HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT E F VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 1989-1991 HOSPITAL EXPANSION AND PARKING STRUCTURES PART 2 LEGALh l,lARCH | 994 i['f!'r$." H Planninei cnd Zoninn for ftledlcal Dislricrf communiry needs and specific site characteristics. An ordinance is less likely to be challenged ifsupported by local research. The box on page 4lists some organizations that can provide data on various medical facilities. Ugers cnd Dedgn Revlew Condderctlonr By Miehelle Gregory of medical uses such as laboratories, medical supply stores,Planners should keep this in mind when reviewing the parking lot size and outdoor storage provisions of a Health care is the topic of the 1990s. lVho isn't drafting a plan Medical campuses may contain a wide range of uses, but they to simpli$ it? As health care services have become more invariably contain a hospital. For hospitals, the number ofbeds sp..i"iitei, more costly, and more complex, so have health care and bed iccupan.y ,r,., "r. fr.q..rentiy used as indicators for facilities. Hospitals are constantly expanding to make room for requirements such as parking, visitor facilities, and constructron emerging technology, new beds, more parking, and related uses phasing. The demand for more beds, along with the constant like dialysis centers or physical therapy clinics. New medical accommodation of new technology, puts many medical facilities are being planned to accommodate an even wider array campuses in a constant stare ofconstruction or expansion. I I prrxno eners = ADJAc€Nr PFoPE8TY itd. Hqhrry meolcal drstrlct pfan. f nele may D recurring need for extra space to 'i - - - - --.::: - -' -'1 \. t.- accommodate temporary trailt medical district plan. There may be a . ",a accommodate temporary trailers, .\ -/ --..^l-- ^^..:-*^-. ^-l L,,:ll:-t.,/Z w e4r\.rr. truck. equiprnent, and building / \\'.9. "'.t"rielr There shnnld elco h,..1 mate rials. There should also be |.'+,"- adequare outdoor electrical classroom buildings, of- fices, housing for hospital staffand students. and other accessory uses. These facilities provide essential services and serve as maror employment cen- ters that contribute greatly to a community's economic health. But, as behemoth land uses go, they can be a nuisance ifnot an outright encroachment on surrounding neighborhoods. But planning and zoning for this industry so ironically called the "ailing health care system" have become simpler with the emergence of medical employees (doctors, nurses, technicians, and researchers), medical districrs. These districts represent a collaborative effort non-medical employees (dietitians, maintenance staff, and Proposed parking lot redesign in a 1987 *udy published inlTE Journal conceming traffc at a tubarban Neu Orleans medical frcility. by planners, health care facility developers, and citizens to produce guidelines that protect adjacent landowners from the ill effects of medical facilities, while facilitating the most efficienr and viable develooment of the medical camous. This issue of Zoning Neu examines the site planning issues planners should consider in developing a medical district. Zoning Nerts reviewed all the examples of medical district ordinances it could find and gleaned from them their best features, This compilation is by no means a model medical district ordinance and should not be interoreted as such. The dimensional requirements. standards, and ordinance texm italicized here are exceroted from the sources cited. Dimensional requirements and standards should alwavs reflect individual administrative staff), paramedics, patients, students, visitors, and delivery persons. Many of these users have specific access needs. Generally, staffparking is located behind medical buildings. Doctors have a separate parking lot close to the building. This is due in part to their place atop the medical hierarchy, but also because many hospitals require doctors to use a specific entrance rhat monitors their oresence. Medical emolovees work around thc clock and usually require close, well-lit parking. Emergency access and parking for ambulances should be resolved during site pla4 review and should be reviewed by a traffic engineer. Non-medical employees, the lowest in the health care hierarchy, generally \i/ork during the day and get the parking spaces farthest from the building. Sometimes a covered walkway ..< is constructed down the center of the lor to shelter those who must walk long distances during inclement weathe r. Parking for visitors, who come and go frequently, should be clearly separated from staffparking. It should be close to a non-emergency entrance, and access should be controlled. A study of parking acriviw at a suburban New Orleans medical faciliry showed that hospital employees used visitor-designated parking to avoid walking long distances. Assignment of individual parking spaces and better enforcement prevented the hospital from having to add an additional lot. (See 1IE Journal, "Reevaftation of Parking Facilities at a Medical Faciliqv: A Case Study," October 1987.) To avoid confusion, signs that clearly indicate the location of lors should be posted near all entrances to the faciliry. Many medical campuses, especially those with teaching hospitals, will be abuzz with medical students. Students' houling and classes frequently are located on or near the medical campus, and srudenrs are less likely to travel by car. They often require integrated, well-lit, and well-marked sidewalks and bicycle paths. In Hunswille, Alabama, applicants must include a sidewalk plan that is contiguous throughout the development and integrated into the community sidewalk system. Medical campuses should also provide for bicycle storage. Bus routes should circulate through the site, and stops should be well-marked and shelrered. Finally, separare access for delivery trucks should be situated near the loading areas and away from emergenry vehicle routes. lhe lledlcol Dlrtdcl Ordlnonce The compilation below draws from medical district provisions we found in Alabama (Huntsville); California (Escondido); Colorado (Denver); Florida (Dayrona Beach, Indian fuver Counry, Jupiter, Miami Beach); Illinois (Peoria); Iowa (Dubuque); and Missouri (Creve Coeur, Higginsville, Oakland). Title,^lhe district's title should be generic. The most obvious title is simply Medical District. Other possibilities in use are Hospital Professional Zone (Escondido), Health Uses District (Oakland), Health Services District (Higginsville), Planned Hospital District (Creve Coeur), or Institutional Disrrict (Dubuque). This last oprion is more e ncompassing and usually includes provisions for universities or large government facilities. Description. This should convey the public purpose associated with establishing the districr and should be in plain English. If the purpose is not clear, the communiry may wanr ro reevaluate the need for the district. Here are rwo examoles. The fi rst is succincr: The purpose and intent of the Medical Center Distict is to prouide areas in appropriate locations ubere medical facilities may be e*ablisbed when the need exisrs. (Jupiter) A communiry wishing to emphasize the district's place within the community or its relevance to a comprehensive plan could use this language: The Medical District is intended to implement the Indian Riuer CounE Comprehensiue PIan policics for managing the deuelopment of the major portions of land designated as part ofa hospital/commercial nodt, to prouide a uariety of uses uhich support a major medical facility, and to protect suclt a faciliry liom encroachment by land uses uthich may haue an aduerse effect on the operation and potential expansion of the facility. Land uses tltat coaU cause an ad.uerse effect would generafu includr rhose us€s that are likeu to be objectionable to neighboing properties because ofnoise, uibration, odors, smohe, amount of naffc generated, or other physical manifestations. These medical dbnict reguhtions are intended to protect, promote, and improue the public health, safety, comfon, order, appearance, conuenience, and general welfare of the inhabitants of this district and its enuirons. (Indian fuver County) Defnitions. Some ordinances we reviewed included a definitions section for various uses soecific to that district. Others simplv refer the reader to anorher secrion of the land-use code or zoning ordinance where all definitions are listed. Permine4 Special, Aecessory, Conditional, or Prohibited Uses, Uses are often listed individually in an exhaustive, single-column format. However, they can be grouped by rype and exianded as the need arises. This makes an ordinance.appear better organized and easier ro cross-reference with other provisions that apply to those uses generally. It is also a good idea to include a paragraph that explains the ground rules for all uses in that category. In the example in the box, which pertains only ro rhe permitred uses section, Indian River County employs both techniques. Dimensional Requirements and Other Site Planning Issues. Dimensiona.l requirements vary widely among rhe ordinances we surveyed. There are rypical requirements for minimum fronr-, rear-, and side-yard setbacks and for maximum lot coverage. Some ordinances contain a minimum site size for the whole district (five acres in Daytona Beach, 30 acres in Creve Coeur), while others list only a minimum lot size within rhe district (8,500 square feet in Huntsville, 7,000 square feet in Escondido). Some ordinances include building height restrictions, which are intended to keep flight paths clear for helicopters and ro reduce noise reverberation. In Escondido, height is funher restricted by a heliport overlay zone, which divides the land surrounding Palomar Hospital into I I graduated, height-restricted areas with increments that correspond to distances from the hospital. The areas farthest from the hospital may have rhe highest buildings. The overlay includes an interesting provision for a deed restriction requirement as a condition for approval ofany new use or expansion of an existing use within rhe zone: The language of the deed restriction or equiuahnt document shall be in a form satisfactory to the city attorney. This docutnent sltall haae the daal parpose of both prnenting po tentia I safety pro b lems resuhing from strucfiiret encroaching into the required beliport flight path and alertingfuture ouners [ofproperty in the zone] as to the presence of the height re*rictions. (Escondido Heliport Overlay Zone. Article XXII, Sec. 33-494-b) Rerldentiol Nelghbors: A tpeclol Goncern lVhen districts border on residential property, friction with the communiry is predictable. Standard dimensional requirements should be customized for these areas to reduce any negariue impacts a medical district might have on surrounding residences. Public hearings are a surefire way to find out what concerns neighbors have. Most often, residents are worried about noise, rraffic, view obstruction, glare, property values, rrash and orher forms ofoutdoor i orrg.. and employees parking on the street. Planners should facilitate communication between neishborhood organizations and representatiues frori rhe medical faciliry to iron out some of these difficulties. Denver formalized this process in 1991 after controversy flared over a proposed expansion by a Kaiser-Permanente medical facility. Irs ordinance now includes a provision thar guarantees public notification and an opportunity for participation in the approval process prior to certain types of construction. ]ts code also invires public comment on landscaping requirements near residential areas. Below are some excerpts from a lengrhy section of the De nve r Hospital District ordinance called "Construction Subiect to Special Review." Ir applies ro any new construction related rt emergency access, which is a frequent generator of noise and traffic. Upon receipt of an application for zoning permit for eon- strlretion . . . the department of zoning adminisnation shall transmit a copy of sach application to the plznning ofice, ciry council ofice, public works, affeaed regisnred neighborhood organizatioru . - - and to otber sucb agencies, either public or priuate, as may be deemed b1 the department to haue an interest (Sec. 59.533.10 (2)) . . . a pknning board comtnit- tee metting at uthich all parties and intere*ed citizens shall baue an o??ortunity to be heard, may be held u,ithin thirty (30) d.ays following the date that the compltted zoning permit uas receiued . . . All reuieuting agencies, both public and piuate, shall transmit to the pknning ffice their rccommendatioru or commentJ no kter than three (3) working days prior to the phnning board committee meeting. (Sec. 59.533.10 (3)) The concerns of nearby citizens can also be effectively diffused by requiring larger setbacks and extensive buffering and landscaping for areas near residential streets. The Creve Coeur code addresses this: Side and rear yard:: No building, tt/uetule, or parking Lot shall be located uithin two hundred (200) feet ofany abatting single-famiQ residential mning distict 'A," "8," "C," and 'AR," districts except tltat the sabaeh may be redaced to twen4,-fue (2fl feet for parhing or driuetaay and sixty (60) feet for building setbach uhen a.djacent to anl single-famiQ residtntial zoning district properry in the "A." "8," "C," and 'AR" disticts containing churches, slnagoguel or other ?laces of u,orship, or any baildings fom property zoned to any other zoning district shall be twenty (20) feu. The bufer area resuhingfrom these setbach lequirements shall be landsmped and prouidtd u.,ith other sreening deuices as dzemed apprapriate by the plznning and zoning commission (Creve Coeur Code Sec. 26-40.5 (c) 2) Creve Coeur a.lso does a good job oFlinking its medical district provision to ocher local environmental regulations for the protection of the community at large: Enuironmental controk: All deuelopment shall conform uith the Enuironmental Performance Standtrd prouided in Settion 26-80 and with all other appropriate enaironmental controk including those relating to landscaping lighing bufering stormuater retention, and erosion control proaidcd in Article V. (Creve Coeur Code Sec. 26-40.5 (c) 2e) Open space around medical srmpuses, particularly hospitals, is extremely important. In addition to acting as a buffer, it provides an amenable environment for visitors who may be waiting to see a patient, for staff on breaks, and for stud€nts who often fill time studying. Claire Cooper M arcus's People Places (chtpter seven, "Hospital Outdoor Spaces") is highly recommended reading, Landscaping for open space areas, driveways, parking areas, walkways, sitting areas, and entranceways should also be required. Escondido's provision, too long to reprint here, addresses these issues effectively. Probl€ms generated by rraffic can be further mitigated by cuttins off access to the facilities from residential streets. Dayto-na Beach does this: U(here HM district prcpet! abuts hr)o stre$s and ako abuts ary resid.ential distict, dccess t0 the HM d^fiict ?roperty shall be prouided only fom the ttreet not ab tting the raidential distict. Access ma1 be prouided from a residential district only as a speeial use. (Dayrona Beach Land Development Code Sec. 3-HM, 3.5(c)) Lighting and Sips. Lighting from signs and parking lots also irritates homeown€rs near medical facilities. Jupiter's ordinance deals with this issue briskly. Artifcial lighting used to illuminate the premises andlor aduertising copy shall be directed away from adjacent ?roPerties. (Sec. 5 13.4.A) As with definitions, most medical districts include no special sign provisions, but simply refer to the community's sign ordinance. Escondido's Hospital Professional Zone is the only one we surveyed with its own provision for signs. In summary, it has specific provisions to allow only: signs that contain names of establishments, goods, or services; building identification; directional signs; 'for rent," "for sale," or "for lease" signs; temporary signs applylng to construdion; cenain types oF freestanding signs; and historical, point-of-interest, or other state cultural signs. (Sec. 33-317 a-h) Parhing Requirements. Parking requirements for uses withtn medical districts vary. As with the definitions, many cities require the reader to refer to a general section on parking requirements for the whole ordinxnce. Others include them in the medical district ordinance. Below are some of the standards we found in our collection of medical district ordinances. More examples may be found in OffS*eet Parhing Reqairemen* (PAS Repon No. 432). t Hospital 1.5 spaces per bed (Miami Beach) I space per each bed (Huntsville) 1.1 spaces per bed, plus I space per staffdoctor (Jupiter) t Educational facility 1 space per 5 seats in the main auditorium or 1 space for 3 seats per classroom, which ever is greater (Miami Beach) Generul offites I space per 400 square leet of area (Miami Beach) I space per 200 square leet offloor area (Huntsville) t Clinic 1 space per 400 square feet of area (Miami Beach) 1 space per 150 square feet offloor area (Oakland) 1 space per 200 square leet ofarea (Huntsville) 5 spaces per 1,000 square feet of total floor area, plus I space for each tenant (Jupiter) t Hospital Staf Ofice 1 space per 350 square feet of area (Miami Beach) I Doctors' and Narses' Quarters 1 space per unit (Huntsville) t Nursing Home, Conualescent Home, Home for the Aged, Life Care Facility I space for each three beds (Oakland) I space for each lour beds (Huntsville) I space for each four boarding units, and I space for each rwo staffpersons on the largest working shift (Daytona) t Drug Store 1 space per 200 square feet of area (Huntsville) I Ambulance Seraice 2 spaces for each ambulance vehicle controlled (Huntsville) t Medical Laboratory or Medical Supply House I space per each 300 square feet (Huntsville) a Dal Care Centers 5 spaces for transient use plus I space per employee and assistant with a minimum of 2 employee parking spaces Qupiter) I Re*aurant/Cafeteria At least I parking space for each 3 seats offered to the public in a restaurant or cafeterla and for each 2 seats in a lounge, plus I space per employee on the shift ofgreatest employment. (Jupiter) Site Pkn ApprouL Submbsion Requiremeats, and Prucedures. The best way to ensure the implementation ofstandagds and requirements such as those above is to require developers to go through a master or conceptual plan approval process. Open communication among developers, planners, engineers, builders, Zoning Ncus is a monthly nelvslettcr published by thc Amcrican Planning Associarion. Subscriprions arc evailable for $45 (U.S.) and $i4 (forcign). Michacl B. Barkcr, Execurive Director! Frank S. So, Dcpury Execurive Director; \flilliern R. Klcin. Director of Rcsearch. Zoning Ncu is produced ar APA. Jim Schwab, Editor; Michael Barrette, Dan Bivcr, Sarah Bohlcn, Fa'; Dolnick, Michclle Gregory, Alissz Hanmer, Saniay Jcer, Mary. Morris, Reportcrs; Cynrhia Cheski. Assisrant tditol Lisr Brrton, Dcsign and Copyrighr O1994 by American Planning Associrrion, l3l3 E.60th St., Chicrgo, lL 60637. Thc American Planning Associarion has htadquarters officcs at 1776 Massachusctts Ave., N.V., Vashington, DC 20036. All righn rcservcd. No part of this publication may bc rcproduced or utilized in any form or by any mcans, elcccronic or mechanical, includ;ng phorocopying, recording, or by any information storagc and rerrieval s;rsrcm, wirhour permissioD in wt;ting from thc Amcricrn Planning Asociation. Printcd on rccycled papcr, including 50-7090 rccyclcd fibcr and l07o postconsumer waste. and zoning officials serves to mirigate problems before any concrete is poured. Dubuque's ordinance fleshes out its entire review and approval process, outlined below. See Supplement No. 5 Section 3-5-D, "Procedures for district estxblishment and expansion," of its institutional districr ordinance for details: (l) Application and conceptual development plan submission a. Written information b. Graphic materials Commission hearing Commission recommendation Conceptual development plan approval Council action Submission of final site developme nt plan Development according to final site development plan a. Site development plan review b. Construction of improvements or posting of bond c. Time limitation d. Extension of time limitation e. Changes from plan llnk lo lhe Gomprehcnrlve Plon Finally, as with any district, it is a good pracrice to link its provisions to the community's future. Health care districts continue to surface as a legitimate issue to be dealt with in rhe comprehensive planning process. Redding, California; Asheville, North Carolina; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; and Bay'town, Texas, all address health care services and facilities in rheir most recenr comprehensive plans. This is important not only as a social issue but also as an economic one for any community that relies on a large medical district as a major employment center. Including a statement that emphasizes the importance of the medical distnct in your community's plan For the Future lets residenr, develop- ers, and health care administrators know their resoonsibilitv to the community as a whole . \2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) faciEtics Thc 3ilM|.m nr|f ltt . J$t cuRl{UTTE SUSS FonREST LESLIE HAGERIIAI{]{ A DY T UDTSEiI f|lxE [oLLtcA KRISTAI{ PRTTZ RA DY 3TOIDER v - vt REIURI{ DEVEIOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREETiIENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into thisJ-)shay of 199L, by and between VAIL CLINIC, INC., D/B/A VAIL VAL,LEY I'IEDIC QENTER, -a Texas Non-Profit corporation, (hereinafter called the rrDeveloperrr), and the TOWN OF VAIL, (hereinafter called the rrTownrt). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Developer as a condition of approval for the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the Vail Valley Medical Parking Structure (hereinafter called the t'Parking Structuretr), wishes to enter into a Developer Improvement Agreementi and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgrnent of the Town to make reasonable provisions for conpletion of certain improvements set forth belowi and WHEREAS, Developer has agreed to set up an account with Merrill Lynch and authorize the Town of VaiI to draw upon such account- WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee perfornance of this agreement, including construction of the above- referenced improvements by means of the following: Developer has established an Lynch in a dollar amount as set account shall provide security account #84-056-323o at Merrill forth below (the rrAccountrr), such for the following: IMPROVEIT,IENT Earthwork Asphalt Paving Concrete Sidewalk/Curb and Gutter Miscellaneous concrete Tie-in to existing Hospital Building Detached Stair structure € S.w. corner tt. Landscape Construction $ 3o,o00.00 Such account may be drawn upon jointly by the Developer and the Tohrn of VaiI, or by the Town of Vail along pursuant to the terms of the attached letter dated February 22, L99L to the Town Manager. a. b. c. d. e. f. I $ I I $ cost 13 , 000.00 21., 0oo. 00 8, 000. oo 3 , 000.00 43 , 500.00 9,500. oo Now THEREFoRE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town altree as follows: 1. The Developer hereby agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to furnish aII eguipurent and material necessary to perform and conplete, on or before the following dates: a. b. c. d. IMPROVEMENT Earthwork Asphalt Paving concrete Sidewalk/Curb and Gutter lliscellaneous Concrete e. Tie-in to existing Hospital Building f. Detached Stair Structure 0 S.w. corner gt. Landscape Construction DATE OF COI,TPLETTON June l-5, 1991 June 15, 1-991 June l-5, 1991 June 15, 1991 June 15, L99L June L5, 1991- August 1, 1991 The Developer shall cornplete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements as listed above, in accordance with a1l plans and sp-cifications filed in the office of the Community DeveloPment Department, the Town of VaiJ,, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. AIl laws of the United States of Anerica, State of Colorado or the Town of Vail and its respective agencies' affected special districts and/or service districts. b. Such other designs, drawings, naps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. AII said work shatl be done under the inspectionof, and to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer, the Town Building official, or other official from the Town of Vail ,affected special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as conpleted by the Town of VaiI Cornrnunity Development Departnent and Public Works Departnent. 2. The total estimated cost of said work and improvements isthe sum of $L28,000.00. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: An account #84-056-3230 in the amount of 9128'000.00 has been established with Merrill Lynch, whereby the Town of Vail shall have the authority to draw upon such account without any consent by the Developer, Merrill Lynch or any other third party. 3. The Developer nay at any tine substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another forn of collateral acceptable to ttre town to g'uarantee the faithful cornpletion of those. improvements referred to herein and the performance of the terns of this Agreenent. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Townts sole discretion. 4. The Tohtn shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereofi be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specifled in this Agreement' nor snalf the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but lft of said lillilities shall and are hereby assurned by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indernnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any Losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any such of its'officers, agents, or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such lossei, claims, dlrnages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based uPon any performance fy the Developer hereunderi and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and aII legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This inderunity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer may have. 5. It is mutually agreed that the Developer rnay apply to the Tosrn and the Town shall authorize for partial release of the collateral deposited with Merrill Lynch for each category of iurprovement at such time as such improvernents are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. By way of example, upon completion and acceptance by the Town of alt asphalt paving to be installed on or adjacent to the Parking structure the sum of $21,o00.00 shall be released from the Aaccount for the payrnent of such improvement. 6. If the Town determines that any of such improvements as contemplated hereunder are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth herein, it shalL furnish the Developer a list of specific deficiencies and shall be entitled to trtrL 2? 'q1 1FE fi - = !:'9.!tr =r,-r5:15 t=!-tE vF,t t f,tr,cJ | €.c., I r;cr-rr.,r- ATIEST: iL^^l&w E J,r^r*-t_ I "P.'t t contlnue t'o wlthhord .collateral to lnsura Euch compriance. rf thrrown deternlnes thct the nevel0per wiir-"ot-eonstruct any or all ofth€- lmProvenents ln accordin""-"Ii,rt all of trre Jpeclf,icatLong End ti'etahros as rar forth herorn, a; -;;iti{;-"-i-"i.J"iti. yo.rr{ *rLsr uusrrdate lf weathGr doec not perrnle ir," compiJirJii-"i .uctr lmprovcnranrs,th€ To'dn nay vlthdraw.frorn the-lciount eich funda ae nay be nec€Esaryto conplete the unflnlshea. frnprovernents but noi in an Bnoun! gr€aterthan the anou*e t:_":!.forrh olpo*iiii-tgr3-g;ti;.ii1v"riJt!t-Iili""Y'=fiponwithdrawlng r:f euch.fynds, rna't"run errafj b;-;;il6"ted iJ col,iiitc-tfrclnprovementE for whlch cuitr "urns were ulthdra,*n. 7, The Oeveloirer vrarrantg Elt worr< and uraterlal for a perl0d oton6 year after accept,ancg of aIr work rrferred to in thla-Agrirs,"ni nytha town if euch trork ls locaied on Town of vatl rand or roadrlght-of-way. 8. ?he partieg hereto mutually- agree that thle Agreenent nay beamcndcd from tlne.to tlrnep pr"riCiO i;nai euch inenaurenti ne fn wiiifngand execut,ed by alt partiie^her;r,r, Datod the day and y€af flrst above wrlttsn. vArL clrNrc, INC. I D/B/A VAI.L VAIJIJEV MEDTCAL CENTER, il TexasNorl-Prof It Corporatlon , :c.r,. t-.15f STATE OF COI'RADO COUNTY OF EAGLE )) ss. ) The foregoing Developer ]m rovement Agreement was acknowledged before ne this Aa aay oi , 1991 by Dr. Charles Howard as President of Vail CIinJ, fnc., d/B/a VaiI Vatley lledical center, a Texas Non-Profit Corporation. ,, Witness ny hand and official seal . Notary Public STATE OF COIORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss. before ne this 3 The foregoing Developer o rne fhiq 3Orc darr af30" day of Agreement wap acknowfg9g.g{ , 1991 by Knnd&llv. ASas loovt l\O"tmfi-ana or EnElownrc fr. Witness my hand and official seal 'C.1:,::"...1-,-^" My cornniss ion exp ires on : [,?;;,U*?*;:,.i].Y" T.iliHl Gcnnj;:ol errJjei ffoy. fi lvd "="-EFEB 22 '91 15114 r,=:++ ecr cooc tct ?!v. tt l PR|l{rl0 t}r u,t.r, RESOLVED, THAT Town of Vall, Manager dl(dHt{dgtb'fn( I'l .-o nJ i c rr. I Cenleril frp . ZD I ... -. (fcco.unl Nonhr-131:04J06 --.- )VAIL VATLEY I'ITDICAL CENTER.CONSiNTICII_Or{ FUNO c0RP0Rlftor.l AuTHoRrzaflor{ ?o SErL ^}rD EFboRSE $ECURtttES VICg.PRE$IOE!IT THE TREASUREI.T oR ANV oF zllEM, BE AND THEY ARs HgRgBY AlrTHoRlzED To 9ELL, AsslcN, ENDoRiE FoR TRANSFSR, AND D0 ALL OTttER THtNcs flBcsssAny ro sgcuRE nrE TRANSFER oF cERTtF. TCATES REPRESENTINC STOCI($, BONDS OR OTHER SOCURTTTES NOlt RECISTERED OT{ HERE. AFTSF REGITTERED tN THE NAME OS ?IIIS CORPORATION. . _. vdl'l VallFy_UeOtc-gl_-Ceglgl ffi# IIICORFORATED UTIDER THg LAWS OF THE $TATB OF . TEXA-S I{ERIBY cEiTlFv THAI TllE FoREootNc ts A ltuE copy oF A REsot uloN DULy ADOpTBD EY TIIS BOARD OF DIBTCTORS OF SAID CORPORATION AT AilEENIIO DULY HEtD THE DAY OF AT W}IICH A.QUORUM WAS FRESENT AT{D VOTII{C, AND THAT THg SAIIE HAS ITOT BEEN RE. PEALED oR AMENDED ANo REMAINs tN FULL FoRcE AND EFFtEcr AND DoEs Nor coNFlter UITH TflE BY.LAW_g OF SAID CORI1ORATION, February 22, \99L ATTEST: lx lutl l9 .* '.-,;,iuff,".i.1t! l,_$J !!cl4ahan,,,. chtief,Executive 0fficer c9rrciAtl voilvolley medicolcenter 181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 1(x) Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 47&24s1 February 6, 1991 Ms. Kristan Pritz Director of Cormunity Development Town of Vai'l 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Co. 81657 Dear Kristan: Earlier today I reviewed the status of parking structure construction with Dan Stanek and Mike McGee. If the parking structure is treated as a detached building (that is, having no enclosed points of connection with the ex'isting hospital), we believe that we will be ready for a TCO inspection by the end of next week. If you will refer to the attached plans, ure propose asking for a TCO for the top three 1eve1s, defined by the area inside the red lines. Until the two 2-storey adjoining buildings (Areas G and F) are complete, probably in about sixty days, we wi'l'l use the structure for staff parking, encouraging patients and visitors to use the surface lot at the west. For your convenience, I have out'lined'in green the areas that wi'l I not be entirely comp'lete next week. Below is a description of unfinished work within each area: . Area "A": Landscaping, sidewalks. . Area "8": Asphal t paving,/ . Area "C": Landscaping, vehicle unloading zone, sidewalk, concrete curbing. . Area "D": Retaining.wall, stainvay (external to parking structure ) . . Area "8": Asphalt paving. . Area "F": Two-storey building connecting parking structure with east wing of hospital, sidewalk, retaining wall. . Area "G: Two-storey building connecting parking structure with northeast corner of hospital, sidewalk. . Area "H": Asphalt paving. /Conti nued RaY McMahan Adminislrator $l' February 6, 1991 lls. Kristan Pritz Page 2 l Except for landscaping, this remaining work is already included in our construction contract with G.E. Johnson Construction Company. Landscapingwill be accomplished under a separate contract. l{ork in Areas G and F is continuing. Remaining sitework in other areas will be resumed as soon as weather permits this spring. As a quasi-public facility wlth a long hlstory of meeting its corunitments, the hospital asks for issuance of a TC() now, without providing a letter of creditor bond covering completion of remaining sitework. Thank you for your cooperati on Sincerely, Dan Feeney- Project Mana DFliem cc: Ray llcl{ahan, Admi nl strator Encl osures .t 6EJOHlLSON COr'lSrRUqlON COMFA IY February 13, 1991 tlr. Dan Feeney Vall Valley iledlcal Center 181 West l,leadow, Sults 100 Va'|1, Colorado 81657 RE: VAIL VALLEy I,|EDICAL CENTER ADDITIONS AT{D ALTEMTIONS VAIL, CoLoRADO Dear Dan: Per your request, He are submlttlng our estimate of work notreferenced proJect. The cost breaidown ls as follows: Earthwork Asphalt Pav'lng Concrete Sidewa'lk/Curb and Gutter l,ll sce'l'l aneous Concrete Ii9-tl To Exist'tng Hospttal Bullding Detached Stair Structure g S.E. Corner TOTAL ESTIMATE Hark Phe'lan ProJect Englneer cc: l.lr. Jack Thomas-GE Johnson Construction Company 8e03. o3b/bk23 P 0. Box 2139 C ,lorado Spring:. Colorado 80101 (719) 473.532 r (7191 4715324 {FAJ(} 310 S. Fourteenth Skeet 80904 ln place at $13,000.00 21 ,000.00 8 ,000 . 00 3 , 000 .00 43 , 500.00 I . 500. 00 $98.000.00 The costs as llsted above are estlmated and are current as of February 13,1991. As you are aware, we w'r ll complete each item of work lJsted au6ve issoon as Heather and time p6rmlts. tle hope that the information provided inthis letter ls beneficlal to us and wHC in obtalning a-rCo'uv tlrts rtruisoiy,February 14, 1991. should you have questlons concernlng this matter or requlre additional'lnformatlon, please do not hesitate to contact the undersllned. Very truly yours, iift\ir'/ 631/DC TEL No. { ' fiq $4$Merrill lynch TEII:ITY EE.T.JE.U I ;I;T COl'11' T ti:rJl .L-EI;: l'lA Il.. l4iLLEY l,lfi:lliCfit.- t";EhiTF:[i: 181 t'il"-.:!i'f i'l[:ril]Ul^i Dli:l.VE S|.JI'IE t(-rO l'lAI[..t CO. Bldr:17 D*<ar TEfi:ftY: As PEI? Yr-luF,: INiil'F:l-fr,TILl'lti I Itftvh. Eist"AFl..IsriF:u Af.t ADDrrIoNril w';mA I ACCOUhII' Et{TI IL-ED VnI[. vAl--L-[iY r'iE:nICAL f;E]'lIErl.-U0lrl!iTll:i.t[TITJN FLlf,il-,r: lAX Itr.84'-(l:I63230. FURTFIERT Yul.lfl Il\llilfi:ll[;TroNt! itL ir:+rttsltgn $l?a.0oo.Qr] FAEE VJrLl.tE fJFvvt,lc'5 ci-;-'rJ-E:l &.-raz rngAguRy sEctltiiITIEs rNtTi:l T|-tIs FlEt{ Act:nuNr tJAs ALS0 FEEht FRitCM:tliHD. t"ilit. RON F-t.t1Lt_IFt! t{,ILL rJF: t-[$-f.ED ri.s T.t-tE AU I.{L]F:IZED F.[:RSON FIIR TI.IIS AfiI:OLIIIIT. I I I FOI1 YOUI': RE[:0n.DS T]18 Nf::t,J ACt,ttt,,l'JT Nt-ll'lEE:[;: ISi: 411r.*(]4J06. S i rrcr+ re I v. ,/) ,l,/ / .-1.."" " [,[''r* c-Yl\ fd0sis lr{.!i. f: I hli.\f{ri I frl. COt.liiL-ll-1 r:ll,ll i'lEt:li:I t-1.- L r'l.lCl I Feb 15,91 g:55 P,02/02 Me r r t, I Ly nc h ('orf,tlrtrrer Mrrr(er, Orre United Bnnk Cerrter l?00 l.incoln 46lh Flmr Denver, Cr.rlorado 8UZU:!4S99 3{tB 8:t9 3000 A -Feb-15-91?)iryri|-.:rl .?1t .L=, L??cn, I C --' 11 t ei- Rri'f r ij I I 4. '.':'fli,i# :'; . ; '$iq,..1 Februarv .': I M,,il?!lfli[.,.,. llr l99l i", town raanqir Town or iall -?5 - south Frontago RaadVatl, Colorado -Sl;';;- DBar l,tr. Phllllpa, fi l;,Tffi""glT"oirTf "oj"."Tisi;11.j",f:-" j^r::.,ggg.00 rs ro be herdliriii.":!ElTi'-ffi"""1x"."",;3-'"'i",f :""i.i,iJrSff ;f %i""".1,iiii it t ;lm; ;i i;"n ff """#"'J.,r":: {{i jil:i : l: ; u .. :t I . _Il tht€ contract ts not ln Dl ii#di""f "ol.up.3ettd-o-nl"['1on".iiii::e,l'I;.11"?'r,Trj',.il;;"Tiilq.;sure corff-'."luv' The escr.g$r- ""r6uni" "liao _!r,9^ be use,J to"iiu"tu.Jr".''lvreErofl ot vall varr.i-i"irlli c€nrer.s pa*irng l::?? n t whr cn- .ii"iiilit #11"'rT"::.. q1' r nti,ni Gi' t J'. l'il,rteveloped rvr"' \'r Yarl may accesg per a conDr€ctdeve I oped , I;i i ji'"fjJr 13 S"";i. f ; "r1fr H ; 1";, :." :^'; 1.- l : e : e n " r w, r h r h e r o v, n o r. vall t,o reducE;___ r,errLvr. wtsnes to work togeEhera""r"iun-"-"";;."r""'ffit|,P"l*-t"-t::_erpecrti6;;;;-i,posslble, yourof occupanY 1s agsletance tn O'ur ":"8 l'rvr''r'ems aa. erpedttlously asapprectated. obtalnlng a temporiry ""r-tTfr'"Ji" 9lncere I y, ft,17{=.t sl#iff;;fowardr r ch/kh - z-xa.#, t 'qir.#tpe+*t.it#-- j..r'! .-:nrzi*i.,..{r€r--. \,.tr | |l{*d I i 181 Wost Mu?g-l"p,lr",Suhs 1(X)voil. 9glorodo Sro5i(ns) azo.ziir Va I loy up an belng P-a2. r-_ 1l i 51991 "no,,.,5!Llf*x,gn M;:y;iit"",",. February 6, 1991 Ms. Kristan Pritz Director of Connunity Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, Co. 81657 Dear Kristan: 181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 (3O3) 47F24s1 a, ,,,\ Ifi, Earlier today I reviewed the status of parking structure construction with Dan Stanek and Mike McGee. If the parking structure is treated as a detached building (that is, having no enclosed pb;nts of connection with the exT-ifg- hospital), we believe that we will be ready for a TCO inspect'ion by the end of next week. If you will refer to the attached plans, we propose asking for a TCO for the top three levels, defined by the area inside the red lines. Untjl the two 2-storey adjoining buildings (Areas G and F) are complete, probably in aboutsixty days, we wil'l use the structure for staff parking, encourag'ing patients and visitors to use the surface lot at the west. For your convenience, I have outlined in green the areas that wi'l I not be entfrely complete next week. Below is a description of unfinished work within each area: . Area "A": Landscaping, sidewa'l ks. . Area "B": Asphalt paving. . Area "C": Landscaping, vehicle unloading zone, sidewal k, concrete curbing. . Area "D": Retaining wa11, stairway (external to parking structure ) . . Area "E": Asphalt paving. . Area "F": Two-storey building connecting parking structure with east wing of hospital , sidewalk, retaining wall. Area "G:Two-storey building connecting parking structure with northeast corner of hospital, sidewalk. /Cont i nued Ray McMahan Administrator Area "H": Asphalt paving. February 6, 1991 Ms. Kristan Pritz Page 2 Except for landscaping, this remaining work is already included in our construction contract with G.E. Johnson Construction Company, Landscapingwi'll be accomplished under a separate contract. Work in Areas G and F is continuing. Remaining sitework in other areas wjl'l be resumed as soon as weather permits this spring. As a quasi-public facility with a long history of meeting its commitments, the hospital asks for issuance of a TCO now, without providing a letter of creditor bond covering completion of remaining sitework. Thank you for your cooperati on. Si ncerel y, Dan Feene] Project Mana DFljem cc: Ray McMahan, Administrator Encl osures Dennis Anderson Associates, Inc. Landscape Architecture . Planning . Visual Communication February 13, 1991 Dan Feeney, P.E. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 181 West Meadow Drive \,taii, Colorado 81657 Re:Vail Valley Medical Center, Landscape Construction Work / Phase ll Dear Dan: In accordance with your request, I have prepared a summary of probable costs for landscape construction. In the area defined as phase ll or adjacent to the parking structure I estimate $30,000. for landscape work including irrigation. Sincerely, Dennis Anderson, A.S.L.A. P.O. Box 1387 Edwards, Colorado 81632 . (303) 926-2433 XLL Li i 51991 EEJOHNSON CONSTRUCNON COMPANT February 13,'1991 l{r. Dan Feeney Vail Valley iledlcal Center 181 l€st l'leador, Sulte 100 Val1, Colorado 81657 RE:VAIL VALLEY TIEDICAL CENTER ADDITISIS AIID ALTERATIOIIS VAIL, 00LORAD0 Dear Dan: Per your reguest, ws are subm{tt'lng our estimate of work referenced proJect. The cost breakdown ls as follows: Earthwork Asphalt Pavlng Concrete Sidewalk/Curb and Gutter l,l1 scel laneous Concrete Tie-In To Exlsting Hospital Building Detached Stalr Structure e S.E. Corner TOTAL ESTIMATE P O. Box 2139 C llorado Springs, Colorado 80901 I r- r9l 473-5321 t7 19) 473-5324 \FAJ.) 310 S. Fourteenfi Street 80904 not 'in place at 013,000.00 21,000.00 I,000.00 3,000.00 43,500.00 9.500.00 i96.000.00 The costs as ltsted above are estimated and are curr€nt as of February 13, 1991. As you are ayrare, we will complete each item of vork listed above as soon as weathgr and tlme permlts. t{e hope that thE lnformation prov'lded in this letter ls beneflclal to us and WllC ln obtalning a TCO by this Thursday' February 14, 1991. Should you have questlons concernlng thls matter or requlre addltlonal lnfornatlon, p'lease do not hesitate to contact the underslgned. VEry truly yours, llark Phe'lan ProJect Englneer cc: l,lr. Jack Thomas-GE Johnson Construction Company 8903.03b/pk23 .$::E February 22, 1991 Town }lanager .:::' Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 RE: Vail Valley Medical Center parking Structure Dear Mr. phillips: This is to certify that an account #84_056_3230 at Merrill Lynch hasbeen established in the amount of S128,ooo.oo for the use or credit ofvail-clinic, Tnc- d/b/a vail valley Medica:. ient.r to fund thecompletion of irnprovehents relatin! to the viii varrey Medicar centerParking structure, vail, colorado. Such itnpior"o,".,ts are as indicatedin that certain agreement dated the 22nd a"i-"r February, 1991entitled Developei rrnprovement Agreement by'and between-iail clinic,Inc- d/b/a vail vatley ltedical center and the Town of vail(trrmprovement Agreementtt) . shourd_ such improvernents not be cornpletedby vail clinic, rnc. d/b/a vair valrey Medicar center, as set forth in'such rrnprovernent Agreement, th;r fundsl or in"-r"naining--aiinc!-or tnefunds not already expended for impr""!r""t=--p"rr"ant to suchagreement, will be mlde available-airectiy-t;-i;. Town of Vail asrequested, without further consent, from viil crinic, i";: a7u7u*vuirVarley Medicar center or Merrirl Lynch r"i--"rpi.tion of the work. The Town of Vail ruay draw upon account #84_056_3230 upon the followingconditions: 1' The vair c].tnrf . Tnc- d/b/a vair valley Medical center has notcornpleted the inprovements as set forth in the tnproverneniAgreenent in- accordance with the terms and condi.tions set forththerein. 2'' That the amount requested shall not exceed the dollar amount asset forth in the rmprovernent, Agreernent foi the work not cornpreted. This comrnitrnent sharl expire on the date when the Town of Vair acceptsarl inprovenents as- cornpiete as set forth in such rnrprovementAgreement, or when l'terrirl Lvnch has funded the entire surn to VaiIclinic, r.nc. d/b/a vair valiey-raeaic.r ceniei and,/or the Town of vail The underglgned hereby CO}ISEIIT agreee to the BOI.JN OF Cenr.-r llo ev6nt shall thls above lett FP. -:3 3 Iown Hanager ToHn of Val.lFebrulry 22, 1991 Page z By: for completlon of such lnprovenents. Inco:nmlEnent extend beyond June 15, 1992. ValI -cllnlc, Inc. d/b/aVall Val-ley ltedlcal' Clnter,a Texas Non-Proflt corporation VAIL , r " +l-!- ^o#L Ir 90r O[oP[ .^ U't{^t h^tL a^txJ uu uC 181 West Meodow Drive, Suite 1@ Voil. Colorodo 81657 (3O3) 476-2451 June 19, 1991 Ms. Shel ly Me11o Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, C0.81657 Dear Shel ly: You evidently received a copy of a 13 June 1991 letter from Paul Powers to me. In it, Mr. Powers erroneously implies that the hosp'i ta1 has been involved in a sequence of decisions that has somehow denied him a building permit for his project. I am sure you can understand that we at the hospital are sensitive to allegations that we have irnpeded someone else's project. Your 16 May letter to me could be misconstrued as seeking the hospital's concurrence for the stipulation that a building permit not be issued to the Vail National Bankuntil their eight spaces in our structure are available for use. In fact,it was apparently a unilateral decision on the part of the Town to require the Vail National Bank to have the parking prior to issuance of a building permit, rather than at the time of occupancy of their new space. The hospitalis not in the position of adding restrictive requirements to other owner's building permit applications. Please clarify this essential point of factfor Mr. Powers. For the sake of comp'leteness, I am including a copy of my reply to Paul Powers' letter. /i em Encl osure cc: Ray McMahan t.Ja'l1y Stromberg Roy McMohon Chief Execulive Officer rtiN ; r lggt M voilvolley medicolcenter o r voilvclley 181 West ltrleodow Driw, Suite'100 Voil. Colorodo 81657 (303) 476-2451medicolcenter June 19, 1991 l'lr. Paul Powers Hanover Realty 650 South Cherry Street Denver, Co.80222 Dear Paul: I received your letter of June 13 discussjng Shel 1y Me'l lo's letter to mei regarding the temporary certificate of occupancy (TC0) for the Learning Center portion of our project. Shelly's letter advised VVMC of the terms under which the Town would be issuing a TCO for the Learning Center, and we were asked to acknowledge our understanding of these conditions. The Town was merely allowing us to occupy the Learning Center several days before the remaining one-half level of parking was available. lJe certainly had no input into nor nego- tiated with the Town concerning its stipulations on VNB's building permit. In any event, the condition in paragraph 1. of Shelly's letter has been met. All construction material and equipment was removed from the lowest one-half level by May 24, thus meeting the Town's requirement that all spaces be available for parking not later than June 1. As you know, VNB's license to use the eight spaces in the structure takes effect upon payment of the "incremental cost" to VVl'lC. You will recall that Ray McMahan's letter of February 18, 1991 offered these spaces to you immediately upon our then-recent receipt of a TCO for the upper two and one-half levels. However, you declined, preferring to wait until a permanent(tinal) certificate of occupancy was secured, probably in late summer. At some subsequent time, you determ'i ned that you wanted the spaces sooner than August or September, although a definite date was never specified. Regardless, one fact remains: the eight spaces will become yours immediately upon our receipt of your payment. The memorandum which you requested is not essential for completing this transaction, but was provided so1e1y for your convenience. Your letter implies that we prevented the issuance of VNB's building permit. To the contrary, we had nothing to do with the Town's decisions on your permit appl icat'ion and certainly were never advised by you or VNB about any of your requirements or tim'ing. l.le are still awaiting information from you on the date you desire to begin using these spaces. /over Roy lt/cMohon Chief Exectrtiw Officer a'.1 , ' Mr. Paul Powers June 19, 1991 Page Two me a ca1 'l at your convenience if you wish to discuss this further. /iem cc: Ray Mclilahan l{ally Stromberg ry U\J6lJart.rrral,.l66tr T Nnf fl^:3[a rur rvtvr- .fune 13, 1991 ?1!- Mr. Dan Feeney Project ManagerVail Valley Medical Centeri81 West Meadow DriveSuite 100Vail" Colorado 81557 Dear Dan: Encloged ia a copy of a May 16, 1991 letter agreeuent where it appearg that you and the Town of Vail have unilaterally and without our coneent precluded the igsuance of building pemitsto our Vail National Bank building for an undeter:mined period oftjte. I{e do not agree with thig action and find it nost unusualthat such arr agreement can be reached without consulting theaffected entity, i.b., the r/NB Building Corporation and its tenant Land Tit1e Company. Please contact De at your earliest convenience to discussthie natter. Sincerely, Paul W. Powers PWP:dee Enclosurecc: Chrou File Fr. Ray Mcl,tahan r,/!ts. SheIIy MelloWallis S. Stronberg, Esq. ^RL!, tv'nl Z 41991 42 west meadow drive vall, colorado 81657 (3031479.2250 May 20, 1991 fire department Dan FeeneyVail Valley lledical Center18I West Meadow DrlveVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Flre Detectors - Locatlons ln Pre-stress Concrete Parklng Structures Dear llr. Feeney: Chief Duran has aEked me to revlew the criterl-a for placenentof thernal detectors in pre-stresE concrete conetruction. I haveldentified the followlng factors as having J.npact on the decisionof lrhere thermal detectors should be located. The prlmary reference dosument ls the 1990 edltion of N.F.P.A.Standard 72-8. GOAIS OF THE SYSIEI.I DESIGN The first point of concern lE nentioned ln Section 1-1.1. Thestandard le intended rrto provide baslc rl-nlnu requJ.rements...toensure tinely warning for the purposes of life safety and propertyprotectl-on. rl Property protection is ttre easier of the two goals. The flrehistory In pre-stress concrete parking structures ls not well documented and the recorded events are few. Property protectlon isusually a gecondary goal and allowe for more flextbtftty in deslgnand appllcation. If the specific applicatlon calls for both life safety andproperty protection, then a more conservative approach ls reguired.Life safety concerns require attention to lnclude focus on smokeproductlon rates, toxicity, travel distances, hazardclassification, fuel arrangement and densj.ty, and fire growthrates. Parklng Structure Page 2 Recent fulI scale toxiclty etudies have ldenttfted at least 14 carcinogenlc by-producte and numerous components of a vehicle that nay e:rplode If eubJected to exceeeive heat. Smoke production ratesof 1Or00o cubic feet per nLnute at 5OO degrees Fahrenheit are well docunented. FIRE BEINVTOR A brief point concerning fire nodeling and conventlons on fire behavlor Le necessary. Certaln assunptJ.onE nust be made as to howa fire will develop and progreEB. For the purposeE of fire nodeling, f have ueed the followlng common assumptlons: l. Radlant heat energ:y is diesipated at a rate of one halfthe inverse squared, over distance. 2. Approxinately 65* of the heat energy iE dlesipatedthrough convectlon currents in a upward dlrection. 3. Approxinately 25 t of the heat le dispersed throughradiant heat ener!ry on a horlzontal plane. 4. Approxinately 10* of the heat output is dlrected backtowards the fuel in radiant heat feedback energ'y, thuscontributlng to pyrolysis and sustainlng the conbustlonprocess. By extrapolation, lt can be assuned the heat output at a 45degree angle fron the horizontal plane would be in the 45t - 50*range. This aesunptlon ls crltical to evaluation of rate of risethernal detectors and the estinated thernal lag tine with respectto the elevatlon of the detectors above the heat Bource. VEHICLE FIRES Flres in passenger vehicles are assurned to occur under one offour Ecenarios. whlle perhaps the most counon, arson fires havehlstorJ-cally been excluded from consideratl.on. The costsasEociated wlth designing for arEon flres can be prohibitive. The other three scenarlos lnclude engine cornpartuent fires,firee caused by overheated catalg,ic convertorsr- and fuel tanicompartment fl-res. Fires ln the englne conpartment are generally llnited to theelectrical wirlng harness, Iinlted amounts of fuel ln and aroundthe carburetor, and a llnlted amount of plastj.cs. Parking Structure Page 3 An overheated catalytlc convertor Day cause the nastic adhesive beneath the rlght rear pasEenger floor board to lgmlte, and thus spread into the paesenger conpartnent. The freguency ofthls tlpe of fire haE not been dranatic but it does ocsur. Fuel conpartment flreg ln gaeollne vehicles have been few.FueI spills involvlng gasoli-ne and dieEel fuel however, are a conmon occurrence. The advent of L,PG and LNG powered vehJ-cles naypose as yet, unappreciated hazards and potentlals. Whlle fuelleaks from an LNc tank will tend to riEe and fill the cavlty between the concrete trbeamsrn an ignitlon Bource ie stlll. requiredbefore a fire or exlrlosJ.on wlll regult. Unfortunately, Danyparking etructures have high tenperature godiun fight fixtures,incandescent lLghte, or other neanE lf illunlnation, all of whlchare electrically energized and may functLon as ignition sources. LPG fuel tanks pose a uore eerious potential due to the rateof expansion of liquld propane to vapor. A single gallon of llgutd propane will expand to approxJ.nately 165 gallons of lgnltable vapor1f released into the atnosphere. This cloud of flannable vaporwill tend to roll or float along the ground due to the density andweight of the propane. The air to fuel ratlo requlred forconbustion is comnon in anblent condltlons. Uultlple ignltlonsources are preEent by virtue of the nature of tlre occupancy. Anyrunning engine, hot tailplpe exhauBt, catalytlc convertors,electrical outlets, cJ.garettes, or other lgnltlon source canprovide Euffielent heat to ignite thlE lnvlelble cloud and resultln wlde spread lgnition of available fuels, including othervehicles. FUEL CONFIGT'R,ATTON The fuel conflguration Ie aeEr.uned to be a ninimun of threepasEenger vehlcles, all parked Eide by slde, head ln, withcustomary L2 x 20 foot parking Bpace6. The conflguration ls assurned to be sinilar to the one used ln the scranton, Ohlo tests. However, no aaEumptl.ons have been made as to the potentlal outcomeE of various fuel contrlbutlons due to vehicle contents. ftcan be assumed certaLn vehlcles, such ae vans, pickup trucks, thecontents of such vehlcles and the variations caused by backing ina vehicle, would produce some degree of fluctuatLon ln the resultE. TEST STANDARDS U.L. Standard 268 Ls used to evaluate flre detectors forcom{tercl.al appllcation. The rrllEted epacingrr ls a reault of thedevicesr performance under the epeclfled test condltlons. Certalnelements of the testing procedure should be noted when considerlngthe applicatlon of the thermal detectors ln a parking structure. Parklng Structure Page 4 First, the effects of testlng in an enclosed room cannot bedlEcounted. A parklng structure does not characteristically have dirnenslonE even close to the 50 by 30 foot test faclllty. The rateof fl.re enclosure wlthln the U.L. test room wlll by virtue of the dimenslons, be nuch faster. The ceillng helght slll often vary ina parking structure fron eectLon to sectJ.on, vary between the bottom of beans and the botton of the flange above, and the waII,celllng, and floor coverlngs w111 have a dlfferent latent heat ofabeorption and reflectl-ve characterlstLcs. Theee factors, anong othere, w111 affect tlre themal lag, anbient tenperature, rate of heat absorptlon, rate of reflectlveheat energy ln open areas, and lt should not be assuned the Response Tine Index (RTI), perfornance or behavlor of the devlce w111 be the Eane aE lt Is in the teEting laboratory. DETECTOR PERFORI,IAI'ICE The speciflc tlpe of detector, shape and tlpe of dome cover,the orientatlon of the heat deflector, and the proxfunity, nass andlocatlon of structural menbers ln a parking etructurer Ddy have aneffect on detector perfor:mance. The intent of the design of thespecific detector Day influence itrs perfor:mance in variousapplicatlons. Sone themal detectors are manufactured of stal-nlesssteel to reduce effects of anbient hunidity and resultantcorrosion. Sone thernal detectorE are rrrate conpensatedrt to adJustfor changing anbient condltions. Some detectore are sealed toprevent or reduce effects of the environnent, especially hunldity,dust, and chemicale ln the atnosphere. FfRE SPRINKLAR PERFORI'IANCE Flre sprLnkler syetems have proven thenselveE for over IOOyears as a vlable, effective and cost efficient elenent of firesafety design. fn order to facilitate dlstribution of water fronthe flre sprlnkler head over the fire area, one of two designsyetens has been enployed. llhe flret and most common approach hae been to locate the flresprlnkler heads one or two LncheE above the botton of the stem, ataq average spaclng of L2 x 15 feet. ThiE affords properdiEtrlbution of the water, delivery of the deslred density, Lna ttprovides Bome phyeJ.cal protectJ.on for the fire eprinkler headEthenselves. Parking structure Page 5 Argruments that flre sprlnklers only cauEe a vehlcle fire toepread are lrrelevant. The flrst goal ls to provlde for llfesafety of the occupanta of the building and Eecondly, to providefor structural protectl.on. Protectl.on of the contentE of a parklng strrrcture is not usually considered. A flre sprinkler systetn, properly deelgned, properly installed and properly maintained, will keep the fire from epreading toadjacent vehicles, reduce the fire growth rate and providesuffl-clent cool.lng to keep tenperatures below crltlcal levelE.Critlcal tenperatures have been l-dentlfied as belng 500, 800, and 120O degrees Fahrenheit. Suggestlons that excessive stean production pose a hazard arelnvalld becauEe a proper fire sprinkler eysten wiII keep the firefron growlng large enough to cauge excegEive etean productlon. Dueto the hlgh latent heat of abBorptlon of rrater, actlvation of thesprinkler systen will cause an initl-al steam cloud but the stean cloud condenses rapidly and EtartE to control the fire. The presence of plastic fuel tankE haE llttle or no bearing becauee fuel tankE are usually located beneath the vehlcle or lnthe trunk conpartment where water cannot easl1y penetrate. lheapplication of water will however, keep the rate of heat beinggenerated fron spreadlng and igniting nearby fuels. STRUCTT'RAL FACTORS Another goal of the fire protection systen ls to avoid lettlnga fLre funpact Etructural components to the degree the Etructuralnaterials reach a critical tenperature. At approxJ-nately 500degrees, minor cracking w111 occur in the concrete. At 800 degrees, spalling nill occur. t{hen spalling exposes the steel cordlnslde tbe concrete, the steel will start to fail . At 12OOdegrees, there is a danger fron faLlure of the steel . The heat potentlal of a vehicle haE not, to ny knowledge, beencalculated or determined by laboratory testingr. Ilowever, years ofpractlcal experience and observation have convinced moet fireflghters vehicle fires produce sufflclent heat to cause structuralfaLlure of the netal Ln the vehicle, nelt the vehlcle, or othernriseproduce extrerne heat. The heat glven off by the burnlng of rubber tires, gasolJ-ne, and other petroleum based eubstancee Le known and can be aeeumed toreach upwards to 1800 degrees. Gasollne le known to produceapproxlnately 18,000 to 19,OOO BTUts per pound. Using heattransfer equations, it can be Ehown that ttrere ie sufficlent heatpotentlal in a passenger vehicle to cause crltical temperatures inthe structural nenbers if the fire iE not nitlgated. Parking Structure Page 6 PI.ACE}IENT FACTORS One deslgn feature under considered Is that very few flres have occurred locally, ln parklng etructureE. I have not been ableto ldentify any signiflcant data baEe that indicates there iE aserious concern over the rate of flree ln parklng etmcturee. Theapparent lack of a sJ.gnLfJ-cant data bage does not bowever, lndicatethere should be a reduction in the level. of protectlon notprovlded. lilhatever we are doJ-ng, It appears to be worklng. It can aleo be arg:ued that the probabillty of a flre startJ-ngin a rnoving vehlcle and growJ-ng to any slgnlflcant proportlon, lslow. once the occupante of a vehlcle become aware the vehicle ls on flre, they norually attenpt to stop the velrlcle and exit withouthesltation. Locatlng flre detectorE over tlre parklng places andnot installing them over the drlve lane Eeems reasonable. It does cieen reasonable to locate fire detectors over the portlon of thearea where the vehicles are parked. CODE REQUIRE!,TENTS one aspect of the code Lssue deals with the ceilingconstruction. The pre-stress concrete tees fom two dLfferentcelling tlpes, dependlng on which Eet of deflnitlonE are uEed. TheAnerican Pre-stress Assoclatlon defines a ttJolsttt ae a etructuralmenber spaced at lnter:rralE egual to or less than 49 l-nches oncenter. BeaDE are defined as etructural nenbers spaced atintenrals greater than 48 Lnches. N.F.p.A. Standard Z2-E defineEa Joist as structural nenberE Epaced at interrrals 3 feet or l-esscenter to center. Beans are Epaced at lntenrals greater than 3feet on center. There ls also an assurnptlon that Jolsts are secondarystructural nenbers and beans function ae priroary conponents. Beams and Joists both nust proJect down 4 incheE or nore from thecell.lng by deflnition. The deterninatlon of bean and Jolstdeflnltions by epacLng ls a matter of arbltrarlly decJ.dJ.ng on anunber and apparently tras no real elgniflcance. The critlcalelenent of the deflnltlon appearB to be the Etructural functlon.Is it a prlnary or Eecondary rnernber? fn N.F.P.A. StandardT2-8, 1990 editlon, Sectlon 3-4 locatlon,subsectio! 3-4.1, heat detectors are reguired to be mounted on th6ceillng wlth two exceptLons. Solid Jofst conEtructl-on recnrLresdetectors be located at the botton of the Jolsts and on treanconstruction, detectors nav be lnEtalled on the botton of the beansprovided the beans are less than 12 inches ln depth and the beansare spaced 8 feet or less, on center. Parking structure Page 7 Sectlon 3-5.3 also reguires detectors be placed ln each bay formed by the beans if the beans proJect lore than 18 inches belowthe cell-ing and are I feet or Dore on center. The appendlx of 72-E, ln seqtl.on A-3-5.3, etates beam depth, ceillng height, beam apacing and fire elze shouLd be coneldered. The ratio of bearndepth (d) to ceillng helght (h) le coneLdered a factor. In thisappllcation, the beam depth ls 24 Lnches on all levele except thearea below the top deck. The cej-lLng helght le generally 7r2m tothe botton of the tee, except for the level one drlve through areafor the anbulance. lttre variouE ratioe of D/H are as folloss: The ratl-os of bean spacJ.ng (W) to celling height (H) are asfollows: Celling helght gt 2n 7r2tl 7t2t, Ceillng Helght gt2tl 7 | 2rl Celling height 9r2il+24tr=134tr 7.2.1 +24tr=109tr 7t2n+32tr=116il Bean Depth 24n 2Atl 32tl Bean SpacJ-ng 4l 4r Bean depth 24n 24tl 32tl Ratlo .2L .27 .37 Ratlo .43 .55 Ratlo .L7 .22 .27 Under Eectlon (a) of appendlx A-3-5.3, lf the ratlo of beandepth to ceillng helght is greater than .10 and the ratlo of beanspacing to ceillng treight ls greater than .4O, then a detectorshould be placed in each bay. If these ratios are uaed, then adetector Is required in each bay. ff the ceiling helght iE deternlned to be above the botton ofthe sten, on the lower slde of the flange, the ratlos are asfollows: ParkJ-ng Structure Page 8 RatloE for cel-lLng helght and beam apacLng neasurlng to the bottomof the flange are: Celling helght 134 rl 108r1 116ll Bean spaclng 48rl 48rl 48 rl Ratlo .35 .44 .41 Sectlon (b) notes than Ln the event the ratio of bean depth toceillng height is below.l0 or the ratlo of beam spacing to ceillngheight is below .40, the detectors should be located on the bottomof the beans. CONCLUSION Option I Under the condition the defLnLtLons aE preacrJ-bed by theN.F.P.A. for beams and Jo1eta are used, two different deslgns areregulred baeed on the celling heights of the ambulance drlvethrough area and the remainder of the passenger vehicle parking area. In the anbulance drlve through, a fire detector is regulred atthe bottorn of the bean, at a denslty not nore than 2/3.s the lletedspaclng aB per sectl-on 3-5.3 and Table 3-5.1.2,72-8, 1990 edltlon.In the rest of the parklng garage, detectors shall be lnstalled lneach bay at a rate not more than 2/3t6 of the maxinun llEtedspaclng aEi per Table 3-5.1.2, sectiong 3-5.I, and 3-5.1.1. option 2 Under the conditlon that the A:nerican Pre-EtresE AsEocLatl-ondeflnitions are used, the exlsting detectors can be relocated to anelevation approxinately even wlth the bottom of the beans. The Linits of .1 and .4 on the ratloe accurately reflect theassumptlons discussed with respect to radiant heat energy,extrapolatLon of dLrectlonal heat output, fire plune developnentand reflectlve qualltles of tlre fire enclosure. Parklng Stnrcture PaEe 9 It ls the oplnlon of the Vall Flre Departnent that eltheroptlon ig well wlthln the legal reguJ,rements of the code, le in keeping with the lntent of the code, and ueete or exceeds the nininun perfor:uance antlcJ.pated by the code. The denelty and epaclng of fire detectors reflected on thefire alaru plans gubnitted by Slnplex le consietent wLth placenent at the bottom of the tees. llhe ptane vere approved under this aesunptlon on Febnrat'y 25, 1991. Each elenent and factor can be dl.ecueeed or e:glained ln uoredetall lf you eo deslre. PleaEe revlew and respond. l{e would ll.ke to have a resolutl.onof this sLtuation as soon as ls practical . Thank You. Slncerely, Mlchael ltlccee Fl.re MarehalValI FLre Departrent(303) 479-2250 cc: Walty Dave Prebis, sargent, Cator / Runa Colorado Pre-strese Slnplex .1/t -,- LD3 ) Town of Vai I Bui I d'i ng Dept. LETffi @F T'RANSNfl ITITIAL O Samples the lollowing items: tr Specifications C - D Resubmit-copies lor approval Submit -copies for distribution Return -corrected prints ffilValley lfiiof Genter '- 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 303476-2451 TO 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, C0 81657 WE ARE SENDING YOU d D Shop drawings tr Copy of letter Attached tr Under soparat€ D Prints E Change order cowr vra B Plans tr THESE ARE o tr tr D D TRANSMITTED as checked For approval For your use As requested For review and comment FOR BIOS DUE D Approved D Approved ! Returned as submitted as noted tor corroctions tr 19- O PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS oate JOI tao.4/r/9t atlEntroNMr. Dan Stanek R€: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTIO'{ 1 Ll2r/9r Chen Northern, Inc. Concrete test results - 56 day report SIGNED: COPY TO tl .nctott!...... aot ,. not..t, riadty notitt tt. .. ""... Jgan MOWef f Of Dan Feeney CltcntlNorthcnr,Inc coJninrl rllr,.33-ornt frn rspun3 llr. ,.,'tlD lo lrt srrlllr'' ^ 'ici' .. tr,.l iliiilc'-. .t .nir..rr.. .r''i Lo. CLtl IJA a.tfCo '^.El|rrt l.CltF.. .rit .'<r?'lt l. nrfrr oF coNcnrrE rEsr cvirten DATAr ''r3tFrft|l|'A.i|'rlo''!D|',iu|.f|r',r'rY.rdmi|t|'.|l,,|o|,|'rrF|,^|t'||Y'|nnqr..nn'|lrt'|l'ul'.t3cn'Et|,.ir'6onlYlnA:|t|ll.|Uf'|'tcrIIrI|o*"''.^xi?.,:].iiiiij#rirriiii'i-6.n."n,'ltr,ii-,iil] i-\ {: i' r- | i' :" r'' TO: VAIL VALLEY MUDICAL CUNllill JOO NO. 4 424 90 D TE: 1-21-91 Attr: Mr. Dan Fccncy Atti' - 1 l9$: l8l lVest lrlcadow Drive DALY nEPOllT NO. SHtiLT r OI: Vai I CO 81657 rNVotcE No. PRGJECT Vai I Valley lr'lerlicnl Ccnter l)arking Strtrctttre, Vail, Colo'r'atlo. Lower Level, Slab on Grade, Lines B to C, Lines 2 to 3; MTCI.I TICKET INFOR}JATION: sUpruER l{cstertr l'lobi lc lnucx lo, LL7 1L:23 am IrcKET M,. 3487 ny6 pn16p 11 : 40 cu, \o. 8 1l- :48 am FIEII) TLSTING INFORMATION: nuE TEr T r(O{ 12 .9lam3LUYP 4\ JOE SPEClnCAnOl|s SUJMP [.f. AR @rnErfr T.gavtt uur wucttr137.8 oor. uMPu'lL,/P. 66 Nl{ lE}/P' rhr. noaRr(s:8@40 oftN. ^lR CONTOfr .T WAIE T ADDGD AT s'IE CYUNDE'I INFORI'\TION: rrr. oF ci\lllrDrris 6 rtl11rFn :it7f (r x l2'l rf ME t;n lntlrtr:; c.l\sT 12: LL l{|rDrr c^lr 0n-Si te [}AIE StRtPPg, 1 'r) ',:r't llt3 . ^.l^fr- nE|I IlX& CUIIING INFOR},hTION: tNlul CU;E 0n site Fl&D sTorucE Frctulrs lleated roorn UlN.,/trA(. 62 / 68Wt;nve tr v,a1-22-9l con/split con/sp1it con,/sP1it corrztplit shear shear 3040 3200 3930 3930 4390 4240 28.28 28.28 28. 2S 28.28 28.28 28.28 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 86,000 90,500 1.11,000 111 ,000 1 24 ,000 1 20 ,000 7 28 28 56 56 1- 28- 91 1- 28-91 2- 18-91 2- 18-91 3-18-91 :t--r.0-91 4000 t'sl o ?6 r|^Ys It5n3 ra L lxt!{lurY rtnst ltrlr rtrt rrr ,,'tirtll"r'l *rlll r'r-tr'lif ''rlu-||tllflfi |tt4l:€ oll||T r|.l3r l(,ltD 'Jort tro tr..rarKtfr ir,i- itic'iisi rnlonl rqY lt l'll('vll'(o ItY olllt,nl' Carolyn Adarns 'l'. Laudick FIELD OIjSERVER APPRO\ED UT Fisher lleece .Jolrtrson Arcltitccts, coPlEs Attr' Mr. skip Spcns!1i."1orrr MoSiIc G.E. Johnson Construction Co', Attn: I'lr' Jack 'ltornas ; Ilierbach Consu lt irrg Enginccrs l-rr.ti rl lqa'! RF l. F \vE0 *o* t 1 \ggl CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSUITIIIG ENGII,IEERS AND SCIEIII ISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYIJINDER DATA l0: Vsil vattey f,ledicat center JoB xo. 4 /.24 90 DArE: 2-4-91Attn: Xn. Dan Feeney 181 Uest lleador Drive sHEEr I oF IVsit Co 81657 PROJECI: Vail Vattey l.ledical Center porking Structure, V8it, Colorsdo PIACEI{EIIT LOCAT IOII :Perking garage, Lorer level, Sleb Bouth of the north erd. on Grade,[orth hat f; This load placed st the entrance 10. BATCII TICKEI I[F(n ATIOil: ,IRUCr ilo. 117 ItcKET'ItltE B TCIEo: 9:36 am [o. 0t 352II E ARRI VED: SUPPLI€R: Iestern ilobi lel x DESrGlr xo. 45 I II,IE PLACED:_JU.YD. toAD/ACCU : FIETD TESIIIIG t }ITORilAT I dI IlllE TEST lAKEll: 10:10 am JoE SPECI Flc TIOIS3 SLutlP: sLU P: I lt. 4 I ll. AIR COI|TEIT3 AIR COITENT: 7 6.0 SAI.IPLE TEUP: 63 I UATER ADDED OF }IET AT AIR TEMP: 30 "h UNIT tlElGIT:14,|.0 pct. SITE: GAL cYLlltDER tlroRitATtotl IO. Of CYLIIIDERS:6 CYLIIIDER slZE' 6(x12n Ttl.rE cYtrNDERs cAsI: 10:20 am UHERE cAsT: On site cuRt ltc I lrFoRt'tAT I oll liltTlAL CURE: 0n site FtEtD STORAGE FACI| tTtES3 curebox DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 2-5-91 By: B. Hays illx./ Ax. AGE DAYS OATE TESTED ToTAL t0 0 (rBs) DIAI.IETER ( INctTES) AREA (se.tlt.) cd,rP.sIR. (PSI ) IYP€ OF TRACTURE CYL I NDER UEI GTIT (t8s) CYLIIIOER UIIIT I,E IGNI (PCF) 7 7 28 28 28 28 ?-11-91 2-11-91 3-1-91 3-4-91 3-4-91 3-1-91 102,000 107,500 132,000 118,500 147 ,500 14t ,500 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 28.24 28.28 28-28 28.?8 28.28 28.28 3610 3800 4670 4900 5220 5000 con/shear con./shear con/spt i t con/shear con/spt i t con/shear DES I GI,I STRE}IGTH 4000 PSt 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y IABORATORY PERSOII}IEL ARE IiI ACCORDANCE IIITH APPLTCASLE ASTM H€THODS UNLESS OIHERUISE NOTED SCI.