HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT E F VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 2001 PHASE 1 EXPANSION BOOK 1-3 LEGAL1.2 I I I I I I I Section 15300 FIRE PROTECTION SPRINKLER SYSTEM SECTION I53OO FIREPROTECTION SPRINKLERSYSTEM PART I GENERAL I.I RELATEDDOCTJMENTS A. The general provisions of the Contract including General and supplementary Conditions and Division I - Specification Sections and Contract Documents apply to work in this section. Consult them for further instructions and be govemed by the requirements thereunder. DESCRIPTION Work Included l.Fumish all labor and material, and perform all operations necessaf,y for the installation of complete and operating systems subject to the conditions of the contract. All work must be done in accordance with the applicable NFPA standards and complying with the requirements of Local Building and Fire Departnents. These jurisdictional authorities and codes shall take precedence over the Drawings and Specifications, in the event of dispute or discrepancy between requirements of Contract Documents and insurance rating authority or code. Fumish and lnstall Sprinkler equipment including inside piping, sprinkler heads, valves, , necessary to provide a complete and approved fire sprinkler system(s). Wiring All wiring will be done under Electrical Division, provide supervision for proper operation. Work Not Included l. All wiring which is noted above to be done under the Electrical Division. Provide supervision for proper operation. 2. Painting of sprinkler piping system, hangers or accessories. Related Requirements l. Basic Mechanical Requirements: Section 15010.2. Basic Materials and Methods: Section 15050. 3 . Mechanical Identification; Section I 5 190. Fees and Permits: AII fees and permits specifically required for fre protection work, other than permits normally required by the Mechanical Subcontractor, shall be applied for and paid for by the Fire Protection Subconhactor. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns tr uction Do c uments 15 0CTOBER 2001 I I I.t J. B. D. t I I t I T I l- t HLM 980071-04 r5050-1 Section 15300 I I 1.3 1.4 FIRE PROTECTION SPRINKLER SYSTEM The position is taken that the owner is entitled to a no penalty projecq all efforts and installations shall be directed toward this end. All deficiencies as noted by local juridictional authorities shall be corrected. No extra charges will be allowed on this account. QUALITYASSURA}.ICE Contractor Qualifi cations Work shall be performed by a contractor regularly engaged in the design and installation of fire protection systems in accordance with NFPA requirements having at least 5 years continuous experience in the type ofwork specified. REGULATORY AND CODE REQUIREMENTS Applicable codes and standards include, but are not limited to tlrc following. NFPA 13 1999 Edition - Installation of Sprinkler Systems. Uniform Building Code 1997 Edition Uniform Fire Code lD7 Edition SI.]BMTTALS Samples: Submit for the following in accordance with Section 15010 and Division l.l. Sprinkler Heads: One of each type and temperature rating.2. Escutcheons: Oneofeachtypeandfinish. Shop Drawings: Submit for the following in accordance with Section 15010 and Division l. l. Submit preliminary layout showing only head locations for review. (Show additional heads not indicated on reflected ceiling plans but are required for proper coverage.) Fumish additional heads which may be required for coordinated ceiling pattem even though number of heads may exceed minimum code requirements. The above mentioned additional heads shall be provided at no exha cost. Submit final shop drawings of entire system after review and approval ofhead locations. Drawings shall bear review stamp of local jurisdictional code authorities. Include hydraulic calculations. No work shall be started until all approvals are obtained. 2. Drawing submittals shall be the same size drawing format and mylar film size as the construction document drawings. C. ProductData: SubmitforthefollowinginaccordancewithSectionl5010andDivisionl. All valves, sprinkler devices and heads, pipe and fittings, hangers, flow switches, specialties and accessories used in the system. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 OCTOBER 2OO1 I I I I t T I I I t I I I I I I I 1.5 B. HLM 980071-04 15050-2 I t I Section 15300 FIRE PROTECTION SPfINKLER SYSTEM D. Test Reports: Submit certified test reports in accordance with Section 15050. I E. Operation and Maintenance Data: Submit in accordance with Section 15010 and Division l. I I.6 DELIVERY, STORAGEANDHANDLING Comply with Section 15010 and Division l Exercise care to prevent damage to materials I during loading, hansportation and unloading. Do not drop pipe, fittings or equipment t Store materials in enclosures or offthe ground under protective coverings. r r.7 PROJECTCONDITTONS I A. Existing Conditions: Examine existing conditions at the job site prior to any prefabrication of piping. Modi8/ system as required to comply with actual job conditions and work of adjacent trades. B. Sequencing, Scheduling: Coordinate material delivery and installation with work of other I hades. r 1.8 WARRANT I .. Complywith Section 15010. I yearwarranty - '' 1.9 PRoJECTRECoRDDRAWINGS Comply with Section I 5010. - I.IO WATERDAMAGE The Contiactor shall be responsible for any damage to the work of others, to the buildingr il:"::trHYf:ffi',::'J$rrT":j',Jf*:'1"1'Ji*"J#Tilfri,#11,:T*; testing period of this work. I PART2PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL I All material shall be U.L. listed. 2.2 PIPING AND FITTINGS INSIDE THE BT]ILDING I A. Piping materials shall be new and designed for 175 psi working pressure, conforming toI ASTM specifications. Piping shall have the manufacturer's name or brand, along with the _ applicable ASTM Standard, marked on each length of pipe. I l. Schedule 40, black steel pipe, ASTM 4.-135/4-795 and A53 joined by screwed joints (ANSVASME B2.l), welded joints (ANSI/ASME 83l.l) or by mechanicalr flffi*:tiff;,,#,':;:"#l"T? ;Hj'tr';i:["'",:'.* ;1"il"1 I _, HLM 980071-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 15050-3 I Construction Documents I5 OCTOBER 2OO1 I Section 15300 3. FIRE PROTECTION SPRINKLER SYSTEM jurisdictional code authority. Grooves shall be rolled (cut grooves are not acceptable) and shall be dimensionally compatible with the coupling. Schedule 10, black steel pipe, in accordance with ASTM 4-135/4-795, where approved by local jurisdictional code authority, joined by welded joints (ANSVASME B3l.l) or by mechanical grooved coupling or push-on (locking) couplings,johed by LJL approved combination ofcouplings, gaskets and grooves where approved by local jurisdictional code authority. Grooves shall be rolled (cut grooves are not acceptable) and shall be dimensionally compatible with the coupling. Pipe end preparation for the mechanical push- on (locking) couplings shall be in accordance with the manufacturet's recommendations. Schedule 5, steel pipe, nominal wall thickness of 0.065 inches, in accordance with ASTM A-135/A795, where approved by local jurisdictional code authority, joined by UL approved hessfit fittings with installation within the limitations of the UL approvals. All special tools recommended by the manufacturer shall be used. Connections between other schedules of pipe shall be made with roll grooved mechanical couplings. Plain end mechanical fittings are prohibited for transitions to and from Schedule 5 pipe. Tubing shall be copper, Type "K" or "L", suitable to withstand water working pressune not less than 175 psi, in accordance with ASTM B75 or ASTM B88, joined by brazed joints except solder joints may be permiffed for wet pipe systems in light hazard occupancies where temperature classification of the installed sprinklers is ordinary or intermediate. Solder joints may also be permitted for wet pipe systems in ordinary hazard - Group I occupancies where piping is concealed. Brazing filler metal shall be classification BCLIP-3 or BCUP-5 in accordance with AWS A5.8. Solder metal shall be 95-5 (tir/antimony - Grade 95 TA) in accordance with ASTM B32. Lightweigh! UL listed exterior galvanized steel pipe in accordance with ASTM A- 135/A-792, where approved by local jurisdictional code authority, joined by screwed joints (ANSVASME B2.l), welded joints (ANSVASME 83l.l) or by UL approved mechanical fittings. Couplings shall be of the rolled grooved t)?e or push-on (locking) type. Rolled grooves shall be dimensionally compatible with the coupling. Pipe end preparation shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. All ASTM ,{135 sprinkler pipe must be tested with a non-destructive electric test for continuous and unintemrpted inspection of the welded seam and tested to a critical weld, both cone and flatten test. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Cons tr uction Doc uments 15 OCTOBER 2OOI I I I I I I I I I I 4. I I I I I I I I I 5. 6. HLM 980071-04 15050-4 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I Section 15300 7. 9. FIRE PROTECTION SPRINKLER SYSTEM All steel pipe for use with push-on (locking) couplings shall conform to ASTM A- l35lA-795 tolerances. All sprinkler piping exposed to the weather or used in a corrosive afinosphere, where noted on the drawings, shall be galvanized. Piping must be hot-dipped galvanized (per ASTM 4-795 or A-53) when used for dry pipe systems. 10. Where system pressures are between 175 psi and 300 psi, standard watt pipe shall be used as permitted by ANSI standards. Fittings shall be able to withstand the working pnessures involved but not less than 175 psi cold water. Fittings shall comply to the following Standards: l.Scrcwed fittings; black cast iron, 125 lb. class in accordance with ANSI 816.4 or black malleable iron, 150 lb. class in accordance with ANSI 816.3. Flanged fittings; black cast iron, short body, 125 lb. class in accordance with ANSI 816.l. Gaskets shall be firll-face of l/8" minimum thickness, red sheet rubber. Flange bolts shall be hexagon head machine botts with heavy semifinished hexagon head nuts, cadmium plated, with dimensions in accordance with ANSI B18.2. Weld fittings; Standard weigh! black steel in accordance with applicable ANSI and ASTM specifications. Grooved couplings and mechanical fittings; malleable iron, 175 PSI working pressure in accordance with ASTM A47. All couplings and fittings shall be from a single manufacturer. No segmentally welded fiUings are allowed. Coupling gasket material shall be EPDM. Couplings and mechanical fittings shall be tested and listed by UL and in accordance with NFPA 13. Fittings for copper piping shall be wrought copper. Fittings used in systems where pressures exceed 175 psi shall be extra heavy pattern exc€pt as follows: a. Standard weight cast iron fittings 2" and smaller may be used where pressune does not exceed 300 psi. b. Standard weight malleable iron fittings 6" and smaller may be used where pressure does not exceed 300 psi. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns tr uction D o c uments I5 OCTOBER 2OOT B. J. 4. 5. 6. l- t HLM 980071-04 15050-5 Section 15300 2.3 l. 2. t A 5. HLM 980071-04 B. c. FIRE PROTE CTI O N S PRINKLE R S YS TEM VALVES General: All valves shall be UL listed. Gate Valves l. For system operating pressure less than 175 psi: 2" and smaller; O.S. & Y., bronze, 175 lb., screwed. 2-l/2" and larger; O.S. & Y., IBBM, 175 lb., flanged. 2. For system operating pressure greater than 175 psi: 2" and smaller; O.S. & Y., bronze, 200 lb. screwed. 2-112" and larger; O.S. & Y., IBBM,250 lb., flanged. Butterfly Valves: l. For system operating pressure less than 175 psi: Iron body, UL rated at 175 psi, lug, wafer or grooved body, position indicator and pad locking device. 2. For system operating pressure greater than 175 psi: Use of butterfly valve is not acceptable. Check Valves I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I For system operating pressures less than 175 psi: 2" and smaller, bronze, 125 lb., screwed. 2-112" and larger, IBBM, 175 lb., flanged, or grooved. For system operating pressures greater than 175 psi: 2" and smaller; bronze, 200 lbs., screwed.2-l/2" and larger, IBBM,250 lbs., flanged. D.Globe and Angle Valves - Drains and Flow Regulation l. 2. l. 2. SPRINKLERTIEADS Sprinkler heads shall have following characteristics: For system operating pressures less than 175 psi: 2" and smaller; 200 lb., screwed. 2-l/2" and larger, IBBM, 125 lb. flanged. For system operating pressures greater than 175 psi: 2" and smaller; bronze, 200 lbs., screwed.2-ll2" and larger, IBBM,250 lb. flanged. 2.4 UL Listed standard spray, automatic sprinkler heads in occupancies other than light hazard occupancy. UL listed quick response automatic sprinkler heads in light hazard occupancies. Ordinary temperature ratings (165'F) sprinkler heads unless indicated otherwise. All mechanical and electrical rooms and elevator machine rooms shall have Intermediate temperature rating (212'F) sprinkler heads. The sprinkler heads under the skylight shall have intermediate temperature (212"F) rating. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction D oc uments 15 OCTOBER 2OOT 1s050-6 I I Section 15300 FINE PROTECTION SPIjNKLER SYSTEM I ItI B.Heads to be provided as follows: Heads in Finished Areas Chrome Heads with chrome escutcheons. Heads in Unfinished Areas Plain brass pendent or upright as required. L 2. t I I I I I I I l" I Escutcheons Provide escutcheons to be compatible with sprinkler heads where necessaqz. Extra Heads: Provide exba heads of each type and temperature rating installed, enclosed in steel cabinet. Locate cabinet on wall next to sprinkler entry station. Number of heads to be in accordance with NFPA No. 13 recommendations; 6 spare heads for up to 300 sprinkters, 12 spare heads for up to 1000 sprinklers and 24 spare heads for over 1000 sprinklers. Provide two head wrenches. All heads shall be color coded and installed in compliance with NFPA. WATERFLOWINDICATORS Provide a U.L. listed vane type water flow indicator in each automatic sprinkler system. Indicator to be complete with 2 sets of contacts, single pole double throw switch, indexed terminal connections, and retard for 0 to 70 seconds. PRESSUREGAUGES Provide pressure gauges as required. UL listed 4-112" dial type with a maximum limit of not less than twice the normal working pressure. VALVE MONITOR SWITCFMS Fumish and install on all water supply shut off valves for the automatic sprinkler system where shown on drawings, valve monitor switches that are U.L. listed. Switches to be complete with terminal connections and mounting device. Switches for outside post indicators shall be weatherproof. 2.8 FIREDEPARTMENTCONNECTION A sigrr shall be attached to the existing fire department connection indicating the portions of the building being served by ttre fire department connection including the new area being added, unless the existing fire departunent connection serves the entire building. PART3 EXECUTION 3.I GENERAL Inspect proceeding work, veri$ all dimensions before proceeding with work and 150s0-7HLM 98OO7I-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C onstruction Documents t5 ocToBER 2001 c. D.I I I |_ 2's 2.6 2.7 Section 15300 I I I I I I I T I I I I I t I I I I I B. B. D. E, F. G. 3.2 3.3 FIRE PROTECTION SPRINKLER SYSTEM coordinate all work and placement of components with other trades. Be responsible for all measurements, fifting and assembly of all work. prefabrication is done at this Contractofs risk. SERVICE Connect the new sprinkler system to the existing fire service at the locations shown on the drawings. INSTALLATION Provide sleeves for pipe passing through building walls and floors above grade, sleeves of standard weight steel pipe. The annular spaces between pipe and sleeves shall be packed tight with non-hardening caulking. Pipes passing through fire walls shall have annular space packed with approved fire barrier material. Provide chrome plated escutcheon plates large enough to cover the pipe sleeve where piping is exposed. Piping shall be installed in *re most direct straight and mechanical manner as possible and as close to walls and ceilings as is consistent with good workmanship. All lines shall be run high enough to permit r€location of lights without moving ceiling grid. coordinate exact pipe locations with drawings and other hades before desigr approval and fabrication of piping. This conbactor shall be responsible for any redesign and fabrication required to fit system into allowable space. All piping in finished areas shall be concealed unless shown otherwise, all other piping can be exposed. All vertical lines shall be plumb and horizontal lines shall run parallel to building lines. Install horizontal piping graded to low points and in manner to make it possible to test and empty entire system. Provide valves at low points to facilitate system drainage. Pipe and fittings shall be inspected for soundness and cleaned of alt dirt and other foreisn matter prior to being installed. All damaged pipe and frttings will be rejected. Protect open pipe ends whenever work is suspended during construction, to prevent foreigr bodies entering and lodging therein. Use cast iron or malleable iron caps, or other method as approved by the Architect/Engineer. Chrome plated or other polished finished components shall be installed with care so that marring does not occur to the finish. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C onst r uctio n D o c uments 15 OCTOBER 2OOI HLM 980071-04 r 5050-8 t I I I I I I I I t 3.5 3.6 Section 15300 FIRE PNOTECTION SPRINKLER SYSTEM 3.4 PIPE SUPPORTS AII piping shall be supported by means of U.L. listed hangers. Sizing, spacing, and installation shall be in accordance with NFPA 13, "Sprinkler Systems", except as otherwise shown on Drawings or specified within this section. INSPECTOR TEST LINES Inspector test lines shall be installed at most remote point of each sprinkler zone system. Test connections shall be provided with a I " prpe and valve. Test pipe shall be connected to at least a l-l/4" pipe and shall discharge to the outside through a l/2" smooth bore brass outlel where it can easily be seen. The size of the orifice shall be the same as the minimum sprinkler head orifice on the system. Outlet shall be tumed down with 45 degree elbow and locate 6u above finished grade. If fire sprinkler head is used for outlel all projections from broken off deflector shall be ground smooth. Final discharge location will be determined and approved during shop drawing review. SPRINKLER CONTROL ASSEMBLY Provide and install control assembly for each sprinkler zone. Control assembly shall include shut off valve, water flow indicator, test valve, drain valve, sight glass, and orificed union (size oforifice to be the same as sprinkler head orifice). SPRINKLERTIEADS All heads shall be centered in ceiling tile where ceilings occur, show actual location on shop drawings. When sprinkler heads are installed where they may be exposed or subject to damage, head guards shall be fumished. WET SPRINKLER SYSTEM General Fire sprinklers shall be provided for the area ofthe building as shown on the drawings. Design The sprinkler system shall be based on the hydraulic design criteria specified on the drawings. C. System(s) shall comect to the existing system at the locations shown on the drawings. 3.9 FIYDRAULIC CALCTJLATIONS A. General VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C onstr uctio n D o c ume nts 15 OCTOBER 2OOT B. B. 3.7 3.8 I I I I t I I l* t HLM 980071-04 15050-9 Section 15300 FIRE PROTECTIONShRINKLERSYSTEM The Fire Protection Contractor shall prepare hydraulic calculations for the design of the system and submit to local jurisdictional code authority for approval before any fabrication or installation is started. Submittals shall include but not be limited to: l. Computer printout sheets or hand calculation sheets with all calculations. 2. Cross reference points of calculations both on the drawings and in the calculations by symbol or number. I t t I I I I t t I I t I I ! I I I I B.Flow Test Data l. Flow tests shall be performed by this Conhactor and verified by local fire departrnent. Prior flow tests on file with local jurisdictional authority may be used only when this test data is only 3 months old at the start of the project. 2. Contractor shall use 85%o of the flow test pressure data in his hydraulic calculations. PROTECTION Where there are existing facilities, be responsible for the protection thereof, whether or not such facility is to be removed or relocated. Moving or removing any facility must be done so as not to cause intemlption of the work or Ownerrs operation. 3.10 B. Close ends of pipe during construction with caps or plugs to prevent entry of foreign material. Protect insulation against dirt, water, chemical or mechanical damage before, during and after installation. Protect equipment against damage during mechanical work. C. Provide protection for concrete slabs where cutting or threading ofpiping occurs. 3.II INSTRUCTION When required approvals of this work have been obtained, and at time designated by the Owner, demonstrate to the Owner's personnel the operation and maintenance and demonstrate the contents of the approved manual. 3.12 IDENTIFICATION A. Comply with Section 15190 B. The drain, alarm test valves, etc. shall have standard identification signs, painted fire red with white lettering. The signs shall be attached to the valves in a conspicuous position. 3.13 TESTING A. Comply with Section 15050 and NFPA 25. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C onstr uction Doc ume nts 15 OCTOBER 2OO1 HLM 980071-04 15050-10 I I I I I t I I I 1.. I t I I I I I l-- Section 15300 B. 3.t4 A. B. c. FIRE PROTECTION SPRINKLER SYSTEM Retest piping failing initial tests following correction of defective work. Requirements of initial tests shall apply. COMPLETION This Subconhactor shall call for inspection and obtain certificate of completion and test from the Fire Inspection Bureau under whose jurisdiction this installation occurs. After the system has been inspected and tested, provide and sign a certificate, "contractofs Material and Test Certificates". Certificate shall also be signed by a representative of the Fire Inspection Bureau. Suffrcient copies shall be prepared to insure that inspecting authorities and the Contractor will have a copy for their files. Also provide a copy of NFpA #25, "Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of water-based fire protection systems for each o & M Manual. Provide Operation and Maintenance Manual per Section 15010. This Subcontractor shall remove from the building, all rubbish and unused materials due to or connected with this insallation. The surface of all exposed piping shall be cleaned and left ready for painting done by painting subcontractor. ENDOF SECNON VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C onstr uctio n D o c ume nts 15 OCTOBER 2OO1 D. t HLM 980071-04 15050-I I I I sEcrroNtsloo I PLUMBING SECTION I54OO PLL]MBING I PART I GEMRAL I Ll RELATEDDOCLJMENTS I The General Provisions of the Conhact, including General and Supplemenwy Conditions and Division I - Specification Sections and Contract Documents apply to work in this section. Consult them for further instructions and be governed by the requirements I thereunder. I 1.2 WORK INCLUDED (but not limited to) I A. Domestic hot and cold water piping. B. Sanitary drainage and vent piping. I C. Storm drainage piping and roof drains I D. Piping material, valves and specialties. E. Plumbing fixtures, carriers and trim. I F. Circulating Pumps. t fi: t#$;ffi**uipmentandfxtures. r I. Fuel oilpiping. II 13 RELATEDREQTJIREMENTs I A. Basic Mechanical Requirements - Section 15010. I B. Basic Materials and Methods - Section 15050.r C. Mechanical ldentification - Section 15190.D. Controls and Instumentation - Section 15900Ir PART2PRoDUcTs I 2J wATERPIPINGMATERIALSI A. Piping Inside Buildingr i#-",llT"*'f;il':.Tr,:#:l#::#:i,nilT,[1."$1j':l*,H"liJl'l,H: alloy, for non-buried lines; Type ul-u, hard drawn copper, wrought copper fittings and lead I free solder: 9G4 (tin/silver), Silvabrite 100 or Canfield 100% Watersafe (silver-tin copper). Where copper tube is joined to brass or bronze, use BCuP2 classification brazing alloy. I B. Valves and Specialty ScheduleI l. Gate Valves 2-l/2" and larger: iron or cast steel body, bronze trim, Class 125,200 psi W.O.G. I flanged. a- T HLM 980071-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER I54OO-1 Constr uction Doc uments I5 October 2001 I SECTION 15400 3. 4. 5. 6. PLAMBING Ball Valves 2-lD" and smaller: Bronze, uni-body full port with chrome plated ball valve, reinforced TFE seats and stuffrng box, lever handle and screwed or solder ends. 400 psi W.O.G., 150 psi saturated steam. 3" and larger: Carbon steel, uni-body, full port with chrome plated ball valve, reinforced TFE seats and seals, lever handle and ANSI Class 150 flanged ends. 285 psi W.O.G., 150 psi saturated steam. Butterfly Valves 2" and smaller: Bronze, stainless steel disc and stem, VITRON seal, 175 psi working pressure,350 psi W.O.G., screwed or solder. Globe Valves 2" and smaller: Bronze, Class 150, 300 psi W.O.G. screwed or solder; 2-l/2 and larger: iron or cast steel body, bronze tim, Class 125,200 psi W.O.G. flanged. Check Valves 2" and smaller: Bronze, Class 150, 300 psi W.O.G. screwed or solder; 2-lD" and larger: iron body, brass trim, Class 125,200 psi W.O.G., flanged. Pressure Gauges 3" dial, bronze bourdon tube with l/4" pipe thread bottom mount, steel case, white face with black lettering, screwdriver calibration. Accuracy to be l% of full scale or better. hessure ranges to be approximately double the expected working pressure of the service. Brass lever handled cock or needle valve, and pigtail. U.S. Gauge Figure 5801, Trerice 600C, Danton l0l, Weiss or equivalent by Ashcroft DwyeA Foxboro, Marsh, Marshalltown, Mueller Brass, Wika, or Meriam. Thermometers Multi-angle with 9" scale case with glass or lucite face and separable socket, red reading mercury, bottom or back pipe thread connection. Range at least 50% higher than highest expected temperature of the service and at least 20 degrees lower than the lowest expected temperature. Accuracy to be l% of full scale or befter. U.S. Gauge MN-9, Trerice A400, Duro 9 EZ, Weiss 9 VS or equivalent by Davis, Copper, Foxboro, Marshal ltown, or Taylor. Dielectric Unions or Couplings and Flanges Union rated for 250 psi with galvanized or plated steel threaded end, copper solder end and impervious isolation gasket approved for use on gas, oil, air and water lines. Couplings approved for use on gas, oil and water lines and able to withstand hydrostatic test pressures of 1000 psi at 250nF with an inert, nonconductive laminate material and threaded to NPS standards. Flanges to be complete with insulated bolt sheaves. washers and saskets. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments I5 October 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 I I I t I I I HLM 980071-04 15400-2 T I I t I I 2'2 A.I l- I I I I I I t t I I I SECTION I54OO 9. 10. IL PLUMBING Strainers: 2" and smaller: 250 lb. bronze or cast iron "Y" qrpe screwed with stainless steel screen. 2-112" and larger: 250 lb. cast iron "Y" type flanged with stainless steel screen. Press. Temp. Taps 1/2" NPT, nordel or EPDM Core, Peterson Equipment Company #710, Sisco BNO- 500, or Hydro.Temp, MGP/T or equivalent. Trap Primer ASSE Standard 1018 approved with integral air gap. Primer shall be pressure drop activated and all brass construction. Provide distribution unit as required for multiple drain connections. PPP Prime-rite, Watts Series T20 or equivalent. SANITARY WASTE AND VENT AND STORM DRAIN MATERIALS (to 5 ft. outside bldg.) Piping Material L Sanitary Waste and Vent Lines Below grade to a distance of 5 ft. from the building: Coated service weight cast iron with bell and spigot fittings with elastomeric joints (ASTM C564 gaskets) or coated hubless cast iron with gasket (ASTM C564) type 304 stainless steel shield and worm drive and clamp frttings or cast iron couplings with type 304 steel bolts and gaskets (ASTM C564) approved for below grade applications and installed per manufacturels installation instructions. Bell and spigot type pipe shall be used under building slabg no hub piping is not allowed. From this point on, material shall be as specified under "Building Sanitary Sewer". b. Above grade: Service weight cast iron with bell and spigot fittings with elastomeric joints (ASTM C564 gaskets), hubless cast iron with gasket (ASTM C564) and stainless steel shield and worm drive clamp fittings installed per manufacturels recommendations, or DWV copper with wrought copper or cast brass frttings using 95-5 (tin/antimony) solderjoints. Storm Drain Lines a. Below grade to a distance of 5 ft. from the building: Coated service weight cast iron with bell and spigot fittings with elastomeric joints (ASTM C564 gaskets) or coated hubless cast iron with gasket (ASTM C564) and type 304 stainless steel shield and worm drive clamp fittings 15 psi rated working pressure and approved for below grade applications. Bell and spigot qpe pipe shall be used under building slabs, no hub piping is not allowed. From this point on, material shall be as specified under "Building Storm Sewer". VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Doc uments 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 rs400-3 I SECTION T51OO PLUMBING b. Above grade: Service weight cast iron with bell and spigot fittings with elastomeric joints (ASTM C564 gaskets), hubless cast iron with gaskets (ASTM C564) and stainless steel shield and worm drive clamp fittings (use clamps rated to 15 psi when building is 4 stories or more in height; ClampAll or equivalent), galvanized steel pipe with cast iron drainage fittings with tlreaded joints or DWV copper with wrought copper or cast brass fittings using 95-5 (tin/antimony) solder joints. Flangers Suspend all horizontal lines in building with adjustable split swivel hangers. RE: Section 15050. GAS PIPING MATERIALS Pipe and Fittings: Schedule 40, ASTM-A106 Grade B black steel pipe. l. Above grade piping; 2 inches and smaller, use 150 lb. malleable iron fittings and threaded joinB in exposed locations and standard weight socket weld fittings and welded joints in inaccessible locations and retum plenums. Over 2 inches, use seamless steel butt weld fittings and welded joints in exposed locations and standard weight socket weld fittings, same thickness as plp€, and wetded joints in inaccessible locations and return plenums. Valves l. Lubricated Plug Valves Class 125, 175 lb. W.O.G. cast iron, screwed or flanged with low friction coated plug. 2. GasCocks 125 psi working pressure, AGA listed, ground joint flat head, 3/4" & I " only. Crane, Anderson Metals Corp., or approved equivalent. 2.4 ruELOILPIPINGMAIERIALS A. Pipe and Fittings: Schedule 40 A5TA-A106 Grade B black steel pipe. l . Above grade piping; use 150 lb .,ralleable iron fittings. B. Valves: l. Gate Valves Class 125, 200 lb. W.O.G. bronze screwed, or iron body, bronze mounted, flanged. Non-rising stem, stuffing box t)?e. 2.5 FIXTURES AND EQLIPMENT A. General See Section 15010 for other acceptable manufacturers, substitutions and approvals. B. The Fixture and Plumbing Specialty Specifications are a "Base Bid" format, and only one manufacturer is generally listed. Acceptable equivalent manufacturers to the base manufacturer listed in the body of this specification are as listed in general in the following VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments 15 October 2001 B. t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I z.J B. HLM 9E0071-04 r 5400-4 t t I t I I t I I I t I I I I SECTION 15100 PLUMBTNG I proposed equivalents. Listed manufacturers may be accepted with proper individual t acceptance and approvals by the Engineer and tisted in a general project addend4 a cost reduction change order or 'lalue engineering" proposal. LISTING OF MANTJFACTT.JRERS TTIAT MAY BE EQUIVALENT TO TI{E BASE SPECIFICATION l. Backflow Preventers and Vacuum Breakers: Hose End: Nidel # 37HDl only. 2. Backflow Preventers: Febco, Conbraco. 3. Drainage Products and Chair Carriers: Josam - J.R. Smith - Wade - Zurn- Mifab.4. Faucets, Standard and Single Lever: American Standard - Kohler - Chicago Faucet. 5. Flush Valves: Diaphragm Type: Sloan Royal and Regal - Delany 402 Series - ZurnXL 6. Garbage Disposers: Insinkerator - Whirlaway - Waste King - Salvajor. 7. taminarFlowContols: Kohler-Omni. 8. Plumbing Fixture Trim: Kohler - American Standard - Dearbom - Briggs - Brass Craft. 9. Plumbing Fixtures Fiberglass and Acrylic: Aquarius - Crane/Fiat - Florestone - Kohler - Lasco. 10. Plumbing Fixtures, Terrazzo: Bradley - Florestone - Crane/Fiat. I l. Plumbing Fixtures: Cast Iron and Vitreous China: American Standard - Crane - Kohler - Briggs 12. Plumbing Fixtures: Molded Stone: Florestone - Crane/Fiat - Zum - Stem- Williams. 13. Pumps, Circulating: Grundfos. 14. Shock Arrestors: Precision Plumbing Products @PP), Sioux Chief.15. Shower: ADA: Individual Thermostatic and Pressure Balanced Water Mixing Valves, with Integral Thermometers: Chicago Faucet - Symmons - Powers. 16. Shower: Individual Thermostatic and Pressure Balanced Water Mixing Valves less Integral Thermometers: Chicago Faucet, Kohler, Symmons, Powers. 17. Sinks, Stainless Steel Kitchen and Utility: Satin Finish, 18-8 type 302, 18 GA: Elkay - Just- Kohler. 19. Toilet Seats: Bemis - Beneke - Church - Olsonite - Centoco - Kohler. 20. Trap Primers: Precision Plumbing Products @PP) - Sioux Chief- Mifab. 21. Trap Wrap: ADA Seamless: McGuire only I ._- I HLM 980071.04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER I54OO-5 Co nstr uct ion Doc u ments 15 October 2001 I SECTION 15100 PLUMBING C. Schedule: STATYDARI) WATER CLOSET WC-I AND WC-2 White, Vitreous China, 1.6 GPF, Siphon Action, 12" Rough, Flush Valve Operated, Elongated Rim. China Bolt Caps to match the fixture color, s€t with '?laster of Paris". Floor mounted with wax or Neoprene closet ring, glazed fapway. Top mounted flush valve, l-1i2" fortop spud closet, set screw type cast brass escutcheon, White open front solid plastic seat less cover of style specified. Non-hardening adhesive sealant between the floor and the fixture base with "coved" finishing. All trim to be chrome plated copper or brass. Flush valve to be lever operated with A.D.A. acceptable handle, cast wall flange with set screw, vandal resistant stop cap, vacuum breaker, wall bumpers for seat. and all Red Brass construction, additional options may be selected by the confactor. I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I PLANCODE STYLE Kohler SEATMANI.JFACTI.]RER Bemis FLUSHVALVEMFGR. Style Sloan WATERCLOSET WC-3 ADA wc-l wc-2 STANDARD ADAACCEPTABLE K-4350 K-4368 MODEL 1355c BASEMODEL BASEMODEL STD. ADA III REGAL-XL IIl REGAL)(L wc- 3 ADAACCEPTABLE MODEL 1355c BASEMODEL ADA I l I REGAL-XL White, Viheous China" 1.6 GPF, Siphon Action, 12" Rough, Flush Valve Operated, Elongated Rim. China Bolt Caps to match the fixture color, set with "Plaster of Paris". Floor mounted with wax or Neoprene closet ring, glazed trapway. Top mounted flush valve, l- l/2" for top spud closet set screw type cast brass escutcheon, White open front solid plastic seat less cover of syle specified. Non-hardening adhesive sealant between the floor and the fixture base with "coved" finishing. AII tim to be chrome plated copper or brass. Flush valve to be lever operated with A.D.A. acceptable handle, cast wall flange with set screw, vandal resistant stop cap, vacuum breaker, wall bumpers for seat. All Red Brass construction, additional options may be selected by the contractor. PLANCODE STYLE Kohler SEAT MANUFACTURER Bemis FLUSH VALVE MFGR. Style Sloan VAIL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 15400-6 I I SECTION I54OO PLUMBING I BED PAN WASHER TIP DOWN I St"* Bpw-10001.6BG-yr BpW-1150-1.6-BC-yl (optional when required) I WATERCLOSET WC-4 (FLOORSET,BACKSPUD, I.6GPF,VITREOUSCHTNA,) I Wite, Viheous Chin4 1.6 GPF, Siphon Jet Action, flush valve operated, Elongated Rim, China Bolt Caps to I match the fxture color - set with "Plaster of Paris", Floor mounted with wax or Neoprene closet ring, glazed hapway, top mounted flush valve, for l-112" top spud closet, cast brass escutcheon, open front seat Non- I hardening adhesive sealant between the floor and wall of the fixture with "coved" finishing. All trim to be I chrome plated copper or brass. Flush valve to be lever operated with A.D.A. acceptable handle, cast wall flange with set screw, vandal resistant stop cap, vacuum breaker, wall bumpers for sea! and all Red Brass I construction, additional options may be selected by the contractor. I I I PLANCODE STYLE Kohler STYLE Sloan BED PAN WASHER TIP DOWN Sloan wc-4 ADAACCEPTABLE K4386 I I FLUSHVALVEMFGR. BASEMODEL ADA I I l-Regal-)L BPW-1000-1.6-BG-YI BPW-1150-1.6-BG-YI (optional where required) t "p"'-* M.DEL K_4679_CA r LAVATORY L-l andL-2 I *tte "*.", Chin4 20" x 17" oval, self rim, with back ledge, ADA complian! counter top mount, caulk - witlr white permanent caulking. Provide fixture drilling for 8" center faucet. Provide 17 gauge brass chrome r plated tailpiece and waste to wall, chrome plated cast brass trap with cleanou! cast brass chrome plated I escutcheon with set screw for waste and water supplies. Provide chrome plated brass loose key angler supplies with rigid chrome plated flexible non-comrgated copper risers. Provide trap wrap for all ADA designated lavatory waste and supply piping. Provide laminar flow device on spout.Ir PLANCODE: L- I L- 2 STANDARD ADAACCEPTABLE r Fixture: Kohler K-2196-8 Kohler K-2196-8 Faucet: Kohler K-7303-K-5 Kohler K-7303-K-5L I HLM 980071-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 15400-7 Constr actio n Doc uments IS October 2001 I LAVATORYL-3 AND L- 4 White Vineous China 20" x 18", with back, ADA complianl wall mounl on floor mounted carrier using hanger plate and cluome plated cap nut bearing bolts. Provide fixture drilling for 8" center faucet. Provide 17 gauge brass chrome plated tailpiece and waste to wall, clrome plated cast brass trap with cleanout, cast brass chrome plated escutcheon with set screw for waste and water supplies. Provide chrome plated brass loose key angle supplies with rigid chrome plated flexible non-comrgated copper risers. Provide trap wrap for all ADA desigrated lavatory waste and supply piping. Provide laminar flow aerator. PLAN CODE: SECTION 15100 Strainer: Trap: Supplies: Trap Wrap: Mounting Ht: L-]_ STANDARD Fixture: Kohler K-2030 Faucet: Kohler K-7303-K-5 Strainer: Kohler K-7715 Trap: Kohler K-8998 Supplies: Kohler K-7607 Carrier: Josam 17560/17565 Trap Wrap: Not Required Mountine Ht: 31" Fl. To Rim. Kohler K-7715 Kohler K-8998 Kohler K-7607 Not Required See Architectural Details PLUMBING Kohler K-7715 Kohler K-8998 Kohler K-7607 McGuire PW2000 See Architectural Details T l I I I t I t I I I I I L-_l__ ADAACCEPTABLE Kohler K-2030 Kohler K-7303-K-5 Kohler K-7715 Kohler K-8998 Kohler K-7607 Josam 17560/17565 McGuire PW2000 34" Fl. To Rim.. MOPSERVICEBASIN MSB-I Precast Terrazzo mop service basin, 24" sq., witl 12" high sides and 3" drain cast integral with removable chrome plated brass strainer plate, stainless steel threshold caps on all exposed sides and threshold, tiling flanges as required. 3" C.l. "P" trap. Florestone MSB-_ 91-12 for installation on one wall MSB-_!_ 96-12 for installation on two walls (comer) Exposed rough C.P. all brass faucet with rigid hose end (3/4") spout and pail hook, integral stops, integral spring loaded check valves, vacuum breaker and brace to wall. Mount faucet at 40" above basin. FAUCET: T&SBrass#B-0665-BSTRONLY. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Doc uments 15 October 2001 I I I I I t HLM 980071-04 15400-8 I I I I I I I I I ll SECTION I51OO PLUMBING CORNERMOP SERVTCE BASIN MSB-2 Precast Terrazzo mop service basin, ofsizes indicated in schedule, with drop front and 12" high sides, 3" drain cast integral with removable chrome plated brass strainer plate, stainless steel threshold cap. and tiling flange on two sides. 3" "P" trap. Provide stainless steel back splash wall panels on two sides adjacent to walls. MAKE: FLORESTONE 32"X32"X12" MODEL: 96 Exposed rough C.P. all brass faucet with rigid hose end (3/4") spout and pail hook, integral stops, integral spring loaded check valves, vacuum breaker and brace to wall. Mount faucet at 40" above basin. FAUCET:T&S Brass #B-0665-BSTR ONLY. SINGLE COMPARTMENT SINK S -I Stainless Steel l8 Gauge, Type 302 l8-8, selfrim, 3 hole punch, extended back ledge, Chrome Plated Cast or Tubing trim, including , faucet , strainer, trap, tailpiece, waste to wall, loose key stops, flexible copper w/ S.S. braid supplies, and set screw escutcheons. Minimum counter depth of 27" required I I I I I I I I t PLAN CODE SIZE DESCRIPTION S -l I 9"X19"X8" On€ Compartment l-112. "P" Trap 3-l/2 Std. Srtrainer l-l/2" Waste Tubing l7 GA As Req'd Escutcheons Y2" X3/8" Loose Key Stops 3/8" Supplies S.S. Braid Faucet Less Spray 2.2 GPM laminar flow control. OMNI rDearbom Brass 2Beaton and Corbin MAKE MODEL Elkay DLR-1919-8 580-t-t/2" Elkay 35 BC2 5-T Kohler K-7662dbl tnTc Kohler K-7303-K-5 DRILLING 3 hole NA NA NA NA 3 Hole VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 15400-9 SECTION I54OO PLAMBING DOUBLE COMPARTMENT SINK S -2 Stainless Steel 18 Gauge, Type 302 l8-8, self rim, 3 hole punch, extended back ledge, Chrome Plated Cast or Tubing trim, including , faucet , strainer, trap tailpiece, waste to wall, loose key stops, flexible copper w/ S.S. braid supplies, and set screw escutcheons. Minimum counter depth of27" required. t I I t I I I SIZE DESCRIPTION s -2 33"X22"X10" rw"(2) 3-U2 l-112" As Req'd %"x318" 3/8" Double Compartment P" Trap dbl Std. Strainer4 Waste Tubing l7 GA Escutcheons Loose Key Stops Supplies S.S. Braid dbl Faucet Less Spray MODEL Elkay LR-3322 DRILLING 3 hole 580-1-112" NA Elkay 35 BC2 5-T NA Kohler K-7662 NA 1737C NA Kohler K-7303-K-5 3 hole 2.2 GPM laminar flow control. OMM I Dearborn Brass2 Beaton and Corbin 3 2" x l-112" Sanitary Tee on 2" Rough-in for use with disposal or for future disposer unit only, or as shown on drawings.4 Provide 2 strainers, unless one compartment is provided with a garbage disposer unit. SINGLE COMPARTMENT SINK S -3 Stainless Steel 18 Gauge, Type 3021304 l8-8, self rim, 2 hole punch, extended back ledge, Chrome Plated Cast or Tubing trim, including , faucet , strainer, trap, tailpiece, waste to wall, loose key stops, flexible copper w/ S.S. braid supplies, and set screw escutcheons. Minimum counter depth of 19" required. Provide laminar flow aerator. PLANCODE s- 3 SIZE DESCRIPTION MAKE MODEL DRILLING 15"X15"X7" One Compartment Elkay BLR-I50-C 2 hole 1-l/2. "P" Trap dbl 5g0-l-ll2- NA 2" Small. Strainer Elkay 36 NAl-112" Waste Tubing 17 GA NA As Req'd Escutcheons BCz 5-T NA %" X3/8" Loose Key Stops Kohler K-7662 NA 318" Supplies S.S. Braid dbl 1T7C NA 9-7/8" high Gooseneck Faucet Kohler K-7305-5A-K 2 Hole 2.2 GPM laminar flow control. OMNI VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents I5 October 2001 I I t I t I I I I I I I HLM 980071-04 15400-10 I T I SECTTON 1s400 PLUMBING r I Dearborn Brass I 2 Beaton and Corbin 3 2" x l-l/2" Sanitary Tee on 2" Rough-in for use with disposal or for future disposal unit, or as I specified on drawings. I I THREE COMPARTMENT SINK S -4I- Stainless Steel l8 Gauge, Type 304, 16 gauge, freestanding,3 hole punch, extended back ledge, Chrome I Plated Cast or Tubing him, including , (2) faucets, strainer (S), trap tailpiece, waste to wall, loose key stops, I flexible copper w/ S.S. braid supplies, and set screw escutcheons. I SIZE DESCRIPTION MAKE MODEL DRILLING$ s't- et,_(f;,y, yz"xr2" ffiff"'"rAiT 1;f_rft:,r-rro*, 3 hore 3-ll2 Std. Strainer4 Ekay 35 I l-l/2" Waste Tubing l7 GA As Req'd Escutcheons BCz 5-T NA I %" X318" Loose Key Stops Kohler K-7662 NA I 3/s" Supplies S.S. Braid dbl 1737C NA Faucets Less Spray Kohler K-7308-5A 3 hole r -._ 2.2 GPM laminar flow control. OMM r ---.' I Dearbom Brass r 2 Be"ton and Corbin I 3 2",*1-ll2' SanitaryTeeon2"Rough-in forusewithdisposalorforfuturedisposerunit only, or as shown on drawings.4 p'.'vide 2 strainers, unless one compartment is provided with a garbage disposer unit.II SINGLE COMPARTMENT SINK S -5 r Stainless Steel 18 Gauge, Type 302 l8-8, self rim, 3 hole punch, extended back ledge, Chrome Plated Cast r or Tubing trim, including , faucet with wrist blade handles and foot pedal controls, strainer, trap, tailpiece, I waste to wall, loose key stops, flexible copper w/ S.S. braid supplies, and set screw escutcheons. Minimumr counter depth of27" required I-I HLM 98OO7I-04 UAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 15400-II Co n str uctio n Do c ume nts 15 October 2001 I I I I l ISECTION I54OO PLAN CODE SIZE s -5 lg'xlg'xg" t-v2. 3-v2 l-l/2" As Req'd Y2" X3/8" 3/8" PLAMBING DESCRIPTION One Compartment "P" Trap Std. Srtrainer Waste Tubing l7 GA Escutcheons Loose Key Stops Supplies S.S. Braid Gooseneck spout wrist blade handles foot pedal controls 2.2GPN4 laminar flow control. OMNI rDearborn Brass 2 Beaton and Corbin FLUSIIING RIM SERVICE SINK SS -I Flushing rim service sink, floor set on 18" high concrete or terrazzo pedestal by Contractor. Sink to be provided with a faucet with integral check valves and stops, with an offset wall brace to clear the flush valve, 1-112" top spud for 6.5 flush valve, vacuum breaker, and hand held washer wand with foot pedal hot and cold water supplies with stops and integral check valves. Provide Stainless steel rim guards for front and sides of sink, and a chrome plated brass sink strainer. Sink shall meet the following minimum standards: ASME/ANSI All2.l9.2M, IAPMOruPC, CSA, and local code enforcement agencies. FLOORMOUNTED MAKE MODEL Elkay DLR-1919-8 580-1-1t2" Elkay 35 BCz 5-T Kohler K-7662dbl twc Chicago 786-829- -829-317-62s-CP DRILLING 3 hole NA NA NA NA 3 Hole I I I T il t I t I I I MAKE Kohler SIZE MODEL 20"x20" K6676 FLUSHVALVE WASFMR GUARD Sloan Royal Kohler Kohler l ITBG-O-YJ K-13960 K-t3642 Faucet: T&S Brass # B-0665-BSTR ONLY SURGEONS SCRUB STATION S$2 Welded buffed with matte finish type 302 Stainless Steel, coved corners, full length backsplash, rose spray water spout, and soap dispenser spout removable for cleaning. (aerators are not acceptable). Compartments to be reinforced and sound deadened. Provide two knee action controls, each station, one to start and stop tempered water flow, the other to dispense soap. Pressing and releasing the knee panel labeled *WATER" starts the water flow, pressing and releasing the "WATER' knee panel again stops the water flow. Each time the "SOAP" knee panel is pressed and released, the soap dispensing of approx 2 cc of soap is pumped out of the soap dispenser sDout. I I I T t T VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Documents I5 October 2001 HLM 98007r-04 1s400-12 I I 5 I I I I I I t- I I I I l- I SECTION 15400 PLAMBING A shelf shall be provided under the washing compartment for a one gallon container of soap. The knee panels are to be removable or operable for servicing components under the washing compartment. Provide a thermostatically controlled mixing valve for selecting of water temperatures up to I l5oF (46"C) for each water station. Water flow is stopped automatically if temperatures exceed the set point shown above. Unit mixing valve shall be provided with an adjustable flow regulator, strainers on hot and cold water supplies to the mixing valve, provide a wheel handle stop-check on hot and cold water supplies to the unit(s). Mounting brackets shall be provided for securing the unit(s) to a floor mounted special ZURN INDUSTRIES - CHAIR CARRIER FOR SINGLE, DOUBLE OR TRIPLE STATION SCRUB SINK. Provide divider screen between stations for all multi-station units. All plumbing hardware and trim shall be chrome plated brass, with C.P brass wall and ceiling escutcheons with set screws for permanent and flush mounting to wall and floor of piping and carrier suppons. SCIIEDI'LE PLAN CODE SS-2 MAKE MODEL STATIONS SIZE (WxDxH) AMSCO/STERIS FLEXMATIC TWO 64"X27-9/32"X5t-U2" SIIOWERTRIM ONLY SHR-I Pressure Balancing mixing valve with adjustable stop screw to limit handle turn to 100"F maximum temperafure, complete with shower head, volume control, arm, and set screw flange, integral stops, reverse coring as required for back to back installation, color coded temperature dial, lever diverter. Provide shower drain. MAKE: SYMMONS MODEL: l-100-X-4-12I-300B-VP-K SHOWERIIEAD MOUNTING HT: MEN:72" WOMEN 65" MI)(ING VALVE MOUNTING FIT: 46,, SHOWERTRIM OI\LY SHR-2 Visu-Temp Pressure Balancing mixing valve with adjustable stop screw to limit handle tum to 100'F maximum temperature, complete with shower head, with volume conhol, arm, and set screw flange, integral stops, reverse coring as required for back to back installation, color coded temperature dial, lever diverter, elevated vacuum breaker with set screw wall flanges, and 48" adjusting rod for FS hand spray with plastic covered flexible stainless steel hose, Provide shower drain. MAKE:SYMMONS MODEL: l-ll7VT-FS-X-K-VB-848-4-121 SHOWER HEAD MOUNTING HT: MEN=72" WOMEN 65" VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstr uct io n D o c ume n ls 15 October 2001 I I I rrLM 980071-04 15400-13 I tSECTION I54OO MIXING VALVE MOLJNTINIG HT: 46" PLUMBING TUB & SHOWER TRIM ONLY TS-I Pressure Balancing mixing valve with adjustable stop screw to limit hanCle tum to 100'F maximum temperafure, complete with shower head, volume control, arm, and set screw flange, integral stops, reverse coring as required for back to back installation, color coded temperature dial, lever diverter. Tub, tub spout, waste and overflow drain by others. MAKE: SYMMONS MODEL: l-215-X-4-l2l-300B-VP-K SHOWERHEAD MOLJNTII.IG HT: MEN=72" WOMEN 6s" MXING VALVE MOLINTING HT:46" TUB & SIIOWER TRIM OI\LY TS-2 Visu-Temp Pressure Balancing mixing valve with adjustable stop screw to limit handle turn to 100"F maximum temperature, complete with shower head, with volume control, arm, and set screw flange, integral stops, reverse coring as required for back to back installation, color coded temperature dial, lever diverter, elevated vacuum breaker with set screw wall flanges, and 48" adjusting rod for FS hand spray with plastic covered flexible stainless steel hose, Tub, tub spout, waste and overflow by others. MAKE: SYI\4MONS MODEL: l-3l7VT-FS-X-K-VB-848-4-12l SHOWER HEAD MOLJNTING HT: MEN=72" WOMEN 65" MIXINC VALVE MOLINTING HT: 46" DOWNSPOUTNOZZLE DSN-I Provide downspout nozzles l8" min, 24" max above splash blocks at grade, or on roofs, as shown on drawings. Downspout nozzles shall be cast bronze, with loose wall flange bolted to wall with 3 bolts minimum and bolt anchors in wall. Provide threaded nipple and adaptor to storm drain or discharge pipe for threading the downspout n ozzle in place flush and plumb to surface and wall flange. MAKE: JOSAM MODEL: 25010 SIZE: *2"thru 10" *Use 3" with 3" x 2" Cast Iron Bushing for 2" Drain *Use 6" with 6" x 5" Cast Iron Bushing for 5" Drain For larger than 10" nozzles, consult this and other manufacturers. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Doc uments I5 October 2001 I I I I N I t I I I I I I I t I t HLM 980071-04 15400-14 I t I t I I I I I I I l" I I I I I I I SECTION I54OO PLUMBING ROOFDRAIN RD.I Coated Cast lron adjustable roof drain with painted cast iron vandal proof locking dome, non puncturing clamp device with integral gravel stop, supp ort ring. Adjustable top with wide roof flange, large sump with anchor flange and no.hub bottom outlet. Provide deck clamp assembly and drain receiver as applicable. MAKE: JOSAM MODEL: 21000 SERIES OVERFLOW ROOF DRAIN ORD-I Coated Cast Iron adjustable overflow roof drain with painted cast iron vandal proof locking dome, non puncturing clamp device with integral gravel stop, support ring. Adjustable top with wide roof flange, internal PVC stand pipe set at 2" above the roof drain flow level for maximum of 2" water depth at drain, and no-hub bottom outlet. Provide deck clamp assembly and drain receiver as applicable. MAKE: JOSAM MODEL: 26000 SERIES CLEAI\OUTPLUGS - CO Exposed and accessible, for No Hub system provide blind plug with 4 band 302- I 8-8 stainless steel clamp and neoprene sleeved soil pipe coupling. For Hub and Spigot system provide coated cast iron cleanout femrle, coated cast iron plug for lead seal, or ABS plug. MAKE: JOSAM MODEL: 58180 SERIES WALL CLEAI\IOUTS- WCO Concealed cleanout in wall construction with coated cast iron cleanout tee, for hub and spigot, or no hub systems as applicable, and tapped bronze or ABS countersunk plug with round 302- I 8-8 stainless steel wall access cover with stainless steel screw. MAKE: JOSAM MODEL: 58710 SERIES TLOOR CLEANOUT_FCO Coated cast iron adjustable, leveling floor cleanout with flashing clamp secured cover and 24"x24"x41b lead flashing pan for all floors not on grade. Intemal gasketed ABS cleanout plug and finished access as VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTEN Co ns tr actio n Doc ume nts 15 Ocrober 2001 HLM 980071-04 r5400-ts I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION I54OO specified below: PLUMBING Finished concrete for pedestrian traffic: Adjustable ABS housing set level with square satin finish nickel - bronze, scoriated, secured top. Finished concrete for light vehicular traffic: same as above with heavy duty round tractor cover and leveling retaining screws. Finished concrete for heavy duty traffic, trucks and forklift traffic. Same as above except with heavy duty ductile iron tractor cover with leveling screws. Thin set and vinyl tile floors shall have l/8" tiling flange on a square access box for flush fit oftile to cover. Tenazzo surfaces, provide flow ring as an integral part of the access cover for flush fitting of the terrazzo flooring material to the cleanout box, provide round or square top to match adjoining floor patterns. Carpeted floors, provide concealed access box with square or round top flush with sub floor and carpet marker inlaid into carpet at carpet surface. MAKE: JOSAM MODEL: 58850 SERIES GRADE CLEAIYOUT_GCO Same as heavy duty floor cleanout for fork lift and heavy wheel load traffic, except cleanout box shall be set in an lE" xl8" x 8" deep reinforced concrete pad with cleanout centered on pad. Top of padto be flush with final finished grade. MAKE: JOSAM MODEL: 58860 SERIES Two way exterior Hub and Spigot GCO fitting for sewer. Tyler Pipe and Foundry product FLOOR DRAIN ERD-I Floor Drain for unfinished rooms, non traffic acid-resisting, anti-tilting grate, square cast iron 5-718" deep floor sink with acid resisting interior, /r" primer connection, double drainage flange with weepholes, bottom outlet, with Z2 grate, acid resisting cast iron sediment bucket with stainless steel mesh bucket liner, clamp device for all installations that are not slab on grade. For slab on grade provide inside caulk outlet no clamp device. For slabs not on grade that are above occupied areas, or crawl spaces provide clamp device and "no hub" outlets. VAIL YALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 15400-16 I r- I , SECTTON 15400 PLAMBING I MAKE: JOSAM t GRATE SIZE: 8" X 8"-PIPE SIZE: 2" I MODEL NO: 49302 49103 49304 I MODIFICATIONS: -3-33-35-55-C-X-Z (as applicable) Key: I -3 : % gnte 55 = %" primer tap t -33 = sediment bucket A.R. finish C.I. -C = clamp device -35 = S.S. mesh bucket liner -X = inside caulk outlet -Z = No Hub outlet !FLOORDRAINFD-I I Floor Drain for finished areas shall consist ofa coated cast iron casting, two piece body, double drainage flange, invertible flashing collar, weep holes, bottom outlet, and adjustable satin finish nickel bronze I round or square strainer with a strainer free area of at least l-l/2 times the free area of the connecting I pipe size or drain throat whichever is more. All drains shall be provided with vandal-proof strainer screws, %" plugged primer tapping, and appropriate outlet connections to match piping requirements. I MAKE: J.SAM(R.UND STRAINER)!' PIPE SIZE: ftlf\Ufr,fUV STRAINER SIZE: 5- DIA. 6-DtA <+> I MODEL NUIVIBER 30002-54 30003-64 <,.>I I PLUMBING HOT WATER RETURN SYSTEM BALANCING VALVE SIZES %" TTIRU 3" SOLDER ENDS. I CIRCUIT SETTER BALANCING VALVE CR - See Plumbing Floor Plans for GPMI r Provide calibrated balance valve precision machined ball type triple purpose balancing instrument. I Precisely calibrated for use as a presettable balance valve, variable orifice flow meter and positive shut- off service valve. I Valves are furnished with a calibrated nameplate and memory stop indicator which permits the valve to be preset to a fixed open position and then closed for service without disturbing the valve setting. I Valves shall be equipped with capped readout valves fitted with internal check valves, %" NPT tapped - and plugged drain port and preformed insulation. I Maximum WP: 200 psig, maximum operating temperature: 250oFI I MAKE: ITTBELL& GoSSETTI MoDEL: cB-S SIZES: %'THRU 3"a-- I HLM 980071-04 VAIL VAILEY MEDICAL CENTER I54OO-17 Constt uction Doc uments 15 October 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t AA A B c D E F l. SECTION I54OO PLAMBING METER: MODEL RO-2 COMPLETE WITH GPM CALCULATOR. MINIMUM FLOW:.5 GPM @ <l FTHD. PRE-SET = 1 GPM FOR %" vALvE UI{LESS SHOWN OTHERWISE ON DRAWINGS. WATER IIAMMER ARRESTER SA Water hammer arrestor shall be as scheduled. Arresters shall be of the piston or stainless steel or elastomer bellows material with a seamless, stainless steel or fype L or K copper shell and chamber, and have a permanent pre-charge of air or nitrogen. Piston type arrestors shall have double "O" ring seals and water-proof silicon or other sealant. Units shall be certified by ANSI/ASSE - 1010, Comply with NSF Standard 6l Sections 4 & 8, and meet the lead free requirements as defined by the Safe Drinking Water Act and be provided with threaded (MPT) connections except "AA" units shall be supplied with sofder connection, the "Laundry Mini" shall be supplied with3/" hose end male and female connections. Units shall carry an unconditional lifetime of the system full replacement warranty including materials and labor. Arrestors shall be sized and installed per manufacturers recommendations except where shown specifically otherwise on the drawings. PLAN CODE SA-O sA-l SA-2 SA-3 sA-4 SA-5 SA-6 SA-7* MODEL 660 652-A 653-B 654-C 655-D 656-E 657-F 658* PDI SIZE SIOUX CHIEF SIOUX CHIEF SIOUX CHIEF SIOIX CHIEF SIOUX CHIEF SIOUX CHIEF SIOUX CHIEF SIOUX CHIEF CONNECTION SIZE %"(LAUNDRYMINT) Yr" v," I' * ICE MAKER WALL BOX WTNI STOP IMB-I Provide a 20 gatge hot dipped galvanized steel ice maker supply box and l8 Gauge hot dipped galvanized face plate, complete with %"FIP x t/r" OD outlet compression angle valve. Supply connection to be /t" MPT or 5/8" sweat connection. Rough opening : 10" W x 8-3/4" H x 3-ll2" D. Overall outside frame dimensions: I l-5l8" W x9-112" H. Wt. 5 lbs. Mounting Ht: 36" above finished floor behind refrigerator or floor mounted ice maker, for counter top ice maker, mount box at 12" above counter back splash. Verify all mounting dimensions with Architect and Owner. MAKE: GTryGRAY MODEL: BIM875 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstr uctio n Doc uments I5 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 15400-18 I I I _ SECTION 15400 PLUMBTNG I GARBAGEDISPOSf,R cD-l (StandardModel) I Continuous feed rubber cushion mtd. disposer, motor with manual reset overload protection, stainless steel stopper I andimpellers(swiveltype). 8.1 ampsmaximum, 115160ll current. Controlfromwallswitch. I Waste King 500-lSM tlzl{P i In-Sink-Erator t Whirlaway 59t U2t]P SinkGuard SS270 llzt{P II FLOORSINK FS- II} I Cast iron sanitary floor sink with removable dome strainer, drainage flange, acid-resisting porcelain enamel or I epory coated interior, "P" hap. Drain outlet size to be the same as connecting pipe size shown on drawings. Provide Nickel Bronze ll2 grates on all sinks except as specifically noted. Provide flashing clamp device where waterproof - membranes occur. t Josam 4gZtO Smith 3060Wade \'/-9040-24Zvrn ZN-1950-K f - Ancon FS-621-F I GAS PRESST]RE REGT]LATOR GPR-I r Gas pressure regulator with cast iron valve body, cast aluminum spring loaded regulator, intemal relie{, zinc coated extemal bolts and screws. 125 psi maximum inlet pressure. Provide cone inlet strainer Install with vent opening facing down. When installed indoors, pipe vent opening full size to exterior with inlet facing downward. See schedule on drawings for capacities. Schlumberger Model B-3lR Fisher S-100 Schlumberger Model B-34R Fisher 5-200 a- I HLM 980071-04 VAIL VALLEV MEDICAL CENTER 15400_t9 Co nstr uction Doc aments 15 October 2001 I t I I I I I il I , SECTION I54OO PLAMBING It PART 3 EXECUTION 3.I WATERPIPING T A. Inside Building l. Piping to be continued under this section. Provide shut-offvalve on main line at Iconnection to existing domestic water supply. 2. tnsulate all buried pipe within the building as per Insulation Section of these I Specifications and surround with 4" of clean ,-d. ' I 3. Run piping as direct as possible to required connections, and slope to drain valves at t low points for complete system draindown. Locate drain valves at accessible points ! within the system.I4. Install control valves and thermal wells fumished by Division 15900. I B. Valves and Specialties Il. Gate valves, plug valves, ball valves or butterfly valves may be used for shut-off I service. Valves utilizing lever handles shall be installed to allow complete open to close valve operation without interference of structure, insulation, etc. I 2. Ball, butterfly or globe valves shall be used for balancing service. All valves used r balancing service shall have adjustable memory stops. I I 3. Valves used in insulated piping systems shall have extended necks as required for proper and easy operation after valve is insulated. 4. Provide isolation valves on all lines before they leave the basement and at the chase I on each floor level. 5. Globe valves, where shown, are the only suitable valve. 6. Provide unions at connection: ;o fixtures and equipment including valves when I union trim is not furnished as a standard part of the equipment trim or where items cannot be removed from line without unions. 7. Dielectric unions shall be used at all connections of ferrous material to non-fenous I material. Couplings can be used wherever unions are not required. I 8. Pressure gauges, thermometers, and press/temp. taps are to be used wherever shown I on drawings. Press/temp. taps and pressure gauges shall be located in an accessible I position and immediately before and after equipment with no valve or fitting I between tap or gauge and equipment. Install pressure gauge with isolation valve and drain valve between gauge and isolation valve and install pressure snubber or needle I valve in services with rapid pressure pulses. Use thermal wells with heat transfer I enhancement compound for thermometers. HLM 980071-04 VAIL VALLEV MEDICAL CENTER 15400_20 rConstruclion Documents 15 October 2001 I I T I 9. 10. I I I3'2A I I I I I I I I I I I I l- I SECTION 15400 PLUMBING Vibration isolation, see Section 15050. Pressure Testing See Section 15050, SOIL, WASTE, VENT & STORM DRAIN (to 5 ft. outside building) General I . Connect to waste and storm drainage piping (provide under Division 2). Provide adaptors as required to connect into drainage pipes installed under Division 2. Field verifr actual Division 2 termination location of drainage piping. 2. Main waste lines within the building; provide a uniform fall of not less than one inch in eight feet. 3. Branches; provide a uniform fall of not less than one inch in four feet for 3" and smaller and one inch in eight feet for sizes 4" and larger. 4. Storm lines within the building shall be sloped at a uniform fall of not less than one inch in eight feet, unless specifically noted. 5. Horizontal lines suspended from structure; provide hangers at five feet intervals or wherever necessar5i to insure proper grading. 6. Vertical lines; anchor at each floor level. 7 . Fixtures; vent in accordance with sound plumbing practice and applicable codes. Do not install vents within two feet of roof edge, parapet or wall line of an "on the roof' structure. 8. Provide cleanout outside the building where sanitary sewer exits the building near the connection between the building sewer and building drain. Cleanout shall be an approved two-way type, extended to grade. 9. Drain lines shall not be less than 2" when located below slab on grade floor. Drain lines below slab on grade floor shall not be less than 3" when horizontal distance is greater than 20 feet. B. Cleanouts Install full size brass cleanout plugs on pipes up to 4" in size and 4" cleanouts on 4" and larger pipes, wherever pipes change direction 45 degrees or more or otherwise require cleanouts for proper cleaning of entire drainage systems. All wall cleanouts shall be located 4" to 6" above floor unless cleanout would fall behind permanent casework, then locate at 4'-6" above floor. Provide cleanouts at 50 feet maximum intervals for pipe 4" and less in size, 100 feet intervals for 5" pipe and larger. Cleanouts to have brass plugs with chrome plated cover plates for walls, scoriated brass cover for floor installed flush with VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constructio n Doc uments 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 15400-21 I ISECTION 15400 PLAMBING floor and brass cover with carpet ring for carpeted area, flush with carpet. Submit proposed locations of all cleanouts for approval prior to installation. C. Pressure Testing See Section 15050. 3.3 FUEL OIL PIPING A. Piping l. All lines shall have welded joints except for 3 swingjoints at fuel tank. B. Pressure Testing See Section 15050. 3.4 FIXruRESANDEQUIPMENT A. Fixtures l. lnstall all fxtures and rough in according to the fxtures accepted. 2. All fixtures shall be secured to walls and floor or countertops in accordance with manufacturey's roughing in and setting requirements to form a rigid installation. 3. All pipe at the fixtures, which may be exposed to view, shall be brass chrome finish, finished with chrome escutcheons where they project from walls and floors. Stop valves without handles shall be furnished and installed at all fixtures and at rough in locations. Fumish a minimum of six (6) handles to the Owner. Stop valves shall be furnished and installed at all equipment locations. Securely anchor flush valves behind or within walls to be rigid and not subject to movement due to push or pull action on the valve. Integral vacuum breakers shall be provided at all outlets with hose connections. Contractor shall fill gap between wall and all fixtures located against the wall with white silicon sealant with "Coved" finish. Install bottom of shower heads at elevations listed. a. Men: 6'-6" above finished floor b. Female: 6'-0" above finished floor c. Child: 5'-0" above finished floor Valving Provide valves on all water and gas piping lines before they leave the basemen! crawl space or hench. Install shut off valves for all plumbing groups of more than 4 fixtures. Provide isolation valves at each branch take-off from the main. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments 15 October 2001 I I I I I I I I t I I I 4. 5. 1 8. I I I T I B. HLM 980071-04 15400-22 I I c. D. I I I I I I I l_. J. t I I t t I I I- SECTION 15400 PLAMBING Hose Bibbs Provide and install hose bibb in each equipment room where there is a cold water line present. Install accessible stop and drain valve in branch line ahead of each wall hydrant. Provide chrome plated hose bibbs in all finished areas and rough brass in all mechanical areas. Test Plugs Provide test plugs in floor drains and roof drains at the time of installation. l,eave test plugs in place for the duration of construction. Install strainers and domes as required immediately after completion of finish floor and roof installation. Roof Drains l. Provide a vertical expansion joint at each connection to a roof drain unless an offset is provided. Where piping crosses building expansion joints, provide swing or expansion joints to allow for building movement. 2. All overflow roof drains shall be installed with the inlet flow line located two inches above the low point of the roof. Provide drain extensions as required @o not shave or notch roof insulation). Backflow Preventer l. Install backflow preventers of the same size as the line sizes in which installed except as otherwise noted. Install air gap funnel drain under the relief valve discharge and run full size drain line from funnel drain to floor drain. Size drain line per manufacturer's recommendations. 3. Mount reduced pressure backflow prevente(s) in accordance with all local regulations. Where regulations do not exist mount backflow preventer a minimum of 30 inches and maximum 60 inches above finished floor and a minimum of 18 inches away from any wall. 4. Provide line size strainer upstream ofall backflow preventers. 5. All backflow prevention devices must be tested by a certified cross-connection conhol technician, with copies of report included in O & M manuals. Shock Absorbers Isolate each absorber with a ball valve. Place in accessible location not more than 6" from access door. Provide access doors as required; re: Section 15050. Selection of shock absorber size shall be based on fixture units shown on the drawines. Trap Primers l. Installpermanufacturer'srecommendations. YAIL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments 15 October 2001I HLM 980071-01 15400-23 SECTION I54OO PLAMBING 2. System must be flushed prior to installation of hap primers. 3. All primers shall be cycled 6 times to assure proper operation. Include certification of primer cycling in O & M manuals. 4. Install pipe at a I foot in 20 feet slope towards floor drain. FLASHINGS Provide flashing as recommended by roofing manufacturer for each vent or stack and for each roof drain. Clamp flashing into roof drain. Flash all drains (i.e. rooi floor, etc.) not installed in slab on grade with 36 inch square, 4 lb/sq.ft. sheet lead, or chlorinated polyethylene factory laminated to 15 lb. felt. Clamp flashing into drain. ADruSTINGANDCLEANING Make final adjustnent of tempering valves under maximum flow conditions to discharge temperature called for in these specifications. Clean strainers, traps, aerators, and valves of debris, sand and dirt. At completion, thoroughly clean plumbing fxtures and equipment. Adjust flush valves, faucets, showers, bubblers for proper flow, after cleaning and flushing operations are accomplished. I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.5 3.6 A. B. C. D. E. Upon completion of water heater installation, verifr satisfactory control operation under maximum demand op€ration as recommended by manufacturer. Adjust discharge water temperature. Make control adjustments required. F. Adjust balancing valves in domestic hot water recirculation lines to insure quick delivery of hot water to fxtures. Set memory stops. 3.7 PROTECNON Protect fixtures and related components fiom damage before, during and after installation to date of final acceptance or owner move-in. Provide protective coverings or other protection as required. END OF SECTION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstr uction Doc uments 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 15400-24 r I SECTTON 1s480 MEDTCAL GAS pIpINc SYSTEMS I sEcTroN rs480 I MEDIcAL GAS PIPING SYSTEMS I PARTI-GENERAL t Ll RELATEDDOCUMENTS I The General Provisions of the Conhac! including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I - Specification Sections and Conhact Documents apply to work in this I section. Consult them for further instructions and be governed by the requirements f thereunder. I 1.2 WORK INCLLJDED I A. Piping performance of medical gas systems including oxygen (0), medical air (MA), nitrogen (N2), and medical vacuum systems (VAC). I B, Outlets, valve boxes, valves, headwalls, medical gas hose reels, alarm systems, pressur€ and vacuum switches, medical air compressor, medical vacuum pump, and miscellaneous accessories for complete systems. C. Nitrogen manifold system. I I . D. Pressure testing, cross connection testing and final testing, including purging and analyzing. I E. Certification.I I I.3 RELATEDREQUIREMENTS ! A. Basic Mechanical Requirements - Section 15010. '! B. Basic Materials and Methods - Section 15050.I Mechanical Identification - Section 15190.II 1.4 ITEMsToBEzuRMSHEDFoRINsTALLATToNByoTITERS A. Cylinden for nitrogen will be provided by gas supplier under separate contract with ther owner.t , I.5 ITEMS TO BE FURNISHED BY OTHERS FOR INSTALLATION BY THIS CONTRACTOR.! A. Headwall units. B. Medical gas hose reel assemblies. - 1.5 QUALITYASSURAITCEA. Comply with current NFPA 99 standards for pressure gases, and CGA P-2.1 f recommendations for vacuum systems, plus applicable local, state, and federal codes. l- I HLM 98OO7I-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constructio n Doc uments 15 October 2001 15480-l I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I J. +. 