HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT E F VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 1989-1991 HOSPITAL EXPANSION AND PARKING STRUCTURES PART 1 LEGALoo rfr F- Naso\\s) Et{ z Hts Fi uJ F o EoF E,Fat z =o I I ^to\'o\l '-r I FI 3l I I NI H.el 4l Et 91 o\lc'\' - l*t.rX -l IrE I I I I(t, !le'i 5!Pult Ht3 Et= t= o Eulz3od |!ul6z;tGvf ll,FI<F7oYZ at, < 14 F\>rnH\O&-4oo AB EAA >14eFl>o FIHO<(/J()>14B.Fl FlHF{H<@<>F{> cits z FI Ff o EoE gttclgocl6 !tco 0)Eoo cl) .=tt fo E o =cf do o c\o. 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Z e I H I FAI l = e] E-rI &lizlHI MIfi\<l*l '; € R 5 lr: Iel E-{ |q)l E-{ |:l zJ I Hz H E x FrFl F:H z HSpi{ :\ t--a\ F-5rSth5<>xo,,,v =22cos< ::.ttr<=^a\<\r)i' 11 :-z"v>zi H-Hisz;. =or\slv- 64 r.strzaqneea=lll F- 'Jc((/)'a '\ (a l!or z3sF*"{< F:=F<Yo;<r-:32 >x*<-v EE+U'\l--'iA =' F-*t3Ed;-:hO?tuEEttq^<r<5t/F/\- r<rrc(XFZo:ffinDosxHtxcHFU>F t-rF -A. -t-+tLa a+o. FR rnip -r.l,.AHr|-H -F5 -lrPat fH !rl\/ rP -FrF? -trl 19 F\alLIr-:d *Fl L.H L'v i{-l 11 A.tFtdt{ rfJit{ fFatll.a.e u z ts an FI Hz '9 3 i_ I ,l oz ts =E UJq I -lolrol 1F\l o, I k I I I I I I I "i ) ro c!<l' \ r, 1.\oc! C') 6ul UJl! 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E u ) L)) IIJ I U z oP =<c]o =z de :E? =$s o?l{5YE< ov,Et2SP '9.EE =>E JF E FE? iE: Or!E eoI ltuE Xo-tr x>t q-o-!E uJ -l-!a F E E, lrJ o-zo Fo .YFazoo r-'l t-] r-1E<' E<I IJ '.. t q 'l14 Cc JJq.Ja- oz Jtr Fo L,Jd. =F(-) FU) (5z. :z CL =z e.l -ol tr) =l Nol rol (o<l F\tlll s|.=l F =l F-r Icol-l I ata UA!:l Jg<i>J>gE F olr.I = Ld -JJ J ul =z I I -Ll z ! o d q Hatt.aul ct 3 z. (nz, D oat UJ Ht! t LrJ-Q) f, - ;l ccl sl F a.n =.o(J =o anz,--) tJ-, (5 = I *l :lzl ol rlJI 5l :lq zl FI dF. lrlJlr-f Lq H5T oqiJ JdJHI<-i :fl srr) cf,ro I c\J@ rr) rf) -l I z.l ollrrl :l <t>l lUol =lg -t- oa d = =E lL I ?l BI JI flol el E sF =Ea'5o Eng o2 \"x?< EEE o 75 soulh frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L.38 ot 479-2139 l1 rl't TO: FROM: DATE: CllEl TFnrn. oltlce of communlly development ALL CONTRACIORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summary, -ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial , incruding trash durnpster!, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, a1ley or public Ph:" or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way 6n all Town ofvar.r streets and.roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavemenc.Th:-s ordinance wirl be strillry enforced. by the Town of VailPy!}i-" works Department. persons found vi6rating this ordj.nancesrrJ-r be grven a 24 hour written notice to rernove said material .rn the event the person so notified does not compry with th;--notice within the 24 hour tine specified, the pufiic worksDepartrnent will remove said rnateiial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance snlff not beappricable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 in ful1, prease stop by ttre Town ofvail Building Department to obtain a copy. rtranx you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. wledged by: onlReIat p to Pro (i.e. contractor, owner) / 75 south troniage road vail, cobrado 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 479'2139 April 20, l-990 Plan Review Notes: VaiI Valley Medical Center Parking Structure lSL West Meadow Drive Ptan review based on 1985 editions 1987 edition of N.E.C.. oflice of communi$ development Contractor: G.E. Johnson Perrnit + 4289 Building Type II-FR of U.B.C., U.P.C., U.M.C. and The following list of iterns are deficient in meeting the minimum code reguirements adopted by the Town of vail . Please Subnit revisioni and corrections for approval prior to construction in these areas. 1.) Mechanical ventilation exhaust system for closed parking garages (U.B.c. sec. 705) in insufficient in its design. Current design: 3 fans g 4750 cfn - L425O cfn based on 8800 sq.ft. Required design: 3 fans e 15,200 cfn = 45600 cfin based on 30,20o sq.ft. 2.) Second Exit out of lowest level of parking garage is over l-5ot travel distance. Provide passage to stair tower G-l to rneet rninimun requirements for U.B.C. sec. 3303 d. 3.) Provide details on stairway identification per U.B.c. sec. 3306 q. Vail Valley Medical Center Parking Structure 4. ) Stair guardrail\handrail details do not meet minimum code requirements. U.B.C. sec. 17Ll- requires openingsnot to be larger than 6tr in any one direction. Details on page A-9 show 7-1,/8n Provide stair barrier for stairway c-1 and c-2 as required by U.B.C. sec. 3306 h. Elevator hoistway vent openin€t appears to vent through theelevator rnachine room. This is not allowed per U.B.C.sec. 5l-05. In addition provide a fire darnper L-L/z hr.for shaft wal1 penetration. Provide and subnit details on this issue. 7.) Fire Alarn pending Fire Departnent approval . 8.) Fire sprinkler systen pending Fire Departrnent approval . 9.) owner to provide Special Inspections as required by U.B.C.sec. 305. Subrnit scheduLe of Special Inspections for approval . 1-0.) Location of drainage pipe from parking structure to creekto be determined on site with Dan Feeney and T,O.V. staff before pipe is installed. Dan Feeney is responsible forcontacting Kri.stan Pritz to review pipe location. Willows nust be preserved along creek. LL. ) South-east corner Site stair to VaiI National Bank parking 1ot is to remain or be rebuilt with the addition of sidewalk extending south along hospital access drive.Verify sidewalk location and design with T.O.V. staff before construction. L2.) Precast concrete pipe exhaust ducts are to have a topfinish grade of L2tt above finish grade. 13. ) Add one parking space between existing arnbulance building and new parking structure. 14. ) Angle parking lines opposite direction in DoubLe Tree east Parking Iot. s.) 5. ) Vail Valley Medical Center Parking Structure 15.) Provide drainage of top level parking structure to sand and oil trap. Area beth/een grid line H to c & 2 Eo 4. 16.) The parking structure shalt be constructed as approvedby the DRB. If there are any guestions concerni.ng these issues or other iternsplease feel free to call. Joe Norris Plans Examiner Town of VaiI M L?'J,llil.,.,.,. t:11 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100 Vail, Colorad'r 81657 (3031 4/6-2451 Ray McMahan Administrator 26 April 1990 Kristan Pritz Director of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, C0 81657 Dear Kristan: The top of the elevator shaft for our parking structure will be no higher than 8182 feet, as reviewed and approved by the DRB last year.I have directed our architect to make the necessary changes to accomplish this. I believe this should resolve this issue. Please let me know if I can provide any further clarification. cc: Skip Spenst DJ F/ bh M #t",*iJ"*", 181 West lvbodc^/y Drhe, Suite 100 Voil. Colorodo 81657 (3Os) 476-2451 19 0ctober 1990 Kristen Pritz Director of Conrmunity Devel opment Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, C0 81657 Dear Kristen: During the plan check for the parking structure, h/e were told to install anoil separator on the floor drains. Drains in the bottom one and one-half levels will be connected to the sanitary sewer system, and will have an oil and sand interceptor in-line. Drains on the top two levels wil1 be tied into our storm sewer system. These drains are sized to accommodate 555 gallon per minute of surface drainage. Anoil-interceptor sufficiently sized to handle this flow would have to be 176 feet )ong,5'-6" wide and 4'-4"" deep. In talking with Susan Scanlon, I understand that this requjrement has not beenuniformly imposed on all similar parking structures, most recent'ly thefacility the Town is currently building in the Vil1age. In vjew of this fact, and the extraordinary size such an interceptor would have to be, we request that you reconsider this stipulation. DFlbh Roy Mclr4ohon Chief Executive Otficer 'trl FIL E 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479,2138 (303) 47e,2139 October 30, 1990 Mr. Dan Feeney - Project Managervail Valley Medical Center 181 West Meadow Drive Suite 10OVail , colorado 81657 otlice of community development Dear Dan, Your letter of October 19, 1990 concerning the fj-ltration requirements for the hospital parking structure was passed onto ne for response by Kristan Pritz. Please forgive the delayin responding to your letter but I felt it was necessary toresearch the facts before I responded to prevent a miscommunication or inaccurate communication of information. I have reviewed the plans for the hospital parking structure to determine exactly what was approved under the building permit. The plans show the lower levels of the structure drainingthrough a sand and oi1 interceptor before entering the sanitarysewer. The upper levels are sboern to drain through the stormdrain and ultinately to the creek. However, on the cornment sheet attached to the building pernit Joe Norris noted underiten 15 that drainage of the top 1evel of the parking structurebe provided through the sand and oil interceptor. Thisconstituted a requirement of the approval of the building permit for the parking structure. I have also researched the conditions at the Town's VilJ-ageparking structure. All levels of the previously existingstructure drained and continue to drain through a sand and oilinterceptor prior to exiting to the storm drain and the creek.This portion of the structure was constructed prior to the waterdistrict's approval for drainage of the lower levels of suchstructures to be allowed into the sanitary sewer. The new addition to the structure is constructed and equippedwith sand and oil interceptors in the following combinatj.ons. The lower levels (enclosed levels) of the addition drain through COP Y a sand and oil interceptor before going to the sanitary selrer. The upper level , that which would be affected by stor:m run-off passe- through a sand and oil trap before passing into the storut sewer and ul-tinately-into.*th.q greek.r; \ i I l" -: The decision sas oade to allow the existing portion of the parking structure to continue to drain as it had previously as apre-existing condition. The decision rras made based on the factthat all portions of the existing structure drain tbrough the sand and oil interceptor prior to enterj.ng the storn drain systen and the creek. Ultirnately the best solution in both cases would be to have everything drain into the sanitary sewer, but Upper Eagle Valley is not equipped to acconmodate such volurnei. As a result the upper levels of the structures which are affected by storo run-off nust blpass the sanitary sewer system. In light of this infonnation and the review of the building penoit approval , the staff does not feel it would be appropriate to reconsider the stipulation that the drairts for the top two Ievels drain through a sand and oil interceptor or other appropriate filtration systen prior to discharging into the creek. ff you have any further guestions concerning this matter Pleasefeel free to contact ne at 479-2L38. fi""'",141u o t\ )J/Va,,hl)'s-ushn Scanlhn Environnental HeaLth officer cc: Gary Murrain IGistan Pritz Stan Berrynan it . Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl, Addiess and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block \ ^ ,A^ / rrins VV lY\L . Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL Summaryi E Statt Approval - r\ ,til I ,tt 11l?]fi Dennis Anderson Associates, Inc. Landscape Architecture . Planning o Visual Communication March 26, 19 91 Kristan Pritz TOWN OF VAIL . DEPT. OF COMMT'NITY DEVEI.,OPI{ENT ?5 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 816 57 re: vail va]-ley l{edical center Parking structur€ Land.scapingr Dear Kristan: I would like to submi t. this revised Landscape PLan for the April 3rd DRB review . The approved p1-an shows thr6e traneplanted Spruce trees from Ehe Vail- National Bank property. Thes€ trees r^rere transplanted on the Bank property and ar6 now not available. VJe propose to substituEe 14' Spruce for the transplanted trees. Th€re has been some minor traffic accidents at the entranc€ to the parking structure and the Medical Center is concerned about sight lines in Ehis area. I am proposing to substitute perennials in Ehe area where we had .Iunipers, Potentil-la and th€ Amur Maples. Quantity revisions are as follows: DRB Plan Construction Plan Spruce (Tota1) 6', 8', 10' t2' 14, t7' (Transplanted) 25' (Transplanted) Aspen Dogwood Potentilla Tam ilunipers Ground coversl P.O. Box 1387 Edwards, Colorado 81632 o (303) 92e243 2t 9 't 5 4 L 2 1 31 7 49 IJ 0 26 6 5 4 4 0 0 _tf, 5v 0 n 480 SF i'5 i Please d.on't hesitate to calL if you have any questaons or comments. I 92 : "'")'gl)r.,)4h4/,r, -Dennis Anderson A. S.L.A. , NAME OF PROJECT: . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF Roof Si di ng Other t,la'll Materials Fasci a Soffi ts bJi ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails F]ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enc] osures Greenhouses 0ther PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES W '/ljrl The following information is_required for submittal by the applicant to the Design ReviewBoard before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE 0F I'|ATERIAL C0L0R ovrill-, u LIST OF tl,iw, MATERIALS cEttl& -o ft+ff'tuA B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: phone: Botanical Name?iapF-Fwu GrLAD+ @v6- fi/ernL/@pe6 Common Name @.fio6t'Ue_% @uWvA:4€El! Si ze*F7l@f,-,o,Ll-tz' .+1.1'---- h-rcv 6- Lltt crll- EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Quanj ty //? *- Indicate he'ight for conifers. (over ) *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Size ' 5atu 5 dtl., Quani ty 51 4 :--- Square Footaoe 4+pX Botani ca'l Name Cormon Name Tvpe ftPauaryns "* PeP nuelWvAort+*tttlt*Sru PLANT I'IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS cPANcA s0D 1fa 5t= SEED 4^5 0 TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR IVIETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) please specify. * INSPECTION ',t REQUEST VAIL READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB. NAME rri|Or.r CALLER G TUES @ PERMIT NUMBER OF PR E--- \Lr.n-.'..O,r_i THUR FRI BU,TLDTNG: l{ _Lr no PLUMBING: ooTtNGS/STEEL ffi n UNDERGROUND wruoRrroru/srEEL W tr RoucH/ D.w.v. tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr QONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR RAPPROVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: ome 7 -/ / -;/a rNSPEcroR nlfr*rop PROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME ,I/.I, - INSPECTION REQUEST. v \./('I tL'ul LL,)ek-.(WIeo+J tL _-i-c, , tt ,u<-'Ql-v n-c t r. , y READY FOB LOCATION: CALLER ,/vlMON / TUES// \_.-- PERMIT NUMBE BUILDING: bf:oortrucs / srEEL /d rouruonrtoN / srEEL ,)i,t ' \lh I PLUMBlNG: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUBINSULATION SHEETROCK N HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS B SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS:r - INSPECTOR i. .i, 0o t78q PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: .,].. ,.,fln -: G INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JoB,NAME /ft-lt V**Er /"teo. ceta. Tnxtq{t sr, @PM : BUILDING:PLUMBING: E(roorrrucs/srEEL RE-$Aa truNDERGRouND tr FOUNDATION I STEET tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n 199.1^&i-H.FFl...^ 'i, . tr cAS prprNc" PLYWOOD NAILING . tr INSTJLATION tr POOL / H. TUB -tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ tr_ tr FINAL tr FINAL CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: "...? O HEATING .*{* tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O, SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL . 'fl:APPBovED ' CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR . - :;Lc ..,:; -0/ fzaq PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ' 0€-ar -40 READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: TOWN OF VAIL rU'tk{/UcaJOB NAME MON oALLER t' E- r?arcanl TUES WED tr DISAPPROVED B.'REINSPECTION REQU IRED AM fineenoveo CORRECTIONS: INSPECTION REQUEST BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATEB tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr D tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL ,orc ? -2-9o rNSPEcroR 4zfq.PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE a?-ot-qe JoB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL Uf\L L tr |.I TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:@ : rt/4- THUR FRI BUILDING:PL tr tr tr tr tr tr f] UMBING: n o tr tr tr tr D FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: T] TEMP. POWE MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr coNDUrr O SUPPLY AIR fr Tfurl. h€ie< taP D FINAL tr FINAL 'nppnovEo f{tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,;' INSPECTOR--y'-€. CALLER <) tst @ rHUR FRI I eg1 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 2n\ onre bl') JoB NAM READY FOR rocntrotl: INSPECTION:MON \\)\\-" tr..rSsglO* -- \\s\\\$, rowN oF\'Sfh\\tr ue-rur-€---------- . --) '. REQUEST VAIL BUfLDING: /PLUMBING: tr FOOTING€'/STEEL ffi tr UNDERGROUND dhouruonrtoN/srEEL ref)nf tr RoucH/D.w.v. f .1 tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SFIEER PLYWOODhIAILINGrl ttrtSUtRttOt{iI SHEETROCK NAIL " tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB tr FINAL - O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR F_1':11":" \tr DISAPPROVED tr RErNSPEcrroru neoutRio CORRECTIONS: ,o* K-f-fa rNSPEcroR nffisro \ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL .\.. "^r- \--\- qD JoB NAME INSPECTION:r' MON CALLER TUES WED THUR BUlLDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / WATER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL i H. TUB oSHEETRoCK NAILf rr$ 'i .ra*t...!!EIFINAL tl ' -'' , tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL DISAPPBOVED.. \Ctr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: d'nerruspecroN HEeuTRED INSPECTOR i .,.til,+r+r .]41" '-l'?n' INSPECTION REQUESTva€1 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL D^rE 69 I lqo JoB NAME (tttu {*ttz'( Aeg,t*, (A.t7ep >o<,t €#; 4, e. f,anrSoal INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI @PMREADY FOR LOCATION: CALLER c BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL E FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYwooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB E FINAL O FINAL -ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .J F-/42 INSPECTOR nriBsror . . . (-slilj ,i.ili, INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPEBMIT NUMBER OF-PROJECT JOB NAME MON CALLER \- READY FOR LOCATION:.\ SPECTION:TUES WED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR r$0is,rop z*.r-'.'- ::rig4njF l Li.s.Y -..-ii''ry'- -_i. -i-ryd*r3. r. .. .., r* INSPECTION ' ' r_':*: rr; REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION: *::tr FINAL tr FINAL \-' $(neenoveo tr DISAPPRovED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MoN ruES (ED-\)\:- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION/STEEL - D ROUGH/D.W.V. FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER r_1 ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O ttlSUlRftOtt,t \D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL. _ MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED /.ol*e {'4':'i4 rNSPEcro ftdisrop 'It| 'Eq INSPECTION REQUEST VAILTOWN OF CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON ES } WED AM@ LOCATION: tr APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED ;E REINSPECTION REQUIBED CORRECTION INSPECTOR tr DISAPPROVED INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL tr REINSPECTION REQUIHEDtr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr BOUGH tr FRAMING O ROUGH / WATER r_.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr TNSULATTON tr POOL / H. T,IJB tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr tr HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL. o,rie ?' 7- ?o rNSPEcroR \\\\\c\ t *\].\\ INSPECTION REQUEST PERMTT NUMBER OF PfOJECT oo,\=\:\h JoB NAME TOWN OF VAIL CALLER APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: /t7 / 't .-7i - Y-- \ b"a. -, /n r., n.z-"---/<'t1/ :a READY FOR INSPKTIO\\^ I ..,r\aTt..,Nt. \\.}LOCATION: FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND BOUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING iNsuurroru tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr tr tr D tr HEATING CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: N CALLER TUES THUR A)\\\' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " pLYWooD NAtLING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr FINAL tr POOL(H. TUB tr TEMP"?OWER .{. tr ROUGH tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: VniL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMp{G: d..u'(oencnouruo tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D tr tr tr D n tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " plvwooD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr tr o CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL FAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED i INSPECTOR niFs'oP PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT t. * INSPECTION REQUEST JOB NAME TOWN OF VAIL j-i i'; ;, . ,1!'r.,,i f-)DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER t .i,. '1, INSPECTION:MON 1y\eJ TUES WED,'r .i'^' .' 1 i1.4...t-,'-.,'i-^ FRI AM PMIr IHAPPRoVED CORiECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTI REQUIBED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL ON / STEEL r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING SU ON tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr BOUGH tr CONDUITi N FINAL DArE f O^ L-(-? O rNSPEcroR hiFsnop ,$ nq INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF OJECTPR v INSPECTION: n uy' 1".;fc-tDATE READY FOR LOCATION: ' JOB, NAME CALLER MoN @D WED THUR FRI TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr FRAMING tr R@UGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEE-I#- d+h.'qtr ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED COHRECTIONS: INSPECTOR hiFsnop PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT "^r= \\ \-\D JoB NAME INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED PMAM LOfATTON: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK O POOL/ |+. TUB FINAL tr tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr u tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT C] SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION' REOUIRED INSPECTOR PERMIT N l i TUES oor=. /O/ // JoBNAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL - tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O BEINSPECTION REQUIRED MBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL DATE ,/a- t z - 7 f INSPECTOR INSP CTIONTOWN OF \c REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES -----@ PM CALLER PLUMBING: EIFOOTINGS/STEEL A i ,, trUNDERGROUND / 1/ \ /---- (rour.ronrroNisrEEL F€Ltt\ trRoucH/D.w.v. q tr tr tr tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATEB ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB - tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER ".'"' MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL $*tq3noveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL \v<-Q.- oh\ DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER rUES wED @ FRI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TUES PLUMBING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND,, t D(ur.ronroN / srEEL Fg,bgu\ tr RoucH / D.w.v. FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL k"t*outo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,r oor, ,4 ^y' -P? rNSPEcroR ,,s,. INSPE(TION REQUEST WN OF VAIPERMIT NUM ER OF PROJECT D,JE II d ,o, *ot= F.appnoveo CORRECTIONS: C '*, \ tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON 1-ruEs )WEO U THUR FRI - AM PM nriATf oN. lK l. Il rll aa I )z<r /' I ,.2.ttrJL A)u-f z-*z--.th; |l b-b,/. T BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O,,ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEEtrROCK NAIL - tr - trF;NAL ,ty'Ez**J trFINAL ELECTRICAL: o ieup. ?owER MECHANICAL: D HEATING g nouort D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR C] FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR _ , ,,. ,. l(t,! ,. ._ , ,/.d":E-,-{ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR @READY FOR {-OCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING F';;" L*"W trEXHAUSr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR * INSPECTION REQUEST ::T\T READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: t t )q,eenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED .1, OFP ECT TOWN OF VAIL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FINAL "or, ,//-/95d rNsPEcroR \z s1 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: tNs CTIONTqWN OF REQUEST VAIL (JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES wED @ FRI LOCATION: BU!LD!NG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL F FRAMING ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULAJION _tr POOL / H. TUB tr HEATING d'noucu .tr EXHAUST HOODS {0 SUPPLY AIR i tr FINAL K APPROVED CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR hiisxop q231 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ll ln /DA1E Il lL-Lo JOB NAME INSPREADY FOR LOCATION: CALLER REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 6 ),^- 6h'-a-a -GC WED THUR FRI >^J D4 Y<- AM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL i H. TUB tr FINAL tr INSULATION tr SHEE4ROCK ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS. tr CONDUIT E] SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED nffislop D^rE ,//-.4 7-22 rNSPEcroR PERMI DATE t "rT B ECT NAME TOW OF VAIL JOB READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOOQS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIN T'' FINAL APPROVED a-^r CORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR REQUEST VAIO 'N OF IN II U' cTro trowN,ltug i - n1+r.it * SPEI': Hq CALLER MON TUES WEDREADY FOR INSP LOCATION: E 4t-tJ ';Tf U (fu,/ BUILDlNG:PLUMBING; FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS O COND-UIT SUPPLY AIR n FrruAl tr FINAL 1ff neenofeo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED . | )tt Q r ,DATE 1-'-( -l I INSPECTOR '1'::'ti,ffi.,,'. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT N OF VAPn* INSPECTIO TOWN 'Btru6 4revcr THUR FRI REQUEST VAIL Jo oor. =\. \a t JoB NAME INSPECTION: t'r\C CALLER clz- \ I MON TUES Ite @ pMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL '", -'*- EI- mr^ l. tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PERMIT NUM i READY FOR INSPEC LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED THUR NSPECTION REQUEST OF VAI O REINSPECTION REQUIREDAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR DATE INSPECTOR nSsro' t JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBEF OF PHOJECT BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEFGROUND -tr FOUNDATION / STEEL N ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL F(nppnoveo tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: L/2-/-7 D^rE €a -€-Q/ rNSPEcroB V>tq };wPECTION REQUEST,l r lNs VV nL TOWN OF VAIL fu^ku.^afi--./ X PERMIT NUM 2_ DATE -/JOB NAME MON CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: TUES WED BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / ${EEL tr ROUGH / WATER ,-.l ROOF & SHEEF" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB elEttntcau. tr TEMP. POWER-tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR !. neenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED coRfltcroNS: INSPECTOR *disxop 'N,k'oNTOWN OF REOUEST VAIL DATE r- b-92 JoB NAME (//Pt / //i 'rz "'4 a*'' - '- READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED FRI /a:a ) 6 pM LocArroN: /,? t ,q : ^' l' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR I neenoveo coRReOttotrs: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ffisxop 'AL INSPECTION'S COMPLETEI) The lteus belon need to be cooplete before givlng a permlt a flnal C of 0. Please check off ln the bor provided. FINAT PLU}.IBING DATEI FINAL }IECHANICAL tl IMPROVEMENT SURVEY RESID. NA}TE: DATE: EAST SIDE:TJEST SIDE:FINAL BUILDING ffil--r I FINA], ELECTRICAL DATE: ry M TEMPORARY C OF O DArE: \-\F-.,-\ CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PAI.ICY LAI.TDSCAPING DUEI DATE: \\s\ 1,..:r... .t h^,'dh- W\'\ql41, U- ^ ,t.1, f .[ f )10/..,rrr{ ' ',,:, !,yaw \NatL-f ' Fto, d^) February 22, L99I Town Manager Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 RE: Vail ValLey Medical Center parking Structure Dear Mr. Phillips: 2.' That the arnount requested sha1l not exceedset forth in the fmprovenent, Agreernent for This cornmitment shaIl expire on the date when the Town of vair acceptsall improvements as conpiete as set forth in such rnprovementAgreenent, or when uerrirl Lynch has funded the entire sum to vailcrinic, rnc. d/b/a vair-virrat-il"ei;"r-ii;;i.;';"J/or tne rown of Vail the doll.ar arnount asthe work not conpleted. (Vv15 sM, Medical Center has notin the Improvernent and conditions set forth This is to certify that an account #84-056-3230 at Merrill Lynch hasbeen establ.ished in the amount of gr.28,ooo.oo for the use or credit ofvail clinic, Tnc- d/b/a vail varley Medical center to fund theconpletion of inprovements rerating to the vail VaLley Medical centerParking st.ructure, Vail, colorado. such inprovernents are as indicatedin that certain agreernent dated, the 22nd day of rebruary, 1991entitled Developer- Jmnr-o-v91ent. Agreement by and. between-vair clinic,rne- d/b/a vail va1ley Medical c6nter and Lhe Town of vail(rrrmprovernent Agreementtr). should such improvernents not be completed.by vail crinic, rnc. d/b/a vail varley Medical. C."i.r, as set forth insuch rmprovernent Agreenent, tha fundsl or the remaining uatancE-oi--ttr"funds not already expend.ed'for inprovenents pursuant to suchagreernent, will be rnade availabte directry tl tne iown of Vail asrequested, without further consent, tron viit Clinic, Inc. drzbla Vailvarley Medical center or Merrill Lynch for conpletion of th'e work. The Town of Vail ruay draw upon account #84_056-3230 upon the followingcondit,ions: 1. The Vail Clini-c,'Tnc. d/b/a Vail Valleycornpleted the improvements as set forthAgreenent in. accordance with the terrnstherein. f, =" vq I Ftod t.o, f*n?--r ep. ?3 3 for coinpletlon of such lnprovenents, Incomnjtnent extend beyond, .run. ij, -r992. ValI cllnlc, fnc. d,/b/d,ValI Valtey Mcdlcal C'enter,a texas Non-proflt corporailon The unCere!.gned hereby eolrsENT agreee to the TOWN OF no event, shall thls above VIIL lette Byl {,il-+Ar 9Er .1.ir'-. i". :;. - fovn Manager lown of vall Febru4ry 22, 7.99L Page e o *o Nirv 1 .j 19go M l?!",*il"*"' '181 West Meodow Drive, Suite 1@ Voil, Colorodo 81657 (s03) 4762451 9 November 1990 She11y Mel'lo Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage RoadVail, C0 81657 Dear Shelly: I am responding to your notification yesterday, that the parking requirementfor Learning Center has been increased by two spaces, making a total of 19 required spaces. The hospital can accommodate these additional two spaces w'ithin the surplusparking spaces, which wi I I be avai lable on completion of the parking structure. You state in your letter to Dan Feeney, dated 29 0ctober 1990, that at the time that the Learning Center conditional use permit was approved, the hospital had a surplus of twelve parking spaces. Our parking requirenents atthis time were based on approved figures for the 86-87 expansion andprojections for the 89-90 expansion, calculated using the same town formula applied to all previous expansions. The 89-90 figure include day-shift employee projections which were calculated in 1988. In June 1990, we re-surveyed our day-shift employee projections and determined that the actualfigure is lower than anticipated in 1988. The revised figures were submittedto the town in our approved application for the l'lRI expansion ('letter toKristen Pritz from Dan Feeney, dated 25 June 1990). Our revised parking requirement at this time was stated (in the same letter) as follows: USE Base figure for 86-87 Expans i on New patient beds New exam rooms New day-shift employees New Steadman Learning Center MRI TOTAL SPACES REQUIRED 203 20 43 L7 2 Roy Mclvlohon Chief Executire Otficer 291 Spaces Shelly Mello TOWN OF VAIL 9 November 1990 Page 2 Total available parking, as: Parking Structure Surface Parking Lot 10 TOTAL on completion of the parking structure, was Iisted 204 Spaces 105 18 327 Spaces 0f the 327 spaces available, 20 spaces are comm'i tted for use by the Doubletree Hotel and B spaces are contractually committed for use by Vail National Bank. This leaves 299 spaces available for use by the hospital. Therefore, after the approval of our MRI expansion, ve have eight surplus parking spaces. The eight surplus parking spaces can accommodate the additional two spaces required for the Learning Center, plus leave sufficient surplus parking shouldVail National Bank exercise its' option to purchase four more spaces in theparking structure. At present, we have no indication whether or not Vail National Bank will exercise this option. In our agreement with Vail National Bank, the bank hasten business days to exercise their option, following the date on which wegive notice to Vail National Bank of the issuance of a temporary certificateof occupancy for the use of the parking structure. VNB has already exercised their first option to purchase an irrevocable license to use eight spaces in the parking structure and has issued a letterof credjt to us for payrnent. Vail Valley Medical Center is contractually corrnitted to allow VNB the use of the eight spaces, six of whjch will supporttheir bui lding expansion. Sincerely, fi,.1ttilll"lr_- Ray McMahan Chief Executive 0fficer Vail Valley Medical Center /bh cc: Jay Peterson .l ''.f\ 'j i" \ 1,\ :" .lf 75 south fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 47$,2138 (303) 479-2139 oflice ol community deYelopmenl May 16, 1991 Mr. Dan FeeneyVail Valley Medical Center 181 West Meadow DriveVaiI, Colorado 81657 RE: l.C.O. for Learning Center,/Use of Vail Val.J.ey Medical. Center parking garage for etorage of, conatruction material Dear Dan: I am writing to formalize our conversation last week. As we discussed. the Town will be able to release the Temporary Certificateof Occupancy (T.C.O.) fox the Learning Center when requested, providedall buil-ding' code requirements are fulfilled. The followingconditions will apply to the project when the T.C.O. i-s released: 1. The lowest L/2 Level of the parking structure may be usedfor contractor storage until June 1, 1991 . After June 1,1991, all parking must be available within the structure andsurface parking on site. If this parking is not available on June 1, the Medical- Center must provide the Town with documentation of alternative parking. 2. No building permits will be released for the proposedconstruction at the Vail National Bank until all of the Vai] VaLley Medical Center parking is availabl-e. It is our understanding that you agree to these conditions fromprevious discussions with you. Should you have any questions orconcerns, please contact me at 479-2138. ly MelI P Ianner hw- .^. (i rinor; anhrr'1 f- r\rr.i l-^ r\r^1 1.1 ^-i,-lt !\g l't (J J- _j. I L-; Cent e r 75 routh honlage road vall, coloildo 81657 (303) 47$2138 (3qr) ap2139 October 29, L99O Ur. Dan FeeneyVaiI Valley Medical Center 181 W. lileadow Dr.Vail, CO 81657 iltt copr olfice ol cmlmunlly devdopmcnl 4 spaces 4.8 5.0 3.O 1.5 Dear Dan, Upon review of the plans subnitted for building petmit for tlre Learning Center to be located in the lower level of the Vail Valley Medical Center Parking Structure, I have discovered that due to changes in the floor plans the parking reguirement for thefacility nust be increased. The following ie a comparlgon of theoriginat parking requirenent and tlre new parking reguired: larklng Requirenent New Parking Requirenentat PEC at Building Petmit Employeest 6 spaces Hunan Perfor:nance 3.8 Study Iab 6.4 PSYC Motor Skills InagingConference - 4.75 TOTAL 16.2 or 17 spaces 23.05 or 23 spaces * # of enployees generated by * of officest* Formula - S.F./15/8/2 = Required Parking The additLonal 6 spaces whlch are required at this tfune are dueto the reorganization of space and the increase in sguare footage belng used for the facillty. While the conference area has Eenerated a parking reguirennent, the increase in reguired spaces should not be attributed dlrectly to thls area. As you can aeethe change in the overall facillty has generated the need for additLonal parking. Tlre following details the changes: Page 2 Dan Feeney October 29, 1990 ( sq. Ft. at pEC so. Ft. at Buildinq pernit ./nrnptoyees/Ott.tce 6 4 \Human Performance 930 1158 istudy rab 1530 L22L /Psvc Motor skl.lls - 72o / Inaging - 1140( Conference - 360 The records show that at the tfune of approval of the Learning Centerts Conditional Use approval there waE a Eurplus of 12 parking spaces. However, ELnce that tirne the Vail National Bank has received permlssion to lncrease square footage condltional upon the purchase of parkLng apaces from \ /llc. Their expansion required 6 parking spaces and it nas reported that they had purchased 8 and had an option on the renaining 4. fn order to release the building pernit for the Learning Center,it is necessary that the office of conmunlty Development receive proper certification that at least 6 parking spaces of tbe 12 surplus are available for excluELve use by ValI National Bank and the- remalning 6 be availabte for vvl'lc. I believe Vail National Bank may also need to agree to tbis. Shou1d you have any questions please call me at 479-2L3a. Thank you for your attention to this natter. Sincerely, sbelly Melloi Town Planner t I TO: FRO!!: DATEs RE: Bmployees* Human Perfornancestudy I.ab Psyc t{otor skills Irnaging 6.0 spaces3.8 spaces6.4 spaces - spacesj spacesL6.2 or 17 spaces 4.0 spaces 4.8 spaces 5. O spaceg 3.0 spaces 1.5 spaces 18.3 or 19 spaces Plannl.ng and Environnental Conmission Colnllunlty Development Departnent Noveuber L2, t99O Review of staff decielon concerning the parklng requirenent for the Learning Center Lab to be located in ttre lower level of the Vail Valley Medical center Parking.Applicant! vail VaIIey Uedical Center The DurDose of ttrl.s neno ls to lnforn the PEc of the staffrs actiln ioncerning parking for the Learning Center Lab. In April 1990, the Planntng-and Envl.ronnental CornnisElon approved a requist by the Vail Vattey Medlcal Center for a condltional use pe:mtt to-expand the propbsed parklng structure and to add a tearning Center Lab withln the lowest level of the structure. The approved plan reguired 17 parking spaces- Upon review of the plans subnitted for building pennit for the Garning center to be located in the lower level of the Vail Valley Uedical Center Parking Structure, the staff discovered that due to changes ln the floor plans, the parkilg requirement for the facilLty-should be increased. The folLowing is-a cornparison of the origlnat requirenent and the new parking requirement:Parklng Requirenent New Parking-Requirement o psc € Buildlncr Permit * # of employeeE generated by # of offices** Forrnula- * s.t./ts/8/2 = Reguired parking The additional 2 spaces which wilt be required are due to the reorganization of -space and the increase in sguare footage bgltg devofed to usable slace ln the facllity. The following detalls the changes in the facilltY: ry Warv'er" -rnbi>n M ?Nuv&L % Wf Nlr;stdv\ cona;ne( - W Wft,ry Wt,ft[fg,:r ClnrtU Chris"|-I I tSquare Footage€ PEC square Footage€ Buil-dincr Pernit Enployees /Offices Huuan Perfontance study Iab Psyc l{otor Skills Irnaging Conference 6 930 1530 4 1158 L22L 720 1140 360 A conference area has also been added to the facility. The staff has determined that this space should lgE have a parking requirernent because the room will only be used as an lssenbly room for personneJ- already at the hospital and parking is alre-dy provided for the staff. Prior to the wMcrs recent expansion, ttre cafeteria was used for both meal service and staff assenbly. The new conference roon will provide an assenbly room outside of the cafeteria for the staff. The records show that presently there is a surplus of 4 parking spaces. This allows Vail National Bank (vNB) to build their expansion and matntain their option on 4 spaces (8 purchased and option on 4 additional spaces). The VNBrs option on the additional 4 spaces will expire ten business days after the VVMc notifies the vt{B that they have a tenporary certificate of occupancy for the parking structure The Town staff recognizes that conventional forrorulas do not accurately predict parking needs for the hospital . Because of the unique nature of the facility, we feel that only 2 additional spaces for a total of 19 spaces will be reguired for the Iearning CLnter. No parking will be required for the conference area. After the L€arnl-ng Center is buift, there will be 2 excess sPaces assuming the VNB utilizes their option on the 4 parking spaces. rt t,Future Conversion of Learninq Lab Parking Structure Surface Parking Lot 10 2fl) spaces 105 spacss 18 spaces Available by 2fl spacas 105 spaces 18 spac€s Learning Elev. 8135 into ParkinNovember 1 Total 327 spaces 327 spacss -20 spaces -17 spacas - 2 spaces -12 spaces 373 spaces 373 spaces -20 spacss -17 spaces -2 spaces -12 spaces Available Parking Doubletree Parking Learning Genter Lab MRI Vail National Bank'* Existing Hospital and ExpanSiOn* -zzz spaces -272 spaces Suip Excluding Lot 10 Parking -14 spaces deticit * These calculations recognize the six fewer daytine employees as explained in Dan Feeneyrs attached letter dated June 25, 1990. The hospital rrresurrreyed staff projections and found that the actual nurnber of enployees anticipated is stightly Lower thaninitially projected in L988.rl ** six spaces have been approved by the hospital and Town councllto meet the parking requlrernents for the Vail National Bank. Apotential total of L2 spaces rnay be used by the Bank in the future. The Bank's use of any additional parking in the Wl[C structure for future expansions will require Town of Vail. PEC and/or Council approval . At this tirne, the Council has statedthat all future expansions of the VaiI National Bank BuildingwlII require parking to be located on Bank property. For planning purposes, staff felt lt rdas appropriate to consider the 12 spaces in the Vnlc structure to avoid a potential parking deficit. This consideration of the 12 spaces is not meant to indicate any tlpe of approval to actually use all 12 spaces. 32 spaces surflus !l t, 29 0ctober 1990 Shel ly Mel1o Town of Vai'l Conrmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, C0 81657 Dear Shelly: I understand that our proposed plan to construct an assembly room in thebottom level of the parking structure has raised ihe-question of whetheradditional park_ing. spaces shou'ld be provid_ed to suppoit this ipace.-- inreaching a conclusion on this issue, we feel the fo'libwing facts snoria uJconsi dered: The hospital has no_ facility where staff and visitors can assemble.l,lhi le our cafeteria p-resently doublls as a meeting "oor, it ouviouirv -rris limitations during meal serviie times. r A critical difference between this hospital and other faci'litieshaving meeting rooms is that no one will come to'ilr" nos-pital for *" ioiepurpose of using the meeting room. The room will be usec ii an assemuly poini 19r_?gl:oTnel alreagv ql_ tLqjrospita't. pa-rking neeas-ior iit.s" p.rsonner wit.lDe comtortaDly met by. the 299 spaces available when our new parking structureis completed later this year. Over the last four years, the Town staff and p.E.c. have consistentlvrecognized that conventional fonnulas do not.accurately preaiif pirriii'ri"oiat the hospital. t,le believe that this a-ssembly room i-s inottrer jrsiiiiciiionfor temperi!g pre-existing parking formulas, ricognizing ttre uni{ue nature Jithe hospita'l 's operation. - Xgf voilvolley rNt\ medicolcenter DJF:bh 181 West frileodov Ddve, Suite t6 Voit. Cotorodo 81657(&3) 4762451 Roy [rclvlohon Chief B<ecuflw Offrcer M voilvolley medicolcenter r Construction offirst floor, irmediately r Renovation of administrative space, to by the MRI. 25 June 1990 Kristan Pri tz Director of Conmunity Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 8i657 Dear Kristan: The hospital is request'ing a Conditional Use Permit to install a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system later thjs year. An MRI is a computerized system that uses a magnetic field and ordinary rad'io waves to produce images(or scans) that are particu'l ar'ly effective in diagnosing soft-tissue injuries, complementing conventional radiology ("X-Rays"). As recently as a year ago the hospital administration had prograrmed an MRIfor 1992-1993. However, the rapid development of MRI techno'logy, as well as the overwhelming acceptance of MRI scans as a necessary component of the type of excellent health care we wish to provide, have convinced us that an MRI is needed now. Pending TOV approvals, we wish to begin construction in September 1990. Essential features of our application are as fo'l lows: r Construction of approximatelr /m square feet on the north side of the first fl oor, contiguous with our Emergency Room. '181 West Meodow Drive, Suite 100 Voil, Colorodo 81657 (303) 476-2451 approximately 375 square feet on the west side of the north of the main entry doors.nlwrw.approximately 1200' square feet of existing accommodate business office personne'l being disp'laced r Installation of a satellite \h 94 tne third-floor roof, to transmit some of the MRI scans to an off-site lhdilitv for interpretation. The dish wj'1 1 be 8 feet in diameter, and screenfd\rom-view. See'attached catalog cut sheet. The proposed MRI unit wil'l ,.qrt.f,t"|parking spaces to abcommodate two new day-time employees, one a receptioni}t'the other a technician. Roy McMohon Chief Execulive Otficer KRISTAN PRITZ TOWN OF VAIL 25 June 1990 Page 2 o Parking requirements for the expansion present'ly nearing completion were computed based on staffing projections made in September 1988. Now that occupancy is imminent, tve have re-surveyed staffing projections with our respective departmental managers and found the the actual figures anticipated are actual1y s'lightly lower than initially thought: DEPARTMENT STAFF PROJECTIONS STAFF PROJECTIONS NET REVISION-ffiEER-T9-Bg- -mE]ge-o- Surgery Patient Care Unit Dr. Steadman's 0ffice Business 0ffice Radi ol ogy Building Services ToTAL 49 43 - 6 Thus, referring to Page 3 of your 7 March 1990 memorandum to the P.E.C., actual parking required to support the third floor expansion is 272 spaces, byvirture of the six fewer daytime emp'loyees. A comparison of the actual figures for the existing hospital, as wellas expansions currently in progress or proposed, is as follows: U5E INITIAL PROJECTIONS 1988 CURRENT PROJECTIONS -5 0 +3 U 19 F, 't? 2 L 2 24 6 10 I J Base figure 86-87 expans i on New patient beds New exam rooms New day-shift employees. New Steadman Learning Center Proposed MRI TOTAL 203 Spaces 20 6 49 0 0 278 Soaces 203 Spaces 20 6 43 77 2 291 Spaces I The owners of the Vai'l National Bank Building have exercised their option topurchase the use of eight spaces in our parking structure. Thus, with completion of our parking structure later this year, available parking on-sitewil] be as follows: 204 Spaces 10s 18 327 Spaces 327 20 8 Parking Structure Surface Parking Lot 10 TOTAL Avai lab'le Parking DoubJ etree VaiI National Bank Required existing and proposed expansion SURPLUS 299.,,-T h,hLfir.,qt hK 8 Spaces t Attached are two sets of architectural plans and elevations. P'lease let me know if you require further information. cc: Ray l4cMahan Doris Allen Jay Peterson I"trz- TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Planning and Environmental Conmission Conmunity Developnent Departnent April 9, 1990 A request for a conditional use pernit to expand theproposed Parking structure and to add a Learning Center Lab within the lowest level of the parking structure atthe Vail Valley Medical Center located at 181 west Meadow Drive, Lots E and F, Vail Village 2nd Filing.Applicant: VaiI Valley Medical Center I DESCRIPTTON OF REOUEST The Vail ValLey Medical Center is proposing to add two /2levels to the previously approved parking structure on thenortheast corner of the property. The north end of thestructure is located on Doubletree property. The applicantstates: Initially, one of the 1/2 levets would be used asparking providing 25 additional parking spaces. The second l/2 LeveJ- (elevation 8140) would be used as a Learning Center Lab. The facility (approxinately 6500 square feet in size) will be staffed by six people whowill coordinate and review the results of researchactivities conducted at various associated centerstbroughout the nation. In addition, a portion of thefacility will focus on bionechanical studies ofathletes as a means of avoiding injury, as well asassisting in quicker and fuller rehabilitation once aninjury occurs. This will entail videotaping, measuring and study of physiological actions used in activitiesof skiing, throwing, kicking and running. I{ork will be conducted on tissues and cell cultures in a smallportion of this facility, as it relates to these aboveactivities. I would like to emphasize, however, that no live aninal research will be conducted in thisfacility, or any other facility in Eagle county by Dr. Steadman. yt'',L, ,J :*v r.f t----tl.J .="t? \ ) (- tr_P,;- '\l \J .)pa\\ 6 enployees + 6 Ilurnan Perfonrance Gyn 3 .8 (930 s.f.) itsO Study Lab (l-530 s.f.)\1,1,1 6.4 spaces spaces spaces &4 4.1<+ L.E-6,o qSYO u otnr (kitla ForrnuLa = S.?. /L L6.2 or 17 spaces110 ; s/B/z = Required parkine'--..i=? Lo^CLAJ'i)"d^used for conference space) -1. ? , ' "f(Same formula a-sI t,4o =. I erntu?ryt n2?uv rnnl C^ aparuc, 0"2"u. 6 @Wy"Wtu,|5tvra!<tffih,t WWvOyL 1 zb 6/'vuq Wd,'q ad l' The long range plan isIevel to parking, whenhospital growth. Thisadditional 46 parking to convert this botton half needed to support future conversion would provide an spaces. The two nev- t/2 levels would be constructed beneath theparking-structure presently approved and would beentirely below grade. The above grade appearance ofthe parking structure is unchanged fron the drawings and nodel previously reviewed and approved by thevarious Town boards. The expansion approved by the Town in 1989 has a totalparking reguirenent of 278 spaces. 