HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT E F VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 1993 SATELLITE DISH VARIANCE LEGALcCIP yFt[ t 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479 -2 I i I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 D e parnnent of C omnunity D eve lopme nt December 16, 1993 Mr. Dan Feeney Vail Valley Medical Center 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: A request for a variance from Section 18.58.320 to allow a satellite dish antenna, which exceeds the maximum allowable height above grade, to be located on the roof of the Vail Valley Medical Center, 181 West Meadow Drive/Lots E and F, Block 1, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Dear Dan: Enclosed is a copy of the minutes of the November 22,'1993 Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) meeting at which your variance request was approved. The attached copy of the meeting minutes will serve as your record of this approval. Please nole that the approval of this variance shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction is not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted has not commenced wilhin two years from the approval date (November 22, 1993). lf approval of this variance lapses, an application must be resubmitted lor reconsideration by the Community Development Department staff and the PEC. lf you have any questions or comments regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 303/479-2138. Sincerely, /1 . /- /*,o f*,..,"^6 Jim Curnutte Town Planner Enclosure l!=Rl F- eu&Fr$r!r- , ': ,:- t; r.! ir>. ...-, 3. A request for a variance to allow a satellite dish to exceed the height limitations.to_be located at the Va!l:V4ll6f Medical Oenter/1 8l,:West Meadow Drive/Lots E'& F; Vail' -' 1. '.r.Village 2nd FJling. : Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center represented by Dan Feeney Planner: Jim Curnutte Jim Curnutte presented the request per the staff memo' Dalton Williams made a motion to approve this request for a variance to allow a satellite dish to exceed the height limitations pef the staff memo with Jeff Bowen seconding the motion. Diana Donovan slated that she would like to see future additions of this type painted black instead of brown' A 7-0 vote approved this request with the two conditions specified in the staff memo. 4. A request for a minor amendment to SDD #5, Simba Run (Savoy Villas)iAn unplatted parcel located at 1100 North Frontage Road. Applicant: Simba Land CorporationMalid Said Planner: Mike Mollica Kathy Langenwalter stated that the PEC did not have a problem with the minor change ' in the building heights. Dalton Williams made a motion to approve the request for a minor amendment to SDD #5, Simba Run (Savoy Villas), specifically the minor changes in the buildings height, of tbe phase I and Phase ll buildings per the stalf memo with Jeff Bowen seconding this request. A 7-0 vote approved this request. 5. A request to relocate the helipad to the east end of the Ford Park parking lot located at 580 S. Frontage Road EasVan unplatted parcellocated between VailVillage 7th Filing and Vail Village 8th Filing and a portion of the l'70 right-of-way. Applicant: VailValleyMedicalCenter Pianner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO DECEMBER 13' 1993 Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this request until December 13, '1993 with Dalton Williams seconding this motion. A 7-0 vote tabled lhis item until December 13, 1993' Planning and Environmental Commisslon Minutes November 22, 1993 | *,,p r* n?nrt 3. A request for a variance to allow a satellite dish to exceed the height limitations to be located at the Vail Valley Medical Center/181 West Meadow Drive/Lots E & F, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: Vail Valley Medical center represented by Dan Feeney Planner: Jim Curnutte Jim Curnutte presented the requesl per the staff memo. Dalton Williams made a motion to approve this request for a variance to allow a satellite dish to exceed the height limitations per the staff memo with Jeff Bowen seconding the motion. Diana Donovan stated that she would like to see fulure additions of this type painted black instead of brown. A 7-0 vote approved this request with the two conditions specified in the staff memo' 4. A request for a minor amendment to SDD #5, Simba Run (Savoy Villas)/An unplatted parcellocated at'1100 North Frontage Road. Applicant: Simba Land CorporationMalid Said Planner: Mike Mollica Kathy Langenwalter stated that the PEC did not have a problem with the minor change ' in the building heights. Dalton Williams made a motion to approve the request for a minor amendment to SDD #5, Simba Run (Savoy Villas), specifically the minor changes in the buildings height, of the Phase I and Phase ll buildings per the staff memo with Jeff Bowen seconding lhis request. A 7-0 vote approved this request. 5. A request to relocate the helipad to the east end of the Ford Park parking lot located at 580 S. Frontage Road EasVan unplatted parcel located between Vail Village 7th Filing and Vail Village 8th Filing and a portion of the l-70 right-of-way. Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center Planner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO DECEMBER 13, 1993 Jeff Bowen made a molion to table this request until December 13, 1993 with Dalton Williams seconding this motion. A 7-0 vote tabled this item until December 13, 1993. Planning and Environmontal commlsslon Minuteg November 22. 1993 Ff[_[ MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department November 22, 1993 A request for a variance from section 18.58.320 to allow a satellite dish antenna, which exceeds the maximum allowable height above grade, to be located on the roof of the VailValley Medical Center, 181 West Meadow Drive/Lots E and F, Block 1, Vail Village 2nd Filing. #$P y TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Zoning: Setbacks: Applicant: Planner: Vail Valley Medical Center/Dan Feeney Jim Curnutte I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Dan Feeney, representing the Vail Valley Medical Center, is requesting a variance from Section 18.58.320 of theVail Municipal Code in order to locate a satellite dish antenna on the roof of the Vail Valley Medical Center. Mr. Feeney has stated that the satellite dish antenna is necessary for medical reasons, not for the purpose of providing commercial television service to the building. The antenna will be 6 feet in diameter and will be painted brown to match the color of most of the existing rooftop mechanical equipment currently located on the building's roof. The Medical Center is requesting the variance, to instail the satellite dish on the building's roof, in order to more effectively screen the antenna from the view of adjacent property owners. Section 18.58.320(D,3) of the Vail Municipal Code states: "The maximum height allowed for any satellite dish antenna, when measured from the top of the satellite dish antenna down to existing or finished grade' whichever is more restrictive, shall not exceed 15 feet." The total height of the proposed satellite dish antenna is 18 feet above the nearest finished grade location (6 foot satellite dish located on top of 12 foot high building). The applicant is requesting a 3 foot height variance in order to position the proposed satellite dish in such a manner that the top of the dish is 18 feet above finished grade. II. