HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT E F VAIL VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 1993 INCINERATOR REPLACE LEGALl/n;t ,t///aVe fr7rn7 2 (o(2.(!1r,u,/ /,!'7 Va/ctu;:;.b'^ ( t8/ S l1,c) netaP ('7/oc2' ;l oz tr =G, UIo- o\(fl C\rr --l U) IJJ uJu- ts =E UJ(L NT Eb/ b A - , l, t^/-9 Le!€# zult't\ A /<t@ ll\tF ) le tl", -!H d3i;to jl I r 'i-l6t (\l. ll.nl Nl lrlo. +Jltr E:5 il* ;ia El5 fi; t4 lof6 t2!i rE .1 IJ.r{ B ?1' n Pdo tr C' q,r o uJFoz z = cd o =z lr o +J 'rl .d AJ F{ ,Fl F cloIJr, o P .i ; o.l':) lr c) rJFl 'r'{ B lr r-{ q) ,u (H (,ri 6o CJ Q}l{ o0 ltItrl'.1lu Itt{ 'I+{ldIut' t;lP,Itr'lo,lo l!J uJo =i ll. Fo EFz cE uJz3 lto HlF z 6 ulz3o ul- Foz ---oc t;*:i ,E!rEI E$EiF:i;;e !EEiE EE;EE t";Et€ SE;ei f E ='5! :EEsg -c= o) ur E e€Ee€ E gi:? sEiEg \o(\ rn\o rnN N F =E UJ z o - gJ 2 J o EF !! 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Io\6l;t\ol\F\o$\-cr' q\ 8\{9N 6'g^\ q o\ :) 6 o1too CD =to E trl1!11 E(nl B8l FHI6 a.l aFl'; zlEfiI ul .: 6; sr*!oiE8E; :.g:t€*898-.= 6 -trJ-:O E UP:Etr-o> cf;E;€i;c96iI05o 3 5E'5 E EEi EE gE EleccL 6 0--sE; e o!Eor =*e€E6:F EEEE -a,Yo6 0'-:g;o., ---c- gEi; o 6= x ;EF9 ;g;E EEg: - cr 6: 1 (- 3 ,9 a/. u, uJ EItl- E =0< uJc .:{ FoF tr, ztr^ E9 .tt OZt-oaJ9rzr! <(v=ul tlo- !?EEr a\i IJJ 2 .. >lo IJJ u,l UJzo llJ z tr tr3i 9= tro3tr =z @o-t L -J =() dl .IJI\$ rf \Sl I|,|Jl't 1.}| .r.t I anut&otol J - ) (! s\ { \I \'; , \>- A +\ \c 6 v t ,i n{ 3 0i ttItulEoo -t- x l)) I d|ll| 5 >l ol =.1olutl 5t-l>l tlol zl 'lqH I I I 9t dlgJI :l =lt!lol El E J O E F() UJJ uJ z - C) UJ = =c)=+tFt-o2 o C) ctz ts-G UJo. z (J IJJ =.: C,c)zE 3b55 \E u, trD ts =cIuo- l!o UJo. F tr: g,clt ti uJE9E<al€alo!FErr 'e.EE =>=urEF85E=arxg :..9tr Eq€= uJooF z o9ze(oo>z dP !! :d 'l ult:.noo.) zo Fo. UJY uJlo oF E =E llJ o- lto o-oo I IJJFoz uJF o ts =Elrl o-z9F() EF CNzoom\u",lll=\//trb\<LJ=,}-,.\ a. '\ \Y)i\\_ / 75 |outh frontrge road u!ll, colorldo E!657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2\39 oftlce of communlly doYclopmcnl BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIIvIE FRAME If this permi.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval ,Engineer''s (Pgb.lic Wot ks) reyiew and approval,' a plannin!' Oeparinentreview or Health Department review, and a review by the Euilbing Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as longas three weeks. A'll conrmercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentialand.small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thjspermit as. s,gon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and time frame. 1/L//74 c -A-,roject Name >/^z /q Sheet was turned into theDate l,Jork Development Department. ',\ 75 soulh ironlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ofrlco of communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH TIIE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPUENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmaryr -ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor material-, including trash dumpster-, portable ioileti andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public p_f?g" or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way on alf Town ofVail streets and,roads is approximateiy 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.This ordinance wilr be striLlry enforced by the Town of vairnt3!-li-c works Department. persons found vi6lating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to renove-said naterial.fn the event the person so notified does not cornply with thenotice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the pulfic WorksDepartrnent will remove said mateiial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sfritt not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. G in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain I copy. firanf you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledoed bv:acknowledged Position/Relationship to F-oject (i.e. contractor, o!,rner) Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME:VVMC INCINERTOR DATE:3-8-93 ADDRESS:l8l W. MEADOW DR CONTRACTOR:LEON INDUSTRIES VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT:DOUCET OCCTJPANCY:I . ENGINEER:DOUCET TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: PLANS EXAMINER:DAN STANEK CORRECTTONS REQUTRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The foltowing is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. PROVIDE FIRE DEPARTMENT WITH COPY OF WRITTEN OPERATING PROCEDURE FROM MANUFACTURE AND VVMC, WRITTEN PROCEDURE REQUIRED BEFORE OPERATING INCINERATOR. 2. PLANNING AND IIEALTH DEPARTMENT APPROVAL REQUIRED. 3. FIELD INSPECTTON REQUTRED FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. I Project Application Project Name: Projecl Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL D ISAPPROVAL Su mmary: Staff Approval . :i 1r: ' :.: :' d r '-'|;: Project Application Date a /ag /q= 1;L h*J i, rlKepLc/..Cl IACt net cd^a f\ ,n"^. ToA.. You"q - 176 -a 4s I I w ru.eo.)o,,: A,T"o, Vqi (, Co. 7 /5s7 Project Name: Proiect Descrlption: Contact Person and tg Owner, Address and Phone:9q,-,e q"S qL-,>< Archrtect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot b.B lock ,.* P'JD Com menls: Design Review Board Date Molion by: Seconded by: --TTPFFOVAf-.-qqfrP?84!41 o c-rYup{/f o i^4,,;g5,(rte G tLe't t b, ta S{qtg Grl t<,stetS ,-)/( L<' poin 9< '*r Town Plan ner C€ /<,)(e c-1) Qtt ,/Y Statt Approval 7e [. af Cofq/. :;L-",1 itnc ip.r',,r,/o,' t, f i' '-,c vctL :). / n Z ^tl)t"''ct' To POSITIVE PROTECTION BY C,ontlol"oo No. 1 Black No. 2 Silver No. 3 Lagoon No. 5 Horizon No. 7 Mauve No. I Fawn No. t0 Fusset Consult oo No. 13 Dusty No. 14 Golden No. 15 Charcoal No. 76 Stee/ No. 17 Pewte( No. 18 White No. 19 Satety Bluer No. 21 Salety GreenI No. 23 Satetv RedNo. 22 Satetv Yellow No. 11 Qua!!y_ No. 4 Topaz No. 6 Newport No. I Walnut No. 20 Salety Orange Flame Control's product information sheels lor specific heat resistance ol each color in the desired product series. %rror'::%r.r: High Pedormance INDUSTRIAL High Performance HEAT RESISTANT HEAT RESISTANT oo INDUSTRIALCOATINGS Withstand temperaturos from ambient to 1500 F (815 C). They lorm exlremely tough, durable, heat resistant tinishes, protecting all types ot melal surfac€s from corrosion and weathering. They are also suitable tor use on stainless sleel surfaces, as lhey are formulated with special ingredients to minimize conlamination trom chlorides, other halides, sulfides, nitrates, and metals which ar6 known to induce external stress corrosion cracking. They contain no lree metallic zlnc and. theretore. will not contribute to embrittlement ol slainl€ss steel welds. Suggested Uses: . Retinery Equipment - Crackers, Healers, Relormers, . Steel Mill Equipmsnt - Furnaces, Ovens, Etc. . Stacks, Boilsr and Furnace Casings . Pipes, Pumps, Manitolds, Exhausl Systems . Compressors, Turbines, Engines . Heat Exchanoers, Radiators .Insulated and Noninsulaled Storage Tanks .Insulated Steel and Slainless Steel Piping, Vessels and Tanks . All melal surtaces that will become hot durino use. COATINGS Intormation provided hsrgin 13 basad on t6al8 b€llov€d to b€ rellable. In as much as Flarne Control Coatlnos, Inc. he3 no conlrol over th€ us€ or applicalion to which otheG may pul lh|s malotial, we meko no Ouarani€o or waranly. Our p.oducb are sold on lho condlllon that each use. of lho materlal maks thelr own €valuation to detsmine lhe malerlal's sultabllity lor thslr own parlicular u3€. LIMITAIION OF LIABILIW: We guaranlee our producl to confo.m to Flama Control's gpeclllcatlons WE MAKE NO OTHER WARRANTY OR GUAMNTEE OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUOING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Llabllily, ll any, is limlted to roplacemont ol tho product. LABOR OR COST OF LABOR AND OTHEF @NSEOT,ENTIAL OAMAGES ARE HEREBY EXCLUOEO. %*c""itu"on,,nn",n". Avallable trom: NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. 14302 U.S.A. P,tntsd In u.s.A. voilvolley medicolcenter 181 West Meodow Drive. Suite 100 Voil. Colorodo 81657 (3O3) 476-2451 February 15, 1993 Town of Vail Design Review Board 111 South Frontage Road WestVaiI, Colorado 8L657 In regard to the replacement of the pathological incineratorproject as per your request, Vail Valley nedical Center willrepaint the stack of the new incinerator the color the Design Review Board staff selects, either dark forest green or oxford brown. Since painting cannot be completed at this tine of year, wewiII complete this project when the daily temperatures exceeds 600F. Sincerely, Roy McMohon Chief Executive Officer o o Rerum , W,n Cut*-4Q- Town Planner INTER.DEPARTI'ENTAL REVIEW L *no{ur-PROJECT: YatL Va DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED Ei, BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Alnut incuoro,{rr * Vn:( rLcby e*A G"d{'r FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date: DRB EPPI,IICAUON - IOIIN OE \IAII, DATE APPI,ICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** TSIS APPLICATION WXLL NOT BE ACCEPTED IINT I L ALL RE Qu I **o* *t}lO*}|}t I ON I s s uBItlI TTED I.PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: | "".rt"" o vt +t vL coLoE,ADO .)t/-?-// L/q s ' - TYPE OF REV]EW: New Construction ($200. 00)u{ino. Alteration ($20. 00) D. Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESSz /9/ LL1 n4o..lut,, D-,'ue LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot - Block Subdivision If property is described by desqription, please provide attach to this application. a meets and bounds legal on a separaLe sheet and F ZONING: LOT AREA: If requiredl applicant stamped survey showing lot area. must provide a current NAME OF APPLICANT z /n,Z Fn I na"./;u (" nle- MailingAddressz /?/ Lea /t"/e a,( H.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: ,7d/,^ /6,q'''J Mailinq Address: / ( ) / <.t t- o "/o I.NAME OF OWNERS: *SIGI{ATURE ( Mailing Addr Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEEs DRB fees, as shown above, are Lo be paid at the tlme of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a buiJ.ding permit, please ident.ify the accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of vail wilt adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ 0 - $ 1o,ooo$10,ooL-$ 50r0oo $50,001 -s 150,000 $150,001 - $ 5o0,0oo $500,001 - $1, 000, 000 $ Over $1,000r 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YF"AR A3TER FINAL APPROVAIJ T'NI'|ESS A BUILDTNG PERMIT TS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTTON TS EARTED. 'O APPLICAIION I{ILL B8 PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE '1 ,J. K. FEEs 20.00I s0 .00 $100 .00 s200.00 s400.00 $s00.00 4<'z.,locct Dr::L Phone 3 o 6- AVs / o TIOIIPRE_APPLICA N MEETTNG: A pre-appfication neet.ing with a member of the planning sLaff is strongly encouraged t.o determine if any additionaapplication information is needed. ft is the applicant'sresponsibility to make an appointnent with the staff to determine if there are additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the approval process for your project. III. IMPORTANT NOT]CE REGARDING ALL SUBMTSSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition Lo meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. AII trees to be removed must be taped. AIIsite tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requirestwo separate rneetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Applicants should plan on present.ing their development proposal ata minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval . C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepublished. D. The followi.ng items may, at tbe discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the CommunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. a fornal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changeswhich do not alter the exist.ing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addition proposals not visible frorn anyother lot or public space. At the time such aproposal is submitt.ed, applicants must includefetters from adjacent property ovrners and,/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfal1, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and theowner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior. to the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town pLannerprior to DI{B application t,o determine the reLationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. F, For aL] residentlaL construction: a. Clearly indicate on t.he floor plans the insideface of the exterior structural walLs of thebuilding; andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval nust beresolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. LTST OF MATERIALS p-.)a2 fd. e -L|c.-'fNAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT'(. F BLOCK STREET ADDRESS: TYPE OF MATERTAL COLOR suBDrvrsroN 1,i,.'L tl t/-,,,c, z4c, 1,,,) DESCRIPTION OF PRO,JECT: /r",*Ao l?,,'ro ( i r r,',-*-r{o.- The following information is required for submittal to the DesignReview Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WaIl Material-s Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Ot.her ./nr, r-t-.r'r'u- - ,'ci-or(o-- G-at,- /in. (/et( / ' B. LANDSCAPING:t ZqLkq. F(. Phonei /-q/q')76- Oloa PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *fndicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper fordeciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for conifeioustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is G feet. PLANT MATERII: Botanical Name co..orlan. Ouantitv siie* PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS rO BE REMOVED *fndicate size of proposed shrubs. Mininum size of shrubs is 5 qallon. Tvpe Square Footage GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: rf exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separateIighting p1an. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list bel-ow and provide the wattage, height abovegrade and type of light proposed. D. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpoolsl etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback it3 feet. Maximum height. of walls elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. M;:[*i]""* January 15r, 1993 Susan Scanlon Tovn of VaiI11I S. Frontage Rd. Westvaila colorado 81657 Dear Sudahr, Enclosed are copies of all informationof the hew pathological incinerator. installed on or about January 2611993. me if you have any questions in regard 181 W€st ]t/eodoy Drlrc, Suite 100 Voil. Colorodo 81657 (30,3) 4762451 regarding the inst,allation The new incineraEor will be Please feel free to call to this information. erel!r, nF. ilding Roy tMclMohon Chief Execulive fficer h,, oo VENT.O-MATIC Pollution Control pesr Gontinuous Feed at noted capabilities Gapacities up to 2 ton Per nouF-- I Graphic 30-Day rd Retention Direct '.?: ./' :t Ii FullEmission Control i i , Retention Times : as required _.--r' a ,- ' . I ,. ='I r'-.. Controlled Air Combgstbn:- " * aS fgquffgq ,*-"- - --'' . ,,,_ -, \7,L I 5y_-".-_ *.:t ' Controlled AirCptrSdSeJ : 11 .);; :i iili | '.tt o o Fuuy GomputerlFed Daa r-og6in61',ii ).:.,'";t. 4t7% .:-n ,i' ".'Catu6n loric Acid than 20 ppm Scrubber . Retention of Gases Up to 2 Seconds @ 22O0eF ./ i' 1 ,-=:r' to o o EC OLOGY Maintainable Product is low maintenance Upgradable to meet advanced pollution control requirements Configurable to fit available space .o Automatic Burn o Safety Interlock ADVANCED POLLUTION CONTROL SYSTEM meets stringent air quality standards Tests conducted in Massechusetts demonstrate the following emissions: 0.002 grains per cubic foot of air, correcl lo 7"/o Q2 Zero opacity Less than |00 ppm Less lhan 20 parts per million Less than 9.5x10-4 lb/hr Particulaile ldlatler Smoke Calbon lvbnoxide flydrccfibdcAcld Total luletals Emissions INFECTIOUS o WA STE INCINERA N SYSTEM o Tto STANDARD FEATURES . Temperature Control . High lLow lOff Modulation of Afterburner o Digital Temperature Display . Primaryand secondary Air Modulation r Advanced Underfire AirSystem lnsulation Barrier between Refractory and Shell Stacks with a 26OO"F Lining Full Dianreter Doors Solid State Controls Weather Protection Kit AdditionalSections Refractory-Lined Stack and Special Shapes Custom Anangements Waste Heat Boiler Roof Penetration Kit Spark Screen Ram Feed Mechanism Labor Saving Control System FullDiameter Doors OPTIONAL FEATURES . computer Graphics Keyboard-style user inlerface . Remote Control Panel o FM or lRl Gas Trains SAFEW FEATURES . Electrically Actuated Door Lock . AutomaticShut€fl FUEL SAVING FEATURES o Afterburner Modulation . Temperature Controls o Advanced Underfire Air Supply System . Thermally Efficient . Insulating castable Refractory in stacks 3-inches thick . Waste Heat Recovery (Optional) DIFFERENT FUEL OPTION o Naturalcas . Propane o Diesel or #2 Fuel Oil o Liquid Injection System a a a a a a a aa a a VENT.O-MATIC INCINERATOR CORP. Home Offices: P.O. Box 304 Avon, Massachusetts 02322 Tel: (508) 559-8805 Fax: (508) 559-8808 VIIL.VHLLEY MEDICHL CE ID:303 JRN 20'93 16:06 N0.008 P.02 o srArEofccuonapq corox^Do D:15r-llHI or Ht trlr IIWOICEI-I eprn(s) HffifJ,.",Wg+tlffi:Urhrhear'rand lFl ,*",*AppRovAL DATE: JanuarY 6, 1993 RBr PERMIT NI'IIvTBER FrNAt. APPROVAL ffi MODTFICATION l#l.HyD*"' TRANSFER OF OWNER EMISSION REDUCTION CREDIT ASBESTOS SOURCB IIBALTII CARE FActl'lTY ' Opurtioo of rr hhh fGd tyJrc biomdicd w'ote inpin€nl'ot' Itf*Dt to .o0 prwiriotrs Ect forth in thc cororrdo Ai, Quriry contmr Act thc forrorring fce for pfo.*ssint' administflrior! rnit/or eofrncerpt rsg.rdiry grs Air Pollution gnisitotft(ii * ctttinttrdt) ryecificd rbovo ig rc$teotod: PROCB$SINOFEBFoR' 6'?0 HOURSAT j$[ /llOUR: St35'00 HoURS AT /HOURT PTJELIC COMMENT CASTS OTIIER FEES: Addltionrl Filinl Fco - TOTAL FBE DUEI $335.0o --F < t A,f\l : i I ( i I I ItirthspolicyoflheDivirionnotioisoluerirJrollutionpermitsorcortificrrgsuntiltherpproprirtofceh*bemprid' ch6.es $oul.l be rudo e*y.u. to tr, ortonrlo u"petmit of lleelrh rnd nrilcd to: Attd: DED*ftnEst tl00 Colorrdo- DePrrtmnt of Hcdth APCD-SS-ET 4300 ChorrY Creek Drivc South Denvsr, gO t@:12-1530 VAIL VALLBY MBDICAL CENTER tit wesr MEADow DRIVE VAIL, CO 81657 pil;tdt dre Division rt (303) 602'3150' Anolicrnt C,0PY n iun t" DcPt' 400 With PrYmnt Divirioo CoPY Aenuntinl CoPY VCiL.VRLLEY MEDICRL CE I D:5 o 20'93 o 03 JRN 16:05 N0.008 P.01 noy htcl/lohon ChiGi ElscrJtivG CJ:{ic gt ,\gf voilvolleY lWN medicolcenter rAx.# (3031 479-?192 rAQ s I lrJlElEa!-EM r rl[E PAGElOF L PAGES otrlr t /?a/q? ,5, 1el VJes! V€odow Drive, Suiio 1CD votl, colorodo s1657 (303) 4?0'2!51 coulnyvr ,7Pcu',^. .,d€ H, L - f|,(.1 I t I conplete the forrowing data to the extent possible. subnit this- Questionnaire as part of the Bid Brochure. !t ftens that do not apply shall be rnarked N/A. If additional space is needed,I attach supplenental sheets. I A. TNCTNERATOR I I 1. l.todel Nurnber Ventolatic ilodet CA6O 2. Type/Description Controlted Air TECENTCAL DATA QUESTIONNeTRE 3. Heat fnput Rating (106 Btu/hr) t-z I 4. Incinerator Capacity t I ' - tg::,ff?.1"?ol.=.. Average Hourly BurningRate (Ib/hr) DaiIv Throuqhput Capacitv at 8 hrsLoadinq (lb) 1000 15 sq. ft. Pathological Waste) f25 | _ ,--'--vY'r'r'* 'rq-'L iot Red Bag Wastesot ceneralIlospital waste(rncluding 10*' Pathological Waste) 125-t5O : IOOO_12OO I 5. prirnary ChanberI - Design Heat Release Rate (Btu/cu-ft/hr) IO,OOO\ |r, r,rr/r L.til_r r_/ rr.r' / I - Effective Burning (Hearth) Area (sq-ft) - Operating Tenperature Range (oF) l4OOo F ge16ooo F | - Design Conbustion Air rnput- (Percent Stoichiornetric) ZS to 1OO | - Design Burning Rate (Ib/sq-ft/hr)8.3 TDQ4 - 1 DOUCET&MAINKA. P.C. Coordr|ng Ettgbccrr Proprietary & Confidential Information. Do Not Copy Or Use Without permission. 6. Secondary Chamber - Operating Ternperature Range ("F) - Design Conbustion Air Input (Percent Stoichionetric) - Flue Gas Retention at 1800 oF and Rated Capacity (Seconds) - Design Flue Gas Pressure Dropat 1800 oF and Rated Capacity(in. w.9.1 - Turbulence Method/Description 7. Tertiary Chanber (if appl-icable) - Operating Tenperature Range ("F) - Design Conbustion Air Input _ (Percent Stoichionetric) - Flue cas Retention at (oF) and Rated Capacity (Seconds) 8. Construction - Internal Volume (cu-ft) - Shell Thickness (in) - Refractory Lining o Mfr o Type o Thickness o llax. Tenp. (oF) - Insulation o Mfr o Type to zzooo lOO* EA. to (1) ( o.o5. r.c. Pro@er I{OT APPLICABLB (N/A) to to combustion chanbers Primarv Secondarv Tertiarv 60 38 o.25 0.125 Earbison llal.ker Deslon F45 LW3O 31 3r 28ooor 3ooooF LYTIIERIII Xineral CeraniclIool- Paper 1900-F 1800(' TDQ4 - 2 DOUCET & MAINITA, P.C. Conrultlag E4laccrr Proprietary & Confidential lnformation. Do Nol Copy Or Use Without Permission. I I I I I t I I I tt*r,""= o ltlax. Tenp. (.F) - Exterior Skin Tenp. (oF) - No. Burners - Capacity (Btu/hr, each) - l.lfr - ModeL O," o-?s., l9OOo F 23ooo n 25oo r 32so E N/^ N/A N/e' B.TNCINERATOR AUXILTARIES 1. Auxiliary FueI Burners 2. - Control - IRI Fuel Cornbustion tyPe Train Size Air Suppty - No. Blowers - Total SCrM - Mfr - l,[odel - Modutation (Yes/No) : Flue Gas Systern - Design FIue Gas Flow o fncinerator Outlet Combust,ion Chanbers Primarv Secondarv Tertiar I 2 ::_glA 800 800 N/a EcI-ipsL_ l{/A 2loirlB 21oJ1B_ N/A EcJ-ipse- on/ofE Gas_-valve_ N/A ___ 2a ___IIlA Conbustion CharnbersPrinary Secondarv Tertiarr N/t 26o NlL Il.If. Grainger N/A 7C4Al 7CO38 N/A Yea N/A I t I t I I I I I I 84 3. Proposed Flow Rate (ACFM) /TET'IP 22oooltBoooF Design Flow Rate (ACF!,T} /TEUP 22os/LSoooE Tenperature ( oF) lSOOort Refractory Stack o Mfr VEr|:TO}TATIC TDQ4 - 3 DOUCET&MAINKAP'C' Coanltb3 Englnccn Proprietary & Confidential Information. Do Not Copy Or Use Wilhout permission. c. 1. I I t I I o Total Height (ft) o Inside Dianeter (in) o Refractory Type o Refractory Thickness (in) o Casing l,laterial o Casing Thickness (in) 15-1" LW 26 Steel o.125 l,lanufacturer Model HoDelrrell DR42OO To 1110 1600 800 o-5 15 3t I 4. Draft Indicator/Controller Dryert 3000-o 5. Annunciator System Texas InstruDents E31I!!I | 6. c&I conponents (prinary Mfr) IDec./Teleuecbanique various t 2. Tenperature Recorder I 3. Tenperature Indicator/- Controllers a I D. IITILITY REOUIREI'{ENTS AND USAGE 1. Electrical Polrer ! Connected Horsepower (HP) r - Normal operating Horsepower (HP) 1 ru 2. Auxiliary Fuel oil (cPH) Gas (CFH) Tine (Hrs) ,r (Averaqe) (Averaqe'l (Durationl I I CoId Start Wara Start Continuous N/A N/A I (steady-state) N/A Burndown N/A 4OO 6 It 3. Fresh water Peak (GPM) ' TDQ4-4 ! DOUCET&MAINKA,P.C. Conrultlag Euilnccn I Proprietary & Confidential Inlormalion. Do Not Copy Or Use Without Permission' Average (GPM) Bloltdonn (GPH) 1 4. Instrument Air o CFl,! e pSI . conpressor Provided E. APPROXII.TATE WEIGHTS 1. Prinary Chanber 2. SecondarY Chamber 3. TertiarY chamber 4. Charging SYstem 5. Stack' F. INST,ALIATION TIT,IE Yes --J-- No Yes rr No Pounds 2000 N/A Estinated Man-Davs II I! | -- END OF TECHNTCAL DATA QUESTTONNATRE -- I I) I I (DiBk ttndrd forns)TDg4 II rDe{-5 DouccET&MArNr(A,P.c. I proprietary & Confidential lnformation. Do Nol Copy Or Use without Permission' 2000 1. Installation and Start-up Tine ')t\| 2. operating and Performance TestinX) 40 Hours I t. other October 9, L992 uG-92-185 Page 4 GUARANTEES Leon fndustrJ.es, Inc. will guarantee that the fncineration equipnent provided will operate at a capacity of not less than 125 PPH when burning a rnixture of type 0, !, & 4 waste wj-th a HIfv of 81500 BTU per pound and will provide a l second residence time and 1800 F temperature in the secondary chamber. This capacity wilt continue for the duration of adaily 8-hour loading period. The unit will be suitabl.e forduty 12 hours per day. Leon fndustries, Inc. will guarantee that the particulate eruissions shall not exceed O.OB gr/dscf of flue gas, correctedto 7Z 02. Leon fndustries, fnc. will guarantee that the level of carbonnonoxide (CO) in the flue gas, as measured during a compliancetest, wilL not exceed 100 ppnv db, at 7* 02, Leon Industries, Inc. does NOT offer a guarantee with respectto the level of hydrochloric acid (HCL) emissions since,without further controls, such emissions are a function of the waste conposition being burned. However, other hospitalincineration data suggests that the actual emissions of HCLfor a unit of this size without additional control equipmentwill be significantly lower than the tinit of less than 4pounds per hour. Leon Industries, Inc. will guarantee thatcontaminants wil1 not be ernitted in suchopacity of the emissions is greater than visible air a manner that the 10*. The cornpletion of a successful perforrnance test will provide conplete satisfaction of this guarantee. This test will becarried out within 60 days of the date of initial operation.If such test is not carried out within this period, at nofault of Leon Industries, the guarantee will be deemed to besatisfied. Leon fndustries warrants that the equipment offered andsupplied in carrying out the work proposed is new and free ofdefects in rnaterial and workmanship for one (1) year from thedate of initial operation, not to exceed fourteen (14) rnonthsfrom the date of shiprnent. -TI Ii Iq __j q! Io *il.,r'o, cALcuLATroN- vArL MEDtcA,- "l=, (NOTE: FOR INPUTS USE ITEMS MARKED') VAIL MEDICAL B|oHAZqRDOTJS N/A 2 .DATE:23-Sep-92 (NoTE:STANDARD AIR @ 70F) 'AUX FUELI.JSED: 'O|L=1,NATGAS=2, PROP=3: 1 'OPN:PERIODIC=1,CONT=2: 1 -PROJECT: 'WASTE: (A) :(B) : 'GROUP # (1 OR 2): (GROUP 1 : TMSHGARB,ALCOFIOL) (GFOUP 2: Hl PLSTC,SOLVS,OILS) DESIGN PAMMETERS: 'FlX BUBN [4ODE: TEMP=I, "REQ FURNACE EXIT .RES TIME W/PRIMY .CONT ASH DISCH? 'BOILER? XSA=2)? TEMP, DEG F: CHBR?(Y,N?): (YES=Y,r.lO=N): (YES=Y,r{O=N): .MIN XSAON WSTE:1 'AIR TEMP: 18OO 'CARBONLOSS: ,BOIL EX TEMP: .STEAM,DELTA H: 'SCRUBBER(Y,N)? N N N 100.0% 60 6.V/" 450 900 N INCIN'R DIMENSS: PRIMARY SECONDARY STACK (assume USE? (YES=Y,I.IO=N):,LENGTH 'WIDTH/DIA tN. lN. 60 120 21 SOFT 'HEIGHT FT 0.0 0.0 @MzuSTIONVOL 40 HEARTH: round) 48 26 15 \OLIJ[4E CFT 62.8 36.9 99.7 49.1 WASTE CHAR'S:WASTE A PEB LB I.B PER HR 125 9.@/" 11 5.@/o 6 8,500 AS FIREO 9,884 DRYASFIFREE WASTE B PER LB I.B PER HR 0 O.V/o 0 O.@/c 0 O AS FIRED O DRYASI-IFRB .BURN BATE .MOISTURE .INERT 'HHV,BTU HHV,BTU @MBUSTION CALCUI-ATIONS: HEAT REL (WST): I TOTALHEATREL: AUX FUEL MTE: COMBAIR (WST): BURNER AIR: TOTAL AIR: @firBIEvP PERFORMANCE DATA @MBUSTION DATAOUTPUTS 1,062,456 BTU/HR 1,677,161 BTU/FIR 4 GPI{,CFH,LPH 347 SCFM 120 SCFM 467 SCFM 1,800 F XSAON TOTALi 73o/o XSAONWASTE: lOOo/" O)CYGiEN(DRY): 8.8% TOTPOC,SCFM: 517 TOT POCACFM:, 2,2os STACK GAS,ACFM: 2,205 STACKGAS,DSCFM: 472 HEATRELEASE: 16.822 BTU/CFT.HR FUELONCOMBVOL) STACKTEMP: 1,800 F STACKVEL,FPS: 29.948 SECCHBRVEL 6.7 FPS BESID'E TIME: 1.0 SEC DMFT: -0.36 IN.WG (MUST BE NEGATIVE lF NAT DRFI HEARTHLOADING: 6.0 LB/SQFT.HR BRNRCAPY: 6 GFI-I,CFH (@1'5XFUELRATE) STEAITIIGENBN: N/A LB/HR RE@VERYEFFY: N/A SCFI.JBBER PEBFORI/tA]ICE 125#/HR @ 8500 BTU/LB; ASH=S%; WATER = 8.5% fncinerators, Waste and Linen Handling Systems and Equipment 1990 Edition This edition of NFPA 82, Stand.anl on Intincrators, Wastz, and Liwn Handling Systems and Egui|nat, was prepared by the Technical Committee on Incinerators and lVaste Handling Systems, and acted on by the National Fire Protection Association, Inc. ar its Fall Meet- ing held November l3-15, 1989 in Seattle, W,4" It was issued by rhe Standards Council on January 12, 1990, with an effective date of February 5, 1990, and supersedes all pre- vious editions. The 1990 edition of this document has been approved by the American National Stan- dards Insritute. Changeg other than editorial are indicated by a vertical rule in the margin ofthe pages on which they appear. These lines are included as an aid ro the user in identifling changes from the previous edition. Origin and l)evelopment of NFPA 82 This standard was fint adoprcd bv the NFPA in 1948 on recommendation of the Com- mittee on Field Pracdce. In lbSS a iompletely revised edition ofthe texr on incinerators was prepared by a represenutive subcommittee and adopted by the NFPA on recommen- dation of the Committee on Building Construction, The subject of incinerarors was rurned over to the Commitree on Chimneys and Heating Equipment in 1956. Revised editions were adopted in 1955, 1958, 1960, 1969, 1970, l97l and 1972. The original 1948 text covered both rubbish handling and incinerators; the 1955, 1955, 1958 and 1960 revisions covered only incinerators. In the lg60 edition, incinerators and rubbish handling were treated as separate standards, Nos. 82 and 82A respectively, No. 82A on Rubbish Han- dling being unchanged from the 1948 edition. In the 1969 edition, the subject Rubbish Handling was included with incineratorc and Srandard No. 82A was disconrinued as a sep- arate standard. The 1977 edition was expanded to include linen handling sysrems, and the 1983 edition represented a parrial revision, with those revisions mainly editorial. This 1990 edition contains minor revisions o Chapters I and 2, including a small change to the Scop€ section. Chaprcrs 3 and 4 were compleiely revised and a new Appendix A was add94 to irovide techni&l informarion to facilitite ttie selection of chimneyhaterials for handling saturated and corrosive gases. The entire section on Domestic Incinerators was deleted from the 1990 edition. 