section 29.C.,onthe Project. B. Hold Harmless. The Affected Entity or Vail using Hazardous Materials shall be solely responsible for and shall defend, indemnify and hold the other Affected Entities and Vail, their mortgagees, partners, employees, agents, affiliates, contractors, licensees and invitees, free and harmless from and against any and all claims, causes of action, costs, fines, penalties, losses, damages, liabilities, expenses, including reasonable attomeys' fees and costs and experts' and *nruit-tr' fees and costs, incurred or arising in any way out of or in connection with any actual or alleged presence of Hazardous Materials in, on, under or about the Project, or the soils or groundwatir thereof, due to the acts of (or those allowed by) the Affected Entity or Vail, their agents o. employees, assigns, tenants or licensees, but not otherwise, including, but not limited tq all costs and expenses associated with any permit compliance, remedial investigation, testing, monitoring, feasibility studies, remedial action, planning, removal, clean-up, abatement, closure, restoration work or other action required to remediate, abate and clean up any such Hazardous Materials in full compliance with all statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations relating to Hazardous Materials. The indemnity obligation of the Affected Entity and Vail hereunder shall survive any expiration or earlier termination of this Lease, but only as to Hazardous Materials which are located on the Project prior to such expiration or termination. C. Definition of Hazardous Materials. As used herein, the term "Hazardous Materials" means any hazardous or toxic substance, material or waste, the storage, use or disposition ofwhich is or becomes regulated by any local, slate or federal govemmental authority. The term "Hazardous Materials" includes, without limitation, any material or substance which is (i) any hazardous waste as defined or listed pursuant to Section 1004 ofthe Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act,42 U.S.C., Section 6901, et seq (42 U.S.C., Section 903)' (ii) any hazardous substance as defined in Section 101 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act,42 U.S.C. Section 9601, gt seq. (42 U'S.C., Section 8-680 p-990 rI/ISl95 03 r 1Lp pG 29 oF 34 I\{ 57n999 9601), and (iii) any material, substance, or waste defined or other similar designation by any regulatory scheme of the State of Colorado, the United States Government or any local govemmental agency having jurisdiction over the Project, that is similar to the foregoing. Notwithstanding anyhing contained in Section 29, Affected Entities shall be permitted to sell, use or store on the Project Hazardous Materials which typically are sold, used or stored in comparable business operations, provided that same are done in compliance with applicable law. Section 30: Notices Notice or demand on Vail shall be in writing, by United States certified mail, retum receipt requested, postage prepaid and addressed to Vail at its address below. If Vail places an encumbrance on the Land, it shall give notice