HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT E F VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER FIRE SPRINKLERS PLASTIC SURGEON LEGALl/al /"i,/o7* /1h' 2 //afi E F /ar/Q'.;">dlet/..lUrUo tto;t SpreirKlecs 5 fu-/ba-,erzl I ADAMS AUTOMATIC CO. FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACTOFI EQUIPMENT SUBMITTAL DATA J FOR VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CTR. o a 5345 MARSHALL ST. ARVADA, COLORADO 8OOO2 PHONE 422-4950 Model rfA" Cenler Sfrul /[utomotic Sprinkler .G UPRIGHT PENDENT EULL ETIN AS.A Rev. No. 7 o o List€d by: Underwriters Laboratories, lnc' U nderwriters' Laboratories of Canada Approved by: FactorY Mutual B.S, & A. of New York CitY DescriPtion' Op€ration Technical Data Central Sprink ler CorPorat ion 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 362-0700 o Description Orn" Central Model "A" Center Strut Sprinkler em- braces the ultimate in aesthetic appeal and design features. lt is among the smallest sprinklers in size made today being only 1/2" wide and 2lz" long. When installed in the pendent position, it is less noticeable than most other sprinklers and does not detract from the beauty of the ceiling. Operotion A fusible alloy is sealed into a bronze center strut by a stainless steel ball. When the alloy melts, the ball is forced upward into the center strut releasing the two ejectors and operating the sprinkler. Unlike most other sprinkler designs, the alloy is not exposed to atmosDheric conditions which could possibly affect its proper operation and it is less susceptible to mechanical injury since there are no protruding links or levers. 't Technicol lloto Sty le Nominal Oritice Size Thread Size N.P.T, ,,K., Faclor Available Temperature Ratings Co lor Painred On F.ame Arms F inishes Available Upright or Pendent '17lQ"lz!mml 3t4"8.1 1350 F 57 .20 C 1550 F 740 C 212. F 10(P c 2860 F r4to c Black None Whiie Blue Fectory Bronza Polished Chromc Satin Chrome 'Wax 'Lead 'Wax over Lead "White Enamel Upright or Pendent 17132" l2Omml 1t2"7 .76 Upright or Pendsflt t/2"( lsmml 1t2"5.6 Upright or Pendent "'7 t 16"112"4.24 ) Upright or Pandenr ltz'2.65 'Wax and Lead coatings available lor 1650 and 21? sprinklers only "Whit€ Enameltinish not U.L. listed or F.M. approved...Not F.M. approved ""Not U.L. listed in 135o ""'F.M. approved in upright only Nore: 3/8", 7 / 16" and '17l32" oritice with 1/2" LP -f . sprinklers identified bv Dintle on defleclor Q,.iversal Wrench - use for Pendent Sprinkler ORDERING INFORMATION Specify: Ouantity and StYle Orif ice and Thread Sizes Terpperature Hating Finish Ouantity - SPrinkler Wrenches Note: lt is important, that the proper Central Sprinklor wronch is us6d to insiall Central Sprinkl6rs. The uss of any other type of wrsnch may result in damage to the sprinkler. Flat Wrench - use for Upright Sprinkler 3182Printed in U.S.A. o o Model #88 3.50" 3.5o', 1.87" (ln closed position) JENCO FRICTION ADJUSTABLE SPHINKLER HEAD COVEH 2" lo 3" adjustable dePth 31/2" diameler coverage tended position) CORPORATION o --.Afl COUPLINGS For Grooved End IPS PiPe STYLE 77 STANDARD GOUPLING 'Worklng Pros3uro, End Lold rnd Movement figures ere ba36d on standard st€ol PlPe, standard cul -- groovcd'in accordance wlth Vlctsullc lp€clficetlons (pago 56) Reror to Vlcirullc Plplng Design Manual tor performrn@ on other PlP6. iAltow|bto Pipe End Scprrallon and D6tlactlon tigur$ tor standard roll groovad llsol plps will b€ ono-hall tha vlluer lllted lboYtf Styl! 78 coupllng. @ No cqulvlllnt mctrlc aizo. llomlnrl Slzr lncirt mm Plpl 0.0. lnchrr mm llrr.Wk. Prrtturo PSI lil P, lllrr. Erd Lord Ibr.' 1l Allow, Plpo End Sop.In.'t mm 0!llsc{lonfrome't CouDlln[ 0lmonsloot Ippror. Wl. Et. Lb!. X! Por Couplln0 0e0resE Plpo ln./ Foot mn/nrlGl lnchrr illlllmot6rr Yt 20 t.0m 26.9 1000 6.8 6DJ 3,849 0-16 G3.2 6"-47 1.43 36.3 21h 54.0 gla 92,1 1f, 44.4 1.3 0.6 I ?5 1.315 33.7 1000 6.0 1,360 6.052 0-lt G3.2 5'-26'1.14 n.0 Zls 60.3 31h 98.4 1f, 14.4 1.4 0.6 lYt g2 1.6m 42.4 1000 6.8 2,16{) 9.612 vYr 0-3.2 4'-19 0.90 n.0 Zla 66.7 {:t 1r7.5 1lt 44.4 2.1 1.0 tth 10 1.9m 48.3 1000 6.8 2,83s 12.616 ch 0.3.2 3'-46',0.79 m.1 J 76.2 127 .0 t'la 14.4 2.3 1.0 2 50 2.375 60.3 1000 6.8 4,430 19,714 0-lt 0-3.2 tr-1',0.63 16.0 37e 92.1 +Yr t42.9 t7t 44.4 z.l 1.2 zth DI 2.8t5 73.0 1000 6.8 6,490 28.8m vk 0-3.2 3-29'0.52 13.2 41/t 108,0 6Y1 158.8 1ft 44.4 .8 1.7 3 0.0.# 65 3.000 76.1 1000 6.8 7,070 31.462 tr)6 0-3.2 ?-23'0.50 45/s 109.5 6Xo r60.3 lft 44.4 3.8 1.7 3 80 3.5q) 88.9 1000 6.8 9,620 42.809 (}16 0-3.2 t-3'0.43 10,9 127.0 T 171.8 1lt 44.4 4.2 1.9 3th @ 4.000 @ 1000 6.8 12,565 55,9r4 tr16 0-3.2 1048 0.38 9.5 g/6 142.9 I 203.2 11, 44.4 5.0 The standard of the line, Style 77 is available in a broad range of IPS sizes for varied services. The housing has ribbed conslr.uction to Provide maximum slrength wilhout unnecessary weight. The couPling is capable of working Pressures uP to 1000 psi (6.8 MPa) depending on size and is suitable for buried or exposed services. Housings may be ordered hot dip galvanized or specially coated. Couplings are also available in Style 76 for certain OD pipe sizes. Style 77-A is cast of aluminum alloy tor lightweight service and lower Pressures in 1" (25 mm) lhrough 8" (200 mm) sizes. Style 77-S is available in TYPe 3O4 slainless steel in 1" (25 mm) through 16" (400 mm) sizes. Consult Victaulic tor details. a tm tl.5ql 111.3 1(p0 6.E 15,900 70,755 g'Yt 0.6.4 3F-11',0.60 16.9 6% 161.9 8k 2t5.9 2 50.8 t.o 5 t25 5.563 141.3 000 6.0 24,300 108.135 o'/1 0-6.4 x-35',0.54 13.7 7sls 193.7 10Y1 260.4 50.8 11.5 5.2 0 t50 6.625 168.3 1000 6.8 34,470 153.392 o'Ye 0-6.4 f-10'0.46 11.7 o 228.6 111h 292.1 2 50.8 13.5 6.1 0rr 0.0.t r50 6.5q) 165. I 1000 6.8 33,r85 147,664 o'Y1 0-6.4 x-12 0.46 11.7 9Yro 233.4 111h N2.l 2t/n 52.4 13.0 5.9 8 ?00 E.625 219.1 800 5.4 46,740 207,993 o-Yt 0-6.4 1.40',0.35 8.9 llYs 288.9 14rh JOO.J 2% tru,J 23.0 10.4 t0 250 10.750 2n.0 800 5.4 73,280 326.096 o-]/. 0-6.4 1"-20', 0.28 7.1 13k 342.9 16Y. 425.4 2k DJ,f 31.0 14.1 t2 300 12.tfl 3?3.9 800 5.4 102,0m 453,900 0-/. 0-6.1 1"-T 0.24 6.0 151h 393.7 19 482.6 2k 63.5 35.0 15.9 t4 350 14.0m 355.6 3{X) 2.0 46,180 205,501 a'Y1 0{.4 10-2'0.u 5.5 loTs 42?.8 20 508.0 zlo 73.0 4'1.0 18.6 t5 @ 15.0m @ 3{X) 2.0 53,000 235,850 o'/l 0-6.4 00-57'0.20 5.1 1vh 454.0 ztfa 539.8 2t/a 73.0 44.0 20.0 tI ilo0 16.0{X) 106.4 300 2.0 60,320 268,424 o'Yt G6.4 0"-54',0.19 4.8 19 182.6 zryr 568.3 zrh 73.0 49.0 22.2 't8 @ 18.000 @ 300 2.0 76,340 3119.713 o'Yt 0{.4 tr48',0. t6 1.2 21Y. 539.8 ?4la 619.1 3l/s 79.4 65.0 4.5 zg 500 at.uru 508.0 3{'0 2.0 94,qro 4r8,300 u-Yr 0{.4 f4l'u.'t 5 3.8 23k 596.9 zth 698.5 3 86.0 39.0 22 @ n.w @ 300 2.0 114,0fi' 507.300 o-Yt 0.6.1 0'-38',0.14 3.6 zrx 650.9 m 762.0 3h 79.4 90.0 40.8 24 60{r 21.000 609.6 zfi 1.7 113,000 50?,850 o'Yt 0{.1 0"-36 0.13 it,it ztfi 701.1 31ls 796.9 316 79.1 s3.0 42.2 r ?810 @ 28.875 733.4 150 1.0 s8,250 437.212 o-Yt 0-6.4 tr-30'0.11 2.8 3? 