82-l- Copyright @ 1990 NFPA All Rights Rescrved NFPA 82 Standard on 8t-2 TNCINEMTORS, WTSTE AND UNEN HANDUNG SYSTEMS AND EQUIPUENT Techaical Conmittee on fncineratorc end W.ttG H.ndlinE Syrlemr I.lllcocc C. Douerg Cfciracn Iloucet & Mainka (Rcp. AHA) tf,illirn G. Grpcnrcr, Manhficld, MA E Crrpllclc, Wilkinson Chutcs lnc Mlchrl L Jorycoron, Undcrrritcn l:bonm- rics Inc. Douglrr S. Eric.bon, Arncrican Hocpitd Asrn. (Altcrnate to L. G. Douet) Jrct L Nlchol+ Trumen Mcd Ctr. Jolcp[ P. 8ctrtrlr' Ven-Peclcr hoduc-tr Co. Rcp. ASHME StavG Lerr, Undcrwritcrr Laboratoriec Inc. (Alt rnetc to M. L. Jorgcnson) Alrciztcr Richrd L Onirt-lcrt, NFPA Steff Liairon n$ lirt rtfr|{{'t tb 'Idad.f& ot h fu th. W u W ts tb ta f ,fi .duoi. Stu6, d.t ert, d4a$6 h the ''!la,t''l'[t' *1 hovt .'/std. NOTE: Mcmbcrrlrip on e C.onmincc $dl not in rnd of ircloouriutr en cndoDcncm of thc Arocirrion or eny dcumcm dcicloFd by dtc Conmittcc oa whkt Oc meobcr rn'cr. ! 1990 Eddon CONTENTS Contents Ghapter I General ....82-5 l-l Scope. .......82-5 l-2 Definitions. .. 82- 5 l-3 Applicarion of Standard. .......82-5 Chapter 2 lncinerators . 82- 6 2-l General. . . .. . 82- 6 2-2 Commercial-Institutional Incinerators. ..,..82- 6 2-3 Outdoor Incinerators. .... 82-10 Chaptcr 3 Waste Chutes .nd Handling Systems . . 82-10 3-l Definitions. . 82-10 3-2 Consrruction. .... ......82-10 3-3 Chute Terminal Rooms. . . . 82-l I 3-4 Automatic Sprinklers. ... E2-I2 3-5 Service Openings. ......82-12 3-6 Service Opening Rooms. . ...... 82-13 Chapter 4 Linen (Laundry) Chutes or Conveyorc . 82-13 4-l General. . ... E2-13 4-2 Construcrion. .... ......82-14 4-3 Chute Terminal Rooms. . . . 82-14 44 Automatic Sprinklers. . . E2-14 4-5 Service Openings. ....... 82-15 4-6 Service Opening Rooms. . ...... 82-15 Chapter 5 W.stc Compactors ... ....82-15 5-l General. ..... 82-15 5-2 Domestic Compactors. .... 82-15 5-3 Colnmercial-lndustrial Compactors. . 82-15 Ghapter 6 Weste Storage Rooms ......82-16 Chepter 7 Referenced Publications .,..82-16 Appendir A .. .. . . E2-16 Appendix B Rderenced Publications ...82-17 Index .. ...82-18 E2-3 1990 Edilion CENERAL 82-5 NFPA 82 Standard on Incinerators, Waste and Linen Handling Systems and Equipment 1990 Edition Chapter I General NOTICE: An asterisk (*) fiollowing the number or lener des- ignating a paragraph indicates explantory material on that paragraph in Appendix A. Information on referenced publicarions can be lound in Chapter 7 and Appendix B. l-l Scope. l-l.l This standard represents basic requirements prima- rily concerned with reducing the fire hazards encompassing Ithe installation and use of wasre storage rooms, containers, lhandling systems, incinerators, and compactors. It also is con- lcerned with linen, or laundry, handling systems. l-1.2 This standard does not include design criteria for the purpose of reducing air pollution. For suc[ criteria, consult the authorities having jurisdiction. l-2 Definitions. NOTE: Other definitions relaring to rhis srandard are con- tained in NFPA 97M, Standanl Glosmry of Tenns Rehting to Chimncys, VmLs, and Heal Pro&tcing Applia.nces. Approved. Acceptable to the "authority having juris- diction." NOTE: Thc National Fire Prorection Association does nor approve, inspect or certi$ any installations, procedures, equip- mcnt, or materials nor does it approve or evaluate tesring lab. oratories. In dercrmining the acceptability of installadons or procedures, eguipment or materials, the aurhoriry havingjuris- diction may base acceptance on compliance with NFPA or other appropriate standards. In the absence ofsuch sundards, said authority may require evidence ofproper installarion, pro- cedure or use. The aurh<,riry havingjurisdinion may also refer to the listings or labeling practices of an organization con- cerned with product evaluations which is in a position to deter- mine compliance with appropriate standards for the current production of listed items. Authority Having Jurisdiction. The "authoriry having jurisdicdon" is the organization, omce or individual respon- sible for "approving" equipment, an insrallation or a pro- cedure. NOTE: The phrasc "authority havingjurisdicrion" is uscd in NFPA documens in a broad manner sincejurisdictions and "approrzl" agcncies vary as do their responsibilities. Where public safety is primary, the "aurhority having jurisdiction" may be a federal, sute, local or other regional department or individual such as a 6re chief, fire marshal. chiefofa fire prevention bureau, labor department, health department, building oflicial, electrical inspecror, or others hating statu- tory authoriry. For insurance pur poses, an insuranrc, inspec- tion department, rating bureau, or other insurance cotnpany representatiye may be the "authorit;- havingjurisdiciion." In many circumstances the propeny otrner or his designated ag€nt assumes the role of the "authority havingjurisdicdon"; at government installations, the commanding oflicer or depan- menral ofhcial nray be the "authority having jurisdiction." Combustible Material. Combusrible material, as pertain- ing to this standard, means material made of or surfaced wirh wood, compressed paper, plant 6bers, or other material that will ignite and burn. Such material shall be considered as combustible even though flameproofed, fire-retardant treated, or plastered. Labeled. Equipment or materials to which has been attached a label, symbol or other identi$ing mark ofan orga- nization acceptable to the "authority havingjurisdiction" and concerned with product eYaluation, that maintains periodic inspection of production of labeled equipment or marerials and by whose labeling the manufacturer indicates compliance with appropriate standards or performance in a specified manner. Listed. Equipment or materials included in a list pub- lished by an organization acceptable to the "authority hav- ingjurisdicdon" and concerned n-ith product evaluation, that maintains periodic inspecrion of production of listed equip- ment or materials and whose listing states eithcr th:rt rhe equipment or material meets appropriate star,l ., !s or has been tested and found suitable for use in a spt,cified manner. NOTE: 'I'he means for identi$ing listed equipment may vary for each organization concerned l ith product erzluati,.rr. some ofwhich do not recognize equipment as listed unles' also labeled. The "authority havingjurisdiction" should r , rhe system employed by the listing organizadon to idenri$ a iisted prooucr, Shall. Indicates a mandatory requirement. 1.3 Application of Srandard. l-3.1 This standard shall be applied to new construction and new equipment, as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. l-3.2 It shall nor require the alaeration or replaccrt,r'nt of existing construction or equipment currendy in use pr olided that the owner establishes appropriate administrative, main- tenance, and training programs that give equivalent safety. I.3,3 It is recognized that there are many differr-:.r incin- eration technologies and designs. There also is a ,.. ' , rri- ation in th€ types ofwaste that can be incinerated, ir(j.: ljng solids, liquids, sludges, and fumes. This standard is rrot intended to cover or include all of the design and construc- tion details for each incineration technology aird application. However, all design, construction, control, and other features as needed to reduce or minimize 6re hazards are required for all new incineration facilities, to the satisfaction of rhe authority having jurisdiction, l-3.4 Nothing in this standard is intended to prevent the use ofnew methods or delices, provided rhat sufEcient tech- nical data is submitted to the authority having jurisdiction 199O Edition 82-6 INCINERATORS, WASTE AND LINEN HANDLING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT to demonsrate that the ProPosed method or device is equiv- alent in quality, strength, fire endurance, effectireness, dura- bility, and safety to that prescribed by this standard. Chapter 2 Incinerators 2-l General. 2-l.l Provision for Auxiliary Fuel. Gas-burning installa- tions shall be in accordance with applicable provisions of NFPA 54, A'atiana I fiuI Cas Code, and NFPA 58, Storagc and Handling of Ligtufzd Pelrolcum Gases. Oil-burning installati-ons shaf l coirfly *ith t,lfpR g t, S tnnlartl for lhz Installat;tn of,Oil Burning Equipnenl. Fuel burners of all incinerators shall be equipped iviih safety controls that will automatically shut off th-e fuel supply to the burner in the event the burner fails to ignite oi its flame becomes extinguished or in the event of insufficient draft. 2-1.2 Electricd Supply. The electrical supply to an incin' erator shall be installdd in accordance with NFPA 70, Nalianzl Electriral Codz@, 2-1.3 Air for Combustion and Ventilation. 2-1.5.1 Provision shall be made for an adequate supply of air ficr combustion and ventilation to enter the room in which an incinerator is located. Fans may be installed to deliver air to the incinerator room, provided they are in operation whenever the incinerator is in use. 2-1.3.2 Ifa residential-type ofincinerator is installed in an open area, such as an undirided basement without storm win- dbws and without unusually tight-6tting doors, in buildings ofconventional construction, adequate air supply usually may be obtained through normal air in6ltration. If the inciner- ator is located in fconFned space or an area separated by tight-fitting partitions and doors, adequate air shallbe pro- vi-ded by mCans of an opening communicating with other areas of the building having adequate infiltradon or with the outdoors. See N FP.A'3 l, Stindanl ior thc hxtallatiot of Oil Bun- ing Equipncnt. 2-1.3,3 Rooms in which incinerators other than residential t)?es are insalled shall be furnished air for combustion and ventilation by one of the following means: (a) A screened or louvered ventilator opening or other suitable air intake. If communicating to other parts of the building, the opening shall be protected by an approved 6re damper. (b) Aduct leading from the incinerator room to the out- doors. (c) A duct leading to a boiler or furnace room cut off as prescribed in 2-2.9 or 2-3.6 and provided with sufficient air supply for both rooms. 2-1.3.4 The opening or duct specified in 2--1.3.3 shall have a free area of nbt lesi than I sq in. (6.5 cmz) per 4,000 Btu ( l.17 kw) per hour incinerator burning rate based on heat nalue of *lste and auxiliary fuel, if all-air is from the out- doors; and I sq in. (6.5 cmtl-per 1,000 Blu (293 W) per hour incinerator buming rate if all air is from inside buildings. See NFPA 54, Natitnal Fuzl Gas Codt. 2-1.3.5 Air ducts extending to or from an incinerator room through other parts ofa building shall be constructed and installid in "..oid"n.. with NFPA 90't Stnndard for tlu llttnl- lntion of Air Contlititning and Ventilating S)stc'tj. 1990 Edilion 2-1.4 Spark Arresters. 2-1.4,1 Spark arresters shall be installed on incinerator stacks unless thi fotlowing are present: (a) A wet scrubber or other emission control system or comDonent is installed between the incinerator and stack, such that'flyash cannot pass directly from the incinerator to the stack, (b) Orher acceptable design and control features are in place that would prevent the entrainment of flyash from the incinerator to th; stack under all operating cbnditions. (c) The nature of the waste being incinerated will not result in flyash emissions. 2-1.4.2 The net free area of the arrester shall be not less than four times the net free area of the outlet of the chim- ney flue it serves. 2-1.4,3 Arresters shall have a vertical height ofnot less than 1.3 times the minimum diameter of the chimney flue or the minimum horizontal dimension of rectangular chimney flue- 2-1.4.4 Arresters, including bolts, rivets, screws, and sup- porting members, shall be made of stainless steel (ASTM A167,' Type 316, or ASTM A478, Type 316, or the equiv- alent). 2-1.4.5 Openings shall not permit the passage of spheres having a diameter larger than V: inch (13.7 mm), nor block the passage of spheres having a diameter of less than 7s inch (9.5 mm). 2-1.4.6 Means shall be provided for securely attaching the spark arresters to chimneys to provide adequate support and prevent movement of the arrester. 2-1.4.7 Means shall be provided to replace spark screens. 2.2 Commercial-Institutional Incinerators. l2-2.1 Dehnition. Acommercial-institutional incineratoras ldefined in this section refers to an incinerator predominantly ldesigned for burning solid waste. The most applicable sys- Items included under this definidon include, but are not lim- lited to, controlled air incineration and multiple chamber type I lnclneratron systems. 2.2.2 Design and Constnrction. 12.2.2.f The design and construction ofthe incinerator and lall associated components shall be such that in service they *'ill not crack, warp, or otherwise fail structurally so as to per- mit flame passage or emission of combustion gases or sparks into the building. 2-2.2.2 Explosion reliefshall be provided. The area ofexplo- sion relief shal be not less than i sq ft (.09 m'z) ofreliefCrea for every 100 cu ft (3 ms) of primaly combustion chamber volume, Where rhe exhaust cbimney will not serve the above purpose, a door or panel shall be provided and arranged to allow the door or panel to return to a closed position promptly after pressure has been released. 2-2,2.3 Commercial-institutional incinerators shall be built in accordance with the following requirements: (a) All combustion shall take place wirhin the combusdon chamber designed for combustion temperatures. Combus- don shdl not rake place in breeching or chimneys unless they are designed as combustion chambers. t The full ride and date of all ASTM standards referenced in this standard appcar in Chapter 7. I\'CINERATORS 82-7 (b) Incinerators designed for positive pressures shall be gastighr. (c) The combustion charnber, inner walls, roofs, bridges, walls, and cunain walls shall be so constructed as to withstand the combustion temperatures involled and shall maintain their integrity under all operating conditions. Iletal stal's, lin- tels, or other supports shall not be exposed to the interior of the combustion chamber. (d) An exterior masonry casing shall be reinforced with structural steel framervork, and an exterior steel casing shall be reinforced with structural steel members, such thir the casing will withstand interior thrusts liom arches and be capa- ble ofsupporting all doors and burner equipment, The steel casing or framework shall be erected and set plumb before any brickwork is done. Cylindrical outer casings made ofsteel not less than V+ in. (6.4 mm) thick need not be reinforced. | (e) Insulation or orher approsed nreans shall be providec f to meet the temperarure limitation of 2-2.2.5. (f) Openings shall be provided so tharall paru ofthe incin- erator can be cleaned, including the ash pit, the combustion chamber, the passes ofseparation chambers, and the incin- erator flue. Cleanouts shall be closed by tight-fitting doors or covers, sgcurely latched or othenrise held in a closed posi- tion. Ash pit and conrbustion chamber closures and frames shall be ofcast iron or eouivalent. rr'ith the franres securelv attached to the incineraror. 2-2,2.4 No part of an incinerator shall be used as a wall, roof,, or floor of a building. 2-2.2.5 Incinerators shall be so designed that the tenrper- ature rise above ambient [75'F -r 5'(24'C + 3')] ofany por. tion of the incinerator casing accessible to an operator shalL not exceed 70"F (39"C). Handles ofoperating doors shall not exceed a 40"F (22"C) rise for metallic and 60"F (33'C) rise lor nonmetallic. Eaeption: Doon, inspection poittls, bunun, tlues, and areas immt- diatcl, adjacenl thereto need nol cotnpl) uith 2-2.2.5. 2-2.3 Placement Commercial-institutional incinemtors shall be placed on properly designed foundations of masonry or reinforced concrete or on nonconrbustible material having a 6re resistance rating ofnot less than 3 hours provided such support is independent ofthe building construcrion and the load is transferred to the ground. 2-2.4 Clearances. 2-2.4.1 Commercial-institutional incinerators shall be installed to provide a clearance to combustible material of not less than 36 in. (914 mm) at the sides and rear, and not less than 48 in. (1220 mm) abor.e, and not less than 8 fr (2.4 m) at the front of the incinerator. Exccllion: For a commcrcial-institutional incinerator entased in brith the clcarance aboue nny be 36 in. (914 mm) and at the sides and, rear it na1 be 18 in. (457 mm). 2-2.4.2 A clearance of not less than l2 in. (305 mm) shall be provided lrom the incinerator to walls or ceilings of non- combustible construction. Exceplion: A clearance of not less than 3 in. (75.2 mm) nay be pwidzd fron cunnncinl and industrial incinnators to ualb or ceil- ings of noncombwtiblz corctrartinn uthere il is not possible to plact combustiblc nnltrinl on th.e outer or upper side thereof. 2-2.4.3 Incinerators that are listed speciGcally for installa- tion at lesser clearances lhan specified in 2-2.4.1 and 2-2.4.2 shall be installed in accordance with the conditions of such listing, provided that, in any case, the clearances shall be suG ficienr to afford accessibility for 6ring, cleanout, and any nec- essary servicing as set forth in 2-2.4.4. 2-2.4.4 Sufficient sDace shall be provided around the incin- erator and irs appurienances to faiiliute cleaning, repair, and servicing, Clearance shall be provided to allow the cleanout doors to be completely opened so that all parts of the com- bustion chanrber. ash pit, separation chambers, etc., may be reached and so implenrents used for tl.ris purpose can be fieely mar.ripulated. All dampers, gates, burners, valves, levers, etc., shall be accessible for repair and adjustment or replace- ment. No construction shall be located closer than l6 in. (406 mm) to any part of an incinerator. Exreption: Nonconbustible slntclural tnembers 2 ft (610 n) u,ide or less, parallel to lhe incinerator, nay he localed as close as 6 in. ( I 52 nnn) lo the incinerator, prouided nrh netnbers d,o nol reduce accessibility to any mouing Parts of the incineralor. 2-2.5 IncineratorCharging. 2-2.5.1 A waste charging systenr and appropriate controls shall be provided that will prevent the direct discharge of flames, cornbustion gases, and heat from the incinerator dur- ing waste loading operations. This shall include a hopper/ ranr t),pe mechanical loader or other approved systern. Exee\tion: Incinerators lhat are loaded on a batch basis, uhereby the charging door is not opened uthile u'aste conhuslion is taking plan, shall nol be required to haite a rwchanical char{i, ,: ststem. 2-2,5,2 The combustion chamber of a conrnrercial- institutional t1'pe incinerator may not be charged through the floor inrmediately above such incinerator unless the charg- ing chute is designed rvith dampeling and controls that wouid preyent the direct passage of combustion products and radi- ant heat through the chute into the charging room. 2-2,5.3 The charging hood and chute shall be constructed ofnot less than l2 US gage stecl casing, lined with not less than 4Vz in. (l 14 mm) of firebrick (ASTII C27 Type F, medium duty, or the equivalent). Such charging hopper shall not exceed 6 ft (1.8 m) in length measured frorn the floor opening to the outside of the roof of the incinerator com- bustion chamber. Exteption: ffu chnrging hood and, chute ma1 exceed, 6 ft ( I .8 n) in lcnglh if approuetl mzans are provid.ed to preuent the charging hood and chute from discharging gases ruulting frun combustion into the charging room. 2-2.5.4 The charging opening shall be protecred by a cover extending beyond the edges ofthe opening for at least 2 in. (51 mm) on all sides, and lined with not less than 2Vr in. (63.5 mm) of refractory material. 2-2.5.5 The charging floor opening shall be located in a room with walls and floor and ceiling assemblies having a fire resistance rating ofnot less than 2 hours, with openings pro- tected by approved self-closing or automatic-closing 3-hour fire doors suitable for Class A openings. Such doors shall be kept closed during the charging operation and at other times, except when delivering waste material to the room. '1990 Edition E2-8 INCII-ERATORS, WASTE AND LINEN HANDLING SYSTEMS A:r-D EQUIP)\{ENT Extebtian: When thz room is Protected by an approvcd srstrm of aulnnatic spinhbrs, tfu ualh and foor and ceiling asscnbties 7n) hwe a fire'resistance ratinp of not lcss lhan I hour, and the door ,na) be'a lt/z-hour fre doir ipprotrd for Class B tpenings. 2-2,6 Incinerator Residue Removal. A system and appro- priate approved measures shall be provided to adequately o,rench indlor fullv contain ash residues removed from the iircinerator during' clean-out operations. This shall include such features as water sPrays, a lvet quench Plt' or a sPeclal containment enclosure to enable ash clean-out with minimal exDosure to ambient conditions. 2-2.7 Incinerator Rooms for Commercid'Institutional Incin- erators. 2-2.7.1 Commercial-institutional incinerators shall be enclosed within a room separated fiom other parts of rhe buildine by wall, partition, floor, and floor<eiling assemblies construited of nbncombustible material and having a 6re resistance rating of not less than 2 hours and used for no other PurPose. Erception: Storage containtrs of waste materinl to be burned and building hzating equiptntnl tnay be locatcd in tht indntrator rotm. 2-2.7.2 Door or other oPenings in rooms containing incin- erators communicating with otlter a.eas of the building shall be protected by approved self<losing or automatic-closing I Vz-hour fire doors suitable for Class B openings. 2-2.?.3 Automatic sprinklers, a short length ofhand hose connected to a suitaLle water suPply, and a suitable floor drain shall be provided in the incinerator room. 2-2.E' Chimneys for Commercial-Institutional Incinerators. 2-2.8,1 General, l2-2.8.1.I The chimney flue for an incinerator shall serve Ithe incineraror only, uniess the chimney flue construcdon is lacceptable for incinerator gases and the controls are suitable lfor the incinerator and othlr device being served. It shall be 'designed and proportioned to provide adequate draft for proper operation of the incinerator. 2-2.8,1,2 Chimneys shall be supported on properly designed foundations of masonry or reinforced pordand or refractory cement concrete. They shall be so constructed as not to place excessive stress upon the roof of the combustion chamber. If incinerator walis are to suPPort the chimney, rhe founda- tion and walls shall be built to suPPort the load imposed. Exception: Masonry chimwys may be supporled, on noruombusti' bh interial having i 7r, ,rtitto*i ratin!'of not bs than J hours ulurc such supports arc indepmdznt of thc buiWing cowslradion and the load is lransfencd. to thz ground. 2-2.E.1.3 A factory-built chimney, if so listed, and a metal chimney may be supported additionally at intervals.by the building structure, in which case expansionjoins shall be pro- vided ai each support level. All joints shall be liquidtight or ofa design such-that liquid will drain to the inrerior of the chimney. 2- Cleanout openings provided in chimneys shall be equipped with ferrous metal doors and frames arranged to remii'n tighdy closed when not in use. A clearance of not less than 36 in. (914 mm) shall be provided between cleanout doors and combustible material. 199O Edition 2-2,8.f.5 Drains shall be provided at the base of all chim- neys to allow the removal of condensed flue products and shall be designed to avoid clogging. 2-2.8.2 Listed Medium-Heat Chimneys. Listed medium- heat appliance chimneys may be used and shall be installed in accordance with the conditions of the listing and the man- ufacturer's instructions. 2-2.8.3 Metal Chimneys. Where secondary combustion temPeratures do not exceed 1800'F (982'C), metal chimneys shall be lined with 4Vr in. (l I4 mm) of high-duty, spall-resistant firebrick (ASTM C27) laid in high-duty refractory mortar (ASTM Cl99). The linlng shall stan at the base ofthe chimney and extend con- tinuously to the top. Equivalent linings ofequivalent thick- ness, such as Class A or better Alumina-Silica Base Castable Refractories or Class O or better Insulating Castable Refiac- tories, may be used. Equivalent thickness shall be that thick- ness capable of providing the same insulating and slructural values to limit skin temperatures to those specified in 2-3.2.5 under all intended operating conditions. 2- Where secondary combustion temp€ratures exceed 1800"F (982"C), metal chimneys shall be lined with 4Vz in. (l 14 mm) of superduty, spall-resistant refi:actory brick (ASTM C27) laid in refractory mortar. The refractory mortar shall be high-duty for temperatures up to 2730"F (1500"C) and super-duty or better for temperatures up to 29l0oF ( 1600'C). The lining shall start at the base of the chimney and extend continuously to the top. Equivalent linings ofequiralent thick- ness, such as Class B or better Alumina-Silica Base Castable Refractories (ASTM C27) in accordance with temperature requirements or Class P and Q Insulating Castable Refrac- tories (ASTM C27) in accordance with temperature require- ments, may be used. Equivalent thickness shall be that thickness capable ofproviding the same insulating and struc- tural values to limit skin temperatures to those specified in 2-3,2.5 under all intended operating conditions. 2-2.8,3.3 Castable plastic refiactories, or other refractories, may be used in metal chimneys in lieu of firebrick provided such refractory is ofequivalent heat and corrosion resistance. Liners made of these refractories shall be supported by anchors made of corrosion-resistant steel capable of support- ing the refi'actory load at 150ffF (727'C). The insulating value shall be such that temperatures at the supports shall not exceed this temperature under all firing condidons. Z-2,8.t.4 Metal chimneys shall be properly riveted or welded, securely supported, and constructed in accordance with good engineering practice. 2- Metal chimneys shall be constructed of steel or cast iron. Sheet steel shall have a thickness not less than that indi- cated in Table 2- Tablc 2-?,t.3.5 Minimum Thiclness of Sheet Steel Chimneys Min. Mfgr. Std. Thickness Gage No. in. (mm) Aree i&?mr Equiv. Round Diam. inJrnm l6 l0 NOTE: Regardless of minimums in this table, the thickness of sheet metal shall bc adcquate to meet the requirements of 2-2.8'3.6. .054 (1.37) up to 154/.0994 up to 141356 .069 (1.75) 155/.0999 ro 201/.1296 ov.r 141356 to 16/400 .098 (2.49) 20?.1303 ro25,U-1638 ovcr 16/406 to 18'/457 .128 (3.25) Larger than 25,V.1638 ot.r 18/457 INCINEMTORS 82-9 2- lr{etal chimneys shall be properly riveted, welded or bolted, securely supported, and consructed in accordance with good engineering practice as necessary for the follorv- lng: (a) Strength to resist stresses due to steady or gusting wind loads. (b) Adequate anchoring, bracing, and inherent strength to withstand seismic and wind-induced vibrational stresses. (c) Proper material thickness for durability considering fuel analysis, gas temperature, and exposure, (d) Security against leakage offlue gases under posirive pressure. (e) Allowance for thermal expansion ofbreeching and ver- tical sections. 2- If a metal chimney extends through any story of a building above that in which the connecred incinerator is located, it shall be enclosed in such upper stories within con- tinuous walls constructed of materials that are noncombus- tible, such as masonry (see Sedion 1-2), and exrending frorn the ceiling of the incinerator room to or through the roof so as to retain the integrity ofthe fire separations as required by applicable building code provisions. The walls shall have a fire resistance rating of not less than I hour if the build- ing is less than 4 stories in height, and not less rhan 2 hours if the building is 4 or more stories in height, and shall con- form to the following: (a) The enclosure shall provide a space on all sides of the chimney sufficient to permit inspection and repair, but in no case shall it be less than l2 in. (305 mm). (b) The enclosing walls shall be without openings. Encplion: Doortays equipped with apfrwcd self-clnsing 1l/zhour frc doms approued for Closs B openings nay be instalkd at uar- ious foor leaels for inspection purposes. 