HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT E F VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 1969-1977 LEGALOngeryAssocntep lnc t ;N.,:;t /. , ., : /' l\J | .!-it^."/L / f 7Li Knud O. Rasmussen,Project l4anager DERYL W GTNGERY ELMER L, CIATCOME LARRY A. MULL€R ,,1 !: 6!ENWOCD SPR|NGS, coLoRADO 8.t601 30J 915.8676 November 3, 1977 2840 SOUTH V,4|LEJO STREET ENGLEI,YOOD, COLORADO BOl 1O rfLtPHoNE 303 76 1-4860 M*'. DaIe R. Vilatson, Architect HDI , Inc., Architects'7L7 Offiqe--PaglwaySt. Lcffif5T-Tilssourir--$Q: VaiL Valley l"ledical Center\--Jeblr.'. .a52-lz6 - "' -t---.--- Dear Mr. Watson: We performed the off.i-cial plan check for compliance with the IJniform Building Code for the Town of Vail as submitted in ourreport dated August 29, 1977. The plan checi< fee for the workperformed for that agency is statuatory, as provided underSection 303-b of the Code, and is in the amount of 9I,075.67as set forth in the Project. Data Sheet dated August 29, 1977. In our normal experience, we find that the statuatory fee is adequate to cover our costs in such manner that we may operateat a profit. In this case, our total costs amount to $l ,549.35. A review of all time charges to this project indicates thatexcess cost i-ncurred was entirely due to us providing a det.ailedreview and response to the review dated July 18, 1977, as sub-mitted by J. Ralph Karlberg, Chief, Desi_gn and Construction, It{edicaL Care Licensing and Certification Divj_sion, Departmentof Health, State of Colorado. S:ction I of our report of August Zg I 1977. was entirely devotedto thi-s supplemental review and response. We request, and consequently hereby invoice, the supplementalamount of $473.60 on tire basis that this work was above and be-yond our committment to the Town of Vail and as such sirouLd. beconsidered on a consultant fee basis. Very truly yours, GINGERY ASSOCIATES, INC. KOR: j 1t cc: Bill Pierce ' . , - r ' . 4 . ' 1 . . ! , r i .,.\7lrra VAIL VALLEY MEDICAI CENTER Gingery Associates, Inc. Job No. 459.026 August 29' L977 SECTION I Review of commentary of J. Ralph Design and Construction, Medicaltion Division, State of Colorado, commentary limited to those items form Building Code, 1973 Edition,in Vail, Colorado. A. Architectural - First Floorftem2-PartI Karlberg, Architect, Chief of Care Licensing and Certifica- dated July 18, 1977. Review therein governed bY the Uni- which is in force and effect "Relocate Door 1-21 in Corridor L-24 so that a dead-end cor- ridor of greater than 20 feet does not existl'. TribuLory area generates an occupant load of less than 50 persons (per Table 33-A) Possibly directed towards Door L-ZLi hence Corridor 1-24 does not constitute a dead-end corridor under provisions of Sec. 3303-b. Passage thru Door 1-21 leads to continued egress via Corridor 1-16 to Door I-I2 which is provided with exit lighting. However, the recommended relocation may be readily accom- plished with opposite hand arrangement of Janitor's Closet 1-45 and resultant relocation of Door 1-43. Item2-ParL2 "Be certain that all doors opening onto exit corridors are approved 20-minute doors". As required per Sec. 3304-h. Per discussion with the archi- tect, this is the intent of General Note No. I on Sheet A-7t which should be expanded to insure comPliance. Item4-Part1 "A fire-rated roll-down door, or other approved closure, must be provided over the counter in office, Room 1-04". Requirement consistent with provisions of Sec. 3304-a - Paragraph 2. Vail Valley Medical Center Page Two August 29, L977 Item4-Part2 "ft was discussed at our meeting that the waII to the cashierarea be deleted so this entire area is open to the corridor.This requires the east waLl at the cashierrs space to becomethe corridor wall that must be continued to the deck above,'. Permissible under provisions of Sec. 3304-a - paragraph 3. Item 6 "The smoke stop partition must have dry walJ- on both sidesto meet the requirements of a 1-hour partition in accordancewith the 1973 Life Safety Code. Correct this on slmbollegend on Sheet A2 to match Specifications Sec. 9.1, page 3,r. We concur with comment. Specifications correct. Item 8 "With the installation of the new partition in CorridorRL-22 to provide a new lab office, a dead-end corridor iscreated. The dead-end corridor is from Corridor R1-49 backto the elevator. This will have to be chanqed to preventthisr'. We concur with the conment. We recorunend addition of anareawell and stair from Lobby R1-17 to grade 6 feet abovelobby level. ftem 14 "Provide drinking fountains so that they are accessible andusable by the physically handicapped. Drinking fountains shownare in alcoves that are narror^rer than the r^ridth of a wheel-chair and this is not acceptable. The drinking fountain orelectric r{rater cooler shoul-d be from 30 to 36 inches abovethe floor and appropriate for use by the handicapped". Per Sec. I7l2 provisions for the handicapped require fountainto be within 33 inches of the floor and the alcove to be notIess than 32 inches in width. Specified Halsey-Taylor Model $lM8A (Sec. 15.3, Page 11) is not appropriate for handicappeduse. Increase of alcove width to 32 inches and use of Halsey-Taylor Model WCTA-I should satisfy requirements. Archi Vail Va11ey Medical Center Page Three August 29, L977 B.ectural - Second Floor "Door R2-08 to Stair ,'A" restricts the exit width to lessthan the reguired 44 inches between the door and the hand-rail. See enclosed sketch". Comment consistent with requirements of Sec. 3305-f. Inthis caser the stair as detailed on Sheet A9, can be readilybrought into compliance by raising the height and length ofthe intermediate landing and reducing the number of risersin the upper run of the flight. Item 3 "The waiting area on this floor must be deleted or encl_osedby l-hour construction. The Life Safety Code. NFPA l0l-Lg73lprohibits waiting areas open to the corridor unless they areprovided vrrith direct supervision". No such restriction is covered by the Uniform Building Code.Sec. 3304-a - Paragraph 2 would appear to permit this arrange-ment provided that required vridth of corridor is not obstructedper Sec. 3304-d. Since receipt of the state commentaryr wehave observed that this requirement is not enforced at LutheranHospital, St. Anthony Hospital , St. Joseph Hospital and Bethfsrael, all in Denver, Colorado. Item4-Partl "fncrease the width of Door R2-20 and 21 to 32 inches so thesetoilet facilities are usable by the physically handicapped,'. Per Sec. I711-b clear and unobstructed access of 32 inches isrequired. 32-inch door will not provide this clearance unlessopen to 180 degree position. Item4-Part3 "Provide grab bars at the toiLet stools in accordance withthe ANSf specifications, and also the hand. sinkstr. Grab bars at stools required under Sec. 1711-b. U.B.C. hasno requirement for grab bars at sinks. Vail Valley Medical Center Page FourAugust 29, L977 Item 5 "Wi11 Equipment Store Room R2-13 provid,e for conbustiblestorage? If combustible storage is to be located in thisroom, the room will have to be sprinklered',. Required under Sec. 3802-b-5. Farsprinkler systems see Section II, ftem 6 be provided with anrecords, both activeSafety Code 1973, "The vertical wood siding shown onby the Uniform Buildinc Code wherebeing 15 feet above the grade. SeeWalLs Fronting on Streets or yards, The woodsiding on those wa1ls lessbe acceptable". further discussion offtem 2 of this report. the drawings is prohibited it exceeds the maximum ofSec. L705, paragraph (d), sub-paragraph 2, UBC L976.than 15 feet in heiqht would "The medical records room will have toautomatic sprinkler system if medicaland inactive, are stored there. LifeSec. l0-1371". Same comment as Item 5 above. General ConnentsItem I "The soffit material must provie a l-hour rating. It wasnot indicated on the drawings what the soffit miterial is,'. Soffit material is not ca1led out on drawinqs for eaveoverhangs. Per Specification 9.1-03-8: Exterior soffitsas shown sha1l be USG Exterior cypsum Board or approvedequal . Per Sec. 1710 eave overhangs shall be of non-combustible ma-terials. Lumber for eave overhanqs should be fire-retardanttreated--which material is not specified. Item 2 The statement is correct per Sec. LTOS-I-2 of the UniformBuilding Code. However, this section was amended by theTown of Vail, Ordinance I'Io. 14, Series of J-972 as follows: Vail Valley Medical Center Page pivs August 29, L977 Section 1705 (d), Walls Frontinq on Streets or yards. Wood veneer of not ck-ness, or exterior type pl]rwood or particleboard not lessthan three-eights inch (3/8") in nominal thickness maybe applied on reguired fire-resistive rated exterior wallsas follows: (a) one hundred percent (100S) of the wall_ areaof the first floor above grade. (b) Forty percent (408) of each wal1 area for each story above the first floor providingi-t is fire-retardent treated wood. Such wood shall be placed either directly against noncom-bustibl-e, or fire-resistive surfaces or furred out fromsuch surface not to exceed one and one-half inches (L L/2")with all- spaces fire stopped as provided in Section 25L7 (f) ." Allowabl-e percentages have not been exceeded; however, ex-terior veneer has not been specified to be fire-retardenttreated as reguired. Grounds are properly specified. und.erSec.6.1-08-A. D. Mechanical - First Floorffi "Be certain to provide fire dampers in ductwork penetratingfirewalls and rated ceilings and wa1ls. These must be shownon the drawings". Required under Sec. 4305-i. Provided under Specifications15.2-16-A. Damper locations should be added to the drawinqs. Item 11 "Submit the shop drawing for the automatic sprinkler systemto this Department for review and approval prior to installa-tion. Also, the sprinkler system must be coordinated \,viththe fire alarm system so the fire zones are the same". Concur with cornrnent. Extenl of coverage by sprinkler systemnot shown on the drawings. For further discussion of sprinklersystems, see Section ff, flem 2 of this report. Vail Valley Medical Center Page SixAugust 29, L977 E. Electrical - First Floorffi "On Sheet E-5 provideside of the corridor Concur that exit signridor R1-04. Item 2 an additional exit doors that separate should be placed at sign on the \,i/est- R1-04 from RI-II". Door R1-04 in Cor- "Provide exit signs at the door to Stair ,A' and over thedoor from Stair rAr to the exterior". Concur. Sign at Door R1-02 may be existent. Sign at DoorRt-01 reguired per Sec. 3312-b. Item 5 "Provide exit signs in thesuite doors " . Supplemental requirement. surgery suite, at the two surgery No reguired under U.B.C. Sec. 3312- "Hardware Group 26 for Ehe l-L/2-hour rBr L.,abel door to StairrAr must be an exit device and not a 1ock". As required under Sec. 33L8-f. Item 3 "Hard.ware for Door R1-14 must be such that personnel can exitthrough this door at alL times. The tock specified for thisdoor would prevent this". We are of the opinion that lock specified is correct. per manufacturerrs tables Lock D70pD is locked or unlocked by keyfrom outside. Inner knob is always free. This permits un-restricted egress from Corridor Rl-65 while restrictins un-authorized access to the surgical suite from main egrelsCorridor R1-49. b-Paragraph 2. Specif ications ftem Vail Valley Medical Center Page Seven August 29, 1977 Item4-Partl 'rHardware for Doors R1-17 and. RI-16 must be latches thatwill- hold doors in closed position in accordance \,vith NFPA101-1973. Locks on corridor doors are no! acceptabl-e.Verify this with other doors that open onto exit cooridors". Under Sec. 3318-h no limitalion is placed on use of lockson corridors except that locks shal1 not be used on patient room doors . Item4-ParL2 "Be certain that the Dutch Door R1-16 is such that when thecloser activates and closes the upper half of the door, thelower half closes also". As required under Sec. 3304-h. Item 5 "The Dutch Door R1-23 will reguire latching on both halvesof the door and the door designed so that when the upperhalf is closed the lower half closes also". comment as to latches correct - only one lock specified(See Item 4-Part I for lock vs. Iatch commentarv). Com- ment as to closure as required per Sec. 3304-h.- Item 6 "Door R1-34 and R1-35 must be provided with latching hardware.It is recommended that roller latches be provided. The rollerlatches for Door R1-35 could be l-ocated at the top of the doorto latch to the head of the door frame". Concur with corunent. Door R1-34 has a lock specified whichrest,ricls entry to the recovery room contrary to requirementof Sec. 3318-f. Door R1-35 has no latching device contraryto requirement of Sec. 3304-h. ItemT-PartI "Locks can be installed on the equipment room door provided that personnel can always get out of the room". Lock A51PD Specified. Use of Lock D70PD would afford unre-stricted egress. Vail Valley Medical Center Page Eight August 29 | L977 ItemT-Part2 "A requirement enforced by the State Industrial Commissionis that a second exit must be provided from a boiler roomremote from the firsl". As required under Sec. 3320-a. ftem 8 "Those doors opening onto exit corridors must have latchinghardware, namely, R2-01,05, 06,07,09,10, ll, 13, 14 and 27" . Door Nos. R2-01, 05, 06, 07 and 1l have A51pD locks. DoorNos. R2-10 and 13 have A70PD locks. Door l{o. R2-14 has D70PD lock. There is no Door R2-27. As previously noted, Sec. 33I8-h places no restriction onuse of locks on corrj-dor doors except for prohibition of useat patients rooms. Partitions around Vestibule R2-27 have been extend.ed to thedeck above indicatj-nq intent to have the vestibule consLitutean alcove off of corridor (waitina) R2-26. Doors R2-20 andR2-2I have latches which satisfy 3ec. 3304-h. Subject to rheruling of the Building Official, the following courses ofacLion are reconmended: A. Acceptance of arrangement shown on the drawings. B. Installation of door with latch for entrance fromcorridor and extension of corridor wall_ to deck. C. Removal of wall between corridor and vesti_bule con-sislent with Sec. 3304-a-paragraph 3. Item 9 "Door R2-08 to stair must have an exit device. A lock is not acceptable .tt Door R2-08 is provided with Lock D70pD whichstricted egress to the stairway. If secondessentially all office and storage space, isF2 occupancy, the lock is in compliance \trithCalculated occupant, load per Table 33A is 62would require panic hardware for D occupancy Subject to ruling of rhe Building Official. provides unre-fLoor which is considered as Sec.3303-C. persons which under Sec. 3318-h. Vail Valley lvtedical Center Page Nine August 29, 1977 Item 10 "Provide signs with raised letters and located ondor wa11 at the doors between 4 foot 6 inches andinches above the finished floor". Can find no U.B.C. resuirement in this reqard. Jurisdiction the corri-5 foot 6 G. There are obvious deviations in requirements under the Uni-form Building Code I L973 Edition, in force and effect in the Town of VaiLr to the requirements above reviewed under Sec-tion I of this report. It is our understanding that ',home-rul-e" munj-cipalities maynodj-fy the code and that such modifications have legal stand-ing against outside agencies. Non-home-rule municipalitiesare und,erstood to be subject to regulations set forth byhigher authority in that any modification to codes and regu-lations may only be made more stringent and not diluted. The Building Official must determine that order of jurisdic- tion in implementing our conments and recommendations to Sec-tion I. F I Orngcry A ssocia tae lnc. T} O lV S ULTI lV G EAl G/A/ E E F S 2840 SOUTH VALLEJO STREET ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO 8OT 1 O TELEPHONE 303 761-4860 Mr, Bill Pierce Chief Building Official Town of Vail Post Office Box 100Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Vail Valley Medical Center Plan Check for Compliance with Uniform Building Code GAI Job No. 452.026 Dear ltlr. Pierce: In accordance with your request, the plans ancl specifications forthe subject project, as dated June 3, 1977 have been checked forcompliance with the Uniform Building Code, L973 Edition. We enclose herewith the following: Project Data Sheet - General Building Data Preliminary Report Review for Occupancy, Type of Construction and Exit Require- ments and for Compliance with Engineering Regulations. Section I: Commentary on revj-ew by J. Ralph Karlberg, dated .Tuly 18 , L977 . Section ff: Additional conmentary as to Code complianceof Gingery Associates, Inc. under separate cover, we have transmitted marked up plans showing 1o-cation of all the code violations cited. we will make our final plan check as we receive the corrected plans. A.';Sl 1t;l/7 f L-S DERTL W. GINoERY ELMER L. CLAYCOMA LARRY A. MULLER E]F]AA./CH DFF|CE CLENWOOD SPRIT,IGS, coLoRAoo 8t&1 303 9454676 August 29 | 1977 Inf tliprrl, l.lllnI ,rr^1ln c r 1'!'r,'rIr11: 'i Mr. Bill Pierce Page Tlvo August 29, L977 i If you have any questions, please contact us at any time. Very truly yours, i GINGERY ASSOCTATES, INC.4-fu Knud O. Rasmussen, P.E.Proiect Engineer KOR: skb Encl-osure cc: Dale R. WatsonHospital Building E Eguipment Company717 Office parkway St. Louis, Missouri 63141 Enclosure J. Ralph Karlberg Colorado Department of Health 4210 East llth AvenueDenver, Colorado BO22OEnclosure VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Gingery Associates, Inc. Job No. 459.026 August 29, L977 PROJECT DATA SHEET General Architect: Structural Engineer: Mechanical Engineer:Electrical Engineer: Soils Engineer Bullding Data Use3 Occupancy: Construction: Number of Stories: Fire Zone Areas: IIDI , Inc., Architects Frederick S. Scott Harry J. Varwig DittoDittoDitto Lincoln-DeVore Testinq taboratory Hospital and Offices Groups D2 and F2 Type II 2 3 Additions 19409 S.r.Existing Building 2674LTotal Tdl50 s.r. Occupant Load: Second Ploor AdditionOffice Space e 100 S.F./Person 80 Persons Mechanical e 300 S.F./Person 4 ExistingOffice Space @ 100 S.F.,/Person 58 Storage Areas e 300 S.F.,/Person 4Total 2nd. Floor IiI6 Persons o o t .353 Persons 7 36'd Persons: 506 Persons t, Vail Valley Medical CenterPage TrroAugust 29, L977 First Floor Hospital Space g g0 S.F.,/personMechanical and Storage Spacee 300 S.F./personTotal lst Floor Total Occuparnt Load(Existing ptus addition) Valuation New ConatructionHospital Space: 10455 S.F. € $ZO.OO _-Office Space: 9954 s.r. e i3O.OOAlterations to Existinq euildinoiFlat Rarez 26zlr s.F. g-$10.00 Permit Fee:Plan Check Fee: =$=$ =$ $ $ $ $ 1,654.98 L.075.67 ?/'TST' F5 731,850.00 268,620.00 267 | 4t0.a0 t267,gFO;A VAIL VALLEY MEDICAI, CENTER Gingery Associates, Inc. 'fob No . 459.025 August 29, L977 SECTION I Review of commentary of J. Ralph Karlberg, Architect, Chief of Design and Construction, Medical- Care Licensing and Certifica-tion Dj-vision, State of Colorado, dated July 18, L977. Review conmentary limited to those items therein governed by the Uni-form Building Code, L973 Edition, which is in force and effectin Vail, Colorado. A. Architectural - First FloorItem2-PartI "Relocate Door 1-21 in Corri-dor L-24 so that a dead-end cor-ridor of greater than 20 feet does not existr'. Tributory area generates an occupant load of less than 50persons (per Table 33-A) possibly directed towards Door 1-21; hence Corridor l--24 does not constitute a dead-end corridor under provisions of Sec. 3303-b. Passage thru Door l--2I leads to continued egress via Corridor 1-16 to Door 1-12 which is provided with exit tighring. Ho$tever, the recommended relocation may be readily accom-plished with opposite hand arrangement of Janitor's Closet 1-45 and resultant relocation of Door 1-43. Item2-Part2 "Be certain that all doors opening onto exiE corridors are approved 20-minute doors". As required per Sec. 3304-h. Per discussion with the archi-tect, this is the intent of General Note No. 1 on Sheet A-7, which should be expanded to insure compliance. Item4-Part1 "A fire-rated roll-down door, or other approved closure, must be provided over the counter in office, Room 1-04u. Requirement consistent with provisions of Sec. 3304-a -Paragraph 2. Vail Valley Medical CenterPage Two ) August 29, L977 Item4-Part2 We concur with comment. ftem 8 Specifications correct. "rt was discussed at our meeting ttlat the wa1l to the cashierarea be deleted so this entire irei is open to the corridor.This reguires the east wal1 at the -cashiLrrs space to becomethe corridor waIl that must be continued to thi deck above,'. Permissible under provisions of Sec. 3304-a - paragraph 3. ftem 6 irThe smoke stop partition must have dry warr on both sidesto meet the requi-rements of a l-hour partition in accordancewith the 1973 Life Safety Code. Corrlct this on symbollegend on Sheet A2 to match Specifications Sec. 9.i, page 3',. nWith the installation of the new partition in Corrid.orRI-22 to provide a new lab office, a dead-end corridor iscreated. The dead-end corridor is from corridor Rl-49 backto the elevator. This will have to be changed to prevenrthis rr . we concur with the cornment. we recolunend addition of anareawell and stair from r.obby Rl-17 to grade 6 feet abovelobby level. Iten 14 "Provide drinkinq fountains so that they are accessible and.usabl.e by the physically hand.icapped. brinking fountains shovrnare in alcoves that are narrower Lhan the widtti of a wheel-chair and thls is not acceptable. The drinking fountain orelectric water cooler shourd. be from 30 to 36 inches abovethe floor and appropriate for use by the handicapped". Per. sec. 1712 provisions for the handicapped require fountainto be within 33 inches of the froor ana Lire arc6ve to be notless than 32 inches in width. Specified Halsey-Taylor ModelIIMSA (Sec. 15.3, page ll) is not appropriate for hindicappeduse. rncrease of alcove width to 32 inqhes and use of Hlisey-Taylor Model WCTA-I should satisfy requirements. Vail Valley Medical Centet Page Three August 29, L977 ' B. Archite ctural - Second Floor rrDoor R2-08 to stair "A" restrictsrthe exit width to ressthan the reguired 44 inches between the door and the hand-rail. See encl_osed sketch,'. Comment consistent with requirements of Sec. 3305-f. Inthis caser the stair as detaired on sheet 49, can be readirybrought into.compliance by raising the heighi and length ofthe intermediate tanding ind rectuting the frumner of risersin the upper run of the flight. Item 3 ''The vraiting area on this floor must be deleted or encrosedby l-hour construction. The Life safety code, NFPA 101-Lg73,prohibits waiting areas open to the cor;idor unless they areprovided with diiect supelvision". No such restriction is covered by the uniform Building code.sec. 3304-a - Paragraph 2 woutd lppear to permit this"arranie-ment provided that reguired width of corriaor is not obstrrrit.aper Sec. 3304-d. Since recelpt of the state commentaryr irr€have observed that this requiiement is not ..ri"i."a at LutheranHospital, St. Anthony Hospital , St. Joseph Hospital and Bethfsrael, all in Denver, Colorado. Item4-Part1 "rncrease the width of Door R2-zo and 2l to 32 inches so thesetoilet facilities are usable by the physically handicapped". Per sec. 17r1-b clear and unobstructed access of 32 inches isrequired. 