812.8 35l,i 901.7 3h 79.1 95.0 43.1 fI0 @ 31.0m 787.4 150 1.0 r13,250 503,962 o'Yt 0-6.{ tr-28'0.10 2.5 3rl7o 873.1 Slfl 958.8 qg 92.1 135.0 6t.2 10 No.so No.sl llominal Slrs lnch?8 lfll to. Sllt Concrnlrlc Seduclt ilo.5l (sl Eccentrlc Reducer EIOE ln./nrnr W0t.El Ib./kq EloE ln.,/rrrlt Wgt. tr. Ib./to. lWrl 40r25 2h' t35 0.8 ().1 8k .r l) rl 4.5 ll 5.02 x7t 50r20 zth. 635 1.0 2xl 50r25 21h' 635 1.0 0ll Y ):)d t, 5.0 2xlt/t 50r3? ,tL, 635 1.2 iJ J Y :):it 6 5,0 ?2 2xlth 50 x .10 ,tL, 6:t .; 1.2 05 ?i8 6 5.0 )2 3x I 80r25 ti3 5 1.4 () l, sh lj.r r J J.J 1,5 3x2 80r50 2tL 635 1.60i sy, 7.|| 3 6.0?l XxZth 80 r ti5 .h 635 1.8 08 91h ?41 .1 7.0 .t? 3|/t x3 1,iir l0 21h 635 2.0 09 sk t,4 | .J /.J .l .1 4xl l00 r 125 3' 162 2.4 t.1 10 25.1 0 8.0 36 4xlth 100 | 40 10 251 0 8.0 3.6 4x2 100 | lU 3' t62 z.J l1 10 2iy1 0 8.0 36 lrzh lmr65 3' 16.2 z.o 12 10 zJl0 8.0 36 4r3 100 x 80 3' 762 2.8 13 10 25,1 0 8.0 36 4xlk 100 r L',,i62 3.0 t4 10 25,1 0 8.0 36 SxZW 125 r L5 11 2t9.1 r0.0 45 5x3 125 r 80 11 279,1 10.0 ,t5 5r4 125 t I00 3h 889 4.5 20 11 : icl J 10.0 .l ir 6xl t50 x 25 4' t0t 6 25 1Ik .t(!.I I 15.0 6B 6x2 150 r 50 4' 101 6 5.5 1lk .)9,'l 15.0 {i 8 6x2th 150 x 65 11t/2 :'92 | 15.0 08 6r3 150 x 80 4' tur tt 5./ 26 11k ?s2 | 15.0 b8 6r4 l50 r 100 4 lot 6 7.1 32 1'1,/2 ,)1]:' I 17.0 6x5 150 r 125 4 101 6 7.4 1lk ltJl I 17.0il 8x2th 200 r 65 12 ,;,J.1 21.0 ,)5 8x3 ?00 r 80 \i/u 9.2 4? 12 l1).1 22.0 t0 0 8x4 200 x 100 J r27 0 10.9 ,19 12 t/9.1 23.0 l0 4 8rS 200 r 125 1?7 0 11.8 5.1 12 ;)t9.1 23.0 104 8xE ?00 r 150 5 121 0 12.65l 12 :',9 .1 24.0 !09 S Steeli Steet eccentric rsduc€rs avlilable through 3Ginch, contacl Victaulic for dirnon!'ons' t Concsntric rsducer3 14" 8nd larger and 8ll 6cc€ntric r€ducerg aro st€€l' ; Availabla wilh male threlded small 8nd. No 52 @ No equivalent metric slze. Fttrti n llo. 52 Roduoodlllldld-ltttdlbd- Slze ln./nm Etot ln./mm wol. , th./lo lthrl 40x25 635 0.8 01 2xxh 50 x20 a'12 635 1.0 04 2xl 50r25 zh 635 1.0 0.1 2xlt/t 50 r32 ah 635 1.2 05 2xllh 50 r40 .h 635 1.2 05 3x I 80r25 ah 635 1.4 06 3x2 80r50 .h 635 1.6 07 3x?tl 80 r61 635 1,8 08 4rl 100 r 25 .t 76 I 2.4 !l 4x2 100 x 50 76 1 z.atl 4x?th 100 r65 76.l z.ol? 4xg 100 x 80 I 76 1 2.6 t? 6x I 150x25 101 6 5.5 25 6x2 150 r 50 4 tor 6 J.3 6x3 150 r 80 4 l0l 6 J.' 26 No. 50 No' 51 Lomln!l SlzB lnchBs m[] il0.50t ConIinlrlc Roduc8r fl0.51 {sl tc$ lrlc Reducor EtOE ln/ rnttt W0t. Et. Lb./tu Elot lnlrnrn lilgt. Ea. Lb./lq. l0r4 250 r 100 6 r52 { 18.0 82 t3 330 2 35.0 15I l0xE ?50 r 150 6 15:.' 4 23.0 t0 .1 13 330 2 36.0 t63 '10x8 250 r 200 o 152 4 33.0 15 0 13 330 2 JT.U 16B '12x4 300 r 100 14 355 6 47.0 2t3 l2r6 300 r 150 7lll I 25.0 3 14 355 6 48.0 2t8 12xB 300 x 200 7 177 I 36.0 16 3 14 355 6 49.0 222 l2x l0 300 r 250 7 17tI 38.0 t72 355 6 52.0 llo l4r6 350 r 150 13 330 2 60.0 2/?++ l4x8 350r200 13 3J0 2 60.0 27?++ l4x l0 350 x 250 13 3:10 2 60,0 272 + l4xlz 350 x 300 13 330 2 60.0 272 ++ l6r8 400 r 200 14 355 6 70.0 3t I -t- l6xl0 400 r 250 14 355 6 70.0 3t 8 ++ l6rl2 400 x 300 14 355 6 70.0 31 8 -r + l6x l4 400 r 350 14 355 6 70.0 31 I + l8x l0 (dr 250 15 38r 0 85.0 386 i + l8x l2 (.,r r 300 15 381 0 85.0 386 ++ 18xl4 @r350 1q 381 0 85.0 386 t + l8xl6 (d r 400 15 381 0 85.0 J86 + mrl2 500 r 300 20 508 0 125.0 56i t 20r14 500 r 350 20 508 0 125.0 56t ++ Ox 16 500 r 400 m 508 0 125.0 561 ++ mr 18 500 r (n) N 508 0 125.0 5{; /+ 24r l0 600 r 250 m 508 0 150.0 680 .l- 24t12 600 t 300 20 508 0 150.0 680 ++ 24r14 600 r 350 20 508 0 150.0 680 + 24r16 600 r 400 20 508 0 150.0 680 'f + 24r18 600 r (nl au 508 0 150.0 680 ++ 24x20 600 r 500 20 50lr 0 150.0 680 ++ No.48 llo.48 1l pse Llpph Slza ln./mm ItoE ln./mm wgt. ln./mm 3/t 20 3y1 82.6 0.3(s) 01 I 25 3h 82.6 0.4(s) 0.2 lVt 3? 3% 92 1 0.6(s) 03 lth 40 4 r01 6 0.8(s) 04 2 50 4% / 5 1.2(S) 05 2th 65 t,h 139 i 2.0(s) 09 ? 80 o 152 .1 3.4(S) t5 4 100 7U 't84 2 5.5(S) J 125 w 24t 6 8.0(s) 36 D r50 11 219 4 13.0(S) 59 I ?00 12U, 3r/5 24.0(S) t09 t0 25{t 14 355.6 s0.0(s) 13 6 t2 300 16 406 4 45.0(S) 201 (S)-Steel. 25 - -. -, -irl${.ali-nrrr, Plpe tx. tl tord Ibr.' tl Plpr 0.0. Inchrs Slzs Inch* fl)m ilax.lVl. Pr$sur! PSl. Ml'a Allow. Plpe tnd S!p. In. rnt STYLE 75 COUPLING tletlrctlon lromQ 't PNr x lYlz lnchot 0.43 lr'l 0.38 (11, u.oo Il.:l-0.60 - lr; 0.s4lr; 0.55 llrl 0.50ti . 0.46 - li t, 0.46 Iii 0.38 0,35 il I 0.30 0.25 Coupllng I In./Fool l.t,l I ?"375 60 .] 2.875 ;6 1 a.soo it8 I 4.md 500l.l 5mitt 500 3,1 4m 400 4.500 l1.r 3 5^563 t:19 ; -s.aoo tl1t, 6.0t0 b.025 1{)lt 3 6.500 t5 I Slyle 75 is available where moderate pressures are expected or \ reight considerations are a factor. Up to 50% lighter in weighl than the Style 77, the Style 75 coupling is recommended for service up to 500 psi (3.4 M Pa) depending on size. Couplings are also available in Style 74 for OD pipe sizes. Hot-dip galvanized and special coatings are available for all sizes. Fo, chart not€s reterlo those on pagg t 1. I Styl€ 74 coupling 4m 400 - 350 ?: 1 350 i1 350 .'l-3s0 ;'l Slze lnchss lnl DlmenslonrxlYiz lnchrs InclEs 6141, r5.' I I t;'rr ; 7ll51h rtt Ir lr r'r ;i,hl ay, 200 o l 161 3 nanges. | ,JJ I li;,,'l 1* 1 ,ifi;l,Tl trl,l4il,,,l,,'l9l;11 Style74lishinsedforeasyassembty. ll]la@l -250-l 3i,e2-0 1*12 | ,trq I rsl iz 2 [{l 2k 65 3 8n 3th 4 t00 4td o t?5 s'lo0. # 125 i B.2Bt] 20;4m ') | 002 zi:4bs ri2.31{; 39,584 r;6 1,1!r 0 6.1- v'n- 061 o-/t 0{i'l 06.l n-'n 0ri l 0-y, 0t;I 7-]/1 061 200 o ii.ri.l 250 Z0-.n# 300 qTTLES 741 AND 742VIC-FLANGE@ ADAPTER Srallnq Surfacs Ailax.l B ilar.0l Style - 741 Vic-Flange@ Adapter :vf-t rgo,' lrt' r-sl7k 22ll l; I r!r) 5 10 | ay, .51 ,) 12lr ,i 11 I 91/,Vic-Flange, f lange lo groove adapter I rro I ros j-l i;- | Ls-':;)- | u I rr1i.,;ir' l.;,; 'l,;'1permitsconnecrionof ftanged I 6irtr(i.l-t^5001-2S0 I -t.2g6l --o I fort6 | ri I sXcomponents inlo agrooved system. It59 l_11" t_.1 .1,. J .rr'.r';_I " I r''ii',ri:' j.'rlrr'i They lock into a standard groove and I q | 8.6251 250 | 14,600 I nl lox3th | 13kl 11il boll direclly to class 125 or ctass 150 L-lg l,!llt-]- '=a= | n r.nj!'_ l " I'nn'tt,,ltt't1 0'r 1 16 | 14t/. Slyle 742 is a sing le piece tlange with a tl+- 1-{J.9, I t; I I't2o't'r | '' Ir:zx tot0lttt,:t; lt:tl I splif melal ring which mates with the lStyle - 742 Vic-Flange Adapter groove and lhe flange housing. The speci1l gasket for both styles seats on l__lq_ Lfqo j r; I r;r rsn | '' lzst, rrTrf,,,1 'l:,:i'."1 .u;l the pipe end and directty to rhe marins | .l-6 | 16.00q 750 J 50.255f 16 | - txfi1, I zSyl 2tyrl ty,uflangeface. - I 4q0= I406r_l r;__l_2'.t6,4 I '"l2srtrrtrl"xi il. r',; l.r'r'' The Vic-Flange gasket must atways be l_q l-_y__l !r I ilr ans I 'o lrn.ii r.iii f , -, I .