2-2.8.4 Masonry Chimneys, 2-2.E.4.f Where secondary combustion temperatures do not exceed 1800'F (982"C), masonry chimneys shall be con- structed of solid masonry units or reinforced concrete with walls not less than S in. (203 mrn) thick. Such walls shall be lined with 4Vs-in. ( t l4-mm) high-duty, spall-resistant fire- brick (ASTM C27) laid in high-duty refiactory mortar (ASTM Cl99). The lining shall starr ar the base of the chimney and extend continuously to rhe top. 2- Where secondary combustion tempera$res exceed 1800'F (982"C), masonry chimneys shall be constructed with double walls of solid masonry units or reinforced concrete. each wall to be not less than 8 in. (203 mm) rhick with an air space of not less than 2 in. (51 mm) between them. The inside of the interior wall shall be lined with 4Vz-in. (l l4-mm) super-duty, spall-resistant firebrick laid in super-duty refrac- tory mortar (ASTM C27). The lining shall start at the base ofthe chimney and extend continuously to the top. 2-2.E.4.3 Masonry chimneys shall be proved airtight by a smoke test after erection and before being put into service- 2.2.9 ChimneyClearances. 2-2.9.1 Usted chimneys shall be installed in accordance wirh the conditions of the manufacturer's insLructions as to clear- ances. Exposed portions of chimney or breechings that can be touched shall be so designed rhat maximum surface tem- peratures shall not exceed 70'F (39'C) above ambient tem- Perature. Masonry Chimneys. A clearance of not less than 4 in, (I02 mm) shall be prolided between the exterior surface of masonry chimneys and combustible marerial. 2-2.9.3 Exterior Metal Chimneys. Exterior metal chimneys shall have a clearance of not less than 24 in. (610 mm) fiori a wall of u'ood frame con- struction and from any combustible material. 2- Exterior metal chimneys over l8 in. (457 mm) in diameter shall have a clearance of not less than 4 in. (102 mm), and those l8 in. (457 mm) or less in diameter a clear- ance of not less than 2 in. (51 mm) from a building wall of orher than wood frame construction. 2- An exterior metal chimney shall be installed with a minimum clearance of 24 in. (610 mm) to any door or win- dow or to any walkway, unless insulated or shielded in any approved manner to avoid burning a person who might touch the chimney. 2-2.9.4 Interior Metal Chimneys. 2- lVithin the same story of a building as thal in which the incinerator is located. a metal chimnev shall have a clearance of not less than 36 in. (914 mm) from a wall of wood fiame construction and from an,v combustible mate- rial, Such interior metal chimneys over 18 in. (457 mm) in outside diameter shall have a clearance ofnot less than 4 in. (102 mm), and those 18 in. (457 mm) or less in outside diam- eter a clearance of not less than 2 in. (51 mm) from a build- ing wall of other than wood frame construction. 2- If a metal chimney passes through a roof con- structed ofcombustible material, it shall be guarded by a ven- tilating thimble of galvanized iron or approved i orrosion resistant metal, extending not less than 9 in. (229 mnr) below and 9 in. (229 mm) above rhe roof construction, and ofa size to provide not less than 18 in. (457 mm) clearance on all sides of the chimney. 2-2.10 Low Temperature Chimneys and Breeching, Incinerator chimneys and breechings designed r,r )randle saturated flue gases or flue gases with condensed ',, li shall be designed and constructed to be corrosive resisiant and capable of handling aggressive flue acids under all operat- ing conditions. Such materials may include fiberglass rein- forced plastic (FRP), refractoires, and mortars ofspecial acid resistant composition or specialized metals, such as Hastel- loy or Inconel. See Appendix A-2.3.8 for further discussion. 2-2,11 Chimney Termination. 2-2.ll,l Chimneys on incinerators where the secondary combustion chamber is designed to be operated at l80O"F (982'C) or less shall extend not less than l0 ft (3.1 m) higher than any portion of any building within 25 ft (7.5 m). Exception: Stuh pttions do not include olher chhneis, uents, or opcn structural framing. 2-2.11.2 Chimneys on incinerators nhere the secondary combustion chamber is designed to be operated at over 1800"F (982"C) shall extend not less than 20 ft (6.2 m) higher than any portion of any building within 50 ft (15 m). Erception: Suth portiors do nol include other chimnqs, vmts, or open stnuturd framing. '1990 Edition E2-10 L.-CI N ERATORS, \i'.'{STE .'LN D LI \ EN HANDLI NC SYSl'El\lS .AN D EQU I PMENT 2-2.11.3 The terminus of the chimney flue for the inciner- ator shall be equipped with an approved spark arrester ifrhe incinerator does not include effective means lor arresting lsparks and fly ash (sre 2-1.J), unless tlte slstem comPlies r{ith I the conditions listed under 2- | .4. I . 2-2.12 Chirnney Connector or Breeching. 2-2,12.1 A chimney connector or breeching connecting a commercial-institutional tyPe incinerator to a chimney shall be constructed ofnot lighter than I6 US gage steel if it is_ l2 in. (305 mm) or less in diameter or greatest cross-secllon dimension, and of not lighter than l2 US gage steel if it exceeds l2 in. (305 mm) in diameter or greatest cross-section dimension. Exception: Brceehings also mn1 utilizz listed medium-heat chirn' ney *a;orc if thzse seiiorc are joinnl togetlur uilh conlinuous uelds, fanges, or couplings. 2-2.12.2 Chimney connectors or breeching up to l8 in. (457 mm) in diameter or greatest cross-section dimension shall be lined u'ith not less than 2Vr-in. (63'5-mm) high-duty, spall- resistant refractory brick (ASTIlt C27)' 2-2.12.3 Chimney connectors or breeching over l8 in' ('157 mm) in diameter or greatest cross-s€ction dimension shall be lined with not less thtn 4Yz-in. (l l4'nrm) of high'duty' spall- resistant refractory brick (ASTI\! C27). 2-2.12.4 Castable plastic refractories, or other refractories, may be used in lieu of firebrick provided such refractory is ofiouivalent heat and corrosion resistance. Liners made of these refiactories shall be supported by anchors made ofcor' rosion resistant steel capable ofsupporting the refractory load at t50ffF (727'C). The insulating ralue shall be such that tem- peratures at the suPports shall not exceed this temPerature under all firing conditions. 2-2.12.5 The net internal free area of the connector shall be not less than the free area ofthe flue collar ofthe incin- erator. 2-2.12.6 A chimney connector shall not be enclosed. The connector throughout its entire length shall be readily acces- sible for inspection and replacernent. 2-2.12.7 Chimney connectors or breechings of- all commercial-institutional type incinerators, including those ofspecial design to produce low flue-gas temperatures, shall conform with 2-2.1Lr 2-2,12.8 If a gas washer or scrubber is used or if other arrangements are such that the natural draft is insufficient for proper operadon of the incinerator, a draft inducer ma1' be ised. In tiris event, the chimney shall be sized for natural- draft operation and a bypass installed around the g. as_washer or scru-bber or other unit that requires the draft induction. Suitable normally open dampers shall be installed in the bypass to allow venring of combustion products in the elenl of power failure. -lTilli.qui..-ent has been initiated to avoid the serious corro- sion problems inherent with low-temperature incinerator flue gases. Ir also provides thc high-temperature protection necessary when the special equipment is by-passed fior any purpose, including poter fail- ure. tn those cases where the bypass is such that the breeching also is bvpassed, then the breeching need nor be high-temPerature Pro- tected but it shall be protected by an acid-resistant coating suitable for rhe operating conditions. t 99O Editon 2-2.12.9 Expansion joints shall be provided as required. 2-3 Outdoor Incinerators. All outdoor incinerators shall conform with Chapters 2 and 3, depending upon use. Chapter 3 Waste Chutes and Handling Systemsr 3-l Definitions. There are 6ve types oft'aste chute systems, each with separate fire safety criteria. 3-l.l General Access Gravity Type. A rvaste chute of this type is an enclosed vertical passageway in a building to a stor- age or compacting room where the waste is transferred by gravity only. All occupants of the building are free to use the chute at any time. 3-1.2 Limited Access Gravity Type. A waste chute of this t,vpe is an enclosed vertical passageway in a building to a stor- age or compacting room where the waste is transferred by gravity only. Authorized personnel only use the chute, gain- ing entry by key to a locked chute door or service opening room door. 3-1.3 Pneumatic Waste Handling Systems. A rvaste han- dling system of rhis type is a vertical, horizontal, or inclined duct having sufficient mechanically applied air-flow to con- vey refuse without clogging to point of disposition. 3.1.4 Multi.Loading Pneumatic Waste Handling Systems. A negative pressure waste handling system of this type shall consist of an automatic or self-closing, positiveJatching inlet door, interlocked so that only one door in the chute can be opened at the same time and not when the material damper is opened. 3-1.5 Gravity-Pneumatic Waste Handling System. A s,vs- tem using a combination ofthe types deEned in 3-l.l or 3- 1.2 and feeding into a pneumatic waste handling system. 3-2 Construction. 3-2.1 General. 3-2,1.1 A steel or steel-jacketed refractory chute supported at intervals by the building structure shall be provided with expansionjoints between support levels. Other chutes shall be supported upon a substantial noncombustible foundation having a fire resistance rating of at least 3 hours. 3.2,1.2 Gravity chures shall be constructed straight and plumb with no offsets. A minimum clearance of 24 in. (610 mm) shall be maintained from the outside edge of the dis- charge ofthe chute to any wall. All chute interiors shall be smooth and without projections. Exteption: When connectzd to a com@tor or olher deaiee for pro- cessing uasle, clearance on hno sid.es may be 4 in. (102 mm| 3-2.1.3 Listed medium-heat appliance chimney sections shall be acceptable for use as waste chutes. -\h* .hua.r, conve)ors, or other handling systems usually are employed where there is a relatirely large area on each floor from uhich waste is colleced. The collected wasre is brought to thc open- ing in the chute. The chute then conveys the waste to its disposi- uon Pornr. WASTE CHUTES .l.ND HANDLING SYSTEMS 82-l t masonry chute shall have a fire resistance rating of not less than I hour if the building is less than 4 stories in height and not less than 2 hours if the building is 4 or more stories in height, (For puunatic wasre lwtdling sytzms with hodzontal rtnu, scc J-2.4.1 ExrQt:ian: Masonrl chutcs conforming to )-2.2 or constructed of rasonry walk lwaing a fre resbta ntc rating not less tlnn speci- 3-2.1.4 Vertical waste chutes shall be enclosed in all stories above the storage or compacting room within a continuous enclosure constructed of materials that are noncombustible, and extending from the ceiling of the storage or compacr- ing room to or through the roof so as ro retain the integrity ofthe 6re separadon as required by applicable building code provisions. The walls of the enclosure or rhe walls of rhe aboae are not requirctl ta h cnclosed. 3-2.1.5'fhe size of a waste chute shall be in accordance with the following: (a) Gratilyayp Chutes. The sizeof rhe chute shall notbe less than 22 Vzby 22tlzin. (5?l mm by 571 mm) or 24 in. (610 mm) in diameter, inside measurement. (b) Pncumatit Wostt Handling Sytems and Multi-lnading Pneunatic Wasu Handling $stna. The size of the duct shall not be less than l6 in. (406 mm) inside measuremenr. Exccpion: What all ruteriak attcring tlu pvumtb-pouwed cht* arc froccsed through a shrufulzr, tlv chutc nay bc bss than 16 in. (406 mn) in accord,ance uith the authority hnving ju*diction. 3-2.1.6 A waste chute shall exrend (full size) at least 4 ft (1.2 m) above the roofofthe building. The chure shall be open to the atmosphere. 3-2,2 Masonry Waste Chutes. Masonry waste chutes shall be constructed ofclay or shale brickwork nor less than 8 in. (203 mm) thick or of reinfor€ed concrete not less than 6 in. (152 mm) thick. Such chutes shall be lined with low-duty refractory brick (ASTM C27) not less than 4Vr in. (l 14 mm) thick. Equivalent consrruction with walls providing 2-hour fire resistance rating with equivalent structual features shall be acceptable. t-2.3 Metal Wrste Chut€s. Metal chutes may be lined with low-duty refractory brick (ASTM C27) not leis than 2rlz in. (63.5.irr) thi.L oi equivalent castable reFactories. Ur,l..ted steel chutes shall be protecred internally by automatic sprinklers (scc 3-4.1), Metal wasie chutes shall be made of suinless steel or galvanized or aluminum-coated steel with no screws, riv- ets, or other projections on the interior surhce ofthe chute. l,aps orjoints shall be ofa design so that the liquid will drain o the interior ofthe chute. The steel shall nor & lighrer rhan as indicated below: (a) Chutes handling general household or shall be made of steel not lighter than l6 US (b) Chures handling other than general wasre, or dense- heary waste material over l0 lb/cu fi (1500 kg/mt), shall be made ofsteel not lighter than l4 US gage. 3-2.4 Pneumatic Waste and Multi-Ioading Pneunratic Waste Handling Systems. t.2,4.1 The minimum air velocity in Dneumaric wasre han- dting systems shall be nor less than 3500 fi per minutc (l150 m/min). 3-2.4.2 Each riser on pneumatic waste handling systems shall be equipped with dampers that are open to the atmo- sphere except when automatically closed to permit a convey- ing operation in another riser. Immediately after completion of the conveying cycle, all riser dampers shall open auto- matically. 3-2.43 Each riser with more than one inlet door or multi- loading pneumatic waste handling system shall bc . r;uipped with a damper that normally is closed to the aln:('sphere except during discharging of the chute. 3-2.4.4 Metal thickness shall be not lighter rhan 14 US gage steel for material conveying lines, but in all cases shall be of sufficient thickness to retain its design shape under all oper- adng conditions. Steel shall be galvanized, aluminized, or stainless to avoid corrosion. 3-2.45 Automatic fire dampers shall be installed at all points where the waste handling system penetrates fire-resistive par- titions or floor assemblies (saa Flgzra )-2.4.51.T\e sysrcnr shall shut down automatically upon closing of one of the fire damoers. Erception: Wlvn tlu wasQ hnndling systtn penctralion of the fom asscmb\ is enrlosed, by a fre-rated shaft both aboae and below thc floor penctralion, a fre damper i nol required.. 3-3 Chute Terminal Rooms. 3-3.1 Room Criteria. Waste chutes, pneumatic waste han- dling systems, or multi-loading pneumatic waste handling sys- tems shall terminate or discharge directly into a room separate from other parts of the building by wall, partition, floor, and floor-ceiling assemblies having a minimum fire- resisdve rating not less than that specified for the chute. Openings to such room shall be protected by approved auto- matic or self-closing lVs hour fire doors suiuble for Class B openings. 3-3.2 Automatic Sprinklers. Automatic sprinklers shall be installed in chute terminal rooms.r Hand hose of adequate length to reach all portions of the room shall be provided, The hose can be utilized for cleaning purposes. 3-3.3 Discharge. Waste chutes or conveying systems shall not discharge directly into an incinerator. 5-3,4 Automatic Feeding or StoHng Systems. Systems for the automatic transfer of waste materials from a waste-chute terminal room to an incinerator or other means of automatic feeding or stoking incinerators shall not be installed unless special permission ofthe authority having jurisdiction has been obtained.' I Fires of the nature likely to occur at chute terminals generally are difficult to conrol by ordinary means due to the large amount of smoke involved and consequent difficulty of access by thc fire depanment. Automatic extingushment ofsuch fircs in the incipient stagc is, thereforc, of primary importance. 2 There are many siruations in which arnngemenb are made for handling refuse mechanically and automaric stoking of incerators that would not introduce an unreasonable hazard. ln such cases, the authority havingjurisdiction may permir such an arrangcment, tak- ing into consideration the whole layout, its relation to the resr of thc building, the presence or absence ofcomplere sprinkler protection, the condnuity and competence of the personal supen'ision attend- ing rhe operation, ventilation, access fior 0re fighting, and similar factors. See also NFPA 91, Slandonl for the Inslallalion of Blower and. SSstcms for Dt,tst, Sloch, ond Vapor Reuotwl ot Cout'ning. office wastes 8age. 1990 Edilion 82-12 INCIn-ER{TORS, W'ASTE.$iD LItr-EN HANDLING SYSfEI{S AND EQUIPI|EN'I Fire Extinguish N02zle Door, lr€luding Inlerloaking Sygt€m Supporting Frame r> 14 Venlilation By.Pas! H<1.s'D w<o Fire Damperl 'l% h R8ted Inlet < 10'-0"Inspection Door Material D8mpe. tor waste or Linen To Collection Terminal Note l: Fire damper nor required uhen fitc-rated enclo5urc Prorided abovc and below floor pcnetration. Sec and ExccPtion. Iigurc 3-2..1,5(e) Multilo.diDt w..i. h.ndling ry.i.d. 3-3.5 waste Cr[€ction. AII wasrc from pneumatic or multi- loading pneumatic waste handling s)'stems must be dis- chargei ind collected in a complete-iy iealed collector or fed into i completely sealed collectbr/compactorkontain€r unit' The collectbr must be furnished with a sprinkler head. Waste from collector must be conveyed to incinerator by improved manner. 3-4 Automatic Sprinklers. 3-4.1 Unlined Metal Chutes' Unlined metal gravity-tyPe chutes shall be protected internally by automatic sprinklers. This requires a sprinkler at or above the top service op.en- ing of the chute, ind in addition, a sprinkler shall be insalled wiihin the chute at alternate floor levels in buildings over 2 stories in height with a mandatory sprinkler located at the fowest service level. See NFPA 13, Standard for lhz Installalimt of Sprinkbr $stems. 3-4.2 Masonry Waste Chutes. Masonry waste chutes con- forming to 3-2.2 or 3-2.1,3 shall not require automatic sPrin- klers. 3-4.3 Sprinkler Head Prolection. Automatic sprinklers installed in gravity waste chules or r^'aste handling slstems '| 990 Edition Air Inlet- Svpporling Frame Fire Exringuish Inspection Door H = D tJ = 0 7 D Material Damper For Waste To Colleclion Terminal ) t4 gage Notc l: Firr dampcr not rcquircd whcn fre-rated cnclocure provided abore and bdo* ffoor pcnctration. Sec 3.2,4.5 and Exceprion. Figurc 3.2..{.5(b) Grevity pncurretic rv.stc hending .ystcm, shall be positioned out ofthe area through which waste trav- els. The installation shall be so designed to avoid collection of waste. 3-5 Service Openings. 3-5.1 General Access Gravity-typc Waste Chutes. 3-5.I.1 All service openings into a rr'aste chute shall be pro- vided with a self-closing, positivelatching, bottom-hinged, hopper+ype Fame and fire door assembly approved for Class B openings and having a fire resisance rating ofnot less than I hour. The door frame shall be fastened into the chute and the shaft wall. The design and installation shall be such that no part of the frame or door uill project into the chute, 3-5.1.2 The area of each service opening shall be limited to one-third ofthe cross-sectional area ofa square chute and 44 percent of the area ofa round chute. 3-5,2 Limited Access Gravity-type Waste Chutes. 3-5.2.1 All sen'ice openings into a waste chute shall be pro- vided with a gasketed, self-closing, positive-latching frame and fire door assembly approved fior Class B openings and LINEN (IAUNDRY) CHUTES OR CONVEYORS 82-13 Notc l: Firc dampcr not rcquired whcn firc-ratcd cncloiurc provided abovc and bclow floor pcnctarrion. Scc 3-2..1,5 and Exccption. Figtrc !.2.,15(c) Pncud.tic w.rlc h.nding cystem. 'htuittg a radng ofnot less than I hour. The door frame shall be fastened into the chute and the shaft wall. The design and installation shall be such rhat no part of the frame oi door will project into the chute. A key shall be required to open the door. 3-5.2.2 The area of each service opening shall be limited ro two-thirds of the cross-sectional area of rhe chute. 3-5,3 Pneumatic Waste Handling Systems. 3-5.3.1 The service opening size of pneumatic waste han- dling systems shall be designed ro provide proper enrrance into the system. The width of the opening may be equiva- lent to the internal diameter ofthe chute and the heighr max- imum 1.5 times the diameter. 3-5.3.2 Pneumatic waste handling systems shall be provided with a service opening consisting of two doors, including an automatic or self-closing, positiveJatching outer door, front panel, and frame assembly, approved for Class B openings and having a fire resistance rating of not less than I hour. The door frame shall be built firmlv into the duct and wall. The system service opening shall be equipped with a second or inner door designed to remain closed at all times under full system pressure unless released by the sysrem control cir- cuit to allow the material placed inside the outer door to enter the duct, provided the outer door is closed. H.rr'ever, the door need not be closed for systems designed i' ;- :nultiple bag loading. Only one inner sen'ice door shall bc r-rpen dur- ing each conveying cycle. 3-5.4 Multi-Loading Pneumatic Waste Handling Systems. 3-5.4.1 The service opening size of multi-loading pncumatic waste handling systems shall be designed to provide proper entrance into the system. The width of the opening may be equivalent to the internal diameter of the chute and the height maximum 1.5 times the diameter. 3-5.4.2 Multi-loading pneumatic waste handling systems shall be provided with a service opening consisting ofan auto- matic or self-closing, positive-latching door front panel and frame assembly approved for Class B openings and having a fire resistance rating of not less than I hour. The door frame shall be built 6rmly into the duct and wall. The door shall be interlocked so that only one door in the chute can be opened at the same time and not when discharging the chute. 3-5,4,3 The material damper shall be airtisht and shall con- vey waste from the vertical chute to the hor]zontal duct. The horizontal duct shall not be less than 4 in. (102 mm) in diam- eter compared to the vertical chute. A level indicator above the material damper shall lock the chute doors rvhen acti- vated. The material damper shall be protected b\ .rulomatic sprinkler and inspection openings. The inspection openings shall not be less than ?s ofthe cross section ofthe chute diam- eter. The height shall be equivalent to the chute diameter. 3-5,5 Combined Gravity-Pneumatic Waste Handling Systems. 3-5.5.1 Each section ofa gravity-pneumatic system shall con- form to the requirements for the individual type of system. 3-5.5.2 The storage area above the meterinl valre in a gravity-pneumatic system shall be protected i)y automatic sprinklers. 3-G Service Opening Rooms. 3-6.1 Every service opening shall be enclosed in e room or compartment separated from other Parts of the building by wall, partition, floor, and floor<eiling assemblies having a fire resistance rating ofnot less than I hour, with openings to such room or compartment protected by approved self- closing fire doors suitable for Class B openings. 3-6,2 Ifentrance to a limited access service opening room is gained by a key, the service opening door need not require a key to be opened. One or the other shall be keyed. Chapter 4 .Linen (Laundry) Chutes or Conveyors 4-l General, 4-l.l Definition. Linen chutes or handling systems are chutes or systems used to transport soiled laundry from the floor or area ofcollection to a laundry or designated areas. 199O Edition € ( 82-14 INCINERATORS, WASTE AND LI:r*EN HANDLINC SYSTEIIIS AND EQUII'MENT 4-1.2 Classification. There are fiour types of linen (laun- dry) handling systems involving conveyance through a tube or cylinder. 4-1.2.1 Gravity-type Linen Chut€s. A gravity-type linen chute is an enclosed vertical passageway in a building where rhe linen is transferred by gravity to a chute terminal room or collecting facility or a pneumatic system. 4-1.2.2 Pneumatic Linen Handling Systems. A pneumatic linen handling system is a vertical, horizontal, or inclined duct having sufficient mechanically applied air florv to convey linen without clogging to a laundry or collecting facility. 4-1.2,3 Mutti-Inading Pneumatic Linen Handling Systems. A linen handling system of this type shall consist ofan auto- matic or self-closing, positire Jatching inlet door, interlocked so that only one door in the chute cair be opened at the same time and not when the material damper is opened. 4-1.2.4 Gravity-Pneumatic Linen Handling System. A gravity-pneumatic linen handling system is a system using a combination of the types defined in 4-1.2.1. 4-2 Construction. 4-2,1 General. 4-2.1.1 Linen chutes supported at intenals by the build- ing structure shall be provided with expansion joints between suPPort levels. 4-2.1.2 A linen chute shall extend (full size) at least 4 ft (1.2 m) above the roof of the building. The chute shall be open to the atmosphere. 42.1,3 Vertical linen chutes shall be enclosed on all stories above the collection or laundry facility within a continuous enclosure constructed of materials that are noncombustible, and extending from the ceiling of the collecrion or laundry room to or through the roof so as to retain the integrity of the fire separations as reguired by the applicable building code provisions. The walls ofthe enclosure shall have a fire resistance rating ofnot less than I hour if the building is less than 4 stories in height and not less than 2 hours if the build- ing is 4 or more stories in height. Exccptirn: Masont) thutes conforming to 3-2.2 or constructcd of nusonry ulo,lk hauing a frc resistance rating not hss than sfeci- fed abnc shall nol be required to be enclosed. 4-2.1.4 Metal linen chutes or handling systems shall be made of stainless steel or galvanized or aluminum<oated sreel with no screws, rivets, or oth€r projections on the interior surFace ofthe chute. Laps orjoints shall be ofa design so that liq- uid will drain to the interior of the chute. 4-2.2 Gravity-type Linen Chutes. 4-2.2.1 The portion of a gravity linen chute located not more than 6 stories below the roof of a building shall be made ofsteel not lighter than l8 US gage, and any other portions shall be made of steel not lighter than 16 US gage. 42.2.2 Gravity linen chutes shall be constructed straight and plumb with no offsets, 4-2.3 Pneumatic Linen and Multi-Ilading Pneumatic Linen Handling Systems. 4-2,3.1 lr{eral thickness shall not be lighter than l4 gage steel for material conveying lines, but in all cases shall be of suf- ficient thickness to retain its design shape under all operat- ing conditions. Steel shall be galvanized, aluminized, or stainless to avoid corrosion. The minimum air velocity in a Pneumatic linen han- dling system shall not be less than 2,400 ft per minute (800 m/min). 4-2.33 Each riser on pneumatic linen handling systems shall be equipped that dampers that a-re open to the atmosphere exceft irhen automatiaally closed to permit conr eying oper' atio; in anorher riser. Immediately afier completion of the conveying cycle, all riser dampers shall be opened. 4-2.3.4 F,ach riser with more than one inlet door on multi- loading pneumatic linen handling systems shall be equipped with Jciamper that is nornrally closed to the atmosphere except during discharging ofthe chute. Automatic fire dampers shall be installed at all Points where the linen handling system penetrates fire-resistive par- titions or floor assemblies (za Flgz re 3'2.1.5\. The slstem shall shut dorvn automatically upon closing of one of the fire dampers. 4-3 Chute Terminal Rooms. 4-3.1 Linen (laundry) chutes or pneumatic linen handling systems shall telminate or discharge directly into a room seP- aiated from other parts of the building by wall' partition, floor, and floor-ceiling assemblies having a minimum fire- resistive rating not leas than that specified for the chute. Openings to suth rooms shall be protected by approved autc' m-aric oi self-closing lVz hour fire doors suitable for Class B openings. 