HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT E F VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 1990-1995 BUILDING PERMITS-2 LEGALoz F =c UJo- \o v) UJl!u- E =Elu t ):ltzlzt 919' '"zzehS Tl or if N o FI v 2 Hu) z zz*{ OE oz z 6Jf 9r o E F EFIz o zz a E]E .A tq F FlFi B SHF rr]o&za)rtZ>a = tt{ eo4rt.rH zfrztao& B IJ o cr UJz3 uJ F oz a ;1EV-f J- cQ s5#x eE *l*Fl+ et+ Et+ J IJJq) i l! cr UJz =o o l' o E 0) -9 $ .9 ;o .c oo (! o o (5 o o c co E cf; o (5 = C) o :'i (6 .Y' :_s:gE8E; F e:?€*tgsslEc "E Sp:Ec-o>e$:i:gP d.:=-9 cY'-(! * x ' .-- ;Ea5I!Eoctui9qef!iaecL (5 0--$E; s oiE-orE*:€ P6(!5 :EE H EslS (!o-!E; @ tt,P*E,-e9l i:'s=igEiE x; E: b6eE9Eor -e5g: F.l @\o (q t\(\l a F = LLl z ! uJ z g. f- z6 = 2 tu = lu UJ l.l.z tr !J UJE o =uJt!! z .r, UJ c UJ o. z o x ut CN:) U' UJ LjJtL b = uJ J FoF z J l EI aFo IJJJut oz. cl = Jo- J . UJ E NOrlVn'lVA I I Il-lii-t<;t>Nll Nl - lFl"Fl EE 3erZ rLLlO Oi'l6zd; o(JF'trz-qoG(Jo ur- 1A *ffu.t&z.gJ =>E -r z F^ trY rbOz>-oo<)zlr- <oo- CV-E .i^i I I I l.lz t& lol& tFl IEL t<lc)IH tkt lE IE F H E z tr l l E(, uJo- F ooo \o t o-L!t z tr6o zo F E uJ B z II I I I tszlzOo ?6o< =FRu6o<z Lz Aztz- -Fdo3trOI ull a (! UJz (] I z F)laz I X X x x l F U) z F o z Y o- llJo Jl<lFl zl zl .>lo UJo lLl uJz U) F (r UJ o- --) z Eo i.lH*?l:o9l H H H cr) ni t), ,t C) a3 U)z FJ z IIJ tr U) IDo1zo t-I uJY llJ dt o 'OrFol E-rE.Ul .sfl-N \J tr] > t-.t^zvo ,zlH g t'!bkzo trtrn z zQ =z O- iJ- ..i5\./ v = =83= tu;dd= 6nn b uJo- oir ulEO E<cttro .!t) E2a9 5gF--Jr = lrl :-E b=C' J ;iE XFE 66lP \urE Xo-E X>6=Fct 'io-i!; uJ F E -a E =g, lrl o-zo F()fEFazoo ot IJJI rcl JI <I q t|H ol IJJI ccl Jl <l>l rr.Iol zl 3lpl FI I I I I I I ?l ull TI <l>l u-lol El col uFI F I I IIrl' I Irn ul oqq clq J =() rn.il .ir Irn .d" o\ I TI.cl *l ,Iol =.1 EI rEl JI al>l lrlol 2l3lolFI zH at)& FlHF CQ tr{E F tr olzl ol r.lJl 5l al>l t!lol zl 3lolFI t-{ | Clzt altrrt I()t Bllol I.l Al \oat <llrt I ldl +EI EI Atl )-' I Elt4l IFl | -rlFll @l<l .-{ |>l I nt |/,nHt ttlt Hst Et s ui <l =l i<l <=4=jo j Fl B F{u) E E il z EoF() Fz J EF tuJ EOOz,t >*EfF--J Zro F Fz z. T Ott = Eti J- (Y o2 o <F(tsC) IJJ <zEr!F(aZoO )<c)o(2:o I ls i;lg rilS rEls o2 tt u,o:r Eo J at gJ z 5r =o=coo6b92lr<o\ i() =8.j s,i ih;9EH -i*ooxir 2" =E: oz lt I IJ d o dq \,1il s; FiluJl=t<lzIrD ls -{..{ (u =o o- o z 5l J fl f, I I aJ H ol sG l!oz3o l z : E H a t{ 0)d r-.{ 'rl-< (dg Ed : E G UJz =o Fo UJ|-- C)E E -rO<FEOuJ<zgulFa^=-o C) JE<oC)F f;3E=j8 e.29 E3DFd6 C) i5 =Eg6 Eogir =+E Fo2 () i <-rsi >a UJ E(t, @o zo Fo UJI uJt0 o E =llto- r-t t! o\lo ,J.'1i-l9.tvollAl H"Jo?zo z,n9 z-<coo =z lL lr :E? =sHdd= E =eulc o UJo- F E =frAllo EHE{gfr 39vaE EEEI =ulFbodE:rrXg:,E: ttrs= UJ o E =e, UJo.zoFo3 E,Fazoo IDtr ffi Yzr= .=!!! t)93 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE I rl q/ JoB NAME fl' -.{El:t-.-rr t INSPECTION REOUEST Uat TOWN OF VAIL 4//l) t,^ tf+ /,- CALLER READY FOR INSpECT|ON: MON 6^rD wED rHUR FR, --- AM PM -F^LocArloN: fouY a4 /OiOO \: Xnppnoveo CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROU {rour'ronrtoN / srEE*tr fIOUGH / D.W.V N FRAMING tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL O FINAL n tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH o tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,^r, ,/4/?e rNSpEcroR # INSPECTION t I REOUEST VAILTOWN OF oor. \- &\-\A JoB NAME CALLER PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:ES WED PMAM \ BUILD!NG: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, N ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr cl tr tr D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT C SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL fiAi'enoveo COBBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR (n UJ UJ lJ- F =Eul.L lb kllrt oqJ F z z =f .6 tLlJIF lo I I I I I I l- lo IEItr- totzr6 o\ @ FfNH ts(,t:zx E] ID .E c) ll(5 .o d\ c 3 F q) o o o ; c) q) o o)c =: E = l; 11) o 3 .9 o o; (! .Y, ai{s9Uk,; E!EE E6E:Ec-o>c:5i : ge: € >=:c96E 35;; EEE:* o otiEo;gqeP $!aecL (u o-- sEasoidor*fi:€ :6(!6 EE E Ho(6:'- EsES -+C?ct o'- .:c; o (/)! --c _^ sf;; E egli9,!E.o ;T F' ;g; E :{, clo -eEg: U' uJtllII = uJ J F F ts E UJe z Co 3 uJ; UJg. z 6t! F6 o- uJ f z IJJJ |ltlI t!4ttE lr. ltlit lotDtzta totatHto t(/:lq) le:IHtd tEIrd 16 IHI< IA IElE Erllo FnIQ IHtt>l€ llrlttElrl1llz14 lE ltrrtal l14 lElFl lfrftr4 tH l- lF''tr 4 zH H3 ,t H H FfFl H at)zH :< =TL z F H z uJ =>E -rt'lju,$ =tool zz Fo- AXltr90 @oz>- o2 lJ- <oo-rrr ?(LY-E -j<ri ao- c z E F e. uJ t--) ;g.lz E. uJ IL zo Eoo z F 5 U)z trz. 9. -.1 1.do3uJOI ol IJJI ccl JI al>l IIIol zl;lolFI -l (9l uJl 5l <l>ltrlol zl 3lolFI I I I ^lzl fll JI alilol 3l rOl uJFI F t.lI F1l,l al <i Bt(,t otHt oltr <l Hl Hl r >'l .ltslt BlEll IFll -rl<l col>l -'l*l dHl r.tJ Fl<I EH?Hgeai4Eo vtlaHxa Hz!4 E Fl H ui =z z Jtr ?lol uJl 5l al>l co \a I fi <h.it o\ =.1ol uJl crl il l!lol zl;lolFI H&H ri 4 |r1 H& FTHH F >Y =#dzo F() Fz l-e. 2; =*to2 -:o<Fc()r!<zE(rzo F uJF Io J<c)o?.33 oz ==g, uJ z o92.4 d)o =z O- LL ifioo= =83dd= !trtr F = uJ l!o IJJoz .J'o o Ec JFul-h=-iE o-- Lu>(r-O|!9o -ulxc:>HF J rll co F o E CLo 0) ott EeJ E EoIJ AO =lrre(D>Ff=E =9-=;n!tr--_- I ulF @lI) -)z - luY LlJ -{d!o\o9FrJ =>!+oyz .I rL 2r601t=l EI6Al r lllr{l IUF lrji\F\,zo ts =E lrJ o-zIFof E,Fazo C) lr I I l_ t3 I I I I lE IEB la/!z t=to 6E!}t o _rl<l FI EI zl ,. >lol! l! UJz L UJ z E z Es FO ir, O6aozr!<ogEEt6 E EflI]i Eilj]j t6;{lll, r$1flfli oz t! I I J d t-o) FId Jq at 5-\} J * J S 'jj=z aoolI erl ilrlrl-0| 9 'lJil,!l & ul<-=ti r F T tr al, al) UJ(l : -o- o Ig oz o UJ lE tto z]oF .\) t-t, q fr {lu ^)\I' \$t f3 I E \d u:} ciz ci UJEI ]toz3o ^/ll IF +ns$ u u F E oz 0utE J ttoz3o t oz.; ultr J ozioF t tr ctz citlE J ltoz3oF ulJ u,lF, Eulz3o FollJF (J & E -rO<FCO IJJ <2EUJFo6 () Jg<o()F =o=<ir c =FAzr (,z .o: Jo- Ic i,.) 5zco dE =3EE EoFE?+G.l- t-o2 oo <()qg I :< oz ts =&ulo. cr)ctt C:-o 91 GIArtqt- UT Eo @o1zo Fot!Y IJJo o F ts =cc Lu o- rlto o-oo IIJF o I uJFoz !n! z ,rPze @o =z dP J EEi = lu;dd= !4D tr =E UJe l!o uJg F tr Ttrulclto EUE3€uIP '9EIEi =uJEE6d:FE:/t<F6ifi€-i ul @oF &\vi ftr)zr= = ts =g, lrl o-zoF()f E,F(nzoo 75 roulh lrontag. road Yall, color.do E1657 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2\39 oftlc. of communlty devcloPment BUILDING PERI'IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If this permi.t requr:res a Town of Vail [ire Department Approval, Engineel''s (.Public l,lorks) reyiew and approval, a Planning Department revi'ew or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-fam'ily permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum reouirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and time frame. Communi ty Development Department. luttn u l|flI 75 soulh tronlage road vall. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: olllce ol communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE fn sumrnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor rnaterial , including trash dumpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VailPublic Works Departnent. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to renove said rnaterial.fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the Public Works Departrnent will remove said naterial at the ex;lense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shatl not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Departroent to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. Read and acknowledged by: Position/Relationship to Project (i.e. contractor, owner) Date PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL 47.. .'PM {.DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER ITJtrJ THUR /TAIL-WED A[/ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING _ BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION'tr POOL i H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ,,0/eeeaoveo 't.O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: / - l2'/ nfts,o" & 14 H HFI Hz Ez &H vF] F HI&l<l A1 tsl zl el 9lal trlzlFrl zlHl U' uJFoz oz o Il @ .lt z I I I ^'!(! F1 l< Ela 5azFll> frl <:Etov)lz I I I vl 2, t<<19tst!!ul r: zlo4tzorq U) UJ IJJIL E =g. uJ ot -st56 L +t) t llJz3 uJat- z HO\V) Frz-$ X FFQ Z tr-l E-r z Fl llJ(t) =I o) Esoo u;9 €!c3le _o\ -(56.9'46 ::9lt\6C\ AXsF F& o)-co'Era ooN$ -, E'cc:rc FO. cb/ oo otcC(5 E€oo 3o(!cn or.c !'=gd r,Eo6 5i El =13o9 eg CLtt o.c(!t; t5dO) -i- q) o :'i (u '=o(/,*Iog3F Felt;3 q F.= 6Ffc E:;- d.o =EFd'5 =cY* 35t -t?)i5;o +oo cc-eesJqi c.:- (E 0.(! o-*Ex qrP dEgo-(6c E E.E.rCt-RfEi(!= 6 6.q.c: oP-Et,*:EiEt g:. *EFEt 3 ,3^6 s9Eoq)Egr-oo) = e. UJcoz ) F6o UJ tLf z qJJ U' IJ.J uJu- E = UJ J F F z =l o- z =f,J lltltl.| 1.4 to tH " lSlH- lr'r lZrc lz lH'- tH l(JN Ie) IZ ^ tzlH'.H IY tklll,.C 11L xg lH 6 brlEut 24, 15t o= I-r; trlz Ic)' gFf lUE< IH H= l* XF-1 lO-,Atz Efl I* 22tE UH IA >E -I z -i\o .tO7z<)zt!< 9UFO.;ni z tr lr- E o l & o-L!t : z Eoo E UJF =uJz .. >loutou, uJz <nF E uJ(L J z Eoo UJlJ u) UJz orF z t- Jloz =z ttz ds3trOI lrJl 1t <l>l ttlol zl 3lolFI olzl dl IJJI 5l al>l l!lol ilolH I I I I ol =.1ot uJl :l al>l 6l Zl ,,t3t 5Ol uJFI F I &lal Bt Iot \o ffl rEl Bl .l EI c,8"r asJ><= =o Ff H t4E ts F-1Fi FIH =2 F tMFl B a4 zH zH (J = ii =z co uJ o J l,O (n.if I\o N.+ €lrlr-r Ilnl-l I .lolzl ol u.tl crl JI <l>l rLlol 2l Bl FI c)zH cnz z =E I I "l=.1Ol(fl t|silo'>lo\ il- 2? =<=EfFd5 E z 2r LIJ = c(i, =r-i-\JZ F LU EI E <F(rC)uJ<zE (nZ () J< (-)siil --r- O & B IrlE B z zt Y>_i(Do =z o-- I dfia4 a t = =E'!- i\ 4. -r -: t!coil= = lrlc t|- =u^E:E<4f6g)Ege9vE Etr =>E JFE f;=o dtr: >cI o r.r-E ooE 5pt :>g q* o-i!ri ul(D oF GI-IE F =E lrJ o-zoF(JfEFozo() @ !L]D (*', t-. r*lFllf-txl<" : t a) tr tr) U) = tg F z(9 rlNt -F+ lrl,r-5 (j' L!- L iF9z d6}E \!t, N\ d ct- =g, u,l.- o-(: rt ::.$,) i I ilr I I I ctlz.l (,l s,tl :l <l>l r ltlol izl 3l OIFI , -).J trtrtr z EEoo =F HEE Eiln E =ellJq o uJc b =GutA o UJoz 3ot2 o G,I E UJFul o- T 8Ftooul J uJooF c E &EI e ct E E 8 0 EtEEeo! si u, Eo ts =E lrJo.z9l-(J DE 6zoo I ) I PERMIT NUM ER OF PROJECT TO.\VN OF REQUEST.VAIL -I llDATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTI /ttm L)^U o; WED THUR t.)r-iNspecrtoN BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTTNGS/STEEL - tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYwooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr,INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB sHFgrndcr runtu tr FINAL MECHANICAL: o o tr tr TEMP. P?WEff tr HEATING ROUGH -.O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT "tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL fueenoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor, lZ'\ - 7/ rNSPEcroR The lteDs below need toglvingapernltafinal Please check off 1o the FINAL PLU}IBING olnar. rNsPEcrroN's col.lPLErED a be conplete before Cof0. box provlded. |.-, DATE: I I I FINAL MECITANICAL DATE:I IUPROVEMENT SURVEY ID. NAME: DATE: IV-f- \*]Dh FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: - ,''-DLTE. / ''/t -- ? _ TEMPORARY C OF O DATE: i LAI..IDSCAPING DUE DATE: err.s NA'E,\ \\.t,. N\rrc\sqseNt \S\dp\ oz E =Eulo c +rn ooo Itl oo n') oo rngr .J1 UJu,tl- tr =tu,o- lklxl<l€r9 QbLlg-tc c'\ CA (\ r'.1 aH fr& E x H1E9Zr!<*r.r;e{ ZF\ozJ l9J 'Elo uJF F FIz zz o uJF z oz J cD .6 Qz 2 atlo i 0c .L (E Fo Fz o ul23 ocE u lll6z..,; arv <F2.\ YZo< o o,oo .9 CL(! c 3oF q)c ooo ; o c) '=(l)(a;{ sbE: F.e C?€*3E8F.= (! FFlc; E 3E:6c-o> e:5E : €P:€ >=:c96EIoSo B3=5_E>,XgEF;*-ooc g.;;F !ieeo- G o--d=- o.!): o-oiE srEfi:€ :6(66 *EgH E6 F: (6 0'- .!c:o(/)€ --c -- s€; E :gi; i(gx:J iE; e9E o -c5g: rn F tj.l\o\' oF o,l .$ r-l.if Or 'e. rnT\+ (f) (Yt ..lr lnr'. + t\ IEe- 1'1c! oo c'\(0 trl + F uJ z x L!I z J =F ) IJJ 26 = o- J - lrJ UJ uJt!z F IIJ UJ o(ts =g uJ z 6 UJo o UJo (L ?z tu o x F uJ (n uJ LlJIt b E u.io- J zoJ l.o J C) UJ UJ oz6 J J z uJ = Fi ts F NOllvn'tVA I I I; l.nll:l' !<Jc4 ;H 634U>Z =9es i!-az 89ut; :-:< 2n UE =>oa fur z 5c;o-aa7\()z LL<oq ;iO;()FO.;(\i I lE t2 loIHtz t14t> I F-r tFr ltrr z tr J g ci E UJ oo rn or E J z E xx z tr e,ulFJ 3llJz atzf,zou) <Oo< >aa 6o<z =z 21 dtl3trOI I! II i]tccltoltoltdl UJlJJ E IJJz ()rF o" F z F faz I z z J- =F IJ,J I oi ;-l -.1 I ,-l :t Jl<l;-| zl z ot! IJJ uJzo tr UJ ) z E o TI :l6l1l6l H'k-o9 It-t & Fr Ht-l cr) C\ O C) .4 I t-l '.ll Ff.l) zH tJ)z F1 '{o\o\ F{ \o z Ao zH IJJFooo-zo ,-o llJ :< ulo or tr cr lrJ(I l!o (L o I llJF z uJ|. o trl H =Egtr S-< Hdro - =zedP 6Efr J..i5\/v=zE2 6il= tr E IE uJo.Ito:1{E:E<G!l€aB9trk .= ar:o- =>FJI- =r!r-E b=c, dtr:>aL E 66I Eurcx(rt x>t q- €= ll,l @ F G-I{ E =E, lrJ o-z9F C) EFazo(J i i I i ; I i . .if lt)(n IN @\' oF I6l(\ c'\ TI.rrl ar) |Frl d olqJl El JI <l>l rl-Iol =lolFI zH F E H tr I I I I Iol =.1ol IJJI 5l al>l rI-Iol 3l sol uJFI F !no .il I\o F\.d. I IFqlljFrlrnlc'r I I Iolzl cil uJl :l al>l hlol zl 3l 9lFI z H P Hv,z tn\o €r I( $o\ 'ilolF{l-l I I ?lol uJl 1l al>l u-lol zl 3lolFI () H ts j Ftrl2 =tr )IB]ol etdIt--{ol '1 u,n t!l CIqn -.1 = 'IrdlEI tslFllFil 3l FllHI sl u4 >l<l4 E ts (J = ul =z -.) 6frt zrtlA ts ts Fl trl at) ro UJ o z oo t{ frlfr t4 .J> HF. e. J EFOL!J[! &oF C) EFz t2? =#-JZ z rO LrJ = Eng Itv l-o2 () Luz3 <FEOuJ<zEL!F o(,) EEE FEiiN iEiN giEgru sE;eJ € E ='g!98665 9EEg3'! o.E! ! =!.P'EE :-' 9',=-.oo ' 'ipr- , ,j aEE H; E: t.i6s;3PEo.t;i g c g, .Y :6 E'd E z tr^ a-9.u,oZt-Ooozrr <( ,J=u/-ax>X :p: iutS s' : !{ 2 tr J oz i F g, ulib UJ J ar d\ =( k o2 E =FJ E,-u-H @ -) z FI LrJY uJ tr) z,,.9z2roo =zd8 (9c)ZF =uJ ==E UJ l!o UJL F F u l! uJoz ou, oF uJF uJ o- ooFlo uJJ uJ F Eo ElloE B! .E =E Ea ctP(o o.-l !qg '1 I I IJJF ts =E,l!o.zIF C) E,Fozo() oF tr IJJ o- lr. oo UJFoz EI $ { t i h a,z =lJ- I I I I J @ FoJ s o ^o{( io u; =z t0o-'I q \:i +z J - .I-G _9 f.\T t n { o .11: -s3.T :rl 0) -a/n< b ri -E l! s-- .iz d 8is v,ollJe l1 t<It +lNIr lc. c Itvlb lfrtrt> l() i\-f J o -Sxt E tr $>r(rt lcftoltlltolI uJl t5lt<l>lttlloltzlli1tolI|i U\orf:r t(\S f.. $ dJg/ F .0 r,) U u .J q, =g tv l"r1,. l7lol=.l0lullaElJt<l>tlttolzt3loIF lo lu; W,..'lr, t4l,/''/ | 4') f- IlrltulIF I Irl{l <1 <'l a-..l-e u- 7(f: /---/t ciz o-H J >r g.rrOz3I ft^ ff,t-\ Id cp -l '!) g,J F -JIJ $ :' g 14 m7 oIz-ctu.ll5I<l>tt!| \.,tzt3l9IF .\ n ( d cl .F uJ lllF =tr oz ciltl .E J l! z3oF IIJJ uJF' J Iz -o UJ =ur E UJz =o Fc)lljF C) E -rO<FE()uJ<zEUJFe6 () Jt<oc)F fr3 H= -o z"g 3Ed5o 9z f C) UJ = !, 5 z E ir =+EOz oo <()a!2!6l )< Ets 75 routh fronlrge road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-l\39 otllc. of communlty devclopm$t1 BUILDING PERI'IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If thi.s permr:t requi.res a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval , Engineel''s (Public Wopks) reyiew and approval , a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weeks. A1 'l commercia'l ('l arge or sma1 'l ) and al I mu1 ti -fami 1y permi ts wi I I have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Resjdent'ial and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentjoned departments writh regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this perm'i.t as sgon as possibl e. