HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT E F VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 2002 REMODEL AMBULATORY AND WOMENS CENTER LEGALTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8I657 970-479-2t38 oil*rr r"T oF coMMUNrrY DEVELoil^, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M02-0010 Job Address: l8l W MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: l8l W MEADOW DR Applied..: 01/22/2002 Parcel No...: 2l0l07l0l0l3 Issued..: 01128/2002 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 0712712002 OI{NER VAIL CLTNIC INC 0L/22/2002 Phone: 181. W MEADOW DR VAIIJ CO ttl.oS / License: CONTRACTOR ENCOMPASS MECI{ANICAL SERVICE01,/22/2O02 Phone : 970-949-L747 554]. CEMTRAIJ AVENUE BOULDER. CO 80301 License z L47 -NI APPL,rcAlflr ENcoMPAss MECHANTCAL sERvrcEol/22/2002 Phone: 9'7o-949-L747 5541 CEI{ITRAL AVENUE BOTTIJDER. CO I03 0r- License z !47 -14 Desciption: REMODEL & EXPANSION OF EXISTING SPACE-MECHANICAL SYSTEMS FOR AMBULATORY SERVICE AND WOMENS CENTER Vafuation: 1.226.466.00 t'ireplace lntbrmation:Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 *++*t*** N** ******* *** * + * * *:t,t + jt,f 'r,t * Mechanical---> 924,540 - oo Restuarant Plan Review-> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $30,678.00 Plan Check--> $6, 13 5 . oo DRB Fee-----------> $o - oo Additional Fe€s----------> S0 . 00 Investigation-> $o-00 TOTAL FEES--------------> $30,6?8.00 Tolal Permit Fee-----> S30,578.00 Will Clall---> 53 . oo Payments-----------------> 53 0, 678 . 00 BALANCE DUE-------> So. oo Item: 051-00 BUfLDING DEPARTMENT o1-/23/2OO2 cdavis Action: AP SUBJECT TO FrELD INSPECTTONS Item: 05600 FTRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IANCE. Cond: 32 (8LDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANAI-,YSIS MUST BE POSTED INMECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQIIEST. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have reaA tnQplication, filled out in full the informationQuired, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN 3E OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM t:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE ORCONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELFAND OWNET JAN-21-2002 ffi;='f;i7,,,:ffi Building Permit #: f, uc Mechanlcal Permit #: 97 0-479-2149 (InsPectlons) mwvilpuilL 75 S, Frontag€ Rd. Vail, Colorado E1657 Permit will not be accepted without the following: Eqiripment Cut/spec Sheets # above) 2'ol 01l tul? Job Name:VI//VIC ?h 1 &pa,ns)att--rob Address: lb I W. Wrr(04 Vrl Btoft Lesat Description ll rot, ' ll en r, I rirns,Subdivision: Owners Name: [^11- CrttNtC V*tt , (J)Phone: q1p 470 245 | - work Class: New ( ) aaaition t() 4qej1ugn ( ) Repair ( ) oth Boiler Location: Interior () Exterior ( ) other ( )Does an EHU exist at this locationl Yes ( )No( ) Type of Bldg: single,family ( ) Duflex ( ) MuhFramily ( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other v) Itll d,qal- No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buiHing: COIIIPLETE VATUATIOTTI FOR MECHANICAT MECHANICAL: $ l. Ub 4 LI ralr,z v-fue,* r,peV o,1o 1+1 t7+7 own of Vail Reg. No.: *****'t *****:tr*********{.**FoR oFFICE USE ONLY***********'}********l'******** F: /€veryonE/form3/mechPerm TOI^/N OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMET VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARMPERMIT Job Address: 181 W MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: 181 W MEADOW DR ParcelNo...: 210107101013 Project No : {r'L-13, { qz \ Permit #: 402-0002 Status... : ISSUED Applied. . : 07/1.5/2ooz Issued. . : 03/1.1./2002 Expires. .: 09/07/2002 OWNER VAIIJ CIJINTC TNC 181 W MEADOW DR vArL co 4L657 License: COIflTRACTOR ENCOMPASS EIJECTRICAL TECHNOLoI/L5/2002 Phone: 970-949-6095 2LO7 W. COLI-,EGE AVENUE ENGI,EWOOD. CO 8 0110 I-,icense: L45-E APPI,ICANT ENCOMPASS EIJECTRICAIJ TECHNOI'oI/L5/2OO2 PhONC Z 97O-949-6095 2TO7 W. COLI-,EGE AVENUE ENGLEWOOD, CO 8 0110 License: 145-E Desciption: NEW CONSTRUCTION 2ND 3RD LEVEL ABOVE OB/GYN Valuation: 576|1,42.00 FEE SUN{MARY 07/t5/2oo2 Phone: Electrical-----> DRB Fee-----> Investigation--> will call___> 91,366.00 s0.00 $0.00 s3 .00 Total CalcuLated Fees--> Additional Fees------> Total Permit Fee-------> Pavments----------> $1,369.00 $0.00 s1,369-00 TOTAL FEES-> 51 . 359. OO BALANCE DUE----> $O . OO Approvals:I€e'm: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 0L/22/2002 mvauglran Action: AP CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fult the informalion required, comPleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved, UniJorm Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. JAN-OA-02 15. gS FROM: TOV-COU-DEV-DEPT.rD,9?O47e2452 PAGE 3/?l.APP||iAIIOIEII I{Ofilwryffiffi*mT{m{wn 75 S. Frolrtage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 VALUATIOTS FOR ALAR!r.pERIrfIT (labor A ltatefiab) FireAlarm: $2*.rtr- €€r , rrya. Tolvn of Vail Reg. No.: 39o Y/9, @nbd dt 970-328-8&10 fiYiiit # Parcel # (Required if no bldg, peilnE@ Job Nanr: WltC louffi: O. h€nvza.- Dre. legalDescriptton I q!: I encn ll nung:Subdivision: o'vners f{anre: V V &t L-Tmr€ss;Phone: Ensineer: !44 V (/SttrUltffi'"*Phone: Debihd Lmtbn of urork (i.e.,Wf] ,r*n,.- 7_,'r/or"&; S,/" ,Qr.s,-f Debiled descrifii,on of rdorlc 7- ,,fr-'i^f ., Q *j Sa /g*u/ n.f',. ab,/ey/r' WorkCfass: Nri*t1f Addirion( ) n"",odat I Repair( ) Refro-fir( ) O6er( ) No. of &isting Duelling Units irr thb buitdirg: .---No. qf Ac@rnrnodation'Unhs in this building; Does a Fire Alarm Exisb _yes (/0 No ( ).gt *'r***:-+*'.*****t**++*.***********t*r****FoR oFEICE USE O]{Ly******!r************************+***** F:/ewryonqfronrq/alrmpem N 14 2002 o DEPAR o DEVELOPMENTTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 TMENT OF COMMUNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PErMit #: MO2-0026 JobAddress: l8l WMEADOWDRVAIL Status...: FINAL Location.....: l8l W MEADOW DR KITCHEN AREA Applied. . : 0?/13D002 Parcel No...: 2l0l07l0l0l3 lssued . . : 02/14/2002 ProjectNo: Expires..: 02/25D002 OWNER VAII-, CLINIC INC 02/L3/2OO2 Phone: 181 W MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 I-,icense: coMrRAcToR MEjADOW MOUNTATN PLInIBTNG/HE02/L3/2002 Phone : 97Q-479-298L P.O. BOX 4564 VAIL, CO 81658 L,icense t 24L-M APPI-,ICAIiIT MEJADOW MOI'MIAIN PI-,U},IBING/HE02/L3/2002 PhONEZ 97O-479-298L P.O. BOX 4554 vArt, co 816s8 License : 24L-M Desciption: INSTALLING GAS LINES,, GAS COCKS,QUICK CONNECTS FORNEW RANGE Valuation: S2-362.75 Fireplace lnformation: Reslricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of wood Pellet: 0 Mechanical---> Plan Check---.> Invesligation-> Will Call---> $78.00 s0.00 s?8.00 $?8.00 90.00 S6o. oo Restuarant Plan Review-> s15.00 DRBFee-----------> $0. oo TOTAL FEES-------> $3.00 $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> $0 . 00 Additional Fees------> $?8.00 Total Permit Fee----'> Payments--------------> BALANCE DUE-----> Item: 05100 BUII-,DTNG DEPARTMENT o2/!4/2oo2 DF Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI{I]| Item: 05700 ENVIRONMEIITAL HEAI-,TH 02/26/2002 SC Action: AP APPROVED ON 2/26/02 CONDITION OF APPROVAL /r^6,l . 1 ') (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (Br_,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE l-997 IIMC, OR SECTION 70L oF THE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (BI-,DG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IJMC, CHAPTJ. oF TI{E 1997 IMc. Cond:25 (BLDG.): GAS APPIJIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHAI-,L TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.805 OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR CTAPTER I OF rHE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENI MUST COMPI-,Y WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.101-? OF THE 1997 tJl4C AT..ID CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 3L (BLDG. ) : BOILERS SHALL BE MOIINIED ON FLOORS OF r'IONCOMBUSTIBI-,8 CONST. ITNLESS IIISTED FOR MOTII{TING ON COMBUSTIBI,E FI-,OORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.)r PERMIT,PLANS AllD CODE ANAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED INMECHANICAI, ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BI-,DG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAI-, ROOMS CONTAINTNG HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOII,ERS STIAT,I-, BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRJAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 I'MC, OR sEcTroN 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2I38 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET FEB-04-2002 JLrl-07-9P NOTICE I hcr:iry ccnily :ha? 'l h::vc rnd ld arsnintC ::li ic9licatioa srd \no,! th! s:r'e !o b0 ilvc cri sSrcli /Jl frvisioils oi larvs r,rrl u;iiil.tnc*5 got'c,'irin,l riris l,vpc oi un* ryitl be contplict tviti: wircih:r rpatili:d ltct'ii,l u: 1('1. Til: gra$(i;r! o[ l p:nnii dle: nct 2i:su:.rc 1o g.iv= utlhviitl ro [lDli:{s oi. rir::tai r\,. :rcvilicns uf ltJ oth{ rlsc 'Jr lt'cli FA)( NO. g 1208 Permit # 't'- N E wl_Iirll-Il_rLQ!.-tf,_! s :. Pgr:r.-o1;ci or frcighi cl!v3torr ascflr lor, moving wlrlk: U! lrl rnu irrcl..rrlicq S)0,000.0C ol vrlr:alicn - SlJ0.0Q O,g S50,000.0tt oi \':lurlion . 53i0.0t) pl'rs S6.m for r:cr S 1,000,00 ur inction lh:rqtlfc'ct 55(].1)00-0ll I Du nb 'r:ri:+r ur Drirtt: rL:iticncB cluv'rtnr: i.p ro rr,,C inclrrdir-r 510,C00.00 oi u.rlu:rric'n ' SX50.00 Or ;: Sf0.0t)0.00 oi r:tution - Sl50'(10 piu; S-l t)0 for .!'ih S | ,t100.00 or fatrhl6 $tr col cvct S1C.00i.00 l{oN 09:00 Al{ NtlCCoG 1,7:03 r'r.afKilian 70468o P, 0l P. O1 \IU fV\L O.3q i ET,E'VITTORPEfuVIIT APPLICA.TION| .L:J.\Ju l LIJL\-tI\ A !-l-l.r{--rAJ. I lvI Jurisdictiont.--: Legrl Dcscr: ___n, 0rvner: !!rilinq Addtess: Phone #r f?O- {-.??.: Elevator Conrracror: vailinsAddicr,t 2 bTN 4 Phonci: ?:ft:En-1v,G: f,fn35 qf Worl;: [Ncw trs:elleiion *tfriur Alteietioa | > n^..-;'ra wn;v. 7), <'>r,/l'- ,. fro-.' Et-.2-t.. 7-O He fr+**-r,.'*ia. Wo.rrr: -- fu;lZZz--Z.rt----Ak!4ttuL-- zA fre - f.2 ry_ .4.// ...8# " ET; ! {:- il) (:) () (J B ;4. (:Jc)G' r-{ c) rDlr,lr- ;::l'?,';u l:;;[Ti]lli: ; il i:li J: J iT :;i,:i / U:ril-oxn ?uil<lirs Cod;. UJ zfa t-- !rr.,r: rD*c) IrA/oi A'-Till^u0+ql+ ..\p provcd tr AFplicrrti 'rocrsscd by-: %----r:./d Pl'rn Rct'ie * {pproverl bYl hy' thr liorthrcrl Col0rndo Count'il rnd oppinrrL Schtrluls irtspcctiou :. l0$. Plc;rSc trtrkc chrcks F:ryt blc oI by l0 Jurisdiction I Dl:rrtor plal r4\'icir rnd ficld ilspccti0[5 '6r!i l)c ciirduc:trl lCovcrrnerrls, i'l$nt nill ls forrvrrded to liT/CI-'OG ioi rcvicl lcoaractin; thc NNCCOC F-tr1';1ig6 [ntpccrc'r lr (r:0r l6S-0:9i lsrvccocr. | | 1.. -__.. -.ITI iDlorrtor plar rlicir and ficld inspcctiotts ',ni!i bc c.;nduc:rd 02/21/02 13:04 FAI s70{791E{2 RMERA V.V.f,.C.@ozrl i9 ENcoMPAss STAI{DARD TESTING RECORD FORM ProJcct xor: -vJl vrt|ef Mcdit d CnE Dbojcc lffi -ECt056---Projoctlcdon:-Vril .. -Tcsr Drc -lrnrry 1,2ofi2,-----:Iaupgatrn: -t5 &g F Pipc LfurAsricc tc*od Nur: Chilhd WtrSuptylll*mlo- Locrriodlh*rifim.-Hrynd Hmrt iuo sofit ]d inre ncw hildhr - " Pprrg Ed lrhcrirlr: J" sch 40 Bhcl ttu wirh vinrli: frings Opcnting PtBtstrE: -30 Pi spacifcrd{rr TEd Pcr*re:- TqdEgMdtod Mcllpd of TdtiDg:-kunuic rir ActuilTcslPng?_ fsl Rcsults TimTgrSwr&-l400tn 0l03/02-htrctw: UXlhi Tirrc Tert Cotrtplcc&-l.m h" }ll|c4lg2 Prcsrrc:-lltr Psi Dr{rrirl ofTca-l thy----..-Pn!orctir:-0-....---....... I}mpi--o Sig{rer Vtrf,fL - . !t/iffi: rJimr: Wiocrs: Rofgarir - R.NI|rLs 02/2,7/02 13:04 F I 970{791842 $rilcouPAss STA}.IDARD TESTING RECORD FORM Project Nsc. -Vul Vallry Mcdhr[ Cnf Projcc{ Number: -ECl056 Frojoa toclioo:-Vdl Tcst D4o: --Dgcon$er ll. 20ol , Tcmpcrdurc: -20 dcg F- Fipe Linelsevie Tcrcd r.ieraa: Hctirg Wucr Supply rnd Rcurq Location/Descriprion:-Howud HGad- Piping rrrd Mrrrrials:-S" Sch 40 Bhck lron with Vicrulic fttioF Opcrrling Prcs*rre:-3O Pri SDecificrrion Tcrt kcrsrrc:-I00 P$-- T6ringMsthod Matrod of Tcrtiag:-Pnermnh rir ln$rumcnrs urcd:-ComPrcssor Adust Tcrt ftcr$rE -100 P3i Tc$ Rrsnlrs ti-i tcgt stfftcd:-t ?Oo hrs- l2113/2001 -Prrssure--l0o Pri Time Tcrr Congtccd'.-0?00 htr lll?nml Pruslur:- -lfll Psi---- Durrrim of,Tcst:-3 deYs Ere$urc RrvIEnA V.V.X.C.@os Sigmrurcr Wircr: Wiurcss: ncprc."ori4; \rVrtt( . -_Rcpr.tcfltin8: ^84 n"-=rcminrl 4Eqr=$ming d lcpnewming:-Wimcrs: Rrnurkr Job Sugcrvisor'r Signrnrc: O2/21/O2 lS:0,1 FAI 07 04791E{2 o RIVIEM V.Y.X.C. Nrnr: -Chillod Wrta Suppty rnd l{rrum l.rcrtiorf]scripfion: HorrudHcrd Pipiry rrd Milcrids:-5" Sch ao Blacl kon with Vi'rrulio fittit'tg3 Openiag Prernne: 30 Prt Spcificrrion Tc* fcrnrc-I00 Psi Tcrting lvlctltod Mcdrod of Tcnio:;-Prralncic dr lo$rurflc[rcurcd: ConrPrcaror Actud Tcat Prgteuc:-l O0 Pri TrtE Rcruhs Tiro Tcd Srrr&d:-l?fi) tus. f 2/f 3/20Ot*Prdsurc:-l0o Psi Time Tcc Cooplacd:-0?00 trr' lZl?irlO0l Prusxe-l(X) Pri--- Drruion of Trsr:-l ilaYr Presrun o--*_Dtpp:--0 Rcprcscring: _.-Reres.tiitU: [E ol VrucolltPAss STANDARD TESTTNG RECORD FORM Projcr Nuc: -Vril Vrlley Mldicrl Crrr Fojcct Nunbu: BCl056 Pnrju tmrion:-Vril Tcfl Drrr: . Dccernbcr 13, 2001 TanFuxnc: 20 dca F--.-- Pipr Unc/Scrvicc Tclod Signulrs Wirnerc: Wiricss: wi Wirrtrg: l0o psi_ Malod of Tcrr irg;-Dry Nitrogcn lnstrumcntr uecd; _Boslcd Nhrogcn. Acrurl Tcrt Prcsrura: 105 Pri Tc$ RE$hs fime Teg Srancd: l?0O hrr. 12,/1312001 Prarurc:_lo5 Psi. Timc Ten Complacd:_07$ br lZlTl200I Prcsruc: 105 Psi Duruioa of Tan: I days PrEsEwp Riec: S ignuurcs Witmre : Wirrcss: lrllitmrs: Wrqr:lsprcrcming: Irmrkr RMURA Y.V.X.C.02/2t/u2 i5:04 F'AI S70{7SIE42 $rilcoMPASs STANDARD TESTING RECORD FORM Projcct Nuue: -vd Vrlley Mcdicrl Cmr Ptojel Numbcr: -ECl056- Projco Lctioa;_Vri I Tc* Dlc: - Dcocmber 13, 2O0l Tanpcranrn: 20 dcg F Pipc LirdSrrvicc Tcrrcd Ndnc: Mrdicd Air tocrdonlDcrcriydon:-Hcud Hcrd Piping and Muaidr._l" Typc K Coppa-Mcd Grr Clcrn rnd Crp Opcming hessro:-S5 pri Spccifi crrion Tcrt hcrrurr:- Testing Mcthod ldt os 02/zr/02 lJ:04 !'AX. 9?0479rd,12 RtvIEl{ v.v.x.c.ldtttg il$ EN8oMPASS o STANDARD TESTING RECORD FORM Projool|ar: -VVMC FsjE Ntulb.r BCr056 Fmjcr Lcdo:-ltl Y.Mcrdos Dr'-vril, co. Test Drtc: Jsrury t, Zfln Tcrnpcrmrc: 30 DeE-- Pipc Lim/Sewicc Tcsr{ Ntttq-Mcdicrl Air..