4-3,2 Automatic sprinklers shall be installed in chute ter- minal rooms. Hand'hose ofadequate length to reach all por- tions ofthe roorn shall be provided. The hose can be utilized for cleaning purposes. 4-4 Automatic Sprinklers' 4'4.1 Metal Gravity-type Chutes. Metal gravity-type chutes <hell he nrorected intCrnallv bv automatic sprinklers. Thisshall be protected internally by sP requires a sprinkler at or above the top service opening of the chute, ind, in addition, a sprinkler shall be installed within the chute at alternate floor levels in buildings over 2 stories in height uith a mandatory sprinkler located at the lowest service"level. See NFPA |l,'Sttndlil for thl Instnllation of Sprinkbr Systens. 4-4.2 Chute Terminal Rooms. The room or area into which a chute or linen handling system dirharges shall be protected with automatic sprinklers. 4-4.3 Sprinkler Head Prot€ction. Automatic sprinklers installed in linen chutes or linen handling systems shall be positioned out of the area rhrough rchich linen travels. The insrallation shall be so designed to avoid collection of dust or lint. ion: llfun the linen handling $st?m penclrulion of lhe floor $ly is enclosed by a fre-rated shaft bolh oboue and belou the ?enctration, a fre damper is not required. 199() Edition WASTE COMPACTORS 82- l5 4-5 Service Openings. 4.5.1 Gravity-type Linen Chutes. 4-5.1.1 All service opt nings into a linen chute shall be pro- vided with a gasketed, self<losing, positile-latching frame and fire door assembly approved for Class B openings and hav- ing a rating of not less than I hour. The door frame shall be firmly built into the chute, and the design and installa- tion shall be such that no Dart of the frame or door will project into lhe chute. A key shall be required to open the door- 4-5.1.2 The area of each service opening shall not exceed the cross-sectional area of the chute. tl-5.2 Pneumatic Linen and Multi.Loading Pneumatic Linen Handling Systems. 4-5,2.1 The sen ice opening of pneumatic linen handling systems shall be designed to provide proper entrance into the system. It may be eouivalcnt to the cross-sectional area of thi duct o, g.."te.. t'he maximum door r,r'idth shall not be greater than the duct diameter. 4-5,2.2 Pneumatic linen handling systems shall be provided with a service opening consisting of two doors, including an automatic or self-closing, positiveJatching outer door, front panel, and frame assembly, approted for Class B openings and having a fire rating of not less than I hour. The door frame shall be built firmlv into the duct and wall. The svs- tem service opening shall be equipped wirh a second or inner door designid to iemain closLd'it all times under full sys- tem pressure unless released by the system control circuit to allow the marerial placed inside rhe outer door ro enrer the duct provided rhe outer door is closed. However, rhe door need not be closed for systems designed for muhiple bag load- ing. Only one inner service door shall be open during each cycle. 4-5,2,3 MultiJoading pneumatic linen handling systems shall be provided with a sen'ice opening consisting of an automatic or self-closing, positiveJatching door front panel and frame assembly approved for Class B openings and having a fire resistance rating ofnot less than I hour. The door Fame shall be built firmlv into the duct and rra.ll. The door shall be inter- locked so that only one door in the chute can be open at the same dme and not when discharging the chute. ,f5.2.4 The material damper shall be ainight and shall con- vey linen waste from the vertical chute ro the horizonul duct. The horizontal duct shall nor be less than 4 in. (102 mm) in diameter comDared to the vertical chute. A level indicator above the maGrial damper shall tock the chute doors when activated. The material damper shall be prorected by auto- matic sprinkler and inspection openings. The inspection openings shall not be less than ?s of the cross section of the chute diameter. The height shall be equivalenr to rhe chute orameter. 4-5.3 Combination Gravity-Pneumatic Linen Handling Svstems. *53.1 Each section ofa gravity-pneumatic sysrem shall con- form to the requiremenrs for the individual type of system. 4-5,3.2 The storage area gravity-pneumatic system sorinklers, above the metering valve in a shall be protected by automatic 4-6 Service Opening Rooms. 4-6.1 Every service opening shall be enclosed in a room or compartment separated from other parts ofthe building by wall, partirion, floor, and floor-ceiling assemblies having a fire resistance rating of not less than I hour, with openings to such room or compartment protected by approved self- closing 6re doors suitable for Class B openings. Chapter 5 Waste Compactors 5-l General. 5-1.1 Definition. Waste compactors are devices using electro-mechanical-hydraulic means to reduce the volume of waste and to package it in the reduced condition. 5-1.2 Classification. The two types of comPactors regulated by the provisions of this standard are as follows: 5-1,2.1 Domestic compactors are designed for use in dwell- ings or individual dwelling units for compaction of family- developed waste. 5.1,2,2 Commercial-industrial compactors used in multiple familv or other classes ofoccupancies mav be located indoors or ouidoors. They can be chute-fed or hand-fed. Discharge of the compactor may be into metal-compaction containers or disposable packages. 5-2 Domestic Compactors. 5-2.1 Domestic compactors shall be so designed that the unit can be opened manually in the event of electrical failure. 5-2.2 The compacting chamber shall be so designed as to be enclosed on all sides, top, front, and bottom with steel con- struction that will contain fire in the event of waste ignition. 5-3 Commercial-Industrial Compactors. 5-3.1 All chute-fed compactors shall have an autornatic sPe- cial 6ne water spray sprinkler head with a minimum Vz-in. (13-mm) orifice installed in the hopper of the compactor. This sprinkler shall be an ordinary temperature rating sPrinkler. The sprinklers shall be supplied by a minimum l-in. (25.4- mm) ferrous piping or s/a-in. (19-mm) copper tubing line from the domestic cold water supply, The sprinkler head shall provide a suitable spray into the hopper. An on-off, self-actuating, snap-action, heat-acttrated .piiirkl"r may be used, or the;prinliler may be conrf,)lled by a temperature sensor operating a solenoid valve. Sprin- kler water piping shall be protected from freezing in outdoor installations. 5.3.2 Hand-fed compactors located within a building and not operarcd in conjunction with a chute do not require installation of an automatic sprinkler in the hopper. Com- pactors larger than 2 cu yd (1.52 m') shall be enclosed in a fire-rated room in conformance with 5-3.4. 5-3.3 Refuse compaction containers shall ha,, access door to the containers that can be opened wirl. liscon- necting the containers from rhe comPactor or si,. ., ire pro- vided with one 2Vs-in. hose connecdon fitting standard fire fighting equipment near the top ofthe container. 1990 Edition 82- l6 INCINERA'IORS, \{ASTE AND LINEN H.{NDLINC SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT 5-3.4 (lhute terminal, comPacting, or stol'age rooms shall be separated from other parts of the building by wall, par- tition, floor, and floor-ceiling assemblies having a fire resis- tance rating ofnot less than 2 hours. Openings to such rooms shall be protected by approved automatic- or self-closing fire doors suitable fior Class B openings. Chapter 6 Waste Storage Rooms 6-l Waste storage rooms in a building or structure shall comply with specified requirements for a waste storage room if it is used for the keeping, storage, or handling oFrvaste that is loose, baled, or compacted or in containers in an amount exceeding 3 cu yd (2.29 m') (uncompacted measure). 6-2 lVaste storage rooms shall be separated from other pars of the building by walls and floor and ceiling assemblies hav- ing a 6re resistance rating of not less than 2 hours. Open- ings to such rooms shall be protected by aPProved automatic- or self-closing fire doors suitable for Class B openings. 6-3 Waste storage rooms shall be provided with automatic sprinklers installed in accordance with NFPA 13, Skndard for the Installntion of Aulomatic Sprin*.ler Slstztru. These sprinklers may be supplied from the domestic water supply. Hand hose of adequate length to reach all portions of the room shall be provided. Chapter 7 Referenced Publications 7-l The following documents or portions thereofare ref- erenced within this standard and shall be considered part of the reouirements of this document. The edition indicated for each reference is the current edition as of the date of the NFPA issuance of this document. 7-l.l NFPA Publications. National Fire Protection Asso- ciation, I Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box 9101, Quincy, MA 02269-9 t 01. NFPA 13-1989, Starulard for thz Instalhtion of Spinhbr Sl.rlems NFPA 30-1987, Flammable and Combuslible Liquids Code NFPA 3l-1987, Standard, for thc Installalion of Oil Burning Equiplncnt NFPA 54-1988. National Fuel Cas Cod.e NFPA 58-1989, Storage and Handling of Liqurfud Pctrolzum Gases NFPA 70-1990, National Elcctrical Code N FPA 86- 1990, Standanl for Ot'ens and Furnnces NFPA 90A-1989 , Standanl for thz Installation of Air Ctndi- lioning and Venlilaling syslems NFPA 2l l-1988, Standnrd for Chinnqs, Fireplaces, Vmls, and Soli.d Fuel Burn.ing Appl.iances. 7-1.2 ASTM Publications. American Society for Testing and Materials, l9l6 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. ASTM Al67-t988, Specifcations for Stninhss and. Heat- Rcskting Chromium-Nichel Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip ,1,STL{ A478-l 982, Specifcalions for Chromium-Nichcl Stain- less and Heal-Resisting Slcel Weazting Wire .{STM C27-1984, Standail Clnssifuation for Fireclay a.nd. High- Alunina Refraclory Brith ASTM Cl99-1984, Standzrd Test M?thod for Pier Test for Refraeton \lortars. Appendix A This Appmdtx is not a parl of lhe requircmenb of his NFPA documznl, bul is includctl for infonnalion purposes only. A-2-2.8 Chimneys for Incinerators. Gencral. The changing composition of waste and regulations con- trolling temperatures and emissions has created very aggres- sive flue gases. Refractories suitable in the past can fail rapidly under existing conditions. There are no single materials or family of materials suitable for ensuring firesafety under all conditions; therefore, no specific materials rvil[ be identified, Critical temperatures, aggressive chemical components, and conditions creating aggressive flue gases will be identified. Selection of materials for chimney consruction should be based on materials capable of wirhstanding these conditions. The Condensed Flue Acid Gorrosives. Hydrochloric acid is formed when chloride-bearing mate- rials are oxidized. Hydrochloric acid is corrosive to all chim- ney linings and can destroy most metals when as low as 26 ppm in the flue gases. Acid concentration in flue gases ranges from 26 ppm to as high as 2095 ppm. The acid dew point is about 145'F (62.7"C). Sulfuric acid is formed when sulfur is oxidized to SO2, which is funher oxidized to SO3, which combines readily with water to form sulfuric acid, H2SO4. This flue acid is aggres- sive to most chimney linings. The acid dew point depends upon the SOs content ofthe flue gases. The maximum theoretical acid dew point is about 400"F (204.4'C). Acid concentration can be up to 80 percent but rapidly self-dilute to 35 percent. Sulfurous acid is formed when SO" combines with water, It condenses as sulfurous acid, H2SO3, it the water dew points or about 130'F (54.4'C) but it is not as aggressive as sulfu- ric or hydrochloric and is, therefore, overshadowed by them. Nitric acid is condensed in the water derv point area and also is not as aggressive to chimney materials as other flue acids. IVith sbinless steel it pacihes the surface, reducing the corrosive effect of the other flue acids. Miscellaneous flue acids - Other 8ue acids. formed bv the halides, are very corrosive but in lesser amounts than ;hlo- rides. Hydrochloric acid is, therefore, the controlling item, Other flue acids that condense at the water dew point are present; hon'ever, hydrochloric and sulfuric acids are the acids that create the most corrosion in chimneys servicing incin- eration of general waste. 1990 Edition APPENDIX B 82-17 The Alkali Corrosives, Alkalis are formed by the oxidation of metal oxides that are found in paints, ink, fillers, pigments, etc. The common alkalis are: soda (Na,O) potash (K2O) lithia (Li2O) Increases in plastics that are components of waste increase alkalis in flue gases. Alkalis form low-temperature melts that distress refracto- ries, particularly those of low density. Distress due to alkali attack may be seen as glazing or dripping ofthe refractory ifthe temperature is high enough or at lower tenrperatures, as a shelling or decrepitation of the surface. Alkali disrupdon begins at about 1600"F and increases as temperatures approach 2000"F. High Temperature Acid Corrosives. Most common stainless steels show significant loss due to chloride or other halogen vapors in flue gases when temper- atures exceed 600'F. Flue temperatures over l800oF encourage reaction of hydrochloric vapors with calcium aluminare reftactory bind- ers. This reaction becomes more severe as temDeratures approach and exceed 2200oF. Free Chlorides and .Alkalis - When free chlolides are present with alkalis, these compounds may condense rr'ithin the lining forming expansire alkali chloride phases. The pres- ence ofthese phases can result in cracking of the refractory. Chimney Systems Below 200"F Mid-Flue Temperature Downstream of Scrubber, Chimney systems rhat allow flue surfaces to hll below 200'F will be subjecr to corrosion by halogen acids, nitric acid, and others, with the prime corrosive acid being hydrochloric, Metal Linings Assuming HCI Content to be 26 ppm or Above in the Fue Gases - lt{ost common metals such as Type 304,304L, 316, 3l6L stainless steels and nickel-based alloys, such as 800,600,618, and 671, have shown significanr cor- rosion when subjected to flue gases conuining 26 pprn hydro- chloric acid and are not acceprable as flue liners. Materials that exhibited essentially no corrosion attack when subject to flue gases conraining 26 ppm hl drochloric acid: a Austenitic stainless steels' 904L,254 SLX,254 SMO, AL-6X, and 22-13-5 I Ferritic stainless steels: Ebrite 26-1, NuMonit. and 29-4C ' r Nickel-based alloys: 690,625,825, and Hastelloys N, F, c, and C-276 The data above was obtained from Technology Develop- ment for Corrosion Resistant Condensing Heat Exchangers by Banelle, Columbus, OH Refractory and Other Linings - Refractory linings suitable downstream of scrubbers must resist all ofthe condensed flue acids at low temperatures, and will become saturated and must, therefore, resist stresses ofexpanding stealn whcn tem- peratures are elevated rapidly. They also must resist ther- mal shock when heated refractory suddenly is exposed to water. Products suitable for this service should show no more than 3 percent weight loss when subjecred rc ASTM Arid Rcsislanre Titing in boiiing hydrochlorii and sulfuric acids. Chimney Systems Below 600'F Mid-Flue TemPerature. Chimney systems that allow llue surFaces in any por-tion ofthe sysrem to fall below 600'F can be subject to corrosion by sulfuric acid. These temperatures usually are associated with waste heat recovery boilers. Lining suitable for this t,vpe service shall be dense, high in silica, and bonded with acid-resistant binders (calcium alu- minate binders cannot pass the acid resistant test unless co- borrded with potassiutn silicate). \laterial shall rvithstand immersion in 5 percent sulfuric acid for 2000 hours at 70'F with not more tlran 3 percent tteight loss. Chimney Systems 600'F to 1500'F. These are the conditions that existed prior to current reg- ulations concerning incineradon. This range avoids condenrd flue acid and problems with alkali. Refractories used in the past usually u'ere lightweight with condnuous service aerrt- peratures of 1800'F with excursions to 2000'F. Listed Medium Heat Chimneys - Listed medium heat appliance chimne,vs may be used and should be in,r:,ll-'d in accordance with the conditions ofthe listing and tlit inan- uhcturers instructions. Chimney Systerns 1500"F to 2200'F. This temperature range requires more Al2O3 and less SiO2 in the chemical composition. The material will be r cttrired to meet lhe tempe.ai,r.e limitations of the specifit ' . iner- ator involved. It will be subject to attack by both alh;ili and acid rapors, which becomes more severe as density is reduced; thus, high-density low-porosity material is desirable. AppendixB Referenced Publications B-l The following documents or pordons thereofare ref- erenced within this standard for informational purposes only and thus are not considered part ofthe requiremenrs of this document. The edition indicated for each reference is the cur- rent edition as ofthe date ofthe NFPA issuance of this doc- ument. B-l.l NFPA Publications. National Fire Protection Asso- ciation, I Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box 9101, Quincy, MA 02269-9101. NFPA 9l-1990, Standard for the Installation of Bloter and Exhaust Systems for Dust, Slock, and, Vapor Remotal or Conter- irg N FPA 97M- 1988 , Standnrd Gloslr;y of Tenrx Relnting to Chim- nqs, Venls, arul Heat Producing Appliancu. 1990 Edilion E2-18 INCINEMTORS, WASTE AND LINEN HANDLING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT Index @1990 National Fire Protection Association, All Rights Reserved. The copyrishr in this index is separate and disrinct from the copyrisht in the documcnt which it indcxes. The licensing provisions set fonh for rhe'docimenr are nor applicible ro this index. This index miy n--ot bc rcproduced in whole or in part by any mean5,i.,ithout the express wrirten permission of the National Fire Protection Association, Inc. .A- Air for combustion and ventilation .......2-1.3 Application of standard .............. ......... l-g Arresters sce Spark affcstcrs Automatic sprinklers see Sprinklers, Automatic .B- Brceching ....2-2.10,2-2.12 -c- Cbrging, incineretor ,...,..................2-2.5 Ghimney connectors .......................2-2.12 Chimncys ...... 2-2.8, 4-2-2.8 Clearances ... .. .... .. . 2-2.9 Commercial-institutional incinerators ............. 2-2.E, A-2-2.8 Connectors ....,.....2-2.12 Lisred mediurn heat ................ ..-.2-2.8-2 Low temperature .....,..,..,.,.,,....... 2-2.10 Masonry ....-. -... 2-2.8.4,2-2.9.2 Metal .............. .. 2-2.8.3 Exterior ........... .................... 2-2.9.3 Interior . . .. .. -. . . . - . . . . . . .. .. .. ,. . . .. . . 2-2.9.4Termination ........ 2-2. I I Cbutc tcrminrl rooms Linen .............. ............................4-3 Waste ........,.,.,. .............,........,.,.,. 3-9 Cbutes ....................... - see specific type such as Linen chutcs ClcrrulcesChimney ..............2-2.9 Commerciaf -industrial incinerators . .......,.,.,.,.,...,.,.,.. 2-2.4 Coobined gravity.pneumatic w.sac hrndlingsystems.-.........-. ........:.........,.,.,.,.,3-5.5 Goobined grevity.pneumatic linen handling systems ....... .... .....4-5.3 Combustion, eir for ............. ....,.,.,....2-1.3 Gombustible materialsDefinition ..........,.,. l-2 Gonstruction Linen chutes or conveyors .,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.4-2 Waste chutes and handling systems ............ ..............,. 3-z Commcrcial-institutional incinerators .........,.,,.,.. .....,,.... 2-2Charsinq ............ 2.2.5Chim-ney-s ... 2-2.8, A-2-2.8Clearanies ,,..,,,,,...2-2.4Definition ............. 2-2.1 Desisn and construction ..,.,.,.....,,...2-2.2Placiment .......,.,.,2-2.3 Residue removal ....,2-2.6Clcerences .......2-2.4,2-2.9 Design and construction ,. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .2-2.2Pfacement ............2-2.3 Room for ., .. .. , . .. ...2-2.7 .D Dcrign and construction, commercid-institutioual incinerator -. -..................... 2-2.2 1990 Edition .G- Gr.viry.typc lincn chutcr ...............,..... 4- 1.2. 1, 4-4.2 -2, 4-5.1 Mctal ......,....... ..... ...... .. .. ........ .. . 4-4.I Grrvitv.SvDc f incn hrndlinc ayslema ........... .. - - - -... -.. -. 4- l -2,4 creviti'-ti'ircwrs.echute! :..'.................. 3-2.1.5(a) General access 3- l.l, 3-5.1 Limited acccss 3-1.2,3-5.2 .I. fncinerrtor roomr .................... ........2-2.7 Incincratorc ..... Chap. 2; see also speciic type such as Ourdoor incinerators -L- buadry chutcr sce Linen chutes or conveyors Lincn chutcr or convcyorr ............., Chap.4 Chute tcrminal rooms ..........,.. .4-r.4-4.2Classification .........4-1.2Construction .......,.,.4-2De6nition .............4-l.l Scrvice opcninc rooms ............. ........ 4-o Scrvice oilenin[s ... .. .. 4-5 -M- Masonry r|erte chut$ ............ .-.3-2.2 54.2 Mctal waste chutes ............. ...........,..3-2.3 Unlined ........... ..........................3-4.1 .o. Outdoor incinenton ......,......... ..........2-3 -P- Pneumatic lincn hendling lyst€mr .......,.,. , 4-1.2.2, 4-2.3, 4-5.2 Gravity ............ -. 4-1.2.4 Muf tiloading .............4-1.2.3,4-2.3,4-5.2 Pneumetic wasie handling systcms ................ 5-2. 1.5(b), 3-5.3 MultiJoading ..........:..:....... 3-1.4, 3-2.4,3-5.4 irr 82-19 .R. fooor ................,..:cc rpccifrc typc such ec Incinerator room .v. Veatilrdon, eir for .....2-1.3 .w. Tvoes of rvslems 3'l.l firu !'1.5 Werii comprictorr .. ChaP. 5Cls3ificidon .........5:1.2 Commcrcial-industrial .,.................'.......'.'.'............5-3Definition ............. 5-l.lDomcsric .'.'............5-2 W.rtc rto[rg! rroomr ..,.,.....,.,....... . Chap. 6 lSEdto,l I r 'rfl\t11r atbgb. llrtlIrl l'l ,-{ | | |$it iEl.lo r I.$r I Il* 11xaAzlri 1r, lE"rTt,?lHI93r? l= iE; l:ll rq t= ll l= '7 o UJFoz z J f .6 o 4,z o) o;-or i;' i' (J Co. .9 Eo IN =-o r o 6_: (/!i: 6q ()}c\g(..: ( !.!o.: ;{,oi ,t ,6 i- it.:>\ :E :o -(! =,' -qoT0)(,F- OC(J( at, ol c) o(u iE,o. :> tCi.o t(! :L :c ;'i - ddo.! l; U= cr o(E1 fo. € : o (6 trlo = oFo IFlz l3 o o vlq)() Eulz =o UJf z .s \\ tr Lll z *T.olr-r I*l ^lFI*l\\| IOI I lloI ltoI lt"|FtI -tl Yl rot<uJ|(J vt Fzl <)<l uJdtd z 2 4 ) z I UJ = tll uJ z tr lu E. o @; UJ IIJ z 6 tlJo F uro z ll,l o uJ UJu- a =& II a F - z .-) Co -) 9 F u.t tr IJt<ol()zlz e-l3 -l uJEl= NOlrvnlvA (E:o-Eo=6qE :fie:E EEEE?cg::= ;9E.3d896;,E**.c.^: a'oP.=Jg:;: s E Fa;E tEt*tg iE:E! IEg'Ea rtllli llul II lEt ls, li I lllztl-o a t y)t,; uJ Mt|a q i?lE ft r9l6 r lr j o^l? :i i--I llHlI ii;l1'll !o,l7 ,\=l tl \r r-f-i'ii r'r Iz,ol ft-llilllT- _T =>E =L!=to dl rrl Ivll-l 1P& at) FFH I l-ltFr tZ6o F^v-!Oi B6z> oz**\./ =dx>x ;.i '' IE*l '=l5*l =21v r-.{ | Eel 5.1 HIiflec,) ZE0 JI '] cr.o = o c lrt l *i ^l :l I g. 1 z Elolo loIF Itst: lc IF loll lJ t- o F it :>|crli uJ ll a II Jlt <lrZ O '<r ll O rll < a z tr Jo I I "I11. al!il ,.;lllniii?t;\t Iletolral*l[4lzl5lzl*t,l:l>;l- lls 'lt -J (9 a u- iil1 aiel I E tf I tl li lilEX [P I :ITI [E I EINI ll e.l | =l ^||e I sl: ll- I bl5ll I zl .,Idel ;,ll trl Fl F olutl cEl rJ >l ttlol zl 3l FI rlIItIittllol Ite II r.ullEltillilt93;t :al outrI FI F---'=- llIllIuIt;l Ilgt Il:l , lolJ3gflgH Ill ol 1l slEl JI al>l u-lol 3l g ol lrrFI F 2 c FE BIIJJ t-{ Io-cbaE U zE@t?\:T; ZEE; I 60..E g ===,tt c -:o - .F. ='E t rnnI >- . t-rLrLE "1 EIE E=I )O ui El -LZu d t4l <()- -\ : > al oo=\.:;-t\ v o Ll Z; tx-; o ol =t=;/BfEE 5,t,l :ct'lll=E 6 91 55E-)l l-: o i_l o ur z\.J/' - X ur,,E€- j nnm ut o lrl;l lial:t I leleil|:l Il.l@l I l?l-. I IIrl | . 1 l3l H3 ld3 =t-i5YF.> () =#Y,Z| =g 9l 5l Fz t LU1- F F tu T --.r O<F ur<zFIrt Ft,l Z.-o - ,w lt t!f 6 ll 9eo!: ll =-r3 ll EEII JFI LUi ll rz lrdg ll "8 )t ull ? I'?lw =tzx l= oz ts =c, UJL I I l; Fl l4(/'4 u ttt & Olel I cll Ez q q A.l I lllF o E =G, UJ o-z9F C)fg. 6zoo J a u l = JJL t!o Lo I UJF z L ),/' .)I/.n t4 (-,/ (./ r') A.-/) t-/ L, oz ts-E UJo- I N\: \:,., ttF\<^\o I I .li an UJ UJll E =c Lu o- g uJz3o uJIFoz |rJ UJo = =tolt .Eo o oooc65. Po, o e Dc ag ottoo Ct) .= =t @ E o =trf do oo CIr! ! .9 o C.9ooE siottoo 5lttt Ec6 CDc tro -at EloF I o ,o Eooo6 o () o .2 p o E 6 at,3'(6 -'- oo?i.!'=9(,l g8E e aO att.e; I;oc;.= s ;9trr-o:f=- 6.o =9F€ >= c96'- cL.c EEE E E-s,-OOiEog'q I t!! i.:= 50.6 cl $Esg!- ElE€: E6:EE Eo.!= EIE - o_.:i --c6 0'-5ae st5-e?=36>o o= .Y=Eri; g .bt e9Eo eEg -o6 !t t|t o 29 EPooe6QZl!<o*ic);oFO<.i J l! s( s(h 5 P cf) ->O = EI t!F o lrjFooo1 2o o.luY UJlo oFt .E u.l o- o coo I uJFoz t z oPzz(o0 =z dP trDD =l sl :;: rl =$gDDE E:GIJq t!oE9E=r6 =e>o-!t F3G '9.EE ta = IJJEF8HE=eXEXE5tq €= uloo --- ts =E,lrlo.z9F(.)fE azo C) R *s'-\-.:l r -.1 L) €s tr; =z coo r- |!l HY\} s S N sul =4 N.:\]s sSt ba v,U' uJco J t VI.tt-t{\.sF!- E { S ts : d, u- ulaiI!c : L 6 F{ 3 E F RSI NIg z ti ul G ltoz!loF \\f- Ifr(.(c{ I q3 f. u u IE oz c,ulG J l!oz3oF tg = oz o UJ cE J l!oz3 F tg c;z 0 UJE J >l ttqz3oF ll,Jul F' Gu.l /,z '/,lt\J // F() Ll, E-() e, E -rO<(FEOuJ<za,UJF.'2,-.- o7qQ JG 5P =()=<iic;F',2 UJOdi oz ao =D -tr c o t zc t Iz a = ?) z zf) EoE'ig+8,o2 oo <, <.1 EP'I !a 75 roulh lronlage road u.il, colo?ado E1657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 ottlce of oommunlty devclopmonl BUILDING PERI'IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If thi.s permi.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval , Engineer"s (Pub'l ic Works) reyiew and approval , a Plannjng Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weeks. A'll commercial (large or sma'l'l) and all multi-fami'ly permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a'l esser amount of time. However, if residentia'l or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects rny also take the three week period. Every attempt wrll'l be made by this department to expedite this permit as s.qon as possibl e. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. Z, Projeict Name Communi ty Development Department. \. 75 soulh tronlage road ueil. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21..38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: olllce of communlty developmenl ALL CONTRASTORS CURRENILYL REGISTERED I{ITH EHE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC !{ORKS/COMMUNITY DEVEI,OP}IENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING E MATERIAL STORAGE In sunmary, Ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor rnaterial , including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on aII Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance will be stri-ctly enforced by the Town of VailPublic Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 bour written notice to remove said material .In the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, pLease stop by the Town ofVail Buitding Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. (i.e. contractor, owner) $ sl d, to ct n cl q G .lt 7., [9 &: Y{i,l IE lC I o.n ,ti X "::x )i f zq^ x-!, Ir: ,,r o ugi ;iifi; i d l> J' > ul:_oS j =o 0", rrd A> y9 .t- f,t od -> dcl U4 l! !l 0 1 9 l? 8 ca >,!,;0z t\ZiiY.1 EFi &-o a$>) drt si b7 ( <t Fa{ -€U :^>8 , .{i !r -q .J.t -J U{1 : i$id .l I'rY< T ir=;i d _"5?'' . isllt 3r {a -. < :*u: u{}li;: fi 0 n'l v :i I -t ;{ 1I f, J) ; 0 Jo N \ ia;o ..Wun tLl $5Firh ;r. :{' -TS I \--r5 b -o -ti0ii- iliilWlIItt'r- \ .. rO{:* 'i;'Jb :S \t a ul .i .t' 0 o ,l 0 I \ 5 r I \ !J aP I (t)I ro c) =ctrLrFIC E€ ag c6t Q. (5 F N I**igr $f, J |rl t (J tr I :,ilrtl 4l "llgtl Htl I 3llgtl >1 pll TItlI tltltl |ol $l t; l\e tltltl):L t- tr $40 .t nE 6tl+;y ic(F o ?t rlI u' ,i1 o !{: o. e2 I ncl rJU ditc F l,!:oc ) $l;{n-:o r J0 _:drJ ood nJ; ^. -ou Yd I;'ioN- { 6 z F(( R '1 ) !t o' oNN V' x F i FtJ', f I z xi oloN N .o C9 X 6 cj F o o I o 9,=5- tr9B=atl -.cl c.=9Ea) bo.C].! CG6(J€Fo'.='rP >oEr-ltp Eo att E>Gl Ea FdI e? tso(1o-o l-ls l'3i;i liti s3 lffi Ir_$t( lt15 r-flIA .HL l;l f':rul<- g r\,5=l!U l1 l* ! 6qI u :3I V,r- I o\I l Y,; I o <tl; 77lrt Il',1# Le. lbl;t1F IlilIsr""':-lilr:I i lr=r l+I rrr ;i I ;j.. i liF$$g, i lelF::disI d:.e \<| 1v; o*| "I) ',iI jd, 60 l;fii;i ot u uu.