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame.. Communi ty Development Department. \ t" 75 3oulh trontage rord Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&'ECT: offlce of communlly devolopment ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WoRKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In sumrnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor material , including trash durnpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance hrill be strictly enforced by the Town of VailPubLic Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said naterial .fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the Public Works Department will remove said uraterial at. the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 5 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. thank you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: Date - I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oo'= \-\-\ JoB NAME \Srsu READY FOR LOCATION: INSPE T INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL MON CALLER TUES THUR FRIroN: \ NUMBER OF PROJECTN\-\ , BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH i D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL AMING tr ROUGH / WATER OOF & SHEE tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK D POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL O HEATING SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED / ? -:4 - 1l -1K{P'&o* *52 qs PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTIONTOWN OF .l REQUES"TIVAIL . \I DATE /2 'l - 7l JoB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES @ ,^u^ FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL o o tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS FINAI,FINAL ROUGH CONDUIT rE/nppRovenz 7L-rt\ b -/O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR i: .ift, rI:: . INSPECTIONTOWN OF I REQUEST/VAIL i'r c DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES,READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT B! o tr tr D ET ry tr ILDING:PL o tr tr o tr tr UMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATEB FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS E tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr tr FINAL APPROVED ', E DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR 5t43 ,*r INSPECTIONTOWN OF t ,}l REQUEST/ VAIL \rPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION:MON D^rE /2/5/q I JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES 'Jt WED @'n At u/iUe,J BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL \tr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL - ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr tr HEATING ( n tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL APPROVED t.O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED COBRECTIONS: INSPECTOR xiFsn* PERM}T NUMBER OF PROJECT\\ C\ c\\ //\-NJ.B NAME INSPECTION:MON INSPECTIONTOWN OF THUR FRI t REOUESTIVAIL iI @" DATE READY FOR LOCATION: WED '\ CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL tr HEATING N ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTIOru REQUIRCO CORRECTIONS: i- t oor, /Z-/o - 2/ rNSPEcroR -.'"U.:dz 43 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: INSPECTION I REQUESTIVAIL ,r / JOB NAME Vtu, F/2../--.:<CALLER TUES WED FRI I TOWN OF VAIL THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr u tr tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATEBtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING O INSULATION POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr" tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIChL2 'I MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER "tr HEATING q4oucx o tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL {oeeaoveo 4f CORRECTIONS: r tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ,/z -tl- il INSPECTOR INSPECTION I REQUEST;\rA I CALLER ES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: INSP CTION:THUR FRI ) tr BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD,NAILING O GAS PIPING D POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR niftslop ,.;*].- INSPECTION I REQUEST;: VAIL V Uad Yh^f:'LjOF PROJECT / .roe Nnve READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: WED ,ruR @-..- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOODTNAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED / ' QrDAIE /'z ^ '< Jr - 7/ .--. rNSPEcroR INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAIL I REQUEST;q3 DATE /2-2q -?/'a4 WED THUR FRI 7 i,t INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER @READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr o E o UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING ._.1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOQ NAILING GAS PIPING tr TNSULATTO)I POOL / H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL (rrrunr- D tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS EI CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL fiaeenoveo tr.DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORREETIONS: rruspEcron CALLER TUES WED THURREADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOON NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATIQN tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL [Reenoveo O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: niFsr,"p e"., rnsPEcrro''s couPLErEIl Ihe ltere belor aced to be eoopl.te before gtvlog a perult a flnal C of 0. Pleare check off lu the box provi.ded. ., IItlI ! FrNAL PLU{BTNG PINAL UECEANICAL II,TPROVEUSNI SIIRVET RESID. TAUE: DATEs FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE: I{E$I EIIEJ- -2 TE}IPORARY C OF O n M-i1- W i-l L___, I l--, DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PANCI DATE: I.ANDSCAPIT|C DI'E DATE: oz E-c,lur tr1 n1 at uJ IJJt! F =EllJC \$R\s-Ns$ oo\ .irN \' U: H& z ttlob uJF o It!tto (9zoJ 5 ao uJF o coP eFit ==o o =zo I h'rlFllH la Itrr t: 13 lil lH lE itiz9ro Oi:.izii Of.l241 12t'.o. 1€a onZY fie t<[o l3tz Intrt tEll' ld I'd li lEt lal()lz IHIE lvl .Eul23o uJIFo2 tst,:Ozc) ()o\.ZcaEO,{ A(,Ns)zEXO htrt<&..oI'l O Fl. .o(5O{(J ts A z r:l C) o oo()g 6 :q' Po qE q dc'qt oEooo .s =f @ E o =cf, !tq, o CI CL6 '-9 E iEgg Efi gg e.= 6 F e 3E€ iE*E !EEi EE;E ESteo.6 cL- SEae €Eig EEEE -o,Yo-eC?60'-!.g; o o gEE; $g;E fEH'E ta1 s o\\oN lr1 C.l $ 04tr * tr-E UJo. (9z6 l.o IotllEoz Jo. J IeFollJJ uJ (,z aot o. J IzrogJ = ulllJtlzoF lrJEo uJG oE o @] UJ uJGzo ah IJJo F I UJo o. z u,l o x F utof at UJ IIJt!t =g, IIJ o- J FoF (,z o = ao oc o UJ ur (,z aott o- J I a o uJI H NO|lVn'rYA I I=l>El:;Ilx i r,r.r S l;:::l= EE 96Z Z tL^)o oox a a =E;|,(JCi{F* EE iHEH zo F fJ tt o r3 E(9 ulo- F o otr) Gr uJG J z9troo z9 &, |rrFJ { 'uJz I .n z z F 5o =oo<< I =z =J ut 3 v)qlo 5o-ulG u-.i: Ez F E .T E*o7J- 9, =. a I F ul Irll" trrstf WII t(c Pql: l''' lHaF Flo Fv, Jl<l FI =l zl .. >lot!out uJ2otr UJ J z Eoo z Ft', @ I€ r H H (o co cY) -:f,OO (9 zV,--o c =E f; =3 e dP H J =Ei tr: tEulo- E EgF;naIED95EE dtsE FEx :4E 8bE irE srsi ltt @o @ u,k6 UJ E at,ooazo F0- IJJY IJJ @ oF EFF qi. ruS{F UJFoz E =e, UJo.zIF() D E. 6zoo !!E oz ciul CE J tt-oz3oF di u 3 d 3H o =J |r. ozH o tn xIrl Ft HH A.U)o c @ u; =zo -t -o- H o Atrlt >ltrt d FfH tlI z N(nrr F\.if o t\ Io(\ oz ct uJt J t!oz3oF Hu)z z u)a F-) Ic lt lg duJq Jda 6l fl ! J e. uJz u.J(, (J2 6 =Jo- EhgX+Eo2!!tr \ i', cnJ oz =e, UJA al r d- i:..ri Irllg EEEiNEi :gEirlE EEEEffi gHi:E -j: iEEtg iifi?o ;tx ulgb zt .. >l u,o UJ uJz an E:Gulc J z 9 Eoo Z Zt!o ootr ^ dz; E =El,ocE! EE<F3 I-t : =^vr r IrE\ lE\ or I_, * eJ c,I I3( T >G c'i,+.i tRtl J$ dstqgl9;t\ 1"1 It fq $jl slsl !lr\ll\lJ\I E \ S E()$11 o-l orrlg >ltroz3oF Jlt c IJJz3o oIu ts (Je E -rO<F0a() ITJ <zF a'r Z-oo Jg 5P F3qtJ8 z"g 3E d.6() 3E =3gEqE HBI =tEb=' 8lx)<xxxx, f L .P {r u fio z :E@o =z 3E E =e UJo o UJc F E:Gglc o EHE5gut9-9E '9EI =urEiE:EPE?EB€-i uJ @oF el {Jl ll, o ts =E.lrlo.z9F C) =g, V,zo(J 3EE Etr ntt I 't ! tS Duth fronLg. tord vral, colo..do E1857 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: EROM: DATEs su&rEqr: olflcr of comnunlly dcvclopmrnl ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYIJ REGISTSRED WITII IIiE IOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLTC I{ORKS/COMMUNTTY DEVEIpP!,!EM! !,IARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I{ATERIAL STORAGE In sunroary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial, including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and uorknen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Publlc Works Departnent. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said naterial .fn the event the person so notified does not conply with the notiee within the 24 hour tine specified, the Public l{orks Departraent will renove said rnaterial at the expense of Personnotified. The provlsions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction, Eaintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Departnent to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: VallValley tln"f Cenbr LHTffi @F TRANSNflOT'TAL 181 West Meadow Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 303-476-2451 To Town of Vail Building Department 75 S. Frontaqe Road Vall. C0 81657 liirr 2 U irl]il wE ARE sENDTNG You 6 tr Shop drawings tr Copy of lettor Attached D Under sGparate cover via Prints E Plans! o Change order fl Concrete E Samplcs Test Reports the following items: tr Specifications OAYE JO!t|o. 26 Auoust 1990 iirENTroN Dan Stanek iE:Vail Vallev Medical Center - Parkinq Structure coPrEs DATE t{o.DESCRIPTION I 7-18-90 Chen Northern, Inc. - concrete cyl'inder test - 28 day strength 1 8-2-90 Chen Northern, Inc. - concrete cylinder test - 7 day strength 1 8-8-90 Chen Norhtern, Inc. - concrete cy1 inder test - 7 day strength I 8-14-90 Chen Northern, Inc. - concrete cylinder test - 7 day strength THESE ARE tr il D D D TRANSMITTED For approval For your use As requested as ch€cked below: tr Approved E Approved E Returned as submitted as noted for corrections E tr u Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copios for distribution Retu rn - corroct€d prints For review and commcnt n FOR BIDS DUE 19- D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER IOAN TO US REMARKS SIGNED: Brenda Harper COPY TO l, ancroav.at aftt nol ra trotaat, kindly nolirt ua at onca. ChcnSNortlicnr,InQ o YLINDERREPORT OF CONCRETE TEST C rlAuunWF.ofTcTl'.m.l|'',It.IrF|'nE^'|o.||i!'tw\Aln.mrfs,,.fl|'I!|rrnA<I|r.l'|'rr,'.|ul.rrxr''rr'rrd|nc|[t,If.,,lo^|,l||,^|nl4('|lf'n^|fl|'.llc/'|c||'!il,6oe'xlFAits|||.l{.nl|G^,n'4o|,n'||.'t|s 4OvFlfnD urtlJtl on{.i ,arur€a !on; l,l( r4 ttD lo [t rx[[tc, A .h!- I ,-lXfff-|.,-. ., .dr'.ir- t.rr ||.. Cr.tt lJ a/eo TO: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTERAttn: Mr. Dan Feeney 181 West Meadow DrivcVail C0 81657 RFnFtvFtl AU0 z ti t990 J0t1 NO. 4 424 90 DAILY REPORT NO. lNrvotcE No. DATE:7-18-90 SHEE'T OF PROJECT Vail Valley Medical Ccnter Parking Structure, Vai.l, Colorado. PLACEMENT LoclTdN: pootings, Lines CC+10 r 6' to Linc F+10 r 0" on Line 2; Laad placed at Line D I]ATCH I]CKET NFORMTION: sUpruER $/estcrn Mobi lc TRIJC|( rto. 46 2:23 pm ncKer Mt, 011064 Mu DEsrcN no. 23 cu. yo. 8 nuE ruglrD 2:40 pn ruE n,.,^.- 2:45 pmlluE BATCltq) FIETD TESTING INFOR},IATION: T|UE IEr Tlr(EN 3:00prn SLUUPJ 3/4tN. Aln coI(rE}{I 5.7:wEr UN|T wr]clr 139.0 pct. sJ^nPLE TEilP. 75 A,r TorP. ?65 JoB SPEClnCAIlollS sr-uup0- 4 tN. AR cor.rT6rT 3-5r wrrrn ADogD Ar sm -0- rht. no{^Jrt(s 56 of 88 yd" CYUN0ER tNFORI,IAItON: lro. oF c/t,tro€Rs 6 c,^/l,lr)Elr stTE 6rr x 1.2rl 'nMt: t:n rrD[trs r:^.sr 3 : 15 Prn w rjtE c^'r On-Si tc CUNING INFOR}*ANON: tlflul cuttE on-site RIID florucE Flcruncs undcr insulttion u,u.7r*. e\TElnuu 1, ,^o 7-20-90 o rE srRpprr, 7-20-90 ryr S. Urton nEr RKs AGE DAT€ oAIE IE'IU)Tqt t t.o D(ljs)t)u!flEn ([.lcl rLs) 'TFA(so. fi.)couP. sTn. (r,3r) T/PE OF t luc'tul{c C/UNDEN wooa|r (rrJs) CruNOER UNTT WEIGI IT(Pcr) 7 7 28 28 28 28 7 -25-90 7-25-94 8- 1s-90 8-15-90 8-1s-90 8-15-90 L28,000 L25,00o. 140,000 151 ,000 142,000 143,00O 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 4530 4420 49s0 5540- 5030 5060 coni!al conlcal con/she ar coni.cal con/shear confshe ar oslcN sTRfi.t6nl 4000 Psl 0?6 nA\T ll:sls glt wtdt^rolry Ft ns,.rorn ,,rf Ir frr.(n(r^'r:f wrDt ^trlt:rn f r:ilu rrf.Int)ri r,llrl35 ollrlrffEf, llolfo 3O!f ||ltu|rr^tlo or l||r3 tLsT trtt'ont UAY tL ttt(Mlr{I, uY on[n3, PROGRESS REPORTT ..rrrec Fisher Reece Johnson Architccts,l'lr. Sk ip SpcnsQl{ss1sr.n llolri 1cG.E. Johnson Construction Co., Attn: Itr. Jack'fhomas; llierbach Consulting linginecrs S. Urton T. Laudick I.IELD OI]SERI/ER APPRO\GD IIT Chent)Nor[hcnr,lna O REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA ' ^t-tllhn lr^Ot a. ..d 5<r-lr.l. At^UufutFtx't'6ll.rof]t,lifT:t.ll|fF|'nEA'roo|'lj'|tl:.\l|lnlmmlr''rsl'n|nlDAll||r.!''t,.'rlw..!r,''l.Y(r.'nel[}rts,,ro!mln|,Am|| 'rt.|lrn^rr,''f'!...'|qit'irt'tonrl|irJsrlmr..nr.|Gr,rt'''r|ounlt.rrrrrts.ti'nt:'t'M|,rfl0rt4ottxl||t'|4olatllu, ur{t5it on|tt |,rRrr.(ItrxtS lst rf.|[fo lo rr f,{|||lrc. a r*'rr' ., rrl rliii-lr-- .. GdnFir- t.r'r t5. Grrtl IJA a/ro TO: vAIL VALLDY MIDICAL CENTI]ITAttn: Mr. Dan Fceney 181 lllcst Meadow Drivc Vail C0 81657 NE AU0 CE Z IVED ti '1990 JOr,l NO. 4 424 90 DALY IIEPOIIT NO. tNvotcE No. pap. 8-2-90 SHEET 0t- PRGJECT Vail Valley Medical Center Parking Stl.ucturc, Vail, Colorado, Walls on Line G fron Lines 2.7 to 3.3 and Line 3 from Lines E.8 to G; IjATCH TICKET INFORMTION: supruE1 Wcstern llobi le mrrcK lto. LL47 3:48 P.M. rcKE-r No. 0LL372My' DESTCN uo. 24 cu, rc.8 TUE BArcHg'nuE lRRl\@ 4:00 P.M.TluEPl-rcED 4:05 P.M. REU) TESTING INFOR}'ATION: T|UE lEsr r r(Elt 4:1S pM sLUMp Sk .roB sPEclnc^noBs sLrruP 0_4 [{. tN. /\Jn coME rr 3.5: wEr UMT wEcrr t47 ,6 pci. AtR CoMENI 3-SIWAftrl AoDII) AI Sm 10 s^llPt-c TEMP, 80o ,rtn reire.Tgo rkl. ll0,!\Rx& q 6 of 65 vd3 CYUNOER INFORIVTATION: lro. oF cn tuo€tis (r .,Yt rra)Frt srzr' 6tt x 12tl IIME CAINDEHS C/67 4:50 P.M.WHERE C,\sr On-Sitc CURING INFORI,IATTON: t|llll^l cuttE on-Site RaD fi)ttAcE FrctunEs uncler rnsul atiory1x.7pro(. oArE/nME g pq1 8-3-90 Ir tE srntppgl 8-3-90 ny: S. Urton nexenx* ACE tl415 OAIE IEsIU) TSIAT LO\D (uI3) DUrIE'IE I (rlrclrEs),\fiEA (5A. tH.) couP, :iTn. (r5r) T/PE OF FIt,AgTUNE CTUITDEH woG+Jr (LIrs) C-TUNDER uNrt vJoo{r(rcf) 28 28 28 28 8-9-90 8-9-90 8-30-90 8-30-90 8-30-90 8-30-90 lso;ooo, 148,000 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 6. 00 6.00 6,00 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 5310 5240 confcal conical OFSN}I STR€NGTH 5000 PSIo20 t) E 1IJT3 Bt tJ^lF.Utofit Ftn:trro|rt ^fia |lr xtrr(wrt {nr {r!r r: lrl AStu rrtlrr(ln lnlll:3 ollllErnSE llolfo lollt ll.|t u$alx)fl oll lltE llst fltj\nt UAY t[ I'nuv xD r, olllulS' PROGRESS REPORT: Fisher P.eece Johnson Architects,tt"t"t Attnt Mr. Skip Spensl;1yg5gsrn Mobile G.E. Johnson Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Jack'I'homas; llierbach Consulting [,ngineers S. Urton T. Laudick RELD OI]SETTVER EPPRO\GD TT '/rrall,rtl lrtl*. nn!, g<lqlltl..Chcn*Northcnr,hS O REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA To: vAIL vALLDy MuDrcAL cENrEn REOEIVED JoB No. 4 424 so DArE: 8-8-s0 lll''*"Yi'"3:l.XTlil. Aus 2 B lgg0 DAL' REpor{r No. s'rrr 1 or 2 Vait C0 81657 lNvotcE No. PRO.JECT Vail Va11ey Medi cal Center Parking St1'ucturc, Vail, Colorldo. PIJ\GEMEN.r LoCAIION:Foundation $/a11s, F.8 to J; 0-15r Above Footings,Lines 2 to 2.3 and Lines UATCH TICKEI INFORIIATION: supruEs Western Mobile nucK llo. 54 ncKEr Mr. 011454 Mu oEstcg l.to. 23 cu. ro. g nUE nATCHED 1:4S p.M. nuE ARnrvtD 1:5S p.M;_ I)/E pLrcrD 2:00 p.M. FIEI,D TESNNG INFORMATION: nuE rEsr TAr<rJl 2: 15PM sr.uup 4% JOO SPf,CmCAnOl.s stlJuP 6_4 AR colrrEr{r 6 . 6: vrcr UMT wocrr L42 . I ort. NR coNIE{T S-SIwArEn lDoED AI srE 10 s rrPtE TElrP. 80o An rEIrP.7so col RErr^^Ks. 56 of 96 vd3 lN. tN. GYL,NDEII INFORIvIATION: rtr. oF c,'n INDE rS 6 c;11l t)FR !;rzr 6rr x 12rr lrur: cruNofns u,sr 2: 30 P . M .wilERE c^tr 0n-Sitc CUIIING INFORIO\TION: INIUL CURE: On-Site RAg sTgttrcE FiActLrnEs Shaded UN.,/U/J(. o IElruE Ar I t 8-g-gQ IArE SIRIPPtD 8-9-90 [tY: S. lJrton RE)I\BX& AGE'b^l6 t)^I€ lEsru) Tgr^L l.o l)(us)DI.AI4EIl:JI(t.rclrtj)Ntll(sa. ul.) couP. sTn. (r,st) Tr'P[ OF r n^crufiE cr,tjNoE|l wE|orr (ur5) ct'UNDfN UNI' V/OOIT (r,,cn 7 28 28 28 28 8-15-90 8- 1s-90 9-5-90 9-s-90 9-5-90 9-S-90 88,5 0O- 89,0"00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 28.28 28,28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28 -28 3130 3150 con/shear con/shear OES'CN STR€NGIH 4000 P:,t o ?d rI^15 ll.sns rt wxrl^lofiY nt n'ttltrtl |'|f lll ral:(|ll0 t4f wlltl ^r!cl f:rlr f lltu ltrltot)i ttrtll:S olllufi'L7: t()lfo 50nE [x uul^l]{:)l| olt llll5 lLSr fitlrJrl t4 Y lf tllfiDu, u/ olllljlS. PROGIIESS REPOKT: Concrete was sarnpled from tnrck di-scharge. Fishcr P.cecc Johnson Alchitccts,vvnLr Attn ' Mr . Skip SpcnsQ;gs5x.rn l,lobi 1c G.Il . Johnson Construction Co., AttnI Nlr. Jack Thomas; Bicrbach Consulting ['nginccrs S. Urton T, Laudick FIELD OI}SEI{VER EPPRO\ED tI/ rt.!unA'no'rcTrr.m.Ir'm.I|rF|ntE^,|oo|,it.|l'-!||tnlmfIslnr!unr.!|l'DA.tl|rfD''rrrr||u|nr''rrrYorot&C||1|,tirl'|llAml',^|u|noflr<'l'r!.'.1!||.lt'E||'ir'6o''Yt',4ts'no!.'|,,t(w|t,''|oUn(f\tr|5..E''nt]'(matrrrtrouco|,nt'{l|t'|^,rA..1iovrrr-lllt urtlStl on(l anrwrqJruns l,lt !:,|tfo ro or rx|ll,(;. I E$- .i o.l ilff flr,.. o. c..6Fir.. t.r'| }|, cirtt tJA ,l/0o Chen€Nonhern.lnJ Cdnr(ll Lnk|.-r ri t r..lr.a. REPORT OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT OBSERV.ATIONS 4! | lrllll triol"cTr'| nt artxrt, If ltrlE,rr| (rrr.twr. ftt. irf rn r.,tf lrrrnrD at nr co'rr[xrI. Ff(rrfy d'tln .l l].nt, r}o Anrn^n rut AnrA-rxr'r d-srart)txll' ct r€llrrt r or txttcrs rirx .n [o{i--'o(i- k-mnrr o Er.ivEo ,rxr€ crn nq trx lppnor& s ra',trJ iu-o( tJctFuttD oF rrtr nmg so6at1tu, ttrljr qlrft rairrl,tx|r rnf x,lrll, Io x ltrrl€, --- '- - ^ 6rrl.