32-inch <1oor wilr not provide this .i.i..rr.. unlessopen to 180 degree position. Item 4 -. Part 3 "Provide grab bars at the toilet stools in accordance withthe ANSf specifications, and also the hand sinks". Grab bars at stools required under Sec. I7l1-b. U.B.C. hasno reguirement for grab bars at sinks. Vail Vall-ey Medical CenterPage FourAugust 29, L977' Item 5 "The medical records room will have to be provided with anautomatic_sprinkler system if rnedical recoids, both activeand inactive, are stored there. Life Safety 6ode 1973,Sec. l0-I37I". . Same comment as ftem 5 above. C. General Conments nWil1 Eguipnent Store Room R2-13 provide for combustiblestorage? If combustible storage ir to be located in thisroom, the room wilL have to be spripklered". Required under Sec. 3g02-b-5. For further discussion ofsprinkler systems see Section II, Item 2 of thj_s report. Item 6 Item I "The soffit material must provie a l-hour rating. It wasnot indicated on the drawings what the soffit miterial isr'. Soffit material is not call_ed out on drawinqs for eaveoverhangs. Per Specification 9.1-03-8: Exf.erior soffitsas shown shall be USG Exterior Gypsum Board or approvedequal. Per Sec. 1710 eave overhangs shall be of non-combustible ma-terials. r,umber for eave 5verhangs should be fiie-retardanttreated--which material is not specified. Item 2 rrThe vertical wood siding shown onby the Uniform Buildinq Code wherebeing 15 feet above the grade. SeeWalls Fronting on Streeti or yards, The woodsiding on lhose walls lessbe acceptable". the drawings is prohibited it exceeds the maximum ofSec. 1705, paragraph (d), sub-paragraph 2, UBC L975.than 15 feet in height would The statement is correct per Sec. ITOS-1,-2 of the Unj-formBuilding Code. Ilowever, Lhis section was amend.ed by theTown of vail, ordinance l.Io. 14, series of L972 as follows: Vail Valley Medical CenterPage plyg IAugust 29, L977 Section 1705 (d),, Walls Frontinq on Streets or yards. Wood veneer of not ck-ness, or exterior type plywood or particleboard not lessthan three-eights inch (3/8"') in nominal thickness maybe applied on required fire-resistive rated exterior h'alrsas follows: (a) One hundred percent (].OOg) of the wall areaof the first floor above grade. (b) Forty percent (40E) of each wall area foreach story above the first floor providingit is fire-retardent treated wood. Such wood shall- be placed either directly against noncom-bustible, or fire-resistive surfaces or iuried out fromsuch surface not to exceed one and one-hal_f inches (L I/2")with all spaces fire stopped as provided in section 2517(fi .. Arlo-wable percentages have not been exceededi however, ex-terior veneer has not been specified to be fire-retardenttreated as required. Grounds are properly specified underSec.6.1-08-A. D. Mechanical - First FLoorffi xBe certain to provide fire dampers in d,uctwork penetratingfirewalls and rated ceirings and walls. These mirst be shoinon the drawings". Required under sec. 4306-i. provided under specifications15.2-15-A. Damper locations shourd be added io the drawinqs. ftem Il "Submit the shop drawing for the automatic sprinkter systemto this Department for review and approval prior to in-stalla-tion., Also, the sprinkler system must be coordinated. withthe fire alarm system so the fire zones are the samett. concur with comment. Extent of coverage by sprinkler systemnot shown on the drawings. For furthei diiculsion of slrinklersystems, see Section ff, Ttem 2 of this report. Vail Valley Medical Centei Page Six IAugust 29 | L977 E. Electrical - First Floorffi "On Sheet E-5 provide side of the corridor Concur that exit signridor R1-04. Item 2 an additional exit sign on the west- doors that separate RL-04 from Rl-lL". should be placed at Door R1-04 in Cor- and over the Sign at Door "Provide exit signs at the door to Stair ,Al door from Stair rAr to the exterior". Concur. Sign at Door RL-02 may be existent.R1-01 reguired per Sec. 33L2-b. Item 5 F. "Provide exit signs in the surgery suite, at the two surgerysuite doorstt. Supplemental reguirement. No reguired under U.B.C. Sec. 3312-b-Paragraph 2. Specifications "Hardware Group 26 for ttre L-L/z-hour tBr Label door to StairrAr must be an exit device and not' a locklr. As required. under Sec. 3318-f. Item 3 "Hardware for Door RL-14 must be such that personneJ_ can exj_tthrough this door at all times. The lock specified for thisdoor would prevent this" We are of the opinion that lock specified is correct. per manufacturerrs tables tock D70PD is loc}',ed or unlocked by keyfrom outside. Inner knob is always f:ree. This permits un-restricted egress from Corridor R1-65 while restricting un-authorized access to the surgical suite from main egressCorri.dor Rl-49. Vail Valley Medical Center Page Sevel r August 29, 1977 Item4-Partl I'Hardware for Doors R1-17 and Rl-16 must be latches thatwill hol-d doors in closed positionr in accordance with NFpAL01-1973. Locks on corridor doors.are not acceptabl_e.Verify this with other doors that open onto exi-t cooridors'r. Under Sec. 3318-h no 1imitation is placed on use of lockson corridors except that locks shall not be used on patient room doors . Iten4-Part2 "Be certain that the Dutch Door Rl-16 is such that when thecloser activates and closes the upper half of the door, thelower half closes also". As required under Sec. 3304-h. ftem 5 "The Dutch Door R1-23 will reguire J_atching on both halvesof the door and the door designed so that *hen the upperhalf is closed the lower hal_f closes also'. Connent as to latches correct - only one lock specified(See Item 4-Part I for l_ock vs. fatlh conmentary). Com-ment as to closure as required per Sec. 3304-h. Item 5 "Door Rt-34 and R1-35 must be provided with latching hard\4rare.rt is recommended that rorrer latches be provided. The rollerlatches for Door Rl--35 could be locatea aL ttre top of the doorto latch to the head of the d,oor frame" concur with comrnent. Door Rl-34 has a lock specified wlrichrestricts entry to the recovery room contrary to requirementof Sec. 3318-f. Door Rl-35 hai no Latching device conrraryto requirement of Sec. 3304-h. ItemT-Partl rrl.,ocks can be installed on the equj_pment room d.oor providedthat personnel can always get out of the roomrr. Lock A51PD specified. use of Lock D70pD would afford unre-stricted egress. Vail Valley Medical- Center Page EightAugust 29, L977 , ItemT-Part2 I'A requirement enforced by the State Industrial Comrnissionis that a second exit must be provided from a boiler roomremote from the firstrt. r As required under Sec. 3320-a. ftem 8 "Those doors opening onto exit corridors must have latchinghardware, namely, R2-01, 05, 06, 07, 09, 10, LL, 13, 14 and 27" . Door Nos. R2-01, 05, 06, 07 and 11 have A51PD locks. DoorNos. R2-10 and 13 have A70PD Locks. Door l{o. R2-14 has D70PD lock. There is no Door R2-27. As previously noted, Sec. 3318-h places no restriction onuse of locks on corridor doors except for prohibition of useat patients rooms. Partitions around Vestibule R2-27 have been extend.ed to thedeck above indicatinq intent to have the vestibule constitutean alcove off of Corridor (waitinq) R2-26. Doors R2-20 andR2-2L have latches which satisfy Sec. 3304-h. Subject to theruling of the Building Official, the following courses ofaction are reconmended: A. Acceptance of arrangement shown on the drawings. B. Installation of door with latch for entrance fromcorridor and extension of corridor walI to deck. C. Removal of wall between corridor and vestibule con-sistent with Sec. 33O4-a-paragraph 3. Item 9 "Door R2-08 to stair must have an exit device. A lock is notacceptable." Door R2-08 is provided with Lock D70pD which provides unre-stricted egress to the stairway. ff second fLoor which isessentially all office and storage space, is considered asF2 occupancy, the lock is in compLiance with Sec. 3303-C.Calculated occupant load per Tabl-e 33A is 62 persons whichwould require panic hardware for D occupancy under Sec. 3318-h. Subject to ruling of the Building Officia1. o Vail Valley Medical Centei Page Nine )August 29, L977 Iten 10 "Provide signs with raised letters and located on the corri-dor wall at the doors between 4 foot 6 inches and 5 foot 5inches above the finished floor". . Can find no U.B.C. reguirement in this regard. G. Jurisdiction There are obvious deviations in requirements under the Uni-form Building Code, lg73 Edition, in force and effect in theTown of vail, to the reguirements above .reviewed. under Sec_tion f of this report. ft is our understanding that "home-rule' municipalities maymodify the code and that such modifications havl Legat staird-ing against outside agencies. Non-home-rule municifalitiesare understood to be subject to regulations set forlh byhigher authority in that any modification to codes and iegu-lat.ions may only be made more stringent and not diluted. The Building Official must determine that ord,er of jurisdic-tion in implementing our cornments and recommendations to sec-tion f. VAIL VAILEY MED]CAL CENTER Gingery Associates, Inc. Job. No. 459.026 August 29 t L977 SECTION II Commentary as to compliance with the Unifonn Building Code, 1973 Edition, and supplemental observations is as follows: Cross - Reference. A numberJ. Ralph includedin someforth in Item I of our observations virere included in the report. ofKarlberg. Under Section I of this report we haveour comrnents to the observati.ons of Mr. Karlberg, andcases have expanded therein upon the requirements sethis report. Entire first floor of both new and existing constructions is used for hospital and is classed as Group D2 Occupancy. Secondfloor of existing construction consists of offices and examina-tion rooms and storage roorns (similar to typicar isolated doctortsoffices) and is classed as croup F2 Occupancy. Second floor ofnew addition is noted as rtrental space". The architect hasstated this area will probably be iented for doctorts officesand as such would be classed as Group F2 Occupancy. Per Table 58, two-hour separation is required between GroupD and F2 occupancies which is provided by concrete froor con-structions and two-hour partitions at Stairway "A". Per Table 5C, Group D2 Occupancies are limited to lypes I, II,III-1, and IV-l construction. consistent with sec. 1701, paragraph 2, we have investigated.classification as either a Iype IIi-l or Iype IV-l of mixedoccupancy. Per our calculations this approach yields allow-able floor areas of 27,200 s.F. of D2 ollupancy and 721000 s.F.of F2 Occupancy. However, total first floor alea used as D2Occupancy is 301284 S. F. Therefore, construction must beIlrpe II, or better. Per Table 5D, croup D2 occupancy is permitted on second floorof Type rr construction. Thereiore, this clas.sification willpermit future expansion of hospital facilities onto the secondfloor. o CenVail Valley Page $vo August 29, Medica] t977 ter I Building as a whole is considered to have separation onwith minimum separation of 77 fL. from property line ateast corner. Allowable area is as follovfs: 3 sides north- s. F.Type II , Group D2- Basic (Table 5c)Fire Zone 3 (Sec 505-a) t separation 3 sides (sec. r8P::;it(77-20) (0.025) = 1008 Multiple Story (Sec. 505-b) Sprinkler System (Sec. 506-c) Total Allovrable Area Total area new and existing constructionsIn compliance. Item 2 11, 300 3 t767 15,067 15,067--s';Tsa- 30,134 60 1269 . :60,269 . 120,536 s.F. is 46,150 S.F. calculation under rten r based on automatic sprinkrer systemthroughout as required under sec. 3902-b-5 with conditibnarexceptions listed thereto. sprinkler system comments are asfollows: A. Extent of sprinkler system not shovrn on the drawings.Submission of shop drawings for sprinkler system re-quired as noted under rtem D-ll of section i of this re-port. B. Any areas not covered by sprinkler system shall havesmoke detectors as provided under Exception to Sec.3802-b-5. C. Sprinkler main piping detail on Sheet pFp-3 does notinclude required reduced pressure backflow preventor. D. Height of siamese fire department connections not shown.Per vail Fire Department lll siamese connections shallbe placed 4rO" above grade. Item 3 Per Table l7-A, roof construction for rlrpe rr buirdings isrequired to be l-hour fire resistive which is provid.d UV-concrete roof deck. per sec. 1906, roof covering shall befire-retardant. Vail Valley Page Three August 29, Medical L977 o Cen ter A. Falsework of tirnber construction (above the concretedeck) to match configuration of existing roof is construedto constitute an element of the roof covering over thedeck. A11 timber used should be fire-retardant treated,which is not indicated or specifired. B. Area of attics below falsework is.3195 S.F. each. Werecommend area separations as provided under Sec. 3205-b. Subject to ruling of the Building Official. C. No access to attic space of falsework is shown. We recommend access panels per Sec.. 3205-a. Subject to ruling of the Building Official . Item 4 On Sheet A2, egress from Door R1-01 is to a "court" as defined under Sec. 404. This court is an "exit court" as defined und.er Sec. 330I-c and constitutes part of the "exit" as defined underthe same section. Width of the exit court is 20 ft., hence requirement for openingprotection under Sec. 3310-d does not apply. However, Sec. 504-c states that for the purpose of determiningthe required waIl protection and the required opening protectioncourt walls of buildings over one story in height shall be assumed to have a property line between them. Table 17A requires Ilzpe II buildings to have exterior non-bearingwal1s of 4-hour fire resistive construction. Openings in wallsare approximately 10 ft. frorn hypothetical property line and must be protected as per Sec. 1903-b. Since openings must be protected, no relaxation of requirementfor 4-hour wall construction is available under exceptions toSec. 1903-a. Requirement is for walls and openings of both building addition and existing building. Item 5 Glazing: A. Corridor windows RI-32 and Rl-33 should have wire glassper Sec. 3304-h. See Sheets A2 and A9. B. Door Types E and F as shown on Sheet A7 should have impactresistant glazing. Glass is on the inside face of outswing-ing doors. o Page l;tour August 29, L977 Item 6 North-south partition parallet to Door R1-04 is designated as a smokestop partition. l{ith reference to Section l-Item D-3, any ductwoik which may penetrate this partition must have fire dampers activated by products of combusrtion as per sec' 902-b' It is recommended that similar provisioit be made at portion of corridor in new addition to the south of Door 1-10. Item 7 mechanical and electrieal penetrations shown as Sec. 30l-d-Paragraph 2. vait Valley Medica, Qr,r"t No details for required under ltem 8 On Sheet A3, louver in south wal1 of mechanical roon is shown 6\ tlL. from existing roof construction. T,ouver should be pro- vided witlt 3/4-hour damper consistent with intents of Secs. 504- c and 1903-b. ltem 9 A. Elevator shaft details on Sheet A9 vented to the outside as required B. Elevator doors are specified under be "fire-rated." Rating to be 1,1for 2-hour shaft required by Table Item 10 No provisions shcrvn for overflow drains or scuppers per Sec. 3207-b. Item 1I Per Sec. 3303-h the floor or landing at doors shaLl not be more than I inch lower than the threshold of the doorway: A. For Door RI , as shown in Section 17 on Sheet A6, there is a 5 inch differential at the threshold. B. For Door 2-O3, as shor,rrn in Section 20 on Sheet A6 there is a 6 inch differential at the threshold. do not show shaft under Sec. 1706-d. Spec. 14.1-05-i to hours per Sec. 1705-b 17-A. I Vail Valley Page Five August 29, Item 12 Medical L977 o Cen ter Exit illumination and exit light.s: A. Exit lights and exit illumination shown are in compliance with requirements of Sec. 3312 wjlth exceptions noted under Section I-Item E-2 and additions noted under Section I-Items El and 85. B. In undeveloped rental space, exit sign required at Door 2-03. Additional exit lights and exit illumination per Sec. 3312 to be provided to suit requirements of subdivided space. C. Exit lighting in existing structure on.ly partially shown. Due to maze of corridors liberal use of directional exit lights may be indicatedi and if field inspection deter- mines such requirement, installation should be implemented under Sec. 104-b. Item 13 Design .live loads: A. Floor: 50 psf. in comptiance with Table 23-A for second. floor offices. B. c. Roof: 70 psf. which is in excess requirement. Wind: 25 psf. which is less than of 65 psf. Iocal 30 psf. local reguire- ment. D. Seismic: No seismic analysis in structural calculations. Our check calculations shovr that wind loading, not seismic, govern lateral force design. E. Frost covert 42" in conformance with local requirement. Item 14 GeneraL note No. 15 on Sheet 55 lists maximum safe soil bearing pressure as 61000 psf. Calculations are based on the use of 6 r000 psf. On Page I of Lincoln DeVore Soils Report No. 1597I, GS-455, dated June 3, L977, maximum allowable bearing capacity is stated to be 4,500 psf. Vai I Valley Medicaf ?unt"t Page Six August 29 | L977 On Page ll of the Report.: "The maximum allowable bearing capacity given in this report should not be exceeded under any circumstances. " L VATI,EY MEDICAI CENTER Gingery Associates, Inc. Job. No. 459.026 August 29 1 L977 SECTION II Commentary as to compliance with the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edit.ion, and supplemental observations is as follows: Cross - Reference. o VAI A numberJ. Ralph includedin s omeforth in Item I of our observations were included in the report ofKarlberg. Under Section I of this report we have our comments to the observations of Mr. Karlberg, and cases have expanded therein upon ttre requirements set his report. Entire first floor of both new and existing constructions is used for hospital and is classed as Group D2 Occupancy. Second floor of existing construction consists of offices and examina- tion rooms and storage roorns (sirnilar to typical isolated doctorrs offices) and is classed as croup F2 Occupancy. Second fl-oor of new addition is noted as ttrental space". The architect hasstated this area will probably be rented for doctorrs offices and as such would be classed as Group F2 Occupancy. Per Table 58, two-hour separation is required between Group D and F2 Occupancies which is provided by concrete floor con-structions and two-hour partitions at Stairway "A'. Per Table 5C, Group D2 Occupancies are limited to lYpes I, II, III-1, and IV-l construction. Consistent with Sec. 1701, Paragraph 2, we have investigatedclassification as either a Iype III-1 or lYpe IV-I of mixed occupancy. Per our calculations this approach yields allovr-able floor areas of 27,200 S.F. of D2 Occupancy and 721000 S.F.of F2 Occupanry. Hollrever, total first floor area used as D2 Occupancy is 301284 S. F. Therefore, construction must be Type II, or better. Per Table 5D, Group D2 Occupancy is permitted on second floorof Type II construction. Therefore, this classification willpermit future expansion of hospital facilities onto the second f1oor. Vail Valley Page Tlilo August 29, Medica L977 o1 Cen Building as a whole is considered to have separation on 3 sideswith minimum separation of 77 fE. from property line at north-east corner. Allovrable area is as follorrs: Type II, croup D2- Basic (Table 5c)Fire Zone 3 (Sec 505-a) Subtotal Separation 3 Sides (Sec. 505-a-2)(77'20) (0.025) = 100t Multiple Story (Sec. 505-b) Sprinkler System (Sec. 506-c) Total Allol.rable Area Total area new and existing constructions isIn compliance. Item 2 ter 11r300 S.F. 3,767--Tr;oEi- 15 ,06 7--To;Tvr 30 , r34 60 125860,268 120 r536 s.F. 46 r150 s. F. Calculation under Item I based on automatic sprinkler systemthroughout as required under Sec. 3802-b-5 with conditionalexceptions listed thereto. Sprinkler system conments are asfollous: A. Extent of sprinkler system not sho,rn on the drawings. Submission of shop drar',rings for sprinkler system re-guired as noted under Item D-11 of Section I of this re- Port. B. Any areas not covered by sprinkler system shall have smoke detectors as provided under Exception to Sec.3802-b-5. C. Sprinkler main piping detail on Sheet pFp-3 does notinclude required reduced pressure backflow preventor. D. Height of siamese fire department connections not shown.Per VaiI Fire Department all siamese connections sha1lbe placed 4r0" above grade. Item 3 Per Table l7-A, roof construction for ezpe II buildings isrequired to be l-hour fire resistive which is providea Uyconcrete roof deck. per Sec. 190G, roof covering shall befire-retardant. o L CenVail Valley Page Three August 29, I'ledica L97 7 ter I A. Falsework of timber construction (above the concretedeck) to match configuration of existing roof is construedto constitute an element of the roof covering over thedeck. A11 timber used shouLd be fire-retard,ant treated.,which is not indicated or specifired. B. Area of attics below falsework is.3185 S.F. each. Werecommend area separations as provided under Sec. 3205-b. Subject to ruling of the Building Official. C. No access to attic space of falsework is shown. We recommend access panels per Sec.. 3205-a. Subject to ruling_of the Building Official. Item 4 On Sheet A2, egress from Door R1-01 is to a "court" as definedunder Sec. 404. This court is an "exit court[ as defined underSec. 