{E IIITORI.IAIIOX OF TIIIS TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIDED BY OIIIERS. REIIARKS: Sanple taken at truck discharge. CoPIES Fisher Reece & Johnson Architects - Attn: Skip Spenst G. E. Johnson Construction - Attn: Jack Thoflas Bierbach ConsuI t ing Engineers llestern l{obi le - Attn: euality Control Lab Atan Bathke lim Lardick rIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y AS A l't IUAL PROTECTIoII T0 CtIENTS, TllE PUEL|C AnD OURSELVES, AtL REPORTS ARE SUBHTTTED AS THE Coltf|DEIItAt pROpERTy oF CI.IEIIIS, AIIO AUTIIORIZAITON FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEIIENIS, COTICLUSIONS OR EXTRACIS FROII OR REGARDTNG OIJR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING CIJR URIIIEII APPROVAL. SAITIPLES I.'ITT 8E DISPOSED OT AFTER IESTI}IG IS COTTPLEIEO UIILESS OTHER ARRAIIGEMEIIIS AGREEO IO III IIRITIIIG. A menb€r ot the [L! croup of Conpanies tofl[ [o. CI1Ell]A l/91 REC tr-I\I F I'J HAR 1 t 1gg1 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. coilsuLrI[G EIGII|EERS AltD SCtEI SIS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYIJTNDER DATA TO: Vail V6tley lledical CenterAttn: r. Dan teeney 181 9est tleadou Drive Vai t co 81657 PROJECI3 Vail Vsl, tey l,ledical Center parking structure, Vail, Cotorado JOB xo. 4 424 90 DAIE: 2-5-91 slEEt 1 0F I PLACEIIENI locAflo : Parking garage, lorer tevet, slab on grade, Line 3 to 4, Line C to o and Line E to t. line 5 to 4. 8ATC8 TtCTET t[FoR Ar tol IRUC( lr0. 117 TtcKET lr0. 0l-3541 lll{E BAICIIED: 9:16 sm It[E ARRTVED3 10:00 ltI x SUPPLIER: l,lestern l.lobi le DESIGI{ }lo. 1212 rith fiber Tl E PLACED3 10:10 am CU-YD. LOAD/ACC[I'|:am 8 0 24 flEL0 lEsI mG n{FoR}|AT t otl TlllE T€ST TAKEI: 10320 em JoB SPECIFICATIotIS: SLUttP: SLUIIP:4 3/4 lN. AIR CoIIENT: 7.2 I II. ATR CONTEilT: 7 SAMPLE T€HP: 62 z !,ATER ADDED or lrn rerp, 39 oF llET Urlll UEIGHT:138.5 pcf AT SITE: 6 GAL cYullDES I ilFoRilAT t otl [0.0F CYLIIDERS:6 CYLINDER SIZE: 6trx12{ TlllE CYLIIIDERS CAST: 10:30 am l,ttERE CAST: On site cuR lr,lc I lttoRMAT t otlt lltAL cuRE: on site FIELD SToRACE rACn tTtES: tnsul8ted box DATE RECEIVEo AT LA8: 2-6-91 By: B. Hays l|rx./MAX. 74l7l AGE DAYS DAIE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (t8s) D IAIIEIER ( I l|CHES ) AREA (sa. I [. ) cof'tP. sTR. (PSr ) TYPE OF fRACTURE CYL I NDER UE IG}IT (rBs) CYI I iIDCR lf,lt UEtGflT (PCF ) 7 7 28 28 z8 z8 2-12-91 2-12-91 5-5-9,| 3-5-91 3-5-91 f-5-91 98,000 95,000 128,500 131,000 132,500 127 ,500 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 ?8.28 28.28 ?8.24 z8 -28 28.28 28.28 3470 1360 4510 4610 4690 4510 con/shear conlshear con/spl i t con/shear con,/spl i t con/spt i t DES I GII STRENGTII 4OOO PSI 28 DAYS IESIS 8Y LAEORATORY PERSOIINEL ARE I}I ACCORDANCE UTTS APPLICABLE ASTII IiIETHOOS UNLESS OTNERTJISE OIED SOSIE I}IFORMATIOII OF IIIIS TESI REPORT I.,!AY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS. RE ARKS:sampte Has obtsined st the truck d i scharge. CoPIES fisher Reece & Johnson Architects - Attn: Skip Spenst G. E. Johnson Construction - Attn: Jack Thomas Eierbach consulting Eng ineers llestern llobile - Attn: ouatity Control Lab Bobby Hays lim laudick FIETD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y AS A I.IUTUAL PROIECIION TO CIIE}IIS, IHE PUBLIC AIID OURSELVES, ATL REPORTS CtlEllTS, ANo AUIIiOR I ZAI l0ll tOR PUBLlCATtotl 0F STAIEI'iEitTS, CoICI"UStotJS 0R RESERVED PENOIIIG C[,R IIRIIIEII APPROVAL. SAMPLES [tILL BE DISPOSEO OF ATIER AGRE€O TO III URITIIIG. A mr$er of the lt Group ot Corpanies Fonn llo. C Ell3A 1/91 ARE SUBMITTED AS IIIE COIIFIDEIITIAL PROPERTY OT EXTRACIS FROII OR REGARDIIIG (xJR REPORTS 1S IESTIIIG lS Col'tPLEIED UNLESS OTllEl AnRA[cEtlEllTS . VailValley Cca CenteriiYfl:Iffi;;:"' o Hsrrfr @FrRANSnnnrrAL Vail. Colorado 81657 ttL'' "' 303476-2451 ro Town of Vail Building Dept. 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, C0 81657 DATI JOI NO. 3/ 4 /91 A'TEiITIOXMr. Dan Stanek FEI VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER PARKING STRUCTURE WE ARE SENDING YOU I Attach€d D Under s€parats cover via th€ following items: O Shop drawinSs tr Prints D Plans E Samples D Specifications D Copy of letter D Change order tr THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval D Approved as submitted D Resubmit-copies lor approval C For your use O Approved as noted D Submit-copies for distribution D As request€d E Returned {or corrections ! Retu rn - corrocted prints E For review and commcnt D D FOR BIDS DUE 19- D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 1 L/ 4/ 9r Chen Northern Concret-e Test Cv] indpr Data - 2A dav r^pnnFf I r/3t/sr tl tl rr rr - 28 day report SIGNED: COPY TO tt.nctoru...... no. .. not.d, hindty notity u. .t ""... Jean MOWef fOf Dan FegngV 'a'a|rtrT f nrl-.r q6.t :4t-\rht.Clrcnt:Northcnr,lncf O REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA To: v^n vAt,LEy MUDICAL crNT[nAttn: Mr. Dan l.'ccncy 181 l{cst [tlcatlow Dlivc Vail CO 81657 PROJECT Vai I Val lcy l.,le{i ca I Ccrrtcr JOU NO. 4 424 90 D TE: 1-4-91 DAJLY REPOI{T NO. sHEtrr 2 r'NOICE NO. Structurc, Vail, Colorado.l):r rk i rrg PI CEMENT LOC.AIION: Second Level, Lines D to E.5, Lines Lines D.5 to 8.5, Lines 3 to 4; Deck Topping,third Level, 3;to2 UATCI{ XCKEI |NFORhTAT|ON: supruEn l{cstern Mobile lnw{ ilg. 15S lcKgr Mt. 3417 utx DEstcN *.12,1^?.Topg$.n6. 8w'l f iber nr|E OAruttI) 11:53 A.M. nuE lrltl]vri 12:16 P.Il. nuE PLfc@ 12 40 P.l,l. FIELD TESTING INFORMATION: TUE IEsr TA(8}t12:54PI, sLUuP €o sPEctftcAnot|s SU,UP s,urplc rorp. 640F atr rgrr'180F. col. nor nK$ 8@2{ of 32vd+3 [.r. tN. 5 Allt corI|E}.I6.7 ; wEr UNIT wt:,ctlr 138.6pc1. ArR GONrolT I WAIER lDDg) Ar Sm 5 CY]-JNoER tNFOnt"r T|ON: ln. oF ciYt trrrrFJrs (t rjn u{,nt stzri (t'r x l2tl uf rftlNt)rtrli c,rrSf 1,04 p.M. Wlr'Jlli c.trr 0tl-Site CURING INFOlT}TATION: INIIUL GUttE 0n-Site ort srntpps, 7-7-97 sKrrucE FtcrulL3 Adams Insulated Box Inside Building' RDI^NXS: o^ItnluE ar uur 1- 7-91Ra'I' IIY: uH,,/tax. AGE uAlls 0rE IESIII' loT L r.(uD (u,s) t)urrf:r rn (lr'to [5) 'IEA(so. r.) couP. -fin.(5t)TN'E OF llLrClUlrc cl1 , 0ttt lvtJct lr (urs) crttxrn:n uHtI wl:l(ll[ (r€f ) 78' 7B 288 288 568 , 568 1- 11-91 1- 11-91 2-t-97 2-I-9t 3-r -91 3-t -91 88,000 90,000 113,000 lll,500 120,500 1 23 ,500 6. 00 6.00 6 .00 (r.00 6.00 6.00 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28,28 28.28 3110 3180 4000 3940 4260 4370 shear col/shear con/shear con/ihear con/shear con/shear nrsbN slnftl(;lll 4000 PSI o 2d n ls ||'jsni w wrtulult i'l n3ttltrtl arrf ttr ,.rlltrltA,r'q t|Ittl 'FFlt7'rtt l:tu -l']'llntt', lrllt l:!i otlll,l Er' lolto'ro!t trrt unurnotl oll ll||j lt5r Htl!fl| ruv r( Hrwl('(o fi ollluti' r PROGNESS REPORT: Fisher llcccc .Iolrtrson Arcltitccts,t'"ttt Attrl r Mr. Skip Spcnsl;lgqs1srn l'lo5i lc G.E. Johnsotr Constructiotl Co., Attn: l'h'. Jnck 'lhomas; Ricrbach Consulting [nginccrs nfd 8$3PfivER ^PPR3,#"#t'* |tlUtm|.t,norctY'|mn''n:..I'|lnIrE|'|'{x''lt,t,t/l.i',||ntmn|r|r(3|I''tr'nA?tt|rf''r'd|ru|.l'rx!'f(rrrtclfln:l?hr'.'.tl||lt,.'.'s.|].'rt|hr'^o'|'x|'|.'tjrn.trI'n[|cr,|oo' .:ovn t.n,, ttttl.ll olln, AnMrsrrt ats ,m. xan,-l lo |rl i'lllllltl;. a .'r-'.' .. u..l iiffilc,.- .t c..'F.{- t.ri LG Cr.CllJ a/CO '', rt CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. coltsutTt[G E]lctxEERs AXD SCI EllT I STS REPORE OF CONCRATE TEST CYIJINDER DATA I0: V.il Valtey edicat CenterAttn: llr. Dan Feeneyl8l gest lleado{ Drive Vait 00 81657 PROJECT: Vlit Valtey l,tedicat Centef parking Structure. Vail, Colorado JoB N0. 4 424 90 DArE 1-31-91 sfiEEr 10t I PLACEi|EltT tocA 0[:Deck topping, Level This load ptaced in 2, Lines C to 8, t ines J east hatf of this area. to 4 and miscel laneous HalI curbs; BATCII IICKEI IITORilAIIOII TRUCX I0. 117 TTCKET Xo. 3524ItlE E TCIED: 9:21 dr Tt E ARRTVED! 9:36 SUPPLIER: Uestern f|obi lelllx DESlcll x0. 1212 yith fiberllllE PLACED: 10:07 an CU. yD. LOAO/ACCI :8416of24)ds fIELD IESITIIC IIIFORfiAI rO[ Tll,lE IES' TAKE|I: 10:25 am JoB SPEC!FICATtol|s: SIU p: o"t AIR TEllp: o oF UET UNIT UElc]ll:140.6 pcf. AT Sl lE: 8 GAL T II. AIR CONTETT: AIR CONTEIT: X SAMPLE IEilP3 58 5-2 A UATER AODED cYLIIDER I lt FoRl.tAt I orr[o' 0F cYtlNDERs: 6 GYLTNDER slzE: 5x12 rtxE cyLtrDERs cAsT: 10:i5 arn TTHERE cAsT3 on-site cuRI[c t{FoR AI rol lllTlAL CURE: 24 hours on-site DAIE RECEIVED AT LAB: Z-l-91 Fl€tD SIORAGE fACtLnIES: tnsutsted box BY 3 C. Adarns Mf [. /l,tAX. D I A}IETER ( | lcfiEs ) CYLIIIOER UEIG|T GBS ) ctt I lroER U[II U€IGHT (PCr ) 7 7 28 28 28 28 2-7-91 z-7-91 2-28-91 2-28-91 2- l8-91 2-28-91 | 09, 000 111,000 146,000 145,500 145,000 145,500 6.00 6,00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 28.28 28.28 28.?8 28.?8 ?8.25 28.?8 3860 3930 5160 5150 5130 5150 con/spl, i t shear shear shear sheer shear DESIGII STREIIGTN 4OOO PSI A 28 DAYS TESIS 8Y LABORATORY PERSONIIEL ARE tII ACCORDAIICE UII'I APPLICABLE ASIM IlEIH(]oS U}ILESS OINERUTSE NOTED SOI,IE INFORXAITOII OF IHIS IESI REPORI IIAY BE PROVIDED BY OTNERS. CoPIES Fisher Reece & Johnson Architects - Attn: Skip Sp€nstc. E. Johnson Construction - Attn: Jack lhomas Eierbach consut t ing €ngineer6 lrestefn tilobi le - Attn: ouality control Lab C. Adams T. l-atdicl FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y AS A lluIuAL PRolECItOlt ro cLtELtls, T8E PUBLIC AND OTJRSELVES, ArL REPORTScLlErrs' All0 AUrHORIzATtoll FoR PUBLtcATloN of sTAlEMExrs. coxcLustotts oR NESERVED PENDI}IG OUR URITTEII APPROVAL. SAIPLES UILL BE DISPOSEO OF AfIER AGREEO IO III URITIIIG. A mrber of the lllH Group of Coflpanies Forn [o. clitE I 13A l/91 ARE SUBMITTED AS INE COXFID€NIIAL PROPERTY OF EXTRACTS FROI.I OR REGARDIIIG CIJR REPORTS IS TESTING IS COMPI.EIED UIILESS OI'I€R ARRATIGE!.IEIITS VailValley ilrcaf Genter LETTft @F TRANSNflIT'TAL 181 West Meadow Drivei,'1"., Vail, Colorado 81657 303476-2451 Town of Vai I Bu'i I di nq Dept. ;:'il':. -, .' TO 75 South Frontage Road Vai I c0 81657 WE ARE SENDING ! ShoP tr CoPY YOU d Attached D Under separato drawings D Prints o{ letter E Change order cover vra the following items: E Plans E Samples C Specitications )h TEST RESULTS 2- 18-91 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER PARKING STRUCTURE coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 1 2-5-9t lhen NortherD Inc. - Concrete test results' 7 day strength 1 1- 17-91 ll tl tl ,29.,'' 1 1- 14-91 tl tl tl u2Srrrl ?-4-91 tl tl tl ulrlll THESE ARE D tr tr ! tr TRANSMITTED For approval For your use As requested as checked below: D Approved E Approved E Returned as submitted as noted {or corrections 0 n ! Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies {or distribution Return-corroctod prints For review and commrnt u FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNEO AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS SIGNED: COPY TO ll .Dcto.u... rr. aor r. ^oa.d, kindt! notitt u..r onco. Jg6p MOWgf fOf Dan Feeney Chcnt)Northcnr,Inc1 r'l REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST C DER DATA o YLIN ' ^.Flltet | ^tL-.r .-.t !.tq t t. To: vAIt, v^Llny MIDICAL ctiNTtin JorJ No. 4 424 90 DAT[: 1-14-91 n ttn: Mr. Dan Fccncy 1S1 Wcst lrlca<low Drivc DA.ILY REPOIIT NO. SHEff 1 0l'1 Vai I C0 81657 tNVolcE No. PRO.TECT Vail Val1ey Mctl.i cal Ccntcr l)rr rki ng .sl:l'lrctlrrc, Vnil, Co1 olado. Deck topping, Deck topping, Third Level, Second Leve l, Lines C Lines D to D, Lines 3 to H, Lines to 4; 3to4; I]^TCI{ TICKET NFORI,IATIONT supruE1 Wcstcrn tlobi lc rnucx uo. L19 ncKEr No. 3457 nuE ,|\}|trrvED 10: 34 Mrx oElc' *1.212 w/fi[gr.. am nME Pt.rc@ 10. q I FIEIJ TLSIINC INFORMATION: ltrJE lEsT 1a1g.1{ 10:58 aBluup 4% JOO SPEGrnClnOlrs SU,UP arn corrreilF.4 ; wrl uNrr wuolr 140.2 p,c.. AR coME,IT I WAIEN ADDED A' SIIE CYLJNOEII lNFOltl'lr\TION: rro. oi c,ri runcfr -'- '- 6 "' rin tflttFrl :ilzli 6tt x l2tt llur <;n lt'l)rlts o\5T 11:08 arn \|4lFJlr r.AsT ()rr-Sitc culllNc lNFolllr^TloN: Insuratcd boxtNtIuL cuRt On site Rao $onrcE rrcrurca:"';^;;;; ffi MtN.,/p0(. o/\r[nrlr ^r r,^r l-1S-91 Ir rE SIRIPP@ 1- 15-91 ttY: F. Potvin nElrtJlr(lt cnl'll)l.n u'ltr xl xil lr (rrcr ) Tn'r oFfn glullt: c on/ shear con/shear con/shear con/shea r con/shea r con/shea r 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 ,,(flfA(sa. r.) 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 7 7 28 28 28 28 4t40 3980 4790 4950 4920 49?O 117,000 112,500 135 ,500 140,000 139,000 139 ,000 t-2r-9t 1- 21-91 2-rt-97 2-tL-g7 2-Lt-gL 2- 11-91 oFJlcN srm-llrrlt 4000 Pslozo rA15 n5nl rt L{ltuturr nl m.tnrl ,trr o, r.riofllrrt'ir. wtltt ,''r-l rTli l ltlv xr'ttnln l'|l| l:5 ollluffE{ loltD !o![ lllfo.lu l(lfl oll llllS ltsr rt,ronl rl^Y t( tll(^l0u) ltl Oll(n3' Carolyn Adar:rs 'l'. Lautlick FIELD OUSEf{VEII APPROVED UT ^^^.- Fisher llcccc .Johnson Architects,uvnLr Attrr: Mr:. Skip Spcns!1y"*gorn I'toSilc 6.E. Johnson Construction Co., Attn: Iulr. .Iack'l'homas; llierbach Consulting lirtgirtccrs ^3.i4mrqi'i''ctrHmcl[r[:.lrt.Fl|'lEl',.'lt|i..'|\'-!,||nlrnnl:r'':tt,'F!tIl|'A.!|rrro''||f'|lW..ltrY!rnfrri|lrl'^itrr''.r1co'(il|'-r''tmlltn|ctt|ri|!rn,|.:r,||nr'|ounorn'rii'.rr.'iii.:.i 4l,unlnft urtLt3 0n||, tinaqjruos ,n. ,atrlrD lo ||l r[lllllr':. | .r.r'- .. u-liiiii-lr* .r .'iF.r- t.rF Fo. CrellJ a/CO ChcnONorthcnr,In1 4AuntnD urrtl.as olllr, rntt^tqtJlLrtls lfi. ,.Jrlo ltt lll $lrllllrc. ^ F.- .. u-l ilirilc'-. .f Go.'!ro'r!.. r..'r arr. C|.tllJ a/to o YLIN 'trqfffnZ l.Cl'F.. 66n 'jzr-lthr. REPORT OT CONCNETE TEST C DER DATA TO: VAIL VALLEY MIDICAL CINruR JOO NO. 4 424 1)O DATE: L-L7-9L nttn: l'lr. Dan Fcency lSl t{cst lrlcaclow Drivc DALY REPOI{T NO. SHEET 1 0l'- 1 Vai I CO 81657 tlwotcE No. PRGTECT Vai I Valley tt'lcrlicnl Cerrter l)lrking Stnrctrrre, Vnil, Coloratlo. JloN: Deck topping, Fourth Level, Lines 3 to 4, Lines B to C.5; Tllis load placed at Line B from Lines 3.8 to 4; supru6a Wcstern Mobilc lnuc( lto. 49 TtcKEr Mt. 5474 ilu oEslcN {f.12 w/fibg6. yo. t nUE 0AICfftD L0:27 an nUE lrurrvT:D 10:50 am nuE Pt/ctD 10.59 !!i ttr. Ntr @lflE lr 4.gY/Er UNlr wEclll 143.0 pcl. 3Art|'LE ltltl" tN. ^lR CONTUTT IWAIEn ADDEI, Al SttE col. nF-r,l rlKs: ,Vrt fUlr'. 20 o 16 yd3 FIEI.D ILSTING INFORM^TION: IME rEsr T XEII 11:10 aflLUMP JOD SPECmCJlnolrs sUrUP CYuNOEll lNFOllL{r\tlON: rto. oF c,Yt DrDFxs (r 6r x 12 Ll:20 am mrurf c^rr Orr-Site cunlNc lNFoltl'tATloN: Insutated box inside lNlIuL CULE 0n site RELD slon/rcE F c|LnlEs heated room ulN.,/M (.65/85MrLnluE AI l lL ],-18-91 tr^rE sIRtPPs, 1-18-91 ut: M. Evans lE"tlq G/U Dl.nu tt unlcr fr(r|ct) cn l l)t'l wtjc, tr (LlJs) Tn'[ oF flttclUllt: con,/sPlit con/split shear con/shear shear shea r coup. -51n. (5D 4230 4260 5130 5090 5430 5230 6. 00 6.00 6,00 (r.00 6.00 6.00 28.28 8.28 28.28 28.28 B.2B 28.28 NIEA(sa. il.) 7 7 28 28 28 28 119, 500 120 , 500 145 ,500 144,000 1 53 ,500 148,000 L-24-9L L-24-9r 2-I4-91 2-L4-91 2-L4-9r 2-L4-9L 4000 rrsr o 16 n Y:: |lJl:! Ol l^rtrAl(ml n n:,t'[lrl '^r ltl t":'|.|lrrtrt, *rlll "fi r,,li t l.rlr' -rtirllllti In'l l= Olf ||"fi3t' l&lfft lott |tll ofiu lrcll ui irrrs- ttsr'mt!flt rrlv ll. l'ftovltxjr ItY ollllJlt' Carolyn'Aclans 'l' ' Laudick FIELD OUs$I/ER APPRO\GD ['T Fisher lleccc Johnson Arcllitccts' coPlES Attn ' Mr. Skip Spcnsq;,1ss1s11 trloSilc G.E. Johnson Cotrstrucrion Co., Atttr: Nh" Jack'l'ltonas; llicrbach Consulting lingitrccrs ffiiF|'|tE|'ncl|it|l\'-.|llnl'11l1,''fil,nri|r'|'Artt!||..or'q'.n||.|t|'l'inlYlrotm..t||''l..\|'|o^|'[.n|,lrn|||n.|Fl['rl.t..'3'.trUl|'t3fori|'.iY'|to.'Ytn,.it:|'F'u.nn|c.,.|'t''.,l,n.r'xli.'.ii]*] I0: vait vatley iledlcat center Attn: H.. Dan Feeney 181 9e3t eador Drive Vail C0 81657 PROJECT: Vait Vat tey Hedicat JOB lto.4 424 90 DATE: 2-4-91 SI'IEET 0f Cente. Parking Structufe. Vait, Col,orsdo PTACEHEIIT LOCAT I OI:Parking gErage. LoHer Ievet. Slab south of the north end. on Grade,l,lorth hatf; This toad plsced et the entrance 10r EATCll TTCKET IXFORI|ATIOI: SUPPLIER: Uestern llobile IRUCK XO- 117 TTCKET lto. 01 15? lttx DEsrc[ xo. 45IITE BATCEEO: 9:f6 gN TII,IE ARRIVED: IIHE PLACED: CU. YO . LOAD/ACCUI.I : FIETD TESTTIIG I IIFORIIAT tOII TIHE TESI TAKEN: l0:10 am JOB SPECI FI CAI IOIIS: SLUHP: SLUI'IP: I ll. 4 III. AIR CO{TE[T: AIR CotlTE[T: Z 6.0 SAllPlE TEIIP: 63 x IIATER ADDEO oF AIR TEIIP: 30 oF IET UNIT IIEIGflT:161.0 Dcf AI SITE: GAL cY[|IDER I t{FOR AT tolt[0. 0F CYLINDERS3 6 CYLIIDER SIZE'6nxl2x TIIIE CYLI]IDERS CAST: 10:20 am uHERE CASI: On site cuRl[c I IFoR}t^I totl luTlAL CUREr on site FIELD STORAGE fActLtTtES: curebox DATE RECEMD AT lA8: 2-5-91 By: B. trays til./t{Ax. AGE DAYS DATE IESIED TOTAL IOAI) (tBs) O IAI{ETER ( I ICITES) AREA (sa.tlt.)cofiP. sTR- (PSt ) IYPE Of FRACTURE CYL I iIOER HEtGflI (rBs ) CYL I IIOER UIII T UE I G]II (PCF) 7 7 z8 z8 ?8 28 z- 11 -91 ?-11-91 3-4-91 3-4-91 3-4-9t 3-4-91 102,000 107,500 6.00 6,00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 28.28 28.28 24.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 5610 3800 con/shear con/shear DESIGII SIREIIGIII 4000 PSt a 28 DAYS IESTS BY TABORAIORY PERSO}IXEL ARE III ACCOROATCE VTTH APP!ICABLE ASII.I }IETHOOS UNLESS OTHERIIISE }IOTED SOIIE I 'I FORI'IAT I OII OF TIIIS IEST REPORT IIAY BE PROVTDED 8Y OTIIERS. RE ARKS: Sarple t6ken at truck discharge. CoPIES Fisher Reece & Johnson Architects - Attn: Skip G. E. Johnson Construction - Attn: Jack Thooas Bierbsch Consutting Engineersyestern l,lobi le - Attn: ouality Control Lab Sp€nst Atan Bathke lim Leudick fIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY c[Ex-xoRTltERx, mc. colsuLT|Ic Eltcm€ERs AxD Sct t[T r sts REPORT OF CO}ICREIE TEST CYLIXDER DATA As A l'luIUAL PRoTECTl0ll l0 ctlEllls, THE PUBLIC AlrD q'RSEIVES, ALL REP0RTS ARE SU8]ilTTED AS THE COI|F|DEIItAL pRopE[Ty 0f CLIENTS, AIID AUTHORlZAIIOII TOR PUBI ICATIO}I OF STATEHE}ITS. COIICLUSIOI{S OR EXTRACTS FROI.I OR REGARDIIIG dJR REPORIS tS RESERVEO PEIOIXG (t.,R HRIITEI{ APPROVAI. SAMPTES tJItL 8E DTSPOSEO OF AFTER TESTI[O TS COTPLETED U},ILESS OTHER ARRANGEMENTS AGREEO IO III IJRITIIIC. A trE ter of the II! 6ru.p of Coopani es forn llo. CltEl l3A l/91 cHEll-l0RTHERlt, lIc. COIISULT IIIG E}IGIXEERS AfD SCIENTISTS REPORI OF COIICRETE IEST CYLTXDER DATA AS A IIUTUAL PROTECTI0II r0 CLIE[TS, THE PUSLtC AIO qJRSELVES, ALr REPORTS ARE SUBI{tTTED AS TltE COil DEITtAt- pROpERTy Ot CtIEXTS, AIID AUTIIORIZATIO{ FOR PUSLICATION OF STATEIiIEIITS, COIICLUSTOilS OR EXTRACTS FROI4 OR REGARDING CI,R REPORTS IS RESERVED PEIIDING qJR HRITTEII APPROV L. SAiIPLES !JltL 8E DISPOSEO OF AFIER TESTtNc lS Cof,lPl-ETED UIILESS OTHER ARRANGEMENIS AGREED TO III TJRITIIIO. A menber of the llllt croup of Canpanies torn.tJo, ct'tE | 1lA l/91 T0: Vait Valtey Hedical Cenrer Attn: l,lr. Dan Feeney 181 llest lteadort Orive Vait C0 81657 J08 [0.4 424 90 DATE: 2-5-91 SIIEET I 0t 1 PRoJECI: Valt VatLey itedicst Center Parking Structure, Vai l, Colorsdo PI-ACEHENT LOCAIIOI: Parking gafage, lower tevel,, stab on grade, Line 3 to 4, Line c to D and Line E to F. Line j to 4. BATCII TICKET IXTORHAIIOI TRUCK ilO. 117 TtcKEr llo. 01-3541 IIHE BATCHED: 9:16 am Tt E ARRIVED: 1O:oO an SUPPLIER: Uestern l,lobi 1e lllx DESlcx xo. 1212 yith fiber TII'IE PLACED: IO:10 AM CU. YO . LOAD/ACCTi,I :8 24 'tELO I€STIIIC I II FORIAT T OX TtllE IEST TAKEtt: 10:20 am JOB SPECI fICATIOIS: SLUHP: SLt l'lP:4 3/4 l[. AIR I ll. AIR COITE{T3 CoNTEIT: 7.2 z SA PL€ TEIIP: 62 IJAIER ADDED or ltn tExp, 39 oF u€T UIIIT 9EIGHT:138.5 pcf Al SITE: 6 cAL CYTINDER I IIFORI.{AT I O}I N0.0t CYLIIDERS:6 CYtltlDER SIZE' 6xx12" ltl.,lE CYLII{DERS CAST: 10:30 am llNERe CAST: On site cuRlxG I IFoR AT t0[ tiltTtAL cuRE: on site FIELD STORAGE FACTLITIES: tnsutated bor DAIE RECEMD Al LAB: 2-6-91 sy: B. Hays Hrx./ilAx. 74tTI AGE DAYS DATE TESTED IOIAI LOAD ( L8S) DIAIIETER ( IilC8ES) AREA(sa.I[.)co P. sTR. (PSI ) TYPE Of fRACTURE CYL I IIOER uEtc[T (LBS) CYL I NDER UIIII UE IGHT (PCF ) 7 7 28 28 28 z8 28 2-12-91 2-12-91 3-5=91 3-5-91 3-5-91 t-5-91 5-5-91 98,000 95,000 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 ?8.2A ?8.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 ?8.28 28.28 3470 3560 con/shear con/shear DESIGII STREXGTII 4000 PSI A 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORAIORY PERSOIIIIET ARE III ACCORDAIICE V]TII APPLICABLE ASTI{ I.IETHOOS UNLESS OTHERIJISE NOTED. SCI.IE IXFORHAIIOII OI THIS TESI R€PORT IIAY 8E PROVTDED BY OTIIERS. RET|AR(S:Sanpte rras obtained at the truck discharge, CoPIES tisher Reece & Johnson Architects - Attn: skip Spenst G. E. Johnson Construction - Attn: Jack Thomas Bierbach Consutting Engineersgestern llobile - Attn: euatity Control Lab Bobby Hsys Tim Laudick FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY FIB I3 'S] A:58 FROI4 SCHINDLER DEI,IVER . Schindler Elevator CorOtion PAGE.6OE ,uuo*.lr,.ontn"" Suite 1 1 | Denver. C0 80? l9 I Teteohonei t3O31 936-729?Fox: | (303) 934-90€ 5 f G. E. Johnson P.O. Box l.ZB2vail, Colorado Construction 81658 February 13r 1991 I RE: Vail Valley Our G.O.#! the per testfor Building elevator at the aboveA.N.S.r, A17.r.. The were peSforned and arethe eler4atot equipment e...L .EttF-t-F -()o Medical 8737t Attn! Jack 1rholnas Dear llr. thourast Ttris letter is to verify thatsubject building has been inbtalteAelevator Ls safe for public use as allsatisfactory. This certification isonly and not building related iterus. Sincerely, David L. CraneField Superintendent DLC: ep l : M00o t 0 J ' VailValley lQiof Genter LETfu @F TRANSNNMTTAL 181 West Meadow Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 303476-2451 To Mr. Dan Stanek Town of Vail Buildinq Department 75 South Frontage Road Vait, C0 81657 WE ARE SENDING YOU d Attachod D Under separate cover via tr Shop drawings D Prints u Copy ot letter ! Change order d TEST RESULTS THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: the following itoms: E Plans O Samples fl Spocitications fl For approval C For your use fl As requested tr Approved as submitted I Resubmit-copies for approval ! Approved as noted - Submit -copies for distribution X Returned lor corrections D Retu rn -correct€d prints 19- tr PRINTS RETURNEO AFTER LOAN TO US D For review and commcnt . D FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS JOt tao. 2/14/91 ATTENTION RE VAII VAI I FY MFDICAI CFNTFR PARKING STRUCTURE coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION i i-4-91 ihen Northern. Inc. - Concrete test results. 28(a) dav strenqth 1 1-4-91 r r r '| '| 2g(B) || rl 1 1-8-91 tl tl ll 2grI 1 1- 11-91 tl tl tl 2g rl 1 1-25-91 tl tl tl 7"rl I 1-31-91 tl tl tl 7uU SIGNED: COPY TO ll cnclo.!r..... not.r nolld, hindltt notil! u..t on".. Jg61 MOWgf fOf Dan Feeney ChcntrNorthcnr,lnc ' ^.^tllh4 lnlt'r.'. .r'l :.t-'l'.t. oGo, oF coNcRrrE rEsr .',Oouo ooro TO: vAIl, vAI.t,EY l"ltiDIcAL CDNl't;tt Jor.l l'to. 4 424 90 DATE: 1-4-91 n ttn: llr'. Dan Fccncy l8l lVcst lrlc:rdow Dr.ivc IJALY nEPOITT NO' sll[fi ]' Ol: 2 Vai I CO 8165 7 tNVotcE No. PRGJECT Vail Valley l'lctl ical Ccrrter l);rlki n11 Stnrcturc, Vrril , Colotntlo. Repai r of ttla l l on Line C ; BAICI{ IICKET INFOIIIIATION: suprurtr lt,cs tern l.lobi lc lnuo( 10. LL7 Iu€ tArGlltl) 2:31 P.l*!. rrcKEf l€. MX DESIGN lto.l'li x C cU. Yrr. 4 nuE lrrntvtD 3:04 P"M. nvE Pl'rcED 3..27 P.l'1. FIEI,.D TTSTING INFORMATION: ruE rE;t r r(Er 3 : 53 PM3tuuP 7+ lt{. Nn colnolr4 . 8 : wrr uMr wlrcllrf 43.4 PGt' sj\rrl'LE rrur''63op .'vrt rurr" 26oF {}O SPEClnCAnOlG SUrUPIlaxg tN. 1;R coME rr5-Z I wlr[n ADDCT, Al stIE 0 cal. nera nl(s: cruNoER TNFORMA'flO|\|: Iro. oF c;/l,ltgrns 7 cylnlrFg st1t 6" x t2" llut: t;/l llll)rtl:; c.\jT i:43 P"tt" tll'fJtt: In Box Insidg Heated Room NEMANXS: ()^r|:^luE ar r,rl.L 1-5 - 91 cuntNc lNFotil,{ATroN: tNnul cute on-Site o^rE srntpprD 1-5 - 91 RAD $OftA6E flClullLt w: C. Adams rltll||)l.nul{t hT r(;|lr 0sr) couP. -5ln. ($D 4074 4560 4790 5440 5 610 5480 5870 NITA (so. Ir.) 8.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 sh ear con/sp1it con/she ar con/split con/sp1it con/sp1it con/sp1it 6. 00 6. 00 (r.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 115 , 000 129,000 135,500 154,000 158,500 155, 000 166,000 r-7-97 1- 11-91 1- 11- 91 2-7-9L 2-t-9L 2-L-9L 2- 1-91 5A 7A 7A 28A 284 284 28A 4000 Psr o 7a rI^\,:; llJls ltt wxrl^loftt 'll-.ratrll ,N lrl krrrltrrtit tlltl 't'r-l r)rri f ttlv-lrlrlr|tr Inllt:i3 ollll'Tf,t?f, llolto :'oitf lo urralrrl oli-iirs rtci'mlo'lt u Y lt' flrqt{'(D uJ ollll 3' nEfDASS$iilE* ^Proi*ot',li't'* Fi strcr llcccc .Iohnsotr Arcltitccts, coPlEs n ttrr. Mr. Skip Spcnst;1q51qr-1 lr1oSi lc G.D, Johnson Corlstruction Co., Atttr: ltlr" Jack'lhornas; llicrbach Consulting ljnginccts rl I ulntt.t f.i('flcTrtl m nrral3. Dtl Frtnr rrtr l'rlmll!t-! 'lt nttYtnl! r'!: ffrfr rf ltlttrltrt's cofritrirtn on rirarets lrrlu att rllr:rl{ntt oun nlN)ltll iovnl.lrt uilJs olllrt lnfwqJtuals lnt r.,ltlo lo lrl llllllrt|i'' I F .r' .. rxlriiiilq.- .{ ...no..rt- t..n tr.. Crel IJA a.iroo tlmrtltltn A'i lr an''lrrtrlul Ftrtt 'rrY "f dr't illtt'l''\ ,'|o 'rtnrtrl'llnrl Irrn t"It r_r - ..r"iiiiili"il^r1r iii,".-brn r1ntrttr x'ntwrr. :'^!t1l:i lrrl l. lrr: uur.rlsr'o or llltr rrllrri r" CltcntrNorlhcnr, tn1 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST C DER DATA .tl!Unlr|'nrf'ctb|mllr'.t'i.t||7t.i'F|t|'tro|,,la'|!t-\,||nlmn|t,i'c3l'!tttll'Att|r.0l'''rru|..F||(n'f 'Vr'..'ttrltt.llrsr.'rl|'ir'xon'tt'|c!3'niq.nfldnl'.|ovno.',...ir'.r:'.iii:i ' ^.|.tlrtut l6lh-1. .n'l :.t-'r'.r.o YLIN TO: VAIL VALLEY MIDICAL CENTHI JOO NO. 4 424 90 D TE: 1-4-91nttn: Mr. Dan Fccncy l8l Wcst l'lcadow Drivc DAILY REPOI{T NO. SHELT 2 0F 2 Vai I CO 81657 lNVotcE No. PRO.JECT Vai I Valley ttletlicaI Ccntcr l)rrrki ng Strrrctrrrc, Vail, Colorado. PI CEMENT UOCJtlloH: Deck Topping,third Level, Second Leve1, Lines D.5 to E. Lines D to E" 5, Lines 3 to 4; Lines 2 to 3; 5, MTCI] TICKEr INFORTTATION: suprurx l{cstern Mobi le TArcIftI) *.111-?. roPPi.nS. 8w/ r-lDer nuE'Prrcg) 12:40 p.l"l.llUE rnuq( lr0. 155 L1:53 A"M. rrcKEr rc. 3417 nUE ,rlrnrvT, 72:76 Mrx oEsIGN P.t{. FIEI.O TLSNNG INFORMATII \: IIUE IEST TAXET12 : 54PI,' 5LUUP JOD SPECtnClnOtG SUJMP cotflE n6 . T : wEr UNlr wt]Gllr 138 . 6 pcr. coMrurr tr w^fEn ADDCI' AI SIIE 5 s&rpLE tf.up. 64oF rut rupl8oF. rhr. nol^Rxs: g@24 0f 32vd,+3 Ut. tN. NN /\rR CYUNOER INFOIII"U\TION: frr. oF ciyt nrDots 6 rjrl flfrrFn stTr (ft x l2tt rrMr c^rNt,rtts qsr LqLP-IL wtrrJrr ot;t 0rr-Sitc oll[/ltltE er urur. 1-7-91 CU'IING INFOII},IATION: lNlIuL cuRi: On-Site o TE srntppfn L-7-9L REID fi,tucE ItY:Adams FrcunEs ]ntYl"t:d.l9TInsl(re bu]. ldlng REII NXS utN.,/l,w(. GE t) t€ D^IE rEslE., IOr t_ l.(ul) (uE) t)rlrJErDl( rcl [5) ,|F (so. ur.) couP. -5ln. (61) T/''E OFl ctutrc C,.n,llr)01m5rtf(tlrs) cnlrn)t:n ulrtr h1:lc lr(r.cfl 7B 7B 288 2BB 568 568 1- 1 1-91 1- 11-91 2-r-91, 2-r-9t 3-t -91 3-L-91 88,000 90 r 000 113,000 111 , 500 6. 00 6.00 6.00 (r.00 6.00 6.00 28,28 28.28 28.28 29.28 28.28 28.28 3110 3180 4000 3940 shear con/shear con/s hear c on/she ar nFsbll sTRft GT}I ,onn t'st o 26 rl^lls ru'nl tr/ Lttt ttlt lY I'tirtl n3rf'lrrl ^rtf Ol ,arrrt!! t lr(nu^tlotl otl lllt5 |tst &ttto0l Fl.|rrril rrln lt xtttl l,tn l3i otlllrfiE( u Y t( fnlrvl0(o ur oll[.n3. I lnttD PNOG'IESS REPOKI:' Fishcr llccce .Iolrnson Architccts,t"tL" Attl,: Mr. Skip Spcns 1;1r1ss 1gr1 l'l<.lbi 1c G.ll . Johrtsotl Constructiort Co., Attnl Nh'. Jack'ltomas; Diclbach Consultirlg lingincers 4orr^l.nt, t lttJs ollllt ,,trwslrruns ,rlt ,.Jtl l.o lo lrl lr lll:. ^ F.- r. t-l rif r llo,-. , c..'rFir.. r..ri ||.. CutllJ r/to Chcn€Nortlicnr,Ilrc ' .tqtlnn I a7*s,. .^,r :.t-trhr. ot,,t oF coNcnETE rEST .,touo ooro To: vAIr, vAt,LEy MEDICAL ctiN'nitt Joo No. 4 424 go DATE: 1-8-91Attn: lrlr. D:ur Fcency 181 West llcadow Drivc DAILY nEPOllT NO. SHEET 1 Ol.- 1 Vai I CO 816-57 llwolc' No. IEGTECT Vai I Vallcy l,,lcrl ical Ccntcr lt:rr.kiny1 .Stnrctrrrc, Vail, Colorado, Deck Topping, Parking Garage, Upper Level; IIATCI{ TICKET NFORIJATION: supruER $lcstern l.lobi lc lnucK uo. 117 lcKEr 116l. O1S4Z2 Mx oEslqt *.45-., cu. yD. 8w.t].ber nME tr^Ic|tq, 9:25 A.M. nME ,rllrl'vT:D 9:45 A.['1. IUE Pt cs) ]0:20 A.l'1. FIEU) TLSTING INFORMATION: ltuE tEsf fp<en 10 : 25Atr|:r-uup 5l tn. arn cornrrn4.s : wLT UNtr $ucrtr --- p€t, siurru rtlp.62oF.aln rtur'.2OoF JOo SPEClnCAnorts SUJUP tN. AR CoME fT ;r wAIEn ADDEI, AT srE 0t tu|. ntrutil(s: 8 @ 8 of CYUNOEII INT ORI,U\TION: Iro. oF c,yl ttroFRs (r (ttt x | 2"lrur cntrt)'r:i c.,\5T 10:35 A.!.1. $ntulr cltr Orr-Si te CUITING INFONMATION: tNlIUL CUtlE 0n-site RO' stofl,^6E r oullEs Cure Box utN.,/tl^x. u^r[ntsc AI wr1-9-91 'ArE 'IR'"P'D 1-9-91 ''r: B'J' llavs R[[,.x* Gn|ll -nurtr wxrlr(r{r)couP. -fln. (r|5l) 4400 4400 5550 5380 5380 5440 /\,|t 28,28 28.28 28,28 28.28 28,28 28.28 shear shear con/split con,/sp lit con,/spli 9on/split 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 (r.00 6.00 6.00 1- 1s -91 1-1s-91 2-S-9L 2-5-91 2- 5-91 2-5-91 L24,500 r24,500 157,000 15 2,000 152,000 154,000 7 7 28 28 28 28 4000 t'slo2t rI^Ys n5nl |'/ wxtu|l,tY nmnrorft arrr lrr L.rrtttturit r.tlll rt.r.|r,rrif ttlu -rr,.ll()l'' llrll133 ollll'r j|: tloltD :,or|( ltllotrll^llotl oll llll:i ltSt _l|t|.oftl rqY r( lt|lwro(o ItY oltltj|3' Sample taken at truck discharge. A. Bathke 'l'. l,au di ck FIELD OU5Ef{VEIT APPRO\ID [IT Fishcl llcecc .Jolrtlson Arcltitccts,ttt's- Attrl: Mr. Skip Spcnstlysslgrn l.lo5.i lc G.ll . Johnsott Construction Co. ' n tttr: llr'. .Iack'llomas; Ilicrbach Consultirlg l.ingitrcers rl^r,uflr|mr'rcTlEm.l'.'.t.l't||lF|'|t|E,nni.totl|\^-!,||nlmnlt|n(.t|,rn!|||nAt|||l.o'i||'l'|'u|^ nor, tr tt.truttrlt rrtntnrtF! o[ rllnfct\.-ounlnD urrtt-is on.tt lan^'srrljrls l,|t. rarrlo lrt |'l $lllll1l:. t .iai' .. u.l fiiif lr-- .t c''rroir.. t.ri ,|.. c|.tl IJA a/JO To: v IL vALL[y MTDICAL c[Nt'riR Jou No. 4 424 90 DATE: 1_11_91Attn: Mr'. D:rn Fcency lSl West l,lea<low Drivc DALY REPOIiT NO. sHEEf 1 0l'1 Vai I C0 81657 tlrvolcE No. $glrEcT Vni. l Valley Mcrli cal Ccrrtel l,lrkirrll Stnrctrrrc, Viri. l., Cololado. PU\GEMINr LOC.AlloN: De-t foppinE, f,evet., iines Z to 3, Lines H to c; I]ATCH TICKET INFORI{ATION: supruEp Wcstern Mobilc lnuc|( ilo. LL7. 10:02 amNTE OAIIIIEI) TrcxEr rc. 3451 nuE lnnIvED 10:21 mx oEslcill#.2 w/fibe16. l0. , an TluE PtAcED 10:28 am FIEI""O TESTING INFORIJATION: rtrE lEsr rrxeil 10: Ssanstuup d!6 1r. aln corflE r 5. 3; wEr uNtI wuctr 139. 8 pcf. s lr]'lf,, rE l" 63 Alll ]f!l'. 20 JOO SPf,Clnc^nolrs StlJltP tN. AR coMrEl'n ;l WAtEn ADO€L Ar 5m tbl. nEr{^Rxs: CYUNOEII INFORMAIION:lo. oF c,'Yl,l.tor.Rs (r rJl ftfDFn stTli (ttt x l2'l 'lrur cn rNr)r,r:i cJ\'f 10 :45 wrr rf c^lt 0rr-.Sitcam CUNING INFORI,IATION: rNrIuL curG on site Ftnr, sTon^cE flcnnuslnsYlit:d.??l MtN.,/rN( 0^rL-ntu€ Ar u& 1-14-91 o^rE slnrpps, 1-14-91 ut3 c. Adarns lnslde out'otilt*o AGE o't':s DATE IESIID loTA t(xo (uJs) lrurrc Jl (rr{clll5)xtr(sa. rI.) couP. -5lR. (,50 T/PC OF fllrctulll: cl1 |l{ufn wErrrr (urs) cnt Df.nufllr $n](rrr(r'cfl 7 7 28 28 28 28 1- 18-91 1- 18-9 I 2-8-91 2-8-9L 2-8-91 2-8-91 106,500 L10,500 1 33 ,000 .l 30 ,000 127 ,500 l 3l ,000 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 (r.00 6.00 6.00 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 3770 3910 47 00 4600 4510 4630 con/split con/split shear con/shea con/shea con,/shea oFJrcN srmn(;tH 4000 Pslo?n rr^\6 t rlsnt tt? l,|rnaturt n ns.rnrrt ,rf t,| r..rrrlt.rr.if. i1||r rrrF|rr.rrf, f:llu l.ttlitlta Inlllt ollll/rfl3c lKtlfo 30{f ltll ulu lK)tl otl llrlS ltsr lttrlnl uv lf t"l(tJllx, ItY olllL',l3' PROGRESS REPOKfr. Fishcr lleccc Jolulson Arcllitccts,ttttt- AtUtt Mr. Skip Spcnstllgclsrn Mollilc G.E. Johniorr Construction Co., Attn: lnlr. Jack'Ihornas; Dierbach Consulting Lngitrccrs Clrcn tr Norl.hcn r, I nc - nElfnr oF coNcRErE rESr cvf,oEn oarr ..orn lttD ur{t:t3 onlr, ..rtluqjruns l,if. raJn l.lt lo lrl ln|||||'. | 'i-'i,- ., u.l iliiil r.. .. ...trrdrr.. t.rri ||. Clfll IJA a/ro |tl9tmt.|ror'[G'rmnr'ns'Il'|inE|,||'o,'<'|!t.\|||n'mnl3r'{3|mr.||'t'Att|r.I'|'|t)l'|lut.F||lfi'rtr.l|nc||''n\ 'in.'tt.r!|It!'e.rn|,.il'no'rlln,4|l'|Dr|.nn,g,|'|4ouno'''''ni!.'.,:r'.iii.:.i 'tralui? l.ttF.. .n,l .'tr-rlr.l. ,2 ChcntrNorthcnt,In1 REPORT a YLIN '^.-.rl|,| l^f||a. .n l 5.1-lr.l. OF CONCRETE TEST C DER DATA T0: VAII, Attn: 181 Vai I PRGJECT J0t1 NO. 4 424 90 DA'[E: 1-25-91 DALY REPORT NO. SHEET 1 OT ll.ryotcE No. VALLEY MI]DICAL CENTI]R Mr, Dan Feency West Mcadow Drive co 81657 Vai 1 Vallcy lt'lerl i ca'l Ccnter l)nrk ing .Strrt cttt rc , Va i I , Col orado . Lobby, slab on grade; sidewalk and driveway islands #2 and' #3; UATCH nCKEf lNFORl,nTlON: supruE1 Western Mobi le 01 551q/H ggstcx ro. 1212 cu. Y11. 10:03, ,a4 ruE Pl,rcql 10: 10 rnuq( ilo. 119 9:30 am FIETD TLSNNG NFORMATION: nuE rET lagg't 10:37a:g1t/rt 5 JOD SPEC|F|CAI|OIIS ctuuPs-s Nn co]flEros.5 : wEr uNfr wEG'1r140.7 AR CONTETs-7 .l w^l[n ADD@ AT slTE pct. Si\!PLE TEUP, 0 c,ol. nor RKS: CYUNDE'I INFOITMATION: to. oF cYt ntrrFrts (r r.yl t1DFl stTE (rrt x l2rt wlrmf c lT 0n-Si tc CURINC INFORIIATION: txrruL curE: 0n site RaD floMcE FtcluTrEs Curebox utq,/trix52/75 o rt,/nuE AT wL 1-26-91' rrtE $n|Pftn l-26-9I w: F" Potvin nE! RKs: c'Y1.tt|Dt:n ur|tf unlu fr(l cr) T/PE OF ;tuctullE con/shear con/shear 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 8.28 28.28 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 (r,00 6.00 6.00 107, 500 108,000 2-L-9I 2-L-91 2-22-9L 2-22-9L 2-22-9r 2-22-9L 7 7 28 28 28 28 nFstcl| srnfttcrll 4000 Psl o ?6 rI^\6 rt.s|:! rt wrql^lolw Pl Fs.tortl Arff lll lartt ltwlll' wrlll ^l't'ir,|rlt lilu -rrltlfttr' Inlll= olllttrf,E[ tKtltD 3Ol( l||tUtlU lX)X ('|l lnl: llsr'|ltllnl lt{v t( ltlK'vt{xD ttt olllut3' PROGRESS REPORf: Sanple obtained from trucli discharge. Frank Potvin T. Laudj.ck FIEI.o OUSEIWEII APPRO\GD TT Fisher P.eece Johnson Architccts 'tt"ttt Attnr Mr. Skip SpcnsQ;{s51srn lrlo5ilc C.ll . Johnson ConstflJction Co, , n ttn: I!lr. .lack'lhomas; llierbach Consulting lingincers ^tl|,unt{Er'rcFxmqr[Tln|fn[Ep|l'd|it'|vl1||[nlmn|sr,r{stFFt||tl'Att|rrolr{xxlu|.'.trii[tV(r.,'|l.l,nS'r'x.r!tt^tft||l..|le.Iq|nr'6o'.xtir.]|s'ln{mxlG^,||,ir!ou""'',',''i,.i..'.].iii.,]i4('vnfttl| urlr!3 onnr l|i^lqrun3 l, . ,G{l l-o lo ol slllllllc. ^ F-r.c- .r rr.l irf rfl r.. , ...nrrtr- t..i ||. cL(l IJA ano cltElr-[oRTfiER[. Iltc. co[suLTmG E]tGt t{E€Rs AID sctExTtsrs REPORT Of OOIICRETE IEST CTLIXDER DAIA I0: Vait Valtey f.tedical Center Attn: llr. Drn Feeney 181 Uest l{esdor Drive Vait c0 81657 PROJECT: ValI Vettey tledical Center parking Structure, Vail, Colorado JOB XO. 4 424 90 DArE t-31-91 S]IEET l OF 1 PtACEllEllT LOCATlOll: Deck topping, Level ?, Lines C to B, Lines 3 to 4 ard mi scel laneoos uatt curbs; This loEd placed in esst hatf of this .rea. BATCII IICKET t IfoRllAI I Oll SUppLtER: Uestern lobile IRUCK ll0. 117 TTCKET XO. 3524 rtx DESTGI lto. 1212 eith fiber TlliE SATCflED: 9:21 an TlttE ARRMD: 9:34 an Ir E PLACED: 10:07 an CU.YD.LOAD/ACCU : 8 e 16 of 24 yds FIETD TESTIIIG III'OR AT IODI IlilE tEsI IAKEI: 10:25 am JOB SPECI FICAllo0lS: SLUI4P: SAI,IPLE TE P: 5.2 Z 58 oof AtR TEHP, o or llET Urllt l,lEtGHI:140.6 pcf. AT SITE: 8 GAL SLUHP:|[.4 t[. AIR AIR CO.|IEIT: COITEilT: I UATER ADDED cYl I I|DER mFORr,rATIo)l ilo. 0F CYLI|DERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6xl2 TItl€ CYLIIIDERS GAST: 10:35 am YflERE CAST3 On-site cuRtilG I ltFoRt|AT totl lIlTlAL CURE: 26 hours on-site DATE RECEIVED AT tA8: 2.1.91 FIETD BY: STORAGE FACILITIES:' INSUIAtEd bOX C . Adams lt I ll . ,/llAX . AGE DAYS DAIE lESTED TOTAT IOAO (r8s ) D I AI.IETER ( mcflEs) AREA (so. t lr. ) cotP.sTR. (PSt ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I IIDER UEIGHT (LBS) cYt IIoER uf t UEIGXI (PCr ) I 7 28 28 28 z8 2-7-91 2-7-91 z-28-91 2-28-91 2- t8-91 2-28-91 109,000 111,000 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 ?8.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 ?8.28 28.28 386{t 3930 conlspl i t shesr DESIG}I STREIIGT1I 4000 PSI A 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE III ACCORDANCE t,IITH APPLTCA8LE ASTI{ I,IETHOOS UNLESS OT}IERI.'ISE IIOTED SO,IE INIOR}IATIOII OF TIIIS TEST REPORT IIAY BE PROVIDED BY OTIIERS. SE ARKS: CoPIES Fisher Reece & Johnson Architects - Attn: Skip G. E. Johnson Construction - Attn: Jack ThofiEs Bierbach Cm3ulting Eng ineera Uestern ilobi l,e - Attn: ouatity Control Lab Spenst c. AdarE T. Laudi ck FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A I{UTUAL PRoIECTIOI t0 CLIEITS, TIE PUBLtC Ailo qJRSELVES, ArL REPoRTS ARE SUBIIlTTED AS THE CoNFloE]ITIAL PRoPERTY 0F CTIEIITS, AND AUTITORTZAIIOII FOR PUBLTCATIOII OF STATEI.IENIS, CO}ICTUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROI! OR REGARDIIIG OIJR REPORTS IS RESERVEO PEITOI[G qJR HRITTE}I APPROVAT. SAI.IPIES I,.|ILL 8E DISPOSED OF ATTER TESTING IS COI,IPIETED UIILESS OTHER ARRA}I GEI'IEI{ I S AORE€D IO III IJRITIIIG. A nesber of the Htll Gro.p of coflpanies forn llo. CllEll3A-1/91 .2 ' : .:1 :+ f Vall Valley lfiicaf Genter LETfu @FTRANSMITT'AL 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 303476-2451 To Town of Vail Build'ing Department 75 South Erontaqe Road Vail, C0 81657 WE ARE SENDING YOU d Attached D Under sspa rate cover via the following items: D Shop drawings ! Prints tr Plans tr Samples U Specifications tr Copy of letter D Change order [ Observation report THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E For approval ! For your use p As requested ! Approved as submitted ! Resubmit-copies for approval i Approved as noted D Submit-copies for distribution E Returned for corrections O Retu rn _ corrected prints 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US D For review and comment n N FOR EIDS DUE REMARKS }li!'c N0\/ c 91990 OAAE JOa 7 November 1990 AIfENIION Dan Stanek Vail Vallev Medica] Center - Parkino Structure coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 1 10-30-90 19 Bierbach Consulting Engineers - 0bservation report I 11- 2-90 20 Bierbach Consultinq Enqineers - Observation report SIGNEO: COPY TO ll cnclo.utG.... aoa ,. not.d, tti/ndty notiltt v..t onc.. Bfenda HafOgf JOB NO. 2067 ts-81 EIERBACH CONSUTTING ENGINEERS INC. REPORT NO. l9 FIELD OBSERVATION REPCRT wos noted: The 8-# 6 iomb bors shown in Sect. gll/13 were not instolled. The 8-#6 jomb bors shown in Seci. C/\/13 were not inslolled. The 8-#6 jomb bors shown in Sect. 8/2/19 were not insiolled. The confroclor is going 1o instoll hook bors ot the corners of the 2-#10 bors focoled obove ihe door openings. Shown in Section B/l/13 ond Section N1/13. No other ltems were noted. JOB VAIL VALLEY HOSPITAL PARKING STRUCTURE DATE October 30. 1990 CONTRACTOR G. E. Johnson Construction Componv TIME 2:00 A.M. SUPERINTENDENT Jock Thomos TEMPERATURE 70 WORK OESERVED: I visited fhe site fo review lhe woll reinforcing ot ihe following locotions: o) Second lift southwesl core. b) Second lift grid line B wos portiolly instolled. Piloster steel ond future opening steel hod not been ploced. The following r) 2l 3) 4l OBSERVER Michoel Goldstein ,oe {a2rcf,{at--t*e ffirZ d lax transmittal memo 7671 5\lEji!e {o-"\'ix FIL€ 5-9e l-|ON E I EREACH E}.|GhTRSo16o P.BL JOB NO. 2067 2 Post-lt" brand far transmittal memo re71 t of paggs r TO\aJs$*_-_- 9O, f\ ,/,. .. =*$"|-\lc\.bs(!v \ u€pr.Phone 'l Fax # I visited fhe site to review the reinforcing irr the woll on line "4" from the Northern construction ioint Soufh to the stoir core. The following ilems were noled: l. Numerous locqtions were noied where reinforcing wos missing: o. Verticols odjocent io 48" diomeler openings ond oll opening trim bors were missing. Counferfort ties were missing ol severol locotions. Counterfort closure ties of lhe reor of the counlerfort were missirtg. b. c. d. e. f. Lop splices for misploced footing dowels on lines C.5 & D,5 were missing, Woll verticols South of line'Cu hod not been ploced Speciol consirucliorls ioint deroil ot C-4 wos missing. I hove enclosed o copy of this detoil originolly submitted on June I l, 1990, for the conlroclort convenience, Column verticols ot the column iornb ot ihe South West corner of the stoir core were disploced o consideroble distonce from lheir required locotion. The position of the dowels is not occeptoble wifhout some corrective oction. Except for removing o portion of the woll below ond repouring with properly ploced dowefs or moking o lorger column, 2. 1{OV- s-98 FrOH t,t =2A EIERBACH Eh.|l6o GHRo P-@2 Voil Porking Struclure Reporl # 22 November 2, 1990 Drilling dowefs lnto the top of the woll is the corect locofions seems to be o reosonoble solulion. I do not believe it is possible to drill ond onchor the #1 I bors ln lhe confined spoce provided. Therefore,lhe conlroclor should prepore fo drill OBSERVER Steven E. Bierboch. P.E. 5- 9e Flo|".{:2tE IBIERBA|]H EHG!f P- e3NRo15 otl Ld l-^trj CYOzoO zo Ep:)4f,frl* EFi EEil .o-,2 P - g4EHGHRa'.6:26 EIEREACH O 5-98 HON @o o{(9 F-- J { t--- LdO m :E ) EF{I6 PfiEv, Hr..I,E *,P n J zOJF< !3H FF fiH, EEE F It Vail Valley rvliol Center LETffi @F TRANSNNNTTAL WE ARE SENDING ! ShoP D CoPY lhi!,t, g ._ ., Attached fl Under separate D Prints ! Change order Plans E Samples Concrete test results 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 303-476-2451 Town of Vajl Bujlding Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail. C0 81657 oarE lJol xo. ATTENIION Dar IE: Parkino Structure Concrete Testinq the following items: ! Specifications YOU 6 drawings of letter coYer ! d coPrEs DATE NO.OESCRIPTION 1 9-25-90 Chen Northern, Inc. - Report of concrete test,28 day strength 1 9-26-90 Chen Northern, Inc. - Report of concrete test,28 day strength 1 10- 13-90 Chen Northern, Inc. - Report of concrete test,7 day strength 1 10- 18-90 Chen Northern, Inc. - Report of concrete test, 7 day strength THESE ARE D 6 il tr tr TRANSMITTED For approval For your use As requested as checked below: fl Approved - Approved E Returned as submitted as noted for corrections ! n n Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies for distribution Retu rn -corrected prints For review and commcnt D FOR BIOS OUE 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS SIGNED: Brenda Harperll ancloturaa ara nol rs notad, lindty notity sa ,t onca. PROJECT Vail Valley Mcdical Ccntcr l)arkin Structurc, Vai1, Coloraclo. toN: Foundation WaIl, Second Lift, Lines F.5 to G on Line 2; and Lines 8.6 to 3.4 on Line G; I,IATCH TICKET INFORI,,{ATION: supruE1 Wcstern Mobilc tnu61( nME tr,rlcJtq) 1:16 \.t tvl t$- I \wt tt lvl I Irlt l\-. tOoot oF coNCR[TE TEST cltrorn DATA VAII, VALT,EY MIDICAL CEN'TIII RFNFIVFN JOO NO. 4 424 90nttn: Mr. Dan Fccncyt8t Wcst Mca<low Drivc f{tjf t 1gg0 DAILY REPoI{r No. Vai 1 C0 81657 tNvotcf No. lo. 104 lcxrr No.01 2513 Mu DESIcN ro. P 'M' nur AnnrvtD 1 : 23 P'M' 111/E S. Urton FIEL' OIJSTTWER DATE: 9-25-90 sHErr 1 0F- 1 23 cu. 'ro. B P[,rcED 1:25 P.M. nsrs ra w,gurofrt rtt R-,rrr{t Arrr u rrtl.rlvral. irltr ratltTrrt lilv lrtrru):i |tn l:i5 olllt't. 1:|: lloltD :prt lrlf 0(NAtKDr (,|t lr1|:' ll-5l rtlloflr [ 1 l( t'l(wl()U) rr olllut3' PROGRESS REPORT:Concrete was purped into forms. Sanple taken frcrn tfie hose of the ptnrp. l. LiludrcK ^PPROVLD [IT I r3^vl^!4Fnn[cTrmn[u3.I||rF|'|t|E^,|oq|n.||!1ri,|ll.^lmrn',,,tfllFr||l7')Atl||rf,tf|o|',Ml.rtioFrnlY 40!r\tttD uut.ts on|l, Mtwloorunt l,lt r.l;rn lo I0 lll llxllllri. ^ '',rt- o. u.l iiirt I c'-' of .0610,rr.. t.a rb. cu(llJA a/9O FIELD TTSIING INFORMATION: IIUE TEs'f TXfl1:35 PM SlUup 3L tN. N8 'colfrEl{T3.8; wLT UNIT wEctr143.9 pct. s,urt'u TL}/P. 70o ^,,1 16urt 80o Joo SPEElFlcAnolrs suJuPg_4 Dt. ^JR coNE[r3-s.Iw ltn ADoID ^T snE 5 !!_nq^I{l C'l'lJN0Ell lNFORlr.{ATION:ln. oF cvl Hof:Rs (r r;n rt1)Ert stTf (rtt x 12" llur cn lttD[,ls t:r.s[ 1r55 p^M. \|llmf c'^:'-r 0n-Sitc CUNING INFORI.IATION: lNrTt L cunf: orr-site O^IE 5IRIPPED 9-26-90 TnSidenO, 5T0tt GE F/qClLfllCS -":- BuildfurcllY: S. Urton o rEnrrl€ Ar ru 9-26-90 7 28 28 28 28 NIIA 5A. rN.) 28.28 28.28 28. 28 28.28 28.28 28.28 conical conical c on/ shear con/split con/ shear con/ shear 3800 3910 5080 5130 4780 4970 6. 00 6. 00 (r.00 6.00 6.00 6 .00 10-2-90 10-2-90 10-23-90 10-23-90 t_0-23-90 L0-23-90 107,500 110,500 143, 500 145,000 135,000 140, 500 4000 r,sl o ?6 rr,r\.s Fishcl Leccc ,Iohnsolt Arclt i Lc ct s 'coPlfs Attn ' Mr:. Skip Spcns! flqq 1cr:rr lrlo5 j lc G,E, .lolurson Construction Co., Attll: Nlr. Jack'fhomas; Rierbach Consr.rlting llrrllinccrs Chcnt)Northeln,Irra 'trall,,,, l.tl.|-.. ndl i<r-tlr't. REPORT OF CONCNETE TEST CYLINDER DATA ^tlv|ml.|.'t||t'I6lmnr'm.I|tnFtt'|od''ta'|\^-t,|lnrr.mr!r,{1lni!rl|oAtt|l|..4|'|ot''|w.''r,i'.Y(rotmc||l|ln.r. rr srlrrrtt.tt corrjt t6rt6 on tllrrctt4ounlnlr urrtl3s onrtt lnrwoljru,|l lrlf. LJntD lo |ll f,nrllri;. ^ E g' o, u. I r rliil c-.. .. c.6Fir.. ai'i 'r.. C|If,tlJ t/eo TO: VAII, VAI,LI]Y MEDICAL CI]NTI:II At trr: Mr. Dan Fccncy 181 lVcst Mcadow Drivc Vail CO 81657 Jotl l-ro. 4 424 90 ttNE:9/26/90 ^ DAJLY RCPOTfi NO. SHEET :- 0r:1 rt{votcE No. RECEIV EO Nov I tggs PROJECT Vai I Vallcy lrlc<li ca l Ccntct' Itlrlking Stnrctrrrc, Vail , Cololado. PLACLMUNT LOCAI tON:-Foundation wall- on N. side of structure; MTCIJ IICKET INFOIIIIIATION: SUpTER lttestcrn Mobi le IME &ArcIq) 01-2541ncKEt |ro.-- Mtx DEslcN t{o. 23 cu. /D. 8TnucK lto, 12:48 PS4 nuE Ntrlt\tr:D 12:45PM TlMf, Pl.,rcu) 1:00 PM 119 FIELD TLST]NG INFORMATION: lluE rEs'I T xEll 1 : oTPMstuup 3 tH. atn colnrjfr 6 . 4: wrr UNr wucttl 'l-40 .2 pct. s^rrPLf, IE /P. 69oxll 'IDlP.?so JOo SPEclnclnolls SUJUP tN. AR CoNTD{T I WAIL-R ADDCD AI sfr[ 5 at. nc|,,t ,nxs: C]IJNOEII INFOIIMTION: tro, oF c..y11poer15 -S r,^11 lpoF,t stzf (rrt x 12" nuf t: lttDrtts c. 5T 1:15 PM \{4trnli c.rsf On-Sitc CURINC INFORI,{ATION: fNIIW CU,IE on site Ro-D srcrucE r./cttnrEs MN./MI(. o^Tl:/nuE Ar r,\(! 9/27/90 o^rE srnrppg) 9/27/90 Br: J. Hofftnan ncrvrKs: ACE o 'r5 DAIElEslI]'tol L t.o\D(us)t)uuFJrjl (llrclr|:5)NIf (54. rt|.) couP. -51R. (,3t) TN'E OF lruclUllE cnll|r)fitwlxrr(u$) cn rror-nut{r }n:}c| (r (,|co 7 7 2B 2B 28 10/3/90 1.0/3/e0 t0/24/90 l0/24/90 ro/24/so I 78, 000 92,500 131,000 138,000 134,000 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 (r. 00 (r.00 I 28.28 28. 28 28,28 )A )R, 28.28 2760 3270 4640 4880 4740 con,/sp1it con/sp1it conical con/ shear con/ shear orJrc sTnrlr(;lrl 4000 P:;l o?d nAE lljnt Ir wlqr^toftY Ptmarlrrll frla ltl rJrrrqr.trf, ilxl ra'flrllrtt rslu !trr)tn tnfll- ollll'rA13[ lloltt) 3O![. t t (rru tloft ox lrxS ltgl lrl l\ofir lrY l( fnovluttt lll ollltl9. Fishcr llcc cc Johnsott Architccts,ttt't" Atttl, Mr. Skip Spcnsqyv6q16rr lr,loSilc G.E. Johnson Constl-uction Co., Attn: ltlr,, .lack 'l'ltomas; Ricrbach Consult ittll Iinlli.nccrs J. Hoffrnan 'l'. l,atrtlick FIILD OUSEIWEII APPROVED TT Chcn*Northcnr,Inc o R Fc 380 ill0l/| 1990 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA 'd-llltl1 l^!!-,. ..!l kr-thl. TO: VAII, VAI,I,EY IVII]DICAL CENTI]R JOU NO. 4 424 90 DATE: 10-13-90Attn: Mr. Dan Fccncy 191 $tcst Meadow Drive DATLY RCPORT NO. SHEEI I OF 1 Vai I C0 81657 '.ryotc[ No. PRGJECT Vai. I Va1lcy Medical- Ccnter l,:rrking Str.ucturc, Viri I , Color.ado. PlJ\cEMtNr LOCJ\]tol.l:Wall on Line B from Line 2.8 to 3.5; MTCI] TICKET INFORI.,hTION: suPruEn itlcstern l''lobi le Tnucx ilo.. .11g ncKEr. [rcl.01 2g 14 Mu oEslctt rro. cu. ltl. g nME oATClltD 12:34 p.M" nuc Annrtto 12:50 p.M. Tlu€ Ptfco 12:55 p.t4. SIELD TTSTING INFORMATION: TluE TE5T TAr(Elt I:lOPlvl SLUUP 3% JOo SPECtnC.\nolas SLUUP^| | -ll tN, lN. A|| COfITE]IT2. 6 : WEr UNn WDCrrrl47.8 Aln CONIETfT, . .l WATfn loDcD AI srE Pca.S^IIPII TEI.IP. c{rl. IlDr|\Ilr(s: 650 xll rurr'.55op, 4R o( 'l) vA36 cYLtNOEn lNrOttMarb llo. oF ()nJl|ocRs (l en tDat slzr (rrr x 1.2'r trur c |trD[,rs c-sr 1:25 P.lr,l. wl tfjl[ c,\5r on-Sitc CURING lNFORlvt,{TtON: l'ruL CUne On-Site Ro-D srotu\cE flcrunEs Cure Box M|N.,/MN(, o.rf,/nuc AT r.l&10-15-g0 n rE slnlPPgt 10-.15-90 IIY: S. Urton nE)r\tlKs: AGE DAYS OATE IESIE) TgI .L r,o\I) (LI)S) D|.AMElr_n(nqrL5),\fiti\(so. H.) covr'. -51n. (rlsl) .|.N'|: OF trt crun[ cn,llr)rl1 lYlJor tr (ur.5) cYUlrfi:n ur/tr \{Dq f r(rcr) 28 28 28 28 10-20-90 L0- 2 0-90 11- L 0-90 il.-1"0-90 J.1- 10-90 11-L0-90 143, 000 .742,0O0 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 (r.00 6.00 6. 00 28.28 28.28 28,28 28.28 28.28 28.28 5060 5030 con/ shear con/ shear oEstcN sTR0rGlll 4000 Psl o ?n I}^)T II5IS ttl L^lloat^roarY nr r.5arlll|t ,,|f 0r ra,rirrlurrf |l1r lrr.i rrrrr t lrlu !ttlrttt'i Inn l:,: oll(rf T{ llolto 30ut ltrrurra\llorl orl llrS ltSr tIr!{lt |r Y rr- ftK-Mutl, lrl ollllJ!t. PROGRESS REPORI: .^orr.a Fishct P.cccc Johnson Architccts,: Mr. Skip Spcns(lVcstcrn l.lo5ilc G.ll . Johnson ConstTuction Co., Attn: Ml'. .Iack l'lromas; llicrbach ConsrrlLing linginccls S. l,rton 'l'. l,atrd i ck FIELD OI]stfryEIT APPROVED tI/ Altvuttt.|F'x'rcTr'.lo.t|f',r:!]|tfF|nE^,|od|i<'ttl-\,tlnr'Y''ttt,,.rj|'n.t|l|| it|||..r't,||x'rM|P|'r?fnor ar rlrtfurtrt3. eorntnrrn on txtia:l!4olrit.ntt ur{I.ts ol||ft rn^4et!(r,|t pn rarn to to |,t rixr|trrc. ^ '-r{r' ., rrl ijiiile.-., .r co.iF.r.. r.6 rro. cul.t t]l {/m ChcntrNolthcl'rr,Inc REPORT OF CONCNETE -rEST PlO rrn 20V | 19.98 ain,,'" r^'J!F" "n i<'-t"" CYLINDER DATA To: VAIL vALL[y MI:DICAL cENTlll Jor] No. 4 424 go DAT[: 10-18-90' Attn: Mr. l)an Fccncy 181 lrrcst Mcadorv Drivc DAILY REPOI{T NO. S}iIET 1 Otj I Vai I co 8165 7 *.ryorcE No. PROJECT Vai! Valley lr,lcdi cll Cctrtcr l)lrkin11 Stnrctrrrc, Vli1, Cololldo. Walls, Level 3, Lines 2 to 2.5 and Line Fl to J; UATCI-I TICKEI lNFOlll,tATlONr supruEn Wcstcrn Mobi lc rnucx Ho. 104 11.81 ,t t,r TlcKfr rc. 012867 MX oEstcN |Kl. cu. y0. 8 nuc Nrfrrvu 12:00 p.M. TluE Pt,rcs) 12:20 p.M. FIELD TLSNNG INFORM^TION: TluE TEST ru<eN L2:25pM 3LU!ts 3/4tN.A/rr corflrJrE. 1 ; [,L-r uNrr wjcrtrl47.3 Nn coNlorr4- g ;r w^If,l ADDCI) AT srIE s,urpu rup.65o ,wtt ruut'.60oF C{rl, nExA,tKs: 24 of 37 Vd3 CYLINDEH INFO'IIJ/TTION: lro. oF cll.l or]Irs (r cn nturn stzf (rrr x |2rr IlMt: cn tllDf,rs c 5T 1).An D M wlltll[ cA5T On-Si tc nE-D STOIIACE FACTulTrJ ttt: S. Urton CUnlNc INFORI#rTtON: HrAL cunE on-Site o rE srnrPps) 10-19-90 couP. -51R. (f'st) 4740 4180 ,^JltJ\sa. rl.) 28.2t1 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 2t 23 L.t 2B l>sl o ?6 rals I0- 2s-90 0-2s-90 1- 1s -90 t -15-90 11-15-90 1-15-90 c on/ shear con/ shear 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 (r.00 (r. 00 (r.00 117 ,000 L 18, 000 Itlifs |rt tlrfirt^lOflY it n_.tarltrtl lrr Ol /./)Grlr^r{f *llll rt'ft rr\lr t lltr, lrt.llnl,!i ltt(135 Ollll.]'ffl3( llOltO 5Ou( lrx uur rx)t ort n[5 lt.sr mtro( r1^Y l( fn(Mo{D w ollllJli. PNOCRESS REPORI: Sample was taken from thc purnp lrose. l;rton 'l'. Laudick OI]SfIWEfI APPROVED [T/ .n'rrc Fishcr llcccc .Johnson AlchiLccts, G.li. Johnson Construction Co., Attn: Itlr'. .Iirck 'l'honas ; llicrbach Consul Ling lirrllinccts r3^qtnl|{'".r''cTrm.l|r'.f1'.tr|rh,Er:!,o(||Ft't\^v\||l'n|m{l.tr/'|:3l'lr{r||t',rhx ra g^rrlrrals farrrt trin6 0n tttlrctf4()untnl' urrrll onrt.r|rrw€a,luns !r. l.rnllr to [r r_I lrc. ^ Ri{r- .. u.lilfrflr-e or .o6ed,r- ,.td 1|o. CutltJA {/co h^^r trr h".^.i fax transmitlal merno 7671 r ol pages ) 'a I ac\^.,rc- h- ' Oc Pt. Fax t lPhonr t l--:-- irax " t.{l]v-6-F'a TLrE L"= *-'=::o:t EN':F.-P-e1 REPORT NO. DATE CoNTRACTOR G. E. Johnson construction compony TIME 3:00 A.M. SUPERINTENDENT Jock Thomos TEMPERATURE WORK OBSERVED: I visited fhe site lo review the reinforcing in the woll on line "4" from the Northern conslruction ioint South to the sloir cote. the following ilems were noled: 1. Numerous locotions were noled where reinforcing wos missing: o. Vedicols odiocenf lo 4E" diometer openings ond oll opening lrirn bors were missing. b, Counterfori fies were missing ot severol locotions' c. Counterfort closure ties ol the reor of lhe counterforl were missing. d. Lop splices for misploced footing dowels on lines C,5 & D.5 were missing. e. Woll verticols Souih of line "C' hod not been ploced' f. Speciol construcrions ioinf detoil ot C-4 wos missing. l-hove enclosed o copy oi this detoil originolly submitted on June I 1, 1990, for the conlroclors conve nie nce. 2. Column verticols ol the column iomb ot fhe South Wesl corner of the stoir core were disploced o consideroble distonce from their required locofion. The position of the dowels is not occeptoble without some correclive oction. Except forremoving o porrion of the woll bet* ond repouring with properly ploced dowels o1 moking o lorger column. 22 JOB 2A67 }.{AV- €.-98 TLrE :.+6 BTEf+E:AEH =*=]f=P. E2 Voil Porking Structure Reporl # 22 November 2,1990 Drilling dowels inlo the top of the woll is the correct locofions seems lo be o ,eoro,iobl" sotution. I do not believe it is possible to drill ond onchor lhe #l I bors in the confined spoce provided. Therefoie, the conlrocfor should prepore lo drill ond epoxy 8-#6 inlo the top of the woll. Controctor sholl submit for review the potfern proposed embedmeni ond type ond epoxy procedure intended for review. No olher ifems were noted. OBSERVER Steven E. Bierboch. P.E. ae- J vM e-6eJ /nat<ft/au*a Fv\/ P-64r'.l** FTEREAcH =*.U6_9 E TLIE J -f IO d c{ IO no E.(-) F J F UJo m -) :c(JF =dpE E 97 H r.lI-E fo+I l-trI E J zOJ ar 3H, EEE g 6 dE a Uf,g v1 EoLL J trlrjz U trl B J * FlI7r P P. (t=?O? ETEREFcH El.rGb{a6-9E TLJE itH013H JlrU 'C'0.0-,2 lv 3nN[Noc t--z6-) zloitrOf E.F V)zoO J Otrxtd J (J o_ F }A 'lHolSH llru.c'o.0-,2 IY 3NNINOC 6 gE ffi =.*Eti r-:tsf F€s TO vatt vattey rdLo,@nter LETTfr @F TIRANSNNOTTAL Rtc'DDECf i1990 75 South Frontaoe Road DAIE JO!xo. 14 December 1990 AIIENIION Dan Stanek Parkino Strrrcture - Concrete Tests & St-rrrct ura I Observations Vail. C0 81657 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 8'1657 303476-2451 Town of Vail Building Department IYE ARE sENDrNc You b C Shop drawings D Copy of letter Attached D Under separate cover via tr Prints O Change order checked belff: tr Approved O Approved E Returned the following items: tr Plans E Samples tr Specifications p Tpct rpq.rrl tc & nhspl"vati on rpFortq THESE ARE ! F p ! ! TRANSMITTED as For approval For your use As requestad For review and commcnt ! FOR BIOS OUE as submitted as noted for corrections tr ! D Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies for distribution Retu rn -corrocted prirfs 19- - PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS coPtEs DAT€NO.OESCRIPTION -1q-go ?3 Bierbach Fnoineerino Tnc - Field 0bservation Reoort -27 -On 24 Riprh:rh Fnnincprinn Tnr - Fipld Ohsprvation Renort I '| o-24-qn fhan Nanthar"n Tnc - fnnnr ofc raerrlf c - ?A dav qtrpncth 10-26-90 hen Nort-hern- Inc- - Concrete results - 28 dav strenqth I l1-8-S0 hen Norther- Inc- - Concrete results - 28 dav strenqth - t 4-90 lhpn Nnr"thprn- Tne - Cnnerptp rpcrr'lts - 7 dav strenoth -21-qn ihcn Northern- Tnr-- - Cnncrpte restrlts - 7 dav strenoth 1' -L.-qn lhon Nnrthprn - Tnr. - lnncnpfe rcqults - 7 rlav strpnoth SIGNED: Brenda Harper COPY TO t, ancloavt.t aaa no? aa notad, lindt, ''olil! ua al oaca. o HD Tail_)ea JOB NO. 2067 No other items were noted. OBSERVER Steven E. Bierboch. P.E. BIERBACH CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC. REPORT NO. 23 FIELD OBSERVATION REPOET JOB VAIL VATLFY HOSPITAL PARKING STRUCTURE DATE November 19. 1990 CONTRACTOR G. E. Johnson Construction Compony TIME SUPERINTENDENT Jock Thomos TEMPERATURE WORK OBSES/ED: I visited thesite to review the reinforcing in the slob ot the wesi link. The following ilems were noted: l.Slob blockout for electricol conduit required the following odditionol reinforcing: o. 3-#7 top ond bottom eoch side opening full lengfh from line I to line 2; b. 3-#7 top ond bottom on the eost side of the opening porollel to linel. Project 36 bor diometers beyond the #7's noted in ltem A. Controctor wos to odd verticol hongers into the concrete ihot wos surrounding the conduit run porollel to line l. These were to be odded to motch on equivolent 12" spocing. One slob blockout wos yet to be ploced. Controclor indicoted no reinforcing would be cut or disploced for thot blockout. Controsfor wos directed to provide proper trim bors oround this opening. 2. 3. Fost-lt" brand fax transmittal memo E7l I of prgor r R 'SN ilSn ..rt F?oni ^ \\\e.uq-co Ft\ tr-\"o R\-...\. c b,,{n,r D.pi.Phonc i F.x I Far t oL /1/t4q--, 6EU 'FRu, 8i"z-fZe"^"* o BIERBACH CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC. REPORT NO. 24 FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT JOB NO. 2067 RE:3. JOB VAIL VALLEY HOSPITAL PARKING STRUCTURE DATE November 27. 1990 CONTRACTOR G. E. Johnson Construction Compony TIME SUPERINTENDENT Jock Thomos TEMPERATURE WORK OBSERVED: I visited the site to review the reinforcing in ihe south-west stoir from the third to fourth level. The following ilems were nofed: l. RE: Sect N1/9o. #'17 closure ties were missing EAGH side future opening;b. 8-#6 iomb bors west of opening were missing. 2. RE: Sect. N1/13o. 2-#8's on soufh jomb were missing. Sect. B/1/13o. #3 ot top ond boftom of opening were missing; b. #4 ties were missing c. Controctor hos interrupted oll reinforcing through the blockout for the beom ol the elevotor. This is not correct ond controctor will splice oll bors bock through the blockout. Sect C/l/13 o. #'10 iop bors were missing. Sed. D/1/12 o. Verticol reinforcing sticking up into the poropet wos missing. Sect. B/l/l'l o. Beom botlom bors projecting into woll were missing. b. See ltem 3C obove, it is olso opplicoble oi this locotion. Sed. 8/2/19 o. 8-#6 iomb bors between door ond window were missing os well os the #5 ties. RE: RE: RE: 4. 5. 6. 7.RE: o In oddition to the items noied, controctor hod not ploced the closure ties on ony of the wotl end verticol reinforcing, nor hod he completed the woll reinforcing south o{ line.B. As o moller of record it should be noted thot precost erection wos toking ploce from the 'Bridge' controry to controctors ossuronces thoi this would nof occur. No other items were noted. OBSES/ER STEVEN E. BIERBACH, P.E ee t t/V,e 6eJF?"J , }e-'e{t@v ChcnONorthcnr,lnO 'ar-.nl? l^tLE'. .a4 r.r?'lhr. REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA r3AUt,!|$|F'|l'lYcTl'.m.I'',t\"!||.F||nt^'|ll(I,i<'|\'-t,|lnrmtltr'{lt'n.'r'oAitr|r.'',rqrfr|rttod'rtY(r,nc||il4i 'rr'|.'tt|rr!l'''!.ffn|,:|.'.rot'xt',.'l3t|n{.'t|||G^lI''r'4rru,ltt.rtD ufrl t.tS orr|lt larwgllruns l,n rarl t.o lo ll sxlllllc. ^ F{' ., u.l t-tiii-Ie,.- .r co.nFrr.. t.'r r|.. Cutl IJA a/9O To: vAIt, vALt,Ey MI]DICAL cEN'n:R Joo I'lo. 4 424 go DATE: t2-4-9o At tn : [tlr'. Dan Fccncy l8l $lcst lrlcadow Drivc DNLY nEPOllT NO. sfl[ET 1 Ol 1 Vai I CO 81657 lNVOlcE No. PRGJE9T Vai 1 Valley lt'lcdi cnl Certcr l':rrking Stmctllrc, V:ril, Color:atlo. PU\CEMINT LOC.AIION: Wal1.s,Southeast Stair Core,Third Level to Top. [r TcH TlcKEr NFOtil.rA]tON: SUpTER l{cs tcrn l'lobi lc nuE 0AIut@ INFORMATION NOT PROVIDED mtjcr( }to.I|CKEr t{O. NME NIIIrtfJ uu DEslcN No. nuE Pl,Aco cu. m, TIELD TTSI]NG INFORM^TION; Ilu€ lEsT T r(€ll SLUUP JOo SPECrnClnOtrs SLUUP pcf. SrrJ'lt'Lf lEMl'. - Col. nor RXs: ,'.. iMpslfff,lPN N9T^{tftYJ RE8, n tN. ^|R coMror I WAIE8 AIIDED AT StlE A lf){|' CYUNOEII INFOIIMATION: lfo. oF cjyt t orns (r c,.yl tlt)Ftt stzr (rrr x |2rl ltMl: (;n lltoflls cA5T mrule c.\lT On-Si tc MrN./lrN(. CUNINC INFORMTION: lNtluL cuIE: On-Site n rE srRtPPrD 12-5-90 RE.D sIOtllGE fi\Clunr.s In: J. Hoffinan Heated Equipnent Roon nE,ll rlxs: o rEnul€ ar wr"l2-5-90 ACE tuYs DAIE IESIE' TqI& r_o D(ul3)t)qr.rf:l rn (|l{clr|:5) ,lcA(s. rrt.) cour,. -51n. (r€|) Tn'[ oF t ttlcl ul : cYl.Du)ftlwrxit(t (r rr5) cnlllDl-nut|lf wrx;r (t (r'ct) 7 28 28 '28 28 12-11-90 12- 1 1-90 1- 1-91 1- 1-91 .1-1-91 1-1-91 54,0 00 56,000 6.00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6-O0 28.2t1 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 2a-28 4300 4460 shear shear ors|cN sTR€trcnl 4000 l5lo26 n'15 l|Jrs ut wryurclw Fl RSfno,ll ,lr fi ,tt.lyllt rr'1. filrl rtft r,lll r l<lu l'tllntti llrltlf,S ollll'r|t1I lloltD !o!t lrllo rulK)tl on llr:i ltsr Btl!(ll l| 1 l{ Iltuvloto |IY ollllj|:' atttra""t *a ,t -ntractor and picked up by Chen-Northern, Inc' Fishcr llcccc Joltnson Arcllitcccs,tttttt Attrl: Mr:. Skip SpcnsQlycstcrn lnlo5ilc G.lj . Jolurson Cotrstructioll Co. , n ttn: l'lr. .Jnck'l'homls; l!.icrbach Consultilrg linginccrs T. Laudick FIELD OUSEWEII APPNOVED tlf Chcn$Nor'tliclrr,lrrc j O ITEIJOIIT OI.' CONCIi[ [ 'TIST CYLII.IDIR D,ATA ^tarthwt Intt -... ..,t :-t-,1\.. rt a ulI\l{ FnttrY6lYtr m f rtrr-.. aouflf nt lrf.r t-tl orr|'^ ,nnArr trtjrl LJn- ,{Jftrlr lo lrl ||rrrrrr;. ^ '-{r- .. u..lrliille,-- or .@16.. t.m tro. Cr.(llJl a/go TO: vAIl, vAl,LtjY Mtjt)Ic^t, ()jNl]:ll JOU l.lo, 4 42,1 90 DATri: 11_21_90Attn: Mr. l)an l;ccncyt(il lvcst lrlcatlow l)r.ivc DAJLY ltElrol(r NO. 5l.t[L-I 10t; 1 Vai I co 81657 '.vorc[ No. PROJECT Vai I Yallcy l,lctl ic:rl Ccrrtcr l';rrkirrlt Stl:uctrlrc, V:ril , Colot.;rrlo. PLACIMINr LOC4Itor't:Foundation Wal1s, Line J from Line Level 3, Lineto Line 2.5; 2 frorn Line H to Line J and on z [trrcl( o. 49 12:40 P.M. I'I^TCTJ lCKer tNFolil/ATION: sUpruER ltlcs tcrn Mobi lc ITCKET lro.01 3236 MV Du;lclt rro. llix A cu. 'rD. 8 NME II^rc' IO)NMI NIIIMJ FIELD TESTING INFORMATTON: IME IEsr T XEN 1:.15 PM StUuP 414 ut. r,ur, cornE,ll 5.4; wLT Ullrr wDcltr L41.6 p<;t. s^!t'LE 1LMP.62oF.A,lt lu/r'. 30o JOo SPEClFlC'rllOlts a,Luyp2_4 hl. ^,tr Cor{I:rrrj_q IWAIER ArDU, AI SIIE 4 Cdt. lrt} JrKi: cruNDUt tNFOR|"U\flON: tKt. oF c;rl ttlDn{; 6 rin ltt)1t stTt: (rtt I l.ltl lrul: (;n lt(rrlrs c^57 f :25 P.l"l. wtutt: (."..-;r ()n -S i cu,llNc lNtoRl"tATtoN: fNttw cutfE on-site Ru-o sron^cE l7cru ls cure Box MrN.,/M X. o^rtntu[ AT ui.t.11- 22_gg sI PPft 7I_22_90 [n: A. Bathke nrp\rlKs: ^cElAi.s t)AlE IEs-IU) lorA. r(r D (ur5) t)r^u t:I l-n ([JCl rri)N ,,\(3o. fi.)cour'..51n. (r,5t) Tfl'I: O|: ,'IUASIUI{I- c-ll illt)f,l wrxr rr(uE) (.i1Jriit.tt ut{lr h'l.xl ir (, \:r-) 1 28 28 28 2A 11-28-90 11- 28- 90 12-19-90 12-.19-90 12- L9-90 12-19-90 105 , 500 109,000 (r. 00 6. 00 6.00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 2[i. 2rJ 2,3.28 28.23 28. 28 28.23 28.28 3730 5B60 shear shear nFs|cN flnfll(;n I A ANA I,sl o ?O oA)3 tljrs ttt l^lr!\trxtt rl r6.r nl ,,|t t'l ,r, rxlorrrll. 'nlll ,r|'t t-r^,rl t ,'.tl' r'ttrntt': In l:i3 olrlt'r rT' l|olto 'Joqt ltllulu lrurt oll ltll." lt.st ln-l\rtl l{ / tt ftt(M(tl, lra ollllt:. Sarnple taken at truck discharge.PROGTTESS RIPO]il: cop,Es li ;il:' i;il.ln ii"ii:ll.t;.j:;::: i,i,,,, "C.lj. Johnson Collstl'uction Co,, Attlr: lttr. .Iack 'llromas; ll.i.crbach (lottsttl t.i rrg lin11 itlcct':s A. Bathke 'l'. l,ltrtlick IJIILD OUSII(VEII NTPROVLD [IT ChcntlNortlrcnt,lnc a O NEI]ORT OI.' CONCIi['T[ 'TEST CYLINDER DATA ',,arlttl l.t!F.r. nnn :,.r-tlhr. |l|UUnl{'.'l('IG1r'.m.lr'r.t'Il'FrIrrl,o.|||l.J|\^-\|||'nf'nn'!ln[.nnn!|l|nAlr||r.{,r'{||'u|.n nnt. (t <rrlt ur trTt tounanr ur,|r-al onrr.| lntwrq lrutls !n. |.J!lo lo l'l srrlllrx:. ^ n-*- .. u.l iliii']r-. .{ .6'.,i.. rrd lr.. Cut-l ll^ a/CO Tor vAIt vALLEy MUDICAL cDNlrtr Jo0 No. 4 424 go DATE:11-2-90Attn: lh'. Dalr l?ecncy lSl Wcst lrlca<low Drivc D JLY nEi'OlfT NO. sll[fi1 Ol"L Vai I CO 81657 lrwotcE No. PRO.TECT Va! I Vallcy lr'lctlical Ccrrt:cr.l. l,lrr-ki.rrg .Stnlctul.c, Vail, Color:ntlo. Foundation Walls, Lcvcl 2, Lines B to B.B and 25r West of Line 2 to 2.4; [rATCll TICKET INFORIJ/IT|ON: suPruFx lvcstern Mobi lc rnucr fto. 114 IcKET Noof 30s0 Mu DEslcN uo. #27 cu. yD. g llME tAIcllED 11 :02 A.l\1. nuE AllttMrJ I1:1S A.M. Tlt'lE PtrcL! 11 : S0 A.l'1. FIEU) TESNNG INIOR}.I.ATION: nuE lEs-r T xtx 11 ; zf g{trl SLUMP JOo SPECInCAIIOIIS surrlP tN. Dr. J4 NR C0rflEl|r 6 . 0: wL-r uNrr wL]c]lrl43. 3 NR COrrrElrrj_ 7 I WAI(rt A)D[D AI 3r[ sAJ,tpLf TLr,rr,. 7go lrt .tulp.5gop, c.ot. rtErr^nks: 32 of 56 ydr0-4 Pct. CYLJNDEII INTOR|0\TION: tfo. oF c 1.ftDF 15 (t tlut. (;nt t)[|ts o\57r,"n lflr,Fn sr7[ (rt l |2"-12;00 P.lrl. mrui[ c-,\5T 0n-Si.tc CU'IING INFOR},{ATION: INIIUL CUI|r.: On-Site RB, slon^6E r^crullrj Cure Box UrN.,,/MN(. o^ILnluE ar urr11-.3-90 DA'E $RIPPE) 11-3-90 rr: s' urton n'r,.'lxa AGE 0Ys 0tE lESlIl) lflAl- to^D(ur)l)t^lrt_'ll n (rrrc|rtj)NlL^(so. H.) couP..51n,(€r)]'n'E OF UCIUnt: L-Y't lllt,rtlt wrJ(}rr(uri) c4|lir)t-n ut{'$1:rQlI(r'c'l 7 28 2B 28 28 11-9-90 11-9-90 11-30-90 11- 30-90 11-30-90 1 1- 30- 90 94,000 87,000 118, 000 113,000 112, 0oo 116,000 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 (r.00 6.00 6.00 23.28 28.28 28.24 ?o ta z6-zD 28.28 3230 3080 4170 4000 3960 4100 c on / shear con/shear shear con/ shear con/sp1it con/ shear r,FS'CN sl'lflrcnll 4000 I'sr o 2o MI ffJls u/ lAxrutottt tl n'trrntr| ,nt ol r.-rrrrlr.tr:t. ilrtl rtTtt;rrf lrt! r'a-lrxx6 lnltlfS otl 'r^9[ xoltl' SOUC ltllulll^tloll oll tlll:i lLSI latltorll ll Y li- tl(MU(D I'' Olllljli' PIIOGRESS REPORT: rnnnra+a unc nlan^,r.rirr. a nrrmnConcrete was placcd r,rith a pump, Sanple was taken at thc truck discharge. - Fishcr ltccce .Jolrltsoll Arcllitccts,coPlEs Attr' Mr:. Skip Spcnst;1y".1"r.rr lrloSilc G.li. Johnson Corlstruction Co., Attll: Ilr. Jack'l'homas; Bicrbach Consull-irr11 l:trginccr:s S. Urton 't'. Lau tli ck I:IELD OT]SE'WEII API'ROVED IJY Vail Valley 1fi,""1 Center r..^.'-i Lffi# or?mnmsnnnrrnu TO 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 303476-2451 Town of Vail Building Department 75 South Frontaqe Road Vai'1 , Co RI657 l/3L/gl nLU ul.to?-rr. . j'_l gl Dan Stanek VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER PARKING STRUCTURE tr Samples the following items: D Specifications d Test Results WE ARE SENDING YOU tr tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter Attached D Under separate n Prints D Change order cover vta tr Plans coPtEs DATE NO.OESCRIPTION I t2-27 -90 Chen Northern. Inc. - Concrete test results. 28 dav strenqth 1 t-2-91 Itl tl " 7 day strength I I ! 1-4-q1 / uclJ >LrtrngLrl " 7 dav s trenoth|ltl tl I 1-8-91 tl ll tl 7 Astt rl I 1 I-II.-'I I -14-q1 tl u t s<tytt 7 dav rl 1 L-L7 -9L ||tl tl " 7day rl THESE ARE tr tr tr tr tr TRANSMITTED For approval For your use As requested as checked b€low: tr Approved C Approved I Returned as submitted as noted for corr8ctions tr n D Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies for distribution R€turn-corr€ct€d prints For review and comment D FOR BIDS DUE 19- C PRINTS RETURNE0 AFTER LoAN To Us REMARKS SIGNED: COPY TO l, ancloauaaa rra nol a! noaaat, ,indltt notirtt ua aa Jean Mower for Dan Feeney ChcntrNorthcnt,In1 DER DATA JAN 2I Bgl |''f:.!mr!|rloA.tt||l.o',|ol'u.|.r!i'"l'tV(r.r'ncl,|'.t:\,xo,,n|r'r|,^r<|'|'r'|fltr'r.- rrl'nrlf!r'.f3'f.,El|'iY'6o|t'xtn,cl3,"oy!1..1l311,j]:::nuno,',..".i,i''.;..iii.iil'r,i'^iliii'c1ln rovrii.nir ur,rrss'btw; lntwqJruns A,n ,r.'nto lo lrl trlrllllN:' ^ Elt' o. rrl iif r flo... .t c..nF.{.. trni ||.. Cr.Cl IJA r/to REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CY o LIN ' .'Rrfd, l^?tEr. .6.r !4t-\rl't. REcFryrn TO: VAII, VAI,LEY MDDICAL CIJNTIJR Attn: Mr. Dan l;cency 181 Wcst l*lcadow Drivc Vai I CO 81657 JOtl NO. 4 424 90 DATE: L2-27-90 DALY NEPOI{T NO. sHEL'I 1 OF' D{VOICE NO. PROJECT Vail Valley lllerlical Ccrrter l'nrkirtg .Str.rrctrr.re, Vail, Colola<lo. Deck Topping, Third Level, Lines 3 to 9, Line G to E; IIATCI{ TICKET INFORI{ATION: sUppUEn htcs tertt Mobi lc nME trArc q) rnucl( ilo, 117 8:54 A.M. Mtx oEsrc' *]"1'r?o* cu. ru. 8 9:54 A.M. lluE Pl,rc@ 9:46 A.M. FIELD TTSTING INFOIIMATION: nuE 16r rrxex 9:52AM sLuup J()B SPEClnCAnOlrs SLUUP 4r4 N. tN. Nn oorrf Lflr 5 .U wEt uMr wucllr 141.8 p.t. AR ColrTElrr ,I W^tfrl A)Of, Af sllE 6 sllrlc ]tup.6 8oF .,.rrr rtlr'.24olt CYUNOEII INI.ORIIATION: lro. oF cYl ftlDFIlS (t riYl |tll)Fll slTE 6tt x 12" llu[ GnlNl)rHs cl5r 10t02 A-M- MlrJrf c'tsr Orr-Sitt-' CUtilNc INFOI{}vGTION: rNrn L cutrE 24hrs.0n-Site o^rE sln|PPs) 12-28-90 Insulated BoxEAJ, fiOttlGE F ClLnlEs In lleated Area o^rt^rl/[ ar W|.12-28-90 (;lLlIDt-n u tr h'lx;r lr(rt(:rl c'n l o[,t wtj(r I I' (ttr5) TN'[ OF I tt clullc c on/shear con/shear con/split c on/ shear con/split con/ shear 'IEA50. rfi.) 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 6, 00 6. 00 6.00 (r.00 6.00 6.00 4070 40.70 4990 511.0 51.30 4900 115, 000 .115,000 141,000 144,500 l-45, 000 138,500 7 7 28 28 28 28 1-3-91 1-3-91 L-24-9L L-24-97 t-24-91 7-24-91 oFslcx sTnfllcllt 4000 Psl g ?6,D^rE n5nl U/ L|tttr^lollY Flr:r.rlrrrl frrr tr rr'tintr{||lit cltll 'rt'! r/r||t rtti' -l'ltlirn In{t:s on(m.6f, ll(,ll'o sotrt lrl(nralprr oti iit's-ttsr'nlonl taY lr' trto/llJ(D trl ollll.l15' C. Atlams 'l'. Laudick FIELD OUSEJWEII APPROVED [IT Fisher Ilcecc .Jolttlsotr Arcltitccts, coPlEs Attrr Mr:' Skip Spcns!p"51"r'1 lrlo5ilc G.li. Johnson Construction Co'r Attn: lth" .Iack'l'ltomas; llicrbach Consulting Ungitrccrs Chen€Northern.lnc O Cdrfii f,|th-r qi Scrr{r.(. iii''i '" ' lqgt REPORT OF CONCRETE PI.ACEMENT OBSERVATIONS ArAtlmt\Fr'TGrD.Ioct'xtlIfFrr.c,lo(x.Fj'l!tl|ltitr''otnt^,tE!]i.m''4.|I'r@rDtxrur'iofr''VGclcf'||:I^}oA'nUlc^ID|^IFl|llz|.rrrr d- gr mf,r{rr, cir.rurc. G m;rsrs rrrx flr rtqr.lrul u.r agriii-d-ftrdlr'-ptiieti-qt-trrlot ,trfi',.L 3rl?u: lu" E BFqr'D G lmr lemE 6 ouurrD ttarr qlltt ,*,frrfll lL Ef,l! lo ,{ r|fn3. a F.r.- d -[XiFlr..t .a ...rtclr fG tar C5l lar a/ro To: v41tr vALLLy MEDTCAL cuNTER JoB No. 4 424 9a gslg l2-27-so Attn: Mr. Dan FeeneY 181 $lest Meadow Drive DAtLy REPORT NO. sHEEr 2 OF 2 Vail CO 81657 N\rctcE No. PR(UEcr Vail Val.ley Medical Center l)arki.ng Structure' Vail, Colorado Wes tern spE|Fn^lplr* sLrrup suppurn Mobile uB t.D. 122 Topping Mix AN CO IE{T ATSOIT TEIPERAIURE R^}IC€ TE|TlI,.ln c|(l{L TrclGT NO. TIlrE EAlCltE' lluE lltEl/g) - IU€ SAlrPIID RA,{I.UIH{ @rI{lER EOOI REVIXI'TION cot tfIER OOIIPTETX)N cuBc YAtr)s t-o D/ CUTUIAIltiE I$IEN ADO€D 9 uJ$E 1 1 100 717 3396 3397 L0:f9AM L1:14AM 10 11 35AM 2sAM 1 0 48AM 38Pl.,t72 8/ 7612s 7 /2s/23 6 12 IESTHI surF(0r) TET UNTT woofiI(Fcf)tntlo @NCRE|E IETPE. RAruRE co REL tu€ t 3 1/4 s/4 5.8 4.6 1.40.6 740.2 67 66 PROCRESS REPORT ----- FIsher Reece G Johnson Architects, @PIES 11jn; Mr. Skip Spenst; G.E. Johnson Construction, Attn: Mr. Jack Thomas; Bierbach Consulting Engineers; Western Motti le; C. Adams FIEID OSSEM/ER Laudick BY .--. .Chcrr0Northcrrr,lrta ' ..rlllry' l.tI,.'. .n, :4r-rlr.l. REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: VAII VALt,liY MIIDICAL C[NTtill JOu l'lo. 4 424 gO DATE: 1-2-91 Attn: Mr, l)an l:ccncy I {1 l{est l.lcadow Drivc IJAILY llEt'Ol{T NO' SI'ICET 1 Ol" 2 Vai I CO 81657 '.lvolcE No. PROJECT Vail Valley l,tcrl icfll Cctltcr' l'nlk itrtl 5trllcttlrc, Vlil, Colotntlo. Deck fopping, Level 3, Lines G to D, LeveI 2, Lines 2 to 3, Lines C to la; Lines 2 to 3; tlAICI{ NCKET INFOfIMAIION: supruEx ll,cs te rtr ltlobi lc I|UE E Tcltg) rnuo( lro. 100 9:52 A.tr|. rfcKrr lto. 3401 Mu oEslcn *. 1?l-?, cu. 1rrl. Ew/rrDer nuE lrtrl|\tr, 10:04 A.M. lluE Pl"rcED 10:L0 A.l'1. FIELD ILSIING INFORMATION: 1uE rEr rp<r.n 10:25AMsruup 4k JOB SPECtFtC,\nOl|s SU'UP An @rlE rT 5.5: wtr uNtr wucttrl4l.4 NR CONTFITT I wAIEn ArrDa) Af 5[E s^rplf, 'lEt/P.61oF.^ilt r[!r'. 150F col. ltE)+{Rt6: 8 @ 8 of 48Yd CYUNDEII INTONMA'TION: l|o. oF (m 't|Dms 6 rjYl 'l||)Fn suE (r|| x |2,| llur (;n Hl)rtt:i c,\5T 10:35 A.M. w| |: c^5I 0n.Sitc CUNING INFORIVGTION; lNlTuL cultE 24hrs. On-Site rArE sTRIPPFI L -3- 91 n&o srorw;E crurrri Jntf lot:d. ??T Mur./r.r r(.lnslde bul Io 1ng D\rL-nruE AT lxtl-3-gI cnltl0l:nulut r$ x;l lt(r'cr) cl1 lNlrlilt wtj(r at(tur) T/r'C OF l nAclultc con/ shear con/ shear couP. -51n. (r'sr) NItA I'O. lll.) 28.2t1 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 6. 00 (r. 00 (r.00 (r.00 6.00 (r.00 1-9-91 1-9-91 1- 30-91 1-30-91 1-30-91 1- 30-91 Ace l)Alls .