- r ri{Xlti-lnt rr e;;rrr tm t\ C||El lao ,/lO To: yntt vALLEy I\tuDrcAL cENTnl, JoB No. 4 424 go DATE 8-8-90Attn: Mr. D:rn Fccncy 181 Wcst Meadow Drive DAILY REPORT NO. SHEEI 2 OF 2 vail co 81657 u.{votcE No. PRGIECI Vnil Vnl1cv Me<lical Centcr Parking Structurc, Vail, Coloraclo Western SPECUENp$S: st-l,llp 0-4tt rn COrfpVf 3-5 % llPP{JEn ltobile Lu l.D. 23 l1aro{t TELpEMTuRE 6tl\r.lc6 "qor: IET l,P.Inrrcx|n TTCI(ET hK,. IIUE II TCHE) TIE AINryE .IIUE s rPtg) ,lEull,trFil clIJNIER lno$l RE\OU,nOil @UMER @ltPtEnOil c{rDtc YlR6 t_oAD/ CUUUUTIIvt vt 'rER rDo@ o^lJ-o$3 1 54 0LL4S4 1:45 PM 1:55 PM 2:00 PM rE;rM\sll[?(0r)lrR oolrrE{r(D IET UNT lr]c+tr (Pcf)IlTID OOI'ICREIErEurf- R^TURf, cr) RIUARI(S 1 4 pROCRESS REFOff Teclrnician tested the concrete placed in theqortlrwest co{neg of.the building. The contractor Tequested the(|rscnarge and the air test fron-the tmck. foundation walls in the slwnp taken from the hose Fishcr l{eece fl Jofirson-EdFif6EG, CIPIES 111n; Mr. Skip Spcnst;G.ll. Johnson Construction, Attn: Mr. JackThonas; BierbaclirConsulting Enginccrs; lllestern Mohi lc: S. Urton T. Laudick RE.D OBSEfVER APPROVED ET Chcni)Northcn'l,lna O REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DAT,A. '/'rallrwt lrllb.r ..n .'<lt Lt. rs^vunu|iri'Icr'|mltrxrS.T||fF|'Ft|,nG||lr|vT1,|ln'm{r3r,r'lvrn.!rrlDA.tIr.o|'|l,('.lul.ttdi'rd.'(|mql,''ft:\|,|o,|m,^m[no{o.<t^r'!'r.tlr..P|ct|''if'6onrn'A'ls''r'u.nl|G^,'l,''|oun{['\'l|:iBn1:'t'Mo,'r'|r,t'|c,n4orrnl[], urllj:t qnut,atwqjt(]fls lrr. rarltD to t t||tt|f(;. a Enr' or rrl riiril e,-. or c..!F6r- a|'rr '.o. G|.[l llA a/go TO: VAIL VALLEY I"II]DICAL CINTDIIAttn: Mr. Dan Feeney 181 l{cst Me:rdow DrivcVail CO 816s7 ,?EOEIVED AU0 2 ti 1990 Jol,l NO. 4 424 90 DATE: 8-14-90 DAILY REPOIIT NO. 5HEEI 1 OF PRGTECT Vai I V:rlley lr,tcdical Ccntcr par.king lNvolcE No. Stru cturc , Va i 1 , Col or':rdo . PLACf,MENT LOCA'IION: Foundation Walls in the Area of Lines G to H and Lines Z to 3r TME TIATCI{U) tnucx No. Ll7 TtcKEr l.|o. 12:27 P.M. nuE rRTVED I,IATCH TICKET NFORI,/ATION: supruEg Western I'lobi le 8 P.M. 403 urx DESIGN No. 23 cu. )D. nuE PLTCED 12:55 FIELD TESfl NG INFORI/ATION: TtuE rEsr r^xor 1 : 1 1 pM 3LUup S% tN.NR cornErns .3 : wEr uN|r wEGr[].42.5 AIR CONTE}IT - - T WAIE'I ADDED AT s'IE Pct. s/\IrPu ruxr,. 71o AR lurr. 75o g r?ol RO&\ru<S. 32 of Rd vA3JOO SPECInCAnOlrs su,uP 1_4 tN. 1:21 P.l"l. wHFJTE c^sr 0n-Sitc CruNOEIl lNFOllt/tATlON: lro. oF c,yl t|to€,R3 6 r;yl lllr)r,l stzri 6tt x 12tl lrMr cn,Noo{s cAsT CUITING INFORI/ATION: lNlrlrl cuRe On-Site REID slgfilcE F/rctLrnEs Shade<l Mnt.,/r@(. o rElnuc Ar t ^& 8-1S-g0 OAIE sIRlPPg) 8-15-90 ny: J. Kloska RE){ nK& I'GE t)^ls IUIE IESIU' lgrLtoD (urs)Dt uErul or{c'|]5) JTEA(sa. H.) covP. 51n.(5D TT"E OF tlucrut{c GruNDT}t wtjorff(urs) c/uNorn uNtr woq|r(r'ct 7 28 28 28 28 8-2L-90 8-21-90 9- 11-90 9- 11- 90 9-11-90 9-11-90 110_,0-00. L05,00o 6. 00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 5890 3720_ con/shear con/shear oEsrcN sTFo{6r11 4OO0 Pl.t o ?O rI^E nJtl rt L uturofiY Fr ns.rrrn A^t [r aat xltr^rf.r r'lnr ^rtr r;^rlf Ailu riFllrorri rrnlil olllur,YlTE llolfD lorrf ll|l uur l|ox olt ll|li tLst lttront UAY tf l r(,{lxl, ur oll{.,ts. PROGRESS REPOKT: .,1or.:s Fisher P.cecc Johnson Architccts,,v' r'-" Attlr: Ivlr. Skip Spcnse;{s51gr1 lvloSilcG.E. Johnson Construction Co., nttD: I\h'. Jack Thomas; Bierbach Consulting Enginecrs;J. Kloska T. Laudick FIELD OI}SEf(VER APPROVED BT "t f, Projed Application Namei !iProject Project Contact Description: Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block F ilrng Zone - Com menls: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by'' "''" &\4-c bl"' \rPiD DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL Summary: \/' \./ ; \t t.'' * Date: Town Planner { st"ri Approval ,,. ,rf r Irt ,I Profedl Application Project Name: Project D€scription: .'-.,'. Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Oescription: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: --;'*-'t"-Design Revieru-B6ard. ..!.i.t . Date Motion by: Seconded by:... lli .., DISAPPROVAL I TAPPROVAL Summary: l. Ddte: Town Planner \ r,.u Approval 'pH >lo c) F (d P +J ctz ts =E UJo- oo N o\o rn(n r-F- ctt\t (n IJJ UJl! ts =E uJG sR^-+\$O.l .f o !tr z OJ b u,F J <, t!-l!oozo l u,F o cI c, z: o =z atul Foz (,z oJ lo .d o 4zo o o -{(d P lr e lro-{)a 'ilr U) q) lr 'r{ 4 l.adFI (, H 'r{ftr G l,tlzlo ulIFoz o{J(,H()>.r{{J .l ooJOEF o, >,!AOC!F{oa-r E trB.! Fl 0J 'r{ -lFl tsoOc)>i< ltJgl u,:I .Eott CEo E uJz3o tlo ulGfF o Eoc -ctl6() Ec @ ottoo EDtr !, =3o E o =Cf d{, eao.6] .9 E .9q,ott 6otto() c .9 .2.:.Etlto coNp 'oF CD .E oo()6 J of an .2G P3It o oc6 to 'qt -o6goo Ee()6g6;89c =6:cgE Sc.;i d; ,oE'FI=g6 clG E't;> FCL!EooEo;e5i =-€ocL EE-cL9ooc66 *iC-.9 -ql EEag eC,o.-aPo-.2i.cs=B;()> EE i:o:ao<o -ooEEoCDo6 (, E oo .9 T' E'3 C' E !,6ttoE g cl c .9 6 E o .E o.c 6 6E o o oI'co c -go oa o E =()()6co Eo .9o, Eoo EEE'5E E: EEeo _0; EE E8cL'- ltod€r =gE>cP'-o5co.9 po9E Eb cce! s=cLo sE E* Eao!LC OAi;-cg -odc oga8o=}EOG 6i6l>g6:gE N @ (\ o rn(n Lt o|\ rn F _!d tr ts-Gurc(JzoJ @ -ollJ ()z o- J IEF() |l,J u,t (9z ao =l o- I2 ()u,I tII uJrlzoF uJcouJe oB o @ 'ultllJc,zo lt UJo F al,I UJooD =luJ x F l|J <tf d :|J o +, 0, |tt UJ E,Itt b =e, IIJo- J FoF (, =oJ5o J IcFo uJJut (,z loI Jc J Iz oult F{r!u H t1 0) NOtIYntVA i ;|Hol E,l a){ Lrl O.' tsla f 5lr14 l #.f;o::}YZE:o o,: sF5oE) E c.lti4 ct +.1 <v E. HH o > lr.:# 3sr =.ot< z96c EE.ng1>E91!<ogH6EI o oq 1.1 x 'Flq-{ tr .Jo i,; ..1 F IJo QJB q-l lr u, ot{ !.Fl F r-l (0u o 9{ o $ o& zo F DJ l! IE CJ A oc.o ilJo- F o- uJE J z Eo F zo F e uJFJ 'UJz tltltltlI z z9. ,r.t <oo<ot =ERtrdo<z <t tr3E9= d6}E u,l J c oo UIzY iF u,lc 2I oz I _l I IJ I I _lqlil<lilFIill l!o ]o II I F o Fv, ..r I<l FIzl zl .. >lollj ITJulz U'F E.ulo- J z Eo 2 o J [[ lol: ll.' ll 5'F r-l IH fr 14 IH (l) G (\,1 -:foc) I A,l /rIU" /) ,43 UJ;Eior..o\1€\ F(o5 EuY Lu @EtEIt ,lo tli ol If, -61 | U -llL) ^rl Ii;l I E HI z o9 =ecoo =zD> de J ;Ei ;HE 6 Eg EAIP '9.EE =>E dtrE FE E HEE :HI EEii ul @ oF @ ts =E lrJo.zIF(J3E*o zo C) Erl .<rvl c') Ic{ oo\T I cn cf) d A (d $lB =ctt I 3l ^l:l d EI JI <l>l u-lol zl]lolH 4 x trt = lt C.l (, d,-l F{ .F{ r-l..{ oz Lt- u) .''l +.r(d tro +, Fl l[r-l(dou H'.t .ri OrJO.fIFtr "qo<rJ ui =z lDo-' Irl{Jl dl Xql il'al I -t IF\ f\ F- io- l-l OJ qJ 6 +) lr rS ru r'} a UJcoo I F,' o OJ a,& t{o o.r{ E e, lt ;l,l E|;l cdlzlt=l frPl or IF o\ I an I \' oz o u,lE I t!oz eF .rl!IJo(, F.l dt{(u.'{ P :g tt l EI ilil 3p, t -rO<(Foaol!<zF I.IJ Ft56 () J (J G,F() uJ)Itl =dl =:) JL och =F!-o2 o EEE o o F\ c7,<t I I l., t3 I I I I I, t? t,2zl=lo lotz sl--t is to I I I 1l {i d,F !.1(J> .doolrl f\ ==tr)o(o> O .-{ur<@JLdJ=O =.JJ <@<>d> oF o- I =,lrlJ(J oci.96*6 E;.8o*5 9eg$eqt E:!E EH -rcF! 5-9r€ .cr. < .= .(r': cb -o.r\o.N oEo=a'c E;ffi Ebg --o o iPE EE€*oO E H3I o.9 !EEor,'tr =oo-'= = 'ltJeEgEo9o- ^- oc.t' Elc H'.g E !t.E6': q) R6trrJ Ef;6 F'=5s octt- =€g't c9 Eco.9oE0)c =:--=ee .3: o. Gl SE =eEU'0roEC O(' a6c.c -E-o,(t'0 o.9:,!od5E8oc t6ct! >.94gcg -e5 3t uJ uJ ts =lu l!o &.lrlo = =u.le. j e,o3 lLozo q- E $fwo EgJz UJo ri '|l!' L zo 6 :>.4>{t 3ur =.E3< z96c FOEEur0+>E91r<ogH6Ftjnl c cU J z E .. >lcl |'|Jo UJ z !> =t! 2o oo t,IDt-,l-)t<t? IrE Itv,loI IJJlztxlo IF IIutlqt>lF Ilztot|- l5lfl.l,t= n 3z9o699dfPRcUci<ztltltl t,3r9= d63trot t'n crdJ oz E =e,lrJe u o 0): 2) L u c u 0l E uL ) uJko I u 5, :E: =$gEEE EgE<ct€stPYG '9SE =>E dEfi EE^l- o. uJE :o--e EEI iurtr xo- E. dEo-EE uj @o zo9 =<cro =z dP bEElrlo-zo F(J e3-'azoo EIDD il-ta.f ,),\ \| C\, Iju.l I(5 1<l!l-il =l>l IJl oz Jtr Fo </1 =o F LdFJ J:E fl ad 3zl (9| uJl :| I "lzl sl il fle 4 =q4Yz l gF 5Ed6 (J F z (J >-R.g-4 ,t\t-\ .-l {I 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: oftlce of communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED I{ITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPI,IENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand., debrisor rnaterial, including trash durnpsteri, poriable ioirets ".a - workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, al.J.ey or public Pf?g" or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way 6n all Town ofvaJ-l streets and.19ads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance wilr be strillry enforc-ed. by the Town of vailPy!_li-c works Department. persons found vi6lating this ordinancertr-rr be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said naterial.fn the event the person so notified does not comply with th;--notice within the 24 hour ti.rne specified, the pulric worksDepartment will remove said rnateiial at ihe expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance stritf not beappricable to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by tfre Tot/n ofvail Building Department to obtain I copy. tirani< you for yourcooperation on this matter. edged by: Position/neta-IonEffi (i.e. contractor, owner) -Ai, *t, vail valley Medical Center Kitchen and cafeteria addition\renodel April L2, L99O PIan review based on L985 editions of U.B.C., U.M.C., U.P.C. and L987 edition of N.E.c.. The following list of items are deficient in meeting the mininun code requirements adopted by the Toltn of Vail-. Correction of these itens and approval are required before construction of may continue in these areas. l-.) Kitchen hood, exhaust duct and e><lraust duct enclosure. A. details on hood size, type, controls, and grease filters are not indicated.B. hood air flow capacities do not rneet minimum requirements.c. exhaust duct ruaterial type, thickness and constructionnot indicated on drawings.d. exhaust duct cleanout access doors not indicated as required.e. exhaust duct fire resistive enclosure is not designed to code, 2-hr shaft in building and 4-hr shaft outside building.f. provide fire rated access hatches for duct cleanout openings. S. fire extinguishing system for cooking equiputent as required is not indicated on plans. h. makeup air for kitchen needs to be redesigned to match up with kitchen hood exhaust. * reference 1985 U.M.C. chapter 2O 2.) Fire alarn design pending Fire Department approval . 3.) Fire sprinkler design pending Fire Department approval . 4.) Provide restrooms to service dining roonr patrons as reguired by the health departroent. (see notes pS.2) Vail Valley Medical Centerkitchen and cafeteria addition\renodel April Lzt L99O PIan review based on Colorado State Department of Health requirenents. The following list of itens are deficient in meeting the mininun code reguirements or more information is needed to evaluate. 1.) The ceiling paneLs in the store room must be vinyl clad acoustical panels or epoxy painted gypsum board. 2.) what is iten #24- starter unit? 3.) What is iten #3L- skate wheeler conveyer? 4.) What tlpe of shelving is iten #51? 5.) Is the disposal , itern #4o, a part of a vegetable prep. sink? 6.) Identify the location of enpJ-oyee handsink in the kitchen area. 7.) Provide restrooms for the dining area patrons, Handicapped access is a reguirement. Regrulations reguire separatefacilities for a seating capacity over L5. * water Closets Lavatories Urinals women 3-units l-unitIrtens L-unit l-unit l-unit * U.P.c. l-985 edition APriL l-2, 1990 Fisher, Reese & Johnson, Architects, P.C. 1500 south Pearl Street Denver, Colorado 80210 RE: Clarification of kitchen hood exhaust duct enclosure in courtyard. Dear Skip, In folLow up to our conversation earl-ier today on the fire resistive construction of the duct enclosure. We have deterrnined the following for the vertical portion of the inclosure. L.) The west, north and east walls are to have a 2-hr fire rating. 2.) The south wal1 is to have a 4-hr fire rating. 3.) The access hatch ( detail x-32o3 ) is to have a L-L/2 br fire rating along with being water tight. Due to the fact that this interpretation is rather complex in nature, I would like to expl-ain our reasoning in person as oPPosed to over the phone. If you have any questions concerning these issue please feel free to caII. Sincerely Joe Norris Plans Examiner Town of VaiI M [?'.,"31i1",,", 181 West Meadow [)rive, Suite 100 Vail, C)olorado 81657 (303) 476-2451 Ray McMahan Adminastrator 19 Apri 1 1990 Joe Norris Building Inspector TOV - Cornmunity Deve'l opment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, C0 81657 Dear Joe: To confirm our conversation yesterday, I understand that you will issue a TCO for the new cafeteria before the adjacent public restrooms are completed. As I explained, the restrooms wi'l I be built in an area presently occupied by our Maintenance Shop. trle plan to start construction of the restrooms as soon as we can relocate l-laintenanceto the lowest level of our new parking structure. In any case, the nell restrooms wil'l be in place by 31 December 1990. 0nce again, vle appreciate your cooperation in phasing this project. l,|e are attempting to improve the hospital , while still maintaining essential day-to-day operations. DFl bh Spenst Thomas cc: Ski p Jack Project 75 south lrontage road Yall. colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 47$,2139 Vail Valley Medical Center Kitchen and cafeteria addition\remodel April 12, 1990 olllce ol community developm€nl Plan review based on L985 editions of U.B.C., U.M.C., U.P,C. and l-987 edition of N.E.C.. The following list of items are deficient in meeting the rninimun code requirements adopted by the Town of Vail. Correction of these itens and approval are required before construction of may continue in these areas. 1.) Kitchen hood, exhaust duct and exhaust duct enclosure. A. details on hood size, type, controls, and grease filters are not indicated.B. hood air flow capacities do not meet minimum reguirements.c. exhaust duct material type, thickness and construction not indicated on drawings.d. exhaust duct cleanout access doors not indicated as required. exhaust duct fire resistive enclosure is not designed to code, 2-hr shaft in building and 4-hr shaft outsidebuilding.provide fire rated access hatches for duct cleanout openings.g. fire extinguishing system for cooking equipment as reguired is not indicated on plans.h. nakeup air for kitchen needs to be redesigned to match up with kitchen hood exhaust. * reference L985 U.M.C. chapter 2O 2.) Fire alarm design pending Fire Department approval . 3.) Fire sprinkler design pending Fire Department approval . 4.) Provide restrooms to service dining room patrons as required by the health department. (see notes PS.z') e. f. Vail Valley Medical Centerkitchen and cafeteria addition\renodel April 12, L99O Plan review based on colorado State Department of Health reguirements. The following list of items are deficient in neeting the minimun code requirements or more infornation is needed to evaluate. L.) The ceiling panels in the store room must be vinyl clad acoustical panels or epoxy painted gfT)sum board. 2.) Hhat is iten #24- starter unit? 3.) I{hat is iten #3L- skate wheeler conveyer? 4.) What type of shelving is iten #51? 5.) Is the disposal , iten #40, a part of a vegetable prep. sink? 6.) Identify the location of employee handsink in the kitchen area. 7.) Provide restrooms for the dining area patrons, Handicapped access is a reguirement. Regulations require separatefacilities for a seating capacity over 15. * Water Closets Lavatories Urinals women 3-units l-unitltens l-unit l-unit t-unit :t U.P.C. l-985 edition April l-2, 1.990 Fisher, Reese & Johnson, Architects, P.C. L5O0 South Pearl Street Denver, Colorado 80210 RE: Clarification of kitchen hood exhaust duct enclosure in courtyard. Dear Skip, In follow up to our conversation earlier today on the fire resistive construction of the duct enclosure. We have deternined the following for the vertical portion of the inclosure. L.) The west, north and east walls are to have a 2-hr fire rating. 2.) The south wall is to have a 4-hr fire rating. 3.) The access hatch ( detail x-32o3 ) is to have a L'L/2 hr fire rating along with being water tight. Due to the fact that this interpretation is rather complex in nature, I would like to explain our reasoning in person as opposed to over the phone. If you have any questions concerning these issue please feel free to cal-l. Sincerely Joe Norris Plans Exaniner Town of VaiI Torn of YaiI ?5 Santn Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Attn: Joe Norrls Re: VatI VaILeY Medlcal Center Kttotren aad Cafeterla Additlon/Renodel Job tlunber: 26'l Dear Mr. Norrlsi In r"esponse to yorr letter and plan revlen dat€d Aprll 12' 1990' the following 1s or lten per iten response. On Colorado S?ate Departnent of Eealtb oouents: l.Tewltl,chargethecellingpanelstnt'lrestoreroontobeavlnyl clad acoustlcal Panel. 