HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT E F VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER SIGN APPLICATIONS LEGALDesign Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.4A2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Namer drb020202 DRB Number: DR8020202 Project Description: Freestanding sign Pafticipants: OWNER VAIL CLINIC INC 0612612Q02 Phone: 181 W MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT VAIL CUNIC INC 0612612002 Phone: 479-5l5l JeffThompson 181 W MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81557 License: ProjectAddress: 181 W MEADOW DRVAIL Location: southwestcorner Legal Description: Lot: E&F Block: Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 2 Parcel Number: 210107101013 Commentsi SeeConditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION MoUon By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovah 0612612O02 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0005359 Approved per plans submitted Cond: CON0005360 Existing ground lighting to remain Oond: CON0005361 New stone work to cover existing conrete sign Cond: CON0005362 Existing landscaping at the base of sign to remain Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: 5O.OO TOI4'A'M Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Location of the Proposal: Lot_Block:_ Subdivision: Physical Address: -[ Parcel No.:.f.t Or o'1 I C)\L) t:(Contact Eagle @. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: E/si9ns [J Conceptual Review E New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-fam ilylcommercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans Fax: Q?o- ./ z I - '719 n- $50 Plus 91.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, paintng, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. Phone: q7O,47q-SUz ; SIGN APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information This application is for any sign that is located within the Town of Vail. Specific requirements are available from the Department of Community Development. I. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Name of Business: B. Building name and physical address: C, Written approval from condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. D. Type of sign (check all that apply): Efreestanding Sign trWallSign EfBuildinq Identification trHanging / Projecting Sign trDisplay Box trDaily Special Board trJoint Directory Sign trSubdivision Entrance Sign E, G. H. I. l. K. L. Sign and lettering dimensions for each proposed sign (attach a colored scaled schematic drawing @ Va" = 1'): &p\ 6" \o.( x 5./9" f'r.r-K ?a.v$e.A p.'.-< 2os o.er\\iltqoP1 | ^-^IL ^. L..^i-^-- ._J'C.l ^y "tt..y tY\tJi c.-l C-er\orr' {" 1-tt f ,.,".-.Xa".Y; d b'l 3i Lengtn or Dusrness rronEge. tr Mural tr Window Sign tr Sign Program tr Gas Filled/Fiber Optic tr Temporary Sign tr Other Number of signs Number of signs existing: / Sign message: Height of sign(s) from grade: 5' Sign Location (attach a site plan and an elevation drawing or a photograph clearly indicating the proposed location of sign(s)): Materials and colors of sign (attach samples): Sign lighting planl o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures. o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area. o Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. Drawings showing how and where the sign or awning will attach to the building and how the awning will be constructed, M. hln,fl Page 3 of4/01/10/02 4r$rl{q{, O{ehn4 hf,ilrf, lwl;uffor 5'W' ; N. The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. NOTES TO ALL APPLICANTS Time Reouarements The Design Review Board meets on the lst and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at