of the name and address of such mortg€ee to all persons named in Section 30 and notice upon such mortgagee shall be as provided in Section 30. Notice or demand on an Affected Entity or the mortgagee for an Affected Entity shall be in writing, by United States certified mail, rettrm receipt requested, postage prepaid and addressed to the Affected Entity, and if to the mortgagee for the Affected Entity, to both the Affected Entity and such mortgagee. City Market shall give notice to Vail of names and addresses for City Market's mortgagee and for the UOA. The UOA shall give notice to Vail of names and addresses for owners of Residential/Sale Units and for the mortgagees of such units, and such names and addresses shall then be used under Section 30. All such notices shall be deemed effective forty-eight (48) hours after deposit in the United States mail. Vail, City Market, the UO,\ owners of ResidentiaVsale Units and all mortg€ees holding mortgages shall have the right to change their address established as set forth above by notice in the manner set forth in Section 30 to all persons named in Section 30. Section 3l; Interpretalon A. Successors and Assigns. This Lease shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors or assigns. B. Time. Time is of the essence of this Lease. C. Names. The terms "Vail," "City Market," "IJOA," "Wamer" and "ReSidential/ Sale Unit owners" as used herein, shall include any successor or assignee of the original paltv so designated. o?n :.) 5?6999 8-680 P-990 ll/15/95 03:l1P PG 30 oF 34 STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF MESA STATE OFCOLORADO COI.JNTY OF EAGLE ) ) ss. ) ) ) ss. ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this &dwof S*lk^b-' 1995, by Robert W. Mclaurin, Town Manager of the Town of Vail. Witness my hand and ofiicial seal. My commission expires: #HSr- ?s&FnnbStRoad 29 LL/15/95 03;llP PG 32 oF 34 Notary Public iary Public 576999 B-680 P-990 CITY MARKET,INC. VAIL COMMONS PROJECT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LAi{D Ar,L ?HAT FORTION OF THE EAST 1/2 or' lmE soIrlHlAST 1/4 OF SECTION 11, AlrD rI{E NORTlIIwEs5l L/4 oF lttE sourl{wEsT l/4 OF'sECrroN rz, towNsHrP 5 SOUTE, BANGE 8L, wEsr oF TIIE 5TH i.u- , r,yrr6 NoRTIt oF IIIE NoRTETESTERLT RrcHt-oF-wAy oF iXtfisratE g.rcl{itAt NO. 70, soIIrII oF VAIt HEIGIIIS, FfLING NO.X,NORTAEASTERLYOTVA.TLDASSCSONEFILINGNO.3'AND sourrnrssrgRLY oF BUFFER CREEK SUBDIVISION, COI'NTY OF EAGLE' sTATd OF COT,ORADO' EXCEPIING 1HER3FROU TIIE For'LowrNG: A PARCEL OF LAND LYrNG rN rHE EAS1 1/2 OF Tl{E souTHEAST 1/4 oFSAIDsEctroNll'DESCRfBEDAS:couuE}IcINGATTIIE NoeTEEAsT coRNER oi THn soUTEI{EsT 1/4 OF TEE S9UIIIEAST 1/4 oF SAID SECTION 11, THETCE ALoNG THE WEST LINE OF SArD EAST L/2 OF TIIE SorJ:rHEAst 1/4 OF SEcTroN 11t !9!?1-1 DEGREES 3e UINUTES OO SSCONDS IfES? 354.15 T'EE3 TO ETTE SOUUEE{LY I-'INE OF CIIAMONTX LANE RIGI{T-OF-WAY, I{HTCII IS ALSO rH8 SoTIImIWEST CORNIR OF'VArIJ HEIGIIIS, FILING NO' 1; TIIENCE ALONG SAID soIJttHERLY LrN-E ON TH3 FOI;OWING FOUR COURSES: (1) NORTH 85 DEGREES 13 tfT}IUlIES 33 SECONDS EAS? J-92.82 FEET TO A POT}i:P