330I-c and constitutes part of the "exit" as defined underthe same section. Width of the exit court is 20 ft., hence rdquirement for openingprotection under Sec. 3310-d does not app1y. However, Sec. 504-c states that for the purpose of determiningthe required wall protection and the reguired opening protectioncourt walls of buildings over one story in height. shall be assumed to have a property line between them. Table l7A requires grpe II buildings to have exterior non-bearingwal1s of 4-hour fire resistive construction. Openings in wallsare approximately 10 ft. frorn hypothetical property line andmust be protected as per Sec. 1903-b. Since openings must be protected, no relaxation of requirementfor 4-hour wall construction is available under exceptions toSec. 1903-a. Requirement is for walls and openings of both building addition and existing building. Item 5 Glazing: A. Corridor windows Rl-32 and R1-33 should have wire glassper Sec. 3304-h. See Sheets A2 and A9. B. Door Types E and F as shown on Sheet A7 should have impactresistant glazing. Glass is on the inside face of outswing-ing doors. U Vail Valley Medical Center Page IDur August 29 | L977 Item 6 North-south partition parallel to Door R1-04 j-s designated as a smokestop partition. With reference to Section I-Item D-3' any ductwork which may penetrate this partitj-on must have fire darnpers activated by products of combustion as per Sec. 902-b. It is recormnended that sinilar provision be made at portion of corridor in new addition to the south of Door 1-10. Item 7 No details for mechanical and el-ectrical penetrations shovrn as required under Sec. 30 l-d-Paragraph 2. Item 8 on Sheet A3, louver in south wall of mechanical room is shonn 6\ fL. from existing roof construction. Louver should be pro- vided wLth 3/4-hour damper consistent with intents of Secs. 504- c and 1903-b. Item 9 A. Elevator shaft det,ails on Sheet A9 do not shor shaft vented to the outside as required under Sec. 1705-d. B. Elevator doors are specified under Spec. 14.1-05-i tobe "fire-rated." Rating to be IL hours Per sec. 1706-b for 2-hour shaft required by Tab1e l7-A. Item 10 No provisions shovrn for overflor,rr drains or scuppers per Sec. 3207-b. Item 1l Per Sec. 3303-h the floor or landing at doors shall not be more than I inch lower than the threshold of the doorsray: A. For Door R1 , as shol'rn in Section 17 on Sheet A6, there is a 5 inch differential at the threshol-d. B. For Door 2-03, as sho,sn in Section 20 on Sheet A6 there is a 6 inch differential- at the threshold. o Cen o Vail Valley Page Five August 29, Item 12 Medical L977 ter Exit ilLumination and exit lights: A. Exit lights and exit illumination shcx,rrn are in compliance with requirements of Sec. 3312 with exceptions noted under Section l-Item E-2 and additions noted under Section I-Items El and E5. B. In undeveloped rental space, exit sign required at Door 2-03. Additional exit lights and exit illumination per Sec. 3312 to be provided to suit requirements of subdivided sPace. C. Exit lightJ-ng in existing structure only partially shovrn. Due to maze of corridors liberal use of directional exit lights may be indicated; and if field inspection deter- mines such reguirement, installation shoul-d be implemented under Sec. 104-b. Item 13 Design live loads: A. Floor: 50 psf. in compliance with Table 23-A for second floor offices. B. Roof: 70 psf. which is in excess of 55 psf. local requirement. C. Wind: 25 psf. which is less than 30 psf. local require- ment. D. Seismic: No seismic analysis in structural calculations. Our check calculations shorp that wind loadingr not seismic, govern lateral force desigm. E. Frost coverz 42" in conformance with local requirement. Item 14 General note No. 15 on Sheet $5 lists maximum safe soil bearing pressure as 51000 psf. Calculations are based on the use of 6,000 psf. On Page I of Lincoln DeVore Soils Report No. L597I, GS-455, dated June 3, 1977, maximum allor,vable bearing capacity is stated to be 4r500 psf. v VaiI Valley Medical Center Page Six August 29r 1977 On Page 11 of tl.e Report: "The maximum allo\,eable bearing capacity given in this report should not be exceeded under any circumstances. " g g il g ffi H H $ g g a $ g fl fl $ $ fl g Colorado Springs, Colorado 80907 (303) 632-3s93 Hom€ Olfice VaiI ValLeY Medical Center gox 35 vair, co 8L657 RC: June 3, L977 SITBSURI''ACE SOI].,S INVSS TIGATIOAI ADDITION lto VAIL VALIJHT MSDICAI' CENTER vArL' coLoRADo ffi% UncolnDeVore 1OOO West Fillmore St. Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith is the report concerning a subsurface soils investigation nade at the.site of an additlon to tbe vait valIe.y '"ir""i-"enter in vail' colorado' RespectfuLlY subnritted t LDTL Job No. 15971r GS-455 cc: tlospitaL Blilg & nquipnent co' 27oO Highway 50 wesl P.O. Box 1427 1og Rosemonl Plara . P'O' Box 607 F"i6ro "CirJbiocg - - orenil[oo s-p?ings, colo 81ool tt't-oniroie. coto 81401 G-unnison'-cplo 81230 isb55iEliso-- rso3iels--odro' 1303)24s-7838 (303)&ll-2276 P.O. Bor t643 Rock Sprlnos. Wo 82001 (307) 382-28{9 t il 5 il g $ il il a $ ql 1| H g ,g & H ,g 5 l! ' ABSTRACT: The contents of report are a sub- sqrface soiLs investigation and foundation recommendations for a proposed addition to the vail Valley l{edical Center in Vail, Colorado. Although the Laboratory has not seen a set of construction drawings for the proposed building, it is bel-ieved that it will be a tvro- story addition to an existing structure and be constructed without a baeement. The acldition is roughly 66 feet by I28 feet in plan. After congideration of the investigation and testing program described herein, it is our recommendation that a shalLow foundation system consisting of continuous footings be- neath any ezterior load-bearing walls and isolated spread footings beneath columns be used to transfer the weight of the proposed building. Foundations placed a minimum of 3 to 5 feet below the present ground surface in Soil lYpe No. 1- may be designed on the basis of a maximum allowable bearing capacity of 4500 psf. No minimum dead load pressure will be reguired for foundations resting in this soiL type. It is reeommended that the structure be well balanced. contact pressure€, beneath the exterior l-oad-bearing walls should be balanced to within +500 psf at all points. Isolated interlor column pads should be designed for unit loads of about 200 psf less than the average selected for the exterior walls. All- stem wall-s for continuous footings should be designed as grade beams capable of carrying their loads over a clear span of at least l-0 feet. athis -I- rf' ffi I Fil ". Ff, eil ffi I ig i ffi I w ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi @ ffi ffi @ ffi ffi all times. Water shoul-d dlation materials. Adeguate drainafmuEt be provided at never be allowed to pond above the foun- AlL floor slabs on grade must be con- structed to act Lndependently of the other structural portions of the building, More detailed recommendations can be found within the bocly of this report. All recommendations are subject to the Limitations set forth herein. -2- GBIIIERAI,: The purpose of trrll fo.r"stigation wae to determine the general suitability of the site for construction of a medium weight addition. Characteristics of the individual soils found in the test borings were examined for use in designing foun- dations for this strueture The proposed strueture will be a two-story additLon to the existing main building of the Vail Valley I'tedical Center. The eonstruetion site is located on the north side of West Meadou Drive in the extreme western portion of metropoLitan Va1L, Colorado. Bhe addition r+Lll be eonstructed off the northwest corner of the existing medical building The topography of the site is that of a relatively uniforrn hillside dropplng generally in a southerLy directior towards Gore Cree!<, which exists a few hundred feet to the south of this construction site. In general, most runoff is directed in this southerly direction. However, the exact direction of drainage will be controlled somewhat due to the existence of streets and other buildings in the area. fn general, both surface and subEurface drain- age are fair to good. The foundation soils encountered on the site consJ-st general-ly of alluviaL materials associated with core creek, re!'/orked glacial outwash materiaLs, and reworked gLacial I morainal materials. These soils are ver? coarse in nature and numerous boulder and cobble sized particles lvere encountered, parti- cularly wlth ijcreasing depth. -3- Bedrock beneath Oe site consists of the ltinturn Pormation. This formation is eharacteristically a serier of arkosic conglomerate, grit sandstones, siltstones, ehales and numerous carbonate beds. No formational- material hras encountered. Ln any of the test borings to the depths drilled. It is believed that the surface gravel and cobble materials are rather deep in thia area and fomational rraterial can be encountered at apProximately 70 feet beLow the present ground surfaee. At this depth, it is not anticipated that formational soils will affect the proposed buiLding. -4- Ig il F f, g H t I a H t ffi $ fr H ,g fi g 3. Six test borings ower e drlLled on the site as shorvn on the attaehed Test Boring Location Diagrarn. These test borings ri'ere pl.aced as cloEe as possible to loeations inCicated by the cLient. f\'eo test borings (gest Borings No. 4 and 6) were drilled ln the area of imrnediate congtruction. The remalnder of the borings erere placed to the west and north of this slte, probably Ln areas of future expansion. In any event, these borings were placed in such a manner as to obtain a reasonabi-y good profile of the subsurfaee soils. Although some slight variations were noted from point to point, further test borings were not deemed neeessary in ths area of inrmediate construetion. All borings were drilled rvith a power-driven, continuous auger drill . Samples were taken with the standard split spoon sampler ancl by bulk methods. As indicated on the attached drillLng logs, baslcaLly one scil type was eneountered in all the test borings drilled. 5oi1 tlzpe No. 1 elassified as a silty grravel of blaek to dark brown color. These materlals may best be described as a matrix soil, situated between the cobble and bculder sized partieles en- eountered on the site. Many surface boulders - 2 to 4 feet in diameter - were noted in the general area. Boqlders in excess of 5 feet in size can probably be encountered at a very shallow depth belosr the present ground surface. More precise engineering character- sitics of this matrix material can be found on the attached sununary sheet. The follorving diseusslon will be general in nature. -5- il H $ f, il fl H fl fl H ffi fl F fl fl F fl ffi O soil Type No. r clsffied as a silty gravel- (Gtt) of coarse grain size. This is the predominant soll- en- countered on the site and will be found nested between the boulders and cobbles. fn general, it is non-plastic, of high permeability, and of rnedium to high density. It will have virtuatly no tendeney to expand upon the addition of moisture nor to long term consolidation under load. It will settle to some degree, however, if it is over- Ioaded. Characteristicall-y, settlements in granular materials such as these are fairly rapid in nature and should be virtually complete by the end of construction. In any event, if the allourable bearing vaLues given in this report are not exceeded, it is not felt that settlements will be very large. At a minirnum of 3 to 5 feet belo+r the present ground surface, Soil Type ITo. I was found to have a maximum allowable bearing capacity of 4500 psf. No rniniraum dead load pressure wiII be required. This soil was found to contain a small amount of sulfates. Free lratetr lras encountered at 15 feet below the ground surface in Test Boring No. 3 only. Beeause of the verlr dense, coalse nature of the subsurface uaterials, only ?est Boring No. 3 could be advaneed to this depth. Due to the proximlty of the site to Gore Creek and Middle Creek, it is felt that the free water table wilL be a permanent feature of ttre site. During times of high flow in these creelcs, it is coneeivable that this free water surface eould rise somewhat. The magnitude of increase could be sufficient to affect the shallow foundation sy6tem of this structure, particularly if a deep basement is planned on the site. I o I previous work done by this taboratory ' in the general area of this building inilicate that the groundwater ! conditions are rather compl-ex in this portion of vail. rt is il PossLble that free erater rnay be encountereil nearer the gurface than t indicated above. Numerous buried channels and forner drainagewayg g "xist in these terrace soils and anyone of these may tend to ehannel | "ubsurface moisture. il I I I I I I I I -7- I I I I il il I I il il g il il g t a il il I T' coNcl,usroNs & Rs tr* Since the type oade of the proposed addition are not preeisely known to the Laboratory at this time, the recomnendations herein must be quite general in nature. Any speeial Ioads or unusual design conditions should be reported to the tabora- tory so that changes in these recommendations rnay be made, if necessary. Eotrever, based upon our analysis of the soil conditions and project characteristics previously outlined, the foll-oaring recommendations are made. It is recommended that a shallovr foun- dation system consisting of continuous fcotings beneath aII bearing walls arrd isolated s-oread footings beneath columns and other points of concentrated load be used to carry the weight of the proposed addition. If foundations are located 3 to 5 feet below the present ground strrface in Soil lype No. l, they may be proportioned on the basis of a maximum allowable bearing capacity of 4500 psf. No minimum dead load pressure will be reguired. Due to the variations in particle size encountered across the site, it must be recommended that the building be balanced to lower the possibility of differential movement beneath the structure. l.lost buildJ-ngs are invariably more heavily loaded on some walls and columns than on others. The amount of this vari- ation in Load can be guite high. The building should be balanced so that tbe total stress on the soil is approxinrately the same around the entire building. This can be accomplished by placing narrovt footings beneath lightly loaded walls and wider footings beneath more o and I -8- il H t g g a fl g 'g f, g il 6 tg g B q 3, heaviLy loaded *ul. If the building is *"O multi-story or have a basenent, balanee should be accomplished using the dead load plus approximately one-haLf the live load. Using this criteria, the building should be balanced so that the loads along the exterior walls are within +500 psf at aff points. Isolated interior col-umn pads should be designed for unit loads of approximately 200 psf less than those used on the exterior waIls. In order to make the strusture somewhat rnore rlgid and to spread the loads more evenly around the buildiag, it js reeommended that all stem wallE of the building be designecl as grade beams capable of spanning at Least lO feet. All grade beams should be reinforeed continuously around the buil-ding with no gaps or breaks in the reinforcing steeL unless they are speeially designed. Beams should be reinforced both near the top and near the bottom, with the majority of the reinforcing steel being placed near the bottcrm of the beam. Vertical reinforcing will not be reguired in the foundatlon walls if these walls are relatively shallow. If the walls will retaLn soil in excess of 4 feet in height, vertical reinforcement should be used to resist the active pressures of the soil against the exterior of the wall. For use in designing this reinforcing, the equivalent fluid pressure of these soils can be taken as 40 pef. Where buiLding floor slabs are to be used, they rray be placecl directly on grade or over a compacted gravel blanket of 4 to 6 inches in thickness. It should be noted that most -9- of the granular mat€rial on base material in itselft so necessary. Eoweverr because the site will .for:nr a reaeonably good that the gravel Plld is not reaIIY of the coarse nature of the subsurface I I l l il il t g fl fl H H H g Eil materials, a leveling pad may be desirable' A vapor barrier is reccmmended beneath anY floor the exterior grounil surface. slab on grade which will lie beneath ell floor slabs should be constructed so that they act independentLy of all interior colusms and bearing walls. In addition, concrete floor slabs on grade should be placed in sections no greater than 3C feet on a side' Deep construction or contraction joints ehould be placed at these lines to facilitate even breakage. lhis witl help recluce any unsightly cracking cauged by ilifferential settlement to a minimum' Adequate drainage must be provided in the foundation area both during and after construction to prevent the ponding of water. The ground surface around the building should be graded so that the surface water is carried quickly away froro the structure, Mininum gradient within I0 feet of the building will depend upon the surface landscaping' Bare or pavecl areas should have a minimum gradient of w" while l,anilscaped areas shoul-d have a minimum gradient of 5%. Roof drains should be carried across back- filleit areas and discharged well away from the structure' To give the building extra lateral stab- il.ityandtoaidintherapidltyofrunoff,al}backfillarcundthe strueture and in utility trenches leading to the structure should be ccrnrpacted to at least 90.]/" of the maximum Proctor dry density' -10- AsItI D-698. rfris taction ccutd be done "r;" the native soils on the site as the backfill materials, if particles in excess of 6 inches in diameter are first removed. Compaction shoul,d be carried out at approximately the Proctor optimum moisture content of the soil, prus or minus 2/". Backfitr should be eompacted to the required density by mechanical means. No water fLooding techniques of any type should be used in the placement of backfil! on this sLte. It ie recommended that the proposed. addition not be rigidly fastened to the existing structure until near the end of the construction seguence. As indicated ear).ier, any settlements whieh will occur in the subsurface soiLs wiLt be fairl-y rapid. ?he settlement should be virtuaLly complete by the end of construction and differential movement between the addition and the existing strueture wilL be very smal-I at that tirne. Also, eare should be tal<en that the new foundation system for the addition does not overload the soil beneath the existing foundation system, The rnaximum allolable bearing capacity given in this report should not be exceeded under any eirctrnstanees. The open footing exeavation should be inspected prior to the pouring of concrete to establish that proper design bearing material has been reached and that no debris, soft spots, or areas of unugually low density are located within the foundation area; Since none of the soils encountered on the site were found to eontain sulfates in excessive guantities, a tYPe I Cement can be used in all concrete whieh will be in eontact rviti:r these soils, il H g il g H il H $ il g g g H I fl I f, I fl I fl. t9, 5-i i O It is belLeved t] aff pertinent points concerning the subsurface soils on this site have been covered in this report. ff soil types and conditions other than those outlined herein are noted during construetion on the site, these should be reported to the Laboratory Eo that changes in recommendations can be made, if these atre nesessarly. If guestions arise or further information is regulred, pl-ease feel free to contaet the Laboratory. -'l).- fl it tt It ,i.(i!€:;p: ; r,\';') r\ ',-< ..: l 4 i :...':l i . -''',--.' l'\.l$.*-r..;\ '- -.:: \ \.'.--=----:fiF., ],,X- l\, iiiii:in;iE1i 1 -r\ .' :, .. -' '11.:'\ '"' .,;'-::, r '::'i i:rJ.'. ) \' . .i i \ :' -"r-::--/'.\'-., ...-- ,:..,'- 'l "l l:.{ \-.,=4; ;.4\7ri \ ,, ;'--,?' [ 'i,: .'..:. | ..1 tti ::./ '.'1,i .l /.,r'; : ')',l .. :l:. :/ , ::'.' /, '. j-rjl'- / 1l;i;"\.i', #Ji-ir-+: -71j'1 g. \. \''-.='l'1''\.:-::--- r\::'7, --).iJ, i-I - ta,.o-,t='L-=-=ikir*- r{.,i*\.Nl-:' = i 'r',1 G${'}q'=.-..r;':,r1/- , ' ,iiL,'.'/.j:L':.' 1;;{1.; 2)_:i.- t.o:-$txid.-i.t_;=_+=-_._:_a.=-_. -' ,"i:?,. ;,,1,.':-. i' .r,l-t"I r l:l ..' ,-.4i;' =- ---"---:---:-----:--- r. r\...lt:f .. ". ''4 ,.'-+1r'' ',V.i|.';.,;to ,,il.:\,'Y '".'l :.'=:-- :::j'---_-tr 3:rr:r - --;\t' l'\rli. '= \.;{l'>-ll]J -_.,, ,' "x , ,/,;.1,,1,:,t:/=Jt: .-4V- :=r:fi. -,--jr-. )il ...i{ ,.. ' '+ a --- := \-!,\ja r\- ./ ., '.:.. )' ::.7..:-:: :/; . =r.t')':|,/-''N',, ! 6AI,,.=C*SEbc THE LINCOLTJ-DEVORE TESTI}IG COLORADO: Cclorodo Springs, Putblo, Glsnnood LABORATORY lryYO.Yi'IO: Rock Sprin6sy'tn fi:* #esrc.