{ v) J { I"t- () (} [J"f # f#$ii,S;Att f;3" e&- -....,t{;{ rv b ol'"1 il Ill in 1 t YI F Y t/l 0,ooo aa 4 n .l l,t ulo 3 $$ in d$-li"6t it d = I ) J ca 5 Jtil * 0 )o o rJ I rdI t- J g f <o lzzr JO qr5 o0d iqn.r.1 ;r,i"s o:&, O Srv u llJ(l cl tu 6 $rll-i il3 i: r Yr:tr{ .4?o9,razv;2b(BD L <rr tr rll!t r,ti sq$o 71FO$o ${ ov rU u .l vu{ o rrt jjj." i cl$$S r I iti$i| r i 9l!::;lied :- n \<:v,i og"E) riI l, 60 ;fi[ ;i -,Sf t Il- 6- E *- g E \ (r lg- _Q s{ I s .g \S ?, =EA lE -=,fto JTss3i+FESh'$qt o SPECIFICATIONS MODEL ].25 -RBD-1 DESTRUCTOR SCOPE GE-Eork required by these specificacions consisEs of furnishingthe dest.rr:ctor complete, in stricc accordance wich this sectionof the specifications and applicable drawings. The foundaEion,gas, and electric and oEher utilicies required and final connec-tion of same co be done by other crafts. QUALIFICAITON OF BIDDERS @ builders of 'destrucEors r.rho are recog- nized members.of the Incinerator Instirute of America (IIA) r,ri1l be considered. No work shdIl be initiated until aoproval of theplans has been given. TYPE AND CAPACITY TEE-E;cruETot sh-all be of che heavy ducy hi-temperature conErolledair type, model 125-RBD-1, as builc by Incinerator InternaEional , Inc. P.0. Box 8617, Houston, Texas, or an approved equal. The destructorshall have a capacicy to destroy infeccious "red bag" r.rasce by weighc, ai the race of125 lbs. per hour and be designed in accordance with rhe latest revised srandirds of the Incinerator InsEiEuEe of Anerica(IIA) and che regulations of che Air Cont.rol Commission of the Scateoi cot oRAnn DIMENSiONS TE'E-overEfl height of this desirucror shall be 12'5" above rhefoundacion. Tha exEerior dimensions shall not be'less than 6'11" long by 4'3" wide by 11'10"'.high. The unic sha1l be mounied on3 inch "I" bean skids, rounded-on che ends - 0n top of the unicis a 4"'channel iron stack saddle. The Eotal'..reighc of this unic and sEack ls26,000 pounds EXTERIOR i,IALLSTEe-xc#ior walls shall be 10 Bauqe sceel , heavily reinforced and all exEerior edges (rop, sides & bottom) shal1-be reinforcedrvith 3" x 3" x 1/4" angle iron. INTERIOR I^IALLS ThE-Ifiing ol-the dest,rucror shall be made. of special qualiry $1 hi-temp ilay mixture brick manufactured for- incineiationservices. .A rninirnum arhount of air setting hi-temp ceinent shall b-e used-in..laying. The chickness of the lining sirall be not lessthan 4-112". Specially moulded.shapes shall b6 used in Ehe arches over a]I doors and waIls. A1l refractory mus! conforrn to ASTMC-401. AII firebricklshall noE be less ihan p.C.S. of cone 32-33-3135, 3100 degrees Fahrenheir. INSULATION EEEen EE'e inEe;ior and Ehe exEerior walls Ehere wha11 be 2"of hi-temp block insulation 1900 degrees Fahrenheir. Or"n. -z- Model 125;RBD-I ROOF TEE-roof shalr be a 6" thick, monolichic cast refracEory, conform-ing tso ASTM C-401 covered wiitr tO gauge sreel. CHARGING AND CLEAN-OUT DOORS To alrow access to-EEe d-estructor for stoking and creaning, thereshal1 be. an.adequace number of doors or rne f,";;t J"cy a"Iirucrortype- There shall nor be ress rhan rhe follb;i'l aoor": Maincharging door/clean-our door, 36" wide-"-aa;-hi;f,, iinged rype,refractory lined,-"nd one opiional secondi;y ;i;;;-;ut opening,15" x lS" with refractory rined door. the hoois ih"rr be con-stxucted wittr 4" x 5.4 cirannel iron on all sides. There shalrbe a 6" clean-ouc plug in the afEer burner chamUer.- STACK Furnistr and insta.ll an 18" I.D. x 22', O.D. 12 gauqe steel with2" refractory li.ned stack. The st,ack sharl-be'cJfiJtrrr"t"a in)' _segments with angle iron f.ranges that are continuous weld oneach end and will be'bo.lced'rogefher. BeEween the first andsecond section rhere strall ue r to gauge steel air induction5itg- - The-base prate and gusseEs sEari ue "o.rsiiucled of noless tnan 1/4" sEeel. The.stack saddre shalr be 4,' channel iron.The stack shal1'fest directly on rhe d.estrucroi-stack saddre andshall- extend a minimum of 20', above the unit. SPARK ARRESTOR me--"op oE-EEA srack shall be equipped. wirh asceel^3-nresh_spark arrestor, a minimum of 1g',4, )16" sEeel. support rods. PAINTING aff-Eipo-sed iron and sEeel shall be cleaned ofand be given one coat of primer and two coats-paint at the factory aftei completioh. type 304 stainlesstal1 and shal1 have all rust and scaleof heat resistant ryRIE&_EWI4,I!Nr l::l+"1_1"d insrall a primary and'secondary gas burner. The burners :l::l_?i""_1_blower, a moror wirh overload- pioiecrion, and auEomaEic,erec'rrc, constant. spark i-gnition system,'and a l00z off safety sys- :fiX.^^Th:_p,tlT3tl buiner sfi' be cipable or "-"iiality oi so,6oo'robuu'uuu tsTU per hou'and the secondaiy burner strait u"''""f.ur. or .' capacity- of 250,000-ro- 1,qqO.,000 BTU ier hour.- c;; pressure suppliedto each burner should be.5" io 7" w-cl-.riia-piir"i, burner sharl becontrolled by a 0-r hour rimer, locaied i;-.';;;hir-prooi uo*,mounted on Ehe side of the unii near the "t.rgir,ll-Joor. The secondaryburner shall be controlred by "" .Jj""l"bi;-;3;;ir! pyrometer capabreof.controtling rhe secondary'uni"ur"o"-h;;; ;i;;-"fia r.u in rhe.tIiT"II_:l:mbel. To insure maximum. pollurion conErot-, rhis burnerltrrr contrnue to qperare afcer the piimary burnei taa'rir"a ""i ""tirthe heat- i'n the prirnary chamber-ialrs below a predecermined tempera-ture. The' burneis, tiirer ";a-;y;;;;i"t-"t"ri fii=ii"-rired rogetherby the desr.rucEori. manufacturgrl- r.".,i"; ;;1t-",;; ii; ;;i;-"i"[r. pr,.""connection. The burners shaIl also t;"p;";ip;J-ciierr,er wirh 1,' pipeand shal1. have one !-!lz" remare--connecEion at Ehe-;i;: "Ail pipi,a'and erecErical conduit'mounted-on uni-str"t ui""t "Is with properclamps: rr addirion, each burnei ""a ih;-ty;;;;;;-"h;ii [.-i,rac"a *:-:^10_g.1uge,s_reel. lockable, wearher-prooi' "o""i. - The primaiyburner shuts do-"m when the charging dobr is opened. Page -3- Model 125-RBD-I SAFETY DOOR SI^IITCH Primary burner will not operaEewill shut down if door is openedmaEically re:-ignite when door is PERFORMANCE wiEh door open. Primary burnerduring operaEion and will auto- resealed. r. -FEfierator shall be the conrrolled air rype with a primary andsecondary reaction chamber. complete com6ustion strait occirr inthe reacLion chamber wich no statk volume used to finalize thecombustion reaction. .The reaction chamber must be sized toallow a one-second resi_dence time.at 1800 degrees. B. A11 the air necessary for the complete combustion of the refuseshall be supplied through a conrrblled i:.r sysrem, wirh overfireand underfire air nozzles in the primary chairber,'and high velocicynozzles. in the secondary chamber. c. The incinerator -shall be capable of burning. the following wasteat the indicated capacity: - r25 rb/hr type-infectious waite(red bag). Infectious waste is defined'is: I^Iaste r.rhich naycause disease or reasonabry be suspected of harboring pathogenicorganisms; incrudes bur not rimiteil ro, diseased humin'and Sninalpar!9, conEaminated bandages, paEhological specimens, hypodermicneedles, contaminated cloEhing, and sirgical' gloves.;' Page -4-AII Models NAME PLATE The desLructor sball be labeled with a name pJ.ate containing thefollovring informatio-n: Manufacturer's name, model number, fncin-erator rnstitute of America's incinerator crasslfication, capacityin lbs. pdr. hour, IIA waste type and date of installation. OPERATING INSTRUCTIbTiS Operating instructions shalI be provideo with the unit. I.IARRANTY This unit is warranted against defective materials or workmanshipfor a periocl of one (1) year from the date of delivery, providedthe unit is operated in ai'cordance with the manufacturerl s in-structions- The appurtenances tq the un j.t are warranted by therespective manufacturer's $rarranty for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of delivery. This r+arranty extends to theoriginal purchaser on1y. During the above*described warrantyperiods fncinerator International. Incorporated, as its option,wi]1 either repair the unit or replace it with a reconditi.onedmodel of an equivalent guality. DISCLAII'IERS: THIS ttARRANTy DOES NOT COVER .\Ny DAMIAGES CAUSED BY ACCIDENT, UNREASONABLE OR I.{PROPER USE, NEGLECT, ]}.1- PROPER SERVICE, ANY USE OR OPERATION NOT IN ACCORDA}ICE }IITH THE YANUFACTURER'S OPERATTNG INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED I.IITH THE UNIT, OR ANY OTHER CAUSE NOT .A-RISING OUT OF DEFECTS IN I,IATER,I.\L OR I'ToRKMANSHTP- THERE ARE No I.IARRANTTES hrHrcH EXTEND BEyoND TiiE DESCRTPTTON oN THE FACE HEREOF. TI{ERE ARE No rMpLrED tt.a.RRANTrESARrsrNG our oF THrs SALE, rr''*cLUDTNG BUT Nor Lrf4rrED To rHE rMpLrED WARRANTTES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNEIS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE., INCINERATOR INTERNATIONAL SR^.LI IiOT .BE LIABLE FOR ANY IIICTDDNTAL OR CONSEQUENTTAL cosTs, EXPENSES oR DA,r'/!AGES rticuRRED By riiE PURCHASER. INDEI'INIPTCATION: BUYER HEp.EBy AGREES ?O INDEMlfIiy AiiD HotD HARMIESS AND DEFEND rlicrl.tERAToR rt;TERttATrorr-AL, rNcop.poRATED, AND ITS DTRECTORS, OFFICERS, EI.4PLOYEES AND AGENTS AGATNS? P.}iY ATID ALL LOSSES, COSTS, DAMAGES, CLA.II'!S. LIABITITTES OR EXPENSES, INCLUDING, BUT IiOT LIMITED TO REASO}IAgLE ATTORNEY'S PEES, ARTSIIiG OUT OF OR, RESULT]NG FROM ANY INJURY TO AIiY PERSON OR DAMAGE TO ANY PROPER?Y CAUSED BY.THE II{ADEQUACY FOR THE BUYER'S ]NTE}iDED USE OF ?HE'SAFETY PEATURES, DEVICES OR CHARACTERISTTCS OF THEUNIT, OR THE USE OR OPERATION OF SUCH UNIT, DXCEPT CL.II.II.IS SOLELY FOR REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OS DEFECTIVE PAR,TS COVERED BY THIS WARR}.NTY. Nci effect shall be given tb any provision in any atcepranceor purchase form of Buyer which is in conflict with or inaddit,ion to the terms hereof. FR0t'1 [JEBB CRt]]1E 24? 786 t 6 1 I . 12, 199 ,t- tEo NOv 1 319e1 tslclg. Per irrit #_ \ rr, \w u -\*u,.u.*"*N*s P. ? 79 toulh lronl;go ror{ Y8ll, CO|Orsdo 81857 (ooa) 479-?138 or 479-2I39 offlco ol communlty drvcloprricnl SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION REQUEST % Ap6riicant Company I Applicant Phone: Company Representative : Requested Date(s) i Times: Applicant Signature I *Please return completed t'\e\..L Cna** Een'la. f,*J.. -- Speclfic Request and Rationale: peiw.. ts is,, ..,r Ro..L onl Tr^"(r, o(,r Lo. tf AltaJo,*r D.. t o* dai \ J^ft, fic{, cc*,.ld,. ar\A *"\o".Ai.l. A,loue (.,1a..a $o,6, L^t.q{ j,l. -.* h"rp,'{"1 t- R*', *,. (t forfi to the Buifdlrrg Department. -{..^.f .-. I wh'lt /o^J,,',7, 1i.r I s, d< 4- d Name /Position Town of Vail Approvals: Conrmunity Developrnent : Police Depar.tment: Flre Departmerrt : Public Works I Date I q /z& *Lfi!^ ,//4 2/ *"rz*ur'4 7'2'4' 8".: @7E- z:z-Zt-Z_,Foa ft.>.o,@/ '- ?, ;aatJ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: Irt c-- ECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL \--JOB NAIVE CALLER TUES WED FRI ,t) THUR A'^ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING O ROUGH / WATER ,? ' Fmns or**{G -/'o'-o . 'r,2.'-/z/ tr POOL / H. TUB - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING E INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT ! SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: PPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED oo* l/-Zf -? /INSPECTOR niFs'o' } PEC5e2l PERMIT NUM rNs TION WN OF t. I Ioorc ll OJECT .U,JOB NAME ft'|,C_- READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O.INSULATION D POOL / H. T.IJB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL D tr FINAL ELECTRICALi. '-'i tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL:' ll i?' D HEATING TI "ROUGH tr o tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED ' tr.DISAPPROVED REIruSPECTION REQUIBED ,FCORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR PERMIT DATE INSPECTION: INSPECTION REQUEST,a tTOWN OF VAIL CALLER/-aTUES \{VEg THUR FRI ,F)J / NUMBER OF PROJECT lJ-3-?l JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION:I MON r)I €,-r BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI D FRAMING i STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V.ON / STEEL * ROOF & SHEER "tPLYWOoD NAtLtNG tr ROUGH / WATER D<cns PtPING tr POOL / H. TUBD INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr ! tr tr tr FINAL FINAL E-LECTRICALT B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E FINAL tr E FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE lNSpEcroR O4oJr_'*' --- -r-\ s%s ) PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT --INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE 3 READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON TUES WED BU trl trl trl -l-l tr1 trl tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. EI BOUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER )il GAS PtPtNGPLYWOOD NAILING NSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E-FINAL Ineenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr OISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR : f-A -t r.--..- ----- I PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT JOB NAME t\4 ( INSPECTIONi TOWN OF ,/-t-"-- THUR REQUEST VAIL r4 c__ DATE READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELE trI trF trC tr- tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL TAPPRoVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,. ']'*e 3-J5-',3 rNsPEcroR 0.,,,,-r/(-/ voilvolley medicolcenter Services Dlanager Feeney, Project Engineer 181 West Meodow Drive, Suite 100 Voil. Colorodo 81657 (3O3) 476-2451 ltarch 19, 1993 Dan stanek Town of Vail Departnent of Comnercial Development 75 S. Frontage Road lilestVaiI, colorado 81657 Dear Dan, As per our conversation of March 15, L993, hre can have the rear access doorray to the incinerator enclosure installed by April 21,1993. The Board of Governors meets on April 5t L993 and will haveto approve the added monies at that tirne. Construction of the deck and the opening will connence innediately thereafter. ff you have any questions, please feel Feeney or myself. Sincerely, free to call on either Dan q^ y' ton',- p Building cc: Dan Roy McMohon Chief Executive Officer Vail Valley Uea Center LETTil @F TRANSNNOT']TAL 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 303-476-2451 ro DRN Srnru trf il;Un t a f$ wE ARE SENDING YOU F Attached tr Shop drawinSs tr tr Copy of letter D E For approval E For your use p. As requested E For review and comment tr FOR BIDS DUE DATE r lJOl iao. .,-lrn^ n. )Z . lqq5 | the following items: ! Specifications D ! tr 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US D Plans tr Samples E C()PY OF CONSTR,OC7rDN Pe.E/N/7. Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies for distribution Return - corrected prints D Under separate cover via Prints Change order coPlEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: D ! tr n Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections REMARKS SIGNED: So. COPY TO ,t Gncroauraa rra nol aa notad, kindly notitj/ ua tl oac.. ' -ilF r*:- erArE oFEoroRADo COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION TELEPHONE: (303) 692-31 50 .ORADO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TR PoLLUIoN CoNrRoL DlvlsloN fla6Nl:, EPHONE: (303) 692-3150 W CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PERMIT NO: DATE ISSUED: ISSUED TO: 91EA783 September L3, L994 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER FINAL APPROVAL THE SOURCE TO WHICH THIS PERMIT APPLIES IS DESCRIBED AND LOCATED AS FOLLOWS: Health care facility located at 181 West Meadow Drive, Vail, Eagle countv' colorado' THE SPECIFIC EOU]PMENT OR ACTIVITY SUB.JECT TO THIS PERMIT INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING: operation of a batch fed type biomedical waste incinerator; Ventomatic Incinerator; Mod' , . 60/Gas, Ser. No. M57U. THIS PERMIT IS GRANTED SUR'ECT TO ALL RULES AND REGULAT]ONS OF THE COLORADO AIR OUALITY CONTROL COMMISSION AND THE COLORADO AIR OUALITY CONTROL ACT C'R'S' 125'7'101 et seot, TO THOSE GENERAL TERMS AnO COTOtitONS SET FORTH ON THE REvERSE SIDE OF THls 66C[Urrur AND THE FOLLOWTNG SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS: ' 1. operation of the equipment shall comply with the following pollutant standards as required by colorado nir ouaiiiv -control Regulation No. 6, pan B, section V, New source Performance Standards for Biomedical Waste Incineration: a. Visible emissions shall not exceed 1O percent opacity' b.Particu|atematteremissionssha||notexceed0'0Sgrainsperdrystandardcubicfoot corrected to 7% Ot c. Hydrogen Chloride (HCl) emissions shall either not exceed four (4) pounds per hour or achieve a 90% reduction by weight. on an hourly basis' d'CarbonMonoxide(Colemissionsha||notexceedl00partspermi|lion,dryvo|ume, correctedtoTYo'o"overany"ontinuou.one-hourperiodasmeasuredata|ocation upstream of tho control devices' 2. charging rate shall be limited to 125 pounds per hour and 75 tons per year of biomedical-wastes' No other types of waste or material shall be-burned in this unit without prior approval f rom the Division. The operator- shall maintail q -.ontNy "u.mary file of daily burning rates and hours of operation. The summaries shall be retained ioi at leatt wvo {2i years following the date of such 6, VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Permit No. 9l EA783 The source shall comply with Colorado Air Ouality Control Regulation No. 2 concerning odorous emissions at all times. During stirt-up, the secondary combustion chamber shall be preheated to at least 1800"F prior to start;f incineration cycle. An interlock mechanism shatl be provided to prevent the stan of combustion process until secondary chamber exit temperature is established and holding at 1BOO"F. A cirarging door lock-out mechanism shatl be installed to prevent charging of wastes during the combustion process and until the incineration cycle is completed. The unit shall be equipped with a secondary combustion chamber which provides for turbulent mixing and one (1 ) second of residence time at I 8OO"F or greater. Residence time shall be verified during the performance test and prior to issuance of the Final Approval' During shut-down, the secondary combustion temperature shall be maintained at 1 800'F or above until the final waste load is burned. The incinerator shall be equipped with continuous temperature monitorino and recording devices in the exit of the primary and the secondary combustion chambers. Such devices shall have an a6'iuracy ot + O. jS% oi the temperature being measured expressed in degrees celsius ('C) or + 2.b"C' whiihever is greater.. Sensors shall be.located such that flames'from.the burners do not 8. 9. 10. 11. impinge. on the sensors.. ', -,, The operator shall submit the operating data gathered from the temperature continuous monitoring . device to the Division on a quarterly basis. The data shall be retained for at least two (2) years following the date of record and shall be made available to the Division during facility inspections. upset conditions, as described in paragraph G of Regulation No. 6' Part B, Section v" shall be reponed to the Division as soon as possible but no later than two (2) hours after the start of the next working day followed by written notice to the Division. There shall be no radioactive material of any type burned in the incinerator. lf the operator will accept waste from other generators, the facility shall be equipped with a geiger counter which dfl , _ wastes must pass to detect any radioactivity. Should a. radioactive material be detected, it must be handled accordingly and returned to the waste generator' All incinerated waste shall be completely burned; there shall be no visible unburned combustibles in the ash. , .-. . ' 37t2513 12. 13. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Permit No. 91EA783 Final Approval Page 3 compty wilh tlE r.gd.to.y .t.r$-d! fd bidfldlc.l wtt' ilots'td'' i 1 -...; r' AAV,DATA/DOCS/P€RMITS/S I EA7s3'MOO.-- '.-" ';:i; -' -;: '. . ;:.:i-!.,:, ,". ,!d J.;]',':i: rier... .,.. -- ...^----ji.s...:-;i.'.* -.. All ash removal from the incinerator shall occur in an enclosed area' There shall be no visible emissions to the outside air when ash is removed from the facility or during transport to the ash disposal site. Ash shall be completely enclosed during transport' At all times, including periods of start-up, shutdown, and malfunction, the facility and control equipment sha|I, to the extent practicab|e, be maintained and operated in a manner consistent with good air pollution control pra;tices for minimizing emissions. Determination of whether or not l"..ptrOL operating and maintenancs proc€dures are being used will be based on information available to the Division, which may include, but is not limited to, monitoring results, opacity observations, review of Operating and maintenance procedures, and inspection of the source' Theunitshallon|ybeoperatedbypersonnelwhoiscompetentandknow|edgeab|eofthe incinerator's operating and maintenance procedures. The issuance of this permit does not exempt the owner or operator from complying with any future i.Suiriion. which may be promulgated by the Colorado Air Qualitv Control Commission' fn accordance with c.R.S, 25-7-114.1 , the Air Pollutant Emission Notice {APEN} associated with this source is valid for a term of five years. The five year term for this APEN expires on Dec' 31, 1997. A revised APEN shall be submitted no later than 30 days before the five year term expires' 14. 15. 16. James S. Geier, P.E., Chief New Source Review Section Stationary Sources Program Air Pollution Control Division liloi.: ,,. t- .. Thi|P..miti.i.i.5d-]n.rim.'r!'o|'tiriti.t.9p.ovdPdmildi9indYi..U.dooocrobcr31,lgo|'o.!|,it0'dErt6|ntcrn.t|ondModd125Bo.l)wfd TowN oF }ll STREET CUT PERMIT r VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CNTR, 2ND FILING 18I W. I.{EADOIT, DRIVE 2. LYON EXCAVATING.u$*!-r-,ro r.oo?*'.-#" ttr-* 3. Wortlrfon pr*er WATER SETTER GAS EIECIRIC w GABIE orHERPj,E_UOLES PsrmttFr $75 ' oo Blltto: Pri<l: \ INSPCCTION REMARKS Nil fri',r, oo24ra mlyN0FY/,ILly conrrrcro!,r cop, ro b. l.pr on lobrn . SKETCH PITN OFIVORK ATTACHED APPIICATION FOR TOWN OFVAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT lst3 tL . lilt [,/ /uJ ri z.Excavaling Conlractor Name 4. Work is for lcircle one) '/d-T # 1.r,, 5. Tietrc+?i#dth- Water Sewer Landscaping /( 'tt, 7,1/ira Legal Description -!3t Gas Electric TeleDhone Temporary Site Access '-'r r t'$SaE- Depth Street Address TOV Conlractor's , CATV 4// t/ 1/ o, 7. 8. (min. 4') Bond Amount $Permit Fee $ 7tb(TotalPermit Fee $ 7rr0 ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works qffice to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-748O) Public Service Company (1 -800-922-1 987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) 'TCl Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) Town of Vail: lrrigation (479-2161)Electricians (479-21 7 1) Public Works (479-21 58) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Btll 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. f2rt 9. 10. 11. 12. )'€elfrtythatl havereadall chaptersof l'itle12-StreetsandSidewalks,oltheVail Municipal Codeandall utility , signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. l,)t / t 1.'',, ! t | ' .- Date of Signature ' ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. /'l/,ll (,r ('..i .,f I i ,t i i ;r: .,/! .. ,r/, t.).-.ttL - 1,,,/ | (,--; - i.'/'| :'t 'f I i t :. . '' tt' ! / : \' i t--"'/ : , '' ) .,, .- n '_:'_ '; ; t' ,- i /;' ' | ^- t"r/ , i' i t. r {.r -/7. flt,,i i l' ( i: :- l, )', t,;,, ;{ i 'l ' l;-, 7.'; (t(l lr, {ft.)t, - ''\ "l)-i /'','.'i 1A ' t' " r THIS ts NoT pUBLtc WAy pERMtT! /: [/h ( ,,f t . 1.;1 ' tr I / , White - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Community Development Gold - Contractor I I t't-,( :-' \,4 PERMIT NUMBER F PROJECT J-{iQI; a-,DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON -" /DlucCALLER TUES THUR FRI INSPECTION REQUEST '/ ), -{ w'6.;.--- /.lt /?.LOCATION: O DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH/ D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor, '-/ 'B ' 9 "' rNSPEcroR t) V lfrGrsiE TIONWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: '*t"7'f)'THUR R OF PBOJECT of 93,o" BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FBAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED C -,,rs --Q 2DAIE ./ ' - ,,' \) INSPECTOR '." ''- I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .1 1 REINSPECTION REQUIBED PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT .) l( DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL D UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr,INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELE trl trF trC tr- MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS coruUlltr /D SUPPLY AIR FINAL DATE INSPECTOR nfitsrop rN# 7l?<',r / I fgS- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ome /-2' ?5- ,toe *oltlz /L"r;(' READY FOR INSPECTION: MON CALLER TUES CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 J/v<52+tzt(F,.Uzl THUR FRI AM LOCATION: /,{ / t**'arrou' tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: E] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR LEON INDUSTRIES, INC. 5 CONNOR LANE OEER PARK' N.Y. 11729 rEL. (516) 25.+-3200 ' FAX: (516) 251-1928 October 9, L992 IIG-92-186 John Young, Building Services Manager Vail Valley Medical Center 181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100 Vai1, colorado 81557 RE: fncinerator ReplacementVaiI Valley Medical center Dear Mr. Young: Attached is Leon rndustries' bid to provide a replacement incinerator to your medical facility. we are bidding a Vent-o- Matic incinerator for this purpose. Leon Industries personnel have a great deal of incinerator experience of our own and have worked wi-th Vent-o-l'latic before to supply incinerators of this type and capacity. I have enclosed the following docurnents within this bid package: 1. rwo (2) sets of Bid Forrns (pp. BD-10 . . BD-16) 2. one (1) Bid Bond in the arnount of 95,647.00. 3. one (1) set of Technicat Data Questionnaire (conpleted) 4. one (1) set of Descriptive Literature with Combustion Calculations and Drawings 5. one (1) Statement of Warranties and Guar{ntees(attached to this letter) 6. One (1) List of Installations and References for Leon fndustries and; One (1) List of Installations and References for Vent- o-Matic Incinerator Corporation INCINERATORS - COMPACTORS - STOKERS - ENGINEERING, DESIGN, CONTROLS, PARTS & SERVICE 7. 8. october 9, L992 vrc-92-186 Page 2 The Narne, phone number and address of the nearest service conpany that would provide service for the equiprnent provided under this contract is: Thonas Brogan, P.E. MEPPSCO (7L9') 395-6827 P.O. Box 1478 Buena Vista, Colorado 8L2LL A listing and clear description of any deviations or exceptions taken include the following: we take exception to the stack specification and instead offer a high temperature stack as manufactured by Vent-o- Matic. A letter and supporting documents from Vent-o- Matic to the Engineer with regard to this alternate are attached to this bid. we take exception to the pressure required of the secondary aii fans. The standard vent-o-Matic rnixing chamber utilizes a lower air pressure than that specified. This offer is for the delivery and installation of Vent-o- Matic's standard incinerator for this type application. The equipment offered is reflected in the Technical Data Questionnaire completed and attached to this bid. The services bid do not include the preparation or submission of buitding departrnent or environmental perrnit applications. Any perrnit applications, environmental studies or impact analyses are to be provided by others. We wiII, however, assist your consulting-Engineer by supplying technical infornation regardinf the equipment to be provided. We also do not include in this bid the cost of disposal of the existing incinerator. we assume that this may be done at a nearby landfill and we agree to load the used incinerator onto the truck which has delivered the new unit for installation. We will then haul it to such a nearby landfill or other legal disposal site as the VaiI VaIIey Medical Center shall designate. The cost of loading and transporting the used unit is included in our bid. ihe cost of-dispoial at the site designated by vail valley Medical Center shall be to their own account. October 9, L992 MG-92-186 Page 3 our bid is also conditioned upon your acceptance of a paynent schedule substantially as follows: Deposit with Purchase order 25 Z Upon Dra\'ting Approval 30 I Upon Equiprnent Delivery 20 Z Upon Installation, Start-up, & Testing 10 I Upon Enissions Test Subnission 10 I Upon the Issuance of an operating Pernit 5 I t{e trust that our bid conforms to your requirements and hopethat we can be of service to you in providing you with an incinerator that will properJ.y neet your disposal needs in the years ahead. Yours truly, LEON INDUSTRTES, TNC. 4-. , t//1..1 -t J L /4 /,'/ | | ctlttl2<-t g. X)0.'