HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT E F VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 1990 MRI ADDITION LEGALoz E =t UJI ln N co c\lN ooin c{F. o u') F\ rn('l ooo \o oo oo.s an IJJ lljt! tr =EluL I { tN$+ N$\ \ oo\ r-(\,l o\ X tsH B Flrrl c)H = lr\GI IH;lo6 IE '& 5Etr<rt lzo'(.'FlzAAH =b5 ao UJF F FI = zz HrrHttAI l(r)tEto tolItstottzIFIHtotHl2lu) lr4 lHt(9txIE IET I lrl IIE I;Errl IC)IF3t<frf l>2l SP 9n 2_= OB -t EE ffiZH-=e N llJz =o uJf|.oz Fl ts] (JHHEAAlrl =B>{AtsFr<f4 Fl frlZFIEfrl <trl>.tr{BtlZ H,1<<coA>Fr c;H ll.) uJo = &H(.) 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MEADOW DR. VAII-,,, COIrRADO OCCI,PANCY: I-1 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: I-FR. DRB APPROVAL REQUIRED: YES NAI'IE: V.V.U.C. l[RI ADDITfON DATE:9/27/9o CONTRACTOR: G.E. JOHNSON CONST. ARCHITECT: FISHER, REECE & JOHNSON ENGTNEER: STEVEN E. BIERBACH PI,ANS EXAMINER: MICHAEL WHITAKER conR8cEroNs RIQUTRED llhe itens Usted belor ats Dot lnteaded to be a conplete listing of all poss!.ble code requireneats in the adopted cod€s. It is a gruide to gelected sections of, tbe codes. The tollowlng Ls not to De conatnred to be an approval of any violation of any of tbe pro- "ftf""" "f th" "d"p fl. 1. Subnit lengend for mechanical synbols. 2. Subnit stanped drawings for pages A-r4,5,7rLO,LLrL6t & 29. 3. All electrical work to be conplete as per the 1990 N.E.c. 4. Tenporary office facilities to be set up in existing lobby area are-not to interfere with fire alarn or fire sprinkler systen, have exit corridors rnaintained throughout area, and maintain exit signs as per UBC requirements. 5. Fita D€Partnent approval requlredt for cryogenics, f,ire sprink- ler systen, and fire alam sYsten. DRB Conditions: NeIt Energency Room entrance htindow to match existing hospital windows. pEC Conditions: 1) when lot 10 lease ends, additional parking will be required on site to rneet needs. 2) Next addition to the hos- pital will require the relocation of the ambulance garage. M I E,gs O $EB 18 September 1990 Kristen Pritz Director of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South frontage RoadVail, Co 81657 Dear Kristen: As you know, we have now received approval for our MRI project from both the PEC and DRB. l.le subnitted the appljcation for a building permit last week, and were given verba'l approval by Mike Whitaker to proceed with demolition work. After talking with Gary Murrain this morning, I understand that the plans arecurrently being reviewed by the zoning staff. Gary also stated that his department has a significant backiog of plans awaiting code checks, and thatit might be several more weeks before he could issue a building permit, whichis, of course, needed before we can begin to place new work. In the case of the MRI, some disruption of the main lobby, business office and corridor connecting the nain lobby with the emergency room lobby is unavoidable. It is our intention to restore these areas to normalcy by ski season, and we believe that attainment of this goal will benefit the hospital , and the entire community it serves. However, we cannot begin to strive for this goal until a building permit is issued. In the four and one-half years that I have managed the hospltal'-s -develoFpl! , ,-r,preferentlal trcrfnt .,, voilvolley medicolcenter program, we have been scrupulous ln not asklng for because of the special nature of our operatlon. In and readily adhered to higher stdndards for ourselvesof other entities, precisely because of the special provides to the comtunity. DJF/bh cc: Ray McMahan 181 West Meodow Drive, Suite 100 Voil. Colorodo 81657 (3O3) 476-?451 Roy Mclvlohon Chief Executive Officer fict, rrc have rlllfngly':i.;i than mloht be eroected ,than nrlght- be expected :r' We realize that processing of bu'ilding permit applications is normal ly fairest and most appropiiate if tone in the- order these applications are received. Stjll, we ieel'that this particular proiect, and the rapidly approachfng ski season, m'ight justify expediting your plan check and issuance of a building permit. We would very nuch appreciate your consideratjon of this matter. / voilvolley medicolcenter .ts 181 West Meodow Drive, Suite 100 Voil, Colorodo 81657 (303) 47G2451 19 September 1990 Kristen Pritz Director of Coranunity Developnent Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, C0 81657 Dear Kristen: Bob Lazier has approved our use of the the temporary parking 1ot immediately west of the Sun Vail condominiums until our new parking structure is completed on 21 December 1990, This lot is the same one the PEC approved for temporary use last year. Availability of this'l ot wil'l enable us to provide the 272 spaces requ'ired to support those porti ons of the hospi tal presently i noperation. Thjs total does not jnclude the 19 spaces required to support the MRI or Learning Center, sfnce neither of these projects will be completeduntil early 1991. Ihe 272 spaces will be provided as follows: Self-parking west lot 65 spaces Valet parking west lot L07 Anbulance garage 3 Surface park'ing east of ambulance garage 7 Manor Vai'l Lodge 60 Sun Vail Lot 30Z spaces l,le will re-vegetate the Sun Vail Lot next spring. DJF/bh cc: Ray McMahan Rich Meyer Roy McMohon Chief Executive Officer t r @nFn, ^ W voilvolley .. utqlD NA medicolcenter 18 September 1990 Kristen Pritz Director of Conmunity Development Town of Vail 75 South frontage Road Vai1, Co 81657 Dear Kristen: As you know, we have now received approval for our MRI project from both the PEC and DRB. }Je submitted the appljcation for a building permit last week, and were given verbal approval by Mike l,lhitaker to proceed with demolition work. After talking with Gary Murrain this morning, I understand that the plans arecurrently being reviewed by the zon'ing staff. Gary also stated that his department has a significant backlog of p1 ans awaiting code checks, and thatit might be several more weeks before he could issue a building permit, whichis, of course, needed before we can begin to p1 ace new work. In the case of the MRI, some disruption of the nain lobby, business office and corridor connecting the main lobby with the emergency roon lobby isunavoidable. It is our intention to restore these areas to normalcy by ski season, and we believe that attainment of this goal wi'l I benefit the hospital ,and the entire community it serves. However, we cannot begin to strive forthis goal until a building permit js issued. In the four and one-half years that I have managed the hospital's deve'l opmentprogram, we have been scrupulous in not asking for preferential treatment because of the special nature of our operatfon.- In fact, we have willfngly and readily adhered to higher standards for ourselves than might be expectedof other entities, precisely because of the special service this hospitalprovides to the cormunity. We realize that processing of building permit applications is normally fairest and most appropriate if done in the order these applications are received.StiIl, we feel that this particular project, and the rapidly approaching ski season, might j,ustify expediting your plan check and issuance of a buildingpermit. l,Je would very much appreciate your consideration of this matter. *ry 181 West ilIeodow Ddve, Suite 'l00 Voil. Colorodo 81657 (3O3) 476-2451 DJF/bhcc: Ray McMahan Roy Mclvlrhon Chief Executive Officer n Proiect Application Proiect Name: Project Descrip lion: /o[0 sQ ff 1 *1. ctdc f'nal rut Contact Person and Phone o^" /E/ra D) 5/d(/z'Lt u't'/r'/ 8ol,43?Sd qtd,l. /r'a/, la 71/5 Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, AddreBs and Phone:('(c2',, & Legaf Descriptio n' tov E & F , atocx rir^a /a^1 l/rlhriu2Z? ,ron" Pfl!/Lc comments: -<'," ,'l '^ q'tr ''', /Fc '//nd ,(l' /Ay'/r+(/t) Design Review Board Motion by: flld1;t. /-tVnt/t (/ Seconded by. Ol/''/'f' ^ //y'/i/ |rd!ftim€4 o^," r'/7/;,u DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL Sum mary: arlry'z*a>- @) , '/' y;.?cut/a Yy'r rrrr ,tb otl ' 7L)/7/J i?/'"' E statt Approval I TO: FROl,l: DATE: Planning and Environmental Commlsslon Cornmunity Development Departnent August 13, 1990 - Construction of 1260 sq. ft. on the north slde of thefirst floor contiguous with the emergency room. - construction of 375 sq. ft. on the west eide of thefirst floor lnmedlately north of the urain hospital entry doors. - rnfi1l of 144 sq. ft. of interior courtyard for a hallway. - Renovation of 12oo sq. ft. of existing adnlnlstrative space to acconrnodate business office personnel belng displaced by the MRI unit. - The proposed MRI unit wlll reguire two parking spacesto acconnodate two new dayt,ine enployees. These enployees will include a receptionist and a technlcianfor the l{RI. SUB.TECT: A reguest for a conditional use to expand hospltal space at the Vail VaIIey ltedical Center on Lots E andF, Vail Village 2nd Filing (181 West lfeadow.Dplvq)..,Applicant: Vail Valley l.ledical Center -Zfrsflih t1'74 / I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE The Vall Valtey Medical- Center is located in the Public Use zone diEtrict and any expansion in this district requl.res aconditional use review. The hoepital is requesting a conditional use perrolt to lnstall a magnetlc reeonance lnaging (!aI) system later thJ-s year. A t{RI is a conputerized system that uses a nagnetic field and ordinary radio waves to produce irnages (or scans) of soft tisEuesthat assist physicians in dLagnosing soft tissue inJuries. The request includes: 1 $\\ .{l,%\/ I IT. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Cornmunity Developnent Departnent recommends approval of the conditional use pernit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. Relationship and irnpact of the use on developmentobiectives of the Town. The addition of the ltRI unit is positive as it complements existing medical services on the site.It makes sense to consolidate nedical services inthis site as long as parking and other developrnent standards can be met. 2. The effect of the use on light and air.distribution of population, transportation faeilities, utilities. schools, parks andrecreation facilities, and other oublic facilities needs. This expansion should have no significant inpacts on these factors. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion. automotive and pedestrian safetv and convenience, traffic flow and control . access, maneuverabilitv. and removal of snow fron thestreet and narkinq areas. The following chart summarizes the parking allocation on the hospital site given this expansion. Future Gonversion of Available by Learning l-ab Parking Structure Surface Parking Lot 10 204 spaces 105 speces 18 spaces 250 spaces 105 spaces 18 spaces vember 1990 Total Available Parking Doubletree Parking Learning Center Lab MRI Vail National Bank** 327 spaces 327 spaces -20 spaces -17 spaces - 2 speces -12 spaces 373 spaces 373 spaces -20 spaces -17 spac€s -2 spaces -12 spaces -272 spaces Existing Hospital and Expansion* -zzespaqqq Surplus 4 spaces 50 spaces Excluding Lot 10 Parking -14 spaces 32 spaces surplus * These calculations recognize the six fewer daytine enployees as explained in Dan Feeneyrs attached letter dated June 25, 1990. The hospital rrresunreyed staff projections and found that the actual number of ernployees anticipated is slightly lower than initially projected in 1988.rt ** six spaces have been approved by the hospital and Town Councllto neet the parking reguirements for the Vail National Bank. Apotential total of 12 spaces rnay be used by the Bank in thefuture. The Bankrs use of any additional parking in the wMc structure for future expansions will require Town of Vail PEC and/or Council approval . At this tirne, the Council has statedthat all future expansions of the Vail National Bank Buildingwlll require parking to be located on Bank property. For planning purposes, staff felt it ltas appropriate to consider the 12 spaces in the WUC structure to avoid a potential parking deficit. This consideration of the 12 spaces is not neant to indicate any type of approval to actually use all 12 spaces. deficit The chart above lndicates that after thls expanslon there will be a 4 space surplus ofparking ln the lIVlilC etructure. The seqond columnof flgrures indicates that 50 spaces would beavailable if the learnlng lab Ln the parking structure is converted into parking ln the future. IsEue of Lot 10 Parkino fn April of 1990, the VaIl Valley Medical Center requested a conditional use permit to expand theparking etructure by two 1rl2 levels. The requestalso Lncluded a learning center lab which would belocated in the lowest level of the parklngstructure. ttro break-out panels are Lncluded inthe structure to connect to the adJacent Doubletree parking. During thLE review, the Plannlng Connission expressed sone concern aboutthe hospltalrs reliance on the 18 parklng spaces located on Iot 10. This lot ls owned by the Townof VaiI and is located on the southnest corner ofthe VVtrlC parklng lot adJacent to l{est MeadowDrive. The hospital , through a lease agreement with the Town, has the right to use 18 parking spaces. According to the agreement, rrthis lease shall be autornatLcally renewed for subsequent I year terms unlesE elther party gives wrltten notice to theother of its intent not to renew no later than 60 days prlor to the end of the lease tern.rr The endof the lease tem is April 30th of each year. The Pl.anning staff is also in the early stages of developing a design for West lteadow Drive to allowfor better pedestrian access and safety as well as irnproved emergency and auto traffic flov. It nay be necessary to utilize a portl-on of I.ot 10 to accommodate tbese design inproveuents. staff believes it lE reaeonable to support thls expansion of the hospital which requires anaddltional two parklng apaces. However, forfuture expansions, as outlined in Dan Feeneyrsletter dated August 3, 1990, staff reconnends that the hospital incorporate the 18 spaces on Iot 10into parking on the hospital property. From Dan Feeneyrs letter dated Augtust 3, 1.990, it appearsthat the future phases of expansLon for thehospltal will be significant and will requireadditlonal parking. The VWC naster plan includes, per Dan Feeneyf sIetter: - rAddition of one half level of parking on topof the east side of the Etructure currently under constnrction. This will provide dedicated access and parking for a neet energency roon that we will eventually buildat the east end of our property, wlth accessdirectly off South Frontage Road. - construction of a detached building at the west end of our property. Thls facility will consolidate phyElcianrs offices enabling usto expand hospital departments into space currently occupled by these functions. - constructlon of a fourth floor on top of the west wlng Just cornpleted. This floor will accommodate additional patl-ent beds, as well as our pharnacy, laboratory and building service departments. - Denolition of the original hospital at the east end of our property, and construction of a new bulldlng adjoinlng the south side of the parking structure currently underway. Ttris east wing will include additional parkJ.ng, a relocated main lobby and idnissions area, a nert energency roon with vehicular accesa off South Frontagte Road, and relocated ambulance baYs. tl staff supports the addition of the MRI facility and belleves that the two space parking requirement should not trigger the reuroval of the I,ot 10 parklng. However, Lt ie inportant to emphaslze that future expansJ.ons appear to-be rnuch moie extensLve and wlll have a larger parking demand. It Is reaEonable to ask the hospital , in conslderlng future expansions, to also include parklng to cornpensate for the 18 spaceE on Iot 10. staff alEo belleves Lt ls positlve that the hospLtal has etarted an overall naster planning process for the facllity. 5 4. Ef fect upon the character of the area l-n wtrl-ch theproposed use Ls to be located, includl.ng the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to eurroundLnq uses. The two areas for expansion are actually located under the exietl.ng second floor of the hospital onthe north and south elevationE. Ttre additlonsyill infill space beneath the second floor. The expansl.ons also do not extend beyond the exJ-stl.ngline of the building on the north and westelevations. This e:qnnsion should not have a maJor inpact on the scale and bulk of the proposed building. rII. EINDINGS The Plannina and Environnental Comnission shall nake the followLnq findLnqs before qrantinq a condLtLonat use petmit: A. That the proposed location of the uEe in accord withthe purposes of this Ordinance and the purposea of thedistrict in which the site is located. B. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrinental to the public health, safety, or welfare or naterlally inJurious toproperties or inprovements in the viclnity. c. That the proposed use would conply with each of the applicable provisLons of this ordinance. V. STAFF RECOM!{ENDATTON Staff reconrnends approval of the conditional use reguest. The proposed use ls in conpliance with the purpose of thepublic use zone district. There would be no negative impacts on public health, safety or welfare and the proposal complies with the conditl.onal use review criteria. M #!',*iJ"*",. 