-* tocdoa/Dacripricr:- Bccltc cmpr$or tlrcrgb sofrt iltD inErllitial Spscc- Piping nrd MdtrLb: f,ilcd 3rr clcgr md c4 K cqcl' Mcd clr loctabh bdl rrlw Opcriting PrG$urc:_S5 pri Spacifrcstbtr Tcr Prc*nrc:-lfll Pri Tesdns Mcihod Mahod of Tcaing: l6rEG GGd:_Tc* Grge Ac{rd TGt Pfrrsutlr_l Tcst Rcrub Tio. Tosr $rro&-lA)0 hE:Prcreirc: .l S psi Tinc Tcs Conplcte&, , lXnhn--Prcrnrc:- -'_ | 00 poi DurnimofTqt 2 dalr-htrqrcRi!G:o--hop: Sign*rca lruDccr.dby: Vcrificd by: lViurcs!: WiFros!: Rrmstr 02/21/02 l,C:04 FI VEN OMPASS 97047516t2 RMERA V.V.X.C. STANDARD TESTING RECORD FORM lojcdNutilcl:8Ct056 Dufiid of T$c-2 dryg Pttrilre Rirc:Dm?:--Q Sig[rturls lrr$ccrcd by:.RrP,rcrnting:\A),,/t (- -- @oz PrtjrrrLotict:lll U-Mcrdou Dr._Vril. Co- Tcs Datc: Jennry t, 2lD2 TcmpcnUe -30 Dct-- Flpc Linc/Scwice Tc*cd Nua-Otygcrorin Loccim/D:rsiptioa: Lobby throgeh lofrit ilto iltcrlritid sP.cc Piping cd Millfhh-Mcd grr c|an rnd crp K copcr, i|rd gl toclrb|e brll vdvc Oprai4 Prrcsrrrc:-55 pri Spccific*ion Tcrl Frlrsurt:- Terring Mcrhod MsrH ofTcsrint: , Bollcd.fy nillotctl trsrrrrrrcttE ulcd:-Icsa GatEG Actud Tcg hssnsG:_Ifl) psi nojhNrmc-wMq Tcst Rcsulls Tin Tc$ Snno&lz(trlr:. Pnsrrrg. lU) Tinr Tort Comptrrrd:-g00 br -.hceeim:-l0o pri V€dficd blq Wi!l.!s: ncfEcuin& _i5C-(J-- lVimcgs:Rcpcrcnting: nrnarfo w-?5-?.s42 -- tnFp:itto" Fiequ;Et neportlnq ---;-- liAlL, C8-:.iQldttQf -- PageT 7:09 eni FteqLr6s ied lnspecr lirle. Mondry. Fetl{,,tar/ ?5.:002' lfrsp€cliori rri+r: JRM 3ate Address: {Sl Ut MEALTOU{ OR vAlLllrl W ilEAO0W llFl Rll'CliSH AFtEtt afg.ltbrydon Aciivitv: CDnet'i.)T)€: Parc€l: Oi,flaf: ApF{i18fil: Conirsctor. D€scription Coflitt;ev,i. TYPo : E!MF'- l't Occ rrfr€ircy' sub]l/'e A{loL{ FtIf,ffil*MGUtJTAiN PLU!/rBltrr'llf i-irnrc. MEf,fuity MouhtrAJN pl LrtitsttJ i llE,', irt'tc lffi-oo?6 21(lt L171ll1U I lt VAJL T,:LI}IK IFIC Fhi.tr€: Phcnr. li'lgTALLlllG GAS LltlES GAS COL|{; itjic:i( inuNECr-.5 FCF ROUTED TO Jfi FO8 fIFVIEWIAPT;RO!;ALS . I1FLONEN SIiAIII8: ISSUED insD Ar€a: JRM 97C,4?r+.198i 970-47gFtS81 NEW AAIJGE EgSu€€lsJ&nESSgonjsj herfli 315 Pl-lUB-Gas f)'Drno Recu€sior liEAit?W MOl.rt'I t4lll FluLtllt tG.l-.tA nt.,,ri Cofl.m*nls ltr {79-298i Alslnoorj To. JMONDRAGOI,J- ,q(lion: lnslesgEtljlsElx Item: 200 tten:: 31$Itinl: 31-:' Itsrn: 3a{i Itcm: -1SItem: 34O tlcm: .3$-* Reoue$led Time: $B:u0 .tlM irhorle: 970.47*2981 Errhsrad Bv: DftORES X MECH"Fouqh Mb.Cl-+F{eailno PLM&GoS FIdIto MECI-f . E rhauh l:I,>n ts MECH-Supply Alr MEiH-Mhc. MECI'l-Finol (-A / ltu Rt{Pl','-l3'1 __\_I Y)'{n tt: 1"3s2 usfiou cf,u{ €tr sinvs doouc xJgs ruor3\'nrNoo sJ.f,flJ.rF3UYlllT{ :.I:rirllHJxv SflION €0!i.8S :* 8o{: Aeu ".i9=sai \ 2 dl ;p (4 (!il'+'to.ro',a-92-20 arYa UAINIIJ TVJI(IIII^I AII'ITVA'[VA 6 :ro f :J@rs xw xsN,r,vf,q v)z 14 j Fl F I tlj E{ & & t (Az U)z Fi d tt 3 E z l lr) E .l = I z & aaH z ACH= a -! .bIF z zc E :f -t' SCYiI > z z3 ZA E trr Nt zc z< E t_'1-9 SCYd cil uo'roJ sdIJ uoroI^l Nc-.t I $ )r# SJON ) Fl tnz F F& z Fl HJJ&!IS I.SX o s TEYACf,YErrxt f,f,It F t rl0 cNLLUViI Itr (P cNlluvds'rcMs o g r* t'l k HJ.dgo XCYIS WTIHIINI'II ilt"t I ( tt ( :l! 4 q)z U)z z .] F @ J {iI o uI Gt rs3 Et5 Eel Y Iz <.88di+F Y}HH al ts.:3l=rao( lcrF€ - 'i'!-l/ F: trixaifi EEilqo =?F| (rFz F F Y a..l 14s II 'ISCOni uooq B 3 ''l o!UI o t\ usu{ItN uooo IJ l ;l ;lG E t NOLI.YJO'I SgJON F H c\ 5o\€068S iltflI^ NV'Id At.tW t0tr8 tn 'A!3 lt\n lrvs ts:tt^ 0s!€ Huos 998t NOrrvuoduoc uooc-NoM oq !lI o >o c 8o Eg ou F!lvuI t6 $a lFH HIH Iz- - Fril z Ef =Et3-g iFF H=E EEEiE'Favzq,:1,.:i e=_c= q FiE ,E=Faq == s= E: F FX =LxF =laz_ F!2 orH O!& =o s{ 2 &H rr'l I BrYl F zIpr clt =6l= QF *<i n- Efi EF E- gd Fh _f- @ I t\ I t' F--t.l <! t/t s lu -tco z.Ia ul =o I d.lrJ 3 Io j a if b J(t \t s + c 6 3 e P I 3 I c. 8 I F fi cn eo.€068S NOIJVAg-Ifl OUYOCflUI.{ r0 rr€ ln 'rl|c :D{\n lTvs ls3/t 08t€ Hlnos 908t NOllv80dUOC uooo-NoM //i/t. //,| /ilrillrllrl EIot<lrtIIIrl FIFIo'Ob il$frtF $5 z t. rY'l Flrrl doo ,a-otl TzEF +s 5Sfr --rY<Eo=uq!F -(tH9L lrl1u 9U ofluI o oog UJi .a !a gooJll oIt Tz z, - ^ze-Fpa J^ 9.E -f*l ts =3 tlv2 I =- a 9 F r.l trl H.<f Eo'AIdIAI €068S TIVTflC (VgH II rcrt€rn J,tc 3)r\fl r'lvs IS3,l 08tC HIJIOS 9981 NOttwoduoc uooo-NoM SSTNTJIHJ 'dTC IYIOI, "2,/I ! .(" :r.ie-cF 3lEFtlol fft ?l HI:6$ a'j q.t o E: lYgo !?3Y lrl;5EZF<E d.E $F; ;rE: gE g IHi Es Ee $r O I FFz !t llt E; $$ Fi: => nv ==r_z d< R8 2> PFrl: ei9ggF =PXc== A^FE-9 ttl *il* iFH 3EE; fi836 =-oo ;;8 il B$HoiruuidEEd I2 E = I € x;>F d) 35z Eu o |A s dlu F .-| - .u 91 z F = J{d5 olu5 oF olrlIo F<t dtooc HotcIt-j o e g € xtI d) 6z F 6tJ boRIYt lrlrF_so Hb>o<lrr< 08 l@oldF = =A-Q>-t ==E^9FprE3FF';:F =n g=e g; H3E:FI=aii= =- vrl;-' :AH3g = 3- ohE 3 "F +^e€ I '*E'*EH = E; sr= EE8:6hoI t-:<X* oF:cHHE o ftE ud E3 E6lqog EE EI $E olh!? 3oi aoE $ur,r o13E 3-{F F] o rl z 6l Io za- > 54s, tg ctE' 4ou diErtIFo h gI FEo ft a vooJ fr E arIJ ol|t d2 ll --l t\-lcals, c--'r 5L--_!t F HrnBor 9068s ]IYISO II AT,.{W t0rr0 -rn 'AJ.rc:Dtvl t.Tvs ls3 \ 08'€ HJ'nos 9s8l NOtIVdOdUOC uooo-NoM zzqt o Y C) F HIE tu 3lE IzI €- z : oE!l IFo oIt o (o q zF 6o oulrlIFo >otvJl () r/'= F F v) 6\z (D E fis EA,,fr ,Eq 3s FH +. 3a!{ILgo fl6;iIJE'I oC *' $$oafitst HTqrb xz,IE <3 rl 9 = Fot $3 u 8o u $ EF Pr-T< =4e=86>- 5aFol-x<E :<E <: --r € =e=q =9 |ll Il- uo n6 dTE Hftb lll FII F€ 6+b--r EE to6<xodd-:u ert $q 33ph $q s6oozo .t/t+ .€-.t r -----_'r i I I T--- I I F H ro so.€068S-IrYJg(I UfldIAInfl (IOOAI(IUYH t0 lr8 ljl'A1r3 Dtvl tlvs ls3/\ 08tf Hulos 93€t NOTIVUOdUOC uooo-NoM -ll n tlffi tl tl tl I _trAO:toEo--h $H $t s6 E"5<o t; Fltrql Fl zl<lFllF{l t$6 Frtl- H c- 3o\€068S INflI IHJYIIY UfldI IOfl mtt8.m llrc 3y\f't LTvs lsSM 08te Hlnos 9t8 , NO|IVUOdUOC uooo-NoM I zo F.(U s1(t) 68 Hfig f$# fr" 6H hsu .t-8: f;$c H$$ uoIL |n Ftuuls^udl tJ=VFpE lll JrJ5{ o 6FtJluFd) 6o JJ :l uoIL -r qi<4l'. 4 96I+F6CfiEIO H$ F f; oo eo. U) s068s TIVIfl(I gAIIJgdSUgd AT.{W '0 tt8IJl '/\-r|c :DMl llvs !S3/r^ 0€i€ HI'IOS 91t81 NOtrvuoduoc uooo-NoM t1 HIB 5l HIal fil ffi H oreo.WYUCYIO €068S.IVJIUIJfl'Ifl r0!r€ ln 'A!c :Dwl J.-IVS 1S3i4 08te Hlnos 998 I NOtrvuoduoc uooo-NoM u ho$y$62 dR=: fiJg6 4E$;EE lgq$ =E{$+i a s t3z fl- xoolid PF<s 9d seri5* :qd d8E s?6 >= u!le :- IEH <6 na ;z oEsr': Fi!E d 5 lllfillllil Iz Hizo =>= S!d 3= zx F{ Iz = z F = do Jo gE U9 rE frq s3 -" *E H$it HI ffsu! TdQ{ai5 6F sPqB 9r.:io.v :;19 giiIii *az EI = 3qgts'i8 QZz2 >.:F o- F =..Ei> = =E;; agFSeea iS= i;*g=En+ a;ec;aIfiI IIIFElgfi[ EAEE:EFfrE 3 Fr<z \J Utr'la z F- z I F t-' Eh;F HEE de -? fr- oz ]1 H=e E - <'- lll Seer 6EF! r's Rt-d ?O +-H 69NEF (J II* i> xE UEE HS F ==.r'j 9< i* =EL J 2E = == Fx xog 1ouJNoc or cMut /, 'cr Aoel Means of Egress Applications Performance Criteria 1003.3.1.3,3 UBC Standard 7-8 IOr7.4.4 ADy occupalcy r/out 0ccupant Load Limitation 1003.3.1.2 exc. #5 1OI7 .4 exc. #5 7-2.1.L4 Elsvator Lobbies & Smoke Earriers 1003.3.1.2 exc. #5 1003.3.1.2 1017.4 exc. #5 1012.1.2 exc. #3 7,2.!.1,4 0ccrpart Loads Less than 50 1003.3.1.2 exc. #5 1003.3.1.2 1017.4 exc. #5 . LOL2.L.2 exc. #3 Areas o1 Reluge Horizodal Exits (l{o 0ccupant Load Limitationl 1003.3.1.2 exc. #5 1003.3.1.2 LAny occupancy wtthout occupant load limitatian except H accupancies. Product Information Wbn.lloor Fincrad 20 20 minutes U.L. 1OB (AST|\4 E-152) 13'6" (w) tt'7 3/4', (h) Won.Door Firecuard 6ll t hourc U.L. 1OB (ASrVr E-152)R6799-2 . Both Available 12'0' (w) 23'0' (h), 11'0" (h) . Unrestricted (w) Won-lloor IireGuad 9ll R6799-5 , Both Availablerr/2hou,s n|iil l1?r, 12'0" (w) 23'0" (h) 11'0" (h) Unrestricted (w) llron.lloor FiruGuad 180 Other Won-Door Firecuard 3 hours U.L. 1OB (AST|\4 E-152)R6799-6 r2'4" (w) - 23'0'(h) 11'0' (h) Unrestricted (w) State of Calitornia Door Assemblies ilFW Sat| F anckco Dept. ot Puhlic works Los Angel€s Dept. of Bdlding & Safety City & Coun9 of Denver Statc of Wisconsin Gity of Ner York Listed Assemblies Oversized Assemblies rv1 EA-12 4-7 9 N4 ; MEA-70-87-tV1; our Design Manual containing a complete summary of architectural details and specifications is now available on CD. Also included are videos illustrating how Won-Door products have been used to satisfy a variety of complex code requirements; the unique features of the Won-Door Flrecuard; product installation and demonstration videos; and much more. For your free copy contact your Won-Door representative or call 800-453-8494. (The Won-Door Firecuard Product Catalog prepared to standard CSI format for use with most CAD systems is also available on diskette and can be ordered bv ohone or downloaded from our website at www.wondoor.com.) ,I.OWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD 'yArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 Valuation: $104.000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: # ofGas Appliances: 0 Building---> 51,015.15 RestuarantPlanRwiew-> Plan Check-> 5660.50 DRB Fee-------------> AddSqFt 0 # of Gas lngs: 0 # of Wood Pella: 0 FEE SL.IMMARY *'t'ar**:rrt*t:tart'.'t't*.'rr!t*t*rr*rtt3:t******'':t*a,r*:rt**.:*r:t**,*.1**.1 S0 . 00 Total Calculated Fees--> 51 , 67 9 . 65 $0.00 AdditionalFe€s----->50.00 SO . 0O Total Permit Fce------> 5L , 6'7 9 .65 S0.00 Paymcnts-----------> 51,6?9.65 VVML. Investigation-> Will Call---> S0 .00 Recreation Fee-------> 53 . 00 Clean-up D€po8it------> TOTAL FEES----------> S1,6?9.5s BALANCE DUE----->s0.00 Approvals: Item: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTMNT 09/L0/2004 CDAVIS Action: AP SUBiIECGT TO FIELD TNSPECTIONItem: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 09/02/2004 ceorgle Action: AP Item: 05600 FfRE DEPARTMENT IIem: O55OO PUBLIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. U.*'Alta-fr,rye- DEPARTMENT.F..MMUNITYDEVEL'PMENT I df E NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT PErMit #: BO4-0238 Job Address: l8l W MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: l8l W. MEADOWDR. Applied. . : 08/3112004 ParcelNo....: 210107101013 Milf Issued...: 09/10/2004 hojectNo. : t-. RTOrt , O5'{ tl Expires. . .: O3/09/2OOi OWNER VAIL CI,INIC TNC O8/3L/2004 Phone: 1.8]- W MEADOW DR VA-I!co 81-657 I-,icense: CONIRACTOR HCBECK, LTD. 08/31,/2004 Phone: ATTN: iIAMES I,EWIS 1807 Ross Avenue, Suite 500 DALL,AS, TX 75201 License: 119-A APPI-,ICANT HCBECK, LTD. 08/3L/2004 Phone:303-465-955 ATTN: iIAMES I-,EnttIS l-807 Ross Avenue, Suite 500 DALIJAS, TX 7520t I-,icense; Desciption: UPGRADE EXISTING MRI EQUIPMENT Occupancy: Il,2 ll.2 Type Consfruction: I FR Type I Fire-Resistive Type Occupancyl ?? DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the infomration required, completed an accurate plot plan, 'apd state that all the infonnation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state lawg and to build this stnrcture according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, desigu review approved" Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQTJESTS FOR INSPECTTON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOI.JR HOURS TN ADV AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. PAGE 2lt'3:.'t,lt***'tl+***:}:t{t*{.,}*'t*t*'i*'t+'t'}*'.{t**********'**,+:}:|'tt*'}***'t***,t'}*|*,t**'i!|.*** CONDMONS OF APPROVAL P€rmir #: 804-0238 as of 09-10-2004 Status: ISSUED *:t*'|.*'|t****|:}'t*{t:*tt'i+l't{t**'}**,i**'}*'tt*t*'t*'}*'|''t*!i{t'l*t***'}'}*til.t}!i'}***l|*'}'l{.'}****||!*'i***** Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BLTILD PERMT Appliod: 08/31/200,4 Applicant HCBECK, LTD. Issued: 09/10/2004 30346f'-966 To Expire: 03/09/2005 JobAddress: 181 WMEADOWDRVAIL l.ocation: l8t W. MEADOWDR. ParcelNo: 2l0l07l0l0l3 Description: UPGRADE EXISTING MRI EQTIIPMENT Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQI]IRED BEFORE ANY WORKCANBE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED To cHEcK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Condr CON0006661 All new mechanical equipment installed on the exterior of the building shall be paintod to match zurrormding colors PRJov #rV APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNS]G Project #: Buildinq Permit #: lng, m CONTRACTOR INFORMATION mwn0FVtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 General Contractor: [{cBe'... L^ Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: k,u J,*tcx.,J q7o-971 '1045 Emai I address a b r, c c t..cl!,s\,o L crb.uo. rn ^Contractor Signature:-vtu C^*, COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL:$rorAl: $ itt4. Coo For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit P,-crce!,fr zrD\oltoto13 Job Name: V)t rc_ na-t pppud6^ss7 Job Address:- lB1 us. l4t /o-., D>,,ue Legat Description ll t-ot: ei( I Block:o2.5 ll riting: L subdivision: Uq,l V t"lL,r-L owners N^ "tlL,llLt/, M,n//fu. ll Address:ro, a /\aL-Do,,,t- IL,l llPhone: {n 5//z- ArchilgcVDesigqer:I/Au,s //<r|.b{4,oo*";: rho-;.r. l/r^,rc /or d,.,.,,.s tBff'r zr, &Go Engineery'ytkr< Eur.AdoES?; 4, ?