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS Public Use District The proposed satellite antenna will not be located in any ol the setbacks required in the Public Use District' Height:The maximum height of the Vail Valley Medical Center is approximately 53 feet. The satellite dish will be located on top of a one story portion of the building and have a maximum height, at the top of the proposed antenna, of 18 feet. III. VARIANCE CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of the Criteria and Findings, found in Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested height variance based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potentiai uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff Resoonse: The anlenna will be 6 feet higher than the flat portion of the Vail Valley Medical Center roof. The antenna will be positioned approxima:ely 30 feet back from the southern wall of the roof which will cause it to be screened from the view of pedestrians at ground level. The dish is additionally scr eened by nearby second story building walls. lt appears that the dish wiii not be visible from the Evergreen Lodge or Vail National Bank. At this location, ths satellite dish appears to be visible only from some residences along trorest, Beaver Dam and Rockledge Roads. The dish will be painted brown to b,end in with the color of most of the existing rooftop mechanical equipment located on top of the Vail Valley Medical Center. Some of the rooftop mechanical equipment, including that in the vicinity of the proposed satellite dish, have not yet been painted brown. We believe all the rooftop mechanical equipment should be painted =brown. Staff and the applicant discussed placing this dish at ground level, however, it was felt that the dish would be more visible at grade and would have a negative impact on the landscaped area of the property and adjacent pedestrian areas. 2. The degree to whlch relief from the strict and literal interpretation and en$orcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve ' compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the oblectives of this title without grant of special privilege. Statf ResPonse: lf the proposed satellite dish antenna were mounted on the ground, the applicant could meet the Town's criteria for antenna height. However, lhe proposed rooftop installation minimizes the impact on neighbors and the public by placing it in a location not readily visible, and screens the dish by using brown paint and surrounding building walls. Though rooftoo installations are not always desirable for satellite dish antennas, occasionally this approach provides the optimum method of screening the dish. This option has been approved in the past where impacts on adjacent properties are decreased. Staff believes that relief from the strict height requirement is warranted to minimize the visual impacts of the proposed satellite dish antenna on adjacent properties. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff Resoonse: Staff believes that PEC approval of the requested height variance will not have a negatiye effect on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. There will be no impact on public health, safety or welfare if the requested variances are granted. before orantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other propetties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable lo the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone' c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the requested satellite dish antenna height variance. Staff has examined the property and feels that, aesthetically, the roof of the Vail Valley Medical Center B. is the best location for a satellite dish antenna on the site. Staff believes that approval of the . requested variance would not be a grant of special privilege because the PEC has granted height variances for satellite dish antennas at other properties including The Lodge at Vail, The MarriotyRadisson, The Westin, The Sonnenalp Swiss Ghalet, when better screening has resulted. Staff also believes that granting the variance will not be detrimental to public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity and lhat the variance is warranted because the strict and literal interpretation of the regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by owners of other properties in the same zone districl. Staff recommends approval with the following conditions: 1. That the applicant paint the satellite dish antenna brown to match the color of the existing rooftop mechanical equipment on the Vail Valley Medical Center. 2. That all remaining rooftop mechanical equipment on the Vail Valley Medical Center be Painted brown. c:\Decvnemos\wmcl 1.22 uJ. o. ti IL ar -.r9 IIA t" tr "lli liijii iri voilvolley medicolcenter t66t ee Icorl,ruU 181 West lvleodow Ddrc, Suite 100 Voil. Colorodo 81657 (3O3) 476-2451 0ctober 22, L993 The Vail Val1ey Medical Center is requesting a variance to locate a satellite d'ish on the roof of its building. Siting the satellite dish at ground leve'l would result in the loss of either parking spaces or landscaping, neither of which should be acceptab'le to either the Town or the hospital. Conversely, locating the dish on the roof as proposed wi'l 'l result in an installation that does not impact parking or landscaping, and that is screened from view on the north, east and west by existing hospital construction. In addition, the dish will be far enough from the south edge of the building so that it will not be visib'le from South Meadow Drive. For all the above reasons, we believe the granting of a variance to be in the best interests of the Town at large, adjacent property owners, and the hospita'|. We have been unab'le to identify any adverse effects on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety. Roy McMohon Chief Execulive Ofiicer RS0OCI 2 2199r I. sed l0/5/92 This procedure variance, Theinformation is (- D. E. LOCATION BLOCK OF PROPOSAL: FILING lg ADDRESS s250.00 PArD l^I{ *BY THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMBNT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners ofall property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a list of their names and mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILI, BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A pre-application conference with a planninq staff member isstrongly suggested to determine if any additionalinformation j.s needed. No application will be acceptedunless it is complete (must include all items required bythe zoning administrator) . It is t.he applicantrsresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff to findout about additional submit,tal requirernenLs. ]]]. PLEASE NOTE THAT A EQIqPIETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLTNE THE APPROVAL PROCESS TON VO-ffi PNOJBCT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. AI.L CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMTTTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVBD. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 1. The relationship of the requested variance toother existing or potentiaL uses and structures inthe vicinity. Applicati o" o^t" (T 1{073 PEC MEETING DATE FOR A VARIA}ICE for any project requesting a wilt not be accepted unLil aII ADDREss /8/ tt"fnrflmct DP. t)DtL, C0 6Kf? pHoN'. q2q'7A2/ B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS 'gW paoNnJJS2l2/__ NAME OF OWNER (S) ADDRESS A.NAME OF APPLICANT owNER(S) (r SIGNATURE ( APPLICATION is required application subnitted. PHONE LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN: to'r(fF - / t-u rr TJ o ul2 Fq) lll, I ,'"-1 <-- t,nn Review Action Fln TOWN OF VAIL 5- ,,r, ot'"r\7/t/qz Project Name:VVuc <-{o L(r{", 4,;[Category Number Building Name: Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: f ArchitecvOontact, Address and Phone: /t)/.+ Legal Description: Lot F* F Block 1-Subdivision zone District PUO ProjectStreetAddress: I e cro.L\"{ Motion by:/t t, ADog++ Seconded ov: A- kf n( V{pprovat ! Disapproval n StaffApproval Condilions: o"", lzr,/r/aS DRB Fee Pre-paid a PUBLT. No'cE Ffl' t c{lP Y NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board will be reviewing the following application on October 20, 1993, in the Town ol Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for a satellite dish to be located at the Vail Valley Medical Genter, 181 West Meadow Drive/Lots E and F, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's otfice during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on October 1, 1993. o ADDRESS SAW 5({ [:rrnc{/€D nppr icutiPo ^r" /2 sW V! ztr tgss I. Procedures..for-app]ying for a satellite dish antenna are outlined inurdrnance f9 0f 1995. oetails of these procedures are avai'lable fromthe Department of. conmunity Deveiopment._ nppiicants are encouraged tocontact.the Department of Conrnunity Deve'lopinlnt for additionai iiiJrritionconcerning submitted requests, review critlria, and the app.ovai piil;;:' DRB I4EETIIIG DATE APPLICATION FOR A SATELLITE DISH ANTENNA A. NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS /8/ A, ilEAM"., DP- UllL,CO Frcr? pnone {?7'?1?1 LEGAL DEscR rnrcn /.4 Ftftt)e, LorS F l F B. NAI4E 0F AppLTcANTS REPRESENTATTUES aN F{ELE/ euow l?9-)12/ C. NME OF Ot.lN SIGNATURE List of names and property inc'l udi ng mailing addresses. addresses. ses of all property behind The applicant property adjacent to the subject and accross streets and theiris responsible for correct mailing D. As 0UTLINED IN ORDINANCF {9,-l9g!, l{orlFIcATrON oF ADJACENT pRopERTyg!yl!!!t Is REQUIRED PRIoi io'REirii iii'nirv AppLrcATrons By THE DEsrcNREVIE}| BOARD. FOR THIS. REN9gH, iIiNNLEIt APPUICRTIONS MUST 8E SUEMITTEDTO THE DEPARTHENT OF COI'IilUNlii'OiVETOFIIENT 2I DAYS PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULEDDESiGN REVIEI,I BOARD MEETING. voilvolley medicolcenter 181 West Meodow Drive, Suite 100 Voil. Colorodo 81657 (30,3) 476-2451 September 27, 1993 The Vail Va11ey Medical Center requests approva'l to insta]l a satellite dish on the roof of its building. The proposed dish will be 6 feet in diameter, and will be located on a flat roof one story above grade. The satellite dish will be screened from view on the north, east and west by existing hospital construction. In addition, the dish wi'l 'l be far enough from the south edge of the building so that it will not be visible from South Meadow Drive. See attached site plan. Sincerely, Dan Feeney Facil ities Roy McMohon Chief Executive fficer revised 914/9L DRB APPI.ICATION.- TOYIN OF VMI,, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: COIPR,ADO Rtc'D sEP 2? lnt **r******* IEIS APPLTCATION WII,L NOT BE ACCEP'IED UNIII., AllL REQUIRED INTORIIATION IS SI'B!{ITIED********** I.PROJECT INFORMAT]ON: A. DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF c. D. ew Construction ($200. OOI -[lainor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision r,ot {4 F wgzy!_EL/tE_ If property is described bydescription, please provide attach to this application. a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and F. G. E. ZONING: tOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing NAI'{E OF APPLICANT I Vfll\ APPLICANT' S RE PREsENrArrvr: ?DrJ FF ft,W Address: FEE$ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200 .00 $400.00 $500 .00 applicant must provide a currentLot area. NAII{E OFMailing K. I. NAI,IE OF *SIGNATURE (S) :Mailing Address: Condoninlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEEi DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlne of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applylng for a building permit, please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal . lhe Town of Vailwill adjust the fee according to the tabl"e below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. Pgg PUO: S FEE SCHEDUTE: VALUATIONI o - $ 10,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 s150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,00L - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 * DESIGN RE\'IIEW BOARD APPRO\TAI. EXPIRES ONE YEAR EFEER FII{AI, E.PPRO\IAI I'NLESS A BSII.DING PERMIT IS ISSUED Al{D CONSTRUCTTON IS STARTED. **NO SPPIJICATION WILL BE PROCESSED WXTSOI'T OI{NER' S SIGNATT'RE 1 Mailing Address: Phone II.'t A pre-application meeting wit.h a member of the planning ? staff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication information is needed. ft is the applicantrsresponsibility to make an appointment vrith the staff todetermine if there are additional submittal reguirenents.Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline theapproval process for your proJect. III. IMPORTA}IT NOTICE REGARDTNG AI,L SUBMTSSTONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal reguirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, buiJ.ding lines and buildingcorners. All trees to be removed must be taped. Allsite tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The revielr process for NEW BUILDINGS normally reguirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approvaL and a final approval. Applieants should plan on presenting their development proposal ata minimum of tlro meetings before obtaining final approval . C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket untif such time as the item has beenrepublished. D. The following J.tems may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the CornmunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addition proposals not visible from anyother lot or public space. At the time such aproposal is submitted, applicants must includeLett,ers from adjacent property owners and/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a napped hazard area (i.e. Bnow avalanche, rockfalL, flood plain, debris flow,uetland, etc), a hazard study nust be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a buil.ding perrnit. Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town plannerprior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to all napped hazards. F. For all resldentlal construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insidefaee of the exterior st.ructural walls of thebuilding; andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. G. If DRB approves the application with condit,ions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must, beresolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. v PRE-APPLICATION MEETING : I LIST OF MATERIALS N}.!,TE OF PRO.]ECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTIOII: l-,OfZ4 29 prua6 STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The following information is required for subnittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF IIATERIAL COLOR Roof Siding Other $Iall Materials Fascia Soffits lf indows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: B. PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Conmon Name Ouantitv Size* *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.Minirnum caliper for height for coniferous EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED trees. Indicate PLANT MATERIil: Botanical Name ConrnonYame Ouantitv gize-- PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimun size of shrubs is5 qallon. gJE Square Footaqe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: rf exterior lighting is proposed, please show the nunber of fixtures and Locations on a separateLighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height abovegrade and type of light proposed. D. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retai.ning wal}s, fences, swimmingpoofs, etc.) Please specify. Indicat.e heights of retainingwaLls. Maximum height of wa11s within the front setback is3 feet. Maximum height of walLs elserdhere on the propertyis 5 feet. \ N('\1 He\+- 2+ i. voilvolley medicolcenter 181 West Meodow Drive, Suite 100 Voil. Colorodo 81657 (3O3) 47C2451 Colorado Department of Highways 222 South Sixth Street Grand Junction, co 81501 Donna Meyer P.O. Box 539 Vail, CO 81657 Neil G. and Barbara S. Bluhn 90o N. Michigan Ave.; Suite 1900 Chicago, IL 81557 Ronald A. and Kristine S. Erickson 5123 Lake Ridge nd. Mineapolis, MN 55436 UNB Building CO. c/o Hanover Reality 600 S. cherry St.; Suite 1115 Denver, Co 80222 Otto Lindberg Wiest Cadmus 281 Bridge StrretVail, CO 81657 c/o Brandus Morgan D. Jr. and Cathrine E. Douglas t42 W. Meadow Dr. Vail, co 81657 H. Benjamin Duke Jr. 5550 S. Steele st.Littleton, CO 80121 Rov McMohon Chief Execulive Otficer voilvolley medicolcenter Irving J. and 19oo E. cirard Englewood, CO 181 West tt/eodow Drive, Suite 100 Voil, Colorodo 81d57 (303) 47C2451 Carol J. Shwayder PLace 702 80110 Mervin Lapin 232 W. Meadow Dr.Vail, Co 81657 H.F. Kepner, A.D. Haley, M. Martz, E R Hol.maD, M. Beaurgard 5245 Yellowstone Littleton, co 80123 Colva Co. N.V. clo Century 2L at Vail Box 611 Avon, CO 81620 James V. King Jr. 11931 l{ickchester Lanel Suite 401 Houston, TX 77043 Caleb B. and Maryan F. Hurtt 272 W. Meadow Dr. Vail, Co 81657 Town of Vail c/o 75 Sout FrontageVail, co 81657 Finance Department Road Roy Mclvlf,hon Chief A€cuti\€ Otficer The Evergreen Lodge voilvolley medicolcenter 250 South FrontageVail, CO 81657 Meadow vail Place 44 W. Meadow Dr.Vail, CO 81657 Vail Fire Department 42 W. l,leadow Dr.Vail, co 81657 181 \ rs6t ireodoh/ Drirre. Sulfe l(D Voil, C,olorodo81657 (3o3) 4762451 Roy ti4cirohon Chbf &ecuthe Offioer r FtLr copy TOWN OFVAIL 75 Soutb Frontage Rood Vail, Colorado 81657 3 0t -47 9-21 t I / 47 9 -2 1 t 9 D epartment of Commanity D eaelopment November 16, 1992 Wendell E. Haley 5245 Yellowstone Liltleton, Colorado 801 23-1423 RE: Vail Valley Medical Cenler request for installation of two satellite dish antennas Dear Mr. Haley: ln response to your recent letter to the Vail Trail, concerning the Vqil Valley Medical Cente/s request for a variance to install_bryosatellite dish antennas, I thought I would try to respond to some of your concerns. I am the planner who is working with the Medical Center on the variance. Lynn Johnson, president of Tri-County Cablevision, has requested variances to install two 8' foot diameter fiberglass satellite dish antennas on the roof of the Vail Valley Medical Center. The antennas will be located on the north side of the building's roof, near the parking structure, and will be painted brown to match lhe building. 'The Vail Munlclpal Code cunently allows the installation of one satellite dish anlenna on any property in Town. This allowance is contingent upon Design Review Board (DRB) consideration to ensure that the visibility of the antenna, from any public right-of-way or adjacent property, be reduced to the highest degree possible. Mr. Johnson is requesting a variance from the Code in order to allow two anlennas on the property. He has indicated that, unlike residential satellite dish antennas, commercial dishes cannot be moved. One dish must be continuously pointed at the satellite which otfers the major network channels, and one dish must be continuously pointed at another satellite which offers the various cable stations. There are dual beam feed antennas which can receive two salellites that are as much as 8e apart in the sky, however, he two most popular satellites mentioned above are 12e apart. A second variance is being requested in order to place the antennas on the roof of the building. The code states that the maximum height allowed for a satellite dish antenna is 15'. Mr. Johnson has requested the rooftop location in order to maximize screening and minimize visibility. The above mentioned variance requests were scheduled for review by the Planning and Environmental Commission on November 9, 1992 (variance requests must be approved belore proceeding to the DRB). However, due to delays in reaching a service agreement with "t Page Two November 16, 1992 Haley the Medical Center, the variance applications have been tabled indeflnitely. lf the applicant decides to proceed with this project, I will be sure to contact you with the date of the public mssting. In the meantime, if you have any additional concems or comments, pleass feel free to contiact me directly at 479-2'138. Slncerely, /^ffi Jim Curnutte Town Planner cc. File Town Council TOI9N OFVAIL Resldeot luput /Inqulre Respouse Record ' Tte attac-hed co-rr"'ents were receatly recelved by tbe Towa of VaiI. We' eacoutage VatI resideuts a!.d guests to glve us such tnput a.nd we strlve for tiMCIY TCS9ONSC. PI,EASE ADDRESS TIIESE CONCER}TS INTHIN ITID IYOREHG DAY-S AT{D RETI'RN THIS COMPLETED FORM TO CAROLIITE FISHER OR PAM BR.6,I{DMEAER. -A.r DEPARTUENT TO HA|TDLE rrtgrJFtT wtLlttluLrtl wtJ0l,6!.tilU*,/ , -d-,, , \ rNDrwDUAr, To rrA.trDLE wg:ny 4w-1il4. Q,ilr. - lttis (t-t4 d W*+g**.,ffi-fiu4ta4'tv*' DATE oF REcErvrNc rn?ur/rilgurRyATTov /.