181 West lvbodow Drive, Suite 100 Voil. Colorodo 81657(n3) 476-2451 25 June 1990 Kristan Pritz Director of Conmunity Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Kristan: The hospital is requesting a Conditional Use Pennit to install a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system later this year. An MRI'is a computerized system that uses a magnetic field and ordinary radio waves to produce images(or scans) that are particu'larly effective in diagnosing soft-tissue injuries, complementing conventiona'l radio'logy ("I-Rays"). As recently as a year ago the hospita1 administration had progranmed an MRIfor 1992-1993. However, the rapid deve'lopment of MRI technology, as well as the overwhelming acceptance of l4RI scans as a necessary component of the typeof excellent health care we wish to provide, have convinced us that an MRI is needed now. Pending TOV approvals, we wish to begin construction in September 1990. Essential features of our application are as follows: r Construction of approximateWS& square feet on the north side of the first floor, contiguous with our Emergency Room. r Construction of approximately 375 square feet on the west side of thefirst floor, inmediately north of the main entry doors. r,.Jil/81-r Renovation of approximately 1200' square feet of administrative space, to accomnodate business office personnel being by the MRI. r Installation of a sate'llite t(sh 96 the third-floor roof, to transmit some of the MRI scans to an off-site lHi'litv for interoretation. The dishwill be 8 feet in diameter, and screendd\rom-view. See'attached catalog cut sheet. The proposed MRI unit will reguir(tbparring spaces to accommodate two new day-time employees, one a receptioniltf the other a technician. ex i sti ng di spl aced Roy lvblvlohon Chief Executi\€ Officer KRISTAN PRITZ TOI.IN OF VAIL 25 June 1990 Page 2 Parking requirements for the expansion presently nearing completion were computed based on staffing projections made in September 1988. Now that occupancy is imm'inent, we have re-surveyed staffing projections with our respective departmental managers and found the the actual figures anticipated are actually slightly 'lower than initia'lly thought: DEPARTMENT STAFF PROJECTIONS STAFF PROJECTIONS NET REVISION--ffiErEitB- -JmtrEm"- Surgery Patient Care Unit Dr. Steadman's Office l0 Business 0ffice Radi ol ogy Building Services ToTAL 49 43 - 6 Thus, referring to Page 3 of your 7 March 1990 memorandum to the P.E.C., actual parking required to support the third floor expansion is 272 spaces, byvirture of the six fewer daytime employees. A comparison of the actualfigures for the existing hospital , as wel I as expansions currently in progress or proposed, is as follows: USE INITIAL PROJECTIONS 1988 CURRENT PROJECTIONS Base figure 86-87expansion 203 Spaces 203 Spaces New patient beds 20 20 New exam rooms 6 6 New day-shift employees. 49 43 New Steadman Learning Center 0 17 Proposed MRI 0 2 TOTAL 278 Spaces 291 Spaces 24 6 -5 0+3 -3 0-1 19 6 t3 2 1 2 5 I 3 KRISTAN 'PR;TZ TO}'N OF VAIL 25 June 1990 Page 3 The owners of the Vail National Bank Building have exercised their option to purchase the use of elght spaces in our parking structure. Thus, with completion of our parking structure later this year, available parking on-sitewill be as follows: o Parking Structure Surface Parking Lot 10 TOTAL Avai lab1e Parking Doubl etree Vail National Bank Required existing and proposed expansion SURPLUS 204 Spaces 105 18 327 Spaces 327-20-8 299al 8 I'x,hlet r.rt Spaces t ltU Attached are two sets of architectural plans and elevations. Please let me know if you require further informatlon. Project Ma DFlbh cc: Ray l-lcMahan Doris Allen Jay Peterson s/6tFrel t,"/ Q /,-hl// t Dan zFeEE I *t,lri ,. ISr,, tL ,i r-. o ;,,.,U M voilvolley NA medicolcenfer 181 Wesi l/bodow Ddw, Sutte 100 Voll, Colorodo 81657 3 August 1990 (30,3) 476-2451 Kristen Pritz Director of Cormunity Development Town of Vai'l 75 South Frontage RoadVail, C0 81657 Dear Kristen: Fo'l'lowing is a synopsis of the hospita'l 's master plan, presented in the sequence we feel is most probable. Like a'|1 naster plans, it wil'l be subjectto frequent review and possible revisions to scope and sequence. The synopsisdovetails with drawings prepared by Page Southerland Page, previously submitted to you. o Construction of approximately 1600 square feet of new space at groundlevel on the north and west side of the west wing, for housing a magnetic resonance imager (MRI). The application for a conditional use permit has been submi tted. r Addition of one ha'lf 'level of parking on top of the east side of thestructure currently under construction. This wi'l I provide dedicated access and parking for a new emergency room that we will eventually bui1d at the east end of our property, with access directly off South Frontage Road. r Construction of a detached building at the west end of our property.This facility will consolidate physician's offices enabling us to expand hospital departments into space currently occupied by these functions, r Construction of a fourth floor on top of the west wing just completed. This floor wil'l accommodate additional patient beds, as well as our pharmacy, laboratory and building service departments. o Demolition of the original hospital at the east end of our property, and construction of a new building adjoining the south side of the parking structure currently underuay. This east wing will include additional parking,a relocated main lobby and admissions area, a nev{ energency room with vehicular access off South Frontage Road, and relocated ambulance bays. 0ther than the MRI unit, the scheduling for these various phases has not been detenni ned. DJF/bh cc: Ray Mcl'lahan Jay Peterson Roy McttrJohon Chief Executire Officer Vail Valley,00,"", Center LET R @F TRANSMOTTAL 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 303-476-2451 TO JOt NO. 20 Auqust 1990 Kri sten Pri t-z DRB Aporoval for MRI Exoansion F Plans D Samples the following items: ! Specifications p DRB Application WE ARE SENDING tr ShoP tr CoPy YOU b drawings ol letter Attached D Under separate cover via tr Prints D Change order as checked below:THESE ARE F F m C D TRANSMITTED For approval For your use As requested ! Approved 0 Approved C Returned as submitted as noted for corrections E Resubmit-copies for approval D Su bmit - copies lor distribution E Return ., corrected prints For review and comment n FOR BIDS DUE 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LoAN To Us REMARKS Devel o h Frontaqe Road coPrEs DATE NO.o€scRrPTtoN I Submittal for DRB mqeting - 5 September 1990 2 2-27-90 AI VVMC Site Plan 2 6-22-90 VVMC First Floor Plah 2 6-22-90 VVltlC l,lRI - Prellmlnary Plan 2 Undated x-74 Roof and Ceilins Plan SIGNEO: COPY TO ll ancloautaa raa nol ra hotad, lindly noti y ua tt onca,Feenbv vJllv"tt"y mlca Center LETTT @F TIRANSNflIT'TAL 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 303-476-2451 To Tow[ of VaiI Communit.y Development 75 South Frontaqe Road Vail. C0 81657 WE ARE SENDING YOU b lttctreO tr Under ssparate cover via-th€ following items: h Plans tr SamplesO Shop drawings tr Copy of letter tr Prints D Chango order tr Specifications p DRB Appl ication coPtEs DATE NO.OESCRIPTION 1 Submittal for DRB meetinq - 5 September 1990 2 2-27-90 A1 VVlllC Site Plan 2 6-22-SO VVMC First Floor P'lan 2 6-??-SO VVMC MRI - Preliminarv Plan 2 Undated x-74 Roof and Ceilinq Plan THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked bolow: S For approval p For your use F As requestad O Approved as submifted E Approved as noted tr Returned for corrections tr R€submit-copies for approval D Submit -copies for distribution E Return -corrcctcd prints E For review and commcnt tr tr FOR EIDS DUE 19- N PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS l ancloattaaa aaa nol ar notad, Xindly notitt ua at onca. DnB IPPI.ICITIOU APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB I{EETING: mrn - : 1gg0 5 September 1990 *****THIS APPLICATION WILIJ NOT BE ACCEPTED IINTIIJ ALL INFORI{ATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION UEETING: A pre-applicatl.on meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to detetnine lf any additional lnfotmation ia needed. No applicatl.on will be accepted unl-ess it is cornnlete (nuet Lnclude all l-tens recmired bvthe zoning adninistratorl . It ls the appllcantrs responsibifity to nake an appointment with the staff to find out about additionat subnlttal requirements. Pl.ease notethat a COMPLETE application will streanline the approval process for your proJect by decreasing the nunber of conditions of approval that the DRB nay stipulate. ALL conditions of approval nust be resolved before a buildingpernit is issued. Appllcatl.on will not be processed without Owner's Signature. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTTON: side of new wjnq, and add'i tion of 379 sq. ft. on the west side of new wing- Both additions will hc at grnrrnrl 'level IOCATION OT PROPOSAIJ: Address 181 hlpst Mpadow [)rive. Vai'l , C0 R1657 LegalDescription I.,ot F&F Block Subdivlslon Zoning c. D. NN{E OF APPLICANT: Va'il Vallev Medical Center llailing Address:181 l,lest Meadow Drive Vail. C0 81657 Phone (303) 476-2451 NN,TE OF APPLICANTIS REPRESENTAUVE:Dan Feenev uailing Address: 181 West Meadow Drive Phone (303) 475-2451 E. NAI.{E OF STGNATT,RE(81 3 Mailing Addre Vail. C0 81657 Phone (303) 476-2451 Condoninium Approval if applicable. B. F. G.DRB I'EE: The fee will be oaid at the. tine a bulldinq oermit ls naid for. VALUATION $ o- $ 10,001 -$ 50,001 - $150,001 - 9500,001 -I over I 10,OOO $ 50,OOO $ 15O,OOO$ 500, ooo $1, 0oo, 000 $1, ooo, ooo FEE $ 10.00 S 2s.oo $ 50.00 $10O. 0O 9200. 00 $300. 00 II. IUPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBI'IISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In additlon to meeting submittal requirernents, theapplicant must stake the slte to indicate propertyIines and building corners. Trees that will be renoved must also be rnarked. This work nust be completedbefore the DRB visits the site. B. The revien process for NEW BUfLDINGS will normallyinvolve two separate neetings of the Design Review Board, so the applicant should plan on at least two meetings for a final approval . C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled neeting and who have not askedfor a postponenent will be required to be republished. D. At the dlscretion of the zoning adnlnlstrator, thefollowing ltems uay not have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Ptanning Departuent for approval: a. Windows, skylights and sinilar exterior changesthat do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building additions that are not viewed fron anyother lot or public space, which have had letters subroitted fron adjoining property owners approvingthe addition; and/or approval fron the agent for,or manager of a condoniniurn associatlon. E. You may be reguired to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debrisflow, wetlands, etc). You should check with a Town PLanner before proceeding. I. UATERTAIJ TO BE SUBUTTTED NEW CONSTRUCTIONnehA. ffi cofi{es of a topographic nap and sLte plan at a scale of 1!r = 20r or larger, of the site containing the following: 1. Licensed .surrreyorre stamp. 2. Contour intenrale of not nore than 2r unless theparcel consists of 6 acrea or nore, in which case, 5r contour intenrals nay be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with dianeters of 4rr or nore one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (J.arge boulders, internittent streans, etc. ) . 5. Avalanche areas, centerline of Etream or creek, creek or stream setback, loo-year flood plain and slopes of 40* or more, if applicable. 6. Ties to existing benchnark, either usGS landmark or sener invert. 7. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface draJ.nage on and off site, showing size and tlpe of culverts, swalea, etc. b. Exact Locations of all utilities to include existing Eources and proposed service lines frorn sources to the structure. UtilitLes to include: Cable TV Telephone c. Property lines and a basl-s of show.lng distances and bearlngs bearJ.ng Sewer Water GasElectric d. Proposed drJ.veways vlth percent slope and spot elevatLons e. AIl easements (Title report nust also Lnclude existing easenent locations) 8. Existing and finished grades. g. Atl exlsting and proposed improvenents including structures, landscaped areas, serrrice areas, storage areas, walks, driveways, off-streetparking, loading areas' retaining walls (with spot elevatl.ons of toP and bottom of walls), and other site inprovements. 10. Elevatlons of top of roof ridqes (ltith exlstlnc- ana eroposeaEiaaes shoun underneath) to detetmine height of bullding. All ridge lines should be indicated on the site plan. Elevations for roof ridges shatl also be lndicated on the site plan with corresponding finished and existing grade elevations. No portion of the roof shall exceed 33 feet. B. / Landscape Plan (ln - 2Or or larger) -y' coeLes required 1. Show ttre location of 4n diameter or larger trees,other shrubs and native plants that are on thesite and the location and design of proposed landscape areas with the varl-eties and sizes ofplant materials indicated. 2. Conplete the attached landscape naterials list. 3. Desigmate aII trees to be saved and all those to be removed. As much of the above infornation as possible should beindicated on the site plan, so that the inter-relationof the various conponents is clear. The landscape plan should be separate. The existing topographic andvegetational characteristicB nay be shosn on a separatemap. The applicant nust stake the site to show lot NOTE: C. Sicrnature from each utilitv comroanv verifying locatl.onof service and availability (see attached). D. Prelirninarv title report to accompany all subnittals,to insure property ownership and all easements onproperty. ,E. Architectural Plans (L/4" = 1r or larger),sl copies required. 1. Must include scaled floor plans and all elevations as they will appear on conpletion. Elevationsnust show both existing and finished grades. one set of floor plans must be rrred-linedrr to show how the GRFA was calculated. 3. Subnlt one set of reduced G L/2n x 11rr) floorplans, elevations and site plan for inclusion in memos to Planning Connission and Town Council . 4. Exterior surfacing naterials and colors shall be specifled and subnitted for review on thenaterials list (attached). Color chips, siding samples etc., should be presented at the Design Review Board meeting. F. Zone check list (attached) nuEt be conpleted if proJect is zoned Single-rarnily, Prinary/Secondary or Dup1ex. c. The Zoning Adnlnistrator and/or DRB may require the subnission of additlonal plans, drawings,specifications, sanples and other materials (includlng a nodel) lf deened necessary to determine whether aproject will conply wlth Design GuidelLnes. II. UINOR ALTERATTONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS. Photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan) of the proposal may be subnitted in lieu of the nore forllal requirements given above, as long as they provide all iloportant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used. 2. A. LIST OI'MATERIAIS NAI.IE OF PROJECT: iON- LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I,OTI&E- BIOCK - SUBDIVISION - STREET ADDRESS: 181 ldest Meadow Drive, VaiI. C0 R1657 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECI: Addition of 1050 so- ft- on the north side of the npw wing, and addition of 375 sq^ ft- on fhp west qidp nf new winq. Both additions will be at qround level . The following infomation ls reguired for eubmittal to the Deslgn Review Board before a fl-nal approval can be given: BUILDING UATERIAI.,S 3 Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits I{indows I{lndow Trin Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other TYPE OF I{ATERIAL COIOR Brick reddish brown N/A N/A LANDSCAPING: Nane of Designer: Phone: PIANT I{ATERIALS: lolaniSALNEEe Conmon Name ouantitv SLze* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REUOVED Memhrane w'i th rock hallast grey N/A wn N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A fit /A 6r('u t B. *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimun calin?r for deciduous trees ls 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous trees. Dlininun height for coniferous trees is 6 feet. PI,ANT UATERIAI,S: PROPOSED STIRUBS Botanical Name Comnon Name ouantity Size* EXISTING S}IRUBS TO BE REI.TOVED *Indicate size5 qallon.of proposed shrubs.ltininun size of shrubs is TvDe Scruare Footage GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR }.TETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c. oTHER L,ANDSCAPE FEArURES (retaining walls., fences, swinmlngpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. itaxinum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maxinum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 5 feet. ..rl^ M ;:!",*iJ",ff ' D Ec 1 o'1eeo'181 West lrrbodow Ddve. Suite 100 Voil. Colorodo 81657(fi3) 476-245',1 December 6, 1990 Mr. Dan Stanek Bui'ldin9 Inspector Town of Vail Building DepartmentVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Dan: The door at the South end of the MRI computer room (Room 126) was installed as a convenience entrance for our maintenance personne'l to service the Liebert air conditioning unit without going through the MRI suite. There-fore, we do not believe the usua'l criteria for egress doors app'ly in this case. Please call if you have any questions. /. /r-q /a"MK /l ,t //'/a l/'/ft' cerely, DFlrjh Roy tvlcMohon Chief Executirc Otficer :- ...], '; .,t alBiiir; i,.: .,i Ii *, -\)l"r', -'7 v t\vL./ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME (ffi tNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL tC uJDATEl*w^^^-CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR FRI(r/PM Ur)Cr-l ftudpa-:l)l . BUyDd; EZFOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr E c tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL B tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o tr o TEMR POWER tr tr o l-l tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED Besf Copyes Avaitabte CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR nit*rco il INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL oor, {o ( z JoB NAME INSPECTION:MON TUES CALLER READY FOR LOCATION:0c AM trrr*"*tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND g*{u*oo'oN / srEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr D tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr o tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL DArE /A -/-fA rNSPEcroR PERMIT NUMBER OF PR .. .11,,!, REQUEST VAIL READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: , PM, P\ i'r:" ^L BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL NDERGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEEU tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H,,TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING - tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL F(PPnoveo CORRECTIONS: CI DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR -- ... .,ti;;l: " ".t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL oor, \O[ ({ JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: il a T CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR AM PM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION E o tr tr POOL / H. TUB qs.