2. Iten f24 ls a starter caddy - see attached cut sheet and kitchen speclflcatlon Page. 3. Iten #3't ls a skate wheel conveyor - see attactred cut sheet and and kltolren speelftcatlon pages. 4. IteE t51 rl11 be opea wtre dry goode storaSe shelvilu slnllar to attached out sbeet. 5. No - tbet€ ls no dlsposal rith counter and sink f41' 6. ltrere are three erployee handsinks ln the kltctten I one on the rall opposlte equipnent #13I on€ on the east nail or the kltchen next to equlpnent #34 I one on the south wall of the kltchen Just sest of the dtshrasb anea. Therelsoneenployeehandsinklntheservingareasouthof oablnet #C13. A11 of the above nenll.oned handslnks bave soap and tonel dispensers above tbe slnks. FISHER, REECE JOHNSON, ARCHITECTS, P C. ]OHN D. REECE, A.I.A. A. AUBREY SPENST, A.I.A. G. FRED PETERSON, A.I,A. 15OO SOUTH PEARL STREET DENVER. COLORADO 80210 (303\ 777.0407 o 7. The area caLculated for dining ls 1176 sq. ft. applylng an occupancy load of 1 person per 15 sq. ft. tbe occupancy of the of the dlning roon ls 78.4 or 40 wonen and 40 nen. Accordi.ng to the chart for nlnLnun plunblng faeilltles in the U.P.C., for reataurants, pubs arxl lourges, the followlng handlcapped facilitieswill be provided. Wonen Mens The hoods are equipnent lten#14 & #C19 - see attached cut sheets and kltchen speclficailon pages. Hood alr flow capaelties desi6ned per manufacturers reconnendatlons, see attached cut sheets. Refer to sheet, I-38 General Nobe #2 for requested 1n fornab Lon. Cleanout access doors are shorn on sheet X-38 ard Earked with work note #1 there are four for the hood exhaust duct. Fire rating of duct enclosure shal1 be a 2-hour shafl. lfe wilI add 18nx18n Mllcor flre rated access door in duct enclosur€ to aLign wlth duct access door'. The fire extlnguistring sysLen for the cooking equlpnent ls ln the exhaust hood and is an Ansco wash systen, see attached cut shee t. The totaL air golng into the space fron SF-6 is 7500 CFM. The exhaust fron EF-13 wllI be changed to 7625 CFM coupledwlth the exhaust from EF-15 of 1000 CFM creates a negative pressure in the kltchen that ls equallzed through the airtransfer gri11s. The negative pressure was lntentionally desi€ned to keep the cookinS odors contained ln the kitchen llater Closets 1 Unlt 1 Unlt Lavatories Urinals 1 Unlt'I Unit 1 Unit 0n 1. A. B. D. E. F G. H. On olarlfloatl.oa of kltchen hood exhaust duct enclosute ln corrtyard: 1 & 2 See detalf Se6t X-57, nbloh rtll be forrEr{ed at later date. 3 See r.evlred detall x-3203 on I-58, uhlch wlI1 be fomanded at later date. If yan have ary furtber questlona 81ve ne a call. Slrcerely, &rhaO,&r4 Ba!.bara ll . Couoh oo3 Yeil VaUey Medloal Center G. E. Jobnson Cator-nuEa ryrutba # t*#sw EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS SecoWash Ventilator to be U.L. Lisled, Faclory Mulual Approved Gr€ase Erlractor Model #S\A/. Vsntilator conslructed of 1&gauge slainless sleel, incorporating an ex- traction chamb€r and plenum, *elded and polished lo I #4 ,inish. Ducl collar mounted in plenum area is com- plet€ wilh tire d6t€clor. Access doors mounted In iace of €xtraction chamber for easy Insp€ciion of wash syaem. Bottom odg€ of canopy flanged in torming channel type edg€ and fin€d with 18 gauge steinl€ss Bte€l sta- iiJnary panels oxt€nd€d to tinishgd €iling on all oeosed akles frcrming box tlrp€ consliuc{ion. A hinged extraction baffle damper provided lull length at air inlet of v€n- tilalor. Damper opens wh€n ventilator is operating acting as an oxtracting baftle and closes when ventilator is lurned off to allow for thorough cleans- ing of int€rior ot extraclion chamber. lt also ac{s as a tire damp€r when the lemperature al €xhausl collar r€aches 325oF. At this t€mperature, damper automatically closes eealing interior of rsnlilator and lhe wash sys|Em prc vides e waler barrier restricting fire. Water spray system provided inle- gral to v€ntilator a€ru€s a dual purpose ol cleaning and tire control. Series crl spray nozzles installed within lh€ e)(- traction chamber cleans it by means of hot water, mixed wilh automalically injected detergent. U.L. lisled vapor proot lighls to be inslalled on maximum 4' c6nlers, completely interwired to a junction box and left ready lor others to connecl to po,ver source. (Recessed U.L. lisled fl uorescenl lighl oplional). Each ventilalor seclion is wired and plumbed !o one conn6clion point. Fa€ld Eupply conneclions rnd inlercon- nections to eddilional eections by applicable lrades. Furnish rod hangar brackels, 3ame matsrial as canopy, al tront, lo sus- pend hom ceiling. Fumish angl€ fram€ m€mb€rs behind for fast€ning lo wall. h , #lflLq ft.t*t !' - .l1b app.!..drcryof ro3a,|gcr!r',,.chrnk rt.rrng 6/*f e - ffi11,ff"".-,,r,.*.r6.rndApp.r,3,o,J --- ut In tlc{ brt Cht Crl.ndrr Nut|!b.t 3lOt6-SA aF ll.b e..tYt ,t, .i)hl b dtngo J .._r-r.3i.1llr s t ttset at: ChJi,t-; .,r,s.nF,t \ ,.- & tlq,''cnl.Db CNG. 546 Fonn 'S:WO2 SHIPPING WI. 'O'A'IEAF FT. a550 Gutlln. Avrnuc I8t. loulr, llo 6:il16 $a-a8roO60 I Tclc'j SECO a4E83 ibco DEstcN DATA lopnoNs o ACCEsSmes APPLICATION NOTES 1]nll,/lot tqut as lto-l@ F lrdl zalat I G.P.U pt ataat t@l ol raaflAor b.f/th tt lO PtSl b, pttttutt. ,,/,'rrt,/| n',go tO ,o m ?g '!,t., t n !ttq.. Prwide 120V olectric rupply for lights. )uc{ collar b bcat€d oBntedim of canopy l€ngth, unl€ss roted. fo altisty most cod€3, you rhorld allow a rninimum of 8, ol rnopy orrerhang on rll oxpos€d Bkles of cooklng equtpm€nt. {owover, more onsrhang shouts be consider€d tor demend- ng cqulpmeni. )anopy can back to simllai canopy to lorm duat lsland ryrtem. ipcclal bulldlng condltlon. rffac{lng veniltstor deslgn-bn||ct Frctory. ( .t=' } LOCATION:DATE SUBMTfiED: CFM EXHAUST REOUTREmEilTS (FEFEF TO StZtNG CHART) S.P. ('w.9.) Duct Gollar DESIGN OPTIOI{: El vC-tC S/S Control Cabinet WCommander Micro Processor (Non-Programmable) D VC-tU S/S Controt Cabinet WMode Commander Micro Processor (Programmable) NOTE: Refer To Specification Sheet For Intormation and Details. OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES: D erucuosunE eANELING (9,0" To FtNtsHEo cEtLtNG) E stnrNLess eacx LTGHTTNG FTXTUBES (U.L. LTSTED) f) Gtobe incandescent (IOOW) D4r Rec€ss3d incandescont (1sOW) D Recessed tlourescent ?{OTE: lncandesc€nt lights are located on approx. 4 loot cent€rs.' Fluorescsnt tixluros ere 3 loot (60W) & 4 toot (80rn). FIBE PROTECTION (Submit cooking Equip. plsn showing rnake & modet ot oquipment.) !(ansur Dry4R-l01 E Ansul Wet-#R-lO2 E Range Guard pnternat Piping Only D Complete System El By ottrerr E Rainmaker Water Mist (Rafer to 8poc. rhest) NOTE: Fuel shutoft devices by others. @[tErlTs/l|oTES SUBMITTED BY: tx -t t=co *o"frW;n*f,'fr MODEL'S''-SHELF WPE VENTIIATOR L SPECIFICATIONS Seco-Wrsh Vcntilalor to be Model 'S". .tso .s lhorn on plan with lingleiir Inlol the tull length. Vontilator to be U.L. Llited, F.clory Mutual, IGBO, BOCA, rnd Southern Building Confcrsnce Approvcd Groase Extractor rs mlnutlctured by Seco Enginoering, St. Louii, Missouri. Venlihtor conslruc:tcd ot 1&gaugo aiainloE! rtool Incorporrti ng !n axtracllon chlmbcr rnd plcnum ueldcd .nd polirhed lo a lAO grlt tlnbh. Duct colhr mountcd In plcnum .r.r" .lt. b.!cd on t8fi) f.p.m. complclc wlth firc dcl.ctor. Accors doorr mountcd In trcc of axlrrctlon chrmbcr for aay lnapcclion of rllh ryatcm. A hing.d hydrrutic.lly opcr.tcd crtrlction brtflo dlmprr provided full langth d air inlot ot vcntihtor. Demper opsn3 when Yentilator ls oporrling rcling .3 rn axtrlcting blffle and clo!9s whan ventllrloi ls lurnod oft lo allow lor lhorough closnsing of lnterior ot oxlr.clion chlmber. lt also lcts !s a fir€ damper wh6n lhe t€mp€ratur€ at oxhausl collar roachss 325"F. At this tomperrture damper ruiomlticrlly clo3es lealing Interior of vcnlllatot from tire. Wsler rpray system bullt anto vonti- letor larvlng a dual purpoac ot flre @ntrol rnct daily cleaning. A toriel ol lpray norzles Instellod wlthin axtracilon chlmbor to Intarnrlly clcrn It by morns ol 1lG160cF. rlter mhed wlth .utometlc.lly inFcted olorgcnt. Walcr tyltcm dro func'tionr .s . flrc qucnching rpny In conlunc'llon wlth battlo dttnper whon flr. @ntrol lyltom lt .ctiv!t6d. Control clbinct fumlrhcd wlth ycnlF ldor conltructcd of l&gruge rtdn- lcls rt€el lnd tilted wlth ltainlcas atcol hinged door. Crbinot housoo lll oontrols con lsting ot lhut-oft vrly€, line rtrainer, lomperaturFpr6suro gluge, prossur€ lrvltch. solcnoid dolergent indicltor, d€torgcnt containcr, rrtor piplng, lolid 3lrt€ controller rnd rp€cial raloty device for closlng drmp€r in ovonl of power or wator failures. Components prcwired lnd prcplumbod rcldy for tlnat connection by lpplicrblo tr.d€s. Vacuum br€aker and dot€rgont Inlel escembly fumirhed loose tor mounting ln hot r.lcr outlct llno by .pplic.blc tr.d6. Flro awltch fumich€d looto tor mount- Ing In plth of flro cxlt. Instlllrllon and wiring to control c.blnct by eppllceble lnde. All Ycntlhton @ntlding of two ol more unlt! arc |trtcrvlrcd rnd Inlcr- plumbecl to on. @nnccllon Point. Fiold conncc-tlor! by rpplic.ble trad6. Applicable trrd6 to @nnoc{ bullding rough-lnE to @ntrol crbinot rnd vcnlilalor8 tnd mrkc lll nccas3ary lnlarconncclionr from conttol cabln€t to ventlblo's lnd fan. (Fan. motor ltrrter lnd ductwork by othc6.)vllve, detergenl lnioction lyrt€m, low rfr:"?+s.co Englnocrlng Stctcmr 4550 Gusline St. Louls. MO 63116 '- .)I a*"t tl --. xoDEL..S" f ltilator should be slzed to lenglh ol cooking line up.t\ requhed l€ngth of venliletor ls lonler than 15O', Edd oqual bngth yentilators togelher lo oblaln proper length. Each v€nti. letor selectod roqulres separalo Duct and CFM requirements. See Cherr. 3',.O'- 7',6'.8'O'- 15',{' 15,.6'- 3oO' l- To | 10" r I I I I I I STATr. f@ lVt 1r/t' C'|e. J*t tOeY 3v€ C AIR E DUCT CHART uttt-Ltror{ '/,ctlttt. arx. C?I t&r. ougtootr t.|tt neHaa 3'-O' 3-6" t50 t75 trttr6 4Lq' a'-6' r000 t 125 tr l0trlO 5'-O' 5'-6' r250 r375 10r10 lOrtO 6'-0' 6-6' 1300 rE25 12r tO 12 x '10 7-g' 7-6" 1750 1075 14r rp 'la x tO 8-O' 8 -6' 20(rc 2125 '16 x 10 16xr0 9-O' 9-6" 2250 2375 t8 x 10 18 r 10 10'-0" 10'-6" 25m 2625 A)x 10 20r tO 't1'-o' 1r -6" 2750 2873 ?2r 10?'lrlO 1?-O' r2'-6" 3000 3125 2artO2ar10 13LO' 13'-6" 3250 3!t75 26r lO 26r 10 la'-o' l.lL6" 3500 3825 28r10 20x10 15-O'3750 3()x 10 Duc, coltar altas ahown a.a lna6c dimanaions and ara o.tad on l8@ l9.m- duct vabcitf. Strtic p.a$urt ol Jantil'tor, up b aN archrting tha aafuust cotlar, ,r t.55' lY,G. Erhaetl cltataclaristict q t chrnga contittanl ?iih unuauatty high c@ling ,nlvt (cttat-broitrr, atc.) @ntutl ,acroq. w@ ffi@ Appror.d bl Crr, ol Lq Ang.to. m.ctnntc.t tratlng bb. Flb.nn-7',,8 Appmwd by Thc Bord ol Stcnderds a,rri Attpeets lrn ue tn Ncw lbrh Clty Colctdar Numbr 310,76-3A ( : I I I I LISIED toco 4550 Gustlne Englnccrlng St. Louie, MO 6:t116 Syrtcmr )ONTROL CABINET #VGIC or M eoM BI NATION ASS fiu B LI ES : D I M EN goNS UTI LITY DATA CONTROL CABINET #\GlC or M w/ RAINMAKER SYSTEM ( o F 3 sI I s r,l C'C't-to a!] o 3 sI r s .gE:o =.!] )ONTROL CABINET #\G-lC or M v/ RAINMAKER & BACKFLCIAI PREVENTER3 F0 - 9ELO|/CONTROL CABINET #VGIC or M w/ BACKFLO/\I PREVENTER r \ o =sIx-g 3t EI o Fx =sI r s F EE o E. l"'".1 ti I-J E n rtn' ELE TR|cAL UTILIW REOUIREMENTS PtUMEING t: 9.0lF9ln.4Arp€FEs.tr9ry E _/ tA,riLd. ?. bsr|lI -rJo (a ?0 \bar. l0 Arp EbcE Atr.rtlAa{r61. ?a horrttll- $' Cotatul cott|.ttre10-hr ta) rii b \argrb. (l2w Ib P)arrFg.g.S|l|(.)cCt||trr F. fi2o/lto C?l tit b S.co|bt nitft|rPt, nza /) f' Cdrdd gratnlne tqr lal rrtr b Sdtblq (l2o,l )to el dr. b tl4 $rtr.(rl ol Ern rld F.n(r) nir'r.)ta At rina ! Saco.lvEh ,bfioit Ftrh, o2ov.)b E| ritr b F||l Srrtoll O.|ir F1\4OC) Fr- 'br wa.l f,l P.?- lil lYnd OrLl b LrirLlot?.L b. C6or. Daa.g.'r Oun}J- otitciad wrbr 9rcdv ! Rerunrrrt;F hlar Orid b na nari f-ot frrts- tra' o;|.n Ora'n t-2- t- a- OruiCidt l-.d an f G.PJ. F l|rd 'hc d f,rt|*r |t ft.-rrfr g tlrd gt hnglh d Sr} lq r udr tloF 515!0'. *'H.W' g!6. b $l0. I r'll-lv. !l|16' baco' -tt.xs. 1i SECO-WASH CONTROL INETS SPEqRCJTT|oN The U.L. |isfed Sccorrvash conircl cabin€t b cor] Etnrcted d 18 gE., 300 s€*!s Etainl€ss deel ind comisb oa trro comparfneris. The olec{rical corlt Fartnent housE alt ncss8ry coatt/ols br srstm oFralbn inducling hn oonfds, |!layt, PC board, tusas and brminal Uocks &signed b Operate €x. hlustard mele{rp drbld,E(6 h coqdination with the vcdilalq dempar end rrlh c)rd€ lunctions.flr d_r-mU1ng oornpertrn€nt Incorporatas wash eaeft*t vahro(6), wer !fiu|{tl vahre, Ine erainer,(bterpem br,d ransor, dctorgpnt 9|Jmp |nd tank, brnporatur€Drossur€ gEug|e, and chodt erosfer A,l plumbing cornponenb arD aco€3siH€ behardr hiryod &o.. )lClEzA |Efnded€fergcnt @flbty is anitabte W brgpt wtiilsbt bstarralirns udls quantity elp'I..t$ty. A reuum b.Bak r, ddsrgsnt Qeaion asembty and .r|mt€ fi'r uitcfi e'€ fumlahsd looce h fielct t|r|C|alion by othars.. -. r :'. ;.._ Thc Aantlad crt,insl en @mmod6b marw Ftitd bafurEs DUcfi rs: E€quentiel wasfiiDg, ;rrG fdor fdn xibh, !.td Ua*cilp lW c*mae 6teOr o CAB rfi.n Arrcfised wlth an riitop 4uignonL .. .. fpflfaUo ir* o Lpfly rS unocr rwgfr'hs' j rtrl ficld omccdonr - tsilrltrd b drtd-€H. l' .A-^iri:i I I I Ouillnc Awnue , St.loulc, XO 63fl6 ala-r8l{660 / Tclex: SECO a4883 o ril00-17 oonnactcd rlth coDper llnc run 3o rlgbt sldc of cablnet, tlrcn dom, tlrru bottonto thc draln lurfrcc of ITEil 11 - FL00B Pl"lt. lbere 1c to be a nlnluua of Jtrfron draln outlet to surfaoe of Ploor Prn. Ihe body of Base ltand la to be cnclosed type of 18 gau*e rtalnlcss lteel & lc to cet on foun 8n blFh ctalnlessctcel lo8s, adJustablc sounlt tc level. lhe ltont faceof Bare ltend 1s to befltted rlth one '18 FsuF€ btalnlegs stcel btn8ed door of doublc yall oonctruc-tlon clth pocltlvc latch. Sear of Bare ttand l! to be aet fluch rlth & realedto the vall. All othcr ltcns of coastructton to be ar apeclilcd under Gcneral Constructlon. ITE!{ 11 - PLOOR ptI - OIE (1)'ONLI Pan to be approxlnaiely 7t-5,r long x llr-6i wlde ulth draln trou8h on front edge. Pan to be constructed of 12 gauge stalnless steel slth edge at rear turned up5t & sealed to wall. Edges at sides to be turned up 2t; then out 2r & downstrElgbt 5t nore or legs to top of rough glab. Pan shall be nelnforced ylth Sa]vanlzeil lron clrannels or arl8les at 1? o.c., each dlrectl.on and shall pltch approxlnately 1/2i fnon rear of pan to the trouSh. Addttlonal angle supports sba1l be provlded as requlred, on underslde of pan, dlrectly under the lans ofttend of ITEHS 9 & 10. Trough and gratlng shall be as detalled on drawlngsultb Bratln8 belng nade ln trlo cectlons. Unlt to be l{odel 2300 HE - COOK & HOLD GAS CONYECTfON OYEII as Danufactured by Manket Forge Co.; Everett, l{aryland for operatlon oa natural gas regulrlng 501000 ETU/hr. Unlt to be approxloately 3'-0' wlde a Jt-J-f/\n deep I 5r-l-3/4'r blgh(lncludlng ctand on 6i edJustsble legs). Front, ctalnless rteel; sldes and top and ltand to be nanufactuners standard flnlch, Interlor to b,e stalnlcss ct€el. Sldes, bottou & top panel & blouer panel of each unlt sre to be renovable. Pdrer lnput for llghts, blorer ootor & controls ls to be l0 anps erd rlred for 120 volt, 1 pbase. Fan notor to be 1/4 BP. Unlt lball be provlded vtth uarufactur.eils ltaDdard heatlng bumers, controlc &proteotlve featur.es. ln tddltlon to atandard raokr aupplled rlth unlt, firrnlab onG Grtra rack pcr seotlon. rTEil t3 - TNEEZEN - OIIE (1) OILI - FUT{'RE - BI OTNER IrEr r{.