HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT E F VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 1986-1987 ALTERATIONS BY ELEVATOR LEGALI o2 F =Iu o- rf)sr <\lOl rf) Lf) OrOl C\I tn ca OO (f (f) ro O (\t cr).{. .t) tJ.J IIJtL ==E uJ oe rfi?,?Zhl loI lrJ el3rrl6 =t;ol66ilz 71 6 rqcot\lc{F?|-.1 1...(0L!E 13 lo I I r<l , -li. =,HOI 4>i:aJ >< =s4to >f,>nT -oui nd@elcItJ X t?lrol 15 l J uJ =.r oFo Fz )lA ' ,)l 4lvl/)lr. l /n h /, L4a 4,.1t 4 f ciF o- Iz, UJJ u(f,1,J ./. 4 .41 ). /- c ./.,// ) ,) 4 .2,7.z7 ; o o o) l)o = (n 3oF Q\ *^l C&o' E {.o\ o c) o/o o) == E =.f o o (5 3 .g E O ?: (! .Y' '=O(,);(dipteuk,; =es?€*EE8E=!c €EE:9 ef;E:ge:E >=: c:'"G -*Ed)35=5 EEiRitEo:€8i.9;ee lrl ! --ag:EP o-(E o-- 6'!6;oiE-orE*e€ P6(Ed EEEH o(5:-- Ees9. - o..Y o 60-:c;o(, -. ari o:a; - ;:;'s:;.o I3!'3 6 >.= . O (!: X tEFg iE !: s, o-o -e5g: - o (! .:y rt) F.o -l ,o I c\l s $ o oLr)<r Cf, o lr)stF\ @ I i c (f A. ( ( ( ( ( oo olr) (o t-l- t- (i sl tr e. llJ o- z o J t UJ z J -oc ollJ tr z o J 2 tu = r!t!ltzIF UJe.o uJe. to 3 UJ l!Ezo uJo -n uJ o- z qJ F luol :z t!- = -t a L! a uJ uJ lJ- F =t uJl J FoF z J @ F !! uJ z6 =J J 2 tu = J F F NOrM'lVA F F F I F c ;g.o =IL z tr a u) UJ J tu2 UJ =>E E tr,t (S =o(\l zz io- 4X)FP o <noz>-Oo<)zlr<oq alt ti9UFO.ini z F lJ I 4 l (lJ o- F a ul J z E <- <-z E tuF ; u.lz. atrzlzQa <oo< <ul:ttxrr5ct<z aFz. 2= EO3fi ut 3 a !) uJz :< iF F z F z I f1 ll l-"1toltoltdl JJ 3t Fl F -Jl<li-l =l z .. >l uJo UJ uJz t (r IJJ o- zI =irE z U) d) z YI! LtF ,-1) f;5 z oPze d)o =z .-P ii =f;=A;E trEn ulFo @o-Z(oocorh(Lut .\ Y(O llJ r-dl-ooF u-l t- F-1-< tr uJ ttlol>(do0dRdlr{t: UuJbkzo t (r ul o. ?!!EZE<ol60no39 =tE E =o-=>.=ut-E E=l,=J= E =o-E U59 EutE XO-t x>g. q-oitttr uJo F --- ts =E UJ o-zoF() :) E,Fozo(J I GoF Fzo J E UJ v'l ;TI-l EI C\t I I0j Io)l(6l =l:,g I>l G' =J lJ- dl 6 &,trlFzL!L) '-t (-) a . lrl = lrJJJ J :> i'i =z /6 -l I 'lt-l A.l.l (uI1'- r-l uf 1a=8; <lj E() I cil z.l ol LrJl .El JI q rLlol zl xl FI F(nz. a./) J LlJ-o- fi anz.td- o, ct ros-\r Or Ico Lr) cr) =.1ollul il <l>l ttlol zl 3l 9l z, F H oa z, co = J d = = I I I I*'l ol =.1ol IJJI 1l al>l ILIol zl 3lolFI L c, o, s|- L.) Lr) Ic{@sf el EI --.rl AIilol zl 3lolFI oa z. e -t d. = ,lol IJJI Gl Jl <l>l u-lol flp E <FGC)uJ<zg [,IJ F(nZ E2? =<=c d6o 9z I uJ = Eh =b2 C) EE}ts Jl-o = l"lq Eil x oss ilr X eaa o $it I I N\J $- rtl t N s uJ G F t--Iz =o z ut UJ z z 6Jlto € ozz x. lrJz 3 uJ'r F z J UJo zIo ct o o sll .l3t(g $(! c 3-q.l- F IJ' * = s. q, o I I dt c 6 =l do o (! 3 .9 o o) 0) .; 0) c) c .E .U, s c'- R c B (DE o) o o l =f i q) IJ' c o .g ; t- t ; E o (l| c E o E'} Eo() o ]I :o ;.: '-aC'G -:=rr;> o.9 E(6 FO .= o) !!= o-ri (E <q) ON (!C -aoo rlr 0) :'!sx3 >() i<; (!E >.9!€)o;rr=oEr-o -o U) r.lJ UJu- F p vt * \ s f\\t \9 \9 \$ o o r^ N $ $ 0\ I :1. v\ \A:l. C\. $ o 0 I o o oa wr o o. oo\ o! o .a\, J os ovtq \s -. \9 \9N s UJ F UJ z oJ I z J EF(,tl, ilJ- z = Iz L! = ut uJ zIF uJ uJ Bg UJ z -vr' F lu f z x F u, @ I \ a I N:i se $d U> uJ u.l lJ- E UJ I<iF F J f J (J F qJ)tl, IJt< =12cnl<>tr -i I r!,dt: J( l-- ro NO[Vn']VA I t;l{t-lc t:ll ;E siAi z.ileV ?lee ECixtx v {= >c -:c.a A6 olVo zz i.o- 4:< .r?^=E: ir6ZrL< g8 FO -. .,i ll IH H ldt{t- 'x x z ; g r.i o- E(, UJo- F f tl.l z E z tr LuF - IJJz tltltttt =z zOa <oo< =Px46o<z aF3r- 9= ;6 =d uJ -)J (E a!) flJzYI F llJ F z tr oz F UJ o 3 I I--l I _l Fl F <l FI zl zl .. >lo rii llj uJ2 U' = U o- J zIF oo z tr @ I I II_1 --I I I I "lzlYIGI<latl iI ll "l*il9td ll;:l:ogu \+ o,F-H-o =.o (4ca(Jog O--A(F P(5 O-.F rtt =.Ovg aoJ(F r, -ri.F O) O-LLv C X.r0Jca.= !- ut t- +)@rc 0JO<r! 0J o-o o.p E (JEov1 03*r E c|+) (5 L(F .z+- o (, =l-(^cO c') +r 'rJ€ G, 3Jir !n rooo !u-J(v-g 5* o F Ezar ut o-EI>.slir iFlr^r+*x\l rSlguJ )^F\.,zox \L F\ LDII) \a vls6f 'Ol -i___=_ f-^X:e\ V'i rl= \./ |/ F-.\zr= fB,el LrJ =F o tr z .n97zcoo>z JOb\ El =l Fl "du-| z=il :5*l =!\r ;; 5&F<E=9=9><o'= O=()-s E5o q rr- O '., .J.J LU o oF C) Fzoo z I() UJ Zts- =dJZrro F Fz J o F d5 2?-7 g=S I |\$t:tol tzl (r sl $Jl c{ =lbbl szl 6t ;FI F I I .l =.1 uJl 5l <l>l rrlol zl BI 9lFI f, rf) rfll$II:t b.o rO ui)u, ,l* :l $ 3$F-i JE fl, \2 \' \' ul(J J o- ol ; zoo =FooE i;: s e=v, ?= z=1+ ii E;* 9:;=.!;.9,-:..9Y.-c;=,.a bE_-o_E * e: i i;:: E.e : : ;'e;o:i6>..: - 9= coa * . i .: d ! € ! .i . b ! E l.: l= E !; i;:bE;Z;:E i .2 .-+ i .: - ...? aF.2 F J=.= ,.; ig lEE:. ?:: ; d-53!ii: == ! ? Y.:z iE E i3 .,Ei:f;3: @ @ c C.lc{ Etrl z &rllHzH C) Fl (J t-l E >ri.r H oo 3 't U t- o\1-it I dz OD ! IH o o'€ 3(, ru zoHtsHoo & rI1Hztrl(J Fl (JHA E tsEl FfJ Fft-t z o F'.urH a r l- :__\Y--<>x >zz|a<{*-:adf ^4\',xni-2ug=z=*sz lJ.-PAL!\J-c(,,^ F-ZzL,AlrJ-\- its\ <.aQ5=c.:or zSFF*t.a<E:;F<\2a;ul=z>h=*<:Yt= r,i:lakt- PFtrAlrJ Eto>), nO4F|'lZ-xvHti*^<r<x *oXAFZ\J:S;KUo!.-xH -FY---€ca|.l]I!{<trF()>F rl{a- -C. iFrF,FHf.ta9:X. ea FR EN F -rl-a ..- I -H Et.F) EF fHel\sv :. -aq --E|e ap.d,LI <f- -a *FTFHHf|\.-,v rr-t 11 6. {{ trtH.PfH .lJ{the. r=)\t 'p .,; ';-'li l ' . ;) -r' i1 cATic,F, RUMA a a?socrATEs MEETING MEMO Project: Datei 4/L/87 \_ Sheet 1 -2OT ,/./ Proiect # E!!0. 0Participants r @g rcgg", Time: 9:Dan Feeney, Ski-p Spenst, Pl ace:Jotrr Hughes, Gary Svretish, Completed By: Dennis Bauccm Steve BecJcer, Dave Sargent Dennis Balccrn the follqrirg comments are a sunnary of the gnoke remoraVcontroldiscussion: l. Mike McGee stated the preference to have supply fans continue tooperate until supply fan duct smoke detector is a]anned, at which timethe sqply fan should stq>. 2. Mike also conmented that exhaust fans should always run under arqrcondition, unless ttre porer is shut off from ttre electrical brea-ker trnnel. For systens that include a return fan, ttre return anil extraust dampers would close and open restrnctively upon anl' srnoke detector goinginto alann. 3. Dennis Baucon rerris,yed the three snoke separations with Mike ardpointed out that the air handling systems do not cross srrer between snoke sepa.rationg with this information rerriewed, Mike stated hewouLd not require anlr local manual fan control for controllingpressures beween smoke separation areas. 4- Dan and Mike both agreed the o.R. area should be on a selnrate zone. 5- Mike asked that ttre retard setting on the flolv stritch for the inconingfire protection service be set toi gO seconds. 6. Mike asked the Ansul system for ttre grease bood be tied- into the firealarn qast€n. 7. Dan Feeney suggested that the new building addition be controlled thesane way as discussed above. Dennis said he would reriier'rr the idea withClint Cator. The foreEoing corrsLitutes our understanding of the Inatters discu..,sed and conclusionsreached. 0ther participants are requested to review items and advjse the undersigned.in writing, of any errors or omissions. Page 2 8. ft was discussed that the rprmal interlock for exhaust fans to otrnrate when sqply fans are on will have to be prorrided with an orerride when srryply fans stop frqn snoke detection that the exhaust fans continue to run. 9. Mike sr.rggested the hospital rnay wish to add sectional valves in the fire protection systen for isolating senrice. Valves will require tamper seritches. Mike said not to exceed five valves. copy: Clint Cator \! :r- . SPECIrIC OPTICAI. DENSIE OF S}OKE CEilENATEI} BY SOLID UATERLALS ASTI{ Standard l{athod of Teat B 662-79 GSA Fladag Requlreoctt tdaterlal ldeatlfled aa rrTrideat III|I R.port Nrober 33843 l{ay 18r 1982 Preparcd for: tlellco Carpet Corporation Calhoun, Georgla ThB r6mn b lrovldrd 10. tha lxcluslva u3a ol tha cllcol to whom lt is addtlss'd' ti-il;- b; i,sli- in -ns ontintv to galn product acclptano! from duly conslltulltl authorlil0!. Thls cpoft applir3'only to thosc sanpl$ !3lad anq is n0| nft'ssanly indi[rui'or apparcnhi ioirittca or'slmtl.t Produda' - Thts rGpori, or thr nam' 0f Cbliiiliiiai iiSrine 'com''pany, shall not'b. usrd und.t anv clrcumslanc! In adwnFing to lhc elnrrel publlc. GOMMERCIRT TGSTING GOMPRNT DALTOT{, CEOROIA COMMERCIRT TESilNE GOMPRNY SPECIFIC OPTICAT DENSITY OF SOLID MA?ERIALS ASl}{ Standard lGthod of TeBt GSA Flarnlng Requlrement SUOKE GENERATEI) E 662-79 Materlal ldentlfled aa I'lrldeot III|I Report Nunber 33843 TeBt Number 1210-8831(R) l.tay 18, 1982 Prepared for I Vlellco Carpet Corporation Calhouo' Georgla COMMERCIAL TESTING COMPAI:IY furl**, g'rL..) Jonathan Jackson ExecutLve Vlce Presldent TESTIIUG r BESEIBGH 1215 S. HAMILTON ST. o ElfGftEERtrUG DALTON, GA 30720P.O.BOX 985 404/278-3935 Report Nunber 33843 Test Nuober 1210-8831(R) Pace 2 of 5 I.IMRODUCTION Thls report represents regults of the smoke chamber teat on a materlal submltted for testlng by Wellco Carpet Corporatlon. The test vas conducted 10 accordance with the Amerlcan Soclety for Testlng and Materlals Standard lrlethod of Test E 662'79, I'SpeclfLc optlcal Denslty of Snoke Generated by SoJ.ld MaterLals." Thie nethod, also known as the NBS Snoke Chanber, ls ldentical to the nethod deecribed ln the Natlonal Fire Protectlon Assoclation Nuubet 258-1976. It 1s used solely to meaaure the smoke denslty characterlstlcs of a materlal under controlled laboratory conditlons. It should not be used for the descrlptlon, appralsal, or regulation of the hazard of a materlal under actual flre condltions. No consLderatlotr ls made for results that nay be obtalned tf the naterial belng evaluated were tested Ln conblnatton wlth other materlals. The test results apply only to the speclmene tested and are not necessarlly indlcatlve of apparent ldentlcal or slmlLar naterlals. AlL teat data are on ftle ana are available for reviev by authorlzed Persona . II. SCOPB The smoke denslty chamber test ls used to deterrnlne the epeclflc optical denslty of smoke generated vlthln a closed chamber due to non- flaning pyrolJ.tlc decompoeJ.tlon and flauing combustlon. The non-f J-aning uode employs an electrlcally-heated radiant energy heat gource wlth an Lrradlance level of 2.5 vatts per aquare centlmeter. For the flarning mode, a slx-tube burner, fueled vlth a propane/alr rnixture, 1s used ln conblnation lrlth the radLant heat to aPply a rott of equidlstant flanelets acrosa the lower edge of the specLnen and lnto the speclmen trough. A photonetrlc system vtth a vertl-cal llght path is ueed to Deasure the varylng llght transmlttance as snoke accumulates. The llght trans- misslon measurements are ueed to calculate the Speciflc OPtlcal Denslty, whlch ls derlved from a geometrlcal factor associated wlth the dlmeosions of the test chanber and speclmen, and the measured optlcal denelty, a measureme[t characterLstLc of the concentratLon of suoke. The photometrlc scale used to measure the smoke generated ln thLs test is elmilar to the optlcal denslty scale for human vislon. III. TEST PROCMURE Specimens neasurlng three (3) lnches square are taken fron the specimen to be evaluated. Specimeus are enclosed with heavy-duty alun- lnun foll and mounted in troughed specimen holders backed wlth a t inch ';u:,*itt*,',;, ,.l,1ij'i;; i,:; f: ,ij} {$ Report Nuober 33843 Test Nurober 1210-8831(R) lnorganlc olllboard block. The samples are Pre-conditloned for twenty- four (24) hours at 14OoF, and then condltloned to equlllbrlun at 70'F and 50 percent relatlve hunldltY. The test nethod conslsts of three (3) exPosures in the flanlng node and three (3) expoaurea Ln the nou-flamlng mode. Ilowever I ln rnany instances, the code requLrement w111 be the same as for the General Services AdmLnlstratlon lrhere the flanlng mode ouly ls requlred. For those tests' only the flanlng node ls done and rePorted. The test chanber Ls pre-condltloned to a ready state and the 1r!ad- iance level of the radlant heat energy source ls verlfled. The l00Z and 0Z transnlttance of the photonetrlc system 1s callbrated. The speclmens mounted ln the troughed epecLmen holders are tested in the apProprlate mode for the evaluatlon belng done, whether flaning only or both flanlng and non-flaning. The test perlod 1s for twenty (20) ntnutes or untll mlnimum light transmittance ls obtalned, vhichever occura flrst. The test chamber is then evacuated of the accumulated smoke. Another light transnLttance readlng ls taken and recorded as the clear beam readlng. Thls ls the accumulatlon of eoot and other effluent on the optlcal system and la converted to speclflc optlcal denslty and used as a correctlon facto! 1n calculatlng flnal test results. The recorded data for l1ght transmittance ls used to calculate the specific optlcal denslty of the smoke generated durlng the test for each of the specimens tested. The results are then averaged and reported as Average Speclflc Optlcal Denslty. IV.DESCRIPTION OF I.,IATERIAL TESTED The uraterLal belng evaluated, ldentlfied as Trldent III, Ls descrlbed ln the Table belov. CTC Test Number Date Tested Ident 1f lcat lon Cons truc t ion Yarn Type Secondary Backiug lJeight Color 1210-8831(R) l,tay 18, 1982 Trldent III Tufted Cut Plle Nylon Jute 79.2 ounces per I 128 square yard :r. : '! il i,, "is'f ,t:... Report Nuuber 33843 Teet Nruber 1210-883f (R) v.TEST FASULTS lta test resulte are Preaeoted ag an averag€ of the epeclnene teet- ed in each exposure mode requlred for the apecl.flc evaluatl.o!. Thc teet reeulta are shontr Lo tbe followiag table: Trideat III Flaolng 229 The Tektronix 4051 conputer Prtnt-out for data obtal'oed durlng the test Ls shqr! oa the flaal page of the rePort. Thc followlag 1lst of abbrevlatlone and their neanl.nge are ueed ln the Print-out aod nay be ueeful ln tnterpretetloa of teat data. Zl {e the pcreeat ll.ght traneoleeLon rangl'ng frou 1002 to 0Z transElttance. Da le the epeclflc optlcal deoelty. Du le the rna:r{rqrm epeclflc optleal denelty. Dc la the epecl.flc optlcal denslty value of the clear beo readLng (correctlon factor). Dn (corrected) repreeente Do - Dc ald Ie the cortectsd uexloun apecLfJ.e optlcal denaity, the number rhlcb, when averaged' le the ftnal test regult. Tlne to De-16 le tbe tlne at whlch 752 1lgbt traosd'ttance ls obtatned, utrich ylelds a epeclflc oPtlcal denslty of 16. Dn e f.5 and 4.0 ulautea are eho*a because sore aeroaPace and avl.atlon agenclee requtre these tl.De crLterta to Judglng the euoke develop[ert characterletLcs of, a naterial. NCffE: Dr C 4.0 oinuteg nay be higher than lln (corrected) beceuee no allovance Ie llade for the accumrlatlo! of soot on the photoneter systeo. 8mfiffiilffiffiffi#flffit r#$Yil$?ffi $ttr?pffifr?Y o ct trSctct- DD-{l-. 'D -{-tC}H* !1*.8m xlll-l'.,O r- D U)'16f -l€ -F*3m D (t.. Dttt -<mr-33 co=If,r{ 61t<GlU) = r$d 11 6Zer Dhlg :-3c7oio -1t-{..mr.. -.1O _t Cr) =tlan ts{(t mz ta t{ :a D'6 .r1 FF>riDGDlrF6FC79 !-F.HrDD D ClCt =c)=-(JlmmmFl €r -{ -fo(D €fltmo:pltn(rFCl8{r-rF\ DFrf|-(as.| FD,{(1)mlf (tZ \ Cat{ = r<EA>. D6lTr= =r(?l> 4\ m =-rt =3rg-r:s\.rts 6l D C(lgl-lqt9-.C{N Ul -{ = iii-inxl{ T l"lfi --6trl- --r^ m trl (:lc' ! DD*ila |l| r ct ==D {-|m (1 B H P{l4",-;dBd5iltEE;i"i'F=n; -ESS 3 ;;3tg *t i -B{ 5 =---;Fi .n Zqmftt.orqet'm=ct -a sr!r gtm GFmut'fl3 gr-qis.r oF |\) !|FN hlNG) t- frl (J| Ntl| r (rlNi ulo \O G9-<5 f\t { (n lD6r :- -n r-|-6l(9eN fu F>N f\ltu(St N =N (tNm. (AlN' (r(9\O tOO-<eCOF\g\oO -Z'c| @(/) =.'al ('l'u=DctxNlt|(,Gr9\mD=Cr{, =-lrn(?gr-(lrD t\t =(trmF rtilrlllllllll a--r (9NO(rl r-' '. \lrG)O0. CnCl(D Ul 5@ o cll(^l r{+ €E3- oargr?(7 r{ -m d-lmgr (t(o U, \r'n ulE dEI:o-1 c)m=n l- a Oic'l (9N pF?rJ GrNr(S (clGlNm. r-f$' Or(D1lr-.<5O)t-tU -J (9 TEST FOR CRITIOAL N.ADIANT N.I'x OF CASPEI FL@RING STSTNG Fedcral lcst Utthod Sted8rd Nuuber 372 Floor Covcrtng Idcotlflcd ac |tTrldcat IIII R€port Nuobcr 33842 Uay 201 1982 Prepared for: Charleetou Carpcte Calboul, Georgla Thts nDon ls orovtdcd to( tha uclusivr usr ol thc clldtt i0 whom it 13 eddt.ssad. rr'-hai'ui ,sic ln ns snllrlty to gain ptoduct acc!9lanct lrom duly constlluhlt authoriiiG. Thls rrpott appli.s onty to thosr semplls !3sl!d and is nd noccssanly Nditiriti ot apdaranlty kt;ithal or'simllet products.. Thls rrport, 0r thr nanrr 0f codniiiitai tiSting 'Company, shall nol br usrd undlr any circumslanc. In adrlftisiog to thr gdt.nl Publlc. GOMMGRGIRI' IESilNE COMPRNY DALTO}', GEORCI.A lr GOMMERGIRI IESilNE GOMPRNY TEST FOR CRITICAL RADIA}IT FLT'X OT CARPET FLOORING SYSTE}IS Federal Test Uethod Stardard Nunber 372 Floor Coverlng ldentlfled aa ttTrident IIItt Report Nunber 33842 Test Number i208-8744(R) May 20' 1982 Prepared for: Charleston CarPetB Calhoun ' Georgla COUMERCIAT TESTING COUPANY +rr,r/,r^t A/"') Jonathan Jackson Executlve Vlce Preeldent TEST!ilG o RESEARCH 1215 S. HAMILTON ST. o EtUGItEERt UG DALTON, GA 30720P.O.BOX 985 404t278-3935 Report Number 33842 Test Nunber 1208-8744(R) I.INTRODUCTION Thla report represent8 results of a Test for Crltlcal Radiant Flux of a Carpet Flooring Systen subnltted by Charlestoo CarPets. Thls teat' also knowa as the Floorlng Radlant Panel, ls ldentlcal to the Anerlcan Soclety for Testlng and Materlale Standard E 648 and the National Flre Protectlotr Aseoclatlon Test Method Number 253. It Eeasurea the crltlcal radlant flux at flane-out of horlzontally noutrted complete floorlng syetems erpoaed to a flamlng lgnltlon source ln a graded radiant heat energy envlronment lntended to sLmulate actual conditloae that have been observed aod defloed 1n full-ecale experlmeats . The test ls appllcable only to floor coverlng systens whlch duplicate or slmulate accepted lnstallatlon practlcee. Tests on indivldual components of a system are of llnlted value and are not valid for evaluatlon of the entire flooring syster. The test results apply only to the speclnene tested and are not necessarlly lndlcatlve of apparent l"dentical or slmllar materlale. A11 test data are on fLle and are available for review by authorlzed PeraoBs. II. PURPOSE fhe Floorlng Radiant Panel test meaaures the level of lncLdent rad- lant heat energy on the floor coverlnt systen at the nost dlEtant flane- out polnt, and is expreseed ae Crltlcal Radiant Flux ln watts per square centLmeter. It provldes a basis for estimating one asPect of flame- spread behavior for floor coverlng systema lngtalled Ln corridors or exitways of bulldinge. The lnposed radlant flux 81mu1ate8 thermal radlation levels l1ke1y to lnp Lnge on the floor of a corrLdor whose upper surfaces are heated by f larnes and/or hot gaaea fron a fully developed flre ln an adJ acent room or coupartment. III. TEST PROCEDT'RE A mLnlmum of three (3) sets of the floor covering systeD oust be teeted. A specLnen measur{.ng 20 centheters by 100 centlmeters 18 mouated ln a horlzontal speeLuen holder ln the test chamber. A gas/air fueled radiant heat energy panel ls mounted ln the chanber at a 30o angle to the horlzontal epecLmen plane. The radlant panel' generatea an energy flux dlstributlon ranglog along the the 100 centineter length of the speclmen of approxl.nately 1.0 watte per square centlmeter to a ulnlnr.u of 0.1 lratts per aquare centimeter. The test 18 loltlateil by an open f lane fron a pllot burner that ls brought lnto contact wlth the speclmen for 10 mlnutes. For that continue to burn, the test ffi ffi ffitffiffie$;S#;ffitu tr:#ffi ff{ffi ffi ,;;3$$$$$&X$? Report Ntrnber 33842 Test Number f208-8744(R) Ls contlaued uatl1 the flane Soea out' wlthout the Pllot burner ln contact. The epecinen ls then renoved fron the test ch€ober and the polnt of farthest flame front advaoce is measured. The crltlcal radl-ant flux ie then computed from the Flux ProfiLe curve deterrnlned during callbratlon. W. FLOORING SYSTEM IDENTIFICAT]QN The lnaterlal belug evaluated' ldeotifled aB lrldent III' ls deecrlbed la the Table beLos. Floor Coverlng: CTC Test Nunber Identlflcatlon Conatruct lon Plle Yara Type Secondary Backlng Color Uaderlalmeut Adheslve.g@:Duratlon Temperature Relative HuuldltY V. TESTING 1208-87 44 (R) Trtdent III Tufted Cut Plle Nylon Jute 1128 nlnetal-f lber /ceuent board None Taylor 295 48 houre 70 t 5"F 50 t 5 percetrt The crltLcal radlant fLux of an lnorganlc ull-l-board dumy specinea wae checked at the 40 cn uark on the day of the test. Crltlcal radlant flux of 0.5 ! 0.02 ltatt8 Per square ceotimeter lndlcated ProPer oPera- tlon of the teBt apparatus. The floorlug system wae then teeted withln parametera outlined in the staudard on May 20' L982- .{"f ,i.}'ii,i" .. ti ':: '.t.'" t j4t;l il Plooriac System: Structural Floor r" # g{i$J}l{d;{;-; . fu *'gjj;'i;'*r*'# Report Number 33842 Test Ntnber 1208-8744(R) W. TEST RESIILTS The tegt data for the three specLmens tested are shoen ln the chart bel-ow. TLne to Flame-out (nlnutee) CrLtlcal Radlant Flux (W/cn2) 16 10.0 1. 08+ 2T 10.0 I .08+ 1.08+ 3 3.9 10.0 1.08+ The average crltlcal radLant flux for the speclnea being evaluated for Charleeton Carpets ls: Specloeu Trldent III Average Crltlcal Radlant Flux Ifatte/cmz The standard Devlatlon (s ) of the three valueg of the measured crltlcal radlant flux ls 0.0OOd when calculated ln accordance wlth the ASTti Manual on Quallty Conttol of Haterlals, STP 15c (1951). ffi8mm€R8!f,L F#S?ilnS *;ffiffi?PffittY Lr:E:Est gtDvrto^ EU.f tInJtnN::r:gtJtJ u, | (D \ :i {D ='lD = E flt.N ft rw m--F. Fld1 .--:CD A' \9trrcD(l.|ft |rlto -.e$\Dtr, E E (lft tElrlFu =-(Jrrl tJr, z,tst,g rtrt OlrE Urbr JUrl!=3gCJ J(EE rF(3CTO-:f llJl!-JJ.SrJeeJZJ lr tr. J/.') Ett td €1flrl l!:AEE,(/rgJEl =cfrc= (E<l€F.(E{ULlJ<Eq.F s4n0sFtrrr*F?(S?. t{ ,\. t\cgo @Nor(DdD!f F CD . . dta taA-\ E(, lrlct Gt-o.aa rt{D@drr@frf(D. ?a -{.+ at,Frrl -lL=aEo(EOc)l ..< lr,Z, .<= CttHJ$lFC IJIDtDFFfrlrD =F>-J I tl(J<Ee€o€trrECGI rr rI -(\ldLr-CDt)..<F.:\\| (\l-(Dq\ON(ontF)$lt{ aaaa|lraarlailtaF.d+.O($t$(${$($($O($ .. ll EX(r=\/J "t|-lrl :€(J..5 F2^J =<rqf |r. <E FlI| !<trtl-F 6F.== {fa={l sE a.a Fa =:E6 JIXV(E {E = t:E tJr.tDF a-.lr :'J FF =(3 <s 11J3(Jg =:=lrtH ru(,)HEF lrl X <E F. lr,C{EJIZ t,tlr(J <EFEvf l! lrJF€ lra ar aa ta aa Jul {t,rL q o .:E rx r-t =F'& 13 C'Jlr oIt(a) lr| =Fu,c c, F <aL' lr-H:EFtrl =>lJutuo'.lrl F. (rloEJt., =1E2,|--H,xZ ocg.lrlFlrJ O lrlr{u) F o l-Jlrr<lJ.(tC}FE|r.A 8€OHG=F lr.J3:C ,1r-.'r"-' . ? .t' tt'z. o SPECI'rc IOAL DINSITI OI $IfiI GlTEnttrP IT SOIID 8 ASDI Stadrrd Utthod ot lcC 3 662-79 (CSA ilrt,at trqulrorut) Xatcrtd ldcotlftcd u blLrtSat.t bport &nber 3f034 July 27' 1984 Prepared for: Gbarlestoa Carpetr Gelhmr Gcorgl.a i-, fE rEl b lDld.d t tb d!fi lil d !|r *l I I|n|| I | ffi.i-t#-n -oii- h-rl rmr I S 0.0tut ffi ltltn crt silry'urfrr. tb rm ?9rr l r I DD |lrltb lFr ri! L l[ lErr|t ffif, 0l sttfrr b|!d r &rL 9o|ida I|r tlDcl. q D -r|r ! Gomm.d|l fiitm -ocanrnf. thtll Fl ba rr.d rndar |||t t|tElntunof l|| d|r!|I|eb!|irtrd D6lc. GOMMCRGIRb TESTINB GOMPRNY DALTOII, OEORCIA GOMMERGIRI TGSilNE EO]NPRNY SPECIFIC OPTICAL DENSITT OF SOLID I.IATERIALS AST}{ Standard Method of Teet (CSA Flalng Requlrenent) ilatertal Identifled ea rfWeatgatert Report Nunber 31034 Tegt Nunber 1448-0143 July 27' 1984 Ptepared for: Chatleeton Carpetg Calhorm, Georgla COMUBRCIAL TESTING COMPANY o EIYGItEERttUc DALTON. GA 30720 Q^"{*,,t 9""2"^) Jonathan Jackson Executlve Vlce Prealdent TEST| rG o HESEARGH 1215 S. HAMILTON ST. SI.{OKE GEI{ERATEI) E 662-79 P.O.BOX 985 404t278-3935 Report Nunber 31034 Teet Nrnber 1448-0143 Page 2 of 5 I. IMRODUCTIOI Thie report represente reeulte of the auoke chauber teat oD e naterl.al eubmltted for teetlng by CharlestoD CarpetB. The test rag couducted ln accordance wl.tb the Aoerlcaa SocLety for Tcstlng and t{aterlals Standard liethod of Teet E 662-79, rrSpecl.flc Optleal Deaelty of Snole Geoerated by Soltd llaterLala.rr Ttrle nethod, aleo knora 8a the NBS SmoLe Gilhanber, le ldcntlcal to the Dethod deecribed ln the National Fire Protectlon Ageoclatlon Nuober 258-1976.It 1e ueed eolely to ueasure the BDoke denslty charEcterlstlcs of enaterlal under controlled laboratory condltlone. It ehould not be usedfor the deecrlptl.onl appraleal, or legulatlon of the hazard of a materlal uoder actual flre coudltlone. No conslderatlon le made for reeults that Day be obtaLneal tf the naterlal belng evaluated rrere testedln conblnat Lon sltb other materl.ala. The teet resulte apply only to the epeclnene teeted and are not oeceaearlly Ladlcatlve of apparent Ldentlcal or slnllar naterlale. All teot data are on ftle aad are aval.lable for revlew by authorl.zed Peraona, II. SCOPE Ttre emoke denslty chamber test t6 used to detemlne the epecLfLc optLcal denslty of smoke generated rlthln a cloeed chamber due to non- flanlng pyrolltlc deconposltlon and floulng combustl.on. The non-fla.mLng node erploy6 an electrlcally-heated radl.ant energy heat source wlth an Lrradiance level of 2.5 watts per sguare centlmeter. For the flanlng oode, a eix-tube burner, fueled wlth a propane/alr mixture, is uaed la conblnatloa slth the radLant heat to apply a ros of equldlataat flaDelets ecrosa the loser edge of the epeclnen aod lato the epeclmen trough. A photornetrlc eyetem wlth a vertlcal ltght path Le used to meaaure the varylng llght traaenlttance ae gmoke accumulatee. The llght trane- mLsalon Deaaureneote are uged to calculate the Speciflc Opttcal Deoelty'vblch Ls derived fron a geooetrlcal factor aasoclated rrlth the dlneneLone of the test chamber and epec&nen, aad the meaeured optlcal denaity, a meaaureDent characterletlc of the concentratlon of smoke. The photouetric scale ueed to reasure the snoke generated la thle teetle etnllar to the optlcal denalty acale for huuan vlslon. III. TBST PROCEDT'RE Speclnene meaeurlog spectmen to be evaluated. lnun foll aod uounted 1o Lnchee ! i 'i,. 1..:,11i,,.i:i r,..: 1.. , ,, r..t ..' ;': -l r-,1.' i ,r ir;,:' F. ,: o Report Nunber 31034 Test Number 1448-0143 lnorganlc nlllboard block. The eamplee are pre-condltloned for tyenty-four (24) houre et 140oP, aod then coadl.tloned to equl.llbriun at 70oF aud 50 percent relatlve huoldlty. The test nethod constete of three (3) expoeuree ln the flmlng uode and three (3) exposuree ln the aon-flanlng noile. Boweve!, ln uany lnatanceg, the code requirement w111 be the same ae for the General Senrl.ceg AdnlnLatratloo nhere the flanlog node only le requl.red. For those teats, only the flo-lag Dode ls done and reported. The test chaober la pre-coodltloned to a reedy atate end the lrrad- Lance level of the radl.ant heat eaergy aource le verifled. lhe 1001 and 0Z transnlttance of the photonetrlc syeten le callbrated. Ttre apeclmene mounted ln the troughed speclueo holdere are teated in the approprlate mode for the evaluatlon belog done, vhether flanlng only or both flanlag and non-flanlng. The teet perlod is for trrenty (20) nlnutes or untll nlnlmum lLght transmittaoce 18 obtalned, nbl.chever occurs first.fhe teat chealbet 1g then evacuated of the accuoulated smoke. Another ltght translnlttance readlug le takeo and recorded as the clear bean readlog. ThLe le the accumulatlon of Boot and other effluent oo the optlcal systeo and 18 converted to epeciflc optLcal denaLty and ueed a6 a correctLon factor ln calculatlng flnal teet reeulte. The recorded data for llght traosnLttance ls used to calculate the speclflc optlcal denelty of the snoke generated during the test for eachof the specl.nene teeted. The reeulte are then averaged and reported ae Average Speclflc Opttcal DeneLty. IV. DESCRIPIION OF UATERIAL TESTED The uaterlal belag evaluated, ldentlfl.ed aa llestgate, is descrlbed ln the Table below. CTC TeBt Nunber Date Tested IdentlfLcatloo Coos tructlon Yarn Type Secondary BackLag Color Total l{e{ght - 1448-0143 - July 27, L984 - We8tgate - Tufted Cut Plle Carpet. - Nyloa - Woven Synthetlc - Leadvllle - 68.5 ouncee/yd2 Report Nrnber 31034 Teet Nuober f448-0143 Pace 4 of 5 v.TEST NESULTS The test reaulta ere presented ae an average of the apecLmens teat- ed la each exposure node required for the epeclfic evaluatlon. rhc testresulta are ahma lu tbe followlog table: Flanlng Ilestgate 150 The Tettronlx 4051 computer prlnt-out for date obtained durlng thetegt ls ahorn on the final page of the report. Ttre follovlag liat ofabbrevLatlone and thelr ueanLaga are ueed in the prlnt-out and nay beuseful Lu hterpretatl.oo of test data. ZT La the percent llght tranenl.eslou ranglng fron l00Z to 0Z transmLttaace. Ds le the speclflc optical denslty. Dn ls the maxlmuu epeclflc optlcal deneLty. Dc ls the epeclfic optLcal deneity value of the clear beanreadlng (correctlon factor). Dn (corrected) representB D! - Dc and ls the corrected uaxlnruspeelfic optlcal denslty, the otrmber rhlcb, rheo averaged, letbe flnal test result. Tlme to De-16 is the tlne at whlch 752 1lght trensmlttatce L8obtalned, whLch ylelde a epeciflc optlcal denelty of 16. Dn e 1.5 and 4.0 nlnutes are shoyn because aone aeroapace aodavlatLon agenclee require theee tlne crlterla ln Judglog the smoke developnent characterlatlce of a r"aterLal. NOTE: Dn @ 4.0 mlautee may be hLgher than Dn (corrected) because ro alloraoce !e Dade for tbe accumulatloo of eoot ontbe photorneter ayaten. i';itt'"''t.t:' -' .-. :...,';'1,;.;; i, f;l*li,; ,r]8fiftPffifgY CS CDtD-rh.9 >rOC,lCDt ral!) . trl $l S.lDm (DaED .1doz <(D 15lt! al\ g =lrrLt t-<l@=U? lt\ (f,atru, u[rlFF lrl-FJ OL'>(ECt -g3:> * r< f.'Gl600.lrrteOIJ? .@(96r r..k)dlOCft(\lgr v GDG' aro o.D-.O CD f,.| tt a Ul .ttxt{cctElrl \.'O- l-tt .\ rr, t9F=<EAFrtsurEF.o=(l(nurHAJtrl - ELt lL2 - 3 5=F^i = ur gE =i;a a cr JFUr< = = zEr.,,Xit- Gt fr<E r<r..'ff -;€ cJ =rr E =-icl rral \ ZFtrlE.rs r.< 19 OCtrJC)H(Ed;Ttr = rrElJ(JEE:2irrri r< .{ UrD{ (l \ Ir,Ut"is=- E *-.5B8gil ..Fr,iuto s, cort: lrE an].rO I lrl lrrarl>Grr$FO. FF*r<f\- IL l-F G, J7i r\l' o urutururt'}c/d =-FJ I E=Lr= lrrlJ vloo(/)Glr C CtEl(E(leJO:l(D lrlFlrlH trl HHI:0. Eg EEFol .. g? dlc5eC)E(E liErel uJu, E C,<E=EE-- t:Fgtt-r {r EEtr.L<rLtLr otJF.X.4 - lrl6oEo (J F il||filrl!lral EE-.trl 0D =nr{r rD -to(,lrl F= ir) (', =(IlJ.l \aqtrt'|rr(\lXcr<rEO-(r)lL atto = on,{ CSd..?NlO)-tvOrCDIO ..{lf .ltlrrlt(\l O...tO -r<8 dtt NrDrtrDt>tltcroo . '<to rlrll'5lt{t! -ar.aOa €T'G A 6 HC'CrrD == ulUl.r '..r{ C6FftEE= CE cr slct cta trt.lJl2(g Cle Cl .rc' oSctqt-t' ulF C)]- l5- c' trtFF (8t{ rr. lrtY(B(l A_= _ECl LlEr<rrtHEtE 5OFOOI-C,IAA (A tat . I -1- ,. s.t . a' 'ta i- '' it rl9T IO CBIIICTL BIDIII|I III'IG t100 8t8tEA ASEI Strndrrd !.ttod of lrrt 1648 hlhrcg.t.n 'a" laport ftnbcr 31036' .Ir1y 3Or 1981 Proprrcd for: Gharlrato Cat?ctr @lhoua, Gcorgle nb nF.l h D.cr5.d b lb d|cr. n C ll|| drf .b rtu|r I h idn$.d.t r||t b lt.d h fr f|t|tt b grfi| 9tldrd SrE tm Ofr drdtldr|dr0il6, nlt |t90il T9Lr drlt b |||o r|mplr md g|d I ril omrlt hdlcrilrt C r9prrrdt SnUd r *rilr !rdrc[. Iil rt90r. a li| i||| d Com|n.|!Ll Tartlig Cotnpilt. rhrll nol ba urad uorrar mt olrcunll|nca h -Y!.tdne b|||.eln nl pdc" t' GOMMERGIRL TESTINE GOMPRNV DALTOII, OEOROIA COMMERGIRT TESTINE GOMPRNY CRITICAL MDIANT FLI'X OT FLOOR COVERING SYSTN4; USING A RADIANT EEAT ENER T SOURCB ASTII Stanilard Method of Teet B 648 Floor Coverlng lilentlfled aa rrlfeetgaterl Report Nrnber 31036 teet Number f445-9995(R) July 30, 1984 Prepared for: Gharleeton Carpets Calhoua, Georgia CO}IMERCIAI TESTING COMPANY Q^"1*',t 9.r/,.^) Jonathan Jackeon Executlve Vlce Preeldent TESTttc o BESEARCff 1215 S. HAMILTON ST. o EIUGIilEEB|IUG DALTON, GA 30720P.O.BOX 985 4p,4t278-3935 Report Nunber 31036 Teat Nrnber f445-9995(R) Page 2 of 5 I.I}ITRODUCTION Thls report representa reaulta of a teet for crltlcal radlant flux of a floor coverlng Byeten aubaltteil by Charleston Carpets. Thia teat, aleo knmn es the Floorlng Radlaot Panel, le ldentlcalto tbe Feileral TeBt Uethod Standard Nuober 372 aod the Natlonal Flre Protectl.on Associatl.oa Teet lletbod Nunbet 253. It reasures the crltlcal radLant flux at flerne-out of horlzootally oounted conplete flooring ayatens expoeed to a flarlng lgnitlon aource ln a gradeil radiant heat energ:y envlronment. It Ls lntended to slDulate actual coadltloas that have been obeerved and deflned ln full-gcale experlsents. The teet la appllcable only to floor coverlng systeDs whlch dupllcate or elmulate accepted lnstallatlon practicea. Teete on todlvlalual coponente of a ey8tem are of ltoited value and ere Dot va1ld for evaluetloo of the entLre floorlng Bysteo. The test resulte apply only to the apecl.mens tested and are not necesearlly ladLcatLve of apparent Ldentlcal or shllar Daterlals. Alltest data are on fl1e and aval1ab1e for revlerr by authori.zed persons. II. PI]RPOSB The Floorlng Radiaot Panel test ueaaurea tbe leve1 of LocLdentradlant heat energy on the floor coverlng eystem at the moat dtat:mt flane-out poLnt, and ls expreseed ag Crltlcal Radiant Flux ln natts per Bquare centlDeter. It provldea a baeLo for estluatLng one aepeet of flameepread behavlor for floor coverlug sy8ter08 Lnetalled in corrLdoreor exltsays of bulldlage. &e lnpoeed redlent flur sluulatee thertral radlatLon levele ltkely to lapLnge on the floor of an cxitway or a corrLdor nhose upper eurfaces are heated by flane alrrl/or hot gaaee frona fu11y developed fLre l.n an adJ acent room or compartmeDt. III. TEST PROCEDURE A oLnlnrn of three (3) setg of the floor coverl.ng syetem uust betested. A specluen measuriag 20 centLnetere by 100 cetrtlmetera ls oouoted ln a horlzontal apecl.nen bolder ln the teet chamber. A gas/al.r fueled radlant heat euergy panel Ls Dounted ln the chober at a 30o angle to the horLzoutal epecioen plaoe. The radlant paael generatea ao energy flux dlstrLbutlon ranglng along the 100 centlmeter length of theteBt specl.men of apprortutely 1.0 satts per square eentlneter to a nLntnum of 0.1 vatts per square centlmeter. The te8t ls Lnltiated by an open flame from a pLlot burnet tbat la brought Loto contact wLth the epecimen for l0 nLnutea. For;J,g-clnens that contlnue to burn efter the !: ,.. :"1'.... 