http://ci.vail.co.us/commdev/olannino/drb/meetinqs/default.htm Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set fofth in Tltle 12 (Zoning Regulations) and Title 14 (Development Standards) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Desiqn Review Board Meetino Requirements For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. The applicant, or their representative, shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda unUl such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Staff Aooroval The Administrator (a member of the planning staff) may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Review Board for a decision. All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. Page 4 of 4/01/10/02 (_.1 JUN- 1E_E? EB :34 A lYI s r ':H oHJs r t;H e"B e4e +F-e1 $lGil.|li{ po, r EEE'iril 'E Avon 0x ?ee4 Date:617102 To: Stephanie / Daryl WMC Phone 479-7260 Fax 479-50'S4 c0 fl620 ESTIMATE From: MONTE RE; Entrance lllonument Sign Pages: I Hete are price estimates for your entrance monurnent sign. I have included a price for a light 'cap" which would shine down on the sign and not get blocked by snow. lt may help to break up the block look of the monument too, We built a similar monument using stone base stucco "message area'and alurninum light cap on the St. Claire Of Assisl schoolwe$t of Edwards on Hwy 6. ftem Quantity Description 1 1 set Appx 6'Tall x 3/8" fhick painted pms 208 acrylic copy Vail Valley Medical Center in-dbl cluding the v symbol in the logo stud mounted to monument, Also Include 4'EMER- sided GENCY in red block copy. Ptice estimate for lefters for the two sides = 51900 Installation on above is based on T & M. Estirnate $1050 2 1 Light cap Estimatc $1170 We have a stone company we work with too so if it doesn't work to have Gallegos donate the stone we could present some costs and decorativc stone options too, A scaled art flle will be presented for your approval prior to produclion. Please call if you have any questions or wish to begin production, Thanks for the call. Monte \\ow Mabo^ L+Vo-r'. phone: 9f0.949.4866 fqx: 970.949.4670 P.O. Box 2994 Avon, CO 81620 It ' $|GN.0N p.o. Box 2ee4 Date: 6/15/02 To: Stephanie / Daryl WMC Phone 479-7260 Fax 479-5O4 Avon CO 81620 ESTIMATE From: MONTE RE: Entrance Monument Sign Pages: 1 o+ 3 Here are lay-outs for your monument entrance sign. I've also included an estimate for the stone work Item Quantity Description 4 sided slab work onto existing cement monument with stone cap. Pricing depends on the stone left for the wall could affect how many cuts etc. needed to fit to base. Estimate $1 400-1 600 slab provided. We have a color version of the scaled lay-out available for pick-up or l'll try to drop it off when in Town. Please call if you have any questions. Thanks for the call. Monte phone: 97O.949.4565 fox: 970.949.4670 P.O. Box 2994 Avon, CO 81620 Itl ! TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEVI' STAFFAPPROVAL \..\ ItnA?tr. n612610?.------|, ^.STAFF'%Vc.\\ Vo'\\ta fi\td''e+\ C\''' - Enne-s3e."t 4t'd c''ssot' b)tni + c'- R.A '- =#oiect Appllcation Proiect Name: Prolect Description: Contact Person and Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL lgffiffiI$i s iiiiilii:iiiff;giil$ |, c.: '{.' yE ! qP 6 .:.r60 i rcA Bt,, ?2.; ::;!$ H AqrX CH€;E o .l FF-l E hE -d R!i ' I9=? oflrr ba.3lE= ;{:E o@:t.!.it PEi @ri .E.E.s 6E.E.alg o!la €E!{?€ -e i+ e.,9 i !ilF;i-!: o6 P.E b 9E } €i:t;; :ettE; € 1E Hict9!+ -.6tr!iSsft6oQ :.i g E.:sUii q,'A 3 - q,.c,*f€'c *EilE E E;5 E:J EI# tsi:l s"gi? Et=s "E } 3.8.E !u 'IE8jE:! e g:;; irjgs'd s $ { e.q .b.:?- sx> E.i!