20 spaces must also beprovided for the Doubletree Hotel per the parking agreenent.This results in a total parking requirenent of 298 spaces. The revised figures for total available parking on site areas follows: Parking structure surface parking Lot l-0 Total Availab1e parking Doubletree parking Learning center Iab Required for existing hospital and expansion Surplus Available by Novenber 1990 204 spaces 105 spaces 18 spaces 327 spaces 327 spaces - 20 spaces - L7 spaces - 278 spaces 12 spaces Future Conversionof Elevation 8135 250 spaces 105 spaces 18 spaces 373 spaces 373 spaces - 20 spaces - L7 spaces - 278 spaces 58 spaces IT. CRTTERIA AI{D FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Conmunity DevelopmentDepartnent recomends approval of the conditional use pernit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. Relationship and inpact of the use on developmentobiectives of the Town. a. Parking E:<pansion: This proposal is extremely positive. Town boards and planning staff encouraged the hospital to plan I for additional parking within the structure for any future expansions of the hospital facility. As long as the parking structure was beingconstructed, it was felt that it made goodplanning sense to provide as much parking at thislocation as possible. The VaiI Valley Medical Center is furthering the development objectives ofthe Town by providing additional parking in anefficient and J-ogical location that is easily accessible. b. Learninq Center Lab: When the hospital expansion was approved lastyear, a condition of Councj.l approval was ttratrrany usage of live animals for research in thefacility must go through a conditional use review. rr Tlro representatives for the \ff/MC havestated in writing that rrno live animal researchwill be conducted in this facility or any otherfacility in Eagle co. by Dr. Steadman.rr (Please see attached letters from Dan Feeney dated March2L, L99O and Jay Peterson dated April 4, 1990). The lab is a tlpe of use conmonly associated witha medical facility. The description of theoperation of the lab is a use wbich is certainly cornpatible with a hospital use and does notconflict with any development objective of theTown. In fact, the use is very positive for the conrnunity because of the erophasis onrehabilitation and research related to athletics. The effect of the use on liqht and air.distribution of population, transportationfacilities. utilities, schools; parks and recreation facilities, and other nublic facilities needs. a. Parkinq Expansion/Learning Center Lab: The appearance of the parking structure will beexactly the same as the approved plan and will noteffect these criteria. 2. 3.Effect upon traffic with particular reference toconqestion, autonotive and pedestrian safetv andconvenience. traffic flow and control access,naneuverabilitv, and rernoval of snow from thestreet and narkincr areas. a. Parkinq Expansion./Learnina Center Lab: certainfy sone additional traffic will be generated due to the increased nunber of parkingspaces. Hoerever, Colorado Division of Highwayswill not require additional improvements as allpossible roadway inprovenents were required duringthe previous hospital approval . Staff discussedthe proposal with Rj.ch Perske fron CDOH and noadditional Frontage Road inprovenents were deemed necessary. The hospitalrs structure will connect to the Doubletree parking at leveL +/- 81,62 sq. ft. Abreak-out panel will be built at level +/- SLSLsq. ft. At this time, no connection or break outpanel is proposed at the lowest level +/- 8t4o sq.ft. For this reason, the Doubletree will need toconstruct a ramp to connect their lowest level ofparking to the level above. This connection willbe underground and is possible to construct according to the Doubletreers architect. The ohrner of the Doubletree has also acknowledged thatthis connection will need to be built conpletelyon Doubletree property. (Please see attached correspondence from Paln Aire Doubletree, Inc.dated April 4, L99O and sketch forr Anthony Relechia Architects.) In order to allow for the ramp, the Doubletree will need to subnit a rninor anendrnent to their Special Development District. Staff encourages the hospital to provide a break-out panel or connection at level 8140 (Iowestlevel) to the Doubletree structure to al1ow forthe possibility of shared parking. Even though aproposal to share parking would stil1 require Town approval , it seems to be a lost opportunity to notallow for this possibility. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which theproposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the oroposed use in relation to surround incr uses. a. Parkinq ExpansLon,/Learninq Center Lab: Tlrere will be no change in the mass and bulk ofthe parking structure as the additionaL floors are below grade. IV. FINDINGS The Community Development Departnent reconmends that theconditional use pemrit be approvedr/denied based on thefollowing findings: That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes of this ordinance and the purposes of the districtin which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it woutd be operated or rnaintained would not bedetrimental to ttre public health, safety, or welfare orrnaterially injurious to properties or inprovements in thevicinity. That the proposed use would conply with each of theapplicable provisions of this ordinance. V. STAFF RECOITO,TENDATTONS The staff recornmends approval of the conditional userequest. The proposed locat,ion for additional parking and Learning center Lab is very compliurentary to the overall master plan for the trospital site. There will be no negative impacts due to the additional floors of parking orthe Learning Center lab. fn fact, the concept of providingadditional parking beneath the approved parking structure is an efficient use of the hospital site. If possible, staff encourag'es the bospital to incorporate the break-out panelinto the lowest leve1 of the structure to allow for future access to the Doubletree Structure. The fact that the spaces are below grade will beneflt the aesthetics of thesite for the hospital as well as adjacent property orlners.Staff would like to conrnend the Vail Valley Medical Centerfor naking the extra effort to provide as much parking aspossible in the location of the parking structure. Thiseffort makes good planning sense for the hospital as well asfor the entire connunity. Orro, Prrrnsow & Posr (-FREOERICX S. OTTO JAY K. PEIERSOI{ WI LLIAM J. POST WENOELL A PORTERFIELOT JR' April 4, 1990 POST OFFTCE 60X 3149 vr'IL, COI{,BrDO At66a- Ol4e VAIL NATTONAL BANK AUILDINO (3O31 476-OO02 rAX LIN E (303) .79 -O4e7 AT IAw' IGistan Pritz Town of Vail Vail , CO 8l-557 RE: Vail Valley Medical Center Condiiional Use AppJ-ication Dear Kristan: Pursuant to your request I have discussed the uses of the lower L/2 leve1 of the parking structure with the nedical center. As stated in Mr. Feeneyrs letter of l,[arch 21, 1990 the facility (approxinately 65O0 sguare feet in size) will be staffed by six people who wiII coordinate and review the results of research activities conducted at various associated centers throughout the nation. Inaddition, a portion of the facility will focus on bionechanical studies of athletes as a means of avoiding injury, as well asassisting in guicker and fuller rehabilitation once an injury occurs.This will entail videotaping, measuring and study of physiological actions used in activities of skiing, throwing, kicking and running. Work will be conducted on tissues and cell cultures in a snall portionof this facility, as it relates to these above activities. I wouldIike to enphasize, however, that no live aninal research will be conducted in this facility, or any other facility in Eagle county byDr. Steadman. on oecasicn, a portion of the facility will also be used for continuing education prograns such as lectures, slide and video presentations. If further explanation or clarification is needed please call. Sincerely, terson 1 voilvolley medicolcenter 21 March 1990 a9er 181 West lt/eodo,v Ddro, Suite 100 Voil, Colorodo 8J657(fi3) 476-2451 Roy lvlcMohon Chief Erecufiw Officer Kristen Pritz Senior Planner Town of Vail - Conmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, C0 81557 Dear Kristen: In response to your question regarding the purpose of the Learning Center we propose to construct for Dr. Steadman in the lowest one-half level of the parking structure: As a surgeon whose innovative techni,ques_ are of wide-spread- interest throughout thi sports medicine community, Dr. Steadman is frequently visited by orthopedic surgeons from this country and abroad. The Learning Center will be a place where such visitors to Vajl can review video tapes of past surgica'l procedures of particular significance, as well as'l ive "feeds" of procedures in progress in the operating room at the moment. It will also be a facility where a full-time staff of six persons will coordinate and review the results of research activities being conducted at various associated centers throughout the nation. There will be several small rooms on-site where work will be conducted on tissues and cell cultures. However, Dr. Steadman stands by his previous comnitment that he will conduct no live animal research in Eagle County. In addition, Dr. Steadman wil'l use the Learning Center to develop and evaluate conditioning techniques with human subiects, as a means of avoiding injury, as wel'l as assisting in quicker and fuller rehabilitation, once an injury occurs. Please call if I can provide any further clarification on our application for amendment to our Conditional Use Permit. DJH: bh cc: Ray Jay lilcMahan Peterson ( hFR-94-1s98 T3:93 FRON PALM-fiIRE E;€C. Uf'FI'-E > L>t4)1 (>vj{E ( 7 .91 I tot FROII: DAIEI RE: rGrroRlNDl;lu 8OI{N oF VAII./A8${: KRISIAN PRISZ PAIJ{ TIRE DOUBI.ENREE, IIIC' APRrL {, 1990 DOUBL TRE g,/VA];L VAI.I,BY I4IDICA! CENTER Dear Krigtan: The fo'lorring itens havs bc€n_ agr-ced to belween the ottncrs of thc ilLi;i;;l-ii5t.i ana vair vallcv ltedical center! l.llhatth€und.rsiEn.d.itin'lgreenentgl.tlrth.parkingstructureae desiEn"a iii-:ii[rnrlica to'ltr. Eown of vail. and that sucn etructur. rs ln eonpliance-Wriii-til-'"gt..t"nt bctt{..n vall Itoldinsr ""i iiiri-Aiili;; rnc" dated June 2e' 1e8e' 2.Shatthgundrrrigncdhas^no-gblcctiontoabuildingpcntritbolngiiru"a for the parlclng atructut'' 3.Th4ttheaccesstotb..}oU!rlevclofparkingf,ortheDoubletreeHotel shall'ifr"i" on tf" Doubletree property' 4. That tbe undersigncg coltsel:s to the apglication of ValI Vallry Medicalccnseranclhercbv"ai"ilfit;iFh"iealdolectofnotlce as actual noir"e- nas urcn tcEeft'"a 6y r'bo undersigncd' PAlt{ AIRE DOUBIiEIIREET INC' RB:NE TOTAL P.@2 Gron, RUMA & Assocrotr*o. CONSUTTING MECHANICAL/ETECTRICAT ENGINEERS CLINTON C CATOR r SEBASTIAN A. RUMA o DONALD P ROSIER January 30, 1990 li .. l4s. Susan Scanlan Tovn of Vail Buillding DetrErtrFnt 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, Co 81657 RE: Vail Vallelr I'hdicaL Center Cafeteria and Parking Structure Dear Susan: rhis letter is to confirm our phone conversation on January 29t Lggoregarding the grease interceptor in the cafeteria, and the sand and oilinterceptor in the parking structure. you stated that the only itern thatmust be routed through the grease interceptor prior to connectirg the nain sewer was the 3-conpartment pt sintc As for the pa.rking structure, you felt that locating the sand and oilinterceptor indoors is acceptable, if the interceptor is vented properly. thank.you for your assistance in these matters. prease call if you have arqrquestions. Very Truly Yours, CAX!o& KrlrA & ASSOCIATES, @. @&n'</7 Richard J. Saus'er cc: Skip Spenst - FRI RIVaT A:Scanlan. j30 1550 DOVER STREETo SUITE 2 o LAKEWOOD.COTORADO 8O215 o (303) 232-6200 trwn zS rorrtt lronttge road v.ll, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 4792139 January 29, 1990 olfice of communlty develoPment Mr. Pauf JohnstonVail Valley Medical center Board 181 w. Meadow DriveVail, Colorado 8L657 RE: Possible Vail valtey Medical Center Expansion Dear PauI: In order to assist you in the evaluation of possible alternatives for expanding the vail valley Medical Center, f thought it.woul-d be helpful ia I outlined the review steps necessary to revise the Vail Valley Medical Centerrs development p1an. rt j-s rny understanding that you briefly discussed the possiblity of changing the plan to allow the Doubletree Hote1 to construct their addition on hospital property. The hospital would construct a portion of their expansion on Doubletree propgrty. This approach would allow the hospital to orient more of its traffic towards the South Frontage Road as opposed to Meadow Drive. This concept certainly has some potential , however, as you know, the staff and planning conmission wilf have similar concerns to those raised in previous reviews of the VaiI va11ey Medical Center expansion. Traffic, building mass and bulk, ultirnate build-out, and adequate parking are some of the issues which would be raised. In order to allow for this change, the Vail vaLley Medical center would need to recieve a conditional" use approval from the Planning and Environrnental commission. In addition, a ternporary parking variance rnay be necessary if the tining of the parking structure does not coincide exactly with the completion of the hospital space. I have attached the Planning and Environnental Commission schedule for your review. If the Doubletree is involved with the proposal , the Special Development District for the Doubletree would also need to be amended. However, at this tiure without any drawings or a written proposal it is difficult to deternine if any additional approvals would be necessary. I hope this inforuration is helpful to you. Please feel free tocall me if you have any further questions about this idea. Sincerelv,ri- I ftl tnfi4\YrftKristan PritzActing Director aj 75 soulh ttontsge road Yall, colorado 81557 (303) 479'2138 (303) 479-2139June L2 | 1.989 oltice ot community development Mr. Dan FeeneyProject UanagerVaiL Valley Medical- Center L81 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100Vail, Colorado 8L657 Re: Final Design Review Board Approval for the 1989 Vail ValleyMedical Center Expansion Dear Dan, On llay l-7, L989, the Design Review Board gave final approva] to thehospital expansion with the following conditions: 1. The proposed aspens on the southwest corner of the hospitaladjacent to West Meadow Drive shal.l be increased by oneinch in caliper. This shall resuLt in three aspens at three inch caliper and three aspens at four inch caliper. 2. The proposed aspens along the east side of the new parking structure shall. have a minimun caliper of three inches. 3. The east side of the existing hospital adjacent to the Skaal Hus shal1 be landscaped. A rninimun of six two and one half inch to three inch caliper cottonwoods shall be added in this area. You will need to submit a landscapeplan for this site. All of these changes should be indicated on your building perrnitp1ans. The project was approved 4-0. Peggy Osterfoss made thenotion to approve as submitted with the changes listed above. Janie McCluskie seconded the rnotion. ff you have any further questions about the approval, please feel free to contact rne at 479-2138. Sincerly, tlibYrhSenior Planner 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 47e,2138 (303) 479213s August 15, 1989 olfice ol community developmenl Mr. Dan FeeneyProject ManagerVaiI Valley Medical CenterlEL West Meadow Drive, Suite L00VaiI, Colorado 8L657 Re: Vail Valley Medical Center expansion - Summer L989 perrnit Dear Dan, Below is a list of some minor concerns related to the perrnit for thehospital expansion: L. on sheet A-3, there is mention of the deletion of a research laband storage area. f would appreciate it if you would explain inwriting that there are no research labs for any type of ininaltesting within this project. 2. I am requesting a written statenent fron the Vail Valley Medicalcenter Board which states that the vail valley Medical centershall not rernonstrat,e against a Special Development District forimprovements on south Frontage Road or west Meldow Drive. As youknow, thj.s was a condition of approval from the Vail Town councitat their March 7, L989 rneeting. I think it would be good to getthis statement in writing from the Board. 3. r would appreciate it if you would provide a written statementthat the vail Valley Medical center concurs that the relocatedaccess drive to the heri-pad will neet the following standards: A. The driveway shall not exceed a 72 grade. B. The driveway sha1l allow for safe semi-truck access andloading for the post office. C. The relocated driveway shalL not comprornise the existing cDoH -'\ permit for the heli-pad. D. Any trees of shrubs effected by the access shall be relocatedin the sane general area. The mature evergreens to betransplanted due to the new access drive shall be guaranteedto live for a period of three years or be replaced with treesof comparable size. 4. I would like to revielr the Doubletree agreement with you. I also wanted to rernind you again of the parking study vhich wasrequested by the Tohrn Council in their final approval of theconditional use perrnit. rf you have any further questions about theparking study, please let rne know. f realize you are very busy withthe actual construction of the hospital and just wanted to remind youof the need to work on this study. The last issue is one I am sure you are well aware of. I hope you planto discuss the issue of the parking structure with the approprilte Townparties as soon as possible. Once again, I want to reiterate that thevail Valley Medical Center's desire to receive a tenporary certificateof occupancy before the parking structure is ready for use rnust bereviewed.by the Planning cornrnission and Town council. r would suggestyou submit your proposal as soon as possible to avoid any last rninuteproblems. r wourd arso rike to organize a meeting with the vair National Bank,Doubletree, and the hospital to discuss the utitity work and winterparking for the hospital. The staff needs to know where the 50 parkingspaces will be located. Please 1et rne know when you could gettogether. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact rne at479-2L38. congratulations on getting your project underway! Thanksfor all your efforts to anserer staff guestions. KP:1r cc: Peter Patten Gary Murrain Ray McMahan town 75 south lronlage road yail. colorado 81557 (303) 4792138 (303) 47$2139 October 26, l-989 otfice of communily development Mr. Dan FeeneyVaiI Valley Medical Center 181 West Meadow DriveVail, colorado 81.657 Re: Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for Hospital Wing and 1989/90Winter Parkinq Plan Dear Dan, Recently, Jay Peterson contacted me to find out the process the staffwould require for the issue of the new hospital wing temporarycertificate of occupancy. Peter and f reviewed this i.ssue and havedetermined that a temporary parking variance and amendrnent to yourconditional use approval will be necessary. please subrnit theserequests as soon as possible. we feel it is important to address yourtemporary certificate of occupancy as soon as possible so that it doesnot appear that we do not have time to review the request. I know you have been very busy with the construction project. However, r think itis best to address this issue in a tirnely nanner. I would also appreciate it if you would give me an update on yourproposed parking pran for L989/9o. rn past retters, you have indicatedthat you would use a third parking 1ot. At that time, this rot was notidentified. Please let me know your final parking plan (once again),as soon as possible. Dan, the deadrines just never stop. Thanks for your help on these twonatters. Sincerely, 12 I n'\fffla\ Yr'1rtKiristan Pritz Senior Planner KP: lr cc: Peter Patten Jay Peterson Ray McMahon Planning PRESENTffi-VIEre Chuck Christ Diana Donovan Jim Shearersid schultz Kathy Warren ABSENTEd;IE Knisht The rneeting was called and Environmental Commission December 18, 1989 Minutes STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Kristan Pritz Betsy Rosolack Anne Jansen to order by Jirn Vie1e, the chairperson. 1. Approval of rninutes of 6/26,7/Io,7/24' L0/9, and I2/II , L989. Chuck Crist moved and Jirn shearer seconded to approve the minutes. The vote was 6 - 0 in favor. 2.A reguest to amend a conditional use permit, a parkinq variance, and a variance to the recruirement to pave a temporary parking 1ot at sun Vail condominiums for the vail Vallev Medical Center of Lols E and R, VaiI ViIIaoe 2nd Fifinq..Applicant: Vail valley Medical Center Kristan Pritz reviewed the proposal regarding a parking variance and explained that it would be a ternporary one fron August Lst through November L5, l-990. Then she reviewed the proposal for the variance to the requirement to pave the parking lot. Kristan then reviewed the summary of parking provisions for the Vail Va1ley Medical Center as follows: a. The Winter proposal b. The proposal for April 15 - August 1-, l-990 c. The proposal for August 1 - November 1-5 | L99O Kristan then reviewed the criteria of findings. The staff recomnendation is for approval. They support the variances for the reasons stated in the nemo. Kristan then reviewed the proposal for the Conditional Use Perrnit. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, explained that it was difficult to put the whole package together because they had to consult with the Doubletree, the VaiI National Bank, and the WMC. They also had to relocate utilities which were all cornpleted now. Jay felt that the solution was a practical one. He explained that the WMC is requesting to receive a tenporary certificate of occupancy by August 1, 1990 for the third floor. However, the parking structure would not be conpleted until approximately November 15, 1990. Jay stated that he could tell the staff by September whether or not the parking structure would be conpleted by November lst. Jay also added sonething newi he said that there would be two half levels that would be constructed below the structure which was not a part of the original plan. It would not be used for additional parking but for other private hospital uses. When the hospital expands again, they will finish this section which wiII allow for 70 additional spaces. Jay had a probtem with condition #4 insuring that the parking lot would be cleaned up and revegetated. The condition included that the hospital would be responsible for irnplernenting sorne type of pollution control system after using the gravel lot. He felt that there is no poltution control- possible. He said that in constructing the parking lot, they took al-ot of rrjunkl from the site and cleaned it up and there was no vegetation. They have now put down gravel which was mud before, and he did not feeL the need to conply with condition #4. The Planning Commission then spoke and Chuck asked if the Medical Center would be paying for the usage of the Lionshead parking structure. He was told they would not be paying. Kristan said that the Medical Center was telling us this because it was part of the parking requirement. She explained that in order to get a Tco' they must provide parking on the site and they were being up front and explaining how they would handle it. Diana asked how long the hospital could operate without a Tco. Jay answered that the Town could yank the TCO and not allow the hospital to use the facility until the parking structure was done. Lega1ly, he said, that could be done, however, practically speaking' it probably would not. He said at the tirne of TCO in August the staff would know if the structure would be completed in November. Diana then asked if it was fair to say that if they hadn't started construction on the parking structure, they should not receive their Jay felt that this was a fair condition. Jay added that Kristan was asking for plans for the parking structure by February 1st which would hurry the project along a littLe. Jin Viele asked if a shuttle systern would be used and whether or not it would be the Town of Vail buses. Jay clairned that 9oZ of the employees would use the Medical Center shuttle. Jin Viele agreed with Jay regarding taking up the gravel surface. He thought perhaps it might be better to leave it that way. Kristan felt that if they would seed the disturbed areas perhaps they could leave the gravel . Jay pointed out that there would be no sprinkling system there and the seeded area may not live. Peter Patten said if they allowed the use, they would not like the eye sore to continue. The area should be revegetated and that the contractor should not walk al^tay and Leave a trrnud holerr. Jay felt that this was not fair. He said that the lot was in poor condition to begin with. The hospital would be going through expense to make a bad situation better. Kristan said that the staff was sinply talking about revegetating and nulching. Jay responded by saying that this would not be a problem. Diana rnoved to approve the temporarv parkinq variance per the stEff memo with tfiE finainqJ concerninq strict and literal interpretation. She added another condition that a Tco coufd onlv be issued if the ark structure was under construction and the other conditions had been met. Kathy warren seconded the motion. The staff followi-ng 1. A The staff recommends that the requested variances be approved with the conditions: The Town of Vail reserves the right to review the ernployee shuttle system and off-site lease parking progtram. If we deterrnine that the progran is not working properly, the staff reserves the right to bring the issue back to the Planning and Environmental Comrnission for review. The off-site parking plan is only approved from the date ofpossible approval of this request to the end of the ski season in 1990. The WMC shatl not encourage employee parking in the Lionshead parking structure during the wj-nter ski season or provide Lionshead parking passes to enployees during the wi-nter season. The wMc shall- be responsible for insuring that the Sun Vail parking lot is cleaned up and revegetated no later than July 1- | L990. If the gravel is polluted, the wMc shall remove it frorn the site. No finaL sertificate of occupancy shall be released for the wMc l-989 Expansion untit the parking structure and all other required improvements (Frontage Rd., landscaping etc.) are completed. The WMC must have Conditional Use approval . requires that: The hospital shall agree to subnit parking structure building pernit plans to the Connunity Developrnent Departrnent no later than February L4, l-990. The purpose of this requirement is to ensure that adeguate time will be allowed to review building pernit drawings in order to release a L. permit by April 15, l-990. 2. If due to some unforeseen reason, the structure is not going to be ready for use by November 15, l-99o, the hospital shafl have an obligation to inforrn the Comnunity Developrnent Departrnent ofthe situation by September 1-, 1990. The hospital shall also be required to subnit a request for any necessary approvals due tothe problem with the parking structure by September 1, 1990. Vote: 6-0infavor. Diana Donovan moved to a rove the variance to the re irement to pave the ternpora lot and su ested that cond 4 be chanqed to requrre seeo and mulch sturbed areas f the Tor{rn determines that there llution ravel . chuck Chr st seconded the mot ion. Vote: 6-0infavor. Concerninq the Conditional Use permit: Diana Donovan recommended to timinq of the construction of the parking structure. Kathy Warren seconded the rnotion. Vote:6-0infavor. PETER PATTEN ANNOUNCED HTS RESIGNATION FROM THE TOWN OF VAIL AS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR AS OF JANUARY 26TH. HE WILL BE MOVING TO PORTI,AND, OREGON AND HE EXPRESSED HIS GRATITUDE WORKING WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION. PETER ALSO WELCOMED ANNE JANSEN, THE NEW ADMTNTSTRATIVE SECRETARY TO THE CD DEPARTMENT.SPONSE. JIM VIELE WISHED PETER WELL AND THAT HE HAD DONE AN EXCELLENT JOB DURING HIS TIME WITH THE TOWN. 3. Consideration of adoption of the Vail ViIIase Master P1an. Peter Patten explained that, the purpose of the Vail Vj.llage Master PIan was to adopt a guide for decision rnaking. He felt that all the proposed changes suggested by the PEC and the Town Council had been incorporated with just a few tttypos't to clean up. Peter said that thestaff felt very strongly in that the Master PIan would help to rnake a good guide for the village for years to corne. Larry Eskwith was present at this part of the meeting and explained tothe PEC that with the changes, he feLt more cornfortable with the Master Plan the way it was. Minor changes were discussed and Peter nade before the plan was recomrnended to changes that would be council. Master Plan and send noted thethe Town rove theAt that point Diana Donovan rnoved to at to Town Council oval.Jim Sh er seconded the rnotion. VoTE: 6-0lnfavor. 4. No comments for the Work Session portion of the rneetinq. TC8T3 OFPICIAL STATEI,IENT $11,800,000r COLORADO HEALTH FACILITIES REVENUE BONDS (VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER SERIES 1989 ^i'.i1i","n'61' ( INTRODUCTORS STATEMENT Gene ra I The purpose of this Official Statement is to set forth certain information concerning the issuance and sale by the Colorado HeaIth Facilities Authority (the "Authority") of $11,800,000r aggregate principal amount of its Revenue Bonds (Vail VaIley Medical Center Project) Series 1989 (the "Series 1989 8onds"). The Authority is authorized by the Colorado Health Facilities Authority Act, Article 25, Title 25 of, the Colorado Revised Statutes (the "Act") to issue the Series 1989 Bonds and to loan the proceeds thereof to VaiI Clinic, Inc., d/bla VaiI Valley Medical Center (the "Medical Center"), a Texas nonprofit corporation. The Medical Center presently owns and operates a. 30-bed acute care, general hospital located in the Town of Vail, Colorado, approximately 100 m.iles west of Denver, Colorado, as more fully described in Appendix A hereto. The Series 1989 Bonds are issued pursuanE to an Indenture of Trust dated as of June 1, 1989 (the "Indenture") between the Authority and Central Bank Denver, National Associ.ation, as Trustee (the "Trustee"). The proceeds of the Series 1989 Bonds are to be loaned to the Medical Center pursuant to a Mortgage and Loan Agreement dated as of June I, 1989 (the "Loan Agreement") between the Authority and the Medical Center. The Medical Center will use the proceeds of the Series 1989 Bonds for the purposes hereinafter described. The descriptions and summaries of various docurnents hereinafber set forth do not purport to be comprehensive or definitive and reference is made to each docunent for the complete details of all terns and conditions. All statements herein are gualified in their entirety by reference to each document. See Appendix D for definitions of certain words and terms used herein which are not otherwise defined. The attached Appendices A, B, C and D are integral parts of this Official Statement and should be read in their entirety. Purpose of the Series 1989 Eonds The net proceeds of the Series 1989 Bonds will be used, together with funds of the Medical Cenler, (i) to finance the expansion and renovation of patient care areas, the acquisition of equipment. the construction of physician office space and the ,construction of a frarkino structure, (the "Project,l' as more fully described herein); (ii) to pay interest on the Series 1989 Bonds during construction of the Project; (iii) to fund a Bond Reserve *Preliminary; subject to change. ESTIMATED SOIJRCES A}ID USES OF FTJNDS The estimated sources and uses of funds in connection with the issuance of the Bonds are as follows: Sources of Funds* Principal amount of Series 1989 Bonds Contribution by Medical Center Interest earnings on Bond Proceeds Total . Uses of Funds * Cost of the Project Capitalized interest( I ) Bond Reserve Fund( 2 ) To pay bond issuance expenses and Underwriters' Discount. TotaI *Preliminary; subject to change. (I) Equal to interest on the Series 1989 Bonds December 1, 1990.(21 Egual to the Bond Reserve Requirement on the from the date of issuance to Series 1989 Bonds at closing. $r 1,800,000 1,680,000 865,000 $!L345-_A_00 $r 1,410,000 L,427,OOO r, 102,000 406,000 $!t 345-_0_49 The Proi ect Ihe Project consists o€ (i) an expansion to the Medical Center's existing acute-care, general hospital, (ii) consEruction of a parking facility, (iii) remodeling and renovation of portions of the Medical Center's existing facility and (iv) acquisition of eguipment. Failure to complete the Project in a tirnely manner, especially the herein defined Expansion Project, or within the anticipated budget, could adversely affect the Medical Center's revenues and ability to repay the Series 1989 Bonds. See "BONDHOLDERS' RISKS" herein. Expansion Proi ect The portion of the Project related to the expansion at the existing facility (referred to herein as the "Expansion Project") will be funded from both the proceeds of the Series 1989 Bonds and available funds of the Medical Center which are currently on deposit in the Medical Center's funded depreciation reserves. The Expansion Project will include the addition of nineteen acute care patient beds, four operating rooms and equipment relating thereto, approximately 7,300 square feet of physician office sPace. The total cost of the Expansion Project is estimated to be $6'048,000. No Series 1989 Bond proceeds will be used for any of the physician office sPace. -5- The Expansion Project is designed to meet what the Medical Center perceives as projected growth in the Medical Center's resident and seasonalnarkets, and to accomodate increased volume which the Medical Center projectswill result from the addition of an orthopedic surgeon (J. Richard Steadman,M.D., F.A.C.S.) to its staff and the recruitment of one or more additional orthopedic surgeons and their associates. For a description of the status of such recruitment, see the caption "Recruitnent of and Contrac! with Additional Orthopedic Surgeons" in Appendix A hereto. In addition, see ',BONDHOLDERS RISKS" below and Appendir C hereto. Construction of the Expansion Project is expected to commence in ilune 1989, with completion expected to occur no later than August 1990. Architectfor the Expansion Project is the firm of Fisher, Reece and Johnson of Denver, Colorado. Fisher, Reece and Johnson has been involved in health care projects in Colorado for Bethesda Hospital & Cornmuni ty Health Center, Denver, Colorado,Kaiser Foundation Health Care of Colorado, Rose Medical Center, Denver, Colorado, and Presbyte rian/Sa int Luke's Medical Center (now A}1I), Denver, Colorado. In addition, the firm was architect for the Medical Center's last major construction project which was completed in 1987. Working drawings have been completed by the archj.tects, and the Expansion Project construction contract was put out to bid in late May to certain "pre-quali,fied" general contractors with health care experience. Bids are expected to be received by early June, and a contract. award is expected to -be made to the lowest bidder on or about June 15, 1989. The construction contract will be a standard AIA "fixed sun cost" contract, subject to increased costs only in the event of change orders. The contract will require the contractor to furnish an acceptable performance and completion bond, andwill require completion of the Exgansion Project by early July 1990. A building permit for the entire Project was obtained on June _, 1989, following approval by the Town Planning Commission, review by the lown Council and approval by the Tovrn Design Review Board. Parkinq Structure. Ihe parking structure portion of the'Project .(the"Parking Structure Project") is expected to cost $3,252,000. . r The Parking Structure Project will consist of a multilevel parking garage with room for 212 cars. The Medical Center has granted t/lIB Building Corporation ('rVNB'r) the option of directing the Medical Center to add up to an additional 12 spaces to the Parking Structure Project, with such spaces to be alfocated to and paid for by lNB. The structure rill be located on the northeast corner of the Medical Center's property, and will have access to Vail's South Frontage Road via an easernent granted by the Doubletree Hotel. In order to obtain Highway Department approval to access the frontage road, the Medical Center agreed to pay for the widening of the frontage road at the access Point from two to three lanes. In addition, in exchange for the access easements, the Medical Center has agreed to allow the Doubletree Hotel to use a certain number of parking spaces in the Parking Structure Project and has agreed to certain restrictions on future expansions of the Medical Center facilities. -7- Architectual drawings have not yet been comple!ed and a construction contract for such st,ructure will not have been entered inCo at the time the Series 1989 Bonds are issued. However, management of the Medical Center expects to be able to complete the Parking Structure Project within the amountof Series 1989 Bond proceeds available therefor. Surther, the building permit received on June _, 1989 covers the Parking Structure Project. Remodeling, Renovation and Equipment. That portion of the Project consisting of remodeling and renovation of the existing facility is expectedto cost $473,000. The equipment portion of the Project consists of the Medical Center's routine equipment expenditures for the fiscal years ending October 3I, 1988 through 1990 and is expected to cost approximately $1,637,000. THE SERIES 1989 BONDS The Series 1989 Bonds will be issued as fully registered bonds in denominations of $5,000 and integral multi.ples thereof. The Series 1989 Bonds will be dated and will mature at the times and in the amounts as set forth on the cover page of this Official Statement. The Series 1989 Bonds will bear interest from their date, until palment of principal has been made or provided for, payable semiannually on each June 1 and December I (each an "Interest Payment Date" with respect to the Series ]989 Bonds), commencing December 1, 1989, at the rates set forth on the cover page of this Official Statement, except that Series 1989 Bonds which are reissued upon transfer, exchange or other replacement will bear interest from the most recent Interest Payment Date to which interest has been paid or duly prrovided for. or if no interest has been paid, from the date of the Series 1989 Bonds. Principal of and premium, if any, on the Series 1989 Bonds at maturity or upon redemption or acceleration will. be payable at the principal office of the Trustee. Payment of interest on any Series 1989 Bond will be made to the person who is the registered owner thereof at the close of business on the Regular Record Date, as described below, for such Interest Payment Date, by check or draft mailed by the Trustee to the registered owner at his or her address as it appears on the registration books kept by the Trustee, but any such interest not so timely paid or duly provided for will cease Eo be payable to the person who is the registered owner thereof at the close of business on the Regular Record Date and will be payable to the person who is the registered owner thereof at the close of business on a Special Record Date for the payment of any such defaulted interest. The Regular Record Date with respect to the Series 1989 Bonds means the fifteenth day of the calendar month next preceding each Interest Payment Date, redemption date or maturity date. Special Record Date means the date fixed by the Trustee wheneve r moneys become available for payment of defaulted interest. Notice of any Special Record Date will be given to the registered owners of the Series 1989 Bonds not less than ten days prior lhereto by first class mail to each registered owner as shown on the registration books on a date selected by the Trustee. Mandatorv Sinkinq Fund Redemption The series 1989 Bonds maturing on June l, 2oI9 are subject to mandatory sinking fund redemption at a redemplion price, equal to I00% of the principal amount thereof and accrued inlerest to the redemption dale. As and for a sinking fund for the redemption of Series 1989 Bonds there will be deposited in the Bond principal Fund and Bond Interest Fund a sum which is sufficient to redeem (after credit as described below) the following principal amounts of Series 1989 Bonds and to pay accrued interest thereon to the redemption date: Principal Amount $62s,000 680,000 735,000 795 ,000 855,000 935 ,000 1,015,000 June I of the Year Principal funount $33o, ooo 360,000 385,000 420,000 455 ,000 490,000 535,000 580,000 June 1 of the Yea r 2013 20r4 2015 2016 20I7 20r8 2019 * 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 20 r0 20rI 20L2 *Ma tur i ty Not rnore than 45 days nor less than 30 days prior to the sinking fund payment date for the Serils 1989 Bonds, the Trustee shall proceed to select io-r redemption (by lot in such manner as the Trustee may determine) from aII Series 1989 Bonds maturing on June 1, 2019, a principal amount of such Series 1989 Bonds, redeemable wittr the required sinking fund payment, and shall caII such Series 1989 Bonds for redemption from the sinking fund on the next June I, and give notice of such call. At the option of the Medical center to be exercised by delivery of a written certificate to the Trustee and the Authority not less than 45 days next preceding any sinking fund redemption date, it rnay (i) deliver to the Trustee for cancellation Series 1989 Bonds maturing on June I, 20L4, in an aggregate principal amount desired by the Medical Center or, (ii) sPecify a plir"ip.f a-mountLf Series 1989 Bonds maturing on June I, ZOI4, which prior to said date have been redeemed (otherwise lhan through the operation of the sinking fund) and cancelled by the Trustee and not theretofore applied as a credit against any sinking fuird redemplion obligation. Each such Series 1989 Bond so delivered o" p""rrio.r"ly redeemed shall be credited by the Truste-e. at 100% of the principai amounb thereof against ;he obligation of the Medical Center on such sini<ing fund redemption date and any excess shall be so credited against futur! sinking fun-d redemption obligations in chronological order unless otherwise specified by the Medical Center' -14- DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS ON THE SERIES 1989 BONDS AI{D THE SERIES 1985 BONDS The following table sets forth, for each calendar year the amounts required in such year for the payment of principal at maturity or by mandatory sin*ing fund redernption, as the case may be, of the Bonds, lhe series 1985 Bonds, and the payment of interest thereon: Series I985 Bonds Series 1989 Bonds Princioa]*fnterest TotaI Debt ServiceCalenda r Yea r 1989 1990 199I r992 1993 1994 1995 1996 L997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 z0Lz 20r3 20 r4 2015 20r6 20L7 2018 2019 Principal $200,000 2 15 ,000 230,000 250,000 275,000 295,000 325, 000 350 ,000 390,000 425,000 470 ,000 515 ,000 565 ,000 625,000 68s,000 755,000 830,000 Interest $715.618 699,618 68r,880 662,330 640,705 616,505 590 ,250 56r,000 525,000 487,500 444,500 397 ,500 346 ,000 289,500 227,000 158 ,500 83,000 125,000 130,000 140,000 r55,000 r55,000 r80,000 190 ,000 205,000 220,000 240,000 250,000 280,000 305.000 330 ,000 360 ,000 385 ,000 420 ,000 455 ,000 490 ,000 535,000 s80 ,000 525 ,000 680,000 735 ,000 795 ,000 865,000 935,000 I , 0r5 ,000 * Preliminary; subject to change. -r6- FORECASTED DEBT SERVICE COVERAGE IN FEASIBILITY STUDY The following table sets forth t.he forecast net income available for debt service and the debt service coverage on the Series 1989 Bonds and the Series 1985 Bonds (based on the maximum annual debt service thereon) in each of the five fiscal years of the Medical Center ending October 3I, 1993. Such forecasts are derived soleIy from information contained in the Feasibility Study, attached hereto as Appendix C, which should be read in its ent irety for information as to the assumptions on which such forecasts are based. These assumptions include, among others, the actual principal schedule and interest rates on the Series 1985 Bonds, an estimated Series 1989 Bond issue of $1I.800,000 amortized as described therein and an estimated annual average interest rate of 8.32 on the Series 1989 Bonds. Actual annual debt service on the Series 1989 Bonds may be different than assumed in the Feasibility Study. The Feasibility Study also makes certain assunptions regarding j.ncreased useof the Medical Center for the performance of orthopedic surgery. If results with respect to such surgeries are less than anticipated by the Medical Center, debt service coverage may be adversely affected. ActuaI results achieved during the forecast period by the Medical Center are likely to vary from the forecasts and such variations may be material. Year ending October 31, 1.989 1990 1991 1992 1993 (in thousands of dollars ) Excess of revenue over expenses .... Depreciation and amortizat ion Interest expense Net income available for debt service Maximum annual debt service on the Series 1989 Bonds and the Series 1.985 Bonds Debt service coverage ratio (times). $?-435 $L0Zg $4.253 $4-!r! $5-234 $r ,035 695 705 $1,433 ,bt 88r $__r_6t $L0u) 2.5x 3,0x $r,36s $r,809 $2,126L,229 L,367 r,502 1 ,659 L ,637 r,606 $1-935 $2=916 $2-_0_16 2,2x 2.4x 2.6x Neither the Authority nor the Underwriter assumes any resPonsibility the forecasts above and as contained in the Feasibility Study, or as to assumptions or conclusions contained therein. BONDHOLDERS' RISKS Revenues and Expenses of the Medical Center The revenues and expenses of the Medical Center will be affected by future events and conditions relating generally to, among other things' utilizat.ion practices of physicians, gove rnment regulation, third-party for the -Lt- Historical Uti 1 ization A listing of various statistical indicators of patient Existing Facility for the five years ended October 3I, 1988 nonths ended March 31, 1988 and 1989 is presented below: Year ended October 31 activity at the and for the five :: Fi ve Months Ended March 31 Admi s s ions Patient days . Ave rage daily census ... Average beds in service Percent occupancy Ave rage length of stay ( days ) Newborns (deliveries) .. Newborn patient days ... Ene rgency room visits .. Surge ri es 1984 19851,293 r,4r2 4,022 4,418tr.0 12.119 t958 64 3.1 3. r247 344591 749 9,974 10,183754 840 1986 1987 1,438 1,456 4,34r 4,225lr.9 1r. 619 l9l3063 6L/39 3.0 2.9 343 295749 590 r0,248 11,344 868 875 1988 1988 1989 r,684 886 936 4,729 2,4L5 2,755).2.9 r5.9 r8,2 30 30 3043 53 61 2.8 2.8 3.0 319 132 l3r. 620 247 262 11,494 7,zLL 8,731r,009 52r 509 Source: Medical Center management Revenues and Expenses The table below presenEs a summa ry of revenues and expenses for the Medical Center for the five years ended October 3I, 1988 and for the five nonths ended March 31. 1988 and 1989. This summary is excerpted from audited financial statements of the Medical Center except for the five-month periods. The financial statements of the Medical Center for the fiscal years ended October 31, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987 and 1988 were audited by Arthur Andersen & Co., independent public accountants. The data for the five-month periods ended March 31, 1988 and 1989 are unaudited but, in the opinion of managemen! of the Medical Center, include aII adjustments (consisting only of normal recurring accruals) necessary to a fair Presentation of the results of operations for such periods. Operating results for the five-month period ended March 31, 1989 are not necessarily indicative of the results that may be expected for the f,ull fiscal year. The following summaries should be read in conjunction with the audited financial statements of t,he Medical Center for fiscal years ended October 31, 1986, 1987 and 1988 presented in Appendix B he reto . A-6 Net patient service revenue Other operating revenue Net operating revenue. Operating expenses other than depreci- ation, interest and amort izat ion expense, net ....... Degreciation ......... Interest and amortiza- tion expense, net .. TotaI operating expenses Income from operations Total nonoperating revenue Excess of revenues over exPenses ,..... Sunmary of Revenues and Expenses ( in thousands ) Year ended October 3I1984 1985 1986 1987 l9B8 $4,995 $s, er.s $6,400 $6, s43 $8 ,63e 67 104 I21 I44 r67 5,062 6.0r9 6,52L 7,087 8,805 Fi ve Months Ended March 3l 1988 1989 $4,674 $6,r49 r08 t354,782 6 ,284 4,013 229 122 4,795 2'18 ll9 5,325 322 190 5,815 332 312 7,2L6 3,436 4,365 587 256 278 691 280 284 4,364 5,L92 698 827 306 310 5,837 6,459 584 628 398* 355 3,972 4,927 810 1,357 206 27L I .494 5LZ 549 $1-904 $r- rlz $L_a82 $___9-e3 $__-0-6_! $LqL_6 $r-5es *Includes extraordinary gain of $1.30,000 from defeasance of debt. Source: Medical Center management Manaqement's Discussion of Utilization and Operations Chanqes in Revenues and Expenses. As shown in the E,able above, for theperiod from and including the fiscal year ended October 3I, 1984 to and including the fiscal year ended October 31, 1988, net patient service revenue has generally been increasing, as have expenses. For the fiscal year ended October 31, 1988, net patient service revenues increased by 24.a2 from the fiscal year ended October 3I, 1987. Management of the Medical Center believes that the increase was due to increased utilization, intensive treatment of more acutely i11 patients and a five percent rate increase. Total operating expenses for the same period increased by 31.5%. Management of the Medical Center believes that the increase in total operating expenses at greater rate than total revenues was due primarily to increased interest and depreciation expense associated with bringing the Medical Center's previous expansion project on Iine in t,he autumn of 1987. This resulted in the Medical Center's income frorn operations declining by 50% A-7 \tl { I ;,{i oo o g T !e., ;t IE3 O J OEErr a z a .,a).-!<.4-rr! L Cl €-4 a t gt c |! 'r t!|...9. gl :'A !r- 4,ol tJ ! I() 9'.- F ! ||d(r!z orra F rc ar-.. (,< t.. e rr a r ed r. c-f DJ ts 9(r Ata< d I Cl A O - t a-d| a.. a, < g! il'r ar.at-I F ar a, -alroC| o r r! oI F o,ii o.9 F lr blad- eF(J-l !JZar|'< !< r a,6 EiOE6 3.9t : oli !JE{9 o3 " ,9 ::lrt at .o.a i.. .a tt.t42 !ao >c cu; ii E l'.i s 3; !::t|.f >ra. a,t It o.r ra, EEi:t,s.3.8.i s:i :.;i46.i1t".3 g: l: f,3l!3:l3ll .:€l I e i eliltEiErE! i EE!siIrtu;€!d5 Iul o06aO\c!o ..|o€F00('t9a! iFo a o' o,ooFl(l'ct rioa60Ytn|6 a.l a{oGOrCrO a{r^FFO{d69 -F.