'tri ;dl,fi,.' ;,.1 : 1i _.-'}.1r, i;;!:.di . ' 1 - :' t, :i'-_ ' \' 1!": r , r) !i' t,\:li :-'. Ii LJ-"u.i f;,ffiEFffrffiY Report Nunber 31036 Teat Nurnber 1445-9995 (B) pllot buroer 1s rcoovcd, the tGst ls coatlnued untll all fl8ne ls out. The epecl.oeu 1g then renoved frou the test chilber and the polnt offartbeet flaoe froat advance ueaeured. Ttre crltlcal radlaot flux ie then coDputed frm the Flux Proflle Curve deterllDed durlug callbratLouof the teot apparatus. IV. TLOORII|G SYSTEI IDEMIFICATION Ttre materlal belng evalueted, ldenttfled as Westgater le descrlbedln the Table belos: Floor Coverl.ng: Ieet Nunber Ideatlftcatloa Coostnrction Plle Yaru Type Seconilary Backl.ng Color Floorlng Syeten: StructuraL Floor Underlaynent Adheslve Conditlonins: DuratLon Tenperature r445-9995(R) Westgate Tufteal Cur Pl.le Nylon ActlonBac Leailvllle nlneral-fiber/cemeat board None Taylor *295 48 houre 70 g 50F 50 t 5 p€rcent v. Relatl.ve Euoidlty TESTING Ite crltlcal- radLant flur of an lnorganlc uillboard du-'r'y epeclnen nae checked at the 40 eu uark on the day of the test. Crltlcal radlant f 1ux of 0.5 t 0.02 watts per square centlneter ag ueaaured at a dlstanceof 40 centfuetera froo the 0 end of the apectueu, laill.cated proper operetloa of the tedt apparatua. The floorlng systeD wae tbeo teetednlthin paranetera outllaed ln the Btandard on July 30, 1984. . :- --,+, i ; Si$El$E.''fi i'iT" lcport f,urbcr 31036 fegt firb.r 1445-9995(B) Page 4 of 5 VI. TBST IBSI'LI8 ThG t.6t deta for ths thrsc epccLoene tcsted alc thoyn lr tbe chart belov aad 1l the TGttrotrh 405l cogput.r prtnt-out oa Pagc 5. lletcrlrl ldontl.fl.catioa - llr.tgete Tegt Xurblr - f445-9995(R) Datc rceted - July 30, 198tt Spechra lfirnbor Dlstrncc Uerturr Burn (cn) llns to Flanc-out (rd.mrtes) Cr!.tlcal laitLant Flux (l|/cna) AITERAGB CRITIC,AL MDIAXE II.I'f, I 7.4 10.0 1.08+ 23 6.6 6.910.0 10.0 1.08+ 1.08+ 1. 08+ ttatts/ceatlneterr Ttre Staodard Devlation (8-) of the tbree valuee of tbe ueaguredcrltlcal radleat flur la 0.000 ratta per squsre ceottreter ntea calculeted la accordance rrlth the trarlcan Soclety for Teetlag aod liaterlalg llanual on Quallty Control, STP 15c. trffi ffi? fl$?$* Hr;* *:i' trffi ffi Y$ BE ffi ffi ffi gglPffi $fiY u--o =aDtt?t.FrElr:r g$t!)orttgLru lr, | €D \ rt€D=0t:8, -{r|(VN$,lr:) i< F- | O|< rqf altt \ (D uttD !?|n urro rsgu?rDf\, = a =(\, r 4lEfF r tD OE(S<8{D EUIFc 3-rJf.l .t =F(lB OtE a|.L = r!t|r Ji|rur:r=q:Lr J€E rF9C.'A-= L!'HJJ AIJAEJ=JlLL. JUtlr.ClUr(r(tUl ur===(D(JC.t =O?rI'=C(f (f F. {E.iE O.t'9 {lrLF GC CTCD(9FrrrrrtD(D-{ -aA iocrtlt of,l r rGD O* \DCD . . -d.<-\.\ EC' lrlC'zGFu,iaA * Glo t{ o . Gii*h.@. d.{ A 6, F_2lrl =g6E+c'a & E H",Js 4 $Er;E urPurr6 I'rU)di flrl'{8|6.-.-Ot', la aa aa aa aa Jlrlq, Ec F (E D-to t oa L'-? IJ|I.o'c) Jl!,s Cro lrl (\l .{ aD Or $) N rD $, c F A, r. aal.aatlDalllT.dt AOCDA(D(DOOO tr x =Jt'll.x..]J F ^JZ(/tlr {E tlt FlFFO7'g(l =G, g. =G> J\.'(tr Cq: L, FH3JP(t€ l<(JEllri- cJ =Fc F. lrtJE IJfl.Lt CcIt <l aa :trLr (rlctz(EFo o (x:)o =3 =:c(t ==a- C)a<EF (r() t"||.r<EFlr| -F"UJrf' ID ol 6>- FlrlH(tt -J4l ..= EJIJ .f' =<l- ur F=HH E.zeelrrFLrrGtlrl E.,.tltF C)F atJtrl(lJ€ lrlCJFU |lA ?O(€.:H<E-r- EJ:t:C DATE 1/9/85o €hLston P.O. BOX 364 r CALHOUN. GEORGIA 30701 1002 DUPONT ANTRoN XL - STAPLE (CItr)BCF (LOOP) ^PILE YARN WEIGHT:35 OZ. PER SQUARE YARD AS1I,T.E-648 (FLOORING ctAss I LVL CUT & LOOP s 164" 11.66 PER INCH P|LE HEIGHT: HIGII 373" LOW 7/15" TOTALWEIGHT: 7s.7 oz. pER sQUARE yARD BACKINGMATERIALS: PRIMARY: TYPAR sEcoNDARY: ACTIONBAC DYE METHOD. LESS THAN 3.5 KV NT 2OZ R.H. AT 7OO F. RECOMMENDED USE: cr.Ass PILE YARN: RADIANT PANEL TEST) o QlPEleston o P.O. BOX 384 o CALHOUN, GEORGIA 30701 PILE YARN:1OOZ MONSAI{TO TTLTRON 3.D SPT'N PILE YARN WEIGHT:45 OZ. PER SQ. YD. ASTI.{-E-648 CLASS ONE D^rE LlllE GRAP}IICS CUT PILE ''CHECK PATTERN'' 11 PER INCH PILE HE]GHT:318" TOTALWEIGHT: gz.7o oz. PER sQ. YD. BACKINGMATERIALS: a,CrtorsaC DYE METHOD. LESS THAN 3.5 AT 20 R.IT. AT 70' F. RECOMMENDEDUSE: clAss rrr April 4, 19E5 APR 08 1985 Fieher, Reece & Johnson 1500 So. Pearl S:. Denver. CO 802i0 FISHIi. i1:: - _ & ARCHIT€CIS, .'r.,rlNSON, RE: Plan Review - llev Presbyterian/St. Deer Sirs: The procedure used bY of buildint plans hes Procedure Luke's, Heelthcere Plsza & Phys.0ffice the Colorado Departrnent of ltealth for reviert been changed. All plons eubmitted to this office nust b€ acconpanled by a copy of the enclosed plan checklist, completed as appropriate for the seope of the project. This checkList includes the state licensing standards as found ln the Colorado Departrnent of llealth Standards For Hospilsls ond He81th Facilities (6 CCR10I1-1). Coples are available uBon reguest. any diacrepancies or deficlencles noted will be prorided tD you io Letter forn, Approval to proceed u111 be tr8nted rdfien e1l such ltens, lf any, are gatisfactorily resolved. Please be avare thst rre uill not be reviewlng these 9lans for cornplience witb building code iequirernents rrbere a loca1 t'uildinB depsrlment erists. A1ao, ercept for non-sccredited hospltots, nurelng homes, ESRD's end iSC,s! our revlew rlll g! lnclude the Life Ssfety Code (NFPA lO1, l9E1 ) shich ig regulred for facilities perticipating under elther the ltedicare or l{edicoid Protrans. Your cooperation rlll be eppreclated. our staff is available to snswer your questions. Slncerely, ?*,S"ffiu'-J1re'L- Health Facillties Eegu1atlon Divlsion PRD: rr Enclosure U/P 0274C to/ztE1 Page 2 .t, , .l !' F^CiT.ITY IIAI{E ADDRiSS CITY HOSPITAL PLAN CHECI( LIST STATE ZIP CODE storate of i,iIh IJFPA 56A PROJSCT rxr Otf tSec. Z inlstr8tion Depsr2. 8oo_kkeepi nr.3. Adni trlnr. 4. Cashier. 5. R on/lJaiti 6. Public RDS DEP l. Acti ve reco 2, Rcco3. lrlork orea. {.fnactive nedical nicrofllmlns. lg u8eo. 5. Locsted convenl nt [o nosE of i It ies handi c toi letg Sec. 4 area. d dlctaEinr roorn for glcl records storsEe srea. (lloy be deleLed if l.An snesthesia storage cornbus Ei ble aneg the t 1c roon shall be prov ag,onts, if used, ofess I staff. ded for the in occordance 9). Two storate areas nus t be provided--one for flanmable snegthetlcs ond for non -e nedical xases dsfo nt St'c, 8l. Pro 2. 4. 5. Procide Horkint ocide apace with rrater, ges, auctlon and electric outl€ts, a8 neceSsarv. Provi<le stor efri erStor nusE be on enlerg,enc oved storage area for f}les. Provlde fume hoods as needed.!. 7.lli crobl ol ogy provided to oafety cabinet rith a filLered erhsust uystem must be perform tests ln nrycobocterioloty, nycology, and/or vi rgl96y_.__"-8. Prorlcte vscu sinks havin F. DELMRY SUITE (Sec. 9l. Deiivery suite and labor roons locaEed to ninimlze trtffic fron - other areas of t_Ig_!g!-p!_Cl . 2. Labcr rooms designed as a privote bodroorn. See Sectlon 19. Lllrrdows are no! required but reconunended.3, Sub-sEerilizing roorn adjecelrt to dol ivery roon must be provl<led lf naJor gynecologlcal aurtical procedures are performed. See Sec. 23, "Surgical. Sulte," for remainder of requlrements' Food ssrvlce ghall be in accordance with tlre "Rules and Gcvernlng the SaniEaEion of Food Service Establlshtnentg Retulst ln the l lgt J__9[_!9!9-I a d o, " ll qlt--]_99 a . j ! 9_ _!_!L_ -[-s].l. gf_1-[.Sj 2. Proitide woll ventllated food sLoraf,e roo$gi 3. . Prrrvide tyo unit_C__gl_lg.lld.S9t0_ti.qL.___ _4. t/alL-ln refrigerators and freezors have lngide 1i6,hting, and inslde Isrlk releaees or o!! sudIo{i-!U!l s_iC!ql.._s-lt!!_e3 5 .*,!r o v i de h an dua sh i ng I n I I E c h r"!lJ LF h *b_1.1-d-g_!9!i$ ql 9,6. Proside a conuncrcial digh nrachine Hirh resdable thormomcter in eoch tank of irefer. 7. Diohweshing must be reparBted f r'oin lood prepsrotian &reas ond gdrvlce aroos, 8. Dishryosh roon arrorr8,ed sucli thBf tlre clesn dishes ore tiiachargecl \ onLo I clean dish table outside of Lhe dishwssh roottl. Page I of 8 Hospitul PIan Chock g.--t'o[ ]r"shinE;";t b" pibric-Jo rrith a:-Comparrment gink locsled A 96. I I . Rarrre hood fi I ters shall be readilv renovable or cl 12. CalL veshint sFace must be provided in kitchen,preferably in the dis_hygq-ln&_g-rgo. lockers and Loilet facililies for dietarY13. A loungo complete wiEh ._-_;{gll_ mu s r be_-prov i ded near t tchcn, lf--U!.i-{'L-crsc(e or staff ati Eltt-nC[l.t:y AND OUTPATISIII SERVICES (Sec. II 1. Reconunend Lhat energency services be located convenient to X-Bay anrJ I ab, 2. Emergency serujces must be separsEe ond removed fron surgical and _.. _ deLi lery su i t. gg_:___ l. Prov i de a rlel I qCI&Sd _g.nqgI*f-g!4, Provjle recepEion and control area in emergency suite vith vi8u8l . -_ _!oji!!:ul_of e!!ry.5. Prcvid-. conununicatlons hrith appropriate nursing s[ations ouLslde of _. u i, i t . er)__eLlglle:ngJ_loyer . 6. Pruvi.ie publ ir: raiLing space with toilet facilities, lelephone _-_9L1 . {l:Lt t_ijrr. [orn!_C!L_1- Sitretchef and sheelchair sto I . - _E_qc1' t glgl _SS-g!r _gS!_lpped yi th cl i ni cul sink scrub facil itiog. 9. lrlursas' stotiog_!Ug!_Aq^U_pe conbincd ui Lh rece snd contro O, S to r ap,e for cle eou I nt. il . oUTPATrr,:NT SERVICIS (Sec. Il.2I. Lab.,ratorv (See D. Laborator2. Surgery (if provlded) llusL neet nll the regui rsmontg of Sc.c. 23, Surgicol Suite snd lggovery Room(s) end the followiJrg:_ a. . t{C4_in6_!_qgn._. ______b. Public toilet faciliiies. c. Phone. d. ._pr:inkine_-f qunlsln , e, _i-icir;rt prtlparolion _.area,_-.f, Ioil.ets and handrsshi PeLient cloLhins. st I ._- {esi.c i1t.e--pS9l__S!9-a . _ i. .&ep-v_etg,_f9_ol4:_ I. C0llllUl{ICA8l,E DISEASC CON'I801 (Sec, l/) J....__0nc-_. i g g,l4-t.i c.. room f or eve.ry 3O bods or rna or fracEion Uher€of ?_._ .B g:.'lt jrIL{_!._ !l-C ir-C --h a n dga s h in g-,- _3. koour urul:l have toilet. rrith bath.4. l!e,.hanical ventilation--gir alr changes per hour ylth no re- circolution,s. supplL__ei,f_!ir tg-I-ed usin 801 ff. f J..__(:{!'{tcli _.!!3i_ 4!E4!_$e!__1,4} -=_I ..._ l!9 To r:9_ .!.!$! _ej_{__Le4!_-e9l_9-9n r rol,s !tion 2 . .-!!ctec-9-.-spe!l,-&!_!-squns!,lx ue3. llurscs' station(s). !,- --!e4-i-c-us- p I ep I tc!ls!-:_ !.,Qlgan_g!i_r_rlr..rggm. 9._._Sol I oi uti_f-tL_giom. 7. JaI,rt.o!'g closct. .9-:_IoLf S:!_-[ggtU!i eg si t,h bedpan f tush i n tachmen t .a. Tollet, facility for eacl individual room. (0ne toilet __ f qgl_l_lq carrr .serve two bedrooms Jh. ("ne toilet fecility for u group ol sir beds that are in 8n open r !g_c e .9. Provide handwaihin t:/P 0)OIC Pag,e 2 of 8 Hospital PIan Checl I 0._Jro-v,i de ljgq! *orYeen . ll. Provide guction ouIIef,s. 12. Eme cv calI om each bed. 13. Emrrrg,enc:y call fron unit to outs]!-q the uni t , led bv a dimner. outlets 8t tbe head of 16. Eleclrlcal ing[allotion must mcet Ehe requirenrents of NEC, NFPA 70. \i. !q!gl_9g room mus[ be rov ided. r. FURSERY(TF:S .1 ag ble.. Nurserleg located as e bo the ther ? . ttu:'_s-e-r_ies phys Lg om ot rho vice J.-JlE9!!J--f-ot'l cctrc!3--[e9!rovl d for hb inet, L:__!&i!_l99fn_-pt9v i dod f or e 5. Vie'" windows to nurseries must be wire g,lass i steel franes. 6. Curtl!_rls and drapes. if used t be flsne- the nureery( ies)1. fifty p€rcen[ (501) of all the mu::l be on the emerB,ency Pouer a. Provl<ling a forced drafE, core nurSeryen lnEensive the hosDits Placing the nob shared laolatlon lncubaEor in (l) onothor nurrlng care srea ln elecirical ln 80urce. 8. fll,rminetion of 100 ft. cendle lnEensit-y 8E the infant's __l3yel i._-,t provided' 9, lJall uurfoces must be was and non- 10. Cetlings nay be acousbical tlle lf they are lnconbustlble and le. lI. lJureerieB vcntllsLed sE the rof,e of sir per hour. 12 room volunoS of ou[slde (llay be reclrculoEed if the recirculated air goes through the inul flll"er, al filter of 90-icienc ded. 13. tlandslnh rrith mirint faucc! p!ov!49{. L1_:_:Uga!-ory. L!ovi for each four bass noE 15. A nurse cal each nur rovid 16. rro_glaCton_provl revorSe or (2) b.pat ient in a constantlY staffed i golat i on room, t urserv. wi th scrub fa ir c. Remcrvin ati Eto intenslve care refer oI cent 17. f ornu_Ig-plg!ql!on to be done in hospital . no. ski nert 5 i! 5 items. t Q.,_-!!q.gf -UgC-l-d ed f or b h e plePg r I t i o q. of -. lormu I a . 19. Roum seDaratod sicallv fron the cleanln8 of 20. Handsasnins. oro a room. 21, Stenn sterllize ovided siEh record Lhe 22. Eefrlgqqator providod. I,. OBSIEfRIC PATTf,NT I UNIT Sec. 17 l. ile€r all the u i remerrts of S 19. |l, OCCUPA'jIOI{AL AliD PHYSICAL THERAPY. (Sec. lB L Occu.gqliiqgl_t herapy shall have:. c--_4d€s$!€__gp8ce. f or l-[eq.gly -1lgng!i ons. __- b. SLorage s puc hvsical EheraDY shall have: a. Physir:al therapy rrea shall be locsted ln an area conven- ien! for b uC D8t i ents. uace sDAce for bhersDv functions. Adequete sLorsg,e space for nt, I ItJ-. PAIr[t'lr cARt ul{I1.(sec.19) ilil. l{arinum -bedroorn ceoaci ty - 4 bess. v/P 0201c Page 3 of 8 tlospital Plen Check 2. Eedroon siztr : a. 100 square feot for l-bedroons' -- b. 80--9g!CI-e--!e-9!- D€r bod.in nullig-te bell roons' 3. Approved cubicle curtalns or parbitions that ere fire retoro rnE ' _-Ufo?ided in multipfe q. .. -o.ltg:llcu- $e. v i l.gpllj-c . s!.glep Le:.-. .. -;'rith hchantaii-ienLllution, a portlon of the slndor lr ooenable. t , [Ji ndott 5. Each paLient bedroon has a inch thick golid rood core rY or sh s are orovlded LhaE are fi e E ardan door to Ehe corrldor door, 4{ inches elde oqu8l to conrplete ol3/{ trl th I aEc duare , 6. Door to a patient bedroorn is tto nore than 120 feet fron the nurses'tation. end frorn the clean and sollq4 !1E:!roonr 7,Artificial htine provide hat includes: L General lllun b. OEher sourceg I ) Readln vatlons, 3 4 Trea Erani nsbi on o bedrc.t frolled aLt oDeratin sri tches 8. Lovstory complete uith blade controls' soap and sanltary han<l dr focilitiee ovlded in each pstlenE ro a.vafor acenf toile! room cllitles oci belv adi acent t len 'e Ehan 4-beds to olleE fa et has flu h attac c o ved ab bars at toile! stool . d.Eners,enc nurse call siP,nal stati n loilet roon. Door Eo t,oil,et roon is 2 feet 8 inches and svi mav sving in if ovided w r€ s cue deere. 10. Each paEient is provided rirh a separaEe closet bedroom . ln the prtlent Il. Ench .!alieilt is f ished vith s nurse ca al o. Call must re Bter at Ehe corridor bedro or. b Cell must r ister at nurseS' sEation. or each Ddt i en c unlt, 2. A medicatlon preparation area ls provided for each pat I enE care unit and eoui as fol I ors l a. Sui toble lochable cabl neEs . b.r i serator provided wlth Lhernometer, c. Sink with rrist blade con[roIs. __d.. Cgqntel work_ :lgge_: 3.I clean h nq (u ui oll a. Counter sink vith blade controls.soap and hand drylng li ties.gork cou torsce cab i ne ts or I Eora;,e c8r l{echanicel ventllation to provide a posltive pressure in room.d. Nurse call d Eafion. 4. Separate closed area Standsrds ) utP 0207c for clean I i nen supply. (See 27.19 in Page t of 8 llo,rpltrl Pl ttt tihor'l d blade control s b. c. Adequate shelf and counter 5 A c I i ni ca!-lllgrh:!1Ll im -q.-t!t!-. d.ConEinuous mechanicel erhsust to uhe I neRsLi ve Dressure ouEside mointsining ge cal station. 6 ! Jqn i tlr I s close!---! e-1qev i dc'lL-cqu-itrpgd ss follovs: g-:--..-qer v I ce--g-i n!, Pre f er ably-.a f I p-or rece f,of . !.-_ tloCk s!f_ip for S-op. ______.c. .. Shelvrnr.,. , - d. -4luqveq-!-ergsc4.u facilities. 7 , Storste space provided on uniE for exErs eguiPment, stretchers and sheelchai rs . E. A :loqqighmen! gtation is provide{as fo q. _.$!g! equi handua s !:---I9!d.6-9!.s!gr. c . S[orage csbinets, d. lce m,rker - jllrp.enginL u{Il! 9. PrrtienL bathini is prouided in t,he ruLio of l:10 patient ___!91ds. (Tqb or S!tS!gI_Lr- roved s,rab bars decl. b. Prlvacy al eech bathi rovl c. Emgrgorlcy nursq cal-l provided. _d. One sheelchoir sbower rovided o coch ient f I0. Perr;onnel EoileL faciliEies provided care uni t. for each patlent 11. A clinical handwagh i n P!:DIATIIIC PAII E reatmen f room complete Hitheramination andfacilities is ovided. IT Sec. 20 1. lleet ell the r 2, Provide 3. An eran and Ereatment room complete rrlth handesshint 4.Patienl roons designed and grouped occordint to patient condlLion and u 5 . -$p.lg_e_lor_ 9!o-{_rnL_gnd !r8rm I n food. 6. iluJp1rg1 faciliries fo sick r bag or ln CEUIICAL sh:RvIcEs Sec, Facilities provided for safo-guording, preparaEion and di soens i n of drus,s.2, Firs erti uighers are ed in h ermac a. PSYCfIIATRIC PATI8NT CARE (Sec. 22 L__[gg!-aff requirements in Sec. !_.,_ _!9119 o oro_ o r_s-91_gdg0 prov i ded .3. Dininr r rov i ded . 4. 0ccuDsEicnal theraDy and recreafion roon rov I - ___a-. _ _ljgj:qge _[_o_c i 1 i t i e s prov i ded. __-_, !. .! -go-glgr-encLr--and inL.er!.tq{_ I rov i ded . {, . _ TryS__ gl_!o_Cg _ps yc h i e tr i c al I e roons rov i ded , R. r.ttiCICAL SUIT|: AND RECOVIRY ROOIIS (Sec. 231, l;urticol suite is locsted so traflf ic will not poes through __tf e__sui Lo t o .8ny other parE of the -E_S_lgi_!_ql_,2. Surgical suito physically separated from the delivery suit€ a, rl )rtorgen c y unit, ElCl:PIIoil: In hospit.sl of 30 beds or unless the folloring, nts of Sec. 19. $/P 0207(,Page 5 of I Hoepical PIen Check uccgrrpib,lti to th9-911j !,-.:--!g plqy!-d-qr!' " -- ( I ) l.sbolr--_room 1.80- !.!1qrlf 9 f 9i! .j n ,.qlug,t. sianJ idontifying the surgical suite are posted 8E esch entrlr -_ Co the suite.__ 4, l'l'rors in anes!hizing ereas an<l in roons beyond the operating E x enp t I o n s_!h e n !-9_ I-l-C!'tre! t e-, aryi!-U!,c:ureused: 4&5 5. Doors Eo operaEing rootns are 44 inches !n eidt 7, Ip ler1qq -$1i il1e-C-l-!--9qe-S-e.!i ng-roqrns sre snoobh and bro 8. Ogg:gLing. roon(g) are oro e l is!=_--.---'_ 9. c;ntnE tteistit or operaiing roorn{s) i u not less than nine (9) used for storing of 5. _ but-. udj acc'nt _f o the operating roon 12. Orre pressuri?ed suesm sEerilier uith a recording thermometer fcet. is orovided in lhe sub-sterilizing room' 13. Scr-ub orea Drovided adjscenL to Lhe operaEi4 l_4.._ s ! !:_U!__€ l!!_-prgfr led_Ul fooL contro rs.Qief!.-!!j rov i ded n sur lc su i re , CIlnical flushi rin sink ovided. b. Counrer vith sint compl€te r,ith l'riEt blade controlg .9t9!t-d99:.16. l.ockor roons for <loc[ors und nursc's o{9 - plo_yLr{gd . a, Each lockl room orov i ded h shoHer b. Each locker roon provlded wiEh toilou and handwaahing facilitics. 17.An .rnesthesia iror ov i ded. a. gork counter Bnd sink ov r b. AneBfhesi s stor o sDSce ldsd. 18. Jtnitor's clossL vith servlce gink or floor rec€ptor. snd bl-rt lvi!-!.j116 .p|i$4e4_: rovided, 21. Inst nt and supolY s Lor a s,e rov i ded. ??. L-rt t laqgn tq__-oje.Ig!rooms rovided, a. Fifteelr (15) r vo hour fo ouE r air. b. Trenty-five (25)room volune per hour if reclrculated _ _ l_LS_q,$h-_gl r - han d c. Fresh air inErr!.e unit Bnd fi nal ter, erhsust outlets. vonts . rt. .--l-lt--c.s.ppl ied to ooc'ratin oom 8t oo. Freeh air intakes at least three feel of intake. located not less than combusEion equipment 25 feet from and plunblng cellins.. above ground level to bot tomf. Freoh air lntakes on roof ece dl leogt three feet above Che roof. E, fvo f il.ter beds provided in ell A/C systems oervlng oDerstlnP. roomS and deliv ir. -Fl I ter Bed llo. ond ig 251 eff I is located upstrean of the A/C equipment cienE. i. ljilter llod No 2 is donnsEream of the A/C eguipment and is ___901_.e-[!lc_ient. _J. Tuo cxhnust outlets sre provided in each 0.R. and delivery __-, Sogjr,_LCg Cled lJ rcIgC_sbovg. Ehe f loo!: k. Operoting, rrnd delivery rooms have I positive alr presoure ____qgla!_1 rre.l-ro adjscent rooms wit.h:i n_the suite. l. Cperstirrg and delivery suifes haue a positive air pressure "l/P 0'20'lC !e I-e ltyg ! o_ggi g!-9.'U_9! lig s . _!.!,. !h C h ogtl! g J Page 6 of 8 Hospitol Plan Check m. Relative humidity in anesthetizing areas is naintained 8E _ 50a plu-q_or mlnlls- 24..-.__-_ ;. A h"mi,tii,Cir is provi.ftO in cach operating and delivery room, o. Spoc illuminabion is Prouided in each opsretint 8nd liverp. Erplosion-proof electrical outleEs flanmable anesthet ics ore used. are provided if roonrg cortf orntg (See J of thisi. The design and equipnent generally to the Critical d. Certificat,ion frorr I shlelding is approved q. Electrical systens in thc oJrurutitrg ond dellvery roomg Alectric Code,are in sccordsnce cith the NaEional NFPA 70. r. A nurse c81I is provi<led in each operating and delivery roon to Ehe control station or nursina s!a! 23. A recovery room is providetl within or near the surg,ery and ___4el iV.er1 sgi_tss, a. All patients in recovery roorrt are visable from control ststion. !-._A__Uggigj ne prep area i s urovi $e'd. 1:,._ Chart:!-q6;!sgili cies are proqided' d. A clinieal flushing rim sink sith bedpan w89her slbachnenl is provided in recover ro0n -e,=_ 1!!g-r-Qf. g._s2g s e_. pr o v i dqd ._ of rocovory Care UniL. check slroet. ) __- s.RADI0I,OGICAL SURVICUS (Soc. 24) 1. _-1!- radioloe!-c.a!-u-nit-is provide{ withjl4 t e hospi taL .r. Fired equipnent for diagnostic X-Ray eraminstlons i8 ovided. b Facllities for the developmenL of fi ls ovided. c. Radiation shieldin is prov i ded . radiation physicist Ehat radiaElon has been forwerded to the Departnent of Haal T. CEIITRAL ICAI,.SURCICAL SUPPLY VICES ec. 25 l. Centrol supply services is physically separated fron other nreas of the hosDi t.sl.2. A receivilg _U9-g__!9I ma teri al rovi ded. 3. A cleanins ares ie provided with: a. Cou4lqrs and !..?:cornps _ .. _ -l' .__llt h g-! _c-] i.g!.i_[6-_ogu l-plp n t -g t_ ! e c e 3 6 a rL:- _--4. A proccssing, srea is provided with counLers and eguipnent for Drocess inR, materi als . A pressurized sLeam sEerilizer uith a recordint thermometor i_C._p!9.S!_deg a. Stesm erhaust shall be vent<id with no recirculotion. 6. Shelving rnd cabineLs for sLoring clean and sEerile supPliee Iies a v ided. u. {.IilnN AND LAUNDIIY (Sec. 27) I . A soiled lirren -qelele roon_l_g _p1'_oJl"!gd._a. Erhau:ted directly to Lhe outside with a negative __ __-_Igsssure .in the room. 2. lrro vashers sith u combined capacity of not less than 12 lounq!__Lq.g_ prov i ded .., _1. One ertrac [.or i s_ prov i ded . 4.One lunbler is prov i ded .5. One flat ironor ie provided. 6. Air flov ia lhe laundry is from the mosE erdbn to the mosE ulP 020tc Page 7 of 8 Hospitai PIen Check V . INCIT{ER.AIOR ( Sec .29) l. A pathologi csl i cinerato rov i de a. On-siEc. b. Off-si te sharcd services.2, Incinerstor provided complies wit-h SfuLe and local oir __PSu-Cl]-gI_ g-e"gu I at i on s . 3 . kubb i sh _fn91 n9g-C!-9!_-pq9-yi_q.ei_:- 4. Rubbish incinerator provided nreets StaEq snd locsl eir _ f 9_I1q! i on _IJUqrs! I i-!_C_:.__.- .,_ _5. fire bricl in conbustion chambc'rs shall bo lined with fire brick ca follows: a. Up to 500 pounds capaciEy,not less than 4 l/2 lnchee thick <rr eou i val ont . b. Grcst.er than 500 pourtds cnpnciEy, not less uhan 9 Lqh.es .uh!ck or equivalenL.--.__ I,', UASTE DISPOSALI. All hosoit e is discher ed into a c serer s 2. Ouher sewage disposel systen as approved by th Colorado Dcrrartment of ealth. X . BUl l,Ir-tNC C()D[ The nospital compl ies wirh sIl tho requirL'nrents of ChdpLer 9 - Requiremento of Group D occupancy, Uniform Building Code, J96{ Edlcion, Volume I or Lho current U.B.C' udopted by tho local building departnenE, whichever is lhe mosc stringent, ond all olher aopl icabl e State lgwst , _r_gle-s_qU re&glat.ions . Y, .l.lrlt.i!'r!r! colE __ The hoepilal compllos rith all thc rorlulroments of Choptor l2l New tlr,'e1[h Cure 0ccupancio{r, Lifa Sol'uty Code, I.ltrPA l0l, l9El' and referenct.d publlcetiong in Appendix tj ot' thls code' for certificetion under the Iitle I8 and 19, lledlcare and lledlcald I <lo hereby swear that all ststements are made for approval to construc! or renodel a health facility [rue ond correcE to the best of ny lnow]ed6,e. t.he purpose of receivinE and that these sEalenents 8re FACII,If'I PROJECT TITLE DATIi SIC|'IATURE 2.Identify Local EuiIding Departmenl having jurisdiction: 3.lJhat brr i ld i ng code llhich 'rdition? do they use? ulp 0201c Pag,e 8 of 8 { .l ItUnite tates Testing Compa o ny , Inc. California Division Ttt. ?ELESRA'H ROAO, LO! AIIGELEI. CALTFORiIIA IF€ TELElllOl{E: LOS Afl€ELEFA3r'IE -7!F1 FROil tAt{ FRAilCE@-4t lfit{tl8 REPORT OF TEST It?. l- TEST REPORT NO. LA 50656-6 S'GNED FOR THE COMPANY 8Y Test Tech.: B. Ortega Patrick V. McCullenAsst. Vice-President Page 1 of 4 1r Leboatci.' ia: Ncw Yort . Chicago o Lo: Angclcl . Tulse . Mcmrrhir . Rceding ' Ridtlend Trarl rttrol? At?t 3t orlr ro t|.a tr^toalr ol ?toctDurtr toSrttttt! At! lo txr ttr?tt(tt rr|?l!.,"arrt rorara lra xt? lSc narllv trDlcrtlvr oarrprg:rrrr|it dr-rii ouluiig ot irr lot irol-rncf rii sreG 1^. rartt or of Airr rarrlt rottncr! oa ttttur ?root cta ro!xl!. -cort^|lE!rr rxi rirori-uiu'irlr riiir-uinre rrrirr irrrrii-iiirilli,-iiC-- coroCcr! i-i riuiilrtr corir* rro.ar .o. rr. clttr! tlt-,rl.or-txlr tltt rtron rr rr||riil.-'ulEr.-iraCiiicrrrr |'scrrrru our iirorn ri'o' Linrrr -rii iaa tia-rralutrvr u{ ot txa clttrr to rt c!,t_!-q-ll._aocr1lr-l\lrD tx3t ^rD tlrS rar3 ot lH3 utltc t?ttal r33flta cor?ltt. trc. cl |ll tt^!t (rt ttttartl. atl rct lo ta utaD ulotl lfl ctr:urturcr-lr^aq[Lfltrra ro rxr e 3rree. ri,.iiCrlc rir ror ir uiio ii lii oritr rerr|| rltnut our tltoa rrrtttr Att crra! a rtltra r6t lsrrclEr lr laarlr. Ara tatlattD a tllltur (t ?rtttt o tt a^a+/:'tLe/,i/, Atlas Carpet Mil1s 4560 Worth St. Los Angeles, Ca. 90065-2566 CRITICAI MDIANT FLUX.OF FLOOR COVERING SYSTEMS Caraet QualityCuston Loop Graphics June 19, 1985 UNITED STATES TESTING COMPANY, tNC. LA So6s6_6Oino REFERENCE client's Purchase order No. 26065 dated March 28, 1gg5 per Mr, James Horvich. TEST REQ1IEST AND METHOD The subuitted carpet sanpre was tested, for flannability in accordance with the procedures outr.ined, in ASTM Designa- tion E'648, "standard rcst Method for critical Radiant Flux of Floor covering systens using a Radiant Heat Energy source." Test procedure and apparatus have been accredited (Lab.No. 106) under the National Bureau of standards/NVlAp progran. SA}IPLE IDENTIFI CATION The sanple was subnitted and identified, by the client as: Carpet Quality: Custon Loop Graphics Construction: Ug gauge patterned Loop Pile Yarn: 100t Antron Nylon Yarn Weight: 28 oz./sq.yd. Backing Prinary: Woven Polypropylene Secondary: Jute . 0vera11 Weight: 66 oz./sq,yd. Overall Thick-ness: 0.345" ? EU STATES IESTING COM Y' lNc' LA so6s6-6 PREPAMTION AND CONDITIONING The carpet sanple was cut into three sections 10', wide by 42'l long and backed with 1/4" asbestos-ceaent board per para. 8.2.L of the standard prior to being firnly secured in the specinen tray. The sanple panels were conditioned et 73.4 + ScF and 50 + 5t relative hr:nidity and allowed to come to equilibrir.rn. Note: Per the Clientrs request, the carpet specimens were adhered directly to the A/C board substrates. The sauple was de- scribed as naterial intended for direct'glue down application. TEST PROCEDURE The test chanber ras pre-heated for one Four and the radiant panel black body tenperature verified to be within 5oC of the tenperature established during caliEration. The pilot burner was ignited and the specinen inserted into the chanber. After a two-ninute pre-heat,, the pilot burner flane was placed in contact with the specinen for ten ninutes, then removed. The test was continued until all flaning ceased. The distance burned was measured and converted to Critical Radiant Heat Flux at flane out. Nil o PAN o J. \=t eqtpet Quality: a Cu Test Specinen No. 1 z 3 Average !-l .rv\.,.Jv ston Loop Graphics TEST RESULTS Burn Distance Cent imeters 2.0 2,0 2.0m OBSERVATIONS Critical Radiant Heat F1ux, Watts/sq. cm r.07 L.07 1..07r07 Test specinens ignite briefly when inpinged by thebut extinguish during rhe tei ninut,e tesi period. Mo_de_rate pile nelting, charring and discolorationof flane front. Slight smoke ivol,ution. REQUIREMENTS The 1981 Edition of the NFPA "Life Safety Code,' provides thefollowing classifications for regulating- interioi flooringBaterials in spbcified occupancies. Class I - Includes naterials which have a nininurnCritical Radiant Flux of 0.45 Watts/sq.cn. Class II - Includes naterials nhich have a niniuumCritical Radiant Flux of 0..22 Ylatts/sq.cn. ETauples of the requirenents for applicatioa of interior'flooring naterials in exits and coiiidors for specifiedoccupancies ate listed below: Health Care Centers - Class I iu neu@ring naterials inities test flane in advance facilities and for exis.ting facil- Child Care Centers - Class I or II in both new and - ex]'st1ng tac1.Llt]'es.Hotels and Dornitories - Class I or II in both nev and@Apartnents - Class I or II in both new and existing.-tacr.l1t].es. Detention and Correctional Ceuters - Class I in new ed frou exists andcorridors by a suoke barrier. - Class II in existingfacilities rith exceptions for naterials which have been evaluated by the Aslll E-84 Tr:nnel Test Method. o United States Testing Company, Inc. California Division 6TtT TELEGRA'H HOAO, LqI XIGELES, CALIFORTIIA 9€'O TELFHOTE: t.qt A€ELE!-21 glIg}.7$r FROX |Ar FRAI'aCISCO-41!/92I{S5 REPORT OF TEST t3t. raa TEST REPORT NO. LA 50656-3 SIGNED^FOR THE COMPANY BY frhat'lMz*Patrick V. McCullenAsst. Vice-PresidentFire Technology Arlas Carpet Mills 4560 Worth St. Los Angeles, Ca. 90063-2566 FLAI{E SPREAD CLASSlFICATION SMOKE AI.ID FI'EI CONTRIBUTION Carpet QualityCuston Loop Graphics June 19, 1985 z/n 'u'(s fu,r4'Michael-S. ElliottTest Technician Page 1 of 5Ir Leboratoricr ia: Ncw Yort . Chicago r Los Angclcr . Tuls .Mcmphir.Rceding.Richland r!!t llFr' lt?llll ollt lo trt Jtlroar6 oa txrtDurtt lDar?t?ttD Aro to rxa tlr?tt(at tartaD. rrtttrt tSturtt ra tot r3cara r||.r ltotclt]w olrltl3ttrlttlYa ot tra oglutll| o7 lxl Lot ttor rrtcr '||3 rAr?lt rrt tertt or oi ri'lrartly tDlttt€r! ol ltrtur ttoot gti rolxtre corr^triilr ltr|t rlxrtt txal! rtlt txll utttto 3tlttt ttrttrc corrtlr. rre. coiogcltl lrr culltty cottrio! t;tsrar tot tr.a culrt ro rrot rir.-i'iiiid,foq,lt lLrra!. urttra r"tclttcrlI-r r?tctFrrD. our raror?t ero Lini|. eii toa fit uclu.lvr ual ot txr cutr? to rror "xrr Ara rootrjriil_!9 lr!! ^rc ltla r^rl 07 tHa ot|?rD rtlr8r rsrttra co ^rr. rrc. or nr rgtr or ttttartr. rri roi io rt uro 0ro:r irr crlcurrrercti'i-'1ffirlall. to ?la .trtt L ?rrrltc ^to r^y rol ra urrD rr Arr oritr rrrrtr rnxcut oirl rrpt'iitrrrr rii'roirl- -rerelii ror orrrrovro la'iir;riElrl lalatltD a rltltgt ot txtrty o^rt. LA 50656-3 REFERENCE clients Purchase order No. 2606s dated March 2g, 19g5 per Mr. Janes Honrich. REQUIREMENT Perform standald flame spread, snoke density and fuel cont,ributed classification tests on tbe carpet sanple supplied by the client in accordance with ASTI| Designation E-84, "Standard Method of Test for Surface Buruing Characteristics of Building Materials". SAI{PLE IDENTIFICATION The sanple tested was subuitted aad identified by the Client as: Car-pet Quality: Custon Loop Graphics. Consttuction Type: l/8 gauge patterned Loop Pi.le Yarn:100t Antrln Nylon Yarn l{eight: 28 oz./'sq.yd. Backing: Priuary : Woven polypropylene Secondary: Jute 0vera11 Weight : 66 oz ,'/ sq .yd . Overall Thickness : 0. 345r' Pg. z {9, PREPAMTION AND CONDITIONING The carpet saraple ras cut into three sections 24 inches wide by 8 feet long and adhered to panels of I/4 inch asbestos- cenent board with Sairnix t7 High Tenperature Bonding Mortar. The sanple panels were placed in the conditioning roon (nain- tained at a tenperature of 73.4 + SoF and a relative hunidity of 50 + 5t) and allowed to reach uroisture equilibriun. TEST PROCEDURE The sanple Has tested following calibration and preheating. The evaluation was perforned in conformance with the speci- fications set forth in ASTM Designation E-84, "Standard Method of Test for Surface Burnirrg Characteristics of Building Materials", both as t,o equipnent and test procedure. Test procedure and apparatus have been accredited (Lab. No. 106) under the National Bureau of Standards/IWLAP Prograrn. The foregoing test procedure is comparable to UL 723, NFPA No. 255 and UBC No. 12-l lr,rrrrEIJ orArtrD rtr,ollrt\: vvwrFf\rtr, l|\v. LA 50656-5oo Pc. 3 J.!..rDl-'Y|,iIbYIbi'1...r.l|.'r.!