*!E') 9.o o ",:.Ei f;f ".gt € !'t€eE*EE s!E;E ir) Bq) s q) € Fr)\) 3 Ro.h)adhB *q) b0 di.h)r\) boI€ttahtF) E )0AT!t ' PIdr{g0 Edt{{J E.t{ cdtt €ac cdtr{g rI{ c!+JolgaoHl-l 7 a I t SIGN APPLICATION Name of Project l/"^^ Name of Person Subrnitt'i ng Location of Project a^.^ ",, -,t"n1--t,\, Description of Project &jJ,--: A. Sign Material Application llumber Phone {),--3j5 t , Fee Paid The following information is required forto the Design Review Board before a finalSign submittal fee is $20.00. submi tta'l by approval can the appf icant be given. Da te B. Description of Sign C. Size of Sign D. Conrnents . I'IATERIALS SUBMITTED t,tITH APPLiCATION 1. Site Plan2. Drawings showing exact location3, Photographs showing proposed locaTJon- !. Actual sign -5. Colored scalE-?iawiiE-6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB SubmittaT- )rgn Aqmt n I strator Sign Administrator / 1 tign Review Action Ffrn TOWN OF VAIL Date T"V, I,4 UCategory Number ovaoils \vrur cProject Name: Building Narne: Proj€c{ Description:n!,N Owner, Address and Phone:(pLo'rod.rt lL41 ,, tvU dr r o-(, Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: ( tL f Legal Description: Lot - Block- Subdivision Project Street Address:lA,/,t,J D Comments:J>luce Zone District Motion by: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval 4";:*:""""l'".1 f-, (^ u','e'- 5') Flru +tr,,^ Town Planner , on", ((V \ , ['1v DRBFeepre-paid .cviscd l2l9,19J APPLICATION DATE S IGN/AWNIIIG APPLI CATTON (PIease Print or NAME OF PROJECT NA},IE OF PERSON SUBMITTING hrfr'--/,; /:,?'EHONE fu/'/|1''< ADDRESS / x'>({8 UA.' Qff/tt-o . !ui.,- O2o /r,V NA-l"lE OF OWNER /? /otza.n, /4a,,l)b,* Thtatco/ PHONE /Z' 9//S- SIGNATTJRE OF OWNER LOCATION OF PROJECT / ariclress \ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THEAPPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE SIGN/AWNING (FREE STANDING/ WALL, PROJECTING, ETC), INCLUDE SIGN MESSAGE. ^t l't0trt'/ R C. SIZE OF OVERALL SIGN, SIZE OF LETTERING AND LOGO7 i//' ' t./Jt t> X/ct "y' ,l//lnn /rit /7 OR PROPOSED) hn/r'<- D.HEIGHT OF SIGN ABOVE GRADE DESCRIBE LIGHTING (EXISTING ADDRESS /,fT AZ" /CZAIO-t' (-,o {//s DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT lA-^ {a, F' G. LI LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (FT) CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAL FEE: $20.00 PLUS 51.OO pER SQUARE PAID CHECK NO. ( ATTACH ) FOOT OF SIGN AREA. DATE 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. Site PLan Elevations showing exact Iocation of sign orawning on the buildingPhotographs showing pioposed locationColored scaLe drawino Sample of proposed miterialsPhotograph of sign if avaiLabLe Sign Administrator '"rHlLfl lD, l-lLU I LHL firll4a lltrJ u 10 : 41 l'lcr .005 F . tl'.I ftt't/@/ ,$i#"5;iijii,l'-i!!-"jAafutu,-ssdars PRRECJN AUBI,IITtI}IC ownea .&,/g_t2an* _A,rt,"t-,_@ry' ._t,r,r,Hn nooness-J7t/ !u, th#tt,",-:y: fr?r. Cs._I/.t .TIC+NATTJRD l,ocAf IoN 0! DEIJr-'R I t',,i' t(tN r)tr IX r,.i3li8Tff .l *i8H[' iloff , I'Hl+$t,l{LV I fj:H nOARU . A, DUr){::n r r,,n1oH Or THE gIC!|,/At{NINCpNtt\rur:f ItGr F,TL*), lNCLlrbt grctt 6ai'sip._x*ngn&.&.fhpwap- . _ _ B. $ICN 0r( Ahr'trFc xAtERr^r, Jv^.q.&.fu_&tu4fr, rf f,i I GHD oF E IGN ABovE cl ' I\^DE JqfAs_412 .. DEscRllF I,rUx,r,rN0 (uxi St,itG f,R pnopcr.qED) /1M1_ --_*- IreNU',Ul f)!. ufftrrNufJ' !'fnlNTAriFl g\ _4y'1_ .r.._i_F.-- CoNDoI'IINIUM ASSOCIATIOI.I AptRovAL .-.-.tA,1"r,Acrt.t _ . ._ IlSj qro,00 pL06 9r,00-pEB SOuART EOO! oF ,roH iR.EA.FITD __ c,rEcK No._ - -*_ ----nril__. *t t. - girc rlrn3. - EI jvaLloni, shor.,ing .rxact loe.at.lnn ol clgn or- EunJ.ng (/rt Llri bulldino5' .- Pnotogrdph! slewi'' pioposrC loc6tion+. s{ colorcd ocale s[awlrrt - ? , =*_ Fnrin'l o of propoued rrif UsrJalee. ..