| 'arD-.t<tF\c6l oct !a'--t! a(tF'|FOr6rioa It('|9{ a{n|6tal atsFo\c.tra6rE'| {rdo60c -alo- 600FaroctF?|F6r algrra-Grlctrctar ra ct ra F.qA E i Ei q 3!." e R :i 3 I l t!I" Inl tc -l II I I o\l I I I I I el.{l .l c|l *l atlzl'l rrrl FI :lctl<t s g g : Efi g F6 RX - - o 6 E - Eot 4 I ofl E 0 o c Jlcqt l.lt otc et6 {o orE-l? 1Frg HcIF II 38FFroaF'3r' ..F0 8ng I 3 83 so a, oa E\ar € - o6 F\e {- ?' ( rio .| 6 S t 9 8; :|^ 6 0 n| Oa Ol- 6R - ' 3 :9 . al .tl "|.1 I -:l El<rl :rl ztl33 ;l 6l r'! a. C o.' aa ta | | "l ''a qo.rl ?aa 1orl I 'l .l d .ll raraar.a -aFrt6il cr o a. .\lJ ssijJ *-' F:'l ':{ '8" :l Ea*i dX ! ! ; -:iE Esr " fl e 6 .- I!:ie:t:sz :;E Hs { IPl :;*flee's!!g:8 ?H I ", !ul €!"9.o.98:i 3 : F e B g E" ..i ; 3"?l ...i'i3:;E;Er:"j:t j Ee :IEi..,:;:itr 919rals?ir-r.0c a a ti d ct io s,t-ara ro E ;i$qite;;i:: E H E E ; E' :;l!i, E' - c.ioooFE.-rat! rr 5 - ts Failroi!E+3iii;E;Ei9'!! po.-EEE 3t.ir'r$E3: ai a fr eC e 3E h3 iliI ?5 85 fl o t l= ll lc rot= -l It- IB -l F. 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Ct ooooooooc, \aGt€ {-.tr (Y oooooo oo0€ ooooooooo o6to€ool I ooo ooI ooo 00I ooo 00| .-.(\ll ( -\D or Uto\l a{ ll \o r'! Fq\l -. F !1 o a.l -l l-r Ita) oo0('cto ro .\lrt {toil octoo00 {9 l{ | 8t8 88 -l o-o-o- qg .ol ro a Glgrl FCrr^ -a .|\l-.1 qr..t € clt.;l') I ooo oct E I r.8-r- r.8. .-(Pl Or^r\ Or..r. aol F9c) aO CrOsrl ag .,l {-l.:l:EI.D I I6Io.lqllI gql{rttca\Ol c olg. .leta{.]) q flIt utl-Elrr ?t I9Fll'-!|-L<lqtuO8 i v 6l g6 t(r(,(uOlna!!O.!6 Zl 6agloF.?l.vl Fl .r er.-'lu8,ohl !'39.:3'L 4. Al l, 91, ql r. €I e Zl r. .!! g d t Ant ? g g t 'l o tE 5 .9 t dl1f ., ,'! r. C q, ql C €L ! g VI<f El r. r. (9 z o o Hl :. ., t, L ro ts q E ?, g 3 e il t ot"U .: ! SI l' r € 9. td tal r.. O..r.. r a a 3r. t,- (, H gI (J <l ./ o l, rrf. a .. = gil z F.l ..4 l, tr n! .,1O ! 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Box 2L07 Grand Junction, Colorado 8l-502 Re: Proposed Access Control PIan, South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. Perske: Please find enclosed a proposed access control plan for an area of the South Frontage Road near the Vail National Bank and Doubletree properties. The proposed access control plan has been designed by TDA, fnc. in conjunction with the properties involved and the Town of Vait. My understanding is that the proposal has been prepared in accordance with the guidelines contained in the State Highway Access Code, Section 2.L2. The primary inpetus for the proposal comes from the vail valley Medical Center proposed expansion project. The Town of Vail Community Development Department has encouraged parking and access solutions to take place as proposed in the plan. we feel the proposed parking structure with access off of the South Frontage Road is a superior solution for this property and is in conformance with other Town of vail objectives as found in our lilaster Land Use Plan. The Community Developrnent Department endorses the proposed plan in concept and will be conducting further reviews involving the Town's other operational departments in the very near future. We would appreciate yourplan as soon as possible.you feel it is necessary. connents on the proposed access control We would be happy to meet with you as L'r.rector of comnurilty Developnent cc: David Leahy, TDA, Inc.Peter ilamar Dan Feeney, Project Manager for W Medical Center OurNewphone NumbersArd 479-2138 479-2139 75 soulh fronlage rosd yall, colorrdo 81657 (303) 476-7000 January 3, l-989 otflco ol communlty development Mr. Dan FeeneyVail Mountain Medical l,SL West Meadow DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Mr. Peter Janar Jamar Associates 108 South Frontage RoadVaiI, Colorado 81657 Re: Hospital and Doubletree Submittals for Planning Cornrnission January 9, 1989 Dear Dan and Peter: The staff has reviewed the submittal material for the Hospitat and Doubletree proposals. The fotlowing guestions must be answered by noon Wednesday, January 4 in order to allow thestaff time to write the nemo for the Planning Comrnission rneetingon January 9th: I. FRONTAGE ROAD IMPROVEMENTS What is the final design? What is the justificatj.on for the design? How will the inprovements be phased? D. Who is responsible for construction of the improvements? E. How is the vail National Bank involved in the design,phasing and construction of the Frontage Road irnprovements? A. B. c. v HOSPITAL PARKING STRUCTURErr. A. How nany spaces in the structure wiII be jointly usedby the Doubletree and Hospital? B. What are the conditions of the joint use of theparking spaces? C. Hon does the joint use plan relate to the interirn andbuild-out scenarios for the two projects? D. What is the final design for the structure? E. How is the Vail National Bank involved in the parkingstructure, if at aII? F. What is the Hospitalrs position or justification forallocating 48 spaces in ttre evening to the Doubletree?Conversely, hor., does the Doubletree justify the lackof 48 on-site spaces during the day? The staff is asking that written answers to these questions besubmitted to our office by noon tonorrow. The following information nust also be subnitted by noon, Wednesday, January 4th. The Hospital has been asked to subnitthe following: I. HOSPITAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. A landscape pJ.an. The landscape plan should addressthe area around the parking structure and the surface _ parking to the lrest along the creek. B. The final report fron TDA concerning the Frontage Roadimprovernents. This report should summarize trafficcounts and other inforrnation that was used to arriveat the Frontage Road inprovement design. C. A massing sketch of the master plan. The sketchshould show both the north and south rnassings of theultimate hospital build-out. D. A final drawing on the Frontage Road improvementswhich shows the proposed ingress and egress for theparking structure, E. Final drawings for the parking structure. II. DOUBLETREE AND HOSPITAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS3 A. The Doubletree and Hospital shouLd subrnit their finalagreernent as to how parking will be shared between thetwo projects. III. DOUBLETREE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Final design drawings for the parking structureinterface with the Doubletree site. The staff thought it would also be helpful to pass on ourcomments on the Hospital Master plan. The purpose of the planis to address the larger scale issues related to the ultimatebuild-out for the property. Ingress/egress, parking, buildingrnassing, and the inter-relationships of the Hospital tosurrounding properties can be generally addressed by using thisplan. The plan illustrates at a conceptuaL level how theseissues could be handled on the site. The master plan should notbe used to address specific site planning issues for futurephases. Below are our staff conrnents: I. The building rnassing is generally acceptable. 2. In respect to the west parking structure, the staff feelsthat it is inportant that access fron the Frontage Road beused for the west parking structure to decrease impacts onWest Meadow Drive. Parking management wi]l also becritical to the west structure. Staff believes that theoption to locate parking underneath the east wing of theHospital should be examined. We also feel that parkingcould be located between the Doubletree expansion to theeast and the existing hospital . By cornbining parking inthis area, it is possible that the testern structure couldbe avoided. These two options should be looked at beforethe western parking structure is considered a necessity. 3. The parkin€t spaces located on Lot 1O should eventually berernoved. In the future, the Town will most likely utilizethis property for another purpose. The staff feers very strongry that the infornation and answersto guestions included in this letter must be subrnitted byWednesday at noon. We hope you can understand why the slaff needs this nininal anount of time to review the proposal . Theproject is extremely inportant to the conmunity lnd-deservesadequate review tine to ensure that all of us witt ue thoroughlyprepared for the Planning Cornnission meeting on January 9th. Sincerely, \/ I 0\ ttifu'r YfiH^ Kristan PritzSenior Planner KP:br cc: E.B. Chester, Vall Natl_onal Bank l-l./[ M voilvolley medicolcenter 0ctober 21, 1988 Ms. Kristan Pritz Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. l.l.Vail, C0 81657 Dear Kristan: The purpose of this letter is toand traffic flow information you 1988. 181 West Meadow Vail' Orive, Suite 100 Colorado 81657 (303) 476-2451 provide you with the additional parking requested in your letter of 3 0ctober r Reference Item 6: l,Je have conducted two additional surveys oftraffic on west Meadow Drive. }te conducted the first on Saturda!, 150ctober, and the second on Tuesday, 18 0ctober, copies of whicir - areattached. (For the sake of completeness, I have ilso'attached iopies-oithe two previous surveys, which you have already seen.) Total trips on west Meadow Drive between 7 am and 5 pm ranged from a low of1018 trips orr Saturday, 15 0ctober, to a high of 1618-on Thursday,2gseptember. .The-percentage of vehicles on west Meadow Drive usin!-thehospital varied from 34% on 15 0ctober to 53% on 18 0ctober. The peak number of all vehicles using l^lest Meadow Drive during a 60-minuteinterval on each datE'-is as follows: - DATE2IEpt 29 Sept 15 Oct 18 0ct Statistics on ambulance ca'l ls between september g7 and August gg wereprovided in my letter of 3 0ctober 1988, a copy of which is attached foryour conven'i ence. r Reference Item 8: The conditional use permit issued in 19g6requires the hospital to provide 220 spaces for patients and staff durinqthe ski season. The permit allows the hospital to achieve the total of z2dspaces -by augmenting on-site parking with up to 30 spaces off-sjte, for useby employees. During the 1987-88 ski season, we maintained 205 spaceson-site, and leased 15 spaces at Manor Vail Lodge. TIME INTERVAL not counted Ll am - noon 11 am - noon1-2pm NUMBER OF VEHICLES 185 158 156 Ray fiv'lcMahanAdJinistrator Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of VaiI Page two hours of 8 am and 5 pm. Results are as follows: The 205 spaces on-site consisted of 702 self-park spaces, and 103 valetspaces. 0nly staff used the valet spaces. During the summer months, we maintain 151 spaces on-site. we do not valetpark, nor do we lease spaces off-site. We do, however, have a rotating I ist where 15-20 day-shift employees park at the Lionshead parkingstructure Monday thru Friday. Plans submitted previously for a 3-'level parking structure at the northwestcorner of our property would enable us to park 290 vehicles, as follows: PARKING STRUCTURE 220 SURFACE PARKI NG-I^IEST 36 SURFACE PARKING.EAST 34VALET O-F0 These 290 parking spaces will be available year-round. r Reference Item 9: Although we have reems of parking surveys onhand, we conducted them before the new wing was opened last sumner, andfelt that they were irrelevant to the current configuration of the hospital.Therefore, we conducted a new survey on Tuesday, 11 0ctober, between the DEPARTMENT EmeilEnE/T6om X-Ray Pharmacy Patient Care Unit Sports Medicine Center Business 0ffice Empl oyees Mi scel I aneous Dr. Chow Dr. Gerner Drs. Eck/Zeitl in Vail Mountain l'1edical Jimmy Heuga Center NUMBER OF PARKED VEHICLES I3 ? 6 ,14' 55 10 94 13 19 2 16 82 8 r Reference Item 10: Experience has shown that a large number of our employees drive smaller cars. Such cars, if properly segregated, can beparked _four d.."p in the valet section, rather than the three deeporiginally envisioned. This will enable us to park 214 vehicles on-sitiduring _the i988-89 ski season. If we lease the full thirty spacesavailable to us at Manor vail Lodge, we wjll have a total of 244 spacesthis winter. Ray McMahan's 16 May 88 letter to Ron Phillips $,as meant merely to documentthat we have.more parking available both on- and off-s'i te, using presentresources' than either the Town or the hospital originally thoughtpossible. He did not mean to imply that he felt that the 220 spates agreedto dur-ing the 1986 approva'l process was inadequate. In fact,'we havd hadseveral discussjons that this additional on-site park'ing might allow us toask fewer of our employees to park off-site at Manor vaii, at least on certa in days. r Reference Item 11: The 1986 permit calculated the requirement for 220 spaces by adding the number of day-shift employees, hospital beds andexam rooms. The overall total included an Obstetrics (0g) wing on thenorth side of the second floor, although this was never built. Thus, thenumber of parking spaces calculated for this department should be "credited" against our new overall requirements. (The 1986 conditional usePermit makes provisjons for this.) Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail Page three USE FETient beds - 0B Exam room - 0B Day-shift employees - 0B TOTAL r Reference Item 15: It was ourprovide a new bus stop at the southwestin the need for,this. PARKI NG-ID-iF?ces 1 6 17 spaces understanding that the Town would corner of our new wing. lde concur subtracting this from 220 shows that 203 spaces are needed to service thebuilding actually constructed in 1986-87, based upon the formula agreed toby the Town and the hospital. Incremental parking requirements that our new expansion will generate are computed as follows: USE PARKING Patient beds - general 20 spaces Exam rooms - general 6 Day-shift employees - general 49T0TAL E spaces Therefore, new parking requirements are computed as follows: USE PART.ING E'E'-se figure 86-87 expansion ?0TiFaces. Incremental increase 89-90 expansion 75 TOTAL REQUIRED Z6 spaces Thus,.we propose to construct 12 more spaces than the calculated peak demand, based on the agreed-to formula. r Reference Item 12: ttlone of the 290 spaces to be prov.ided will be va 1et-parked. Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail Page four Questions on the ultimate traffic-conveying capacity of west Meadow Drivehave been asked. l,|e feel that a study of thi s sort, which must ofnecessity include Vail Road as well as the 4-way stop, is beyond thepurview of any individual owner. we do, however, feel that west MeadowDrive could safely handle additional vehicular traffic if pedestrjans wereprovided with a separate, attractive'ly landscaped malT. Conversely, ifpedestrians continue to walk 4 or 5 abreast down the middle of west MeadowDrive, it is difficult to argue that any amount of vehicular traffjc can besafely handled by the road. 0ur architect is currently'working on a revised package of plans whichwill' we hope, address the other issues raised in your letter. 'This effort has been somewhat delayed by my requests that he study alternate proposalsfor. resolving the access issue, such as various schemes for construciing aparking structure jointly on hospital and Doubletree land, at the east indof our property. Nevertheless, I expect to have a revised set of drawingsto you not later that 28 0ctober. Si ncerely, /lrp enclosures cc: Ray McMahan John Reece +) ar,L !- t*t=*ts< vlF.tt oEJ q)J EF l4I Hco o_ =v)z-. .|'.p CLvlo-EEOO.rLLrF o)o-+,LOroE CLo, .|-,E'tFLOo!.1., C.E CJ {J G' +)c o CLx(J o).c(J o)c an an !E4 t\lOF\Or.ONtOr{C)O)tO Fr s'- rr) <r- F{ (\J sF <f @Fl r{ Fi F{ Ft F{ Fl F{ (U ct +)>P rg L O-(,L y)+,|!ooS-oP ED-EtO(U'F .P 2 t^'e.r3Q L.tocJo>- =.Fo l-.c'oo+r160(u = -cr =o. tC .p =o=!EI OJC .J.F= Lvt tt' =EO-o.n atovr(l)F @-,(,-O .E .F -=o,-c Q,>or> l'lSvJIlddv 10N 0l1Nn03 roN **Ibt r_Iaj., T o Lc! =oE.tt(l) =(\lstc)(tr.oNCnOtNcrrhol\ r-. F\ N tI) tO sl r\ @ CO lc\llN = @ l!.*@Ji.>ot L)J|lJ r-l F1 <:> -FEf . |rl F. =Fr 4 >4(/.t (\l ::-. u1 , _:. d O(J L trt -H 0, CEtr€ = , < q, =v,e,P cLF CL JHc, <G.N FFoF co vl(u () t(u GoEEEEO.EG"r'G'gEEEEE:o- cl o- o- cL OFI (\j€ Or r{ r-r r{ F{ (\, F.) st !r)ttSttttttll\ @ Ctr O F{ (\l Fr (\l C.t r+ ?< Fl r-l *G, .,/'lrl O-Gl F. =d=Fz lrlJJ<oFF{ F lrJ oo d. lJ.je tJ.l =F rF.o ||tts! o rr- o;- oi.r-P +, =(6cos,=33A iF C)+' C)ogF (U r-(oy.g o G'+, C {J L .IJo.oocroFOOFO-F* ***.t+.1.t*t ,t'+t a o EOO.rLLIts0) El-{-'i- 0,,G'E CLo.|JE l!!oo r-l Or st (O @ (') l.o lr) $,1 t\l\ r{ CD C\t .-{ F< F. C\J Fr orrF{ r-,t r{ r.i .-{ r-t r-{ r-l ***=+>t tJ1Fvro&.J L)J o<F 1! l--r60- =v)=c) oo &.lr, CL lrJ =F 'oPC.E(U oJ.!+,>+JC' ! o-t! |,+,.!ooSF ! 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F{ = . j-:i: >cLV) @ :'.n V,GOq) uJ-F. l- COlJ_ (u = rrJ-.o =< o =u,dP o-F (J -J F{c) <dF-FoF *e. v',IJ CL OO F--. =€=F=t!JJ<(JF'.< F L.J cto LU L|.l =F M voilvolley medicolcenter October 3, 1988 181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100 Vail, Cotorado 91657 (303) 476_2451 Ray McMahan Ad min istrator Ms. Kristan Pritz Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. t..I.Vail, C0 81657 Dear Kristan: Attached are summary sheets of two traffic surveys we conducted on westMeadow Drive. The first.survey, conducted on 21 sip gg, -incrudes vehicresa'iving and departing.the hoipitar, between 7 a.m. ana s p.m. Arrivarsand departures, as wer r. as riourly counts of vehicr es pdrked "r-;ii;;were tabulated for both the west and' east lots -'-- r l'le conducted a second .su.rvey .on 29_ sep gg in the same manner, except thatwe also counted the totar number of vehicres paisinf our-liiecipoint'at ifieFirst Bank of vail. 0n.this day,46% of the vehiclei traveling lrest M;uJ;;Drive between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.-were on hospital-..iit"a-uuiin.rr. -Lyn {o1gan,. manag-er of.the Eagre.county Amburance District, has providedthe.following information on lrumbers 6t emergenCv ciiis-for a iz_moninperi od : SEP 87 ocT 87 NOV 87 DEC 87 JAN 88 FEB 88 MAR 88 APR 88 MAY 88 JUN 88 JUL 88 AUG 88 47 ca'll s 42 45 140 153 L?2 t78 89 36 54 104 84 Please call if you need any S i ncerel enc I osure further information. ,M J,?'o',*il"*", November 11, 1988 Ms. Kristan Pritz Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. t^l. Vai1, C0 81657 Dear Kristan: Thank you for the opportunity to appear before the 14 November. By discussing and resolving the issues we hope the Commission w'i ii approve our application on 28 November. 181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-2451 Planning Commission on at this work session,for hospital expansion We request that the Connnission consider our application as submitted, including a 3-level parking structure at the west end of our property large enough to enable us to meet our commitment to park a1l patient and staff vehicles on-site. Access to the hosoital would continue to be via hlest Meadow Drive, improved by construction of a pedestrian mall para'l 1e'l but separate from the vehicle-carrying roadway. Our Governing Board is willingto participate in such an improvement, a'l though the extent of this partici- pation must await further definition of the scope of the project. Our original schedule called for construction of the west parking structurenext spring and early summer. l,|e intended to use one'level of the completed structure for staging the construction of the second and thirdfloor addition, while the remaining two levels would enable us to park as many vehicles as we can now. Although we hope to secure a Conditional Use Permit for this project ascurrently submitted, we wish to continue efforts wjth the Doubletree Hotelto identjfy possibilities for a parking structure at the east end of our two facilities, with access directly off South Frontage Road. Because of the complexities of such an investigation, resoiution will undoubtedly take several months, and possibly as much as a year. As long as such a study is in progress, we shou't d defer the construction of a west parking structure because we may come to a better solution. l,le alsofeel that it is not feasib]e to construct both the bu'i'l dino addition and Ray McMahan Adminislrator Ms. Kristan Pritz November 11, 1988 Page two parking structure simultaneously--there wou'ld be virtually no park'i ng leftfor e'i ther patients or staff. Thus, if we are to construct a west plrking structure, we would defer it until April 1990, when the building expansion would be substantially complete. Quite obviously, lack of a multi-levelparking structure during the 1989-1990 ski season would creare a severeparking shortage, even with the 30 spaces we currently lease at Manor vajlLodge. The solution appears to be Town approval to allow 120 members ofour staff to park in the Lionshead structure during the 89-90 ski season.This would enable us to thoroughly pursue joint development options withthe Doubletree, and still realize our goal of completing the buildingaddjtjon by July 1990. In summary, we are conrmitted to provide hospital parking by building anon-site -parking structure. we can begin the structure in either April 1989or April 1990. However, we feel that the April 1990 date is the bestsolution, if we are allowed to park in Lionshead during the construction peri od . The hospital's Governing Board appreciates that the Town is generally supportive of the improvements that this expansion will bring to medical care in the Vail Valley. t,le believe the approach outlined above enables usto reconcile several conflicting objectives in a reasonable manner. Si ncere 1y, ger /1rp e Mr. Peter Patten Planning Director Town of VaiIVai1, CO 81658 Dear Mr. Patten: This letter is to protest Hospital on West Meadow Drive square foot parking garage- November 23, L988 the proposed expansion of the Vail and the construction of a 55,000 1. Traffic on West Meadow Drive where we live is already creati-ng a major hazard to pedestrians who naturally like to stroll on the board roadway. A11 we need is more ambulances and sirens to add to the excitement. 2. Recent newspapers and periodicals are filled with stories about the glut of empty hospital beds, and the closing of medical facilities in small rural towns. Has the need for more hospital beds in Vail really been proven? Why should everyone frorn the region need to drive all the way to Vail. Why not a branch facility in another town in Eagle or Summit County? 3. At a recent meeting it was suggested that Vail hospj"tal could become the Mayo Clinic of the Rockies. I suggest that expansion of the hospitat could further erode our swiss village atmosphere by becorning the Denver General Hospital of Vai1. The original clinic was designed to assist the fu1l-time residents of Vai] and treat the injuries of our visiting skiers. It does thejob adrnirably. Do we really need a research center or is thisjust iten #1 on someoners llnedical wish listtt? Letrs stop this project before it gets out of control Yours truly, t44a4€@-tZA charles and Jane Martz 252 West Meadow Drive Vai1, Cof orado 81-658 CC: Vail Town Council Vail- TrailVail Daily / 75 south trontago road vall, colorado 81657 (3O3) 476-7000 July 20, 1988 ![r. Dan FeeneyProject ManagerVail Valley Medical Center 181- W. Meadow Drivevail , co 81657 Dear Dan: Attached you will find an application form for a conditional.use perrnit in anticipation of your submittal for an expansionto the Medical center. The foLlor,ring comments are intended toexpand on the subrnittal reguirements outlined on thisapplication form and also are in response to the drawings yousubnitted to us for informal review last week. 1. A vicinity plan showing this facility in relationshipto adjacent properties wilt be helpful . f believe adrawing hras prepared during the review of the lastexpansion in 198G. 2. While using a 1rr:20, scale for the planning Cornmission review is acceptable, L/8..21r or largerwill be reguired for Design Review Board review. 3. It would be helpful to indicate the area of theproposed addition on the elevations. 4. Cornplete elevations of the proposed parking structurewill be necessary. 5. Complete floorplans of the exis+-ingr structure shouldbe submitted at the tirne of application. 6. A written statement will be necessary outlining thenature of the proposed expansion, to includereference to the issues of parking as well as accessoff the Frontage Road. 7. Infonnation fron your parking survey data relevant toestablishing the new parking denand will be helpful . In all likelihood, you will be working with Rick Pylman andPeter Patten when your fornal suburittal is made. As wediscussed yesterday, it may be wise you and I to get togetherrtith Rick to bring hin up to speed on the project before Ileave. Please do not hesitate to call wittr any additionalquestions you may have. Thomas A. BraunSenior Planner Enclosure TAB: krnc 75 south l.ontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 June 2, 1.988 Sin olllce of communlty deYelopment l,[r. Ray McMahonAdministratorvail valley Medical Center181 West Meadow DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Parking at VaiI Valley Medical Center Dear Ray: Thank.you for.your letter of May 16th concerning yourexperiences with parking this plst ski season. -gised on mycasual observations, r wourd concur that parking was nanageableat the Medicat center this past year. tt- appeais that morestringent management, valet park-ing, and the- Medical centerrscommitment to provide off-site emproyee parking during the skiseason are meeting the demands of this flcility. While your surnmary of 1997-88 was informative, the parkingsurvey data may prove nost beneficial in evaluating parkiigdemands in conjunction with future expansions to tf,e-uedicilCenter. 0&-,\$^^. Thonas A. BraunSenior Planner TAB:bpr cc: Ron Phi'l I i ps Peter Pattbn PI,ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Novenber t2 | I99O Present Dalton Williarns Kathy Warren Diana Donovan Chuqk Crist Jirn Shearer Connie Knight Ludwig Kurz The meeting was called to order at 2:00 Chairperson. StaffKristan PritzJil1 Kanmerer Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Betsv Rosolack Plt by Diana Donovan, I. Approval of minutes from tbe october 8, 1990 meeting. Kathy Warren moved and Chuck Christ seconded approval of theninutes as written. The vote was 7-O in favor of the motion. 2. Review of staff decision concerDiDg the parking reguirementfor the Learning Center IJab to be located in tbe lower levelof the vail Valley-lfeCicaf center Pa.LiDg.Applicant: V?it-V-alley Uedical C€nteL She1ly Mello gave the staff presentation and showed the plans with the approved reconf i.guration. Diana then asked for any conments fron the Board or the public. Kathy Warren indicated that it looked to her that the Medical Center was out of parking again. Jay said that they were cut of room for an expansion, and that they were conpletely maxxed. Shelly explained that if another conference room was added in thefuture, it would create the need for nore parking spaces. Diana Donovan wanted to add to what Kathy said by stating that it was questionable not to count the proposed conference room whencalculating needed parking. Jay mentioned that every doctor andoffice in the building has a parking requirernent. When they cornbined offices, there hras no longer the sane requirement. Kathy moved that the requirenent be approved with the conditionthat any future conference roons built have a parking requirernentas part of the development. Chuck Crist seconded the rnotion. ?he vote was 7-0 in favor. 3. A request f,or setDack, connon, and density variances in order to construct additions to tbe Christiania Lodge, 355 Eansen Ranch Road, Lot D, Block 2, Vail Village lst FlIiDg. Applicant: Paul R. Jobnston. Tbis was changed to a work session. Diana Donovan started by stating that since the board was faniliar with this proposal, she asked that only new issues be reviewed. Jill Kannerer reviewed the setback, conmon area, and densityvariances. she explained that the northwest overhang would extend into the setback. Jill reviewed the zoning considerations, the criteria andfindings, the related policies in the Vail village Master Plan, and the Urban Design Guide Plan. Jil1 explained that the parking variances required to allow theproject to be constructed could not be fonnally voted on at thistime, but the parking was discussed. Chuck asked about the number of parking spaces planned to be under the porte cochere and was told there would be two. Jay Peterson added that many buildings in the area did not provide the technically reguired covered parking anount. The memo statedthat 17 of the 37 spaces in the Christiania parking lot would bevalet parking. Jack Curtin guesti.oned the parking numbers and also felt that the spaces at the entrance should not be included. Jay respondedthat frorn a practical point of view, sone of the spaces would be for long tern and some for short term. Dalton asked if someone would be on duty 24 hrs a day for the valet parkinq, and Paul Johnston replied that ernployees would be on duty as needed. Bill Reslock showed an updated landscape plan. Diana wlshed to see the status of the Vi11a Valhalla snow durnp. She also wantedto see the VA part of the parking lot also rtspruced uprr. Jayreplied that he had asked this of VA, but that it was not apriority to VA. Connie was concerned about the guarantee of the agreement to use VA property, and Paul responded that this was aright to perpetuity. Kathy asked Jay for an explanation of the cornmon area. Jay answered that 20t was permitted for comnon area, but he felt thatwith only 20t given to common area, new lodges were not able toprovide necessary and wanted amenities without using sone of the allowed GRFA. Jay felt it was not valid to penalize a lodge ostner for providing first class facilities including ski storage,etc. He explained that nechanical, elevator, stairways, lobby, storage, etc. were part of common area. Kathy asked if 2 mechanical was conmon area, and JlII replied that it hlas not. Ludi was concerned about the trash area. He felt that this ltas a bad spot in a nice part of town and adjacent to Hanson RanchRoad. Ludi stated that the area contained a lrskinnyrr portion to be used as a buffer and wanted to see urore nitigation in that location. Ludi also was not confortable with the parking solution. Dalton agreed with Ludi concerning the trash nitigation. He had some concerns regarding the feasibility of the possible agreementwith vail Associates. Chuck Crist had no problen with the landscaping or the reguested setback variances. He did not feel the applicant should be required to landscape the VA portion of the lot. Chuck was concerned about the proposed view corridor. Jay stated that there was no designated view corridor in the area to date. JackCurtin felt that the view corridor should be from the street Ievel , and not frorn a balcony. Jay stated that he would have photographs for the next rneeting. Jack explained that he was not concerned with the removal of the trees, because that would open up the view corridor. Jack was concerned about the variances reguired for the site and felt this action would set a precedent for the colden Peak House, Cyrano's, etc. and that it was critical to detennine what was reasonable when granting variances. Kathy felt that the trash could be rnoved and two parking spaces could stil1 be provided. She was concerned about overhanging theproperty line. Kathy felt the vA lot shouLd be paved sonehow,the second floor du should be restricted as short terro rental . She agreed with the staff of having 2 lock-offs on the 3rd floor. Jim Shearer asked about the perpetuity of the parking lotagreement. Jay stated that it ran with the land and had nothing to do with a grantor or vith perpetuity and that if the VA developed the 1and, they would have to replace the parking. Jiur suggested paving the lot. Connie pointed out that if the au's were combined, a density variance would not be needed. She had a problen with the parking and was not in favor of the setback variances, but agreed that it was rrnot that big a dealrt. She would rather see that the porte cochere was contained on the Christiania property. Jay statedthat the porte cochere could be cut back. Diana agreed with the staff memo, but had concerns about the viewcorridor. This concluded the work session. 1. A request for a froat setback variance to allow for a garage on Lot 10, Elock {, L,ionsridge filing No. 4 ' L464 AsPeD Grovg lraDe.Applieauts Carrol P. Orrisou Andy l$udsen explained the request and stated that the applicant did not feel that the garage would be visible from the Town. Rusty Wood, contractor for the project, felt that the location was chosen to please all the neighbors, owners, and Town staff. He felt that the location suggested by the staff was unacceptable, and the location proposed would have the least inpact. Kristan explained that the present neeting was to review the variances requested. The board went outside with Rusty to lookat the site from the Town office parking lot. Diana then summarized that the setback was not a problern, but there was a problem with the cuts for the driveway. Kathy made suggestions for alternative schemes. She felt that she could not approve variances when there were alternatives. The alternatives were discussed, but the applicant did not wish to change his design. Diana suggested tabling the itern to allow for revisions to the proposal . Chuck moved and Connie seconded to table this iternuntil November 26th. The vote was 7-0 in favor. 5. A regu€st for s€tback variaaces and aa erterior alteration for the Village Center CoadoniniuDs, 12{ Ilillow Bridge Road.Applicant: Village ceDter Condominlums Association Jill Kammerer explained that there was no longer a need for a landscape variance, and showed plans explaining the proposals.' She added that the staff recommended approval with one condition,that of reguiring that the applicant not remonstrate against the construction of a streamwalk or the construction of a pocket park at the northeast intersection of Willow Bridge Road and Gore Creek. Kirk Aker, employee of Morter Architects, felt that the condition was a little strong because the Town could come in with a1'l--'- -l-e" d:si1-l . Dia::e ;;i-;:!eC cut tlrat the applicant couldgive input on the design. Kirk felt that the condition was notfair. He added that a hardship had been found for the variance and the privilege of the variance should then not be taken away. Connie felt uncomfortable reguiring the condition and felt that it was backhanded. Jim Shearer could not see any difference between conditioning this variance and conditioning othervariances. Diana agreed with Jirn and felt that the condition would speed up the process and did not feel rights were being taken anay. Chuck dj.d not feel the condition should be placed on the approval , but felt that perhaps the part about not renonstrating against the public park should be left in, but not the part about the streanwalk because he was not personally in favor of the streamwalk. He felt the variance was OK. Dalton suggested changing the wording to encourage input into thedesign. Ludi agreed with Diana. Kirk felt the condition vas objectionable and pointed out that this was a study area, not a plan. Ile stated that the applicantis not getting a special privilege and that the variance wasjustified. The variance and the streamwalk should be two separate issues and go through normal channel-s. Chuck asked if the applicant would drop the improvernent if the condition remained, and the applicant stated that 90? of the owners were against the streamwalk. Kirk asked to have the iten tabled until November 25th. Jirn moved and Dalton seconded to table Eo IL/26. The vote was 7-0. 6. A tequest for a bed aDd breakfast conditional use peruit at 275{ South FroDtags Roadi Lot B, Stepbenrs Subdivision.Applicant: Darlene Schweinsberg Betsy Rosolack presented the proposal and stated that theapplicant met all the criteria and the staff recommendation was for approval . Dalton rnoved and Jirn seconded a motion to approvethe conditional use request. The vote was 7-0 in favor. 7. A request to rrnend Section 18.04.l3O--definition of f,loor area, gross residential (GRFA) t 18.09.080 Eitlside Residential DiEtrict density controli 18.10.090 Sittgle Fauily District density coatroli I8.12.090 Ttto Fanily Residential District density control and 18.13.08o Prinary Secondary District density control , of tbe Uunicipal Code. Applicant: Town of Vail T:;i B;r':.1, planning consultant for the Town of VaiI, explained the proposed ordinance. Linda Fried, an east Vail property owner, felt that single faurily hornes able to be nade into 2 units would be losing sqfuare footage. She felt that the amount of additional GRFA was not adequate. Kathy Warren was not cornfortable with the 475 square feet figure. She also felt that the arnount allowed for smal1 lots would be out of proportion to large Lots. Diana had the same concern. She felt they were bending over backwards to accommodate developers and, although she agreed philosophically, she disagreed with the figures and felt the additional GRFA to conpensate for credits should be less than the proposed 475 square feet. Ton Braun wondered if they were suggesting a different set of numbers for the smaller lots. Kathy suggested using 425 as the nunber. Ton replied that at the last task force meeting, 50 sguare feet was added in response to developers. Jin Shearer did not feel 50 feet more or less would help or hurt anyone. DaLton felt raore confortable with 425 feet. Ludi statedthat he was not part of the task force and supported 425 square feet. Chuck Crist did not care which nurnber was used. He did not feel 50 sguare feet would nake nuch difference. Connie lrras happy to hear the support for less square footage. Kathy moved and Dalton seconded to approve the proposed amendment with the additional square footage changed to 425 square feet. The vote was 7-0 in favor. 8. A reguest to rl'leud sections 18.0,1 .350--definl.tion of site coverage and sections 18.09.090, 18.10.110, 18.12.110, 18.13.090, 18.1,1.11O, 18.16.110, 18.18.110, la.20.110' LA.22.110, 18.24.150, LA.26.120, 18.27.O9O, 18.28.L2O, 18.29.090, 18.30.110, 18.32.110, andl 18.39.190, all dealingwitb site coverage.applicant: Tosn of Vall Kristan Pritz and Tom Braun explained these proposed revisions. There was much discussion concerning the 4 foot trbufferil for roof overhangs vith regard to calculating site coverage and for reducing the amount of site coverage allowed on steep 1ots. Dalton felt that if 3 sides of a garage were covered, the garage should not count as site coverage. Jin Strearer felt that the explanation of why site coverage was reduced should be included. Kathy moved and Jirn seconded to recommend approval to the Council with the rernoval of any 4 foot buffer reference. Kathy then arnended this motion to apply only to Hillside, Single Farnily, Prirnary/Secondary and Duplex zoning with the rest of the zone districts to be tabl-ed until Novenber 26th. Jim seconded the amendment. Jira Lamont felt that more notification needed to be made to commercial entities. Tom stated a press release could be used. Kristan said a newsletter could be used, but the issue r.rould then have to be tabled to a later neeting. Jin felt the need to do nore discussion in the task force rneetings. The vote was 6-0 in favor with Chuck absent. 9. A requegt for a work sesgion to review a ProPgsed rnendneut to Chapter 18.71 of the t{unicipal Code--Additional Gross ResLdeatial Sloor Area (250 ordinanse).Applicant: ,Town of Vail 10. I request for a rorlc sessioD to rezone tbe property cornnoaly knorB as tbe l{ouutain Bell Site loeated to the Dortb of tbe uain vail I-70 lDterchange from lgriculturaL opeD gpace to l.lediun Density uultiple Sanily.Applicaat! Towrr of Vail and Professional DeveloPEent corporation 11. e tequest for a work session to rezoDe tbe followingproperty coEDoDly krowD as tbe Pedotto property located to the south of Kl-nniclcinnick Road in tbe rnternountaiu Subdivislou from Prinaly/Secoudary to ltediun Density ttultiple Fanily.Applicaat: iluanita I. Pedotto, and Professional Developnent Corporation. L2. A request for a work sessioa to rezone tbe followingproperty located to the aortb of Safelray and Chamonir Lanein the vail Eeigbts Subdivision, Lots 5-13 from Priualy/gecondary to ttediun Density l{ultiple FaDily.ApplicaDts KoDrad oberlobr, itohn w. and Patricia ,tA. Riekman for ilohn nitt, Reuben B. Xnigbt, and Professional Development Corporatiou. 13. A request for off-Etreet surface parking ou a parcel connonly known as i.b,e trtroly CroEs parcelrr. Applicant: Vail Associates 1a. A request for a height variance to allow for tbe installation of two satellite dish antennas on tbe roof of the ttarriott l{ark Resort, Lots 4 and 7, Bloclc 1, Vail Lionsbead 3rd Filiugt, Irots c and D, lr(orcus subdivision, located at 715 'rlest LionEbead Circle.applicant: Marriott !ta!k Resort/Tri County cablevislotr Dalton moved and ruCi seconded to table Iterns 9 through L4 to the neeting of November 26. The vote was 6-0 in favor. 15. A request for a front setback variance in order to construct a garage and a wall beight variance in order to construct retaiuing walls in the front setback at 1,148 vail valley Dri.va; IJot 18, Bloclc 3, Vail Valley First Filing. Applicants Johr aDd Barbara Schofield Kathy moved and Chuck seconded to table iten 15. The vote was 6-0 in favor. Kathy Warren was selected to be a representative on the Transportatlon Eask Force. Tlre meetlng rras adJourned at 5:30 P.M. TO: FROM: DATE: SUEIEqT: Planning and Environnental Conmission Connunity Development Department February 13, 1989 A request for a conditional use pemit to constructan addition to the Vail Valley Medical Center, includinga new parking structure.Applicant: Vail ValLey ltedical Center I.DESCRIETION OA PROPOSED USE A. Hospital Expansion 3r,ro1lf pfhr: lr$.or\ lru0r: $,8i. tr'lfbri er,8l} i,uitt*rriioh6lru' gt*t1tnlc|ru lE Je^00 ilP{tN ffift The proposed expansion entails construction ofapproximately@ for patient care, aswell as an on-glte parking structure. The project wouldinclude the conpletion of the second floor on the northside of the recently built west wing. Conpletion of the second fLoor will allow irnnediate expansion of thepatient care unit (PCU) by 20 beds. The second floor j.s 8rl-5o square feet. A small entry addition adjacent tothe parking structure is proposed for the first floor(L,242 s.f.). Construction of a full tb,j.ra+foor on top of theexisting west wing adds€r,arzjlguare feet. The newthird floor will house a s-E?gfcal suite comprised offour operating rooms, doctors, offices, a fourthradiology room, as well as ancillary services. B.Parkinq The hospital proposesstructure at the east to construct a 2-L/2 level- parking end of its property. Thestructure will provide parking for 177 vehicles, with access directly off South Frontage Road. The elevationof the top level of the parking structure would beslightly lower than that of the existing South FrontageRoad. The north end of the structure would beconstructed on land currently owned by the Doubletree Hotel . The Vail ValleyMedical Center and the DoubletreeHotel have entered into an agreenent to allow thestructure to be built on Doubletree land in return forshared parking arrangtements and other considerations. The hospital-'s proposed structure will be built in sucha way that it can be connected to the Doubletree,s underground parking at a later date to allow sharing ofparking. The structure would elirninate 20 existingsurface parking spaces on Doubletree property. These 20spaces will be replaced in the proposed structure.lo{* ,'JJ t tiltlur{aq rt- b\ lD oag.n& \. eJo-lI oBdh;t Surface Parking will occur on the present west lot,providing for 104 vehicles with an additional 18 surface spaces on town owned Lot 10. Ttre lot is leased from the town and will remain in its present configiuration with access off l{est Meadow Drive for the near ter:m. The Vail Valley Medical Center is required to provide atotal of 22O parking spaces on site. The 1986conditional use pennit calculated the reguirement for 22O spaces by adding the number of day shift employees,trospital beds, and exarn rooms. llhe overall totalincluded an obstetrics (OB) wing on tlre north side of D the second floor, althouqh this was never buil-t. Thus,) tne nunber of paif unbuilt oB wing should be credited against the overall parking reguirement. The following table outlines how the 220 nunber was derived: lS uur .5cm*rnrr9t SPACES REQR el8 tn?,oliirJ N'r&. I 1I space sPace space 30 9 55 94 94 per Perper USE bed emergency exam bed employee (naxinun on day shift) doctor enployee exam room DOCTORS OFFICESI space perI space perI space per A}IBUI-,ANCE GARAGEI space per transport vghicleI space per enployee (on duty) neeting room space Total spaces required for entire facility If the parking spaces for tlre obstetrics wing are deducted from the total requirement of 22O, 2O3 spaces are needed toservice the building actually constructed in 1986-87, based upon the fornula agreed to by the Town and Hospital . Theobstetrics wing called for the fotlowing parking: usE . Patient beds-oB Exam room - OB Day shift ernployees- OB PARKING SPACES 32 38 44 4 2 g L2 114 114 t2 220 10 1 6 t7TotaI spaces ?,' The increnental parking requirements that the proposedexpansion will generate are conputed as follows: - USE Patient beds-General Exau roons-General Day shift employees-general Total 75 spaces Therefore, nelr parking requirements are computed as follows: usE PARKING SPACES PARKING SPACES 20 6 49 Base figure 86-87 ex;lansionfncremental increase, g9-9O ex;ransion Total Required Parking will be located areas: Parking structure Surface parking Lot 10 Total Available parking 203 75 278 on the property in the following 177 spaces 104 spaces 18 spaces 299 spaces 299 spaces Doubletree parking innortheast structure - 20 spaces Total Required * It should be notedthis o<pansion. 279 spaces 278 I space above required that no valet parking is proposed with Due to thefact that the hospital is proposing to construct aportion of the parking strubture on Doubletree property, 20parking spaces for the Doubletree will be lost. The ttoipitaftras agreed-to provide 20 spaces within the northeast parlingstructure for full time use by the Doubletree. If and whenthe Doubretree expands, the Hospitar will permitEfr6EFtouse up to 48 additional spaces between the hours of 5:30 pM and 2:30 Alt. The 20 spaces previously assigned to theDoubletree on a full tirne basis would revert to llospital usebetween 2:30 Alt and 5:30 pl!. The fotlowing chart inaicates low the parking will be utilized by the Ho-pital andDoubletree when the Doubletree e:<pansion occurs. JilALoopftPtr1o6 PHASE I (\AruC EXPANSION) 2 : 3oAltl-s ! 3OPM 5: 30PU-2 : 3oAlf 2 : 30AIrl-5: 3OpItI 5 : 3OpM-2 : 3OA}! REQ PROVIDED REQ PROVIDED REQ PROVIDED REQ PROVIDED l DBLTREE L67 L67 HOSPITAL 278 279 PHASE II ( DOUBI.ETREE EXPANSION ) L67 L67 26L 193 26L 26L 278 279 27 278I\+Jff c. It should be noted lans totswill qain an sPa exPanston. * The Hospital has provided parking counts indicating adrastic reduction in tbe nunber of cars on site after 5:30 pn (Please see parking counts memo, attached). n N r -<flT\ r-t Isouth Frontaqe Road rmprovements Lbt.p_{CA.h:t \U+\ U\tOf{ND The Hospital , Doubletree Hotel , and Vail National Bank havejoined together to develop an Access Control Plan for asection of the South Frontage Road directly adjacent to theirproperties. The Access Control Plan was prepared by TDA,Colorado, Inc. (Please see attached TDA report, January3, 1989). The plan has not been approved by CDOH to date. CDOH's position is contained in the attached letter from Charles Dunn to Peter Patten. The iroprovements proposed in the Access Control Plan aredivided into two phases: Phase I (Vail Valley Medical Center ExPansion): Tbe Doubletree will re-align its existing east entry. The VaiIthat it National Bank wll -ali its eastls opposi -IOrenErance. In1s?n'EE:T€.'-ars will access point only be used a through the parking point and drive west side of theproperty. rhte=1qil]way flow of traffi The Vai] Naparking and loading spaces in front of the Bank. JIg 1. 2. _ffift ehter at thislot and out theallow for one ffij" Vail fore I The Hospital will construct their access into thenortheast parking structure. They will also beresponsible for the widening of the south shoulder ofthe South Frontage Road wbich will allow for the extension of the left turn lane on the South Frontage Road that presently extends from the 4-!day stop west tothe Town of Vail post office access drive. The left-turn lane will be a continuous two-way turn lane for 500feet. This will provide left turn storage for eachfuture access drive and extend westerly through the Doubletree,s frontage. Phase II (Doubletree Hotel Expansion): 1. The Doubletree llotel wiII construct a rigtrt turn de- -ts6{+.+O' ;: ;;i-lfiill'.ili'i'io"i!"i'ffi; ;iffi"i ,o root tapered U <a.^fi..n A+ +f.o +irna r.f +tra trr+rr?a arrlrrraci,-.rr +hosection. At the tine of the future expansion, the Doubletree will relocate its eastern entrance further tothe west and allow for ingress and an access driveegress. The existing extreme west and east accesspoints will be closed. A restricted use delivery truckonly access drive is anticipated at the very west end of A(W th" ^o:"b1:::,""rt" -t"Ie as a loadins dock location- 3. t! +r4disff ' ::ili:l.l :l",itfl 't:T"ii:: :$::"i:::o ff :"13fl : *?ii matf$; 9J"{t=qmff?iarric throush rhe rour-way stop r&JUsc-UQI'shall be decreased by the access.plan: operations. q northbound Va w rrBased on observed turning movements at the bank fi33"?S$)3'I33*'l3.l,oElffi .n" -.- ,the percentage of Hospital trips passing throughthe 4-way stop intersection bL3.5_l9J?,&. This reduction ot 25 to 30 p.n. peak hour trips usingVaiI Road should be noticeable in peak hour traffic * Please noteconfiguration that the planof the four-way -4- access Ian.(TDA Repo assumes that thestop remains the same. anuary D. Hospitar Master pran fWtrc<*tnnglll/nLb i^{| The H ital has devel alo s mas of the original clinic emergency room and the e naster plan also co eswepor reclev Hospital propertybuilt during the late 60's. The including arnbuLance garage would be relocated to ffi"sfirydenolition.?nbu-(',2 .