\,.LA50656-3 SUMMARY OF RESULTS Because of the possible variations in reproducibility, the results are adjusted to the nearest figure divisible bv 5. Sanple Flarne Fuel SmokeIdentification Spread Contribution Densitv 8i:ffi liSi'El"nor", zo zo s In order to obtain the Flaure Spread Classification, the above results should be conpared to the following table: NFPA Class UBC Class III ::: BUILDING CODES CITED Flane Spread 0 through 25 26 through 75 76 through 200 201 through 500 Over 500 A B c D 1. National Fire Protection Association, NFPA No. 101, "Life Safety Code." Z. Uniforra Building Code, 1982 edition' Part VII, "Fire Resistive Standard For Fire Ptotectionr" Sections 420t-4203. Pg- 4 UN STATES TESTING COMP ANYo ,lNc' LA so6s6-j ASTU 8.84 TEST DATA SHEET CLIEM:DATE: 4/?3/8s SAMPLE: Caruet Quality Custom Loop Graphics THICXNESS:0.345" ITED o FT.AME SPREAD: IGNITION: FI.{I{E FRONT: CALCULATION: t.t FT. I,fAX. TIXE TO MAJ(. SPREAI) DURATION 10 niuutes 9 50 ninute seconc SUMA.AIIT FI.AME SPREAD BY: ASTil E-84.81a FIIEL COMR,IEUTION:z0 SMOIG DENSITY:5 OSSERVATIOilS Following sample ignition the flane front steadil.y advancedto 6 feet in a total tine of 6 ninutes, 13 seconds. Aftera brief recession, a secondary advance-aided by flaninginvolvenent of the backing naterial, resulted in surfaEeburning to 7.5 feet occuriing in a iotaL tine of 9 minutes,50 seconds. Moderate afterburning noted at test conclusion. ADDENDUM NO. 4 Page 1of l0 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 181 }TEST MEADOW DRIVE VAIL, C0L0RAD0 PRoJECT N0. 249 JUNE 3, 1986 FISHER, NEECE & JOHNSCN, ARCHITECTS, P.C. DENVER, COLORADO SPECIFICATIONS . DIVISION 1 Page 01020-1, delete "$23.00 SPECIFiCATION S sEcTloN 01020 per yardt and - DIVISION 2 Carpet; Page 02610-4, SECTI0N 02610 - ASPHALT PAVINC, delete paragraph 3.03 Prirne Coat, in its entirety. SPECIFICATIONS . DIVISION 5 Page 05500-3, SECTI0N 05500 - MISCELLANEoUS METALS, 2.03 Manufactured Miscellaneous Metal Itens; add the following: F. Manufactured Steel Stairs 1. Steel stairs shalI be Quick-Sfair, as nanufactured by Anderson Industries. Stair shaIl be complete with all rnounLing brackets, anchors and supplementary ifems necessary f'or proper installation. 2. Stairs sha1l be designed and constructed !o meet all requirements of all applicable codes and ordinances. a. Llve load sha]1be not less than 100 pounds per square foot acting downward on entire area of stair & connection to concrete 1andi.ng. b. Stair shall be constructed in accordance with accepted shop pra?tj.ces, using the Banufacturerrs standard steel coBponents. Trerds & Iandings shal-I have 'l-1/2n thick concrete fill; refer to Divislon 3 for concrete requirements. All rlsers shall be closed with unifornl.y sloping sheet steel menbers having no offsets or projections. A11 exposed steel shal1 have one shop applied coat of rust inhlbitive gray priner. Steel areas that will be in contact with concrete fill shall be unpainLed. - ALLoWANCES, 1.3 ALLoWANCES, Paragraph B. insert n$16.00 per yardn. ADDENDUM NO. 2 Fase-ZlT-Td'- Page 05800-1, SECTI0N 05800 Included, paragraph 2; de 1e Le 2 inchrr. Page 05800-2, SECTION 05800 - COVERS; delete paragraph A.series, type 6 ADW-I and type where indicated on drawings.n and type 6 Fvs-1Eu AND INSEnT SPECIFI]ATIONS - DIVISION 3 PaSe 08410-2, SECTIoN 084 1O - ALUMINUM llALLS, Article 2.04; add the following Page 084 10-5, SECTIoN 081110 - ALUMII{UM WALLS, 2.07 Mediun Stile tr350r' Doors,exlt devicer. Insert the followingl AlL stair strinEer plales sha11 have nininum of 5/8w x 5/8"steeL tube weldod to top oulside face of stringer for thepurpose of terminating 5/8t' gypsun board. Stringers belween stairs sha1l be spaced 4-3/4" apart fo a1low continuous passage of 4tt met,al stud (partifion). Subnit all struciural calculations required or reques!ed bystructuraL er:.gi neer and/or building departnent to shov conpliance to cocie requirernen'.s. - f),;ANSION C0NTR0L, 1.02 DESCRIPTI0N; A. Workrr'[ni,.rior 2lnch" and insert rrlnberior 'l inch and E{D]\I.ISION CONTRO:, 2.02 ALUMINUM EXPANSION JOINT in its entireiy and add the following: n6000 6 ADW- l-2 for cer).ing and $a11 expansion joints Paragraph B.; deLete 116000 series, type 6FS-'l-2 "6000 series, type 6FS-1 and type 6FVS-1-2E". FNAMING, ENTRANCES, T{INDOWS AND CURTAIN to the end of paragraph A: nKawneer Nucore Aluminunr thernal break lrindon nay be substituted forIsoglaze on condition -.hat it nee!s the structural perforrnance ofparagraph D. for wind load of 40 pounds per square foot using combinationsof aluroinun face and gutter members which tolal 4-1/2tt in depth.n FRAMINC, ENTRANCES, WINDOWS AND CURTAIN E. Hardware; delete iten C. npaneline C. Standard Kawneer panic hardware on all exterior aluninun doors. Standard styLe r?Vn Kawneer push-pul L hardware on all interior aluminun doors. SPEC]FICATIONS . DIVISION 1O Page 10260-1, SECTIoN 10260 - CORNER GUARDS AND BUMPER RAILS,2.O1 Corner Guardsl delete nflush oounted corner guards, Model FC-10 (1-1lqu radius), fulI height.n as noted in paragraph A, and lnsert nsurface nounted cornerguards, Model SM-20, 3r-8n in hetghtn. PaSe 10260-1, SECTI0N 10260 - coRNER CUARDS AND BUMpER nAILS, 2.0 1 Corner Guards, paragraph C., delele in its entirely and replace wlth the following: Corner guards shal1 extend from top of 4rt resilient base to a heightof 4t-0x above finish floor. Provi.de top & base closures. c, ADD9I{DUM NO. 4Pas;-3-o-f Page '.l 0260-2, sEcTION 10260 - CORNER CUARDS AND BUMPEn nAILS, 2.02 Burnper Guards, Paragraph E., add the following: nProvide soLid treated wood blocking ab anchorage of aluninum retainersr. Page 10500-1, SECTIoN 10500 - METAL LoCKERS, 2.0 1 delete tt5-6 coln returr operated locksrf and insert ftStandard padlock operationn. SPECIFICATIONS - DIVISION 14 netal stud wa11 conners for Metal Lockers, paragraPh A; the following: Page lll2OO-12, SECTION 14200 - ELEVATORS, 2.01 DESCRIPTI0N 0F EQUIPMENT; add lhe following: l||. Provide key lock on elevalor so the only access or car sLop to basement is thru key control within control panel in each car cab. Provide elevator baseroent call button bui wifhout designation rtB[. x. Each elevator shall be provided with industry standard' code required, ANSI Phase I and Phase II Control. The electrical fire alarm panel will be tied to the elevator control equipnenl to ensure that elevator will be aulonalically returned to a designated floor via a dry contact. Any primary (first floor) versus alternate floor (second floor Lobby 2009) recal1 system will be internally controlled by the elevaton control equipncent. Y. Elevator doors shall conform to Uniform Building Code Standard No. 43'2' z. Both elevator cars having fron! & back door openings sha11 open to first floor elevator Lobby 1020 only when activated by first floor car button. Under ANSI II reca1l to prinary floor (first floor), door shal1 open to lobby 1020 only. Elevator call aclivated from flrst fl.oor lobby 1020 sha11 open doors lo Lobby 1020 only. Elevator caLl activated fron elevalor lobby 1018 sha11 open eLevator doors to Lobby 1018, only. Under ANQI II the alternabe recal1 floor shall be second floor el-evator lobtiy 2009. Fire Departmenf key conlrol shall override all pre-set door openi.ngs and floor stops developed under ANSI I1. SPECIFICATIONS . DIVISION 15 PAgC 15140-5 ' SECTION 151IIO . SUPPORTS, ANCHORS AND SEALS , 3.Q2 PIPE HANGENS AND SUPPORTS; delete the first sentence of paragraph J. and substitute nlnsulaLed pipes shall have insulation protection saddles at all support points, except as otherwise specified.tl Page 15140-5' sEcrroN 151q0 - suPPoRTs' ANcHoRs AND SEALS' 3.02 PrPE HANGEnS AND SUPPORTS; delete the firsb senience of paragraph L. and substitute nDonestic hot water and hot water circulation plpin8, heating water supply and heatlng water return plpirc shall have dlrect contaot pipe hangers. All other insulated piping sha1l be hung at the point of support in the following nanne r : rr ADDENDUM NO. 4Ftce-mi-m- Page 15150-4, SECTI0N 15150 - METERS AND GAUCES,2.07 FLoW MEASUREMENT FOR PIPING 4n I.P.S. AND LARGER; delete paragraph F. Page 15150-5, SECTIoN 1515C - METERS AND GAUGES, ?.i3 CoMBINATIoN FLoW CoNTRoL AND METEn FoR PIPINC 3" I.p.S. AND UNDER, parag:":Lph B and subparagraph C.3; delete nMeter shall becone the property of the C.r:,er at the conpletion of the job." Page 15250-8, SECTIoN 15?50 - INSULATION, para,i:"a;:h 3.08 A. pipe Insutationfor Piplng Above Grade, Heating Hot Water 120 - 1.)0?; in lieu of 1 inch type Ainsulafion for 2n and soall,er and 1-1/2n lypr A insulation fcr 2-1/2n and larger, provide 1 inch type A insulation for alL,,ii;e slzes. Page 15250-8, SEcTI0N 152i0 - INSULATIoN, pare6raph 3.08 A. pipe Insulation for Piping Above Grade, Chilled Waler Supply and ieLurn; in lieu cf 1 lnch type A insulation for all pipe sizes, provlde 1/2ti ly;e A insulation for run-outs !o fan coil unils and 1 inch type A i.nsuLation for aLl other piping. Page 15250-9, SECTI0N 15250 - INSULATIoN,Insulation, Expansion Tank; delete 3/4 inch shalL be uninsulated- Page 15250-9, SECTI0N 15250 - INSULATI0N,Insulation, Energency Generator Exhaust; inprovide 2tr type C insulation. DRAWINC A-1 parairaph 3.08 B. Hot Equipnentty!. A insulaticin. Ilxpansion tank paragraph 3.08 Lieu of 4 inch B. Hot Equipment type C insulation, Width of concrete sidewalk to the north ofnor!h entry canopy sha1l be 5r-2- 1/2tt in lieu of 5r-0n shown. DRAWINCS A-2 AND A.12 Delete board forned.concrete on lhe inside surfaces only of concrete side wa1lsat the trash enclosure, oxygen tank enclosure, mechanical areaway at the south slde of the building and the planter al the naj-n entrance drive. DNAWINCS A.3 AND A.10 Door nunber 62 shown on hardware schedule sheet A-3 and exterior elevations sheet A-10 sha1I be 7r-0n high ln lieu of 7t-10". Add horj-zontal alurninum 1600 wa1l franing nenber for 1/\tt bronze tenpered glass transon panel between new door head helght and '1600 wal1 frane with 1/4n spandrel glass above. DRA!{ING A.II Unfinished space 09 in basement sha1l. be cal1ed rEquipnent 09tt. Delete the painting fron all gypsum board surfaces. Tape and corner beads shall sti1l be included. Delete all ceiling lnsulation/attenuation blankets, gypsun board and suspended netal grlllage in the following rooos: ADDENDU}.1 I'IO. 4 Page 5 of 10 Mechanical Equipmenb 01 Mechanical Equipment 04 Boiler Roon 03 Ci::ller Roon 06 ELecLricalEquipnent 07 Eii,, rgency Generator 08 At debail ttq01 Trench P1anr, section cut shall read nq02n. DNAWINC A-5 Drawing A-6 revised June 3, 1986 is included as a part of this addenCun. For addii.irna i revisions re1.ated to revised drawing A-6, see drawings X-5, X-6 & X- 7 dale: iune 3, 1986. DRATJINC A-7 Delete rrCrossgatett 2x2 linear acoustic celling tile and color coordinated suspended grid and provide standard 2x4 acoustlcal panel and suspended grld in Lhe following areas: lltr i rlpooI 1032 Business 1033 Classroom 1039 Classroom & Conference 1040Business 1068 DRAWING A-8 Drawing A-8 revised June 3, 1986 is included as a part of this addendun. For additional revisions related to revised drawing A-8, see drawing X-7 daled June ', 3, 1996. DNAWINC A.9 Delete tCrossgaterr 2x2 Ilnear acoustic ceiling tile and color coordinated suspended grid and provide standard 2xll acoustical panel and suspended grid in the followlng areas: Passage 2015Corldor 2038Corrldor 2048Corrldor ?072 At Lobby 2009 and Lobby 2010, run [Crossgaben ].inear acoustic tile pattern in the east-west direction sinilar to Elev. Lobby 1020. DNAWINGS A.7 AND A.9 In areas nhere Crossgate linear acoustic tile has been deleted by this addendun, alelete tegular type mechanical air devices scheduled to be painted to Babch color selection of Crossgate llnear tegular ti1e. Pro"ide sLandard scheduled air devices. ADDEIiDUM NO. q 'Fas;-6-0I-16- DRALJING A-10 At North Elevation, window no. W30-A dimension shown as 7t-7-1/\'i shalL be 7t- 8 inch. ActuaI rough opening width shal1 be 8r-1-3/16" in lieu of 8r-C-7,/16r shown. At Partial East Elevation, window no. W32-A lidth shall- "e 15t-t1-1 /2'l nore or less in lieu of 15t-0-1 /2n shown. Actual oasonry openi:rf: xidth shalL be 15'-4-7/8" utore or less in lieu of 151-0-7/8n shown. DRAWINC A.11 At detail ttl10! f,spspsion Flashlngr, dlnension betneen existinE .r)r.ilrete canopy cuf-off and new concrete structure sha1l be lrr in lieu of 2n. DRAWTNGS A-12, A-13 AND A-14 In lieu of 3r? sen'-rigid insulation (n=t3; shown on above ceilings at either the second floor or roof at 1203, 1204, 1205, 1301, 1302, 1303, 1305, 140 1, 1402 flane-resistant FSK-25 6-1 /2" batt lnsulation (R-19). DRAWINCS A.15 AND S-7 As alternate to cast-in-pIace concrete treads and risens, approved pre- fabricated sLeel stairs extending fron poured 1n place concreLe landings ancl internedial landings nay be installed when conforming to steel stair conslruction standards stated elsewhere ln this addendum. Contractor shal1 coordinate steel stair atlachment to concrete landj-ng. Each landing shal1 be provided with continuous steel lreld plate or an81e Located in landi-ng block out shown for concrete sfair. Weld plates and a:rchorage of steel stair sha11 be designed to support all live and dead loads, and shall be detailed on the shop drawings. For steel stair installation, delete cut 1Ort resilient base scheduled for concrete tread and risers. Exposed surfaces of steel sbair sha1l be painted i.n accordance wlth Section 09900 - Painting- Also delete abrasive nosings when uslng steel I tairs. DRAW]NGS A-15 E-2 E.4 AND E.? Provide ai.r pressurization of elevator shaft as follows: Archlfectural and Slructural For related revislons see drawings X-8 and X-9, dated June 3, 1986. Mechanical SF-3 shal1 be a nTentroLn Model CF 36 SRT cabinet fan, 16,000 cfm at 1/2tr S.P.' 5 HP notor,36-1/2n dlaroeter wheel (down discharge), 340 nPM, 1072 F.P.M. outlet velocity. Unit to be complete with 14n high roof curb, lnbernally lsolatecl fan and notor, fresh alr intake hoo<l (with blrdscreen and louver) and low leakage notorized fresh air infake damper. Approxlmate weight = 1200 lbs. Mechanlcal Contractor to provide ootor starter and related Heatherproof enclosure. concrete spandre 1 b eams Hall sections 1201 , 1202, and 1405 use rManvillert M-Bsi. ADDENDUM NO. 4 Droo 7 nf 1fl Sequence of operation: Aulonatic air damper in 24rr x 60rr relief opening shall be normally closed. Upon actuaiion of thermal detectors located in elevator lobby 1018, 1020,20A9 or 2010 or upon a power faiturer dauper shal1 open. Upon a general ijre alarn, fan to start & autooatic air danper in SF-3to open. Aubom?:r 1.. air dampe:. in 24n x 60I relief opening shall renainclosed. Reliel'opening danper and SF-3 shalI be independent of each other. Connect SF-3 tr: g:nera1 fire alarn auxiliary contact.is located in IJmi: 100J. Fire alarn pane I Tenperature cor,iroi contractor Lo notors, as wel: as all necessaryfor stat,ed sequence. Electrlcal: provide relief damper and both danper con?ro1s, wiring and pneumatic piplng Due to the addition ,)I' a 5 HP, 480V , 3 / eLevator pressurization fan, theElectrical Contractor sha11 install a'l5A3P circuit breaker in the Etrergency High Distribution Pa:r:e1 "EHDPn i.n Enrergency Generator noom 08. Electrical Contractor shall then route J #12 AWC CU plus 1#12 AWG CU GND ln 1/2tt conduitto new 30 A3P, 600 V, NEMA 3R, disconnect switch installed above the olddle of the elevator shaft. Electrical Contractor shall then make connections from lhe disconnect swilch to the notor starter (provided by Division 15). Provide 2#lll At{G - 1/2n conduit fron fire alarn panel lo fan starter on roof. Interlock fan lo operate on general fire alarm. Provide (4) four Sinplex {2098-9462 thermal detectors with (2) two nornally open auxiliary contacts for each detector. Install one detector in eachelevator 1obby. Elevator lobbies are roon numbers 1018, '1020, 2009 and 2010. Tie detectors into same zone as adjacen! photoelectric detecbors. Interconnectauxillary contacts of elevator lobby heaf detectors to open danper on alarn of these detectors. Connect 2# 14 AWG - 1/2n conduit to each detector and to EP switch at danper operator; make terminations. , DRAWING A.18 Nurse Stabion 2070; Revise east, west, north & south elevations of islandplastlc lani.nate casework as folloys: Delete 2'-3" high plastic laninate shelves as detailed on section 180 1 and 1802. Delete plastic laninate splash. Replace the tso (2) 3t-0"wide x 3r-0[ hlgh x 1r-0n deep plastic laminate open shelf unit(designated 1000r) and provide two (2) 3t-0il wlde x 3r-On high x l21t deep plastic laninate base units wlth solld sllding doorsand one (1) adjustable shelf per base cablnet - LSI design nunber 1004 C r 12tt deep.All exposed surfaces sha1l be plastic laninate. DRAI{INCS S.1 s-2 AND S-3 Drawings S-1, S-2 and S-3 revised June l, 1986 are included as part of thlsaddendun. ADDENDUM NO. 4'PaF-E;Ffo- STRUCTURAL DRAWINCS . GENERAL See drawing X-4 spli.ces (class C) DRAWINC E-1 Delete the trBBn Iay-in DNAWINC E-5 Deleie the renoval of exlsting telephone condult and conductors shown extending through the consfructlon area from the existlng telephone pedestal to fhe west end of the existlng bul1ding. This service has been abandoned. Delete the 4lnch conduit indicated by note 4 and shown extending the existing telephone pedestal to the Main Telephone Roon 05; delete lhe 2 lnch conduit in- dicated by note 5 and shown extending fron the Main Telephone Roon 05 to theltest end of the exisbing building; and delete the repurling of existing telephone conductors fhrough the new conduit. The present telephone service is an existing 200 pair cable into the existing telephone roon fron the south, which has adequate capacity to serve the building addition. The extension oftelephone conductors fron the existing telephone roon to the new telephoneterminal board ln Room 05 will be performed by the ownerrs telephone systesinstaller. DRAWING E-2 Lighting Standard Detail - Coordinate dianeter of concrete foundation basewith existing relocated light fixtures. Diameter however shal1 not be lessthan 2lrr unless approved by Architect. Concnete foundation sha1l extend a ninimum of 5t-6n below grade. Provide 4 #6 verlical reinforcing fulI height and 3 #tl Lies at 2r-0rr o.c. naxinun with one extra tie top and boltoB of anehorbolts. Conduit sha1l be a minirnum of 2r-6tr below grade. DNAWING E-q for revised neinforcing materials to provide for tensionin coLunns in lieu of couplers. designation Stationn at three (3) 2 x 2 nCCn lay-ln light fixtures and provide three (3)Iight fixtures. Install one (1) 4rt square junction box recessed in bhe walI of inforroation 1011wilh one (1) 2n conduit and pu1l wire stubbed to above the ceiling. Localion and height fo be verified. DRAWINGS E-5 E.6 AND M-6 Room Labeled 1002 shall read n1003r' and roon labeled 1003 shal1-read n1002rr. DRAIIING E-9 C1ean Boon 2067: Provide ceiling speaker. Change nstaff Stationtfto read |tDuty Stationrr - no change ln back box size. Medicine 2069: south wal1. Provide a t.ack box for Owner furnished nDuty o ADDENDU|,I NO. 4 Page 9 of '10 Nurse Station 2070: Speaker shown in ceiling shal1 be localed approxinately 11-6x north of island plastic laminate caseurork. Nurse Station 200 1: Change designation of t'Staff Stationn to read rrDuty Stationn. No change ln back box size. Exan Roorn 2003, Pantny 2008 and Soiled 1037: Change designation of rSLaff Statlonrt to read nDuty Sbatlontt. No chair,:.,: in back box. Provide back box for Owner furnlshed 'rDu:v Stationn at east lrall of Med/Work 2032. Add nCode Bluen to the south end of heacwall for I.C.U.2027,212tl, 2023 and 2020. rrDone Lightsn shown at head of door t.o bath 2036 and Toilet 2016 shal1 be located to the norbh of these doors on lhe south walI of Corridor 2038. Ceillng nounled ItDone Llghtsn at Nurse Station 2070 sha11 bave color to differenti.ate the two narcotics cabinebs. DRAI{INC E. 1II In lieu of feeder size shown for Chiller #1 on:he nechanical equipnent schedule, insLall 3 ll3/0 A!{G cU plus 1 #6 Al{G CU GND in 2fr conduit. ADDENDUM NO. 1 Heference under DRAWING E-6 to locate fire alarn control panel on eas! side of room 1002, shall read nroom 1001r. ADDNDUM NO. 1 DRAWINGS Drawing A-17 revised May 8, 1986 and drawing E-8 revised May 8, l!86; South elevation of Nurse Station 2029 drawing A-17, for base cabinet to righLof colunn phone outleb shal1 be located where CRT outlet i.s shown. CRT outletshall be localed where phone outle! is shown on casevrork left of column. Phoneoutlet shown to left of colunn shall be located far left end of casework, adjacent to duplex outleb. For electrical revisions, see attached drawing X-2 daled June 3, 1986. NorLh elevation of Medicine/l{ork 2032; Add sound soak wa11 covering on all three wall surfaces above sit down counler top. Sound soak shalL extend fronplastic laninate splash up to botton of upper cabinet. At side wall.s extend sound soak fron back walL to flush with front face of plasfic larninate splash. Drawing A-18 revised May 8, 1986; West va11 Dlctation 2068; Electrical outlet and phone outlet that are shown Just to the right of center divlder shall be located at. the far right side of counten top. For electrical revlslons, see atlached drawlng X-3 dated June l, 1986. ADDENDUM NO. 4'Fasefi-Td- ADDENDUM DRAW]NGS Drawings A6, A8, 51, 52 & 53 revised June 3, 1986, and drawings X-2, X-3, X-4,X-5' X-6' X-7, X-8, X-9 6 X-10 dated .June 3. 1985 are included as part of thls addendurn. DNAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS . APPROVALS For each of the products listed, the nanufacturers or vendors naned are approved for biddlng. The products to be furnished sha1l meet the requj.rementsof the Drawings and Specifications and shall be of equal qual1t,y and perfornance to the products first naoed ln the Specification. Division - 9 Sound Attenuation Blankets Manvllle Corp. END OF ADDENDUM NO. 4 L7 A- tg, / ?4+ PAf.lZ'-.A L-J t @ Ol.it, J\\- @1-17<@ 1F-ulCAL Ai-At ilAhleL -- @ f- --t._!eA-ll4 ':r,\( gRNIONO JdNe 1.t4& '::-- i r-n'ttl i""r,-.I la-*t.' t..(.t'tLJ''.:-.' =,.F-Apd7r,teuFrJo-at Rel&'fe At,D lma l@ *1, -i,?A --- 5ril2, >ZvLt-d.''41(i.rarc aan ttAt-> VAIt VA[E/ MEDIOAL oft{TeR hOAfi|@NA ANP AU a- l@j6 Ao>elJPltJil sla. 4 X'2 ?Rr r6l q vl6te fute **ta slogtil Qtoe a4e{}fi33 Ta? Jla thvttr/L((-r;i* 1 1'f ere P bi\.( E I 7.7*,bi *ar @ trPuu-)\Alt vAtt3/ AP.?fttoi.,lQ- AooeNDdr'l r eoAv eYr63 Al..;feFpf.WtE -_] - --] |**)lx L-|4 1, . 16*"jll.> it@ --- vlO-ts,c,u ffi 'NFt, (j!P.\=lJ, ?r,.,4'- Aifr t'' ?l\i let pt4rG 7uo$3 ANP dl1v4 - '/2 A,o *rGii..lr-{ti--Tltl-- - , + Jdtlg g, rclg(o -3 @RNAR DOWCL3 TO MATCR UPPER CoLU lJru 6AR StZeS TY?I6AL 4ALUMN EAR LAP 314JC,E VAIL VATUEY MEDTEI, 6EI{R, APPIT IOI.I€ AND AUTERATION9 AeDe{DuM No,4 JuilE t,l1g6 x-4 Fet lN #?>*po 1 il'1 tr9tdc t,l/ ryDeD y6'11e8.91,4R re<.Urlrrt or<'t*1&J, AIl4gtr;affi ,EL GiAi-r 3e lN!N 3 FAvC-t--aE ste":e ^|ADD JrJ,&s ttFElu,Y t@ A ze'D zoOr 4 t16, ,ofl)EceA"O., ator" '(br ragrsv SaJOA Gn|i), zPa&, I'Jtheoarcp 4rc)'crrr58c5It<W EY rcFVg A}.D F,t|El5,A.^'6Ea47YO-,p ?iF n; -rQ'^&Pwe =''e6 7$'l DETAIL 2xcC*'-0|6<'Y ll,o 7O2 sEcno}t.ttdatP q<e go. r?d utr"qww C 24'a.o. gdaveEa artajt4gr/{-€118 Cltte, VAIL VALGY Wt44L aeqle4F. Y-limtTIbN> a,Ltrz al:Tg.lz-Er1e.rt4 n r,MtTloN> ArJ? AL:rE"A-t1aNe *wetJDuH tb,+ t4tlAl"d;11t3 o, i)iqeo 9lt4stJ-tt,c, a,t&-we2 4 ak rAt ',t lLon A.eJnrJ Q sr,-orr 4**ortlt l ( $$&-i {$,i ): . I7'-',' -". /-rt -/ Iti ffi F F- =g rr il'.-*) tu*kI-f t $Tr$ttF$[ F F -oIF(t t$n ll-o$F $g t$- o!?5 l-) tg s.3q2 ts I) HH $$ 13 *$ g z St- U uJ tlr, il $ [$ $ffi *+4 z'-ovl' aY I a$r l).fi22#vev.gv? 7etrv, _t)t_&#t4. ?8x4,J9 + I iel _ti it I I I I I I l bl -lo ImR frse3 l-t*- ,fl,jqrT,elE,-eftGtPA tHW,rc €rPfia?4 , cb+& ,Fg4.5t34/_Laffi-ffi.aTlvc'f, I j.6fr=-i-e;HF.ffi-dt eftgFaaffi,e+tT. -t t F -aq<;i, g64wEL '- gY;lAre 7 ?4t6 r+rg + Fl?,- ffi.*aetride-'tFo,nF',c,e04e -"4bv{C 4{g*+ 1"D.l" iil,giE,,a 6lUi,-J- j,J-.- Q *t atab,Lll[-4 r+<t*nYr*d' egil-1ep 0t )*", lffiez *'' eOW, @lut1NgB.@tp gB r'^stult it-rv,l! wAlL l4aA VAIU VAUE{ MBVt+t- c.eNteqMffpNF ArrD effifi1aN€ AwaJn)M lto,+ Jurue ?l1Orc X.7 FTJ rtr*O8 arTra *tU t- E.Evl.:o<le'-t*)@ PARTIAL lyst'ti'4r' __1 ROOF PLAN a,c_2 @ilo. ttflruoftJRg MtgT *%7o aF$tptf ots, A.tt{'(t . .1^t a Q4ee,o.t ?.*- i6 F'fA+lh(' Heub?ftr? )t#r.Q-7e1 pa7 j4en'F}|lB =--=----- ,izrttht Nao?er:d7G^".f l+6.A. 6AiN gl- c-'1'. 2>t2 f@fE9 uit-----clJ&KlNq- &Lf 1eatu,Q)b q 4?tfada. e *t6t O,a, @c ItltlATrCN-'- #.1t.arl TDDffIOTIE I ALTEiATK'ilS TO v+ld ewr oourGl{r E*.ofia.JT -@24t O,C. ].d'ilEV wO RhtECX,t-EOl eourPrENT cuRB .YAI, VALLEY I€DrcAL CE}ITER I( FISHER, REECE & IOHNSON x-8ARCHITECTSDENVER COIOTADO \ur€ t, r|'.ADO9NOU4 rr/, rl rl --o N6 lcq, PI^HL SIZE t- 5 x.3[ '\rr.ot-col?--r L^ l'.6r,Ti{{s ExD AF 3 SHCSY PLAUI-S TYP IAfr. UALEY TEDrcAL CESITER I RETNF, /=', see srcr.ffid -,T- wlo rDomol|E I ILTETATpXE TO PART IAL ROOF FLAN b* 'll-o' FAE. bE AM TD C,OHc.. coFrHECTroH/G\ i":,iT''@ ARCHITECTS DENvER , COLORADO JUr€;, t6,o x-gFISHER, REECE & IOHNSON bo EFz UJo -E UJu, EulF =llj 62 tI ': I' 5:sn-3 lJrrI 9uJ7f,\!F:T: ;$1 UZcY \t.{ :>$,''J'.trlfr;' vaF ,{ $[H $[l: Hp6E l-t irrl'! v.,+..It,in tu 'p HI u Lll kz fi; t- fv '! li i0:rr --r gci ai t[i$$ 3F$;MJ ]frffi l#B,.''i iTr'il$frH ;{l t'.l 5F @7v [*ri si ET g tlt |.. <T 3 3 IJ !J 14. E$ni * .$BEq h xidB i ur,3tsU D fiE$P $ :eFg i fivXH d 8$ffe i 6q:=; uo=gi€n!:( iSHiur df;P jp+ $r*t$e tSRoo/nJV !+z t-rr ' i, \396x h :$Hr$fiqF6d?F:O -__----- t:l _o g u o! 1qF'-)(,J S-r i$/\t H: .ti -trJo3p9r$ J N: Eridl.&- REECE & IOHNSONER,ri7 rl[,-l.ll.! OIFID A99Eligu'q '-DENVER, COLOTADOAR,CHITECTS VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER ADDITION & ALTENATIONS PRoJECT N0. 249 JUNE 3, 1986 MEMO Gary Murraln, VaiL Building Departnent official, has directed that elevator lobbies be provided as per UBC 1807 (n) or that the elevalor enlrances be provided with a smoke seal as per UBC 3305 (h) or bha! the elevator shafts be pressurize d . lle feel that this directive is beyond the requirenents of the UBC. Section 1807, Special Provlsions for Group B, Division 2 Offlce Buildings and Group R, Division 1 0ccupancies, does not extend fo thj.s occupancy (Group It Dlvlslon 1) and is only applicable io trhigh-risen buildings of the occupancles stated. In no other section of the UBC can we find a requireDent for elevalor lobbles as directed by Section 1801. Secflon 1?06, Shaft, Enclosures of tbe UBc requlres by sub-section (b) bhab openings be protected by a self-closing fire assenbly conforning to Section 4306 and havlng a fire-protection rating of one hour for openlngs through one- hour hralLs and one and one-ha1f hours for openings through two-hour wa11s. This 1s provided for in the construction docunents. The contenti.on seens to be that if elevator lobbles as required for nhi8h-riserl buildings are nol provided then you nusb cooply with 3305 (h) and provide snoke seals, buL ttrey would have to be nlistedt and since there are no nli.stedn snoke seals then you pressurize the shaft. Again, we naintain thal none of this is required by the Uniform Building Code. Snoke seals as required by 3305 (h) seems to lrigger thls directive yet there are no i.ndustry or code standards for snoke infiltration and thus there are no listed or labeled products or assenbl.ies for snoke and draf! assenblies as catled fon by 3305 (h). Even UBC Standard No.43-2 which deternines the fesf for the door opening under 3305 (h) states under Sec.43.210 (b)4 that the gasket to provide a seal nneed not be installed on the test assemblyn. The requirenent for a tight-fltiing snoke and draft-control assenbly' by code, ls only for doors 1n corridor wal1s of one-hour .fire resistive consLruction. Even stairnay enclosure openlngs do not have this requireroent. See 3309 (c). The nosl lnexpensive solutlon to Gary Murralnts dlrective rould be seaLs mounted on the elevator entrance doors but this is unacceptable to Murrain unless they are llsLed or labeled and as discussed above, thls cannof be done because there are no standards for a Lest. The next nost inexpenslve solutlon to his dlrective ls to pressurize the shaft whlch we are proceeding to do ln order to get the proJect noving. cc: Dan Feeney, WHC File Y N.A.TION.A',I. E]trE\ZAqnOR, r}qDI'E €oo ErrxllD -rv:ErrlE, lvuqr ior,r. lr.y. loorc . oltrFLY, rNC. (s19) cB€.tE4E April 30, 1985 T0: All NEIi l,lember Companles Subject: Gasketing l'lateria'l s for E'levator Doors Gentl emen: Enclosed is correspondence between UL and NEII which should clarify the UL label on gasketing materials for elevator doors. The A17 Cqrnittee is presently investlgating the use of gasketing materjals on elevator doors and proposed revisions to the A17.1 Safety Code for Elevators and Esca'lators.aFe expected for ballotingin the fall. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Edward A. l,lanager '- Donoghue Codes & Safety EAD/cjs enc. cc: NEII Central Code Conmittee. NEII Area Code Cormittee ChairmenI ilEII Standards Cormittee I n'-A,TrolrAr. =*-^*oR, rlrDrJg'!-, rlrc. 4€oolntlIF,:D.tlnrnrrcrl4 !['!1917'yo3;3 lr.y. loor'ct . (elel 9€t€!.164er ![ { April l, 1985 |tr. K. l{. Hovel I Assoclate hanaging Eng I neer Underwrl ters Laboratorles, lnc. lll Pfingsten Road llorthbrook, lL 60062 Subject: UL Listed Gasketing Haterials for Elevator Entrances Dear Hr. Howel l: In many areas of thc country, cspeclal ly In areas where the Unlform Bulldlng Code (UBC) has been adopted, elcvator contractors are requestcd to furnlsh elevator entrances wlth UL Llsted Snpke Seals. One product ln particular (Thcrrr-L-8rush Gaskets, UL No. R9997) ls being touted as a UL Llsted Snpke Seal. In areas where UBC is enforccd, it is being speclfied in lleu of .providlng elevator lobbles equipped wlth snroke and draft control doors. It Is our understanding that thls product, as well as similar products, ls. labcled by UL as a material which, if tnstalled on a fire door, wlll not adversely affect the fire doorrs ratlng. Further, we understand.that the' product has not been tested nor has it been approved, labeled or llsted as a rrsnpke sea I rr, NEll woul d appreciate Undemri ters Laborator'iesI clarification of the cxact scope of UL approval of this product, Very truly yours, &.2-g/- ZZt",-*a'-* ' i Edward A. Donoghue Li u ' Hanager-Codes6Safety EAD/cj s cc: NEII Central Code Conrni ttee o RIE APR ?.t985I.]NDERWRITERS I,ABORATO tlt tttr{'tttfl tt D . ttrtt{lB. tulroa dE S INC. a April 26, 1985 Mr. Edward A. Donoghue Marager-Codes and Safety National Elevator Industry Inc. 600 Third Avenue New York, NY 10015 Subject: Your Letter Of April 1, 1985 - Gasketlng Materials For El.evator Doors Dear Mr. Donoghue: This is in reply to your letter of April l, L985 con- cerning the subject matter. UL has investigated and Classified gasketing naterials for use on fire doors to determine that the material itself will not adversely affect the fire rating of a fire door on which the material is installed, beised on the requirenents described in the Standard for Fire Tests of Door Assernblies, UL 108. Products Classified under this category are described on Pages 27O and 2'lL of ut's 1985 Building Materials Directory. At this point in tirne UL has not Classified gasketing rnaterials in terms of their ability to resist the in- filtration of smoke between the corridor and hoistway sides of a passenger eLevator door assembly as asked in your letter. UL is in the process of developing a test outline covering ttre air leakage rating of, door assernblies. This docunent will incl-ude a test method for Classifyrng door assemblies relative to air leakage around the perimeter of a door assembly when subjected to a specified pressure differential at arnbient or Low temPerature conditions. Howeverr at this time we bave not established Classification for any Products under the door leakage category. Look For The O Listing or Classification Mark On The Product {|la 'n.ru Lr.r: tt{€a c.!r.r ulttac t..!i!,e.t. lt h-tn tl'oi'l t'Lt t'o : ':rpltl an ind,ependznt,mt-for-profit orgonizotion tpsting for Wblia safety uxodnwmr'Rs LABoRATo*trr rn,l Page 2April 25, 1985 Attached ls a copy of ULts Bulletin dated March 14, 1983 which describes the basis for investigating gasketing materials on fire doors. Cordially, ., , -.,//r/ffiatr K. w. HovlELL (Ext. 22231 Associate l,tanaging Engineer Fire Protection DeparUrnnt KWH: js EncI. Subjects 10, 108, 63 TO:Fire Council SubscribersFire Doors Gasketing Subscribers (GVST) , and UNDE}TIVRITERS LABORAf ORIES NORTfittRo(rK. lL. ltt:l,vll.l'l:' Nl''sANTA (:l-AlaA. l a 'Tltrll'Jt. !']', an ind.rpendmt, not-for'proit ttr gan'izulion t e stittgl.for public safeLu 333 Pfingsten Road Northbrook, Illinois 60062 Irlarch 14 , 19I3 of Underwriters Laboratories Inc., to ULts Classification Services for:. (GSNV), l{aterials for Fire Doors (GW{z), to UL's Listing Service for Door Frames Others Interested suBJECT: Classification of "Gasketing Materials for Fire Doors" Underwriters Laboratories Inc. has been Classifying gasketing materials for use on fire door and door frame assemblies since september 30, 1982. These gasketing materials are investiga*"ed foi use on specific types of doors or frarnes (such as hollow-rneiall wood coirposite, passenger elevator, anC the like) and for specific ratings (for exanple, 3 hours, t-I/2 hours, 20 minutes, or others) It has been brought to ulrs attention that these gasketing materi.al Classifications are being misinterpreted with regard to the intended scope. UL Classified gasketing maLerials are intend,ed for insiallation with Classit:.ea fire doors, Listed fire door frames, or both, as specified in the individual Classifications. These gasketing materials have been investigated to determin6 that when installed in accordance with the rnanufacturer,s installation instructions, the gasketing materials do not adversely affect the fire resistance perf ornrance of the Classified. fire door, Listed fire door frame assembly, or both. classified gasketing materials are intended to be instalied on the Classified fire doors or Listeci fire door frames at the fire door Or doOr frame manufacturer,s plant, or in the field in acco::dance with the installai-ion instructions provided with the product. These gasketing matcrials are investigatec'l to deternjne that the install.ition of the gasketing does not adversely.affect the operation (use) of the door assembly srrch as by restricting door 6peration and to establish that the fire resistancc rating is not affected adversely. () o r'SuUiects tO, 1OB, 63 -2-Mqrch. 