&.?l-. f&ll,.o?(, 'l*49 w,aru-34rt^.,'t',u+qy!*, XAlJfuf 0a'd'0'YLt4 'Wa t1,TEE OF DIPUT/INQIIRY: \ ( PIIOIIE CA.LL (Lodtcate date)_ LETTER lartacbed,) 7 'tlV^L Lfl.jt, RESPONSE CARD (sttsched) Il^0tL TEE OF RISPONSE (check one]: LETTER (rttach copy)_ PIIOND CAltr (indicate date)_ BRIEF sUMMARY OF RESPONSE OR ANSWER TO rN$UrRY: DATE RESFONSE FORM RETI'RIIED BYDEPARTMEIN TO CAROLDTE ORPAM A copy of tlrlr laqulry aad form rinatn on 8lc rt tbc TOV Couounlty Rcladons Odtcc. Ar soon as tblr form ls rcturaed to'Crroll'ue or pr,u. thfr bqufrt wtU bc cousldered clo.cd. TIIAM{YOUFORYOURTIMELYzuIiIDLIIIGOFTTIISISSI'E.IFYOUIIAVEAIIYgUDSTIONS, PLEA-EE FSBI FREE TO COIfTACT CAROLIITIE FISHER 479.21T5 OR PAI}I BRAIIDMHTER AT 479-2tt3. o . own a place directlY across the street from the mecli' cal center and can testifY iii6 the treatment accorded it bY the environmental commission vear in and vear out. lVendell E. HaleY Vai; ./ P.S. Several years ago ildn- we protested increasing{r-he adilitions to the medical ceoter, we were told that;':Wegt Illeailow Drive would betlosed to local traftic onlY. lVas this to pacify us or what? ..' ' . .'i; "- | ( *7s-tL \-ca'" 'c +'[,8/'}ee ({ ^*""TJ:s +l*lC + $n,L, o . TOWN OFVAIL Resident Inout/Inqulr Rcsponse Record ' The attac-hed cornltents were receotly recelved, by the Towu of.Yall. \[e' er;couta{c Vall resideats sod guests to glve us such input aa,d se strlve for tlnely re4rons e. PLEASE ADDRESS TEESE CONCERI{S I9ITIII}I fTgE WORENG DA:'S AXD RETUR}I TIIIS COMPLEfED FORM TO CAROLIIIE FISIIERORPAM BRAI{DMIEER. DEpARTT4ENT TO ra{r.rDLE WgVEtZ_(bttItrUuUtu $ TL4TTDLE rNeurRy 1twlnlp <Wta/ - [uis (ullt wg4ww - &/LtLt*A+r . I}TDTWDUAT TO DATE OF TY?E OF I\I?UT/INQUIRY: PIIOIrE CAIL (trdtcate date) RESP4$SE CARD (attacbed) LETTER (artacheo-a * V,/- tN*/16@\r-Z-7-'' FscErvINGnIPUr/INgutRY n tov tl'U'q )'' wbnl-L"'4i w,'ty ttPE OF RISPONSE fcbeck onel: LEfTER (attacb copy) . PIIOLE CAIL (tqdlcate date) . BRIEF SUMMARY OF RESPONSE OR ANSWER TO rN$UrRY: DATE RESPONSE F.OR}T RITURNED BYDEPARTMEIIT TO CAROLL\E ORPAIYI A copy of tlrls lnqulry aad fora riaub otr ltlc rt tlc TOV Qerrrrrrnnlly llgfuttoos O6tcc. .As soou ar thlr form ls rcturaed to'Crrollae or pam, thts tnqufrty[l bc constdcrcd doacd. TTIAMI YOU tlR YOURTTMELYIIANDLTNG OFTITIS ISSLE. IFYOUTTAVE AIITgLESTIONS, PLEA-EE TEBI FREE TO COI{TACT CAROt,tr{E FISHER 479.2115 OR PAM BRAITDMEYER AT 479-2113. is another request bY the deili- I cal center for another variance of some sort, anil I wish that l some daY the environrnen'tbl i commiss'ion would bite the i builet nnd 6aY no to this monster. ": ' We orvn a Place directlY across the street from thamdili' cal center anil can testifY i! to the treatment accorileil it bY the environmental commission 1'ear in ancl lrear out. \Yandell E' IIaleY Iv4i . ,.-.i I....,"i_. I P.S. Several Years ago *lsn i we protesteil increasing'the I iJaiii.i" t" trrtmedical cloten we we!€ tolil thai;::Wegt Ivteadow Drive would be tloseil to local traflic onlY- lVas this to pacify us or wha!? .." . : i:'.: J- " : Co-(L f4n*) C + 5.L€-;€ +&'e'Y These dishes are uglier than ugly and everY eflort slrould.,S -lie to camouflage them ,b:i using canvas or sorne'gt{er s66\ t [$lrtll"l october 27, L992 Town of Vail Environmental Commi ss ion Vail Municipal Buildingvail, co 81658 Gentlemen: RE: Item #5 Variance This letter is in reference to the request ofvariance to a1low two satellite dishes to be locatedat the Vail Valley Medical eenter, 181 East (?) Drive,Lots E and F, Block 1, Second- FiLinq. I am very much opposed to the continued installationof satel-l-ite dishes at the Vail Valley Medieal Center,whether it be located at 181 East Meadow Drive or 181 West Meadow Dri-ve. f would like to know the size of these dishes and where they propose to install thern (i.e., atopthe hospital, parking lot, the color) and if the requestis granted., to prohibit any additional installations. These dishes are uglier than ugly and every effortshould be made to camouflauge them kry using canvasor some other means. It seems that every year there is another requestby the Medical Center for another variance of some sort, and f wish that some day the Environmental Conmission tuould bite the bul-let and say no to this monster. We own a place directly across the street fromthe Medical Center and can testify as to the treatmentaccorded it by 'r.he Environmental, Commission year in and year out. Yours very tru1y, Wendell E. Haley 252 WesL Meadow DriveVai1, Co CC: P.S Vail Trail Several years ago when ve protested increasing the additions to the Medical Center, ve were told thatwest Meadow Drive would be cl-osed to loca1 traffic only. Was this to pacify us or what? oU|-Fl c V) '?ro1' ..{ F{ E.HE5ogl C)Ft @Fl tdrOHdp](o H {J .'-{ F{ '< c u@> O '.1E gotu g 5()ooELtr2-A-t-lB >.