HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT E F VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 1999 ROOF TOP MECHANICAL UNIT LEGALY"J /,//of<r=fi72 Lafautrv F l/o/cd;/'ta /lll ,fuf /'P//"% o D esign Review Action Form TOWNOFVAIL Project Name: Vail Clinic, Inc. New Mechanical Equipment Project Description: Addition of a new 4' x 4' x 5' rooftop mechanical unit Owner, Address and Phone: Vail Clinic, Inc. Architect/Contact, Adfuess and Phone: Stan Anderson, Vail Clinic, Inc. dba Vail Valley Medical Center, 18 I West Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657 Project Street Address: 181 West Meadow Drive Legal Description: Lots E & F, Vail Village 2d Filing Parcel Number: 2 1 0 1 071 0 I 0l 3 Comments: Project#: 99-0328 Building Name: Vail Valley Medical Center Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Action: StaffApproved The unit shall be painted dark brown to match the color of the existing equipment Town Planner: George Ruther Date:l11199 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: add fee to bldg. permit Qu.su I cair thc 0,,.,,,,((! "T=;-?',f, +r APPTICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcc rcquiring Dcsip Rwiov approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign.rwicrv must rcccivc Design Revicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit For specific informatiorl sce the submittal rcguircmcnts for thc particular appmval that is rcqucsted Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until ail the required inlbrntaion is submittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council andlor thc Planning and Environ nrcntal Conrnri*sion. Dcsign Rcvicw Board approval c:pircs onc ycar aftcr find approval unless a building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. TION OF PROPOSAL: IOT:ETF BLOCK: - FILING: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST:b"u"- tl*i+ 2 *qsn-t^W yexcer*, 2\0lti1l0l0l3 (conract Eaglc co. NAME OF OWNER( g: V Chui. ln'c MAILINCADD olvNER(s) STGNATTJRE(S): NAME OFAPPLICANT: A.Fo l^4 *s R c. D. E F. c. Asscssors Officc at 97V32E-E640 forparcel #) \\\A( MAILINGAD PHONE: H. TYPE OFBEVIEWAND FEE: EI Ncw Construction - $200 Construction ofa new building. E Addition - $50 Inctudcs any addition where square footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or , ./ comncrcial building. E[ Minor Alteration - $20 Includcs minor changes to buildinp and site improvcrnenB. zuch as, rcroofing- painting. window additions. landscaping. fences and rctaining walls, etc. DRB fces a.re to be paid at the timc of submittal. Latcr, whcn applying for a building permit, plcasc identiff thc accurate valuarion ofthc project. The Town of Vail will adjust the t'ee according to the project vaiuation. PI-E.{SE SUBMIT THIS APPLIC.,\TION, ALL SUB|VITTTAL REQUIRE}TENTS .'\ND TI{E r.-EE 1'O THE DEP.\RT}IENT OIi CONIi\IUNITY DEVELOP}IEN'T. ?5 SO[]'H FRONTAGE ROAD. Date Receivet ig tt,'.{tL. COLORADO 81657. NOv o 4 1999 ul .4.o-\Ll = ;\ I S trJJ o U) t; =l H @ $ E! EI rtr?r fi33@z 3Er8(LJ _d.6: KK =to-tt ei'E '-,2. tr(9>.,t,I lrl ?oF(rFO<h E8 o XooXE<q =d=; FS F LLooE z Faxlrj d E(LaoI (,ctzztr6AJ><llrl dl z @ F @ H d @z -roJ -tD @ @ UJ @oGo @A GC @ EL @ @troFu! s4 @ Fr uJtr)>(o(r@o lrjtfFT) L)E.FU' (9zY (L (9 =F @x UJ F L-ooE dF o_ U'oI C'(9zzr-o(4Jxf lrJ (ll o I S llJ J a ou :o S UJJ C)o ul ,,4no-\l-l = a E c Hlrl,2 8td !*e@z JO<Etr< trq _d €ekr:r(L t_t Pi,8. Za =aIld ?oFlr KP z @ -tF= -t@zoo @z -tog D @ gz -tF @ R UJ E8 @ @[L @ UJtro F- UJ 6 l\. uJ to>(o E@o =eX(r<q =ol() =;F3 flnovrDJAl,1 i z tggg FILE COPY 2. A request for a conditional use permit to allow skier/guest parking on weekends and holidays in the WMC Parking Structure, with vehicular access from the South Frontage Road only, located at Lot E, Vail Village 2nd. Applicant: Vail Clinic, Inc., represented by Stan Anderson Planner: Reed Oflate Greg Moffet asked for public comment. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutcs Decamber22.l997 1 Dan Feeney, head of maintenance for WMC, was present to answer questions. Jim Lamont, East Village Homeowners Association, Inc., commented on his concerns, such as the impacts on streets, the bus stops, the neighbors, and noted that he submitted a letter about them to the Commission and staff. Joan Norris commented on her concerns regarding possible congestion and access. John Schofield asked the applicant to address the issues identified above. DanFeeney responded to some ofthe concerns identified. John Schofield asked for a sign plan or proposal. Gene Uselton asked about parking collections and fees. Dan Feeney noted that collections would occur between 8 am and I pm and fees were proposed to be a flat rate. Greg Amsden asked that an additional sign be included in the parking lot. Galen Aasland expressed a concem about the speed ofvehicles. He thought this effort however, represented an example of sharing responsibilities for a "town-wide need." He agreed that it should be reviewed in one year. Diane Golden expressed a concern about people walking around the hospital and hoped that directions would be provided for those who were lost. Jim Lamont also commented on the fact that the parking structure was designed to support the hospital, not the ski areas. He noted that the original approval for the structure did not include "parking for skiers." Joan Norris expressed opposition to this conditional use permit allowing skier/guest parking in the WMC parking structure. Greg Moffet agreed with the one-year condition on this proposal. He favored the idea of providing this space for skiers/guests as it would possibly remove some of the cars parked on the Frontage Road. John Schofield made a motion in accordance with the staffmemo, including the recommended conditions outlined below. 1. That the applicant shall keep the entrance gate open during the skier/guest parking operation between 8:00 A.M. to l:00 P.M. Saturdays and Sundays. Planning and Environmental Commrsston Minules December 22.1997 2. That the applicant shall provide a comprehensive sign program, including signs that direct pedestrians to the West Meadow Drive bus stop and a Town map mounted near the stainrell entrances that highlight skier access to the mountain, the in-Town Shuttle Bus routeVstops, and parking and access restrictions on the West Meadow Drive WMC alley access. 3. That any temporary or permanent promotional signs shall receive Town design approvals. 4. That any future temporary or permanent booth structure shall receive Town design approvals. 5. That this Conditional Use Permit shall expire after the 1997-98 ski season. Operation of the skier/guest parking lot will require a re-review of parking activities and approval ofa conditional use permit for the 1998-99 ski season. Diane Golden seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0-l @ishop absent). Planning and Environmental Commission Mnutes Decnmbet22,1991 \o '9"6479245?PAGE 2.'4 JuL-22-97 rJricsirtrrrfall thc Ff +nning, S,^rt u'r,,j',trn . O APPLICATION FOR PLANNING AND ENI'IRONMENTAL iV 'tr a^"t CO}INIISSION APPROVAL tr't A TYPE OF APPLICATION: tr Additional GRFA (250) U Bcd arrct Brcaldast lX Conditional Usc Permit trJ Major or E Minor SuMivision B RczoningA Sigt Variance tr VarirrPc tr Zoning Code Amsrdrncnr r0w,v0ryAI[ ffiectrcquiringappr3vaIb1thcPtanningandEnvrronmenatCommission.Forspocific information, scc thc nrbrruttal rcquiroments for thc particuiar .ppi".7i ii.t h tTllitl_d: Thc aonlication can not'oc acccptc.l until all rcquirea inf#ltion is submitted- rrt" ptitl'"1"v also nccr! lo bc rcviewcd Ly thc Towrr Council and/or ths Dcsigr Rwicw B'card' og n to a-q SDD air handler. B.DESCRTPTION OF THE REQUEST: c.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:Lorl:F FILING 2nd ADDnTSS: 181 W- MeadoY. Drive EUILDNG NtfvtE:Vai I Val lev lvledical Center ffir:ifr' D. |j. F. NAME OFOWNER(S): MAILINGADDRESS: 8 O1YN ER(S) SIGNATURE(S) : NAIVTE OF REPRESENTATTVE: st Medaow Drive vArr4 coLoRADO q!!1 pgols:479-7271 MAILINGADDRESS: IUI -l{estr rleqduw ur rvE Va il ' co 81657 PtioNB:l!79-7271 H,FEE.SEETl{ESUBMITTALREQUIRE\'IENTSFORTHEAPPROPRIATEFEE' SUBI}IIT THIS APPLICATION, "AIL SUBMIfiAL REQUIREJ\'ENTSAND.TIIE F'EE TO THE DEPARTMENT Or cOn'L,vUr{lTv DEVELOPMENT' 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' ApplicaionDate:7-?-6 - ? ? tecMeangDatc' Rrvisd 6D5 r. DFSCRTPTION OF THE PROPOSED USE The hospital is seeking a conditional use permit to install a roof-top air handler at the east end of iti building. The air handler will enable us to provide a better standard of care for patients being treated in our first-floor surgical suite' This proposed installation will also enable us to remove six pieces of existing equipment, whose functions will be integrated into the new air handler' II. CONSIDERATION OF FACTORS A. CRITERIA: l. Relationship and impact of the use on development obiectives of the Town. This new air handler will have a positive effect on the community, in the sense that it will enable the hospital to provide a better level ofcare for its surgical Patients. 2.. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population' transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs' No noticeable effect is foreseen. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion' automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access. maneuverability, and removal ofsnow from the street and parking areas. No noticeable effect is foreseen. 4. Effect upon the character ofthe area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk ofthe proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The installation of this air handler is fully consistent with the approved use of this property, namely, the delivery of high-quality health care to membeis of the permanent and visitor community' This unit will be sufficiently set back from the south elevation of the building so that it will not be visible to a pedestrian walking down the south side of West Meadow Drive. By enabling us to remove existing mechanical eqipqent which is visible from west Meadow Drive, installation of the air handler will improve the appearance of our building. MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department vJ. Couot'Lio*ts TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Applicant: Planner: VailClinic, Inc., represented by Dan Feeney George Ruther I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The Vail Clinic, represented by Dan Feeney, is requesting a conditional use permit to allow lor the installation of a new roof-top air handler on the Vail Clinic. The new air handler is intended to air handl for the first floor su suite within the on a flat-roofed area near the east end of the The installation of the new 32'x 8'wide x h air air intake three . condensers and one air relief damper. The existing roof-top mechanical equipment that is to be removed is scattered in various locations atop the medical center. II. BACKGROUND The Vail Clinic is in the Vail Valley Medical Center, located at 181 West Meadow Drive. According to the Official Town of Vail Zoning Map, the medical center complex is located within the General Use Zone District. The intent of the General Use Zone District is to. "provide sites lor public and quasi-public uses which, because of their special characteristics, cannot be appropriately regulated by the development standards prescribed for other zoning dislricts. The General Use Zone District is also intended to ensure that public buildings and certain quasi-public uses are appropriately designed to meet the needs of the community and to harmonize with surrounding uses." While a new rool-top air handler may not necessarily be construed to be a separate land use lrom the existing medical center (quasi-public building), staff believes that due to its potential impacts, the installation ol mechanical equipment on the roof requires review by the Town of Vail and the Planning and Environmental Commission. The staff believes lhat the most appropriate process for the review is a conditional use permit request. The Town has used this process in the past when similar requests have been made by property owners within the General Use Zone District. Past examples include the installation of a waste incinerator and the construction of a well pump station. will haca A : loh't: 1-D August 25,1997 A request for a conditional use permit pursuant to Chapler 18.60 of the Municipal Code ot the Town of Vail to allow for the installation of a new roof-top air handler on the VailClinic located at 18'l West Meadow Drive/Lots E & F, Block 1, Vail Village Second Filing. t\weryone\pec\memos\wmc. 82 5 According to Chapter '18.60 ol the Municipal Code, conditional use permits are intended to, in part, "provide the flexibility necessary to achieve the objectives of the Zoning Code by allowing specified uses in certain zoning districts subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit. Due to their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require additional review and evaluation by the Town so that they may be located properly with respect to the purposes of the Zoning Code and with respect to surrounding properties. The review process is intended to insure compatibility and harmonious development between condilional uses and surrounding properties and the Town as a whole. Conditional uses may be permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as may be prescribed by the Town to ensure that the location and operation of the conditional use will not be detrimental to other uses or properties. lf conditions and limitations