14| 1983 The basic standa::d used to investigate gasketing materials is the Standard for Fire Tests of Door Assemblies, UL 108. The gasketing materials are investigateC as installed on a fire door or frame type designated by the gasket material .manufacturer and attached in accordance with the i-nstallation instructions provided with the product. The performande of the gasketing is observed during the fire and hose stream test to determine thatflaming does not occur on the unexposed surface of the door assemblies and that the gaskets do'not aCversely affect the fj.re resistance of the dbor assemlcly. Door assemblies, vrith gasketing material applied, must comply with the conditions of accePtance specified in UT-, 108. It is important to note that UL 108 does not include evaluation of the door assernbly telative to retarding the infiltration of smoke or other products of combustion. In addition' UL 108 does not provide for evaluation of door assentblies relative to preventing the passing of smoke or other products of combustion through or around the assembly. In sumrnaryr U! Classified gasketing materials have been investigatgd only for flaming characteristics and the affect on fire reiistance bt ttte door or frarne design during a fire and hose stream test conducted in accordance with UL 108. tlanufacturers of fire doors or door frames interested in installing UL Classified gasketing material on Classified fire doors or Listed door frames at the factory under UL's Follow-Up Service shoulC direct a request to !lri. w. R. Carney, Fire Protection Department, 333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, Illinois 60052. The submittal should incl-ude a description of the gasketing materia'! and should' identify the UI-, Fo11ow:Up Service Procedure to be revised to incorporate this. manufacturing option- UNDERIYRITERS LABORATORTES INC. 7(h..- REVIEWED BY: . --J-l/ f../..-. *_Q\:. l,l:1.: .l . t)()sl:nl,(l Associatc. I'tanugitrg lingineerFire Protection DeDartrnent SR: RHl.l La'. \' ! q ti Engineerlng Group LeaderFire Protection Department CATOR, RUMA & ASSOCIATES, CO./,t \ f.rsurrrNc MEo-ANICAI.,/ETEcTRKA exf e r ns CIINTON C CATOR O SEBASTIAN A.RUMAoDONA|D P ROSTER June 11, 1986 It. Steve Jacquith Fisher, Reece s Johnson 1500 So. Fearl St. Denver,JUN 11 1986 ,{8C}t IECIS, Vail Valley lHical Center alS.r ci:.. r.. . Dear Steve: wirl you please issue the following change order on the above referencedproject. Dre to tie addition of a 5 Hp, 480v, 3 / elevator pressurization fan, theElectrical Contractor shall install a 15A3P circuit breaker in the EmergerEyHigh Distribution panel "ExlDp". Electrical @ntrector shatl then route 3*12 AwG cu prus I *12 AwG cu cND in L/2" conduit to a 30A3p, 600 v,disconnect switch installed in the top of the middle elevator shaft in sucha manner so as not to obstruct the elevator car or associated equignent.Electrical Contractor shall then make cpnnections from the disco-nn&t switchto the motor starter (provided by Division 15). Division 15 shall beresponsibre for interlock between the elevator .pressurization fan and thefire alarm panel. the Electricar contractor sharl also instarl a 4" sguare junction boxrecessed in the wall of the PBX Roon with a 2" corriliit and pull wire stqbbedto above acrcessible ceiting. Electrical contractor shalr v-erify exactlocation of both the PBX noom and the junction box with the atclritect priorto installation. The following clarification arso needs to be mde in regard to chilrer *l onthe mechanical eguilment schedule. Disregard the feedei size shown andr.nstall 3 *3/0 AWG CU plus 1 *6 AWG CIJ @D in 2" conduit. Itle have been asked by the vair Building Dept. to prepare carcurationsdentcrstrating that the addition of the eleiator piesiurization fan will notoverload the emergercy generator. Listed berow are the loads being servedby the eoergency generator. cRA *85200.s0 ( 1550 DO\GR STREETo S{JITE 2 o IAKEWOOO.COT ORADO 80215 o (303) 232_6200 roF- i-::!."n1.:" if; il+t'o thIt. Stsve Jacqui June ll, 1986 Drge 2 Panel rrElBAn Panel trEHlAn Elevator lI Elevator *2 Pane] "El.BArr Paner ttF'T'lAn Panel ilE[,2An Elev. Eess. Fan T(NAL MPERES K\TA 58 7 52 52 8 9.5 30 7.5 244.L 60 {.5 43.2 43.2 3 3.5 10.5 5.3 r74.2 t:."ToS.!cy generator has been Errposely oversizd at 475 Kt{ toaddition of future ernergency foads. - If you have any questions, pt_ease call our offi.ce. Very truly yours, CAI'OR, RII'IA e ASSCIATES, C1C. QE/gcc a:jrcquith. jIL hardle the ( /7 e Itr. Steve Jacquith Fisher, Reece & Jobnson 1500 So. Fearl St. Denver, @ 80210 Re3 Vail Valley l{edical Center cRA *85200.50 1ysurTrNc MEcFrANrca./Et EcTRrcAr rQe ens CIINTON C CATOR o SEBASTTAN A. RUMA r DOhlAt D p ROSTER .June 11, 1986 .rwni. geJt. Dear Steve! WilI you please issue ttre following change order on the above referencedproject. Dre to the addition of a 5 Hp, 480v, 3 p elevator pressurization fan, theElectrical Contractor shatl install a I5A3P circuii breaker in the EnergercyHigh Distribution paner "ElIDp',. Erectricar contr€ctor sharr then route 3*12 Awc cu pl"us I *12 AwG cu cND in L/2" conduit to a 30A3p, 600 v,discsnnect switch installed in the top of the middl.e elevator shaft in sucha manner so as not to obstruct tbe elevator car or associated equi;ment.Electrical Contractor shall then make connections from the disco-nnit switchto the motor starter (provided by Division r5). Division 15 sfrarr beresponsibre for interlock between the elevator,pressurization fan and thefire alarm panel. the Erectrical contractor shall also instarl a 4,' sqJuare junction boxrecessed in the wall of the PBX Room nith a 2" cordriit and pulI wire stgbbedto above aceessible ceiling. Electricar contractor shall vkify exactrocation of botb the pBx Room and the junction box with the erciitect priorto instal.lation. The following clarification arso neds to be mde in regard to chiller #r onthe mechanical egui;ment schedule. Disregard the feedef size shown andlnstall 3 +3/0 AWG CL plus 1 *G AWG CU OD in 2" cpnduit. we have been asked by the vail Buirdir4l D.pt. to prelEre calsurationsdenonstratirg that the a.rdition of tlre eleiator piesiurization fan will notgyel]oaa the enrergerry generator. Listed below ire ttre loads being servedby the eoergency generator. CATOR, RUMA & ASSOCIATES, CO. /{RCHIECIS, ( 1550 DOVER STREETT SUITE 2otAKEWOOO.CO| ORADO BO2l5 r (303) 2g2-6200 o thtt. Steve Jaaqui June 11, 1985 Page 2 Panel oEllBAn PANCI trETIlAN Elevator 11 Elevator 12 Panel. I'ELBA|I Panel trEtr.lAtl Panel IEL2Ail EIev. Eess. Fan TOTAL AI{PERES 58 7 52 52 8 9.5 30 t-6 244.L 60 {.5 43.2 43.2 3 3.5 10.5 6.3 L74.2 ( t:."ToeT.y generator has been purposely oversizd aE 475 Kw to hanlte theaddition of future emergency loadi. - If you have any questions, please call our office. Very truly yours, cA10R, RtDlA & A.SS€taTEs, @. </r'n/t!il,/.-=-// Gregg'I'bMuIIen W/gcc a: jrcqr:ith.jlt ) :l CAIOR, RUMA & ASSOCIATES, CO./7 f urrNo MEo.{ANIcAI.,/ELECTRKAT eNQ rns ' Cl.lNlON C CATORr SEBASTIAN A RUMA o DONAI.D P D- iTune IL, 1986 It. Steve Jacquith Fisher, Reece & Johnson 1500 So. Fearl St. Denver, @ 80210 Re: Vail Valley l€dical Center cRA *85200.s0 Dear Steve: f/Stt.,, ,,. I. .__ _ C!/rtCltiIECIS, &(4 Pt'$ Jvn jlSON. ( Will you please issue the following change order on the above referencedproject. Due to the addition of a 5 HP, 480V, 3 I elevator pressuri.zation fan, theElectrical Contractor shall install a l5A3P circuit breaker in the Emergercy High Distribution Panel 'EHDP". Electrical Contractor shall then route 3 *12 AltG CU plus I #12 AWG CU GND in L/2" conduit to a 30A3P, 600 V, disconnect switch instatled in the top of the middle elevator shaft in such a manner so as not to obstruct the elevator car or associated equignent.Electrical Contractor shall then make cronnections from the disconnect switchto the motor starter (provided by Division 15). Divi.sion 15 shal.l beresponsible for interLock between the elevator pressurization fan and thefire alarm panel. lte Electrical Contractor shall also install a 4rr square junction box rec-essed in the wall of the PBX Room witb a 2" corduit ard pull wire stubbedto above acressible ceilirg. Electrical Contractor shall verify exact Iocation of both the PBx Room ard the junction box with the Architect priorto installation. The following clarification also needs to be mde in regard to Griller #I on the mechanical eguiSment sctredule. Disregard the feeder size shown andinstall 3 *3/0 Awc CU plus 1 15 AWG CU OD in 2rr corxiuit. We have been asked by tlre Vail Building Ept. to prepare calqulations dernonetratirg tiat the addition of the elevator pressurization fan will not overload the ernergerry generator. Listed below are the loads being served by t}te €lnergenc1l generator. 1550 DOVER SIREETT SIJITE 2 o TAKEWOOD,COLORADO 80215 r (303) 232-6200 lFr- i- i,l -J rr-' . i tr,". - :e t o ttll{r. Steve Jacq,ri June 11, 1986 Page 2 Panel trEHBAn Panel nEllAtr Elerrator ll Elevator f2Pan"l ttF'r'BAt' Panel nELlArr Panel ilEL2A'l EIev. Press. Fan TOIAL @E/gcc a: jrcquith. jtl N.IPERES 58 7 52 52 8 9.5 30 /.o 244.L 50 4.5 43.2 43.2 3 3.5 10. s 5.3 L74.2 ( {g.egersency generator has been purposely oversized at 475 Kt{ to hanire theaddition of future emergency 1oadi. - If you have any questions, please call our offi,ce. Very truly yours, CAIPR, RUI'{A & ASSCIATES, C\).*/V&il,/----- GregE l"bM:1len ) 42 wesl merdow ddve Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-2200 June 24, 1986 Dan Feeney Vail Valley l4edical Center 181 West l4eadcr,,r Drive VaiJ. Colorado 81657 \ RE: ttrospital Cqrstnrction' / flre department '-- -L--,,--.'Dear Dan, I would U-ke to swrmarize Tcxvn of Vail concerns voiced in the pre-cqtstruct i on neeting of Jr:ne 23, 1986. Vail Fire Departrent concerns are as fol,l.cnvs: 1. Access - Ttre VaiI Fjre Departrnent rust have access to the Hospital at all tinres. Ttris will require majrtenance of all traffic, parkhg program, loading and unloading. lA:st ernchas i-ze the general trajl of thought should be not to block access at any tin€. Tttis will preclude necessity to relocate vehicles jn the event of an emP-rgenclz. 2. The F\-rel Tank - The fuel tank located inside the construction gate cannot- be rrsed il i-ts surrent conf igurati-on. Corpliance rvith UFC Artj-cle 79 is required. In short, this rvill require dikirtg, a nrechanical pt-rrp, a vent pipe. p)-acarding and other related issues. Pl-ease contact nre i-f you des j:e to put this tank ilto operation. It cannot be fil-l-ed rrntil such t inre as it is jl corpliance and reinspection i-s required by Vail Fi-re Departrnent. 3. Coordination with the fire al-arm contractor i-s essential. Vai-l- FiJe Departfinet is not r^ril-ling to fet the ent i-re fjre alarm svstem at the Hospj-ta} be off line during const-ruction' Shop drawirrgs for the fire alarm system are required - ( t'{OtiE: A requrest was rnade by Dave Sar.gent of Sinplex to reduce the wiring from Class A to Class B c:rcuitry. His reason for this request '.{as a cost over run -in the budget. It is my understandilg the budget is not in a cost over run position. As it still stands I have not seen an adendurn changing the flre alarm speci-fication. I do e>(pect to see Class A circtrit w j-ring indJ.cated. ) 4. Coordination with fjre sprinkler contractor is essential. I e><pect the General Contractor rvi1l rviitness all hydro test or p:rer.nnatic air test of the sprinkler pipe duriag rough-:-n. Pipe ilspectj-on and rough inspection is reqttired. Fianl hydro test at the end of the job will be required. Dan Feeney Hospital Construction June 24, 1986 PaEe 2 Itre Vai] FJ-re Departnent has an extrene concern about the frequency and rate of "false alarms". It is our des ire not to have unnecessarlr activation of the alarm system. Certain fiEasures nny be requi-red as they beconre necessarlz in order to preclude a nuisance alarm' Egress - Egress shal1 be majntained from all exits at the Hospital at all tines. This is an uneqr:ivoca] issue. Egress for the Anbulance sahll be required to be naintained at all tiles. It is our intent that Hospital operations should not be disn4lted any rpre than necessary. We consider the Hospital to be a criti-ca1 factor in this ccnmunity. Q>erations should not create a detrinental operation factor for ttre Hospital ' If r,le nay be of assistance il facili-tating specific needs please contact us. I feel the essence of these issues lies il the area of ccnrm:nication. Good ccnnn:nicat ion can assj-st jn resofving these lssues in advance. While ',,le realize you are busy, we are busy a1so. But if you will contact us regarding any of these problems we will nnke tine to sit doln and resolve these issues before they arise. BUILDIT,IG DEPARIMENI COI.ICERNS : C,ar1r l4urrain erpressed the need for csrmr:nication. In specific, he brought up the changes that seem to have occr:rred in the parking p1an, location of constructj-on trailers, and site plan. litrile Garlz enphas ized changes are possible they do need to be routed thorugh pro,per agenci-es. Again, corrmrnicat ion is the essence. Garlz also reccnrrended, or suggested you nny want to carry a scanner or f ire pager. I would reccnnend that if such a pager is used that it be tuned i-nto fire or Eljls frequency. And I mrst erphasize that once tones are sounded across the pager the problern needs to already be solved. this is not the tine to begin looking for the driver of a vehicle. The purpose of this pager would be to provide you with an ins ight as to events as they are occurring, POLICE DEPARTT4ENI COIICERNS: Again, Brian Terrett of the Police Departrent enphasized cqnnunication and cocperat 1on are key elernents. He also suggested to the contractors present to take apprq>riate rrEasures to provide security and theft protection for their tools and materials. Bri-an suggested there be jlcreased lighting at the jntersection and along the fence. He suggested a stop sign be jlstalled at the intersect 1on of the drivewav and West lt'leadcrur Dnive - 5. 7. 8. It is ogr understandjng that enployees of subcontractors will be required to park off site. Deliveries will be nnde on an as-need basis. And that evei-y effort will be rnade not to obstruct traffic pattern and florp in and around the Hospital. It is afso our understandjng tbat conditions are elpected to inproye withjn one I,\teek, q)on cdrpletion of the excavation. If these notes do not accr:rately reflect your understanding of our cdrfirents at this neeting, please feel free to contact tIE at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, VAIL FIRE DEPARI!4EI\IT -' .z ' t'lichael J. I'tccbe Fi-re l4arshal- cc: AL Allison, Henset Phelps Construction Dan Feeney Hospital Construction Jme 24, 1986 Page 3 0IHER COI'ICERNS: MJM/hml Official Pofice DepartnEnt 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 otllce of communlty development City GENERAL PLAN CORRECTION LIST Eased on f985 Edi on ot the Uniform Buttdtng Cod€ Ee. ,_PlanCheckNo. ./ Valuation q3?a,ooo - Occupancy t Classitication /3 - ('J - | nulones A Floor Area: Floor (Max.) Floor (Total) "fl j:f,1:3 n oor ar e aruff Lf;g,--s e e t Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. COMMENTS OR ASSUMPTTONS: corrections checked betow are to be made on cransafrt-iEiEtrhIne approvalol plans and spectlications does not permiitridvioiatdot any section ot the Buitding code orothercity ordinance orstate law Add lllon!l Cor?ecuons: These sheets are a parr ot the prans and sharr remain attached thereto. correcrions as abor'e /rt,* Steven R. SRJ/sk Encl : cc: Mr. Dan Feenev FISHER, REECE & JOHNSON, ARCHITECTS, PC. IoHNSON, A.t.A. AUBREY SPENST JOHN D. REECE, A.I.A, G. FRED PETERSON HILARY M. A. July 7, 1986 Mr. Gary Murrain Town of Vail- 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 8l-657 Dear Mr. Murraln: Attached, please flnd copy Runa and Associates, Inc. pressurization fan and the If there are any speclfic ca11. Sincerely, of letter dated June 11, 1986 from Cator, regarding calculatlons of the el-evator emergency el"evator as you requested. questlons I can help you wlth, please I5OO SOUTH PEARL STREET . DENVER, COLORADO 8O2IO (303\ 777-0407 Bierboch Co o n5 ulling Engineers ? r.IUL C. 6t0t W.rl Clh AY.nu.Oanval. Color.do 60214 REPORT NO. 2 SUPERINTENOTNT At Rl I jton .DATE Ju'ly 14, 1986 TII'IE 1:15 pm TEMPERATURE I'IORK OBSERVEO: The reinforcing for the combined footing at 85 & C6 was in place. There . was several places where the cover for the bottom bars was not adequate. The wall reinforcing on grid line one was in place. The corner bars at Dl & Fl were not in place. The top bars were stacked vertically because the vertical column bars held them out too far from the outside form. I asked the Ironworker to gradual ly spread the bars apart horizontally as the bars move away from the col umns . The footing on D line between lines 1& 2 was poured too high to allow the reinforcing under the knockout to be poured as shown. It was desided not to w.h1uZ-u +{+ the Knockouts but make prvision for them to be saw cut in the future. By doing this the bars below the knockouts can be racked so the top bars are 6" below the Slab on Grade, also the horizonta'l and vertical bars in the knockouts will have to be lap spliced to the wall reinforcing. The trim bars will be placed around the opening so the knockout part of the wall may be iemoved in the future. It should be noted that the corners of the openings may not be over cut but will have to be drilled. OESERVTR: '{i g:I Eil 5 J08 N0. 1879 FIELD OBSERYATION REPORT JOB C0NTRACTOR Hensel Phelps Const. Gordon Towne a Bierboch Consulting Engineers ln c.#o 67Ot W.rl tlh Av.nu. JoB N0. 1879 D.nYrf. Color.do 0O214 3cv:tgl6ql6 REPoRT N0.3 f ooting at BI. The ,'t deep. The contractorlocation for a 20"site but had not been , E3 and F4 were in umn F4. One tie setthe top of the been pl aced approximatelyother di screpancies JOB DATE July 15, 1986 C0IITRACT0R Hensel Phelps TIME 1:45pm SUPERINTETIOENT Al Al I i son TEMPERATURE }JORK OBSERVED: I observed the reinforcing for the excavat'i on had been dug approximately 6"had placed the rejnforcing at the proper deep footing. Column dowels were at thepl aced yet. Reinforcing for the col umns a. p1ace. Several J-tjes were missin needed to be added to each columnfooting. The upper ties at column20 off horizontal and will be ret were noted.I discussed the above items with Steve Becker before leavingthat afternoon. t E2, D3g at col2" above E2 hadied. No 0ESERVER: James Thompson Inlty development h. r 1.\ ------]5. h:--*_ nunlty developmenl luwn deYelopmenl r This letter ls to conflrrn your approved use of the Generally Accepted Use of Hold-Open Devicea on all corrldor patient roon doors in lieu of closures. Thts letter ls slnply to conflrm the approved comnents stated at a meetlng between you, Mr. Dan Feeney and Mr. Hllary Johnson of our offlce. Hardware for alL doorg are belng ordered. If you have any questlons, please call ne withln thls next week. Thank you for your time. Gary Sretish Dan Feeney Steve Becker FISHER, REECE JOHN D. REECE, A.I.A. G. FRED PETERSON August 21, 1986 Mr. Gary Murrain Buildlng Dept. 0fflcial Torn of Vall 75 South Frontage Road Vall , Colorado Re: Vail Valley Medical Center Additions and Alteratlons Project No. 249 Dear Gary: & JOHNSON, ARCHITECTS, P C. HILARY M. JOHNSON, A.r.A. A. AUBREY SPENST \ N' 15OO SOUTH PEARL STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80210 (303\ 7?7-040? Cx:x exo Asroctlrr3 Conrulllng Englncen Soll and Foundallon Englneerlng $to nO, 'l5a . GLEXWOOO SPRING3, COtOiIOO 1160l CONCRETE TESTING RESULTS Job Job No.: 4 201 86 Locatlon: Vail Valley l.ledical Center Sanpled By: Craig Heydenberk Locat.lon: Slab on grade, grid lines Mlx Data: Concrete Suppller: Mountain Mobile MixSuppllerts Batch Out TIne: 6:48 am Tirne Cast: PHTSICAL PROPERTIES: Date CasE: 8-20-86 ConBractor: Hensel Phelps Tickec No.:P15090 8:20 am Truck No.: 97 Unit Weight HelB,hc Concrece Temperalure 139. 4 t2 Pcf in. oF Alr Concent 6.5 Dlanerer 6 Alr Tenperacure 50 ln. Pcf1n. oF Slump 4.5 Densl ry Spcclfled Strength:3000 GC: Fisher, Reece & Johnson Bierbach Consulting Engineers Hensel Phelps Briener Scott Architect CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Donald Pleau reiis lve Strength (psl) psl at 28 {ays Cxrx exo AsrocrATtr Conrulllng Englncen Soll and Foundallon Englneerlng tOaO FO. t3. . GL€tlwOOO SPnlNC3, COIOnAOO tt60 | CONCRETE TESTING RESULTS Job No.: 4 276A 85 Job Locatlon: Wynfield Inn- Avon Sampled By: Bi.l L Hagedorn Locatlon: E wing roof, J to H line Mlx Daca: Concrete Suppller: I\buntain l,lobile Mix Batch Out Tlne: 6:39 an PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Dace Casc: 8-20-86 Conlrac Eo r: Haselden Construction t3uglc 116. ;158Suppller's Time Cast: Ticket No.: P1.5088 7:50 am Unlr Weighl 142.5 Helght 12 ConcreEe Tcrnperature 56 Spcclfled Strength: _ 3000 pel at--our- CC: Nlerrick I Cornpany, Attn: Brent Jones Alr Concenc 5.8 Z Dlasre ler 6 ln. Alr Tenperacure 50 oF 28 dayaT ln. Pcf Pcf in. oF Sluarp 6-1l2 Densl. cy Haselden Const., Attnr Jim Haselden Structural Consultants, Attn: Steve Jirsa Town of Avon CHEN AlfD ASSoCIATEST rNc. Donald Pleau Stren8th (psl) 3 Field Cure Cxrx exo AssoctATtr Conrulllng Englncen Soll and Foundatlon Englneerlng toro Fo. r54 . cl€lrwooostRt G3, coLon^oo al60 | CONCRETE TESTING RESULTS Job Job No.: 4 276A Bs Locallon: Wvnfield Inn- Avon Sanpled By: Bil L Hagedorn Locatlon: E wing roof,H to G line Mlx Data: Concrete Suppller: Mountain Mobile Mix Batch Out Tlne: g.92 "rn PHISICAL PROPERTIES: Unlt Wei3ht L47.0Helght L2 Concrele Tcnperalure 62 Date Casc: 8-20-86 Con Erac cor: Haselden Construction Truck No.: 99 ln. Pcf Pcf in. oF Suppller's Ticket No.: Pl5099 Tine Cast:8:51 am Atr Concenc 4.0 Z Dlanecer 6 ln. A1r Tenperacure 50 oF Slump 6-I/4 DenstEy re!is rve Scrength (psl) Spcclfted Strength: - 3000 Pst at ?9 daye.--Edo-_E- CC: Merrick & Cornpany, Attn: Brent Jones Haselden Const., Attn: Jitn Haselden Structural Consultants, Attn: Steve Jirsa Town of Avon CHEN AlrD ASSOCIATES. INC. Donald Pl.eau Cxrx exo AgroctATtr Conrulllng Englncen Soll and Foundatlon Englneerlng :O!O FO. !5. . CL€rWOOO SPnl C3. COLOF/rOO tl6ol CONCRETE TESTING RESULTS Job Job Sanpled By: Bil I Hagedorn Locat.lon: E wing roof, G to F line Hix Data: Concrete Suppller: llountain Mobile' Mix Batcb Out Tlne: 8:46 an PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unlt lJelghr t44.L Hetght 12 Concrece Tcmperature 60 Spcclfled Strength: 3000 pat at -06d-CC: Merrick & Conpany, Attn: Brent Jones Dace Casc; 8-20-86 Concracto r : Haselden Construction Truck No.: 114 No.: 4 276L 85 Locatlon: Wynfield Inn- Avon Pcf in. oF Suppllerts Ticket No. :p15195 Tine Cast: 9:50 am Alr Consent 5.6 Z Dlaneter 6 tn. Alr Tenperalure 47 oF LdaYs 28 Slump 5 5.0 Densl. cy ln. Pcf Haselden Const., Attn: Jin Haselden Stnrctural Consultants, Attn: Steve Jirsa Town of Avon CIIEN Al.lD ASSOCIATES, INC. Donald Pleau Stren8th (psl)Cylinder Cxrx exo AssocrArts Conrulllng Englncen Soll and Foundrllon Englneerlng !0roro. rt. . GlEt{wooo spnl c3, colonaoo tl60l CONCRETE TESTING RESULTS Job Job No.: 4 276A 85 Locaclon: Wynfield Inn- Avon Sanpled By: Bil I Hagedorn LocaBlon: Fourth floor deck- N corner between Date Casc: 8-20-86 Concraccor : Haselden Construction 3.1 t S line F, A- to E line Mlx Data: Concrete Suppller: Mountain Mobile Mix Batch Out Tlne: 10:19 an PHYSICAT PROPERTIES: unlc weiShr 14s.2 Helght 12 Concrele Tenperature 60 Suppller's Ticket 11e.; P15112 Tirne Cast: 11:30 aut Alr Concent. 4.8 Z Dlanecer 6 ln. Alr Temperacure 56 oF Truck No.: 114 Pcf in. oF Slump 6-L/2 Dens l ly ln. Pcf Spcctfled Strength:pal at J9- daYa 5000 28CC: Merrick & Conpany, Attn: Brent Jones Haselden Const., Attn: Jin Haselden Structural Consultants, Attn: Steve Jirsa Town of Avon CHEN AltD ASSOCIATES, rNc. Donald Pleau rers ive Scrength (psl) Cxrx exo AssoctArts Conrulllng Englneon Soll and Foundallon Englneerlng toto no. rt. . GL€IwooosPnr cs. coLonloo ar60l CONCRETE TESTINC RESULTS Job No.2 4 276A 85 Job Locatlon: Wynfield Inn-Avon Date Casc33-21-86 Sanpted 8y: Bil L Hagedorn ConBracCor:Haselden Construction Loca!ion: Fourth floor colunns-N coraler at A-3. 5,A-3' 1,A. 5-3. 1, B. 1-3' 1, B' 8-3' 5, c,2-3.1, D-3.1 Mix Dala: Concrere Suppller: Mountain Mobile MixSugplter?s Ticket No.:P15146 lruck No.: 98 Batch Out Tlne: 12:45 pn Tlnre Cast: l:50pn PIITSICAI PROPERTIES: unlt wettsht t44.7 pcf ALr Concenc 4.4 Z Slurnp 6'0 ln. Helght t2 ln. Dlaneter 6 ln. Denslcy Pcf concr€te Tcrrperacure 66 oF Alr Teurperacure 65 oF Cylinder No. Da te Tes ted Age Tested Days Cooprens lve Scrength (pst) 34L 8-28 3500 342 8-28 3540 343 8-28 3550 344 9- 18 28 345 9- 18 28 346 9-1E 28 emlrRs:s: Spcclfted Strength: 4000 pel at A daya GG: y"""i.1 6 Cornpany, Attn: Bent Jones Haselden Const., Attn: Jim Haselden Structural Consultants, Attn: Steve Jirsa Town of Avon, Attn: Dick Evan CHEN AIID ASSOCIATES. INC. Donald Pleau Bierboch Corr o 3U Itin CrOt W'tt alh Ar..|u. J00 [0. 1879 DotrvrJ. ln c. JOiv2rt.6050 t no. 4' $,{$ IIENSET PHELPS CI|NSTNUST,O}J ilELp 0DSE&IA!_[0N REPonT nntESept. 2, I9BG Tl,.E 2:15 p. m. SUPEIlllrttll)tNf Al Allison TEHPIRATUNE IIOIIK Ol}SERVEO: The beam and joist reinforcing for ihe first pour of the l st floor west of line "4.5" was nearly all in place. The ioist top bars at the north end along line "F" were not in place yet and the ioist top bars over the beam down uD & E" line were not in thier proper location. One top bar was missing in beam 185 at grid line "2" and a #5 trim bar needed to be placed on the east side of the opening at D2- The 4x4 w4 x w4 meah for the shear reinforcing in joist FJI & FJ3 was just getting started. I.noted one that was too short and needed to have another peice of nresh added to i! with a lap of one full mesh. The wide floor ioist at the columns djd not have adequate support bars to keep them in place during the pour. I asked Avery to add a #5 support bar at each end of the joist top bars. Some of the bottom joist bars need to be respaced to give proper concrete cover and to give a good space between the bars at the center of the joist. s EP 8 1986 J00 Vail Valley Hospital COHlllACl0R Hensel Phelps ,Wil,@ .$EP 4 1gB5 |TOR, ItlJtYlA d. ASSOCIATFUO. CONSUI.TING MECitANIC AI, /Et EC TR ICAI ENGTNE E RS CIINION C CATOR r SIBASTIAN A RUMA. DONAI-D P ROSIER 2. 3. October 1, 1986 Hr. Skip Slenst Fisherr Reece t Jc''hnson 1500 S. Pearl SLreet Denver, Colora3o 80210 Re: Vail Valle1z Ecpital Dear Skip: This is in reslnn-se to the c'eneraL Pran correction List, prepared by MichaetIbGc€, Fire llarshaf, of ttre Vail Fire Dcpe r tment. l. rhe fire sprinkrer system ln the existirg buildirg is urder a separatecontracL {draulic calculatiorrs will be prwided when that work is done. S€€ Ite'u I. alrcve. Water flo* pressures were prc^/ided by tJle ltlrln of Vail Water Department and are stated in ttre sp*ifications, Section 15300-1.058 as 110 psigstatic pressure as rgrised in Alclerxlurn lI, ard a residuaL pressure asstated in fta.n 7. belw. 3A- QraSrter 38, paragraph 3802(S)l c'f ttsC states that fire sprinklers mqg be atitted frcrn intensive care rools. 4. Ihe appropriate afarm sigr.nl will be prwided. please fonrard us a copy of Ord. 3. 5he alprqpriate supervisory s*itch will bc provided. !:e fire lrose cabinets sg:cifie<l are st:rdard size cabirrets. NI?A-14 requires an alprwed restrictirg device when the pressure at the catrinet exceeds I00 psi. We uere informed at the tine of dcsign Itlre lloen of Vail Water Deparlment that the water pressure could exceedthis pressure limitatioru ResiduaL pressure at the point of co;inection was 90 psi at 1200 ggn. 8. rnrt)€r:tors test conn€ction is cietailed in NirpA-r3 sef,tion A-3*9.1.2 "rnd wjll bc installed pr:r this scrtion. 9- Loc..:tions of fire hcse cabirrets are stated in the slrcif ication.s, prir.;.graph 15330-3.0LA. If a lrore e,xact elevation is required, please ;..-lv j se so t-he raluest can be acc<rimcxla t_ed. c 5. 7. ARCHT t;r,.'. 1550 DoVtR SlRtETr SUtTt 2 " t-AKEV,/OCD.COLORADO 60215 . {303) 232.6200 Hr. Skip Spnst O:tober 1, 1985 Page lho 10. Ierr3th of fire hose is specified at 100 feet, paragra5h J.5330-2.03D as revised in Addelduru No. l. ll. A 2' drain line is dischargirg into a Protectd drain as shcnpn on pltlnbins riser C on Dra^ring tfr15. 12. Fire sprinklers are shown above ard belcxr ductwork- Architectural ceiJirg plans shcrv ceilirg grid changes. 13. llrnber ard locabions of floor drains are shcxen on I't-10 of tlie contract docuunents. 