(eernocK NArL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr BOUGH T] EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL q APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR 6 o1q T NUMBER OF PBOJECT # INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMI DATE JOB NAME VW CALLER MoN 1FEs) wED tr DISAPPROVED ?t , .lu €€=J" THUR FRIINSPECTION: BUILDING: PLUIIIBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. - tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - Ir ROOF & SHEER tr cAS PtPtNG _" PLYWooD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB -tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr - t-\. a.'n -* lle ,ny-o tr * | h t- n ttr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. PowER o xeArtrue tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -tr tr- tr FINAL tr FINAL READY FOR LOCATION: XAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE/o la -za #$oP '''\ ' \r-nr'\i1r PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT Ir-- -'-- ---- --- ' -4," '.t INSPECTION f I \ TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL CALLER oo-= \ol lq JoB NAME READv FoR tNSpECloN: MoN @1 wED THUR FRI \- .t\rrn ,,z&,t PM hl c,--\-- \-/ \ U \-./LocATloN: lv\ l^\+- fi leenoveo E REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL X,*orrnRouND ,OROUGH/D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETHOCK NAIL tr tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH CI EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT B SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED DATE /a -,/b -2d INSPECTOR 4hol I PERMIT N MBER OF PROJECT \o DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME tr DISAPPROVED CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEE- -tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED t0'22'- 2O INSPECTOR 4uo1 t PERMIT NUMBE OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL ftld Ctr tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED V af-) oALLER / MoN/,/ TUESl--.t' \) APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FO9.b|DATTON / SrEEL &r.{ot,*o tr tr tr tr o ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr o tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: oor, ,/A -J2-2; rNSPEcroR 'tt'al ) PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor*'/O-43 JoBNAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL FRI BUILDING: 'l tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING 1r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOOOS tr SUPPLY AIR APPHOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED nftisrp 9uo r * INSPECTION.TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WEDy letl-fit-r f) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ; ROOF & SHEERu PLYWooD NATLTNG q tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB EETROCK NAIL tr tr o tr tr FINAL FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING -i^r l tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT .O SUPPLY AIR r-t tr FINAL tr FINAL F+rPRovED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED INSPECTOR ,'a, IIF, INSPECTION REQUEST t r, l-'-' ,DATE ."/+D JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR $4eenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD.NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULA]ION-tr tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB HEETROCK tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER TTIECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INS CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON ---@ PM fl neenoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB NAL tr tr tr o tr tr HEATING ROUGH 'tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL oarc //-,/-fi rNspEcroR ,& *!fis,e INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER OF ROJECT CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / O.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAII tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr FINAL O SUPPLY AIR \tr tr DISAPPROVED tr RETNSPECTION REQUTRED ! INSPECTOR niGsroe INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST\r CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MoN ruEs wED ,"r* @ ------dD PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOOTINGS / STEEL _ tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr tr El POOL / H, TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL { orr^ou=o-4{7 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor= //- /6 - ?A rNSpEcroR ffi*oe PERMIT NUM JOB NAME - INSPECTION:MON INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF YA,IL CALLER ruEs @ rHUR FBI nfr,l (fr qER OF PROJECT oor=\\-\ READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED REINSPECTlON REQUIRED INSPECTOR.. --lt,rTrti.. ri a.: REQUEST VAIL ONNOFrl W ;T OV c T( PtNs t PEI oo-, lLl ''{ IqDJ.BNAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECT "u LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEET PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND F ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oo CTIONS: INSPECTOR Wo,nTr.rs -.rqr. . - .i- PEcTION REOUEST PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER B FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR gfiisno PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT i READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: INSPECTIONTOWN g VAIL THUR FRI REQUEST **l//t 4CALLER . UES WED i\-tt" p' i BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: .g UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D R,OUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSUTATION . O FINAL tr HEATING EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL fl eeengveo EI REINSPECTION FEQUIRED "or, / 74-?/ rNsPEcroR PnlFssop 4 bot rNsAnoNTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMI ., DATE T NUMBER OF t- G 9 J PROJECT JoB NAME lt t' '.r Q *t r'J- CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON GD THUR FRI AM 4 'o BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR { neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR niFsro" The lteus belon gtvlng a pernlt Please check off INSPECTION' S ueed to be cooglete a flnal C of 0. lD the box grovlded. COIPLETED before rINAL UECEANICAL DATE! IT.{PROVEITENT SURVEY RESID. NA}'E: DATE: T FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE! FINAL BUILDINC EAST SIDE:IIEST SIDE: DATE: i--ltl TEMPORARY C OF O DATE: fQr I/ \i CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PA}TCY DArE: / -t--22 LANDSCAPING DIIE FILE }IAI.TE \\\N lg FH,riErr@ ffi sEP 2 ? lg90 PFflI!.IP5 GYROSCAN T5 Site Planning Guide I a, Ft{ruDn L, 1,frr_G ':.' PHIHPSV:i' \yf_ GYROSCAIV T5 Srte planning guiCe I I G I I I I I I .C I I - Magnetic Resonancc - T I T I I t t October 30, 1989 PRELTM+NARY VERSION, to be ordered via MR Market Support GYROSCAN T5 Site Planning Guide Thc information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitmcnt by Philips Philips assumes no responsibility for any errors appearing in this document. Data subject to alteration without notice. Printed in the Netherlands. 4522 984 21171/78111989-10. Supersedcs 4522 984 1568f /781 r1989-06. PHILIPS t t I l I I L, l'"" i Philips Medical Svsteqns I hI I I I l t I Contents PRINCIPTES OF THE MR TECHNIQUE 6 1.1 Magnetic Resonance 6 1.2 Signal processing , . 7 1.3 Thesupcrconductingmagnct.... 7 4 1.3.1 Shimming 1.3.2 Thc magnctic ficld gradient SAFETY ASPECTS 2.I Magnetic safety . 2.2 Safety with liquid helium GYROSCAN.T5 EQUIPMENT LIST 3.1 Dimcnsions, weights and heat dissipation (mm, kg and kW) 3.2 T5 Dimensions; rveights and heat dissipation (inches, lbs and BTU/hr) SITE LAY.OUT REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Access route for thc magnef . .. . . 4.2 Examination room . .'; .". . 4.3 Control room . 4.3.1 Multi-imagecamcra T E 9 9 10 t2 l3 15 t7 t7 18 19 19 t9 20 21 22 22 23 23 23 23 I I I I 4.4 4.5 4.6 4,7 4.8 Technical room Cable duct dimcnsions Maximum cabinet distances He gas pipes Metal detection RADIO.FREQUENCY SHIETDING REQUTREMENTS 5.1 RFinteractions ..... 5.2 External RF-shielding 5.3 Purchasing RF-shielding CONTENTS 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 The RF-enclosure . Magnet installation opening Floor . Door and window . , . lllumination, decoration and optional provisions Earthing in the RF-enclosure Supply for chiller for cryo-coole t . Supply for wall sockets 24 24 25 26 26 27 30 30 3l 32 32 32 "Q35 MAINS SUPPLY AND EARTHING REQUTREMENTS 6.f Supply for GyROSCAN T5 system 6.1.1 Mainsspecification 6.L.2 Power ratings 6.1.3 Mains stabilizer 6.1.4 Mains Transformer . . Supply for GYROVIEW HR workstation6.2 6.3 6.4 33 34 34 MAGNETIC SHIETDING AND HOMOGENEITY 7.1 Magnetic uniti 7.2 Magnetic interactions 7.3 Magnetic field plots 7.4 Sensitivity to static ferro_magnctic objects7.5 Maximum rcinforcement in the floor 35 37 37 37 38 39 39 39 4l 4l 4l 42 7.6 Sensitivity to moving ferro.magnetic objects7.7 Scnsitivity to static magnctic fields. . . . -7.8 Scnsitivity to moving magnetizcd objects7.9 Sensitivity to electro magnetic fields HELIUM, TIQUID AND GAS 8.1 Cryogenic effects 8.2 Supply of liquid helium 8.3 Supply of helium gas 9 GAS EXHAUST SYSTEM O€tob.r 30. Ig8g 44 GYROSCAN T5 Sirr ptrnniaj Guice CONTENTS AIRCONDITIONING 46 10.1 Examination room, Control room, Viewing room . 46 l0.2Technical room. ...... 47 WATERCOOTING FOR CRYO.COOTER 48 11.1 Opcnloopwatercooling ......49 11.2 Closed loop cooling system 50 11.3 Chiller for closed loop cooling 50 ITLUMINATION 53 12.1 Examination room 53 1).2 Control room and Viewing room . 53 12.3 Technical room . 53 COMMUNICATION 54 13.1 .Communicationbypublictelephone . ...... 54 13.2 Communicationby"Ethernet".cable... ...... 54 14 SOUND DAMPING 55 14.1 Technical roorri . 55 14.2 Examination room 55 illrG 10 l1 REQUIRED ITEMS. NOT DELIVERED 8Y PHILIPS 16 PRE.INSTATLATION SERVICE REQUIREMENTS 16.1 Mains Analysing 16.2 Site Readiness Checklist 16.3 Magnet handling requirements 16.4 Service Tools 16.5 Mounting studs for wall mounted cabinets 56 57 57 58 61 62 64 GYROSCAN T5 Sit. Pl.nninS G',ricr t I I I I l I I I I I I tC CONTENTS . LIST OF DRAWINGS 1 Stray field of GYROSCAN T5 2a Typical lay out 2b Typical lay out 2c Typical lay out 3 Minimum lay-out 4a RF room shielding 4b RF room shielding View A4c RF room shielding View B 4d RF room shielding View C 5a Foundationmagnet/patientsupport 5b Foundation magnet/patientsupport 6 Wallbracket for camera 7 Magnet and patient support 8b System filter box covers 8c System filter box interface plane 8d System filter box interface plane 9 Cryo-coolcr gas lines 10 Cryo-coolcrtransformer 11 Mains distribution unit 12 Magnet powcr supply 13 Emcrgency rundow.n push button14 Gradient power supply cabinets 15 Computer Micro-VAXf6 Printer LA75 17 Operator'sTerminal-VT32O 18 lmage Proccssing Cabinet19 Data acquisition cabinet 20 RF Power amplifier 2l Opcrator's Console22 3M Laser imagu 23 Multi-image camcra PMI-16/16U24 Multi-image camera PMI-1025 Cryo-coolercompressor 26 Cryo-cooler and He gas system27 Helium gas supply system 28a Venting system 28b Venting system, derail B-B .28c Venting system, detail A-A 29a Gas exhaust system outside RF shielding29b Gas exhaust system outside RF shielding 30a Gas exhaust system inside RF shielding30b Gas exhaust system inside RF shielding31 Magnet lifting and transport GYROSCAN T5 Sir Pbaning Guidr 2 '32 33 CONTENTS o'Zephyr chillcr ZEM 2500 C/CT Quench pipe. 90o bend t' Octcbrr 30. l9O9 GYROSCAI{ T! Sit. ptrariaj (idde |;tt Ittt t t G t t I I CONTENTS PREFACE This document is designed to be of assistance to architects, consulting engineers and all conccrned with planning the installation of a Philips GYROSCAN T5 MR imaging system. Becausc of thc tcchniques used in an MR imaging system, it cannot be installed in any ?l.t!ng building without certain modifications to that building. The magnetic field, the RF signals, and the cryogenic liquid used all place specific demands on the environment in which the system is to be installed. Thc system has an impact on its environment, and the cnvironment in turn has an impact on the system. These are the primary considerations on which the dcsign of an exarirination area must be based. This document summarizes the principles on which MR imaging systems operate, indicates the special requiremcnts involved and suggests possible solutions. Wherever possible, hard data are provided, but the installation of such a system is always a special case dependent on local conditions. For this reason, Philips Medical Systems arc always preparcd to offer detailed advicc on specific proposals. An M R system ccinsists of a number of subsystems, each of which makes its particular demands on the envifonment. tn addition, physicians, assistants, patients and service engi- neers must havc different degrees of access to the equipmerit, For these reasons, a complete installation nofmally occupies a number of separate but contiguous rooms, each dedicated to a particular function. The equipment typically installed in each of these rooms, and. any specific requirements or- recommendations are described. This guide is applicable for the GYROSCAN T5.onty. In addition to thc special requirements of GYROSCAN T5 systems, which are described in this book, all the normal requirements of a modern clinical examination centrc apply. These include the prescnce of an adequate floor construction, application of anti-static finishes to b.uilding surfaccs, non-dare illumination in rooms used for video monitors, fire escape routes, thc provision of furniture for patients and staff, etc. These are considered to fall within the field of normal hospital design. t I I GYROSCAN TS Sit. Plrnnint Guid. 4 How to find your way in this Site Planning Guide CONTENTS The information is presented in the following Chapters: f. PRINCIPLES OF THE MR TECHNIQUE summarizes the theory of the MR tcchnique as applied to mcdical diagnosis. with notes on its special effects and requirements. 2. SAFETY ASPECTS lists the main safety aspects concerned with the planning of a MR site. . 3. GYROSCAN T5 EQUIPMENT LIST summarizes the features of each componcnt de- livered as standard, together'with its environmental limits. Dimensioned drawings of each componcnt are included. 4. SITE LAY'OUT REQUIREMENTS gives the environmental conditions, areas and access required for the examination room, the control and viewing room and the technical room. 5. RADIO-FREQUENCY SHIELDING REQUIREMENTS describes the external RF shielding of the GYROSCAN T5. 6. MAINS SUPPLY AND EARTHING REQUIREMENTS specifies the mains power require- ments, recommends earthing provisions, and draws attention to desirability of an emergency power supply. 7. MAGNETIC SHIELDING AND HOMOGENEITY discusses the possiblc effects of the magnetic field on thc cnvironment. gives thc limits that can be tolerated by various devices, and outlines the effects of static and moveable ferromagnetic objects on field homogeneity. 