- yB{uufit3 uilITs - olrE (r ) s_Ef, Ycntlletor Unltg aball oonslet of Scco-frsb Tcatlletors, crnopy typc rnd rbclf'typc ta bcrclaeftcr rpcclftcd, oontalnla8 crtractton cbrab.r rad Dt3nu!furnlghcd rltb edJucteblc elr voluue ooatrols, fully rcoGrrlblc plGnun, rutooatlc ladlvldual clcanlng aysteos for Breace crtracttoa elrenber rnd plcnun duot oollar lnea, (necccccd lncandescent llfhts tn oanopy type rlth lntcgral asoesglbte srttoh) and lntegral lounted ,Ci coatrol ootlule. Vcntlletors to be factory rlred and pluubcd end ready for ltnal oonnectlon. t rl00-18 Constructlon sball be 18 Fauge stalnless steel, type J04, llo. { flnlsh, relded Snease & uater-tl8ht I prcpared as requlred to nount on concrete block ualle & 8yP!u! boar{ back rallc. Enelosure panela ghall be provlded frou thc plenun tothe cellln8 lcvel of saoe naterLal as cxhaust unlts. Thc vantllator lenufacturcnt ahall be reaponslble for conlractlna the conpletelnctalletlon of the Dry Cberlcal Flre Protectlon Systeo ln accordancc rithlocal codcs. tll Dry Cbeutcal Plplru chall be conoealed uher^e posslble, and Htrere aot coooealqd cball be chrone plated. plplng chall be crposed only ln areas r,lrcll approved by the lrchlt€ct. Acououlated grease deposltc ahall be flushed out by an autouatlc cleanlngsyrten whlle the exhaust fan ls on. The plenun, duct collar & flre danpershall be sashed by a separate autouatlc cleanlru systen rhen the exhaust fan Lsghut off. Posltlve hood & duct protectlon sbalt be provtded by an autooatlc closurre of E 12 Sauge stalnless steel fuslble-11nk flne danper hlnged on brass bearlngs secured to the duot collar exterior. The flre daoper ahall l@edlately close &seal tlghtly uhen Grlt gas tenperatures exceed 325 tlegrces Fahrenbelt, effcctl-vely lrolatlng the hood fron the connectlng duct rysteo. The hoods shall alco be lntcrnally plpcd to recelve a drlr cheuleal flre ertln- Fulshlag systeu. The plptng chall be 112i and shall be properly placed & stubbed for connectlon of dtscbar8e heads & axternal p1p1nS. Ttre boodg alrallalso be prrcrlrerl for clectrlcal corurectlons & oontrols. Eech bood to be plped & wlred as requlred for connectlon to reroote located !lodeI tlo. YC-1C, flush Dounted, control cablnet, fUrnlstred & lnatalled by tlrls contractor. Oven Iteos 1, 3 6 4: llodel No. tSi - Shelf Type yentllator, l0r-0i lon8 Dore or less x 28t rlde for oountlng on ooncreteblockt and gypcuo board back ual1. Yentllator to Gxhsurt 25O cts/tt € 1.35" l.G. btattc & io" x tO" duct collar for 2500 cfio. Oven ltcns 5, 9, l0 & 12: llodel llo. tslfn - Canopy lype Ventllator, 16r-0 lorUr 3t-6i rlde for nountln8 on concretc bloclr and gypsuD board back nall. Length to be nade up of tro(2) 8t-0n long unttg. Bach ventllator unlt to cr- bauct 2,000 ct! (250 ctn/tt) € t.35, I.G. ctatlo and l6t r lOi duct oollar for a total of 1,000 cfn. Bloh uDlt to brve tro nsccsscd lncand€sccnt llght flrtur.es. XOIE: Itcn 9 lc etcaD gcneratlne. lll ltcos uader vsntlletors ane astural afet oplrat'cd or clcctrloally opcretcd. Unltr rball be eg llantf.cturcd by SECO, St. Loulc, lllcsourl. ITEM 15 - NETRIGEilTON - OIE (T) OITLY (TUNilISIED & INSITLLED 8Y M{EN) Unlt to be llodel Xo. Ql slngle door ylth t/{ nP lotor rlred for operatlon on 115 volt, 60 cycle, I phase. Untt ghall be equlppcd slth 6n blgb pedestallcgc. lbe back ol the unlt ts to bavc flnlrhed panel to Datoh front & aldes.Unltc to be cgulpped rlth 3 rlrc 6r cord & plug. Door aylnga to bc as rhqfn on drewlnlBs. - UPPEn ClBflfBt - OtE (r) oxlr Ualt to be epprcloat€ltr lr-6' lon8 r 2r-6r btAh r 15' dsep. Body_of oeblnet, tlont, ands, top, bottoo ard roar to be of 1g eauge gtahlecsttael. ceblnet lntcrlor to be fltic<t nlth one bottou & one tnternsdlate ltrclfof 18 gruac statalsgc atcel. cablnct to have onc paln or tg rauie "t"rrrri""atcel donble rall blqgcd!9*" utttr posltive fatob. cablnet ta to be set ?_t,rbovs thQ countsr top rnd lc to bavi an 18 geuge stalnlsgs ctecl ftllcr alrlPrhere lt rbutts rell. Thc front & end chall be fltted rrth rg gauge stalnresg stscr closur.e panertfilch drall nrn tlou top of aabtnet to ceirrng, " oirt *e of di uore or less.llhere paacl neets celllng it shall be turned oirt:zcr, .lt"orrea & s€aled trghLsecure to cablnet to.o ot _rya18 0f cltps, set behlnd paner & rerded to countertop. corners shalr be relded, ground sEooth & poltshed. panel sharl be sealedtight to top of cabinet. 111 other detatls & constructton as speclfled under C,eneral Consiructlon. I 1400-33 IlEt Cr4 - tnlr & $LYEn CrnT _ OtfE (1 ONLI - FUNNISIED BY O}'NEN unlt to bc llodel llo. l-4tl as Eanufsctured by Caddy cottporatton of lnerlca;Pltoan, lfel Jercey. Unlt 1s appr"ortoately l9|| long r A.lncyllnders end 95 trays. llntt to -be 1U!-f9ss ateel napkb dlspenser, qtro Model llo. ACC -t|1. ITEI,T CI - cofDIt{DtT COU|TER - BI-cEtEnlL Confiaclpn BI GE|ENIL coNlntc!0R rlde x 48n h&h rittr capaclty of g cutlerTequlpped rlth l{odel tfo. ICC -36 reoovablecircular leg buryers - llodel tfo. ACC -39, Unlt to bs llodcl Xo: :gl' - oampy type vcntllator, lr_F loag r f-g rtde forrqtntlng oa -tal cbrd rad syDanit boed back rall. ilit to -cdrist rriii oo(250 -otrrtt) t t.35r r. c. -iiettc ud en gr r loi duct eorlar. uatt to bcplpcd & rlncd ar rcqulncd tbr oonacotlon to naotB leatcd, oontnol o&lnei ecepelflcd rltb ItEl ltt. uatt to bevc oae rrocglcd lnoldslcant llght flrtarc. All otbcr {tcrs of ooaatnrctton, lncludl4 DtT Cbsntoal Flre prrot*ttoa Syatcnto bc es apelttcd tbr IfBt il _ ylltIllfmn Ultifs. Unlt &all bc tr nnrfectuned by gECOr St. Lanla, lllccqrrl. 2.03 tccEgrtE E ]il}lUFrCIrRtRs Ia lddltlon to tbc lanrlbcturner nared ln tlre dascrlptlon of each tteu offoorl crvloc -ogutg-reat la the pr:ocdtq achcorlc, tihe frrns llrtcd rrttrseoh ltcn bclor vlll be oonsldcr.ed ecocptrble lanufacturer! for tbat STARTER SHELVES AND ADD.ONS IIuoIhare" 8rr.rlrng Strr.,''r 54" AND 62'TALL UNITS: SnRTER UNITS-Conlaim 4 Shohros,4 Digitat tosts- snd 16 Spee+lol q/on corner Inlorts. ADD ON UNITS-Cortalns 4 Shelws, 2 Digital fu€ts'", I Speed-lok ny'on corner Inaerb and 8'S" hgob. .y,yila t+l ':6nvevon Seco' Products TRAY MAKE.UP ( ( SKATEWHEEL CONVEYOB SHOWN wlTH OPTIONAL ELECTRIC RACEWAY SPECIFICATIONS Trey M*FUprFood Prccceslng Cor|cyor b bo Scco Produsits Modol SP-TM..SK, To b. rppoximdoty bne por plan b convay -' r -, trays/dishos. tqL Stde Whed Arcemui€s (2' dlaneter nybn rhcels wlth dolrln .eff lubdcating hubo) @' dumtnum rvheels, trarn€ lnd rhdt8) rerFvrug br c{eanlng, Convcyor bcd to bo 14 euag€ ltrlnloss eteel open conetnrctlon drccpt rt cncts. Co.r€yor b |rJpporld by 1t r' O,O, t6 guage rtainlces cteel tubular lcgc wlth wckled oonnGcttng c{oasrails locEt€d on 6' !o 7' ocnters. Porlable convcyors lto ptwited with 5' rubbar crsto's sdth one locking whcet et rach and of convoyor. Stationsry conwyors provlded wlth delnl3ss .teel bull€t foet. it GNVFTOR sto' Products TRAY IIAKE-UP ( trECHANICAL DATA For ER Option Provicl€ Grourd€d Eleclric Rocaplrcla ot Ample Clpacity- M!x. Size Plug t Cord Av.lleblo lr 28.8 K.W. -100 Amp.-3O- 4 Wiro Syslom Consull Fectory for rll €lectrical Requi16- m€nts for lhis Model- TOP PIIN SKATE WHEEL CONVEYOR ER VARIES WITH LENGTH S|DE VIEW ( II 24" PANELI eox J{RrEs 6 Specllicetions wbject to changc wlrhout tutic€ PANEL BOX IER Optior0 MOVABTE SIDE SHELF 716" MAXIMUM CENTERS VARIES W/LENGTH SGAUGE S.S. USSr|RNN /SrcO PRODUCTS FbAdrlr Corpany lls.rmrnn Fccd..Tvlca Gc toco lroductt D|rlrlcn 6206 Sourh 38lh St. P.O Bor 7116 (6:ltz) 6-1. Loub. O03116 (3r.1 352 04.2 /\ r\ r 1100-23 EauSe vlrryl clad Eat rlal ulth corroglon rcslctant palnted back. Panels tball be attached to leg & frane ofunlt. Unlt ahall beenolosed on three sldes. Eotton trelf Cratl be nrlly rsDovabl. of 18 Sauae ltalnlssc rtoel. Cactsrs shall bc 5i diaretcr $rlvel plata type rltb sealed bearlngs, tro rlth bnakes. Cofors dtall be ss lelccted. ITEI 29 - Col,D Pr.!l - ollE (1) olLY - FunrnE Br otNEn rrE{ 30 - sBlnE t|urEn Unlt to be l{odel No. Sp-T}I-SK-ER as ranriaehrned by Seco Productsr St. Louls' Mlssour1. unit to be appnox. 1?-O rong x 21'11'lt rlde x 36-y'{ hlgh to toP edSe and ls to be egulpped wtth electnlcal raceway wlth panel bo< leated on tbe underslde of tbe feed ead. Conveyor bed to be of 14 Sauge stalnless rteel open constructlon excep! at ends. Conveyor 1s to be suPported on 1-5/ 8i '16 Sauge ateel tubular lcSs rttb rrelded connectln8 cross ratls betreen the lege. Unlt ls to have J palr of lcgs. Legl are to be equlpped rlth 5i nrbber oacterg rl'th one locklna rbcel at cacb crd of oonvcyor. Skatc ntreel aasedly dtal1 be 2tr dlaretcr rylon dteels vlth delrln celf lubrloatlrU hubs and *tall be rEovable for eleenlng. The electrlcal raceuay clrall be of 18 Sau6e ctalnless gteel and ls to be attacbed to tbe top of the leg crossrai lc and to ttre back of thc electrlcal paael box looated under the feed end (nortb) end of ooavsyor. Ibe racsnay clrall have elcct'rloal qrtlets rlth hln8€d rclstureproof oov€rs for adJotnlng noblle egulpnent. llounted on thc feed cad (north) of sonvGyor 1s to be rn clcctntcal plrnl bu oopletely rlred rltlr loads of varlcus elcctrlcal antletl belaesd. p8nel bq to heve ieparatc srltcbcs for cach &tfct" Tbla brarch olreult panel chall bc 115/208 voltr 3 thaser 4 rlre & shall have r ?r-Qn ninlnun iengUr beavy dugr ced Hlth tlEt{A approved plug for connection to the clcotrtoal poger lqrnce leatcd on ttre ncarty coluun. Itre elcctrtcal raceuay chaD be tltt€d rlth clcotrloal outletc for loblle equtprent as follons: Seat Stde: f,ot Food Dlapcnrcr 208 volt, 60 qlcte, 3 Dbale (1 1500 stts) Ioastcr - 120 rol!, 60 oyclc, t pbase (21600 nttg) Brtra - ong (1) 115 Yolt, 60 oyolc, 1 Pbrtc (trooo rattc) (dddlc of Itr! 29) onc (1) 115 volt, 60 oyolc, 1 pbrac (t,OOO rattc) (dddlc of Itcn 28) Eastt Sldc: one (1) 2oB yolt, 60 eycls, J phare (3,000 ratlc) (oPPocltc Itcn 26) Itcu 25 - tbn 27 - t Brtra r rl00-2t ( 91" ('!].115 volt, 60 cycte, I phase (t,OOO ratts) (oppostteIteD 28) 91" (1)-t15 volt, 60 cycte, I pbase (t,OOO ratts) (opposlteItcn Z9) unlt to be llodcl f,o. lD-620-D as namfactur^ed by cad<ly corp. of lnerlca;Pltnn, ller.Jenacy. Unlt to bavc 20 tray capaclty and to be approx. 4O-3./q' Long r 26_1/\n rlde r !3-V-1" h!.gh eonplete rlth 5i dlacter double ball-bearlng non-uarrkl* oast€rsrtro flred and tro srlvel, a f\.rll perlreter noD_Darkln8 bunper in italnlesssteel channel. unlt to have stalnless steel top, back and chassis. Ends &partltlon to be of ABS hl3h-inpact reslsiant,- double nall ptastlc nlthlntegrally rclded .ceaulegs tray supports 5-llqr o.c. Bottoo platforn to be .16 SauEe stalnless steel nlth stalnless steel channel braces. Doors are to berelnfortced flbetalass, plvot hlnged, easlly rreoovable for cleanlng and rtttrposltl've letchcs- Provlde cor{ holder anr! lull bars. plastlc colors r1l,l beas sel.ected by Ar.chltect. ITE{ 33 - U?PEN CABITIET - ONE (1) O|LT l5n'stde r 3r-6F b18b Botton of cablnctto be aet lr-Or above flltlh floor. Body-of cablnet, fnont, Gnda, top, bottotr anl rear to be of lg gange ctalnlesssteel. Interlor of cablnet to be fltted vt.th oae bottou and tro lnteroedtatrshelyes of 18 gauge ctalnrccs rtocl. cablrtet lg !o have one palr of lg gaugegtalntsss atcel do'lle ell rlldlng doors. Overiread type rlth rscesced pufrs.Bach cdSe 1s to bc tlttsd rltb a 1'uore or less ulde glslnlcas steel ftttcrrh'r'p leeunely beld ta plece and sealed. Beck ol cablnct dtFll be flttcd rlth4'31 4n r ll7 r 12 6auge galvanlzed lron channels relded to rcarfor rarlDqrnt1n8. The llont of cabln€t to be rltted ulth tg aauFe llalnlcca slcel clocurc purelrirtcb &all nrn llron top of cablnct up to the oelllrg, r dlgtance of l'-6i noreor.ler!. Hhere panel neets walls & ceiltng it cha1l be turncd out J/{i,attacbed & cealcd tl8ht to rBne. It cball be recured to oeblnct by reais ofollpc^act bcblnd gancl t reldcd to cablaat top. pancl gball us rcatJo tlsbt totq of oeblnet. llt otbcr dstatlc & oongtructloa ea apcclftcd urdcr GcncralConstructloa. Unlt to bc nolooetcd & lnatallcd by tbts oontneetor. Cqrntcr to bc rppror. 8r-0t lorg r 2r-Ii rlde r 3r-On ht8h. Top ttrrll bc of ll ganSe brncd dorn ln bull noser l5o eqlc, for 2!, thcnof ITEII 39 - COPFEE Unil, ctalnleac stccl rlth tlre tlont, rtbt clde & lsft rldcnoll. lte baok cdge to b€ ooyed up 8i & trmed up at ttT$ dour appnor. tr. the top of cotrntcr, !n frontchell bc reocsccd et ocnter ltne of drcu iauestc It - Ionr cq,luEn (t t Itobl I e stor age-d ls penel ng alds l|ooElr'60 Equipp.d wiln oo.rprrtrncfil€d tins md 3h.lws SPECIFICATIONS t0DEt l-160 (Fot rnppcd rllrlrurru, condlmrnls, tlrcG mdr). El Strnrr Cr(Hy lo bc Xodrl l{t0, $ m.ouf.cturrd bt Oddy Corpo ion ol Amrric., lo br 3e 5n0 x 26'ri& r 54' high. ktmc of 1'OD. tO eN. r.s. lubuhr construction wllh lwo shclvas ollE 0a. s.s. wilh nbcd roundrd Gdors On dl sides thngcd dom to form a lh'rid! cnannsl. ShGf comcrs thrped lo lif comour ot lubular trame rliminatino unsanitary crrvices and continuously wllded to h0s at rll conlacl points. Eoth shelyes to be rrinlorccd wiih s.s. ct.nnels. Castcrs rt; hravy duty double ball Dcarino suvivcltypc wilh l,tr'solid stcms and polyurrlhanc tirrs. Foot brlkes on 2 diagonal cssters. Slopcd ovrrfisd shctl ol 15 Ca. s.s., wcldcd con- slruction, approx, 19 wide with culouls lor, rnd proyi&d rith, six s.s. Dans; thrcel(r r 6" r 6'rnd thrcc 6'x 6'x 6". Raised, $'rli|. wctdcd s.s. rrtainrr reils lo bc provided lor plrcc m.ts. Shcf supported by solid t6 ga. s.s. .0d suppons. A s.s. lo br lypc 3{X llo. 4 tinish. t00Et l-lt3 (for prr-prclrgcd ttrms kr crtun dispanrcn ruch rs glrslic irlrrrr, ondimgnts rnd plru mil! / Dcsiprd for hosplbls rnd nursinS homcs rp lo ll0 D!dl.) El Strrtcr Crddy to br nodrl l{C3, !s mrnuhcturlrt by Hdy Corpontion ot Amcrkr, 3f bne x 26' rklc r 5? hign. FrmG of 1.0.0. fl6 osuic drinbss dcct irbulrr construction wtth lhr!. shclv.s ot tlE erugc drinlrss 3tr!l ltth nlsad roundld cdors on a sld?s l[ngcd dofln to lbrm I llt. rith Gfunncl. Shclt cornrrs rhsprd b fit cor'nout ot tubuhr lnmc rlimimting unsrnibry dwlcrs rnd continu- ously wddcd b hls a r[ oonhct points. Shch/ls to br ninlorc.d hrlth strlnhss Bf.cl chenncls. Caslr]3 tl'doublr lall brering srivll typ. dth *. 3olid drms rndpolyurtthaD lirls . foot brakcs oo l*! dLgoml astr't. S0parstructura lo condst of tro shrhr.s ulth ,15 e|ugc ablnbss sbrt nrds. Lomr $d{to bc dtbd wtlt wtout lbr rnd p'oyldrd rtth thn! strlnlcss strll parE, oo+$ird r&!. RJsrd lt, dbn tlrItktld rEinl.3s d$l r rlmr rdls !o De prwihd br pt cr nds. All stdnlcss n.'lto ,.ry ${, to. | finlsh. / X00Et nH-f-E65 (For rntpcd rllu.ilrn, condlnlr$, tl|oc nS). f O Strtcr CrOCy to b. Iod.l 8fl-f-!65, rs mrnul|Glu'3t bt Oddy Corpontion ofI Amcrica, i0 b? 37' long r 2!F wldc r 51'h'ioh. Fn|nc d f 0.0. t6 er. r.s. lubulrr I construdion ui$ mdc'3hclt of 18 er. r.r. Rhht lrnd rih of unlt b h|vr bp mdI lr|rnncdirtr 3hclr,$ to rccomnmddc allvrrflr! U1|3 rd rl&r n|ts. Al3hclv.s to I hay! nh.d rurilhd dgls on dl sfttcs rrtlh comcrs nfrlut md coolinuously llldcdI b lrgs l.llconbd poir s. lrft h.nd sidr of unlt b h|yr sclt-lar.line pLform brI trys up to 16' r 2f. Housing md pldform of $ -Lntli'|g nrdnnism to br hrewI dumlnum, rusprfitcd by four t.r. crbbs lo provicr Lvd md rbblr |urtrc.. qbhs I b hyr lufi+ngth r.lt-lubrlcdine phnic rhblds. Cn|hr |trktg n d|.|ilm 6 brI aulpp.d wltt br[ bIrhgs rill d.slgncd for.|'y cdbnum. Plltorm lop nmoyrurI br aco.ss rnd cdibr".lin. I Unn o u profico lith 16 e!. s.r. alop.d rhrll moutnt ovr'trcd lnh trrtoril tor 3I r.r. pns f O.p. Im pm to bc onG $kd r&! rd cr f, rbr. (hns ogliondI dn.) Oq||tf|!ll b hrvc sld.rt oorn n md b !t rD0or|(' Dt tolkl 16 er. r.r.I m.ts. Oc.rr of pH frnbh a'doubbbdlborlne il rrfid i$ Dolyurdr|| It|3, \lroullhbolbr*rs. I0DEI l-170 lFor rrrDrrd dlrrtun, .udlttttrtt, tl!3|rds. Dttltt|3d b dnddlt ht mrt!-W corrFil. E thrtor C$dy b b. Iodrl l-Oto. u mrnutaund bt Oddy Qootdon of Amric., b D. 60h'lon0 x 2?. w|& r 6y hlgh. End trrrG of l, O0. 16 er. r... tubuhr rgbylrt coNirustion rllh cross-rdling md mmt d c| f tbubh brll bBdng awhr.t c.dr?s dh Dolyunth|nc ilns. thlt b !. ribut bt thrddlhg mot$t rqulpmcm or coruqrr. Tm c|slrrs on opcr.to?t ddc b lrv! lool Dnbs. &rprr- dnnurc b consist of tlo 3hch,?s whh t6 ga. 3.r. .otb ||$ wpct 3h!r. Lo|tr thrlt of la 9r. s.s. to b. tUEd for conytnlrnt vLfl uih qrbut fot 5 3.5. erns tl'|'rrp. Iitt Dms onc &ird !t!. tm prns otr h.tf riz! md onc tul tEt pu. (hnt ogliood dtr.) XODELT.St3 h J.:'...1 xoo€Lt6'll ACCESSORIES (optional extr4 Xn.rordng be irnrycn ACG3E. lddr /r b ovm[ br$n rd id$. AdlcDb lor P[-1520. t5 r Af r y, frr n$lin 'npprd 3lhntflrr..( CAOT'Y GOFPO'IA?IO|U C'F AM:F|eA ll.or^llY 4 .r,a^w^v gm^'tr'r , I L olrr itvr'l' Ew.a.lttl otl I v |!' 