__ rhot.rrtrnph of stgn 1! availrbte eleiTEfi.fiTt,rr;fir ---' NAf{n f)F ADAREg9 NTT{S OF tl/.f' !C)11 $rJn Tlf.r.AI, BY Tl{ggqH80ul,u0 un!.ot(g'iltE r,F';,qr6N (FRSE,ST*NDINC, VlAtrL, r{EsSAGE, SISE QF OVEflA1,I. CUJI{, 3tr/, yTuttn. 5t xu olr' t,h4"l'iin THc ANt)r,0co--'\'t ll n II , O,nto-ot6-Bezo -rnfo'so / ArFr,TcA,r'ToN nttv ./xy?lr. glox/AHNrxc t?Pr.tcrrIoN xona,f(a!,-*?lr _. l'lr1)JXfi,fr .S), s<r{-A- 3-Yr1"\ I I 'rn" rrT {:!ilat',}'TT:-r!{rrtt r-??|ra t\.llDesign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Category nunOer Z ox" r4zo/q4 ProieaName; &4,. (.. -..b1 4rt.*-' t^,,,.- rt.*,to'n'l ,'/"tl6'-9'4^t/ BuildingName: fnet 4n,,,,J., .fi t,'.t '.,/n-'ta* Qtu.t,'o/ -5./^ /',-. lt/ Project D€scription: Owner. Address and Phone: ,y'l r.' t, -... " <:t-tO- <lSbS Legal Description: Lot E Bbck / Subdivision ',/ V. t r- Z 4 Zone District f'U ProjectStreet Address: l9l. t. t'u/ -4,', -)l /.. .,^t ^.' ', /-".' ,z^- 'ri. Comments: 4@DstarrAction Motion by:B^ ,,. . Secondedby: 6u.,,,. " f. piApproval D Disapproval a StaffApproval Y61s; '<-D -'i / ^-'J: ; ']r Conditions: Town Planner , ;:.< ";b/, Date: / / ^l / t.: DRB Fee Pre-paidtt SI GN/AWNING APPLTCATION ApplrcArroN DA1E lt-t.l -f I qt:':r oEC 7 1991 (P Iease NAME OF NAME OF f}.u l-.r t(Ij J J NAME OF }\U UTg! J J Print or PROJECT Type PERSON SUBMITTING 4t4o^ A)<l- ,^trPHONEtl/f ls(t (Cpytw + Euet$u.ct) fu 7n[ \-/ , u / ' / DESCRTPTTON br PRoJECT UltnE "d €,1r(h/.4,.+xt6,.'L4,,,/" Jtsfz/4 1//>/L OWNER SIGNATURE OF OIINER LOCATION OF PROJECT ,frV71""u otuzd r|,y€J / st -t THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REQUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THE APPLTCANT PRIOR TO THE REOUESI BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECTING, BTC) , SIGN/AWNING (FREE STANDING, WALL, ]NCLUDE SIGN MESSAGE. B.SIGN OR AWNING MATERIAL To ztao 'rr'',"o. P/ti ati' Gn'c v -fu, o(J, c.br.zr! ur uv.biru\.rL sIGN/ SIZE OF LETTERING I'ND LOGOW ,,7, of.Ftaal L1 X (tr- a- 3o tl t/'X n E. HEIGHT OF STGN ABOVE GRADE DESCRIBE LIGHTING (EXISTING OR PROPOSBD) Ueuz- CONDOI'iINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAL (ATTACH) REOUIRED MATERIALS SUBM]TTED W]TH APPLICATION 1. FEE: $20.00 PLUS $1.00 PPALD a4-q0 CHECK NO."" nu#gootoilrtt.* 2. Y 3 5l_ te !,ran ElevaLions showing exact locat.ion of sign or awning on the bui-J-ding Photographs showing proposed location Colored scale drawinq5. _ Sample of proposed materials Photograph of sign if available Sign Administrator OVER q--44 H T l:l{-rFr:H sTl=NS F - 9t= N n,!,r - A-q4 =EFISIGNS SIGN DRAWING P.o, Box 268s . VAL, CO 8165S . 3O3.949.456s ' FnXr 303'949'4670 FAdn colnrT dfiSilUttt( ilsrr&f Vln u sdaTysl \...*_=__-_.-_ o ffr<r t CLIENT ,o*rn fuztr'fa/t{** *'l rft' SCALE PHONE- l.ar|V-?T-9.+ f,lll'r ,r 2:3Fr HTGt{TF|:H Slr:l.l 1+ Ar'I'r' rcArIoN DATE gl6N&nNrH6.. AFrr,re.A!'t on (P I ca:r a NJtr},tE OF NAr'ru c!' ADDRESS FTint oI: Typs f u(uEcT PERSCN SUBUITTINC 4llot 4tr7 y4,. WA/sLlu'"t,.r-- h5 f z.tt s y,t' p uo\ElflltE*_ NAI{E ON O9INER ADDRES $IONITU&F OF OHNER t,o(:AI'I CrN O!' 9Ro.'ECTeh ,, t FuUSep ul k*lt RFViFI{ IIOARLI, A. DESCRIPTION OE lHE gTGH/AgINING PROJECI Il.lC, ETC) , TN(:LrruU SIGN (PREE STA}iDING, NA!L, MESSAGE. a ,{.lfrn"!-'- tl llLrERrAr, -&tUzeo@fi ttrdo , oo , P4ut,rt fuznp d t|t,on,g -- -. C. SlxF: O!' ovERtlL SIGN, SIZE OF r,F:TTrif{IN{j AriD tOGO ?L t,.t tt.t. 4.t/N {.4.il' .ao" ezqxa'r- .|., 1.,-... ]HEICHT OP $IGN ABqVE G RADE Ala4b. , 13,.' I,IU$L'RIBE IIGHTING (EXI.tIINC QII FIC}PO:JED} 438---t. PATD - CH5':NK NO DATL.- II|QI]T NNN FI,.I'UR:."lAI,s. 5UB'T{ITTED WITH J\FPI'ICATI ON :rrte Plan 3I6N OR E$iTING /llda itlt,ttooL H. LEIIGTH OF EI.'