8, HELIUM' LIQUID AND GAs summarizes the main physical properties of helium, liquid and gas, specifies thc quantities rcquired for operating the magnet, and describes methods of handling it. 9. GAS EXHAUST SYSTEM requirements 10. AIRCONDITIONING gives thc ambient conditions to be provided in the examination toom, the control room, the viewing foom, thc power room and the computer room. 11. WATERCOOLING requirements 12. ILLUMINATION requirements 13. COMMUNICATION requirements 14. SOUND DAMPING requifements 15. REQUIRED ITEMS. NOT DELIVERED BY PHILIPS. 16. PRE'INSTALLATION SERVICE REQUIREMENTS provides specific information for the local Philips organization. Oc!ob..30. 1989 GYROSCAN T5 Siar Pl.nninj cuid. a, I - I I I I I ! I I I CONTENTS Assistanca with design All.rhe civil engineering, electrical and design provisions for the installationsibility of thc purchaser or his contractor, Jnd'must conform with all localguidelines. Thc planriing infonnation givcn in thir publicetion is a guidc linc and mu* not bc urcd ase rpccification. Philips will be pleased to carry out survcys of and provide advice on proposed installations. Whcthcr thc purcharcr mrkcr urc of thir rcrvicc o? not. hc ir required to cubmit dcfinitivcroom layoulr and inrtaltation drewingr to philipr Mcdical Systcrni, sinc" modificationr maybc mrdo to thc cquipmcnl dctcribed hcrcin without noticc. are the tespon- regulations and GGYROSCAttt T5 Sitr ptrnainj Guide t I |l I i .- l- -- ! II I I II fI Chapter 1 PRINCIPLES OF THE MR TECHNIQUE Magnetic Resonance (MR) or NMR as it is known to physicists, is an established analytical tcchnique, and has becn in laboratory use for many years. lts application to visualize details within thc human body is more recent. lts results are comparable with those of Computed Tomography (CT) cxaminations using X-radiation, but all rescmblance ends there. No ionizing radiation is used: the process depends on a combination of strong magnetic fields and radio frequency (RF) signals. 1.1 Magnetic Resonance The basic principle is that thc nuctei of some chemical elements, when subjected to a constant magnetic field, have a resonant frequency which is characteristic of that element. The rcsonant frequency of an element is directly proportional to the strength of the applied field. This means that if an RF signal of that characteristic frequency is applied in the Prescnce of a magnetic ficld, the nucleus concerned will absorb energy and move to a higher energy level. When thc applied RF field is rcmoved, the nucleus will return to its normal energy level, and thc cncrgy absorbed will be emitted at the same characteristic frequency. (Tuning forks and pendulums are also examples of resonant objects). Thus, in addition to a magnetic field, which must be constant, homogeneous and known, an RF transmitter and receiver are required first to pump energy into the nucleus to excite it, and then to detect the energy emitted by the nucleus as it returns to its normal state. The nuclius of most interest at this moment is that of hydrogen, (the proton) since it gives a strong, well-defincd response. Hydrogen is extremcly useful since it is abundant in the human body. The excellent soft tissue-contrast in the images is the result of several para meters. In particular, tumour tissues can be clearly distinguished with MR. A remarkable feature of MR images is the absence of artefacts caused by bone structures, and this contributes ie I greatly to their clarity. 1.2. SIGNAL PROCESSING 1.2 Signal processing The RF response in MR is low. Therefore the signal-to-noise ratio is also inherently low.This problem is overcome by thc use ot. .rriinlind:veraging technique, on the principrethat whereas meaningfur signars wiil bc added, nlise, being random in nature, wi1 tend tocancel itself out duilng the summing and averaging process. Thc signal emitted by the nuclcus is in fact a complex of signals each of different amplitude,frequency and phase, and is apparcntty incotreieil..lt canlhowe""i, ["lr.rned to yield aseries of discrete sine waves containing meaningful inform.,i.". ii. pr*e-ss is mathematicaland is known as Fouricr Transform An'arvsis. wnit. ti.pt.i; il; iilrli.uori.rs processand it was not until thc, advent "l.t: high-speed .o.prt"i .n'i or'*-"rlla.u"roped FastFouricr Transform algorithms that MR uo""?"'.-ir."ticar techniquc for chemical analvsis. 1.3 The superconducting magnet The high magnetic fields required are generated by a superconducting magnet: an erectro-rnagnet with wind.ings. of a speciar ailo/that is kept at a very row temperature by immersiohin a container of liquid helium. Thc liquid helium bath i, u..rur ;.ii.t.J."a the surround-ing shields are kept at row temperature by means of a cry-coorer.--'---- '1 A rcmarkable fcaturc of such^a magnet is that, unrikc a normar erectromagnct, it requires nocontinuous supply of power from in cxternar ,orr".. or;;; ;;;"ii",,.g magnet hasbeen cooled below its criticar temperature, it n.easto u..;;ilj';;i;nce. The currentso introduced into iG windings wili continue to circulate, since the resistance is zero. Although careful design and. construction of the magnet have reduced heat transfer fromthe environmcnt to thc magnet to a minimum, thc tcirperatur. difr;;; between ambientand the liquid herium tank L about 3000c (54004), ""dil.ii;;ij'r,iiirn.,.r.*ry evaporates.Regular filling is nccessary. 1.3.1 Shimming To be clinically usefur, the magnetic fierd must be very homogeneous. The main magnetis constructed to close toleranies .na proau..t ]n .u"n field Jver the volume of interest,i.e. the patient's bodv. However, the'fierd m.it. air,or,ud by the presence of externalferro-magnetic materi;ls such as i"irairgll"i*lrr. To maximize.the mag.netic fierd homogerieit;;;l;'-.p"nr.,u for the infruence of externalterro-magnetic materiars, a number oiiron iarts .r. ntt.iln-*; ;;;.;'il;.. This is caged"shimming". Pj-t l-tl tlitTils comPensates for inherent inhomogeneity and for the presence of staticterro-magnetic objects onry. rt cannot compensate f"r;o;i;;i.;ro]'.lsn'.,i. objects, that GYROSCAN T5 Sir phnnia3 Guidr t CHAPTER 1, PRINCIPLES OF THE MR TECHNIQUE must therefore be.excluded magnet. 1.3.2 The magnetic field gradient To allow accurate determination of the slice position, thickness and origin of the signal in the slice, magnctic field gradients are superimposed on the main field duiing thc examination. 5uch gradients are created by gradient coils and their associated power amplifiers. Gradient coifs are providcd for thc thrcc axes: X, Y and Z. Thc axes are identified as: X = vertical axis, Y = horizontal axis and Z = length axis. from the vicinity of the I I I t I I I I I .ol\' t Octobu 30. 1989 GYROSCAN T5 Sirr Ptrnoinj Guicr I l I I I Chapter 2 SAFETY ASPECTS The Philips GYROSCAN MR imaging system should preferably only be used in a location with provisions in compliance with the relevant national and/or international legislation and recommendations concerning electrical safety in rooms used for medical purPoses, e.g. U.S. National Electrical Code, VDE or IEC Standards, concerning provisions of an additional protective earth (ground) terminal used for equipotential connection, The GYROSCAN T5 is designed and manufactured according to the lnternational Standard for Medical Equipment the IEC 601.1. and UL 187. The GYROSCAN T5 is not specified as A.P. (Anaesthetic Proof) equipment, which is re- quired for thc use of flammable anaesthetics. Non flammable anaesthetics can be used. In some countries regulations do allow the use of flammable anaesthetics if sufficient re- freshment of air is provided. In that case, approval by authorised testhouses is neiessary to establish compliance with local regulations, both for the examination room and the MR system as the use ofiammable anaesthetic gasses is the official responsibility of the hospital. Remember that some disinfectants vaporize to form explosive mixtures, and that if such disinfectants are used, thc vapour must be allowcd to disperse before the equipment is returned to use. 2.1 Magnetic safetyr It is the responsibility of thc hospital that the following safety recommendations are followed. In a well-organized MR-facility with a high degree of discipline of the hospital staff, metal detection may help to improvc the safety in the magnetic field, but discipline of the hospital personnel is more important. Persons having a pacemaker, neu rostim ulator; insulin pump or other biostimulation device must not be examined with an MR imaging system. Such persons must stay outside a "controlled zone" with a magnetic field strength of more than 0.5 mT (= 5 Gauss). Persons with implants consisting of ferro-magnetic material, such as surgical clips, artificial cardiac valves and prosthetics or metal splinters, must not be brought into a stfong magneticfield, and therefore may_not be examined with an MR imagingsystem. I 10 CHAPTER 2. SAFEW ASPECTS lron or other ferro-magnetic objects, such as scissors, tools, gas-bottles, vacuum dean- ers and iron sttetchers, must not be brought into the neighbourhood of the magnet and thus be kept outside the examination room. Such objects will be attracted by the magnet and may injure the patient or staff andf or damage the equipment. Information on magnetic carriers such as floppy disks, disks; tapes and magnetic strips on credit cards can be erased by thc magnetic field. A safe limit is I mT (= l0 Gauss) magn€tic field strength. During site planning, design and construction phases for Philips GYROSCAN T5 MR systems, a controlled zone having a magnetic field strength of morc than 0.5 mT (= 5 Gauss) should be defintd. For safe operation a warning label: 'CAUTION - Magnetic field" can be specified for the area beyond 0.5 mT. The security procedures at the cntrances of the examination room to prevent that magnetic objects are brought into the examination room may comprise the use of metal detection equipment. The Philips GYROSCAN T5 MR systcm is provided with a magnet emergency rundown unit with two remote rundown pushbuttons for shutting down the magnetic field, which should only be used in case of emergencies. Using this magnet emergency rundown system causcs a rapid shutdown of the magnetic field at the cost of a rapid and substantial boil-off o{ liquid helium. In case of any medical cmergency concerning the patient e.g. reanimation, he must be removed from thc examination room whcn medical instruments are needed for trcatment. 2.2 Safety with liquid helium Helium gas is .odourless, non-flammable and non poisonous. During evaporation, a cold haze is formed. Helium gas will risc to the ceiling. The gas is harmful to health as it will dilute the oxygen in the air. Always keep the ventilation of the examination room running. At least a 5 timcs per hour air exchange to the outside is required. The GYROSCAN T5 system has to be connected to a venting system which prevents evaporation of helium into the examination room. Under no circumstances should the magnet be energized prior to installation of the quench venting and exhaust system. Under no circumstances should a container with liquid helium be brought into the magnet area unless it is known that the container is made of non-ferrous material. Special non-ferrous containers are available from the liquid gas suppliers and must so be specified and appropriately labelled as non-ferrous containers. Octob.r 30. t9g9 GYROSCAN T5 Sir Plennin3 Guidr t?.. 2.2. SAFETY WITH LIQUIO HELIUM 11 r Liquid helium is extremely cold and will cause frost bites when in contact with the human body. Use protective gloves when handling cold metal parts. r Cryogenic liquids should be handled only by well-trained staff. r oxygen monitoring, if not obligatory by local regulations, is a highly recommendable complementary safety device. ln combination with a powerful vcntilator in the air outlet of the examination room that is automatically switched on by the oxygen monitor, a highly effective contribution to thc safety in the examination room is created. IC GYROSCAN T5 5ir Pbnain3 Guidr I Chapter 3 GYROSCAN T5 EQUIPMENT LIST 1.1. GYROSCAN T5 magnetL.2. Patient support system1.3, Operator console1.4. Multi format camera PMI-10 Multi format camera PMI-16 Multi format camera PMI-16U Multi format camera 3M laser imager1.5. Operators terminal VT3201.6. Emergency rundown push buttonsL.7, System filter box 1.9. !9li_um gas drive unit (') 1.9: ECG monitor/receiver (i) (optional)1.10 Helium gas exhaust system1.11 Patient alarmL.L2 He gai exhaust pipe1.13 He gas RF feedthrough1.14 He gas lines RF feedthrough- Surface coits (optional) TV camera(s) (optional). TV monito(s) (optionai) 2.1. Mains distribution unit2.2. Magnet power supply cabinet2.3.1. Gradient mains interface cabinet2.3.2. Gradient amplifier cabinet2.4. Compressor for cryo-cooler ?.5. Hospital main switch, fuses, transformer for basic system(r)2.6. Earth busbar box (r)2.7. Manifold system for helium gas incl. 2 helium gas cylinders (1)2.8. . Chiller for Cryicooier (optiJnlt; Zephyr ZEM 2S00C Teghyr ZEM 2500CT (Trooical)2.9. Hospital main switch for chiiler(;) rG t2 3.1. D|MENS|ONS. WETGHTS AND HEAT DtSStpATtoN (MM, KG ANO KW) 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. 3.8 4.1, 4.2. Computer cabinet Micro-VAX Printer LA75 lmage Processing Cabinet Disk drive cabinet (optional) Data acquisition cabinet RF-Power cabinet Marfile (optional in lmage Processing Cabinet) Magnetic tape unit (optional in Micro-Vax) Gyroview HR Workstation (optional) Multi format ca.mcra (optional) r Not delivered by Philips 3.1 Dimensions, weights and heat dissipation (mm, kg and kW) Dimcnsionr and wcightr during transport UNpACKED (mm and kg): Item Description Width Depth HaiEFa l.ttr) (rrn) (mrn) Weight (ke) Magnet Gradient coil (ON PALLET !) Bridge section Ring frames (cylindrical) Magnet cover frame Magnet covers Cold head (cylindrical) Patient Suppod, high position Patient Support covers 1800 1550 2240;1000 1440 850530 15s0 800 1200 200 1200 1500 200 12001900 1800 1400150 - 620530 2400 9505s0 2000 900 2800 670 50 50 JU 150 25 200 60 Item Description WxDxH (t,'n) Room Heat Dissipation (kW) Chiller Zephyr ZEM 2500C/CT (optional) 920x600x1000 1.1 (With airduct) 11 (without airduct) GYROVIEW HR workstation (optional) Viewing toom 2.0 * NOTE: Air transported magnets are ptovided with a special Absolute Pressure Relief Valve (ApRV)on top of thc magnet. This valvc must be removed before site transport of thc magnet. o GYROSCAN T5 Sirr Ptrnnin3 Guidr! Di'mcnrionr. wcightr heat dissipation whcn installed (mm' kg and kW) mm) (mm) (mm 840 170 2160 1900 1800 2470 750 3300 1150 800 160 1400 System filter box covers Magnet assemblY incl. Cold head Patient SuPPort Miscell. supported bY RF cage System filterbox mination room, total wet 0.2 2.0 2.0 1.0 0.2 L.4 0.8 2.0 0.6 0.7 0.25 30 250 150 300 170 9.5 200 180' 300 185 t75 25 800 560 5s0 550 660 430 600 600 s60 540 540 3s0 180 800 670 930 520 1960 520 1960 920 1060 350 120 800 1s60 800 1560 840 1550 910 1060 550 700 150 300 Mains Distribution Unit Magnet Power SuPPIY Gradient Mains SuPPIY Gradient Amplifier Micro-VAX cabinet Printer (1A75) Data Acquisition cabinet lmage Processing Cabinet RF-power cabinet, ENI-M R5000 Optional disk cabinet (RA82) Cryo-cooler comPressor comDr. tlan$otmel room, total wel 0.15 :.ou 0.65 0.6 0.6 11 0.2 320 250 230 300 11 1 1200 900 1200 310 310 250 530 170 50 1290 650 1200 660 740 1830 810 760 1110 840 850 1380 320 410 160 200 350 90 Operator's Console Terminal (VT320), monitor Terminal (VT320), keYboard Multi format camera: 3M Laser imager or PMl10 or PMll6 d PM|16/U HP ECG, monitor HP ECG. receiver 14 Note: Height of the cabinets including height on "feet" ' CHAPTER 3. GYROSCAN TS EQUIPMENT LIST IC Ocrobtr 30. 