--"1 i,', assembled with the cotor coded tip on | 20 l 20.ImJ 250 I 78:5{0 l-r;1 lihxiy. I ZtWl ZS I tthepipeandlheotherlipfacingthe I 590, | fl81.1 l._ I ill-snl=l '" l.'.'rt,ilr.,'"'. 1"'r'l r, i' mating flange. - | z4 | 24.00q 250 J 113.1001 )il l,/oxry,- | 32 1 29hl z .workingPressureandEndLoadligUresa.6b$edon.;G;d;;a;G;iEF;:G;d* yJ,:1,""Y:':,i'1"'J:3::rfl:^*T::]f:T'l:I""T-:l-"ll"j!ge and roiaipitcatons whrci are recommended and rhose nor.ecomm€nded. sryre 742 rcquies 60 1 1..67i ;ti 1-3.000 ;fi .) 3.500 8ll I'1.5m l l,l 3 5sci 139 ; t65 l -8.625 1,105 l ; 1,620 / ,'OrJ'1,761 i.fln l 2.405 t0;02 3ri.9 r i 14,600 6|qio 22.Fiq) Itu 9i0- 3 i.02i I t2 0,t.1 s1tx2% l\(|!6r)il s1, x3 15llr/62 TsxJ 159x;62--%t3- 159x;62 1511r i62 19 0 ! ,1'l lrl 0 x,lrt ,l" tloxlrtr I'l ll r llil'r lnxSk lq 0 r llll ,l - -l1rx4 2?2'101 t\ thi 4 l:' 2 x l{11 4.6 5.0 5.6 7.8 95 10.0 9.8t: 15.6;r i9.8 32.5 :ttl I.JI J 6t) 3 2.8i5 ;rll 3.500 3.500 illl 'l ,i.5oo r3 5.563 I 11 .. 6.625 1,,8 l 6.5m Iri5 I 8.625 ;,19 | 10.79).r;r0 i2.7soi'r8 3.406 It6 i) 3.906 4.531 ; 1:, i 65 TD.D. 65-3 80-7- t00-il 125 8 8 d it Style - 742 Vic-Flange Adapter 25,1tlll:l 25 lY lll.r ihxlk ,'ll6Yl'll1 1'/0xfll lll ' 1i6 rl sulticienl clesn area behlnd groove to permit proper ass€mbly- 12 AI 3.1 FITTI ilGS CUT GROOVED PIPING METHOD FOR STANDARD STEEL PIPE ctaul c' Victaulic@ fittings are designed specifically lor use in grooved piping systems ioined with any of the variety of coupting styles. Fittings are provided with grooves or shouldels ionforming to slandard steel pipe outside diameters. Victaulic standard fittings pressure ratings contorm to the ratings of Styl€ 77 Victaulic couplings as lisied on Page A-2.3. t rO ut3 4.,r. lni Rrv. ItE Materials Specif ications FITTING Mall€ablo lron Contormlng to ASTM-447 ot Ducllle lron Conformlng to ASTM-4536 Sl06lElbows 1 4-24", Forg€d sleel,conlormlng to ASTM A-1 06, Gr. B (0.375 walll Nipplos (Adapter, swaged & hose) "/i';-lt/z- carbonsleel, Schsdule 40, conlorming lo ASTM A-53, Typo F Carbon steel, SchEdule 40, conforming to ASIM A-53, Typ6 E or S, Gr. B Carbon stesl Scl!odu16 30, contorming lo ASTM A-53, Typ€ E or S, Gr. B 11-21" Carbon sl6el,O.375 wall, conformlng lo ASTM A-53, Type E or S, Gr. B Ste€|, Segmentally Welded (Se6 3teel, Nlpple3 Sp€clf icalions) FlTfl O Orangs onamelCOATII|OS Optlohal: Hot dlppsd galvanlze and olhors. Some flttlng3 supplled electro-plaled as alan- dard-s€o product sp€cltlcatlons. FLANCES Vlc-Flangeo Se6 Product Speclflcetlon3 undet Coupllngs. Flang€d Adaptor NlPples Cla3s 1 25 Flange-Casl |ton conformlng to ANSI B'16.1 Cast lron Nlpplo-Seo Abov€ Cla$ 15O Flange-Carbon steel contormlng lo ANSISte€l 8-16.5 Nlpplo-S€e Abovo Class 300 Flange-Carbon sleel conlormlng to ANSI Stool 8-16.5 Nlppl€-Ss€ Above 2-6" &-12" Copyrlehl I 976, Vlchullc. OOOENGINEERED FOR A SUPERTOR THREADED'FIRE PROTECTION SPRINKTER SYSTE}I Advantsges . Superior hydraulics . Standard N.P.T. threading equipment . Standard tittings . Lighter weight . Freight savings . Reduced waste . Reduced inventory costs . Lower sprinkler system costs Features . Only piping product UL o test€d snd listed for appror€d fire eprinkler oyst€rns . Meeb NFPA-'|3 . Meets ASTM A-135 . Threadable . Galvanized exterior . Closer tolerances . Fire tested . Greater bending resistance . Higher tensile strength . Superior burst strength . More strength per unit of thickness . Available in most commonly used pipe stzes . Technical data available on reouest TIIREADABLE TIGHTWALL SPRINKLERPIPE. ol|led ruBE&CONDUIT CORPORATION FIRE PROTECTION OIV, r6rm sourH rAtHRoP (8OOl 323{6/rc CO. OC. DE, MD, NJ, NY. ND, SD, TX (8001323-7031 AL. AR. GA. IN. IA, KS. KY, LA. MI, MN, MO, MS.NC. NE, OH. OK, PA, SC, TN, VA. WI, WV (E00) 323-?050 AZ. CA, CT. FL, IO. MA. ME. MT, NH. NM. NV. OR, PR, RI. UT. VI, W. WA, WY- Specification, descriptions. servicss and illustralive mat€rial hersin are accurale as known 8t tim€ ol publication and are subject to change withoul notic€. HABVEY rLtrNOrS6oa26 . r3l?r 3lg.1610 ATOL.r261-r ffiPIoI{EEnlH STfrL& n|lE nslilBuilrnS II|G.f- Standard & Line Pipe Comparative Specification Data SPECIFICATIONS A 120 Spoclllcation A 120 u". t/.' - 16' std. rs and xxs Scope Cowls SLACK and hot-di9old C LVANIZED WtLoEo lo this sDaciicalron not Inltndad lor close coilitlg. drstribllors'stocks and STAML€SS nomrnal {aveta0e} wall ppe lor bendino. or h0h lemper,lute serytce lnl nded ordnary usas n slcam, girl and pnmanly lo cover poe Dorcn6!0 ,|r Ines Prpa mdnly |rom Kinds or sleet permined ft:|,::iJl"""For Pipe Matenal iir'c.i,,si, Hot-0ipped Galvanizing Scts strndards tor aoelinq ol pDe wrth rnc Inside and oltsrdc by the hot.dpped poc.ss Wa€ht ol coatng musl not average tess than I I o! per squac lool wilh no singb l?st bain! lcss lhan | 6 or per squac lool Permissible Variations in Wall lhickness Mrninum wall lh,ctnrss,t any gonl shrll nol ba moc lhan 12 5qt under norninal wall spec red Chemical Requirements ib so.cifr chlnrcat raqurcm.nts lBled erc.pl thal sleellor welded pie shallbe 0l sofi weldJble Qualrly Tensile Reouir€ments ib physc.l proprni.s specilied. Hydrostalic Testing P.e3cflbas hydlostatrc ins9action tcst p.essurei tor andad, erln slrong. and douole erlta slong prpe ,n pounds pet square mcn Permissib|eVaria|ionsinF0lsl.ndadandtrl'r9ron95hennolvalymor.lhanp|Uso.m|nU55%komp'esc(bed'*t|9its5hom|nA|2oTab|e5|'|t&|||''olgal|5ll.| Weights pef tOOt han extra st.ong and tor doubl! ilrono rhall nol vary more lhan 0lus or minus l0qt lrcm pDscr|bed w.Ohls thown In Al20 lable lV Orlsdr Damater al any point shal not vary l.om standard sFcdrad moQ lian -Permissible Varialions in 0utside 0iameter for th" and S.naller Srrei\L.' ouet '/rr' lnder for ?" and Larqer S||ts lqt ovar 1 vn&l Mechanical TeStS SDecilied No nechanf,d lesls spccilied dcepl hydrosielE Stnppng tesl to checl weiOhl ot rnc coalino t?qurred Number of Tesls Reouired W.|9 ol Zinc Coehg Test Ora specimm lom aach lnd ot one lengtlt selfcled al random kom aach lot ol 5m lrnOths or lesi ol a s|ra ltd.ostatrc lesl €,ch tength shalt ba subFctcd lo hyudrorlatc lest. Lengths STAIIDARD WEIGHT Single R.ndoo - 16'.22'- 5Ct m.y be ionl.6. ll Plarn Ends - 5o,t o.y b€ l2' 16' EXTRA STRONG & DOUSLE EXTRA STROI{G Si4gfa R,ndom - 12'.22 - soh ''i.ay be 6'-1?' Double Random - Sl'onest Lenglh 22' mnrmum avaragl lor orde, 35 oouble nandom IXS and hqhle4 - Shoaasl l€nol 2? . mhrmum ave.aoa lor order 35' Required Markings on Each Length (0n Tags anached lo each Eundle in case ol Eundled Pipe) Rollrd, Sl,mpad 0r Slcocil.d lL[u or brand ol manulacturlr Agn,4t20. L?n0th of pipr Co0plin0s - ADgLd hudlin0 light. Cou9ltngr. 