$INESS !.NONTAGE (FT) C0NLI|JI'IINIUM ASSOC IIT ION r\FPRnvAI,__1e,rlicnr FOOT OF SIGN I\REA.fEE; $?0,00 PLUS S1-00 rnr( gDuAlrjr 3, .. ._ PlroLogsapho shf1wlhrt proposeC locatlon{, x - Colorcd neale rSrawinq5, .- Sanple nf proFosed mat'€rlrl$5, _ Fhotng"nFh at slrin if avallible 2, y ElevaBlons uliurlng cxact locition of sign or ar4n ing orl Lire bulld{nE -o.."_17 eh4^. 1 Fu^|e|.'t ktr, v t DESCRIPTIoN br peir.mcr &Ac_p{ g?4 q4-+ .+rf-,-,., ilt.a1*! (at- !Xr!r'r--:@-!Etr t,bl-.. .,t..nttn,E! . . THE FOI.T,OW'|}IG T NTTIIRJ''AT I ON IS REOUIRED F{'N SUUM]TTAIJ BY THE AT'T,L]f:AN.II PRI(IR TO THE REOUEST BEING fII]IIUL)ULED BEFORE THE DESICN Sigrr l\cr'l nl nt rat ni OVER = ==_:= ===--_:= =(-t-i. tc = =E--= = = =---= =Jl\Jl vJ SIGN DRAWING P.O. BOX 2688 . VAIL. CO 81658 .3O3.949.4565 . FAX: 303.949.467O AIL STATION 11 \5= Er ss -' 2.1fr I,zlfr4 ( r, ,.,,,. b+ 9.Lh A,IV 21 rdhirE fer ArJ,'l OFFICE 4\ t4Y1-'f=:tI * onrelb]fl-ev i-n, bry t'+ ,,|-EAGLE COUNTY AMBULANGE DISTRICT lg)t til.f Vts(ftJ'T CoNTACT JOB # PHONE FAX: Proiect Application Project Name: Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Commenls: Zone -/L\t " \'1't n "i , Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: k"r^uApproval Projecl Application ,^," sf= sf 8/t / , tn n | \n^ r ^o^r" >/ t >/o" \l n t Vl,/l-tt vr4 t' '/prolecrName: v {4'-l lv I l4 Iti/le,!t a a ( r/ projectDescription' h.(--rJ Stq h t'4 b(^--t1 - Contacl Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Archiiect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Commenls: Zone -to( , ar,/ " Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Plannero^", Az s/r {X"r^uApproval VAIL MOUNTAIN MEOICAL. P.C. 18I WEST MEADOW ON|VE varl. coLoRADo 81657 T€l€phon {3031 478-1AOO 5/ 1+,/88 Design and Flevi*r"r B,eard Town of Vai I 75 South Frontage Rd.Vailr Co. 91657 Dear Ladi es and Gent I smer.t I The attached dorumentg f ,:r rrr a pr,rprrsal f r,r a new sign. Itspurpose ig t* identi f y arrd direct and w,:uld repla,:q Vail Msultainl'ledir:al t s existing siens, whirlr are extremely trutdated and rr,:rr-f uncti;rGT;- On page 3 a drawing sh,:ws the locationr upper parl".:itrg I c,t east wal l r and th€ apprfiltinrate sizrr f ive square f *et. Ttre sigrritsel f r"rnuld lnnk like the sign highlighted on page G. Thel*tt*rs are individual. and rrr'f,Lrnt ed directly on the' r,ral l. This isconsistent with the signs l irrated Dn the west side nf th*bui l di ng. I knc,w at thig tirrre $f the year you ar* extrerrrel y busy and weappre':iate y,rur assistan,:e witlr tlris rrratter. If y':u have anyqLrsstions please da not hesitate to cal l nre at 476-18{:,0. 5i nc er ely 7 A ,'z/ /),/-J lLL ft-tt<-U$.. Susan A. Hur I e"y Catrtr'rl I *r cc: Ray l.4cHalronr Adnrinigtrat,:r Vai I Val I ey Medi caL Cerrt er tLl = o B 9- o ao \ 840 Series,/lnlernally rlluminaled molded frberglass cuoe srgn 823 S eries/ lnlernally illurninated rnolded liberglass srg n 820 Series/lnternally rllumrnated molded f rberglass srgn 810 Series/Molded ,rberglass sign 813 Series/Molded fiberglass sign 810 Series/Molded lberglass sign . lnsure your ability t Direclional & ldentification 813 Series,ll\4olded lrberglass sign GOR Series/Molded lrberglass sign LPP Series/Precision milled acrylic plastic dimensional letters Page 3 ge or add on to the Main Entrance Lobby I 755 Series/lnlernally illuminaled sign wrlh changeable Inserl 440 S erie s/Nonrllum in ated drrectory wilh changeable magnelrc namestrps 520 Series/lnlef nally illurninated direclory with changeable Insert o o chanFlealth Care Facilities Many health care facilities are recognizing lhe need for a well conceived and flexible sign system. lt is no longer practical to approach signing in a hap- hazard or