| 28 28 28 28 L22,500 127 ,504 0 Psl o 76 fr^Ys lllls W lrUltr^fo|rt nt Rsrtonl l,rt [l L,lx|lrl,rt wllll 'fnf'^llt l'!lu -rJt lllXt,i ltlll:l Ont|T fltf' l|olto tolrf ltllonu lxrll ott itlls ttgt ntrcnt g Y lr. fm"lttttl ltt olll( 3' C. Adams 'l'. Latrtlick FIETD OUsEf{\EIt APPRO\ED [TT Fishcr llcece .Iolrnson Arcllitccts 'coPlEs Attu Mr. Skip Spcnsf 1gs51srn l,loSilc G.l;. Johnson Construction Co., Attn: l"tr' .Iacklltomns; lli.crbach Corrsulting linginccrs ffifh|nEl'|od|ij.t!t-t|||I'mn'lrE:l|mr.|r'n^ttrr.-o|'r|xt|ru|.''l|fFl'rr(ro|ml||||.|,.\,,|oN|||l'||l||n||rr't'!|||.,}-norr .t tlltt!,tra:r,iov''t | 'tlt urtlt.St on|lt rntt^fsl liuns !n fcrn l.t, lo lll l|llllll|r:. I tnG.- .. u..l iirr il c.-- " G..iFir- t.6 rb. cr.tllJ^ a/9{, -'' Chen€Northern.lnc lD Cd:rrh brh-r ql t t .tY. REPORT OF CONCRETE PI-.ACEMENT OBSERVATIONS rs A |.rnr ( r'rrvcrEr ro cttxtl tlf n|lE ,l|r (lRratt'r, al trttdrnt !!t t-;rmD a! nr @rDoflvt PiolfrTr (r dr cl f]fi!, ^rD |rmglc,AMl rci ?tnl rA- rur o- srrnirnt. o,IrrrD{r qr gmcrr rroa tt [o in € q.i itJroi]s r |fii\fi.D p:ror€ a,n tn lf't rrPRorA- s lft.ct ru E r' qrul 6 rflln lfJItIl Bootulll t'u.:g olll.t alrr.Elxtt tf, ruo to '| I|fn3. ^ irnb d r'.lTiiiil rr ri rr;rr t-ri lL Clall.. a/to To, VAIL vALLry NTEDTCAL CENTER JoB No. 4 424 90 DATE l-2-91 Attn: Mr. Dan Feeney 181 West Meadow Drive D tLy REPORT NO. sHEEr 2 0F2 Vail CO 81657 tln/'t.E NO. PRqrEcf Vail Valley Nledicnl Center Parking Strttcttrre, Vail, Colora<lo Western SPEFnADOITS 3UruP Arl cotflElfl suPPua Mobile vu t.D. l2t2 Topping w/fiber .rrlaExr TanPrxAruRE nrncE IET Mt INT.|CKMI NCTET t{r.T|rE SATCltg) ItuE AINryEI) TIII€ sA!PtE) RA,qJIFll @ur{rBrfuN RE\r'O(l'Ix)tl O(x,}.TER @uPtE[K)rl ;UIrc YAR6 t.ot'J'/ CUUUIAIIVE trArfn ADO@ c{,l.oals 1 2 5 4 5 Lt7 100 151 l17 L00 3402 3403 3404 3405' 3406 10:4L Al'1 11 : 30 AIr 12:40 PN 2:28 Pltl 11 : 00AM ll:421,1'l 12:55PM 1:58 PM 2:45 PM 11 : 15 Al"l 11 : 58 All 1:35 AM 2:05 PM 3:05 PM 8/ 16/ 48 8/24/ 48 8/32/ 48 8/ 40/ 48 8/ 48/ 48 8 2 18 5 lE;r MI stl,l?(rr)lrR ooifrt}|T(4 IET UNITttlclfr (Fcf) YIAI) @NCNETE IETPC- R^TURf cf) R[la ro€ 1 2 3 4 5 4 t/4 3 r/2 s L/4 4 4 L/4 s.7 5.1 J. / 6.6 7.0 141.0 L42.6 t4L.4 140.6 139.8 58 62 61 58 5B PROGRESS RTPORT Fisher l{cece li Johttsott Arcltitects, COPIES 111n. lrtr. Skip Spenst; G.8,. Johnson Construction, Attn: lrlr. Jack 'l}omas i Bierbaclt Consttlting Engineers; Itlcster-n ltlob i. le; C. Adams T. Laudick REID OTSERYER APPROYED FY . Chcn0Nortlicnr,lnc; REPORT OT CONCIIETE TEST CY o LIN DER DATA ' a,Frf fnt I rzLF." .d4 !-bntrt. ffi''i|ttE!'olt,'l..l|M.\,||IlF'nIt,'rf'nn'!|rlo .it||r.,o',r|)|xtut-'ttfintYo..'nir['n:\,'||},t,|lrfi|,lln'|t.nflr'r,. .r rr tt^rlvtltts. rdt(l ItiYtE on txltrrils 4ounlrfD trnt.lt ollrtt ,rn^|Erl,uns tm, t tnlo lo |rl rtllllr;. ^ F."- ., u.l ijiifl e.-. d ro.irFir- t.nir r-. cLcl IJA a/CO To: vAIt v^t,l,[y ]4liDI(:At, cDN'tlit{ Jou No. 4 424 90 DAIE: 1-3-91 Attn: Mr. Darr l;cclrcy lSl lrlcst lrlcatlow Drivc UALY llEPOln NO. SHELT 1 Ol" 2 Vai I CO 81657 rNvolc[ No. pRoJEcT Vail Valley l,'tc<l ical Celtter l'lrkitt11 Strllcl.ttrc, Vail, Cololarlo.'lloN: Deck Topping, Level 3, Lines D.5 to E, Lines 3 to 4; I]AICH nCKEf lNFORl"t/rTlON: supruE1 l{csteln l'loLri lc trrLrcK fto. nME u lc|rn) g:25 A.M. ,o. 14r-?. cu. Y-,,. 8w/ tr. ber TtuE Pt rcED g : 56 A. M. 3407 urx oEslcll 9:48 A.l'1. FIELD TTSTING INFORMAIION: nME IEr T r(€x 10:19AIq 9,rul/'P3 3/ 4nt. JOB SPEC|F|C llolrs :;t-rruP tu. Art cotrrurr4. g : wtT ultrr wil;11r143.0 ,^,R coMErIr I WAIIR ATTDED Af SIIE pct. S,\rrP!f 'ttut,.62op .llt lL!t" 13op CYUNDE| t tNl- ORl,0\ noN: t,o. or cin nlrns (, r..,,1 plrlFn sur (r,t x l2t' lur. r:n nrt)ftt:i c.arT 10:29 A.]'1. wlrllr c^sr olr-Si tc CUIIING INFOITIilATION: tNllul cuttE: 24hrs. on-Site noo oArE sr1tpp61 1-4-91 u/: ()^il:nruE Ar tru" .1-4-91Insulated Boxsrotr^cE FlclullEs Inside Bui lclingMtN,/w. c . Adarns nFJr nKs: cnllll)l.n ulrtr w| xrlr (r'cr) cn n{n_tl wDcr lr(uts) Tn'r oF tluiclUlll: c on/ sh ear con/ she ar Afit 50. [r.) 28,28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28,28 28.28 7 7 28 28 28 28 6, 00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 129,500 128,500 1- 10-91 1- 10-91 1-31-91 1-31-91 1-31-91 1-31-9 L DFSTCN STRqll6tlt 4000 P$l o 26 Ir^tG trJrs rt t^xtut(t|r' rl n:i.tltlrt ,t.a |'r !rtxrlrrtr4t Hrrl r,t'tr]'it ltlr' lrt ttl)tr'i Intlt3' olllttr l;f- llolto 3orrt ltlrulll txrlt oll lllli lLSr |itl\,rll u / lt ll(,vll)tl] lt' ollll-,|:' C. A4arns 'l'. Larrtlick rIELD OUSEJ{VEII APPROVEO IIT Fishcr lleccc .lohrtsolt Arcltitccts, coPlEs Attn' Mr. skip spcnst1,,lss19rn l,lo5ilc G,E. Johnsotr Colrstruction Co., Attn: lulr' .Iack'llromns; llicrbach Corlsultiltg Btlginccrs . Chcn€Northcrn.lnc O Cdr,llil Lrnfi.'r dr J.bi|td, REPORT OF CONCRETE PI,A,CEMENT OBSERVA,TIONS AS A |.amA |llt?Crtri m artx|lr Iq |rnE lrar arFtatw.t Al rtxrrFt ^nf ir.rtttn a! nr co.frfxlut fR(frnw t'(tn d !.]atl' 'l|o,lmrtlfrllDl trxl l'l at tr- ro. or srlr rll crrglqr! rr? rxrtvctt rr(ra (n mo{lrro orrr nr.r.orn-C'rrlirria Ffrr€ an rEtlt t ltPforn- sAl?t[t iu. g€ D(turl or lnti lstt€ B oortftrD t ar.s grrt ,fia{lrxtl ,rL rd.t.D Io '| Hnr3' a i5- - r-[ilttf-lpt .a ...rr.J.. t i '\ CLll.. a,/to Tar.'"' vArL vALLDy I"IEDICAL crN'l'Ht JoB No. 4 424 90 DATEJ, 1-3-91 Attn: Mr. Dan Feeney 181 lrlest Mea<Iow Drive DALY REPORT NO' sHEEf 2 oF 2 Vail C0 81657 tNVolCE No. PROTECI Vail Va11ey Metl i c:i'l eentet Parking Stntcttrre, Vail, Colorado Wes t ernsPPua MobiLe SFEIFE^TPTI* gUr|P llx l.D. 1212 ToD rvlfiber 7ot Aln cot{IE{T pozz 2deF}{I TETPfRATRE R^NCE lE;r}{'.INUCKtn TO( T lro.llu€ AAICHE) TIUE ANRryD Tlu€ s{rPuD REVOI_UIFtl @U.lrtEREqN RE\OIUTrcT'I c{xrNT& oouPt-Etx)N c{r&c YAnDs ro^D/ cuuuLAtrvE WAITR ADO€D o{l-oHs 1 LL7 3408 9:52 AM 10:45 AM 8/ L6/ 40! IEST MT s{l,lP(0r) TET UNTTftrc|r(Fcf)YIAD CO}ICREIE IEUPE- R TURE cF) Rfir^fu(s 1 s 3/4 4.8 t42.2 -i 62 PROGRESS RTTOTT F-isher Reece fr Johnson Architects, G0PIES 1g1n1 l'lr. Skip Spetrst; G.E. Johnson Construction, Attn: lrlr. Jack Thonas; Bierbacli Consulting Engineers; llestern Mobi le : C. Adarns T. Laudick REN OBSEfUER APPRS'/ED T'Y ." Cltcnt)NorLltenr, lna ^ E.r- .. u..l fjiiils'.r , c!.n!.iri tori r|.. Cr.CllJ a/CO o YLIN ' a.-rl|r9t l.taF,r .n'r :.|-ir.r. REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST C DER DATA To: v Il, v^t,t[y IvtrDIcAL cuNIiR Joo flo. 4 424 go DATEI t-4-9LAttn: l'lr. Dan Fccncy l8l lrlcst lrlcadow Drivc DALY REPOI{T NO. 5HEEr1 Ol:2 Vail CO 81657 rwolc. No. PRGTECT Vail Vallcy lt'lcrlicnl Ccrrtcr I'rrrki n11 Stfllctrrrc, Vail, Colola<lo. Repafr Of Wall on Line C; t,\TcH TtcKEf |NFORITATION: supruEx ltlcs tcrtr ltlobi lc lnuc( o. 177 lcKeT No. 2 : 51 P .lr{ . nuE NlRntrl)3:04 P.lvl- nuE PLrAcED 3:27 P.\1 FIELO TLST]NC INFORMATION: nuE TESI T Xg,t 3 : 33 PM SLUMP 7+ tn. rurr CO rE fi4. B : WL-r UNtr Wucttrl43. 4 pcf. S ltf',Lf, rCUt',.63op .'rrtt rurr'.2gop JOO SP€GnC nolls suufu1a*g rN. ^R COME tT5_7 I wAlEn ^I)D(J) Ar stlE 6 col. nFI^'rKs rrn frlrnt sf zri (ttt x l2'l llul: (:n ltrl)rlts C.AST 3 : 43 P .l.t l|lttju' c^5r On-S i ttr cu,ilNc tNFoRttATtoN: lNtTuL cuRE: 0n-Site IrrrE srnPpq, 1-5-9L In Box RE1D SIOtl 6E F.rCluIlEs Heated w: C. Adams Ins ide Room nE!^nKS: o lE.rllrle ar urlu 1-5-91 couP. -.51n. (r'5r) ,^,|t 5A. [r.) 28.211 28,28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 8.28 shear con/sp1it con/ shear 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6. 00 115 , 000 129,000 135,500 3A 7A 284 284 284 28A r-7 -9L 1- 11-91 1- 11- 91 2-L-9L 2-L-9r 2- 1-91 2- 1-91 4000 Pslo 76 rI^E rtjngr/w|,|Ato|t.r|fti.'||nIr'|.o|,,,t,|!|.'rli'|||,'.'.tr}rt'.,?|r||''.|'l|||.|'|||:i3o||I'rflj;f.llo|fo 5O|r[ In(rlrr lloll (,ll ll1(; lLSr nronl u^Y lt m('v.||'to u' olllt 3' C " Adarns 'l'. Lautlick FIELD OBST'WEII PPROVED lry Fishcr P.cccc .Ioltnson nrcllitccts, coPlES Attrr Mr. Skip Spc rrsl:;{s51.rn l,,tobi lc G.ll . Johnsott Cotrstruction Co., Attn: Iulr' Jack'l'homas; llictbach Colrsultitlg l-ingitrccrs .i^9unl.|r''rIcTr'.mnr'4't.l||'Fl'nEt,olY''F'|r.i!|]l1lr.tIr'ri'||'rif|r'nAlit||rro''||''|M|.t.t|('nfdnn'|''q'^t'||'''nLrfrjt|'.r,^on|itn&:ti''m!.nn|c!'|'|'|nunorni?j.d'.filill 4rtuFtt.rrtr ut{lj3 otl|ll ,flrwFurufls.rnt r..nllo lo lll *llllnti:. ChcntrNorLhcnr,InQ REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST C DATA ffilF|IrE,'mdtt?t\^-\lt|',rlm.l.lt.,lii3tIn.|r'nAt||fl't'!d||nr|..l.||.'-lndfr.inclf,tn:,.rrto,llrtr',^rnt|lnn''|,'r.l-rrr .r 3tlltll.t.ls, c.tti tnYti 4OU,al.r|D lrtrltS3 otlltl lntwql|utls !rr. |.rlt l.u tt, ol Nlllllrl:. a .En - .. u.lilirile'-- .r ...'FrL. r.ri kr cea,t lJ a/9o ' ^rqtrli, a67te.. .6n :.l-iht.o YLINDER To: vnft v^t,Luy MEDICAL ctiNTHl Jou tro. 4 424 go DATE: 1-4-91 Attn: Mr. Dan Fcctrcy lSl lrlcst l'lcatlow Drivc DAJLY REPOI{T NO. SHEET 2 0l: 2 Vai I CO 81657 tNVotcE No. PRG,ECT Vail ValIcy lt'lcrlical Ccrttcr' Itarki rr11 Strtrctrrrc, Vai l, Co.lolado. Deck Topping, Second Level, Lines D to E"5, Lines 2 to J;hird Level, Lines D.5 to E.5, Lines 3 to 4; IIATCII TICKET INFOIIIJATION: supruEp lrtcstcrn Mobi 1c I tnrrcK lro. 155 11:53 A.M. lrcKEI rc. 3417 nlJE lnfirvfiD 72.t6 *.1?1-?, rop3.i.n.5. w/tlDer TtuE PV{rj) 12.40 ux otslcN -P:I\{: FIEU) TLSNNG INFORMATION: r|UE TEr Tx(Ell L 2 :54P1/ sLuuP JOB SPECNCANOHS 5LUMP NR @lrtor6 . 7 : vlEr uur vvucllr 138 . 6 pct.s^trpr.E, ][up. 640F.elR lur'180F . AR CONTE ff ,l WAIEn ADDq, AT CrE cof. no.unKs: g@24 of 32yd+5 CYL'NOEII INT O'IMATION: tro. oF c,'n Drfiins (t (t't x | 2tt lur Gn tlrt)F,r:i o\57 w|rutE c-{;r ort-Sitc rNtruL currE On-Site Ro, 5Tg,r^oE rcrunEs IntYltt:d.l?T un.,/uru(. oArE rgE 11 pq1 1-7-91 orrE $ntpptD 7-7 -91 uy: Adams Inside Building nEl,unxs: c/Ul|Dr:nut{r wlrcllr (r'cr') Tn f- oFln ctunc shear shear collp..5ln,(|3t) 'IEAsa. fi.) 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28,28 28.28 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 88,000 90,000 1- 11- 91 1- 11-91 2-t-97 2-L-9t 2-7-9t 2-t-91 7B 7B 288 288 288 288 oFJ|cN slnq cint 40 0o Psl o 2n D YS ttl;l|l rtt t xrt^tun itm/tnol rnr nt r.r:lttr{r't *lr|l ra.l't rrir t |itr| -t'f.llxx''i l,tlll= ollll.,rf,Er' l|oltD !o{[ llt (rr|r^llofl olt llxS l[3r BtFofll r|^Y lt' tlluvlou' w olllul3' I PROGITESS REPORT; C. A6ams 'l'- Lau tli ck NEll) Oi'SE'TVER APPROVED TT Fishcr llcccc .Johnson Architects,!'vnLJ n ttrr: Mr. Skip Spcllst;r1".1.rn l'lolli lc G . E . Johnsoll Construction Co. , Attn: lrh" Jarck'lhomas; llicrbaclt Consultitrg [nginccrs ChcnONortlicnr,Inca REPORT OF CONCIIETE TI]ST CY DER DATA ffi''.r|'rE,nnd|,t..||\^9\A|n|mn|.!,'I!itnF!|t|DAtr||rfot'|||f||tur.6r'!rnr.orrrmctIn|..\,'rn,,,|!rn'l^'n'|'onnor of itlllutttrs. corriltiYtG on rYln'r.l! 4OVnr.tllt ur{r.lt oll(r rnrw€aulJtls lr'lf. raJn I o lo ltl *llllll|c ^ -'+' o, rr I I i i t i-l c'-r' .f co-r,..- .i.ln rb. GlrCllJ a/9o o LIN 6r-,.f", I n?[F.,. .rt :rt-|t.t. TO: VAII, VALLDY l4llDICAt, C[Nl]ilt JOU tlO. 4 ,124 90 DAf[: 1-tt-91 Attn: l'lr. l)irn I:cctrcy I ltl $/cst lrtcatlorv Dr ivc DALY nEPOllT NO. Sll[[f 1 01" 1 Vai I C0 81657 trwotcE N.o. PRGTECT Va i. l V;rl lcy l'lc(li cal Ccrrtcr l':rrkin11 Strrrcl:lrfc. V:ri l, Cololltlo. Deck Topping, Parking Garage, Upper Level; 0ATCl.l TrcKF TNFORI'\TION: supputn l'lcs tcrn l'lobi lc lnucK lro. 117 9 : 25 A.ltl. llcKET l$. 01.3422 nMf Nlllfvf:D 9:45 Mrx DEstclt No.4 5 ^. , cu. 'ru. 8w.I1t)er A.[l--- TluE Ptrcq) 10:20 A.l,l. FIELD ILSNNG IN}ORMATION: IuE rE51 T r(gl1 10: 2$Atrtsr-uup 3k 1,t. N1 colltutf4. S : wLT UNtr wucltr --- pct. slirPLf, 1tuP.62oF...ttt turt'.2go1t JOo SPEClFlCAllotlS SLUUP t,,r. An CoNlrrft .I W^ltn A)D[l) AI SlrE d r,<rl. lltl^,tKs: 8 O I of 32 Vrt. CYUNDES tNF ORMAT|OI.I:tn. oF c,./l 'l -ns (' rln,lr)rt sr/r 6rr x l2rr lrut: rlfl tlr)r'n:i c,t5T 10:35 A.l'1. \rltfJrt: c-^5f Orr-Si t r' CU'IING INFOIII"{ATION; lNm L cutE 0n-site RtrD slotrAcE r./lcrlnlEs cure Box utN.,/MA(. ()^rLrrl/[ Ar w"1-9-91 o lE sIRlPPm 1-9 -9 1 rr: B . J . llavs ll[]a,tKs: trsl o ?0 ruYs (:n l l)l-n ual|t wl rcl (I (t\:r) c-Yl llll,l tt wtj(r I r (r.l,5) coup. -fln. (r'3l) 28.28 28,28 28. 2$ 28.28 '28.28 28.28 ,r,|tA 5(|. |l1.) 7 28 28 28 28 shear shear 6. 00 6.00 6.00 (r.00 6.00 (r.00 124,500 1,24,500 1- l-5 -91 1-t5-9I 2-5-9r 2-5-91 2- 5-91 2-5 -91 lljfs t'/ Utltl^l(xd al l6t'lttrl "r' ltr "'rtllr"il. alnt 'rY-ttTrilt l'lrr -rrlllx)tn t[ t:ri Ollll frfl;f' ]OltO !orl. lltlutr.All(rrl oll l||t; lt$r l[t\xr rql la flr,\40(l' r' olllulS' PROGIIESS REPOKI:SamPlc takcn at truck discharge. A. Bathke 'l'. l,atr t[ i ck I.IELD OI]5EJ{VEII APPROVLD ITT Fislrcr llcccc .Jolrrtsolt Arclri tccts ,t"tL- Athrt: Mr'. Skip Spcttst:;1""1"rrr l.l,.r5ilc G.ll . Johnsoll Constluctiort Co. , Atttr: Ilt" .lack'l'homas; llicrbach Cortsultirrg I.ingitrccrs n Chcn t)Nottltert t, I nc I o LIND ' ^.'-tlhrr l^lh-t. .F4 :4tettkr. REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CY ER DATA r,{1s|mr!t,lll'A.tl|r.o''rd'|n,|'Ydrr'dor.lh|it[|nil/'|o,,'||wi|,llnx'f'l no'|l'li^|rUll't3"cdcl|r'r'8onritnrr.tt||W.nntcr,r|''',oun",',,".i,.l.'.].iiiiilriiir'liiii.ri-orr'i.l ..,j,j"i irr ii ui,rr-st-bnn-e ,rMrqlvuns [r. rr,,tllD lo pl sflln,:' ^ d*- .. u"l f riif "1.'-. .f Go.noo.r- Ird lrr. CLll IJA a/lo n Slurc r'. TO: VAIL VALLI:Y l"ltjDICAL CUNI'UR JOU NO. 4 424 90 DATEr 1-11-91 n t tn : ltlr. Dan l;cc tlcy l8l l{cst lrlea<low Drivc DAILY REPOIIT NO' SHUIT 1 0l'- 1 Vai 1 CO I 165 7 tr,JvotcE No. PRGTECT Vai I Vallcy lr,tcrlical Ccrrter' l,;rrkin11 .S1:rrrctrrrc, V,li l, Color.a<lo. r Deck Topping, Lcvel 2, Lines 2 to 3, Lines Fl to G; |]^TCI{ TICKET INFORITATION: supruEn lttcstcrn Mobilc lnucl( }to. LL7 TICKET }lo. 3451 MX 0E cN1#.2 w/fibe6. -. , Ilu€ lAfElleD 10:02 am nM[ l'I trvfD 10:21 am nuE PLrcu' 10:28 am FIELD TLSflNC INFORMATION: IUE lESr T r(Er 10: ssamsLUUP JOO SPEClnCAnot|s SU,UP 4L rH. ^rlr @lnE n 5 . g wL-r uNlr wocttf 139 . B Pct. !url'!'f, 'lflll" 63 lll lfirl'' 20 tN, NR coMErrr I W^rl:n ADDID At srE CYUNDER INTORMATION: lKr. oF c,t1 ,||oFxs (r (t't x | 2t'l|ur. (:ntNorns c.^'r 10 : 4 5 am wllDtf O\qr Olr -.S i t rr CUITING INFOR}TATION: INIUL CUIIE 0n s ite naD fi)n cE ilcMlrslnsYltt:d. ?qI MIN'/uN(. Mrt,/lluE AT wr 1-14-911ns1de Dur rurng oArE srRrPPu) 1- 14-9 1 ltt: C. Adans cal,ltll)l.n urrtr wlx; lr(rcf) 28,28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 A.rILA 54. l .) 6.00 6. 00 (r.00 6.00 6.00 (r.00 /sp l it /sp 1i t 106 , 500 110,500 1- 18-91 1- 18-91 2-B-91 2- 8-91 2-8-91 2- B- 91 7 28 28 2A 2B 4000 I'Sr o 70 r|AE llJrs uf l^llrtalttfl rl n:./tottl ,'{ ltl rr' rYllr"r't r1tll r|.qr/tlt lrlu-rrtrlnln l'llll:ii ollllItrai4 lloltD 3oqt lrll lxu l,.rrr i,ri-iii'r'risi rnl'onl u/tt li' l'novru(D llY ollllJlS' CarolYn Adams 'l'- Laudick FIETD OU.ERYER APPROVED tI/ Fishcr llcccc Joltnson Architccts, coPlEs AttI' Mr. skip Spcns!1r1gs1.rrr l'195ilc G.ll . Johnson Collstructiotr Co ' , Attn: llr ' Jack'ltomas; llierbach Consulting lingitrccrs ChcndrNorthutt,ltna REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA r4:3lmr|l|ll'A.irtrro''l|''.lu|..'.'|lF|'rtVoro|'|tC|n|dirlrm,,mY'l^lnr||rnrtnrr,. iotr rf nrrr ut ttll .rtrcl lrilt^ on rYtn{itt':t'y -!1 .-1t g-L'jll'i .iiJ"ii.n ii'ui,rris olr{r rautq-vuos lrn, r"nm to 'l slrrlll,;' ',rE ltl.vt 1.9!st. 6.t 9.r-rlt t. To: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL cuNTull Jotl No. 4 424 90 D^TE: 1-14-91 Attn: Mr. Dan Fccncy 181 West lnlea<low Drive DAILY REPOIIT NO' SHEEI 1 Ol'- 1 Vai I CO 81657 tNVolcE No. PRGTECT Vai I Valley Metli cal Cctrtcr ltarkittg Sl:l1rctllrc, Vai1, Color:ado' Deck topping, Deck topping, Third Leyel, Lines C Second Level, Lines D to D, Lincs 3 to H, Lines 3 to 4i to 4j |.}ATCI{ TICKET INFORITATION: supruEn wcstern l'lol,rilc rnucx lro, 119 lcKgr NC,. i4s7 Mu oEsrcN 1.2-12 w/fi[?rrc. 8 nUE RltrvtD 10 : 34 am lluE PL,cED 10 : 5 I arn FIELD TLSIING INFORMATION: nuE 161 1111EN 10:58 al1wup 4Lq tN. Nn qDtltF;Ifi "4 z vm uNlr wtjctlr L40 .2 pct. s T Ptf, llrrP' 63 Nlt lEltt'' 29 JOO SPECInCAnOltS SLlrUP tN. JR coNlt}Ir ;r WAtEn ADDGD AI S'IE tirl. tlF!^nl(s: CYLINOEII INFORI'I^'IION:lo. oF .c.14 tocjts 6 r;n tlt)F l stzf (r[ x | 2rl tlut: cnNl)rnli c,tsT 11:08 an wltr-rlr (xsr On-Sittl Tnsulated box RE D stOltAGE flClullEs:"-:ln heated box CURING INFOR}.{ATION: INITIAL CURE: ON SitE rAlE srRrPPED 1-15-91 ()/\il-,/nuu I W|. 1-f5-91 cnl or'-n ul|rr m)(jl lt(r'c'? T'''E OF H|ACIUlll: con/shear con/shear flfA5A. .) 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 117 , ooo 1.12,500 L-2L-9L L-2r-97 2-Lt-97 2- 11-91 2-LI-gL 2-L7-9L 7 ., 28 z8 28 28 4000 r'st o 2o rA\6 rl.s's w llxruro.d r',fil,llll,,.i,i!,,,'i,fi;iililffit,ill&,iT^[ilt.Lii,*it',]flJi,,'#!i5 orrrtrftvEf' trorro Sarolyn Adans 'l'. Laudick FIELD OI.}5EKVER APPRO\ED W Fishcr P.cece .Johnson Arcllitects, coPlEs Attr' Mr. Skip Spcnsl;I;ssgsrn l'lo5ilc C.ll . Johtrsotr Cotlstructiolr Co', Attn: I'lr' Jack'lhomas; llierbach Consulting llngincers I Fc.- rf u- | ilit il "'-- rt G..rtrir.. t.rn r... cLal IJA r/eo ChcntlNortltcnr,Ina ^ ',.'.' .. ,-l tjirllr-- .. c..!rrorr- t..n r5, Gr|'IIJ a/to ra^ I r't J ) A4/Vq;h',.7,-,. .nn ..bn,.,. REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA To: VAIL vALLEy t"ttjDIcAL CINTHI Jou No. 4 424 90 DATE: L-r7-9L n ttn: lvlr. Dan l;ceDcy l8l l{cst lrleadow Drivc DAILY REPOI$ NO. sHliLT 1 ol" 1 Vail CO 81657 t^rvolc[ No. PRO,IECT Vnil Vallcy ltlcrlicfll Ccntcr' Itrrrki lr11 .Stnrctrlrc, Vail, Colora<lo, IloN: Deck topping, Fourth Level, Lines 3 to 4, Lines B to C.5; This load placed at Line B frorn Lines 3.8 to 4; I.IATCII TICKET INFORMATION; supruEn Wcstcrn Mobi lc llcKEr No. 3474 n|rE lnnrvt{, 10: S0 Mu DEslcN {f,12 w/fibg6. 1p. anr-- nuE Pt cE 10.59 FIEI.D TESNNG INFORI"IATION: TUE IEr I r(tfi 11:10 al$LutlP JOO SPECnCA OI{S suruP {!5 lN. r{tt @lnE {r 4.FYJEr UMI wtjctlf 143.0 p"t. tN. .,R Col'IIElrT ' Jf WAIEn ADDcn AI SIIE 5 llrLf, ]EMt . 64 Col. nF-trAR'(S: 8 o L6 vdS cruNoER tNfonM TtoN: In. oF c,'Yr DtDFirs (t (ttt x | 2tl rlMr cnlNDrfis O\5T Ll:20 an wltftlf c.,\sl On-Sitc CURING INFORI"{ATION: Insulated box inside Ntrul curc: on site RED srott^GE rrcrLnrri heated room MtN.,/Mru(. 65/95MrLTruE AT t,\& 1_'1g_91 o rE sInrPPtIt 1-18-91 1r: l.l. Evans nat nxs: c ltl :nut||r w:rcl lt (r'cr) truMr- .n (rlrcll15) 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 7 7 28 28 28 28 con/sp1it con/spltt 28.28 28,28 28.28 8.28 28.28 28.28 119,500 120,500 L-24-9L L-24-91 2-L4-9t 2-I4-9L 2-L4-9L 2-t4-9t oFSlcN sTRFll(;r 4000 rtsl o ?n DA)€ ltJns u/ lflxtulrrltY nt i:i.tlrlrl rtrt lrl f..r:rElrrftif cltlt ,rfirrltlt rtlu -l'tlltr)|'.i l|lrlli3 oll(TiE' r(llto 3Or.( rot lrr^tl(lx oll llx3 ltSt lltlloltl rqY ot fl MlJtt w olllLnS' Carolyn'Adans T. Lautlick RELD OtlsEfWER Aj'PROIGD [IT Fisher Ileccc Johnson Arcltitccts,uurllr Atttr: Mr:. Skip Spcnst;r1qs1s11 tr{o5ilc G.E. Johnsotr Construction Co., Attn: l"lr ' Jack'llornas; Dierbach Consulting Ungirrccrs ^tlg!m|{'nrnlcF'.milr'.F.It|tFt'Ft,'|oll|i.|'lq'\,||^lm{'!|m!l,'n!|t'oA.tl|tf.o''tff|.Mt'|.|irt'r'Ylr.l,n.:l['ni,'tlxn||l^|b'|rhrrtt^|rlt't3i.'rl|6r'Fonrirllclr||xt|tf,t|t|e^,'h||t|o.ro"r'rii..r''iiii 4(,untnl| uttl l3t onlt,i |,rturEltun3 |J|t- la"lt t.u lo lll lrllllltlc. VallValley ilmt Genter ffiTTTft OF TRANSNNNTTAL 18'l West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 303476-2451 Town of Vail Building Department REC'N 6 199r WE ARE SENDING YOU tr tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter Attachod D Under separate tr Prints E Change order Plans E Samples Test Resul ts the following items: tr Specifications cover ! d "^" z/s/gr JOa t{o, attENttor{ Dan Staneck iE: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER PARKING STRUCTURE Vail, C0 81657 coPtEs DATE l{o.OESCRIPTION 1 L/2/9r Chen Northern, Inc. - Concrete test results, 28 day strenqth 1 rl3/9r tl ll tl tl 1 L/22/9r tl tl 7 day strenqth 1 L/23/91 |l tl tl tl 1 L/2T/91 tl tl tl tl THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked E For approval E For your use O As requested E For review and commcnt tr D FOR BIDS DUE O Approved tr Approved E Returned as submitted as noted for corrections tr tr tr Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies for distribution Return-corrected prints 19- O PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS SIGNED: COPY TO t, .ncto.ur...r. not .. r.ot dt tindtlt nomtt u..t on... Jean MOWef fOf Dan Feeney . . ChcnilNorthcnr,lnl trcb r.,et -?#,;,Il:":"-"-. ,'e' REpoRT or. coNcRETE TEST cvLTNDER DATA -""ttitpgFso.,-r _ 4 lggt ITo: VAIL vALL[y Mr:DrcAL cDN'Ir;R JorJ No. 4 424 go DATE: L-z-gr I n ttn: Mr. Dtrn llccncyl8l lrlcst trlcatlow Drivc DALY nEpolil NO. SI{ELT 1 ol.'2 Vai I CO 81657 Tt.tvOICE No. PRGTECT Vai I Valley lr'tcrlical ccrrter Parkirrlt .st:rrrcturc, Vn.i l, color.nrlo. PIACEMENT LocAIION: Lines G to Lines C to Lines 2 t.o 3;Deck Topping, Level 2, Lines D, E; 3, 3, Leve 1 2to BATCII I]CKET INFOR}TATION: suprut11 l{cs tcf n l'lobi lc ItuE lr^rc tl) lcKrr llo. 3401 Mrx orf,tot to. !1+?, cu. yD. 8r.v/ taDer nuE lnlttr/ED 10:04 A.M. Ilr,lE PLrcq) 10.10 A.Il. lnucl( lro. 100 9:52 A.lU. FIEII) TLSIING INFORMATION: ruE TEr 1g€r,t 10:25AM stuyp 4'< JOo SPECnCArlOIrs sUlP Pcf-['t. tN. /vrt @|lrE rT 5.5: wLT uNrr wucttrf 41.4 /\,n co|tTo{r i wAIEn ADDCD AI srE 5^!r,lr 1fMP.61op.,ttt rut,. 1 5op. r,ol. ttEnARXs: 8 G 8 of 48vdJ CYUNDER INFOIII,U\TION: tn. oF cfi Dtwns (r enrrrrrrr :;rzl. (rrr x | 2" lrut: cntuDrtm clsr 10:35 A.M. utt-llr cJ\lt On-Si tc NED CU'IINC INFOII}"(ATION: nnul cu,re 24hrs. on-Site oArE smrPPrD 1- 3-91 txrLTrrE Ar u&1-3-91 ttt:C. Adans sron^6E r,rcrulrEs IntYlut:tt. ?9T MN../r{ r(.rnsLde tsul Iurng nEu nKs: ACE l)^rs I)^IE IESItI' lul t- l,(l t)(uE) t)r Mt:r|:n (|llcl1[5) 'ILA(5O. Ir.)couP. -51n. (t5l) TaPr oF Ht ctu||l: ct1 r{)nlmj(rtr (r.rr3) cnllrDt_nut|tr h1l(J (r (r \:r ) 7 1 28 28 28 28 1-9-91 1--9-91 1-30-91 1-30-91 1-30-91 L-30-91 722,500 127 ,SAA 152, 500 147,000 149,000 152, 000 6. 00 (r. 00 (r.00 (r.00 6.00 6.00 28.28 28.28 28.28 28. 2B 28.28 28.28 4330 4510 5390 5200 5270 5380 con/sh ear con/shear con/split shear shear gon/shear oFslcN sTRflrfirl 4000 Psl 0?6 n^ls n5f3 ttl t^t utuw Ft rr:irro{l rt{ |lr ,..r:t)orrr, iit *1nl ,tfi r,^rr t ^tlrr xl.trntt'i In{l=i ollll,t'1i{ llol[o SOrt |'lllrlu^ll()rl oll tllli lt3l ,ltr9fil u, t( fnfio(D ltt olllulS. PROG'IESS REPORT: - ---. -- Fishcr llcccc .Iolrtrsolt n rcllitccLs ,coPlES Attn' Mr. skip spcns!;ys51srn lrlobilc G.E. Johnsolt Construction Co., Attll: l"ll'. Jack'lhomas; lliclbaclr Consulting Lingiltccrs C. Adams 'l'. Lau tl i ck FIE|-D OUSEfiVER APPROVED ITT r3l|4'|tt.|Fq'IGTr'.mn'''''i.trrnIrE,'}'d,itl|!l-l,||nrrnn'lt|''rl|'ri!ttl''A.r!'{..o''lo.'tnr]..lrdfiht It ttrtfrlt.tl fnrrttr:YtFi on txtnA:lt 4o|,nt.ntt u tllt otlltl ,rltr rEr.lrurls lrlt f.rlt l.o lo 9l rllnllx;. ^ .rr{- .f u.l f riillr-. .t .o.!rF!r- ?..n ||.. cuGl lJl a/ro 6 'Chen€Northern.lnc O Cdril.t hh.rr ri g.J-t .t REPORT OF CONCRETE PI.ACEMENT OBSERVATIONS To: y11tr vALLEy l"rEDrcAL CENTIR JoB No. 4 424 ga oATe, i-2-91Attn: Mr. Dan Feency 181 West Meatlow Drive DAtLy REPORT NO. sHEEr 2 0F2 Vail CO 87657 N\rctCE No. PROfECT Vail Valley Merlicnl Center Parking Stnrcture, Vail, Colorado Western SPETFEAnOiT* sU/Up Alt @t{rE}tT suPPtJa Mobile vv t,D. L2l2 Toppi.ng w/fiber llflExr rorpEneruRE nrucE lEr !ro.IRrrct(l{L TEI(ET NO. TTTE E TCltE lluE AftRilED TIEE s sPt-tD 8A/OUnmtl cDr,|{rER EOIN RE\ Xrtnoa{ @{JIITER couPt EIloN culc Y m t_oro/ C{JUUltIlvE w 'tTR At)ocD c r.@$s I 2 3 4 5 tt7 100 151 LT7 100 3402 3403 s404 340s ' 3406 10:41 Al"' 11 : 50 AIrl 12:40 PII 2228 Pt"l 11 : 00AM llz42/l^/. 12:55PM 1:58 PM 2:45 PM 11 : 1.5 Al"l 11 :58 Al,i 1:35 Alvl 2:05 PM 3:05 PM 8/L6/ 48 8/24/ 48 8/32/ 48 8/40/48 8/ 48/ 48 8 2 l6 5 IE;Tln su,l?(ur)A'RooaftilI(r) f,ET UNTT trfJc T(Pcf)YITI.o COT$RETE TBTPE- R^ruNE cF) R[lrAT(s I z 5 4 5 4 rl4 s L/2 s r/4 4 4 1/4 5.7 5"1 s"7 6.6 7.0 141.0 142"6 T4L.4 140.6 139.8 58 62 61 58 58 PROGRESS REPORT F-isher lleece G Johnsott Architccts, COPIES 71ggns l',1r. Skip Spenst; G.E. Johnson Construction, Attn: l'lr. Jack Thonas; Bierbacli Consulting Engineers; li,es tern ttlobi 1e; C. Adams T. Laudick NEL.O OTISEJII/ER APPRqVTD BY AS A |lru,( ?f,ITCtD{ D Cttxl!, nt Fun E t t! d.Rrnwt, .ll frf('trr |,!f StrrrttD a! rrf, cDfrrfxTt,t m(rrrTt r ttn q fxB rro Arnl'lllllDl fDi Frrt E}-Itrr t !f' tTrrxT!, c.r.ruFo.t dt rxrlcnt rftr ('l [o.Jtr.€ (l,; Fgwmt 6 relfi/rD frrora c'l rEnt'| rP?Ror& s l?itt ill E ortqlto or rnLR lu'lrll EootiIIE utatl o||{t ,trxI|IxTt t f. ,fit! to x rlft|I. A rEr- .a r'.FttX-lnr .a ..4-r. 7-r lb Oal l,.. |/F CJrcntlNorl.her 'tt,ltta REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST .rf,ouo 'tafrtt!? IrtlE" .a'l :.i-.r,!r. RECEIvEn rEB - + 1991 DATA TO: vAIt, vAt,LDY MDDICAT CUNl'l;lr JOO NO. 4 424 90 DATti: 1-3-91 n ttn: Mr. Datr l;cetrey lSl lrlcst l*tcadow Dr1vc DALY flEPOl{T NO. Stll-LT 1 01" 2 Vai I CO 816.57 tNVotcE No. PROJECT Vnit Vallcy tr|crlical Ccrrtcr ltarkinl Stnrctu.rc, Vai I , Color:rtlo. Deck Topping, Level 3, Lines D.5 to E, Lines 3 to 4; BATCI-I TICKET INFOR}IATION: sUpruEI l'lcs tern l.lobi 1e lnucK tto. nuE urulu' 9:25 A.M. 3407 Mu DEsr'r *. l1l.?, cu. YD. 8 w,/ f I Der 9:4g A.l'l._ TurE PLfcs) 9:56 A.l"l. FIELD TLSNNC NFORMATION: nuE TEs-r ur<€x 10:19Al"l 3tuttP3 3/4N. JOO SPEClFlCAllot.s SLUUP H. ^Jn @rflErtr4. g : wLT uMr wL,ctlrl4s. 0 tR CoNrErIf .t wAlfn A)Drl) At SIIE s J,rpr,-c rtMp. 62oF.AJH ltrr'.1 8ol: CYLJNDEII INI.OR}'\TION: lto. oF c,yl ltrrrns f) 6nntplr lzr (rtt x l2tt rlMr cnlNnrn:i c,A'T 10:29 A.l'1. wlDlr: c/\5I orr-Si ttl CUIIING INFORI{ATION: lltttul GURE: 24hrs. on-Site tutu srnppo 1-4-91 0 rtntME Ar r & 1-4-91Insulated Boinq.o slottrcE FrcllnlEs Inside BuildingMrN./w. lrt3 C. Adams RElr,rnx! 6rtlllDl'-nu'|lt wlllcl f t(t'ct) fitA 28,28 8.28 28.25 28,28 28.28 28.28 con/ shear con/shear con/split conlsplit con/split cqn/sp1it 4580 4540 5480 5610 5570 s460 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 129,500 128 , 500 155,000 158 ,500 157, 500 154, 5oo 1- 10-91 1- 10-91 1- 31-91 1-31-91 1-31-91 1-31-91 7 7 28 28 28 28 orsrcN sTRftl6ltt 4000 r'$l o ?6 rl^16 llJ|:l |'/ l^rtt^tutY l"i lci.trtrtl ,xt lrt,,r:rtrllvrl. atlrr rlJ.t l:|rrl t lttr' -xflllolt' l|'nr;'i Olllt''t.l5ll l|olLD :otll lf{unr4lK)x (,l llll5 ltSl_tlt,\xrl r|^'t l|L tlKryr(,(D |tf olllur3' C. Aclams '1" Lautli ck FIELD OUSEfiVEft /\PPROVED TT Fisher llcccc .Iolrrtsolt Alcllitccts, coPlEs Attr Mr. skip spc's!;y""1o.rr lrl'5i lc G. E . Johnsotr Consttuction Co. ' n ttn: l'l r" Jack 'ltomas; llicrbach Consulti rrg lingirtccrs ffi|'F'iE|,,not|ia.|vt-.,||nr.rl:|lJ'|'f3l'i.lr'nArit|r.'',||x'||u'.ltfrinwo.d'n(||l,n:\|tmr,'||rn|l^|l',l'nn.'d?r,.twr .r lutrurt.r3. lntEttrrti 0n tlltL.tt 4orrnl.[D lrlnlJs ol|nt rntwElJruns l,|t. fa.tn t.o lo tl irlll{r;. r .at- d rrl fiiif I c.-r or corqrtr t.a tL. CutllJ a/ro Chen€Northcm.hc O REPORT OF CONCRETE PI.ACEMENT OBSERVATIONS al| A r.Jlfu|( tfrrrErrtt Io ctt ttt, If nrrE fro q|l!?trtl ,l! ift('rr! ^r!t lr'r.trtD a! nr oorncxlyt fa(trn'Y f (ltl ct Llltl' rro xmltrollDl fli nFl:+- mx o7 lnatTrrxtr, c.r{tutn6 rxrircf! rnr. t! itc ^lr€ o|Ji [Jgtnt ! |l:arut ?t i'o qt rF |l,| |P?io/aL s ltut tll 9E D(tqt..o or mLR lullE B coarlED t,lllr ot|It ,narlraxn |nt lsrtlo to lt n|nr3. a irr- d r'.lTiF-l;-t .a ...rr-r. tdr rb CII laa a/ao Tor vg11 vALLuY rrrEDrcAL cENTnlAttn: Mr. Dan FeerrcY. 181 ltlest lrleadow Drive Vail CO 81657 JOB NO. 4 424 90 DAIE L-3-91. DA,ILY REPORIT NO. SHEET 2 OF 2 tlwotcE No. PRGTEC:T Vail Valley Medical Center Parking structttre' Vail, Colorado Wes t ernsrPPua Mobile SPETFEATp 5| sU,r|P Lu l.o. _1212 ToD w/fiber l;a Ant @fiIEr{r pozz 2ffiw TEUP€RAIURE MT€E TEST M'.IRJCXltt.NCKET lro. lllr€ EAICHED I||E lnntwD . TIUE SAr|PLD R€\'A|.IIID| @UNTER EOIN RE\ XlnON @UNTEN ooltPLEnofl crrBc Yr&lsr-or9/cultul Ilr/E wATtA AOOCD o^uoNs 1 Lt7 3408 9:52 Alvl 10:45 AM 8/ 16/ 40! lESrt{L sll,|p(ur)A'R ootflrxr(r) IET UN|f tfjoltT(Pcf)YIIlI)@NCREIE lETPE- R.TURE c4 REI^&(S 1 3 sl4 4.8 L42.2 62 PROGRESS REFORT Fisher Reecc fr Jolurson Architects' COPIES 411n; l,lr. Skip Spenst; G.E. Johnson Construction, Attn: l"lr. Jack Thonas; BierbacliConsulting Engineers; lrrestern Mohi le : C. Adams T. Laudick FIED OBSEfWER APFROVED BY TO: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTIR JOO NO. 4 424 90 pTgg; 1-21-91 Attn: Mr. Dan Fcency l8l Wcst Mea<tow Drive DATLY REPOIIT NO. SHEEI l OF 1 Vai I CO 81657 l^rvotcE No. PRGTECT Vai I Vatlev Mcrlical Ccntcr l)nrkins Strirctrtre. Vai1, Colorado. Lower Level, Slab on Grade, Lines B to C, Lines 2 to 3; OATCI{ ]ICKET INFORI/ATION: supruER $lestertr Mobi lc tnucx lro. LL7 IL:23 an rcKEf lK,. 3487 uu oEsrcN lro. A nuE N11!€D 11:40 an TlgE pLfcrD 11 :48 am FIETD TESNNG INFORMATION: rlUE IEr TAr(trl 12:O1an3LUuP Joo SPECmCAnO}rs surup Nn coraf E rr 7 .g wEt uur vrurctlr 137. 8 A,R CoME}.Ir I WATER ADD€D AI STIE sorPlr 1[rr|'. 66 ^,lt rE!P. 20 tht. nan RKs: 8@40 of 40vdr CYIJNOEII INFORI"{AIION: t|O. OF Ctyl,|toFJts 6 (rrr x 12'l lf Mf (;n llll)F,l:i crsT lzi, LL $tFJrC c^ir 0n-Si l:o CU'IING INFORMTION: tNruL cure 0n site na, sro&r6E rrctLmLs Heated room MN./rrN<. 62/686ar7xyg Ar J D'L-22-9I If fE $nPPfl, 1 .. n1 ttY: r. ^r-^- nE|,l RK& con/split con/spli.t 28.28 28.28 28.28 8. 28 28.28 28.28 6.00 6. 00 6.00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 86,000 90,500 7 7 28 28 28 28 1-28-91 1- 28-91 2-18-91 2- 18-91 2-18-91 2- 18-91 4000 Psl o 7n rr^)T llJts ttt wrt\AtulfY fllr.tt rl rna ||l ,.rr*rr"t:t *rrll rtq r.^tr t rl1r, -lrt'lrlolt' tn4l:3 ollllJllfEl tl(llto :o{t lllltlrr lpll (rl 1116 llst'Ltttoatl uaY tt lil('vlo(D ltf ollll'lt' Carolyn Adans T. Laudick FIEI, OOsEfiVER . IUPROIED TT Fisher llcece .Iohnson Architects,t"'tt Atttt t Mr. Skip SpcnsQ;gss1sr1 Mobilc C.E. Johnson Construction Co., Attn: I'lr' Jack 'lhomas; Dierbach Consulting Engincers ',.FfUrE f rtrEt .Nl !-trrl,.r. O}' CONCRETE TEST DER DATA ,ii9i ffi[F'nE|'n'..|i1'|'\'.-.4r.'!lry1I''(3l'tr'||''A.tl|t|..o''tlf'.Mt.f|ififr8(rd,netI'ld.'\,'or''nrh|,^'l'',lr'tnnl-,.rt.'|l|.l,t||fu.'|l3.co,Etl'!if'6onlY|'||cl3||louo{n|G^,||'|'oqunrr.n''?j.F.iiij,iior.dirtrurn-ornrlttltttrr'l](ounlnrt uttlJs otr|tl |An rrdrruns.ur. ,.Jltl.o to ltl s nl'c. o CYLIN ^ F<'c' .r u.l ilifilr'-- ., .o.irrar.. t.rn l-, CLt l IJA l/CO ' Clrcn0Northcnr,hf O t...,,, d,e.!#,:';: REpoRT oF coNcRETE TEST cyLTNDER DATA FE: t' ' ;' TO: VAIL VAI,LEY MEDICAL CDNTDR JOt] NO. 4 424 90 DATE: 1-22-91Attn: Mr. Dan Feency lsl West Meadow Drive D tly REPORT NO. sHEEr L OF- 1 Vai 1 CO 81657 rwotcE No. PROJECT Vai. I Valley Medi.cal Centcr ltnrking Structlrrc, Vnil, Colorarlo. Pt CEMENT LocA.ltoN:-Traffic topping, Second Lcvel, Line B to Line C, Line 2 to Line s; lY\TCll TICKEr lNFORlrATtoN: supruEfl $lestern Mobi le n6661 1p, J4B9 ux DEslcN ffi12 w/fiber. ,o. nME AmrvT:D 10:05 am -- TIUE pLccs' 10:18rlUE IATCIIE) mrrcX ltg. 105 9:35 am 8 am FIELD TLSTING INFORMATION: nME rEr T,rr(ol 10 ; f g3lpLUuP JOB SPECnC4nOlrs $Ur!p 4\tN. tN. IJR @lflE lT 7.3ZWEf UNlf WEctlI.i36.6 nc't. AJR Col,rTo|tT .l WATEn ,{ooq) Al 5m 3\rIPLC 'lErr'. 6{1, nOrA KS: 5 2 Nll lE!t'.15 CYUNOEII INTOR}TAIION lro. oF c,YlJNoFFs 6 r,^n t rrFn slTE (rrr x | 2tl Ur Cn t Dr'fl; c,\Sr L0:35 arn $AlFJlE c-\5r On-Si tc CURING INFOR},IATION: tN[uL cutrE: On site rr^tE srnfppm 1-23-9L InsulatedflonlcE crtmLs insicle C. Adarns box building nEIT RKS ut'J,./u)d's4/76 o rEnuE ar wr. 1-23-91RO.D lIt3 AGE 0^16 orE IES'IE' l('l L t"o l)(lrs)trtarflul (rrrclr15)NIT (sa. il.)couP. -51n, (r,3l) T.I'E OF T IT,ACIUIIE c'/Lrl{)frl Wl:,orrf(rus) cYUlrDt:n UIITT wt](;rj[(r'cf) 7 28 28 28 28 L-29-9L 1-29-91 2-l-9-9L 2-t9-97 2-19-97 2- L9-9L 90,000 92, 000 6. 00 6.00 6.00 (r. 00 6.00 6.00 28.2t1 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 3360 3250 shear shear oEstcN STRQIGNI 40oo PSI o 26 rI^E tljl:g g't UfrOaUlOflY lil i:trorr'l lrlf ltl r./t?r(r^tiq mlll rtfir/lrf litu rrt-ttnlti l,rll tJg Oll||rr'frtE tlolftl 3or.t lllrul|r llofl ul tllli ltSl ,rtFofil r| t l( l'lluwJtt trl olllulS. PROGRESS REPORT:Ready mix truck driyer was advided of the lot'/ concrete tenperature and the high air content. Fisher P.ecce Johnson Architccts 'vurlL) Atttr: Mr. Skip SpcnsQ;y.51"r1 lr,lob i lc G.ll . Johnson Construction Co., Attn: Nlr'. .Inck l'lromas; llierbach Consulting linginccrs Carolyn Adans T. Laudick FIELD OBSET{VEII APPROIED IIT rl^9Uu|Er'tYGTrxmrirxT:LncF|'rrE^,0.r|it.|vf.l.,|l.'r.onf3l'[t|mr.|r'oAlitlr.o',|f|rr]u|rti'l'rfv.rlt,nc|,.l'r 'ro'|.ril^r'u''Iac('ErlFl'6ont:itrrr;lr''ro{o4n|G^,||,'ooU[||l.'t,|t|s|3nt..t,|!tDf1,l|,|..ou''rln|l urntfS o||nt ,iL trdlttftt ttt ra4t rlt to rt tl{lltrc. ^ ,i-.' , u.lijii-lr-- .. G...r..tr.. ti.rn ||. CLf l lJ {/CO ' Chcnt:Norl.hent,Inf REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA ' pr.\) !. ->t.'. -i rl^Ul,tl1.|'f'!'GF'..mct'r,nt.n[Fl'FE|''oo||ft'l\^-\||tnlmnis,,'l3!,nr|||lnA.tIr.'''t|f|,'w,t|o.|,rd(r.|'tqt|t'nn.}.('|t'^ltu'''l3...'€t|nr'no|txl'r.|t'l|o|.o.|p|e^,I|||x,-,o"',.nri'.n'.iiil:.iitrlj}riiiifhln'*l 40rrr\1nD u{llr3 orlrtl ,Nl{ r,calunt !n- rr|| tn lo lll $ltlllrrc. . 'ir-'.' .t ul iiiill r-. .f ...rilir- ..'rn rb. cLttu a/CO TO: VAII, VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER JOO NO. 4 424 90 D^TE: 1-23-91 Attn: Mr. Dan Fcency lSl l{est Meaclow Drive DAJLY REPORT NO. SHEEI 1 0F 1 Vai I CO 81657 twotcE No. PRGJECT Vai I ValIey Medi.cal Ccnter ltnrking Structurc, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LocAlloN: Lower Level, Slab on Gradc, Lines C to Lines D, Line 3 to Line 3; MTCI{ TICKET INFOR}"IATION: supruE1 Wcstern Mobile Ml. 4 CU. 10. nuE PrrcE 10:05 8 NME TATclIq) .InucK lro. LL7 9:15 an ncKEr No. 3499 nUE Arllltvt 9:,42 UIX OESIGN an am FIEU) TTSIING INFORMATION: nME TESI T r(Ol 10:30am SLUMP JoD SPEClnCAnOlts surup 9Ln |l.t. IN, rJn colnElr 5.6: wEr UNII WtlGllI L42.6 cr;t. s rtPLC IEMP' 56 AJll rE!t'' 10 AR coMror ;rw IEn A0DED AI 5m Cot. nOIARr(s: 808 0f 40vdr CYUNOEII lNlt Olllvlt\TION: '|o. oF c,YlJ]tDFis (t c,yultDFn stzr 6rr x I 2r I 10:40 amlrur cn rNDrr$ o\57 $rFJlC c^5r 0n-si tc CURING INFORI,IATION: 11111 L cUIrE: 0n site nAlE srnPPrD L-24-91 sTofi^cE rlctunFj Ilcated Bui lding C. Adams nEr.unxs: MN.,/MN(.Mr[,/nuE ,rr urrl L- 24 -91no"D llY! AGE IAY1S t)^TE IESIE' IOTAL LO^I) (r.Bs) I)I,AMEIITI([.rolris)xlF..\(so. u.)couP. -.sln.('50 T/PE OF IIIACIUNE cnjlll)fn wt a.fr (Lll5) G.tt Dr:n ufilf wl]{llr (l"cn 7 7 28 28 2A 28 1-30 -91 1-30-91 2-20-9r 2-20-9r 2-20-91 2-20-9r 99,000 97, 000 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 28,2t1 28,28 28,28 28.28 28.28 28.28 3500 5450 shear she ar OES'G}I STRflIGru 4nnn rrst o 70 rI^15 ftsls ft |i^]IIt^toltt it Rsttorll r l Ol Lrtr(rvr4f. finl 'Flr: rrl l<t|r rrl-tlntrt InlllJS Ollll,|.{r:{ tlo|f0 !oll( [n uw^lx)rl oll llll5 ltsl tttl\rau rrAY l( fttgvloLD fi Ollll.|13' PnOctlESS REPORT: Sample was obtained at the truck discharge. Fishcr P.ecce Johnson Arcllitects 'coPlEs Attn' Mr. skip spctlsqlvc.tcrn MoSilc G.E. Johnson Const):uction Co. ' Attn: l*lr. .lack Tltomas; Ricrbach Consulting linginecrs Carolyn Aclans T. Laudick FICLD OO5Ef{\ER APPROIGD TT Chcn i] Nor'tlien r, I nqJ RrlEirr-rt iJii'i I 5 t!:;ij o YLINDER TO: VAIL Attn: 181 Vai 1 PROJECT l,lATCI{ TICKfl INFORIT,{AT|ON: supruE; lVcstct:n l.'lobi lc IIUE ITArcI IED rt I urntl.t '|i'Itcrrra m at,trlll. Ira arrr|!l|: ,ro nor. ar rrrlfuara:! a.|raltrirrn o|t lYln/cl.t l|rlrs 4ovFt_t.nlt ur.t l.t3 orttt rrrwEltrufll lr|', fa.ftt r,o ^ 'E ,r' or rr. I iiir r-l e.-- .r €o.ooir.. ...rn tr.. CutllJ a/m VAI,LEY MEDICAL CENTIJIT Mr. Dan Fccncy Wcst Mcadow Drivc c0 81657 REPORT OF CONCNETE TEST C DATA JOD t'lo. 4 424 90 DALY NEPOtil NO. [{volcE No. ' ^.-trk4 l^lr*,. .n., &r-lr.t. DATE: l0/2/90 SHEET 1 OI: 1 Vai 1 Valle l,'lc<li ca I Ccrrtct' lt:rrki.ng Strrrctrlrc, Vail Col or':rdo . Foundation wall, lines K.3 frqr line 5 to 8.3; rnwK flo. 114TK 3:40 PM ICKO. |lo. 012620 nUE NltllvT:D 3:59 No. 25 cu. ro. TtuE pLTCED 4:05 MIX DESIGII PM 7.5 PM FIELO TLSflNG INFORMATION: lfuE TET TAJ(€}I 4:35 PMt-uup 3 3/AN. Nn colnElr 5.8:wrr ullr wEcl rr L43.6 p"r. s^ripLf 'lrMp. 63 Alt lulP. 60 JOO SpECtnO{nOtas sr_uup 0. 4 tN, IJR COMTDT 3-5,r w,{tn DDED Ar StrE 1 0 C{t. 'rE},r^^r(s:CYUNDEH INF OIII,|/\TIOI.I:Irl. oF c;yl.nrot-Jts (r cJlltprn stTr (rrr x l2rl lrur crtllrr,[Rs crsT 4 : 50 PM wltrjlc c-r-tt 0n-Si tc CURING INFORMATION: lNmL cUI€ on Site nED sTOIr6E F/\ctuTtrs by trailer MrN.,/M X. o^Ifnlu. ar wr"10/3/90 D^rE srnpPFr ),0/3/90 rn: S. UrLon nEr^o\,tKs: t'n'r oF I lt^cIURt_ con/shear conlshear con/ sl-rcar c on/ sh ear con/shcar c on/ s:hcar (r. 00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6. O0 28,28 28,28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 ,lfA(3o. rr.) 4530 4420 6770 6020 6070 5960 t0/e/e0 LOl9/90 r0/30/9 lo/30/e LO/30/ 1,0/30/9 t-28. 000 125,000 173 , 000 170 , 000 171,500 168,500 lrJTs II/ t,rrxtt^toatY itmar|l||l lla tr rr,rrno^rE!: *lrt rtnr,rrrt t3lv rrf.llx)tr'i ln4l:r' ollll rr'415r- l|olto rcll fll utu,\l|oll oll lllts tt St tltl\afil u Y trl flKtvl{Nl, lr olllul:. S. Urton .1. l,atrtlick rIELD OI]5UTVER APPROVLD [I/ Fishcr llcccc .lolrnsotl Arcltitccts,ttt't" Atttt t lvtr. Ski.p Spcrrst;;y".1"r.n l.lobilc G.ll . Johnsorr Cotrstrttction Co,, Attn: lrlt. .Iack'llromns; l].icrl):lcll Consult.ing lirrliinccrs ar rtr<al !lv\ Al nrttnffrs ,r|fo{ rtt n^rrlr[' oun rl.a\trr:ito [l nrnlt:, ..rrr|rainfo a.: rrrl a.ortrll rtlw rtfixl nrt qr fr nlil.rlvlD tttrrnrr; Or,l itlllltlr ltt'n(^"r-fi,n f.tltt.t:\ rrrr"rrrrrrrrtrx), In.l a'tlr rJa- :r^rrl ti rrr t. rt: ('6r{}ir u or rr tr ,t :tr,rc rt ChcntlNorthcnr,lng il F ^ F I r, r Il Lu"^' 1f ,,,,J o YLINDER TO: VAIL nttn: 181 Vai I PRO.JECT MTCIJ TICKET INFORMTION: supruE4 Wcstcrn Mobi lc TIUE IIATCJIED VALLEY I"!DDICAL CENTEII It{r:. Dan Fccncy Itlcst ltlc a<low Drivcc0 816-s7 REPORT OF CONCRETE TIST C 'r'hrlr.l-t | 6tl |-.. .6n kl'nhl. DATA Jou l'fo. 4 424 90 DATE: 10-5-90 DNLY REPOI{T NO. SHIET 1 OI.' il.{volcE No. Vail Va1lcy l,'lcd j. ca I Ccntcr I'nrking Stnlctlrrc, Vnil, Colola<lo. Salb-on-Grade,Lines F to G and Lines 2 to 3; rnucJ( rto. 49 rcxrr uo.012557 ux DEsrcn r€. 7:4L A.M. nuE MrtMDT:56 A.M.- Ttr,rE 23 PL'rCEIt cu. \o. I 8:30 A.M. FIEU) TLSNNG NFORMATION: lluE rtsr r xer 8 : 45 Aivl3Luup 6 JOB sPEClnC n0l6 sLuup 0_4 CYLINOER tNF OR[,tATtOl.t: tro. oF c.y1.t DF-ns 6 rin [lt)Fn :ilzti CUNING INFORI,/AT|ON: |NIluL CUnE On-Site o^IE srntpprD L0-G-90 rr-i^ srorucE flcrulrEs y""95 MIN.,/MN(. --'I'raller S. urton n[u''\'lKs: Nn @lnflfi 5. & wrr uNr wEclfr 142.5 p"r. s^), 'Lf TLMI,. Nn CoNTDr3-5 .l w^Irn Ar)DCD AI 5m -- ..at. nO,$JtKs: 55o^rr TtLfl,. 50o 6" x 12t''lrMf c ruoots cAsT 9:00 A.M.{ wrmr cl5r 0n - Si. tc I I 0 rEnl/E AT r,^8" 10-6-90 4000 Pst o?o n^Ys [{. tN.J FIE.D [tf: NFJrcN STRI}IGITI lt-5f: tll UtqUlOlTY Fl na/r|l[t lrra Ol r{rlxrlr.t{t. tt]lrl rt'rlt:rllf /^<Iv l'ltllr,tn Inlll:i3 Ollllt(Al:.|: lloltD !pq( fxulu tloll olt ll[5 ll5l l[tronl u Y l[ ftt0vlu(D ItY olllljlS. Sanple r^/as taken at the truck discharge. S. Urton ':IELD OBSETilER 'l'. Laudick APPROVED IIT r3tur,trl{m.fclY'|'ol-l|l'.r3.I|'F||lilE|,|t'.|l,i<'t!l-l||t^l'Y}n|srm1l'nn|r'DA.ill|r.'r'rd'.nrl.!l[f nor. .r ilrlturt.r$, .nrrttt:rtn on ttttrrit! 4oun l.lf lr u||tfJl oon,| ,firwalll|ot |ry, rdn I o to tr $ft||lrx:. r Err' .. u-|rririlo'-., .r .6po.r.. r.r'r rb. Cu(llJA a/CO TN'C OF Hl,^cTUnc con/sp1it con/spl it con/sp1it con/split con/split con/split NrFA30. [r.) 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28 28 28 28 10-12-90 10-12-90 11-2-90 1.1-2-90 11-2-90 rL-2-90 2960 3040 4600 4670 4640 4600 83,500 86, 000 130, 50o 132,000 13.1 ,000 130, 500 6. 00 (r.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 Fishcr llcccc ,Johns on Arcltitccts,ttt't" n tttl: Mr:. Sk.ip Spcns1;1y.=1sr:n lrloSi 1c G .ll . Johnson Construction Co. , Attn : ltlt. .Jack'l'hornas; Iticrb:rch Constrlting lingittccrs ' . Chcntf Northcnt, Incj REPORT OF CONCRETE TIST CY o LIN DER D,ATA '.,nrf rna I r.rl,F.r ^(4 i<t-tt t. ^t^Uufl.|f'i'r(G'r'.m.]t|'''r\.T|fn'nr,:l,|ool,it.t\4-.l|t'^'FrFr'!t'ir.i|Fr'|llo^.itl|r.n''rr'',r|'tFddnoF rr trlttltt.t:. co.l:[nrt6 on txlia:t:t 4OUnJ_n|l UrnlJS Olllt.^ |,rtwealluos r.tn. N)nt.o lo ltl snllllr;. a Fr,{' .. rl..lifff f lo'-- or Go-FrL. l.rn $r. Cu(llJ a/CO To: VAIL VALLIY I4UDICAL CENTtill Joo No. 4 424 90 DATE: 1,0_.].0_90Attn: ltlr. Dan Fccncy DEnrrr181 lrrcstl*tca<lorv-;;i;" (tUE,V[D DALvREpoRTNo. sHEETl ot,2 Vail c0 816s7 illv i 5 ig$6 rNvorcc No. PROJECI Vail V;r11cy lrlcdical Ccntcr l)irrki.rrg Str:ucturc, Vai.1, Color..rclo. Third Level Floor Slab; I]ATCI.I TICKET INFOIII/ATION: supruEp hlestern l.lol;i lc rnucK o. 46 72,20 A.M. nCXEr No. 5L5 MtX DESIGN No. 25 CU. yD.8 nuc lnnmD 7;52 A.M. IlE PLccED 7:3S A.lvl. FIELD TLSTING INFORMATIONI lrME rEr T r(ot 7:404M 3LUyP 4 JOO SPEClnCAnOtrs SLUUP Nrr co rorr4.8 : wEI uHrT \\E'Gltt744.2 AIR COIITD|T tr w^r[n AoDo, AT SlrE 300- s,^J,rP!-c TEM'', 630 ,tttt lE!t'.460p CYLJN0En rNFORl,,{ Ttot,t: Iro. oF ctlJpgr.ns (i crr nroar stzf (1tr I I ltt llM[ crltNorts cA5T B:00 A.lt{. wtut[ c^-'ir On-Si tc Area Slab n[u nKs: CURING INFORM/\TION: INITUL CUtttr On-Site D^TE srnrPPrD 10-1-1-90 D/\'lflnlrE AT t^&10-11 -90I loat cdRE-D srtlrurcE rlcrunL5 ::""uno cr U/: A. Bathke 28A 2BA 28A 284 AJIfA(sa. fi.) 28,28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 t)t l.tflrn([,rclrlj) 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 (r,00 coni-cal- conical coni ca I conical conical coni ca I 5730 5600 7070 7180 7394 7180 162,000 l5B, 500 200, 000 203, 000 209 ,000 203, 000 10-t 7-90 10-17-90 11-7-90 11-7-90 11-7-90 11- 7-90 Itjts ttt utraauroflrt Ft rsrr|lnl ffif |rr rairxrtr^r4f. wrnr raft f]rrt lslv rrlllx]tti t,rlll= onll ttrYr:|: llolto so|rt ltltAnl^llotl Otl llll5 lLsl nl\Ofll 11 1 lt( ll(t"'lDu) lll OlllLnS' Sanplc taken at truck discharge. A. Bathke FIELD OI]SEIWEII T. Laudick APPROVI.D TT ------ Fishcr P.cccc Joltnson ArchitccLs,coPlts Attn' Mr. skip spcnsq;{gslsrn l,,robilc G.E. Johnson Construction Co., Attn: NIr. . .Jack'ltomas; Bicrbaclt Consulting linginccrs , . t .QhcntlNorthcnr,lna 'a.ElUDt l^glF... .Dl i<l'rlr.l. REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA ^3^Uun.{F[crvcTr'fm.i[r,Ti.Il|lF,nt,,r'd,itltvt'!t|tnltY,.rrs^,i(j|Di.|r'DA.rlr|r.,'.|lx',.w6|l''t'fY.rnn[ rr stltrrrt.rl cotErt'irt6 ot rxtnA:ts 4ou.tlnl, utrt l3s otl|ft rnrwsl.lrlroj lrt /L,m lo lo t|| s||rlltrt. ^ n*'{'- rt u.. I i'ittl-l o.-,o ot .o.n.6r.. ..6 t!o, c!f,|IJA l/m TO: VAIL VAI,LEY MEDICAL CENTI:II JOO NO. 4 424 90 DATE: 10-10-90Attn: Mr'. Dan Fccncy 181 lVcst trteadow Drivc DALY REPO|{T NO. SHIET 2 0l-' 2 Vai 1 CO 8165 7 tNVotcE No. PRGJECT Vai I Vallcy l,,ledical Ccnter l)arki.ng StTucturc, Vai 1 , Colorado. PLACEMENT LOC.AIION:Third Lcvel Floor Slab; I]ATCI{ TICKET INFORI,TATION: supruE1 lVcstern Mobi lc mucK tto. 114 ruE 0^rqrq) 8:25 A"M. TICKET }IO. nMf, lfinrvfD 516 Mx DEslcN M,. 25 cu, yD. 8 8:36 A.M.IluE PtrcED 8:45 A.M. FIEI-O TEST]NG INFORMATION: IUE rsr r,rr<ov 8:55AM stuup JOo SPECtflCAnolrs SLUUP 5k rru. aln colrElfi 5.4: wrr uNr trypo r tN. ^R CoNTDn .l W^nin ADDTD Ar sn[ pcf. &UrI'LE TElJt,. 4 Col. nOIARKS: 58o A,lr rE!P.4 0o: B @ 112 vdS CYUNOEII INFOIII"|^TION: lm. or c;yl Dlo[tis (t 6ntl1)Fl :ifzf (ttt x 72'l lrMl_ (;n tt,rofld; c. sT 9 : 10 A - lr.l - \tllrnli o\5r On-S j tc CURING INFORL{AT|ON: I.lcated Area lNllt L CUttE On-Site Ro-D sTonrcE rlctuTlrs Under Slab Mut./rr x. e\TEnuC AT t^LL0-11-90 n TE SIRlpp@ 10-11-90 tlr: A" Bathke nEuAnKs: AGE DAE DAIE TESIU) TSIAL I.OAD(uE)t)t,^rnr'Jt(['rct|rJ)Nlr(sq. Ir.) couP. -iln. (r$D Tn'[ oF HtAgIUnE cYUlrorrlwfrllrr(urs) cftDrofn utrrr wt]c| fr (Pcr) 7B 7B 288 288 288 288 10-17-90 10-17-90 11-7-90 11-7-90 11-7-90 L1-7-90 174, 000 169, 5oo 215, ooo 208,000 216,000 21.6,000 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 28.28 28.28 28.25 28.28 28,28 28.28 6150 5990 76\A 7364 7644 7 640 conical corLical conical conical coni.c a 1 coni ca I oFJrcN sTRfllclll 5000 t5r o 2n r) Ys nJts lr urxtutotT/ Ft R./rl|il l,|t t,r r.rrvrtrv{f r!1rrl ra'q r,,/rrr { Aslu rrt,tlnltt ltlll:5 ollltjrrYl:c lloltD 5O!t lllQatuAtloll otl ltrr5 lLSl ,rtt\9arl rr^Y l{ ftt{.r/|0(o fi oll|Ur:. PNOGNESS REPORT:Samplc takcn at truck discharge, Fishcr P.cccc,Joltnson Arcltitccts,t"ttt Attn r Mr, Skip Spcns(;{sqlsrp lr,lo6.ilc G.ll . Johnson Construction Co., Attn: Nlr- Jack I'homas; llierbach Consulting littginccrs A. Bathkc 'l'. Larrtl j.ck FIELD OBSITNER APPROVED [ry ',,&lrr? I ^jl'F'rr ^^.1 t4tqtllrt.Chcn*Northcl'r'r,ln1 O REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA To: VAIL VALLEv r,totanttn: Mr. Dan Fceney i{0V I I :l!t Jou No' 4 424 90 DATE: l'0-13-90 1Bl West lrlcaclow Dri.vc DALY REpOtil NO. SHEEI 1 OF 1 Vai I CO 81657 [{votcE No, PROJECT Vai I Val.ley lr{crli ca I Cc'tcr I)a rki'g Str.ctrrrc , V. i I , Color.ndo. PL cIMEN r Locli]oi* Itral l on Line B from Linc 2.8 to 3.5; I]ATCIJ IICKET TNFORInTION: supruE4 l{cs tern Mobi lc TtuE B TC UI ncKff. No.01 2874 MV oESICH NO. CU, yO. g nuc,rflRrvri 12:50 p.M. 'rluE pr,^cED 12:.55 p.14. rnucx No. 119 12:34 P.M" FIELD TESTING INFORMATION: IluE TEsr T J(EN 1:10pM sLuup JL [{. Nn cornljrr.6 = ntt uNrr lvL}on147.8 Joo sPEclncrnotrs uuh=A_f:.I i9{qq3_-q ,tw^ru ^oDrD AT srrE pcf. S HI'LI Tf l'. di G.tl. ROffKS: 650 AJtt rti.tt'.550p 49 at 7) v,l3_+*-+.+--f_ wl ttt[ c^sr On - Si tc CYUNOER INFOlll"ti\l lotl:lro. oF c,"/t.ntD[Tt5 6 dl t l)Fn srzt-.-X(rt t t2,'rur c^r or,6 c-,sr 1:25 p.M. CUNING INFORMTION: lNtTt L cunE on-site RELD srOrW;E F CIUT|E5 cure Box M|N./M (. e\Tf,/nuc AT uIL10_15_g0 tArE smlPPm 10_15_90 Ff: s. urton REMfiXS: AGE IIAYS oArE IESIE) Tqr l_ LO/\O (uls) t)rAMF:lD:t (rlrclrcs)NIEA(:;a. Ir.) couP, -51n. (,s0 Tn'r oF flr.AcJUtrc crut{Dt:ll v/Dor fr (urs) calllJot:nuflIr wrtc| rt(rcr) 28 28 28 2B 10-20-90 10-20-90 11- 10-90 11- 10-90 1t -10-90 1L-10-90 143,000 L42,000 i.71 , 00o 174,000 168,500 171. , 000 (r. 00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 (r.00 28.28 28.28 28.28 2[i.28 28.28 28.2{ 5060 5030 6050 6150 5960 60 50 con/ sh ear con/ shcar con/ she ar con/ shear con/ shear c on/shear OESbN $rlfllcnl 4000 trst o 2d nA)T rtjl:l lrt l^xn^lortY nl ll:arrlll rrr lrr r.r]r'rlrrr4t- f,lrr rr.r-t r,^|r t rllu ritlrntri Innl]3 ollll laaaaf- llolfo5o!t ll|l(rlu^llo'l ofl Ins tlsl l.U\Xt rr^t t'( flttM{)to rr o||tuli. PROGRESS REPORT: Fisher P.ccce .lohnson Architccts,ttttt- Attlr r Mr. Skip Spcnst;;g". g"r.n lrlolli lc G.ll . Johnson Construction Co., Attn: l.tr'. Jack l'homas; ll.icrbach Consulting linginccrs S. Urton T. Lau rl i ck FIELD OOSETryER APPRO!€D tI/ ^i^ul]mr.!P'x'r'cTY}|m.lr[ls.l||,:'.r,Ftt,|od,'ttl|\^-!,||n7rY)fri,r{.!|'n.|r'nAtl||l.l)|'ltt|wFrnffnorr (r <rrrturrdst corn t,-iyrn on tyln,ra.lsaouttr.no uruJs ot|r,t ,,l wt tlluats tnt. ,aJn t.o lo [t yr{||||x:. ^ "'{, .. rrlilrrl-lc.-- .. .69drr- a.F r5. Catt IJA t,/eo . ClcnqlNorthcnr,Inc a ?.'r--.<..,Fi, S.bt't 15 u;i, '.f Eflrtt l.V!F'. q6n :.t-,tht. REPORT OF CONCIITTE TEST CYLINDER DATA To: VAIL vALLEy MDDICAL cENTr:ll Joo r'lo. 4 424 go DAT[: 10-23-90 | At trr : l*'lr . Dan Fcc ncy I1Sl lrlcst trlcadow Drivc DAJLY REPOIIT NO. sftgl--T 1 0t.- 2 Vai I C0 81657 lwotc' No. PRGJECT Vai I Valtcy trlctl i cal Cctrtcr l);rrkitr11 Structurc, Vail , Color:rclo. PLAcEMENT Loc^IION: Foundation Walls, Lines 3.8 to 4.2 and Lines E to G; I ATCI{ TICKET INFORMATION: sUpruER h,cs tcrn Mobi lc lluE uArcJtg) 'llttcx N0. 54 8:46 A.M. lfcxET llo. 0L2880 utx ocslct{ w. 23 cU. to. 8 nut ltlltrvrn 9:00 A.M. nuE PL^c@ 9:05 A.M. FIELD TESTING INFORMATTON: nuE IEsr T r(Ell 9:15 AM3LuuP 3% JOO SP€CtnCAnOtts SLUUP [i. tlr, ^lll @l ElrT2 .9 : wl-r uMr lrucltr Alt CoNrflrt _ _ .:l WAIUn IDDCD AT SffE pcf. 5 {,LC rOrr,.71o Nll lurr'.33oF tirl. llElt ftxs: g of 136 v;3 CYUNOE'I INTORMATIOI'I:trr. oF cmntDrns (t r:n [lt)Fn srTri (rrl x |2"'lrM[ (;n tNofl{s C,\5T 9 : 30 A "l'{\r'lrrjr[ c-^sr'.)n- S i tc CU'IING INFORMTION: lNnr L cUIttr On-Site RE-D sTotl.,rcE ctull6 Cure Box u[r.r/M4(. o 11;nlu[ AT u{4 10_24_90 tAtE sIRfPPft 70_24_90 ut: s. urton n ^,rK& GE DAIS oAIf IESIE) toT l- r.0 t) (rr]5) | )t,^r.r f-] rtl (rr.rcl rri)Nlt(sa. ur.) cou". -51R. (,'51) t'n't: oFfll clulrc cruNDtll w[]? (r (LIJ5) crtllrDr-nu tt wll; (r (rc}) 7A 7A 284 2SA 281\ 284 10-30-90 10-30-90 11-20-90 11-20-90 11- 20-90 11-20-90 121,000 J,23,00.0 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 28.2tl 28. 23 28.23 28.28 28.28 28.28 4280 4350 con/sp1it con/spIit oFstcN srRflr6nl 4000 r'sr o ?o rAYs n5ni ra wtj'l^totTt nr rffrn||t rlr tt| ar.rxrolrr]t. rl r r.rinrDrt rrlu rrt-llx)tri tn( t:5 olllufil:'{ }lolto :oqt olfulu^llox (,ll tllli lLJt lrtl\xl rAf l( l'fls\4utl r/ olllul:' PROGIIESS REPORT:Concrcte was pl aced Sample was takcn at with :r pumpl the punp hose. - - --.-- Fishcr llcccc 'lolttlsotl Architccts ,coPlEs Attrr. lvtr:, Skip Spcns!;y6q16rrr Mobilc G.ll . Johnson Construction Co., Atttr: lth'. Jack I'homas ; llierbach Consul Ling Iittg itrccts S. Urton l'. Lau cli ':kF|ILD OOSEJIVEII APPROITD tI/ rt|r,Unl.|if'lYcTr'.n'dr''rt.I||.Bhrtl'|Dd,,ta'|vl'\l|l.nrI{rnl..r'rf!n'|llDrYir. .r tf^rtn,rrr!! corElrnrrn on lYlriL,ts lAunllllt lrr4r-lt on{l lnrw€(lual5 ,rll, LJrl l.o lo lll tlllllltlr:. ^ ,.-i.r' o. u.. I rj iTi-..l s"-- 6( coo.,,r- ..d 15. cut J^ a/eo - ChcntrNorthcnr, I rrc.j '? 'a.Ef f,rf f.rr.|-ir.,.1 :-.|?nht. REPORT OF CONCRETE 'T[ST CYLINDER DATA ^3^Urnt!rr'.norcn'{mctr'Iil|tln'nt^'|o.||^.'ll9.\rt|'nlron|t^,'t:'|in!|ltDn.rx ar ifrrruTt.rt corrltri.t6 0r tlltf.ili.,ount ntt urtl.ts qltitl |^rwottruo3 l/|l- ,.,n11.o to tl| ttx||rtft. ^ R'6- Gr u.lilirile'-- d .r'r@r- tr6 r.o. CutllJA ./eO To: vAIL vAt,LEy MLDICAL cDNltjn Jorj No. 4 424 go DATE: 10_2s_90 n ttll: lvlr. Dlrn Fccncy lSl tlrcst Mcadow Drivc DALY IIEPORT NO. SHCET 2 ll.' 2 Vai I CO 8l6i'7 tlwOtCE No. PRGJECT Vai. I Vallcy lrlcrlical ccrrtcr l)rrrkirrll structrrrc. Vail, color:atlo. PLACEMENT LOCA]tON: Foundation l{alls, Lines E to G and Lines 3.8 to 4.Zl rnucK ||o. 44 L1:43 A.M. r'\TcH TrcKEr |NFOR|{AT|ON: sUpruER l{cs tern Mobi lc nuE tAtclt@ rcKcr No.o[2905 nuE lJlnvED 11 .S2 urx otf,lcN lro. 23 cu. YD g A.M. llMEPl-,.ctD 11 :55A.M. JOn SPECtflO{nO}ls i. tN. Nn AJR FIELD TESTING INFOIIMATION: lluE IEsr TA<E]I ll;QQpll5LUuP 3 cor{lulrs.3 ; wL-I uNlr wDG[r147.5 coNIUrl 3-S ;l WAIL-n AI)DCD Al SIIE p€r. s^rPr-c ]LMp.73o Ar( lLur'.4ooF 6 C{rl. RE},q,rKs: g(r of 1 3(., vrl3SLUUI'g-4 CYLINDEII INFOII}IATION:ln. oF c,Yt, or,ns 6 cyl ptt)r 1 .r,t7t: (rrr x 12"lruE (;nnrDflrs c.i\5T M|N,,/M J(. o :/nu[ ar ru10-24-90 CUIIING INFORMTION: INIIUL CURE --_..-_.,.; RA, STOtUrcE rrcrLntl5 o^rE srRfPPFr 10-24-90 nr: S . Urton NLl/^'IX5: ACE I)^E IUTElEsltI'IOI I- tO l'(uE)t)lAuFtt n (rrrct|15) fi[A(so. ur.) cour'. -51n. 0'5r) ]'n'r oFf CrU|lt: gll lflr)f,l IVLX;a I r(uE) cftilrDcnu rr \tllc{ (r (,\cr? 7B 7B 288 288 288 2BB 10-30-90 10-30-90 11-20-90 11-20-90 11-20-90 11- 20-90 113 , 000 111 , 000 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 (r. 00 6.00 6.00 28.28 28.2t1 28.28 28.28 25.28 ?a ,)a 4000 5930 con/spli't con/sp1it oFsrcN sTREHc,Tll 4 000 P:,r o ?o rAYs tur3 ua l^xtt^I0fi at nsaro{I ^rrt |lr A,r:()4irrr{t. rTnr tar.t rr^rr f l'.lu !}.llrrt,:i Inll155 oll(rr,l1]t tloltt) 3Ut lllt trt|r noll oll tllt; lL3t lrl.r\onl lr Y l!( tlt(,vlo(o trJ ollllrlS. PROGNESS REPOT{T Concrete was placed with a pump. Sarnple was taken at the hose. Fishcr llcccc Jollnsoll n rchitccts,t'-tt. Atttt r Mr'. Skip Spcns!;vsslsr-p DloSilc G.l-1 . Johrtsotr Cotlstruction Co. , Attn: I'lt. .lack'l'lromas; Ilicrbach Consultirlg linginccr':; S. Urton 'l'. Latrd j' ck I'IELD OOSE'{VEII N'PROVED I.JY JOB NO. 2067 BIERBACH CONSULNNG ENGINEERS INC. REPORT NO. l9 FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT JoB vAlL VALLEY HosPlrAL PARKING srRUcruRE DATE october 30. t990 CONTRACTOR G. E. Johnson Construcrion Compony TIME 2:00 A.M. SUPERINTENDENT Jock Thomos TEMPERATURE 70 WORK OBSERVED: I visited the site to review the woll reinforcing ot rhe following locotions: o) Second lift southwest core. b) Second lift grid line B wos portiolly instolled. Pilosler steel ond future opening steel hod not been ploced. The following wos nofed: The 8-# 6 iomb bors shown in Sect. B/1/13 were not instolled. The 8-#6 iomb bors shown in Sect. C/l/13 were nor insiolled. The 8-#6 iomb bors shown in Sect. B/2/19 were not instolled. The iontroctor is going to instoll hook bors ot the corners of the 2-#'l 0 bors locoted obove the door openings. shown in section B/l/13 ond section N1/13. No other ilems were noted. OBSERVER Michoel Goldstein r) 2l 3) 4) CE IUML,G€.1 , /ea< fu',ang /F/u€ Vail Valley t*"d @nter LcTTfr @F ]rRANsnnnrTAL 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 303-476-2451 Town of Vail Bui'l ding Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail. C0 81657 litc'0 NO\/ 1 919s0 TO wE ARE SENDTNG YOU p tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter Attach€d E Under separate cover via I Prints ! Change order E Plans D Samples the following items: tr Specifications F Concrete tpst rpculfs OATE JO!t|O. 15 NOVEMBER 1990 Dan Stanek Vail Valley Med'ical Center - Parkinq Structure Bierbach Engineering - 0bservation report rHESE lu-AAflSurrreo 32.r,""P#SbAEl' Enli neeri ns -0bservation reilort D For approval d For your use q As requested E For raview and comment tr FOR BIDS DUE Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections E Resubmit_copies for approval E Submit -copies for distribution E Return -corr€cted prints tr ! C I 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS .,nn.o, ?b0o\Lr€JCOPY TO Ir.nclo.ut.. r.. not.. noa..t, kir,dty notiltt u..t onc.. Bfgnda HafpgT Chen{lNorthcnr,Inc1) F':"'l1/r0 REpoRT oF coNcRETE TEST cf,flhoEnl dAqm irU',J 1 i 1990 {t^uUnu|'FotrgT('.IoqrrqiI[.r,nE^,|od|i3.tvr'Y!^rLn.'n.ns^,|tst,rTrt''Alnf..r'1.!nrlWrrnf{'|roro|mc|,f''Its.,,ll'rrml|,^m[no'.(rsl^lf!.Frs.,rEt|,.r'6onrrtF,A.Jsrniuon'tc^,r0|rf,oUfFt.|o.rI3FrRt5tllvtDPfrrol6oUnw|t||lf'|.'F|l(' aosnlf'-l, urnl3s olrrrt rnF^|qlaxnl lrt ,cit.fo m [r wFn|rrc. ^ n:rg- !. u.l ffi ".-. o, co.hr.l,- aorrr Po. crrft|J^ a/eo TO: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER JOB NO. 4 424 gO DATE: g/28/go Attn: Mr. Dan Feeney 191 West Meadow Drive DATLY REPOffi NO. SHEEII 0F 1 Vai 1 co 8165 7 rlrvolcE No. PRO.IECT Vail Valley lvledical Center Parking Stmcture, Vail, Colorado. PIACEMENT LoGATtoN: Foundation wa11s, Lines 3 to 4 on Line c and Line 3.5 to 4 between lines B and C; BATCH TICKET INFORIV6]ION: sUpruER Western Mobile ncKEr No912579 uo DEslcN No. 23 cu. lo. I lrt{E B rcfiED 1:20 PM nuE i\RRwED 1:30 PM TIME ptrcs) 1:50 PM TnrrcK No. 119 FIELD TESNNG NFORMATION: lluE TEsr ru<an 2:05PIv1 st-uup 3 rH. arn com-m3.8:wEr uNr vrocrn 147.3pcr. sAr|ptr rorp.680 xn Torp.75o JOB SPf,Clncanol{s SUrUp 0-4X. arn CoMrB\n 3-5 I WATB ADD@ AT sm iht. RAuRr(s CYLJNOER INFORITATION: Mt. oF c/lJNo€Rs 6 r,YUtJoER stzE 6tt x Iztl 'lrME GrllNDERs c,\sr 2z2O WI wHFtrE c^sT on-Site CURING INFORI"IATION: lN[uL cuRE on site naD sron 6E F/rctLmEs trailer MrN./M,u. o rEnuE AT r & 10/1/90 o^IE slnlppg) LO/L/9O nr: S. Urbon RE|^RK& AGE &\t5 OAIE TES-IE) TUTAL LOTD (r.os) DIA'{ETF-N (rNcHES)^RFA(so. ur.) couP. sTR. (P5D T/PE OF FN,ACIURE (l/L'NDER WE'OHT(uts) CI1JND€N uNIr wnc|r (Pcr) 7 7 28 28 28 28 1.0/s/e0 to/5/e0 L0/26/90 ro/26/90 LO/26/90 L0/26/eO 125,000 123, 000 166,500 167,000 163,000 170,000 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 28,28 J9 )e 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 4420 4350 5890 5910 5780 6020. conical conical con/ shear con/split con/shear conica I OESbN STREI.IGTH 4000 Psl O 2A D\\6 -. llJrs g|t |.^Ddulo(t n RJarlrrn rnf t]l ,atrrro{|: wrnl ArTr xirfi f asru lulntt:i In{ lJs ollllF'Ylt[ tlolfD 30uE lFrvu4lxlN oll llu3 llsr RtFonl u^Y t[ ftKr/ltx,o tt/ olllur3. PROGRESS REPORI:Concrete was Purqled into the forms, sample was taken at the truck. Fisher Reece Johnson Archi tects,uvrrLJ Attn: Mr. Skip Spensly.r1urn lulo6ilc G.E. Johnson Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Jack Thornas; Bierbach Consulting Engineers S. Urton FIELD OI]SERYER T. Laudick APPROVED TY vailValley Ul|ca Center r#+frffpqmnmsnnrrrAL TO 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 303476-2451 Town of Vail Building Department 75 South Frontaqe Road Vai'1 , C0 81657 wE ARE sENDTNG You 6 tr ShoP drawings tr Copy of letter Attachsd E Under ssparate cover via the following items: ! Samples tr SpecificationsE Prints E Change order ! Plans fl Test results DAIC JO!tf o, Nov^ 2l - lgg0 attENttoi Dan Stanpk REI VVMC Parkinq Structure coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 1 10-18-90 Chen Nortern, Inc - concrete test results, 28 da.y strenqth THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked E For approval E For your uso E As requestod E For rsview and commrnt tr FOR BIOS DUE tr Approved ! Approved n Returned as submitted as notod for corrections tr ! ! Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies for distribution Return-corr€cted prints n 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS l, anclo.utaa rna not aa fio,.d, kindly notrty ua rt oaca.Brenda Harper \-l rvl I \ I rvl tr l\Jt I t, t l l\,. ou0., oF coNCn'rE 'rrsr .rrtuo ooro 4'aru|,l | ..J r.*. I nt4:ata|.|. RtrcEfvED Nol/ ? 1 $90 To: vn IL vALL[y t"ttiDIcAL c[NTtjl{ Jor.] No. 4 424 go DATrI: 10_18_90Attn: Mr. Dan l;cencyl8l lllcst lrtcadow Drivc DALY nEPOI{T NO. Sftl:ET I ot-'I Vai I C0 81657 il.NOtCE NO. PR0'JECT Vai I ValJcy l''tc tl ical ccrrtcr l)rrrki.n11 .structurc, Vail. colorlclo. Walls, Level 3, Lines 2 to 2.S and Linc H to J: tl TCl] ItcKEr NFOnMATTON: suprugr lt,lcs tern Mobi 1c MU oEsrcN NO. CU. YD. g p.M. lruE PtircED L2:20 p.M. lnuc{ }ro. 104 11:51 A.M. IlcKn No. 012867 nuE Nlllr\tr, 12:00 FIELD TLSTING INFORM^TION: nME rEsT T XEN 12:25pM Sruup3 3/4u.t.^fir mrrlurrs. 1 ; wLT uNtI wrjotl147.3 All CONlUrr4-8 Iw ltrt ADDII) AI srE sirlpu turp.65o ,vtt ru.u'.60oF C{tl. nEl?.,,r}(s: 24 of 37 vdr CYLINOE'I INFOITI'\TION: t|o. oF c;Yl ltlDrRs (r cn ttrrlrtr stzf (t" x l.2tt llut: (;'1t Dfl$ cA5T 11.ttrr D r, \tltDtE c,ur On-fii. tc CUIIING INFOII}IATION: lNn L CUnE On-Site o^rE srRrPpED 10- 19- 90 Rq.D sron cE FAcrullEs ur: S. Urton TN'T OFt gtulrc con/ shear con/ shear shear con/ shear con/ sh ear sll e ar 7 28 28 28 28 trst o?o r}^\5 10-25- 90 10-25-90 11- 15 -90 1- 15-90 11-15-90 1-15-90 117,0 00 118, 000 15L,500 147, 000 152,000 150, 000 6. 00 6.00 (r,00 6.00 6.00 6 .00 28.28 28. 28 28.28 23.28 28.28 28. 28 4740 4180 5360 5200 5380 5310 ruls ttl wrquturr |.tft3.,un\ ,ttf lrr Lrrtrrr|rrq *rlrl ,^Frry'rnf rllu rif-llot|a tlllttj5 olllltrAr:{ tloltD 3oqt |r[() U rDn ()|t Il5 tl.5t |rU!fl| tl ? t( ffi{rvll[l, fi olllulS, PNOGNESS REPORT: Sample was taken frorn thc pump hose. S. Itrron T. Laudj,ck FIELD OUSEfWEII APPRO\€D t T Fishcr Ilcccc .Jolrrtson Alclt ltccLs,t'-tt- Attrt t Mr:. Skip Spcns \ 1{651sr.rr golri lc G . E , Johnson Cons tructi otr Co . , At tn : I'lr . Jack'l'homas; llicrbach Corrsultirrg lJng.irtccrs rt|vut!|{Foor'cTlt.|m6|l|.l3'l|trF,Fr:^,'od,|t1'|\^-\,|ln|tnn|!lrn|.:'|,rn!|||nA.il||r.4|'ld'rM|Fr..''|nl/fn4i .r qtrrturrrtt r.rr4ttrirr^ on ttl,r/413corrntnD urrr t-3.3 otlflt ,nfwFtl|Iuats t rt, t rrt t.o lo t'| $rl||Itc. ^ -r{, o. u.lrriiile.-- c Go.nF,*.. trd lrr. C![t tJA a/9O Chcn0Northenr,hn I O' \ REpoRT oF coNCriETE TEST cyLTNDER DATA ' ^.attt 4 | ^lt .. . ^n4 a<t6t,11. ^t^r,Un1{F'x'wcIr'|lo6'''.l.t.l|tlF|'FtE|,|ool,,t..'|\|t-\,||n''nnr.:,'[''lnrl|l|rrA..tr|r.o''r[--frbF.r sarr!rt.rt cornrrin^ or rtltr.:lt 4(,unt.nt, lrrnl-lt orr|tl {rn^lt|ururlS !n l.JitLlt l0 |rl $ lll1|:. r '-ir'- o. u,.l ilirile.t.- .r Go6r.r.r.. a.d rh. CrrCIIJA l/eo To: VAIL vALLEy MDDICAL CINTLR Joo No. 4 424 90 DATE: 11-14-90 |Attn: Mr'. Dan Fccncy IlSl Wcst Mc'<Iow Drivc DAILY REPOI{T NO. SHEtrI 1 0l'- 4 I Vai I CO 81657 ,NVOICE No. PR0.JECT Vai. I Vallcy l''lctlical Ccnl.cf Itlrkirrlg St:rrrctlrrc, Vail, Color:ado. PLACEMIN T LOC.AI ION: Foundation ltlalls, Lcvel 3, Lines B to E on Grid Line A; MTCII XCKET INFOR},(ATION: supruFx ltlcstcrtt l.lobilc lnuc( uo. 11g '.KET l.o'1 gITg Mlx DEslcN uo. 2j cu. to. g llME 0AIClltD 11 :12 A.lll. nU[ lnltlvT, 11 :20. A;l\1.- TIME PLrcED 11:45 A.M. FIEI,D TLSTING INFORM^TION: lluE TrJr T r(Elt 12 : 00PM sLUUP JOB SPECIFICJiIIONS sLT'MP ^1. 1A |l1. tN. /\Jf r colnErrr 4 . 9; \rrT UNlr Wt]Cllr 747 .6 pcr. ^R coNrElrr 3-sIWArLrl -o9 aa tg_____t slrptc 'lLMP.6sop .,^ttt ruir-5gop . tul' RMtEjRo .rf 1?R rr,l3 cruNoER lNronM^'iloN: 1rc. oF ti/l nlorRs 6 (,.n Ilr)Ftt st711 (rtr x l2rl ltMr cn tNl)Ffis O\57 12;15 P.M. mlmr Insulatcd B.lanket, lNruL cunE on-Site noj) sron^c[ F,rcrlnrtj Undcr Trailer ur]r./l.rA(. o Tf,/n!E r wr 11-15-9( r,^lE sr8tppFl, 11-15-90 tn: A. Bathke nEu^rtxs: AGEDls DATE lEStI]) lgr l_ Io t(uE) t)rAMt:l t:n(|l€l|[5)Nat(so. Ir.)couP. -5rn. (,.1) ]'/I'E OF f ttAcTUnc cyl.llll)trt lYucr rl(u5) (;rulior:n uNlr *'r)cr fr (r,crJ 7A 284 2BA 2BA 28A tr-2L-90 rL-21-90 12-12-90 t2-L2-90 t2-t2-90 t2-t2-90 110 , 000 107,500 6.00 6.00 (r.00 (r.00 6.00 6.00 28.2t1 28.28 28,28 28. 28 2s.28 28.28 3890 3800. shear shear PSI o20 DA]TnrsnH snrltclll 4000 llJls tt, l^xtulqTl nl |t,.rrtnl rtr lll r.r:l)rtirrrf:1. filll rt't't f}rr t lllv u,-lrotr l|lnt:5 ollttJtlllSir lrclto 'Jortl lrllollrr^norl oll llllS ltst lltt\,ll u l llc |'firruu, uY olllLnS. PR0GIIESS llEPOt{I: Concretc w;rs purnpcd into thc forms, Sample was taken from thc pwnp discharge. Fishcr llcccc .Iohltsoll Arcll itccts ,t"'tt Attutt Mr. Skip Spcnsl;1yqs19r.1 lrloSilc G.ll . Johnson Collstl'uction Co., Attn: I'lr. Jack'l'homas; llicrbach Consultirrg Iirtgirlccrs S. Urton T. Laudick TIEL.O OU5EJ{VER APPRO\ED TT Chcn*Nortltct'tt,lttc I DATA ffit.'i|nr|,no||n..lt!l-!l||'llFrmj!^,r[:|l'n'tlr||At'rr.4''r|x'r|utl'to.!'rf'(rd,nq||tr.l:'\t,|oNxtl|l^tnx'nF|nqr.^.nor. f, slrltutlfrs cot r:t I tirt.r,iou,'rtnrl trln l-!! on|lt Mfurrl|Jullj lrtt.,aJnl.o lo lll trllllltt(:' ^ --i- d r\.llllll le-' .,. G..nFrr- ?.a l|o. Cu(r ll^ r/go REPORT OF CONCIlITE TIST CYLI o I.IDER ',,afull. l.{rr' .nn r't-.rhr. TO: VAIL VALLEY MIDICAL CI]N'fHl Joo l'lO. 4 424 90 DATE: 11-14-90 Attn: Mr. Dan l:cctlcY lsl l{cst Nlcadow Drivc D iLY nEPollT No' SHEEf 2 ol'- 4 Vai I CO 81657 lwolcE No. PROJECT Vai. l Val)ey l',lctli cal Ccntcr It:rrkitt11 St:rtrcttrrc, Vail, Coloratlo' Second Lcvel, Connecti.on Line 2 to 25r West. with Existing Building,Structural Slab, LincsBtoCand I]ATCII TlCKtrt INFOTI}/ATION: supruEn Wcstcrn l.lobi le rnucK 10. 54 TtcKEr Ng. 01 3186Mu DEsIGN M)- 25 cu. 1,D' 8 nuE BATqI@ 1:57 P.M. nuE NtttM:D 2:10 P.M. ' Ilt/E Ptitc@ 2:4O P't'l', FIETD TTSTING INFORMATION: lluE IIsr r r(tN 2 : 30 PII 3LUUP JOO SPECnCAnOI|S SLUUP Nlt colltt'{T 4 . 6: ttt-f u}ltl wr]cltf 145 . 3 Pcf's,7111ptc TEMr,. 62oFxR lurt,65oF Alt CoMrElrr 1- qf WA'E'I ADDFI AT strE CYLJNOEll INF OllL!\llofl: tto. oF c.u ntoFTts (t rirl tttt)Ftt stTr 6'r x |2"wltr.JrE crr;T 0n - si tC CUIIING INFORI{ATION: INIII L cunE On-Site o tE srRlPPs, 11-15-90. Flo,D 5-loltf6E l' cllnltS trt: S. Urton Curc Box o/ilrnluE Ar wr 11- 15-9 TT"E OF Hr.Acrullc con/ she ar shear coup. -51n. (r5DNILA(ro. tll.) 23.28 2,\,28 2rj.28 2[t.28 28.28 28.28 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 (r.00 6.00 6.00 7B 78 288 2BB 288 28B 123,000 118 , 500 11- 21-90 11- 21-90 L2-L2-90 72-72-90 12-12-90 72-12-90 4000 Psr o 70 rI^15 ruls tt/ wxrurofir Fl r:.,.rrnl ,,|r lr, rrri(xl|l"r-.r' i'T lrl "r'l ry''|t t lllv rrlllntt' In{ 1f,3 ollttJriE{ llolfo rctrt ltttulu llotl oti iitl: tr:ir trttrxt lr47 tt( mo\al(D rY olllt''I3' PlloGREss RtPoRr: Test rvas takcn bcfo.e thc addition of supcr plasticizcr. Samplc was takcn at thc truck discharge. S. Urton ' T' Laudick I.IELD OOSIJWEII APPROIED TT Fishct' llcccc .lolrttsolt ArcltitccLs 'coPlEs Attr' Mr. skip spc^st;11".1.rn Nlo5ilc G .li. Johrtsotr Constrrrction Co. , Attn: Ilr ' Jack'l'homas; llicrbach ConsulLing linginccl's Chcn$Northcnr,Inc I '.,Elf,ht f .{LF,. ^,.1 iat-.r,.r. REPORT OF CONCIIITI TEST CYLI DATA ^<^v|n!l{.'r'rcTr'|Ionr',r:'.l||f'i|nt,,|o.t',t<lt\'..!,tlnl'!orlrtrn[:'|'r|{rtr|ninr. aF \t^ttrratrts tovrlt ftt, ur4t-t! otl(t ,nn^,rd!u'|5 |,rl. |.JnLo ro [r r|trrlll|.;. ^ E*F, 6. rr. I il iiil r,-- .. .oor..,- rra a. cuct tJ r/eo o NDER I T0; VAIL vALLly I,IIDICAL cljNltjl{ Jou l.lo. 4 424 90 DATE: 1.1-14-90 nttn: Mr. llan l;ccncy l6f lVcst lrlcatlow Drivc DAILY IIEPORT NO. sllEL-T 3 Ol' 4 Vai I CO 81657 *.NotcE t,o. PROJECT Vai. l Vallcy ltlctlj ca I Ccntcl: l';rrkirr11 Sll'ucturc, Vai1, Coloraclo- PLNCEMLNT LOCAIION:Structural S lab, LinesBtoCand Level, Connection to 25 | lrlest. wi.th Existing Building,Scconcl Line 2 [r Tcl-l TtcKEr tNFolil"{ATt0N: supruEn lvcstcrn l-fobilc tnrrcK ilo. 49 TlcKEr No.01 glg8Mlx Drf,lcN lK). zs cu. yD. 8 nME II TcJttD 2:46 P.\1. nM[ lrtttrvt,D 3:00 P.M. TluE Pt-ActD 3:30 P.ll. fl EtD Ttsnt tc lllFoitl,rATtol.lt r|UE 16r TXEN 3:45 Pll 3LUUP 9 JOO SPEClflCrIlOlls ltLNuP 2-4 tH. Nn COtltEllr 4.2= rtE UHtr Wrlcl lf t47 .3pcl. lll. Afl COI{lrJr 1- 5 I WAIEn ADDED AI S'IE s^rlPLf rcMP. 650F an 1lrrP550F. C<tt. nO'L{tXs: 32 Of 48 yd,s CYLJNDER INFOII},{^TION: '|o. oF c,Yl ,t|ocn5 a .-in l{)r,t srzr'' 6"l'Jtl tlu[ cn lrrl)rfis c'rSf 4:00 P.lr,l. wltBE c-t'I on-Sitc CUNING INFOITIIATION: rNrIuL cunE on-site rr^lE srRrPPF-D 11-.15 - 90 MrN./t{N(.MrLrtuf, ar r,ur 11-15-9Cno_D 5IOll,16E r.lcllnlts Of: S. Urton Curc Box nEl!\llxs: AGE DATT I) IE IESTTI' lgl l. t.(} .1) (ur3) |)t^l.rfl rn (rlrclrl-5)Nu.^(s. rr.) couP. -51n. (r'5l) Tr't'C OFtrt ctun€ CYLINI)flI WIII IT(u]3) cftlllo{-n ur{tr w:rcr lr(rcrl 7C L2C 28C 28C 28C tL-2I-90 11- 21-90 11- 26-90 72-72-94 lr2-12-eo lr 2- r 2-eo lr l- t ,l-or't 144 ,000 140,000 158,000 6. 00 6.00 6.00 (r .00 6.00 6.OO 28. 28 2t\.28 28. 28 28.28 28.28 ?8 .24 1R 'R 5090 4950 5590 con/split conlsplit shear 4000 Psl o 26 rl^f,iorsnNsTRfllcilll tlJrs t]/ wxtt^to{ry rt rl.-d|'rr | .rrr rrr r.,i:r).rt]rrr,t qrtll rtt'tr],rf ltlu lt.lrntti lxlll= olllljrfl:'t- lloltD iorrt lftloll! lrcll oll llltf lt:il In.l\rll UAY llc l&{,r'tl)u, rY oll|LnS. PIIOGIiESS IiEPOKI: Test was takcn aftcr t1c acldition of super plasticizcr. Sarnplc was taken at thc truck discharge. Fishcr llcccc .Jollnsotr AlcltitccLs,coPlEs Attn. I'lr. Skip Spcns{lyc=xsr.n l'lobilc G.ll . Johnsotl Constl'ucf iolt Co., ALtrt: l'lr. ,Iack T'homas; llicrbach Consultilrg liltginccrs S . Ul'ton 'l'. Lau di ck I;IILD OOSEf{VER APPRO\tD iN' ..L .t lten€Northern.lnc Gdrrtht L.ilt -r ci i.L{lt REPORT OF CONCRETE PI.A,CEMENT OBSERVATIONS ,-. VAIL VALLUY TIEDICAL CLNTIR Attn: Mr. Dan Fceney 181 West lvleadow Drive Vai1 CO 81657 JE9IECT Vail valley Meclical ccntcr l'arking JOB NO. 4 424 9A DATe 11-14-90 DAILY REPORT NO. SHEET 4 OF lt'{votcE No. Structurq, Vail, Colorado Western sPErEAIpn* SLUllP 2tt-4tt lJfl coilIEl\fi 4%-8% EJPPUa M.bile rlx t.o #22 Arso{r rarp€R rune nlrcE2so - 4soF. rEsrt{r.rruq( 1.II no(Er NO. Ttu€ SATCHEI) lluE AnnryED IU€ S ltlPt g) RA/OU'IpN @IJI{IERtroN RE\O(XIION @ulnEn couPLEtK)t{ CI'EC YIRE t-oAJ/ CUUUIAIIVE WAIER A{D@ c{ll.or|s I 2 3 4 5 100 40 180 54 119 01 3159 0t 3t62 oL 3L64 01 3165 01 3168 7:04 AI\l 7:38 AM 8:00 AItl 8:25 AM 8:57 AM 7:28 l["l 7:50 AM 8:15 Al4 B:40 AM 9: 15 AIrl As Req As Req As Rcq As Req As Req As Req As Req As Req As Req As Req 8/ r2B L6/ t28 24/r2B s2/t28 40/r28 10 5 5 5 6 tEsr tl(L slJJlf (o&) A'R conrExr(r) IET UNTT tEJCtff(Fcf)YIEI) @.ICREIE.IET'PE- R^IURf cF) Rfra^fu(s 1 2 3 4 5 s s/4 4 s r/2 s r/2 PROGRESS REPORT Samples for slump only werc takcn from the truck discharge. I;isher llcccc ti Jollnson ArEIiitCcti, COPIES 19s11 ; lvtr. Skip Spcnst;G,[. Johnson Construction, Attn: Mr. J:rckThonas; Bierbach Consultinglinginccrs; Itles tern Mobi le: S. Urton T. Laudick FIE.D OBSEfVER APPRWED FT lal54{!!q!c|!!t to cltxlrt. Ilf 7!rrE |,f, s,rrt!?l al rrt(rnt |,tf llrtrTrtD a! rrE @rrfxlur. rn('rfrTy c'qr d f}.If,, lro rrnrrtrzam{ mi FrnEFI!r' o{ r<I^rrr.r}'rl c"crrrqt|tl rr mrucrs rrorr rn rfc^.t('o g,tt t !?lls 6 rxvt pt}oa{t cr rnlDt lrpRo/A- slt 'tE ru 0E D€wttx of tfltx r6T}E Ecoat.fll! t'r.t.st gnt ,a!.,5axlt ,,I rqttl.o To ]t ]r!tt{t A n-ti- ., u. [TjiH-'l r-. .l ..n!cr- fr.r rb. CUt'l lao l,/ao Chcni)Norlhsrll, |1tco 'a'elu,t l.grb,r .n.l kl-'lhl. REPORT OF CONCRITE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: VAII, VAI,LI]Y NtljDICAL CENTIIII nttn: Mr'. Dan Fccncy 181 ltlcst lrtcadow Drivc Vai I C0 81657 PROTECT Vai I Valley tr,lctli cal Ccnter JOo l,lo. 4 ,124 90 DATE: t1_8_90 DNLY nEfrOt{T No. st.t[L-T 1 0t' ilwotcE l.|o. l'alk irrg Structrlrc, Viril, Colot.ldo. PLACEMINT LOC.AIION:Line B,Wal1, Second Lift; INFORI{ATION NOT AVAII,ABLE lnucK o. tI TCtl 'flCKEr tNFORtr,tATtON: sUpruER I'lcstern Mobi le IME IAIl|Iq) ItcKEr t|o. nuE llltrfvtD _Mtx-oEstc No.cu. Yo. TIUE Pl,/cCED tN. AR coNToIT I WAIEN ADDCD AI 5''E ,r. ^Jn .orrEln iNF9ffiT,lP\try"gr AVAI L$PlEs,^r,'r,rr tr'p./\Jfi lEJrr,. ' Col. RAU^'(S: TIELD ILSflNG INTORMATTON: llUE TET TA'(E'{ 5LUUP JOO SPEC|nCAnOITS SLUUP CYUNOEII INf ORI,,{A'[ION: lxr. oF cnJtDE ts (r en nrorn srzr (rtr x |2tt nur t;nuortrs c-AsT _ wtfjlr c-arr On-Sitc CU'IING INFORIJATION: lNlluL cutlB On-Site RE-rl srolt^cE F/tctunls ulN.r/MA(. o rE,/nuc Ar trrl.ll-g-go 0ArE srnlPPFt 1 1 _9_q0 (I1: S - I jrton ntu ,tX* AGE 1AYS DAIE rEs'rE T('rrt LolD(uE)t)nsol n(llcl rrs)NI[A (54. H.) couP..fin. (r€l) Tn'r oF UCTUITC cnrlllrF l wrjol rr (urs) cnrrDt.n ulrtr wltcr (r (r'cf) 7 28 28 28 28 11-15-90 11-15-90 ]-2-6-90 12-6-90 12-6-90 72-6-90 l.19 ,000 117,000 157, 000 159,000 145 r000 151 , 500 6. 00 : 6. 00 6.00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 28.2t1 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 211.28 42L0 4L40 555U 5620 5130 5360 shear con/ shear con/ shear con/ shear con/ shear con/ shcar OFJICN STR€}IGTTI 4000 ttr o 2n oAYs n.snl l'/ L{rn^lottY at rsrrorn ,'|a |'r L/rxr|wrl i/ rt rFir/|raf r<tu !a.tlnl6 tn4lis ollllrl'lif tlolto :o!t !||0n! tK)l| o{ |ln5 tlst lrtlt{ u r t!- trtl.'4r(D ItY olllulS. PROGIIESS REPORT: Fishcr P.cccc Joltnson Arcltitccts,\'urlLr n ttr Mr. Skip Spcns!;ys51sr' lrlo6i lc G.ll . Johnson Construction Co., Attn: Ilr. Jack'l'hornas; llierbach Consulting Iinginccrs S. Urton 'l'. Laudick FIELD O[]s['{VE'I APPROIED tIY Al^r,i'|W'nr'f6rfonr'Jrt.n|.Ft'nE,{'G,t1'|vt.l'ltlnl'\dtls!rl3|nit|!|l'At!||f.'|i!x'.|w't|('t[r'o..l|c||l'fi\rl.'..'<l^|t|t.'.f:'co'€t|nY'6o''nn|c|tl'nu.n,||.:^,,'''ol,nf|.,\'rr.i aov,ll.lttt lrn 153 otl{t ,n,l4<raruatJ rrr_ LJrt tt lo t $_||I|'rc. a .-'l', .. u- | iili-le.-- .. .cro.r- ..ai r... c!