$sffid# MBt-s$f the east end (South side of the parking structure) withdirect access to the South Frontage Road. Denolition of the anbulance garage would allow construction of an access connecting ttre east sttrrcture with a parking structure at thewest end. Thus, the master plan provides for novingvirtually all Hospital traffic from West Meadow Drive. The llospital subuitted a plan which shows naximun build-outheights of 4 stories on the west wing, 2 stories on thecenter wing, and 4 stories on the east wing. This nassing isrestricted through agreernents with the Doubletree. A futurenorthwest parking stnrcture is also proposed. The westparking structure would be linited to 2-t/2 stories with onefloor being underground. The total build-out square footagefor the Hospital is estinated to be 231,940 square feet.eol Ot irt tlf,,qfr$ Scruare Feet 49,994 2,32O 13,850 51,000 48,845 Thereict. eve Nelr Totalo t2,49AL,242 49,994 30.2 1 8.3 3 0.7 29.4 A. B. Existinq L2,49O 48 t752 +1008 ZONING ANALYSIS Site Area: 3.811 acres or Floor Area: to N/utO_--=--r- 1661007 square feet BasementFirst Floor Building Ambulance Storage Parking Structure Paving The site is located in the are no specific development s Instead the zoning code states: other zon5.ng districts,ch devel the purposes prescribed in Section 18.02.0provide for the public welfare.', 116 y16tr)1 Second Floor 351239 8,150 43,399Third Floor O 21,8U 21.817 96 | 48L 3L,2O9 L27,690 c.Site Coverage: "The public use district is intended to provide sitesfor public and quasi-publlc uses which, because of their ffinfi311"3.*u:lE:T;13!iiil"u,., ic Use Zone Distri Open Space Landscapin fr?o 166, Oo9 D. E. Setbacks: Front/South: Side/East: Rear/North: Side/West: Height: 25 ft. (no change) 3 ft: #"dl$t' relocating the doctors' offices andsite. This would free up additional necessary hospital uses and also decrease lto+^d'ur ,%ffi# dDetn ' ofi|\oa- W (no change) 46 ft. The proposed expansion will have a total ofthree stories. IIT. CRTTERTA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.50, the Connunity Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use pernit based upon thefollowing factors: Consideration of Factors. A. Relationship and impact of the use on development obiectivesof the Town. Staff believes that the Hospital is in an acceptable locationprovided that proper site and land use planning is coordinated with surrounding properties.We arethat if the master plan is followed tbe h the long-tem by pharrnacy to another sguare footage fortraffic. The Vail Valley Medical Center provides vital services forboth perrnanent residents of Vail as weII as our guests. Thenredical center is an inportant facility which will rneet thepresent and future medical needs of the Town of Vail. Thepurpose section of the Pub1ic Use Distiict states that public and quasi-public uses must provide for the public welfaie andalso meet the general purposes as prescribed in Section18.02.020 of the zoning code.Section L8.02.020: 1. To provide for adequate light, air,sanitation, drainage, and public facilities; 2. To secure safety from fire, panic, flood,avalanche, accunulation of snosr, and other dangerous conditions; 3. To promote safe and efficient pedestrian andvehicular traffic circulation and to lessencongestion in the streets; 4.To prornote adeguate and appropriately locatedoff street parking and loading facilities; B. 5. To conserve and maintain established cornrnunity qualities and econornic valuesi 6. To encourage a harmonious, convenient, andworkable relationship arnong land uses,consistent with nunicipal developmentobjectives; 7. To prevent excessive population densities andover crowding of the 1and with structuresi 8. To safegruard and enhance the appearance of the. Toern i 9. To conserve and protect wildlife, streams, woods, hillsides and other desirabl_e natural features t 10. To assure adeguate open space, recreationopportunities, and other amenities andfacilities conducive to desired livingquarters; 11. To otherwise provide for the growth of anorderly and viable connunity. The staff feels that the proposed hospital expansionreinforces these objectives of the zoning code. use on liqht dis on of ools and recreation ties .lb ,The height of 45 ft. proposed with this expansion should not have rnajor inpacts on light and air. Height lirnitations asoutlined in the master plan. have been designed by consideringinpacts on adjacent properties, particularly West MeadowDrive. In respect to utilities, najor utilities are located in thearea of the proposed parking structure. The applicant is inthe process of deternining how the relocation could be acconplished. The hospitaL is a significant public facility which meets comnunity health needs. The project definitely satisfj.es arnajor public facility need. Th cotr 1. c.fect upon traffic with ce toestion, autonotive an safet and entenceffic flow and contro euverab lit and areas. Frontaqe Road Access Control Plan: The proposed northeast parking structure nas designedwith the intent of removing traffic from the West MeadowDrive area. The approach to parking and vehicular access supports the goals listed in the Land Use Planfor this area. fn the preliminary stages of review,both the Planning Conmission and Staff indicated to thehospital that it was important to remove traffic fromthe West Meadow Drive area. The Land Use Plan hasdesignated the l{est Meadow Drive area as a transitionarea between the Lionshead and Vail Village CornmercialCores. Section 4.4 the Land Use Plan states: e connection between the Village Core and Lionshead L$S DsE ?HU should be enhanced through:P€0 . i -ruup. ImPporf,nBrTt Installation of a ne!'r type of people mover. Inproving the pedestrian system with a creatively designed connection, oriented toward a nature walk,alpine garden, and/or sculpture plaza. New developrnent should be controlled to linit com:nercial uses. A high percentage of the vetr.icular trips on West MeadowDrive are due to the hospital . The applicants submittedinfomation for t,ota1 trips on !{est Meado!'r Drive for r I October 15th and October 18th. Tlrey state that: V/A&rlt^ - ^ . rrTotal trips on west Meadow Drive between z:oo am ..3.r . F^ T ?:.f r,.J!.d::t"il:;, nl,ii"# f lilol"'ix I'oi;fl '3,'ilEi,':,' t[flrfdf {fd{ltC Thursday, Septenber 29th. The percentage of- - | .'-- llu vehicles on west lleadow Drive using the hospital -tl|00ud.b1" n, ;H'fi 5::3.::T;tiTi'"ilig""l,ffT*=,:::1"'1" ACtfa U\IOIC fEf^. Kristan Pritz october 21' 1e88.) A. B. The peak nurnber of all vehiclesduring a 6o-minute ffierval on DATE TIME INTERVAL using West Dleadow Drive each date is as follows: NI'MBER OF VEHICLES 29 sept. 15 Oct. 18 Oct. 11 am - noon 11 an - noon1-2pur 185 158 156 6C j1 dr^oit I I '.i By providing the structure and new access on the Northeast corner of the property, these trip nunbersshould be substantially decreased. The decrease inhospital traffic using West Meadow Drive supports theIong term cotn'qunity goal to develop West Meadow Drive asa pedestrian link betlreen the two villages. .H"sqr"* 1. 2. 3. 'HHs&t The ltighway Departnenthelpful if the Town of would be located in the vacated.r also indicated that it would beVail would deterni.ne what usesPost office building once it isa fourth lane the a for Townfuture fourth laneof Vail property. night +- In respect-to the road irnprovernents proposed in the AccessControl Plan prepared by TDA Colorado Inc., the staffbelieves that the plan provides for nuch needed inprovementsto the South Frontage Road. The key issue related to the Access Control Plan is whether or not the Colorado Divisionof High$rays will find the plan acceptable. In a prelirninary review session on January 31, 1989 Ln Grand Junction, thehospital , Vail National Bank, Doubletree Hotel , andrepresentatj-ves fron the Town of Vail net with the Highway Departrnent Access Control Connittee to review the plan. The Highway Department wrote a letter sunmarizing their concernswith the Access Control Plan. Instead of denying the proposal by strict application of theState Access Code, the Colorado Division of Highways agreedthat access to the parking structure would be possibleprovided that . They stated tbat they feltt i€ nas possible to provide a positive access design thatwill neet the requireroents of the property olrners without comprornising public safety. The highway departnent recornnended that the property owners consider the followingdesign options: Provide one access to the parking structure whichin turn provides access to the Doubletree and VailNational Bank. Close the two westerly approactres to the old post Office and provide a road to the easterly approachalong the Interstate right of way and connectparking lots around the Post Office. This wouldallow for novement to the Frontage Road more to the North. Removal of the super elevation (bank of the road) and center line spirals to gain nore room. (please see letter from Mr. Chuck Dunn, District Right of Way Engineer, February 1, 1989.) il$t nr 10 effect access onto the L6DUIrh\) In tight of these connents, the hospital requested toneet with the council on February 7, to discuss hosr the proposed Frontage Road irnprovenents affect the Town ofVaiI and to ask for Town of Vail support in resolvingthe conflict. At that rreeting the council passed aresolution addressing the hospital request. (Copies ofthe resolution will be availabte on Monday. ) The staff also agrees with the resolution in the respectthat we are supportive of the property owners efforts to work out an acceptable Frontage Road improvement plan with the Colorado Departnent of Highways. Instead ofprohibiting the project from proceeding through theplanning process, the staff believes that it is acceptable to proceed with planning commission review of the proposal with the condition that an access perrnit be approved by the colorado Division of Highways before a building pemit is released for the hospital expansion. The proposal is extremely complex and involves threeprivate property orrners plus the Town of Vail . To theircredit, the three property owners have reached agreement on a rnyriad of issues which allow for the cornpletion ofthe Frontage Road inprovements. Shared Parkinq The hospital has subnitted information which indicates thatthe required parking drastically decreases after 5:00 pn. Theparking inforrnation provided by the hospital below indicates this pattern: -rw6h lr66nhrD {Wour{ (ipmN of 8uoo. f€e,taYT ODH l$?toH.- 2. DATE TOTAL NIIMBER OFTIUE CAPACTTY VEHICLES PARKED EXCESS CAPACITY toF SPACES T'NUSED Dec 30 3:30pm Dec 30 8:00pn Jan 4 3:30pn Jan 4 8:OOpn Jan 11 5:30pn Jan 12 5:30pm When the parking structurecapacity will be increased 158 47 232 39 166 818 165 40 19.5?36 169 ezz 113 92 45*101 104 518 is complete, our total Eo 279 spaces. Because the 205 205 205 205 205 205 mix of hospital senriCes is not expected to change withour proposed expansion, it seems a reasonable assumptionthat the percentage of total spaces unused at 5:30 pmwill remain approxinately 45-518, as it was on January 11 and 12. Thus, the nunber of unused parking spaces at 5:5O pm will increase to the range of 126-142 when the parking structure is constructed. This is almost threetines the number of spaces !'te have made available to the Doubletree Hotel during evening hours. tKtt^t, 11 H 0 lft Enployees who fill day-tine only jobs, such as businessoffice personnel , nomally leave ttre hospitaL between4:30 prn and 5:00 pn. Shift changes for positions thatare staffed round-the-c1ock, such as nursing and EMTjobs, occur variously between 3:00 pn and 4:OO pn. Thus, the overlap that occurs while one shift Lsfinishing and another is coning on duty is finished 1ongbefore- the spaces would have to be available to theDoubletree. In addition, uost evening shifts have 25-308 fewer personnel than the day shifts they replace.(Ietter fron Dan Feeney January 13, 1999) The Doubletree has submitted the following informationconcerning their parking utillzation: The results of the sun/ey show that dayrtine parking demand for the Hotel employees, condominium owners, andguests ranged from approxiraately 15* to 38* of supply.During this period Hotel occupancy ranged frorn lZt to100*. 388 of the parking supply is equat to G3 parkedcars. During the evening hours the survey indicates that a number of rrunauthorizedrr cars utilize the.parkingsupplied by the Doubletree. These are patrons of thebar and restaurant and when factored into the surveyindicate a higher utilization of the parkinq sulply. At9:0O p.n. the 167 spaces were never full but ourobservation is that later in the evening the parkingfills close to capacity. The suri\rey supports very strongly that the jointly shared parking arrangement proposed by the Vail Valleyltedical Center and the Doubletree is a workable anddesirable solution. Even though our sunrey indicatespeak usage during the day is roughly 38t naxinun we areproposing to provide 73* of our required spaces duringthe day and 100t in the evening hours. The differencewill nore than provide a trcushionn for any seasonalfluctuations or special events ttrat nay occur. (Meno' from Peter tanar dated.ilanuary 10, 1989.) The Staff approves of the strared parklng concept f,or thesetwo projects. We believe that the shared parking willprovide for a nore efficierft. use of parking between bothprojects. Delivery Senrice: The existing driveway at the east end of the bospital will benaintained as a fire Lane to facilitate snow renoval fron theupper deck of the parking structure and as an access to theserrrice door at the southeast corner of the parkingstructures lower level . The service door at the south wLll T?AOL. 3. L2 4. be used only by naintenance vehicles and not by the public.Deliveries will continue to be received at the naterlals management department in the southeast corner of the buildingvia West Meadow Drive. 'At this tine, the hospital does notfeel that it is practical to have truck deliveries drivethrough the proposed parking structure at the east side. Snow Removal: Snon on the top level of the parking structure uill be pushedoff the southeast corner into the service corridor. Becauseof extrenely linited space the hospital anticipates trucking snow off the site after every major snow storro and after second or third moderately sized snow storm. Staff concernon this issue is that the hospital agrees that all snordrernoval and drainage nust be handled on their site. Drainage and snow may not be pushed onto the Frontage Road or to otheradjacent properties. 5.Pedestrian Connection With The Bank: The hospital is providing a sidewalk connection fron the VaiINational Bank property to the top level of the parkingstructure. Although the design and location of the sidewalk may need to be refined at the request of CDOH and at the Design Review Board level, the staff believes that thesidewalk connection between the vail National Bank andhospital parking structure is irnportant. that the proposal is a vast improvement over on the Frontage Road and will provide aparking and access to the site._The nostof the plan is obviously for West Meadow wr $?.existing conditions sound solution forsignificant benefit Drive. It is estinated by the hospital that because 85 fewer parking spaces will have access off l{est }Ieadow Drive, theyanticipate that an inrnediate reduction of 5Oo trips per dayduring peak periods will be achieved. This is based on thlhospital's observation that each parking space generates 5-6trips on West Meadow Drive between 7an and 5prn. (See letterfrom Dan Feeney). Vehicular traffic will be drasticallyreduced, safety will be inproved and ttre door will be openedto nake the necessary inprovements to nake this an attractiveand safe pedestrian connection between the Village andLionshead. Effect n the character of the area in which the osed use to be located in use in relation to surroundinq uses. The Staff =eelL D. 13 e JSf ( 6tt D' The hospital expansion does effect the character of the area due to the increased bulk and mass of the proposed expansion. However, even though the hospital has somewhat of aninstitutional appearance, the third floor expansion on West Meadow Drive has been designed to break up the bulk and nassof the expansion as nuch as possible. The third floor is not one solid building waII extending above the second floor.Instead, the architects have broken up the mass by the use oftwo deck areas and one recessed area. The hospital has also used as much glass as possible alongthe west and south elevations. The glass also helps to decrease the perception of the bulk of the building. The parking stnrcture has nininal inpacts on West MeadowDrive. Most of the structure is hidden from view by theexisting easter:r wing of the hospitat. Fron the SouthFrontage Road, the parking structure will actually beslightly below the grade of the road so visual impacts of thestructure on the Frontage Road should be nininal. It will beirnportant that as nuch landscaping as is possible (given CDOHrequirenents) be located in the planting areas along the South Frontage Road. Even though the structure itself willnot be visible it will be positive to screen the view of carsparked on the top of the structure. The hospital is proposing to decrease the amount of asphalton the east side of the Medical Center. Access will still need to be provided for fire and maintenance vehicLes alongthe east side of the hospital . Hordever, the hospital hasproposed to landscape between the access road and theadjacent SkaII ttus property. Staff believes that this will be a positive inprovenent for both projects. Access to thetrash facility will still be naintained for the Skall Hus. Iv. Such other factors and criteria as the connission deemsapplicable to the proposed use. Vail Valley Medical Center Master Plan: The Staff is looking at the Master Plan as a Conea*ual gfuide 1. The parking structures should be connected- by a ranpthat will allow for direct access between the twostructures. We realize that the connection is notfeasible until the anbulance building is relocated tothe eastern portion of the site. However, ve do notfeel that it would be acceptable to build the westernparking structure without this connection. Even if awest parking structure is not built, we continue to recomrnend that access from the northeast parkingstructure to the west surface parking lot be provided once the anbulance building is relocated. 14 riilA*Sfi|r.tnn r/r\OrJ; $.trUauon'$ru, ta- #i!*rr" as previously noted, policy 4.4 refers to possible improvements to the l{est Meadow Drive area. 2. Staff would prefer to see future parking located underthe east wing of the hospital when it is rebuilt. Itwould benefit the site if the western parking structurecould be avoided. 3. We feel strongly that the fourth floor for the east andwest wing should be pulled back fron the West MeadowDrive side of the expansion. Terracing back will reducethe rnass of the building to the users of the street andto the adjacent residences. 4. The Staff does not feel that the hospital should rely onLot 10 to meet parking needs in the future. Eventually,once the West l{eadow Drive pedestrian mall is created,Lot 10 will nost likely be used for landscaping and apocket parlc. 5. Staff could not support an expanded service deliveryarea off of Meados Drive on the southeast corner of theproperty. fnstead, we would strongly encourage loadingand delivery to be relocated to an area that couldaccess off of the South Frontage Road. Master Land Use Plan: The Vail Valley Medical Center lies in the Transition Area.This land use designation is described as follows: The transition designation applies to the area between Lionshead and the Vail Villagre. The activities and sitedesign of this area are ained at encouraging pedestrianflow through the area and strengthening the connection'- between the two cornmercial cores. Appropriateactivities include hotels, lodging and other touristoriented residential units, ancillary retail andrestaurant uses, museums, areas of public art, natureexhibits, gardens, pedestrian plazas, and other tlpes ofcivic and culturally oriented uses, and the adjacentproperties to the north. This designation would includethe right-of-way of West Meadow Drive and the adjacentproperties to the north. (Land Use Plan, page 33) AIso, The staff finds that the proposal is in concert with the IandUse Plan. The key element is reducing traffic on West l{eadoqtDrive to'facilitate implementation of policy 4.4. We feelalley Medi cal-.Cent@. "y or wor 15 V. FINDTNGS The Community Development Departrnent recornrnends that theconditional use permit be approved based on the foltowingfindings: That the proposed location of the use is in accord withthe purposes of this ordinance and the purposes of thedistrict in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or naintained would notbe detrinental to the public health, safety, or welfareor materially injurious to properties or inprovements inthe vicinity. That the proposed use would conply with each of theapplicable provisions of this ordinance. VT. STAFF RECOI'{MENDATION The Staff reconmends approval of the conditional use reguest and adoption of the development standards per the proposedplans with the following conditions: 2.The Frontage Road improvernent plan wiII includeof three lanes as p 1. 3:il:s::3'*"inni 53Ll33,"" and Town Council 5. 4.Snow removal vehicles.shall not e from the proposed expansion handled on the fire and maintenance and hospital enployees 'an&parkIfr ftidFure shall not be South Frontage Road right of way. shall be litnited toic ut An access pernt 16 gtg: -€ru€tir-€C w}li,^h weul'C aemr*! icalCe@ngeFgffiEfutuj.-,. The council feels that the proposed irnprovernents would push future widening to the north side of the right of way and they do not feel that the town should be responsible for the total cost of these inFrovements. L7 i:, :- -:- I I ! ..r.' :J * Proiect Description: Contaci Person and Prolect Appllcallon lxiat, !r 4 'l Project Name: o^t" /2 mN ff F Owner. Address and Phone: Lesal Descripiio n'tot F/F , ato"k ,1 Rjt.R'/-t ll,Fitins (M) . ZoneiY-F I t-It Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL *J,s 'lnncr r?' E statt Approval -: Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Com menls: Design Review Board "^," llaqlgl DISAPPROVAL Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL Summary: 75 south lronlage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 47e,2't39June l-2, L989 oflice ol communlty developmenl Mr. Dan FeeneyProject ManagerVail Valley Medical center 18L West Meadow Drive, Suite 100Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Fina1 Design Review Board Approval for the 1989 Vail ValleyMedical Center Expansion Dear Dan, On May J-7, L989, the Design Review Board gave final approval to thehospital expansion with the following conditions: L. The proposed aspens on the southwest corner of the hospital adjacent to West Meadow Drive shalt be increased by oneinch in callper. This shall result in three aspens atthree inch caliper and three aspens at four inch caliper. 2. The proposed aspens along the east side of the irew parking structure shall have a mininurn caliper of three inches. 3. The east side of the existing hospital adjacent t6 the Skaal- Hus shaLl be landscaped. A minirnum of six two and one half inch to three inch caliper cottonwoods shall be added in ttris area. You will need to subnit a landscapeplan for this site. AIl of these changes should be indicated on your building permitp1ans. The project was approved 4-0. Peggy Osterfoss made the motion to approve as subrnitted with the changes listed above. Janie McCluskie seconded the rnotion. If you have any further guestions about the approval, please feel free to contact ne at 479-2L38. SincerIy. t!lh;t$h Senior Planner ' |, a ., I 75 south frontage road Y8ll, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (3(B) 479213s April L3, 1989 olfice ol communlly development Mr. Dan FeeneyProject Manager VaiL Valley Medical Center 1Bl- W. Meadow Drive, Suite L00vail, co 8L657 RE: Informal Review of the Vail Valley Medical Center andParking Structure, Design Review Board, April L2, i-989 Dear Dan: Below is a summary of the comments rnade by the Design ReviewBoard on April 12, 1989: 1. fn general , the improvements to the south facade of thebuilding were appreciated by the Design Review Board. 2. The Board reguested additional landscaping on the w. MeadowDrive side of the project as well as along the westelevation of the buildinq. 3. The DRB suggested that you look at a material change forthe parapet wall for the third floor. There was discussionabout using a light colored concrete which would serve to decrease the perception of the buildingrs height. Thisdesign approach would also help with the mass and buLk ofthe building. 4. There was a great deal of discussion concerning thelandscape plan adjacent to the parking structure. Ibelieve that your idea to actually add the structure andlandscape area to the nodel wiII help us all. understand theproposal much better. Specific types of trees and sizesshould also be listed on the landscape plan. The Design Review Board was concerned that the materials be large enough so that they truly have an impact on screening thestructure. 5. Please be sure to address landscaping on the northwestcorner of the structure as well as landscaping along theeast side of the existing building adjacent to the SkaalHus. on the phone today, we discussed the need for alandscape buffer perhaps with a row of aspen trees to offerseparation between the hospital and Skaal Hus. This was aninportant element in the Planning Conrmission review andshould not be forgotten. 6. I have scheduled you for another Design Review Boardmeeting on May 3. You agreed to submit additional drawingsto the staff by April 28. Once again, the May 3 meetingwill not be for a final vote. However, it will allow youthe opportunity to make sure that the Design Review Boardhas no further concerns with the landscaping or the thirdstory along West Meadolr Drive. I understand that you will need additional time to fully address the DRBrs concernsrelating to the structure and landscaping. A final reviewof the hospital project wilL occur on May 17. At thattirne, f wiII be back in the office. I would alsoappreciate it if you would send over the letter concerningthe hospital's position on the Ioading area for the bank assoon as possible. Rick will be handling the bank projectif you have any further questions. Thank you again for naking the effort to corne to a specialDesign Review Board rneeting for your project. I will be back inthe office on May 15. Sincerely,r) \ Y"l I)/:-\, - Vr'h\\rTYlI\1tlhI ltlrYr .. \Kristan PritzSenior Planner KP: Kc -\ J,-O' APPI iccrion it'dcr Fee Paid /_v/i'?'SIG;i APPL ICATIOII 5/L2/89 Narne of Project vail Valle Name of Person Subrnitting Dan Feeney, P.E-Phone Location of projeci South Frorftage Road West, adjacent subni tta'l bY the approval can be A. Sign ilaterial umlnum B. Description of sign Model # 85900 N./I from Nelson-Ilarkins w,/ white helvetica medium lettering on a dark bronze field. one 100 watt f lood I i grht on e:r'h siria 3t'x?." matching aluminum posts. . C- Si:e of Sign 36"x'60" with bottom of sign at 4' from antl Length'of Fron:eee fFt. ) * Consnts D. E. 476-245r -i i! to V.N.Bank Description of-.Projecg Hospital Outpatient Parkiig Siqn at entry o? proposed parking stnicture. --,r,.iL The foj lorving infornaiicn is required for hv ri r1t.l i, 1r",1 1 applicen!, a final givel- gn subnittal fee is 520.00. finished 1. Siie Plan - 2'. d iJiti ng s sFo"r t ng c'< :ct I oc a ti o n ;: Firotcgi:pirs sho'.iing propcsec loce-..ron 4. Actual sign 5. Colored scal e oral'lng --6. PhotcgraPh of sign Approved for ORts Subniti:l - Di sapp:"oved for [)RE Sub:ni ii3 I - 9n Aonlnlslr,rlo!' J 75 south trontago road Y.ll, colorado 81657 (3031 479-21 1O March 31, 1989 Mr. Dan Feeney Project Manager Vail Valley Medical Center 181 W. Meadow Drive, Suite l-00 vail, co 8L657 RE: Conceptual Review of the Vail Valley Medical Center and Plrking structure, Design Review Board, March 29' 1989 Dear Dan: Below is a sunnary of the comrnents made by the Design Reviey Board on March 29, l-989. As you know, this was a conceptual review. 1. Landscape Plan A. Landscaping should be very substantial at the entry to the par-kini structure. aaaitional planting in this area is necessary. B. lhe size of the materials should be as large as possible. C. Further study is necessary for the trench area adjacent to Lhe parking structure. It was suggested that the architelts look at building a retaining walI along the east side of the trench which could be used for landscaping. This would still allow for adeguate ventilati.on- foi the parking structure and make the landscaping visible fron the Frontage Road. D. Sidewalk connections should be added between the parking structure and the bank, as well as the parking structure and Doubletree property. E. The signage for the parking structure should be included in the landscape plan- This will ensure that the landscaping does not block a logical location forthe signage. F. Lighting for the entry way and parking structure should be suburitted with your application. c. The layering of the landscaping in the Bank planter is positive. 2. Third Floor Addition A. The Design Review Board liked the new entry plan. The DRB felt that the architects had done a good job of creating nore of a pedestrian scale on the west elevation. B. Many menbers $rere still concerned about the greenhouse. Sone members felt that the greenhouse would not function and would be too hot. Others agreed that the greenhouse would be too hot' but alsofelt that the greenhouse form did not seem to be conpatible with the existing building. one memberfelt that the greenhouse would be acceptable as long as the greenhouse slope was used elsewhere on the building. C. It was suggested that the architects try to addplantings underneath the second story overhangs along west Meadolt Drive. One member said that they were certain that plants will thrive in these shaded areas as long as the appropriate plants are used. D. The architects should present a specific design for the concrete bunkers along West Meadow Drive. E. The architects should look at adding windows on the east and west elevations of the buiJ-ding,particularJ.y in the area of the greenhouse and the east elevation which connects to the existing building. F. Several nembers suggested that it would be appropriateto add berrning and additional landscaping alonq West Meadow Drive. G. There was still concern about the massing of the third floor. It was suggested that the architects make a horizontal demarcation of the third floor by the useof a change in material . H. The board specifically requested that you submit aroof p1an, complete landscape Plan for the entire site and a specific design for the concrete bunkers at the next neeting. Enclosed with the letter are a project application, signapplication, naterials list, and Design Review Board schedule.In order to meet the April 19 Design Review Board rneeting, itwill be necessary that you subnit all your information by AprilLoth. f wilt be gone the last part of ApriJ- and the first part of May. Rick grhnan has agreed to handle your project while I am gone. I will be out of the office after April l-4. It would be best if you could try and make your subrnittal before that date so that I can nake sure everything is organized. I aru sorry that you are not feeling well. I wish you good health and hope you feel better soon. If you have any further questions, please feel free to give me a call at 479'2L38. KP: Kc Enclosure CC: Rick PyzlnanPeter Patten Sincerely,.,'\ /lrlilr' YnF Kristan Pritz Senior Planner APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB I'IEETIIiG: .ir I DRB APPLICATION ' *****THIS APPLICATION .n'iLL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI4ITTED#** A pre-application mqg!!ns with-a plannine staff membel f^il1lgll ::99ti:t1.::A pre-application meetlng Mtn-a plannlng slaTT memDer. l5 rLIUrrgrJ Juyysf r,sv r,v determine if any aaaiiifiai i;f;r;;ii;n is needed:. !9 lPpli:"lll-Iill-!:.i:::t$ ':.;fiill''I i; ;ilpffi;'iil;i i;;i;;;-iii itemi requilgg,!{-lht.It*ilg :lTllil!"1!:I)"' :; il'ii-uii iipiii5"i;i il;ilili5iiity-to miie an_dppointment.with the starr to rind -^^- ^L-! - r..tl|nl t?r ---l:--i,it'iuJiji ifiiii"iir-submittat requirements. Please ngte-tllt,l gggliiElqpli.ca-- l:''fi;.;ii ;;;;;i;;; ttrJ appiovai'process ror.vour,proi:g1 !{ 9ttfl:ilg !l:-TIf'Iiion witt stream1 ine the approval process for.your,proJect Dy decreasrng lne numDer ji-lona.itions-or approvit-ihal itre'oRg may sti-pulatL. ALL conditions of approval must Ui ieiorvea before'i luitaing permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address L"gul O.r."iPtion Zon i ng totlQE uocr Firins /p C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: '-t"pnon".$ZlL{/ -" Address gflt te'lePhone 14tr/ E. NAME OF Si gnature Address F. DRB FEE:The fee wil'l be Pa'id at the terephone /re/ time a building permit is requested' FEE $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ 5o.oo $100.00 $2oo. oo $300.00 TO THE DRB: VALUATION IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS $ o-$ 1o'ooo $10,001 -$ 5o,ooo $:5o,oo1 - $ 15o,ooo $150,001 - $ .5oo,ooo $5oo,oo1 - $l,ooo,ooo$ 0ver $1,000'000 1. In addition to meeting submittal requiremrints, the-applicant must stake the site should also be mirila. "i[ts work must-be completed before the DRB visits the . site. : 2. The review p"o..r, for'NEll BUILDINGS will normally involve tlrl,o separate meetings oi-tt," oeiibn neview-eoirJ, so plan on at least two meetings for their.approval. 3. people who fail to appear before the Oesign Review Board at their scheduled m""[ing ina wno hive'iot aiiea for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. 4.The following iterns no longer have.to be. presented iii:y:-ffi;;"i, huu" to be fresented to the zonins to the Design Review Board. "*rti Administrator for apProval; ' from any other lot or Public sPace' adjolning property owners approving aient for' or manager of a condominium ..: a. }lindows' exi sti ng skylights and slmilar exterlor changes that do not alter the ptine-of the buildingi and b. Bullding additions that are not vlewed w[iirr nive had letters submitted from iiie-iaaition; and/or approval from the associ ati on . 5. You may be required.to conduc-t Nailral Hazard Studies on Jour pr'operty' You should it""i iritn a Town Planner before proceeding' NAME OF PROJECT:VAIL The following Board before A. BUILDING : LIST OF MATERIALS Y MEDICAL CENTER v- Additions & Alterations o VALLE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: 181 t^t. Meadow Drive. Vail. C0 81657 OESCRIPTION OF PRO -parkinq structure information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review a final approva'l can be fivin: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MTERIAL Sinqle-ply membrane w/rock ballast COLOR Grev Aluminum Panels Dark Brown Briek Red-Brown Board-formed Concrete Liqht Grey Same as walls Sheetrock Whi te Al umi num Dark Brown N/A Roof Si di ng 0ther t,Ja'l 'l Materials Fasci a Soffi ts |.li ndows t.lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rai]s Fl ues Fl ashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther Aluminum w/Bronze-toned qlass Dark Brown I14 Steel Dark Brown Sheetmeta I Dark Brown Sheetmetal Dark Brown N/A Board-formed Concrete w/Brick Pilasters Light Grey & Red-Brown Al uminum w/Bronze-tinted Glass Dark Brown B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: Dennis Anderson Associates , Inc. 47 6-6 40 5'l PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Acerqinnala Picea'pungensqlauca Populus tremuloides tl Amur jts.ll- Colorado Blue Spruce Quaking Aspen Qua ni ty J -Tr- L2 -- o 6 l Transp. _2_ rraryp. 2I Botanical Name Common Name Size* 6r 6l 8' 10' 72', 17' 25' - 2.5" 5" *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate he'ight for conifers. (over) PLANT MTERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Botanica'l Name Cornusstolonifera Juniperus S.tamariscifolia Juniperus c. saxitali-s::--POtenE.r- l_ r a fruticosa Ribes alpinum Type Native Grasses Red Twig Dogwood-IIfr- Juniper IVIOUntar_n Bush Common Juniper Si ze 20 5 Gal I3 22 Cinquefoil AIpine Currant 42 Square Footaqe 1300 Bark Mulch I500 Gravel 150 s0D Annuals 160 SEEt) TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Automatic system 85oO' C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swirming pools, etc.) Please speclfy. .... , .' at;j;'l. ' ',,.'-: l! ..r'=-:.!;" - '.U-- r'L SIG;i APPL ICATIOII APPtic:tion itrber < I 5/L2/89 -. r,: \.oDY Fee Paid Name of Project vail ValJe p66ng 476-2451 Name of Person Subrnitting Dan Feeney, P-8. - .t ' Location of Project Soulh Frorttage Road West, adjacent to V'N'Bank Description of Proiect llospital outpati The fol'lolving lnfornaticn is required for to "he Design Revierv EoarC beiore a finai Sign subnittal fee is $20.00. A.Sign llateriai ' Aluminum subnit'"al bY the approval can be applicant '. givel- entry of proposed parking stnicture- B. Description of Sign Model * ES900 N,/I from Nelson-Harkins a dark bronze field.w,/ white helvetica 3 " x7." matchinq aluminum posts. medium lettering on c-Si:e of Sign 36"x'60" with bottom finished qrade. D. E. Lengih'of I'IATERIALS SUEiiITTED 1 ITH APPLICATTOiI 1. Siie Plan 2'. 6iut i ng t sFo"r r n9 e'r ect I o c a*..'i o n ;" Firotogi:phs shor'ring proDcsed loc:iton 4. Aciual sign 5. Col ored Scale ora"'rtng _-6. PhotcgraPh of sign Approved for ORE Subnitirl Di sapproved for t)RB Sub'ri it: I - 9n Admlnlslrato!' : .'l' hEeison-l'Eankins ES900 N/t The ES900 Series is available non-illuminated(N) or il- luminated(l). Designed for primary and directional signing needs, the ES900's 7" wide extruded aluminum frame gives lhis series a dimensional appearance. 'lhe 3"x7" aluminum matching post provides a314" reveal between the posts and frame. Copy panels are available in two types of construction giving either a framed(A) or un- framed(B) appearance. Graphics are available in a variety of applications lo meet all signing requirements. The removable top allows for easy access lor service or panel changes. The ES900l is supplied with high output fluorescent tubes and ballasts for 120 volt currenl. The fluorescent tubes are located to provide uniform illumination. Standard finishes are available in 'l0 baked enamel colors, dark bronze durano- dic and satin anodized. Sizes: qeignt x wiatry PFG"r4!-_ FI 12x24 18x12 12x36 18xl8 12x48 19x24 12x60 18x36 12x72 18x48 18x60 18x72 24x18 36x24 24x24 36x36 24x36 36x48 24x48 36x60 24x60 36x72 24x72 36x84 24x84 36x96 24x96 36x120 36x144 48x36 48x48 48x60 48x72 48x84 48x96 48x120 48x144 Graphic Applications: See Page t 7 ES900N:VDC SC FG PC ES900l: SC CO PostDesigns: B. C. See page t t oMB 5 -11 o ilt"P,u*t- itta^r5 t \ ta"^s eql€\ fE b..- 3 " pr'*+ .*S eq# :,&- ee6tet- bueAa-J fun-- A<-c.r% d^rlotJ t*"r(- *'"<- l^-'4\cap',^l , u*r.tl odd A ;16" '3* *lu--- * I O a*k^.^---J. edb"*r[({( l}- t\r^."o,^'( '*' qt pr"r.^tJ ,ll",rr,t.), OC@ ttroJc-- "t?^"r\t C.S o,.r,^d, w&-kA ldu>sL*-- * a<a'c"-€$ U2fe_ .l-b 6/s r/( mc- ,qt'(ttw tcr.k4"! chc rJ r'ts r -___SRb G"! "l'-o* .dl {-r'€s +to",^1 gr.d vn<-- go-Jt'L- €-L,-r. *t ^ ).f-- b-r. (d r -e - =l( "L^1 L). ,r,{.,.do.^t tDr,.ne-. J -\*.-- g)*o*ct.- H^a- =1's'f'a- ^o{-.ob,,,r*".1 Lr^e"r or-u..,rVqt @ -(t^* s(J a6/-<r" u-r"et eh.r-t.",^. : tn4p,{-",( -rl' [q,.d,.s<.. N,-l , b *f \oJF *'t[ 'o{d , ^ra-3{o^. {.'ne-5 I ,-\ t5l<''-J's - f,*ots fAq{- uvl.c,4rl. .J-,^. Lc. e-. DgB r-rrrr1 / ,"^o..a\.ur4.- p"r'tu+rJ br\"- *<ho.s- rl tt>Plhe.s Jstprous '"&4'' Sr^-*t^- Stde ofl a^\ qt- ,\ a.,,^aL rtstl "'.1r^o-CI^cg,".* /' &".&J a)a.^s F e o,(. ,- , rr.u |Dpb $8b d,t ,.rricL dec,.re +' +* grw,L ?"d. 1,r^ L".1. fil th..rn \i oC '.-,ll ofuq P"u/^r.t[< o1'.- 5lrO.flr€-. c*tz.*a- tln+d porq O D* C."e/ {o cI^.-K (r,t'i^ Cbs+\ {-- e ',.6u^e tt""-.{- +-\{ br*?o/ ,-".r",,( tF z,c/6 sstbeqJq r-r.l( y6* 6^ c\ /ra6(c-r,-1 . * t'Cl^.r,^ " l.J-.|, &r,r"sr.L Ls d-r.rQ-- {o .e-[,^,r +/-.a qf ,..i'r.-<- 4--U*^-L- bV f .,r{* t! Je.,.^1tl.olf,-1 f1"- p"Jlu1 ( sFn .(..< . t{,.< dr$.r ss.-^. t*r rf4^. t' o.t. L'tA'T {"1+' ,'''el'ceLg F4r.s ^ty l'-- p,ss.tle - ' V/trrta ,-,ll &S..r* tl^tc .-.rrf'{r 4-t7 Ul,. t*S qt ...a$ il",;I tD r,,r*6,c-[^2.,- rroLl ,-.^,F v spr.^gtq )t-t-- s$n>c{-zd, Aten b"tJ er*tos-rp- ,^-r^-ld lo.ac.nd-5 d!..tr" aJ* .*5 9eg {,r,-:{.r^. - t1^"te- 11 na Vtq<, o la^J tp/L - Vdv,Ae |ro a,{<_ uq* feluf \q"+sc^ Ne S Kall l'Ls kwl . dlrsc. cor""^.nt ) , F 5-,*,e* ,--*.t[ aF F\€- U2tre/ S$f..rc-f*"ng F .5 *\.tstq- f.J ,f *r,^ltt ,l€ol.^. s\dwqor\ q4-eoc / *4, .J P"g. 3 o r$+ eile"tar,te- [prt"JS Grzl ,rl<tb"*yJ --fc,k) o( l,.1h,t-'1 dr-,t'^. ge4b c..,-L( ,4 cfrr.Lrr- re' ^{* 64^ 6h44-1...^"a-- ((*/. Qt"-Jt "^n* e,^.+t.-1 s,f^-i. . :.,;: r.\_a t luwn 75 3oulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (3qr) 4792138 (303) 4792139 April L3, 1989 olfice ol community development Mr. Dan FeeneyProject ManagerVail Valley Medical Center 181 w. Meadow Drive, Suite 100Vail, CO 81657 RE: Infornal Review of the Vail Valley Medical Center andParking Structure, Design Review Board, April L2, 1989 Dear Dan: Below is a surunary of the comments rnade by the Design ReviewBoard on April 12, 1989: l-. fn general , the improvernents to the south facade of thebuilding were appreciated by the Design Review Board. 2- The Board requested additional landscaping on the w. Meadorr/Drive side of the project as well as along the westelevation of the buitding. 3. The DRB suggested that you look at a material change forthe parapet wall for the third fIoor. There was discussionabout using a light colored concrete which would serve todecrease the perception of the buildingrs height. Thisdesign approach would also help with the nass and bulk ofthe buildincr. Ja.There was a great deal of discussion concerning thelandscape plan adjacent to the parking structuie. fbelieve that your idea to actually add the structure andlandscape area to the nodel will help us all understand theproposal rnuch better. Specific types of trees and sizesshould also be tisted on the landscape plan. The DesignReview Board was concerned that the materials be largeenough so that they truly have an impact on screening thestructure. 5. Please be sure to address landscaping on the northwestcorner of the structure as well as landscaping along theeast side of the existing building adjacent to the SkaalHus. On the phone today, !'le discussed the need for alandscape buffer perhaps with a row of aspen trees to offerseparation between the hospital and Skaal Hus. This was aninportant elenent in the planning Commission review andshould not be forgotten. 6. I have scheduled you for another Design Review Boardneeting on May 3. You agreed to suburit additional drawingsto the staff by April 28. Once again, the May 3 meetingwill not be for a final vote. Hourever, it will allow youthe opportunity to make sure that the Design Review Boardhas no further concerns with the landscaping or the thirdstory along West Meadow Drive. I understand that you wiJ_1need additional tine to fully address the DRBrs concernsrelating to the structure and landscaping. A final revie!,tof the hospital project will occur on Uay 12. At thattirne, I will be back in the office. f would alsoappreciate it if you would send over the Letter concerningthe hospital,s position on the loading area for the bank assoon as possible. Rick will be handling the bank projectif you have any further questions. Thank you again for naking the effort to come to a specialDesign Review Board neeting for your project. I will be back inthe office on May 15. Sincerely, lr \ {l I)/^^-\'- V.'h\\rTTlf\1llhlll''-' '\Kristan Pritz Senior Planner KP: kc o ','c&l h1t{ o \0,*&.o1inq, - orq\ur o\ *\ I\ooilod 4.u,u[Q ur+Ii' !^A"l/r'fl*t. , W" b { f\^bt iri wiio,l^ cmd- ioilop rhdL b,L r\drd!d/{ tt#T tl udue,,Sq ldor^nrg tnolt/\nr,Nry1 itaa- r+'\\ ^ltd,, 40, ^iltt'. afr filmal)- conruAon5- *\*y h-d*^h \ld Uilo^fo r.- {uD( ebt^ . *',n upr,,a ./rrD\'hd ah,rt \tntu ift''\\ uPna cm&Vfud ohal,d[ irnaaa}r'n, ;,N!^\fi^\a&]^!"* a/\M[+ &arq{l 4ffi 5' on 4{ il, -,tad- eo'}o''fi,,* + ^, .^" r;t- 0dri**- Vrb.uilrii - [a"&-pr o\at( -fr#;;- w4i,*+r,vir,*,fril. Mim"- Vtbuiltus .i ----,:i, la"il-nu u\u[l.+hi+'*-t ik\\ffi*fu' t: ll l ] ,l ^tr- u ^l^E !tel{ OF"' Itu'D,l rfl-PW ' r llllt-l | "t r lrlT I f a rt-f -\-r j ) .i .' ': ,1 .: . r\milAr' co\rrwrrme 4\5/n ' &jur.l- wpto, 6{, J, V.q- {\tu{db \D r^p$',8 &.R-rsrr r/ ilfr'(\, o',. +[a- Ufu ?,,0*4,^ -t-t\q- Li1\ {tooft)u CI'ntun \b4;.+ thurmq\ Mmn\au,u W \.,(Iirtr \Iits:*Sft\N\oo!l^^A |ttofu[ \ f,ffi$$'H#t-ftbbi*" (o^orYu l- Jt) 75 south lrontage toad vall, colorado 81 657 (3031 476.7OOO July 2O, L988 Mr. Dan FeeneyProject ManagerVaiI Valley Medical Center 1-81- W. Meadow Drivevail, co 81657 Dear Dan: Attached you will find an application forro for a conditionaluse permit in anticipation of your subnittal for an expansionto the Medical Center. The following comments are intended toexpand on the submittal requirements outlined on thisapplication form and also are in response to the drawings yousubmitted to us for informal review last week. 1. A vicinity plan showing this facility in relationshipto adjacent properties will be helpful . f believe adrawing was prepared during the review of the lastexpansion in L9g6. 2. While using a 1rr:20, scale for the planning Conmission review is acceptable, !/8u21-r or largerwill be required for Design Review Board review. 3. It would be helpful to indicate the area of theproposed addition on the elevations. 4. Complete elevations of the proposed parking structurewill be necessary. 5. Complete floorplans of the existing structure shouldbe subroitted at the time of application. 6. A written statement will be necessary outlining thenature of the proposed expansicn, to includereference to the issues of parking as well as accessoff the Frontage Road. 7. Infonoation from your parking survey data relevant toestablishing the new parking denand will be helpful . fn all likelihood, you will be working with Rick gzlnan andPeter Patten when your fonnal suburittal is made. As hre discussed yesterday, it may be wise you and I to get togetherwith Rick to bring him up to speed on the project before Ileave. Please do not hesitate to call with any additionalguestions you may have. Thornas A. BraunSenior Planner Enclosure TAB:kmc , 75 south frontago road vall, colorado 81 657 (3O3) 476-70()() June 15, L988 l[r. Dan Feeneyvail valley Medical Center L8l- west Meadow Drive Vail , Colorado 81657 Dear Dan: It was a pleasure to have met with you concerning future expansion plans at the Medical Center. This tetter is a follow-up to that conversation. The present agreenent between the Town and the WMC established r.guirements ior parking as related to the '86 expansion and future growth of Lhe facility. The agreement required that, 22O parking spaces be provided (both on and off site) to meet the dernandi of the ltedical Center. This nunber was based on the existing facility and the proposed expansion. It is understood that a fortion oi ttris explnsion r^ras not constructed in'86 (the O.B. wing), and the development of this space would not change the agreed upon figure of 22o spaces- The agreernent went on to require that all parking.be provided on sife at such a tirne that the Medical Center initiates another expansion. rron-site parkingrr would include_providing_ the 20-30 lpaces currently leased from the Manor Vail, as well as any new bemand created by expansion beyond the conplelion of the pians approved in 1985.- sinply stated, required parking for Lhe WMe- is 220 spaces after the conpletion of the plans by Fisher Reece and Johnson dated October 25' l'985- AII reguired parking is to be provided on-site with any future expansion. the pre-ise nurnber of spaces (over the 22O) would be deternined based on the nature of the proposed expansion. This deternrination would be made as a part of the staff and Planning Cornmission's review of your report. I look fonrard to working wlth you on this proJect. Please do not hesitate to contact ne with any questions you may have' Sincerely, Thomas A. Braun Senior Planner fAB:bpr cc: Ray llcuahon Ron Phillips Peter Patten a r' tffif-fu t'Hffi^Kr' u'$t'u l, t ,Hffi ilr[ S,*'.ryJsK Nc@d U\IS ,€V P"llt0aparylb,Uaa\ra-l- C m,n ,$p, J';trs\o^ 5^ 3\5+ Mtb t\w_ Ude,,fuU Pld,nf t"ro at llq Plna (dc, YrL pE(-- W) e$ -\L * Nzurnoo$*nf *F,frn*,bu-fl. t'^+too1"?*?o,p^r frlu:hncht,i!a ,TJJIILffi.,<_l -FI \si\' - t$€ rrtxnor { tt- ti ; \cruo o$, )'Tn Uu S0rU'cA Uoxr,p\o^ d fl,ryt.O ' \ Jn{-Ftpsr B,to0 ino,rrr{ra\ s{ uM wind - bu,ll ln lr\f+ lrd'{tocr ar'oEr N&il- e q&rr alaf, ru,$i-, ! 6{, Ll}ort addrlia-.\ {tor ff\ il' il\oofuH Dc.lQ h\ {lD6r ff\ il il\oodoH &,,e A J 5tOrRS tdd.-V6;til"''t\ril:..._ u^\''r bl Fl,r^rt *'-rdnt-.-tt$$+4$dr- I I' A o h'il er^hrlAl tbh i {w rtahn&c4rPWyffiQlffiq 't""&\ T44ajtvil il\r&.nol"6.-:(!.bM:ffitffi'q(ffi ,il, hrLi* #-'r llu4anx. iffi,ryFffi#rnm fu-r__.0 ...q, ruft^r^$h^t-drf: Y\ruqr<-tcu'ffi"w*t^ Wilr]" P*f . lr lf, Ie y,{. Hospital Issues: L. Access Control plan:vait watt.-EEnr-nGiledesign--They should. also submit a proposalto us vNB parking should be cut back to the west to save randscapingsave 2 aspen and 3 spruce this way--median nay arso be able toincorporate three west aspens--aiificult not Lo lose Icottonwo-odsrJ- spruce, and r- crab--new parking arrangenent stirlallows about 4 spaces VNB needs loading desperately west acccess into vNB parking lot is a problern too much conflictvith Hospital traffic - Crosswalk and connection fron TOV site toon plans Need a blow-up of traffic design for this Does phasing of improvements make sense? VNB should be indicated area around Bank ffi . Hsfir[- Otg sc$nrt{a0' 3.. Pqrkinq Structures: :l?"19 we reguire a direct ramp to the west parking structure toEne east structure to facilitate Frontage access al opposed toMeadow Drive access? Access from lower level to strulture wouldprovide an easier grad.e. How will snow renoval be handled on the top floor of thestructure? \.*'-..""*5shou1a we require then to build trre -fl - . .?Fldh +&o Is there a-problem with the east structure being locatedproperty line? Is it assumed that the east H Does the shared parking makeLot 10= 18 spaces'structure= 172 spacesambie= 3 spacessurface= Lol_ spacesTotal=299 spacesnlnus 20 to Doubletree equals building is sprinklered? sense? 278 spaces cqess eut of SE cofner? CIahi^i\ ot<ti) b(d^"ba ) @ fg outuatr.Q : O(* o( od,r 4. Landscapinq: Would we have thern landscape east access road?Should they landscape by the qreek? preqently,into this area? ' il,ru,l d'-.