14. Information shcrwn on the shop drawirgs is required by tne Oi/ner, Architect and Mechanical. frgineer to proride a conplete rq/iew and coordirntion. Very truly yours, CATCR{ RtmA e ASSOCTAIES f4/- ,{l^,*"'- llike Dalson sD/s a:sltnst.ol FISH , REECE & JOHNSON, ARCHITECTS, P.C. O ER JOHN D. REECE, A.I.A. G. FRED PETERSON October 28, 1986 Mr. Gary Murraln Building Department Official Town of Vail- 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Project No. 249 Dear Gary, Enclosed, please flnd one copy of drawlng X-23 shlch shows the hospitals request to f111 in two floore (First and Second) of the new elevator shaft prevlously deslgnated as rrfuture eLevatorfr. Ttre First Floor f111 in will be used as flhil flle storage. The Second Floor w111 be used as Owner deslree, probabLy an office. Please review the drawlng and respond as soon as posslble. If there are any questlons, please call. Thank you for your time and attention to thls matter. sRJ/sk Enc.cc: Dan FeeneY w/enc. Gary Swet,Lsh w/enc. Sincerely L >4U'1tc I Steven R. HILARY M. JOHNSON, A.l.A. A. AUBREY SPENST lY' I5OO SOUTH PEARL STREET DENVER, COLORADO 8O2IO (303\ ?77-0407 EIIGELE\N "npet Specifications Gontract Garpet by EIGELC3W-SANFOFtrIr lNC. NOVEMBER 1986 .SOLID YARN DYED GROUND COLOR .OBLIQUE PATTERN INTERCHANGING YARN ..MULTI-COLORED ACCENTS. MNDOl'| sTocK coLoRs YARN DYED FljMMABILITY DOC-FF1-70_=:----_.:_ Bigelow has a continuing guarantee on file with the Federal Trade Commission. Flooring Radiant Panel Test NFPA.253. ASTM.E.648 CLASSI - GLUEDOWN CLASS II - OVER PAD SMOKE DENSIry N BS Smo ke D e ns itvTE?frEffi FFA12s8 450'or LESS STATIC TEST MTCC Test Method 134197- UNDER 35OO VOLTS INSTALLATION t6 *Indicates Registered Trademark All firp, ort pile crpets are dnracterized by higl' lidting or shadirg sfiEtires called watenmrkirg, caused by the refiection of lid'rt oFf the sides ard ents oF tIrc pile pns. This is nr! a defect, bul purdrasers of qulity cA pile earpet should be a,,rare of tJris daracteriscic. Precision of pattern rntdt canrnt be $arant€ed. Direcl Glue Down should be made in accordance with EfielowGcommencied procedures. MI609-V & Co nventional refers to standard u"ru"t{lS9flA1llt n procedures.Ml60988 and MI609MM All specificafions subiect to normal manutacturing trclerance. Grade, Specification, Test Oata and CotoB subject to changa without notics. This caQeL as specitled, ls for uso on floors and not ag a wall covering. A1y iest results f6ted above are relative only to its use as a noor cov€ring. Acceptance of Orders subiect b Bigelolr/ts 'Condilions of Sale Printad in U.S3. s 387-W PITCH WIRE SIZE FACE YARN 100% }lITH DUPONT ANTRON* NYLON STATIC CONTROL YARN PLY YARN WEIGHT BACKING MATERIALS Stuffer- SfiIllElIC 65.0 Ozs./Sq. Yd. Approximately I,000 sq. yds. orders sbjecl ':. IO *Indicates Register Trademark All fire cul pile carpets are draracterized by high-li$tirg or shadirg soetires called waternarkirg caused by the retlection of lid't off tle sides ard erds of tfe pile yarns. This is rpt a defect, but purdrasers of quality o.rt pile carpet sfrould be aware o'f this dnracteristic. All specifications subiect to normal manutacturing lolerance. Grade, Specification, Test Data and Colors subiect !o changs without notlcs. Dye Method YARN DYED FLAMMABILITY DOC-FF1-70 -'- Bigeiow has a continuing guarantee on file with the Federal Trade Commission. CLASSI -GlueDown CLASS II - Over Pad SMOKE DENSITY NBS smoke DensiFEfrEFE'Ei-IlFPFzss STATIC TEST AATCC Test Method 134-1979 UNDER 35OO VOLTS INSTALLATION Direct Glue Down should be made in accordance with Bigelow's recommended procedures. Mi609V 7 Ml60SIIvl Conventional refers to standard velvet installation procedures. MI609BB & Ml60g"l'l This carpe! as specifed, is lor use on floors and not as a wall covering. Any test results listed abovo ara relative only to its use as a ffoor covering. Acceptance ot Orders sub,eci to Bigelods 'Conditions of Sale.' Printed in U.S3. s 387-W BIGELOW G4rpet Specifications Gonrract Ctrper by BlGELOWYSa.rupoFltrtt lNC. ffi " COOE:2702 FACE:DESIGN IMPRESSI0NS - CH0RUS' IOO% ANTRON* NYLON WITH STATIC CONTROL OATE NOVEMBER 1986 el:/,1I ffiIrllijJtI-tffi .SOLID YARN DYED WOVEN DOUBLE FACE CUT PILErl +'{rJ:llJ I (, sTocK coLoRs PITCH ROWS Per INCH Approximately 1.000 sq. yds. orGn subject toWIRE SIZE FACE YARN 100% DuPont Antron* Nylon With Static Control YARN PLY YARN WEIGHT 40.0 0zs./Sq. Yd. BACKING MATERIALS lA/^ -11"'-Y-Conductive Elementsuner- Svntheti cFiilin5 Svnthetic TOTAL WEIGHT 65.0 Ozs./Sq. Yd. Flooring Radiant Panel Test NFPA.253. ASTM-E.648 HenselPhelos Constructioir Go. 80632-0710 Steven Becker Michael O rRouri:e Randy Eckhardt Dale Sargent Dan Feeney Gary Swetish MlchaeL McGee 2. A1l circui ; 3. This ls no a when che f ,:e REFERENCE: F] ] AI.ARM PLAN REVIEW/TOWN OF VAIL LE 'ER DATED - FEBRUARY IO, 1987 1. Burch Eleclic provided alJ. catalog cuts on these devtces to Town of Vail. FLre Depar ,ient f or review durl-ng meet lng, FIRE ALARM SYSTEM MEETING/RESOLUTIONS FEBRIIARY 18, 1987 Hensel Phelps Construction Co. Burch Electric Co. Burch Electric Co. S inpl ex Vail Valley Medical Ccnter Briner/Scott Architec i s Va11 Flre ]'larsha1 are revised to Type A. problem wirh the hospltal addition. Thls will be considered Alann Svstem 1n the existlng hospiltal ls rnodlfled. 4. a) Elevator cabs sha11 return on smoke in leiu of thermal detectlon a s s horrn b) ELevator cabs will return off local alarns ln eLevator lobbies c) The preesurization of the elevator shaft wllL occur off general alarm d) Fan unit dampers to be interlocked with fans to prevent lndependent operatiorl of either devicee) Sequence of operation as follows: Relief damper wll1 be nornally open. Upon actlvatlon of any general fire alarm, damper will close and oressurization fan will- start. Elevator:s will return to first (rnaln) floor, and.doors will lock open, orly if Eherur,al devices ln elevator lobbles detect a fire. 5. Chlmes and liorns per Tovrn oi Vail code requlrements wtl-l- be provlded. 6. See Item /lI 7. Chimes & Visual alarms will be used at these locations. 8. A smoke dec(ctor will be pruvlded in leiu of the thenml in electrical equipnent roorn 07. YP.lfS. COnl ||,.,lllrl PERF )RMA.IICI' Performance ! Page 2 Fire Alann Systen Ueet lng./Resolut lone . 9. Per dlscueeion there ls adequate detectlon ln roome lo5l , lo45 e 1055. 10. The detectlon ae ghono on Sfinplex draulnge Ls adequate. ; 1l . The audlblll.ty on aiL devices wlll be checked durlng cyoten,testlng. 1... See Item #7. i l: , Burch Electrtc wlll eubmit shop. drawlngs ehowlng locatlone qf door holders and rolllng counter flre door. L4. We w{11 Lnetall the smoke detector Ln nuree atatlon 2070 ae ehown on Sluple:< drawlnge. Thle roon will be a non enoklog area. 15 a) A tbermal rate of rlse dectector wlll be instaLled tn nutee lounge 200I .b) EquLp'nent roon 2006 w111 etay as is. a2 well mcadou drly. Y.ll, color.do 81657 (303) 47S-2m Februery 1O, LSAT ffn doperlrmnt Eteve Becker, ProJect Englneer HENgEL PHELFB CONSTRUCTION Vrt I Vrl ley f'ledlcel Centcr24L W, Meedow DrlveVetl, CO 81657 r-t FIRE ALARI'I PLAN REVIEW DEAR ETEVEI Hrving reviewed the fire elarm plane as rubmi tted by Burch Electric, I makc thc followlng comrnentsl l. Thc fire alerm cut sheetr wcre not eubmitted {or thefollowlng dcvicmrA. Ioni:etlon dctector S 2OPB-9544B. Fhoto-rl nctri,c detcctor * 20?S-?363C. Dust dctector lt 9569D. Door holdcrc ll ?360E. Flow rwitcher OS&Y Ewitchee, dampero rnd wcather proof horn and light 2. Shert 4, thc fire elarrn plane lndicate Clarg B ctrcuit. 3. We question the interrnixing o.f AC and DC signal circuitc. 4. Addendum 4, page 7 o{ lOp regarding therrnal detectorEintprconnccted to open thn damper on thc elrvrtor ehaftl hJe find the archltect'6 clttempt to ventilate heat out of thelevator ehaft via heat acluated device through calevator' doore ie unacceptable'. It is otrr requlrament that theactivatlon of the damper shalt bp vla rulrlltrry contacts onthc detector Iocated in proximlty to thr clrvetor. Thtsdctcctor rhell be a photo-electrlc. If thry wlrh to includcen lntegral thrrmal r thie ie acceptablc. J. chlmert er indlcatEd on the plan ltem * 9atr4r are rcceptabl.Howeverl brlllr as indicatad on the plan by product * gszlrerr unrcccptable. Ordinence # S, gerier lgEl3, Town of VeliMunlclpel codr rtrlctly prohibltr tho use of brllel chimrr r.,,horne mey bc rllorred. 6. In the rubmittrl rhrctr in the simplex blndrrs I do not finde cut chret f or ltem S ?Oig, r:ihy r{r.\..(.irsr, madulc, nor do I 1 B. Etcvr ErckrrFrbrurry 101 L9g7 2 flnd a cut ehcct on 18 amp hour batterlee {f 3073. I aleonotice thet the cut Eheete do not tncludc 2O9O, a lnulti-{unction Ewitch module. I would like to know the use o{ thisrnultt-function rwttctr maduli. On drewinq * l of 4, Revieion A o{ the shop, rubmitted bySimplcx, I qucntlon thc urc of either bellsr chlmr.r or LED'a indicrted edjeccnt to the pr.rll statrsn at both rtair towers. I would likr to know the function o+ thr room on Eihcet 1identified aE 07. It appeare thero is a thermrl detector inthp electrical room. A Ernoke detector should be inEtalled inthr nlectrleal room. ?. I queetlon thc placement of detector*r on Zonr 15 ln the lowerlr{t hend quadrent o{ Fage 2 o{ the {irc elsrm plrnstrdjacent to Roome lOEl and 1055. I'l would apprrr that the epecing of these detectore le not consiEtent with the epaclngin. Room 1O45. Perhaps another detector shor.rld be inetalledin Room tO45 in the center of the four exirting detrqtorc. rO. Glurstion the urege end lack of detection in Room 1032. 11. Oucrtion audibility end covcrage in Room 1OO4. L2, Ageln I em not cleer whethrr wo 6rF uslng hornrl chimce,belIe or LED's rs indicated by red markr placcd by anotherparty on Zonee lO & 11, adjasent to the ntrir towrr'sentrrnce end cx 1tr, 13. Prgr 3t Revlrion Al plens do not nppeer tothr prrmnce of door holdrrr or demporc incorr t dor . clrerly indicatc b,hr pett rnt 14. I do not rccomrrrnd the pllsement o{ e cmokr drtictor in thc Nursc'e Stetion, identlfled ae Room 2070, unlrlr thEre iE aBtrictly rnforcnd no smoking policy to be ilr cf{cct. 15. Surrtion the urrg€ in Rosme 2OOl and 2006g there doeg notrppcar to br eny detectic.n in these roomr. I requeet that theEe issures be idantlfied and enrwered. Itlr my rrconrmendrtlon that I moeting ehould ba held bstwern areprceentetive from Simplex, Burch Electric, Henl:el PheIpc and theVail Fire Depantment in order to get a clear undsrstanding ofthpir propoeal . In edditionr we nesd to rerolve thr ieer.re o{ theexirting cystrm At thir tlrne, I do not f erl the plrrrr bri lrr ruf f lclentdetrll In or-den to .epprove the rubmittale ae thry currently etend.I{ r may be of ass:i 'itence in re iolving or clari{ying these issuis,pleasa do r'ot he6it.ete to conti:t me at your earl.iert convenience. Btrvr Brckrr Frbruery 1O, f?87 3 Efncrrrl y, /Z:-Z=.4f,'{ MIKE f'lcBEEr FIRE I'IARBHALVeil Flre Drpertment eb 1t:i 75 soulh tronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476.7000 GENERAL PLAN CORRECTION LIST Based on | 995 Edt on ot th. Unltorm Buldlng Code o*no-//t'4 C - ptan Check No._JobAddress Use olf lce ol communily developmenl Valu ation City State Iypeot occuoancvConstruction Cfaii,fiiati'on_Total Allo!,€ble floor area Basis for lncrease Sq. Fl. Floor Area: Floor (Max.) Floor (Torat) Sq. Ft. Sq. Fl. Occupant Load COMMENTS OR ASSUMPTIONS: {:-(/5r/.u(- F,z.<-Jf 2_, --k Lr7? Ji,.,r.742r-7 4t-zaZ_ 4._ ,/4,,('rr'6.4 -fcr,zaao- <y'.<.-4 o/l c. r,, t '-rrv ''< t- <,/1. r'' v " €t . 1- . /r..-/-- /--t._ f.;rz.-- t-. l. t- ..=>r . -1 v{rI.eq|onscneckedbe|owa'etobemad.dn^|''rGhal^,^^_ I no aoo.ov.t ar ^r,^" .^, -^^^.,,-::Iad€ on plans belore pem is issued.rne app'o'arot ptans ano'ijii'iiclidilEll'ilil'"ffi:1fifffii:llLt illl?lr"o,"" of rhe Buirdins coda or orhe, ciry ordinancc or srare raw. 3-/ /*s.rtz/- ,/1./!a 4(< 2/r.a- t.J /-u, Z:--s:i,.4r' C.r.2r2_ Z-2._ t7. Addltlon.l Co,rrctlon!: z.l'co 4-/-/ +ztz7-4 "n-,.,-/,4,C.?,../-3 ,Fg_? 11-t .lz) | ?...rt ,.?-..t->'t, .//1,//. t'/f.'-,24. '/:r,ya1, t2...,.'z/ t ,4./<a,/4z:7/r.., J -2.--4'./ -. n ,<'-<a: 4a-ti-4<.r_ /,u' t 14-z_.r_'11,.-5 >'5 4 -.ai7,4.;€/J'r z t",?25 .-uti z -,,,.'- z .1.':.-,/ e. .^^ . ^ ,-.a - - 7--7-'re.n --^ rl? zz.a -* -/z 72,.-9r.r',t.--> .-/ .'-ra/,*, .,,, _.e.4:T".' 4.tzz nd -.:-/-1,>- rt *'4+L .t/6 )1AJ 31a.7'.1.a, z.a;; zy'z.r.- 5.71 4z-z'-tl!, q1 ,a:t/4, j\/ c'/",4e.n .- s i.-2.,r.-4:-.,.r-, . :. _ ;--=:7-//.rn,> _ /,sa.z?.t ,e 44 .A Zs4r-?t?.r '!1)r z'-4 t; c .' J <^r/- a,r*a .-J a--,:.: ...-, t-). t.i..oy' +t s.., .2,>-/ ,f13 t ua/.'a.-/<,..2' <{zZ)-2,,t1 ./).' F n/o.- i7r^-z.t^,a. <y'r., -,t-f -(,5:.t+:- 4i !4421> .t o.- 4t-i7.? ; v /'t 2.,: J - zz"zr.t u-.r-;5r.2-.1 /.,cJ ^/S - zC. ,//. 72 ',-.', <aZ t z1. ? These sheels afe a pan ol lhe plans and shall remain anached thereto. corrections as above indicated wi be complied wirh. - (Sign H.r") ' |!a-zr -.4''^' flz't/oz-Chr"*rd by - 4" '' = 't (?. -, '> Rechecked and aporoved Oate I 7-o'z 82.{ dpZ April 22, 1985 Preljmirrary Notes Vail Vallev l4edical Center Plan C|reck Sheet A-1 Fire Lane s ignage reguired for entry driveway.ltaffic control plan reqr:red for approval. Question five spaces on northeast corner cannot obstruct Arnbulance or l,lountail Rescue. Question seven spaces on north side cannot obstruct Arnbulance. Sheet A-2 Reccnnend noncornbust ible trash enclosr:re. Sheet A-4 Need fire rated separation for errErgency generator. Fire hose reqdred in cabinets, Class 3 Fire Hose/Cabinet Ccrnbination System - 100 ft. hose. S;lec ca11s for 75 ft. hose. Baser.lent "unf j.nished" . Classify ordinary Group 1 enti-re basenent. Label al]- basenent doors. Elevator needs ANSI-phase 2 recall. Stpet A-6 Sign entry driveway 15 min. Ioading Tolv Away Zone. Question: 3 hour doors and 4 hour wall (double doors without mullion Inadequate f i-re extinguisher coverage. Need thjrd fi-re hose cabinet for north wing. Ikrox vault (4400R) required at front door. Sheet A-7 Add four sprinkler heads as sholrn. Question: t hour construction at 4 hour wall (existing door). Sheet A-8 Qrestion: 3 hour shaft wall and I hor:r construction at east wa11. Roof manifold required o'ver first floor office, second floor patient wing- Question: elevators at base of stairs. Sheet A-9 luY-' I'lc sprirklers? Vail Va1ley Medical Center Plan Check PRELII"TIMRY I{CIES AprIL 22, L986 Paqe 2 Sheet A-10 Qrestion: Fire rating of courtyard wjndcrys. Sheet A-16 Orestion: Orerhead concealed fire rated door at cashiers booth - firse link only. Sheet S-1 O.restj.on: "82" UBC? Sheet M-2 Fi-re hydrant and FDC location questionable. 02 tank detail and specifications required. Denio of extisti.ng fi-re protest ion requtes npre detail. Sheet M-3 $rcke detectj-on required in HVAC over 2,000 CFM. Sheet M-6 HVAC lst Floor appears to be one r:nit. Sheet M-13/15 Basement Ordinarlr Grorp 1 see plans for notes. Sheet M-19 F\rel oil tank to neet NF?A. Cauti.on: EPA specs. Electrical-s Sutmit fj-re alarm plans under separate cover with written description. Specification book-Fire Protection 15-300 Oqrgen L5-485 F\:el Tank 15-590 Fire Alarm System 16-72I Vail Va11ey Medical Center - 101- I{OTES 5-2-4.2 Horizontal Exit - 2 hr. throughout 5-2.4.I.24 Areas of refuge nn:st equal total occupant load 5-6.f f50 ft. to exit if sprinkled. 100 ft. non-sprinklered. Stajrs 7'x 11" 12r to landings / Barriers required at baserent entrance irr stairway. NFPA 80A Fi-re Doors and Windovss 5-7.2 Check exit discharge 5-9.L.2 I0 sec. delay maxjmm on generator. . 6-2.2.2 Q:estion: 4 hor:r wall needs parapet 6-2.2.7 See NFPA 90A for HVAC 6-2.2.9 Check below stairs for usable space 6-3.3 Smoke doors - I/8" undercut maxjmrn 6-3.5 Smoke danpers required at snroke divisions 6-3.6 Snroke stop plunbing, electrical_ chases and penetratj_ons NOTE: Pat ient evacuati_on plan dependant upon lnjury. lst Preference: Blanket drag 2nd Preference: Depends on inj ury - T?action - Mattress drag, no ties Semi-Arnbulatory - 2 person carry 6-5.1.3 No ce11ul-ar or foam plastic interior finish al_lorryed 6-5.6.2 Class A flane spread finish stairs, exit, exit ways Class B flane spread finish on roofirs with less than four persons 7-2.I HVAC-See NIPA 90A, 90B, 91, 211, 3154 7-4.I Elevators - See ANSI A 17.I Rule 2l-I.3 7-5 Question: Rubbish and ljnen chutes 7-6.3.3-2 @neral fire alarm evacuation unless 2 hr. separations reqr:i_red 7-6.5.I Location of fi-re alarm panel and annunciator as per AHJ 101-12.l-2- Allportions of building iricluded i-n reguirenrent. 12-1.1-.3 Total or vert ical evacuation is irrpractical. See point C Operat ions andTraining 12- Contruction operations. See t-6.3 in Chapter 3I Vail Valley l4eical Center - 101 IIOTES/Page 2 I2-L.2.6 Auxilliary function rooms m.rst ccnply with 12-3.2 L2-L.7 Occupant Load: l person per 120 ftj grossI person per 240 fL in-patient health care treatnent departnents 12-2.2.5 Horizontal exits a/ each side requires 30 ft2 per patient b/ doors 44 rr wide c/ coridors 8' wide d/ approved vis ion panel required e/ center nn:l1ions are prohibited f / L/3 of exj-ts reguj-red each side See L2-2.4.2 arfi 12-3.7 L2-2.4.I Tllo exits per floor or fjre section requi_red 12-2.4.2 One of two exits must lead directly to exterior L2-2.5.I Anteroofiis can service maximrm of 8 beds z12-2.5.5 Any rocrn or suite greater than or equal to 1,000 ft. requires 2 exits 12-2.5.8 Dead end corridor naxirm,un 30 ft. A2-2.6.1- See diagram page 363, Life Safety Code I01 Handbook, 2nd Ed. 12-2.6.2 Patlent door to exit maxinn:rn distance lOO ft. Any point to exit maxirm:m 150 ft. Any point to exit access door 50 ft. IJOTIE: 50 ft. added iftotal sprirlkler I2-2.8.L E<it illuninati-on: See NF?A 76A L2-3.2.L Hazardous areas - Fjre rated and sprinklers 12-3.6.3 Latches required on door to patient rooNns, gaskets required on doors topatient rooms - Door closures not required on Dat ient room doors. Seeexception No. 3. 12-3.6.4 Ttansfer grills not al_l_orryed 12-3.7 Snroke barriers requied each floor and each space with 50 persons. Seepage 38I. 12-3.7.9 Snoke danpers required. Chapter 31 31-1.1.2 Remove flalnnable liquid cabinet frcrn rear exit 31-1.5 Fire exi-t drills: Entire section needs attention Vail Valley tledical Center - l0l. tlOIES/Page 3 t. Specificatims call ncst curent edition. euestion: 85-101 2. Question: Appendix C of 101 3. Question: Fire retardant rnattress linen shades 4. Qrestion: Change of use on existing I'IOIE: Check 85 101 Handbook Check llechanicals Check Electricals Check State Hea1th Regs End of Plan Check l.trotes Effective 10:00 p.m. April- 24, 1986. {^"*.t J. Mccee ' 42 wesl moadow drlve yall, colorado 81657 (303) tl76-2200 Itpr[1 S{,, 198}7 Dan Feeney VAIL VALI.EY I"IHNIEAI* CTdNTFJR 181 West Fle,iirdow DrivuVall, C0 S1657 16r! VVMC REM0DEL 0F IIXI$'rINff DEAR $IRr the departmenl $U I LD l Nl{:i F I [1H: {::il"'tt I Nk::l.,,lilft l".L-/"\Nl ill"lffUl':. l'lalvi ng rev{ ewecl t}ru rirhmvm mcint i mnffd p:[ an ,I havep '[|"tu {rol I owi nq commentei, 1. Hydrnuilic calcLllsttbns slrourlcl bet i:rrJ.jr..rritwcJ to re{Lelut;a. Inri do hoso citroam aI l owanccr - 1?5 qlpnt b. 0urteide hoge gtroam arllowarrce * 5tlt0 qpm c. Denoity.l.6 in labn utoragmu hoilfinr ro$fir and incinerator"n and Ordinary II at fIarnrnrnblm 1iqurid eil,or;,rgn' ?. Equipment surbmittalg Ehoutld inclurde gl-eLgiL_ srhoetE on sprinltlerheadr, irrcludlng 14 {actorw, diuclrarge llattmrnlio {l.ow ancl PISI rat i nge. 3. IdEntt{y hydraurlic rorno'Lo in emerqorlcy room wingun pationt care . unit and euistinq oyetermn. 4. Identi{y uyotern 1r ? and :J. 5. Del ete dry penclonts f rom {r'erelrer ilnd cool s,r'r". 6. Al 1i ed pi pe i !r a\pprov6cl I er-tbnri t I i .sti ngri, {or Pi onei,e,r. 7. Show vnlvuun {1ow nlanmn tanr;:rrilr siiwi'Lchutii nrrci ap p urr"h ern an c el. 8. HeadE to be no cl oEer than Cr" ho $i clehlal l and no more 'hhern 7'6" o.f {sidp wall, -as per NFPA 13. F'learse re-sLrbmlt wi'L,tr corrqc,L,ionsi, Si ncerel y, MICHAEL Mc0EE l FIRE MAR6I"{AL ab cc ! BARY .IIURRAIN ."t .:, ,r. - ,,tr, .1, .ii:t" .,.:, '-i .t': ,fl ,:il. o,nayrrgton,nlb cqrfxlnf May 11, 1987 Vail Vl11age Carpet AttenEion Marsha 2077 N. Frontage Road West Vail, C0 81657 Dear Marsha: RE: WESTGATE N,ID TRIDENT IlI This letter wil-l act as certification that CharL has eubmitted for flarnurability test our carpet ! and TRIDENT III. ThLe test wae conducted in accordance with requlforth in ASTl,t-E-648 teeting specifications, and have succeaefuLly passed the test. The regulte CRITICAL RADIANT FLUX: WESTGATE TRIDENT III Thege stylea were also tested in accordance wlth testlng procedure for the N.B.S. Smoke Chaaber. as foLlowe: N.B.S. SMOKE CIIAIIBER #: WESTGATE TRIDENT IIl Should you require additional information, pleaee healtate to contact me. Sincerely, CHARLESTON CARPETS ^^ ^A . a r' f't0,'tOului t nS'14 Carollne Eze11" Coordlnator of Sales jP/ch3 cc: A.L. Brackett & Assoc. P.O. BOX 364 . CALHOUN, GEORGIA 30701.0364 r TEL. SALES OFFICE: SPACE 1B6B.C THE MERCHANDISE MAR1 CHICAGO. II-. To Tol,rn of Vail - 42 West Meadow Val1 , Colorado Attention Mike FLre Departrnent Drive 8r657 McGee Dlle Vh / Fjlstclassunleis )-M"y tr, tgsz \ orherwis€ Nor€d ' ProJ€c'tVail Valley Medical Center Trrnimltlld For Il( Approval tr Final Appro/al tr Correclioat and Resubmissim ! Approved ! Amroved as Noled ! For Your Records Transmittal No. New Submittal Resubmittal Prev, Trans. No. Fdlo$/ Up For Your Use ! .5 arr chr|l|r ||c|ll l'ddr l|| I|rLd. ol tL ts r.dltd l3iillb.ld-- rfl'rto rlbrtxr||crrrl. Originator D( tr No. Copies Drawing No. E.A. Descriptio.l (All ltems Enclosed Unless Noted) Factory data on test reports for flame spread on the Carpet installed at the hospltal addition. Remarks:If you have any questions or connents on this subxolttal please contact us at 476-2408. The Fabricalor has requested thal copies be returned. Please relurn drawings (via our office) (Direct) to Note to fabricalors/manulaciur€r's r€presentalives: Appaoval olthe material ttansmil- led hereby, wh€th€r by th€ Conlractor, the Owne. or the Owner's Authorized Agent. Shall under no cracumstances alter lhe requiremcnts ot the o.iginal drawings, specifi- cations. Contrect Oocuments, Subcontricl Oocuments or pJrchase ag.elmdnt tor quaftty, quanlily. linrSh, dtmenston. design, conftguraiion or manutaclure, nor 3hall such approval constrtule acceptance by th€ Conlraclor of any melhod, materiel ol oquipment not ultimately Ecceptable to the Owner or the Owner'sAuthorized A9ont. Hrrtal Ph.lpr Conatauollon Co. Cooi€s ol thi3Transmittal Mailed lo <{- - -)Br(sisnatu.er -_lvt-.(l-zr,/t 6 OZ-tUrlr',t o wfen". f;1351 "ll -pies and address all repliec or inquiries relotivs to this matter to rsauino tr |t/Enc. D WEnc. Prlntad o( tpcd P.O. Box Vail , CO 910 81658 Steven B. Becker Performance t.cdpt a.lnod.dgdl MEMO TN 42 werl meadow drlve Yall, colo.ado 81657 (303) 476-2200 GARY MURRAIN CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL MTCHAEL I4CGEE /-"fu'FIRE MARSHAL I-7 FLAME SPREAD RATING OF CARPET AT V.V.I,I.C. May 15, 1987 flle department at the Vail Va11ey Medical minimum tests on this you to consider the following FROM RE DATE I have reviewed the submitals for the carDet Center as provided by Hensel Phelps The results indicate the carpets "passedtt the particular occassion . I would however, like 2. The 10 1. The margin of error for these tests is high. Published studies indicate results from such tests mav varv as much as 30% fron lab to 1ab. Thisis due to the "repeatability" oi lab tests and the problerns associated wlth duplicating such things as moisture content, humidity, set up of equipment, 1ab calabration of testing instrumentation, mixtures of the flammable gas used to conduct the test, etc. margin by which sone samples passed the test was only 10 seconds in rninutes or I.67" . The crlteria bv which Lhe controls are set a11ow et4 3. The manufactures recornmendations lndicate the samples are not intended for Class I applications. I believe the A.1.A. specificati6ns reference the manufactures recommendations. 4. There is some discrepency between the yarn weight submitted for testing and the materials proposed to be used at the Hospital. 5. The overpad specified for the 1002 Antron does not have a Class I listing. It ls my opinion that it cannot be used in the Hospital. No test report was submitted for the overpad. Please review these comments and advise as to your recommendations . Vail Valley UOcaf Center LETTT @F TRANSNflITTAL 181 West Meadow Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 303-476-2451 TO Town of Vai l Fire Department WE ARE SENDING YOU ff Attached E Under separate cover via H Shop drawings ! Prints fl Copy of letter D Change order D THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: d( For approval E For your use E As requested oatE lJol l{o- AITENTIOr{ the following items: B Plans tr Samples D Specifications I Approved as submitted D Resubmit-copies lor approval ! Approved as noted ! Submit-copies for distribution C Returned lor corrections D Retu rn - corrected prints 19- N PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US E For review and comment ! O FOR BIOS DUE REMARKS coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 4 5/ t3/87 FPl -Revi sed Fi rp Protection Plans 4 Hvd na tr I i c Ca I crr I a f i ons 1 4/27 /87 Conv of IS0 Review letter 4 Material Submittals 4 Sets Fire Prot-ect-ion Plans Reviewpd Bv TS0 I 5/ t3/87 Letter Resoondino to Mike McGee WF o MSADA AUTOMATIC co. FIFlE Maq 13, 1987 PROTECTION CONTRACTOR T o :VaiL F iae 0epaitnent 42 \le'st Meadou) DttiveUail, C0 81657 Attentio n : Mieho.eL McGee Rzd:Youn Lztten on:VaiL Vo-lleq Medical Centen Renode'L o( exi'sting [Lnz apdinhLet aqaten dated 4 /30 /87 . Dean Michae.L, The {ollowing conmenta cortns.tpond to the Lten,s in qoua lettzn bq numben and l.etten. l.a./b. ue can not pnovide an in'side hoae 'stneam o[ 125 GPM and an out'side hctae atieam of 500 GPM due to the ta-etz o{ waten aupplq available dnom the citq main. c.The X-ab ia 848 Aquahe lzet and contain,s l0 ,spnintz'Len's. The maximum AquuLe {oot eoveded pen head i,5 96 Aqu.ete dL?t, 96 x .16 : 15.saGPl,l x t0 = l'53.6G?M MaxLmun denand (on the Lab. Thi,s i,s.te,sr than the minimun demand o$ 200GPM necluined bq a den.sitg o$ .10 /2000 tcluane 6eet, Out oI the !"ab, 'stonctgz,bnoilen 4oo^, incinenittoa and (Lannable atonage ,Loom' the Lab duz to it,s .tize and numbez o[ apninhlzn,s i,s thz no.tt dzmanding &4e4. 2 . See ecquipment .submittal's. 3. Pet oun eonvza,stion with 7an Fezneg, we wi.L.L be adding an in'specton's te'st in the enengencA ftoc)m winga,a"a Uou .have 4e- clue'ated in a Location to be- detetmined bq the anehiteet. Sqatem #l i's the anea that. we wiX.L be in,stalling.. S4.atem t2- iZ the 6in^t dtoott attea in the new wing in,stalX.ed and cqLculated bq AAA Finz Paoteetion. AiX.X. Be complied witlt. ?ionzen pipz meot's the dequiaement's o d NFPA- l3 Chapted 3, tab!.e 3-1.1.1 {ctn ASTM. A120 pipz nnd thete$oae ia not tubject to X.iaiing bq UL on FM'l'See paoduct,submitta"X. cut aheetl 4. 5345 MARSHALL ST.ABVADA. COLORADO 8OOO2 PHONE 422-4950 n o MS 7. See plan. 8. See NFPA-IS Chapten 4, paaagnaphr 4-4.20 and 4-4.20.1; we wLLL not be intta.LLLng ang apninbtettt anq cloaea than 6" to a wal[-, I( qou have anq queationa plea.se contact oul o$(iee. 7 JAB/ten ADA AUTOMATIC co. FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACTOR eL ' a .. .' 5345 MARSHALL ST.ARVADA. COLORADO 8OOO2 PHONE 422-4950 ISO COMMERCIAL RISK SERVICES, INC. 1385 S. COLORAOO BOULEVARO SUITE 225 DENVER, CO 80222 13031 759-3511 AprLT 27, 1987 Adams Autonat j-c Company 5345 Marshall Street Arvada, Colorado 80002 Gentlemen: RE: Vall Valley MedicaL Center 181 West Meadow Drlve Vail , Colorado We have reviewed the subrnitted plans for the proposed partial automatic sprinkler fire protectlon system at the above captioned locatlon. Based on the suburitted information, it appears that if thls fire protection system is properly installed in accordance with these plans fire insurance rate recognition ltill be received. However, we have noted an itern which does not meet the requirements of our rating schedule for such a system and include the following: 1. I^le have not received the Contract.or rs Material and Test Certlficate for the overhead piping. WhlJ-e conplj.ance wlth these rating schedule requirements ls not mandatory' cornpliance with all rating schedule requirements will favorably affect the flre insurance rate consideration allowed for the instaLlation. This review is for the purpose of developing a fire insurance rate. It is not for the purpose of rnaking property loss prevention or life safety recom- mendations and none are made. Yours very trulY ',-') .4-2 /t, K".,n ^a,/4rrR. D. Kepler Branch Supervisor rdk:lt A SUESTD|ARY OF T SURAIICE S€RVIC€S OFFICE, l C. ADAfiIS HYDRAULIC DESTGN INFORMATION SHEET c0. DATE '4-:-2.2 2 - NAME /.a-.' LOCATION BUILOING CONTRACTOR CALCULATED BY CONSTRUCTION: ! COMBUSTIBLE _.E'tlOt|-COUBUSTIBLEOCCUPANCY ,tY.,.1'- a a SySTEM S1g, // Fy..f ht2 cONTRAoT No. ?2a-ze DRAwlNc pg. FP toF '/ CE ILING HEIGHT &st2s-F T. nfln! NFPA 13: .8 NFPA 231 tr LT. HAZ. NFPA 231C:FIGURE ORD. HAZ. GP.i---1 .ru'n -; 2n CURVE fl EX. HAz. zo (t, uJo =UJFv, (/, J(L fct, trluF = AREA oF sPRrNr(LER oPEFATToN ua d,/o.2?<rtt/u( OTHER (Specity) SPECIFIC RULll.lc DENSITY AREA PER SPFiNKLER HOSE ALLOWANCE GPM: INSIDE I1OSE ALLOY',ANCE GPM: OUTSIOE RACK SPRINKLER ALLOIVANCE EI,IPERATUFE RATING BY DATE CLTI.EU-TYEE OELUGE PRtr.ACTION '<?(z/Y/zda 4 '' //vinxe-Ihyrau. MoDEL 4:1---- stzE h -:-3/s:-- K-FAcroRS-L -2-7'-- CALCULATION SUMMARY REoulREt) -88,34 FACTOR USEO: Pst REoUTRED -/3L2/- oVEFTHEAD-_ 2/' AT BASE OF NISER UNDEFIGROUND LOCATION SOURCE OF INFORMATION coMt40DlTY CLASS AREASTCRAGE HEIGHT STORAGE METHOD:SOLTD PILED- -96 PALLETIZED TANK-QB-RESEBVOIB CAPACITY ELEVATION IVELL PROOF FLOY/ LOCATION AISLE Y/IDTH g/o RACK AUTCI/ATIC STORAGE SOLID SHELVING OPEN UAIEI1ILOIY TEST DATE & TIiTE STATIC PSI hESIDUAL PSI GPM FLOWING ELEVATION ?.JF.7L_.24e__ -/3-{?ao GPT| xu UJo EoF(/, F 6o2 oo D STNGLE Rorr,f fl CONVENTTONAL D DOUBLE RO'r/ D SLAVE PALLET fl MULTTPLE ROw PAI I F-T f-l D D ENCAPSULATED NON. ENCAPSULATE9 FLUE SPACTNG lN tNCHEq LONG ITUDINAL -TRANSVERSE qL _EABA!{CE FROl,l'l'OP OF STORAGE rO CE l L l Ns RATED AT PSI CAPACITY ELEVATION I"IOF'ZONTAL BARRIERS PROV IDED F t.tN. @g $ I 0@0oQo"0e0O 0@0 , I0*0@0 s00s o @ oo o 0 F g tn-ffi 1!1pl iI / o0 F $I IFf ilEtt F 0r E63E =H IJIh( Eulr -lt ll, z |-U dFzoU cooc(>o6iDO 888.o9 Fl eIl :o-u I 3o II 8tEhcro ooot(Ero 888-.o1 gggg _ eFg fi 7 Xrlsdt 3unsslud oer FLOW TEST RESULTS STAT I C RESIDUAL AT 760.0 6FH F'RESSURE AVAILAETLE AT 78EI.3 GF,I,I SUMHARY OF SPRINKLER OUTFLOWS SPR FRESSURE FIREOUT SUEMITTAL Vai I Val l ey Medi cal Cent AtrTUAL FLOW CREATED O4*32-1987 HINIT4UH FLT]W I"i*FACTOR rfi:or 14(:r.ocr F5I 135. C,O FS I 134.65 FSI F,AGE 1 114 115 t17 l1s L"6 128 lAO 181 1Et2 131 133 154 135 131 145 r47 l4B t7a 17t L7? 163 Lh4 165 166 l83 11? 30.56 28.72 23.27 7.4.46 1?.31 L6.49 1 Ct. 32 15. 66 15.41 14.s7 14. 3Ct 13. 87 14 . 3Ct 18.1S 14. 33 16.31 14,27 12. ?l 25. 3(t 25. ?1 ?b.37 ?1. t1 19.14 21.48 19. 59 r4.61 ?3.7s 3Cr.96 s(r. O1 14. 5A 14.46 24.6L 11.78 12.41 11.4e 11.3S ?1,66 1Q.97 1r), Bc, IQ.97 1?. 36 10. 98 22.62 21. 16 3(r. 1? 28.17 ?s.30 24.76 73.79 24.50 35.96 24.6b ?1.41 27.79 14. 90 14. 90 7.70 7.74 14. 9Ct 7.7t1 to. Bo 1{r. 80 10.80 14. 90 10. g0 I C,. ECt 10. ao 7.7tt 7.7C1 14. ?C, 14. 90 14. ?C, I 4. 9(l 14. 9Cr 14.90 14. ?C, 14.90 14. gcr 14. 90 14. 9Cr I4.90 SYEJTEI,I 5.6c' 5. 6C) 2.90 3.9r) 5.6C) ?.90 2.90 2.90 2.94 8.6(t 2.90 ?.9C1 2.90 2. gct t.90 5. 6C, 5.60 3.60 8.6(:r 5. 6C, 5.60 5. 6{t 5.60 5. 6C) 5.60 5. 6{} 5.6() 538.3? GFH sct. oo GFl4 3C,C). t)t! 6FH 7e18. 32 GFf4 151.91 PSI t).O7? FSI 20.67 FPs TOTAL WATER REEUIRED FDR OUTFLOWS AT 111 OUTSIDE HOSE STREANS AT O TOTAL WATER REGUIREHENT F.REssURE RESUIRED AT O MAXIMUM FRESSURE UNBALANCE HAXTMqM VELOCITY IN PIFES IN LOOF.S .FIREOUT EiUBI'4ITTAL Vai I Val ley l'ledical FROM TO FLOW GFI'I CREATED O4_2?-L987 r=]: ra FRES$URE SUMl"IARY F5I 13. 87 ( 1J4) fl.00 Cr.4? 14. ?? ( 1f,3) o. {}cl o.68 L4.97 (132) o Center DI AI'I IN FAGE 2 EAUIV F.I F'E LEN/FT F -LOSS F,S I /FT 133 134 o 152 l33DGl e rt7.29 LL7.29 r t7 .29 I . Cr49(, 1O.?B F=TIE FN Cl?C) 1. O54? F=E BN C 15Cr 1. 0549 F=C) BN CISO 1. ?910 F=O BN C l5C) 1.5269 F=O BN C150 1 . 5269 F=TrE EN c 15rl 2. OO90 F=T EN ClsC} l. t:ltr9o F=O BN C 15() 2. (1669 F=TrE BN C 12C' 1(]. (r0 0. 04 16 0. oo 1Cr. 00 11. OO O.04OCr 6. CrC) L7 . t:t() B. Ott 1.0(J 9. O0 1.0r) cl. oo I . CI(") 14. O0 (]. oo 14. (l(l 9. Oo 0. (:x:) 9. (:r() 1C,. OO 7.QLl 17 . CrQ 7. CIC) E. (r(l 1?. OO 5. O0 (1 .u(] 5, C)C) 13. (l(l 15. Orl TB. OO c). c)46o FT ?4. 86 ( 1 18 ) PE O. OCI FF (",.41 c,,5687 FT 25.27 (IL7' FE C'. OO FF Q.37 o.ll?B FT ?3.84 (116) FE o. Q() PF 2.94 (:r.2(r7(r FT ?81.82 ( 115) FE r). {J0 FF 1.86 C).3649 FT 3C,.68 ( t 14) FE 0. (10 FF 6.3C) C'. O9g9 FT 36. gg ( lr-rr1)pE C,. OC' FF 1. 15 (r.095? FT 38.03 (113) FE O,60 F,F (r. 4g (:), 1263 PT 3€1. 51 ( l l ? ) F,E O,43 FF 3.53 FT 42.47 (111) 1(J. B0 r(J.97 21 .77 1. 0490 EIN 1.5799 BN L F=O F Cl?O T L. F=T F C12() T FT F'E FF F,T PE FF PT 1t7 1lB G 116 117DG o t lE 116 GI 114 11sDO 0 2ct(l 1 l4DGl a 113 ?OO GI 112 113 GI 111 11? a L4.46 41.86 56.3? 56.32 30. (J1 86.33 3(1.96 t17.29 L F T L F T L F T L F T I I t- F T L F T L F T L F T 1,46 t52 7. O(:r 0. 0429 FT 14. 33 ( 153 ) 7.OA FE O.43 14. Cl(l FF C,.6O FT 15.36 (146) 6. C)0 C,. C,555 F T 18. 1A ( 151 )5.00 PE (J.o(r lI.Cr() FF ().59 FT 15.77 ( 142) e I . C,4?Ct 13.36 BN L F=T Fcl?o rB 143 151 'FIREOUT SUEMITTAL Vai I Val l ey l'ledi caI FRBM TO FLOW 6PM o Center DIAM IN t47 L4A CI L4b L47DG a 145 146D4 a 142 145D4 e 135 142DGl o ?o.12 ?1, 16 41.3S I Cr. ?8 52.25 ?2..62 74.47 13.36 a7.24 I . O4?O EIN 1.3799 BN 1.3799 EN 1.6100 EN 1.61r)O FN F-LOSS FSI /FT FRESSURE SUT4NARY F5I 1?.91 ( 148) o. o0 I .38 14. ?9 <L4'/' O. ()l) 1.05 15.s4 (146) cr. o(:l 1 . Ol 16.35 ( 145) 0,00 2.4L 1A.76 ( 14?) o. oo 3.70 ?3.46 (1?5) FE FF 130 182 1. 