-r--lOtr.d.dErt{>> , lslCAc C\J <=t c)'() E # UL 'ra'ri_---' l.lOV 6 '9e 1e:15Ffl ]^IAVE-BIGTH II.E. -vfrl-Coun Cablevlsion November S, L992 Town of VaiI Planning Commission Attn- Jim Curnette 75 South Frontage Road VaiI Colorado 81657 Dear Jlm { if\ Tri-County cablevislon wolrld I i ke to htrrr th; varlancs sppllcatlon for the Vbil Hedicel C€nter Eabled rt this rine. The roasons for the postponement arc r-he pcnding chlngc In thE Town Ordinanco and delays in reaching an agre€ment that uill pork for boLh the l{edical Center and the Evergreen Lodgc. I feel tha! this wiII eventually come to fruition and at Lhat tinc hopefully the Ordinance will be changed to allow two satalllte antennes. ThisutlI save both of us time. I would like Lo bc ct the Council meeting when Lhey take up the second antanna issue '-t--o-fielp explain. I also think that the heisht varLarcc le m'eanL for eround mounls and the ordinance should also be chrnged to requirethe hcleht for ground mount,s only. I am enclosins Lhe drawlng of the Sonnenalp wtth th€ lnformation you have requested- I have installed one antennt on tho roof for everyone to look at. I hop€ to have the second on; up by noon on Tuesday November 9th for revue. A larger antrnaa ls naeded forthe Denver satellite because it is an old rnd ncek satollitewhile the cable satellite ie lese lhan one 'rear old and is vcrystrong. If you need more lnformation pleese eall ne at 690-1046. P.? Preside zto B. Pceos Strect . Dcnvcr, CO 6022$ . Ph. (SOEI 68!.0llt r fga {3O8) 696.91t1 THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Gode of the Town of Vail on November 9, 1992, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town ol Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a variance from Section 18.58.32 to allow two satellite dishes to be located at the Sonnenalp/Swiss HauV82 E. Meadow Drive/Lot K, Block 5E, Vail Village First Filing. A request for a setback variance to allow a residence and a garage to be constructed in the front setback located at Lot 2, Block 3, Lions Ridge Subdivision, Filing Number Three/1873 Lions Ridge Loop. A request tor a conditional use to allow a bed and breakfast to be conducted at 1450 Buffer Creek Road/Lot 2, Clitfside. A request for variances for wall height and site coverage to allow the development of three single family residences located on Lols 7,8, and 9, Block B, Vaif Rldge/2662, 2672,2682 Cortina Lane. M Alfirtrl 2. 3. 4. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Johannes Faessler Ned Harley Andy Knudtsen David Cole Shelly Mello Hans Weimann Tim Devlin 5. A request for a variance from Section 18.58.32to allow two satellite dishes to be + located at the Vail Valley Medical Center/l8| E. Meadow Drive/Lots E and F, Block 1, Second Filing. 6. A request for a work session with the Planning and Environmental Commission and to discuss the establishment of a Speclal Development District, a CCI exterior alteration, a minor subdivision, a zone change and an amendment lo View Corridor No. 1 for the Golden Peak House, 278 Hanson Ranch RoacULots A and B, Block 2, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Vail Valley Medlcal Genter Jlm Curnutte Golden Peak House Condominium AssociationNail Associates, Inc-/G PH Partners, Ltd./Ivlargaritaville, lnc. Mike Mollica Oscar Tang Andy Knudtsen 7. A request for a joint work session with the DRB and PEC for an exterior alteration and setback variance for the Vail Lionshead Center Building located at Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filing\520 East Uonshead Circle. ADJACEI{T PROPERTIES BORDERING VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Lot #Z Vail professional Building(Vail Nationat Sanij '-"' 1910 pacific nve. *1ZOODallas, TX 75201 2 Doubletree 250 South Frontage RoadVail, C0 81657 - D Mr. Ron Anderson (The Skall House)7Zl penn Holton, Kansas 66436 4 Mr. Richard Eddy (lteadow Vail)50gS S. Fairfax-Litt'leton, C0 80lZl 5 Mr. genjamin Duke 5550 S. Steele StreetLfttleton, c0 80121 6 l,lr. Irving J. and Mrs. Carol J. Schwayder5910 Happy Canyon Drive--'" Eng'lewood, C0 -g0l10 Morgan Davisp.0. Box 476Vail, C0 gt65g 7 l'lervyn Lapi n 232 l,lest l,leadow Drive Vai l, C0 91657 I H.F. Kepner 5161 Juiriper- :ii'3:frllrcalva corporation Litileton, C0 80123 p0 Box 611 Avon, C0 81620 9 James u. King, ,Jr. clib B. & Mary Ann Hurttc/o Kross.peiroleum, Inc. iiios-iuL',iloise court900 Threadneellg, srlite-oso poior.il-r,io"-Ioas+ Houston, TX 77\ig 10 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Rd. t.l.Vail, C0 91657 - Tract 1l Town of VailA 75 South Frontage Rd. l,l.Vail, C0 81657- ,I -L S (( a o-Q. tlu-l- 6 f.r ,\e-'1/-2 Y\-*:&,/ p,arkjng demands:of:the existing hospital facility as well'as'tthis proposed hospital expans i on . "--i'lS,[ In order to help the Hospital meet jts parking requirements pursuant to l-/' this Agreement, the,Town hereby agrees to'l ease to the Hosp'i tal the portion of Lott ,.10, Vail Village Second Filing, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. The parties ,"fefl! r Tri - County C ablevision Lynn Johnson 240 South Pccos Strcct Denver, Colorado 80223 (303) 698-1048 FAX (303) 698-928s Appricatjon?^t" 7 - /l' ?l- I. Procedures..for_applying-for a satellite dish antenna are ouilined inOrdinance #9 of 1985. -Details of these procedures are available fromthe Department of.conmunity Developnrent._ nppricants i"e encou"aged tocontact.the Department of Conrnunity Developinbnt for additionii-iiioriitionconcerning submitted requests, review criteria, and the app"ouai"pr;;;;:" DRB MEETING DATE APPLICATION FOR A SATELLITE DISH ANTENNA A. NAME OF APPLICANT.//1 ADDRESS t./ rl( 4t I PHlNE F,'lLEGAL DESCRIPTION B. NAI4E OF APPLICANTS REPJESENTATI VES(t rauar fO ADDRESS c. NME 0F ot.lNER(S) SIGNATURE D. List of names and addresses of all property adjacent to the subjectproperty including property behind and accross streets and their mailing addresses. The applicant is responsible for correct mailing addresses. i.e< "/P | ; c**'' on' Rctr a nal "/ ion"( ux 7-1'n'.'f l , A, &" . ";L+io^ /(2) t F+ f ; t*f 7 (o" a.of.^)adr i'i;^*l a- rcta,f.[, b" il rl i nq i.", Jlo" k b ro,,,n, T, h. (r\ov^].!' ner'l- 6o'bro-n tt"ll h n\r'^im)ze. risihil;{f . //on /-n<.{no*;o7f o of rnou n"f€ -1" bt us,9. . -91n/h awk*+a c*u1 l^ +"^rLury','/;'f wrurrd.oy' o"l,''+k rdW to"n ,f lf ,y;ry L.'.f Q fl ('. B"ri /o.",|,i- r r -\ 5-vr- r/<(4(nq pt/ y ltv €o" /t1| ^ i mn n tis,'L i /; {y {" l< rtnJ . As OUTLINED IN ORDINANCF {g,-!99!, tt0TIFIcATIoN 0F ADJACENT pR0pERTy OWNERS IS REQUIRED PRIOR iO'NEi'iEi iJF'NIIV APPLICATIONS BY THE DESIGNIEVIF! BOARD. FOR THIS REIIqN, qONFLTTi NPPITCNTIONS MUST BE SUBMITTEDT0 THE DEPARTMENT or cor"rruruniiV'oiveroFnEnr zi-oni5-pnrrin-io"trE ScHEDULEDDESIGN REVIEI,I BOARD MEETING, 75 loulh fronlaEc road vell, coloredo 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 To: Satel'lite Dish Applicants From: Departrnnt of Cormunity DevlopmentRe: Review Criteria and Approval Process otflce ol communlly developmont The review process for any applicat'ion for the installation of a satellite dish antenna begins with a staff review by the Department of Community Development. Compliance with the foiliiwing requirenents 'is necessary before any application is fonararded to the Des'i gn Revieur Board: 1. Complete application consisting of the following: .al conrpleted satelljte dish application form and material listb) Completed Design Review Board appliCationc) S'ite p'lan showing proposed location of the satelljte dish antennad) Description of the satel'lite dish antenna (i.e. size, design, materials, etc. )e) Color sample (if applicable)f) Landscape plan (if appljcable)9) An improvement location certifjcate and/or a preliminarytitle reporth') Elevations, perspectives.or renderings if deemed app'l icable by the staff of the Cormunity lhvelopment Department No nore than one (1) satellite d'ish antenna sha'll be allowed on any1ot as delineated on the official Town of Vajl zoning map. The maximum height allowed for any satellite dish antenna, when measured from the top of the sate'l lite dish antenna down to existing or finished grade, whichever is nnrerestrictive, shall not exceed l5 feet. The maximum size of any satel'l ite dish antenna installed for use by a single residence or business shall be limited to 9 feet in diameter. Satellite dish antennas serving mu1ti-family dwellings shall be limited to a maximum of 12 feet in diameter. 