*,*s ?, c. . s,o lb &td ll 7I22\t r.t - a a. Detailed description of work: ca, Eb1( Uo zn ,/. Lt 6/,,-<- lnZ.t eir,tDt4stl- WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel (() Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior (9 Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial (g) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Noffvpe of Fireplaces Exislinq: Gas Apoliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Prooosed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (y) No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (X) No ( ******tt*i************i****:l*****r***FoR oFFlcE usE oN LY**************i********ftt*ttt'ttt***'t* 07t28n004F:\UsersuSutherhewBLDGPERM. DOC rl Questions? Callthe Building Team at 479-2L28 TOII1V Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: / This Checklist must be omoletd beforc a Buildino Permit aoplication is acceoted, o All pages of application is complete o Has DRB approval obtained (ifrequired) Provide a copy ofapproval form o Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complexB Plan Check Fee required at submittal for projects valued over $25000.00 (See attached Construction Fee Schedule for calculations) o Complete site plan submitted o Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) o Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,oarkino or material storaoe allowed on roadways and shoulderc without written aoproval o Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurringo Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) a Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for SFR and Duplex, 5 sets of plans for MultFFamily and Commercial Buildings) o Window and door schedule o Full sfructural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) s Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) o Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection o Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated u Smoke detectors shown on plans D Types and quantity offireplaces shown I have read and underctand the above listed submittal requirements: Applicant's Signature: Date of sub F:\UsersuSuthennewBLDGPERM.DOC ffi Received , ahobl oTnSnou ll TUR1VOF BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Depaftment review or Health Depaftment review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements, Residential and small projecbs should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may take five (5) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Nane' ///21 ?efuloro^tat- Print name F:\UsersuSulheAnewBLDGP ERM. DOC 07 t2a12004 tl MWNOF WHEN A *PUBLT WAy PERMIT IS REQUTRED PTEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTPNS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A.PUBLE WAY PERMIT": o Is this a new residence? YES NO --' Does demolition work being performed require the usgof the Rightof-Way, easemenb or public property? YES_ NO ...- Is any utility work needed? YES- NO r'' Are here any improvemenB being done to the driveway ? YES_ NO Is a different access needed to the siE oher han he existng driveway? YES- NO -" Is any drainage work bging done that afEcts he Rightof-Way, easements, or public property? YES NO /- Is a 'Revocable Right{f-Way Permif required? YES NO Is the RightoFWay,;pemenb or public property to be used for sbging, parking or fencing? If ansurcr is NO, is a pryking, staging or fencing plan required by Publh Wor*s?YES NO ,,/' If yqu answered YES b any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit" must be obtained. 'P ublic Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the P ublic Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. 'lall+Lfu*- I ro Confacbr Signatrre lz'r Job or ProFct Namei Inz Daesigned: '1 .7orzpol o a o O o o o F:\UsersuSuther\newBLDGPERM.DOC F'ravan,^na ,f^ r6c /t!l.l^a rrn4 Company Name 07 t28t2004 iowN oF VAIL DEpARTN{ENT oF coMMtTNITyDEvELopMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD.VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POST'ED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M04-0189 -'iyr\-6/ 3b Iob Address: l8l W MEADOW DR VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED [,ocation.....: l8l W. MEADOW DR. Applied. . : 09/16/2004 ParcelNo...: 210107101013 Issued. . : 09/27/2004 ProjectNo': l(1TO(1 { Stl .{ Expires. .: 03/26/200s OWNER VAIL CLINIC INC 09/16/2004 Phone: 181. W MEADOW DR VAII-,co 81657 License: CONTRACTOR R.K. MECHANICAL, INC. 09 115/2004 Phone: 303-355-9695 93OO SMITH ROAD DENVER, CO 80207 License z L62-1"1 APPLICANT R.K. MECHANICAL, INC. 09/16/2004 Phone: 303-355-9696 93OO SMITH ROAD DENVER, CO 80207 License: 162-VI Desciption: FLUID COOLER SEI,F CONTAINED, EXHAUST FAN WITH DUCTWORK, CHILLED WATER SYSTEM FORMRI MACHINE Valuation: $63,600.00 Fireplacc Infornration: Restictcd: Y # ofGas Applia:rces: 0 # of Gas t gs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 *.li.*,}.lt'..'|....'*.|...*..|.*..l|t..i.**'.***.ll.**'}*|*:l**l******'* s0.00 Inv€stigation-> Will Call--->s3.00 Payments--------------> 51, 603 . 00 BALANCEDUE----> SO. OO Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09 /23/2004 cdavis Action: AP Subject to field inspecEion. Any non-code c discovered during bhe course of construc tion/ inspection sha11 be addressed in an a mannerItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI,IBIIT COhTDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED rO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:32(BLDG.): PERMIT,PIJANS AND CODE ANALYSIS Iv."TJST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI-, ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. *:rr r'l rt * r..r,* * rt:l r * 'r *,t:r.,* *,r '*** *'t*:1,**rt+*aal*ta*a*t:t*rl.t**a,.tattl.1**a*'latl:lattlt**r+t:atlta':****'l * DECT,ARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inforrnation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inforrration as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforrnation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review Mechanical--> S1,2s0.00 Resharant Plan Review-> 50.00 Total Calculated Fees--> 51,503 '00 Plan Check--> 5320.00 DRB Fee-------------> 50.00 Additional Fees------> $0. oo TCTTAL FEES--------> S1 , 603 . 00 Total Permir Fee-----> s1, 603 . 00 approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Torvn applicable thereto. BEQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry-FOUR HOTJRS h- ADV AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ApplrcAT|oN wLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMPLEprl3S Hi""\p al O{. O.3_1{t:{:xi:ffi,rr 97 047 9 -21 49 (l nspections) rcrtl0Pvtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. RECEIVED Permit will not be accepted without the following: Contact and Phone #'s: ?Ze -32/- 7t<'**i6f?,i:. fKl4T .Ca?v1 COMPLETE VALUATION FOR ilIECHANICAL PERi']7 MECHANTcAL: $ 63 600 Office at 97G328-8610 or visit for Parcel# Z /O /a7 /61 o /3 Job Name: rfr , u K r, " {rI tfl.H *oor""r, /g / ,//cs7 /aaab- P7 )/a;,1 t e e- Lesaf Descripti"" ll t"t E/F l[ ero"r'Filing:L subdivision: 12i/ h//o t. owners Narc:b/a)l t/rhf Drc ll Address:Phone: Ensineeny'4/iK Addregs:{pu7fo*\,Ct, |'1Ph"".,34?--7Zl_=64@ Tr/oordtrYIt;;D- i;. /u ifr d "il",n4 a,fEa Caole*- - Setf canlb'theA-hraltu svtfe"^ Q)' YIRI /d, WorkOlass: New( ) Addition( ) AlterationXf Repair( ) Other( ) BoilerLocation: tnterior( ) Exterior( ) OUer( )y//[Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-tumily ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Cornmeniallld Restaurant ( ) O0|er ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in ttris buiHing: A No. of Accommodation Units inthisbuilding: iF) No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Fellet ( ) Wood Buming ( ) ' No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buming (NOT A[LO)|VED) /,r/ ****ffiffiFOROFFICEUSEONLYffi Other Fees:Planner Siqn-off:I By: DRB Fees:Date Received: \Vai1\darabdev\FORM$PERMTS\MECHPERM.DOC )(ot -01D4t2N2 iootN oF vAIL DEIARTMENT oF coMMUNTTvDEVELoIMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES PLUMBING PERMIT Job Address: 181 W MEADOW DR. \/AII- Location.,...: 181 W. MEADOW DR. ParcelNo...: 210107101013 ProjectNo : ?'r1TOc1 -6 3(( ,( Permit #: P04-0114 'Xtr1473g Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 09/16/2004 Issued. . ; 09127/2004 Expires. .: 03/26/2005 OWNER VAIL CI,INIC INC 09/16/2004 Phone: 181 W MEADOW DR VAILco 81657 I-,icense: CONTRACTOR R.K. MECHANICAL, INC 09/16/2004 Phone: 303-238-9696 93OO EAST SMITH ROAD DENVER, CO 80207 L,icense: 181-P APPI-,ICANT HCBECK, I-,fD. 09/15/'.1004 Phone:. 303-466-965 ATTN: 'JAMES LEWIS l-807 Ross Avenue, Suite 500 DALIJAS, TX 7520L License: Desciption: FLOOR SINK AND BACKFLOW PREVENTER-DOMESTIC WATER FOR BACKUP COOLINGFORMRI Valuation: $13,200.00 Fireplace Infonnation: Resricted: ?? f ofoas Appliances: ?? # ofGas tngs: ? # of Wood Palla: ?? * *a't**:ttta t *al a+* Plumbing---> S21O , O0 Restuarant Plan Review--> S0 . 00 Total Calculated Fees--> 5265 . 50 Plan Check-> 552.50 DRB Fee-----------> 50.00 Additional Fees-------> 50.00 Investigation-> SO . 00 TOTAL FFES-----------> 5265 .50 Total Permit Fee----> 5265 . 50 Will Call---> 53. oo Payman6--------------'> 5255 ' 50 BALANCE DUE---...} SO. OO It.em: 05L00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09 /23 /2004 cdavi-s Action: A-P Itern: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI.{EIiIT CONDII"ION OF APPROVAL Cond: l-2 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE iI.EQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fuIl the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure accordilg to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER APPLICATION YYILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOIIPLETE OR Project #: Building Permit Plumbing Permit #: 97 0 17 9-21 49 (l nspections) mvu0puilL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 @<lv Co]lfa(l andPhone #s:, WA -32 tr-7/6rownffi:?'' Rrc PtE , a-a-h-\ COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor& Materials) Contact Assessors Office at970-32&8610 or Parcel# Z/O lQ7/o/O t7 Job Name: ffi{" rrrz ffi 6Q44'u.!-Job Address: r r' r"#17 :b'4t&P2 Legal llescription tot Efflletnx,Filing:z suuvtsion: Vai I Vi I )"e "owners n" ",1/4)/ (:\tuZ Trn.ll Address:Phone: Ensineen /rlKK Enqinet, ll Address: 735o E praqr"ss pL .llphone: 3e _72 t _ b6 @ trW"Hff Yft' /al<€ha.,W h/arL- +r.frr* w,, WofiClass: Nerr() Addition( ) Alteration){ Repair( ) Other( ) T),pe of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commenial pd Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Drrelling Units in this buiHing: A No. of Accommodation Units in this building: p lsthisa conversion from a wood buming fireplace to an EPA Phase ll device? Yes ( ) Nop( PLUMBING: $3, 2&. oo for Parcel # ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****jt*:l:l!tt!t*tt*'l*t************+jrtttt:t!t Clther Fees:Date Received: DRB Fe€:Accepted By: Plannor Siqn-off: RECEIVED \Vai[dat8\CdeV\FORMS\PERMITS\PLLIBPERM.DOC -L's .$,9/'' 07n4nw2 t MEDICAL AIR TESTING AIID SERVICE, INC. 1370 HARLA}I STREET, I..AKEW@D, CO 80214 PHN 303 -n 9 -249 | F ltK 303 -27 Y7 132 ITFPA 99 JOB SITE VISIT r, rLocATIoN: Va,t Vall"t Jri. / Cn^1,", . t^ IDITE: /o /K/o9 JoB DEscRIPrIoN, // P t QA , 4,an coNTRAcToR, Rk Ao.-("^,bn / MATS JOB #MAS JOB # Nifiou Onidc Ouflctg Erac otilea CarbonDioxidc Orflats Shrr OffValver Other: PO: t'\. t /i]a-" ,J Cl:.4+l -ofMedicalAirTcstingmdService,Inc.hasteetadffrefollowing cquipnrcnf fmpropcr opardion pcr NFPA 99 / 1q9 €ditiorr I Area AlarmPanels I\dastcr Alarm Panels Vacuum Purnps Irdanifolds I OxygenOd€tg I Vacuum Oudcb Modical Air Odets Nitrogcnotdcto Air Comptcsso,r .2. COMMENTS: X Meeb 6s mininwn NFPA 99C Hcaft Care Faoilitics Standard to which tre facifity.was built. Does not mcct tre minimunr NITPA 99C Hea[lr Care Facifitics Standard to wtrich the faciW was buih" Note: NFPA 1999 +1.4 rhr: 'An cmirting ryrun ttrt ir trot in ftict cunpliano rith tlre povirionr of the rtmdanl drall bc ponfUd U bo codiruod in uco u long ar thc rutrocity h$ring jrirdiction her atctmnincd firt ruch uco dooe not conrtitute e dirtinct hrzord to lifo." Plcar contrct us for rtorting ifrrquirod- Tlrc intuqtion of rny critical medical grr rhnll bo dre rolo rcrponribility offfre lloopital. ft ir tt horgital'r re4oruihlity to inf6n rll horpitrl pcrrormol of rbbr of ryrtenr. Sigsd (Facifrtior Arlho'rized Reperentativo) ( Sigrod (Mdicsl Air Torting mil Scvico) lhf, 4 a't MEDICAL AIR TESTING A}ID SERVICE, INC. r37O TIARLAN STREET, LAKEWOOD, CO 80214 PHN 303-279-249r FA)( 303-279-7132 IYFPA 99 JOB SITE VISIT LOCATION: JOB DESCRIPTION: rolrn: /O /?/oY CONTRACTOR. Rk A u.(.o,.r,. / PO:MATS JOB #MAS JOB # , Dn.-, J L' -(,f ofMedicalAirT€stingandService,Inc.hastestsdlhcfolwing equipmcnt for propcr op€rdforn pcr NFPA 99 t I cq sdition. Area Alarm PanclsOxygenOrdeb Vacuurn Otde$ Medieal Air OdetB Nitrogsn ordl€to Air Compreseor Nitoru Oxide Outl€ts Evac Ouflet CarbonDoxidc Outlcts ShutOffValws Otlrer: Mast€r AlannPanclr Vacuum Punps Ndanifolds coMMENTs: &Y?"n 9/q4n^ ,'.r,{.J ,)^ D^J funJoau,'o t- * .\) ;4-,, 4r<- t',,) 4r /lao<.t r'-( el. 9r> /-., )A- Mccu trc minimuin NFPA 99C Health Care Facilities Standard to which tlre facitity was buift. Doos not meet tlrc minimum NF?A 99C Hcalffr Care Facilitieg Staodad to which the facility was buih Nob: NI?A 1999 4-1.4 fiter: "Arr cirtiry sjtrtdn dnt ir not ia rtrict complince with the provirimr of fifgtdrd rbsll b€ pdtittcd to bo omtinued in ure rr hng ar thc rulhcity heving jurirdiction hs, dsternincd that guch uro doer not conrtitrte a dittinct hatrd to lifr." Plaerc cdct ur fc rctrrting ifrcqufud. Tho ithuption of uy c,titical nedical grr drall bo tto rcle nrponribifdy of tho Horpitrf It ir ftc hoopitel'r rorgcneibility to infodn rtl horpital poroonnel ofstetur of ryrtomr. Signod (FNcilitior Autlorized RcrprcrontafivQ Sigod (Mtdicel Air Tcrthg md S6r.ric€) -.