2" ,nd slnaller Str,rghl latped. olhet s|2es lap€r lapped. t'^" and Smaller General Inlormalion 4' and ov.r Metal Prollclo.! Metal Potectors Mat,l Prclrctors lrdal P.daclors Thread Stand.d Prp. Piotlclion ocran Shpments A ag olha. Shtpments None RE0PiD. ocean Siit m.nls &ldap 2" lo 3th" MetalProEctors l,lone ibl,l Prcte(lors I{One Mltal Proreclo60thd Shrpm?nB 24 io TYPE 3F, FEMALE THREAD, UL.3{)(l LB. r I ? L TYPE 3M, MALE THREAD, STD. wT., SCH. 40 TYPE 3G, CUT GR()OVE, STD. wT., SCH. 40 (Except 8" oullet Sch' 30 lor both T3M and T3G) Dimensions and Weights (lncheslPounds), o Dimensions and Weights QncheslPounds). llonin l 0u0rl Sln A ilomln l llud.? Slr.I Prrt llunbol lhk! UP fl Approx. Wolght Eacn LmgU c lnsldc Dbmebr 0 lt2 lt2 3t4 1-l 1/4 v2-2 u2 3-8 02030 02035 0?040 02045 02050 t.063 0.700 0.4m .l 3t4 3t1 I 1 | t1-2 2 V?-8 02060 02065 02070 02075 1.125 0.900 0.5ql .t5 I 1 114 1 1/2.? 21/2.4 5-8 02085 02090 0209s 02100 02105 1.250 1 .'t45 0.531 1 1t1 1 ll4 11/2 2-2 112 3.4 5-8 02' 02 02 02 02 15 20 25 30 35 r.izs 1.490 0.625 .25 | 112 '|1t2 I lt2 3-4 5-8 02145 02r50 02155 0?160 02165 1.500 | .730 0.750 2 1t2 J 112-4 6 8 3 02180 02185 02 t90 02?00 02205 0221o 02215 1.625 2.188 0.875 .7 21t2 a v2 3 3 v2-4 o 8 02235 02240 022s0 02255 02260 02265 2.125 2.630 r.125 1.3 3 3 3112 4 5 6I 02?85 02290 02295 02300 02305 02310 2.500 3.r56 1.438 2.5 x 1t2 1 4 5 6 I 02395 024m 02405 02410 0N APPLIC' 3.00 \TIONI 1.841 4.2 l{oninal 0ul16l Slz6 A l{omlnal H!adtt SlrrI lrnglh c ,;trHl$rb Thr!.d Cul Broovr lnsldr Dbmdl' 0 oub[r0ilrf E Urlntlrt ? 1 I | 1/4 1 l/2.? 2 112.4 5-8 r3045 13050 13055 13060 13065 r3545 13550 13555 | 3560 t 3565 i,1.049 1.315 0.rt3 ;;r,si ffi ffi r tr5ai,is lffi "# ffi rffi 1 lt4 1 1t4 1 112 2-2'U2 3'4 )-u 13070 13075 13080 13085 13090 '| 3570 | 3575 | 35S0 r3585 r3590 1.368 1.660 0.1/n I ll2 I 1t2 v2 3-4 J-6 13095 13r 00 13r05 131r0 13fi5 r359s r 3600 r3505 136r0 136r 5 J r.6t0 r.900 0.115 2v2 3 1/ 2-4 o 131m 13125 13130 13r35 13140 13r45 13150 13620 13625 13630 13635 13640 13645 13650 3 2.067 2.375 0.151 ' 2 1t2 21t2 3 1/2-4 I 3155 3160 3t65 3170 3175 3180 13655 13660 13665 13670 13675 13680 2.469 2.875 0.aB J 3112 4 5 oI 3185 3190 3195 3200 3205 3210 3685 3690 3695 3700 3705 3710 1 3.068 3.500 0.2r6 ':::tl, 4 4 o 8 132r 5 13?20 13225 13230 3715 3720 3725 3730 4 1.026 4.500 0.237 ,.i'* 3.i.:| o 6 r3235 r3240 13243 13735 13740 r3745 4 5.04 7 5.563 0.258 6 6I 13250 13255 t3750 r3755 4 6.065 6.625 0.280 7.0' I I r3260 r3760 4 7.981 8.525 0.271 10.{ I o ior cast iron threaded Class 125, (standard) ITT Grinnell standard and extra heavy cast iron threaded fittings are manufactured in accordance with American National Standards ANSI 816.4 (except plugs and bushings, ANSI 816.14). Dimel- iions'also c6nf orm to Federal specif ications, WW-P- 501 (except plugs and bushings WW-P-471)' i satu rated steam: 125pressure rallngs' gsr I liquid & gas at 15oo F: 175 Grinnell standard and extra heavy fittings in this section,sizes % - 12 inch, are included inthe"Listol Inspected Fire Protection Equipment and Materials" issued by the Underwriters' Laboratories, lnc. i,llj [;i' ['rlt,l esch, lb r.l -tl-(s zl J: L. Gt.E flanE€d anr ll9,372 elbows size, in. A in. B in. ht ligs. 351, 353,lig.351 371 blrck gelv.b|!ck 90o elbow slraighl.' lig. 351 right and lett pilched: tig. 3540 -4* t 1$1 *rWt'' flangeC and threaded llg. 371 t /l"t,!,# ''l BA .-.- A: center lo end of pipe B: cenler to lace of filting \i % t.i li l./ta|/ lt/ tXt 111 16 25 40 17 26 41 t/ 1 1% tx, ,X, 1t4 1li, 1t4 1% .60 .92 1.44 -ol .95 1 .46 1tA 1\t 12t. 1t\t ztl r.95 3.13 4.94 2.00 3.21 5.13 3ti 4 2Xc zr,i 2',)lo 3,''; 3t/t 3rx. 7.21 9.67 12.17 7 .40 10. t0 't2.67 13.25 18.22 21.56 J 6 1,\/ 3% a\a 4\i Jra 6lit 21.46 31.33 64.56 22.32 33.33 67.14 28.13 40.50 80.06 Fig.353 has ribs cast on band which denotes the left hand thread' r Sizes 4 inch and larger have two bolt holes tapped lor stud or laP bolts' .,Available in sizes )i inch through 2 inch only, tapped to piich )Z inch in'l foot; casl wilh letter "P" on body. 45o elbow: lig. 355 ^}.anEed and threaded 9.372 ,t\:iR .' : center lo end ol pipe : center to face of litting size, in. A in. B in. each, lb liq.356 372 blact 9alv.blrck 7a l. ,1, tit % ,xc ,/ 16 23 37 17 25 JU I a1/ l/'7 :. 1 _c5 .83 1.33 .56 .88 1 .36 1t' 2 2ti t)i 1 1l/ .r' ,r ll-, I r\. 1.79 2.89 4.29 1.83 2.96 4.35 3 3t,z 4 1x.' 1)i 1\, a;a 6.44 8.42 10.64 b.b) L71 11 .22 5 o I 1ra 24., 2t,i 3l(o 3l(e 4ta 16.96 26.02 50.17 17.38 2 6.19 52.O0 35.31 64.41 ,( pf-19 Prg c MODEL NO. I(}(l EINC) A Deligned fo reduce lhe "in place" corh of inrtalling piping tytlemt Ccrbon rtesl Eleclro-Galvrnired IASTM-Type LS) icdiral Spccification wW'H'izld Tvpc l0 and MS9'SP'69 Tvpc l0 Underwrilerr Laboraloder, Inc. Factory Mulual Fire lnrurance Companier Pipe sire, lap rize and quanlitY ,o USE: MATERIALT FINISH:' GONFORMS WITH: LISTING: APPROVALS: ORDER BY: ) USE: MATERIAL: FINISH: CONFORMS W[H: ORDER BY: MODEL NO. I(,I (COPPER) Derigned for fall, safe inslallalion of copper iubing Carbon rleel Copper-eleclroPlale f-"-iJr"l Sp""ification WW-D't7lD, Tvpe l0' and MSS'SP-69 Tubing rize, taP rize and quanlifY .rt/2" CI filhd -ill -rlor -cighr lor lhrn l" ll {;llcd, -ith wrfcr, 4" CT lrrr thra !/1" lP rilh -rlcr. , l/2" Cf rvrihble wi+h /1" lhrcrd rnd tSCf rvrilrble 'irh t/" thrrrd for Gov. J,raf SPccr. Band Plated in accordance wiih Pase 6 ASTM - TYPe LS Pipr Siro 0imcrrioar No. 100 Zinc Platcd Dimcnriou of Hragcr Mclcrirl Thrred Sirc lnrarf Nut Nsmbrr ol Hr n grn P.r Crrlon Gror Wrig Pe. Ce rfon lbr. Mrr. lcc, Lor d Lbr. A I c th ,h 3Vt 2Vz l/l6ts/s % N.c.t00 tl ,t00 Tt th 3V^7Vz l/l6ts/s 3h 100 tl ,f00 I 7h 33h 2t/a l/l6rs/6 Tt t00 t2 ,,t00 ltlt t/c 3t/,zt/t l/l6rs/g th t00 t3 ,f00 tth Tt 4 2Ye l/t6tls Tt t00 l3 .t00 2 'th qt/z 3V4 li16r5/.Yt t00 l4 il00 2Vz lVs sth tTa 3/32 r t/a Vt:3/t 50 l5 600 3 F/t 6t/a 41h 3/32 t la Vz'3/t 50 t8 600 7tlt tVt 7 alt 3/tz t /a Vz-lh 50 20 600 1 r/e 7Vt 5 t/t , t/t t/e'Vz'3/t 20 t2 t000 5 Ut 8Tt 5Tt th'T+%'Vz-1/s 20 l,+t000 6 l3/t tot/z 6Tt t/rtl Ye-lrthrh t0 t2 t250 I t{r l2/.gr/s t/stl s/E_t/8J/2:t/E t0 t4 t250 I Tubioq Sirr -Jt- Tt I I/r- tth__ 2 zt/z* 4r 5 6 t/- ! 50 I l / l6 t'y's l/tbxs/s l./16x3/s l.rt6tsh l,r16rsh t,r16xYa 3,'32, Tc._- .. 3 !32 r .