* ffi,gl 'e6,#'-/t, Springs, hlonlrosg, Gannison. f@ \9 T}\ R$ H n I n P 3 I :H I >- ilt THE LINCOLN.DCVORE TESTITIG COLORADO, Coiorodo Springs, Pucblo' Glenwocd L A 6ORATORY 11/YOlJllt0, Rock Springs u R N v) F et Sprrngs, illonirose, Guanison. il fl g fl I H H f, H H fi a g a fr H H H H ? combinations of often used and as SPrlSM. these slmbols are are labeLed e.g. SYMBOLS & NOTES J fi Sltz Standard penetration drive I Numbers indicate 9 blows to I drive the spoon 12" into ground. I d sT 2-L/2" shelby thin wall I{ same}e I I r. Nbtural lrtoisture Content I lr* Weathered or Decomposed SoiI I + Free water table lY' Natural dry density I r.s.-Disturbed sulk SampLe l@ Soil type related to samples ,r, -, l- in report trl ToP of formation t @ Test Boring Location IA Seismic or Resistivity I st.tiott I Standard penetration Drives are made by driving a standard 1.4" split spoon samp)-er into the ground by dropping a 140 lb. weight 30". ASTlvl test des.D-I586. Samples may be bulk, standard spli spoon (both disturbed) or 2-l/2" I.D. thin wa11 ("undisturbed") Shelby tube samples. See log for tyPe. SYMBOL GW GP GM GC sw SP SM sc !1L CL OL MH (f,{ OH PT SiJ-ty sand Clayey sand s ilr Lean clay Organic silt Elastic silt Fat clay (High plastic) organic clay Peat Ilard formation (any type) Geologic symbol given e.g. Kp = Pierre Shale DESCRIPTION WelI graded gravel Poorly graded gravel Silty gravel Clayey gravel well graded sand Poorly graded sand UNCOLN-DcV0RE TESTING LAB0RAT0RY COLIIRADO SPRINGS, PUEBL(l, COLORAO(l-NOCK SPBINGS, WYOMINGNOTES & SYMBOLS sl EI H g P FR r P P *t I r F F F H fl F Hf, bal ii z 3 4 5Tesr Hole No. Top Elevolion stcrT @y'4-sluy &E Jay/L olwt ea/tcE 7o.bzz S/Lrl aeeleL GH 6N stlrv ,69/4, neD. 6n taz,c BP)t .stLr y 62ny'e, 614 stL7,A{.EE 70 DE. BEavdN.S/at)'rteM,c>"ar/eL, "q? Y€z/' a4.3,I nAlvY a\,@.1q25v/e <eeaa6' FtE?r. s:t. ,wrs.,tr. laesE 4ad^'3?6Fql4, F/41. e v'\ISIZ E€=a)r,t, ai ='. I S/a7 Y 6o$ Pt 6sTtC,@ n#rc, FEQaGNT'BAqEAi coecta "l"t;;;:;*lD aY a.(i\ eo*wsY coae65,g. nr?glc Q/ FzE?)e\ cbeta:onb EoclEE FoaB!.6, .EJte.gtE?S 72 l0IOs*r€o"'71 s/oa 64/eo/ z6ss &LESt@. l5 EF&r---4tc7eg/u7€ s/.7/ 6Pn& 15 @/ y'eh t'l?' pot-Ezs e€6re 0 20 25 25 30 30 35 35 40 40 LINCOLN-DevORE TE STI NG LABORATeRY COLORADO SPRINGS-PU EBLO, COLORADODRILLING LOGS il il a g 5 H 5 il fl H I H F I',{ rl t Ii{, Tcir Hole |io ' To; E lev ot ion l.slLrY 6,9?fu.l-;- &.M 70 D?4. Secxr'N5 f aov oael.| .Mns, '{$.? @ I FE€Q. @86€&aOe-,ad, eag,et tn IO 15l-f, 2za 20 z2 25 30 30 35 401C LINCOLN-DeVORE TESTING LABORATORY COLORADO SPRtNGS-PU E8LO, COLOI?ADODRILLING LOGS I I ! ! f, g il fl f, h I F 5 fl H HfI I I fl I H I fl I il I p Eci.l Salrple GM Test No. 15971. GS-45: Date 5/LO/77PtoJect Sa=ple Locatlon Test by siqs F< H tr },'{a zA l*r ,4zH A 100 90 BO 70 50 KN 4A 30 20 l_0 '-oo ,J,,rI) tlrl )LA Jr't nar? 1';t Lt f,!"o.t"=- t 'l +P00 - Sleve l'r\ SILT TO CIAY Nonplastic to Plastlc Slerre Size % Passing Sarlple No. Speclflc Gravit Molsture Conten Effectlve Slze Flnenega !4odulus t/z: to 20 40 Sulfatea 500+ ePe LINCOLN-DEVORE TE STII{G I,ABORA?ORY COLOR\DO SPRINGS, COTONADOGRAIN SIZE ANALYSTS 3.-, \ DATE OF ilIUETING: MEMBENS PRESE}IT; ACTION TAKIJN BY BOA APPROV]lD: 'I RIVINW BOARD ,o DESIGN SECOMED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: DISAPP]IOVUD: SUIItrIA}iY: ql-1----_ AI)l) 1.1. c:t ll l,Clutlri:uttt ttl (.llc ltoitr'(l 4- U Iv tb .r! t.z{rtr\r, {,}t, )CL 'l 9r ul luv 2r U Jo, o7' F $ts At- dv $ {A $$ *,$ Fi!lt' -st{ffi$,y 0 @ s! e ?.p 4tW t* ffr &(, l-'2 ijt S' $.;lb tx, w Ac"*L B,T ;) ,ioZ*uo'o( J J 6 d! 0,p-r zv @x c# $l dJ &p tt(3/1 46v,6rE A o :Ut0utAIFpr I.{oqC EU d,Afiq./ d,J$ J,i,gs G, tNsPECTlol TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED-..- AM PM CALLER ! ornen E panrtnl. READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRt--.......---.--er,l PfutMON GOMMENTS: TUE E} npp RovED ! orsnppRovED D netNSPEcr E upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS; CORRECTIONS Best copy Available DATE oo oa Town of VaiI FT,NCNIIICAL PERMIT Date of N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 240 $............-............... $-.. 5.d0- :-4 -b-.. -...... 0........d4 :.4-......... Plr! Chcckcr Received By THIS .tOB FORM TO BE POSTED 01{ SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 24 HOI'RII ADVANCE NOTICE REQT,'INED FOR INSPECTIONS rc.7--Q.............. Electricatcontractor-....k.0r-{*:-g.r--e-c. APPROVAI,S 1rr :. r. iaaa ! co,, orrivar !roalz rNsFEcl}lru FIEOIJESiT VAIL JOB NAME , ,,: TOWN OF DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLEF fl orsen E pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE FRI -AM PM COMMENTS: WED THUR El xpF nov e o E orsRppRovED ! nerNsPEcr f] uporu THE FoLLowlNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS Best coPY Available INSPECTOR DATE TNSPEGTIq] TOWN FIEBUEST F VAIL DATE TlME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orren ! penrtll.LOCATlON READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR /iii--+.--di pvrMON GOMMENTS: TUE WApp RovED ! otsnReRovED -^1/.gj-APON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: D nrtNsPEcr CORRECTIONS -,- . .,.-,/r.. -i t. .,'---. t.-+---t P - INSPECTOR or JOB NAME rNsiPEcrlQ TOWN OF FIEOIJESiT VAIL E ornen n panrrll. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION I orsnppRovED f] nerNsPEcrElnppRovED DATE ,'-//-i- ',1r" --',/':. INSPECTOR o ,/'II\IEiPEGTI.U TOWN OF FlEEUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER r* E orxen D penrrel.LOCATION MON GOMMENTS: TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR i FRI-aru ill'.." q s\\s '.\ l\. tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS ! orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr l-tIJ UPON THE FOLLOW!NG CORRECTIONS: N \ \ \ DATE INSPECTOB o Ll- l' rl ,. l:l-t-l eleYator company MOLtNE, tLLtNOTS 6r26s :,12 : 40 December 2, 1975 City of Vail P.0. 8ox 100 Vai l, Co I orado Attention: Mr. Ben Strahan, Chief Building Inspector Subject: Vail Valley Medical Center - Vail, Colorado Elevator lnstal lation - CP-35782 Gent I emen: This is to certify that subject passenger elevator equipment instal led in subject building was manufactured and installed in accordance with the American National Standard Safety Code for elevators, dumbwaiter, escala-tors, and moving walks ANSI Al7.l - 1971 . Should you have any questions concerning the installation of this elevator equipment, please feel free to contact me. Yours truly, "-K*, &4^Y Ben Malmber1 / Const ruct ion Super i ntendent BM: yf cc J. A. Hyder Construct ion Conpany 4850 Jackson Street Denver, Colorado 80216 Attention: Gary Gehrig dependable elevators and escalator s VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Box 38 Vrll, Colotldo 816t T€lophone 1;lE-245' Jtily 2la, 1-.975 Diana Toughill Tovrn of VailBuilding Department P.O. Box l-00Vail, Colorado Dear Diana: In regard to our conversation of JW 24, ]"975 Let ne apologize for the misleading terninolory on our plans submitted for remodeling. The tern rfSurgical Treatnent'l refers to a room where patients are treated for minor cuts and scrapes. UJany patients may receive sutures but the room is neither intended nor designed for the use of anesthesia. Therefore, no non-ambrrlatory patients will be using this area. The term rrCast Roomil is another common term for a doctorrsoffice makeup. This roorn is not to be confused with an area where fracture patients receive their first care. The room is used for- folfow-up visits by patients who were casted previously and now need their cast changed or repaired. Again, it is not intended to be used for patients who are non-arnbufatory. I hope this clears up any confusion we may have caused i.'l:ith- our terminolory. Feel free to contact ne if you have any further questions. Yours sincerely, VAIL VALTEY MED]CALA-z Charles F. Tubbs Administrator cc: Rod Dauis Hugh Hyder CFT:ks ---l-.'-'--: -a'r|q "t DAnE rsG8E 19, 19TJ 6 uaaenr E aoorv ts PosStELE D NO REPLY IIEEOEDG5hP.O,h riramrm,csmgs hl5il{ill !|(f,|CYIIr P. O. U rO9 YIIL, @Unrm 8i65? FILE NO, ATTENTPN SUEIECT El.cotr{orl l}cnrtlat hd.t - Yetl Htel Ccntct NESSAgE mlsfix, sr c[B cleT rf gB r!iltl! cl I IIIL f@ICr! ClilE 8EIm,. ! ' r ' l?1.20 fc EIlcIarcA! Pllllll !08 !S REPLV , !i,:,'f DATE OF REPLY SrcNED t tlit,t- l'Hor;( d L C-t'l iiv ( ' RECIPIENT: WRtfE REPLY, RETURN WHITE fO EENDER. KEEP TH|S PINK COPY' Uo Town of E,I.,ECIRICAL Vait PERMIT roru"-" M/L VAtltl ilmt*zfut* Electricar c ontnctor.... y'(F. 19- D. &. LL Et-gc n ........... epprica,t../.-dEt/.. If,+r.94/.: L stsastare t/ "/ APPROVALS N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 166 $............................ tle.e.e.6J$ oo $.7-.2.."--.9..... g-2-2.-,.--a-.---:a..-.-- s./..4-9..r...a.o. Pl.n Cb€cter :::iffii;77'rirftn,/-1-";f THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED 01{ OB SITE DURII{G GONSTRUCTION 2t HOI,JNS N)VAI{CE NOIICE nEQLTnED FOR INSPECnONS tta a. t. Hatlrtr lc.r tallvla l!illl GENTLEMEN: J. A. HYDER CONSTRUCNON OO. 4850 Jackson Street DENVER, COLORADO 80216 Phone (303) 399-r'rc5 'Towr,. oG Vp.t. LETT'ER @F TRANSNfl ITTAL the following items:WE ARE SENDING YOU 96ro, dnwings tr Copy of lettcr y'nttacnea E Prints E Changc ordcr n Under separate cover via E Plans ! Samphs tr Specifications tr oo" '?.5 Iru ? s JOB NO. ATTENTION V*ru V*cuzv I coPrEs OATE NO.DESCRIPTION I Llaontxt*o;= Sc+teoor-.e Fscr- V*tu V*uuev fYlEorcrAn- @tta€n- THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E For approval ! Approved as submitted I Approved as noted D Returned for corrections I Resubmit-copies for approval ! Submit -copies for distribution fl Retu rn -corrected prints 6or your use fl As requested E For review and comment tr ! FOR BIDS DUE 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS ftt*f we <exro A c,oeY or -I'r+tr -fcatcpve-s -T-o Ysr:n- dPFtc-rs. COPY TO SIGNED: htf-bFbl*,Et-,b,lt arcroaurta raa nct D tdad, liadly notirt! tta at onca- J. A. HIDE}? CONSTRUCTIOI{ 4850 Jackson Street DENVER, COLORADo 80216 Phms (303) 39914{Xt Tuvu r., oF Va t,- LETTER @F TRANSNflITTAL o^" t5 I." ?r, IJoB No' *'' \/A,. Vae uE'r i|',c Dr cA.t C c".ir.,r- the following items: ! Samples ! Specitications . c[). TO GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU {snop drawings tr Copy of letter t'Attacned ! Under separate cover via tr Prints D Plans E Change order tr u tLri I r-1 G, -l)r r*..<-i coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION \-j-\A ao r,rza a.t 5c rtc out_e Fi:,t- VA , u Vl uut v f)lF ir,. o^.- t-la-^.,; e A THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked n For approval ',.E/For your use ! As requested below: D Approved as submitted E Approved as noted ! Returned for corrections E Resubmit-copies for approval tr Submit -copies for distribution E Retu rn -corrected prints ! For review and comment ! FOR BIDS DUE 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS '-i ?l +T \A/ G r.FN!, A. c.-oiY r:l -l-L{ r < fa !*i.j vr - -i/. Y-.',i (,i i=(ctr COPY TO SIGNED: tr. 2oJ - ld r$a l.L.r s.nt ., |l- l6-a, ta ,t ancrosurcs rr9 aoi E! notad, Xindly notily ua .t onca. F(. F l) z7o p F, 2 ItI cc UJ JO ur-(J z J z ;tF .uJ o-(J UJ cc llJ 2 z ; F cc uJ cc J tll cc F J F ) F z z o NOtIVn'lVn ! .E =tr=HlroO =,2 =ql- -'.-{3 1E ; I< >(J(, \ILN =-z,.1 9 z tr(J(l 9o:> :z oO>(J ;..i-133J-tH3AV 'ACNVdnCCO rO tr_V3rl lr-Cf 3 sNotrc:ldsNt o3u InDSu 'l.|v u3LJV ro 3cNvnssr 3zruoHJ.nv or 30vy{ N33a 3AVH 'J.d3C '0O"lA 3H.t Ol OlNUnr3U fe 01 Sr OUVC SrHJ.:flON :sxuvtt3u o3nsst AcNvdncco lo SlvctJtrufS :otnsst u:touo dors lr31 u30uo Norlc3uuot n|-mo IoD ! c3 E-o a|l! 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I =r=utB l&eO =,2 =ql--l o o llJ =x UJ z ttIL z F F =E llJ z d @ Y 3 UJ z F z IJ,J F =uJz z J @ ll. ul f F z ut ul r!() llJF 3 z llJ I z F IIJ llJ 2 IJJt, z 6- o ul z u,/ J a3 F2 o uJ LL 6 uJ o- tt) Yz E llJ iL d z F F IJJ3 IJJ E6z o lll E z F ai E o uJ oJozr! tt UJY = ul t! z z z z z tr f o- IL ltl F o llt 6o J E IJJ = 3 z ul J lllz z J tl. vJ(l F _-- II>oot -ll-N t! zo9 2 F ccO 9o;> :z:< >U ; oi ' 3NVdnCCO JO 3l_V3 tl tIU f C sNoU-33dSNI O3C rnO3U "r'rv H3J.lV ro lcNvnssr SzruoHlnv ol:lcv|'r N:r3s'Ld30'co'ls 3H.t or o3N8nl3u 9s oJ, sl 3n vH cHvS sr Hr :3loN :s)tuvIt3u o3nssl AJNvdncco Jo 3J.vctj[utc :o3nsst 830Eo doIS IJ3'l U30UO NO|rC:|UUOC m-Itl6 t o ! to 2o Itr j ao trcrIz6 uorcldsNt or :ll8lss3ccv oNV srls sor No ssrsod ss ol sr !r srnr suolttedsut .rol ps.rlnber €crlou ecue^ps stnoq tZ 0l€z-9at auoqd Id (i(po asn lueurlredaq rog) oHo33U NOrrCSdSNr yltSIsAs u31)|Nluds'olnv 'rsto B A'tddns utlvl llN 0Ntu3^o3 'l1vm 1IVM NOllVONnOJ lIVM NOEVONnOI lHnlvN9rs NorrvJo] / stN3nv{oc tsJ?{li z ah!l z z 27 t F e>. t{a!.>k9 lro9F itstd!l'ut E E4 2zo< FEr ()E EO<o2o li Elo><oF: !l&< FI H tr e :. EI go UI'al uJ ()zt UJ z -<c F & uJG EooJtt ulE Fo J <(FoF !r G Goo tt J3FoF oF2 UJ =uJq ul \ $ ! E tr lrl o oz -oJ -f E --l l-G' -, -et- (92 a o J Fvttttto ?1,|rllllu. Y(t ||lI(, z Jg E c u,l G 2 F oo zo F GulFJ Butz I2 oJ f IIo ul al,l F zf (,oJ6lto Ftt do 2ot- fcG tto ulF 6 N ic J .\ F 6 .\- ?I $I \ at, aD Hoo = t N\o v,anut oo J aE M B IN NNj A N R e qt 2 J E vJo FoJ E- ta>('!t z*N !,1 F =ozo9-o;':r-t < o zo tr9qd,6FEgo 6li9E3fHAtE ;$i :N I PLUMBTNGi/MECHANTCAL PEltMlT TOWN OF VAIL D^rE /u'/tr. //zs' roB NAME "/o: I /,/- l ,t ; . OWNER ADDRESS coNrRAcron /Lz:ruood Soer;ta< z4ea4. pHoNE /45= t4l OF BUILDING: oF woRK: I nEw E eoornoru fJ nenaoorl ! nepnrn RIPTION OF WORK:br MEGHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION $ALuAnoNs #+,Looo9 PERMIT FEE E appnoveo E olseppnoveo ToTALFEES, r 4{ e o PLUMEilNGI/ MECHAT\ilCAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL L-.-r, /&-,.-a { S, ,tz. I lernoveo TOTAL FEES: $ V,c /4,tu,G-, *.. puone?y'd- 62J<) OF BUILDlNG: oF woRK: D r,rEw E noornoru #nooet E nepetn RIPTION OF WORK:?fu- - /&-rrL.'t7ev PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: /.NUMBER VALUATION $vALuAiloN sVlqooo FEMARKS:REMARKS: ,a PERMIT FEE ,.-#;=.Yr*,'fa ^'lfXILW - r ll hp Ir E orseppnoveo DATE rNsFEcrreu TOWN OF FIEEL'EST VAIL JOB NAME PM CALLER E oruen MON COMMENTS: n pnnrrnl. LocATroN FRITUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM APPROVED E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! orsnpp RovE D ! nerNsPEcr Besf copy Availabte DATE INSPECTOR '7 NAME .,.- r' CALLER )w rNsPEcrrlu TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED AM PM n ornen MON COMMENTS: /,-- :*:{::'\ TUE FRI,l WED ! pnnrrnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR AM PM Q reeRovED E orsappRovED fl uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECrroNS: CORRECTIONS E nerNsPEcr Best Copfer Available INSPECTOR DATE lNsPECTleu TOWN OF HEEUEST VAIL t''DATE \'', '-'ttz , ' JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED . - : AM PM CALLER n ornen MON COMMENTS: FRTUE ! pnnrrnu LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM ,El npp RovE D E UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR , .INSPECT'.N REEUEST VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E oruen LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM d,sep Rov E D E orsnppRovED ! nrrNsPEcr ! UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR JOB NAME TNSPECTT|tN ,.'Towlt oF i't; - FIEBUEST VAIL '*{{nur.I) 4:e ! ornrn MON COMMENTS: TUE I pnnrrnl. LocATroN FEADY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR , t >Q/l FRI i / t AMIPM 'ElnppRovED florsappRovED fl nerNsPEcr LI UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE t.i INSPECTOR ul o s, i4 k, 5oil 6 Joundatronengtneenng 4{J'll f \JrOo, lrd e(crJoc 'p !'rj5 (cic{6d) . 0Oq17 J)J.590.15d7 10ll sourh lror{oee rodj w€s{ o o box fia4 - vcl . ccbxr; . O1657 JO3 . d75 .029/ corucnrrE Oro rrsr nr.,o COI,IPRTSS IVT S TRENGTH REPORT CL IENT NO (.A B NO CONCRE I€. CO CON IRAC TOR LZ I- L Porto Mix J. A. FIyder Construction Company Vail Clinic AdditionPROJECT TRU()K No 511 rrcKEr No v3569 rtLrE M1r16 7:00 ARRr vEn 7:10 o.oaED9:30 LOCA'T ION OF PLACE MEN T IN STRUCTURC Footers for Elevator Shaft. ,b4 s € cu Yos Pr.AcEo.., -9/3___ cu yos TRUCK I-OADING yvA TER cDNTENT... _____ e ll,/r_o ADMIXTURL.. _ AEA oz/ yo cALcf uM cHLoRtoE __1 SP E C I F I CA T I ON S. . oESIGNEO tsY...,. OATT OF TEST..., TIME OF TE.ST..,. SL UMP- INCHES. .. . l-0:00 COARST, AGGREGA TE-- I'CY F INE AGGREGA TE POY ENr. ArR coNrtrur 2,7 C I 'r^sAVPI_E cuR lNG... !du. It/ATE R AOOEO-GALS PI.ANT LZ 7 /rr/ 7s CONCRETE TEMP. .JOB LAB A 1 R T€MP. .rOB 75 oF oF oF69 wATER-CEMENT... RATto FRESH coNc. wr.. 140.5 f CF MIX NUI,IBER CEMENT CONTENT..5! >K.f- cY \/ atl-:r--:- .JOB S I TE 1.5-3/4n 3/t+t _ft4 l4 SPEC I ME ru ruur',reEn 127-1 OA TE TESTED NUMALR OF OA\ S CURF. T-) o I MeNS tONS, tNCftES STO. CYt- INOER=OrX Iln SP EC IME N WE IGHT,POUNOS BSSD oeNSrrY, li0F --___--__ AR EA OF CYLINDf-R, IN, S To. CYt- | Nt)t-P=2t).i'i lrr2 sPEC I rl Jp S rR_tNGTHr i-S I TYPE OF FRACT(JRE: l) DtAGoNAL sirg4p12) coNE )) vERrrcAr. z-I 3- 14 1/'tA/-7E,7/2s/75 t't 26.94 137.0 28 .27 28.27 61800- ^;^.-ZIt'D 12000 2547 3000 -_1-- -!l-6-.-s - 28.27 -300_0 I 1909 I REMARKS SnuprED By G. Manzari TesrEr, e., G, Manzari s- _ -_- __, _i | (,NEO F oRM (;-l coNCRETF eLp TFSr nNp COI',,IPRESS IVF STRFNGTH REPORT4O0 rBrtxr da(e cdo.ajo lgrrgs ccb.dic 00917 30J.5S5.15!7 lGJl rarh lrrrroo€p o box flta - vd.<cbodo O1057 303.475 0297 OU oton CL IENT NO t-A8 NOrodi \^€51 CONCRE TE CO CONTRACTOR PRO.JECT TRUCK NO T I ME ^,,1 | XEO t.t-11^STRUCTURE WqII) 127-t r27-t- (7-L2) PorEo Mix J. A. Hyder Construetion Company Vail- Clinic Addition sll rtcKer No v3629 -]g{fran 1u.o lor 1-gLAcEo 10:30 for New Elevdtor Shaft.IN n9tneenng LOCATIOIJ OF PLACEMENT kj fl ,=. cu yos pLAcEo... 1/40 TRUCK LOAOI NG,.. WA TER CONTENT... - WATER-CEMENT.... - AOM I X TUR E. . CALC IUM CHLOR I DE MI X NUMAER SP T,C IF ICAT IDNS.. DESIGNEO 8Y..... CU YDS CU YOS enl,/uo RA T I O AEA oz/Yo t: OA TC OF TEST.. TIME OF TI,ST.. 7/LB/7s CONCRETE TEMP. 1'l .'ln .roB LAB AIR TEMP. oF oFo.+SLUMP-INCHES...,4, FRESH CONC. lVT.. r-Jl.(J i ul- ENT.\ AtR CONTENT 5.9 /.rOB 75 oF SAMPt-E cuRlNG... l€b' IVATER AOOEO.GALS PI.ANT CEMENT CON TEN T. . - PCY COARST, AGGREGATE PCY F INE AGGREGATE P CY ---__-_.-_ .,OB SIIE 1.5-3/4n 3/t1n -rt4 i4 SPECIMEN NUMEER T27-T OA TE TE S TEO NUMBLR OF OAYS CUREO TYPE DF FRACTTIRE: 1) DtAGo$rAL sHEAR2) coNE )) vER r I cAt. sPr, I T 7/ 2s/ 7s 7/2s/7s D IMENS IONS, INCHES STO. CYL INDER=b[X 12rr SPEC I MEN WE I GHT,POUNDS BSSD oe,rusrrY, PCF AR EA OF CYL I NDER, IN3 srD. cvr- t r'rr-rrp=28.2? | N2 TOTAL TEST LOAD TPOUNOS coMPRESS I v€ STrlr_NG rx,PS I SP E c I F I € o S TR E N G T H . P S I 63800 REMARK S ,., G. Manzari C r{anz,cri TE S TED BY -' ..""-"S I GNEOSAMPL ED Fonv C-1 \ o, fr 40 lurlxJ. do(e(oof60i sflr{A cctvdb - 80917-\.13 .- -:A6 . 75!7 1031 scr-/(h Jrtrxogg rclod v,,?qp o box 1ql4 voJ.'.obodo.01057 JO3 475.0297 goNCRETT Fop TFST nNp COI'4PRTSS IVF STRFNGTH REPORT t27-ICL IENT NO t.A8 NO CONCRE TE CO 127-r-(7-]-2) Porto Mix coNrRAcro"_j. l. Iyd"t Co^rt"""tio" C y ,t a f ISoil G fOundati,cn pRo,rEc, Vau_c_1_iti9_199t!f9l_ dngineefing rRucK ^o l1l= --- r rcK:'- lo v362e TrME \,r1 x1s r0:06"r r ueo 19_:l_Sleceo 10:30 LocATtoN oF pLAceMENr tN STRUcTuR, Walls for New Elevator Shaft.k, .gf CU YOS PI-ACED.7/ 40 TR UCK LOADING... tl,A TEft C0NTENT... --WA I E R - C E V E N T ADV I X TURE.. CALC I U[t CHL OR IOE M IX NUMEER sPtc lr lcAT I oNS.. r)tstGNED gY..... CU YDS CU YOS e nu,/t- o RA T I O AEA oz/ yo t: OA TE OF TEST.. TIME OF TEST.. 7/re/7s CONCRCTE l1: 10 .roB LA B AIR JOB sLUMP-tNcHES....4U F I N€, AGGREGATE. oFo.+ TEMP. oF TEMP. 75 oF FRESH CDNC. IVT..'I ?7 A FCF ENT. ArR coNrtr.rt 5.9 X T .LsAVpt-E CUR lNG. . . -ou' It/ATER AODEO.GALS Pt-ANT CEMENT CONTENT.. - PCY COARSE AGGREGATT- PCY PCV .,OB S I TE 1.5-)/4' )/4" -i4 i4 SPEC IME N NUMBER I27-T DA TE TESTET) NUMBLR OF OAYS CURET) OIMENSIONS, INCIiES sTD. cvL I loEn=6rrX12rl SPECI MEN WE I GHT, POUNOS AReA OF CVL I r.rDIR, I r.r2 S TD. CYt- lNr)EP=28,2? lN2 T0rAL resr LolC_,P!rrlog COMPRESS IVE S TRLNG TH ,I- S I sPECr F I ED STRENGTLLI_! TYPE DF FRACTI,'RE: 1) D r AGoNAL sHEAR2) corue)) vERTrcAr- spr"tr REMARKS 138.7 zQ. z I 6 3800 77200 ?251 3000 273L 7/2s/75 a | 1 | -7a7/ 2s/ 75 BSSD DE NS t TY, PCF 54000 ,.', G. Manza ri ,.. G. Manzaril c. ) t L L/ o t 3000 S IGNEOSAMPL Eo Fonv 0-i ra:: i''i) 127-I 127-1-( 13-18) Porto Mix s f, {- rI. A. Hyder ConstrucEion Compgny Vail Clinic Additionf(-) ;i ,!:,r.735 ., 8:45 .. 9:15 SLab on Gradel Basement v3558 ' ,r 1_0i4? _ around Elevatork/ laro' sf .7/ 7 1 :i7/24/7s 11: 30 IEMP. oF 3L 'l 4't g 4.1 Lab. t4 r E''lP. 82. _ "f CAL: I Li'.i (. i.t i/!l/ AJ(J.r,r. i,, :iPLa;li l. q. ! l'f: I | ,;t.li t.t , a,' ; sL sk. 3/ 4" uC-r 1t- ... ,l ' I€ t/ iltl -+4 :ft O l\{El"iS lCrr:; , s TO. CYr i|i1 i SPEC I r,rf,r,j [1/ | I 3SS0 orri: r T\. ARe.A 0; CYr-r STC. CYi I\. ' TOTAL TE:iT t 13- 7 7/ sL/75 sEd 27 ,58 ]-4-7 , 15-14 7/3L/7s B/7/7s qFd 27 .42 srd 27 .43 139.7 28.27 BBOOO 3113 3000 I COMPRESSIVE : SPEC IF I ED ST TYPf Qs 6P46 1) o tAGoNAL 2 ) cor'rr:)) vERTrcAr REMAqKS t 140.5 28.27 76000 2688 3000 I 1 jg 7 28.27 7s200 2660 3000 I Best copy Available Slupceo FoRM C-l By G. Manzari G. Manzari coNCRrrr Flp-TrsT ^*ty'COl,'1F'RFSS I VF- S TriihGTFr Rtt-CRTLllic | (n'(, .a)( y a.-r-rd(l. ',1rft-t r /r}dtr iY])1if13 :{' ' t.: / 1tI)1 ii Urlr Jf (r ndj€ roal \^,ie,,t o o Lux i9ld vri cokrd'cb 01057 .rrlJ ,lb 0']?/ \+ $CL I 'NT NO l. A it r'J o c0NcRt Tt co CON TRAC TOR 127- 1-( 1-6) T27.I Porto Mix J. A. Flyder pRoJECr Vail Clinic Construct_ion Company Add it ion TRU(]K NO 511 r tcKE T No v3568 r I ur v r xrr, Zi99 -r"r r ver_l_l!_rr ncr ,9: 3o r-OCA'T ION Of FLACLr'lENT lfJ STRuCTURL Footers for Elevator Shafc. G foundation ,2ngrneering (r/ a 5f CU Yt,5 Pl-ACtO CU yr)S f.A Tt. 0F TEST 7/11/-7\CONCRETL T€MP.6/6 10:00TRUc( L oADlr'JC... 7-*---_ YJA TEI( CUNTE.JT... - WATTR-CLVEITT A0MIITURt_.. CALC I Ur',i CHt-OR I I,| I X NIJVBER. . . . SPEC IF ICA T I ONS t)LSlGltE{'t i3Y.., T IVE OF TLSI... SLUMP-INCHES... FRESfi CONC. f/T. EN I. AIR CONT[.N CU YDS oar-,/t-O RA T I O AEA o z/ u o oF.JOB oF . 140. 5 i. Ctr -al"tI z. | .' LAB 59 A IR TEMP. .roB 75 oF ot sAMPr-E cuR rNG. . . !ab-.