-\u DaB + trl ol \ar^0r:?,11 Shou1d lowest level of structure have 3. Bulk and mass of sed addition: they push snow 't *t cMrL 5. Master plan: ShouLd we linit height of parking structures? rs the maximum height of the H acceptabl-e? 6o feet How can wejustify this height? rs it realry in line with the character ofthe area? 4 floors should building be putted back at all on east end. for fourthfloor? To the north? Lot 10 issues? Parking should not be allocated here in the tongterm. Future expansions should not use rot r-o for rneetingrequirements. Deliveries are not necessasry off of Meadow Drive. fs 23L,940 S.F. or a floor aqrea ratio of 1.10 reasonable? How much credence does this naster plan have? Are we approving itor solely using it as a very general guide to make sure theirpresent proposal does not conflict wiitr Uuitd-out? should there be a pedestrian connection from Nw corner of propertyto H? Shouldn't there be parking under east building? other bizarre issues:particulates--animal testin g?????? . Further information needed: , ilO,frdntL' tr. \ | r \ri9:- Vait Nationar Bank subrnittar-bbo up'ri*r.) &0r^p^q]q"L Auu[- l ']D U?9'g0rY-Cornnents frodi the Co. Div. of- HIGlrwAys ) ^ Revisi,ons to master plan? Sot^- ltajrpYrop€r\.r 6r'^- fu,r{,{ .b\'r["r , M { fh'{f }'ru D** fult t*t ttLrt iD i.'{+ 0 Conditions of approval: I' Parking structure ready for occupancy by the time Tco is released. for the new wing 7q Frontage Road improvements completed for phase I by the time of TCO for new wingt/ written ?pprovar of Doubretree for construction on their propertyat building perrnit or DRB I' Wg/0^@d* *or^1\l rubrn,{ ,1.\\ \nrqrt*t S4q Ac,,ttt^fllr^ frpo*6! ^ i_._o\ 3, ?I.r,*N ( A* V\-\ r\,u,b1 \,l- \r-ull+ bl1 \r*a(To- ' r.v%q\ h.ta Hospital Issues: 1. Access Control Plan: ffiedesign--They should also subrnit a proposalto us VNB parking should be cut back to the west to save landscapingSave 2 aspen and 3 spruce this way--rnedian may also be able toincorporate three west aspens--difficult not to l_ose 3cottonwoodsrL spruce, and 1 crab--new parking arrangement stilla1lows about 4 spaces VNB needs loading desperately west acccess into VNB parking 1ot is a problern too nuch conflictwith Hospj,tal traffic crosswark and connection from Tov site to vNB shourd be indicatedon plans Need a blow-up of traffic design for this area around Bank Does phasing of improvernents make sense? 2. Parkinq Structures: Should we require a direct ramp to the west parking structure tothe east structure to facititate Frontage access ai opposed to Meadow Drive access? Access frorn lower level to structure woul-dprovide an easier grade. How will snow removal be handled on the top floor of thestructure? Should we require them to build the bird atriurn? rs there a problem with the east structure being located up to theproperty line? fs it assumed that the east H building is sprinklered? Does the shared parking make sense?Lot L0= 18 spacesstructure: l-77 spacesambie= 3 spacessurface= loL spaces Total=299 spaces rninus 2O to Doubletree equals 278 spaces Should lowest level of structure have access out of SE corner? 3. Bulk and rnass of proposed addition:Is the height of 53 feet acceptable? 4. Landscapinq: Would we have then landscape east access road?Should ttrey landscape by the creek? presently, they push snowinto this area? 5. Master plan: Should we lirnit height of parking structures? Is the maxinum height of the H acceptabLe? 60 feet How can rdejustify this height? Is it really in line with the character ofthe area? 4 floors Should building be pulled back at all on east end for fourthfloor? To the north? Lot l-o issues? Parking should not be allocated here in the longterm. Future expansions should not use lot L0 for rneetingrequirements. Deliveries are not necessasry off of Meadow Drive. Is 23L,940 S.F. or a floor aqrea ratio of l_.LO reasonable? How much credence does this master plan have? Are we approving itor solely using it as a very general guide to make sure theirpresent proposal does not conflict with build-out? should there be a pedestrian connection from Nw corner of propertyto H? Shouldn't there be parking under east building? Other bizarre issues: particulates--aninal testing?????? Further infornation needed: vail National Bank submittal Comments fron the CO. Div. of HIGHWAYSRevisions to master plan? I Conditions of approval: Parking structure ready for occupancy by the tine TCO is releasedfor the new wing Frontage Road lnprovements conpleted for Phase I by the tine of TCO for new wing Written approval of Doubletree for construction on their propertyat buitding permit or DRB - cap flo4-t * n{{:saD "H\r )oCI rrpt il'^\ Dfu^U\h ui o f-k*t Dul 7ne Dl' h',\bli^ -t.ii"rbor dLS#,l alibe. n b.r\N*t ou,,l^r\.ig fii* qbn #"4P.$^.' . r\aqat&otq.WSq:Thffi*;**@ . t"6* r$'dlr .t ao nD loQdfr-bu -- UJso+ \C \\ff - ryH,:i*5\rudiarLffi ffi*-**mJrl n,n, ^M^,uaoo -YL*le*'"t"t'1+*a!tunp4 =,ml$ifu iru+"frW^h*tJ$ ^ s,L rua. so!\ 9sL,oo unol(*t rtffi*a* 5\l- 'f tro, ol iuUrnn rlu! fAn*u* q lojD ,f,;t) \5\ onrrE qotll'- \o $[q/, ,10 Ur0!i ttlD*\\P qo.\ d [*o\oti N &0t&, S\l,,v'tt'tg1 lD3 ryaila {ac -rr' lt*ry*& p.{'en+ &d, -lvJ {loof t qtacn roor$. (, {qep \ XD3 +a_L +r qo.\ d [*o\oql tq- Vci A6l o &do Poorx .l! I'Ljf\Ddr -A- n6a^ Ytdr.i\|r'- r t r'-'F \ ii :lli \l? rf8 f1t 103 "grr.Llf-__ hl i$x^t$ .owp JO-ffirrr+to-d.qrt A{Pm- V -1*q.-_,75 ii i' ii t1 t' 'i,^ -.t r - lrrt lNaU\ )\+a- }00CI0 \\ \ (0. -- 'h{rudrR! rlfls \1(_ilrrv\\7r\rr =; bra\ 1q IJ loi. (rtt II - r- in Uurp*qq ,Wifry*4ll Ar'f, -R ll ' )f rr lt lqry & ili,' hlbfidrql -R nii U ftrrcd It,$Pd'ii .-{ | |-)nir y' 1 ii ti il O {' jD iD .i.l{-)()r"Y\ttg (tut€vptp6;on' fbr uJ36 fl0q 5lt 3eo lDq)- tlao tsl6 H, l oo 3 SqbilaAds *1 '/r-.-'? /4r''^- {a,s,g/z /*-1^^a c &'^4-- 1; =-,/-L /9-4 p**J/*/ l^^-,,-^LJL*4,^-'"2) ,L/t - L'o-^- -/^-r^Z sct-^--; C o oe,cntrmee/ rn 9*rn tuF,D -en- ,/*c."?'t' Aztea*uV4 rzTz4ag.' , . e. t/arJ . ttatlaz7 [*rp r-fu ( AJaaG 7De (a/arac/a /ac.Al-Qt (erz,rulfafi y',+t t l/aart)o9, nc p"ra*) Ton- e- l/a,a bzz/ /haae (7ary8 zf-7/a7 '/76-7(*/,._ Uut tWrLlT^J,L 77 7- z/ 73 4-76-f ot"3 :Eh&u 47r-z/sg l/trt /t#u€/ //a&,c4:ne f7{2/:-//xtx p- /y'r.'- B*4 -=A.?-fs=/ 6{tree4 3d 3 - fat-qr(dX;e (n\1 ft: \/ E\ i.. s h \, { 1{ia-t N \(.1 L\ . r,,\ NN$t\as \\ \$ \\) kS s\l tis\v .$$rN r$ NS:ai$ \$\NI$ t S{ \iI $$Sit$il N'r ,-t Ir: l: J( e \,u I ht It 5i ,st Ir ,f,= .l lr h I I I I I I I .,J N \ --. J= *'i ----'-tl F rsl&lI r, {Lr$a.I I lrrr\\--- I I,.-o--_ _O iill lil; I rI alr la \ \ \I i \s =€. * s R .{I't cr v\ t-':(t r,.l {\ bu \t !(\ t\ t:|t I {sl.it <l q*l li= t; I t!-l Irl I I I \ I F.il- (t ,t i, \, N \I \ I----'-rl ,- I I, LI lq lU q [. !t J\! il\t\ I If '" LI O ttb F t \ li'Yl \ /t l ? Til. oil u.l (t lit Li --"'j F.il- */t 'l_l t I r.r tf\---/ | r3/ rt' '.trt l-,--.--" $$ ol r b Qq It rh (, a t .U(l \q s H / BTERBACII CONSULTING ENGINEERs TNC. JOB N0. 2130 REPORT NO. JOB DATE TTME Nov. 3O.1989 8:30 am SUPERINTENDENT WORK OBSERVED: Jack Thonas TEMPERATURE The reinforcing for the 2nd pour at the Future 4th Floor was in'place; however sone of ihe reinforcing still needed to be tied andchaired. Some hooked bars needed to be placed in the bottom of beam 4836extending into bean 483.At the south wall of stair rtcrt on ll.ne xJr #4 Lenton From Saversneeded to be added aS 12r' centers ver:E,ically. The ends wilr have to behooked just above thb top of the concrete wall. The top of the Lentonshould be flush with the floor. 4-#5ts needed to be placea in the bottonof the randing west of the hatch opening and 3-#5,s in the botton on thesouth side of the hatch opening. trirn bars also needed to be added onthe north, r"est, and south side of the hatch opening at the top of theslab. A curtain of #qrs of #5's n6eded to be placed in the east face ofbean 4839 north of grid rtgtt. Tbe northern most JtL needs 2-#S corner bars in the top at theeast end. Joist 4J13 needed mesh at each end, joist 4J10 needed mesh at '.,; .the east end, and joist 4J9 needed nesh at eaCh end. OBSERVER: Gordon Tovlrne p.E. 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 January 7, 1986 Hillary Johnson Fisher, Reece and Johnson 1500 South Pearl Denver, Colorado 80201 Re: Vai I Val ley Medical Center expansion Dear Hillary: A number of our concerns over the proposed hospital expansion were disc'-lsseC at our last meeting in Oecember. For your information, I have summarized the issues raised at that last meeting. While I do not think there are anlr issues listed here that have not already been discussed, this letter should provide you wjth a clear understanding as to what our prel iminary concerns are over this proposal . The three most significant areas of concern are: l. Parking. There is a strong feeling amoung our staff that the parking proviaea on the site plan is jnadequate when considering the level of development proposed. Further, it is our feeling that the development on the hospital site must stand on its own w'i th respect to parking. The parking demand generated by the hosp'i tal should be provided on jts site. Our staff will be unable to support a proposal that involves hosp'ital employees parking in the Lionshead parking structure, as has been d i scussed. 2. Landscaping. It is very important to keep in mind that the hospital is surrounded on three sides by residential development. Landscape areas become critcal in providing a buffer between the development on the hospital site and adjacent properties. Prel iminary calculatjons show less than 12% of the site to be landscaped. In addition, the parking area shown on the site plan lacks adequate amounts of interior landscaping, as is reguired in the zoning code. It was stated at our meeting that with the use of appropriate landscape materials, the landscape area becomes less important. I would agree with this comment, however, only to apoint. I would encourage you to submit with your conditional use applicatjon, a prel iminary landscape plan demonstrating how the use of materials will compensate for the inadequate amount of landscaped area oroposed. 3. Timing of Approvals. It is oun understanding that construction on the hospital expansion is anticipated for the lst of Apri1, 1986. The timing of beginning construction is a concern of the staff when considering that we have yet to see a formal application. As was discussed at our meeting, Design Revjew Board approval is needed as weil as approval of the Planning and Environmental Commission. Once an application is submitted, this process would take a minimum of 6 weeks. I cannot stress enough the importance of submittTiFi-application to our department as soon as possible in order to begin the formal review process. There were a number of other issues that were also discussed at our meeting. Relative to the three'i tems mentioned above, they are less significant in 'importance, a1 though st'i ll warrant attention. These include the following: l. Control of Parkinq Lot. The manneri n which the parking lot will be ffiddressedinyourapp].ication.Whetherthis.isccne with gates or attendents is your prerogative. However, it should be addressed in your appl ication. 2. Helipad. Whether or not a helipad is included as an element of this proposai, jt should be addressed in the application. I would anticipr.te that Planning Commission members would inquire as to what your plans are for this faci'lity on your site (if any). 3. Desjgn. hlhile the design of the addition is more of a concern of the Design Review Board than it js of the Planning Commission, I feit it important to bri ng to your attention at this t'ime. As was discussed, the f1 at roof, fenestration, and materials are quite different than those used with the existing building. lllhile explanations were given to me as to why the difference in design characteristics, this is sure to be an issue of discussion with both the Commission and the Design Review Board. In additjon to the submittal requjrements outlined in the application form for a conditional use permit, I would request the fol1owing information be provided with your appf ication: l. A stamped survey of the property defining boundaries as well as existing i tliprovements . 2. Information regarding the anticipated increase in numbers of employees to accommodate the needs of the new expansion. 3. Some indication as to how many hospitai employees would be parking in the Lionshead parking structure under your proposal. To summarize, the staff's preliminary analysis of this proposal is that the site is not capabie of handling the level of development proposed. This is dri ven by two factors, the apparent inability to provide parking on site, as well as the limited landscaping that js proposed. 0ver the years, Vail has taken great attention in reviewing development proposals with respect to the guide lines and standards that have been established. While it is recognized that there are differences between the operations of a hospital and a lodge, we still feel it is stil1 very important to maintajn the integrity of our adopted development standands. I would encourage you to consider this in the development of your final proposal. Please do not hesitate to cal'l me with any questions you may have. A..ntr,( \1.r.\1mr,"* Thomas A. Braun Town Planner TAB: bpr cc: Debra Jost Tom Briner T0: VaiI ValIey Medical Center Fi'le DATE: January 10, 1986 RE: Survey of parking requ'i rements from othen communitjes for hosp'i tals and medical centers The fol'l owing parking requirements are taken from zoning codes of a sampling of different communities. These examples are from information provided by surveys done by the American Planning Association in ]980 and 1982. Nine of the 30 cities surveyed are jncluded in this table. These nine were selected becauses they included requirements for both doctor/medical offices and for hospitals. In these cases, as in the case with the Vail zoning code, parking requirements are different for these two uses. COMMUNITY REQUI REMENTS Hospi tal Iyu-ei + t /each empl oyee and staff Clinic CENTER EXPANSION PLANS S/doctor or dentist + l/each staff doctor+ | ,/each empl oyee Corval 1 i s, 0regon 81 oom i ngton Mi nnesota Fairfax County, Vi rgi n ia l/]000 sq ft GFA Cl inic IZ66-sq ft cFA Hospi tal 1 /ea 2 beds +l .5/ea emer room table or bed+ l/each employee other than doctors + l/staff doctor Cl in ic exam day shift 4/ea exam room l/ea doctor & employee Mountain View Ca'l i forni a !'|i ndsor, Connecti cut Col umbus, Georgi a Hopk insv'i 'l I e, Kentucky El khart, Ind. Cl earwater, Fl ori da Hospi tal I /bed Clinic I7T56-sq ft cFA Hosp ital I /room+l/ea 3 beds +1/ea 2 employees Clinic J756-sq rt Hospi tal I /bed Cl inic l/200 sq ft GFA 2,/ea doctor or dentist Hosp itall/2 beds 'll'150 sq fr GFA Hosp i tal 3 beds 1/ea 2 employees, staff, d vi s'i ti ng doctors Clinicffi-tt dr + Z/ea employee Hospi tal I /4-'-5AF + I /staff dr + l/ea 2 employees C'l'iniciE6-sq ft floor area Joi i et,nI. Cl inic Hov + an Clinic c/ea dFiFaenti st +l/ea employee on max shift Hospi tall/3 beds + l/ea staff doctor + 1/ea ? employees includ nurses on max shift Projecl Applicatlon Vail -Valley l,lerlical Center Itb -'ti oate -i14!--lJ-r-1-9.0! Proiect Name: Proiect Descripl;e1' A 1500 sg' f Contacl P€rson and Phone Garv Swetish - Briner/Scott Architec'is 476-3033 Deborah Jost - Atlministrator Vai'l Valley iieCical Center 476-2r'51 owner. Address anc, phone: Vail Val ley lledical Center. lit1 l,lest l.'!eador.r ilr jve. Vai I . Colorado Architect, Address and Phone: 476- 3033 Briner/Scott Architects. 143 t-ast llea.lcvr ,'|rivrl , '.'ril, Colc'rado Legal o€scription: Lot -.t-iLL- Block Comments: Fiting Vail Villarlr' .)nd , 26n" Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAT Sc) E Statt Approval C Project ApPlication March 13, i985 xrr" Vail Va'lle Medical CenterProj€cl Projecl Contacl osscription: A 1500 Person and Phone iti owner.Addressandphone: Vail Valley Medica'l Center' 181 West Meadow llrive' Vail' Colorado Architect. Address 8nd Phone: 476-3038 Legal Description l-s1 F & F Block riting Vai'l Vi l I age 2nd , zone - Com ments: Design Review Board Dat€ Molion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPBOVAL Summary: Oale: Town Planner E statt Approval I I ST (rl l1A I i tl I;11 1:' tiAt'1E.0F nn0Jl:cT: _vail Vallcy Medical CenLcr LEGAL DTSCR I PI I0N : LOl E & F lil ()(.fi liAl'1E .0F f'lloJ l:cT : The fol l orvi ng Board before A. EUILOING I lL I ir(;V.V. Znd STRTET ADDRISS: 181 West Meadow DrSTRTET ADDRISS: 181 West Meadow Drive orscniPTI0N 0F PROJLcTI n isoO-is.il;to Sports Medici ne -at- the- ,- Va il Val ley l'4edical-,Center - A 1500 ss,ft. addition ngrtheast corner of the infornation is required for subrniltal by the appl icant to the Design Review a final approvrtl can be fi vcn: l'lATtRI ALS: IYPE 0F MATIRIAL C0L0R Roof Asphcl-!-Ehilgles : membrane Sidi n9 Chqnnel _!ap_e,edar -s iding 0ther l{al l l.iatcri al s Ixposeql_concrete t o, ma !c h _exj_r t i_ng-__ - _ to-_natEh_exrsti ng__ 1 i Sh t g !',ey_ ll_t_Lorq_-_s€!\1 "_ to match "Pratt & Lambert" #Yo?9414. -:--t'laya- - d-eep, reLlo- ma-tcll'KoMAc" #D10- 59 whi te brown brown Fa s c i a Soffi ts l.J i nciorv s l.li ndcrv Trim Doors Door Tr.im Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Flashings Chimneys Trash Incl osures Greenhouses 0ther 2 x,cedar._and-M. D,-0,- M, D.0. Pella clad Pel la clad Wqod pqinte_d-- t{qod-pejnted . brown brown lbeet._met-ql_-__to match existinq LAI!DSCAPI NG: Natne of tles i gner: Phone: Br jrer:1-S*cq t ! Arc h i !_qc_t_5 4 76 -3038 PLAiiT I.IATERIALS: PR0P0STD TRttS Dot.ani ca l Nan:e f olr;r on ll a: i;re Mountai n Ash fl' ':: n i trr .+ ! Lzs'-- 3"-4" cal .SqfhUS au-q{paria nli \ 75 soulh lrontage road vail, colorado 81652 (303) 476-7000 May 30, 1985 offlce of communlty developmenl Debra Jost, Administrator Vail Valley Medical Center 181 l.lest Meadow DriveVail, Colorado 8.l657 Re: Hospital Plans Dear Debra: .I wanted to 1et_you know that the information you presentedl'londay !9 the Pl ann'ing commission was very inr6rmat.ive anJ-very vrell done. It appeared that the tiairning Coilis;j;;-was-favorably impressed with the progress you have made inevaluating your future needs at the rroiprtir. ns-rui-JiicusseoMonday, another work session w'i l r be sciredur "a *h"nlor"-jJi i gn"",have assemb]ed conceptuar drawings io"-tn" ntanning "corriiiionto react to. Please do not hesitate to contact our office after you haveselected. a designer_so we can begin norking with th"em-af-roonas possible in the deveropment oi ttreir prini io" vor"-iuiiritv. Si ncerely, /\\ Thomas A. Braun Town Planner TAB: bpr r\ L2/18/85 Site Area Site Coverage (with proposed addition) Landscaped Area (with proposed additjon) Proposed development with addition beds 30 clinic 6,612 sq ft sports medicjne 1?,228 hospi ta1 PRELIMINARY ZONE CHECK VAIL VALLEY MEt)ICAL CENTER 3.811 ac or 166,007 sq ft 34.59.l 53,431 sq ft total net f'l oor area 49,219 sq ft or 29% of site 21,281 sq ft or '12% of site lacking required interior parking lot landscaping *ErKiqs Existi ng Requi rements : hospital 20,209 sq ft @ 'll'150 sq ft :t* beds 19 0 ]/bed clinic 6,612 sq ft @ 1/200 sq ft sports medicine 4,580 sq ft @ l/200 sq ft Requined with Proposed Development I st f 'loor: hospital administration sports medicine 2nd fl oor: hospi tal ** beds 12.4 spaces 38.2 -216 spaces will require parking when 13,I18 sq ft 0 I/150 = 87.4 1'l fii5' expansion 359 176 143 134.7 spaces 19 33 22.9 209.6 spaces 1,264 sq ft @ l/150 7,648 sq ft @ 1/ZO0 Total required with proposed Existing spaces provided Proposed spaces with new plan Defi ci t * Assumes the use of the existing sponts medicine addition is completed.** Need to clarify bed count/room. li ri,lri'i . .\ | i[},orttr U{qd f,sffiH i:ru e^&-d o rrt*t, Ui,,{on / urdrr6io,,t f\lrn.[bd. $;,pfttuJrel" WW^ {vhY^io"'n Nutd td" lYhe{rh N*bEanrb \.ed^IdilnC,r .M tMflr-$h'"fi&$r'i'3UUi; UU ri 'i[*0.. {rr}ua 0v{- ff\ \\hr} Sodo{*t- {q^v t bd{. ?ACtu'L 1d..r-or! A & W\'YLi ''\"kflur'n*a-r,ob- o\ Nu) r-lldt.€ \' i rrl^t b1pqk_ i" K\aoo Ctl^&d {.r!tgl ,,t \ fi * I i It tv ] tlul'fQtrn.lor^+" ?e^o- ot*B |l t\rlf tA\ , \-l $ll \ui- ; I Irl \D : ,\od N\AL \uobh- 'ret a *"r*i- , PAner b\d4 ti,^T bt+lrto'cqd batLr\0 :tr,r,$r$+ t{u,dtr' ,maj5i,rq,( ,db$cJ , \uinht 0 Nd tirtn um*r,\Odn- V'rofu tr--udt'[*-un5r*.,0EH il t\*U inilicdQ- ur\uu gol^9r\rt\ \ &rc(."Ou ^.crrl i; 0,^^ilpftto[4@0obi\,t' -+*Sr onafuAotr I\,DDDU q? + \,mo H t , t* vum\ rpo+ {0. 1\L Mtb+t. \Psu- \'i-11";pobr't6tt &,0-b cn slilud\aro{ SMdIK ' k'' +"' ryd-qq itrt*Y'aol 1sot, Gfu- Pa4$^L5 'Ael- t6 lHpr-t eLlr€ u +[.r, arT , EL? SD 9\ruc ' KtocrsilA -_ l5.e5 ol-"q,(A.€ o \\//r1f6 nD un\ on kL{W -\or l\nft}r{. \,od\ rtA I ftd {\aor \6}++ frd i^d-{l'ry siffiEi$}-q \ +; *o,r 1^rn ?*!r^q So^A^r\o J}Kl4'/o '6q \W t'"'. Uot[ fqo'^ 3ct 4^rt(^,rt? -NeEt, Ei w *5f ?'d^ta(kffi6$*\ ,l"r l(4'- \) \ ,q1-E riar-''prr- ftr- '/de Ut( \q+^Iut, 3vd oo e. %n/*-, 6? / /// /ft/*, 4 /,1" I/'---- ' t')lD,,%fr-/6hl. 16"*z**zlzrwq//^ W* ?, .2alA+ffi,rr^A *r,4-fu e-/// Z'4AUq sfrfr.rre."-U zrAe e-/d,/ry+4?'fu'?^/-,;t"- L tAun-Z- aw/ /,'?,L -..zzy'u-g Z*Zog(^, +t - /^rv,JZ /:/, 7r.7 - ht?rrrt /a/r^1 fta b*-/L%- -fu2-1,:#//7tL-r--- /67270 D-r lrsP.284zl7 frzq+"-V7- KZ A.--€-.44- -A/h. b^/Z /* 7z *zer'- 4--"4z-r. / 2{,F a, '7ffi-'.dT! /tf oo,z ,flWrcr- ete*ru^/s: Za% ozezz7 7 tr. 7o7"'- rLt ^T 97 Co^t nfz rufn LIL. .^"Attt w.5. r,il. ,lt 976: -i llzclneers €€T zz@ /U wtrYrU r-Z)Er+eztuvq% rltr at //Am/ar arzL il u,.rezmzo"t 4 -t@uFW \/\(1ffi I fu"Jt(rq W, N,\in,rt, A* 5*'\.^t, u+, \nd ry^ NrC )5r,ru\vnr, f,od. ,{'1D \Y\od,U ob^ufff V Nn\r^r D,t- flrooolrQ- I fun*q,nbrir. fu** :ffi,*.+ $ U,,ni fi*.+rn- rrq. d. Uua,a, . tHtr * oa't,ro, rfn,4utrqprN6 rege.- uloulL \ka- b {ti-keryffWn w\\ RqcY'8 \D\^C L,fo\A*", hL tov,ileC dn'n ate-lon updl.'^drl |,,J\"t o.e*^ iq*h d\ $anil'uC Wtf +e( tFoDd,"WMffi r.[^0u[ $uI \*" Ar rnA., x lnnnn $n rn A - U@0k'!A M.\rgor p\"fl l.rosuqonD. U fD("*,\,.u( nooJ i 6cd0(0- wi\\ l*o\o t-,a s1^0rd -l.ld'{- ck{.Ah}a- o t Jo 'uJo\**f. 9ars - Nd Pt .N,Uu- 0..&,t\L, ou*'- s Ntntrr @ Seua- +, q. GrDor$l l.lJ ?oniblq- 5i{e' 0lA."1I $nrys . \).H \hD05'lo+ Dt\i.q- /1C'd ,^fr:ry \ \-{',dAD ilo^!4 LDaooo IfD,ODD $tnti $U. ?2bl1ld 0f- €5I' EsDD u IrD =fi5e+fr000 ffi Tu!ro.-ffiYl&D?t:)Ooo -fu-&* wds_ ;^zrz/A o t;ty',,* _fh );/ /dtzz. \rl\16 ---t-rr- t o ,/* oo "*, "L /k/^- / lr' .*.2/t, /rZ /ryL ryA,t/,4 / /,/.ruW d-'/rZ; 4 *.' a/il'",rfL U ,fu/.---'-t- -rl hzzlr4^-,h.^/4 Au qaz n42"4&--,{/' lfuQ L.Lf4'* 1'///4? ur''46,- /( lZ-.r-- fi I Joa>{ ^\dryrFl6{ o U'r" L*! 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UL}.oJ\f{\oD ardcl, qP '&uN \P'u - ^ U ffi+-g'+.,#e{#W $ffia" i I]D \\ ) ia; U"Utut-*o-5 \0, \qtr b s\ones ila 5"/. Po.n^pS annulirLo )pr.h NlC \a b"r@'' (,r,yJ -ff ,,Wff@ U ID+ -f'u\t carrld no \tD cor)t{ tot}eg U.5 7u Pl. eo, \td O Y5atl, $dr- ornnbt^h4^,& .tb U@n arni tDfu^ -f"ft I whl ts\ < I conbioc- SLC -qio:aril \ ury^rq*,,$r1o ffiffi xreotolo P$L\h\ Wad {o'b^g rr't\ ig.arv,b vior a^4 o ,/, # le-c,+, rcp"/-, b* -\qp{dor\! d*h- OuL0d'u ae- N acdr--*- {MQrnil^ Mw' \,_._ n ,-n0tr^1 O O ,{il- ^).- ,.0 o^o\ ufufiff\or{o' spoo pryffry$^, i_ twry ,fi\. {@H.I,I* fhrph,^r + o{ ;; UtH 5fu'd,4" Is : 0rr{4 (,b0- nu*r$b&k;,.W ','ffiM,l" 0 -0 fu-'pliL f\a'fla^r o{ 6* \l,rr\+ Ufth ddnd f/lu/r6: \q(1 8( f*Ll r,nd al\ h^d *s'_$o11lo, \\66-8j '4 TX-,#,kn 6s6raa r* 5ryoa ' '| w\ru&,Fr', ud\o r( +\.a- \brpr{u,f \aa, ^^*WoW\,Wffi,'*\u, +nip r bn nL tg4et v.a0S K .,oljd' g[{ r,}e };,lu ,"od Tr er]p\nr*p, d*.,^q foi rlrfi ^o X -Kh' o*xla- , dIM #io,hJ n'a.l -fu.^Ulrr' uont M( l,k taf'",q, r'{an Wf nth UoYl u it tl'+rd' uprrrr,b0 D $ Tvs'flrry VL':11 *r-1rrp H*; ft ' r ii,Www*''( y",yfW WW #e^u D t' I t, t't' I. i I I d I I I I I I I I I I I I UL! At $ lYls.k, d^ dav ,\,s+ .* {rr FopJoQ rn*{ S{ tbcwno,r't\' Sj,ni'- / , ?l - /ir\, r ./ 1 d ?fuf rr -L!r1, t/ 8\rl i+ {h h,*o- aa miq U :lq? dao {Ir4 tW 0n f\dL 0^L org {Jo0d? o,vrn1\^fooD -C ;l-la^^drc.prd F,a -$. Srw V"M^Q . ,, -@ fi agt IFoo W,nl{&6 h"q I -@ kCI*{i^ft ll*il!- nul- *qlaflh,^.o tit\'T .-: bre"Ao--ldiluh q UU* tn\I ISM\o , b-rll" {,n*l}i. $riifiI.$h.i \ (- U I - g) thetn/ $a^\-n 6+c,r,rro^\-/'o''r\tt)b*o I l, "tlOrnp ilnrg 5'\+\ . {t 'tgi' unmu Stz,.r0 ilnnA q5 ,{fF0rnp ilnr0 I^+\ . {t ttg tlD{W 5taL t\orU tt '{f DWQcv- tt E{k 5\U d,frusddll DrPd b\ida\ {nr\ 'tt tUh 1lorf |YtOndr,.,l 'tt .t[ tq tulian\-*r,,t 'tf ff i uor.tv 5taL t\orui n, - n^.. s- J\ <'. -\,, O 8q Su,n- Dd Sto&" h,* oHffi'$"g -\ {\or*rAr^--lD W INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REV I EI,I PROJECT: DATE SUBMI COMMENTS NEEDED BY: ERIEF DESCRIPTI0N 0F THE pR0pOSAL:. PUBLIC }lORKS Reviewed by: Comments: Date Date/o'? g{ ,e/r22 /*n 7st-s 'lf //zz('' - f-oo //t2d+7- /?--r' 6 a/''-/r"t*z) , -r-Z/fuz7zJ.4u .r':'u'u ' ' '" : 7a'/y'2 rt el t //4f?/r/" 2 Reviewed by: Comments:' fla to Reviewed by: Comments: PUBL I C HEAR I NG POLICE DEPARTMENT Date t'rKr er'tQd^bY/ PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: coMMENTs NEEDED av: lSh0 BRIEF DESCRIPTI0N 0F THE pR0p0SAL:. Oo ,f,rout n*,*ro ,/Or-- fl,zt.rtT ' t2f INTER-DEPARIMENTAL REVI El.l DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING oate ro/ z/ tf .a) A\ //vJ'rtt a'f U/q )tJ:' . \- 'r-'\J +O v./ J 1z FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by; Comments: Date Reviewed by: Comments: Date -to Ko,4\il PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED! COI'IMENTS NEEDED BY: ERIEF DESCRIPTI0N 0F THE pROp0SAL:. PUBLIC WORKS .INTER-OEPARTMENTAL REVI EI,I TE OF PUBLIC HEARING Reviewed by: Conments: Date FIRE DEPARTMENT @ oat"7-tf( POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments:' ' Date Reviewed by: Comments: Date 0, INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVI 8"..l vn* Crar,o' Date_fl1///_ PROJECT: DATE SUEMITTEDJ OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: ERIEF DESCRIPTI0N 0F THE pR0pOSAL:. PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments: p4n*,-, Srn-r1-voe Ei t.,,t-'^rrJ- E ^,rr,-4 J^,...,.- Jr-o,o.. A (ac^f Dg c ot {,,-o,.- bt r, ,.v E- a :> To trjE Hou<;-s /o i,.-.-* f,tsa.aa{ a"' io,-u P-<>. tn. FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: POLICE DEPARTI'IENT /7 c/o (),r' Date Reviewed by: Comments:. . Date RECREATION DEPARIMENT Reviewed by: Corrnents: ./ Date # 1 I ' 15 Ltr \qrd . lp p'b^a tnao{" ",^lbfrD 1;Ml; l^ r.r^*a_s\*&^c '*)ffim'* r^u - &r *n ro -' Y u\ ftfr;k. U^{r^-l t ,dD\n\ N#rd {^, B^U M,\rQ- qrure b^L rm. lil4laorfr \r Pt{* U En*ffiffiffil-n*rs n- c,ai,\ tD ituq- e(l*({i-t t, @*k/n/\arfu_ @ Wsar J )nL dtv.tg5;v 1pn1 o n/.c/*uy'\:-/ h2//24,, '/ , - An ---r1 a-e :l+-+? Sn<zaZa-:.%-u/ // AMvtuA4A,a*,AL/b44 /r- A-- # rlryL-:q:4,H,-. uL4ffi//fu[ zza._7ft,.a-oW* ,-. //zrrya t ry *-/,ft -fl/ -l I Z- fL=.- z / r't* /n -.2/zo 4 WMC asks Town of Vail to delny vote on expansion By lohn Calhoun Ddt Srrfilllirlr Vail Valby Medicat Cent€r offcials have as&od the Vail Planning Commission o delayiE vote on the proposed $8.3 million hospital erpansion for at least tclo w€eks. The VVMC Bmrd of Direc- toNs was schedulcd to see* for- mal Planning Commission p- p,rowl for their cxpansion on Monday but have &layed the prwess until at l€ast Jan. 23, thenext r€gular meering. The hospital missed a noon deadline on Wednesday for tunring in the pmper documents to the Tbwn of Vail, according o a own offi- cial. Dan Feeney, project manager for the hospitat expansion, said Wcdnesday that there was a delay in their negotiations with the Doubletree Hotel and thev did not have the time to com- plete the 0nal paperwork. The hospital is rngotiating with the Doubletree for a 5,00 square- foot piece of property, which is critical o the expansion. The hospital's proposal in- cludes a new arccess mad that would lead frorn the medical center to the Soudr Fronlare Road. The rmd wotrld have -to go through 5,000 square feet of the Doubletrcc's propeny. Thehospital has offered dre Doubletree the use of its proposed pa*ing sEucturc during the evening hours in cx- change for tlre land. '11'e've been involved wirlr some very complicatcd issreswith the Doubleuee Hocl," Feeney said. "I think we've resolved tlle is$es. We have a poposed plan that hm been ac- cepM and expect to go back (to the Planning Commission) two wecks from Monday." The horyial Board was ro seek aPP,oval lo expand $e feility by nearly 30,0@ square feet and o add a 185-space parking stsucbre on fie nor- theast side of the hospial. Hospital officials have said that lftey would like o begin con- stsuction after dre ski season in late April or early lvlay. The main reason for drc ex- pansion is o lure Dr. Richard Steadman, M.D, to Vail. Steadman and his staff, who see approximately 650 patients each year, arc sought out by some of the world's best alpine ski rrcers. Steadman, an onhopedic sugeon, is the primary surgeon for the U.S. Ski Team. The expansion, in part, would include four new operating rooms on the third floor and 1l new padent rooms on the second floor. A contsact between Steadman and he hospial has not been signed but negotiations ar€ con- Plc*rtWLfCgr;gctl wMc From page 6 tinuing, Another requirement that sands in the way of a final approval for the expansion is a South Frontage Road Impovement plan, which must be approved by the Colorado Highway Department before the final go can be given from the Planning Commission. Al- tlough the hospital's version of the frontage road im- provement plan is basically complete, Feeney said, formal Highway Department approval is not expectod for at least four to six weeks.. He said, however., that the hospial Board will srill probably seek Planning Commission approval for the expansion in two weeks. Feeney said that hc hopes to have a preliminary meeting with thc Highway Department next week to sec if they agree with rheir concepL If rhey dq he will offer that bit of informuion to the Planning Commission. Johnso Streetbeat During tlrc courte oftlw shi}easorrr hout muchtfutewiUyou spmd'in ChineBdnl? BiIf Schi[ing Vail Enough time to maximizethe powder runs a n d minimize the lift lines. Debbie Nicholeon East Vail Frobably about 75 percent of the time just because it's a new area. It's like skiing a whole new motmtain. Fras€r llora Eagt Vail hobably about a third of the time. China Bowl will pick up all the intermediates, so the other bowls will be ernpty. IGren Delerio Eagle-Vail About a fourth of the time. I still like the Back Bowls, but this (China Bowl) does have a high-speed lift. Tim Boyle East Voil On powder days about half and half with the Back Bowls. The tourists will be back here (China Bowl), but with the high-speed quad, the lines shoulcln't be too b6d. well ae Ite Vail Trail) by thefrrgt amendrnent or has Kersgaard elirninated democ- racy. lhe fact that the Council has not followed "Roberts Rules of Order," and in turn has had a dierupting effect upon many Council meetings is no fault of Cacioppo. The present and past Councils have been in violation of the Charter ag well ae Municipal Code Ord. I (19?4) 6 (D) 2.04 090 Roberts Ruleg of Order. "Except aeotherwise provided by applicable law or the provisions of thig charter, Roberts RuleE of Order ae amended shall generally gorrcrn the public meetinga of the Town Council.' For fire Vail Trail and the Council to use Cacioppo as their ecape- gmt is a cop out. The reeponribility of conducting orderly meetings ie that of every council person- and if the policy of loose meetinge continues then there cannot be any complaint. lluunto pige S Fewddircusiotafurtltwitallngu@d.olfcour* To the editor, The focug of the discuseion on the Vail Valley Medical Center expansion. ghould be on people rather than care; on quality rnedical care rather than on traffiic; and on our corrmon future as a world- clasr destination r€sort rather than m individual oonoerns. Firet, people. thene ar€ mote of them coming to the hospital than we thought there would be. Happily, buginegs in our valley is good. Last year, the hoepital, even with its mogt recent expansion, showed heavier than projected utiliza- tion ... hearSr Gnough to war- rant immediate consideration of additional gFowth. Aho, Vall Associatoe hag invest€d $15.4 million in the expansion of the rrountain, which will bring additional increases ih demand for quality medical care. As ski-market-ing strategies plan for ways to introduce new skiers to the sport, the pres- ence ofa state-of- the-art medical facility is a reas- surance to hesi- tant newcoDers. Additionally, the' local regident population ic on the riae, both by birth (a growing and joyoue pert of the work at the hoepital) and by relocatian. fire erpanrion wtll bring 20 a<Iditional patient bede to [he hoepital, togoth.r with the surgical and ancillary facilitieg required to meet this very real new dsnand. The expanaion will also bring total on-eite parking to 290 spacee, thanka to a multi-level parking struc- fim. Next, medical care. The has maab tremendous dee since its hunble ar a clinic in Vail'g dayir. Our community to be proud of the rervice, of equipment offered by the Vail Valley Medical Center. Yet there is . room for growth. Along with the technology come additional qualified medical epecialists. The beat doctore can and do demand use of the lateet and best equipment. If Vail ie to continue to c!'ompete for top medical profe ssional s, aa we have been very fortunate in doing so far, the Medical Center must give its physicians the begt tools and technologicr available. Most importantly, our com- munity, both resident and guest, deserves the no6t ad- vanced, thorough and compe- tent medical care it can get. Thie expanrion will advence that cause eignifi cantly. Finally, our fuhue. The aging of America ia a well-publicized phenomenorr. Statiatically, the average age of the American skier increasee by six monthe ev€ry year. As our market matureE, and as more peoplb consider the Vail area for vacationing and for ret! rgment, the quality of medical care becomes an increaeingly im-portant criterion for our community. As shi-maike6ng strategies plan for wayE to introduce new skierg to the aport, the preaence of a state- of-the-art medical facility ie a reassurance to heeitant nsw- comera. As ski markeCing poeitioning moves from the traditional American "macho Bport" image toward the Eumpean "way of life" percgp. tion, our community muat a{uat or loae nrarket ahare. I invite every member o,f thie community to ponder these issues in depth. We have formed e foundstion s€parate from the hoapital to help support and underwrite its futurc Our frst +."k ir to rhour conviction that thie expanaion slrould happen now. fire Town Council ie planning to act on this i$ue on Jan. 17. By then it ig our hope that thoughtful citizens of thig cortmunity will have voiced tlreir support of better medical care for themaelves, for their familiee and for our guests. Gordon G. Brittan hed&nt Vail Valley Medical Center Foundation ThevailTtuilnunt h,atn aamdetta aesfu$ecirypo To the editor, The Dec. 2 Newe Brief article "Vail Council L,ooks for WaYs to Quiet Mike CacioPPo," is an insult to the Council and an insult to the citizens of Vail. To . imply, by intimidation, that the Council would impose a gag rule on any rrember of the Council is outrageoull Scot lGragaard, the writer of tbis abomination, haa in the past reported what appeare to be an ongoing petaonal vendetta against Council- person Cacioppo. Why? Ia IGmgaard prejudiced? IE there some journalirtic, sadirtic plea- sure in making Cacioppo wrong in a subjective ap- Cacioppo may not be the acme of diplomacy but he's certainly not a bootlicker. proach? Not on the issues but on perronalitiee. Is it his arroganc€ and contemptuous attitude as a reporter who feelg protected by "Freedom of the Press?' This ie an insult to the intelligence of the Council to irrply that members of the council are not protected (as fUloke rhe mosr of Every Ski Doy a Mtbseprcchsskitinp - lspn, ultrrc to ski, which lifu to use, which to arcid, and ho^t to ntalc tte riitf cmrpctins with ease. a TtP ONUI book lstgth mannl frr skiing\hill O Disaowr ttE secrcts of the bcak a EniD, tte foednn and oiltilara tin d skiirg \hil's rast Erain ufthl$tcr ringofrtfifuE. and of personnel Farm,ed animals is another mattir Ban fur coats made from trapped animals By EAMISE IEAR It is purely coincidental that this ehould be submitted so soon after an igsue on fur coats appeared in The Vail lYail, but I think thie needs to be brought to the fore when there are so many people in town and the Christmas Spirit is in the air. First, I would like to make a distinction between "ranch" or "farm" animals, and wild ani- mals. The former is raised for its pelt. Although this ie done in a most horrible manner, as long as I use farm products myself, I have no argument. The latter are wild animals which are trapped in leg-hold traps. This is my beef. An animal killed in this way succumbs to: a) freezing, b) starvation, c) shock, d) preda- tors (who eat the animal alive, starting with eyes and repro- ductive organs). In some cases an animal may chew off it's own leg, only to go off and die elsewhere. The other tragedies involved are the young who will die without the parent, the mate which is left alone, and animals who are not caught intentionally - they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and then discarded. Multiply this by 20 to 40, as it takes that many to make one coat, and you have one very expensive and disgusting article of clothing. I do not mean to offend those who wear these garments, just as they do not intend to offend me by wearing them. (Hereafter I shall refer to furg of trapped animals ss "these ga.rments.") Why do we, in the Vail Valley, have to put up withVail's image of being s platforrn to parade thege garrnents? They are nothing but displays of misery and cruelty. I have a friend who leaves her fur behind in Dallas when she comes to Vail. I think we are more environmentallv concerned than that. We werl concerned when three dogs were poisoned in Minturn, we were concerned when it was decided that marauding bears should be shot, we were con- cerned when deer and elk herds were starving during a very harsh winter recently, we are concerned about the Holv Cross Wildernegs Area, and i believe peofle here intently followed the saga of the trapped whales. Then wh5 oh why, do we sit back and let Vail and Beaver Creek have the reputations for being THE place to show off theee garments. Is the Dollarreally Almighty enough t o make ue shut up and lower our standarals? If Vail iE to be known as a 'World Class' reeort, not 'World Crass,' it should be exactly the opposite: a place which shows care for cnvironmental issues, a mountsin community for people to look up to, a place for people to respect, and a place that leadg rather than follows. The reet of the country, nee the Weetern World, would take note. If we are eupposed to be European then lmk at much of Europe, where the trade in furs from trapped animals, and furs in general, is more and more considered somewhat vulgar, People would rather show a wealth of knowledge than a knowlefue of wealth. As many will know, Aepen has passed an ordinance ban- ning the esle of fure from trapped animala within the town. I would like to gtrive for this here. And until then, people intent on buying fure should educate themselveg ae to how the fure are procured - farmed or trapped? Unfortunately thie would Peec a is r\'eihue lbr readofs who dltr b w'ite ardder lorllffunrcuH be epp.lpdab br 'L6!ers D tite Edibr.' GREAT SOLUTIONS At Stuart-Buchanan, we believe great expcctations deserve great solutions. Clients acknou4edge our unsurpassed collection of lrnt European country antiqrrs - the most complete selection in North America. Anrl they rely on out distinctive service - on.location trial viewing, regional delivery and world-wide shipping capabiliries. Our direct buying service can locate unique pieces throughout Europe Plus. de- sigoers count on our qraster craftsmen, who specialize in cus- tom resrorations and modifications. And Stuart-Buchanan offers a full complement of imponed fabrics, q'all cover- ings, architectural components and accessories. For your great expectations, try our great solutions at Stuart-Buchanan 'C Antlqus, Hone Furnbhirl9 & Int.dot D.ddn 1625 Waz€e Denver, CO E0202 1303t82t1222 223 E. Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 (303) 47ffi274 ,- Boem,aB if I am neceesarily against furriers per ee. Not so; I know none of them personally and am merely asbng that the inventoriee be aolely furs from farmed animalE. I am presum- ing that furriere are as humdre ae the rest of us and would not care to 8€e a wild animal in a trap - indeed, I ask for your cooperation. Last year, when I wrote on this Bame issue, one gentleman ret rte& a) We leep Eshimos in buei- nesc. Although partly viable, his argument. is a thin one. Many more than indigenous trappers work in the Arctic, lured by the big money that American vanity and greed pour into this grim trade. and they were proceesed for her meals. I did not allow it in epri!'g when they were young. c) We o,re doing the trapped. animale a fauor by ad.orning ourgelves uith tlvir beauty. Gimmeabreak If you agree with me, drop a post card to the paper. One aeDtonco will do. If you disagree, please give jupt one good reason why animals should be trapped for their furs. (Sone people think that we, being the most intelligent species, bave a right oner lesser animals. In fact, the blue whale ie the most intelligent mammal with the most advanced com- munication 8ystem, and our intelligence has graced us with the distinction ofbeing the only If we are supposed to be European thenlook at much of Europe, where the trade in furs ... is more and more consid- ered somewhat rmlgar. People would rather shov/ a wealth ofknowledge than a knowledge of wealth. b) Does ny dog eat lettuze? |encouraged my dog, a labrador, to chage rabbits - for the gake of her health and preservation of her instinct. The rabbits had nature's chance of escape, and she had nature'g chance of a kill. She fe-tched the rabbite back to me apecies on earth capable of total self-destruction.) - Think about it, and ahare your Chrietmas cheer with the animalg. Hamieh Tear h a business- man with two clothine stores inVaiJVillage Christrnas is a Good Tirne to Cut-It-Orlt. Moments preserved in photos spring to life as 3.D cut outs. Make an appoint- ment now to let Cut.It.Outts trained photographers take a fun-filled series of photos of children, pets or the whole family. Bring in changes of outfits so we can capture the real you. lndividual or group arrangements tell the whole story! Our staff will help you create something unique and imaginative that everyone will enjoy and talk about forever. Great gift idea, too! cul.il.out- 225 Wall Street.zVail Village l0l-476- 1878 (Dou'n the steps from the Popcorn Wagon) Frunrpafurspqe McMahan says, though, that acosss can be provided safely fronr Weat Meadow Drive. He saya the street needs to b€ reconftgured to provide for a separate lane for bicyclists and pedeetrians. "I feel Meadow Drive was dedgned for care, and that we need another meanE for pedertriane and bikee to getthrough there," say6 McMahan. He says, however, that the horpital will work with the town to solve the accegs problem however the town &ci&e is be6t. Town planning director Peter Patten says Weet Meadow Drive needs to be reconfigured whether the hospital ir expanded or not, and that improving trafEc flow in that area hae been a town priority for quite some tirre."Improving pedestrian accees from the Village to LiureHead is very important to the town," he eaya. Even so, he would like to see acceos for the hospital provided from South Frontage Road. "Ttre ideal solution," he says, "would be for the hoapital andthe Doubletree Hotel to construct a , joint parking structurs that is acc€e8ed from the frontagp road." In fact, architects from the hotel and the hoepital are worbng together to see if that can be done, "It will take eome creative thinking but we are hoping to oome up with eomething that worke for both parties," saye planning conEultant Peter Jamar on behalf of the Doubletree's ownere. He aaye the Doubletree ig aleo planning to expand in the near future and that it makeg sens6 to work with the hoepital. "fire only thing separating the horpital and tln Dorbletree is a prroperty line," he saya. Jamar aays he isn't sure it'e feaaible to pmvide aoese to the hospital from the frontage road. "Sure, we can put a road in, but Im just not gurre it yill work for the hocpital. lhe town has to bo careful not to dictate something that desn't work." He says, howener, ilrat it ie in both parties' beat interest to share parking ifa ahuctrre can be designed that can pmvide eaqr acceea to both properties, Jamar points out that the hoepital's peak demand for parting is in the day time, and the Doubletree's peak demand in tlre evening and nighL He eaye it may be poaeible tobuild a shared parking gtructure at the eagt end of the joint properties that would be accesged from $outh Frontags Road, with perlestrian access to the hospital. If that was done, ambulance acceas 0o the hoepital, ae well as accesg for people on cnrtchee or in wheelchairs, would still probably have to oe'. provided fiorn Wegt Meadow Drive, Jarrar says. "That would be OI(" saye l,apin. "I could live with thaL" Bigiseuec Has the hospital outgrown its present site, or is there rcorn on West Meadow Drive to accommodate many years' of gowth by the hospital? Should West Meadow Drive be a pedestrian link between Vail Village and LioneHead, or should it continue to provide ecess to the hospital? Can it do both? Is it poesible to provide acceeE to the hoepital from South Frontage Road without creating more problems than are eolved? The answers to theee queetione will be provided by hospital adminietratorq town plannera, local regidents, and finally the Vail Town Council, which hac yet to wreatle with the ieaue ofhospital expansion. Tte proposal to expand the hoapital ie focureing sorre much needed attontion on town planning philosophy. The angwere that arc ittled upon, and the way thore anawors ane r€echsd, will say much about the kind of town Vail is to becoule. ,to I In 1988, Wedel Weeks will be sponsored by Blizzard, Bogner, Bolle, Diners Club, Maser, Nordica and United Airlines. Participating hotels areThe LodSe arVail, Sonnenalp and Gasthof Gramshammer. Getting Ready ForAn Active Winter Season There just can't bea better place tostart the ski season than in fabulous Vail, Colorado, with a unique, thorough and professional skiing program. This con- cept was started in Austrian ski resorts to help all levels of skiers get off to a good healthy start each year. Wedel ITeeks are an organized program of tuning up your body, equipment and technique for an active ski season. Here's what Wedel Weeka include: o The oersonal attention of Pepi Grarnshammer. former Austrian ski- .champion. .,.r,.1, "'.tA'urC€kts\torth'of instruction, with VailiCrii,6St experienced and best qualified'ski instructors, with special" tips on exercising, running gates and reviewing your progress on video tape. o A lisht slhedule of social activities. o Indsine rieht in the heart of Vail, lift dckJa lor the week, daily continen'. tal breakfast, a welcomingreception' a raclette Darw. sDecial ski tiPs, a Giant Slalom iaci, a Bogner lashion show and farewell dinner. .Sessions will be offered November 27 iSrough December 4, December 4 thtqugh December I I and f)ecember I I through December 18. For more information and reservations contact our travel desk or Pepi Gramshammer at l -800-445-8245 ( outside Colorado) or I 8O0.4338735 ( inside Colorado). PRE-SEASOT SPECIAT TUTE UPS $IO.OO fFull Tune, Hand fihishedl BrilDrilc nEroutTs f includes Release Checkf Ski Lockers now available - one bbck from slopes 5450.00 tor a tull year. SKI TUNE.UP & SKI REPAIR SPECIALISTS locacd In tfie Sonnenalp l-odge, next b the cornred brldge, across fnom the Vall Transportatlon Center .47G332O Fall Hours: l:00 to 5:00 p.m. Dally No objections to 1989 valley school budget ByBIIIKERTG Becauge no one objected to the pr''oposed 1989 school bud- get, the Eagle County School Board took that to mean it wag acceptable.The echool board met Wednesday night for a public hearing on the proposed 1989 school budgel The 1989 budget would in- crease school district property taxea by about 10 percent. Cur- rently 43 percent of of every Vail citizen's property taxer go to the echool diEtrict. No questione were raiged re- garding the propooed budget. 'Ve take the fact that none of the citizens at the meeting raised any questions regarding the budget as a vote of confi- dence in the Board of Educa- tion," said fh. Ronald Srrith, aseistant euperintendent of Ea- gle County public schools. The Board algo reviewed a report from Gar5r Hendrix, gchool district businesg man- agor, on the effects of the newly-paseed Colorado school finance law. The new law rep- resente a maja ehift in funding to equalizo schooling through- out the stata. Hendrix eaid the school digtrict was in a strong financial position, at least until 1991. A remlution war passed in opposition to Amendment 6, which will be on November's election ballot. Also called the TABOR (Taxpayerr Bill of Rights) Amendmenl it calls for any increase in governmental budgets to be paeeed by a two- thirds mqiority in a general election, Smith eaid, "the amendment would have a detrimental ef- fect on the operation and fund- ing of governmental agencies." The School Board also agreed to re-negotiate itg con- tract with Battle Mountain Bronze Foundry, which ie leag- ing an old echool building inMaloit Park, outeide of Minhrrn. The foundry has had some financial dilfcultiee and wanted to change ita leags. "We want to keep the busi- ness alive," gaid Smith. "Ifit is succeeefpl it could bring 80 to 100 !*e to the Vail Valley." Ttre proposed tobacco-free policy wao read for the second time, The policy would elimi- nate any use of tobacco in echool buildingc, or on the grounda, with the erception of public firnctione. The Board aleo diecusded providing sup- port groups and anti -srnoking clinics for faculty. If agreed upon the plen would go into efect on Jan-l. The ValTlall - FACT: Radon, a colorhss, odorless, naturally oallrhg radbac- tiv€ gas is currently the larg€st source of radhtion atf eding the general public. FACT: Radon enters homes by seepirB into basomsnts from decaying uranium in lh€ soil. FACT: Approximately half the homss in Eagle County have exceeded Federal Heahh Standards frrr acceptable radon gas levels. IESI YOLR l€i,E WIIH A RAffN TESTKT. Prbes Jrom $28.50. Call today for consuhation, Western Envlronmenta!. Consultants Glenwood Sprlngs. 