5. B. 2.1 2.2 SECTION 15180 MEDICAL GAS PIPING SYSTEMS B, Employ only qualified joumeymen for this work. Employ a qualified mechanic with a minimum of 5 years experience in the installation of these systems to supervise the work. 1.7 COORDINATION A. Coordinate with other hades to assure timely instaliations and to avoid conflicts and interference. B. Work closely with the metal stud partition installer and/or mason to assure that anchors, sleeves, and similar items are provided in sufficient time to avoid delays and that chases and openings are properly sized and prepared. C. Coordinate layout of medical gas systems in all places, and identiS' all piping accurately and in accordance with coded paint color required and specification Section 15190. PARI2 - PRODUCTS PIPING - ALL SYSTEMS All piping shall be hard-drawn seamless medical gas tube, type L or K (ASTM 8-819) and bear one of the following markings: OXY, MED, OXYMED, ACR/OXY or ACRA{ED. All piping shall be as specified for oxygen services; factory washed, degreased, and capped perNFPA99. All connections and joints shall be in accordance withNFPA 99. MEDICAL GAS VALVING Valves l. All valves shall be specifically prepared for oxygen service and shall conform in all particulars to NFPA 99 and shall be cleaned, assembled and tested in conformance with the Compressed Gas Association Specification CGA G-41. Valves 2" and smaller shall be ball-type, with teflon seats and adjustable stem packing gland with teflon stem seal. Valves 2-l/2'to 3" shall have teflon seats and double teflon stem seal. Valves 4" and larger shall have Buna-N ball seats. All ball valves shall be rated at 400 psig and actuate from full "ON" to full "OFF" by 90 degree tum of vinyl gipped valve handle. Factory installed copper tubing shall be extended sufficiently to help prevent valve seat damage during soldering. Unless specifically noted or obviously required, main and riser valves located in other than public areas are not required to be installed in box. All valves are to be line size unless otherwise noted. All valves are to have gauge ports unless otherwise noted. Chemtron Catalog No. 77-03. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C onstr uct io n D oc uments 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 15180-2 5. I I I T I t I I I I I I I 2.3 I t I I l- I SECTION 15180 MEDICAL GAS PIPING SYSTEMS B. Zone Valve Boxes (ZVB) l. Zone valve boxes shall be constructed of l8 gauge sheet steel with air dried lacquer finish. The cover frame shall be made of anodized aluminum and attached to the box by concealed l-l/2 inch (38mm) screws. The finished assembly shall be substantially dust-tight. The frame assembly shall be capable of adjusting for variances in wall thicknesses up to I inch. The frame assembly shall contain an easily removable cover window with pull ring. The window shall conceal exposed piping and valves within the box and shall be labeled "Caution - Medical Gas Shut- Off Valves - Close Only ln Emergency". Clear viewing space shall be provided in the window to display the gas service, the area controlled by the valve, and pressure gauges on units so equippec. Double and friple valve boxes shall be desigred to accept factory installed valve sizes through two inches. Where more than three valves are indicated on the plans, installer shall stack boxes using steel shaps and screws provided by the manufacturer. Frames for all valve boxes shall have uniform width for balanc.ed appearance. Manufacturer shall provide color-coded self adhesive eas service labels for compliance with NFPA 99 labeling requirements. The installing contactor shall apply labels to each valve within the assembly for proper gas service identification according to the manufactureds instructions. Placement of the valve within the zone valve box shatl be such that the removable window cannot be replaced when any valve is closed. Factory installed type K copper pipe extensions shall extend three inches outside the valve box. Design ofthe valve box shall be such that valves may be removed prior to brazing, without disassembly of the box, to permit rearrangement of valves if necessary. Valves shall be ball type as described previously. 4. Zone valve assemblies shall include l-ll2" pressure gauges reading 0-100 psi for oxygen, nitrous oxide, air, and other 50 psi working pressure gases; 0-300 psi for nitrogen, and 0-30' Hg for vacuum or evacuation vacuum. The gauge port shall be equipped with removable plug for pressure testing prior to final assembly of gauge. 5. Zone valve box assemblies shall read pressure down-stream and vacuum upstrqrm of the valve per NFPA 99. Valves shall be piped left to right. Chemetron Catalog No. 77. MEDICALGAS WALL OUTLET STATIONS Medical Gas Wall Outlet Stations shall be modular, quick-connect type. Modular outlet stations shall be field-assembled with sequences and services indicated on the plans. Centerline spacing of multiple outlets shall be 5 inches minimum. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Consfiuction Documents 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 15480-3 I I I I I I t t I t I I I I T I I I I SECTION 15180 MEDICAL GAS PIPING SYSTEMS Outlet stations for medical gases shall have a stainless ste€l faceplate mounted on a chrome-plated, zinc die-cast coverplate. The coverplate assembly shall contain the quick- connect latch release mechanism, indexing pins for safety keying on the gas-specific coverplate to the appropriate rough-in box, and color-coded gas service identihcation. The safety-keying index pins shall be permanently captured between the coverplate and latch assembly. Designs with index pins molded in plastic will not be acceptable. The latch mechanism shall be designed for one-handed, single thrust mounting and one- handed finger-tip release of secondary equipment. The outlet stations shall be capable of supporting common secondary equipmen! including suction regulator and half-gallon collection bottle, without the use of slide brackets. The coverplate shall attach to the primary valve assembly. The primary valve shall be threaded into the rough-in box separately from the coverplate to facilitate lead-testing around the valve. Designs which prevent this test will not be acceptable. The primary valve body shall be made of brass and shall be adjustable to compensate for variation in plaster thickness. Provide an o.ring within the valve to seal mating adapter plugs. Future replacement of this o-ring shall not require disassembly of the coverplate. The primary valve poppet shall be self-sealing in service, requiring no dust cap or cover. The rough-in box shall be made of conosion resistant zinc plated, sheet steel with provisions for field-ganging by the installers. Provide two, factory-started, slotted, hex- head screws and fasteners with each rough-in box. Installer may gang rough-in boxes using holes provided for l/8" diameter pop rivets. Each rough-in box shall contain a base and tube assembly consisting of a Type K copper pigtail, flared to accept ll4" lD, 3/8" OD supply line, brass lock and base housing, a secondary check valve per NFPA 99 (not required in vacuum), primary valve o-ring seal, check valve deflator spring (except vacuum), pressure testing cap plug and plaster shield. The copper inlet tube shall be capable of rotating 360 degrees to adjust for field piping conditions. The secondary check valve shall be fully automatic and self-sealing upon removal of the primary valve. The primary valve seal shall be field replaceable WITHOUT shutting off gas supply to the outlet station. Desigrs that preclude servicing the primary valve seal in this manner will not be acceptable. Medical gas outlets shall be cleaned for oxygen service in accordance with CGA Pamphlet G-4.1. The assembly shall be capped and internal parts poly-bagged for shipment. The outlet assembly shall be U.L. listed. Chemetron 500 Series. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstr uctio n Doc uments 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 15480-4 I I I24 I I I I t t I I I I I I I t l- I SECTION 15480 MEDICAL GAS PIPING SYSTEMS MASTERALARM PANEL (MAP) WITH GAUGES) Gauge model master alarm panels shall be designed to meet the requirements of NFPA and CSA standards. Alarms shall be U.L. listed as an assembly, and shall include all necessary gauges, faclory wiring, transformers, and circuitry requiring only 115 volt primary power. Intemal voltage shall be stepped down to 12 volt closed, control circuit power. l/Viring to extemal switches shall also be at 12 volts. The master alarms shall include one or more eight signal modules for wiring to remote switches monitoring the status of supply systems. Extemal switches may be either normally open (N.O.) or normally closed (N.C.) type, or any combination of N.O. or N.C. contacts. Built-in switches for selecting extemal contact type shall be factory set for closed circuitry wiring. Each signal shall be labeled for its tunction using self adhesive labels provided with the unit. Adjacent to each signal label will be a highly brilliant, red, LED indicator light to signify activity of the extemal switch. Activation of any switch will light its LED and ac{uate the audio alarm. The 8-signal module shall contain an independent "power on" light consisting of green LED's and a test button for a full circuit "test" of audio and visual signals. Each line pressure module shall incorporate the following: a. Yellow light to indicate the servicing that is being displayed in the LCD window. b. Red light(s) to indicate that a high and/or low alarm condition exists. Red lights may be extinguished only by fault conection. c. Test button to simulate alarm conditions for all LED, LCD, and audio functions of the individual module. d. Display button that cpmmands liquid crystal display of a selected service. e. View windows for field labeling gas/vacuum service and pressure calibration. Each module shall have a locking type quick-disconnect electrical terminal for servicing without shutting down the system. A back box shall contain factory installed copper tube extensions, 6" long 114" lD flared to a 3/8" lD to accept installer fumished lines from the medical gas system. Each inlet tube shall have an internal check valve and female quick connect coupling to accept transducer gauges. Each transducer gauge shall be factory calibrated with its transducer before shipping to jobsite. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstr uction Doc uments 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 15480-5 SECTION 15480 MEDICAL GAS PIPING SYSTEMS The master circuit board shall have a four fused secondary to insure against total alarm failure if one fuse is blown. lt shall also contain dual transformers and selector switch to field select either 230 or 115 volt primary service. A detachable fuse clip on the primary side shall be included to insure that power is disrupted when the transformer cover is removed. The alarm audio tone shall consist of four timing signals that amplitude and frequency modulate the audible sound. The audio signal may be canceled only by the "alarm silence" button or fault conection. Provide all modules, sensors, wiring and certification required for a complete, code compliant installation. Coordinate the installation of sensors with all medical gas suppliers (i.e. bulk oxygen supplier) and coordinate any necessary medical gas shut- downs with the Hospital. Following is a list of the required signals and alarm points. Master Alarm Configuration: oxYgen Liquid Level Low Reserve in Use Reserve Liquid Level Low Reserve Low Pressure Pressure High Pressure Low Medical Air Pressure High Pressure Low Dew Point High Local Compressor Fault Lag Unit Rtmning High Water in Receiver High Water in Separator High Carbon Monoxide - CO Nitrous Oxide Pressure High Pressure Low Reserve or Secondarv in Use Nitrogen Pressure High Pressure Low Reserve or Secondarv in Use VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uctio n Doc uments 15 October 2001 I t I I I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I HLM 980071-04 15480-6 I I I I I I I J I I-, I I I I I t I SECTION 15180 MEDICAL GAS PIPING SYSTEMS Vacuum Vacuum Low Local Pump Fault Lag Unit Running Thermal ShutDown Chemetron Series 74-08 or equivalent by Ohmeda, Puritan Bennett>. LINE PRESSI.JRE ALARMS (AAP) Gauge model line pressure alarm panels shall be designed to meet the requirements of NFPA and CSA standards. Alarms shall be U.L. listed as an assembly and shall include all necessary gauges, factory wiring, transformers, and circuitry requiring only ll5 volt primary power. Intemal voltage shall be stepped down to 12 volt closed, control circuit power. Wiring to extemal switches shall also be at 12 volts. Line pressure alarm panels shall be modular in design and have dual disptay gauges which shall include an I I light vertical bar of LED's (Light Emitting Diodes) for graphic display of actual pressure from normal to alarm conditions and an LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) to show actual pr€ssure numerically. The LCD shall be activated by alarm conditions or by depressing display buttons. Each gas service shall have its own display button. If multiple alarm conditions occur, the LCD shall altemately display pressure values on a timed sequence. Each line pressure module shall incorporate the following: a. Yellow light to indicate the service that is being displayed in the LCD window. b. Red ligh(s) to indicate that a high and/or low alarm condition exists. Red lights may be extinguished only by fault correction. c. Test button to simulate alarm conditions for all LED, LCD, and audio functions of the individual module. d. Display button that commands liquid crystal display of a selected service. e. View windows for field labeling gaVvacuum service and pressure calibration. Each module shall have a locking type quick-disconnect electrical terminal for servicing without shutting down the system. The backbox shall contain factory installed copper tube extensions, 6" long, l/4" ID flared to 3/8'ID to accept installer furnished lines from the medical gas system. Each inlet tube shall have an intemal check valve and female quick connect coupling to accept transducer gauge before shipping tojobsite. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents I5 October 2001 l'.- I HLM 980071-04 r 5480-7 2.6 SECTION 15480 MEDICAL GAS PIPING SYSTEMS The alarm audio tone shall consist of four timing signals that amplitude and frequency modulate the audible sound. The audio sigral may be canceled only by the "alarm silence" button or fault correction. The contractor shall supply the alarm and coordinate the power wiring with the electrical contractor. Chemetron Catalog No. 74-14-6. MAMFOLDS The manifold shall be complete with headers, pigtail connections, and have the capacity for cylinden divided equally between two banks. The banks shall be designed to physically accommodate room dimensions. The control unit shall be equipped to reduce cylinder gas pressure to 55 psig nitrous oxide, or to 180 psig (ninogen) for delivery to the distribution system. The control unit shall be housed in a weather and impact resistant case to protect intemal comPonents and shall contain a separate and easily visible instmment panel. The instrument panel shall contain cylinder contents gauges for both banks, delivery line pressure gauge, and mechanically operated indicator for visual identification of "reserve" in use/normal "service" operation. The manifold control shall be automatic in shifting from service to reserve bank with one reset lever to re-establish sewice bank. A weather resistant pressure switch shall be provided for mounting outside of the case to send "reserve in use" signal to the medical gas alarm system. The entire assembly is to be valved to permit removal and maintenance of components with minimum intemrption of services. Chemetron Model 3000. MEDICAL VACUUM PUMP SYSTEM The vacuum pump shall be a Chemetron Oil-Lubricated Rotary Vane Pump. The packaged system contains all necessary controls and components to meet or exceed NFPA 99 recommended guidelines. The factory packaged vacuum system consists of rotary vane vacuum pump, pre-wired control panel, and interconnecting wiring and piping, requiring only two plumbing connections (intake and exhaust) and one major electrical connection. Chemetron Medical Vacuum System shall be a stack mounted unit. The vacuum pump is continuous duty, rotary vane, oil-sealed, air cooled, direct driven unit capable of continuous operation over a working range of 18'to 29" Hg. Each pump has single shaft seals and is equipped with an automatic gas ballast valve to prevent condensation of water vapor, extending the life of the oil and the system. The pump includes an integral, multi-stage oil-removal system featuring a built-in exhaust demister that removes and reclaims 99.9% of the exhausted oil. Additionally, each pump includes an exhaust back pressure gauge to indicate the need for filter maintenance and an oil sight- glass for monitoring oil level. Lubrication is provided by the integral, fully recirculating oil supply. The pump inlet is protected by means of a wire mesh screen. An intemal anti- VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Docaments l5 October 2001 I t I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I 2.7 B. HLM 980071-04 15480-8 t I I I I t I T I t SECTION 15480 MEDICAL GAS PIPING SYSTEMS suckback valve is included to prevent oil from entering the vacuum piping network. Pump vanes, because of their conshuction, will provide superior heat transfer and long life. The pumps are dynamically balanced and virtually vibration free. C. Each pump shall produce 63.9 scfrn @ 19" Hg and equipped with a l0 hp motor. Each pump is driven by a direct flanged, three-phase, standard TEFC motor via a pin and bush coupling. All models op€rate between 58-83 dBa" depending on size. Pumps require standard automotive grade SAE-30 non-detergent oil for lubrication. Synthetic oil is available as an option. The UL listed triplex electrical control panel is mounted in a NEMA 12 control cabinet. The panel shall be wired to except two existing pumps to form a triplex system. The standard control panel includes the following components: Integral circuit breaker disconnects with door interlock, across the line motor starters with three phase overload protection, a programmable logic conholler to cycle lead pump with each use, Hand-Off-Automatic selector switch for each pump, lag pump in use indicator light with hom and connection for remote annunciation, hour meters to monitor factory recommended service intervals, pump running lights to indicate pump in operation. The vacuum system includes properly sized inlet and exhaust flex connectors, and vibration isolation pads for field installation. The system also includes factory installed 5 micron pump inlet filters to promote longer life. As options, the system may be supplied with an exhaust silencer and/or bacterial filters for field installation. Start-up and in-service instruction is provided by a factory trained technician. The Chemetron Medical Vacuum System is warranted for 12 months after start-up or 18 months from date of shipment (whichever comes first). The unit shall be Chemetron Catalos No. DSRV-OF-I0. MTROGEN CONTROL PANEL A. Nitrogen Contol Panel shall be designed to deliver variable pressures to power pneumatic surgical tools. The unit shall have inlet supply gauge, 0-300 PSIG to indicate the supply line pressure. Located immediately upstream of this gauge shall be a supply line shut-off valve, rated at not less than 250 PSIG pressure. A quarter turn of the valve handle shall be required to obtain a fully "open" or "closed" position. An adjustable relieving type pressure regulator, with an operating range of 0-250 PSIG (O kPa to 17.55 kPa) shall provide required pressure to the nitrogen service outlet. There shall be an outlet supply gauge, 0-300 PSIG to give indication ofthe outlet pressure being supplied to the outlet. The Nitrogen Control Panel shall be pre-piped intemally requiring only extemal supply line connections. Additional outlets in the same room may be connected to the remote outlet pigtail VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr action Doc uments 15 October 2001 D. E. F. G. B. C. D. 2.8 I I I I t I I l- I HLM 980071-04 r5480-9 SECTION 15480 MEDICAL GAS PIPING SYSTEMS furnished in the control panel. Remote outlets shall be regulated by the adjustable pressure regulator within the panel and shall match the Nitrogen Control Panel Outlet. F. The conbol panel shall have a DISS outlet and shall be Chemehon No. 75-20-XXXX. CEILING OUTLETS WITH HOSE DROPS A. Medical Gas Outlet Stations shall be modular, DISS type. Modular outlet stations shall be field-assembled with sequences and sewices indicated on the plans. Centerline spacing of multiple outlets shall be S-inches minimum. Outlet stations for medical gases shall have a stainless steel faceplate mounted on a chrome-plated, zinc die-cast coverplate. The coverplate assembly shall contain indexing pins for safety keying the gas-specific coverplate to the appropriate rough-in box. The safety-keying index pins shall be permanently captured between the coverplate and index pin retainer. Desigrs with index pins molded in plastic will not be acceptable. Provide a color coded, molded plastic gas service identification label on each coverplate. The coverplate shall be attached to the primary valve assembly and rough-in box. The primary DISS valve shall be independently safety-keyed to prevent cross-connection. In addition, the DISS valve shall thread into the rough-in box separately from the coverplate to facilitate leak-testing around the valve. Designs which prevent this test will not be acceptable. The primary valve shall be made of brass, chrome-plated and shall contain a poppet that is self-sealing in service, requiring no dust cap or cover. The primary valve shall be adjustable to compensate for variations in plaster thickness. Quantity and gas type shall be provided as indicated on plans. Each rough-in box shall contain a base and tube assembly consisting ofa Type K copper pigtail, flared to accept V4" lD (3/8" OD) supply line, brass lock and base housing, a secondary check valve per NFPA 56F not required in vacuum, primary valve, c.ring seal, check valve, and deflator spring except vacuum, pressure testing cap plug and plaster shield. The copper inlet tube shall be capable of rotating 360 degrees to adjust for field piping conditions. Medical gas outlets shall be cleaned for oxygen service. The assembly shall be capped and internal parts poly-bagged for shipment. The outlet assembly shall be LIL listed. Outlets shall be Chemehon Cataloe No. 64-04-560X. Hose assemblies shall utilize a gas specific color coded hose that meet or exceed conductivity requirements as specified in NFPA99. Hose assemblies shall consist of a DISS female fitting for attaching to the ceiling outle! a hose retractor and Chemetron quick-connect coupler Dyna-Con for N2 with inherent primary and secondary check valves, for attaching to hoses connected to patient care equipment. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Doc uments 15 October 2001 I I I B. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D. F. G. I I HLM 980071-04 154E0-10 I I D. 3.1 I I I I I I I I 3.2I I I I I l- F. G. I I SECTION 15480 MEDICAL GAS PIPING SYSTEMS I. Hose assemblies are to be supplied for a finished ceiling height of 9 ft 6 in., in quantities and gas services as indicated on plans. J. Hose assemblies shall be Chemetron Catalog No. l5-XX-XXXX. PART3 -EXECUNON INSTALLATION Make all joints in the piping, except those permitted to be approved brass flared type gas fubing fittings, and those at valves or at equipment requiring screw connections, with silver brazing alloy or similar high melting point (at least 1000 degrees F) brazing metals. The use of flux is prohibited in all instances, except when joining copper with brass or other dissimilar metals. Install screw joints used in shutoff valves, by tinning the male thread with soft solder. Use of polyetrafluorethylene tape or other approved orygen sealing compounds are acceptable. After installation of the piping, but before installation of the outlet valves, blow lines clear by means of oil-fipe, dry air, or nitrogen. All oxygen piping below grade will be enclosed in a Schedule 40 steel pipe. Contactor to mark location of buried oxygen pipe with red plastic locator tape placed 6"-12" below grade, above pipe. All buried pipe to be buried a minimum of 4'-6" below grade. All branch take-offs are to be taken from top of main. Install valves so that gauge ports are on the downstream side of the valve. All wall mounted devices installed in a rated wall assembly must be wrapped with gyp board to maintain the wall rating. Coordinate locations, wall thicknesses and clearances with the General Conbactor TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS After installation of the piping and station outlet rough-in assemblies (but before installation of finishing assemblies, actuating switches, gauges, etc.) each section of the pipeline system shall be subjected to a minimum test pressure of 150 psig (200 psig maximum) by means of oil-free dry air or nitrogen, The test pressure shall be maintained until each joint has been examined for leakage by means of soapy water or other equally effective means of detection safe for use with oxygen. Leaks, if any, shall be located, repaired, and retested. After testing of each system above, the completely assembled station outlets and all other components (switches, gauges, finish-assemblies, etc.) shall be installed and all piping systems shall be subjected to a 24 hour standing pressure test at 20 percent above the normal operating pressure with oil-free dry air or nihogen. After the piping system is filled with test gas, the supply valve and all outlets shall be closed, and the source oftest sas disconnected. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Conslruclion Documents l5 Ocrober 2001I HLM 980071-04 15480-tl I t I I I I I t I T t T I I I I I I I B. c. J.J 3.4 SECTION 15480 MEDICAL GAS PIPING SYSTEMS The system shall remain leak-free for 24 hours. When making the standard pressure test, the only allowable pressure changes during the 24-hour test period shall be those caused by variations in the ambient temperature around the piping system. Such changes can be checked by means of the pressure-temperature relationship: calculated final absolute pressure (absolute pressure is gauge pressure plus 12.12 psi ifgauge is calibrated in "psi") equals the initial absolute pressure times the final absolute temperature (absolute temperature is temperature reading plus 460 degrees, if thermometer is calibrated in Fahrenheit degrees), divided by the initial absolute temperature. MEDICAL GAS OUTLET STATIONS There are some applications where medical gas outlet stations will be installed back-to- back in 3-518" stud wall. Contractor to install piping and outlets such that outlets do not have to be offset. CERTIFICATION OF MEDICAL GAS SYSTEM Start-up, testing and certification of the medical gas systems shall be conducted by an independent, third-party, factory trained representative with a minimum of five (5) years experience in medical gas pipeline testing and certification. Proof of two million dollars liability insurance is required. Certifiers wishing to be approved for this project shall submit qualifications and references to McFall, Konkel & Kimball. Acceptable Certifiers: Medical Air Systems Inc. Golden, CO. (303) 279-2491 After successful start-up of all systems and components, vital information regarding the proper operation of the equipment shall be made a part of the medical gas certification and included in the O & M Manuals. This shall include. but not be limited to: I . The medical air compressors, dryers, purifiers, filters, regulators, dew point and carbon monoxide monitors. 2. The medical vacuum pumps. 3. The nitrogen manifolds. 4. The master and line pressure alarms and their signal devices. 5. The medical gas valves and zone valve boxes. 6. The outlets, nitrogen control panels, and hose drop assemblies. Testing shall be in strict accordance with NFPA 99 and the following: Prior to having the system certified, the plumbing contractor should perform items 1,2,3 and 4. Documentation of the Certification shall be included in the O & M Manuals. 1. Clean the piping system by clearing it with pressurized, oil-free dry air or nitrogen. This cleaning shall be performed just afterthe installation of the piping system, but before the installation of the alarm switches, manifolds, pressure gauges, and other VAIL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstr uc t io n D oc u me n ts 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-01 15480-t2 D. I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I l- I SECTION 15180 MEDICAL GAS PIPING SYSTEMS "peripheral" components. 2. Visually inspect each brazedjoint. This inspection shall be done to make sure that the brazing alloy has been properly applied to the joint and that there are no discemible defects. During the inspection, excess flux shall be removed. 3. While all piping is fully visible, pressurize each section of the piping system to 150 psig using oil-free dry air or nihogen. After the system has been pressurized, each joint shall be checked for leakage using a soap water solution or other nontoxic leak- detecting agent. If leaks are detected, the system shall be repaired and retested. 4. After testing each individual medical gas system, the completely assembled station outlets and all other components shall be installed, and subjected to a 24 hour standing pressure test at 20 percent above normal operated line pressure. This test gas shall be oil-free, dry nitrogen. The source valve shall be closed. kaks, if any, shall be located, repaired and retested. The following items shall be performed by the Certifier. l. Each dedicated gas system shall be tested with oil-free, dry nihogen, to veri$ that there are no cross-connections to any other system. To determine the presence of cross-connections is to pressurize only one system to 50 psig at a time, and then test each outlet to veri$ that the gas exists only at each of the expected outlets. 2. The testing of the nominal 55 psig medical gas systems (I.E. oxygen, nitrous oxide, and medical air), should be done in a sequence as to allow the least chance of hazard if a cross connection did occur. This would typically require testing the medical air system firsl the oxygen system next and the nihous oxide last. Each gas piping system shall be purged of contaminants by flushing with the appropriate source gas while under system pressure. The piping system for each gas shall be purged by successively opening each outlet in progressive order, starting with the outlet that is nearest the pressure source and ending at the outlet that is farthest from the pressure source. The gas shall be purged through a white cloth material at a flow rate of at least 100 liters per minute until there is no longer any evidence of discoloration or particulate. It is also important to purge for a sufficiently long time so that all of the test gas previously used has been removed from the system. Cross-Connection Test: After closing of walls and completion of requirements of NFPA 99 4-5.1.2, it shall be determined that no cross-connection of piping systems exists. All medical gas systems shall be reduced to atrnospheric pressure. All sources of test gas from all of the medical gas systems, with the exception of the one 4. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns tr uctio n Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 15480-t3 SECTION 15480 5. MEDICAL GAS PIPING SYSTEMS system to be checked, shall be disconnected. This system shall be pressurized with oil-free nitrogen to 50 psig (350 kPa gauge). With appropriate adapter matching outlet labels, each individual station outlet of all medical gas systems installed shall be checked to determine that test gas is being dispensed only from the outlets of the medical gas system being tested. (l) The source of test gas shall be disconnected and the system tested reduced to atnospheric pressure. hoceed to test each additional piping system in accordance with Paragraph 4.a above. (2) Where a medical vacuum piping system is installed, the cross- connection testing shall include that piped vacuum system with all medical gas piping systems. The presence and correctness of labeling required by this standard for all components (e.g., station outlets, shutoff valves, and signal panels) shall be verified. Valve Test: Valves installed in each medical gas piping system shall be tested to veriff proper operation and rooms or areas of control, Records shall be made listing the rooms or areas controlled by each valve for each gas. The information shall be utilized to assist and verifu the proper labeling of the valves. Include information in O & M Manuals. Flow Test: All outlets shall be tested for flow. Tests shall be performed with the use of oil-free, dry nihogen as described in CGA P-9, Inert Cases: Argon, Nitrogen and Helium. b. Oxygen, nihous oxide, and air outlets shall deliver 6.5 SCFM with a pressure drop ofno more than 5 psig (35 kPa), and static pressure of50 psig (349 kPa). c. Nifogen outlets shall deliver 5.0 SCFM with a pressure drop of no more than 5 psig and static pressure of 160 psig (l118 kPa). Alarm Testing: a. All waming systems for each medical gas piping system shall be tested to ensure that all components function properly prior to placing the piping system in service. Permanent records of these tests shall be maintained. Waming systems that are part of an addition to an existing piping system shall be tested prior to the connection of the new piping to the existing system. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENT:ER Construction Documents 15 October 2001 I I I I I I t I I I I t 6. I I I I I I I 7. HLM 980071-04 15480-14 t I SECTION 15480 b. MEDICAL GAS PIPING SYSTEMS Warning Systems. Tests of waming systems for new installations (initial test) shall be performed after the cross-connection testing, but before the purging and veriffing. Initial tests of warning systems that may be included in an addition or extension to an existing piping system shall be completed before connection of the addition to the existing system. Test gases for the initial tests shall be oil-free, dry nihogen. Master Alarm Systems: ( I ) The master alarm system test shall be performed for each of the nonflammable medical gas piping systems. Permanent records of these tests shall be maintained with those required under NFPA 99 4-6.3.1. (2) The audible and noncancellable visual sigrals of NFPA 99-1993 4- shall indicate if the pressure in the main line increases or decreases 20 percent from the normal operating pressure. (3) The Master Alarm Panel shall indicate signals as listed below in accordance with NFPA 99. I I I t I I t I I I I I I t I I I sorJRcE EQTIIPMENT CEANGEOVER RESERYE INUSE RESERVE FAILIJRE RESERVE DEW LOW POINT HIGH NOTE A: THIS SIGNAL IS REQUIRED ONLY WHERE CYLINDER RESERVES HAVE NO CHECK VALVES FOR EACHCYLINDERLEAD. 8. HLM 98007r-04 d. Line Pressure Alarm Systems. The warning signals for all medical gas piping systems supplying anesthetizing locations and other vital life-support and critical care areas, such as post anesthesia recovery, intensive care units, coronary care units, etc., shall indicate if the pressure in the piping system increases or decreases 20 percent from the normal operating pressure. Piping Purge Test. In order to remove any traces of particulate matter deposited in the pipelines as a result of construction, a heavy, intermittent purging of the pipeline VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstr uctio n D o c ume nts 15 October 2001 MAMFOLDS WITH RESERVE AIRCOMPRESSORS VACWMPUMPS YES NO NO YES NO NO NO NO NO NOTEA NO NO NO YES NO HIGHPRESSIJRE ORVACTJI'M LOW PRESSURE OR VAC{ITJM ALL PRESST]RE GAS SYSTEMS VACUTJM SYSTEMS YES NO YES YES 15480-15 SECTION 15180 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9. 10. 11. MEDICAL GAS PIPING SYSTEMS shall be done. The appropriate adapter shall be obtained from the facility or manufacturer, and high pwge rates of least 225 L per min. (8 cfrn) shall be put on each outlet. After the purge is started, it shall be rapidly intemrpted several times until the purge produces no discoloration in a white cloth loosely held over the adapter during the purge. In order to avoid possible damage to the outlet and its components, this test shall not be conducted using any implement other than the proper adapter. For each positive-pressure gas system, cleanliness of piping system shall be verified. Filter a minimum of 35 cu ft (1000 L) of gas through a clean, white O.45-micron filter at a minimum flow of 3.5 SCFM (100 Lpm). Filter shall show no discoloration, and shall accnre no more than 0.1 mg of matter. Each zone shall be tested at the outlet most remote from the source. Test shall be performed with the use of oil-free, dry nitrogen described in CGA P-9. Piping Purity Test. For each positive-pressure system, the purity of the piping system shall be verified. Test each zone at the most remote outlet for dew poing total hydrocarbons (as methane), and halogenated hydrocarbons, and compare with source gas. The two tests shall in no case exceed variation as specified in the Maximum Allowable Variation Table, which follows. Test shall be performed with the use of oil-free nitrogen gas a described in CGA P-9. Maximum Allowable Variation Table Dew Point Total Hydrocarbons as Methane Halogenated Hydrocarbons 5oC @ 50 psig +lppm +2 ppm Final Tie-in Test. Prior to connection of any work or any extension or addition to an existing piping system, the tests in (4) through (9) shall be successfully performed. After connection to the existing system and before use of addition for patient care, the tests in (ll) through (13) shall be completed. Permanent records ofthese test shall be maintained in accordance with NFPA 99 4-6.3.1. The final connection between the addition and existing system shall be leak-tested with the gas of system designation at the normal operating pressure. This pressure shall be maintained until each joint has been examined for leakage by means of soapy water or other equally effective means of leak detection safe for use with oxygen. Operational Pressure Test. a. Oxygen, nitrous oxide, and air outlets shall maintain pressure at 50 +5/-0 psig (345 +35/-0 kPa gauge) at all station outlets with a flow rate of 3.5 SCFM. b. Nitrogen systems shall be capable of delivering at least 160 psig (1100 kPa VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constraction Documents 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 1s480-16 I I - sECTroN ts1t0 MEDTzAL GAS prprNc sysrEns I :1ii3Jt#;filF^l.p orno more than 5 psig (35 kPa) to alloutrets with I c ::',il"'J;'i:fi*l',1#",iT"*.ilT1#,ff:ffi;,:l"i:.:'capabre or I 12. Medical Gases Concentration Test. After purging each system with the gas of system designation, the following shall be I Performed: a. Each pressure g.rs source and outlet shall be analyzed for concentration of gas, I by volume. b. Analysis shall be with instrumene designed to measure the specific gas I c. ffi concentrations shall be within the foltowing: I I t Nitrous Oxide Oxygen Nitnogen Medical Air Other Gases 99 plus percentN2O 99 plus percent orygen [,ess than I percent oxygen or 99 plus nihogen 19.5 percent to 23.5 percent oxygen Concentration as specified by their labeling + I percent, unless otherwise specified I I I I I I 13. Medical Air Purity Test (Compressor). Analyze medical air source for concentration of contaminants, by volume. Take samples for air system test at a sample point. The compared tests shall in no case exceed variation as specified under the Maximum Allowable Variation Table. Allowable concentrations shall be as follows: DewPoint +39oF(4oc)@50psig Carbon Monoxide <10 ppm Carbon Dioxide - Air +500 ppm Gaseous Hydrocarbons - Air 95 ppm (as methane) Halogenated Hydrocarbons - Air 9 ppm END OF SECTION I ELM 98OO7I-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER I51EO-17 Co nstr uctio n Do c ume nts- 15 October 2001 I I II SECTION 15600 HEAT GENERATION, REFRIGERATION AND LIQUID HEAT TRANSF'X r sECTroN 15600 HEAT GENERATION, REFRIGERATION AND LIQUD T{EAT TRANSFER I PART I GENERAL I l.l RELATED DocuMENTSI The General Provisions of the Conhact, including General and Supplementary ConditionsI il:'";l*'3:":,1 'inHTl'Tff::'H:#1"::"ffi'*";:T"T:,""1't': fflT."'ljll:r thereunder. I 1.2 woRK TNCLLJDED (ButNot Limited To)r A. Heating water piping. B. Chilled water piping. I C. Steam and condensate piping.I D. Drain pan piping. E. Refrigeration piping. I F. Valves and splcialti"s.t G. pumps. H. Boilers. I - I. chillers. I J. Coils-heating and cooling. K. Air cooled condensers. L. Heat release equipment. M. Air handling units. N. Air control assemblies. O. Water treatrnent. I.3 RELATEDREQUREMENTS I A. Basic Mechanical Requirements - Section 15010. I B. Basic Materials and Methods - Section 15050. C. Mechanical Identification - Section 15190. t D. Confols and Instrumentation - Section 15900. I E. Testing, Adjusting & Balancing - Section 15990. I PARTzPRODUCTSr2.1 MATENALS AND EQUIPMENT (See Section 15010 for other acceptable manufacturers.) I A. Piping Materials L Low Pressure (124 psi and less) I Low Temperature (249"F and less) I Contractols option, either steel or copper for water pipe as outlined below. All fittings to be long radius pattem. l*. I HLM 9EOO71-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER T5600-T Construction Doc uments r rs ocToBER2qol I I SECTION 15600 HEAT GENERATION, REFRIGERATION AND LIQAID HEAT TRAN.'TEft b. Steel Pipe (l) Condenser water over 4" in size, chilled water, low pressure steam and hot water heating piping; Schedule 40, ASTM-A106 Grade B black steel. (2) Condenser water piping 4" and less; Schedule 40, ASTM-A106 Grade B galvanized steel piping with 150 lb. galvanized, malleable iron, screwed fittings. (3) Condensate piping; Schedule 80, ASTM-A106 Grade B seamless black steel. (4) Fittings on exposed pipe 2" and under may be 125 lb. cast iron screwed, or for any water lines, 150 lb. malleable iron screwed. Fiftings on concealed pipe, use forged steel, standard weigh! butt weld or socket welded. Fittings on pipe 2-l/2" arrd over, use forged steel, standard weigh! butt weld. Fittings for condensate piping shall be extra strong. Where flanging to valves, equipment etc., use 150 lb. forged steel flanges or 125 lb. cast iron flanges. For branch lines on welded installation, welding tees, thread-o-lets or weld-o-lets shall be used. No stub'in branches will be approved. Copper Pipe ( I ) Hot water heating piping, chilled water piping and condenser water piping wrapped type "K" hard drawn copper ASTM 888 with wrought copper fittings and BCuPZ classification brazing alloy for alt buried lines. For non-buried lines; type "L" herd drawn copper ASTM 888 with wrought copper fittings and 95-5 (tin/antimony), 96-4 (tin/silver) or Canfield 100% Watersafe (silver-tin-copper) solder. Where copper pipe is jointed to bri..s use BCuP2 classification braz ing alloy. (2) Drain pan piping; type "M" copper with wrought copper fittings and 95-5 (tin/antimony) solder on all lines not buried. Type "L" copper with wrought copper fittings and 95-5 (tin/antimony) solder for all buried lines. (3) Refrigeration piping; ACR gade per ASTM 8280 copper, cleaned, dehydrated and capped at the factory. Use wrought copper, long radius type or forged-brass sweat type (no cast sweat-type) fittings brazed with AWS A.5.8 BCuP2 classification filler metal, or standard SAE forged brass short shank flared fittings. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Conslruction Doc uments 15 oCTOBER 2001 t t I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I HLM 980071-04 15600-2 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I l* SECTION 15600 HEAT GENERATION, REFMGERATIONAND LIQUID HEAT TRANSFER Grooved Pipe System (Contractor's Option for heating water or chilled water piping at pressures of 124 psi and less and temperatures of230'F and less). a. Couplings ( I ) Grooved pipe couplings may be used to connect mechanical equipment to piping system and may be used in lieu of unions or welded, flanged, or screwed pipe connections for joining heating, chilled and condenser water pipe and fittings. (2) Couplings shall be self centered and shall engage and lock in place the grooved pipe and pipe fitting ends in a positive watertight couple. Some degree of angular pipe deflection, confiaction and expansion should be allowed. (3) Coupling housing clamps shall be fabricated in two or more parts of malleable or ductile iron castings, in accordance with Federal Specifications. Housing clamps shall hold in place a composition water sealing gasket designed so, that intemal water pressure serves to increase the seals water tightness. Water sealing gasket shall be a Grade "E" EPDM compound with green color code, molded of materials conforming lo ASTM D-2000, recommended for temperature ranges of -30"F to 230'F (4) Coupling assembly shall be securely held together by two or more tackhead, oval neck, steel bolts. Bolts and nuts shall be heat treated carbon steel and shall be in accordance with ASTM-A-183. (5) All pipe fittings used in connection with pipe couplings shall have grooved ends and shall be fabricated of malleable iron castings in accordance with Federal Specification, QQ-I-666 D. Grade II. (6) Before assembling couplings, lightly coat pipe ends and outside of gaskets with water soluble lubricant to facilitate installation. (7) Pipes, fittings and valves shall be provided with grooved ends in accordance with pipe coupling manufacturer's latest published literature. Flanged or threaded end valves may be used with grooved adapters. (8) Couplings and fittings shall withstand a system pressure ofnot less than | 50 pounds per square inch. (9) Entire coupling installation shall be done in accordance with m anufacturerrs latest published literature. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments I5 OCTOBER 2OOII HLM 980071-04 15600-3 SECTION 15600 HEAT GENERATION, REFMGERATION AND LIQUID HEAT TRANSFEN B. Valve and Specialty Schedule I . Steel, Low Pressure ( I 24 psi and less) Low Temperature (249oF and less) a. Gate Valves (Rising Stem) (1) Class 150, 300 lb. W.O.G. bronze screwed for 2 inch and less; Class 125,200 lb. W.O.G. iron or cast steel body, bronze mounted, flanged for 2-l/2 inch and greater. (2) Lockshield and Key: Nibco Option "L" with key, Powell Figure 344 or equivalent. b. Ball Valves Up to and including 2-ll2 inches: Bronze, uni-body full port with chrome plated ball valve, reinforced TFE seats and stuffrng box, lever handle, and threaded ends. 400 psi WOG, 150 psi saturated steam. 3 inches and above: Carbon steel, uni-body full port with chrome plated ball valve, reinforced TFE seats and seals, lever handle and ANSI Class 150 flanged ends. 285 psi WOG, 150 psi saturated steam. c. Butterflv Valves 150 psi W.P. for 250oF service, positive tight shut off for flow in either direction. Provide lever handle for sizes through 6", totally enclosed gear actuator 8" and larger. Full or semi lug (no wafer type) iron body to permit retention of valve to one flange only. Field replaceable resilient seat and bronze or aluminum bronze disc. Extended neck to allow for 2" of insulation when used in insulated lines. Centerline Series 200, Demco NEI, DeZurik BGS, ITT Grinnell Series 8000, Keystone AR2, Stockham LD-700 Series, Bray 3l Victaulic Style 700 or 708 or equivalent. Plug Valves 175 psi W.O.G., 150 psi W.P. for 250"F service. Eccentric, positive tight shut off valve with permanently lubricated stem bearing surfaces in upper and lower journals. Provide adjustable position stop for all valves used in balancing service. Lever actuated on sizes 5"-8" where pressures do not exceed 100 psi. Gear actuated on higher pressures and on all sizes 10" and larger. Gears to have adjustable position stop. DeZurik Figure #l 18, Keystone Series 500 or equivalent. Globe Valves (Rising Stem) Class 150, 300 psi W.O.G. bronze screwed for 2" and smaller; Class 125, 200 psi W.O.G. iron or Class l50, 300 psi cast steel, bronze mounted, flanged for 2-1/2" andabove. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Docaments T5 OCTOBER 2OOI I I t I I I I I I I I t I T I I I I I HLM 980071-04 15600-4 II I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I t- I SECTION T5600 HEAT GENERATION, REFR]GEMTION AND LIQUID HEAT TMNSFER Check Valves (l) Class 150, 300 psi W.O.G. bronze screwed for 2" and smaller; Class 125, 300 psi iron, bronze trim, flanged for 2-112" and above. (2) 125 psi W.P. iron noiseless check valve for pump discharges, Gulf Valve MBl2, Mehaflex CHEXX Model Cl25l150, Clow 329, "Muessco" l0l-AP, "Streamflow" 153, Techno 5050, Victaulic, or equivalent. Flo-Control Valve Bell & Gossett Flo-Control, Taco Flo-Chek or Hoffinan Flo-Control Valve. Calibrated Balancing/Shut Off Valve (Contractor option)(l) 250 psig at 250oF, bronze body/brass ball construction with glass and carbon filled TFE seat rings for 125 psig at 250'F, cast iron body/brass vane construction. Valves to have differential pressure read ports (Schrader type), drair/purge ports, memory stop feature and calibrated name plates. Valves to be leaktight at full rated working pressure. Provide premolded insulation to permit access. Bell and Gossett Model CB (112.-3"), Armstrong Model CBV (l/2"- 12"), Tour and Anderson (1/2" - 12"), or equivalent. OR (2) 240 psi WOG and 250oF, bronze body/chrome plated ball construction combination ball valve/oriface (Butterfly valve can be used on 2-12" and above). Valve to be factory assembled with integral pressure read ports (Schrader type), 100% rated shut-off capability, tamper-proof memory device. Preso Model B-plus (l/2"-10"), Gerand Balvalve (l/2" - 2"), Griswold Conhols Quickset (l/2" - 14"), Flowset AccuSetter AS(l/2' - 3") or Nexus Ultra-XB (l/2" -2"). Provide read out kit including differential pressure meter, hoses, probes, calculator, and protective case. Turn meter assembly over to Owner at the end ofthe project. Traps All equipment traps to be F and T traps and all end of main traps to be inverted bucket traps for pressures up to 50 psig, unless specifically noted, sized with pressure drop not to exceed 0.5 psi when passing capacity called for on I/AIL YALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Doc uments I5 OCTOBER 2OOI HLM 980071-04 15600-s SECTION 15600 HEAT GENERATION, REFRIGERATION AND LIQAID HEAT TRAITSFEN drawings. Capacities shown on drawings include safety factor. Armstrong, Illinois, Hoffinan, Sarco, TLV or equivalent. Unions 300 lb. W.O.G. malleable iron screwed or 125 lb. cast iron flaneed union. Strainers (for steam or water as required) (l) "Y" type: semi-steel or cast iron, screwed (250 lb.) or flanged (125 lb.), with stainless steel screen. (2) Basket fype: Cast iron body with flanged connections and stainless steel removable basket, l/8" staggered perforations, Haywood Model 72 or equivalent by Kinney, Elliot or Zurn. Pump Suction Diffirser Diffirser body shall be angle pattem type of cast iron or fabricated steel construction with steel or cast iron inlet vanes and combination stainless steel diffirser - strainer with 3/16" or l/8" diameter openings. Strainer core shall have a minimum free area of 5 times the area of the pump connection. The assembly shall be rated for working pressures to 175 psi and temperatures to 250'F. Provide a disposable bronze l6-mesh start-up strainer, removable permanent magret in the flow stream, adjustable support foot, blowdown tapping in bottom and gauge tapping in side. Diffuser shall be sized to change from line size to pump suction size without the need of additional fittings. B & G, Taco, Allis-Chalmers, Paco, Armstrong or Wheatley Pressure Gauges 3" minimum dial, bronze bourdon tube with 114" pipe thread bottom mount, steel case, white face with black lettering, screw driver calibration. Accuracy to be l% of full scale or better. Pressure ranges to be approximately double the expected working pressure of the service. Brass lever handled cock rated to 200 psi and bronze siphon. (l) For water temperatures up to 150oF: wet gauge - U.S. Gauge figure 5801, Trerice 600C, Danton l0l, Weiss or equivalent by Ashcroft, Dwyer, Foxboro, Marsh, Marshalltown, Mueller, Wika or Meriam. (2) For water temperatures over 150"F: dry gauge - Weiss 4CTS, Trerice 6208, or equivalent by U.S. Gauge, Danton, Ashcroft, Dwyer, Foxboro, Marsh, Marshalltown, Mueller, or Meriam. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments r5 ocToBER 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I j. HLM 980071-04 15600-6 I I t I I I t ,ECTI^N 1s600 HEAT *ENEMTT^N, REFM*EMTT^N AND LrgarD HEAT TRAN'FE* o. Pressure Temperature Taps l/2" NPT, or EPDM core, Peterson Equipment Company #710, Sisco, or Hydro-Temp BNO-500, MG P/T, or equivalent. p. Thermometers Multi-angle with 9" scale case with glass or lucite face and separable socket, red reading mercury, bottom or back pipe thread connection. Ranges at least 50% higher than highest expected temperature ofthe service and at least 20 degrees lower than the lowest expected temperature. Accuracy to be l% of full scale or better. U.S. Gauge MN-9, Trerice A400, Duro 9 EZ, Weiss 9 VS or equivalent by Davis, Copper, Foxboro, Marshalltown or Taylor. q. Vacuum Breakers (Steam) 150 PSI maximum working pressure, 240oF maximum operating temperature, I adjustable range of l/4" to 20" Hg vacuum. Hoffinan No. 62, B & GNo. 26 or equivalent. I r. Dielectric Unions, Couplings (waterways) and Flanges _ Unions rated for 250 psi with galvanized or plated steel threaded end, copperr il,lfJ;#*TilTffi'Ai;:l;.;:iffrifi#5'il,."*?".1,1"'il ;::,il and water lines and be able to withstand hydrostatic test pressures of 1000 psi I at 250o F with an inert, non-conductive laminate material and threaded to NPSf standards. Flanges to be complete with insulated bolt sleeves, washers and gaskets. I 2. Copper, Low Pressure (124 psi and less) Low Temperature (249oF and less) I a. Gate Valves (Rising Stem) I (1) Class 150, 300 lb. W.O.G. bronze, screwed or solder ends.(2) Lockshield and Key: Nibco Option "L" with key, Powell Figure 344 or equivalent. I b. Ball Valves I 3" and smaller: bronze, full port, chrome plated bronze ball with reinforced t teflon seats and packing,4O0 psi W.O.G. screwed or solder. t c. Butterfly Valves I 2" and smaller: bronze, stainless steel disc and stem, VITON seal, 175 psi working pressure, 350 psi W.O.G., screwed or solder. t d. Globe Valves (Rising Stem) Class 150, 300 lb. W.O.G. bronze, screwed or solder ends.I I! HLM 980071-01 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 15600-7 Constr uctio n Doc uments r rsocToBER20ol SECTION 15600 IIEAT GENERATION, REFMGERATION AND LIQAID HEAT TRANSFER Check Valves Class 150, 300 lb. W.O.G. bronze, screwed or solder ends, or Class 150, 300 lb. WOG, iron or cast steel, flanged. Unions Cast brass type C. Flo-Control Valves, Calibrated Balancing/Shut-Off Valve, Radiator Valves, Strainers, Pump Suction Diffuser, Pressure Gauges, Pressure Temperature Taps, Thermometers, Dielectric Unions, Couplings and Flanges. Same as specified for steel, suitable for use in copper pipe. Refrigerant a. Valves: standard brass or bronze for refrigerant service. b. Filter-dryers: 1500 psi minimum burst pressure conforming to ARI Standard 710 with full flow replaceable core in sizes ll2" and larger and sealed type in sizes smaller than ll2" . Desiccant cores shall not cake, plug, channel or break down, but remove water, acid and foreign material from refrigerant. Desiccant shall not pass into refrigerant lines. Provide in all liquid lines to each evaporator. c. Strainers: brass or cast iron body with no less than 60-mesh non-corrodible screen of a free area not less than l0 times the pipe diameter. d. Sight Glass: Locate in liquid line proceeding each expansion valve. e. Discharge Line Oil Separator: Separator shall be complete with an oil-float valve assembly or needle valve and orifice assembly, drain line shut-off valve, and sight glass. Rated capacity to be equal to or greater than the compressor. Connect oil-return line to the compressor. f. Charging Valves: General purpose type with brass body, solder or flared ends and removable valve core. Provide quick coupling connection at valve inlet. C. Equipment Schedule BOILERS- STEAM A. General: Provide as indicated, factory-assembled and tested packaged gas-fired boilers, ofcapacity ofscheduled. Provide design certified by UL, net ratings approved by I=B=& heating capacities based on standard test procedures prescribed by DOE, and constructed in accordance with requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Documenls t5 ocToBER 2001 I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I 4. HLM 980071-04 15600-8 B. C. I I I I I t t I s ECTION I 5 600 H EAT c ENERATI ON, RE FRIGERATION AND L IQAID HEAT TRAN^trEr Steam boiler shall be manufactured in strict accordance with the appropriate ASME boiler code for a maximum operating pressure of 150 PSI and shall bear the ASME stamp for a maximum working pressure of 150 PSI. Boiler to have a National Board Inspection Certificate. Boiler shell shall be constructed of welded steel boilerplate. Boiler shell shall be constructed with adequately sized upper drums, water legs, and tube headers, providing proper internal water circulation, not requiring an external circulation source. Water tubes shall be flexible serpentine bend design. The boiler shall be warranted against thermal shock for twenty years on a non- prorated basis. There shall be no more than two different tube configurations in any boiler. Individual water tubes shall be easily removable without requiring either welding or rolling. Neither the upper water drum nor the lower "mud" drum will be in the path of the flue gas or be exposed to direct radiation from the bumers. Boiler shall have not less than 5 sq. ft. of heating surface per boiler horsepower. Boilers shall be constructed and assembled as a completely packaged unit. The boiler shell shall be fumished with an adequate number of tapings and inspection openings to facilitate boiler inspection and cleaning. The entire tube area shall be easily accessible for cleaning through clean out openings. Access openings are to be arranged for visual access to combustion chamber. The boiler is to be complete with an insulated metal jacket, consisting of not less than 2" Fiberglass insulation and a 16 gauge rust resistant, zinc coated steel casing painted with a suitable heat resisting primer and lacquer. Complete jacket and insulation shall be readily removable and reinstalled as necessary. Inner insulation to fube access panels shall be of high temperature insulation board and steel framework and boiler frame shall be insulated with l-112" thick insulating refractory. Boiler shall be furnished with a forced draft, flame retention gas bumer, factory mounted and wired. Burner shall be complete with integral motor and blower for supplying sufficient combustion air with normal vent conditions. Bumer and control equipment will be IIL listed and will be selected to provide full output at jobsite elevation. Gas train and components shall be sized for a supply gas pressure of 7" w.c. minimum to 14" w.c. maximum. Standard steam trim and controls: l. 2. 3. 4. 5. HLM 980071-04 Steam pressure gauge. Steam pressure control - operator. Steam pressure control - High limit. Water gauge glass. Gauge cocks. VAIL VALLEY MED ICAL CENTER Construction Documents r5 ocToBER 2001 I I._ I I I I I I t l- t D. E. F. G. H. I. 15600-9 SECTION 15600 HEAT GENERATION, REFRIGEMTION AND LIQUID HEAT TRANSFER Low water cutoff and feed pump control. Auxiliary low water cutoff. ASME safety relief valve(s). Automatic gas valve operator. Auxiliary safety shutoff valve. Pilot solenoid valve. Pilot ignition assembly. Main manual gas shutoff valve. Pilot cock. Pilot and main gas pressure regulators. Air safety switch. Honey'rvell RM7800 electronic burner control with W sensor. J.Optional controls and accessories: I I t I I I t t I T 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. t2. lJ. 14. 15. 16. 17. l. 2. J. 4. 5. 6. 1 8. 9. ASME CSD-l code compliance. Manual reset type high limit. Auxiliary manual reset low water cutoff. Modulating gas bumer. 3 phase bumer motor. Control circuit transformer for single point electrical connection. FM insurance requirements. (2) Manual blowdown valves. Knockdown configuration. | 0. Relief valve set @ 100 PSI Acceptable Manufacturer: Bryan Steam Corporation Universal boiler works - LNILUX contractor shall list all exceptions to the specifications in the deduct altemate. Contractor to take full responsibility for any changes necessary to accommodate alternate boiler manufa"*;rer including but not limited to operating weight, footprint, service clearances, power requirements, gas pressure requirements, piping, or venting. VERTICAL ATMOSPIIERJC DEAERATING BOILER FEED Furnish and install according to drawings and manufacturer's instructions a deaerating boiler feed unit as shown on the drawings. Unit shall have a capacity of 1900 pounds of steam per hour. The system shall be of the single tank design and guarantee oxygen removal to not more than .005 ccs/liter in the efiluent throughout all load conditions between 5 and 100%. The Deaerator shall be designed for Atmospheric operation suitable for use with pumped and gavity retums. Pressurized designs are not acceptable. The Deaerator receiver shall be of welded steel construction, elevated 48". It shall be fabricated VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments I5 OCTOBER 2OO1 I t I I I I I t I HLM 980071-04 15600-10 I t- I t I I I t I l- SECTION 15600 HEAT GENERATION, REFRIGERATION AND LISAID HEAT TRANSFER entirely of 300 series stainless steel. Heads shall be convex flanged and dished. The Vertical receiver shall be constructed in accordance with the ASME Code, supported by a structural steel frame and have a capacity as shown on the drawings. The boiler feed receiver shall be equipped with the following: (l) water level gauge, (l) dial thermometer with separable well, (1) overflow loop, internally mounted high and low level alarm switches and low water cut-off switch. A suction isolation valve shall be installed in the suction piping between the receiver and the pump(s) to permit servicing the pump(s) without draining the receiver. A horizontal spray manifold with stainless steel spray nozzle bodies with a brass guide shall be installed in the receiver. The manifold shall be flange mounted to the receiver. The flanged opening shall be large enough to permit the manifold to be easily withdrawn for servicing. A dial thermometer and a pressure gauge shall be an integral part of the manifold assembly. Provide connection for high pressure trapped refum and low pressure trapped retum. A proportioning water make-up assembly shall be installed on the receiver. The assembly shall consist of a diaphragm-type make-up valve with a three-valve manual bypass and wye strainer. A direct injection steam heating assembly shall be installed in the receiver. The heating assembly shall consist of a double flange mounted injection pipe, steam control valve, temperature regulator, wye strainer and pressure gauge. The heating assembly shall be sized for the capacities as shown on the drawings. Provide access manway. A Shell & Tube vent condenser shall be installed on the unit. The vent condenser shall utilize the make-up water to reduce the steam vent loss to less than one tenth ofone percent ofthe load during operation. The centrifugal water pumps shall be flange mounted on the receiver suction piping. The pumps shall be close coupled horizontal desigr. The first stage shall be a stainless steel axial flow impeller discharging through a stainless steel diffi.rser to the second stage. The other stage(s) shall be a cast bronze impellers that is bronze fitted to the cast iron pump housing with a renewable bronze wearing ring. The mechanical seal shall be rated for. 25OoF service. The entire pump assembly shall be permanently aligned and dynamically balanced to deliver its full rated capacrty with 2' of NPSH. The pump shall be driven by a 3500 RPM open drip-proof motor. The motor shall have a NEMA standard shaft. The deaeration system shall include all conhols necessary for automatic system operation. Pneumatic level control shall be used on the vessel to provide trouble free start-up and operation. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns t r uct io n D o c ume nts 15 OCTOBER 2OOI I I T t t T t t- I HLM 980071-04 r s600-11 SECTION T5600 HEAT GENERATION, REFNGERATIONAND LIQUID HEAT TNAN.'TEX The system shall be factory wired and tested and it shall include all power and confiol wiring. The system shall also include the control voltage transforme(s), fused disconnect and have "dead front" capability. One source of three phase power will be required to make the system operational. Manufacfurer's representative shall provide start-up and first year warranty service and operator training. Acceptable Manufacturers : Shipco Bryan Steam Corporation Industrial Steam BOILERBLOWDOWNSYSTEM A. General: Provide as indicated, boiler blowdown separators of size and capacity noted on drawings. B. Tank: Construct of carbon steel, with tangential inlet pipe and stainless steel striking plate, vent opening, discharge opening with spiral formed discharge directing plate, supported on three (3) angle support legs with floor pads. Tank shall have inlet, vent and drain connections of sizes as shown on drawings. C. Aftercooler: Size of aftercooler shall be the same as the drain on the blowdown tank. Discharge drain water shall leave the separator through the aftercooler where cold water shall be automatically injected to maintain the discharge t€mperature to the drain at 140"F (adj.). Aftercooler shall include two (2) wells. D. Specialities: Provide temperature regulating valve in water inlet with temperature sensing bulb in lower thermometer well; bi-metallic thermometer in upper thermometer well; and Y-type strainer in cold water inlet line upstream of temperature regulating valve. E. Acceptable Manufacturers: l. Penn Separator Corp. 2. Ace Boiler Comoanv BOILERS Fl,Vz BOILERS _ WATER: .KNOCKDOWN CONFIGURATION A. General: Provide as indicated, factory-assembled and tested packaged gas-fired boilers, VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Doc uments 15 oCTOBER 2001 I I I I I I I I I t I I t T I I I I I HLM 980071-04 r 5600-12 I I I I I I I I I t. I I I T I I I l- t SECTION 15600 HEAT GENERATION, REFRIGENATION AND LIQUID HEAT TRANSFER ofcapacity as scheduled. Provide design certified byUL, net ratings approved by I=B=Pe heating capacities based on standard test procedures prescribed by DOE, and constructed in accordance with requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Water boiler shall be manufactured in strict accordance with the appropriate ASME boiler code for a maximum operating pressure of 160 PSI and maximum operating temperature of 250'F. Boiler to have a National Board Inspection Certificate. Boiler shell shall be constructed of welded steel boilerplate. Boiler shell shall be constructed with adequately sized upper drums, water legs, and tube headers, providing proper intemal water circulation, not requiring an extemal circulation source. Water tubes shall be flexible serpentine bend design. The boiler shall be wananted against thermal shock for twenty years on a non- prorated basis. There shall be no more than two different tube configurations in any boiler. Individual water tubes shall be easily removable without requiring either welding or rolling. Neither the upper water drum nor the lower "mud" drum will be in the path of the flue gas or be exposed to direct radiation from the burners. Boiler shall have not less than 5 sq. ft. of heating surface per boiler horsepower. Boilers shall be constructed and assembled as a completely packaged unit. The boiler shell shall be furnished with an adequate number oftapings and inspection openings to facilitate boiler inspection and cleaning. The entire tube area shall be easily accessible for cleaning through clean out openings. Access openings are to be ananged for visual access to combustion chamber. The boiler is to be complete with an insulated metal jacket, consisting of not less than 2" Fiberglass insulation and a 16 gauge rust resistant, zinc coated steel casing painted with a suitable heat resisting primer and lacquer. Complete jacket and insulation shall be readily removable and reinstalled as necessary. Inner insulation to tube access panels shall be of high temperature insulation board and steel framework and boiler frame shall be insulated with l-112" thick insulating refractory. Boiler shall be furnished with a forced draft, flame retention gas # I fuel oil burner, factory mounted and wired. Burner shall be complete with integral motor and blower for supplying sufficient combustion air with normal vent conditions. Burner and control equipment will be UL listed and will be selected to provide full output at jobsite elevation. Standard water trim and controls: l. Combination thermometer and pressure gauge. 2. Water temperature control operator. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents I5 OCTOBER 2OOI B. C. D. F. G. H. HLM 980071-04 15600-13 SECTION 15600 HEAT GENERATION, REFRIGEMTION AND LIQAID HEAT TRANSFER High limit safety control. Low water cutoff. ASME safety relief valve(s). Honeywell RM7800 electronic burner contro. Electric gas valve operator. Auxiliary safety shutoff valve. Pilot and main gas pressur€ regulator. Main manual gas shutoff valve. Pilot cock. 100% gas pilot safety shutoff. Draft diverter (or barometric draft control). Rieht hand construction. Optional controls and accessories: I T t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ll. 12. 13. t4. 15. 16. t7. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. z)- ''t A 25. 26. 27. ASME CSD-1 code compliance. Manual reset type high limit. Auxiliary manual reset low water cutoff. Modulating as bumer. 3 phase bumer motor. Control circuit transformer for single point electrical connection. Gas train and components for 14" minimum, I PSI maximum supply gas pressure. Keyboard display module for ( l ) burner control. FM insurance requirements. Dual fuel bumer with integral # l fuel oil pump, pressure atomizing. ( I ) Boiler with optional left hand construction. ( I ) Boiler with standard right hand construction. Knockdown configuration. J.Acceptable Manufacturer: - Bryan Steam Corporation - Universal Boiler Works - -Unilux Contractor shall list all exceptions to the specifications in the deduct alternate. Contractor to take full responsibility for any changes necessary to accommodate alternate boiler manufacturer including but not limited to operating weight, footprint, service clearances, power requirements, gas pressure requirements, piping, or venting. EXPANSION TANK AND AIR CONTROL ASSEMBLY (Plain Steel Tank) ET- I Assembly shall consist of air separator, water feeder assembly, and expansion tank with tank fittings and water gauge. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments I5 OCTOBER 2OO1 HLM 980071-04 15600-14 I I SECTION 15600 HEATGENERATION,REFMGERATI^NANDLIQUIDHEATTRANSFER Water Feeder Assembly: 3/4" bronze body pressure reducing valve with integral shainer and built-in check valve, maximum working pressure of 75 psi and operating temperature of200oF. Adjustable range of l0-25 psig; B & G 87, Amtrol #l lF, Taco #335, Armstrong RD40. Expansion Tank: Carbon steel, designed and constructed per ASME Section VIII pressure vessel code. Maximum working pressure of 125 psi and operating temperature of 375"F. Tank shall be provided with proper support saddles and tank finings. Water Gauge: Bronze water gauge tested to 175 psig with drain cock. Brass compression stops, guard and 3/4 inch diameter glass; EEP 7- l/2 or equivalent. Air Separator: See Equipment Spec. See schedule on drawings for capacities. Acceptable Manufacturers Bell & Gossett Taco Amtrol Wessels Armstrong Wheatley AJRSEPARATOR AS-1 One piece cast iron or steel construction air separator with integral galvanized steel strainer with 3/16" perforations manufactured in accordance with Section 8D of ASME code for 125 psig/350"F operating pressure and temperature. Provide tangential inlet and outlet connections, top vent connection and bottom blow-down connection. a. AS-l 480 GPM with maximum l2 ft. pressure drop. 6 " inlet and outlet connections I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I l- I B&GRolairhol #R5 Thrush # 5AS John Wood # Taco Armstrong #AS5F #VA65 CIRCIJLATINGPUMP PB-I, PB-2, PB-3, PRTU-I, PCH.I, PCH-2 Horizontal shaft, single stage, flexible coupled drive with guard, factory painted pump and resiliently mounted motor for in-line mounting and rated for a minimum of 125 psi working pressure. Cast iron casing with suction and discharge flanges with companion flanges. Bronze fitted construction complete with enclosed bronze impeller. Stainless or alloy steel shaft with integral thrust collar and oil lubricated bronze sleeve bearings. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents t5 ocToBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 15600-15 I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 15600 HEAT GENERATION, REFNGERATIONAND LIQUID HEAT TRA.I/SFEft Mechanical shaft seal of carbon/ceramic construction rated to 225OF. Rotating parts to be statically and dynarnically balanced. Construction shall allow for complete servicing without breaking piping or motor connections. Pump motors shall be 1750 rpm. See Section 15050 for motor and starter requiremen'a. Motors to be U.L. listed and have built-in overload protection. Provide one bearing assembly and seal kit for each pump. See schedule on drawings for capacities. Acceptable Manufacturers: B&G Series 80-90 or approved equivalent. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents I5 OCTOBER 2OO1 HLM 980071-04 r s600-16 I . SECTION 15600 HEAT GENERATION, NEFMGERATION AND LIOUID HEAT TI'1-NSFER I PUMP (Single Suction - Base Mounted) PH-l, PH-2,PC-1,PC-2 I Horizontal shaft single stage, single suction, flexible coupled drive with guard, radially split casing, factory painted, base mounted pump and motor rated for a minimum of 175 psi f working pressure. Cast iron casing with ANSI, 125 psi rated suction and discharge flanges and gauge ports, renewable bronze casing wear rings, external seal flush line with filter andI f"iil"**^,ilTT:.fHff'Ji,r;J;r.:ffi3':ilT:,fl:li:?H*[:",?sffii::tHiI Greasable or permanently lubricated ball or roller bearings selected for a Basic Rating Life (L1g) of 80,000 hours at maximum operating speed and horsepower per ABMA Std 9 orr il; "ill#,ll'*"ff':i:';*?H:,ff.:::"T-"i:,:ili;\tr';'3:'ff:"il dynamically and hydraulically balanced. Construction shall allow for complete servicing I without breaking piping or motor connections. Pump motors to be 1750 rpm unless specified otherwise. I Motor and starter as detailed in schedule. Refer to Section 15050 for r ;,Hilffi[:ili'iffi::T::i::'i$';"*" at ANy point rmpe,,erI ;iT::,?Jl"i"H"H,lnru.:,ff: $l#1i,x5:.il:ilnil;'il':*itr*"jI combined pump operation. Submit curves. Provide one bearing assembly and one extra set of mechanical seals for each pump. I See schedule on drawings for capacities Acceptable m anufacturers: B&GSeriesl5l0 Taco Series FE Allis-Chalmers Series 2000 Armstrong Series 4030 RELMFVALVERV- I Lever handled bronze or brass body, bronze him, non-metallic disc-to-metal seating, I enclosed spring, ASME labeled safety relief valve rated for liquid service. Fluid shall not discharge into the spring chamber. Valve should have a low blow-down differential. Maximum operating temperature of 250oF. Pipe discharge full size to floor drain. I Set valve to relieve at _ psi, capacity of_ Btuh. I Watts Series 1744,8 & G Model 790 or equivalent. I I HLM98OO71-04 VAILVALLEYMEDICALCENTER ls6OO-17 Constr uctio n Doc ume nts r I,OCTOBER200T I I I SECTION t5600 HEAT GENERATION, REFRTGERATION AND LTQAID HEAT TRAIr.gFrn SAFETYVALVE SV- Lever handled bronze or iron body witl bronze trim safety valve ASME with enclosed spring. Relief capacity based on 3oZ accumulation. Pressure limit of 250 psi at 400'F for steam. Bronze bodythru I-l/4" and iron body 1-1/2" andabove. Set valve to relieve at _ psi. Capacity of _ lbVhr. I I I I T I I I Spirax Sarco Approved Equivalent STEAIVIPRVSTATION SPRV- I Provide two pressure regulating valves in parallel. Valves to be bronze body 300 lb. flanged 300 psi at 500oF working pressure, single port, tight shut- offunder dead end condition. Valves to be intemal pilot piston operated. See schedule on drawings for capacities. Provide 100 psi flanged strainers with .020 perforated stainless steel basket and strainer blowdown valve upstream ofeach valve. Acceptable Manufacturers Lonergan Spence Approved Manufacturers Leslie Armstrong Fisher Consolidated Kunkle t I I I I I I I I t I Spirax Sarco Spence Approved Equivalent CASII\ET []NTT IIEATER CUH-I Baked enamel glass fiber insulated cabinet, color to be picked by the Architect. Vertical models, l6 ga. front panel. Access doors to valves; units made removable fronts fastened by cam-locks or similar do not require access doors. Copper tube, aluminum fin coil. l" glass- fiber throwaway type filters, 3 speed 115/60/l permanent split capacitor motor with bearings with oil reservoirs or permanently lubricated. Forward curved, DWDI fan wheels. Provide speed switch factory mounted- vertical units or field mounted - horizontal units.. HP etc., detailed in schedule. Vertical cabinet:Trane Model B, Vulcan Model C, KHD Model C, AA-F Model SF, Airtherm Model F, Modine Model C. Dunham Bush F VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 15600-1E t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I l- I SECTION 15600 HEAT GENERATION, REFRIGERATION AND LIQAID HEAT TRANSEEX IIUMIDIFIER H. Packaged steam injection type of humidifier where each panel shall consist of a steam supply header/separator, a condensate collection header and a bank of closely spaced steam dispersion tubes spanning the distance between the two headers. Each tube shall be fitted with two rows of steam discharge tubelets inserted into the tube wall centered on the diametric line and spaced I Vz" apaft These tubelets shall be made of a non-metallic material designed for steam temperature. The two rows shall discharge steam in diametrically opposite direction. Each tubelet shall contain a steam orifice sized for its required steam capacity. The humidifier shall be guaranteed to have absorption characteristics that preclude water accumulation on any in-duct surfaces within 9" downstream of the humidifier tube panel while maintaining conditions of 75% (maximum) relative humidity at a minimum temperature of 52oF in the duct air stream. Air pressure loss across humidifier panel shall not exceed .02" W.C. at a duct air velocity of 500 FPM. Each packaged humidifier panel assembly of tubes and headers shall be contained within a galvanized metal casing to allow convenient mounting. All tubes and headers shall be 304 stainless steel and joints shall be heli-arc welded. Tubes shall bejointed to headers with slip fit couplers. The humidifier shall be fumished with appropriate steam control valve, high limit duct humidistat, steam strainer and steam traps, all shipped loose for installation on the job. Coordinate actuator requirements with Temperature Control Contractor. Refer to Steam humidifier Detail and Steam Trap Assembly Detail for piping detail. Refer to schedule on drawings for capacity requirements. Dri-Steem Ulhasorb. Provide duct access doors uostream and downsheam ofthe humidifier. ROOF TOP AIRIIANDLING UI\IIT Rru- All components of the Roof Top Unit shall be accessible from the right hand side to allow an architectural screen to be mounted on Left side of unit. GENERAL The unit shall be completely factory assembled, piped, wired and factory tested. For transportation, the unit may be broken into sections and reassembled in the field. The unit shall be covered during shipping to protect unit finish and unit coils. Outside air damper, return air damper, relief air damper, filter, coils and supply air fan system shall be furnished and factory installed. Unit shall be specifically designed for outdoor rooftop VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 0CTOBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 15600-19 SECTION 15600 HEAT GENERATION, REFRIGERATION AND LIQAID HEAT TMNSFER application and include a weatherproof cabinet. Unit shall be supplied with factory curb 14' high for the unit and separate 14" high roof curb for each extemal pipe chase, curbs shall be insulated with l-112" 3 pound density fiberglass insulation. The unit shall have decals and tags to indicate caution areas and aid unit service. Unit nameplates shall be fixed to the main control panel door. Installation and maintenance bulletins and electrical wiring diagrams shall be supplied with the unit. CABINET, CASINC AND FRAME The casing shall be able to withstand up to 1.5 times the design static pressure or 8" W.C. whichever is less, with no more than 0.005 inch deflection per inch of panel span or the frame and unit base shall be made of a minimum of l8 gauge exterior and 20 gauge interior galvanized steel. The unit base shall overhang the roof curb for water runoffand shall have a formed recess that seats on roof curb gasket to provide a positive weather-tight seal. Floor panels shall be insulated double sheet minimum 12 gauge or insulated box panel construction of minimum 16 gauge steel. Tum up sides of floor panels 4 inches and seal. Exterior surfaces shall be phosphatized and coated with baked-on enamel of the manufacturefs standard color. Hinged doors constructed of minimum 18 gauge galvanized steel with full height piano hinges and double gasket edges, which provides access to each cabinet section from the right side ofthe unit. Unit shall be provided with a panel insulation system with a minimum R value of l2 or unit shall be completely insulated with 2" thick, 3 lb. density fiberglass insulation secured to all panels with adhesive. Full galvanized liners throughout the unit. Lifting brackets shall be provided on the unit base with lifting holes to accept cable or chain hooks. Pipe cabinet for heating and cooling coils shall be external from the unit casing. Pipe chase cabinet shall be factory assembled and shall be constructed and insulated the same as the unit casing. Extemal cabinet shall be field installed after piping of coils, on a separate roof curb. External pipe cabinet shall have a separate access door of the same construction as the unit casing doors. Unit coil piping shall not penetrate the floor ofthe air handler in the air stream. POWER CONNECTION: Provide factory mounted combination 12 pulse VFD and disconnect for each fan. Includes Variable Frequency Drive, circuit breaker, hand-off-auto selector switch, current limiting NEMA Class T fuses, NEMA I enclosure, Auto restart, and critical frequency avoidance. The connection shall include step-down transformer for the control circuit. Voltage and FLA shall be factory set for exact motor use in the air handler. ANALYSIS OF HARMONIC DISTORNON CREATEDBY VFDs A harmonic analysis shall be performed by the AHUA/FD manufacturer based upon VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I HLM 980071-04 r s600-20 t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t- I SECTION 15600 HEAT GENERATION, REFRIGEMTION AND LIQUID HEAT TRANSFER system documentation consisting of, but not limited to, one-line diagrams and specific distribution transformer information consisting of KVA, and o/oZ data. The data shall consist of, but not be limited to, total harmonic voltage distortion and total current harmonic distortion. If after the system analysis, line reactors, RFI filters, or isolation transformers are required, they shall be provided and priced as a separated line item for field mounting wiring and start-up. Harmonic distortion at the points of common coupling (Panels SDPA and EDP) shall not exceed 3oZ voltage THD and 8Yo current THD. ECONOMIZER SECTION: Outside air, return air, relief air dampers factory mounted in section with hinged, fully gasketed, double wall access door. Dampers shall be sized for 100% outdoor air operation. Provide an intake louver or hood to minimize moisture carry over. Dampers shall be parallel double-skin, galvanized steel airfoil type with extruded vinyl or neoprene blade edge seals and metal compressible jamb seals. Damper blades shall be limited to 48 inch maximum length. Blades shall rotate on stainless steel or nylon bearings. Leakage rate shall not exceed 5 cfm per square foot at one inch W.G. or 9 CFM per square foot at four inches W.G.. Provide outside air, air flow monitoring station. Factory mounted dampers shall be provided in the outdoor air opening to measure airflow. Damper blades shall be galvanized steel, housed in a galvanized steel frame and mechanically fasted to a rotating axle rod. The dampers shall be rated for a maximum leakage rate of less than 1%o of nominal air flow at l" wg. The airflow measurement station shall measure from 15 to 100 percent of total outside air. The airflow measuring device shall compensate for temperature variations. Provide a controller to produce a 2 to 10 VDC signal proportional to airflow for connection by the controls contractor. Provide shop drawings showing locations, with dimensions, of all duct connections, motor locations, accessories, etc. PRE-FILTER SECTION: Pre-Filters shall be 2" angled, 30% efficient (ASHRAE Std. 52- 76 dust spot method). Filter rack shall be accessible from right side thru supply side hinged, fully gasketed, double wall access doors. Provide two sets of filters with unit. FAN SECTIONS: Supply and Return fans shall be DWDI, AF wheel, suitable for class of service required by specified performance. Each fan shall include factory mounted variable frequency drive. Fan to be statically and dynamically balanced and tested as an assembly at the required RPM to meet design performance at 1.5 mill peak-to-peak filtered. Bearings shall be self- aligning, grease lubricated, pillow block ball or roller type, with lubrication fittings and VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o n str uct i o n D oc u me nts 15 OCTOBER 2OOI HLM 980071-04 15600-21 SECTION 15600 HEAT GENEMTION, REFRIGERATIONAND LIQT]ID HEAT TRANSFEX extended grease lines to outside of casing (on same side), selected to perform at L-50 (200,000) hours average life. Fan and motor shall be mounted on one base, intemally isolated from the unit casing with minimum 2" static deflection housed spring isolators. See Section 15050 for motor, sheaves and starter requirements. COOLING COIL SECTION - Chilled Water: Coil section shall have counter flow ARI 410 certified chilled water cooling coils with aluminum plate fins, copper tubes and copper or cast iron headers. Coils shall be sized for a maximum face velocity of 500 FPM. Coils shall be drainable and have non-trapping circuits, with drain and vent connections. Coils shall be designed for 250 psig working pressure and leak tested to minimum 200 psig, air pressure under water. Coil headers shall not be exposed to air stream. Coil U-bends shall not be exposed outside of casing. Coil frame shall be independent of casing. Coils shall be removable from the top or side. Provide sealing strips between coil frame and casing to prevent bypass. Terminate and seal piping connections outside of casing. Section shall have insulated double wall, galvanized steel sloped condensate drain pan for positive drainage with drain connection on one side. Cooling coils higher than 48" shall have an intermediate drain pan to prevent moisture carv over. Coil section shall have heating coils with aluminum plate fins, copper tubes, and copper or cast iron headers. Coil performance shall be ARI Standard 410 certified at altitude. Headers shall have drain and vent connections. Coils shall be proof tested at 300 psig and leak tested to minimum 200 psig air pressure, under water. Coil headers shall not be exposed to air stream. Coil U-bends shall not be exposed outside of casing. Coil frame shall be independent of casing Coils shall be removable from the top or side. Provide sealing strips between coil frame and casing to prevent bypass. Terminate and seal piping connections outside of casing. FINAL FILTER SECTION: Cartridge type filters meeting UL Class 2 rating. Filters shall be not less thang}Yo efficient (ASHRAE Std. 52-76 dust spot method). Filter rack shall be accessible from right side thru supply side hinged, fully gasketed, double wall access doors. Racks shall be capable of holding bag or cartridge and pre-filters. Provide two sets of filters with unit. HUMIDIFIER SECTION Factory mounted steam humidifier and dispersion space for the ma.ximum capacity of the humidifier at nominal cfm, and 10-30 psig steam pressure. Provide drain pan and external piping cabinet for the humidifier and dispersion space module. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Doc uments T5 OCTOBER 2OOT I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I HLM 980071-04 1s600-22 I I . SECTION LS6OO HEAT GENERATION, REFRIGERATION AND LIQUID HEAT TI.,/.NSFER I Outside air handling unit(s) shall be configured as follows: r RTU-5: ReturnFan wMFD r *::"1,-T:ffi,'"Trsection Supply Fan wA/FDr 8;lH8:il Access'Section r i,T3,:,iTllSection - cartridse r Discharge Section I See Schedule for capacities. I Acceptable manufacturers:I r .- .. York I ., , UNIT HEATER UH. I Horizontal Model with individually adjustable horizontal louversI Copper tube and aluminum fin coil. Direcl drive propeller fan with safety fan guard. Motor shall have built-in overloads. Suspend as required. See schedule on drawings for capacities. HORIZONTAL Trane Model SVulcan HV. Airtherm HR,Modine HS. I I I I t I | - HLM 98007r-04 vArL vALLEy MEDT^AL ,ENTER Co nstructio n Doc ume nts 15 oCTOBER 2001I 15600-23 SECTION 15600 HEAT GENERATION, REFMGERATION AND LIQAID HEAT TNANSFER CHEMICAL POT FEEDER ASSEMBLY Fumish and install pot feeder assembly where shown on drawings. Secure or attach pot feeder to wall or structure. Feeder shall have a two (2) gallon capacity and have a working pressure of at least 175 psi. Feeder shall be equipped with a 3-112 inch fill opening with quick opening cap and 3/4 inch inlet and outlet tappings. Provide 3/4 inch plug or ball valves on inlet and outlet tappings, ll2inch gate valve fordrain, and114 inch petcock. Neptune WF-2 J.L. \Mngert, Model2HD M.A. Fleckenstein, Model FA 700 FIN TUBE RADIATION FT- Copper tube with aluminum fins. Fins shall be permanently bonded to tubes See schedule on drawings for capacities. Acceptable Manufacturers: Sterling Trane _ Vulcan _ SELF.CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS SCBA- Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) shall comply with all the requirements of NIOSH. The SCBA shall be warranted for five years and shall not weigh more than 22.5 pounds. The SCBA shall have a speaking diaphragm allowing for short range communications. The SCBA shall have a formed carrier and support harness which is flame and heat resistant with retro-reflective coatings and markings. Cylinder shall be 20 minute rated. The SCBA shall be equipped with an end-of-service alarm in the form of a audible bell that sounds when the air pressure reaches 540 psig. Provide a fiberglass wall case. I Acceptable Manufacturers: MSA Workmask ll Scott 804653-06 or approved equivalent. VAIL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents ts ocToBER 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HLM 980071-04 15600-24 I I I I I I I t I II I I I t I t I l- I 3.1 SECTION 15600 HEAT GENERATION, kEFRIGERATTON AND LTQUID HEAT TRANSFTX REFRIGEMNT RELIEF VALVE, RRV -1 The discard valve assembly shall consist of a non-fragmenting rupture disc, pressure relief valve, pressure gauge and pressure switch, also provide all interconnecting piping required, including adapter kit. The pressure relief valve shall be set at _ PSIG. The valve shall reset within 10% of its set pressure. Assembly shall meet recommendations of ASHRAE Guideline 3-1990. Assembly shall be sized for full flow requirements peTASHME Guideline 15. Carrier VaproSavor or approved equivalent. PART3 EXECUTION PIPEWORK Piping l. Grade and nap all steam and condensate piping to permit complete drainage of the system. Grade all mains in direction of flow and grade all runouts to pitch to main at minimum pitch of l" in 20 ft., or as specifically shown for condensate removal. Trap all steam risers and ends of mains. All condensate drip legs shatl be provided with a removable (threaded) end cap. 2. Grade and valve all water piping systems with 3/4" hose end valves to permit complete drainage of the system. All high points in equipment rooms shall be vented with automatic air vents piped to convenient drain. All high points in system outside of equipment rooms to be vented with combination automatic/manual air vents to relieve air in the system. All branch lines and runouts shall be taken offof the top of mains and branch lines, wherever possible. 3. All buried pipe to be insulated as per Insulation Section of these Specifications. All buried pipe shall be surrounded by 4" clean sand. 4. Valve off each individual piece of radiation or equipment with valve for shut off service on supply, valve for balancing and shut-off service on retum. Provide isolation valves at each pipe branch take-off from the main. 5. Expansion Compensation: Fumish and install expansion loops where indicated or required in accordance with Section 15050. When grooved piping systems are installed, expansion loops and associated items may be eliminated if the system is installed in accordance with the manufacturer's information on expansion VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments I5 OCTOBER 2OO1 HLM 980071-04 r5600-25 SECTION 15600 HEAT GENERATION, REFRIGERATION AND LIQUID HEAT TRAN.SFEN compensatron. 6. Pressure Testing: See Section 15050. 7. Cleaning: See Section 15050. 8. Refrigerant: a. Pitch suction lines | " in I 5'-0" towards compressor. Install oil traps, consisting ofshort radius fittings, at the base of vertical suction lines. b. Provide shop drawings of atl piping with sizes, layout and accessories shown. Piping layouts are based on equipment specifred in schedules on drawing. Any changes to piping layout required due to different equipment shall be shown in shop drawings along with explanation as to reason for change. Provide equipment cut sheets and capacity curves with shop drawings. 9. Provide Rectorseal Products as recommended by the manufacturer for glycol systems with threaded pipe. B. Valves and Specialties. All services except high pressure steam (125 psig and above) or high temperature hot water (250oF and above). 1. Ball valves, plug valves or butterfly valves may be used in lieu of gate valves on all water services for shut off service wherever the pressure and temperafure ratings are satisfactory. Valves utilizing lever handles shall be installed to allow complete open to close valve operation. Calibrated balancing/shut-off valves shall be used for balancing service on all lines. Plug or butterfly valves may be used for balancing service on lines 4" and larger provided there is an accurate means for determining flow rates when using these valves. Provide adjustable memory stops on all valves used for balancing service. Plug valve symbols are used on drawings. Calibrated balancing/shut-off valves shall be installed with a minimum of 5 pipe diameter in and 2 pipe diameters out of valve assemblies. Inlet shall be increased to 10 pipe diameters if installed downstream of pumps, tees or regulating valves. Globe valves, where shown, are the only suitable valve. Check valves on all base mounted pump discharges are to be "noiseless check valves", other check valves to be horizontal swing check valves. Tee type strainers are not acceptable. Basket type strainers shall only be used where indicated. VAIL VALLE Y MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments 15 oCTOBER 2001 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I 3. A 5. HLM 980071-04 15600-26 I I I I I I l.' I I I t I I I l- I SECTION 15600 7. ll. 6. HEAT GENERATION, REFMGEMTIONAND LIQAID HEAT TRAN.SFEft Provide pump suction diffuser(s) on suction side of all single suction base mounted centrifugal pumps (and wherever else indicated). Support suction diffirser from adjustable floor mounted foot support. Contractor shall remove start-up stainer after operating system for 48 hours. Installation shall allow space for removal of strainer and connection of blowdown valve and piping. Unions, flanges or grooved piping are to be used wherever necessary and in piping at all equipment so that piping may be conveniently broken and moved to facilitate equipment maintenance. Dielectric unions are to be used at all connections where fenous material is connected to non-ferrous material and where ferrous material is connected to domestic water piping. Couplings (waterways) can be used wherever unions are not required. Pressure Gauges and Press.-Temp. Taps are to be used wherever shown on drawings. Gauges and taps shall be installed in pipe immediately before and after equipment with no valve or fitting between gauge or tap and equipment. Taps shall be located in an accessible position. On pipe sizes 4" and larger where l/2" or 3/4" taps are required, Vic-Lets and Vic-Wells may be used in lieu of weld or thread-o-les. Coil syphons (pigtails) shall be used on steam service gauges. Snubbers shall be provided on all services where pulsating of gauge needle occurs. Install pressure gauges with isolation valve and drain valve between the gauge and the isolation valve. Thermometers or Press.-Temp. Taps are to be used on each side of each pump and piece of equipment where a change in temperature takes place. This includes distribution equipment located in finished rooms such as radiation, fan coils or unit ventilators. Use thermal wells with heat transfer enhancement compound for thermometers. Supply and Present to the Owner upon completion of testing a pressure and temperature test kit consisting of a 0-100 psi, 0-230 ft. of water pressure gauge with gauge adapter attached, a pocket testing thermometer (25-125F), a pocket testing thermometer (0-220F), a gauge adapter, and a protective carrying case.Peterson #1500 Install automatic valves, thermals wells, pressure taps, water, drains, etc. as furnished and specified under Section 15900. Radiator valves are to be used wherever hand control is indicated. Air separator(s) shall be supported from floor with angle iron legs or hung from structure with tlueaded rods and angle iron clips welded to tank. Valve and pipe blowdown full size to floor drain. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 OCTOBER 2OOI 8. 9. I I I 10. t2. 13. t4. HLM 980071-04 15600-27 SECTION 15600 HEAT GENERATION, REFRIGERATION AND LIQAID HEAT TRAN,YqEX 15. Chemical pot feede(s) shall be mounted with fill opening no higher than 4'-0" above finished floor. 16. All valves and specialties in grooved piping systems shall be attached to adjacent pipe using rigid couplings. 17. Vibration Isolation, see Section 15050. 18. Where flanging to valves in condensate piping, bore 150 lb. flanges to match Schedule 80 pipe inside diameter. Radiant Panel (Panels embedded in concrete). Connections between the main and radiant panel shall have swing joints before tuming up into slab and arranged in a manner to allow for expansion. Panel shall be graded level and laid in a manner that will allow concrete to envelope the pipe. Valving of Branches Valve all lines except drain pan piping before they leave the basement, and at the chase on each floor level. E. Equipment Room Drains Grating of drains shall be notched as required by discharge piping at drain so that all water from drain lines enter the drains. 3.2 PUMPS A. Install pumps in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. B. Provide access space around pumps for service. Provide no less than minimum as recom mended by manufacturers. C. Install pumps to allow complete removal without dismantling connecting piping. D. Provide line sized shut-off valve and strainer on pump suction and line sized silent check valve (installed minimum 5 pipe diameters downstream of pump discharge) and balancing valve on pump discharge. Decrease from line size with long radius reducing elbows or reducers. Provide pressure gauges, etc. as shown. Support piping adjacent to pump so that no weight is carried on pump casings. E. Provide air cock and drain connection on horizontal pump casings. Provide drains for bases and seals piped to floor drains. Pipe strainer discharge through shut-off valve to floor drain. F. Level and Alienment C. D. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments 15 oCTOBER 200r HLM 980071-04 15600-28 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l" I SECTION 1s600 HEAT GENERATTON, REFRIGERATION AND LIQIIID HEAT TRA.tfSREn l. Level and align pumps and motors on bases and foundation pads (Re: Section 15050 for vibration isolation requirements) in accordance with the manufacturers instructions and within their recommended tolerances using an indicating micrometer. Do this prior to connecting any piping or electrical to pump. 2. Recheck levels and alignment after piping and elechical connections are made and prior to placing each pump in operation. Make adjustments to assure that the thrust is balanced, that the shaft rotates freely when turned by hand and that the pump is quiet. 3. When adjustments are complete, tighten bolts and grout pump and motor. G. Lubricate pumps in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations after completion of system installation and prior to start-up. 3.3 OUTDOORAIR HANDLING UNIT A. Install in accordance with manufacture/s installation instructions. B. Coil piping shall be offset from coil piping connectors to allow for removal of coils with minimal piping disruption unless coil can be removed from opposite side. C. Install unit(s) roof curb. D. Pipe coil drain pan and drain pans of other sections, with independent traps full size thru a 6" deep "P" trap to nearest roof drain. Fill "P" trap with water before starting up unit. E. York unit is drawn on plans. Other manufacturers may vary slightly in dimensions, coil placement, etc. Changes to accommodate other manufacturers shall be made at no extra cost. F. Refer to 3.4 3.4 VARIABLE FREQI.JENCY DRIVES A. Factory Certified Start-up Provide Factory start-up for each drive by a factory authorized service center. A certified start-up form shall be completed for each drive with a copy provided to the Owner as part of the operating and maintenance manual and a copy kept on file by the manufacturer. B. VFD Testing: An independent testing contractor shall perform the following tests which are included as a part ofthis contract: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construclion Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 15600-29 I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I c. A. B. C. D. 2. 5- J.) 3.6 SECTION 15600 HEAT GENERATION, REFRIGERATION AND LIQAID HEAT TRANSFER l. Record the total harmonic distortion for both cunent and voltage at the point of common coupling with the VFD turned off, running 50%, and running 100%. Each measurement shall be taken for a minimum of ten minutes, with all building lights and computers turned on. If measurements exceed those allowed by the specifications, install corrective filters at the contractors expense and retake measurements. Submit report to engineer for approval. BOILERS AND BOILER FEED SYSTEM: A. General: Install boilers and atmospheric dearating boiler feed system in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions, in accordance with State and local code requirements, and in accordance with requirements of local Utilify Company. Install units plumb and level, to tolerance of 1/8" in l0' - 0" in both directions. Maintain manufacturer's recommended clearances around and over equipment. B. Support: Install equipment on 4" thick concrete pad, 4" larger on each side than base of unit. Electrical Work: Install electrical devices furnished by manufacturer but not specified to be factory-mounted. Furnish copy of manufacturer's wiring diagram submittal to Electrical Installer. l. Verify that electrical work installation is in accordance with manufacturer's submittal and installation requirements of Division- 16 sections. Do not proceed with equipment start-up until electrical work is acceptable to equipment Installer. BOILER START.UP AND TEST REQUIREMENTS At a time requested by the Installing Contractor, the boiler representative shall adjust and start boiler. Copies ofthe starting report shall be sent to the Architect/Engineer prior to final inspection. A component and integrated check shall be made of all controls. Factory tests do not substitute for this test. A foreman or superintendent of the Installing Division- 15 Contractor familiar with the system shall also be present and witness this test. Contractor shall request and obtain inspection and written approval ofthe installation by the State Division of Labor prior to building occupancy. It shall be the responsibility ofthe boiler manufacturer's representative to train the owner's personnel on the recommended operation and maintenance of the boiler. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents I5 OCTOBER 2OOI HLM 980071-04 15600-30 I I SECTION 15600 HEAT GENERATION. REFRIGERATION AND LIOAID HEAT TRANSFER ! 3,7 REFRIGEMNT RELIEF VALVEA. Installaccordingtomanufacturer'sinstallationrecommendations. r B. Remove existing rupture disk. I C. Provide appropriate gasketing to ensure all pipe connections are leak tight.I 3.8 SCBA INSTALI.ATION I A. The primary SCBA shall be mounted exterior to the primary exit from the room. r B. Provide suitable training to the owner so that basic features of the equipment I and built in alarms can be understood. Training for proper usage of the SCBA shall not be included as part of this scope. I I L I I I I I I I END OF SECTION I - ELM gg00zr-04 vArL vALLEy MEDT,AL ,ENTER Construction Documents 15 OCTOBER 2OOII 1s600-31 SECTION I58OO AIR DISTRIBUTION I l.l RELATED DOCUMENTS I The General Provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I - Specification Sections and Contract Documents apply to work in this I section. Consult them for further instructions and be governed by the requirements I thereunder r 1.2 WoRKINCLUDED(BUTNOTLIMITEDTO) I A. Ducrwork B. Flexible Ducts I C. Dampers, Tuming Devices and Ductwork Accessories I D. Fire Dampers, Fire/Smoke Dampers and Smoke Dampersr E. Filters and Air Filtering Systems F. Exhaust Fans I G. Supply and Return Fansr H. VAV Control Units I. Louvers I J. Intake and Relief Hoods! K. Grilles, Registers and Difftrsers L. Rooftop Air Handling Units f M. Electrical Resistance Heating I ..' N. Refrigerant Direct Expansion Evaporator CoilsO. Direct Expansion Condensing Units I P. Humidifiers I I.3 RELATED REQUIREMENTS I A. Basic Mechanical Requirements - Section 15010 I B. Basic Materials and Methods - Section 15050 C. Mechanical Identification - Section 15190 I D. Controls and Instrumentation - Section 15900 I E. Testing, Adjusting& Balancing- Section 15990 r PART2PRODUCTS II 2] MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT A. General I See Section I 501 0 for other acceptable manufacturers, substitutions and approvals. B. Ductworkr i::rffi[';:'jh:i*,tJy,f1'.:tlf?]x#i3":::"ffi"iJiTl A90. Contractor shall furnish certification form from mill or supplier as to coating I I SECTION I58OOf- I PART I GENERAL l" I AIRDISTRIBUTION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER I58OO.I Constr uction Doc uments I5 OCTOBER 2OO1 HLM 980071-04 SECTION I58OO Diameter 3" thru 14" 15" thru 26" 27" thru36 4. Flexible Ductwork a. Ceneral b. I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I 2. 3. AIR DISTRIBUTION thickness upon request. Gauges of ductwork shall be in accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards Manual or Uniform Mechanical Code, whichever is more stringent. Aluminum ducts to be ASTM 8209, aluminum sheet, alloy 3003-H14. Aluminum connectors and bar stock to be Alloy 6061-T6 or ofequivalent strength. Spiral Seam Ducts. Round and oval spiral seam galvanized steel ducts and fittings shall meet requirements of Paragraph 2.LA. United McGill Corp., Chavez Sheer Meral, Cobb Mechanical, Hercules Industries, Metco Inc., Sheet Metal Products Company, Semco, Superior, Spir-L-ok (ductwork only) or Spiral Pipe of Texas. Minimum galvanized gauges listed. Minimum Galvanized Cauge 26 ga. 24 ga. 22 ea. UL-l8l listed, Class I factory pre-insulated duct with solid inner liner formed by a reinforced aluminum laminate or other reinforced material mechanically bonded or locked together with a corrosive resistant galvanized or coated steel helix and covered with a minimum l-ll2" thick fiberglass blanket sheathed in a polyethylene vapor barrier. Insulation to have a 0.23 "C" lactor maximum, shall meet FFIA/HUD requirements and have a vapor barrier permeability of 0.10 perms (ASTM E96-Procedure A). Duct shall comply with the latest NFPA 90A and 90B Standards. Pressure ratings based on test with temperature and velocity applied. Flame spread less than 25lsmoke development less than 50. Duct must be approved by code authority for specific application. Low Pressure Duct (all sizes) qhall have a positive working pressure rating of not less than 6" w.g., and a negative working pressure rating of not less than 0.5" w.g. Pressure ratings shall be at a maximum operating temperature of lg0"F. Flexmaster Type 5, Wiremold WC, Genflex SFR-25A, Omniaire I 100. llercules lFP, ATCO UPC #30, Thermaflex G-KM. YAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co ns tr uct ion Doc uments I5 OCTOBER 2OOI HLM 980071-04 15800-2 I I I I I I I I I SECTION I58OO 5. AIR DISTRIBUTION High Pressure Duct (all sizes) shall have a positive working pressure rating of not less than 12" w.g., and a negative working pressure rating of not less than -l " w.g. Pressure ratings shall be at a maximum operating temperature of l90"F. Flexmaster Type 3, Thermaflex MKC, Genflex IGE. Duct Sealant. Non-hardening, water resistant, non-combustible, liquid or mastic or with tape as recommended by manufacturer. All sealants shall have approved fire rating for plenum application as required by code authority. Duct Pressure Classes (SMACNA) l. Unless indicated on drawings or elsewhere in this specification, the following shall be used to determine duct construction pressure class:a Variable Air Volume (VAV) systems; upstream of terminal control units to the fan outlet, ductwork pressure class shall be not less than the blocked off static pressure of 4 " when the fan is at its minimum cftn setting. Downstream of terminal control units, pressure class shall be l" w.g. b. Constant Air Volume Supply systems; from the supply diffuser or register to the supply fan inlet, ductwork pressure class shall be not less than 2" total static pressure. c. Return Air Ductwork; -l12" w.g. pressure class. Relief Air Ductwork; +l12" w.g. pressure class d. Exhaust systems; from the exhaust grille or register to the exhaust fan inlet, ductwork pressure class shall be at least 100% of the total static pressure specified for the fan. Ductwork downstream ofexhaust fans shall be ll2" w.g. pressure class. Duct Accessories I Round Duct Take-off Fittings. a. Spin-in Fitting Factory fabricated 26 gauge (all diameters) G-90 galvanized sheet metal for insulated ducts. Butterfly damper with quadrant operator and lock nut on all applications. Flexible Connections. 24 oz. per vard, fire-retardant neoprene coated, U.L. approved material. Flame spread: 25 maximum and Smoke development: 50 maximum, maximum length = t0". VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Conslr uctio n Doc uments 15 0CTOBER 2001 c. 2. D. I I I I I I I I I I HLM 98007r-04 15800-3 SECTION I58OO Diameter 3" thru 20" 20" thru 40" Manufacturer Ruskin AES Louvers & Dampers or equivalent. Collar 20 t4 3" thru 20" MDRS25 WM-VCD RBD Blade 20 l0 20" thru 40" CDR25 FIDR-s0 3. AIR DISTRIBUTION Turning Vanes. Non-adjustable 90o tuming vanes, 22 gauge galvanized steel runners, per SMACNA Standards with: a. Double Wall Vanes 2" radius and smaller to be 26 galvanized steel minimum Radius above 2" to be 24 gauge galvanized steel minimum. b. Single Wall Vanes 2" radius and smaller to be 24 gauge galvanized steel minimum. Radius above 2" tobe22 gauge galvanized steel minimum. Volume Dampers. a. Rectangular and Square 22 gauge galvanized steel blades and frame up to 18" width and 12" height; above to be 16 gauge galvanized steel frames with 16 gauge galvanized steel opposed blades. Blades to be brake formed at edges for stiffeners. Galvanized steel shaft (l/2" diameter minimum on dampers wider than 36", 318" diameter on dampers less than 36" width, 3/8" minimum control arms) with molded synthetic plastic or oil impregrated sintered bronze bushings. No blade end seals. Maximum blade width of 8 inches. Ruskin MDl5 or MD35 or equivalent. b. Round and Oval Dampers to have blade stops and be fitted with locking type hand quadrant control solid steel rod (l/4" diameter minimum) welded to blade. and molded synthetic plastic, stainless steel or oil impregnated sintered bronz-e sleeve shaft bearings. Damper blades and collars to be galvanized steel sheet of the following minimum gauges. I I I I I I t I I .+. I I I I I I t I I I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Conslruction Doc u me n ts I5 OCTOBER 2OOI HLM 980071-04 r 5E00-4 I I I I I I t I I t I l- I sEcTroN 1s800 6. AIRDISTRIBUTION Access Doors (in ductwork) Doors shall be constructed of same gauge as ductwork being installed in, 24 gauge (minimum), galvanized sheet metal provided with 22 gauge minimum flat iron or angle iron stiffening frame and so constructed that they can be operated without twisting or distortion. Provide duct opening at each door with a continuous reinforcing galvanized bar or angle against which the door will close, l/8" neoprene gasket. Doors shall be provided with no less than two galvanized iron hinges and sash-lock latches sized to suit door size with each hinge having a bronze pin. Doors shall be double skin with I " insulation between sheet metal where ducts are insulated. Pre-manufactured access doors can be used provided they are submitted for review per Section 1501 0 prior to project bidding. Fire Dampers, Combination Fire/Smoke Dampers, and Smoke Dampers l. Combination Fire/Smoke Damper Combination fire/smoke dampers shall comply with a minimum leakage classification of II at 350"F. Combination fire smoke damper shall be l-l/2 or 3 hour fire rated under UL Standard 555, and shall be classified by Underwriters Laboratories as a Leakage Rated Damper for use in smoke control systems under the latest version of UL555S, and bear a UL label attesting to same. As part of the UL qualification, dampers shall have demonstrated a capacity to operate (to open and close) under HV AC system operating conditions, with pressures ofat least 4" w.g. in the closed position, and 2000 fpm air velocity in the open position. Darnpers and actuators shall be qualified under UL555S to an elevated temperature of250"F Electric-120 volt actuators shall be installed by the damper manufacturer at time of damper fabrication. Damper and actuator shall be supplied as a single entity which meets all applicable UL555 and UL555S qualifications for both dampers and actuators. Manufacturer shall provide factory assembled sleeve of 16" minimum length (contractor to verifo requirement). Factory supplied caulked sleeve shall be 20 gage for dampers through 84" wide and l8 gage above 84" wide. Damper and actuator assembly shall be factory cycled to assure operation. Damper shall close upon interruption of power to actuator. Combination fire/smoke damper shall be equipped with heat activated controlled closure device (bi-metal) which shall activate at l65oF, causing damper to close and lock in a closed position. Heat activated controlled closure device shall be able to be reset when damper cools to l35oF. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstr uct io n Doc uments T5 OCTOBER 2OOI I I E. I I I I HLM 980071-04 15800-5 I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I F. G. H. SECTION 15800 AIRDISTRIBUTION Acceptable Manufacturers: Ruskin Model FSD36 (l-l/2hr) FSD3I (3hr) Prefco Model 5020 (l-l/2 hr) 5020 (3 hr) Venco Products FSD-22 (1-l/2hr) FSD-28 (3hr) Greenheck FSD-22 (l-l/2 hr) FSD-28 (3 hr) Filter Gauges Differential pressure gauges, Dvryer Series 2000 ASF magrehelic or equivalent with scale range approximately twice the pressure drop recommended for filter change and adjustable sigrral flag. Wiring l. All wiring shall comply with the National Electrical Code (latest edition), local codes and the Electrical Division ofthese specifications. 2. All Control interlocks and control panels shall be wired under Division 15, except control wiring done at factory or specifically shown to be by Division 16, and l20V power circuits to each control panel orjunction box shown on the plans and schedules. Power circuits shall be provided under Division 16. Smoke Detectors I . Smoke detectors to be provided under Electric Division. Equipment Schedule VAV CONTROL UNIT WITH REHEAT VAV- # (Shut-Off Type) Shut-off type variable air volume control unit. Open end, 24 gatge minimum galvanized steel factory fumished casing. Casing interior acoustically and thermally lined with UL listed hospital grade (Steriloc of equivalent) liner meeting NFPA 90A requirements and the sound requirements ofthis specification. Seal all exposed insulation edges. Damper to seal 100% shut-off. No more than 2%o leakage through damper at 0.5" S.P. Unit must operate with combined static pressure drop across the unit and coil as low as .55". Air quantity as shown on the drawings. One row water copper coil with aluminum fins. Seamless copper tube, expanded into fin collar for pelrnanent bond. Female sweat connections. Provide upstream access door for inspection of heating coil. See schedule on drawings. Electronic, pressure independent control with maximum and minimum settings, factory preset, field adjustable. Controller, flow sensor, 24v control voltage and damper actuator factory provided. Flow sensor shall be either hot rvire anemometer or multi-point flow sensor with transducer. Fr.rmish room thermostat with concealed adjustment and coil control valve for field installation. Boxes to have a minimum cfm settins listed on drawinss. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construcl io n Doc ume nls I5 OCTOBER 2OOI HLM 980071-04 15800-6 t I I I I T I t t I: t Radiated - dB CFM 200 400 600 800 1200 1600 2000 Discharge - dB CFM 200 400 600 800 1200 1600 2000 Octave Bands1454 43 66 56 66 57 67 s8 68 59 69 59 69 60 Octave Bands J.+at Gt 7t 67 72 68 75 70 77 73 80 76 80 76 6139 42 55 58 56 59 57 60 s8 60 58 6l 59 62 6770 59 75 63 76 64 76 66 79 7l 82 74 79 72 SECTION I58OO AIR DISTRIBATION Controls shall be provided by the temperature control contractor. By agreement, unit mounted components may be furnished to the factory for installation under the control contractor's supervision. See Sections 15900 and 15950. Maximum allowable sound power levels for open end boxes at inlet size and cfm noted with 1.0" combined static pressure drop at sea level across the unit and coil. Sound rating to be in accordance with ARI Standard 880, and manufacturer to be certified to AN as complying with ARI Standard 880. Maximum Allowable Sound Power Level - NC-30 z 6l 72 72 73 74 t> 75 +o 55 56 57 58 58 59 z 69 t5 74 77 78 8l 82 5 '7fi 75 76 76 80 82 82 I I I t I t I I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documenls t5 ocToBER 2001 HLM 98007r-04 15800-7 CONTROL I.INIT CFM RANGES* MANUFACruRER 5" Inlet 6" Inlet 7" Inlet 8" Inlet 10" Inlet 12" Inlet Tempmaster Size 0-200 05 201400 06 401-600 07 601-750 08 801-10s0 l0 l0sr-r600 t2 Trane Size 0-200 03 20r400 06 40 r -800 tl 801- 1200 11 l20l-1600 24 Titus Size 0-200 5 201-400 6 401-600 7 601-750 8 751-1200 l0 l201-1600 l2 SECTION T58OO ROOF MOUNT: Belt Drive Greenheck GB or equivalent by Cook ACE-B Acme Model PNN Penn Domex Direct Drive Greenheck G or equivalent by Cook ACE-D Acrne Model PR Penn Domex AIR DISTRIBUTION *Listed CFM is ma.rimum CFM that can be used for size listed. Inlet size is round or oval. See schedule on drawings for capacities. Titus DESV or Equivalent DCIAUST FAI\[ EF- 1,2,3 (Dome Type - Wall or Roof) Aluminum, water tight, removable housing with galvanized steel or aluminum bird screen and aluminum blade, self acting, sound dampened, backdraft damper. B.l. centrifugal tlpe fan wheel statically and dynamically balanced. V-belt drive with adjustable motor sheave. Motor and fan mounted on vibration isolators. Motor and starter as detailed in schedule. Bearings shall be heavy duty, grease lubricated, ball or roller type and selected for Basic Rating Life (Lro) of 80,000 hours at maximum speed and horsepower per ABMA Std 9 or I l. Sone level in accordance with AMCA Standards. Fumish factory fabricated curb to G.C. for installation. See schedule on drawings for capacities. I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstr uction Doc uments 15 OCTOBER 2OOI HLM 980071-04 15800-8 I I I SECTION T58OO AIR DISTRIBUTION EXHAUST FAN EF- 6 (Ceiling Type) Centrifugal FC fan in sound insulated cabinet bearing the AMCA label for air performance and U.L. listed. Integral backdraft damper. Motor mounted in rubber mountings or other suitable method of vibration isolation. Steel Face grille with 85% free area included with unit. HP, etc. detailed in schedule. See schedule on drawings for capacities. Acceptable Manufacturers : Greenheck Model SP or CSP Carnes Model VCDB Pace DD Acme Master-Ette Penn Zephyr ILC QA Cook Gemini Jenn Air J Series SUPPLY FAN SFC-I (Smallln-Line) In-line centrifugal fan with B.I. aluminum wheel and hub dynamically and statically balanced. Galvanized steel, straight sided housing with l " thick fiberglass insulation. spun inlet venturi. Removable access panels. Direct drive motor pre-wired to junction box including #12 insulated ground wire. Motor and fan mounted on vibration isolators. Motor and starter as detailed in schedule. Flexible connection on inlet and discharge. Sone level measured in accordance with AMCA Standards. See schedule on drawings for capacities. Greenheck Model SQ or BSQ or equivalent by Jenn Air, ILG, Acme, Penn, Carnes, Cook STATIONARY LOIIVER SL-I 18 gauge minimum galvanized steel 4" blades on 4" centers at 45o with retum bends. Set in l8 gauge minimum galvanized steel frame. Secured and caulked into opening. Provide extended sill of dimension field verified at the job site. Removable galvanized steel 1/4 inch 19 gauge wire mesh behind louver. Performance in accordance with AMCA Publication 5l I . Provide primer coat finish for blades and frame. See schedule on drawings for capacities. Ruskin L8 | I Airstream Model C-45 American Warming LF-41 FLUE (Gravitv) Type B, UL listed, double wall vent fluc rvith aluminum inner pipe and galvanized outer I T T I T t l, I I I I I t I I HLM 980071-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 15800-9 I " Construction Documents I5 OCTOBER 2OOI I SECTION ISEOO AIR DISTRIBUTION pipe, originate at equipment draft hood connection. Counterflash through roof and terminate 4 feet above roof with approved vent cap. Install as required by Underwriters to formaTypeBflue. AIR PRESST'RE MONITOR APM- I The system shall include a highly sensitive pressure transducer that determines air pressure differential. The sensor shall be an in wall mounted sampling tube directed inside the room and able to measure room pressure accurately to 0.01" w.c. The air pressure sensor tubing shall be directly attached to the pressure alarm panel which shall be wall mounted, stainless steel construction. It shall have a digital pressure reading display and two indicator lights, one for an audible alarm that can be activated if room pressure becomes unacceptable. Provide transformer- I I 5 volt connection provided under Electrical Division. Accustat, TSI or approved equivalent. GRILLES. R.EGISTERS AI\ID DIFFUSERS All grilles, registers and diffusers shall be performance tested and rated in accordance with ADC 1062 and ASHRAE 70. All perforated face supply diffusers to have round neck. Provide square to round adaptor for louver face diffusers where required. All perforated face and louver face diffrrsers, registers and grilles to have off white baked enamel finish and removable face or core. When these diffusers, registers or grilles are used in grid ceilings, frame to be suitable for type ceiling in which they are installed. For concealed grid systems, face size shall match size of tile. For exposed grid systems, face size shall fit into grid. On perforated face diffusers, registers or grilles, where face size is smaller than ceiling grid (i.e. 12" x 12" face in24" x a8" grid) an insulated panel 12" x24" or 24" x24" shall be fumished with diffuser shell size as required for air volume. Louver face diffusers may be called out to be drop panel type in some locations. In all other ceilings frame shall be flanged type. All register and grille numbers are for steel construction unless the manufacturer makes only aluminum. Aluminum registers and grilles are acceptable, providing they come with a finish suitable for painting. Steel registers and grilles to have prime coat finish. Sidewall exhaust and return grilles and registers to have blades fixed at approximately 35 to 45 degrees. All diffusers and registers shall be equipped with opposed blade dampers unless supplied from an accessible twist-in fitting with damper. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Con str uctio n Doc umenls ts ocToBER 2001 I I I t I t I I I I I I I I T I I I I HLM 98007t-04 15800-10 I l_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I t SECTION I58OO AIR DISTRIBATION Registers for side wall or floor applications shall be provided rvith gasketing between the register and the finished surface. When grilles, registers or diffusers are used in conjunction with radiation dampers, they must be fabricated from minimum 24 gauge steel. Aluminum is not acceptable. Size and cFM as shown on plans. All ceiling diffusers to be 4-way throw unless noted otherwisc on plans. Air Terminal Type Manufacfure Name Model Number I Diffuser Perforated Face Ceiling 2 Return Exhaust Register Grille Perforated Face Ceiling Supply Register Grille Sidewall 4 Return Exhaust Register Grille Wall Floor Ceiling 6 Diffuser Linear Titus PAS PAR 27z-RL 23-RL TBD-89 Barb Aire PB PE BDDH BDG Tuttle & Bailey CT CTR T50 TTOD Carnes SPAB SPJB RTDAH RSAAH Krueger 6000 6290 880H SSOH Anemostat PD PDR 52H SJFID Grillmaster PER PER-R 54H RAH J&l l200 t290 990H S90H Metalaire 7500 7s50R H4004 RH Agitair EP EPLR DDH DG Nailor 4320 4360 7100 6r45H Legend:612 2222 24X 4 6X24 Neck Size, Nominal Face S ize Nominal Neck S ize Nominal Neck S ize Nominal Neck Size Number of Slots, Inches long VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER I58OO-II Construct ion Documenls 15 OCTOBER 2OOI Where no number is listed for particular manufacturer, the model cataloged was not considered equivalent I to the othcrs listed and cannot be bid. I I HLMe8007t-04 I SECTION I58OO AIR DISTRIBUTION SD - Supply Diffirser SR - Supply Register RR - Retum Register ER - Exhaust Reeister EG - Exhaust Grille TG - Transfer Grille SG - Supply Grille RG - Return Grille LAMINAR FLOW DIFFUSER LFD-5 Steel, perforated face (with safety chain), 3132" diameter hole on %" cenrers in a 60 deg. staggered pattern with white finish. center plug to be removable from face for access to screwdriver slot for damper adjustment. Unit to have internal baffles for even air distribution over perforated face. See drawing for inlet and f'ace sizes. Titus TLF or prior approved equivalent. FLUE AND BRDECHING (Forced Draft) Flue and breeching to be either l0 gauge black steel, factory built pre-fabricated assembly (UL listed) or combination of both. Originate at boilers Acceptable Manufacturers: Metalbestos Model PS Venting Systems, Inc. Tripl-Wall Stacks, Inc. Model RE Ampco Model VSI - II Van Packer Model DW Schebler, Model PA Tubular Centrifueal FA1\l (Axial Flow) Tubular Centrifugal fan including continuously welded one piece housing, minimum l2 gauge for wheel sizes 18" - 21", l0 gauge for wheel sizes 24" -36",7 gauge for wheel sizes 42" - 60"), Airfoil Centrifugal wheel, inlet cone, solid shaft keyed to the wheel, adjustable V-belt, drive and factory assembled and painted. Motor and starter as detailed in schedule. Bearings shall be heavy duty, grease lubricated, ball or roller type and selected for Basic Rating Life (Lq6) of 80,000 hours at maximum speed and horsepower per ABMA Std 9 or I L Provide with remote grease fitting. Fan performance shall be based on tests perlormed in accordance with AMCA 210. Sound data shall be based on based on Reverberant Room Method for Testing of Fans as described in AMCA 300 and calculated in accordance rvith AMCA 301. Sizes. drive arrangements, motor mounting, etc. shall be based on AMCA 99. Fan unit shall be provided with ceiling mounting brackcts and spring vibration isolators. Fan statically and dynamically balanced. Provide thc follorving optional items: fan belt VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruclion Doc ume nts I5 OCTOBER 2OOI I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I HLM 98007t-04 15800-12 t I I I I SECTION I58OO AIR DISTRIBUTION I - safety guard, access door. I l$ff#a power levelof the fan(s) shall not exceed Octave Band - CPS (sound power l0 - See schedule on drawings for capacities. Tubular, Inline Centrifugal Fans Greenheck, TCF New York Blower, Tubular AcoustaFoil Twin City Fan & Blower, TSL Barry Blower, Series TUB Aerovent, Centaxial I PART 3 EXECUTION I 3.r DUCTWORK A. General r ... .. Duct sizes shown on the drawings are outside (sheet metal) duct dimensions. As aI ) !iiliHll1frx3L::?',.i;,fiTi:l"t;:T["fi1"il1 ;i,'j'::l,Jl, Tiir::: ;J* r requirements specified herein. r B. Duct Sealins l. All-ducts shall be sealed per SMACNA Standards, Class A sealing requirements. I 2. Static pressure construction class 2" w.g. and less When ducts are not located in the conditioned room (e-g. retum air plenums are llQ! conditioned rooms) itself, these ducts shall be sealed by using duct sealant as recommended byI manufacturer. This includes the sealing of all transverse joint and fitting connections and snap lock seams. Not more than one unsealed longitudinal seam I on the perimeter shall be allowed. Exhaust ducts shall be required io be sealed atI the transverse joints only. I 3. Static pressure construction class over 2" w.g. Seal all seams, joints, connections I and ductwork penetrations by welding or with cluct sealant to provide an air tight system. f 4. Pipes through Casing Make all openings through the casing for piping connections with a flanged telescoping collar l " inside diameter greater than the pipe outside diameter. Solder the flanges to the casing entirely around the I _ HLM 980071-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 15800_t3r Constraction DocumenfsI 15 0CT)BER 2OOT I 63 t25 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 78 84 82 78 75 7l 66 60 SECTION I58OO I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I C. D. E. F. AIRDISTRIBATION circumference of flange both the inside and the outside of the flange. Pack the pipe tightly into the opening with non- hardening sealant held in place by a metal flange on both sides ofthe casing and cut to fit tightly around the pipe and sheet metal screwed to the telescope flange. Seal all sheet metal screws on the inside with liquid type sealer. Ductwork Testing l. See Section 15050 for testing ofductwork. 2. Ductwork required to be pressure tested shall be tested to its pressure class. Ductwork Application l. All ductwork to be galvanized steel meeting ASTM A-527-71 except as otherwise called for. 2. All round and oval ducts exposed to view shall be spiral seam. concealed round and oval ducts may be fabricated with lock type or welded longitudinal seams. All elbows to be pressed steel elbows or five piece welded elbows. Takeoffs Do not install takeoffs on elbows or other points of the system where air velocity is not un iform. Ductwork Hangers, Connections and Construction 'I I 2. J. 4. ). Suspend ducts from structure with proper hangers at a maximum of 8'-0" intervals, at each floor, change ofdirection and wherever necessary. Make all duct connections to motor driven equipment with f'lexible connections, unless specifically indicated otherwise. Make all radius elbows with radius of one and one half times the diameter or width of duct and an inside throat radius of one rimes the diameter or width. Radius elbows is the prefened method for 90'duct tums. Where space limitation will not permit radius elbows, pruvrde 90o square elbows with turning vanes. All 90" square elbows are to have tuming vanes except where specifically noted otherwise on plans. Install opposed blade dampers in all low velocity duct divisions and splits where shown or required to allow system balance. lnstall opposed blade dampers in all45 takeoffs unless specifically noted on the drarving. All diffusers to be equipped with opposed blade darnpers unless supplied from a spin-in fining with damper. All registers to bc equipped with opposed blade dampers. Where noted as grille on plans, opposed blade dampers not required. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstr uctio n Doc uments I5 OCTOBER 2OO] HLM 98007t-04 r 5800-t 4 G. I I I I I I I I t I I t t I I I- I I I SECTION I58OO AIRDISTRIBUTION (Damper to be adjustable through face ofdiffuser or register.)6. Spin-in fitting final locations shall be determined after location of lighting and other possible obstructions within the ceiling space are known so that sharp bends and excessive lengths of flexible duct are minimized. 7. Provide adjustable volume extractors at all rectangular take offs to sidewall registers and wherever indicated on plans. 8. Provide 45o takeoffs with opposed blade dampers at all rectangular duct takeoffs except as indicated on drawings. 9. Make all duct offsets with 15 degree transitions. Sharper transitions can be made only when space does not allow 15 degree offsets,30 degree offsets maximum. 10. Install all automatic control dampers, blank off plates or transitions as required by Division 15900. Provide required access doors for service to control equipment. lnstall smoke detectors, provided by Division 16000 where indicated on drawings. I l. All connections befween ducts, hangers, hanger rods and appurtances of dissimilar metals shall be made with dielectric separation. Access Doors Provide sheet metal access doors; 18" x 16" hand access, 24" x 42" minimurn personnel access where size of duct permits, as noted or as required for proper access to the equipment. Access doors shall occur on each side of each coil and filter bank, inlet to each fan, at all fire dampers, at all automatic control dampers and wherever else shown. Access doors shall open against air pressure, wherever practical. Openings in ductwork for access doors shall have folded edges, ifexposed, for protection. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construclio n Doc uments T5 OCTOBER 2OO1 HLM 98007t-04 15E00-15 I SECTION 15800 AIR DISTRIBUTION 3.2 FIRE/SMOKE DAMPERS T A. Combination Fire/Smoke Dampers and Smoke Dampers l. lnstall dampers with code approved sleeves in all duct openings where shown on I drawings. Install in accordance with UL requirements and manufacturer's I recommendations with access door located on downstream side of damper induct. II2. Dampers shall be operated, prior to building occupancy, to determine that they function properly. Contractor shall prepare list of all dampers and include who I performed test and date oftest for each damper; list shall be included in O and M t manuals. 3.3 DUCTWORK INSULATION rA. Insulate all supply ducts, and outside air ducts and wherever else called for on the plans. Exhaust ducts do not require insulation unless specifically called for. Supply and/or return Iductwork located within the conditioned spaces served by this ductwork, do not require tinsulation. Ductwork passing through a space that is not supplied air by this ductwork requires insulation. Ceiling plenums and mechanical rooms are not conditioned spaces and I duct insulation is required. I B. Supply duct shall be wrapped with insulation on the outside unless otherwise noted. Round duct exposed below ceilings in occupied areas shall not be insulated. See Section 15250, lnsulation. I ' \r C. Ductwork exposed to weather shall be lined with 2" thick insulation with vapor barrier. I'*' Seal duct joinis weathertight 3.4 FLEXIBLE DUCTS I A. Attach all flexible ducts inner liner to duct connectors, diffuser necks, or ductwork with I stainless steel worm driven clamp. Tape outer vapor barrier securely over clamp with vapor barrier tape. I B. Low pressure flexible duct to be used only in systems with a maximum of 2" static pressure available. T C. Maximum length of any section of flexible duct to be eight leet. Provide rigid round duct on takeoffs as required to maintain maximum length. D. Maximum length of any section of flexible duct to be eight feet. Provide rigid round duct on takeoffs as required to maintain maximum length. 3.5 GRTLLES, RECTS]'ERS AND DTFFUSERS (cRD) A. Install all GRD's to ductwork with airtight connectiolls. B. Paint ductwork visible behind GRD's matte black. HLM 98OO7I-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER I5800-16 Co nstnrctio n Doc r,ments rs ocToBER 2001 I I I I I I I t SECTION I58OO AIR DISTNBUTION r C. Install all GRD's in general location indicated on the drawings. Coordinate exact location with Architectural reflected ceiling plan. I D. Install and support all GRD's per manufacturer's recommendations and per UBC Standards. I L GRD's weighing less than 20 pounds shall be positively attached to ceilingI suspension main runners or to cross runners with the same carrying capacity as the matn runners. 2. GRD's weighing greater than 20 pounds, but not more than 56 pounds, in addition to the above, shall have two No. 12 gauge hangers connected from the terminal or service to the ceiling hangers or to the structur€ above. These wires may be slack. I 3. GRD's weighing greater than 56 pounds shall be supported directly from the structure above by approved hangers. I E. Forward GRD Ak factors to Test and Balance Contractor. r 3,6 FILTER GAUGES Provide and install differential pressure air filter gauges of suitable range with sensing rips I located on the inlet and outlet side of all supply fan filters. Set adjustable signal flag at I point on gauge where filters should be changed. I - 3.7 AIR FTLTERS t ' A. Provide extra set of air filters for all air handling units and builrup filter banks. I B. Specified filters along with extra sets should not be used during construction. Contractor I :Hrj:r?L*'* temporary filters as required to protect system from construction dust. dirt I 3.8 sMoKE DETECToRSI A. Location of smoke detectors shall be as shown on drawings, provided by Division 16000, installed by Division 15000. I B. Wiring of detectors to fire alarm panel by Division 16000. Control wiring of detectors (i.e. fan shut down, etc.) by this Division. I C. Wire smoke detectors to protect the unit in both hand and automatic operation, I D. On signal from smoke detector, supply fan shall be shut off. I 3.9 VAV CONTROL UNITS I A. Duct connection to inlet of boxes to be same size as inlet unless othenvise noted on the t drarvings. Provide reducers as required. I B. Transition box discharge to duct size shown on the drawings. I I HLMe8007r-04 I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER I58OO-17 Constr uction Doc uments I5 OCTOBER 2OOI SECTION I58OO AIR DISTRIBUTION C. Provide a minimum of 4 box inlet diameters of straight duct upstream of box inlet connection where possible. EXHAUST FANS (Ceiling Type) A. Support unit from all thread rod with rubber vibration isolators. lsolators must be approved by code authority when installed in ceiling plenums. B. Provide flexible duct connectors at unit ductwork connections. Connectors must be approved by code authority when installed in ceiling plenums. Exhaust Fans (ln-Line) A. Support unit from all thread rod with rubber vibration isolators. Isolators must be approvcd by code authority when installed in environmental plenums. Provide flexible duct connectors at unit ductwork connections. Flexible connectors must be approved by code authority when installed in environmental plenums. END OF SECTION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstr uctio n Doc u ments rs ocToBER 2001 I I 3.10 I I I I I I I I 3.1l I I I I I I I I I HLM 980071-04 r 5800- I8 I t I I I l.l t.2 SECTION I59OO PART I GENERAL C ONT RO LS AND I NS TRAM E NTATION SECTION 15900 CONTROLS AND INSTRIJMENTATION RELATED DOCTJMENTS The General Provisions of the contract including General and supplementary conditions and Division I - Specification Sections and Contract Documents apply to work in this section. consult them for further instructions and be governed by the requirements thereunder. DESCRIPTION Work Included 1. Provide an automatic temperature control (ATC) system of direct digital controls with pneumatic and/or solid state electronic and electric-pneumatic components if required, to comprise a complete system, furnished and installed by the Temperafure Control Manufacturer or by the Manufacfurer's representative as approved under paragraph 2.1 "Acceptable Manufacturers". The complete ATC system shall include all requirements set forth in this Section, and the Related Requirements in Division 15 and Division l6 documents. 2. Direct Digital Conhol shall be defured as a conrol technique through which the process variable is continuously monitored by a digital microprocessor computer which accomplishes loop control by calculating a control solution for output to a control device. The DDC system shall consist of independent stand alone, control units and VAV box terminal conhol units. The control units shall contain their own microprocessors complete with all necessary software logic functions to perform all specified control sequences in a completely independent manner. Include all software packages detailed in this specification for current or future use. Provide all necessary wiring, hardware, software and accessories to tie all contol units and VAV box terminal control units together through a communication network system for programming, data gathering, setpoint adjustnen! alarming, and system checkout at a single point in the building. The system shall be capable of communications tluough a telephone modem and standard telephone line to a remote terminal. The DDC system must meet current FCC requirements. The system shall be complete in all respects, put in operation and calibrated under occupied conditions. This conhactor is responsible for providing all sequences of operations specified in this section even if equipment and confols are fumished by others. For sequences specified in other sections, if equipment and contols are furnished by others, the temperature control contractor shall be responsible for verifoing sequences of conhols and coordination. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstr uction Doc uments t5 0cToBER 2001 I I I I I,, J. 4. T I I I I I I t I HLM 98007r-04 r5900-1 I I t I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I 5. 6. B. B. c. B. 1.3 1.4 1.5 SECTION 15900 CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTATION All temperature conhols shall be of one manufacturer furnished and installed by a single source responsibility. Leave any existing controls in operation until any new controls are ready to operate. General All automatic control valves shall be furnished by the Temperature Conhol Contractor and installed under his supervision under the Mechanical Division, Section 15600 or Section 15400. All automatic contol dampers and air monitor stations unless otherwise specified, shall be furnished by the Temperature control contractor and installed under his supervision under the Air Distibution Section 15800. WIRING All wiring shall comply with the National Electric Code (latest edition), local codes and the Electrical Division of these specifications. All control interlocks and confiol panels shall be wired by the Temperature control Contractor, except contol wiring done at the factory, and 120 V power circuits to each control panel or junction box shown on the plans and schedules. Power circuits shall be provided under the Electical Division. If more 120 volt power circuits are required than shown on the drawings due to additional equipment required by the ATC Contractor, the cost of additional power circuits shall be the responsibility of the ATC Contractor. CONCEALMENT Conceal compressed air piping and wiring in all finished areas. SI.JBMTTALS The ATC Contractor shall submit shop drawings of all components of the ATC System including all equipment control panels, and wiring diagrams in accordance with Section 15010. Work shall not begin until acceptance of submittals has been obtained from the Engineer. Field wiring and installation of control components may begin prior to completion of the DDC System software, provided this portion has been accepted by the engineer. Upon review and acceptance of the submittals, the ATC Contractor shall disperse the required information to all other trades involved in the work managed by the ATC system. Shop drawings shall be submitted on reproducible mylar sheets which are the same size and same material as the construction drawings. These shall be conected to "as-built" conditions at the end of the job and included with the mechanical "as-built" drawings as described in Section 15010 and Division 1. YAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents t5 0cToBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 15900-2 I I I I I t SECTION 15900 C O NTROLS AN D I NS TRUME NTATI ON C. Shop drawing shall consist of engineering data on each control system componenl control diagrams, wiring diagrams, damper schedule, automatic valve schedule with CVs, flows and pressure drop, sequence of control, piping diagrams for all valves, conhol panels and panel layouts, installation and calibration inshuctions. Shop drawings shall include sufficient product information to determine compliance to these specifications. Provide air compressor sizing calculations. Contol diagrams shall include: l. Schematic representation of system under contol with field devices located, piped and wired. 2. Control panel layout showing instruments fully piped or wired to numbered terminal strips. Front panel face layout with nameplate schedule, and location in building, for each panel. Bill of Material; scheduling all items by using code abbreviation indicating quantity, manufacturer, manufacture/s code number, and full equipment descriptive literature, i.e., dampers, valves, relays, controllers, sensors and miscellaneous devices. Written sequence of conhol incorporating into the written sequence all functional devices using device code abbreviation or point number. Calibration Schedule and set point for every device. Final DDC programming will be developed as part of the system shop drawing review, during system startup and during final evaluation and set up of the project. The ATC Contractor must anticipate some software changes required by the Engineer or Owner to bring the control system in line wittr optimum performance and energy efficiency. Programming Manual Provide a Programming Manual describing programming aod testing, system starting, a system overview, and a detailed description of each software feature. The manual shall instruct the user on programming or reprografirming any portion of the system and include all control programs, variables, set points, time periods, messages, passwords and other information necessary to load, alter, test, and execute the system. The manual shall also include: l. Complete descriptions of the programming language including commands, editing and writing control programs; the printouts and logs; and mathematical calculations. 2. Instructions on modifuing any control point, veriffing error status, changing passwords, and initiating or disabling control programs. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co n str uction D o c uments l5 ocToBER 2001 I I I l, ', J. 4. 5. 6. D.I I I I I I I l- I HLM 980071-04 15900-3 I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3. G. B. 1.6 r.7 SECTION I59OO CONTROLS AND INSTRAMENTATION An operato/s reference table listing the addresses of all connected input points and output points. Initial settings shall be shown where applicable. 