0490 11.58 BN o 129 183 I ' (149C1 21.41 EN GI 129 181 l. c,49(' 11.4€l EN GI 127 t BC)I . C)49C, 1?.41 BN B 133 135 et 131 lqZDG GI 13C, t31D6t a t ,049t) L F=TrE F EN Cl?r) T ?. 066? L F=Ct F EN CI?CI T 7. Ct669 L F=E;T F EN CIzC, T LO.97 ?L.77 3?.73 "t .66 54.40 CREATED o4-22*1e87 lSG: l:: l- F=Ct F trl?O T L F=O F c130 T L F=O Fclto T I F=?E F C l?Ct T L F=?E F Cl?Ct T t- F=T F cl?o r L F=f Fcl?o r L F=T F Cl?C' T L F=T F c120 T EBUIV FIFE LEN/FT 10.5rl O. 1316 FT Cr. OC) FE 1Cr.5$ 7F B. O0 0. 13c)B F T C'. OC, B. 0C) 5. OO C,. ?Cr23 F.To.oo PE 5. OO PF 5, Cro C,. 1857 F T B. C'C} F'E li. oo FF 7. CrO ct. ?464 FT g. CrO FE 15. (J{) FF FT 3.Cxl O.C)459 PT 15.41 (142) 5. Q(t FE O. O(l B. (l() PF C). 37 PT 15.74 ( 13(-J) 5.O0 0. 1476 F'T', 14,61 (183) 5. C,O PE O. Qc' l{r.C,O FF 1.48 FT 16. (19 ( 129 ) 5.0(, o. c,466 FT 15.66 ( 181) S. OO FE p. r)O 1C,.O0 FF A.47 PT 16.1f, (129) 7. (:r(:r Cr. (1538 PT 1S. 3? ( l ECl ) 5. (:)O FE O. O0 I 3. rl() PF (:r. 65 FT 14.97 <L?7t 9.CrO C,.O42B FT 14.3(' (135) 7 . (x-r FE (:r. (:r{t 16.c}() FF 0.68 3, r-)0 (t. o 1 l9 FT 14. 98 ( 132 ) {r. C)C, FE O. oo .1. OO FF 6. r)4 10. 0c| (r. {13(t5 FT 15. Cr? ( 151 ) 15. OO FE O. O(l ?'.OC, PF Ct.76 FAGE 3 'FTREoUT sUBMrrrAL o Vai I Val I ey Hedi cal Center FRON TO FLOhJ DIAI"I GFI,I IN CREATED O4-?2-I987 r$:+: PRESSURE SUMMARY F.S I LA.7A ( 1f,(]} 0. o(-l().35 16.13 (129) O. o(l o.37 16.50 (l28) (,. {,c, ".48 1€1. 9B ( l?7 'o.00 0.41 19.39 ( 1t6) C). (JCt 3.08 7?.47 (125) (). or) cr.58 ?3. Cr5 ( l?4) r1.43 ?6. 84 FO. SZ ( lC)6) 19. 14 ( 164 ) o. o0 ?. C)B 11.22 (163) o. oo 5. 73 16.93 (16?) o. oo Cr.34 77.?S ( 161) l?.39 ( 166) o. (10 ?.ll ?1.50 (165) (r. oo 5. EIO 27. 3(l { 161 ) 15, 3C) ( 17Cr ) c). oc, r.96 FAGE 4 12? 150D4 11.38 a 63.7A 1?8 129D0 33.SSs. 98.67 te7 IIBDG 11.78 o 110.44 t?b L27DA 12.41I 122.45 125 126DGl 34.61 o. t47.4& 124 125DO 47.24a 234.7A 1C!6 124 a ?34. 7(:) 165 164 e t6? 163DC GI 151 11,2 GI 24.50 35.79 50.29 50,29 3.066? L F=l:) F BN Cl2rl T ?. 0669 L F=o F FN C1?(, T ?.0669 L F=?E F BN Cl?O T 7.Ct669 L F=O F BN Cllrr T 2.Q6bg L F=T F BN CI:O T :.469(:f L F=O F EN C12O T 2.465ic L F=TrFEtSE F BN Cl2Cr T EAUIV FIF,E LEN/FT Cl. (lO {). oc, E. O{J 4. OO {). crc, 4. OO I I. ()0 10. fl{} ?2. C,() 3. O(:t r-r. OO 3. CfCf 6. (l(l 1c). or) 16. 00 3. otl O. C,(l 3. OO 69. (]0 7?.1:)() 140. {lC} 11.o0 o. o0 11.CrC, f,. o(l 5. (l{) B. OO 13. (t(t (1. OO I 3. C,O F-LO5S PS I /FT (). cr435 o. c)91 7 C). I 119 c). 1375 0.1918 Q. tqrT o. 1917 c,. 1894 Q.7 r66 Cr. C,263 F,T PE FF PT FE F'F F'T PE F'F FT FE PF FT PE FF FT FE F.F FT PE F.F PT PT PE F'F FT F.E t-F FT FE FF FT FT FE F'F FT FE F.F FT PT F'E PF L tr T L6Z 16b a 161 165DG a a I . Cr49O BN 1. Cr49O BN ?. 066? BN 1 . {r49ct FN 1.04?O BN L F=f-t F cl?c, T L F=T F c1?0 T L F=(:! F cl?c, T L F=O F ct20 T L F=T F c120 T I I . O{) C). l9l7 c,. clo l1.Cto 3. O(:r O.7?5? 5. OCt E|. OCt 3. 0{r c}. ?45? 5.00 B. OO ?4.66 ?5.96 5Cr.62 l. 0490 F=TBN C12il l6l t70 28. 17 FIREOUT SUBHITTAL Vai I Val I ey l'ledi cal FLtll,l GPl'I 160 l7l 160 171 cl 28.sct lcrS l6ODG 157. €15 Gt 1€16. 54 o Center DIAM IN I . 049{t F=T EN C 1?C, ?. o6a9 F=T:2E BN CllO cREATED O4-33-l?87 rO.:, ss FRESSURE SUI'IMARY FSI 77.76 (161) cl, (:ro 0.90 28. 16 ( 16{|) ;rb.37 (L72' (]. (lo T.7B tg. 15 ( 160) ?5.91 (t7r', 0. oo ?.16 2A.17 ( 160) c'. orl 25. t653.43 ( 105) F'AGE 5 FR0H TO 160 161DG 1OC,.9l 2.10669- A. t29.O7 F=(:, BN C120 L F T EOUIV F.IFE LEN/FT 6. (lo (,. (:rQ 6.00 F-LO55 F.5I /FT o. 15117 FT FE FF FT GI I . O49(, L t8.76 F=T F BN C1TO T 3. r)(' C,,l54B FT 5.00 PE 7. CrCl PF FT 4. OO Cl. 25C,6 5. OC) 9. C,C) 65. ()(l (1. 2973 2(l.ocr 85. CrO L F T L F T L F T PT FE F'F F'T F,E FF FT 117 119 t10 111 ?.4690 L G Lb7.?9 F=?E F FR Cl?O T 109 110 l.469cr L O. t67.7,9 F=T F FR C12O T lc)g 1cf9 4.tJ26c, L A L67.29 F=T F FR C1IO T 1C'7 1r)B 4. O26Cr L A 167.75 F=E'T F FR Cl?O T ta6 la7 4. 0260 L A 167.?9 F=O F FM Cl?O T 105 106D0 ?34.70 4.f-J?6r;J L 0 4(il.9B F=ZE F I FM Cl2(J T I 04 lt)5Dtr I 86. 34 4 . Crt6C, L Gl 588.32 F=E F FM CT?C, T 1. L,549 27.2A F=T BN C lst) E. O0 Cr. 1488 FT 23.73 ( 119) ?. oo PE O. C,C, 1 C,. (:x) FF I . 4S FT 25.?2 <LT7' GI 5C,. tro 12. (1c| 42.00 ?. (10 13. OC) 14, 0r) 3. OO ?u. oo 23. 0(l 1 .50 3C,. CrC) 31.50 g. cro O, CIQ g, oc, 46. (J0 ZCl. Cro 66. OO 1O. 0{) 10. o(:l ?(1. C,O o. 1c)?4 FT FE PF rJ, 1O?4 PT F.E FF 0.oo95 FT F'E FF C'. 0095 FT F'E FF o. c,c)95 F T FE FF Q.Q47g PT PE PF C,. O?7C' FT FE PF 42.45 (111) (:t.0() 4. sct 46,'73 ( 11{}) 0.87 1.43 49, C,3 ( l {,? ) (,. oo o. ?2 49. ?5 ( 109) (:r.65 {:}. f,c, 5C). 20 ( 1Cr7 ) 0. o0 C'. C)B 50.?B (106) c,. oc, 3.16 5f,.44 (103) O. O(r 1.94 -rrheour suBMrrrAL O Vai I Valley Medical Center FROM TO FLOW DIAN 6FI,I IN 103 1Cl4 4.0?60 L 0 588.3? F=2E F Fl'l Cl2(] T 10? 1t]3 4.0260 L G 588.32 F=ZT F FN trl?{' T 101 lo2 4. rJ:6$ L Gl 588.32 F=SEI3E F FM Cl?C) T I t:)O 1r-,1 4. Ct26(J L I 58€1.3? F=T F Fl'l ClZCr T 404 100 6.o6so L O 588.32 F=E F FM Cl?O T 4Qg 408 6. C,65(r L 0 588.32 F=T F FN CI?O T 41O 4Cr9 6. 0650 L O SBa.SA F=E F FM CI2O T 41 1 4l O 6. Cr65(, L GI 5E}8.3? F=T F FM CIT{' T 4I2 4LL 6.0650 L O 588.32 F=?T F FH Cl?O T 413 412 6. C,650 L G 588.3? F=T F FN C12C, T 4L4 4L3 6. ()65(J L 0 5ElB.3" F=E F FR Cl?C' T 4I3 4t4 6. C,65Cr L O 58El.3? F=ZBV;E F I FR Cl3{r T I 415 6. 0650 L e 5E}8.32 F-E F FR Cl2Cr T cREATED ct4-2?-Lqg7 1s3:18 EGIUIV F*LOSS PRESBUNE P I FE FS I /FT SUT"IMARY LEN/FT FSI 1.00 0.0970 PT 55.f,B (lO4) 2(-1. C)(:t FE Ct.43 l1.(l(:r FF ?.O4 1 12. CrO C). C)97O PT 37. gF ( l0S) 4ct. O() pE tlr. OO l53.CrC, F',F t4.74 1f,5. 00 rl. 0970 F"r' 7?. 59 ( ll]l ) 1 OO. OO F E C,. (:)O :35. OC) F'F ?7.79 37. Cxl Ct. *97(l FT 95.38 ( lCtl ) ?0. o0 PE (). O(:! 47 . C_tC, FF 4 .56 21 . OO O. 0133 FT 59.94 1 1Qt)) t 4. CIO FE (,. 0O 35. Cr(:r PF O. 46 B.0r) (:!.c)I3? FTIC)r).40 (4(18) 3C) . C)Q FE (1. OC' 38. OC, F F O. 5r) L7 . CtC, (1. 01i? PT 100. 9(' ( 40? ) 14.Cl{, FE 7.36 f,l. CrO FF Cr.41 3.r10 (:r.{)13? PTl(:lg.&7 (41Ct) 30. O0 FE (J. OO 87. OO O. (J 132 PT 1(:'9. 1 I ( 4l I ) 6C).OO FE O.OC) I47.Qt-t FF I.94 3.Oc} Cr.Ol3: FTll1.C)5 (41?) .'Cr. OCI F,E C,. OO 5?. O(] FF C1,43 7.0(l o.o13? FT1rL.47 (413) 14. O() F E 3. C'3 ?1. O0 PF 0.39 5.C,O Ct.C)13? FTlL4.78 (414) .14. o0 FE 1?. 12 39. C,C) FF C!. 51 4.OCr 0.O13? F'T127.41 (415) t 4. crt, FE O. A7 18. oo FF O.l4 FAGE 6 .FIREOUT SUBMITTAL Vail Valley Medical Cent oer CREATED o4-2z-Lgilz t-u]z+s FAGE 7 FROM TT] FLOhI DIAI"I EAUIV F-LOSS PRESSURE 6FI'I IN P I FE FSI /FT SUI'II'IARY LEN/FT FSI 0 1 6.2150 L ?35. {'O 0. O08B FT128.52 ( 1) Gl 588.32 F=T.EE F lstt.O(t PE C!-QO uN c140 T f,Ss.OO FF 3.3? FT131.91 ( o) FRESSURE AVAILAFLE AT NODE O AT 7B€I.3 GF]'I 134,4 FSI MAXII'IUH FRESSURE UNBALANCE IN LOT]PS C).CI73 FSI NAX II.IUI'I VELOCITY IN FIFES 7c). b7 FFS 1( VAIL VALLEY MED/,.G.,4- efl€'fiua BU,LOI.NG , NEW fuJ?*$T ta.r,O * 6E.,8+#0 6N WTpE/Prlsus1 B4;/,re6 n9O FT, ex\f Wtvfil 7iRE 3b, @F.q f ExrErdf\ ttx. n.oo ru Er,T wro.rrt MAr(, Of3f44rG t€ tE% W*rJ 8O FgET, we9r oenod G €Ec/j$D F.OOR fl*e remx ta,q& rre ApeA &tJP^Nf Lo^{P oF tA te,|teo o$ taef,/ft*zott ffivtag 3,8 pf, 6x\T wtotrl 7a' W @ €*tw.ra( d 4Sn doprz, a(rT @ Ngw a-D6 fuvtw 1,@Ff g){rf wrofrl MA(, qsrANcg r3 tE93 -tt4*p I4O Fe,6T, FIRST FL6.,t1r€ ffiox 3t,M ftz IREA ocalft\tJr r.oAp OF 3wD ft,FF ftr/$e @QuRtaS 7,t2FE g;xtl tAtroTtl (torc A*zu Ott IAVO rf neat e % , Z,ltOVz f|ta.,.&, e % ) ?j,@p* tw*rtH. Affi) lRtE Wo ra grlEFloR a'iig;5 w8 firPl tlop5a, er<r\ fu'ltft 3a,t1 F:t, @xt1wlaal lrtA', OtS'thr.J@ t6 ,84 Trt^N l+> I'EET, BlruOr-l& r WlfH fuCufe- Fowep, 41'H f,@* FITIRE 3@ rrm eXf?{Nlc€D atPn ooe (a{o rv:g v,ttT{o\rt FIRsT F4LR. EX€Ail5UIJ ]FI,{T %,t39rra 4r\39 v1z %,Bb rrz ErP+^J€ro$ 16 12,$fu t1 ,36frz G E{tT FtrutRelt$f.Fl' ttAtzrttqaa ta Ptuvto'o tuk. ?52 frpW 0 &rr'/W*st 25? ftR,a*t Q Aoi/nrers.l 252 fteafre tun=rfucarl Frz , wr1r{ 11rp a7aree) ztb re@fr O brf/A*att g*6€,,Me^.r( I2,2JO 77t lt+ fuE.ALtO Ot+ t zn<r;il &cL?^t;(x ataeo at 4,@ r* neoq g& . nto 1,g7o fi e &) I /L r/AfL vALLeY MeOt&1- 6€r$tEF. F€$ru/ fr 6rtr( EgourREr4r$r€ M,a At.78A ^ttnxb tiF44 fEw 8utLD|rt6 , y,/rTH RtanE, E (fAltgt N Aurnl Fw< 272 #ala fravr@ 5a+ fi sxrr wtt''}{. AXE6 4$st*te. tuee fuvr* ll,@F.T, 67ary vtonl -rilfRp Ft-& zDz- &#'6 rcutv h0+ "r g,ilT wlrrol VIEE 44t c,tl,rF., cg|n;9 4evie I.eff, txrf urtoTH +TNre pplrrA tltrRg Ft4/q. 222 psarg eat P * %To G 292 ?R*\ 4'rq = ?8 tuF*ti9 318 fre$O @rtq 1,96 rA etxlT wrofl ll.@Ff Otff,,t+i?6€,91;9rp1 ppzvrD@ €%AJO FIOR 2rZ ft,?tutJ' @ut*- D,a+ ff. EKrf wrottl ft{R€,5 41"6frtc tuffi ?Fovtc€. at,@ rT extT wlorrl €fNE FRdIA fuND FL&F 272 ftra*s p*n =tJo t %/o oF Zrz eeo16 JcO * 29/o or 26? Ftury. +Itl FIP9T Ft&A ztb ftc6oN6 R.eaupE 4,32 Fr, rr<rT wror4 '$rto 4zn h*o arE ^t+t oome a exfaRtoq l T/o 4'il €trAlR. Nd@ triAT Qv\ti/.vNl.d,i1e WIT}f Ftf,, f Ft.@lqt *Ito ope 4on @F. TilRrJ Fbtua. gxrf ffi{@e 24.61 FT. srrf wront ANe FJUJR€fAlR. FFotA 2.UP WtLv OtGCTIARSA 6 ExfgRrof\ WlTd f^C We?:4 FTrra pre€f FL@re. O@uPAt'tf l,oAD r =43 em*?,b | fu% r29/z nara .trll, 2Olo e =Y? r*n 4al = l*1 reR,€f.x!F., 24+ FT. ErrT wtcrnl RgOD 3,b1 Ft.rxtf WrAd p3aerorio llv SIATRG AM$o$Ate. v,il FtRsT FLffi *;JD 6,Af,gMEdT A;E,IJ lF €tA tt/Ee Vg e FtreT FLooR to*D t lrtE |JI/MEEF.^ e ft&oil2 E,/.fit{J Ftu|A z&rl €trArR tO i2 Frvti. frr , %b aF 97 F..*r E ,rlf , U/, ar 84 pltrla 2;e ag ?5Q a A* nam 34 = lb4 ftEaa,,te 6,21 FY, Errr wtpn{ $a/LP W 12€J6/utRED 3,61 Ft eKT wtqTtl gtuvroee tP -fie EdTtR€,. ozz,ue$x wua G \HE Exr6r, *rt Bvtt otr)6 ,* 6ru,ot*ro Exrr fQ8&*1 3lE MFhJ A*3f FL&p,. €$ vrrAdg0Wrf Wtfl Exrft& oF l?ff, ilE'J BuOd) F}|(dt Ftdg/e. OaqP^1f 1'//AO v.f,ttw W. 572 ft.w$9 n,41Ff EX,f w,Dril wtNW ft. @t)tftp *,61 tT. /pnt ts p.ovtoe.o. Ar'i-/i,o ard- Atfu-l12,,rt VaX vbt*, /14/r/t'L,{ O,,/.u-, U Dtkrtt 7, *#.rLartd d- /u alltk;r-s &du .trl-pt'.tzc.t /4o/::/!A* r.r",a it--ioy' h /U /t4 ftz"+a ba[tfu"v 4/n" flt fut!' tr- 4.-i. ,ttt'l,'/a J,,'fu- utfr- usic ra3af attd rz-t./.2 7 ar /'/1 +4 2E/c.,NFPA )ot. WJ<TA^^O a,/aiL,h^' o+-ra'fua: * utr/ {* tlr;t;atc4) da!/-l- ',teclo' h o"' r4lr;"L ""t /"'r* /'* ct-tlt* o/o,l', V #c *rq /'^e-A - U,Atut- fr" c*An o-&"t , dnh""at cX- u* /lo'.'"1 i' fl- o*hfi /-'Jil ut* Mga<4 a^ fit */.J '-fiw-+ /-ta,' ot/ tltcaa' /SO ;/tL/ Vu'^v a^1 fti"L d+ r5o './zty' f,'*aL /.:,,,, f.'..t /+t"- 4 a,^'l fuL,u. " 7rL ai,yrttt anH'-' n- 1.a,, q llre,o /o/ , tut^4t#+ 6u-t--t- n-rL"u/ /tt a, -/1;zz*g id" a'l",r4L o|t ;Ui z-qtfr* j e(q,.^pt)'.-' ' ",dL uSC 3fu3 (d),z,tau "tr4'-l* flt- Lrrt'*- otL--a f* .f^^i/. u7'*+n ^,, AiH-.tft cz,.-fu- .*.r-, d2k*ntt f t*i/ /rt"'t ^At '-1-;"1;,i A,^n;-t'-- r+a7+*:,7 ,r/'.- /-ztr-,'t/.r i.u* /o-.+*1- t+ccz-d. !r: f" f' ,'f 7',?- Tv,,t d-^i/;.*- a,,tgu uac i3t3 Q/) "r.d 27'2.G y NFPA'rdl' ' Euat dn"q /u zu*/.tq cala- *&;, i zd *ltt;td- /tt- d4 -r/rt( y'r'1 Ufltn #* pJ n zzr-i112-o/-nt ,J * :/ttt'.,/,ti-t 'tt " o -*rn**nl /#r'/f<. /t/r"{^J 4:/ a4 -tt-4*t'd- -y'*-. It l/- dA"'- ..4A.eau d+ ah'L aJ flq /4/4 /4€t' 'a..V"', ; d.e"^nl,* ,b z"i,.r, c<rAux*t ,n- du ,F z/(/z*il' k^ fl<.;ttt..aL /4#, fl,!. zld"J, i1r"td- aup&6 *4d. flt t u-pk;"- fr aac fioq a) a.d- f,u--lzqtlrto^t"lo, 4 27'z'7 4 PFPA iOt y'+ ln* 4t*, a'at r15+tt t<aaPauzy NF.A tot -gBt E rilL,-;, ;".tt/i ?Jt t.,- t.t....!!i< v t3-2,b,2 l'.ts'tL d'*#-;:t' (a) &ju-u" a.n,,t/{n /'a+ fir.a4 ar- a.4^ ,u} zzaaa A*/ ao 4/./ .}/'aZ .td z/14d /50*, fbS &cfruu^t 4 ft{ i a /a*n ad az u} o/r/ a'il tttczol /*/ (o] &!.,p, ,*1'7-t;"t ; a ./tal,ll au- /tly,4 ./-or,'.t tt aru'{c ,u.,-nt '*- zl,I rU++< /t/" 4 a/,,a-/- l"t{7,1- rl. "irrr(q .U/'ott ,'.u4 *tzt-d 9a fi, Ersy'a*, V,z /ta"i lrr+;& * h)a6) aJ+-* .1r.4 k EU-zr:':l .1"7 A74'.; aLoiy',+o, y./-,.J4. t/rr7a-J 4 *- f/r-,.il€d /u/r,rlJ.., f4^Jel ;Lfd-.^, tJc", /tz.i*' a-, {:*,{ t,'-r-te-< : l2- 2,G'z H,"l"i"t i /3' 2,",z -r'i.'L, fual<;tr 21 - 2,6 /rtz;t.tt+^trJ ct I 4i -a.e€trJ-A( a'- AtS-tr /<a*rl l:ed Dr,**.o / Erur.., ,7r-'t"*J d*A-'..* tzl-(., t '?.a tda t'J e/,t , -. 4 o Hensel Phelps Constructioir Co. 420 Sixth Avenue P.O, Box O Greeley, Colorado 80632-071 0 (303) 352-6s6s May 18, 1987 Town of Vail Department of Connnunity Developrnent 75 S Frontage Rd Inles t Vail , CO Attentlon Gary Murrain -_-E.' Subject: Vatl Valley lledical Center Vall , C0 Gentlemen: Attached please find a sumrarization of varlous iEems discussed during the preliminary r,rta lk through on the above ref erenced proj ect. Hensel Phelps Construction Co. and their Subcontractors are in the process of correctlng these items. We request that you review the attached and notlfy us of any omissions and/or additlons to this llst. It is anticipaced that we will be asking for a final inspection of all work during the week of June 5, L987. Your assistance conductlng these inspections has been greatly appreciated. Respec t fu1ly , HENSEL PHE],PS CONSTRUCTION CO. SurazrE"A^A Steven B. Becker Project Engineer At tachment cc: Mike Mccee/T0V Skip Spenst,/FR&J Gary Swetish/B/S Dan Feeney/WMC O rMary Acoustics, Inc . Wray Plumbing and Heating Co. Burch Electric Co. Years of Continuing PERFORilAI|ICE Performance ! VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER ADDITION PRELIMINARY WALK THROUGH INSPECTION WITH BUILDING DEPARTMENT - MAY 6, 1987 ATTENDA}TCE: Gary Murrain Earnst GLatzLe Joe Norrls Mike McGee - Town of Vail - Town of Vail - Torn'n of Vail - Tovm of Va il Skip Soenst Gary Swetish - Dan Feeney Manuel Luis Steven Becker - Fisher, Reece & Johnson Briner/Scott Architec t s Vail Valley Med j-ca1 Center Hensel Phelps Const. Co. Hensel Phelps Const. Co. 3) 4) s) o, 7) 1) 2) 8) A11 copper lines and the support. 9) The motors on the properly secured. 10) A11 main beams on to the structure A11 penetratlons (prinrarily in basernent) nust be properly sealed. Burch Electric to establish date for Eest and sEart up on emergency generator. Tovm of Vail to be notified of start up date. A11 electrical panels, switchgear, ect. musE be properly 1ab1ed. All interior sinage must be i.nstalled, this shal1 be coordinated with VWIC. A warning sign is to be placed outside of the chiller room at door /155. Notify Town of Vail for tescing of fuel oi1 lines and boilers. The flex connections to all equipment must be properly fastened. A11 rnechanical piping must be labeled per specifications also all valves must be cagged per specificaEions. at unistrutt suDports must have insulation between the pipe north h/al1 in mechanical equiPment room 0l need to be the suspended acoustlc ceilings must be securely anchored at 4 I -0rr on center. fl) The fire and water service entries are to be anchored as shown in decail on M-20. 12) Change out ball valve on the fire sprinkler drain pipe in mechanical roorn 04. Install a gate valve at this location. 13) Cut back the nipple where the fire sprinkler drain piping enters the floor drain in mechanlcal room 04. 14) Turn over fire service keys to the Tovrn of Vail Fire Department. 15) The fire tmp.." in rooms 2012 and 2016 need to be centered into wall. i' VWIC PRELIMINARY INSPECTION MAY 6, 1987 Page 2 16) The access panel to the valve in the ceiling in room 2008 needs to be installed. 17) A11 temporary (romex) wire rnust be removed. These wires can be cut at wa11s and abandoned in p1ace, 18) Need to complete drywall in ceiling of roorn 2005. L9) Conduit penetration in room 2006 (outside hallway) need to be patched. 20) Where duct work prohibiEs the installation of ceiling grid anchors at 4r-0" 0C. Red iron may be used as a span support. 2L) Conduit l-n room 204I at east wa11 needs to be fire taped. 22) Repair grld system in room 2058. 23) A11 smoke detectors installed must be cleaned prior to tesEing. 24) Submit flame spread test reports on all carpet. 25) There was concern about the operation of the barometric dampers on the boiler system. The factory represenEive will explain operation during system sEarc-up. ts Hensel Phelps Constructioh Go. 420 Sixth Avenue P.O. Box O Greeley, Cdorado 80632-071 0 (303) 3s2-6s65 June 12, 1987 Fisher, Reece & Johnson 1500 South Pearl Street Denver, Colorado I0210 Attention Skip Snenst Subi ect: Vail Va11ey Medical Center, Addltions & Alterations Electrical Svstems Testing Serial Letter il5 9 Gentlemen: This letter is written to inforrD you of the results of testing conducted on the Emergency Lighting System, Emergency Generator/Transfer Switch and an Audibillty check of the Fire Alarm Chirnes. Emergency Lighting Syst em: The systen was energized and a walk through of the building rtas conducted with the Tor,.'n of Vail Fire Department. Present were Mike McGee, Dan Feeney, Gary Sr^ret ish, Manuel Luis, SEeven Becker and Burch Electric Cornpany. The follor^ring areas vrere determlned to be ln need of addltional lighting: -- Eleccricla Equipment room 07 -- Boiler room 03 -- Whlrlpool room 1032 -- Nurse Station 2070 -- Work roorn 1004 Emergency Genera tor/Transf er Switch: The building porrer system was shut off at the svitch gear in the electrical equipment room 07. Holy Cross Electric Co. then rernoved one leg fron the incoming prinary side of the transformer located in che south area way. The automacic transfer s$ritch detected the loss of the single phase as the emer- gency generator fired after the 5 second time delay. Present were Mike McGee, Dan Feeney, Gary Swetish, Manuel Luis, Steven Becker, Burch Electric Co. and Holy Cross Electric Co. E:-:- Eri-eJ: Yeirrs (r! r;i)rrtifrurng PERFORMANCE Perlormance I I June 12, 1987 Vail Va11ey Medical Center, Additions & Alterations Electrical Systems Test ing Page 2 Audibility Check of the Fire Alarm Chimes: The alarm system was activated and a walk through of the building was conducted using a sound 1evel meter to determine the declble level . Gary Swetish, Brad Schnelder and Steven Becker were present. The following areas were deterrnined to be in need of additional annunciation: -- llork room 1004*- Passage 1052 -- Nurse Lounge 2001 In addition to the areas listed above the Fire Marshal has reguested horns in lieu of chimes be provided in Ehe basement. He has also requested a horn be added to the Generator room 08. We are of the understanding that a Change in Work Reguest will be issued for the rnodifications and/or additions described above. A copy of this letter has been forward to Cator Ruma and Assoclates for review and direction. Your assistance in resolving these matters is appreciated, Very truly yours, HENSEL PHELPS CONSTRUCTION CO. Steven B. Becker Project Engineer cc: Dan Feeney, ValI Valley Medical Center John Hughes, Cator Ruma and Associates Mlke McGee, Town of Vail Fire Department Gary Swetish, Briner Scott Architects Bill Filson, Burch Electric Co. Allied ltealthcarc l72O&UrttrArmrrr )t. rorrL MO6ittl0f.f.pho.t : (gl4l r7l-2{trr, TEITFOnANY CERTIFTCATE oa tbtr 4 dry of ,( rrr,* , n. f,Z ,cboocGroa lJcdtcrt Dtvtrloo or erfica flcrttbcrrc prodqctrr tDc.('ClO', of St. Lorrlrr lllrronrlr laqrcctcd thc lfedlcrl Grr*i:"i: "t"^T "' rocrted rt . t/A.L , l,,fl ,^aa Att lteaufrctrrrcd lJcdtcrl Grr outrct. .rG rebetcd correctr;2,ta rll oetcrlrl rerpcct; for thc gte ccrvlcc tatcodcd.rhe grr dctrvcrcd rt crcb outlct orrgrartce rt the corrcct.ourcc ;rclat. l.c.r tbcrc uc !o crocoed grc plpctlace tqthc cyrtco. 3. fbo Equfluat fu firactloalag. ta rll arrtcrtrl rc.pcct.. larccorducc rlth ltr tatcadcd utcl ualclrl{. A ttlrcd repoet tacludtag Drtr Shcctr rlll 2l rortlag. drt,t. (r ez-^J, s 4r.a-,r/ r) (a r,r /(, 4(.. ( othcntrc aotcd. bc prctcatod ltthta Inc.@ffiffi*. l. z. -7x,(> [J/u,'l' c-, I a-/cr-J AAD/7-/o..^/ Ort/y i ccrttflcr thrtr INSPEqIloR I,{AGNER EQU I PMTNT COMPANY GENERATOR SET TEST REPORT FACTORY TEST V SITE X.DATE:fo--.- I )e8 z TEST NO.TESTED BY J\B/{26.-<3 CHECKED BY WITNESSED CERTI FI ED CONTRACTOR BY.' JOB N0. 1-l 8Y ENGINE I{AKE ,/iT GERERAT0R IAKE aLf !4}DEL 3{i!'MODE s'r 8/25922 GENERATOR SET RATING VOLTS AMPS, AT 0.8 POt,lER FACTO FULL LOAD rEsT_3Zf__Kw74LL _v}LTs AMPS, AT I.O SN KW Time Sta rt Q-oo ?:/{ 10'. o %Ful I J;7$ REMARK/}.S eEaril Et{ a' / r /r/, "u;^-@J 9a{, -:. ;),. / r r\L: q #:'i' or iio J 32. b.trus4 i,p y'.t{i*le,'e- rnif N9 100278 YAIL ga1g4 ++,otn,4- l8( It$s€t- ?fetvs CoNlrfL. roo FEBCO ro @ DELNO DATETNSTALLE" JunG 1 118:l LocAloN tUe<.* ef;'rttP RQ{ O+ OWNER SERVICE ADDRESS MAILINC ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON tn. [I€]OO,C DRrJe TITLE - TYPE OF DEVICE (Circle One): PH.NE t+1b DC PVB AVB 87-j5 slzE 1t' sERtAL N.'BER elzg LASTTNSPLCT." NAJ Yq tAseuerrr WHITE COPY: YELLOW COPY: PINK COPY: TAC COPY: VANDALISIVI: OWNER COPY TESTER COPY WATER SUPPLY ASAY T. ASSOC. TESTDATE Juue 1 tq'W rEsrEpBy b A<" JTI?;-,91*^rr*$oor,r*6(t.6 \Jtclf( t,]tR D6I' .o sERVlCh. N0lvlBER cK#2 Ttcffl- | , 103 ::l:::::i': Dl'F RFr-rr F vALvE 4,1 I lq.o eenrs REPLACED: VAC(I(IM BRI AKER T I ASAY A ASSOCIATES On<' Park Centrt: I 3.1.] Wrst I 2Oth Averruc Suitt,203 Westmrnster. Colorado 80234 -to3 451.4978 TEST DATA BACKFLOW PREVETITION DEVICES LOCATION . IN - SERVICE SKETCH 42 wesl meadow drlve vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-2200 PRE T.C.O. INSPECTION June B, 1987 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CHVIER flre deparlmenl t j ^. \ iJ,^- \\*1 n\.A,.lJ !-{<^\-f- As a result of an irspection '.-*,^,*-*,,-I have nnde the follovring findings and requjrerrents for the issuance of a Terq)orarlt Certificate of Occupancy ! 1. Sign entrance to ne\^/ wing as Fr-re Lane Reccnnend pajntjng curb red for a minimun distance of 15 feet on eacn side of f ile hydrant. 2. Letter of Certification on fire alarm system is required . Audibility irt busjless office and basenent need to be verified. Zoning schedul-e needs to be subrnitted and posted. Verify oper:at ion of the existilg fire al-arm panel. 3. Verfiy that the fjre departnent connections on both the east and west. ends of the buildhg are ilterconnected. 4. A11 portable fire ext inguishers rnust be tagged by a licensed fjre protect ion conpany . - 5. Where is the knox box ? Al1 new keys must be furnished .r.6. I{ave all fire smoke detectors been cleaned ? 7. Corplete jrtstall-ation of ceifj-ng tiles , verify fire and flane spread ratillg. B. Cover al-I open electrical junction boxes in the ceilhg , a1t light switch covers and duplex outlets ldent ify which el-enent s are on errErgency po\^/er. 9. The energency generator needs to be tested for ope.rat ion, transfer, load and adaquary of enrergenqr lighting. Ttris test should be conducted after sr-rnset . 10. C'enerator monitor pane-L is not located no<t to the fjre alarm panel and does not appear operable at this tirne. ..11. Label all ceiling tiles belcn^/ fire dampers, fjre valves, etc. . 12. Rernove a1l const rLrct i-on related debris frcrn the intreior. Remove all flanrnable liquids in excess of UFC Art icle 79 requirenents. 13, Ccnplete the expansion joint between the new wing and the existing section. 14. Install self-closures on fire doors - 15. Install elevator grapLlics , stairwell labels and door Labels (rocrn m-rnbers, boifer rocrn, nitrous oxide, shaftway, etc, ) 15. Reniove teq)oraqr lightlnq frcrn site, especially in basernent, gift shop and other focations. .16. Label a1l- electrical- breakers. 17. Remove tape. frcrn fire sprinkler head in janitor cl-oset irt new lobby 18. Provide fjre service keys to elevators \ o wl4c INSPECTION June B. 1987 Page 2 -19. Plug hole jn electrical jr:nction box il ceiling jnnediately west of new fire doors in south corridor.. '20. Rernove temporarlr wiring form construction office.',21. Install exit sign on exit door next to construction office. , 22. F\rrnish response frcrn Dan Feeney regarding flanre spread report on carpet. 'r 23. Shob air handeling systern is operable and bal-anced. 24.'\naIce cap-en 2tfir<e vffi.25. Supp-fy ta-gs and signs for all fjre vdlves, valve pit for fuet tank 26. Moldjng on glass in doors to exarn roqns il sports nredicine not ccnplete r 27. Remove debris and ternporary light ing and signs frcrn roof ; 28. Label emsrgenqf olqfgen shutoff valves''t 29. Install srcep or center mullion il corridors in PCIJ to provide srnoke seal Furnish certification of nedical g6s piping a -:-_}.-,. -.v---^to use tne new w 33. lnstal-J- tlandel- on lL fjre valve east end PCU , glass and decal-s. 34. Provide IPS to NST adaptors for fi-re valves 35. Top floor east end elevator caLl panel is inverted 36. Repair the ceiling, exit signs and wirirrg at transition points fron existing r^iing to new wj-ngDraft stop al-l- openings jn elevator equigrent rocrn tenporary li-ghting found attactred to the fire sprilkler pipins be meunds for te:mirtat ion fo -ttE.TCO has and wrt*I-ndt be tolelatef ! , 30. 31. 32. 37. il lg:rsa1_wnv _a4drdrat__!s=- This 40. 41. 42 ' 43. 44. AC,.{o. 48. Is the burn on tf,e glectl:j-eal buss a problern? matf-Btqp-gerrSi5tor rocrn nf fi ra not been gtranted wi F]-ow and taq)ers need to be tested . AV flo\r'r indicator needs to be connected. Label duct grpkes to reflect At{Us. .' ,'., Liquid o>qfgen not ilstalled . .,:.i,.:.rt-.. r:t .,...:..; , L Remove debris frorn north side E xisting o)qfgen roqn appears structurally dangerous . 49. Recsrnend secureing roof frcrn access.50 Rubber gasket on AC adj acent to olqfgen rocm is loose. '/'--," VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CIINTUIT ADDITION PRELIMINARY WALK THROUCII INSPECTION I^IITH BUILDING DEPARTMENT - MAY 6, l9B7 ATTENDAIiCE I Cary Murraln Earnst Glatzle Joe Norris Mike McGee - Town of Vail - Town of Vail - Town of Vail - Tovrn of VaiI Skip Soenst Gary Swetish - Dan Feeney Manuel Luis SEeven Becker - Fisher, Reece & Johnson Briner/Scott Architecrs Vail Va11ey Medical Center Hensel Phelps Const . Co. Hensel Phelps Const. Co. l) A11 penelrations (primarily i. b'scmc.t) musE be properly sealed. ,t-r-P2) Burch Electric Eo esEablish date for Eest and start up on emergency generator.I"f,ir., Town of Vail to be notified of start up date. T' A11 electrlcal panels, switchgear, ect. must be properly labIed. A11 lnterior stnage must be installed, thls sha1l be coordinated wlth VW{c.A warnlng slgn ls to be placed outslde of the chiller room at door ii55. Notify Town of Val1 for tesring of fuel oil lines and boilers. 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) The flex connections to a1l equipmenE A11 mechanical piping musr be labeledmust be tagged per specifications. musE be properly fasEened. per specifications also all valves A11 copper lines ac unistrutc supports mus! have insulaEion between the plpeand the supporE. 9) The motors on the north vraLl in mechanical equipment room 0l need to beproperly secured. l0) A11 rnain beams on the suspended acoustlc ceiltngs must be securely anchoredto the structure at 4r-Ott on cencer. lr) The flre and waEer service encries are to be anchored as shown ln deEai1on M-20. 12) Change out ball valve on the fire sprinkler drain pipe in mechanical room 04.Install a gate valve at this location. 13) Cut back the nlpple where the fire spilnkler drain piping enters the floordrain in mechanical room 04. 14) Turn over fire service keys to the Town of Vail Fire Department. gF.5,) The fire darnpers in rooms 2012 and 2016 need Eo be centered into wal1 8) WMC PRELIMINARY INSPECTION I4AY 6, 1987 Page 2 16) The access panel to the valve in the ceiling in room 2008 needs to be installed. 17) AlL ternporary (romex) wire must be renoved. These wires can be cut atwalls and abandoned ln place. l8) Need to cornplete drywall in ceiLing, of roorn 2005. 19) conduit penetration in room 2006 (outside hallway) need to be patched. 20) where duct work prohibits Ehe installatlon of cel-1lng grld anchors at4'-0rr 0C. Red lron may be used as a span support. 2L) Conduit Ln room 2041 at east r^rall needs to be fire taped. 22) Repair grld system in room 2058. 23) A11 smoke detectors installed must be cleaned prior to testing. 24) Submit flame spread test reports on all carpet. 25) There was co[cern about the operaElon of the barometrLc dampers on theboller aystem. The factory representlve wlll explain operatlon during . eystem start-up. tJ*=J Hensel Phelps Constructioh Co. 420 Sixth Avenue P.O, Box O Greeley, Colorado 80632-071 0 (3O3) 352-6565 June 11, 1987 Vail Vallev Medical Center 181 W. Meadow Drive Va11 , Colorado 816 57 Attention Dan FeeneY Subject: Vail Va11ey Medical CarDet Flame Spread Gentlemen: Attached please find a cony of on the Flame Spread Rating of above . As criterlon for the issuance been asked to nrovide the Eire you have revlewed the attached I^le ask that you sign the coPY office for distribution. Very truly yours ' HENSEL PHELPS CONSTRUCTION CO. Center, Additions & Alterations Rat ins the Tovrn of Vail Fire Marshal comments carDet installed in the proiect referenced of the Certificate of Occupancy, we have DeoarLment an acknowledgement st at ing comments and test results. provided and return it to our .jobsite VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Proj ec t 7-:>Lu*rt3^U Steven Becker ProJect Engineer rdb !-= --F-t = =:: Ye a t.i rrt '-rritllnutnq PERFOFMANCE Performance ! elevator technology inc. 1935 W 'f2th Avenue P.O. Box 4325 Denver, CO 80204-0325 30C292-2374 10 June 1987 Mr. Joe Norris Vai I Bui lding Inspector 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vai1, Co.81657 Subject: Vajl Valley Medical Center Dear Mr. Norris: l,rle have completed our installation of the two (2) elevators in the aboveproject. They were installed in accordance with the ANSI 17.1 National Elevator code as well as the 1982 uniform buildinq code. Yours^tru 1y,e Ron Bloomstran, Construction Manager ELEVATOR TECHNOLOGY INC. RB/s I CC: Hensel Phelps Manufacturing, Construction, Modernization, Service voilvolley medicolcenter July 13, L987 Gary Murrain Mike McGee Town of VaiI 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, C0 81657 Gentl emen: We do not intend to L987. Prior to our requirements for a l.le appreciate you continuing assistance in readying our addition for occupancy. Dan Projd Ray McMahan Administrator occupy any part of the new hospital addition until August 20, occupying the building, we intend to have met all your permanent Certificate of 0ccupancy, including landscaping. '181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-2451 Si ncerely, /kar 7/22/87 VAIL VALLEY SMOKE TEST r{EDrcAL CENTER NEW WING ) PRESENT: MANUEL LOUIS, HENSEL PHELPSi STEVE BECKER, HENSEL PHEI,PS, GARY MURRAIN, CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL; JOE NORRIS, TOWN OFVAfL BUILDING INSPECTOR; MIKE McGEE, FIRE MARSHAI, DAN FEENEY, VAIL VAI,LEY II1EDICAL CENTER; JOHN GULICK, ASSISTANTCHIEF, VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT; C-SHIFT STAFF' TOM TALBOT, SAFETY OFFTCER; GARY SWEDfSH, ARCHITECT, DON KIEFF, CHIEF BUILDING ENGINEER, WMC; MICHAEL O'ROURKE, BIRCH SLECTRIC TEST #1 - SIMULATE PATIENT ROOM FIRE - ROOM 2O5O SOOO CUBIC TOOT / 3 MTNUTE SMOKE BOMB I'ROM SUPERIOR SMOKE SIGNAL IGNITION AT 11 :15 IT TOOK 20 SECONDS FOR THE DETECTOR TO ACTIVATE. NOTE THE CHIME ON WEST END PATIENT ROOM IS NOT ACTIVATING. CTOCKING TTME TO CHECK FOR SMOKE EVACUATTON OUT OF THE ROOM. ONE MINUTE AFTER IGNITION THERE TS NO SMOKE VISIBLE INTO THE CORR]DOR. TWO MINUTES AFTER IGNITION THEREIS NO SMOKE VTSIBLE INTO THE @RRIDOR. THREE MINUTtsS AFTER ACTIVATION THERE IS NO SMOKE VISIBLE INTO CORRIDOR. ENTRY MADE AT FOUR MINUTES INTO THE ROOM; ZERO VTSIBTLITY TN THE ROOM. SMOKE IS ENTERING @RRIDORAT THIS POINT. WE NOI{ HAVE AT,ARD{ ACTTVATTON AT FOUR MTNUTES, FTFTEEN SECONDS OF CORRIDOR SMOKE DETECTOR. ACTIVATION OF CORRIDOR SMOKE DETECTOR AT FOTIR MINUTES, 30 SECONDS AFTER IGNITION. THE ROOM ACROSSTHE @RRIDOR (ROOM 20591 DID ACTIVATE APPROXTMATELY SIX MINUTES INTOTIIE AI,ARM' APPARENTLY DUE TO SMOKE INFILTRATION INTO THE ROOM. NOW OPENING SMOKE DoORS TO CHECK FOR VENTILATION TO SEE IF II'HERE IS GOINGTO BE SMOKE MIGRATION INTO THIS AREA. VISUAL OBSERVATION REVEALS THAT ONCE THE SMOKE DOORS ARE OPEN' THE SMOKE WAS PUSHED BACK TO THE WEST, AWAY FROM TIIE MEDIAN DOOR. TEST TERMINATED.AFTER TEN MINUTES. AT TERMTNATION OF TEST, VISIBLE SMOKE OBSCURATION IS APPROXIMATELY 75t OF PATIENT ROOM. IT TS VERY DIFFICULT TO DISTINGUISH MUCH OTHER THAN THAT THERE IS A WINDOW ON TI{E OTHER SIDE OF ITIE ROOM. 401 ,S OBSERVATION OF FIRST IT-,OOR WEST INDTCATES THAT THERE IS SMOKE IN THE SUPPLY AIR. VISUAL OBSERVATION INDICATES fi.IAT IF YOU OPEN THE MID-POINT CORRIDOR SMOKE DOORS AND THE PATIENT ROOII,I DOOR AND OPEN PATIENT ROOM WINDOW, POSITIVE PRESSURIZATION OF TTIE CORRIDOR WILL EVACUATE SMOKE OUT THE WINDOW AT A VERY RAPID RATE. TNSPECTION OF TTIE ROOMS ACROSS THE CORRIDOR INDICATE TTIAT WE HAVE SMOKE PRESENT IN THESE ROOMS AS WELL. THERE TS EVIDENCE OF SMOKE IN MOSTPATIENT ROOMS OF SOME DENSITY, PROBABLY NOT SUFFICIENT TO CAUSE A THREAT TO LIFE DEPENDANT UPON TOXICITY AND MATERIAL BURNING. EVACUA- TION OT SMOKE REQUTRES MANUA]-, \ENTILATION BY OPENING UP THE ROOF HATCH, STAIRWELL DOOR, PATIENT ROOM WINDOWS AND DOORS. IT APPEARS ONLY ROOMSON THE WEST END OF TTIE ORIGIN HAD SMOKE INTILTRATE INTO THEM ON THE NORTH AND SOUTII SIDE OF THE CORRIDOR. VATL SMOKE PAGE VALLEY MEDTCAL CENTER ,r"$ JULY 2o1987 TEST #2 - SIMULATION OF FIRE IN LINEN ROOM (NOTED ON ARCHTTECTURALS AS ROOM 2004) BOOO cUBIc EooT / trrnen MINUTE BoMB IGNTTION AT 11:40:30 THIRTY SECONDS AFTER IGNITION, THERE TS NO SMOKE COMING OUT FROM THE BOTTOM OF TIIE DOOR. THIS TEST IN THE LINEN CLOSET IS PRESUI4ED A 10 X10 ROOM WTTH 80 POUND SQ FT FUEL LOAD UP TO 18 INCHES FROM THE CEILING.SIXTY SECONDS AFTER IGNITTON, THERE IS NO SMOKE COMTNG FROM THE BOTTOMOF THE DOOR. NINETY SECI]NDS AFTER IGNITION NO VISIBLE SMOKE FROI{ THEBorroM oF TIIE DooRt Two MTNUTES AFTER rcNrrroN No vrsrBLE sMoKE. AT TWO MINUTES' THIRTY SECONDS WE HAVE SMOKE PUFFING FROM THE BOTTOM OF SITE DOOR, THIS WOT'LD BE TNDICATIVE OF THIRD PHASE BI'RNING. AT THREE MTNU'fES AFTER IGNITION WE WILL MAKE ENTRY INTO THE ROOM. {'PON OPENINGI]IIE DooR, LARGE voLUMEs oF SMOKE APPEAR COMING OUT OF THE ROOM. WEHAVE ACTIVATION APPROXTMATELY FIVE SECONDS LATER. THE PLUME OF SMOKEIS COMTNG UP AT A 45 DEGREE ANGLE AT 3OT DOOR ENTRY HEIGHT. ELEVATORRECALL ON PRESSURTZATTON FAN DID ACTIVATE. EVIDENCE OF ELEVATOR PRESSURIZATION INDICATES THAT TT IS PUSHING SMOKE FROM EAST TO SMOKEAWAY FROM ELEVATOR LOBBY. SMOKE SUBSTANTIALLY EVACUATED AT 11:46. SHOT'LD BE NOTED THAT WE HAD ONE DETECTOR IN PCU ACTIVATE DIRECTTY ACROSS FROM TIIE ROOM. TEST #3 - SIMULATION OF FIRE IN OFFICE 8000 cuBrc roor / 3 MrNurE sMoKE BOMB IGNITION AT 12:03:30 MARKTNG TrME To AI.,ARM AcrrvATroN: 15 SECONDS; 30 sEcoNDS - LARGE sMoKE PRODUCTION RATE. THIS IS DESIGNED TO SIMULATE 10 POUNDS PER SOUAREFOOT NORMAL CELLULOSE FUEL LOAD OF VAPOR PRODUCTS OVER THE ENTIRE SQUARE FOOTAGE AREA OF THE OFFICE. 