- f',A TE R ADDED-GAI-S CEMENT CONTENT. . 1/1A/7q 7/25/7s B/B PI.ANT T2 PCv JO.B S I TE 1.5-)/4u 'j/4n -ltt t4 \/4n r I NE AGGR€.GATE., _____ FCY cOARSI AGGREGATE--.-- i- CY 3- 14 " ^.*;';.;;, , ".;;r- i 137.0 ')14 Sr:ro. !-_!ItirlL_:=:,"^!z" .,'1-- sPECt\,rEN _{_rL9"rrt Orrrr _s I- - --'-r - sSSD ou_st_ry_r ,l_.!i j- ---- ! AREA oF cyr I Nr)r R, I r,r 2 i l1L ,9IrInli-: l'-'r!'-:Lr' I'':i lq lrl It 9-1__.! oA!..,_eour.,r s; l coMPR€.SSl.U. rr-nr",rr"r.l J iSPECItJ!r] lTtLN,jTrirr Jl ; TYp€ Or FpACTTJRE: i 1) otA(,oNAr- ,, uroo I 2) coNE )) vERTrcAr :,;:tT j REMARKS srd Std srd 26.94 26.9229 11 2B 62 z 3 1 I l -r I I 1 I I i I I l I-l I I'1 I I I I I-l B9 .? 27 00 2T 00 6 o z 0 I 137.1 28.27 28.27 51800 ZIOO 309g 1 t 2B 5- 28 6-OPI /1c B/B/ 7s B/2s/ 7s tr 28 45 rd srd srd R1 26.9I 26.96 137.1 'l ?? ? .27 | I ooo-] - -1829 , 28.27 28.27 8.9099_ 2829 82000 2900 000 3000 3000 I I I G. M9n-zari .Ti.iler,t,, c. Manzari .-;t.,Nrr)SAMPLTIJ i'Y F ORM C-I I 'trcorucnrrr Olo rEsr nruo 4O0 lld{m( co*yodo sgrxr coorajo . 609t7 303.5n6.75a7 1Gl'l rct rh frr:rxooe roai v,esrp o bor. fud - vd.cof:odo.04657 303 .4r5.0297 CL IENT NO I.AB NO CONCR E TE CO CON TRAC TOR PROJECT TRUCK NO T Itvl€ l\,IXEO COI,IPRTSS IVT' STRFNGTH REPORT I27.L L27-r-(7-L2) Porto Mix J. A. Hyder Consfruction Company VaiI Clinic Addition 511 rtcKEr Nov362g l0 : 06o, 3 u6o_10: I$L AcED 10: 30 Soil LOCAITON OF o l.t./.e foundatron Angineering PLAcEMeNT tr! srRUcTuRE walls for New El-e\rator Shaft. (t fl F-. DA TE OF TEST.. T IME OT TEST.. .7/rB/7s 11: 10 CONCRE TE TEMP. .r0B cu yoS pLAcEo... 7/40 TRUCK LOAOING... YVA TER CONTENT... --IVATER.CEMENT... ADM I X TUR E . . CALC IUM CHLOR t DE MI X NUMBER sPectFtcATt0Ns.. OE S I GNED 8Y..... CU YOS CU YOS ca u,/r- o FATIO AEA oz/ vo tu 64 oF oFsLUMP- tNcHEs .... 4\ F I NE AGGREGATE FRESH coNc. wr.. 1j7.6 f Cr ENr. AIR coNrErur 5.9 r' sAMPr-E cuRt"a... Lab. IVATER AOOEO-GALS PI.ANT CEMENT CONT€NT.. -PCY COARSE AGGREGAIE- PCY LAB AIR TEMP. .roB 75 oF PCY JOB Srr TE 1 .5-)/4r 3/4r _14 t4 sP Ec I ME N NUMBER L27-l 7-7 6-t 9- 14 10- 28 11 .28 OATE TESTEI)7/2s/ 7s 7/2s/75 8/r/15 B/15/75 B/r5/ 7s NUMET.R OF OAYS CURED ')l4 28 ?B olMeNSloNS, I NCiTES STD. CYL t t'tOER=6rX l2x srd srd srd sEd srd SPECIMEN WE I GHT,POUNDS 27.t5 27.22 27.02 27 .IT 27.L\ ESSD oeNSI TY, PCF 138.3 I38.7 137.6 138.1 138.1 AREA OF CYL I NDeR, tNe STD. Cvl tr.roen=28.27 lNa 28.27 28.27 28,27 28 .27 26. z I I0TAL TEST LOAO,POUNDS 54000 65800 77200 94 000 95200 coMPRESS I vE STRL.NG rn r[rs I 2264 2257 273L 3325 3368 sPgctF t€o sTReruerx,FSl 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 TYPE OF FRACTURE:1) o t lcor.raL sHEAR 2 ) cor.re 3) vERTlcAr. sPr-tr I 1 I 1 I REMARKS ,, G. Manzari C M.anz4 1jTESTED S IGNEDSttrlPt Eo FoRM C-l St S, 11 ';Dt; _ - t27-L tzt-t-(13-18 ) 5rrl Company kt a Eof ,. t i- r'r Il ..i. Shaft. Vail Clinic 735 B:45 SIab on Gradel Ai:, ". 7/7 j/24/75 . ,.i.rr rEMp. r ,. 7 , 11 :30 Lrl- zd B/2r/7s I7-28 B/ 2r/ 7s srd 27 .55 , 140.3 28.27 I i)Tf VP. 82 of 3/ 4tt- 17 *n -41 I ! 74 oF oF , L2-7-I 13-7 7/ 3t/ 7s srd 27.58 I40.5 28 .27 76000 2688 3000 1 t4-7 15-14 7/3r/75 8/7/75 srd 27 .42 139.7 28.27 75200 Z bbU 3000 't srd 27.43 'l lq 7 28 .27 88000 3113 3000 I srd 27 .52 1An ' 28 .27 I 1-_- i P SPECl r,,,'-N /rf li,|rIri f ' ' ESSD ot r.iS I Tv r ,i,i TOTAL TEST r L',i ,'. C0MPRESS I VE SIr;r,', 1x SPEC IF IEC STRIN';T.,.I TYP E OT FPACT.JI-IT.: 1) o I AGoNAL IjHI ArrZ) coNr T vERTtcAt. strr t'l RE^/ARKS 100000 3537 3000 1 99200 3s9e_ 3000 SAMP L Eo F nPM f -l 6 y G. Iulanza ri BEST COPY AVAILABLE PorEo Mix ,T A lJrnl ar 3\ 141.9 , 4.1, Lab. G. Manzari HEDULEDETAILSfon HARDWARE DOORS AND FRAMES t Page li 1 3/4"-'ifi!!El l{D HlrF RII-180 13/4rr-lldl-Hcl t{D &lF RIt-180 x I 3/4rr-'1f,{ub$ x I 3/4rr-'lSltlcl x 1 3/4||-'!rrQt!+ x I 3/4'-Hrtsl x 1 3/4"-rEtE1 x 1 3/4[-ilalltliltd m nMF IJt-180 r{D Hr'rF Ln-180 }ID UMF RH-180 l{D Hl'tF ffi:f 80 rD IMF LH.9O IID IilT RH.9O I Dr. I Dr. Coff. Corr. 114 1.14 to oftlce 107 to unasslgned 108 to Exao. 109' to Exam. 110 to Exam. 111 to Exam. 112 to Consulting 113 to Pediatrlcs 115 to Pedlatrics 116 to Exan. 124 to Exam. 125 to E can. 126 to Earn. 127 to Exan. 128 to Exem. I29 to una€8l8ned 130 Butts Latchsets Cloeere Sl lencere Lockeet -r- 3r0l| x 7r0rr 3r0'' x 7r0r, 3r0r x 7r0n 3r0'' x 7r0'' 3r0|| x 7r0rl 3r0|| x 7r0rl 3ror x 7r0rl 3!0|| a 7.011 3r0r x 7t0 3r0r x 7l0tl 3r0|' x 7r0rl 3r0r x 71011 3r0r1 !( 7r0rl 3.0r x 7r0rl 3r0'' x 7r0rt 3r0n x 7r0|l 884101 - 4 D10S - Lun 4113 - Reg. 1337A D51PD - Lun 1Dr. I Dr. I Dr. I Dr. 1 Dr. I Dr. L Dr. 1Dr. 1Dr. 1Dr. 1 Dr. 1 Dr. I Dr. I Dr. Corr. 114 Gorr. 114 Corr. 114 Corr. 114 Corr. 114 Rn. Corr. 114 Corr. 124 Corr. I24 Corr. 124 Corr. 124 Corr. 124 Corr. 124 Corr. 124 Corr. 124 24 pta, ^ l5 16 48 t r 1 3/4rr-rt!Lt!t!+ ltD UUf LU-90 I 1 3/{rr-rrffihl, l{D ll}lF LH-180 x 1 3/4rr-tldl*l llD nMF RIt-180 x I 3/4rr-rrdlr!u* tfD lll{F Llt-180 * 1 3/{'t-rtfllfilrl- tlD m{f RH-180 x 1 3/4rr-rrCl*l tD HMF RII-180 1 t J/4'r-rrdr.***5ilD HMf LI{-I8O 1 I 3/4r-'|rd|.hlrl- I{D IUF LE-90 r,. - 4\ x 4\ - vtus\ €oc^'J2 - O-r.r-r*, ' OO 3(f - stat - ,,/lrs Doo 4 - 4-965-8T!{!i (Offtce r07) u+qts ees t<.r trLg,( ?oatf , Pege 2. -2- 1 Dr. Lab. I18 to Toltet 119 # * 7'0" x L 314' rD HMF LH-90 1 Dr. Lab. 121 to Tollet 120 ttb * 7'0'r x L 314" l{D HMF Rll'90 1 Dr. Menre Toilet 105 to 216" x 7r0rr x L 314" llD llMF LII'90 Janitor 105 1 Dr. l{omenrE Tollet 132 to 2t6tt x 7r0'r x L 314" wD [Mr rut-90 Nursera Drees. llff '3.zA6 irrg. Burt€. 4181 - 4 - 4\ x 4| llA{S 4 Privacy iltOS - Lun ' 4-965-SSiS Sets 4 llall 3075-US4 (attach to Door) Stopg L2 Sl.lencers 13374 3- 1 Dr. Corr. 114 to Surg. 4r0'r x 7'0tr x I t/{rr-rlfllftlcl I{D HMF RIf-180 Treatnent 122 1 Dr. Cort. 124 to cast 4r0'r x 7ro'r x L 314"-"ry'461 lfD HMF UI-f80 Rrn. 123 3 prl. Buttg. 884101 - 4 - 4t, x 4l' f/US 2 Letchsets D10S - Lun - 4-965-Sn6 2 Cloeers 4Il4 ' Reg. ' Stat - VMS 6 Sllencere 1337A I Dr. Ipbby f01 to !1enr8 z'6tt x 7rO' x L 314" Exlttlng RH-180 Tol1et 105 1 Dr. Iobby 101 to l{ooenre 216't N 7r0" r t,'tr4tt Extsting Ln'180 To1let X32 EXISTINC UARDI{IRE Page 3. I Dr, 1 Dr. I Dr. Lobby 101 froo Etorage 102 -5- 4r0'. x 7r0t, x 4181 -4-4\ D51PD - Lun' 3075-U.S4 L 314" x 4l-Stllls 4-965-SXUII l'D HUT RIR.gO lN pre. I 1 3 Lobly 101 to tJatting Iobby 101 to Waittng ButtE Lockee te-4,'{l# Stop Sllencere Recept. 103 Recept. 104 -6- 4rO' x 7r0,r x 1 3/4'r-'{f.{rllEf l{D HMF Rt{-90 4f Ofr x 7'0,, x L ll0n-t.QF6ellHr m BilF LU-90 EXISTINC HARDI{ARB L33L/ U(@J A cL.oa{/rrt -7- 3,6,r x 7f0" x L }l(y't-ttsE!iel 316rr '. 7r0n x 1 l/4rr.t#riL D51PD - Lun' 4'965-STl{Ii 4Lt4-Reg.'stet-w/Ms 431ES - US4 L79A-42n-Alun.-L.A. 37LAV Ll4!t x 2184" - Alunr'SfS HARDI|ARB"-REUSE EXISTING 1 Dr. I Df. Exterlor Extrrlor 2 2 2 pce. 2 retsl from Iobby 101 frou lobby 101, Lockeet Glosers . Floor Stope Threshold Ifeatheretrip REMAINDER OT l{D EF LHR-90 m B LllR'90 11\ t .root re.Hn6 3r0n -9- 5r0ir _ Bl-Pass 5r0rr - Bl-PaeE Leaf Bt-Fold -8- -2I Foldlng RecePt. & ltatttng 103Dr.'1 !!Peg-.tu \-- \) tq"[- E I lfiold track nD623-r,n*ff {ttrS I I Bi-Paee El-Parr Offlce Office 107 G Cloeet 107 @ Gloset rfl Ttt Dr. Dr. Dr. Drr i Page -9- (cont.) 2 sets Bl-Passing Track & HD525 ' 5r0rl Hdwre. 4. t Notes on Clinic from John Nosse: | . Noth ing to proh ib it corridor from gol ng past a mechanlcal room. 2, See sect ion 4303-B - check th is carefu I ly 3. F-2 existlng wing, nelv wing D-2 - exlsting buildlng must comp ly w ifh code Sect ion 104 4. lf buildlng is type I or ll construction the floorarea ls o.k., otherwise does not meet f loor area requi rement. 5. Section 3308 - stair enclosure must be added if second f loor ls deve loped i nto D-2 6. Must have 44tt clear exits in D-2. 7 . Check for pan ic hardware, and s ize of f i re damper open Ings. 8. Need 2 hour separatlon for kitchen which he classedas F-2. DESIGN REVIE1Y BOARI) DATE OF IUEBTINC IrlUltBtlRS PRISI]llT : SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN MOTION: VOTE: A BY //.h,tlr tlAPPRoVED: Llf[Lhm{ftn,r DISAPPROVED: SUI,IIIARY: ,Tl:-: J z7 ET4 INSPECT Oto ,TOWN I .\I olra ,\r, 't , - 2' 1 ,o, TIME RECETVED .":I ail prur ---------------- N OF FIEBUEST VAIL E ornen E pennnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR GA----:=--nm prD (neeRovED f] orsapp RovE D D upor'r rHE FoLLowrNG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS E nerNsPEcr TIII DEC o 219 74 INSPECT Ito N FIEOUESiT OF VAIL otte Z l',),'r- -7* $e rlME RECEIVED C)R<-v> AM PM ''r.-..2:r, E orren ( MON__ - COMMENTS: TUE E pnnrrnu. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRr i().cr,,{AM'PM fi ereRovED ,Erto" THE FoLLowrNG coRRECToNS: ! orsneeRovED ! nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS :L l')ll INSPFCTOR I l?. c ? tr2 o ez F !l E F z 6 Yo!JI() z -tc 2o =o*H I ll,l d(,B(J oul Gul o()zf gl(,2 -<E oFzul =!lo ul 9F G ur!t EooJr|' uJ ac FoJ J FoF uJ GooJII J FoF L E tr lrlo o z I oJ Il o -l l&G' -, -et- .E o.ulcl zo oo z F EglFJ 3ulz z (, Iu Itr E Ezf (9z 2 J tto z s zo F 9 Jcq tto ulF o : t (, !f o C' o 3o .Eo IJzf =(JI ci u t=t\, ;o F(, EF 2o(, t!o ul F; ,\ rt \a vEo3 tl.ozo FcEo |l,1o z- - Of nr sEP z 1 ts74 J Town of ti:r.f,rcIIlIcAL Vail PF,RIT{IT rot uame-Vr.r,-.. M.g. s-e--1 I:\ en t.^.*-..G{.s-rl......... .-2 < Date of Application-...47.... .*I ...........rs..7..1 Electricalcontractor......N.gry.-.Rs:..t.-,-"{-L:.-N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee l-Lo-oY- ... 54 $... APPROVALS ---4-7-...-{:-?..71 Datr Received By................... 4- /arzox Her.ti.*" flo.kup f,' b?b/ THIS .rOB FORM TS TO BE POSTED OlI strE DURII{G COI{STRUCTIOI{ 24 HOUnlI ADVANCE NOTICE REQUIN.ED FOR INSPECTTONS 0........?-o-5. . t||a a. t. iotatt! !!.t lllvll lolltl RU DEC 1 01974 DATE L/(' /{.' loe tNsPEcrtlru FIEOUEST 'o F--.L = L,'/t tt TOWN /- '-'^ '-" -.-. L /r'/ 1:' CALLER flornen MON COMMENTS: E panrrnl LocATroN !.--'/ ttt;,,: - a,nr2nrl f'/uar- F+sl r.Ju-9 READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRr .l it.-'AMPM\ EleppRovED D orsappRovED LJ UPON THE FOLLOWING COHRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS n nerNsPEcr i \i INSPECTOR October 4, 1972 MEMORANDUI{ TO r TOi{N C0UNC I L FROM: JERRY ALORlCtt, tsUILDlNG OFFICtAL RE: TEI{PORARY SCH0OL FACILITIES A80YE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER The floor plon oE subsrlttod doog not fotally qucllfy ac a GroupC, Dlvlslon 2 occupancy rvlthln the al lorance of the Unlform Bul ldlng Code. Hotcver, ss tho propossd use ls tomporary, onoyoar, and rostrlcted to 60 studcnts, lf l3 folt by thls Depsrt- ment that rpoclal ravlerc need conrlderatlon for the fol lorlng I toms: l. Al loronco for klndrrgarten and flrst or eecond grade puplls to bc located obove flrgt ttory as par Sectlon 802 (b) ofUnlform Bulldlng Code.2. Al loranco. for lcrs then 20 I rlght-of-nay acc€ss to publ lcstroet por Secflon 805.5. Alloronco of conbuitlbe, h€avy tlmber lfalrr ln lleu of requl red nonconbustlb le per SEctlon 3505 (nr) .4. Allorance for deletlng rcqulromsnt for automatlc sprlnklrr under stclr per Scctlon 5802 (b) 5.5. llcl ver of perml t fces of cpproxl mate I y 3100 - | 150.6. tlalvcr of contractorrs llcenrc fto of 1100. It ls olso the oplnlon of fhls Dcpartment that the follorlng requlromentg be adhered to lor the protectlon of the occupantst /1 . 6r floor palnted eorrldor r.rnoln opcn ond troe of obstructlons.2. Ugrble spcco bolor sfalrray bo elthsr restrlctrd by enclogureor sprlnklered.3. Moveablr partltlons flrmnabl I lty be I lmltcd to moferlalshavlng a flame spreod closslflcailon of Class l.4. lnrtrllatlon of 2 ll?tt tlre hosc cablnet or tro 6 pound f lre extlngulrhcrs rerotely located. All other aspecfs of tho plans or! ylthln the regulatlone govero- I ng schools I n the Un I forn tlul I dl ng Code. Contoct w I th the StatoDlvlslon of lcbor wol arade by fhls offlce conccrnlng the proposcd school. Thcl r .pprovol was glven by Hr. Stcrarf Smlth. o , ' a /51^"4 PLUMB|NG-PER^ tTAppLtCATtON'/ 0 -/ 3 Jurisdiction otfi,-Pn oP LJP:I I il i Applicant to numfured spccs only. { IIf ' AT'ACHED SHEET) I DE3Cl. 217 PXONE ilf 'iY arcHtTtcY oi DE!rqN LtaEt{3E NO. ENCI 'Ei tL aoDiEa3 P}toNE L IC ENSE NO. LEI{ Oat taall aoDiEsS USE OT IU ILDI N G 8 CIASOIWOTK: trilEW trAOOITIOil EALTERATIOil trREPAIR Typ. of Flxtun or lnm WATER CLOSET (TOILETI LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK E OISP. LAUNORY TRAYAPPLICAIION aCCEPTED aYr CLOTHES WASHER WAT€R H€ATER NOTICE THIS PEBMIT BECOMES AITJLL AND VOID IF WORI{OR CONSTBUC- TION AUTHOBIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WOBK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANOONEO FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER IVORK IS COM. MENCEO.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT,ALL PNOVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIV'E AUTHORITY TO VIOLAfE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRIJCTION. ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR--SINK OR DRAIN GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TR€ATI WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYST SEPTIC TANK & PIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PROPERLY VALIOATED IN THIS SPACC' THIS IS YOUR PENMIT PERMIT VALIOATION cK. M.O. ,{nTo ) WHITE - I NSPECTOR CANAFIY - AUDIT PINK - APPLICANT GOLDENROD - TEMP. FILE r5-a , - kl MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction or fruln a( Ltn-i / Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PEFMIT 1!see ertecxeo snttrl I Dt!c r. ZIP ',HONE MA tL AOORESg PHONE 5f*1/:, // CIt I IEC Y OR OESIGNEF MAI L AODi EsS P|{ONE MA tL AODhES S AiANCH USE OF 6U IIO N6 8 Class oI worK: tr NEW N AOOITION I ALTEBATION N REPAIR TypeotFuel: oit E Nat.Gas I leC. E PERMIT FEES Typ6 of EquipmentSPECIAL CONDITIONS: Air Cord. Units-H.P. Ea. Refrioeration Units-H.P. Ea, Boilers-H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units-Tonnaqe Ea. Forced Ai. Systems-B.T.U. M Ea. Gravitv Systems-B.T.U. M Ea.APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY:APPFOVED FOF ISSUANCE AY Floor Furnaces-B.T.U. M Wall Heaters B.T.U. Unit Heaters- B.T.U. MNOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORKOR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTBUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOO OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCEO, I HEREBY CERTIFV THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION cK, M.O. CASH , .<-'Adzz-" WHITE - INSPECTOR CANARY _ AUDIT PIN K _ APPLICANT GOLDEN ROD _ TEMP. FI LE / tof I BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Juridiction of. Applicant to complete spaces only. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATIONPLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTOR / za.-u {ls:r errrcxeo sx:rt)I DE5Ci. ztP PxOl{E MAIL ADDi ESS PHONE LICEflSI NO. ARCH IIEC T OR OEsICNER LICENSE NO. h5 MAIL DDRESs PHONE LICEN5E NO. MAI L ADDR E55 EIANCH USE OF BUILOING 8 Ctass ol work: D NEW tr AoDlTloN Xnlre nnrton tr REPAIR C MovE fl REM0VE 9 Describe work: l0 Change of use {rom ll Valuation of work: $ 4 t.rt a0 PERMIT FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size of Bldg. (Totall Sq. Ft. Firo SDrlnklert Reoulre< [y.r [1oAPP!ICATION ACCEPTEO BY OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES:No. of Owelllnt Unlts NOT ICE SEPARATE PERMITS AREFEOUIRED FOR ELECIRICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILAf,TNG OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 6() OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WOBK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. H€ALTH OEPT. FIRE DEPT. SOIL REPORT CANARY - AUDIT PINK - APPLICANT GOLDENFOD _ TEMP. FILE \\. {r\r1, . I', .:,. 't, \ 1' ,'t',/ 0ctober 4, 1972 MEMORAN DUM IU:TOWN COUNC I L FROM: J ERRY ALDR lCH, tsU I LD I NG 0FF lC I AL RE:TEMPORARY SCHOOL FACILITIES ABOVE VAIL VALLEY MEOICAL CENTER The floor plan as submltted does not totally quallfy as_a Group c, Dlvlslon 2 occupancy wlthln the allowonce of the unlform Bulldlng Code. However, ag the proPosed use ls temporary, one year, aid restrlcted to 60 students, lt ls felt by this Deport- m€nt- that speclal wavlerg need conslderatlon for the fol lowlng I tcms : l. Allowance for klndergarten and flrst or s€cond grade Puplls to be located above flrst story as Per Secflon 802 (b) of Unlform Bulldlng Code. 2. A I lowance for l6ss fhan 20 | rl ght-of-way acc€cs to pub I I c Etreet per Sectlon 803. l. Allowance of combustlbe, heavy tlmber 3tal rs In lleu of requlred noncombustlble per SEctlon 5505 (m). 4. Allowance for deletlng requlroment for automatlc sprlnkler under stal r por Sectl on 3802 ( b ) 3. 5, l{elver of permtt feos of opproxlmately $100 - $150. 6. lrlo I ver of contractor rs | | cense fee of $ 100. It ls also the oplnlon of thls Departmenf that fhe followlng requlranents be adhered to for the protectlon of the occupants: l. 6r f loor palnted corrldor romaln open and frce of obsiructlons. 2. Ustbl6 spEce below stalrlroy be elther restricted by enclogure or sprlnkler€d. 3. Moveab le partltlons f lammobl llty be llmlted fo materlalg hovlng a flame sPread clssslflcatlon of Class l. 4. fns?ai lotlon of 2 l/2n t lre hose cablnet or two 6 pound f I re exf I ngu I shcrs remote I y locafed ' All other ospects of the Plans ar€ Ylthln ihe regulatlons govern- Ing schools in the Unlform tlul ldlng Code. Contact rlth the State Dlvlslon of Labor Has mada by this offlce concernlng tho proPoscd schoot. Thetr approvol ras glven by Mr. Stewart Smlth. \o o Mr. John Horard Val I Medlcal CtlnlcValt, Colorado l. Intorlor roon 144 lr belng used for offfcethoreforc murt havc natural or m€ch!nlcal Codc. Ha rch SubJcct: Prcflnal. fnspccflon Dcar John: , Hlth regard. to my pre-ftnal inspection rlth you oorllcrI hove the fol lowlng conmcntg! Z. Seal wall comos off orol usc an approved cscutcheon plate rhcre hose blbbroof droln llne ln room 144. 5. Exlt door ncxf to dlshwashlng room must have panlc hardwcre. 4. Although re dld nof dlscuss thls, ploase be Informed that lfths second floor ls corrpletcd for hospltal us6, all stalrr,Includlng tho onc on the exterlor must be encloscd In accordlnccwlth Secflon 3508 of fho Unlform Buttdlng Code 5. The follorlng conments relats fo the cxlstlng portton of thebufldlng:a. Notural gos omergency gcncrator lr located ln a rtorogcroon vhlch lr prohlblted. As ro dlscussad, I rould rccoil- mend that the cmergqncy genar6tor be inoved lnto the far ond of the bol ler room. Emergency gencrator ls not operatlonal. Renrove atl materlat bolng gtored above celtlng rroagCorrldor connoctlon Cllnlc rnd hospltal shall ha.vc aflrc rated cell lng and mcchanlcol vcntl latlonAutomatlc closers sra roqulrcd on exlstlng doors at eattcnd of corrldor to Cl Intc.geal xall botyedn corrldor and Cllntc stors roon.Smal|3torcrooFatnorths|daofcx|st|ngc||n|chrr matcrl o I g stored on fop of p I pes and va I vis. Pl pes andvalvos nurt be clesr at al t tlmes for accesg, b. c. d. e. t. tt. *'. D h.F||estorageIneastemergencyexltcorrIdorIsprohIbIted. l.openwoodconstructIonIngoblewa||ofboIlerroomIs not a I lowed.j. Install lmpact bars on all exlstlng glass exlt doors' t. Per our dlscusslon, you wlll glve me a letfor stetlng fhaf the lnclnerator wlll not be used. 6o reference to my lettor of Augustl6, 1971, a copy of whlch ls Enclosed, ooy I brlng your attentlon to the followlng ltems: Item 2 - 0n my orlgtnol Plan check lettor of July [6, l97l tP tfle Archltecf, t statel that a new slte plan had to b9 submlttEd show- lng parklng and loadlng b6rths ond that all Parklng aroos must be-paved In occordance wlth ordlnalcs 7 (Serles of 1969) Artlcle lll Seciton 2 (d) (2, (f). ln rechecklng, we ogree wlth Mr. Dovlsr 5l requlred parklng spaces and he dld submlt s revlsed slte plan; howoyor, only hilf of fhe porklng area ls poved. Also, please.have the puUitc informed that tie only parklng allowed In front of the soutir slde of the butldlng would be parallel, slnce vehlclos are not ellowed to back onto u publlc str€of. Any varlance from the above wll I have to be approved by thc Board of Trustees. very sp€clf lc and I quote: rrln ls wlthln wafer closet compartmcnts front and sldes of urlnale shol I be nonabsorbont surface such as portland or other aPProved mater I a I wh I ch fo a finlshed helght of 4 feet' o type vh lch ls not adverse ly affecfed Page 2Vall Medlcal Cllnlc March 24, 1972 lfem l2 - Sectlon lTll (a) ls other than dwelllng unlts, wal and rvalls wlthln 2 lee't of the f Inlstred vlth a smooth, hard, cernent, conc16te, coramf c tl le sxt€nds upward onto the wolls and such materlal shall bo of by molsture.tr Ed Strub le Bulldlng Offlclal dw May I also brlng to your attenflon the fact that not over ono gailon of flammablo llquld may be stored ln any D occupancy' lf you have further quesilons, please feel free to call. lvhon the above ltems have been taken care of pl€ose requesf a flnal In- ipectlon, at which tlme a farmanent certlflcafe of occupancy wlll bs l ssued. Yourr tru I y, TOWN OF VA I L cc: Mr. Rodney S . Dav I s &uttc-' VAIL MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL CORP. BOX 36 vAlL, coLoRADO 81657 TELEPHONE 476.6395 +, 2r,tr*\ l), 9 March '1972 l4r. Ed Strub'le , Town of Vail Building Inspector Town Office Va'il , Col orado 8.