piece-meal fashion. Listed below are some of the benefits you will receive with a well planned srgn sysrem: o Move people efficiently and with /ess anxlety to and through the facility.. Reduce the time your statf spends giving people directions.. Minimize the costs of maintaining lhe syslern. Site ldentif ication Vehicle Control sysrem. c Provide a quick. economical reorder program. . Project an efficient, protessional image. ASI Sign Systems has been the leading manufacturer of sign systems for health care facilities for many years. We understand your special signing needs. Many ol our products were designed and developed specifically for health care facilities. ASI products are specified by leading architectural, interior and graphic design firms throughout the country. Shown on the back page is a partial listing of health care facilities we have provided sign systems for. $::;*[,,i t: ;;iot t '1c :, t: Gtz F 3to Fz f oI z o F: J o I U o 't $ I : di I.1 i l. .. t:t. I I i I I I I t I I ! t Ii I I I '5' '5!iir ':i !:"j '-, 1r:. \,1 ;Vl' ... = h, L r-i r'frl*r n. rFt-* :b :ir :.- ':i:s' ;ii -l:L' .r| i+-; '! Ft rrl o E: n*) TIlT -? .' -a'.!: !:' . r, .. far ,_l-t t:+ ,:i 'i:'' 'Lr 'i Lr-i :1 ,:. -' j- = :r ''i,-+13 tt L- i- :i: ri, l-l '3 r.I,t 3I tao: $x ?o ,iTg :- .a r.arrrr E '3-+ .r i,-' 7. - rrf e0,+r+ .r F< ':t |:I -? at r-rr i- '= !:' l {a, 6llI- tot t; nl Il- i J'$q;rt ohrut.U ==5 0 F E fi .9 Fl $ .$(n Best coPY Available olo2-o-33l -:., i.i! ,-a-r'{t ^.i}-."L ,c APPlicatisn ilrber SIGN APPLICATIOi'I Fee Paid Da te Name of Name of Locati on Project Person Subrnitting of Project . '.;ii, , / ,. .:Phone/"L-/fL"). Description of .Project O u-/ c, r/€. ,'; a ,t / S) ,9, .^ ) EAJ ' A,< .l't , The fol lorvingto the Design Sign submittal Reviel Board before a final fee is 520.00. submittal by the aPPlicant approval can be givel- B. Description of Sign C. Size of Sign ' i7" Ae.) D. Length'o{Frontace fFt. J .l f E. Comnents I'IATERIALS SUBiiITTED I.IITH APPLICATION 1. Site P'lan - 2. Drat'ri ngs sffifrTig-exact'l ocation 3. Photogiaphs sho''ring proposed locacron4- Aciual siqn4. Actual sign - 5. Colored scale dra'.'rtng - 6. PhotograPh of sign Approved for t)RB Subnittal Disapproved for [)RB Subnittrl - Best Lopy Available a .. '-,- -- : i''\ -_.: . -" AdmrntscTaro-i zj'I tr.x 7''o '^.n' h*,^-6**6''3 ------_ -H $ d'ot''i'1tqtt 8t- >'ld ' allri- -i'l -li 1!)\_l_/ 1- 2oZ ilarTtN6 WALL cotv? e*15T. col iwr,u<fc>\ <et@'le l* e*t4 ih{:- A&'t icoN?r<u laea . -e,'RL?aCe vl\fc+4 Z =*tcJl, /+ ]?A'{[rG T SaMAlFl ' 7. l "LY-fEJ-\MAT'H EI,IjT t9lc€,wAu( . i eLEvAlla|'] . cO i .' t.r^a tli ''.btt' '1\'2 ' IA\O . DYOWNaK A.IEKIA' SITE PLAN TTT_;TTO 1t-oll# tNl L? Appl ication Nunber Fee Paid #P,grffiA+boa1 srcN APPLTcATToN Name of Project U U ^1, C, Name of Person Subrnitting l2l --_T__Location of Project U. U k/,Q. A. Sign Material Date .{, /. t 7 pnone 1?4'3O'38 The following informatjon is required forto the Design Review Board before a final Sign submittal fee is $20.00. submi ttal approva 1 by the appl icant can be given. B. Description of Sisn 6ft / ?iUr.4 Z ' a' L D. E. Lenst h of__Ers_nta-se_lEtJ Corunents MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan 2 . Drawi ngs sh-owl ng exact 'l ocati on3. Photographs showing proposed'locati'-on]4. Actual siqn5. Co1 ored scal e drawi ng _6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal Diiapproved for DRB Submittai] )tgn Aomtnlstrator - ) rgn Admt nl strator ,1 4. that it was frustrating to al'l that Golden Peak was not yet constructed, but added that if the present request were not approved, he did not know if it would change Golden Peak's pniorities. Donovan asked if jt would do