+2--' Matthew l.ftaskin, P.E. Senior Vice President t REFERENCE LIST CONTROLLED AIR INCINERATORS FACII,ITY NAME I'{ONTH NOUfNAIJ _=:l-: & ADDRESS TECHNOLOGY EEAN @Y Resource Power Development RB 15OO Feb. 1990 1,500 PPH 810 so. Industry Rd. Cocoa, FL 32926 Viltage of Saltaire STOKER Apr. 1990* 11000 PPH Fire Island, NY LL7a2 Norfolk Southern corp. cA 18 Mar. 199b-' 50 PPH 34 Scruggs Street Chattanooga, TN 37403 Caribbean Air Facility CAMB 5 Jan. 1989 350 PPH Islaverde, Puerto Rico Lord & Taylor sToKER Jan. 1989* 1'000 PPH 424 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10018 Norfolk Southern Corp. P2O Mar. 1989 160 PPH 8 North Jefferson St. Roanoke, vA 24042 Winthrop University Hospital CAI'{B 9 July 1988't 900 PPH 259 First Street Mineo1a, NY 11501 . Manhattan VA Medical Center RI 150 Jan. 1988 150 PPH 1st Ave. at E. 24th Street Nehr York, NY 10010 ;( RES.rtr-o 1 ,AP6RreE American Red Cross LaboratorY New England Blood Services Rust Craft Road,Dedham,MA. Att: Dave Dunham Tel. No.: (617) 461-2150 Pease & Curren 75 Pennsylvania Avenue Warwick, RI Att: Mr. Francis Curren III Tel. No. (401) 739-6350 929 North St. Francis Wichita, Kansas 67214 Att: David Coffman, Dir.,Bldg. Servs. Tel. No.: (316) 268-6922 St. Francis Hospital Topeka, Kansas Att: Mr. Robert Bridges Dir. of Eng. Tel. No.: (913) 295-8973 Bioran Laboratory 415 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 Att: Dr. Richard Fenell, Pres. Tel. No.: (617) 547-8900 References: Incinerator model CA 180 two second retention secondary, Bag house and scrubber. Installed July 1990 Pease & Curren operate two precious metals refineries recovering valuable metal from jewelry and electronic industry waste. They have purchased four CA incineraJors. Incinerator Model CA-l80 with one-yard capacity feeder. Incinerator Model CA-180 with one-yard capacity feeder. Bioran has operated a CA-180 for some twelve years. lnit was retrofited with a new lbllution control system in early 1990, in order to meet new stringent emission standards (panicu late emissions to be less than 0.02 grains/ cu.ft.. Incinerator Model CA- 180 with one-yard capacity feeder. 789 Central Avenue Dover, NH 03820 Att: Mr. Dan Fogerty Director of Facilities october 9, L992 MG-92-186 Paqe 4 GUARANTEES Leon Industries, Inc. wilt guarantee that the Incineration equipnent provided will operate at a capacity of not less than ris pptt whLn burning a rnixture of type o, 1, & 4 ltaste with a HHV of 8,500 BTU per pound and will provide a 1 second residence time and 1800 F ternperature in the secondary charnber. This capacity will continue for the duration of a daily 8-hour loading period. The unit will be suitable for duty 12 hours per day. Leon fndustries, Inc. will emissions sha1l not exceedto 7* 02. Leon fndustries, Inc. wiII rnonoxide (Co) in the fluetest, wiII not exceed 100 Leon Industries, Inc. will guarantee contarninants will not be ernitted in opacity of the emissions is greater guarantee that the particulate 0.08 gr/dscf of flue gas, corrected guarantee that the f"v"f of carbon gas, as neasured during a conpliance pprnv db, al 7Z 02, that visible air such a manner that the than 10*. Leon Industries, Inc. does NoT offer a guarantee with respect to the level of hydrochtoric acid (HCL) ernissions since, without further controls, such emissions are a function of the waste conposition beinq burned. However, other hospital incineration data suggests that the actual emissions of HcL for a unit of this size without additional control eguiprnent will be significantly lower than the Linit of less than 4 pounds per hour. The conpletion of a successful perforrnance test will provide cornplete satisfaction of this guarantee. ThiS test will be carried out within 60 days of the date of initial operation. If such test is not carried out within this period, at no fault of Leon Industries, the guarantee will be deemed to be satisfied. Leon fndustries warrants that the equ5.pment offered and supplied in carrying out the work proposed is new and free ofdefects in material and workmanship for one (1) year from the date of initial operation, not to exceed fourteen (14) months frorn the date of shiprnent. Summary- Hospltal Incinerator Compliance Test Richland Memorial Hospital (512186 ) Incinerator ventomatic cAl00 with feeder tun *urb"r, 't , g Average(1 ,& ?) ( see note below) Waste feed rate(lbs/hr) 235 235 burn down 235 Flow (DSCFT/M)710 670 430 690 Particulate Emissions ( Test Method S,including impinger catch) Filter catch(mg) Probe wash(mg.) 31.4 38.9 lmpingercatch(mg) 18.3 12.4 6.9 - -' 15.4 22.0 19.7 13.7 6.8 69.4 65.0 35.7 .0352 .032 .019 Total ( in mg) Qrejts/DSCFT (@7"/oOzl Oe concentration(%) COz 35.2 16.7 67.3 .0336 .0439 .053 corrected lo 7"/ooz 0457 .042 .025 Conected lo12"hCOz .054 .052 Carbon Monoxide Emissions Concentration,PPM .035 <10 <10 10.2 10.4 7.8 7.4 <10 10.4 6.4 <10 10.3 . 7.2 Note: Averages do not include run #3 because Run #3 was conducted during burndown when no waste was charged. This was requested by the supervising environmental agency to ascertain bmission levels during that phase of the cycle. Reference: (a)Report of Particulate and carlcon monoxide test conducted by Chemecology Corporation.. (b) U.S.E.P.A. Test Method 5 ( including impinger catch) Comlete test report including raw test data available on requesi. Equipment- ventomatic Model cAloo with feeder- no pollution controls ..i I 'i Compliance Test Results 3.0 Forn of Bid To: Owner From: Bidder (Address & Phone) Proj ect: VaiI Vallev Medical Center vail. colorado 81657 fncinerator RePlacement at ttil vallev Medical center' vail' co Engineer: Doucet & Mainka' P.C. Consulting Engineers 1200 Brown street Peekskill, New York 10555 3.1 Base Bid A. Pursuant to and in cornpliance with your rnvitation for Bids dated Septepber 18, 199? and the Construction Documents a relating to the above named project, the Undersigned agrees to enter into an Agreelnent with the ohtner to furnish equipment per oivision 11 as shov.rn on the Drawingsr FoB project site for the lurnP sun of- One Hundred Tselve Tho'usand, Nine llundred Thirty-Nine Dollars, ($ 112,939-OO ) as the Base Bid. ta. BD-10 DOUCET & MAINKA, P.C. Consulting Eagineers Proprietary & confidential Information. Do Not Copy Or Use Without Permission. I,EON INDUSTRIES Connor Lane 3.2 Breakout of Prices (Do not include taxes per Section 2.5) fndicate separate prices for Listed categories of work: Item Arnount fncl-uded in Bid A. ceneral conditions Bonds $ s.zso.oo rnsurance $ z, roo.oo Miscellaneous I ;r.zso-no B. Incinerator Ecruinment Per Sections 11C1 11C3 11C8 1lD3 1lD4 1lH5 E. fnstallation fnstallation/Erection of all equipnent. F. Shake-Down. Start-Up, Operator ?rainincr and Certification(Section 1il'I3 ) c. Instrunentation Per Sections 11K8 1lK10 I z,ssa.oo D. Enqineerinq (fncinerator Equipment) Include all reguired design work,cal.culations, shop drawings preparation. Also provide coordination r^rork for selected mechanical, electrical and .other contractors. S.+ 4,42O.OO I64,B4s.oo $ ro,ooo.oo I $ 3,150.00 BD-11 DOUCET & MAINKA" P.C. Conaulting Engiaeere Proprietary & Confidential Information. Do Not Copy Or Use Without Permission. c. Operatinq and Perfornance Tests (Operation 11M3) $ z.rao-ool H. Enissions Testincr (Section 111.13) $ ,5,SOO.OO , I. Spare Parts (Section 11N7)$ a.2so-oo r TOTAI, (BASE BID PRICE)I 1t2, ggg. oo 3.3 Ownerts Options Under the owner's options section of the Instructions to Bidders, we offer the following alternates to the names, makes, types or styles specified: option No. 1 1) Article, Work or Process Description: 2) Specified Nane, Make, Type or Style: 3) Option Nane, Make, Type or Style: 4) Option Prices: ADD OR DEDUCT 8D.12 DOUCET & MAINKA, P.C. Consulting Eagiaeere Proprietary & Confidential lnformation. Do Not Copy Or Use Without Permission. $ I Ootion No. 2 1) Article, Work or Process Description: 2, specified Nane, Make, T)rpe or Style: 3) Option Name, Make, Tlrpe or Style: 4) option Prices: ADD OR DEDUCT Option No. 3 1) Article, Work or Process Description: 2) Specified Name, ake, Tlpe or style: 3) Option Nane, Make, T)T)e or Style: 4') Option Prices: ADD OR DEDUCT BD-13 DOUCET&MAINKA" P.C. CoDsulti.ng EDgiDeer, Proprietary & Confidential Information. Do Not Copy Or Use Withoul Permission. s $ I $ 3.4 Schedules and Time of compl.etion The undersigned agrees to cornplete the work as agreed to at the tiue of signing of Agreement between osner and contractor, as per the following tine schedule: Longest elapsed tine (calendar weeks) A. Not later than two (2) weeks after award by owner, the Contractor sha1I subtuit the following: - Utility loads, including floor drains - Anbient heat load - Conbustion/ventilation air reguireroents . ri.''r.8. Not later than two (2) r'eeks after award.by owner, Contractor shall subtuit a schedule covering the fotlowing: -Submissionofshopdrawingsper1istinSection 1181 and requirements in Section 1C - Schedule covering shop fabrication/purchasing of equiprnent- schedule covering installation of eguipment ^,1i't,i! subnit shop drawings. . . not later than 3 wks.'!' after award of bY oltner .o\dD:' Second subrnission of shop drawings (if required)......( l';i not later than 6 wks.after award of by Ohlner E. Deliver a1I equiprnent. .not later than 12 wks.after award of by owner F. Shake-down, start-up, instructions and perfornance tests for one incinerator system...within fourteen (14) vks. after award of by owner ,* c. Stack testing. ...within one (1) wk. after cornpletion of start-up H. Secure operating Pernit. .....subnit stack eroission test results not later than two (2) wks.after testing BD-14 DOUCET & MAINKA, P.C. Consulting Engineere Proprietary & Confidential Information. Do Not Copy Or Use Without Permission. 3.5 Addenda The undersigned has included in the Bid the nodifications to the - work described in the following Addenda received prior to the submission of this Bid: Addendu:n No. 1 dated Septenber 24, L992 Addendum No. Addendun No. dated datedtrffi,wriffiFFJ 3.5 Bid Guarantee The undersigned includes with the Bid tbe required Bid gruarantee consisting of (STATE NATItRE OF GUARANTEE AND AMOUNT). A Bid Bond in the amount of $5,647.O0. 3.7 Infornation Required with Bid Docurnents A. Description of the proposed incineration systern and equipment along with suitable drawings, prints, catalogs and equipnent lists. B. A schernatic of the proposed incineration systen and eguipment. C. Technical Data Questionnaire (TDQ), included herein, filled in to the extent possible for the proposed incineration system and equiprrent. D. A listing and clear description of any deviations or exceptions. iE. A statement of warranties and guarantees offered forthe proposed system and equiproent. F. List of installations and references of systens ofsimilar type, application and size which have been designed, fabricated, and installed within the last five (5) years. At least five (5) successful installations are reguired. G. Name, phone nuuber and address of nearest conpany that would provide service for eguipment provided under this contract. BD-15 DOUCET& MAINKA, P.C. Conrulting Engi.uee ra Proprietary & Confidential Information. Do Not Copy Or Use Without Permission. 3.8 Acceptance of Bid The undersigned agrees to execute a Contract for work covered Uy this Bid provided that he be notified of its acceptance within ninety (90) days after Bid opening. Nane and TitleCharles Leon, President (rf nots@of the CorPoratj-on' see paragraPh 2.3) Subnit two (2) executed originals of this Forro of Bid conplete with lnfornation reguired llsted under paragraph 3.8 above to the olrner and subnit cotoplete copy to Engineer. Retain one copy for your file. Date October 9, L992 Nane of corporation LEoN rt{Dry@ INC. End of Section BD -- BD-15 DOUCET & MArNr(4, P.C. Consultiag Engbecre Proprietary & Confidential Information. Do Not Copy Or Use Without Permission. a 5 Connor Lane - Deer Park' }{f LL729 3.0 Forn of Bid To: Owner Fron: Bidder (Address & Phone) Project: Engineer: Doucet & Mainka, P.C. Consulting Engineers 1200 Brown StreetPeekskilL, New York 10566 3'. 1 Base Bid vail vallev Medical center 181 West Headow Dr.. Suite 100 Vail. Colorado 81657 LEON INDUSTRIES, INC. ..5 Connor Lane, Deer Park, NY LL729 254-4928 Tnci nerator Reolacement atvail vallev Medical Center, vail. co A.Pursuant to Bids dated and in conpliance with Septenber 18, 199] and your fnvitation forthe Construction Documents dated Septenber 18' 1992 _ relating to do]-]-ars the above named project, the Undersigned agrees to enter into an Agreernent with the or.tner to furnish equipment per Division 11 as shown on the Drawings, FOBproject site for the lunp sun of Ohe llundred Trelve Tho-usand, Nine Hundred Thirty-Nine Dollars, ($ ff2,939.00 ) as the Base Bid. BD-10 DOUCET&MAINKA, P.C. Conrultbg Engineerr Proprietary & Confidential Information. Do Not Copy Or Use Without Permission. + 3.2 Breakout of Prices (Do not incl.ude taxes per Section 2.5) Indicate separate prices for listed categories of,,work: Iten Amount fncluded in Bid A. ceneral Conditions $ o,2so.ooBonds fnsurance Miscellaneous B. fncinerator EcruiDment Per Sections 1lC1 1lC3 11C8 11D3 11D4 1lH5 C. fnstrurnentation Per Sections 11K8 11K10 D. Enqineerinq (Incinerator Eouipnent) $ z, roo.oo I r.250^oo S 64.B4s.oo S 2,934.oo fnclude all reguired design work,calculations, shop drawinEs preparation. Also provide coordination work for selected mechanical, electrical andother contractors. S .i.a,azO.oo E. fnstallation Installation/Erection of all eguiprnent. F. Shake-Down. Start-Up, OperatorTraininq and Certif ication(Section 11M3) $ ro,ooo.oo S 3,l50.oo BD-11 DOUCET & MAINI(4, P.C. Conrultiag En3inecrr Proprietary & Confidential Information. Do Not Copy Or Use Without Permission. G. Operatinq and Perfornance Tests (Operation 11M3)S z -rdn-oo H. Enissions Testinq (Section 11t'{3) $ S,SOO.OO I. Spare Parts (Section 11N7)S --4 ,2so - oo TOTAIJ (BASE BID PRICE)$rrz,939.oo 3.3 Ownerts options Under the Ownerts Options section of the Instructions to Bidders, we offer the following alternates to the names, nakes, types or styles specified: Option No. 1 1) Article, Work or Process Description: 2l Specified Nane, Make, Type or Style: 3) Option Nane, Make, Type or Style: 4) option Prices: ADD OR DEDUCT BD-12 DOUCET& MAINKA, P.C. Conrultlng Eu3iaccre Proprielary & Confidential Informalion. Do Nol Copy Or Use Without Permission. s s Option No. 2 1) Article,work or Process Description: 2l Specified Nane, Make, Type or style: 3)Option Name, Make, Type or style: option Prices: ADD OR DEDUCT Ootion No. 3 1) Article, Work or Process Description: 2'Specified Nane, Make, Type or style: 3)Option Name, llake, Type or Style: 4) option Prices: ADD OR DEDUCT 4l $ I $ $ 8D.13 DOUCET&MAINKA. P.C. Coaruldn3 Eugilccrr Propdetary & Confidenlial Inlormation. Do Not Copy Or Use Withoul Permission. 3.4 Schedules and Tirne of cornpletion The undersigned agrees to complete the work as agreed to at the tirne of signing of Agreenent between owner and contractor, as per the following time schedule: Longest elapsed tine (calendar weeks) A. Not later than two (2) L'eeks after award by Ovner, the Contractor shall subrnit the following: - Utility 1oads, including floor drains - Anbient heat load - combustion/ventilation air requirements B. Not later than two (2) r.reeks after award by owner, Contractor shalL subnit a schedule covering the following: - Subnission of shop drawings per list-in Section ".'' 1181 and requirernents in Section 1C - Schedule coverinq shop fabrication/purchasing of eguipnent Schedule covering installation of equipment C. Subnit shop drawings. ..not later than after award of D. Second submission of shoP drawings (if required) .. not later than after award of E. Deliver all equipment. .not I'ater than after award of and performance 3 wks. by Olrner 6 wks. by Owner 12 wks. by owner F. Shake-down, start-up, instructions tests for one incinerator systen.. c. Stack testing. .within fourteen (14) L'ks. after award of bY owner +a....within one (1) wk. after cornpletion of start-up H. Secure operating Pernit. .....subnit stack enission test results notlater than two (2) r'ks.after testing BD-14 DOUCET & MAINKA, P.C. ConrultilS EnSiaccrr Proprietary & confidential Information. Do Not Copy Or Use Withoul Permission. 3.5 Addenda The undersigned has included in the Bid the ruodifications to the' work described in the following Addenda received'prior to the submissi.on of this Bid: Addendura No. 1 dated Septenber 24r 1992 Addendun No. Addendum No. dated dated(rffid, wriEe-TNdNEul 3.6 Bid Guarantee The undersigned includes with the Bid the reguired Bid guarantee consisting of (STATE NATTRE oF GUAIANTEE AND Ar.rouNT) . A Bid Bond in the amount of $5,64'7 -OO. 3.7 Infornation Required with Bid Documents A. Description of the proposed incineration systen and equiprnent along with suitable draltings, prints, catalogs and eguiprnent lists. B. A schenatic of the proposed incineration system and eguiprnent. c. Technical Data Questionnaire (TDQ), included herein,filted in to the extent possible for the proposed incineration system and equipment. D. A listing and clear description of any deviations or exceptions. E. A statement of warranties and o.t"t"rrJb"s-offered forthe proposed system and equiprn6nt. F. List of installations and references of systems ofsirnilar type, application and size which have been designed, fabricated, and installed within the lastfive (5) years. At least five (5) successfulinstaLlations are required. c. Nane, phone nurnber and address of nearest conpany that would provide service for equipment provided under this contract. BD-15 DOUCET & MAINI(4, P.C. Conrulting Englnccrr Proprietary & Confidential Information. Do Not Gopy Or Use Without Permission. 3.8 Acceptance of Bid The undersigned agrees to execute covered by this Bid provided that acceptance within ninety (90) days a Contract for work he be notif ied %f ttsafter Bid opening. Date October 9 L992 Name of Corporation LEOI{ IIfDUSTRIES rNc. Nane and TitleCharles Leonr President (rf nots@of the CorPoration, see paragraPh 2.3) Subnit two (2) executed originals of this Form of Bid conplete with inforrnation required listed under paragraph 3.8 above to the owner and subroit complete copy to Engineer. Retain one copy for your file. End of Section BD -- BD-16 DOUCET & MAINKA, P.C. Colnldng En jbccrr Proprietary & Confidential Information. Do Not Copy Or Use Without Permission. ?a 5 Connor Lane - Deer Park' }{I LL729 Subnitted by.-.--(signatur,el L\')LJJV" THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS Nlllll6w Document ;|d10 d BondBi AIA KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, rhafyve.,.LE0N,u,l,l3.u.t"TlJl,l:,,]I,!,i.o,cohr.,Gro,l 5 CONNOR LANE, DEER PARK, NEW YORK 1L729 as Principal, hereinafter callcd the Principal, and NArtoNs,,*)Fnlr"c,*,I".Il{f,gl*x1q8",[911P",S]Ira.o, 5550 WEST TOUHY AVENUE, SKOKIE, ILLINOIS 60077 a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of NEBMSKA as Suiety, hereinafter called the Surety, are held and firmly bound unto VAIL VALLEy I,IEDICAI CENTER, 181 WEST MEADOI,I DR(Ht'r inr.'r .!ll ;u'". .ndrdd,..r or lc:rl trtlc ol owncrl vArL, C0L0RAD0 81657 as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of FIVE THOUSAND SIx HIJNDRED FORTY SEVEN AND 00/100 -----Dollars (S 5,547.00 l, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, the said Principal and the said Sutety, bind ourselves,'our heirs, executors, administrato15, successors and assigns, lointly and severally, firmly by these presen6. WHEREAS, the Principal has submitted a bid for (Hare inrlrt llll n:,!G, rdd,?tt rnd dctcriptim ot proi.cll INCINEMTOR REPLACEMENT AT VAIL VA].LEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLOPdDO NOW, THIREFORE, if rhe Obligcc shelt rcclpr the bid ol the Principrl rnd.the Princip:l rhell .nt€? into I Conrt ct with the Obligec in rccord.ncc *itfitr. t..-t oi such bid,:nd fiyl;r1cfr bond or bond: :; Te1 be lPccified in thc biddint or Coninct Dicumcntr wirh good rnd rudicieni rurlty for tht frithful performrncc of .such Conttr€t rnd for thc prompt "r"-..r J tabor and n:teriai fumirhed in thc prosecution thcreof, or in the gY"nt of thc failure oa tha Principrl lo cntcl ft;'iil;;i-ft;;; rr.h bond or bondr, if rhc Princip:l shrll pry to the Obligde the dif{crence not to crcecd thc Penaltv hercof berwecn rhc .mounl ,g..ifi"d in:.rid bid :nd ruch lrrgci tmount for which thc Obfgec may in good f.ith conttrct -iii.noirt".p..tv to pcrform'thi work covcrcd by:aid bid' ticn thil obligetion chell bc nfll lnd void' othcrwitc to f€m'in in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this l2TH dav of OCTOBER Senior NATIONAL AMERICAN INSUMNCE COMPANf ::9 92 (Titl.) SUSAN CELANO, ATTORNEY-IN-FACT erioocurtrrxr A310. 8tO 80NO . AIA o ' ttEtuARY 1970 to ' rHt AMIRICAN rr.crirurt ot AtcHrrtcTs, r7l5 N.Y. Avt., N.w.' wAsHlNcroN, D. c. :0@6 PAGE 1 OF 4 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NASSAU 19 92, A.D. L BRAD IIAMBmGER -t a Notaly Public-9f --N":-"-tu County ;laffi certifv that susAN M'-qEJ'AN' ' , eiioin.y-in-Fact of tlationil american fnsurance Companyl who i" p"r"i,n"Ily known to me to be the same Person whose nane is subscribed to the foiegoing instrument, aPPeared. before me this day in p.r"on- "id "6*no*ledged that he/she signed' ieirea-ii,a deiiv;;;d -iaid insrrum6nr for and on _behalf of Hiiion.f Arnerican fnsurance Conpany or the uses and purposes Eherein set forth. NB t 33612 office at Jericho of OCTOBER Given under ny hand and notcrial seal New York, in laid county' this 9TH at mY day My commission exPi ,.= e/ , or/qs 3RAO HAMBURGEN*'""-s"'f i#lifrui||tt't ".,"-o*'"i|,|?o^ll,I3?tst?'i!.J,t ozv + PAGE 2 OF 4 rD/1028 r 28-000OMAHA. NEBFASKA t' pRlNCtpnL LEON INDUSTRIES. INC. EFFECT;VEOnT6 OCTOBER 12, 1992 5 CONNOR LANE, DEER PARK, NEI.I YORK TI729. CONTRACTAMOUNT AMOUNT OF BOND $5 ,647 . OO POWER NO.NB 133612 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Thar rhe National American lnsurance Company, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, having its principal office in rhe city of Chandler, Oklahoma, pursuant to rhe following resolution, adopted by the Board of Directors of the said Company on the 8th day of July, 1987, to wit: "Resolved, that auy officer of rhe Company shall have authoriry to make, execule and deliver a Power of Attorney constituting as Attorney-in-Fact, such persons, firms, or corporations as may be selected from time to time. Be It Further Resolved, that the signature of any officer ; nd the Seal of the Company may be affixed to any such Pos er of Attorney or any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such Pou,er of Attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such po\.!ers so executed and certified by facsimile signature and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon thc Company in the future with respect to any bond or undenaking to whjch it is attached." National American Insurance Company do:s hereby make, constitute and appoint its true and lawful attorney(s)-in-fact, u,ith full power and authority hereby conferred in its name, place and stead, to sign, execute, acknowledge and deliver in its behalf, and its act and deed, as follows: The obligation of the Company shall not exceed one million ($1,000,000.00) dollars. AndtobindNationalAmericanInsuranceCompanytherebyasfu|Iyandtorhesameextentasifsuchbondorundertakingwassignedby the duly authorized ofhcer of the Natirnal American Insurance Company, and all the acts of said Attorney(s) pursuant to the authority herein given, are hereby ratified and confirmed. IN WITn-ESS WHEREOF, the Nationel Americsn lnsurance Company has caused these presents to bc signed by any officer of the - Conpeny and i(s Corporate Serl lo be herelo affixed. NATIONAL AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY )4( ffi,lwJ W. Brlnt ltc.tt. C-hrirmrn & O cf Erccttiv. Oflic.r STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) sc. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ""' On thls tth day of July, A.D. 19t7, before me personally crme W, Br€nt Lacer€, 10 me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose rnd soy; that he resides ln the County of Lincoln, Siate of Oklahoms; thrt he is lhe Cbsirman snd Chief Executlve Officer of th€ Naiional Amcrican Insurance Comprny, lhe corporrtlon described in and which execuled th€ sboye inslrumenl; lhst he knows the segl of said cor- ponlion; lhst the s€rl rffixed to thc srid inslrument is such corporsle serli thsl il wrs so affixed by order of lhe Bosrd of Dircctors of said , corpomtion rnd thrl he signed his nrme, lhereto by like order. Srare of --NEW_Y.QBK- (t$HA i(snlr l5b# &J" /v.//^, \-otar! Publh !t! Commiasion Expirls August 30, 1995 STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) es. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) -"' l, the undersigned, Assistant Secrelrry of lh€ lr-ationsl Americsn Insurance Compgny, a Nebrssks Corpontion, DO HEREBY CER' TIFY thrl the foregoing and altrched POWER OF ATTORNEY rernains in full force. Signed and Segled gl thc Cily of Chrndler.Daled the l2TH 61y61 OCTOBER ,1.992 j\ 8( | )0519 PACE 3 OF 4 BOND//NB133612 L992 tsoND NO. NB133612 63a16;!3 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER' 181 WEST MEAnow nRrvn' VAIL' COLORADo 81557 DESSRISIION OT PROJECT: INCINEMTOR REPLACEMENT AT VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO OND RESULTS BID DATE:OCTOBER 12' ?EASE FIL'. IN T!:E FIAY NI"YE 'U{D T:iF'EE iliCi-orr rsE wrNNrNG tsrD' LOI{EST 3i, FRICES - TLSO' -'q LOWEST :TDDER ?t=M. 2ND LOWEST BIDDER FTFI'!: 3RD LOI{EST BIDDER' FfFrY: :f YOL? BTD iS NOT IiSTED ABOVE -h'Hi{T '|IAS 'icuR BIt? C3MMENTS: ::::s: :::*-':\t -''fv5l:-:-T:1: ::: f :'i: :'i-lIL.L*;D " ;)lP::; I ES bi --:fICHO :'J\\PME i:ilc:io. :;Eri :aRK'i;:3 _i : c- -i,i 3- -i000 PAGE 40F4 il r TECENTCAIJ DATA QUESIIONNATRE I Complete the following data to the extent possible. Subuit thist Questionnaire as part of the Bid Brochure. t Itens that do not apply shall be narked N/A. If additional space is needed, I attach supplernental sheets. N A. rNcrNERAroR 1. Model Number Ventonatic l{odel CA6O -LlI 2. Type/Description Controlled Air I I I I l I 3. Heat Input Rating (106 Btu/hr) t-'l I 4. Incinerator capacity t Average Hourly Burning Rate (lb/hr) Dailv Throucrhput Capaciti at I hrs Loadino (lbl I I l - 100* Red Bag Waste(Including 10* Pathological Waste) LZE 1000 - sot Red Bag Waste 50t GeneralHospital Waste(Including 10tPathological Waste) 125-f5O 1000-1200 I 5. Primary chanber - Design Heat Release Rate (Btu/cu-ft/hr) 1O'OOO |l - Effective Burning (Hearth) Area (sq-ft)15 sq- ft- - Design Burning Rate (lb/sq-ft/hr)8.3 - operating Tenperature Ranqe (oF) l4ooo F to16o0"j - Design Conbustion Air rnput (Percent Stoichiometric)25 to IOO TDQ4 . 1 DOUCET& MAINKA, P.C. CoE ulr{rrg Etrgilc€r, Proprietary & Confidential Information. Do Not Copy Or Use Without Permission. 6.Secondary chamber - Operating Tenperature Range (oF) - Design Conbustion Air Input ( Percent Stoichiornetric ) - Flue cas Retention at 1800 oF and Rated CapacitY (Seconds) - Design Flue Gas Pressure Dropat 1800 oF and Rated CaPacity(in. w.g. ) - Turbulence Method/Description Tertiary Chanber (if applicable) - Operating Tenperature Range ('F) - Design Conbustion Air fnput (Percent Stoichiornetric) - Flue cas Retention at (oF) and Rated Capacity (seconds) Construction Internal Volume (cu-ft) Shell Thickness (in) Refractory Lining o Mfr 18000 to 220,G0 1OO% EA- to (1) ( o.o5" w:c- Pro@er NOT APPLICABLE (N./A) to to Combustlon Chambers Prirnarv Secondarv Tertiarv 5() 38 o-25 o.125 WaI'ker 28oooF 3ooooF HiDeral- wool.196F 7. 8. Harblson oesr6n F45TyPe Thickness LW30 o llax. Temp. ('F) Insulation o Ufr LJTHERI{_ Ceranic PaperType TDQ4 - 2 . DOUCET& MAINKA, P.C. Courultbj Eqlnccn Proprietary & Confidential Informalion. Do Not Copy Or Use Without Permission. 