11400_21 lll other detal1s & constructlon as speclfled under Crenenal Construetlon. IlE${ t9 - B$nICERATOR - FURNIS|ED EY OIttiIER Ormer to r.eleate €r(lrtlng rrehlSerator. ITfl 20 - Cq'NTEN lOP STEAilES . FUF{I$IED BT O{NE8 Contractor to rslocate oHnerts gxlgtlnF counter top cteaner.leatlon r.eady for flnal. connectlon by l{edranlcal Contractor. ITEM 21 . SPARE IIUMBEN ITEM 22 - BASE DISPENSEN - FUNNI$ID BI ONEN Sct ln ner ITBI 23 - PLATE DISPENSEN - ONE (1) ONLY - FUNNISIED BY OINER Unlt to be llodel No. 473-1301 plate dispenser as oarufactur.ed by Seco Products,St. Lorls, Missourl. Unlt to be approx. 16t7l8. rlde r 31-1 / 8n long x 36'lrlglr. FraEe constructedof 1t dlaneter ctalnless steel tubtng. Self-1eve1Ing dlcpeDser! ghall. be rupported by an 18 garrge stalnless steel sbe1f, narlne cdge style, flrl.ly *ldedto uprl8hts. Top *te1f dtall have an 18 cauge gtalnless steel argle relded totbe undergl.de betreen dlapansers for added supporL tlolt to bave four 4i blaok rubber cart€ra, trp wlth brake & f\rll wrap arqrnd buoper. IT.Eil 24 - STANTER T'NIT - OIIE (1 ) O}ILY - FUR{ISIED BT OIINER Unlt to be Hodel lfo. iH-T-565 as Eanufactuned by Ca<ldy corp@atlon of lnerlca,Pltcn, ller Jeroey, appttor. 3?t long r 23t rlde r 51n hth. Frac of lt O.D. 16 Sauge ctalnless steel tubular construetton rlth urderchclfof 18 gauge rtelnleEs steel. n18ht hand llde of unlt to have lop &lntercdlate sbelves. lll chelves to baye ralsed rounded cdges on all sldesrltb ooraens aotcbcd and contlnuouely celdeal to legs at all contsct potnts. Left baad rlde to have self levellng platforu for traya up to 16r t ?Zn. Horslng & platforn of self-levellrg oeclranl.str to be heavy alunl.nru, ancpendedby four ctalnlccs ctcel cablgs to provlde lcvel & ctablc rurlboc. Cablcc to bave l\Il-lcrgtb elf-lubrloatlng plactlc &telds. Ertlne lpnlrg mdranlsu to bc cgulppcd rlth ball bcarla8s decl8ned for cary callbratlon. PlltforD top t:uovable for toscsc & oaltbratlon. Uallr to bevc | 16 tangc glablcgs gtccl alogcd &cl.f, lountcd oysttcad rlghautqrt tbr 3 ttrlDlccs gtcel prns li dcep. Provldc tro onc-titt{ llrc paar & onc l\rll rlze pan. Ovcrubclf to havs reldcd oorncr! & to bc lupport d by l6 gau8e atatalsgs gtccl oadg. Unlt to havc four It doubls ball bearlnS oaclsrc, all arlvcl, potyurcthanc ttr.ea, trc rtth foot bmke+ Ualt to have rcvolvtq lsg buqers Xo. ICC-38 & one ?laltlc lot€ Bd lto. PL-1520 (t5"r2o'x5t) for napkln rrappcd rllvcrrarc. ITE{ 25 - CUP DISp$SEn - OtE (1) OlILy - FURilrStEp By fiNER Unlt to be ]lodel llo. 173-ltlt Gup Dlapencr lr arufachlred by Seco Productc,St. Loulr, lllasourl. ( E FISHER, REECE & JOHNSON, ffiC'0 AFR 3 ti 1.j90 Aprll 24, 1990 Town of Vall 75 South Frontage RoadVall, Colorado 81657 Attn: JOe Norrls Re: Vall Valley Medical Center Kitchen and Cafeteria Addition/ Renodel ProJect Nrmber: 267 Dear Mr. Norrls; As lndicated on the last letter to your office, I am seridlng detallg on the hood exhaust duct enclosure in the courtyard. The south wa11 achieves a 4 hour fire rating wtth the I course of brick on the existingexterior wall in combinatLon wlth a new 3 hour shaft wall. If you have any further questloos give me a call. Sincerely, &/r*4.64 Barbara N. Couch BNc/tk cc: Vall Valley Medical Center G. E. Johnson Cator, Rr:ma & Assoclates ARCHITECTS, P C. JOHN D. REECE, A.t.A. A. AUBREY SPENST, A.I.A. G, FRED PETERSON, A.I.A. I5OO SOUTH PEARL STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80210 (303) 777.0407 oiq. cArFf wA,w6', o{e aioe- ttiq'ft'b9, LINEF74eth e,fr OEN??N 6-H' .1r | 5.'. 4t1l,t\ -etN*2 ?1to,C, TRAr-€rftoil FF*1 aot:t.x latt oLE1lo22ttt 22t AJcf X??oO =ev Ct4tN,1NE1 qE;Tloli l'l= lr-oll VAIL VALL"1 MEPIC,T>L CENI'FR. VAIL, @LoP,Ao.o F!aAER, ?erce + JortN@N, AgCd t1E{6 \bp4eat x-55 4'24-qo oo F,ETE I W? FUP,QE2 o?fFrv x p 1;,lfiap.p4p1lor.l ), bap, lE /t 2 LA"(ffi V?r..Cf?, @odE.ao? -1ta'e, ffi r,t€F-AtleL€? *L,r€F WAJ2 *W^t&dN C-- d5tu% 24tt O,C, #,??i"* o++tMNEY DnAL VA L VALLCY VEDICP4- CE$rEF vAf L, cot-o3p99 Y-bb otllQtfi. y6 LINEF PANALI ?E1W?EN ctHtAtto,a' _\ 0- $ FI6HER ReWe 4 Jo+r.pot{ ARfltTEaq +24-70 e $-7 s+ l- r$ I >< .$$ xTu-ssx bu E 6$ Hi 5fl $$ ltr HN $r u +s NS+tL ffi$ h$ Ut U6 rllr YZ8sHlrvuu $I \f, lu-z_t =U rF-obl-- --l0rx; $l $r >< 0r I lt 1 iil4r!: F rUJ 3 j-r 9*,l I rl $u ffi$ G; SB u$ t6-lOstO _L 0 h \r, $ U<. oo 0 LC) >< o(t- Iv(\l s t- Mr-f u $Z 6-T 1s \T \)tllrtj cl 0t ilJ -E.rs TL $$ $il$ ;en I -J{] t- Io'tP ts! NO tt- IF0-f fl> $tu Fsor $ff hl 9 h d bl+ nrQts$ $ u$R+ N; 3>q1 tUt 0 ,hx tuI 4 .ii PERMIT NUMB,l L'AIE READY FOR LOCATION: BOJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME f-2'^ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL -i-(\ CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI -------(O PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER B FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING OOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: .\ tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL Yhtt*ou-o CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR niFs,ro" r.* INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPEC'rOI{. fAil\ TUES LOCATION:----@ PMWED THUR FRI TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING GH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL Xaepaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR \\\\I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL Q\rt\r, Q-il., pM \ "-. NAME t INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WEDMO.NREADY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT.L\ \\ T\F.onre \- \ \*\L .t, I F:,r BUILDING:PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB N FOOTINGS /..STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING - ROOF & SF.EER " PLYWooD NA|LING/tr GAS PIPING tr TNSULATIITN tr SHEETRqCK O POOL / H. TUB n tr FINAL ELE MECHANICAL: OTE tr HEATING tr ROUG tr D. ftt' tr HAU PPL' ST HOODS tr'CONDU F FINAL.tr FINAL PPROVED D DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED RECTIONS: h*ar coR r ')'\.,, INSPECTION REQUEST\-'.' TOWN OF VAIL oo* Tle JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIO PPROVED @PM 5-h.. /THUR I tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED COHRECTIONS: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL [rnnrrrrruc Fr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION Xxeernocx tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL o o r-ltr FINAL FINAL ELE trT OF trc tr_ CTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH .- tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL -+ oerc {- ) -?a rNSpEcroR Pn&snop CIf ,rl?q4 * PERMIT NU ER OF PROJECT DATE -=_-J READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL Vnrt I Ca[e lrr r nj)l,i\ CALLER INSPECTION: @ TUES WED THUR FRI 'Y PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. CI ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION O SHEETROOK NAIL tr o tr tr tr FINAL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB r-r i--l tr FINAL MECHANICAL: - tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - -1 tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER ROUGH CONDUIT FINAL )il neeaoveo \ CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED \ DATE t l. INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL MoN TUES @ THUR FRI @PM TOWN OF oor.E-N--\) JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL fl aeenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR nrffis,oP ** INSPECTION REQUEST VAIL ,;t Fs*c ( t..-- PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: tt l+\ JoB NAME \3 \co 'l TOWN OF .fu-\ o/\CALLER lNSpECroN: MoN ruES wED :Hua /'6)\ -------/oT) "*l+,\ r I - rrV\ -.{o'n \>a-v l'-) l----' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr D tr D tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING D INSULATION .1tr SHEETROCK POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: B 1lTEMP. POWER\----HEATING EXHAUSTO ROUGH.HOODS CONDUIT AIR FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: G - zz- -?o INSPECTOR --^., ;- ;: . ti.v- ...-- .*-42 &? PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE .t READY FOR INSPECT}ON: LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN 'OF VAIL c(2t ,:;t-<- (_1f ll".Li,i .t\J," CALLER ;ru+s ,i ., MON *." (]:a. FRI /! BUILDING: / PLUMBING: trFoorlNGS/srEEL . '/'tt ' DUNDERGROuND O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr ROUGH /. D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERN FRAMING '- ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING O POOL i H. TUB tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr o FINAL tr INSULATION VsnEernocr VED N DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR niFsrop \it wrz a PEtNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oer, )fr/ ot /4? JoB NAME J.L /,/,1tr eD//4L tTvttrJso'!CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON THUR FRI t//.h? BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL ,. E UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING ,- BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL D FINAL MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT -O SUPPLY AIR D FINAL hppRoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED fi[ l/ffi*",* oo* F^ / - /c rNSPEcroR * INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMITNUMBER OF PBOJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR |NSpECT|ON: MON TUES @ rHUR FRr - AM @t LocAloN: /f / hl, aeraou' -lY'ue TOWN OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING D ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED lqnetruseecloN REQUT RED INSPECTOR QUEST L o N NRE \{,1 l PECT. TOU tNs\uqs OJECTOF JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr o tr tr tr UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUNO ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr tr tr c ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE Erl F'DC tr CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr D tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL L /Rppnoveo ?EI DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR nffisno" PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME t/*r, CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL rt 0+zQs o PErNs (, CALLER MON TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ,wED @E FBI BUILDING:PLUMBING: o o D D tr D tr FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING D POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED coAnecrrorus: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR i)Kb//th SifZaAhcE ,;' ; I'NSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FoR tNSpECroN: MoN ruES wE-D THUR {) -------(q\ pM L.CATION: t, h,/' t'?' ^ -'' \ 1QE €n4 =-*- DATE 04. nf - Er JOB NAME t,/ j - XAPPROVED ; cALLER 4. F. ,fZlrvSarJ ruilsrPqrV^) tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: N FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI D FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL ^ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr D D tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: . tr TEMP..FOWER MEC}iANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr / tr Olrptnrurl tr FINAIf:FINAL CORRECTIONS: oerc &-lo'?d rNSPEcroR .. '*,',,,41. INSPECTION REQUEST VAILTOWN OF sl;r6 o6 l$lqd JoB NAME 4i ffi lloil?rt*t- ?r4atsf,sl READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FBI CALLER@ PM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT {4 r' 5'l I ia BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS O FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATEB ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB ['sneernocK NArL o F,Ce r'laot- -WrT (It<--%-et D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS 'tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr il, E"FINAI:tr FINAL tr APPRQVED CORRECTIONS: r..& tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oere ?- /y'? rNSPEcroR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT IQI,,DArE '] l \r JOB ilIAME INSPECTION REQUEST Rrr,'.etc^.'i\cq-f,r ..e:i lrINSPECTION: i MON CALLER TUES *=R. rHUR @ --=@ PM TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.O FOUNDATNQA / STEEL 1 I'r tr FRAMING I I r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER GAS PIPING B INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER\ MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT'O SUPPLY AIR O FINAL APPROVED CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR *iFslop q>q,-} PERMIT NUM ER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: -?cr INSPECTION REQUEST \-c C,+ &o-,---.t C CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: C FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING; tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,.-' ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING T] GAS PIPING tr INSULATION EI POOL / H. TUB SHEETR o tr tr tr o FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL !.4eenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED oorc Q-ro- ?O rNSpEcroR I l -'t /l -)q Lr'tt * Pffi INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL onre \o\ I JoB NAME READY FoR tNSpECloN: MoN rues @@ rHUR FRI 6il') ev LocArloN: - l''t*4-nffi-caw D tuX r"eea<"'"1d1r,f'. CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr D tr tr tr UMBING: tr o tr tr tr tr F.OUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ti tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:ICAL: tr TEMP. tr ROUGH '+1 L"l,\, I Kl TING tr tr tr o EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL L-\ I &r.-t tr APPROVED O DISAPPROVED EINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOB qLqb * PERMIT DATE NAME INSPECTION REQUEST INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES i AT JOB OF PROJE 1 nBE | [., READY FOR LOCATION:,'l,i FRIf--J BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " pLYwooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING E ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ._\aq1 t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ooru lo READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME REQUEST VAIL A M BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W,V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER . r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING B INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FTNAL{ tr APPROVED GORRECTIONS: CTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR .i- -It TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE /*b - (/'3 JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: /t / LLj CALLER MON TUES WEb t/4,42'1-,,'L z"'r' , s,L BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr NAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL F {tttou=o CORBECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE /-L'?1 INSPECTOR hiFsxop t'-lti I lrar. rusPEcrroN's coMPLBTE)v The ltens below need to be couplete before givlng a peruLt a flnal C of 0. Please check off ln the box provlded. FINAL PLNSING DATE:tl FINAL UECHANICAI. DATE: IUPROVEUENT SURVEY RESID. NAI'IE: DATE: EAST SIDE:TIEST SIDE: ELECTRICAL FINAL BUTLDING [] mnI )u' tl DATE: TE}TPORARY C OF O DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PAI.ICY DATE: ,/-( -99 IX\ tlZI i--i I.ANDSCAIING DT'E DATE ! FILE NA}IE oz F =t IJJo- o o |n @ t/) .n Irl N\o tn.it o .tr (f) (f)a r.lJ uJl! =E UJ \\\H*o\o\ rll & r'1 M ts|< B FI 14 HE o c''\ CA o\ gk.:oE A o*i FHox =d3a qJ F EoF F z = =zo o u,lF z o2 ! o € (.'zz B Fl F1 aHHu) H Fl E z H Fl z UJz3o u,l F J IIJ U) =.r l! o (l, q, o(E =CL (! r; F\ lEl €-t\oI(o a erbt (u oEo ql c 9 d) E o =l do o ct .! 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I -1q -l i- I I I rf) sl- OIrol "Jl(ol \ oO r.r)sf OIOI vl <-l(tl-l an UJ UJl! E =u,o.lgTt9ilo\lrl5> I )\ldl< lH$ u, ,o I I€l(t*ru. lqr Ji-t Irtt ll*i lll.--l il+ N. NJ NE | \i:IIJ.f o -lu,o = o o q, o) o 5 o ! a0 0'tto O ot rt o c o ! 0, o o, G' 'c, o cgt l4 ! vt ct oo o 't !, 3o F o ,o) ooo G' o o aa U' at]' C' | ,=* IBEf | .;r g I Er.: f :*E I =sillti | ;f i l.g=E I qlg o.I SE;I .9=a! 5*pa -.:: : I u{i I EEEE --oSI -- =E (5 o'-ta =; c) I :Eil I 3E5. HEgg | - " "' r \n\- \o{s \S \) r.. (.)p \J \pr\ $N'\J NJ ,D ul p U' : \ r gl (,z o to II (J z d (J () gJ uj oz 6 I) d {I =(J lr,I u,gJt- UJ (Jtu o o 3 UJ g, (9 o Fa Rlto J; ut I I UJ atf 3t,stl. ='uJ o oz f @ {(t EF(t lll UJ (, I Jr II{ ulI tiro|lvnlv gr-c^ B_ F l'l ={FE-tlsrrF9.lq)G= Hs(J zz9o EE 3 fi; Eg-,i Gl z tr D cl ol (,l I El IIJ r\ i MJ fttt il: llE ilH il_ilillzO O IEZIIol tFlt<l tr|JltFltJll'l tq l3l rEl Jl EI zl .. >loll, UJujz u,: trle J zo Foo u, JJ d ott zvI ul F iIF J) anz tltltl ltt z529n6?YEEH8qoo<z lltttltl ?T;zz d63trol o ulo (, Y z Fo 5o M *N FE Isl tt- ... .i sfl l.,j (_) C) l! o ! D 0)t 2) Lu c u 0l E u ) L)) I ! ) z rloEH, =F 3 o9t6z=I s 6ds t =3b0.dP E [ 'Foo i*fil;Ei E. EEI ;H.g€;etrtr gJ o hE 0alrl o-zo F(J IYF CNzoo =l] EI 1 g oz JFo !