(rlJ^ a/eo Vail Valley fli""l Center LETTfr @F TRANSNflOT'TAL '181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 303-476-2451 Town of Vail Buildinq Department 75 (Outh Frontege Road Vail, C0 81657 WE ARE SENDING YOU fi tr Shop drawings D Copy of letter Attached D Under separate tr Prints E Change order cover vta D Samples the following items: ! Specifications! Plans )ECnncrete data JOa NO. 25 0ctober 1990 Dan Stanek FE' Vail Vallpv Mpdiral Center - Pa rki no Strrrcture coPlEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 9-19-90 Chen Northern, Inc. - concrete test results, 28 day strength I 9-21-90 Chen Northern, Inc. - concrete test results' 28 day strength 1 10-10-90 Chen Northern, Inc. - concrete test results, 7 day strength THESE ARE tr tr b tr tr TRANSMITTED For approval For your use As reguested as checked below: D Approved E Approved C Returned as submitted as noted for corrections ! tr tr Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies for distribution Return - corrected prints For review and comment U FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS SIGNED: COPY TO lt .nclo3u..a !.a not ra noa.d, lindlyt notift ur .t onca. ChcndNorthcl'n, h5 TO: VAIL Attn: 181 Vai 1 PRG'ECT I}\TCH TICKET INFORIT^IION: supruEn $icstcrn Mobi lc NUE TATc|Iq) FIELD TESIING INFORMATION: TluE TEST T XEll3:40 pn SLUMp 3 too sPEcmc^notrs suruP CYLJNOEII INFORI'\TION: trc. oF c,Yt lttoFJrs 6 rm ntoElt srzr CURING INFORIGTION: lNrnL cune On site rurE srRrPpeo 9-20-90 VALLIY MIDICAL CEN]]jR Mr'. Dan Fccncy Wcst Mcadow Drivc co 81657 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST C fr.t. NB @rnE'rr4.0:wrr uNr wLlcl Ir I47.7p"t. sArlpLE ]unr,. lN. IJR COMrElff 4-6 I wArfn ADDCD AT stIE (hl. nEU rtl(* (ttt x I2'l llul- Cn.lltDrl$ c-aiT 3:55 OESrcN slRF.NGnt 4OOO PSt o 20 DA\5 fi51: rY t^rc.urotw ry n.Gr.rfnt lna Dl rrrr orr|if rTnt lrn r.rnt ralu t,f.rlnttS Innl- olllrrlll1:l: tlollD.JoUi |l|l o,t{anor| otl lltts tt5l mr.ofll uA, tf lt(wtlxl, !r oll(Jr:. Concrete was sanpled frcrn t}le hose of the purp. S. Urton RELD OI]SEfWER |sAU|mrtln'r'clr,.todr'f1l|fF'nE'o(|'|n.|\''\r|lnl'Y'fr3,'(l|,ntn|r]DA.iIf.'o''rr||rn^t't|.,!|?.Y(rrrn'ffrn^t'l,'''r\cnrl]||'.ir'non'x|'tr..t!'nou.'.|n|c,,''tfloUnnlFtli 10u.1t.|l|, t ||tl,ls orlt,t frMrqirons ltf. r.rrr r_o to lr sHnflr:. ^ ',n,- .. rxl rlirilo'-. or G6F,ir. ,rFr ||r. CrrtllJ^ a/9O o YLI Vai I Va11ey llcdical Ccntcr Pnrki.ns Structurc Vai1. Colorado. Foundation waIl, Lines 2.5 to 3.5 on Line c and Line c to E.g cn Line lnucK uo. 49 2:49 pn nt]-o sronAcE F/clunES $f: S. Urton JO8 l.lo. 4 424 90 DAILY REPOI{T NO. INVOICE NO. IICKET llo. 012375 MrX DEstcN r.ro. nME AIR|\trD 3: 00 rrn TluE In building Mtrt.,/rux. RElr fiK* ' ^.'Jtlln1 | aat*..r nn t :t:t'nbt. NDER DATA RFCEIVET) ocT 2 4 1990 DAI'E: 9-1.9-90 sHEEr 1 0r-' l- 23 PLTCED CU. \O, B 3:30 70 AJrr TE!t'. 65 3 \|/rtFJtE G/.rr 0n_Si tc o rE/rrlt€ r r,,\j! 9-20-90 T. Laudick APPROVED IX' (AIE IESIED 9-26-90 9-26-90 1.0-L7-90 10-17-90 10-17-90 l-0-17-90 28 28 28 28 125,500 128,000 165,000 158, 000 160,500 r59,000 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 4440 4530 sB30 5590 f,bUU 5620 con/shear conical qorLica]- conical c13nical conical 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28-28 Fishcr P.cccc Johnson Architccts,ttt't- Attn: Nlr:. Skip SpcnsQy1tsq1sr1 lr1oSilc G . U . Johnson Cons ttuction Co. , n ttll: Nlr. Jack Thomas; lliclbach Consulting Enginccrs Chcnt]Northcnr,Ina TO: VAIL Attn: 181 Vai I PRq.JECT [TATCII TICKET NFORI,{ATION: supruER lVcstcrn Mobi lc TIME IIATC|{ED VALLEY MEDICAL CENTTR Mr. Dan l"ccncy lllcst lt'lcadow Drivc co 81657 toN: o YLIN 0cT ? q 1990 Joo }lO. 4 424 90 DATE: 9-2I-9O DALY REPOI1T NO. sHEfi 1 OF twolcE No. Vail Valle Itlcdic:r I Ccntcr Pa rk.i nt! Strtrcturc, Vai 1 , Colo::u.do. Walls, Second Lift, Lines G to H, Lile 2 Eo 2.5; rnucx rro. 104 I2224 P.l,tL. REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST ncKEr No012450 nu[ mnrvtD 12:35 ' arh|rrrl' l-rlEr .n4 i.t-rFr. nr:o nAf ^.,Lt\ r'"\rA REDEIl/trn ux ourcx rp. 23 cu. YD. P.M. nuE Pt,cE) 12:40 8 DM FIELD TESTING INFORMATION: luE rtsr uxor 12:50PM sr-uue 1!NR corflElaT 2.42 v€j uNrT wuct lr I49 .'7 pct. ^n CoMIDIT 4-6.tw IEn AOou) AI sm slJ,rPLE TElrP. 70o AJlr '*r.131; CYUNOEII INFORI,(^TION:lrl. oF cr1jxo€Rs 6 cYl lltorn :;tzti (rrr x 12"' Ut: Cn.INOIRS OL5T 1 : 05 P.M. wltg[ o\sr On - S j. tc CURING INFOR}"IATION: INITAL CUttEt on-site F|E_D 5toru6E F/AC|UI|j Shaded Mt .,/M X. O ]L,rtlxe Af ]utL g-22_go UAIE SIRIPP€D 9-22-90 {ry: S. Urton RE}I nx& TTPE OF HUgIUnl: conical conical conical conical ,IfA 54. [,r.) 28.28 28.28 28.28 28 -28 28,28 28.28 43s0 4690 5940 5700 5800 5750 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 7 28 28 28 28 9-28-90 9-28-90 10-1,9-90 10-19-90 r0-1,9-90 10-19-90 123, 000 132, 500 168, 000 161,000 164, 000 162,500 Fishcr I'Lcccc Joltnsolt Arcltitccts,uurrLr Attn : Mr. Sk ip Spcns!1g.51sr1 lrloSi lc G .ll . Johnson Constrrrction Co . , Attn : I\lr ' .Iack'flromas; Bicrbach Consultitrg lingirtccrs oF.stcN sTR0J6lll 4000 Pst 0?6 DAE rJ wxtt^loltY lll mo?nrl lna |tr ri|rrxrtwr.f finl lt!'!|r.rrt f l{lr' rrf.llntt'i In||l:r5 otlllJ..lic 3orf lllfollu lloll (rll lln5 ll5l tll.lloflt ll^Y t{ tll{Ml{l} ul olllul5. Concrete was ptlrped. Salple was taken frcrn pturgr hose. 'lottD S. Urbon NELD ODSERVEII T, Laudick APPRO\ED B^T r3^vtm|{F'i'''6Y'|Io.|''IJs.l||lir|nE^,|od,,F'tvl3-/||nr'ntrsririt'^.tllnArin|.r4''ro(|rlul.t''r''lnwf,rno{.r.nlr!''.tsc.t|clt'.ir'Eon'xl',.ls|?nrr.{|ct,|ir4o,nur'..f..d,.ili'] aount.ttl) urnlJs on|lt |nn r{tluoi lrlt- raril l.o lo 0l rHlllrx;. ^ r'.ri-.. *lllirD*.{ co6F6l. r''i .... ctrct IJA a/oo REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST C 't.arlr{ I ^gr'F,t nn.l kt-'rhr. DtrnFll/rnNc-D hAf A I\LL.ur-t\ l.,/",t I A BCT ',t + isgtl o YLIN vAr,L[Y MnDICAL Cr]N'ftiR It'h:. l)an l:ccncy Itlcst ltlcadow Drivc co 81657 JOO NO. 4 424 90 DALY REPOIIT NO. INVOICE NO. DATE: L0-10-90 SHEETI. OI:2 oEsrclt l.to. 25 cu. .o,B TluE Pt-rc@ 7:35 A.lrl. Vail Vallcy l,|cd j cal Cclrtcr lrltr.k i.rrg Stnrctrrr.c ,V:r i. I . Col olado . ON:Thirci Lcvel Floor Slab; Lt^Tct-t TIcKL-r TNFORMTION: SUt'ruER $/cstcrn l'lobi 1c nuE BArct tu) FIELD TESTING INFORMATION: Tlu€ IEr I XEJ.| 7:404M 3LUup 4 JOo SPEC|nCAnO||S suruP rnuq( ilo. 46 7:20 A.lrl. H. Nn @rffo{r4. B IN. AR CONTIITT TlcXEr.lo. _ 515 MX nue ,^r rvED 7 z32 .A.M. : wlT UNIT vtDctlt 144 .2 pcl. I WATEN ADDCD AI SITE SAIIPLI TEUP. G,l. nElWlKS: ,ChcnONortlicnr,In1 TO: VAIL nttn: lBl Vai 1 PRqJECT ^t^Uu't!A|'Prq'ctY'|loct|l'4.l.D|.F|'F|rDho|,i<'|\^-.t||nf^rnrst,l'3thr!rri.' ltr||".o''rt)|',|nor. ar ir^rtytt.rs carr.t t r.i$6 on rllrA:ts 4OU,.lJ.nl' Ur,|Irl Otlrtr ran rroa|,DnJ !r. l.,nt t.o lo tl| vrn[rrxt. ^ 8n,., rrliliiile-.n or G..iFrr- ..d .lo. Ct EtlJ l/m 300- 630 ,lrt IE!tt'.46op j CYL'NDER |NFORL{Anor.t: lro. oF cjyl.ntoF.fi:i (r cn nront srzt_- (ttt x l2tt ru[ cnttDnm c,ajT 8:00 A.lr{. wtuu-- c.^sl On-Sitc cuRlNG tr.tFoRl,{ATtoN: tNlrul cuntr on-Site REL0 flon ^6E FtcruT]EJ llcatcd Area; Undcr Slab Mlll''/M X' o ltnluc Ar Lu!L0-11-90 oAlE srnrPp[D 10-11-90 t]r: A. Bathke nul ,lKs: cour. -5In. (t5l) cft|lrocnulrtl wltcrtr(rcf) N'I,/\ 50. [r.) 28.28 28.28 28.2a 28.28 28.28 28.28 284 284 284 28A 10- 17-90 10-17-90 11-7-90 11-7-90 1L - 7-90 11-7-90 152,000 r58.500 corlical conical 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 (r.00 llnl I'/ lrltqurolw Ft lL/rDlll rrla Dr rrlrt|tr^t|(l ?rnr..fttr.^,rf l<lu nf,Ilrrtti llrxl= Ollllja'Ylilf- trolto 5olrf [||utrat|o'| o Inj ttst ,(r'ont rl^y t( t.r(l.lo(o trY ollllnS, Sarnplc taken at truck discharge. A. Bathke T. l,autlick FIELD OI]5[rN/EII APPROVED t T Fisher P.cccc .Iohnson Arclritccts,t"'t- Attnt Mr. Skip SpcnsQl{sqlsrn Mo5ilcG.E. Johnson Cor.lsttuction Co., nttn: I\lr'. .I:rck Thomas; [].icrbaclt Consulting linginccrs _ ChcrtdlNor'Lhcrn,lna TO: VAIL VAI,I,EY MI]DICAL CENTI]I{Attn: Mr. Dan Fcency 1Bl lVcst l'lcadow Drivc Vai I CO B1657 llME 0ATCIg) lt a ul'|tlq m{lllrclrra m al rr4.t, ntl nln E rr|onorr n rrrtt|,t'l?l' aorrl trir.t6 on txtrrcls rtr|u4ou6arrD urrt r.al orr|.t rnrw|ot l.rtr4 s f,|'. /c,trIo ^ arn,.' .r ,-l iiiiTl o,-- .r ...!r!..r.. ..rn 1|o. cu(llJ ./eo REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA 'a,Rllr.1 | ^glF'. .nn ,<l?!lht. DATE: 10-10-90 SHEET 2 OF 2 JO0 NO. 4 424 90 DALY REPOIil NO. rwotcE No. strrrtrrrtt ar lrr aorr|otrrtul atrt! nrY (r drn cl,|rns.E nt.-r[rM t, lttroxf; orrn n|ntltlr Arrftrrvrt- .'.^rr|'l | :.r lf4l- PROJECT Vai. 1 Va l.1ey l.,lcdic:r I Cctrtct. I'rrrki ng St ructtr rc , Vai I Co I olatlo . Third Levcl. Floor Slab; [rATCt.t TtcKEr INFORMAT|ON: supruEn l{cstern Mobi lc loN: rnucx no. 114 ttcKET M,. 516 Mu oEstcn tlo. 2s cu. m. 8 8:25 A.M. nuE NrnrvT, 8:36 A,M. TtLtE pLrcs) g:45 A.lrl. dtilr r !t-! {f nTtY|.lrr ritn4 rt Grrrfi||rl otrn nt t.,(rllllo It h.|||||ll:. ,rto ,tllrtxrtl^talrt tr\l t\rtlt f^- ||l: (n?{r,l o or lrtrfi tlftt r: tr FIELD TESI]NG INFORM^TION: TIME rET Tlr(ot 8:55AM 31uyp JOo SPEC|nCAnONS suruP 5k ur. arn coluErfi 5.4: wrr uNff wEro rr r,v. AR coNTE}rT ;E W^tfn ADDg, AI srE pct. S/\ljplf rcup. 58o Atl rDtP.40ol tlo. oF c;yl.tttDfTts (r c,r lrrrlnr st;r 6rr y I 2ri ltMr: cn llrrrrr:; c,,.sT o .urr'rr cJ:;T On -.S i tc CURINC INFORI,,{ATION: , , lleatcd Are' lNtnAL cune On-Site EELD srori^cE r'lctullLs Undcr slab Mpr,//lr\x. o'n:/111E Ar L,$.10-11-g0 tr^rE srntppFl) 10-11-90 Fr: A" Bathke nuJ uKs: ID 7B 288 288 2BB 288 loT L ro t)(us) 174, 000 169,500 t)tA!tlrn (rrrcl rus)^,|tAso. H.) 28.2ti 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 couP..51n. (,,st) Tn'[ oF r ruslunE corr.ical corlical 10- 17-9 0 10-17-90 1i-7-90 11- 7-90 11-7-90 7L-7-90 6. 00 6.00 6.00 (r.00 6.00 6. 00 5000 Psl o 2ll orlrs rtJTS III (,|jxtUlolrl nl nsrtolll rrlr lrl l.rrfltrv|.]l *rlll ItY'trz^rr f lslu rrr.llnl):i Inl l:J Onlrra,nA llolto 30lrt |l/l0.rr|Atl)l| o|| ||ti ttSI liltro t l| t t( rn(.n/u(D ItY olllutt. Sanple taken at truck discl-rarge" cop,Es lt:ll: " ilii.3uii"ii:l,t;"i:'*., "ib,, "G,ll . Johnson Construction Co., Attn: Ilr'. .I.rck Tlromas; B.iclbach Consult.inll linginccls A. llathke 'l'. l,audick FIEI_D OUsffWEII APPROVED II/ Vail Valley fvli""f Center LffiTft @F TRANSNNITTTAL TO 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 303-476-2451 Town of Vail Brrilding flpFartment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, C0 81657 Attached fl Under separate cover via JOI t{o.30 0ctober 1990 A'IEN'ION Dan Stanek Vail Valle.y Medical Center - Parkinq Structure the following items: ! Specilications I tr tr Resubmit-copies for approval Submit --copies for distribution Return -corrected prints 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US WE ARE SENDING YOU N D Shop drawings D Copy of lettor n Prints I Change order D Plans as submitted as noted tor corrections D Samples b 0bservatinn Reportq THESE ARE D )tr F tr n TRANSMITTED For approval For your use As requested as checked below: I Approved C Approved I Returned For review and comment FOR BIDS DUE ! REMARKS coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 1 10-2-90 17 Bierbach Consultino Enoineers Inc- - Fipld 0hcervation 1 10- 11-90 18 Bierbach Consultinq Enoineers Inc- - Field Obsprvatinn COPY TO -'n-ro, BoA",.\L,:PnJ / l, .nclo.ttr...r. nol rr not d, *indtt notity u. .t onc.- Bfgnda Hafpef a BIERBACH CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC. JOB NO. 2067 REPORT NO. 17 FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT JoB vAlL VALLEY HosPlrAL PARKING sTRUcruRE DATE ocrober 2. l99o CONTRACTOR G. E. Johnson Construction Compony TIME 8:00 A.M. SUPERINTENDENT Jock Thomos TEMPERATURE WORK OBSERVED: I visited lhe site to review the reinforcing in the second slob pour. The bottom reinforcing wos covered with snow ond wos not ovoiloble for review. The top reinforcing oppeored compleie except for the following. l. The bors were not properly supported in numerous locolions due mostly to the electricol controclor. 2. The woll to slob dowels on line "G" were No other items were noted. not ploced yet. OBSERVER Steven E. Bierboch. P.E.ee lvuq66.t ,tv+z< T1lattrt 7FZrl BIERBACH CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC. JOB NO. REPORT NO.2067 18 FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT JoB vAlL VALLEY HosPlrAL PARKING srRUcruRE DATE ocrober l't. t990 CONTRACTOR G. E. Johnson Construction Componv TIME 8;00 A.M. SUPERINTENDENT Jock Thomos TEMPERATURE WORK OBSERVED: I visited the site to review the woll reinforcing on line "4" from "G" south lo the first construction ioint post "E". The following items were noted: l.) Verticol reinforcing oround the exhoust openings wos not correctly spoced ond odditionol reinforcing wos required. 2.1 Confinement ties were missing on oll of the counterfort reinforcing. No other items were noted. OBSERVER Steven E. Bierboch. P.E. QC U UMC ?'8"*z4ou'qcFr,t JOB NO. 2067 BIERBACH CONSUTTING ENGINEERS INC. REPORT NO. 20 FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT JOB DATE Ocrober 24. 1990 CONTRACTOR G. E. Johnson Construction Componv TIME l:00 A.M. SUPERINTENDENT Jock Thomos TEMPERATURE ZO WORK OBSERVED: I visited the site lo review fhe reinforcing in the rop lift of the diogonol wolls on the North- Eost ond fhe wolls on Line G & 3 ot the Norlh end. All reinfoicing except the trim bors oround the 43" diometer holes were in pfoce. No discreponcies were noted. OBSERVER Steven E. Bierboch. P.E. I CIo /vMe- ,6€J,lr {nt9 I FIOV-15_98 THU 15:=? B I EREACH EHGNrqS P.sr BTERBACH CONSULNNG ENGINEERS INC. JOB NO. REPORT NO.2067 2r FIETD OBSERVATION REPORT JOB VAIL VALTEY HOSPITAL PARKING STRUCTURE DATE October 30. 1990 CONTRACTOR G. _E,. Johnson Conslruciion Componv TIME 2:00 A.M. SUPERINTENDENT Jock Thomos . TEMPERATURE 70 WORK OBSERVED: I visiled lhe si?e lo review the woll reinforcing ot ihe following locotions: .. o) Second lift southwest core. \-/b) Second lift grid line B wos porliolly insfolled. Piloster $eel ond future opening sleel hod not been ploced. The following wos noled: l) The 8-# 6 iomb bors shown in Sect. 8/1/13 were not instolled. 2l The 8-#6 iomb bors shown in Sect. C/1/13 were nol ins?olled. 3) The 8-#6 iomb bors shown in Sect. 8/2/19 were not instolled. 4l The conlroclor is going to instoll hook bors ot lhe corners of the 2-#l0 bors focoted obove the door openings. Shown in Section 8/1113 ond Section Nt/r3. No olher ilems were nofed. OBSERVER Michoel Golddein Post-lt'* brand f ax lransmittal memo 7671 f ol pagea I 6E q ev-.,$1=x 't\^..-^:t \n '.t lcr,..*\.r. -\ Chcnt:Northcnr,In!',t-llL|' l.l!F.. .tu| kl-tltlt. REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA ^t^gun!{Ffntctrm.Irrm.DfF||fEr,md|ttl|v|t.,|(^lm'|t,'rfjltni'|l.l|At|||r.{'|ft|'l.lt{Ftro.!nd(r.l,|l||'lnlnor'.rn^tlrrl'.l!'.n'fi|fr'no''x|n|clI|'nq.'ll|cA,t|'','oU|||||'r\|$ 4r)uFrl lrlr l.,'n l:3 olrnl ,nrws t url: t |t. ,.rt t.o to It tx rrx:. ^ tu'{' !. ,- | riiir -l e.-- .r .6F*- ,..q .tc. cul.t IJA a./co To: vAIl, v^t,t,uy l"tEDIcAL CENTHI Joo No. 4 424 90 DATE: ,o-*Attn: l.'lr'. Dan Fccncy lSl lrrest lrlcadow Drivc DAILY IIEPOI{T NO. SI.|I:L-TI Ot.'I VaiI CO 81657 rwolcE No. fROJECT Vai. 1 Valley tr,lctli cfl I Ccntcr l)irr.k irr11 Structurc, V:ril, Color.:rtlo. PtJ\cfM|:Nr Lo Line G.3, Wal1, North Diagonal, Third Lift; IjATCII TICKET INFORI,TATION: supruE' $tcstern Mobilc rnr,"K rro. TNF0RMATToN \H ouottlt*,1*u'oEsr'r Mr. cu. yu. TluE Il^ICt|O nME rtnvr:D Ttl,tE pt/Ac@ FIELD ILSTING TNFORMATION: INFORMATION NOT AVAI1"A,BLE IUE lEf T r(Ell SIUUP lt.l. Nn @lnE |r : WLT UMf WUcl tt pcf. SAll'Lf tEttl'. A,ll l0rr'. JoB spEcmc^noNs surup tN. NR coNTor tr w^lEn ADDS) Ar sm - cor. nor Rr(s: cYLiNDEft lNf ORI,{ATION:tn. oF ciYl nroots 6 rjyl pn)F t !if7[ (ttt x l2tt ]rM[ (;nIloflm o\57 Mtrn[ o{rT 0n-Sitc CURING INFORIIATION: tNr4L cuttE On-Site RO, sTon cE F,AcLrlEs MtN./u J(. 0 IE^tsE AT r,ql0_27_g0 turE sInPPtI) 10-27-90 ttt: S. Urton nEu rlx* ACE IAYS DAIE ]ESIE' II'TAL I.OAI) (uE) DU,,|ETffI (|lrcl15) ,|ta :ro. n,)couP. -iln, (|5t) Tnlr oF Ugru||r: cYl |l||)ttl tYlJol rr (tl.ls) crtltlDt:n ulrtr $ xl tI(r'cr) 28 28 z6 28 r.1-2-90 11-2-90 11-23-90 11.-25-90 1r.-23-90 11- 25-90 105, 500 112,500 I32,500 132,000 1.25,000 128,000 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 (r.00 6. O0 Cr.00 28.211 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 ?A ?R 3660 3960 4690 4670 4420 4530 c oni cal conical con/split con/sp1it con/ shear con/spl it oFslc sltt€}]GTII 4000 ,,:;t o ?6 tA)T l|lits ttl wxrulotl' n |t$arn,rl rr.f trt ralrrrtrrrtit. *r||t rrnrrrrf rrru xa.tlntti lttrll:5 ollllrrtnl l|oltD Soraf uturir tlql| o IrtS tLSt ,|ltiont U Y t( rn(,/lu(I, lrr ollllJl3. PROGRESS REPOKT: cop,Es I'. ;if " llil'lui i"li :1, t;"j:l" .','n",,,, "C .ll . Johnson Construction Co, , At tn: lrlr. .Iack'l'hornns; Rierbach Consultirrg Enginccrs: S. Urton 'l'. Laudick FIELD OI}SETWEII APPROVED TT Chcnt)Northcnr,IncO '.,!llt,!? ldtlFr. ..t kl-nr.l. REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLTNDER DATA ^3^Ul^l1.|Fi'lCtl}|ron',,f.t.n['.i'|tE^,|oc'ia'tvl-lrr|lnl'Y|lt|tl,iflr,nrr||loAlit|r.o''ru}|'rr|'.lIdd'rr'|.'lt^lfrrl'|.tco'|c||ir'non'I!nr..|3'|rN.'rxlc^,nnr4.r[x|'lttjt|.t|n|itlMu4ttuatl.lut t rnl.i! olllt.l ,rxwtJt ltuot .t tt- rajn t.o to ot Nt{ t$. a ts{' .. rrliliiile.-. .r .o.,rr,{.rr- a.rn aro. Cra(ttJA t,/l|o TO: 'AIL VAt,l,Ey MUDICAL C'N't'titr Jou No. 4 424 90 unrn lo-za-I-Attn: Mr'. Dan Fccncy l8l lVcst l,tcadow Drivc DALY REPOI{T NO. Sl-tCET 1 0t-- 1 vai I co tt1657 rr.worcE No. PRO.JECT Vni. l Yalley lrlcdical Ccntcr l)irrking Stnrctrrrc, Vai1, Color.a<lo. PT.,\CEMINT LOCA'IION:Line G.2, lt/alls, Third Lift; Southwest Retaining ltlal1, Footing; 0ATCll T|CKET tNFOllf,tATtoN: supruER lvcs tcrn l''lobi lc tl^rcltu) INFORMATION InucK o. NOT AVAIT,ABLE rlCKEr llo. ,MX-nEtCll cu.YD.lto. IME /\flRrvED TIUEnvc Pt c@ FIELD TESTING INFORMATION: NUE TEST TA'(TT SLUUP JOo SPECtnCAn0]6 SU,UP AJlt lE!P.INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLEAlr @lnElrT : wLT uNlr wr.Jcltr rR COMf'rT il w^l[rl ADDCD AT sIIf tN. tlr. pcf. SiU,ll'LC lfMl'. - C{rl. nDl rtXS: CYUNOER tNtOlilJATtON:ln. oF c;/l,lDtins (l cn ntrlrn stzr (>'t x 12't lrufi cnfJDflrs c.\sT wtrjlt: c-A5r On-Si tc CURING INFORL{ATION: lNlluL curG on-site Rol) srofl/rcE r/\ctLnt6 uN.,/MA\. 0 l[ntuE Ar tA!10-25-90 o lE sIRlPPs) 10-25-90 ttY: S. Urton nE! rlK* AGE DA\6 OAIE IESITD Tgr L r.o l) (urs) t)t^ lF-Irtl (ll.rclrLs),rfi[A(sa. il.)couP.'5ln. (r5l) Tn'n oF tiaclUSE cn,llr)fl1 wlJc.f r(ulJ) crunor-nu lr mxt(t (tlcrJ 7 2B 2B 28 28 J.0-51.-90 10-.31-90 a1-21-90 11-21-90 1 1- 21-90 11-21-90 145,000 f45,00o 157, 000 173, 000 165,000 762,500 6.00 6.00 6.00 (r. 00 6.00 (r.00 28,2t\ 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 5130 5130 5570 6140 5840 5 750 con/ shear con/ shear con/sp1it con/split con/split 'con,/sPlit oFstcN sTRfllfltl 5000 r5r o?a rt'rYs ttsnt |'t t txtt^tofi\f rlrsrrrrnl rlt It rr,rrx{rv4t. rrrlt ratlt r,nar L rltv r.lll|(xn In(rf,t ollllrraai{ t|olto loqt |rrt(,t{ lK}rl oll lrlrS ll.5l latl\trr rq? t( rr(r/lt (o ItY ollllrlt. PIIOGITESS REPOKI: Fishcr lleccc .Iolrttsotr Arclti tccts ,ttt'tt Attnr Mr. Skip Spcnstl{cstcrn I'lo5ilc C.11 . Johnson Construction Co. , Attn: Ill'. Jlck'l'homas; llicrbach Consulting lilrg.inccrs S. Urton 'l'. Laudick FIELD OOsETilER APPROVED [TT ChcnilNorthcnr,l "b 'aatltm lalt-.. .^4 ,.rnllit. REPORT OF CONCRITE TIST CYLINDER DATA To: vAIL vALLEy t"tEDICAL cENTtin n ttn: Mr. Dan l:ccncy 181 lVcst lrlcadow Drivc Vai I CO 816s7 RFcg, vFo oci I 6 tg90 llqrygT Vni. I valley l,lcrl ical ccrrtcr r)arkirrg st..rcturc, Vai1, color:ado. Salb-on-Grade, Lines F to G and Lixes 2 to 3; |'IATCI{ TtcKEr tNFORl,r\TtoN: supruFx h/cs tcrn l'lobi lc Jou No. 4 424 90 DATE: 10-5-90 DALY NEPOIil NO. lhrvolcu No. SHIET 1 OF 1 rnLrcx tto. 49 7:41 A.M. xcxgr 1rc.012657 uu ocsrc o. 23 cu. yD. B nu[ ljtrtrvtDT:56 A.M. nuE pt.r.cE, B:30 A.M. cornEr 5.& wur uNr tvEc T t42.5pt- s^upLc TExp. 55o^,lr rEtt'. 5oo cot{TorT 3- 5 .1 wAIEn Ar)oCD AI sm -- Col. tlo{ rlt(* x 12t'lrur c/lj[D[,r:i cA5T 9:00 A.M. mtFJlE c..r,.r 0n-Si. tc NUE IATCJ IU) FIELD TTSNNG INFORM^TION: nuE TEsr r,rxeir B: 45 Al"lsruup JOo sPEtlflC no|ts .t up 6 0-4 H.NN AJR CYLJNOTR INFOIII/ TION: rKr. oF cn.ntfi:ns 6 riyl IltrF t CURING INFORI,IATION: NmrL cutE on-site no-D srorucE r./rctLmrs Y:*i^- utl./vrn(. -- o rtlnlE ^r r,^rr 10-6_90L'ratler0^rE sInlPPeD 10-6-90 tlr: S. Urton nfi,lfiXs: AGE o.\ts MTE lESrE) T(rr L IO l) (Ltrs) trt^trnr.n(|l€l|lJ)^,IT (:,o. r'l.) coup. -:in. 0trr) TN'T OFfll clunE ctl, lrol vruor|T (ur5) cn'llot.nr4rlr wrcltr (r'cr) 7 28 28 28 28 10-12-90 L0-12-90 LL-2-90 11-2-90 1t_-2-90 t L-2-90 83, 500 86, 000 (r. 00 6. 00 6.00 (r.00 6.00 6.00 28,28 28.28 28.28 28,28 28,28 28.28 2960 3040 con/ spl it con/split n15rcN sTRflr.inl 4000 t4to?d rI^)6 llJls uJ LttxtrAlot(Y rttls.ro|ll rrrt tt| |._r:(rIr.rr:[ r rfnr:rrrI tltr, rrf_lttr)tri In{t:s o||[rr1:f llotto:o![ |lI ofirrA oll o|| ||[3 tt5l lttrpflt rry D( t'tttMu ) tt/ on(Jti. PROG'IISS REPOKI: Sanple was taken at ttre truck disctraree. /-r.rrrrFe Fislrcr llcccc .Johtrson Architccts,v"' ..--' Atttr: Nlr. Skip Spcns!;9s51.rn lrloSilc G.ll . Johnson Construction Co. , Attn: lrtr. .Ilck'l'hornas; ll.icrbaclr Consultirrg linginccr:s: S. Urton T. Laurlick FIELD OUSEIWER APPRO\GD W ^l^Ut,l{lno[crrni'.lr',tt.l||'F|'rEl,,l|.x|i(l|vt?\,tt^ltnnt3,h':tl'nt|r'n 'it||.fr)',xx'||r\6r rt ttrtatr,xrl corri |tirtrt or txtnrcltaovFtl.atl, (rnlls ollrrt {rwstrrr.r4s !rt. rrt r.o to [t r|||||rr;. ^ -r.- .r u.l ilrrrlc... .r co.iiF,i,- t.'ri rrr. CsCt IJA a/CO ' /',alu.n lJrlr|-. .oat k|ll|.t. REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTERAttn: Mr. Dan Fecncy 181 Wcst Meadow Drivc Vail CO 81657 R EC E IVED ocT I | 1990 JOU NO. 4 tI24 90 DAJLY REPORT NO. IrwotcE No. DATE: 9-5a.90 SHEET 1 OF PRGJECT Vail Valley Medical Centcr Parking Structurc, Vail, Coloraclo. Structural Deck, Second Level, Line G to H, LiTle 2 to 3.6; ITATCH TICKET INFORMATION: supruE1 Western Mobi le TnuQ( NO. L14 7:56 A.M. 1- ncKEr 1p.01 2048uu oEsrcN M). 25 cu. )o. 8 NME IIATCHS)nuE ARRtvtD 8:05 A:M.TruE PrJc@ 8:10 A.M. FIELD TESTING INFORI,,IATION: IrlE rEsr rirxer 8:20AM sr-uup JOB SPECtnCAnOlrs SU,UP 5 tN. tN, AN cor{rEr{r 2 .4 : wEr UMT wncHr 150 . 1 CoNTRIT 4-S I WATE I ADDED AT srlE PGI. -) s^lPlr rElrP. 809 .tH IEJ/P, 650 ool noiARK&164 of 200 vd3lin C'/LINOER INFORI"IATION: tto. OF C'\IJIIDER5 (r r.n Nt)FJt slTti 6rt x 12rr lur c^tr{Drrrs o\sT 8 : 55 A. M .\\Hr'IE c^sr 0n-Sitc CURINC INFORI,IATION: IN|IUL CUnE On-Site FIAD SK)RrcE FirCtLmEs Shaded MN,,/MN(. o/\rt:nuc AI t L 9_7_90 OAIE SIRIPPtD 9-7-90 tlt: S. Urton nu/AnKs tcE o^t,:s (ATE IESIE' toT L r.o D(ris)DIAMETF-R([€l|L5) rtrA(sa. H.) coyP. 5TR. (Psr) T/PE OF f rucruRE clruIII)ERwoofr (rrr5) cruHoeR uNrr wEc||T(rct 7A 28A 28A 28A 28A 9- 12-90 9-I2-90 10-3-90 10- 3-90 10-3-90 10-3-90 L70,000 I72,O0o 204, 000 200,000 204, 000 2O2,5oO 6.00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 28. 28 28.23 28 -28 28.28 28.28 28.28 6020 6090 7220 7070 7220 7760 conical canical cpnical conical ocnical conical OLSICN STRENGfi 5000 Psl o ?d rxls nSns r/ utpulotat rtt ras.rodt l'|f tr ,arnauArr,l- *rlrl rrt't rTrr f l'.lu l.t-!lor:i In{l:s olllu 13{ llolfo loxt [{, urnalx)r oll tIrS lLSr ,[r.ofil r|AY lf ntl,vlx, ua oll!tn3. PROGRESS REPORT: Concrete was sanpled from pump hose; Fishcr P.cecc Johnson Architccts,ttt'tt Attrt t Mr, Skip SpcnsQ;r1s5x.rn lvlobile G.E. Johnson Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Jack Thomas; Bierbach Consulting Enginecrs S. Urton T. Laudick FIELD OI]SERVER APPROVED Ff ltAuUmu|md"cl|t.m.lrr,Tt-T||fnmE''oo,i3.t,\,t'\,|ln''\ollttl'f:.||ni.nlDA.tl||lfo|'|.t'.twn(Y'l'lf(r.|,'tcl|l.l4:\,,lo!4'r'r|,^IEx 'tlt|.l'.9t^tlu''|'!!co'tlt6r'nioolrlnAil:'lr'v.'|'.lG,'|,|'I,rrrrrnrnrrrt3-.d''nr*rruu}tttorrrc-orn''l|llt'|lrA,.:ovFrl[t, u||(r5s o|rtlt |aRlrqtt fl3 lri. r.'lt fo lo lfl n||lllllc. I E rr' ai t,..l tttUlr.- of .c.nFi|.. r.nr rr. crat IJA a,/to 'a,Elt.t2 t.tl*. ..., j.l-nr.t.. " ChcnclNorl.licnr,ln{ O REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER D,A,TA "l TO: VAIL VALLEY MIDICAL CENTI.:II JoI] No. 4 424 go DATE: 9-5=90Attn: Mr, Dan Feeney 181 lVest Mea4ow Drive DALY REPOT{T NO. SHEET 2 Of' 2 Vai I CO 81657 [{votcE No. PRO.JECT Vai I Valley Mcdical Centcr: Itarking StTucture, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCAIION: Structural Deck, Second Leve1, Line G to H, Line 2 to 3.6; TIATCH TICKET INFORIIATTON: supruEn Western Mobile lnrJq( lto. 7L4 ncKLT 1.to01 2062 uu oEslcN llo. 25 cu. lo. 8 nME IArcH@ 9:07 A.M.NME ARRIYID 9:20 A.M.TIME Pucs, 9:30 A.M, FIELD TEST]NG INFORMATION: TIrlE TEsr TAXE,.I 9 :4OAM sLU,JP JOU SPECtnCAnOraS surMP rn @rrrElrr 3.0: wEr uNrr wucrr 149.1 AR CoNTENT 4-8IWA'El DoGD AI Sm s1llt,Lf, TE lt,. 80o ,rrtt reup. 70o Gol. no,uR (* 200 of 200 vtt3 tN.Pct. a CYLJNOEII INFOR}/^TION: No. oF cYlj|tocRs (r cn [{)Fn stTl:6fi x "l-2tl IluE c/LlNol.RS ffi r] : SS A M wltEnE CrSr On- Si te CURING INFORI.{ATION: INnUL CURf: On-Site nE! slottlcE FrclunEs Shaded Mrlt.,/MA(. o^If,/nl.tE AT t {r. 9-7-90 OAIE SIR|PPS) 9-7-90 tlt: S. Urton REIJ,i\RK* ACE lx'r15 OATE IESIT T(II L r,(}\o (uls)DUMflrJI (['rclrcs) JI[A(sa. r.t.) co!P.sln. (P3r) I'TPE OF r turcTullE C'/L'NDE I WE OHT (lJrs) clruNDfR uNrt wLfcr(r (Pcn 7B 7B 288 2BB 28B 288 9-12-90 9-L2-90 10-3-90 10- 3-90 10-3-90 10-3-90 L65,500 L63,000 191,000 193,000 191f 000 190,500 6. 00 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 5890 5770 6760 6830 6760 6740 conical con/sp1it conical conical ocnical conica]- OFSIGN STRENGIH 5000 pslo2o 0A15 ltsnl B' urE|urcrlY it 'Er'[{l ^'|' |'|,.4(r|(A'4( wt||| lrfir/||f ^:llu |rf-l|tr,t'. l,lnEs on|l,r..r3|: |K||to $s€ ut uru tblr or tlrtS ttst liuroRl UAY |f tr(,r'|lxl, ul oll[n9. PROGIIESS REPORT:Concrete was sampled from pump hosel Fisher P.eecc Johnson Architccts,t"'L. Atttt t Mr. Skip Spcnst;r1ur1.rn Mobile G.E. Johnson Construction Co., Attn: Ilr. Jack Thomas; llierbach Consulting Enginccrs S. Urton T. Laudick F]ELD OIj5ER/ER APPRO\ED tIT rt^!url{mc'rcTtmnr{T1I'tfFnE,0o||8s'|vl-\|tfn''T'r5l''rSlF!nrr'oA!ttl|rro|llo|).lu|lt|f''rrY0rl|ln|1|tt'lil 'X''fo.sr^rtyll.Ts.co.6|'ir'6on'xt'r,crs''nr..xt!|ctJn'|tt,ou|t[|.r.a't|5.E.'nui[qourat[, ur4lts qn[l luutqrrlxlt lrlt f.rtlll, lo 0l w'lrllllc. ^ Fc6- .r u-lifff fl e.r. of .o.'rDoir- ..6 ||o. c|rtllJ^ a/eo VailValley Mfcd Center LtrTTft @F TRANSNNOTTAL 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 sos-476-245r !' To Town of Vail Buildinq Department 75 South Frontage Road Vai l, C0 81657 WE ARE SENDING YOU d lttacnea f] Under separate cover via the following items: tr Shop drawings E Prints ! Plans I Samples ! Specifications tr Copy of letter E Change order fl C0nCfefe test results THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ! For approval d For you, ur" E As reguested ! Approved as submitted tr Resubmit_copies for approval D Approved as noted ! Submit _copies for distribution I Returned tor corrections ! Retu rn _corrected prints 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US ! For review and comment n ! FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS OA'E JOI NO. 9 0ctober 1990 AffENIION Dan Stanek FE: Vai I ValIpv MedicaI Center - Park i no St-ruct-ure coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 1 9- 19-90 Chen Northern, Inc. - Report of concrete cylinder test,7 day strength. COPY TO .,onro, -"3ex-..&>.!ttu(L\ ll .hclo.ur.. r.. not ,t not d, kindtrt noritt/ u. rt oncc. Bf enda Haf pef ChcnONorlhcnr, Li3 TO: VAIL nttn: 181 Vai I PRO.JECT I]ATCH TICKET TNFORT{ATION: supruER Wcstcrn ttlobi lc llUE n^lcrtg) FIELD TEST1NG INFORMATION: TluE TEST T xEN3:40 Ern SLUUP 3 JOO SPEClflCAnOt.s SLUUP CYUNOER INFOR',0\TION: tfo. oF c,'yl ntDFRs 6 r:n rttnflt CURING INFOR}"IATION: lN'Il L CUITE On Site IurE srRfPpE 9-20-90 |s4utn!WFnr'rclYmdrNTs.t|tflinrE^,|od,n:ll\,l:!||lIl'\'nrl|Ftil,6[|1'l'Atr||rl4l'rrx'|Frnr([dfnox .r lllttrrltrTi" c6rrj ttirrF or t:.nra:1stourltl|t, urrr t5s ('n||| |,|rwEt runs Anr l.rn t.D to [l w||r[x:. a 'Ei.- ., rrlilittle'o.. or G6roir.. .irnr |16. cac J a/9o o YLIN V;ri I Vallcy lt,lcdi cal Ccntcr. Ir;rrkin StTlrctrrrc, Va j l Colorado. Foundation !ra11, Lines 2.5 to 3.5 on Lirre c and Line c to E.B cn Lile tnrrcK lto. 49 2:49 pn sTonAcE F cruTtcs S. Urton DER D,AT,A JOO NO. 4 424 90 DAILY I?EPOI{T NO. - twotcE No. IcKEr rc. 012375MX oEstcN r.K). nuE NlnrvED 3:00 rrn TluE In building rrtrt.,/MA(. RElr,'\nXs: VAI,LEY MIDICAL CDN'IIJII Mr. Dan Fccncy Wcst Mcarlow Drivc co 81657 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST C '4,arf fr? f .tl*. an t 'atarr.r. RECE IVED 0 cT 5 1990 DATE: 9-19-90 SHEET 1 O': 1 23 cu. r!. I PLcED 3:30 lQ ,tltl TEl/n. 65 3 wHtxf c^st on-Si tc o rLnuE ^r r^r 9-20-90 CrtlllDf-R uMr v.Dc| ff(rcf) T. Lauriick APPROVED I'T fN. ,rJn @rfiElrT 4.0: wEr uNrT wEGl tr t47.Lp"t. siu{'ir Tf}rp. lN, AR COlrTEllT 4-6 r WAIUi ADDED AI srTE cnt. RELuRt(! sv.r. 6tr x 12tl lluf Cn-llll)ttls OrsT 3 : 55 RO-I' ttY: OESrcN STR€NGTH 4OOO rtst o ?6 rIAE IIJTS tt l-^ltquruw Ft n'.rrtDln Ant ul latrtl0^|cf, filrl rtrtl rrrt f Allu rrElrl()|)a Inlll:3 ollllrr l5{. SOqt tt{ ofta^lK}l| o ll 5 tlsl mr'c}Rl |r Y tI: DK'vlo(O tr( OlllrjlS. Concrete was salrq>led frcrn t]re hose of the purp. S. Urton REI-D OI]5EJ{VEII 'l'/t't.: oF t nlclulrr: c.on,/shear conical couP. S-Tn. (r,:t) 7 28 28 28 2B 9-26-90 9-26-90 10-17-90 10-17-90 L0-1"7-90 10-17-90 125,500 129,000 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28 -28 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 Fishcr P.eccc Johnson nrchitccts,coPlEs Attn ' Mr. skip spcns!lyss1sr' lr{o5ilc G. D . Johnson Constluction Co. , Attlr: l"lr. Jack Thomas; Bicrbach Consulting [ngitrccrs Vail Valley Ulca Genter ! ;LtrTTfi @F TRANSNflITTAL 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 303-476-2451 Town of Vajl Building Depart 75 South Frontaqe Road Vail. C0 81657 wE ARE SENOTNG YOU m tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter Attached E Under separate tr Prints ! Change order TO oalE I Jol xo, 11 0ctober 1990 | attaNttoN Dan Stanek RE:Vail Valley Medical Center - Parkino Structure cover via Plans ! Samples Concrete test resul ts the following items: tr Specificationsn il coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 1 9-4-90 elen Northern. Inc. - reDort of concrete cvlinder test- 28 dav strenqth g-21-q0 Chen Northern. Inc. - reDort of concret-e cvlindpr tpqt- 7 dav strenoth q-2q-oo Chen Nort-hprn- Tnc- - rpnnrt nf nnncnafc cvl indpr" toqt 7 dav sfrenofh THESE ARE ! m tr tr ! TRANSMITTED as checked For approval For your use As requested For review and comment n FOR BIDS OUE tr Approved ! Approved tr Returned as submitted as noted for corrections ! Resubmit-copies for approval tr Submit -copies for distribution I Return -corrected prints 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS SIGNED: Brenda Harper COPY TO l, aacloauraa rra nol ,. notad, kindly notitt rra ,t oaca, o REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA 'r.aluq l,rta*t ont i.l' hr. ()CT r t ,1990 ' ehcnifNorthcnr,Incf FFnE!r/ED tt^r'UT|A.ncEcTr,'.roq'.'.ts"ntfFt'dE^,|oG|m't'w:./l|l^.m'fsr,(sl,nqrlrr.}Al.t||lf.''r.xlrn^|qrxinr'(r.r,n.|['ns.l,lo.,'rm,^mlnor|ofn^r!.|''lmrrct|,.r,6on.](lnrr:Fr'hrt.nAtc^,|t)Dr,o|,'t|||^f|s'38|:itl|vlDtIl|o|loou4|fR|||tl|||1k'A.,:ovnt_nl, urrtlltt ollrtt tnR^lqjlt |ll .utf r4tn fD lo tt| wHnl|c. ^ 'i-r$- o. u-l Xf U-l c,-r .r ...tiF.rr.. ..ri .ro. Cu[l IJA a/9O TO: VAIL VAI,LEY MEDICAL CENTIRAttn: Mr. Dan Feency 181 $lest Meadow DriveVail C0 81657 JOB NO. 4 424 90 DAILY REPORT NO. INVOICE NO. DATE: 9-4-90 sHEEt 1 oF 113_E9T. Vail Vall.ey li,tedical Center parking Structurc, V.il, Colorado. I,LNCLMT-NI LOCAIION: Foundation Walls, Line 2 to 2.5, Line B to B.S; BATCIJ TICKET INFOR}/ATION: SUpTER llles tern Mobi le ncKEr No.01 2014 uu DEslcN lro. 23 cu. m.8 IUE lRnn/ED 2:11 P.M.- TluE Ptfcg) 2;20 P .M.IIUE B{TCHED Tnucl( lro. 117 1:15 P.M. FIELD TESTING INFORMATTON: lluE rEsr rrt<err 2:30PI{ suuup 32 nt- suruPo_4 tN. nn coloon4.4 : wff uHn trEcl n 145.8pci. S'A,rp|f fCvp. 80o AR tEup. 80o AR cor{TE'IT 4_ B tr w^n:n ADDq) AT sm 10 cor. no,!\Rt(! 32 of g0 yd3JOA SPECtflOtnOtts r,yt,llofn stzE 6rr x L2rr WHERE c^5r 0n-Si tc CYUNDER INFOR},IATION:llo. oF cnJHD€Irs (l IIME CNJNDERS CAsT 2:45 P.M. CURING INFORI,{AT|ON: lNlll L cune on-Site RaD sror{ cE FrcrunEs shaded MIN.,/M (. orTE/nlc AT r r 9-s-g0 0ATE srRtppq, 9-5-90 rt: S. Urton ROr RK* AGE T)ATS OAIE rEsTE) TOIAL I.OAD(rrs)Dr^ltflrJl ([.rc] rEs)^IT (sa. rlr.) @uP. sTn. (PSD T/PE OFflt cIUnE gYUNOER wfrolrT(r.!s) crulro€R ufrlr wt]qar (r,cf) 7 7 z6 28 28 28 9- 11-90 9- 11- 90 10-2-90 10-2-90 r.0-2-90 10-2-90 103,000 102,500 133, 000 132, OOO 131, 000 132,000 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 3650 3630 4710 4670 4640 4570 con,/sP1it con/split con/sp1it con,/sPlit con/split con,/sPIit OESNN STRENGTH 4000 Psr o2n 0A)6 IISTS lrt t|ltqulolTt rt tls(tl|rn rnr ltl Lf,Itrlw{f vrrlll ^trar r^fi I rq! lltrlrx).i lrtrltf,s Ollltrtl{|sc llolfo sor.c |rrt uor t|od or ||16 rL5i1 mtroflt u^v rt t8ovrtr@ tt o[rtJr5. PROGRESS REPORT: Fishcr P.cecc Johnson Architccts,vvrrlr Attn: Mr. Skip SpcnsQ;{s51srn Mobilc G. E . Johnson Construction Co. , Attn: l'lr. Jack Thomas; Bierbach Consulting Lnginccrs S. Urton T. Laudi.ck RELD OI]SEFVEII APPROIED IIT , ' CltcnQ'.lNortheltt,lncf O a,a,,,.n LA7,-.. .n, k,6,h,. RECEIVED REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA ocT I | 1990 TO: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTIJR JOO NO. 4 424 gO DATEr g.2L-gO Attlr: Mr, Dan Fcency 181 lrrest trteadow Drivc DAJLY REPOIIT NO. sHugr 1 Or 1 Vai I CO 81657 tNVolcE No. PRGJECT Vail Vallcy l'lctlical Ccrrtcr Parkirrg Stnrctrrrc, Vai1, Colora<lo. PLACEMEN T LOCr\l toN:Wa1ls, Secand Lift, Lines G to H, Line 2 to 2.5; I}ATCI.I TICKET INFOR}TATION: supruFa Western Mobile nuc6 t19. 104 rcxEr no012450 ux ocsrcx rc. 23 cu. .,o. g nuE rt^TcHo 12224 P.vL. nMf, ,\Rnrv€D 12:35 P.M. TluE pr/AcE) I2:ttO p.l{. FIELD TESTING INFORMATIONT ruE TEsr rru<e{ 12:50PMsluyp lL [.t. tN. NR cotnElff 2.4=vm uNn wr:,cfrr !49.7 pct. NR Col'{TE}n 4-6I WAIEn ADDED AI srE 70"- S^IPLE TEMI'. 70" AtR Te!P.75oF. Grt. ROJARICS: 24 of 80 vd3JOO SPECtF|o{nOtrs suJuP 0-4 CYUNOER INTORI,IATION: lro. oF c"njlro€_Rs 6 rtt nloF t slzE (r" x 12t'IMr cruNDFnS C^5T 1:05 P.M. V4tEnE C,\sr on-sitc CURING INFORI,(ATION: lNfIuL cunE on-site RE D sTonrcE Frclurfs shaded MN./uA(. o^Tl:nlrlE At utL g_22_go OAIE smlPPED9-22-90 Ut: S. Urton REU nK* AGE uAtas DATE TE TE) TOTAL I-OAD (r.!5) DUrEltn (D.rcl rEs) 'IEA(sa. [r.) couP. srn. (,5D T/.PE OFfn cTuHE CYIJNOFR wrjoafT (tI.l5) crulrofJt UNf T WDC{ TT (r,cr-) 7 1 28 2B 28 28 9-28-90 9-28-90 10-19-90 10-19-90 10-19-90 L0-19-90 123, 000 132,500 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 28,28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 4350 4690 conical conical DESTCN SItrENG l 4000 Pst o 70 rI^)6 r6ls '/ t^F.ufirfY Fr m.'o4t ^nf |lr |.,)rrl|r^,|.,!: fit|t ^'.r'| r,,'r' ^.ll|, |,f'nx}tt. |nx l:3 o|||Ut..L:{ 'tolt'oSotaf lllt oatu lx)x olt ltlrj lLst l|t,!nr r4AY It InovI)(D fi Oll|t-n3. PROGRESS REPORT: Concrete was purped. Sanpte was taken fron pr.rrp hose. Fishcr P.cccc Joltnson Architccts,ttttt" Attn r Mr. Skip Spcns!;yss1.r-n lrlo5ilc G.E. Johnson Construction Co., Attn: ltlr. Jirck Thomas; Bicrbach Consulting Engirtccrs S. Urton T. Laudick RELD OT]sEII/ER APPRO\GD ITT rsAUrml{F|x'tYctrt|f'ct|f||T3.I||''||tlE,|o.|,it.|!t1,ttn''Y,.rrs^,|'.'tm!rI|tnA.ttt|.lt)r,r.{l'Ml'IiY!nr(rrl,ncll[:\noxlrst^rtu'''rsc.yn|'ir,6onlxl'r.lsrx)g.n[t.:l,r|,|''lnll,n[||'.ii 4QvFtt.ntr uri tls on.rt f,|rwEruuns lrd. trJttl o lo lrl lrllllll*?, A Eg- o. u.|rlilile,.- .r ..or.,rr- trar rro. cs[ JA a/oo ',.hlll.4 t.rlxr n.'d jal6||l., Chcn$Northcnr,lne O REPORT OF CONCNETE TEST CYLINDER DATA To: vAIL vALLEy MT:DIcAL CENTIR Joo No. 4 424 g0 DAIE: F25-90Attn: lvlr. Dan Fe ency 181 West Meadow Drive DALY nEpOt{T NO. sHEEr 1 0F 1 Vai I CO 81657 tNVolcE No. PRGTECT Vail Valley Mcdical Center Par-king Structrrrc, Vai1, Coloraclo. PLNCEMENT LOCA] ION: Foundation WaI1, Second Lift, Ljnes F.5 to G on Line 2; ano Liles 8.6 to 3.4 on Line G; LATCH TICKEI lNFORlt/ti{TION: sUpruEtr lltestern Mobi 1e NUE tArcIIE) mrJcK lro. 104 L:16 P.M. TrcKEr |K).01 2513 urx ocsrcN no. 23 CU. YD. 8 nME ARnrvF-D 1:23 P.M.TruE PL/ACE 1:25 p.M. FIELD TESTING INFORMATION: TruE lEsr r xotl:35 PM sr-uup 3L JOo SPEClnCAnOlrs SLUUp 6-4 arn cotnun3.8:wEr uNtT wuorr143.9 p.r. AR coMrE}{T 3-5 I warEfi ADDTD AI sm 5 {. l)r. s^.r,rt LE TElrP. 700 Art TElrP. 800 col. nErtARr(326 of 33 vd3 /_rr v l ,)rl 'lrME cll tND[,rs ci\SI CYLJNDEII INFORIJATION: lK,. OF <:nJ DfnS 6 r nJoEIt litzt::55 P M wlFxf c^sr 0n-Si tc RE.D STOTU\CE FACIUTIES Inside Buildjng CURING INFORI,IATION: lNrl L CURL On-Site o rE srRlPPs) 9-26-90 MtN.,/M (.o IL/rruE ^r uvr 9-26-90 {n:Urton RITA'IKS: AGE OAY: r}rTE rEslu) lgr^l- t.o D(uE)DLArlfIrJI ([{cl res) JIEA(sa. ur.) co!P. fln. ('3t) IYPT OF' flr,AclulrE CYLINDER l{E,oalT(u'5) cYUHDfn uufr v/ocr fr(rct 28 2B 28 28 10-2-90 L0-2-90 10-23-90 10-23-90 t_0-23-90 l-0-23-90 107,500 110,500 6. 00 6. 00 (r.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 28.28 28.28 z6-26 28.28 28.28 28.28 3800 391-0 conical conical DESICN STRI'IIGIH 4000 rr:;l o 7d DAYS lIJlS rl wrdt^tofi Ft n-.,arn,r] lrt [r r.4rr{urai: firl r'"n r.at|t f talr, rrtllnlra. ltrl l::s ollltrffl'l llolto SOqt rI unu^lKlr olt lrt|.s llsl tru.onl UAY l( flrsvlutl, lrl olllln:. PROGRESS REPORT: Concrete was pwped into forms.Sanple taken frcrn the hose of the Fishcr P.ecce Jolrnson Architccts,\'urlLr Attn. Mr. Skip Spcnsqlg"rl"rn Nlobi.lc G.E. Johnson Construction Co., Attn: l'h'. Jack Thonas; Bicrbach Consulting [ng.inccrs S. Urton T. Laudick FIEI.O OI]sE'WER APPRO\ED trT ^3A9|m!.|Ff't'cTr'|rDc|[Il3.ll|fFt'|tE|,|Dli|,Fl|vt.\,|l.n''totrt,ms|,'rr,F|l'oAri1||..o|'llX',lwnrdi[r'orno'|o.sl^t'vlr.r:.co|r;tlnr'nonl](ln,cllt'rW.,l|'|c|n|''|.loun'.I,r\'rl' a(tuFt l.tu, ur{M oDtt' fntw€rrrunJ lr{. lJnt.D to tt| t$ txt. ^ ,r-r{,- ., rrlilrrl-]r* of .on .,rr.. t.r'r f.o. Gr.[llJA a./9O VailValley MOcd Center LETTfr @F TRANsnfl[]TTAL 181 West Meadow Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 303-476-2451 To Town of Va'i I Building Department oarE I JO! l|O.16 October 1990 I AIIENIION Dan Stanek RE: Vail Vallev Medical Center - Parkinq Structure. the following items: ! Plans O Samples fl Specifications ff Concrete tests/0bservation Reoorts 75 South Frontage Road Vail, C0 81657 (.' Attached D Under separate cover viawE ARE sENDING You & tr Shop drawings D Copy of letter D Prints ! Change order coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 1 9-5-90 Chen Northern, Inc. - concrete cylinder test, 28 day strength 1 9-7-90 Chen Northern, Inc. - concrete cy1 inder test, 28 day strength I 9-26-90 Chen Northern, Inc. - concrete cy1 inder test, 7 day strength 1 9-28-90 Chen Northern, Inc. - concrete cylinder test, 7 day strength t g-21-90 15 Bierbach Consultinq Enqineers Inc. - observation report 1 c-27 -90 16 Bierbach Consultinq Enqineers Inc. - observation report THESE ARE D e o o tr TRANSMITTED For approval For your use As requested as checked below: D Approved O Approved ! Returned as submitted as noted lor corrections C Resubmit-copies for approval ! Submit - copies for distribution D Retu rn -- corrected prints For review and commcnt ! FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS SIGNED: Brenda Harper COPY TO tl .dcloautaa ara not aa notad, kirrdly nolit ua ,t oacc. Vail Valley m(tcat Genter LET]TT @F TRANSNNIT'TAL TO 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 303476-2451 Town of Vail Buildinq Department 75 Sorrth Frnntage Road Vail. C0 81657 wE ARE SENDTNG YOU x C Shop drawings tr Copy of letter Attached I Under separate ! Prints ! Change order ! Plans D Samples the following items: n Specifications cover via q Test Results DATE IJO! XO. 16 0ctober 1990 ATTENTION Dan Stanek REI VaiI ValIev Medical Center Parkinq Structure coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 1 9-10-90 Chen Northern, Inc. - concrete c.ylinder test. 28 day strenqth 1 10-2-90 Chen Northern. Inc. - concrete cvl inder test. 7 dav strenoth THESE ARE tr m tr tr tr TRANSMITTED as checked For approval For your use As requested For review and comment FOR BIDS DUE below: ! Approved n Approved D Returned as submitted as noted for corrections ! Resubmit-copies tor approval ! Submit -copies lor distribution E Return -corrected prints D 19- N PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS Il .nclo3ur.a !n not aa notad, Xindly notity ua at onca.Brenda Harper t,afu,tl | ^{r.E,. .^'t irt-,r'.t.' Cltctt t)Nor'thcl'n, r "^oo REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA To: v^rt vAl,LDy tillDIcAL cENTtiR Joo l.to. 4 424 90 DATE: Lo/2/90Attn: Nlr. Dan Fccncy 181 lrlcst lrlcadow Drivc DNLY IIEPOIIT NO. SHt-fT 1 0F 1 Vai I co 8165 7 rNVotcE No. PROJECT Vail Vallcy lr,lcrli cnl Ccntcr' l)irrki.n11 Stntctrlrc, V:ril, Colot.;r<lo. P|..|\CIMUNr LOC TiON:Foundation wall, Iines K.3 frcrn line 5 to 8.3; OATCI] TICKET INFOIIMATION: supruEp lVcstct:n l'lobi 1e NME OArcI ID tnucx uo. 114TK 3:40 PM rcx$.uo.012520 nuc NTnwED 3:59 uu ocsrqr lro. 25 cu. r'D. PM-- TluC Ptrcu) 4: 05 7.5 PM FIELD TTST]NG INFONII^TION: lluE rEsr T XEx 4: 35 PMr-uup 3 3 / AN. Nn coroE,tr 5. 8: wrr urirr wt]cltl !43 .6 pct. 5 !r,Lc lfup. 63 ^Jrt rE!t'. 60 Joo spEctF|cAnoNS suJup 0.4 tN. AR coNrDrr 3-5r werm ADD@ AT strE 10 c{rr. norcnKs: CYUNDER tNFORtTA'flON:In. oF cin,ltDFJts 6 r,rt nrurtt stzr.- 6't x l2't lrur: cn[rDflt:i cr\'r 4:50 PM Mtrjtf c-^sr on-Sitc STOrU6E r,rcrLnlLs S. Urton by trailer nEl,l^nx5: CURING INFORL{ATION: tNruL cunE on si-te{ fjapi o^ru smpPFl 10/3/90 ny: urN./l/ J(.o^T[nru6 x 1y'aL0/3/90 AGE DA}S DATE IESIE' TOI I- LO^r)t)t^uFlrn (lncl rrj),/\fitA (so. n.)couP. -:in. (r|5D Tn'r oF tlt,rClUltt: cn tt{oftt wtj(r rr(urs) crl,llDt-n uHlr |Yt tcr tr(r'cl) 1 1 28 2B 28 28 t0/9/e0 L0/e/eo to/30/eo L0/30/90 L0/30/90 LO/30/90 128,000 125,000 (r, 00 6. 00 6.00 (r.00 6.00 6.00 28,2t1 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 4530 4420 con/shear con,/ strear oFsrcN $mll(;nl 5000 t5t o 20 rl^ts rJIS fll Utxt!^tollt nttlar0rll lrf ltl ,{.rr|irrtt:t: rltll rac|rrlrf rllu lra.llnlt.i Inlll:5 Olllt rartltl: llolto 3r!t llrtqlrr^lx)rl oll l||ti ltsl lru!{ll lr^Y lrL l'll{rvlt)(o rt oltlln;. PROGNESS REPORT: Fisher l).cccc .loltnson Archi tccts,uvr-rLJ Attrr: lvlr. Skip Spcnst;1y.,g"rn lrlobilc G.ll . Johnson Corrstruction Co, , nttn: I\lr. .Inck'l'homns; Ilicr:bach..,Corrstrltirtg lirtginccts S. Urton FIELD ODSTTWER 'l'. LarrJick APPROVLD t T ^t^Ut'flt'l||rlx'tlcTfa|to.l|l'm.ll|.F,nr,|o.l|it'|vlv\,|t-n.'rorrr\r,41|,llr|ll|,Arrr|r.o''n).,rln rl fr slrtruTtrilaounl.nlt ur4lll otlttt ,fl'| tr(x!un5 lrt faJf|D lrt ltl rrxrlllt;. ^ .-,!., .. ,- | ilii'i-l o.o.- .. G6r,rr.. trnn tr6. CvtlIJA a/eo '4.-llrd, [.ZL-r n.d 5allt].r., Chcn0Ngl'[[1g1''r l'''^ .',-1 tt'rrluO O REPORT OF CONCIiETE TEST CYLINDER DATA t RECElttr'l To: vAIL vALLuy rvrEDrcAL cEN'rriR $cT 1 $ ''r 'l JoD No. 4 424 go DArE: 9-10-90Attn: Mr. Dan Fccncy lSL lVcst lrteadow Drivc DALY REPOI{T NO. SHEET 1 0F 2 Vai I C0 816s7 il,votcE No. I1GJECT Vai 1 Vrrllcy lrtetlical ccntc.r Patkilg st-ructurc, Vai 1 , colorado. PIACLMENT LOCNION:Footing on Li'e c frcrn Line 3 to 4 and on Line 4 frcrn tine B to c; tlATCtJ ICKL-I lNFOltf,,{ATtoN: supruEx l{estcrn Mobi lc lRrrcK |lo. 54 12:55 P.M. lcKEr l.ro, OL2172'uu of,slcN lKr. 23 cu. yD. B nuE /\,rRfvED L:10 p-M..- 'rlME PurcED 7:20 p.M.TIUE Ir^TCII@ FIELD TESnNc INFORMAT|oNT TfltE rEr r r(ett 1:30pM sluyp 2r4 N. Ntr cornrrn3.l:w[T uNrr wt:orrl4g.4 Joa sPEclnc'Anot6 sulPo- rrr. ^,, .o* -s:Tw^rtn ,ADDCD Ar snE p(.t. s^lPLf, rExr'. 70o Alt II)IP. 80o 1 6 c<rt. nF-vAnK.r 4O ot: 228 Vd3 CYUNDEII lNl--ORMr\ilO|\t:ro. oF c,yl,r{Dfns 6 rin lrr)Fn srzri (rtt x i2, lu[ cn or)urs c sT 1:45 p.M. $rERr c,Asr 0n-sitc CURING INFOIII"{ATTON: lNIluL culrE on-site R&D sron cE F,Actulrrs shaded MrN./lta( t)^tr/nuE ar wr g-11-g0 oATE srnrppo 9-11-90 ur: S. Urton RE11\1K1 ACElxls r|^TE IESIE IUT L t.OAl'(uE)l)!/\)1t_II:n (rfrcl tL5) 'IEA(5O. It.)covP. 5TB.(|5t) 't'o,c oF HrrcTunr crullrrtll WTJGIIT(urs) CYIJNDFJIutiir wocl tT(rcr) IA 7A 28A 28A 284 28A 9-17-90 9-17-90 10-8-90 10-8-90 10-B-90 10-B-90 1l_4, 500 116,000 158,000 157,000 153,000 156, 500 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 28.28 28.28 28.28 28,28 28.28 28.28 4050 4110 s590 5560 5410 5340 con/sp1it conical conical conical conical conical OF5NN SIRf-NCJIH 4000 t{,r o ?o n^\6 Iuts ltl t alfff^l|)ffi rrtl.arltlll ,/rf Dl !J flnlrrr!:t, wlrl Ar'tt r_.^lr I rtu lrtllnlt:i Inr|l:r' Olllt-r(rYE[ llOlLD 5O!{. t'|rorlrl lnrl otl ll|l5 lL$ t[,\tll t{ Y tf tlMuu) ut olllutS. PROGRESS REPORT: Concrete was sampled frcrn the hose of the pwnp. -^^,.. Fishcr llcccc Johnson Alchitccts,vur-rlJ Attn ' Mr. Skip Sllcnst1g"r1"r' lrlobileG.E. Jolrnsoll Constluctiotr Co., Attn: Ntr. Jack'l'hornas; Ilicrbach Corrsulting ljngitrccrs S. Urton T. Laudick I'IELD OI]SE WEfT APPROIGD I,I/ ^li^Uutl!{F'x''.cli'rloq|lr'r:in|lF|'nEl,ro.t|Rt.|vl-!./rll^rfto'r.r5^'{:l|'[f|ltoAiir|r.'''ll.lwno*.''31^l'!.r'iSi'.o'rIt'ir'6onlxl'r.ifi'rx'rf.'lF|G^,r|,|rnoUltn|''l3 tosnlrrlt utrrlss ort(.ii rarwErllu43 Arn_ |.Jitlo |lt [r trR llt;. ^ .'Er- .. rliliiile'-- or G"-Fri,- t.d Ao. CLCl lJ a/9O . :. phcn trNot'tltct't t, I na IU: VAIL Attn: 181 Vai I PRO.JECT r.r Tct{ TtcKEr INFOIi},{AT|ON: SUpTER l{cstcln l-Iobi lc lnucx 3: 19NHE O^TAIID FIELD TESTING INFORMATTON: nME rEsT rA<s{ 4:00 PM s1uuP 3/ 4u. ltt JOO SPECtnc noNs sLluP 0_4 rN. ,lR VAI,L[\' }]IUD ICAL C[N'II]II l"lr.. llan Irccncy Itrcst l"lcadow Drive c0 81657 Va i I Va l lcy I'tctli ca I Ccntcr loN: Footings on Line C frorn Line 3 to 4 and on Line 4 frcrn Line B to G; ,'Frurrr I dttEr. ^.4 aatdtrht. 23 cu. rc. B pr-,rccp 3:40 p.M. 70" A'r rt]lP. B 0 o REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA JOr.t No. 4 424 90 DATE: 9_10_90 DAILY IIEPOI{T NO. SHEET 2 OF 2 twotcE No. l)arkitrg Stnrc.turc, V:ri1, (iolorarlo. |ro. 54 DM I6KET uo, 012188 Mu DEsrclt po. nuc ltnnrvli 3:30 P.M--- nM[ coxrtrr8 . 4 coMrf}rR-5 pcf. SAIPL.C TLMI'. rhl. RcMAnr(s: : wtr uNtr wnorr147. 0 I $AN:N ADDED AT s'rE rl { vt'|u{ irxYrtcTYrr m rr |.rrls. lltt FmE rrtonnrr a, 3tllrvTtrTs, tnr|(ltrrtril or tytrra,T.l rtxtulrru,ll flf, lrrrtt-.'s onrtt ,J|n.rqjrlloS ,N. ,ftntD ^ !!-i.i- .. rrl riiil s.-r r{ .6n r,- t66 l|. ClCllJ^ a,/90 .,tnrrittt l) at lllr ar,rrrrf{ trrur fix)r-ftrlY or fi,n ill,tlfl.'!li nl:iltarlD fllrnln Or,n Intllttl rr' (t/tl- :. rlr1l." arlL (rrlttal\ -. ||l nr Intrr:i rnran rl.:r,rDrrrt otrn fit t(t :i tlo. oF c,'\ljloFRs 6 c,.n trrofll stzr 6" x l2,t llut: cn lliDflm c 5T A -wHmE c.riT 0n -.S i. tc CUIIING INFORI.,,IATION: INrAL CURE On-Site Ra, sroR^cE r/$trmLl Shaded utll./r{N(. crlltntur AT wr 9_11_90 u^rE srRrppm 9-11-90 rn: s. urton RDr^nK& 'IF/\sa. rtl.) 2,3.28 26-z5 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 78 78 288 288 288 288 9-17-90 9-17-90 t 0-8-90 10-B-90 10-B-90 10-8-90 115,000 117,500 153,500 150,000 149,500 151,000 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6. 00 4070 4160 5430 5310 5290 5340 con/split conical conical conical conical conical oFJrcN srRorcr 4 000 P5t o ?d n^ls r[Jnt w wtlulorv rt tr.r.rrul llf llr r.rrvrtr.rrtt. FlDr rFtr.|ltt l.]u vl.llno,i tr{t:j ol||ljti-l{ lrolto 5ollt lllr urrr lDtl oll lrlr5 lLsr FUlOfil u Y tf, lrK.wllx0 trl olllulS. cop,Es li ;ll:' fi i,1.3* ii',i,] 3i, t;:11:..,:'ni,,,,, "G.E. .lohnsoll Constluction Co., Attnl lrlr. J:rck l'homas; Bicrbaclt Constrlting Lrrginccrs S- Urton 'l'. Laudick FIELD OUSEI{VER APPROVED I'/ ,r/o ,Jtlrr/ rlnlr, tDn Ftti rr.tr: u|:fit_-,t.I, or rr lr n l| illf r.: r.. ocT- 1A-96 THU ?:1= It I ERIJ.-ll-H E..{ rr rr. o JOB NO. 2067 REPORT NO. l9 FIELD OBSERVATTON REPORT JoB vAlL VALLEY HosPlrAL PARKTNG srRUcruRE DATE ocrober 17. 1990 CONTRACTOR G. E. Johnson Construcrion Compony TIME 8:00 A.M. SUPERINTENDENT Jock Thomos TEMPERATURE 20 WORK OBSERVED: I visited fhe site fo observe the woll reinforcing ot ihe following locotions: o) Third lift ot the northwest stoir core. b) Third lift or srid G-2. c) Second lift ot lhe southeost stoir core. The controctor wos in fhe process of insiolling lhe reinforcing ot the southeost core. ln oddition, lhe conlroctor wos owoifing delivery of so,'rle verlicol reinforcing ot the norlhwest core. The following wos noted: l) The 2=#l I iomb bors shown in sect D/1/14 were not instolled. 2I The inside foce horizonlol bors ot the southeost sloir core sho*rn in Sect.Nl/10 were spoced ot 10" o.c. insleod of fhe specified 5. o.c. No ofher ilems were noled. OPSERVER Mjchqel_Gelel$einc( EEtu JEt<T441AsilvH( Vall Valley ul""f Center LHTT-T OF TRANSNNOT'TAL 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 303-476-2451 Town of Vail Building Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail. C0 81657 OATE JOa 22 0CT0BER 1990 ATIENYION Dan Stanek Vail Vallev Medical Center - Parkinq Structure fl Plans ! Samples the tollowinS items: U Specifications wE ARE SENDTNG YOU q tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter Attached ! Under separat€ cover via tr Prints ! Change order as checked below:THESE ARE D p tr ! D TRANSMITTED For approval For your use As requested D Approved E Approved C Returned as submitted as noted for corrections tr D ! Resubmit-copies lor approval Submit -copies for distribution Return-corrected prints For review and comment FOR BIDS DUE a 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS coPtEs DATE NO.oEscRrPrroN i l0- 1 7-90 19 Bierbach Consultinq Enqineers. Inc. - 0bservation reDort I n- q-qn Chen Northern^ Inc- -Concrete test results- 7 dav strenot-h SIGNED: l, ancloautaa rra nol a! aoted, Xin<tltt notiltt ua at onca. COPY TO Brenda Harper rcneNofl.hcnr,lnc3 O REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA CI 'a.Elud, lr9!l-. o.{ ,4t-,tr.t. To: v IL VALLEY MEDTCA_L_CENTER r!i., \t llgti JoD No. 4 424 sO DArE: 9_7_9-0 IAttn: Mr. Dan Fecney l 181 West Mcadow Drive D ILY REPOI1T NO. sHEEI.l OF1Vail C0 81657 rlwotcE No. PRoJEcr vail Valley lrledical center parki'g structurc, Vair, cororado. Foundation WaIl, First Level, Line C to G on Line 2; ll TcH TICKEI tNFORht{]loN: suprurr Western Mobi le r1cKEr No, 012729 MX 0616{ nME ARRTYtD 4: 20 P.M. fK,. 23 cu. tr, 8 TruE pLrcD 4:30 P.M. Tnrrcx No. lI7 4:03 P.M.NUE SATCHS} sAlrPLE TE ll,. 83o ,vx forp. 85o cot. n n^trr(& 72 of g0 vdr FIELD TESNNG NFOR}TIATION: TruE rEsr rA,(Et4:40 PM suuup3 3/zh. JOB SPECtnCAnOlrs slrruP 0_4 N. pcl-AJR AJR @rrrFlrr 7 .2 z wcr uNn wscrr 14 3 . 5 coMIE{T 4-gIwArER ADD@ Ar 5IIE - wltEnc o\sT 0n-Si tc CYUNDER INFOR}VIATIOI.I:ro. oF c,Yt.,xDEtts 6 r,Yl n{)rn sfTti 6tt x 12tl llul: cAIND[,ts w 4:S5 p-M. CURINC INFORL{ATION: INIIUL CURE On-Site RO-D SIOIIACE FACIUIEs Shaded MN.,/1{N( o/\IEnUE T l,^& 9-g-90 o rE sIRlPpED 9-8_90 Uy: S. Urton nFJ!\fiK! AGE I)^YS t)^TE IETE)TSIAL I.OAD(t 5) uuuElrLr (rrrclrLE)^,IEA(5O. rfl.) couP. sln. (.31) TTPT OF rn gIUnE C/UNOEI \YE,IOHT(rrri) GTUND€R uHIt wFict r (t cF) 7 28 28 28 28 9-14-90 9-14-90 10-5-90. 10-5-90 L0-5-90 10-5-90 105,000 L07,000 137,000 129,000 135,000 133,000 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 3720 3790 4850 4570 4780 4770 conical cuical con/split on,/shear con/split con/spl-it r,FSIGN SIR€NGIH 4 000 PSI o 20 txE lljlls ||Y wrm^lotrY Frlffr|'rn Arff 0r arrnurrrf, i l| rrrPlnnf lllv r.L rxr:i In{r3 olllur tr: xoltDg€rrt l|lrqrr| rKrr o|| l||6 tlsr Rf|rofit ruY nc rnw|{x, uY o||rut3. PROGRESS REPORT: coPrEs lilll:" fi::":*1;ng:Lt;'j:'**',"u,,. G.E. Johnson Construction Co., Attn: l'lr. Jack Thomas; Bierbach Consulting lingineers S. Urton T. Laudick REI.D OI]5EfWER APPRO\GD TT /rslUt,|ll{l.'dcrrnmnrrrs.ll|.'t,nE^,|od,l3'lF\,|lnlmnTt,'fi|,'rr.i|rlr'Alil|rror'{xr.nAFt|l1.!'r'Y(rt1l,nc|,t!:\ 'roi.'.t'^''I7||T!.corl:|Fr'no'l\l'^..!s'rEqdt'|..!J'|,,l|ounll..\'jtl3Enl5'-t.,lort',o'|col,|ttovnj.tlJ, urrrlls olr|1.; |,|rwEulLtflt rr|t. r'|rt tlt lo t lrtt||lrc. ^ .ErrD' ., r,. I ilirll ,,-. .. .6!,.,j- .crn rb. cLtttJ^ a/eo "' '? -rt\) VailValley Ccaf Center LETTG @F TRANSNNNTTAL 181 West Meadow Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 303-476-2451 Town of Vail Building Inspection Dept. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, C0 81657 wE ARE SENDTNG You 6 tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter Attached D Under separate tr Prints I Change order cover vta tr Plans O Samples the following items: tr Specifications .{ 0bservation Reports 12 September 1990 l'"'""' AITENTIOT' Dan Stanek Va i 1 Va I I pv Mpd i ca'l Center - Parkinq Structure coPtEs OATE NO.DESCRIPTION I 8-27-90 11 Bierbach Structural Engineers, Inc. Fjeld 0bservation Report 1 9-4-90 t2 Bierbach Structural Engineers, Inc. Field Observation Report THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E For approval 0 For your use q As requested E For review and commcnt ! FOR BIDS DUE as submitted as noted for corrections D Approved ! Approved tr Returned ! tr ! Resubmit-copies lor approyal Submit -copies for distribution Return - corrocted prints ! 19- D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS SIGNED: Brenda Harper COPY TO tl anctoauraa rra aot rr noaad, tindly aotity rra rt onc.. BIERBACH CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC. JOB NO. 2067 REPORT NO. ll FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT JOB VAIL VALLEY HOSPITAL PARKING STRUCTURE DATE August 27. 1990 CONTRACTOR G. E. Johnson Consiruction Compony TIME 7:30 A.M. SUPERINTENDENT Jock Thomos TEMPERATURE 45 WORK OBSERVED: I visited fhe site to review the woll reinforcing on line 2. All of the reinforcing wos in ploce excepf for irim bors oround pipe sleeves ond slob dowels which were to be stuck os the woll wos ploced. No discreponcies were noted. OBSERVER Steven E. Bierboch JOB NO. 2067 BIERBACH CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC. REPORT NO. 12 FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT JOB VAIL VALLEY HOSPITAL PARKING STRUCTURE DATE Seorember 4. 1990 CONTRACTOR G. E. Johnson Construction Componv TIME 'l:30 P.M. SUPERINTENDENT Jock Thomos TEMPERATURE WORK OBSERVED: I visited the site lo review the woll reinforcing in the first suspended slob. All reinforcing wos in ploce ond ihe following items were noted: l. 518 group on line H wos ploced os #7 insteod of #8's. Cohtroctor will odd odditionol reinforcing to moke up the shortoge. 2. Beom top bors olong line "G" ot "3" were not the correct depth. Through some minor odiusfments they were roised to lhe correct elevotion while I wos on the site. , No other items were noted. OBSERVER Sieven E. Bierboch Vail Valley mlcaf Genter LtrTT'ft OF TRANSNNOTTAL 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 303-476-2451 Town of Vail Bujlding Department 75 S. Frontaqe Road Vail. C0 81657 wE ARE SENDTNG You h tr ShoP drawings D Copy ol letter ^ rf\(l/,Ittachffi tFfe'1.eU.uto cover via- E Prints ! Plans I Samples the tollowing items: I Specifications 0 Change order F Concre t-e test data OAIE JOa iro. L7 September 1990 ATTENTION Dan Sta np k Vail Val lpv Medical Center - Parki no Structure coPtEs DATE t{o.OESCRIPTION I 8-8-90 Chen Northern. Inc. - Report of Concrete Test Data' 28 day streng THESE ARE tr w ! D ! TRANSMITTED For approval For your use As requested as checked below: [] Approved I Approved C Returned as submitted as noted for corrections ! ! tr Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies for distribution Return - corrected prints For review and commcnt FOR BIDS DUE n 19- C PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS SIGNED: COPY TO Harperlt anclorl,rar ,ra nol .r no,a<t, kindlrt nolity rra .t onc.. JOB NO. 2067 BIERBACH CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC. REPORT NO. ,,rro orru*uot,o* *rro*, t t JoB vAlL VALLEY HosPlrAL PARKTNG srRUcruRE DATE seprember 21. 1990 CONTRACTOR G. E. Johnson Construction Compony TIME Z:00 A.M. SUPERINTENDENT Jock Tho-os TEMPERATURE _ WORK OBSERVED: I visited the site to observe the reinforcing in the second lift of the T-Woll on line G/3 ond ihe diogonol woll from line H/3 to G/4, no discreponcies were noted except the following: o. The 48" bors were not ploced oround lhe ground opening. No other items were noted. OBSERVER Steven E. Bierboch, P.E. ee N^ ? . \.1 ' ttv,. , \; Vail Valley Uflcd Genter LETTfr @F TRANSNNNTTAL 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 303-476-2451 To Town of Vail Building Department 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. C0 81657 3$r WE ARE SENDING tr ShoP tr CoPY Attached D Under separate fl Prints C Change order YOU b d rawings of letter cover vta the following items: E Plans ! Samples ! Specifications I Structural Reports oatE tJoa xo. 24 September 1990 | Dan Stanek R€ Vail ValIev Medical Centpr - Parkinq Structure coPtEs OATE NO.DESCRIPTION 1 9- 10-90 13 Bierbach Consulting Eng'i neers, Inc. - Field Observation Report 1 9-18-90 L4 Bierbach Consu'l tino Enoineers- Inc- - Field Ohsprvation Rpnnrf 1 8- 10-C0 Chen Northern. Inc. - Reoort of concrete test - ?8 dav strenofh 1 B-14-90 Chen Northern- Inc- - Renort of concrpfp tpqt - 2R dav ctrpnnth 1 g-4-90 Chen Northern- Inc- - Renort of concrefp fest - 7 dav qtrannth 1 q-q-qn Chen Northern - Inc - Rennrt nf nnnrv.efa tacf - 7 dev clr"annth 1 g-7-q0 Chen Northern- lnc- - Rpnort nf cnnrrpto taef - 7 dav cfv.onnfh q- 1 n-0n lhpn Northern- Tnc- - Rpnnrt nf nnnrreto iaqf - 7 dav cfronnth THESE ARE C F n ! ! TRANSMITTED For approval For your use As requested as checked below: . Approved D Approved C Returned as submitted as noted tor corrections D Resubmit-copies for approval tr Submit - copies for distribution ! Retu rn _ corrected prints For review and comment n FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS SIGNED: Brenda Harper COPY TO l, ancloautaa r.. not 13 notad, kindly Doaity ur rt oacc. ./" \ ' ^rqS 6;*, 1tc$ste ?l- JOB NO. 2067 BIERBACH CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC. REPORT NO. t3 FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT JOB VAIL VALLEY HOSPITAL PARKING STRUCTURE DATE September I0. 1990 CONTRACTOR G. E. Johnson Construction Componv TIME 7:00 A.M. SUPERINTENDENT Jock Thomos TEMPERATURE 55 WORK OBSERVED: I visited the site to observe the foofing reinforcing olong line 4 from line F to line B, ond the footing reinforcing olong line C from line 3 to line 4. The following wos noted: '1. The reinforcing shown in footing type 48 did not splice 20'-8" west of line B, os specified in the schedule. The coniroctor will splice- the #l I bors in order to ochieve the proper bor length. No other items were noted. OBSERVER Michoel Goldstein EL JVt4 ( 6erl ql ,a.xfi(ou4 ' ...,,,,::.,i . '. *i;ri"it. : stP 17 i990 BIERBACH CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC. JOB NO. 2067 REPORT NO. t4 FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT JOB VAIL VALLEY HOSPITAL PARKING STRUCTURE DATE Seolember '18. 1990 CONTRACTOR G. E. Johnson Construciion Comoonv TIME 2:00 A.M. SUPERINTENDENT Jock Thomos TEMPERATURE 65 WORK OBSERVED: I visited the sife to observe the following woll reinforcing: Lower lift olong line 3 between line C ond line F. Lower lift olong line C neor line 3. Second lift ot the northwest stoir core. Mony precost embeds, corbel plote, ond dowels were nol in ploce while I wos oi the site. The following wos noted: l. Ties in the continuous ledge olong line C were spoced todfor opo*. I told the confroctor to tighten the spocing to 10" o.c. os specified in the precosi defoils. 2. Only 2-#9 were inslolled ot the north door iomb shown in Seci. 8/1/14. The controctor is to odd 2-#9 ond lies ot .|0" o.c. 3. The outside foce horizontol woll reinforcing olong line 2 shown in Sect. N'l/8 colls for #7 ol 10" o.c., plus #7 X 20'-0'ot 7" o.c. The coniroctor hos instolled #6 st 5" o.c. in lieu of the #7 ot 10" o.c. This substitution is occeptoble. The #6 bors, however, did not hove on odequote splice oi midspon of fhe future opening. The controctor is to odd #7 splice bors ot eoch #6 horizontol bor. The #7 X 20'-0" horizontol bors hod not been ploced while I wos ot lhe site. The controctor wos owore of their plocement requirements ond ossured me thot they would be instolled. No other items were noted. o) b) OBSERVERee c) Michoel GoldsieinVI/H168,/ , JAZ,<- r7Jou45 ChqntlNortltcrtt,lrtcf O a,h,urr r^e!......, s<,r,.,. RF'nElvED REPoRT oF coNcRETE TEST cyLtNDER DATA sEP 2 I 1990 ^l^uunu|t'frrcTrflon,tus'IrA,nE^,rD.r,i!ttvt'-.\lll^'mrs^,[t|nu'll'|'Atll|.l.''rl'lr'wF'fri[ford,nc||[|ot.,,|on|,^lp}|nox(rsr^rrr.''otco||c.t|'ir'^on'-I|'lcis''rE.'!'.l(9,||n'{,ounfl.l!.rtsEn(5t|l\,/t40v,1lltl, t rrrlls (nl|lt ,eiaot!l]||s lrt rart-to lo II wr||||rc. ^ e*- ., u. I r riil-l e'-- cr ...nFit. t..'i nr. Catl IJA a,/9O . ,.'i* ..'.,:,, 'riirl;tfl TO: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTERAttn: Mr. Dan Feeney lSL West Meadow Drive Vail C0 81657 Joo NO. 4 424 90 DATE: 8-10-90 DAILY REPOI{T NO. SHEET 1 OF rNvotcE No. PRGJECT Vail V:r1ley l,lcdicai Ccntcr Parki.ng Structurc, Vni. l, Coloraclo. PLACEMEN Footings on Line 3 frorn Lines C to E.8, On Line C from Lines 2.2 to 3.2 and Grade Bearns on Line G: MTCI.I T]CKET INFORI"{ATION: sUpruER }lestern Mobi le InUcK.tlO. 106 'ncKEr No. 011544uU DEslcN po. 23 cu. m, 8 'nME Ir rcltu) 2:51 P.l.{.nME lnRrlED 3:05 P.M.IIME Pr,rc@ 3:10 P.M. FIEU) TESNNG INFORMATION: lluE TEsr TN<ol 3:20PM sLuuF5 3/4tN. JOD SPECnCAnolts SLUUP 0_4rx. An @tfforr 5.8: wL-r uNr \yEctn L$.7 ect. sAlrPt-E IE P.84o ,^ln rrlr.75o NR coMrEl{T 5-5t warrn AD0CD AT srE 0 r;or. narurxt 40 of 5 1 vd3 CYLJNDER INFORI.IATION: tlo. oF cnJNocns (r cnnrorn srzri (rtt x 12" IrM[ c[lNof,6 c. 5T 3:SS P.M. w]tFlt€ clst On-Sitc CUIIING INFOR},{ATION: tNrlr L cunE On-Site Ro.D sTotr cE Ftcrunts Shaded MtH./r{ru(. oi\T|:,/n}/E Ar t(IL 8-11-90 o rE srnrpps) 8-11-90 tlr: S, Urton nEta{nK* AGE DAt€ TIATE TESIE TOT L l.O^I)(tns)DIA},IEIE I (rnctrLs)NIEA(sa. ril.) coLlP. STn. 050 T/PE OF TIUACTUIIE cYtJlroEtl waclfl(urs) C'IUNDFJI UHlr woc|ff(rcr) 28 28 28 28 8-17=90 8-t 7-90 9-7-90 9-7-90 9-7-90 9-7-90 l:10-,000 105,000 131, oo0 129, 500 L32,500 129,500 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 3890 3720 4640 4580 4690 4580 con/shear con/she a r con/split cgn/shear con/split con/shear OESrcN STR€}IGTH 4000 Psl o 2A D^E lI.sT:; [t rA)dutorw frFg]|'rn ^na l'r Lr-'(xl0 r.r: lrr rJrl rrtr f rllu |/f.llxxti In{l5s onllJnnit l€rt! !or.c ||r, orlrr l|oB ort 1116 tlsl t tr$f l{ Y u. l'r(MlxD ItY Ollll.rl3. PROGRESS REPORT: Sampled from truck discharge. Fisher P.eece Johnson Architccts,t"t." Atttl r lvh:. Skip SperrsQry"rlorn Mobi leC.E, Johnson Construction Co., Attn: Itr. Jack fhomas; Bicrbach Consulting lJngineers S. Urton T. Laudick FIELD OOSERVEIT APPRO\ED TT Chcn$Norl.hcrtt,Inc I conEsTEqcpPY RECEIVED REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA sEP 2 I 1990 ^tAgvnr^lm0[cTx'.!oo|r'{Tt.T|rrritE^,|o.|,i<.|w\|!lnf'Y'fTs^,n(s|,nr{n'oAslrrfor'Dfl|ru|..,'t(xt'r.Y(rrr,.f|f'f:\l,l|'mll^[i.'r.(r3lArl!.[rtco'|cl|'.ir'6o||'xlnA:tsmo{rn*|.!A,rr,[,|ounrrtr.<xr:..r,nti,ttr"ttirrrrot40rrt'i.trll' urrtlsit oD|lt ,Nrur€lJrl)lls lrlt. raru lo lll wxn|llc, ^ d'!' .. lrl[iii]-le'-. rr c.,rF,*- r.ri r|.. C||ClllA a/CO '.rhlu.vt Inql,|*. ..r, Lr-'lhl. To: VAIL vALLEy MEDTCAL CENTER Joo No. 4 424 90 DATE: 8-14-90Attn: Mr. Dan Feeney 181 htest Meadow Drive DALY RIPORT NO. SHEET 1 0F 1 Vail CO 81657 tNvOtCE No. PRGJECT Vail Va1lcy Nledical Center l)arking Structure, V:ri1, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCA]ION: Foundation ltlalls in the Area of Lines G to H and Lines ? to 3i I]ATCH TICKET INFOR}'ATION: supruEn l'lestern Mobi le mucK ilo. ll7 ncKEr !rc. t2 t27 P .M . nuE ARRrvtD Mlx DESIGN M). 23 CU. )O. 8 TluEPL,rc@ 12:55 P.M.TIME IATCIIED 403 p,c{. slJtPtE tc.xt,. 7 1 o AR IU1P. 75 o g cof. RorAru{r 32 of 84 vd3 FIELD TESTINC INFORMATION: nuE TEsr r J(rrl :11 PM sLuup 3% rN. JOo SPEClnCAnolrS stluP 1_4 rN. NR CONTEI{Ts .3 7 wnr UNr WEctlr142.5 AR coMro,r__ I WAIEA ADDCD AI 5m CYLJNDER INFOIII'/ATION:po. oF cYlluoeits 6 1:21 P.M. wuFJte c,(sr 0n-SitecJl ntoFR slzli (ll| x 'l 2rt 'llMr cflrNoFlts c^sr CURING INFOR}"{AT|ON: TNITAL CURe On_Site RELD sTOfi.AcE FlctUTlEs Shaded MtH./r{ x. oAl[/nME Ar r t g-15-90 oAlE SIRIPPq) 8-15-90 ttt: J. Kloska REII rlK& ACE oA1€ DAIE IESIE' T TAL LOAD (u,5) D TTETEN (rlrc'r15)^,lEA(sa. ut.) co!P. sln, (PsD T/PE OF fn crunE gYtJNOF't WFJCIIT(uls) C/IJNDfJI uNtr wElar (rrcr) 7 28 28 28 28 8- 21-90 8-21-90 9- 11-90 9- 11- - 90 9-11-90 9- 11- 90 105 ,0.0.0 103 ,000 141, 000 135,000 132, ooo L35,500 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 3720 3650 4990' 4780 4670 4800 coniciL con/shear clcnical con,/stlear con./shear con/shear OESrcN STR€NGTH 4000 Psl o?6 t)Als lI5lS |It l,rlrdUrofiy Fftisartftn xtr |rl r/_ryrtwrf, t.llll rrlrl l)rl f a9||r rrlllntti lrfrl lfs onlt rf,l3{ llolfD !o!( ftr ulrl lx)]l oll lllts llsl lltl'oflr ! Y f[ ffKMtXD w Ollltns. PROGRESS REPORT: Fisher P.eece Johnson Architects,t"'t- Atttt r Mr. Skip SpensQ;{s51sTn lvlobi lc G.E, Johnson Constructiorr Co., Attn: Ilr. Jack Thonas; Bicrbach Consulting Enginecrs J. Kloska T. Laudick RELD OI]SEIWEII APPRO\€D t}T ChcntlNorthcnr, Incj Pt:lrtvFn REPORT sEP 2 | '.1990 o LINDER 'tralu.{ ligl,E! .^.1 !.|-rtht. OF CONCRETE TEST CY DATA flrnitntD al lra (orrtoll,tw ltftrltrrv or olrn clrt'|lli rr|o lmfnl/ltEol rY|.l t'lnia- E nt:i(lMD Fffr|)lr|: OUn ||'ttllttl fJrlllor/A- sAll't l:r lvrtl' lr|; OBFo'ir-D Oa ^rlti tlsll,|C rlas 4 vunul ln('rtcTr to d rrfl1. T [ FrrE r,|o (lrtt<n vt-\ ftl iamr t r,rrnorr (r slltfuttrrs. cor|ct ltix'.Ft on at(lta:ts rrr)|l rn rtc^r{tro oun fiLfixts4orrrllrtJr urrtllill qn|t']i ,nrqr|o{l|tto' l,rt ,aritto to [l rrttlolc. ^ Ena- ar u..lXtff-le.-. d .o.n {,,r. roa .,o. Cg(llg l./0O TO: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER JOT] NO. 4 424 gO DATE: 9-4-90Attn: Mr. Dan Feeney 181 West Meadow Drive DATLY REPO|{T NO. SHEil1 OF 1 Vai 1 co 8165 7 rNVolcE No. PRGJECT V:ril Val1cy Nlcdi cal Ccnter. Park:ing Str.ucture, Vai1, Colorado. F'LNCLMENT LOCAIION: Foundation Wal1s, Line 2 to 2.5, Line B to B,5; I]ATCH TICKET INFORI./ATION: suPruFx Itlestcrn Mobile nucK.tto. 117 ItcKET l.$.01 2014 uu DEslcN Mr. zs cu, lo.8 nuE &ArcltED 1:13 P.M. rue lJ{rfvF-D 2:L1 P.M. T|uE pLrcs) ZtZO p.M. FIELD TESTING INFORMATTON: TruE TEr ru<eu 2:30PN{ sluup 3k Ain cofnEln4 , 4 : wEr uNr vlEo tT 145 . 8 pa. ^n coMErT4-g:(wAlEl ADDED AI SITE 10 SAJTPLf ]EMP. 80o AJR TE!P. col. nOl^RX.* 52 of g0sr.lJuP0_4 [{. lN. 800 vd3JOO SP€CtFlCJ\I|Ol{s lztlCYUNOE'I INFORI.,{ATION:lo. oF cyt.rxo€Rs (.r rm nroEn srzE 6rr llME .'n tND[r{s ss1 2:45 P.M.wHFxE cAsT On-Si te CURING INFORIIATION: lNlIuL cunE on-site Ro-o sron cE rrcrunLs shaded urN.,/u^c o TfnuE AT r,^& 9-5-90 oArE SIRIPPE) 9-5-90 8r: S. Urton RIrr nKS AGE I)AYS D ]E TI5'TE) T('I r- l_oAD(lrs)D[r.rETrJl(rrct|t5)Nlt./\(so. n.)@uP. sTn. (P5D 'l'/PE OF t lilcTunE CTUNDER w€roltT(urs) c rl"lt,roFnul{r woG T(rcr) 2B 28 2B 2B 9- 11-90 9-1.1-90 10-2-90 10-2-90 10-2-90 10-2-90 103,000 102,500 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 3650 3630 con/sp1it con/split oEsbN srRo.rfl}l 4000 Psl o 26 r)^E rBls try wto|t^totTY rt nsarDrn lnt tt LrJ)nu rrcr wr|[ ^t{l rrvr f afll. r.rtllfln Inlrtf,s orrlt.rrf,r,( ttoltl}lor]t D{ olul tl.or olt ttrs [st &U!nt x y nc lwltx-D lt/ olllurs. PROGRESS REPORT: Fishcr P.ccce Johnson Architccts,t"'tt Attn r Mr:. Skip Spcnsq11"r1"r, MobilcG.E. Jolurson Construction Co., Attn: l*lr. Jack Thomas; Bierbach Consulting linginccrs S. Urton T. Lau<Iick RELD ODSEfWEII APPRO\€D ['T '' ThcnerNortlienr, I nc.a . .-.,,.."1:tilF --- tl i: lU E i) .., r,.'i' sFp 2 | lgg0 o LINDER 'J||Eltlrrl [^{1,h. ..r, s<l-n,tt. REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CY DATA lii TO: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER JOO NO. 4 424 gO DATE: 9-5-.90Attn: l*lr. Dan Feeney L3l lrlest Meadow Drj.ve DAILY REPOI{I NO. SHEEf 1 0f' 2 Vail CO 81657 trwotcE No. PRGJECT Vai I Valley llledical Ccntcr l)arking Str.ucturc, Vzri1, Colorado. Second Leve I ,Line G to Il,Line 2 to 3.6; I]ATCH TICKET INFOIIIV|ATION: sUpruER fles tern Mobi le mwx.flo. 114 7:56 A.M. ncKEr No.01 2048 ux DEtcN l.lo. 25 cu, \9. 8 nuE ARRTVID 8:05 A.M. TIME pr,rcE) 8:10 A.M. FIELD TESTING INFORMATION: TluE trsr r,rr<or 8:20Al"t sr-uup JOB SPECnCrnot.|s suJuP 5 rx. tN. Nn cor{rEr{r2.4: wEr uNtr wuor 150. 1 sA,rpLE TEM;,. g60 ,rtt rUe.650 i\lR coMIDlT 4-g I WATEII ADOID Ar Sm CYUNOER INFORI,{ATION: |ro. oF cyljflo€ns (r 6" x 12"lru[ cntN0fl6 (r5T B:35 A.Il. wtFJlE c^sr On-Site CURING INFORIJATION: lNnul cuRg on-Site RE-D sron cE F cturlEs Shaded MrN./MNc MrE/nuE ar La& 9-7-90 D\IE SIR|PPm 9- 7-90 IIt: S . UTton REuAtlKs: couP. sTR, (Psl) NIEAsa. rlr.) 28.28 28.23 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 conicdl conical7A 28A 28A 284 284 9- 12-90 9-12-90 10-3-90 10-3-90 10-3-90 10-3-90 170.000 772,OOO 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 50.00 PSI o ?0 Mrs tll;lll |'' [AprAlolw Ft lrttr|lnl llt ul ,aa]()fl(rlr!1t: fflrl rritf)ttt lsl! trlllx)tn Innli: onlufllS[ lloIID :x!t |lrt(x lK]tt olt |ltt5 ttst ltr\xlt ltY l{ flt(Moclt ra olllur5. Concrete was sarnpled fron pump hose; S. Urton T. Laudick FIELD OI]SETWER APPROIED II/ Fisher I'leece Johnson ATchitccts,LUrlLr Attr'' r Mr. Skip SpcnsQ;{s51grn l"lobile G.E. Johnson Construction Co., nttn: Nh'. Jack'l'hornas; Bicrbach Consulting llnginecr-s rs^.,u|lA,'frcTl}.lDcl|'!Tlt||fFltilE|'|od,it.l\^r\,rlnlmrns!.rI|,'n.n'DAlll|r.or'rrx'.nr|nrr''nr'('.t,nct[t.fs.,,|orr,|,^|r'ox.r<t^|rU.f!ico'(lt,.irt^o[lxttlc|f'rio{.|.ttrl€^,|t''l|ounl[f'tts6nl5(|Mo.t||o.r€oU4nl|l(ll!|A..:our'tlll.l, u||tl3s ollrc^ ,,rn rqJltxts ,Jr[ Arn tn to rt| wH|lDlc. | 'n6.' o. rrliilf]-lc.-- or G.i,ra{- .ori Fo. Cljfl llA a/eo -.ChcnONorthcnr,Inco REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CY o LIN DER DATA 'arhru.? lnglr|-.r ..{ 5.r- Fr. TO: VAIL VALLEY MIDICAL cDN'TI]IIAttn: Mr. Dan Fecney L81 West l'leadow Drivc Vail CO 81657 PRO.JECT Vai 1 Vall cy lr,lcdical Ccntcr l)nrking J00 NO. 4 424 90 DATE: 9-5-90 DAjLY REPOIIT NO. SHEET 2 rrwotcE No. StTucture, Vai1, Colorado. OF l't ,\CLMENT LOC^I ION: Structural Deck, Second Level, Line G to H, Line 2 to 3.61 I]ATCH IICKET INFORIJATION: suPruER lt/estern Mobile Tnrrx lto. Il4 ncKrr No0l 2062 uu oEslcN |rc. 2s cu. to, g llME lr^Tclttr) 9:07 A.M. nME RnrvTJ 9;20 A.M. TluE pLcED 9:i0 A.M. FIELD TESTING INFORMATION: TluE tEsr r,v<or 9:40Alr{ sr_uup JOO SPEctnclnolrs suJuP lrJn corrrclfi 3 . 0 = wEr uNrr wLlotr 149 .I pct. NR CoNTOIT 4-gIwArEn ADorD AT 5m 6 5A,r,rpLE 'tEtr'. B0o ,rtt rnrr,. 70o col. na,teRxr 200 of 200 vd3 'l tN. tN. CYUNDE'I TNFOIIMATION: llo. oF Grljtto€Jrs 6 c.n ntoflt stzr.- 6rr x 12'' ruE cruNDFRs c,\sT q:5S A M wlrEnE cA5T on-Site CURING INFORI,TATTON: HtD L CUne On-Site nEl) SIOR^6E Ftctuncs Shaded MtN./r{N(. 0 tE,/nMe AT t/^lr 9-7_90 D{rE srRl@ g-7 -90 [rt: S . Urton Rtr RX* AGEtxE T)ATE IESIE) lqr L Lo\D(rrs)DI^VE'IrJI (rrrclr[5)NTF (sa. ril.) couP. sTn. (P5D I'/PE OF fllrcTunE CI1JNDE'I WfJOTJT (tus) crllNDan uNlr wEla r(Pco 7B 7B 288 288 28 28 9-12-90 9-12-90 10-5-90 10-5-90 10-3-9 0 10-3-90 166,500 l-63,000 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 28.28 ZB.