|657 Dear Mr. Struble: lt was brought to ry attention yesterday that the new Clinic addi- tion has a building code violation in the new boiler room. It was stated to me that the Code calls for at'least two doors leading from the boi'ler room. Presently, there is on'ly one door as an exit from the new boiler room. It was also pointed out to me that the Code requires these doors to be swung outward fromtre boiler room. The present door swings inward. I would appreciate hearing from you as to the Code requ'irements and as to your opin'ion of the need to rectify the situation. Si ncerely, .. ----7t. '/,t-riv,' l 1'4-o'-/uY t/ ,,/ Thomas I. Steinberg, M.D. TIS/n]t CC: Mr. Francis Bush, Mr. John Howard, Mr. Rod Davis Fire Chief Adm'ini strator Brrl ldlng lala t'lr. John llossc l.nternrtloncl Cooftronee of !0 ' Souti Lor' Rob lcr PaiiOrna, . Cal.l torrf lr' 9 | l0 I $ubJrcf :' ,'l','val'l 'Yal lcy' llodlcai ccotcr Deer Jiihni i: ' Undcr roptplrate covor I ervr scndlng' You lto f leor ?!antbe-.rxlcilng cl Inlc, f logr plan ef th. n.r borpltlllnd,'! co9y.'ot'-thc:ncr llot plan thovlng hor thr bul'l .'i ll l,l :yo,y pllero roo{-"i,t tlnrsr tt' r.qoe8tdc In our. Yourr:'trtly, 8ul ldlng Offlclal ';t^ I .. ". dr l3rwN e,r \./,q.ru INtPECTTON r<FOuErT r t r\, /-tPaae l,,\r,,t zo - t.r 7e ,Joa Navrg L h, r- l'L-', 7. i t.rot- Ti-= (E6g:rrzez-AM PM C,o."ue.re. Gu,"rr*o tr FcoTrr..le' tr Fouua+1or.r I FFAMINa p 'Ftxra.u E P-o.r<n^u Locnltot",t : C o.re ra Req.l?a1,t're- ! fneey<o.x tr VEHser< n Koor E Z'<1a,. Loc.a1ror..r: {2"u nagt $lG- ! Poue++' U ?yaxvaee var- D Fru,qu n B Var<1wn- LocaTtoF-r: MEcualllcAL flVeu1t.a1,o*t fl Healr.r c- n Hoopr D ETar<1i'an- Localroxt: I onrere E ?^s<1,o,t. Localor.r Vearzv Foe.- 3--N-9fzEc:'T\oN Ti-re 'VEV THU€ Ftzr (t:4 5 {Q unn D A77gove7 fiVoa??Rovev berNrF"scl Co".e.1oNi .*r ' ' 6 Pl ;,,., r F.,<.;. ,* r Sxre LJr:v' ')t.,' r' :'t lf thcra lr anythlng rc canfrco fo call. Yourr trs I y., : TowN 0F vA-tL " .:;. Ed Ctnubto But ldlng.roff dw,t. ' ' ':ii' do fo holp, p :! I Orembrr tr7, ltTl l,lr. Leonard Haarsrock SuperlntendentEaite Counfy School DlsfrlctRE50J Eagle, Colorado Dcor Mr. Hrnmock: Slnce arrtngenents have been made lor the tfffh andslxth grados to move lnto thelr ner quarters aftcrthe tlrrt of tho ycrr, ya rould dpprrclote lf lf yourould tckc tfcps to h.yr tho teirpbiary bul ldlng I moved fo.fhe norfhcast corner of thc plryground as.re d I gcussc d lcasc f ee I \t 6-t RODNEY D AV I S A S S O C I AT E S ARCHITECTS RODNEY S. t]AVIS A I, A PATRICK I. WEISHAII, A I A IDE SEVENTEENTH CAIiL A IiOEI]PEN (; S.I. VIVIAN i{ ROTII ,{, I.A B II ] L D I N C S II I T E 8 ? ? VER, COLORADO BO]02 TELEPHONE 222.1i A3 Novernber 22, L97l Buil-ding Department Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 80435 Attention: Mr. Ed Struble Gentlemen:Rer Vail Valley Medical Center West Meadoqt Dr.' Vaj.lr Colo. Architectrs Job No. 6972 Regarding the fire dampers at the abowe referenced project 'the additional l0-gauge elbow above the fire damper is super- fluous, since the diffuser must be directly attached to the fire darnper with no light gauge metal sleeve between the fire damper and the diffuser. The additional- lO-gauge metal will , therefore' serve no Purpose towards fire barrier so we would like to eliminate it. If you have any comments on this natter, please contact us. ALCE STREET i\4ENT ' DEN Weishapl \fufi-- LOT]IS COOK PLUMBING AND HEATING, INC. 666 LIPAN STREET DENVER, COLORADO EO2O4 PHONE:303-25s.3431 October 13, 1971 Building Deportmenf Town of Voil Voil, Colorodo 80435 Attention: Mr. Ed Struble Gentlemen: tt-((-o -lRe: Voil Medicofenter West Meodow Dr. Voil, Colorodo ln regord to fire dompers ot the obove referenced proiect, we find fhot the odditionol l0-gouge elbow obove the fire domper is superfluous. The diffuser must be directly ottoched to the fire domper with no light gouge metol sleeve between the fire domper ond the diffuser. We feel the odditionol l0-gouge metol will serve no purpooe towords fire borrier ond moy be eliminoted. lf you hove ony comments on this motter, pleose contocf fhe writer. .,pL' Very trufy youn, Y- Y Louls cooK ILUMBTNG AND HEATTNG, rNc. b C\" e"('U./' ," '/ V."{/r,}}_, Gory E. Mohr /*7 i "!/fL- , W F A( f, GEM/es t\ "' *'H' ^ orspt.*g,h, Kov\ td, {*ti*#l 5,/- M ECHANICA L CONTRACTORS SINCE 1920 o''; I Sopt.tnber 20, I 1971 '. Hrp. Gordon Brl.ttanVall Cllnio, XnG.Val,Ir Colorado Doar l{r. BrLttan! Slnccrely, BOARD Or ZONrNc, Thc Boend of Zonlng, Appcala and ExanLncrato dony thc vanlanoc requort (8-18-71) fonIt was uianlrcuely ltlt that tha epninklarn.c.salr.It fop fl're protrctlon ln thir typr Hc mgrrt havlng to drny thc vanLanoa, has votrdthr Cll.nlc.'systlr! mrof frolll.ty. dn IIT . TOI.JN OF VA]L tscA:,D 0F zOtfiltc, .A,PPEALSi':Il'iUT:S CF SPECIAL l'tE;Titic OF o AND EXAI'IiNER,S SEPTEMBER 17, 1971 rr Ca1leo to 0rder A. 'lhe ineeting vras calred to onder at g:35 in the Town oft/ail of f ice.B. Tne following_ members were present: Messns. Clank, Knox,Hoyt, and Vielec. The following guesrs wene present: Messrs. Mike perkinsoi Donald R. Roank 6 Associates .ncnnescnt jno Steve Arnoldand Mr. Rodney Davis "up""""r,i;";"i;;;"i;.iiE"r crinic,and Fire Chi_e.'. Fran tsush.D. The minutes of the last meeting were nead and appnoved. Past Business A. Case 8-11-71.- Lapinata, C. L, Baribeau _ Request forbui-lding vaniance to constr"uct a pJ-ywood and shake roofover ou'cside ban in nonconformance with unif""*-ii"iiii"gcode. Mn. crar:k and the Anchitectural contr"or- Boa:rd recom-mended that we write a letten to the sign Review committeetelling them that the Lapinata has-four""signs. rir" crriei,Fran Bush feels that the construction is ."iio" haza::d.The Architectural contror Board was contacted on this va::i-ance and they have no objections to the appearance of tf,estructune. A motion was made by Mn. Hoyt t}tat r-,.pinata benequired to instafr s/Br gypsum boand on th" under:neath por-tion of the st'ucture. ThL-motion was seconded by Mr. viereand approved unanimouslv.B. case Z-9-7L - Donard R. Roark 6 Associa-res for steve Arnord -nequest fon side setback variance of 3 r in lieu of lO r .upon the recommendations of the Ar"chitectunal contnol Boar.d,a motion was made by l4r. viele that the 3r setback be allowedso that the owner can add 1Br' :roof overhang. The motion wasseconded by Mr. Knox and approved unani^orrJly. Mn. Clarkstated that we wourd write the anchitect a 1ltt"t" statr'nothat no Portion of the buildi-'o inn'r,,,i.iprojecti1o".othan3,oftnef;;.;:;t;"ilfiul"""n-ng'may New Business Case 8-13-71 - Vail Medical Clinic - Request to omit firesprinklen system from building in nonconfornance with sec.3802 (a) 5 of the Unifonm euilaing Code. Mr. Rodney Davisexplained the reasons for the request as follows: vJhen theluilAing was originally designed two years ago, the UniformBuiJ-ding code did not nequire sprinkre::s. gidi ru". takenon the set of plans without a sprinklen system and stil1went over the budget. Mr. Davis exptaineb that there areseveral gnoups who ane t::ying to have this section of theUni-form Buirding Code changed. I.c.8.0., howev""; ;;.""Jot .:feel that the raw wilr- be cnangea. He aiso stated thatDenven does not nequine a spni_ikler system in nospitafs.Mn. Davis also stated that it witt colt an additionar ss,0oo ) 'Pagd 2 Board of Minutes Zoning, Appeals a:rd Exaninersof Special Meeting of Seprember 17, 1971 (J C to $6,000 to add the sprinklers. Also, the only thingthat will burn in the Clinic buil-ding is *the funniture andbedding as everything else is fire rated.' It is his opinionthat the sprinklers are unnecessary due to the buildingbeing Type I construction. Fine Chief, Fnan Bush thenstated that the first time he considered this problem he hada tendency to lean toward Mr. Davis t opinion, but t:ren hestarted thinking about the large number of peopte in thebuilding who will be using oxygen which is very flammabfe.AlL naterial in the building becones impregnated with theoxygen and it only takes a spark to ser a fire. Also, the::e may be only one penson on duty at night and this one personcould not engage a standpipe system and put out a rire quick-Iy enough to save the l-ives of persons in burning beds.ide aF a Board would be in jeopardy if we do not enforceour Code and this could al_so cause our fire rating to go up. Mn. Clark th€n stated that we cannot base our decision onmonetary considenations. Mr. Davis then pointed out thatthere has not been a death recorded in Denve:: in an oxygen.fir"e. Aften considenable discussion from the Board, amotion was made by Mr.. Knox that the variance not be gnantedand the Clinic be nequined to instatl spninklers. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hoyt and approved unanimousl-y by the , tsoard. IV. 0the:: Business Appeal of l-icense nevocation of Vail Contr"actors -Mr. Bill Jordan, a parrner in VaiI Contnactors, stated theposition of the firm as fol-lows: They had a job inMintunn and the f irmrs subContracton - Mr., trl.ai rle nut alien on the b;ildins. vail contn;;i;";';";;-;;; !.r,en.lcontracto:: thnough an oral agreement. Three or foun yeansago they had a job fon Len Campbell for foun large apant-ments and they had to loan him money. Three yeans litenthey wene doing a job fon Bob Young. Jo::dan paid back theloan on the prior job and this left them short of money topay Mr., Waide. The lien on the iob has been taken cane ofa::r: t'nei n i ntazrnvretation of the .UeStiOn WaS that the *ientJr v Lq Ltrs YqsD Li\.,Ir wctD LllctLhad been applied by them or to them. Item 12 was then changedon the application. A motion was made by Mr. Viele thatlicense be reinstated and secondeci by M::-. Knox. The motionwas appt?oved unanimousfy by the Board B. The following applications fon contractors licenses wereappnoved subject to receipt of necessary insunance infonmation: 1 + c 6 7 . M::. Er^ich l^lindisch. Lane t Company. Pantin 6 Son. Masten PoolsHillcrest G1ass,B::ent ServiceGarfield Stucco t Concnete Pumping, Pl -a cf ar., l '(l 17,.19?r t, : ...,: It. Goldon BnlttanVall Cllnlc, Ino.Vail, Colonado Dcar l.h. Bnittan, to dcni the viniangri request (B-13-?l) for thE Cl"inia.It wa. unanlmucly fcLt that the spninkler Byltcn watnco.Bsary fon'fl.nc pnotectl.qr in thlE type of faeility. : tho.3oand of Zoning.i Agpeal,e and Exanlnsrs hae voted : It +.,not. wLthin the poHcr of .thc Boand to grant avarrlincc on th6 grounde of raonctary hrndahl! and forthtra rcaton, wd ncaiet having to dcny.the vanianoc. Thank you fon youn aoopenatLon. Sincencly, BOAND OF .ZONING, APPEALS A}TD E)(A}frNERS er(9 :. i3iR oa!t! oC' o -e. !-(tat J - trtlrl lr.r c,lrl(Jl o. I('tlrl IFIo, ltdl(Jlurle, l IEI e=--E: SErah r,Jz, EE'= 9c =a =>=c,=-C'- Icl =eB-E1 EE E<l!.r -Efr(JF- !le =et-,-d= ==ct- TTTZqZ 'ONVTTZqZ 'ON aGl' J =ctlrl trE lr,l(J coI! o. t{(J tr|E a,ulG a,o EL 0 -e C'cit -. ctlrl l! Fe,lr!l CJI o o- td(Jlrle, 3t i;tF :3 x: SE oo J H=3-E1 ,gIcr= sr- =E'= 3e =o-s- =a=-o- :3 R= g F q ^ i.e to t€ l6 INl; "i ,:l | :l: :l l | 'l l i5l j r3l i =z=tol- l3 t^o \l< ;= e" tg .l; dg i= s: E3 a.: '; i= ' ,- -l. 3'5E :, Q qr 't' F; ti($*ff,: b; ,{ (\ $\ \ N Il\N)Itlst\ IN N Eq6l l'-l^ \.\ \\ \ -N Lrl3 1litl ENq[ii\l i t: t€ ld l; llTl: frlEi=i:isis; 2-gia9| ireE eE El:e €eEl..:. ;IEEE; 3l8E€- Eli= i= =r. ".3l- '5l^4. I \==!l I-EEf;I lii;i t: IEEEi igTgT!3 '319; e;gE i: :e €e lEsdI 15E EE 19€ e5li;;:IE .E(. ". l^,t-lr=E!l z b F 4 i*;;; i:;; i |.= lEisii:t3I FTET lg€ Etl5E;;:e €e r9gI lie;E 195 95 li= c; I6 H= =-e.c-= -I s- EE(J l-- 2= =E ==o- ctlrl l! trGlrl(J c,c)lr o- lrl(Jlrle 9TTZ9Z .oN6TTZ9Z 'ON -ji. .s! :!il t E:wl:6tt o el EIola.l olll el:ldl Je- orrl treul(J E C'lr FA EoulE I B=etE= H=6= EE := 3E E: e- Icre-e-E= a? E- BE'= !lc =et=,- =,ta=-ct- g ET ei EE 8TTZ9Z, 'oN LTTZiZ 'ON l: :r : |j::: lE8'6l!5:€ 15E -E iE'-!"-t.5 --5 Fege lit it ii.tlFc|;1.^. I l=rEIPUZ lc c r' =.> !o '3 d9a=;g g= .i =EE box 63t o yail, colorado ot6Er . 3oartt0.trtg 19 71Septembe:r 7, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Board of Zoning, Appeals and Examinens will hold aSpecial Meeting on Fniday, Septemben 17 at 9:00 in the Town of Vail Office to hean a building variance for theVail Medical Clinic The Clinic has requested a vaniance concerning Seetion 3602 (a) 5 of the Uniform Building Code. The Clinicwishes to onit fine spninklen system fnom bui1ding due tohigh expense and fact that patients are monitored 24 hoursa day. If you wish to pnotestat the meeting or send. mail . this vaniance, please be pr:esentyour formal protest by centified Sincerely, BOARD 0F ZONING, APPEALS Al,lD EXAMINERS Robent R. Clank Chainman of the Board CERTIFIED MAIL Sent to: dw Mn. Inving J. Shwayder 5910 Happy Canyon Dr". Englewood, Co1o. 80110 Mn. Benjamin Duke 5550 South Steele St.Littleton, Co1o. 80121 Mn. Menvin LapinVail , Co1q. Mn. Mongan Douglas 31805 Evergreen Rd. Binmingham, Michigan M::. Elton Parks , .I::.1 Cantitoe Ave. Englewood, Colo. 80110 Mr. Richard Haugenman7I1 Pneston Towe::; Da11as, Tex 7 5225 o o:1 It" I I i APPLICATIONTO APPEAR BEFORE THEBOARD OF ZOMNG AD'USTMENT BOARD OF BUILDING APPEALS , r, vanrance fnom the0f the Vail Zoning nespectfully requestrequrrementsot Secti.onOrdinance in order to and sect onBuildingCode oroer to rn.building code vaniances the Boand may considen only, 1. suit-ability of altennate mateniats and methods of constnuction and,2.. neasonabte intenpnetationJ-oi- tn. provisio";-;r -i;; -;;;.:"-' The Adninistnative official nay charrenge any vaniance gnanted whichgoes beyond the scope of the p6rvens or fne a6and. E''"'LE\' '!r'J .It is undenstood that a fee of $25.00 is payable?-t:l (J.O) day posting peniod is nequin.a-pi,io"-on the above nequeets. - in advance and thatto a publio heaning l: I I I I I I I I\ -l o Septcrnbcn 21, I97l lt'. L. A. HannookSugcrintendcnt Eaglc County School Dl.strict Re 50,.IEaglo, Colorado 81631 Dean Sin: It appearo that thc Echool chccksd r{ith cvcnlDody in l:Il^l.tgfg*g_th. toectl.on, otc . fon trrc nel i"rpoo"oy::1":l lul.ldlng oTcrpt wtth ths bultdlng departncnt.'rne pr.8.nt location doca not n6€t unif6nm burraint codrin aa muoh ae lt ia not 20 | fnon the cxigttng Uuifafneand:rLtr flflr!-ncxt to thc conuueiio"-;i;-6;"Iii or inccxl'etlng bulldlng bollcr roon. The day_I dlscovencd that the bulldlng was put on par-mrncnt foundati.ons, youn agststini;-!6.'-noglri,-iiappcneoto bc t!.nc.rnd I told him I rroutd rcc tf ii-"i,ul.a Ucp-onnieaiblc to l.et thc buirding rsnain whenc ti-ia ronthe ghort p?rlod of ttme unttt-the claeges-an.-rovea toIl?.i?tr ltuntctpal Bultdl.ng. At that tlJtre, bcforc theDu:_rdang re usrd any nore lt nuat bc noved to noet theCode nequf,renentg. Yours tnuly, TOWN OF VArL Ed StrubleBuilding Offlctal dw P.O. BOX 7 vAtL, coLo. 81657 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE September 20, 1971 Mr. L. Su pe ri EAGLE Eag 1e , A. Hammock ntendent C0UNTY SCH00L DISTRICT Re 50J Colorado 8.l63.l Dear Leonard: Sincerely ARCHI CONTROL COMl'4ITTEE PhlS/s an The Commtttee has granted tempo bui l ding with the request thatin keeping with the surrounding Ed Strub'le has reported that the building cannot renainin its present locat'ion. The Architectura'l Contro'l Cornmitteewill inbpect the site and w'i'll be back in touch with you. The Architectura'l Contro'l Committee has reviewed your requestfor a temporary building to house the Vail Elementary School. rary approval for this the bui 1di ng be s tai ned brown area. Chai rmqn o Auguet 16, l97I Hn. Patnick rI . lfriehapl Rodnay S. Davis Aeeocl.ateBIdbat Ccnant BulLdingS2l - LTth stnect r'- Dlnvar, Colonado 80202 Sublcct: VaiI Valley Connunlty tlealth Cllnic Dear Sl,r: In nefercnce to youn lctt€t of Auguet 5 whiah wae Ln &nawer to myplan cheek of the abovc-gubJect proJect, I have the following collnonta: Itcn 2 - 59 parking Bpaoes ara ehown and ury figunea sholr that ?5 anc ncguired. A variancs rill be nequired if you wirh to€tay urith the 59 apac'ea. In talking with the Town lLanagcr, I nlght infonn you that we would recounend appnovalol euch a vanl,anoe on the baeis that the anga ia thcnc,but iEntt gaved. It*q 6 - Aaconding to your dstail dnawlng, the roofing ia not as yout:IcttGr statcs; cprclflcally, the 1/2" pl.ywood and 2 x 2 elcepcne ane not non-oorobugtlblc ae ncgubed. Itcn 12- Gypsun board wLth gaint doea not ncet the nequinenente of SectLon I71I (a). Thie too will naquba a variance lf you wieh to ust thc bypaun bocnd and palnt *hl.ch agaln, I would nccounand appnoval of einca I talked with Ralph Kanlbengat the State Hcalth Dclnrtucnt. Itcn 16- I ftnd no evlddnos of, oonplalnce wlth Ssctlon 3006 (b) rragardl.ng ven€Gr !0 | above gnound cLevatlona. ftan I8- Whenever th. gtats HGalth requlrsnsnts and the Codss adopt.dby ths Tonn of Valt vary, thr nost rsstriotlvs ohall govrnn.fn thl.c cage aprinkleno are nrquined and thG onl-y othcn. nGgounar ie a vartanoo. \ \? I cannot lssua a pennit uritll I havc anawsra on thc liated Ltcna. Conetnuctl.on hac lhcady started on thig pboJect, and thenef,onc, itls to the benqflt of all concerned that tho afonementionod itsng br corsncctcd fuorqcdiatrly eo thc pcnrnlt nay be lsauad. At Dresent you ar:e nPR0CEEbII{G AT y0UR OltN RIgKn as dcflncd in Sectlon 302. Youna truly, TOHN OT VAIL Ed St:ruble..Bullding Official dw ccr llydcn t Bush Cqnsbluotion Co.Utr, Go:rdon Brittant{r. !t. Ralph Kanlbcng - Statc Haalth Depantnent RODNEY D AV I S A S S O C I AT E S ARCHITECTS (iA;iL A i((rEl'PEN \/ I V I A \ lvl . R O r H ROI)NEY S L\,\V]S ,{ I PATRTCK ]. \\,'EJST{AIL A I August 26, L97L Town of Vail Box 631-. Vail , Colorado Attention: Mr. Gentlemen:Re: VaiI Valley Community Health Clinic Architect's Project No. 5972 This is in ref'erence to your letter of August L6, L971 , to ourl"lr. Patrick J. Weishapl . Item You state that the 59 spaces that we show are inadequate.First, we can indicate the 75 that you mentioned on theplans, whether it is paved or noti because we can find nothing in the Specifications that say the parking lot has to be paved. That area up there has a hard earth surface and can be used for parking, even in the winter, since I myself have parked on the area during the height of the winter season. However, to avoid asking for a variance, we do not understand how you arrived at the figures requiring 75 spaces. As we interpret the Code. the second floor of the existingbuilding requires J-2 spaces for the classrooms; the first fLoor of the existing building (excluding storage room, mechanical rooms, corridors, stairs and pubJ-ic toilets, which, incid.entally, is allowed by the code to exclude them) is an area of 3276 square feet divided by 200 or J-7 spaces; the first floor of the new addition (excluding as above) gives us 4410 square feet divided by 200 or 22 spacesi and the second floor of the new addition is storage and requires no spaces. Therefore, by our calcu-lations, 51 spaces are required. We have provid.ed 59. However, since you indicate a variance is undoubtedlyobtainable, perhaps all this is academic. we would 81657 Ed Strubl-e, Building Official IDEAI, CEIJLNT [I] ILL-IIN(] 5II ]'IE 8]? SEVENTEENTH STREET 'IENVER, COLORADo 80202 TELEPHoNE 222'1'.J Town of Vail Item 6: Item t2: Item 16: Item 18: Paqe Two August 26, l97L of proceeding, since one other portion,letter. follow your advice on the best ways we may have to ask for variance on which we wil-l discuss later in this Here we very emphatically do not agxee because Section 32O4 of th,e Uniform Building Code allows us to use pllnrood and, two-by-two sleepers since $re have noncombustiblematerial over and noncombustibl-e below. That paragraph states specifically that you can have combustible insula- tion between two noncombustible materials, and this surely includes pl1nuood, which can certainly be considered no more hazardous and is, in fact, an insulation material in many instances. We sertainly do not understand how gypsum board with paint does not meet the section you referenced. However, since you are willing to go along with this because the Colorado Department of Health and Mr. Karlberg approve, it becomes acad.emic and we will- certainJ-y ask for a variance of this item, rather than continual semantics argument. Hpre we would refer you to our detail on SheeL 52, nunbered #. There is a ledge angle which runs horizontally and dofrplies with the veneer reguirements of the Section 3006 (b) that you refer to. This angle was not shown on our archi-tectural section, since it was a structural item and perhaps this is the reason that you did not see that the waIl was not over 12 feet in height wittrout a carrying angle.Itrerefore, the job as drawn and detailed does comply withthe section that you quote. We are well aware that some localities d.o require sprinkling of these facilities. Here, however, we do intend to ask for a variance because this involves several thousand dollars of needless expense. In fact, I am on a national committee for hospital design of The American Institute of Architects, and we are as a committee protesting this interpretation, along with many other officials in the health field. I have been informed that one of the staff members at the State Board of HeaLth here in Colorado was on the UniformBuilding Code Cormnittee and is well aware that this iten is very controversial and coming up for considerable discussionin October. There is a strong move on foot to have it repealed at that time, though we are not certain that wewill be able to overcome the sprinkler lobby in this action,especiall-y since, in our opinion, they have done a job ofover-sell-ing the use of sprinkJ-ers, particularly in heal-thfacilities. Town of Vail Page Three August 26, L97L In many instances, in our opinion, sprinklers are a hazard. in health facilities' as well as a needl-ess exPense. Since there is under consideration a variance, i.e., if a building is rnanned 24 hours a day, the sprinklers will not be re- quired, we will ask for a variance on this itern specifically. I expect to be in Vail next week and will attempt to perhaps give you pretiminary warning in order that we could discuss these items in person. I would also appreciate being advised how we 9o about obtaining the variance. Very truJ-y yours, t"Z-".