(u Pg (lJ L) cI({'oJ =z too-l $al l5 :l ioJl r\ol n-;l E olol5l rl9tA=ff8 oact J>35 *l :l FI o +, o(J c c-co.-) sr.r) (7) r.r) I(\l @sr (Y)O (f) gd tfl 5l rl Fl '1:8 olzl uJl JI<l>l sl zl 3lq H Folrj c) -rO<FGC)lu<zEu,F o C) sE =c) =*E !zrJ- oo oFO zo C) z =O UJ = E!5' oo :uli 75 south fronlage road vail, colorado 81652 (303) 479-2138 or 479_2t39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: oftlce of communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THITOWN OP VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WoRKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOplrEl.lT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn surnrnary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawfur for anvperson to litter, track or deposit.u.,y ,"ir,-";;i; ;;;a,-i"iii=or rnaterial, tr"a-:g1"n trash iumpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles. upon any streetl siaewair, -iii"v-o, publicplace or anv portibn trr"i"oil--ri.-;i;il;:;i#;=in arr rown orVail streeti ind.road.s is approxi.nately 5 ft. off pavenent.rhis ordinance "l1l_!_.-;a.i;ii;";"forced. by rhe rown of vailPubLic works DeDartment. pers6ns couna wihJlir,f-ti,is ordinancewilr be given a-24 hour "riii"""iotice to remove said naterial .fn the event the person so notified.does not comply with thenotice within the- 24 rrour ti.nre-Jf,ecified, the puLtic worksDepartrirent wirl remove saia nrateiiii-it-in;";$;;:" of personnotified' The nrovisions .t irri= ord.inance sharl not beappli-cable to cinstruction,-niiir"r,ur,.e or repair projects ofany street or attey or any utilities'i; 6"-;i;;;_"_""y. To review ordinance,No..6. in full, please stop by the Torvn of:3:i.::i1:i"g"Tf;i:'**"::"";;;il ! copv. ri,u'.,i. vou ror your owledged (i. e. contractor, owner) Town of Vail Cornmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail , Colorado aL657(303) 479-2t38 Plan analysis based onthe L988 Uniform Building Code Project Nunber: L0490 Address: 181- W. MEADOW DR. Occupancy: BJ-,82rA3 Tlpe of const: I-FR NOTE:The code items listed in this reportlisting of all possible code reguirementsselected sections of the code. Name: V.V.M.C. LEARNING CENTER Date: October 24, 1990Contractor: G.E.JOHNSON Architect: FfSnER,REECE,JOHNSON Plans Examiner: MICHAEL WHITAKER are not intended to be a complete in the 1988 UBC. It is a guide to Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced fron the Uniform Building Code ( l-988 edition) with perrnission of International Conference of Building Officials Sprinkler systern throughout the building OCC MAX FLR AREA ALLOWED RATIO STATUS L Parking carage TOTAL FOR FLOORB Parking carageB Conference RoomB I,ABORATORTYB Human PerformanceB officercorridorrstor TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL ELEMENTInterior Bearing wallInterior nonbrg wallStructural FrameExterior Struct FrameFloor/ceiling AssernblyRoof/Ceiling Assembly Stairs BUILDING ELEMENTS Table 17-A B1" B1_ A3 B2 92 92 ok ok ok ok ok ok 21-L32 Unlinited 2LL32 Unlinited 8l-66 Unlimited LL30 Unlimited 2345 Unlinited 1150 Unlinited 834L Unlinited2]-2 Unlirnited 2LL32 Unlinited ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok NOTES See Footnote #5 See footnote #1 See Footnote #9 See Footnote #8 See Footnote #12 MATERIAL Noncombustible Noncombustible Noncornbustible Nonconbustible Noncombustible Noncombustible Noncombustible RATING3hrLhr3hr3hr2hr2trr None I FOOTNOTES: . I 1) Mininun on exterior side also based on exterior brg. wall reguirements.4) Fire-retardant treated wood may be used within interior non-bearing Lhr wall assemblies. -- Tabl-e L7-A, footnote #25) Nonload-bearing walls within a tenant space that are not part of a Lhr corridor may be of:a) Noncombustible (nonrated) materialsb) Fire retardant-treated woodc) One-hour construction (any rnaterial) -- Sec. 1705.(b)L.8) If roof is greater than 25 feet above floor, see Sec. L8O6. 9) In areas with vehicles or airplanes, the floor surface shall be of noncombustible, nonabsorbent materials. -- Sec. 702.(b) & 902.(b) L2) Finish material on stairs to be hard nonconbustible rnateriaLs. -- Sec. L805. L7) The ceiling of the basement is required to be protected with l-hr fire-resistive construction and doors to basernents are requj-red to be of noncombustible construction or L 3/4 inch S.C. wood. -- Sec. l-703. OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS81-82 l-hrB1-A3 3hr The separation may be two hours if limited to parking or storageof private or pleasure vehicles. -- Sec. 503.(d) ex #1B2-A3 ohr ADDITIONAL SEPARATIONS FOR 81, 82, & A3 OCCUPANCY: A thr occupancy separation is required around roorns containing a boiler or central heating unit greater than 400,000 BTU input. -- Sec. 708. IJaboratories and voeational shops containing hazardous materials cover by Chapter 9 are required to be separated from the rest of the building by not less than a t hr occupancy separation. -- 8ec. 702.(b) 3. EXIT REQUIREMENTS:FL NAME OCCUPANT NUMBER EXIT PANIC RATED DOOR NOTESLOAD REQUIRED WIDTH [ft. ] HDWR CORRTDOR SWING L Parking Garage L06 2 2.L No Yes out TOTAL L06 2( 2) 2.L( 2.1-) No Yes out B Parking carage 4L 2 0.8 No Yes N/RB Conference Room 75 2 L.5 Yes Yes Out #qB LABORATORTY 47 2 0.9 No Yes N/R #raB Human Performance 23 L 0.5 No No N/RB office,corridor,stor 83 2 L.7 No No out #11TOTAL 269 2 ( 2) 5.4 ( 5. 4 ) Yes Yes Out #l-L Rated corridors are to have l-hr fire protection on both sides of walls andceiling. -- Sec. 3305. (g) Openings are regui-red to be protected. -- Sec. 3305. (h) In areas where 2 exits are required, the nininun separation rs L/2 of the maximum diagonal of the area or floor. -- Sec. 3303.(c)Exit signs are reguired fron all areas serving an occupant load of 50 or more. -- Sec. 33L4. (a) Door swing is based on Sec. 3304. (b) except as noted. Occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Number of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noted.Exit width is based on Sec. 3303. (b). --' FOOTNOTES:4) Panic hardware is based on Sec. 33L8. (a). See exception for A-3 occupancies and churches. 11) Corridors within a tenant occupant load less than 100 may notrequire a rated corridor. -- Sec. 3305. (g) exc. #S J.4) The mininum nunber of exits from laboratories and vocationaL shops containing hazaradous materials coverd in Chapter 9 is 2. The maximurn distance to an exit from this area is 75 feet.-- Sec. 7O2.(b) 3. HANDTCAPPED ACCESS:L) Handicapped access is required to at least one prirnary entranceto this building -- Sec. 3301. (e) & Tabte 33-A See table 33-A for exceptions for the basement.2) If a ramp is used for handicapped access, the max slope is Lzl2. -- Sec 3307. (c) STAIR NOTES: fhe maximum rise of a step is 7 inches and the rnininum run is L1- inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) The mininun width of a stairway is 36 inches, 44 inches if the occupant load is greater than 49. -- sec. 3306.(b) See section 3303.(b) when occupant loadis greater than 183. Provide handrails on both sides of a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing, (May be on one side if less than 44 inches wide) -- Sec. 3305.(j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minirnun height = 42 inches, rnaximun opening size = 6 inches. -- Sec. l-7 1l-. The nininum headroorn is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as requiredfor Lhr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (n) Provide a landing within l- inch (L/2 inclt at doors used for handicap access)of the threshold. -- Sec. 3304. (h) The nininun width is same as door width and the rninirnum length is 44 inches. -- sec. 3304. (i) The maximurn travel distance in this building is 200 feet. -- sec. 3303. (d) ROOFTNG REQUTREMENTS:1) The roofing on this building is reguired to be Class B or better. -- Table 32-A2) See section 3204. and ICBO research reports for requirements. WALL AND CEILING FTNISH: 1-) wa1l and ceiling finish materials are required to conply with Sec. 4204.(a) and Table 42-8.2) Carpeting on walls and ceiling are required to have a C1ass I flame spread rating. -- Sec. 4204.(b) INSUI.ATION NOTES:L) A11 insulation material including facings are required to have a flane- spread rating of 25 or less and a maximum srnoke density of 450. -- Sec. L7L3. (c) 2) Foan plastic insulations are required to be protected. -- sec. I7t2. : GI,AZING REQUIREMENTS 31) A11 gl.azing in hazardous locations is reguired to be of safetyglazing naterial. -- sec. 5405. (d) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For B1- occupancy Devices generating a glow or fl-ame are required to be 18 inches abovethe floor. -- Sec. 7oa. The minimum clear height is required to be 7 feet. -- sec. 709.(b)5. Parking garages require a ventilation system that exhausts l-.5 cfinper sq.ft. of floor area. -- Sec. 705. For 82 occupancy In all areas customarily occupied by hunans, provide natural orartificial light and ventilation. -- Sec. 7O5. For A3 occupancy Floor-BSMT Occupancy-Conference Room The capacity of this area is required to be posted at 75 occupants. -- Sec. 3302. (c) If water fountains are provided, one must have a spout within 33 inches of the floor and up-front controls. -- Sec. 5Ll-. (c) HANDICAPPED TOILET FACILITIES:L) AIl doorways leading to a toilet room for handicapped are required toprovide 32 inches clear width. -- Sec. 5l-1. (a) 2) Provide 44 inches clear on each side of doorways. -- Sec. 5l-l-. (a) 1-.3) Provide a 60 inch diameter clear area within the toilet room(s). -- Sec. 511-. (a) 2 .4) Provide a clear area 42 inches wide and 48 inches long in front of at least one water closet. If in a compartrnent and door is on the side,provide a clear access width of 34 inches. Door may not encroach into clear area. -- Sec. 5L1-. (a)3. 5) A 48 inch access width is reguired to the handicapped compartrnent. -- Sec. 5LL. (a) 3.6) crab bars are required behind and on one side or on both sides of handicapped water closet. Side bar is required to be 42 inches long (min) and extend 24 inches in front of water closet. Rear bar is to be 24 incheslong in a room or 35 inches long in a compartment. The top of the bars areto be 33 to 36 inches above the floor. -- Sec. 511-.(a)5.7) Provide a clear area under at least one lavatory. 30 inches wide X 29 inches high X 17 inches deep ninimum. -- Sec. 5Ll-.(b)1-.8) The bottorn of one nirror, opening of a towel fixture, and disposal fixture is required to be within 40 inches of the floor. -- sec. 5l-1.(b)2.&3. 9) The top of the seat on the water closet is required to be L7 to 19 inches above the floor and cannot be sprung to return to the lifted position. -- Sec. 5l-l-. (a)4. Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail , Colorado 8L657(303) 479-2L38 Plan review based onthe L988 Unifor:n BuiJ-ding Code Project Number: 10490 Nane: V.V.M.C. LEARNING CENTER Address: 181 l{. MEADOW DR. Date: October 24, I99O Contractor: G. E.JOHNSoN Occupancy: 81 ,82,A3 Architect: FISHER,REECE,JoI{NSoN Type of Const! I-FR Plans Exaniner: MICHAEL WHITAKER Sprinkler Systern throughout building Portions of the rnaterial cont,ained in this program are reproduced frorn the Uniforrn Building Code ( l-988 edition) with permission of International Conference of Building Officials # SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED L X-85 Panic Hrdwr A11 three main exits from corridor to exit ways are reguired to have panic hardware. Two exits from conference room are required to have panic hardware a1so. 2 X-85 occ-load with only one exit from the room designated for Human Performance, the maximum occupant load allowedshall be 49. This naximum occupant load sha1l be posted within the room. 3 x-85 Exit Signs A11 areas with occupant load of nore than 50 shall be provided with exit signs. This includes the conference roon and aII corridors to the nain exit ways. 4 X-91 Fire Prot. Fire Departrnent approval reguired for al-I fire sprinkter systenr and fire alarm design. Provide shop drawings for review. 5 No live animal testina is to be performecl in theproposed laboratorv or accessory rooms. lnun 42 west meadow drivevail, colorado 81657 (3031479'2250 lire department ME!,TOR,,ANDI'I.T TO : cary Murrain, Chief Building Official FROM : Michael Mccee, Fire Marsna(/ DATE : Decenber 18, 1990RE : VVMC Learning Center ,/ Parking Structure I have reviewed the plans subnitted for the Learning Center /Parking Structure. I have listed ny conments belovrt X-86 Why arenrt flre sprJ.nklers shown in the nechanicalroom? Notes on a subseguent sheet refer to previous drawings. 2. X-90 I am not sure what the design and operations featuresare for the Duct Heating Coils but the cfm tisted forunits l, 2t 4, and 9 and for Rir Conditioning Unit Iare in excess of 2OOO cfn and therefore appeir to besubject to duct smoke detectors. 3. X-94 Are there no lights on the emergency circuit in the rooms? 4. X-95 The fire al-arn and detections system does not appear tomeet minimum requirements. 1. T 75 south lrontage road Yail, colorado 81657 . (3fir) 47!t-2138 (3(B) 479-2139 office ot communily denelopmenl May 16, 1991 Mr. Dan Feeney Vail Valley Medical Center L81 West Meadow DriveVail-, Colorado 81657 RE: T.C.O. for Learning Center/Use of Vail valley Medical. Center parking garage for storage of construction materj-a1 Dear Dan: I am wrj-ting to formalize our conversation last week. As we discussed, the Town wi-l1 be able to release the Temporary Certificateof Occupancy (T.C.O.) for the Leaxning Center when requested, provided all building code reguirements are fulfilled. The fotlowingconditions will apply to the project when the T,C.O. is released: 1, The lowest 1/2 level of the parking structure may be usedfor contractor storage until .Iune 1, 1991. After June 1-, 1991, all parking must be available within the structure andsurface parking on site. ff this parking is not avail-able on June 1, the Medical Center must provide the Town with documentation of alternative parking. 2. No building permits will be released for the proposed construction at the VaiL National Bank until all of the Vail Va11ey Medical Center parking j-s avail-able. It is our understanding that you agree to theseprevious discussions with you. Should you have concerns, please contact me at 479-2L38. conditions from any guestions or h*q{,- Sidney Schultz Mike Mollica Cent er Schindler Elevator CorOtlon c. E. Johnson Construction P.O. Box l-282 Vail , Colorado 8L558 DLC: ep Attn: Jack Thomas Dear Mr. Tbomas: This letter is to verifY that subject building has been installed elevator is safe for public use as all satisfactory. This certification is only and not building related items. 2650 west Second f Denver. CO 8021 9 Teleohone: (3031 936'7 28 2 Fax: (303) 934-9065 FebruarY 13, 1991- RE: Vail Valley Medical Building Our G.O.*'. 87378 the elevator at the above per A. N. S.I. Al-7 . L. The test were Performed and are for the elevator equipnent SincerelY' / ./- " I / -/ / t! r1.t-.<- tr.-i (ttl-tc'' cl t'-n'" ' David L. crane Field SuPerintendent G L .E? .E? -TJo M0001 0 finu lrAyI tggt C,p lmn 42 west meadow drivevail, colorado 81657 (3031479.22sO May 14, 1991 fire department Dan Feeney ProJect ManagerVail Valley Medical Center 181 West Meadow DriveVai1, Co. 81657 Re: Fire Inspection of Learning Center / parking Structure Dear Mr. Feeney: At 9 A.M. on.l,lay 14, 1991, the Vail Flre Departnent conducteda wal-k through inspectlon of the Learning center and parking stru-cture_asl requested by c.E. Johnson. Jack-Thomas accompanied uion the walk through. The lteurs identified below were found and should be correctedbefore occupancy of the L,earning Center ls granted. l. The north exit off the elevator robby to the unflnishedsl-dewalk is not . in compliance with niniiurn requiremt;a; ;;specified in Articre 12 of the uniform Fire c6ae requiringcompl-iance with the Buirding code. The sidevark is unflnisfrea andthg c.hang.e in erevation at grade fr:om the lobby door to theexterior is greater than r inctr. The exit does not extend to apubric way and is obstructed by wire mesh, steep grade and pires ofdirt and rock. The temporary exit fron V.v.M-.p-.c. terrniiates inthe same area and is not safe or useable. ?, The energency lighting in the Learning center is inadequate tolnsure _s?fe egress irorn -arl parts of tne basement leiel , asreguired by U.F.C.Article lZ, sections 12.tl3 and 12.114. 