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 sB90 J I IU conicdl con/split OF.SNN smo{flll 5000 PSt o 20 t)^'rT II5IS tr/ LAlgt{rOtW nlngrl,n ^rt or ralrxr(|,.,4l firrr rtfir.Arrf rslv ua.lrntr:i rn4l:5 olllltraE( tloltD 9O![, |l{ oaol tptt olt r[5 tlst taulofit lr Y t[ tn(^4o(l, w olllul5. PROGRESS REPORT: Concrete was sampled frOn pump hOsel n^orr.e Fishcr Reece Johnson Architccts, Mr. Skip Spenst;ys51srn Mobi 1c G.E- Johnson Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Jack Thomas; llierbach Consulting linginecrs T. Laudick RELD OBSER/ER APPROVED W r3^vunurFq'rc1Y'.loct|fNT3.I|f'rnrE^'|l'o||il'|vlY\rltn''$'t1sl'{s|mvnrr'Atl||f.o''[x'.lwr'rx-frr'(ro|,nc|[ln!,,|olJ'nr|,^l$|no.r:s'^'r!||'jql(lr'El|'tir}6onrnnA:ls''l.|t..nl|c.^,||,|{|ou[at'no.l|3Bnl:it,Glorfl|r||'|cl.:ovl\ltLl, ur|rts3 qn|I]r rarwqjrlrfl3 lr( roftfr.D to tt| wx|l|rrc. ^ tuF.' d rbl FiiT-l g'., of co..F.r.. ..n'r ro. CsttIJA a./eo ChcnONotlltcrn Irra ..,tu$DEtvEo Repont i'-'" sEP2ll99o OF CONCRETE TEST C 'r.Fll,6? lrtnE. no4 i.t-tht. DATA JOU NO. 4 424 90 DATE: 9=7-9-0 DAILY REPOtil NO. SHEEr] OF 1 |twolcE No. o YLINDER '*$1 TO: VAIL Attn: 181 Vai I PRo.J€CT lt l rrullAr FncrrcTrrf m n rrats. l|r Ftr|lrc |,|or!(trr.r SlatfurtrtS corri |tittal on txtr!:rs rrrtuiounlnD ur4tls on{.| mMrrouruns !r. r.Jrt to ^ '-6- o, u.l fjlf f I e.-. .r .o6F.rr- .car rb. cr.fl lJ a/CO Sttrrcturc, V:rjl, Colorado. Foundation Wall, First Leve1, Linc C to G on Line 2; VALLEY MIDICAL CENTTII Mr. Dan Fecncy West Mcatlow Drive c0 81657 Vai 1 Va11ey lr,letlical Ccnter parki.n BATCII TICKET NFORMTION: supruER $lestertr Mobi le muc{_}ro. lL7 4:03 P.M.-.nuE E Tcltq) ncKrr No,0L2129 MX oEslclt M). nME lRnrcD 4:20 P.M. TtuE 23 cu. ro. 8 PLlcF! 4:30 P.M. (rrl3,l \/l-\ atl nrFniTi ltrf an |'t crrtrrrr' oun Ft.I\'ttsto tr ru. rrrc. .,t,ln{lnttt A.i rt aorttt)ftalut nrrlnIY or (|rn clIfn.'\E nlittM0 rtllt)lllC Olrtl rtlllltll !!|-lrova.t- .'i^!n l:i W(L lrlD l|mrtnr^rDr mat ,rrri tl-lrj t L3Foir-n or rrlln ltilurc 11 ruE rEs'r r ,xEx 4:40 PM sLUMp S J,/4N.IJR @rfrElrr 7 .2zwEt uHn wocrtr 143.5 AR CoNID{r 4 - g I WAIER ADDTD AI SrE sarPlf, ]EMP. B3o ,qt reirp.850 ,3o Joo sPEClnCATlOllS sUJup g_4 lN.col. n n nX,* 72 of lro. oF ctIJNDFJ{s 6 c.n lrrlrtt srzr 6tt x 12tr ltur cruNDflts cA5T ,1 .wllFJtE C./\5T 0n - Si tc CUITING INFORI,{ATION: NlIuL curE On-Site Rq, srofil6E F/cctLntEs Shaded u[r./MA(. MrEn]/E ar r,,rl" 9-8-90 Ir rE SIRIPPID 9 - 8- 90 [tr: S . Urton nEui\fiKs D[ r{t_Irja (NCr rLs) 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 ., 1 28 28 28 28 9-14-9"0 9-14-90 t 0=5-90 10-5-90 10--5-90 10-5-90 105,000 107,000 28.28 28,28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 conieal conical oFSrGN STR€I|GIH ', dnnn Pst o ?d rl^Y:i ll.sls rt wpulotft Fllffro,n rrr Ir a{.r:fi(rvlif filr ^ri1|.:A,l I /rtr! rrtrlnrr ullrl:s oll Jra.Lif }roltD 3O!( frt orur rK){ ol| |116 rLsl rtriofiI r. Y tt fn(Mou] Itl oll[.n5. S. Urton T. Laudick FIELD OBSETWER APPRO\GD TT Fishcr l'.cecc Johnson Architccts,ttt'Lr Attn: Mr:. Skip Sllcns!1y"51orn MobilcG.E. Johnson Construction Co., Attn: lrlr. Jack Thomas; Bicrbach Consulting linginccrs sEP 2 | 1990 NIE 5{l. llr.) 28.28 28.28 28.28 28-28 28.28 28.28 7A IA 28A 28A 2& 2BA con/split crcnical 9-L7-90 9-L7-90 r.0-8-90 10-B-90 10-8-90 10-8-90 1L4, 500 116, oo0 6. 00 O.UU 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 4000 Pr,r o?o rAYs llSIS E/ L^l(,l IOltY it ltifrlrrn rnl lll ra,r)rY{t^rr:t- i,1lrl ^tt'1L/lrI rrrv r,tllnlti tn{ l;5 OllllJlrll3{ llolfO !r!(, trruu t|or ott ll|l5 |LST ,nr.qll uY r( r,n /rx-D ua olllulS. Concrete was sampled frcrn the hose of the purq:. S. Urton T. Laudick RELD 0I]SERYER APPRO!4:D Ltf Fisher P.eccc Jolurson Architccts,vtrrEJ Attrr: Mr. Skip Spcns{;g"=1"rn lnlobilc G.E. Johnson Constluction Co,, Attn: Mr. Jack Thomas; Ilierbach Consulting [ngirrccrs OI. CONCRETE TEST C TO: VAIL VALLEY MIDICAL CEN.ITRAttn: Mr. Dan Feeney 181 l{cst lrteadow Drive Vail CO 81657 Tnrrcx. lto. 54 12:55 P.M. 1.K,. 23 cu, Yo. I T|ME PLACg) 1:20 P.M.NME TIATCHq) FIEI.D TEST]NG INFORMATION: TruE TEsr r^,(ot L:30PM sruup JOO SPEC|F|GAnOI|S SUJUP ol. AJn IN. ^JR S/\JrPLf 1fr,rP. 70" ,Vtt c{!1. nE}r ru{s 40 Of lEun. ggo 228 vd3 'lrut: cniNr)r1rs c,\5T L : 45 P.ttl.wtEl{t C,\tr 0n-Sitc RE'I) STOllircE r^ctunEs Shaded nr: S. Urton MlN./l{,r0(. nElr RX& ()^Tl:/nur ar wr 9-11-90 'atAtrlpt L^1tar 6tur kl-trt .. DATA Jor.l NO. ,l 424 90 DATE: 9-10-90 DALY ITEPOI1T NO. SHEET 1 OF - II'NOICE NO. I o YLINDER PRGIECT Vail Vallc It'le rl i ca 1 Cctrtcr Parki.ng Stnrctu rc , Vai I , Col or:rdo. toN:Footing on Ljne C frcrn Lile 3 to 4 and on Line 4 frcrn Line B to G; IIATCH IICKET INFORI./ATION: sUpruER l{estern Mobi lc llcxEr No.01-2122 ux ocsrcu nME finrvtD 1 : 10 P.M- 2le CONIE'IT 3 . 1 : wEr uNtI wtrcllr14B.4 pct. CONTOIT I WATEN ADOTD AT stTE CYUNOER INFORIVNNON: uo. oF c;rl, oERs (r rmnrrrrn st7r. (r" x 12tl CURING INFOIII,{ATION: INrHL cuRE On-Site o^r€ srRtPPa) 9-11-90 ^!^r,vrru|FFr'tTcTrr.ro.t''tf's.nrh'nEl,roo,i<l|\4+\,|!nlmfrs^,{:3t,nr.rnlDAtI|r.o''rxr,lufF|(Flnfor.t,ncl[rr':\l}l|'^rml)(|, m '1oifrit|tt9tr.tlco'6tnf'6on'xt|t,.jIs7rr'rf.'|F|G^,||}|'t|oUnn[r.('||:i|3nt:it.'Mo|.I'lo||lounJ.rrD u'|tlss oor(]i ,aArrqlt {ts !rl. rarltlo Il [r !rH||ltr;. I .- $' .. rrl iliir I e..- .r c6F.'- ..,rr .rr. Cr.(lllA a/to -.. Chcn*Northcnr,lna TO: VAJL Attn: 181 Vai I PROJECT VAI,LEY MIDICAL CENTIJIT Mr. Dan Fceney Wcst Mcadow Drivc c0 81657 NME BATCIITD ; wr-r uNrr wuon147. 0 tr w^ftR D0CD Al 5m pcf. SALll'LE TEMrr. rkl. nEMA lcs: 70" AJrt rf)/P.Boo Mr_ Cn |l,rDots C ST wuFJrE cl;r On-Site o^rrnrME ar wr 9-11-90nO, sTotl 6E FrrClUIlEs Shaded tlf: S. Urbon UIN',/M X' nD,uSKS CYIJUO€nulttr tYtrc| (r (l,cf) ll^r,U[|l^t'nr'rclYr.m.l''rs.I|rFl'tt|E^,|.'o||3l|vt-r|tln''nnl3r'fit|f|it|trr'Ai'rf.o''trN'.lutrrr'!r'rf'orrl,nc||ll:\mxt'nrtlUl''t3.c.'Et|,ir'rtonl!|'^l..Ts||loU.nn|.:.,|||''Q{,n[l'N'l|.''rtn|..|ttclo|-f'|txr6or,^aov'!|f.nl, ut{t3l onfi-'i l,t{lr&tjruals lrll |.rnlD lo [t rr{ lt|;. I En - .. u.liiif f lr-. .f .o.n .ir.. a''n r... Cltt lt a/t'O o YLINDER Vai I Valle l,lcdi ca I Ccnter Parking Strtrcture , V;ri I Colorarlo. Footings on Line c frcrn Lile 3 to 4 and on Line 4 frcrn Lile B to G; I.]ATCH TICKET INFORMTION: sUpruER l{cstern Mobi lc rnrrc(. rro. 54 3:19 P.M. FIEI.O TESNNG INFORMATION: TrME tsr 1a1s{ 4:00 PMsluu€ 3/4ru. arn corntrn3.4 .K)o sPEctnannol{s SUrUp 0_4 tN. IJR COMTE}TR_s CYLINOER INFORI,{ATION: tKt. oF cnJrDF.Rs (r r;rl nrorrr srzr:6n x lztl CURING INFORIIATION: INITUL CUTE ON-SitE (ArE srnrPps) 9-1L-90 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST C D,A.T,A JOr.i NO. 4 424 90 DAILY REPOI{T NO. rNvotcE No. rcKEr No. 012188 Mx DEsrcN M). nuE IRRvED 3:30 P.M. ruE 'a,brl,^1 [r?rit-.. .., :<r-'lr.l. DATE: 9-10-90 5HETT 2 OF 23 cu. \o. I pr,cctD 3:40 P.M. /\Jlt(sa. n.) 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 couP. stn,(5r) 4070 4160 T/I'E OF r&ACTUnc con,/split conical 7B ID 288 288 288 288 9-17-90 9-17-90 10-8-90 10-B-90 10-8-90 10-8-90 1"15,000 11,7,500 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 4 000 Psr o ?o rA\T n.sns fi l/|fEtAIOfiY Fl tF.JFrrm lnf ltl ^arIt{t^rr.f, firll rt'nr-rlrf irrtv r"llrotta tn4 t:rs OllltJr a:4 tloltD 3{)lt[ |lrrwrr^lnfl olt ll1l3 ll5r l[troall 14, rf rftlr'llxD ra olllulS. S. Urton T. Laudick RELD OI]5ETWEII APPROVED [IT Fisher P.cece Johnson Architccts,ttt'tt Attn , Mr, Skip Spcns!;g"t1"rn l*lo5i lc G.E. Johnson Construction Co., Attn: l"lr. Jack Thomas; Bicrbach Consulting Eng,inccrs ChcnONorthcnr,In{ To: VAII, Attn: 181 Vai I PRo.JECT T]^TCIJ TICKtrT INFORI'IATION: supruEn ltlcstcrn Mobi le nuE 0ATcl|@ ^tAUtmu|'i(fcrYHbnrxTill|f|i''rtE0|l'drfi'|\^v\||ln'mn't!{l|'n.lr'DA.trrr.o|'lD|',tw.tf'!'|f|r.l,|lc|ldirh'.(rs|r|I!'',tt|1.t||c|t,ii'6on'It[r.'tf.'nuonn|.:^,'|'roounc|.f'r|sr,nt[,M0 4ourunD urrtul onn| Arn r!(ryulnl l,ri ,.rrlto lo |rl t{oltlc. ^ ,6.r- .. rr.l iltr-T'le.-. c. coraro r VALLEY I'IEDICAL CENTIR Mr. Dan Fccncy West Mcadow Drivcc0 816s7 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA FFnF'tvFD 0C,t I I 19gS 'trElllq a^o!b.. n,il r<l'{t t. Joo No. 4 424 90 otJE:9/26/90 DALY REPORT NO. SHEET 1 OF1 [{volcE No. rc. 23 cu. YD. 8 IME Pt,fcD l.:00 PM Vail ValIc It'lcd i ca I Ccrrtcr I'trrking Stnlctrlrc, Vail, Color:arlo. JION:Foundation wall on N. side of structure; muc{ uo. 119 ncKrr r.ro.01-2541 uo ooon 12:48 FM nuE lnnn/ED L2:45PM FIELD TTSNNG INFORMATION: Tfu€ TET T xo{ l:07PMst-uup 3 w. atn @lnE fi 6.4: wrr uNr lrEo rr 740.2 pct. s^rlpLE 'IDrp. 69oNlr lEl{P.75o Joo sptctncAnol6 surlp tN. Nn coNTon r wATEs IDOED AT SIIE 5 cot. RELqnKs: CYUNOEII INFOIIIVIATION: tro. oF ciyljlDens (t rtn ptr)Elr slzr (rtr x 12"IruE c rNDr,rs (a5T 1:15 PM wtmr cAsr on-Si tc CURING INFORMTION: fNIIUL CUIE on site Ro_D sTon cE r.rctu'nEs w[./Lr^;t. o .ttAuE tt vta g/27 /go n^rE srnlpptD 9/27/90 rr: J. HoffrrEn nEu nKs: 7 28 2B 28 28 Tn'c oFllctune ocn/split con/split 70/3/90 L0/3/eo L0/24/ L0/24/9 L0/24/e 1.0/24/ 78,000 92,500 6.00 6. 00 6.00 (r. 00 6.00 6.00 28.28 28.28 28.28 )9. )9 28.28 28.28 DFsnN SrnElr6nr 4000 nsnr rt uDqulofit rtl mtrolr'l ,trt t', f.r:(tttrvrcf. *llrt rttl rrt|t f ^rl! r.;-tlxxti lrrll l1: on(-rf ljf lK)lto SOrt ||ru|ral|or| ort 1116 ltsl ,.|ltrQ{lt u Y l!. l'llsvlo(D fi ollltJlS. J. Hofftnan T. Laudick FIELD OOSEIWER APPROVED t,I/ Fishcr P.cccc Jolrnson Arcllitccts,--t'to Attn r Mr. Skip SpcnsQIsslsrn Mobilc G.ll . Johnson Construction Co., Attn: Lh'. Jack'l'homas; B.icrbach Consulting llnginccrs tri| 15. Cr.tl lJ l/CO lll!iltr!:---'rr 1 l I I.lil { JOB NO. 2067 BIERBACH CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC. REPORT NO. 16 FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT JOB VAIL VALLEY HOSPITAL PARKING STRUCTURE DATE September 27. l99O CONTRACTOR G. E. Johnson Construction Compony TIME 7:00 A.M. SUPERINTENDENT Jock Thomos TEMPERATURE 45 WORK OBSERVED: I visited the site fo observe the first lift woll reinforcing ot the southeost stoir core ond the first lift woll reinforcing olong line C neor line 4. Line C forms were "buftoned up", therefore I wos unoble to review this reinforcing. The following reinforcing hod not been ploced when I wos ot the site: o. Jomb reinforcing ot the b. Woll reinforcing olong construction ioinl. southwest corner of the southeosl sloir core. the southeost diogonol from the stoir core to the c. Stoir core dowels oi consfruclion loint. d. Closure ties ot vorious locotions. The following wos noted: '1. 2-#11 iomb bors shown in Sect. C/1/12 were not in ploce. 2. 2-#7 bottom bors shown in Sect. N1/12, Secr. C/l/,|2, ond Sect. A/1l10 were not in ploce. 3. &terior bors olong line 2, north of the stoir core must splice ot midspon between floor levels. Interior bors must splice ot the floor levels. At vorious locotions olong line 2, the longer bors were ploced on the interior foce ond the shorter bors were ploced on the exlerior foce. To correct the problem, the controctor is going to splice on exterior bor onto the short exterior verticol reinforcing. The exterior splice bor must extend from midspon firsi ond second level to midspon second ond third level. This fix is structurolly occeptoble. No olher ilems were noted. OBSERVER f r:.:ri F,r I ac TW Chen€Nortlrcnr,lncf o REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA ',t-rltLq trlLre .od S.l-rlht. TO: VAIL Attn: 181 Vai I PRGJECT JoB No. 4 424 90 DATE: 9/28/90 DAjLY REPOFT NO. SHEET 1 OF VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Mr. Dan Feeney West Meadow Drivec0 816s7 R EC E IVED t)cT r I 1990 Vai I Valley t'ledical Center Parking Structure, Vai1, Colorado. Foundation walls, Ljnes 3 to 4 on Line C and Line 3.5 to 4 between lines B and C; supruEx Western Mobile rnwx Ho. 119 IME BATcnED 1:20 Pu 1:30 PM---- ruE pLcal 1:50 PM ncKEr Noq nUE ARRlvtD TluE IESI rrXet 2:05PM St-Uup 3 w. ern corm-rr3.8 : WEr UNr wocrn 147.3pcr. sAlrprE TErp. Ggo AR TUlp. Z5o Joo sPEctnctno s su,rtp 0-4x, ,^rn coNIEnr 3_5 I wArER ADD€D AT sm cot. Ran n(t Mr. oF cnJNoERs 6 crtnroEn srzE 6" x 12'r ltME cruNDERs crsr 2:20 WL wHBE cI5T 0n-Site CURING INFORMATION: NrIuL cuRE On site Ra.tl sroR cE FlctunEs trailer MN./,J,$(. o rE /TluE AT rr& 10/1/90 oAtE srnrppED L0/L/90 By: S. Urton REraRr(& 7 28 28 28 28 t0/5/e0 ro/s/eo LO/26/90 LO/26/90 LO/26/90 LO/26/sO 125,000 123,000 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 sonical conical oEsrcN rR€NcrH 4000 ESnl F LXEI^TO|II FfFlrrom |nt |'r a{jt..frr('^rr:f i1TI ^rrflt(7vr f a9lr, lf.lrxr:i lrtllEs on[ rYE( lprfD 5O||( lNtorna^llofl or lr|t3 rlst t|l.rro.t|.Y tf ttl(Mt {, ItY ollrtnS, PROGRESS REPORI:Concrete was punped into tJre forms, sample uas taken at, ttre tlald<. S. Urton REI.D OI]SEfil/ER T. Laudick APPRO\ED SY .^orrc Fisher P.eece Johnson Architeits, Mr. Skip SpensQ;y"r1"rn MobileG,E. Johnson Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Jack Thonas; Bierbach Consulting Engineers t3^!unAt'Fl|lfcTnlonr[niI['r|riE^'od,i3f|'vR^|l[r'Ytt's^,rr3|,nqrntDA3n[.,r'!d|.lwi.l|dT'rT'oro,'tc|'|f||Ts.ioflrsr^|Tu'rts'c.r€lJr.ir'ritoirx|lA:ntr'W(nlllu,'o||rj|ounFftvtTsBnLt(F!aDr|ro[counwN||lt'l^,r'sK'vrr.3^r,|.l3w|t!qour\In, urt|ts ontt ralu'|qlE|{rs l,l1 fcrtlD to trt wtfl|ltc. ^ ,''i.- .. rrl E[.f-]c'-. .. co.n qrr- t.rrr f5. Cr.f,l IJA a/CO a n. I Vail Valley Mlcat Center LffiTf, @F TRANsnnOTTAL 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 303-476-2451 Town of Vail - Community Deve'l opment 75 South Frontaqe Road Vail, C0 8'1 557 OAIE JOI xo. 3 Auoust 1990 at.r€NlroN Dan St-a ne k RE Va i I Ve I I ev Modi ce'l Cenf cr - Parkino Structure D Plans E Samples the following items: tr Specifications 6 Test Reoorts WE ARE SENDING YOU h tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter Attached E Under seoarate cover via ! Prints I Change order as checked below:THESE ARE tr R tr n ! TRANSMITTED For approval For your use As requested n Approved B Approved I Returned as submitted as noted for corrections tr - D Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies for distribution Retu rn -corrected prints For review and comment FOR EIDS DUE tr 19- D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 7-l R-90 Chen Northern - Concrete Test Cylinder Data SIGNEO: COPY TO ,t ancloautaa ata nol aa noaGd, lindly noaitt/ u{t gaca.Brenda Harper Chcl0Northcnr,Inc !'trElu.2 Lah-i ..i, S.lqtht. JOB No. 4 424 90 DAILY REPOT{T NO. ll.IVOlCE NO. PROJ:CT Vai I Va1ley lvledi cal Center Parkin Structure, Vail Co l orado .PlJ\c:Footings, Lines CC+10r6tt Line D to Line F+10r0'r on Line 2; Load placed at (lA,Un{Fk''rcllr.mnr[T3.I|fF'FEr,0ot|kl'lwallL^.'r('v's,,lrs|nrfl|lr'Al|||..o'rrfIl..uti.'rdIrn(r.r,nel[lfa',,|An|,^'p',n.i..r5^'T!tt.'s.c/r,E1|6l'.toi'xt.Aitsmov.,||.l.u,I'r4oi,t'tt..ro(|36nt:itfuotl'rD[6o,atr||||t'|rP|'tl(r.aou^tn, urrltst ollll.i fanlretl|uMts ,rtt' rcat to !o |rt wtrtl[rc. I E'rv .. rrl r riiil r.-. .r c..q,-,-. ..nn rb. :utlllA a/3O ..: p6gs 7-18-90 SHEEI 1 0F t REPoRT oF coNcRErE rESr cyLtNDER DATA ffigiged I AUo z rgqn I TO: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENITRAttn: Mr. Dan Feeney 181 West Meadow DriveVai.l CO 81657 BATC:I TICKEI INFOR|/AT|ON: suppr ER ltlestern Mobi le TrcKEr M,. 011064 ,JX DEsrcN r.lo. 23 nME Ap1r!,p 2:40 pm 11uE pt1cs) TluE :ET T l(ol 3:00pm 3LUuP3 3/4tH. ,rrn colfiFJfT 5.7: wEr uNn wEcln L39.0 pcr. s,i^npt.E T[xp. 75 lr torr. -65 JOo s PECIflCAIOIrS SLlJuil-4 tN. A1R CoNTEfr 5-5r wrrrn ADDED Ar sm -0- cot. natgK& 56 of 88 ydJ cYUt.DER tNFORrt{ATtON:lxl. o: cyljrDFxs (r r,tt ntorlr stzr: (r[ x I 2rr ' uf (;r1'tNDflls C^ST 3 : 15 pm WltEnE c sr 0n - si te CURI}.G INFORI,IATION: tNlrUL CUne on-site o TE 1-Tpfpps, 7-20-90 RE,, s*rrucE F/\crLmEs under insulation..... ,.....MlN.r/[rA(. 913 S. Urton RElrAflK& oArEnuE AT u&7-20-90 ACE tAtis 7 1 28 28 28H 28H o$rcN STRET.TGIH 4000 psr o ?a rx)6 rt.s|s ot LAOqulofiY Fr R3ttDm lftr ll |.trrl(r|,{f w|rr| ^Fn r/^ri f rltu uf. r)rn urr||ls o|rrl_rrdr4 l|()lto lorr€ [{ u|r|al|or| o ltrs rfsl nrro{lt l^y rI- fltqutx-o ltr oIrur3. PROG;IESS REPORT: .^or,.e Fishcr P.eece Johnson Architccts,""' ' '- Attn: Nlr. Skip SpensQ;ysslsrn lrlobi lcG.E. Johnson Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Jack'Ihonas; Il.i.crbach Consulting lingincers 7 -25-90 7-25-90 8- 15-90 8-1s-90 8-15-90 8-15 -90 conic4l conlca I 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 _128 , 000 L25,000 28.28 28.28 28,28 28.28 28.28 28.28 S. Urton T. Laudick REI-O OB5ER/EII APPRO\ED gT lrcnt)Not'tltcrtt,lna O ^.-.,,,.e, L,raL*.6.n:..,,.,h,. REpoRT oF coNcRETE TEST cyLtNDER DATA RF^'..f rrl +.. 7tT C sF) .t7 i9"q0 VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Mr. Dan Feeney $lest Meadow Drive co 81657 Vai I Vallcy lr,ledical Ccntcr parking Foundation Walls, 0-151 F.8 to J; TO: VAIL Attn: 181 Vai I PRO.JECT Jo8 No. 4 424 90 DATE: 8_8_90 OAILY REPORT NO. SHEEr 1 OF 2 INVOICE NO. Structurc, Vai1, Colorado. Above Footings, Lines 2 to 2.3 and Lines UATCH TICKET INFORMTION: suPruER Western Mobilc m,ct(-ilo. 54 rcKEr No.0114S4 MX oEslcN M). ZS cu. \o. g nUE !!^ICHED 1:4S P.M. nME lRnrtED 1:5S p.M. TtuE ptACED 2:00 p,M. FIEU) TESTING INFORIJATION; TtuE tEsr rp<or 2:15PM suuup 4% rN. JOB SPECtnCAnolE su.ruP 6_4 tN. AIR coNTUrr 6 . 6; wrr UMT wEcrr 142 .8 pcr. AR coMENT 3-SIWAIEfi ADD@ Ar srE 10 s^r, ,l-E TDJ|,, 80o JR tcue.75o Oot ROIARXA q6 of 96 v.l3 CYUNDEII INTORI"TATION: tKt. oF GnJNDtiRs (r rfl fltoFjl sfzE 6tt x l2tl ruq cruNo[Rs c6t 2:50 P.M. wflFJtE c4sr Qn-sitc- CU'IING INFOR}IATION: lN[uL cuRE on-site FEL' srcnrcE FlcttmEs shaded MN,,/r{Nc o rElnuE ar r.rL 8-9-90 t) rE sIRtPPg) g_g_90 E: s. urton NE}IARK& AGE oA)€ D^IE IES'IU' Iqr^l r.olD (r.Bs) D|^r|EI|:JI(['lorE)i\rtr,,\(sq. N.) couP. sIR. (P5D TN'E OF 'IIACTUNE crul{ogt v/Elol tT (urs) qfuND€R uNfI *t}Grn(rcr) 7 28 28 z8 2g 8=15 -90 8-15-90 9-5-90 9-5-90 9-5-90 9-5-90 88,5 0.O 89,0.0o 121 , 0.0.0_ _119_,0.00. Ll8, O0.0_ _120 | 0_0.0 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 28,28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 3130. 3150 4280. 4270 4f80. 4254_ con/shear con/shear con/sp1it shear shear con/she31 OFTbN SIR€N6ru 4000 PSI o 26 D^\s |Isnl At l^Odl^lolfv tl rrStom aftf lrr r.r.frto rr:t w||rr ^ry'l l:/vrf arl|r xf.ll(trra In{ l:is otllufaaE{ tlclltogort F4uor rx)r| oI l||Ei rLsr &.l!fll r{ Y rl: Insvl0(, ttt onru€. PROGRESS REPORT:Concrete was sanplcd from truck di.5charge. Fisher P.eece Johnson Architccts,vvr-rLJ Attn. lvlr. Skip Spcnseyr1"r1"ln MobileG.E. Johnson Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Jack Thomas; Bicrbach Consulting Enginecrs; S. Urton T. Laudick RELD OI]SETYER APPRO\ED IIY A3^r,Un4''ot'cTl|{m6''.'3,I[Fl|tlE|'{'d|i:t7|v-rItnl'\'tT3^,|lrs|m!'r|'r'Aq'lrfo''rofl|lwn(F'rrYordmc|[|.r\,,oxml'nl^no,lln'irl. '!(,.o.nAr!lI?s't.,.t.|c|t,'tn3on'x|'|4|s,lt){f.tc|,|u'r|ouflt.ltt'lt!6nt:it|Mo.tl|t'll|co{,'tix||lt'|^'A..iovFrrrrt, urlt.ss on(t l,trurqluas ^,i. rf.atao lo tr| sx[ttrc, ^ E s- .. tLl iliiilF.. or co'7onrr ..'n f.G Cr.Ct tJA a/eo .'. . *.rr.-i-i3i-. n 't Chen€Northern.lnco REPORT OF CONCRETE Cd:fbt &|crir| &a ,batu PI.ACEMENT OBSERVATIONS Al A rl'n||t FEt"ClDl ro c(lxrl tg]l!! E ao (|.Rrrwtr. Al tr'([rr |Jlt t rrrnD a! nr co]rr[xrut pn(f'rrrr (r qr! ct a).rsi |,.| amrcnorrE|{ ^ll pttrtr!-ffiS^,Ifl$ffffi. .a Eil*A-d;i'iiiitrrs 6 rrrrnflo lriri€ -c!n -:t.rrrrlr leptwA- sa?rr: ru-r uror.o cr rrru rtrnc c .-. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CEN'I'ERAttn: Mr. Dan Feeney 181 West Meadow DriveVail C0 81657 PRorEcT vai'l Vallcy Me<lical Center parking Western SPElFEAIp$ts: Sujl,tp 0-4rl SUPPUA Mobile !H t.D. Zs JOB NO. 4 424 9n DATE 8_8_90 DALY REPORT NO. SHEEI 2 $ryotcE No. Structurc, Vai1, Colorado ryr AlsE}tT TEllp€RAruRE MNGE 7_SoF _ OF IESTt€.mrq(t{L TtcrqTt{t TIUE oArcHg) - TIUE AMryD ntJ€s ltPLq) nE\ourTptl @UM'M IfOIN REIOUTIOTI @{JNIEN couPt-EIlor{ CUIrc YAGttto/ CIJUUI.AII\iE WAIB AOOGDq ur$3 1 54 0LL454 1:45 PM 1:55 PM 2:00 PM TESTt{I slr,lp(tr.)lfr uNn IECHT (Pcr)TAD CO}ICREIE IB.PE- R^TURE c4 REgAfo(s 1 4 pROCRESS REpOm Teclrnician tested the concrete placed inqorthl{est corher of the building.- Thc contractor fequestcddrscharge and the aiT test fron"ihe tnrcx. the foundation walls in thethe s lump taken from the hose - Fishcr l{eece (-ToEii3onGliffis, CoPIES 411n; Mr. skip Spcnst;G.E. Johnson Construction, Atin: Mr. JackThomas; Bierbach Consulting Enginccrs; lVcstern Mobi le; S. Urton T. LaudickntlD oBSER1/ER APPROVED El/ A 'r-'.?, -[lttij-l'r? l -,|'dr.. 7rt ,a.. CYtl lao ,f,/to ' .. I_':'-,.*14:.i.4- Vail Valley ttfcal Center LETTG OF TRANSNNOTTAL 181 West Meadow Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 303-476-2451 TO Town of Vail Building Department 75 S- Frontage Road Vail, C0 81557 wE ARE SENDTNG You 6 O Shop drawings D Copy of letter Attached E Under separate cover via D Samples the tollowing items: ! Speciticationsfl Prints E Change order E Plans Sl Cnncrptp Tesf Resrrlts OATE JOa 10 Auqust 1990 Dan Stanek VVMC - Parki no Struct.ure Concrete Tests coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 1 6-29-90 4-424-0 Chen Northern, Inc. Concrete Test Data. 28 day results I 7 -25-90 tl Chen Northern, Inc. Concrete Test Data. 7 day results THESE ARE tr q q D ! TRANSMITTED For approval For your use As requested as checked below: ! Approved ! Approved X Returned as submitted as noted for corrections tr ! o Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies lor distribution Return -corr€ct€d prints For review and comment ! FOR BIOS DUE 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS SIGNEO: Harper COPY TO ll ancloaut.a .ra noa .t noaa.t, kitrdly noartt ua ,t onca-Brenda VailValley fcd Center LETTft @F T'RANSNNIT'TTAL 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 303-476-2451 ro Town of Vail Buildinq Dept. 75 s. Frontage Roa.l Vail. C0 81657 WE ARE SENDING YOU p Attached D Under separate cover via the followinE items: D Specifications t-( tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter tl Prints E Change order 'E 20 JOa l|o. Auqust 1990 AT'EI{TI ON Dan Stanek VVMC Parkino Struct E Plans E Samples fi Cnncrefe Tpst Cylinder llata coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 1 7 -12-90 ltren Northern, Inc. - Test Data, 28 da,y strenqth THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: tr For approval p For your use D As requested D Approved as submitted ! Approved as noted C Retu rned for corrections n Resubmit-copies for approval ! Submit - copies for distribution ! Return -corrected prints E For review and commcnt ! tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS SIGNED: COPY TO ,t.ncro.uaaa rta not ar notad, hindtlt notity ur rt onc.. .. ) r Qhcnt)Nor1hcnr,lncf O ruq ('eL-r 'r s<r'rrr'r' rt REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Jori No. 4 424 90 DAILY REPOIIT NO. lwolcE No. PROJECT Vai I Vallcy l'lcclical Ccntcr park.ilg Str.urturc, V.1i I , Color.do. To: vAIL vALL[y MEDICAL cEN'tDnAttn: Mr. Dan Fceney 181 Wcst Mcadow Drivc Vai 1 CO 81657 sHEET UT RECEIVEO AUG 2 0 rg90 ,^r" rtr* I PLACIMENT LOCAI ION: Footings at Lincs G-3.7; TIATCH TICKET INFORMAION: suPruER Western Mobi le nuE BATCI|g) rlcKEr No. 010.926 MU DEf,tcN |ro. 24 'cU. yo. 8 TffiE ARntv€D 2220 p.ltl. ,lE pucED 2:,2s p.M. rnucK lto. 116 2:72 P.l"l. FIELD TESNNG INFORMATION: TIME lEsr TA(o{ 2:20Pt\t sLUu6 S/4 .t.arn cotgrrriT.l ; wEr uNrI wucHf 141.1pcr. S lrprI TEI{,. 80O ern reirp. 90O ^R coNrEfi4 -6 IwAIEt ADocD AI sm 0 ,;rt. RorunKs 72 of 296 ydsJ()o sPEclFpAnot6 suuP l_4 lN. CYLJNOETI INFORT'\TION: tKt. oF cnjrloctls 6 rin DI)Ftr s,r7ri 6rr x 12rr llut: cn,Nr)rlrs c^sr 2:45 P.M. wHFIf c^sT On-Site CUtllNc |NFORL{ATION: Under Foam IMTIAL CURE On-Site RA1; sron;6E F/^CtLfnEs Insulation MN./r{Ac o rElnug r ur47_13_90 IUTE SIRIPP€D 7-L3-90 I'Y: S. UrtON NE}I/VIKS AGE IAt6 (ATE TESIE' Tgr L l,(uD(uts)Dt^}{ETrjl 0r,rclr[5) NIEA(sa. Dr.) col.tP. .tn. (|3t)Tfl'E OF HrrcrunE CruNDF'I wt)01tT (Llr5) 6-ruHtrJt uHIr wno r(Pcn 7A 7A 284 23^ 28A 28A 7-19-90 7-t9-90 8-9-90 8-9-90 8-9-90 8-9-90 131,000 131 , ooo 155 ,0.0.0 15 4 , O00: L5 2 ,00-0. L47,0.00. 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6 .00 6.00 28.28 28.28 26.26 28.28 28 -28 28.28 4640 4640 5480 5450 5380 5 200 con/ shear con/shear con/she4r con,/ shear con/ shear con/she ar OESrcN SIRF.NGTH 5000 p$ o ?o n'16 n5rs g/ (Aguaoftl Fl o:r'ro{l lnr |lr fatl)ntqrr,t rrnl ,rit r,r,l f l:rlu ],t_llf,rtri In4l55 ollll-rrfl3r lrcltosor( |trt ofur^llot| ()lt ll 5 rLsit r|t|ronl rqr fi: fluvruu, w ollllrl3. PROGRESS REPOKI: Fisher P.eece Johnson Architcct,s,ttt't- Attrl , Mr . Skip Spcrrst ; $les tern Mob . G,E. Johnson Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Jack Thomas; Bicrbach Consulting Engincers S. Urton T. Laudick FIEI..D OI]5ERYER APPRO\ED $T li^yunulFri.'Ictr'.'o.:trr{:t.D|fAftr,,oGltr.lvl\,tlI'm(TsMf:'|l,'n{|.lloA.lft|l..o''lrx'rnr|..'r'tnf'oro|mc|''dSlX{rsf^l'u'ml./l'ct|,.ir',to'lx!'r.:rs'flot|o,ttlG^,n,'i|ou,lll..\).{|3.in|.t't'Drl'mo$o|,l'nt|!tl|^,im('/A.:'nl;t([tovr\r.rtl, t rrrl5 qn|jtt ,etr |tq!urt3 |,rt A;nt lo ro ur s'H||||r;. a E.c- a, rrl ijEle.-+ .r co.Fr.nr.. ac.'r r,.. Cutl ll^ a,/tto '.rElur, L.t!-r tr.{ :rl-rl,.t., ChcntlNorthcnr,lnl O.-t ,.I REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER D,ATA To: VAIL VALLEY IIIEDICAL CENTIjR Jorj No. 4 424 go DATE; 7-Lz-goAttn: Mr. Dan Fccncy 181 l{est lrleadow Drivc DALY REpOt{T N0. SHEEI 2 OF- 3 Vail CO 81657 tl'ryolcE No. lF*9C,1 Vail Valley lvlcdical Centcr park.irrg Structurc, Vai I , Coloraclo. LOC./\t tON: Footing At Lines G.3 - J.5: BATCH IICKET INFORI/ATION: supruEs Western Mobile nuE oATclrD rlcKEr No. 010936 MK DEslcN l.lo. 24 .cu. 111. 8 nME NiltvtD 4:00 P,Ml- TIME prrcu) 4:10 P.M. tnucl( ilo. 118 3 :45 P.M. FIELD TESTING INFORMATION: ruE TEs'r rexor 4: 20PM slyp 4Lz JOO SPectnc^not6 s,rrrPL[ rE,rP. 80o ,ttt rorp.80o cor. nEu R(s 152 of 296 Yd3 aln cornun7.0;wEr uHrr wudrr 142.Sp"r. AtR CONTE}{r 4-6 I W rEn ADD@ Af sm 12 [,t. tN,SLUIIP r ,r CYUNDER INFORI.,IATION: 1xr. oF ci\1JNDF.Rs 6 6n x 12rr wUERE c^sr On-SiteluE t;nrNo[,rs rir!5T 4:25 P.M.r ttJt)E t st7r,.- CURING INFORITIATION: INITUL cuRE 0n-Site RED sronfcE r c[mEs Mt]t,,/M111. oATEntuE Ar r & 7_15_90 0 IE SIRTPPED 7-L3-9O tlr: S. Urton nEl/i\nxs AGE oA)s rATE TESIE) ISTAL I.O^D (r.os) DUr1flrjl 0rrcl1t5) Ntr(sa. ur.) couP. sTn.('3r)TTPE OF TII,ASIUIIE CTUNDER wFJorr(urs) crulrDFJl uNlr wflct fr(l"cr) 7B 7B 288 288. 288 288 7- 19-90 7- 19-90 8-9-90 8-9-90 8-9-90 8-9-90 121 ,000 116,000 145,0O0. L47 ,AA.O t48,0oo 144,0O0 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 4280 4110 5130 5200 5244 5100. con/ shear con/ shear con/ sheat con/shear con/sp1it con/shear orsrcN sIRENGnl 5000 psl o 26 11ts IIJTS E t^lrc.r^lolL rl R--!aro4l ^'l ttr Ml(rr(|^rr:f wtrr ^rrli) rrl- l:lu |lt_lrntra rrrnt3t ollllJrAtj{ l()ltD!or.t I'lt orlr{ r|orr olr ||t3 tlst fifllol|l ruY t( rnuvl(xD rr onrtls. PROGRESS REPORT: coP,Es li;li:' il::':*i;'$:l.l;"[:::::,,,",. G. E . Johnson Construction Co. , Attn: lrlr. Jack Thornas; Bierbach Consulting lJnginecrs S. Urton T. Laudick FIELD OI]sEF/ER APPRO\ED ITf ls^Ul,!|u|..'{'ll6lttlndr'Jtlt.n|'F,i|i^,mo|ia'|vt-!rttnlmrY'tr'''s|n!n'oAt'||r.4r'D|'|lwFr|d'l'w(rotnc|,trn.\|,DxmllI,^mxil't'i'l. 'r.rn^''|,.',rlco'{l|6t'nonrnrA:Ilr'F'q.nqc.^,4,['|oUnllnF'3Baritt|v|D|.t|ll''$o(,'jti|||t|t'|AIA,4ovnlltrt ur{lJs olrltt taf,r}lo0|rons ttl'. r{JlitlJ to or $R||[rc, r Fnr-.f *lID* o, c.nrrdib. ao.tr r.o. CYCIIJA a/CO 'a,Elltq l.ntL*. nF, :{l' t.t.', : ChcntlNortlicnr,lna O .l'\'. REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLTNDER DATA To: vAIL vALLDy MEDICAL c[NTrn JoD No. 4 424 go D TE: 7_Lz_g0Attn: Mr. Dan Fcency 181 l{cst lrteadow Drivc .DAJLY REpOt{T NO. SHEEI 3 Or- 3 vai I co 81657 lrworcE No. PRGJECT Vai 1 Vallel l.,ledi cal Center Parking Structurc, Vai l, Colorado. L0cAItoN: Foundation lltall at Lines G . 4 -2.5 t tlATCH TICKET INFORMTION: supruFr Western Mobi.le Tnuq( r.g. TUE rI^TcHq) S:JS p.M. 119 1611E1 1p,010952 uu DEslcN uo. 80o .cu. yD.75o nuE lnRrvED 5:50 P.Ml ruE pr.rcD 5:S5 p.t"l. FIELD IESNNG INFORMATTON: lfuE rEsr rl<et 6: 05Pl'l stuyp 3t<arn corrctn7.0:wEr unn wocrr AR CONTETT 4 - 6 r WAIUI ADDED AI SITE pct. SAI|PLE TEXI,. 10 itol. no/,c x& tN. lN. 80o IJR TElrP. 75o 256 of 296 vd3 JOD SPEClflCAnolls sl..uuP 1 - 4 CIIINDE'I INFORM^TION: lr,o. oF cyt JNDFIS 6 fn loflt stTt:-(r" * 1.2"tlUE cnlNofrrs c^sr 6:20 p.M.utrnE c,$Ton-Si te CURING INFOR},iATION: NII!{L cuRE On-Site Ra, sroucE acrLfncs MrN,/yNc o rElntE Ar w! 7-13-90 Ir E srntPpg) 7- 13-90 Ity: s. urton Rr_[^nKs ACEo)€oirE ]ESTEI) ntr^L Lo^I)(|js)DIA},IEIl:JI 0norL5) Artr/\ (sq. Dr.) couP. sTn, 05t) TTPE OF f tt cTUnE CI1JNDEN wFJolff (Lrrs) c/ulrof-n uNlt y.ncl r(rcr) 7C 7C 28C 28C 28C 28C 7- 19-90 7-19-90 8-9-90 8-9-90 8-9-90 8-9-90 131,500 130,000 164,0n0 166, 0.00. L6 8 , 000. 160 ,000 6.00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28"28 28.28 4650 4600 s800 5870 s940 s660, shear shear conical con/shear con/s hear con,/shear OES'CN STRETIGIH 5000 P!,t o 76 tlE n.sls El t^Dqt^l()lw il tt:i.tlrnl {r ttl Lr:rno!r',f. rtlll lrtt'l l)al|. t l!:lv ,lltl l(tlta lttll t53 Olltl rfllEr tlotto sor.t mu|rr r|o|| oll llIS tlst nlt.ofu u v n. flK,r'rou, ur o tutt. PROGRESS REPORT: Fisher P.ecce Johnson Architccts,t"'t- Attrr: Mr. Skip Spcnst; Western Mob. G.E. Johnson Construction Co., Attn: l,lr. Jack Tlrornas; Bicrbach Consulting linginccrs S. Urton T. Laudick RELD OI]5EfiVEIT APPRO\ED IIf ltAr,UnulrrF('rcrl'.tDc|rrf1r'fF|lnt^,roon3'|vr'\||tll'F'r'sr,r{..'|'nr!|r'nAtf|rr,|'rr'l|lwF|(|..l'tlYor 'io'.o.n^lrg'''l3'c.}rt|l'i|.t6on'xl.!:rs''ov.nxt.:.r,rt,|r4ourit'n0(ti6n|:l,MDrt',|)|'fo{ltliovnt llrl ur'ttl:l olr(t aFF^r|cu/u,t5 lr[ !:'nto lo 0t sntt|t|c. I Eic- .' rbl rirrlls.-- .r c..n ..rr- rca *o. CutttJA t/to l| ' 181 West Meadow Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 303-476-2451 To Town of Vail Bui]d'ing Department 75 S. Frontase Road Vail. C0 81652 WE ARE SENDING YOU S Attached E Under ssparate cover via tr Shop drawings ! Prints tr u Copy ol letter E Change order fl THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: Vail Valley UOcaf Center LETTO @F TRANSNNMTTAL Plans ! Samples Concrete Test Resu l ts the following items: D Specifications E For approval E For your use E As requested O For review and commcnt tr N FOR BIDS DUE fl Approved as submitted E Approved as noted E Returned for corrections Resubmit-copies lor approval Submit -copies for distribution Return-corrected prints ! tr tr 19-_ ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER IOAN TO US REMARKS oaTE I JOt t{o, 29 Auqust 1990 I ATTENTION Dar Vail Val'l ev Medica'l Centpr - Parki no Structure Chen Northern Test Results - Job No. 4 424 90 coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 1 7 -26-90 Chen Northern. Inc. - concrete test results- 28 dav strenoth 1 8- 1 0-90 Chen Northern. Inc. - concrete test rpsrrlts- 7 dav strpnoth 8-14-S0 Chen Northern- Inc- - concrete test- rpsrr] ts - 7 dav strenofh - CORRECTED COPY SIGNED: COPY TO ,t .ncroturaa a.a aot ar noaad, lrindlyt notity ut at oaca.Harper 'rrElu.? lroLh. nn i.l-tt t., '. Chcn*Northcnr,lne O RECE;1,'ED REPORT oF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Gz9t990 TO: VAIL VALLEY MTDICAL CINTTII Attn: Mr. Dan Fccncy 181 West Meadow Drivc Vail CO 81657 JOr.l NO. 4 424 90 DAjLY tlEPOt{r NO. tNvorcE No. ;,;r;-l sHEtrT 1 OF 1 PRGJECT Vai I VaLley lr,lcdical Centcr Par-king Structurc, VaiI., Color:rdo. PI.ACEMINT LOCAIION:Footings on Line 2 from Line B to Line C; I]ATCH TICKET INFOR}/ATION: suprurn Western Mobi le muQ( o. 1:02 P.M. 46 ncKET |lo. 0L1223 Mu oEsrcN No. 23 cu. lo. 8 NUE INrc}IED nr|E RnMED 1:15 P.M.lluE PI,ACED 1 :30 P.M. FIELI) TESflNG INFORMATTON: TluE IESI ilxt}t 1:45PM 3LUuP 4, JOo SPEC|nC nO S slrrtP 0-4 I.t.Arl @llTE lT 5.5; wtT uNlI wElctrr L42.9 pst. i\.,R coMIElrT 3 - 5 X WAIIR AODCD Al SITE 0 sAupLE TEM1,. g0o Ntt IDrr,. ggo col. neruru(a 48 of 112 yd3tN. CYLJNOEII INFORIvIATIOI'I:trl. oF ciljlrD€tts (r .tl lltf)F,t litzE 6tt x 12tl Mr: crtJNDflrs c.\sr 2 :00 P.Il.wltERE c^5T on-Sitc CU'IING INFORITATION: tNtrtAL cunE On-Site Ra-o $onrcE Flcllnlrs Shaded MN.,/! (. o tr.-,/nuE Af tNL7-27-90 oAtE srntppcD 7-27-90 or: S. Urton RElrr.nKsl: AGE o^)1s (AIE If,sIED Igr l. r.(r l) (urs) Dt uElt._irl ([,tclt[5) rtrA (5A. ur.) couP. sTR. 0,sD 't'/Pr oF TIU\CTUNE C'UNDER WFJOI IT (urs) CYUHDCN uNtr wltcl fr(i"cn 7 .7 2B 28 28 2a 8-2-90 B-2-90 8-23-90 8-23-90 8-25-90 8-23-90 96, 000 9 7,000 124,0_0.0 127,50A 125,5 00. 125 ,00.0 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28-28 28.28 3400 3430 4420 4510 4440 4420. shear conical con/she ar con/sp 1it con/sp1it con/shear DF;ICN STROIGIH 4000 t'st o 7d nAE |IJl3 At t^Xtr^lorrt Flnsrrr'nl ant Dr a(/rrto rr:f. wrr'| rrr!nrrif rst|r ltllni,i lnntj5 olllljrill'f llolfD sor[ firurt lx]tl orl llltS ltt Rtrtoftl tlAY ll- I'nwl|rtr, tt ollluls' PROGRESS REPOKT: ^^hr.r.+ l:isher Reece Johnson Architccts,ttrtLJ Attrr: Irlr. Skip Spctrstlygr1.r1 l*lobilc G.E. Johnson Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Jack Thonras; Dicrbach Consulting Enginecrs S. Urton T. Laudick RE[.D OI}sEM/ER APPROVED []Y A3^uUnr^r'.oc[gTr'.mfjt|'l|Ti-If'rrIrE'md,i<.t\4\,|ln''Y,|tl!l,{.ll,'rr.n'DAql|f(or'rD('.ll^tnnYinrYf,rd,ncl[lo:\,'lom||^[no',('tl^tf!'l|Ecol'cI|'iD..lo[nl'A:lt|ll.'Un.lnt':,JrI'|rf} 4Qunr.[t uxtr5tl ollltl fafwol9uos rr,rf, Lrnu) Io ul ltr'llllllc. ^ -.r' ., rrl iliri-ls,-. or c..rr.nr- toar r5. Crr(llJ a/lo I ChcnilNoilhcnr,lnf RECEIVED AUG 2 I 1990 TO: VAIL vALLEY MEDICAL CENTDRAttn: Mr, Dan Feency 181 West lVcadow Drive Vail CO 81657 PRGJECT Vail Val1ey llledi ca 1 Ccntcr:Ptlkintr Structurc Vai. 1 , Color:rdo. Footings on Line 3 from Lines 2.2 to 3.2 and Grade Beams on REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST C '^'dt}'' [/^jt .. n'i, :<t'n'.t. DATA JOLI No. 4 424 90 IIAIE: 8-10-90 DAJLY REPOI1T NO. SHEtrr 1 OF 1 il.NOtCE NO. C to E.8, 0n Line C from Lines Li.ne G; o YLINDER I]ATCH TICKET INFOITI/ATION: sUpruEfi Wcstcrn Mobi le nuE nATatq) nucK ilo. 106 TtcKEr N0. 2:51 P.l.{. nMe ARRTVE! 011544ux osror 3:05 P.M. No. 23 cu. \o. 8 lluE PUCED 3:10 P.M. l FIELD TESTING INFOR}/ETION: nuE lEr r r(€x 3:20PM sLUuFS 3/4tN. Joo SPf,CnCAnot6 SUrUp 0_4tX. NR col{lE}|I 5.8: wEr UNII wEc}lr L43.7 pcl. ,.UR CoNTENT 3- 5r WAlfiR A)D@ AI srE 0 s^lPu TElrP.84o ,U rei+,75o cot. RurARt(* 40 of 51 yd3 CYUNOER INFORIJATION:trr. oF c,11,trD€Rs 6 rfitr{t)F,t stzti (rtr x 12tt lruE c[rND[ts c,t5T j:35 P.M, rv]rFnE c,rsr On-Sitc cutilNc lNFoRl,{ATtON: lNtrul cuRE: on-Site Rq, grotrlcE F^cunEs Shaclecl utN,,/LrNc c.,lTE/nrlE er wr. 8-11-90 oArE srRrpp€D 8-11-90 o/: S. Urton RE r\nKs 7 28 28 28 2B 8:17=90 8- 17-90 9-7-90 9-7-90 9-7-90 9-7-90 con/s he ar con/she ar L10-,0.0n 105,000 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 28.28 28.28 28.28 25.28 28.28 28.28 4000 Psro 2d rA\6 |ljIS C/ l/l|XrUrofit Fr rr!.r[[r ^,|a ||l rarfitA't:f- r|lrr rr.|'i rrlrf ^:llr, rrr-rrrolt'i In{l;3 onltrral3r- lloltt 3O!t |M Olll{ llo o llll3 lL9l lau!{ll u Y t[ flrgv'llr{, ItY olllut5. Sanpled from truck discharge. S. ttrton T. Laudick RELD OI]SERVER APPROVED Iry coprEslt;if ',|;ii"3nii"l,l:l,t;,::'.::.',"*,r,," G . E , Johnson Cotrstruction Co. , Attn: l''lr. Jack Thonas; Bierbach Consulting [nginecrs r3^Uu'll.|mfcTrmn['n3.nk'\'FE^,['drE3't\'..r|lnlmrrtl^,'f'.n,m!nlDA.itlr.o''l|o|'rnr|.tl|d''|l.or.r,nct|l'.lno{l'.tlArfIfIrs!colri|,il'6o|t'Y|'l.:lt'rw.'l|.|.:l'r|n'''olI{|.!5Fl 4ovnlllD lJrttls olr|ti ,arw|,ulDfls lrr1 l.Jll_l_u lo lrr wrrlrlrc. ^ E't!' d -l rliij-['-- or c-.Fir.. to.n lrr. C!.el IJA r,/0O CftcntrNo1ftc11r,lpf COFECTEDQOPV - RECEIVED REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA '^talll.4 l^'rnl-'r .d, :€l-{r.t. AUG 2 I 1990 TO: VAIL VALLEY !II]DIcAL CENTIRAtttr: Mr. Dan Fcency 181 ltlest Mcadow DriveVail CO 81657 Joti No. 4 424 90 DATE: 8-14-90 DAILY ITEPOITT NO. SHEtrT 1 OF INVOICE NO. PRGJEGT vai I V:rllcy lrledical cctrtcr parki^g stlucture, Vai I , col or.clo. Foundation Walls in the Area of Lines G to H and Lines Z to 5.. I]ATCII TiCKET INFORI,,{ATION: sUpruER Wcs tern l'lobi 1e rnucK lro. LL7 rcKEr No. 12:27 P.M. nME ^lrRtvfD 403 -: Mrx oEsrcN l.ro, 23 cu. tD. TluE Pt ACED 12 : 5 5 8 P.M.IME [ATC'Ig) FIELD TESI]NG INFORMATI0N! lruE rEst r,rxer 1 :11 pM sluup JOB SPEGtflCAnOlrs suuP J4 lN.ArR coMrFJ{ts,3 : wEr uN|T wr]c]rr142.5 NR COIITE}{T-- I WATIN ADDED AI SrIE pct. SAIIPLE TCrl,'. 8 Gol. ng/ ncs. 7l.o AK rrrr,. 75o 32 of 84 v,13 CYLINDE,I lNFORl,li\1'lON: tro. oF c.yl DIDFRS 6 rill rrr)F,r stTri (rrr x 12rl 1 :21 P.M. wHr-nE c^sT On-Sitc'lruE cntlrofns c,\57 CUIIING INFORI/ATION: lNlru|. cuRL On-Site RaD SIoIrAcE F.ccluTtEs Sha<le<I Mtn./u/o(. oATE/nttE Ar I J. 8- 15 -g0 oArE srnlppg) 8- 15 -90 Ut3 .I . Kloska RErariK* AGE OAYS IATE lEslE)TgrAL r.O O (urs) Dt ).rf;TrJl (r,rq rE5)Afi[A (5A. H.) couP. 51n. (Psl) TrPr-_- oFflt crunE Cr'L,NDElt wrJcrir(ujs) CruNOFJI UNIT WI]GI IT(Fcr) 7 28 28 2a 2B 8- 21-90 8-21-90 9- 1L -90 9-1r.-90 9- L 1-90 9-1L-90 t 05,o0-0 103,0.00, 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 23.28 28.28 28.2a 28.28 28. 28 28.28 :r I Ztt 3650 .conical conf shear DESICN sIR€NGIH 4000 Psl o ?6 t)^E ll.sls tr ltlxn^loltl Fltt3.ro4l ,rf or,.aJ)rrorr.f, rlrrr rr'rrl x]rr f ilu rrttltr)lta l|tl|l5s olllurf,l:f llolfD 30!t r{ urrrar|or o llrs llst m.l'ont rr^Y t[ t'rK,vlr)(D w olllult. PROGRESS REPORI: Iishel P.cecc Johnson Architccts,ttt'.- Attn r tvtr. Skip Spcnse;ys51grn lilobilcG.E. Jolurson Construction Co., Attn: Ilr. Jack'l'honras; Bicrbach Consulting lingitrecrs J. Kloska T. Laudick FIELD OI]SEIWEII APPROIED tlf ^3^Uu||r.|','rr''rctr'rlon[{s.nrF|nt'0Grrt'tvl-\,llnlmnrs'{::|t,'n.|lrr, .i'||l.o|'rfr'.lwBrFtnrYoi.x,nc|,t|..s,,|olrmr|,^rI 'roxo.c,t^l.ul'.lScorE|t,.ir'fo'tfY![A:t!''rl!.n[lG^,'i'|''|oUnl|f't|3Bn1it,MDrIl||)|l1;onr:uunllllr t l|ru:l o||rtt ani rqluos A r. ramto lo ur l|r.[rlrr. ^ ,E r.- .. u..lrlrrr lc-+.f GnnFl.. t.r r,o, Cr.[llJ l/9O Chen€Northern,l o nc.Consultng En0rr)ecrs and Screnlrsls 5080 Road 154 Glenwodi Sprrnos, Colorado 81601 303 945-745B 303 945.2363 Facs,mile JuLy 16, l-990 ltovn of VailAttn: Ii'Ir. Stan BetrraTan P.O. Bo)< 100 vail- @ 8l-658-0L00 Subject: Oonstructiqr Obsewntion of Soil crqtirg, Vail $:anspodation Center Inprsverents, VaiI, Colorado. Job No. 4 398 90 Gerttleren: As requ€ted, Chen-Nortlrern, Inc. initiated &senration of the soil grouting pr€cedunes at ttre site on y|ay 29, L99o. Itre gmartirg ms perfornred to fuprove the bearing capacity of ttre subsoils beneath the erdstirg footirgs. lltte resul-ts of ttre grcutfug are presented in this report. the g:nrtirq subcontlactor, Berkel, drilled ttre holes beneath the slab wittr jad<bamers an average 8-foot depth belcnr the tcp of slab ard atteupted to further advance tlp hole depttr wittr a pa:veuent breaker. Tlte aoceptable depth ard procedures for ttre gturtfuq are descriJced by Woodrard c\de cons-ultants intheir letter to yqr dated l{ay 3l-, l-990, Prpject No. 22396-4736. llhe hole locations a:re stnm on Figs. 1--11. Ihe odd rnmilcered holes alorg ttre bearirq $ralf (Figs. 2-5) are vertical ad the erren rnuibened holes a:e argled at approximately 60o fisn vertical beneath tlre wall footinq as strcrun on Fig. 1-2. The gru:t tale data r,ecorded nay be &tairrcd fr"cm Table I. I\4lically, holes that took gnort rmintained an aver=rge pressulre fisn L0O psi to L50 psi. Vlhen pr€ssure€r e<ceeded 150 trsi, the grurt pipe vlas withdnwn in one-foot increfiEntsuntil tlp pr€ssur€ 0rqpea to within ttrc specified rarge. Salple q$es of tlte grcnrt were field cast on three different occasions to verify the specified ccrqlressive strenqEtr. Itrese labor:atory result-s have been presented urder setrnrate cover ard irdicate satisfactory str€rqth. Based on cur dsenntion ard ttre data &tained, the grcutirq was perfonred in subs{aftiaf onfonnarre with tlre specified proedures to inprove ttre soil bearfug capacitlr to tlre design bearirq pr€ssur€s of LO,00O psf. l{oodlrard Ct}'de stull-d be referred to for the specific designr reanunerdations ard precautions. A t.mb", ot tnelliiElgroup ol companies ' Tcfrnr of vail ;nily 16, l-990 Page 2 If trcrr harre aryz questicts or need additioal infotmatiqt, please let us locrr. Sincere\t, CHENj\rcRIHERN, NC. Steven L. Paltlak, P.E. srP/4, Attaffis €: Midnel Bar'ber Architec:luc, Attn: sootst llald Arderson & HastiJgs PcL Odlstnrctiqr Senrices, Attn: Denny Anrnr URs GEultants, Attn: I€ wood car1z uln!-ain, Chief edldfug officiaL --- Clrcn€Nortlrern.Inc. JSNo. 4 398 90 Page l of 4 HoIe Depth frun lnnnber ficnc of slab 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 t0 LL L2 13 14 15 16 L7 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 TABLE I Stmutar1f of Gtsrt Hole [al<es Volure of Inole DePfIt fron Take (cu.ft. I NrIber Ibp of Slab 11r3ll 8 r4x 10 | 10n g tgrl 11r1orl gr6n 8l L2.2n 10r4n 8r8n 10 | 6rl g | 10rl g r4rl 8 r 10rl grLrl 6ron' 7 t8n 7.2.r Trgrl 6rg|l 7t4t 7r5rl 7|Lon 8r3|l gr6rl 8r2rl 101 gr3rl gl 4.0 .1 1.6 .2 1.3 3.5 .l_ .1 .2 .1 .2 .L .L .1 .5 .2 .2 .l- .9 .1 .1 .L .1 .1 .2 .1 L.5 .1 .2 grgrl gl 8r6x 7t 6.r 8r8n gr l 8r8rl 9r10x gr6|l L0 | 6rl g.2tl gr5rl gr4rl g rTrl gr3rt gr5rl gr0rl gt 4t gr2rl gr4rl gr6rl 8l gl 8r3[ 8l0rl gr l 6,2r1 8 !4rl gr5n 44 45 46 47 4A 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 50 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 58 69 70 7L 72 Volr.ue of Take (cu.fb.) .2 .2 .l_ 1.8 .1 .L .2 L.3 .3 .2 .2 .2 .3 .1 .3 .2 .2 2.L .3 .1 .2 .2 .3 .1 .5 .1 .1 .9 .2 ( hen*Northcnr,Irrc Hole Depth frun lfrndcer ltp of SIab Table I Volwe of Take (cu.fe.) .1 3,1 .2 4.4 .l_ .6 .2 '.2 .2 5.3 L4.41r .4 .1 .t_ (oont,d) Iiole Depth fiurr l||'trnber Erop of slab J& No. 4 398 90 I*{Ee2of4 volure of llbke (qr.ft.) 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 37 38 39 40 4L 42 43 gron 8l gr4rl 8l 8r 8l Bl 8l gl 8l g r0rl g r2x 7r4rr grlrl g | 1l_rl g r4rl gr5r. 7r6r. g r5n gt3rl gr4rl 612.1 gr3x 7 | lorl gr5|l 7 | 11rl .2 .2 .3 .3 .4 .3 .5 1.3 .5 .2 .5 .2 73 74 75 76 77 7A 79 80 81 82 83 a4 *c:srt taJ<e vlent beneath flor slab. ChenesNorthern.Inc. JS No. 4 398 90 Page 3 of 4 Table I (cortrd) Voh.ure of Hole Depth frun Volt'ute of Take (cu.fE.) lftnnber Iq) of Slab Take (ctt.ft.)Hol-e Nl-trnbeoi u, 7lr 9L 10L 1lL LzL 13L L4L M-1 W2 M-3 M-4 M-5 M-6 M-7 M-8 M-9 M-10 M-1r- M-12 M-13 M-14 LE 2E 3E 4E 5E 6E 7E Depth frun Tm of slab Tr l 7tL/zn gr5rl 7 | 11rl 7 | lorl SrOx 7|l l grorl 8t2.1 8 r6rl I lOrl grorl groll 7r10x 7rl l g r2rl 8r0rl L0 | 3rl Ttgtl 8rorl 6 | lorl 8l0rl 7t6t. 7 | 10rl 7r8n 7 | l_ox 6t 4n gron 712,, .2 .3 .3 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 b2 LL 3.7 1.5 l_L.9 .l_ 3.1- B-l- (r.ek) B-18 w-l 5rgrl W-2 4 | Orl W-3 618rl w-4 610rl W-5 6rorl w-6 6110rl W-7 618rl w-g 6rorl w_g 6rgrl 5-L 8 ! Orl 5-2 I | 4rl 5-3 8t2tl 5-4 gr6x 5-5 8 r 4rl N-1 5t2tl N-2 6 | 10rl N-3 618rl N-4 6 r 0rl N-5 6r8rl N-6 7 rorl B-1 6rOrr v2 7r1orl B-3 6r0n v4 SrOrr B-5 I rOrl .2 .9 .3 .2 .1 .l_ .1 .2 .3 .1 .2 .l_ .2 .2 .1 t-.6 .5 .2 .1 .2 .1 .1 .l_ .L .2 Clrcne3Nortlrcrn,Inc. ilcb l,to. 4 398 90 Fage 4 of 4 llbble I (ffi'd) IIoIe Defth fisn VoIrre of Hole Deptl frur Volrm ofl.n.[rber ltp of Slab Tale (cn.ft.) lll$etr Ib of Slab Tail<e (ct.ft.l 8E g16r .2 9E Trrlr! .3 . A-a - gr4n .2 A-2 7r4I .1 A-29 o-1 5ror 3.7 o-2 6rorr .1 o-3 5ror .2 Chen€Northern,lnc. qro Irr o {o \oo =o fio J\O fo roO lo -o ?otl o! o9tr ot\l ----F S1AL€ /"=6 o$ olF 3 GRouT'ttotc(rY?) o6 oI ol oI oI { nI t1.d-6, Log;4l1'lcN ".-eN E-E7b?24 llo $o $o f;o !|or^ So Oo' $o $o $o !o $o So $o $o $o \o S" $o il->- ScAa,E, l"= 6t sl-t. eAoctr Hoa-e LfrAfreel ftA,I CA- *-tt'c l'=bt -So !o lo to $o *o f,o Io $o.\l fo $o $o $o to $o \o \ol qo c. \o ho Dt'r <PLtf ,.K,(- tsCATrq( AAN C.retogte N.---* gc.ALe I"= 6' so $o oo $o 8o $o $o $o $o $o $o ?ol\r\ ?o fo {o So $o FI 97 'rx5 02 Geour HotS CAtTort ^A^l &tAD ilo do {o{ {oo ;lo "$ be o$ $o po F o$ tOF B o N- ?aue l"- 6' I o o+ r aPo(r Hu t4r^7roN P1-AN ai,aS,roacg N---! ScAl,E l"=b' 4-,ffi-so Chen€Norttrem,lnc eao.tr lqEcdnoil eAW ab *29 FE.6 SIALE f"= 6 H,E 5' qeo.n HaLE LocArroN A-AN 2AOU-3O I I I I ll lr rl ir e (p I +o ID to Chen€Northern.lnc qaoof rto(E (a<Arro6l Pc4ltl PAo6-| N.+' ScAue l"= 6' o4 4o-+ So 7o -d''zo-6 g,o Chen€Northern.lnc CRour HocE e-ocATroN Fa-AN 6-t tl N+ t SeAtE l"=6- 4-a*.-*Chen€Northern.lnc (nour HotE t-ocAtao8 FCAN paO A-29 Ftg. ll NOr 1? sC-ALe N.'N4'EREO oPP NOrrrcrEREO oRour .fol€s l/Ecfl c.AL DEFrH ta{e 6'e&oul 7OP OF SLA.B l ROUr HOLe,S taRox. 6o' 4q6ar1y4TtcAL. Ay'a e" aaLow 7zP oF st-4.E Chen€Northern.lnc.6ROD. HoLa <oNFl.rURATto(ALoNE tt/Acc x-sccT (ryp) ',.elufrl ln?r'F! ..., S.l?{r.t.Cltcn*Northcnr,lnca O REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO:,t.OtllN OF VAIL Joo No.4 i98 9.0 DATE: 7_25_90 Attn: Ivlr. Stan llerryman DAILy REpOKf NO. SHEE1 I OF 1 P.O. Box 100 vail c0 81658_0100 |NVO|CE NO. PRGJEGT Addition to Vail Transpoltation Ccnter, Vai1, Colorado. 'ocATloN: wbst l.iall, New parking Ranp; T]ATCH TICKET INFORIV{ATION: suPruti Western Mobi 1e 1-19 rcKrr No. 0L1206 MX DEucN t.r). A1ITIJCK NO. 6 : 09 A.M. cu. 'ro. 8 nuE EATCHS)nMe ^RRrvED 6:18 A.M.nvE PUfc@ 6:35 A.M. FIELD TESI1NC INFORI,IATION: TfuE lEr rA€{ 6:45AM SLUrp 4 n. arn corm-rn6.2 twr uMr wEc}tr L4l .1pa. sAllpLE TE},U,. 70oAR TDlP.soo JOL SPECnCAnOI|S SUrUp 3_S tN. AtR coNTOtT4 _ 8 I WAIER ADo@ AT sm 4 col. nor ru(s CYUNOER INFOR}IATION: ITO. OF C\TJNDERS 4 crn,rDF-,I sf zr 6tt x 12tl rlrE cruNDEns c^sr 6:55 A.M.v/llEnE c, Sr On-Site CURING lNFORlr,lATtON: fNlul GURE on-Site RELo sTgRAcE rlcrLmEs Cure Box MN,,/M (. o\rtnuE s1 .yrJL 7-26-90 o IE SIRIPPE) 7-26-90 tlr: B. Carr Ror^RKs: AGE tlA)6 t)^IE IESIE' TOTAL LO{D(lrs)DT^UEIFJI ([.rcl rEs)AJIE (5o. rN.) couP. sTR. (P5r) TN'E OF Fn grune c/ljNDSt WE'OHT (trrs) c|'uNo6x uNIr wnclfi (Pcr) 28 2B 28 8-1-90 8-22-90 8-22-90 8-22-90 110 ,000 6.00 6. 00 6.00 6. 00 28,28 28.28 28.28 28.28 3890 con/shear OFJI'N STRII.IGIH 3000 Psl o20 D\16 fE nt tY l^Xfn^tofir |rlnsar|rltl. l r |lr A)arxro rlcE ftDl Arrn r},xt As'u uf-llKx':i lllllcli Oltlt.trtvt3(' lrclU) soll ltoollu tl()fi oH llll5 lul Rtmnl ruY fl: rnw{ru, ltt ollllrl5. Sanple taken from truck discharge. PROGRESS REPORT: coP,Es H:::::"T.li::.ffiI'"cture; PCL Construction Services; Western Mobilc; UIIS Consultants; Mr. Gary Murrain; B. Carr T. Laudick FIELD OI]SET{VER APPROVED W |t^r,!mWr'rroIcTrr.noorr'T:.n|t'iIrE^'|0o||i3'|.vl-'r|lnnottsr,{:..nnirnlDAttlfro|'rf,t'',lw.|'tr'''tf 'r.'{.rs'.[Irxr!ior'!ct|r'r'^oi'x|IA';Itmov('tl1G^,r'''x'orrnnrnxrs..d'.niitrr'nurrlrrrroouqwnlttttt^l'PA.nli,:outrLtnt urtt5s on|t.i rRnrrqj.uos lrlt tctllfo lo ul f,Rlllllc. ^ n-tr6- .r rl.l fiiffl"'-. .r Go.,t!oir- .oii ra. c,rct tJA a^o " f,Cft.n€Northcnr,lnc I tt 'rr-ll,.rt Ln1r,*. .^{ s<l-!thl. REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER D.ATA !r*.J; I I |s^|4,n4rnq[cFr.rDnr'{:L|rFl'nt^,od|i3'tv\,tln.'rrfF,{:..n,min]DAtl'|F.o|'llx'0t^tr,tr(''l'fitl|.fqr^fr!'l.rs.r.r'rctrr.:rrFonrt|'|cti'lhv.'tttc n|}|rm toun-l[rt ur,| ull on[i l,ltl^lrouru|ls lft. rrjlllo lo ltl w{llur6. ^ ',wn, o. rr"l-1!!c-+ or GooF.,l- rrar 15. cect tJA a/go TO: TOtriN Attn: P.0. Vai 1 PRGJECT OF YAIL NIr. Stan Bcrrynan Jou No.4 398 90" DAILY REPORT NO. il.{votcE No. Vlil, Colorado. DATE: 7-24-90 SHEET 1 OF Box 100co 81658-0100 Addi ti on to Vai 'l'ransport at i on (icntcr, Footing on Line 8.9- at Lines 35.9 to 39; IIATCH T]CKET INFORIiTATION: suPruEn Western Mobile rnucx lro. 100 ncKcr to.011156 MX DEstcN l€. A cu. \o.g TIME &^rcHg) 6:02 A.M. nME RRTYED 6:15 A.M. nME Pl-^c@ 6:20 A.M. FIELD TESI1NG INFORMATION: rluE TET TArGr 6:30AIvl 3LUup4 3/ AtN. ^rn coNrENr6.0:wEr uNrr wEQrr140.6 pcf. sArPLr rurp.680 AR rEIP.50o JOL SPECInCAnOIrs SLUupj_S rN. AR CONTE T4_g I WArEn ,^DDED AI stTE 0 r;ot. ltD/ Rf(s CYLJNDER INFORMATION: llo. oF o/lJNoERs 4 IIME cttLiNDtHS c,\sT 6:40 A-M.wltEnE C.Asr On-S.i tcr,Yl ll{t)rn slzr:6n x 12tl CURING INFORIIATION: lNtruL cuRE On-Si.te Ro-D sToR/tcE FlctutlEs Cure Box MN.,/I{AX. &\IEnuE rv uur 7-25-90 oAlE srnrpp@ 7 -25-90 tlr: B . Carr RE}t^nKs: AGEDls DAIE IES'IE) T TAL LO D(rrs) Dt^llnF-n (rNcl15),rfit_.,\(stl, lll.) covP.SrR.(.s0 T/PE OFnt c'IUnE CYUNDEH WFJO1JT(ujs) c,^ruNofx uNIr v{E}G| n(Pct 7A 28A 28A 28A 7 -31-90 8- 21- 90 8-21-90 8-21-90 104, O00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6. 00 28.28 28.28 28.28 2tJ. t6 3680 coni ca1 oFisbN SIRf.NGIH 5000 Psl o?o DAYS rtSTs Bt t/\rxtr^rolrl |rf trsaroln Mr ol ratll.ro r|:q rtDl lrNFl x;|,rl rrl! r'l'llrl:i tn4l= onlur||lj( tnlu) SOLt lfll uur llolr o|l ll1|3 rtsl lltrtoftl u Y tl rK''rlxl, lta ollltrls. truck discharge.Samole taken fromPROGRESS REPOKT: cnprtrq Michacl llarber Architccturc; Andcrson fi llast ings; l)CL Construction Services; Western Mobile; UllS Consultants; Mr" Gary .Murrain;B. Cax-r T. Laudick FTELD OOSEFIVER APPRO\ED T'/ '.|ElU.a t t!w. d,r.t kl-irrt. ' CIfCn i)Ng1'11''^",. r'''" . l,-. 'v"r" r ".,':ur-r""r::_Q-._ __ .\,1r,,^nr.rt_ .rr(_-r ^ o___ REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: TOWN OF VAIL JOU NO.4 598 90. DATE: 7-2' nttnt Mr. Stan Berryrnan DALy pEpOgT NO. SgCEf 2 Of 2 P.0. Box 100Vail C0 81658_0100 lNVolcE No. PROJEGT Addition to Vail Transpoltation Ccnter, Vail, Colorado. PIACEMENT LOCAIION:Footing on Line 8.9 at Lines 35.9 to 39; BATCH TICKET NFORIIATION: sUPruEn Western Mobi 1e mr;cr< No. 100 cu. )o. B nuE B rcHED 8:31 A.M.nMe fiRtt@ 8:50 A"lt'1.rIuE PuAcep 8:59 A.lt'l. IcKEr No. Ol7l77uu DEslcN M). A FIELD TESflNG INFORMATION: rlME rEsr 1A€{ 9:00AM swyp 414 tN. AlR @ME}tr 6.8:wrr uNtr }vuc}rr 140.5 p"r. senpu rup.7Oo .rttt rcup.7Oo Joo spEctnc^noHs su,!p 3_5 rN. AR coMror 4 _ gI w^rEn ADD@ AT stTE S cdt. no/AR (s: CYLINDER INFORIVTATION: llo. oF c'tlJNDF-RS 4 rll ltror,H StZr-.- 6tt X 72tt lluE GruNDERS Ot Sr 9:15 A.M. wllElle C,As:r On-Sitc CURING INFORIIATION: ll{flul cuRE: on-Site RoD srortrcE %ctunEs Cure Box MtN.,/r,o$(, o rE /nuE er uur 7-25-90 o lE stnrppgr 7 -25-90 Bt: B , Carr REIrrRK! AGE I)AYS DATE rEsrE) TOTAL LO{D (r.os)^MErr,n(r'rc, tEs)Nlc(sa. N.) couP. srn. (t|sl) TYf'E OF Fll^CTURE C LINDER wElo1{r(rrs) CTLINOER UNTT WOCI IT (F'cF) 7B 288 288 288 7-3I-90 8-21-90 8- 21-90 8- 21-90 88,00,0 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 6. 00 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 3t20 coni:cal OAIGN SIR€NGT1I 3000 Psl o2d DAIS t6I3 E't t,llrdl^loFt FfF:iarom Anr |rr ^arIno trf, wr{ Ar"-t rTvtl atlrf rrt-llx)t)li Innl:6 oDltxfrlS[ loltD sor[ Fltt)|lv4lx)r orl 1116 tLsr fitnonl lAY lf rtlwrx'o ttl ollltFs' Sample taken frorn trrrck discharge. PROGRESS REPORTI coP,Es ffil:::"T'ii:l.ffi:l'"cture; PCL Construction Services; Western Mobile; URS Consultants; Mr. Gary Murrain; B. Carr T. Laudick REI,.D OI]5EfI/ER APPRO\GD I]Y ^3^UunAFfmcTlxm6r[T:tI||tn'rrE[r'dIB'|w\.||lnlmf|sr'i::i|,nr,i|!'l'Atrrrf4''r.x{ru|..Ftrd'Fl'l)fotnct,tM5.|,loAml'rl,Am'|.nIlrI.'xF|(rn^'fr.''.|':!onrqt.'6onfx|||A:rs.'nq.nFt.!,r.n'oouner'r.orng..ti.'nt:.trrvoirrllcroe'Lltl, L!4r,;lit on|tl ,xn|a€(tt,|ts lnt r.;atlo lo ltl wrlll|rrc. ^ 'rc6- o. u.l rjiu-le'-r " c..np,rr- t.tn r.o. Cr.tl IJA aro Vail Valley rUlcaf Genter LetrTfr OF TRANsnnmr]rAL TO 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 303-476-2451 Town of Vail - Community Development JO!NO. 30 Julv 1990 ATTENTION Dan St-anek Vail Vallev Medical Center - Parkino Structure ! Resubmit-copies for approval D Submit-copies for distribution n Return - corrected prints PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US we rece'ive them. 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. C0 81657 WE ARE SENDING YOU d Attached tr Shop drawings ! tr Copy of letter ! D Under separate cover via Prints Change order I Plans tr Samples the following items: E Specitications h Inspection Reports THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: D For approval E For your use n As requested D For review and comment tr FOR BIDS DUE as submitted as noted tor corrections D Approved ! Approved I Returned ! 19_ ! REMARKS Subsequent reports will be sent to you as coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 1 -A Structural Inspection Reports, Reinforcinq 1 6-?9-907 1t arn Concrete Compression Test / SIGNED: COPY TO ll .aclo.uraa r.a not .. ^otad, kindly notily ua at on{:, 5b, BIERMCH CONSULTING'ENGINEERS INC. JOB NO. 2067 REPORT NO, I FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT JoB vAlL VALLEY HosPlrAL PARKING srRUcruRE DATE June 28. 1990 CONTRACTOR G. E. Johnson Construciion Compony TIME 2:00 p.M. SUPERINTENDENT Jock Thomos TEMPERATURE 90 WORK OBSERVED: I visited the site to review the foofing reinforcing oi lines G/3 ond noted the following: l. The verticol dowels were not oll insiolled. 2' The l0-#8 horizontol bors extending into the grode beom to the west were not instolled. 3. The footing reinforcing shown on fhe schedule os 38 wos not correcl in the field. #4's @ S" bottom ond #4's @ 12" fop were instolled. #7,s @ B', bottom ond #4's @ 8" fop were colled for. I reviewed these items with the superintendent ond rhey will be corrected before pouring the concrele. OBSERVER:Glenn Fried. P.E. VV M E-- 6g,t VnaK--l-+@4r+^VQr) &e_ -iil.f, at-B!l5'!tffi alrra. J ur-.- 5-e6 FRr ?:a B r EREACH EHGHR BIERBACH CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC. P- gt JOB NO. 2067 No olher ilems were noted. OBSERVER: Sleven E, Bierboch, P.E. FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT JOB VAIL VALLEY HOSPITAL PARKING STRUCTURE DATE July 3. 1990 CONTRACTOR G. E. Johnson Construction Compony TIME SUPERINTENDENT Jock Thomos - . .TEMPERATURE WORK OBSERVED: I visited the sife to review the footing reinforcing midspon F ond G on line 2, norlh to line H ond Eosf to I'l'-7" West of line 3. All footing reinforcing wos in ploce ond no discreponcies were noted. The following items were discussed: l.) Sleeves for footing onchors con be sleel only. PVC is not occeptoble. 2.1 Footing keywoys ore lo be leveled on one side only ond cenlered in lhe footing. Very few dowels hod been ploced while I wos on the site. REPORT NO. 2 oL v vMc- Post-lt ' brand fax transmittat memo 7671 t ol Prges t ]"<t*.>si"*vCo.-^\\+ \d ""Rr.a-\..\o-L Depl.Phonr t 6zJVn2*-d*s. JLll--SI-'3Er | [JE 1+J :.+Fj -E:It:}<E|iCH Et{r-t-{ R := o ' P _ 84 BIERBACH CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC. JOB NO, REPORT NO. 2067 3 ,tr. _. _ FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT JOB VAIL VALLEY HOSPITAL PARKING STRUCTURE DATE iuly I l. 1990 CONTMCTOR G. E. Johnson Construction Compony TIME - SUPERINTENDENT Jock Thomos TEMPERATURE 70 WORK OBSERVED: I visited the site to review the footing reinforcing ot the northeost diogonol ond ol the'\-/ beom olong line G between lines 2 ond 3. While I wos ot the site, lhe controctor wos in lhe process of instolling the following: o) Woll, iomb ond beom dowels b) Footing reinforcing neor the slep of F-4 The following wos noted: l) The iomb dowels were instolled incorrectly ot line G.3-3.7. The controclor provided on oddiiionol dowel to correct the problem. No other ilems were noted. OBSERVER: Mike Goldstein \J o Poshft -, lJ I E t+: .u t-t r:: H E f-.1 G t.l R. o F.BI. JOB NO. 2067 REPORT NO. 4 " brand fax transminal memo 7671 FIELp OBSERVATTON REPORJ rog DATE July 18. 1990 CoNTRACTOR T|ME _ S U PE Rl NTEN DENT__lqe&lhom o s TEMPEMTURE Z5 WORK OBSERVED: 2( Dowels hod not been instolled when I orrived ot the sire. No other items were noted. OBSERVER: Mike Gotdsrein I visited fhe sile to observe the footing reinforcing olong line 2, between line c ond lineG. The following wos noted: l) Vorious bors needed to be shifled in order to get proper cleoronce betweenlhe forms ond the bors. The controcto, *orln t'he process .r tftfii"Jlf,"bors when I left the sife. iI'*'lt BIERBACH CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC. JOB NO. 2067 REPORT NO. 5 f ISHEK. xir--c ti JiJfl,'lSONr ARCHITECTS. E,C. FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT JoB vAlL VALLEY HosPlrAL PARKING srRUcruRE DATE Jutv 27. 1990 CONTRACTOR G. E. Johnson Construction Compony TIME 7:00 A.M. SUPERINTENDENT Jock Thomos TEMPERATURE 75 WORK OBSERVED: I visiled the site to observe the footing reinforcing ot the stoir/elevotor pod neor grid line B-2. The following wos noted: l.It oppeored thot fie exterior footing dowels olong line B were instolled too for north. The structurol drowings show the dowels to be 2" cleor from grid line L At some locotions, these dowels were up to 5" cleor of grid l;ni B. I exploined io Jock the following slructurol reguirements.. o. At the 16" woll, there musi be 14" from the north foce of ihe woll to the exterior foce of the dowels. b. At the 20" woll, there musl be 18" from the north foce of the woll to the exlerior foce of the dowel. 10-#8 dowels were insiolled ot grid line B-2. l0-#'l I dowels ore required ot this locotion. The controctor wos in the process of replocing the bors when I left fhe site. No olher items were noied. OBSERVER Michoel Goldstein 2. JUL 2? 1g9c JLlf--51-:rr:l I LIE 1r:J :o .+.i' EIEREFlI]H EF{t= BTERBACH CONSULT]NG _ENGTNEERS tNC. REPORT NO. 6 Dowels for woll hickness chonge south of line F. Re: Shop drowings. Lentons for slob on grode dowels. Re: B/1/7 Pockels ond Diogonol pockel reinforcing. Re: Bll/7 8-#'f l drog reinforcing ot shucturol slob tie. Re: l9 on Nl/17. :l t'l E := o F.E= FTELD OBSERVATION REPORI 1:-:--.: - JOB - VAIL VALTEY HOSPITAL PARKING STRUCTURE DATE Julv 22. t990 CONTRACTOR G. E. Johnson Construction Compony TIME 3:00 A.M. SUPERINTENDENT Jock Thomos TEMPERATURE Z5 WORK OBSERVED: I visited lhe site to review the woll reinforcing on line 3 from G to South of F ond on line G eoch side of "T.' The following items were noted: All reinforcing wos in ploce or on the site reody for plocement. The following wos yet to be ploced: 1. Dowels for sloir grode beom ol north.eosf corner. RE: 6 on N1/16. 2. Grode beom iie dowels for tie beom wesf on line G. Re: 7 on Nlll6 3. Secondory column ties ol iomb columns ot norlh ond south side of woll on 3. Re: Dtl's S-8. JOB NO. 2067 4. 5. 5. 7. ---'? { ot 9e9er } q}' Chcntf Northcnt,Inc ''Ellrr? l.ll-. nr*, &l- '.r. REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Jou No. 4 424 g0 DATE: 7-Lz-gonttn: Mr. Dan Feeney 181 lrtest Mcadow Drive DALY nEpORT NO. SHEEI 10F J vai I co 8165 7 rNVorcE No. C"ttter P,,.king StTucturc, Vrf 1 , Colornrlo. LU(AIION: Footings at Llnes G-3.7; IIATCH TICKET INFORMATION: suPruFn Western Mobi le nME oATC'tg) rnuct( }|o. 116 2:I2 P.'l'1, TlcKEr No. 010.926 M{_!EsfN ro. 24 cu. yo. I nUE ARRry€D 1,)nD M TIUE ptAcgt ?.rq. DM JOo SPEC|nCAnOITS FIELD TESNNG INFORMATION: TfuE rEsT T Xol 2: 20Plt'l sLuud 3/ 4bt. un corn-rn7. L : wrr uMT m]Gltr I41 .L rx;r. s^trprt rEup. 80o aln rclp. 90o suJvP 1-4 fN. NR coNTo{r4 _6 I wArfn A)ocD AT sIrE 0 ,a. nE|,{ nr(s: 72 of 296 ydr CYLJNOEII INFORI,{ATIOI.I: lK). oF crljrtDcr.s 6 filrx)rn srTE 6rr x 12 lrMr cnrNDr',ts c^sr 2:45 P.M. wltF'tE cA5ron-Site CURING TNFOR}i|ATTON: Under Foarn lNm L CUttE On-Site ng_o stor{,rcE F ctUItEs Insulation M1N./M,6(. MrE/nuE er uqrT_13_90 IAIE SIRIPPO 7-13-90 ttr: S. Urton nE! fixs: AG€ 0Al€ I)ATE IESIE T TAL LO^I) (tos) DnsErrJrt([,rc [5)/\,lEA(sa. ur.) coup, STn.(5t)I/PE OF TIIACIURE CYLNTDFR wE orr(uis) c'rulrD[n UNIT WTJGI{T (Fcr) 7A 7A 28A 20-A 28A 28A 7-L9-90 7-t9-90 8-9-90 8-9-90 8-9-90 8-9-90 131,000 131,000 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 4640 4640 con/ shear con/shear oEslcN slRr-Ncnr 5000 r5t o ?n DAls tfsls F wro,urcfit nt nsarorn ,r lrr a_r-fr|(r^raf *flrt ^''n r.lrr f rrtu !f rrrrrra u||u5s o|||lJrdEf, lrottD!ot( lr, qr|r tlo{ olt Drs ||st lttr!fll u r rI: flt(rlr'|u{I} Ity otl|tn5, PNOGRESS REPORT: ,.^.,rrs Fisher P.eece Johnson Architects,-"' ''" Attn : Mr. Skip Spcnst ; ltrestern I'tob. C.E. Johnson Construction Co., Attn: Ilr'. Jack Thonas; R.icrbach Consulting Enginccrs S. Urton T. Laudick FIELD OOSEFVER APPRO\ED TIf 11|Yvn4'!'x'TtcTl'|loGrniIrFmE!tod,'F'|vR|ttn'mn't'rfs|mr.rr|DAtr||ir'''ro(lrFtPt|('"l'tlY(r.x,n(|''|'l:(,,to|r,r||,^lo[iox (,a'nltfrrt|ts! aJ|f tc1tr.in6 on t}1nr.,E,:ovt\r.rD uulst onrLi ,AnarEult'|ts rr|t,r,erlo m |'l trrl||'|c. ^ hr.' .. *lij@* .r .o.,,r..rr- lor'r aro. Cu(tl.!t a,/go Cltcnt)Northcl'n, Inc O -..Erlr.? t.gLb. .^., !.tr{ht. REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA JOo NO. 4 424 90 DATE: 7-t2-90 .DAILY REPoRT No. sHEEr 5 OF 3 ltJvolcE I'to. PRO'JECT Vai I Valley lr4edi cal Ccrrter Park.irg Structrrc, Vai I , Color:rrlo. Foundation Wall at Lines G.4 = 2.5t. gArc lTo: vnrL vALLEY MEDTcAL cENTER I Attn: Mr. Dan Feeney | 181 West lrleadow Drivc Vai I CO 81657 supruFx Western Mobi le rnucK tto. nME II^Tcr.tE) S:3i p.M. 119 nsxET No.010952 uu DEstcN M). 80o cu. ro.75o nME lRRr!@ s : s0 p.M.._- TrlE pucq) 5 :55 p .lvt. FIELD TESTING TNFORMATTON: rlug tsr rp<an6:05PM sr-uup 3k arn cotmtn 7.0: wrr unn wsct tr AR CONTDTT 4_6 r wATLn AODcD AT 5m pct. SAr,|PLf, rurP. 10 col Rrr{ ^K& 80o ,rltt trlp. 75o 256 of 296 vd5 JOo SPECtnc notts stluP 1_4 tN. tN. cin nl0Fn SlTl:-6r x 12rr IIME (;IU D[Irs C 5T 6:20 P.M.wllEnE c^tfon-Site CURING INFORI,6TION: tNnr L cuRe On-Site r,^rE srRtPpg) 7-L3-90 Rn n STOIIACE FitClLmES IIY: S. Urton MlN.r/lsl,lJ(. nEl//\AK* MIE,/nUE AT t^t 7-13-90 AGE D\I:NATE IESIE TOTAL LOAD(u6)DI TTET[n (Drct tEs)A'IEA(sa. ur.) co!P. tln. (r'sr) TTPE OF t nAcTUne CYUIIDER WFJO'IT (urs) cru o{n UNTT BT]CI IT(rcr) 7C 7C 28C 2BC 28C 28C 7- 19-90 7-19-90 8-9-90 8-9-90 8-9,90 8-9-90 131 ,500 130,000 6,00 6,00 6.00 6,00 6,00 6.00 28.28 28.28 28.28 1A )A 28 "28 19 )e 4650 4600 ;hear ;hear OES'CN STR€}IGTH 5000 Psr 0?6 ra\s !I5TS rt t,ADql^rclw Ft trs.t[rn ^nf lrl ,.r. r{writ f,rDr r^r1 rTrr f rst! rril|x)rri Urrr t:5 ol tjrArSa- lrolto.Jouf |rl|ulrr ||ox ot| Intj ttsil lttt.ont t{ y t( flKM{)(o Uy olttutS. PROGRESS REPORT: .nrrrr= Fishcr P.eece Johnson Architccts,""' ''" Attn: Mr. Skip Spcnst; lrlestern lr,lob. G.ll . Johnson Construction Co., Attn: lrtr. Jack lhomas; Ilierbaclr Consulting Lnginccrs: S. Urton T. Laudick RELD OOSETWEIT APPRO\ED rr ^s^Uunu|,'rr''rGTrimnr}fiI|'Ft,nr^,|oor,i<'l\,ra,|ln''Y'ilt^,rfs|,nr.!tl'nAtll|..!r'Wrrlwn(y-.'r'vof.rrnc|[l.Ist|,roxm|,^lf|.'{.r(l^lT!.r4l.,'E||nl,6on|xl',r:ltr'ov.'|,||cr,{,|''d,n'.rFxl|.''.'qt.{MD|.r|.'|'o|,l 4ovnr.nrl u'|tr53 on[t rflr.Atot/uftts l'|t l.xl to rt ul $* ll[. ^ -..- .. rrlrrrrJ-le.-- ,, .drir.,tr- ..''r rb. Caf J a/oo CltcnrrNorthcnr,Inc O 'tallrnl lnal'*r .n, S.l?'lLt. REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: VAIL VAI,LEY I'IEDICAL CnNTEIIAttn: Mr. Dan Feeney 181 ltlest l'lcadow DriveVail CO 81657 JOg NO. 4 424 gO DATE: 7-12_90 DAILY REPOT{T NO. SHEtrT 2 OF 3 lr{vorcE No. PRGJECT vail Valley rrredical center p.rk ing stTucturc, Vnir, colorado. Footing At Lines G.3 - S.5: EATCI-| TtcKEr tNFORlvr{loN: supruEn Western Mobi 1e Tnucx ilo. 118 3 :45 P .M. rcKEr llo. 010936 Mx oEstclt |161. 24 nME Rnr!@ 4 :00 P.M. ruE pr,rcED cu. ro. 8 4: L0 P.M.NME OATCrIED FIELD TESTING INFORMATION: nuE TEsr rru(ot4:2OPlvl stuve 4ti tN. Nn cornEln7,0zun--l uNn woilr JoO sPEclnclnol6 suJuP1-4 rN. r.lR coNrElr 4-6 r wlrEn ADDcD Ar L42,5pa. snE 12 slr,tPtr rEttP. 80o ,^rn mrr,. 80o cof. 1EM,16X& L52 of 296 yd3 CYLINOER INFOIITaTION:trl, oF ctl;ltofns 6 rtl lt.loFjt srTr 6ll x 12r'4:25 P.l,l . MIFIE (:rsT On-Site CURING INFORIJATION: tNrruL cure On-Site D rE sTRTFF€D 7 _13_90 RE O srOn^CE rlcrLmEs lry: S. Urton MN,,/U X.o/\rtnluE r r.^,. 7-13-90 REIr^RKS AGE t)^l€ DATE IESIE) Trn L l.o D(rrs)D!\MEIrJI (HCl tLs)^JIF (sa. Dr.) couP. sTn. (Psl) T/PE OF f llitCIUnE cll INDE I wfJolff (tlJs) cYU|lDfnulrtt wl]cl n(Pcr) 7B 7B 288 288. 28B 288 7-19-90 7- 19-90 8-9-90 8-9-90 8-9-90 8-9-90 121 , 000 116,000 6.00 6.00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 )e ,a 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 4280 4110 con/ shear con/shear oatcN STR€HGTH 5000 pslo?r rl^ls ll5ls lIY wgl^loltl FtR./trtrtl frf or A.trxr(t^Icc irlrt ^rrl f: rtf rsru rrtltrotn rrn t:J on||Jr{E;[ ttolfo!p![ Dr ofi! ||ofl o |l[3 ttsl ,tUroflt u y t( fnG40{D ur o|lturj, PROGRESS REPOT{[: coP,Es lillf " $::T*i;'g:l,t;.h:::ll, "ou.G.ll . .Iohnson Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Jack Tltornas; Bicrbach Consulting llnginecrs S. Urton T. Laudi ck RELD OBSER/ER APPRO\ED IIT ^s^gunA..c(''fcTr'|mci,.!Tt.l||.rr'fE^,0o,i<'|'\4\r|ln''nmsl'||sl,nr..llr'^tr||r.or'rr'.I9!|tlo.1'rr'(rdrne|||l'l..\no..(r<l^rg|''rs..o'|c||,il,|ion'xlrr.:lt''n!.'|'l||.-^,|t,|t4Quni'liF|sqolr.lr.rltt ur{lit qn|t| |aR^r€(rrltals lrrL ra.dto to |lt h-'ta||ttn, ^ 'Er*!- or '^.lilijllr*- or .dnF, .. t.nn no, CuttlJA a/9O Chcn t) Northcn r, I nc. I ^tqtll.n l.7n-.. .^n a.r-,tLt. REPORT OF CONCRITE TEST CYLINDER DATA rtlvolc[ No. IRPUlcr Vail ValIcy t'tcaical ccntcr I);rr-ki ng str.rrctur-c, v:rir. qo.rorlrro. TO: VAIL VAI,LEY I,IEDICAL CENTLII , * Attl): Mr. Di.rn Fccncy i--, i181 ltlcst l,lcadow Drivc L__- --."..-'Vai I CO 8165 7 JOO NO. 4 424 90 DATE: 6-29-90 DAJLY REPOI{T NO. SHEET 1 OI' Foundation Footing on Linc 3, Linc G to Line E; I,]ATCII TICKLT INFORMATTON: suPruEfl l{estern Mobi le IUE n TClt@ mucx no. 46 1:15 P.M. TfcKfr t19. 010677 Ma oEsr6{ w. 23 nME ,\RnrvtD 1 : 35 P .lvl . TtuE pr/AcED sr*{f,Lf rE}/r,. 74o tn trit,88o .,ot. nDJAnr(s: B 0 gg vd J T|ME rEsT T Xrx 1 : 40pM sr_uup S [,r.Nn corrrEllr 4 . B : wrr uNtl wucl rr - - lJn CoNTEXI 4_6rIwAitR AODI0 AI 5IIE CYUNDEII INFORI,{^TION:r$. oF c/t,ltofns 6 c,.n nrorn srzr.- 6rr x lzri lrur: cnrNr)[Hs c"rsr 1:S5 p,M. wtrrne c.z*-sr 0n _Si te fNfrAL CUtrE 3n_Site RELD SIOI,^GE prctlJTlt5 Insulated Box MrN.,/MN(. OAIE,/nlf At Wfr _Z_g0 oAlE STRIPPS) 7 -2-90 Or: Ir{ . Grubcr couP. $n,(5t) 'l'/r'E Or: Hr crunc con/sp1it con/sp1it 7 7 28 2B z8 28 7-6-90 7-6-90 7-27-90 7-27-90 7 -27 -90 7 -27 -90 119 , 000 119,000 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 B.2B 28.28 8.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 oEsrcN sTRElrGIll +uuu t'st o za rA)T tl5ls ItY l^xtlaloaaY Ftrl:Jrr',ll ,rr trr ralrrtA,rf wrtrr rtrtri,rf rrlu r.f ltntri r,l|rl- o||ltr t;t- lrolto 3or,rt ll]l o rr rn|| o|| ltrts llsr lrtt\,ll rql tl tntfftxn fi o tul3. |: i chnr. r'^^^^ Johllsoll Archi tcctS,coPrEs ;.;;;;;^ ,i"."irip Sl,cnsr i6.8. .Iohnson Construction Co., Attn: lvtr. .Iack'lhomas; Bicrbach Consulting Lnginccrs ll. Cruber T. Laudick REI.o ODSEJWEII APPRO\TD I.Ir rl^Utm|{Pf'rclrHmdf'm.l|'F|ntr:^,tod|ml|\4-..||llt'tYnl!i^'rf:i|rF,i|rroA.irr|l.t)t'rrx''rtlt|l[rfnor rr lT^ttvtl.rl cnrtltfrt6 on tttna,t!tolt'tlllD lJr.t tis 0||r,l tatlrrrq ltr,ts N\. ratntD r) t tr,|||lt,r;. ^ ,.-.,- 6ir tl.ltiilllo-- or G.aron- rr^n rro. CgtttJ a,/to Chcn0Northenr,Inc I 'rralu.? t.ZL*r ..n 5.1'nt.t. REPORT oF coNcRETE TEST CYL|NDER DATA RECEfVED AU6 | 0 i990 ^tAr,unwFFo''crf'.|'oc||lxIl.l||rFl,iE!roo,t3'|vl'!,|lnlmnr.rr'{:ln''{n|f'AlIr.,''|rx'futfr'i'|llord,nel[-'|ls',,rom|,^'n,|'r'.|rnlf'9'',|.3'e.'rtl|nr'6o''Iiil:t!mQr..nq',,|r'r,'0t|lF|.f\)|t|i'rlnl5t,M||Fr'00tco(,nrllt|tt'|^,|A,qo9rull,, urrlljs 9lr|t-l fIF tqjru.ns !|ll rajltlD to ||t trItt|||c. ^ F!h- .. u-l irn-Jl ",-. ,r ...riFir- r.nn 15. cr.tt tJA {/9o I I O: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTEII Joo No. 4 424 go DATE: 6-29-90Attn: Mr. Dan Fcency 181 l{est Mcadow Drive DALY REPOI{T No. SHEET 1 oF 1 . Vail co 81657 *worcE No. PROJECT vaiI valley t{edical centcr parki'g st'uctrrrc, Vai. l, cororado. Foundation Footing on Line 3, Line G to Line E; BATCH N suPruER Western MobiLe TnUcK10. 46 11cKErNo.0L0677 MHDEstcN no. 23 cu.ro, 8 rtr€IrATcHg) 1:15 P.M. nMEARntlED 1:35 P.M. nuEpr,fcED 1:50 P.M. RELD TESI]NG INFORMATION: luE TEsr rN(or I :40PM sr_uup .roo sPEctFtc^Ilol{s SU,UP arR cornun 4. 8; wEr uHn wpclr -- AIR CONTOTT 4_6 r WAIE r ADD@ AT StrE !'c{. sAlPt-E rcrtp. 74o ,rlr rorpSSo ficot. RErr,rnX& 8 @ 88 yds 3N. Max4 lN. CYLINOER INFORI,IAT|ON: rlo. oF cnJloF_Rs 6 6rr x 12ll lrME cnrND[rls cAsT 1 :55 P.M.wuFne cArr 0n-Si ter'lt [{)Fn stzr: CURING INFORI,TATION: 'NITUL CURE On_Site RE-O 'TOI.^OE FrCllJn6 Insulated Bo* U6,.7rrO<. o/\TEfiUE AI Wr_2_90 DAIE SIRIPPID 7 -2-90 trt: M . Gruber nElri\RK* AGE DA)6 MTE TESIII) Tgr^l. LOAD(ut5)DUnElrjl ([,rcll15)NlcA(sa. rr.) cogP. 51n. (t5r) -t'/PE OF UCTUn€ C:rUNDOt WFJC' IT(urs) crLluo€x uMr wf]Gl (r (rcn 7 7 28 28 28 28 7-6-90 7-6-90 7-27-90 7-27-90 7-27-90 7-27-90 1I-9, 0.00 119 r 000 L47,0o-o _L55,00.0 15 5 , 0.0.0 156,00O 6.00 6. 00 6.00 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 42t0 4u'q 5210- 5490 5490. 5530. con/sp 1i t con/sp1it con/shear con/ shear con/ shear con/shear 4000 PSr o ?o r)^\5oEsrcNSTRO.IGIH '|JIS Ct WgrArOfi n| Fsdorn Arf |lr ratfill^,rf, wrrr rrrrgrrf ^nu rra,rx)rtri tr{l:i3 ollrr,nfl:{ }toltD 30st llltun4r|ol| olt lts tls| 8tr\xl UAY tt I'nt JI(RD ttr onrul5. PROGRESS REPORT: Fishcr P.eece Johnson Architects,t--t"" Atttrt Mr. Skip Spcnst; Western Mobil G.E. Johnson Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Jack'Ihomas; Bierbach Consultj-ng Engineers; l'{. Gruber T. Laudick RELD OI]SER/ER APPRO\ED ITT ChcntlNorthcln,htcQ i !uL LiiiPYREP.RT oF coNcRErE rESr cYr ; LIND ER DATA ' ,.-rllr.? | rgL* t .F, i<l-||t. RECEIVED TO: VAIL Attn: 181 Vai I PRO.,|ECT VALLEY MEDICAL CENTEII Mr. Dan Feency West Meadow Drive c0 81657 Vai 1 Valley lt'lcdical Center Palkin JOo No. 4 424 90 DAJLY REPOKT NO. ilwolcE No. DATE: 7-26-90 SHEET 1 OF Stlucture, Vai 1, Colorrdo. Footings on Line 2 fron Line B to Line C; I]ATCH TICKET INFORMTION: supruE1 Western Mobile ICKET NO. OLL223 nME ,rRRrvtD 1:15 Mu oEslcN r.to. 23 cu. ro. 8 P.M. TluE PtfcED 1:30 P.M. FIELD TESNNG INFOR}TATION: nuE IEr T r(Ell 1 :45PM sLvuP 4r2 @NrEfiT 5.5: WtT UNn Wr:rlr 142.9 CoNTElrr 3-SIWAIER AoDt)D AI sm sllPrr rEll,, g0o etn luP. g0o col. nElant(& 48 of 11,2 vd3 pct. g C]'I.JNDER INFORIT,IATION: tro. oF cytjuo€Rs 6 rtt t r)FJt slTr 6rr x 12rl llMr cruNDnts osr 2:00 P.M.wHcnE c,\iT on-Sitc CU,llNc INFOR[itATtON: N|luL cuRE On-Site FtaL strlnAcE Frctlmf,s Shaded u111.,/l,wc D\rEnuE AT u$L7-27-90 o rE slnrppet) 7-27-90 0y: S. Urton REll nK* shear coni ca1 ., 28 28 28 28 8-2-90 8-2-90 8-23-90 8-25-90 8-25-90 8-23-90 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 28.28 8. 28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28-28 96, 000 97,000 oEslcN slRENGIl{ 4000 Pslo 26 r)^E rtjr: ry uutt^lofit 'r]rrs.,orn ^^f tft r.Jfrr[wrf, w|||r ^rrfi rTrr{ r-<lu tr!-llrotti tnnlal olllullfliE llolto lorrt |'{{rua lx)r| oll utlt lt-st lrtrofl, u^r lI: Pn(,9ru(I, lt olllurS. S. Urton T. Laudick RELD Ot]sEfiN/ER APPROVED IIt, Fisher P.cece Johnson Architects,ttt't- Attnt Mr. Skip SpensQ;{sslsrn Mobilc G.E. Johnson Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Jack Thomas; llierbach Consulting Enginecrs l3^r,unA'!rn[cTr'.mnFtr3.I|.|.|,nE^'roo|,i<'tv1]l.r|ln'mdt'{i'l,n$n'DA3l|rr.''rrI',lwFttdi'rdof(x,n|:||[|Jq'r.(rnrl'U'''t1.J'|c||,il'.r!onE|'r4ts''r'r..'tttr:^,|||||4oUir'.'\'l'3.|3nt:itrrtuirrrotl,c([t[[|tr tounln, ur{Lss o|r?l,i rnn ]€(tt fis ,r|l[ rrnr.o lo lll wlllllllc. | ,h.