--{fi\ Frcm: To: Date: Mjke McGee Building_Division 10f26l20o4- 3:16:21PMSubJect: A04-0063WMC MRI I did an inspedion of thefire alarm slatem and it kind of looks OK, but lfound the ceilings in lhe MRI and the mechnical room were missing. Access to the mechical room, wfrich is really a colhputer room, has a restricted door that enters into the lobby. I didnt sign off anything until they figure out hottrl to resolve the ceiling issues and the door to the computer "on'''oo' 6)3'uJ E - h /&V/AV -1F2frd'C4- -lnspecuon nequesinep"rttng- - -----Fege5 4:54 pm - VA|L- CO:TOWN OF - Requested Inspect Drte: Inspect!on Area: Slte Address: Frf day, October 29, 2oo4 I8I W TEADOW DR VAIL 18'| W. ilEADOWDR. A/Pl[) lniorma0on AclMty: BO4-O238 TVpe: A-COMM Sub Tlps: ACOM Co]lst TID€: Occupency: Us€: I FR otflner: VAIL CLINIC lNc Appllcsnt: I-€BECK, LTD. Ptpne: 30346&$6 Cohtractor: FEBECK. LTD. Chscdp{lon: UPGRADE EXlSTltIG MRI EOITIPMENT Comlnent ROUTED TO CHARLIE DAVIS. FIRE AND GEORGE RUTHER. JSUITIER R€ouested Inso€cton(sl St lrts: ISSlfD lffiD Ar..: CO Reouested Tlme: 0l:00 Plf' Phone: 977-1045 EnteredBy: DGOLDEN Tlme Erp: It m: 10lbm: 20It m: 3t) BLDG'Footinqs/Steel BLDG'FoumEtb dst elBLDGFramlng - App.orr€d " 09/2304 -lnspector: cdaiB Acton: Pl PARnAL lNsPECTlofl Comm€nts: Paital frmlng aporoad for p€rtlllon wall betns€n bestn€nt room atd hb FrEmlm tor sfufi encbsur€ aDorowd O.K !o sho€tock Partbt Inspectbn approved toithb slta dua to tlm€ constralnts IUO7|0d. In3p6ctor: CDAVIS Actlon: APAPPROVED Comm€nb: GRIEVIT..IG ROOi, FRAMITre APFROVED 10/15/g Inspeclor: cdavls Actlon: APAPPROVED Conun€nb: Ebove celllng trsmlng all areas approwd BLDG-ln3ulatbn BLDG-Sh€etock l',|ril - ADorovBd " l0lo7l0F. lmocctor: CD VIg Adion: Pl PARIAL lNsPEcTloN Comm€nts: SFEETROCK lN MRt ROOti APPROVED ONE.SIDE OF GRIEVTNG ROOM APPROVED 1U22tO4 lnsDeclor: cdsyb Ac$on: AP APPROVED Comment!: P€nstatlon ot ptesdc plp€ usad fff osrnosl$ sydem tnto lhan muit b€ .ddreresd In an approwd mann€f BLDG.Mbc. BLDCr-Flnal tt€m: Itsm: 50 60 ItBm: 70 llem: 90 Item: Requo!&,f: Asslgngd.To: REPT131 Run Id: 2520 m -inrpesiion nequeslEeprting- ---Pase6-4:54 pm _ - VAIL. CO:TOWN OF - Requested Inspect D!te: Frldty, ffiber 25,zO04-' lnsoedtonArea: CD Slte Address: 181 W MEADOW DR vAtLr8l w. ffEADowDR, A/PID lnlbrm at,on Acthrw: ConstTF6: OYv-rier: Ap,pllcant: Contrctor: Descildlon: ri0+0189 Type: &MECH Occupairby: vAtL cllNrc ti.rc sublg: Acoil Requested Tlme: 08i00 AM' Phon6: 977-10.15 EntarodBy: DGOLDEN K S.ffirs: ISSUED Inspfu€.: CD R.K. MECMNICAL, ll.lC. Phon€: 34135$9696 R.K. MECI-IANICAL. lNC. Phone: 3}}35S9696 FLUID C@LER SEIF CO{ITTAINED. EXHAUST FAN WITH DIJCTI/IPRK, CHILLED WATER SYSTEM FOR MRIMACHINE Reouested Inspecton(sl 35) tECH-Flnal lnso€cHon HistorY lbm: 20O MECFlRouoh * Aoorowd "flf'l?9twlnsp.ctor: cdav6' Actlon: PAPARnALAPPRoVAL Comm€nb: STAINLESS STEEL DI,CT FOR CRYROGENICS APPROVED €HILER TINES INSTALTAITON APFROVED MI.,ST STILL PROVIDE PRESSURE TEST. O.K. TO INSTALL INSUTANON OF CHILLER LINES Gy3ty(X Inspector: CDAVIS Acton: AP APPROVED CommenE: CHLILLER LINES AIRTEST lOS AIR 31O MEcH-l-|€atlno 315 PLMSGasPldm 32o i/EcFt-Exh. uh Flooos 33t) MECFI-SuDptv Alr 34O MECH-Mlic. - '- Approrr8d " lOlOTlo4 In$p€clor: CDAV]S Acllon: 6p6pp66y6p Comtnenb: MED GAS PlPltlG INSPECTED AND APPROVED VAC LINES 1fl}TARTEST 02 LINES I2TTA'RIEST PROTVIDE AIIPROVAL FROM TESTING AGEiICY AT Ftl.LAL INSPECTION INSTALT ALL I.ABELS ON EACH LINE Item: lt3m: llem: It€m: lbm: lbm: *D MECI'FRnal REPT131 Run lcl: 2520 1G2&2004 Inspection Reguest Reportlng Page 11 4:54 pm - VAIL. CO:TOWI{ bF Requested Inspect D!te: Frldry, oc"tober 29, 2004 Inspectlon Area: CD SIE Address: lEl W IUEADOW DR VAIL '8I W MEADOWDR. A,rPrD lnform.ton Aclhdty: P0+0114 Const Typr6: otm€r: VAIL CLINIC lt{C Appllcant HCBECK, LTD. Cohlractor: R-K. MECHANI subrlm: AcoMTyp€: SPLMB Occupancy: Phone: 30lil6&966 Cohbactot: R.K. MECI{ANICAL. lhlC Phone: 3t}}23&$96 Descrlptlon: FLooR SINK AND EACKFLOUI/ PREVENTER-DO0IESTIC ITVATER FOR BACKU Sbh.rs: ISSUEDlnspfu.a: CD WATE R FOR MCKUP COOLIIIG FOR rrFl Requested Tlme: 08:00 AM- Phone: 30323&9696 Entared By: DGOLDEN K Reoueshd Insoectlon{sl Item: Requestor: Asslgn6d To: Acllon: 200 PLilBf,lnal Tlrne Exp: lbm: 210 PlMBUnderorourd * ADffowd * 0O/28/O4 Inspector: Aft '' Acilon: AP APPROVED Comm€nts: APPROVEO UNDERGROUND lN MRI AREA PLMSRonolVD.W.V.PtM&Routlrnlrrbr - ADorovEd - 09/3o/oi[ lmp.clor: CoAVIS' COMM€NIS: UND€R STREET PRESSURE PtMB-Gas Plolno PLM&PooUl-btfub PLMSMbc. PLMBFInAI tlem: 220 ltem: 230 lbm: 24t)lbm: 250 Item: 260 Item: 290 Acton: APAPPROVED REPT131 Run Id: 2520 ' ttlca Fire & Security timplexGrinnell 6240 Smith Road Denver, Co 80216 Tel: (303)35m500 Fax (303)35il615 Service: (303) 277-9766 www.simplugrin nell.com VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Steadman Hawkins Clinic and MRI Remodel Fire Alarm Submittal \-"k E* r= \)....^\ U,t\,..?* #Ao U Ot|{ic---- ELECTRIC CONTRACTOR Encompass Electric 410 McGregor Dr, Ste.210 Gypsum, C0.81637 Attn: Rick Fenee e70-e4e-60e5 flEc,D lylAn4x - 3 2003 -rL TYPE: Simplex@rinneII 6240 Smith Rd Denver, CO 80216 Sales: (303) 355-0500 Service: (303) 277-9766 Fax:(303) 355-0615 DESGRIPTION; 41006084 Update Software for 41@ Panel 4098-9714 Photo Detector 'O98-9733 Heat Detector 4098-9792,9789 Detector Base 'l{fg8-9832 Adapter Plate 4090€002 IAM Relay MR201/C Relay 4009-9201 NAC Extender 2081-9274 Battery cH70-241575W-FR Chimerstrobe Dsitlz24 Sync Module 7 S"Simpler,o a A TrueAlami Fire larm Controls UL, ULC Listed; FM, CSFM, and MEA (NYC) Approved" Er.is*inq n Fire Alarm Controls'-' 4100 and 4120 Series Addressable Detection and Control Systems STANDARD FEATURES . UL Listed for: - Fire Detection and Control (UOJZ) - Proprietary Alarm Units - Burglar (APOU) - Process Management Equipment (OVAX) - Smoke Control Service (UUKL) o Wide viewing angle, 80 character super.twist LCD . Selectable for maintained display of first alarm. Expandable up to 1000 points . Dedicated supervisory service indicator and acknowledge . Nonvolatile flash EPROM momory o Battery supervision (low/no bafrery) o Power-limited operation per NEC 760 (module dependent) soFTwARE FEATuREs UPOXT C . WALKTEST system test.* . Four operator access levelg . 600 event historical log . lndividual circuit disconnecUdisable r Programmable: - Alarm verification by zone or point - Selective signaling and/or relay control - Zone coding (PNIS) - Signal silence reminder OPTIONAL FEATURES o Voice communications and firefighter's phones r lnterface to rrmote: - MAPNET llo addressable devices and TrueAlarm@ analog sensors'* - MlNlPLEx"Transponders - TrueAlertn AddressableControllers - 4-20 mA Analog Monitor ZAMs (AMZs) - Supervised LED and LCD serial annunciators o Release control operatlon OPTIONAL MODULES (partial list) . 4120 Network interface o Class A or Class B lDGs and NACs o Control relays wlth feedback . Dial.in service modem . RS.232 inter{ace to rem ote print€r or GRT/keyboard o Panel mount printer r Internal DACTS, serial or contact closure o Decoder module for coded circuit interface . Simplex 2120 interface r Expansion power supplies and battery chargens O 2000 Simplcx Timc Rccodcr Co. All rights rrsorvcd. 41OOl4'l2O Series Fire Alarm Control Panel with Optional Voice Control INTRODUCTION Simplex 41OO|412O Series Fire Alarm Detection and Control Panels provide an extensive and powerful feature list to salisfy a wide variety of applications and local code requirements. They are on-site programmable to provide mapping logic for inputs and outputs and for custom labeling additions and revisions. Their flexible site-specific soft^/are features can be quickly and securely generated, modified, and archived by trained service personnel using computer based programming tools. \Mth this flexibility, last minute changes can be made on-sile, minimizing delays in job completion. Monitor and control point expansion is available up to a maximum of 1000 points in any combination of lDCs, NACs, auxiliary control relays, and addressable devices. Annunciation capacity is up to 2000 points. ' This p.oduct has b6€n approv€d by $e Calffomla State FIE Marshal (CSFM) puEuanl to Ssclioo l3l,U.1 ol ho Callfomls Healtr 8nd Saf€ty Oodo. S€e CSFU Ustings 7l At0@6160 &d 71704026:'187 for dorable values and/or condilio,rs concamhg malerial pr€s€ntsd i0 his docunent lt is su*ct to re€xamindion, revislon, and possiblo canc€llstiol|. Acc€pbd lor uss - City of New Yoft Deprtnent of Buibings - MEA3593E. Applicable FM approval iflbmation b av8llsble on |8qu€st. Add onal listings may bs apdi:Ue, conhct Simpht lor lh€ lal€st stat6. - WALKIEST stsbm test is pfot*1ed under US Pabnt No. i[,725,818. MAPI{ET ll sddr8ssds communicalions ls pmbc't€d under U.S. Pabnt No. 1,796,025. TrusAbrm analog dsteclion ls Fotocted under U.S. Pabnt No. 5,155,468 and 5,173,683. ilOlE: TtE ftatr€s d.scribod h his &cun€nt asum€ oporatbn $h Evi$on 9 sollsarc. Delaled inlor ation abut, 20 Nstrurt oosrdon is found in daia sh6€l S112G0001, 41m Sed6s confolpanols b€come 4.|20 S8des cootol panels $En equip@ wih a 1120 NEtwork t(srfaco and tlE Equlr€d nelwo.t programmirE. s4100-0013-14 8/00 / ffi $'""':"Xl:Xi: ilH, nl oo operator panel maximizes the performance of primary fire alarm functions by displaying only the indications and interaction switches required for responding to emergency situations (see Figure 1 below). EASTWII{G, THIRD FLOOR, AREA II, SIOXE Smok. D.Lctor FIRE ALARI FNE PR1ORIIY I IYSIEI 8Y8IE AIARX POTIERooooooAu[ Ar{I Sllp€it/foRv rRoBrE IIEIEED ox tffil faulr I fs',Prl f rrr-l f^'rrl lffi-ll^cx | | ^cx | | ^cx ll rcx I l8rlrxcE I liEEEr I l--acxlowtI6!- FIGURE 1. Primary Operator Functions with Typical Alarm Display lndications, Alarm, supervisory, and trouble conditions are indicated at the operatofs panel by dedicated LEDs and a local tone-alert. An 80 character (2 lines x 40 characters) alphanumeric super-twist liquid crystal display provides information conceming point status (alarm, trouble, supervisory, etc.), type of alarm (smoke detector, manual station, waterffow supervisory, etc.), a custom location label, and number of alarms and other conditions in the system. The top line as shown in Figure 1 would be the custom label fior this alarm point. (lf first alarm display is selected, status count appears after alarms are acknowledged.) Firct Alarm Display. When selected for maintained display of the first alarm, and if multiple alarms occur, the first alarm will remain displayed until acknowledged. The information shown in Figure 1 will altemate approximately once per second with the second information line of the first alarm. A typical second line for the alarm shown would be: EAST W|NG, THTRD FLOOR, AREA 19, SiltOKE Press <Alarm Ack> to acknowledge Switch Operation. Alarm, supervisory, and trouble conditions have dedicated acknowledge push-button switches. Operation of the appropriate acknowledge switch silences the tone-alert with ihe LED remaining illuminated until all conditions in that category are restored to normal. The 4100 can bqlgrammed to perfom a'global acknowledge" wil a single push of the appropriate acknowledge switch will silence the tone-alert for all points in that condition. lt can also be programmed for individual acknowledgment of each point in an abnormal condition, as well as their restoration. Both operations are in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 72, lhe National Fhe AIam Code. Notification appliances can be silenced by pressing the ALARM SILENCE switch. Pressing the SYSTEM RESET switch restores the system to the normal operation mode. The system tone'alert can be programmed to resound at user specified time intervals to serve as an "active status remindef when a trouble condition remains in the system and the audible trouble signal has been silenced. Additional Operator Function Keys. For increased functionality, additional operator keys are available by opening the access door (see Figure 2 below). The FUNCTION KEYS, DISPLAY/ACTION keypad, and the ENTRY keypad are the operator interface sections that are not essential in a fire emergency situation. These functions are presented in a self-directing manner and include: circuiUdevice ENABLE or DISABLE, control point tum ON or OFF, DISPLAY HISTORICAL LOGS, etc. Operator access is determined by tour passcode protected security levels. Level 1 allows routine actions while level 4 is reserved for trained technician service access. Access in levels 2, 3, and 4 is selectable and passcode protected to ensure proper authorization for that level's control access. Passcode log-ins are stored in the history log for access review. Display Action and Entry Keypads allow operators (with proper access levels) to perform controlling functions to system zones, NACs, and auxiliary control relays, or to gain access for system information. DISABLE allows a specific circuit or a specific addressable device to be disconnected from the system to isolate a problem. A trouble condition will occur as a reminder of the action taken. EI,IABLE followed by ENTER restores the circuit or device to active status in apprcximately 60 seconds. The display will count down the remaining time and will wam the operator if the circuit to be enabled will cause an alarm. The NET key is used to display 4120 Network point data located at other network panels. r-----l----lr__l [---=] oo D!T t- FU[CTrOll tFt I lTilIJIJ =-;7' .v I F3 |,' -|Ev ey-l@ F-.'o*-_laHf-l Lra_lr---l (-HlF*il1 (,"dH--lFo^"LEl t-"ur"-'Lt o'ffifi-l SYSTE lS tlORlrlAL 9i27:10 FRI 26 ltlAY 00 *E PR|ofllY2 SYSTEX SISTEI ATART POTrERooooooALAN ALART 8UFERT4SORYTROUBLE SLEIICED OtI ___-^-__ ___-\_ z^\_ --_----_ ___--_--= -__----_. FuRr- F,{Rr- l- erpv l I rBL Il^o(ll^cx l^cxllacxl actlotraEC- lsYsrEr l I RESET ] FIGURE 2. Additional ODerator Kevs 54100-0013-14 8/00 pase 2 - ::"TiLTJ:rsff$i::ffi'- programmable switches with associated LEDS. Possible applications are: city disconnect, door holder bypass, manual evacuation, elevator capture bypass, etc. Control switches can be individually passcode protected such that only certain access level operators can perform that function (refer to Figure 3 below). Provision for Guslom Labels FIGURE 3. Controt Key Detail rvI F3 IvTF;l =<7Ev SYSTEM |s NORIALgi27t& FRI26 IAY 0o st$u sYsrEI AL Rr Poll *rrR*", ,*S"* r.r"o.. R NRE PflORlrY 2ooATARX AI RT,^- f-ffil faTiFl fffil hg--l lffil fffilI ro< | I ^cx I I acK | | rcx I lsL6rcEl lREsEr Iw FIGURE 4. Function Key Detail Function Keys. FUNCTION KEYS identifies the'soft' keys F l through F4 whose functions vary within each Main Menu