1989 GYROSCAN T5 Sire Phnning Glrior 3.2. T5 OIMENSIONS, WEIGHTS ANO HEAT OISSIPATION (INCHES, LBS AND |TU/HR) 3.2 T5 Dimensions, weights and heat dissipation (inches, lbs and BTU/hr) Dimcnsiont and wcightr during tranrport UNpACKED (inches and lbs): p r NOTE: Air transportcd magnets arc providcd with a spccial Absolutc pressurc Rclicf valvc (ApRV)on top of thc magnct. Thir varvc murt bc rcmovcd bcforc sitc t."nrpori ol thc magnct. Description epth Herght inches inches Patient Support covers Gradient coil (0N PALLET !) Bridge section Ring frames (cylindrical) Magnet cover framc Magnet covers Cold-head (cylindrical ) Patient Support. high'position 70.2 60.5 873;40 56.2 33.220.6 60.s 31.346.8 7.8 46.858.5 7.8 46.874.t 70.2 54.65.6 - 24.220.6 93.6 3s.421.5 78 3s.1 1474 110 110 110 330 55 440 t32 tion (BTU/hr Chiller Zephyr ZEM 2500C/CT 3753 (With airduct) 37530 (without airduct GYROVIEW HR workstation oDtion al GYROSCAN T5 Sirc pteoning Guidr I 16 CHAPTER 3. GYROSCAN T5 EQUIPMENT LIST Octobrr 30. t989 Dimcnsions' weight! hcat dirsipation whcn installed (inchcr, tbr and gru/hr) Item Description Width Depth Height inches inches inches Weight (lbs) H eat diss. BTU/hr Magnet assembly incl. cold head Paticnt Support Miscell. supported by RF cage System filterbox System filter box covers 74.t 70.2 96.329.2 128.7 44.8 31.2 6.2 54.632.8 6.6 8.2 8613 572 23t 165 oo 3Lzu 1 7nn Examination room, total weight on .floor 9220 6820RF-enclosure:@ Mains Distribution Unit Magnet Power Supply Gradient Mains Supply Gradient Amplifier Micro-VAX cabinet Printer (1A75) Data Acquisition cabinet lmage Processing Cabinet RF-power cabinet, ENI-MRSO00 Optional,disk cabinet (RAB2) Lryo-cooter compressor Cryo-cooler compr. transformer 31.2 7.0 31.221.8 26.1 36.321.5 20.3 76.42t.5 20.3 76.425.7 35.9 '41.3 16.7 13.6 4.723.4 31.2 60.823.4 31.2 60.82t.8 32.8 60.521 35.5 41.32t 2t.5 27.313.6 5.8 11.7 66 JfU 330 660 374 2T 440 396 660 407 385 55 682 6824 6824 34L2 682 4778 2730 6824 2047 2388 853 Technical room, total wefiFto;lioo,4224 44360 Operator's Console Terminal (VT320), monitor'Terminal (VT320), keyboard Multi format camcra: 3M Laser imageror PMllO o? PMl16o? PM|16/U HP ECG, monitor HP ECG, rcceiver 46.8 35.1 46,812.1 L2.L 9.820.6 6.6 2.0 50.8 25.8 50.825.7 28.9 71.331.5 27 4732.7 33.1 53.812.5 16 6.27.8 13.6 3.5 440 14.5 4.4 705 550 RNA 660 24 2 22t8 2047 2047 J/5J 682 512 l/u Control room,t@ 3412-5120 Note: Height of the cabinets including height on ,'feet" IQ GYROSCAN TS sir. Pl.nnint Guidc I ) I Chapter 4 SITE LAY.OUT REQUIREMENTS The GYROSCAN T5 MR system with its small dimensions and reduced fringe field influence, often allows the location of the unit in existing radiology departments. Whenever this can be realised onc should discuss possible integration of existing waiting rooms, offices and other peripheral facilities with the MR suite. Therefore only the required floor space for examination, technical and control room is pre- sented in the two typical and minimum layouts. 4.1 Access route for the magnet Air tranrportcd magnctr arc providcd with a spccial Absolute Prersure Relicf Valvc (APRV) on top of thc magnct. Thir valvc must bc rcmovcd bcforc sitc tranrport of the magnct. 'l Rcmark: Replacing the magnci is an extrem€ evcntuality which should still be considered when de- signing the RF-enclosure and defning the access route to the site. An access route for bringing in the magnet from outside the building to the examination room during the initial installation phase must be provided. Transport openings for passage of the magnet must be provided in this route: Corridor: 2.50 m (3.8 ft) width x 2.30 m (7.54 ft) height. Entrance opening in'walls and RF-shield: 1.75 m (5.74 ft) width x 2.30 m (7.54 ft) height. Roof opening: 2.50 x 2.50 m (3.8 x 3.8 ft). This route must be capable of bearing the transport weight of the magnet: 2900 kg The passage must provide space for manoeuvring and transport devices depending on the site. Philips Medical Systems. may provide specialist expertise for bringing in the magnet from outside the building into the examination room during the initial installation phase . t7 t8 4.2 Examination room CHAPTER 4. SITE LAY.OUT REQUIREMENTS Floor dimensions; Recommended Floor dimensions: Minimum Room height; Recommended inside RF enclosure Room height; Minimum inside RF enclosure Minimum magnet tfansport opening (APRV valve not included) lnstalled weight of magnet and patient support Floor unflatncss building floor Resonance frequency of floor 5x7m(16.ax23ft). 5x5m(16.ax16.4ft). 3.00 m (9.8 ft). 2.90. m (9.s ft). min. 1.7i m. (5.74 ft) width 2.30 m. (7.54 ft) height. 4.175 kg max. 10 mm/m max. 20 Hz (') (*)Attention has also to be paid to large electro motors which could induce vibrations. Contact Philips Medical Systems in casc of doubt. For the patient support fixations, see drawing Sab: Foundation magnet/patient support (exa mple). The magnet is frec standing. The patient support witl be glued on two floor pads. ln carthquake areas always consult local expert engineering consultants. For detailed RF and floor requiremcnts sec chapters 5 and 7. An Qxternal RF shielding is required for thc examination room. For details see chapter 5: RF shielding requirements. The GYROSCAN T5 is delivcrcd with a standard top cover to be combined with a suspended :,.itil6. Thc resultant ceiling height is then 2.52 m (8.26 ft). While the cables from the filter box are all to be initalled above the suspended ceiling the end result is a more comfortable look for patient and staff: turret. cryo-cooler cold heal and cables will be hidden behind the covers. Rcrnark: Apart from the typical lay-out presented on drawing 2ab: Typical lay out, a special execution is shown in the drawing 3: Minimum lay-out. This lay'out shows a minimum floor space situation where the magnet is located in a 5 x 5 m (16.4 x 16.4 ft) room. Be aware that the closer the magnet reaches the examination room walls, the more importantit is to know what hidden metal structures are in the wall construction. Moreover as the0'5 mT (5 Gauss) line will exceed the examination room extra care should be taken. See I f'*f F il r r ffir tra O<rob.r 30. t989 GYROSCAN T5 Sitr Plenning Guide 1.3. CONTROL ROOM chaptef 7: "Magnetic shielding and homogeneity". Serviceability requires that the covers of the magnet can be removed. Therefor a minimum distance of 600 mm between the magnet ccvers and the wall is required. 4.3 Gontrol room Advised dimensions: 3.0 x 5.0 m (9.8 x 16.4 ft)' To obtain a maximum view on the patient in the bore it is recommended to locate the operator's console between 20".and 40" related to the z-axis (length-axis). See typical lay- out. The window between control room and examination room is lpecified in chapter 5: "RF shielding requiremcnts". ln the c,ontrol room are - operator's console with two rnonitors - operator's terminal - ECG monitor/receiver (optional) (non Philips) - multi format camera - Emergency rundown push button - Patieit alirm buzzer'(to be installed near the Operator's Console) - | ot 2 TV monitors (optional) - Furniture (Non-Philips) - 4.3.1 Multi-image camera The multi-image camera is used to provide hard positioned on a rigid floor free of vibrations (livel The following types can be used: - PMI-10 (with or without autoloader), - PMI-16 or PMI-16U - 3M Laser imager. 4.4 Technical room Advised dimensions: 3.0 x 5.0 m (9.8 x 16.4 ft). Both computer and technical units are located concerns the following cabinets: copies of images on film. lt must be < 0.001 G). Minimum door opening 2100 x 800 mm. preferably in the technical room. This 2.L. Mains distribution u nit I GYROSCAN T5 Sitr Plunin3 Guide CHAPTER 4. SITE LAY.OUT REQUIREMENTS 2.2. Magnet power supply cabinet 2.3.1. Gradient mains interface cabinet, next to the 2.3.2. Gradient amplifier cabinet 2.4,1 Compressor for cryo-cooler 2.4,2 Cryo-coolcr compresso. transformer 2.5, Hospital main switch, fuses, transformer for basic system(*) 2.6. Earth busbar box (') 2.7. Manifold system for helium gas incl. 2 helium gas cylinders (f) 2.8. Chiller for Cryo-coolcr (opt'ronal) 2.9. Hospital main switch for chillcr (r) 3.1. Computer cabinet Micro-VAX, next to the 3.3. lmage processing cabinet,and next to the 3.4. Disk drive cabinet (optional) 3.2. Printer LA75 (on the computer cabinet) 3.5. Data acquisition cabinet, next to the 3.6. RF-Power cabinet lf required: - Mains transformer (r) - Mains conditioner (t) r Not delivered by Philips. The dimensions of thc cabinets are. shown on the drawings 7 to 33 where all units are represented as individual modules. All system cables arc included in the delivcry. (The mains cable is not included). 4.5 Cable duct dimensrons lf the Technical room has no raised floor, system cables will fraue to be ducted. Floor duct dimensions: (W x D) minimum 200 x 100 mm. (7.8 x 3.9 inch). Recommended riser duct dimensions (W x D): h h d - to mains distribution unit- to system filter box feedthrough - to auxiliary filter panel - technical room to control room 550 x 100 mm (16.7 x 3.9 inch). 650 x 100 mm (25.3 x 3.9 inch). 200 x 100 mm (7.8 x 3.9 inch). 100x50mm (3.9x2inch). GYROSCAN T5 Sir PhnninS GuidrO€tob.r 30. 1989 I I I I t 2I I I n 0 U 0 0 8 8I 8 8 8 8 8 13125* 1.6. MAXIMUM CAEINET DISTANCES 4.6 Maximum c;binet distances All system cables have fixed length, For some cables it is possible to order a longer set. The maximum horizontal ducted lenrths between cable in and outlets on cabinets are listed in the following-i6i- 6.8 6 9 Y 13125, L3/25* 19/30.5* 7.4 5.6 12 27 5.6 o 15 30/60*' T I I ra axtmum hoflzontal duct lengths between cabinet's in and outlets (m CABINET . SYSTEM PART Micro-VAX Micro-VAX Micro'VAX Gradient Supply cabinet Data Acquisitioh cab. System filter box System filter box System filter box System filter box System filter box System filter box System filter box System filter box System filter box System filter box System filter box System filter box Mains distribution unit Mains distribution unit Mains distribution unit Mains distribution unit Mains distribution unit Mains distribution unit Mains distribution unit Mains distribution unit. Mains distribution unit PMt-10 PMt-16(U) 3M Laser lmager (P831 C-version) lmage processing cab. Printer LA 75 Disc drive RA82 (option) Gradient Amplifier cab. RF Power amolifier Gradient cabinets (2x) Magnet power supply RF power amplifier Data Acquisition Cab. Operator's Console Patient alarm buzzer ECG-triggering Gradient coil Coil interface CCTV camera CCTV monitor Coldhead RF Power Amplifier Cryo-cooler transformer Data Acquisition Cab. lmage Processing Cab . Magnet power supply Disc drive RA82 (option) Gradient Supply cab. System filter box Multi image camera Operator's Console Operator's Console Operator's Console t' GYROSCAN T5 Sitc Plrnninj Guidr 22 CHAPTER 4, SITE LAY.OUT REQUIREMENTS CABINET . SYSTEM PART Maximum horizontal d ucted lengths between cabinet's in and outlets (m) Cryo-cooler - Cryo-cooler transformei Micro-VAX - Operator's ConsoleMicro-VAX Video Tcrminal VT 320Micro-VAX - Multi image camera Data Acquisition Cab. - Gradient cabinets (2x) Data Acquisition Cab. - lmage processing cab. Data Acquisition Cab. - ECG-Triggering Data Acquisition Cab, - Paticnt alarm buzzer Data Acquisition Cab. - RF Doorswitch 4 13125* 73125, L3125. 9.3 10 19/30. L3/25, 20 r lf required, the longer set of cables *r 30 m delivered by Philips Medical 4.7 He gar pipes must bc ordered scparately. Systems, 60 m to be ordered locally from 3M. cold head fcedthrough feedthrough comPtessot soft copper l/2inch soft copper ll2inch pipes length 7 m pipes length 7 m (9 m long flexiblc pipes arc delivcred for thofirst systems) The soft coppcr pipes must bc bcnt only oncc; the minimum bending radius is 25 cm. 4.8 Metal detection Metal objects might be brought into the examination room by operators, physicians or patients and may cause accidents. Ferro magnetic objects can cause severe injuries to patient or staff and damage the system if brought near the magnet. It is cmphasized that security heasures should be taken in order to protect patients and oPerating personnel, The minimum measure is the use of warning signs with a text or a symbol stating the presence of a high magnetic field. Octob.r lO. I989 GYROSCAN T5 Sitr Phnnin3 Guide I I Chapter 5 RADIO.FREQUENCY SHIELDING REQUIREMENTS 5.1 RF interactions The GYROSCAN T5 MR imaging system uses RF signals in the 21 MHz. band' This is within the frequenci t!ig:. J*a for radio coirmunications. As the signals emitted by the human body arc ";;;.;k, they_can be.disturbed by signals received from radio communication uquip-"nt or other eleciiical equipment Present in the hospital' To prevent such environment-to-system intetactions, rigorous R!.yee1inS is required' while on the other hand, RF r.r.liing ii also required to preJent the MR system influencing other RF scnsitive equipment in the hospital' 'Notc: It may happen that strong RF-cmitting cquipmcnt ir uscd in thc dircct ncighbourhood of thc GYROSCAN T5 that-uscr frequeniier close to 21 MHz- In that casc, contact Philips Mcdical Systcmr for information and support' 5.2 ExternalRF-shielding Thc compact dcsign of the GYROSCAN T5, with an cxtremely short magnet, offers highly appreciative bcnefits. c.g.: -'Patient friendlyness; pitient's head outside the system during many examinations' Even during Jread-scans the patient can look out of the system' - Good patien't-access allowing easy monitoring or assistance of the patient. These benefits can only be exploited effectively with external RF-shielding of the examination room. 5.3 Purchasing RF-shielding I The external RF-shielding is to by Philips. Philips will provide on request be purchased from a supplier, which has been recommended a list of possible RF-shielding suppliers. 23 I -o' I li ts C E ts Er E h tra h :t t tt J-r 24 CHAPTER 5. RADIO.FREQUENCY SHIELDING REQUIREMENTS Deiaited requirements for thc RF-shielding are described in the Philips report: "RF room shielding GYROSCAN T5 Specifications", which is available on request. 5.4 The RF-enclosure Shiclding matcrial Only non-ferromagnetic material shall bc uscd for the construction of the enclosure. Conrtruction RF-shieldi n g su ppliers offer di{fercnt concePts: r Modular. a All parts havc standardized dimensions. Adaptation to local site requirements by choice of modules. Prefabricated All prefabricated parts havc customizcd dimensions. Adaptation to local site rcquir+ ments by manufacturing all relevant parts based on local site dimensions and iircum- Stances. Wall papering. Tailor-made construction, by gluing shielding material directly onto examination room walls, ceiling and floor. ' RF-shielding suppliers may not be ablc tot deliver all mentioned concepts, whereas on thc other hand spccific sitc conditions may cxclude certain concept(s). Careful siteplanning and cvaluation of RF-shielding suppti.rs capabilities will lead to a suit- able solution for each GYROSCAN T5 site. 5.5 Magnet inrtallation opening During installation of the system, thc magnet is the only unit that cannot be transferrcd through the door with the specified minimum size. Therefore the RF shielding must have an installation opening for the magnet. This opening will be closed permanently when the magnet has been brought into the RF-enclosure. The minimum required wall opening is: 1.75 x 2.30 m (5.74 x 7.54 ft) (WxH). The minimum required roof opening is: 2.50 x 2.50 m (3.8 x 3.8 ft). These values are based on dimensions of the magnet: 1800 x 1550 x 2240 mm (WxDxH). The location of the installation opening will be site dependent:' ;- Ocr,ob.r 30. 1989 GYROSCAf{ T5 Sirr Plrnnin3 Guidt l3 s.6. FLOOR r preferably accessible through existing hospital corridor(s)' prbvided these meet with other necessarv t.quit.i.iit 1..f. nt- loading' corridor width) r accrasible from outside through a wall or the roof' The transfer of the magnet will take place only once at the start of the installation of the MR system. opening * ;J;;,r,.iF-."a*ure should be done, or formally authorized by il:;;i;;il:; "i',r," n?'.*torr,". io, avoiding anv loss of guarantee' Closing thc installation opening may have a permanent character' A threghold in the magnet i.nstallation opening should be prevented. lf unavoidable' it must ;'i;;;;l;.t 120 mm- to be able to use the castor wheels' 5.6 Floor Thrcrhold Adequate RF-attenuation at the bottom side of a RF-shielded door requires a threshold in most casas. Attention shorld be paid to keep the finished floor as close as possible to thc level of the su rrou nding rooms. Floor conrtruction Different tyPes of floor constructions are offered by RF- shielding suppliers: r Epoxy layered floor. Glued to RF-shielding material, properly sealed and finished; height 20 mm. This floor type is vcry strong a;d has a high compressive floorstrength' The cxtremities oi the floorpads-for the patient suPPort could.-be.visible on an epoxy layered floor. They could be hidden by a small decorative plinth fixed on the floor (max. height 30 mm). r Shielding board on fiamework. Framework is necessary for RF-tight sealing of seams between board: height > c9 T-t' Floor strengh is depending of [eight of -framework, if the space between shielding board and building floo, is-filled out and, if yes, the type of material used for filling out. r Wooden floor on top of RF'shielding panels" Floorstrength depending on same conditions as "shielding board" floor; height > 40 mm. Floor covcring ;_. GYROSCAN T5 Sitc Plennin3 Guidr I T lo T 26 CHAPTER 5. RADIO-FREQUENCY SHIELDING REQUIREMENTS All floor types can always be finished to meet user's requirements or wishes. However, to prevent GYROSCAN T5 electronics from being damaged by unwanted static discharges the nature of the floor MUST bc semi-conductive. This means that the resistance of the fioor must be smaller than 1 x 10e Ohm/cm2 (as defined in DIN-51953)' Flatness: < 5 mm/m at magnct and patient suPPoft arca' < 10 mm/m overall. 