3. _ El.evator graphics, door signs, stairway graphlcs, door rabels,and. exit signs l"?d to be postea. througfroirt -rotn 'tne r,Jii"i"icenter and the stairways and transition iorridors in the p.rxin6structure as reguired in the u.F.c. in sections 12.114, Appendix rlC, and 10.402 (c) , / Learning Center / Parking Structure Page 2 4. Provlde keys for access to rooms in the Learnlng Center and toancillary uses adJacent to the elevator tobbies as reguired underu.F.c. 10.209 5. The incinerator room does not have the reguired fire detectiondevice(s) installed, there are exposed electrical wires, andstorage of combustibl-e materials in violation of Uniform Fire Codesections 10.301, 87.104, and 11.I05. 6. Test certificates shall be furnlshed for the eLevator asrequired by U.F.C. 10. 30f (e) . 7. Stairrlell doors and fire rated r;elf-closing comidor doorsshall not be obstructeil by debris, constructl,on materials,electrical extension cords or other devices, objects or rnaterialsin violation of U.F.C. f2.f04(e) . 8. Panic hardware shall be installed on doors frorn the assenblyarea(s) and exits as required by thei nuilding Code and U.F.C. 12.104 (c) . 9. The fire sprinkler system needs the following items addressedand corrected as required under U.F.C.1.O.O3l(E). NO OCCUPANCY WILL BE ALLOWED UNTTL ALL OF THE FOLI.OWING FIRE SPRINKLER PROBLEMS HAVE BEEN CORRECTED. a. Hydraulic data plate needs to be affixed to theriser. b. Valve tags need to be lnstalled on each valve. c. An air fllter and dryer need to be installed on thealr conpressor. d. Cover plates for recessed heads have been painted, damaged or in need of replacenent in severallocations in the Learning Center. e. The dry sidewall head at the botton of thesoutheast stairweLl hasi been damaged and needs tobe replaced. f. The sprJ-nkler heads i.n the mensrs and womenrsrestrooms have been damaged and shall be replaced. !t. The plastic cover on a contact switch on the riserhas nelted. The cause of the damage shall beinvestigated, the operation of the switch verlfled and the cover replaced upon completlon of necessaryrepai-rs. Learnlng Center / Parking Structure Page 3 h. Low aLr settlngs and trip pressures need to beldentlfied and posted in the valve room. i. The valve room ls reguired to provide adequatespace for operation, repair or replacement ofvalves and components. There does not appear to besufficient space provided. j. The double check valve or reduced pressure backflowpreventor valvee need to be inspected. k. The fire sprinkler system was not left ln operableconditlon. The exhauster has not been primed and no trip test has been conducted. lO. Some conduit connections ln the fire valve room need to be repaJ-red as per U.F.C. f0.301(e). 11. Rated light fixtures and broken cellinq tiles need to bereplaced, installed or repaired lrhere rnissing or danaged as peru.F.c. I0.402. L2. All obstructions, construction materials, tools andconstructron related actlvity ln the staLrwerrs sharr be removed asrequired ln U.F.C. 12.IO3. 13. - Remove,temporary erectrical light.lng and wiring from the firesprinkl.er pipe as per U.F.C. 95.IO4. 14. Replace the cover on the electrrcar panel immediately adJacentto the 0 rever erevator lobby. The wrong cover has been inslalledand the door wilt not close. This situation is a viotation ofu.F.c.85.104. L5. The open erectrLcal junction box on the ceiting outslde thedry storage ln the Learning Center is er violation of U.f.C.85.104. 16. All flanmable and conrbustible liquids, including sealers,paint, varnish and related substances, inatt be removea rrom ttreLearning Center as per U.F.C. 79.201(e). 17. rnstarl dry chemical- fire extinguisherE as per u.F.c. standardl0-1. 18. Thermal fire detectors sharl be installed at the bottom of thestructural tees as per U.F.C.l_O.3OI(e). 19. The room lnnediately adjacent to the elevator lobby, locatedbehlnd the Radiorogy Departnent must be brought into cornprlancewith the Building Code and U.F.c.10.4OI and tO.aO2. Learning Center / ParkLng Structure Page 4 20. Install break glass in the rnanual fire alarm pull stations asper u.F.c.10.301. 2L. Repair electrlcal wiring and install fire sprinkLer valve tagsin the storage room currently being used as shop, located Uetrindthe IJab. U.F.C.10.401, 10.402, BS.lO4. 22. Maintain access to the fire departnent connection on the southentrance as per U.F.C. I0.206. In addltion, sre strongly recornmend the lnstallatlon ofadditionaL fl-re detectors Ln the AudLo/,vj_sual roon, the classroom,the office, and the CRT Lab. Those spaces are vulnerable to smoke darnage and no assurances can be given that a small fire rnight notproduce sufficient smoke to cause considerable property damage. When these itens are completed, please notify the FIreDepartment and we wirl schedule a final test of the flre alarnsystem and a re-inspection of the facility. Sincerely, -4r4--Z--4/2r:*-"'-- Michael McceeFire MarshalVall Fire Departnent cc: Jack Thomas, G.E. ilohnsonChief Duran, VaiI Fire Dept.cary Murrain, Chief Building Official s$ utlt 2 41es1 M I?!",*iJ",'*,. 181 West Meodow Driw, Suite 100 Voil. Colorodo 81657 (3O3) 476-2451 May 24, 1991 Mr. Dan Stanek Town of Vail Building Inspector 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, C0 81657 Dear Dan: Using an occupancy load factor of 15 square feet per person, Room 133/Human Performance and Room 126lDisplay and Exhibit would seem to have a capacity for holding more than 49 persons. After reviewing the proposed use of these rooms with Dr, Steadman, however, we feel confident that occupancy of each of these rooms will not exceed 49 persons. We feel that both rooms will be used as B-2 occupancies, and that panic sets and illuminated exit signs are not required. We propose posting a sign jn each room limiting occupancy to 49 persons. We will, of course, monitor these rooms.If their use changes, and the'i r occupancies become A-3, we will instal 1 panic sets and exit signs. P'l ease advise if this approach 'i s acceptable. Si qcere ly, Da Pro /iem cc: Dr. Ray Mi ke John Jack R. Steadman McMahan McGee Reece Thomas Roy Mctvkrhon Chief Execuliw Officer ,rrus#c'oNWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUM I DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: T JOB NAME dt' €1-. 1,-<>6t- c,1- JECRP ED ) THUR FRI o * )-Lr-DLto-l' . /[1 a BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING;V,mK# firoro* / D.w.v.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING U GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr D FINAL CI FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH - O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT C SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED O DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ptiGsrop \'S\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: tNs CTIONTOWN OF REQUESTVAIL .\" JOB NAME CALLER I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL O FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL . PfUMBTNG: \ uruoe*c^ou,uo f"d ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED RECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED \ t.-/tl -9[DATE | / I /l INSPECTOR qf \q rNs#ctoN REeuEsr PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL r- I DATE A L ]a- JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WED LOCATION: 9-rb'139t BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr E tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL F tr tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELE tr1 trF trc tr_ CTRICAL:MECHANIGAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL o tr FINAL Knppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ,\'*re ,*#"toN REeuEsr PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE OWN OF VAIL \..* CALLER (i ,*..*\ s lSlo^l,il" '*'JS'S -Nti-, ]"' *'o '"" t tq> ---------r-ut'' "TUES WED Gil) " APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION -tr POOL / H. TUB tr HEATING O ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr FINAL INSPECTOR -blre \'N.' t INS ECTION TOWN OF f REOUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES qD THUR AMFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- .RQOF & SHEER "'P[YWooD NAtLtNG O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ;{aeeaoveo... CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE -.,- --- /,J " '/,./i.L,;:ii"l t' OJECT / 'fr; -. --PECTION /. TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME 4ry'? o PERMIT DATE OFP CALLER READY FOR INSP TION:TUES WED -*.!ffi,; D tr tr n tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBINGT tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL i H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS NDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE j ' ,'' r)/'^ ,.:?r' rNsetoNTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMB DATE CT JOB NAME PROF q j1, CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: / a M N rues /6teo'.', -l-== -/,'j. ?^l {t rtuR r^' ,,)/,t:'ztf- <_/.1 AM 0 A '\,/v\,1,4 ,n -l :l BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL TI tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT dr 'trc tr- CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH tr tr tr o EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL ,-F neenoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED _ ,y' ".DATE INSPECTOR RSisltor t rNSetoN *=orl* PERMIT DATE READY FOR IN PECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL \zlROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING (ry,ROUGH / WATER -la\r.'\E O Clll EEFI /ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL ELECTFICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL y{qenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED omeL rNSPEcroR 'i,:: It/'' zt PERMIT NUMBER OF PHOJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME tr DISAPPROVED ED THUR FRI rNs#cnoNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER F D tr D tr tr ba D FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB o tr tr FINAT ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWFB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr_D trtr FINAL FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oo-r% rNSPEcroR /6Jh" ot,)j ,/ .() )<* ..J <_ rNstnoN REQUEST VAILTOWNOF((? CALLER TUESREADY FOR INSPE iloN: LOCATION:IILfuIr,,7 J^ .) WED ,fu,v BU!LDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING O INSULATION O POOL / H, TUB E FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE 4+n I ,"r#"toNTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT2----t-2zt'(y' - 'l//1,/C-DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:TUES THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr RO,UGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr o tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOO NAILING D GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB FINAL INSULATION SHEETROCK MECHANICAL: O HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT - tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAT N FINAL ?HOVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRE€TIONS: ,or, 4-(-?/ rNSPEcroR ' '''1' --I r-,t/ -)/ L4 VuY // ,/ T NUMBER OF PROJECT rNs#cnoNTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMI DATE JOB NAME l/tflC READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING rr BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING I E] INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB trFl NAL tr tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: f,.MECHANICAL: tr tr D tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING .r ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL .l D SHEETROCK NAIL fi(o,eenoveor CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED ome l- / - 2/ rNSpEcroR rNstc ON REOUEST READY FOR INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR FRI LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB O FINAL tr FINAL tr TEMP: POWE 1z D HEATING E EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR tr DTSAPPROVED r /Uh _-S rJ,-14 tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor.. 3 - /l- 7/ rNSPEcroR (ivrl CALLER '. TUES WED THUR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL It' l/t ) / | 1.2 .' \\/ REINSPECTION REQUIRED PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECTj t- ? r JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: tr APPROVED CORRECTTONS: D DISAPPROVED PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr fl ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSCLATION o tr ! tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING o tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL INSPECTOR p*Es"o" t ,/a , ./-'r? /t7p INSPECTION TOWN OF Io REOUEST DATE 3-/y'-?/ INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR @ '''l-/t READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER " PtrYWooD NAtL|NG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr n POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr -FINAL tr FINAL ELE trI r)(r'F trc tr CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr rl SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR nfiFssoe tl ln CALLER CTION:MON TUES WED t INSPECTIONr ./)TpWN OF4d. ub\ tf'l @ REQUEST VAIt DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSP l,D , BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEBu pr-YwooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: B TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL 6laeeaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED {,,'./ //. . -t {.i,,ome 7'//-,'7/ rNSPEcroB \\l PERM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: T NUMBER INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES @ THUR crroNf TOWN OF rNs REQUEST VAIL FRI AM ,, PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEr- tr FRAMING - \ n ROOF & SHEEF '" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATIO\tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRIiAL: tr TEMP. POWER ECHANICAL: D HEATING tr EXHAUS tr 9OND KAPPROVED tr DISAPPROVED r tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTI /','7' 2,/INSPECTOR 5 - PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT LOCATION: CALLER TUES ED THUR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ?7 r? /^oarc #- /(n -7 / JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:FRI z^ /3^ X{eeeaoveo.-.'D DISAPPFIOVED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI O FRAMING ON / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB O FINAL MECHANICAL: TEMR POWER O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR il ('t h< nJtr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR rNstctoN REQUEST PERMIT NU DATE READY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME @ CALLER TUES WED THUR BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APSROVED CORBECTIONS: .O DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTI CALLER TUES ',"y^ 4@ ---@ PMREADY FOR LOCATION: WE ll t) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING _1 ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL:..tr FINAL D TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR u,\) .rlnc. -J,er:/< REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOB INSPECTION: /7/ /rnstcnoNTOWN OF JOB NAME CALLER MoN {y'e)WED THUR FRI OPM LoCArloN: L/ Cl C N APPROVED DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION fiEQUIRED BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPTY AIR -tr FINAL RECTIONS: INSPECTOR rNsttoN TOWN,TOF . REOUEST VAILPERMITNUMBER OF P ECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr c tr tr D tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH i WATERtr FRAMING tr o tr tr ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIt tr FINAL .tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr u HEATING O ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr 1r,"o,-tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS:{ L/'i INSPECTORDATE 1-)J hffisrop