can not be devised, the request lor a conditional use permit shall be denied." III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recommends approval ol the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: Belore acting on a conditional use permit application, the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) shall consider the following factors with respect to the proposed use: 1.Relationship and impact of the use on the development objectives of the Town. The staff believes that the new rool-top air handler will have positive impacts on the development objectives of the Town. The proposed mechanical equipment will consolidate and integrate much of the existing air handling equipment and result a total reduction in the number of air handling units on the top ol the medical center. The proposed location ol the new air handler is set back far enough on the roof that it will be substantially out of the view of pedestrians walking along West Meadow Drive and the owners and guests of the Evergreen Lodge. Staft believes the proposal will aestheticly improve the appearance ol the medical center which we believe is in the best interest of the applicant, surrounding property owners and the Town in general. Additionally, staff does not believe that this request is inconsistent with the land uses that are customarily incidental to the General Use Zone District. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Staff believes that there will be no impacts on the above-described criteria. 2. l:\everyone\pec\nemos\wmc.825 Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Staff believes there will be no impacts on the above-described criteria. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The Town of Vail Community Development Department has received calls and letters from surrounding property owners expressing their concerns regarding the amount, location and the unslightly nature of the mechanical equipment on the roof-top of the medical center. Staff believes the applicant's proposal to install a new air handler addresses many of the concerns expressed. While the new system may be larger in size than the total combined size of the six pieces of equipment that are proposed to be removed, we believe the new location is more condusive to locating mechanical equipment and as such, is a positive improvement. The Statf does not foresee any negative effects of the applicant's proposal upon the character of the area or its relationship to surrounding uses. B.Findings The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a conditional use permit: 1.That the proposed location of the air handler is in accordance with the purposes of the Zoning Code and the purposes of the General Use Zone District. That the proposed location of the air handler and the two conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity of the Vail Valley Medical Center. That the proposed air handler would comply with each of the applicable provisions ol the Town of Vail Municipal Code. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Vail Clinic's request for a conditional use permit. to allow for. the construction of a new rool-top air handler on the Vail Vallev Medical Center. The staft believes that all the findings have been met, since the proposed use is compatible with the existino use of the applicant's propertv and will not be detrimental to surroundino uses or the Town as a whole. In fact, staff believes that the consolidation and integration of the roof-too mechanical equipment on an area of the roof substantiallv out of view from the surroundino uses and properties. is a beneficial improvement. Furthermore, staff believes that if the use is operated in accordance with the two conditions outlined below, lhe use will be consistent with the . 3. 4. 2. 3. f:\everyone\pec\nemos\wmc. 825 Staff further recommends that should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to grant an approval of the applicant's conditional use permit request, that the following conditions be attached to the approval: 1. That the applicant install a six-foot tall metal or wood screen around the perimeter of the new rooFtop air handler mechanical equipment. The screen and exhaust fan shall be painted the same dark brown color that currently exists as an accent color on the exterior ol the Vail Valley Medical Center. All screening and painting shall be completed within thirty (30) days of the installation of the new air handler unit. 2. That the applicant remove all the existing roof-top mechanical equipment that is proposed to be eliminated as part of this request within thirty (30) days of the installation and operation of the new air handler unit. All building areas affected as a result of the removal process, shall be repaired and/or repainted within the same 30-day period. Upon the completion of the removal of the old equipment, the applicant shall contact the Town of Vail Community Development Department to schedule an inspection of the medical center roof-top to insure compliance with the conditional use permit approval. f:\everyone\pec\memos\wmc.825 Eranklin Lamont 0Bl2 1 A},T P.2: L9: l,?9'1 t970-82?