4. Control Aleorithms. F. Control Algorithms All conhol sequences shall be descriptively shown by the use of logic flow charts incorporating the same point names as used in the program and giving all control equations used. Operational and Maintenance Data Submit the following in accordance with Section 15010.1. General instruction sheets for all products and devices fumished under the ATC specifications. 2. Parts lists, availability (supplier name, telephone number and location), and guarantee of local stock for all products and devices fumished under the ATC specifications. 3. List of recommended spare equipmen! along with quantities, the Owner should maintain on site. 4. Two copies of Operaton <and hogrammer> Manuals.5. Final approved set of all shop drawing submittals.6. Two copies offinal version ofthe software. (printed out). 7 . Two copies of the final version of software on floppy disc format of the owners choosing. 8. As built drawings. 9. Point validation certification. Submittal shall be provided in six copies. ADruSTABILIry All control components shall be completely adjustable, so that setpoins may be easily changed. All setpoints in the temperature control system shall be adjustable without the addition or modification of controls. DEMONSTRATION, TRAINING AND COMPLETION Upon completion of the installation the ATC Contractor shall provide a minimum of 8 hours of complete system instruction and training to the owne/s operating personnel. The haining session(s) shall be conducted at the building. Two copies of the as-built shop drawings and operation and maintenance manuals shall be provided at the training session. See Section 3.19, paragraph B, demonstrations for additional requirements. In accordance with Section 15010 the ATC contractor shall submit a letter certiffing completion of all temperature control work including training prior to final payment. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 ocToBER 2001 HLM 9E0071-04 r 5900-4 I I I I sEcrroN rss00 coNTRoLsAND TNSTRaMENTATTINI I.8 WARRANTY I A. In accordance with Section 15010 the control system shall be warranteed to be free fiom defects in workmanship and material for the period indicated in Section 15010. The ATC contractor shall make all necessary repairs, adjustments and replacement at no cost to the owner during the wan"anty period. B. ATC contractor shall provide a verification check of all controls within a few weeks of the end of the warrantee period. Recalibrate, readjust (after discussing any new setpoints with the Owner) and repair all faulty equipment. I PART2PRoDUcTsI I 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANI'JFACTURERS AND INSTALLERSI *ilf:HT'"*ll::::;ffi,TffiTlll;lil,iffiTji:::tTffiTi;1il'tr$;#:; components. This specification does not intend to prohibit this practice. I The ATC conbactor is responsible for pre-assembling and installing panels and all hardware with his own employees, proving the system and training District people in itsr iilffi*]"lT ili,'lTliii -*ff;"ffi:f;"T"'#T"T:ilff:';"."tT subcontractorr s work. Acceptable manufacturers and installers are listed below. Manufacturer Installer Johnson Controls Company Manufacturer I 2.2 LowvoLTAGEPowERANDMRING A. All control devices and panels containing low voltage power sowces shall inherently I comply with NEC Class 2 requirements (current limiting), or shall be supplied with branch t circuit fusing to limit control circuit current to NEC Class 2. All confrol tansformers shall be of the inherent current limiting t5rpe, or shall be installed with primary disconnect and overload protection. I B. Shielded Cable I Twisted shielded cable shall be used where called for and where required to properly I protect the DDC system from false signals and elechical noise. Shielding shall be fine braided tinned copper (9004 coverage) or aluminum foil (100% coverage). I C. Minimum Requirements I Communication Cable: Twisted shielded pair, 18 gauge. Analog Input: Twisted shielded nro, three, or four-wire as required, l8 gauge. I Binary Input: 18 gauge I Analog Output: Twisted shielded, l8 gauge. Binary Output: l8 gauge I - HLM980071-04 VAILVALLEYMEDICALCENTER 15900-5 Constr uctio n Docume nts T5 OCTOBER 2OOI I I_, I I ISECTION I59OO 2.3 SENSORS CONTRO LS AND INSTRAM E NTATI ON A. Temperature Il. Electronic temperature sensors shall be platinum or nickel-iron RTD, thin filrn I integrated circuig or aged thermistors. Resistance change versus temperature shall be linear over the range of the application.r SENSORACCTJRACY SENSORFUNCTION ACCURACY RANGE T Outside Air Temp€rature + 2oF -20oF to I l0oF Space Temperature + l.5oF 55oF to 90oF I Duct Temperature + l.0oF 40oF to 120oF I Heating Water Temperature + 2.0oF 80oF to 230oF Chilled Water Temperature + 0.5oF 40oF to l20oF I2. Where called for room temperature sensors shall have adjustable setpoint potentiometer. 3. All room sensors to have tamper resistant cover or to be stainless steel flat wall I plate cover. Use flat wall plate in all corridors, Iobbies, glrmnasiums and other I unsupervised areas. Where flat wall plates are used in offices or classrooms they I shall have etched on them "DO NOT PAINT. COVER OR CONCEAL".I4. Averaging Temperature Sensors: shall be provided in all duct applications with t cross section of over l0 sq. ft. Sensor shall be an averaging type capillary of not less than 15 feet. Capillary shall be serpentined across the duct for an average of I one linear foot of capillary per one square foot of cross sectional duct area. Where I multiple coil sections exist, separate capillaries shall be provided for each section. 5. Outside air sensors shall be suitable for outdoor use. Install sensors with shield tI and located where unaffected by the sun. 6. Liquid sensors shall be provided with separable wells. t B. Pressure Pressure sensors shall be temperature compensated for the expected temperafures of the Iapplication. 1. Duct Pressure Sensor: shall have a range of 0 to 3" W.C.,0 to 0.5" W.C., or as I required for application, repeatability of + 1.5yo of range, accuracy of + 3yo of range. When indicated, sensing device shalt be multiple point, non- pulsating static I :::t"tffi i:RllS.section with self-averaging manifold, air pressure drop shall not I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents I5 OCTOBER 2OO] I I - HLM 980071-04 1s900-6 I t I I SECTION I59OO J. C ONTRO LS AND INS TRUM ENTATI O N Building Static Pressure Sensor: shall have a maximum range of -0.5 to 0.5* W.C., repeatability of + 1 o4 of span and accuracy + zYo of span. Pipe Static Pressure Sensor: shall have a maximum range of 0 to 30 psi, repeatability of + lYo range and accuracy of !0.25% of span. Corrosion resistant, diaghram or bourdon tube type sensing element. Adjustable range settings. Provide proper shutoffand bleed valves. 4. Air Differential Pressure Switches shall be single contact for actuation on decreasing pressure (normally closed), 0.5'to 2.0" range. Relay rating of l5 amps at 120-480 VAC. Dwyer 1823-2 or approved equivalent 5. Refrigerant Differential Pressure Switches shall be electronic type with 100% solid state diffused piezoresistive silicon wafers welded to 304 stainless steel, double D port mounted in 16 gauge, NEMA 1 enclosure. + l%o accuracy, 0.1 !-yo repeatability, l/8" NPT por! 0-1800F compensated temperature range. Mamac PR-282 or approved equivalent Humidity Sensors: shall be hygroscopic element or polymer filrn which is protected witfi a dust cover in duct applications. Sensor range shall be minimum 20% to 80Yo RH wittr + 3% RH accuracy. For applications involving swimming pools or other high chlorine environmen! sensors must be cataloged for this use. For duct applications down stream of cooling coils, sensor range shall & 40% to 100% RH with + 4% RH accuracy. Minimum repeatability shall be 3Yo over range given. Flow Sensors: shall be insertion type with nonmagnetic, spinning impeller (paddle wheel) as only moving part. The sensor sleeve shall be 316 stainless steel with the impeller and sensor housing being glass filled nylon. Rulon or graphitor bearings shall be provided inserted into both side of impeller. The shaft material shall be Hastelloy C or Titanium. The sensor shall be provided with a 2 inch NPT adaptor. The adaptor shall have two viton o.rings. All electronics shall be epoxy-sealed with 2-conductor, shielded cable extending out through a l/2 inch conduit connection on top of the sensor. Sensor rated for 400 psi and 220oF. Operation in flows of I frs to 30 frs with linearity of +l%o of full scale and repeatability of !lo/o. Provide hot tap sensor with ball type isolation valve and insertion tool. Data Industrial Model 2208 with 225H or approved equivalent OR VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Doc uments 15 OCTOBER 2OOI D. t I I I I l"- I t I t t I I l- I HLM 980071-04 1590L7 sEcTroN 15900 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. C. 2.4 C ONTRO LS A N D I NSTR AME NTATI ON Insertion type with impedance sensing (non-magretic and non-photoelectric) turbine meter with non-metallic rotors mounted with sapphire bearings and tungsten shafu. Accuracy of + 2Yo of actual reading from 0.4 to 20 feet per second. Rated for 400 psi and 220oF. Voltage output of0-lOV and cunent output of4-20 mA. Frequency output of0-15 VDC, peak to peak. Provide manufacturerJs hot tap installation hardware with all meters. Provide dual turbine model where required. Onicon Model F- I I lO/F- l2l0 or approved equivalent Airflow Sensor Probe: shall be exffuded aluminum consfuction and contain multiple total and static pressure sensors located along the exterior surface of the cylindrical probe and intemally connected to their respective averaging manifolds. Static pressure sensors shall be of the offset (Fechheimer) desigrr and the total pressure sensors shall incorporare chambered sensing probe. Flow measurement shall not be affected by yaw or pitch of probe up to 30 deg. Signal connection take-offfittings shall be midpoint ofprobe. probe shall be capable of producing steady non-pulsating signals of total and static pressure without need for flow corrections or factors, with an instument accuracy of O.zYo, over a velocity range of 400 to 2500 ftm. Provide number of probes recommended by manufacturer for proper area coverage. Air Monitor VOLU-probe or approved equivalent. TRANSMITTERS Transmitter output signal shall be directly proportional and linearized over the full range of the fansmitter. The output shall be industry standard 3-15 psi, 0-10V, or 4-20ma. The transmitter shall be selected to match the applied control loop such that the setpoint falls approximately in the center of its range. Pneumatic and electronic transmitters shall comply with the accuracy and repeatability requirements specified for sensors. Water Differential Pressure Transm itters Water differential pressure transmitters shall have l/4" NPT connections with isolation valves and water tight (NEMA 4) electrical enclosure. External zero and span adjusunenrs, overpressure to 2000 psi, no humidity effects. Minimum accuracy shall be +0.25vo of calibrated span. Includes combined effects of linearity, hysteresis and repeatability. Stability shall be 10.25% ofupper range. Rosemont I l5 I DPS or approved equivalent. Ultra Low Air Differential Pressure Transmitter variable capacitance sensor using glass-clad silicon chip. The Si-Glas sensor is composed of sputtered metals and glass molecularly bonded to silicon. No epoxies or other organics are permitted in the sensor that contribute to drift or mechanical change over time. Proofpressure 5 PSIG and Burst pressure 25 PSIG. storage temperature -40 to 180 degree F. and operating temperature 0 to 160 degree F. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Conslruction Doc uments t5 ocToBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 r5900-8 I I I I I I t I I t- SECTION I59OO CONTROLS AND INSTRAMENTATION Outputs are 4 to 20 mA 2 wire or I-5VDC, l-6yDC, 0-5VDC, 0-I0VDC 3 wire. Unidirectional and bidirectional ranges as specified. Accuracy: l% Model RXtdp ll?Voand l/4% Model )(Ldp Ashcroft Model RXLdp or XLdp or approved equivalent. D. DifferentialPressureTransmitters Fan inlet transmitter: shall be capable of receiving flow signals from air flow sensors and be able to measure static pressure, differential pressure or velocity pressure and provide an output of linearized voltage or current signal. Transmitter shall have an accuracy of! l% of full span, including non-linearity, hysteresis, and non-repeatability; an overpressure and static pressure limit of 25 psig; 20oF to l20oF operating temperature limits; 0-95% RH, non-condensing humidity limits; 0-5 VDC and 0-10 VDC, 4 wire configuration and 4-20 mADC, 2 wire configuration analog outputs; and + 0.5% of full span stability for 6 months. Ashcroft or approved equivalent. Outside air fansmitter: shall be capable of receiving flow sigrals (total and static pressure) from air flow sensors and produce dual outputs linear and scaled for air volume, velocity and differential pressure. Transmitter shall be available in multiple natural spans covering the range of 0.05'W.C. to 10.0" W.C. with an accuracy of ! 0.25o/o of natural span. Transmitter shall be furnished with a fransducer automatic zeroing circuit and be capable of maintaining linear output signals on applications requiring l0 to I velocity turndown. Transducer shall have an overpressure and static pressure limit of 25 psig; 40oF to l20oF operating temperature limit; 0-95% RH, non-condensing humidity limit; 0-5 VDC, 0-10 VDC or 4-20 mADC analog outputs; and + 0.5% natural stability for 6 months. Air Monitor Veltron II or approved equivalent. CONTROLLERS Thermostats 1. General All thermostats shall have a temperature range suitable for the application and shall have adjustable setpoints. All room thermostats shall have concealed adustment and locking cover. All room thermostats that control both heating and cooling <including ventilation cooling> shall have a separate setpoint for heating and cooling (can be accomplished by individual thermostats located under one cover) or have separate heating and cooling control points provided through thermostat's adjustable throttling range. VAIL VALL E Y M E D ICAL CE NTE R Construction Documents I5 OCTOBER 2OO1 t. 2. 2.5 I T I T t I I t I HLM 980071-04 1590L9 I SECTION I59OO C. 3. 4. CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTATION Electronic Thermostats Elechonic room thermostats shall be balancing bridge type, with proportional output. Each output shall have adjustable proportional band and setpoint. Output shall be proportional plus integral (PI) where indicated. Two position thermostats shall be line or low vcltage as indicated. Contacts shall be rated for the application. Two position thermostats used for occupied rooms shall have heat anticipator. Duct sensing elements and liquid immersion elements shall be as described under sensors. ACTUATORS Electric actuators shall be hydraulic or immersion gear type for either modulating or two-position control. Gears shall be nickel bronze or approved equivalent. Electronic Actuators (Contractors Option):l. Actuators shall be hydraulic or immersion gear t)?e with an electronic interface accepting a DC voltage signal or milliamp signal. Gears shall be nickel bronze or approved equivalent. 2. Actuators shall be gear tpe with an electric interface accepting a DC voltage signal or milliamp sigral. Gears shall be nickel bronze, steel, or phenolic. Actuators shall be factory only serviceable and shall carry a2 year unconditional warranty. VAV control unit electronic actuators: rotaqr or linear drive type capable of continuous stall without damage. Rotary drive actuators shall have adjustable stop pins and shall fit directly over the damper shaft. Gears urd bearings shall be oil impregnated steel. When multiple damper sections are used, use one op€rator per section, (at least one operator for each 30 square feet of damper or for each length greater than 48") "Ganging" sections together through linkages and one actuator is not acceptable. Size all damper actuators to be used in air handling systems for 3000 frm damper velocity and maximum static pressure difference producible by system. Fan inlet vane acfuators shall be sized for a minimum of 30% over torque required to open vanes from the fully closed position with fan on and/or steel and/or phenolic. Units shall be factory only serviceable and shall carry a2 year unconditional warranty. When application (see Sequence of Control) requires normally open or normally closed damper position, actuator must have spring return. Non-mechanical forms of fail-safe operation are not acceptable. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments 15 OCTOBER 2OOI I I I I I I t I I I I I I 2.6 B. D. E. I I I t I F. HLM 980071-04 15900-10 t I I I I I I I I t SECTION I59OO C O NT RO LS AND INS TRUM E N TATI ON G. Actuators providing control by temperature change of media within actuator are not acceptable. H. Crankarms to be 360 degree damper linkage clamp type. Single set screw type are not acceptable. All linkages shall be rigidly mounted and provide for complete tight closure of all connected dampers. I. Provide positive indication or verification on the outside air, return air and exhaust air dampers ofair handling units larger than 15,000 cfrn. Direct coupled actuators are permitted. Size all valve actuators to be able to close valve tight against 150 of maximum available pumping head or steam operating pressure. Actual actuator position as a percentage of full travel shall be known and confiolled by the DDC system. If the signal output actuator configuration is such that the actuator position is not directly known, then a position feedback device and an input signal to the DDC system must be provided. Note this possible input requirement is not listed in the input/output summary table at the end of this section. System knowledge of actual actuator position not required for VAV conbol unit applications. DAMPERS Damper frames shall be 13 gauge galvanized steel channel or l/8" extruded aluminum with reinforced comer bracing. Damper bearings shall be nylon, teflon or oil impregnated bronze. Damper blades shall not exceed (8) inches in width. Maximum damper section width to be 48 inches. Blades are to be suitable for high velocity performance. All edges of the blades and top, bottom and sides ofthe frame shall be provided with replaceable, butyl rubber or neoprene seals. Side seals may be spring loaded stainless steel. The seals shall provide a maximum of 1% leakage when sized at a wide open face velocity of 1500 fpm, 4" static pressure. The damper linkage shall provide a linear flow of equal percentage characteristic as required. Dampers to be Reed National TC-62, Johnson "Proportion/Air", Honeywell "Moduflow low leakage", Ruskin "RCD15 low leakage", or equivalent. VALVES General All valves to heating coils which are part of an air handling system which takes in outside air shall open for full supply water flow from heating generation plant whenever a loss of power or air supply to the valves occurs. <If valves are involved with a changeover type operation the valves shall fail open to the heating water supply.> All valves shall close against flow. All conhol valves shall be single seat type, tight shut-ofi unless othenvise indicated. All control valves shall conform to the pressure class requirements of globe valves as specified in Section 15600, unless listed differently below. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uc, ion Doc uments 15 oCTOBER 2001 J. 2.7 B, 2.8 I t I I I t I I I HLM 980071-04 15900-11 SECTION 15900 C. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a. b. c. d. e. B. C. D. 2.9 C ONTROL S AND INS TRAM E NTA T I ON Steam Valves l. Lowpressure( 0-l5psi)system Body constructed of high grade bronze screwed connections for valves two inch pipe size and smaller, and cast iron with flanged connections for valves larger than two inch. Replaceable bronze seat, stainless steel stem, replaceable composition disc. Valves shall be sized for not more than l/2 psi pressure drop. 2. High pressure (_I5g94el!bgn psi) system Body constructed of carbon steel with flanged connections. All trim to be stainless steel with replaceable disc and seat. Valves shall be sized for not more than 6 psi pressure drop. Water System Valves l. Valves shall be two-way or three-way as indicated on drawings and be constucted of high grade bronze with soldered or threaded connections for valves two inch pipe size and smaller, and cast iron with flanged connections for valves in excess of two inch pipe size. Replaceable composition disc, stainless steel stem, and replaceable seats for valves larger than 2". 2. Valves (rwo way) shall be rated as follows: Body static pressure rating - 250 psi Close-offrating - L5 times pump design operating head Dynamic rating - 1.5 times pump design operating head 3. For system scheduling valves, in lieu of three way valves, linked butterfly valves may be used for valves larger than 3 inch. Butterfly valve materials shall be as specified in Section 15600. 4. Valves shall be sized for pressure drops (in ft.) as follows: Heating water radiation and coil control, l0 ft. Heating water coil control with coil pump, l0 ft. Chilled water coil control, l0 ft. Heating water system scheduling, l0 ft. Two position valves. min. INDICATORS Interface each indicator with remote sensor/controller to display measured value. Supply selector switches for multiple indicators that show which variable is being measured. Electro mechanical device or panel mounted back screen display. Accurate to + 0.5yo of the measured variable's maximum value. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments t5 0cToBER 200r HLM 98007r-04 15900-12 I t I I I I I I I I 2.11 SECTION I59OO 2.10 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 CONTROLS AND INSTRAMENTATION LOW TEMPERATURE DETECNON THERMOSTATS Low temperature detection thermostats shall be of adjustable electric contact type silver plated, having manual reset with 20' flexible sensing bulb of increment type with any section (16 inches maximum) capable of actuating mechanism on temperature drop below set point. They shall have an isolated set of contacts when required to be connected to alarm system. TRANSDUCERS AND INTERFACES Electronic transducers shall be ofthe one or two input/output type suitable for interfacing a sensor or a recorder. Start point and steepness shall be fully adjustable (not fxed) for various ranges. Accuracy shall be +l% of maximum value. Electro/pneumatic transducers shall receive a 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, 0-12 VDC or 0-5 VDC sigral and convert it to a proportional 3-15 psi output. Transducers shall have a manuaVauto switch and gradual switch. Accuracy and repeatability to be + l% of maximum value. WELLS Metal to be compatible with the pipe it is to be installed in (generally brass or bronze). CURRENTSENSOR Current sensor of the induction type shall be located between the motor starter and the motor on one leg of the motor wiring. Power for the sensor shall be induced from the monitored load. An adjustable trip set point of +-lyo on a mnge suitable for the monitored load shall be provided along with an LED for sensor output status. The sensor shall be a normally open switch and shall produce a 0.1 amp signal when closed. Provide with an adjustable mounting bracket for installation in motor starter cabinet. MAMAC Hawkeye approved equivalent SMOKE DETECTORS Smoke detectors to be provided under Electric Division. CARBON MONO)ilDE (CO) DETECTION Carbonmonoxidedetectionshallconsistofmastersystemcontrollerwith<one>< > remote sensor<s>. Controller shall contain relays to conhol exhaust fan<p and energize alarm circuit. Relays shall be capable of switching 10 amp loads up to 240 VAC. Power unit - 2 amps at 120 VAC. Sensor(s) shall detector C0, be compensated for temperature and humidity variations, field adjustable, and shall be mounted in standard electrical boxes. Sensor power shall be from the controller. MACURCO,Inc. Model SSl03 with SSl02HC-l senso(s) ECI, or approved equivalent. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents I5 oCTOBER 2001 B. I t I I I T I I I HLM 980071-04 15900-13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IB. SECTION I59OO 2.16 2.17 2.r8 C ONTRO LS AN D I NS TRUMENTATI ON FLOW SWITCHES Shall be paddle or pressure differential tlpe with sPDT contacts, zinc plated inside a vapor proof enclosure. Maximum temperature and pressure ratings of 3000F/150 psi. Brass wetted primary parts with monel adjustable vane. Field adjustable sensitivity screw. McDonnell Miller Model FS4-3 or approved equivalent BTU MEASUREMENT SYSTEM Complete BTU Measurement System (BTU calculator, temperature sensors, and flow meter) to be provided by a single manufacturer. BTU calculator shall provide diagnostic LED's for both flow rate and BTU rat and provide an electromechanical register and contact closure output for totalized BTU. Temperature sensors shall be sotid site transistor style sensors matched to within +0.15!F. Flow meter shall be turbine type with impedance sensing (non-magnetic and non-photoelectric) with non-metallic rotors mounted on sapphire bearings and tungsten shafu. Accuracy of +ZYo of actual reading form 0.4 to 20 feet per second. Rated for 400 PSI and 220aF . Frequency output of 0- 15 VDC peak to peak. Provide manufacturet's hot tap installation hardware with all insertion meters. Provide in-line model or dual turbine model where required. Onicaon System-2 Model 200 with F-l 100/F-1200/F-1300 or approved equivalent. CONTROLUMTS General The control units shall be direct digital, microprocessor based with plug in type boards and designed to monitor the tryAc equipment and through the proper control mode maintain the desired environmental conditions. The network of control units shall be capable of stand alone operation. Additionally, each control unit shall be capable of networking for single point programming and data gathering. Each control unit shall include its own microprocessor contolle(s), input/output modules, terminal modules and back-up batteries. The system of control units shall have the capability of supporting an operator's terminal. The conhol units shall include a 24 hour time of day clock with Julian calendar. Each control unit shall be able to operate in the ambient environment it is located in; as a minimum, units shall be able to operate in temperatures of 40oF to 120oF and l0% RH to 90% RH. Locate units where they are not under water pipes or provide water tight enclosures. Be responsible to insure that each control unit will operate properly in the operating environment it is in. Location Locate control units in mechanical rooms, locations shown on drawings or other approved locations. Controllers controllers shall be mounted and wired in a grounded steel NEMA-I enclosure complete with all relays, digital to analog convertors, and wired to properly identified terminal strips. Enclosures shall be lockable, all keyed the same. Provide the owne/s representative with six sets of keys. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uctio n Doc uments ts ocToBER 2001 I t t I C. HLM 980071-04 15900-14 t t I I I I I I I l, I I I SECTION I59OO D.Input/Output Modules l. E.Communication l. 2. C O NTROLS AND INSTRUM E NTATI ON 2. J. These modules shall be mounted and wired in the same steel enclosure as the controllers. The microprocessor based VO modules shall interface the controllers with specified sensors and output devices to accomplish the specified sequences. The input/output modules shall isolate the controllers from the field points and wiring. Additional isolation relays shall be included as necessary so that continuous line voltage (120/240V) shorting to any input or output line will not damage the confrollers in any way. Input points to include sensors and contact closures. Outputs to include SPDT relays and analog 4-20 ma current loop signals. Digital to analog conversion shall have a minimum resolution of 12 bie. See also sensor accuracy requirements. All relays used shall have, as a minimum, 24 volt coils and contact ratings of 1.5 times the operating amperage and rated mechanical operations rating exceeding I million. Communication to remote terminals shall be through EIA RS232C or RS485 ASCII Serial Codes, minimum 9600 baud rate. The DDC System shall include an auto dialer phone modem. Modem shall be able to perform automatic dialing and continuous redial of up to 4 specific phone numbers, automatic answering pulse or touch tone dialing. The system shall be a standard office grade phone line. The modem shall be Hayes compatible 9600 baud, utilizing Bell2l2A and l03A protocol. F. I t I I I I 3. Each communication cable shall be provided with lightning arresters where cables exit or enter buildings. Fiber optic cable may be used as a communication cable in lieu of lightning arrestors. 4. The system shall also include a network of terminal control units (TCU's), see paragraph 2.22. The DDC System shall be able to communicate to each TCU through multi-dropped shared two-wire trunks. The cenfialized facility operators station shall be able to read, as a minimum, each TCU's zone temperature, supply air velocity (or CFM) and operating mode. The centralized facility operators station shall be able to reset, as a minimum, each TCU's heating and cooling setpoint, fan operation setpoint (where applicable), supply air velocity minimum and maximum setpoin! and the operating mode. Capacity 1. The DDC System shall be furnished with sufficient intemal memory to provide at least the capabilities listed under software requirements and the expansion capabilities listed below. UAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstr uctio n Doc uments I5 OCTOBER 2OOI HLM 980071-04 15900-15 SECTION ]5900 C ONTRO LS AN D I NS T RAME NTATIO N 2. In addition to the required input/output points called for in the Sequence of Contol, the system shall have the additional control units (as required), the terminal stips and all necessary hardware and software set up for the future addition of a minimum of 4 Temperature sensor inputs 2 Contact Closure Inputs 2 On/OffOutputs 2 Analog Outputs G. Power L Connect the control units to the <emergency> power circuit(s) provided under Division 16. If more 120 volt power circuit(s) are not shown at the chosen control unit location(s) or if more 120 volt power circuits are required than shown on the drawings, the cost of the relocation or additional power circuits shall be the responsibility of the ATC Contractor. 2. The control units shall operate from 120 volt, 60 hertz power and continue to operate from line voltages as low as 105 volts or as high as 127 volts. 3. A power-on indicator light, power switch, power line filter, surge protection, and power fuse shall be provided. 4. When a power failure occurs the DDC System shall shut itself down in an orderly manner without loss of any data. On return from power failure the DDC System shall check its own memory and clock for any comrption of memory. If found to be correct, a wafin start shall be accomplished; a warm start shall not require initialization from the central terminal. If memory or clock is comtpted, a cold start (including initialization from the central terminal) shatl be accomplished. H. EEPROM EEPROM shall be used for storage ofdata and control strategy changes. I. Lightring and Static Protection Lightning arresters or optical couplers shall be provided to prevent induced voltages in the transmission lines from damaging any of the electronic circuits. J. Labeling All input/output terminals and adjustable devices shall be clearly labeled as to function and settings. K. Control Unit(s) Failure In the event ofa control unit failure the following shall occur: System shall fail to the last commanded position condition or fail to heating and night mode. An alarm indicating control unit failure shall appear on the control unit and at the central terminal. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construclion Documents ts ocToBER 2001 t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I HLM 980071-04 15900-16 I I I I I I I I I 1,,, SECTION I59OO 2.t9 C ONT RO LS AND INS TRA ME NTATI ON TERMINAL CONTROL TINITS General l. Each VAV control unit (see Section 15800) fan coil unit (FCU), unit ventilator (see Section 15600) shall be locally controlled by a terminal control unit (TCU). Each TCU shall be remotely addressable over a multidrop pair of wires by the DDC System higher level control units. 2. Each TCU shall be based on a minimum 8 bit microprocessor with confol algorithms and default set points embedded in non- volatile memory. They shall regulate zone (room) temperature by regulating the volume of air supplied to the zone and modulating heating valve(s) (where valve(s) are required). This shall be accomplished by controlling zone air velocity at an appropriate setpoint which is reset by the space temperature. A PID type control algorithm shall reduce offset and overshoot. Proportional only control is not acceptable. Each controller shall be stand-alone and have the following independently adjustable setpoints: Heating temperature Cooling temperature Maximum cooling velocity (for VAV boxes) Minimum cooling velocity (for VAV boxes) Fan operating setpoint (for fan powered VAV control units) Fan speed (for fan coils and unit ventilators) 3. Room sensors shall have the following items available at sensor: Adjustable setpoint potentiometer. LCD display showing current temperature and heating and cooling setpoints. Exposed pushbufton to allow occupant to reset to occupied mode. Switches for fan speed and auto/cooUheat mode. Isolation Contol, communication, and power circuits for each conholler shall be electrically isolated to protect against hansients and steady state pick-up, spikes and power surges. Communication Each TCU shall be able to communicate to a hand held digital readout service tool. Connection point shall be either at the TCU or at the room temperature sensor. In addition to being able to read and adjust the setpoints mentioned above, the hand held service tool shall be able to read: Supply air velocity Space temperafure Operating mode VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents rs ocToBER 2001 4. 5. I t I I I I I I I HLM 9EOO7I-04 rs900-17 SECTION I59OO 2.20 6. C ONTROLS AND INSTRAME NTA T I O N Provide one hand held service tool to the Owner's representative. Air Velocity Sensor (VAV units) a. Velocity sensor shall be either hot wire anemometer or multipoint flow sensor with differential pressure hansmitter which transmits velocity pressure to the TCU. Range shall be 50 to 2500 FPM accurate to *25 FPM. It is the ATC contractors responsibility to veriff and supervise that the velocity sensor location and type, along with the actual VAV control unit inlet configuration for all VAV control units, will function satisfactorily to provide accurate pressure independent control. b. The ATC contractor shall instruct and supervise the balancing contractor on how to set minimum and maximum air volume settinss. Power Each TCU shall incorporate a single point electrical power connection. Power shall be from either the fan powered VAV unit or unit ventilator or fan coil fan circuit or from junction boxes as shown on drawings. 8. All setpoints shall reside in EEPROM. 9. All VAV box, unit ventilators and fan coil conhol components, including TCU's are to meet UL and local jurisdictional requirements for environmental air plenum applications. 10. Responsibility The ATC contractor shall provide and be responsible for the complete temperature control system, including VAV control unig fan coil units or unit ventilator controls. By agreement the VAV control unig fan coil or unit ventilator mounted conbols may be installed at the factory, under ATC contractorrs supervision. OPERATOR INTERFACE General l. The system shall be capable of incorporating a portable laptop computer to interface with all control units for the purpose of setting, changing, or commanding parameters, displaying all information available to the control units, annunciating alarms and checking out the system. 2. Provide one portable laptop computer to the Owner's Representative. 3. Each system with control unis shall have an operator interface display mounted on the face of one of the control units, provided this terminal can access all other control units in the system. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Doc uments 15 oCTOBER 2001 I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I HLM 98007r-04 15900-18 I I I I SECTION I59OO It. 4. C O NTROLS AND INS TRUME NTATI ON The operator interface display shall include complete descriptive alarm and point descriptions plus engineering units. Portable Laptop Computer General: A portable laptop computer (PLC) shall be provided for remote (on-site and phone modem) operator readout of system variables, override confiol and adjustrnent of control parameters. PLC shall be provided which are plug- compatible with controllers and space temperature sensors. Functionality shall include ability to automatically display an all-point summary. PLC shall also allow display and/or changing of digital point state, analog point value, time and date, application and DDC parameters, analog limits, time schedules, run time counts and limits, daylight savings time changeover, time/event initialization, and programmable offset values. The PLC shatl allow access to initialization routines and diagnostics and enable/disable of points, initiators and programs. The PLC shall be complete with command keys, data entry keys and cursor control. The PLC shall be a notebook type with a minimum of 100 MH" Pentium processor, 10 inch color display, 540 MB hard drive and 8 MB RAM. Connection of PLC to a contoller shall not interfere nor interface with normal network operation in any way, prevent alarms from being transmitted, or preclude central initiated commands. Connection of a PLC shall provide access to all controllers on the respective communications network. Displays shall provide text via a screen with unique English descriptors and engineering for each specified point. <For VAV projects the PLC shall include a fully prompted air balance sequence. The PLC shall, when connected to the wall sensor, automatically access the connected VAV terminal unit. The air balance sequence, shall step the balancing contractor through the checkout and calibration of the VAV terminal. Upon completion of the balancing sequence, the flow values presented by the VAV conholler shall match those observed by the balancing contractods measurement equipment. Additionally, upon completion of the air balance, the system controller shall automatically archive the balance settings for future use if the confoller were to require replacement. The balancing program shall step the balancing contractor through the following functions: - Check damper linking for full end to end stroke travel.- Verif and set maximum CFM flow value.- Calibrate maximum CFM flow value. - VeriS and set minimum CFM flow value.- Calibrate minimum CFM flow value. - Verif and set reheat flow setpoint. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Docaments 15 oCTOBER 2001 I I I I 2. J. 4. 5. I I t t t t 6.I I I I I HLM 980071-04 1590L19 SECTION 15900 CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTATION Calibrate reheat flow setpoint. Veri$ and set parallel fan start point.> 2.21 CENTRALIZED FACILITY OPERATOR STATION A. Provide a centralized facility operator station consisting of a central CRT terminal, printer, phone modem and computer (as required below) located as directed by the Owner. Coordinate exact location with the Owner's Representative. Provide all auxiliary equipment required to interface the CRT, printer, phone modem and computer with the communication network. Unless provided for elsewhere in these specifications, fumish a suitable table for the CRT, printer and computer. B. CRT Terminal The Cathode Ray Tube (CRQ and keyboard shall have the capabilities of loading or modiffing progrrms, setting or changing parameters, displaying all information available to the conhol units, annunciating alarms, and checking out the system. Loss of power to the CRT and communication network interface equipment shall not affect the operation of the individual control units. The CRT shall have as a minimum a 15 inch diagonal color screen with, super VGA (1024 x 780 resolution) with driver. The keyboard shall be l0l key typewriter like with standard ASCII character set. Printer The printer shall have the minimum capabilities of hard copy printouts of all alarms and reports. The printer shall have an output of at least 80 characters per line of paper at no less than l0 characters per inch standard ASCII characters. The printer shall have a minimum operating speed of 160 characters per second. The printer shall have adjustable sprockets for accepting sprocket fed fan fold paper. Thermal printers requiring special paper are not acceptable. Phone Modem Auto dialer phone modem shall be similar to that specified under controllers, paragraph Computer L The computer shall include all hardware and software components to serve the centralized facility operator station to provide Windows-based color graphics, Facility wide access and coordination of globe control shategies and centralized documentation. The computer shall include as a minimum: o Pentium III 733 MIZ complete Windows 98 operation system.: 3:Ei"ffiiH$#n.". CD ROM Driveo PCI Video 1280 x 1024 with 2MB HLM 98OO7T.O4 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents t5 ocToBER 2001 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I II I I I c. D. E. 15900-20 I I I I I SECTION I59OO 2.22 CO NTRO LS AN D I NS TRU M E NTATI ON Microsoft mouse - to be primary operator interface Either mouse or keyboard shall be able to be used interchangeably for operator interface. 2. The computer shall be multi-tasking and employ a graphic operating environment. The graphical user interface shall not only be for real time access to any system(s) on the LAN but shall also allow the operator an easy method of information management. Information management shall mean the massaging and manipulation of any system real time or history data into integrated applications such as report generators, spread sheets, X/Y charts, database managers, etc. Complete file management and data hansfer such as copying, moving or transferring files, automatic and manual means of cutting and pasting of data items from one application to another (via Dynamic Data Exchange or via Windows Clip Board "copy and paste") shall be provided as an integral part of this computer. 3. Loss of computer communication to the contol unit network shall not effect the operation of the control units in anyway. SOFTWARE General l. All control of the DDC system analog outputs shall be performed in a digital manner using the digital signal from the microprocessor based controllers converted through electronic circuitry for modulation of electric actuators or through hansducers to produce the pneumatic sigral for operation of pneumatic actuators. Each control unit shall contain self-diagrostics that will continuously monitor the proper operation of the control unit. A malfunction within control unit will be reported and will inform the operator of the nature of the malfunction and which control unit is effected. Year 2000 Date Format. All Equipment, Software and Hardware will support the year 2000 date format. The scope of the Year 2000 date format must include, but is not limited to , the following criteria: a. All date-related calculations produce correct results for multi-century scenarios and after the Year 2000. This includes age calculations, duration calculations, scheduling calculations, etc. b. All manipulations and comparisons of date-related data produce the desired results for all valid date values within the scope of the application. This includes the followins conditions: 2. J. I I I I l-l I I I I t t t I I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents ]5 OCTOBER 2OOI HLM 98007r-04 15900-21 SECTION 15900 Confroller Software I . General C ONTRO L S AND I NSTR A M E NTATI ON (l) Current date (2) Pre-Year 2000 date(3) Rolloverfrom 1999to2000 (4) Year 2000 Leap Year (5) Post-Year 2000 date (6) Calculations involving more than century The application functions correctly without ending abnormally. The application recognizes Year 2000 as a leap year. The application provides correct results for all date-related calculations. All temperature conhol functions shall be executed within the stand alone contol uni(s) and not rely on any higher level microprocessor for operation. Loop control shall be executed via direct digital control algorithms. Controller software shall include a complete operating system, control application packages as described herein, standard conhol algorithm application packages, and an operator custom control and calculation application package complete with interpreter. It shall be possible to change any setpoint value within a control unit while it is operating and performing other functions. Input for these changes shall be made via the communications network. Commanding shall be done in English language without codes. If reprogramming is to be done by a reloading process, then all output points must remain at their last commanded position during reloading and a computer must be provided for editing of the program. The controller operating system software shall operate independently of any central computer. The operating system shall control communications between the centralized facility operator station, controllers and the VO modules, accept analog and digital inputs, produce analog and digital outputs, provide alarm monitoring, control application packages, and interface the necessary sensor and actuator types. The controller operating system shall also contain built in diagnostic routines as described herein. The controller software shall allow for scaling and for calibration of sensor lead length variations to ensure instrumentation accuracy's. The software shall provide for staggered automatic restart of equipment based on current program time without operator intervention. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments I5 OCTOBER 2OO1 I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I b. d. B. HLM 980071-04 15900-22 I I 2. .5. 5. I I t I I I I I "_, I t t I I I I I SECTION I59OO C ONTROLS AND INSTRAMENTATI ON e. All sepoints shall reside in EEPROM. Connol loops shall support any of the following control modes: Two position control, proportional conhol (P), proportional plus integral conhol (PI), proportional plus integral plus derivative control (PID), time proportioning control and floating control algorithms. All of *rese modes shall be in its memory and available for use by the Operator. The analog output of P, PI, and PID conhol shall be continuously updated. Between cycles tlre analog output shall retain its last value. Each control loop shall be fully operator definable in terms of sensors, actuators, conhol mode, gain, control action and sampling time. Sampling Time As a minimum the time between sampling (system check for change) of input points shall be 2 seconds. PointLimits Each analog point shall have a user defined high and low limit. If the measured or calculated value falls out of the limit range, that point shall be considered in alarm. Any analog point shall be disabled from alarm reporting if it is turned off. Alarms Whenever a field point status exceeds preset limis, or there are other indications of system exceptions, alarms, error failures, the following indications shall be provided. a. Audible tone: The system shall have an audible tone. The audio tone shall be capable of being enabled or disabled on operator command and a manual silencer switch. A red waming light shall remain on at silencer switch until alarm is satisfied. If another alarm occurs before the last one is resolved, then the audible tone shall again sound. Locate the audible alarm and silencer as determined by the owner. Provide permanent engraved label stating: "Temperature Control System Alarm". b. Display: The alarm point identification shall appear on the CRT and printer along with individual point alarm messages. Upon operator command, all alarms resident in ttre CPU shall be printed along with individual point alarm messages. C. Control Application Software The following control application programs, as a minimum, shall be callable through the centralized facility operator station. Parameters shall be capable of being modified through an operatorrs terminal. L Time Program a. This program shall provide for independent automatic start up and shut down of selected equipment. The program shall allow for the assignment of independent start and stop times to any equipment connected to the VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstr uct ion D o c uments 15 oCTOBER 2001I HLM 9E0071-01 15900-23 SECTION 15900 b. CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTATION controller. All remote equipment which operates on a preset time basis can be assigned to this program. The time program shall operate in accordance with a yearly calendar with automatic adjustrnents for daylight savings time and leap year. Holiday routine; software shall include a calendar for each time clock or zone that will allow the us€r to program the days and hours of the year that building is occupied or unoccupied. The calendar shall be initially set by the ATC contractor as dictated by the owner representative. See sequence of control and point requirements for zoning <and zone ovenide switchep. Optimum Start/Stop Program The optimum start/stop program shall determine the optimum start- up and shut-down time of assigned equipment based on a calculation which takes into consideration outdoor air temperature, space temperafure and a building "U" factor. The program shall include a leaming technique to automatically adjust ie€lf to the latest possible start time and the earliest possible stop time to reach or maintain the zone within its' heating and cooling set points. Each zone shall have ifs own independent optimum start/stop time. The optimum stop time shall be subject to a maximum early stop time of 30 minutes (adjustable) before programmed unoccupied time. The optimum start program shall allow equipment start times to be staggered by adjustable amount, so that large equipment does not all come at once. The optimum start program shall incorporate a minimum average zone temperature (set initially at 70oF) whereby an early warm-up start will not be required. Enthalpy Optimization Program This program shall reduce the mechanical cooling requirement by using the airstream (either return air or outdoor air) having the lowest total heat content (enthalpy). The enthalpy program shall calculate the outdoor and return air enthalpies and select either minimum outdoor air or local control to provide an air mixture with the lowest total heat to the cooling coils. Enthalpy shall be determined by calculations based on dry bulb temperatures and relative humidity or dew point. Discharge Reset For VAV air handling systems, the DDC system shall be able to maintain a constant discharge temperature, or reset it as indicated below. Provide a software "switch" on the unit equipment page so that the operator may select either method. a. For systems with VAV box TCU's, the discharge temperature shall be reset upward so that at least one of connected TCU zones is at 9IYo-95oh of its maximum rated flow and maintaining its cooling setpoint. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents I5 OCTOBER 2OOI t t I I I I I I I T I I I I I t I t T d. 2. 3. 4. HLM 980071-04 15900-24 t I I I I I I SECTION I59OO 5. C O NTROLS AN D INSTR A M E NTATI ON Custom Software An operator programmable custom contol application package shall be provided to permit nonstandard control algorithms to be developed by the operator to create customized control strategies. This application package shall allow the operator to program custom control sequences directly into the unit controller's memory. The package shall permit interlocks, calculations of Btus, flows, outputs, provide hysteresis, scaling, offse! average, minimum, maximum, linearization, square roo! subraction, summation, multiplication, division, etc. Default modes, start up and check out tests, interlocks, demand control, etc. shall be accomplished utilizing this package. History Log The system shall have a history logging routine which shall record user definable values on an incremental basis (l-60 minutes) for the past 24 hours. Provide storage capacit5r for a minimum of 8 variable values to be logged for 24 hours. Operating Hours The number of operating hours shall be accumulated for each piece of equipment that requires periodic maintenance. Include a zero reset. Equipment Pages Software shall be written so all pertinent information regarding a piece of equipment will appear on a screen (page) with one queue. Line by line queuing is not acceptable. The information to appear shall include: calendar date, all necessary information for equipment algorithm(s) including associated VO values. Each page shall be menu driven. b. Changing all setpoints and times shall be menu driven. c. Software must be written so that referencing a manual or training is not required for accessing and changing setpoints or times. System Security Provide a minimum of three levels of system security. Each level shall have at least one programmable security code. Levels shall be as follows; Level I :Be able to read but not change system values. Level 2:ln addition to Level l, be able to change sepoint and time values. In addition to Level2, be able to reprogram the system VAIL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uctio n Doc uments I5 OCTOBER 2OOT 6. I I I I 7. 8. 9. t I I I t t t- I HLM 980071-04 Level 3: r s900-25 I t I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I t d. 10. 3.1 3-L SECTION I59OO PART3 E)(ECUTION C ONTR O LS AND INSTRAM E NTA TI ON Dynamic Graphics ^. Each mechanical system that is monitored/controlled by the system shall have a unique dynamic color graphic. The display will be provided by the control contractor. The display will be approved by the engineer. The graphical user interface program shall allow the user to easily create new displays and modiff existing displays. A library of standard HVAC equipment, control devices, mechanical systems, tables, lines, circles, rectangles, squares, arrows, etc. shall be provided to allow easy implementation of the changeVadditions to the system. The graphical user interface prognm will also allow any scanned picture or AutoCAD drawing to be displayed with dynamic data overlayed on to the display. As a minimum, a graphic screen shall be desigred showing the entire facility, each building within the facility, each major piece of mechanical equipment within each building all of which will disptay the data for each area dynamically. All dynamic points associated with the viewed graphic shall be displayable on one graphic display. The charting (X/Y) of a selected point for a user given time frame shall be available for all display or modification from within any specific dynamic graphic display. The chart shall be "tiled" onto the current display defaulting to occupy approximately one fourth of the screen, the user shall be able to move the window and adjust the size of ttre chart by simply clicking and dragging on the windowed chart. Trace colors and X scale shall be user configurable. Multiple charts shall be displayable simultaneously on one screen. ACCESSIBILITY InsAll all control devices in "Readily Accessible" locations as defined by Chapter l, Article 100, Part A of the National Electric Code. TTIERMOMETERS AND TEMPERATURE INDICATION Provide and install a (minimum 2") dial, remote bulb thermometer adjacent to each remote bulb thermostat (controller) which is not provided with temperature indication by another part of this contract. All sensing points shall be provided with either local or remote temperature indication. These requirements do not apply to air handling systems of 2000 CFM or less, unless indicated otherwise. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments I5 OCTOBER 2OOI HLM 980071-04 1590G26 t t I I I I I I-' t I B. c. I I I I I I I I I SECTION I59OO C ONTROLS AND INS TRUM ENTA TI ON 3.3 CONTROL PANELS A. Provide and install local control panels for each Mechanical System. Group these together into one panel when multiple systems are located in one equipment room. B. The panels shall be totally enclosed with hinged door and containing associated control components such as controllers, relays, switches, gauges, microprocessor, modem, communication interface, override timers, etc. Panel to meet NEMA one requirements with proper bracing for rigid wall or floor mounting. C. Unless indicated otherwise all conholling devices (including duct and immersion contollers, relays, PE switches, EP valves, selectors, networks, time clocks, and switches) shall be panel mounted. Only when the conffolling device must be mounted at the equipment or it is not practical due to distance (e.g. limiS to capillary length) may components be field mounted. D. Mark each control device on the panel with engraved plastic laminate nameplates describing its function and cross-referencing it to contol diagrams. Mark items within panel plainly and permanently as to its identification on the control drawings. E. Each electrical wire and pneumatic tube shall be labeled at each end and terminate at a bulkhead, terminal strips, or control instrument. All wires and tubes shall be organized in a bundle or wire mold rack and tied. Terminal shall be numbered to match conhol diagrams. 3.4 WIRING OF CONTROL DEVICES BY OTT{ERS Conhol devices carrying full load current furnished by Mechanical and wired by Electrical shall be located at the device being controlled, unless shown on the drawings or mutual agreement is made between the contractors with no change in the contract price. 3.5 WIRING Installation of wiring, cable, conduit, etc. shall conform to Division 16. In case ofconflict between this Division and Division 16, the most stringent requirements shall be met. All wiring shall be installed in a neat and worknranlike manner, parallel to building lines and suspended neatly from the overhead sfucture (do not lay wiring on top of ceiling tiles). All wiring shall be run in metallic conduit (flexible conduit shall be limited to 3 foot lengths maximum), tubing or raceways. Exceptions: I . NEC Class 2 low voltage wiring where not exposed to view such as above suspended ceilings, in shafu, etc., may be run in cable tested in accordance with test methods of NFPA 262 for installation in environmental air plenums or standard cable when not exposed in environmental air plenums. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Doc ame nls 15 oCTOBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 15900-27 I I I T t I t I I I I I I t I I I I I G. B. B. 3.6 ).1 SECTION I59OO C ONT RO LS AND I NS TRILME NTATI ON 2. Wiring enclosed in Temperature Control panels. D. Control wiring 24 volts or less may be run in the same communications cable tray furnished by Division 16000 provided that is bundled and its functions clearly labeled. E. Communication Circuits Cable shall not be installed closer than six feet from high power transformers or run parallel within six feet of electrical high power cables. Care shall be taken to route the cable as far from interference generating devices as possible. F. Splices Splices in shielded cables shall consist of termination's and the use of shielded cable couplers which maintain the integrity of the shielding. Termination's shall be in accessible locations. Grounding I . All communication cable shall be grounded at one point only, to eliminate ground loops. Eartlr grounding shall be single point to main water piping. All non-cunent caring metallic parts (for example, lightning arresters, metallic raceways, equipment enclosures) of the DDC system shall be grounded in this way. 2. Analog shields shall be ground to intemal analog (nonearth) ground. Temperature control wiring shall not be run in conduit with power wiring. Analog or communication wiring shall not be run in the same conduit which has highly inductive loads such as contactors or coils. IDENTIFICANON AND DIAGRAMS Identification: Tag or color-code all tubing and wiring at each end and necessary junction points and match the tagging numbers or color- coding shown on the control drawings. Provide control diagrams laminated between rigid plastic mounted on a supporting back board for each system conhol panel. Mount the diagrams near the control panels or where directed. Identif all devices on the diagrams with the same terminology used for the nameplates. Diagram shall be a permanent as-built drawing. SENSORS Sensors shall be installed to be readily accessible and to permit quick and easy replacement. Flush mount with metal covers suitable for painting to match finished surface. Attach a removable day glow orange sticker on each room sensor to warn against covering. Duct sensors shall be installed to sense the correct temperature of the air only, within the vibration and velocity limits of the sensing element. Thermally isolate elements from brackets and supports to respond to air temperature only. Seal all duct penehations air tight. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001 HLM 98007r-04 15900-28 t I , sECrroN rs900 coNTRoLS AND TNSTRuMENTATTnN C. Where space sensors are mounted on an outside wall, provide insulating base. r D. Install liquid temperature sensors inside of pipe wells with an appropriate heat transfer compound inside the well. f E. Provide wind dampening "Weatherhead" on each atmospheric pressure sensing point. Locate above wind eddies carried by the building structure and roof equipment. I 3.8 PILOT POSITIONERS Pilot positioners with positive shaft feedback shall be used for all sequencing applications I with the following exceptions: l. Not required on air handling systems of 2,000 cfrn or less.I I 2. Not required when sequencing only two actuators, provided a no- action range exists between the two actuator operating ranges. I 3. Not required when sequencing is from a multiple output controller with separate zero adjustnent for each output. l| 4. Not required when actuator is controlled from a DDC control unit or terminal conftol unit.r ..'. I --' 3.9 PRESST.TRECONTROLS Static and differential pressure controllers and indicators shall be transmitter and panel mounted receiver conholler type, unless specified otherwise. Provide gauge on panel face to read pressure being controlled. Duct static pressure sensors shall be located in a section of ductwork with minimum turbulence. I 3.10 TTTERMOSTATSA. Low Temperature Detection Thermostats I Each supply system with water coils taking outside air shall have a low temperature f detection thermostat (set at 35oF) located on the downstream side of the coil. Where multiple coil sections are used, provide one thermostat for each coil section. Wire I thermostats to protect unit in both hand and automatic operation. When temperature drops t below sepoint, thermostat shall stop fan(s), open heating valve and close outside air dampe(s). t B. Mixed Air Low Limit Thermostats Each supply system with outside air and return air dampers, shall have a mixed air low I limit thermostat. The thermostat shall limit the outside air and retum air dampers to keep I the mixed air from going below 45trF. The thermostat shall override all other controls and modulate the outside air dampers to 100% closed if the mixed air temperature falls below its sefting. I t I HLMeBooTr-u4 I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uctio n Doc uments 15 oCTOBER 2001 rs90&29 SECTION I59OO 3.t2 c. D. C O NTRO LS AND INS TRUME NTATI O N Duct or Immersion Thermostats Duct or immersion thermostats may only be used as limit controllers, unless specified otherwise. Room Thermostats I . Provide flush mounted aspirating boxes for pneumatic thermostats or guard for electronic thermostats in following areas: 2. Provide guards on any electric thermostats serving cabinet heaters or unit heaters except where they will be concealed or in equipment rooms. Guards to have <clear plastic> <metal> cover, solid type mounting base, tumble lock and two keys per cover. Honeywell TG5OIA, or Beko BTG-UKI, or equivalent (plastic) Beko BTG-UM or equivalent (metal) 3. Mount thermostats where they will be unaffected by the sun. Avoid mounting on outside walls. Where thermostats must be mounted on an outside wall, provide an insulating base. SMOKEDETECTORS Location of smoke detectors shall be as shown on drawings, provided by Division 16000, installed by Division 15000. Wiring of detectors to fire alarm panel by Division 16000. Conhol wiring of detectors (i.e. fan shut down, etc.) by this Division. Wire smoke detectors to protect the unit in both hand and automatic operation. On signal from smoke detector, supply fan and return fan shall be shut off and outside air, retum air and relief air dampers shall close. CURRENT SENSOR Current sensor shall be mounted in the starter cabinet of the controlled equipment. After controlled equipment has received factory start-up, provide adjustment on current sensor set point. For conholled equipment which operates with varying current draw (e.g. heating water pumps in systems with trvo-and three-way valves and fans with inlet guide vanes) set point shall be made so that the full operating range of the curent draw does not cause spurious trips of the status point. RELATED WORKIN OTHER SECTIONS. Coordinate all work performed under Division l5 Mechanical including: L Piping a. Install automatic valves and separable wells that are supplied under this Section. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments 15 oCTOBER 2001 I I t I T I I I I I I I I I I I I t I 3.1I B. C. D. -'.I.' HLM 980071-04 15900-30 2. 3.15 I I I I I I I I t I SECTION I59OO 3.14 3.16 C ONTRO LS AND INS TRUME NTATI ON b. Furnish and install necessary pressure taps, water, drain and overflow connections and piping. c. Furnish and install necessary piping connections required for flow devices. Sheet Metal a. Install automatic dampers and provide necessary blank-off plates or transitions required to install dampers that are smaller than duct size. b. Provide access doors or other approved means ofaccess through ducts for service to control equipment. LIMT AND SAFETY CONTROLS Temperature conhols for limit and safety controls must function independently of ttre DDC system controls. This includes controls for mixed air low limit, coit low temperature detection and smoke detection. COMPLETION SERVICES Point Validation Upon the completion of the installation, using walkie-talkies (as required) completely validate the proper operation and labeling of all input and output points. Vatidation shall be done by physically effecting the VO points while the person on the other end observes for proper response. Confactor shall include validation certification in O & M manuals. Adjust all thermostats, valves, dampers, etc. provided. Final adjustrnent shall be performed dynamically on operating system(s). Demonstrations At the completion of the work, insFuct the Owne/s operating personnel and demonstrate to the Engineer the proper operation of the control systems. Explain the operation of the control system, the function of each component, the programming procedure, maintenance procedures and cautions, and be prepared to answer questions from the operating staff. In addition, be available for telephone consultation during the warranty period to answer questions from the operating staff conceming the contol equipmen! such consultation shall be at no cost to the Owner. Conduct classwork and instruction to the extent that all attending personnel can reprogram the system should it prove necessary at a later date. Include a full and detailed explanation on how the system is programmed initially so all parties fully understand the form and function of the control system. Prior to the instruction period, the Owner will fumish the names of those individuals for whom training will be provided. SEQUENCE OF CONTROL AND SYSTEM POINT REQI.IREMENTS It is the ATC Contractor's responsibility to furnish the points required and additional equipment necessary to perform these sequences. Room Setpoints Initial room setpoints are included with the sequence of control. The ATC Contractor shall VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstr uctio n D oc ume nts I5 OCTOBER 2OOI B.I I I I B. t I I I t HLM 980071-04 15900-31 SECTION I59OO C ONT RO LS AN D INSTRUM E NTATION discuss with the owner setting desired for all setpoints and make settings as directed. E)CIAUST FA}t EF Sequence ofOperation The exhaust fan shall be started by the DDC system when the building is in the occupied cycle. The exhaust fan shall be stopped by the DDC system when the building is in the unoccupied cycle. Should the fan fail to start or fail during operation, and alarm shall sound at the DDC panel. IJNITIIEATER UH- Sequence of Operation A room thermostat (120V or 24V) shall cycle the unit heater fan to maintain space temp€rature setting. TC contractor to provide necessar5r relay if 24 volt thermostat is used. FINTT'BE RADIATION FT- A temperature sensor, through the DDC system will modulate a two-way heating water control valve to maintain a space temperature of 55'F (adj.). IIIJMIDIFIER H- The humidity sensor, will provide input to the DDC controller and the steam valve is modulated to maintain the space humidity set point of 30%o RH (adj.). The supply duct humidity sensor will reset the DDC controller valve output to prevent duct humidity form exceeding 80% RH (adj.). The humidifier will be locked out if there is not airflow in the system as sensed by and air flow sensor downstream of the humidifier. CABII\TET UNIT IIEATER CUH- Sequence of Operation A 24 volt room thermostat shall cycle the cabinet unit heater fan and heating coil control valve to maintain space temperature. TC contractor to provide the necessary relays and transformers if not provided with the equipment. SHUTOTT VAV WTTU HOT WATER NNTTTAT VAV TC Contractor to furnish controls required to satisfu following sequence of operation to VAV box manufacturer for factory mounting and calibration. VAIL VAILEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001 I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I t HLM 980071-04 rs900-32 I I I SECTION I59OO CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTATI ON Occupied Cycle When duct pressure is sensed, indicating that the primary system air is operating, the primary air volume damper shall open and modulate the primary air to satisff the occupied space cooling setpoint. As the room thermostat senses a need for no cooling, the contol system shall close the primary air volume damper down to the minimum primary air position. Before heating is initiated, the controls shall enter a no load band, during which minimum primary air is circulated. On sensing further need for heat, the heating water control valve is modulated open as required to satisff the space heating setpoint. Unoccupied Cycle The primary air volume damper shall positively close. When duct pressure is sensed, indicating that the primary system air is operating, the primary air volume damper shall open to the minimum primary air position. The space thermostat shall modulate the heating water conhol valve to maintain the unoccupied space heating setpoint. ROOF TOP T,NIT RTU HEATING WATER. CHILLED WATER VAV WITH STJPPLYAI\D RETT'RN FAIYVFD's GENERAL SECTION Outside air, retum air, and relief air dampers are provided with the air handling unit under Section 15800. The outside air and relief air dampers shall close and the retum air dampers shall open whenever the supply fan stops under any condition. The outside air dampers shall be slow opening to prevent nuisance tripping of the Low Temperature Detection Thermostat. The modulating heating water control valve shall be 100 % closed whenever the supply fan is offexcept when the outside air is below 35 deg F. Below 35 deg F outside air temperature with the fan off, the control valve shall be opened. However, the temperature in the mixed air plenum shall be limited to a maximum of 80 deg F. Cooling coil three way control valve shall be 100 % closed to the coil whenever the supply fan is off. Provide a differential pressure sensor across the filter section to monitor filter pressure drop. An alarm signal shall be sent to the control panel indicating a dirty filter whenever the filter pressure drop exceeds the manufacturers recommended limit. LIFE SAFETY SECTION Provide coil air Low Temperature Detection Thermostats immediately downstream of VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments 15 oCTOBER 2001 I I I t I I I I I I I I I I l- I HLM 980071-04 1s900-33 SECTION I59OO CONTROLS AND INSTR AM E NTATI ON the heating coil. Upon tripping, the Low Temperature Detection Thermostat shall stop the supply fan independent of the control system. An alarm signal shall be indicated at the DDC conhol panel. Should the smoke detector activate, the detector shall stop the supply fan in both the manual or automatic mode, independent of the control system. An alarm signal shall be indicated at the DDC control panel. Provide fan intemrpt safety switches on the doors of the fan compartment(s) of the air- handling unit. Fan(s) shall stop anytime the fan compartment door is opened. An alarm signal shall be indicated at the DDC control panel. UNIT START/ STOP CONTROL Warm Up / Cool Down Cycle As calculated by the DDC optimum start program, the warm up / cool down cycle shall start as late as possible to bring the space up to its programmed heating setpoint by the programmed occupied time. Warm up During the warm up cycle, the supply fan shall be on, the outside air and the return air dampers shall be 100% closed and the return air damper shall be 100%, open. When the space temperature reaches the occupied setpoint, the system shall go to the occupied cycle. Cool Down The cool down cycle shall be the same as the occupied cycle. OCCUPIEDCYCLE The supply fan shall start at minimum speed and run continuously. The outside air and relief dampers shall open after a l0 second delay the retum fan shall start. Based on duct pressure sensor input, the VFD shall control the speed ofthe supply fan to maintain a minimum I " w.c. ( adj.) to the inlet of the last VAV box. The discharge air temperature setpoint shall be determined by the VAV box with the greatest load having its damper in the wide open position. The minimum discharge air temperature setpoint shall be 55 deg. F adj. The unit discharge air temperature shall be maintained by modulating the outside air and return air dampers in sequence with the heating and cooling control valves. Whenever the outside air temperature is above 72 deg. F, the outside air dampers shall modulate to their minimum position. Should the supply or return fan fail to start or fail during operation for any reason, an alarm shall be indicated at the DDC control panel. RETURN FAN VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001 I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I HLM 980071-04 15900-34 I I I I I I I I I l_ I I I I I t I I-- I SECTION 15900 CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTATION The return fan shall start at a minimum speed and run continuously. Based on a pressure sensor located between the retum fan discharge and the retum damper the return fan VFD shall control the speed ofthe fan to maintain the pressure setpoint. The relief damper shall modulate to maintain building pressure setpoint as sensed by building pressure sensors located in the First Floor Lobby and the Emergency Department Entry Area. OUTSIDE AIR CONTROL The DDC system shall reset the outside air dampers to maintain outside air flow requirements using a 2 to l0 VDC signal from the ventilation controller provided with the rooftop unit. The economizer cycle shall override this control. I.JNOCCTIPIED CYCLE The supply fan shall be off. The outside air and reliefdampers shall close, and the retum damper shall be open. The heating coil control valve shall be closed except when the outside air is below 35 deg. F. as described above. The condensing unit shall be locked out. The supply and return fans shall start as described in the occupied sequence when any. zone temperature drops below 60 deg. F. The outside air and relief air dampers shall remain closed. The heating coil control valve shall be 100% open. When the zone temperature reaches 65 deg. F, the supply and return fans shall stop and the heating coil control valve shall close. SPACE HUMIDITY CONTROL The humidity sensor located in the return duct will provide input to the DDC controller and the steam valve is modulated to maintain the space humidity set point of 30% RH (adj.). The supply duct humidity sensor will reset the DDC controller valve output to prevent duct humidity from exceeding 80% RH (adj.). The humidifier will be locked out if there is no airflow in the svstem. Chiller Sequence The chiller leaving water temperature shall be controlled by the packaged controls provided with the chiller. See specification section 15600. The chilled water system shall be conholled by the DDC system. The DDC system shall enable the chillers and pumps to start, and monitor the operation of the chilled water system. The TC Contractor shall provide all required control wiring and devices to accomplish the specified sequence and provide all controls required to accomplish the monitoring of the points listed in the points list. The DDC system shall start the chilled water system whenever any of the air handlers call forcooling. System will be locked out below 50 degrees F. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Documents I5 OCTOBER 2OO1 HLM 980071-04 15900-3s SECTION 15900 C ONTRO LS AND INSTR U M E NTATION Operator shall be able to select which chiller is first to start through the DDC systems chilled water system graphic. On a call for cooling, the DDC system shall start the secondary dishibution pumps. When flow is proven, the first chiller shall be enabled and the associated primary chilled water pump shall start. Once flow is proven by the chilled water flow switch (supplied with the chiller), the chiller shall start and maintain a 44 degree F (resetable through the DDC system) leaving chilled water temperature through its own controls. When the flow of the primary distribution pump exceeds the rated flow of one chiller for a minimum of 15 minutes ( adjustable), the second chiller shall be started in the same sequence as the first. As the chilled water requirement decreases and the return chilled water temperature decreases to 49F (adjustable) the lag chiller shall be shut down and the lag distribution pump shut down. The DDC system shall stop the chilled water system on a loss of chilled water demand. The DDC system shall monitor the operation of the chilled water system. Should any pump fail to start when called or chiller fail to start, an alarm shall be indicated through the DDC system. When the refrigeration cycle is shut down due to normal operation, the chilled water pump shall run until the chiller has gone through its pump down cycle. The flow meter and secondary supply and return temperatures shall be utilized for logging the hourly demand for chilled water {tons} as well as flow {gpm} and delta T {degrees Fahrenheit}. Data shall be archived in a form suitable for use with MS Excel on and hourly basis, data shall be accumulated into monthly files. Ghiller Room Ventilation Sequence A chiller shut down switch shall be located inside the entrance to the chiller room, signs shall clearly identifu its location. Upon sensing a refrigerant spill or l:-k, the refrigerant gas monitor shall initiate the following: (a) The horn and light located above the main €ntrance into the chiller room shall activate. An alarm silencing switch shall be provided to silence the alarm.(b) The purge exhaust fan F-?? shall go to high speed operation.(c) All electrically energized equipment and devices within the chiller room shall be shut down, except purge fan F-??. The DDC system shall continuously monitor the refrigerant level detected by the Refrigerant Gas Monitors (one per chiller). A break glass type "Emergency Ventilation On" switch and a break glass type "Emergency Equipment Off'switch shall be provided and located outside the chiller room door. Each switch shall be provided with a manual reset only control. UAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I HLM 98007r-04 r s900-36 I I I t I I I I I t SECTION T59OO C O NTRO LS AND INS TR UM ENTAT I O N Upon activation of the Emergency Ventilation On switch, purge exhaust fan F-?? shall go to high speed operation. Upon activation of the Emergency Equipment Off switch, all electrically energized equipment and devices within the chiller room shall be shut down, except for purge exhaust fan F-xx. In addition to the purge control specified above, the purge fan shall also be controlled by a space thermostat. Below 80F space temperature, the fan shall be OFF. When the space temperature is between 80F - 90F, the fan shall run at low speed. If the space temperature exceeds 90F, the fan shall run at high speed. A keyed, three position AUTO-ON-OFF switch shall be provided for the fan and located outside the main entrance to the chiller room. Two colored and labeled indicator lamps responding to differential pressure created by the fan airflow shall be provided. One lamp shall indicate airflow, and the other lamp shall indicate no flow. Heating Water Boiler Sequence The control shall start the lead boiler in response to demand. The lead boiler shall then modulate the firing rate to meet load demand. When the firing rate of the lead boiler exceeds a programmed value, the first lag boiler shall be started after an adjustable delay. The remaining lag boilers shall be govemed in the same m€lnner and will gently advance only as far as necessary to meet the demand. As the load demand decreases the operational cycle is reversed and the last lag boiler will go through a short time delay, modulate downward, then to low fire and shutdown. The lead/lag sequence can be selected through the control system. Boiler 3 will be locked out. Boiler 3 will be enabled only if one or both of the other boilers fail to fire. Status shall be checked at the gas valve. The lead/lag sequence shall insure that the boiler that fails to fire will be locked out until it is reset. Lead/Lag sequence shall be displayed as well as failure and percent of modulation. The Hot water sequencer will shed boilers and lower the hot water set points whenever possible, based on delta T (difference between supply & retum temperature), saving energy when the load demand diminishes. As load increases the hot water set point shall adjusted. The control shall utilize an algorithm that can analyze and calculate the tme load as it gently accelerates the firing rate in small increments on each start or set point change. Controls that allow immediate advancement to high fire or rnerely implement low fire hold by time or temperature will not be acceptable. A minimum temperature shall be maintained at each boiler to protect the boilers from thermal shock. VAIL VALLEY ME DICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments I5 OCTOBEN 2OOI I I I I I I I t- I HLM 98007r-01 15900-37 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION I59OO C ONTRO LS AND IN STRUME NTATI ON The maximum allowable temperature set point and minimum allowable set point shall be adjustable. The controller will raise and lower this set point as required, based on true demand and with load./temperature anticipation. The maximum allowable delta T (difference between supply and retum temperature) as recommended by the boiler manufacturer, must be maintained to prevent thermal shock to the boiler tubes. A switch at the control panel shall allow manual or automatic operation. The firing rate shall be fully adjustable when in the manual position. The controls furnished with the bumer shall be left in place for back up. A boiler shut down switch shall be located inside the entrance to the boiler room, signs shall clearly identifr its location. The flow meter and secondary supply and rehrrn temperatures shall be utilized for logging the hourly demand for hot water {mbh} as well as flow {gpm} and delta T {degrees Fahrenheit}. Data shall be archived in a forrn suitable for use with MS Excel on and hourly basis, data shall be accumulated into monthly files. STEAM BOILER/ BOILER Ff,ED CONTROLS The steam boiler shall operate from its integral controls to maintain steam pressure 80 psi (adj.). The boiler feed system shall operated from its integral controls. Provide control wiring and connections within and between the boiler and the boiler feed systems. Verifr proper operations ofthe boiler and boiler feed controls. MEDICAL GAS ALARMS Provide control wiring and connection between medical gas alarms, sensors and panels. Coordinate locations and tie-in points with mechanical contractor. END OF SECTION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 1s ocToBER 2001 HLM 9EOO7I-04 1s900-38 t I ^ sEcrIoN Iseeo I I PARrI-GENERAL TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BAI.'INCING SECTION I5990 TESTING, ADruSTING AND BALANCING VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constructiot Documents I5 OCTOBER 2OO1 I I I.I RELATEDDOCTIMENTS The General Provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I - Specification Sections and Contract Documents apply to work in this section. Consult them for further inshuctions and be governed by the requirements thereunder. 1.2 WORKINCLTIDED I This section covers testing and balancing of environmental systems including but not I limited to air distribution systems, hydronic <and steam) distribution systems, and the equipment and apparahrs connected thereto <,sound measurement of equipment operating I conditionP <, and vibration measurement of equipment operating conditionP. The I testing and balancing of all environmental systems shall be the responsibility of one testing, balancing and adjusting frm. I 1.3 RELATEDWORK A. Related work includes, but is not necessarily limited to the following: t l. Basic Mechanical Requirematts: Section 15010I - - i. ff5ffiffi"'fr:,Hfflt'::'"T;,lis0u:.11:section rs:oo 4. Plumbing (Pumps): Section 15400 r l: Xi,1?,:rlillii,l;*:1'ff','#r*tliquidHeatrransrer: Section 15600 7. Controlsandlnstrumentation: Section 15900<and 17050> r 1.4 REFERENCES A. ASHRAE - 1987 Systems Handbook: Chapter 57, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing. B. ASHRAE - Standard lll - 1988 Practices for Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Reliigeration Systems. C. NEBB - Procedural Standards for Testing, Balancing and Adjusting of Environmental Systems. D. AABC - National Standards for Field Measurement and Instrumentation. Total Svstem Balance. E. SMACNA - I{VAC Systems Testing, Adjusting and Balancing. F. Sheet Metal Industry - Certification of Testing, Adjusting and Balancing Technicians. I I I t I I - HLM s'ooTr-,4 I 15990-1 2.1 SECTION 15990 TESTING, ADIASTING AND BALANCING 1.5 QUAIIFICATIONS OF CONTRACTOR The Mechanical Conhactor shall procure the services of an independent testing and balancing firm specializing in this work. The firm must have a Registered Professional Engineer, an AABC Certified Test and Balance Engineer, or a NEBB Certified Testing, Balancing and Adjusting Supervisor, who is an employee or principal of the firm, in charge of the work and must have a local office with resident personnel in the greater Denver area or within 100 miles of the project. Submit qualifications of above listed person prior to bidding. The firm must have experience and qualifications satisfactory to the Consulting Mechanical Engineer and must be accepted by him prior to bidding. All work must be done under the direct supervision ofand the results attested by the person listed above. This person shall be available to interpret all material found in the balance report and shall represent the testing and balancing firm at all requested meetings. I.6 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDTJLING A. Sequence work to commence after completion of systems and start-up procedures as described in Section 15010 and schedule comDletion of work before Substantial Completion of Project. PART2 - PRODUCTS ACCEPTABLE AGENCIES Firms acceptable to do the work are: JPG Engineering B. Other firms desiring to bid the testing and balancing work shall submit a booklet of qualifications (showing procedure, data forms, list of previous experience, reference list and professional engineer's name) prior to bidding and in compliance with Section 15010 for review by the Consulting Mechanical Engineer. The <Mechanical> <General> Contractor shall submit the name of the testing and balancing firm to the Engineer within 30 days of contract award. PART 3 EXECUTION COORDINATION Testing and Balancing Conhactor shall visit the site and coordinate with Mechanical Contractor to make sure all items such as: thermometer wells, pressure test cocks, access doors, etc., are fumished and installed as required to allow tests and adjustments to be made as described in this Section. The Mechanical Contractor shall provide all such devices required to allow the balancing to be accomplished. VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstructio n D o c um e nts 15 oCTOBER 2001 I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I t I I A. B. 3.1 HLM 980071-04 15990-2 I t- I B. C, I I I I I I I D. I I I I I t- I I SECTION 15990 TESTING, ADJASTING AND BALANCING 3.2 STATUS OF SYSTEMS A. Air and water testing and balancing shall not begin until the systems have been completed and are in full workins order. Put all heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems and equipment into full operation and continue operation of same during each working day of testing and balancing. Preliminary testing, adjusting and balancing requirements shall be ascertained prior to the commencement of work through a review of available plans and specifications for the project. In addition, visual observations at the site during construction shall be made to determine the location of required balancing devices and that they are being installed properly for the need. Before any air or hydronic balance work is done, the system(s) shall be checked for the following: l. Equipment is operable and in a safe and normal condition. 2. Proper thermal overload protection is in place for electrical equipment. 3. Duct system leakage has been minimized. 4. Final filters are clean and in place. (Veriff that the filters are changed by the Mechanical Contractor if they are drty.) 5. Ductwork systems are clean of debris. 6. Proper fan rotation. 7. Excessive equipment vibration. 8. All volume, fire and smoke dampers are in place and wide opened. 9. All retum air paths are not obstructed (i.e. walls to stucture). 10. Coil fins are cleaned and combed. 11. Access doors are closed and duct end caps are in place. 12. Air outlets are installed and connected. 13. Hydronic systems have been flushed, filled and vented. 14. hoper pump rotation. 15. Strainer baskets are clean and in place. 16. Service and balance valves are open. 17. Proper control valve installation and operation. 18. Proper system static pressure to assure a full system. 19. Proper flow meter and check valve installation. All throttling devices and control valves shall be open at this time. Promptly report defects or deficiencies noted during balance or abnormal conditions in the mechanical system which prevent system balance to the appropriate responsible person. Make special note of any discrepancy between tabulated conditions and specified conditions including, but not limited to, missing items, non-functioning items, items without final connections, etc., and call to the pertinent Contractor's and the Consulting Mechanical Engineer's attention. Rebalance and retabulate information as required by the Consulting Mechanical Engineer to provide a properly performing building. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001I HLM 980071-04 1s990-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I B. 3.5 SECTION 15990 TESTING. ADJUSTING AND BALANCING F. Beginning of work means acceptance of existing conditions. 3.3 PREPARATION A. Provide instruments required for testing, adjusting and balancing. Make instruments available to Engineer to facilitate spot checks during testing. B. Provide additional balancine devices as required. 3.4 ADruSTINGANDBALANCING A. Adjust and balance all air and water systems within +10% to -5o/o of design flow rates. Check, adjust and balance all systems to meet the design conditions and tabulate all information on acceptable forms. All systems shall be checked for proper performance during design conditions, both heating and cooling. B. Recorded data shall represant actual measured, or observed condition. Affinity or fan law conversion to obtain readines is not allowable. C. Permanently mark settings of valves, dampers, and other adjustment devices allowing settings to be restored. Set and lock all memory stops. D. After adjustment, take measurements to veriff balance has not been disrupted or that such disruption has been rectified. Leave systems in proper working order, replacing belt guards, closing access doors, closing doors or covers to electrical switch boxes, plugging test holes in ductwork where readings were taken and restoring thermostats to specified settings. TEMPERATURE CONTROLS Inspect all temperafure control systems for proper sequence of operation, completeness and approximate calibration. Report any deficiencies to the responsible contractor immediately. VAV Boxes (Fan Powered and Pinch Down) Veriff the following and report any discrepancies to the responsible contractor: l. Velocity pressure sensor is receiving the proper sigral and is then sending that signal to the regulator. 2. Primary air damper will allow design flows without going to end point settings. 3. Thermostat is calibrated. 4. Control pressure is compatible with the primary damper motor range, dead band range and heating electric P.E. or valve motor range. 5. Pneumatic air pressure of 20 psi is available throughout control distribution system. 6. Drrect acting or reverse acting controls are properly installed. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents r s ocToBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 15990-4 I I t b. 2. I I I I I It' I I C. D, E. F. I I I I t t- I SECTION 15990 TESTING, ADJASTING AND BALANCING 7. Primary fan static pressure controls are receiving the proper signal in their installed location and transmitting this signal to the fan conkoller. 3.6 AIRBALANCE A. Adjust air handling and distribution systems to provide required or design supply, retum and exhaust air quantities at site altitude. Measure air quantities at inlets and outlets. B. Vary total system air quantities by adjustment of fan speeds. I Adjust RPM on Belt Drive Fans: Include sheave and belt exchange to deliver air flow within limits of installed motor horsepower and mechanical stress limits of the fan. Determine the limiting fan tip speed before increasing RPM. Final fan speed setting shall allow for predicted filter loading and shall establish proper duct pressures for operation of zone CFM regulators. Adjust RPM on Direct Drive Fans: For motors with speed taps, set fan speed on tap which most closely approaches design CFM. Report tap setting on equipment data sheet as high, medium or low. For motors with speed control rheostat, set output of fan at the design CFM by adjusting the rheostat. After adjushnent, check the fan's ability to restart after shutdown. Increase setting as required for proper starting. Mark rheostat to indicate final setting position. For fans with variable pitch and variable-pitch-in-motion blades, adjustment to provide design output will be by <the manufacturer> <this contactor>. Pitch angle adjustment shall not exceed recommended maximum to prevent "stall". Vary branch air quantities by damper regulation. Effect volume control by duct intemal devices such as dampers. Make air quantity measurements for all mechanical air moving equipment in ducts by pitot tube haverse of entire cross sectional area of duct to verify outlet readings and as a check for ductwork leakage. Pitot tube traverse shall be provided at all ducted exhaust fan inlets. If pitot tube traverse is not practical, an explanation of why a traverse was not made must appear on the appropriate data sheet. Adjust air diffusion pattems to obtain uniform space temperatures and to minimize objectional drafu and noise. Use volume contol devices to regulate air quantities. Measure static pressure conditions on air supply units, including filter, coil and other equipment pressure drops, and total pressure across the fan. Make allowances for loading of filters and indicate this on the final reoort. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents I5 OCTOBER 2OO1 HLM 980071-04 15990-5 SECTION 15990 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. J. G. H. J. K, M. TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING The supply fan static pressure shall be set by the balancing firm and the sontrol contractor if the systems have fan volume control dampers or variable frequency drives (VFD). The duct static shall be confirmed both through the instrumentation installed on thejob and by the balancing contractor. The fan speed resulting in satisfactory system performance shall be determined at full design delivery. Inlet or outlet fan volume contol dampers shall be in the wide open position and one path presenting the greatest resistance to flow shall be fully open and unobstructed. For VFD installations, the fan speed (by sheaves) shall be set so that the VFD can increase fan speed to account for filter loading. Adjust outside air, retum air and exhaust air automatic dampers for design conditions. Adjust and record percent outside air under minimum damper position. (Adjustment of minimum outside air on percent of damper actuator position is not acceptable.) Systems with economizer dampers shall have data recorded during 100% open outside air mode, 100% retum air mode , and 50%o open outside and retum air mode. Measwe temperature conditions across outside air, rehrm air and exhaust air dampers under open and closed conditions to check leakage. Measure building static pressure and adjust outside, return and exhaust air systems to provide required relationship between each to maintain approximately 0.05 inches positive static pressure near the building enbies. Coordinate with Temperature Control Contractor to make system adjustments if pressure is controlled thru temperature control system. Check multi-zone units for motorized damper leakage. Adjust air quantities with mixing dampers set first for cooling, then heating, then modulating. Use zone balancing dampers for branch balance with final adjust at air terminal devices. Record air volumes on fulI heating, full cooling and rmder thermostat control modes. Adjust all terminal variable volume boxes as follows: L For shutoff VAV boxes, constant volume boxes, or double duct boxes, set the regulators to provide design minimum and maximum CFM. Adjust thermostat to assure proper damper operation. Readings for double duct boxes shall be taken and recorded in full cooling and fulI heating modes. For VAV or constant volume boxes with reheat, set the regulators to provide design minimum and maximum CFM. Check control sequence operation to assure proper sequencing. Reset PE switches as required. For fan powered boxes, set fans as described for direct drive fans with speed taps or speed control rheostats to design CFM. (lf design air flow cannot be adjusted by fan speed control, the box discharge dampers on series type boxes shall be used after adjustment of speed control to closest design setting.) Set regulators to provide design minimum and maximum CFM. Check controls for proper damper VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents t 5 OCToBER 2001 L. HLM 980071-04 15990-6 I I_ 4. B. C. D. E. F. c. J.t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l- I SECTION 15990 TESTING, ADJASTING AND BALANCING and fan operation as specified. Ifbox has reheat, check conhol sequence operation to assure proper sequencing. Reset PE switch as required. a. Veriff and include in report that a slightly negative or neutral pressure is set up in fan powered box so that air is not dumped through retum opening under maximum CFM. b. Verifo that secondary fan is not being induced to run in reverse. For induction boxes, set primary CFM regulator and check operation of induction air damper. Air flow performance of boxes for both primary and secondary balance settings shall be verified by flow measuring hood measurements at the diffuser outlets. HYDRONICBALANCE Adjust water systems to provide required or design quantities. Hydronic Systems with Meters. The system shall be balanced using calibrated valves or flow meters to determine flow rates. On completion of the balance, the following information shall be recorded in the report Flow meter or calibrated valve size and brand, required flow rate and pressure drop, valve settings on meters or valves with a readable scale, flow rate in both full coil flow and full bypass modes. Hydronic Systems without meters (thermal or terminal rated pressure balance). The system shall be balanced proportionally to the terminal ratings. On completion of the balance the following information shall be recorded in the report: Design entering and leaving water temperature/pressure drop, final balance entering and leaving water temperature/pressure drop. The hydronic system(s) shall be balanced being certain that the path to one terminal is fully open. Total system flow shall be adjusted at pump by restricting the discharge balance valve. Indicate final valve position on report. Adjust systems to provide specified pressure drops and flows through heat transfer elements prior to thermal testing. Perform balancing by measurement of temperafure differential in conjunction with air balancing. Balance system with automatic control valves fully open to heat transfer elements. Conhol valve bypass loops shall be set with the balancing valve to provide equal flow in either mode. Confirm in writing. Adjustment of hydronic systems shall be by means of balancing valves or fittings. Do not use service or shut-off valves for balancine. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 1s990-7 SECTION IS99O TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING H. Where available pump capacity is less than the total flow requirements or individual system parts, full flow in one part may be simulated by temporary restriction of flow to the other parts. I. If after final balance has been completed, the system is noisy due to final valve settings, noisy valves shall be opened to decrease their noise to an acceptable level. Circuit which was left open, per Paragraph D above, shall be rechecked and recorded once system has been quieted down to determine if an adequate flow rate still remains. 3.8 ELECTRIC HEATERS This Contractor shall check staging of heating devices and reset if required for proper operation. 3.9 MOTOR STARTERS AND TTIERMAL TIEATERS Fumish and exchange thermals as required for proper motor protection on Mechanical Contractor fumished magnetic and manual starters. Check for correct sizing and notifo Electrical Contractor of discrepancies on Electrical Contractor fumished motor contol center magnetlc starters. 3.10 REPORTOFWORK This Contactor shall submit a minimum of four (4) bound copies of the final testing and balancing report at least 7 days prior to the Mechanical Confiactor's request for final inspection. All data shall be recorded on applicable reporting forms. The report shall include all operating data, a list of all equipmant used in the testing and balancing work, and shall be signed by the supervising engineer and affrxed with his certification seal. Also include project altitude and any correction factors used in the calculations. Final acceptance of this project will not take place until a satisfactory report is received. A reduced set of contract document drawing indicating 'as-built' conditions shall be included in the report with all terminals (VAV boxes, outlets, inlets, coils, unit heaters, etc.) and thermostat locations clearly marked and all equipment designated. After all balancing is complete and all coordination with the contractor and the engineer is complete, the balancing firm shall fumish bound reports which contain the following information. All information listed below shall be included in report unless written approval for deletion of items is agreed to by Mechanical Engineer prior to start of balancins. c. l.Title Page including company name, address and telephone number; project name and location; project Architect; project Engineer; project Contractor; project altitude. Instrument list including instrument, manufacturer, model, serial number, range, calibration date. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents t5 ocToBER 2001 I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I z. B. HLM 980071-04 15990-8 I I -_. 3. A t I I t I t I t SECTION 15990 5. TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BAI.ANCING Electric Motor data including manufacturer, [IP, voltage, phase, amperage (name plate, actual (in all operating modes), no load), service factor, efficiency, power factor, starter size (brand, model, enclosure type, installed thermal heaters and the rating of the heaters, required thermal heaters and the rating of the heaters if different than installed). V-Belt Drive data including identification/location, required driven RPM; driven sheave (diameter and RPM), belt (size and quality), motor sheave (diameter and RPM), center to center distance (maximum, minimum and final). Air Moving Equipment data including location, manufacturer, model, supply air flow (specified and actual), rehrn air flow (specified and actual), outside air flow (specified and actual), total static pressure (specified and actual), inlet pressure, discharge pressure, fan RPM, motor and V-belt drive information as previously mentioned. 6. Static pressure across each individual component of the system and the total system. 7.Exhaust Fan data including location, manufacturer, model, air flow (specified and actual), total static pressure (specified and actual), inlet pressure, discharge pressure, fan RPM, motor and V- belt drive information as previously mentioned, duct pitot tube traverse near inlet ofall ducted fans. Outside/Return Air data including identificatioMocation, supply air flow (specified and actual), retum air flow (specified and actual), minimum outside air flow (specified and actual), return air temperahue, outside air temperature, mixed air temperature (specified and actual). Air Terminal Device data including air terminal number, room number/location, terminal type, terminal size, area factor, design velocity, design air flow, test (final) velocity, test (final) air flow, percent of design air flow. Include summary sheet for each system showing total terminal air flow by outlet and required total system air flow. Terminal Unit data including manufacturer, type (constant, variable, dual duct, reheat, fan powered parallel, fan powered-series), identificatiorVnumber, location, model, size, minimum static pressure, minimum air flow (specified and actual),maximum air flow (specified and actual), inlet static pressure, fan air quantity (specified and actual) on fan powered terminal units, motor data as previously mentioned on f'an powered terminal units. Induction Unit data including manufacturers, identification/numbers, location, model, size, design air flow, nozzle pressure drop (design and final), final air flow. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 1S OCTOBER 2001 I I I I t I I l- I 8. 9. 10. ll. HLM 980071-04 15990-9 SECTION 15990 I I I I I 12. TESTING, ADTASTING AND BALANCING Duct Traverse data including system zone/branch, duct size, area, design velocity, design air flow, test velocity, test air flow, duct static pressure, air temperature, air correction factor. Reduced drawings included with balance report shall indicate all duct traverse locations. Air Monitoring Station data including identificationlocation, system, size, area, design velocity, design air flow, test (final) velocity, test (final) air flow. Total CFM (required and final) for each fan system, including ducted cabinet heaters, unit heaters, fan coils, etc. Compare equipment air volumes measured by duct traverse readings to air terminal summary sheets for each piece of equipment. Electric Duct Heater data including manufachuer, identification/number, location, model, design KW, number of stages, phase, voltage, amperage, test voltage (each phase), test amperage (each phase), air flow (specified and actual), temperature rise (specified and actual). Pump data including identilicatior/number, manufacturer, size/model, impeller, service, flow rate (specified and actual), pressure drop (specified and actual), discharge pressure (full-flow and no-flow), suction pressure (full-flow and no- flow), total operating head pressure, motor data as previously mentioned. Include manufacfurer's pump curves in report. Chiller data including identification/number, manufacturer, capacity, model, evaporator entering water temperanre (specified and actual), evaporator leaving water temperature (specified and actual), evaporator pressure drop (specified and actual), evaporator water flow rate (specified and actual), condenser entering water temperature (specified and actual), condenser leaving water temperature (specified and actual), condenser pressure drop (specifred and actual), condenser water flow rate (specified and actual), motor amperage. Temperafure readings are not required if flow rate mer iurements can be obtained. Mechanical Engineer may request these temperature readings ifrequired for trouble shooting system. Air Cooled Condenser data including identificatior/number, location, manufacturer, model, entering DB air temperature (specified and actual), leaving DB air temperature (specified and actual), number of compressors, motor data as previously mentioned. Heat Exchanger data including identification/number, location, service, manufacturer, model, steam pressure befbre and after the control valve (specified and actual). condensate temperature, pnmary water entering temperature (specified and actual), primary water leaving temperature (specihed and actual), primary water flow (specified and actual), primary water pressure drop (specified and actual), secondary water entering temperature (specified and actual), secondary VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstructio n Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001 IJ. 14. 15. 16. t7. 18. 19. I I I I t I t I I I t I I I HLM 980071-04 15990-10 20. 2t. I t I I I I l- T I l-, I I I I I SECTION 15990 TESTING, ADJASTING AN D B A LA NCI NG water leaving temperature (specified and actual), secondary water flow (specified and actual), secondary water pressure drop (specified and actual). Temperatr,re readings are not required if flow rate measurements can be obtained. Mechanical Engineer may request these temperature readings if required for trouble shooting system. Boiler data including water flow rate (specified and actual), entering and leaving water temperafure, steam pressure leaving boiler, gas flow rate, flue gas analysis (copy of manufacturer's analysis report), entering and leaving water pressures, motor data as previously mentioned (if applicable). Temperature readings are not required if flow rate measurements can be obtained. Mechanical Engineer may request these temperature readings if required for houble shooting system. Cooling Coil data including identification/number, location, service, manufacturer, air flow (specified and actual), antering air DB and WB temperatures (specified and actual), leaving air DB and WB temperatures (specifred and actual), water flow (specified and actual), water pressure drop (specified and actual), artering water temperahre (specifred and acfual), leaving water temperatuxe (specified and actual), air pressure drop (specified and actual). Temperature readings are not required if flow rate measurements can be obtained. Mechanical Engineer may request these temperature readings if required for trouble shooting system. Heating Coil data including identification/number, location, service, manufachrer, air flow (specified and actual), water flow (specified and actual), water pressure drop (specified and actual), entering and leaving water temperatures (specified and actual), steam pressure before and after the control valve (specified and actual), entering and leaving air temperatures (specified and actual), air pressure drop (specified and actual). Temperature readings are not required if flow rate measurements can be obtained. Mechanical Engineer may request these temperature readings if required for houble shooting system. Heat Release Equipment (i.e. unit heaters, cabinet heaters, finned tube radiation, etc.) data including identification/number, location, manufacturer, water flow (specified and actual), inlet and outlet water temperatures (specified and actual), inlet and outlet water pressures (specified and actual), steam pressure before and after the contol valve (specified and actual), motor data as previously mentioned (where applicable). Temperature readings are not required if flow rate measurements can be obtained. Mechanical Engineer may reque st these temperature readings if required for trouble shooting system. Flow Measuring Station and Calibrated Balancing Valve data including identification, location, size, manufacturer, model, flow rate (specified and actual), pressure drop (specified and actual), station or valve calibrated setting. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Documents 1S OCTOBER 2OOI 22. 23. I I t I 1A HLM 980071-04 t s990-11 SECTION 15990 25. 3.11 B. TESTING. ADJUSTING AND BALANCING Gas flow and pressure to each piece of mechanical equipment and gas pressure at meter under full flow. COMPLETION SERVICES The balancing firm shall make any changes offan belts and sheaves to obtain the required cfin and make other corrections to the systems for proper performance as requested by the Consulting Mechanical Engineer or Owner. Final acceptance of the project will not be made until a satisfactory report is received. When deemed necessary by the Owner or Engineer, the balancing firm shall run temperature and/or humidity recordings and shall read any of the report quantities in the presence of the Owner or Engineer for verification purposes. ENDOF SECTION I I I I I I t I I I I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents t5 ocToBER200l I I I I I I I I HLM 980071-04 15990-12 tt I I I I SECTION I6010 BAS IC E LECTMCAL REQAIREMENTS SECTION I60IO BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS PART I - GENERAL l.l RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specifications Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This section includes general requirements for all Division l6 work. Work Included. Furnish all labor and materials and perform all operations necessary for the installation of complete and operating electrical systems subject to the conditions of the contract. The work also includes the completion of such electrical details not mentioned or shown which are necessary for the successful operation of all systems: Prove satisfactory operation ofall equipment and controls to the Electrical Engineer on request. Work Not Included (Specified elsewhere). Certain labor and materials may be fumished and/or installed under other divisions of these specifications. Coordinate with all other applicable trades and arrange all electrical work to make the parts fit together to provide complete and operation systems. l. Equipment Fumished by Others: Comply with Division 16 Section "Equipment Wiring." REFERENCE STANDARDS For products or workmanship specified by association, trade, or Federal Standards, comply with requirements of the standard, except when more rigid requirements are specified or are required by applicable codes. c. B. The date of the standard that is in effect at the bid date, or dare of Owner/Contractor Agreement when there are no bids, except when a specific date is specified or when the standard is part ofan applicable code which includes an edition date. C. When required by individual Specifications section, obtain copy of standard. Maintain copy at job site during work until Substantial Completion. D. Schedule of Referenced Oreanizations: See Division L 1.4 REGULATORYAND CODE REQUREMENTS A. Apply for and pay for all permits, fees, licenses and inspections for this Division of work. B. Do not include the cost of any "Electric Service Application Fee" charged by the Utility HLM 980071-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER I6O1LT Co nstr uction Doc umenrs 15 oCTOBER 2001 I I I I I I I I I I t I t.2 A. B. t.J | '\'- I T I t I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I 1.5 1.6 SECTION 160IO BASIC ELECTR]CAL REQUIREMENTS Company. This will be ananged for and paid for by the Owner. C. Comply with state and local code requirements and ordinances. Comply with requirements of the Utility Companies. In the case of differences between these requirements and ordinances, the most stringent shall govem. Call for inspections required by local building inspection authority. D. Applicable Building Codes and Ordinances: Including but not limited to the following: Uniform Building Code, Latest Edition Uniform Mechanical Code, Latest Edition Uniform Fire Code, Latest Edition Utility Company Requ irements State Department of Labor Requirements State Departrnent of Health Requirements National Fire Protection Association Standards State and Federal Safety and Health Laws NFPA 70 Latest Edition - National Electrical Code References: The latest editions of the following standards (including supplements and official interpretations) are m inimum requirements. l. z- A 6. Undenrniter's Laboratories, Inc. (JL) National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Insulated Cable Engineers Association (ICEA) National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) NECA Standard of Installation DEFTNITIONS "Provide" means Contractor is responsible for the furnishing and installation of. B. "Exposed" means in equipment rooms, unfinished areas, accessible tunnels, etc. where conduit/equipment is accessible. C."Concealed" means in such spaces as chases, trenches, above ceilings, in walls and buried where conduiVwire is inaccessible when buildine is comoleted. SUBMITTALS Comply with Division 1 and individual Division 16 Specification Sections. B. Submit shop drawing product data for products and equipment listed in each Division 16 Specification Section. Make submittals to Architect via the general contractor. Do not make submittals directly to the Engineer. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Doc uments 15 oCTOBER 2001 HLM 980071-01 16010-2 I I SECTION I6OIO1-} - rl:-, t BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS l. If the shop drawings deviate from the contract documents, advise the consulting Electrical Engineer of the deviations in writing accompanying the shop drawings, including the reason for the deviation. Coordinate all required changes with the other trades affected. If the changes are occasioned by the contractor he/she shall pay any costs involved. 2. Show any changes required in electrical wiring, space allocation, etc. Be responsible to make all changes required to accommodate and to pay for these changes. Coordinate changes required with all other trades. Pay for all changes resulting from re-arranged equipment. Submit test reports as required in each Division l6 Specification Section. Submit certificates of operation as required in each Division l6 Specification Section. Where shop drawing submittals are required, do not begin work until one approved copy is refumed. Review of shop drawings is for general conformance with the design concept of the project and does not relieve this Contractor from the responsibility of furnishing equipment and materials of proper dimension, size, quantity, quality and all performance characteristics to efficiently perform the requirements and intent of the contract documents. Review does not relieve this Contractor from responsibility for errors on the shop drawings. Approval of a specific item does not include approval of the assembly of which the item is a component. PRODUCT ALTERNATES AND SUBSTITUTIONS Alternates: 1. Comply with Division l, individual Division 16 Specification Sections and the followins: 2.Should the Contractor wish to have products considered other than those specified, he/she must submit those items ten days (or as required in Division l) in advance of the bid. Failure to submit within the deadline constitutes a guarantee that the specified products will be supplied. The Engineer will invoice the Contractor, at Senior Engineer hourly rates, to review any product not listed in the specification. Submittal of a bid for this project shall include a written acknowledgment of these terms form the Contractor. Action for substitutions specified herein will be given only after the receipt of complete data showing manufacturer, model #, performance criteri4 physical dimensions and material construction all SPECIFICALLY marked for the individual item. Letter of transmittal with at least (1) copy of all descriptive data VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr actio n Doc uments It ocToBER 2001 D. t.7 I I I I I I I I I F. A. I I I I I T I 3. HLM 980071-01 16010-3 T ISECTION T6OIO U. F. BASIC ELECTMCAL REQAIREMENTS shall be submitted to the Consulting Electrical Engineer's office. Data may not be retumed; reference addenda for approval to bid. Substitutions l. Comply with Division l, individual Division 16 Specification Sections and the following: 2. Voluntary product substitutions from the contractor will not be considered without prior approval to submit from the Engineer. The Engineer will invoice the Contractor, at a Senior Engineer hourly rate, to review any product not listed in the specification. Contractor will be required to submit the total savings (anticipated savings minus the review fee) to the Engineer. QUALITY ASSTJRANCE Preparation Base final installation of materials and equipment on actual dimensions and conditions at the project site. Field measure for materials or equipment requiring exact fit. Workmanship Perform work in accordance with good commercial practice. The good appearance of the finished work shall be of equal importance with its electrical operation. The Architect/Engineer may reject work if workmanship and appearance are not satisfactory. Supervision Be responsible for and coordinate the work of all subcontractors working under Division r6. Installation Procedures Confer and cooperate with other trades and coordinate the work in proper relation with theirs. Coordinate ceiling cavity space carefully with other trades. Materials All electrical materials shall be new (unless noted otherwise), and acceptable for installation only if labeled or listed as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by UL or by a recognized testing laboratory where standards have been established and acceptable to the Authority having Jurisdiction. Labeled or listed equipment shall be installed in accordance with any instructions or labeling provided with the equipment. Properly locate anchors, chases, recesses and openings required for the proper installation of the work. Arrange with the proper contractors for the building of anchors, etc. and for the leaving of the required chases, recesses and openings. Install equipment and materials in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations unless specifically indicated otherwise, or where local codes or regulations take precedence. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001 B. I I I I I T I I 1.8 A. B. I t T I T I I t t D. E. G. HLM 9E0071-04 r6010-4 I r SECTION I6OTO BASIC ELECTNCAL REQUIREMENTS -l I H. Conduit and Wire: Comply with individual Division l6 Specification Sections. r I. Protection Where there are existing facilities, be responsible for the protection thereof, whether or not I such facility is to be removed or relocated. Moving or removing any facility must be done so as not to cause intemrption of the work or Owner's operation. I r.9 DELrvERy, sroRAGE AND r{ANDLINcr A. Comply with Division l and individual Division 16 Specification Sections. I B. Provide for proper storage of all materials and equipment and assume responsibility fbrI losses due to any cause. All storage shall be within the contract limit lines of the buildingI ;ffifr;ii:;l:ffi:"tllnii"ff3;L':i:ffi*:i"J,T:?il:ffiffffi;";,:":":: r weather damaged item will not be permitted to be used. Make arrangements with other contractors on the job for introduction into the building of equipment too large to pass I through finished openings. C. Acceptance L * Check and sign for materials to be furnished by others for installation under Division 16r 'rl ;1:"J,|;'::l';,ffiffiTgi;:1fij::..e storase and sarekeeping or such materiars I r.l0 cooRDrNATIoN A. Examination of Premises: Visit the premises before submitting bid as no extras will be allowed for lack of knowledge of existing conditions. B. Inspection: Insect work preceding or interfacing with work of Division 16 Sections and report any known or observed defects that affect the work to the General Contractor. Do not proceed with work until defects are corrected. C. Coordinate electrical service connections to components furnished by utility companies. L Make anangements with Utility Companies to obtain permanent services to the project. 2. Utility intemuptions: Coordinate electrical utility intenuptions with the owner and the Utility Company. Plan work so that duration of the intemrption is kept ro a minimum. 3. Coordinate installation and connection of exterior underground and/or overhead utilities and services, including provisions for electrical-metering components. 4. Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction and of utility company providing electrical power and other services. I I t I I I I "' HLM s,ooTr-.4 I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001 16010-5 SECTION I60lO I I I I I t I I I I I D. E. F. G. H. I I I I I I I 2. J. BASIC E LECTMCAL REOUIRBMENTS Existing Utilities: The plans indicate the location, type and sizes of various utilities within the site where known. These utilities are indicated as accurately as possible. Ifutilities are encountered during construction which are not shown on the drawings, ask for instructions from the Architect. Any relocation of remodeling required will then be directed. Assume all responsibility for protection of all utilities, shown or not, and repair any damage caused by this construction at no extra charge to the Owner. l. Owners of all underground facilities shall be notified at least three business days prior to excavation so that the owners can locate and mark underground facilities. Coordinate chases, slots, inserts, sleeves, and openings with general construction work and arrange in building structure during progress of construction to facilitate the electrical installations that follow. L Set inserts and sleeves in poured-in-place concrete, masonry work, and other strucfural components as they are constructed. Sequence, coordinate and integrate installing electrical materials and equipment for efficient flow of the Work. Coordinate installing large equipment requiring positioning before closing in the building. Coordinate location of access panels and doors for electrical items that are concealed by finished surfaces. Access doors and panels are specified in Division 8 Section "Access Doors." Where electrical identification devices are applied to field-tinished surfaces, coordinate installation of identification devices with completion of finished surface. Where electrical identification markings, and devices will be concealed by acoustical ceilings and sirnilar finished, coordinate installation of these items before ceiling installation. Drawings and Spccifi cations L Electrical drawings are diagrammatic and because of the small scale, it is not possible to indicate every required offset, fitting, etc. Drawings are not to be scaled for dimensions. Take all dimensions from Architectural drawings, certified equipment drawings and from the structure itself before fabricating any work. Verif all space requirements, coordinating with other trades, and install the systems in the space provided without extra charges to the Owner. Examine Drawings and Specifications for other parts of the work, and if any discrepancies occur between the plans for the work of this Division and the plans for the work ofothers, report such discrepancies to the Architect and obtain written instructions for any changes necessary. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Docaments 15 OCTOBER 2OOI t HLM 980071-01 16010-6 K. B. l.ll t.t2 I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I te SECTION I60]O 3. 5. PART2 _ PRODUCTS Not Applicable PART3 - EXECUTION HLM 980071-01 B. BASIC ELECTMCAL REQUIREMENTS Coordination Drawings: Provide reflected ceiling plans and sections drawn to scale and coordinating fixture installation with ceiling grid, ceiling-mounted items, and other components in the vicinity. Include work of all trades that is to be installed near lighting equipment. WARRANTIES All materials and equipment shall be new unless otherwise specified. Provide a written warranty to the Owner covering the entire electrical work to be free from defective materials, equipment and workmanship for a period of one year after Date of Acceptance. During this period provide labor and materials as required to repair or replace defects at no additional cost to the Owner. Provide certificates (include in O & M Manuals) for such materials or equipment which have warranties in excess of one year. Include dates of start and end of the warranty and manufacture/s representative name and telephone number. CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS General: Comply with Division 1. Temporary Lighting and Power l. Provide all temporary facilities required to supply construction power and light. Install and maintain facilities in a manner that will protect the public and workmen. Comply with all applicable laws and regulations. I I'" Provide covered walkway lights and obstruction lights which shall be kept burning continuously between sunset and sunrise where required. Upon completior.r of the work, remove all temporary facilities from the site. The Contractor shall pay for all power and light where construction power is separately metered, or is taken from permanent project metered service solely for construction use. The cutoff date for power cost allocation where permanent meters are used shalt be either the agreed date of occupancy by the Owner or the date of the final acceptance ofthe project whichever shall be the earlier date. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstr uction Documents I5 oCTOBER 200tI 16010-7 T SECTION I6OIO BASIC ELECTMCAL REQUIREMENTS I I I I I I I I I I A. B. C. D. E. F. 3.1 I I I I I I I H, INSTALLATION Headroom Maintenance: [f mounting heights or other location criteria are not indicated, arrange and install components and equipment to provide the maximum possible headroom. Materials and Components: Install level, plumb, and parallel and perpendicular to other building systems and components, unless otherwise indicated. Equipment: lnstall to facilitate service, maintenance, and repair or replacements of components. Connect for ease of disconnection, with minimum interference with other installations. Right of Way: Give to raceways and piping systems installed at a required slope. Firestopping: Apply firestopping to cable and raceway penetrations of fire-rated floor and wall assemblies to achieve fire-resistance rating of the assembly. Firestopping materials and installation requirements are specified in Division 7 Section "Firestopping." Electrical Provisions for Roofs l. Raceways penetrating roofs shall be installed in a manner to preserve the integrity of the roof and not void warranty. Provide flashing and counter flashing for all roofpenehations required for the work. 2. All conduits routed above roofs shall be installed a minimum of twelve inches above the finished roof surface, supported on metal stands installed with flashing and counter flashing, with a maximum spacing of ten feet. Trenching and Backfilling: Dig trenches to the depth required or specified. Concrete or sand encased conduits or cables as specified or shown. Backfill with earth in six inch layers. Thoroughly tamp each layer and compact to 95 percent density in accordance with Architectural specifications. Remove all rocks, stones, etc., lrom bottom of trench from backfill material and exercise necessary precautions so as to avoid damage to conduit and/or cable runs. Restore subsurface and surface to original condition where trenching is done in specially treated areas, such as paving, concrete, asphalt, etc. Repair and restore trenches and surface where settlement occurs for a period of one year from date of acceptance of work by Owner. Provide safety barriers in existing areas during all times that trench is open and whenever it will cause a hazard to drivers or pedestrians. Refer to Division 2 for additional requirements. Concrete Bases: Construct concrete bases of dimensions indicated, but not less than 3 /," inches (100 mm) larger, in both directions, than supported unit. Follow supported equipment manufacturer's anchorage recommendations and setting templates for anchor- bolt and tie locations, unless otherwise indicated. Concrete requirements are specified in Division 3 Section "Cast-in-Place Concrete." I. Cutting and Patching VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constructio n Doc uments I5 OCTOBER 2OOI G.I HLM 980071-04 16010-8 I I t I I SECTION I6010 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQAIREMENTS Cut, channel, chase, and drill floors, walls, partitions, ceilings, and other surfaces required to permit electrical installations. Perform cutting by skilled mechanics of trades involved. Repair and refinish disturbed finish materials and other surfaces to match adjacent undisturbed surfaces. Install new fireproofing where existing fiestopping has been disturbed. Repair and refinish materials and other surfaces by skilled mechanics of trades involved. Refinishing and Touchup Paint: Paint materials and application requirements are specified in Division 9 Section Paintine." 2. J.I I I I I':l'i I I I I L 2. J. 4. Clean damaged and disturbed areas and apply primer, intermediate, and finish coats to suit the degree of damage at each location. Follow Paint manufacturer's written instructions for surface preparation and for timing and application of successive coats. Repair damage to galvanized finishes with zinc-rich paint recommended by manufacfurer. Repair damage to PVC or paint finished with matching touchup coating recommended by m anufacfurer. I I t I '*'' Clean ing and Protection l. Comply with Division Specification Section. I and individual requirements of each Divison 16 2. On completion of installation, including outlets, fittings and devices, inspect exposed finish. Remove burrs, dirt, paint spots and construction debris.3. Protect equipment and installations and maintain conditions to ensure that coatings, finished, and cabinets are without damage or deterioration at time of Substantial Comoletion. 3.2 FINAL OBSERVATION A. Comply with Division I and individual Division 15 Specification Sections. B. Prior to noti$ring the Architect that the project is ready lor the final observation the Contractor must submit the O & M manuals I 5 days or as required in Division l, prior and shall veriff, in writing, that: L All systems are complete. 2. All systems have been properly started and are operational. C. When the Contractor notifies the Architect/Engineer that the project is ready for a final observation, the Architect/Engineer will visit the job site and will prepare a final punch list of all the items on the project that shall be finished or corrected before the project can be accepted. D. When the Contractor notifies the Architect/Engineer that all items on the above punch list have been completed and corrected, the Architect/Engineer will visit the project to ascertain that all the items on the punch list have been corrected and can be accepted. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Conslruction Documents 15 OCTOBER200tI HLM 980071-01 I60IG9 SECTION I60IO BAS IC EL E CTRICAL RE O UI REMENTS Architect/Engineer shall be paid out of project contingency fee for all other successive trips to the project that are made necessary because not all the items in the punch list were corrected at the time ofthe second visit described above. The fuchitect/Engineer will charge the trips according to his current fee, including transportation and subsistence. PROJECTRECORD DRAWING Comply with Division l and individual Division l6 Specification Sections. File at job site one copy of Drawings, Specifications, Addenda, approved shop drawings, change orders, field orders, test records, other modifications to Contract Documents. Fire alarm/detection, nurse call system, other special system shop drawings shall be in the same drawing size and format, and the same type of medium as the construction document. Do not use Project Record Documents for construction purposes. Legibly mark with red pencil field changes, such as the following, referenced to permanent and accessible features of the site or building as applicable. Do not permanently conceal any work until required information is recorded. I . Drawings: a. Locations of underground work. b. Locations of concealed utilities. c. Field changes of dimension and detail. d. Changes resulting from change order or field order. e. Details not on original drawings. f. Approved (should be inclusive of all variations of drawings) circuiting changes, or routing changes. g. Manufacturer, model number of equipment actually installed. 2. Shop Drawings Changes made after Architect/Engineer's approval. At completion of Work, deliver completed Project Record Documents marked with field changes to Architect/Engineer, including any special system (fire alarm, nurse call, etc.) "as-built" shop drawings. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA Comply with Division I and individual Division l6 Specification Sections. Submit number as required by Division l, typed and hard bound copies of Operating and VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construclion Documents ts ocToBER 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I :.-:i, ... ..:i,.r E. F. J.J A. B. c. D. i .:,;j I I I I I I I J.+ F. A. B. HLM 980071-04 16010-10 I I I. ''li '''... :l 2. J. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I SECTION T6OTO BAS IC ELE CTN CAL RE QU I REM ENTS Maintenance Manuals to Architect for approval prior to scheduling any system demonstration for the Owner. Books shall be ananged in sequence to match the specifi cation sections. C. The books shall contain, but not be limited to, the following generai items; each item shall be provided with a separate index tab. L Instructions on who to call for service during guarantee period including name, address, and 24 hour telephone number of company responsible for servicing each piece of equipment or system. 4. HLM 98007r-01 Maintenance instructions shall include: (can be referenced to manufacturer's manual with appropriate page numbers, etc.) a. Preventative maintenance schedule for necessary cleaning, lug tightening, system tests, periodic operation ofemergency power systems, etc. Manufacturer's manuals (current originals, copies are not acceptable) for each piece of equipment installed. Manuals shall include the following, as applicable:a. Description of unit and component parts: (l) Function, normal operating characteristics and limiting conditions.(2) Complete nomenclature and commercial part number of replaceable parts. (3) Installationinstructionsheets. (4) Complete wiring diagrams. b. Recommended procedures: (l) Start-up, break-in, routine lubrication (ifapplicable) and operating instructions and cautions.(2) Regulation, control, starVstop, shut-down and emergency instructions. (3) Special summer and winter operating cautions. c. Maintenance: (l) Routine care. (2) Guide to trouble shooting.(3) Disassembly, repair and reassembly.(4) List ofrequired lubricants and schedule (ifapplicable). (5) Parts list, illustrations, assembly drawings and diagrams required for maintenance. (6) Predicted life ofparts subject to wear. All wananties provided by the Manufacturer on their equipment that run longer than the one year warranty by the Contractor. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr action Doc uments I5 OCTOBER 2OO1 16010-11 SECTION I6010 BASIC ELECTRICAL RE O U I RE ME NTS 5. All test reports. 6. All Certificates of Operation. These O & M books shall be considered a part of the final observation and shall be submitted for approval at least fifteen days prior to a request for a final observation. DEMONSTRATIONS Comply with Division I and individual Division l6 Specification Sections. Conduct demonstrations only after systems have been through start-up procedures, systems are complete and operating, and operating and maintenance data is complete. Instruct the Owner's representatives on the proper operation and maintenance of the elechical systems. Contractor's Representatives: l. Contracto/s representatives shall have a thorough knowledge of the particular installation. 2. Manufacturer's representatives shall have a thorough understanding of each particular piece of equipment. E. Scheduling: Arrange and schedule demonstration times with Architect. F. Location: Conduct demonstrations at project including tours of systems. G. Operating and Maintenance Data: Arrange for data to be at demonstrations. Include review of data at demonstrations. H. Time Allotment: Provide demonstrations of adequate time periods, except as noted elsewhere, to ensure proper understanding of systems by Owner's representative. l. Fumish ladders, tools, etc. as required to provide access to all equipment and controls for demonstrations. CONTRACT CLOSEOUT PROCEDURE A. Comply with Division I and individual Division l6 Specification Sections. B. Approval for final payment will not be given until all contract closeout procedures cornply with Division I Requirements. END OF SECTION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Documents 1S OCTOBER200l D. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I 3.5 A. B. c. D. 3.6 HLM 980071-01 16010-r2 I I I I SECTION 16060 GROANDINGAND BONDING sEcnoN 16060 GROT]NDING AND BONDING PART I - GENERAL I.I RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes grounding of electrical systems and equipment. Grounding requirements specified in this Section may be supplemented by special requirements of systems described in other Sections. B. Related Sections may include but are not limited to the following:I. Division 2 Section "Underground Ducts and Utility Structures."2. Division 16 Section "Lightning Protection." I.3 SUBMITTALS A. Field Test Reports: Submit written test reports to include the following:l. Test procedures used. 2. Test results that comply with requirements.3. Results of failed tests and corrective action taken to achieve test results that comply with requirements. 1.4 QUALITY ASSLJRANCEA. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by UL or by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use.l. Comply withl-I|- 467. B. Comply with NFPA 70. C. Comply with NFPA 780 and UL 96 when svstem. interconnecting with lightning protection PART 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: l. Grounding Conductors, Cables, Connectors, and Rods:a. Apache Grounding/Erico Inc. b. Boggs, Inc. c. Chance/Hubbell. d. Dossert Corp. e. Erico Inc.; Electrical Products Group.f. FramatomeConnectors/BurndyElectrical. g. Galvan Industries, Inc. h. HargerLightningProtection,Inc. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Doc umenls rs ocToBER 2001 I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I HLM 980071-01 16060-r i,fb SECTION ]6060 GROUNDINGAND BONDING Heary Brothers Lightning Protection Co. Ideal Industries, Inc. ILSCO. Keamey/Cooper Power Systems. . Korns: C. C. Korns Co.; Division of Robroy Industries. Lightning Master Corp. Lyncole XIT Grounding. O-ZlGedney Co.; a business of the EGS Electrical Group. Raco, Inc.; Division of Hubbell. Robbins Lightning, Inc. Salisbury: W. H. Salisbury & Co. Superior Grounding Systems, Inc. Thomas & Betts, Electrical. GROI.INDING CONDUCTORS For insulated conductors, comply with Division l6 Section "Conductors and Cables." Material: Copper and if noted on the drawings Aluminum. Equipment Grounding Conductors: Insulated with green-colored insulation. Isolated Ground Conductors: Insulated with green-colored insulation with yellow stripe. On feeders with isolated ground, use colored tape, alternating bands of green and yellow tape to provide a minimum of three bands of green and two bands of yellow. Grounding Electrode Conductors: Stranded cable. Underground Conductors: Bare, tinned, stranded, unless otherwise indicated. Bare Copper Conductors: Comply with the following: l. Solid Conductors: ASTM B 3. 2. Assembly of Shanded Conductors: ASTM B 8. 3. Tinned Conductors: ASTM B 33. Copper Bonding Conductors: As follows: Bonding Cable: 28 kcmil, 14 strands of No. l7 AWG copper conductor, 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) in diameter. Bonding Conductor: No. 4 or No. 6 AWG, stranded copper conductor. Bonding Jumper: Bare copper tape, braided bare copper conductors, terminated with copper femrles; l-5/8 inches (42 mm) wide and 1/16 inch (1.5 mm) thick. Tinned Bonding Jumper: Tinned-copper tape, braided copper conductors, terminated with copper femrles; l-5/8 inches (42 mm) wide and 1/16 inch (1.5 mm) thick. Aluminum Bonding Conductors if required: As follows: Bonding Cable: l0 strands of No. l4 AWG aluminum conductor, 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) in diameter. Bonding Conductor: No. 4 or No. 6 AWG, stranded aluminum conductor. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents r5 ocroBER 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.2 A, B. c. D. E. F. G. H. t. 2. 3. 