3.13rl I Thickness l{ax. Temp. ('F) - Exterior Skin TemP. (oF) INCINERATOR AUXILIARIES 1. AuxiliarY FueI Burners - No. Burners - CaPacitY (Btu/hr, each) - ltfr - Model - Control tYPe - IRI Fuel Train Size 2. Combustion Air SuPPIY 2,' _A-25" -leooo F rlQO}l- 25oo F 3250 E N/A N/A N/AI tB. I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I t Conbustion Cbambers Primarv Secondarv lertiarv 2 --_g/A 8OO 8OO N/A Ecl-ipse- N/A 21OJ1B 4O.r1B_ N/A EcliPse ot/qtf caE_vafve- N/A -. ^- --- 2rr ---N/L Combustion Charnbers Prinarv Secondarv Tertiarv 11N/A 260 N/L I{.tT. Grainger N/^ - No. Blowers - Total SCPM - Mfr - Model - Modulation (Yes/No) FIue Gas System t4 Proposed Flow Rate (ACFMI /?EMP - Design Flue Gas Flow o fncinerator Outlet 22OOo/LAOOoE 84 7C481 7CO38 Yes Yes N/A N/A 3.' Design Flow Rate (ACFttl /TEt'lP 2205/LaoooP TeDperature__Jsl. lSO0ort c.MISCELLANEOUS EOUIPI.IENT AND COMPONENTS 1. Refractory stack o l,!fr VET{TOHATIC TDQ4 - 3 DOUCET&MAINI(A, P.C. Coorultbg EajlnccE Proprietary & confidential Informalion. Do Nol Copy or Use without Permission. I I t I I o Total Height (ft) o Inside Dianeter (in) o RefractorY TYpe o RefractorY Thickness (in) o Casing Material o Casing Thickness (in) 15 L5-\" LVT 26 3n Steel- o.r25 I 2. Tenperature Recorder I 3. Temperature rndicator/ Controllers I D. IrrrLrry REourREltENTs ANp usAGE 1. Electrical Power I connected Horsepolter (HP) t I l I I I ; I l,[anufacturer Honelrrell Model DR4200 To 111O 3000-o t 4. Draft rndicator/controllel Dryer 5. Annunciator Systen Texas IDstrunents TI315AA I | 6. C&I Components (Prirnary Mfr) IDec,/Telenecbanique v"ti*9 - Nornal OPerating Horsepower (HP) 2. Auxiliary Fuel cold start Warm Start Continuous(steady-state) N/A Burndown 3. Fresh Water I oil (cPH) Gas (cFH) Tine (Hrs) (Averaqei (Averaqe) (Duration) N/A N/A t 1600 400 800 o.5 N/A 400 6 Peak (GPM)NIL TDQ4 - 4 DOUCET&MAINKA' P.C. Conrultla3 E4lncen Proprietary & Confidenlial Informalion. Do Nol Copy Or Use Without Permission. I oterage (cPu) 1 Slowdown (GPU) t-' 4. rnstrunent Air I . cFt{I o pSI I| ' F::3fi::"' lI E. APPRoXTMATE wErGHTs | 1. Prinary chamber | 2. SecondarY Chamber - 3. TertiarY Chanber | 4. charging system 5. Stack I F. INSTALI,ATION TIME I 1. Installation and Start-up Time -) \I 2. operating and Performance Testing) 4o lrours Yes --x- No Yes -x- No Pounds 2000 N/A 2000 Estinated Man-Davs | 3. other I I I I I I END OF TECHNICAI., DATA QUESTIONNAIRE -- (DlEk stndad fornt)lDQ4 TDQ4 - s DOUcCoET&MAINKA'P'C' Proprielary & Confidential Information. Do Not Copy Or Use Without Permission' t D ESCt<l P TtvE L trer< *TuRE S ee<t Ftcar toY FoR V * CA 6 o s ?ftRe pARrs (rsr FoR v t cA t s/=e /e o 5 ?€c, Ftc,ttnoil For.- I+ pR .lzoo CtlAe.r R1@RDER Her<ElsoH - LJAL4E1< R€trR*croRy spE c,,s PEsco u Fcls LI GHTUEI CHT CASTAEC? ZC tt t, 3O Lv TH'R'. c*,At1tc FTBER */sst- t t t-'.s'-L \"i HvOq4uttc ScHAntr. c i Hop/rK eyLttlDER VEur.o.T4ATI c conH EHTr oN uI,I.. LA EELED srACR €.xceprt ot{ t^tr rH 4TTACHngXTs V EH T-o -1'lA71q b&oc*uae V€nr- O-t4ertc FocD-our DUC uty{ Ptt+tExstorrs,, ,. DN6 CA Co n ozoT rf .r COt'rOqSTloX CAtC'-s lncinerator type: Primary Chamber Volume: Heat Release Rate: Operating Procedure: Method of Loading: Capacity per Batch: Day: Method of Control: Specification for: VENTOMATIC MODEL CA 60 Controlled air with two-stage semi-pyrolytic combustion 60 ft3 1.7 MIL btu/hr Batch operation - automalic control Manual via full diameter load door (53 inch id) (1346 mm) Optional hydraulic feeder allows continuous feed up to 80% of internalvolume (i.e. OOtt3l up to 300 lbs.(1200 lbs/day with optional feeder) Primary and secondary combustion are controlled by temperature via lype "K' thermocouples, one located in the primary chamber, one located in the exhaust stack; thermocouples are connected to electronic controllers with externally adjustable set points. At preset temperatures, primary air is increased or decreased in order to maintain a low preset primary chamber temperature. The secondary burner is similarly controlled by temperature to maintain a sufficiently high temperature necessary for smokeless operation throughout the entire burn cycle. An electrically actuated door lolk is. litted to the full diameter dooi so as to preveni the door from being opened during the incineration process. The door lock is an essential part of the combustion control system. (Opening the door during pyrolysis of the waste upsets the oxygen-lean atmosphere, which can lead to excessive temperatures and entrainment ol material in the flue gases.) Specification for: 1.0 Primary Chamber Construction Features: Shell VENTOMATIC MODEL CA 60 Mib steel 1/4 plate Insulation Mineral wool 2" thick Refractory Castable 3" thick Note: The primary chamber refractotry is a "vibrating type'low cement" castabte maieriat wnn a seruice temperature of 28000F and a density of 150 lbs/cu ft.. Refractories are secured to the steel shell through the use of specially designed refractory anchors.Material is Descon F45 by Harbison Walker or =. Primary Air SuPPIY 1.1 The primary chamber is fitted with two underfire air plenums. Each plenJm haga series ol 12 air tuyers which project through the relractory iining so as to uniformly distribute air under the waste charge. 1.2 Each set of air tuyers is connected to an externally mounted air supply blower in such a way that both sides receive air from onethe fan, depending upon temPerature as sensed by the thermocouple and its controller. 1.3 The air tuyers can be individually cleaned from the outside should they become clogged. Note: Each tuyer has a specially sized orilice to assist in keeping the tuyer clean and to help balance air dislribution. 't.4 The primary chamber is fitted with an auxiliary fuel-fired burnerwhich is used'onty t6 ignite the waste. Typically this burn* fires for a few seconds at a 50,000 btu/hr firing rate (17,640 l(cal/hr)' The primary burner has its own flame safeguard control, integral air supply and spark ignition. The incinerator can be ordered with either gas or oil burners. The gas burners provided can fire either natural gas or, with a slight modification, propane. The oil burners furnished can fire either diesel or No. 2 fuel oil iryithout adjustment. The firing rale on the gas burner is exlernally adjustable. The oil burner's firing rate is controlled by the size of the oil burner nozzle, which is easily changed. 2.O Specification for: VENTOMATIC MODEL CA 60 Secondary Combustion Sectlon 2.1 A mixing chamber is fitted to the outlet lrom the primary chamber. This piece is a refractory-lined insulated section with a secondary air blower, bir plenum and (2d) 3/4" diameter pipes which introduce secondary air and'mix it with th'e oxygen-deficient air coming from the primary chamber. Construction features: 2.1.1 Mib steel shell 10- guage thick Lining - Mineralwool 2" thick Refractory - Castable material 3" thick(Harbison Walker Descon) 2.1.2 Atlerburner chamber: Steel shell 1O-guage thickInsulation ceramic felt .25" thick(Lytherm)Refractory insulating castable 3" thick (HarbisonMalker) Refractory has temperature rating of 3,000'FDensity 90 lb/cu fit. 2.1.3 Secondary (or afterburner) can be gas or oil fired. unit supplied has sparkignition, llame failure control and integral air supply fan. Exhaust Stack The standard exhaust stack supplied with the CA 60 incinerator is a refractory- lined steel unit llanged at either end to facilitate assembly in the field' Dimensions and construction features: 3.1 Outside diameter 21 inches 15 112 inches 4 ft. each See Orawing #0OO-OO9d Outer shell maledal 11 ga. thick steel Lining material 3 inches castable refractory Max. temperature capability = 2600'F 3.0 4.0 lnside diameter Length Overall length Component weight and 4.1 Secondary chamber4.2 Primary chamber4.3 Mixing chamber with afterburner sec. retentionvolumeM/bs 1.0 1.5 2.0 2000. i ' 5500 10004.4 Stack 16'x 21'od x20' 2,5004.5 Ram feed 2.000 Total calculated weight 13,000 Construction Details-Ventomatic Incinerator' Refractory-lined stack sections. ll Outer shell- mild steel ASTM A36 x 11 gage, rolled in sections 4 ft. long with 1 ll2" x I ll2" x l/4" angle rings welded at each end. 2t Refractory anchors- 2" long"V" shaped stainless steel anchors welded to outer shell. Anchors have plastic sleeves which melt in service and provide expansion space for anchor to "w-ork" without a"-' provoking cracks in lining. 3l External coating. Zinc rich primer followed by silicone-based high temperature " Thermalox " 200 Series Heat Resistant Coating manufactured by the Dampney Company. Material is heat resistent to 500"F. ( See enclosed Bulletin # 200 & 245 from the Dampney Company). 4l Insulation- Ceramic fiber paper x 1/4" thick. - Duty rating 2300oF -'-.; "5T:[ J # o""l"ui i#-il" r|**m paper,, - manufactured by Lydall,Inc. 5l Refractory- Insulating type castable x 3" thick '- Duty rating to 3,000oF '* - "K" Factor 4.8 BTU-in/hr-FTz-oF '-"iffi Hr,'",?"it,?Hiih"'*H'" j"Jo*""*,, 5/ Temperature Profile & Heat Loss "Hot Face" (worst case) 2,000oF Interface( between refractory & insulation)---- 835'F Cold Face( outer shell)------------- 325"F Heat Loss (BTU/hr/sq.ft.)--------- 1,000 to l,2OO Specifications tor: VENTOMATIC CONTINUOUS RAM FEEDER Feeder Type: Hydraulically actuated,ram.type. Cycle is fully automatic with manual overrlde. Hopper Capacity: Available in three sizes: 114,1/2 or 1 cubic yard (200 liters/400 liters/80O liters) Cycle Time: < 20 Seconds FullAutomalic Cycle Operating Procedure: Operator loads waste, closes hopper door pushes cycle button. Feeder automatically charges incineralor and cycles to "ready" to charge irext lobd.- ' \"- Fea'lures: fli#fi#J;#q}:i[iin :ff:"::ffi::"., of upset condition.. Bladder accumulator to minimize cycle length Hydraulic fluid is nonllamable water/glycol. Ram cylinder has trunion mount for improved mechanical action.. Guilotine door is equipped with positive action limit switches by Telemecanique.. Power pac is sized to minimize cycle length., Heavy duly 114 ' (0.635 cm)steel plate construction throughout. Fovrrcr ,Requirements: Control circuit=110 volts, 60 Ha, 2o'amps - AC (optionalvoltages and 50 cycle are available to suit special site conditions) Options: Stoker ram- hydraulically actuated cylinder is fitted below feeder ram. A refractory ram head pushes material along bottom of primary chamber for increased capacity and to facilitate ash removal. t ,1/i spare Parts List for ventomatic Models cA18/36/60 _ Part No. Ot v Descri:tion hems with asterisk are highly recommended Manr:faclwer Tl315M I Programmable Controller (CPU) Texas Instrumenls 6457-00 2' Burner,electrode (2) required Midco 6460-00 1 ' Burner lgnitor assembly Midco 6464-00 1 ' Buiner, motor Midco 8419-31 1 ' Eurnet, gas valve Midco 8429-03 1 ' Bumer, eleclronic control board Midco 8gaK-1" 2' thermocouple Jype K (insert) NANMAC 12'inconel 2' thermocouple prot€c{ion lube MNMAC ...: i TO-11 10 1 ' 'l4oo t€mperalure controller Laboratory For Electron'nx 7C481 1 Primary air blower W.W.Grainger 76K48 1 Primary ak blower motor W.W.Grainger 4C667 1 Secondary blower & motor W.W.Grainger ) 4X242 1' Door lock solenoid W.W.Grainger LR2-D1310 1' Overload TelemecanQue LR2-D1314 1' Overload TelemecanQue ZB2-BZ1o2 1' Cronlacl block Telemecanique ZB2-BZ1O1 1 ' Conlacl block Telemecanique RH2BU120V 1' Relay Telemecanique RHlBUl2oV 'l' Relay Telemecanique 1 DL1€E024 2' Bulb,24 voh Telemecanique ,1 DLt -CE130-2 THM-2 5' Fuse 'Gould TB[fr1s 5' Fuse GouH 112x 1.5" 25- Doorgask€ting, tadpoletype DarcoSoulhern 8477K33 1 Pyrex glass for observalion port McMaster Can Nole:Wananly on parts applicablE after part has been r€lurnsd lo factory for delerminalion of reason lor failure DR 42 Agrtul Ciralar Cbart Remrders A NEW STANDARI) Honet'neii's new inulti'purpose cir- cular chart recorders, the DR 4200 GP and the DR 4200 Ev, ansruer the need for basic funcdon, low priced instru- mentation. The GP is ideallv suited to applications handled bY lorv cost analog recorders. with accuraq' reouirements not exceeding 0.50 % . fni sv is appropriate for most high performance applications requiring accuracv not exceeding 0.25 %. Some tvpical examples include: Dai$', textjle and food machinery, industrid o}ens, environmenlal chambers, pharmaceu- ilcat equipment, industrial furnaces and farm machinery. Both recorders use 10" charts and are available in either single or dual Pen models. The DR 4200 offers You the b€st of both worlds. It combines the simplici- ry, reliabiliry and lorv cost of analog instrumenls rvilh the Performance superiori\' of di$ml design. It's fr:llv field conigurable, a red' benefit for your multi-range/actuadon require- ments. You rvill find il uncompiicated and easv to use because it does n'hat it has to, and no more, THE DIGITAI, DIFFERENCE The DR 1200 GP and EV are multi- application, microprocessor-based recorders for the '90s. Both models featur0' simple, modular construction making them easy to maintain' modify and sen'ice. Chart range and rota$on speed are easilt' set and reset in the field. Design simplicitv mal*es opera- tion a snap. even for inexperienced 0perat0rs. The DR +100 GP is set bl adjusting a group of mechanical su'itches s hile rhe DR *100 EV offers the conve- nience of a bright. digital displat' and a confi guration ke1'pad' Honerrvell stocks oler 1i0 preprinted charts for use \\ith either model. Both units are self-testing. Since there is no custom configuration required on either model. rou can stock uP and save m0ne\'. + DR 42OO GP NIGITA.L CIRCUTAR CHART .OCORDER The DR 4200 GP (General PurPose) features all the essential recording capabilities at a price within everyone's reach. . Accuracy 0.5070 ofsPan . Field Configurable Set chart range and speed to meet your individud requirements. . Digital Electronics Assures accurate, reliable operadon in severe applications. . Inputs Accepts thermocouple n'pesJ, K and T; 100 ohm RTD; and the follon-ing linear actuations, +20 l,Jj,A,0-20 mV. 0-50 mV, 0-5 \'dc and 1'5 Vdc. Over 150 preprinted charts available. IJL, FM and CSA Approval* Approval bodies permit its use $ here many safetv, fire and insurance codes must be obsen'ed. 'Pending . selected Thermocouple Burnout Protection Shouid thermocouple fail, pen is driven upscale, safely shutting down your prG cess. Can be field-adiusted for doq'n-, scale failsafe. . One- or Tv'o-Pen Recording Can be supplied for one- or t$'o-Pen recording. Rcord is drawn on a large 10" diameter chart suitable for 6ling. Charts may be oeated per shift, Per day, or any other suitable schedule your process requires. . Higb or Low PV limit Alarn Adiustable; nill energize a rela.v which can be used to activate an alarm or shut do*'n a Process. . Control Options On/0fi conuol. One or ru'o rela,vs per pen. DR 42a0 GP is /ttll1' user onfgurablc da a xt ot n 2cbanical fiL,ilcbes DR 4200 EV DIGITAI, CIRCUL{R CHART RECORDER fire DR 4200 EV (Enhanced Iersion) offers all the features of the DR 4200 GP olus some high performance exlras' Nou' you can havi a digital recgrder for what you'd expect to pay for ui analog model" o Accuracy 0.25% of sPan (field caiibrated) . Digital Display Bri-ght, digtal diqplay is ru1' to read, even at a distance. . Configuration Keypad Charr ranges can b€ set, atrd res€t, in the field simply bY configuring the ke,rpad adjacent to the disPlav. HoflEuell stochJ oLst I 50 pTeprinled cbarts lor usc on eitbennoful DR 42N EV lealares a uacuurn Iuorescznl ditplq' and a conJisuration bl'bad . .{dditional Acfuations .{ccepu thermocouPle qPes J, K. T' R, S, B, E, w5W25 andNi Ni [tol.v; 100 ohm Rm, and the following lnear acruations, +20 nA,0-10 mA, Sl00 mV, 0-200 m\', 0-1 \'dc, 0-5 Vdc, l-5 Vdc and 0-10 Vdc. . More Sophisticated Control Up to tu'o loops of control available wifi either current or time proponion- ing output. Cunent proponioning out- put is a 4-20 rLA signal. Available modes of control indude: Tq'o Posi- don, Proportional sith manual reset, and ProponionalJntegral-Derirative (PID)' NOW THERI ARE FOUR TEADERUM CIRCUTAR CHART Rf,CORDERS The DR 4200 GP and EV ioin rwo other oulstanding instruments, the DR 4500 Clusic and the DR 4500 Truline, to round out a complete product offering of kaderline circular chart recorders. Vhile these recorders vary in functiondi- ty and accuraq', dl fearure the engineer- ing excellence thet.created the Tnrline, the only circular chart recorder sophisti- cated enough to create its own chart as it records. DR 4200 CP Arcrrrcy t0.50% of slan Ap b 2 inputs (initzd selcction) Fttly user mnfgurable 10'cbart Up to 2 control loops - ory'of mntrol ottlT High or lou limit - I bop orny AIt I,TADERIJNE INSTRUMf,MS: DR 4200 W Acafiu! t0.50% of sM1 (fadory calibrakn) t0.25% of Wn 62A dibrated) Apb2hTW Fttlly nw onfgurille Digital PV di,fu1 10" cbart Up to 2 @ntrol loo4s - Irll PID conlrol, linilcd outPats DR 4500 CI4s14 Acatraq' t0.15% of sPan AP n 2 inPuts Fully uw anfgurabb A$d PV disPlay 12" cbart 1 control WP - Iil Pn control, luJI range oI outquts Totalization . 0ffer the best price/perfomance ratio of any competitive in$rument in their dass. . Are priced below dl competitive in struroents in their das. DR 4500 Tniine Amtrac! x0.15% of sPan Up to 4 inPts Fully usu confgurable Agilal PV dkplat l2" chart up to 2 ontrol loops -full PID cotthoL rtil range oI ou$uE Totztiution Set point progamming Communicatiors ow DMCS4RS2 32 Prints its oun cbarts as it recnrds Prinls operalor confgured inlornution lihe tiru, dalc, and Procest identiftzlion on cbart Itessage printing and multiple relal's auailable . Fearure Honeywell qudity, assured by a rock'solid warranty Progrzm, an immediate replacement polic.v, a toll-free telephone " Help" program, and a custoner support network second !o none. . Provide funaionality that's urgeted to market s€gnents so that You never have to buy more caPabi.litY than you need. A COMPI,.ETE PRODUCT AFFERING The DR 4200 GP and DR 4200 EY are the latest additions to Honelvell's expanding line of di$td instrumenution. Tdk to vour Honewell distributor or sales rep iesentative for price and delivery infor- mation on the DR 4200 GP' the DR 4200 EV, and other HoneYwell digitd recorden. If it's worth recording, it's worth specifying Honelvell. .4U srycilicatiow n*iect to cbange uitboul notice' t Honeywell HILPTNC YOU CONTROt. YOUR WORLD lndustrial controls Division, 1100 Virginia Drive, Fort washington, PA 19034 e,inteo in Ufffia1989 Hon€)T v3ll Inc' ". ' H-W's new line of DESCONil brand castables. requires only about half the water needed for con- - ventional castables. This translates into superior'ensities, lower porosities and higher strengths both at room temperature and at service temperatures. When DESCON mixes are tempered with the amount of water prescribed on the individual data sheets and vibrated into place, using a torm or surf ace vibrator, the refractory structure will be much tig hter and stronger. 'Cestable SD€cimens heated lo 1500"F betole measuri HIGHEB STRENGTHS The superior strengths of DESCON materials impart better resistance to imp?ct and vibration in services where these factors are involved. Fig. 3 shows the modulus of rupture of one DESCON castable composition (A94) ar progres- sively higher temperatures in comparison with a conventional high alumina castable and an estab- lished phosphate bonded high alumina plastic. Both of the conventional products are widely used in heavy wear situations. m-3. lIIrxxulF$Hrnnt CC = Cq enlional High Alunina Castable =a'1196 EE The DESCON castable product is greatly superior in hot strength to both other products through 16000F. lt remains superior to the conventional' castable and is about equal to the phosphate bonded olastic at ? OOoF. Samples were heated from all dides in these tests whereas in most service situa- tions there is a gradient through the refractory- in service the-refore the DESCON castable products are designed to show even more resistance to physical wear. In another study the abrasion loss of three different DESCON castable classes was compared with the abrasion loss of conventional castables and fired brick of the same composiiional class (Fig. 4). ln the fireclay and 60% Alumina classes, the DESCON castable products showed much less loss in the test than did the conventional castable+ or the fired brick. IIESCOI Conpositim Convenrional Ccnpcshim I'lole closer proririity of rhe aggregate parlicles llight colofI in the 0ESC0N photo. .L EXTRA DENSITY _ LOWER PORObITY Fig. 1 shorvs the density of DESCON castables of tireclay quality, of 60% Alumina quality, and of 90+% Alumina euality (tabular alumina) compared with a conventional castable and fired brick of like composition. The DESCON castables are far denser'han conventional castables at each level. Even .rore outstanding is the fact that the 90+% Alumina .^ DESCON material is actually denser than ffted ,_4-b DncK maoe oT Tne same oase. .- 200 t90 r80 r70 160 r50 t40 t30 120 E.I, BAACTOf,T BSITY IPCR hrreo 6ncx 6-tscott* FirchV B6r 50% Aluminr 90+% Alumim ,-: , , Extra density yields lower porosity and that leads i" " io improved service life in applications where pene-r'" lration by metals or slag or corrosive gases is the , _primary cause of wear. Fig. 2 shows the volume of porosity in two -lasses of DESCON materials versus fired brick and, ,Jnventional high strength castables of the same - . kinds. DESCON castables have porosity after heat- .::::,, ing closer to fired brick than to the castables we ;i..,::,laye been familiar with in the past. i DESCON castables, like all refractory castables, lend themselves to quick and relatively low cost installation by the simple steps of tempering with water and conveying into place. Caref ul mixing andplacing are always recommended with refractory castables and are emphasized for the DESCONcas$te products to obtain maximum properties. In the 90+% Alumina class the DESCONIil oroducr showed abrasion resistance comparable to KORUNDAL XDc, a premium refractory composition used in the most severe abrasion applications. RANGE OF PRODUCTS Harbison-Walker manufactures a broad ranae of DESCON castable products as shown on th-e enclosed Product lnformation Sheets. They include products based on chrome ore, silica, fireclay and a range of high alumina aggregates and includes an alumina/chromic oxide product. They can be selected to handle a broad spectrum of service conditions. Suffix designations for the four major categories of DESCON ref ractories are 'F' for f ireclay base,'A' for alumina base, 'C' for chrome base and 'S' for silica base. o DESCON F45 Fireclay Base Utility Mix r DESCON A94 Tabular Alumina Base Comoosi- tion designed for High Strength and Abrasion Resistance. . DESCON S97 Vitreous Silica Casting Compos ition. Castables are generally specified because they ar.e easier to install. However, no monolith will go into place and perform under service conditions unless proper procedures are followed. This is especially true with DESCON refractories. Extra care must be taken in mixing, placement, curing and heafup to assure getting the superior densities and higher strengths engineered into DESCON brand refractories. INSTALLATION Water reouirement is low and the amount recom- mended on the individual Product lnfo Sheets should be adhered to.-, Paddle-type or muller-type mixers are recom- mended to obtain effective distribution of the small amount of water. Tempering water should be added conservatively and mixing continued 4 or more minutes. Only mix at one time an amount which can be placed in 30 to 45 minutes. The desired temperature range for castable installation is 60 to 90oF. Operating outside of this range can adversely effect the quality of the bond, resultant physical properties and initial heat up ratir. lf it is necessary to place castable on a hot or cold day it is recommended that the dry mix be stored at the proper temperalure beforehand and that the tempering water be maintained at 60 to g0oF. Indi- vidual product information and warnings should be consulted on the enclosed product brand informa- tion sheets. After placing, the fresh castable should be pro- tected against freezing and/or drying out before the full normal set has occurred. 1'^: The biggest difference between DESCON brand and conventional castables is the method of place- ment. They def initely should not be mixed with sufficient water to be capable of "pouring". Vibration is the best way of causing DESCON castables to f low but an immersion (pencil) vibrator is not recom mended. ldeally the f orms should be vibrated externally (Fig. 5). This can be accomplished with a clamp-on or bolt-on style vibrator and this procedure makes steel forming very preferable to avoid the dampen- ing effect of wood forms. When used, wood forming as always should be treated to prevent absorption of water from the mix and if the castable is placed against existing masonry, the masonry also must be wateroroofed or soaked with water beforehand. An alternate olacement method is to use a surface vibrator which rests or "f loats" directly on the castable causing it to f low without being immersed in it (Fig. 6). One such vibrator is the Bosch style but any that qorks in a similar way is suitable. This technique m5y be the only practical one in many f ield situations. FI6.5. TORM VIBRATOR ' when using a surface vibrator, 2" lo 4u layers of| - :ered castable are vibrated until the surface l,- - a dense, shiny appearance. As long as the casting procedure is not inlerrupted there is no need to score the layers before adding additional material. Small or thin sections should be vibrated to full depth before moving on because they have a tendency to dry out more rapidly. Either steel or waterproof wood forms can be used when employ- ing a surface vibrator. CURING After placing DESCONT"t castables, they can be cut back to the desired thickness, but they should not be trowelled smooth. The installation should be covered with polyethylene film and cured for 24 hours before drying. As an alternate the fresh sur- face can be sprayed with a commercial concrete curing compound to prevent moisture loss. Forms can be removed 6 to 8 hours after installation. HEAT-UP SCHED.ULES Up to 100OoF DESCON castables must be heated somewhat more caref ully than conventional castables containing standard calcium aluminate binders (H-Wc ES, KILNCASTI'I, H-W! HIGH ALUMINA). However above 1000oF they can be heated at least as rapidly as standard castables because of their lower water content (See Table 1). C!st!blo! Conlsining Conwntional ]liPuritt,llistrsngth 0ESC01{Castablas Csnant Castablas Hsatirg B8t.:50-75ot/Hr. 30"F/Hr.sooF/Hr. up lo 10000F rIG. 6, SURIACE VIERATOR TAEtE I . Incorporate Holds at:2500F1 5000F r 000.t 250.F? 5000F 1000.F 2400F2 3000F 600"F I . ilold X Hr. oer inch ot lhickness. 2. Hold I Hr. per inch ol rhickness. ll0TE: Above l0000F DESC0tl castables can be healed at 10ooF/Hr. For installations heated from one side, a heating rate of SOoF/Hr. uo to 1000oF should be used but incorporating holds of t hour per inch of thickness at 24OoF.300oF. and 600oF. Above 1 000oF the rate can be increased to 1oooF/Hr. Consult your H-W representative for dryout schedules for cast shapes. SHlPPING i.'All DESCON castables are normally shipped in ;'special moisture resistant sacks of 100 lbs. net ;r weight. Special packaging (e.9. metal drums),; can be arranged by contacting your H-W field ;. sales representative. HAfrEISON-WALKER 0rcsser Industrias Inc. NEFBACTOfrIES 1,-f\\r/ (l..ti.'i \i/ \r' \i 'a;.-v' \-? r;:.il' :. ?.\>' i. i.... .i 'ij', \r' \-'' : ,:-:\f::'r .;\7 4F"(t' l*t\)' ,..^ Dry Weiglrt Required lor Vibralion Casting Approximate Arnount of Water Required Per 100 Lbs. Per 45.36 Kg. Bulk Density After Drying at 230"F (11CC) Modulus ol Rupture After Drying at 230'F (11tC) After Heating at 1500'F (818C) Cold Crushing Strength Atter Drying at 230"F (1lCC) After Heating at 1500'F (819.C) Permanent Linear Change, % After Drying at 230'F (1lCC) Atter Heating at 1500'F (819C) Afler Healing at 2800'F (154CC) Chemical Analvsis: (AoDroximate) (Calcined Basis) Silica Alumina Tilania' lron Oxide Lime 5 to 6-3/4 U.S. Pinls |b/ft3 14il !@' 1,000 to 1,800 1,000 to 1,800 7,500 lo 11,300 7,500 lo 11,300 2.37 tg 3.19 Liters L@ 2,290 kPa 6,900 to 12,400 6,900 to 12,400 51,700 to 77,900 51,700 to 77,900 Negligible 0:0 lo -0.3 0.3 to 1.5 47.7 % 46.0 2.0 0.6 2.5 0.3 DESCON" F45 (conttnueo) ': , ;'.,-:.. , . ' I :; I ' l' , All data are based on cast specimens. ASTM procedures, where applicable, used foi: determination of dala. ,._ ! All data are subject to reasonable deviation and should not be used for specilication purposes. Descriotion: Feafures: Uses: Shiooino Data: WARNlNG: A fireclay based utility mix lor use in high abrasion -environmenls' DESCONo F45 is composed of hard iired tireclay aggregates blended with a calcium aluminate binder.' lt has better abrasion resislance lhan conventional extra-strength caslables or fired superduty brick and of the same order as phosphate bonded high alumina plastic. Hearths and cartops, rotary kiln dams, lifters and leedends' precasl llue caps and boiler shapes. I Shipped in 100 pound-net weight (45.36 Kg.) multi-wall moisture-prool sacks. |FPHoPERPFoCEDUREsFoRPHEPARAT|oN,APPL|CATIoNANoHEAT-UP OF THIS MATERIAL ARE NOT OBSERVED, STEAM SPALLING OUFIING HEAT.UP MAY OCCUR. ]r0tu HAn 8 tS 0 f't -wAtK E n n EFEACT0 n I E S 0ntsor lnduttie* lnc- 0n ittottT Coatt, PittsburgL PA 15222 fi) '' E.I{ TIGETIrBIGET C}STAALE 26 Technical Data: Maxisrum Service TetnPerature Dry Weight Required for Casting Approxiurate Axnount of Water Required--'i.t 50 Lbs. 2-3/4 Per 22.68 Kg. Bulk Densityaf,t"t DrYing at 23'0oF (llOoC) Enqlish UniEs 26000F Lb/ f x3 50 to 3-114 U.s. rbl rtr 55 Lb/ Lnz 60 to 170 40 to 130 270 to, 500 .