-s8 55 OfEcers: Presidcnt - Bob Colvin Scoretary - Cretta Park Trcasurer - Patick Grarnm Directon - Judith BerkowiE - Dolph Bridgewater - Hlie Caulkins - Ron langley - Bill Morton - Connic Riddcr To: Planning and Environmental Commission From: Jim lamont, Executive Director Date: August25, 1997 RE: Vail Valley Medical Center, Installation of a new roof-top air handler Please be advised that the Homeowners Association is concerned with the location and op eration of the proposed new air handle unit with respect to the following issues. Noise Attenuation: The noise created by the equipment and the direction oflhe exhaugt should have no adverse effect upon surrounding residential properties and the major pedestrian walkways on Vail Valley Drive. Permitted noise levels allowed underthe Town of Vail noise cot't- trolordinanceareinsufIicienttodealwithnoxiousnoisesourcesfromconstantlyrunningequip. ment. Noise readings should be conducted on the periphery ofthe property so that a base line can be established to determine if the new equipment creates a worsening of present conditions. Noise levels for the equipment should be established at or below present levels. Visual Appearance: The equipment should be adequately.screened so lhat it improves the aethestic appcarance ofroof-top equipment as it is viewed from sunounding residential properties and the major pedestrian walkway on Vail Valley Drive. Filtering: The equipment should be fitted with the necessary filtering and decomtamination equipmcnt to insure that noxious bacterial and other sources ofcontamination from exhaust air are prevented. Thc Association requests that the foregoing items are included as conditions ofapproval. I Post OIIice Bo< 238 Telephone: (970) 827-5680 Vail, Colondo 81658 MessagdFAx: (970) 827-5856 ,.,. lt iit.ili :' '81 West Meadow Drive, Sulte 1OO Vall, Colorado 81657 . rl -l|rErrLEr _-. - ]1 West Meadow Drfue, Suite 100' Vall, Colorado 81657 West Meadot Ddve, Suite 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 o Mervyn Lapin 232 W. Meadow Dr.Vail, C0 81657 Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Douglas 142 t'l. Meadow Dr. Vail" C0 81657 Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Hurtt 272 W. Meadow Dr.Vail, C0 81657 \'y 181 West Meadorv Drive, Suite 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Vail, Colorado 81657 Maude B. Duke 5550 South Steele St. Littleton, C0 80121 Colba Corporation C/0 Century 21 Box 611 Avon, C0 81620 James E. Griggs, Trustee 4567 W. 80th St. Bloomington, MN 55437 \-i9/I I r.'l Kepner, Haley, Martz, 310 ,lasmine St. Denver, C0 80220 1 Holman & Beauregaurd \-/ ;;;:,- 181 West Meadow Dttue, Suite 100 Vall, Colorado 81657 FORWAROING & ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED Robert C. KenneY P.0. Box 1835 Vail, C0 81658 ---VEfri, eoiorado Atiasl - FORWARDING & ADDRESS CORRECTION REOUESTED FORWARDING &ADDRESS CORFECTIOilI REOTJESTED Al West Meador Drive, Suite 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bluhm 900 N, Michigan Ave., Ste. 1900 Chicago, IL 60511 James U. King, Jr. 11931 l.lickchester Lane, STe. Houston, TX 17043 DAB Investment Attention: Dora Box 1830 El Paso, TX /9949 401 Ytrtr':" 181 West Moado\il Drive, Suite 100 O Vail, Colorado Ot6S7 FORWAROINO & ADORESS CORRECTION REOUESTED Paul and Todd Amen Transwestern Express 5231 Monroe St. Denver, C0 80216 Limi ted 181 Wesl Meadow Drive, Sulte lOO Vail, Colorado 8i6SZ FORWARDING & ADDRESS CORHECTION REQUESTED FORWARDINC A ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED Carols and Laura Lopez 9051-C Siempre Viva Road MX083 Suite 189 San Diego, CA 92173 Wayne and Miriam Roth John and Mary Vacanti 1841 lladsworth B]vd. Lakewood, C0 8021S \ -- -7- -- 'l-g_"-/ ilr'lr':r:-'r' r' 181 West Meadow Drive, Sulto 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 FOFNA'ARDING & ADDRESS CORRECTION REOUESTED Robert Miller 5115 Bridle Path Fayetteville, NY 13066 ,\ +.9)\@4l ;f in?