- ., u,.l iiri-le-,. r. ...r,Fr. t..r,n rrr. Glttl.l^ a/eo O 75 soulh frontage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 47s-2138 (303) 479-2139 Novenber L4, 1990 Mr. Dan Feeney - Project ManagerVail Valley Uedical CenterlSL West Meadow Drive Suite t-00Vail, Colorado 8t657 oflice of community development Dear Dan, Your letter of October 19, L990 concerning the filtrationrequirements for the hospital parking structure was passed on to me for response by Kristan Pritz. Please forgive the delay inresponding to your letter, but I felt it s/as necessary toresearch the facts before I responded to prevent a miscornrnunication or inaccurate communication of inforrnation. f have reviewed the plans for the hospital parking structure todeternine exactly what was approved under the building perrnit. The plans show the lower levels of the structure drainingthrough a sand and oil interceptor before entering the sanitarysewer. The upper levels are shown to drain through the storrndrain and ultimately to the creek. However, on the comrnentsheet attached to the building permit, Joe Norris indicatedunder iten 1-5 that drainage of the top level of the parkingstructure be provided through the sand and oil interceptor. After conversing with cary Murrain of the Building Departnentthe staff realizes that there are no code requirements whichapply in this circumstance. As a result we cannot ask you todrain the top levels of the structure through the sand and oilinterceptor. Conversations with Kristan Pritz indicate thatalthough you are not required to drain these levels through thesand and oil interceptor that an alternate recomrnendation wasmade. The recommendation was to bring the drainage from theselevels out tbrough the necessary pipinq and then carry it o through a cobble swale before it passed to the creek. Thepurpose of this swale was to acconplish some measure offiltration before the effluent entered the creek. Kristanindicated that she conferred on this subject with Greg Hall and Todd Oppenheirner. After consideration of the circunstances the staff is willing toreconsider the stipulation to require the top levels of yourstructure to pass through the sand and oil interceptor. Thestaff encourag:es the VVMC to utilize a sand and oi1 interceptorj-n order to provide the most effective pollution control . Ifthe WMC will not provide the sand and oil interceptor some typeof filtration systen to purify the the water being depositedinto the creek will be reguired. This alternative could be arelatively sinple plan or sornething more complicated. I would suggest that you contact Kristan to discuss the previously considered option of the swale. If you have further questions regarding this issue please do nothesitate to contact this office at 479-2L38. Environmental Health Officer cc: Gary Murrain Greg HaIlKristan Pritz M voilvolley t6ilt r AVw 0,w May 14, 1991 Itlr. 14ichael McGee Vail Fire Department 42 ttest Meadow Drive Vai I , Col orado 81657 Re: Inci nerator Dear Mr. McGee: After full review of the options regarding the condition of the Hospital'smedica'l waste incinerator, we have dlcided"replacement wouia ue ttre niosfpric-tical solution at this time. we are now evaluating oifierent systems andreviewing-any modification or construction requireme"nts needed td accommodatea new incinerator. We are presently utilizing the existing incinerator under controlled condi- Ii:!r^lrg 9isposing of our current amo-unts of waste without probrems. t.|epran to have a new syste-m..in place before the next ski season, which falllwithin the time frame of November 1, 1991, as ""comrenaJ-in'your ietier-dated March 21, 1991. I will be happy to keep you updated on the progress of th.is project. S i ncerely, medicolcenter ,?,8 Denni s Post Manager, Building Services cc: Ms. Susan Scanlan, Town of Vail Health Department {l: ?rl Stanek, Bui'lding Inspector, town bf Vail - Chief Dick Duran, Vail Fire Department 11". (.1 Hughey, Assistant Town t4anagerMr. Robert Jorgenson, Colorado Depaitment of HealthMr. Ray McMahan, CEO, Vail Valley'Medical Center -' Mr. Dan Feeney, project Manager, Vail Valley Medical Center 181 Wesf Meodow Ddve, Suite 1m Voit, Cotorodo 81657 (3O3) 4762451 . Roy tvlcMohon Chief Executive Officef ,, Chcnt")Northenr, I"c; tsr' o LIN '^.atlltut luTt-.. .rn l4t-4t 1. ,^REPORT OF CONCI1ETE TEST CY DER D.ATA PRO.TECT Vail Vallcy ttlctlical Ccrrt:cr lt;rrki rr11 Stnrctrrrc, V:ril , Cololarlo. TO: VAIL VAI,LEY I!I[DICAL c[Nl]jIT Attn: Nlr. Dan Fccncy 181 Wcst ltlcadow Drivc Vail CO 81657 JOo NO. 4 424 90 DATE: 1-4-91 DAILY REPOI{T NO. STIELT 1 OI: 2 rr.rvotcE No. Repair 0f Wall on Line C; UATCI-I TlcKEt' |NFORIJAT|ON: supruEx hlcs tcrn l.'lobi le rlcKEI llo. MIX DESIGN lfo.irli x C CU. '/D. 4 nuE lrrrtrv[n 3:04 P.M-- nME Pl..rcED 3127 P.t'1. 'fnrrc.r( lro. 11,7 2:31 P.l'1. FIELD TISNNG INFORMATION: nME TEsr rA(tr 3:33 PM Stuup 7+ [,t. Nlt colfiE n4.8 t wLT uNrr wEtc rf 4J.4 pcr. sArPtr tu,tt'.63op.r'rrt rulr'.2gop JOO SPECtr CAnOIts 5UtUF1,,13*g tN. ^R COMEJfT5_7 I WArEn IDDCD Al slrE 0 Cdl. nor nt(S (rtt x l2tt llul: Cnllmrtt:i C,\sT 3243 P wrtu : c^tf orr-site In Box Inside Heated Roon NET 'IKS: CUITINC INFOR},IATION: lNflul CURE: On-Site o^ru srnPP€D 1-5-91 na.o fi9nlcE FlclullLs w: C. Adams c/U'll)l,n ulrtr $1x;r lI o'ct) 5A 7A 7A 284 28A 28A 284 shear con,/sp1it con/ shear 407A 4s60 4790 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 8.28 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6. 00 1 15 ,000 129,000 135,500 1-7-91 1- 11-91 1- 11-91 2-L-9L 2-r-9L 2-l-91 2-r-9I 4000 Pst o ?6 tl \6 fljllg ttl utlqulufi fltf.,..rurl trJ [l r.rrrrtrrt4t irlll 'adr:"il 'rlu -l.lrlr||tri l|'nr:i ollll 'L-E[ llolLo 3o|rt lfllulrr^lxrx otl llll3 lLsl ttllnl u l lf I't(,vlll(o Iu ollllni' rEbA8r38&wEn aorniurJ"#i'k Fishcr llcccc .lohnson Archi tccts , CoPlEs Attrr Mr:. Skip Spcnst;{sq1gr1 l.loSilc G.ll . Johnsou Colrstruction Co. ' Attn: lulr' .Iack 'l'lromas; llicrbach Corlsult irrg lingitrccrs l.i I uuntrt Frtrclrtr ln atltt4't. lllr FllnE rtttt ltl ri<t l!r_\ 'llrh .r' tt^ltrrtra3. rn|l;tlrirtn on tYlnrcls r rrtu .'l nlr:'nl tl ':ount-ntt ur{t.t3 orrrl ,nMrrcl.lrutl! |Jn ,.Jnlo lo lll *nll!|l:. ^ 6-.- c rr.l rriirlc".. .. ...!116rr- a.ri ||. C|.tl IJA a/eo nraYrrrr3 lri: 'ntnflrtl A't |'lr aottllltrtul ttrfi trfl 'roiiir' iir ninr:r 'n ntjltratt rr troor: ol,r rrrllllttr Itlrrt'rr-fitn ct |t tn,.! rtlo rlttrYxrlrllrttl Inn flitr]' .-.^!r'r t.-r t{i t. tI: ut3r.('-.r,D oru rltl ll:llt|.: r'. ', Chcn0Northcnr,lnQ r Frrr- .. -l.j@ * .r...'rFnr.. t.rn rb. cLCllJ ./eO ' ^tqtttm l67tF.t. .F r ;.t'tr.t. REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA rt^uuntq'ir'rYcTr'|m.jr'[..i.I||'nh|Er,od||tt'|vt-l,||'t|.T1l],rrj|rr'.|t|oA.ir|r.orfrf't'lu|..'r'!|'l\|rrt'r.'lt|rtr,|'.|:\cixr;i|nr'no''x|n,.i|3'|r'g'itnln.n|'''woor.n"'i.i..r'.iiii.iil'iij]:rr,orn-o.nrllltr}l- 4asnltff, lrr{tjs olrtrt |ntwqruns ,m. ,.tn.-D lo lrl *nlllrl;. tt.:ltl: r. TO: vAlL VAI,LEY MEDICAL CnNTDll JOU NO. 4 424 gO DATE 1-4-91 Attn: Mr. Dan Fccncy lS1 l{cst l',lcadow Drivc DALY REPOI{T NO. SHIEI 2 Ol- 2 Vai I CO 81657 t^rvotcE No. PRO,JECT Vai I Valley lvlcrlical Cctrtcr Parki trg Str:lrcturc, Vai l, Color':rdo. Deck Topping, Second Level, Lines D to E"5, Lines 2 to 3;hird Level, Lines D.5 to E.5, Lines 3 to 4; I,IATCI] TICKtrT INFOR},{ATION: supruEx llcstcrn Mobi lc I rnucK lr0, 155 11 :53 A.M. rlcxEr No. J417 nUE llmrvTJ, 12: L6 Mrx oEsrcx ro.l j|?or'ne6."t. p-.lf: Ilxf, Pt/tc@ lZ:40 FIELD ITSNNG INFORMATION: ruE TEr r^,(Erlz:54Pl,l sLUuP JOO SPECmCAnOIls suruP Nrr cof nE {16. 7 ; wEr uNtr wuctlr 138.6 pct. A,R coNTOrt tr WA|UI A0DED AI Sm 5 5 !ptE, turp.640F attt rurr'180F. arf. nErr Rt6: 8@ 24 of 32vd+3 CYUNOEII INFOIIM^TION:ln. oF c;yl ntrrols 6 (>tt x 12" ltur cn llll)lilt:; (!\57 mrDrr o\if On-S i tc CUlllNG lNFORl,{/rTlON: |NIIUL cuRE: 0n-Site oAru sInrpPE, I-7-9L orrtnlue er r,ur. 1-7-91ncr',Es l;;IllTl,ffii" cl1 , rn-ll wtJcx rr (l'lJs) shear shear 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 88,0 0o 90 r 000 7B 7B 288 288 288 28B 1- 11-91 1- 11-91 2-1-97 '2-L-91 2-1-9L 2-L-9t orsEN sTRftlcjnl 40oo Psl o 20 0A16 lu;|':i ltt (,{xrulqr rtfttfto{r ,^t |tr r.r:rttt.'r't, i,lnr rant: ril trlu -r|f'lll)t|. lltrl l:3 ollllJldlSl' lrclto tor.tt l|tr)nlr^lkrrl oll 1116 ltst lltt!fil ll Y l( |'|nfl{)(o w olllul3' I Adarns 'l'. L:ru rli ck ousEfiven APPROVED rr Fishcr llcccc .Iohnson Architccts, coPlEs Attn. Mr. Skip Spcnstlvcstcrn lrlobilc 6.li . Jolursotr Cotlstructiotr Co. , Attn: l"lr ' Jack 'ltornas I tlicrbach Consultilrg lingincers ,''Chcn0Northcnr,lncO REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA |tAguntrtF'.fcTY'|m.jt|.'|Tt.n[ir'Fr:!no'ft.|9v!,l|^.lYnrs,,'f1l,n.ril'l| lr|[..'o'f|d'.rutnrF|nfYof rr .r irrrtyt r.rt rorqrr.irr6.-itutr t.n D ur4r.i3 otrnt larwglruol t tt rJn Ln lo rl F||lllllc. ^ Er{r- .. rr..liiili-le-,. .f .6D,rr.. tii. 15. CttttJ a./eo 'ar-lu,rt l.{L8.. .^., !zl-iht. To: VATL V^t,t,t:y l.tt;t)Ic^L ctiNt't:R Jou r.to. 4 424 90 DATE: 12-7-90Attn: Mr. l)an Fccncy 181 htcst lrlca<lorv Drivc DALY flEPOl{T NO. StltiL-f 1 0l' 2VaiI co 81657 nvotcE No. PRO.JECT V:ri I Vallcy l.'lc<l i c':r I 4cn1-er P:rrkilrlg Stl'u(:trtrc, Vlil, Color;r<lo. Pt^cljMtNr LocAIloN: Building Tie-in Deck, Line B.4 to A, Line 1 to 2; rj^Tct-t xcKEr INFOIIMAT|ON: supruE1 l'lcs tcr:n lrlobi le TUE O^TC' IE) 'f nuo( ilo, 1,07 8:59 A.l"l. rfcK[I ]ro.01 3316 uu_or:rctl No. 24 CU. YD. 8 nu[ ,{llllrvfD 9:30 A.M. TlMe PLrcED 9:50 A.l.l. FIELD TLSNNG INTORM^TION: T]UE TESr T/0{E}l$;!/ AIU sLUUp2 3/4N. Nn Cof ufr4.0:WLT U rr Wuorr --.-. pcf. S J,tl'tI ttMP.68oF]Jtt lE,rPzsoF. JoB spEcrlc{nots s!!up t}t. ,rllt comrlrt ;( wAtljn AfrDr-D Ar sttE 1(r- at. trD,u,r 6: cYLtNOilr INFOI&{AIION: trr. or c,'vl rtrrrns d rjyr llrorn srTr (rrr x 12" 1ll..l: r;n llll)rtl:; (: 5T 10:05 A.l't. mlt;ll: c-\5r On-Sitc srottrcE rlcrullrs J. Hoffman n[&{rKs: CU'IING INFORI,{ATION: lN]n L CUttE 0n-Site o^rE srnrPps) 12-8-90 tfl|l./r{N(.()^rt^ruE Ar t^rl2-8-90REI) ltY: AGE DAI.S DAIE rEsru) Tgr^l. t.o/\| (uE) t)u!flr.n(|l{clr[5) rlrA (-;a. rl.)couP.'fln. 05r) Tn'[ oF HlACtUttc ctl llll)F,l wrxr r r(uE) cnllrDt-nur{r rr1x;(r (r€r) 7 28 28 28 28 12-74-90 12-L4-90 1-4-91 t--4-91 1-4-91 1-4-91 133, 50O 131,000 153, 500 157,500 156 , 000 16 2, 000 6. 00 6. 00 (r.00 (r.00 6.00 (r.00 28.2t1 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 4720 4630 5430 5570 5520 5730 con/spl it con/sp1it con/ shear con/shear c on/ shear con/shear oFSrcN sTmlrc l 4000 l5l o ztl ruJ€ !t5IS ttt i,/vlllt^fom nl tr,r'tlrtll lrll lrl r.,:txrr$trt, wrrll rFnrrrrt l.ilt r'lrlr,1,< Itr{l_-'i OllllriaA "OllO'Jo||t lrtu$r lutl oll llxS ll5r ttlvfll ! ? ll. ftnr\41{t, lrl ollll,lt. PROG'IESS REPORT: Fishcr llcccc .Joltttson n rcll itccts,tJut-rLr Atttr: Mr. Skip Spcnstlgcstcrn lrlollilc C.li. Johnson Constructiotl Co. , Atttt: lulr. .Inck'l'lromas; llicrbach Consultirrg linginccrs J . I{of fman '1.. Latr tli ck TIEI.O OU5TI{VEII APPRO\ED [IT Cdr.itltl &r{h.-r ri i..-{l. REPORT OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT OBSERVATIONS To: y411 vALLEy MEDICAL clNTEIl JoB No. 4 424 so DATE 12-7-90Attn: Mr. Dan Feeney 1S1 West Mea<low Drive DAILY REPORT NO. SHEEI 2 0F 2 Vail C0 81657 tlM)tcE No. PR(UECT Vai l Vallcy Metlieal, Cente:: Pnrki.rrg Strrrcttrrc, Vail, Colora<]o l{estern SPSEEATpI|S: SLlrllP 4',: Afl cOt{IE{I suPPrm Mobile llD( t.D. 24 lr4;Egr IDrpf-MTUne nrxcg 30oF. lEsr Mr. TRT.ICK 1,P. IE|(ET l,'Kr. TT€ SAICHED IUE AftRflE) 'nu€ s rPuD nElo.r,Ttctl CO{JNTER tforN REVO{-rtnON O(xJMTERcouljryN cullc Ylm t_uD/ CTTUUUIIVE w rEn Aoo@ql!-oirs z 3 t51 1.07 01 01 3220 3322 10:17 AM 10:49 AM 10:57 AIt 10:50 AM 8/ 76 8/2r 20 rE;rilI s{l[?(0.)IET UN'TtEorfr (Pcf))'tE.D corsRElErnrPE- RAN.!REc4 REn ru(s 2 3 4 4 u2 4.7 4.9 67 72 PROGRESS REPORIT Fisher lleece G Johnson Architects, COPIES 4111; tvlr. Skip Spenst; G.E. Jolrnson ConstTuction, Attn: Mr. Jackthonas; Bierbach Consulting Enginccrs; Wcstern Mobi le : J. Hoffinan T. Laudick REID OBSEfilER APPRCIVED E/ at A ||.mr|( ?Eltclrta to (ltml t|t nrrr ,rr, o-l! tr,I.t At ita(rtt-.t r^t trr4rtn At n7 cofrfx]trl PF(F ttt (' d,l o fxt:l |,o Atnmnc,/rrDl toi Fltl EA-lul f sllttlIxtl (nFqrtrr.r G mi\crs tto{ (! ito'.,ttt |l ctt Nlrv|tni 6 it:ltrt-D po|l)rE (ltt mnl}t APPno/rrL Sllrul rll tf o(tlultD Gf ,|fllx ltJlrxl EcutiIIID t,rr:t ol .i ,it$rstrxrl,oa ,g[rt Io x t||'t||l a '!r'.- d r.(TiX-l'r' r -irr-r. t i 1... CEll{ VaO ..- ' . .CltcuONorLhcrtt,lna -^\ '.'-rtrrq l^{l|-'. .^n :41-!lr.r. CONCRETE TEST CYLTNDER DATAREPORT OF To: vAIl, vAt.t,EY MnDICAL crNTllR Jou l'lo. 4 424 90 DATE: L-2-9r n ttn: Mt'. l)an [;ccncy l8l 1lcst l.lcadow Drivc DAILY nEPOlrT NO' SHtiET 1 Ol'-2 Vai I CO 81657 tNvotcE No. PRGJECT Vai I ValIey trlctl ical Ccrrter l,afkirr11 Sl'l'trctltrc, Viti l, Cololittlo. Deck Topping, Level 3, Leve| 2, Lines 2 to 3, Lines G to D, Lines Lines C to li; 2to3i u tcH TtcKEr tNFoftlihTtoN: supruE1 $lcstern l'lobi lc rnucK llo, 100 9:52 A.ltl. *. L2,1-?. cu. \o.w/rlDer nlE pr/rGtD 10:10 ilcKET No, 3401 nME NtnmD lQ; Qd FIELD TESflNG INIORMATION: 1uE IEsr T l(Er 10:25AMsluup 4k u{. Ntt 69rttE}t1 JOo SPECIFlo{nO}ls sLUUp tN. NR CONTEIT CYLJNDER INT OIII/A'TION: rn. oi nn rriii.ra - - ' rt rlrt tttttrtl stTr (rrr x I 2" pcf. Sr'lJt'LC 'lEt'lP.61OF . AJtl fElll"l50F col. ttEltanr(s: 8 @ 8 Of 48Yd 10:35 A.M. u/lrDrr c^rr 0n-Sitc 5. 5; wrT uNrr \{ucltr14L.4 I WA'EN AI'DCD AI sfIE CUNING INFOR},IATION: lNru! cunB 24hrs. on-Site (ulE srRrPPs) 1- 3- 91 n&D ston 6E r,icruilrJ Inttl lnt:d. l?T MtN./r.rN(.Insloe bur r clng o^l[,nruE AT Ulu-3-91 cnlllDl:nu'|tI rr1 x;Ir(t'ctl tn,r oF t n^ctulrc con/sh ear con/ shear A,|t/\(so. ut.) 28,2t1 28.28 28.28 2ti. 28 28.28 28,28 7 28 28 28 28 (r. 00 (r. 00 (r.00 (r. 00 6.00 (r.00 L22,500. .L27 ,5AA 1-9-91 1-9-9 L 1-30-91 1-30-91 1-30-91 1-30-91 000 f,sl o 26 rI^IT n.sfs UY wxtt^lo|lt nl rstt||rll lllf ltl L,:(xll!,r'l *rlrt rt'Jl tTlr I lllu-r'tllltl'' In{l35 oll|| tllilS[ llol[o 3olrf ltt,ulu lntl oti ittt: ttsr'tnl'ont rql lL l'trcvu(D trl olllurS' C. Adans '1" Latrtlick F|ILD OUSER\trII APPROVLD lry Fisher llcecc .Iolrrtsott Arcltitccts, coPlEs Attrr Mr. Skip SpcnsQ;yqs16r'n tr1o5ilc G.ll . Jolrnsotr Construction Co., Attn: Ilr' .Iack'l'homas; llicrbach Consulting lingittccrs t3 l rrvtura r'n rrrgfrr| no drt43, tlra.rrn4 rt|o dlia,l!t-- r! 1, !l-ql--r. ,'tI n trr-.r- ii^rr"rrrr{ cntfttrtrtrt on lYlnrcls trnlr .tr {ll:{l'lt'n ol'r nl l'(t!l_t (orrrtt.n|, ulrrlls olrrt larut€r lru||! rru. ,.rr| Lo lo ltl lrlllllrl:. a Fri!' .. ,r".liliillr.- .r .o.'r-r- ,rni ,r.. Cltl IJA a/to (lm.!tltO A'i rlr a,OrtldtlrUl 'trFt trrv (|r 'ttn 'l I lrl''\ "to "tlrfr||',rllttr litrr '!l[t4-rl'iiiir]#rr^r1r iiii",J'ora nrrrtttt,.,'rtro"l-:-^u.lli lr(l rl: 1":l$31o ot l'l'r lr:l,,'' r-' Chen€Northern Cd:fit ]||h-t tr Lr-\rY. REPORT OF CONCRETE PI-.ACEMENT OBSERVAT]ONS ls A rrrntt titttctDa ro ctrxtt, Il |t.[t fro o.;ttvLl at firlrrr: ,Jrt t r.r'fD ar nr ootDa]llv! tnoffrTY (' (lf cr fxnl lro Aml'|tulDl f(r ?tri rA- rpr d grArt rflt @onro.r <i cxirrcr: rroa (r |tori]r€ cu ru{fii-a rri.rvro pf.]or€ (rx rtlttDl ltfior& s rfu: lu E D(Fcrl, 6lfrli ltj?]€ t3oofirIID lra.l,:s. gllll ,nxlllxlt ,tf lftID IB x |tr|ri ir-n ,-, -{TttFl- .,...rr.*. t-rr )fr Oafll,|t a,/F o Tot vAtL vALLry l"tEDIcAL cEN'mR JoB No. 4 424 90 DATE t-2-91 Attn: Mr. Dan Feeney 181 West Meadow Drive DALY REPORT NO. SHEEr 2 OFz Vail CO 81657 tlO/'tCE NO. llgrEgf Vail Valley Medical Center Parking Stnrcture, Vail, Colorado Western SPfIIfp\lPfis: stlruP Afl cot{IEIT SITPPUER Mobile vu t.D. I2l2 Topping w/fiber lrao{r T PCR ruRE n^}lcE Tt Tt€.lnuc|( Mr. ncxEr lro. tlulE AAICHED I|rE ltrftvEl) Tlu€ s lrPr.g) RAiqrtfFll @U TEREqll RE\O(l'nOll @I'NIER couPr.Ellotl cullc Y G t-olAD/ CUUULAIIt/E WAIER ADOS) o uon6 1 2 J 4 5 LL7 100 151 rt7 100 3402 3403 3404 3405' 3406 10:41 Alv 11 :30 AI 12:40 Pl" 2:28 Plrl 11 : 0OAM 11 : 42Al"l 12:55PM 1:58 PM 2:45 Plt'l 11 : 15 Al"' 11:58 Ali 1:35 AM 2:05 PM 3:05 PM 8/ t6/ 48 8/24/ 48 8/s2/ 48 8/40/48 8/ 48/ 48 8 2 18 5 TET ML s(l,l?(m)A'R coffrEfi(r) *rr uHn vvEjcltT (Fcf) YIIlI) coilcnf,IE TE'PE- MTURE cF) RD.^ro(s 1 2 5 4 J 4 r/4 3 L/2 3 L/4 4 4 L/4 ). / 5.1 ). / 6.6 7.0 141.0 t42.6 t4r.4 1.40.6 159. 8 58 62 61 58 58 PROGRESS REFORT ljisher l{eece {i Johrtsotr Arcltitects, CIPIES 71gsn; l',tr" Skip Spenst; G.E. Johnson Construction, Attn: Mr. Jack'l'homas; BierbachConsulting Engineers; l{estern ltlobi 1e; C. Adams T. Laudick RELD OI}SEM/ER APPROVTD S/ u ChcntfNoilltent,InO To: VAIt, At tn: 181 VaiI PRO.'ECT MICII TICKET INFO'II,IATION: supruEx I'lcs tern Mobi le llME o^rclltr) rt A !ul!l{ ttrnrcTrFa ro al lftrts. n|' nhrE l]lorr.ra lr itrrt!rrrr!. |:or r:l rrarr6 on lx!n,atl trr,rr 4t'unln|| u'|rlJs olt{l rrr|Arqvuns rr- |.JrtlD r Eir- .. r-l iiilll"'-. .. G!.iFir.. ..r.n r|. Cgt | | ll a/9o VAI,I,EY MNDICAL CI]N'NiR Mr'. l)iur l;cerrcy l{cst l'lcadow Driveco 81657 REPORT OT CONCRITE TEST CYLINDER DATA 'r.E l|'|r' Inllbrr .nJ t l-.tLr. Joo |ro. 4 ,l?4 90 DATG: l2-12-9O DATLY nEf'ORT NO. sHgET 1 otj 2 I.NO|CE NO. Vai I Vallc It'lcrl ica l Ccnter l)rrrkirrll Stnrctlrrc, Vlil, Colotatlo. Deck Topping, Second Level, Line C to 8.1, Line 2 to 3; 'rnucJ( ilo. Il7 7:42 4.14. (rrt<llvl\ ,ll nrmnll trf. 'rr G ,|r||rrt oull nt l\ltls lr, lrl f,(llllx;. rcKEr llo. 3359 nME NlllfvtD 7. cg w.12L2 cu. YD' I TruE PLfca, g: l7 A.t"l. MIX DESICN A.M. jtrnttlrD at lltl f,orrrtxtrrut ttloat tfi (r rttn llItrls. t-" -nt.',r. tra tr l'f rllrr$ O{,n rllll l(ll l'".tr('v'l_''"4!11 1 5 tr( l' ,r(t ,.r lfnrr^lorl Inn nlnt rl - oti 0r5r.rr1l o oa l|ll.i ll:lur: ll FIEu) TESNNG INF'ORMATION: IUE TE5I TN<EI g; !g ANt sLUuP JOo SPECInC nOI$ sLUuP cornElrr 6 ..1 : wLT uNrI wucjtt I42 .2 COI{TOIT tr W^TEN N)DED AT 5TTE sAgpLE .tfup. TSoF xlr rulggop-. |.{t. ttor^Rt(s: 8@ 8 of 32 yclJ CYUNOEH INF OIII.,|^TION:lo. oF c,Yt DIDFJIS (t (rrr x | 2rl rlur (;n ltlorlts c.lsr 8 : 35 A .ltl wrorr c^ar on-S i tc CURING INFOII}TATION: lNIIUL CU[E24 hrs. On-Site Ro11 STO1IAGE Ftcltjllts Insulated Box MtN.,/yA(, u lt:nlr.tE AI WL 12-13-90 Ir^IE SIRIPPrJ, 12-13-90 t}t: C. Adams nru ,lxs: cftDlt)l:nulllt \{ll(t lr (r'ct') coup. -|;ln. 0€r) 4240 4160 4900 s040 4770 5180 Ntt-i\(54. fl.) 28.2t1 28.2t1 28,28 28,28 28 -28 28.28 7 7 z8 28 28 28 shear shear con/shear con,/sP l it con/ shear con/split (r. 00 6. 00 6.00 (r.00 6.00 6.00 120,000 117,500 138 , 500 142, 500 135,000 146, 500 12- 19-90 L2-1.9-90 1-9- 91 l.-9-91 1-9- 91 1-9 -91 4999 rrsl o ?o rl^16 IISU! U/ l^rtUtoltY rtnS.rrt{l rrf [r atr)|lr{r:1. r'llrt ,t'r'i r./rtr a lllu rrtllntt' In{l:i oltll 'fl{Ef' llolto..,lll llllutu llotl (rll llll3 ltsl ldtronl r Y l( tltuvu(r' ut ollll.'13' C" A<lams 'l'. t'arr tli ck I.IELD OUSIITEII APPROVLD TT Fishcr llcccc .Iolrnson Arcllitccts,coPlEs Attn' Mr, Skip Spcnsq;r1o*1"rn lrlolrilc C.ll . Johnson Construction Co. , Attn: lttr'. .Jnt:k'l'lromas; lticrbaclr Consrrlting linginccrs ' Chen€Norrhern.lnc O co.r..{l{ f"h.-r 'rl g.L{l.L REPORT OF CONCRETE PI.ACEMENT OBSERVATIONS N l rlml{ Ti'|"Grr'| rtt (ttxTl It( |t|lt /r,o oi!?tt{l At ifxtrt't !i( ltr,ntD a! nr c('trftrrvf-fFnflitY (r (||t o tr'Il' ItO A',nrtitlm{ ru nF E - mr d. srarr"rxrl cm{r rrrr(16 (r rxri{cr:t rm.a rrl ^torrr€ o; nrrrfr*irt:iiiiD'-lrreri-cla rrntu rfPn<r/& 3|r,'uJ ml E DoFqrD cf lnln IBltE 6 oattull, urrs oDrt ,rtxllar.Ia |Aa rtu.o lo || rmr€. a 'rrnF r *fTiiii-lnt d ...rr... trr L., OlCl l,aa a./ao To: y111 vALLEy MEDTCAL CENTDIT JoB No. 4 424 90 DATE 12-12-90 Attn: Mr. Dan FeeneY 181 west Meadow Drive DALY REPORT No' SHEET 2 0F 2 Vail C0 81657 tNvorcE No. PRGTECT Vail Vnlley Metli cil Center Parking stnrc.ttrrc' Vait, Colorado Western speFp1rpr6: 3trrrp lltt cot{I'{r gupruar t*,lobi le uu r.D. I2l2 algENT TE.|pERATURE R^rsE TE!T Ml.]nuct(uL T|o( T M'. llu€ EATCHE) IUEANilE' lIU€ s |lPt@ IIE\rcLU ctx,MTF.R EOIN REVO(ITno|il C{X,NTEN @uPrEnoN :I,IBC YAR6toto/ CUUUIAIIVE WA1TR AOOCD o r.loNs 1 2 3 100 151 117 3360 3361 3362 8:33 AM 9;03 AM 9:30 AM 8:40 AM 9:18 Al"t I :46 Al"l 8:52 AM 9:27 lN 1.0: 14Ald B/ 76/ s2 8/24/32 8/32/s2 10 72 IESTH\suIP(ur) tErunt€qfi (Pcf) YIE.D OONCRETE TEUPE- MTUNE cr) RfI|AfUc; 1 2 J 4 J 4 Ll4 u4 5.9 5.8 6.0 143.0 143.8 !.+z.z 7S 75 77 --PROGRE5S RTPORT -pisher lleece f' Johrlson Architects' CIPIES 11sn; l'lr" Skip Spenst; G.E. Johnson Constructioh, Attn: Mr. Jack Thomas; Bierbaclr Consulting Engincers; Westetn Mobi 1e: C. Adams T. Laudick RND OBSETVER APPRO/ED ET ',.qtlr.t l.OrE,i r..l :.r-lr.r., Cltcnd)Northun,lna O REPORT OF CONCIiETE TEST CYLINDER D,AT.A, TO: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTDII Attn: !lr. Dan Fccncy l8l Wcst Meadow Drivc Vail CO 81657 JOO No. 4 424 90 D TE: 12-11-90 DA|LY REPOI{T NO. sHt:Er 10r rlwolcE No. PRcrEcT Vai I Valley ltletli cal Ccntcr l)ark i.ng Structrr rc, Vai I , Color:a<lo. PTACEMENT LOGT\IION:Fourth" Level, Third Level, Deck Topping, Deck Topping, Lines F.3 to D; Lines C to E.6; Line Line 2 to 3, 2 to 3, ITATCI{ TICKET INFORL{ATION: supruE|r Wcstern Mobi lc nuE nAratq) 'cKsr l". uu oEsrcN *. 'r1'r|o.r"u. w. 8 nME NinrvT.D 10:47 A.l,l. nue pr.rtcO 10:51 A.M. lnuQ( O, 10:29 A.M. 4 sluptr rll,tr,. 73oF.AJrt torl'. 34op tul. nulvrxsE G 16 of 24vd3 FIETD IESTING INFORMATION: nuE TE5J T r<rj|10155AI\| sLUuP {ro sPEctnc^not|s suruP [.t. lN. sk ^Jr colrtElfi6. 1 : wEr uNlr wEcllrl4l . 4 AJR COMETTf I WAIIN rcDED AI S'IE pcl. CYUNOEIT INFORIIATION:rp. or Crf tXOgnS f; cyltlt,fn Stzti 6tt x 'i,2't lluE t;rtlNt)r,ls C-^5f 11:05 A.14. wtlolE O\5T On-Si tc CURINC INFORI.,{ATION: lNm{. cuRE: 24hrs. on-site RE-o sTorucE FrcrulrEs Insulated Box MrN.,/MN(. o lfntuE ar wr. 12-12-90 IrrIE srnpps, l2-12-9O tty: C. Adams nr-r,{rtK* AGE o^'ts MTE IESTE' lgr L LO I) (urs) r)urelul ([.rclr15)NIFA(s. |lr.) couP. -fin. (,sD TN'E OFfll ctung cn.nlr)Enwurrtr(urs) c llDt:nu tr gnx;.r rr(rcf') 7 7 28 28 28 z8 12-18-90 12- 18-90 1- 8-91 1-8-91 1- 8-91 1- 8-91 120,000 119,000 144,000 r42 ,000 142,000 140,000 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 28,28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 4244 4270 5090 5020 5020 4950 shear con/sp1it shear con/ shear con/ shear con/ shear oFJrcN slll€llcllt 4000 Psl o ?o r)^Ys lll;':! t wxtt^t(fi Ft n:rtltllt lrll ol rrrrrt(At4a. fitrl ,ri'ir.|,lt frlr' l'trtltlii Inlll:{i olllurirtr' '|olto'Jo!( llltonr4lK)ll oll tltli tlsl Htl\onl tr Y tr. f&ovrx,D ufY olllulS' PROGRESS REPORT: Fisher P.eece Joltnson Architccts,uvrrLJ Attrr: Mr. Skip Spcnstlr1sc1sr1 Mo6ilc G.E. Johnson Constructiotr Co. , Attn: I'lr. Jack ltromas; Ricrbach Consulting Dngincers C. Adams 'l'. Laudick FIELD OUSETWER APPRO\GD IIf {t^ur,tttA|''norq6r'|tonr'rr:!.I|'t.|'iE,'hd|i<'|9.t,|lnlmn|sA,rq3tFr.l|'l'Altr|f.(o',|Dt'.n^|.-ft'ff 't.ri.l'lt^rf!.','seor(il'.ir'rio''xln,c|3lf'{.F|'tcJnD{'.lno'..''iii...t:''iii4onunJ, uritls on rrirrqJyu4S tm. nnt-o lo ltl srllltl;. ^ .ra.- , u.l iriil-lr.-. t r.d!ro.r- t.r'i L.. cutl tJ a/to ,. Chen€Norrhern.lnc I Cd:dltt. U||l|.-r di 5.L{ll REPORT OF CONCRETE PI..ACEMENT OBSERVATIONS art A lamlr( tn6?crDr ro (lrt{Tl Itt trnt ao orrnr,ti ,lt ifForr:r ,,rt tfr.r'fD at nr o(r.o.}rg-t-tforfnTt (|r (|t cr txB ,,o- amrlnl,rDl mi '!Fr - Dt*r c,- sralrrrlrt cDqrua.r c mDcnr rrlrrr (rr iro{rr€ q.r urviJo-idiiio'-rriin6-ir.r''rrutiot llrmrA- srlrt6 iu E r"(Eo or 'vrln lt5lr€ E ool;,.Elrt ttlll| qI t ,f|.Ilaxlt ,at fa[.ro lD x txDq. ^ nrrt- d rt Gifi-lr.r d ..ir.l la 15 Gltl l,al /lO Tot vAIl vALLEy MEDTcAL cDN'rER JoB No. 4 424 90 DArE L2-Lt-gl Attn: Mr. Dan Feeney 181 West Meadow Drive DAtLy REpOFn NO. sHEEr 2 OF 2 Vail CO 81657 h{VOtcE NO. lEq{ECT Vail Valley Medical Conter l)arking Stnrcture, Vail, Colorado western spErFE rpt6: strrup An @t{IEXr suprua l'lobile yd w. 7212 w/fiber l;1agNr rErpERAruRE R IEE IETlt.TNUCXl{r IIO€T l,to. IITE EAICHE) TIUE Afttl/ED llu€ 9\t/Pt-E) RA/otunotl @rJ||rEn EOIN RE\DUJTO$Ic{xrNlE @uPrEllotl cuBc Yl&rs t-o,rD/ CUUUUlrvt WA'ITR ADO@ c tLo|ri I 2 3 4 5 49 49 44 lt7 49 3348 33s3 3354 3355 3556 9 :41 Altl 11. :31AM 12:1SPM 12 : 56PM 1 :5.1PI'l 9:55 AM ll. :40 AIvl L2228 PM 1:20 PM 2:10 PM 10:29AM 12:06PM 72:43Plrl 1 :38PI4 2,29PM 8/ 8/ 24 8/ 24/ 24 8/ 8/ 24 8/ 76/24 8/24/24 8 10 6 t2 TESTHI su[?(rn)IJR cofln}{r(r) IET UNIT wrjcrfr (Fcf) YIIlI) @NCRETE TEIPE- RA1URE cF) RfJt fiuci I z J 4 5 3 7/2 4 3 L/2 s s/4 31/4 6.2 6.4 6.4 6.5 6.3 747.4 .141 " 8 140.2 1.41.0 1.42.6 72 72 73 70 69 PRoGRESS RFPoRf, sanple taken at truck discharge. - Fisher Reece &johnson Arcltitects, COPIES Attn: l.lr" Skip Spcnst; G.E, Johnson Construction, Attn: Mr. Jack Thomas; Bierbach Consulting Engineers I l{ostern l,lobile: C. Adans RE.D OEENNER Laudick /ED ST ChcntrNorthcnr,InO TO: VAIL At tn: l8l Vai I PR(}JECT VALLEY MEDICAL CENTUII Mr. Dan Feency West Meadow Driveco 816s7 Vai. l Va 11e ^s ^ uunlt r.nfitgtlr. m rit rrrls. ntt F|lt! E frronox (r rr^rtrrrrar!, aorErI'lrr.!t on txt||rritt rrr|{,:ovartnl urntltjS ollr(.| ,a^ArqrruoS lril ,r.fi t.o ^ Ert- o, ,- | ijir i-l "'-. ., Go.nFrir- t.rr. t.. Cr.t l IJA a/CO S tt,t37t r4-! Al tlrt.('.]rt A,}l: an pl cr.,rrrrr.l oun Al.,'(lll.tlr, lrl rf||lllrrc. Cure Box MlN.,/M/o(. ' nE,.t flxs: slmrlrttD A.t lrra al)rr{xrrw l'tftrt '|fY (,4 airn cl|Irntr. r, nt..,(tMo ,.alrolx: olrn rnrtltll Arrfttlt rl- 3^rr|.t It lvll l. cntt|Dt:n ulrrr m:xr lr(l'cr) 284 284 284 284 I,lE 5A. [r.) 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 couP. -5ln, 051) 3860 3930 4860 4600 4720 4880 con/ shear shear con /shear con/ shear con/sp 1it con/spl it 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 12- l.5- 90 12- 15-90 1-s-91 1-5-91 1.-5 - 91 1- 5 -91 109,000 L 11 ,000 L 37, 500 130 , 000 133,500 L38,000 4 000 Psl o ?o f)^YT nsls l't wxrt^tort n la.r {l trt ol ,./$.rttur4t, qtlrl ltfllTrrt r<tv rtf.tlbrti In{133 ollllralYEa- llolto 30rrt l'|l u$r lloll oll ltlls ll5l Rtt.Q{ll L Y l( ftruut)(o ut oltlLrli. J. tloffinan 'l'. Laudick FIELD OI]SETWEII APPRO\ED TT Fisher llcecc Joltnson Arcllitccts,ttttt" Atttr : Mr. Skip Spcrrsq;gsr1.rn MoSi lc G.E. Johnson ConstTuction Co., Attn: l"tr. .Iack'l'homas; Rierbach Constrltirtg linginccrs o YLI l.'lcdi cal Ccntcr l':rrk inJl Str.trcturc, Vai I , Colora<lo. Circular Wal1, Southwest Corner; MTCII TICKEI INFOR[.|A]ION: supruEx hlcstcrn Mobi le llMe 0Arc tD FIELD TESTING INFORMATION: nuE TEsr T,rXO{g;15 Alt{ stul/P 3% JOO SPEC|nC nol.ls suJuP trt: CYL|NOER tNtO'il.0\TtON: no. oF c,ytjroFlrs (l cn trrurn srzr (rrr x l2rl CURING lNFORliitATlON: lllfiuL cuttE on_Site 0^lE sIRlPPst 12-10-90 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST C ]nrrcx lro. 100 7 i26 A.I!1" r{. .,\Jn coroE n5.6 : wEr uNr wEcttr hl. AR COf.tTE'rr .l WAIEn ,\oDfD AI 5m RO-o $Ottl6E r'rcrLnlE5 NDER DATA JOD NO. 4 424 90 DATE: 12-8-90 DAJLY REPOIIT NO. SHEEf 1 OI: rl.rvolcE No. IrcKEr No,01 3328 MU DESICN ltto. 23 CU, YD. 8 nME NlnrvtD 7:35 A.l,l. llME PL^cD g;00 A.M. ltur cntNof,ts cAsT 8:20 A"M" mtFJlE c-{5T on-Si tc '/||alu,? IngLE,r .nn 9<l-n|.l. pct. satPLE rf}.tr,65op .rrrt rr!l'. 25op 60l. nor nKs oi\IEnlME AI t ! 12-10-90 ,ro frr rr r^rnx tDrt rrnir,r- 0t: ul3r'tEl.o qr 4lt.R rl.trrn t'l ChcnONorthcnr,hf TO: VAII, Attn: 181 Vai I PROJECT VAI,LEY MEDICAL CENTIJR Mr. Dan Fcency West Meadow Driveco 816s7 Vail Valle REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST C tr{. An cornE rI4.9 : wrr uNrr tvfjc r -- tN. ,^ln CONIEI|T I WArEn ADDS) Al SITE stzE (rrr x l2rl lrut: cn lllDflm cA5T sTOITACE FICLJIIES C. Adams RETT RK* rrcKEr ro. 01 iis&x ooon *. l?1?. cu. ro. 8w/ r].Der nME N{rrvrD L2:32 P.M. I|rE Pl,rcE) ' r.-rU,rt l6rLE,. nF.l kr-rhr. NDER DATA Pct's r/Ptl lEut'62oF " Nlt Itltt'30oF " Col. nDl{RKS:3 wlrrJrE c"'.5r 0n-Si tc oulcN sTRolc;Tll At t uunul Fttit'tclrl.| to ct |lrrt3. l||f |rrmE rro artttal\'.\ rll nlFo.rrt l,rfrrr|. (t <rltrl|atras. e.|.cr ltarrrt on ?xtrActt trrl|ll arl Fl a:arrl r! a'trn rl.l\rll-t 4OUnlnD t rr|.'ll ollr(.i llll}qrrufls t I |.,,!ltD lo ur snrlrlrc. | ,E - .. hlilfX lt-. .r .o.!rrdrr- t.rrr no. craal IJA a/to tum ft t/|IrUrofit artts.rtrdt r,tt ltl t rlxlr^raf wlnl ltrn r.rlt f r<lu lrttlntta In{l:it Oll|tJrrvr"C lloltD !o{( rlloltu lx)'| or D||5 ltst lttronl UAY lI" tlrtl(tD lllY olluJt3. J. llof fman FIELD OBsII{VER o YLI JOo No. 4 424 90 DATE: 12-8-90 DAILY REPOTO NO. SHITT 2 OF INVOICE NO. l''lcrli cal Ccntcr l,arkirr StTuctrlrc, Vail, Cololado. Fourth Level, Deck Topping, Line 2 to 3, Line F.S to G; I.IATCIJ TICKET INFORI"{ATION: suprurn ltlestern Mobi le IUE TATCIIS} FIELD TESNNG INFORMATION: IIUE TESI T/rXE}l --- SLUMP 3Lz JOo SPECtnCAnOtrs SLUUP CYLJNDIII INFORI/ATION: tKr. oF c,yljtroF_Rs fr c,yl ltoFlt CURING INFORI,IATION: INIIUL cUtG: On-Site flE D rE SIRIPPED 12-10-90 t'r3 tnuq( t|o. 1,17 12:25 P.M. urN./I{,toc o^rE/IruE AT r.,a& 12-10-90 ttsl o ?6 nA\6 'l'. Laudick APPRO\4:D TT ttdrrtrllo an $|r aortroltllw rrafr-l nd or ai,[ itr|lns. l,n !,lrr'tlr^rrltr lrtl ''ltira_B nl..,ttMtr t.rx|'r4 otrn it{ ttr ^'r|n'l,I- .:'rrrflti r{ll|l:.,ri''otl.o oa lrlln lt:l!|: l'. AnFt 5{|. u.) 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 3860 3930 5000 4900 4860 4830 con/ shear shear con,/ shear con,/ shear con,/sP 1i t con/she ar lb 78 288 28ts 28 2s 12- 15-90 12- 15- 90 1-5-91 L-5- 91 1- 5-91 1-5-91 109,000 L1L,000 141, S00 1.38, 500 137,500 136,500 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 Fisher P.eecc Johnson Architccts,uunE) Attrr: Mr. Skip Spcnsg;gorlurn l.,to5i lc C.ll , Johnson Construction Co,, Attn: Ilr. Jack lhornas; llierbach Consulting linginccrs Chen€Northern.lnc Cdrdri brh-r ai &Jd, a, REPORT OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT OBSERVA,TIONS ll- a,!!I11 fFTIgtD|to ctrxtt nf |tIlE rro (xJF(ttts, |ll rffor lt Am 3'aI'tD ar nr oofDfx]yl. nmrrnTy {F (I'l o fxtlr ^}o Arngu^IrH 'Di Ptrlr^_no.l tr sranrtxra comulrr.l 6 qr!!gt! lmrr m trtcrriio-qri ngrcrn rr rxltnfl, potorn q:n -nllt t lppnwa- s rltet xu- g€ e-ota4a ,rrr.R rEnrp Ecoatffr uul3 onrr ,aflxDrxrr ,fia lgtu.o m '| tlfrt€, - ' - - A nr'.- l sr.lttttfln , ...rra... tr'ir fa.. ClIl l{t a,/to .-. VAIL VALLI,Y MEDICAL CENTER JOB NO. 4 424 90 OATE 12-8-90Attn: Mr. Dan Feeney 181 West Meaclow Drive DAILY REPORT NO. sHEEf s OF 3 Vail CO 81657 tNVotcE No. PRoEcf Vail Vat tey tledilot c"nt"" Parking Structurc, Vai1, Colornclo Western SPEIFE iID$$ Stlup An cot{TEXIsuPPun Mobile vu t,o. #I2L2 Topping - Fiber arrstr IEIpERAruRE ^^nc€ IEST M'.IR{JCX ML ncrEr Mt TlUE EAICHq} IIUE ^lutvED TIU€ SAIIPTID RI\,OUJIFil @IJNTERron RE\OUTTION @.JNTER couPt-ElloN crrgc YARF t-o4D/ CUUUllII'/E w rEn ADo@ c u-oNs I a 151 44 0L-3535 01-3337 10 11 57AM 34AM 1 1 : 15Al"l 11 : 54AIl It t: zsnu 12: 15 PM 8/24 16/ 24 IETt(L sLt lP (rr{)uEt uNn f,Ecr|r (Pcf)YIE.o COI$RIIE T TTPE- RAruRf co Rfu e(s I n 3 3/4 5.0 4.7 68 66 PROGRESS REFORT Fisher Reece G Johnson Arcliitect=, CIPIES 411n; Mr. Skip SPenst;G.E. .lohnson Construction, Attn: l*lr. Jack'lhomas; Bierbach Consulting Enginecrs; Wcstcrn Itlobi le : .I. Iloffrnan T. Laudick RE.D OBSEIWER APPRWED ErY -, Cltcn t)Northcln, I na 't'afffrt l.tlr..,. ..4 !-t-tlht. REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CVT--INOgN OATA ^t^uu1l1||rndqcIi}|'octrrn3.nt''inE|,|o.lli<'|r4-\,||'nlmn'!r'I:3|,nr.||ll,AtiIrro''rff'|rut..ftr''nlYorrn|(rn^ru'ITs'fo'El|'.ir'Eo'lxtn|c|t'||.}urnnle.,||'n.,ounnrxlo.d'ilill iounlnJ, lrrrtt_:ls olllt.| ,arurqt uals rrlf. Ljrl l.lt lo ltl rtlllux;. t F-i' .. u.l ijiril c... .r !o.iF, .. r.,rr b. Gr.tl lJ a/9O TO: VAIL VALLEY MUDICAL CtjN'IDtr Joo No. 4 424 gO DATE: 12-10-90 n t tn: Mr. Dan l;ccncy1gl Wcst trleadow Drivc DA|LY nEpOttT NO. SHCEf 1 0t: 2 vai I co 81657 rNrvorcE No. PRGTECT Vail Valley ['lct!i cal Center |tar.king St.r.uctrrrc, Vnil, Colorado, PTACEMENT LOCAIION: Lines 2 to 3; First 3" Lift, This Load Placed Deck Topping, on East Side, Second Level, Line D to E, 30r to 50t North of Southeast Corner: BATCIJ TICKET INFOR}IATION: SUpTER Westcrn l.lobi lc nUcK lto, nuE IATCtttD 2:08 1)1) Mu DEsroN uo. ';::, cu. YD. 8w/ rrDer P.M. nuE Pt cg) 12:33 P.M. tL7 P.M. ICKEr M). 3342 nuE /{rnrvT-D 12 | 29 FIEU) IESNNG INFORMATION: IluE IEsr I xE}| 12:43PM sruup 3k rn. .roB spEctnc^no s .r* lrtax4 lN. Nn coln€rr 6 . 8 ; wEr ut{r wErc}rr 143 . 4 lllR cOMElflS- 7 .l WAIE I ADDED Al 5m s,orrtg .lEu,'. SgoF AJtr tulr,43op. col. nE,r^nr<s:16 of 32 yds e<t. 4 cYUNoEft tNFORt0\TtoNllrt. oF c,yt.nrDFjts (r r,vl ttrrrnt stzti (tt' x 12" lur cn ttrt)Fns cJsJ 12:53 P.M. wrrfir a.\5t On-Si trr CURINC INFORII{ATION: IMT]AL cuRE:24hrs. 0n-Site RtrD sron^cE F clurLs Insulated Box MrN.,/rrN(. oArL7luE Ar rlt 12-11-gt OArE gRlPPg) 12-11-90 |It: C. Adams nrlr fiK* AGE rAt1s tAr€ IESIE' t(Ir I t0\t)(uE)DAlrfl[n (|l,rcr rus)Artr (5o. It.)couP..:in.(t5r) T/I'E OF Hlrctulac cn [{)frl wlj(I fr (r rr3) cft|ltDl:nu'tlt \{x;r rr(r'cf) 7 28 28 28 28 t2-17-90 72-17 -90 7-7 -9L 1-7 -91 t-7 -91, r-7-91 118,500 121,000 141 ,000 145,500 145,000 146,500 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 28.28 28.28 28 -28 28.28 28.28 28.28 4190 4280 4990 sl50 5130 5180 con/shear con/ shear con/shear shear con/ shear con/ shear DESICN STR€IIGIII 40oo Psl o 26 rA\6 lljf:B tt wfqt^toftt rl n.ltttttl ^rtl lrl r.rrnttv|ic *llll r^|-l r,rrl t rltu |tf-nntri |trttlat onllrri'l'r. llolto 3O!t ltlr(xrul|oll oll ll1t5 ltgr t|tltoftl u Y t( l'tlllvlou) lr olllult' PROGRESS REPOTff Fisher P.cecc Joltnsotr Arcllitccts,uvrrLr Attn' Mr. Skip Spcrrs!;ys"1srn Mobile G.E. Johnson Construction Co., nttn: Ilr- Jack Thomas; Bierbach Consulting Enginccrs C. Adams T. Laudick FIELD OI,$ETWER APPRO\ED tlf Chcn€Northern.lnc O C..rritli t ttb.-r qi 3ld.lrd. REPORT OF CONCRETE PI..ACEMENT OBSERVATIONS Tat..V. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL cUNTnR JoB No. 4 424 90 DATE 12-10-90 Attn: Mr. Dan l'eeney 181 Wcst Meadow Drive 'DAJLY REpOffT NO. sHEEf 2 0F 2 Vail CO 81657 tlJvotcE No. PFiOTECT Vfli1 !a1ley Mcrlieal -ccnter Par:ki ng StTucturc, Vail. Colorado sPEtFE non* st!!P An @t{If.NIsjlFrlEfrnMobite vu r.D. r21z ArrENr rurpE^^ruRE RAr,lcE TEST Mt nrcx HL IIO(ET lro. Ilv€ 8 TCHq, IIUE Aturyg) r!€s !Pr.g) RE\'Oirtfnil@urfin o€orN RE\OuflON Ofl'NIEN coltPr..Enoil ct Etc YAnFta o/ cuuuurlv€ llAtTR ADOGD cALLo$s 1 2 3 15r 44 177 3341 3344 3345 11:10 AM 12:58 PM 1:58 PM 11:3lAM 1:10 PIrl 2: 10 Pl"l 11:48 AM 1 :45 PM 2:30 PM 8/8/s2 8/ 24/ s2 B/ 32/ 32 18 3 rEr t{L Sll,|f(tlr)TET UNfT*nctfr(Pcf)Ytru) @T$RETE TETP€- R^IURE cF) Rfir ru(s I ", J 2 3 3 u4 7/2 5.2 5.9 s.7 L45.4 143.4 L42.3 63 64 62 PR(rcRESS REPORT Fisher lteece & Jolursotr Architects, COPIES 411n1 l,lr. Skip Spclst; G.E. Johnson Construction, Attn: ltlr. .IackThonas; Bicrbach Consulting Lingineers; l{es tern ltlobi. le ; C. Adams T. Laudick RE1D OBSTI1/ER APPRWED SY At A qrn!( rEnclrri lD cltxtl ltf Ft'|tE Arar (t?trlltt ,rl. ttxrrn ,rtf ltrfTI'D At lrr corra.mvl fn(r"tiTY (r d,t (I l.larl Aro Arnrlrfl lul rElt |r,nlrl\-txr| c slaltrtt nl crt{rrtito.n rtt mDcnr rrrx oR ito|rrr€ c(,i ntlimrs B iLtwU, Ifxr€ q,n fntrtul ltPnova- 3ariMu tE o@qL or MLn [trE 6oB{litnr, |'t^|ll g|llt aur€araxx] t rt ,.ilI,D to ra rt rf, ^ 'r-r.r d rFlttf l r.t d...rFr. i-'| ,.., CYal las a/!O ",. ChcntlNortlicnr,l'rb REPORT OT.' CONCITETIi TEST CY DER DATA ffilnFE,,o.t|i.i.|r'.\,|l,t''9n.r.r,ni3|nnt|lloAltr{.lor'ltx'l|u|..irfintl.rd'nit['rr:\,r|n,|r||rrr|,^rrr'|nnr|['rl. 'r.rtlr|lu'''tS..rr'ri'',i''Fon'YtIl:ttlrtlrl',lnlc|n|'''|4OuFl!.ttll uttl u3 ollltt ,llnlr4 luats lJlt.,aJltIo lo lrl sllllln;' | .r--t- .. rrl iliiil c.-- .t .o,'rFir- t.ri 15. cratl IJA a/CO ' ^tAttll., laTb-.,. .n4 :-.ta'rhr.o LIN TO; vAIf, v^t,t,uY t4rDIcAl, cuNll;tr Jou No. 4 424 90 DA[E: 1-3-91 Attn: lrlr. Dan |tccrtcy lSl l{cst lrlcatlow Drivc D ILY flEPOl{T NO. SHIL-I 1 0l' 2 Vai I CO B1657 twolcE No. PRO.TECT Vnil Vallcy llcrl ical Cerrter l'at'kirrlg Stnrcturc, Vlil , Coloratlo. Deck Topping,Level 3,Li-nes 5 to 4; MTCI.I TICKET INFORIIATION: supruE1 I'lcs tern l.lobi lc ' rt o( o. 9:25 A.M. s4o7 Mu oEllcl, o. l1l?. cu. Y-,,. 8 w,/ t]-Der 9:48 A.t\,t. nuE PLrcEL 9:56 A.M. FIELD TTSTING INFORMATION: nME rEsI Tlr(tN 10:lgAlvl 3LuuPS 3f 4nL JOO SPECIFICI OI|S STLUMP tN. pcf. sAuPLf, rtut,.62op ..ttt lult'.18oF ^Jn co||rurr4 . g : wl-r ulltr wuctlr14s. 0 An coMF-rrr I W ltn ArrDrD Ar StlE strF (r" x 12"lul: cnruDrtl:i c -5T 10-:29 A.l'1. mtlrtr c-,\'ir 0rr-SiteCYUNDEII INIO'II,{I\TION: ,m, or cjrl tttDfFs 6 rln trrrrrrr CUltlNG lNFOlllrIATlON: tNttul cuttE 24hrs. On-Site nt1o IAIE srntppfl, 1-4-91 ut: Insulated Box Inside Bui lttingMlN'/w' n Fil,i\rlKs: p\r[^rf.rE Ar LA& .1-4-91 cnll|l)r.nufllt w|ld f r (t'cf ) cnll.llrlrl wrxl lr (urs) ,lt 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 c on/ shear con/she ar 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 129,500 128 , 500 1- 10-91 1- 10-91 1- 31-91 1-31-91 L-31-91 L-51-91 7 28 28 28 28 4000 t\to?6 lllinl |tl t^ttulofrt r'l l(idrtnl ,trf lrr lrrlr'trrt':1. r'lllr ra'r'itlri' '-'lr' lrl'llltlti l|rttll5 ollll t'll3[ tlolfD !os! ltll ulr|^trux oll lll(i llrt tltltnl lr t l|L tllovl{,to lrl oll(,,15' C. Aclarns 'l'. Lautlick FTELD OUSETWER APPRO\GD IIT Fishcr llcccc .Ioltttsoll n rchitects 'coPlEs Attn' Mr:. Skip Spcrrstlvs5lgrn lrto6ilc G. E. .Iohnsolr Colrstr.uction Co. , Attll: llr ' .Iack'l'ttomas; llicrbach Corrsulting linginccrs .' ' Chen€Northcm.lnc e REPORT OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT OBSERVATIONS ASA|lrnlrt?Er"crr'|rocttxrtI|tnrrrlro(|ft?tw1lllilForr:rrutfsFrtTnnAtnrcotrttfir'tfno.rtrvf(ttlclaxr*r'-o-,lmr''ftrrDlrcnnn|l]-T(t{ o- srarrrtrt, rrrrcrtrrFor{t .rr rn ct; rirra (f rfornfrrt qr rvrrs'-c llirvur tDar qJR tEtltx l'fFJlL s/llru:t fu l€ DcrurD cr lnLR lttlrE B cortu:rD t,lls qn af|{laJ||r rf, lcn.Lo to '| tlf||[. ^ ir.lrr., r'llTiFllrt r ...rr.5 t r l5 cral l,aa 4,/, C..:dri l'rL-r qr ,,brt at To: v411 vALLLy r"rEDIcAL clN'l'En JoB No. 4 424 90 DATE 1-j-91 Attn: Mr. Dan Feeney 181 lrlesr Meadow Drivc DATLY REPORT NO. sHEEr 2 0F 2 Vail CO 81657 IWO,CE NO. PR(UECT Vail Va11ey Medic;il Center Parking Str:uctrrte, Vai1, Colorado Wes tern SUPPUER MoSi 1" SPEIFEANONS sL!UP l/u 1.0. 1212 Ton rvlfiber 7od Afl COtfiIltT pozz 2pllarJ{r TolP€RAruRE R^NC€ TEIT txr. TFrrct( ML IO€r l.x). TIYE EATCHA) TIUE AItf,lvg) lluE s ltPLg) RE\'OI,UIXN @ul.16lfottl RE\OU-rnOfl C(XJNIER oouPtSnot{ ct Ec Y rulsl.oro/ CUUul IIvt WAITR II)OCDottl0rs 1 LT7 3408 9:52 AM 10:45 AM 8/ 16 / 40: 1ESTl0 su[P(rr)trr uNn I!'FJOIfi(pcr) YIEI) @ucftElE IElr|'E- I|ATURf,c4 RfT.ffU€ I s 3/4 4.8 r42.2 62 PROGRESS REPORT Fisher lleece & ..lolutson Arcltitects, COPIES 11131; l,lr. Skip Spenst; G.E. Johnson Constructiotr, Attn: I'lr. .Iack Thomas; Bierbacli Consulting Enginccrs; I'lestcrn lt'lob i le : C. Adams T. Laudick RED OBSEfVER APPRWED II/ , ClrcntfNorlhenr,ln3 TO: VAIL Attn: 181 Vai I PRq'ECT REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST C VALLEY MEDICAL CEN'TIII lvlr. Dan Fccncy Wcst Meadow Drivcco 81657 Vai I Valle It'led i cal Ccntcr l)arkin .St rr,r cturc Deck- Tdpping, Level 3, 119 lcKEr No.3j69 nuE /qnmD g '57 :,tmr|rrrrn At lllf totl ltl| trtul FraFl 'rtt or E nl:.l.tr't o I'lfrrr|'rt olr4 f,rllllttl l,'m(,v'l- 't,erfr^r f .lnEr. ..'l :.l-nt.t. DER D.ATA JOU NO. 4 424 90 DATE: 12-15-90 DALY REPORT NO. sHuet 1 Or 3 f'tvolcE No. Vai l . Col or:atlo . Lines C to B, Lines 2 to 3; L2l2 Top lX DESICN llo.w/fiber cU. YD, 8 A.lrl;' TlxEPt,lC@ 10:05 A.ll. ll.ilttc r, o YLIN TIATCI{ TICKET INFORMATION: supruEfi Wcstcrn Mobi le tnt cK o. IUE DArc U) FIElj TESIING INFOR},IATION: Ttu€ rEr T xot 10:12AM SLUMP JOO SPEG|nCAnOITS SLUUP 4 ,r. tN. Nn cotnEfr4.5:wEr uMt wrjcrtr143.I ^ro "onarl}rt I WAIE I ADDED Al srE S^r,tpLf, tt,tr,. 69oF dtr tup. lSoF CYLINOEII INFOIIIIA'IION:ro. oF cilnt ins 6 x 12" Irur cnllDrfis o\57 wrrDrr ()\rr On-Si te CURING INFOIIITATION: INIIUI CulrE24hrs. 0n-Site RIID :;tott^cE r/IstunEs lleate<l Roon U|N,/M (. o lli^tuE AI t^rl2-17-90 DAIE 5IRIPPF, 12- 77 -90 D/: C . Adarns nEl.lAnx& c/UltDt.n utrlr $11;l rr(,'cr) TN'C OF flrrctunccouP, -tn. ('5t) 4t7A 4310 5274 5200 5200 5480 7A 7A z8A 284 284 284 con/ shear con/ shear con/shear con,/ shear con/ shear con/shear 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 118,000 122,AO0 149, 000 .147,000 147, 000 155 ,000 72-22-90 t2-22-90 t-t2-9L 1- 12-91 t-L2-91 1- 12-91 4000 r'st o ?6 rl^ls tlJts Itt utt ulort fl n:ttlr|'l rlt |ll r.r:o.lttrrat: wlltl r^Flt]tlf rrlu !'.ttl)t'li llttl lJs olllt, tYsc llolfD 'Jolrf, |rttutr4lx)ll oll tll[; ltst nFofil ! Y llt l'tl(M(xl, Itf on[,|t' C. Adams 'l'. Laudick F|EI.D OUSEKVER APPRO\GD tjY Fishcl P.cccc Joltnson Architccts,coPlEs Attr' Mr. skip Spcns!1g"r1ro'n Mobilc G.E. Johnsoll Construction Co.r Attn: Nh-- Jack Thomas; Ilicrbach Consulting linginccrs lt I eunl.t r.rrirftcrrta m ,i rtrn. l|li F|nl E lttntl.|x (r lt^ltvrttt:l liotrcl I riYtrl on txlnrGlt | |rQll 4ovnlr|lt ulltlJs ollltl anrurqluns {r. rafi l.o ^ Enr' .r trliliiilr.a ., .6Fir- a.rn |... C|.al IJA a/go (r t,ttt t.!l-! rl I nr mnrt r,lfrn rl r:r,rDDrl olr|t nl.t'(xlii lo nt r|||||l|;. rlrn illtlrlir lr[, xtrlrnlllrnrr tnn -.. !tt tJ wrt l. I[ (r|3ar(r.l.o or rrll.n ',r*fffr? l^!t-rr q-.1 tar'atrt.- Chcn0Northern,ll! t REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA PRGJECT Vai I Vallcy Mcrli cal Cctttcr l)arkirr1l Strtrctrrrc, Vail, Color:ado. TO: VAIL VALLEY MIDICAL CINTUIT Attn: Mr. Dan Fccncy 1Bl ltlcst lrlca<lorv Dr.ivc Vai I CO 816s7 JOO NO. 4 424 90 DALY IIET)OIIT NO. f.ryolcE No. r^ta-r* I sH[L-r 2 0r' 3 ACEMENI LOCA] ION:Walf, *Line C fron Line 2 to 4. This load placed in Lower East llalf . BATCIJ TICKET INFORI.|ATION: supruE; lllestcrn Mobilc tnuc1( tto. 11g TtcKEr 1.K,. J373 Mu Hish Earlv( DEsrcH No.'--fiix-C-ed. YD.8 nME B^Tc|tED 11:46 A.M. nuE N{rrvrJ 12:L0 P.lvl. ruE pucg) 12;22 p.I'|. FIEIN TTSI1NG INFORMATIOI.I: rluE rEs'f r xEr 12 : 4 TPlrl sLuup JOO sPEClnCAnOlls sU[tP 2\ tN. un coroE{r4.0:wEr uNn woctfi L46.2 rN. AR CONTE}Tf I WAIEn ADDCD Ar Sm -- AJtr rE!r'. 2goF B@8 of 1g vd3 pcf. SAIPI,E 1E]Jl'. 25 c,,It. nDrARKs: cin ttn)F,t stzt:(rrt CYLJNDER 1111 g11y41oN: tro. oF ctl ,xrlFj€ 10 lrMr Gn.lltrrrn:i cAsT 1?:57 p -l\l Wlolf C.\lT On-S i tclztlx CUITING INFORI,IATION: INIIUL CuttE24hrs. on-Site Ro-D sloll 6E F cl,flIEs Heatcd Roon UtN.,/rruc o\rEnur|: AI Uu12-17-90 D rE SrRfppsr L2-L7-90 trr: C. Adarns nEr nxr AGE DAYS DATE TES-IE' loT L t.0 l) (urs) tru!Errn (['rcl|15)i'\rtr..\ (so. rr.) colrP. -nn. (lst) TN'I: OF f lli\CIUllC cn,l{r)Elt wtJcr tr (uJ3) cnlllDl:Rulrlr wll(;| lr (1,{rt) 3B 3B 48 4B 7B 7B 288 2aB 28B 298 12- 18-90 12- 18-90 12- 19-90 t 2- 19-90 L2-22-90 L2-22-90 L- 12-91 1- 12- 9t 1- 12-91 1-12-91 140, 000 136,000 144,500 148, 500 149,000 149, 000 168,000 172,S0O 171,500 .170, 000 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 28.28 28.28 28.28 23.28 23.28 z,J . ld 2i3.28 2t3.28 2i1 .28 2t1 .?.8 4950 48 10 5110 5250 s27C s270 5940 6100 6070 60i.0 con/ s hear con/ shear con/sp1it con/shear con/ shear c on/ shear c on / shear con/ sh ear c on/ shear con/sh ear oFStcN sTRf (;rll 5000 t5t o 2,l r}^]S Itlits ttl wxn^lorw Ft fls.ront ,nf ||l |.rrt|trvtat *1trl |tnrz^Dtl r'?ru l".llut:i t,ttl13' ollltJliY!'l tloltD 5Or[ [I(nu tlotl oll llll3 ltsl l[tronl rr^l |t flt(Ivlu(t ItY ollllrlt. PROGIIESS REPORT: Fishcr P.cecc Johnson Arcltitccts,uurrLr Atttr: Mr:. Skip Spcnsqlycqtcrn Mobilc G . E . Johnson Cotrstructiotr Co . ' At tn : Iqr - Jack 'llomas; llicrbach Consulting Dnginccrs C. Adams 'l'. Lautlick FIELD OI]SETWER APPROVED tlf ltAuunr{,''i'rtcF}|mctrr.r3.ItfFl|nE|,no|'m.|,vt..||lnlr{'nlt'|r!|'rrn|l'l'Altt||.fo|'t.f'.ttrt..|'|'ffrrox .r lt^ttuat.rs, cnrtr tt'irtrr on rxltfcltqounl[tt urrtus olllr-' ,nrwqrunJ |,lL rarl r.o lo ltl $llllltrt, ^ .qi' .. u,.liiiiT'le.-- .r ctrrl".rr- ..t.ir rb. C|.ilIJA a/9O Chcn€Norrhcrn.lnc O REPORT OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT OBSERVATTONS a! A l|rn,^( FEi?clrtl ro cttxtl lt( Fl[f A.' (fFrt\,ti frl ntF('lr' |,rf, g-i.Tl'D a! tlt: cE trf,xrut lftorrrTt G d-n d lxrs. l'O rmr}l0 rDl tt]i Fn t:A- mr. tr SArnt,lI! CDqltlt{! o rnrcrs rrtt. rn ftOerrpp d,l novrn3 r' ltltfil, Pt lotl ql l"'Inx lr?i('/rL Sr,l?U: rll t€ o(t{!.D O nLn IIJlr€ B cxr.n.frE uir,ls3 olll.t ,iflrIrxtt lNI, r4u.0| Io ra ttttL, a ir''F d -iJIIlr* .. .''rc- 7.r lb c||fl l,lc a./ts Gdrrurf frrh.-r '!a &Jr{r., To' v^rl vALLuY MEDTcAL cENTER Attn: Mr. Dan Fcency 181 West }leadow Drive Vail C0 816s7 JOB NO. 4 424 90 DAIE 12-15-90 DALY REPORT NO. SHEET 3 OF ItwotcE No. PROJECI Vail Valley Metlical Center Parking Structrrre, Vail, Colorarlo Western SPEIFPATpiI$ qUtUP Afl cOflIEMsuPPunMobils LD( l.o. 1212 Topping w/fiber ArsE}tr la|PER^ruRE R^NGE IESTtI'.Tnrrct(t{}.TCKET NO. IurE IATCHED IIUE ARNryED ' IlU€ s lrPt-E) RAOUnptl cool{rEREgl{ RE\OurTlO$l c(x[{IEn couPr^EIXx{ CUEC YANE t-onD/ CI.,UULAIIVE lf tTR ADOID olllJoNs 1 a 49 100 3368 3371 8:02 AM 10: 20A.14 10:42AM 9:50 AM 11 : OSAIvl 8/ 8/ 40! 8/ 24/ 40! TET ML sl,l,tf([r)AtR oo|.|ItilI(D trr uNn hEoltT(Pcf)Ylttt) CONCNETE EYPE- MTURA cr) Rfl^eci 1 2 L/2 4 4.8 4.9 L42 141 8 70 69 PROGRESS REPORf, Fisher l{cece & Johnson Arclritects, COPIES Attn: l'lr. Skip Spcnst; G.E. Johnson Construction, Attn: Mr. JackThomas; Bierbach Consulting linginecrs; lvestern ttlohi 1e: C. Adams T. Laudick RE'.O OBSEFilER APPRO/ED FT Clicn q) Nortlu'r r, I rrc. O arErln!, l..rI|-,. ...1 :<r-n}rr. REPORT OF CONCIIITE TIST CYLII.IDER DATA rtAglntlrtfr'r'cfi'.to.lrt'r].I|rFl|nr[nG|'<'|v'!,l|nlmnr5,nf1t,'nr||rr' .:||||'.'ot,lt[|u| artgnllttt urnl.ll olllal ,rllwol lrlrals ,n, tarll I lt lo lrl r|nlllr|r;. r E{r- o{ ,-lrliii-lo.-- o, co.rF.rb r.6 trn. Cutl l.l{ a/go I To: v^lt, vALLtlY t'4t;t)TCAL CIiN-n:t{ Jou }ro. 4 424 90 DAI[: 11-29-90 Inttn: l"lr'. l)rrrt Fcctrcy tgt lVcst trtcatlorv Drivc DALY RfPOllT NO. Slllil-T 1 0l'- 1 V:ri I CO 81657 '.ryotcr- t.lo. PRGJECT V;ril Vallcy ltlctl icll Ccntcr l)lrkin11 Srructurc. Vrril, Colorirrlo. PT CLMINT LOCAIION: Core at Lines G-l, Walls, Third Leyel; [jATCIj ltcKL-I tNt-ont AI|ON: sUppuER l'lcs tcr:rl llobi lc tnucr< tto. 100 IcKLT 1K,.01 5269 ull Dc;tclt 10.24 cu. yo. B nME IATCI ItD 2:48 P.Il. nuE A.lttrvrn 3:10 P.lrl. nuE PtrctD 3:1(; P.lil. FIELD TTSNNG INFORMATION: nue rEs-r Tlxrfl 3:25 PM5LUMP JOO SPECtFlCA OltS SUJMP 5 [{, tN. ^Jrr colrtEtrs.S:wtT ulltr wL.rcr lr IR CONrrJTT I WArtn ADDu) AT pcl. S!'tl'LE 'ltMl'.68OF .A.llt lLl/r'' 35o? 20 .,'r. ngt,,<s, 3?jgj?_fd_StrE CYLJNDEII INFOIIM^-IION:ln. oF cj/l trDtitri (i cn ttrrrrtt stzf 6rr x l'rr llul. (;n lllDflt:i c.\5T 3:25 P.lvl. Mlljll-- c-^sr On-Sitc CUlllNG lNFOtll"{,i\TION: lNm\L cut0n-Site nE, srotw;E F/ctmlE Under Trailcr uft./u ^. Mr[nl![ ,rr r11-30-90 o rE smtpPF! 11-30-90 ttY: J. [.lof frnan ncu rlKs: AGf T)AYS DATE rE$u) IOt l. t.(xD (urs) t)t lrflrn (|l,rclrL5) ,|t (5o. n.) couP. - 51n. 0rD t'd'r oF t n gtullt: cfl ll )r'l wlxr (r (trJ:;) cnllrfi_n urt|r \r1]G {r (r|cr) 7 28 2B 28 2B 12-6-90 'J,2-6-90 72-27 -90 72-27 -90 12-27 -90 12-27-90 125,500 120 ,500 6. 00 6.00 (r.00 (r. 00 6.00 6.00 28.2t1 28.2t1 28.28 28.28 28. 28 2tt. 28 4440 4260 c on/ she ar con / shear or:rcN sTRf Gn I 4000 tr:;l o ?n nAYs trJrs lr, t^rn^lurY rl rs.rltrlr rrrl rrr l.,r:(trlr^rr:f- itrlll rPt't f:,.lr t r<lu l"lrr)lTi In{l:J ollll"'E' llolto :o!t lrtlulrr^lKrtl oll llll5 ll.st tll l\ofll ra / ||t. fl(rv'l{x l, llt ollllJlS' PROG'IESs ]IEPOKI: Fishcr I'.cccc .Johttsoll Arcllitcct-s 'CoPlES 1g11r: lrlr. Skip Spcnst;;{sslsrn l.111lrilc G.li. Johnsotl ConstrLlction Co., Attn: Ilr- .)ack 'l'homas; lliclb:rclr Cotrstt 1t irtg lirl11 ittccrs o JOB NO. 2067 REPORT NO. 23 FIELD OBSERV'ATION REPORT SUPERINTENDENT Jock Thomos TEMPERATURE WORK OBSERVED: I visifed the site to review the reinforcing in the slob ot the west link. The following items were noted: l. - Slob blockout for electricol conduit required the following odditionol reinforcing: o. 3-#7 top ond bottom eoch side opening full length from line I to line 2; b. 3'#7 top ond bottom on ihe eost side of the opening porollel to linel. Proiect 36 bor diometers beyond the #7,s noted in ltem A. 2. Controctor wos to odd verticol hongers into ihe concrete thot wos surrounJing the conduif run porollel to line l. These were to be odded to mofch on equivoleni 12' spocing. 3. One slob blockout wos yet fo be ploced. Controclor indicoted no reinforcing would be cut or disploced for thot blockout. Controclor wos directed to provide proper lrim bors oround this opening. a: No other items were noted. OBSERVER Steven E. Bierboch. P.E. Fost-lt" brand tax transmittal memo 7671 i|ofprgas > B'"Sh ilSL**.{-Fom ^ \\\e.uq-"'' FldS'"'\ \o_. {.,-. v.,..,r.-,,Ocpl.Phon€ , Far I Ftr , oL //t4q-, 6E\l fc/r,t,-$p-e Z-T/uaa o BIERBACH CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC. REPORT NO. 24 FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT JOB NO. 2067 JoB vAlL VALLEY HosPlr4t PARKTNG srRUcruRE DATE November 27. t990 CONTRACTOR G. E. Johnson Construction Compony TIME SUPERINTENDENT Jock Thomos TEMPERATURE . WORK OBSERVED: I visited the site to review the reinforcing level. The following ilems were noted: in the south-west stoir from the third to fourth l. RE: Sect N1/9o. #17 closure ties were missing EAGH side future opening;b. 8-#6 iomb bors west of opening were missing. 2. RE: Sect. N1/13o. 2-#8's on south iomb were missing. 3.RE: Sect. B/1/13 o. #3 ot top ond bofiom of opening were missing;b. #4 ties were missingc. Confroctor hos interrupted oll reinforcing through ihe blockout for the beom ot ihe elevolor. This is not correcl ond confroctor will splice oll bors bock ihrough the blockout. RE: Sect C/l/13 o. #10 top bors were missing. RE: Sect. D/1/12o. Verticol reinforcing sticking up into the poropet wos missing. RE: Sect. B/1/11 o. Beom bofiom bors proiecting into woll were missing.b. See ltem 3C obove, if is olso opplicoble ot this locotion. RE: Sect. 8/2/19 o. 8'#6 iomb bors between door ond window were missing os weil os the #5 ties. 4. 5. 6. 7. Voil Porking Slruclure Report # 24 Poge 2 In oddition to the iiems noted, conlroctor hod not ploced the closure iies on ony of the woll end verticol reinforcing, nor hod he completed the woll reinforcing south of line B. As o motler of record it should be noted fhot precost erection wos toking ploce from the "Bridgeo conlroqy to controctors ossuronces thot this would not occur. No other items were noted. OBSERVER STEVEN E. BIERBACH.P.L ee tl t/lqe_ 6eJFP'J ,fuoL@v .: ChcntlNorthcnr,ll otc 'arRr|rt lr?r-'r .et !.1-ro.r. REPORT OF CONCNETE TEST CYLINDER DATA |!lv]'||!.|'nrfvCTr,.m.l'.|,llt.l||'Ft'Frll|od|it't!t'\|||n|'Y'nrtl'|r!|'ht|r'oA.'lr.o'tt|x|,tu|.|nffrh'|o.l.tr|'!''r11.n'rj|'ir'6o''Y|n,..|tl|r'q.nx|.J,||'',.|ou!|'|!n|i 4Uv^tntt urnl33 otrrt {rrwDt!1rn3 r,|l. |.rtIo to |rt s|| |rr:. ^ E{r- .. u.l i-rffi e..- .. ...,rrarr- ,.-r rl.. Cs(l IJA ./gO i| -- i I ru: vAIr. VALI,UY--MI:DICAL C[N'n:R JOo ]to. 4 424 go DATE: L2_4_gOI Attn: ilr. Dan Fccncy I l8l ltlcst lrlcadow Drivc DALY nEf,Olil NO. SI|CET 1 O!' I I Vai I CO 81657I ll.ryotcE No. lRqj€cr vail valtey [lc(l-c.l ccrtcr l,:rrk i'g .strrcturc, Vail, colo'ado. PLACLMENT LOCA] ION:Walls, Southeast Stair Core, Third Level to Top. l]ATCl'l TICKEI tNFOtltr{ATtON: sUpruER ltlcs tcrn I',lobi lc INFORMATION mucK o. NOT PROVIDED IlcKEr 1l(). nME Nlrrn[J -JX.ou;rclr Mt. lll,lE cu. 1I). IluE tl^lcllu)Pt,Crr FIEU) TTSIING INFORMATION: TruE rEsr r x.lr 3LUup '".IUfpSt{\[lPN NgT*?Ilr9ovJRBP'n pcr. $,r,LE .rEMr,. ^rr rDJ,,. JoD sPEclFlcll|ol|s suJup tlt. AR cotrTorT ;r wAr[n Ar]Dtr) Ar strE - (kt. nan nx* cYUN0en tNFoRuAiloN: tfo. oF c.yl nrDFJrs 6 rn ttrnrn srzrl 6tt x 12' .Iur: cn nronr:i c,Lrr ___. wr rfjrE o\T 0n_si tc Heated Equipment Roon nur\rlKs: CUNINC INFORI'tATION: lNlT[AL cultE On-Site NE-D sK)II,GE FICIIJIIES Br: J. Hoffman utN.,/t{ J(. IATE $nlPPar 12-5-90 o Tf rrc Ar r^&12-5-90 ACE(xrT TIAIE IESIE'TI'T I_ LOAI)(uE)t)L\r.r f:l rn 0Nq[5)ArtrJ\(so. rt.)couP. .fln, ('sr)Tn'r oF t n,rclunc c'Yl ltlr)trlwtrrrr (r-lj5) cntllDr:nurrtf wlx) rr(rrr) 7 7 2A 28 '28 28 12-11-90 12-.11- 90 1-1-91 1-1-91 .1-1-91 : 1-1-91 54, 000 56,000 6. 00 6.00 6,00 6.00 6.00 6-00 28 .ztl 28.28 28.28 28. 28 28.28 28.28 4300 4460 shear shear oEStcN sTR€ttGn I 4000 l5l o ?a ruYS lU;nB |'t t^lxtulorrr rll ttlrtrt|rl rna lrl l.rr'|trrr4f $|||| rtjrl r/^rr f t<tu ritlrrtn In{lai O||ttrtttlSf- lxllto3)!(' tlrqrrqtl{){ (It ||x:i lt't ||tt!{tt l^t t( fnr utl, rtr o||tl,l:. PROGRESS REPORT: Cylinders cast by contractor and picked up by Chen-Northern, Inc. cop,Es Ii;li:' l;ii.!nii',li:l,t;J:::Tii.,,,, "0.li . Johnson Construction Co. , Attn: lrlr. .lack'l'homas; Ilicrbach Consulting linginccrs T. Laudick FIELD ous[ {VEll APPROVED LIf Chcnr}Norlhcnr,Inc ' rrE/rbt l.trF'. .rt i<r-,tr!t. REPORT OF CONCNETE TEST CYLINDER DATA .t^|,('||{.{'ct'c'Yxton'[l.t.n|.F|'FE|,|olt'ij'|\^]\,t1Ifmn|lt'ri|'!t||l||A.t|||..o'.|o.',ll{ErV'''iv.'llnq||ilns.|.|'..'ltrll!.|.ll.n'd|rl'6o'lxt'l.'|t||n{.,txlfJ,|l'|'|'oU'l||||[l.i {r)urll||t, urnl:J olrnt |,xwrryuals ,Jtt_ l.rlft.o to lt hl|urt. ^ ,q.- .. rrl i il e..- , G6Frr_ a.G ,5. Cr.(t ll^ a,/eo il.ryotcf No. PRGJECT vail Valley tr'lctliJnr'ccrtcr I':rrk i rrlg st*rctlrrc, V.ir, coror.a<ro. Line G.2, lrlalls, Third Lift; Southwest Retaining lfall, Footing; TO: VAII, VAI,I,EY MI]DICAL CENTIiIT n ttn: Mr. Dan Fccncy l8l lVcst lrleadow Drivc Vai I C0 81657 U^TCIJ TICKET INFOIIT/AIION: suprugt llles tcrn t-{obi lc nuE rAlcltu) INFORMATION NOT AVAI LABLE ntJcK llo, ItcKEr lK'. Mff D6tclt l|o. cu. 10. nUE ArlllmD TIUE ptJrCgt JOtl I'lO. 4 424 90 DATE: 10_24_90 DALY REPOIil NO. SHUET 1 OI' 1 FIELD TESNNG INFORM^TION: nuE rEr T xEX sLU!P JOB sPEctnc^nolrs suruP . INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLEIN. ^lII @IIIETT : WLT UNIT WLIGI IT lI. i\rn coMfirT ,t wAlfn ADoct) AI sIlE pct. srll|l'Lf 'lfMl,. ' c,ol. nEt*r,rtrG: AJn lE!P. CYLJNOEII INTOR[,{^TION: Ito. oF civl ,ttDot5 6 w rjlE c^sr 0n-Si tcrin, t)rn stTr 6rr x l 2ri 'lrur (:n tHDnrS c 5T CU'IINC INFORTIATION: lNlTl L cune On-Site - Ro-o sK,n r6E FrctullLs MN./uN(. o rf/r,rE AT l,{ltt0_25_90 tr r€ slnlPPnt 10-25-90 tty: S. Urton nDurrKs: AGE 0A16 rl^TE rEstE,loIA r.o l) (uI5) l)urrflrn (llrclr15)Arlr (io. Ir.) couP..5ln. ('5r) Tn'r oF UCrU|||j cn,llt)Fn wtjcr lr (trJs) cnnlot:n ur|lr ml(jl(r(r'fi) 7 28 28 28 28 10-31-90 .10-.31-90 l_1-21-90 11-21-90 11- 21-90 11*21-90 145, 000 f45, 000 J.5 7, 000 173,000 165,000 1.62,500 6.00 6. 00 6.00 (r. 00 6.00 (r.00 28,ztt 28.28 28.28 28 -28 28.28 28.28 5130 5130 5s70 6140 5840 5750 con/ shear con/ shear con/sp1it con,/split con/spl j.t 'con/sptit oF5'CH SrRfltcltl 5000 pst o?d ruYs Iu'l:S ltt lrlxrt^lutt nl artrro{t frt 0t rrJrr{rv4t ? || ra5\r,^rrt lrlu rrtttntr t,|xtS olltraaErt l()lto:pr.t ltll ur|r^llorr otl l[.i ltsl ,.tt!{lt lr t trL ttr(ttot o ]rr ollrtl3. PNOGIIESS REPOKI: .^rrrrc Fishcr llcccc .Jolrrtsoll nrcllitccts,"""'" Attrr: Mr. Skill Spcnst; jyqq1.r.n lrlobilcC.li. Jolrnson Constructiolt Co., Attn: lrlr. Jack'l'hornas; llicrbach Consulting linginccrs S. Urton T. Laudick NELD Ot]SffNtrR APPROVED ITf Chcnr}Northcrn,Irr o u '.ttllr'| IrrlE" i.!l r< t-nr.r. REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLTNDER DATA TO:VAII, VAl,l,EY l"lllDICAL CEN'ftitt n t tn : lr'1r.. Dan l:cc ncy181 ltlcst lrlcadorv l)rivc Jolj l'fo. 4 424 90 DATE: 10-26-90 DNLY nEtJOt{T NO. sltt:L] 1 01.- II Vai I C0 81657| |lwotcE No. I'PRoJEcr Vail VnlIcy l'tctlic:r'i ccrrtcr Pirr.k ilr11 str.rrctrrrc, Viril, colorrr<lo. Lr,rr/tt lvl\.; Line G.3, Wall, North Diagonal, Third Lift; rr\rwIr vALt tNrul(MAlluN: supruEn ttcstcrn l*tobilc .*rrcx ,o. rNFoI{MATIoN Nrg: AvArlllhE'Esr'r M,_ cu. yD. nuE 0ATCJ|€D nuE lrUtMfI) TtuE pL,Acq) FIELO ITST1NC INFORMATION: TIUE IES'T TA'(EN SLUUP JOB SPECtnCAnotts stluP u.t. tN. INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE An @tflutT : wLT ul{t wucltr AR CONTE'T I WATEN ADDCD AI strE pct. S,,tJll,tC lfMl'. ' Atl. nor nt(s: lJn ]E!P, CYUN0ER tNt oRl/Allol'l:lrt. oF cin Dtoftrs 6 en nrrrrlt srzf (rtt x lztt ltMt. cntlt)t rr:; cljr wlmf cA5T On-Sitc CUIIINC INFORMTION: Nrr!^L cufte on-site nELD srctr/$E rrcrulrfs ur'.,/r{A(. o rEn*E ar w{0-27-g0 tutE sn|Pps) 10_27 _90 nr: s. urton nE! nK& ACE DAIS D IE TESIIf' TI'T l. to l) (u!5)t)ulrErrn 0ncr |ts) 'IEA(5O. rr.) colJP. .51n. ('51) TN'E OFfluctunc c-n ttlt)ttt wrjclrr (r.I.l5) cntrDt:n urrrr wlxjl fr(r"cf) 7 7 2B 28 2A 28 7t-2-90 11-2-90 7L-23-90 1t -23-90 11-23-90 11-23-90 103, 500 112,500 132, 500 132,000 125,000 128,000 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 (r.00 6.00 Cr.00 28.211 28,211 28.28 zat.28 28.28 28.28 5660 3960 4690 4670 4420 45 30 conical conic a I con/spLit con/sp1it con/ shear con/spLit oFsrclt sTtr€}rcnl 4000 1':;t o 26 t)^Ys |I.sTs lt, Lflltl^lottt |lllf.[rtrtrl ,^, [t,ra,rrrtt$rfi. fit|t rrrirrrtt t<tu !,.t|nt,.i trxl= o||IJraGr |lottoipr.t t'|t qru tu|| o|| Drtj ttst l.tt,tx rr 7 ||L tfiolltxar tr/ o tr_lri. PROGRESS REPORT: ^r-,nrr..<- Fisher llcccc Jolrnson Architccts,t-'-'tt n ttr'r: Mr. Skip Spcns!;ys51grn l,lollilcC.lj. Johrrson Construction Co.; Attn: I'tr. .Iack'l'homas; Bicrbach Consultirrg l-ing.inccrs S. Urton 'l'. Lnudi ck FIELD OUSEf{VEII APPRO!€D rr rl^g(^t|.|'.of!lctrm.:t'l'|T3.nrF||[E,|o.tlitl|\^'\l|ln.Fr'nr!,,{j|,nr.llr|'^tr|f.-(,||||)f'r|w't|([dfiron.'rf^|fut|.rl.o|ri|,.iY'non'xlnr.|t''n{rnn|n^,||fnovA|''\f|i 4r,rrFt I lltt lJr4t51 olrat t,lrwqyDnt l,rt. |.Jt!to to [t tU tlrl:, a Enr- .. ,-l riiiil r-. , .Fr..r- trar rb. CrrtrlJ^ r/go Chcnc)Nortlicnr,Inl ' a.Ellrrrt l.tlF.. ..n i.bnr.t. REPORT OF CONCRETE TIST CYLINDER DATA TO: VAIt, Attn: 181 Vai I PROJECT VAI,I,DY IIIIIDICAL CDNTI:III'lr. Dan Fcency lVcst lrlcadow Drivc co 81657 JOo lfo. 4 424 90 DATE: t1_8_90 DNLY nEfrOKT l.to. sl.tljEl I oF |lwolcE l.,to. Vail Vallcy lrlctlical Ccntcr' I'irrkirrg Stnrcturc, Vli l . Color.:rrlo. Wal1, Second Lift; sUpruER lVcstcrn l',lob i 1e INFORIVATION NOT AVAILABLE I|CKEr llo, ___Mlx_oEstcll nue lllntvTl) .t. An .ornE r INF9H-1qI9\ty"gfi AVATLABIEs^r/prr rEur,. Joo sPEclncAnol'ls sluup tN. AR corrur r wll[n AooED Ar sttE cor. nDrARr(s: ,lo. oF c'nJlDcns 6 cln rlorn srzti (rtt x l2tt llur: cn |trrrf,{s oL5T utmf cAir on-S i tc CUIIING INFORMTTON: IN'IUL CUttE on-Site nO-D srcn^cE rlctunEs l/tN./r{ x. o rfnttE AT L{!11_g_90 DttE gnlPPfD I l_q_An Df: e 6+an tttllArtKS: 7 7 28 28 28 28 2rJ. 2rl 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 z'-E.2A ^fi[A5a. |l1.) 'l'/t'r oFln clullc shear con,/sheax con/ shear con/ shear con/ shear con/shcar c/U r)F l wDGatr (r.rr5) qnIrDr.n u tr vnx) tI(rcr) 1L-15-90 11-L5-90 12-6-90 12-6-90 12-6-90 12-6-90 119 , 000 117,000 157,000 159,000 145,000 151,500 6. 00 ? 6. 00 6.00 (r.00 6. 00 6.00 421,0 4I40 5550 5620 5130 5360 4000 r,gr o zd rtrYs ll5nl u/ L^rxtt^l()lllY n|r3ar|rrrt rr, t'| ra,rrrrtw{!: rlnr ,trlr:^rrt r3tu xf ltllln In{r:5 o rrAEf ltoltD 3OU( tf|l(Jltrr^trclt o ||I5 ttst l|tt\)flt ||Al trl ffi{rvtt{l} rr olIL :. .notrs Fishcr P.ccce Johnsolr Architccts,--' '-' Attrr: Mr:. Skip SpcnsqJycstcrl lrloSi lcC.ll , Johnson Construction Co. ; Attn: I'lr, .Jack'llromas; Ilicrbach Consulting l.inginccrs S. Urton 'l'. Lautlick FIELD oBSETWEII APPROVED rr 1! | !UIl.. rrnrlrclr lo ..t rf r4rt. nta r.rrrr E ,m arrrtrt\rvtl nrtyrnrt rr{rrr.. ar. <t^tarr,t'la aorcttrirr't on ,yr|ta:tt rrrru rn r,tcrlruo bun rt.trnrs4rrrrn | fltt urnt'' o||ttt |luw€atrt,rnS rJt(,rartlt to |rt hl ||l|:. ^ tui.t' 6, rr.lilitl-]".-. ., .6F'- ..an r.o. ctrtt tla t/?o irmrrarrlr Aa rrr aorrlxt,tut nm.t rrv (r.r,|i et,|tr|a,lo rrrrrrrrrlri!',,ni |'trrrJ-n nt:.(trrtD t,tfrfrf: orr[ *rr|lttr rr'r5nn 4- :>Ar,rr1t 5 t|.| . t{: axtfrtlt u o( ,ttt^ lta|l,n p, Letter of Tlansmittal We are sending you: fi Attached n Phns n Shop Drawings n Specifications n Appmved as submitted n Approved as noted o ,- \*.r"Fr' ' '':{ '' ,\.\- ' Town of Val1 Building DepartnentConounity Developuent75 S. Frontage Roadvail, Colorado 8l6b? ATTN3 Brnst Glatzle n F These are transmitted as checked below n lbr approval $ h.*u.u." S As requested n Returned for corrections n For review and comment Remarks: Copy to Signed Dabe August 23, 1990 Job Number 4924 Re:var,r Yalley Medlcal Center |^.$,tERAEtECTRrc 2107 W College Avenue Englewood, Colorado 80110 (303) 937-9300 Prints Copies Date No.Description I danrr rrf lczrl alal Dau^- rtraa+ I Copy of Cator-Runa letter re: isolatlon panelbds If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. Ftr, = t- l/t 4 F rld t'-t& E Fi .t z H ts42 tsio oztho Pr F.EF€,( I t-lo'9fro HEE 2Z l-r ZElFI F{YFIFvl ul.6 (FA7 ItrdrdF&v2Dtqv)tsr{ It Fl,r: ihrlX II v) z 1= : = E Fl./I z -t{ I r.1 .a I{ FI a .{ L) *lrl F,I H {\. I('l F|FI I I ts4 9I9rP EF E tJ H!lu) F v7trl FT tr 91 &bl v7E F{k F-l ?H tr:Hazrqfr D,rt Fl Fl.D' FllHEq tr frl f CI -) tn|.l E r{ts HH l-{ =I! l.t t{.a g & Ft rl H llr Pt{ q .d v f,o Jl ;i fl sxl ldi al EryItrrF r|llal .FHtn*H I I Ikl ..j .{ H5 a{ 'l I>t trl FI Fl4 1 FI H.tt I I I,l I ,..1 l{, o"Irl av FlJ', trlF -l t4h Fr rl Fl el Eq (\J H (r1(ro L)Oz€rJ4(J l--{ Fa{ \O f-1'r> U)E LIJ a o FoQ I Y, ie erz.l O '-AToR, RUMA & Assoclarrl, co. AUG 15 1990 CONSUITING MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAT ENGINEERS CIINTON C. CATOR T SEBASTIAN A. RUMA T DONALD P ROSIER August 10, 1990 I{r. Skip SpenstFisher, Reece & Johnson L500 South Pearl StreetDenver, Colorado 80210 Re: Vail Valley Medical Center - O.R. Addition Dear Skip: As you may be aware, al 1 of the receptacles in the O.R.rs are fedfrom isolation panerboards. The receptacles in the waI1 arefurnished with standard duplex receptacres. These receptaclestested as "open ground" by the circuit Eester devices used. Thisis a nornal condit,ion for the circuit eype due to the function ofthe isoLation panelboard. r am enclosing a copy of a booklet that, describes the basis for theopen ground and how the isolation panel system operates. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate tocall. S ince rel y, & ASSOCIATES, CO. JAH,/ef C : SPENST. A13 c"ry'ArE GrelI - Riviera Electric Dan Feeney - WllC CATOR, .Iohn A. Il 1550 DOVER STREETo SUITE 2 o LAKEWOOD,COLORADO 80215 . (303) 232-6200 ElEUATORS IIOUER ETEUATOR GOTPATV P. O. Box 10097 Denver. Colorado 80210 (303) 777.3061 Fax (303) 777-1877 July 11, L990 Vail Valley Medical Center l-SL West Meadolr DriveVaiI, colorado aL657 Attn: Mr. Dan Feeney Re: vail Valley Medical centerElevator Nos. L, 2, 3 Dear Mr. Feeney: Prease be advised that the elevator equipment on the abovereferenced project has been manufactured and instalred to conformto all the reguirernents outrined in the specifications, as welras_ the A.S.M.E./A.N.S.I. Al_Z.L Safety Code for Elevators, Es-carators, and Dumbwaiters and NErr Handicapped recommendations. All elevator components have been provided by Dover Elevator sys-tems, and have been instarred by qualified. personner with notless than five (5) years industry experience. - Also enclosed are the cornpleted checkrists for inspection andtest of your elevators. rf you shourd have any additional questions regarding the same,please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, RP: ld cci Construction File Job File Dover Elevators / Dover Maintenance An Eqnl Ownnny Enfupr DOVER ELEVATOR COMPANY CLEUAI UTTD I oFren r"-"rron couplrO O ANNUAL TEST GT NEW €LEVATOR D O YEAR TEST NAME OF AUILOING ELEVATOR SERIAL NUMBER HYORAULIC IIiISPEC'IOI{ & TEST (Flll Od S.p.rrl. B.Oort For E ch El.r.tort LOCATTON CITY A STATE RATED CAPACITY TEST oare rl_3-7o OFFICE (fFNoNE,usEMoronoRcoNTRoLsERlALNo.)sEFvrcEcoNTRAcrNo. aTFr'. , ?/ - o jlFn 4?t/ BUTL'fNG ELE'AToRNUM "r 6 cusroMERpuRcHAS8U|Lo|NGELEvAToRNUMaERlJcUSToMERPURcHASJi9RDERNuueEh-Jo8NuM8ER- MAKEoFELEVAToa ft 4te/ rypEoFELEvAro ,&=s RATEDcApAcrry {5aa tas. .. r ii:, seeEo /A { r.e.u. TO COMPLY WITH AMERICAN NATIONAL SAFETY CODE ANSI A17-1 RULE 303 AND RULES 1OO5 & 1006 _ THREE YEABS AFTER INSTALLATION EEVoVE FLEX HosE AND FLEXTB_LE_GoUPL|NG FRoM sysrEM AND TEST AT THREE IMES woRKlNG pnessunE - Hose nepL,qdel,ler,{iREOUIRED NOT MORE THAN 6 YEAR INTERVAL. Fl6x Hose Tesl Date _Hoso Tegt pressure .s.r. Hose Replacement Oate . Hoso Taoged With Reptacement Date & SAE Type Condilion of Reseruoit Oil Physicat Dimensions of Reservoir _ Make (3) Round Trlps Before Sening Retlef Vatve E T91 .thq lgliSt valv.€ setting by Jirst inching the empty car up to engage the ptunger. stop ring, and lhen by apptying addirionat pump pressure asreQulreo to cneck lhe settino. The_maximum setting, must be no grealer than 1250/0 ot lvorking pressure to comply with the American National SafelyCode ANSI A17l Rule 1OOS a sos. Refiel Vatve Selting l/ ,7 O P.S.l. (Should be l25olo ot heavy toad Up working pressure) Corr€cted Relief Valve Setting--P.S.l. (lf required) No foad working pr€ssuro: Up 7OO pg.1. Nofoadcarspeed: up / 26 r.e.u. oown ./ OO r.e.u. Felief valve seated: Yes O No D Note: Coda requires relief value setting be sealed. See Rule 1006 and locate car at any convenient level. Open the disconnect switch and locate the elevation of the plattorm with resoect to a converiient reference.. Oo not shut otf any valves in the line. Provide adequate timbers or pipe as well as saf€ty-slings to suppdrt car and load il enlering th€ pit. Tank Oil Level At Start ol Standing Tesl Tank Oil Temperature At Start ol Standing Test Aflel a minimum of 15 minutes, not6 the position of the platform wilh respect to the chosen reference. Longth of Time Car Standing- Empty Amount Car Settled During Standing Period Oil T€mporature Al End of Standing Period Amount of Leakago Al Packing Ouring Test Tank Oil Level At End ot Standing Period Condition of Piston Packing NOTE: A change in car posilion which cannot be accounted tor by visible oil leakage or tomp€ralure change ot the oil indicates a l€ak in thecylind€r or in the undetground piping, and need lor lurther inspection, lesis or reoiirs.r0par13. . H€avy load working pfessure: cylind€r or in the underground piping, and need lor lurther inspection, ,ew f^ari r.rrrrki.l6 tt^ 36O oelY, 360 e .s.t. H€avy load car spo€d:up- l4o r.e.tt. . Down /ZO r.p.u. Was tho tost satisfactory: Yes D No O It not, exptain It nol satisfactory what cotrectiv€ work is neod€d? Representatives of the Insurance Company, City or State Inspector or Owne( presont at losi: Indlcata n.|t|a an<l tltla COMMENTS MECHANIC'S SIGNATU Copy ol this feporl given to customer: YES D NO O oc-60.o CUSTOMER'S SIGNATUBE CUSTOMER COTY DOUER ELEUATOB COMPATV O A'{NUALTEST GPNEW ELEVATOF O 5 YEAR TEST HYDRAULIC INSPECTIOI{ & TEST (Flll Oul S.prnl. e.!st Fo. Crch El.v.toi DATE uo 36@ p".t. up- t lO ,.r.u.oo*n ///O',.r.u. -"7O oFFtcE (),- n v:= r NAM€OF SUILDING ELEvAToRsERIALNuMBEF ?l' +o/' € X,CITY E STATE (IF NONE, USE MOTOR OB CONTROL qERIAL NO.) SERVICE CONTRACT NO. 4 b/a9 vp 7OO p.sl. up /.2 5- F.p.M.oown /"1 o r.e.u. Reliet valve sealed: Yes D No O Note: Code requires relief value setting be sealed. See Ruls lOOo and locate car at in-y conveni-ent lavel. Open the disconnect switch and locale the elevation of the plattorm with resDect to a convenionlreterence-. Do..not shut otf any valves in the line. Provide adequate timbers or pipe as well as safety'slings to suppjrt car and load ifentering the pit. Tank Oil Level At Slart of Standing Tesl Tank Oil Temperature Al Start ol Standing Test After a minimum of 15 minutes, note the position of lhe platform with respect to the chosen reference. Length of Time Car Standing- Empty Amount Car Settled During Standing Period Oil Temperature At End of Standing Period Amounl ot Leakage Al Packing Ouring Test Tank Oil Level At End of Standing Period Condition of Pislon Packing € 0FNoNE,usEMoroRoBcoNrRoLtERr^LNo.)sEBvlcEcoNrRAcrNo. O3//f o/AXy 0 4 t/,c-A q 7/o _ 8U|Lo|NGELEvAToRNuMBER--.ff_-cUsToMERPURcHAqEoRDERNUM8ER-JoBNUMBEi .( MAKE OF ELEVATOR C // neeoF ELEvAToR R Ar EO C Ap Aatry _4 { <2-2______LBS. sPEEo /l{F.P.M. RATED CAPACITY TEST Flex Hose Test Date _Hose Test Pressure Hose Replac6ment Date Hose Tagged With Replacement Date & SAE Typs Condition ot R€ssrvoir Oil Physical Dimenslons of Reservoir Mako (3) Round Trips Betor€ Setting Retiel Vatve f] -T::!.,t19 I9l':J_"?!v.: -s9ltillg by-jirst inchang the emply car up lo engage.the plunger_ stop ring, and then by apptying additionat pump pressure asrequrred lo checl( the settino. The_maximum sening, must be no greater than 1250,6 of working pressure to c6mpiy with the Americin National SafetyCode ANSI Al71 Rute 10Od& 303. Rolief Valve Setting ? O 0 P.S.l. (Shoutd 6e lllo/o ot heavy toad Up workrng pressure) Correcled Relief Valve Setting_p.S.l. (tt required) To coMPLY wlrH AMERIcAN N4ll.0ll4! q4FETy coDE ANS| A17-1 RULE 303 AND RULES 1oo5 & too6 - THFEE YEARS AFTER tNsrALLATtoNl BE[loyE FLEx HosE AND FLEXtBtE_cou]e_LING FRoM sysrEM AND rESr Ar rHRee rruEs wonxrrue pnEssunE _ xbsE neCundeMerui-REOUIRED NOT MOBE THAN 6 YEAR INTERVAL. .s.t. No load working pressure: No load cer speed: Heavy load working pressure: Hsavy load car spe€d: Was lhe l6sl 3atistactory: Yes D No O It not, explain NOTE: A. change-ln -c1l?91]tj9n which cannol be accounted forby visible oil leakage or temporature change of the oil indicates a teak in theCyrrnoor or In'the underground piping, and need for further insp€ction, tests or repatrs. It nol satislactory whal corr€clive work is neoded? Fepresentativ€s ot the Insurance Company, City or State Inspector or Owner, pressnt at l6st: Indlcat! n.,na tnd tltla COMMENTS Copy of this report given to customer: YES D NO O oc-60-o CUSTOMER'S SIGNATUFE l^l ICT^l r ctt ,-ra ^\, ill r/ :I I DOVER ELEVATOR COMPANY @ tr tr ,F ANNUAL TEST 5 YEAR TEST NEW ELEVATOR SAFEW AND GOVERNOR TEST REPORT (FILL OUT SEPAMTE REPORT FOR EACH ELEVATOR) NAME OF BUILDING I MAKE OF ELEVAToRCCLIOC-SAFEW r"re_gdoUg-{=-- GovERNoR MFG. aGHt Efwpe GRtp JAWS: sreel E aRoruze El-ryPE OF GOVERNOR: FLY EA-L E FLYWEIGHT VWPCGRIP JAWS: STCCI I ANOruZC EIl GovERNoR CABLE: tRoN Ersreel fl a x rg E e x rg I sze (Dn.) INSTRUCTIONS:ANNUAL TEST _OMIT ITEM (4) ONLY 5 YEAR TEST -COMPLETE ALL ITEMS To Comply with ANSI/ASME A17.1 Code Secrion 205,206, 1002, & 1O0g(1) Governor & satety free of excessive lubrication, lintand dirt yes B tto E @ Hand test made ot satety & governor to insure all bearing and rubbing surtaces, including rope grip-jaws operate freely as intended !(3) Car safety op€rated by tripping governor rope grip-jaws by hand with car operating at slowest possible speed in down direction, no load fl (4) Safety checked and tested with rated cap@.- lbs. evenly distriluted over platform area, (Gov. & safety switch made inooe rope giip-jaws trippect by hand ar rated speed n, Runa*ay rest ff Switcn trip spo ZfD FpM. Jaw rrip spd.ZE)5 CONDITION OF CABLE f)O ''4 - CONDITION OF JAWS r\@ U., -,\ TYPE oF SAFETY: INSTANT. nou- [ wEDGE oLAMP Vrtex. GUIDE I orHER - 6ype1CoNDlrloN t\iut) CONTACT ON: GOVERNOR ! REIC.qSIIE CARRIER E SIrEW D RATED cAP. oF SAFETY - MTED cAR spEED 7 )--) FpM. cov. TRtp spEED ?q\-n" ) FpM. CONDITION OF SAFETY DRUM ROPE SEE N I4\ BUILDING ELEVATOR NO CUSToMER P. o. No-- DoVER JoBbRDER No. rative) FPM.