+ 210 to 480 170 to 400 400 to 850 SI Units L4250C Kq,/ m- 800 GalIons10.4I t.o 12.30 Liters .,?Kq,/ m- 900 kPa 400 to 1,200 300 to 900 l'900 to 4,100 1r400 to 3,300 1,200 to 2'800 2,800 to 5'900 Modulus of RuPture---After orYing at 23ooF (lIooC) iiii.t Heitiig at l5oooF (815oc) [;i;r Heatini at 25oooF (l37ooc) Cold Crushing Strength After DrYing aE 230oF (Il0ec) *;;; neitiig at l5oooF (8tsoc) att.t Heating at 250OoF (l37OoC) Permanent Linear Cbange' !t--aii.t DrYing at 230oF (l10oc) iiii"t Heit:'ng at l5oooP (8rsoc)-eii"t lreatini at 2500oF ( I37 0oc ) i.,:.Ir Negligible -0.7 to +0.4 -0.4 to -I.4 \.; ,...'\. .:: :\- f:: . d.' f,'t' Thermal ConductivitY: TemperatureoF 500 I000 1500 2000 HF-9 Btu/hr . f t. 2 oF,/ in . Tempera tureoc Kcal/ hr ' m2 oc'/rn L.47 1.68 l. 94 2.24 - ler'frnicn| 0.195 0.216 0.238 0. 264 ( Continued) 400 600 800 r000 PhvsicaI Pre€g-E-ties 3 dntn HOTT il )-"' rl HABBIS O N.WALKEN R EFNACTORI E S 0 resser I ndustrieg I nc. One Gatcway Cantcc Pittsburgh' PA 15222 H-W LIGHTWEIGHT CASTABLE 30 ':..jrt ,:'\,;; Technical Dala: Phvsical Prooerties: ffvoical) Maximum Service Temperalure Ory W€ight Required tor Casiing Approximate Arnount ol Water Required Per 50 Lbs. Per 22.8 Kg. Buk Density After Drying at 230'F (1|CC) Modulus of Ruplure After Drying at 230'F (11CC) Atler,Heating at 1500'F (819C) Cold Crushing Strength After Drying at 230'F (1lCC) Alter Heating at 1500'F (818C) Permanent Linear Change, % After Drying at 230'F (1|tC) After Heating at 1500"F @IAC) After Heating at 2900"F (159CC) Chemical Analvsis: (Aooroximale) (Calcined Basis) . Silica Alumina Titania Iron Oxide Lime Magnesia Alkalies Enolish Units 3000'F ' ld 99 .-. 1-1/4 to 1-1l2 U.S. Gallons !04!' 103 !@' 22O lo 500 150 to 350 840 to 1,560 650 to 1,250 SI Units 165cc t@ 1,590 4.73 to 5.68 LiteF 8@ 1,650 kPa 1,500 to 3,400 1,000 to 2,400 5,800 to 10,800 4,500 to 8,600 1'l": I\. . .' (sio,) (ALoJ (Tio,) (FerOr) (cao). (Mso) (Na.O+KrO+Li.O) 3 Negligible -0.1 to -0.3 +'1 .0 lo +3.0 34.9 % 57.2 1.8 1.0 4.1 0.2 0.8 (:,, Hl-11 technical data (Continu.-, HOTT H-W" LIGHTWEIGHT CASTABLE 30 (contrnueo; All data are based on cast specimens. ASTM procedules, where appticable, used lor determinalion ot data. All data are Sjbiect to reasonable deviation and should not be used lor specitication purposes. Descriotion: @ Uses: Shippino Data: An insulating caslable with a high purity calcium aluminate binder' Lightweight, high insulating value' high rekactoriness, good strength' exiellent stability and goodiesisance to thermal shock' Easy lo install by castirE or gunning method. For high lemperalure fumace linings, such asrheating furnaces' boilers' elc' ,+ Shiipped in 55 pound-net weight (24.95 Kg-) mutti-wall rnoislure-proof sacks. LYTHERM PREMIUM GRADE PAPER APPLICATIONS I Where thermal resistance is most importanl r Combustion chamber liners r Backup lining for melal lroughs r High lemPe rature gaskeis r Hot top linings r Thermal and electrical insulation r Blast furnace blow pipe insulation r Coke oven door shock absorplion medium r Parting agent in brazing, heat lreating, and metal forming processes TECHNICAL DATA 1530-L & 1535.L PREMIUM GRADE PAPER *-:' 1260"C (2300'F) Ceramic Fiber Paper Melting Poinl . Over 1650o C (3000'F)' MaximumUseTemperature ... .. 1260oC(2300"F)' Typical Chemical AnalYsis: AlzOa S'Oa 47o/o 52o/o C Density uncomPressed: kg7m3 (lbs/ft3) 80-128 (5-8) Goverage:1530-LA153o-LF1530-LJ.|535.LK mrlkg . 7.1 3.9 1 .9 1'5 itrltb . . 34.5 18.9 9'5 7 '1 Tensile St?ength - g/15 mm (lbs/in) machinedirection ..............'."' 1600 (6) 2700 (10) 1 s900 (22) 7700 129) cross direction ..... .. 1100 i4) 1900 (7) '= 3000 (11) 6600 (15) Muften burst - kg/cm, (lbs,/inr) .42 (61 .84 (12) 2.1 (30) 2'8 (40) Specif ications: 1530-LA '1530-LF 1530-LJ 153s-LK Nominal Thickness uncompressed mm (in') '80 (1/32") ') 1'6 (1/16") 3'2 11/8"1 6'4 (1/4"1 , NOTE: A materiat satety data sheet ls available upon rcquest' Tha inlormaton. tacom|t|enol!on3lnd oprnions i't lo'th httein'r' o't"ro 3olery tot yourconsider'tion' inquiy a,td |eiiticllio{r' and aaa nol in pan ot lo!'1. to bc conltn,Gd rs consltul'ng ' wt'r'nty ot ,cp€"c,rtrtion lo..t ictt wc $rumc lcant icspontibilily Nolhine contln'd hltein is lo b'|ntet9tctcd " rorttoriurion to gocticr piantad idcntion wiihoul I liccn"' /6ao /< ='.7 tL, t-r_0s lrJ o \-c\5\s LJ s co bC\, i" so L0l tr =(J ,t Ett =or3-EL,^,9N -a !, -6SE€ =9EItrE!IE ?EE=Pgtrr CE:5PP0lctbra ,t-.EE =El+)?T? I o,troN Ec)tr =oan t)3i390E'Fub Ftrl-Lrt=EEtr'stfJ rtfEtl oz J Lrlo() E do E,Fd E lTJqz Pt-l ;=Egc(J aro (\ I trJ eo@o@ :/r2r'rT- o - t'4 t?-7, <. 4- tr-f o ftDfrN s cty. #otptT*t- ,f /hvze 'L;, +6 ,5f;f,a- /nta- ,1o | & caqf.(t /s J N c4 6 - /4N- r-B ^' 3 RZq 6tfo -oo3 l Req cz. < fao bil o' Oa 3 A REQ I t. tI-.< Af&fr)-- 2,<<.(n, 4a/ 2!- PftfliN fteos -P - eb -2-- ? D/R l9t cs ,Do3; /t s'DF- / o 611 < V /n Oitl -9oJ - //s'gF -7o 4u rv ?.qfi. jlo* conlro/s S !t( bol t X'ts t{a*e e fq{4 e | :: .' il r ItEI FLUID POWER PRODUCTS, INC. 302 Turnpike Road P.O, Box 408 SOUTHBORO, MA OL772(508) 481€88r FAX (508) 485.{346 4. 5" INTERMEDIATE PRESSURE SQUARE.HEAD CYLINDERS HYDRAULIC & PNEUMATIC GALLAND HENNING NOPAK, INC. P.O. Box 1 5500 o 1 025 South 4Oth Street ' M ilwaukee, Wisconsin 5321 5 frNToMATtc September 25,1992 Doucet & Mainka P.C. 1200 Brown Street Peekskill, New York 10566 Attention: Stan Kroon we have reviewed the specilication for Vbil Valley Medical center and are concerned about inclusion of two ilems which relate to the exhaust stack. 1. U.L. APProval 2. NFPA 82 Enc|osedyouwi||lindourcommenlsandsuppo.rldocumentationre|ativetoa r.qrirlr*hr to {urnish stacks which carry the U'L Label' Also enclosed are copies of the sections of NFPA 82 which are referred to either directly or indirectlY. In addition it would appear that there is a conflict between the requiremenl for u'L' ir""tl and the requiiements imposed by Paragraph 2-3'7'3'2' U.L. labeled stacks manufaclured by Van Packer and SUSSCoN have linings which are three inches thick or less. NFPA 82 suggests a.need for 4'5.inches or whatever it takesto meet lhe ,"qrii"'i1"nrs oiz-s.z.S ."it would be our opinion that 2-3'2'5 is not pr""ti""ffy "italnaUte. We iurfher note that Van Packer engineering data shows that surface temperalure oiif S';i.d. "U.1." unit wiif Oe A1B"F il'ith a hdt tace ol1500"F' \ /e trust that our comments are appropriate to discuss these matters in lurther detail ' and would welcome the oPPortunitY t4 Sincerely yours, Frank Hillery ,/ a:xq44..< VENTOM,ATIC INCINERATOR CORPORATION ' !C PCBSTE ROAD ' rvON' M 02322'PHON€ 150$ 559'8805' tAx (508) 559'8808 \frNToMATlc Ventomatictakesexceptiontothe]equirementlorU.L.Labe|edstacks and breeching sections- Doucet & Mainka Specification Re:Vail Valley Medical Center Section 1 1H.6 Re{ractory Stack & Breeching 1.4.C Qualified Manufacturers: Van Packer : Susquihanna Concrete Products (SUSCON) Warren Engineering (a)VanPackerandSUSCoNbothofferstackswhichhaveU.L.Approval'\-' warren engineerinl iJa custom shop. They do not ofler stacks which are U.L. APProved. ln a6/26l92telephone conversation with Mr. warren, President.of warren Engineering,*e [ea]neo that warren Engineering s.u.onljgd_the refractory-lined stacks {or the dto* LLU"non job under dontract lo Montenay.. lh.e specs on that job *.r. "iro *ritten by t;oucet & Mainka and also included the i.luii"r"nt roi ri.r-. [a-uele'd stacks. Mr- Warren said that this requirement was OidppeO subsequenl to a meeting with Doucet & Mainka' (b) Van Packer & SUSCON continuous servlce uP Io stacks which meet 1800oF and 2000' F U.L.Standard 959 are sold for lor brief Periods. ParagraPh 2.2.A.4 of 1 1H.6 at 2.000oF. Van Packer and specifically Point U.L.Label. SUSCON both offer stacks for higher lemperatures but outlne. fact that the hioh temperature units do not carry the ,l I .l ,1 .lRemarks Ventomatic takes the position that continuous secondary Jemperaiures 1.^^^., 1B0O.F and the poteniial for upset conditions where lemperatures may exceeo 21 oo"F dictate 1d;;;; ;i ietiictory lined stacks whose refractories provide adequate .n"rginJor sustained exiursions above normal operating lemPeratures. AtonetimeVentomaticusedVanPackerstacksections.onat|eastthree piolects the linint turned liquid at a secondary temperature. which was in excess of 2OOO|F. -Since these failures Vent6matic has built its own stacks' oue|. a period spanning 15 + yearsthere has been no incident ol refractory '' faiture in a staci[i,lii oliv.ntoti''atic. We presently.line our,stacks with light *"ignt insulatingilsta6le refractory supplied by Harbison Walker or National Retracioriti. fn" speci{iq'maierial us6d is designed lor continuous service up to 36dO"F'( princiialcomponents are:sioe =35"/";Alzoe -57%) . VENTO^^AT|C TNCINERATOR CORPORATION . 40 RoBBTE ROAD . AVoN, tM 02322' PHONE (509 559'8805 ' FAX (508) 559'8808 FEBRU.\RI' 6. 1986 uEDlult tr^a ^"rii..--"E FAcToRY-ButLT cHl:\{NEr-s - uL 959 GENERAL 1. ScoPc 1.I These rcquirements co\:cr factorl'-buih chinlne)'s ini.na.d for vcnring gas, liquid, and solid- fuel I llred mcdiunl-lieat tvpe applianccs irt rr'hich the matrmum continuqus flu.-goi (enll)craturcs do not isceed 1B00oF (,cB(tcC). l.2 Faiior.'br'rilt chirnncvs arc intcrrdcd lbr inst: la- rion in accoicl:.nsg ','. ith the Starldard for Chinlncvs' Fireplaccs. \'cnis. and Solid-Fuel But'ning Appliances' \F-PA:lli. 2. Gencral 2.1 Excr'pt :ts inCicated in paragraph 2'2' a.conr' Donent o! :r prc'duct covcrcd b;' this srandard shaji .omolt'rtith thc rcquircmcnts lbr rhat comPoncnt' ? 2 \ componcnl necd nol cornpl-v tvith a spccihc rcquiremenr that: -{. lnvolses a fcaturc or char:rctcristic not ncedcd in rhe applicarion of thc colllp')Ilenl in thc product covcred b;- this standard ' or B. Is superscded bv a requircrrlcn( in (his standard- '1.3 A cotnpo:reni shall hc trscd in accordancc rtilh i,r r.cng"i..'d ratin-l csral,llishcd for thc inlcnded con' ditions o[ usc- 2.+ Specitic comPoncn(s arc recognizcd.as bcing in' .o,r',pt.,. in constructiolt fcarurcs or rcstricted in pcr- i;;;;;.. capabilitics' Such componcnrs are intcndcd for use onll'under limitcd ctrrrditions' such as ccrlaln ,.-p.r",rrr.. not cxcccding s1>ccified limirs' and shall t" """a onlv rrrrdcr those spccific conditions for rryhich they havc ltr:n rccogntzco ' '- 2.5 lf a salue for mclrsurement as given in thcse re ' lu-ir"t.nrc is follor'''cd bv a value in othcr units in '' J"r.n,h.r.r, the second value may bc only aPProx- i-ur.. Tt,. first stated valut: is thc requircment' 3 ' GlossarY 3.1 For the purposc of tlris standard' thc following dcfinitions aPPIY' 3.2 CO\'IBUSTiBLE N'IATERIAL. NOn-CO\{- BUSTIBLE ]UATERIAL - As uscd in tlrcsc re- quirements, these terms are defined in the Slandard Clorr"ry of Tcrms Relating to Chimncl's, Vcttts, and Heat-Pioducing Appliances, NFPA 9iM- 19i9. 3.3 I\'IEDIUl\'I HE.\T APPLIANCE - As rrscd in rhcse rcquircnrcnts, this terrn is defined in tlr': Stan- clard Cloisarr of Tcrms Relating to Chitnne)'s, \tents. and Hcat-Producing Appliances, NFP.{ 97iU -- 1979. 4. Installation I nstructions +.1 A copl' of the installation instmcrions slrall be fulnished rtitlr the sar:rple sublnitted for itt*t:st i121i611 and be uscd as a guide in the exatrrination ;' r rcl test of the chir:rnet' and, for tlris purposc. need tr"r be in ' final prinred form- +.2 .{ copl' of thc installation instructions :lr;rll bc packed rvith an essentiai pan of lhe chilnncT +.3 Thc insrructiorrs shall be illustrateci and:l';rll in- clude parricular details concern ing: .\. The parts required and thc srco-b1'-st''1' pro- cess f<rr installing thc chimne.v, including tr,.:ihods of chimncy suPPon and securing of ro:f assr:r;'illiss' r''ails. lag bolts. or othcr fastcning neans r":':dctl to sccure Parts shall be sPecified; II F 0 B. Tvpc of heating aPPJiances ro bc connc(ihcd to. a chlmnc)'i that :rc ir,',rndcd C. Limitations rvith respect to instaliaiion a:"'j s5s. such as ma.\imum height, joining oi tr' 6 '.:1 ;116t" parts to consti(ute the inrended assenbll', :::.d thc icquired installation clearances (air spacc:.,: D. Ternrination of a chimney above :he rq.i. an<l its proximity to adjacent r''alls or buildin'r,r; E. The framing of openings in roofs:o Pro\-1e for support and attachmenr of roof assemblic: F. The methods and parts to bc cmplo;':'J for maintaining ven(ilation and air circ'.rlation 'rhcrc rcquired; G. Thc methods and parts cmplo;-ed {ti: rool' Ilashing. ;aa6 160 ..i o +o ;s+o r< -o F'O t<..r O .ao :s ;-s(rO dct Ncl -6 ;g-o Lsro !s-o or< -o a.< -o E3E !-CaE:o!? 6a::tra6=b;i€ €tlcGt;6 o 3o =,= tt co Eoo c o.? E = !| ox(, cl.-ooottol!E C' 6(, oo F ao. o,,,_.{ 1>-.' t o'l! St.&oht Sccrron Short SGcrrcn 12'-24' Lg. .. .ort S.ctron 24'-48" Lg S.lOt Clc.nour S.l OB Clranolt w/O.r'^ S.123 To. S- 123.A Srructurrl T.c floo. Sugpo.l Sccl'on 2/a' L0 Floo. SuDporl S.cl.on 48" 10 io-9rn,or, {FGrn!le) Saclron S- l l5 Floo, Suppott B'.cl.ts S.l l9 Exp!ntron Jorni Send S. 124 wy. S.ctro^ s'lot Rcct srdc ogen'ng S. I 09 30' ElbotY S.l09 {5" Elbow S-l09 6Oc Elbow S.l09 9Oo Elbow S. ! 34 1 I G. Jornl Eand CvrtrngCh..g..llG. S.136 C.p t/ lntrd. W.ih 132 Noarla log Con. StYla S.la6 Xoatla lgg Ctl.nd.. Eflective Febr uary 1983(. us6 l7{. .,..\. PHONE (3011 i -1 I (.. -675-3500 or 679-4242Susquehanna Concrete Products, Inc. 42 Fort Hoyle Road, Magnolia, Maryland 21 1Ol For Oistrib utors Only! : U L. LISTEO Mod€l SC-l Induslrial Chr.finey is U-L. Lrsted under lhe Factory Inspeclion and Label Servrce P,ogram ol Underwtrlets Laboratorres- Inc lo. l€mperatures which do not exceed l8OO"F Continuous or up lo 20OO"F for brrel periods ol forced fr.rn9. They ate also approved lot use on sppliances with lowet tempetalutes such as lire places or as gas vents P'|c€s fo. Starnlas! Sterl or Co.tcn Jaclals. o. olh€r rlefit nol 5howd. arl avrrl.blc u9oh requesl PRICES LISTED ARE NET _ F.O.8. OUR PLANT, MAGNOLIA, MARY[ANO St.cl Sirr 48" Long Unlo.. Noicd 11 Ga. Galvanized J acket h Joint Cemenl but without Drawbandsl Appror, Woighl/Foor r50 123 198 458 304 204 286 168 37 420 291 152 JZO 284 420 315 164 l3t 2t2 469 224 r8l 440 308 | 73 r73 366 26 348 459 345 r86 l4l 231 3r2 e87 23' 45 439 439 30 50 432 522 392 r6a 2AO 391 580 381 457 238 5l 420 211 563 188 32r 438 4go 445 37 908' 470 385 701 701 46 608 744 558 2r 8 37r 483 7r6 531 3t I 490 67 64 1436' 4t9 419 869 54 692 861 646 340 234 404 544 808 6t2 397 581 7l 371 !56 570 705 gd5 426 628 67 1838 l r65 I r66 67 87 866 lGll 78r 4tI 290 495 612 9l? r 106 460 !64 549 675 r022 1 141 r 369 .r83 143 93 126 r 496 r496. 81 87 r 040 I 302 911 546 311 649 864 1120 r 385. 53O 755 924 l22l 15?6 r 89l' 589 668 110 r06 : or.r r2ro l2lo 251 I rt 520 890 | 017 | 389 r 837 2204 690 1 ;33 ?93 r 26 I 506 r 506 3021 3021 150 1.145 908 581 ro35 1252 r 766 2411 r 055 582 l2r9 t449 2046 .:\ a2 | 662 5ao 861 1lO 1@ r r83 1760 963 ,' 346 | 781 r 78l 3978 3978 170 r30 1700 2821 . 3 385. r 364 2022 1r65 183 2024 r 344 87 954 | 152 86. 584 495 495 022 r56 3050. 950 984 984 2048 2o{A l07 r 126 l 530 ;148 1022 59 66 780 954 716 l06 ro7 l2ra 1830 r 373 r 557 {600 { 600 t90 147 r 9?7 473 Prrcaa ol S.132 aad S.l,a6 b.3.at on a2- lo^0, o^a '.G taducl|on P.rc.3 iot othat dcient tv&l'Dl' sport r'qucsl OT€: ' Ocngl.a 6' long. ' Ocnorcr I' Lo,te , :::a::-=:-:.:=:- - -_: -- --- .i: 82-9I:\CINER.^'TION noncofibustible mateial having a fite tes*lanc.e raling of not less than 3 hours where svch supports are 'nd ePen- . ient of the buildng corLslruction snd lhe load is ttans' fened to the ground' 2- A factory'built chimney,-if so.listed, and a iretal chimney may 6e supported addicionally at inten'als bv the buildins structure, in which case exPanslon Jolnts sliall be provid-ed at each suPPort level' All.joints.shall be liquidtight or of a design such that hquld wlll draln to lne inierior of the chimneY. 2- Clea4out openings provided in chimneys shall' be equipped u'ith ferrous metal doors and lrames ar- i"rsd,f ii remain tightly closed *'hen no! in use' '{ .leaor"r,ce of not less itt"n ge in. (9I4 mm) shall be pro' uiaid U.,tt.an cleanout doors and combustible material' 2-3.7,1.5 Drains shall be prosided at the base of all chimneys to allou- the removil of condensed flue products and shjll be designed to avoid clogging' 2-g.7 .2 Listed Medium-Heat Chimneys' Lis.ted *idi,r-'h."t appliance chimneys may be used and shall te installed in'iccordance r.'ith the conditions of the listing and the manufacturer's instructions' 2-3.7.3 Metal ChimneYs. 2-3.7.t,1 Where secondary combustion temPeratures do ttot .*c..d 1800 oF (9S2'C), meta! chimney-s shall be lined uith a){ in- (ll4 mm) of high-dutv, spall'resistant firebrick (ASTM C64) laid in high-dut,v refractory monar insriu crol). The iining shal-i- start ar the base.of,the chimnev and extend continuously to the top' Lqull'alent linines bf equivalent thickness' such as Class A or better it.rtfiitt.'sitic. Base Castable Refractories or Class O or Liit.i t*"t",ing Castable Refractories, may be used- io,-,iutt.". thick"ness shall be that thickness capable of or'ovidine the same insulating and structural values to iimit skiti te-p.ratures to thosi specified in 2-3'2' 5 under all intended o-perating conditions' 2-t,7 .t.2 Where secondary combustion temPeratures exceed f 800oF (982oC), mital chimneys shall be.lined with 4tl in. (f 14 mm) of super-duty-' sPall'rsrstant refractory brick (ASTM C64) laid in refractory monar' The refrictory mortar shall be high'duty for rempera- t*ir ,rp to 2?50'F (l500oC). and siper'duty or better for i*o.t'",,rt"t ,rp to 29t0'F (l6o0t). The lining shall ii"ti "t ,h. basi of the chimney and extend continuously to the top. Equivalent linings of equivalent thickness' i".tt ut it"tt 6 or better elimina'sllica Base Casrable Refractories (ASTM C64) in accordance-with tempera' ioi. ,.q.rit.-.nts or Class P and Q Irsulating Castable Refractiries (ASTM C64) in accordance with tempera' ture requiremenls, may be used' Equivalent thickness shall t,eihat rhicknes iapable of proiiding the same in' sulitine and structural vilues to limit skin temPeratures io ittotE.p..in.d in 2'5.2.5 under all intended operadng conditions. 2-r.7.r., Castable plastic refractories, or other refrac- lo;.t,--"y be used iri metal chimneys in licu of frrebrick provided such refractory is of eqtivalen-t heat and.corro' iiott t..itt"t... Liners riradc of ihese refractories shall be suooorted bv anchors made of corrosion resistant steel ."'plUi. of lupporting the refractory load at 1500oF (ii7 "C\. The iniulating value shall be such that tempera' i,rr.r.i the supports Jhall not exceed this tempcrature under all firing conditions. 2- Metal chimneys shall be properly- riveted or welded, securely supported and constructed ln accor- dance *'ith good engineering Practlce. 2-3.7.E.5 Metal chimneys shall be constructed of steel iri..tirott. Sheet steel shill have a thickness not less than that indicated in Table 2' Tablc 2-3.7.!.5 Minimum Thiclness of Shccr Stccl Chinncys Yin. MIg:. Std. Thic&ncsr Grgt No. iE. (mm) Equir. RouDd Diem. .og (1.5?) uP to l5{/ 099{ ,059 (1.75) 155/-0-o99 ro 201./.r296 .098 (2..19) 2OSl.t30! to t5a./ 16!8 .l:8 (!-25) LatSe' than 254l.1638 NOTE: Rcgardless of minimums in rhis table' the rhichncs of iiJ.i -.,"r'shall bc adequatc ro mect thc requircmcnts of 2.3.7.t.6. 2-3.?.t.6 Metal chimneys shall be properly riveted' welded or bolted, securely suPPorted and constructeo ln accordance with good engineering Practice as necessarv for the following: (a) Strength to resist stresses due to steady or gusting wind loads. (b) Adequare anchoring' bracing,. .and inherent strength to withstand seismic and wlnd'lnduc€d vlDra' tional stresses. (c) Proper material thickness for durability consider- ing fuel analysis, gas lemPerature' and exPosure' (d) Security against leakage of flue gases undcr positive Pressure. (e) Allowance for thermal expansion of breeching and vertical sections.+'. 2-3.7 .3.7 If a metal chimney extends through any story of a building abole that in u'hich rhe connected rn' iirr.t",ot is l"ocated, it shall be enclosed in such upper stories *'ithin continuous walls constructed of materials *ttiaft .ta noncombustible, such as masonry (see.Section l-ii, ^ia extending from the ceiling of the incinerator room to or through the roof so as to retaln the rntegrlty ol itti nii i.p"r",i6ns as required by applic-ablc building code oroviiions. The u'alls shall havc a tlre resrstance r",i"g';f "o. less than t hour if the blilding-is l"I +11 4 storie-s in height, and not less than 2 hours tt the bullolng ii i-.i -"t.i,"ries in height, and shall conform to the following: (a) The enclosure shall provide a sPace on all sides of thi ihimnev sufficient to pernit insPectlon and rePalr' but in no cise shall it be less than 12 in' (305 mm)' (b) The enclosing walls shall be without openings' fuceptiolL: Dooruays equipped uith approaed sel'f' iitri i X' ni ", f;, e2 oo, i a f i'ote d Jor C tik B o p enings l5 l4 l2 l0 up to 14,'!55 oscr l{/356 ro 16./406 ovcr 16l{05 to lt./457 82-?TNCINER,A.TION not less than l8 in. (457 mm). The clearance between a connector made of Type L venting-system piping and un' orotected combustiblCmaterial shall be not less than 9 in. '(22 9 mm). Excebtion: These clearances mal be reduced if the com'bustible material u ptotected in accordance uith NFPA 211 , Standard foi Chimneys, Fitephces, Vents and. Solid Fuel Buning Appliances. 2-2.6,2 A chimney connector shall not be enclosed. The .or-.i or ittto"ghdut its entire length shall be readily ac'I cessible for inspeltion and replacement. 2-2.6.t A chimney connector or l'ent connector shall not pass through any floor or ceiling' 2-2,6.4 A connector shall not pass through a u'all or partition constructed of combustible material. Erception: A connectot may pass through a wall con'- struited of cambutible material only when il * guarded at the point of Passage bY: h) Metal-uentilated thimble not less than 12 in. (305 ^nd lorge, in diameter than the conneclor' ft) Metat or burned fire'clat thimble built in bick- uori or other abbroued-{irebro-ofing materiak extending not less than S in'. (20t mmi belond all sides of the thin' ble. (c) In lieu of a thimble, all combustible material in the ual[ or bartition shall be cut ouay from the connector o sufficieit distance lo lrovide the iliatance requiredfrom siih connector- An1-tnat erial used to close up such open' ine shall be noncombustible insulating material. g--Z.O.s Or"f, Hoods Prohibited. Draft hoods shall not be installed on incinerators. 2-2.7 lVaste Chures. A waste chute shall not feed di' rectly into a domestic incinerator. 2-2.8 Instructions. Instructions shall be posted in a perrnanent manner on-the chargrng.door of domestic in- cinerators u arning agalnst the Introductlon ol loose ous(y materials, flammiblE liquids or compounds' and closed containers and aerosol cans (empty or other\Alse). 2-2.9 Incinerator Rooms for Domestic fncinerators. Incinerators shall be enclosed l'ithin a room separated from other parts of the building by uall' partition' floor or floor.ceiling assemblies having a fire resistance of not less than I hour, and used for no other PurPose excePt storage of cont ainers of u'aste m aterials to be burned, and buildipg heating equipment. fucebtion: In priznte dwellings occupied by not mote than-tzoo familiei, a domeslic incinerator nee.d not be in a s e bara t e'r o o m pr o vi d e d minimum cl e ar an c e s p r e s cti b e d' for domestic iicinerators in 2'2-4 are prouided' e-g Co--"r.;al-Industrial Incinerators. 2-t.l Definition. A commercial-industrial incinerator is one having a furnace volume in excess of 5 cu ft (-15 m!)' 2-3.2 Dcsign and Construction. 2-3.2.1 The design shall be such that in sen'ice the incinerator uill noi crack, warp, or orher*'ise fail struc' turally so as to permit flame pissage or emission of com- bustion gases oi sparks into the building. 2-3.2.2 Explosion relief shall be provided. The area of exolosion t.ii.f th.U be not less than I sq ft ( 09 mr) of refief area for every I00 cu ft (3 mt) of primary- combu.s- tion chamber volume. \{here the exhaust chlmney $'lll not sen'e the above purpose, a door or panel shall be pro' sided and arranged to illow the door or panel to return to a closed position PromP(ly alter Pressure nas oeen released. 2-3.2,8 Commercial-industrial incinerators shall be built in accordance with the following requirements: (a) All combustion shall take place r*'ithin the combus' tion' chamber designed for combusrion temPeratures' Combustion shall nJt take plrce in breeching or chimne;s unless they are desig'ned as combustion chambers' (b) Incinerators designed for positive pressures shall be gastight. (c) The combustion chamber, inner walls, roofs, b.i'dges, r^'alls, and curtain walls shall be so constructed as - "'i,ttit"na ihe combustion lemPeratutes inr olled and shall maintain their integrity under all oPerating condr- tions. Metal stavs, lintels, or other suPPorts shall not be exposed to the interior of the combustion chamber' (d) An exterior masonry casing shall be reinforced rtiih'structural steel framework and an exterior steel cas' ins shall be reinforced wich structural steel members, ..rih.h"t the casing r,r'ill withstand interior rhrusts from arches and be capaSle of supporting-all doors and. burncr equipment. The steel casing or irame$ork shall oe erected and set plumb before any brickrsork is done' Cvlindrical outer 'casings made of steel not less than I in' (6.4 mm) thick need n-ot be reinforced. {e) Insulation shall be used between the external cas- ine ind the inner rr'alls as required to meet the temPera' tuie limitations of 2-3.?^5. (O Openines shall bfpror.ided so that all parts.of the incinera'ror cin be cleaied, including the ash- ptt' the combustion chamber, the passes of separation ch.ambers' and the incinerator flue' Cleanouts sball be closeo oy tieht.fitting doors or colers, securely latched or othentise tritd in i closed position. Ash pit and combustron chamber closures and frames shall be of cast tron or .l"it"ri",, rvith the frames securely attached ro the in- crnerator. 2-3.2.4 No part of an incinerator shall be used as a wall, roof or floor of a building. 2-3.2.5 Incinerators shall be so designed that the -tem- o.r","t" rise above ambient [?5oF i 5'(24oc..l 3o)] of anv oortion of the incineraror castng accesstble--to an roit{,- .ft"iL not exceed ?0oF (39oC)' Handles -of;;;;;;i;"-e;tt shall not exceed a 40oF (22oC) rise for nietallic "and 60oF (33oC) rise for nonmetallic' Except;on: Doors, irupection points, butners, fues,, and. Lreas immedialely adjacenl lhereto need nol comPry u:;th 2-t.2.5. o I r, \Ds T- I I I io .l! I COMBUSTION CALCUI.ATION- VAIL MEDICAL CENTER (NOTE: FOR INPUTS USE ITEMS MARKED') .PROJECT: 'WASTE: (A) :(B) : 'GROUP # (1 OR 2): (GROUP 1 : TMSH,GARB,AL@|IOL) (GBOUP 2: Hl PLSTC,SOLVS,OILS) 'DATE:23-Sep-92 (NOTE:STANDARD AIR @ 70F) 'AUX FUELUSED 'OIL=1,NATGAS=2, PROP=3: 'OFN:PERIODIC=1,CONT=2: VAIL MEDICAL BIOFIAZARDOUS N/A 2 DESIGN PAMMETERS: 'FtX BURN [4oDE: TEMP=1, XSA=2)? 'REQ FURNACE EXIT TEMP, DEG F: 'RES TIME w/PRIMY CHBR?(Y,N?):.coNT ASH DISCH? (YES-Y,I,IO=N): -BOILER? (YES=Y,[.JO=N): .MIN XSAON WSTE: 1 'AIR TEMP: 18OO 'CABBON LOSS: N 'BOIL EX TEMP: N 'STEAM,DELTA H: N 'SCRUBBEB(Y,N)? 100.0% 60 6.V/" 450 900 N INCIN'R DIMENS'S: PRIMARY SE@l.lDARY STACK (assume USE? (YES=Y,I,|GN):.LENGTH 'WIDTH/DIA IN. IN, 60 120 21 SQFT Y --. .HEIGHT FT 0.0 0.0 @MBUSTIONVOL: 40 HEARTH: round) 48 26 15 VOLLN'E CFT 62.8 36.9 99.7 49.1 WASTE CHAR'S:WASTE A PERLB LBPERHR 125 9.f/" 1 1 s.OYo 6 8,500 AS FIBED 9,884 DRYASI.IFREE WASTE B PER LB tB PER HR 0 O.@/o 0 O.V/o 0 O AS FIRED O DRYASIIFRB 'BURN RATE .NIOISTURE .INERT -HHV,BTU HHV,BTU @MBUSTION DATA OTJTPUTS @MBUSTION CALCULATIONS: HEAT REL (WST): I TOTALHEATREL:. AUX FUEL MTE: coMBAlR (WST): BUFNEBAIR: TOTAL AIR: @lvtsTElvlP: PERFORITIAI{CE DATA HEAT RELEASE: STACKTEMP: SEC CHBRVEL: RESID'E TIME: DRAFT: HEARTH LOADING: BRNRCAFY: STEAMGENRN: N/A 1,062,456 BTU/HR 1 ,677,181 BTU/HR 4 GP'I.I,CFH,LPH 347 SCFM 120 scn 467 SBi| 1,800 F 16,822 BTU/CFT.HR 1,800 F 6.7 FPS 1.0 sEc -0.36 lN.wG 6.0 LBISO FT,HR 6 GPII,CFH LB/HR XSAON TOTAL:, 73"/" xsAodl:wASTE: 1oo7' O)ilGEN(DRY): 8.8o/" TOTPOC.SCFM:, 517 TOT POCACFM: 2,205 STACK GAS,ACFM: 2,205 STACKGAS,DSCFM: 472 FUEL ON COMB VOL) STACKVEL. FPS: 29.948 (MUST BE NEGATIVE IF NAT DBF| (@ 1,5X FUEL RATE) REOOVERYEFFY: N/A SCRUBBER PEFFORN4AI\ICE 125#/HR @ 8500 BTU/LB; ASH=Sol"i WATER = 8.5% I I DRAUIN€s Fut-t.stzE CA 60 GEueam- Aeneaa€AENT I sec, 4 ogssz CA n €AcrTR Dt t+reM.slot{s n ogo3 tlCA 19/96/60 CAS m4tp pANeL tu)6, 4rloo-OB1 l 6,uecfatc'+L @,tTRoL Sct+dtqnTtc 4 ,loo- 036? -. , a T tI, q- t\'t IIt.il rfrl +t&r$; o @ooo -Secondary combustion zone- l'112 -Afterburner location -Guillotlne door wlth hgdroullc cgllnder -Ram feetl mechonlsm -Stock samPltng Porte (2) at 9f seconds retention INCINERATOR |IODEL No' - lB',t'