%*_. . t/e, 3A -__-th, I 7h th th lt/e lt/s lrh 3 3V; 3i 3\ 4Va 4% s% st/a-- t01/t rod couPling straight: fig. 136 reducing: fig. 136R tulAXlMUM RECOI,IMENDED LOAD: 4'960 lbs' MATERIAL: Malleable iron. FINISH: Black or cadmium plated: furnished black unless otherwise sPecified. SERVICE: For connecling rod lengths within limitation' APPROVALS: Underwriters' Laboratories listed and Factory Mutual approved for pipe sizes y. lo I inch' FEATURES: ^. Availabte in reducing sizes. I Provides visual inspeclron.v Unilorm slrength: good appearance. ORDERIIIG: Specity rod tapping size, tigure number, name' Furnished with right-hand UNC lhreads only' loads e weights o packaging o dimensions (inches) loa attachments tnltlmum rccommaodad lorq lb. reducing: fig. 136R rhxtL rhx,h r810 2710 r With minimum satety laclor ol 5 at maximum temperature ol 450'F with no shock load. oYorull l.ngln ?d l.pplng w.lghl (rppror) lba crch .48 1.0 numtEa ol plccrs pcf clnon 'hxlt straight: .uo .t0 .n .33 .44 2n .10 l't z\t610.21 .35 2th ph-58 0, O SIZE RANGE: For use wilh rod sizes v2 through 5 inch' MATERIAL: Carbon Sleel. FINISH: Black. SERVICE: For connecling rods lo accommodate up to 5 inch diameter and support up to 154,000 pounds' Visual inspection is Provided. ORDERING: Specify rod size, figure number and name. Furnished with right hand UNC threads only' except as noted. steel rod couPling flg. 135 SIGHT HOLE . Furnished with I uN series thleads. r Basod on tho allowable stresses shown In the ANSI Code lot Ptes' sure Piping. Qr rod slra lnaxlmum rccommcndcd lo.d, lbt. wgt (rpprox) lb3 alch o L \b ,/t 1 130 '| 810 2710 .12 .24 .42 It r3/rr 11h th 1rh 2V. 'la 1 3770 4960 .66 1.0 '15/rc 1Vl 2Nr 3 1lh lth 1% 8000 1 1630 1 5700 1.9 .t.i, o,z 1rh 2Vt 2lt 3Yr 4h SVt zf2 20700 ?720O 33500 9.0 12.7 17.2 3\l !'th 37h 6 6Yr 7h 2lt 3 31h' 41580 50580 60480 22.7 25.2 36.9 4Vt 4Ar 5 8lt 9 9Yr 31h' 3%. 4.1 71280 82890 95400 45.8 s6.0 67.7 5li 5Y. 6r 10 IlVt 12 4th' 4Vz' 4Nt' r09000 r23000 138000 80.8 95.6 112.1 6h 6h 7Vt 12% 13lA l4Vt 5'r 54000 130.4 7Y.15 o; q) l .x d; o) (,oo !; .o q) ot .o)o(Jo; '= -aCo.9 '=t .?E I - 0) F .i' .9 l t oc Eo E .9 o C) Iq) oo o ,'/;o E -9o ,,; o) oo o)In.: =oo = coU E ,'; .s o '= o o o C .c_o o XN,YF og <(c o 0) q) q)c .9o E .EE o ] o o ooo 6 .EE o E E .9 b)I?l- o) .9Eo € .g o '^ q) C = oo o !; 9{ c Eo o ooc !;co cq) ;o l E .95-:D io t1 Y E) i; E .9 s a) € oo oo oo)to(J ,; =oo =D o(-,; (J) ooo xo E, q) so o; oo Coc o o o o f ! r^ 9i.sE: B9ooIO c() e 0) IE co o ._c co t c o C E E E6 uol2>-ob =o = 'q)s 6 oocoE oo OYooo6 Otri= XE!e .9o) -c a9tDo xo c =! q) : o ooc c o oal o f .I As;,8" rqoor() p iar- l9 N lsF lp . 1....'..rr..' . "l " P6 d , x s $ 'oto luotls qtOue'l poetql - la1 luorls 'oN uDd E oco JcoEl' .gE,R 6)oa LJ q' ) -9 &> bYb ': ox .: rJ- e;xh >oEi'o.gr990,-; vb iBTE -oX-go','' >- 5 cDco v Ic 6t'oo o 'oG oo o O oac{ o ()Yd) p dt p cO 3 EO a e ao 6: .oz o: .9z .9oo co Eo 'oI oo (D e)!L g o 0o c] B @ !;(f)$rO o t\F @ -to 35z otr)I<\l o|r)sN ooqN c\t€stN N @o(\I(\l $8 6l E g!c!3(O c! =st c! =|r) c{ e <t)(\ ON c.,,13r\ 6l3@ o lrl X e,o f;Ft AIL TIPE DTPAPTAi Approwd n Submlttod Er' /-t7 t - 77";;y, /a tL 4- Tlc lengrh of an unsupportcd armovcr lo I rprinklcr rhall nor cxcccd 24 in. (610 mm) for stccl pipc or l2 in. (305 mm) for coppcr ttrbc. Exc.P.ion': llhcn lht naxinun pr.ttur. at tfu spinllzr cxccc& fOO pti (6.9 hrs) ond. o branch linc obout a ccilinp sug-plu tptit\lcrt;^ a P.ndatt potilion bzlow rfu ttiling, thz lmgth of an utLsurqon.d dn'@r.r to d spin\lct and. drop nipplt tholl 4ot .xa.td 12 in, (J05 nn) fot stzd pipe and 6 in. ( I52 ntn) lor.W.t lub.. lt/hzn tfu linitt of th. untuppott.d ormovct lc'ngrht of 1- or thit Erecptioa ort andd, th-c hongu tloul to thtrfiinlb thall fu of o.rypr l|€t pftvcn! upudtd mov.,n.nt of rh. PtPtig, ( tr't t ;;r ' ,,'', lpproved as tloM B z-- -T:) L1 .. .... :... RF-LOTATE THIS HE^o, IT JI, IMiERFERES UirH LEGEND T ?L I --:' : I , o I I q FIRE SPRINKLER P GENERAL I{OTES ...TIIIS INSTALLI\TION TO BE AS PER I.99I NFPA EDITION II3 AIID THE VAIL. .. BU]LDINO AND FIRB DEPAR"MENT. ,...THIS PROJECl IS LIGIIT IIAZARD AS DEFINED BY 199I NFPA II3. ''.1;, .: EXISTINC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTE}I TO BE HODIFIED AND REVISED AS SIIOIIN .,.,..i\ND REQUIRED BY NEH CONSTNUCTION. I"iSPRINKLER HEADS IN sUIIE 94036 ARE TO BE REPLACED tIITH CoNCEALER .I ii:TYPE SPRINKLER HEADS (SEE LEGEND). .;i.ltl rnnltcttr,tNE pIFINc ro BE SCHEDULE {o usINc cAsr IRoN FITrINcs. LODCS.T.TL VELK. t-tr 1, :0 t o P: t{ i t)c,t 0,.t .. LOCATION PLAN SECOND FLOOR 'I3 SECTION 2. ACCORDANCE H TTH \i,PAINTINC oF PlPE (TF REQuIRED) Is BY oTHERs.'::i l:l. JoB CllEcX FoR HIGII TEHPERATURE ltEADS. ',.l prpE HANGERS SHALL BE IN AccoRDANcE gtITH l99r NFpAi 5.4.1. HANGER SPACINC AND ROD DIA}1ETER SIIALL BE IM,'; NFPA fI3 As FoLLotlsi 4lo1 L;iiiNOTHHAFT & F'.:> 4.. sr-rq eql DENVEIq, .. .,:' : r ".. ' 3'p3) 4-33...13329 FA>< SON, INC, Gc>r._C>RADO a 02-r 6 3.O3 ) 433 - 2+32( DRAWN BY:M. K] G. CHECKED BY :.FIRE SPRINKLEFi.PLAN OA 5/il/94 1/8' = 1'-0' S}{EEi Fpt or r 4 NOHTH Royal ushrM @ Adiustable vAlLnnE, Goncealed Automatic Sprinkler The Central Royal Flush Adiustable Concealed Pendent Sprinkler is an aesthetically pleasing ceiling sprin- kler. Inherent in it's design, is lhe capability to compensate for ceiling heights which vary with respect to the sprinkler syslem drops. This signifi- cant feature allows the Central Royal Flush Adjustable Concealed Sprinkler to seat flush with ceilings thal can fluctuate nearly 112" in height. lt's 3 1/4' diameter cover plate presents an unobstructed and ultimatelY ' pleasing appearance. The thin cover plate projects a mere 3/16" below the ceiling. The Royal Flush Adiustable Con' cealed Sprinkler employs Central's exclusive and time proven center strut activating mechanism. The center strut of the Royal Flush Adjustable Concealed Sprinkler resPonds significantly laster than more tradi- tional mechanisms, such as the 8mm glass bulb and the link-and-lever. The Central Royal Flush Adiustable Concealed Sprinkler is Listed- bY Underwriters Laboratories for use as a standard sprinkler that qualifies for installation in accordance with current NFPA 13 Standards. The sprinkler is brass with it's cover plate available in brass, chrome Plated or white painted. 