94$1253 PrdEAdilry clocet r;i;' Open Daily . Monday-Friday 1G5 Saturdav & Sundav 10{ Main Street, Minturn j 827-5565 fil at"'ton Nurition IN 1OO BRONGO HOME GAME TIGI(ETS BROI{GO PTAYOFF ATD GRA]ID PRIZE SUPEBBOWI XXII PACIOGES PRE.SEASON Miami Dolphins August 24 Los Angeles Raklers Oclober 12 Minnesota Vikings S€plember 3 Detroit Lions No/emb€r 1 Chicago Bears No\rember 16 REGULAR SEASON New England Patriots December 6 Seattle S€ahawks Septemb€r 13 Kansas City Chiels December 19 Houston Oilers Oclober 4 San Diego Chargers Oecemb€t 27 Entry bhnks in specially marked bags Listsn to 11135 Ft br more iIC* lhlltffir I ih' .",., rh.h L\ r(nlkr,' rt"hitrr,r h ri (ah {r* |I 11,-"- rhtr.,hr., F,hr Ilew.roraa'"-'#ri#" 16. lr-----------rt I-:Ir\fl urcr, ffi r-iHrI Smooth sailing Bicyclers, as well as drivers, havefound thedrlve along Hlghway6lhrough Eagle-Vailmaybe a littlesmoother recently. Not only has the surlace been repaved, but the mad has been widened from the l-70 ovepass to Avon Road. The Eagle CountyCommissiones will hold abto path dedication csremony Monday at 7:30a.m. at th€ interseclion of Highway 6 and Eagle Road. Photo by Mke Rawlings. JOE SPET.IT $15,000 0N COCAINE I.AST Y:EAR. ...ANID S7,OOO TO KICK IT THIS \'EAR, Coccrine. It'll wqste yoru money crnd yotu mind. For more inlormalion, contqct the Crime Prevention otrice. Vail Police '476-5671 NnwSBRIEFS Villageinfolrration lH,:"ttl,l"nle;1 a'""f lhe 28-v.ear-old Avon manbilfr.,s;d-'t" ffiil4'1ffi.?#ffi'o'1** $f;i"',X""lilili1#*f"T;,1'l; cgst parlq.ff 7'qn :;s" '1:'?il,,ilj,,"il-1,?: Iio:ilf *"u;i"ffi $if"u.l' *"; fire Town of vail receiveg ffii *iJil,"-l*i"i* juetified offl"i.l" do- t}," occupa-only one bid for expanding the ""liit " -":"":i *!fi*p;*- tionl Saieiy - ana HealthVillage information booth, and -Aihi;-l;ili-i1"1"" i" "o Admini"tr"ti-on ere investigatthe bid was subotantially over -";"i-L"dt;;a- ior imple- il;i;;-d. l'9 accidenr. fireDuo83E. L^r menting the plan. Council dilch wae reportedly notfire Vail Town Council had -"'''b"rl u"a i.*" pt;;.trS Jillia ii t" p[*nr cave_in,hoped-to build tho-a3$9o":d "o--i""io"""", ;h; ;;;;;i; iri'*L-ft"}t'i-r.ing from afurnisb it for $50,000. Instea4 "t a-h;-;;;Gft, agreerl that ;#";-;;. " construction alone will cost trrd*diil-i;hfr;;;;r';J P'|u@!'vE"r'r'' about 858,000, rrith another ott." i"i-"i""" - oi to*" is18,6(Dfortumi4ry. _.- inportarir ana etroulJ--ue HeartattacksclainCouncil agreed I\resday to ,.,,i*,,otbits the builet and-get-the '-pi;;"s commjseioner D_ livesoftwOhuntem i,l',1,ofiliT'j"j*"11tff m X*'f"-nL"[:i'*:* in Eaete corurry- pyrchasei, deeign woik has ildf;; ;;a;#---;l:l TwohunterediedlastSatuf,' ilready b&n done 1nd patl foi;some of tf," ao"iti'f,J'J",1 tlay_ in Eagle Gounty, appar' fot', arid cnuacil thinke it will ;"k;J"- ently the victims of heart at' probably be eeveral yeara tacks. before a major visitors cer can be seriou"ry p"opoiii'. T4{sp:p *E*',,s,#:lgiaJ"l;":,,i Council decided- tlie current Ga||S IUf DqnOO|tr at about 6:30 a.rn. at a hunting shlctur_e ju:tim'ttrig-enough OfBfffgef RTnp camp in Metheny Park'- The to.handle the denand,.espe- *ffrif"i-"f}ifl"?^- .-. campground.is located uP gytlv- {ttr the 1-e8e Alpine *;iililffil;;iT;J:'i;.}'ji Qxpsum creek, south west of world chsmpionships roming 6::",ft;i[ff';"?rfi"''i# .fi,"rifiu,, eon drove him tochaintoraiseawareners,ofthe '[i;, ;;; -Ji." in to*n,colorado First construction, iJli"''iu'fr1iiiiil*"r" ," ogil'nd gulfered a heart at_of Silverthorne, will do the d;;iio}.jil."'-'work. , -li;1t-ffii "r ;i:,:* ffIi"tl,i,"$ "r?Ji"#"*jllggllngeo:esgne ffigpll;";";-: f. pai-tment. Bn*1"-ii B.gr"minionbudrsfc cattr" ror or" to ullT ffi'- l:?,f'Al,*,1-l*mL;ljtflr,ffiffi 0,"" 15ff:"r'*rs:,::*t *:,r"#k"fixin*i plan for Vail was unveiled J rne DoyooEE' wnEe lfalnoreaE dead at Vail Valiey Medical ihe Tueaday To*o co'iJi Action-Network, 300 Broad- ciii"iitb$*1.meeting. wav,- San -!t9l9i-e-co,,,€alif' -ril'f'lJ;-fretory of heart- tt "--iir", prepared by Fort $41i!8' orcall 415-:lD8-44o4' p"obl"-". 3*Ht f"iH:t* rt6itb condition uperaded o,:"til*t3o:H',1'"HTtoprcpars. fOf AVOn man hg1't east.of^Eagle, sufiered a heart Groznik presented a slide ;--. ---;- -;- -- - attack Satluday afternmn. rhow with landscaping drawn m|llgncnqilfap9e 'Gecge A Cebn,59, wasre- 1qr in the approp4ate placee. Tiur I{raftr who wae injured pcterlly walking down a small He Eaid Vail would haVe con- in a trench cave-in lart ravine near camp amund noon riderably more appeal to Wednesday in Eagle-Vail, ig when he collapsed. trYiends tourigtg ifthe town, particularly improving in i Denver contacted authoritieg and the interstate interchanges, b6pital. ilrove him down Mill Creek war mce attractive. A spokeswoman for Univer- Pags to a place about 10 miles Properly landecaping the giry Hogpital raid Kraft was ftpm High-way 191. Ihere they Eagt Vail interchange would reiently -moved out of the in- were met by an Eagle County cctt276,000, he aaid. tenrive care unit, and hie Ambulance crew bnrt resu*ita- Corncilmen Merv Lapii'r and condition has bcen upgraded tion elforts failed. He waa prio- Kent Rose both said they from sritical to seriouj5ut sta- nounced dead shortly alter 1 thought ruch a landscaping ble. p.m. Hiring Time Roy Sante, vgnding supervbor lor Vail Associates, interuiews Wayne Murdock al VailAss@iates'second job screening last Saturday in tho Doubl€tl€€ Flotel. Pholo by Jan Gelman. Friende told authorities that Cekin bad experienced medical 'pmblems for about gix months prior to hia death but would not aee a doctor. Reumrdofferedfor irtroaboutth€ftat BeaverCbeehlodge Crime Stoppers ie eeeliing help this week in olving a theft at the Charter in Beaver Creek in which more than $1,000 in items and cash were stolen frorr two visiting Texas rnen. Within 15 minutes on Sept. I, eomebody entered the ateam- room area of the Chster that the two victims were uaing, and went through the men's clothing and took a Blackg- mens Movado watch, three $100 bills and an additionol $22 in cash. Authoritiea report no leadg or suspects as mde than 600 keys are available for entry into the lteamF@rn area. The keya are made available for gueste of the Charter and for enployeee. Ttre victims reported hearing voices, but were unable to identify them. Crime Stoppere will pay a caah reward of up to i1,000 for information that will lead to the arrest and/or indictment of the person or petsong resoonsible aa well ag for info'rmation that leada to the recovety of the stolen items. Phone Eagle County Crirne Stoppers toll-free at l-8fl)-962- TIPS or 328-7007. Callere do not have to give their name, anonymitY ie graranteed. llfian acciden shoobhimselfon localhurrtingtrip A day of hunting on Bastard Mountain ended badly Mon- day fc Richard Carmichael of De{tver. lhe 24-year-old, hunfing on horseback in the area near Wolcot! was carrying a amall .22 caliber piatol in a belt hol- ster when the weapon fired, hitting him in the right thigh. According to an Eagle Count5r Sheriffe Department report, the gun had became cocked sometime during the day andthe accident happened between 3:tX) and 4 p.m. Carmichael wae tsken to Vail Valley Medical Center for treatrnent of the rrinor injury. He was released Wednee&y. K2. Rossignol . Pre-Dynastar Volkl Salomon. Nordica SEASON LOCKER RENTALS NEW DEMO SKIS & BOOTS Watch for our LOCALS DISCOUNTCARD 22swarl AMEN,ICAN***i-----E * *{---------r+ SI(I E:rCIIANGE street, vall/47F1477 "I can sincerely say Dick Gustatson has done an ex- cellent job in representing the interests and concems of Eagle County to the State lbgislature. As your State Senator, I am impressed with Dick's knowledge and grasp of issues affecting Eagle Couty." Selly Hopper ENTIRE INVENTORY 5 Gorsuch Ltd. / East Entrance, Lower l,evel 263 E. Ctore Creek Drive / 303476617 ot 476-2294 Ext. 46 Hospital expansion raises eoncerns Access is the key issue By SCOT IERSCAARI) Although eone town officials continue to oppose the propoeed expanoion of Vail Valley Medical Center, hospital administrator Ray McMahan eaye opponents are in the minority. People like the hospital where it is, that they support expanding it, and that evervone in town benefits ftom the hospital's growth, he says. "The hospital is a clean induetry," says McMahan. "It is not dependent on visitore or snow conditions." He says the hospital is no longer a local clinic for the treatment of ski injuries and the delivery of local babies; but is a regional hoepital whoee sphere of influence is growing. Already, he saya, many of the infants born to Summit County women are delivered in Vail. He says that due to the high price of malpractice insutance, only doctore who deliver many babiee can dford to deliver any. Most Summit County physiciane, he eaye, cannot justify the coBt of the ineurance. Summit County detore refer pregnant Summit County women to Vail doctors, making it easier for Vail doctors to elford malpractice ingurance. Furthermore, he eayr, the Vail hoepital ir fart becoming' the center of orthopedic rnedicine for the \f,ettern Slope. McMahan'e claim that the horpital b a regional facility ir not disout€d. Tow'n Councilman Merv Lapin and Planning Commirsioner Dana Donovan, however, say West Meadow Drive iE the wlong place for a regional hoopital. l,apin saye that ae a regional hospital, rnore expaneion will be needed than can be accommodated at the Dredentgite. He aays the hbepital should expand by building a second faeility .gome where other than downtown Vail. "It'g bad planning. lhe area they eerve has potential for more expansion than they can handle on tlnt site," Lapin saye "The hospital is a clean industry." "The vast rnajority of Vail residents think the hoepital should be a regional. faciiity, and they think ite preBent location ie ideal," seys McMahan. He raye locale don't want to have to leave Vail for baeic rnedical care. He adds that tourirta expect a world-clasp medical facility close to the elopea. Ae for building a secondfacility gomewhere el se, McMahan says that would be inefticient. Beeidee Donovan, planning commiesioners Sid Schultz, Jim Viele, Pam Hopkins, and Peggy Osterfoss all suggested at the commieaion'e Oct. l0 . me€ting that West Meadow Drive is the wrong place for a large hospital. "If you had to do it again, you iould probably choose some other propertY," HoPkina seid. "When do you make the businees decision that this property won't hold all You want to do and move Part of it to another site?' Itrat time, }lcMahan aaid in an intewiew on Oct. 17, wae never. He Baid if it was uP to him to choose the iabd eite for a large regional medical center he would chooee the exieting eite. "I think thig eite is ideal," he said. McMahan said it is important that a hosPital be centrally located. The current site is clos€ to the mountain, which . McMahan said ie important in treating ekier iqiuriee, and it iE eaeY for visitors to find and get to. He said it ie alo impctant that the horpital be cloee to Interetate 7O which it ia. 'When do we stop growing?" McMahan aaked. "In mY opinion, we don't." - The hospital's assets in 1978 totalled $a mit- hospital has assets of$19 million. Stailsticsptovld€dbytheVallValleyMedlcalCenlerlndlcalehatnewbomdelhr€desa]€upl6perc.nl from 1987. HospltaladmlnlstratorRay llcMahansay6th€hospltalbnolongeralocdoktlc,httanglonalhcplal wlrose sphem of Influence ls growlng. Photo by Mlke Rawllrys. lion. Tloday, the In 1987, the hoapital wrr expanded frorn 50,000 rquare feet to 90,000 feet. The propoeed expanrion will add 25,000 square feet to the hoepital and will include conrtruction of a 56,000- square-foot parking garage' which will give the hoepital the capacity to park 250 cars on site. $ things go according to the hoepital's plana, constr"uction on the parking garage will begin in April of 1989, with occupancy of the third floor coraing in JulS 1990. The 198? expansion increassd hoepital bede from 19 to 90. The next expansion would sreate epace for up to 20 more beils. McMahan said there were days laet winter, the first winter with 30 beds, when all aci<itrmodate gtill more growth on the exieting site? The wegt wing (which i s curently two floors high, and will gain a third in this erpansion) was deaigned ao that a fourth floor can .be added. After that ie done, McMahan eaid, the nert eteP would be to demolish the original hoepital building and construct a new, bigger wing there. The proposed parking structure ie dao deeigned eo that it can be added onto when the need arieee. Finanbee Estimated cost of the expansion and the parking structure is $8.3 million. McMahan says the hosPital will issue debt for the entire amount, and that the debt will bc paid ol? with normal operating rovcnuo. The hocpitd'r opmdngi budgpt for next yrrr ir f10 millim, all of it to bg raircd tltrotgh patiehtfrr. Donations to the hoepital h8ve totallod 36 million dnco 197E, 8om. oftht was ured to nllcrr ineircial tnoubler in Orc late 19?(h, but mort has been ured for iriprovementr to thc facility and fc thc purchase of eouip'mnL Tlie horpital'e argete in 1978 totalled $4 million. Today, the hospital har asgete of i19 millim. Hospitd ure har increared rteadily over the paet few yeara, according to numbert pcn'iriEd by the hodtal, Just sincc 1987, u.. of thc hoepital ir up 15 to 20 percent in meJ categoriee. Admiuionr are up liom 1,466 last yoar to 1,?22 thir year, a gain of 18 percenL lhe hospital'r fiocal year iE ftonr Nov. I to Oct. 91. Thie year't figures are based on hard numberr through nid-Octaber and egdnat€s for the end ofthe month. Patient dayr are up 14 percent, fro6 1,226 ta 4,82L. Newbom deliverier are up 16 percent, from 296 td 949. Surgical p,roccdurea are up 24 percont, from 875 to 1,084. Emergency room virita are up only 4 percent from 11,!144 to 11,800. Over the laat live yeare, growth har been rteadS'if not Just since 1987, use ofthe hospital is up 15 to 20 percent in most categories. dranstic. lhe rrarn fc mm growth in Oro lert yra ir rimplo: witlr tho upenrim of the hcpitel lrd tho rcwicr .offcrod tbarc, pooph who ot.brrwir *rot crt of thr au for elcctivc procrdurer nowrtay in Vell. Alro, the popuhtion of thc vallcy fu Srowing. Sincc 19811, rdnirrionr am up 88 porunt, prrirnt dryr a,t up 2l pcat,ddivuisr arr up E{ pcr,ccnt, rufical pmcedurtl ar€ up 68 percent, and emergcncy room virite arc up 25 p€rconL Growth har been lo dramatic since the 1987 expailion that McMahan rayr expanrion ic needed again Jurt to ksep pace with demand. Dr.IllokStoadngD New expanrion would aho creatc room for Dr. Dick Stoadman, who ir coneidering relocation of hir practice ftom Lake Tahoe, Calif. Steadman is the doctor of the U.S. Ski Team and countr oany of the world'r top athletcr ar bir pa.tiente Among hir patientr are Tamara McKinney, Marc Girardelli, Phil and Steve Mahre, Dan Marino, Cindy Nelron, Chrirtln Cooper, Debbis Armetrong, Diann Rotre, and Bill JohnsoNr. There and other pcople will go to Steadman, whorever he make hio practia. McMahan makes no !.6retof the fact he would lite Steailman here. "I think he will agtee to cone," McMahan ray!. George Gillett, owner of Vail Aggociateg and a friend of Steadman'r, raid 98 percent of Steadrnan'e pedanta in Tehoe ere fmm outride that area, and that Steadnan pctformr more than 600 operationr a year. 'IIe ir rimply one of the 6nert orthopedic rurgsonr in the wald and would be a great assot to thir comrnunity," Gillett raid. "Hir being here would help lill hotels and redtauanta yer around-" Thc biggert bonc of contontion ir not whethcr cxpro.lon ir nerded c will boirflt tho connunitY, but how ger wiU b. loorid.d to th. ho.pitd. Gurtrn0n t'hc only ecce u il vie Wegt Moldow Drive, which ndlbbcn lrY ir alrerdY cloccd with trrilc. FprHdon rtgned bY 10 rrdrlintr of Wost Mcrdow lHvc citcr congoatiotr and safetv ar orimarY concernr of the - neilhborlood. The potitioneri eaY the horPital ihould not expand unlesa acceg ir coatoa fmm South Flonta{e Road" Currently the only access is via West Meadow Drive, which neighbors say is already clogged with traffic. Ono of the petition rignerr' Suzie Bruce, raye ehe ir not againrt erpanaion if the trafEc Drcblom can be addresed.' 'A lot of kidg ure the ice alena end the librarY at nighL They walk along Meadow Drive, which irn't lit, and people juet ilriw too falt to gst to tlr lmqit8l," rhe eaP. Bnrce eayr that evrn if a ocdertrianrbicYclist Path ia Luilt, most people Pro-bably woul&r't use it. Bnrce, wbo hae lived on West Meadow Drive for f,he part air Yeart' saYE traffc on tho *root has Sott€n ionriilerably worre in the last two vea$. H6rpital engineers have rtudieil a varietY of oPtiurr for creating acceee fron South FYontagr Road. *erenPdge 7 Vail's Greatest Newspaper Since 1965 TRAIL Vol. 23, No. 3 Vail, Colorado - Week of November 18-24, 1g88 Ten Cents ru ssr4u. The VallTlall - No.xnrDer 18, 19&i tnlon Ilold fast on hospital expansio n access Expansion of Vail Valley Medical Center is probably a- gogd idea- The -hospital provides the valley with high-quality health care services and is an asset to the community. It is a clean industry, employing many people on a year-round basis. Expansion of the hospital will serve to make it an even more important part of Vail. Nonetheless, town planners must be diligmt in making sure that the hospital is not expanded at the expense of other imPortant elements of the town. The hospital's plans should be scrutinized. as aggressively as plans to expand a hotel would be. The issue is not so much whether the hospital should be expanded. Few people are opposed to having a bigger, better hospital in Vail. The issue is primarily one of access. The hospital is access€d off West Meadow Drive. We agree with residents of that street and with town planning commissioners that access to the hospital probably should be provided from South Frontage Road'- If thigwas the hs[ time the hospital was going to be expanded, perhaps we could live with West Meadow Drive serving as the hospital's access. The hospital, however, will almost certainly be expanded again and again. Now is the time to develop a new acf,ess. We know.this won't be easy, and we know it won't be cheap. AU the evidence, however, is that access can be provided from South Frontage Road. Parking is also an issue. Hospital officials and the owners of the Doubletree Inn express hope that the two pfoperties can cooperate in building a single parking structure at the east end of both their properties, which would be accessed from South Frontage Road. The alternative is a structure at the west end of the hospital property, which would severely impact views from the Doubletree. Even a larger struchrre at the east of the property woul-d have less impact on views. iooperation between the hospital and the Doubletree Inn ls essential and will work to the benefit of both, as well as to the benefit of the town. We urge the town to take a hard-line approach to discussions with hospital officials. Hospital officials must be told in no uncertairi terms that approval of this and future expansions is contingent on providing acces from South Frontage Road. West Meadow Drive should be developed by the town as a pedestrian link between LionsHeaa arid Valt Village, with automotive traffic limited to what is needed to service the homes along the street. Hospital expansion is a good idea, but only if it is done right. In all likelihood it will be done right only if town officials insist on it.ll Vail's Greatest Newspaper Since 1965 THE TRAIL Vol. 23, No. 5 Vail, Colorado - Week of December 2-8, 1988 Ten Cents The Vail Tfail - Deen}€r 2, We want notling less thanthe best Are wE opposed to the expansion of Vail Valley Medical Center? Are we opposed to Dr. Dick Steadman hanging out a We have a vision of the three becoming one, of the library area being connected to the Village by a pedestrian mall instead of by a no-man's land where children and visitors, who are unaware of the peril, take their lives in their hands. In some towns planning decisions are made with both eyes cast cooly at the bottom line. In Vail, we firmly believe such decisions must be made with one eye cast upon the dream that brought us here. We believe the hospital can be expanded ar\d West Meadow shingle in Vail? Not at all. We're excited by the prospect of a better hospital making Vail a better place. Because we do not just want the best hospital possible; we want the best town possible.Drive can be turned into a pedestrian mall. What we want is Unlike any other major ski town ln America, Vail is the nothing less than the best of all possible worlds. product of a dream. This town was created for one reason Creating access from South Frontage Road won't be easy and it won't be cheap. If the post office wasn't going to be So, why the scrutiny? Why the concern about West Meadow Drive? Why do we care what effect Steadman coming may have on other doctors? only, to be the best ski town in the country. That was the vision that brought bulldozers to this valley 25 years ago. If that vision ever wanes there are plenty of other ski towns eager for a shot at the top. If the only people bothered by a hospital that keeps getting bigger and keeps tossing more cars and ambulances onto West Meadow Drive were the handful of people who live there, we would probably say there was no compelling reason to explore other access options. The fact is West Meadow Drive links Vail Village with Dobson Arena and Vail Public Library , both of which are tourist attractions and meccas for local youth. As the town exists now, there are three centers of activity, the Village, the library and Dobson, and LionsHead. moved it might even be impossible. With the post office leaving and the Doubletree Hotel's owners enthusiastically cooperating, we believe a solution can be found. As a secondary issue, we believe the hospital's existing staff is a far more valuable asset than any doctor who might come here someday. We think Steadman could be a tremendous asset to the hospital and to the community. Unfortunately, the hospital's administrators and board of directors have done an inadequate job of selling that idea to the doctors who work there now, many of whom feel this is being shoved down their throats for reasons that have little to do with medicine. Our vision for Vail requires more than that. Ttrere I stood, at the top of chair 11 at 11 in the morning. I looked around for my friend in her bright pink one piece. Skiers passed me in all direc- tions, but no one looked famil- iar. Reds, gtreena and yellowa flashed by. One piece, two piece and rnulti-piece outfite were ever5rwhere. "Hey Jan!" someone cdled. I saw in the distancq a gteen and black suit coming toward me.. Having the wonderful eyesight that I do I had no idea who it waa."Hi," I waved, frguring I must know her. Suddenly I realized that it was the friend that I'd been waiting for. She was donned in a new and unfamiliar eki oudit. Silly me. It was the liret week of skiing, who would be caught in last year'e clothee? Of course my friend hail no trouble recognizing me. I hadn't thought of the fashion factor when I awoke that morning. A deeper purpose to a new outfit hadn't crosseil rny mind either. Ilressed in an unfamiliar eui! a local hae a sense of anonymlty that's rarely found in this small town we live in. For one day, or perhape a weelq a new outfit gives you a hidden identity. As you flouniler down the rnountain getting used to Your ekis once again, you rnight not be recognized. By the time ev- eryone figured out that the purple flaeh waa you, you'd be back into the rhythm of skiing. Of couree, with the changing of the weather, the outlite varY enough each day that it maY take weeke before you've deci- phered what everyone wears. On a warm winter day, the flaehiest outfits can be seen - bright colon and wild patteme. When the weather is sredium cold, the fashiona are still bright but changing headbanrte and goggler make things dilh- cult. When it's freezing out,- people eeem to carl mote about warmth than fashion. You rnay recognize a few people in their old favorite warm jackete but hats, scarvee, neck gaters and goggleo make it impoesible to be sure it s them. Ihe togheet day d them all, however, ie a powder day. I mean, sure, y<xr might have all the outfits pegged perfectly but when ekiers coure flying out of 18 inches dnew enow, white is the only color you can see. Smilea are your only clue to the identitieg of these abominable Bnowmen. Now, rome gbere ar€ easier to pick out than others. The bumpere, for instenoe, ars uau- ally &ee*d in brifht colora eo. they can be readily recognircd. firen there are the fashion hounds, whose glittery and glamoroue outfitr are hard to Ibget. fire moet difficult skiere to find are the blending typea. these could be Ore ekierg who have snuck awey from work for a few hours or the/ve lived in Vail for 15 yeara but haven t skied in 10. lhe blenders are ueually &eeaed in navy blue or black with rimple acceseoriee. Hats and goggles an a favorite with theae typec. So you eee, thcre's much mors to locaHng skierr than meeta the eye. And a<rme peG ple have nuch more of an ad- vantag€ than otherr. The sev€n-daya.a-weeL etiers haw tho bo.t dunce d finiling their friendr, while one-day-a- month ekiere have little hope. But even for the frequent ekier, the social Bcene cmreg to a break when cprring hite. Jud when you've figured out the winter wear, warm weather changer everything.Skierg may wear a lightweight euit, eome Powder pante and a sweater. Or Per- hapr a aimple T-shirt, sweat- shirt or shell may be the ilay's attire. That confusion can laet (hrough the end of the eeason if you'r€ not on the mountain a lot. Luckily, warmer woather keepe the hats, neck ga.tera and sometimeb goggles at home, so facee are a bit more visible. Af- ter the first few weeks anonym.it5r ien't as eaey,in the spring. If you haven't made it up yet thia year, or even if you have, heep fashion and aoonymity factors in your mind when you venturc up the hill. Even ifyou don t have an entirely new ouL fi! a new hat and gogglee may do tbe hick" Remober, thie may be your l,egt c"hanoe rmtil next yec to bo unknown. Tf.[ Geo.g€ Knox 9., torrder l 5-1975 Alm f,r|o,( Edbr and hnt$E Elh Knor ard Carolyn Km)c fubscfiions EDIIORIA SIAfF Truli Jotfio.r - CbsiH t8 47GZ9l Bll \ltllir6 A.i,rniCrE 91ca Manager Afl€n B€st -.'...........- lrrtaging ftiln,I 476-m9 Catly SarE Do€ lttorpson - $orB @ofter 47bnN JoarrF Jankausl(a ---sr4fiic Antst Wendy Sdrrupp - fu?otrr]( 476-2933 Teni t{ebon Scot Kersgaard ........-- R€ffltta( 476.m75 Suzy Stteely Graphic Anist Jan Crlrnan Estin6 Edibr 4762893 farcn $ohrcr Ctaphk Antst EIlt Ker,g - Reporter ' Ci.nts a,!r|fcp Graph( &ttst Mike Rawlings -Phobgrapher Fri€@ CiEr€z -T)Pcsecer/5b.k Oub 'tl|e vail Trail is published c'\,ery Riday witn Einess and ediErial offcet locaEd in d|E v:tl PtaEssidEl zu,Utrp. S..*i cfas posug6 paid it Vait, Cobrado lL66 79p-26ql 2;i,&iridgl offic6. A/bil sutr scriptidrs: StZ per parlmaiti o eagt County residents or y[ Sl8 per]€a; lar1 ^fErc e6€ in tie uSAl; s25 peryear lbreign sLorriptiml, p4@l3 in ad\arEe. Rate card a\railable t+on requcst- Cogyriflt 1988. All righB rese^ed. Fem*ssion to reproduce ad\,enising, illusttations and r]ews cogy |txJst be secuted in aMrrEe. I FOSIMASIER: send addtess charEes to ltle Vail Trail, .l5l S. frontage Road West, tuiE 22ANan' Colotad,o 81657/13031 4762444 Ao\r'EmSlNG and PROOi.EnO I bfiors Folfcy l}E Vlil Trtl ',rckfii6 l"tr.s b dr aribr. V/e .!q{.E.st that leaars byt}P.d and dor$lc spacad; ur tlscttl tlE r\ltn ro .dt Lttc.s b( rqrc. ga,rrr9t and lemut. Lr-tlen coarcanino .DrG vail Trail aikles reccnc top priodty. AIl lettcE must irrludc naoE, addrEs ard teFphone number; !!r will withhold fi€ author's nanE on reorrest. Dead line icr Fn(ky s issue is tlE prclbus Ur6nesday at noon. Write to; Lett€6 to tt|e Editor ItE Vail Traal 953 S. Frontage Rd. West tuite 228 Van. CO 81657 .b lrry Hlarr !F||t. htdp. Prt|$ 7 str,/,t l'sabr,v vr.93 6' srDw IHs ullafi.r infuflnado.l plo\/tdcd by Jettbrirr a, Vail, 17&270,'. Cdll 3O3/4764W br tlE cun€nt snoiv reoort for vail & Bea\€r creek. N.+2 30.53 li+ -tz.-6t8449819|()2964 Inwlwt pwid. oftimewould.you lihcto spnd. ausek? Darcey Bartle Avon About 1,000 years into the future just to see what it s like. Sarah lYickham lYest Vail The early 1900e. It would be such a contrast to now. Or the early '70s during the rock h'roll period. Lou Meskimen Eagt Vail About 100 years ago. I'd Iike to see what this part ofthe country was like when it was pristine. Terryl Tbeleven Vail It would be hard to give up the time I'm in right now. I wouldn't want to give up thie week to go some place else, Ttris is it. Steven Gotcher \[est Voil the year 2000. I'd like to see how society has evolved globally and to determine whether the philosophical and prophetic etatements have been accurate. 'IWa,xnClinia'notinbstintMs of',$olss ViIIage' Mr. Peter Patten Planning Director Town of Vail Desr Mr. Patten: This letter is to protest the proposed expansion of the Vail Hoepital on West Meadow Drive and the construction of a 65,000-square-foot parkin g garage. 1) Tla{fic on West Meadow Drive where we live ie already creating a major hazard to pedestrians who naturally like to etroll on the board roadwaY. All we need ig more ambu- lances and sirens to add to the excitement. 2) Recent newspapers and periodicals are filled with storiee about the glut of empt5r hoepital beds and the closing of medical facilities in srnall rural townE. Hae the need &r more hoepital bede in Vail really been proven? Why should everyone from the region need to drive this article, I would probably be very insulted and not come back. Do you realize the kind of effect this sort of comment could have on the tourists in thie town, who are the biggest supporters of our businesses, or do you really care? I would expect an apolory of some Bort on your part for letting the opinionated and tacky writer put comments of thir kind in yow newepaper. If no apology is written, I would not even consider doing business with your ne\Yspaper, and encourage othere to do the game. Jack Finkel Nilo D'Nard Furs Owner I believe that the public has a right to know that when You attcnd Vail Council meetinge and encourage funding to the "non-profit' organization known as Bravo! Colorado, that you are, in my opinion, encouraging indirect funding to your profit making company B. Quayle Productions. Thie is why I have consistentlY re- marked that "I know where you're coming from," after you've encouraged taxpayer dollarg be donated to Bravo! Colorado. There is nothing illegal about encouraging government to donate taxpayer dollare. Thig ie commonly known aa "lob- bying." However, when you attack my attitude for etanding up for taxpayers who have had enough of exceegive govefn- ment spending, I believe it is important for the public to know where you're coming from and what your vested inter€st i& As for rny "attitude,' I will continue to work toward stoP- ping the growing malaise of exceseive spending that effects all levels of govemment. Michael J. Cacioppo Vail Town Councilman Editorte note: When con' tacted by the Vail Trail, Brad Quayle said his companY gets $1,416 per month from Bravo! Colorado, to pay for equiP- ment, rent, olfice exPenses, ticket printing, etc. The con- tract specified that B. QuaYle oroductions spend $1,000 over ih. "orrr". of -a season for pro- motion and $1,000 for adver- tising. "After the inaugural Year, my expenses were gxeat€r than the revenue," said QuaYle, soeakins of the Bravo! Col- oiailo aiangement. No deci- sions have been made about the 1989 budget The contract between the Vail Valley Foundation and B. Qriayle Pmductions utas nego- tiated separately, said QuaYIe, who added: "I do try to rnake a pmfit on that." ThcViUage Markct has met nds ofits clisttelc ouerwart To the editor, As employees of the Village Market in the heart of Vail, we would like to join The Vail Trail in congratulating Safeway on it's newly completed expan- sion. It is always nioe to eee a businees respond to the needs ofits cugtomers. However, varioua impli- cations in the "Last Exit to Vail," article need to be ad- dressed. The Village Market prides itself on its customers, ite product, and its employeea. For two decades this "mom .and pop" gtore ha8 provided ite customerE with friendly ser- vice, convenient location, a gourmet selection of "exotic iterns" frequently found only in mqjor chain atores (including caviar!), a bakery providing items for the health conccious or thoe€ with a sweet tooth, a meat department happy to accommodate apecial requeets, and a deli serving both hot and cold fmds for any meal of the ilay. dthough factos such ae high rent do cause our prices to be Tl/4.n to Pge 5 i 911u9 yv_-to!ait?why not " &ciOpWqgei^rz, iiilj}"'TBffi tr3:H'#*" nniiffi ;i-auavlc 3) .it a recent meeting i[ was in bADd &lggda suggested tlnt the Vail hospital Brad Quayle could become the Mayo Clinic B. Quai,le koductions of the Rockies. I suggeet that Dbar. B'ra4 expanaion of the hoepital could At the Nov. 15 Vail Town further ercde our Swise Village Council meetinq you "at- atmoephere by becoming the gE4."6" -t attitude during the Denver General Hospital of recent bu&et hearings. As you Vail. the original clinic was know. I have spoken out on desigrred to assist the full-time behalf of taxpayers who do not relidents of Vail and treat the wieh to fund the Bravo! injuriee of our visiting,skiers. It Coiorado organization for des that job admirably. Do we events that aie- narrow in scope realJy need a research center or and only draw an average is thie juet iteo N-o.-l o-n eome- audience of 300 people. Vail's one's "medical wish list?" Amphitheater Lolds 2,500 Let's stop this project before it 'people. I belieue that this is not gets out ofcontrol. _ i g6od use of the public's funds Charleg and Jane Martz ant the public's facility. 252 W. Mesdow Dr. I belieie that the public has aVail right to know that you are the co-founder of Bravo! Colorado, a non-profit corporation, as vou have indicated to me. IE\reffissllouldn't ittittt tt'" public should know bercfend,tO AS thie non-profit corporation has 'dOAIrCDUrrUUSmrTS' making company, B. Quayle To the editc, Productions, ae you have We at Nilo D'Nafd FurE are indicated to me. I believe the very disturbed b5r the mention public should know that B. of people in town "toting dead buayle Productione has re- animal eking on their backs." I ceiv6d a fee of 91,?00 per think that the comment ie month from Bravo! Colorado taetelees and very unprofes- ae you have indicatpd to me. I sional on the part of your befeve that the public has a newspaper. Why must a right to know that B. Quayle comment of this Hnd be rnade Productions has received a fee in an article that it hae no of $2,250 per month from the rrelation to? Vail Valley Foundation for IfI were a tourigt in this town services rcndered, as you have who owned a fur coat reading indicated to ne. Don't add to frontage road's congestion The hospital is not just another business By JOSEF STAIIFER Just a response to what I feel was a misguided editorial in your paper last Friday! Your statement that the hos- pital is a business just like any other business in town and should be treated as such could not be further frorn the truth. The doctors who lease space from the hospital (at rents far below market value) are cer- tainly in business for them- seives, but the hospital (as you should know after all these years) is a community owned non-profit organization pro- viding first-class medical care not only for Vail but for the entire county. This vear alone. more th:rn Paop 4 b a\|ailable br Bad6€ rt|o nlht vrrite adideE long€r lhan rculd b3 appopdab br 'Ls[srs b fie Edib(.' publlc l0rltes half a million dollars was written offin support of mostly Eagle County residents who were unable to pay their bills. Had the hospital been treated just as any other business from the very beginning, there would not be a Vail Valley Medical Center today. We would still have to rely on Leadville, Glenwood Springs, and Denver to satisfy our medical needs. I, for one, had the experience of needing medical help in the winter of 1963, and believe rne, it was no fun driving to Glen- wood Springs at 3 a.m. i n agony. I would not wish that experience on anyone. As late as 1968, when my son wa s born, although there were capabld doctors available at that time, we still did not have adequate facilities to take care of deliveries. The Vail Valley Medical Cen- ter now proudly announces that they have approximately 400 deliveries a year, and that expectant mothers can get the attention they need from the early stages of pregnancy right up to the birth, thanks to the first<lass medical facilities that the Medical Center is provid- ing. I could go on citing exam- ples of the improved services being provided now, but the record speaks for itself to anyone willing to look at it. Certainly success hae its inherent problems: increased facilities - increased traflic, to name just one. However, I do not believe that the hospital vehicular tra{fic is as much as the general public believes, especially during the winter when most of our guests are here without cars and rely prirnarily on our free bus system. The local traffic to visit the doctors, in my opinion, will be only nominally increased bythe propoeed expansion program. The suggested tralfic pattern accessing the hospital via S. Frontage Road instead of West Meadow Drive would certainlv do something for West Meadow Drive, but would have a disastrous elfect on S. Frontage Road. You obviously don't pick up your mail or go to the bank yourself. Otherwise, I am sure you would not suggest that additional traflic should be added to this already oowded and dangerous i nterchange, It is beyond me why the planning staff would propose another four-way i nterchange, especially in light of the inter- change fiasco we already possess. Are they motivated by the future possibility of syn- chronized tralfic lights from East Vail to West Vail? The Vail Valley Medical Cen- ter was created and improved by the vision, hard work, and cooperation of many indiv- iduals, with unanimous sup- port from the community. Your "hard line" proposal in last Friday's editorial ig not only inappropriate but entirely out of step with the spirit of what we believe is Vail! Josef Stoufer is presid.ent and. managing director of Vail Village Inn EA]IIIERSFO]ITs seb fit aqu \ Vrt uiilk... h; E&. --!r. i- OBERMEVER Skiwear From th'e Heart ol the Mountains. Aspen, ColoradoEl BATUR SFORI!;9( EOUIPf,IENT . CLOIHIflG . REiIIALS Locoted in the LionsHeod Gondolo Building . A7G18V Moniott Mork Resort in LionsHeod .4764666 And the Sunbird Lodge . 4769?9.2 ....... There's more to Vail than Brid e Street! When you'rc Iooking for variety, convenience and free parking - look beyond Bridge Strcet to Crossroads Shop-ping Center. Ovcr 90 shops and serviccs, including: Retail stores - jewelry, photographic equipment, books, gifts, office products, clothing Res taurants, Groceries and Liquor Stores Professional Services Entertainment Printing Service Banking and more! Located west of the Vail Village parking structure scandinavianDAPOT Vail's largest selectionof 1007o purelcelandic woolens. Located on the2nd floorof CrossroadsMall. 47640% r0ssr()a I Fsge 12- yrt arly Thundlt, Oeoelnbr a.ieeS ItOpinion Letters to the Editor TotheEditc Citizen disgusted with business fee Once again, the Town Council has rammed another expensc down our thoats. lley, what's $325.00 to sorn€one that lus the bucts the members of the council have. '?ay this business license f€e or get out of ownt" '\Y'e don't want anyone here that upcets the system anyway.' "Besides, I'm surc )'our income is well under $50,000.00." Disgusted, WM.BOYD The World is coming to the Vail Valley Tb the Edior: Dear Vail Business Community: As pu all know in less than a Bannef thief ffi$,ili#tf"J3ffiff apor,oei"es ior action of Commerce, Vail Associates, and To the Edion ttte Vail Valley Foundation would Residents and Guests of the like to invite you ali a business Town ofVail, representative to be pet of the I wistr !o express my sincere 1989 World Alpine Ski Cham- ryology for my attempted theft of pionships.the World Alpine Championship For this two week period of time banners. At the time, I did not con- there will be over 1300 media sider the implications my actions representatives from all over the would incur upon the lown and world. Although they will be here community, and I tsuly rcgret what to cover the races, there will be a has ranspired. I am sorry. lot of free time for them to enjoy I was out celebrating and the wonderful facets of Vail to decided orr of the bannen would create other sory lines on Vail Val- become my personal possession. I ley and whar it has to offer.realize now how rvmng my selfish- The Vail Chamber of Commerce, ness was. along with a pecial committce, Vail Associatcs, Inc., the Vail would like o give the difrerent Valley Fondatior, the Town of business segments a wonderful op- Vail itself and the sponsors are Dontt drink and drive on N.Y. Eve You may be faced with a nugh decision late Sanrday night or early Sunday morn- ing-wlntler to drive lwme after drinking 'a little too much of the bubbly. We urge you to malee tlat decision right now. And that decision must be tlat you won't drive drunk. Tlut you will ride with a sober friend. That you will ride a late bw.Tlat youwill call a cab. h will be New Year's Eve. A timc to celebrate the past year, all the ups and dowtts, the tiwtphs and defeats tlnt each of us hove felt. Ifs ako a tinlc to celebrate the dan'ning of a ncw year and all the wondcrful opportunities it brings. Don't start off the new year literally on the wrong foot, standing on the side of thc road, the lwrsh glare of a policeman's flashlight inyourface. Many of us at this newspaper know sotneone who las been arrested for driving while under the influence of alcohol. A few of us harc even walkcd that itnaginary roadside line and, somehow, luckily passed the test. We're not as cocky cts we once were about ow "ability" to drink and drive. Neitlwr are the scores of Vail Valley residents who hove been arrestedfor div- ing while intoxicated. They harte felt tltc cost first-lund. Artd cost it daes: A night in jail; a $5m n $1',000bond to get out ofjail; -$80 to $150 to retrieve your vehicle frgm tle impouttd lot; most likety losing yofir drtver's license for a year; $300 to $1,000 in fines; $250 to $350 1or safe diving classes; a possible jail term of up to a year; a minimum of 48 lours of public semice work. Moreoven tlu pice of your car in- swance will autontatically double, probably triple - if you can can ftnd a cornpany tltat will take you. (Most com- panies will simply dropyou. Just like that.) We're not really in tlw preaching busi- ness, but somertmes the distinction between soap Qox and pulpit blurs. This is one of those times. Don't drink and drive on Saturday night. Call a cab. Pay the $5 or $10 or $15 that it costs to get you home. Pay a little now. Or pay a lot later. pcunity !o get involved and gain some excellent exposrr€ by offer- ing various activities that would in- volve the differcnt businesses and the m€dia Some srggested ac- tivities would be: Home Tours, Shopping Guides, Gallery Walla, Activity Days, T6te of Vail, and much more, A meeting will be held for inter- ested businesses on Wedneday, January 4th u 9 am. at Lion Square Lodge. Please R.S.V.P. by calling dte Vail Chamber of Com- merce at 4761000. Also, feel.free , lo call if you have any questions. We hope that you will not let this wonderful qponunity escape you! Sincerely, STIELBIWILLIAMS Vail Chamber of Commerce trying to put on a very significant event for the world to see, and I'm sorry to say actions like those of mine only disrupt their efforts. I am responsible fa my misakes, and I'm paying for them, not only with fines. but rhe humiliation I'm en- during. Please listen. Anyone consider- ing taking anything to remember their say in Vail, heed my advice. Buy your mementos! Again, I'm sorry DEMS SIBSON Santa's visit was a success To the Editor: The Minturn Voluntecr Ffue Deparmeil wishes to 6ank the fol- lowing for making Sano's visit o Dowd Junctisr swh a smashing success for wer 250 area children: The United Sutes Forest Service, Minturn Police Deprtment, Chd- wick Entprprises, Burnett Plumbing and Heating, Mintum Snowmobile Club, Colorado Alpines lrrc., the Town of Mirtum and our many community volunt€e$.It has boen qr volunteers' pleasure !o qrind this program to our neighttons and friends for fie past dozcn yeos or so. The. cmp€ration of . the entire com- munity makes this possible and we salute you. Sincerely, HALA. HOLMAN.M.V.F.D. Paper thanked for Christmas party support To the Edior: We want to thank you for your generous support of the Vail Board of Realtors First Annual Charity Christrnas Party. Because of the kindness of local businesses like the VarI Dailv we were able to raise a litrle'over $2,000.00 to be distributed through our Charity Fund. Sincerely,CHARLES GERSBACH, Chairman Vail Board of Realtors VVMS clarifies payment program To the &lior: The Vail Valley Medical Centu takes grear pride in providing guality healtlrcare to all, regardless of their ability to pay. We must also adhere o specifc policies to achieve the delicate balance of operating a hospital in a business- like fashion in order to keep our docs open and provide $e best care pcsible to our patients. Yes, we have a policy on Medicaid. Vail Valley Medical Cenler providcs care to Colorado Mcdicaid patients on an emergency basis. If a poten- tiatly non-emergency Medicaid gatient requests medical attcntion, we will still tseat them with the un- derstanding that they are respon- sible for the bill if Medicaid dcnies us payment. After numerous negotiations with the Colorado State Depart- ment of Social Services to become a regular Medicaid provider, we received a letter with many restric- rions indicating that we would not be paid for a large portion of our patiens. One of those resuictions is that the attending physician .must be a Medicaid provider. Many patienls could not be attended by a participating Medicaid physician due o the shonage of Medicaid ccFts on Medicaid patient's ueated on an emergency basis. Becaus€ Medicaid reimburscrrens ar€ based on a DRG payment program which was implemented in July, they pay a 0at ratc according to diagnosis. As an exarnple, a r€centpatient incured charges d $5355.60 and after the Medicai{t paymenL tbc hospital wrote off 94955.Y2. The dilference betq/cen what the lngitrl is recovering on emcrgercy bledicaid ard what is not being paid, 38 percent, is esscn- Plcruarccl*ltenrya15 { II I Crossroads Shopping Center WaFMart Center Vail - 476-2002 Avon - 949-4210 t*lffi"fl !---TzoFtr--l ! "n{ l9_ Pjz.^ | ln Avon! 50c oFF ANYSANDWICH (with coupon) cHErS NEWYEAR'SEVE DINNER 7 pm First Seating $30 per person Complimentary Glass of Champagne oo oo oo 9 pm Seco4d Seating $40 per person Complimentary Botde of Champagrre for Party of Four oooo€ LIMITEDSEATING FOR RESERVATIONS 9494229 Eagle.Vail Business Center, only 10 minurcs &om Vail Clean up with the Vail Daily $2.00 a day for 15 words, L5(. for each additional word. CaII 47 6-055 5 or 1 -800- 634 -5394 aI V.f, lhryInrtd€ltt, Decsmbg| 29, lgEE - l'asc | | Busi+tess From page3 of Saturday moming cartoon ' programs. Iohn Kaernmer, who owns The Toy Store on Bridge Sreet, as well as The Velveteen Rabbit in Vi[age Inn Plaza, said they replenish their sock of tlrc popular fgurines every.day, but sometimes weir that is not enough. Tbenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, billed "Heroes on tlrc Half Shell," rcplaced Smurfs and other hot-selling toys as this year's most coyeted Christrnas gift by children. Swimsuits on sale. %e WMC Fmm page 6 650 patiens every year. M;lr{ahan said lhat Steadman would bring needed business to Vail and his presence would benefit the entire !own. 'He would bring in busine'ss drat odrerwise would never come to the valley," Mctvlahan said. A contract betweon dr hospiul and Srcedman has not becn signed, but negotiations are continuing, ac- ccding o McMahan I The expansion of tlre hospital, which wou$ in' clude, in pan, four new operating rooms on tlte lhird floor and-ll new patient rooms on the second floor remains a controversial subjr*t with some Vail r€sidents, who havc atgued that the expansion would increase raffic in the uea and would lake away from Vail's small town image. Hospital officials, however, have debated that growttr in valt ls inevitable and traffic to and fmm the facility, which is located on West Meadow Drive in Vail, a narrow dead-end road, would actually decrease if freir plan for an additional access road is aproved.