4. l. 2. HLM 9EOO7I-04 16060-2 I sEcrroN 16060 I GROANDING AND BONDING I 3. Bonding Jumper: Aluminum tape, braided bare aluminum conductors, - i-+ terminated with aluminum femrles; l-5l8 inches (42 mm) wide and l/16 inchI '^*: - (1.5 mm) thick.I J.Grounding Bus: Bare, annealed copper bars of rectangular cross section, with insulators. I 2.3 CONNECTOR PRODUCTS A. Comply with IEEE 837 and UL 467; listed for use for specific types, sizes, and combinations of conductors and connected items. I B. Bolted Connectors: Bolted-pressure-type connectors, or compression type. I 2.4 MADE GROUNDTNG ELECTRODES A. Ground Rods: Copper-clad steel, 3/4-inch diameter, minimum l0-feet long, Ir PART3-EXEcurtoN I 3.r APPLTcATToN - A. Use only copper conductors for both insulated and bare grounding conductors in direct ls contact with earth, concrete, masonry, crushed stone, and similar materials. B. In raceways, use insulated equipment grounding conductors. C. Equipment Grounding Conductor Terminations: Use bolted pressure clamps. I 3.1 EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTORSI A 3f,fJ,ll"J'$.T#'f,13;*f:::fffil$l:ffi?,ift.1$,"1i,'.lflill:,:::1i'i:',.:: than required by NFPA 70 are indicated. ' B. Install equipment grounding conductors in all feeders and circuits. I C. Isolated Grounding Receptacle Circuits: Isolate grounding conductor from raceway andI from panelboard grounding terminals. Terminate at equipment grounding conductor terminal ofthe applicable derived system or service, unless otherwise indicated. D. Isolated Equipment Enclosure Circuits: For designated equipment supplied by a branch circuit or feeder, isolate equipment enclosure from supply raceway with a nonmetallic raceway fitting listed for the purpose. Install fitting where raceway enters enclosure, and install a separate equipment grounding conductor. Isolate equipment grounding conductor from raceway and from panelboard grounding terminals. Terminate at equipment grounding conductor terminal of the applicable derived system or service, unless otherwise indicated. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 16060-3 Co nstr uction Documents 15 OCTOBER 2OOI I I I I L.. iI ':: . "r HLM98007r-04 I SECTION I6060 I I I I I I I I I I E. F. G. H. A. J.J I I I T I I I I B. c. GROUNDINGAND BONDING Separately Derived Systems: Provide grounding and bonding to comply with NEC, Section 250 requirements for separately derived systems Nonmetallic Raceways: Install an equipment grounding conductor in nonmetallic raceways unless they are designated for telephone or data cables. Signal and Communication Systems: For telephone, alarm, voice and data, and other communication systems, provide No. 4 AWG minimum insulated grounding conductor in raceway from grounding electrode system to each service location, terminal cabinet, wiring closet, and central equipment location. l. Service and Central Equipment Locations and Wiring Closets: Terminate grounding conductor on a l/4-by-2-by-12-inch (6.4-by-50-by-300-mm) grounding bus. 2. Terminal Cabinets: Terminate grounding conductor on cabinet grounding terminal. Common Ground Bonding with Lightning Protection System: Bond electrical power system ground directly to lightning protection system grounding conductor at closest point to electrical service grounding electrode. Use bonding conductor sized same as system grounding electrode conductor, and install in conduit. INSTALLATION Ground Rods: Install at least one rod. If more than one rod is required space rods at least one-rod length from each other and locate at least the same distance from other grounding electrodes. l. Drive ground rods until tops are 2 inches (50 mm) below finished floor or final grade, unless otherwise indicated. I2. Interconnect ground rods with grounding electrode conductors. Make I connections without exposing steel or damaging copper coating. Grounding Conductors: Route along shortest and straightest paths possible, unless otherwise indicated. Avoid obstructing access or placing conductors where they may be subjected to strain, impact, or damage. Bonding Straps and Jumpers: Install so vibration by equipment mounted on vibration isolation hangers and supports is not transmitted to rigidly mounted equipment. Use exothermic-welded connectors for outdoor locations, unless a disconnect-type connection is required; then, use a bolted clamp. Bond straps directly to the basic structure taking care not to penetrate any adjacent parts. Install straps only in locations accessible for maintenance. D. Metal Water Service Pipe: Provide insulated copper grounding conductors, in conduit, from building's main service equipment, or grounding bus, to main metal water service entrances to building. Connect grounding conductors to main metal water service pipes by grounding clamp connectors. Where a dielectric main water fitting is installed, connect grounding conductor to street side of fitting. Bond metal grounding conductor conduit or sleeve to conductor at each end. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments 15 oCTOBER 2001 'ri-.t HLM 9EOO7I-04 r60604 I I I I I I I I I SECTION 16060 c. E. E. F. G. GROANDINGAND BONDING Water Meter Piping: Use braided-type bonding jumpers to electrically bypass water meters. Connect to pipe with grounding clamp connectors. Bond each aboveground portion of gas piping system upstream from equipment shutoff valve. If required by the Utility Company providing service to the project, provide grounding and bonding at the utility transformer and metering equipment per the Utility Companies requirements and standards. CONNECTIONS General: Make connections so galvanic action or electrolysis possibility is minimized. Select connectors, connection hardware, conductors, and connection methods so metals in direct contact will be galvanically compatible.L Use electroplated or hot-tin-coated materials to ensure high conductivity and to make contact points closer to order of galvanic series.2. Make connections with clean, bare metal at points of contact.3. Make aluminum-to-steel connections with stainless-steel separators and mechanical clamps. 4. Make aluminum-to-galvanized steel connections with tin-plated copper jumpers and mechanical clamps.5. Coat and seal connections having dissimilar metals with inert material to prevent future penetration of moisture to contact surfaces. Equipment Grounding Conductor Terminations: For No. 8 AWG and larger, use pressur€-type grounding lugs. No. l0 AWG and smaller grounding conductors may be terminated with winged pressure-type connectors. Noncontact Metal Raceway Terminations: If metallic raceways terminate at metal housings without mechanical and electrical connection to housing, terminate each conduit with a grounding bushing. Connect grounding bushings with a bare grounding conductor to grounding bus or terminal in housing. Bond electrically noncontinuous conduits at entrances and exits with grounding bushings and bare grounding conductors, unless otherwise indicated. Tighten screws and bolts for grounding and bonding connectors and terminals according to manufacfurer's published torque-tightening values. If manufactureCs torque values are not indicated, use those specified in UL 486A for copper and UL 4868 for alumimum. 3.4 I I I B.|.), I I T I I t F. Compression-Type Connections: Use hydraulic compression tools to provide correct circumferential pressure for compression connectors. Use tools and dies recommended by connector manufacturer. Provide embossing die code or other standard method to make a visible indication that a connector has been adequately compressed on grounding conductor. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Doc uments T5 OCTOBER 2OO1 HLM 980071-04 16060-5 SECTION 16060 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a. b. c. d. e. 2. 3. 4. G. A, 3.5 GROUNDINGAND BONDING Moisture Protection: If insulated grounding conductors are connected to ground rods or grounding buses, insulate entire area of connection and seal against moisture penetration of insulation and cable. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Testing: Perform the following field quality-control testing: l. After installing grounding system but before permanent electrical circuitry has been energized, test for compliance with requirements. Test completed grounding system at each location where a maximum ground- resistance level is specified, at service disconnect enclosure grounding terminal, and at ground test wells. Measure ground resistance not less than two full days after the last trace of precipitation, and without the soil being moistened by any means other than natural drainage or seepage and without chemical treatment or other artificial means of reducing natural ground resistance. Perform tests, by the fall-of-potential method according to IEEE 81. Provide drawings locating each ground rod and ground rod assembly and other grounding electrodes, identifu each by letter in alphabetical order, and key to the record of tests and observations. Include the number of rods driven and their depth at each location and include observations of weather and other phenomena that may affect test results. Describe measures taken to improve test results. Equipment Rated 500 kVA and Less: l0 ohms. Equipment Rated 500 to 1000 kVA: 5 ohms. Equipment Rated More Than 1000 kVA: 3 ohms. Substations and Pad-Mounted Switching Equipment: 5 ohms. Manhole Grounds: l0 ohms. Excessive Ground Resistance: If resistance to ground exceeds specified values, notifu Architect promptly and include recommendations to reduce ground resistance. END OF SECTION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments 15 oCTOBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 16060-6 I I I SECTION 16070 HANGERS AND SAPPORTS SECTION I6070 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS PART I _GENERAL I.I RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division l Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: l. Conduit and Equipment Supports.2. Anchors and Fasteners. 1.3 QUALTTY ASSURANCE A. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA70, Article 100, by UL or by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. B. Comply with NFPA 70. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTTJRERS A. Thomas & Betts Corporation. B. THREADCO. C. Threaded Rod Company. D. Uni-Stmt 2.2 SUPPORTING DEVICES Material: Cold-formed steel, with corrosion-resistant coating acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and of type adequate to carry the loads of equipment, raceways and cables, including weight of wire in raceway. Metal Items for Use Outdoors or in Damp Locations: Hofdip galvanized steel. Slotted-Steel Channel Supports: Flange edges turned toward web, and 9/16-inch- (14- mm-) diameter slotted holes at a maximum of 2 inches (50 mm) o.c., in webs.L Channel Thickness: Selected to suit structural loading.2. Fiuings and Accessories: Products of the same manufacturer as channel supports. VA IL VALLE Y MEDI CAL CE NTE R Constr uction Doc uments Is ocToBER 2001 B. c. I I t t T I I I I I I t I I I I ELM 980071-01 16070-I SECTION 16070 PART3 - EXECUTION J.l E. HANGERS AND SUPPORTS Raceway and Cable Supports: Manufactured clevis hangers, riser clamps, straps, threaded C-clamps with retainers, ceiling trapeze hangers, wall brackets, and spring-steel clamps or click-type hangers. Pipe Sleeves: ASTM A 53, Type E, Grade A, Schedule40, galvanized steel, plain ends. Cable Supports for Vertical Conduit: Factory-fabricated assembly consisting of threaded body and insulating wedging plug for nonarmored electrical cables in riser conduits. Plugs have number and size of conductor gripping holes as required to suit individual risers. Body constructed of malleable-iron casting with hot-dip galvanized finish Expansion Anchors: Carbon-steel wedge or sleeve rype. Toggle Bolts: All-steel springhead type. Powder-Driven Threaded Studs: Heat-treated steel and only where approved by the Architect. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I F. G. I. J. 1 A. B. c. D. E. A. 3.2 ELECTRICAL SUPPORTING DEVICE APPLICATION Damp Locations and Outdoors: Hot-dip galvanized materials or nonmetallic, U-channel system components. Dry Locations: Steel materials. Support Clamps for PVC Raceways: Click-type clamp system. Selection of Supports: Ct-rmply with manufacturer's w^ itten instructions. Strength of Supports: Adequate to carry present and future loads, times a safety factor of at least four; minimum of 200-lb (90-kg) design load. SUPPORT INSTALLATION Locate and install anchors, fasteners, and supports in accordance with NECA "Standard of Installation." l. Do not fasten supports to pipes, ducts, mechanical equipment, of conduit. 2. Do not drill or cut structural members. 3. Obtain permission form Architect before drilling or cutting structural members. Install support devices to securely and permanently fasten and support electrical components. Rigidly weld support members or use hexagon-head bolts to present neat appearance with adequate strength and rigidity. Use spring lock washers under all nuts. Install surface-mounted cabinets and panelboards with minimum of four anchors. In wet and damp locations use steel channel supports to stand cabinets and panelboards 1 inch (25 mm) off wall. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construclion Documents I5 OCTOBER 2OOI B. C. D. E. I I HLM 980071-04 16070-2 T I l# I t I I I I SECTION I6070 F. G. HANGERS AND SAPPORTS Use sheet metal channel to bridge studs above and below cabinets and panelboards recessed in hollow partitions. Install individual and multiple raceway hangers and riser clamps to support raceways. Provide U-bolts, clamps, attachments, and other hardware necessary for hanger assemblies and for securing hanger rods and conduits. support parallel runs of horizontal raceways together on trapeze- or bracket-type hangers. Size supports for multiple raceway installations so capacity can be increased by a 25 percent minimum in the future. Support individual horizontal raceways with separate, malleable-iron pipe hangers or clamps. Install l/4-inch- (6-mm-) diameter or larger threaded steel hanger rods, unless otherwise indicated. Spring-steel fasteners specifically designed for supporting single conduits or tubing may be used instead of malleable-iron hangers for l-ll2-inch (38-mm) and smaller raceways serving lighting and receptacle branch circuits above suspended ceilings and for fastening raceways to slotted channel and angle supports. Arrange supports in vertical runs so the weight of raceways and enclosed conductors is carried entirely by raceway supports, with no weight load on raceway terminals. Simultaneously install vertical conductor supports with conductors. Separately support cast boxes that are threaded to raceways and used for fixfure support. Support sheet-metal boxes directly from the building structure or by bar hangers. If bar hangers are used, attach bar to raceways on opposite sides of the box and support the raceway with an approved fastener not more than 24 inches (610 mm) from the box. Install metal channel racks for mounting cabinets, panelboards, disconnect switches, control enclosures, pull and junction boxes, transformers, and other devices unless components are mounted directly to strucfural elements of adequate strength. Securely fasten electrical items and their supports to the building structure, unless otherwise indicated. Perform fastening according to the following unless other fastening methods are indicated: l. Wood: Fasten with wood screws or screw-type nails.2. Masonry: Toggle bolts on hollow masonry units and expansion bolts on solid masonry unlts. New Concrete: Concrete inserts with machine screws and bolts. Existing Concrete: Expansion bolts. Where approved by Architect, threaded studs driven by a powder charge and provided with lock washers may be used in existing concrete. Steel: Welded threaded studs or spring-tension clamps on steel. Field Welding: Comply with AWS D1.1. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstr uction Doc uments ts ocToBER 2001 J. K. L. N. o. P. a. I I I T I I I J. 4. 5. 6. 7.I t- I HLM 980071-04 16070-3 SECTION 16070 HANGERS AND SAPPONTS Welding to steel structure may be used only for threaded studs, not for conduits, pipe straps, or other items. Light Steel: Sheet-metal screws. Fasteners: Select so the load applied to each fastener does not exceed 25 percent of its proof-test load. t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I 8. 9. 10. 3.3 FIELD QUALIry CONTROLA. lnspect installed components for damage and faulty work, including the following:l. Supporting devices for electrical components. END OF SECTION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co ns tr uct io n Doc ume nts I5 OCTOBER 2OOI HLM 980071-04 16070-1 I sEcrroN r6o7s I ,$ I PARr r-.ENEML EL ECTRICAL I D ENTI FICATION sEcTtoN 16075 ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION I I I t I I l.l RELATEDDOCUMENTS I A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I 1,2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes electrical identification materials and devices required to comply with ANSI C2, NFPA 70, OSFIA standards, and authorities having jurisdiction. I I.3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each electrical identification product indicated.II 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE I 't* A. Comply with ANSI C2. B. Comply with NFPA 70. C. Comply with ANSI A13.1 and NFPA 70 for color-coding. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 RACEWAY AND CABLE LABELSA. Comply with ANSI A 13. l , Table 3, for minimum size of letters for lesend and for minimum length of color field for each raceway and cable size. I . Color: Black letters on orange field.2. Legend: Indicates voltage and if applicable service. B. Underground-Line Warning Tape: Permanent, bright-colored, continuous-printed, vinyl tape. l. Not less than 6 inches wide by 4 mits thick (152 mm wide by 0.102 mm thick).2. Compounded for permanent direct-burial service.3. Embedded continuous metallic strip or core.4. Printed legend indicating type of underground line. I 2.2 NAME'T-ArES AND srcNs A. Safety Signs: Comply with 29 CFR, Chapter XVII, Part 1910.145. B. Engraved Plastic Nameplates and Signs: Engraving stock, melamine plastic laminate, minimum l/8 inch (3.2 mm) thick for signs up to 20 sq. in. (129 sq. cm) and l/4 inclr (6.4 I :-'"':lll,]j]-;"r:,,,, brack retters on whiterace2. Punched or drilled for mechanical fasteners. r C. Exterior, Metal-Backed, Butyrate Signs: Weather-resistant, nonfading, preprinted,. cellulose-acetate butyrate signs with 0.0396-inch ( I mm) galvanized-steel backing; andf"JI HLM 98OO7T-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 16075-1 Construction Documents t5 0cToBER 2001 I I SECTION 16075 E LECTMCAL I D ENTI FICATION PART 3 3.1 with colors, legend, and size required for the application. l/4-inch (6.4 mm) grommets in corners for mounting. D. Fasteners for Nameplates and Signs: Self-tapping, stainless-steel screws or No. 10/32, stainless-steel machine screws with nuts and flat and lock washers. MISCELLANEOUS IDENTIFICATION PRODUCTS A. Self-Adhesive Tape: Electronic Label Maker, imprinted, Pressure-sensitive, abrasion- resistant plastic tape. . EXECUTION INSTALLATION A. Provide identifring red color for all boxes, enclosures, cabinets, equipment, etc. associated with Emergency Systems as required by NFPA 70. B. Provide identifoing color as directed by the Owner for all boxes, enclosures, and cabinets associated with special systems such as but not limited to Fire Alarm, Nurse Call, Etc. C. Identification Materials and Devices: Install at locations for most convenient viewins without interference with operation and maintenance of equipment. D. Lettering, Colors, and Graphics: Coordinate names, abbreviations, colors, and other designations with corresponding designations in the Contract Documents or with those required by codes and standards. Use consistent designations throughout Project. E. Sequence of Work: If identification is applied to surfaces that require finish, install identification after completing finish work. Self-Adhesive ldentification Products: CIean surfaces before applying. Circuit ldentification Labels on Boxes: L Exposed Boxes: "Machine printed, pressure-sensitive, self-adhesive, abrasion- resistant plastic label on cover" 2. Concealed Boxes: "Machine printed, pressure-sensitive, self-adhesive, abrasion- resistant plastic label on cover" 3. Labeling Legend: List panel and circuit number or equivalcnt in a legible manner. H. Paths of Underground Electrical Lines: During trench backfilling, for exterior underground power, control, signal, and communication lines, install continuous underground plastic line marker located directly above line at 6 to 8 inches (150 to 200 mm) below finished grade. Where width of multiple lines installed in a common trench or concrete envelope does not exceed 16 inches (400 mm) overall, use a single line VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstr uction Doc aments I5 OCTOBER 2OOI I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I t''..\ii,J F. G. I I HLM 980071-04 16075-2 I t I I I I I t I I i,; I I I I I I I I I SECTION 16075 ELECTRICAL IDENTI FICATION marker. Install line marker for underground wiring, both direct-buried cables and cables in raceway. Color-Coding of Secondary Phase Conductors: Use the following colors for service, feeder and branch-circuit phase conductors:l. 208/120-VConductors: a. Phase A: b. Phase B: c. Phase C: d. Neutral: e. Ground: f. lsolated Ground: 2. 480/277-V Conductors: Phase A: Yellow. Phase B: Brown. Phase C: Orange. Neutral: Grey Ground: Green 3. Wiring for control systems shall be color coded in accordance with wiring diagrams furnished with the equipment. 4. Factory apply color the entire length of conductors, except the following field- applied, color-coding methods may be used instead of factory-coded wire for sizes larger than No. 6 AWG: a. Colored, pressure-sensitive plastic tape in half-lapped turns for a distance of 6 inches (150 mm) from terminal points and in boxes where splices or taps are made. Apply last two tums of tape with no tension to prevent possible unwinding. Use l-inch- (25-mm-) wide tape in colors specified. Adjust tape bands to avoid obscuring cable identification markings. J. Power-Circuit Identification: Metal tags for cables, feeders, and power circuits in vaults, pull and junction boxes, manholes, and switchboard rooms. Legend: l/4-inch- (6.4-mm-) steel letter and number stamping or embossing with legend corresponding to indicated circuit designations. Tag Fasteners: Nylon cable ties. Band Fasteners: Irrtesral ears. K.Apply identification to conductors as follows: Black. Red. Blue. White. Green. Green with Yellow Strips. a. b. d. e. 1. 2. J. Conductors to Be Extended in the Future: Indicate source and circuit numbers. Multiple Power or Lighting Circuits in the Same Enclosure: Identify each conductor with source, voltage, circuit number, and phase. Use color-coding to identify circuits' voltage and phase. Multiple Control and Communication Circuits in the Same Enclosure: Identiff each conductor by its system and circuit designation. Use a consistent system of tags, color-coding, or cable marking tape. L.Apply safety, warning, caution, and instruction signs as follows: L 2. J. 1. HLM 980071-04 Warnings, Cautions, and Instructions: Install to ensure safe operation and maintenance of electrical systems and of items to which they connect. Install VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construclion Documenls I5 OCTOBER 2OO1 1607s-3 n,.,'t\ q;.] SECTION 16075 I I I I I t T I I I t t I T I t I t I M. E LECTR]CAL I D E NTIFICATION engraved plastic-laminated instruction signs with approved legend where instructions are needed for system or equipment operation. Install metal-backed butvrate signs for outdoor items. 2. Emergency Operation: Install engraved laminated signs with white legend on red background with minimum 3/8-inch- (9-mm-) high lettering for emergency instructions on power transfer, load shedding, and other emergency operations. Equipment ldentification Labels: Engraved plastic laminate. Install on each unit of equipment, including central or master unit of each system. This includes power, lighting, communication, signal, and alarm systems, unless units are specified with their own self-explanatory identification. Unless otherwise indicated, provide a single line of text with | /2-inch- (13-mm-) high lettering on l-l12-inch- (38-mm-) high label; where two lines of text are required, use labels 2 inches (50 mm) high. Use white lettering on black field. Apply labels for each unit of the following categories (not all categories may be required on the project) of equipment using mechanical fasteners: l. Panelboards, electrical cabinets, and enclosures. 2. Access doors and panels for concealed electrical items. 3. Electrical switchgear and switchboards. 4. Emergency system boxes and enclosures. 5. Disconnect switches. 6. Enclosed circuit breakers. 7 . Motor starters. 8. Push-button stations. 9. Power transfer equipment. 10. Contactors. I l. Remote-controlled switches. 12. Dimmers. 13. Control devices. 14. Transformers. 15. lnverters. 16. Rectifiers. 17. Battery racks. I8. Power-generatingunits. 19. Telephoneswitchingequipment. 20. TV/aud io-mon itoring master station. 2l . Fire alarm master station or control panel. 22. Security-monitoring master station or control panel. END OF SECTION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents I5 OCTOBER 2OOI HLM 98007r-04 16075-4 I sEcrroNr6oso ELECTRICAL TESTING I SECTION 16080.iI\ ELECTRICAL TESTING l ' '..,-.tj I PART I -GENERAL I l.l RELATED DOCUMENTS I A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I 1.2 SUMMARYr A. This Section includes general requirements for electrical field testing and inspecting. Detailed requirements are specified in each Section containing components that requirer testing. ffffix'##::n::nT"'_"**:ffiilJlT.rsonner.2. Suitability of test equipment. r tr 3::iiilili::TlT,',:'i?#."if ,"stingand inspecting.5. Reporting requirements for testing and inspecting. I 1.3 QUALTTY ASSURANCE A. Testing Agency Qualifications: As specified in each Section containing electrical testing requirements and in subparagraph and associated subparagraph below.r B. Test Equipment Suitability: Comply with NETA ATS, Section 5.2. II t:, \ C. Test Equipment Calibration: Comply with NETA ATS, Section 5.3. - di.1 PART 2 - I NorusED I PART3-EXEcurroNt 3.I GENERAL TESTS AND INSPECTIONS t A. Test and Inspection Reports: In addition to requirements specified elsewhere, report the following: l. Manufacturer's written testing and inspecting instructions.2. Calibration and adjustment seftings of adjustable and interchangeable devices involved in tests. 3. Tabulation of expected measurement results made before measurements.4. Tabulation of "as-found" and "as-Ieft" measurement and observation results. t I t t END OF SECTION 16080 I I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Doc uments T5 OCTOBER 2OOT 16080-1 I I SECTION 16095 DEMOLITION FOR REMODELINGrftr 1*i3P r DrvrsroN 16 SECTION 16095 DEMOLITION FOR REMODELINGI PART l GENERAL I l.l RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I 1.2 SUMMARY r A. This section includes general requirements for electrical demolition. r B. Related Sections may include but are not limited to the following:L Division 2 Section "Demolition." I PART2PRODUCTS I 2.1 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENTI A. Materials and equipment for patching and extending work: As specified in individual sectlons, I W PARr3 EXEcurroN I 3.1 EXAMINATION I A. Verif field measurements and circuiting arrangements are as shown on Drawings. I B. VeriSr that abandoned wiring and equipment serve only abandoned facilities t C. Demolition Drawings are based on cursory field observation. I D. Report discrepancies to Architect before disturbing existing installations.I E. Beginning of demolition means Contractor accepts existing conditions. . 3.2 PREPARATION A. Disconnect electrical systems in walls, floors, and ceilings to be removed. t B. Coordinate utility service outages with appropriate serving utility. I C. Provide temporary wiring and connections to maintain existing systems in service during I construction. When work must be performed on energized equipment or circuits, use personnel experienced in such operations. I D. Existing Elechical Service: Maintain existing system in service until new system is omplete and ready for service. Disable system only to make switchovers and connections. liI HLM 98OO7I-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 16095-1 Constr uctio n Doc uments I5 OCTOBER 2OOII t SECTION 16095 DEMOLITION FORREMODELING I I t I t I t I I I I I I I I I t I A. B. D, F. G. 3.3 E. c. Minimize outage duration. All outages shall be scheduled with the Owner in advance of proposed outage. l . Obtain permission from Owner at least 7 days before partially or completely disabling system. Due to the critical implications of power outages the owner may direct the Contractor as to the time ofday or night and the day any outage may take place. 2. Make temporary connections to maintain service in areas adjacent to work area. Existing Fire Alarm System: Maintain existing system in service until new system is certified as operational. Disable system only to make switchovers and connections. Minimize outage duration. l. Obtain permission from Owner before partially or completely disabling system. Due to the critical implications of outages the owner may direct the Contractor as to the time of day or night and the day any outage may take place. 2. Noti$ local fire service and/or monitoring company. 3. Make notifications at least 24 hours in advance. 4. Make temporary connections to maintain service in areas adjacent to work area. DEMOLITION AND EXTENSION OF EXISTING ELECTR]CAL WORK Protect existing electrical equipment and installations indicated to remain. If damaged or disturbed in the course of the work, remove damaged portions and install new materials and products of equal capacity, quality, and functionality. Accessible Work: Remove exposed electrical equipment and irrstallations, indicated to be demolished, in their entirety. Abandoned Work: Cut and remove buried raceway and rviring, indicated to be abandoned in place, 2-inches (50 mm) below the surface of adjacent construction. Cap raceways and patch surface to match existing finish. Remove, relocate, and extend existing installations to accommodate new construction. Remove abandoned wiring to source of supply. Remove exposed abandoned conduit including abandoned conduit above accessible ceiling finishes. Cut conduit flush with wall and floors and oatch surfaces. Disconnect abandoned outlets and remove devices. Remove abandoned outlets if conduit servicing them is abandoned and removed. Provide blank cover for abandoned outlets which are not removed. Disconnect and remove abandoned panelboards and distribution equipment. Disconnect and remove electrical devices and equipment scrvicing utilization equipment VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstr uction Doc uments I5 OCTOBER 2OO1 HLM 98007r-04 16095-2 I I sEcrroN r6osj l@ I I I I I I l** I I I I J HLMssooTr-,4 I that has been removed. J. Disconnect and remove abandoned luminaires. Remove brackets, stems, hangers, and other accessories. K. Repair adjacent construction and finishes damaged during demolition and extension work. L. Maintain access to existing electrical installations which remain active. Modifr installation or provide access panel as appropriate. M. Extend existing installations using materials and products compatible with existing electrical installations and ofequal capacity, quality and functionality. N. Remove demolished material from Project site. O. Remove, store, reinstall, reconnect, and make operational components indicated for relocation. 3.4 CLEANING AND REPAIR A. Clean and repair existing materials and equipment which remain or are to be reused. B. Existing Panelboards and Switchboards: Clean exposed surfaces and check tightness of electrical connections. Replace damaged circuit breakers and provided closure plates for vacant positions. END OF SECTION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nst r uctio n D oc ume nts I5 OCTOBER 2OO1 DEMOLITION FOR REMODELING I C. Existing Panelboards: Provide typed circuit directories showing revised circuiting I anangements. I D. Luminaires: Remove existing luminaires for cleaning. Use mild detergent to clean allr exterior and interior surfaces, rinse with clean water anJ wipe dry. Replace lamps, ballasts, and broken electrical parts. I 3.5 OWNERSHIP A. AII equipment, fixtures, devices, etc. which are removed shall be presented to the Owner I for disposition. All items which are removed but not wanted by the Owner and which are I not reused become the property ofthe Contractor and shall be removed from the site. r6095-3 I t I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I i,'r\*;, SECTION 16120 CONDACTONS AND CABLES 600 VAND LESS SECTION I6I20 CONDUCTORS AND CABLES 600 V AND LESS PART I - GENERAL I.I RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARYA. This Section includes building wires and cables and associated connectors, splices, and terminations for wiring systems rated 600 V and less. B. Related Sections may include but are not limited to the following.l. Division 16 Section "Grounding and Bonding." 2. Division 16 Section "Cable Trays." I.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by UL or by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. B. Comply with NFPA 70. PART2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. In other Part 2 articles where subparagraph titles below introduce lists, the following requirements apply for product selection: l. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by the manufacturers specifi ed. 2.2 CONDUCTORS AND CABLES A. Manufacturers: l. Alcan Aluminum Corporation; Alcan Cable Div. 2. American Insulated Wire Corp.; a Leviton Company. 3. General Cable Corporation. 4. Senator Wire & Cable Company. 5. Southwire Company. B. Refer to Part 3 "Conductor and Insulation Applications" Article for insulation type, cable construction, and ratings. C. Conductor Material: Copper unless noted otherwise; complying with NEMA WC 5 or NEMA WC 7 as applicable; solid conductor for No. 10 AWG and smaller, stranded for No. 8 AWG and larger. l. Aluminum Conductors: As noted on the drawings (if not noted on the drawings aluminum is not allowed) shall be stranded construction, aluminum Association (fuq; 8030 allov. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Doc ume nls 15 oCTOBER 2001 HLM 9EOO7I.O4 16120-r SECTION 16I20 D. Conductor lnsulation Types: Type THHN-THWN NEMA WC 7 as applicable. CONDACTORSAND CABLES 600 VAND LESS complying with XHHW NEMA WC 5 or I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I t E. Multiconductor Cable: Armored cable, Type AC; Metal-clad cable, Type MC; Nonmetallic- sheathed cable, Type NM; Type SO; and Type USE with ground wire. 2.3 CONNECTORS AND SPLICES A. Manufacturers: l. AFC Cable Systems, Inc. 2. AMP Incorporated/Tyco International. 3. HubbelVAnderson. 4. O-ZlGedney; EGS Electrical Group LLC. 5. 3M Company; Electrical Products Division. Description: Factory-fabricated connectors and splices of size, ampacity rating, material, type, and class for application and service indicated. No. 8 AWG and smaller: Pressure, CU/ALR, splice caps with nylon insulator. No. 6 AWG and larger: Solderless or compression type CU/ALR lugs. Aluminum Conductors (if allowed): 1. Splices and taps shall be make with solderless compression type splice connectors, UL listed for aluminum (CU/ALR). 2. Terminal lugs and connectors shall be aluminum bodied and UL listed CU/ALR. Equipment suppliers shall supply aluminum compatible terminations. Compression connectors shall be used. PART 3 - EXECUTION B. U. D. E. 3.1 CONDUCTOR AND INSULATION APPLICATIONS Service Entrance: Type THHN-THWN or XHHW, single conductors in raceway. Exposed Feeders: Type THHN-THWN or XHHW, single conductors in raceway. Feeders Concealed in Ceilings, Walls, and Partitions: Type THHN-THWN or XHHW, single conductors in raceway. Feeders Concealed in Concrete, below Slabs-on-Grade, and in Crawlspaces: Type THHN- THWN, single conductors in raceway. Exposed Branch Circuits, including in Crawlspaces: THWN Type THHN-, single conductors in raceway. Branch Circuits Concealed in Ceilings, Walls, and Partitions: Type THHN-THWN, single conductors in raceway. Branch Circuits Concealed in Concrete and below Slabs-on-Grade: Type THHN-THWN, single conductors in raceway. H. Cord Drops and Portable Appliance Connections: Type SO, hard service cord. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Documents 15 OCTOBER2OOl A. B, C. D. E. F. G. HLM 980071-04 16120-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I SECTION 16120 CONDACTORS AND CABLES 600 VAND LESS c. Fire Alarm Circuits: Type THHN-THWN, in raceway or Power-limited, fire-protective, signaling circuit cable. Class 1 Control Circuits: Type THHN-THWN, in raceway. Class 2 Control Circuits: Type THHN-THWN, in raceway or Power-limited cable, concealed in building finishes. INSTALLATION Conceal cables in finished walls, ceilings, and floors, unless otherwise indicated. Use minimum No. l2 AWG for power and lighting circuits, minimum No. 14 AWG for control wiring. Use No. 10 AWG conductor for 20 ampere, 120 volt branch circuit homeruns longer than 75 feet, and for 20 ampere, 277 volt branch circuit home runs longer than 175 feet. Neatly train and lace wiring inside boxes, equipment, and panelboards. Make temporary connections to panelboard devices with sufficient slack wire to facilitate reconnections required for balancing loads between phases. Install wire in raceway after interior of building has been physically protected from the weather and all mechanical work likely to injure wiring has been completed.l. Provide protection for exposed cables where subject to damage. F. Where the use of existing wiring is permissible, connect new work to existing in a manner that will ensure continuous wiring from outlet to outlet and that all splices and insulation are in good condition. G. Install cables at least 6 inches ( 150 mm) away from parallel runs of flues and steam or hot-water pipes. Locate horizontal runs above water and steam piping. H. Use manufacturer-approved pulling compound or lubricant for No. 4 AWG and larger and where necessary; compound used must not deteriorate conductor or insulation. Do not exceed manufacturer's recommended maximum pulling tensions and sidewall pressure values.1. Completely and thoroughly swab raceway system before installing conductors. I. Pull all conductors into a raceway at the same time. Use pulling means, including fish tape, cable, rope, and basket-weave wire/cable grips, that will not damage cables or raceway. J. Install exposed cables parallel and perpendicular to surfaces ofexposed structural members, and follow surface contours where possible. K. Support cables according to Division 16 Section "Hangers and Supports." L. Seal around cables penetrating fire-rated elements according to Division 7 Section "Through- Penetration Firestop Systems." M. Color-code conductors and cables according to Division l6 Section "Electrical Identification." N. Installation of Aluminum Conductors (if allowed): VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstr uction Doc uments I5 oCTOBER 2001 I. J. K. ).L A. B. D. HLM 980071-04 16120-3 SECTION I6120 I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. J. A. B. B. 3.3 t.1 CONDUCTORS AND CABLES 600 V AND LESS L Minimum bending radii for final installation shall conform to IPCEA-S-66-524NEMA WC-7. All conductors shall be pulled using a UL listed pulling lubricant. 2. Conductors shall be square-cut with a hacksaw or cable cutter without deforming the stands. Insulation shall be removed with a penciling cut to avoid nicking the stands. Surface oxides shall be removed by brushing exposed stands with a wire brush or card file. Where conductor bends are less than eight times conductor diameter, the foregoing operations shall be done after bending. 3. Compression connectors shall be selected to fit the conductor. The conductor shall be inserted into the barrel of the connector immediately after preparation. 4. With terminal lugs, joint compound containing metallic or grit particles (such as Pentrox or Alnox) shall be applied to the conductor strands immediately after wire brushing and before inserting into the barrel. Set screws shall be tightened to the manufacturer's recommended torque's. CONNECTIONS Tighten electrical connectors and terminals according tightening values. If manufacturer's torque values are UL 4864 and UL 4868. to manufacturer's published torque- not indicated, use those specified in Make splices and taps that are compatible with conductor material and that possess equivalent or better mechanical strength and insulation ratings than unspliced conductors. l. Splice only in accessible junction boxes. 2. Make splices, taps and terminations to carry full ampacity of conductors without perceptible temperature rise. Tape uninsulated conductors and connectors with electrical tape to 150 percent ofthe insulation value ofconductor. 3. If aluminum conductors are allowed, use oxide inhibitor in each splice and tap conductor for aluminum conductors. Wiring at Outlets: Install conductor at each outlet, with at least l2 inches (300 mm) of slack. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Testing: Perform the following field quality-control testing: I . Torque test conductor connections and terminations to manufacturer's recommended values. Perform continuity test on all power and equipment branch circuit conductors. Verifo proper phasing connections. Insulation Test: Measure the insulation of service conductors, feeder conductors, and branch circuit conductors. Measurements shall be taken between conductors and between conductors and ground. Resistance shall be 1,000,000 ohms or more when tested at 500 volts by Megger without circuit loads. a. Furnish all instruments, equipment and personnel required for testing. Test Reports: Prepare a written report to record the following: l. Test procedures used. 2. Test results that comply with requirements. 3. Test results that do not comply with requirements and corrective action taken to achieve compliance with requirements. li: t:.:>' c. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 16120-4 l'$ I t I I I t I I I SECTION 16120 END OF SECTION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstr uct io n Doc uments 15 ocToBER 2001 CONDUCTORSAND CABLES 600 VAND LESS HLM 9E0071-04 16120-5 I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I t l.l SECTION I6130 PART I - GENERAL RACEWAYS SECTION I6I30 RACEWAYS 1.2 RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes raceways, fittings, and boxes, for electrical wiring. Related Sections may include but are not limited to the following: I . Division 2 Section "Underground Ducts and Utility Structures."2. Division 7 Section "Through-Penetration Firestop Systems." 3 . Division I 6 Section "Grounding and Bonding, "4. Division 16 Section "Hangars and Supports." DEFINITIONS GRC: Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit. EMT: Electrical metallic tubing. FMC: Flexible metal conduit. LFMC: Liquidtight flexible metal conduit. RNC: Rigid nonmetallic conduit. SUBMITTALS Product Data: For surface raceways, wireways and fittings required on the project. QUALITY ASSURANCE Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by UL or by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. Comply with NFPA 70. COORDINATION Coordinate layout and installation of raceways, and suspension system with other construction that penetrates ceilings or is supported by them, including Iight fixtures, HVAC equipment, fire-suppression system, and partition assemblies. A. B. 1.3 t.4 1.5 A. B. C. D. E. A. A. B, 1.6 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. In other Part 2 articles where subparagraph titles below introduce lists, the fotlowing requirements apply for product selection: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uctio n Doc uments I5 OCTOBER 2OOI HLM 9EOO7I-01 16130-r SECTION I6130 RACEWAYS l. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by the manufacturers specifi ed. METAL CONDUIT AND TUBING Manufacturers: 1. AFC Cable Systems, Inc. 2. Alflex Inc. 3. Anamet Electrical, Inc.; Anaconda Metal Hose. 4. Electri-Flex Co. 5. Grinnell Co./Tyco International; Allied Tube and Conduit Div. 6. LTV Steel Tubular Products Company. 7. Manhattan/CDT/Cole-Flex. 8. O-Z Gedney; Unit of Ceneral Signal. 9. Wheatland Tube Co. 10. Robroy Plastic Applicator 11. Allied Tube and Conduit 12. Beck Manufacturine 13. Ocal Inc. GRC: ANSI C80.1. Plastic-Coated Steel Conduit and Finings: NEMA RN l. EMT and Fittings: ANSI C80.3. l. Fittings: Concrete-tight, steel set-screw or compression type. FMC: Zinc-coated steel. LFMC: Flexible steel conduit with PVC jacket. Fittings: NEMA FB l; compatible with conduit and tubing materials. NONMETALLIC CONDUIT AND TUBING Manufacturers: I . American International. 2. Anamet Electrical, lnc.; Anaconda Metal Hose. 3. Arnco Corp. 4. Cantex Inc. 5. Certainteed Corp.; Pipe & Plastics Group. 6. Condux International. 7. ElecSYS, Inc. 8. Electri-Flex Co. 9. Lamson & Sessions; Carlon Electrical Products. 10. Manhattan/CDT/Cole-Flex. I l. RACO; Division of Hubbell, Inc. 12. Spiralduct, Inc./AFC Cable Systems, Inc. 13. Tlromas & Betts Corporation. RNC: NEMA TC 2, Schedule 40 PVC. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Doc uments I5 OCTOBER 2OOI I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I 2.2 A. B. c. D. E. F. G. 2.3 A. B.I I HLM 980071-04 16130-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I SECTION 16130 RACEWAYS C. LFNC: UL 1660. 2.4 METAL WIREWAYS A. Manufacturer[s]: L Hoffman. 2. Square D. B. Material and Construction: Sheet metal sized and shaped as indicated, NEMA configuration to meet environmental conditions of installed location. Provide minimum l6 guage steel, with knockouts on sides and bottom. C. Fittings and Accessories: Include couplings, offsets, elbows, expansion joints, adapters, hold-down straps, end caps, and other fittings to match and mate with rvireways as required for complete system. D. Select features, unless otherwise indicated, as required to complete wiring system and to comply with NFPA 70. E. Wireway Covers: Screw-cover type. F. Finish: Manufacturer's standard enamel finish. 2,5 NONMETALLIC MREWAYS A. Manufacturers: l. Hoffman. 2. Lamson & Sessions; Carlon Electrical Products. B. Description: PVC plastic, extruded and fabricated to size and shape indicated, with snap- on cover and mechanically coupled connections with plastic fasteners. C. Fittings and Accessories: Include couplings, offsets, elbows, expansion joints, adapters, hold-down straps, end caps, and other fittings to match and mate with wireways as required for complete system. D. Select features, unless otherwise indicated, as required to complete wiring system and to comply with NFPA 70. E. Finish: Manufacturer's standard color. 2.6 SURFACE RACEWAYS A. Surface Metal Raceways: Galvanized steel with snap-on covers. Finish with manufacturer's standard prime coating and finish. 1. Manufacturers: a. Thomas & Betts Corporation. b. Walker Systems, Inc.; Wiremold Company (The). c. Wiremold Company (The); Electrical Sales Division. B. Surface Nonmetallic Raceways: Two-piece construction, manufactured of rigid PVC compound with matte texture and manufacturer's standard color. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc umenls t5 ocToBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 16130-3 SECTION t6130 RACEWAYS l. Manufacturers: a. Butler Manufacturing Co.; Walker Division. b. Enduro Composite Systems. c. Hubbell, Inc.; Wiring Device Division. d. Lamson & Sessions; Carlon Electrical Products. e. PanduitCorp. f. Walker Systems, Inc.; Wiremold Company (The). g. Wiremold Company (The); Electrical Sales Division. C. Types, sizes, and channels as indicated and required for each application, with fittings that match and mate with racewavs. PART 3 . EXECUTION 3.I RACEWAY APPLICATION A. Outdoors: I I I I I I I I I I I I B. c. l. 2. J. 4- 5. Indoors: l. 2. 3. 4. Exposed: GRC. Concealed: GRC. Underground, Single Run: GRC, or RNC. Underground, Grouped: GRC, or RNC. Connection to Vibrating Equipment (lncluding Transformers and Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Electric Solenoid, or Motor-Driven Equipment): LFMC. Exposed: GRC or EMT. Concealed: GRC or EMT. Connection to Vibrating Equipment (lncluding Transformers and Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Electric Solenoid, or Motor-Driven Equipment): FMC; except use LFMC in damp or wet locations. Damp or Wet Locations: GRC. I I I I I I A. B. '\.2 J.J Raceway Fittings: Compatible with raceways and suitable for use and location. l. Rigid Steel Conduit: Use threaded rigid steel conduit fittings, unless otherwise indicated. 2. PVC Externally Coated, Rigid Steel Conduits: lJse only fiftings approved for use I with that material. Patch ail nicks and scrapes in PVC coating after installing I conduits. RACEWAY SIZING Minimum Raceway Size: l/2-inch trade size (DN 16). Conduit sizes not noted on the drawings shall be sized in accordance with NEC Appendix C (except Table 350-12 for luminaire flexible connections) for the quantities and sizes of wire installed. Where non-metallic conduit is used, size shall conform with the fill requirements with the ground wire as an additional current carrying conductor. INSTALLATION Keep raceways at least 6 inches ( I 50 mm) away from parallel runs of flues and steam or hot-water pipes. lnstall horizontal raceway runs above water and steam piping. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constraction Doc uments 1S OCTOBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 16130-4 I I I I I I I I I SECTION 16T30 B. c. D. E. RACEIYAYS Complete raceway installation before starting conductor installation. Install temporary closures to prevent foreign matter from entering raceways. Protect stub-ups from damage where conduits rise through floor slabs. Arrange so curved portions ofbends are not visible above the finished slab. Make bends and offsets so inside diameter is not reduced. Keep legs of bends in the same plane and keep straight legs ofoffsets parallel, unless otherwise indicated. l. Use conduit bodies to make sharp changes in direction, as around beams. 2. Use hydraulic one-shot conduit bender or factory elbows for bends in conduit larger than 1 112-inch size. J. For Nonmetallic Conduit (PVC): Use PVC-coated rigid steel factory elbows for bends in conduit. Conceal conduit within finished walls, ceilings, and floors, unless otherwise indicated. I . Install concealed raceways with a m inimum of bends in the shortest practical distance, considering type of building construction and obstructions, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Install no more than the equivalent of three 90-degree bends between boxes, unless noted otherwise. Raceways Embedded in Slabs: lnstall in middle 1/3 of slab thickness where practical and leave at least 2 inches (50 mm) of concrete cover. Do not route raceways to cross each other. l. Secure raceways to reinforcing rods to prevent sagging or shifting during concrete placement. 2. Space raceways laterally to prevent voids in concrete. 3. Run conduit larger than l-inch trade size (DN 27) parallel or at right angles to main reinforcement. Where at right angles to reinforcement, place conduit close to slab support. 4. Change from Schedule 40 nonmetallic conduit GRC to before rising above the floor. Install exposed raceways parallel or at right angles to nearby surfaces or structural members and follow surface contours as much as possible. l. Run parallel or banked raceways together on common supports. 2. Make parallel bends in parallel or banked runs. Use factory elbows only where elbows can be installed parallel; otherwise, provide field bends for parallel raceways. Join raceways with fittings designed and approved for that purpose and make joints tight. l. Use insulating bushings to protect conductors. 2. For Nonmetallic Conduit (PVC): Wipe conduit clean and dry before joining. Apply full, even coat of cement to entire area that will be inserted into fitting. Let joint cure for 20 minutes minimum. Lay out work in advance to avoid excessive concentrations of multiple conduit runs. Locate conduits so that the strength of structural members is unaffected and the conduits do not conflict with the services ofthe other trades. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments rs ocToBER 2001 F. G. H, T I I I I I I I I I HLM 9EOO7I-01 16130-5 ',i,fii SECTION 16130 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I K. L. M. N. U. P. a. R. S. T RACEWAYS Provide expansion joints or expansion-deflection joints with bonding conductor at building expansion joints, seismic joints and where required to compensate for conduit or building thermal expansion and contraction. Cut conduit square using a saw or pipe cutter; de-bun cut ends. Bring conduit to the shoulder of fittings and couplings and fasten securely. Avoid moisture traps where possible: where unaboidable, provide junction box with drain fitting at conduit low point. Tighten set screws of threadless fittings with suitable tools. Term inations: l. Where raceways are terminated with locknuts and bushings, align raceways to enter squarely and install locknuts with dished part against box. Use two locknuts, one inside and one outside box. 2. Where raceways are terminated with threaded hubs, screw raceways or fittings tightly into hub so end bears against wire protection shoulder. Where chase nipples are used, align raceways so coupling is square to box; tighten chase nipple so no threads are exposed. Install pull wires in empty raceways. Use polypropylene or monofilament plastic line with not less than 200-lb (90-kg) tensile strength. Leave at least l2 inches (300 mm) of slack at each end of pull wire. Telephone and Signal System Raceways: In addition to above requirements, install raceways in maximum lengths of 150 feet (45 m) and with a maximum of two 90-degree bends or equivalent. Separate lengths with pull or junction boxes where necessary to comply with these requirements. l. Pull boxes shall be the following minimum sizes: a. 6 inch x 6 inch x 6 inch for 3/4 inch conduit runs. b. 6 inch x 6 inch x 36 inch for I inch and larger conduit runs. Communication Device Raceways: ln addition to above requirements, provide one 314 inch conduit from each communication outlet box to above nearest accessible ceiline space, unless indicated otherwise. Provide bushing. In Classified Areas and Areas Such as Kitchens: Install raceway sealing fittings at suitable, approved, and accessible locations and fill them with UL-listed sealing compound. For concealed raceways except raceways embedded in slabs, install each fitting in a flush steel box with a blank cover plate having a finish similar to that of adjacent plates or surfaces. For concealed raceways embedded in slabs, install each fitting in a flush coupling at the floor or suitable watertight box with telephone elbow, from which point extend a rigid conduit nipple at least 8-inches above the floor. Install raceway sealing fittings at the following points: I . Where conduits pass from warm to cold locations, such as boundaries of refrigerated spaces. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments 15 oCTOBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 16130-6 I sEcrroN t6rso I I t RACEWAYS 2. Where otherwise required by NFPA 70. U. Stub-up Connections: Extend conduits through concrete floor for connection to freestanding equipment. Install with an adjustable top or coupling threaded inside for plugs set flush with finished floor. Extend conductors to equipment with rigid steel conduit; FMC may be used 6 inches (150 mm) above the floor. Install screwdriver- operated, threaded plugs flush with floor for future equipment connections. v. Flexible connections: connect motors and equipment subjet to vibration, noise transmission, or movement with a maximum of 72 inches (1830 mm) of flexible conduit. Use LFMC in damp or wet locations. Install separate ground conductor across flexible connections. W. Surface Raceways: Install a separate, green, ground conductor in raceways from junction box supplying raceways to receptacle or fixture ground terminals. r 3.4 PROTECTION le t I I I I I |' '' HLM ssooTr-.4 I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001 A. Provide final protection and maintain conditions that ensure coatings and finishes are without damage or deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. I . Repair damage to galvanized finishes with zinc-rich paint recommended by manufacturer. 2. Repair damage to PVC or paint finishes with matching touchup coating recommended by manufacturer. 3.5 CLEANING A. After completing installation of exposed, factory-finished raceways, inspect exposed finishes and repair damaged finishes. END OF SECTION I6130I I I I I 16130-7 ts. A. A. B. A. 1.2 1.3 IA t.5 I t I I I I I I I I t I I I t I SECTION 16137 BOXES, ENCLOSURES AND CABINETS SECTION I6I37 BOXES. ENCLOSURES AND CABINETS lists, the following provide products by PART I . GENERAL l.l PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFAC'TURERS A. In other Part 2 articles where subparagraph titles below introduce requirements apply for product selection: I . Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, the manufacturers specifi ed. 2.2 BOXES, ENCLOSURES, AND CABINETSA. Manufacturers: L Cooper Crouse-Hinds; Div. of Cooper Industries, Inc.2. Emersor/General Signal; Appleton Electric Company. 3. Erickson Electrical Equipment Co. 4. Hoffman. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Documents T5 OCTOBER 2OOI RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes boxes, enclosures, and cabinets for electrical wiring. Related Sections may include but are not limited to the following:l. Division l6 Section "Grounding and Bonding."2. Division 16 Section "Wirins Devices." SUBMITTALS Product Data: For floor boxes, hinged-cover enclosures, and cabinets required on the proJect. QUALITY ASSURANCE Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by UL or by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. Comply with NFPA 70. COORDINATION Coordinate layout and installation of boxes, enclosures, and cabinets, with other construction including conduit, piping, equipment, light fixtures, HVAC equipment, fire- suppression system, and partition assemblies. Maintain required workspace clearances and required clcarances for equipment access doors and panels. I l; I HLM 980071-01 16137-1 SECTION 16137 C. I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I T I B. D. E. F. G. H. BOXES. ENCLOSURES AND CABINETS 5. Hubbell, Inc.; Killark Electric Manufacturing Co. 6. O-Z/Gedney; Unit of General Signal. 7. RACO; Division of Hubbell, Inc. 8. Robroy Industries, Inc.; Enclosure Division. 9. Scott Fetzer Co.l Adalet-PLM Division. 10. Spring City Electrical Manufacturing Co. l L Thomas & Betts Corporation. 12. Walker Systems, Inc.; Wiremold Company (The). 13. Woodhead, Daniel Company; Woodhead Industries, Inc. Subsidiary. 14. Steel City Appleton Sheet Metal Outlet and Device Boxes: NEMA OS I, galvanized steel. Provide size to accommodate the number of conductors entering the box in addition to the devices installed, minimum 4 inch square. L Luminaire and Equipment Supporting Boxes: Rated for weight of equipment supported; include % inch (13 mm) male fixture studs where required. 2. Communication Outlet Box: 4 inch square with single gang ring and blank wall plate. Cast-Metal Outlet and Device Boxes: NEMA FB I, Type FD, with gasketed cover. Nonmetallic Outlet and Device Boxes: NEMA OS 2. Floor Boxes: As noted on drawings. Small Sheet Metal Pull and Junction Boxes: NEMA OS I, galvanized steel. Cast-Metal Pull and Junction Boxes: I 50 cubic inches or less, NEMA FB 1, cast aluminum with gasketed cover. Hinged-Cover Enclosures: Over 150 cubic inches or as indicated, NEMA 250, Type l, for indoor clean and dry locations, with continuous hinge cover and flush lockable latch. l. Metal Enclosures: Steel. finished inside and out with manufacturer's standard enamel. 2. NonmetallicEnclosures: Plastic,finishedinsidewithradio-frequency-resistant paint. 3. Fronts for flush cabinets shall be approximately 3/4 inch larger on all sides than cabinet and set so the front will rest firmly against the finished wall surface. 4. Key latch to match panelboards. Cabinets: NEMA 250, Type l, for indoor clean and dry locations, galvanized steel box with removable interior panel and removable front, finished inside and out with manufacturer's standard enamel. Hinged door in front cover with flush lockable latch and concealed hinge. Include metal barriers to separate wiring of different systems and voltage and include accessory feet where required fbr freestanding equipment. L 2. Fronts for flush cabinets shall be approximately 3/4 inch larger on all sides than cabinet and set so the front will rest firmly against the finished wall surface. Key latch to match panelboards. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Conslruction Doc uments I5 oCTOBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 16137-2 I t I I I t t I I I I I I I I T I I I J. K. L. M, N. SECTION 16137 BOXES, ENCLOSURES AND CABINETS 2.3 ENCLOSURES A. For other than indoor clean dry locations, NEMA 250 to meet environmental conditions of installed location. l. Outdoor Locations: NEMA 250, type 3R. 2. Kitchen Areas: NEMA 250, Type 4, stainless steel. 3. Other Wet or Damp Indoor Locations: NEMA 250,type 4.4. Hazardous Areas lndicated on Drawings: NEMA 250,Type 7C. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.I INSTALLATION A. Install enclosures and cabinets plumb. Anchor securely to wall and structural supports at each corner under provisions of Division |6 Section "Hangers and Supports." B. Install boxes. enclosures. and cabinets in accordance with NECA "standard of c. Installation." Coordinate installation of outlet boxes for equipment connected under Division 16 Section "Equipment Wiring." Set wall mounted boxes at elevations to accommodate mounting heights indicated in Division l6 Section "Wiring Devices" or as indicated on the drarvings. Electrical boxes are shown on drawings in approximate locations unless dimensioned. L Adjust box locations up to l0 feet (3 m) if required to accommodate intended purpose. Maintain headroom and present neat mechanical appearance. Install pull boxcs and junction boxes above accessible ceilings and in unfinished areas only, unless noted otherwise. Inaccessible Ceiling Areas: Install outlet andjunction boxes not more than 6 inches (150 mm) from ceiling access panel or from removable recessed luminaire. Install boxes to preserve fire resistance rating of partitions and other elements, using materials and methods specified in Division I Section "Firestop Systems." Coordinate mounting heights and locations of outlets mounted above counters, benches, and backsplashes. Locate outlet boxes to allow luminaries positioned as shown on reflected ceiling plan. Align adjacent wall mounted outlet boxes for switches, thermostats, and similar devices. [Jse flush mounted outlet boxes in finished areas, unless noted otherwise. Locate flush mounting boxes in masonry wall to require cutting of masonry unit corner only. Coordinate masonry cufting to achieve neat opening. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments t5 0cToBER 2001 D. E. F. G. H. HLM 980071-04 t6137-3 SECTION 16137 BOXES, ENCLOSURES AND CABINETS Do not install flush mounting box back-to-back in walls; provide minimum 6 inches ( 150 mm) separation. Provide minimum 24 inches (600 mm) separation in acoustic rated walls. Secure flush mounting boxes to interior wall and partition studs. Accurately position to allow for surface finish thickness. Use stamped steel bridges to fasten flush mounted outlet boxes between studs. Install flush mounting boxes without damaging wall insulation of reducing its effectiveness. Use adjustable steel channel fasteners for hung ceiling outlet boxes. Do not fasten boxes to ceiling support wires. Support boxes independently of conduit. Use gang boxes where more than one device is mounted together. Do not use sectional boxes. Use gang boxes with plaser rings for single divice outlets. Use cast outlet boxes in exterior locations exposed to weather and wet locations. Use cast floor boxes for installations in slab on grade: formed steel boxes are acceptable for other installations. Set floor boxes level and flush with finished floor surface. Large Pull Boxes: Use hinged enclosure in interior dry locations, surface-mounted cast metal boxes in other locations. IDENTIFICATION Identify each box, enclosure, and cabinet as specified in Division l6 Section "Electrical Identification." ADJUSTING Adjust floor boxes flush with finished flooring material. Adjust flush-mounting outlets to make front flush with finished wall material. lnstall knockout closures in unused box openings. PROTECTION Provide final protection and maintain conditions that ensure coatings, finishes, and cabinets are without damage or deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. l. Repair damage to galvanized finishes with zinc-rich paint recommended by manufacturer. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uctio n Documenls I5 OCTOBER 2OO1 I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I .-,i: .'r 'ittt'" o. P. S. T a R. w. X. Y. B. C. 3.2 3.3 3.4 Z. AA. A. A. HLM 980071-04 16137-4 I t T I I I I I I I T I I I I t I I I SECTION 16137 2. BOXES, ENCLOSARES AND CABINETS Repair damage to PVC or paint finishes with matching touchup coating recommended by manufacturer. 3.5 CLEANING A. After completing installation ofexposed, boxes, enclosures, and cabinets inspect exposed finishes and repair damaged finishes. B. Clean interior of boxes to remove dust. debris. and other material. END OF SECTION I6I30 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTE R Construction Documents I5 OCTOBER 2OOI HLM 9EOO7I.O4 16137-5 I sEcrroN 16140 I SECTION I6I40 MRING DEVICES I r.r RELATED DOCUMENTS I A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I 1,2 SUMMARY- A. This Section includes receptacles, cord and plug sets, switches, dimmers, finish plates, floor service finings, poke-through assemblies, multi outlet assemblies, and telephone/power service poles. B. Related Section may include but are not limited to the following: I . Division I 6 Section "Grounding and Bonding." 2. Division l6 Section "Conductors and Cables."3. Division l6 Section "Raceways." 4. Division l6 Section "Boxes, Enclosures, and Cabinets." I.3 DEFINITIONS A. GFCI: Ground-fault circuit interrupter B. TVSS: Transient voltage surge suppressor. 1,4 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each product required on the project. t B. Maintenance Data: For materials and products to include in maintenance manuals specified in Division l. I I.5 QUALITY ASSURANCEr A. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by UL or by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having iurisdiction. B. Complv with NEMA WD l. I C. Comply with NFPA 70. I 1.6 COORDINATIONt A r**"3::J::$"i'*"1T'iHliH:,1ffi:i;,x;::1,*:il:nngurations I PART2- PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS I A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of ther followine: 1. friring Devices:l';'r HLM 98OO7I-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 16140-T '""'{r"6!:f:o?o;tf !,no I WIRING DEVICES t I I I l,W I SECTION 16110 A. B. C. D. E. F. C. H. WIMNG DEVICES Hubbell, Inc.; Wiring Devices Div. Killark Electric Manufacturing Co. Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. Pass & Seymour/Legrand; Wiring Devices Div. Arrow Hart; Cooper Industries, Wiring Device Products. 2.Wiring Devices for Hazardous (Classified) Locations: a. b. d. e. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a, b. Crouse-Hinds Electrical Co.; Distribution Equipment Div. Killark Electric Manufacturing Co. Pyle-National, Inc.; an Amphenol Co. J.Multioutlet Assemblies: a. Airey-Thompson Co. b. Wiremold. 4. Poke+hrough, Floor Service Outlets and Telephone/Power Poles: a. Hubbell, Inc.; Wiring Devices Div. b. Pass & Seymour/Legrand; Wiring Devices Div. c. Wiremold; Wire Management Systems. d. Steel City; American Electric, Perfect-Line Boxes and Accessories. e. Raceway Components Inc. RECEPTACLES Catalog numbers given in the following paragraphs are Hubbell, (except as indicated). Equivalent devices by one ofthe manufacturers listed above are acceptable. Straight-Blade, 20 Ampere, Duplex Type: 5-20R series 5352. Twist-Lock, 20 Ampere, Duplex Type: L5R-20 series 2310. StraighrBlade, 20 Ampere, Hospital Grade, Duplex Type: 5-20R series 8300. StraighrBlade, 20 Ampere, Hospital Grade, Tamper Resistant, Duplex Type: 5-20R series 8300SG. Straight-Blade, 20 Ampere, Feed-Through GFCI, Heavy-Duty, Duplex Type: 5-20R series GF8300. Straight-Blade, 20 Ampere, lsolated-Ground, Heavy-Duty, Duplex Type: 5-20R series IG8362SA. Straight-Blade, 20 Ampere, Surge Suppression, Heavy-Duty, Duplex Type: 5-20R series 2.2 8362SA. L lndustrial Heavy-Duty Receptacles: As specified on the drawings, comply with IEC 309- I J. Hazardous (Classified) Location Receptacles: As specified on the drawings, comply with NEMAFB 11. K. Range Outlet: Black phenolic, 14-50R series 94504. HLM 98OO7I-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents I5 October 2001 16140-2 I I : -:\ I I I I M, N. A. 2.3 A. 1At I I SECTION I6T40 l. 2. J. A 5. 6. 7. WIRING DEVICES Dryer Outlet: Brown phenolic l0-30R series 9350. Clock Outlet with Hanger: Brown phenolic l4-30R series 9430A. Special Receptacles: As specified on the drawings. PENDANT CORD/CONNECTOR DEVICES Description: Matching, locking type, plug and receptacle body connector, NEMA WD 6, Configurations as specified on the drawings.l. Body: Nylon with screw-open cable-gripping jaws and provision for attaching external cable grip. 2. External Cable Grip: Woven wire-mesh type made of high-strength galvanized- steel wire strand, matched to cable diameter, and with attachment provision designed for conesponding connector. CORD AND PLUG SETS Description: Configurations as specified on the drawings, to match voltage and current ratings of equipment being connected.l. Attachment Plug Construction: Conform to NEMA WDl.2. Cord Construction: NFPA 70, multiconductor flexible cord with identified equipment ground conductor, suitable for extra-hard use in damp locations.3. Size: Suitable for connected load of equipment, length of cord, and rating of branch circuit overcurrent protection. SWITCHES Catalog numbers given in the following paragraphs are Hubbell, (except as indicated). Equivalent devices by one of the manufacturers listed under "Manufacturers" section above are acceptable. Snap Switches: Heavy-duty, quiet type, 20A, 120/27'7-Yac. l':'i 2s A B. I I I I I I I Single-pole single-throw: Series 1201 Single-pole double-throw, momentary contact, center off: Series 1556. Three-way: Series 1223. Four-way: Series 1224. Switch with green pilot handle, 120 volt: Series 1221-PLG. Switch with green pilot handle,277 volt: Series l22l-PLG7. Key switch with tumbler lock and Stainless steel plate: Single-pole single-throw: Arrow Hart series I I 8 i . Double-pole single throw: Arrow Hart series I I 82. Three-way: Arrow Hart series I | 83. Cover plate: Arrow Hart series I 188. D. Combination Switch and Receptacle: Both devices in a single gang unit with plaster ears and removable tab connector that permit separate or common feed connection. h,. Dimmer Switches: As specified on the drawings. 2,6 WALL PLATES A. Single and combination types to match conesponding wiring devices. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 October 2001 a. b. d. t- t HLM 9EOO7I-04 16140-3 B. A. A. 2.7 2.8 SECTION I6140 WIRING DEVICES I . Plate-Securing Screws: Metal with head color to match plate finish. 2. Material for Finished Spaces: lmpact resistant thermoplastic, color to match devices. 3. Material for Unfinished Spaces: Galvanized steel. Exterior Locations: Cover plates shall be weatherproof in-use type. FLOOR SERVICE FITTINGS Type: As specified on the drawings. POKE-THROUGH ASSEMBLIES Description: Factory-f'abricated and -wired assembly of below-floor junction box unit, as specified on the drawings. l. Fire Rating: Provide appropriate fire rating of floor-ceiling assembly as required. MULTIOUTLET ASSEMBLIES Components of Assemblies: Products from a single manufacturer designed for use as a complete, matching assembly of raceways and receptacles as specified on the drawings. TELEPHONE/POWER SERVICE POLES Description: Factory-assembled and -wired units to extend power, telephone, and data service from distribution wiring concealed in ceiling to devices or outlets in pole near floor as specified on the drawings. FINISHES Color; Ivory, unless otherwise indicated or required by Code. 3 - IIXECUTION INSTALLAl'ION Install devices and assemblies plumb and secure. Install wall plates when painting is complete. Install wall dimmers to achieve indicated rating after derating for ganging as instnrcted by manufacturer. Do not share neutral conductor on load side of dirnrners. Arrangement of Devices: [Jnless otherwise indicated, nrount flush, with long dimension vertical, and grounding terminal of receptacles on top. Group adjacent switches under single, multigang wall plates. F. Mounting Heights: Dimensions given arc from finished floor to centerline of outlets. Adjust heights of outlets in masonry walls per Division l6 Section "Boxes, Enclosures, and Cabinets." Notations on drawings supersede the following: 1. Wall Switches:...... 4 feet - 0 inches 2. Convenience Outlets:... ...... ...... *l foot-4 inches 3. Kitchen and Workroom Wall Outlets:.. *4 feet - 0 inches 4. Standard Communication Outlets:....... I foot - 4 inches 5. Cornmunication Outlet marked as Wa[I...............4 feet 6 inches VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construclion Doc umenls 15 October 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I T T I t I I I T 2.9 2.10 2.ll PART J.l A. A. B. C. D. E. HLM 980071-04 16140-4 I sECrroN r6t4o WIRING DEVICES I 6. Clock outlets:. ......... 7 feet-0 inchesoras noted.' ) * Except over counters, benches, special equipment, baseboards, fin tube I :' radiaiors, etc., where they shall be at a heigilt to prevent interference toI service equipment or as noted on the drawings. t G. Protect devices and assemblies during painting. I H. Adjust locations at which floor service outlets and telephone/power service poles are installed to suit arrangement of partitions and fumishings. I 3.2 IDENTIFICATION I A. Comply with Division 16 Section "Electrical ldentification." I l. Switches: Where three or more switches are ganged, and elsewhere as indicated, identify each switch with approved legend cngraved on wallplate. Ir 2 l::i1ffiilJ5:['j],xH:'"",ilff"1i['il:;llT.