Option. Each key's function is described on the top line of the display. For example, in the DISPLAY HISTORICAL ALARM LOGS FUNCTION menu, pressing the F2 key will display the most recent alarm event stored in the history log (see Figure 4 above). iIODULE MASTER CONTROLLER MODULE The 4100 Master Controller Board provides system control, synchronization, and supervision of all modules, continuously scanning each module for status changes. Features include the following: r Operator's Panel with LCD and operator keys o SPDT Auxiliary Trouble Relay rated 2 A @ 30 VDC, resistive loads o City Circuit Connection, 24VDC remote station (reverse polarity), local energy, shunt master box, or a Form 'C' contacl outpul r Battery Gharger for up to 1 10 Ah batteries: - Batteries up to 33 Ah mount in the bottom of the cabinet, batteries larger than 33 Ah mount external to the cabinet - Compatible with lead acid or NiCad batteries o lntelligent Power.Limlted Power Supply: - T$/o isolated outputs of 4 A each at 28.5 VDC when AC po\,vered (24 VDC during battery operation) - Tap'B' provides 4 A for general purpose NAC and control power (NOTE: This output is not available when charging 110 Ah batteries.) - Tap .A' provides panel power with the remainder available for NACs controlling "clean' loads with controlled inrush current and proper transient suppression - LCD readout of system voltage and current, and battery voltage and current - Optional 12 VDC converter (4100-0019), rated 2 A @ 12 VDC, requires 1.1 A max from 28 VDC - AC input is 6 A @ 120 VAC, 3 A @ 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz DESCRIPTIONS REDUNDANT MASTER CONTROLLER OPTION (4f 00-7023) Provides monitored dual control with automatic switch-over hardware. INITIATING DEVICE clRcUlTS (lOCs) (ill00-5000 Series): - Eight circuit zone modules provide system expansion as Style B (Class B) or Style D (Class A) Operation - Capable of supporting UL listed compatible, two-wire smoke detectors and electronic heat detectors plus normally open contact devices (manual stations, mechanical heat detectors, etc.) - Accepts mechanical coded Inputs NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE CIRCUITS (NAcs) {4100.4000 Series): - Two, four, or six circuit modules provide system expansion as Class B (Style Y) or Class A (Style Z) - Supervised for opens, grounds, and wire-to-wire shorts - Dual and Triple channel modules have integral switching relays for selecting the proper audio channel output - Outputs can be programmed for temporal pattern or march time pattern - NACS are rated as: 2 A @ 24VDC: 50 W@ 25 VRMS or 100 W @ 70 VRMS for speaker circuits; or up to six firefighter telephones (including master) GENERAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING SPECIFICATIONS Humidity.......... ......85% Noncondensing Temperature... 32" to '120' F (0' to 49' C) S4100-0013-14 8/00 page 3 a M.DULE DEscRtpTtoN s pontiy) DUAL RS-232 COMMUN]CATIONSIODULE (4100{r13}: - Each module provides two RS-232 ports for connection to CRT/keyboards (terminals), printers, or other approved compatible applications - Up to five RS-232 ports are supported per4100 conlrol panel with two ports (total) being selected as CRT/keyboards - Each port can be vectored by event category - Up to three ports total can be configured to communicate with a host 2120 Multiplex System using 2-wire, 2120 communications (DC Cornm) - Module option 4100-0137 is available to provide Style 7, RS-232, 2120 communications sTyLE 7, 2120 (DC COiltM) INTERFACE MODULE (ar00-{1r23}: - Maintains 2120 communications during a wire-to.wi re short fault condition - lncludes primary, secondary, and transmit stratus indicators AUXILIARY CONTROL RELAYS: - Built-in fuse proteclion per contact - Feedback tracks on/ofi status of remote devices - 4100-3001, FourCPU controlled relays, DPDT contacts rated for 2 A @ 24 VDC, or 112 A @ 120 VAC, inductive * 4100-3002, Four CPU controlled relays, DPDT contiacts rated 1 0 A @ 24 VDC or 240 VAC maximum. inductive - 4100-3003, Eight CPU controlled relays, SPDT contac{s rated 3 A @ 24 VDC or 120 VAC, resistive EXPANSION POWER SUPPLY, POWER.LIMITED, 120 VAC TNPUT (4100-1r08): - 8 A, (two taps of 4 A each) filtered, unregulated 24 VDC output for standard peripheral devices - AC input is 2.5 A @ 120 VAC,60 Hz MINIPLEXO REMOTE INTELL]GENT POWER suPPLY, POWER-LTM|TED (41 00-0r I 7): - Tap'B" provides 4 A at 28.5 VDC for general purpose NAC and control power - Tap ?' provides remote module pourer, 4 A maximum, 2 A is typically available for'clean' loads with controlled inrush cunents and proper hansient suppression (actual available power depends on remote module requirements) - 4 A br battery charging (lead acid batteries only) - Addressable electronics communicate stafus, voltage, and current information for viewing at the panel LCD. Operator panel can be used to control output taps. - AC input is 6A@ 120 VAC, 3 A @ 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz Typical 4100, R5-232 Connections NONPOWER.LIMITED EXPANSION POWER SUPPLIES Power Supply 4100-0105 ,{100-0115 4100-0108 4100-0118 Input 2 A @ 1?OVAC, Hz Output 5A@24VDCi5%, for reguleted peripheral power 8 A @ 24 VDC (two taps of4 A each) fillered, unregulaled ADDIT]ONAL BATTERY CHARGERS: - Charges up to 110 Ah batteries, lead acid or NiCad - Monitors for AC power failure, loWno battery, and high baftery level - 120 VAC, 60 Hz modet 4100-01(X requires 2 A input - 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz model 4100-0114 requires 'l A input 4100.0124 ENHANCED BATTERY CHARGER: - Charges up to 110 Ah bafteries, lead acid or Nicad - Manual switches ior high rate charge and AC disconnect - LEDs for AC fail/disconnect, lowno baftery, and high battery level - Meters to indicate battery voltage and charging curent, 0-50 VDC voltmeter, 0-5 A ammeter - AC input is 2 A @ 120 VAC 41 20 NETWORK INTERFACE: Model 4120€014 provides a modular interface with media options of: - 4120-0142, for wired data - 4120-0143, for fiber optics - 4120-014, for modem connections - Rebr to data sheet 54120-0003 for details Physical Bridge Modules provide eltended modem connection flexibility with choice of - Style 4 communications, 41206023 - Style 7 communications,4120€024 - Refer to data sheet S4120-0005 for details 1A@240VAC, 1.25 A@ 240 VAC, S4100-0013-1'l 8/00 pase.[ o Voice o Center Com ponents4100I'1120 Gommunication Command Master Controller Oneway Voica Communications Microphone Tu/o-Way Firefighter Masler Phone Telephon€ Circuil Sol€€tor Switcfi€s MODULE DESCRIPTIONS (confinued) ONE.WAY COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS a a a a Single and dual channel audio Triple channel audio with a dedicated microphone channel Multiple supervised remote microphone inputs Multiple built-in selectable tones Spoken voice coding Multiple digitally recorded human voice messages Spoken WALKTEST system testing Digitized voice/tone generation Automatic or manual audio control Separate evacuation, drill, and optional 'All Cleaf voice messages and tones Ready-to-talk indicator for microphone Optional synchronized redundant voice tone generator Local panel speaker for tone/message broadcast verification MINIPLEX Voice Transponders fior disbibuted audio FIREFIGHTER TELEPHONE SYSTEMS Firefighter telephone to audio interface Multiple remote master phones Ring signal on remote firefighters telephone indicates call request Telephone circuits are supervised for open and short circuit conditions Local Pan€l Spsak6r GENERAL The 4100 Audio System provides one-way voice communication, alarm tones, and/or digitally prerecorded voice messages to alert occupants of fire or other emergency situations. Evacuation signaling may be automatically generated via alarm initiated event programs in the 4100 Master Controller or by firefighting personnel operating the system microphone. The system may also be equipped with a Firefighter Master Telephone module to provide the Fire Commander with two.way communications with firefighters or fire wardens located remotely throughout the building. OPERATIOil The 4100-0210 Audio Control Board provides routing and pre-amplification of digitized alarm tones and voice messages. Actual tones and human voice messages are digitally recorded and stored in the audio control board's message memory. When called upon, an integral Voice Tone Generator (VTG) recreates the audio waveforms of the Drerecorded voice/tone messages with completely natural sound. The Audio Control Board receives instructions from the 4100 Master Conholler to direct the routing of the audio tones, codes, prerecorded or manual voice messages to the appropriate audio output circuits. S4100-0013-14 8n0 pase 5 MoDULE DEscRtpTtoNs pontiu) AUDIO CONTROL BOARD FEATURES (41004200 Series):. fiessage Memory - Custom ilessage Data . Routing Matrix - InpuUOutput Switching . Audio Inputs: - Master Microphone - Remote Microphone #1 (Optional) - Remote Microphone #2 (Optional) - Primary Voice/Tone Generator (Optional) - Secondary Voice/Tone Generator (Optional) - Phone to Audio lnterface o Audio Outputs: - Channel 'l (Single Channel, 4100-0210) - Channel 2 (Dual Channel,4100-0211) - Channel 3 (Triple Channel, 4'1004212) - Local Panel Soeaker . Audio Tones: - Slow Whoop - slowly ascending tone from 200 to 830 Hz in 2.5 seconds, recommended for fire alarm and no other punose - HighlLow - free-running signal with a high ftequency of 750 Hz for 100 ms and a low frequency of 500 Hz for 400 ms - Horn - continuous 500 Hz tone primarily used for coded systems - Chime - 600 Hz fundamental tone with a 1.5 s duration, used as a free-running tone or for coded operation - Beep - 500 Hz tone of 0.7 s on, 0.7 s off - Sfutter - 500 Hz tone with equal on and off times of 100 ms - Wail - ascends. then descends between 600 to 940 Hz - GSA Tone - continuous 2000 Hz tone - Bell - a fundamental frequency of 350 Hz with prominent harmonics at 700 Hz and 2'100 Hz - Selectable Temporal Pattern for hom, bell, wtroop, and chime tones (1/2 sec on, 1/2 sec off, 1/2 sec on, 1/2 sec off, 1/2 sec on, 1 1/2 sec off) ZONE CODED SIGNALING is available using tones or spoken numbers. Spoken coded messages can be used in place of conventional pulse tone coding to eliminate counting and interpretation of the zone coded location. For example, a fire alarm zone such as First Floor East, Smoke Detector Room 23 will be Code 1123. Two possible transmission schemes are: 1. Conventional Zone coded Signaling where T = Tone: T...T...TT...TTT...T...T...TT...TTT...2. Spoken Coded Signaling: Code, one..on e..two..three... Code, one..one. fwo..three The Digital Audio Conkoller has the ability to precede spoken codes with phrases and alert tones. As an altemative, the previous example could have been preceded with a chime tone. The word "code'could be replaced with the phrase "Docfor Fircstone, please dial...". PREPROGRAMN SPECIAL MESSAGES ATE available on reqr.U Up to five minutes of special phrases and messages are available to meet specific applications. The standard Evacuation Message is: 'Aftention... Attention...Attention...An em ergency has been repofted.... AII occupants walk to the nealest stairway exit and walk down to your assigned re- enw floor or main lobby... Do not use the elevator... Walk to the nearest stairway.... Do not use the elevator.... Walk to the nearest stainilay." AUDIO AMPLIFIERS (4100-0200 & -1200 Series): - Powerlimited models are available with 25 W or 100 W output at 25 VRMS, or 90 W ouFut at 70 VRMS - Nonpower-limited models are available with 100 W output at 25 VRMS or 70 VRMS - Frequency response of 120 to 12,000 Hz - Baftery backup operation - Integral amplifier monitor for supervised operation - Optional redundant operation provides autotnatic switchover from primary to backup amplifier MAPNET [o, TRUEALARIII' MODULE (4100-01 I 0): - Up to 127 MAPNET ll addressable devices or TrueAlarm analog sensors per module - MAPNET ll Line lsolator Modules for panel mount (4 100-01 1 1 ) or line powered (21 90-9169, surface mount or 2190-9170, flush mount) - Refer to data sheet S4100-0002 for details DECODER MODULE (4too-0136) Translates coded initiating circuit inputs inlo addressable points. Refer to data sheet S4100-001 I for details. DtAL-tN SERVTCE MODEM (4100-01391 Provides remote access for a computer equipped with a modem and terminal emulation software. PANEL MOUNT PRTNTER (4100-0451): - 40 column high speed event printer - 20 visible lines with intemal take'up reel - Operates from system voltage with battery back-up - Requires dedicated RS-232 port - Refer to data sheet S4100-0021 fror details INTERNAL DUAL LINE DACT MODULES: - Each provides multiple programmable features such as automatic 24 hour test and power fail report delay - Each line requires a DACT cable, model 2080-9047, 14 ft long, with RJ45 plug - Serial DACT 4100-0155 is capable of communicating serial, point-specifi c information (refer to data sheet 52080-0009 ior details) - Contact Closure DACT4100-0153: - Alarm input typically connects to City relay contacts - Provides Supervisory and AC power fail reporting using dedicated relay contacts - Provides DACT communications status monitoring using relay feedback point S4100-0013-14 8/00 pase 6 MoDULE DEscRtpTtoN s tcontitSl) DISTRIBUTED MODULE OPERAIT'N WITH MtNtpLEXo TRANSpONDERS (4100-801 9t: - Allows remote location ot Amplifiers, MAPNET ll and TrueAlarm lnterface Modules, Initiating Device Circuits, Notifi cation Appliance Circuits, and Auxiliary Control Circuits - Model 4100-8210 control panels provide audio operation, model 4100-8010 control panels provide nonaudio oDeErtion - Up to 31 MINIPLEX transponders can be controlled from the fire alarm control panel - Refer to data sheet S4100-0015 for Miniplex Transponder details - The figure to the right shoils a typical audiotuoice