-a,1 i.,. ' i lt MFIr:f, i r,rqe''est Meadow Drlve, Suite l0O Vail, Colorado 81652 )RWARDING & ADDRESS )FRECTION REQUESTED Y&;F ;t M€adow Drive, Suite 100 /ail. Colorado 81657 1WARDING & ADDRESS TRECTION REOUESTED )RWARDING &ADDRESS )RRECTION REOUESTED *UIiWABDING & ADDRESS )OBRECTION REQUESTED Mr. and Mrs. DouqP.0. Box 671 Edwards, C0 81632 Sterkel --_tl PtE- "" _ Mr. and Mrs. Irving ShwaYder igoo E' Girard Pl" #1501 Englewood, C0 80110 ,lohn and Janet Haines 0028 Fairway Lane Glenwood Springs, C0 George and Mary Kay Cavanaugh 2470 Country Club LooP Westminster, C0 80234-2638 8r601 _ _= ::_ivssvri rltvE, DUII6 IOF Vail, Colorado 81657 FORWARDINO & ADORESS CORRECTION REQUESTED I 8 1 Wei-i Miiddoflr' Drlrie,'Sulle 1 00 Vall, Golorado g.|657 FORWARDING & ADDRESS CORRECTION REOUESTED fuil,'ilf.liill,l,3;: roEomac, MD 20954 rJeanne Schickli 5151 Sanford Circle lJest Eng'lewood, C0 80i10 Michaet R. Storace 5975 Sunset Drive, Ste. 504Miami, FL 33143 \=--r' u,',',,,, \_P-- -. C6RHECTION_FE6UESTED _lcttf,, r -- _ I\,Iedical Cent€r 3l Wesl Meadow Ddve, Suite 100 Vall, Golorado 81657 FOBWARDING &ADDRESS CORRECTION REOUESTED 0tto l'leist C/0 Brandess Cadmus 218 Bridge St. Vail, C0 81657 U{' tl..il tl l.le Tr:B :i l 4 g B' o o (1,' i)'t,iir:',i \:9--l xFrliliri:rrqrWest Meadow Drive, Suite 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 FORWARDING & ADDRESS CORRECTION REOUESTED John and Suetta 8289 l'1. Boynton Boynton Beach, Stewart Beach Blvd. FL 33437 Cent€r ^/est Meadow Drive, Suite 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 JORWARDING & AODRESS )ORRECTION REOUESTEO )RwARDTNG a Aooness )FFECTION REOUESTED 'st MeaoorrY unve, uu[€ luu Vail, Colorado 81657 RWARDING & ADDRESS RRECTION REOUESTED \- / ---v - \ig--l ll r'lrrFP !i14qflr, John and Maryann Russo 616 llashington St. Toms Rivers, NJ 08253 Shawn M. Sullivan 150 N. Wacker Dr,, #6t2 Chicago, IL 60606 Dr. and Mrs. Gregorio Kort 4 Country Cl ub V'i'l'lage Pueblo, C0 81008 nlr.l "#el"xiti;srune loo '3Fl'g'?S'"f,t??3iEB W MEadow Ddve, Suit€ 100 ril, Colorado 81657 A'ARDING & ADDRESS AECTION REOUESTED )RRECTION REOUESTED I{wAHDING IIAbDA-ass RRECTION REOUESTED fgng_Ig ri"-01 ean_Gambri r Ize rnwood ClosePaget, Bermuda pL05 David and Margo blhite #9 Reid St. Box 1541 iamilton, Bermuda HMFX Eugene Petracca P.0. Box 230 Port l'lashington' NY 11050 Hochgesang and Gibbs 800 Hunters Hill Trace Old Hlckory, TN 37138 \t=€g-.- Ti.lFri;n :.r,r',,r,i :r., ,) THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE ls HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning an-d Environmental commission of the Town of Vait wi1 hold a pubtic 1u"r-tg inl"l6touni" tiim d""iionla'o-6'ooo of the Municipal Code of the Town ol Vait on August ii,"riib?, il intP.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' tn consideration of : Arequestforaconditiona|usepeJmit,toa||owforwire|esscommunicationantennaswith accessory equipment, ro""t"JdiSoiaiVail Condotinirt., 501 N. Frontage Road/ Blk 2' Tract C. Vail P6tato Patch 2nd Filing' Aoplicant: Johannes FaesslerPianner: Dominic Mauriello A request lor a conditional use-permit, 19.a]lgw Jor the inslallation of a-neu root{op air handler' tocated ar Vait Vattey r'reii"rr-i"ni"i,'r er West Meadow Drive/ Lots E&F, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: Vail Clinic, Inc. Pianner: George Ruther A request lor a minor subdivision, to allow lor the subdividivision of two existing lots into three lors. tocared at l;zi Aurierri CredfrhoaOlt-ots 3 & 4, The Valley Phase V/ SDD #34' Applicant: James Flaum, represented by RKD Pianner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a recreational facility- (skate park)' on the top tevet of the Lionshead pi'fu'"d Siir.trt", tocated at 395 E. Lionshead Circle/ Vail Lionshead First Filing. Applicant: Town of Vail Pianner: Lauren Waterton A request for bedroom and sunroom additions, utililng the 250 ordinance, located at2945 Aooth Creek Drive/ Lot 3, Block 2 Vail Village 'l 1th Filing' Applicant: Jorgen Hintz, represented by Craig Snowden Planner: Lauren Waterton The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection.during #grffi-orii;'" hours in th; ptr,];gci plal"eris'ottice located at the Town of Vail Communitv Ddvelopment Department, 75 South Frontage Road' Sign language inlerpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification Please call 479-2'1 14 voice o( 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Development Department Published August 8, 1997 in the Vail Trail.,W, ,*ffi /