[:il1':iiil;1, ,Y;: on face plate of outlet boxes. I 3.3 CONNECTIONS A. Connect wiring device grounding terminal to branch-circuit equipment grounding I conductor. I B. Isolated-Ground Receptacles: Connect to isolated-ground conductor routed to designated L isolated equipment ground terminal of electrical system. I ,.t- "- '/ C. Tighten electrical connectors and terminals according to manufacturers published torque- r tightening values. If manufacturers torque values are not indicated, use those specified in r UL 4864 and UL 4868. 3.4 FTELD QUALITY CONTROL I A. Test wiring devices for proper polarity and ground continuity.I B. Check TVSS receptacle indicating lights for normal indication. C. Test GFCI operation with both local and remote fault simulations according to manufacturer's written instructions. I D. Replace damaged or defective components. I 3.5 CLEANING I A. Intemally clean devices, device outlet boxes, and enclosures. Replace stained or improperly painted wall plates or devices. END OF SECTION I6140 I T I I HLMeEooTr-,4 I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Documenls I5 October 2001 16r40-5 B. B. l.l t.2 1.3 t.4 1.5 I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I SECTION 16180 PART I- GENERAL A. B. c. D. A. B. PART 2 -PRODUCTS HLM 980071-01 SECTION I6180 EQUIPMENT WIRING SYSTEM VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Doc uments I5 October 2001 EQAIPMENT'YIRING SYSTEM RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary conditions and Division I specification sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes electrical connections to equipment specified under other sections of fumished by Owner. Related sections may include but are not limited to the following: L Division 7 Section "Owner Furnished Equipment." 2. Division 8 Section "Power Operated Doors and Cates." 3. Division 9 Section "Signage." 4. Division I I Section "Food Services Equipment." 5. Division I 4 Section "Elevators." 6. Division l5 Mechanical. 7. Division 16 Section "Electrical ldentification". SUBMITTALS Product Data: For each product required on the project. Maintenance Data: For materials and products to include in maintenance manuals specified in Division l. QUALITY ASSURANCE Electrical Components, Devices and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by UL or by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Complywith NEMA WD l. Comply with NEMA WD 5. Comply with NFPA 70. COORDINATION Receptacles for Owner-Furnished Equipment: Match plug configurations. l. Cord and Plug Sets: Match equipment requirements. Review equipment submittals prior to installation and electrical rough-in. Verify location, size and type of connections. Coordinate details of equipment connections with supplier and installer. I .--" I 16180-1 ,':.ir1 "::,!Jtr SECTION T6180 EOUIPMENT WIMNG SYSTEM MATERIALS A. Cords and Caps: As specified in Division 16 Section "Wiring Devices." B. Disconnect Switches: As soecified in Division 16 Section "Enclosed Switches and Circuit Breakers." Wiring Devices: As specified in Division l6 Section " Wiring Devices." Flexible Conduit: As specified in Division 16 Section "Raceways." Wire and Cable: As specified in Division 16 Section "Conductors and Cables." Boxes: As specified in Division l6 Section "Boxes, Enclosures and Cabinets." PART 3 - EXECUTION 2.1 J.l c. D. E. F. C. D. E. G. H. I. I t t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I T A. B. INSTALLATION For all equipment provided under other divisions of these specifications requiring electrical power or control, provide conduit, wiring, outlets, receptacles, disconnect switches, etc., and make up all final electrical connections to provide complete operating systems in accordance with equipment shop drawings and manufacturer's recommendations, unless otherwise indicated. Where equipment located in open areas is served from under floor ot embedded in slab wiring, comply wilh requirements of Division l6 Ser,tion "Raceways." Make electrical connections in accordance with equipment manufacturer's instructions. Use wire and cable with insulation suitable for temperatures encountered in heat-producing equiprnent. Make conduit connections to equipment using flexible conduit. LJse liquid-tight flexiblc conduit in damp or wet locations. Install pre-finished cord set where conncction with attachment plug is indicatcd or specified, or use afiachment ptug with suitable strain-relief clamps. Provide suitable strain-relief clamps for cord connections to outlet boxes and equipment connection boxes. Provide receptacle outlet to accommodate connection with attachment plug. Provide cord and cap where field-supplied atlachment plug is required. *9 J. Make wiring connections in control panel or in wiring compartment of pre-wired HLM 98OO7I-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 16180.2 Construction Doc uments 15 October 2001 l'& t I I I I I M. N. o. lqs I I I I t t I I I I I SECTION I6180 I EQAIPMENT WINNG SYSTEM equipment in accordance with manufacfurer's instructions. Provide interconnecting wiring where indicated. Install terminal block jumpers to complete equipment wiring requirements. Install disconnect switches, controllers, control stations, and conhol devices such as limit switches and temperature switches as indicated. Connect with conduit and wirins as indicated. Grounding: As specified in Division l6 Section "Grounding and Bonding." Conduig boxes, wire, cable, and connections are specified in other Division l6 sections. Coolers and Freezers: Cut and seal conduit openings in freezer and cooler wall, floor, and ceilings. EQU IPMENT CONNECTION SCTIEDULE Fumish, set in place, and wire, except as indicated, all heating, ventilating, air conditioning, plumbing, fire protection, motors and controls in accordance with the following schedule. MD: Mechanical Division l. TCD: Temperature Control Division ED: Electrical Division SD: Site Division VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Conslruction Doc umenls l5 October 2001 ).2 HLM 98007r-04 16180-3 :.'-:i' \i.;r; SECTION T6T80 EQAIPMENT WI R]NG S YSTEM I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I (t) (2) If furnished as part of factory wired equipment, power wiring only by ED. If float switches, line thermostats, P.E. switches, time switches, etc., carry the FULL LOAD CURRENT to any device they shall be fumished and set in place by MD or TCD, but shall be connected by ED. If they do not carry the FULL LOAD CURRENT to any device they shall be furnished, set in place and wired by MD or TCD. Control devices carrying full load current fumished by MD or TCD and wired by ED shall be located at the device being controlled, unless shown otherwise on the drawings or mufual agreement is made between the contractors with no change in the contract orice. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstr uction Doc uments I5 October 2001 ITEM FURNISHED UNDER SET IN PLACE ORMOTJNTED T]NDER POWER WIRING CONTROL WIRING Equipment Motors and Thermal overloads. resistance heaters. MD MD ED Motor Controller; magnetic starters, reduced voltage starters and overload relays. MD(4)ED(r)ED MD/TCD Disconnect switches, fused or unfused, H.P. rated switches, thermal overload switched and fuses, manual operating switches and fire pump transfer switches. ED(r)ED(1)ED Pushbutton stations, pilot lights, multi- speed switches, float switches, thermostats, control relays, time clocks, control transformers, control panels, motor valves, damper motors, solenoid valves, EP and PE switches, interlocks and boiler controls. MD MD(2)ED MD(2) Contactors, l20V control circuit outlets for control panels and for boiler controls. ED ED ED MD Fire Protection Controls and Switches.MD MD ED MD(3) Smoke Detectors (Duct Mounted).ED MD ED(3)MD(3) Fire/Smoke dampers, smoke Dampers.MD MD ED MD(3) Site sprinkling control panels solenoid valves, switches, etc., and all wiring starling at the distribution panel circuit breaker (see site sprinkling section). SD SD ED SD HLM 98007r-04 16180-4 B. I I I t I I I I I SECTION 16180 (3) (4) EQUIPMENT WIRING SYSTEM Wiring from fire alarm contacts to fire alarm system by ED; all control function wiring by MD or TCD. MD or TCD to coordinate locations with ED. Starters located in motor control centers as noted on ED drawinss shall be turnished by ED. Heater units in all motor starters shall be sized for approximately one hundred fifteen percent ( I I 5%) of full load motor current. Check and coordinate all thermal protective devices with the equipment they protect. L Provide for each nrotor, one-half (l/2) horsepower and below, a horsepower rated disconnect switch and thermal overload protection unless integrally provided with the motor. Thermal overload switches for single phase motors shall be Allen- Bradley Bulletin 600 or acceptable. END OF SECTION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments I5 October 2001 I ,-.1 I I t I I I I l" I HLM 980071-04 16180-5 I r ..-r\ ..t _ - l'."' I SECTION I64TO ENCLOSED SIYITCHES AND CIRCAIT BREAKERS SECTION I6410 ENCLOSED SWITCHES AND CIRCUIT BREAKERS PART I _GENERAL l.l RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes individually mounted enclosed switches and circuit breakers used for the following: l. Service disconnecting means.2. Feeder and branch-circuit protection. 3. Motor and equipment disconnecting means. Related Sections may include but are not limited to the following: I . Division 16 Section "Electrical Identification."2. Division 16 Section "Grounding and Bonding."3. Division l6 Section "Boxes, Enclosures, and Cabinets."4. Division 16 Section "Fuses." I.3 DEFINITIONS A. GFCI: Ground-fault circuit intemrpter. B. RMS: Root mean square. 1.4 SUBMITTAT.S A. Product Data: For each type of switch, circuit breaker, accessory, and component required on the project. Include dimensions and manufacturers' technical data on features, performance, electrical characteristics, ratings, and finishes. B. Shop Drawings: For each switch and circuit breaker. l. Dimensioned plans, elevations, sections, and details. Show tabulations of installed devices, equipment features, and ratings. Include the following: Enclosure types, sizes and details. Current and voltage ratings. Shorl-circuit current rating. For Series Rated Devices: UL listing for series rating of installed devrces. e. Features, characteristics, ratings, and factory settings of individual overcurrent protective devices and auxiliary components. 2. Wiring Diagrams: Power, signal, and control wiring. Differentiate between manufacturer-installed and fi eld-installed wiring. C. Field Test Reports: Submit written test reports and include the following:l. Test procedures used. 2. Test results that comply with requirements. 3. Results of failed tests and corrective action taken to achieve test results that comply with requirements. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents I5 October 2001 A. A. B. t.2 I I I I I I l'; I I I I I I I I I a. b. d. HLM 980071-01 16410-I SECTION 16410 ENCLOSED SWITCHES AND CIRCUIT BREAKERS I I I t I t I D. A. B. C. 1.5 Maintenance Data: For enclosed switches and circuit breakers and for components to include in maintenance manuals specified in Division L In addition to requirements specified in Division I include the following: I . Routine maintenance requirements for components. 2. Manufacturer's written instructions for testing and adjusting switches and circuit breakers. 3. If required, time-cunent curves, including selectable ranges for each type of circuit breaker. QUALITY ASSURANCE Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by UL or by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. Comply with NEMA AB I and NEMA KS L Comply with NFPA 70. COORDINATION Coordinate layout and installation of switches, circuit breakers, and components with other construction, including conduit, piping, equipment, and adjacent surfaces. Maintain required workspace clearances and required clearances for equipment access doors and panels. EXTRA MATERIALS Keys: Furnish two each to owner. All keys shall be keyed alike or keyed as directed by the owner. PART 2 _ PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: l. Fusible and Nonfusible Switches: a. Eaton Corp.; Cutler-Hammer Products. b. General Electric Co.; Electrical Distribution & Control Division. c. Siemens Energy & Automation, lnc. d. Souare D Co. 2. Molded-Case Circuit Breakers. a. Eaton Corp.; Cutler-Hammer Products. b. General Electric Co.; Electrical Distribution & Control Division. c. Siemens Energy & Automation, lnc. d. Square D Co. 3 Combination Circuit Breaker and Ground-Fault Trip: a. Eaton Corp.; Cutler-Hammer Products. b. General Electric Co.; Electrical Distribution & Control Division. c. Siemens Energy & Automation, lnc. d. Square D Co. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments 15 October 2001 1.6 I I I I I I I I I I I I A. t.7 HLM 980071-04 16410-2 4. A. B. 2.2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l SECTION 16410 ENCLOSED S'TITCHES AND CIRCAIT BREAKERS Molded-Case, Cunent-Limiting Circuit Breakers:a. Eaton Corp.; Cutler-Hammer Products.b. General Electric Co.; Electrical Distribution & Control Division.c. Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc.d. Square D Co. 5. Integrally Fused, Molded-Case Circuit Breakers:a. Eaton Corp.; Cutler-Hammer Products.b. General Electric Co.; Electrical Distribution & Control Division.c. Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc.d. Square D Co. ENCLOSED SWITCHES Enclosed, Nonfusible Switch: NEMA KS l, Type GD or HD to suite voltage, quick- make, quick-break,, load interrupter enclosed knife switch with externally operable handle interlocked to prevent opening front cover with switch in oN position. Handle lockable in OFF position. Enclosed, Fusible Switch, 800 A and Smaller: NEMA KS l, Type GD or HD to suite voltage,, quick-make, quick-break, load interrupter enclosed knife switch with externally operable handle. Provide interlock to prevent opening front cover with switch in ON position. Handle lockable in OFF position. Fuse Clips: Designed to accommodate specified fuses. C. Enclosed, Fusible Switch, over 800 A: Bolted pressure contact switch. Fuse Clips: Designed to accommodate specified fuses. 2.3 ENCLOSED CIRCUIT BREAKERS A. Molded-Case Circuit Breaker: NEMA AB l, with interupting capacity to meet available fault currents. | . Thermal-Magnetic Circuit Breakers: Inverse time-current element for low-level overloads, and instantaneous magnetic trip element for short circuits. Adjustable magnetic trip setting for circuit-breaker frame sizes 250 A and larger. a. GFCI Circuit Breakers: Single- and two-pole configurations with 30-mA trip sensitivity. b. Molded-Case Switch: Molded-case circuit breaker without trip units. B. Molded-Case CircuilBreaker Features and Accessories: Standard frame sizes. trio ratings, and number of poles. l. Lugs: Mechanical style suitable for number, size, trip ratings, and material of conductors. 2. Application Listing: Appropriate for application; Type SWD for switching fluorescent lighting loads; Type HACR for heating, air-conditioning, and refrigerating equipment. 3. Shunt Trip: 120-V trip coil energized from separate circuit, rated for continuous duty. 2.4 ENCLOSURES HLM 980071-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Doc uments 15 October 2001 I ':- I r6410-3 A. A. B. 2.5 SECTION 164TO PART 3 _ EXECUTION 3.1 ENCLOSED SWITCHES AND CIRCUIT BREAKERS NEMA AB I and NEMA KS I to meet environmental conditions of installed location. FACTORY FINISHES Finish for Outdoor Units: Factory-applied finish in manufacturer's standard color, including undersurfaces treated with corrosion-resistant undercoating. Finish for Indoor Units: Factory-applied finish in manufacturer's standard gray finish over a rust-inhibiting primer on treated metal surface. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXAMINATION Examine areas and surfaces to receive enclosed switches and circuit breakers for compliance with requirements, installation tolerances code compliance clearances, and other conditions affecting performance. l. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. INSTALLATION Temporary Lifting Provisions: Remove temporary lifting eyes, channels, and brackets and temporary blocking of moving parts from enclosures and components. IDENTIFICATION Identifr field-installed conductors, interconnecting wiring, and components; provide waming signs as specified in Division l6 Section "Electrical ldentification." Enclosure Nameplates: Label each enclosure with engraved metal or laminated-plastic nameplate mounted with corrosion-res istant screws. CONNECTIONS Install equipment grounding connections for switches and circuit breakers with ground continuity to main electrical ground bus. Install power wiring. Install wiring befween switches and circuit breakers, and control and indication devices. Tighten electrical connectors and terminals according to manufacturer's published torquc- tiglrtening values. lf manufacturcr's torque values are not indicated, use those specified in UL 4864. and UL 4868. 3.5 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A.Prepare tbr acceptance tests as follows: l. Test insulation resistance for each enclosed switch, circuit breaker, component, and control circuit. 2. 'fest continuity ofeach line- and load-side circuit. Testing: After installing enclosed switches and circuit breakers and after electrical circuitry has been energized, demonstrate product capability and compliance with requirements. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Documents l5 October 2001 A. 3.2 A. A. B. J.J 3.4 B. C. B.I I I HLM 98007r-04 16410-4 I SECTION 16410 ENCLaSED SWITCHES AND cIRqUIT BREAKERy I ,,:!\ l. Procedures: Perform each visual and mechanical inspection and electrical test l*,}$ indicated in NETA ATS, Section 7.5 for switches and Section 7.6 for molded--hi'- case circuit breakers. Certif, compliance with test parameters. I 2. Correct malfunctioning units on-site, where possible, and retest to demonstrate compliance; otherwise, replace with new units and retest. I ].6 ADruSTING - A. Set field-adjustable switches and circuit-breaker trip ranges as directed by Engineer. I 3.'7 CLEANING A. On completion of installation, inspect interior and exterior of enclosures. Remove paint splatters and other spots. Vacuum dirt and debris; do not use compressed air to assist in cleaning. Repair exposed surfaces to match original finish. I END oF sECrroN I t I e,D I I I t I I I I .t..I ', I HLM 98OO7I-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Doc uments I5 October 2001 16410-5 I I,\ t. ..,' I I I I I I I l.l t.2 SECTION 164]5 TMNSFERSWITCHES SECTION I6415 TRANSFER SWITCHES PART I-GENERAL E. RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division l Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes transfer switches rated 600 V and less, including the following: L Automatic transfer switch. Related Sections may include but are not limited to the following: I . Division l6 Section "Electrical Identification." 2. Division l6 Section "Grounding and Bonding." 3. Division l6 Section "Boxes. Enclosures and Cabinets." SUBMITTALS Product Data: Include ratings and dimensioned plans, sections, and elevations showing minimum clearances, conductor entry provisions, gutter space, installed features and devices, and material lists for each switch required on the project. Wiring Diagrams: Detail wiring for transfer switches and differentiate between manufacturer- installed and field-installed wiring. Show both power and control wiring. Qualification Data: For firms and persons specified in "Quality Assurance" Article. Field Test Reports: Indicate and interpret test and inspection results for compliancc with performance requirements. Maintenance Data: For each type of product to include in rnaintenance manuals specified in Division l. Include all features and operating sequences, both automatic and manual. List all lactory settings of relays and provide relay-setting and calibration instructions, including software, where applicable. QUALITY ASSURANCE Manufacturer Qualifications: Maintain a service center capable of providing emergency maintenance and repairs at Project site with an eight-hour maximum response time. Source l.imitations: Obtain automatic transfer switch, and if required remote annunciators, or remote annunciator and control panels through one source from a single manufacturer. C. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, for emergency service under UL 1008, by UL or by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. D. Comply with NEMA ICS l. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Conslruction Documents 15 October 2001 A. A. B. A. B. c. D. B. | .J t.4 I I I I I I I I I I HLM 980071-04 I64tS-1 SECTION ]6415 TR,{NSFER SWITCHES E. Comply with NFPA 70. F. Comply with NFPA l 10. C. Comply with UL 1008, unless requirements of these Specifications are stricter. I.5 COORDINATION A. Coordinate layout and installation of switches and components with other construction, including conduit, piping, equipment, and adjacent surfaces. Maintain required workspace clearances and required clearances for equipment access doors and panels. 1.6 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Keys: furnish two each to owner. All keys shall be keyed alike or keyed as directed by the owner. PART 2 _ Pi{ODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: l. ConventionalTransferSwitches: a. Emerson Electric Co.; Automatic Switch Co. Subsidiary. b. Russelectric, Inc. c. Zenith Controls. Inc. 2.2 GENERAL TRANSFER-SWITCH PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS A. Electrical Characteristics: As indicated, and defined in UL 1008 for continuous loading and total system transfer, including tungsten filament lamp loads. B. Tested Fault-Current Closing and Withstand Ratings: Adequate for duty imposed by protective devices at installation locations in Project under the fault conditions indicated, based on testing according to UL 1008. C. Annunciation, Control, and Programming Interface Components: Devices at transfer switches for communicating with remote programming devices, annunciators, or annunciator and control oanels have communications caoabilitv rnatched with remote dev ice. D. Solid-State Controls: Repetitive accuracy of all settings is plus or minus 2 percent or better over an operating temperature range of minus 20 to plus 70 deg C. E. Resistance to Damage by Voltage Transients: Conrponents meet or exceed voltage-surge withstand capability requirements when tested according to IEEE C62.41 . Components meet or exceed voltage-impulse withstand test of NEMA ICS l. F. Neutral Terminal: Switched, overlapping and fully rated, unless otherwise indicated. G. Oversize Neutral: Ampacity and switch rating of neutral path through units indicated for oversize neutral are double nominal ratine of circuit in which switch is installed. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uctio n Doc uments I5 October 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HLM 980071-04 16415-2 I I I I I I t t t t I I I I I I I SECTION 16115 TRANSFER SWITCHES Enclosures: General-purpose NEMA 250, type to meet environmental conditions of installed location, complying with NEMA ICS 6; UL 508, unless otherwise indicated. Factory Wiring: Train and bundle factory winng and label consistent with Shop Drawings, either by color code or by numbered or lettered wire and cable tape markers at terminations. l. Designated Terminals: Pressure t)?e suitable for types and sizes of field wiring indicated. 2. Power-Terminal Arrangement and Field-Wiring Space: Suitable for top, side, or bottom entrance of feeder conductors as indicated. 3. Control Wiring: Equipped with lugs suitable for connection to term inal strips. Electrical Operation: Accomplish by a nonfused, momentarily energized solenoid or electric-motor-operated mechanism, mechanically and electrically interlocked in both directions. Switch Characteristics: Designed for continuous-duty repetitive transfer of full-rated current between active power sources. AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCHES Comply with Level I equipment according to NFPA I 10. Switching Arrangement: Double-throw type, incapable of pauses or intermediate position stops during normal functioning, unless otherwise indicated. C. Manual Switch Operation: Under load, with door closed and with either or both sources energized. Transfer time is the same as for electrical operation. Control circuit automatically disconnects from electrical operator during manual operation. D. S ignal-before-Transfer Contacts: A set of normally open/normally closed dry contacts operates in advance of retransfer to normal source. Interval is adjustable lrom I to 30 seconds. E. Automatic Closed-Transition Transfer Switches: Include the following functions and characteristics l. Fullyautomaticmake-before-breakoperation. 2. I-oad transfer without interruption, through momentary interconnection of both power sources not exceeding I 00 ms. a. lnitiation occurs without active control of generator set. b. Controls ensure closed-transition load transfer closure occurs only when the two sources are within plus or minus 5 electrical degrees, maximum and plus or minus 5 percent maximum voltage difference. 3. Failure of the power source serving the load initiates automatic break-before- make transfer. F. Motor Disconnect and Timing Relay: Controls designate starters so they disconnect motors before transfer and reconnect them selectively at an adjustable time interval after transfer. Control connection to motor starters is through wiring extemal to automatic transfer switch. Time delay for reconnecting individual motor loads is adjustable between I and 60 seconds, and settings are as indicated. Relay contacts handling motor- control circuit inrush and seal currents are rated for actual currents to be encountered. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Documents 15 October 2001 H. K. 2.3 A. B. I I HLM 98007r-04 16415-3 :,''.it,il SECTION T6415 E. r. I I I I I t I I I I I I t A. B. C. D. G. .A TNANSFER SIYITCHES AUTOMATIC TRANSFER-S WITCH FEATURES Undervoltage Sensing for Each Phase of Normal Source: Senses low phase-to-ground voltage on each phase. Pickup voltage is adjustable from 85 to 100 percent of nominal, and dropout voltage is adjustable from 75 to 98 percent of pickup value. Factory set for pickup at 90 percent and dropout at 85 percent. Time delay for override of normal-source voltage sensing delays transfer and engine start signals. Adjustable from zero to six seconds, and factory set for one second. Voltage/Frequency Lockout Relay: Prevents premature transfer to generator set. Pickup voltage is adjustable from 85 to 100 percent of nominal. Factory set for pickup at 90 percent. Pickup frequency is adjustablc from 90 to 100 percent of nominal. Factory set for pickup at 95 percent. Time Delay for Retransfer to Normal Source: Adjustable from 0 to 30 minutes; factory set for | 0 minutes. Provides automatic defeat of delay on loss of voltage or sustained undervoltage of emergency source, provided normal supply has been restored. Test Switch: Simulates normal-source failure. Switch-Position Pilot Lights: Indicate source to which load is connected. Source-Available Indicating Lights: Supervise sources via transfer-switch, norrnal- and emergency-source sensing circuits. l. Normal Power Supervision: Source Available." 2. Emergency Power Supervision: Source Available." Green light with nameplate engraved "Normal Red light with nameplate engraved "Emergency H.Unassigned Auxiliary Contacts: Two norrnally open single-pole, double-tlrrow contacts for each switch position, rated l0 A at 240-V ac. Transfer Override Switch: Overrides automatic retransfer control so automatic transfer switch will remain connected to emergency power source regardless of condition of normal source. Pilot lieht indicates override status. Engine Starting Contacts: One isolated, normally closed and one isolated, normally open, rated l0 A at 32-V dc minimum. r- !K. Engine Shutdown Contacts: Time delay adjustable from zero to five minutes; factory set for five minutes. Initiates shutdown at remote engine-generator controls after retransfer of load to normal source. 2.5 REMOTE ANNUNCIAI'OR SYSTEM A. Functional Description: Rcmote annunciator panel annunciates conditions for indicated transfer switches. Annunciation includes the following: L Sources available, as defined by actual pickup and dropout settings of transfer- switch controls. Z. Switch position. 3. Switch in test mode. 4. Failure of communications link. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Documents 15 October 2001 I t I I I HLM 980071-04 16415-4 I I I I I I I I I I T t I I I I I I I Iti ": SECTION 16115 TRANSFER SWITCHES B. Annunciator Panel: LED-lamp type with audible signal and silencing switch. I . Indicating Lights: Grouped for each transfer switch monitored.2. Label each group indicating transfer switch it monitors, location of switch, and identity of load it serves. 3. Mounting: Flush, modular, steel cabinet, unless otherwise indicated.4. Lamp Test: Push-to-test or lamp-test switch on front panel. 2.6 FACTORY FINISHES A. Finish for Outdoor Units: Factory-applied finish in manufacturer's standard color, including undersurfaces treated with corrosion resistant undercoating. B. Finish for Indoor Units: Factory-applied finish in manufacturer's standard gray finish over a rust-inhibiting primer on treated metal surface. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.I EXAMINATION A. Examine areas and surfaces to receive transfer switches for compliance with requirements, installation toleranccs, code compliance clearances, and other conditiolts affection performance. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactorv conditions have been corrected. APPLICATION Four-Pole Switches: Where four-pole switches are indicated, install neutral switching. INSTALLATION Floor-Mounted Switch: Level and anchor unit to floor, Identiff components according to Division l6 Section "Electrical ldentification." Annunciator and Control Panel Mounting: Flush in rvall, unless otherwise indicated. 3.3 WIRING TO REMOTE COMPONENTS A. Match type and number of cables and conductors to control and communications requirements of transfer switches as recommended by manufacturer. Increase raceway sizes at no additional cost to Owner if necessary to accommodate required wiring. 3.4 CONNECTIONS A. Electrical wiring and connections arc specified in other Division l6 Sections. 3.5 FIELD QUALIry CONTROL A. Testing: Perform the following field quality-control testing under the supervision of the manufacturer's factory-authorized service representative in addition to tests recommended by the manufacturer: l. Before energizing equipment, after transfer-switch products have been installed:a. Measure insulation resistance phase-to phase and phase-to-ground with insulation-resistance tester. Include external annunciation and control circuits. Use test voltages and procedure recommended by manufacturer. Meet manufacturer's specified minimum resistance. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 October 2001 J.Z 3.2 B. A. A. B. c. HLM 980071-04 16415-5 SECTION 16415 TRANSFER SWITCHES Check for electrical continuity of circuits and for short circuits. Inspect for physical damage; proper installation and connection; and integrity of barriers, covers, and safety features. Veri$ that manual transfer warnings are properly placed. Perform manual transfer operation I t I ,:.1h. .,:$jj;j b. '{ 2. After energizing circuits, demonstrate interlocking sequence and operationat I function for each switch at least three times. a. Simulate power failures of normal source to automatic transfer switches I and of emergency source with normal source available. Ib. Simulate loss of phase-to-ground voltage for each phase of normal source. c. Verify time-delay settings. Id. Veri$ pickup and dropout voltages by data readout or inspection of r control settings. c. Perform contact-resistance test across main contacts and correct values exceeding 500 microhms and values for one pole deviating by more than 50 percent from other poles. f. Verify proper sequence and correct timing of automatic engine starting, transfer time dclay, retransfer time delay on restoration of norrnal power, and engine cool-down and shutdown sequence. Coordinate tests with tests ofgenerator plant and run them concurrently. C. Report results of tests and inspections in writing. Record adjustable relay settings and I measured insulation and contact resistances and time delays. Attach a label or tag to each I tested component indicating satisfactory completion of tests. CLEANING After completing equipment installation, inspect unit conrponents. Renrove paint splatters and other spots, dirt, and debris. Repair damaged finish to match original finish. Clean cquiprnent internally, on completion of installation, according to manufacturer's written instructions. DEMONSTRATION A. Engage a factory-authorized scrvice representative to train Owner's personnel to adjust, operate, and maintain transf'er switches and related equipment as specified below: l.Train Owner's maintenance personnel on procedures and schedules for starting and stopping, troubleshooting, servicing, and maintaining equipment. Review data in maintenance manuals. Refer to Division I Section "Contract Closeout," or Section "Operation and Maintenance Data" as applicable. Schedule training with Orvner, through Architect, with at least seven days' advance notice. Provide a minirnum of four hours of instruction. END OF SECTION 16415 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constructio n Documents I5 October 2001 t I IB. '.r' I t I I I t I I I 2. J. 4. B. 3.6 3.7 HLM 9EOO7I-04 I64 t 5-6 I sEcrroN 16441 I fI I PARr r *.ENERAL I i-D S'YITCHBOAR.DS SECTION I644I SWITCHBOARDS I I I l.l RELATED DOCUMENTS I A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I t.2 suMMARyr A. This Section includes service and distribution switchboards rated 600 V and less. B. Related Sections may include but are not limited to the following:l. Division I 6 Section "Electrical Identification." 2. Division l6 Section "Grounding and Bonding."3. Division I 6 Section "Boxes. Enclosures and Cabinets."4. Division 16 Section "Transient Voltage Suppression."5. Division l6 Section "Fuses." t r.3 DEFrN'.NS A. EMI:Electromagneticinterference. B. GFCI: Ground-fault circuit interruDter. C. RFI: Radio-frequencyinterference. D. RMS: Root mean square. I E. TVSS: Transient voltage surge suppressor.I 1.4 SUBMITTALS I A. Product Data: For each type of switchboard, overcurrent protective device, if requiredI TVSS device, ground-fault protector, accessories, and componcnts indicated. Include dimensions and manufacturers' technical data on features, performance, electrical characteristics, ratings, and fi nishes. I B. Shop Drawings: For each switchboard and relatcd equipment required on the project. I L Dimensioned plans, elevations, sections, and details, including required f clearances and service space around equipment. Show tabulations of installed devices, equipment features, and ratings. Include the following: a. Enclosure types, sizes and details.r i 3:ffili:i,?ii";1*,lTill:liltT.'J:ll" r d. Short-circuit current rating of switchboards and overcurrent protective I e. $""tffi;t"" documentation of optional barriers specified for electrical insulation and isolation. I f. Specified metering provisions and instrument details.g. Features, characteristics, ratings, and factory settings of individual overcurrent protective devices and auxiliary components.l.rI HLM 980071-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 16441-I Construction Documents 15 October 2001 - I I SECTION T6441 SWITCHBOAR-DS 2. Wiring Diagrams: Diagram power, signal, and control wiring and differentiate between manufacturer-installed and field-installed wiring. C. Field Test Reports: Submit written test reports and include the following: l. Test procedures used. 2. Test results that comply with requirements. I3. Results of failed tests and corrective action taken to achieve test results that I comply with requirements. Maintenance Data: For switchboards and components to include in maintenance manuals specified in Division L In addition to requirements specified in Division I include the following: I I I D.I I I I I I I I I t I t I t I l. Routine maintenance requirements components. 2. ManufactureCs written instructions protective devices. 3. If required time-current curves, including overcurrent protective device. QUALITY ASSURANCE Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by UL or by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. Comply with NEMA PB 2. Comply with NFPA 70. DELIVERY. STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver in sections of lengths that can be nrored past obstructions in delivery path. Maximum of 48 inches wide ( I 520 mm). Store indoors in clean dry space with uniforrn temperature to prevent condensation. Protect from exposure to dirt, fumes, water, corrosive substances, and physical damage. Handle switchboards according to NEMA PB 2.1, and manufacturers written instructions. Lift only with lugs provided for the pruposc. COORDINATION Coordinate layout and installation of switchboards and components with other construction, including conduit, piping, equipment, and adjacent surfaces. Maintain required workspace clearances and required clearances for equipment access doors and panels. B. Coordinate size and location of concrete bases. Cast anchor-bolt inserts into bases. Concrete, reinforcement, and formwork requirements are specified in Division 3 Section "Cast-in-Place Concrete." for switchboards and all installed for testing and adjusting overcurrent selectable ranges for each type of 1.5 A. B. c. A. B. c. A. 1.6 1.7 PART 2 - PRODUCT HLM 980071-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Documents I5 October 2001 16441-2 I I ,\ I ii;:; I I I I ..ii I I I t I I I l- t SECTION 16441 C. C. z.+ 2.1 2.2 A. SWITCHBOARDS MANUFACTURERS Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: l. Eaton Corp.; Cutler-Hammer Products. 2. General Electric Co.; Electrical Distribution & Control Div. 3. Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc. 4. Square D Co. MANUFACTURED UNITS Front-Connected, Front-Accessible Switchboard: All sections rear aliened. I . Main Devices: Panel-mounted. 2. Branch Devices: Panel-mounted. Nominal System Voltage: As indicated on the drawings. Main-Bus Continuous: As indicated on the drawings. FABNCATION AND FEATURES Enclosure: Steel: Type to meet environmental conditions of installed location. Buses and Connections: Three phase, four wire, unless otherwise indicated. lnclude the following features: I . Phase- and Neutral-Bus Material: Hard-drawn copper of 98 percent conductivity or tin-plated, high-strength, electrical-grade aluminum alloy. a. If bus is aluminum, use copper or tin-plated aluminum for circuit-breaker line connections. b. lfbus is copper, use copper for feeder circuit-breaker line connections, Ground Bus: l/4-by-2-inch (6-by-50-mm) minimum size, drawn-temper copper of 98 percent conductivity, equipped with pressure connectors for feeder and branch-circuit ground conductors. For busway feeders, extend insulated equipment grounding cable to busway ground connection and support cable at intervals in vertical run. Contact Surlaces ofBuses: Silver platcd. Main Phase Buses, Neutral Buses, and Equipment Ground Buses: Unifornr capacity for entire length of switchboard's main and distribution sections. Provide for future extensions from both ends. 5. Neutral Buses: 100 percent of the ampacity of the phase buses, unless otherwise indicated, equipped with pressure connectors for outgoing circuit neutral cables. Bus extensions for busway feeder neutral bus is braced. Future Devices: Equip compartments with mounting brackets, supports, bus connections, and appurtenances at full rating of circuit-breaker compartment. OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICES VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constraction Documents 15 October 2001 L-3 t I I A. B. A. B. 2. J. A HLM 98007r-04 t6141-3 / '\ SECTION 16111 SIYITCHBOAR-DS Molded-Case Circuit Breaker: NEMA AB l, with interrupting capacity to meet available fault currents. l.Thermal-Magnetic Circuit Breakers: lnverse time-current element for low-level overloads, and instantaneous magnetic trip element for short circuits. Adjustable magnetic trip setting for circuit-breaker frame sizes 250 A and larger. Adjustable Instantaneous-Trip Circuit Breakers: Magnetic trip element with front-mounted, field-adjustable trip setting. Electronic Trip Unit Circuit Breakers: RMS sensing; field-replaceable rating plug; with the following field-adjustable seftings: a. Instantaneous trip. b. Long- and short-time pickup levels. c. Long- and short-time time adjustments. d. Ground-fault pickup level, time delay, and I't response. Current-Limiting Circuit Breakers: Frame sizes 400 A and smaller; let-through ratings less than NEMA FU I, RK-s. 5. GFCI Circuit Breakers: Single- and two-pole configurations with 30-mA trip sensitivity. Molded-Case Circuit-Breaker Features and Accessories: Standard frame sizes. trio ratings, and number of poles. L Lugs: Mechanical style, suitable for number, size, trip ratings, and material of conductors. 2. Application Listing: Appropriate for application; Type SWD for switching fluorescent lighting loads; Type HACR for heating, air-conditioning, and refri geratin g equipment. 3. Ground-Fault Protection: Integrally mounted relay and trip unit with adjustable pickup and time-delay settings, push-to-test feature, and ground-fault indicator. 4. Shunt Trip: 120-V trip coil energized from separate circuit, rated for continuous duty. C. Fused Switch: NEMA KS l, Type HD; clips to accommodate specified fuses; lockable handle. 2.5 ACCESSORY COMPONENTS AND FEATURL,S A. Accessory Set: If required tools and miscellaneous items required for overcurrent protective device test, inspection, maintenance, and operation. B. Portable Test Set if required: To test functions of solid-state trip devices without removal from switchboard. Include relay and meter test plugs suitable for testing switchboard meters and switchboard class relavs. 2.6 FACTORY FINISHED A. Enclosure Finish for Indoor Units: Factory-applied finish in manufacturer's standard gray finish over a rust-inhibiting primer on treated metal surface. PART 3 _ EXECUTION HLM 980071-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents I5 October 2001 I I I I I t T I I I I I I t I t I I I 2. J. 4. A. B. 16441-4 I I SECTION 16441 SWITCHBOARDS Examine areas and surfaces to receive switchboards for compliance with requirements, installation tolerances, code compliance clearances, and other conditions affecting performance. l. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. INSTALLATION Install switchboards and accessories according to NEMA PB 2.1. Support switchboards on concrete bases,3 | /2-inch (100-mm) nominal thickness. Temporary Lifting Provisions: Remove temporary lifting eyes, channels, and brackets and temporary blocking of moving parts from switchboard units and components. Operating Instructions: Frame and mount the printed basic operating instructions for switchboards, including control and key interlockirrg sequences and emergency procedures. Fabricate frame of finished wood or metal and cover instructions with clear acrylic plastic. Mount on front of switchboards. IDENTIFICATION Identiff field-installed conductors, interconnecting wiring, and components; provide warning signs as specified in Division I 6 Section "Electrical Identification." Switchboard Nameplates: Label each switchboard compartment with engraved metal or laminated-plastic nameplate mounted with corrosion-resistant screws. CONNECTIONS Install equipment grounding connections for switchboards with ground continuity to main electrical ground bus. Tighten electrical connectors and terminals according to manufacturer's published torque- tightening values. If manufacturer's torque values are not indicated, use those specified in UL 4864 and UL 4868. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents I5 October 2001 A. A. B. C. D. J.Z ).J I I I T I t A. B. I T I I I t A. B.I ,.,,r,, 3.4 I I I 3.s FIELD QUALTTY CONTROL A. Prepare for acceptance tests as follows: l. Test insulation resistance for each switchboard bus, component, connecting supply, feeder, and control circuit. 2. Test continuity of each circuit. B. Testing: After installing switchboards and after electrical circuitry has been energized, demonstrate product capability and compliance with requirements. l. Procedures: Perform each visual and mechanical inspection and electrical test indicated in NETAATS, Sections 7.1, 7.5,7.6, 7.9, 7.10,7.11, and 7.14 as appropriate. Certifu compliance with test parameters. 2. Conect malfunctioning units on-site, where possible, and retest to demonstrate compliance; otherwise, replace with new units and retest. 3.6 ADruSTINGA. Set field-adjustable switches and circuit-breaker trip ranges as directed by Engineer. HLM 980071-04 r6441-5 ',1 SECTION 16111 SWITCHBOAR.DS CLEANING On completion of installation, inspect interior and exterior of switchboards. Remove paint splatters and otJrer spots. Vacuum dirt and debris; do not use compressed air to assist in cleaning. Repair exposed surfaces to match original finish. END OF SECTION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nst r uc t io n Doc uments I5 October 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,l:\,,'; "tt\;;/ --/ HLM 980071-01 16141-6 I :. t I l t.2 SECTION 16442 PANELBOARDS SECTION 16442 PANELBOARDS PART I _GENERAL l.l RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. This Section includes load centers and panelboards, overcurrent protective devices, and associated auxiliary equipment rated 600 V and less for the following types:1. Lighting and appliance bianch-circuit panelboards. 2. Distribution panelboards. 3. Related Sections may include but are limited to the following:a. Division 16 Section "Electrical Identification." b. Division l6 Section "Grounding and Bonding."c. Division 16 Section "Boxes, Enclosures, and Cabinets." d. Division | 6 Section "Fuses." I.3 DEFINITIONS A. EMI: Electromasneticinterference. B. GFCI: Ground-fault circuit intem.rpter. C. RFI: Radio-frequencyinterference. D. RMS: Root mean souare. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of panelboard, overcurrent protective device, accessories, and components required on the project. Include dimensions and manufacturers' technical data on features, performance, electrical characteristics, ratings, and f'rnishes. B. Shop Drawings: For each panelboard and related equipment. l. Dimensioned plans, elevations, sections, and details. Show tabulations of installed devices, equipment features, and ratings. Include the following: a. Enclosure types, sizes, and details. b. Bus configuration, current, and voltage ratings. c. Circuit breaker and/or fusible switch arrangement and sizes. d. Short-circuit current rating of panelboards and ovcrcurrent protective devices. e. Features, characteristics, ratings, and factory settings of individual overcurrent protective devices and auxiliary components. 2. Wiring Diagrams: Diagram power, signal, and control wiring and differentiate between manufacturer-installed and field-installed wiring. C. Field Test Reports: Submit written test reports and include the following: l. Test procedures used. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstr uction Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 I I I t I I I I t t I I I HLM 980071-04 16442-t 1.5 SECTION 16442 PANELBOAR,DS t.7 2. Test results that comply with requirements. 3. Results of failed tests and corrective action taken to achieve test results that comply with requirements. Panelboard Schedules: Typed, for installation in panelboards. Maintenance Data: For panelboards and components to include in maintenance manuals specified in Division I . In addition to requirements specified in Division I include the following: l. Manufacturer's written instructions for testing and adjusting overcurrent protective devices. 2. Time-current curves, including selectable ranges for each type of overcurrent protective device. QUALITY ASSURANCE Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA70, Article 100, by UL or by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. Comply with NEMA PB l. Comply with NFPA 70. COORDINATION Coordinate layout and installation of panelboards and components with other construction that penetrates walls or is supported by them, including electrical and other types of equipment, raceways, piping, and encumbrances to workspace clearance requirements. EXTRA MATERIALS Keys: Fumish two each to owner. All keys shall be kayed alike of keyed as directed by the owner. PART 2 _ PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the tbllowing: L Panelboards and associated devices: a. Eaton Corp.; Cutler-Hammer Products. b. Gencral Electric Co.t Electrical Distribution & Control Div. c. Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc. d. Square D Co. 2.2 FABRICATION AND FEATURES A. Enclosures: As indicated on Panelboard schedule, flush or surface mounted cabinets. NEMA PB 1, Type to meet environmental conditions at installed location. D. E. B. C. I I I I I I I I I T T I t I I I I t I 1.6 ':.r i:rr'rti7 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construclion Documenls 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 16442-2 I t I t I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I SECTION 16442 PANELBOARDS c. Hinged Front Cover: Entire front trim hinged to box and with standard door within hinged trim cover. Directory Card: With transparent protective cover, mounted inside metal frame, inside panelboard door. Bus: Hard-drawn copper, 98 percent conductivity or Tin-plated aluminum. Main and Neutral Lugs: Mechanical type suitable for use with conductor material. Equipment Ground Bus: Adequate for feeder and branch-circuit equipment ground conductors; bonded to box. Feed-through Lugs: Ifrequired provide mechanical type suitable for use with conductor material where required. Locate at opposite end of bus from incoming lugs or main device. Service Equipment Label: If required provide UL label for use as service equipment for panelboards with main service disconnect switches where required. Future Devices: Mounting brackets, bus connections, and necessary appurtenances required for future installation of devices. Isolated Equipment Ground Bus: Adequate for branch-circuit equipment ground conductorsl insulated from box. Extra-Capacity Neutral Bus: Neutral bus rated 200 percent of phase bus and UL listed as suitable for nonlinear loads. L. Split Bus: Vertical buses divided into individual vertical sections. M. Skirt for Surface-Mounted Panelboards: Same gage and finish as panelboard front with flanges for attachment to panelboard, wall, and ceiling or floor. N. Gutter Barrier: Arrange to isolate individual panel sections. 2.3 PANELBOARD SHORT-CIRCUIT RATING A. Fully rated to intorrupt symmetrical short-circuit available at terminals. 2,4 LIGHTING AND APPLIANCE BRANCH-CIRCUIT PANELBOARDS A. Branch Overcurrent Protective Devices: Bolt-on circuit breakers. reolaceable without disturbing adjacent units. B. Doors: Front mounted with concealed hinges; secured with flush latch with tumbler lock; keyed alike. 2.5 DISTRIBUTION PANELBOARDS A. Doors: Front mounted, except omit in fused-switch panelboards; secured with vault-type latch with tumbler lock: keved alike. UAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uctio n Doc uments 15 October 2001 B. D. E. F. G. H. J. K. HLM 9E0071-04 r6442-3 I I t I I t I I I I I I I I 3. i..t. B. c. A. 2.6 'i'i ,.:; r:ainlr'i SECTION 16112 PANELBOARDS Main Overcurrent Protective Device: As indicated on Danelboard schedule or electrical one-line diagram. Branch overcurrent protective devices shall be one of the following as indicated on panelboard schedule or electrical one-line diagram: l. For Circuit-Breaker Frame Sizes 125 A and Smaller: Bolt-on circuit breakers.2. For Circuit-Breaker Frame Sizes Larger Than 125 A: Bolt-on circuit breakers; plug-in circuit breakers where individual positive- locking device requires mechanical release for removal. 3. Fused switches. OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICES Molded-Case Circuit Breaker: NEMA AB I, with interrupting capacity to meet available fault currents. I . Thermal-Magnetic Circuit Breakers: Inverse time-current element for low-level overloads, and instantaneous magnetic trip element for short circuits. Adjustable magnetic trip setting for circuit-breaker frame sizes 250 A and larger. 2. GFCI Circuit Breakers: Single- and two-pole configurations with 30-mA trip sensitivity. Adjustable Instantaneous-Trip Circuit Breakers: Magnetic trip element with front-mounted, field-adjustable trip setting. Electronic Trip Unit Circuit Breakers: RMS sensing; field-replaceable rating plug; with the following field-adjustable settings: a. Instantaneous trip.b. Long- and short-time pickup levels. c. Long- and short-time time adjustments.d. Ground-fault pickup level, time delay, and I2t response. 5. Current-I-imiting Circuit Breakers: Frame sizes 400 A and smaller; let-through ratings less than NEMA FU l, RK-5. B. Molded-Case Circuit-Breaker Features and Accessories. Standard frame sizes. trio ratings, and number of poles. l. Lugs: Mechanical style, suitable for number, size, trip ratings, and matcrial of conductors. 2. Application Listing: Appropriate for application; Type SWD for switching I fluorescent lighting loads; Type HACR for heating, air-conditioning, and I refri gerat i n g eq u i pment. 3. Ground-Fault Protection: Integrally mounted relay and trip unit with adjustable pickup and time-delay settings, push{o-test feature, and ground-fault indicator. C. Fused Switch: NEMA KS l, Type HD; clips to accommodate specified fuses; lockable handle. 2.8 FACTORY FINISHES I I I I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 16442-4 I I SECTION 16442 PANELBOARDS A. Enclosure Finish for Outdoor Units: Factory-applied finish in manufacturer's standard color, including undersurfaces treated with corrosion-resistant undercoating. B. Enclosure Finish for Indoor Units: Factory-applied finish in manufacturer's standard gray finish over a rust-inhibiting primer on treated metal surface. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.I INSTALLATION A. Install panelboards and accessories according to NEMA PB l.l. B. Mounting Heights: Top of trim 74 inches (1880 mm) above finished floor, unless otherwise indicated. Mounting: Plumb and rigid without distortion of box. Mount recessed panelboards with fronts uniformly flush with wall finish. Circuit Directory: Create a directory to indicate installed circuit loads. Obtain approval before installing. Use a computer or typewriter to create directory; handwritten directories are not acceptable. Install filler plates in unused spaces. Provision for Future Circuits at Flush Panelboards: Stub four 3/4-inch empty conduits from panelboard into accessible ceiling space or space designated to be ceiling space in the future. Stub four 3/4-inch empty conduits into raised floor space or below slab not on grade. Wiring in Panelboard Gutters: Arrange conductors into groups and bundle and wrap with wire ties after completing load balancing. 3.2 IDENTIFICATION A. Identi! field-installed conductors, interconnecting wiring, and components; provide warning signs as specified in Division l6 Section "Electrical Identification." B. Panelboard Nameplates: Label each panelboard with engraved metal or lam inated-plastic nameplate mounted with corrosion-resistant screws. 3.3 CONNECTIONS A. Install equipment grounding connections for panelboards with ground continuity to main electrical ground bus. B. Tighten electrical connectors and terminals according to manuf'acturer's published torque- tightening values. If manufacturer's torque values are not indicated, use those specified in UL 486A. and UL 4868. 3.4 FIELD QUALTTY CONTROL A. Prepare for acceptance tests as follows: l. Test insulation resistance for each panelboard bus, component, connecting supply, feeder, and control circuit. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments 15 October 2001 I I t I t I I I I I I I I t I t I C. D. E. F. F. HLM 980071-04 r6442-5 ,'-1\.1:ip SECTION T6142 I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I T I I B. 3.5 3.6 PANELBOARDS 2. Test continuity ofeach circuit. Testing: After installing panelboards and after electrical circuitry has been energized, demonstrate product capability and compliance with requirements. l. Procedures: Perform each visual and mechanical inspection and electrical test indicated in NETA ATS, Section 7.5 for switches and Section 7.6 for molded- case circuit breakers. Certif compliance with test parameters. 2. Conect malfunctioning units on-site, where possible, and retest to demonstrate compliance; otherwise, replace with new units and retest. ADJUSTING Set field-adjustable switches and circuit-breaker trip ranges as directed by Engineer. CLEANING On completion of installation, inspect interior and exterior of panelboards. Remove paint splatters and other spots. Vacuum dirt and debris; do not use compressed air to assist in cleaning. Repair exposed surfaces to match original finish. END OF SECTION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstr uctio n Do c ume nts I5 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 16442-6 I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t l.l SECTION 16461 DRy-TypE TRANSFORMERS (1000 V AND LESS) SECTION I646I DRY.TYPE TRANSFORMERS (IOOO V AND LESS) PART I-GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes dry-type distribution transformers rated 1000 V and less. SUBMITTALS Product Data: Include data on features, components, ratings, and performance for each type of transformer required on the project. Include dimensioned plans, sections, and elevation views. Show minimum clearances and installed devices and features. Wiring Diagrams: Detail wiring and identify terminals for tap changing and connecting fi eld-installed wiring. Sound-Level Test Reports: If Low-Sound-Level Transformers are specified, provide certified copies of manufacturer's sound-level tests applicable to equipment for this Project. Field Test Reports: Indicate and interpret test results for tests specified in Part 3. Maintenance Data: For transformers to include in the maintenance manuals specified in Division I . 1.4 QUALIry ASSURANCE A. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by UL or by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. B. Comply with IEEE C2. C. Comply with NFPA 70. D. Comply with NEMA ST20. I.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Store indoors in clean dry space with uniform temperature to prevent condensation. Protect from exposure to dirt, fumes, water, corrosive substances, and physical damage. B. Handle transformers using only lifting eyes and brackets provided for that purpose. Protect units against entrance of rain, sleet, or snow if handled in inclement weather. 1.6 COORDINATION A. Coordinate layout and installation of transformers and components with other construction, including conduit, piping, equipment, and adjacent surfaces. Maintain VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Documents 15 October 2001 A. A. A. t.2 l.J B. C. D. E. HLM 980071-04 16461-I SECTION 1646]DRY-TYPE TNANSFORMERS (IOOO V AND LESS) clearances and required clearances for equipment access doors andrequired workspace panels. B. Coordinate size and location of concrete bases. Cast anchor-bolt inserts into bases. Concrete, reinforcement, and formwork requirements are specified in Division 3 Section "Cast-in-Place Concrete." PART 2 _ PRODUCTS I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I 2.1 MANUFACTURERS Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide transformers by one the following: l . Cutler-HammerlEaton Corp. 2. GE Electrical Distribution & Control. 3. Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc. 4. Square D; Groupe Schneider. TRANSFORMERS, GENERAL Description: Factory-assembled and -tested, air-cooled units oftypes specified, designed for 60-Hz service. Cores: Grain-oriented, nonaging silicon steel. Coils: Electrical grade aluminum. Continuous windings without splices, except for taps. Internal Coil Connections: Brazed or welded type. Enclosure: Class complies with NEMA 250 to meet environmental conditions at installed location. GENERAL-PURPOSE DI STRIBUTION AND POWER TRANSFORM ERS Comply with NEMA ST 20 and list and label as complying with UL 1561. Cores: One leg per phase. Windings: One coil per phase in primary and secondary. Basic Impulse Level: 10 KV for transformers less than 300 KVA. 30KV for transformers 300 KVA and larser. Isolation: Core and coil shall be isolated from enclosure using vibration-absorbing mounts. Insulation Class: 185 or 220 degC class for transformers l5 kVA or smaller; 220 deg C class for transformers larger than l5 kVA. l. Rated Temperature Rise: 115 deg C maximum rise above 40 deg C. Taps: For transfbrmers 3 kVA and larger, full-capacity taps in high-voltage windings are as follows: I . Taps, 3 through 15 kVA: Two S-percent taps below rated high voltage. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments 15 October 2001 A. 2.2 A. B. c. ."ijt, D.tl: E. L.J A. B. L. D. E. F. G. HLM 98007r-04 16461-2 I H. I I I I I I I t SECTION 16461 DRY-TYPE TMNSFORMERS (1000 V AND LESS) 2. Taps, l5 through 500 kVA: Six 2.5-percent taps, 2 above and 4 below rated high voltage. 3. Taps, 750 kVA and Above: Four 2.5-percent taps, 2 above and 2 below rated high voltage. Mounting: Transformers 75 KVA and less shall be suitable for wall, floor or trapeze mounting, if wall mounted use manufacturer's standard brackets. Transformers larger than 75 KVA shall be suitable for floor or trapeze mounting. K-Factor Rating: Transformers to have K-4 rating and listed to comply with UL l56l requirements for nonsinusoidal load current handling capability to the degree defined by the designated K-factor. l. Transformer design prevents overheating when carrying full load with harmonic content corresponding to the designated K-factor. 2. Nameplate states the designated K-factor of the transformer. J.Electrostatic Shielding: Each winding is independently single shielded with a full-width copper electrostatic shield arranged to minimize interwinding capacitance. le L t. J. 4. 5. Coil leads and terminal strips are arranged to minimize capacitive coupling between input and output connections. Shield Terminal: Separate; marked "Shield" for grounding connection. Capacitance: Shield limits capacitance between primary and secondary to a maximum of 33 picofarads over a frequency range of 20 Hz to I MHz. Common-Mode Noise Attenuation: Minus 120 dB minimum, 0.5 to 1.5 kHz; minus 65 dB minimum. 1.5 to 100 kHz. Normal-Mode Noise Attenuation: Minus 52 dB minimum. I .5 to l0 kHz. I I t t I I I T I 2.4 CONTROL AND SICNAL TRANSFORMERSA. Units comply with NEMA ST 1 and are listed and labeled as complying with UL 506. B. Ratings: Continuous dury. If rating is not indicated, provide capacity exceeding peak load by 50 percent minimum. C. Description: Self-cooled,2windings. 2.5 FINISHES A. Finish for Outdoor Units: Factory-applied finish in manufacturer's standard color, including undersurfaces treated with corrosion resistant undercoating. B. Finish for Indoor Units: Factory-applied finish in manufacturer's standard gray finish over a rust-inhibiting primer on treated metal surface. PART 3 _ EXECUTION 3.I INSTALLATION A. Comply with safety requirements of IEEE C2. B. Arrange equipment to provide adequate spacing for access and for circulation of cooling air' C. Identiff transformers and install waming signs according to Division 16 Section "Electrical Identifi cation." VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Documents 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-01 16461-3 DRY-TYPE TRANSFORMERS (IOOO VAND LESS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. 2. E, F. A. A. B. c. D. A. B. C. D. 3.2 3.3 (--, J.+ SECTION 16461 D. Tighten electrical connectors and terminals according to manufacturer's published torque- I tightening values. If manufacturer's torque values are not indicated, use those specified in UL 486,4. and UL 486B. Install vibration isolation pads suitable for isolating the transformer noise from the building structure. Support floor mounted transformers on concrete bases, 3 112-inch (100-mm) nominal thichness. IDENTIFICATION Identifo transformers according to Division I 6 Section "Electrical Identification." CONNECTIONS Separately Derived Systems: Make grounding connections to grounding electrodes and bonding connections to metallic piping as indicated and to comply with NFPA 70. Comply with Division l6 Section "Grounding and Bonding" for materials and installation requirements. Ground core and coil assembly to enclosure by means of a visible flexible copper grounding strap. Use flexible conduit per requirements specified in Division l6 Section "Raceways". FIELD QUALIry CONTROL Test Objectives: To ensure transformer is operational within industry and manufacturer's tolerances, is installed according to the Contract Documents, and is suitable for energizing. Test Labeling: On satisfactory completion of tests for each transformer, attach a dated and signed "Satisfactory Test" label to tested component. Schedule tests and provide notification at least 7 days in advance of test commencement. Reporl: Submit a written report of observations and tests. Report defective materials and installation. E. Tcsts: lnclude the following minimum inspections and tests according to manufacturer's written instructions. Cornply with IEEE C57.12.91 for test methods and data correction lactors. 3. HLM 980071-04 Irrspect accessible components for cleanliness, mechanical and electrical integrity, and damage or deterioration. Verify that tcmporary shipping bracing has been removed. Include internal inspection through access panels and covers. Inspect bolted electrical connections for tightness according to manufacturer's published torque values or, if not available, those specified in UL 486,{ and UL 4868. Insulation Resistance: Perform megohmmeter tests of primary and secondary winCing to winding and winding to ground. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documenls I5 October 2001 16461-4 A. B. 3.5 3.6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I t SECTION 16161 DRY-TYPE TRANSFORMERS (1000 V AND LESS) Minimum Test Voltage: 1000 V, dc. Minimum Insulation Resistance: 500 megohms. Duration of Each Test: l0 minutes. Temperature Correction: Correct results for test temperature deviation F. from 20 deg C standard. Test Failures: Compare test results with specified performance or manufacturer's data. Correct deficiencies identified by tests and retest. Verify that transformers meet specified reouirements. CLEANING A. On completion of installation, inspect components. Remove paint splatters and other spots, dirt, and debris. Repair scratches and mars on finish to match original finish. Clean components internally using methods and materials recommended by manufacturer. ADruSTING Adjust transformer taps to provide optimum voltage conditions at utilization equipment throughout normal operating cycle of facility. Record primary and secondary voltages and tap settings and submit with test results. Occupancy Adjustments: When requested within 12 months of date of Substantial Completion, provide on-site assistance in readjusting transformer tap settings to suit actual occupied conditions. Provide up to 2 visits to Project site for this purpose without additional cost. l. Voltage Recordings: Contractor performed. Provide up to 48 hours of recording on the low-voltage system of each medium-voltage transformer.2. Point of Measurement: Make voltage recordings at load outlets selected by Owner. END OF SECTION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Doc uments I5 October 2001 a. b. d. I I HLM 9EOO7I.O4 16461-5 A. A. B. A, 1.2 1.3 I I I I I t I I I C. B. C. D. t.4 I I I I t I SECTION 16491 PART I - GENERAL FASES SECTION 1649I FUSES l.l RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes cartridge fuses, rated 600 V and less, for use in switches, panelboards, switchboards, controllers, and motor-control centers; and spare fuse cabinets. Related Sections may include but are not limited to the following:L Division l6 Section "Enclosed Switches and Circuit Breakers."2. Division l6 Section "Switchboards." 3. Division 16 Section "Panelboards." SUBMITTALS Product Data: Include the following for each fuse type required on the project:l. Dimensions and manufacturer's technical data on features, performance, electrical characteristics, and ratings.2. Let-through current curves for fuses with current-limiting characteristics.3. Time-current curves, coordination charts and tables, and retated data.4. Fuse size for elevator feeders and elevator disconnect switches. Ambient Temperature Adjustment Information. If ratings of fuses have been adjusted to accommodate ambient temperatures, provide list of fuses adjusted.l. For each adjusted fuse, include location of fuse, original fuse rating, local ambient temperature, and adjusted fuse rating.2. Provide manufacturer's technical data on which ambient temperature adjustment calculations are based. Maintenance Data: For tripping devices to include in maintenance manuals specified in Division l. QUALITY ASSURANCE Source Limitations: Provide fuses from a single manufacturer. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA70, Article 100, by UL or by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. Comply with NEMA FU l. Comply with NFPA 70. PROJECT CONDITIONS VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns t r act io n D oc u me nts I5 October 2001 I ,-; B. I I I t.5 HLM 980071-04 16491-I SECTION 16491 FASES I I I T I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I A, A. A. A. B. Where ambient temperature to which fuses are directly exposed is less than 40 deg F (4.4 degC) or more than 100 degF (38 degC), apply manufacturer's ambient temperature adjustment factors to fuse ratings. COORDINATION Coordinate fuse ratings with [{VAC and refrigeration equipment nameplate limitations of maximum fuse size. EXTRA MATERIALS Furnish extra materials described below that match products installed and that are packaged in original cartons or containers and identified with labels describing contents. l. Fuses: Furnish to owner three spare fuses ofeach type and rating installed. 2. Keys: Fumish two each to owner. All keys shall be keyed alike or keyed as directed by the owner. 1.6 PART2 PRODUCTS 2.1 PART 3 - EXECUTION A. 2.2 z.J 1.7 3.1 A. B. c. MANUFACTURERS Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: | . Cooper Industries, Inc.; Bussmann Div. 2. Gould Shawmut. 3. Tracor, Inc.; Littelfuse, Inc. Subsidiary. Fuse Designations: For reference catalog numbers given on the drawings are Cooper Industries. Inc.: Bussmann Div. CARTRIDGE FUSES Characteristics: NEMA FU l, nonrenewable cartridge fuse; class and current rating indicated; voltage rating consistent with circuit voltage. SPARE FUSE CABINET Cabinet: Wall-mounted, 0.05-inch- ( | .27-mm-) thick steel unit with full-length, recessed piano-hinged door and key-coded cam lock and pull. 1. Size: Adequate for storage of spare fuses specified with 15 percent spare capacity minimum. 2. Finish: Gray, baked enamel. 3. ldentification: 'SPARE FUSE,S' in l-l/2-inch- (40-mm-) high letters on exterior of door. 4. Fuse Pullers: One (l ) for each size fuse. A, EXAMINATION Examine utilization equipment nameplates and installation instructions. Install fuses of sizes and with characteristics appropriate for each piece of equipment. Evaluate ambient temperatures to determine if fuse rating adjustment factors must be applied to fuse ratings. Proceed with installation onlv after unsatisfactorv conditions have been corrected. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents I5 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 16491-2 I r SECTION 16491 FUSES I id.$s 3.2 FUSE APPLTCATTONS I ':ntv A. Main Service: As specified on the drawings. I B. Main Feeders: As specified on the drawings. I C. Motor Branch Circuits: As specified on the drawings. ,-r D. Other Branch Circuits: As specified on the drawings. Ir 3.3 INSTALLATIoN r A. Install fuses in fusible devices. Arrange fuses so rating information is readable without t removing fuse. B. Install spare fuse cabinets.II 3.4 IDENTIFICATION A. Install labels indicating fuse replacement information on inside door of each fused END OF SECTION I I I i;,' I I I I T I I l ''*" HLMgt007r-04 ,ATLVALLE,MEDT,AL,ENTER C o nstr uctio n D o c uments 15 October 2001I 16491-3 A. tl 1.2 l.J I I I I I I I I t B. C. D. A. t.4 I I I T I I I I I SECTION 16511 PART I -GENERAL INTERIOR LIGHTING SECTION 165II INTERIOR LIGHTING l$ RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes interior luminaires, luminaires mounted on exterior buildine surfaces, lamps, ballasts, emergency lighting units, and accessories. Related Sections may include but are not limited to the following: l. Division 16 Section "Grounding and Bonding." 2. Division l6 Section "Lighting Control Devices." SUBMITTALS Product Data: For each type of luminaire indicated, arranged in order of luminaire designation. Include data on features, accessories, and the following:l. Manufacturer'scataloguedesignations. 2. Dimensions of luminaires. 3. Manufacturer provided photometric data using specified lamp. 4. Emergency lighting unit battery and charger. 5. Fluorescentandhigh-intensity-dischargeballasts. 6. Types of lamps including manufacturer and exact model numbers. 