any good for the board to express their feeling to Gillett in a letter, and Macy felt that if the board chose to write him, that would be fine. He added that Gillette was aware of many aging lifts, etc., whereas, Golden Peak could still function as it was. Because of the many other pri orities, Macy fe1 t that Go'l den Peak wou'l d not be #l in priority for a number of years. VLgle qpvellqn{Schultz seconded to approve the request for a conditional use or as Ionq as the interim development plan was va and would be recons toereo af, suc me as the interim eve lopment Dlan was rev 3.Ar est for front setback variance in o r to build a residence on Lot 7 vct Jo n Mue This was tabled unti'l the May 28th meeting. Are uest for an amendment to the a roved er to ocaEe ous rv apDrov Tom Braun explained that one element of the Medica nter' s approved development plan involved the lease of 30 off-site park'i ng spaces to meet the parking demands of the proposed expansion. At the PEC's last review of theproject, they approved off-site spaces to be located at the Sun Vail condominiums. Any changes to the locatjon of these spaces were to be reviewed and approved by the PEC. The Medica'l Center was now requesting to locate the spaces at Manor Vail rather than at Sun Vail. Through a parking utilization study which Manor Vail conducted, the staff determined that Manor Vail could lease 67 spaces to others. Braun stated that the staff recommended approval of the Manor Vai1 site, with the condition that a letter of approval from the Manor Vail condo association be submitted to the staff indicating that the condo associatjon agree to the lease arrangement. Ray McMahon, representing the Medical Center, stated that he had talked with Bob Lazier, owner of the spaces at Sun Vai1, and Lazier indjcated no oppos i ti on . Donovan said that she would ljke to have a way to find out just exactly where the people who work in the Medical Center are actually parking. She was opposed to the fact that they may be using the parking structure because the hospital may never actually add on and in the process of adding on, construct a parking structure. McMahon indicated that the Medical Center did know who was parking on their lot. Donovan felt that since a parking pass did not really cost that much, there would be employees who felt that their time was nore va1uab1e, and in fact she had spoken to employees who had said they would buy a parking pass. i aqe 10th Fi I i lan in or nq on Lots E an nq. Appl icant: , 'l o Braun said that there would be no way to prevent anyone from using the parking structure. He added that in the case of the hospital peopie parking at Manor Vai1, that Jack Rush, manager, would be able to monitor this. Osterfoss asked McMahon if he would have any way of knowing if employees were parking at the Medical Center, and McMahon assured her they could by use of valet parking. Donovan suggested adding another column to the patient sign-in sheets asking exactly where they parked and whether or not they had a problem finding aparking space'i n order to find out exactly what the situation was. Braunpointed out that one condition placed upon the Medical Center was that they monitor the parking situation. Piper felt that having the hospital do their own monitoring was a little like a fox in a chicken house. Diana felt that the Town should do the survey. Hopkins stated that she would like to see whattraffic is generated by the hospital , by broken 1egs, doctors'offices, new babies, etc. She added that in most cities, the doctors'offices were not on the same site as the hospital . Braun stated that one condition of the origina'l approval was that there be an