OF suRvE; (2) 270.55 FEEr ALoNG TIIE ARC OF A 238.54FOOT RADIUS . crIRvE tci igr LEIT I{HoSE cElIrRAl, ANcLE IS 64 DEGREES 57 r,{I,NI]ITES 33 SECONDS A}ID'WIIOSE I.,ONG CEORD BEARS NORTH 52 DEGREES 44 HINTIIES 46 SECONDS EAST 256.29 FEE:T TO A POTl,l1T OF TANGENT' (3) NoRTH 20 DEGREES 16 l'[rNUtES 0O SECONDS EeS? 2a4-oo FEET,' AliD (4) 82.24 FEEI AI,ONG THE ARC oF A 227'ie fooT RADIUS cttRVE iO tge RIGHT I{HoSE cENTRAL N{GIJE fS 20 DEGREES 43 I.fiNU1TES 23 SECONDS AND I{HOSE LONG CHOilD BEARS NORTII 30 DEGREES 37.I{INIITES 42 SECONDS EAST. AL.79 FEES AO aHE rRUE POINT oF BEGINNING; THENCE CoNTINUING AIpNG SAID SOIITHERLY LT}TE OF CIIAUONTX IANE RTGHT-OF-HEY ON TflE FotLow:rNG T"sro COSRSES: .(1) 57.35 FEEI AIoNG Tffi eRC OF A 22?.3A FOOT RADIUS CI]R\rE TO THE RTGHS I{IIOSE CEMIRAt E}IGI.E. IS 14 DEGREES 27 IfINI'TES 06 SECONDS A}ID I{EOSE I'NG CIORD BEARS NORTII 48 DEGREES 12 UTNUTES 56 SECONDS EAST 57.20 EEI TO'A PorNT oF TAIIGENT; AND (2) NoRIE s5 DEGREES 25 }fINuIEs 29' SECONDS EAST 198-O4 FEHr; IEETCE SoItfII 43 DEG?gEs 05 UINUTES 35 SECO}IDS EEST 469.14 FEET TO A POINT ON TEE NORTIIERTY T.:FNE oF rMIE&STAAE EIGITWAY NO- 70 RrGHT-OF-WAy' TEENCE SOUCEiiIESTERIY EI'NG SAID NORTSERLY LINI ON TE,E FOLItr'-|JIIIG TWO COURSES: (.1) SOIJ:IH 44 DEGREIS 02 MINTIIES 56 SECoNDS IfEST 11.00 FgEn TO A POINT OF TAllGElfll AIID (2) 254.43 3Ef aIJONG gHE ARC OF A 555O.OO POOT RADTUS CUR\IE TO gHE RTGEI HEOSE CEMTRAL ANGI-.E IS 2 DEGREES 37 }fII{UTES 36 SECONDS A}TD IiIEOSE IJoNG CHORD BEARS SOtItH 45 DEGREES 21 HINUIES 44 SECoIIDS WEST 254.41 FEEf,; fiiENCE NoRTII 42 DEGREES 57 MINIJTES 47 sEcoNDs I{EST 506.70 FE:T.TO TTIE. TRI]E POINT OF BEGINNING- EXHIBITA ll/L5/95 03:l1P PG 33 i 576999 B-680 P-990 ot' 34 Ful'l Lease Year I 2 .J 4 o , I I 10 11 z J 4 6 I I 20 21 22 z5 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 55 34 JO 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 CITY MARKET, INC. VAIL COMMONS PROJECT - COMMERCIAL SCHEDULE OF RENTALS AND FLOOR FOR PERCENTAGE PAYMENTS o POR TION EXHIBIT Percentage Payments Due On Annual Sales Exceedi ngRents 0o, ooo 0o,000 00,000 10 ,000 1 20,000 1 30,000 40,000 50, OOO 50,000 50,0OO 1 50,000 50, oo0 54,500 54,500 54,500 54,500 1 54,500 59, 135 59, 135 59 , 135 59, 135 59 , 135 63, g0g 63,909 63,909 63, 909 63,909 68, 826 68, 826 68, 826 68,826 68,826 73,891 73 , 891 73 , 991 73,891 1 73,891 79, 109 79, 108 79 , 108 1 79, I0g 79 , 108 84 ,481 84 ,481 84 ,491 84 ,491 84 , 481 90,016 90,016 EXHIBITB 24,000,000 24, 000,000 24,000,000 24, 000,000 24, 000,000 24,000,000 24, 000,000 24,000,000 24, 000,000 24, 000,000 24,000,000 24,000,000 24, 900 ,000 24, 900,000 24,9OO,OOO 24, 900, 000 24, 900,000 25,827 ,OOO 25,827 ,OOO 25,927 ,OOO 25,827 ,OOO 25,827,OOO 26,781 ,800 26,781 ,gO0 26,78'l ,800 26,781 ,800 26, 781 ,800 27 ,765,2OO 27,765,2OO 27 ,765,2OO 27 ,765,2OO 27 ,765,2OO 28,778,2OO 28,778,2OO 28,778,2OO 28,778,2OO 28,778,2OO 29,821 ,600 29,821 ,600 29,821 ,600 29,821 ,600 29,821 ,600 30 ,896, 200 30, 896 , 200 30, 896 , 200 3O, 896, 200 3O, 896, 200 32 ,003 , 200 32 , OO3 ,2OO (tl -t OJ @(o (o tp I o) @o '0 I(o @ ('l ql o 5 o 'r a