5.7 Door and window DOOR(S) (W x H) Minimum size Width dcpcndr ako OPening PreferablY WINDOW (W x H) Rccommendcd size Minimum size Lower edge : 1150 x 2100 mm on sizc of hclium dcwarl inwards for rapid patient access : 1200 x 1000 mm : 600 x 900 mm : 900 to 1000 mm above finished floor 5.8 lllumination. decoration and optional provisions lllumination may be by AC incandescent lamps. Lifetime of AC incandescent lamps may be shortened due to opcration in magnetic fields. All types of fluorescent lamps are STRICTLY PROHIBITED inside thc RF-shielded exami- nation room to avoid RF-interfcrcnci. Wall decoration depends on the RF-shielding concept. As long as the type of decoration does not interferc with shielding-effcctiveness, walls may bc painted, papercd, finished with gipsboard or wood. A suspended ceiling must system cabling. The distance between the inch). Special requifements for the suspended ceiling are: - non-ferrous - permeable to air - opening above magnet: 1500 x 1500 mm (4.92 x 4.92 ft) . - sound damping (if no sound damping is provided in the walls or ceiling of the RF shielding enclosu re. ) be done by third parties if required. However, if inadequate instal- be provided for hiding the installation of quench pipework and finished floor and the suspendcd ceiling shall be 2520 mm (98.3 Al these activities can Ocrob.r 30. 1989 GYROSCAN T5 Sit. Phnnina Guidc l lG I I I I I I I C I I I I 275.9. EARTHING IN THE RF.ENCLOSURE I I lation techniques are applied, shielding effectiveness may be e{fected. This may invalidate guarantee conditions and cause extra costs. Rcmark: To avoid unwanted spiead of responsibilities it iistrongly recommendcd that thc rf-shielding supplier is responsibie for the installation of all required provisions and the finishing of the foom. 5.9 Earthing in the RF-enclosule The enclosure has to be provided with one central protective earth (PE) bus-bar/terminal. This PE point shall be connccted to the hospital PE bus-bar by means of a conductor of at least'16 mmr, The central earth terminal in thc System Filter Box has to be connected to the PE bus' bar/terminal of the enclosure by meins of a conductor of at least 16 mm2' The locations of the enclosure central earth bus bar/terminal and the System Filter Box shall be selected in such a way that the distance is minimized (<= 1000 mm) and that there is no seam in the shielding between both earth points. For potential equalizing purposes all actessible conductors inside the RF-shielding shall be connected to one of thise two earth'points. The parts of the system shall be connected to the terminal inside the.System Filter Box. All other items like facilities for heating, water . supply shall be connected to the enclosure central earth bus bar/terminal.' The impedance between any conductive part and the enclosure central bus bar/terminal . shall be less than 100 milli-bhm. The protective earth conductor used must be at least 6 mm2. An earth leakage circuit breaker (ELCB) is not required. To optimize the shielding performance, "loops" inside and outside the enclosure shall be minimized. This leads to the following precautions: 1. The magnet structure,t"tt b" connected to the earth terminal in System Filter Box ONLY via one dedicated protective earth wire. 2. The magnet shall be isolated from the enclosure (isolating foundation plate included in Philips' delivery). 3. The patient support shall be isolated from the enclosure (isolating provisions in patient support structure included in Philips' delivery). 4. The He quench and boil-off feedthrough shall be isolated from the enclosure on both sides (double sided isolated feedthrough included in Philips' delivery). 5. The cryo-cooler gas-lines shall be isolated from the enclosure on both sides (double GYROSCAN T5 Sitc Ptenn'n3 G,riCc I I 28 CHAPTER 5, RAOIO.FREQUENCY SHIELDING REQUIREMENTS sided isolated feedthrough included in Philips' delivery). 6. Suspension provisions for the querich and boil off pipe-work shall isolate the pipe-work from the enclosure. Suspension provisions for the He gas-lines shall isolate the He-gas lines fiom the en- closu re. Galvanic isolation between the enclosure and the building is recommended. Local regulations or the RF-shielding manufacturer may require to isolate the enclosure from the building. Note: lsolated in this context is e DC impedance greater than 3 kOhm and a capacitance smaller than 100 pF (per isolation point). Lirt of itcmr bclonging to an RF cnctorurc: 1. Mandatory: - RF enclosure (walls, floor and ceiling) - One door - Door open/closed switch (on each door) - Magnet installation opening - One window - Two air vents - Provisions for support of thc magnet and patient support - Duct between magnet and patient support - P rotective earth terminal - Interface for gas cxhaust feedthroujh plate - Interface for cryo.cooler gas-lines feedthrough plate'' - Interface for the Systcm Filter Box - Cover plates for acceptance measurcmcnts - Fixation points for suspensions - Fixation points for ERDU switch and CCTV camera'(s) - User/Operating manual - Maintenance manual 2. Optional butpreferablydeliveredbythesupplieroftheRFenclosure(alwaysrequired): - Cable duct for system wiring - Suspensions for gas exhaust pipe work - Suspensions for cryo-cooler gas-lines - Suspended ceiling - lllumination (two levels) -. Emergency lighting - Walls and floor finishing . - Ramps for rigging in the magnet (i{ required) October 30. 1989 b G E tr tr : tr tr Itr I I tr a, il Ift ITI II I Jt ,: #J 7. 8. GYROSCAN T5 Sirc Phnning Guidr I I I I I I I I I T I s.g. inarntuc rN THE RF-ENcLosuRE 29 - Auxiliary electrical power circuit - Feedthrough for He gas drive system 3. Optional additions: - Second door - Emergency power off switches - Additional air vents - Oxygen gas level detection - Provisions for medical gases - Smoke detection - Airconditioning or heating (or connection to existing air conditioning) - Closed circuit TV Rcmark: Replacing the magnet is an extreme eventuality which should still be considered when de- signing the RF-enclosurc and defining the access route to the site. GYROSCAN T5 Sitc Plrnning Guidr l te I I l l Chapter 6 MAINS SUPPLY AND EARTHING REQUIREMENTS 6.1 Supply for GYROSCAN T5 system Hospital power line to GYROSCAN T5 system shall be a dedicated power line originating from the Hospital transformer. All system parts, except the GYROVIEW HR and the chiller for the compressor are powered via the supgly of the GYROSCAN T5. The power line shall be provided with a main-switch and fuses/ circu itbrea kers, to be installed near the GYROSCAN T5 Mains Distribution Unit. The main switch must switch all 3 phases and the neutral simultaneously. Power cable cross-sections and main switch and fuse/ circuitbreaker ratings are to be'de- termined according to local situation (distance) and regulations. Therefore these items are not part of the delivery. Recommended fuse/circuitbreaker ratings to be installed (for 380 V mains): 50 A type AM or GL MAXIMUM fuse/circuitbreaker ratings (for 380 V mains): - Max. 63 A type AM or GL, according to DIN 43620, VDE 0636 part 1 and 2a' - Max. 80 A, according to UL/CSA. RECOMMENDED: Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (30 mA). t I I le t I h I 30 6.1. SUPPLY FOR GYROSCAN T5 SYSTEM 6.1.1 Mains specification rstortron Phase voltage unbala nce Mains interruptions Line tra nsients Neutral to PE voltage Mains lmpedance Mains fuses PE impedance Rated cu rrent Peak cu rrents Switch-on current surge Phase current unbalancc :< : < 2% between any 2 phases and any phase and neutral : < 0.5 period, minimum intervals of 10 periods : < 200 V p.eak, < 800 micro-seconds (no malfunctions) < 500 V peak, < 10 micro-seconos (no malfunctions) < 1000 V peak, < 10 micro-seconds (no defects) : < 0.5% of nominal voltage ( lin + neu tral) < 0.135 Ohms See Chapter 6.1 < 0.1 Ohms < 40Alphasc < 70A/phase, < 3 milli-seconds < 6 x nominal rated current 0-30% t see point 6'1.3 and 6.1.4 for voltage stabilization and/or transformation! 31 Voltage Frequen 5 wires: 3 phases, I neutral, I protective earth (PE) TN-S (MR-system) and TN-S or TN-C (mains supply) :380V +L0%/-8.50A. (included low frequency variations and sags and surges) : 50 and 60 Hz X,2o/o GYROSC,fN T5 Sirr Plrnning Guicr I lo .32 6.1.2 Power ratings system: Options: l- Patient monitor - ECG transmitter/receiver - Disc drive cabinet - Marfile Total power: 4 KVA 25 KVA RECOMMENDED power to be installed: | 33 kVA CHAPTER 6. MAINS SUP,LY AND EARTHING REQUIREMENTS on when not in use at night. lf switched off thg warming l l The system maY remain switched up time is about 20 min. 7 I I l t I 6.1.3 Mains stabilizer As a result of the required mains voltage stability ol + L0%l- 8.570.it may be necessary to improve local mains rottrlu tt.Uiti,y by-m.an, of a Mains Stabilizer (to be supplied locally)' C"-r,..i Ftritips Ueaicaf Slrt.r. for iniormation and support for purchasing adequate Mains Stabilizer(s). I lo 6.1.4 Mains Transformer The GYROSCAN T5 requires a mains voltage of 380 V' lf the local mains voltage is other than 38-0 V'a mains transformer shall be provided to transform the local mains voltage to the required 380 V' A required mains transformer is also to be supplied locally. For information and support to purchase adequate mains transformer(s)' please contact Philips Medical Systems. Octob.r 30. 1989 l'I GYROSCAN T5 Sitr Phnnin3 Guidc 33 6.2. 6.2 SUPPLY FOR GYROVIEW HR WORKSTATION Supply for GyROVIEW HR workstation t L r tr ft tr upply Configurati6i Nominal voltage Voltage range rrequency Waveform distortion Rated current Power 3 wires: 1 phasc, 1 ncutral,I Protective Earth (pE) 110 V. 220 V 90 - 130 V, r80 - 260 V47-63Hz .< 5% 20 A (at 110 V) 10 A (at 220 Vi 2 KVA GYROSCAN T5 Sirr ptennin3 Guidr I l l CHAPTER 6. MAINS SUPPLY AND EARTHING REQUIREMEIJT5 6.3 Supply for chiller for cryo-cooler 6.4 Supply for. wall sockets For servicing and cleaning purposes it is advised to install in each room except the exami- nation room a sufficient number of wall sockets (earthed!) providing household voltage . In the examination room only one double wall socket is required at the ceiling in the vicinity of the turret of the magnet. In the control rgom: 1 or 2 TV monitors (optional). I TyP. Configuration Max. power Powerfactor Mains fuses Zephyr 2500C or Zephyr 2500CT (Tropical version) 4 wires: 3 phases, I protective earth 3.2 kW (4.s kVA) 0.7 3 x 16 A ('slow blow) 60 Hz 3 x 380 V'* 10% 3x200Vt10% 3x230V*1070 3x460V+i0% Ocrob.r 30. l9g9 GYROSCAN T5 Sitc Plenning Guidr l r0 I I I I I I Ir I I I I I I I f, Chapter 7 MAGNETIC SHIELDING AND HOMOGENEITY The magnetic field extends outside the magnet in all directions and may go beyond the boundar! of the MR depariment or building. This is called the fringe field region. lf possibie the 5 Gauss line should be limited to the interior of the examination room. A detailed knowledgc of a magnet's fringe field and its relationship to surrounding equipment and activities is an essential part of any site planning and will always be Part of a layout proposal as a magnetic field plot related to that particular site. 7.1 Magnetic units The Sl unit of magnetic field strength is and the conversion is: 1 T = 10000 G, or 1 G = 0.1 mT. As approximately 0.05 mT. 7.2 Magnetic interactions the Tesla (T). The former unit was the Gauss (G)' a mattef of interest, the earth's magnetic field is The field generated by the magnet extends over a volume larger than the magnet. Within thG volume, it can exert large forces on ferro-magnetic objects. The field can affect the function of magnetically susceptible devices, such as pacemakers, TV monitors, magnetic data-stora ge devices, etc. The field can also be distorted by magnetic objects of various kinds: . steel structural beams, electric motofs and generators, transformers, powerlines etc. Static and moving ferro-magnetic objects can influence the homogeneity of the magnetic field, and hence the image quality of the MR system. I 35 36 CHAPTER 7. MAGNETIC SHIELOING AND HOMOGENEITY -Obj-ct Max. field strensth (mT) Nllgnetic data carrier (diskettc, tape, disk, credit card) Video monitor, monochromc (stationary) Video monitor, monochrome (non'stationary) Pacemaker Video monitor, colour lmage intensifier Ultra sound X-ray CT scanner X-ray CT scanner with solid state'dctectors Linear Accelcrator Gamma camera Electron beam microscope 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.05 0.0s 0.05 Maximum allowed field strengths for magnetically susceptible objects. I The (background) earth's magnctic field is approximately 0.05 mT. Maximum allowed field strengths for GYROSCAN T5 units, 3.0 5.0 1.0 15.0 1.0 3.0 5.0-5.0 5.0 5.0 15.0 15.0 1.0 1,0 .' 1.0 1n 1.0 1.0 0.1 0.5 1.4. PMI-10, PMI-16 Multi-image camera 1.4. 3M Lascr imager1.5. Operator's Terminal VT320 TV camera TV Video monitor 1.7. System filter box 2,1. Mains distribution unit 2.2. Magnct power supply cabinet 2.3.L. Gradient mains intcrface cabinct 2.3.2. Gradicnt amplificr cebinct 2.4. Comprcssor for cryo-coolcr 2.8. Chiller for Cryo-cooler3.1. Computer cabinet Micro-VAX 3.2. Printer LA75 3.3. lmage processin g cabinet 3.4. Disk drive cabinet 3.5. Data acquisition cabinet 3.6. RF-Power cabinet 4.1. Gyroview HR with colour monitor Gvroview HR with black/white monitor Ocrob.r 30. 1989 GYROSCAN T5 sitr Plenninj Guidr I f.' ,r I I I I I l JI I I l I I I I 7.3. MAGNETIC FIELD PLOTS 7.3 itaugr;ti" field plots The magnetic field extends over a volume and is thus three dimensional. Field stien6ths are measured in three orthogonal planes, which have their origin at the isocentre of the magnet, located on the centre line of the magnet bore' The axes are identified as: X = vertical axis, Y = horizontal axis and Z = length axis. See drawing 1 Stray field of GYROSCAN T5 A summary of the magnetic field lines is given in the following table' ffiild linein metres Direction 5.0 mT (so G) i.0 mT (10 G) 0.5 mT (s G) 0.3 mT (3 G) 0.I (1 ml G) X.Y z X-Y z X.Y z X.Y Z X.Y L M etres Feet 1.5 5 2.2 7.2 2.L 6.9 3.0 9.8 2.5 8.2 3.5 11.5 2.8 9.2 3.8 L 2.5 3.5 11.5 4.7 15.4 Distances of iso-fieldstrength lines from magnet isocentre. Following allowances should be made depending on the orientation of the site with respect to magnetic north. - 5 Gauss: * 100 mm - 3 Gauss: t 200 mm . - I Gauss: * 500 mm ,l Furthermore the presence of local ferromagnetic objects can influence the values of the fringe field. 7.4 Sensitivity to static ferro-magnetic objects Substantial iron objects or structures must be located at minimum 2.5 metre distance from the isocentre of the magnet.' 7.5 Maximum reinforcement in the floor In order to prevent unshimmable in homogeneities, there is a maximum allowed iron rein- forcement in the floor of the MR examination room. GYROSCAN T5 Sitr Pl.6n;llg Guidc I 38 Floor CHAPTER 7. MAGNETIC SHIELDING AND HOMOGENEITY In an area of 3 m. (10 ft) lateral x 5 m (15 ft). longitudinal, symmetrical to the isocentre of the magnet the averaged concentration of the reinforcement steel of the floor should not exceed 25 kg/mz to prcvent unshimmable inhomogeneities of the magnet. lron beams under other angles than perpendicular to the z-axis of the magner must bc located at minimum 2.5 metre distance from thc isocentrc of the magnet. lron beams perpendicular to ihe z-axis of the magnet do not causc problems. The reinforcement should be equally spread out over the surface of the floor, 7.6 Sensitivity to moving ferro-magnetic objects Moveablc ferro-magnetic objects in thc external field of the magnet can cause image arte- facts. The following table gives an overyiew of the restrictionsln distance to the -magnet isocentre for named objects. Weight (kg) Minimal distance (m) Examples of objects 1-10 x-'t z 2.3 3.0 - Medical instruments - Tools l0 - 100 X-\ z 3.0 4.0 - Strctchers - Beds - Ventilators r00 - 1.000 X.\ z 4.5 6.0 X-ray units Trolleys Lifts 1.000 - 10.000 X.\ z 8.0 10 - Cars - Trucks 10.000-100.000 X.\ z 1.7 22 Tramways Sensitivity to moving ferro magnetic objects. OctoS.r 30. lg89 GYROSCAN T5 Sitr Plrnnin3 Guidr l Irriih ff- I I I I I Ir 7.7. SENSITIVITY TO STATIC MAGNETIC FIELDS 7.7 Sensitivity to static magnetil fields Should a GYROSCAN T5 be installed near another MR system, ensure that the value of the fringe field from that other system at the isocentre of the GYROSCAN T5 system does not exceed 2.0 Gauss. lf the fringe field is less than 0.2 Gauss the GYROSCAN T5 can be used in any condition without special attention. lf the field is between 0.2 Gauss and 2.0 Gauss the GYROSCAN T5 magnet has to be shimmed again in the case that the other system is off field. This procedure using the gradients requires a couple of hours. 7.8 Sensitivity to moving magnetized objects Some models of lifts are highly magnetised and can cause image artefacts when they move at short distance of the magnet. Example : Distance lift to magnet - more than 15 m : no orecautions - I to 15 m : oossible field variations to be measured at magnet isocenter to assess the necessity of a special action. A solution is always possible. - 4 to 8 m : measurements required before proceeding with this site because a special solution is not always possible Ferro magnetic objects in the vicinity of an already installed MR system could be magnetized and cause image artefacts if they move close to the GYROSCAN T5. In case of doubt contact Philips Medical Systems. 