'For specific listing fequirements see lhe appropriate inlo.mation contained in this btochur€ Operation: The Central RoYal Flush Adjustable Concealed Sprinkler absorbs heat through it's ceiling cover plate which is soldered to the adjust- able retainer ring with a fusible alloy. At it's rated lemperature, the alloy fuses, resulting in the plate dropping 'away from the sprinkler. At this point, the deflector drops down below the ceilin$ surface, bringing about the center strut's exposure to the lire's heat. The heat fuses the thermal element in lhe center strut resulting in a rapid expulsion of both the activat- ing mechanism, as well as the sealing cap. Water can now flow in a Pattern engineered to meet the standard coverage requirements. Unlike most sprinkler designs, the element employed in Central's Royal Flush Adjustable Concealed Sprinkler is not exposed to atmospheric conditions that could atfect it's proper functioning. Technical Data Model: 84 Style: Concealed (adjustable) Wrench: Universal Orifice Size: l/2" K Factor: 5.6 Thread Size: 1/2" N.P.T. Approvals: U.L. Approved Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannbn Avenue, Lansdale, Penns' By: Product Description Temperature Baling: 165"F n4"C SPrinkler with 135'F/57"C Cover Plate 2'l 2' F I 1 00" C Sprinkler with 165oFn4C Cover Plate 286" F | 1 41' C Sprinkler with 165oFn4oC Cover Plate Maximum Working Pressure: 175 Psi Factory Hydro Test: 'l0o% at 500 Psi Standard Finishes: Sprinkler: brass Cover Plate: brass, chrome Plated and white painted Lengthr 2112" to 2 15/16" Cover Plate: 3 1/4" diameter Ceiling Opening: 2112' Adjustability: 7/16" Weight: 7 oz. O Installation Diagram O Royat Flush Adiustable Concealed Pendent (Non-Activated) c Installation Diagram (Activated) Royal Flush Adiustable Con@ 21n' E 21t2' Xll8. Hola Olamgtet O Caution: Special care must be taken when installing with a CPVC system. Sprinklers must be installed after the manufacturer's recommended setting time for the primer and cement to ensure that neither accumulate within the sprinkler. Special care must be taken when installing with a copper system. Sprinklers must be installed only afler the inside of lhe sprinkler drop and associated littings have been wire brushed to remove any flux. Residual flux can cause corrosion and in extreme cases can imPair ProPer sprinkler operation. gf;'X'fi#n,n,, Sprinklers must be handled care- fully. They must not be transported or stored where ambient temperature may exceed 100'F/38"C. For best results, store them in a dry, cool location in the original shiPPing package. Do not install sprinklers that have been dropped or visibly damaged. Sprinklers must never be Painted, coated, plated or aliered in any other way from manufactured condition or they may not function properly. Any sprinklers altered in such manner must be replaced. The owner is resoonsible for the proper operating condition of all fire protection devices and accessories. The NFPA standard 25A entitled, "Care and Maintenance of Sprinkler Syslems" contains guidelines and minimum maintenance requirements. Furthermore, the local Authority Having Jurisdiction may have addi- tional regulations and requirements for maintenance, testing, and inspec- tion ihat must be obeyed. It is advisable to have sgrinkler systems inspected regularly by a qualified inspection service. Length of time between such inspections can vary due to accessibility, ambient almosphere, water supply, and site activitv. uirements - Standard@ nB:iln' The Royal Flush Adjustable Concealed Pendent Sprinkler is intended for standard area coverages and slandard flow and pressure requirements as specified in current NFPA 13 Standards for ordinary and light hazard occupancies. pfnstallation The Central Royal Flush Adiuslable Concealed Sprinkler must be installed in conformance with current NFPA 13 Standards. Deviations from these reouirements and standards, or anY alteration to the sprinkler assembly itsell will void any warranty made by Central Sprinkler ComPanY. In addition, installation must also meet local government provisions, codes and standards, as aPPlicable' The system piping must be ProP- erly sized to ensure the minimum required flow rate at the sprinkler. Check for the proPer model, stYle, orifice size and temperature rating prior to installation. Install sprinklers after the piping is in place to avoid mechanical damage; rePlace anY damaged units. Wet PiPe sYstems must be protected from freezing. Upon completion of the installation' the system must be tested Per recognized standards. ln the event of a thread leak, remove the unit, apply new pipe joint compound or taPe, and reinstall. lnstallation Sequence Step 1. The unit must be installed in the pendent posilion. Step 2. The face of the sPrinkler fitting should be installed a nominal 2 5116' (x7/32') behind the finished ceiling line. Adlustments, to compen- sate for variations in fitting face to ceiling height, may be made bY threading the cover plate retainer in and out of the unit's support cup. Step 3. Use only a non-hardening pipe joint compound, or Teflon- tape. Apply only to the male threads. Step 4. Hand tighten the sprinkler into the fitting. Avoid making contact with the deflector when using the Central Sprinkler Universal Wrench to tighten the unit into the fitting. The Universal Wrench is designed to mate with the frame's wrench bosses' inside the threaded support cup' A leak tight joint requires a only 7 to 14 ft. lbs. of torque. Torque levels greater than 21 ft. lbs. may distort the orifice seal, resulting in leakage' Step 5. To install the ceiling cover plate, manually thread the cover relainer into the support cup. Con- tinue threading unlil the cover retainer's f lange rests against the surlace of the ceiling. 'Tellon is a trademark ol the OuPont Corp. Universal Wrench Do not attemPt to re-assemble or otheMise reuse a sprinkler that has operated. BePlace anY sPrinkler exhibiting corrosion or damage; always use new sPrinklers of the same orifice, style, and lemperature rating as replacements. Because the discharge Pattern is critical to protection ol lile and property, nothing should be hung or attached to the sprinkler unit that would disrupt the Pattern. Such obstructions must be removed. In the event that construction has allered the original conf iguration, additional sprinklers should be installed to maintain the Protection level. Do not attempt to replace sprinklers without first removing the tire protec- tion system from service. Be certain to secure permission from all authorF ties having jurisdiction, and notify all personnel who maY be affected during system shutdown. A fire watch during maintenance periods is a recommended Precaution. To remove the system from service mode, first refer to the system operating guide and valve instruction. Drain water and relieve pressure in the pipes. Remove the existing unit and install the rePlacement, using only the recommended sPrinkler wrench. Be certain to match model' style, orifice, and temperature rating. A fire protection system that has been shut oft after an activation should be repaired and returned to service immediatelY. InsPect the 91992 Central SPrinkler ComPanY Printed in u.s.A. tt entire system for damage and replace or repair as necessary. SPrinklers that did not oPerate but were sub- jected to corrosive elements of combustion or excessive temPera- tures should be inspected' and replaced if need be. The AuthoritY Having Jurisdiclion will detail mini- mum replacement requirements and regulations. Guarantee: Central SPrinkler Company will repair and/or replace any products found to be detective in material or workmanshiP within a period ol one Year from the date of shipment. Please refer to the current Price List for further details of the warranty. fENTRI\L -- Central Sprinkler ComPanY 451 N. Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, PA 19446 Phone (215) 362-0700 FAX (215) 362-5385 lnfomation a 0rdering Ordering Inf ormation: When' placing an order, indicate the lull oroduct name. Please sPecifY the quantity, model, style, orilice size, temperature rating, sprinkler finish' cover plate finish, and sprinkler wrench. For special painted cover Plate finishes, the customer must supply a quick-drying paint, PreferablY in a lacquer-base linish to insure proper color duplication. Without such a guide, Central SPrinkler ComPanY cannot be responsible for acceptable color matching. All custom painting of the cover plate must be completed at the factory. Availability and Service: Central sprinklers, valves, accessories and other products are available through- out the U.S. and Canada, and internationally, through a network ol Central Sorinkler distribution centers. You may write directlY to Central Sprinkler Company, or call 215-362- 0700 Jor the distributor nearest you. Conversion Table: 1 inch = 25.400 mm 1 foot = 0.3048 M I pound = 0.4536 kg '1 foot pound = 1.36 Nm 1 osi = 6.895 kpa = 0.0689 bar = 0.0703 kg/cm" 1 U.S. gallon = 3.785 dmr = 3.785 liters Conversions are aPProximate. s 84.0 a Alpha GS Adjustable NipPle Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 5. They can be used with one-Piece or two-piece escutcheons. The Alpha Adjustable NiPPles are available in two styles and adjust- ment ranges: 1. The Long Adjustable NiPPle provides 2314" ot axial lield adjustment. 2. The Short Adjustable NiPPle provides 1 112" ol axial field adlustment. lEI Product FHIIDescriptionIts The Alpha Adjustable NipPle is designed for use in wet-Pipe auto- matic sprinkler systems or in Pre- action systems not subject 10 freez' ing, to provide for an adiustment in the length of the piping between the branch line fitting and the sprinkler. The adjustable nipple may be in- stalled in the vertical or horizontal position. The use ot the Alpha Adjustable Nipple allows the installer to adjusl the nipple to the desired length, eliminating the need to manually "cut back" the nipple in the field. This results in both a signiiicant labor savings and an attractive snug lil between the sprinkler escutcheon and the iinished surface of the ceiling or wall. The Alpha Adjustable NiPPle incorporates the lollowing unique features: 1. They can be easily adjusted under full system pressure, without water leakage. 2. lf "ceiling-sag" becomes a problem after initial installation, f ield adjustments can be made without having to shutdown and drain the syslem. 3. They do not need to be "locked" into their final position. 4. They do not "telescoPe" when subjected lo water hammer, thus eliminating costly call-backs lor readiustm ent. Technical Data Model: Alpha CS Style: Long & Short Fnr r irrr lont I annlh' Long: 3ft. (sch 40, C-120) Short: 6 ft. (sch 40, C-120) Thread Size: lnlet: 1" N.P.T. (female) Outlet: 1/2" N.P.T. (female) Temperature Rating: 300'F Max. Seal: Double "O"-ring Approvals: U.1., F.M., BS&A (Cal. No.284-75-SA) [,4aximum Working Pressure: 250 PSi Factory Hydro Test: 100% at 500 PSi Standard Finish: Black oxide Length - Long: 5 7/8" to I 5/8" Short: 4 3/8" lo 5 7lB" Adjustment Range: Long: 2 3/4" axial Shod: I 1/2" axial Weight - Long: 1 lb.4 oz. Short: 14.5 oz. Oo *,,n the ceiling panel in place, insert the adjustable niPPle assembly through the hole in the ceiling panel and reaching above the ceiling grid, hand tighten the 1" N.P.T. inlet thread ol the nipple assembly onto the pre-taped sprinkler line pipe nipple. 5. Again, reaching above the ceiling grid, apply a wrench to the outer casing of the adjustable niPPle assembly and tighten using no more than 50 foot-lbs. o{ torque. Do not over-torque. 6. Using the proper sprinkler wrench, adjust the nipple length to provide a snug fit between the sPrinkler escutcheon and the surface ol the ceiling panel. Fief d Method #2 (wilh fixed ceilings) The Alpha Adjustable NiPPle must be installed prior to ceiling installa- tion. 1. Hand-tighten the 1" N.P.T. inlet thread of the adjustable niPPle onto the pre-taPed sPrinkler line pipe nipple. 2. Apply a wrench to the outer casing of the adjustable nipple assembly and tighten using no more than 50 foot-lbs. of torque. Do not over-torque. 3. Hand tighten the Pre-taped sprinkler (with escutcheon) into the 1/2' N.P.T. outlet thread of the adjustable nipPle. 4. Apply a pipe wrench, for "hold back", to the non-threaded portion of the inner tube of the adiustable nipple (see diagram). Using the proper sprinkler wrench, tighten the sprinkler (with escutcheon) into the adlustable nipple. A leak{ight joint requires only 7 to 14 foot-lbs. ol torque. Do not over-torque- CEIUTRAL -- Central Sprinkler ComPanY 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, PA'19446 Phone (2'15) 362-0700 FAX (215) 362-5385 Outer Casing Wrenching AreaL- Outer Casing F- lnner Tube t- lnner Tube Wrenching Area 7116' Installation Diagram - Model CS Adjustable Nipple Release the "hold back" wrench and utilizing the sprinkler wrench, adjust the sprinkler (with escutch- eon) to the desired position relative to the designed finish surface ol the ceiling or wall. CAUTION: lf prior to installation for the sprinkler line nipple, the adiustable nipple is "made-on" to the sprinkler line nipple utilizing a power machine, great care must be taken so that the ioint is not torqued lo more than 50 foot-lbs. Torque levels over 50 foot-lbs. may damage the threads and result in leakage when the sPrinkler system is pressure tested or Placed in service. Guarantee: Central SPrinkler Company will repair and/or replace any products found to be defective in material or workmanshiP within a period of one year from date ol shioment. Please refer to the curreni Price List lor further details of the warranty. o Ylnstallation Field Method #1 (with removable ceiling panels) 1. Secure the end of the Alpha tool with the "wrench flats", in the jaws of a vise (at the floor level). 