- The larest plan is o build a | 85-space parking strirctu€ m the mnheast sitb of the hospital. The parking sEucture would acccss the Soulh Frontage onty tluough property that is currently owned by the Doubleuce Inn. The original plan, which was dum- pcd because of opposition, was o cotlstruct dte part' ins struclue on the rrcrtheast comer of the hospial's pr6petty.'tn thar plan, hcpital traff c would have sdll used West Meadow Drive. Hospital offcials have said that if the new pa*ing shrture urd access road are appr,oved it would ac- tu,ally decrease'lraffic on Wesr Mcadow Drive be- cauG more hospital visitors c/ould use the South Frontagg Rqd access. Cuncntly tlrre are 200 pa*' ing spaces in the hospial's west lot If the new part-. ing structure is built tlre lot would be decreased o ll5 spaces. Mclvlahan estimated that the elimination of 85 spaces would mean apprgximately 500 less rips per day up and down Wes Meadow Drive. However, even if the VVMC can reach an agree- ment with the Doubletree today il mrlst still seet 4' omval frorn the Colmado Highway Department' trhich owns and mainains the South Frontage Road, for tlre proposed hospial access road. "We need to see how their proposal will coincide witr future frontage ro:Id development," said Kristan hitz, a Town of Vail planner' 'We feel that it is very important 0re the fronage road improriement plan be submitted with the hospital's design. We want to make sure that it's handled as best as possible." Vail Village lnn Plaza Open Daily 10:30 am to 6:30 pm I I, I County l l it ltl!.at l From page E celebrated in nagb County, with traditimal picnics, softbatl games and an aburdance of outdoor ac- tivities. ' Iunc .Victor Cisneros of Red Cliff unourced his can- dfttacy for Eagle County Commissioner in dte Dis- gict I race. Cisnsos was defeated by ircumbent Dick Gustafson in November. .The 66O anniversary of Eagle Flight Dalt came o.Eagle during a threeday celebration. .Eagle County's Chief Deputy Disrict Attorney announced he would be resigning from the post to go into private practice. Jim Fahrenholtz has opened his own office in Eagle, and Robyn Hamilon has taken over as Orief Deputy D.A. JulY .A Walden, Colo,, woman was arested by Eagle County Sheriff's deputies and later charged with child abuse resulting in the death of her 2-year-old nephew. The alleged child abuse occuned at a campsite rrcar Red Cliff. Shelly Flarvey was initially cturged, and later her husband, Ronald Harvey, was arested on identical charges..A 22-year-old Edwards man admitrcd in Eagle District Coun that he sEbbed his mother to death in a railer in Edwards in December, 1987. Anthony Scon Whaley was eventually sentenced rc 16 years in prison. €eorge Gilletr en@red into negotiations o ptr- chase Howard Air Service and Mounrain Ftying Ser- vice, Inc. at the Eagle County Airport. Gillett owns Vail Associates, Inc, He eventmlly purchased HowrdAir. August .Eagle County conducted its primary election dn Tuesday, Aug. 9..A meeting in Vail to discuss the problem of domestic violence in Eagle County drew a panel of law enforcement officials, counselors, and more. The group is still working on the "pro-arrest" policy. September .A project o widcn Highway 6 through Eagle-Vail was well underway. The project caused some traflic problons, 5ut the result was a safer, more modem tood. '.Local firefightcrs traveled to Yellowstone and, other hard-hit areas when summer fires raged out of control horth of Colorado. .The Federal Aviation Authority awarded the Eagle County Airport $2.1 million b be spent on airport improvern€nts. Octobet .Hunting season b,rought many hunters to the county. Two visitors died while hunting in late Oc- ober, borh ftom apparent hean anacks. . November .The fint of five planned cleanup construction seasons at the tailings piles near Minturn and the Eagle Mine at Gilman came to a close. The clcanup is expected !o cost at least $10 million and ukc five years. .The County's general election was held on Nov. 8. Eagle County Commissioner Dick Gustafson won anothgr four-year term on the board. Votcr turnout in the county was high. .The Eagle County School Board approvcd a obacco-free policy for all schools. .The cost to ride tlre Eagle County Exprcss, a nearly county wide bus service, jumped from $20 a season to more than $100 a season. Deccmbcr .Three people traveling through Eagle County were arrested by officers witlr the High Country Drug Task Force, and approximately 20 pounds of cocainc seized, Although the thrce were initially chargcd with possession of a controlled substance with intcnt to distribute, those charges were later droppcd and thc two men and one woman were freed. Eagle County Sheriff AJ. Johnson said the District Atlorncy rnay not have been able to prosecute and win the casc. All three suspecs were black. .The Board of Eagle County Commissioners ap- proved a $17,863,228 expenditures budgcl for 1989. .Volunteers with the holiday tood drive and toy drive gathered and distributed boxes of food and gils for the needy. STEP INTO STYLE Fcshionsby... * Ntr-s * HEAT) *K2 * MISTRAI. * rrKidsrl Sklwecr, tool itoT; oFFl Rentcl Coupon --------J locdrhprftuttrffib, ' bchird thr Dopccn.tegm . {tel7|8 I I IL NEW YEARIS EVE PARTY 9 PM $21lperson - includn OPEN BA& clnmpagne, hats, noise makers, midnight sandwich buffet, rock'n rollw the Bouncers \imited tickets). Rick Keruredy Apres-Ski Through Sahrday Thursday - Locals'Keg Parfy Located in the Sunbird Lodge, Lionsl{ead r-800-634-5394 to advettlseYorrr":tE; One - Twol THfif'S lTl Thqtb qll it tqkes! fin qd in the Ucil Doity clqssified section csn tott os littlc os $2 c doy. Looking ior q neryu Plote to live? f,dvertise for one in the clcsifiedr, stoy onc ttcP ahcad of the rcst of thc pcck! Call oor officc qt 476-o1115 ond Plocc Yoot od. AH ___.a__ ---- U.ilIWf Dqilw Alrrlcrncrc Weather Forecast Thc fwcl< for Thundry md Friday, ar ir:ucd by tlr Naticrd Wcrrhcr Scn'ice in Dcr|rr, cdb fq varieblc cloudirct!, with rencrpd rnow rhowen qn both rtays. It ir crpcxrcd b rlmrin old, with high tanpcreorrlr nnging frcrn thc mid-tccnr ud mid- 2(L. nd lows rt nigtrr dropfng down o bctwc,ca 5 &grccr abovc zcro to l0 dcgrc€t bdqr zao. Ski Conditions Report Vril Arrocirtcr, Inc. wrr nporting on Wedrrcrday moming thrr Vail Mfrrtrin had | 36indl hqlc d mid-mqurtritt and ! 43-indr barc er thc curtmir, with powdcr and pr.tcd porr&r cqditiar. Vril Mounuin had 21 lifu nmning with 3,78? rcrer of rkirHc terrrin opar At B"rvet CrEl$ rhcrc wlr r 3l-indr basc I Sprucc Srddlc od a 45-inch bose at thc runnil Thcrc werc 9 lifu ruming, rcruing E00 aqtr. Bcavcr CGck wer dro lcpoding poedrt rtd p&d powdcr ccditiou. Things To Do Today Scott Hmriltm's Ckirtnst P8rty icc lhow st Doblon Arcnr at 6;15 p,m- $25 fq qr-icc rcling, Sl5 fc kidr. Blcedtcr rcning ir $15 for adUltr, and tidr. Call the rnna a 479-270 for tid<a infqmarim. Vail Valley Mcdical Ocnrcr bcocfit family dinncr rt the Westin Hotcl, C-ockailr * 7 p.m., dinncr !t t p-ur. Fomd drea prefcmJ. Coct is $50 for rgcs 14-24, $125 for othcrr. Ergla Vdlcy Anr C.cmcil mqnb.r rn show rt dE Vail Librery. Bus Schedule Thc frec Twn of Vail burcr nrn crrery 5-7 mhures to lcrrlc thc Cold kak, Licns- Hcd rnd Vail Vilrgc ltr:. Scbcdulcs vrry for rhc crtlying rrerc of Esst Vril srd Wclr tt8il, For motc inform4lm o tbc Tonvn of Veil busa!, pleasa call 479-2172 in VaiL Thc Erglc Coq y Expsrt pnvidcr drity hrs scrvicc betwcca Mwards rnd thc Vril Trrnrponrtio Clntcr. C-oct ir $t per trip. Fc morc informariqr, cdl Beavcr C.rcck Trnsir at 9496121. Religious Seruices Tbc Vail Inrcrfaith €h4cl locdcd at t9 Vail Road har Baptist, Catholic, Cluistim Sciarcc, Epitcopel, Luthcran ard Plerbytcrian rcrvicer, Fq a rccorded mcrnge of rch€dulrd rcrvicci, dc.!€ call the Inrcrfaith Chryl a 476-3347. For information qr rcrvicg for the Chnrch d lcarc Chrin of Laucr-Day Saints, pleasc call 476{656. For.information qr Icwirh rcrviccr, plcasc cdl476-1955. Thc relcphcrc nunbcr for lhc Gnciour Srvic Lulrcrar Churdr in Edwrrdr ir 9263550. Thc telcphoc nurnbcr for tha infonnrrin an rcrvicer fc fic Anpintcd Christian Fcllowship is 949-7761, Thc Lrkc Crcck Baptin Chordr in Edwardr has I Srndqr rcrvice o I I e.n. For morc infomnbo. d€rr€ cdl 9637(X. Ttp Ncw Ufc furcrnbty of God mert! cr Sutdry ed Wc&rrdry. Ptcrra crll &1741O2. Tlc Brglc Unied Mcthodirt Clrurch hu Srm- dry rcwbcr r I I r-al, for ororc infounrtln cdl 32E4:t98. Hotel Distribution TIE Uoil fuib b dbtri}'llqt to tht occt pbA tpbl root ts ol c$h of thc fouoariag hads and ldgcs ctcty nenht, Tu.tbl throtth Sstdol: Th. Antlcn, tllE Cfurtcr al Beaver Cnek, tl0 Dorblanc Hotcl, the Holiey Inn,Tlu Ldge ot Vail,Thc ladgc Towen Maw Uo , Aarridt't l4a* Rcsat, Siaru,* Ldg4 tlu Sd't 28lp Hdcl, Vail Bu, thc VaiI Vllagc I^, qrd dE Wctti, Hot l. Im portant Telephone N u mbers Fl|qcacl .,..... .. . .. .. ... ... .. ...9t1 VrilFolicGD+................4Vt-m Rord Ccditionr,. , .. . ..., ..., , ,479-ZX Vril trLlloy lJcdicrl Ccara ........47eW1 DnrwrX&rrhe..,..........,..19B-3''6,. Tova ofVeil , . . . . . . . . , . : . . . . . . . 479. 2hi14..ocidr.,h......,....,..47G5601 V.ilRc.orrAsociaio......,....47610m VrilYoutlrC.cotcc.,..,....,,.,.,3761365 Avcr Dcpt ofArblic Srfay .... -. -949-$n AvctB.C, R..orr^.roc.. . . . . . . . . ,949.5189 C-olqrdo Surc Pruol ,. ..........32t-6343 Erglo Cotlrty Sbctifi. . . . . . . . , , . . . 949.5620 Wonrcn'r Rcsdrrcc Cantr. .... ....47G738A Etdo Corjlrty Gilno Stappdr . . .. . . . . . . . I-t0G%2.TIPS a12t-7001 Cost i! , $10 for r I 7 'I r PICCRDITLY CLOSET Reeale Shop open oailu l0-5:30 827-5565/Minturn t I I i,t I I r 476-5661 Locqted odjocentto the Wesfin Hotel Free2ln+$l volldoiEd podhg 3rdfop levdonty. Great Selection of '89 Calendars\E-:=--- Open Daily 9O0 - 8:00 Coesrods 476.3032 47 6.7 550 Hours ll:00am.11:O Located in the Open Daily Center of LionsHead Village 47 6.L854 ^/ ----!_--! 'Meeting today may bring VVMC project closer to reah,ty By Jotn Calhoun - Ddt StefiWri.r Vail Valley Medical Center officials today are expected lo reach an agreement with represen- tatives of the Doubletrc€ Hotel concerning the use of a small sec- rion of the hotel's pmperty. fie 5,000-square-foot section of the Doubleree's land, which is seen by some as one of the final obstacles standing in the way of the hospiml's proposed $8.3 million expansion, is needed by dte hospital so it can constrlrct a new access rsd leading from the hospirel to the South Frontage Road. The Doubleree Hotel sis be- tween the hospial and the frontage road. Today's meeting is not open- to the public. WMC officials are seeking the Town of Vail's approval to expand the medical center by nearly 30,000 square feet, to build a 185-space parking srucnne on the northeast side of the hospiul and o construct an access road from the South Frcntage Road to the proposed parking stnrcnre. The intent is to begin consrwtion in April and to have the expansion complete in July of 1990. But lhe new access rod, which would lead ft,om the hospial's slnrcture during the night-time McMalran said Wedrrcsday that 2, when the hospital boad of direc- hospital officials, is o draw Dr. proposed $225 million parking horns in exchange for the land. The svsrything boes gmd for an to''s mec$ for a formal vote. An Richard Steadman' M.D.' to Vail. sructure to the South Frontagp rnedical cenler needs the space ageement with the Doirbletree. agresnent is necessary before the Steadman, who is known as lhe or- Road, would cut through the during 0E day while the "It's going greaL" lvtcMahan said. WMC takes its proposal o the thopedic surgeon of the world's DoubleEec}iote|'spr.operty'RatherDoubb|reewou|dneedtheaddi...Ithinkwe'||comebaresolutionVailP|anningCommissionfcap.mostcelebratedskiers'cliy than buy the land, hospiul officials tional parking in the'night time ry16 rhem (today)." pmval on Jan 9. wor*s oqtofSpu6 lake Tahoe. He are hopcful that they can wort out hours. If an agrecnrnt is reehed today, The primary reason for the and his stalf reat apgoximately a fade - a@ess b their parking I Hospital Mminisramr Ray it will not be publbized until Jan. proposed expansion, rcording o pbu€ rcc yy.nc psrs 1 476-3130 | COLORADOOJ FOOTWEARZ Vaf|Irfly Publlsher Jlm Powlich Ed ot R6od€ Boilev neporleR John Cdhoun Chorll6 Hbnboum Vobdd J. SnlfhMyWyrbk Sport Dornlnid( Cros3 DonrE Do\^.'lhrg Educolbn lvlofto lvtGor Crophlcr llrlo Woloca irebso Cbftrortqdr]€y Olpp€l lvlqfho PfirrEn K€ncbl lrrolpfrus t.ko AJ.fin Edllodd Pqsfe-Up Cotl|y !e€llo Pom€ro/ l.bo Wo't Cb|||ff.d. Anffrw Urdy lt/bor6 Accounllng tlil fbron Advcdlslng. Louro Chbppstfo Chdy lfJrrohoftl-6./b Louqrn€ Pert€ftl C('b M. Pl€r Preasnen Cod Bcinbdd€s 8€or Jorn6 Trqilb PhologEphet Jck Afileck ' rhe Voa Doly b p|.*|ed $( doyr o u3€l Ouerday ttrough grdoy) by tll. Vot Doty Lld. dnd dlslrlb.ried ttvouohout the Votl 476415 volrey ond Eocle. olncer tocoted InC.orroodt ShopdrE C.rn r. Vot vt|og.. Ad<'ren le?lerl lo ltte fonor io: voit Do[v_ Bo( !1. Vd. CO !1664. (llrib. Vdl r.ri&lqtAYqi -dt^-cbtor!-C1oldicd ld Dao<;E : 5 frn ti. doygio( lo B.ltcond; 5 F n ftldo, tq Suxtoytpop... Eldoy Ad-Dco(}|l 9 fir tt (by Falq lo Fra|condr; aEo.t wadtatdoy tq fundoy! poper. Voll Dotty orsumar no itEaldol r€apdlbfit ts efidr b€ydtd ttta co'l oa tta ocnid tpce ocd-d.d by ttto droa. W€ wlll o3grne l3r9qlrblny fcr tha drd ln lf|€ ttrl lrEalldr oalv, .".:.* Statt phob by Chadie Fellsnbaum The Doubletree Holel, close neighbors with the Vail Valley Medical Center, may yield a small section ol its prop€rty to the hospital. in popeilieo ossociqfes VAIL CORE sTuDlo! . Heqrlof VoilMlloge . Mews lo Mounloin qnd Creek . Perfecl Weekend Hide-A'Woy . Only $JI5'BoO $98,000 Cqll Ken Wllson todoy! 476-74.oor4762528 #214Voil Noiionol Bonk Building !bll,Co.81657 Opening December 26 BIG4N AUTO PABTS NEW Owner NEW Inventory NEW Locolion (formerty Ruby's) Eogle-Voil Busines Center 949-5566 Aeeess is still the issub By SCOt TERIIGAARL Vail's Planning and Envi- ronmental Commiesion Mon- day heaped praiae on Vail Valley Medical Centcr s efrorts to develop accese from South FYontage Road and then tabled the hospital's request for ap- proval of its expansion plans. Commissionere said they dirln't feel comfortable appnov- ing the plan before the Colorado Department of High- ways had approved acce ss fmm South Frontage Road. fire acceoe plan, as proposed by the hospital, Doubletree Hotel, and Vail National Bank, would widen the frontage road to three lanes directly in front of theee propertiee, and would involve construction of a parking garage abutting the highway ri ght-of-way and ac- ceEeed directly from South Frontage Road. Hoepital admi ni etrators ar- gued that etate apprwal for the plan would be easier to come by if town approval was in hanA Commiseioner Dana Dono- van eaid she did not trust the highway department to como up with a plan that would be good for Vail. She said ahe did not doubt that the hoepital and gtate could agree to an.acces! plan that would satisfy them, but tlrat ehe didn't think the town ehould eign off on the access plan before knowing exactly what it i* 'We have to stay a powerful- player," she aaid. "You have rny support, but we need to see the solutioralefore we can say it ie OIC You're real close, but you're not quite thene." The town planning depart- rnent headed by Peter Patten, had recommended approval of the hospital expansion with a number ofconditions. One of the conditions was that approval would be contin- gent upon the hoepital obtain- ing an accese permit from the state and that the frontage rood be widened to at least three lanes at the point of ac- oeaa. Beaction Tuesday alternoon, several mernbere of the Vail Town Council raised objections to the planning commission'e han- dling of the matter. Councilman Eric Affeldt, a former mernber of the hospital board of directors, asked if the council could call the commis- sion's decision up for review. Town attorney Larry Ee- kwith said the council could not do that. He said the final decision on hoepital expansion belonge with the planning commission, and that there ie'nothing to appeal until the csnmission makee a decision. Affeldt said the matter had been before the planning commiesion for a long time and that he was fruatrated that the matter had not come before the counsil. "We're left in the drark,' he said. Radlc YOUR LOCAL ET.EPHONE SIONE wml sEnMcE Open lron-Sat ?fi$ L@G{ in EagF\rail | 9'jt11279 DEALER Mayor Kent Rose eaid he agreed with Affeldt'e eenti- ments, and later informally polled council as to whether it ehould urge the commission to come to a timely decision on hoopital expansion, and council agreed. Council has not dealt with the hospital'e plans very much because, as Eskwith said, it is a planning commission matt€r. On Feb. 2, however, council ilid review the proposed acceas plan. Monday wae the firet time the planning commisgion had seen the plan. '\lVe've been working on this a long time, but thie ig the 6rst memo on the parking stnrcture wdve seen," Donovan gaid Monday. Ttresday evening, Donovan expreseed diemay at the coun- cil djEcugsion earlier that day. 'We did a good job," she eaid. "Thie ie not sornething Vail nee& to rush through. Here we are, dealing with the igsues we are supposed to be dealing with Dan Feeney, project man- ager for the hoepital, joined the town council in questioning the planning commission's deci- sion to delay making a decision ur the pnoject" "I'm not going to vote for it until I have some answers." - Diana Donovan Hospital expansion tabled by planners and they get mad at ue. Why "Frankly, I'm quite disap- not juet get rid of ue?" she pointed, especially in view of asked. the council resolution," said "I'm not golng to vote for it Feeney on Wednesday. "That until I have some angwerg. I'm resolution seemed to toke it out disappointed the council took of the planning commission's this approech.-A process of thie jurisdiction." magniiude takes more than He gaid he realizes approval one meeting. When we mmmit of the project needs to come to this we will be wiping out a from the planning commission, Iot of other options. When we and not from the council. Re- do ttrie, it hag to be right," she garililS the 9cg9a9 pla9, h9w- Baid. ., ever, he said, "I thought that fell into the realm of policy isEues and so was more in the council's purview. It seemg the council's position ought to have some bearing with the plan- ning commiaeion. "'lhat wae at least our fourth meeting with the planning commiasion, and I thought we understood their concerns." Feeney eaid that if appmval were contingent on the high- way department iaauing an acceBa permit, it would place the burden on the hospital. RaCtgtOrrnd Hospital expansion, pro- pced early last fall, generated objections from residentg of West Meadow Drive and oth- ers who were concerned about the implications of the hospital relying on West Meadow Drive for accesg. The planning commission then made it clear that expan- sion plans would be looked upon much more favorably if accesE to the hospital could be provided directly olf South Frontage Road. Since that time, hospital ofE- cials have worked with Vail National Bank and the Double- tl,ee Hotel to develop an aoceaa and parking plan that all thrce 9e rc + poge i i )l ) I l' I II I I Fredrick Prrscoll Kinetic Steel Sculplures Artist's reception Soturdoy, "Swing by" ond meet Fred ond see his exciting ond moving sculptures. Cog*rteTGaW Creelcld€ Bulldhg, Lower Lei/el Voff Villoge 176t1769 I dl ttnvat'Itat - Fetrt{lnt 17. It,8g Hospital(Wtffu* S. Stto"ot, -44.b. DIPLOMATE AMENICIN EOARD OF ALLERcY AND IMT'UNOLOCY Consults at VAIL MOUNTNN MEDICAL 476169' Mults € Fedlatrics Creenwood M.dical Canter Engl€rood, CO !01 ll t-740-0996 r-E{x}-t4l-4629 Slirra florrr,t(E lungs too) I}otn ,,et:bus page propenlice ould atror. Tte propoeal they came up with ic for a l??-car parking ctructuro located between the three pmrpertiea, which would be accerred directly d South hontage noa& - While tlig plan har generally been praied by town o{ffcials, it muat be approved as well bythe highway depertment, which hac juriadiction over Slouth Frontage Roa4 a state highway. Alter locilcing as preliminary plans for frontage mad aeess, the highway department re- eponded that it would approve the accee! if the frontags road were widened in thir area to include not only a hrming lane, but an acceleration-deceler- atiar lane. The Vail Town Council and town planning etaff agree any improvemont! ag extensive aa an accel/decel lane probably ahould not be built until the town and rtate have agreed upon a Slouth Frontage Road improvement plan thst etretch- es dl the way from Cascade Village to Ford Park. "Any improvementr beyond three laneg nee& to be part ofa rnuch bigger plan," raid Feeney. "Thir ia much bigger than the hoepital expaneion." He eatimated that the cost of oonetnrc{ingjust a trrning lane would bo $150,000. ltemefilg Fruetration was palpable Monday as nobody got quite what they wanted. One planning commissi on6r sa! ab..rit and tso, Jim Viele and Sid Schultz, declered con- flicts of interce! leaving only four to vote. Everybody lirom town etalf to planning commi egioners to hospital ollicials agreed that the proposed access plan ia not only better than adding more trafEc to West Meadow Drive, but also improves the afrected section of South Frontage Road by reducing ths nurnber of accegs points and adding a turning lane. "I want to comnend the hos- pital for all the work that haa gone into thi* I hope it can all be worked out," raid Cornmig- sioner Grant Riva" "Ttre hoepital hae done an in- credible job, along with the floubletree, in making an efhrt to respond to our concerne," gaid Cornmissioner Peggy Os- terfoee. She aleo said thst improve- mentg to South Flonta3e Road aeem "elugive" and dependent upon naking a deal *ith the highway department. firEre are gtill, however, conc€rna on the part of some regarding the expansion iteelf. Ron Anderson, a resident of nearby Skall Haus, eaid he ie dieappointed with the "con- crete bunkerg" of the last hoepital expansion, and said the neighborhood was becom- ing quite inetitutionalized in character. Donovan aleo criticized the architectum of the hoepital. She gaid the horpital ie already unattractive and that groater efforta Ehqrld be made to nake it fit into tbe neighborlood. Commigsioner Pam Hop- kine, an architect agreed. 'The erchitecture ie diaappointing.' She ruggeeted difrerent mater-ialr and different window heatndrtrr f,rednesilay, the hoepital ex- pande* planr wol.o rhorn for the firrt time to the Vail Design Review Board. T'he meeting war very prelimina:y in nature ar the DRB will not formally review the plane until the expaneion hag been approved by the planning cormisNion. Corrments from the DRB rere reported to be quite simi- lar to thoae made by th. plan- ning commiesion. Town planner ltietan hitz gaid the .DRB had concems about the buildingfs mass and encouraged changee that would maLe the building "relato better to Weet Meadow Driw." Stre eaid the board alao raid that if a fourth floor is ever built (thig expaneion addr a third flocr) it ehodd be stepped back coneiderably frorn the buildingla facsdo. Pam Hqkinr, who actg ag the planning comrniesion's liei- eon to the DRB, said the DRB expreeeed the same concerna as the planning commisrion. "They wantcd the building made more friendly." Asked whether she thought any architectural changer might b6 fqtbcdring, she sai4 "Dan'c (Feoney) vory ealy to work with. He understdr& dl eides. I think tb$l retldrih iL. Anbulances Noigbbor Ron Andergon said that all hoepital traffc ehould be removed from West Mead- ow Drive. Donovan agreed with An- deron on that point ag rvell. "Tly to get everything ofr West Meadow Drivg" she said. 'You have cunre incredibly far in a ahort time' md I thiak you cen come further." She eaid 6at cven with tho propoeed new actesr there would be too much tralfic on lVegt Meadow Drive. The current expansion-ac- ceee plan would not rcmove all hoepital trallic from Xleet Meadow Drive, but only about a third to a half ofit. Councilman Tom Steinberg / Eaid at Tuesday's council meeting that arnbulance accesg ghould be removed ftom Weet Meadow Drive as part of this expanaior, Feeney eaid buililing the parking sFucture/accees point should reduce usage of Weet Meadow Drive by about 500 tripa a day. Ambulancee and all emer- gency trallic would still use Weet Meadow Drive. The parking structure would be ueed only by hospital ataff, non-emerg€ncy patients of doctore, and vigitors. Signage would oontinue to direct hospi-tal traffic to Wegt Meadow Drive. The hospital's master plan indicates that a future expan- eion would move emergency facilitiea to a building con- atructed on top of the proposed parking etructure, which would have the elfect of re- moving moet, if not all, erner- gency traffic from West Meadow Drive. Future expaneions may also include a second parking structure, which would be ac- ceeeed by driving off South Frontage Road, through thefirrt propoeed parking atruc- ture, out the bottom level of that, and into the nsxt structuro elgewhere on the propert5r. If that happens, virhnlly all hoa- pital traffic with the poseible exception of delivery vehiclee could be removed from West Meadow I)rive. After about two hor.ue of dis. cuecion, errrnch tirne a*rived. Hopkinr introduced a motion to g"ant approval with the conditions euggested by the planning deparhnent. Her motion died for lack of a gecond. f,lonoVan made a motion to table the iesue until the town knowr exactly what will be acceptable to the state by way of an accegg plan. Osterfoes eecond€d the motion, and Riva joined tbem in rrcting to table it with llopkins voting no. Feeney told the commigsion- ere the propoeed accere plan ir a "definite irnprovoment" over what erigts now and appealed for appoval."It would help in our negotiations to bave a aign that you are in favor of thir," he raid. Feeney eaid the hospital needs the 8upport of the town in order to have credibility with the stato. 'ahey are trying to accommodate the town," he sai& Hospital administrator Ray McMahan also appealed for approval. "It's a good plan," he said. "It worke for the frontage road. It greatly increaseg safety. We want to proceed with the eqransion of the hoe- pital. We need your approval tonid$." Oeterliosg said it should be clear to the Etat€ that negotia- tions to creato a frontage rcad acoeaa are taking place at the behegt of,the town. T\erday, couneil members debated whether the hospital should cronstruct a helipad on its roof. Currently there ig no plan to do ao, and the hoepital now ure a pa.d just west of the poet ofEce. 9tcinbcrg and Roee botb made the point tlut once the poet ofEce site ia developed for another use it may be impcei- ble to Leep tlre helipad therc. k rc& pqp { a I a I { Furntshtngs and Decor ln the Southwestern Stfte 303-U5-9447(l mile urest of Ptzza Hut) Forn€dy ATASCADERO COIORADO 910 Notttngham Road Avon, CO 81 Special Clearance Sale On Men's and 'lUTomen's Fall Merchandise Tie clothing desigru of Ralph laurar spetk to a Lasting quality of life...to tradition and hednge and a deq appt@iotion of utlvr has onle before. Por,o la3 Gorc Crccl Ddrr V.tl, Colondo 81657 301/176t7@ Lrunnr,r 52O E rt Dunnt Arpcn, Colcrdo 8 t6l I to3/925,5r47 RrupH BALL NS 949-1055 i ANd PANTIEIS \An\Arrny - RIOKERSINC.: MAGNIFICENTGOR€ CREEKTOWNHOME Locoted In the center of Voil Villoge, wolk to slopes ond shops. 3 bedrooms plLrs loroe fomilv room. Excellent rentol hislory. S599,000. r By The co,ered sridse in voir vitose o REAL ESIAIE FABU| Sn One of the lost gneot deols on lhe Vot Goff Cource - 2 bedroom/2 both of Folkidge, nlcely furnished. on busroute, S135,m0. ATHIETE'SCHOICE Er$oyone of the bestsporls focillfies the volley hos to offer. Convenienl occess to skiing, ond on onsitegoumet r€ctouront ot ihe Voil Rocquet Club I bedroom. 1 1f2 both ft.rnisfred condomlnium. Two units ovoiloble from 570,000. HEAVENTYI You con .see forevef from this beoutiful 3 bedroom home hioh onospenridge. Lots of gloss brinls the outdoorsin. Million dollorvrews for S375.000. The Galhering,'an abstracl snow sculpture by TomOueotf, took lirsl place in the World Alplne Skl Charnpionshlps snow and ice sculplure contest. The sculpture ls locat€d near tho covered bridgo In Boavor Creek. Photo by Mike Rawlings. .t woRtDclAss tocATtoNt Two unitscnroiloblein fhe cenierof Voil Villooe. Suoer views of Voil Mountoin- ond Gore Creek. Top floor penthouse ovoiloble. We[l- monoged complexwilh pool ondunderground porkino. From s355nm. The votes are in on srrolv, ice scrrlp By WENDY SCERLTPP The people having voted and the judges having spoken, ertiets who hraved the cold to sreate ma8terpieces in snow and ice se finally able to bagk in the limelight. Fronr a host of captivating-art works, winners of the World Alpine Ski Champi- onship enow and ice sculpture contest were selected last Sun- day. Sponsored by Commercial Federal, the contest offered cash prizes and trophies to profeseional and amateur artists who faahioned the frozen master works in honor of the ski event. The pieces, located along In- terstato 70 and in Vail and Beaver Creek, ran the gamut of artistic expression, from play- ful to abctract."It was a great spectator sport because it waE so rnuch fun to watch the sculptufes evolve," said contest chairman Web Atwell. "It was unique that we had this kind of spirit. The whole state wag involved." The contest featured three divisiong - Level A for five pieces commissioned to gtace the I-70 corridor from ldaho Springs to Vail Pass; Level B for professional snow artists .working at various localeg in Vail and Beaver Creek; and Level C for ice sculptures in the two reaort8. Winners of the I-70 invita- tional were determined by a people's ballot printed in The- Denver Post. About 300 votcs were cast and after the final tally, the winning sculpture was "Flakes," a work at the Dillon overlook that depicts verious snowflake derigna. Renee Meinert wat captain of the winning rculpting team. Second place went to Pat Wil- aon's crew, which fashioned masgive cowboy and gki boota near Georgetown l,ab. fire Vail team of Mihe lfully, Kim Potter and Lola Higbie took third place honorr with their "Colorado Welcomea The World" piece, which featured e the Chaurpionships logo, a large letter "C' cradling a globe and block letters epblling out "welcome." Their aculpture me located atop Vail Pas& In the Lerlel B divbiorL i jury of made up of Mark Thomp- aon, art arre€. egg tempura artiot Pam Story, director of the Vail Valley Artr Council, and con- tegt chairman. Atwell judged the profeseional works based on creativity, technique and mo88agp. Ttre winner was Tom Que-off, whose eculpture "The Gathcringi' was an abstract de- dgn at Beaver Creek'r Village Hall repreeenti ng four llgures on a chairlift facing each direction. Queoff, of Mil- waukee, Wis., won $2,600. Taking second place honors and winning $1,500 wae Renee Meinert of Breckenridge. She fashioned the "Bacchus, Cod of Wine and Son$' piece that commandg attention at Siebert Ciircle in Yail. Tlre sculpture features Bacchus lounging on a bunih of grapes and being fed by a ernall child. . Mike McQueen, of Winter Park, won third place and $1,000 for his "Colorado Snow228 Bridge Street o Vail, Colorado 8i657 . Tel. (303)476.8250 T[r7tt,. trrye 22 Hospital access debate takes curious new tack By SCOT NERSGAARI) Just when it looked like all the parties were in general agreement on how access could be orovided to Vail Valley Medical Center from tiations with the stat€. Council South FYontage Road, eeveral appmved the resolution. of the major players broke When the dust cleared, the rank. town had agreed with the hoe- Hospital administrator Ray pital'a position that acceEg McMahan told the Vail Town shoulil be approved with no Council Tuesday that the hos- major improvements to the pital, Doubletree Hotel, and road, and the hospital gener- Vail National Bank wished to ally agreed to go through appeal the decision of the etate channels to achieve that rather highway department. than file an appeal, though The highway department McMahan continued to press last week ruled that the hospi- the case for an appeal. tal could develop an acceEg off South Frontage Road eo Iong as certain cgnditions werr met. Repreeentatives of the town, hospital, and Doubletree eaid laet week, they thought the conditions could be net, and heralded the etate's decigion as being a good one. On Tuesday, though, McMahan sajd the acceas plan wae bett€r ae designed than it would be if the conditione had to be met, and he aeked the town council to join in an appeal of the docision- Council refueed. "I'm opposed tc the appeal process because I <ton't think that s the way you get things accomplished witir the state," said Vail Mayor tsent Rose. He said the town and hospi - tal would have a better chance of getting what they want by working through channele than by going over people s hea&. McMahan emphasized that the hospital ie trying to move as quickly as possible and im- plied that appealing might produce action faeter than working through the system. Your prayers,lwe, concern, urils, tuta., ulls, fluom, plants, gifts, kind offers of help, and all your support wae appreciated more tlan mere words can exprcss. Our heartfelt thank. BiII tt Rouerc Brown "I'm opposed to the appeal process because I don't think that's the way you get things accdmplished with the state." - Kent Rose "Isn't it our decigion?" he asked. "The three property ownera on the south agree thie is the way to proceed." Town planning director Peter Patten acknowledgeil Thursday that nothing hap- pened Tuesday that would preclude the hospital from fil- ing an appeal. Rose suggested that the highway department be asked to approve the accees plan, without all the conditions being met. He eaid that rather than require an dccelera- tion/deceleration lane ae the state has euggested, the project ought to be approved with only limited irnprovements to South Frontage Road, with the stip- ulation that the town work with the atste and local prop- erty ownerE to develop an im- provement plan for South Frontage Road from Cascade Village to Ford Park. He said it doesn't make ense to require piecemeal irnprove-, ments from every new devel- opment along the road without having an overall plan for the road- Council agreed to support OPEN DAILY . CROSSROADS SHOPPINC CENTER . lr|l| E. MEADOW DR. o 476.1536 Itl"+tl ? la" I rtl ?tl * i t I -?r I ?la"lfthl In the end, Councilman Eric Affeldt introduced a resolution committing the town to suP- porting the hospital in its nego access approval on the hospi- tal's terms, that is without major improvements to South Frontage Road, eo long 'as the hospital, Doubletree, and bank would agree to help fund improvements to the section of road bordering their properties once an overall plan is developed. "All the partiee now etand in agreement as to the procees that should be followed," hospital board member Paul Johnston said Thursday. He said council took a rather circuitous route, but ended up supporting the hospital's posi- tion that accese approval ehould not be contingent upon an acceVdecel lane, Accees to the hospital from South FYontage Road rnay be politically necessary for the hospital to gain town approval for a major expansion pmject. Origina[S the hospital had sought to significantly expand .its building and to build a parking struc{rrc on tho.nrott end of its property, which would have been reached from West Meadow f)rive. The plan generated coneid- erable opposition from resi- dente of Weet Meadow and from other people who would like to s€e trallic on that stre€t decrease rather than increase. Even though council dis- agreed with some of the hoepi- tal's methods Tuesday night, there was also praiee for all the niork that has been done so far to addregs the acceee question. "Ttris ie a much better solu- tion than what we have now-" said Councilman Mew Lapin, who lives on Weet Meadow. Rose also commended hospital odEcialg for their work to develop access from South Frontage Road. Ttre hospital will go before the Vail Planning and Envi- ronmental Comrnieeion Mon- day afternoon, though it ie un- clear exactly what they will ask for. Patten said he will recom- mend that no building permit be iseued until access haa b€en approved from South Frontage Road. Anne Lane Abplanalp is pleased to announce the relocation ofher offices to the Crossroads at Vail. Suite #355. SPECIAL ANENTION TO BUSINESSES & INDIVIDUALS . l0 yean experience (8 years in Vail) . Master of Business Administration . Taxplanning & Book&eeping Services CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ANNE LANE ABPLANALP- 476-K64 1€ E Me.doP Drlvc, Vdl CO t1657 Memb€r of Amarlcon InltlMe of C,P.A.'S r Colorodo Sodety ol C,PA.! RonrNSoN & MerLoN SERVING THE MOUNTAIN COMMUNITIES AND THE FRONT RANGE Just minutes off l-70 . Exit 252 Bergan Park Business Plaza 1202 H$hway 74, Suite.311 . Evergreen, Colotado 80439 (303) 674-3351.CALLCOLLECP Areas of Praclics: Civil Trials Probate BankingArbitrations t amiv [.aw Business Empbyment Law Estats Planning B€al Estal€ Accidental Iniury Corporations - \ I i I I t, I t f, i I Ambulance and emergency access waa also debated. With this expansion, the ambulance and emergency area will re- main in the same place, and will continue to be accessed off West Meadow Drive. At some point in the future, hospital officials have indicated, the ambulance/emergency faciiity could be relocated so that it is accessed from the top floor of the parking structure, hence removing emergency traffic from West Meadow. Planning Cornmissioner Di- ana Donovan said the town should require that the ambu- lance facility be moved within . See netpqe TTIIS II'EETION Cnll 476-7595 lor more inlormqtion c6out coErmunity lelevision on Chonnel 23. Friday Marchl0 7d)0 pm r Vail Town Council rneeting of March 7. Saturday.March 11 7O0 pn . Vail Town Council neting of MarchT. Sunday,March12 7S0 pm . RockVideo "Drtnkin"- produced by Battle Mh. High School. 7$3 pm . NewsVail - Interview with Eagle County Commissioners. Topic Bond election Produced by Jim lamont. Mondav. March 13 7$0 pm . Rock Video "Drinkin" - produced by Battle Mh. High School. 7.{X} pm : NewsVail - Interview with Eagle County Commissioners. Topic: Bord election. hoduced by Jim Lamont. Tueeday.Mardr14 7d)0 pm . Rock Video 'Drinkin '- Irroduced by Battle Mountain High fthool. 7$ilpm . NewsVail - Interrriew with Eagle County Comrnissioners. Topic Bord electbn. Produced by]im lamont. Wedneeday. Mardr 15 ?{O t- . Avon Town Council Meeting of March 14. Thursday- March 16 ?:10 pm . Avon Town Courril Meeting of March 14. Ii I t ) I I t l. t Council gives green light to hospital plan By SCOT IGR.SGAARD After a long, sometimes im- patient wait, the light turned green Tuesilay for the Vail Valley Medical Center. The 31,000-square-foot ex- pansion will begin soon. The hospital will swell to 128,000 square feet with thig addition and will rige to a height of 54 feet. The new space will house up to 20 pa- tient beds, and will include op- erating rooms and ancilliary space for orthopedic surgeon Dck Steadman and hig ageoci- a!e6. A 177-car parking structuro, to be erected just weet of Vail National Banh will be accesg€d from South Frontage Road when the oxpanslon ir com- plete.- T'he Vail Planning and Envi- ronmental Commiasion ap- proved the project last week. Ihe PEC'I approval woul il haw been 6nal oxcept the Vail Town Council exerciaed ite op- tion to ieview the decision. Council approved the expan- aion unanimously Tueeday, adding three new crnditiong. By the time the issue ma& it to council moet of the debate had already taken place, mak- ing for a prctty tame meeting. Several facete of the project were dircus€od at some length, however, Some memberr of the council and audience ques- tioned whether the new park- ing etructure and South Fmntagp Road accesg will re- ally decrease trafEc on Wegt Meadow Drive ar hac bcen claimcd by hocpital oflicial s and town planners. Councilmen Merv Lapin said it eppears the expanaion rnight create more traffic on West Meadow Drive. Currently, 206 parki ng Bpaces are accessed off West Meadow Drive. When the ex- pansion is completc, that num- ber will drop to 104. How those spaces are used, however, will also change. Now, many of those are used by hospital em- ployees, who generally leave their cars there from the be- ginning until the end of each shifL Once the structure is built, employees will be expected to park in it, leaving most of the 104 epacee available for short- term hospital visitors. . Hospital and town o{Iicials estimate the new parking and access plan will reduce West Meadow tralfrc by an everage of 600 tripr a day. Town plan- ning directc Peter Patten said the town planning rtaff had questioned vigorously whether the changea would reduce traf,Ec on Tlteet Meadow, and had concluded they would.It was decialed by council and agreed to by hoepital oI[- sials that once expaneion is complete, traffic and parking patterna will be etudied to de. termine whether ure. of West Meadow haa gone down. If West Meaalow traffic is not re- duce4 it waa agrced, employee parking could be moved back to the wott lot and more lroepi- tal visitdg could be required to uee ths parking stucturc. Hospital expangion wac con- ditioned upon study of parking and trafrc. Councilwoman Gail Wahrl- ich-Lowenthal said Vail Nat- i,onal Bank ghould be a partner in the parking etructure, and that the structure ehould be large enough in order to accom-modete parking for tbe bank building. She eaid she workg in the building and that many tonants and visitora now have to park at the Doubletree Inn. "The bank building har real prcblems," she raid. Mayor l(ent Roee euggested that the parking struc ture ought to be dug at least one floor deeper in order to ac- commodate future expansions. Other council members agreed, but hospital o{ficials said doing so would be too expensive. Council did nothing to re- quire that a larger structure be built. "WeDoWindowst? SALE! VERTICAL BLINDS WIN THE GRAND PRIZE... ATRIP TO-HAWAII!! Open to the Generol Public All Tennis Ployers Welcome Dote: Morch 17, 1989 . 4 Grond Prizes - Volid thru Moy 1989 (excludes oirfore) . Men's & Women's Singles: Closses A, B, C, D . Single eliminotion.with consolotion motch for lst round losers o Prizes for Closs winners l> o Entry fee S12,00. Entry form detoils ot Voil Run Resort reception desk o Entry form deodline: 6:00 p.m. Wednesdoy priorto stort Voil's only public occess indoor courts, Tennis Pro Avoiloble VAlt RUN RESORT . 476-1501 North Frontoge Rood in Voil...Look forthe tennis bubble, t Iry Looh lot your. nome 7n thts issue - yotr rrr,aiy be a utlnnefl IT'S THE GnEAT Clsss i€d glve&wqtrl Iook tt[ou€h our Cla.sstlted S€ctlon. If your n .mc app€srs in ons ofour 8p€c!s,I ads, you're & wtnn€r. D $orsored by: the Voil Troll. Eogle Volley Muslc, Scotch on the Roc*bs ond Vons to Voil At U S WL9[ we mlize that your simplest needs can sometimes be your most important ones. Thatb why we've develo@ *E U S WESI Info jlic-Go* kioeks Machines that will answer virtullv anvthins about Vail Vallev's retaunntg hotels, shop and more Theyh ftd. eaiy to ilse nnO even a tiit of fun Loratkns Bidg tua,The Ld.x, Md-vail ad Linshad in t ail Vilh.K Spruce Mdle and McCdt s Mtanrmt nfunr Aeek and StoDldon hAnntidwl Airwt. llLlWESifioMMUrucAzoNs@ Police seek info on Eagle County Crirne Stop- pere will pay up to $1,000 caeh thie week for information that will lead to the arrest and/or indictment of the person or perEons responsible for bur- glarizing the Alpine Standard Service Station in Vail laet December, Sometime during Dec. 20, unknown peraons broke a window at the eervice station and then entered it, ransacking the o{fice area and stealing a bank bag. In addition, inveeti- gating olficers say a business envelope containing house chargee and business invoices was taken by the intruders. I l 1 I .,1 I{{ i t { 1 I 1 I j j i I I I SPORTI,ENS GOGGI.ES. So advamce0 you need a press.iption to uear Orem. adjust€ble buckle gpecial Bnow filter end ventilation 1 /. inch wide designer, M/€ter-resist6nt headband SUNBAN III protective lena€3 , tinted lor protection f.om ultraviolet raya (or you may chooae other lens colora) aingl€, tirned fac€plate (no trappgd ali in bgtw€€n, eaay to cloan Top of Bridge Su€et in the Golden Peak House - 476-5775 Village Center (acrccs the street fmm Cmssroads Shopplng Centerl on the bus rout€ - 47&1947 Maslefcard/American Erere3s N -t.,,itog gas station burglary While an egtimate on the damage caused by the burglars is unavailable, authorities say approxim ately $1,000 cash was in the atolen bank bag. Police have no ruspects, nor do they have any oolid leads. If you have any information rega.rding this burglary, or in- formatio,n regarding any other crime, phone Crime Stoppers now toll-free at f -800:fi62- TIPS or 928-7007. Callers do not have to give their name and they could earn a cash reward, Crime Stoppere doee not want your name, just your help. Hospital h?.m prev,o,,B page a specific time frame, rather than waiting and hoping the facility is moved during a fu- ture expansion that may never come. Councilman Eric Afteldt gaid such a requirement would be "arbitrary and capriciour." He gaid he would be happy with the eituation on Weat Meadow Drive even if the ambulance facility is never moved. Blondie Vucich, director of the Eagle Valley Humane SocietS questioned the councilac to whether Dr. Dick Steadman, who is expected to move hia practice to Vail, will . operate a laboratory in which doge will be the subjects of eurgical techniquea. Council membera said thev didn't know and queetionei what right the council has to dictate what goes on inside a building. Hospital administra- tor Ray Mcl\dahan eaid hoepital ollicials do not know what re- sesrch St€adman hae planned, and have no business dictating his activities. Hoepital expaneion is de- eigned to accommodate Steadman and hie aaEociates. Town attorney Larry Es- kwith told council that it could rule on whether the hoepital could include an animal labo- ratory. He said that if council believes an animal lab would have an effect on the commu- nity and the neighborhood, then council has the right to prohibit such a uee. Councilman Mike Cacioppo said it wa$nai\a to believe that doctorg do not condrict exper- iments with animals. John Slevin Eaid an animal Iaboratory is not an appropri- ate uae in Vail, especially not in a residentiel neighborhood. He said auch a lab would detract frorn Vail's image a.s a resort. Counciluran Eric Afreldt said discuasiona of an animal labo-ratory would open up a "Pandora e box" of moral iesueB regarding what goes on in the hoepital. As a condition to approval, council mandated that if an animal laboratory ie propoeed for the horpital it would firet have to receive a conditional uae permit. Hospital board member Don Welch said in an interview sevetal weeks ago tbat the hoepital board had already de- cided that no animal lab could be located in the hosprtal. A final condition added to approval of expansion is that if a special improvement district ia propoeed for an area includ- ing the hoepital, the hospital agrrees not to protest any as- segernentg that might be levied againrt it. Before a building permit can be iggued to the hoepital it will need to obtain an oao+"a permit for South Frontage Road. Highway departrnent officials have indicated that guch a permit ie likelV. i I BASKEI SALE 5@% @FF For o limited tirne only, lorge selectlon of cdors, shop€s & slzes. mfXDOIt L(lRK cdfF home decot gollery Es're74 Locoted ocross fiom the Generol Store UoosHeod I'ioll o 4764963' Inbbc,o ba trddrnar(o{ U S WESr ComdnicatiorlsOr9€9 U SViESf Ccmvl|catirls A diversity of plant and F r I rIIr I r- I -- r - - r rI I! -t_r animal life is necessary I mens' and ladies iackets with this coupon. @irea Febmary 2{ Don't spoil nature . . . leave only footprints. I I I I I I I I Bv SCOT XERSIGAARI) Fi" e.t"ry species of animal or plant on an endangered epecies liet there ig ProbablY another endangered sPecies that isn't on anYone'e list' be' cause no one knows the sPecies exists. Deborah Jeneen told 600 oeoole at a conference in Boul- ber recently that there maY be as many as 30 million sPecies oflife on Earth. Jensen ig a member of the board of directors of Pacific Institute and vi ce-President of the California Native Plant Society. She says the vast. majoritY of epeciee live in the canoPiee of tropical rain forests, estimating the percentage of sPeciee found there to be 50 to 90 Percent."In Cogta Rica alone, there are more species of birds than in the whol; United Stat€s," slle said. She said it i8 important to meintain Earth's biological di- versit5r from a selfigh Point of view ag well as out of anY senae of ethics. It is from Plants and animals that people 6nd the sources of food, shelter, cloth' ing, and medicines. She told a story of meeting a chemist anil a botanist travel' ling together in Costa Rica, Unerrforceablelaw maynrleoutAvm nuke.fuee signs The Avon Town Council isn't exactly racing forward to erect eigna proclaiming the town'e status as a nuclear fiee zone. Tuesday night, the council directed Beth Musolf, a representative of the citizen'g tasting plants in a rain forest. She said the men both worked for a large corporation and were looking for something to us6 as a eugar substitute, hop- ing to discover it in some pre- viousb unknown plant epecies. "When you change one part of the system, you change other parts. The first rule of intelligent tinkering ie to ssve all the parts, and we aren't doing tha!" she said. She eaid the planet would not be liveable ifit were not for ite biological resources. "The wild relatives of crop Plante are our best hope for new food gources." The iseue of biological diver- sity has been eteadily moving to the forefront in environ- mental circles recentlY as tropical rain foreste are being leveled at an unprecedented rate. Jengen said rain foreet is be- ing burned down at the rate of 11 million hectaree s year (about 4.5 million acres) and logged at the rate of 4 million hctares eadr yer. She said Mexico has alreaily loet 98 percent of ite rain forests, and Brazil has lost 95 percenL Moet rain foregt deetruction has come at the han& of large group that advocates the signq to meet individually wi th councilman Jim Stovall to look into the matter ftrrther. "fire council generally sup- ports the concept, but we're lrying to see how a local agency can ghow that suPPort in light of federd regulations," said town manager Bill Jamee. The Avon Political Action Committee favore erecting signs to etress the fact that Avon passed an ordinance in February, 198?, declaring itself a nuclear free zone olf limits to manufacture, storage and traniportation of nuclear ma- terials. Of particular concern to the committee is the transport of Trident rnissile parts on trains traveling through Avon. In view of federal regula- tions, town officiale are doubt- ful that the ordinance can be enforced to stop the rail trans- poft. "Ihe piece of legislation on our booke is baeically unen- forceable," said James. He said Stovall would meet with Mueolf to look into the is- sue further. BillPlerceaqxanled cbnhacttodesign tennis cerrter The Vail Metropol i tan developers eeeking land for cattle or crops, but many in- diqenous oeople also find rain foieets a itcidy supply of fuel wood. Jeneen eaid that many Ttrird World people need wood to burn for cooking and heating. "We can't tell people not to cut trees unlegg we have alterna- tives." : Ae to what is being lost, Jeneen likened the rain foregts to a huge library of genetic in- formation, "We're thinking of buming down the library even though. we've only loohed at 5 percent of the volumes.- 'Ertinction ie natural, but not at thie rate. Destruction oeurt quickly, but reconstruction ie slow. Five percent of all Earth'g plante will be gone by 2000 if we continue at this rate. '\lle have to think beyond the endangered species. They aro just flagp of a bigger ploblem." In order to gave rain foreste, Jensen eaid, we need to find ways for people to live in Third World countries that are con- sistent with preserving their GCO6y8t6m8. "This will require a global ethic. It won't be eaay, but we have no alternative. We have everything to lose if we do nothing." The mtofbailing Fldoordofcanine clinkbasgonerlp fire Vail Town Council has passed an ordinance raising the feer charged the owners of impounded dogs. The new charge ie 815 for impounding, and $12 for every day the dog isimpornded. nagsalongroad.s forracesmgyhave tocmredorrm At Tuesday's .Yail Town Council meeting, town man- ager Ron Ptrillips informed the board that the Colorado De- partment of llighwaye had in- structed the town to remove the flags that had been placed along the frontage roade for the World Alpine Ski Champi- onships. Said Mayor IGnt Rose, "Tell them we're working on it " At the same meeting the council decided to purchase a number of flagpoles that had been rented for the Champi- onshipe. The poles were of- fered to the town at approxi- mately one-third their new cost. The town has no epecifrc plana for the polea ! c*b;;iiiil;; MALr., vArL . 