MINIPLEX transponder system with initiating devices and notification, each monitored and conkolled by the control panel REMOTE UNrT TNTERFACE, RUr (4100{304): - Supervised serial communication channel for control and monitoring of remotely located annunciators, MINIPLEX transponders, and l/O paners - Can be wired for either Class A (Style 7) or Class B (Style 4) communications - Connects to TrueAlerl Addressable Controller to provide individual addressable control of TrueAlert addressable notification appliances (refer to data sheet 34009-0003 for additional information) - Up to four RUI modules can be installed LED'LCD ANNUNCIATION Optional interface modules are available for remote and/or local control panel annunciation. The LEDS are programmable for slow rate, fast rate pulse or steady illumination. Annunciation capacity is up to 2000 points, where one annunciation point is either: one LED or one switch on an LED/Switch module, one LED driver oLrtput on a Graphic Driver, or one switch input on a Graphic Switch Input Module 64164 LEDISWITCH CONTROLLER (4r00-030r): - Interf,aces up to 64 LEDS and 64 switches to the master controller via serial communications - Continuously monitors switches for changes in status - Supervises and controls LEDs - Supervises LED/switch module placement 24 POINT t/O GRAPHTC TNTERFACE (4100-0302f : - Each of the 24 points can be individually configured as either a switch input or a lamp driver - Lamp driver output is 150 mA (+24 VDC common) - Outputs can be steady, slow pulse, or fast pulse - Switch inputs can monitor 2 position or 3 position switches Lamp test input is provided Provides supervised monitoring andior control for smoke control applications ,110G8210 MINIPLEX Conlrol Panel MINIPLEX System Example LED/SWITCH T'ODULES - Modules contain socketed LEDs to allow selection of LED color choice to indicate specific functions - Switch modules can be used to perform manual control such as for HVAC, pressurization fans, damper control, speaker circuits, etc. LED/SWITCH ItlODULE SELECTION SERIAL LCD ANNUNCIATORS The 4603-9101 LCD annunciator provides remote annunciation and control using an interf,ace and display similar to that of the 4100 panel. (lf multiple alarms occur, display of first alarm requires operator intervention.) Information is transmitted over a single twisted, shielded pair. Other styles of serial annunciators can be connected on the same pair of wires. (Referto data sheet S4603-0001.) O @gr* 4603-91 01 LCD Annunciator s4'100-0013-14 Style 7, RUI Communications i ,Audio wiring ht red LEDS and Eight red LEDS, eight green LEDS, and eight Eight red LEDs, eight yellow LEDs, and eight 8/00 page 7 MOUNTING REFERENCE [odol Numbor 190 2975-9191 2975-9',t92 194 195 410014120 Cabinet Dimenslons o WldtllShe 2-Unit 3' (76 mm) minimum 2i1'(610 mm) maximum EnE - Height 20 314' (527 mm) Cabinet 25 3t4 (654 mm) Cablnet D6pth 6 314" (171 mm) Door Wldth 26 3t8" (670 mm) 4-Unit &Unit IMPORTANT: Distiance between cabinets must be no less than 3 inches (76 mm) and no more than 24 inches (610 mm). Simplax, ahe Simplex logo, ITAPNET L, MINIPLEX, WALKTEST, nreAlam, and TrueAlert are .ih€rtradematlas or r€gist red tademerks ot Simplax nma Reco'der Co. in artc U.S. andfor othar countics. wFPA is a rogis,ercd tra.tanak of tlre Netionel Fi'! P,oaectior, ,q ssociat'on. 36 114" (921 mm) 52 118' (1324 mm) tEiE - -i (,1t,"'fl (57 mm) | I v +,1 (76 mm) | lnstallation Detail Side View NOTE: A system ground must be provided for Earth Detection and transient protection devices. This connection shall be made to an approved, dedicated Earth connection per NFPA 70, Article 250, and NFPA 780. s4100-001$14 8i00 tEl - 2-Unit 3 3/,1' trin - S.Simplelr Weslminster. Massachusetts 014111-0001 U. S. A. Ofiices and Representatives Throughout th€ World Visit us on the world wide tveb al wvw.simptexnat,com All spccmcallons end othqr infomelbn shown wa€ curcnt ar ot printing and arc subFci to change without nolicr. S.Simplen UL, ULC Listed;FM, CSFM, and NYC, MEA Apprcved* rrt0armt Analog sensing + TrueAlarm Analog Sensors - Photoelectric, lonization, and Heat; Compatible Bases and Accessories rldtt TrueAlarmo analog sensing provides digital transmission of analog senaor values via MAPNET ll" or lDNetil, two-wire communications** Firo alarm contrcl panel provides: o Individual sensitivity selection for each sensor r Sensitivity monitoring that satisfres NFPA 72 sensitivity testing requirements r Peak value logging allowing accumte analysis for sensitivity selection r Automatic, once per minute individual sensor calibration check that verifies sensor integrity o Automatic envi ronm ental compensation o Display of sensitivity directly in percent per foot r Multi-stage alarm operation o AbiJity to display and print detailed sensor information in plain English language Photoelectrlc smoke sensors: o Seven levels of sensitiviw from 0.2o/o to 3.7o/o Heat eensors: o Fixed temperature sensing o Rate-of-rise temperatue sensing r Utility temperature sensing lon ization smoke sensors': . Three levels of sensitivity;0.5Yo,0.9o/o and l.3Vo For use with Simplexo: o 4010,4020,4100, and 4120 Series control panels o Universal Transponders and 2120 TrueAlarm CDTs equipped for MAPNET II operation Magnetic tsst feature Fu nctional a nd a rch itectu rally sty led chamber enclosure: o Louvered design enhances smoke capture by directing flow to chamber r Entrance areas are minimally visible when ceiling mounted Optional accessorieE include remote LED alarm indicator and output relays UL listed to Standard 268 r Th€se pDducG have b€€n appDv€d by lhe Cdfomb Sbto Fir€ Ma|shal (CSFM) puFuant b S€ction 131{4.'l ol t|6 Califomia thallh and Saloty Cod€. S€o CSFM Ustings 22-0026:218, 721 1 40'ftia1, 727G0f,26t216, and 730G0026:217 tr allot Sle values td.br condllbfts concerning mabdal pn6E.iod in tis doc[mdlt. i is subjed t0 rB{xaminalion, lEvlslon, and possu€ canc€llatbn. Accoptr lor us€ - City of Nor Yo o€pa nEnt ol Buildings - MEAXt93E. Roftr b page 1tu UtC tsling shlrF. Addltbn8l lbtes may b6 nplbau€, contsd ,!tr hcd Simphx godr.l supdier br fE labst sblus. 409&971 4 TrueAlarm Photoelectric Sensor Mounted in Base tiffiffi Digital Communication of Analog Sensing. TrueAlarm analog sensors provide an analog measurement that is digitally communicated to the host control panel using Simplex addressable communications. At the control panel, the data is analyzed and an average value is determined and stored. An alarm or other abnormal condition is determined by comparing the sensor's present value against its average value and time. Intelligent Data Evaluation. Monitoring each sensor's average value provides a continuously shifting reference point. This software filtering process compensates for environmental factors (dust, dirt, etc.) and component aging, providing an accurate reference for evaluating new activity. With this filtering, there is a significant reduction in the probability offalse or nuisance alarms caused by shifts in sensitivity, either up or down. Control Panel Selection. Peak activity per sensor is stored to assist in evaluating specific locations. The alarm set point for each TrueAlarm sensor is determined at the host control panel, selectable as more or less sensitive as the individual application requires. TlmedlMulti-Stage Selection, Sensor alarm s€t points can be programmed for timed automatic sensitivity selection (such as more sensitive at night, less sensitive during day). Control panel programming can also provide multi'stage operation per sensor. For example, a 0.27o level may cause a warning to prompt investigation while a 2.5o/o level may initiate an alarm. Sensor Alam and Trouble LED Indication. Each sensor base's LED pulses to indicate communications with the panel. If the control panel determines that a sensor is in alarm, or that it is dirty or has some other type oftrouble, the details are annunciated at the control panel and that sensor base's LED will be turned on steadily. During a system alarm, the control panel will control the LEDs such that an LED indicating a trouble will return to pulsing to help identi$ the alarmed sensors. i TnnAlam auh ssEors ard trlAFtlET ll di lDl,let commubah{F ao pobctd t orB or rue d tE hhhg us. Pabds 6156,16B 5,1468q 1543,777; 51001114; 556?76f 5,562763; 1,75,@5; oES. 32,460. s/.nQA-nntq-A I ?/n.t T rueAl a rm Sensor aasesfU Accessories Ba3e mounted addres3 salectlon: o Address remains with its programmed location o Accessible from front (dipswitch under sensor) Automatlc identlflcation provides default sensitivity when subs$tuting sen3or type3 lntegral red LED for powe.-on (pulsing), or elarm or trouble (3teady on) Locking anti-tamper deslgn Magnetce lly operated functional test Mounb on standard ouuet box ffilH -) 4098-9292, Standard sensor base ,-)r 4098-9789, Sensor base wlth wlrcd connections for: o 2098-9808 Remote LED alarm indicator or 4098-9822 relay (unsupervised) 4098-9791, Sen8or base with supervised rclay drlver output (not compatible with 2120 CDT): o Relay operation is programmable and can be manually operated from control panel r Use with remote mount 2098-9737 relay r Also includes wired connections for remote LED alarm indicator o r 4098-9822 relay ffiEffiEffi 2098-9737, Remote or local mount supervised rclay: r DPDT contacts for resistive/suppressed loads, power limited raring of 3 A @28 VDC; non-power limited rating of 3 A@120 VAC (requires extemal 24VDC coil power) 4098-9822, LED Annunclrtion Relay: r Activates when base LED is on steady, indicating local alarm or trouble o DPDT conlacts for resistive/suppressed loads, power limited rating of 2 A @ 28 VDC; non-power limited rating of l12 A@ 120 VAC, (requires extemal 24 VDC coil power) 4098-9832, Adapter plete: r Required for surface or semi-flush mounting to 4" square electrical box and for surface mounting to 4" octagonal box . Can be used for cosmetic retrofitting to existing 6-318" diameter base product 2098-9808, Remote red LED Alarm lndicator: r Mounts on single gang box (shown in illusfation to right) TrueAlarm sensor bases contain integral addressable electronics that constantly monitor the status ofthe detachable photoelecfic, ionization, or heat sensors. Each sensor's output is digitized and transmitted to the system fire alarm control panel every four seconds. Since TrueAlarm sensors use the same base, different sensor types can be easily interchanged to meet specific location requiremenls. This feature also allows intentional sensor substitution during building construction. When conditions are temporarily dusty, instead of covering the smoke sensors (causing them to be disabled), heat sensors may be installed without reprogramming the control panel. Although the control panel will indicate an incorrect sensor type, the heat sensor will operate at a default sensitivity providing heat detection for building protection at that location. nlffiffiEEffiitl Etectrlcal Box Requiremenis: (boxes are by others) Ul!!Egl!e!el: 4" oc'tagonal or 4" square, 1 - 1 /2" deep; singl€ gang, 2" d€ep lnfh rchv : 4" oclagonal or 4" square, 1-112" de€p, with 1-l /2" exteneion ring 4" (lO2 mm) Squrro Box 4" (102 mm) Oct gonal Bor suface, or with up to 1/4' (5.4 mm) maximum rec€ss 209&9737 Rday (mounts in base eleclrical bo( or remotely) lo9E-9822 Relay (mounts in basa eleclric€l box) Refay Siza: 2-1t1' X t1n" X 1" (3.75 cubic inches) (64 mm X 38 mm X 25.4 mm) NOTE: Revie./ total wire count wire siz6, and accassories being rvired to determine r€quired box volum€. t k-- 6-3/8" (162 mm) 114" (6.4 mm) |(l9E-9E32 Adapter Plate, reouired for mounting to Sglb€ mounted bo\es and 4" souare flush box l-- 1-7t8" (124 mm) --------.-l TrueAllrm Basea 409&9789. -979r. & -9792 1-1l? (38 mm) minimum box depth Flush mount refer€ncc, mour gvEn with final tSIrnCa s rvro" f l- (2a mm) l \ s4098-0019{ 12101 TrueAlarm SensorsItiF Sealed agalnst rear air flow entry lnterchan geable mounting EtlnFl shlelded electronica Heat sensorS: . Selectable rate compensated, fixed temperature sensing with or without rate-of-rise operation o Listed to UL Standard 521 for 60 ft (18.3 m) spacing for I 3 5" F (57 .2" C) alarm, and 40 ft (12.2 m) spacing for l55o F (68' C) alarm smoke Senso13: o Photoelectsic or ionization technology sensing . 360o smoke enfy for optimum response ffi TrueAlarm heat sensors are self-restoring and provide rate compensated, fixed temperature sensing, selectable with or without rate-of-rise temperature sensing. Due to its small thermal mass, the sensor accurately and quickly measures the local temperature for analysis at the fire alarm control panel. Rate-of-rise temperature detection is selectable at the control panel for either l5' F (8.3o C) or 20o F (11.1o C) per minute. Fixed temperature sensing is independent of rate-of-rise sensing and programmable to operate at 135" F (57.2o C) or 155' F (68' C). In a slow developing fire, the temperature may not increase rapidly enough to operate the rate-of-rise feature. However, an alarm will be initiated when the temperature reaches its rated fixed temperature setting. TrueAlarm heat sensors can be programmed as a utility device to monitor for temperature extremes in the range from 32o F to 155'F (0" C to 68" C). This feature can provide freeze warnings or alert to HVAC system problems. (Refer to specific panels for availability.) 