7.9 Sensitivity to.electro magnetic fields Currents circulating in power lines, large transformers or electro motors near the magnet can influence the homogeneity and the stability of the field. To avoid possible disturbances, minimu m_dista nces from the magnet isocentre are: f' I I I I I I T GYROSCAN T5 Sitc Plennin3 Guidr Powcr line I soo e | 5 m (15 ft) Transformer I uro *uo | ,o r 1to n, Motor lsorvl lsmlrsttl Rcrnarl: ln case of doubt or in criticel situations, CHAPTER 7. MAGNETIC SHIELOING AND HOMOGENEITY please contact Philipr Mcdical Systcms. I E ^efUlI : t .til, ,, ,,'l t }l I I 'l I I t '"1o, 40 O€rcb.r 30, t9t9 t' GYROSCAN T5 Sirr Plrnnin3 Guidr l le I I I I I I I I I I I t I Chapter 8 HELIUM, LIQUID AND GAS 8.1 Cryogenic effects Care must be taken when handling liquid helium' Liquid helium boils at approximately 4.2 K (-269oC or -4520F). Any contact between it or the fresh ly-eva gorated vapours and the skin must be absolutely avoided since severe fiostbite will occu r. In rare circumstances superconducting magnets can "quench". The superconducting alloy of the magnet coil has no electrical resistance at its operating temperature (4.2 K). However, a very slight increase in temperature above the critical temperature results in the appearance of electrical resistance, causing the production of a large amount of heat. Thi magnet coils can stand this heating, but the liquid helium will rapidly boil-off, and a large volume of cold helium gas is discharged. (This is called a quench). A venting pipe, connected to the outside, is required for a safe venting of helium gas. 8.2 Supply of liquid helium The GYROSCAN T5 magnet is only cooled with liquid He. The magnet does not contain liquid nitrogen. As the liquid He is boiling off, periodic filling is required. A cryo'cooler is part of the standard delivery. The magnet is always shipped "cold" (filled with at least 800 liter liquid He). The quantity of liquid helium required at installation depends on the shipment time. lf this time is less than 35 days, liquid helium only is required. Refill is even not required if shipment lasts only a few days and if the cryo-cooler is made operational after the magnet has been installed. Should the shipment time exceed 35 days, a special procedure has to be followed involving the presence of a specialist. Please contact Philips Medical.Systems. The maximum boil-off rates are: rt out cryo cooler (during tra nsport 1n /nl With r operationa I standard sit uation I . Typical value less than 0.1 l/hr. .lt 0.15 lihr, 42 Capacity of the liquid helium vessel in the magnetr inimum level | 300 ltrs Maximum level I 1000 ltrs Helium filling and topping-up are carried out with an isolated syphon included in the delivery, using helium gas from a cylinder to pressurize the dewar. Liquid helium is distributed in well-insulated dewars with'a capacity between 200 and 500 litres. The number of refills pet year depends on the type of dewars locally available. Typical dimensions for such dewars are given in the table. Use non-ferromagnetic dcwarr only. The non-magnetic liquid helium dewar must be placed directly alongside the magnet for filling and topping, so the site layout must include an access route for a liquid helium dewar. Temporary storage possibilities for dewars should also be considered. Typical helium-dewar data These dimensions should be used f6r planning purposes only. Dimensions, weights, etc. may vary with supplier. Notc: Thc width and thc height of thc door in thc RF-cnclorurc ar wclt ac other doors in the .ccclt routc rhall allow thc parngc of thc hclium dewars used. 8.3 Supply of helium gas Helium gas is supplied in gas cylinders which are located outside the examination room and connected via pipework to a helium gas supply system to be located in the examination foom. The purpose of the helium gas supply system is to provide helium gas at very low pressure in order to transfer liquid helium from a dewar into the cryostat and to provide the refill gas for the cryo-cooler. Most helium dewars are not self pressurizing. CHAPTER 8. HELIUM, LIQUID AND GAS E t I T T t Octob.r 30. 1989 pacrty (lrtres Diametre Height Weight empty Weight full Loss rate a/o ler d 960 mm (32") 1800 mm (59") 205 kg (asO lbs) 240 ks (szs lUsl t% 1260 mm (a2") 2160 mm (72") 386 kg (850 lbs) 455 kg (999 lbs) Lo/o GYROSCAN T5 Sitc Pbnnrnj Guidr I rG I I I I I I Ip I 8.3, SUPPLY OF HELIUM GAS 43 The helium gas supply system consists of the following major items (see drawing ZZ: H.iirrn gas su pply system). r 2 cylinders with helium gas (purity 99.995 70, n = 4.5). . a manifold system with 2 high pressure regulators r a helium gas drive unit The helium drive gas unit.shall be preferably mounted inside the examination room at a suitable location with regard to the planned filling position of the helium dewar. See the drawing 26: Cryo-cooler and He gas system. Parts and items of the helium gas supply system are not included in the delivery and must be purchased locally. GYROSCAN T5 Site Pl.rrnint G'rid. I I I I I l. T I b, T I T I I I I Chapter 9 GAS EXHAUST SYSTEM One exhaust pipe is required.to evacuate discharges of helium gas from the magnet out of the building. The static helium evaporation and helium dischirge during a quJnch will exit from the turret via a one way relief valve. The valve prevents ambient air leaking back into the cryostat. The system must be capable of exhausting the amount of helium gas (approximate ratio 750:1 expansion from liquid at 4.2 K to gas at robm temperature) that may result from a magnet quench. See drawing 28abc: Venting system, details and views. All venting pipcwotk and hardwarc outsidc thc cxamination room should bc isolated. The He gas exhaust pipe part inside the RF shielding, together with the interface with the the RF shielding called "RF feedthrough" (see below) is part of the standard delivery. See drawing 30ab: Gas exhaust system inside RF shielding. It is delivered with a driptray for collecting liquid air in the event of a quench. The slope of the driptray shall be oriented towards the magnet. For safety reasons it is not allowed to modify the gas exhaust system nor to use own made parts for the quench pipe. Tfe part of the exhaust pipe, outside the RF shielding is to be supplied locally. The inner diameter of the pipe outside the room.can also be 100 mm if the total length between the turret and open patt outside the building is no more than 15 meter and the number of turns is no more than 4. The diameter must be 200 mm for that part of the pipe between 15 and 25 meter. For a detailed view how this helium exhaust pipe part should be designed see drawing 29: Gas exhaust system outside RF shielding. RF fccdthrough Part of the He gas exhaust pipe is an RF feedthrough. This item is required to pass cold He gas through the RF enclosure to the outer part of the He outlet. The RF feedthrough has a built in temperature gradient device, meant to compensate or slow down excessive cold transfer from the He exhaust pipe to the RF shield itself, durin{ filling or a quench. lt avoids damage of the wall or ceiling during fiiling or a quencn. Dclivcries The following pieces are delivered standard: . Two straight pipes with driptray: length 1000 mm I I I lo I 45 r One 90o bend: lcngth from axis to end 300 mm, scc Fig 33: Quench pipe - 90' bend o Two flexible pipes with straight driptray: length min. 350 mm, max. 450 mm max. bending radius 150 mm max. bending anglc 45o The driptray has to be adapted locally for matching special situations. r One feedthrough: length in cxamination room: 300 mm lcngh outsidc: 100 mryt This sct allows to copc with situations B or C as drawn on Figure 30a. For exccptional situations likc A, additional straight pipcs (length 1000 mm) and/or 90o bends have to be ordered. 'l I I Cr ! te T t I t I t l Chapter 10 AIRCONDITIONING 10.1 Examination room,Control room, Viewing room |r I I I I I I I to I Heat dissipation Exa mination room Control room Viewing room 6820 BTU/hr ) 5120 BTU/hr ) 6820 BTU/hr ) 2.0 kw ( l.s kw ( 2.0 kw ( Temperatu re Max. temp. change Relative humidity Max. humidity change Air pressure Air velocity :18-24"Cr (ihe equipment allows 18 - 32"C) : 3" C/hr. : 30 - 70%, no condensation :6%lhr : 50 - 110 kPascal : < 0.25 m/sec. r Temperature and humidity as required for X-Ray film handling and patient and personnel comfort. The air inflow in the examination room should be distributed and sufficient to prevent rising of the temperature in the magnet bore above the surrounding tempetature due to gradient heating. The feeling of comfort depends not only on temperature and humidity but also on local ha bits. At least a 5 times per hour air.exchange to the outside is required to meet hygienic require- ments. Should anaesthetic gases be applied, the required ventilation may have to be increased depending on applied anaesthetic system and gas mixtures and according to international andfor local sta ndards. It is the responsability of the hospital to def;ne the appropriate conditions. Hcat dissipation: 13 lW (or aa360 gTU/hr) Tempcraturc: Max. tcmp. changc: Rclative humidity: Max. humidity change: Arr prcssute: Air vclocity: 18-240C 3"Clhr 40 - 607o no condensation 6Volhr 50.- 110 kPrrcel 0.25 - 0.5 m/sec. '0.2. TECHNICAL ROOM. 10.2 Technical room. E E H :tI ,,':Tl ffi ,,h h ch GYROSCAN Tt Sir Pbmi4 Goidr a I rO I I I I I I Ip I I I I I I Chapter 1l WATERCOOLING FOR CRYO.COOLER The cryo-cooler compressor is the only unit in the system that needs watercooling. Cooling rcquircmcnts for thc cryo-cooler compressor unit: - Cooling load - Water flow . - Inlet temperature min. - Inlet temperature max. .- Max. pressure - Min. pressure - Pressure drop - Fittings - Coupling connectors 4.5 kW (total) (4.0 kW to water, 0.5 kW to air) 6 - 8 ltr./min. (depending on inlet tempcratu re and pressure) 40c 2l,C 8 Bar (800 kPascal) 4 Bar (400 kPascal) (r) 2 Bar (200 kPascal) l/2" type CARP (Japan) '1.2" Swagelock No.8-810-61 (') The lowest inlet pressufe can be 3 8ar (300 kPascal) when short connections to the water su pply are used. The watercooling requirements of the cryo-cooler compressor unit can be met by using: - Open loop watercooling, or a - Closed loop cooling system I See drawing 26: Cryo-cooler and He gas system. F 48 11.'. OPEN LOOP WATER COOLING ir., open loop water cooting Water rpecification for opcn loop watcr cooling: - Quality -pH - CaCOs Waste water Potablc water (drinking quality) 6.0 - 8.0 < 75 ppm discharged to drain. Notc: lf this specification cannot bc met, waterconditioning or closed loop watercooling will be nccessary. GYROSCAN T5 Sirr Ptrnninj Guidr t lo t I 50 11.2 Closed loop cooling system CHAPTER '1. WATERCOOLING FOR CRYO.COOLER ant l: l'ota e tap water (tor specification see above). recommended mixture | : 80% Potable tap water : 20% Ethylene Glycol (see note Coolant mixturc propcrticr Notc: Ethylene Glycol provides beneficial additives to prevent corrosion, fouling, foaming, etc. Warnings: DO NOT USE DEMINERALIZED WATER! The hospital should be warned for possible risks of connecting the compressor to a cold water distribution system, i.e. interruption of the cold water supply without warning and quality of the coolant. 11.3 Chilter'for ctosed loop .cooling The performance of the chiller is important to guarantee the good operation of the com- pre5sor. The ZEPHYR ZEM 2500 C chiller has been tested and is highly recommended. In tropical conditions, the tropical version ZEPHYR ZEM 2500 CT must be ordered' Please contact Philips Medical Systems in the case another type of chiller is used. The chiller should preferably be located near the compressot in the technical room but attention should be paid to the required air flow (3600 m3/hour for the standard C version and 4400 m3/hour for the tropical CT version). See Fig. 32 ZEPHYR chiller. Requirements applicable if the chiller is installed in another room: - Maximum distance between compressor and chiller: 10 meter fu I l2 in. diameter tubing 50 meter for 37 4 in. diameter tubing - Maximum elevation of the chiller above the comDressor: 30 meter. - Installation underneath compressor level only with metal pipework and shut-off valves in I I I I I I I I I I I I I nt mrxtute min. ambient temperatu re OGrobGr 30. l9E9 GYROSCAN T5 Sitr Pbnning Guidr j'1.3. CHILLER FOR CLOSED LOOP COOL;NG both "water-in" and "water-out" pipes. lf the chiller is installed in open air some extra requirements are applicable: Specifications of the ZEM 2500 C/CT: q1 I I t t t I t L t E - Dimensions : - Weight : - Cooling capacity : - Pressure: - Water flow : - Ambient temperature . maximum : . maximum : . minimum : coolant 100% water: coolant mixture 80/20: coolant mixture 50/50: - Temperature stability : - Capacity control : - Noise level . without airducts : . with airducts : - Location : - Space requirements : - Exhaust ducting: - Air intake : - Intake air velocity : - Max. power : Height 1000 mm Width 920 mm Depth 600 mm 175 kg (without coolant) 7.-3 kW (at 30'C ambient, 17oC water temp.) 4 bar; depends also on relative position of chiller and cirmpressor 20 ltr./min. (at 5 bar) + 43'C 2500 C + 55"C 2500 CT (Tropical version) + 5"c - 10"c - 35"C 0.3"C/min. (at constant load) 100 - 60 - 0% (!V means of 2-step thermostat) s3 dB(A) 4e dB(A) PREFERABLY indoors (technical room) Outside only with special provisions! Left-hand sidi - min. 300 mm. Right-hand side and front-min. 800 mm. Rear side - min 300 mm. Heat dissipation at full load (11 kW )(or 37535 BTU/hr) must be ducted to outside.. Duct dimensions - 30 x 300 mm. (CT: 30 x 400 m) Air velo-city: 10 m/sec (CT 10.2 m/sec) 3600 m3/h (CT: aa00 m3lh) 2.8 m/sec. (CT: 3.a m/sec.) 3.2 kW (4,s kVA) Qe t t t t t t dust etc. Sufficient ventilation Ol GYROSCAN Ts sir. Pt.nnins Guid. :';I -J:l Installation on raised concfete foundation Appropriate shelter to prevent damage by rain, snow, must be maintained at all times. I CHAPTER 1'. WATERCOOLING FOR CRYO.COOLER . lf the environmental tcmperatrre may drop below Ooc wrap-around heating wire out' side pipework and cover-heating around. compressor should be applied to Prev€nt frost damages (to be specified at ordering). I I I I I I I |O I I I I I It t-Octobrr 30. 1989 GYROSCAN T5 Sirr Phnaia3 Guidr I L I I I I I I I Chapter 12 ILLUMINATION 12.1 Examination room. Two lighting levels, a level of 200 lux_for patient examination and 500. lux for servicing are requircd around the magnet. Application of fluorescent lamps and the use of electronic light dimmers is strictly prohibited to avoid RF interference. It is advised to use AC incandescent lamps with reinforced filament in order to reduce shortage of the lifetime due to magnetic fields. Avoid direct light above patient support and rear of magnet for patient comfort. 12.2 Control room and Viewing room The lighting level should be constant at 200 lux. Directly entering day - and artificial light . on the monitors of the operator's console should be avoided. Two lighting levels are required, thg normal level of 200 lux arld 500 lux for servicing. 12.3 Technical room A lighting level of 500 lux is required for servicing purposes. p I I t t t I tr T" I 53 I I I I I I I I I I I il I I Chapter 13 COMMUNICATION 13.1 Communication by public telephone Go6d communication lines are a big help when commissioning a complex system like a GYROSCAN. Two telephone lines are requested, one line for vocal communication and one line for data t ra n sfer. The line for data transfer should be a direct line without operator intervention. .The modem connection is used for remote inspection and testing and in the near future, to send softwa re updates. The modem should be purchased locally. The telephone outlets are to be located in the technical room. SPECIFICATION OF THE MODEM: 13.2 Communication by "Ethernet" cable The (optional) GYROVIEW HR viewing station must be connected via a data communica' tion cable. type Ethernet,.to the GYROSCAN T5. This cable is not part of the standard delivery; the cable and its interface units should be ordered separately (from DIGITAL). Cable types are DEC BNE 28 (PVC coaxial cable) or, BNA 2A (Plenum rated coaxial cable for heavier mechanical loads). These are available in lengths of 23.4,70.2, 117.0 or 500 metres. The maximum distance between the linked systems is 2500 metres; DEC repeaters are required for distances over 500 metres. For ordering please contact the local DIGITAL office. T v22 f200/1200 (full duplex) 7 Even 25 oini DTE/DCE Baudrate: Number of data bits: Parity: lnout connector: 54 I I I I I I I I Chipter 14 SOUND DAMPTNG 14.1 Technical room The noise levels of the units in this room are: 14.2 Examination room The noise levels for the different parts of the magnet system are: ro I I I I I I l - Gradient coils: I ZO aeln;, only during imaging - Coldhead and soft copper He gas pipes I OO aAln;, continuously sound damping ir strongly adviccd on thc suspended ceiling or on the ceiling of thc RF cnclogurc. - cabinet for disk drive (and optional - computer ca bin et - cryo-cooler com pressor - chiller (type: Zephyr 2500) 62.5 dB(A) continuously 63 dB(A) continuously 68 dB(A) continuously 53 dB(A) continuously without d ucting 49 dB(A) continuously with airduct system tape unit) to bc I Chapter 15 REQUIRED ITEMS, NOT DELIVERED BY PHILIPS All material specified below is.NOT part of the delivery and must be supplied by others, unless otherwise stated. 0. RF-enclosure. 0. Manifold system fot helium gas. 0. Helium drivc gas unit. 0. Connection pipes between manifold system, helium.drive gas system. 0. Helium gas exhaust pipe, outside RF shielded room. 0. Water tap with non-return valve. 