47o'60i_ |I \-N\ruurr\r.rlr!, Lrlr-rr)rr, V ..:ll& - 't, ru-lrvrrru II I IIIIII--I I I--T - 'II I colomDoffito. *N coLLEGE ln Vail at Cascade Village . 47640tt0 Look ar the options a Chase Jumbo MortgaSe now r No application fees- offers you: . No point programs. o Loan amounts up to $7f0,00O or more. o Comperirive fi xed or adjustable rates. oA choice o[ l5 or 3O ],ear terms. r Fixed monrhly payments.. NEWS BRIEFS a Mr tax or insurancc escrolv r 48-72 hour condirional approval, rf you quahfy For more information- call the Chase krsonal Financial Services office near you. is dimuraged +hisweelrerd The Towa of Vail will be conducting its ninth annual Smokelees W€ekend during tle upcoming hesidents' Week- en4 Feb. 1&2D. All Vail resid€nts and guerta are asked not to use ffreplaces or woodetoves over the -week- endn unleer they.rely on wood for heat"lte putpoee of the weekend ia to inprwe local air qu.lity. Fa more infomation, phone Susan Scanlon at 479-21118. Chase Manhattan of Colorado, Inc. Aspen: 303-920-33ffi Colorado Springs: 7 L9 - 528 - 19 Ll Denver: 303-759-L+Ll tor trr|tu o.i r nxAL lt.ta^t 9500,m @.x, rtl. lolx rroltD E EBto I tts ftttr r'oi.'xg trm.tiR of 3t,aa..r f r* rr.{a mctNrr6t tAn rvt! nfto lr n.oot ol{ ^ nr(a lo.yt^r !t0o.o0 ro^r na to^N ErI E}r0 r ta0 loqL ,odN0 nvr.ax6 d l.,aa0.lr rt til ^r,ar{xr nrcr{rra r E \Ntt frro ^r n.tarr. r6 ut ,r r or ut '9rI|{EIEcrd[lIrrl'o|J|Lo^xll^',rov.Dr['o^x6ri!l|€fcrG.E.Ulto.lrE^t{ofIYDolvNaV{Ntqlnr[x$^'tY.l9.C|t^*x^|.|lilII^ntt|^'.|.|^|!l.l|(B'. / 9AICF Recrestion DisFict decided last week to award a contract to .F Ingp|8Ce ffSg architect Bill Pierce to design a Bupport building for the Ford Park tennis center and to de- sign site work for new tennis courts there. Pierce said he could do the work for $6,000 to $9,000, while the only other bidder, Jamee Morter, said the same work would coet $14,000 to $16,000. firc board debated whether to put in a large enough aewer system to accomrnodate the poosible future conetruction of an aquetic entcr, but opted not to. hom preubus page Steinberg said that if a helipad was not included in the expaneion plan, the hospital would not get his votc. Councilman Merv Lapin saidit wae his understanding that the hospital would lose the Doubletree's support and co- operation ifa helipad were part of the project. "They need to fight it out with the Doubletree, then," Steinberg said. He said you can't have a modem hospital without a helipad, and thai if it isn't at the post office or on the roof it would have to be some- where else."It is a political problem," Steinberg summarized. Planning consultant Peter Jamar, representing the own- ers of the Doubletree, eaid the Doubletree hae not made itg cooperation contingent on their being no helipad at the hospital. "As far as a helipad ges, that ie eomething we would have to look at. It would be news to meif that hae even come up in digcuseion. I don't necessarily think we'd be opposed to it," he said. The planning commission has scheduled a work session with the hospital, bank, and Doubletree for 12:30 D.m. on Feb. 2?. Feeney eaid he is hopeful that the hospital can gain ap- proval for the project at this rneeting. "It is time we start getting approvals. We'd like to start building in May so we can have the project done by mid- 1990," Feeney said. RESORT FASHIONS 51/ltvftryEAR EOUIOUE 'l00 E. Meodow DiNe/4764W l I didn't know how it got here be- cause that's a long way, about 1,000 miles," said DuS'. The previous day, St. John's Elementary, the Catholi c school that Dulfy attends, let sail over the ocean several bal- loons asking for prayers. The event waa part of a celebration of Catholic rhool week. "My greatest wishis thattherebe no more war." -Seppi Kendler In addition to IGndler's ad- dreee, the wish card contained the address of the Vail Valley Foundation, and mentioned the circumEtanceg behind the bal- loon launch. Ttre Foundation was notified of the diecovery by Dulfy's 16-year-old eister, Jennifer. Mia Jaekele, of the Foundation, paseed the word on to Dave Schindel, the teacher at Vail Mountain School who helped organize the wish ballmng. Schindel eaid the balloon launch was conceived by the ceremonieg committee t o correlate with the theme of "A Night of Dreame." "Each balloon waa an ox- preseion of the magical, mysti- cal quality that kide have when they &eam," said Schindel. Describing the lift-off as "breathtaking," Schindel said the clump of balloons resem- bled the Mlky Way as it drift€d west. The nice thing about the launch was that it not only ih- volved children on an intema- tional level, "but in g sense, it represented the child in all of us," he said. The wish cards were dis- tributed to 250 students each in Crans-Montana and Saalbach "as a continuity of dreamg be- tween the Championships" be- cause Crans-Montana hosted the last event and Saalbach has been awarded the next Cham- pionships, said Schindel. Du{Ty hopes to become Kendler'e pen pal, and will s€nd off a post card and photo of hirnself in hopes of receiving the eame from his new Aus- hian connection. As far at wiehee go, this one went pretty far. It would be nice if it came true. BA]IIIERffi ^oh tu sqtr % 1,nt uiitk'.. OBERMEVEB Skiwear From lhe Heart of lhe Mountains. Aspen, ColoradoEl EAITITER SPORTS SI(| EOUIPMENT . CLOTHING . RENTAI.S Located in the LionsHead fundola Building - 476-1854 Maniott Mark Resort in LionsHead - 4764ffi And in the Sunbird Lodge - +76-9292 i I, Wish for world peace carried on west wind By WENDY SCEBIIPP When 14-year-old Christo- pher Duffy saw a balloon lying on the ground outside his Cali- fornia home, he thought it was one that classmates launched over the ocean the previous day. It wasn t. Rather than a balloon beached before sea flight, DuIIy found a wish for peace that had been carried on the wind nearly 1,000 miles in two days. And it was in German. During opening ceremoniee for the World Alpine Ski Championships in Vail on Jan. 29, those in attendance rvere handed 6,000 balloone affrxed with a small toy glow stick and a card bearing a child'e wieh. The carde were collected from children throughout Colorado ae well a8 in Saalbach, Austriq and Crans-Montana, Switzer- land. The crowd was instructed on when to let go of the balloons, and despite several enant lift- olfs, the collective mass of bal- loone eailed through the air at the ceremony's conclugion. Remarkably, on Jan. 31, one such balloon made it to Encini- tas, an ocean-side city 20 miles north of San Diego. ltre glow gtick wag etill faintly luminous when Duffy picked it up and held it clee to his face. lte at- tached message, however, was a little less illuminating at first because it was written in Ger- man. lhe note, written by 8- year-old Seppi Kendler of Saalbach, said: "mein gttbsster wunsch ist, das es keiner krieg mehr gibt." "Mein srdcsster wunsch ist, das es keiner krieg mehr gibt." - Seppi Kendler "I looked at the balloon and thought someone had put ad- vertising on it, but I didn't un- derstand it," Duffy remem- bered. A call to a telephone opera- tor produced some help above and beyond the call of calls. One of the operators was able to looeely translate the message as:"My greateet wish ia that there be no more war." Dutry said Kendler's dresm "served a purpose and showed that many people have the eame &eans." DuB was pleasntly Bur- priaed by the discovery. "I still Ihe Vall Ttall - Mardt 3, I9&) Befrer answers srrmetimes take longer When Vail Valley Medical Center first proposed adding a third floor, many people were aghast. The problem was not so much the third floor as the parking structure that was proposed for the west end of hospital property. Building a parking structure there would have forever established West Meadow Drive as a high-traffic street. Hospital officials were told by the Vail Planning and Environmental Commission to try and find a way to create an access directly from South Frontage Road.'Hospital officials said this would be very expensive and perhaps impossible. Monday, just such an access plan was approved by the planning commission. We would like to commend the commission for insisting that the project be done right and for never wavering in itsconviction. We would especially like to thank commissioners Diana Donovan and Feggy Osterfoss for taking the point even when it meant also taking the heat. Hospital officials and the owners of the Doubletree Hotel and Vail National Bank also deserve praise for banding together and working to create a solution that should be in the town's best interest. Towl planners Peter Patten and Kristan Pritz put in many hours helping craft a plan that will work. From start tb finish they stood firm in their vision of what West Meadow Drive should and should not be. It's not easy for people in positions such as theirs to takel strong stands on controversial issues. INow that tlie hospital and the town's planners have done their jobs and taken some of the automotive pressure off West Meadow Drive it is time to take the next step. The rallying cry all along has been that West Meadowprive should be renovated to become a much more pleasant pedestrian link between Vail Village and the library and ice arena. We urge the Town Council, planning commission, and planning staff to move quickly toward developing a plan for this corridor and committing the money to implement the plan. The public's attention has been focused on this street for half a year's worth of hospital debate. Let's keep our attention focused there until the job is done. Another issue highlighted by the hospital expansion is the need for developing a master plan for South Frontage Road from Cascade Village to Ford Park. Rather than improving the road in 300-yard segments every time a new proposal comes along and hoping all the improvements eventually fit together, let's draw a plan that works from one end to the other. In the meantime, our thanks to those who have gotten us this far. Iol.23,No. 18 Vail, Colorado - March 3-9, 1989 Tbenty-Five Cents YOU Design it! ttWe have choose from!" Kathy Peplinski ate endless! Complete 2-bedroom Condominium Package only $3,699.00 FREE decorating services are also available. LOW,low prices . . . better than anywhere in Denaer A friendlv store with a professiohal staff to serve you. Located on Hwy 6 in the Eagle-Vail Business Center. Monday-Saturday 10-5:30 949-0153 The possibilities Hospital eq)ansi applrcvedbytov'rn By SCOT XERSIGAARI) Six months ago it lmked like the impossible dream. Monday the dream came true. Almost, anyway. On Monday the Vail Plan- ning and E nvironmental Com- mission voted 4-2 to approve a major expa.nsion of VaiI Valley Medical Center. The commission loaded ap- proval with conditione, how- ever; the biggest of which is that the Colorado Departrnent of Highwaya must iesue the hospital an accesa permit for South Frontage Road. The only other major condi- tion is that the hospital agree that before its next expansion it will relocate its emergency room and ambulance facility so that it can be accegsed frqn the top floor of the parking structure, which will be built just west ofVail National Bank as part of this expansion. Moving that facilitY would remove virtually all emergencY traffic from Weet Meadow Drive. Tueeday, state highwaY offi- cials for the first time visited the site of the proPosed South Frontage Road accegs and of- fered some suggestions for cbanging the access Plan. "They weren't totally pleased with what they saw, but we got a good feeling for what a workable solution will be," Mayor Kent Rose told the Town Council on T\esday. He said the highway de - partment's suggestions will lead to a better access plan without costing any more than what had been proposed. Hospital administrator Ray McMahan agreed with Rose's assesEment of the meeting. District highway engineer Bob Moston on Wednesday also confirmed Rose's account of the meeting. He said it was auggested that an acceleration lane be added for eaetbound traffic leaving the hospital. "It looka like that can be ac- cornplisbed, and that it would be a workable solution for ev- eryone," Mcton sajd. All that is left ig for the hoepital's engi- neer to draw euch a plan and submit it to the highway de- partment. When that is done, Moston eaid, the department would likely approve hoopital a.@ega. The requirement that the hospital move its emergency end ambulance facilities before the next expansion ie unen- forceable said town planning director Peter Patten. When planr for any future erpanaions are preeented to a future planning commiesion, that commisBion will not be bound by the condition. Coun- cilman Eric A{feldt noted, however, that the condition ie on record as a gride for future decieione. Council, after learning of the planning commieaion'e ap- proval of hoapital expanaion, decided l\readay to call the ib- cision up for review next Tues- day evening, March ?. At that meeting, council will receive a preaentation from sta{I and hospital representativee about the orpanrion and access plane, and will review the planning commission's approval an d conditions. Ifit chooeee, council can repeal the approval, add conditione to the approval, or remove conditions. As part of the approval, the planning commission provided some advice to the VaiL Town Council and the Desigrr'Review Board. To the DRB, the com- miseion sent instructiom to be diligent in requiring the moet poeeible landscaping between the planned parking rtructure and South Frontage Road, and on other parLs of the property. l'lre planning commiesion also sent word to council that if the highway department re- quires addition ofa fourth lane to South Frontage Road, the town should accommodate that requirement by re de- veloping its property across the road from the bank in order to make roorn for another lane. The hospital's current re- quest for an acceas permit, if approved, would require the building of a left turn lane for the accegs to the hospital, bank, and Doubletree Hotel, and algo for the town property across the ghet. Hoepital expansion will con- siat primarily of adding a third floor to the weet wing. A eec- ond and third floor will also be added over the. existing north wing emergency facility. Alto- gether, 25,000 aquare feet of space will be added. The new space will be used for up to 20 new hospital roome, four operating rooms, a radiology room, and o{Iicee. Much of the new space will be used by orthopedic surg€on Dr. Did( Steadman, who is the oflicial physician of the U.S. Ski Team and counts many of the cormtry'a top athleteg as his patients. The hospital, in conjunction with the Doubletree, will aleo construct a parking garage that will be accessed directly of South Frontage Roa4 thus, removing some hospital trafEc I from West Meadow flrive. I The motion to appmve ex- r paneion was made by Peggy Osterfo.s afiler impaasioned speechea by Doubletree repre- aentativeg Peter Jamar and Jay Peterson. Her motion waa a€c- ontled by Jim Viele, who had abstained from voting until thie meeting, citing a conflict of in- tereEt. He geid that after die- cuseions with town attorney W tlzxl f,agc \An\ArrEy o Byrhe covered Bridse in VoitMlose. REAL ESIAIEBROKERSINC.: FALCON'S NEST Insoirino views of Voil from this superb-4 bedroom, single-fomilyhome. Ouolity contemporory desion in o secluded locotion, s769-.000. SINGTE FAMITY HOME TNs spoclous four bedroom home on o lcroe wooded lot bcn unusuol find. Vdulted ceilings, beoulitully turnished. S365Ofi1. BARGAINISIEATI DEALI Gos heol, low condo dues, on town of Voil bus roule, greotviews. Two ovoiloble: lwo beiJroom. two both with lofted ceiling, lhree bedroomwiih lock-off. Stbrting ot s79.500. CREEKSIDE LOCATION Beoutiful settino on Gore Creek,two bedroom- townhome. No condo dues. 595,000. FAIRWAYHOME Lots of spoce in lhis five bedroom homelocoted on lhe 7lh foirwoy. Prlced ot $165,@0, Featured on The Vail Real Estate Show coronADo s ulrsEltu SBI HAI.L OP FAIIE mno|n3nr€ ddr- $rtrlliry, las P.Io-l8lln Eotn* lud.tt, Hdryi Sdt.dry l.l p"B C@o fn ctd €spdl6Dce Colorqdo's S[ng HLto[Tl WeVe been golng dor,snhlu slnca lE75l a 228 Bridge Street o Vail, Colorado 81657 o Tel. (303)476-8250 Ftom prevbus page "It's also helpful to under- stand and be aware of bodv Ianguage, and have an undei- standing ofhuman nature and how people react to different situa.tions," he said. "A good sense of humor helps, and it's also important that a judge keep a humble perspective and not take himself tm seriously." Having stayed on the bench for 10 years, Allen is appar- ently doing something right."I like Judge Allen," said Larry Kelly, a loca'l attorney who has been on both sides of His Honor's decisions. "He's a very nice, kind, sincere person and he brings those attributes to his job ofjudging. The per- son you meet on the street is the same fellow you deal with in his job as a judge." He said Allen's warm s.t- tributes are balanced by a re- spect of the law "even in this casual society of Vail. "On the one hand he's hu- man, but on the other hand, he doesn't show up in court in a Ilawaiian shirt and put, his feet on the des\" said Kelly. The attorney recalled a trial in which he was heatedly ar- guing a point with prosecutor Tom Silverman. Allen in no uncertain terms told the barristers to stop quibbling and sit down. "He doesn't exercise the au- thority prematurely or inap- propriately, but he doeen't hesitate to remind you that he'a the judge and it'e his court," said IGIly. "He goes out ofhis way to be such a nice guy that you won- der how he can handle author-ity so well. It's a hard deal, wouldn't you think?" Kelly added. "He does it well." Allen said the more he judges and the more he draws frompast experiences, the more comfortable the job becomes. "It's not ever automatic, be- cause you're dealing with an individual. But everything you are dealing with fits on a con- tinuum and it's just a matter of, once you've reached a decigion on a case, placing it on a con- tinuum of cases you've dealt with," he said. He eaid every case is unique and probably affects him a lit- tle bit because "whenever you listen to something carefully, it's going to have some impact." Allen is not one to make a ruling and be done with it. "It's not like me to leave a de- cision in a courtroom," he said. "I think about it and play it over in my mind." While he said it's possible ro look back through the eyes of experience and see how he would have done things differ- ently in some instances, he has made no decisions that he has regretted. His job is to listen and treat each person that cornes through the court "with respect and dignity - that's really im- portant. _ "You can have a person go through the system- and frn-d them guilty, yet they still marn- tain their digrrity," Allen said.''At the same time. you impress upon them that they "a.r't .on- tinue the behavior that got them into court in the first place." Life as a municipal judge rs not all based on the bench. however. Allen has that infamous"authority vested in him" mjoin couples in marriage. And he wedlocks quite a few, asmany as 80 per year. On Valentine's Day, he performed f,our^ weddings. Lasr week, he dld Dve- Three weddings of past years are especially memo- rable. An outstanding skier, he once petformed a ceremony while skiing backwards as th! bride and groom skied down the slopes of Beaver Creek. Tne bride wore a distinctive ski suit and the groom was resplendentin a yellow Spyder downhill racing suit with black curn- merbund and bow tie. Allen frequently performs ceremonies on Vail Mountai n with Sno<atg as wedding car- riages. One year ago, he was set to do such an event when the Sno<at used for toure of Chine Bowl broke down. When the Vail Associates packing crew found out about the dilemma, they came to the res- cue in five packing cats. "They took them to the top of the mountain for the wedding, brought the couple down, and then went back to work," gaid Allen Last summer, recalled Allen,a wedding at the Vail Golf Course wag crashed when "a black bear came down to greet the bride and groom when they were ready to leave." The bear sniffed at the guests, licked the groom's hand, and loped off. "The nice thing about doing a wedding is that it gives an op- portunity to work with people at a real positive point in their lives," said Allen. "Doing wed- dings balances out a lot of neg- atives that come with the job." Asked if he feels pressure to be an exemplary citizen, Allen said: "Working in a small town where everyone knowe you, there are advantages because people do know you, but there are also costs. They expect you to embody the laws." And the judge ig comfortable with that."I don't think there's any- thing worse that eomeone who is hypocritical," he eaid. "It's important to have consistency in what I say in court and what I do. "My personality is not one of being real wild and crazy. I'm alittle low key," said Allen, adding, "I'm real comfortable in what I'm doing and where f am," At U S WLSI we realize that your simplest needs can sometimes be your most important ones That's why wdve derelopd ttE U S WESr Infoib-co* kimks Machines that will answer virtualv anythine about Vail Vallev's rcstaunnts hotels shops and more Ttq/'re ftal easy to ise nnd even a bit of fun. Ina*il* Brdge S0ret,The IM, MiC-thil atu Lknshed inthit Vitk Sprrce SaMh and IvIcCqs Rfstourant inMwrcrckqil Stnphton Intenatidvl AirMt. laLll/ESFioMMuNtcAzoNs@ ldoTocio is a l'?dema* ol U S WESI &mfitnicatirB O1S9 U S WES' ComflIlnitirlr t thegpldeubq Bndge Street . Vail Village- 4764082 SEEING D UBLE thotl whot our editorlol stoff ond tt€esetters end qp dolng when they s€e too rnony slnglespoced, hon4\A,rltl€n leflersl lf you?e ilbrnltflng o l€tier for pdcllcottrr, pbos€ l4ce lt, ond bett€r y€t, double-spoc€ lf. Ou stoff worjd llke fo see double - dor.blespoced fyced letiers, lhot bl Send fhose doublo.spoced typed letten to: Vdl Troil. 953 S. Fronlooe Rood W.. Voll. CO 81657 i Ftotnpevtuspge Larry Eekwith he had decided he did not have a legal conllict. Voting against approval were Diana Donovan and new commi esioner Kathy Warren. Commi ssioner Sid Schultz ab- gtained from voting, citing a conflict of interest. He is the architect for Vail National Bank. Warren said she thought the hospital, bank, and hotel should develop a more unified plan for all three properties ag one."I would feel more comfortgble with that area if it came to- Sether better." Warren and Osterfoss both expressed eome ekepticism as to whether the lI?-car parking structure will really decrease traffrc on West Meadow Drive. They made the point that a larger hoepital will generate more traffic. The parking struchrre will be used primarily by hospital em- ployees and doctore' patients. Warren made the point that employees generally leave their cars parked their entire ehilL and hence cause less traf- fic. than hmpital visitore. McMahan, however, eaid parking spac€s used by doc- tore' patients turn over as many ar seven or eight times a day. Donovan said tremendous progress has been made on the propoaal since the commiesion ffrst gaw it last fall, but that th€ plana still are not good enough. "The fact that this would be bettcr than what we have now isn't enorgh," she saiil She 68id the hospital must etabligh a tim€ by which all ho€pital haffc will be rqmoved from West Meadow llriib.. One complaint about the pmject shared by all or nost of the commiesidlerr was that the parking structure should be physically connected to tbe ban}.. As the plan now gtandg there will be a narrow drive betwen the two pmpertios. New commisaioner Chuck Crist even suggristid that et Eom€ point the bank building might be converted to doctorE' o,fficee. Commi eeion Chairman Viele commended the hospital for doing a good job. "This is a subetantial improvement orrer what we have today," he saiil He criticized the town for not having developed a plan for its property on the north side of South Frontage Road. High- way officials have also esked for such a plan. f,rith regard to converting Weat Meadow Drive to a more pleasant pedestrian way, he said the towr\ not the hoapital, neda to take the lead. Viele eaid the hoepital plen is not perfect, but that Dot ap- proving it could gend the wttng moEsag€ to the highway &parfonenL Peter Jamar, a planning conrultant reprerenting the Doublehee, said that wh€n th€ hcpital unveiled ite original plan, which included a parking stnrcture acceEsed off Weet ilea&iw Drive, he thought tbe hotel would likely end up op- po.eil to th€ prqiect IIe rlid Setting to the point where the hoopital, ban\ and Doubletree are hand in hand* is a rnajrx achievement. Jamar said there are some issues lef[ to be reeolved but that thosc issueg can be r€- golved ab the DRB level. In re- . sponse to complaints that theproject does not include enough lari&caping, he said it will include more landscaping than is there now. IIe agreed that the hospital has a much greater mass than is normal in residential areas, but said it is cuetomary forpublic buildinge such as schools, hospitals, and churches to be located in regi- dential areas even though they are often quite large. "It will be very unfortunate if the-whole thing falls apart be- ceuse of details and we end up doing battle with our neigh- hirs,"Jamarsaid. Attorney Jay Peterson, also representing the Doubletree, eaid that a third floor is alnoet certainly golng to be added to t}e hospital no matter what ac- tion the planning commission took. He said that if the plan to create an access from South Frontage Road fell apart, the hospital would build a struc- ture oIT West Meadow Drive and any chance of ever turning that corridor into a pedestrian way would be gone. 'You are forcing them to go back to their original plan," Pe- terson said, thinking the corn- rniesion was about to deny ap- prcval. He said the plan being pro pooed by the three propertiee was not as good ae starting from ecratch, but that it wag a lot better than the alternatives."Ttaflic will get worse on Meadow Ilrive if this is not ap proved," he eaid."It is ready for approval. They deeerve to go forward," he gaid. When Jamar and Petereon finished their speeches, Oster- tive vote from the commission. She eaid the commiEeion ehould insist the project be as good as it can be before it is ap. proved. She noted that even if the comrnission denied approval, the council would overturn the decision. "The council has made it clear that no matter what we do, this will get their approval," she said- Peterson said that what the council does is irrelevant. He also eaid the council would F" 1ar-d she agreed and intro- probably go along with any doced the motio-n for appmval. reasonable conditions placei Donovan eaid she was frus- on approval, whereas lf the trated that-the project still was commission denied the project not as good as she thought it and the council overturned it could-be, qnd said the project those conditions might not be would not be killed by a nega- required. *f lflarry Of The Finest Homes For Sale InThe VailValley \Vill Be Featured OnTV Today. Vail's leading, real estate com- panies have a tour of luxurvlt condominiums, worked together to produce a profes- sional, 30 minute tele- vision program. THE VAIL RSAL ESTATE homes, ranches, and premium building sites. The SHO\U7 highlights many spectacular properties currently for sale in the Vail Vallev. show features a s/ide variety of properties and price ranges that accofirmodate every individual taste and requirement. In the comfort of your livingroom, you are taken on ffiitw Vail's TV. Channel 12 1O:3O a-t'n., 3z3O & 9:3O p.rrr., Daily. Filmed by Summit Films. Sponsored by The t&il Trail and Klite. Pholos by Mike Rawlings Whatever the weather, kids get into it During the past few days,the Vailarea has experienced both sunny skies and miberlofip€raluros as wellas ovorcast days and snow accumulation. Eitherway,ltdoesnl maner to mostchildr€n. Th€ycan havofun in anycondition. (Abovo) Twb-year-old Mike Lipp€rt used a shovel taller than he is to help his falher, Roll, clean the arsain lronl of their horne in Sand-stone 70 condoririniums. (Right)JackEisingerl€st€dth€ quality ot the walerprooling inhis boolswhen he.sphshed through a puddle in LionsHead. The 3-year-old Chicago resident had iust finishod his skischoolclass when his Parents picked him up. Cruist&r..,fq ilrutns of unrm anil sunnl Placa. ,Sspl$potts In dv Catne of VaiI Vilhge Als, c tlv Wes';i'^ H*l/ pg.$65zoz A.C.T. PROFESSIONALS presents a novel idea: TODAY. Make your taxes less taxing. Do them todav. For professional help with iiaividual and- business tax preparation, call Accounting Computer & Tax Professionals' Katherine C. McKay, CPA . Dave Sloan P.O. Box 525, Edwards, Colorado ' 926-341i6 Hol Hol Ho! BLONDIE VUCICH will be 4O dont you kno\il! March 9, 1989. Happy Btrthday Blondiet Paloma & FHends LOCAL Le gends , future legends honored at banquet. PAGE 7 QUOTE OF THE DAY We've got sone of the best skiers here, I think the news got out that this is a hot race. -Judy Anderson-Wright, program coordinabr for the Vail-based Colorado Ski School for the Blind, on the 1989 Wintcr Blind National Championships, which open today on Gold Peak. (See story, page 25.) SPORTS Out of the gate: Blind Chatnpionships start today. PAGE 25 March 7,1989 Volume lX, Number 56 Seruing Eo.gle Countg Tuesday through Sundcg Council to review VVMC expansion plan tonight By John'Calhoun D.rlt SEtrWritrs I The Vail Town Council rhis I evcning will review thc Vail I Planning Commission's approval of the Vail Vallcy Mcdical Ccn- rcr's.proposcd $8.3 million ex- pansion' Tlie Council mecting will bcgin at ?:30 p.m. at thc Vail Municipal Building. Thc hospital issuc is thc sixth il.cm on thc lengthy agcnda. I Iast Monday, altcr man y dclays, the VVMC cxpansion proposal receivcd approval (in a 4-2 votc) from thc Planning Commission to go forward with the projcct, which is schcdulcd to bcgin in May. Although thc Vail Town Council docs not automad- cally revicw all Planning Com- mission dccisions, it does havc the powcr of appcal and can rc- quest to sciutinize spccilic undcr- takings - as it has in this casc. '"This is a major public plicy issuc," said Council Mcmbcr Eric Affeldt. "l think that wc arc all sup;nnivc of it, but wc havc ncvcr sccn a formal proposal." VVMC officials arc sccking !o expand tlrc hospilal by ncarly 30,000 squarc fcct, build a 185- space parking struc(urc on thc northcast sidc of hc hospital and cgrslruct an acccss road from thc South Fronugc Road to rhc prdposcd parkin g structurc. Although thcre has bccn no or- gaulizld effort against rhc proposcd expansion, somc Vail rcsidents have argucd that thc cx- pansion is not. ncccssary and would lakc away from Vail's srnall lown imafc. Until last Triesday, the .projcct's main road block had bcen thc Colorado Highway Dcpanmcnt. Thc High- way Dcpartmcnt, which owns and maintains thc South Frontagc Stall pholos by Jac* Atlleck The proposed access road tor the Vail Valley Medical Center would include an enlrance ramp running between lhe Doubletree Holel, right, and the Medical Center from Vail's South Frontage Road. Road, must approvc thc prolnscd access roatl bcforc it can bc built- Basically, rhe Highway Dcparuncnt has said that if rhe hospiul will bc adding ro thc traflic problcm on fte South Fron- tage Road by insalling $c ncw acccss, it must widen thc South Frontagc Road at its own cx- pcnsc. Furthcr, scvcral enranccs, including thc Doublctrcc Hotcl's and thc Vail National Bank's. must bc modificd. Thc numbcr and lcngtl of thc ncw traffic lancs, as wcll as the dcsign of the ncw acccss points has bccn thc sourcc of thc argumcnt. Currcntly, thc only acccss into thc hospital is down Wcst Mcadow Drivc, a narrow rcsidcn- tial slrcct. In an cffort to reducc traflic on Wcst Mcadow Drivc, officials proposcd thc ncw acccss from thc South Frontagc Road. Hospilal Adminislralor Ray McMahan looks to the future. Ncgotiarions with both the Vail National Bank, as wcll as the Doubletrcc Hotel, which bccame involved when it was learned that Pletse see VyrlfC pege 9 Man arrested; faces charges of smuggling illegal aliens bclieved o be Mexican citizcns being il- legally transportcd from Mcxico to the nor- thcrn Unired States. Scveral of the alicns told law cnforcemcnt investigators that they had paid Magana to take them to lllinois. Intcrstate 70 through Colorado is bclieved to be a well-favelcd route for illcgal aliens heading nonh from Mcxico. "It has been a continuous problcm as far as Immigration is conccrflcd since thcy built I-70," said Michael BradS dcputy district director for the Denver districr officc of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (lN$). 'lltls a rnajor route to the intcrior." Two F.aglc County Shcriff's rlcputies, patrolling I-70 on Saturday, spotted thc truck travcling eastbound ncar Gypsum at about 2 p.m. Onc of thc officen rccognized thc two- door Nissan truck from an encountcr several months earlicr. According to a report at thc Shcriff's dcpartrncnL a dcputy had stoppcd Magana tluee monttrs earlier when he was driving the samc vehicle. Magana had l7 pmplc in the truck, thc oflicer reported, all Hispanic. Hc told the dcputy that the mcn, womcn, and childrcn in the truck werc all family mcm- bcrs, On Saturday, Magana was soppcd agaln . - for possiblc smuggling of iltegal aliens. Squcczcd into the truck with Magana were l0 mcn varying in age, one woman, and onc infant bclonging lo thc woman. Shcriff's investigaton rcportcd that nonc of thc pcoplc in the truck had any ty,pe of idcntification that would have showcd thcv wcrc U.S. citizcns. Magana reportcdly spoke English, but all of the o$crs in the car spoke only Spanish. After obtaining a wrioen consent to search the uuck, oflicen looked through rhe vehicle. No large amounts of cash, nor any weapons or narcotics were found. Frcse te lllagal eltcas prrgcg By Valcrie J. Smith Ddtt St!fi Wliter The driver of a Nissan pickup truck, who was suspected of smuggling illegal aliens tlrough Eagle County, was slopped and ar- rested near Gypsum on Saturday aftemoon, and is facing federal charges in Denver. Jose Contreras Magana, 48, of Mexico, is cxpected to be charged with illegal ranspor- ation of alicns. The case has been turnedovcr - the U.S. Attomey's office for prOSc! .Jn. , Thirteen pcople wcre packed in the white camper-toD .. truck, J2." of .**rom officers . Pr0s 2 - y,ll o[iltyTwrdE|y, tlardr 7,1989 DENVER AIRPORI SHUNIE 1$24s0:. IZINSto IATLr! DS'Tll*, z 476-M67 Chorler ond Group Rotes ouTstDE coLoRADo w-222-2 | 1 2 News Briefs Court rules on drunk driving trials WASHINGTON (AP) - TtE Suprune Court ruled Monday rhu people accuscd of drunlen driving usually have no righr b a jury trial if they fre a jail tcrm of no more than sir months. Despir mouting national con- cem over the scrioumess of in- toxicated motorists, the court said unanimously in a Nevada case that statcs do not violate fair-rial righe by trcoting drulken driving as a pctty o{furse nor *arranting trial by jury. The court said imposing o0rcr pcmltics - srch as suspoding driving privileges or requiring cornmunity service - gcocrally docs not requirc a jury trial as long as six months rsmains thc maxi- mum jail tcrm. Allcgcdhijacher tostifus ai trial WASHINGTON (AP) - Ac- cuscd hijrkcr Fawaz Younis tes- tilicd Monday thd he piratcd a Ft-Iircr in 1985 on ordcrs from rhc commardcr of a L*bancsc militia and that hc hopcd the rdon would hclp E rd thc civil war in his c(xrnry. c "Wc wcrc in a s|arc of warj' Younis rcsriliod on thc sirth full day of rhe rial in U.S. Dis['ict nalion's largest predominantly Court. black univef,sity syst€m, and Younis, 30, has plcadcd innocent Grarybling' also mostly black' are to a six-cornt indiitment stemming lighting to kee,p fteir schools dis- from the hijacking of a Royal Jor- tirrct from other 6tatc universities danian Airlines ptane in 'Beirut, while making them equal. lrbanon, on Ime ll, 1985. No one nas killed in the incident. Soviets line up to buy album MOSCOW (AP) - Hundreds ol enthusiastic young Soviets lined up in a mowsbrm ouSide rccord storcs Msdsy to buy a rcw albun by two docn of fie West's bigg€sl rock star$ and authqities erectedgeel barricad€.s ltd dispatchei polie o coruol the clowd. univcrsity syscm hcads back ino The hoopla wc especially grcal court Tucsday, 15 ycars aftcr thc on Kdinin Ptospekt ortsidc tlr Justicc Dcparlmcnt lint sucd Mclodiya store whcrc British Louisiana rockcr Pcte.r Gabricl and Annic The casc is a test of a l9$4 sta$te under which the United Statcs asserts "long-arm" jririsdic- lion owr thc taking of Amcrican ho$ages abroad. Desegregafion bwsuit back in aourt NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Tttc nr$ fedcol dcscggcgarion lawsuit cvcr lilcd against an cnlirc shte ., " ,i ' A special maScr appointcd by a Lcnnor of Eurythmics auographcd pancl of fedcral judges is conven- copics of "Breekthrough." ing hcarings on dcscgcgation plans prqoscd by thc surc, thc Justicc ' Mclodiya, thc name of thc statet Dcparuncnq Southcrn Univcnily rccord cornpany: as rycll as rccord and thc Grarnbling State Univcrsity stotp$, is nolonious for small pres' Alumni Associatiqr. sings of popular albums, e.specially Thc pancl of fcdcrat judges rulcd rock, and the initial pressing ol in Dcccmbcr that a l98l conscnt 500,000 copics of "Brcakthrough'' docrcc aimcd at impmvinj was likcly |o last just a couple ol Southern and Grambting in ordcr. to days - if nd hour's. Melodiya bring more whiEs to thcm had plans o rclcase 3 niillion copics, u failed miserably. wcll as 500O0 casscttcs, in Uris Alumni fiom Southern, thc country of 285 million pcoglc. ,IlV IJTE DINING 11 AM.11 PM IN THE BA& SERVING SAIJ\DS.SANDWICHES & . ORIENTAL APPETIZERS DINNER SERVED NIGHTLY 5:3G10PM VAIL'S FINEST ORIENTAL CUISINE Wall Street Vail Village . 476-1818 EVERYTUESDAY& WEDNESDAYNIGHT 9:30 pm - close.-:\r /- --f 'r .' -' 7A'-2I Extcnsivc Brcakfast Buffct 7 a.m. - ll a.m. daily Aprds Ski 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. daily Dinncr 6 p.m. - l() p.m daily SJrccializing in Fonducs and raclcttc. l:rF.Ln.. "Cartitltaltclt' for tour..lf. dlont Gon Cn a op?@iu C.^rsmads Pt@o irvailvilbS.. /onnenolo llot.l ond Gountry dub r n EAGLE SUMMIT MOVING & STORAGE 949-MOVE . Experienced, Profesionol Service STORAGE STARTING AT $I8/MONTH 'lh€re qre mo|e lhon 80 resfouronls in the vollev with Wldflowet, UP IHE CREFK Left 8onk, Sw€el 8cil3 ond Arrtfosio ol rolir€ ruve!.' IHE NEW YOAK TIMES, IOR]/88 UP THE CREEK 'Ancl the loodb undergfound olwovs hos o signilicant new reslouroni lo swoorl over... lhB seoson ils UP IHE CREEX.' +Appelizers +Solods + Poslos + Fresh Fish +Speciollies from lhe grill "ALL REASONABTY PRICED!" BAR AND GRltt Doily Lunch speciols- Locored on Gore Creek. DOily Dinner SpeCiOlSBebw [/oy Poloce 476-8j41 Lunch ll:30'3:m. Dinner 5:30-1010 oa€f I rbr6M vFbceOT vliao l\rv - ll oDsq V.il lbltyTvssday, March 7,19,89 - Page 9 Staff photo by JackAfiled( Pullin'a big one Three Sweet Basil enployees pull€d a bb one Monday rnorning, by staging what would have been a record catch in Vail Valley history, for the benefit of passing dis-believers. The fish an l8-pound salrnon, was lhe center ot attention as Mike Greenstein, left, Russell Brezee, center, and Graydon Silver pretended to be pullirq the big one trom the shallow walers of the icy Gore Creek, complele wilh a lrying pan waiiing al the ready. The baitl lhey claimed, was a shrimp- pesto crepe ftom the reslaurant, but was nore likely a bill of lading from lhe rnoming's seafood delivery truck. Classes Stanlng Next Week: March 13lh.19th - Thealer Produaion Workshop Vail Center, Cascade Village SIGN UP NOW 4764040 "Educalion with a Purpose" WMC GIFT BASKETS Gourmel . New BobY Birfhdsy . Or ony olher Speciol Occosion FREE BAITOONS Frompagel * 5,000 square fe€t of its precrty would be nccdod for the hospital's ncw roess. have cndcd rvith agr€snenE But until last Trcsday, the VvMC-Highway Dcpartment discussions had, for *p mosl parl, boen stalemated. During a wort session last Tuesdan VVMC oflicials, Town of Vail oflicials and represcn tativcs from the Highway Depanmort reachcd a tentative agr@ment to cons!ruct a c4ntcr, left+urning lane on he South Frontagc Road fmm thc Doublctrce to the Bank - at thc hospital's expcnsc. Further, the mcdical ccntcr has agrecd to con- stnrct a fourth accelcration lane on the south side of the South Fron- uge Road from fte proposed entrance of the new parking struc- ture, east to tlp Bank. The High- way Dcpanment's official approval could come as s@n as three wceks, acccding !o Dan Feeney, rhe VVMC projcct manager. Thcrc arc no furthcr mectings planned bc- tr.:cen the two groups. "l would €xpcct fiat we would get an approval," Fecney -said Monday. "l rcally don't expoct any surprises," This evening, the Cormcil will be updatcd on the plans for thc cxpan- sion. Although mcmbcrs have rcccived bits and pieces of informa- tion about the project, thc Council has yet to hear a formal presenu- tion from hospiml officials. Fccney said $at his presentation will take approximately l0 minutes. fie to{al lengrh of the prcsentation will depcnd on the lcngth and number of questions fiom thc Council and cornmunity. Modcls of thc cxpan- sion will also bc on hand.If the Council and Highway DeparuTcn[ approve thc projcct, thc next step would bc for the proi:cl !o go b thc Dcsign Revicw Board and lhcn linally to thc build- ing pcrmit dcpartmcnt- The primary rcason for the Foposed expansior is to accorn- modate Dr. Richard Steadman, the primary orthopedic surgeon of the U.S. SkirTeam. It is the hope of hospitral officials that Steadman would bring needcd business to the Vail Valley as he and his colleague sce ap- proximatcly 600 patients a year. The hospital has not reached an agreemcnt with Steadman, but negotiations are continuing. IAegal aliens Frcm page 1 Magana and the others 'were uken !o the Eagle County Sheriff's otfi." ;1 n"gb for furftu inve*iga. tion. The adults woe ineniewed via telephone by an investigator wih thc INS in Dcnvcr. At least seven of thc suspects told the INS invesdgaor $at they [ad paid Magana to nke rhem from I I I I Mexico to Illinois. The suspects wer€ all turned over lo INS agents, and taken !o Denver. Brady said Monday hat Magana is being held by INS pending ar- raignmeru on federal charges. Five of the men were being hetd on fm- mal deportation charges, and are expccted to be material witnesses in Magana's case, Arranganents for the other scven people, inclding five juvenile men, the one woman and lrcr child, wcre bcing made for thcir retum to Mexico. No formal charges were expected to be liled against the remaining seven aliens. DO-IT-YOI'RSELF FRAMING CUSTOM FRAMING m gf.tiry lLrniri rt L:l ComFtitlvc Pricc Corscrvrt ion Enmlnt Limited Editlor kint3 OriSitral Art Wort @l.'.lniot. @ RESftTURAryT .dJVD I.OTTNGE Ofli:rin6 o vnrrbty o[' c:xcc:ptionol mc{il6 fbr lln:oklirol.. l.unch (rJ I)inncr fcal.uring: [r'csh 6cafbod r llonx;nradc Pa6la{i t.( )ilNCt l <:rl.r:rin6 lJc Acorr.,;lj<: lirk: ,tritrmcnl. of 'IIDQY IVA\6 in l-hc {ir<xkJc loung,<:. Vcdn<:vJay - M<xr<iay 46 pm und 7 pm..dtxinq, l.rrchr'llr: (-kx:t rn thi: llc,nrl <>f Vrril Villo6(: . 476t3O6 &ntice is Our Business - a;nd the Skier Comes Firct! Custom Boot Fttttng Skt Repatr & Tunlng. Skl Rentals Loc.tcd rt thc Eart End of llonrHeed f,,Iettrt thc bas€ of thc Gondole o 478€,9?. : P.tJls-8flXf rym{.dj^flftfgi$ss State tax examiner to host seminar today at Vail Municipal Building Ddt Sutrko.r Taxday.April 17,1989.fa sine it means the hs weekend of the ski seasm or a gmd day to organirc dre golf bag. But ffi tax 6ling procrastinaors it will mean a franth, gasping, fingemail chewing search for receipts and pmper forms as he a she tries lo rneet the ominous midnight deadline. But not this )ear. Bruce Kolisek, a tax examiner with the Colorado Depanment of Rwenue, will be at the Vail Municipal Building frorn 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. today !o answer any qucstions you may have about income tax and salcs tax. He will bc working ou! of the lown's administra- tion ollicec wherc you can meet with him in pcrson or you can call him at 479-2115. His services arc free and rD amointment is rrcccssary. 'This is part of the rrcw tax payers servicc prograrn 0ut the depanment is running," Kolisck said Mon- day. 'Basically wc pcrfonn the samc i$ thar wc normally do but in diffcrsnt ar€as." Kolisck, wfio wor*s out of Glcnwood Springs, said depcnding oo thc response, he may stat coming ro Vail as often as once a month. He saftl that anyone with a question, no maner how . seerningly insignificant, should call. The qrcsrion doesn't matler, he said, only the answer does. He said thar his missbn, if he could nanow it down to orrc, would be to recducate people !o use dre short form most of thc time. Colorado had a requir+ mcnt whcre if a pcrson liled a long form with their state tax that thcy had to file 6e same for their fcdcral tax. That, he said; is no longer required. Another area 0ut few pcople seem to undcrstand is tar. filing extensions, "If you are due a refund, you do not necd o flc an extension," he said. 'The extcnsion is for anyone who nceds morc time lilling out complicated paper work, but if thcy owe money, ricy srill need to msil it out by the deadline." If you are not able to call or see Kolisck today, you can call him at l-945-1222 or l-Z\l-ffi2 or wrirc ro him ar the following ad&css: Surc of Colondo, Departmcn of Revenue, Tarpayer Scrvicc Division, 406 Soutlr Hyland Puk Drivc, Suirc C, Glenwood Springs, Colo. 8160t. ' Most new tax changes are beneficial WASHtr{GTON (AP) - If you' maY exempt from taxation $1g50 :as lititc as $500, depcndhg or typ are still rccling fiom having o dcal for yoursclf, yorr lpousc urd each and size of ingomc. with e thoror4hly rswriucn fedcnrl :dcPcttdcnt, up from $1,900 last TAX RATES: Last )car, thtre incornc or las par, takc hcart, ,ycrr. A studcnl or o{rcr pcrran who . wcre 0vc rate brackots: frqn. ll This ycrr thcrc are only a fcw cal bc claimcd as ut cronpdon by pcrccnt to 38% percent. Nov thcre changcs - and rnost of thcm ap amther.,- such as 8 parcnt.- may arc four: 15 pcrcent, 28 pcrccnt, 33bcrrclicial. \ not lakc an cxcmption on his or hcr pcirccnt, and 28 pcrcent again. For Therc's anothcr bit of good own rcum. most taxpaycrs, it makes no diffcr- ncws. Bccause April 15 falls on a STANDARD DEDUCTIONS: A cncc how many rates there are, S;:fiT'#.tj:: Htr; ,[,'jY.: standard deductions are higher stiil, and For 1988 returns, exemptions and rvrv tt|r/f! r.D] y(;au t Dcductions for salcs raxcs and.foJ mOSt people Willfind theif rAteS hAvetwo.carncr couplcs werc rcpcalca; rhc prcrcrcncc forcapiral g*nrffii dropped again. The most significant X:ni":Jtjl1,*:liTlfTl chanse that coatd bring higher taxes forAccounts wcrc limitcd. and ncw Saturdan you havc lwo cxl.ra days to lilc your 1988 rctum. Most of the changes cnactcd by whcn rctums wcrc filcd last ycar. scs. Those changcs paid lor lowcr tax rates and for highcr cxcmptions and sumdard dcductions. For 1988 retums, excmptions and slandard dcductions arc highcr still, and most pcoplc will find rhcir ratcs have droppcd again. Thc most signilicant changc that could bring highcr uxcs for somc pcoplc is a funhcr tightcning of thc dcduction lor consumer inrcrcst. Thc major changcs: PERSONAL EXEMPTION: You couple that docs not itcmizc dcduc- tions may rcducc incomc subjcct to taxation by $5,000; for a singtc pcrson, thc dcduction is 53,000; for a hcad of houschold, $4,400; for a marricd pcrson filing a separarc rcturn, $2,500. In cach casc, a grcr- son ovcr 65 or blind gcts a highcr dcduction; for examplc, a marricd couplc ovcr 65 with onc sJnusc blind and filing jointly is allowcd $6,800. A pcrson who can bc claimcd as a dcpcndcnt is allo*cd sincc thcy still detcrminc how much thcy owe by looking at a tax rable. Thc nct rcsult is that undcr he new law, most pcople will pay a smallcr pan of thcir taxablc income to the govcmmcnt - although morc of thcir incomc may be tax- ablc. MORTCAGE INTEREST: A homcowncr now may dcduct inter- est on up to $l gillion of dcbt used lo acquirc one or lwo homes phs up to 5100,000 of home+quity loans. Thcre arc no restrictions on how tie equity loan can bc spent. CONSUMER INTEREST Onlv 40 pcrccnt of inbrcst paid on loani for education, automobilcs, credit cards and othcr personal dcbt is de- ductible on 1988 returns, down from 65 percent the previous year. INVESTMENT INTEREST Deductiblc intercst paid to make invesuncnts is limircd to nct in- vcstment incomc plus $4,000. Any exccss may bc "carried over" into futurc ycars and deductcd against investmcnt income. EARNED.INCOME CREDN: This bcne0t for lower-irrome working families with dependent childrcn has bccn irrcreased o a maximum of $E74, up from $849. Families with eamed income as high as $18,756 may quatify, up fmm $15,432 in l!)87. MUTUAL FLJNDS: Pnblicly of- fered mutual funds will rrct report certain operating expenses as in- come b sharcholders for 1988 and 1989; thus. shareholders will not have to repon srch amounts as in- .come or write them off as miscel- laneous deductions. This is the same treaunent allowed for 1987. rcsrricrions wcrc ptaccd on dcduc- some people is afurther tightening of thetions for consumcr intcrcst and a , mcdical and misccllancous c*fril deduction for consurner interest. lllour locoted in Avon. We pick up o;nd. deliaer in Vail. Fully computerlzed slnce 1975. Spectaltztng tn restanrrants and condomlnlu'n assoclatlons. Bookkeeping Income TaxPayrolls Consulting Secretarial Accounting Enrolled to practice before the IRS. 949-5383 Avon Center - Sutte 2OG 'I'l'l'r\N ()lpitll Oorllol':ltiotl INVESTMENT SECURITIES VAIL VATTEY'S STOCKBROKER STOCKS. BONDS. MUTUAT FUNDS TAX SHELTERED INVESTMENTS Froser M. H orn . Bronch Monoger NSAD ,, tfi juTl.ouo', srPC CDRATEs.FoRTFm SERIOUS INIVESTOR. Maturitv Rate 9l Day 9.30Vo 6 Month 9.50%o 1 & l1l2 Years 9.60Vo 2 & 3 Years 9.50Vo .Tt .. .rrr.l r.l.r ol nlrirn rrc cllcctlvc rr ofl7r'D. AI CIlr rhorn rit ttl.a .t lo ttm'Ooa D.r d.Do.llor Fr Intlltorbo bt lh. F.&r.l D.todr h-raEr Co.IadLn (FIrlC) o. F.d..d 3tvlna! .nd l-orn l|!or.|r.. corP..rrlo. (Fln lc). lI.. ..4 .v.lblllLt .r. DbJ.<l lo 3hrnt.. ThGr. rn y b. | !.bLnod Fo|lly ,or .trlt tllhar.td. .lio f.6 rr. l.ld bt U!. Inv.ttoi CALL: Sildr'itilf*o SHEARSoN LEHMAN HUTION r-800-332-6667 (CO.) l-800-52s-3041 (u.s.) Nlrtr,l\r5ll ( f llDrr tl'rr^({ l.nnrrn ll(tr,n,li, I I