4098-9733 Heat Sensor with Base WARNING: In mostfirEs, hazardous levelg of smoke and torlc gas can build up before e heat detection deyice would lnltiate an alarm. In cases where Life Safety is a factor, the use of smoke detection is highly TrueAlarm photoelectic sensors use a stable, pulsed infrared LED light source and a silicon photodiode receiver to provide consistent and accurate low power srnoke sensing. Seven levels of sensitivity are available for each individual sensor, ranging from 0.2%" to 3.7Vo per foot of smoke obscuration. Sensitivity is selected and monitored at the fire alarm control panel. The sensor head design provides 360o smoke entry for optimum response to smoke from any direction' A built-in screen keeps insects from entering the smoke chamber. Due to its photoelectric operation, air velocity is not normally a factor, except for impact on area smoke flow. 4098-9714 Photoelectric Sensor with Base ffi TrueAlarm Ionization sensors use a single radioactive source with an outer sampling ionization chamber and an inner reference ionization chamber to provide stable operation under fluctuations in environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity. Smoke and invisible combustion gases can freely penetrate the outer chamber. With both chambers ionized by a small radioactive source [Am 241 (Americium)], a very small current flows in the circuit. The presence of particles of combustion will cause a change in the voltage ratio between chambers. This difference is measured by the electronics in the sensor base and digitally transmitted back to the control panel for processing. Three levels of sensitivity are available for each ionization sensor: 0.5, 0.9, and I .3% per foot of smoke obscuration. 4098-9717 lonization Sensor with Base ffi Sensor locations should be determined only after careful consideration of the physical layout and contents ofthe area to be protected. Refer to NFPA 72, the National Fire Alarm Code. On smooth ceilings, smoke sensor spacing of30 ft (9.1 m) may be used as a guide. For detailed application information, refer lo 4098 Deleclors, Sensors, and Bases Application Manual (574-709). t----------4-za" (124 mm)---------l (.I+-_LED slalus indicatot a-7l8' (12a mm)----J RLED stetus indicalor 4-718" (124 mm)----+l L*-LED status indicalol s4098-0019-8 1201 TrueAhrm Sensor Bases Sensor Base with connections br Remole LED Alarm lndicalor or Unsupervised Relay 2098-9808 remote LED alarm Sensor Base with conneclions fur Supewised Remole Reley and connections for Remote Alarm Indicetor or Unsupervised Rehy 2098-9808 remote alarm indicator or Iodel 4098-9792 (C) Description Stendard Sonsor Base. no ootions Compatitility Sensors 4098-971/+. -9733. & -9717 ilounting Requiretrnnts 4' octagonal or4" square box, 1-112'min. 2' min. de 4" octagonsl or ,[' square box Ilote: Box deplh requirements dep€nd on total vvire counl and wire size, rsfgr to accessories list below for reierence. Mour ing Requirements Refer to base reeuirements Mounting R€quirements ,f098-9789 (C) .1098-9791 (C) iilodel .t098-9714 Description Photoelectic Smoke Sensor Compatibility Bases'1098-9792. 4098-9789. and,1098-9791 /t098-9717 4098-9733 TrueAlarm Sensor/Base Accessories Model Description Competibility Refur to publication 4uvd uor€clors, Jensots, ano tsases Appt|carrcrn Manuat (571-7091 numbeF are deshnated bv (C) and reouire a'C" suffx such as /1098-979,1C. Gffiiliffi TrueAlarm Sensors 209&9737 Supervised Relay, mounts remote or in base electrical box For use with 409&9791 base Remote f,lountlng requires 4' oclagonal or 4" square box,1-1n" minimum deplh Base Mounting requires 4" octsgonal box, 2-118" deep with 1-ll2'extension ring 209&9808 Remote Red LED Alarm Indicatol on sinole oano stainbss sieel Dlate Bases 4098-9789 and 4098-9791 Single gang box, 1-1l2" minimum depth 4098-9822 (C) Relay, tracks base LED stelus (unsupervised, mounts only in base eleclricel boxl 4" octagonel box, 2-118' deep with 1-1l2' extension ring 4098-9832 AdaDter Plate Bases 4098-9792, -9789, & -9791 Required for surface or semi-ffush mounted 4' square box and for surface mounted 4' os{aqonal box Refur to for additional infumalion. ULC listed model General Operating Specifi cations Communicalions and Sensor Supervisory Power Communications Connections Remote LED Alarm Indicator Cunent Remote LED Alarm Indicator and UL Listed T wib i1098-9717 or 4098 -9733 rvith 4098-971.1 MAPNET ll or lDNet, auto-select, 24-40 VDC w/data, 400 trA typical, 'l Operating Temperature Range Smoke Sensor Ambient Ratings 4098-9714 Photoeleclric Sensor Screw terminals for in/out 18 to 1,0 AWG 1mA to alarm cunenl Color coded wire 18 AWG 32' to 100' F to 38" 32" lo 122" F to 50' 15" lo 122" F to 50' 10 lo 95% RH Aar Air is G2000 ft/min is G100 fl/min '| 0 m/min 4098-9717 lonization Sensor 30 m/min): Altitude is to 8000 ft 4km Housing Color Frost While € page 2 fo 18-32 VDC al 24 VOC Current 270 trA. from 24 VDC Alarm Cunent with 2098-9737 Relay 28 mA, from 24 VDC supply Coil V 18-32 VDC {nominal 24 Current from communicalions Alarm Current 13 mA fom 24 VDC Tyco, Simdet, the Sinplex logo, Tn eAlorm, MAPNET Il, ond IDNet are tradematk {Tyco I enational S.niccs AC or itt alliliat.s in th. U.S ondor other countries. NFPA 72 ls o ragistered tttdcmdrk of thc Na,ional Flre Protection Association UFPA). S,Simplex Westminster, Massachusetls 01441-0001 IJSA www.slmPt€xnet.com Q 2001 Sinple, Ttme Recorder Co. DBA TEPG-US (d Tyco c6npdtt), All rlghts ftsened. s4098-0019-8 12101 '[098$791 Base With Supewis€d Remote Relay 2098-9737 (see page 2 for contact ratings) tO98€822 Unsupervised Relay, Requirements for B.ses 4{198{789 and {98-9791 (see page 2 for contact ratings) r'll .^'.tli.dti^'. d,/t ^rh't i,l^.data^, rh^u6 -,.r' r-...bt d. .f.t^.-n'nt Bri.i^h.lat. abt ^D 6,hi,?t .^ ihn,nc ui!h^-t ,^ti.. S.Simplex uunlppncalon Penpnerars I DNetrM Communicating DevicesUL, ULC Lr'sted; FM, CSFM, and MEA (NYC) Apprcved' EAE lDNet addressable interface moduleE*t for use wlth Simplexo models 4010 and 4100U flre alarm control panels 4090-9002, lndivldual Addressable Relay Module (Relay IAM): o A single addressable point provides control and status tracking of a Form "C" contact r Low power latching relay design allows IDNet communications to supply both data and module power Compact sealed constructlon: r Enclosed design minimizes dust infiltration o Mounts in standard 4" square electrical box r Screw terminals for wiring connections o Visible LED flashes to indicate communications r Optional covers are available to allow LED to be viewed after installation UL listed to Standard 864 |ilffiTN lDNet Relay lAMs allow fire alarm control panels to control a remotely located Form "C' contact using IDNet addressable communications for both data and module power. Typical applications would be for switching local power for control functions such as elevator capture, or control of HVAC components, pressurization fans, dampers, etc. Relay status is also communicated requiring only one device address. rlttliltfilEt Modol 4090-9002 Description Relay IAM Model 4090-9002 Relay IAM 4090 Series lDNet Relay IAM Package (shown approximately 1/2 size) ffitffi @efer to Installation Instructions 574-184 for additional information.) Communicrtions 4010 or 4100U lDNel I address per device Relay lA[ Power Supplied by lDNet communications )", SPDT) 2 A @ 24 VDC, fortransisnt suppressed loads PowerLimited Rating 1 A @ 24 VDC for induclive loads ilonpowsr.Limlted Ratlng fl A@ 120 VAC,lor transisnl suppressed loads Wirc Connections Screw teminals for in/out wiring, 18 to 14 AWG wire (0.82 to 2.08 mm, ) Model 4090-9801 4090-9802 Thls poducl has b€€n +pmv6d by the Cal omia Slale FiG Uatshal (CSFM) p06uant b S€ction 13144.1 offie Califomia Heai$ snd Satoty Codo. S€o CSFM Lbtil|g 7300-0026:223 for allowablo values andbr condltions conc€ming nabrial p|esont€d in $!is docum€nl ll is subjoct to B.oxaminstion, r€vlslon, 8nd possibl€ cancsllslioo. A$epbd br uss - CiV of N€r Yoft Dsp€rtnonl of Buildings - MEA3$93E. Addilond lbtings may b€ adi:*; conbcl you local Sim*r Foducl supdier ftr fE labsl sblus. Up to 2500 fl ( 762 m) from fire alarm control oangl lDilet tlvidng Refercnce Up to 10,000 ft ( 3048 m) total widng distance (induding T-Taps) Compatible with Simplar 2081-9044 0vervoftaoe Protectors DimensionB 41/8'Hx4-1/8'Wx1-38 0 (105 mm x 105 mm x 35 mm) Hou6ing ilaterial Black thermoolastic flounting Plrte Iatedal Sheet metal, galvanized femperafure Range 32'b 120' F (0' to 49' C), intended for indoor operation Humidity Range Up to 93% RH at 100" F (38' C) " lDNetddlBssdh conmuni:atb6 a|B pDte(bd by U.S. P*nt i10.1,796,025. Description Trim plate with LED viewing window, includes mounling screlt/s; painted beige For semi-flush mounted box For surFace mounted box Retay lAt Contactr (Form 'C", SPDT) Optional Tdm Plates srnqn-nnn2-5 a/n? Address setting under resealable label v' 4" (102 mm) square box,2-1l8" (54 mm) minimum deplh, RACO 232 or equal (suppli€d by olhers) Double gang blank cowr plate and mounling scrsws, tor use when LED 'rs not required to externally viewed (supplied by others) 4-9116" (1'16 mm) Mounting Reference, Double Gang Blank Cover Plate Light pipe for LED 4-5116' 109 mm) 6" (1 16 mm) 4090-9801 , Trim plate tor semi-flush mounted box co 0 C 0 4090-9002 Relay IAM @ @ @ @ l+-4-5^6, (1os mm)-l 4090-9802, Trim plate for surface mounted box Optiona! Trim Plates forVisible LED Tyco. Si,/'plcx, lhe St,''plex logo, ahd IDNet aru ftdeorarb ofTyco Intetrgtiorol AG or tts afrIa@s in !h. U.S. ad/or other conlrict. S"Simplex IEPG-US . 9t Technology Ddve . WestminsteL Massactrosefts . 014414001 . USA A 2002 TEPG-US (a Tyco compny). All tlghls nsen.d. lll spaciJlcotlons dnd oth.r lnformotion slarwn were dotent os of bc-umenl nvision date and ore subiacl lo clfrhse withoul nolica. s4090-0002-5 4/02 www.tepg.com lI"Simpler(O M u lti-Appl icatioO Peri pherals and Accessories UL Listed* (Air Products) Fire Alarm Control Relays, Track Mounted and Encapsulated, 4098-9843 and 2088 Series FEATURES . UL listed as Control Unit Accessory (UOXX) . Track mount package availability: - Single or lour relay module, with or without enclosure, with SPDT or DPDT contacts - LED indicates relay coil status - Enclosures provide status LED viewing ports - Multiple coil voltage inputs, diode polarized - Modules are track mounted with'Snap-Aparf' feature design . Single encapsulated SPDT relay package with color coded 18 AWG wire leads, available in two versions: - 2088-9021 (PAM-I) Provides diode polarized multiple input voltage ability and LED indication - 4098-9843 (PAM-SD) Provides a diode polarized 24 VDC coil with in/out wiring 2088-9020, MR2OryC, Four DPDT Relay Package with Enclosure (shown with cover removed) Encapsulated Relay Package (typical of 2088-9021, PAM-I and 4098-9843, PAM-SD) DESCRIPTION These multi-purpose control relays offer SPDT or DPDT, 10 Amp contacts in a variety of mechanical packages, Models are available for coil operation by one of Jour input voltages allowing a single relay to be energized from a voltage source of 18-35 VDC or VAC, 115 VAC, or 230 VAC (not available with 4098-9843). Voltage selection is made by wiring to the appropriale input terminals. Each relay model (except model 4098-9843) contains a red LED which indicates that the relay coil is energized. Mounting options are varied for application flexibility. Track mounted relays may be "snapped aparf trom a standard four-module assembly and used independently if desired. ' Product listings are by Air Products & Controls, Ltd. per model numbers shown on page 2. SPECIFICATIONS (refer to page 2lor dimensions) 10A @ 115 VAC, resistive I 8-35 VAC/VDC, 1 1 5, or 230 VAC Coil Current | . SPDT models = 15 mA DPDT models = 35 mA Terminal Block Ralings I up to 14 AWG 18 AWG color.coded wire leads 208&9021 10 A @ 115 VAC, resistive 1&35 VACI/DC, 115, or 230 VAC 15 mA @ 24 VACTVDC, 115, or 230 VAC 409&9843 1&35 VDC inpd, 15 mA @ 24 VDC -58" F to 185" F (.5O" C to 85" C) O 2001 Simplex Tim6 Flecorder Co. A rjghts reserved.s2088-0010-7 4/01 O *r*"sELEcroN cHARr 2088-9007 2088-9009 2088-9008 -) zoaa-soro 2088-9017 2088-9019 2088-9018 2088-9020 2088-9021 4098-9843 TRACK MOUNT RELAY WIRING REFERENCE Terminal strip connections SPDT models Simplex and.the Sinplex logo arc eithet tradenarks ot pgister,d ttr,demarks ol Sinplexlime Recorder Co. in the U.S. and/or othet conties. :i :il9dsr ,: MR-101/T MR-101/C Track mount with enclosure Track mount, without enclosure Track mount with enclosure Encapsulated, multi-voltage coil, color coded 18 AWG wire leads, wilh coil status LED Encapsulated, 24VOC coil, color coded 18 AWG wire leads (no LED .' ' Dlmenslon= , : 3"Hx21/8"Wx1112"D Coil voltage (note poladty for DC) (18-3s) VDC (18-3s) VAC 115 VAC 230 VAC Coil voltage (note polarity for DC) (18-3s) VDC (18-35) VAC 11s VAC 230 VAC SPDT contacts rated 10 A @ 115 VAC, resistive Track mount, without enclosure Relay energized LED (76 mrn x 54 mm x 38 mm) 6 1i8' H x31/4'W x2112" D (156 mm x 83 mm x 64 mm) (76 mm x 216 mm x 38 mm) 6 1/8" H x91l/ W x2112' D (156 mm x 241 mm x 64 mm) 1'l/2"Hx1"Wx7/8'D (38 mm x 25.4 mm x 22 mm) 112" Hx 1 3/16'W x 13/16'D mmx30mmx21 mm) (-)(+) i:r,:i:,.i N I Terminal strip connections DPDT models s2088-0010-7 4/01 DPDT contacts rated 10 A @ 115 VAC. resistive @@@@ @\ ^"cNo@ @@@@ o S.Simpler(Westminsler, Massachusetts 01441-0001 U. S. A. Otlices and Flepresen'tatives Throughout the World Visit us on the world wide web at www.simplexnet.com. All specifications and other inlormation shown were current as ol printing and are subject to change without notice. S"Simplex UL, ULC Listed; FM, CSFM and MEA (NYC) Apprcved* LifeAldlt Fire Alarm Controls 4100U lDNet Communications, or Conventional NACs rltffi Provldes additlonal notification appliance circuit (NAC) capacity wfth flexlble operatlon modes and power-lim ited design Four, Class B (Style Y) NACs ars standard: o Rated 2 A @ 24 VDC, compatible with standard 24 VDC notification appliances r Can be selected to provide synchronization for Simplexo visible notification strobe flashes o Capable of controlling TrueAlertrM non-addressable notification appliances operating with SmartSyncrM two-wire control mode Input control can be from either: e IDNet addressable communications from a Simplex model 4010 or 4100U Fire Alarm Control Panel** o Or from one or two conventional 24 VDC NACs with multiple output control options lDNet communicatlons control benefits: r Provides status monitoring and individual NAC control using a single address per 4009 IDNet NAC Extender o Supports IDNet "Device Level" earth fault location WALKTESTTI operation is available with either input choice' lnternal 8 A power supply/baftery charger: e Charges internal batteries up to 12.7 Ah orup to 18 Ah batteries in extemal cabinet o Provides status monitoring of battery, inpul power, anc earth faults Optional 4009 lDNet NAC Extender modules: r IDNet Communications Repealer provides Class B (Style a) or Class A (Style 6) output r IDNet Communications Fiber Optic Receiver/Repeater, available as Class B or Class A o Four additional Class B NACs, rated 1.5 A @ 24 VDC o Class A (Style Z), Two Circuit Adapter Module UL Listed to Standard 864l!ilffitiffi 4090 Series lDNet communication fiber optic transmltte|t: r For applications requiring the dala integrity available with fiber optic comrnunications r Available as Class B (Style 4) or Class A (Style 7) r Mounts in standard six-gang electrical box External battery cablnet for l8 Ah batterles " Simpl€r lDNet addressaue ommuni;aljorE ae probcted by U.S. Petent No. 4,796,025. Rsler to spocifications lor dditionsl lDNot wiring htomstion. 