-"J-^f*; Rodney S. lavis3 DICTATED BUT NOT READ cc: Hyder & Eush Construction Co. lr!r. Gordon Brittanl,Ir. J. Ralph Karlberg - State HeaLth Department r Iv RODNEY S. DAVIS ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS CARI- A. KOEP?]J\ C S ] VIVLAN \i ROT]I F.OL-iNEY S DAVIS A I. A I,\TRICK I. \VEISHAPL A i ,\ August 5, L97L I'{r. Ed Struble Buil-ding Official Town of Vail Box 631Vail, Colorado 8L65? Dear Mr. Struble: Re: Vail Valley Community Health Cl-inic Architectrs Job No. 6972 The following changes have been incorporated in the drawinqs as requested by your l-etter of July L6, I97I. A change ord.er for these changes is requested of the Contractor by virtue of a copy of this letter. 1. Front, side and rear setbacks have been added to the siteplan. This is not a change. 2. Required. parking has been shown on the site plan as requested. Revised Sheet A-1 attached. 3. A11 interior habitable rooms are mechanically ventilated' this is no change from Contract Documents. 4. Building shaLL be provided with an approved outside gas shut- off valve conspicously marked. 5. The State Industrial- Commission has no jurisd.iction over this building since the facility is licensed by the State of Colorado Department of Health. This has been confirmed by the Department of Health, and drawings have been submitted to and approved by the Department. Final inspection will be made by this department. 6. Shingles are cement asbestos, sheathing is gypsum firecode ,,/ sheathing--both are fire retardant. This is no change from' Contract Drawings and Specifications. 7. AII walls, floors, roofs, shaft enclosures, etc., are in accordance with table L7-A, type 1 construction. FfiTs is no change from Contract Drawings. IDtiAL CElr,rtNf BuILDINC StllTE r27 82I SEVENTEENTH STREET DE}.]VE?., COLORADO 8C]02 TELEPHONE 222'11I3 I -Mr. Ed Struble Page Two August 5, L97L 8. Portion of wa1ls between Closet l-l-4 and Med.icine 1J-6, and Closet 115 and Office l-17 shal-l be changed. to two hour non- combustible construction. 9. Exterior non-bearing walls shall be minimum one hour fireresistive, non-combustible construction. This is no changfe from the Contract Drawings. 10. Exterior wood paneling shall be mad.e fire retardant with albipaint. This is a change from the Contract Documents. 11 . A11 exterior walls meet requirements of L7O7 (a), by virtue of water repellent panel sheaLhing as per Contract Documents.Fire code sheathing complies with water resistance require- ments of ASTM designation C79-52. 12. Toilet and Bath rooms have smooth, hard., non-absorbing surfaceof enamel , acceptable to the Department of Health. No change required.. 13. Cavity wal-ls will have metal ties in accordance with Section 2410(b), as per the Contract Documents. No change required. 14. Roof curbs shall be constructed with non-combustible wood.This is a chanse. 15. Guardrails at stair landings shal-I be changed to 42" in height. . 16. Brick veneer work to be in accordance with the code and will-be anchored directly to the metal studs, as per ContractDocuments. No change required. 17. Exit sign circuits to be in accordance with Section 3312(c),as per Contract Documents. No change required. -I8. Storage rooms have been designed with fire detection heads. The plans as such have been subrnitted to the State Departmentof Health, and no exception was taken. Very truly yours,,. " -'/,./*---:---."\ L 7 /- ,(,;4+i " Z'/-z&lufPatrick'J/ weishapl .' T Enclosures ( Hyder & Bush Construction Co.Mr. Gordon Brittan />Zea L64 r 3to 3aa. (b) s JuIy 16, 1971 Rodney S. Davie AEsocLatee 821 Seventeenth Stnect Denvenn Colonado 80202 Subject: Vail Medj-cat Centen Gentlemen: I have checked the pl.ane fon the above-subJect Job in aceordancewith the pnovisions Bet forth in the 1970 Unifonn Building Code aE amended and adopted by the Town of Vail, and find the following: Use zone ie Multi-Famil-y; occupancy group ie D-2; type of conetructionie I. The following itens ehall be connected by nev ieed plane or addendun pnion to ieEuance of building pcnmit: L. Show front, glde and :rear setbaoks (minirnurn of 10f -0" fronnearest point of etructure) on eite pIan. 2. Subnit plan of nequined parklng and one loading benth fon the ambul,anco. Thene shall be two spaces fon each classroom and one 6Pace fon eveny 200 square feet in the buitding excluding e3.oeets,etonage, mechanical noon, etc. No parking nay be ueed that' hae to back out onto,a roadsray. A copy of panking epaee andaigle size Le enqlosed. 3. A11 lnterion habitable noorne ahall be urechanicall.y ventilatedin accondance with Sectlon 605. If syetern is pnesentj.y designcdto thls epecLfieationn a letten fopm the mechanical engineeratating this fact will euffice. The eornpleted syetem shall be checked with a velometen by this offiee. 4. Building ehall be provided with an approved outeide gae shutoffvalve conepiououaly narkad. 5. Upon completion, thie offiee wiII nequire a letter from thc StateIndustnial Cornniesion that the fine alann and spninkler syatems,ete. are in aecondance with their requirements. 6. Shinglee, eheathing, and sleepene at noof ehall be fire netandant. 7. A1l walle, floone, roofs, shaft encloeunes, etc. shall be in ascordance with Table I7-A, Type I construction (also see tableeq3-A, 43-8, and 43-C for. nequinernente). -2- 8. Portion of walls (bctween closet lI4 and nedicine 116, and aloaet 115 and office 117) that will borden futune shaft encloaune. shall be two hour non-oombuetible oongtnuction. 9. AII exterion non-bearing waIls ehall be a ninimum of one hourfire nceietivsr tlofl-combustible conetnuction (ne: Iton 7 above). L0. Exterion wood Eheathing shall be fine retardant. 11. All exterion walle ehall have a weathen neeietiva barrlen Ln accondance nith eection 170? (a). L2. ALI toilet and bathroom walls ehall have a smooth har:d, non- abaonbent sunface in accor.dance with Section 1711 . 13. Cavity wall (reE q/A5) does not have metal ties in accondance$rith section 2410 (b). Ul . Roof cu:rb (ne: 13 and lq/Aq) shal1 be of non-combuetible con-struction. 15. Guandnail at etair landings shall be a ninirnum of 42" in height. 15. Brick venoer ehal,l be in accondance wlth Section 3004 (a) and (c) and 3006 (b). Ties shall be anchoned dinectly to the metal etude. L7. Exit eign cincuite shaLl be in accondance with Section 3312 (c) 2. 18. Sp:rinklen system nequired *l accondanco with Section 3802 (b) 5. l'lhen the above itema have been corrreeted by revised plans or addendum,I will be naady to ieEue a building pe:nnit for the subject job.If any itens ane clarified in the epecifications, p1-ease note inyour l€tter. Yours veny tnuly, TOWN OF VAIL Ed StrubleBuilding Official dw cc: Hyden 6 Buah Conatnuction ConpanyHr. Gondon Bnittan (tfu ^(pyr ,vt, r\ Dfl lr4u\uK Jrt 'utttf \i t Y* n9nv q0n ). f)) | ,F' t.. "rff"^it No': / t PLAN CHECK LTST ^/t\/&' tr .t) n, |,t 1 -.oate )/'tlr, z, 7lBut-Icinq //lFnr,., t CePT€k Use Zone Occupancy Gr"ou c-1 Avenage Gnade l_. , Jr 4. Height of Building No. of Stonies Floor Ar:ea N61^J - l5r5'7o EK(srb- 14,zss: Type of Constnucti.on r Lot Anea ?4 80o <,F. 6. 7. 8. o 10. 11". t2, 14. Floon Anea Ratio Setbacks Requi:red: - F:ront /O Compliance With: a) Occupancy Sec. 5 Side / o Rea:: / O Occupant toaa //0 u^,<-t-rt '/z-zfrl Par:king aequirea 1{ F A:u^thtia.,u'>- Loading Ber^ths Requined t--o) Occupancy Group C t d) Type Const. e) Exits Sec. 33 f) Gener.al Engng. Sec, 23 g) Mason:ry Sec. 24 n/ wooo >ec. z5 j) Concrete Sec. 26 )< k) Stee1 Sec. 27 I I Ex., Fdtns., Ret. Wal1s Sec. 29L) n) o) yt n) s) L) v) x) y) z) aa) au) 4V) Veneen Sec. 30 Roof Const. Sec. 32 Skylights Sec, 3rr Penthouses Sec. 36 Fineplaces Sec. 37 Stages Sec. 39 Fine Protection Sec. 42 Fine Standands Sec. 43 Public Pnotections Sec. 44 Occ. of Pub. P:rop. Sec. 45 Dnywall 6 Plaste:r Sec. 47 Pne-Fabnicated Const. Sec. 50 Plastics Sec. 52 Glass t Glazing Sec. 54 Fine Svstems Sec. {? ',t' / ',(O. . i) a Y \\., 88 to 8o 6I /4ao t6 \o iJf2 ,z t I IT roNPLUMBING Juridiction of Applicant to comptete numbared spaces only. (LlsEE atracHEo aHactl MAt L ADDiEgg Llzto,c 7Lc 4z-sln/Ev,aaot otr- . LIC€N5E NO, zi{-<t?/ aFcxrlEcr oi oEsrGNEi LICENSE NO.4f, EI{CINEEi LtcEftsc xo. t93-f IJSE OF 6UILOING 8 ctass of work: D NEw h/eootrtol tr ALTERATIoN tr REPATR Typ. ol Fixtur. or lt m WATER CLOSET (TOI LET'SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WAsH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK & OIsP. LAUNORY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WAT€R HEATER UR INALNOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR--SINK OR ORAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING A TREATING EQUIP, WASTE INT€RCEPTOR LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM M.O.,oto"r,"ty' i lr, WHEN PBOPERLY VALIDATED IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERM ITPLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE _ INSPECTOR CANARY _ AUOIT PIN K _ APPLICANT GOLDENFOO - TEMP. F ILE o o Hte'/14'4 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION r'I- Town of VoilJurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. lfse: rrtncxeo sxee r) | 0 Elc i. 2v LICENSE NO. AFCHITECI OF DESIGI{Ei LICENSE NO, EXGINEEi MA tL AOohEs s PaONE U5E OF 6UILOING 8 CIas of worK: D NEW E NOOITIOH tr ALTERATION ! REPAIR woter heot ond ventilotion. Boiler with L. P. conversion Type of Fuel: Oir D Nat. Gas I t-Pc. E PERMIT FEES Type of EquipmentSPECIAL CONDITIONS: Air Cond. Units-H.P. Ea. Un its-H.P. Ea. Boilers-H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units-Tonnaoe Ea. Forced Air Svstems-B.T.U. t\4 Ea. Gravity Systems-B.T.U. M Ea.APPROV€O FOA ISSUAIICE 8Y Floor Furnaces-B.T.U. M Wall Heaters-8.T.U. Unit Heaters- B.T.U.NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TroN AUTHOFTZED !S NOT COMMENCED rurTHrN 60 OAYS, OR tF CONSTRUCTION OR WOFK IS SUSPENDEO OR ABANOONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND COR R€CT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. Venlilation Fan Air Handlino Unit- PERMIT TOTAL FEE S WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION M.O. WHITE - I NSPECTOR CAN ARY _ AU DIT PINK _ APPLICANT GO LDEN ROD _ TEMP. FI LE Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered 'fd'ces only. fos?tT/+L Aoorrre,,l To ett*tr<. lDd(" ^.t^"".o .*".tt ,"*.f4tL l/r+", MAt L AODiE3t (o-o,Cewe LICEN!' NO.b{ LrcEl{3E NO. Bou*i"j I tcaNst {o. : {tE- lEr{oEi 6 L ADDrEs3 - an LA , U9E OF IUI LOING t7.k- ,/'8 Clas of work: PI HfW DITION D ALTERATION tr REPAIR tr MOVE tr REi'OVE qas / laps/E4c /zail 2oor.rz{-€t Cou.eetg l0 Change ol use from 1l Valuation of work: $31O, ooo ":.,.^*rrr..y'!6, {d sfze or Brds. 15r572 (Totaf l sq. Fr. (rvo, Firc Sprlnklors Requtrod Ety.s ENo Ii"il* u",,,- | -OFFSTREET PARKING SPACEST NOTTCE {. SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. . TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENOED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. srcNAtuiE of col|ttacloi oR AUrHoilzto aoEtT SOIL REPORT \ BurDfllc pru*,tr APPLTcAioN PPJ WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED THIS SPACE} THIS PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMTT vALrDAr$.l INSPECTOR REOiDER FROM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILOING OFFICIALS ' !O SO. LOs iOBLES ' PA9ADENA, CALITORNIA 9I tOIForm lOO.l 969 / 1.-'"-t INSPECTION RECORD OATE FEMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING t CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT, LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT, LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. ! .\5rEr1y* o'n'.l\.\Cpe (:fr F";") ',r'1o'no rP q4, *.t\i\$\(i::\l:\NN\):i\ '\\, i.\s,\*N*t*\rt\- ''fr r Name of Addness Lot VAIL I.'ATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTP. 0. Box 631 VAIL, C0L0RAD0 81657 Business on Home Ownen VArr- &ute fu'zrorJ 1. Bas.lst 2nd 3rd 4th Toilet , Urilral ,Residential /Cornmercial Showen on Tub Ice Machines llater Coolers and waten fountains Saunas Basin and Toilet One-Half Bath Fu}I Bath ( Showe:r o:: Tub,Basin, Toi.let ) on I'lashbowlx 0.75 = Bedroorns, Offices, Shops, Studios) lJ x L.00x 1.50 x 0.25 = x 0,25 = x 0.25 = 6*1.50 = 7x 3.00 =6, oo 17 xL.oo = lZ,oo z,{bo m 2 3. 4. 5. b. Bas. 1 ^+J-J L 2nd ? vrl 4th Bas 1rA 3r"d 4th Bas l> L 2nd 3nd 4th Bas. IDL 3rd 4th Bas I- L 2nd 4th 9.oo Bas rAl! *t!*:jmz-rLr Kooms ( Lavang rooms, 3:rd lr {- 1^'t Ll I Bas J.D L 2nd ? vri 4th Bas. J.st | ( /?l 2nd - Kitchens Commenciaf I x 2.50 = /,60o3rd-Dishwasher lxf.oo=-7:56-ar'th - Seating ; 4 tZS ---;x 2.50 = ffi R.r c lst - 2nd - 3rd Laundr v Residential4th - Pen Washer x 0.50 = Kitchens Residential I " 2.50 =Dishwasher x 1.00 = a r0. .t 11.BaEIst 2nd 3nd 4th Laundny Corunencial Pen !{aEher Outside Water(Mininun of one) OutEide Spninklere Fine Hose Cabinets Service Station Swinning PooL Convention Center Pen Pereon x 2.00 = t2.x 1.00 = x 0.33 = x 1.00 = x30.00 = x 5.00 : x 0.10 = 13.Bas l-st 2nd 3nd l+th Ilt. 15, I6 Baslst 2nd 3nd l+th TOTAL POINTS 10.00 Points = 1.00 tlnit Total UnitE x $300.00 =$ Following the oonpletion of conEtnuction of arl residential andcornmencial structunes, the Distnict shalr penfonn a phyeicaL in- -epection of all pnenises to deternine the nunber of points tobe asEeseed acconding to the Water and Sewen Tap Fee-and Rateschedure, as amendeir and the District ehall nake any adjustnentsneceeaary in the oniginar tap fee paid. This inspection-sharlalEo deternine the building ownenrs water and sentr senvicechange. Inspectorl Board of DirectorsVail Waten and Sanitation District STATE OT CO!.ORADO }I ss. COI'NTY Or. EAGLE I DECLARATION CF UAND. ALI.OCATION I, @, D$!rg flrat dulY sworn uPon oath' depoee and oay that ini folfowing etatemcnte are true and correct accorClng to my begt knowledge, informatlon and belief' to wit: l. That thie atatement lg made ln conjunction with the filtng of an appllcatioo for a butlding pertnit to the Town of lVall and to comply wlth tha tequiremente of Artlcle VII, Section 3, Otdinancc Number ? (Serieo of 1969) Zonlng Ordinaace for the Town of Vall. 2, Thc ae followe:11 . Eag1e County-1. . (Deacriptionmat be attached oa survcyorra map may be uaed to ghow des- criptlon. ) 3. The propoaed building slte contalna @ aqua-ao feet, and the propoeed butlding coatains see aitportea equare feet of erea aa defined ia the eforeaaid Z.oning Ordinance. 4. The propoeed bullding, aa it relatea to the building aite area, cou.rpliea to the Floor Area Rptlo for the zoning which eppllee to the building Bits, ar defincd in the' aforeaald lntfrfft$tff""". ,,, t{rcmD{mnn''ii6fr'-T?6'r lt c orPorat lon The foregoing affidavlt and dcclaratlon was duly arrbacrlbed and lworn to bcfore me, 8.notary publlc, av *O>dAv W- . tbis eAil.r dolrof-!!!4g,--, 1969. v f.tOfenY PUBLIC descriptlon of the building site for the propoeed building le $l Cornrnrsiur upuss febluail [3' lg''' GOAL $770,000 Phonc; 303-476-5695 Para. l!3. The proposed bulld.lng slte contalns 94800 square feet, and the proposed bulldlng oontalns 8810 square feet tn the newbulIdlng, flrst floor; 9935 square feet exlstlng bulldlng, flrst floorr 6?60 squa?e feet ln the new bulldlng' seoond.floor; 4320 Ln the exlstlng bu1ld.1ng, second. floor. Vall C1lnlo, Inc. Ullti'!'(r Saro l. I t9, tt lsElo t4 Ltr 2 ),gzt 417r{ 4 ",zo tq25{ VAI] COTNUXIIY ClIilIC BUI1DTTG FUXD CATPATGX P.O. BOX 411 vArL, coLoRADO 81657 GORDON G. BRITTAN Ce neral Campoign Chairmon ARTHUF G, BISHOP Adwnce Gifts Chairn,dn LARRY BURDICK JAMES CUNNINGHAM JOHN DONOVAN MRS. D. GORSUCH MRS. J. LANGMAID JOSEF STAUFER Co-Chairmen Commerciol Diuision MRS. J. DOBSON Ceneral Solicitat ions MRS. JACK A. OLESON Eagle County Chairman JACK IVIALO Lletropoliton Detoer BOARD OF DI RECTORS VAIL CLINIC. INC. JOHN D. MURCHISON hesident ARTHUR G. BISHOP GORDON G. BR ITTAN FOBERT M, DRISKO, M.D. RAYMOND E, HANKAMER JAMES A. KRENTLE R ALFRED UIHLEIN, M.O. MRS, JACK A. OLESON MRS. DAVID GORSUCH t1?fr opkd -1 La x. 5z- z (f (( ?9 r-zo = lza 27 r--3o = 8lo lO {-'z-a = Vz-a7 Klb22 K8o =naa_d7-T4t v E?-t 9 Trarc- t425 = 7Ma Jooo ,€o 4?'o0'6o\l + {, S.Z-'l L4 (/,./ c 66 f zzz-' )4"'3:j'iv-u ) ,-1- 2/a I =[7 f /-t' s^L'1-"_.'<'u4 -- t{" t' @ 6\lry @ &U @ /4 k.4__.-_ ?{ d, f Ut'tl'1"t "-e"-,wal' #'t, g.-lfl fuftJ^"+- d-a-n-- 0 ^ n.^+- ti 0.-'-st rr -ll*l; t4.pnl i..,-(^ 1-; 4 GX pa-;t- -! -+/* @..fr,pt^;.,; i"tii- a,he.4. fi 4il c*n-its<- sp-'^,'*r<,o T^- ^"f:* o^Jt +/,oL "^lt *^*"- a- U.^-* (^- ^1/-' B-r-^^l 4 A4'+"-r". q-4a u c tni-+ *i- ir r: COMMENTS OR ASSUMPTIONS: \Atur. c.oLO.3 o*n"r..l/..v aruati#/ 4. a,. z.e.?.. Bpe of 4ru1 - Occupanty T,\ -.i Cbnstruction . ..... -A^............C1assif ication ..J2.:.-*..--.... Occupanty Fi re Zone tlo.. -.....J......-....Stories... -....*. Total Af lowable F loor Ar ea.. !. /.'..c:.!i.-*........-..Sq. Ft. Basis for lncrease \,< of the(-!ry.' Cora€ction3 checked below are to be made on Thc approval of plans and specitications does State Law. plans betore permit is issued. not permit the violation ot any section Euilding Code, or othet City Ordinance or GENERAL Valuation should be $................................ Show iob address on Plans. Give name ot person responsible lor plans. Submit fullv dimensioned plot plan. Give alt dimensions on Plot Plan. AREA LIMITATIONS AND GENERAL OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS Ground elevations should be shown et cornets (ilro,"' width of all openings limited to 25 perVcent of the wall length In the story under ot the building and at changes In ground sloge. The Sround elevations should be taken at the lowcst point between the exterror wall and a point 5 teet out or at the proDerty line' It closer. Where the extertor wall ts parallel to and within 5 feet ot a DUblrc srdewalk, alley, or other public way, the Sround elevatrons should be the elevatron of the publrc way. The numb€r of stories in thrs burldrng cannot be determrned Provrde delails to show that . r*(... ..,-...... . . until this data is turnished. The total floor area is lrmited lo souare fe€t. Secirons 505 and 506.. - Unobstructed yards of . . =2..+........-.feet should ba maintained on ........-..sides ot the building for area puiposes, Section 506. consideration. (c) All openings protected with firc assemblies side of the wall are required. Section 30.102. U.8.C. Standards. A lire-resistive occupancy separation in conform- ance with Table No. 5.8 and Section 503 is reouired betveen ihe( - r.'t-L, (<-4t-<e,<-- .... (..-..-.-.....hours) :. .:. : : : :: :::. : .. i:. ::*j::i Horizontal occupancy separations should be su9. ported with a structural system havrng equrva' lent fire.resrstive protectron. Sectron 503 (d). The buifdfng rs lmited to. ....J.... slones (.....-........... -... teet in heiSht) as a Type . ........ structure. Section 507 and Table No. 5.O. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Type V (lll.N) (lV.N) buildings are not permrtted in Fire Zone No. l. Sectron 1602 (a). Root coverings should be lire retardant- Sectron 1603 (a) or 17O4.soeciticatrons com- plying with 13. .hour Jrea separatron walls should comply wr,th Sectron 5o5 nJ4Z+4 .- ,(-1a,J Lr"r(t.rts/'ad ,(a) Ertend vertically from the foundation lo a S .nn' ' point 30 inches above the root. ,/(,^ c ' ( having a fire.resistive rating of one-and'one- /:.halt (three) hours. ((d) Ducts through area separation walls should\-te avoided. ll allowed, tire dampers on each fr, Shcct No,......1......0f.........€-........Snccts are requrred. D lid! should be ot .......2...hour constfuction Secrion .................... 03 (a). .{-z/, lZ rl Openings in extenor (court) walls within ............teet of property lines should be protected. with three.tourths.hour fire assemblies. Section .................. 03 (b). Exterior (€e{ntt wa Usable space under the fi6t lloor except In Group l(J) Occupancres shouid be enclcsed a3 required in Section 1703. Fire-resistive constructron for structural elementsin the exterior walls should comoly wrth Foot. note No. I of Table No. '17.A ind Sectron See Section L7O2 lor clarification. Building paper should be applred to exterior wafls as specrfaed in Section L7O7 (a). Enclosures for tloor openings should comply wrth Table No. 17.A, Sectron 1706, and Chapter 30. Details should clebrly Indicate this. pping or suspended wood systems tor board ceilinqs should be not less thanypllEm boarct cerlrngs shoulo oe not less tnan -inch nominal thickness. Section 4704 (b). lSection 4703 (b) for wall stripping.l Final partition layouts and details should be sub' mrtted prior to Installation to,ustify complianq with occupancy, tire.tesrsttve, structural, ..'/ exit req uirements, Justitying test data in conformance with Section lO5 or an |CEO research recommendation is rcquired tor Rooms in which rubbish (linen) chutrr tarminate should be separated from the remainder of the building with a one-hour occupancy separation. Section 3003. Openings into rubbish and linen chutes should not be located in required exat corridors or 3tair- ways. Section 3003. SPECIAL OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS Group B Structural members carryrn8 masonry or con. crete walls in buildings over one story in height should be protected with minimum one-hour tire protection. Section 1708. Nonabsorbent tinish and backing for torlet room walls and floor should conform nrith Sectionl7l I (a). Showef stall walls should be finished with a hard. nonabsorbent surface to a h'eight of 6 feet. Section l7l I (b). Ooors and panels of shower and bathtub closure should comply with Section 171I to (e). Parbpet walls not less than ............-... inches h€ight are required. Section 1709. B-3 Occupancies should be of one-hour tire- resistive constrpction if located in a basement or above the tirst story, Section 702 (b). 8-2 Occupancies with an occupant load of 1000 or more should be in Type l, ll, or lll one-hour'buildings. The assembly room should not be in a basement it it contains this high occupant foad. Section 70? (b). The main entranc-e should lront directly upon or have a 2o.toot wide access to a public way at least 20 feet in width. Section 703. Light and ventilation should comply with Section 705. A one.hour tire-resistive occupancy separatioh,-.