annual review of the parking situation starting the fjrst spri ng after thefirst winter of operation. Donovan asked what could be done if it the parking situation was found to be inadequate, and Braun answered that the number of required parking spaces to be leased off-site could be increased. Hopkins stated that in a year she would want to re-evaluate to see exactly the numberof spaces being used by the Sports Medicine Facility, the doctors and the hosoital . Hopk i ns moved and Schultz seconded to rove !o amend the rev i ousl roveq (sta ve to nt an for the exoans'l 0n I0 ail Va A cal Center A was ovan vol] n nst use sne at thi s 5. Appo'intment of a member to the Land Use Plan Committee Rick Pylman stated that it would be good to have one member from thecommittee. Donovan nominated Jim Viele, and Jim said that he wouldto serve on this committee. The meeting adjourned at 3:50 pm. PEC on the be wi lf ing ,'i o that it was frustrating to all that Golden Peak was not yet constructed, but added that if the present request were not approved, he did not know if jt would change Go'lden Peak's priorities. Donovan asked if it would do any good for the board to express their feeling to Gillett in a letter, and Macy felt that if the board chose to write him, that would be fine. He added that Gil'lette was aware of many agjng lifts, etc., whereas, Golden Peak could still function as it was. Because of the many other priorities, Macy felt that Golden Peak would not be #l in priority for a number of years. Viele moved and Schultz seconded to approve the request for a conditjonal use or as lonq as the interim develooment olan was va and would be e vof,e was 3. A request for a front setback variance in order to build a residence on Lot 7. Vail Villaqe 10th Filing. Applicants: John Mueller and Frank h|yman This was tabled until the May 28th meeting. Are uest for an amendmen to the a roved NE lan in or er to ocale orev ous tv aDprov aqe Secon canE: Tom Braun explained that one element of the Med'i cal CenTfi approveq 4. Va development plan involved the lease of 30 off-site parking spaces to parking demands of the proposed expansion. At the PEC's Iast reviewproject, they approved off-site spaces to be located at the Sun Vail condominiums. Any changes to the location of these spaces were to be reviewed and approved by the PEC. The Medical Center was now requesting to locate the spaces at Manor VaiI rather than at Sun Vail. Through a parking utilization study which Manor Vail conducted, the staff determined that Manor Vail could lease 67 spaces to others. Braun stated that the staff recommended approval of the Manor Vail site, with the condjtjon that a letter of approval from the Manor Vail condo association be submitted to the staff indicating that the condo association agree to the I ease arrangement. Ray McMahon, representing the Medjcal Center, stated that he had talked with Bob Lazier, owner of the spaces at Sun Vail, and Lazier indicated no oppos iti on. Donovan said that she would like to have a way to find out just exactly where the people who work in the Medical Center are actual]y parking. She was opposed to the fact that they may be using the parking structure because the hospital may never actually add on and in the process of adding on, construct a parking structure. McMahon indicated that the Medical Center did know who was parkjng on their lot. Donovan felt that since a parking pass did not rea1ly cost that much, there would be employees who felt that their time was more valuable, and in fact she had spoken to employees who had said they would buy a parking pass. meet theof the a e interim develooment i'kinq on Lots E and F Medical Cen