(5) Did the car stop level: yes zZ No fl How much out of level Distance between guides !-l , (Max.3/8" per ft) - Exception Section 205 Length of cable pulled oft the drum q lA Number of turns ot cabte left on the drum Governor and safety reset, safety drum rewound evenly: E Safety Jaw clearance Indicate the length of the mark on the guide rails made by the safety.iaws in inches: lelt rail |+ inches.-:^Lt -^:r tA t-'right rail l# - inches. Condition of govemor rope after test Condition of governor tension sheave after test Governor adiustnents sealed and tagged and Release Canier tagged: Was the test satisfactory: Yes g- tto fl I no! explain (6) n (8) (s) (10) (11) (12) -(13) (14) 05) Rails inspected aird titea where necessary: yes E No I Condition of guide rails after the test Cf Erc.\ Whs it necessary to readjust the governoc Yes I No, D." (16) Representatives of the Insurance company, city or state Inspector or owner, present at test MECHANIC'S SIGNATURE Copy of ttris report given to cubtomer: CUSTOMER'S SIGNATURE Yis E SUPT. SIGNATURE o LocArroN ,tJfr,, Wnrctqc G*qr,DArE: 713-tl0 PAGE OF GAS OUTLETS OBSERVATIONS , AITD COI.TMENTSLOCATION: LISTED BY OXYGEN QUANTITY, N20 PRESSURE, & : MED AIR : OXYGEN CONTENT VACUUM : HP NIT ftn llp-EI-t (t[,- ls::I . . vrn_, J l_t4.Ltlh> sern 0K+ na 7-52--/ao' Z- g1- ,Q,tr 7 -{{-zt ' to -/r"/-ld c2{- o = /zO g/-t zozt 'i -52 '0a't-#-rya' g-tr-r,3 -/z -o'4: /'//[: TESTED I,TEDICAL AIR SYSTEMS, INC. .k.t' th,'.........-.-7/3. p LOCATION; ZDD FtA... GAS OUTLETS S;i;.,',- 200{ :': zoo s ' 4.sr-pt -t( ''?--1g" : 20Tf, ' 4-53-tedi ?a3z ' I'-ss-UJ'- t,Z _ lt{,t : zoz4 ' y', cs=nb -a ', i?,;1; :-. -"-'-.*" --f :-'-el.(s \'#.g* - .. '. +.---{_ ?,"fo '1'Ei-W - 'z:t4d-L--/7"' '-.+\ -! r-rr-. - 3 | €t''.-- .' '--*t'''' 5-::.::>- I LocArroN, r/fua DATE:7-/s-lo PAGE OF GAS OUTLETS OXYGEN vAcuuM CONTENT : HP NIT OBSERVATIONS . AND col'rl,tENTs - tL" LOCATION dlD LISTED BY QUANTITY, OXYGEN : N2o PRESSURE, E : UED AIR : 3oob ,2. s7 - t0oo4, l- rz - py, o 'z-/9",'/- t zg-o -futc - ,5" IJG lLt-o 9037 : L-53-t00fa, /*g r. O?t:/.g3- zl?| Z)rs",4 'i l-f'try- - K"t / ,/Lf -o 3032 p'L-g l-rod/n'l-{z -OA /- n5- o t/-trtrc TESTED MEDICAL AIR SYSTEMS, INC. .-t LocArroN: V$4t -7^v-q0DATE:PAGE OF SHUTOFF VALVES AREA 7* llr- I'l :1::t)t,,, t '-l( *- --."3o tl 1 1l ll fl.vs/ua cz t. I. :l:l ll //s,f zail rI lt glull t#-i/ tl: : : : i n i 't :ce 9'o0L 3 0ro voSt 309 3 ti, )i |2 l. ,t rt l1 Jt /u A,ktttzn t- TESTED 3 ?L/6 ftq I INC. It r(t1 trBY: HEDICAL AIR sYsTEHs, MASTER ALARM PANELS LOCATION :AUDfBL,E:VTSUAL: MEDICAT cAS TESTED BY: MEDICAL ArR SYSTEMS, INC. o MANIFOLDS MANTIFACTURER: MODEL : GAS :LEAK TEST: TANK PREss.:LINE PRESS: SI{ITCECTVER TEST BULK OXYGEN SUPPLY MANUFACTURER: MODEL : GAS : TANK PRESS:LTNE PREss:LEAK TEST:LTQUID LEVELS :3 \..-'-i;*. TESTED BY II{EDfCAL AfR SYSTEMS, INC. ..-'.|F*-.' M #!',*i]"*"'. 16 July 1990 Dan Stanek Town of VaiI Building Department Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Va il , C0 81657 Dear Dan: To confirm our conversation earlier today: We wil'l have all landscaping at the west end of our property completed by 29 July 1990. Thjs 'includes al I landscaping except for that surrounding the parking structure construction site. We wi'l 'l paint the elevator shaft pressurization fan to match the new roof-top air handling units. This will be done by 20 July 1990. Phil Easley of the Colorado Department of Health will inspect theproject on 20 July 1990 or 23 July 1990. I will provide you with 181 West 81 o-z,o- rive, Su rloraclo s03) 47 Drive Colot (s03 Meadow Vail, Ai,,!ln Ray McMahan Administrator a copy of his inspection report. DFlbh z)j"'-"=-/- 42 west meadow drive vail, colorado 81657 (3031479.2250 July 16, 1990 Dan Feeneyvall Valley l,ledical CenterI81 West Meadow DriveVail, Colorado 81557 Re: Fire Sprinkler Inspection / Fire Alarn Test fire department Dear Mr. Feeney: The fire alarn test and fire sprinkler inspection I conductedthis date, indl-cates the following iterns are in need of attention; PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS 1. The batteries for the sirnplex fire alarrn system were found tohave been disconnected, leaking and insufficient to meet minimumstandards. Nelr batteries of sufficient size and capacity tooperate the fire detection and ararm system for a 24 hour perioa otcontinuous.supervision, folrowed by 10 minutes of alarm activation,should be installed prior to the T.C.O.. 2- The elevator lobby smoke detector on the east side of the westeLevator bank, is zoned for lst floor east corridor. The zoningneeds to be changed before a T.c.o. is issued. This itern waJdisclosed weeks ago. 3. Electronic door holders need to be instalred within 30 d.ays,on the corridor doors to sports Medicine and the west x-ray roorn. 4. The fire sprinkler head south of the west entry doors to thenew wlng on the second froor needs to be raised. rL is in d.angerof )reing damagep. This work nay be accornplished in conjunctionwith the retrofit of the second floor doctors offices. V.V.M.C. FIRE AI,ARI! TESTVail Fire Department Page 2 5. Install a valve tamper switch on the roof manifold. A snallleak or accidental activation could result in a najor water linebreak. NEW CONSTRUCTTON 6. Elevator and stalrwell graphice need to be installed on allleve1s. cuidelines are avaiLable on request or they can be foundin the Unlforn Building Code or Uniforn Fire Code appendices. 7. RepLace all missing escutcheons on the fire sprinkler heads. 8. Rewire the snoke evacuation control panel at the nursersstation to provide a trouble signar at the iire alarm panel whenthe three position toggle switch is in any position other thantrautotr. 9. Relabel the smoke control panel in Dr. Steadmanrs office wingto reflect the two toggle switch positions as xONtr and ilAUTOil. 10.. rnEtall signs on the ceiring tiles directry beneath each firesprinkler control valve, inspectorrs test valv-e, drain valve andsinilar flre sprinkrer controls, reflectlng the function of eachvalve. 11. Label doors to storage room€r, rest rooms, closets, mechanicalrooms, electricar rooms and sirnilar function areas other thanpatient rooms. L2. Label the rernote L.E.D.s for air handling units, fans, andexhausts to refrect the AHUrs identification-(ie. sF-5, Aitu-t,etc. ) 13. Audibility in the southnest corners of the new constructl_on onthe second and third floors is inadequate. Have addltionalsignaling devLces instarred. to meet Erre nininum performancestandards set forth in the construction documents, u;iforn FireCode, T.O.V. Ordinance 3, Series 1983, and applitable N.F.p.A.standards. 14. Provide access to the fire inspectorrs test valves, especlallyon the third floor, north end. 15. Provide heat to maintain a ninlmum 40 degrees F. in theenclosed space at the botton of the northwest stair and provide aprotective cage for the lowest fire sprinkler head. V.V.}'.C. FIRE AI,ARM TESTVail Fire Department Page 3 16. Label the duct srnoke detector in room 3017 with the AHU number. L7. Relocate the LED for room 3072 to the corridor. 18. Connect the detector in roorn 3045 to the LED above the door toroom 3044. 19. CAUTION: Storage in room 3089 must be at Least l8n below thefire sprinkler heads. 20. Label the electrical panels in Dr. Steadman's x-ray. 2l . Replace the smoke detector in the second floor storage with athermal detector. 22. InstaII the vent for the nitrous oxide room behind the galleryprior to using the uredical gasses. occupancy of the gatlery is notallowed until the vent is installed. 23. Add an LED to the north door of the nursers lounge on thesecond floor. The nurse I s lounge crosses zones. 24. Relocate the LED for the gallery to the corridor outside room3033 and add a second LED to the corridor door on the publlc sideof the nursers station. 25. Relabel LED for rooms 303G and 3OO9 as rAutoclaveil. 26.. Emergency generator test has not been done and is requiredprior to T.c.o.. Emergency lighting, erevator recall and- exitrighting must be reviewed. Emergency Room and operating Room AHusand smoke removal systems are to be on the ernergency circuit. 27. rnstall gaskets (nullions) between the smoke doors to prevent smoke leakage/transfer frorn one smoke zone to another on the secondand third floor patient corridors and elevator lobbies. 28. Install panic hardware on al1 exit doors where required by theBuilding Departnent. 29. Furnish certification of the nedical gasses system. 30. Erevator recarl, ANsr phase rr functions, and pressurizationfans have not been tested at ar1 levels. The smoke detectors inthe erevator shaft and elevator penthouse have not been tested.Provide certification of load test,ing fron Dover. V.V.!,T.C. FIRE AINRM TESTVail Fire Departnent Page 4 This llst is not intended to constitute a final inspection butmerely reflectE conditions found during the courEe of the firealarm test. Please contact ne lf you desire more lnfor:nation orneed clarificatlon. Sincerely, Mlchael McGeeFire Marshal cc! Gary Murrain, Chief Building officialDick Duran, Fire Chief Vail Valley "t"", Center LffiTf, @F TRANSnnOTTTAL TO 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 303-476-2451 Town of Vail Building Department wE ARE SENDING YOU q Aftached tr Shop drawings tr tr Copy of letter D Under separato cover via Prints E Plans tr Samples the following items: tr Specifications E Change order f,l Certi fi ca ti nns JOI xo.24 Julv 1990 TEN T ION Dan Stanek TCO - Hosoital Addition coPtEs OATE NO.DESCRIPTION 1 7- 18-S0 Simolex Time Recorder Co- - certification of fire alarm test 1 7-1?-qn Medical Air Svstems- Inc- - cprtification of mpdica'l daq svsfpmq THESE ARE TRANSMITTED D For approval Q For your use q As requested as checked below: D Approved tr Approved E Returned as submitted as noted for corrections n tr D Resubmit-copiss tor approval Submit -copios for distribution Return -corrected prints D For review and comment tr D FOR BIDS OUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS SIGNED: t, ancloatlraa rra aol .. noa.d, tindlt notil, COPY TO Mi ke McGee Dan Feeney fSsimptex July 18, 1990 Riviera Electric 2107 W. College.Ave. Englewood, C0 80110 Re: Vail Va1lEy Medical Center Surgery Room To Whom It May Concern: Simplex Time Recorder Company certifies that the on the 2nd and 3rd f loor of Vail Va'l 'ley Medical r found fully operational on July 17, 1990. S i ncerel y, SIMPLEX TIME RECORDER COMPANY /2 Slmplex Time Recorder Co. 5191 Ward Road Wheatridge, CO 80033 Telephone: 303-422-9272 Sales 303-422-8750 Service Surgery fire a'l arm addition Center has been tested and Dav'i d R. Edwards Branch Service Manager DRE/JS ,{i CClrpOrate F.i rl'-r.ll:l i: air: r -lrrnCltr. ijliiZi: E i.l;r(iner i;i:::.,;aci,rri:;atll n1,i4 | n0il1 o i|)l. :;i)li-{l.i:r .:)rtla) .t). '.: MEDICAL AIR SYSTEMS, INC. 426 Violet St. Golden. CO 80401 (303) 279-2491 FAX (303) 279-7132 CERTIFICATION--oF MEDICAL GAS SYSTE€ PERFORMED BY: MEDICAL AIR SYSTEMS, INc.426 VIOLET ST. coLDEN, CO. 80401(303) 279_2491 LOCATION: VAIL VALLEY MEDIcAL CENTERVAIL, COLORADO CONTRACTOR: WRAY PLUMBING & HEATINGP.O. BOX 2185FT. coLLrNS, CO e0522 SPECIFIC LOCATION: pCU NoRTH - 2ND FLOoR 3RD FLOOR ON THIS DATE, JULY 13, 1990 * 101 OXYGEN OUTLETS 91 VACUUM OUTTETS 16 NITROUS OXIDE OUTLETS 16--- H.P. NITROGEN OUTLETS an MtsU]CAL AIR OUTLETS 33 SHUTOFF VATVES 08 ATARM PANELS 02 MANIFOLDS 04 EVAC OUTLETS OO CARBON DIOXIDE CERTIFICATION IS PER NFPA 99, 1990 EDITION. THE FINDINGS ARE ATTACHED. REMARKS: * ANY MODIFICATIONS, OR ALTERATIONS TO THE MEDICAL GAS SYSTEMSHALL REQUIRE RECERTIFICATION. THrs D'.UMENT coNslsrs oF 13 - PAcEs' iacs 01 oF 13 Medical Oxygen System A. Tested oxygen system for purity with catalyst Research oxygenMonitor. Accuracy within lt of fulI scale O-IOOt. calibratJd at 21tand 100t.B. Tested Oxygen System for pressure, flowrates, and leakage.C. Tested Oxygen System for crossed lines.D. Tested Oxygen shutoff valves for leakage.E. Checked Iabeling of outlets, shutoff valves, and warning alarmpanel s .F. Tested oxygen alarm panels for proper functioning and alarmpoints. LOCATION: VAIL VALLEY I.IEDICAI DATE: JULY 13, 1990 PAGE 02 oF 13 CENTER Medical Air System A. Tested l.{edical Air syst.em for purity with catalyst ResearchOxygen Monitor. Accuracy within lt of full scale 0-1009.Calibrated at 21t and 1008.B. Pressure tested Medical Air System for leakage.C. Checked Medical Air System for crossed lines.D. Checked labeling of outlets, shutoff valves, and warninglabels.E. Tested Medical Air shutoff valves for leakage.F. Tested Medical Air alarm panels for proper functioning andalarm points. LocATroN: vArL vALtEY MEDICAL DATEi JULY L3, 1990 PAGE 03 oF 13 CENTER Medical Vacuum System A. Tested Medical vacuum system for inches of vacuum, leakage, andf l owrates .B. Checked Medical Vacuum System for crossed Lines.c. checked Iabeling of outlets, shutoff valves, and warning alarmpanel s .D. Tested Medical Vacuum shutoff valves for leakage.E. Tested Medical vacuum alarm panel for proper functioning and alarmpoints. LocATroN: vArL vALLEy MEDTCAL DATE: JULY 13, r99o PAGE 04 oF 13 CENTER LOCATION! VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DATEI JULY 13, 1990 PAGE 05 OF 13 LOCATION GAS OUTLETS LISTED By QUANTITY, PRESSURE, & OXycEN coNrENT:::: OXYGEN : N2O : MED AIR : vAcuUM : HP NIT OESERVAIIONS AND COMMENTS 2011 : 4-53-100:::VAC FLOW 3OO 2010 : 4-53-100: -- : -- : 2-15ii HC: :: 2007 : 4-53-100:: 2-15" HG: 200 5 : 4-53-100:: 2-15" HG: 200 3 : 4-53-100:: 2-L5" HG: 2002 : 4-53-100:: 2-14" HG: 2032 : 4-53-100:: 2-14" HG: 2034 : 4-53-100:: 2-I4" HG: 2036 : 4-53-100:: 2-14" HG: 2037 : 4-53-100:| 2-54-2I : 2-17" Hc: 2040 ; 4-53-100:: 2-54-2I : 2-1?" Hc: 300HG:1-r5"FLOW IESTED BY; MEDICAL AIR sYsTEMs, INc. LOCATION: VAIL VALTEY MEDIcAt CENTER DATE: JUIY 13, 1990 PAGE 06 OF 13 GAS OUTLETS OBSERVATIONS 11I\' IJ COMMENTSLOCATION LISTED BY QUANTITY, OXYGEN : N2O PRESSURE, & OXYGEN CONTENT : MED AIR : VACUUM : HP NIT FLOW 180 PRE-OP 5-r4"FLOW 300 ANES/1-15"HG:FLOW 300 oR 3005 : 7-52-100r 3-54-0 I 3-55-21 :ro_r*'HCr 3_ffi oR3010:7-52.100:3-54-0:3_55-21:ro-r+i'Hc.3-ffi oR 3037 : 5-52-100: 3-54-0 : 3-55-21 : 9-14'i HE oR 3033 : 6-52-100: 3-54-0 : 3-55-21 : 9-1+FHc: 3-125_O ::HOSE DROPS = TESTED BY: MEDICAL AIR sYsTEMs, INc.E *b-; LOCATIONT VAII VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DATE: JULY 13, 1990 PAGE 07 OF 13 GAS OUTLETS CONTENT : HP NIT OBSERVATIONS AND COI,IMENTSLOCATION LISTED BY QUANTITY, OXYGEN : N2O PRESSURE, & OXYGEN : MED AIR : VACUUM 3005 : 2-53-100:1-52 -0 t-53-21 2-15"Hc: 1-I25-0 (1) EVAC 1-52-0 1-53-2L 2-15"t-125-0 : : (1) EVAC rI 3037 : 2-53-100: 1-52-0 : 1-53-21 : 2-15- Hc: 1mORBITER 15r'r{c- 30 33 : 2-53-100: 1-52-0 31-NoT : 1-15" HG: I-125-0 :: (1) EvAc 100: TESTED BY: MEDICAT AIR SYSTEMS, INc. TOCATION: VAIL VALLEY MEDIcAL CENTER DATE: JUtY ].3, 1990 PAGE 08 OF -13 SHUTOFF VALVES AREA YES YES YES YES. n'l 01RECOVERY ROOM 300 3 PRE-OP ROOM 3022 YES YES YES YES01 ANES/WORK ROOM 3011 01 YES YES YES YES 6 ZONE VALVE BOX EACH: OR ROOM *3005 3010 3037 3033H.P. Nrr - (0r) 01 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES vEs YES YES YES UI 01 TESTED BY! MEDICAL AIR SYSTEMS, INc. LOCATION: VAIL VATLEY MEDIcAL CENTER DATE: JULY 13, 1990 PAGE _99 OF 13 SHUTOFF VALVES AREA TR I PLE VALVE NORTH PCU ZONE BOX: 2ND FLOOR 01 01 01 YES YES YES YES YES YES TESTED BY: I'IEDICAL AIR sYsTEMs, INc. LOCATION: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DATE: JULY 13, I99O PAGE -10 OF 13 AREA ALARM PANEL AREA ALARM PANET LOCATED IN RECOVERY NURSES STATION, ROOM 3004. AREAcoNTRotLED:o2:N2o:M/A:vAc:EVA:tABELED:LowALRl't:HIim ROOM 3003 01 YES YES 44 PSIG 12,'HG 66 PSIG N/A YES YES YES YES AREA ALARM PANET LOCATED IN PRE-OP ROOM 3022. ROOM 3022 nl r t1 ii YES 44 PSIG I2,' HG OO jiDI(J N/A01 YES YES I.LD YES AREA ALARM PANEL LOCATED IN NORTH PCU. 2ND FLOOR 2011, 2010,200't, 200s,2043, 2002, 2032, 2034,2036, 2037 ,2040 & EXAM 01 YES YES YES oo 66 YES YES YES YES YES YES 44 PSIG 44 PSIG 12,' HG rDIb PSIG N/A 0l 01 TESTED BY: MEDICAL AIR sYSTE}4s, INc. LOCATION: VAIL VATLEY MEDICAIJ CENTER DATE: JULY 13, 1990 PAGE 11 OF 13 MANIFOLDS MANUFACTURER:MODEL: GAS :LEAK TEST: TANK PRESS. ILINE PREss:sI^IITcHovER TEST CHEMEIRON CHEMETRON 2500 9XT NIT N20 YES YES | 2250 (L) / :2250 (R) :7s0(t)/7s0(R) | 125 :58 PSIG PSIG YES YES(BAD PS) BUIK OXYGEN SUPPLY MANUFACTURER:MODEL: GAS :TANK PRESS:IINE PRESS:LEAK TEST:IIQUI' TEVELS TESTED BY MEDICAL AIR SYSTEMS, INC. LOCATION: VAIL VALLEY MEDIcAt CENTER DATE: JUIY 13, 1990 PAGE 12 OF 13 MASTER ALARI.I PANELS LOCATION :AUDIBLE:VISUAL: MEDICAL GAs STATUS : CONTINUITY CHECKED PCU NURSES STATION LEFT I'{ODULE YES YES YES YES N2 RESERVE-IN-LINE N2O RESERVE-IN-LiNE YES YES - WOUTD NOT CANCEL BAD P. S. TESTED BY: MEDICAL AIR SYSTEMS, INC. a I,OCATION ! VAIL VALLEY UEDICAL CENTER DATE: JULY 13, I99O sul,il'taRY PAGE 13 OF 13 this system for adherence to NFPA 9tMedical Air Systems, Inc. has inspectedGas and Vasuum systems; lggO ndition. The following discrepancies are noted: tlO{E TESTED BY: MEDICAL AIR SYSTEMS, INC. ,M voilvolley medicolcenter r If smoke is equipment room), orwest), E210 (second elevators will return 26 June 1990 Phi I Harris Project Manager G.E. Johnson Construction Company P.0. Box 2139 Colorado Springs, C0 80901 Skip Spenst Project Architect Fisher, Reece and Johnson, PC. 1500 South Pear] Street Denver, Co 80210 Gentl emen: I have reviewed the fire alarm controls on the three elevators in the westwing with Mike McGee, vail Fire Department. Essential features will be asfol I ows: - !'tJ 181 West Meodow Drive, Suite 100 Voil, Colorodo 81657 (3O3) 476_2451 Roy McMohon Chief Executive Off icer detected in the elevator shaft (including the penthouse i n el evator I obbies 012 ( basement) , E209 (second fl oorfloor east), and 3026 (third fl oor west), all threeto the first floor and lock open. r If smoke is detected in elevator lobbies E1020 (first floor west) orE1018 (first floor east), all three elevators will return to level 2 and iockopen. r These three elevators will continue running normally in any otherfire alarm scenario. Nothing in this letter is meant to revise the operation of the elevator shaftpressurization fan or relief damper, as presently described in cwR 73 REV. To the architect: Since the above information is in conflict with Note 11 onthe Fire Alarm Riser Diagram of sheet E-9 (as modified by Addendum:), pieaieissue a CWR to the contractor. contractor: Becaus.e of the urgency of our securing a TCO foryou are authorized to proceed with work immed.i atety. Anys, if any, should be fully documented on a time-and-materiai To the generalthe bui l ding, i ncreased cost basis. DFlbh cc: Jack Thomas Mi ke McGee Gary Murrain n Project Mountain States Engineering Associatea, P.C. March 8, 1990 Mr. Fred S. Has1ee District Regulations Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation 845 Forest RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Administrator Districts Re: Vail Valley Medical Center Sanitary sewer Relocation Dear Fred, As we discussed on the telephone Tuesday, enclosed you will find 4 sets of the construction drawings and two sets of the construction specifications of the 8-inch sanitary sewer main relocation for your review and approval . The relocation is necessary to allow for the construction of the proposed parking structure at the Vail Val1ey Medical Center. The relocation was designed to facilitate sewering the lowest level of the structure, a medical laboratoryr by gravity and still meet the original main elevation at the I-70 Frontage Road. To accomplish this, the relocated main uses a minimalgrade out of the main in West Meadows Drive and outside drop manholes. Please review the drawings for conformance with Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation Specificati.ons and give me a call with your cornments. cc: Dan Feeneyr Vail VaIIey Medical Center Greg Halll'totn of vaii '//Skip Spenst, Fisher, Reece & Johnson r65 SOUTH UNION BOULEVARD, SUITE 420, LAKEWOOD, COLO&ADO 80228 (s03) s87-3e80 Mountain States Aseoeintee, P.C. March 8, 1990 Mr. Greg HalI Town Engineer Department of Publ-ic Works Town of VaiI 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81 657 Re: VaiI VaIIey Medical Center Proposed Sanitary and Storm Sewer Dear Mr. HalJ-, As we discussed over the telephone today, enclosed you willfind three sets of the proposed storm sehrer design and the sanitary sewer relocation drawlngs and speciflcations for your review and approval. These proposed infrastructures are required to facilitate the proposed parking structure required by the expansion of the Medical Center. Both the sanitary and storm drain lines are planned to beinstalled prior to the commencement of construction of theparking structure. The existing sanitary se$/er conflicts with the proposed parking structurer s foundation and therefore,requires its relocation. The relocated line is designed to allowclearance for both the structure and the driven sheet piling needed for constructi-on. The construction of the storm drai.n, in advance of the proposed parking structure, will allow for the removal of ground water encountered during the construction. At this time it isproposed to use sump pumps, if needed, during excavation toremove the subsurface water. These pumps could dischargedirectly in the newly constructed storm sewer. Please review the drawings for conformance with the Town of Vail's specifications and qive me a call with your comments. o Engineering cc: Dan Feeney, Vail Valley Medical Center Skip Spenst, Fisher, Reece & Johnson 165 SOUTH UNrON BOULEVARD, SU|TE 420, LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80228 (s03) 987-3980 -a fl--i I ,I o PROJIIC'f SPECIFICATIONS FOR VAIL VALT,EY MEDICAI, CENTER 18:I T{EST MEADOTI DRIVEVAIL, COIORADO -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-0-0-0-O-0-0-0.0-O-0-0- PREPARED BY MOUNTAIN STATES ENGINEERING ASSOEIATES, P.C.165 souTlt UNIoN BOULEVARD, SUITE 420 LAKEI|OOD, COLORADO FEBRUARY 29, 1990 JoB No. 90-14 88.24 .: TABLE OF CONTENTS for SPECIFICATIONS of VAII, VAI,LEY MEDICAIJ CENTER SANITART SEI{ER SectLon C-l00 STORM SEWER Section c-200 ASHAI,TIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT Section C-300 PORTLAND CEUENT CONCRETE PAVING ,TRAFFIC CONROL Section C-400 Section C-500 EXCAVATION, FII,ING, GRADING AND TRENCHING . Sectlon C-6OO sEcTroN c-100\- SANITARY SEWER GENERAL 1 .,I CONTRACTUAL REQUIREMENTS A. Refer to the Contract Documents in their entirety forapplicable provisions which govern the work of this Secti-on. B. All materials and/or products shall be furnished andlnstaLled as named, otherwise specified herein, wlththe exception of substitutions accepted by the Ownerunder the conditions specified in the Instructionsto Bidder for this Contract. C. Sanitary sebrer tap fees will be paid by the Owner. 1 .2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Include all labor, materials, eguipment, and incidentalsas necessary to complete the work sho$/n, speclfied,and/or otherwise reguired. B. Sanitary sewer servj.ce reguired for this work lsindicated on the drawings and includes, but is noLIimited to the following: sanitary se$rer conduits and manholes. C. All work covered by this section shall be governed byappropriate Rules, Regulations and Standards publishedby Upper Eagle VaIIey Water and Sanitation and the Townof Vai1. D. Related worl< specified in other sections. 1. All grading and filling required in connectlon withasphaltic concrete pavement shall be performed instrict accordance with the requirements of C-600of these Specifications. 2. Traffic control as required and described in Section c-500. 1 .3 QUAITITY ASSURANCE , A. Requj.rements of Regulatory Agencies: 1. Secure and pay for all pernits and inspectlons B. required for the prosecution of this work. Approvedcertifications on inspection and permits shall besigned by the. approprlate approval agency or buildinginspection authority. In case of conflict between the above codes, regulatlons,references, and standards, and these Specifications,the more stringent requirements shall govern. The contractor shal1 be responsible for the exacthorizontal and vertical location of any existing utilityrines and their relocation necessitated by cons[.ructlon. The contractor slrall verify existing invert erevationsbefore construction. c. D. 2.0 PRODUCTS 2.1 SANITARY SEWER PIPE A.All sanitary pipe shall be35 polyvinyl chloride.8-inch ASTM D-3034, SDR B. AII plping shall have class rBr Bedding. Beddingmaterial shall be well graded, clean, coarsesands and gravel ( squeege or approved equal). 2.2 MANHOI-,ES A. B. Manholes shall be 4B-inch ID precast concrete barrelswith eccentric cones meeting ASTM C-478 standardswith poured-in-place bases. Manholes rings and covers shall be 24-inch diameterand total weight of 400 lbs. Class 30, ASTMA-48-76. EXECUTION COORDINATION Prior to the placement, of this Section, verify that allwork of other trades is sufficiently complete to allow thisinstarlation to proceed and verlfy that all such work enabresthe work of this sectlon to be compLeted in accordance wlththe drawings and these Specifications. In the event ofdiscrepancy, immediately notify the Ownerts Representatlveor Engineer and proceed as he dlrects. 3.0 3.1 3.2 INSTALLATION sewer lines shal-l be constructed a minimum of 10 feetfrom the center of aII water lines, except where theycross. B. Minimum trench width at the top of the pipe shall beone pipe diameter plus 6 inches on both sides. A. c. D. E. F. Where poor soil conditions or water exist, as requestedby the Engineer, excavated material shall be hauledaway and the trench shall be backfilled with importedmaterial as approved by the Engineer. Manhole sub-baseswill be over-excavated a minimum of 2 feet and replacedwtth 1 j-inch crushed rock. Manholes shalL have a minlmuminverts. Inverts and bencheswith inverts being smooth andno-skid surfaces. of 0.1 foot fall acrossshall be hand formed benches having brushed Asphalt shall be saw cut or wheel scored to insure aclean straight edge for patching. Asphalt patchingshall be 3" HBP, grade rEr or tEXt placed in two 1j"lifts over 6" ABc, class 6 placed in one 6" lift. When it is necessary to raise or lower water linesat sanitary sewer crossi_ng. A minimum clearance of1.50 feet shall be maintained between outside of pipes. Backfilling shall not occur until pipe has beeninspected. Compaction of trenches shall be 95t ASTM T-99 standardproctor density. Compactlon test results wiIl bereguired by the City. The Owner shall bear the costof all tests proving compliance with the standardsset forth herein. 3.3 PIPE BEDDING Pipe bedding - after completion of the trench excavationand proper preparation of the foundation, a minimumof six inches and a maximum of 12 inches of beddingmateriaL shall be placed on the trench bottom forsupport under the pipe. Bell holes shall be dug deepenough to provide a minimum of two inches of clearancebetween the bell and bedding material. AII plpe shallbe installed in such a manner as to ensure full supportof the pipe barrel over its entire length, After thepipe is adjusted for line and grade and the Jolnt tsmade, the bedding material shall be carefully placed G. H. A. and tamped under the hauches of the pipe up to spring line and in the previously dug bell holes. The bedding shall then be installed to a rninimum of six inches and a maximum of 12 inches above the top of the pipe, no matter what type of pipe is installed. B. The bedding material shall be sgueegee, sand or approved equal and shall conform to the following limiLs when tested by means of laboratory sieves:Total Percent Passinq by Welqht 100 0-5 3.4 LAYOUT The ownerts engineer shall inltially layout the pipe's vertical'and horizontal alignments with offsets and stationing as requested by the contractor. Sieve Size '/E:TfiE-No.200 SECTION C-2OO STORM SEWER GENERAL 1 .1 CONTRACTUAL REQUIREMENTS A. Refer to the Contract Documents in their entirety forapplicable provisions which govern the work of thisSection. B. AII materials and/or products shall be furnished andlnstaLled as named, otherwise speclfied herein, wlththe exception of substitutions aecepted by the Ownerunder the conditions specified in the Instructionsto Bidder for this Contract. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Include all labor, materials, equipment, andincidentals as necessary to complete the work shown,specified, and/or otherwise reguired. . B. Storm sevrer servj-ce required for this work isindicated on the drawings and includes, but is notIimited to the following: storm ser,\rer conduits,outlets, inlets, fittings, and manholes. C. A11 work coverod by this sectior.r shall be governed byappropriate Rules, Regulations and Standards publishedby Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation and the Townof Vail. D. Related work speclfied in other sections. 1. All grading and filling required in connection withasphaltic concrete pavement shall be performed instrict accordance vrith the requirements of C-600of these Specifications. 2. Traffic control as required and described in Sectionc-500. 1 .3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Requirements of Regulatory Agencies: 1. Secure and pay for aII permits'and inspectionsrequired for the prosecution of this work. Approved certifications of lnspection and permits shal-I be signed by the appropriate approval agency or building inspection authority. B. In case of conflict between the above codes,regulations, references, and standards, and theseSpecifications, the more stringent requirementsshall govern. C. The contractor shall be responsible for the exacthorizontal and vertical location of any existing utilitylines and their relocation necessitated by construction. D. The contractor shall verify existing invertelevations before construction. 2.0 PRODUCTS 2.1 PIPE A. A11 pipe sha1l be polyvlnyl chloride and shal1conform to the required ASTM D-3034 or F-679. B. A1l piping shall have Class 'B' bedding unless otherwj-senoted. Bedding mater j-al shall be rvell graded, cJ.ean,coarse sands and gravel ( squeege or approved equal ) . 2.2 MANHOLES A. A11 manholes sha1l be constructed with 48-inch ID precastsections wil-h eccentric cone{r unless otherwise approved.Precast concrete nranholes shall be manufactured tostandards at least eclrral to or greater than therequirements of the Standard Specifications for precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections, ASTM Designationc-478. B. Manhole rings and covers shall be 24-inch diameter anda total weight of 400 lbs. Class 30, ASTM A-48-76. 2. 3 INLETS Inlet shall be poured in place reinforced concrete box with 550 lb. grate and frame as shown in detail on theconstruction drawings. 3.0 EXECUTION 3.1 COORDINATION Prior to the placement of this Secti-on, verify that all work of other trades is sufficiently complete to allow this installation to proceecl and verify that all such work enables the work of this Section to be conrpleted j.n accordance with the drawings and these Spccifications. In the event of discrepancy, immediately notify the Owner's Representative or Engineer and proceed as he directs. 3.2 INSTALLATION Mlnimum trench width at the top of the plpe shall be one pipe diameter plus 6 inches on both sides. Where poor soil conditions or water exist as demandedby the Engineer, excavated material shal-I be hauled away and the trench shall be backfilled with lmportedmaterial as approved by the Engineer. Manhole sub-bases shall be over-excavated a minimum of 2 feet and replaced with 1 -!-inch crushed rock. Asphalt sha1l be saw cut or wheel scored to insure aclean straight edge for patching. Asphalt patching shall be tE'or'EX'placed in two 1]" lifts over 6r' ABC, Class 6 placed in one 6" lift. Backfill shal1 not occur until pipe has been inspected Compaction of trenches slraf I be 95t ASTI'1 T-99 standardproctor density. Compaction test results will be required by the city. The Owner shall bear the eost of all tests proving complj.ance with the standards set forth herein. 3.3 PIPE BEDDING Pipe bedding - after completion of the trench excavation and proper preparation of the foundation, a minimumof six inches and a maximum of 12 inches of beddlngmaterial shall be placed on the trench bottom for support under the pipe. Bell holes shall be dug deep enough to provide a minimum of two inches of clearance between the beII and bedding materlal . All pipe shall be installed in such a manner as to ensure full supportof the pipe barrel over its entlre length. After thepipe ls adjusted for line and grade and the joint is made, the bedding materlal shall be carefully placed A. D. r. A. and tamped under the hauches of the pipe up to sprlngline and in the previously dug bell holes. The beddingshall then be installed to a minimum of six lnches anda maximum of 12 inches above the top of the piper no matter what type of pipe is installed. B. The bedding material shall be squeegee, sand or approvedequal and shall conform to the following llnits whentested by means of laboratory sieves:Total Percent Sieve Size Passing by WeiqhtT/E:f;EE'- TNo. 200 0-5 3.4 LAYOUT The owner's engineer shall initially layout the pipe's vertlcal- and horizontal alignments with offsets and statloningt as requested by the contractor. '\.. SECTION C-600 EXCAVATION, FIILING, GRADING AND TRENCHING 1.0 GENERAL 1 .1 CONTRACTUAI-, REQUIREMENTS A. Refer to the Contract Documents in their entlrely for applicable provisions which govern the work of this Section. B. AII materials and/or products shall be furnished andinstalled as named, or otherwise specified herei-n, with the exception of substitutions accepted by the ohrner under the conditions specified in the Instructions to Bidders for this Contract. 1 .2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Include all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals as necessary to complete the work shown, specified, and/or otherwise required. B. The work includes all such operations performed in this work whether as a major subcontract or as a portion of the work of other trades incidental to theinstallation of specified items. Dxcavation, filling,grading, and trenching for this work includes, but is not necessarily limited to: overlot grading, excavation for foundations, pits, trenches, and filling and backfilling to attain indicated grades. C. Related work specified in other sections: The following operations are described in the sectionsindicated. However, all such work sha1l be performed in strict accordance with the provisions of this Section. 1 .3 DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this work, the following definitions are established for the terms used: A. Structural Fil1 is all material placed to raise the greae ofTE-ETte or to backflll excavations, upon whlch the So11 Engineer has made sufflcient tests and observatlons to enable him to issue a written statementthat, in his opinion, the ftll has been placed and compacted in accordance wlth the requlrements of theseSpecifications. B. On-Site Material- is material- obtained from the required excavETlon on the site. C. !rypgfL_rqgl9+gf is m;rLer:ial haul-ed in from off -siteborrow areas D. AS'IM Specif ications are L.lrose contained in the latestedition of the standards of the American Society forTesting and Materials. 1 .4 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS A. The Ownerts Soils Engineer, Chen-Northern, Inc. hasprepared a Soil Investigatlon Project No. 1-602-89, dated June 6, 1989. B. This report was obtained only for the Owner's use infoundation and is not a part of the Contact Documents. The report and log of borings is availabl-e for theContractor's information, but is not a warranty of the subsurface conditions. The Contractor may use the reportat his own risk. C. The Contractor shall visit the site and acquaint himselfwith site conditions. Prior to bidding, the Contractor may make his own subsurface investigations to satisfyhimself with site and subsurface conditions. D. The SoiI Engineer has been retained by the Owner to observe the performance of all work under this Section.If, in the opinion of the Soil Engineer, any workperformed under this Section does not meet the Technicalor design requirements stipulated for the work, makeal1 necessary readj ustments to his approval. Make nodeviations from the Contract Documents without specific and written approval of the Owner. E. The SoiI Engineer's review of the Contractor'sperformance does not j-nclude review of the Contractor'ssafety measures in, on, or near the job site or connectedin any way with the performance of the work of this Section. 1 .5 SUBMITTALS A. Samples: ' Submitl soil- samples to the Owner's Soils Engineer for \_. approval as specif l-ed hereaf ter. B. Test Reports: Submit copies of test reports as described hereafterunder "Fj-eld euallty Control". 1 .6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Requirements of Regulatory Agenc j-es: 1. Comply with the following applicable codes,ordinances, regulations, reference, standards(in effect thirty (30) days prior to bid due date): a. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). b. Federal, State and Local Codes. 2. In case of conflict between the above codes,regulations, references and standards and theseSpecifications, the more stringent reguirementsshall lJovern. 3. Permits and Inspections: Secure and pay for al-lpermits and inspectlons reguired for the prosecutionof Earthwork. 1 .7 PRODUCT HANDING A. Take all- means necessary to protect all materials ofthis Section before, during, and after j-nstallations, to protect all object designated to be retal-ned, andto protect the installed work of other trades. In theevent of damage to any of these items, immediately makeall repairs or replacements necessary to the approvalof the Owner's Represent.ative and at no additional costto the Owner. B. 'I'ake all means necessary to conLrol dust and erosionon and near the work if caused by the Contractor'soperations during performance of the work of this SecLi-on and if resulting from the condition in which theContractor }eaves the site. C. Locat,e aII existing utillties (horizontally andvertically) traversing the project area and proLect " them from damage. : 2.0 PRODUCTS 3.0 EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAII A. Prior to all work of this Section, becone thoroughly familiar with all site conditions. In the event that any discrepancies are found, immediately notify the owner's representative in writing as to the nature and extent of the differing conditions. B. Do not allow or cause any of the work performed or installed to be covered up or enclosed prior to all required inspecti.ons, tests, approval. Should any of the work be enclosed or covered up before it has been approved, uncover a11 such work at no additional cost to the Owner. After the work has been completely inspected, tested, and approvedr make all repairs necessary to resLore tl're work of other trades to thecondition in which it was found at the time of uncovering, and at no additional cost to the Owner. C. Carefully maintain and protect aIl benchmarks, monuments, and other reference points; if disturbed or destroyed' replaced as directed. D. Erect and maintain such safeguards as reguired by construction operations or existing conditions, for the safety of persons or property and to protect same from damage, injury or loss. E. Shoring, sheeting piling and bracing sha1l be provided to prevent caving, eroding, or gullying of sides of excavations. The responsibility for the safe design and execution of a1l shoring, sheet pillng and bracing shall rest wiLh the Contractor F. Protect and maintain all utilities that are to remain on the property. c. Conduct earthwork operations with full considerations of proper and legal rights of owners and occupants of adj acent properties. Avoid any interference with or interruptlon of access to adjacent property. Provlde appropriate protection measures necessary to avold collapse and prevent damage to existing structures on adJacent property. 3.2 GRADING A B. Degree of flnish shall be reasonably smooth, compacted,free from I-rregular surface changes, with rounding attop and bottom of banks and other breaks in grade.Tolerances sha1l not exceed 2" above or below establishedsubgrade, with due allowance for topsoil and pavementdepths. "Unsuitable" material shalI be removed from theexcavation and hauled away from the site. Afterbackfj.lling has been accomplished, the Contractor shallfurnish and place all soil reguired to do the roughgradlng to with 2" of the final subgrade. Soil miterial,whether existing on the job site or brought to the jobslte from other sources, shall be free of foreignelements, shall be stable in the presence of water,shall not be expansive in nature and shall be free ofelements (stone, rock) 6" or greater in diameter. Landscaped areas shall be brought to within 4" belowfinish grade. c. D.All excess soi-l and all and unsuitable material and Iegally disposed of. debris, trash, organic material shall be removed from the site 3.3 CERTIFTCATION OF GRADING 3.4 The contractor shall retain a registered civil engineeror licensed land surveyor to certify that the general gradinghas been completed and that- the resulting grade elevationsare in substantial conformity to the Contract Documentsand the tolerances l-isted above. EXCAVATING There are areas on the site where unacceptable fill may be identified by Ownerrs SoiI Engineer. Thismaterial is to be completely removed and replaced withapproved fill material properly compacted in accordancewith these Specifications as part of this Contract. Because of the unknown soils conditions, lt may becomenecessary to make excavaLion deeper or shallor.rer than shohrn on the Dra\,ring. This added or deleted work willbe adjusted on a Unit Price basis. The Contractor wlllbe reguired to furnish logs of material removed so thatthe flnal contract amount can be.determlned. Where depressions result from, or have resulted fromr. A. B. the removal of surface or subsurface obstructlons, opendepression to equipment working width and remove aIIdebris and soft material as directed bv the Soil Engineer. C. Backfill and compact all overexcavated areas as specifiedfor structural fi11. D. Where excavated material is "suitablett for re-use, as determined by the Ownert s Soil Engi-neer, such materialshall be deposited on site for use as backfill uponinstruction of Owner's SoiI Engineer. Unsuitablematerial and surplus excavated material shall beclassifled as t'waste" and removed from the site. Thedisposal of waste material, including location of dumpsand hauling, shalI be the Contractor's responsibility. 3.5 TRENCHING ' fi;";::i3l ;="11.:ili?:f,:i"il,'lf,l'.3;,:;:; ::"*l;nl'"""in open cut, through whatever materlal encountered.Pipe trenches shall be excavated to a minimum depthof 6 inches below the bottom of the pipe. All areas.- :l3il"i: :X:?;:;:: 'ilnll!n,"1.::ili'"1:"xlt:,:5'iitn," the limits of the work is considered unsuitable by thefnspector, such material shall be excavated below thegrade shown on the drarvings to a depth necessary toensure a stabl"e, firm foundation and refilled vrith1]-inch rock unifornrly graded to provide a firmfoundation. Then polyethylene (4 mils) shal1 beinstalled prior to normal bedding installation. AII excavated materials whlch are considered unsuitableand any surplus of excavated material shall be disposedof by the contractor. B. A11 existing asphalt or concrete surfacing shall becut vertically in a straight line as speclfied and removed from the job site prior to starting the trenchingexeavation. This material shall not be used in anyfiII of backfill. C. The trench shal] be excavated so that a clearanceof six inches is maintai.ned on each side ofthe pipe for proper placement and compactlon of thebedding or backfill material. The maxj-mum trench width measured at the top of the pipe shall be the outsidediameter of pipe plus 12 lnches. t D. E. If the trench width exceeds the maxinum trench width,a stronger cLass pipe will be specified. The trench shatl be adeguately supported and the safetyof workers provided for as required by the most recentstandards adopted by the Occupational Safety and HealthAct. Trench excavati-on shall not arlvance more than 100 feetahead of pipe .l ayin<; and backf ill work. Excavation for structures shall be of such dimensionas t.o aLlow for the proper installation and to permitthe construction of the necessary pipe connections. Unless authorized in writing by the Engineer, theContractor shall at no time have over i 00 llnear feetof open excavation while in the street The maximum open trench allowed over night shall be50 feet. Open trench left over night shall be completeJ-ysurrounded by fencing approved by the Engineer. G. H. F. EXCESS WATER CONTROL I. J. 3.6 A. c. Do not place, spread, or roll and fillunfavorable weather conditlons. Do notuntil moisture content and fill densityto the Soil Engineer. material during resume operationare satisfactory B. Provide berms or channels to prevent flooding ofsubgrade. Promptly remove all water collected indepressions. Where soil has been softened or eroded by flooding orby placement during unfavorable weather, remone aiIdamaged areas and recompact as described for fiII andcompaction. 3.7 F'IELD QUALITY CONTROL A. The Owner's Soil Engineer will conduct and controlon-site moisture density tests. Where tests indicatedthat the filr does not conform to the standard specified,the ftll material shall be either removed and replacedwith conforming material or addi.tlonar compactive effortshall be provided, without additional cost to the olrner. t I ta' i B. c. observation by o\,vner's soil Englneer sharl be continuousduring the fiII and compacting operations so that hecan certify that the fill was made in accordance wlthSpecifications. Seasonal Limits: No fill material shall be placed, spread, or rolledwhlle it is frozen or thawing or during unfavorableweather condLtlons. When the work is process 1sinterrupted by heavy rain, fill operations shall notbe resuned until Owner's SoiI Engineer indicates thatthe moisture content and density of the previously placedfill are as specified. Field density testing shall conform with ASTM testdeslgnatlon D-698-70. Number and location of tests shall be at the optlonof the Soil Engineer. Upon satisfactory completion of the work of this Section,the Soil Engineer will deliver a certificate ofcompliance to the Owner. D. E. r. :I FISHE REECE & JOHNSON, ARCHITECTS, P.C. JOHN D. REECE, A.I.A. A. AUBREY SPENST, A.I.A. G. FRED PETERSON, A.I.A. o R, January 12, 1990 Gary Moran, Chief Buildj-ng Inspector Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage noad Vail, Colorado 81652 Re: Val1 Va11ey Medlcal Center Parklng Struoture - eroJecE 267 Dear Gary: It was a pleasure neeting with you and Mike McGee on Monday, the gth of Januaryto review the deslgn criteria for the construction of the parking Structure atVail Va1ley Medlcal Center. As we discussedr we will naintain a four hour occupancy separation between theparking structure and the connection to the hospihl on *re west. The basenent that wl11 be conslructed below the parklng leveLs wilI be fortraining and malntenance facilities for cllnlcai operation and therefore ahorizontal separatlon bethteen the basenen! and the parking structut€ w111 beone hour as requlred by Table 5 B of the Unlforn Building code. It is under_slood that in the future the south portlon of the exlsting buildlng could bedenolished and the parking structure ramp extended to the basenent area andadditional parklng facilities be provided to the south with three floors ofhospital funcllons constructed above. The design of the parking structure will provide fresh air for ventilation ofthe lower levels fron the west elevatlon with exhaust faeilities on fhe levelsbelow grade on the east side for the appropriate air changes per hour. As wefurther discussed, in rieu of sprinkllng the rower levels of the parkingstructure for fire protection, we will provide dry stand pipes in the north andeast stalr with a Class 1 rat,ing for fighting fires in ihe parxlng structure.The connection to the hospital at the southwest corner of the parkhg structurewill have a cLass I stand pipe systen, that not only will serve the variousfloors of the parking structure area, 6ut will also be connected io the base-nent and al1ow for future connectlong to the south of the parking structure. 15OO SOUTH PEARL STREET DENVER. COLORADO 8O2IO (303) 777-0407 Hr. Garly Moran January '12, 1990 A revlew of the existJ.npq portlons of the hospital that abutt the parking structure, namely to tbe west and to the south, are presently sprinkJ.ed on thefirst floor. l{lth the construction of the parking structure, the second floorof these facllitles w111 be sprlnkled to provide firll sprinkler protectlon ofthe hospltal complex. Our present schedure for the conpl.etlon of the deslgn ls to provide you with Contract Docunents approxlnately the 14th of February for your revietr. Thank you for your assistance and oooperatlon ln this natter. Very truly youra, cc:WMC - Dan Feeney GF"t - Phll Harris C-R - Don Rosier Bierbach - Steve Bierbach A. Aubr€y AAS/sk o.r{€q, Exo.F{o{t'd(!(ll:4>tr =oI '.r o* rd()6>F o-{o fir.Floa! E 6> ool !JCO!.1 d +r.= Atrii xo Ic .9 o eoo Iu .P oo M) o (D (J F{oc!oEC' .ii u, ,,r. o| @: gR '+ J' <. rr -s3 €i;o TA o) q) tt)ta € c) Q Iro {J o (.) cJ x>O 'riFl C F.'d oao(|).rr E F€ Or.o tr.o lnE rd d\o O lD FlX =coo.Fr tr +Jr-{EU}Od c)(J>..= F{C F< ,.{ {J Ft .r.l (d +J@ (llr ><Fl> 6F o .Fl r.l t') P o Ff ot{q{ c) J ol p o .r.1 rn rn ok9{ o ru qr o xo (E v) z x *\.| P 5. fauI d;ize g H:trE H F! .t.;+rl6HIEfilER;1 36;1 3 EEJ : ii ol z.3 ocl 6Frl riEt qr! _.ni rn E tll :9Bl o' =€l 6'E <l o-nt 6s;t 3 - ;t oq, ('l :3Bl € lo e{ ool i: c clo @l551 R'O()I ri <<l x '= =l \o .l o..xl #.+ El ; r > tl a.@ 6ltrE I =toF= ltr=toP: l!-Z6 alE E*EIEe PpEIEEH.s il8 o Q T o*l Z ; FsEld: FlP, +l 9 b Ao 6OO(Io.! g! cd.YF '6 q{ ll-; o,6 olc)ooPI =?TO co.lF o .'t<u) =H <u) = F.rG'c lr c.t 6 =e8O,?Ez-.h 5€E an rArdCeC) go J 'F{ d c/) .lrrr=E ?c.EP!.|P g+Joo.rl O..+J+rulO .r{ t{)&7)k oc)+., FqU| < ..{c ol,octr(J otlltc trboorg trtn O .t'{tr b+, EF{Os55f-) tnortr.OOBl o(.,j).o .Jtr(d; cr -oiii .c F = |^o utt€ d)od, o o. eo o t! o Fl F q- q- F) ,a j I ;Fr-d o€Eool fc.r Ea6 xFoO.Ef, .-{ ou, w, -r 'd(! (rt9>tr =olt Fa t-lo' &.i.q9T;j"w^ (Ds+:3iVcn E -S,1 I ^-=t 6,: -;ookedEFg: ar '= aCEE;,T3 U' 0t ID uJ o C') c') I (n(a € €J U h 6) |J oc)u x>O.t{.-{ C k,d oau !.).,.r B. 313 OF.o c€ vt = (! d\o O OF{x Ecoo..-i tJ t_,F<=|,Od o(J *i F{ .F{ ! r.i .F{(6 9cO dr ><Fr> oF Ill| oo -t! M),|J.(g oo {J ('d OF{ d .--l ou)lr -'.{qr rc (tt o) Fl Ol P 0) rn u, tr(H &o() qr o =a.l J.." R^6trgolLuod .E='+,>o<:tr o "lu<>.Fr< lP v,.iEri gt.EiF< =.s<ttn .\ <i t.' ol =xi:> N Ctr r-'{r.) |\OF F oco ci -Y> F() J4o .n z xNgE* Sx^ = tr4X dolE ornZ& FCn I H: F.g F g8 3 ;'E u- bo q, F a o Utr c) o CIo }.)rn EoF..g .i.qa FC.Ebv)t o(|o-o IIo, _.n 6E 'E<rb o(o =3ss Or@ NS oo oo.: .: .d .d r+ ioXd{E zP o_. (/, .EN8iZ7r c,:2i-oA;FH6 3!?tri:x PO:..{ EEAo bq vr. tEl|/) r/l c.l l:C ca xl i.c-t =EbI EG -l ,I !JEt ;sol P-EI EJ:l 6' 6 l=qE E;|;* * E5l;;;; ;il=iE gb 6Aatt -v 'r'{.r X; !r) .t{fr>E cF aJP C+Joo.r{ o .- +.t P rnO ..1 S{ koo+JlrCo < .F{cb0occCJ OEIo t4 O 'F{trhPE r-{OsSthotutr.UOlll ru c,'c) t)t{ ct;; o!;i-ct = lno = .F{ !'{ 5lr.ca dt o lt) ao o I .9tl. xo,Ft (n F td i+l l+l h ; !4 ET o€Eo()ov1 =3t xFO o.6f r{ou, v. ,{'drd rd ; :.qorp..{O ^6- ql L)s.l,E>. -i(F o '-ri.i 3 ''d:,< b tr)sf 5.9.;()rntre3E63 EEEfr5 vt9o}.s .58 AE {E €,fl €J= 55 t{o+, (l)c, CJ >r>iD ..{ -l tr l.t .d ruo(,().,{ tr }'tt O F.o tr'(, rn> 6 d\oO oFrx =€('' F{ t{p '-r=oOd o(J 49, ?<.J tJ Ft .F{ d rJ co (0 t F q) .r{ t4 oP rt) Fl q (d ru Fl o {J tt) rl ra) tn aotrq xt) (D q{ z X-\3S* EEH Floul rrt oV.AZo-F.9 5 *E 3;ug iEtrltul II Ei ^l I ai c'rl E,'!l rulsEl :l - 1ol ol x5-"1 3l E ;;l €l E I ol.-l El. ll lF.l +J*ol ls6€I l'-r E E EEI =lrfr,Pb bl r! lE co o c Fll <<l xl 3-edl ;l EE1l "l ,IH ." xl #l 9.9$sl :l gi | .El 't t1 F.iFl "l ti E'F la l=q+ E=*,l;."lE€* ErElE al;Ig aeslS lE el o!(! lieO)xo">th' '.iJ d(, .lihtE .-Cii +,!t +,<< tr+,oo.r{ O ..+r{Ju)O ..{ t<t.C o)fr OO{Jtrtro {..{tr 01, (J OlIrtac trb0 m O.r{trbPE'{OqtSf'! olDc.(Jolll OCJ.(, r)lrd,; cr -oi1 El = tnc) E .d.E = I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I.l ur1 IF- I.- 14ruF(/l.'r tDlFrtr v! Ft E{Jd P'd oo .!-l t--ldPr EOOFrtr(H r4 CFd c) J P (D .rl rJ 1 rr) ofrq{ () C) o 2IF (Jo J Fz UI =UJo Jg I I I.ltal =.1o-l rg o\o Irn Frl col d !lo olg {-i I0.(dlo=l F3l =Elo:lc., Ir1 |" :l@<l EI .g ElI:I E€IF1l E .Sl rn slfn '\l.. M)lF_l - olx .!tEOl ,* cDl 9tcoi:> c{rq roF\ooc.r 8. OFZ7 :6t taE .9 qt FC) =t:) @ -EY> F() &od(n z x,\NO ..'rtrE+*ss = (do) E g- I.og H€9cFC,r_qii9 aoE 9x;,il ul ol!') I.lctl o,IFl <l I I dlolC)l I {Jlu)l(!lolklrDl>."1of4 |;x i! ol =qltrlo t+.1|co olr/) | rrl I o. ol E.lF ..1o .91 FEisFl-l -.i .",: lo (llo. Ol IBI I Iril ol oi -o (!l =gl'E <lf,bl o dl;31 ss I c't co l.l| $'+ I I torqtlccI ooI oo I ea .g .€ sf, X +E ETtaAoau, =ac iroo Zot ".^cc:E3 F- i: ii1t€ul;6FOO ^FOq.,(')dEe t!F- tltltltltltElbdtHltrl qr I.Frl O I ot .lcl h I..t el ol';t o Iot c, Ipl .rl6t It/, I ol(Jl El E'Iol |Dt v!>l TI i'{ | ..1l.{(l) | t-{ {Jl .Fl I(/)lil 3ol 6t-tl .E(!t t- il,ot =bl ciEI3l I -loi rnloi;l -l C'I (!OI EEI Eot E olot FI ItEell 9b l'E" 5 5ll/,rn.I: lo dc! l:E co-l:l sfi\ol '6 (H l(t^orl u- ;NIi-l H' . (|)t o JEt !>t :>()l .9 d)lu-lotI ()oo lplt | .r'l F{0 l=?T 3.lP 5 : = t<u)X IE F' 5 $lHS *!: =t= E d =olEEcti ;tn E x--t--- Foz, u.lEFu, ul a an I.IJeo. =oo o o aalN atG -l r+l I IiFozul lEhozIU' uJo F I UJ 'Fz:l hlcoo-ulE U'u, UJGooEa (D q, o o- oz o 6 I (J 6 F q.i l+.i F: o @ C.l Ot It-. It-l tr)!ft (U a N to r--l ooN IIr\ I o |.r) ! rda a rf)|r) oc(\I F- I olri'r{ tlo 0) a t.-.c!tr) C\ Ir- I 1l) tn({ F{ l.l rd 0l a ta) ln gE E ll)6Aav) .}Z '!1 H6 .SrhE = trpoo..{ ru .- +J {J U}O .Fl t{a.ca)t{ u lt)+rlltru) < .rltrbootrtrcJ o lllotr trbo tn O 'r'{trbrJEF{Os:'tF) Uloc.OO 3r.l o c)'0) ot{d.^ o!;i -c t. = 'noX ..{'Fl U lr. 6 trEJJPaJP cc It'. C\ r(\ c t: c\ (s F. t. cc I Fr c\ I t\ c\ o v. (' ! o .q) c, o 6 = {toJ E E o: o otl. o F = Eo o.: () E o rD o E .g .g () d o o u;!l o, o o CI '6 = o o !do c) =>\o.r-l OEl 'odrd9>h =o9..{O 6> h o-rc, +, .r{6db tr>cO o iri 1..rJJ EO!l 6p.X Atr =xourlrlU o o o co e ot uJ o hq) +Jtr(l)()Lr x>O 'r{F{ Ckcl cro()c).r.{ tr. }E OF\o tr.o rn = d c! \oO O'.|x Eooo. "{ t{ .|JF.=(',c)6 0, (J t7) @poOF{g- Fo) cii .n sq sR$ J. -03 :og3 aaq) cl c, .t) at) € c) U t{trri (tl +J co d><'r> (l) o o d F (.) q) E \o.,<o F-'r ! g>'.. =oP''ro* (!CJ6>(D.F o '-rO ! .r.l6d o iri t, H (sP.* Atr =xo o (l)o uJ (J tr()p c)()(J >'>O '.1F-{ C F{.r, {, Ooo.r{ E 3.o oF. E d (d\oO OFrx =60).F{ f.. *,Fi=oO.d OLt r-r tr Fl .d rr cO C,><.r> ro o @ o olo -o. 6 di q, !+ g3 ^::<.! on co6J rtrNml.+oi .) ao 6 lJ- d q.i a+.'i T t- (a q,) CE q) (n <t) € q) (J i5F i ,- I oc) r?) +J.d oo+.) (J dOri (g(JO o|/)ti.-lq{ .CF d 0) .r.{ ''J +J o Fl rn rt) t{(H (J o ql o ..rlJor-{ < O(/t.=E <i9F .=!F< =Etn "\T.- i:> C.r Ol Frt4 l\CF z x*\ O 'FlF=+-( x-F'Or.)a (dortr qtn2& FEg H: FO t! to ci EoF o lndofr o) 6 Eo =tl- tr) an oF.. =stsg;: (JGo.o I Iq, 6, gE 'E< OG33 ss or oo c\s q, {, oooo.= .= ii tit+ .4X(t\f> cz2oatrE EGTR;'zd= i'i ,iCC>99 EFg9l 6 0F(Dq' QloodEe lt F --: EI<i I l+r o) : lq6t: lO r!nl]c co xl i. c \ol 6 q{ | (!(IJol tr- ;Nl ar J ut | 6r 'J- E l=?:-lzrl E-135nF l: t.t ! glH s;sil=g&o()lO,.i:2 =lZ 16-:15€E ct !..e l!) FQ .!4 'a 6co .kfr=E eF aJe tr+Joo.F{ O ." .J +J UIO ..1 Ft t{ O c.)+Jlrgu) <.''{ o U) O..ltr F, r., E .-l FJ vlo<.ooEI OU.0) lr(!; opii Eh = !n d)x ..{ .-iu rr- "o o 'cd o€'gooov1 E3a xgo(l).E5 -{ o.n u' Fr ,o aEGl!!>tr ? *.Yorp..toqT;s"-RP ".i= -i o *J .-lFl c.r 5 <d- - E E>so.J-;o iri t93iiF3: o = AtrE8;fi3 ooU' ! (! Eq)(, c uJ o (t, c) Gl q)oU)v) { €) Q tr c).u FoocJ x>lD .''lFl trt{d crooo.dE--rJ oF.o c€ rn = sd (!\OO OFtx :86o.Fr t{ },F{>:lac)(! q)(J *i -l.-{ p -t ..1 d {J@ (d><Fr> dF I I ol 9t.olo Hlt 'rl Bl*'l- I I I I -l ,Hg tg,Ll rJ J9F{ .9'lr! I I I t9..TI E ggl : :t c! 651 Fi <?l x .l o -* Hl .;!4 =l : tr tlr t tlg(,url F* |5F t6.E:i ltr:F IEgl,lE- EfEI;g 4 T r)il 3 a EFqld: Fl .}J +J oE'1 FE o d- rD oO {Jl u) c{ztlo trc.l FY< tlt =IHRr =83O,?E2v(t) EEE c) ..{ t) P () J ot{q-l d 0) P o ! lrl ta) otrr+t Uo q 9xE(!i:> (\ \O r-l \OF 2 l( -\35*;( xc., x -9,nz* F14Lts50Y azo-trE 6cF(I)io. FU) g'rl du)FJ. .trF.E = trF &,P<< .t4tr+roo.r{ O .-PPu)O ..{ t{ koorJlrgtn < ..{ o cEc) o rrr U)c trbao.cc(4 O '.{trr-)+JE '"1olrt5|."u}(utr.oo 3IJ 4, L.r.o (Jtr rdin 9€.Pt6 o Y (D (l) II IU F] €. ro r{.1 r+t Fj F (5 lu =tszf atn(dcFC):c.Zq )l 'r{n*(! vr .k != trF .JP gpoo +JPU)O '.{ lr trOC)+J lrtro <-dtroo qtr trbo o O..{trbp EF{ f': t .oo .C) I ctt 6=f = v|q)F .'< ..rY l:la Eoc UI IEotntu c'o .E o r F zul Fo ul a.t uJ =oo c o (o .D I I I I+ Foz uJ F,n zg oul Eo (g rt-l r+l (D Is I -l.{ o - l+r l+l F.\ I!. I F{ o q) a.l o i E '- tro ..{ (ot{ +) l{o !l g; =e l! @ ; tl z tr =oII =E'^2zoEE 6S E z g ; (l o o o op U) I t CI o o 3 :tr. (n CIo o ci: C\ X (o .!at o o z F =otlz lrJ z () lJ- -!l (Js 6l ot ol .l I i I oi -l:i ol <l -lo ;l ^l5l I I el+t I I EI (Jl <l I;l.:l I I I Irql I I <tI I I I I Ith t, ()L (rl ol ol -tl EoF .= @ (!o3 t! .o I E j '6 3 o3 s ln o i 6l Ft Isf .o |r)to N o .(! o F o F =olt =(,zF(t uJF Jglr E s N o i: E s'v c! -a c,i:9-.:oF< E.s ,{ N !NZ. u) It i:E @ Eo() .; c! Nc.) tr)4 CQciz .96 OU+.I62 tq .1 oz F -t C'z o F z 9F =olLz F uJ- tr () F o qr x ! p T{ ll-r t{rn tiqr -{FI ro3 a ._l (u I!'Fz.^ l-<.<eo:O.iJ; zu, =UJo J G ;l.:I qi6l-1(glel <i (Dl ctl ol (D1 16l -lo (Jl (.) .F{ ()E xc).F{Of3 1t 9>tr =o9''ro 6> F OF{ O +J .H ;idt ,Q '.r -,-' tt t_.!trOR (! +.1 E XC) '6 oo '6' qJ = o() o o q, a5 u) c'\ /.nco ;ii r.) '1' tf F{ 6dl!z:*i;o Chg) g) caa € Q r0 + a) o +J {){)u x>O .r{ -1 EFl.d OQoo.Jr=€ ot.cJ c.o |n = cJ rB \oA OFIx E6{).Fr t{ +).-r!oO -! F{ ci +J cc (!><F{> d F +, U, a) sl i r), U'q an.F. I I I .-lI t0 o llnt = tr.' llrJa 6 "1c,o:) o J) c s E'/f D .: c; o|t !o 01 € LIo.o!o o €r) Uo lro otn.-l r'r l (Er!z3o r-j uJ =f uJu,z z UJ Eo t--o TEFzo() 'f E3zIF zf oo (D o -.{ '.1-l (l) lJ 6.1 rt (t )-{ +J,qFEUEO q{o o(d trr-Fnt.l'8,ulHT: l{3 Olrrr-t E 0J tr 1'N C '.iON oo gi ooc 'U{r(d[!!oF: q =fi9O lrr ^.<g ZAA Yd On'rilF x u- F{ >6-Hz68B Fzru \-, _o. UJ U) F Fz ul lF E IU IIJ oz az E z () IIJ IF = I I I I I I i I I I I I I firFliAitnl .l *l YI tsl t{iltl i I i I ! I I I Flot!@c:-b o 9gof j'A .{ -1 = }i3 9lXn, rD =>li ; c bHo I R u .lu6 i t' 6 U(/:< j,96 -1 F -H* of; ,. E ;'EEN z E 3 -.9 -L.J.rn' : o -.i x-Y+ o s.x" : o F{ -,-{ '-{Iq E ; EEE rt+ sq) t-f I q) c 0 (6 -t + 0o 4L Lra9tH hEfi Eo.-{ 0}udh g Fl to \o(0 \O.{ C .g d,o a!v9^P ':cod =>rN k3-g ;: x.q qsd" ; .l .-t nlJ\' f,q'H if 5o5 A \" ,F I i I I I i \i\ t t .rt daJ>rrO tI'(,) c3 >+J!Uo0)ou{,oood >o EET U' >trog€gg OQ,l!-qpl ! E.r-l90 q-{ cg8 i I I i I tur Ft,AIai .l EI UI Ri tDi I I Eg o ..-l !o A) Ll U !l OJ v F) q) (J q, ol ,.ro oo (r UJz3 Fo uJ E-(J t uJ UJzoz UJ ccoF() ccFzo() E =zo F oz) ==oo J ID u, HO (l, +J5r(or*J 0r' qJ .prJ(J(U0, --{ \H Qo) l{oo>oo(6U q-r l-{ ri\ = .l,xt> 1) osl octd-l l€ ":cJi '-{ }r ('+J0r!(,) (!-0 otU li E 0,FX Y X>H:6i'5.io< . o..{ 2,1 .rt E'! ol {o f F+t x tF I lJ. 2 8g(J (J C)() (o r-r lll(I F 1! uJF oz U'zo =zo uJT F u.J 3 F =5ott anoF tf F-zoO or '{ t'-ool' R- 6 g'g '-l 14 = !rg 3?ta o iJJi ; cE bHo Pr,g:g 6 UO< '.r .C)H c{ a Sjpfi * g;EEG'| Z i3-SFr F i Eqs ; 4 !? _{./r -t E E ; EEE UFs sq) E\ € I o 6 A o o c) fr{ t4E o u.- q) 74 }]^o c\t,coCc{o,)-l(J I r'-aotr).J tO \O396.,-{ @!vn! ,.\:Sd>fi iY. al -r ot- .-l.+xr)d n r-15d" rc .r .j 'Fi l.'\ . '-l-ro -. ct, >o.> t-- o €)E xO.FroEIE 9>li =oI ..{ o* 6L) -olzt. - O-{@ +).d6dF F> vol{ R (g+).= Atr =xo o @ co uJ |]! E oo o OF-{ {, aii .t) Ct oocol i+ c\l14 IS-{ s -'(! ^g:11 CA() qJ CAv, € O lro +J -(Do C) x> dJ .r{F.c93! dJaclo.'{C}€ oF.o tr.d r/t = 6 d\oO OF{x =€6).Fr lr +JFr=oOc! ocJ *,; F{ 'd +', r.l ..1(g +,6 Ct><'-r> .l F 6 | €gx I t>A I E.: trlol YI I -l+rltrl ollI. l- xl= .'itY=lF c-ll< \!oF IE Tg3 lEoI lrS.F lt caz to5 ttr$ lt*5 li5G t6 (/) 5ll Itttrnlll14 lll.ttto.ttlElo6 IPl.5t Iil€l Itot Il*tllrl | |El l-lLl | -l @ |I :l E I t{ I Ctl @ |ad I Pl E Io | 6l ItgtlLr | 6l Ilol Ib I El I5 | ol I(g I ot Io | -ct I3lsl I*ll Ist | |tot Itpt I| '.{l IFl"il - l '9 ..1 El -: I "gl "l E II 6l I o I.F5l El E Iol ble8i El d I El=l iot'ttzllllJJlllcci".i ei th:,tiu(,ott> F-llu,ttJ tio| -t ,, FEEI al XE .:.!l -l -. I< <l :^l I I| -l n I q,; ;t I : | >.= .=l | '; | .? ill#l E, lR PcI EI EAI : Eg;l_ | " I € Fr li-b* | ll lEElEilEEslfrl F.o Po kP o x c,) +,q() otr 3 o |J oP d) c {J F oA !"ul E=Ir- o?= r!) drI ol6l el Et ol('l oli5iil rDr <t I OI OI I I I I .vlo! >.'iiao Jl o)qie ld .'t <-l I I I I I I -l Elbir.l >l+ll oil6 d9tal .E l* I I I I 6tl Fq)6AZ.nL ; -:zicnh th tr x GI +J ul q) q) J4 +J IA 3 P!lr P o () fr cFr)e c +.)ofJ.F{ O .. {JPlnO .Fi lt k oq)P Frgv) < .'{ q OEFo O''l'trF)PEFI h6 (Dtr.OO C:] CJ (J .Ol otr cd; O.Oi" -c, h = lnc) = ''i'.'rvl:4 oo. u.l oot!G(5oEg {J sr o c) € +r |< q F: h(H o +ro U) qi o \o (! ra) 3 tt FT +J (H ! '$lE? l= | = E o'l= $ l:l lz6 3-lF* lk-1932 c l=: ,lE 13.,;e E lo F:lO ol= | ;FiE Eti: ii= Eg ,-'. lFll.g tlt(! ".1 EEI .tl EP;ul EEI ll E E,il .::l il H I eel al E Pi-lE:;l l- rllrll trF il =7 | Iug ilo3'H?'r- iloE I.r1 Z i = I I I:l(-)l "'ll >, itl 6 -rl : ..t ;i-l o I I I I I I ) ,li g (A ID q6 lir I I HEEq);c.I rrr'- v''.t.l ,:< ds! F:. .lih= = cl !+J<< .tr +,oo.d o.-|rP|,lt) .|{ frt,c!)troQ)+., tr tru| <.'..1tro0 ttc cbo U| O .'{ tr F2 +., EF. F)q oc.oO c.: o (J.ol IJ 'rcJ; O.oHt6x ... ..{u 3r. ro FGoo. u,l an 3ngJ lEooGc n q) E xo.F{OEl nt 9>|.EO 9..{o* (!CJi;> F o.<O +l ..16d; c> () otr !l dP.= AtrEXO(/,ql(J '6 Eo o 'a uJ = o a7) o oNc\ atFq) .ii o 9r€ STt(l F{ 6ci3z: EE oq) CJ cttq2 € c') (J o +.) ooc.) x>(L) .F{ -4 Cg oc).,ir=3 O r..o c€ r/tE d (d\O O OFrx =6o.F{ Fi +JdEnO(l {)(J -.; r< cc $)co d> <Fr > 't P =f {J !z o {.) -l .u (Jott) q-r o -i I () +., xo (.) l| lEEi:ii;E3 E e lE: ,lt lE i:;intgi;BlE E g$lE o ,l= -le @ q, Y rlt o o l! >1o.'i (! Fl F rEq (lt- cq)6.FEWJ v .rl-ri lZ d GTJ 't{lE = cF !t,<< : gPoo..{ q) .. +J+.,u)O ..{ 1..3E C)trUC)P|rtr(4 < ."{ L' O ll.l Q l/) o.dtrheE t-{ hq otr.OO = c, (J.q) (,F(n(n 9+H?6:i "i..{5 s..a FGog UJ anoul(EooE o. do oE o.FIOn'gdrd>t o 'F{ O OFI P'd tr> ut ,1trl|)si +J xc) o ()14 qt tii o :coi;wt(D F{ l- 6 .:: ti I o,':os-E6{) 9() !l €;€-os, o E Eo (Dq, E' uJ ('t (rt c) I (A C2 € c) RI 8l an tii q) }) -oq,u>>qt .'{Fr Ct{cd OAo (l).,.r!€ OF'o E.J rtl = ct td \oC oF{x Eooo. Fr Fi}J,-=oO t1 E, F{ c +)6 (ll><F.> F r) a c) xO.FtoF-I E 9>li =o9..lo* (B(J F OFto P .Flo, (u ,q 'Fl,.., O k,i.r tr c)H a! +, ixo .og col ^/\ '+ (\l lr ./ a-r I(1- SF{ ItJ i+ IAJ d3 21 7<lL -O q) IIJ ql q) +J oc)(J x>O .Fl -1 Ck .., c- 3'13 O F. = fi ci \oA OFx Eoo..-{ I +r-rE(nO6 d)(J .-r F{ qi {- oO d><Fr> dF o C) F-r oo- o) (aq) I q)q, € c) o t! rn!o; o d d) o q) 3 !I. e.l ..1 (D =t o(dl o ol.nl ololtr)N 1r1 0 F- (D p <$ IL {J Y qr o P C) q-l t. I P(t o c) +r gro ii9E.EiF< =i P I o o 0) 3 lolE.. I oF. lF (g (o o E F- o o r\ | -i; - ol grEfii HE9 ";l u5E * <l :i: E rl a(5 i: =l Fo2t! CEFoll !1 | '.ofl6 EIoi vl !11 uJt>r- @l31, lir! t( o-I =lOr or I E(!:si sE z=l € a --t : - - ::t .r -^ f 31 =3 (6t (E vt c anl c ss tt0,tl=ol\ol,=t.ta-+ll'-llr,tltra ltt(!| | -t -- cd.l EEI t{l Ee. I S Fl c.rl ci ,;l ; :l r-r I o ;>l ddl xl6>l d6l xEsl iil =^ EAt at H II -t ; | .t; ;l I = | >.= .=l | 6 I <tt.(! Iool u .!l I oQlq-,xl#l g, lF| -l i I Ilgl 3la | ^ ^l >\l ! >l I E El ;i *l o - x l' r =l I :*, '.1 la it 6l Ic t tYg"t | | vE c'.r It < l- I I zo F oo J Fz IJJ =uJo q E '*lEn ,l=-li;+l:-l olz1uj irEiFI(,'l E E IE;,'IT IE'; i:;!E **l; gig! l;lil:gi:ilEEF @ 9I5EE zl Or (tt ILul Ol :l ;-tlEl= Er Ol ,:(|i or o 61 il 3 ooro or o'o o I I I IJri(Jr.a', (B :l tr<l I I -l $rl eq-rl o .Fl =-l \J F.l (D 1'r I I I I i u7 ancdtr .c9J .)z'r{.!.:4 (d(/J .t{rE = .tE up {..1 q tr x C.l P c) P o +r 3 +,(o- +, li C) .Fl tr trPon +.r+JI4O .r.l tr5.C(l)t{Oq)+r frtr6 <,.tatroo o o O 'r{trieEF{Os55b ttl .oO .C) a)lr (6 -" Eh = (aa) = ..1 .'-lI t& cal G,oo.urG at, anut ootrG (, .?| () :E >\o.Fto El "d 9>frEO 9..{o F o-rlD tr.Fl6(d cO .Q ..{v|,llrtrOI d+r =xc)(/) II1 CJ ta9 c|,E -H8 :i;Yi*<e €,H EF Q.g o! o c, c{a{, :owl :qN S'1 dA ^:;(l;o o P {)oL) x>rD 'rt"-1 Ck(d rueoc,.ig3 = O t'-c) cE| rn =66\0C O i"lX EcoCJ. - L!-.=(ao FrtrFi .! p€O sd><Fi> O(,'-e>z o'= F< =i c\I tr-tt"t'ltlrrlltlcfllEIbd.olcll.|"rl<l-Ellollciltltlotlarlr> tJ I ctt oir I Cl rE.9t81CJ I 6Ilolb | 6l I r-rl 9l;31 El ot IsPl Ilntlt.l olol Pl.Fll .Fllsrl 6lE o.l rl 9e..t Et j sgl "l 6FEI ..1 eEEI EI .Eq G.t ;il| -t o{ -.i I qrl =c,5r Fl d*t =l 9tc16i:> oF27 ,9 ,q = s^lEg E IHIE E ,l=-le ;Ep lEg,lt lE; i : ;Ifi t Eifi 3lg!; Eifr?=lriii9a - : s'iF o o,- C)ICI ,i !i =.3i: ! ail aif i ? F a'siE E ql6 sl3 E E otl3.rFll c)g il*-u .rFlloE I,rtZl I I Ii4i(,) |'rrl >.'6t dl iiE-l * I I I I I ) EE$t-q+9oxqd 1i: I I tt> I(sFe(I);A - 7 -e,dco F) trF << .. (/|}c*)oo.Fl c) ..+.rpoO .F{ t{ F.oa)+J trtrU) < ..1 q u) o.F{trri+rEF{ Fal/| .()O .Ol (J tr .3 = !o C)X '.r..{ F CEoA.ul ooutc(toG& !, e(D iI ..1 -t F1 F qrq o : Qo!!tr Ac. Fu> x.A G|vJ .tr 'rE= CF+JP!P .|,)tr+,oo.,.1 o .-p+r|,| O ..{ trtt c)tr(JO)Pl{trul < .F{trbo UI m O."{trhs EF. F:O .oo!:: o c,.ol (Jt' ct F (4 q.) : .Fa 'r{ FGoc UJG at(t, uJE(,oG(l -clolol 3g ol ol ;l ..1 olol <l-IolEr otol dl -t lr +)o (d Fr {J (.) x @ +, ta q) o t.r o = P6o' +J P Fu)troo H IIJ:=-t-EZ.i>o.Fl * l-r I I ^l ?t |.nltl Irn I o o)F o(l { o o @(\ FozulGF anzo IAgJo F(5z uJ F an ul =U'o UI CC =oc) {) dt .! gl '(, o (E J @ F (D x E E o oIL U) zo F E ol! =uo,? cE .q o: o = o o q) 3 CI .e '- c! x \o € oz zo =ou.z UJ z J o CI E i,nl ol .91 Oj ol -olor-ri +Jo 0) +J p ; rn I l6) =- gE 'E<fb oRt33 ss oo $ Eo o = rn Q)F E o C) m n- E:a! 3H<= ==5i:|r':2FGrzitFlu6 _dEttF I c .! (! Fro OFz7 IE.9 qt {> Nlr4l :lii ojol =i E str) c.'| (D(,(l .E|.z to (\ Eo.: (D EFE r- c! o (! o Ei: x E x 0) z tr =.E lr.z uJYIF oF P sl .d p )< oo -l {J () qr r+ .Ft P '!doq) l+.i zo ()o F2ul =ut Jq rn O r-{ cdo o rn r.. ri .A (.)2 xo.F{O F-t ']J >t'o .r{ o O .'l ! ..{ c> oF. XO o O14 (D x€6wto FiFg1* Srs-: ()FCso6c)d.qtr-v x 6;-o;(!=;o(,} o o (l o UJ C)P oc)(Jx>(l) ..{ -1 Ek oq,..r E- 3! oF.o tr"3 ]n =6(d\oCO'ix E6o. -r !*t-rEoO>..= ?1 FF{ a3 !r 0c d><Fi> v,q) O .tt CA € q) U ll I I I Il> lc0blo -r l! =t>iE .r1 <-1 I I I UJ IJJ J lrJ II (+ +J u1o+, vl+JU)(4+roU)+r q) +J Otr.it opqr (!x oq)Olr ktA q{ q) t{o6 +J.rr Ovt z, h+JO oo =o.€ir6 OCJ uJx U) '-r6x l! J: r! arl)('o. Y -,-Z L P'i Fa uJF Pz?e()Fxze.n !H<6ooz ,,,9c' 5?9tr \J lf t-23 I tPH H Enth 6 !i> ru z --o- tr oov";> fiu!t-o t>= UH H?H HH J }J!-' fiH iFHjjglEi alt =z=qlQ(.,<E6-*/= Lu- * =z E=E = c.) =;a-zo- cc F I =g= | =;ESo=- I =-l ==Eiz.+ O^ ESSEo 9-- z. F 6)& F o aJ F z =z tltltltttltllq lE!td ttll'1l14toll(^ (!l l+. Fl tollg,tll.{ hE too IItr C 'lK..lqI bPl l5&ltlnl E.:Af':il 1,5 i 9l l" Eil 13.$llo trl F="31 lb-3"1 lo o9l I ol - IcD t:lu,r J:| - .'rl :tF -t - l(J rri i L____:J c i i3 E 5e E9; !E I EEE :;E:;i E:6ET:r:E EEi t:i :;i:.e9 !iiEiEit :;:i EEEIi si r E!i: EE:E i?! i !Esi t-itl-I lto 6 U' UJzY =F ll,.t cc l-Io =t'9 aa<oo-<lruoo H9 =i?E E., xZ ? E'TOH 576 = ;x b; ST E9 EE 6? TT i* po o =\EErru iH "'z6>=O{Jfftrozz*^,"ooE BaeOuJur (LOFF : k.il o 99 q 6;:;. uo F{ t-r E _.{ Of; E 3giE EEi,!_; Eb^s : E=5: ti '"'lS c; g>P.+ 1 O-r i!r E f 5,fi'e&iiz€E€-out I r-., nO tn 74 o a, UJ ,:3 aa q, .t) ct) cA e) (J k C) C)u0) .Ft.d 1.. €Oo>\Ora,.{OO - tr t rJ)oo3rE O! F..!:- (!l^>\ o\O -(!6-Q+) '.=-= € +j cO O><t-r:> F SEgl;!l5eE rt €lE 3lst ialEilEt ;sl ll ;EFi ol o|: trt :,; I c6 :l at | .=oEi Al tsi -t o o 6l :l X b I El5lolo I oto | .cl =t6ll=l olFllco Orll\Ornlll I olo- | +rlF I .rll t)6 | rrl q F ',1 rl ssl E xsl ,.4 2o o' u) F i I I E; N5i> '-1 dt< I I I I I I I Il-F?O(\l> q9 | (l) lu-'t I I I I OO(nFl -Q) F", ,ru '''1 Eoh g t I cF+,, r.,!P tr+Joo..,1 O .-{JPOO ..1 ttto;..oO l, < ..{ u o9lo o O..{trbe E ,,g rhqoc.OO ' {.) (.)t<6 iii .c r{ = oc)X.'.4..1 (J -- o q) o.r{O EI T,g>! tv P '.t o 6>F o-ro ,tJ .H6d cO -Q .'{ .u(l)l.{ !l Gt +J <xc)6rl(J I I o Eo ooso uj ot = o (h q,) 9 (n(a € c) (J M) o .ii 'n 6@ I., + tn\J 14 rii eo 'il s tt,; o oai:> 76 <- -o q) ar ooCJ >\>O"{FrCk(g c)0o0)...{ r =E Or\o l! rnE 6 (!\0O Or{x =€o...r Fr aJ.i>U)O(! 0(J .. ii Fr (i p€ rd><ri> F .t (i => =,Ea<t > .t a/'\l (:--t < 6 a Q) EII qq 't F) @ -o o oo \o I .EJ qt .E o I I I Ib0 -l.-l 1 .9 1 i;t olahl 6l :l PI ol.:l 'al il ?l .!iol eior 3l It. I l!41 vl.d >i. I 9Iq.l .1 '1 {..1 I I I -,lt/llol .LJ I olrJl .,1 .:l'il al I I i,t I FI Pi:lEIoi I '-11 .ei 2t6l a)l <l 6l gl tI- ao.+ ^E F a ot Eo =TL r') E F -g Eo I .9q) B .= (D = I ! i I i I I Gi 9i i:l I-l(.{l-lxl .I \Ol I.l ol ol (Jl I I I I I I I-l 9rlol .El oi :oz' c F (f l+ F v) v16trFQ)6-*F". 14 "-roj:(6 vJ tl lrrol o1 I I ar-) aog vNst G 3a I I N rJ) NN ,-{ z uJtrFU' UJ oo UJ =() ql,) !, YFE; F< v x.! o. E6i:> c{ooo t-l A. OFZ7 .i. c.9eF() .:t > FO F tr3 tsz o E E ss CF+r!tl .P truoo.Fl O .- +J+)UlO .r{ tr =,cc)k(Jq)PFCo <.''r (/)tr cbo U) O.'{trF)pEF{ b ttt .oo 'C) t)tr(d i" =tF oC) = .,-r.,-r o -- OF o-z, EH 16 (H lLo 6' I I !-t (l, .E o o (o €\o \o r{' ccoro oo q o t0.n. x -N(!.r> ..{ oq) Ei! p u)zl F\I ETx.f, E C.l =po,? (r.q o: E o oo o - F eul!c oo!J cEI x.r{ x do .e zo F E lt =Futv tr oF @ z tr ooJ z uJ EgJ J ;lIq olil @l.oi Or ol o dl :l oi -i()I - =\ Fr! 9>r1 =v cc dcj-a) F o,-Jo +.' .rt6(B; c>cO o inl !i cg {J = x0),; r.r rr .9 o q) .6J c uJ = c) oc)(J x>o 'rl+itrlr oo...i r 3'g Or- O O '-r>. Eaoa). Fl [.{{JFr=(ao >,.= Fi F t-{.-l {J t-l .Fl a p€ (d><rr> I.6 Ft t) o (J c.r Q) :,i oo I$9 +Y s d3z:, ^;;i6 v)q) (.) aav) € q) c, t!o!)()r.) .9-9E O.>-cu, wr d! 9>tr =o',,FIFIP '.r o s?E>rnF O ,-tg I o rJ.ilr,-, O 6 (d- -rb c>s 5.9 -i;oots3frF3 -a.=-6rrg E5 x q) ;O(ilJtllL) o oo llJ o taq) I (h ta € o) U .aJ ooc) x> -{ Ct{ oo.r{r3€ oF. E6(!\oO Orix =6o.r.r k +JF{: 14Ori O(J .-l C ri,,.t +J !-{ .Fl 6 +r€ (B><ti>t a |'-\ co a^,1 c\l oo d o i:E N N ii 4t st.=@s= 9'F.E€F< E.= t--r+ E.:F> =xG'dod2e sfr:trE5*F>i<fo@. ,.111orllolllrn i icltt(6lAllelFl bb Gl.orlHqlFl'-l olEln<l<ln itq.llc4hlttlttlll>ll..t d)lI Fl c I I rll o II El rc II Ot II (/'t II EI Ilol Ib I El I5 {J ol ISyl Pt i =E El o, I.. | .zl 00 |Fqlrl{Jl | \O I\Ollrl\o t{l I o Iol l.i I..ri c) Itrl pl Io. Arl .'-{l I5t?€l F ..1 r<lE:i ol 6 |FEt -t g I.E-Ei 3i i Ioi bl P.Er 6t d lF.i =l I osl lzllillJ tltF | @tI Et.