-. required between the boiler or central heating plant and the rest ot the building. Sectron 7O8. Exterior openings lor rooms containing a boileror central heating plant should be protected with three-tourths-hour fire-resistrve assemblies that are lixed, automatic, or selt-closing if lo- cated below openings in another story or it less than lO leet from other doors or windows in the same building. Section 708. Group C Buildings housing Group C Occupancies shouldbe of one.hour fire.resistive construction throuShout. Section 802 (a) and Table No.5-C. Use of roorns should be clarified, Nole that Tooms having an occupant load ot more than l0O and rooms used tor krndergarten, frst, or second Srade cannot be located above the tirst story above Brade except In Type I construc. .tion. Section 802 (b). A one'hour fire.resistive separation is required between laboratories, shops, storage rooms. These areas should also be seoarated |rom other classrooms. Section 802 (b). One tequired exit should tront directly upon, ot have a zo.toot wide access to, a public rvay at least 20 leet in width. Section 803 (a). Sanitary tacilrtres should be provided in accord. ance with Sectron 805. Light and ventilation should comply with 805. en. (c) tn Eave overhangsjections should and similar architectural pro. comply wrth Section l7lO. Metal roofing (siding) should be bonded and grounded in contormance wrth the local elec. trical code. Seclion 1715. Proiections beyond the exterior wall should con. torm with th€ least restrrctrve ot the followrng: (a) A point one-third the distance to the property line from an extenor wall. Section 504 (b). (b) A point one.third the distance from an as. sumed vertical plane located where tire- resistive protection ot openrngs rs tirst re. guired due to locetion of propeny. Sectron so4 (b). Enyelope cealings should salisly the tollowing conditions ISectron 4303 (b) 6.1: (a) Should not be used to provrde tire protection beam and girde6 supportrng more than one floor. (b) Columns should be rrdividually tire protected. (c) Ouct and outlet openrnes 3rg irmrted to 100 squa.e inches rn eacn l0O square teet o, ceiling area and should bc protected wath approved tire dampers. (d) Electrical outlet boxes should be of sleel and not greater than 16 square inches rn area. Gypsum board cerlrnBs In coniunctron wrth tire. tesislrve aSsemblres should be sug9oned at intervals not erceeding l6 inches. ltem 25. Table No. 43.C. 42: Shcct No......?......ot........f..........shG.tr \.rt. 48.A,$,iLT i:if Jf i';:",*3l %:il"f i'i: I ;; plant and the rest ot the buildrng. section 808. Group o 49.Group D, Oivision 1 Occupancies should be oi Type I or ll constructron unless complying wrth the Exceotion in Section 902 (b). 50.Group D, Division 2 (3) Occupancies should be of one.hour fire.resrstive construction through' out. Table No. 5.C. 51.Light and ventitation should comply wrth Section 905. 52.A one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation is reauired between the boiler or central heatrng plant and the test ot the burlding. Section 908. 53.Erterior openings tor rooms containing a boiier or central heating plant shoulq be plotected with three-fourths.hour lire.resrstive assemblies that are fixed, automatic. or self.closing it located below openings rn another story or il less lhan 10 leet from other doors or wtndows in the same building. Sectton 908. Group F *..Motor vehicle service stations should be of non' combustible or one.hour fire.resistive construc' tion. Section I 102 (b). 55.Storage areas in excess of l00O square teet in connection with wholesale or retail sales should be separated from the pubiic areas by a one'' hour fire.resistive occupancy separation unless the building is equipped throughout with an automatic fare.extingutshing system." Section lr02 (b). 56.LiSht and ventilation should comply with Section llo5. t/5 +\ 3r,d|l b. takcw frorn o.r{rrdc. 37.Exhaust ventilation at or near tlool level is re' quired by Section 1105. 58.A one.hour tire-resistive occupancy separation is required between a boiler room or central heat' ing plant and the rest of the building. section 1108. Group H 59.A Group H Occupancy more lhan two stories in height or having more than 3000 square feet above the first floor should be ot one'hour fire.resistive construction throughout. Section 1302 (b). 60.The following rooms should have window areas s3 specitied in Section 1305 ,(a), one'halt of :::::::.:r:::':. . 61.Mechanical ventilating system in bathrooms should provide 5 l'e< rto",e" atr change directly to the outside. Section 1305 (a). 62.WindOt'/S from ........-......... .. . .................. should not be considered as furnishing required liEht or ventilation srnce they do not open to a yard' court, or street in accordance with Section 1305 (a). 63.Court! bounded on four sides with wallg should be at least lO feet in length. For courts mo/e than two stones In heiSnt, the requrred wrdth should be increased by one loot and the re' quired length by 2 feet for each additional story, Section 1306 (c). rooms in cellars are not allowed. Serble foom". detinition in Section 4C9 The intent is to prohibit such rooms to be formed with relaining walls. .';;;;'iii;' ;';i;;;";;iii;;' ;;'#i%fi.,Tl":,1 Section 1307 (a). "ri;;; ; . ;i;i;; ;" iii'il,ti.il'i "'ir J3:'" ;:""i1 square leet. Section 1307 (b). A toilet room should not opan diractly into a kitchcn. Section 1305 (b). e<rrrr.!j A one.hour fire.resistive occupancy separation is required between a boiler room or central heating plant and the rest ot the building. Section 1312. Every dwelling unit and guest room should have comfort heating tacilities as specified in Section 13l l. '-..n 7t.Group J Occupancies are limited to 1000 (3000) square feet in floor area and one story in height. Section 1502. 72.Exhaust ventilation openings in a garage are re- quired by Section 1504. 73.Garages should not open directly into a room used tor sleeping purposes. Section 1504. 74.An approved noncombustible material is tequired for garage tloor surlaces, Section 1504. Asphal- tic concrete does not comPly. '-"""-: " "" """'-' EXIT REQUIREMENTS 75.An occupant load sign is required in classrooms. assembly areas, etc-. having an occupant load of more than 50. Section 3301 (j). See.......-.... 76.Conforming erits are required trom the areas ::ffi.i:.-:::::.ll.r:1.:i1i,11,,,,, 77.Exits should have a minimum separation of one' tifth the perimeter of the room or area served. Section 3302 (c). Note that "perimeter" is along the outer boundary ot the room or area served. -.---..-.... 74.No point in the building should be more than f50 (20O) feet lrom an exterior exit, honzontal exit, enclosed stairway, or exit passageway. measured in the direction ot travel, Sectton 3302 (d). 79.Exit doors should swing in the direction ot egress, Section 3303 (b). See doors 80.Double acting doors are not allowed where serv' Ing a tnbutary occupant load of more than l0o. Section 3303 (0). OI Exit Coors should be openable ,rom the Insroe wrthout the use of a key, sgectal knowredde, !'r etfort. Section 3303 (c). Note also that llush bolts or surtace bolts are otohibrted. a2,Erit doo6 should be a millm size of 3'x 5'8" with a minimum door swing of 90 degrees. !.ection 3303 (d). ...-.....-......... 8:t.The net dimension (clear width) at doorways should be used in determrning exit widths required by Section 3302 (b). Section 3303 (d). In consideration of door thicknesses. panrc hardwafe, door swing, etc., the required exrt widths have not been furnished. See door 84.A tloor or landing not morc than 2 inchc! below tha thra3hold ia requircd on each 3ide ot an exit doot. Section 3303 (h). 85.Doors should not project more than 7 inches into the required corridor wrdth Yrhen fully opened of more than one-half into the requrred cortr' dor width when in any position. Section 3304(c). .....-............ 85.Revolving (sliding) (overhead) doors are not per' mitted as exit doors. Section 33O3 (f) ' 87,Erit doors should provide immediate access to an aDproved means ot egress. Section 3303 (S). Exiting through another room does not comply. 88.A landing or tloor that i3 level or not more than 2 inches lower than the thfeshold is required on €ach side of an exit door. Section 3304 (h). 89.Corrido6 should have a minimum width ot 44 inches. Section 3304 (b). 90.Corridors serving nonambulatory persons should have an 8.foot minimum wrdth. Sectron 3318 (c). 91.Dead end of corridois and exit balconies are limit€d to 20 teet. Section 3304 (e)' 92.Walls and ceilings ol corridors should be ot one' hour fire.resisiive construction. Section 3304 (0. An architectural section through the corri' i6r is necessary to determine how this is accomolished, 9:t.Erterior exit balconies cannot proiect into an area where protected openings are required. Section 3304 (f)' 94.Interior openings into corrido6 should be pro' tected as sef foah in Table No. 33'8 and Section 3304 (g). 95.Openings located between the end of an exterior ixit bllconv and the nearest stairway should be orotecte-d as required tor corndors' Section 3304 (s). 96.Staitwav should have e minimum width ot inches. Trim and handrails should not proiect more than 3% inches into the required width. Section 3305 (b). 97.Rise6 on stain /ays should not exceed 7r/2 inchei and runs lhould not be less than l0 inches. Section 3305 (c). 98.Landings on stairways should have a dimensron in thtdirection ot travel equal to the wrdth of the stairway but need not exceed 4 teet. S€c' tion .3305 (f). 9{t.Easemcnt gortion ol starn|ays should have an aDDroved barner where continuous to uDper lloors in an errt enclosure. Sectlon 3305 (8). 00.Vcrtical distances between stairway landinSs ara limited to 12 teet. Section 3305 (h). lol.',x?F"iiT'$"oinil'T! il"""J:"" Jlil ;: tread. Section 3305 (i). Two handrails are re' quired where stain'rays exceed tl4 inches in width. ro2.Guardrails tor stairs, balconies, and landin2\ should conform wrth Sectron 1714. Note I maximum clearance between intermediate ra' - is 9 inches. a l03.Ooenings in extetior walls within 10 feet of irtctid'r stairwavs shoutd be protected with talt.cloiinS threir.fourth3'hout tirr'rrtittiva l3' scmblies. Section 3305 (k). 104.Enclosed usable space under interior stalrways should be protected on the enclosed srde as required for one'hour fire'resistive con3truc' tion. Section 3305 (l). 105.Noncombustibte exterior stairs are required. Sec' tion 3305 (m). 105.Exterior stairs should not project into an area (yards or courts) where wall openings must be irotected. Section 3305 {m). LO7.One stairwav should extend to the roof. Section 3305 (n). ft must be in a smokeproot enclosure ln UuliOings over four stories in heiSht. Sec' tion 3309 (b). 108.Six.foot 6.inch minimum headroom clearance tor stairwavs should be indicated on plans. Section 3305 (o). Note that this is from a plane tangent to the stairway tread nosangs. r09.Ramp stoDes should not exceed one toot in . ............................. feet. Section 3305 (c) (d). 1lo.Surface of ramps should be roughened or of a nonslip material. Section 3306 (O' I 11.Stairways shoutd be enclosed as sPecified in Section 3308. (a) One (two)-hout lire-resistive tYall3 ara' " quired, (b) 6nly exit doors are allowed to open into exat enctosureS. (c) Doors should be labeled one (one'and'one' half)-hour fire assemblies. (d) Exit enclosures should include a corridor.on the ground tloor extending to the extenor. Fire.resistive construction should be as te' quired for the exit enclosure, includinB pro' tected openings. Only exit doors are per' mitted to open into the corridor. (?) An approved barrier is required at thq ground floor to prevent people ,rom accidently con' tinuing to the lower level.(0 Usabli space is not allowed under the stairs. tL2.One exit from the building should be. smoke' proof enclosure qomplying wtth Section 3309. 113.Openings into exit couris less than I0 feet wide should be prot€cted with labeled 45'minute tire assemblies. Section 33ll (e). Also see "exrt court" detanition In Sectron 3301 (c). Ooenings more than l0 teet above the coun tloot are exemDted. 114.No openings other than required exrts are per' mitted in exit passageways. The passaBeways should be of ............--........ .hour tire.resrsttve construction. Section 331I (a). I15.Erit itlumrnation and signs should be provided an conformance wrth Section 3312. r 16.Aisle (cross aisle) In audrtonum should he^ minimum width of .......--.........-.............. Secrrgn 3313 (b). Section 3313 (e). Shcct No......{......ot........6..........Sh.ats ia r.,,R' Shcct N0,......5-.....ot........-6-.....-...Sheets tl7.Panic hardware rs requrre! exit doors servrng Group B Occupancres having an occupant loao of more than 100. Section 3316 (a). In lieu ol this, doors shall have no locks or latches. 118.Main and side exits in conformance wrth Sec' tion 3315 are required ror B'2 (1) Occupanctes' Section 3316 (a), l19.Corridors of Group C Occupancres should have a width required by Section 3302 plus 2 feet' but not less than 6 ieet. Section 3317 (a). t20.Each floor above or belcw the ground floor level of GrouD C Occuoancies should have no less than two exit stairs. Section 3317 (c). tzl.Exit stai6 serving an occupaot load of more than 100 in a Group C Occupancy should have a minimum clear width of 5 feet. Section 3317 (c). t22.Exit doors cannot !g more than 2 teet narrower than the required corndor width in Group C Occuoancies. Sectron 3317 (d ). 123.Exit doors from schoolrooms should swrng In the direction of egress. Section 3317 (d). t24.Rooms ot Group C Occupancies used by pupils and located below grade should have one exit leading directty to the exterior of the building. Section 33I7 (e). 125.Panic hardware is required on exit doors serving rooms containing more than 100 occupants and in corridors bt Group C Occupancies. Sec' tion 3317 (f). L25.Every room in a Group D Occupancy sho-uld have access to at least two legal means of egress. Section 3318 (a). 127.Doors from bedrooms and wards of Group D Occupancies and all extt openrngs where non' ambulatory patients are housed should have a minimum clear width of 44 inches. No Dro' iqctions in this width are allowed. Section 3318 (b). 128.Panic hardware is required on exit doors serving more than 50 occupants in Group O Occupan- cies unless there is no latch or lock. Section 3318 (0. t?9,Every'sleeping room below the tourth floor shtiuld have one openable window or erterior door conforming to Section 3320 for emer' gency exit or rescue. FLOOR, ROOF CONSTRUCTION, COVERING. SKYLIGHTS, ROOF STRUCTURES 130.The space between wood floor constructlon and a susDehded cealing below should be divided into aieas not erceeding 1000 square teet. sec' tion 3103. t3l.Attica of combustible materral should be divided into areas not exceedrng 2500 (7500) square teet. Section 3205 (b). 132.Roof drarnage should be conducted under the Dubtic srdewalk. Sectron 3206 (e). r33.I Overflow drains having the same size as root I drains and on Indeoendent drarn lrnes are fe'I ourred. In lreu ol l!- s. 3'J?ritcw sc'Jocers three i times lhe srze of rcof drJrns shourd be tnstalled i in parapet walls. Overflow system snould have I inlets located 2 inches above the low pornts I of the roof. Section 3206 (c). 134.The aegregate area ol penthouses and other rool itruit-ute-s cannot exceed 33Vt qet cent of the supporting .ool area. section 3601 (b). ISHING SYSTEM An approved automatic fire'extinguishing system in the ................ .... is required. Section 3801. This includes blind spaces en' closed wholly or partly by combustrble con' struction. U.B.C. Standard No. 38.160 (k). Orv standgtges are required in butldings if'"{ or more storres in height. Section 3804. Wet standpipes are required as specilied in Sec' tions 3805 and 3806. 137. r 140. I t42. Fireplaces Section Fire.ertinguishing tystem Pla nl mitted to you to determlne applicable bu ilding, Plumbing' should bc sub. compliance with and fire codes. FTREPLACES AND CHIMNEYS Chimneys should compty with Section 3702. and barbecues should comply with 3704. The interior wall and ceiling linishes should be specified and comply with Table No. 42'B and Section 4203. Gypsum wallboard (interior lath and plaster) can' ;rbt be installed on weather.exposed surfaces. Sections 4705,4710. See Section 4?4 tot deti nition of weather exoosed surface. Skylights should comply with Chapter 34. Plastic skylights are allowed only under the conditions sDecrfred in Section 5205. Glass'and glazrng should comply with Chapter 54. Type and thickness of Slass should be Specified, /\'-16, eT^T€ <L^2"2 t\ <T' Glass and glazing in hazardous locations should comply with Section 5406. FINISH WORK STRUCTURAL (c (d Prestressin SDecial insDection in conformance with Section 305 is reouired for the following work: (a) Slructuial concrete where the design is based on an ultimate compressive strength In er' cess of 2000 pounds per square inch. (b) All welding except where done in the shop of an approved fabricator. Instaltation of high strength bolts. t47. Irt8. '151. 149. 150.Precast concrete wall panels are limited to an h/t ratio of 36 (25). Section 2622 (f). Soit ctassitication in conlormance with Table No. 28.8 and .. Pounds Per square foot soil bearing value used in design should be specitied on plans. Section 2803 (a). The foundation investigation report mentioned in plans was not included in data torwarded to us. tt should be submrtted tor review. All masonry or concrete elements reslstlng sers' .rnic lorcis should qualrfy as rernforced ele' ments. Section 23f4 (k) 3. Wcod members may support loads trom masonry or concrete only under the condltions specrrred in Section 2510. Structural calculations should be submrttec tc iustrfy the adequacy ot the structural syste-:1 in resrsting sersmic and wind loads, ancl sup' porting dCad and live loads. This includes foundations. 153.Justifying calculations andltails should be pro' vided fo, 154.Roots shall be designed for snow loads ol ....6.5............. pounds p€r square toot. Section 2305 (c). t5s.The rool should be designed tor uplitt wind pres- sures with due consideration for laleral support of compression tlanges of flexural members. 155.Floor load should considcr a 20.pound per squara foot partition load. Section 2302 (b). t57.Marquees should be designed tof a 60-pound Per square foot live load. Table No. 23.A. 158.Garages for the storage of grivate pleasure cars shoutd be designed for a minimum 2000'pound wheel load. Section 2302 (b). r59.Live lo3d signs a?e required. Section 2309. See 160.Glued.laminated lumber should be fabricated in accordance wrth S€ctron 25I3 (c). A certificate ot inspection should be submitted to you. Sec' tion 2513 (e). t6l.Allowable stfess in glued.laminated members over l2 inches in depth should consider a depth reduction factor. Seciion 2513 (a) 4, 162.Cross grain tension in wood is limited to approxa. mately one.third the allowable stress in shear. Root'and floor ledgers should be justified tor this tension resulting from a 2oo-pound per' lineal foot ho.izontal force specilied in Section 2313 in combination with dead loa(is, bbth causing eccentric moments. 163.Bolted connections exposed to the weather are limited to 75 per cent of the allowable load under protected conditions. U.8.C. Standard No. 25.1711 (c). 164.Anchorage of concrete and masonry walls Should comply with Section 2313. 165.Plywood grades should conform with Table No, 25-C. 16,6.Justification is required that sulficient slope or camber is available to assure adequate root d.ainage after long time deflections. In lieu of this, roots must be designed lor possible ponding of water. Section 2305 (t). 157.retJn stressing method and hardware along withlfstitying data are requrred on orestressed conciete work. This data should be submrtted and approved prior to ordering ol material. Note that all tendons should comply wrth Sec' tion 4303 (e) 3. for fire'resistive purposes. 158.Welding data or details lot steel decking used ' a diaphragm should be provided. lnlormatro'- shoutd compty with a specific ICBO research recommendation or test.data submitted in com' plia nce with Section 106. 169.Oetails shoutd bc providcd on root (floor) Oie' phragm connections that indicate how the shears are transterred to vertical shear'resisting elements. Connections should be iustitied with 3tructural calculations tor compliance wrth al' lowable values. 170.Nailing for gypsum board (lath, sheathing board) used struaturallv on shear walls should be specified and comply with Table No. 47'1. 17t.Shear walls utilizing gypsum board (lath' sheath' ing board) cannot be used to resist loads im' posed by masonry or concrete walls. Footnote I, Table No. 47.1. t72.Railings should be designed to withstand a 20- pound per foot horizontal force. Section 2304. t73.Ceiling ioists should be designed for tot€l load of not less than l0 pounds per square toot. Section 2304. t74.lnterior partitions should be justilied structurally for strength and detlection criteria specafied in Section 2312 (b). 175. with a sDecific ICBO research recommendation or iustifying test data should be submitted in compliance with Section 106. 176.Wood members entering masonry or concrere, should comply with Section 2509 (O. ! t77.Plans should indicate that foundations extertd below-ihe lrost line, L7A.Provide complete specitication in conformance with the design tor lddiiimrt Corrcction : lh3|a lhrttl tra I Fr.! of tht phnt and lhlll tamrin rn'ch'd th"'to' Rrchecked tnd Approved.... O.1.................... Co.raciionr rr abov. indlcalcd rill ba cofiglitd rith, (Sign Here)........ (Si8nalufa ot Own.r o. Applicant) Chcck?d by...............-...... Dat6 .....,......... shrct No.....€.......ot....-..9...........sicots tcr 20O.l