60 SECONDS - NO ALARM ACTIVATION.AIARM ACTTVATION IS APPROXIMATELY ONE MINUTE, THIRTY SECONDS AFTERIGNITION. GUILLOTINE DOOR ACTIVATION OCCURRED 10 SECONDS AT'TER AI,ARMACTIVATION. TWO MTNUTES AFTER ACTIVATION NO SMOKE PENETRATION INTO TITE AI,ARM ROOM OR TTIE PUBLIC CORRIDOR. RECOMMEND INSTALLATION OF SMOKE DETECTOR IN THE CENTER OF BUSTNESS OFFICE CEILTNG. THREE MINUTES - NO SMOKE PENETRATION THROUGH THE DOORS IN THE PUBLIC AREAS YET. SMOKEOBSCURATION IS APPROXIMATELY 5O - 65T. AT THREE MINUTES, THIRW SECONDS SMOKE OBSCURATION IS 1OOT. FOR SMOKE EVACUATION WE OPENED THE DOORS ON THE NORTH SIDE. SMOKE DoES APPEAR TO BE READILY EVACUATINGrHE ROOM. WINDOW IN PATTENT ROOM 2O5O WAS OPEN AT THE TIME WE DID THETEST IN THE BUSINESS oFFIcE' TIIE RooM IS Now CHARGED wrTH sMoKE. TEST #4 - FIRST FI.OOR WEST SOOO CUBIC FrOOT / 3 MINUTE BOMB IGNITION AT 12:39:30 SMOKE DETECTION PREDICTED AT 30 SECONDS. SMOKE BANK APPROXIMATELY TWOFEET DOWN ACROSS THE CETLING. FORTY SECONDS AFTER IGNTTION, THERE rS VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER sMoKE TEST JULY 22l^s87 PAGE 3 VISIBLE TURBT'LENCE AWAY FROM THE SUPPTY GRILL DUCT. DETECTION AT 45 SECONDS. SMOKE OBSCURATION AT 50 SECONDS IS APPROXIMATELY 3OT. ONE MINUTE AFTER IGNITION SMOKE DOORS APPEAR TO BE CLEAR ON TIIE EAST END OF TTIE CORRIDOR. WEST END OF EXAM ROOM WE HAVE SMOKE PENETRATION COMING THROUGH THE CEITING TILES TTIROUGH TTIE AIR PLENUM AROUND THE LIGHT FIXTURES. SMOKE OBSCT'RATION TN FRONT OF THE WEST DOOR IS ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE FT,OOR, APPROXIMATELY 758 - 90t. AT TWO MINUTES THERE IS SMOKE COMING DOWN THROUGH THE LIGHT FIXTURE. AT TWO MINUTES, THIRTY SECONDS THERE IS SII{OKE IN THE STAIR. ATTEMPT TO EVACUATE SMOKE OUT OF THE STAIR TOWER. EVIDENCE INDICATES THAT THE MAJORITY OF SMOKE INFILTRATION IN TIIE ROOM OCCURS IN THE WEST END OT THE BUTLDTNG. APPARENTLY THIS IS DUE TO THE PRESENCE OF A PREASSURIZATION FAN IN THE EAST END OF TI{E BUILDING IN TIIE ELEVATOR SHAFT. WITH T'IIE OUTSIDE AMBIENT TEMPERATURE APPROXIMATELY 70 DEGREES, WE WERE ABLE TO EVACUATE SMOKE BOTH TOP AND BOTTOM ON IT{E STAIR TOWER. TEST #5 - STMULATTON 100,000 CUBIC FOOT SMOKE BOI4B rN THE ELEVATOR MECIIANICAL STMULATED EI,ECTRICAL MOTOR IN RESIDUAIJ DIESEL FUEL IGNITION AT 10:04:00 AT 20 SECONDS TIIERE IS SUBSTANTIAL SMOKE LEAKAGE FROM THE TOP WALL WHERE ITIE DRY WALI MEETS :gHE CEIIING. SII{OKE PRODUCTION RATE IS SUBSTANTIAL. ALARM ACTIVATION AT 50 SECONDS. TTTERE IS S},IOKE IN TIIE SHAIT. SMOKE IS COMING OUT OF THE ELEVATOR SHAFT ITSELF. THIS IS THE souTH ELEVATOR, rT IS RETURNED TO BASEMENT I'rOOR. SECOND ALARM AT13:05:35 - fiIE BASEMENT DETESTOR. THERE IS SUBSTANTIAL SMOKE MOVEMENT DOWN THE CORRIDOR. NOTE :rHE GENERAI CONTRACTOR FAILED TO FOLLOW THE RUTES AND LEFT THE SMOKE DOORS BLOCKED OPEN. WE HAVE AIR LEAKAGE IN THE HVAC ROOM FROM THE DUCTS. AI.SO, EVERY DOORIN THE BASEMENT WAS BLOCKED OPEN. THE AIR DUCTS ARE LEAKING, SF1 IS IN ALARM. SF1 DID SHUT DOWN. EVERY ZONE ON SECOND FLOOR, NORTH AND SOUTH, WAS ACTIVATED AIONG THE SECOND FLOOR CORRIDOR. TNVESTIGATTON OF THE SECOND T"LOOR INDICATES TTIAT SMOKE CAME IN THROUGH THE AIR HANDLING EQUIPMENT. INVESTIGATION REVEALED THAT EVEN THOUGH SUPPLY FAN 1 DID SHUT DOWN, SMOKE INFILTRATED THROUGH TIIE SUPPLY AND RETURN GRILLS AND DUE TO TTTE POSITIVE PREASSURIZATION BY TIIE ELEVATOR FAN, IT CAUSED GRAVTTY FEED OF SMOKE INTO THE SUPPLY AT.ID RETURN GRILLS OF SUPPLY FAN 1ALL THE WAY IN AND THROUGIIOUT THE ENTIRE SECOND FLOOR. FIRST FLOOR DOES NOT APPEAR TO BE AFFECTED SIMPLY DUE TO THE STACK EFFECT IN TERMINATION OF T'I{E TEST UPON ACTIVATTON OF AtL THE ZONES ON THE SECOND FLOOR. IT CAN BE PRESUMED T'TIAT IF WE HAD IN FACT CONCLUDED THE TEST AND THEN INITIATED A TEST IN TIIE WEST END OF THE BASEMENT, FS2 WOULD HAVE PERFORMED IN A SIIVIILAR MANNER, ACTIVATING EVERYTHING ON THE WEST HALF OF THE HOSPITAL. IN MEETING WITH DAN FEENEY, ENGINEER FOR CATOR ROMA, I{R. LOUIS, STEVE BECKER, MYSELF, AND GARY MURRAIN, IT IS CONCLUDED THAT SMOKE DAMPERS WILL NEED TO BE INSTALLED IN THE CEILING OF' THE BASEMENT IN FOUR LOCATIONS, AND IN EACH VERTICAL RISER WHEN THE DUCT PENETRATES A FLOOR/ GILING ASSEMBIJY. THIS CONDITION POSSIBLY ACCOUNTS FOR THE ACTIVATION OF TIIE SECOND FLOOR DETECTION DURING TEST #3. BEING THE SUPPLY AND RETURN RISERS FOR FS1 AND FS2. IN ADDITION, THEY WERE ORDERED TO SMOKE SEAL TTIE ONE INCH GAP BEf,WEEN THE DRY WALL OF THE ELEVATOR SHAFT IN THE BASEMENT AND TIIE ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT ROOM AND THE CETLING OF THE VATL VALLEY MEDICAI,-CENTER sMoKE TEST JULY 241987 PAGE 4 BASEII,TENT. THIS IS TO BE DONE WITH CAULKTNG TO ALLOW SOME ELEXATION INTIIE WALL AND TO PROVIDE FOR STATIC FLEX. IT WAS ALSO CONCEPTUAI,TY AGREED AT THAT TIII{E ITIAT TTIE SMOKE DAMPERS WOULD BE ORDERED AND TI{AT IT WOULD TAKE AN ESTIMATED TWO MONTHS TO INSTALL THOSE (WAITTNG FORORDERING, SHIPMENT, DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION) BUT TN THE INTERTM PERTOD, A SMOKE DETECTOR WOUTJD BE TNSTALLED IN TIIE ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT ROOM, THE WALL WILL BE SEALED AND DAN FEENEY WILL INSURE LIMITED FUELLOADING IN THE BASEMENT. WE DID NOT DEFINE LTMITED FUEL LOADING, AND AGREED TO LEAVE IT A DISCRETIONARY ITEM. IT SHoULD ALSO BE NOTED INTHE PREPI,AN THAT VENTILATION OF THE BASEMENT SHOULD BE ACCOMPLISHED THROUGH TIIE EAST N.lD WEST STAIRS. IT IS AISO REQUIRED THAT IIIE ASTRAIBE INSTALLED IN TTIE SMOKE DOORS MIDWAY IN THE CORRIDOR IN THE BASEMENTAND THAT THE C]EILING WOULD BE CAWKED TO MAKE A VIABLE SMOKE BARRIER BETWEEN TflE EAST AND WEST HALF OF THE BASEMENT. THE lEsr wAs IERMrNATED AT AppRoxrMATELy 15:30 HouRs lfrrH THEcoNcLUSTON THAT FrRST AND SECOND FLOORS PASSED, HOWEVER, rHE BASEMENT SYSTEM FAILED. A RETEST WTLL BE REQUIRED. z/;-z-=/.4-:-2.*-,"-=--.:..'e',4r'/442 MICHAEL McGEE, FIRE MARSHAL Xgf voilvolley rN5\ medicolcenter 'l8l West Meadow Drive, Suite 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-2451 September 12, 1988 Ms. Kristan Pritz Senior Planner Town of Vail Community Devei opment Department 75 South Frontage Road Vai l, C0 81657 Dear Kristan: When the new wing of the hospital was opened in August, 1987, our Governing Board felt that the present facility would be adequate to meet the commun- 'i ty's health care needs until the early 1990's. However, higher than anti- cipated uti'l ization this past winter, as wejl as more rapid-than-expected growth projections for the future, especially in the area of orthopedic medicine, have convinced the Board that the next expansion of the hospitalis needed by mid 1990. 0ur proposed expans'ion entails construction of approximate'ly 29,800 squarefeet of space for patient care, as we1 'l as an on-site parking structure. The project would include the completion of the second floor on the north side (8,100 square feet), construction of a full third floor on top of the existing west wing (21,000 square feet), and additional space in the basement for mechanical equipment (700 square feet). Completion of the second floor wi'l 'l allow immediate expans'ion of the Patient Care Unit (PCU) bV 10 beds, with provisions for the addition of another 10 beds in the future. The new third floor will house a surgicalsuite comprised of four operating rooms, doctors' offices, a fourth rad'iology room, as wel l as anci llary services. The 3-level parking structure, augmented by remaining surface parking, will enable the hospital to park 290 vehicles on site on a year-round basis. This is 70 more spaces than we presently have available during the ski season, and 139 more than during the summer months. Ray McMahan Adminislrator Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail Page two The Conditional Use Permit issued for the last expansion requires the hosp'i tal to maintain 220 spaces during the ski season, although as many as 30 of these can be leased off-site. The Permit also stipulates that anyfurther expansion beyond merely complet'ing the second floor wil1 trigger a requ'i rement that al1 parking be provided on-site. We believe that experience has shown that the 220 spaces presently available comprise an adequate base to meet the parking needs of the existing medicalcenter. We have calculated the higher capacities necessitated by further expansion on an incremental basis, that is, so1e1y on the basis of those functions which will be added to the Dresent facilitv. Usinq the formula agreed to during the 'l ast approval process: 1 I USE s[EEe per bed space per doctor's exam room space per day-shift Surgery Patient Care Unit Doctor's Office Business Office Radi ol ogy Building Services SPACES---'i7-- ITJ 6 empl oyee 24 6 10 5 1 ? -6-5 Thus, the new requirement for peak-use periods js 285 spaces: Present needs Incremental needs TOTAL 220 spaces 65 spaces 285 spaces As requested, we have studied the feasib'i lity of constructing a new vehjcular access to the hospital from South Frontage Road. Enclosed withthis Appl ication is a plan showing the best possible road that our consu'l tants could design, working within the existing physical constraints. A'l so included js a Feasibility Report detailing design assumptions made, as well as conclusions. Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail Page three Unfortunately, this "best possible road' would be one whose designparameters are outside widely accepted norms for access to publjc bur'l dingsin generai, and hospitals in particular. It would, we believe, jeopardize the _safety of persons needing the hospital's services, as urell as greatiy complicate vehicular flow and pedestrian movement on south Frontage Road, even with the installation of two traffic signals. In short, it is notpossible to construct a safe access off South Frontage Road, even with an expenditure in the range of 9550,000-$600,000, and the hospital is opposed. We are sympathetic with the Town's goal of separating vehicular trafficfrom pedestrian/bicycle traffic on West Meadow Drive, and'l ook forward to work'i ng with you and the Plann'i ng Commission in identifying possiblesolutions. In the meantime, please contact me if you need any addjtional information to process our Appl ication. /1rp enc'l osure trr.r i' / ^llq-\ ra I i4- i ii. , '| :':- m- ril't !*i.lt ,"r#ciro* REeuEsr oorr \=?b\g- JoB NAME CALLER MoN d[D *ro TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR FRI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT purLDrNG: Iroorrr.rcs / srEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIREDq CT INSPECTO t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DArE u: b - zb JoB NAME I rl o*\\-o I\A rus#crroN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL CALLER AP READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:to* @*to rHUR FRI BUILDING:PLUMBING: froor,ru, / srEEL oK, tr uNDERGRouND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n HOOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED , RBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,--l uw uJ 4' F-q iJ,() )o*, r* I t ! tt -5 r)^ * t 1 3''a"Yt "r' @ Gr-S gr< 'r4b onrE )^l-tto INSPECT -'i_,.;-.{. ,:.,,trl I ! , ' ' i,"t"r''^\ ,, /l -i-J Lt vl \i'\ | r --,/ I INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME INSPECTION: @ CALLER TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL DATE -l--]-Bb THUR BUILDING: OOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NATLTN& INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL / STEEL .,' = ON / STEEL tr BOUGH / WATER - tr GAS PIPING - - trPOOL/H.TUB -_n _ r'l - tr FINAL - MECHANIGAL: - tr HEATING - tr EXHAUST HOODS - tr SUPPLY AIR -r-l - tr FINAL - ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED \)')11 '1, D1 cJ.*...- Dll -9 rq$??.rr*1 (Ge) ?,.-{..* .,( ^,od€.J,,.^- -- C /,-'t (oor, l_ /.\lU tNSpEcroR INSPECTION. TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMI DATE T NUMBER \\\* OF PROJECT/i \..i, Joa NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: ".4,^ AM) ? III BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PL o tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: UNDERGR OUN ).w.\ ^/ATI ,tG _ TUB : HO( lR_ ID ER tr FOUNDATION / STEE-ROUGH / BOUGH / GAS PIPI POOL / H. to D. N( NI tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL -* fiTAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE .INSPECTOR ' . lnrs#Ciror.r'hrour*TOWN OF VAIL tr1lou,onre -.7- 15 -t(" JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER t1<|o5e\ -t.he MoN ruEs *ro@ FRI AM6 PERMIT NUMBER OF PNOJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, O ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB n tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - n tr FINAL FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT FINAL tr APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED coRRECTTO\S: INSPECTOR 0-5)\r-'r DATE "!5 B.tr*^<<^' bt r f^(EAs Fsr 1' aqq3 t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oare J -1a-t(z uoe NAME t INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAILt \., CALLEB TUES WED THUR FRI tl READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: PfFoorrrucs / srEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H,TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL 4 Lln tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR "E.l . t. rNs#noN REOUEST VAILTOWN,OF VAIL,ltJr1r\V^.t V^tt".r tt\.4'.t U (*\.r !JOB NAME MON CALLER ruES @ ,^u ?izt> o*@FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: E-FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: FFOUNDATTON / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr t-l UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK D- POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL -ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr n EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT o_ SUPPLY AIR tr^FlfiAL tr FINAL /r 3 FTPRoVED COTRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO I 2-I(- PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON rNs CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAILill"-( ai BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL F UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATERT] FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr O FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr,FlNAL tr FINAL ED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CTIONS: ,i"'' t i " sitdr-1 'r' -,/|t:. i .. -- | TUES WED (@ FRI AM@ DAIE -l- 2\ - t(2 INSPECTION: JOB NAME MONREADY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT CALLER BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E\FOOTINGS / STEEL - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TU8 tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D- tr SUPPLY AIR E tr EINAL O FINAL -/'tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ECTIONS: -:5 a_\tlX.- H 'JJc..,!ul'^-t 12" ll 2.,4q. L. k) ,.-, a (.Jur.r^-r I4c prcl th,-( ir' -\. {-l i.l 'L, a{t\r-l PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE -; * .;. ') ;,'i 1 JoB NAME #tNs CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: MON f: BUILDING:PLUMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL (rouruonrroN / srEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER T] ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr tr FINAL tr APPROVED GORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ..\*. 2 Fr - t4ag Eu \ ( '''t il14 I (o-r$ \ . .,[,,n,.., 4 laa ro / \ c c,{,,,^.,, e}+ ? €:g -r--, a. \ ' DArE *? - 2€ - EO rNspEcr $P'!t r' EQUESTINS i- PECTI TOWPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT MON /TUES ) WED THUR FRI\__-- -- D^rE 2- Aq-W^ JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER q BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER q FooTrNGs / STEEL _ {a'ou*ron oN / srEEL O FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr N FINAL tr FINAL ), \PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED --) A;{*, INSPECTOR :?'? \titnr. >4tpw {.1i'frnt ?r:i r irl ,l:; ifi.:., .' ..fi r?, REQUEST VAIL il rNs#c'o;ilTOWN OFPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT olre '\ JOB NAME CALLER '-.' MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: //- | .J tr FRAMING PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER n BOOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n_ tr tr n POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTR!GAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr pft'*ot tr FINAL J INPPROVED SORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED Eleu o,A\i L" clpnamrce {') o,yi \\ . q+l t1 ! * E\^/ F? DLJ( S,{ q ,;*. INSPECT €rt)Q Q N OF :-. o N \i (l -l I iill\' it\REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED I, BT}ILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr INSULATION r-i:IT; ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr q F|NAL tr FINAL APPROVED )RBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D BEINSPECTION REQUIRED ? ..Ze,L,*r+l onre 8"" ( - fJ* tNsPEcr ,*r#"r' TOW N OF vT l;. REQUEST VAIL onre $:5:E6-- JoB NAME "L READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:PMAM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT + BUILDING:PLUMBING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL _ I6 pouruonroN / srEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB E] SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr trNAL tr FINAL Yr \PPROVED FIFIF(]TIONS. O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED T SPECTION , TOWN OFt,-/ci,', I't tt/'O t i/.),j * PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE IN fil REOUEST VAIL ,,, . ,,, INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES wED ,W9 FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr tpoflNGS / srEEL _-1ll 4/trOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB tr tr tr FINAL D tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING C] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr q FrNAL tr FINAL .t \PPROVED RBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D-s tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ) Eb E--r * e-rl-b INSPECTO .il \tri{q- il c--J -\ ', - \ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor, 1- \\-\ JoB NAME TOWN OF VAIL t { ReRbv ron LOCATION: CALLEB INSPECTION: MON TUES \ox.'.t\=-\ @ rHUR FRI ] BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL { tr FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr ofrr'rnr-tr FINAL \t,\PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIFED--Jt l. oerc 4-l)-Bb rNspEcro :-- t:3q3 * PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ? -'2 Kb BEADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON tNs#cnoN REQUEsT CALLER TUES THUR FRI PM ./- |/l1 BUILDING: tr FOOTTNGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ylNDERGRoUND E noucH / D.w.v. tr ROUGH/WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr.tr trO FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING T] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E tr o r4ro.tr FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor= 8 - 12- &1 rNspEcr * ,,1 INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL ,o* t lrl lF / JoB NAME PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES i'-.r r \ t,- WED TfIUR'IJ\L----" FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr D tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB ...u ( t 4-' ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED /t tl CORRECTIONS: I f\l=r^&e B {,,rn.- - <,.c t-?,E. iP ..i^..d: L,^p':r / {ei 8 :Lin'a 6 Alerf do DArE g' ,i q * D(t rNSpEcroR #"r,o* *d REQUEST \ JoB NAME \\'. *\',, t)'.- \ \,'S-*r TOWN OF. VAIL _---\,MoN (JIJEJ-) wED IHUR FRI t., _.\\.) --READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT PLUMBING: FooTINGS / srEEL '$.t-r\'-..'\'.,\, tr SNDERGR9SND tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL , tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr FOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED f c- - CrI\. o*rW rNSpEcr I _i{J-i \ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME INSPECTION: I INSPECTION REQUEST THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER NDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED G-aJ+ ?-<-'Ar. q € {:S d- a. s +a d :f 3#A @-fo? -^+ S 'Tc>p t klW ?+0@ P.'|ila.'^ 421^. -2'Q-zL ' oercF.. -A) -4r rNspEcro .}rv0 r Q(/'l-' _;r-.1 ,.:,. :q.- r.,, , in_,-i.,..--.r . - lNs#ciron REeuEsr PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WEDBEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:@ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS fr rouruonrr tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBTNG: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT I] SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr, FINAL tr FINAL \PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL | -. : .le[[Jf ] ) r. ,l .. \'r: JOB NAME CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON wED rHUB :. fRi--.) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr cl tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDEBGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING O INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED '?1 DATE INSPECTOR I l-\ -,, -Aor 1 *- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT @AM onre 6- 2G - K: JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER "o' 1$9;;WED THUR FRI rns#cnoN REouEsr TOWN OF VAI .J",rS (,,^ l-<=\-eo<- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: UNDERGROUND d?ouruonrroN / srEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR o /,"o.tr FINAL '-){F,".,* odnRecttotrrs: tr DISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t'l^*- ,or= 'R -2/n- fr{€, rNSpEcr rNs#ctoN,.. TOWN QFf\ nA'.,^-(2 C.,^\ REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE q-3 -ab JOB NAME MON CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:rues ,r'fiil-\ ,xun BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL AUNDEBGRoUND.E}ROUGH / D.W.V. "'tr RoucH / WATEBtr FBAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr flNAL tr FINAL {r4 PROVED tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR rNsP?ctoN RE TOW OF AIL UEST JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED T THURREADY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR n tr EI)GL -tr FINAL 2.- | .A ]IAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr HEINSPECTION REQUIRED ,3. -!a LeJ Cr.[.. -> El-eu cr".V lc.. c/.c/ DArE g -q- BL.r rNSpECro .\ rNs#ctoN REeuEsr PERMIT.NUMBER OF PROJECT . '\ - i i. ,, -.. ,1 i \ ,DATE \ _ ..\JOB i NAME - TOWN OF VAIL " t t': .ALLER ""i\qro - 'l :.'.a- 'r., .. . - "1,-l:.,. :', READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR '.. FRI .AM PM BUITDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS/ -_ .. I CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ,,,(?,APPROVED / coRRecloNs: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR UEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE t1 -' I, ' ,i..,ii.,".- \ \- INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES K'.,l.l . wED THUry' FRr nv ;.__qrr,t,READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECT t INSPECTION REQUESTr ^^ rgwy{FrAt\ oor= q.- r, -t (>JOB NAME "-a i-).QC\\ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT THUR..\.FRI BUILDING: TINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH /WATER FOUNDATION / STEET tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR oarc '1^ tL* ?.6 JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:rrlorrr ,r-1r=t ) weo THUR FRI rNs#cnoNTOWN OF EQUEST OF PROJECT AIL .(t, \ | /' \\t \,,..-t- i -. LER --,. f ,. -i,.c-:E)AM QD BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr E tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING _GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr coNoutT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ,? - lb - t(- - :., I . ,n 'F i;j r: ., .. .,.!;.r 'k... PE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI o"@READY FOR LOCATION: REQUEST VAIL onre Y- l*l- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr HOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr_tr tr Ff{AL tr FINAL - ,/)IOVED CTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oNs CoF-,lr.i-r Cr,A? .:n,,11o q-7. INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE I- INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL-\ /- \ INSPECTION: CALLER TUES JOB NAME @ \J *\1" READY FOH LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ad Lo.,.\ ..\e."\.*r\ dJ. tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL OVED ECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED co INSPECTOR .", '1'.-DATE tNs CTION REQUEST TOWN VAILOF NAME - /--a\INSPECTION: \Ug/ CALLER TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEBtr FBAMING r.1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR 2.{ q3 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR .FRI AM( PMBEADY FOR LOCATION: \_-*-.J INSPECTION R OTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND fruoertoru / srEEL Cc'l,.' t^-,S tr RoucH / D.w.v. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED t PE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I '--\ --l 'J '.'lDATE \-."-- 1 r .,'vt- JOB NAME CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL tNs l INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES AM PMFRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FIf{AL tr FINAL \PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED i F i .',r, '- I .tl \-.- i(', . Y .l | .tr) f r LJ i:= I ,1 t-1 ,,.1 | |- -- U U"\ '- ..t, 11 t DATE INSPECTOR -,- \ ' :irl/ 'l i :: T9-WN OF VAIL 'l ,"r#"toN REeuEsr PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJFCT oor, loirqlkL JoBNAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES dO THUR FRI BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER EIy'fOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING C] INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ... ,l PPROVED IRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR t PE CTION REOUEST.,<?7 OF PROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: tNs PERMIT NUMBER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER r-.r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR 7\t?S '. --INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE _ ,. ,,-TOWN OF VAIL ( crJ'' \-q*]--( y'JOB NAME MON CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:rues {.fi6) rHUR FBI o"@ BU!LDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: UNDERGROUND BOUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK 0_ POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER ITIECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIRtln [.t.] 4.Q I r- t,t,r' A af n tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED ,-' ...,. )RBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR l tNs t PE CTION TOWN OF -: )/REOUEST VAILPERMIT NUMB PROJECT DATE tj,,r-"tl-\"\(i, \.]-.-\- \ ,JOB NAME MON CALLER 'iY" .. I PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ROF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED RECTIONS: INSPECTOR 2<ra PERMIT NUMBE-R OF PROJECT D^TE II JOB NAME INSPECTION EQUESToFv READY FOR LOCATION: TNSPECTTON: / MON, TUES WED THUR FRI\-.-.--, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - tr ROUGH / WATER r -,/ . t- , - -/xcAS PIPING /J Ab / (.{-uvtr POOL / H. TUB n n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr FINAL O HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR PROVED RECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ' . .h' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJEqT PMFRI oor. \\- \- \o JoB NAME READY FPR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON ruES @ rHuR * INSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUEST VAIL BUILDING: tr FOO,TTNGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr D tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL tr UNDERGROUND H:i:::tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n o /,luo,tr FINAL 1.A ,PROVED RECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED N\g oi: INSPECTION REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor. \5\.-\o JoB NAME TOWN OF INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR VED RRECTIONS: ED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED \- L.)o. \ore t INSPECTOR F..f'r' l\\\ t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER \S READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:/ r{ {l THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING {qo'o"tr CONDUIT - tr EXHAUST HOODS EI tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROYED .-.- -tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED,\ ,/ CORRECTIONS: D^rE /- 7- f h rNsPEcroR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: APPROVED JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TO.WN OF tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED MoN ffi''f" tr DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: --rt oare /-2X*// rNsPEcroR \,.' 'l PEtNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES TINSPECTION:MON wEd) rxun FRI BUILDING: O FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: tr HEATING .tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL O APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED ;' p, REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR \T'b t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor, \. -\..s, -)Ll\ JoB NAME t ,..,,1 INSPECTION REOUEST VAILc TOWN OFt\\ CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: \MON TUES (WED /4HUR AMFRI PM BUlLDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND ffioucu D.w.v.u tr ROUGH / WATER E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r.1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED //, onre l- 8 -d / rNSPEcr il INSPECTION REQUEST-iLf i, 1 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT sryg | /'!. AMFRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WED ,'THUR \._ BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND .v-noue n / D.w.v. ,, -']tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr D tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED RECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED )\u*r,.. 