4. :ij"lil:;,31' f,^ltl""" ;il:'|,*r terr a 5. lto advertising, logos or identificat'ion shall be al lowed on any satel I ite d'i sh antenna. 6. Satellite djsh antennas shal'l comply with the ex'istinS setback requirements of the zone district in which the satel'l i te 7, Due to the special aesthetic importance of the core areasof the Town, exterior insta'l Iations of satelIite dish antennas in Cornmercial Core areas I and II shall be permitted onlyif screened by some type of enclosing structure. Said structures required to enclose a satellite dish antenna in these areas shall comply with all applicable zoning regulations and shal'l be architectural ly compatible with the existing structure. It should be noted that variances may be granted to any provis'ions outlined above (Nunrbers 2-7) and in Section 18.58.320 D of Crdinance 9, 1995. Applications in compliance with these requirements sha'l I be foruarded to the Design Review Board. Guidelines utiljzed in thjs review are as follows: 1. A'l I wiring and cable related to a satellite dish antenna shal l be installed unerground. 2. The use of mesh antennas is h'i ghly encouraged because of their ability to be more sensitively integrated on a site or structure. 3, The use ofappropri'atecolors shall be required to prov'ide for a more sensit'ive installation when integrating a satellite dish antenna onto a site or structure. Color selection for a satellite dish antenna should be rnade with respect to specific characteristics on a site or structure. Unpainted surfaces and sate'l 'l ite dish antennas with reflective surfaces shalI not be allowed. 4. Locations of satellite dish antennas shalI be made so as to ensure that the satellite disir antenna is screened from view from any pubf ic right-of-vray or adjacent property to the highest degree possible. In additjon to effective site planning, screening a satel ljte djsh antenna may be accomplished through the use of'l andscap'ing materjals, fencing, existing structures, sub,-grade placements or other means that both screen the satellite Cish antenna and do not appear unnatural on the sjte. D :i:"11il,3i'!,"l:311 "'li;""ill.Ex cri ter Satellite dish antennas on or attached to existing structuresshall be permitted provided the satellite dish aniennais architecturally integrated into the structure. Effective use of color shal'l be required to ensure compatibility between the satel'l ite dish antenna and existing structure. The use of a mesh nnterial shall be strongly encouraged when attempting to integrate a satellite dish antenna onto an existing structure. Landscaping or other site improvements intended to screen asatellite dish antenna proposed on any application shall be completed prior to the issuance of a building permit toinstall a satel'lite dish antenna. A 'letter of credit equalto L25% of the costs of installing landscaping or site improvements may be submitted to the Town of Vail if seasonal weather conditions prohibjt the jnstallation of landscapingor site improvements. A1l improvements required by the Design Review Board for the purpose of reducing the visibility of satelljte dish antennas shall remain in place so long as the satellite dish antennas remain in place unless permission to alteror remove said improvements is obtained from the Design Review Board. All satellite d'ish antennas and all improvements required by the Design Review Eoard to reduce the visibilityof satellite dish antennas sha'll be adequately maintained and repaired and shal'l not be allowed to become dilapitated or fall into a state of disrepair. Upon final approval'from the Design Review Board, applicants must obtain a bui'lding permit prior to the installation of any satellite dish antenna. 5. 6. 7. >t! o ^= * 5 \S/U^ tj 16 J E oz =)om Jg LLo o F LR (9z =tr ozo() UJa () If-=c o J= Foo- J LrJt-K; 6= E,= lrJ -Fz, L!o 00 CE o<F lrJ O 'JZEob F () FIEF :< ot'sevrrJZt9ir .:;<65; | )'- '?,'+ /+ 'r, .-) *oa- 6 - trJJ LrJRF I tu):xzas r--_--ltrlttJtl z2 of '-l- n- bE-12 goz. =L'rtc,(\J zLr o <$ u.l() (9qz)ih. sE n o lrJ nd lO<t F(}: J Zb| let/?" lpH€jlf..'fA Ca,laT?$dnert Y AeF yle.y|vF''AJFtLi LNIaN , beg AeF 2F 26LA '--?tJ 1 !l -qZL t& ?,\-rcH bUlu]r'v? koar loHATAIv*tb'l' q2fANPlNO q9*^n afg^v ^eaFl\a LXtLz'rNO \ae. -bLrau) -WwHa?auI (a 4?r I e+-t extqilH6<4fi n \s _$s l$ \l -t s stj ul u,IM t, qfl-Ac2H nN C2HAI-i 1s'ww€@ FF?I{.!9rl -{aeexaa-F-p-u14t Hl " ia I Hr6H @ FKzNf :flM r./'o" fAItrrO F@K ?LCA %Lo?L? dLF\zlt'-/.6, sr = ts -\ 'in -(\ -o 4 l, nacrnnt 6 u LAK C o?,Auc,{ €E A oo;,{ c2 "a:-rf^ y( yl, al io +Pvxbq pru. Zn-a.ctFt PA! ?l-lAu' w ?o"',,ua.:6 tr'.tt wrr,e @FkONT, "',iH ato?h fAPgRlNC2 FKat4 4"'HLtou /.-, e,tcv-.i2 fi bletaHf AT F('AN'I ' zr)-otl rt.d oo -(r, 6 Fa UJF 6v Etlq.* - .S8|{ Yz d) *o r6 ea g EH$$ HHgE FHEf, ERHX @zotr ffi6trozJUi -tZ<uJ9E fia>H il= -+ lrJ s6 *s>m6aoIL Fzfo =I ; ozFq) tl,l ozg E o-rE 'l'tr.^-z---->2lrj I lt-o - rrJ J o6ut l3 :_i dn | | rooHl3 vrro ttootf JOOU'|3AVHO o UJJ(, =? .lt ,v voilvoffi 181wesrr"il'oil.**,oo IVf medicolcenterkcr tt/j,.\ *'?ff4.:1ff1 ]nter ilt.-D 1/lgt"{ n n"o".ff-'o" Wz^W,^ilaattt o, p* iu: 2 o *s U July 2O, L992 lIs. Shelly MeIIo Town of Vail - Corununity 75 South Frontage Rd.Vail, CO AL657 Dear Shelly: We are presently developing plans to relocate our laboratory,medical records departrnent, and part of our business office, allwithin existing hospital space. The changes will allos for a moreefficient flos of patients and staff. Relocation of the laboratory will reguire installation of a sna1lair handler on the roof of the west wing, as shown on the attachedplan and elevation views. The dinensions of the unit are 94rW x 168rrl-, x 88rrH. Please review Sheet A-2, showing plan and elevation vierars . Relocation of these three hospital departnent will reguire that the business office be temporarily relocated, until its new space isready. We are requesting approval to locate a 20 foot x 1OO foottemporary building in the parking lot, innediately west of the ambulance garagJe, as shown on the attached site plan. We will needthe module frorn August 15 to Novernber 15, L992 The nodule wiII occupy eight existing parking spaces. In view ofthe fact that our rroff-seasonrr parking reguirernents arehistorically only two-thirds of our requirenents during the skiseason, hre feel that this rnodul.e wilI not create a parking shortage. As per our telephone conversation on JuIy 15, please include thesetlvo items with our pending Conditional Use Pernit application. Please call- if you require any additional infornation. cc: David Swanson enc. : 4 sets Rov McMohon Chief Executive Officer (303) 416-2451 Development "4""{-"ry, /1,Y," Project (HGA) revised .t el4/eL \:sN\L-qs aall tr/eoi', II. A pre-application conference with a planning.staff member is strongfy- suggested to determine if any additional intormalion'is needed. No application wiII be accepted unless it is conplete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator) ' It is the applicant's responsibir:-ty to make an appointnent with Lhe staff to find out about additional submittal requirenents. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPI|EIE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS TON YOUN PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANN]NG AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. AI.L CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. TPPLICATION FOR A procedure 1s requLr 10n as s "ul /7 rk JaL2vtw 'project requesting not be accepted until tn A. NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS PHONE B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS NAME OF OWNER (S) Ov{r{ER (S) (typ SIGNATURE (S) ADDRESS PHONE D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LEGAL DESCR]PTION: BLOCK FILING ADDRESS E. FEE $250 . 00 PATDJCK #-BY THEFEET'I'STBEPAIDBEFoRETHECoMMUNITYDEVELoPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subiecL property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mailinq addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MATLING ADDRESSES. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOW]NG MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VAR]ANCE REOUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. ..i 1 otr rOo.gr"e to which rel-ief rf tn" strict oq,fiteral interpretation and enforcement of aspecified regulation is necessary to achievecompatibility and unifornity of treatment amongsites in the vicinity or to attain the objectivesof this title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the variance on light and air,'distribution of population, transportation,traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety. 4. How your request complies with Vailrs Comprehensive Pl-an. A Lopographic and/or inprovement survey at a scal-e ofat least ln = 20' stanped by a Colorado licensedsurveyor including locations of all existing improvements, including grades and elevations. Otherelements which must be shown are parking and loadingareas, ingress and egress, landscaped areas and utilit.y and drainage features. A site plan at a scale of at Least Ltt = 20t showingexisting and proposed buildings. A11 preliminary building elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicate the dimensions, general appearance, scal"e and use of all buildings and spacesexisting and proposed on the site. A preJ-iminary ti.tle report to verify ownership and easements. If the proposal is located in a multi-family development. which has a homeownerst association, thenwritten approval- from the association in support of theproject must abe received by a duly authorized agentfor said association. Any additional material necessary for the review of t.heapplication as determined by the zoning administ.rator. For interior modifj-catj-ons, an irnprovement survey andsite plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. IV. TIME REQUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A completeapplication form and aIl accompanying material (as described above) must be submitted a minimum of four(4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete appJ-j-cations (as determined by the zoningadministrator) will be accepted by the planning staffbefore or after the designated subnittal date. A11 PEC approved variances sha11 lapse if constructionis not cornmenced within one year of the date ofapproval and diligently pursued to completion. If this application requires a separate review by any1oca1, State or Federal agency other than the Town ofVai1, the application fee sha1I be increased by 9200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but arenot limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shaff be responsible for paying anypublishing fees which are in excess of 50t of theapplication fee. If, at the applicant's requestr dnymatter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter tobe re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. B. U. F. A. R A R appricatils deemed by the com unltfieveropment obpartment to have significant design, land use or ot-her issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other that town staff. Should a deterrnination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Community Devefopnent may hire an oul-si-ab consultant, it shal} estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completj-on of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have noL been paid Lo the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. Var i an c'e A ,f"^l"r,^ oF sqkli,'k I.'f,tr,tKtLtLus, )-2'7 s,, k//, /4 0,\k A#1, a,{,a^# 2 'T*o ctrtknn us cLt^< neQlQa( &ut d'/'(* 1- / -s4 il r/ t'<-' ( ' /v/*r i,r1 u t^. h e ;7 k+ G'" " # ?) L-t ,,,il L^ ^u"*kJ o ^ f /\ sct4elL'h7,f . TA;: LJJ/lJ / t ." /-nr'cf r'dLt,;ylcf r<r / ) i-/ 2(/arr 4hc-< ts, +'/ /^Jtiltt,(,r ,,r< /-' /* /t"' /i'l't'ftru" /J f,1 )^ d::"ntk'^ '@) 8' o"'/"in^' *o*/ /artpJ' A s*h I/,'"1 6n-k /- k I u,' lr/ ,' ,5 tLu^ u/,'/( A" b u,'^k! S rft&kA o r"/ t' nrfo//!-( /n"y'n'^o''' /7 F", Vt<totin7, .......-- t / -/ h< a^VntLter l.\-.tooh f or ftr ln ,' l'L t l4l u tt'< /14 { L-2aJ vt) r,t l( t Lt'r tb,l, t t'(/) U rr4 /7 A'1'1"^ Fo\_o -tF .-.c' % ?tpJs a \s\ \ \ R. n F \,\ FI- ) I\l+lnl>-l(\I \AIolsll]l I I I \ -t. (\ >:\ t\L hss sr, Kehtlll! t__i \> \l>lf,/t\F>\I \ F.-+t \qotf . DEPARTT{ENT OF COMMTNITY DEVELOP}IENT SALES ACTION FORM o^r'],$!! ; TOWN OF VAIIT 0t 0000 41540 0l c90042415 0l 0000{2415 0l 0000424r5 0t 000042415 NATIONAI ELECTRICAL CODE0l 0000 424 15 OTHER CODEB@KS0l 0000 424 r 5 0l 0000 41543 XEROX COPIES / STUDIES0 t c€00 42412 PENALTY FEES / RE.NSPECT]ONS0t 00co 4237t OI ocloo {I332 i PLA\ REVIEW RE.CHECK FEE IS4O PER HR. OFF HOURS INSPECTION FSES CONTR.{ CTORS UCE\S ES FEES0l $00 {1412 SIGN APPLICATION FEE 0t 000041330 0l cr000 414 l 3 ADDMONAL SIGNAGE EE tSI,OO PER SQ.FT'0l 0000 4141 3 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION0l 0000 424{0 PRE PAJD DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE0t 0000 4133r 0t 000041:!30 ::trl .:t :: .:r ..'r;!i:.:i.:1ii:.i:r;;:r.:.(:::.:.!::-:.:::: rr: ii. .:!:nr;:i:i::i:: : t * * * * * * * * o v