+ \ol Fl >1. rl I o (,)\o -+l I col:tto EEI i.l !p- -l I c.) .9 gl c.r I ag qt Ftl6-61 *l,iil =l s<<l :l Ec..1 \ol =<d.s.sl I E.FI I lO tH:l El tExt urt g':E'l -!l o e ," 5l url 8:tr$Et gt .9 . I Fl (/jF) ^ ^l >il : >tsFl ol .E dt t- f !l | -Fg6l I gs -O. I I .!-r t 5& lE-lEdi!- nlE l-a E ;iai:iIEEs (l) o zo l! (d q(H vt9 Eb5tritn 'riJ (!9J trF !rp trrJo().|.{ o .- +J+.ru)O .Fl t-.t.c a)li()0)+J trtrO < .Frc ot, qtrtrbo o O..{trr')Pt h v'ttDtr.()Otu oL)'o) <)tr(5 n -g€ = r,| C) i< .Fl .Fl UEE t- CE c UJ lE thout CEooG ?i{)| -cl('l'61 :l sl a (i (f F rJo 0)3 {J ofr(+{ tr.:4 {J !{J oz J Fl .F{ a+l.o Oa) Ul lr xv F ; oUl 2FA ()F ==<,. n IJJ ooz9a =kvFoF.F 2E g 39H g>^ x<:' cE9[ o o= Eul . -o- x oo!li:> tHits(n E >a lll H u9b =x o*q) at l.r H /.\ l"\:.;:= Jiv-r! rlJ -t F "|66 g?= $Jlr^f(!F- t- rA v. I, ,:i^ > -). ==026=trtrz<otr tltltttltltltll',lcqtqtnl'1l;4tqloqIP FAtoltd) 't ETE!co Ito o Ilh c.lk',-rtrlI odl lcst<ito Itcbo.l 15.:61b .J'-rl| -{PIl,s59l l" Eil l38;l b.-c olI dJlIt{ cr Ilo-o cl lo ou|ll-r.,-rtrir-i_ l;i .t s l= Hl - lX .l El" ol i J d o) (/) tr o C) v\d <f, o lU) q) t1 s !)o o C)o <d € 14 0) v)lr o :$ t/.t oo IAt! =l z, 2=(J< Hi= tn !JF =z=tL/^=F=2Z<.. =() t-) a orl €t< =f \o >ie == E ao !.) ol F-l ol €.t't.t'ol F.'rl Frl Olr4l rol t')l N-l *l *l ti Itl =E= =E=u o=a F-) rn -i-l-l-l'i'l'l'l E=== c'.1 t- !i -l ^l -l c{.l.t.lF.l r..l F.l Fril !41 !/)l F-)-i -l *l !-'i z- o^ = -=-b5Silo a= * !o fo l6ulcallLn =ln4t N C.l I I I I Illrlc)ti lol(J6lP' *'.{l'O6-il-lJ .Fl | ..r{qrl a.rz I co $.1. *rlo otEtrl +.).'{ | trr-{ | Orrl col+rt-cdlO=l* ulolol =l lln Irlo Itr 1., l(! o l{J !1It{ Clo ..r ta lct c I q €l(4lolL3 |tl ld frlo l$ o l+r b0It. trlO '.{ IF Yt- Fi ca I qr klol t. Iol(Jl b0 (+{ +)|r P tno3 LN trle) lC t{l(! oIu l+, blItr clo ''{ I- F! ca i+l -^-: | \O!> l{l'..!f co*s r/) c iE E E9 !5E EEi eEtzei c;-:ti E:i 1E"=i:: EsaI9: 35: i=E ;:E ig;e iiiE !E; g EEI;ii;i !EE I eie€-eE !: EEEr i3 s Ia":5!ies xl -.)F 0).p = o an c)k.r{ uJ Fcn6 =oz6o u- oT F tIJ xo h NFr'E+oEEPI.LPboie.rSoryEu)=,ZF(J<-'z-Exg)FPP?Z?'i :9 =trYh€3 = YA; F gx3 fr 8: X r.,- t!ge 92 n vLllU'(,L'YE]dll,2.3 E= z z *sxoH= e?fi6 :Y ur r,rr gHai * l -) OFFZ =tr.o g€ OtrF{ L)o CDc.-rO - ;:qaF g; -E E 3;,6: j5b.= E=5X (! 'rid E> 24, O ,-{ rdE ='dFcL q >'llle6 3bq6Joa IJ (JlD (! t{ oOOXQl.r) 'F{ o o€tr=|nOOC r> {, "0 F-r: 3d r4>\ O\Oo qE-rd(l'6dO+r(0 uro --=-tr d {J@ c!><F> a9 €€r!6'7i.t 8i<e€F 2Ar \6 IFIhr{t- .srt 1-'.1 E *r-. - -l t/1' 'lotf] T. ri ?..4'o; itl-: tz! er- 1/ft rn\ rl r( i ct co il s ") !.)t' ) sA0s 4 /_ o 3 tl(J ta F UJ UJ uIv, J |! (6 t+lil{ f: {J.du|Ii {J@t/) OP o ,.{ .C q{xqx C) +J 6) o3P Fr Fi qo XFr'r, Fid.i{o=lr {J.Ot,za) =x\JP(L ,..{t! Fr U) .J uJ* rJ! \J 0.)cc>cL a) vl Fo uJF o9rzF ,-r<Y(JF =<2ealH<6@oz:R =eEr2E g 39H g F; 'J'<:' rEth o6E A IJJ .qtr oo!J::z =stt- ct, E >a EH H?H<u Er -r ,'\ --J!JvllJ lJ.t -r F ,',h6 g?= FJ!!^*trF, ,Yt^ t -1;ig?si Y,- F z, z= c)<c6-!i= !!F=z6=e = (.) =aa-z e F =E= =6=€o=c) E=== z- o- =-FFbsSFs =- = q).)< F +J o)F z aho;z n .Ft ..J C) +J iie E 6e Eie i* i EiE E;8c;- E;g Ed E i:B{E;i:E EEl€:E tgEi=! 64 3 isar :iEE :iE $!gi:ii;i EE'Il5= - B;tE iE E: EEigi: I *sgj! !E3E F tJ- J l!o U' ct)ulz:<o I F trlE Foo =(h tqttl -.t= <oo-< tr- u-oocr0H9 =i:f LUz= o'-oZF zofZz:9 tr= t!o l! lJ-ootrELrJ UJ ==zzoozz uJ uJ FF J UJF =€z tro () z tr E uJ s)() Or Fl? !..oo9.t .9 lr_tv = 35 r..r E'--. ofi E s.9".E : E;6 o; .Eb^g I E:5X cB ..{g ci g'3 s} 1 O,i(6r -..1 F.s g ES'I 2*-.4 ^=l)5c](/) .a(,\./ /) =. o o UJ ct)c) ,\) cna € e) Fr LJO (E k€(J >'O rJ)'-{ O O = c 3 rrrodJc r = 0)'6 F.q. dtn>r o\oO trf,-tF(! COdO+.)cg oo..= -c€!co($><Fl> : o&cD o:>i: ^< I I I I I I It-la)c>rJ6 ciE lrL I'1 I I I q.r - E o E 0)F Ns Ifo I -or!J (! Q) E F q) r! c c, q) .!o q) D b{ 'o oP.Fl u) I E a) E F o z o) ! o EF t r'-fo q) E 3;i. +.) l-- 9crri .!EF< E.. \o+ N x.!EO P*cr!i:> F-rr, rn co ' (l) OFzE ,g ,q zgJ o Fr 'rlo- t{ EKoF.. FH;:ui& Ln I I =- 5(D '-< :!o(' =3ss uJ3 Ez q) o E .E o oI o F o E .; !) oF at) Go iic Y ;^o vJ .t<r<E = 16l o;.ca\ U. I I I I (! E (d Gqr I I io E E x c.) H tho = t! 0) t! C) +.)(! o ,r.t t{ c0 X x (g 0) c\ F.l x @\C rl oo t2 IFI<l= tt!lzt- t! izt=t>!(J q) o Ez'\:oo E=EA xtJ. l! ^,z..6sZE ih'- FOJ :=tri: + (\ rn z '6 oo x.r'l =x .d c) q) zej> .r{ F oPl+l t/) f.r +) o z 9F E lrz IJJY() F o eC lJr-!P tr+) 'HO.^+JtJ(nO .il l't lr Od).}JlrCo < .rl t' O.'-{trtrJ 6 ,r: :ht^.oo .() lrd = tnc)x ..r .-r (J -- o n| Foz UJ Fo zo at u,l r4 !+ C.) !i F uJ oo uJ (E1 D--1 drlq! 29. <;'5,-ccA II =E 2vAE(): z tr () J FzlrjEul(J Ja c ocl oc) a6 x F0)O. 9> lr =v(') .-r F.to}.JA ^?cE;-Y]WE>wt(DFF O r.-t<f - oJ !.,1Fr|:i- = F F>s 6.:60 6, ^,'!;Fa)teXtitp -^..=^.r*6:xc) 0') N) 1 o o 1! UJ c (J c) oq)CJ x>o .rl . -{ trt{ oc),a9z=! o F-. = cJ (!\.o O O.-lx =ooc).Fr k +r '-r=oO>..= ?-r F ri (i +J CC G> <.r > U' CJ Q (hv) € e) tJ u7 I , o o o 3 c{ x z 9 cc z€ G.g 6()z: >ooz =Piio> (') F^ +J F. lr '.{t. c o-u tsEEO oocro I '.9U' cD .w Ed>! 'E< :!oclEI .9, |\. GI o oF oF F = L =(5 =FoltlF o Jglr E tf, C-l @ o EF \o$ t-{ o Z7 :E.9oF() <tz8Ei F(5 (d X =a>,c{t14do'orn 6z :'a.=o 9.=o2 zo F E.cott = u.lY() F (,F o tn aosl $l I I I+ Fozgl FU'zo6uto t^.2(!F€ (l);c"-u) X.A.tX d Ct) F). .tir= = trF DP<< .^o tr+)oo.'i O .- +r +J u)O ..i Flt,c otr O {.)+JlrtrO<'.r ? ostro O.i{trbl,EFl bu1 .rJo .O) ItrdoY+ =- u|o : .'i .Fi o -- I e.l I o p I I I Il-lq,I> d6 :5= (HE gd -'l l I+J q4 o r-1 o {J r-{ (n =x(B 3tr +Ju) Ftc ut a,u, IJJ (5o A z9 ooJ Fzul =uJ() Jo. F I uJ3 Fz =F{ i€o cil(J,-. =a6 xEqrO.Et ,iOou' i€ g>tr =otA r-l .1ot,9.do^€ - O CJX r 6)wh O_J F o ,_rJ, t -9 P"{:i <> o o-- E F>s .8; -?;v(nf.{sSEEgi o.* Atr:6; xa);O(,ltlC) o o o oo tr 0.)+, ooux> C, .rl.iCkd lrQutu "{Bl€ oF.{) tr€ ln = 6 (!\0 OOFIx Eooo.Fi lrP.-{=(nOcd oc) -,. i r-{ .'i :, tl .F{ 6 96 (6><Fr> dF ca C|) q) 0(t) € () Q I I I l. tuJE4: FI.E;lr -l I I I I I -l- >t > ilHol cc -i-.l- l* I I I F o n a an n FoulF o l.lj 2FA ()F ^zaU) lA<fiutozYci=Fi- \JNF23 I3a) ul uJ-* cc E i\r- X = i" \.,, o> uJ , IJJ+F OoVy:> =Hit-@ tr >=tr6 -u?l!>o - *'Joxx rIJ lfr - F ,,r66 F?=9rlu^*cF - - Ov. l- | iie?8d E:x= ou> 0) ul o ti U $ n4 c)o oo(/)(! o <f t, c) |n (,) C)o cd o s t) -l t-ll 6l (-) |olql(tl :l!l.:l <rl\-l 0) (_) 0)q d o $ I I I qrlolr{l 6t{)l.nl(dl cal -l()l -l'-l <fl ;1 I C) () q)q d a) $ t.) =z=o<ac cLP= !o t1 rt)rn i4 J !9F E=e =i5 F. !4 $ 6 rr) C.l tf r+ \o i6z D\ c.l N c.t r-, c{ |\\ !.)!4 =E= =E=E6-O<)o=<-) n rl) r.)ro tn !/.)i4 IJ) E=a= c\I F\ c! F.!4 ol |.\ no Ft c\r F-!o N F\r.)ri e.l r.- c! t'-r.) z.+ O^=-=-btsgHu =- * Fi ri o'(,o rd o tl + z F J I I l I Il_ I'14l+l:tqlil.!l{Jl' +co P +J U) +J v)() it) €oo o u) + F-. p + p {J U) rr1tr) + +J +J.J) ;z u1 6l N rn f4tn <J-!r)lr)ra c . EE = F9 Eg; EEi 6EE :;I€ii E:5 ;:I IEFE;: i53 i=E 5:! i:re it !E :E!e !€ir?tBEi E;=- E g!rr 5= -li rE6X=; EEEi gEE: tl;3 -'!-= !EEE FE dveo vuJz:< =F t! cE FIo =t^ .^ aJ, =U'O<oo-< l! l!oo H9>tr =l tlJz= oo i< Fioo$o =F< Fl ^ot{ q)o+J ($o. .r.l !-{ ol- =u,t1F <JZe\orUfpZ?ku =r!rl-= 6 > t)aE?ztr*9H € 6bEur()<orrlr*t o o H ..r Ul l!\16dt(o 2-eOrrfftrlH z zSSoogEzzl!<<l:X uJ ul OFF @ r-h'I o 99 Ol{Fr UOolc.-{Of; E EliE E E! F- .Eb.O) F{ ;.-{ tro ;-.oX t! ''{; ct g>E l+ 1 O-ds, E ESE' o(tEz>.e_ ^=l);.tt=-oo o o o uJ ('t J_ tCI .- l I ,_i\- ].- ,.i I i ffi t^) r0 r4,t! ':) -1t- rt) <J qta cA c) Q Fr C) (.)L) c) (! kooU >.O !a'rl {J O =cllaooc I = o'o F-ti dln>\ o\o d.6co -OP .-= -tr Cg !, CO C!><F.> F I I I I Il>ldl ;lel< ,-.]-l I I I I I I _l E] :q.{ elJ.,i oqr 1,9 t- I I I (6qE(DAAiu) .54 'el rd (/) .t{trEE eE,tr +, r.r lJ .r,/|)tr*,Oc).'.{ q) '-pPUl O ..{ lr tr()Q)Ptrtru) < ..{ q sr o.Htrri+)E ho .oo lll q)(J 'o) ol'{ cB;^ o.oi,"Eh = ('c) X ..{.ri F UJ3 Fz F ccocul ooule(,o CE4 >l .Di 'ol 3i Ol r!iQIii ol ol ot a5l ('I sl(D' C,l I I I (! o t+.{(| t; € I I t =U' o 6 qq{ T @ o @ I I J E o I I i .E E .E x o th = u- o @ 0 g) E +J o L,,= -t^ =t{ oi, =9 AE=.= o (! =o oo q) P.A vt T O .{trri 9l6r -l Ela. l-l ..1 :l lil ol >rO (D : GI x 6 o o d| @ = E ciz l! = () xxCN (n l.l h. 5+JP|a 'r{$r E F.. o-VFEgE oi OGo-o s lo = '6 3 o3 s rf, o .a <ir z2of(/, E= ==aEixo'.:! c'.r =oFiU'ur6FO i9t!E t!F Ri 6.1 clll Cltl<l.l =i i o -_ o coo ti ; c{ ..iz '6 o.o'.r: = oJ d i: = to Ln (D .= @ ci:E rn o (g o i: rn oo F\ @ .iz o F + r'iz f F =xY .r{h> =.>Od =&, Y <\5oca FE.9\JAr- o-.!f,@an g, o @N U' o- ^l +l I I t-l I i^ IIrn i14 oo I Fi t{ o q I c\I I n t-.) o.l I :i F{ (.) €€3- E @a6 xFrD O.E6 t€(!6g>lr =oaD F4 el,9 ..{ osq;s". _o? F o-riT I p'1 =9 E FSrf i.; - 6e t, '!.eSFEg: !' F AC*E;xo (D o Iu q) (L) g) tatt) € c) u0 J nO irc 2 o +J()ru CJ \>(l') .'.{Fr trF{ oo,JE 3€ O r'. E c (B\o O lD i-tx Eooo.Fl tr +r -r=0aO(l' o(J '-; Fl G +J€ (B><rr> 6F q) eo o EII E-. ro E l,Fl t-t- rf ao _(J bl rv (o l+-l H u1 lndtr icr) .rz 'r{'(J# Gl9J .trFE = f-t I o .EF 0){J a I , oo o (, 3 N o o o o U' o () F E3 Fz |-oz lrJ o UJ ou, l,rJ =o I i trF iJP tr+Joo..{ o .- +JPUlO .F{ lr =.ca)tr(JOPtrtrU| < 'Fl€oooctrL) o lll Ul U) O 'F{trr-)PE hq.oo .0) (.)tr (6n; 9+ = ooF .,<.,'{ o -- .A oo tul FItnl 2;(5, anll!i i i I ;l (! ul rtrt '1.{ |r{{l *l .'l ,l'l olil il ;lOLo.: (hl ol ;G a) to F (l u- o o o .J1 {,lr c, +.) 'i-{a it .= lr() l zo F =olt =o =G, o X F .Eoq ul a,at UJ CEooG& o t!II oEI (6i Er o, c,F (o -1atlqr<: zIF Eq = uto =() bl d6l .!3 6l o ot < u-| -:-ltnN; E F .= o o3 cf)r| o F :,:o-vE.FFCEbv)E .< E .x E v (n .! an E; c!9. zz :E.9oFO $c\ ccl -i r> F(5 E F.{ o i: : o) o E'{l'- t.. o (! o F a + q-{ !T @) v A .tJ (U E dJ LI l!{ (o 0)-t E rda I tr) tr) .tJ -t !4{ o fu lq a.o tl (, 7-E)GgE '-<rb 33 ss rf@.l(osf gg $v mxtrg(f}> tE{J;- '(r),{ tiFF.!.;rd(!F.9-=o@FCI l_zl} IFt<t=larlolttlz lolz IFt3/)lgt lFloIJiutrtt z '6 o X =E9>KTEii*x tt =Fo[.ax-C' H.T tr (J? F;i<5oU, lrqr UI q{ 8 zI ooJ Fzut =qJ (J JB (., q) :E xo.FrOF-l'O 9>tr3O ,9 '".r o -o'-. F o-r O lJ ..1 6, C: ,Q'.t .,v ultJ trC)9 dp* Atr5Xo(,)rit(J 6 6 i: o ul O ru {J65 - >, !r F{ rU F,tdtrqHR '6 Er 'Ci F. € sSBA 4. t-l>H ..6o-;59.oGt4>(J F{FFI .r{ .|J Fl .r.{ c6 *r€ d><Ft> oo OFl oo oo di u, 6@ Is .-lyl aaifl !'Fl d ."qz- ^9;(u v)q) q) (ttvt € e) CJ \P 4t {\ls 4n q, oa .9tl o (u}f F (d Eqr rFl b FGoGut tE U' at UJG('o .EG fd q-l l+-{oE F) Ot I F.i .-t -l cl (D F ol 2l)l6]J-,{ k Yrl = l-Glie-B =ER,i:ttrz.-q, E€E -l 3i Ei<l ":I \.1 ' -l ol >ri or il@' E F.-o9. tsE ,)i & (t o) qt c) = f-- |tqto o(D O() .: .! l! c! .i c F -\Nca t);6 =d( r.- = >.-ac: O e'r 2 t'1 I.z-; iteUJ; l@urErtF sl\t-l ol :i <1 >l ct .r> .S ,i X 229xiEEO _s, gl |lll12- ;cdllt -Yr4 9 cr;i+@o -{ -l (D CI o- o .E F-N Ot o (l @ F N .-l z @ F I t{i lO.-r i6:at.\ iN ior.{ lO o9gb 93 'o* (6VJ F). .hraE FE .E +.rirP trPoo..1 O .^+JPU}O .Fl kFE C)troq)+)trCt^ < ..{ ogtrc, ogl6c troo ut o.r{trb+, EF{ F-: Ooc.q)oqJ O(J.Ol c)1"c! ;i -c F{ = !/|ox .'.1 ..t 6 l-.a c1 lrr @) U E It{ o (It AJ,-l d lr) tr) +) F{ o !'.lqr ro o otJ ?r o l+{oo zo F J Fz UI E l,rJo JL o o =xo. -iOF-r Ecddg>l I tr, P.ro 6> F O-ao +J ..{ 6db tr> ,Q ."t -,r l/tr4::EO)9 (d +.1;: Atr =xo(, ru L) o o (l 2oo Iu rr) N (1, o o tro .i; o r:r Or;co-l s3s<5 <, Fl .(!2o^:50 (tt c) I vtv) € () (, P rOO c., \>lD .r{?rE|<ql oooo..{9.3 "d o F..o c 'tt r/) = 63 6\c)O OFix =coit) . -t.+J.-r=oo6 OLJ r{E ".1 +, Fl ..{d +r ao (d><Fr> F,itl rltltltlcol Il*EI Yl o il-r| 5l: -l =F| -it \ tstH I^FJ E:8: XI6.Y11 I t, li.isl El€| | Lr tar -rl X l€;I GIF'r'llolFll E "q)z .) a')si si LiF* So \ € Iso 6 tttlll|l *l gl gl 'il El al f!l >l "l €l ".AI EI 3lEl -l.t t@!l .rJ I :t gt 8 cl I F{ .rJ | .ll .,r-l -l 'tltl I oi {r .l -l I I I I I ao .9tl 16 Lt{ ll"{ o tr,l lt1 c! o G q, (| o oF c, E o FI q-{ @) N g'-) a AJ Fl OJ tlr = z (Ol !l =l I E I Vi Xl rdr:i ozf o. = at =ooz I UJ|-u, zoo at UJ tt o @g CEul o. Iul o. $ N r{ Iri' '< (7) 3-== g=- Fz = -': o >.- == =>FCE x E ro C) !d s:; => ?aa)z q, @ iL t- l6| .,-1 lcl loIPlxI rlt tItr lFl lalot.n z tr oo Fz uJ =uto Jo. titltltlItrllrrltolt13 lo4(l)lct o4 |..{l d Ifiti-lEt Iot . Ic'lel tlIIl>. 15l ;l =t (J I(!t o I9l El ot Iltt I ot Iol Iol IEIIot Igl o, I-l i Iln-lttt ot I +., | |.r{ I I(/)l ^lJI EIol Ellol:,; I E I3t i Iol bl bl d I3i Itl>! |<l ItlNi IGri I I€i l -laa) x(!l (0OI Eel = =-l xol ool ca Fl 6I rg| \9:I r-{ ;:-l -r E3t 2d, IHxl I =l 'u; c\ol .9 k| =o,l f sNIitl Figt IEl @a >il:>Ol -E .ol*loI +J Ol_ | ..{ @ =lu)lY lZ rF-t lOcl _: vtt_ v vl = t1 ?6 "l= -EEElFxrc;-l 3 U R 2zlTYvtf : IEC .o o6:lBE3 6lsrl .lol orlr-l <l I I I I Itrl(!lol I(Jl I.lol =€lai l,l3Sl *olPIrlrn Flol.rl Ikl .ol o -9 IEEiE EI ,B &l..1 o Glc (JI Iln <tl .-l.qi .ni =€l'E <t J :l - =lo (!lBBI Issl I IrO \Ol d+l I_-l o ol o ol??l<<l.,.Ig gl--t<ili\r lls*l I I I E EI'' -l !olt-'r I w ..1ahlc cl _9 €l(! (qlF.9l t, o lo ol! ,'l F I'IF5l I =l I" Iaol I I (, 1aJloldl @lEIFl I ut .l lJ1 gl If{l s alr:l E5l':lE'=l<rflF\ '\\lc{ rol.l E#i (!=:*<l I 'l "=i I o, l<rlc.f IF-IF{ ol . .>i2 zt, - :il EEi*ri I l I.i- ool I I z9l;<;l Fol I I I I I Iz|1 l=6g lp>-- lF E aslFp sstF =e l=F(!.lo E H:I; F .91 ur E E8I;n aslH o o ao .Ac I ololol =l IiF(,z ]UEF(t zIo lrJo F(5z Fo UJ =at6I!GG =oo F g UJ3 Fzl I 6d tt > ol 6 >-l ol(D.l :/-l E lo I I I I @ac, 6ii iP +J trPoc).d o..+JPUlO .r.l f{ =80)l{(JC)+)lrtro <.'-{trbooEc(J OgJv|trtrbo (, 0.dtrb+.,SF{ f-) tnq)tr.OOrrr oc|.C) olr (B,x o.oii Frt = (nC) R .Fi.r.lu s. ca Pvl u) AaU' l{ = oo. uJ Gtttn uJGctoGg r.r)I I a{ I (\ G f tts rt)s @ I c.l I -1 (\ c\ R !r':.it ca c\ 00 Is I ln o UI v)rn 00!., e.l 6 I I Ft lr {.) o t'\ rr € I 14 I .ri F. € .4 I (v t4 d o (l) .o o (! J (E @ 6 o F -tl,o o o o o Eoo (D G o o o 3 o o (, E o B -= o (., .J c)E xo.,-{ OFJ ,r3 g>FrEO ,9 '.r O* rd c)6>,o.F O-lo r) ..{6d ,Q .-t .v ot{:; troI (!+r.* Atri xq)U)LICJ o o E o -P uJ c ti o!t.9 -r (Do-oco <ii o c-|^6S s.lt7) v-' clr <f :q EE -+ & ca 6D 2 taq) q) tav, € c) ()p oo(J\> O 'F{Ft c r< GB OO(,, o.F{r3€ ot.o tr € r./1 =otu\oO OFIx Ecoo.Fi fi +J-r:oO(d q)L) FrtrF{..1 +) Fl .Fl cJ +16 d><Fi> F a sl+lrnl Iql +?lcrl>lol gJl I Ib0 l al'-l 3!lFII Iol+ilql ol F{otJ t-t zo F ooJ Fz uJ =UJ() J o- I coltnl.-l I I-lol adl - trl;olFfl o:llnllll r-. <l .g 3lr :l EEI':l>-t N$l6t\r.. I - ol *8i;dl*<l I xlc 6ii= >i I I,^lslro!\lFr oidl. _>io Flz=l .ja El,e,ql-"1 I I I- n-l I ,ize E:tr6 6! I xc'r- €.o 9 orn I.ai! (Lt ciI AZa)- F.g T E.{; s" f; a*i sll IttlolltrlLnllr. l.ttol3tJ3lel.5l trlatHt It5t I'6t I I"ull-l- | ..1 al I{J I tl p I|,) | ;l o Islgl elb I Et I> | 6t Iolol Ib I Et I.c I -t I(! | ot I@ | -ct I:lsl slFllrlll?lollorl\olol Il.:l IFl?l ." IE..l .il -5 |e€l "l 6 |ts91 ..t I I.FEI EI E IY'u'l ol b I s,{ b d I-vr .cL Irn I 3i I-'lll H ol' <l I o, tn, I = -l Fil Ig;l ;i i:El 6t ,.'F <l |!: (!5 :! oi {E;;l il Essl 61 5 I ol-.1 ,El €. rl c)'ol I H€| -l =EEEI sl Pessl xl H ,::l - I<<l bl .E c. .1 | .= trC Cl | = ^| | :H$$l 'l ti 6\ rl .!l o C ,".) *l ol 3 s14 | El E*I Et 2;ool ,il ;h-5Et "t 6-6661 I .i F-ll'^ ES lF l=i$Y.. l< \Ol = oOl rreEflEIg 6 o aot| U' o. ol vl IiFoz urGFozIo UJo Foz uJ IEF6 uJ .Ao||llcG =oo F (, Lu3 Fz F(Eog LIJ oo uJtcooGA @ o = I I -ll..lol b5t >ot 6b4Rst6 .t .!P-1,. I I I ri N I I u) Fi do q s oo a.l @ I I dq) n r.. s +) +) tr+)oo.r{ O .i{J+)utO .'.{ F{ lroo+JFtro < .'{trDOotrtrcJ ogl ?^trtrb0OE trU| O .'itrb+r SFIOsStF) ta .oO!:l o(J.o (J lr(i Hr6: .F{.r{ o -- +J ,Yq t.EF- co It, I 01 oo l.l 0) o LNFi o3 (.) F. ca L'i t co @ l-{ o Ih f.) o o .o o(l .o aooJ E: c G ID oII o F ^ oc @ v, @ o o E () E oo l! (J rT-tltltlIt^ I Elg tctvlsl =l(El .9 l€ls i q,! o I ct c {>i>lol otltl o Q)E xOr.FtOrJ€ 9>F =og ..{ o -o7 F o ,-ro +r '.1o(It! F>:Y votr:rqc)I (!+r.: str = xc) (Jo o c a,1r{ c.lf-.r . \./ -lc- bl, E ;:c' q,5 "lo Yv E ..,' *=t gE:, ( ot'J- co o) t{- |ll oo\| 6el!z:^=?iG (n() q) ah(h € e) () C)P oc)C)x>O.FlA CH oo.,i g. 3€ OF-() tr.d u')> d (g\0 OOFIx E6o.Fi l.{+),-rEulO.cd O(J ,'1, Fr tr F{..1 +, ri .Fl' rd Pco sd i ><Fr> t..'l iiF c{ o o :E o.Fto F_t '\t .!2 > fr =o,9.do 6> F O-to +) ..1 dr ttlb g> P '.t .v (atr !i d +., E XC)(/J r!: (J o 6 (Do IU o otto(Jc\ (D cloF@ ti6 6O\ r+rro co<ft st 6dl!z:^=i;(! v)c) q) (n ct) € c) U c) +) oq)C)x>rD .r{.?takd oooo.Htr.}€ oF.o tr€ ln> cB (B\o O tD Ftx Ee().Fl F. +)r-{Eu|Oct O() -'.i Fr .Fl {J r-{ .Fic! +Jco d><Fi> ,ii FI iy D\1, qHt ullE Al rl !.@ltrl q!gl "l ;iEl -l g.x.El frl i | -l o c,* bi dg,*l bi-clool Bi Fr l l*tEld ^, o.l 6, coloa,E =' <'l 'i'pi .<j>ol =€i 6t i'F <r (!: o5:l oi € - -. ar, I co (!t =t .=331 ti E sSi -+l X-'l ol :o-l El ;. || Ft c)F. $l I P o| | .i: ttri(!| -l < E651 ]| 9&c,cl(\l(n(D Ol rl : =t I Fxxt xl .! .!l - |<<l iol 3E..1 | =o.= .=t I ''i \JI | 6C).+l ^l LL b/$l ^l r! b/;\-tl ,Il ss.'l I ot o .I Pl 6a ^ -l >\l l:HFI OI .9 r. I =lQ--- 6l | 3F= | | ...13E la l- iqF= lE.lFsq ? -' nlE 13 fl' ;iEl:ElE *e HE8l3 iIE iE lEl q nl Yl =6i "t a PI EiE :gl x'x 8l Sii i J 3alolc, d9 l< I I I I I I J nq)o>rJdqP i6lir 1 I I I Ith o .n x U) lrE i +J +.1 tr+Joo.Fl O .-p+J|n O ..{ fr l{oo+rF{Cln < .r{ occ(, o!{ ?ntrtrbo rt O.i-itrFt+) EF{ F)q ()g.OO 'q) ()tr (BoY+ = lnc): .-t ..1 o -- F oq |lr u, ahllt oo A or I o o =xo.Fro r-_l € 9>tr>v P..ro 6> t- OriO +J .Fl66; tr>co o inl I6P* Atrtxo(;I!CJ o() o qJ t' o (J ,1 o.(DFID di u) 6u SJ14 -.;sl <. Ol dAz:^:;(!;o \y --t, -+ J)^a Il )/t TLv 4 o e I I Ltotr|a ctfr El6 ^l It;I E-t;it--l I v)c) (J v)vt € c) U v) an(6trcOio.-.nr 'ti! 6(/) 't'hE = e.CF+)!,P tr+roo.J O.-t)+)tO .'.1 1.. h oc)Phtr(4 < ..{ o ce ta U) O .'i trbP EF{ Fr tA -ooe.: o (J.o (J F. rd F (/)4)x ,.r..i F.. P C)4)u x>O .FlFlck(g oooq).rl E 3€ oF\() trE ln = d 6\c)O OFrx =€4).F{ l. +J,-r=u)o FtcoG Ut 6out oo G t1 F, Fl.r.{ ! r'l ..i(6 pco c!><Fr> il F I il ! *li ;si sl fr E;l -eEl Ei Etr=i \o | 3il;llt<l=li ii ^r A.llrt i :, iq i -o, !4i+ ! ==' o4l|--|o|.v|.J*ti gEi -i i ;it =81 ai i?si s;l qi g -i Et 66t Xi .=E6l =31 il E | -\.1 - rt I co1- ,/,1 F1 6tl | -. E | | =l tr !| ==l c.r I JFd .l b bl Frl Qd. I C Cl Jl iro .t o ot Iz8l EEI xln-t 6dl -li 3l .: .:i .-^l5;l ::l =l':.51 <<l -l .E H| .t t=F| .E.sl I EqI s.t I aO r+{I lol lt.o| $;l #l E,-I dt Lt u .| >l €l finI erl 6l E Fi lpi;l li = !.4 1=$ lY lz | @ E $slEI 13-l;€ j = l= i,tltr ll Fr rg cQ l.r E EIO -l= -dolHHsl=f;;iEEiHxr!2 clLn r Err.r.=!z d o = *BIHEEIE6I;iE3 glfl? ! 51cr ':-13 E 3I;fiF.EEiEoie3s_-I =^. Ei: i ,'14 al3 i ?3 ;'siE F €li :i3 E a EtI v) r- J F) F{ = ut.Pk< o.. . '..1 O EO .FltrPtJ.l c, b0 t<tr+,.11 t^+)trF.o vl oo L;)t,l ooctb h. o ooit) k() r,l d'tru a uJ EE F E UJ IJJ F z oz Eozo() CE UJIF uJ3 FzuJ\ =clo ITJ attEoFo Fzo() rt).o tr {.) v) (! N vl z, ta d th 3 +J o +l +\o!a 0).r{ trtrcd c) .ot') t-rA.Floxl/)o {J .F{ .r',{(,barF ofr 0)o0) P .t-{ b0qrtro 0.) (aroo.trr.i (D 3d E ..r b0 cd F-{ Cul tr .'{o|J'g€ qod c)tr3 +J (0o fr+J.c o.op +J trOOti o'r a S-< tFFr ol . = 'rl .'-{ tn<.u qr FJZ 'rr €()o !tr<d Ocd -E EA- qrJ F(! oof,€ U) tz)cro +J L l/) Fr .vra )6t laoo- o tD.i{ u th o0 .rl +JP z t{q vltr oo u1 d (J .r{ uJz3o Fo lrJtr () uJlll =(tz UJ (EoFo EFzoo IF 3zIF Iz ===o() @ cE uJ 6 F{ !t{xo oE-I'U6 E6 E9 Rr-: o6 =-aBni69u{..t . c.) -€ Fl;.EE.d.co =xz E3i : O'-{ OF 9S'ilI -a:['E E.d xo cD> Er 6 I c! I o (Eo co s 17) r+ ctz It ? it,q, uJ l! o oo ot oo 0 fi.lIil (!.r A 0q) (J v)a € c) Q oP >o d Floo XO rt).r.l O I,n c 3 F.'O O O]n> 6r.c \oB. aO F{>. ocoo c=Fr(6F{O+JO6 ('L' FICF{ r!+J(!(!><F:> oF rqq. 150 145 lt 140 o o- ts @z u.to (lo 135 130 tzJ 120 115 10 15 MOISTURE CONTENT - PERCENT OF DRY WEIGHT I ZERO Ii YOID CUTVEE QOtr^rEr^ GH AVTTY sPECtFtc GRAVTTY sPECtFtc GRAVTTY 2,80 )'7.l \ \ LOCATTON: 0n-Site; Vail Medical Center MOISTURE'DENSITY RELATIONSHlPSHOLE NO;SAI,,IPLE NO:L sorL DESCRIPTION Clayey Gravelly Sand Chen & Associates MAX. DFY DENSfi:l2g-n pCF OFT. MOST. CONTENT: 9.g %PFOCEDURE: ASTM D_lSS7 Merhnd D LIOUID Lllr'tfT: 30 PLASTICTTY NCEX _7 JoB NO. | 4 434 89 FG. NO. 2GRAVEL :_,,1!L sr SA|ID : 42 9; S|LT AND CLAY C2OO) : 24 %DArE: 9-21-89 l<< 150 145 lJ-o o- I b ct)z UJo Eo 140 135 130 125 120 115 510 15 MOISTURE CONTENT - PERCENT OF DRY WEIGHT zEno Atr YotD curYES SPECTFIC GRAVITY SPECtFtC GRAVITY SPECFIC GHAVTTY 2.80 2,70 2.60 \ \ \ \ \ I t rt fron Nottinshamrs Pit MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIPSSAMPLE NO: 3 SOIL DEScRtpTtON: Minus J/4 inch Basecourse Chen & Associates PBOCEDURE: ASTMD-1557 Method C PLASTICII.Y NOEX : NP JOB NO.:4 434 89 GFAVEL ' 38 * SnruD: { 95 S[-T ANO CLAY G2oo) | 9 I DArE: 9-21-89 .. t cA-2-79 ! 2'HF :HF 45 MrN !!- MrN chen and associates. inc. .1oo .50 ..0 .306C MrN !S MrN r [ttN ]III! BEADINGS DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS 56 l,. t_ t- l" ^IE l'; 150: l"H CI.AY TO SILT GRAVEL 34 o/o LIOUID LIMIT SAMPLE oF C layey Sample 2 SAND JU Grave 1 I y 42 q, SILT AND CLAy 24 PLASTTcTTY rNoEx 7 % Sand rnor.r On-Site: Vai I Medical Center 9- 21- 89 I5 MIN 24 a5 103 HH r4tN 60 MrN 19 MtN ! MrN 1 MtN '50 40 '30 oz z z 501! z 60() 70 037 0;. r49 119 438 176 19l 3E 1 DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS CLAY TO SIiT GEavEL 38 q, ! tourf, LIMIT sAuPlE cF !4inus 3/4 Sanple 3 srruo 55 ""o'! PLAsrrcrTY inch Bas ecourse 9 ",, frorn Nottingharn's Pit SILT ANO CLAY rNDEx NP p591,,1 Import 9-21-89 ;\,f, EC[1ET:F A\AL}'SIS SIEVE ANALYSTS HYDEOMETER ANALYSIS SIEVE ANALYSIS 4 4s4 89 GRADATION TEST RESULTS Fig (,) =x().F{ oEl'o 9>FrEO .9.r{o .6>O^F o,-{o t, .i{66 E F>.q;.v (nlr I d +.1* ac<xo6rr(J ooa 6 oo UJr () o O-{ octoFO ii at 6n ol oo@ IgR <. 1 Orrf e6;cE3 N] c,. ) c\, L (a c) I v)u) € c) U (, +J oq)() x>lD.FtFrC'{(6 ruooo..{ E 3! OF'o c.o t/t = cd (!\0 O O-rx E00o.F{ tr +JF.EOO -r ; F'r st +16 d><Fr> = C-l c o .EF E Ln Erl,'.zor=5 9'F -!pF:{ n-t4 t-l xZ ..1 \c|g =:ik |.c.r = .It 14E Qo'c) a, u)!-&z Fs5lU6OY-Zo-F.q F e.{i E a'i - ^t >t .:J >FFI ol sro ool I E= "'l= l-,*l ElElEglE!'}l nO.dtr =Q)2EF. JZ 'F{ clVJ ,FihEE trF r.r .P trPoc).r{ O ..P+JU}O .'{ tr trOq)+) trtrrA <..1 OEtrC) o rllvlg tro0ot trU) o.dtr t-5 +)3,iOs53btAotr.OOlll oo.o otr (iin 9+.q*n X ..r .'{ o -- I I I -lx> dPt; lo. 1e I I I I It- ds ,dE l+{ \',dc'ri ; lr!-j I I I t! u.l IJ,J J UJ l! bo (6 qi q-i b ootr\ (!O lna! qc+r .,i o O tr€OP"rFloo!o+)t r(n+Jo() +., q)q+,oo(dFr'Ohootr q.{ b0..{otr Ok.r.{ ro q)+JCOl!(!tr+J .r{ r+o(J O d.)o- b0 +rlrjddcEp{J,ntru) ;1 rr tr = f! '-lxt! o> I It:ltlltili Il(/l tt- II ,r< l?Jlt/) c-l+r D lc)lo f.r lE lo c)Itic"K.-ttrI b0.-lE c+.lo4'<tln |-: e-I F+' lv r:I Ul-l() trt- l(-) c+,lo L) r. I LL'li. € i.n ci ? IF lqi!{ It ! l(J r- F(, H Pz <!lOF =<=>1L<n yA oozYcikvF \JNF 2E I39H H E<:' trth o o= illlJ .*F o oll::> =Hir(n E >= HHiu 3HeP.i9F6t-t F "rbb*9 ?E l.r,J FJ ^; cE F ' ' :!,a 'z -4;=ezEt :E 3= H 3o o tl * F. tl ! M I Haqq (.1 u7 Iq-.+ f.{ o t) d) vl + tJ c) UIh o 0) -t 14 =2=uJ (Jq)< !i= €C.r co @ !JF =z6Ee =q) tr) F- € !o =; €'oi =^ F.l N ol 1e{r cJl-l ".1!r: I.Jl-l .l o'l =l F =H= =EE3o=a "l "] .lI-l I Iol ''l tf) E=a= i Id \dr.l.1 t.\r\r.)F.!4 =+ o^ --FF-ftb sFc 3= .lqI; _lla ;rr) z, F q)F r+ .,( ( I +ln +J .lJ +rn o +J +, rn +rn {J(B P rn Fl + +r +J =2, N F-) l.) 1.1 !.)14 E ifii Fr !s; €i: Ei5 :;E:;i Ei5 !iE Eei 1i: ; =!;E:! i;iE ;EiEi!!r ii: c EFgE siiiiii; g!l iL0J 6;ia; o P (B E x!rF6oEPOJ '.A1 F ..r(B(l)>& anu, F;, 2 # 6(oZIEoo)FU+JZ?k 3:0> i= bo0-zxF=f9 :i5 6 66 ;uj o 6s 9F h == E v \" o..1* - tr g u^>: H = E 3eH -z 2 *+t ^ rJ LJ ^ Y = n.\E a e gg !l P H =trH ; ; =gU) F F '.- : 6 E€T 6To, CJOti Cttc-rOo F cBOE E Ei;A E E3 .F..5b-qf '; ; -lIco 5-rOs ! gsE rf < O-.O!i E E S,*'.q'2:.E€E€-oct r-) nl I an {J 2., o 0) gJ tttc) q) (r,q € c, t{(,, P q)(Jq) c! |r@() >rO r,r).'-l O O'oc3lnooc r = o'o l..ti c6|.,l.)X o\oo EE-. -G| CO.iO}Jc! (/lo ..= -qcl rro (l|><F|> F J rX) I i 6 o0trx F{(!(') u)ftt ttr+J '.r 0) O l.ooprlFroon4ps I(/)P@() +J o'oPq)({.'1 iJo(n(! b0 c)trrH b0.'iq)trtr Fr '.1 .'.{ E O .P'd(/IE bO ^6xoo ;:d(i-{J+)o caQOtlJ tr tr(! tI. .Fr X-c;j tn= _l €lqrl rl .t Frl i c ( F tac+,Fo q) t rh'. F{tr'<.rr: c0.-trtr+ o r:.'< UI fi e: I tn:lo trrlo c+ l0J (J r/ l(I-ltn ll/l o!l-.-.i a I, u'tI llJ I;L tQ .- FoulF 9rzk9OF ==rr lu oozYcil9 tr \J rr r- 2E I3a) trJ trJ-* E E<:, (rth o o= il uJ+F oo:2::> FHKtch E >4 ;t u.J = [r.l =x dr -\ s) LTLJJ\J'!, Hfi iFE- "'oY. t tt-^24. d;e= gt +(- z- ct "t I I I I I I ol v)lfrl olol ull(!l-l r+l\i4l I I I Iult{cq Ll0iql at! 3q\n q) V) dJq (n { ul FI =q olol UI E 3l! 14l I v\ H q ol olvlql "l;l otlrl olulol ol GII +l;l o6tr lt) ca <f ro 2 2=IIJ ')ccdx/= N M m th :JF=z;93Qzg = (-) c! s r+ s C-t t'l $ r./) *a6 14 c\l Fl <.1Irrll c't I-l ol Rrl-l I r..c\ (\ r.l or r-1 @ GI l=E= -l=i=5ccic-oo E,o =' 14 !o an t)t) rn t1 rn M)1ilni I c.l f'- 14 I*l F: t'') c{ f.. c\.,l F\t)n c{ l-.ra Fl N F' Ft N n-!.) z, - o^;-E!:iESFo:= * $$$+ (J -f +rn ]J z. trS-rO !-l q{ a) .'-l trq) P = c\,1 +r/l o +JC' + L} i) v V +( + U rr1:' lr) l9 iPl(!i+riur qj I lat.:t.is'tu @+Itl o P(g +) 6a l.o:z | !4 M t ui c\ol (|.)l v I F.i/i-l- =iflE dr3 9:e;i i3i E e: :;3:EE E:$!i! Eiiei; =iBE:g iEIE Eiis ! F:: sEi: aiii!:tst rl B i iri Fu--i ll-o U) TUz:< =F UJcr Fao =fr98A<oo-<-r.r- r.r-oo ccoH9 =;-) uJ2> )<o Ff +) c64.i.r O g ('l '.i O +JF " E-ONrJ>'o!o oo|r +ro^-{-li il O.rld.r{ cl, > Edt+lF,::1 =fEFO]!uzz?-n :9€ ar \,, t-<drSzF=n =eo6urof bb2*tr !'! =U HH = ==!l=tF<ooH ie (J IIJ tIJut(].r(!(,FF oorr. "3 0 g€c.r c(0I OtrOr C)ONEDc'-roo * c! 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P +JCO UI +J+)o +r(NOd obo.N bo 'rl k .'.1 o'o o..1 tro{J(dtr(B .''{{J 'd b0v)dtr TE-,^Oo:iio- b6Pur(!(dt!u+rtn FrA Y.'i h c Y"c{J\,,, +r c o2 6 H 9rzk9oh =2aolH oozgci=Eg tr9Ets-9E 9 F9H g ts- -o : $<91 6EE ffuJ.cF oo:ly:2 =Hkt-q E>= UH H?H lil H J!Jviu lll -t F "r66 g?= !!$J^i(lF - F t^ vt t,,Y^>-l ==e=gtJ4 L-J<:- F) a c,) (! s ir) c)th tr t) o o a) th F o a)ot^(! o $ tr) o c)q (d $ oth H (,o IA C) s ro ot4 o q ad o s tr) z, 2=r! cJ(-) < !P= v !9t- =z=gaQz.9 =c) v $tt, oo tt) s + iEE s \c G c{t4 Flto N c.l l.)$l!4 e F I =E= | =dEso='I J 1 !4 v) !4 u) fr) v) F1 I ;] = >l o.rl =EEq C="1*l c\r t.t.) c! r.. Fl Cal F. a.1 r-{ c! F..t) F{ N F. z.+ O^ EsSEo ::e o (l C)o t.|(J ()0) F o Itl z, *-{ =Fl l+{ <)(B o a) (d = lnN +rn +J(! +J +Jo P {.) + P lr) F.. +rt) +J +r {J Q +J €) i\o +r {J ItO == GI c.ls t)s $g s-t s |, .cqP.aol J ord.i rE oo It< c.t<..rE DoPltr trllor:J<ol E lOJ5.:6i -P.rl.-rPll';:lo tr Frl l. | ^lrll65ol F€,31 l.lr c! | i,, o ol t---t thl'to IIUJ .I l: El lO ?.ill-l E EE E 5e Eg; EEi EeE :;j: Fi E:FE6:il r EE€ ! g: _*€ 9 ;:E 8E E =s9i:r; iE !EiEiI E:i! E B?: ;E:iE5:6 EE; ; E!5s F!ii+g:! :EE; l-LL = o u.lz IrF tu :)FU'o =Lo <o(L< tr. tl-oo H9>tr z= Fi ru = FI q) P j Ft r_l U) =at1F E,-or916=z?'n : o = H = b€;z-tr0-OrlEl-o<obj1 r!() gF o ozo- x-uJlllz h = =o'dlltrtrzz<$a\art) P = ==t^tt() d: r,u uJ-'H : i T - rr. ot \J :-:(.,f 7Y;. ofrFr Uo olc.-rOo 7 6(JE E e.:.: ' .Ft r6 E g.J .g o;.., 5h-or n ?ic@ ;-ro: d.,-rS si -E'3.+ 4, OF{dr -.-l O"$ 6 :=(!Xc! s- >r tllz:.4€E€-ou, Ctr{l ciJ ifr 2 o ui v)e) qJ v)ca € c) (J I-{o +J (,)L)0) (g tr@uxorn.-iOOEtr3r/)oo3 | = o! r-li l! tl)>' O\O -G@--9 ..=+c .E !(D d><d>> F uJ o- ut uJ q u- 60 o o+F{ i.qFT+JP.r{ vl.Ht !)J1 trF(J(srS qr o3()+)ko{)(!d .-lo.o oE tr.Co '.{ +.,oo t{ 0) Fr bO...t .P .'-{ FloJ<F{d Fi '.rtr (ifL .PA 'Oo o .+,o.c (,' o.rJ o () ..c q{ .r{ (.) F OFr F{ t{}l.\t .r{ .O rB E g d3 O xh{Jo-oour q.B .-EEYl +Jtroy.l oo = t "'r Ot!C!lt..(5 5oO o!ocE FrX(no_ (sq)3 tl IItlllIItlttIn, lq IHtl lcrll/| cq lol 13,Jl.r rE t()o Ilrr q''lK..{qI oorJllc trll lcr.:.'<itU|llc bo .t lc..r olhr}il| -+rl1l53u!I tnFl lG) tr F,llo clllocJu)l I dJllLi I 14 cJ 14. lo. lo 'r lg .i IA TItx tvl 6 H oH7 (JF =zeU' YA oo =urYc'kvF rvr t? F2b I toH g r-; Ll<:' tr9[ o6E 3Hx 3"0::> ;HEt-(, tE>a;ix [rJ yul ee :90 Efi E3E- r'AYr l- || | -^ = -l;;ez8i x-a_ J q) fr x rd x d)x cd C) o o o x.d ln q) >.il c) .6 x xox(d Fr x. (n >'o>. =2= (.) <cc o'- !:r = <f,rn 5 MFI=Z.t.F=| 9,2. ol Eo d:- t-l=6l=z I !4 GI @ n $ \oc{ F{ <r !.)c{ e'l c! c{ N F. Otc{ .-.1o * l>E=l===>- =92.9O>O 1CO o?:*-iE=E l=. E Fl rn r..ti4 ln Fl Fl r.{ z.- a- =-=r-EsSF c) l'.{ bo U) 0) t{ oo o dh at) la) lri lo l-rll-rll$ll=llttott,_{ltollFll'r{llultlz lbol =thtFl,-.i6 t*tolt-{Jld I\.1 !t"lc)lrq l(/J I l.Pl!lotz rn q p q) ]J c) (5 = o l-l bo .'-l trd g.{ d) ...1 U) {J U) c) +J tn o tt) $ +) .r{ Ft I!z q{ o o rn P z o ..{ v) r+ .|J q) Fr Ib (t{ ..1 {J v) qt clHz $Lo F. i itE5r !Er ;ii 5iE2?i:9-:ii :;5!!c<lii ;e:ta:6 i:; I=E E:! i g rl :EIE:!Ei i€ira!e! E gg! E;s€ 3E !::E!: 9i!t i3;3 E. ': E :Ert Fs u- tUz I .- uJ at u- TU =z t{ +rk(n c) .'r EJ<(gch= t-2?z =z39 F=aouio lL lloo UJ III =zz zz u,J uJ FF >. 'F{JO<tr ir- O) t- <o o6 a.)z?OatroFTH =PRfr za F "t"< rrl 901l! uJ i.- 7 ^'.Fi . (<t r>a"g o g€ I ECgFl ok| (JO€or c-rOo = rt \J ==;ied E trEJ6 E *'e E>..YO.Or :idCoo ;-orn k (d '.r<r : 6)or4:-oct <. O'-{ d. E -"iAs o = 6rxa |r >'tq.ooccE 1.oE€3d6 E gJ q) c) () q C4 € q) o C)C)O (E lrcooxoln.,-r o o.Otr}r1.ooc I:f, o "o r..g. cltn>\ o\O Fr€cO (g ,/r O-.= a= Ci ar€ (! F ;F.-cl () €€6* E3t xE9 (). o; ?i OU, ut F-{ E(.)^, 6 c!s./, 9>h '/ t^ = o..-) at Fl Flt* g._r o U. E > ^s F o'<SJ 9 P.i =J E F;s d,:60dt.938F3 EEEE'5 vr9q)g .H8Xs;ia.E<e€g €,) =E9 L/d trq) *, oou >,>O'elFrtrk'6 rUOoo,.{ tr. B'tt O F.o cE, rn = 6 6\0O OF{x =@o.Frt +,F.= U)O(! OCJ ,-, E.i{ P Fi .'-{6 p€ cd><Fi> iiF I I I :{a six qo.al < I I I -lklol x Yt >srt ib0u(!t a itrl olo.i= -l .=-l rr I I I I : (,) F\ C-l I o .r{ z tr J Fz uJ uJo Jc,. E l! \ol-rllCC)l=ll!.{.. | tr | | .r Orl.illTl(n. I b4 o)il; I a do| '.ll rd3t€t tot6l0, tvo l-cg l(/) o l€X5 tfrE tdle 'l otn qli !,.J oo*ol E | =lc | 6 | 6li:i : I EI s F€l . | | I\olic€E.al - | o l-l'r{o.+l I!O\ F-: rol |:| - :;t at I] ! gri "l 6 |e#i FHi ;l .E IHol ,nEl 3i * | g;' e$l Fi ,5 lFF5 ,_,, i =i i2| ";*i I i Ei* i :"1 e: i ib!i I a'.*' lE 6t P';t o(Et @pl cEol olol ESI E- | il !oo -. I e9l ol 6 C.l ::l E:i s E =t c.l I atgEi ;;i iH;!l El * lglsl ?l € l8ssi !l E Ix :st >l Il;t ILD \Ol El I;+l =l ,l| | :l| | H! EEI &l BEI6 6l r{l z Io ot I cl- -l Xl -. t-{ |::l el e€l s.= .=l | '5 bol| | ,Pdl c.rl ,*l q* | 3 o -ll ;l E'dl .lEl rlisBl 6l Fal! -?t I u toO@l | +J I oll.'.{lOE l- I U|orl + talEelE11lt luJt>lol6I uJ IGIElot().E .:< E,9 ,q ss E=l ;:l E 9al 991 e.' t>l d6lf it - -t x5 il - -l Xl t-{ |F5l <tl -l BSI| ,,1 r'l =El 9| .= .=l | '5 bolI | | alt ral at I ol El .*l RI lt Cr)t I .l| < -rl :l ical + I I i{t : II I El th I ql* | Bcl 6l Eal Fi lrj;l l f_l c E 1?1lt allglEl?l il! ll' +)l-'o =() =v,'.-a*i;Xvl t{r;EE i'i +,':: +, =< tr+)oc).HO..P+JUI(, .'-.1 tr ==a)lr o tl)+Jt tru) < .'.{troootrtrC., OIIj UI OE trrn O.F{trb+r EFlO(rFtf-l oog.oO .Ot ()lr (6in 02+Hr6 = .d.Ft o -- Chen-Northd , lnc.5080 Road 154rD Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 303/94s-7458 Fax: 303/945-2363 aug;st T, lglg Subject: Observation of Excavation, Proposed Stairwell Addition, 4 and 5 Lines to J and K Lines, Vail Val1ey Medical Center,Vail, Colorado. Job No. 4 434 89 Vail Valley Medical CenterALtn: Dan Feeney 181 West Meadow Drive Vail C0 81657-5058 Gentlemen: As requested, Chen-Norfhern, Inc., observed the footing excavations atthe subject site and Lested compactlon of the subgrade on July 12, 13 and 14,1989. Chen & Associales, fnc., (now known as Chen-Northern, Inc.) previously conducted a subsoil study for the 1986 addition and reporLed their findings on December 18, 1985, Job No. 4 413 85. The current addiLion adjoins the-1985addition on fhe north end. At the time of our site visi.ts, the excavatlon area had been cut to depths between about 3 to 5 1/2 feet beLow the adjacent ground surface. The bottom of the foobings of the existing building were exposed in the excava-tlons. The soil-s exposed in the footing pad excavation areas appeared toconsist of naLural elayey sandy gravels with cobbles. The soils were verymoist due !o recent preci.pitatlon. There were aspen, planters and a canopy inthe area of the proposed improvements. Compaction tesLing of the solls at Lhepad locations is shown on the attached Daily Report No. 1 and indicates com-pacti.on to at least 100% of standard Proctor densily. The recommended bearing capacity of footings placed on the natural soiLsis 6000 psf accordi.ng to the Chen 1985 report.- Cbnsidering the prior use ofthe siter we recommended to Gordon Towne of Bierbach Engineers that 4000 psfbe used for these footings. Accordingly, the design footing pad size was enlarged from 3 1/2 feeL square to 4 feet square. Based on the conditions observed and the additional recommendati.ons, the exposed solls should besuitable for support of the design loadings. A sample of the backfill maberlal being compacted within the footing areas was sampled and subjected to laboratory lesting in accordance with ASTMprocedures. The results of the testing are presented on Figs. 'l and 2. Billings Boise Casper Colorado Springs Denver Etko Evanston Gilletle Glenwood Springs Great Falls Helena Phoenix Pocatello Rock Springs Salt Lake Caty San Antonio Tri Cities Yakima ..,\ A member of the [HE] group ot companies Vail Valley Medical Center August 7, 1989 Page 2 If you have any questlonslet us know. or if we can be of further assislance, please Ver1A' truly yours, CHEN-NoRTHERN, rNC. ,,# /.2_--u,__ Steven L. Pawlak, P.E. SLP/ec Attachmenfss cc: Flsher Reece & Johnson Archltects Bierbach Consulting Engineers, Inc. #3.;rf&*;' 1sz2z !: \fut--",t$> Chen-Northern, lnc. t{ '-{ t+{ .-r o3 +)o()r! F{ Et{O 'r{o(j tr aO P'r{oJz {Jtri P() (E lro th o-F{t!oco Ar+|;/Ji5Ul ..{ Oo trxdo F UJF m 9rzl- r-\<Ytl t- =<=>tLt UJ<6 z ,,,Yci =Fi-( .-,- !1 tr,4 HH E I-* cr e,0n 6 (J> IJJuJ. _o_ F ooY::> =Hit-(, tr >= iii x r! = u.l =x Cn\o lJ .\ ,^t == Jyv66 g?E I,lJ !u ^* cc Ff- t- .^ u. l-, ,:!^ > _l-'i-,-i=X=E-Z:Ud E.E:- l.l x xq)xd xox q) (g tr x cd xox c! q) (d (B tJ) x \ o (t tltttltltltltltlIII('r l6 thtll)4| (.) l!/)(il+J ntol li m r.il* l-4 loo IlFr tr'll'<..r triI o4l-rIc trl'l lccL-<tv)llq bo 1 h +t.ilI a*J lg:'ol L Eillo cP'lo(J rrl IQ(.)ll.rJ l/) orli'.r C C'a }7) tr Fr P H F. 14 I r-{ q{ o ,.{ p rilqI'il o! +rixl GJi o .Ft <n (d P tn .< = (,) Fi oo .1 ii<itr v) t{ .H 'r(.) Pxlll 1D .F{ +)tr z .1 =lq t!? i r.: lL) lboiqtrtlrrd io olcl$lo Q Ft lr tro C) !h z r{ =o or llo z z F z = = = = = = aI3Ed! E s'=9;iiii Ei::;! .it ::g E E;::i E5€ E:i =:E5E 3;esi: ri :i !i :iEB ;i:! Eg:i E;Eg-aE:: ;Ei; t! i 3 I9J J !F!i GI FEJ oa,tuJ 6:)zn 9.! z llJ(E FIo =noY^Z <oaL< u- u- utogF lul22 od C),{ .r.{ O FrrdA o.-{ (s O'r{ o P tr7u) u) q) t{d ..t dOF1 J4 Eta/lS =.Fl Fl Fl xxr-, u.;.i = (n,ooZF<hh z.XX o r f,u -- Z t =FH B P;ET = ? =5t * g =?o6EE uj o <HklLll.S'tiij o o =l-.t-',l.orRSS E E 7-'-' = == .\" "\o z z o-'-' z zd UHE(! U)FF |'\ F.N r'{ t. rnN t1 Fl u) F.c! Fl c{ t.l @ r') t-iF{ 14 i I8? i@ I U) 3 o a * z. J t-l t"g o g€ t'\ Ot ^l (Jo 7'- a o - levE E e.: "7 €H6 EE'd F>..Y0.)-or ;-tr"o \o it.:S -d E-2s 1 o-i!s E ='EF6. rL >. !!l 9tr'F .=/\=l);oo C| L,IJ a I (aq, € CJ l.{oP o(JO o xo rn..{OO!tr3r/)ooc I> o€ F..ar. (!!n>' o\o H(!@ -<C! --=ic G |-r CO O><'r> F ) c ! 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Ot !!F =z:.r,/-62€ =o O)ol .rl |r)dl oi tf Fl -l Ol F{ =;e-fr9 F- c1 F- rONFI |r)l co -ll Flc'-)| (o -ll Fl c\l LOc{ s (n (f) Fl @c! F{ I l=_u= .l=E=5- c-ooOro > a) ? E=== r (f z. - O^F-trr:i5; E .t( c G c) rgtl x o rd! F] U) o rol{ Rr a I -{ U) :{ E ;1 z, J I I I I I I I I I I I Ibt 'r'{ |!dlO -{l'Ft 'rl I o calp FrO ,rH -.t o Brr 'Fi C)5=az ot oF{l -lCJI Ol{l li.Ft | .-lol c) Iull ol .F{ I .Fl EI Erot |!AI A Itl-{l l+1ol o Icjt o .Fl | .F{al a IZl t:l oO qr o oFlp .r'l l.r fi C) o tn :Fr'r |r) s G C) E r! .lJ l+l L n + F iO I!< E l{ro c) z ?3:z vc!|rl C.l (oc!]-.N c\(\ofn i iE E tr !Fs EE 3 EiE :;3:Ed E:g !i€ Es€ gg! :ii;e9i:ie :itE :iEE iIEI E;!E iE; ; EE:E i!;3F9':! !E5l FcJ l!o U' t!2:<I h rroo u)o tr ..-l !ag Fl N uJ FU'6 92o 3A<o&<uu-oo H9 =ifuJz= @, =9E 2= = ag oEP ='a * g EE $ 8f r b b EE tr f;zts =fl =zzkq o oo# z z OX P PHai i : Of'r.-CD o oo\ P! Fl OF<\ UOCD -l Or F1c'-{Oo i rB (J5 E ii;(n E .g':a!:; .Eb.g o' E:5X G 'rrS -d g'E <. 1 O-,O,r E 85frte-:a€EE-o(, o @ uJ oo ca e) q) ct),q, € CJ Q 0)(f (d () U) Bo.lotr I (, c) c! fr€c)XOrn.do o.Otr3rJ1q)OC IE ()! FrtL (Brn>\ O\OtD trE-rFr llt co.-rOrJcd ino ..=.-r tr (B94(l ><Fr>> oF l.'( \;- o uJ UJ IJJ Jg lJ- Ul o L ol.r) tF o UJ U'U' IIJ o tltltltltllllurts lo lFrt-tt-vle'lln cq l+J Frtollo .! h r.E, too IItr tr 'i|<.-igI EOP:lc c+r' lcr4.<l(n Ilc EO { l- P:1, b'3u] I' EilI(, o!'loc)g,l; railt6| lin oolri.'r = lo 1.nlg .i l* t-ll6 .-'' ta ; oH= OF0s1(r uJ{8oO =urYct=?g tr9AZ23 I39H H tr $b 5 6= ilHx 6"0u> =!!tFa E>4 UH H?H<lt !+ .-r-r J v,s fiH HFHt- t- (!) -' Ittv^2-l;=e?gt = - =- t..l=E=t=: s>'=92, pto 5 c> E;E E dr 9;I iEi Ei: ii: E:ti:i EE:E:E i:t EEi l:tE EEiE !€ir :Bsi eEii EEi; g!re E 9I B EEi: u,EfFo6 =fr93e<oo-< tr- tr-oo cEo -'l.'J I =i2H EJ lto ooYF?,zFo EhODF$riazz?9>n9 .6 =, x H g =J?o6'{uroEH b b cn5Ef;HV = fi = = f:d z z *<;ooozztrtr;qH5 H H:S ii= lr'oo OL olcF.O; NU;'.'{ 's 3X; = j EX-Yc)i ;-.o: c!..{H>o O-.cO - .F{ A =(Exrr>lll,(Jo @ z o o o o uJ P ol orl o ago Ola s a7)$ !+ .iz o.: (rtq) I cevt € c) oP o(Jo rd hcoO >\O r...).F{ o o€cltn = or3 F.ll. c! rn @ cE.r.<(!o -{O+r -{tr (5.p@ 13 F I'r) F 75 south trontage load vall, colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 4792139 1989 oftice of community development August L5, 1-. 2. Mr. Dan FeeneyProject Managervail valley Medical Center 181 West Meadow Drive, Suite l_00VaiI, Colorado gL6S7 Re: vail Varrey Medical center expansion - summer 1-989 perrnit Dear Dan, Berow is a list of some minor concerns rerated to the perrnit for thehospital expansion: on sheet A-3, there is mention of the deletion of a research laband storage area. r would appreciate it if you would explain inwriting tlrat there are no research labs for lny type of inirnaltesting within this project. r am requesting a written statement frorn the vail varrey Medicalcenter Board which states that the vail valley Medical centershall not remonstrate against a special Development District forimprovernents on south-Frontage Rold. or west ueidow Drive. As youknow, this was a condition of approval from the Vail Town coun-cilat.their March 7, l9B9 ureeting. r think it would be good to getthis statement in writing from the Board. r would appreciate it if you would provide a written statementthat the vail varley Medical center concurs that the relocatedaccess drive to the heli-pad will meet the following standards: A. The driveway shall not exceed a 7t grade. B. The driveway shalt allow for safe semi-truck access andloading for the post office. c. The relocated driveway shalr not comprornise the existing cDoH 3. permit for the heli-pad. D. Any trees of shrubs effected by the access shall be relocatedin the same general area. Ttre rnature evergreens to betransplanted due to the new access drive sha1l be guaranteedto live for a period of three years or be repraced with treesof comparable size. 4. I would like to review the Doubletree agreement with you. r also wanted to remind you again of the parking study which wasrequested by the Town Council in their final approval of theconditionar use pernit. rf you have any furttrer guestions about theparking study, please let me know. r realize you are very busy withthe actual construction of the hospital and ju-t wanted t-o rern-ind youof the need to work on this study. The last issue is one r am sure you are werr aware of. r hope you planto discuss the issue of.the parking structure with the approirilte Townparties as soon as possible. once again, r want to reitllatl that trrevail valley Medical Center's desire to riceive a ternporary certificateof occupancy before the parking structure is ready for use must bereviewed.by the Pranning conmission and Town counlil. r wourd suggesEyou- submit your proposar as soon as possible to avoid any last rniiuceproblems. r would also rike- to organize a meeting with the vail Nationar Bank,Doubretree, and the hospital to discuss the utility work and winterparking for the hospital . The staff needs to know where the 5o parkingspaces wirl be located. please let me know when you could gettogether. rf you have any further guestions, please feel free to contact me at479-2L38. congratulations on getting your project underway! Thanksfor all your efforts to answer staff questions. Sincerel Itt I Ef,.\t la lt tt\l\1 \) lw \ Senior P KP: lr cc: Peter Patten Gary Murrain Ray McMahan VailValley ntrCenter LffiT#0F TRANTsMTTTTAL 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 303-476-2451 TO Town of Vail - Conrmunity Development 75i- Erontaqe Road Vail, CO 81657 OAIE JO!NO, 16 Julv 1990 Gar Materials Testinq - Vail Vallev l4edi cal Center tr Plans D Samples the following items: D Specifications p Materials Test Results/Certifications WE ARE SENDING YOU E tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter Attached E Under separat€ cover via O Prints fl Change order coPtEs OATE NO.DESCRIPTION 1ea Chen-Northern - Materials Test Results and 0bservation Reports 7-7-89 thru 12-20-89 1pa Bierbach Consultino Enoineers - Field Observation Reoorts 7-21-89 thru. 11-30-89 (No.s 1 - 4) 1 Medical Gases - Certifications (6 oaqes) 1 Dover Elevators - Certification on Third Elevator (3 oaqes) THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked D For approval 8] For your use n As requested E For review and comment tr FOR BIDS DUE D Approved ! Approved E Returned as submitted as noted tor corrections ! n tr Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies lor distribution Return-corrected prints fl l9 O PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS 1l anclorttfaa ara not .a nolad. kindly notilt ua I E (1,) a>-l i o (! -o o @ I I (! J G @ Ei: o G ,o o ; 6 Q) lJ- e.l\o ; q) .rl x q) =IL oF..o-9 IFd& I I rr'E3c-F{ 5o rJ,\Op C)e{.3 ca,.=l I trl! 0)!E..llCI'FI;- (Jl x Pl.E l/ll Frl =altrlo a)l ":Ji-1 Ol I i:r :t FiE ;Ii: <l F.. Ir4 l...+l N'--;Fi t)l I I I I It- dl d) 6i6 bd- i-.l -l I I +J t4c! <.r o vl r-t ^ Ha .'= g+J .H O ..+J+JOO..rh k (J ll)+r FtrO < '''{ ta O O.i'{trr"+JEF1Oq:fhu).oo l. c: = (,c) X ... .-l o -- ir':i c. -1(t crl <l o l I I o o. G i L- Ei Fi -iol o) Fi Poo-,t o o t{ P t{ +r P rh (g o u7 c) r-lxo +Jx 0) q) q) tr F UJ =Fz ttltti o,l o irlco ol rdtn!iot o,c"lra 1,c \o Fr; Orl o,tnrlm Io1 r-r I Eol tD. rn(! E E -lOl ol .J FIr.)i-lI I Foz UJ GcF UJ o qJ E () o(sc)fGt^ 6 9> ir OOt+J@ '-l IinOr Hcr = ocoF- uj:a! Riit =ER2-OEEe BE3 o ;z I i i I : i I C)l'a I .;-: G Q) (l) B = rn o o E F N x o.! 6, ot (l3i l .+ o oq) o)lr\ f-l r-r E- .9 o,F(J r\i r"?l ol ot ;l El ol :i Itn I LnN I6 (l) q) F dt .; 3 3 s F\ r+ Pp E< Fl rn ; ra> FC) 1... c\| z OJo ah o ol o (D It -\.t .-l olql <r Fozur Foz u,ulo z tr = z GgJ z J o o r!o o C.l E -'A E rot q) o oF o E E tr loltrlz lo =:at 'uJF tfi x =x q) o) z tr = ttz F llJ :aa F cl F. I!z 4.. I \o I rn I s I u1 .Ft o o U) z tr o ;z uJ =uJ J A a6 U €d.qorJ Ft zoE6 XtoO.E: Frou, "' E'rt e>l :\JU' FI FI ^P.dox.i:6>wro,r'. F Ori;T9.'jo'EFj + .Q,:6v o,s3r53 -^.Y.^F:; € tr6-o(,/)r:.1(J wl'gll .-( I €d9l1j,^l gH -3 ...ofo n4.v o G oo LU (h c) I (n v) € f.) )-l 3iiii i.;ji-1()J I rti txl GI()l 'Jl c)! o (,)u x> rr C l'. oq)..r c_ B! O t'- E ri rJ \O x =ao(). -l F{ +J -iE14O r- F, c3 .}J oc c'><Fr> F o a 0) Et! o! 6,) b0 @ (J .Fl E .9 oO o o o P vl I ctl (|)l 31 =l ^tr/.), Fll _l (gL .n' o i: N x b o.! CD z 9F =ol! = UJo =J (J lii @l I (gi I I I I o' I 9i I xl-l I I .d rl!<rl I ol <I Iil'-l I ..1 --lr+l{Frt I -l al I I I I I ol o1 '6 1 PI Otol - tJ. c.l\o c,F .-l o, 3 l! oF a3 = o3 l" r+ o c\I ,)o(/) =r':! r')Y$ = F.i 2i 6',IJJ 6F" =9l!E Fil EoiAlr Jlo€i\oP ON(ddr.Ft I.lr E ol 9t Nl :P.EoFd >A troc)Fra ri (D z F =oltz t-utY F lr C) b4 @i I co J o F o cl I I oc o E t{ o (! (o I Fl I .9 = l! o, Ct a't ;iI P o 6E a:'-.. P,nzii z- G.g o: Foz UI ho UJ o6 uJG =() F.. Itz (t F. IT I $ I Ff UI ti oov) o oool zg u,uto zo F oo FzIJ =uJo J F\rnr{ @ I I +.) .r :i;x 2v, ,r< .:z9q -'El-l rr +){i+r 14, < tr+)oc).r{ o .. +J+JU) CJ .r{ t{ trOq)PFtrt/r < .i{trbootrtr U: (n o.dtrh+,E t-'t hq otr.oO r:.1 o (J.o ol.cd Hr6 = .,-{.,i o -- (d a) Q)E x()'F{Or:l E 9>t-t =og '.t O 6> F o-ro +, .'-{6(! E 5> o r,ri L5 cc)H (!9F Atrixo ge .;i IXeE:(,?b <E€g 9=E'r \6 (JF{ o Or ^.co ai Irf ell') Flt1 @g 6d3 =^i E6 {) 'p o(,() >,>c) .rl -1 eHcd CtOuc)..1 tr =E OF-o ed lo = ql G\OOOrix =coo.Fl f-. +) '{= oO(i oct>..= FrgFl '.1 !) Fr 'rl6 P€ d><Fr> -a'J.&l 60 4 t -{','.t .IftB N(.i JOti var I !;+l Iey (:(it'i tii,'i{:It}R {i. L- $t IPLR 1 I.I I F.NDLI.,I I . _ ..1 r: lrr, :rr:rir [iptt =.1. f. ltS. !,.r' r.:r r _[ig..-. _. J"re- 1.. I lllrtlid!:l t! I ESHNE!! ..CONs!!I.II NG ENE INEE8s-_INQ"-..\ t.tgl, D. JIFFEEI/n I r aN nEeQEl- l{r-rrrFr t jrl. fld(l i t jorr REPORT NO. Aus-, -2!-_, !?gZ_.. 7:3O am TEMPERATURE DATE rIHE ril.Iir.: t-tB5f. RVf: l) : l"lire. I of t-lis btj.vll rriin*ur c.rrtc; f or- l: lrer beam nortlr o{ "K" I ine was jn plarer. l.h:i'r.r t,f tlrr: jr:irt or :, l.atr reirr.f or cing steel wag in placr: at the t inr.' I I'r.rs "rt t ltr.' ri.i te. Sc.lnr* o{ the r,uppcrr t arrgles at the 3 rrj Floor .r I t.il.rr..; "F" I i rrr-: wt.r'c irr lll.t(:€.r - lJl'(.rrLl'-rl:' {,r.,;!ir..' r}t t llt} r.'>:ig,Ll lrt; t,olr.rrnrt bars cuupler'9 are or.tt of placec'n tlrL" Zt'ttJ ..rtttJ .lril l-:l uur t-lre n€iw Lolr.rnrnsi wil I lrave to be made larger to q 1v€] llr !rllr-:r' Cc)ftLrettl COver'. llte |(.'lti*L]rcittq trlrir ir exterrds tfrrouglr the collrmn at "l("-"8" at thelinii F Ior:rr ri,as i.n pIace'. 'l frc'r e i:, ;r tJ.i f { j.ctrl ty t-lett ing ther tubLrr, {or thGr shor:ng through thecolurnrrs. ;rt t lre l? b.er' r;ulu,nnb. It appear-s some o{ the lrars will have tor.;(} l ltrcrtrqh tlt€' tubL.r,. OFJSERVT.H; 6rrr dc.ri'r -l owna' P. E . F- I -E8 H{LqT! - f;t INSUL'I. I N!i- ENA I NEEES-. I NC -..\ .!!lE. llll,. :.'r :io E I Et.p Crli$EHVLTI l8N._RE=E!.lRt ..1 trFr r.,,r r I Y;, 1 l!?:/ t_lq:'rttl.!i!t:_g{q1 -l.tL.rll.. CONf Ril[: lllll [i. .!:.,--rlcrl-tttge!.t !:9]1Flr!J!.!1ott.-Cp:..-._.._-_ !illPHHlNTt Nl)EN l- .Ie!.!._._!..llFlrteg;._ .. t^,(11{1,. OB$i.llVl:t) : REPORT NO. DAIE QcJ... - 4.r...1989 TII'4E Zi1!,1 am __ TEMPERATI,JRE 'l hr:. r'e.lrr{orcirrq {or tlre .ird Floor pour was partially irr place. The .1 r'r r r-.,t to;r b;rr s wLare bl,i rt13 plAr.r,r! crnd ttte ::lab rein*orcil-rg bars were yet i: t) iri4 t,;l.ir ti:rtl . i.fre tfrrcrr.rqh t lter cc: I r.rmn reiin{orcing .rt cr:ll r,rmn "F"-r'9" was i rr 1r I sr. tr. lit tltn: i:r{ l-he :'enl f tlr.r I I inq arrclrors and ., 1l-thread rod sril I needed l.o trer itrstal I ecJ ;rl orrrl t'lrr: "F" I irre. llre othe,r wcirl< and the reinf orcing t.lur t rrcr t. ii-r pl aue looled qocrtJ. LIBSE fI Vt: R : [:p r C lll . L e!.rJ.t g:._8 ._E_r._.*-._-__. BSHEh, ,.,. . - .. ,, rrtlSON, ARCHIIECIS, P.C. UflNllrlnt:1'tJR F,. h._.,lr?!tt!rrol illltr:,trrrc-tron Co. !1.11:!!Hng!l l;QNsur-t ! N9- _ E!!G I NEEBS _.INg - ..\ .l{lB Nro.'-? l .1(,RF:PORT NO. F I t: l.t) l.lH::iF-RVA I I ON REPIIRT .l ( iFJ \1._r.r.l . V..t I | {':J.. !!g)rrl! t !.;r 1... StltJ -i ! : -qrtt DATF- Og:_!.-_3O, -! 989 TIME !1!i1 am _ Lit|PFRII.Jlt-NDl:NT .lar:k I l!!iirn+:, TEMPERAITJRE hl(.lRr.,: ( itJt'ii..itvF- D : I ]re rr.' jn.f circ rrrr,; lttr t.trc. lst porrr. cl{ 1;l.rt u r-r i t.l'r t lrr: r-'xcept.r crr rlf a lrttlc. of the tJ.r', :.lt|.rr t d l.r.er t r.rgt and tl(]f . al'l(J trotlr o{ ll,.rr ... r rr Llrrt lrr r I . I .r*,.1.. t+rl t lrt'r gt.reerl 1:l.rr r,r tcr put a crrrtairi .clf tl5's ,:t 12" each wayirr thr.. r.rr,..,.t ?,rcG.i .i i 4J'.a5 r.r r th ?-ll5's at tht: Lop. Also I asketj to have she.rr irrl',.ir pr.rt jn t lrt:, .-t:uth Ernd r:{ tlte 4JZ joist and in the north endol 4'lL "lt:i:t. ' ti r., t.- i tre shr.ar rnL':rtr that w.rs l-reld or.rt of the 3rrl Floorjr:r'ist ::.,1 /,t}r9. I l, iirrcl l?. I cal IErl .Iack ,rdtr.r I got tr;rck arrd had hirn add l-{lSx1o'-o" in the t Llp of t: hrf tlJl! .t cr.r st at the soui.h ernd. '[ he trar is to be centered over l. lle' G.,ncJ rri t. frc.. joir,t p.rrr. (JESh R VE R : {iSf C_o t:t -..1- !ttr_! ! E-_P., E-:._.-__.- the Future 4th Floor was in slab reinf r.rrcinq. Joist 4Jl5 t he. 4JZZ joist were shlrrt ? I r,r.rr.!, ,.L;,-r,; u JOriliSONt ARCHITECTS, P-C. BIERBACII CONAULTING ENGINEERS TNC. ,JOB NO . 2l_3 0 REPORT NO...\ FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT JOB Vail valley Hospital addition DATE CONTRACTOR G. E. Johnson Construction Co. TfME Nov. 30,1-989 8!30 am SUPERINTENDENT WORK OBSERVED: Jack Thonas TEMPERATURE The reinforcing for the 2nd pour at the Future 4th Floor was inp1acel however some of the reinforcing still needed to be tied andchaired. Some hooked bars needed to be placed in the bottom of bean 4836extending into beam 4B3.At the south wall of stair ncr on line nJil #4 Lenton From Savers needed to be added at l2trcenters vertically. The ends will have to behooked just above the top of the concrete wa1l. The top of the Lentonshourd be frush with the floor. 4-#5ts needed to be placed in the bottonof the landing west of the hatch opening and 3-#5rs in the bottorn on thesouth side of the hatch opening. -trirn bars also needed to be added onthe north, west, and south side of the hatch opening at the top of theslab. A curtain of #4ts of #Srs needed to be placed in the east face ofbean 4839 north of grid rrKt'. The northern most 4JL1 needs 2-#5 corner bars in the top at theeast end. Joist 4Jl-3 needed rnesh at each end, joist 4J10 needed mesh atthe east end, and joist 4J9 needed mesh at each end. OBSEITVER: Gordon Towne p.E. o o o- eo o ElI- E{ o k a) +Jtr z lt) x c) ,r4a x o o P t.c). q-.t +.)l+{ ({..| r.lr O A)o+r(\ q)@"\ t{.\ !-l (JF\tr+ro+r(B od tro tro:a d;<d(! +) +)Ptn(a(surd o633(u() t{O '-l O '-t A 36e E(d U}.! (, kv) _-q)€ E-PE Foo .d liO Fl 'f.t o xE(N (J - () FGoq UJ TE oo I.|JG(9oGc rn I G I \o IF? r.- I € I o z I tn 7!< o .5 i r+ H I oo z9xC.A =>TE\o=lt: =UFE lrJvcQ()q5 FEo 5+i5log) @o(l o Etr = 1.l. c! !ro -z o F E lif a^l o c) \o ;z o i: F- I ctz F b0 .r{ E o {J I o o ts @ GI F.l X C) N r.{o.tP u) q) I 3 d) P; =Po <i lr P o +., .n E l+ro ;iU| EF,(!'1 oF> F.{-sqd0 t) 0) F< oF.,o-9AEEE-YOv) cl aoc. (9 z .9 3 3 tn oo oo s F- E q I =Ernod9 (\fi Ico F .tDF E F ztt =lcoltz o =Fo UJF oJg tl. o E tr o b0 T I$(\ I co o o o cl tro o b0d @ Iri GI I oJ o o E o z o ot! ocll(E 0o @ II +J.r{ vlzlociYEi PX =Egd EE BE co I N I I N I Pvl u) )1(n f.{E : +,P tr+,oo. tD ..+).}J(ao ..1 Ft<oFr (,) {)PFtru} < .Fitrb0otrtrC) o lll ?n u: O.r{trFJ+,,4 F{OsstF) (,lotr.OO E: O(J.o (,t{d.x o.o _ur * :i X .Fl .'l r..) t 14 I co FIdo =xo.FtoEl'trct rd9>lr5O 9..to* <oc)6>F o-<O +, .r{rD (!E tr> .Q .-t "v|,l-' I r! +,* Atr =xo o e uJ ot o (),-,r @a6 i;a ol^coil S .lt J C.J I <- co :q E3 VJry,tV \I -l-lt J r l) tL.''X()ydo a,( vtc) () v)(tt € q) U t{o +J oc,ux>O .F{ -1 Fr<(d qrQoo.F{ lL 3€ O D..o g 'r, ln:E 6 (d\oOOFIx EooOr. -{ 1.. {JF{>(,}Od o(J -i Fr.rl +l Fi ..{d tJ co d><Ft> F DN Shlrq il G,i ol r,{ 1l 0t JLll l/ |ril _\+ -i4rni+'c')\t4 ad ).1@ (49 cJ|.e .E;S9: ;:(rx <E.)|B -rc Q,3 ; F{ () i€6- E3r xEq o.o; F{Ou) u. d.od(619>lrEO('t Fl F{&'l.qggEj-^ _tF o,<;x * p'i :JE.EO.;() o r.93ii F3: o'= AtrEE;,T3 t- I 6 I I 00 Iv E ; Er,9A).ENG .'-1oo E.F Fts a>(!AFI t-{ F{lno N5,-r qJ !Pi:9E FE =s ro rf (\I IQ zPx<5F 'r'-Pbs = 3-)- d,utoY 629 c^r cF ca .9 F €E 3 a'g s A lE-le; + ;EtI;sIE:; lial=ii= EE o.S4 Fl C)rid C! F) F(,z llJ F an =oo IJJ IE E o Pvlq) ot{ q lr +.)(J F{ +., +Jd {J o fro3 vl o xo x N bt: gs lclolo I I I I I I I)tl9; dRb06 fl6 ,t; -! .=l* I I I I +r oFd0) EHou) ,j4 Jz a) v, 'r,l'.El{ =..trtrPr,Pir< tr+.too.F{ O ..ppU)O.d FltE!)1.. O d)+.t htro <.r{ oecC, o ltlttlcgbo O O.r{trb+)EF{ htnotr.OOsl OC).o oFdo z+.rttEx .r{.-t 5 !r,14 +J oc,u >>O 'Fl-1 Cl{.(d (|)0oo..{ tr 3E OF-q) tr.o r/)> tB cd \oO Orix Ecoo.Fr tr +)-iEttod o(J -I F{.rl P Fl rF{d Pco d><Fr> b F a () E \lD..-r orJE 9>h50 I ..r O 6> F O-rg P '.1o(E! F> .Q'.r .v4k R (d+r EXC) o o o CJ lu oo o OFT rl) F(D di ut co@ Ist cOr., 6l tfl co<i s3 ^:?i(! 'ol--l s&laElticffttj ,i s& (,(-) q=" U ',)9cn o (t) c) I ct|(a € c) Q !o +., o()C)x>O .i{ettrkd ruoo{)..{f3€ o t'.O glrj tJt = 6 c\o O lD i-lx =ooo.F. li +)FrEoO6 {)(-J -,f.t{ l, Fl 'Fl(Il P€O (!><Fr> .o Eo PCIc! I t-JqJ Hfi E6 HE 1"j It o.-l F +r oo(A I I |.rr e.l ct :> F6 zotrx =o'SGebRz d$- ornl-&:hccY ^Z3F; P E3f; .;5 lol^ | +rl c | .'-l Its I '/'l GF..l rl JF.,t rt JeEl El 6 FHI ;I ,Evt trl ^l| -l oe3 Et dt=l oll4)!,.llC.r.<r | | oE --f I zEc cl I oo ot = I ar ::l Xlool =l gE i il \ol = OI (J'r.({. I sl *et I itl 6(d - -l >.1 .::EHI ()l o: :t I tr6-(D1 | Si aiult!E{1 F!El: iIE EE +ro oAct) xtn :E +,P tr+)oo.'.{ O ..+J+)(/tO .r{ h koo+rtrtro < .t.{trb0otrtrC) o!! u)tr960 o O.F{trh+,EFIO .l|; 5ra tntutr.oO9r o(,.o (,,t-d; O-cP"6x .,..'-{o -- a =(; l+r oOE .F{ u)+rv) c) = z tr u,J U) UJ ct tf t- Bd IJJE= CE llJ 2>: =Ha JY- Y<z ^*cFat^ i -4,-i=A=ze6i F ulF uJF C)oz a u)zo F ,itrzt)AH =uJo> IU6oozFU) UJ tIJ E8 UJ IIJ FF IJJ IIJFF JJl:lJ- tr UJ trJ uJ tu IL x = an rJ(! 6\6 ci +J ..{ .d($o > r-r .(!lLn {J(lq) {-) C) ob0 o o ,.t3 '.t +J l,(,)o(l) d(H -{E} )(J-rF0) d c 99q ;; cd ..r O o o,1(, -o O.,-r[! c! {J q,{ o itc) R- F 0) t{b0 x x C)x(6 (J 0) b0 >. VI xoxd (J 0) ($ bt) x (! vl x C)x.d o t{ b0 x o xq)x 0) h0 x >r c)x (J (d x dvl x c)x o troo >. 'x 6)x () z, 2t- (-) <cE o-x:= +€+.ro, .L 1'- + !9 r- =z=g€2z= =Q I !4 \o @ >== =2?o o.l F.. s 6 M) r\ GI rn I lE=-= .l=; = sc:.o- o oI o=Q E @ @ @ @ € u1 !a Ln 14 rJ''ln 1r') v) z.+ O-;-trf-E55F .rt Q.) Oti 'Ft O b0 .'.1 0).ro ch l* l.rr o lC Ir Irr C, I r.{ C) Ct{ ..'l O OFr v o(l w vl 4) .,-t r/) Iv tio .Ft $ v q o ,.1 ro g I vl c) lF-l";lr l."iotq F- |a oo 'Fl o qo =zl- c{!o s i | -. I Il\o I I / I I I I I I I I I I I"lPIol 3 rl..r l-t If8l,.{ trl<'sl c trlc rulto Ii- OOI li +1 I tq' 'J II (nl I o.r cllo.qll€)vl letllq dllo+l li; cl lr' cO II-lto Il|rr ItE Ito Il'l = it;;-e Ei= E;;3:'!9eE ; !i;9E €taI6i'!6: :; tEE9 E gE !:3:5 9 i=Et:3iee igic!ifii iE;e EEi;iis:r q a: E F6!.i E=;2:226 r:6iEE;5Zg c EEisii I i SiisriEE =3ZA FE J tto U)luzY =.l-|- uJ F U) 6 =94(ou)- 3A<o&< l! lL H9 =F-r uJz= ZY:z ZZ:o =i)tr=?oUJ() l.L t|.oo uJ LIJ zz zz UJ UJ FF x +J J tatr tl.l 'o F =q P€oz9vaF CL(! Zo = 6\0Frn<Ol tr c..l ? 6 6i i-< l'- ri UO ct o * sd (JE E ii:6 EJ'r,5-j E>..YO.Or i; -r tr€tr-{O : cB..t9 : 62 nra:-otr<. 1 O.-. or - .-i Qt 5 =(!xo. r! >' gt.o9cEq *E€;OU' o LlJ th I CE(h € I oP (,(Jc) td ,r coO >\O rn.Froo'O C 3laooc IE oE F- >. o\o F(l cO.iC|J(! (^c) ..= -t: (! +r CO l! F J4(d 3 a tr c)b0 F tf ao uJ q 0) (! 0) (! ']J (! o o o ol sl ==E=Q z. o>q) =>2-==q =-E I I I I UJ FI =!2o a6<oo-< l! t!oo Ho>tr-! t!zz t'.o.AFJ2=Y#e ;3urZzkb :0 =E = [zl-,iSotrEE fi E gPooAEcrEU; H Hz>9il 226 22rr<OlJuJ h ti E iti -? 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GRAVTY QDtr^rCrar GRAVTTY Q9Fartrt^ GRAVITY cuivES 2.80 2,70 2.60 \ \ \ \ LOCATION :on-site excavation nateri a1 MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIPSHOLE NO:ntrDTl.J.SAI,,4PLE NO : SON- DESCBIPTON clayey s andy grave I Chen & Associates MAx. DFIY DENSTTY : 131.5 pCF OpT. MO|ST. COT{TENT : 8.0 %PBOCEDUFE: ASTM D-698 Method D LIOUID LII,IIT :29 PLASTICTTY T'\DEX :9 JOB r.lO. : 4 434 89 FG. NO. 1cRAvEL : 46 7 .o"o, 1sl snr orlo iiiv azool : 2L y.DArdt July, 1989 S LEVE AN ALY SIS|rYDROMEI EC AN AL Y SIS !r s si '50 ' I L ai;1 ra:;s 2a HR 60 l.'llN r9 Mrlt 4 MrN a0 '30 :a r0 20 30 40 50 o z_ (.) 119 23E20 DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MII-LIMETERS CLAY TO SILT GRAVEL 46 LIOUID LIMIT SANO s andy 33 o,o SILT at'lD CLAY PLASTICITY INDEX z! oia SAMPLE oF c I ayey gravel FROM On-Sj.te excavation material 24 45 HR ]5 MIN r 'ME 60 MIN 19 MrN 4 MtN I l,f lN J S S'I ANDAFD S:5i:S '50 '40'30 '16 tt z o -v2 mo 70 071 r49 DIAMETER OF 297 | 590 119 P38 42 PARTICLE ?0 MILLTMETERS cllY 1o srLT GRAVEL % SILT AND CLAY PLASTICITY INDEXLIOUID LIMII SAMPLE OF FROM I.']YDROMETER ANALYSIS SIEVE ANALYSIS 4 434 89 Chen-Nortfrn, lnc.GRADATION TU RESULTS Fig. 2 aa-r-?o I I I I Il- oa-..r Xpl : €tFt< I I I I I I I Il-lota hi Pot 6 6! s bd .9(dl u-*l ;l i ,________.____j c {J(n (.) k = P P oo.r{ O ..+J+rU)O ..{ tr fi ()O{JFrCo <.'-{ 6 0.AtrhPE r_) tJ) .OO .0) <)t-d =.rox ..i ..r o -- tr 0) CA ,d (l E l! oF Ol @ 00 IF\ -o .5 (! o ci: o +rlu1l !?l:lYI I|{lql '!: I -l I El .l I I I o' o !: E<l (D 3i trd (D o3 l! l.. o c r.1 rif Fl = o B F lJ.l = =zI or" al q \tL o I L.l -{slFI l li N F zgJ Fo uJ =U' anul c Eo() _l 00rl :l Ti i I I rT i: IT <t) q)F o (E E Is c..l IT\ oqr <: o o @ol olql It otlotl etl$il ll II.,I FIo,zl UJ .E.F]u, 2 6qJ' Eqt '.o q) oo T co I6 Ic\ -= rt q) cl I I t; .9 ou- o I U) E lJ- q) +J ul2L l- rh<tr=;px =E EE (r! c{ x o zIl.o =9o5b (EE H6Z-^ >ooz ss tO .rt od, O(J (! t=66 tr<=Zo.ccF\ It ..Z-+ OFzi. 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F (J trd b4 {J F-r O<O u7 o 'l I)4,d +J Fl(Jl {)t€oH '.r r-=i CJO IFitr'J<.-ici co|Jl 5fr|oltrco 1 ': {rrnl O Ftto c#'oL)oi dJ''-c l l4 C)14 ; iEi 5e E 9.=9:E ;I3 5EE9sv: i::;E ::3PE;:;i E5€ ! 9:_*€ 9 ==E5! 3ie9 !!iE iEgEiEi a i:iE: i r= E e:E rie€-iE: i iEEi;:o5::i*E9l 5 !e6i vl 0) 'o(.) doe4 tn(4 'O t.d Ftl =l!o a UJz FOZTfF z tr O =tO 'v)o6 h=- U, tqcr u>H3As <O5 L< z t!|J-o ooz tro< H9H =i; 2-= xx !np +., =. .ri .rl Ze 22 fE 66 oL! oQ zk r..F> 33 =€ ooz vv F!l o.tr 2F;o 'rJr = ;:;: \JZ, == n Y tid ulu +J{J G) Z V)Asl --F o\6 o\G< rno OO or or Zt!ouJul(].o->OF \ ooFt'r O oo N qo I okF- (JO (f, F{c.<Oo ; cnCJI E e.: !-:iU) E E.E FX.Y0)^ €o !f, i-O : € 'F{s : 6)o s - o-cu< _..r asO=cJXo, rJ- >i t! , t)- :l.=€E€-o|r') gJ c c,) q,q, cA c) trq) q)(J d) (! lrco() >\O r/.) €tr3lnoo3 r = o.o N >. O\O F.1 .E CO.-i O +rC: (^o 4c (;+J€.J ,- a VAIL VALLEY }IEDICAL CEI{TER ADDITIONS & ALTERATIONS VAIL, COLORADO GEJCC 8903 July 24, 1989 Phll Harris, GE Johnson Construction Company Dan Feeney Vai] Va] ]ey Medical Center Brenda Harper Vail Valley Medical CenterSklp Spenst Fisher, Reece & JohnsonPhil Harrls GE Johnson Construction Company Jack Thomas GE Johnson Construction CompanyJeff l{iederaenders GE Johnson Construction Company EEJOHITiON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PROJECT: JOB NO.: DATE: PREPARED BY: PERSONS ATTENDING: SEHEDUlE Setting up for ba'l last removal at scheduled for t{ednesday. Bierbach Opened several column connections. cleaned up. 30 ton crane will be on the Job today. GENERAL DISCUSSION No. Date Descri otion 1) 07/10/89 Can slab forms be stripped earller than fourteen (14) days, ifstrength requirements are met?07/17/89 Submit form design drawings for review by Structural Engineer. ACTION: GEJCC 2) 07/10/89 Pouring sequence and construction Joints at slabs need to besubmitted for approval. ACTION: GEJCC 3) 07/10/89 coordination drawings are required as soon as possible, per Sections 1S010, paragraph 1.09, and 16010, paragraph 1.0S. ACTION: WRAY/RIVIERA P O Box 2139 (irrcxado Sprnes. Cclorado 80901 r.iepnone (/ 1.9),173-5321 :10 S. Fourteenth Street E09O4 roof. Form'ing grade beam at Stair C. pourwill be scheduled for Tuesday afternoon. Courtyard work is complete and- being .r - t '.'. QEXEBAL DIS9US€IAI (conti nued) No. Date Description 4) 07/10/89 A better breakdown of simplex estimate is required. submitmaterial and 'labor for each syst€m devjce. ACTION: RIVIERA 5) 07/10/89 Coordinat'ion meetlng with Town of Vail officials and majorsubcontractors wilI be held T/24/99 at 10:30 AM. ACTION: RESOLVED 6) 07/17/89 Where mechanica'l equlpment can be standardized, mechanicalcontractor needs to do so or submit cost to make equipment the same as existing. ACTION: RESOLVED 7) 07/17/89 Resubmit mix design on Lab 'letterhead for 3000 psl and highearly mi xes. ACTION: B & B 8) 07/17/89 send sub and supplier dlrectory to ob,ner and Architect. ACTION: RESOLVED 9) 07/24/89 One (1) column connector does not have coils and di'rection is needed. ACTION: FRJ 10) 07/24/89 Remodel work on second floor needs to be delayed unti'l afterskl season. As much rough-in work as possib'le can be done, Rooms 2046 and 2015 are involved. ACTION: GEJCC 11) o7/24/sg A "No smoking" policy will be required in alI remodel areasand during fl n.l sh stages of new interjor work. ACTION: GEJCC/ALL SUBS Week'ly Coordlnation Meeting l'linutes f3July 24, 1989 Page Two VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER ADDITIONS & ALTERATIONS VAIL, COLORADo 12)07/24/89 If asbestos shingles are removed without cutting or breaking, GEJCC will remove and have colorado Vintage come in to removematerial from the Job and dispose. Colorado Vlntage wil.lprovide an air mon.ltor. Intake fans may have to be shut down. ACTION: GEJCC 07/24/89 Fire sprinkJer drawings need to be approved by rso and cator Ruma before submitting to Town of Vail. ACTION: NOTHHAFT/GEJCC 13) Weekly Coordination Meeti ng MinutesJuiy 24, 1989 Page Three GENEEAL0$0USSIAN ( cont i nued ) No. Attendees: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER ADDITIONS & ALTERATIONS VAIL, COLORADO s3 Date Descrlotion MEETING BETI{EEN TOWN OF VAIL OFFICIALS & SUBCONTRACTORS MoNDAY, JULY 24, 1989 10 : 30 Al.l Ed Kemerl ing John Alllson Don Chaney Michael McGee Sk'i p Spenst Phi I Harris Jack Thomas Jeff f{iederaenders Dale Young Chuck Dunlap Harold Nothhaft Hector Hinejos Ken Rogers Gary Murrain Dan Feeney Brenda Haroer Casey Bul lock Chris Cook Kurt Vogelman Jerry Devl in Matt Dev l 'l n Airway, Inc. Delta Drywall, Inc. De]ta Drywall, Inc.Fire Marshal Fisher, Reece & Johnson GE Johnson Construction Company GE Johnson Construction Company GE Johnson Construction Company GE Johnson Construction Company Gump Glass Nothhaft & Son, Inc. Riviera Electric, Inc. Riviera Electric, Inc. Town of Vai l Vai'l Val ley Medical Center VaiI Valley Medical Ceriter Vogelman West Associates Vogelman t{est Associates Voge'lman West Associates Wray Plumbing & Heat'lng Wray Plumbing & Heating 1) 07/24/8s 2) 07/24/8e Dan Feeney said that work starts at 7AM and loud no.ise workshould be done 8AM and after. Outages must be coordinatedvl'lth VVMC. Deliveries are to be made at the west end of thehospital, which 'is the same area as patience and ambulanceaccess. V\4,lC must be not.ifled in advance if these areas areto be closed off. Rich Meyers is the parklng lot attendant. WMC will not al 'low worker parking onsite. Offsite parking isone-half block away at Lions Head structure. Phil Harris noted that hard hats must be worn for safetyreasons, no soft shoes will be allowed, etc. Subcontractors and all GEJCC personnel must abide by this stipulation. Extraprecautions. as to noise and care of equipment and avoidance ofbelng a nuisance to WMC people and patients must be taken.Project poses coordination prob'lems. No. 3) Weekly Coordination Meetlng Minutes S3 JuIy 24, 1989 Page Four AEIEBAL DISQUS$IoN (cont i nued) VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER ADDITIONS & ALTERATIONS VAIL, COLORADO Date Descriotion 07/24/89 Jack rhomas said that dellveries shou]d be done as soon aspossible during the day as the W.lC gets busier as the dayprogresses. The hours of operation are 7AM to 4:30pM. Faci'l jties inside WMC are not for construction use; exteriortoilets are to be used. parking is located on the other sideof the ice arena. Jack stated that safety meetings are on Mondays at 12:30pM, after lunch. Foremen's meetings are 9AMon Tuesdays. 40' trailers are very difficult to move .in andout of the lot. Contact Jack ahead of time. Contact Jackalso before any truck comes as there may be others in the way. 07/24/89 Dan Feeney lndicated that the stairway can be used foraccess. Parking at Lions Head is $4/day in the wintertime. Other off-town parking lots are free with shuttte. 07/24/89 Phil said that project management meetings will be held on Mondays at gAM. 07/24/89 Gary Murrain announced that all subs must be licensed unlessthey are licensed w.ith the Town of Vai 'l . Constructjon overthe occupied space will be c'losely overseen. An abtion planfor evacuation of the hosp.ita'l is needed. The safety of thepeople in the hospital is of first concern. The s.ite must bemaintained, kept c]ean, with overhead protection and walkways. 07/24/89 Mike McGee said that when using temporary heat, propane willnot be al'lowed inside the structure. Natural gas is provided;it has been used ln this area quite wel'l before. Same-dayinspection service .is not available. In response to aquestion by Riviera regarding the fire alarm system as-bui'lts, Mike stated that as-bu.i lts must be presented to the Fire Department prior to test.i ng. 07/24/89 Gary Murrain said that 24-hour not.ice is needed forinspections. Monday, l{ednesday and Fr.iday are inspection days. 07/24/89 Mike McGee specified that smoke detectors and fire alarms mustbe protected at the exlstlng bui'ldjng so false alarms are notset. O7/24/Sg Gary Murrain pointed out that buses as well as emergencyvehicles geue! be held up. 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) e) 10) l{eekly coordinatlon Meet'ing Minutes s3 vArL vALLEy MEDI0AL CENTERJuly 24, 1989 ADDITIONS & ALTERATIONSPage Five VAIL, coLoRADo GENEBAI-0I9CUSSI9X ( cont i nued ) No. Date Descr'lption 11) 07/24/s9 Gary Murrain noted that HVAC and plumbing lnspectlons will behandled by the Town of Vail w.ith one-dayts notice, five daysper week. 12) 07/24/89 M'l ke McGee said that a speciaf inspector will be used formedical gasses. 13) 07/24/89 According to Gary Murrain, Town of Vail inspectors will be]ook'i ng at ratios for electrlc and prumbing. One journeyman and one apprentice, etc. slg[Ilrals The following subm'ittals have been transmitted to the Architect and arecurrently outstanding: ITEM SUB OATE DESCRIPTION w5 07/17/89 conresco - Drawing R-3: stair c and columns to roof ,second Iift columns, bending detaiI specifjcat{ons. The next meetlng v1l1 be held Tuesday, July 31, i999, at 9:00 AM. If this is not a true and accurate ref'lection of the meeting minutes, pleasecontact GE Johnson Construction Company's main office in writing within two(2) days of recelpt. DISTRIBUTION: AI'l Attendees Nothhaft & Son, Inc. Riviera Electric, Inc. Wray Plumbing & Heating 9004n/1svt/8903.07c (,, q). FroF-l'd g>hEO P '.{ o -ql ;. F o-ro P .r{6d E 6>.q "{r-, tlo l.r:.icoH cd +) ixo(/)lll(J o G ti o IIJ qt o d5 u) ,n O)-oos;a'NI <. F\ dAz:^: (-)cJr. /tp cac) I (t) ca € () {J oou x>O 'F{.-{ tr l.rd OOoo.,-r tr- 3€ Ott0) tr'E, rr1E cJ c! \oo ru r-{x =ooc).ri !t,r-l>oO F,r F.it +) ti ti{ CB +J€ (!><Fi> zil = < - :t .J ; .:. E OJ CtF6 3B tto -n.l ^ .1 FN I . tl I ltI + =tl I l. tttr! | = =l - I - =; .l b bl ;.' | 6di EEi :l tr2sl €€l :l 2*;l 361 -lEsl irl ;l EF| ==l -l Fg | ^ ^l >.1 .:: :x I rEl (Jl .gd - '.r l- : :l I t. ^2. 16.6al I Iixltr=ll...olk 'O c't l< O. lZ I ulcot $r, l= rn lo l- rl F ggl5? lE-16ffI lrr C\{ l- lF ol2- 4 l= lil? lS Li-' 9 o :lE r €lE cip x, i :.iiF !si: :lE iE I lJdsI J tnJl o o ao rl- i I i I I "d 6t'I cil l.{ (E +J J +) +, tr+roo.i{ o .^P+)t/|o..l|r tr OO+J htr U) <.H (J O tlt(n oEc(n O.F{tr h+) EFl btn .tJO .o o li (d = .'.1 .Fl FGoGl!Goot!GooGG i I I l- hl@HR5l ;.q9xo- t< I I I I I J hl hol: 613b0P6t \.,*l; -l I I F{ c) @ @ o .E t€c{ I F- -o o F o(l I I (! E E ;o o o o @ o +.J.r{ I , aho(,) o o 3 CIo I t. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I bd .-: I 'r'11 al,l +rl.l YI'il AI I,tl {)| 1lEI vl Yi-t I or' 2t r5: <1glOl =l u- ln @ E 0)F x.d r-l x +Jfrd o (! (|, B IL co EqtF .9 .'j F. s '6 = o3 $ rr) .! c; E (! F E rnrn F c{ (\.l o o o o i: E E rlrl I (l)L o,..>i:l ol C.lia N z o F q ln I F(,z EFU' oout r =o F I uJ3 =z:) i I F] () +.)q C) cn )z E ss =() P +J trt,oo.HO..+,+JOO .'< lrttc)t Oq)+JF.C(,) < .'.{ occ ln l/| O 'rltrF:P EF{ bootr.oosJ o(J' (.) C)lr (d = |,oX ..r.Ft o -- .A cool o E F GT F{ x (D o FG UJGooutG(,o ol G]:lol o, (EIql =lEIfl r!l>i o o o z I I I I I I I I Iol orlccl I -lt{ | Trlol b0l(gl I I>i C0l I I ool JINlrlF. l Iolo; 6iol xl I I ti .9 u- z Eu.q) +J I !20>ul<k =E0q<loc{II =g E.9 o: o oo \o$ (Do .d .d v -\d IbO Fl c!o 2.22o'', a <o. =Et.)oc! 4du 9EE irr-Eur6'aF.o Io:(;JY.qJ E: ltF- € d j GI M) u, iz r-l dz F x.r{ x <do .9 o o Ir bo Fl P U)q) 3 P F{ z(| +J ul 0) = 0) C) lx d o () .F{ b0 'r{& Hd Fi 3 zo F = tl.z Ggl z J o zo F =otlz F uJvo F () F 6 z 9 F o -JFzur Eut(, & o o =xo. F{O '-,i €ct(c9>t< =oP.do -ar ) F O.rO +J ..{6(Bp F>O.r -o in r', I(d+ri str= xc)cilll(J r-.{ tu o o U' Ec6 oo qI .g coo (t) I CJ ct)(a oB c) I '"\r-tI{1.@l .t o r/1; Owl o rl9'l o.frE{*tJ o --. I ( J.-* 69 //t^ <. I iV F) F\\ € c..l q. F- tidi\ ^9;(!;o o,u o()(J x>tl, 'r{.e.Crl(d tua(J il,..i tr 3€ OF. E c! cd \oO Otix E00o.Fl fi +JFrE !aO.! o(J -i Ft d+rco(d><Fi> 6F t 75 south fronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (3Cl) 479'2138 (303) 479'2139 April 20, L990 Plan Review Notes: VaiI Valley !{edical Center Parking Structure L81 West Meadow Drive office of community development Contractor: G.E. Johnson Perrnit # lzes Building Type II-FR Plan review based on 1985 editions of U.B.C., 1987 edition of N.E.C.. U.P.C., U.M.C. and The following list of iterns are deficient in rneeting the minimurn code reguirernents adopted by the Tovtn of Vail. Please Subnit revisions and corrections for approval prior to construction in these areas. L.) Mechanical ventilation exhaust system for closed parking garages (U.B.c. sec. 705) in insufficient in its design. Current design: 3 fans e 4750 cfn = L4250 cfrn based on 8800 sq.ft. Required design: 3 fans € L5,200 cfm = 45600 cfn based on 30,200 sq.ft. 2. ) Second Exit out of Lowest level of parking garage is over l-5Or travel distance. Provide passage to stair tower c-L to rneet ninirnum requirernents for U.B.C. sec. 3303 d. 3.) Provide details on stai:lray identification per U.B.c. sec. 3305 q. VaiI Valley Medical Center Parking Structure 4.) Stair guardrail\handrail details do not meet mininumcode requirements. U.B.C. sec. l.ZlL reguires openingsnot to be larger than 6rr in any one direction. Detailson palte A-9 show 7-l/8n. 5.) Provide stair barrier for stairway c-t and c-2 as reguiredby U.B.C. sec. 3306 h. 6. ) Elevator hoistway vent opening appears to vent through theelevator rnachine room. This is not allowed per U.B.C.sec. 5105. In addition provide a fire darnper L-L/2 t,.r.for shaft wa11 penetration. Provide and submit detailson this issue. 7.1 Fire Alarn pending Fire Department approval . 8.) Fire sprinkler system pending Fire Department approval . 9. ) owner to provide Special Inspections as required by U.B.C.sec. 306. Subnit schedule of Special Inspections for approval . 10.) Location of drainage pipe frorn parking structure to creekto be deterrnined on site with Dan Feeney and T.O.V. staffbefore pipe is installed. Dan Feeney is responsible forcontacting Kristan Pritz to review pipe location. Willowsmust be preserved along creek. 11.) South-east corner Site stair to Vail National Bank parkingIot is to rernain or be rebuilt with the addition ofsidewalk extending south along hospital access drive.Verify sidewalk location and design with T.O.V. staffbefore construction. L2.) Precast concrete pipe exhaust ducts are to have a topfinish grade of 12tr above finish grade. 13. ) Add one parking space between existing anbulance buildingand new parking structure. J.4.) Angle parking lines opposite direction in Double Treeeast Parking 1ot. Vail Valley Medical Center Parking Stnrcture 15.) Provide d.rainage of top 1evel parking Etructure to sand,and o11 trap. Area between grid line H to c & 2 to 4. 16.) The parking Etructure shall be constructed as approvedby the DRB. If there are any questions concerning these issues or other itemsplease feel free to caII. Joe Norris Plans Exaniner Town of VaLl