0. Water pipes and hoses between cryo-cooler compressor and chiller or water tap. 0. Main switch and fuse box for GYROSCAN T5. 0. Main switch and fuse box for chiller (optional). 0. Mains cable between mains distribution unit and its main switch. 0. Mains cable between chiller and its main switch (optional). 0. Mains sta bilizer (optional). 0. Mains tra nsformer (optional). 0. Earthing system (earth busbar box). 0. Airduct system for chiller. 0. Modem 0. Cabinet for tools and documents. 0. Cabinet for accessories. 0. Support provisions for ECG and respiration triggering equipment. 0. Oxygen monitor. ll f\"oo I I I I Chapter 16 PRE.INSTALLATION SERVICE REQUIREMENTS This chapter of the GYROSCAN TS MR Site Planning Guide is addressed to the local Philips organisation! 16.1 Mains Analysing It is strongly recommended to have the mains checked and analysed in the pre-installation phase. Mains analysis can be done with the "Power Scope", this instrument, the BMI four channel Power Scope. can be rented from Philips Medical Systems Netherlands (see section service tools). The 8Ml - Power Scope is an instrument which captures and graphs all disturbances on the mains that can damage and disrupt our equipment. The Power Scope graphs sags, impulses, waveshape faults for AC-DC voltage, currents and frequencies. The power scope can captufe'any set of simultaneous events in a range of 500 nanoseconds to 24 hours. The mains resistance can be measured with the Mains resistance meter that can be rented from Philips Medical Systems Netherlands (see section service tools). I I I I I I I t ot 58 f6.2 Site Readiness Checklist CHAPTER 16. PRE.INSTALLATION SERVICE REQUIREMENTS Prior to the installation this Site Readiness Checklist must be filled in and telefaxed to Philips Medical Systems. The site rcadiness will have a strong influcnce on thc installation time. Hospital Address Country Checked by Philips organisation Da te Plan'ned installation starting datc 1 - Building RF shielding rcady and certified YE5/NO All hospital facilities in RF room e.g. Oxygen, illumination YES/NO Floor pads and ducts readv in the RF room YES/NO Cable ducts mounted according to-equirenrents YES/NO All R F fcedth rou ghs accord'rn g to-equiicnrents YEs/NO Floor finished according to requirerrrcnts YEs/NO Doors and windows according to requirements YES/NO Cryo-cooler transformer mounting studs prcsent YES/NO Mains Distribution Unit mounting studs pr-sCn-YE5/NO Operatbrs Lgom according to plin YEs/NO Appointment made with DIGITAL to install microVAX YEs/NO Ocrob.r 30, 1989 E d-E E r E ts h E E t T I t t GYROSCAN T5 Sitr Phnninj Guidr F fv16.2. SITE READINESS CHECKLIST I l I I I I TEMP: Tcmporary installation. Chiller is used but mains are connected to chiller. 2- Mains voltage and impedance not yet installed. Provisional waterhoses and GYROSCAN T5 Site Plenning Guidr TEMP: Using a temporary mains supply. Actual mains will be installed later. 3- Airconditioning / Climate control and worKrnq In all rooms zl- Transport I I I I I I L lt-' I -TechniCiI room according to plan ---YES io Tllephone installed near computer position (optional)YES/NO Modem for Remote Service available (optional)YES/NO Watei Jupply and drain installed YESTNOi TEMP All rooms finished and cleaned YES NO -Nial mai rns checked with mains analiser, ns according to specifications YE5/NO Mains, switch and fuses connected T-ES/NO/TEMP Tiiangements made for connecting mains and earth to Mains Distribution Unit YES/N0 Flains imoidance measured < 0.135 Ohm YESINO PE imoedance measured < 0.1 Qhm rEsi No Magnet transfer opening in RF room checked YEs/NO l'ransoort route for MAX. ffoor loads checked YES/NO Route for minimal dimensions checked YES/NO Route and unloading arca cleared from obstacles YESi NO 60 CHAPTER T6. PRE.INSTALLATION SERVICE REQUIREMENTS Remarks: 5- Cryogenics and gasses: quro nettum avatla at th€ start of the installation YES/NO rze ol clewar to examtnatton room door In order to mcet the conditions for lnstallation to bc telefaxed prior to thc installation to: Philips Medical Systems Nethcrlands, Helpdesk Magnetic Resonance, Euilding QM 331, Best - The Netherlands. Tefefax: + 31 40 7O22Os Ocrob.? 30. 1989 Warranty, the Site Readiness Check List has I GYROSCAN 15 Sirr Ptraain3 Guidr cr lt t'" I 16.3. MAGNET HANDLING REQUIREMENTS 16.3 Magnet handling requirements The megnet must be lifted from the truck using lifting eyes on top of the magnet or the dcsignated lift areas on the bottom. See Fig. 31 Magnet lifting and transport The shock indicators placed on the magnet must be checked before unloading the magnet from the truck in order to define responsa bilities. (The procedure can be found in the installation manual). The maximum tilt angle in any direction should not exceed 10 degrees. This has also to be taken in consideration wheir defining the access route. Tilting the magnet beyond 5 degrees may induce a rapid release of cold helium vapour. A set of 4 castor wheels to tranport thc magnet on site ian be rented from Philips Medical Systems (see section service tools). With this transport set it is possible to transport the magnet ovef a threshold with the maximum dimensions of 150 x 100 mm (HxW). When the magnet is transported by air an Absolute Pressure Relief Valve (AP RV) is mounted on the helium exhaust vent. First dismount the APRV valve fiom the magnet turret before the magnet is entered into the building. ol I I I I I I I io GYROSCAN TS Sim Pleanin3 Guidr CHAPTER 16. PRE-INSTALLATION SERVICE REQUIREMENTS 16.4 Service Tools A number of special tools are needed during o Pre-lnstallation r Transport and unpacking o Installation, corrective and preventive maintenance Some of the tools needed are very expensive or seldom used, Philips Medical Systems - Best will stock a number of thosc tools, they can be rented through the pMSN spare parts department. Item Qty Name/NC Supply/Rent Pre-installation: - Mains resistance meter t- Mains analyser (BMl Power Scope) | 4522 980 32421 PMSN R Tra nsport and un packing: - Electric drill r 1 Left/Right- Set of screwdriverbits for Electric drill r I incl. bits for Philips screws- Crowbar -r 1 t h- Pallet truck with forks > 150 cm | 1 1000 kg.- Castor transport wheels for Magnet - set I gL2Z f Of ZO+Of PMSN R- Electrical Jig saw I Ocrob.r 30. 1989 GYROSCAN T5 Sitr Phnnin j Guidr I bI I I I I I I p, I I I F 16.4. SERV|CE TOOLS (l) Installation, (C) Corrective and (P) Preventive maintenance: Spirit level Plummet Torgue Wrench adj. max 80 Nm Set of sockets for TW Box soanner Earth bounding tester Ga uss meter Dual trace oscilloscope AMP service kit Digital multimeter ESD kit Extender board - Dual Extender board - Single Shim Tesla meter Shim gantry .T5 supplement shim gantry Eddy current comp. set Eddy current coil holder He gas flow meter Heat gun Temp. measu ?ement set Service tool kit Cryo.Cogler RF - Sniffer sct Hydraulic pressufe meter Torch Mains extension ca ble Solder station Gloves for cryogenic work Molub-alloy grease 0 Scraper (small) Wire Brush Sensito-meter (X- Rite) Densito-meter (X-Rite) Luminance meter ( Lunasix) Soa p-suds Ladder 50 cm - 0.5 mm/m TBS TBS TBS 4522 980 3s2si PMSN R 4s22 980 35261 PMSN R 100 Mhz 4522 980 16961 PMSN - I I tlc tlc tlc tlP tlP t/clP tlc tlclP tlc/P tlclP tlclP tlc t/c tlP tlclP tlP c c c UCIPtlclP tlclP t/clP P I I tlc/P tlc/P tlclP tlclP I I 1 I 1 1 I 'I 1 1 L I I 1 2 1 1 1 1I 1 1 'I I 1't I I '| 1 1 I II 1 I 1 1 I 1 I I I * * Tools with r , are in use with GYROSCAN 55 and 515 installations. .4522 980 36471 4522L07 54502 4522 107 54152 4522 980 3527I 8122 101 34934 8122 101 76141 8122 101 45001 TBS 4522 980 35131 1500 watt 8122 101 76191 4522 130 73761 8t22 r0t 7772L 8122 10r 79501 15m/3socket Weller 4522 110 57681 (9899 000 06359) (9838 361 10009) TBS PMSN . PMSN . PMSN . PMSN R PMSN R PMSN R PMSN R PMSN R PMSN - PMSN R PMSN . PMSN R PMSN - PMSN PMSN PMSN GYROSCAN T5 Sit. Pt.nnin! Gu;dr I Qty Name/NC Supply/Rent 64 Tools with 12NC number used by spare parts. CHA,TER 16. PRE.INITALLATI}N sERvIcE REoUIREMENTI between 0, are Commercial Department numbers and are not With the equipment a set of non-magnetic special tools 4522 130 55781 for T5 are supplied. This set contains: Screwdriver - 2 Screwdriver - 4 Screwdriver - 6 Hex key wrench - 3mm Hex key wrench - 4mm Hex key wrench - Smm Combination wrench 17 mm Nose Plier Tweezer Foldingrule-2mm f6.5 Mounting studs for wall mounted cabinets Two cabinets insidc the tcchnical room have to be wall mounted: - Mains Distribution Unit - Cryo-cooler transformer The mounting studs of thcsc cabinets have to be prepared before the start of the installation (see the drawings Fig. 11: Mains Distribution Unit and Fig. l0: Cryo:cooler transformer). C Oclob.r 30. 1989 GYROSCAN T5 Sitc Pleaoinj Guidr lftF z (J UIo e, (, o E att .t7 I hI I I I e, ?E@A I I I I Iol ;N I I I (t a J o C9 tnF (- ! J 0) .J(.- I I I 0't 0't frrl)W +-A'X U I UUI I If I to -lo TFANSPOF' ^CCEsSFON N^GI.IETrlorH 17 SO HEIGHT I SOO FF ROOM SHIELDING(tton Phi I ips) 2a: TYPICAL LAY OUT I I I I -T cl f N,^ r.r Ofrr: i^.i'rr^i,;/ I ib I I I I I I Ip' I I I I I I lo t- I I I I I L o,qr t5ll ii al I I I { 3.1 tir 2b: TYFICAL LAY OUT ot i, . ExAMINA iI0N-,/OPEFATOFS ROOM 1.2 MAdNET o.5Ti'i i0ii[!leEIfFRBI.E""" 1 : onennyons tJofiiilil^ (oPtional) i? SVE?8f;-FI.?HHo35["sirBurroNS I E EEb'H3'??dXidffi,VHA',Jlll.l!rrips) 2/3. TECHNiCAL-,/COMPUTEF FOOM I t h eg E I I I I t otrI )r )?. 2.4 <. / r+ 2.8x 2.9 ?t ?? 3.a J.f, llll'19_0I9TRrBUrroN uNrr bAfUil-?'ilF?-3'?fi!r- cra r ner tiiFiEll.Piiir tHs:3iA!F.!T' l:' lff l;ra5=sliil;.* li:F'iisilFii! ''',MAN.rFoLo sysrEM ro'AolrlBil to.) iiiirsF FE;lSE"FXLggSST"Jlen Fhi I rps) HoSpITAL urtNs swiicn r6H'iilruren (non 88Tf;YIE"EA3INFI MrcnovAX iYi3"E?98E3:AIFEgAB INET gi'i.iEsji;iiriI:F^d:8ii:1" " X NOT OFIAWN Fh r, I iDs) 2c Typical lay out I; FF FIOOM SHIELOING [Non phrlips) J: ,' MINIMUM LAY OUT '-T o J 4A: RF NObU SHIELDING I I t I t I I I I I t I 5 ET -tt oo ln o 0e o D Ip I v 11 oo e o G| o € @ A.F. F. = Above FinisRcd FLoor, |- :.)mort zFr.< e o.rroo3 OF o rcteo o o I <<t3!EF.O>-loborln:ccq,t Fc! .+O x o.r.rblCtOlbor.o o bo ir o F|-lrot:O<rtr- llt F O. ''i 0Ji+ tt o o tt 0,h F|o I o > rQlDot.<2 no oo(,D O rrbr- r,/t o l.-r ooto.Ol -rJ<\ o =-O ,t .?c Gt oo.+ccrr GIo a t13r+o ot O \aC \t 5\, tbI I I I I I It I I I I 1 I If I ,i r3 z , i- ct: I m-- et F 'n oo 6 o CL Im o € n o -T : -:$i!i ; i -E-;.-rt+-.r_---l i$ I - . - l' I I i I I I Foundation magnet/patient support .l F;r,.iIf.:ieI r' : I Io A (3 F I r) I s zl I I FL00n covEntN6 L too'io J c^8LE oUC? CovEn U F rt?:< av, -!JI \-./ tl1 Islol9lrlttl JEP€M}IflGJt| iOP i-lY€F TYPE 0 U tn I I I I I I I I 'OP LTY€F tF-51llEL0 .OUILCING FLOOB lo SECTION A-A sc^LE t:a CABLE OUCT COVEFI . FS€SSUnE 9oFCE: 2OOO nrrr 8E OlNc-lXf,OUcH: 0.. nr R€rov.6Le SrOOtx ^nO r€LL BOUr€EO EDGES c^6LE oucr covEB NON xI6N€TIC xAIEFIIL FLUSH IITX F INTSI{EO FLOOA OEFENOEN? OX X'IEFT^L MOUNTING SURFACE - TOP 0F FL00R PAO FoecEs or r{otl{?txo suFF^cEs plo 1r IPEF F.oI FL00H-0^0 HoFtzonrlL t.! xr,l aLO0R-0r0 UPr^mS n... r|-oof,-o^o oorr{r^ms to xt{ i!{3ii5i;"ff li;lirE!'iii:!'b:i!e'E#?ft sr!'TiiEIE:3:!F sur 0l r.^ssEs ot pros 2 rlx. .oo x9. l?l8t€ . tso xs, p^tlExtl REMAHK: - FQUTOI!!o! S!FIP3 r0 H^vE r.trtn . rHtCxN€SS OF:t0.. FOg St txLESS STEELI:I' FOA ^LUIINIUI allqlEo ToLEFANCE 0F 'MoUNTING SUFFACE" IN THEVERTICAL PLANE: - r{^xtriJ| oIFFEFENCE 3d g€trEEx HtCrlESl ^r€ LOTESI .rOUxltNO SUafACE. FEOUIREIIENTS ON FLOOR FLATNESS: lnEl uf.alAlf.Ess: <. ! iii/iF€FEFENCE LEVEL.: HTGHES' IOUNTI G SU'IF CE :"lii[rffi ,,i!ii:d:iigiliFli:,::::'"::'.:'ff i:r^ SEcrlo^.1 B-B Floor Oads of pat!ent sugoo!'- may be up to 5 mm belolr the finished floor when e.g. antistatic tiles ar9 used. Fro 2lpEl p^01 a r(fl,.s xr t' 5b Foundationmagnet/patientsupport lo oE h E I rfi r I h or E I t I L T ^lr -L 0 irn e n sions in mm WALL BRACKET FOR CAMERA Scrcr 5nn or bott ll5 or stud vilh nut l{5 ing depended Oon't coniact or penetrate RF Shie td in 9 the RFshielding E9.0 at c ll:ta a o a 0ll ttI T I I I I I |r ' o I I I I I I lrall: orr 'n re Magnet and patient luPport7 I lo I 1 I o*->--.___ Fatse cerl tng -l Ch h tt r I T I I I t F h 0rnr63166t,n ",t8b , System filter box cover! ItI t r l I t I I I I I I I tf I (-E t a{atarqa crrrlt- frrt aF..aaer----rr rltltr| oc-r r a{..Ga 8c System filter box interface plane L INOTE: 1 4x STA iI\ILESSQF-cL:;r i-\ r \ r,-_r i J. i_ t_:J L.i tJ riiilil;$tis:i:s;::fi ili ^oEsIGNEo. FOn_::_RFACE MOUNTING.'!:iili !i!i;!i!ii'li3'JEis F1Yx66; EE FFovloED a.v rr-s;.risio -SuFrllgq NOTE: 2 it'3E'8lgu"i?hlrE5'HioEF:lFlllB.lEll.i:AprATroN orMENsroNs SUSPE{S Tot,l 30Lt r' i Itut I i t--1t-t--tJ I{^SHERr I iItl ll'l.il- ll ll .// .//../ .,/ r-CRCiS C\: l1;- :_S::.:::.. ::_- S;.+EAtllg :63;3. Z.--.2..itcCiivE:lic=; i:::.: OETAIL A (SEE" NOTE 2) !fFF- r,t10 I.l,JTS +;r.r:--:: -::: -= SUFF'-:iC System filter box interface ilane I 8d I to I (a)Iengcn35xdianeter I I I I I I I I I I I I F I I Cryo-cooler gas'lines Ilffit'A ILN *"N ,^r ,'-\.l'.-/ \--i <: -Ei'3i t lc* |l I I I I l I ft,. It I I Jtg / ', ._r --l !'.rn.^r,. -Mains distribution unit <-l<I crI9d | :alr0!Or I I o E :E ,E k h a,l Ig ooct _-.-'c-- !o q ..- T,/ '. ..----..iT- :r ran r'ont !n rrrit Magnet power supply l=--:-::ll- ll -i r'lliiilllltlililt- t2 Oimensr on 5 in mm EMERGENCY RUN OOWN PUSH BUTTON .tl | 89.0 l I :.,.( rr'-, \ ::,.1t I I I I l I r$ to I I I I I I 7&.5 I AOVISE O PLACES : Eraminalron and 00erators roon EHER6ENCY Fin ished floor .-, Fr ont vrey .--..-- _ r:o - !!o _t20_ Left side viev wa ll Ot I I I I CtOrnat! Dt(hanr(all, (ouplad .l 6rro,tnt narnt,n?ffa(a (a! rr a r.t 6rldrrnr sn9111,1. g 13,r., tF .. c'ttnttont tn tttrradrent power supply cabinets I t%tn l= :: Fron I vrev ItI I I I I I Ip I I I I I I L!I T SEAVICL ART,A Top viev Computer Micro-VAXl5 1r: _ 0raa^ttol,l! In i|n Printer LA7516 t Fronl v rev t' I I t; I I t I t I I le l I I T I I lr l- I lr !r.a.!rontnrri O perator's Term inal-VT32017 Left sde vrew GT Fron I vrey t L H r-T--' Left ss6s ylgt - t00 rn^ _ 9t0 _ SeRv rC€ A ReA . C,i a^tro ^ r ,a '!il18 lmage processing Cabinet , ol 5 lll! l--lL-.-______s_ t-...t --r_ _-_J i\ !Eooi Front vrev f-IJ- -- '::-l :.- --'-''l tl -ll!-- , ?00 _ ?00_ iroo- SERVtcE. A IeA -. C,ne.t'onln ri 19 Data acquisition cabinet L€fl srde Yrer - )!c ' - lto - -l I .t I 0^ I h Qh .q Ra,1 il I t I t 20 RF Power amplifier I a,^ ,, ,'-^ .v tsrl nn n -870_ 160 ?30_ T Io I l t I t I Ir I I I I I I If I ' 0rntatron! ro riri2l -. Operator's Console h lh E E E ,h ",a,B h fr qh l I Fttt Top vier S€avrce AceA 0rtcntron! ta nr 3M Laser imager I Left srde vrev Laser printer 22 I II I I ':' PM I-16 With orocessor il LIttt It It I I I I I I l- f I PHI-16 Fron i vier Fronl vrer Left side viev - n: r 23 Multi-image camera PMI-16 PMIJO Fton l viey 'I ,, Topviel , I Lef I srde vrer >----T _>IE ;s Sarv'(f anc agt.ar,onat a(Ca!3 araa Multi-image camera PMI-10 --.....:-l_.=:-. 24 Front vie w 6ast ines @ -rav I I I i I I l :.l I I T I ool \tr I I I I SUPPt Y Reiurn I I f. I ol I Co mp r: ss cr f itit ng Yz'i'r. oufeF. DIAl{.T€R iuae---:,-3 I I I I I il :t1f il .i Pover cable To d ispl ac er electrical rece Ptacte 0im enston s tn mm Ciyo-.oot"r comPteslol 44 ll, ca 25 ot I E Itf f..-rtf, )- €lri:;q.:; :/i:. \./ ,'i; oo oo c)o3E a+o- To.o = I h .( tn trr n |- 4p aox (ti; T'l I I I q__+trllll-rI lr- -' J\ D tt tT llIt-an;? iaiF qfE35: I D mxo o o -l N? n oIaoo.' !lI CL o mtl at o e| o = ft n ci :-___+ r , s.sc+t oE l@E E l{ T'a o @! CFYOCOOLEF 6YFOSC^N t5 l-l II n- FI T T II I I * I I I I I I I F Icotl oc{ lnp c D P o 3 N=I>tnz >o ul t- rnc) z o floo- -<u,r.< t-a (/0Za m3 (n= -t- mx - z Hoz Doo- I rnrl-t = rfl 'z -{ |-til6',nz r =o f n f (oG .!o.|o ro to(Dto lD at 33 6at at c,zz att -. N o orlot. aa E - I f I t t QE .t I : It t 28a: VENTING SYSTEM I \TI I I I I I l I I I I I I I ?, ,l J\J->S rFtlt!.orr.a - 'i9.j l{tt t!?1 (n lut.l tL "tto" qrliu"to" { O F t tora (Fa ts. ,t latttaa arrt- 28b: VENTING SYSTEM DETAII- ts-3 I vt€x B-8 f lleflr srt SE :lt lEr I Ia" t I I e (, U FIGURE 28c: VENTING SYSTEM DETAIL A-A c0g (, 'a IJ.E t, -l c| o Ec 6 U| o G xt t6 C'u d Cl o,l it= ;!3i : EEe**iiE I iE?EEiieaE E,F = !r EE3,ri E:r;i s3-Eli ; r;i;? . ElE 3 a> '_1iE ,:2 E+ I T I 7e ;ii;i:; !:ii?ii iEii*:g =s g; E: -tE!eeli ; *lE iEi; ig.5 3 t : F' tJ-; I I I I I I 7=.-- ?.1:5 -=a :.l fl CI g=l .. cl . EI EI = .ct 6la xl ol -./g!l..E L-..i \i . \**-1 ql 6t (\l t3>z, -L,a.: >QJoEF*-<o IAQzo- I h0 =ttu attE (u o o Eo (tt (a an o x(u to(l (9 J' cti GT I 3 =I I ; t5> c.: >u6EF*-<o t/l tp '3 ; ,'\*i.'t1 I I I II I Ilr I l I I I I l \ srt B I I I I I I I I I ro I Gas exhaust system inside RF shielding30a lrf,€.roEo R00 Ht r0 rE pnortom 8Y nF-ClC€ SUPPLIEn a-A t rtU. E E t t r I I 3E t,... T I I I t V 0 0 0 U 0 0 V V 0 n€ sY'dlx liFi"F3,i.fl3i'*.Lll Fmi LIF? of J.crs 0intn:ront rn nr Magnet lifting and transpoft ^OJrJSt^a-E FEEriJsl 6€ n€tF^c?EoFof ?nar5P6l vJET lvEIGHT 2E00Kg 31 I lbI l' I ItI F Ir I l' F II I { ; I \- OETAlL C-2 t89.0) t4 = /oode virH oucl tl t SOoAn ttiTttoaT Oclc 7 Zephyr chiller ZEM 2500 C/CT ot oE ,.t T t t I I ^l -,l .-.;il w^rEi oul wllEn t{ All OUILEI ti:i;11, Jc qgooetln 1.(v. ro.t-/rlJ - 206 I bI i I I I I I C I I I I I I I ro I F I F I 5a" I I I \ \\ il2'l I I I I|_ I I rSirsi : .t) | iri 33 Quench pipe - 90. bend a