2. Engage the slot of the ad.iustable nipple's inner tube with the key on the Alpha tool. Using the Proper sprinkler wrench, tighten the pre- taped sprinkler (and escutcheon) into the 1/2' N.P.T. outlet thread of the nipple. 3. Cut a hole in the ceiling Panel, with a diameter large enough to suit the sprinkler clearance reouirements. O 1992 Central SPrinkler ComPany Prinled in U.S.A. T|l#,',',iiln.ionO Ordering lnformation: When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please sPecifY the quantity, model and size. Availability and Service: Central sprinklers, valves, accessories, and other products are available throughout the U.S. and Canada, and inlernationally through a network of Central Sorinkler distribution centers. You may write directly to Central Sprinkler Company, or call (215) 362- 0700 for the distributor nearest you. Conversion Table: '1 inch = 25.400 mm 1 foot = 0.3048 M 1 pound = 0.4536 kg 1 foot oound = 1.36 Nm 1 psi = 6.895 Kpa = 0.0689 bar = 0.0703 kgicm'? 1 U.S. Gallon = 3.785 dm3 = 3.785 liters Conversions are approximate. cs. j tRt ITCORPOR TED coRo ^. cA. (90e1 737.55C€ FIG. 2OO,TRIIilLINE" ADJ U ST ABLE RING HANGER Size Range - 1/2 thru 8 inch pipe. Material - Steel, Mil. Galvanized to G'90 speci' fication. Funcfion - For fire sprinkler and other general piping purposes. Knurled swivel nut design permits hanger adjustment after installation. Spring tension on swivel nut holds it securely in hanger before installation. Swivel nut is easily removed, Appr ou als - Underwriters' l-aboratories listed and Factory Mutual Engineering approved. Conforms to Federal Specification WW'H,1718, type 10, and Manulacturers Standardization Society SP-69, type 10. Maimum Temperature ' 650oF Finish - Mil. Galvanized, HDG, and Stainless Steel. Order 89 - Figure number and pipe size. +- MAX. APPROX. 1 3/8 2,-1It 8 3-r/8 3-7/8 2.7/8 5 -s/8 4.1/8 7 -3/8 5-r/4 400 16qa x 1 600 16qa x I 600 14ga x 1-3116 i250tl4a.l/R 6-rl4 o 8 1/2 13 - 1/8 8-3/4 3.r/4 l2sax l-1/4 1250 tRt t}{coRPoRltEo CORONA CA. (9Og) 737.5514 32C FIG. 25 SURGE BESTRAINER Size Range - 1" through 2" pipe Material - Carbon Steel Function - Designed to be used in conjunction with Tolco Band Hangers to restrict the upward movement of piping as it occur during sprinkler head activation or earthquake type activity. The surge restrainer is easily and efficiently installed by snapping into a locking positon on the band hanger. This product is intended to satisfy the requirement as indicated in the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) #13 (1991 Edition), 4- and A-4- Can be used to restrain either steel pipe or CPVC plastic pipe. Approoals - Underwriters' Laboratories Listed when used with Tolco Band Hangers, Figs. 2, 2 NFPA & 2OO, Finish - MIL Galvanized Order By - Figure number and type. Type 1 For use with I" & l-7/4" Tgpe 2 For use with l-l/2" & 2" Potents Pending Surge Restrainer Fig. 25 Tolco Band Hanqer tRt I}ICORPORATEO coRoxA ca . (€0al 737.559e TYPICAL APPLICATIONS FOR FIG. 25 SURGE RESTBITINER Shown here used with Fig. 200 and Steel Pipe Shown here used with Fig. 200 and CPVC Plastic PiPe The Hitti Drop'In Anchor Product Details Advantages: Shallow embadm€nt lnt6rnal throad Anchor is llush with bass matsrial Material Anchoi material is SAE | 1 1oM for the 'h' ,'tE' and'h" HOI's' ,a,nchoihateriat is.AlSt 12L14 steel, meeting ASTL.l spocilication A 108 lor q6' & 1." HOI'S. Anchor material is AlSl 303 for stainless ste€l anchors' Plated with dull zinc {inish for corrosion in accordanc€ wilh ASTM 8633, Sc. 1 Specification Table Detslls Anchor Slze D bolt siza 1c"th, BO bit diamstet th'3laz"1 E rcc, rnin. dspth of embadment L anchor longth HD hole daplh 1elro"2'2oltc"3{ro" ]]------ t"ngrn ol tnr""o I L throad Per in. 7hc' 20 16 r t/rc' 13 1l '1Yr" 10 BMT basa rnaterial thickness (in)3ls 5ih 64a U tightening lorqus (max) (ft lbs)4 11 37 OU SPacing requir€d to obtainAJ maximum working load (inch€s)31lz 5th o,t6 11r/a Minimum allowabla sPacing ASmln bstwaon anchors (inches) (Reler io Note ,f l) 2 J'lt 6{c Edge distancs tsquitad to EO obtain maximum working load (inchst 4'1.7slc 91s Minimum allowabl€ 6dg€eumln distance (inchss)4xlt 9{o NOTE: t ) wh€n using Asmin teducs load by 500't' Anchor Spacing and Ecjge Disibnce Guidelines Ths HOI Anchor Spacing. "nJ Edg" Distances were calculated using the following information: Anchor S paclng Edge Dlstance Shear Load OnlY Edge Oistance Tensile Load OnlY AS ASmln tAS EDmln trn EDmin I tEg HOI J.Jtr,2.0E 3.0E | 1.00 J.Utr,3.0E I 1.00 50 A29 Hilti DroP'ln Anchor contlnuea Load Information DI Aiowanle Working Loads (lbs)H o 4000 PSI Concr€ta 6000 PSI Concr€1e Anchor Slze 2000 Psl Concrelc Tenslon Shear Tenslon Shear Tan..lon Sha8r 760 4ao 430 560 450 124o 1060 1560 't 410 1480 790 93O 2550 23AO 1000 1470 '1690th"2600 340U 13qo 2220 4100 5300 3800 4010 4400 %' St"i"l"." St"AHP HDI - Allowable Working Load (lbs) = *'?11:,r'==r,-r]rr;;;;;;;;#';i;;;;;;;;;ii*;;;a;;;ii;i*;;n;i;;;;;"i;nffini;";:;iili;;ffi*p'essivestrenethatthe f . ih€ tabulalgd shear and lansrle vall time ot installalion. Tlr6 concrote musl comply with AsTM C -33G3-..-. .o oauq6 int6rmadiat€ decking rnto srrudural lightw€ight concret€ having th€ z. n5,!ll,i.ili-l;l;1i""a1ry13111";35,'::,ili::::"f;Aff"|1;Tli""iioj'i;;;;;E "c.*";t ;Ho"n".ffi;,#;il it"ngt;"i th" rlte ot i^stallation' The concr€te musl comprv wrtrr ^' 3, The;llov/able vatues a'e baseo on th"i'"" oiseg Ot"o" z bolls insiailed in lhe anchors' An;h"t i""t"tl"d Through sleet Decklng lnto 3ooo PSI Ll. Wt' Concrele'Anchor Installed In 3OOO PSI Lt' Wt' Concteter Su ggestea SPggingtt'ol"t>u99estYt oP=""' ' ;; ;;;ii ;;;;;i;;;;;iF;;;;;i 5p""iii""tio"rs's25'G^rolpvrrr'rvp€ Expanaron Anchors - ,t,:gl:l;l*;:nfi:':X'iil:;kioi, i6G .'n" praled in accordJn;u'itt' esrr"r 8633-78' sc' 1 ' rvpe rrr' Anchors sha, b€ Hirri FrDr ancrorl' a's "lpirr"J uv Hir,i rasr€ning syst€ms. a1 1 5 south l ooth East Av€nua' Tutsa, uK /4r 40. __:____ .-=ffid drill bits. Anchors shall ba I6ffi, rfr.n tyPs anchors to ba installeo in hol€s drill€d wrtn nrlTulsa, OK 74146. lnslallatlon inii",r"a pu, niinrtacturel's recommendations' Listings UL listec, Control No 767 G'" (1e" -qe" diamet€r) tnr"rn"ti-at Conlerence ol B Otlicials {lC80): Evaluation No.2895. S."tG; arlc,^, C"d" 69ross (SBcc): Repon No' 8913' Approvals City ol Los F-".-"at"n RBPort No' 23709'