'LrH-,' DATE INSPECTOR -) u"q3 I .-+- I I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT t SPEN CALLER TUES PMFRI (\f t t./--1D^rE t l) l[ ] JoB NAME't/ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON .-' -F4w, r-f I Lr *r: @ CTION REQUEST BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr { D tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMTNG \a L.,,.1 ,'r(. ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETBOCK NAIL o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT trF trc tr_ CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr f ,,*o, .)t'",)'[$- SPECTION REQUIRED\PPROVED RRECTIONS: OVED..L_l!t.4 ),\- s,J- ( INSPECTOR o PE DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:MoN (6D) wED rHUR FRI CTION REQ PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING frrusulrrroru /."=rrro"* tr tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR tr_ c,4rNnl tr FINAL ,/l ,/l,),PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED RECTIONS: <-t- I S.,.,{'n.. F \\.-r,,,( ( ", +l'',,(-V "-h*r\ Y.r.K INSPECT i ,- ESTUREq YAIL /'t ECTION TOWN-OF tNs,1 , ^1y' -d.,t,PER IiI I T-N'U M B ER oFFRoJ EcT JOB NAMEDATE I- READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND ff6ucn / D.w.v. (-.-' tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED lr^onre \--l(r-,?/ tNSpEcr I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF \ \\', \\ DATE \... \ \- -' JOB NAME CALTER '"[4o1'lINSPECTION: .1 \,,TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION REOUEST VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FHAMING / STEEL ON / STEEL ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr PLUMBING: - . C] UNDERGROUND - - tr ROUGH / D.W.V. _ - tr ROUGH / WATER - . tr GAS PIPING -- tr POOL/H.TUB -t-l T1 - D FINAL - MECHANICAL: ) ,.., t1' J. trHEATING - tr EXHAUST HOODS - ,-: - E SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. PO WER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT O FINAL EI FINAL O APPROVED CORBECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 1_) --\ 1,r.. 1A d. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oerc l- l1- 81 JoB NAME INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST V :l: CALLEB READY FOR LOCATION: |NSPECIoN: dfr- rues WED THUR FRI I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. FROUGH / WATER U tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr TI tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: tr tr tr D TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr tr n EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr lNnL tr FINAL ,-.1 a/fPPBOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED l,^alDArE \- i'l-6/ tNsPEcr tNs * PE DATE l- r1-\11 JOB NAME CflOf.f REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,r l\QALLER a -a \\'-' READY FOR INSPECTIOru: ,/--NiONN TUES WED THUR FBIl----.-"/ LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr tr tr n ROUGH / WATER ,- ROOF & SHEEH" PLYWooD NAILING GAS PIPING E-INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr n EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n SUPPLY AIR tr FIDiAL tr FINAL 'AGPHovED tr DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: /'/ oarc /../z.zfu,l tNsPEcroR PEBMIT NUMBE ECT t TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST READY FOR INSPECTION: ZT\T--Oil) TUES WED THUR(----- LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND -/1frAouenl D.w.v.(-...' tr ROUGH /WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT -tr SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL PROVED ':clo RECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE \-eb-t7 JOB NAME MONINSPECTION: CALLER TUES IN CTION REQUEST TOWN OF THUR FBI t SPE READY FOB LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-.r ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING BTTNSULATIoN l/e tr POOL/ H. TUB E-SHEETRoCK NAIL b( , o ELECTRIGAL: E] TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR La tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDAPPROVED RRECTIONS: ts -L' tr L,Ae t,r (u(,t' '--\,.i, d '-,11'5 { r ,7\rr,- J ('a,vr( -< INSPECTO * SPEIN rues @rrr r-Iilrr prr,r CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VA onre \- )'\ - 1\ JoB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND bnouon / D.w.v.(//tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUI\bATION / STEEL tr FRAMINIG ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED RECTIONS: L n,-,---*\L', Hr * L turQ l- A"€ -r7 INSPECTO \c PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED @r*'q-, AMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL - PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H, TUB tr FINAL - tr FINAL tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ECTIONS: I PEj /r3 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON tNs CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER TUES BUILDING: o Foorrrucs / srEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND T] ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING -tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT E- tr SUPPLY AIR - \ir',,-rt'W dl,^,-\ f- /'E tr FINAL -_l VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED OOf,RECTIONS: D^rE 7-1-*1 rNSPEcr PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT * INSPECTI REOUEST VAIL )l N OF CALLER J t-, !t ra WED THUR FRI DArE A - q- R1 JoB NAME READY FoR rNSPEcroN: (/ffir rues LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. T] ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING ULATION s O ,n& =r.rg, l. tr POOL / H. TUB EETROCK NAIL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: T] HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION DArE ? -qJ67 rNSPEcroR t NSPE "*I/ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE aL\q3 CTION TOWN rOF REOUEST VAIL JOB NAME MON CALLER '11r-: READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:ruEs(;m> rHUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H, TUB tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR r-l e dLo,tr FINAL \h 'ROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED ECTIONS: a co a -< q\q, 11 _a \ ;1 I {.s (= DATE l-\\i f) INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF ,-.,ATtr \-\\- PROJECT * INSPECTION REOUEST lxv S ,o,NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES .;iD THUR FRI TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr tr tr o tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. 6 noucn / wArER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSUTATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr tr{AL .tr FINAL 7a '6,ppaoveo tr DISAPPROVED laetNsp=croN REeurRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR '- .lt. ,tr:.i,f.1 rNs t PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL e PM t>Y'4 3 V Yh,, CALLER TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oarc z- /u /Y1 rce BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING -n ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION -tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH - tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR no €<tlt!r tsa l/ol- tr FINAL tr FINAL t t'nppnoveo 2t/ tr DrsAppRovED tr RErNSpEcroN REouTRED ' /t-'t /* )ORRECTIONIS: ,or, 2 -2 3 -Y7 rNSPEcroB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MoN @t INSPECTION REQUEST VAIL t,/ WED THUR FBI - AM / PM i PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,orc z-/2iff7 rca TOWN OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL MECHANICAL: u tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: tlc'*;S e.1 t(> oerc 2^ ALI-tl rNspEcr ,il INSPECTIOru REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT onre 2 - ). ls -t-? JoB NAME TOWN r OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WED CALLER -.\ .: l,rx-r rrrun (6., -----_4$ PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr BOUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELE uT trF trC tr_ tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED RECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED D^rE a^ ^b-u1 rNsPEcr )| I ", PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON loo CALLER TUES INSPECTION REOUEST ) l-{ ^, Iv_,d TOWN OF VAIL !-^,rlt'"t, \ r, 1 (.,.,' li,e WED THUR FRI tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED AM APPROVED ,- :-tr DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL EL trr tr tr tr ECTRIGAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING ROUGH 'L/G,tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL D^rE& rNSPEcroR 'i\h t * INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAILT NUMBER OF PROJECTPERMI DATE \- -Lr stx',.i \: > \ JOB NAME t)t,rr r.t.r.. tl floo,- rqEF ,!ED r4n( E'*zf ttr-riil FBI7;ft" f vet-.r ..t L<./ ),SrREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPEGTION: MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEET PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. T] ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL T] FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL i H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING T] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED -._..1;tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oo* E-'S- ['7 rNspEcro. -tlls PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME ritoN CALLER TUES WED THUR BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGBOUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB {sneernocK NAIL o_ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ,-+.fr!*tr FINAL /IPPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ^;-- 2' 4-tilDArE =) lu{ INSPECTO )v'lz PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oo* tfrof-r) JoBNAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: N OF P ECTIO ,[:'-V REQUEST VAIL 'v ,,,,I, CALLER ruEs @ THUR FRI PM tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION T] POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELE trl dr trC tr- tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED r] REINSPECTION REOUIRED ,or, -.?'- / /* F7 TNSPECToR-- Ptb e"'<'' PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,^r. s f? f/7 JoB NAME LOCATION: READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES D ) THUR FRI t lce-7v i,'- fi= ^^ :* :,{'a^o-", INSPECTION REQUEST/ TOWN OF VA|Lil t-\lr k, ><A^, e.6n* -f 'r A JI F 1 -.( 0 c\ tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION - tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: oo'r, ] - i1- [7 rNsPEcroR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE '| t La\q3 il rr. - .l INSPECTION \:::) :' REO EST IL JOB NAME INSPECTToN: e> CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI -----C_O PMREADY FOR LOCATION: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL - PLUMBING: tr UNDEFGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING D 19.95^LSi.qFn.. ^tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING tr POOL / H. TUBtr INSULATION tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED q RETNSPECTTON REQUTRED rAYuce \ .,---- L{, c? P l/, -trrtFF * INSPECTION REQUEST2 /7s PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: rues @ rHUR TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME MON CALLER FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIIBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr t-l UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, tr FRAMING o l9..oJA! ROUGH / WATER & SHEER GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL -n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING (nouen tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT rl tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor, -? * /,N*f7 rNSpEcroR TI + ;'1..t rf' ;'irfi'i INSPECTION RE UEST TOWN O VAI DATE € 2- - 2< -g JoB NAME CALLEB READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:"o* @tD*to rHUR FRI --4Tl,r\r" BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr tr o GAS PIPING NSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAT tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED l4 Lr,.,.l INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT-,-,.-il palg - -.),---' \ JoB NAME CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t SPE'i) I I ,1 INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UMBING: Irour'ronroN / srEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK g \... POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D tr SUPPLY AIR tr n flt'et tr FINAL 4/fiPPROVED l/ ,/ CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEOUIRED '1.,;DATE INSPECT >Y'? 3 IN CTION REQUEST ,1oy*+11uo'' t SPE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: -\l'A rt ol JOB NAME MON {* (,r ,..1 .- CALLER fu6) weo rHUR FRI -A-'t-r7 "'--l' / PM tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION [sHeernocr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED COFRECTIONS: t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REOUEST TOWNI OF VAIL i.q Ytn\'.,..\ C*.\..- ---@ PM ) CALLER TUES WED oerc 4 - t'-1r,1 JoB NAME BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. C] ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUBtr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ISAPPBOVED EINSPECTION REQUIREDtr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECT i INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL CAL READY FOR LOCATION: wED @ FRIINSPECTION:MON TUES BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr 199.1^&iI5Fn...^ tr cAS prprNc" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr n r'l tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MEGHANIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR _\ \\ . \, \\-)\ \s\\\s \.,\.\ . \- t-t Elf,l^l t-t Ett\t A IB FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t PE QUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PHOJECT /+>---MON (_TUES---/ WED THUR FRI ?:pa ^M @ oerc 4' Aa -h1 JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CTION R CALLER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAT: tr HEATING tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED co RECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO * INSPECTION REQUEST ,1, )7**r:7:-^'DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSFECTION: MON CALLER rues afiEi*) +run BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB HEETBOCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL /lt"a.{t,.-,,. .{ Y7 -----@'" O u / /) P oor= { .' ' (7roB NAME INSPECTION: MONREADY FOR LOCATION:// F/, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDEHGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER ,r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: CI DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ) rt Q3J'.\/' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MoN ruES a1=o) 'HUR FRI AM INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER {o JdY BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr o n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING l.1 ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR njs1- j(, cs--,(,,('/+ l l\ 1.Ir r tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: I tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOB O SPEIN ruts (@r r"un FRI ^"o CTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DArE 5- n-n JoB NAME INSPECTION: MON CALLER cJn -:cl/- READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: B HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr fINAL C \-\ O FINAL AppRovEo tr DISAPPBovED tr RElNsPEcrloN REQUIRED )RRECTIONS INSPECT 4r!ll?+iG{},#qr!E :54+ttr .i I .4 .r '. #?.rr"T{F .} J?. -( .o" :D PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL / oy'--.DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: I NAME MON CALLER TUES It (r' THUR FRI - {^// to, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR q/rrrunl / ^ V7t'r- -,ni':',''t"".' trFINAL 4 | /' /',.'.// T,4PPROVEO .4/ tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: TNSPECTOB, ,<'- *'.r,4 .{cF - r:rf;E ltrrt{'l* ,;,:,:rstlqqlarFFgnrtilAqi. lo PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oere l-- tts - {) JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR fr INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN. OE VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DTSAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED i ' 5!tss{..lFr4fFRlfsT":t.; '-{Ti -ffiF'IffiFffil||lFFf:,, nFIF-iil{'tqt,:' TOWN OF VAIL rNs#ctoN REouEsr Vi,, 'tr V ftl-\, , CALLER READY FOR INSPECTTON: MON TUES WED :[HUA (-ray) ----@ "LocArloN: lS I LA' lnz'r{ r t0 L:,, , vL * JOB NAME BU!LDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W']/. tr ROUGH / WATEB Itr FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr SUPPLY AIR - APPROVE CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED oo'r, l-/y'-F7 rNSpEcroR {N (, INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL i-.-'... 1 i. \' \ \\) PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUESMON lWED) THUR FRI PM tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING lNlyLAT|oN tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL -' tr FINAL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR \ DATE INSPECTION - ' !:: 'l ?'q '' REQUEST VAILPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF L{.^l INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR E FtNd tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED \ I PRESENT: TOWN OF FOR TN'IPOXARY Manuef Luis, HPCC Steven Becker, HPCC VAIL INSPECTION CERTIFICATE OF OCSI,]PANCY Iterus in need of correc t ion/comple E ion: -- Complete hardware installatlon on door 1164, Znd, floor elevato-r- lobtry. -- Complete lnstallatlon of the nurse call and cormuunication systems -- $f doors to be aclJusteil for proper closlng " --',provlde certificate on flame spread for acoustic ceiling tile -- Verlfy all peiiecrations 1n fire r^'a11S have treen oroperly sealed -- Verify all grab bars have been installed per UBC -- Verify proper operation of all plunbing fixtures -- Complete hardware modificatlons Eo doors #18,57,63 and 64 -- Provide Town of Vail copy of tesE results on emergency llghting and the audibllity test on the flre alarm chlmes -- Certify and tag all fire exrlnguishers *- Coroplete adjustments and hardware on all casework -- boroplete the 1nslalIation oi all celling tile'I -- Provlde Town of YoI,f u iopy of the balance report on the alr handting system -- Cornpletlon of cerarnfh. t11" as necessary -- Complete exterior palntlng -- Verlfy the IPS to NST adapter,s on fire valves have been 1nsta1led -- CornflJ.e'r e vork ln radlology room -- .Complete larrd sca p t.npi -- Install vent ln nlEpous oxide storage room -- Complete installation of a1I rnechanical registers -- Verlfy all valves and pipe have been properly labeled , / ELEcTRTcAL ifpy'-- Remove plastic covers frorn smoke deEecEors and blow out . exlsrlng fire alarm systernt/'7 -- Complete hook up of electrical motors for whlrlpool iA- ,to"ne plaetlc rings for fixtures above whlrlpool -- Provlde tamper proof receptacles in pedlatrlcs room Joe Norrls, T. O.V. Ernst ClatzIe, T.0,V [rz- - Provide G.I.I. protect/on at patlent room balhs/sinks before tle in to 2 J OF VAIL INSPECTION ELECTRICAL In roon 2067, the receptacle lnslde nurse call cablnet {s not working. Also cornpleEe trlm out on waLl receptacles Correct wirlng problen insicle headwall unlt in roorn 2046 Relocate llght swltch in isolation barh 2051A Delete convenLence receptacle tn 1lght flxtures above slnks ln patient rooms Inst.all ftlu tllumlnaEor in exam 1060 #v-7 ,V-v-- [.. t-/-- M-- t__ I Receptacle on south wal1 1n business 1068 is reversed Conplete installaElon of ICU monitor systen l7-rl Complete lnstallatlon of type DD flxtures Receptacles ln wh1r1poo1 roorn 1032 need to be operational Cornplete electrlc trlm out in locker roorns 1023 and 1027 Need proper clearence to mount dlsconnect Verlfy proper groundlng in wh{rlpool 1032 Complete electrlcal lnsallatlon in radiol.ogy, provlde strain rellef on cords feedlng equipment -- Provlde cover pLates for receptacles pblar it y .fu /:1/"e&2* _ I##* lit es on swltches and anil swltches where mlssing receptacles as necessary for proper 1r/- fo"a.tt misslng flxture at work room 1004r r0 W -- Provlde cerElflcation on fire alarm system +- *- CornFtet€--{fi-teiconnect \rlth exlstlng flre alarro system / : ,, ^//rlh-di#s ;= Complete f1nal terminatlons on site.lighring fit-Z+{ , , rY. ' | | /-- rr,"c"tr swltch plate cover 1n the elevator equlpment room jf y-- Add condult support ln basement (radiology feed) l/ -- Check grounding to pipes' leading Eo whirlpool from basementvxl , rVZ Seal all electrical peneErations /-- Xa conduit support to lLtt run on north r,ra1l of basement storage roon runnlng east wesE Relocate conduiE on west wal1 of basement storage Neeil cover on nltrous oxide lunctlon box relocated Primarily ln basement be sure all electrlcal. boxes Hook up of sump pump needs to be cornpleted Install bushings on J-ncomLng primary in switchgear q lz- clue to overhead sprlnkler head from existlng bullding have covers swiEch ln wh1r1pool 1032 a l ignnent f/-- Altgnment of pole 11ghts 1n parklng 1ot fo< / ,. TOI"}I{ OF VAIL INSPECTION FOR TEI'IPOSARY CER,TIFICATE OF OccT]PANcY PRESENT: Manuel LuIs, HPCC Joe Norrls, T.O.V. Steven Becker, HPCC Ernst cl_atzle, T.O.V Itens ln need of correct lon/complet ion: -- Cornplete hardware {nstallatlon on door 1i.64, ZnA flopr elevator lobby. -- Complete installation of the nurse calL and corununlcation svsrems -- A11 doors to be ailJustecl for ptoper cJ-osing -- Provlde certiflcate on flame soread for acoustic ceillng til_e -- Verlfy aL1 peiietrations in fire r^ra11s have been properly seaLed -- Verify all grab bars have been installeil per UBC -- Verify proper operation of all plumbing fixtures -- Complete harilware modlfications to doors //18,57,63 and 64 -- Provi.de Town of Vail copy of test resuLts on emergency lighttng and the audLblltty test on the flre alarm chimes -- Certify and tag all flre extlnguishers -- Complete adjustments and hardware on all casework -- Complete the installatlon of a1-1 ceillng tile -- Provide Town of Vail a copy of the balance report on the alr handling system -- Cornpletlon of ceramlc ttle as necessary -- Complete exterior palntlng -- Verlfy the IPS to NST adapters on fLre valves have been Lnstalled -- Cornplete work ln radlology room -- Cornplete landscaping -- Install vent in nltrous oxlcle storage room -- Cornplete installation of all mechanical" reglsters -- Verify all valves and plpe have been properly labe1ed ELECTRICAL -- Remove plastlc covers from srnoke detectors and bLow out before tl-e in toexLsting fire alarm system -- Conplete hook up of electrlcaL motors for whlrlpool -- Provide pl-astlc rings for fixtures above whlrlpool- -- Provlde tamper proof receptacles ln pediatrlcs roon -- Provlde G.I'.I. protection at patlent room baths/slnks l. t 2 TOWN OF VAIL INSPECTION ELECTRICAL -- In room 2067, the receptacle lnslcle nurse call cabinet is not working. Also complete Erl.m out on wa11 receptacles -- Correct wiring problem lnslde headwall unlt in roorn 2045 -- Rel"ocate light swltch ln lsol.atlon bath 2051A -- Delete convenience receptacle tn llght flxtures above slnks in patlent rooms -- Inscall filn llluminator ln exam 1060 -- Receptacle on south walL ln business 1068 is reversed piilarity -- Complete lnstal.latlon of ICU monitor syeten -- Complete installatlon of type DD flxtures -- Receptacles ln whlrlpool- roorn 1032 neecl to be operational -- Cornplete etectrlc trlm out ln locker toorns 1023 and 1027 -- Need proper clearence to mount dlsconnect swltch in whlrlpool 1032 -- Verlfy proper groundlng 1n whlrlpool" 1032 -- Complete electrical- insallation in tadiology, provide stral-n relief on cords feedlng equlpment -- Provide cover p1-ates for receptacles ancl switches vhere mlssLng -- Adjust cover plates on swltches and teceptacles as necessary for proper alignment -- Install mlssLng flxture at nork roon 1004 -- Provlde certl-ficatlon on flre alarm system -- Complete interconnect r^/ith exlatlng flre alarm systeD -= Cbmplete flna1 terrninatlons on.site -lighting -- Install sititch plate cover ln the elevatol equipment room -- Add condult support 1n basement (radiology feed) -- Check grounding to pipes-leading to whitlpodl from basement -- Seal all electrlcal penetratlons -- Add condult support to lL" run on north l4ral l- of basement storage room running east \test -- Relocate condult on rrest walL of basenent storage ilue to overhead sprlnkler head -- Need cover on nltTous oxlde junctlon box relocated frou existlng building -- Prftnarlly in basement be sure all el-ectrical- boxes have covers -- Hook up of sump pump needs to be compl-eted -- Install bushlngs on lncoming prlmary ln swltchgear -- Allgnrnent of pole lights ln parklng 1ot ('' TOT.TN OF VATL INSPECTION FOR TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCT]PANCY PRESENT: Manuel Luis, HPCC Joe Norrle, T.O.V. Steven Becker, HPCC Ernst c1atzle, T.O.V Items in need of correct lon/csmpletlon: -- Cornplete hardr*are installatlon on door 1.64, 2nd fLosr elevator lobby- -- Complete instaLLation of the nurse call and comunlcatLon systems -- A11 doors to be acljusted for proper closing -- Provlde certlficate on flame spreacl for acoustlc celllng tlle -- Verlfy aL1 peiretrations in fire u'alls have been properly sealed -- Verlfy all grab bars have been lnstalled per IIBC -- Verlfy ptoper operation of alL plumblng flxtures -- Complete harclr.rare nodificatlons to doors t/I8,57r63 and 64 -- Proviile Town of Vail copy of test results on emergency llghting and the audlblllty test on the flre alarm chimes -- Certlfy and tag all flre extinguishers -- Complete adjustnents and hardware on all casework -- Complete the ingtallation of all celllng tile -- Provlde Town of VaLl a copy of the bal-anc e report on the alr handling system -- Completion of cerarnlc tile as necessary -- Complete exterior painting -- Verify the IPS to NST adapters on fire valves have been instalLed -- Cornplete work in radiology room -- Complete landscaping -- Install vent l-n nLtrous oxiile storage room -- Comp1ete lnstallatlon of all mechanical registers -- Verify all valves and pipe have been properly labeled ELECTRICAL -- Remove plastlc covers from smoke detectors and blow out before tie in toexisting flre alann system -- Complete hook up of electrical motors for whirlpool -- Provl-de plastlc rlngs for fixtures above vhirlpool -- Provlde tamper proof receptacles in pediatrlcs room -- Provlde G.I'.I. protection at paCient room baths/slnks f TOWN OF VAIL INSPECTION ELECTRICAL -- In room 2067, the receptacle Inslde nutse call cabinet is not working. Also complete trim out on wa11 receptacles -- Correct wiring problen lnslcle headwall unit in roon 2046 -- Relocate 1lght swltch 1n lsolatlon bath 20514 -- Delete convenlence receptacle ln 1lght fixtures above slnks in Patlent rooms -- Install fl1n llluninator in exarn 1060 -- Receptacle on south wall ln business 1068 ts reversed pblarity -- Cornplete lnstallatlon of ICU monitor systelxt -- Complete installatlon of type DD fixtures -- Receptacles in whlrlpool roorn 1032 need to be operational -- Complete electric trlm out ln locket roours 1023 antl 1027 -- Need proper clearence to mount cllsconnect switch in whirlpool 1032 -- Verlfy proper grounding in whirlpool 1032 -- Complete electrlcal insallation ln raclioJ-ogy, provide straln rellef on cords feedlng equio:nent -- Provlde cover pl-ates fot receptacles and swltches where rnlssing -- Adjust cover plates on switches and receptacles as necessary for proper alignmeIIt -- Instal1 missing fl.xture at work room 1004 -- Provide certiflcation on fire alann system -- Complete interconnect with existlng fire alarm systen -= Cbmplete flnal. termlnatlons on site lighting -- Install Grtitch plate cover 1n the elevatot equipment roorn -- Add condult support ln basement (radiology feed) -- Check grounding to pipes- leadiog to whitlpobl from. base$ent -- Seal all electrlcal penetratlons -- Add condult support to llt'r Tun on north wall of basement storage room running east west -- Relocate condult on qrest wall of basement storage due to overhead sprlnkler head -- Need cover on n{trous oxiile junctlon box relocateil from existing buildtng -- Prlmarlly in basement be sure all electrical boxes have covers -- Hook up of sump pump needs to be completed -- Install bushings on lncoming prlrnary in swltchgear -- Allgnment of pole lights in parking lot '--f. TOWN OF VAIL INSPECTTON FOR TEI'TPOMRY CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PANCY PRESENT: Manuel Luis, HPCC Joe Norris, T.O.V. Steven Becker, HPCC Ernst Glatzle, T.O.V Ttems in need of correc t ion/complet lon i -- Conplete hardware installatlon on doot 1164' 2r:.d. floor eLevator lobhv. -- Complete instal,lation of the nutse call and corrnunlcation systems -- A11 cloors to be aclJusted for proper closlng -- Proviile certlficate on flame spread for acoustLc celling tlle -- Verlfy a1-1 peiretrations in flre r^'alls have been properly sealed -- Verify all grab bars have been lnstalledl per UBC -- Verify proper operatlon of all plurnbing fixtures -- Complete hardware modlficatlons to doore t118,57,63 and 64 -- Provide Town of Vall copy of test resul-ts on energency lightlng and the audlblllty test on the fire al-arm chines -- Certlfy and tag all fire extinguishers -- Complete adjustments anil hardware on all casework -- Complete the ln6ta11ation of al-l ceillng tlJ-e -- Provide Town of Vall a copy of the balance report on the alr handling system -- Cornpletlon of ceramic tl1e as necessary -- Compl-ete exterior painting -- Verlfy the IPS to NST aclapters on fire valves have been installed -- Courplete vrork in radiology room -- Complete landscaping -- Install vent ln nitrous oxlcle storage room -- Courplete lnstallatlon of all mechanlcal registers -- Verify all valves and pipe have been properly labeled ELECTRICAL -- Remove pJ-astLc covers from smoke iletectors anil b]-ow out before tle in to existlng fire alarm systen -- Complete hook up of electrlcaL motors for whirlpool -- Provide plastlc rl-ngs for fLxEures above whirlpool -- Provlde taDper proof receptacles 1n pedlatrlca room -- Provide G,F,I. protection at patlent roon baths/slnks TOWN OF VAIL INSPECTION ELECTRICAL -- In room 2067, Ehe receptacLe lnslcle nurse call cabinet ls not worklng. AIso complete trlm out on walL receptacles -- Correct wlring probJ.ern lnslde headwaLl unit Ln roorn 2046 -- Rel-ocate ltght swltch In Isolat{on bath 2051A -- Delete convenlence receptacle ln llght fixtures above sl-nks in patlent rooms -- Install fll-n llLrrninator in exam 1060 -- ReceptacLe on south wall ln business 1068 ls reversed DoLarity -- Cornplete installatlon of ICU monitor systen -- Complete instal-latlon of type DD flxcures -- Receptacles ln whlrlpool roorn 1032 neeil to be operational -- Complete electric trlm out in Locker roorns 1023 ancl 1027 -- Need proper cl-earence to mount dlsconnect srtltch in whirlpool 1032 -- Verify proper gtounding ln whirLpool 1032 -- Complete el-ectrical insall-ation in radlology, provlde straln rellef on cords f eedlng equlo-rnent -- Provicle cover plates for receptacles and switches where missing -- Adjust cover plates on swltches anil teceptacl-es as necessary for proper alignuent -- Install- nissing flxture at work roorn 1004 -- Proviile certlfication on fire alarm system -- Conplete lnterconnect with exlstlng fire alarm systeD -= Cbmplete flnal termlnations on site llghting -- Inetall ewltch plate cover ln the elevatot equlPment room -- Aild conduit support l-n basement (radlology feed) -- Check groundlng to pipes- J.eading to whirJ-pool- frorn- basenent -- Seal all electrlcal penetratlons -- Add condult support to lL" run on north wall of baeenent atorage room runnlng east west -- Relocate condult on west hrall of basement atorage ilue to overhead sprlnkler head -- Need cover on nltTous oxiile junctlon box relocated ftom existing butlding -- Prlrnarlly ln basement be sure all electrical boxes have covers -- Hook up of sump pump needs to be completed -- lnstall bushlngs on lncoming prlmary in swltchgear -- Allgrment of pole llghts ln parking l-ot