7. Current quoted lead times for delivery. Should the Contractor anticipate that the delivery schedule ofany specified product may adversely impact the construction schedule, it shall be brought to the attention of the Owner at this time. Shop Drawings: Show details of nonstandard or custom luminaires. Indicate dimensions, weights, method of field assembly, components, features, and accessories. I . Wiring Diagrams: Detail wiring for luminaires and differentiate befween manufacturer-installed and fi eld-installed wiring. Field Test Reports: Indicate and interpret test results for compliance with performance requirements. Maintenance Data: For luminaires to include in maintenance manuals specified in Division I . ALTERNATES Should the contractor wish to have products considered other than those specified, he/she must submit those items in advance of the bid in accordance with Division l6 Section "Basic Electrical Requirements" and Division l. VAIL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o n str uct io n D o c ume ntsl5 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 r 6511-1 I I IA. 1.5 SECTION T65II INTEMORLIGHTING SUBSTITUTIONS Voluntary product substitutions from the contractor will not be considered without prior approval as required in Division 16 Section "Basic Electrical Requirements" and Division l. QUALITY ASSURANCE Luminaires, Emergency Lighting Units, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by UL or by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Comply with NFPA 70. FM Compliance: Luminaires for hazardous locations shall be listed and labeled for indicated class and division of hazard by FM. Uniform Building Code Compliance: Comply with visibility and luminance requirements for exit signs. COORDINATION Luminaires, Mounting Hardware, and Trim: Coordinate layout and installation of lighting luminaires with ceiling system and other construction. EXTRA MATERIALS Furnish extra materials described below that match products installed and that are packaged with protective covering for storage and identified with labels describing contents. L Lamps: I for every l0 of each type and rating installed. Fumish at least one of each type. 2. Plastic Diffusers and Lenses: I for every 100 of each type and rating installed. Furnish at least one ofeach type. 3. Battery and Charger Data: For emergency lighting units. 4. Ballasts: I for every 100 ofeach type and rating installed. Fumish at least one of each type. 5. Globes and Guards: I for every 100 of each type and rating installed. Fumish at least one of each type. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. ln other Part 2 articles where subparagraph titles below introduce lists, the following requirements apply for product selection: I . Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by the manufacturers specifi ed. 2.2 LUMINAIRES AND LUMINAIRE COMPONENTS VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents I5 October 2001 1.6 I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I B. c. D. 1.7 1.8 HLM 980071-04 I65I T-2 I I t I I I I t I I ,.; I I I I I I I I I SECTION I65TI INTERIOR LIGHTING A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products indicated for each luminaire designation in the Luminaire Schedule on the drawings.l. Keyless: Pass and Seymour with 150 watt general purpose incandescent lamp unless indicated otherwise. 2. Keyless with Pull Chain: Pass and Seymour with 150 watt general purpose incandescent lamp unless indicated otherwise. B. Provide complete lighting equipment, including canopies, suspensions, accessories, support brackets, sockets, holders, reflectors, ballasts, diffusing material, louvers, lamps, plaster frames and flanges as appropriate for ceiling type. C. Provide special plates, barriers etc. as required to comply with NFPA. FLUORESCENT LAMP BALLASTS A. Manufacturers: l. Advance. 2. Osram-Sylvania. 3. Lutron. 4. EBT. 5. Magnatek. B. General Requirements: Unless otherwise indicated, features include the following:l. Designed for type and quantity of lamps indicated at full light output.2. Total Harmonic Distortion Rating: Less than l0 percent.3. Sound Rating: A.4. Third Harmonic Distortion Rating: Less than 6 percent. 5. Power Factor: Greater than .95.6. Noise: Uniformly quite operation. C. Electronic Ballasts for Linear Lamps: Unless otherwise indicated, features include the following, besides those in "Ceneral Requirements" Paragraph above:l. Certified Ballast Manufacturer Certification: Indicated by label.2. Encapsulation: Without voids in potting compound.3. Parallel Lamp Circuits: Multiple lamp ballasts connected to maintain full light output on surviving lamps if one or more lamps fail. D. Ballasts for Compact Lamps in Recessed Luminaires: Unless otherwise indicated, additional features include the following:l. Type: Electronic or electromagnetic, fully encapsulated in potting compound.2. Operating Frequency: 20 kHz or higher. 3. Flicker: Less than 5 percent. 4. Lamp Current Crest Factor: Less than 1.7.5. Transient Protection: Comply with IEEE C62.41 for Category Al locations.6. Interference: Comply with 47 CFR, Chapter 1, Part 18, Subpart C for limitations on electromagnetic and radio-frequency interference for nonconsumer equipment. E. Ballasts for Compact Lamps in Nonrecessed Luminaires: Unless otherwise indicated, additional features include the following: l. Ballast Coil Temperature: 65 deg C, maximum. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co ns t r uct io n D o c u me nts I5 October 2001 HLM 98007t-04 16511-3 ,'.,i],rl SECTION 16511 INTENOR LIGHTING 2. Transient Protection: Comply with IEEE C62.41 for Category Al locations. 3. lnterference: Comply with 47 CFR, Chapter I, Part 18, Subpart C for limitations on electromaqnetic and radio-frequencv interference for nonconsumer equipment. F. Ballasts for Dimmer-Controlled Luminaires: Comply with general and luminaire-related requirements above for electronic ballasts. Provide Lutron "Hi-Lume" Ballasts. l. Compatibility: For use with specific Lutron dimming system indicated for use with each dimming ballast. G. Ballasts for Low-Temperature Environments: As follows: I . Temperatures 0 Deg F (Minus I 7 Deg C) and Above: Electronic or electromagnetic type rated for 0 deg F (minus l7 deg C) starting temperature. 2. Temperatures Minus 20 Deg F (Minus 29 Deg C) and Above: Electromagnetic type designed for use with high-output lamps. 3. Ballasts for Low Electromagnetic Interference Environments: Comply with 47 CFR, Chapter l, Part 18, Subpart C for limitations on electromagnetic and radio-frequency interference for consumer equipment. HIGH-INTEN SITY-DISCFIARGE LAMP BALLASTS A. Manufacturers:l. Advance. 2. Magnatek. B. General: Comply with ANSI C82.4. Unless otherwise indicated, features include the followins: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8. C. D. A. 2.4 2.5 l. 2. J. A 5. 6. '7. Type: Constant wattage autotransformer or regulating high-power-factor type, unless otherwise indicated. Operating Voltage: Match system voltage at + l0 percent. Minimum Starting Temperature: Minus 22 deg F (Minus 30 deg C) for single lamp ballasts. Normal Ambient Operating Temperature: 122 deg F (50 deg C). Open-circuit operation that will not reduce average life. Noise: Uniformly quiet operation, with a noise rating of B or better. Auxiliary, Instant-on, Quartz System: Where indicated, automatically switches quartz lamp on when luminaire is initially energized and when momentary power outages occur. Automatically turns quartz lamp off when high-intensity- discharge lamp reaches approximately 60 percent light output. Instant High-Pressure Sodium Restrike Starters: Where indicated, solid-state, potted module, mounted inside Iuminaire. Encapsulation: Manufacturer's standard epoxy-encapsulated model designed to mlntmlze audible luminaire noise. High-Pressure Sodium Ballasts: Equip with a solid-state igniter/starter having an average life in pulsing mode of 10,000 hours at an igniter/starter case temperature of 90 deg C. EXIT SIGNS Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products indicated for each exit sign designation in the Luminaire Schcdule on the drawings. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Doc uments 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 16511-4 B. A. B. A. B. 2.6 2.7 2.8 I t I I I t I I I I I t I I I t SECTION 16511 INTERIOR LIGHTING General Requirements: As scheduled, comply with UL 924 and the following: I . Directional arrows as indicated on the drawings.2. Universal mounting or as scheduled. 3. Letter and background colors as specified or as required by authority having jurisdiction. 4. Battery: Where indicated. EMERGENCY LIGHTING UNITS Manufacturers: subject to compliance with requirements, provide products indicated for each emergency lighting unit designation in the Luminaire Schedule[s] on the drawings. General Requirements: Self-contained units as scheduled. Comply with UL 924. Units include the following features:l. Operation: Relay automatically turns lamp on when supply circuit voltage drops to 80 percent of nominal voltage or below. Lamp automatically disconnects from battery when voltage approaches deep-discharge level. When normal voltage is restored, relay disconnects lamps, and battery is automatically recharged and floated on charger. 2. Wire Guard: Where indicated, heavy-chrome-plated wire guard arranged to protect lamp heads or luminaires. EMERGENCY FLUORESCENT POWER SUPPLY UNIT Manufacturers: subject to compliance with requirements, provide products indicated for each emergency fluorescent power supply unit required in the Luminaire Schedule on the drawings. lntemal Type: Seltcontained, modular, battery-inverter unit factory mounted within luminaire body. Comply with UL 924.L Test Switch and Light-Emitting Diode Indicator Light: Visible and accessible without opening luminaire or entering ceiling space. 2. Battery: Sealed, maintenance-free, nickel-cadmium type with minimum 1O-year nominal life. 3. Charger: Fully automatic, solid-state, constant-current type. 4. Operation: Relay automatically energizes lamp from unit when normal supply circuit voltage drops to 80 percent of nominal voltage or below. When normrl voltage is restored, relay disconnects lamp, and battery is automatically recharged and floated on charger. LAMPS A. Manufacturers: I . Osram-Sylvania. 2. Philips. 3. Venture. B. Lamps General: As scheduled, reference Luminaire Schedule[s] on the drawings. Comply with the standard of the ANSI C78 series that is applicable to each type of lamp. C. Incandescent: As scheduled, rated 120 volts VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 October 2001 I t I HLM 980071-04 16511-5 2.9 SECTION I65IT 2.t0 PART 3 _ EXECUTION 3.1 D. E. A. A. INTEMOR LIGHTING Fluorescent: As scheduled. High-lntensity-Discharge: As scheduled. LUMINAIRE SUPPORT COMPONENTS Comply with Division l6 Section "Hangars and Supports," for channel- and angle-iron supports and nonmetallic channel and angle supports. FINISHES Luminaires: ManufactureCs standard. unless otherwise indicated. I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I t t I I A. INSTALLATION Luminaires: Set level, plumb, and square with ceiling and walls, and secure according to manufactureCs written instructions and approved submittal materials. Install lamps in each luminaire. l Do not support luminaries to the work of other trades unless otherwise specified or noted. 2. All luminaires shall be independently supported from structure. Provide necessary additional supports and hangers to securely fasten and support luminaires to structure. B. Support for Luminaires in or on Grid-Type Suspended Ceilings: As follows: all all Install a minimum of four ceiling support system rods or wires for each luminaire. Locate not more than 6 inches ( 150 mm) from luminaire corners. Support Clips: Fasten to luminaires and to ceiling grid members at or near each luminaire corner. Luminaires of Sizes Less Than Ceiling Grid: Arrange as indicated on reflected ceiling plans or center in acoustical panel, and support luminaires independently with at least two 3/4-inch (20-mm) metal channels spanning and secured to ceiling tees. C.Suspended Luminaire Support: As follows: l. 2. 3. Pendants and Rods: Where longer than 48 inches (1200 mm), brace to limit swinging. Stem-Mounted, Single-Unit Luminaires: Suspend with twin-stem hangers. Continuous Rows: Use supports specified, installed according to luminaire manufacturer's written instructions and details. D.Surface-Mounted Luminaire Support: 1.Luminaires containing ballasts shall be mounted with a spacers where mounted on combustible materials, unless for the application. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents I5 October 2001 minimum of l-112" specifically approved l. 2. 3. HLM 980071-04 16511-6 I t SECTION 16511 INTERIOR LIGHTING published torque-tightening values. If manufacturer's torque values are not indicated, use those specified in UL 486,4 and UL 4868. 3.3 FIELD QUALIry CONTROL A. Inspect each installed luminaire for damage. Replace damaged luminaires and components. B. Provide instruments to make and record test results. C. Tests: As follows: l. Veriff normal operation of each luminaire after installation. 2. Emergency Lighting: Interrupt electrical supply to demonstrate proper operation. 3. Verifu normal transfer to battery source and retransfer to normal. 4. Check excessively noisy ballasts. 5. Report results in writing. D. Malfunctioning Luminaires and Components: Replace or repair, then retest. Repeat procedure until units operate properly. I E. Corrosive Luminaires: Replace during warranty period. I F. Whenever luminaries are used for work lights during construction they shall be relamped with the Project specified lamp just prior to turnover of the project to the owner. r i.4 CLEANTNG AND ADrusrrNc r A. Clean luminaires intemally and externally after installation. Use methods and materials I recommended by manufacturer. B. Adjust aimable luminaries after dark if necessary, at a time mutually agreeable to the I Contractor, Engineer and Owner. Adjustments .h"tt b. made in u."o.dun". with the! Engineer's stated intent, under his/her observation. I C. The aiming and adjustment of luminaries must take place after the Project's amenities I have been completely installed. These amenities shall include, but not necessarily be limited to Plantings, furniture, artwork, graphics and signage. Contractor shll include in I the base bid, provisions for lifts, scaffolding, extension ladders, gloves and all other I materials required to complete adjustments. I ENDOF SECTION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstr uction Doc uments I5 October 2001 t I T I t I |-- I HLM 980071-04 1651r-7 I sEcrroN 16714 I ,a-e I :'i' PART r -.ENERAL I le 1.I RELATED DOCUMENTS I A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary t Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARYI A. This Section includes conduit, cabinets, terminal boards and outlets to form emptyr raceway systems, for installation of telephone, data, TV etc., for communications systems cables and equipment by telecomunications installers. I I.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Anicle I 00, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. B. Comply with NFPA 70. C. Comply with EJA/TIA 569. 1.4 COORDINATION A. Coordinate with requirements of communications systems vendors providing services to the project and with communications systems equipment suppliers as applicable. B. Related Sections include the following:l. Division 16 Section "Grounding and Bonding." t I COMMANICATIONS MCEWAY SYSTEMS SECTION 16714 COMMUNICATIONS RACEWAY SYSTEMS VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Doc uments 15 October 2001 T I PARr2-PRoDUcrs I 2.t coMPoNENrs I .jt '- HLM 9too7l-04 T I I I I A. Cabinets: Size as indicted on the drawings. Comply with Division 16 Section "Boxes, Enclosures and Cabinets." Fumish cabinets with backboard. B. Backboard: 314-inch (19-mm) fire retardant interior grade plywood. Where installed in wire closets or rooms, height and width shall cover all walls up to 96 inches (2500 mm) above floor. unless otherwise indicated. C. Conduit: Comply with Division l6 Section "Raceways." D. Pull Boxes, Junction Boxes and Outlet Boxes: Comply with Division 16 Section "Boxes, Enclosures and Cabinets." E. Cable Tray: Comply with Division 16 Section "Cable Trays." 16711-1 SECTION 16711 COM M U N I CATIONS RAC EWA Y S YSTEMS F. Floor Boxes: Comply with Division 16 Sections "Boxes, Enclosures and Cabinets" and "Wiring Devices." PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION Telephone Service: Comply with local communications systems vendor requirements for details of services. Install outlet boxes and conduit. For underground service entrance maintain thirty-six (36") between power and telephone service termination's. Maintain twelve-inches ( I 2") separation between power and telephone service conduit. Provide pull boxes in conduit runs as required in Division 16 Section "Boxes, Enclosures, and Cabinets." Provide a minimum of one duplex receptacle on a dedicated circuit in each equipment room. Install termination backboards plumb and attach securely at each comer. F, H. Paint plywood backboard(s) gloss white per Division 9. 3.2 CONNECNONS A. Ground equipment. l. Install ground terminal at local exchange carrier service location and connect according to Division l6 Section "Grounding." 3.3 IDENTIFICATION A. Identift components and circuits according to Division 16 Section "Electrical Identification." B. Identify communication system backboards and cabinets with the legend "Telephone", "Data", "TV", etc. as appropriate for the installation. C. Identi$ telecommunications outlet boxes and pull-and-junction boxes with approved desienations. END OF SECTION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstr uction Doc uments 15 October 2001 B. c. D. E. I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c. HLM 980071-04 16714-2 I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I t .4-\ . , :' 1.3 SECTION 16720 FIRE ALARM, NONCODED ADDRESSABLE SECTION 16720 FIRE ALARM, NONCODED ADDRESSABLE PART I . GENERAL I.I RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes additions to existing fire alarm systems with manual stations, detectors, signal equipment, controls, and devices. B. Related Sections may include but are not limited to the following:1. Division 8 Section "Hardware. "2. Division 13 Section "Fire Protection Sprinkler Systems."3. Division 15 Section "Air Distribution."4. Division 15 Section "Control and Instrumentation Systems.,'5. Division 16 Section "Boxes. Enclosures. and Cabinets." DEFINITIONS FACP: Fire alarm control panel. LED: Light-emining diode. Definitions in NFPA 72 apply to fire alarm terms used in this Section. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION General: Noncoded, addressable system with manual and automatic alarm initiation: and multiplexed signal transmission dedicated to fire alarm service only. SUBMIT'TALS Product Data: For each type ofproduct required on the project. Shop Drawings: Provide the following items: L Wiring Diagrams: Detail wiring and differentiate between manufacturer- installed and field-installed wiring. Include diagrams for equipment and for system with all terminals and interconnections identified. Battery: Sizing calculations. Floor Plans: Indicate final outlet locations and inter-wiring, wiring color code, and system one-line diagram. Device Address List: Coordinate with final system programming. System Operation Description: Detailed description for this Project, including method of operation and supervision of each type of circuit and sequence of operations for manually and automatically initiated system inputs and outputs. Manufacturer's standard descriptions for generic systems are not acceptable. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments 15 October 2001 1.4 1.5 A. B. c. A. B. 2. J. 5. 4. HLM 9E0071-04 16720-r FIREALARM,NONCODEDADDRESSABLE ISECTION 16720 1.7 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Furnish extra materials described below that match packaged with protective covering for storage and contents. l. Lamps for Remote Indicating Lamp Units: amount installed, but not less than one unit. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents l5 October 2001 I I I I I I I I I C. D. E. G. A. t.6 t I I I I I I T D. E. F. G. F. 6. Voltage drop calculations for notification appliance circuits. 7. Floor Plan Graphic Map and Remote Annunciator Panel: Plans showing details. Operating Instructions: For mounting at the FACP. Field Test Reports: Indicate and interpret test results for compliance with performance requirements. Comply with NFPA 72. Maintenance Data: For fire alarm systems to include in maintenance manuals specified in Division l. Comply with NFPA 72. Submissions to Authorities Having Jurisdiction: In addition to distribution requirements for Submittals specified in Division I Section "Submittals," make an identical submission to authorities having jurisdiction. Include copies of annotated Contract Drawings as needed to depict component locations to facilitate review. Resubmit if required to make clarifications or revisions to obtain approval. On receipt of comments from authorities having jurisdiction, submit them to Architect for review. Certificate of Completion: Comply with NFPA 72. QUALITY ASSURANCE Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by UL or by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. B. Installer Qualifications: An experienced installer with five years of documented experience, who is an authorized representative of the FACP manufacturer for both I installation and rnaintenance ofunits required for this Project I c.Manufacturer Qualifications: A firm with five years of documented experience in manufacturing systems similar to those indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in-service performance. Source Limitations: Obtain fire alarm system components from manufacturer of existing system. Compliance with Local Requirements: Comply with applicable building code, local ordinances and regulations, and requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. Comply with NFPA 72. Comply with ANSI A I 7. I : Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators. products installed and that are identified with labels describine Quantity equal to l0 percent of HLM 980071-04 16720-2 I I I I I I I I I SECTION 16720 FI RE ALARM, NONCO DED AD D RESSAB L E 2. Lamps for Strobe Units: Quantify equal to l0 percent of amount installed, but not less than one unit. 3. Smoke Detectors, and Heat Detectors: Quantity equal to l0 percent of amount of each type installed, but not less than one unit ofeach type. 4. Detector Bases: Quantity equal to 2 percent ofamount ofeach fype installed, but not less than one unit ofeach type. 5. Keys and Tools: Two extra sets for access to locked and tamperproofed components. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: l. Simplex Time Recorder Co. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM Control of System: By the FACP. System Supervision: Automatically detect and report open circuits, shorts, and grounds of wiring for initiating device, signaling line, and notification-appliance circuits. Noninterference: A signal on one zone shall not prevent the receipt of signals from other zones. System Reset: All zones are manually resettable from the FACP after initiating devices are restored to normal. Transmission to Remote Alarm Receiving Station: Automatically route alarm, supervisory, and trouble signals to a remote alarm station by means of a digital alarm communicator transmitter and telephone lines. Performance of Initiating Device Circuits: NFPA 72, Style D circuits. Performance of Notification Appliance Circuits: NFPA 72, Style Y. System Alarm Capability during Circuit Fault Conditions: System wiring and circuit arrangement prevent alarm capability reduction when a single ground or open circuit occurs in an initiating device circuit, signal line circuit, or notification-appliance circuit. Loss of primary power at the FACP initiates a trouble signal at the FACP and if applicable the remote annunciator. An emergency power light is illuminated at both locations when the system is operating on the secondary power supply. Basic Alarm Performance Requirements: Unless otherwise indicated, operation of a manual station, automatic alarm operation of a flame or heat detector, operation of a YAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Doc uments I5 October 2001 A, 2.2 lft I T I I I I I I I A. B. c. D. E. F. G. H. J. HLM 9E0071-04 16720-3 :.'jj;'rt:3r!:i.- SECTION 16720 FIRE ALARM, NONCODED A.DDRESSABLE sprinkler flow device, or verified automatic alarm operation of a smoke detector initiates the following: Notifi cation-appliance operation. Identification at the FACP and if applicable the remote annunciator of the device address originating the alarm. Transmission of an alarm signal to the remote alarm receiving station. Unlocking of electric door locks in designated egress paths. Release offire and smoke doors held open by magnetic door holders. Recall of elevators. Recording of the event in the system memory. Shutdown of fans and other air-handling equipment serving zone where alarm was initiated. 9. Closing of smoke dampers in air ducts of system. Alarm Silencing, System Reset and Indication: Controlled by switches in the FACP and if applicable the remote annunciator. l. Silencing-switch operation halts alarm operation of notification appliances and activates an "alarm silence" light. Display of identity ofthe alarm zone or device is retained. 2. Subsequent alarm signals from other devices or zones reactivate notification appliances until silencing switch is operated again. 3. When alarm-initiating devices return to normal and system reset switch is operated, notification appliances operate again until alarm silence switch is reset. Water-flow alarm switch operation initiates the following: l. Notification-applianceoperation. 2. Flashing ofthe exterior device located above the siamese connection. Operation of a smoke detector in the elevator shaft, elevator machine room, or any elevator landine shall initiate elevator recall oer ANSI Al 7.1. N. Operation of a heat detector in the elevator shaft or elevator machine room shuts down elevator power by operating a shunt trip in a circuit breaker feeding the elevator. L A field-mounted relay actuated by the fire detector or the FACP closes the shunt trip circuit breaker and operates building notification appliances and if applicable the remote annunciator. O. Smoke detection for detectors with alarm verification initiates the following: L Audible and visible indication of an "alarm verification" sisnal at the FACP. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Documents 15 October 2001 I I IT I I I t I I I I T I t I t I t T K. L. HLM 980071-04 16720-4 2. T I SECTION 16720 FI RE AI-/IRII, NONCODE D A-DDRESSAB L E Activation of a listed and approved "alarm verification" sequence at the FACP and the detector. 3. General alarm if the alarm is verified. 4. Cancellation of the FACP indication and system reset if the alarm is not verified. Sprinkler valve-tamper switch operation initiates the following:l. A supervisory, audible, and visible "valve-tamper" signal indication at the FACP and if applicable the remote annunciator. 2. Transmission of supervisory signal to remote alarm receiving station. Removal of an alarm-initiating device and/or a notification appliance initiates the following: l. A "trouble" signal indication at the FACP and if applicable the remote annunciator for the device address involved. 2. Transmission of trouble signal to remote alarm receiving station. FACP Alphanumeric Display: Plain-English-language descriptions of alarm, supervisory, and trouble events; and addresses and locations of alarm-initiating or supervisory devices originating the report. Display monitoring actions, system and component status, system commands, programming information, and data from the system's historical memory. MANUAL PULL STATIONS Description: Fabricated of metal or plastic, and finished in red with molded, raised-letter operating instructions of contrasting color. I . Double-action mechanism requiring two actions, such as a push and a pull, to initiate an alarm. 2. Station Reset: Key or wrench operated; double pole, double throw; switch rated for the voltage and current at which it operates. 3. Indoor Protective Shield: If required, factory-fabricated clear plastic enclosure, hinged at the top to permit lifting for access to initiate an alarm. Lifting the cover actuates an integral battery-powered audible horn intended to discourage false alarm operation. 4. Weatherproof Protective Shield: If required, factory-fabricated clear plastic enclosure, hinged at the top to permit lifting for access to initiate an alarm. 5. Integral Addressable Module: Arranged to communicate manual-station status (normal, alarm, or trouble) to the FACP and if applicable the remote annunciator. SMOKE DETECTORS General: Include the following features: l. Self-Restoring: Detectors do not require resetting or readjustment after actuation to restore them to normal operation. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns tr uct io n D o c u me nts 15 October 2001 2.3 A. 1A P. a. R. t I I I I I'# I I I I I I I I t I I HLM 980071-04 16720-5 SECTION 16720 C. Ionization Detector: Include the following features: I . Responsive to both visible and invisible products of combustion. 2. Self-compensating for changes in environmental conditions. c.Duct Smoke Detector: Photoelectric type. l. 2. Sampling Tube: Design and dimensions as recommended by the manufacturer for the specific duct size, air velocity, and installation conditions where apptied. Relay Fan Shutdown: Rated to interrupt fan motor-control circuit. I t2. FIRE AL/IRM, NONCODED ADDRESSABLE Ptug-in Arrangement: Detector and associated electronic components are mounted in a module that connects in a tamper-resistant manner to a fixed base with a twist-locking plug connection. Terminals in the fixed base accept building wiring. Integral Visual-lndicating Light: LED type. Indicates detector has operated. Sensitivity: Can be tested and adjusted in-place after installation. Integral Addressable Module: Ananged to communicate detector status (normal, alarm, or trouble) to the FACP. Photoelectric Smoke Detectors: Include the following features: I . Sensor: LED or infrared light source with matching silicon-cell receiver. 2. Detector Sensitivity: Between 2.5 and 3.5 percent/foot (0.008 and 0.011 percent/mm) smoke obscuration when tested according to UL 268.4. 3. 4. 5. I t T I I I I I I I I I t I B. 2.5 OTTIER DETECTORS Heat Detector, Combination Type: Actuated by either a fixed temperature of 135 deg F (57 degC) or rate of rise of temperature that exceeds 15 degF (8.3 degC) per minute, unless otherwise indicated. 1 . Mounting: Plug-in base, interchangeable with smoke detector bases. 2. Integral Addressable Module: Arranged to communicate detector status (normal, alarm, or trouble) to the FACP. Heat Detector, Fixed-Temperature Type: Actuated by temperature that exceeds a fixed temperature of 190 deg F (88 deg C). l. Mounting: Plug-in base, interchangeable with smoke detector bases. 2. Integral Addressable Module: Arranged to communicate detector status (normal, alarm, or trouble) to the FACP. NOTIFICATION APPLIANCES Description: Equip for mounting as indicated and have screw terminals for system connections. L Combination Devices: Factory-integrated audible and visible devices in a single- mounting assembly. VAIL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Documents 15 October 2001 A. B. 2.6 t I t HLM 980071-04 16720-6 B. C. D. E. A. 2.7 I I I I I I I T I A. B. A. 2.8 2.9 I I I I t I SECTION 16720 FIRE ALARM, NONCODED ADDRESSABLE Chimes, Low-Level Output: Single-stroke type, 70 dB minimum rated output. Chimes, High-Level Output: Vibrating type, 80 dB minimum rated output. Horns: Electric-vibrating-polarized type, 24-Y dc; with provision for housing operating mechanism behind a grille. Horns produce a sound-pressure level of 85 measured at l0 feet (3 m) from the horn Per UL 464. Visible Alarm Devices: Xenon strobe lights listed under UL 197 I with clear polycarbonate lens. Mount lens on an aluminum faceplate. The word "FIRE" is engraved in minimum l-inch- (25-mm-) high letters on the faceplate. Strobes shall comply with NFPA 72 requirements for flash frequency, candlepower output and, shall be sycronizable. l. Rated Light Ouput Provide candela value as required to suite the space in which it is installed. Strobe Leads: Factory connected to screw terminals. Candela Rating of each stroke shall be permanently labeled on each device cover, REMOTE DEVICE LOCATION-INDICATING LIGHTS AND IDENTIFICATION PLATES Description: LED indicating light near each smoke detector or heat detector that may not be readily visible. Light is connected to flash when the associated device is in an alarm or trouble mode. Lamp is flush mounted in a single gang plate. A red, laminated, phenolic-resin identification plate at the indicating light identifies, in engraved white letters, device initiating the signal and room where the smoke detector or valve is located. For water-flow switches, the identification plate also designates protected spaces downstream from the water-flow switch. MAGNETIC DOORHOLDERS Description: Units are equipped for wall or floor mounting as indicated and are complete with matching door plate. l. Electromagnet: Requires no more than 3 W to develop 25-lbf (l I l-N) holding force. 2. Wall-Mounted Units: Flush mounted, unless otherwise indicated.3. Rating:24-Vacordc. 4. Rating: 120-V ac. Material and Finish: Match door hardware. FLOOR PLAN [GRAPHTC MAP] Description: Non-lit building floor plan[s], scale as directed by the fire department. Locate adjacent to the FACP. Floor plan[s] shall be protected by a clear cover. Floor plan[s] shall indicate each room and room number corresponding to the programming in the FACP, and as-built conditions. EMERGENCY POWER SUPPLY General: Components include nickel-cadmium battery, charger, and an automatic transfer switch. 1. Battery Nominal Life Expectancy: 20 years, minimum. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns t r uct io n D o c ume nt s 15 October 2001 the dB, 2. 3. lc I I I 2.tl A. HLM 98007r-04 16720-7 FIREALARM.NONCODEDADDRESSABLE ISECTION 16720 2.12 2.13 2.14 I I t I I I I I t I I T I I I I I I B. c. D. A. B. B. C. D. Battery Capacity: Comply with NFPA 72, plus any space capaciyt requirements. I . Magnetic door holders are not served by emergency power. Magnetic door holders are released when normal power fails. Battery Charger: Solid-state, fully automatic, variable-charging-rate type. Provide capacity for 150 percent of the connected system load while maintaining batteries at full charge. If batteries are fully discharged, the charger recharges them completely within four hours. Charger output is supervised as part of system power supply supervision. Integral Automatic Transfer Switch: Transfers the load to the battery without loss of signals or status indications when normal power fails. ADDRESSABLE INTERFACE DEVICE Description: Microelectronic monitor module listed for use in providing a multiplex system address for listed fire and sprinkler alarm-initiating devices with normally open contacts. Integral Relay: Capable of providing a direct signal to the elevator controller to initiate elevator recall or to a circuit-breaker shunt trip for power shutdown. DIGITAL ALARM COMMUNICATOR TRANSMITTER Listed and labeled under UL 864 and NFPA 72. Functional Performance: Unit receives an alarm, supervisory, or trouble signal from the FACP panel, and automatically captures one or two telephone lines and dials a preset number for a remote central station. When contact is made with the central station(s), the signal is transmitted. The unit supervises up to two telephone lines. Where supervising two lines, if service on either line is interrupted for longer than 45 seconds, the unit initiates a local trouble signal and transmits a signal indicating loss of telephone line to the remote alarm receiving station over the remaining line. When telephone service is restored, unit automatically reports that event to the central station. If service is lost on both telephone lines, the local trouble signal is initiated. Secondary Power: Integral rechargeable battery and automatic charger. Battery capacity is adequate to comply with NFPA 72 requirements. Self Test: Conducted automaticallv evew 24 hours with reDort transmitted to central station. GUARDS FOR PHYSICAL PROTECTION A. Description: Welded wire mesh of size and shape for the manual station, smoke detector, gong, or other device requiring protection. l. Factory fabricated and fumished by the manufacturer of the device. 2. Finish: Paint of color to match the protected device. 2.15 WrRE A. Comply with requirements of Division 16 Section "Conductors and Cables." PART 3 _ EXECUTION HLM 980071-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construclion Doc uments IS Octoher 2001 16720-8 I sECrroN 16720 I FIRE AL./IRM, NONCODED ADDRESSABLE .:] 3.I EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION I '.'l''' A. Connect the FACP with a disconnect switch with lockable handle or cover.I B. Manual Pull Stations: Mount semiflush in recessed back boxes unless noted otherwise. I C. Water-Flow Detectors and Valve Supervisory Switches: Connect each sprinkler valve station required to be supervised. Devices provided and installed by Division 15. I D. Ceiling-Mounted Smoke Detectors: Not less than 4 inches (100 mm) from a side wall to the near edge. I E. Wall-Mounted Smoke Detectors: At least 4 inches (100 mm), but not more than 12 inches (300 mm), below the ceiling. I F. Smoke Detectors near Air Registers: Install no closer than 48 inches (1520 mm;.I G. Duct Smoke Detectors: Comply with manufacturer's written instructions.l. Veriff that each unit is listed for the complete range of air velocity, temperature,I and humidity possible when air-handling system is operating.2. Install sampling tubes so they extend the full width of the duct. I H. Audible Alarm-lndicating Devices: lnstall per NFPA 72 requirements. Install bells and horns on flush-mounted back boxes with the device-operating mechanism concealed behind a grille. Combine audible and visible alarms at the same location into a singleI ;'.;:Fr unit.- qti r L Visible Alarm-Indicating Devices: Install per NFPA 72 requirements. r J. Device Location-Indicating Lights: Locate in occupied space near the device they monitor. r K. FACP: Install with top[s] of cabinet[s] not more than 72 inches (1830 mm) above the finished floor. I L. Floor Plan Graphic Map and/or Remote Annunciator: Install with the top of the panel not more than 72 inches ( I 830 mm) above the finished floor. I 3.2 WIRING INSTALLATION A. Wiring Method: Install wiring in metal raceway according to Division 16 Section "Raceways." Conceal raceway except in unfinished spaces and as indicated. T B. Wiring within Enclosures: Separate power-limited and non-power-limited conductors as I recommended by the manufacturer. Install conductors parallel with or at right angles toI ii,r#i:"x"I "i'*":ffi'#:;,1,:1i:? l::?frx,:lH ,,;ill::lt n::ili:1i"":17 enclosure associated with the fire alarm system to terminal blocks. Mark each terminal I according to the system's wiring diagrams. Make all connections with approved crimp- on terminal spade lugs, pressure-type terminal blocks, or plug connectors. II HLM 980071-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 16720.9 Construction Doc uments I 15 October 2001 SECTION 16720 FIREALARM,NONCODEDADDRESSABLE I c. c. I I I t I I I I I I D. E. A. B. A, .).J J.+ I I I I I I I A. B. c. 3.5 Cable Taps: Use numbered terminal strips in junction, pull and outlet boxes, cabinets, or equipment enclosures where circuit connections are made. Color-Coding: Color-code fire alarm conductors differently from the normal building power wiring. Use one color-code for alarm circuit wiring and a different color-code for supervisory circuits. Color-code audible alarm-indicating circuits differently from alarm- initiating circuits. Use different colors for visible alarm-indicating devices. Paint fire alarm system junction box covers red. fusers: Install at least two vertical cable risers to serve the fire alarm system. Separate risers in close proximity to each other with a minimum one-hour-rated wall, so the loss of one riser does not prevent the receipt or transmission ofsignal from other floors or zones. IDENTIFICATION Identifr system components, wiring, cabling, and terminals according to Division l6 Section "Electrical Identification." Install instructions frame in a location visible from the FACP. Paint power-supply disconnect switch red and label "FIRE ALARM.. GROTJNDING Comply with requirements of Division 16 Section "Grounding and Bonding" and the following: I . Ground cable shields and equipment according to system manufacturer's written instructions to eliminate shock hazard and to minimize, to the greatest extent possible, ground loops, common-mode returns, noise pickup, cross talk, and other impairments. 2. Signal Ground Terminal: Locate at main equipment rack or cabinet. 3. Ground equipment and conductor and cable shields. For audio circuits, I minimize, to the greatest extent possible, ground loops, common-mode returns, t noise pickup, cross talk, and other impairments. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Manufacturey's Field Service: Engage a factory-authorized service representative to inspect field-assembled components and connections and to supervise pretesting, testing, and adjustment of the system. Report results in writing. Pretesting: After installation, align, adjust, and balance the system and perform complete pretesting. Determine, through pretesting, the compliance of the system with requirements of Drawings and Specifications. Correct deficiencies observed in pretesting. Replace malfunctioning or damaged items with new ones, and retest until satisfactory performance and conditions are achieved. Prepare forms for systematic recording of acceptance test results. Report of Pretesting: After pretesting is complete, provide a letter certiffing the installation is complete and fully operable, including the names and titles of witnesses to preliminary tests. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 16720-10 I I I I D. E.I lc SECTION 16720 FIRE ALARM, NONCODED ADDRESSABLE Final Test Notice: Provide a minimum of l0 days' notice in writing when the system is ready for final acceptance testing. Minimum System Tests: Test the system according to procedures outlined in NFPA 72. Minimum required tests are as follows:l. Veri$ the absence of unwanted voltages between circuit conductors and ground. 2. Test all conductors for short circuits using an insulation-testing device. 3. With each circuit pair, short circuit at the far end of the circuit and measure the circuit resistance with an ohmmeter. Record the circuit resistance of each circuit on record drawings. 4. Verif that the control unit is in the normal condition as detailed in the manufacturer's operation and maintenance manual. 5. Test initiating and indicating circuits for proper signal transmission under open circuit conditions. One connection each should be opened at not less than 5 percent of initiating and indicating devices. Observe proper signal transmission according to class of wiring used. 6. Test each initiating and indicating device for alarm operation and proper response at the control unit. Test smoke detectors with actual products of combustion. 7. Test the system for all specified fi.rnctions according to the approved operation and maintenance manual. Systematically initiate specified functional performance items at each station, including making all possible alarm and monitoring initiations and using all communications options. For each item, observe related performance at all devices required to be affected by the item under all system sequences. Observe indicating lights, displays, signal tones, and annunciator indications. If applicable, observe all voice audio for routing, clarity, quality, freedom from noise and distortion, and proper volume level. 8. Test Both Primary and Secondary Power: Veri$r by test that the secondary power system is capable of operating the system for the period and in the manner specified. Retesting: Correct deficiencies indicated by tests and completely retest work affected by such deficiencies. Veriff by the system test that the total system meets Specifications and complies with applicable standards. Report of Tests and Inspections: Provide a written record of inspections, tests, and detailed test results in the form of a test log. Submit log on the satisfactory completion of tests. H. Tag all equipment, stations, and other components at which tests have been satisfactorily completed. 3.6 CLEANING AND ADruSTING VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc ume nts I5 October 2001 I I I I F. G. I t I I I I I I t.-- I HLM 9EOO7I-04 16720-11 G;i SECTION 16720 FI RE AI-/l RM. NONCOD ED ADDRESSA BLE Cleaning: Remove paint splatters and other spots, dirt, and debris. Touch up scratches and marred finish to match original finish. Clean unit intemally using methods and materials recommended by manufacturer. DEMONSTRATION Engage a factory-authorized service representative to train Owner's maintenance personnel as specified below: I Train Owner's maintenance personnel on procedures and schedules for starting and stopping, troubleshooting, servicing, adjusting, and maintaining equipment and schedules. Provide a minimum of 8 hours training. Training Aid: Use the approved final version of the operation and maintenance manual as a training aid. 3. Schedule training with Owner, with at least seven days advance notice. ON-SITE ASSISTANCE Occupancy Adjustments: When requested within one year of date of Substantial Completion, provide on-site assistance in adjusting sound levels, controls, and sensitivities to suit actual occupied conditions. Provide up to three requested visits to Project site for this purpose. END OF SECTION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments 15 October 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3;1 2. 3.8 I I I I I I HLM 980071-04 16720-12 t I SECTION 16725 NARSE CALL SECTION I6725 NURSE CALL PART I - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes visual nurse call equipment using lamp and electronic tone annunciation at a central annunciator station to register calls from patient and otlrer call- in stations. This Section includes audiovisual equipment using voice communications and microprocessor control. All stations in an area are connected to a master station. Master stations are capable of communicating selectively with each other and with connected patient and other statiol-rs. SUBMITTALS Product Data: For each type ofproduct indicated. Shop Drawings: Detail the system including the following: l. Cabling Diagrams: Single-line block diagrams showing cabling interconnection of all components for this specific equipment. 2. Wiring Diagrams: Detail power, signal, and control systems and differentiate between manufacturer-installed and field-installed wiring. Identify terminals. 3. Station Installation Details: For builrin equipment; dimensioned and to scale. 4. Equipment Cabinet Drawings: Dimensioned and to scale. Coordination Drawings: Detail system components that fit, match, and line up witlr provisions made in equipment specified in other Sections or in separate contracts: l. Patient head-wall un its. 2. Patient consoles. 3. Patient beds with built-in nurse call features. D. Product Certificates: Signed by manufacturers of nurse call equipment certifuing tlrat products comply with requirements. E. Installer Certificates: Signed by manufacturer certifing that installers comply with requirements. On request, submit evidence of experience and of relationship with equipment manufacturer. F. Manufacturer Certificates: Signed by manufacturers certifoing that they comply with requirements. G. Field Tests Reports and Observations: Include record of final adjustments certified by Installer. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001 A. A. B. A. B. t.2 r.3 I I I I I I I I I I I t l@ lw I lr I t.l HLM 98007r-04 16725-I I I I I I I I t T I I I I t I H. A. B. D. t.4 1.6 1.5 SECTION 16725 NARSE CALL Include the following in maintenance manuals specified inMaintenance Data: Division I : l. Operatinginstructions. 2. Troubleshooting guide. 3. Wiring terminal identification. 4. Equipment parts list. QUALITY ASSURANCE Installer Qualifications: An experienced installer who is an authorized representative of the product manufacturer for both installation and maintenance of units required for this Project. Manufacturer Qualifications: A firrn experienced in manufacturing equipment similar to that indicated for this Project and that maintains technical support services capable of providing uscr with training, parts, and emergency maintenance and repair with a 24- hour-rnaximum response time. Source Linritations: Obtain nursc call equiprncnt conlponcnts through onc source from a single manufacturer. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listcd and labcled according to UL 1069 as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities hav ing jurisdiction, and rnarked for intended use. COORDINATION A. Coordinate patient control units with items controlled that are not part of nurse call equrpment. l. TV: Channel selection and volume. 2. Lights: Up light and down light at patient location. B. Coordinate wiring paths and maintenance access at locations listed belolv. Coordinate trirn features and finishes at these locations to present a unified design appearance. l. Patient head-wall units. 2. Patient consoles. 3. Patient beds with built-in nurse call features. EXTRA MATERIALS A. Furnish extra materials described below that match products installed and that are packaged with protective covering for storage and identified with labels describing contents. t o3l3;,t;;ffiln*iff.Lights and Zone Lights: Furnish quantity equal to l0 I PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstr uctio n Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001 I I I HLM 980071-04 16725-2 A. B. A. B. D. E, F. A. B. 2.2 /, -) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I SECTION 16725 NUNSE CALL Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: l. Dukane Corp.; Communications Systems Div. 2. Executone Information Systems Inc. 3. Fisher Berkeley Corp. 4. Intercall Systems, Inc. 5. Jeron Electronic Systems, Inc. 6. Zettler Systems, Inc. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Coordinate the features of materials and equipment to form an integrated system. Match components and interconnections for optim unr performance of specified functions. Expansion Capability: Equipment ratings, housing volume, spare keys, switches, relays. annunciator modules, terminals, and cable conductor quantities adequate to increase the number of stations in the future by 25 percent above those indicated without adding internal or extemal components or main trunk cable conductors. Existing System Compatibility: Functionally and clectrically compatible with existing system so components and wiring operate as an extension of the existing system and all functional performance of the existing systern applies to the final system. Colors, tones, types, and durations of signal manifestation are common between new and existing systems. Resistance to Electrostatic Discharge: System, components, and cabling, and the selection, arrangement, and connection of materials and circuits, shall be protected against damage or diminished performance when subjected to electrostatic discharges of up to 25,000 V in an environment with a relative humidity of 20 percent or less. Equiprnent: Solid state, modular. Wall-Mounted Component Connection Method: Components connect to system wiring in back boxes with factory-wired plug connectors. FUNCTIONAL PERFORMANCE Patient Station Call: Lights a steady call-placed lamp on the station, steady lamps in the zone light and conidor dome light associated with the patient's room, and steady lamps at the central annunciator and master and staff/duty stations. At the same time, it sounds a distinctive tone at intervals, at the central annunciator and master and staff/duty stations. Legends at the central annunciator and master station identify the calling station. Pull-Cord Station Call: Flashes a call-placed lamp on the station and distinctive-color lamps in the zone light and corridor dome light and at the central annunciator and staff/duty stations. At the same time, it sounds a distinctive tone at intervals, at the central annunciator and master and staff/duty stations. A legend at the master station identifies the callins station. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstr uction Doc uments I5 OCTOBER 2OO1 C. HLM 9EOO7I-04 16725-3 I I I I C. D. I I I I I I I A. B. D. E, 2.4 SECTION 16725 NURSE CALL Emergency-Call Station Call: Produces the same responses as pull-cord station calls, except flashing and tone repetition rates are more frequent, tone frequency is higher, and lamps in the zone light and corridor dome light are a different color. Indicator lamps may be extinguished and the system reset only at the calling station. System Reset: Operating reset button at the originating station cancels signals associated with the call. E. Cord-Set Removal: A patient station call is initiated when the cord set is removed from I the jack in the patient station faceplate. Inserting a cord-set plug or a dummy plug into I the jack and operating the station reset buffon reset the call. F.Patient Control Unit: Controls entertainment volume and channel selection. Nurse button on the unit initiates a patient station call. Integral speaker reproduces entertainment sound. FUNCTIONA L PERFORMANCE Station Selection: Mastcr station is capable of selectively communicating with other stations or groups of stations on its system by operating selector switches. Master Station Privacy: Capable of conversing with individual stations in cornplete privacy. Hands Free: Called station is capable ofconversing hands free. Annunciation: At the master station, a tone announces an incoming call and an annunciator light or liquid-crystal display identifies the calling station and indicates the priority of the call. Memory lamps or lighted displays identify stations selected for outgoing calls. System Reset at Master Station: A normal incoming call is canceled, associated lights and audible tones are extinguishcd, and the system is reset when the station srvitch is returned to the normal position after responding to a call. Patient Station Call: Lights the call-placed lamp at patient station, zone, and corridor dorne lights. It sounds a tone and lights the call lights at staff/duty stations and actuates annunciation at the master station. When the calling station is selected at the master station, the patient can converse with the master station without moving and without raising or directing the voice. During voice communications, enteftainment audio at tlre calling station is automatically mutcd. Pull-Cord Call Station and Emergency-Call Station Call: Lights call-placed lamp and corridor dome light, and flashes zone light. Master station tone pulses and annunciator light for that room flashes. When rnaster station acknowledges the call by operating a switch, the tone stops but lights continue to flash until the call is canceled at the point of oriein. (-. H. Staff/Duty Station Call: Lights the call-placed lamp at the station and actuates I annunciation at the master station. When the called station is selected at the master I station, the caller and the master station operator can converse. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Documents t5 ocToBER 2001 IF. I I I G. t t HLM 980071-04 16725-4 I sECrroN 1672s I NARSE CALL l. Handset Operation: Lifting handset on master station disconnects speaker microphone and transfers conversation to the handset. J. Station Privacy: No patient, staff, or duty station can be remotely monitored without the lighting of a waming lamp at the monitored station. K. Patient Station Cord Set: When a patient station cord-set plug is removed from the jack in the station flaceplate, a patient station call is initiated as described above. When the rnaster station call bufton for the station is pressed, the tone stops but lights continue to flash until the call is canceled at the point of origin or the plug is rcinserted or replaced rvith a dummy plug. L. Patient Control Unit: Controls entertainment volunre and channel selection. Speaker is rused for both nurse communication and enterlainnrent sourrd. Enterlainrnent sound is automatically tnuted when station is communicating with rnaster station. Nurse button on thc unit initiates a patient station call. M. Noise: Systern is free from pops, clicks, hisses, hums, and other noise at all speakers and Itandsets during operation, including standby. N. Selective Paging: Master station is capable of initiating a message to selected groups of stations or speakers simultaneously by using station group switches. O. Staff Reminder: Master station can initiate a staff rerninder that a patient requires direct staff response by operating a reminder control while in contact with the patient station. This will light a distinctive-color lamp in the coridor dome light at the patient's room and in the appropriate zone lights. Reminder calls are canceled by operating a staff reminder cancel switch in the patient's room. P. Call Priority Indication: Call priority switch near each patient station, or integral with the master station, controls the priority status of the call transmitted by individual stations. Thc switch selects one of the followinc status levels: l. Normal: No change to the normal call initiation and canceling sequence. 2. Emergency: Call initiation produces signals and indications idcntical to those of emergency-call stations. Indicator lamps are extinguished and the system is reset only at the originating station. 3. Priority: System response is the same for emergency status, except voice communication between the master station and the calling station is locked in from the time ofcall initiation until the system is reset at the originating station. I 2.s EeuTPMENT DESCRTPTIoNSI A. Single-Patient Station: Call-placed lamp, reset push button, and polarized receptacle matching cord-set plug, mounted in a single faceplate. I B. Dual-Patient Station: Single call-placed lamp, single reset push button, and two polarized receptacles matching cord-set plug, mounted in a single faceplate. I C. Ambulatory-Patient Station: Call push-button switch, call-placed lamp, and reset push button, mounted in a single faceplate. I! HLM 98OO7I-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 16725-5 Construction Doc uments I5 OCTOBER 2OOT t t t I I I t I t I I lc !-..:' '3;l' i SECTION 16725 NURSE CALL for routine calls and one forD. Staff/Duty Station: Two, minimum, call lamps, one emergency calls; and an audible tone signal device. E. Central Annunciator: Lamp type. l. Lamp Legends: Machine lettered. Identifu station initiating call and priority of call. Legible from a distance of 48 inches (1200 mm), minimum, when a call is present. 2. Power-on Indicator: Light-emitting diode. or push-to-test switch. 3. Audible Signal: Electronic tone. F. Central Equipment Cabinet: l,ockable nretal. Houses power supplies, controls, ternrinal strips, and other components. l. Power-on indicator larnp. 2. Battery Backup Unit: Sealed battery supplics porver through an automatic srvitch when normal power fails. EQUI PMENT DI]SCRI P]'IONS A. Master Station: Speaker-microphone unit lvith operating controls. l. Indicator lamps with legends or by liquid-crystal displays designate identification and priority of calling stations and called stations, a. Pulse rate of incorning-call lights denotes priority of calls awaiting response. 2. Station Selection Controls: Switches select stations for two-way voice com m unications. 3. Signal Tones: Announce incoming calls. a. Pulse rate arrd frequency of torre identify the highest priority call awaiting response at one time. 4. Volume Control: Regulates incoming-call volume. 5. Speaker-Microphone Sensitivity: At least 40 dB (EIA pressure rating). 6. Privacy Handset with Hook Switch: Attached to each station, unless otherwise indicated. 7 . Staff Reminder Control: lnitiates flashing of corresponding corridor domc lights for patients requiring service. Permits scanning equipment to indicate which patients are currently in rerninder status. 8. Call Priority Selection: Controls associated with patient station selection switches determine the priority indication displayed when a call is initiated at a patient station. B. Single-Patient Station: Speaker microphone with 2-inch (50-mm) dynamic cone, a polarized receptacle to match the cord-set plug, rnonitor lamp, reset switch, and call- placed lamp; assembled under a single faccplate. C. Dual-Patient Station: Speaker microphone with 2-inch (50-mm) dynamic cone, two polarized receptacles to match cord-set plugs, monitor lamp, and reset switch; assembled under a single faceplate. l. Single call-placed lamp serves both beds. 2. Dual call-olaced lamos. one for each bed. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uclion Doc uments 15 oCTOBER 2001 I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I t I 2.6 HLM 980071-04 16725-6 D. E. F, G. H. B. D. 2.7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I SECTION 16725 NURSE CALL Staff/Duty Station: Audible call-tone signal device, speaker microphone with 2-inch (50- mm) dynamic cone, monitor lamp, reset switch, routine-call lamp, emergency-call lamp, and call push button; assembled under a single faceplate. Ambulatory-Patient Station: Speaker microphone with 2-inch (5O-mm) dynamic cone, monitor lamp, reset switch, call-placed lamp, and call push button; assembled under a single faceplate. Selective Paging Anrplifiers: Plug-in card mounted in central equipment cabinet: rated t5 w. Selective I'aging Speakers: 8-inch (200-mm) cone type with I -inch (25-mm) r'oice coil and minimunr 5-oz. ( 140-g) ceramic magnet, rnultitap matclring transfornrcr. flush- mounting steel back-box, and rvhite enamel-finished metal ceiling grille. Call Priority Switch Station: Three-position, tamper-resistant priority selection srvitclr. Positions designated by labeling "Normal," "Emergency," and "Priority." Staff Reminder Cancel Switch Station: Momentary contact. MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT COMPONENT DESCRIPTIONS Emergency-Call Station: Locking-type push button, labeled "Push to Call Help"; reset trigger to release push button and cancel call; and call-placed lamp; mounted in a single facep late. Pull-Cord Call Station: Water-resistant construction. Includes the following, mounted under a single faceplate: l. Pull-down Switch: Lever-locking type, labeled "Pull Down to Call Help."2. Reset trigger. 3. Call-placed lamp. C. Patient Control Unit: Equipped with plug and 96-inch- (2400-mm-) Iong white cord. 1. l. J. +.( 6. 7. Ethylene oxide, sterilizable. Light-Control Switch: Arranged for independent on-off control of patient's up and down light. Integral Speaker: 2 inches (50 mm), with 0.35-oz. (9.9-g) magnet, rated 0.2 W. Controls: Speaker volume, TV control, and nursc call. Housing: High-impact white plastic. Attachment: Stainless-steel bed clamp with permanently aftached Mylar strap. Quantity: l2 units for every l0 patient beds. I t- I L 2. 3. 4. HLM 98007r-04 Call-Button Cord Set: Plug and 72-inch (1800-mm) white cord; equipped with momentary-action, call-button switch. Ethylene oxide, sterilizable. Washable cord. Palladium switch contacts in high-impact white housing with cord-set strain relief. Attachment: Stainless-steel bed clamp with permanently attached Mylar strap. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Docume nts T5 OCTOBER 2OOI 16725-7 SECTION 16725 NURSE CALL E. 5. Quantity: 3 cord sets for every l0 patient beds. Geriatric Call-Button Cord Set: Plug and'l2-inch (1800-mm) white cord; equipped with momentary-action, lighrpressure switch in soft outer jacket. l. Ethylene oxide, sterilizable. 2. Washable cord. 3. Palladium switch contacts in high-impact white lrousing with cord-set strain re lief. 4. Attachment: Stainless-steel bed clamp with permarrently attached Mylar strap. 5. Quantity: 2 cord sets for every l0 patient beds. Squeeze-Bulb Switch Cord Set: PIug and 72-inch (1800-mnr) rvashable tube with white, waslrable, neoprene squeeze-bulb activator, plug-rnounted. moulelrtary contact slvitch. L Etlrylene oxidc, sterilizable. 2. Attachment: Sta irr less-steel bed clarnp with pernrarrently attached Mylar strap. 3. Quantity: 2 cord sets for every l0 patient beds. Call-Button Plug: Designed to plug into patient station cord-set receptacle. Button switches call circuit. Furnish 2 plugs for every l0 patient beds. Durnrny Plugs: Designed to plug into patient station cord-set receptacle when call-button plug or patient cord set is not used. Furnish 3 plugs for every l0 patient beds. Indicator Lamps: Lighrernitting-diode type with 20-year rated life, unless otherwise indicated. F. J. Equipment Mounting Provisions: Suit mounting arrangement indicated. K. Station Faceplates: Type 302 stainless steel, 0.0375-inch (0.95-mm) minimurn, on brushed finish. Machine-engraved labeling identifies indicator larnps and controls. L. Station Faceplates: High-impact plastic, beige color. Molded or machine-engraved labeling identifies indicator lamps and controls. M. Corridor Dome Lights and Zone Lights: 1-hree-lamp signal lights. l. Lamps: Front replaceable without tools, low voltagc with rated life of 7500 hours. Barriers are such that only one color is displayed at a time. 2. Lenses: Heat-resistant, shatterproof, translucent polymer that will not deform, discolor, or craze when exposed to hospital cleaning agents. 3. Filters: Two per unit, amber and red. N. Cable: Features include the following, unless otherwise indicated: l. Conductors: Jacketed single and multitwisted pair, untinned solid copper. Sizes as recommended by equipment manufacturer, but not smaller than No. 22 AWG. 2. lnsulation: Thermoplastic, not less than ll32 inch (0.8 mm) thick. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Documents T5 OCTOBER 2OOI I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I G. H, HLM 980071-04 16725-8 I t SECTION 16725 NARSE CALL 3. Shielding: For speaker-microphone leads and elsewhere if recommended by the manufacturer; No. 34 AWG tinned, soft-copper strands formed into a braid or approved equivalent foil. Shielding coverage not less than 60 percent.4. Cable for Use in Plenums: Listed and labeled for plenum installation. O. Grounding Components: As specified in Division l6 Section "Grounding.,' PART 3 - EXECUTION C. INSTALLATION wiring Method: Install wiring in raceway cxcept within consoles, desks, and countel.s. Conceal raceway and wiring except in unfinished spaces. Wiring Method: Install wiring in raceway except within consoles, desks, and counters; and except in accessible ceiling spaces and in gypsrm board partitions, where cable wiring method may be used. Use l.JL-listed plenum cable in environmental air spaces including plenum ceilings. conceal cablc and raceway wiring except in unfinished spaces. Install exposed raceways and cables parallel and perpendicular to surfaces or exposed structural members, and follow surface contours. Secure and support cables by straps, staples, or similar fittings designed and installed so as not to damage cables. Secure cable at intervals not exceeding 30 inches (760 mm) and not rnore than 6 inches (150 mm) from cabinets, boxes, or fittings. B. 3.1 I I t t I I l,s le t I lu I I I I I I D.Wiring within Enclosures: Provide train conductors to terminal points cabinets. adequate length of conductors. Bundle, lace, and with no excess. Provide and use lacins bars in E. Separation of Wires: Separate speaker-m icrophone, line-level, speaker-level, and power- wiring runs. Run in separate raceways or, if exposed or in same enclosure, provide l2- inch (300-mm) minimum separation between conductors to speaker microphones and adjacent parallel power aud telephone wiring. Provide separation as recommended by equipment manufacturer fbr other conductors. F. Splices, Taps, and Terminations: Make splices, taps, and terminations on numbered terminal strips in junction, pull, and outlet boxes, terminal cabinets, and equipment enclosures. Install terminal cabinets where there are splices, taps, or terminations for eight or more conductors. G. Impedance and Level Matching: Carefully match input and output impedances and signal levels at signal interfaces. Provide matching networks ifrequired. H. Identification of Conductors and Cables: Retain color-coding of conductors and apply wire and cable marking tape to designate wires and cables so all media are identified in coordination with system wiring diagrams. Label stations, controls, and indications using approved consistent nomcnc lature. 3.2 EXISTING SYSTEMS VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Documents I5 OCTOBER 2OOI HLM 9EOO7T-01 r6725-9 SECTION 16725 NURSE CALL A. Examine existing systems for proper operation, compatibility with new equipment, and deficiencies. If discrepancies or impairments to successful connection and operation of interconnected equipment are found, report them and do not proceed with installation until directed. Schedule existing systems' examination so there is reasonable time to resolve problems without delaying construction. GROUNDING A. Ground cable shields and equipment to eliminate shock hazard and to mininrize ground loops, common-mode returns, noise pickup, cross talk, and other signal impairments. Signal Ground Ternrinal: Locate at main equipment cabinet. Isolate from power system and equipnrent grounding except at connection to main building ground bus. Grounding Provisions: Cornply with requirements in Division l6 Section "Grounding." FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Manufacturer's Field Service: Engage a factory-authorized service representative to inspect field-asscmbled componellts and testing and adjusting of system. Test Procedure: Cornply with the following: I I I I t I I I I I B. c. A. B. J.J )-+ I I I I I I I I I 2. 3. Schedule tests a minimum of seven days in advance of performance of tests. Report: Subrnit a rvritten record of test results. Operational Test: Perforrn an operational systenr test to verify compliance of system r.vith these Specifications. Perfonn tests that include originating station- to-station and all-call messages and pages at each nurse call station. Verify proper routing, volume levels, and freedom from noise and distortion. Test each available message path from eaclr station on the system. Frequency Response Test: Determine frequency response of two transmission paths by transmitting and recording audio tones. Minirnum acceptable performance within 3 dB from 150 to 2500 Hz. Signal-to-Noise Ratio Test: Measure the ratio of signal to noise of the cornplete system at normal gain settings, using the following proccdurc: a. Disconnect a speaker microphone and replace it in the circuit witlt a signal generator using a 1000-Hz signal. Measure the ratio of signal to noise and repeat the test for four speaker microphones. b. The rninimum acceptable ratio is 35 dB. Distortion Test: Measure distortion at normal gain settings and rated power. Feed signals at frequencies of 150, 200, 400, 1000, and 2500 Hz into each nurse call equipment amplifier, and measure the distortion in the amplifier output. The maximum acceptable distortion at any frequency is 5 percent total harmonics. A 5. I c. 6. Retesting: Rectify deficiencies indicated by tests and completely retest work affected by such deficiencies at Contractor's expense. Verify by the system test that the total system meets these Specifications and complies with applicable standards. Report results in writing. Inspection: Verif that units and controls are properly labeled and interconnecting wires and terminals are identified. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constr uction Documents t5 ocToBER 2001 D. '{i' HLM 9EOO7I-04 16725-10 A. 3.5 3.6 I t I I I I I t I I I t I I I t I SECTION 16725 NARSE CALL DEMONSTRATION Engage a factory-authorized service representative to train Owner's maintenance personnel and caregiver staff. l; l. 2. ). Schedule training with Owner with at least seven days'advance notice. Train Owner's maintenance personnel on procedures and schedules related to starting and stopping, troubleshooting, servicing, and preventive maintenance. Provide a minimum of eight hours'training. Train Owner's caregiver personnel on proper use of the equipment. Coordinate periods of training with Architect to ensure nursing shifts receive the required training. Conduct training outside normal rvorking hours as required to coordinate with shift schedules. Include instructions utilizing audio and visual graphics and hands-on operation of the equipnrent in typical zones selected by Architect. Provide handout material describing equipment features and functions to those attending. Provide a minimum of three, three-hour sessions for each group of trainees. Training Aids: Use approved maintenance marrual rnaterial as instructional aids. Refer to Division I Section "Contract Closeout." Provide copies of this material for use in the instruction. 4. ON-SITE ASSISTANCE Occupancy Adjustments: When requested within one year of date of Substantial Completion, provide on-site assistance in adjusting sound levels and controls to suit actual occupancy conditions. Provide up to three visits to Project site for this purpose. END OF SECTION I6725 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constructio n Documents I5 OCTOBER2OOII HLM 980071-04 r6725-11