4100U r€qulr8s €vision 11 sonwaE or hl0h€r br compatibilily. 4010 GqulrBs r8vision 2 softwr€ or higlEr lor com paliullv. t Simpl€x WALKTEST s€rvics bstlng is Fotsct€d und€rU.S. Patent No. 1,725,818. 4010 (shown) or 4100U Fire Alarm Control Panel 4009 lDNet NAC Extender Connection Reference Drawing !t#:Gt ADA Compliance. Complying with the notification requirements of ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) may require more notification appliance power than is available within the fire alarm control panel. When additional power is required, a Simplex 4009 IDNet NAC Extender can provide up to 8 A of NAC power with up to eight, supervised reverse polarity NACs. Location Flexlblllty. The 4009 IDNet NAC Extender can be mounted close to a compatible dedicated host panel or can be located remotely for convenient power distribution. Multiple operation modes and multiple connection options further increase location flexibility. Additional Information. For additional operution detail and application information, refer to Installation Instructions 574- 18 I . ' ULC lHed nodd b 10099202CA. Thb prcduct has boen +pov€d by tE Cdliomia Stsb Fie MaEhal(CSFM) pufsurf b Sectioo 13114.1 of !E Califomb Healh and Sabty Code S€e CSFM tisling n&m26214 br allowabls valu€s andbr condilions oncsming matedal pr€ssnted in his documonl lt is subj€ct b E€raminalion, tBvisbn and pos8ible cancellation. Accopt€d for ose - City of N€w York o€partrn€nt of Building6 - M€A3t93E. Additional lisues m ay be applicablei contacl your loc€l Simplex poducl supplier for he labsl sblus. 2-Wire lDirlet Communications I , I '\ 't ta\\\\\\OI\\\ Fber o;tc tDNet tt Communications Qf \ ffi-' lDNet Fiber Optic Transmitbr NAC Control ltEtlIElllL-l l Alarm Control Panel Conventional NACs Sitnnq-nnn?-i 7rn2 lDNet Addreesable Communications Compatible. Up to five, 4009 IDNet NAC Extenders can be controlled on a single IDNet communications channel. Each output NAC can be individually controlled for general alarm or selective area notification requiring only one point address per Extender. Individual Extender NACs can also be manually controlled from the host panel. IDNet controlled extenders will inform the host oanel oftroubles via IDNet communications. Optional IDN et Repeaterc. IDNet communications can be repeated with the optional IDNet Repeater Module or with the optional Fiber Optic Receiver Module. Up to 100 of the IDNet channel points can be repeated once (refer to pages 3 and 5 for details). Repeated IDNet communications also support the "device level" earth fault location utility of the host panel. Eni!ilErtd Hardwire Contlppllcations- For applications where an existingfbr new) conventional NAC needs additional power, the 4009 IDNet NAC Extender can be conholled directly from the NAC. Either one or two NACs, from either the same, or from different host fire alarm control panels, can be connected to contol the 4009 IDNet NAC Extender output NACs. Multiple control selections provide flexible operation. (Refer to page 4 for more detail.) Alarms from the host panel will activate the four, 4009 IDNet NAC Extender NACs (or optionally, eight NACs) to extend the alarm. The 4009 IDNet Extender monitors itself and each of its output NACs for trouble conditions, including earth faults. Extenders wired to conventional NACs will indicate a trouble by opening the path to the NAC'S end-ofline resistor, but retaining the ability to respond to alarms. Individual troubles are also annunciated by LEDs located on the 4009 IDNet NAC Extender main circuit board. @efer to page 7 for more diagnostic information.) Standard Models l,lodel - ) 4ooe.e2ol Description 120 VAC input (for on-site installation) Description Additional four Doint NAC module. rated 1-112 A. Glass B (Style Y), (select battery size per system requirements) Description ''t2 vDc 4009 lDNet NAC Extender with 4, Class B (Style Y) NACS and 8 A power supply 4009-9301 * ULC listed model OptionalModules Model 4009-9807 4009.9808 4009-9809 4009-981 4009-9811 4009-9805 2975-9801 2975-9802 Battery Selection Model 2081-9272 2081-9273 2081-9274 2081-9288 2081-9275 Model 4090-9105 4090-9107 Description lDNet Fiber Optic Transmitter Class B Commerts One maximum Select as maximum Select either an lDNet Repeater or a Fiber Optic Receiver as required Select if 1-7116" wide (78 mm), use if required for semi-flush installations Comments Two batteries are required, 24 VDC operation Requires external battery cabinet, two batteries are 24VDC Comments Mounts in six-gang electrical box, refer to 4 for mounting details 16-1/4' W x lT1E' H x 4-118' D 413 mm x 343 mm x 105 mm Dual Class A (Stvle Z) adapter (for two NAC lDNet Repeater, output is Class A (Sgle 6) or Class A (SWle 7 fiber. Stvle 6 | Semi-Flush Trim Kit 8 Ah Batterv. 12 VDC 10 Ah Battery, 12 VDC 12.7 Ah Batterv, 12 VDC 18 Ah Baftery, 12 VDC External Accessories (select per system requirements) External battery cabinet for 18 Ah batteries, beige4009-980"1 s4009-0002-3 7/02 /4100U (shown) or 4010 Fire Alarm Conlrol Panel Typical lDNet compalible devices (Refer to individual devi{:es tor aclual wiring requirements, some wiring is not sholvn.) lDNet addressable communicalions channel, shown Class B (Style 4) Outpul NAcs, four standard, conv€ntiElal l''lAc operation (homs) eight with expansion optbn l-l E r-- Sele({ convenlional or SmaftSync operation per NAC Smarisync operalion (homs and sbobes) Convenlional NAC operation (strobes) 4009 lDNet NAC Extender with optional intemal lDNet Repeater Repeated lDNet Channel: up to 100 devices maximum on repeater output, 250 devices total on lDNet Channel lDNet devices and addilional 4009 lDNet NAC Ertender(s) NOTE: Up to five (5) 4009 lDNet NAC Extenders may be connec{ed to one lDNet channel. lDNet communications can be reDeated onlv once (can oass through onlv one series connected reDeater or one fiber oDtic receiver). 4090-9105, Cla3s B (Style 4) Output Fiber Ootic Transmitter n[qfiber cables, 3000 ft (914 m) maximum distance lDNet addressable communicalions chann€l Class B (Style 4) or Class A (Style 6), Class B shown Reoeated lDNel Channelj up to 100 devices maximum on repeater 4010 or 4100U Fire Alarm Control Panel Four fiber cables, 3000 tt (914 m) maximum distance 24 VDC oorver for fiber optic transmitters 4090-9107, Class A (Style A Output Fiber Optic Transmitter 4009 IDN€t NAC Extenders with optional internal lDNet Fiber Recelvers Output NACs NOTE: Up to five (5) 4009 lDNet NAC Extenders may be connected to one lDNet channel. lDNet communications can be repeated only once (can pass through only one series connected repeater or one fiber optic receiver). Fiber optic transmitters connect to onlv one 4009 lDNet NAC Extender. output, 250 devices total on lDNet Channel \ __.-.........._. s4009-0002-3 7/02 NAC Input Selections. The 4009 IDNet NAC Extender can be selected to: Track input NAC operation or to provide a locally generated code, selectable per NAC input If selected for local coding, NAC outputs can be either Temporal Coded or 50 Beab/min llarch Time Coded, one code selection per extender (input NACs must be on continuous with Alarm) Additionally, NAC outputs can be selected to provide the Simplex stobe synchronization signal. This signal will synchronize the flashes of synchronized strobes but will be ignored by free-run strobes and audible devices. (Stobes are for operation by noncoded NACs.) NAC 1 NACS 1-8 NAC 2 None The TrueAlertn Notlfication Appliance product line includes addressable and non-addressable operation. Non-addre ssable models are available with 2-wire SmartSync operation or conventional 4-wire operation. The following details apply to use with the 4009 IDNet NAC Extender: r TrueAlert non-addressable models \r'ith SmartSync operation allow audible notification to be s€prrrtely controlted over the same wire pair thrt controls visible notificetion (protected under U.S. Patent No. 6,281,789) r 4009 IDNet NAC Extenders can be selected to provide SmartSync operation whether controlled by IDNet communications or conventional NACs o IDNet control allows output NACs to be individually selected for conventional or SmartSync operation . With NAC input control, all output NACs are selected for either conventional or SmartSync operation o Class A (Style Z) SmartSync operation requires SmartSync Control Modute (SCM) 4905-9938 (refer to data sheet 54903-0010 for details) o Refer to data sheet 54009-0003 for TrueAlert addressable operation details, contact your local Simplex product supplier for further information on specific TrueAlert notification appliances NAC input to NAC output control can be selected for standard and optional NACs per the following table: Conventional NAC Output O 1&2,5&6 NACS3E4.7&8 All NAC ouFub (1-8) Up to aight (8) output NAC8 totBl; hardwire control can be selecbd to map NAC inputs to difier€nt combinations of NAC outsuts depsnding on system requirements NAC 1 input (see Note 1) Converfiioflal NACS Wth hardwire conirol. NAC outputs are all conventional or all Smartsync operEtion Smartsync opera6on 4905-9938 Smsrtsyne Control Module is requirod for ClEss A output wiring of Smartsync NACS To additional 4009 lDNet NAC Extonders (!p to four (4), 4009 lDNet NAC Exiend€rs p€r NAC): se€ Note 2 Notes: 1. For soparete audible and vbible output NAC control, or Smansync NAC ouFut operation, two (2) input NACS ar€ roquirgd. NAC 1 is "on-until-reset" and NAC 2 is "on-untl-silenced." 2. To synchronize slrobe fash outputs for up b fuur (4) 4009 lDNat NAC Extenders, us€ lhe synchronizsd slrobe output ftom a Synchronized Flash Module (4905-9914 br Class B operaton, 4905-9922 for Glass A operation) or, if available, fom a NAC selecbd to provide synchronized stobe flash outpul. NOTE: DO NOT USE a NAC solected for Smartsync operation for thi3 tuncdon. R6fer to tna/'llation lnstuctlona 57+181 for sddtdon.t In ormation .nd .Ppllcatlon guld.nce s4009-0002-3 7/02 Input Voltage 4009-9301 Hardwire Control from External NACs. Input Requirements Output Ratings Sbndard NACS 4009-980 Optional Modulee lDNet Repeater Module (4009-9809) One Address lDNet Output Specifications Fiber Optic Receirrcr Modules Input Current 3A @, 102-132VAC, 60 Hz 1.54 @, 2U-264 VAC. 50/60 Hz Conventional 3 mA @ 24 VDC in Alarm (rated 4.5 mA maximum 21.1 to29.1 Maximum operating voltage is 18 to 32 VDC, filtered or unfiltered Total cunent must not exceed 8A 70 mA Gh 24 Maximum distance from lDNet source is 2500 ft (762 m Repeated lDNet output for up to 100 devices (total lDNet devices not to 250 Maximum distance to farthest device from 4009 lDNet NAC Extender output is 2500 ft (762 m Total distance including 'T-taps' is 10,000 fl (30a8 m) Class A (Style 6) loop maximum distance is 2500 ft (762 m), no'T'taps 4009-9810. Class B 4). 65 mA 24VDC 4009-9811. Class A 80 mA 24 VDC Same as those for Module above Fiber Optic Transmission Distance 3000 ft (914 m) maximum General (LEO status indicators are lisied on page 7, dimensions and mouriling detaits are on page 6) Operating Temperature | 32'to 120" F (0. to 49. C 10% to 900/6 RH from 32' F to 104" F (0" C to 40' Connections'Terminal blocks for 18 AWG (sbanded) to 12 AWG 1.5 A each @,24 VDC nominal lnput Cunent Fiber Optic Connections and cable requirements 18.9-32 VDC fiom 4090-9107. Class A ST connectors 4090-9105. Class B 4 listed fire alarm 30 mA @ 24 VDC 35 mA @ 24 VDC 50/1 62.51125 um. 'l two fiber cables four fiber cables mx29mm 107. Class A 6" Wx 3-3/4" H x 1- = transmit On-board Status Indicators flashino = receive red LED on 4090-9107 = Class A Communications lDNet Fiber Optic Transmission 14 m) maximum 10% to 90% RH from 32'to 104'F 32" F to 120" F (0" to 49' * Metric wire equivalents: 18 AWG = 0.82 mm'; 12 AWG = 3.3'l mm Conr ing H ino T s4009-0002-3 7/02 lSllt'(413 mm)F.:flfi"XT'l,-l Door, 5/8' (16 mm) thick E)po6ad cabinet dimansion for s6mi-flugh mount 'l" (25.4 mm), 1-3l8" (35 mm) wilh semi-flush trim -T I I I 1U1t2' (32(i mm) Knockouts for scrow or nail mounlino hol€s Non-potH limited widng area (AC inpuq Semi-flush fim option 1-116'wiie (30 mm), 3r8" (9.5 mm) hick watf surfaca robrencs for s€mi-lt usn mounl/ NOTE: Recommended conduit entrance varies with module selection. Refer to general installation instructions 574-181, specific module installation instructions, and to field wiring diagrams 842468 before locating conduit entrance. Optional red apdiqud (400s,980s ) Srl009-0002-3 7/02 Surtaca mount bor: Simplex model 297$9217 (ordered separaely) Flush mount masonry/ box: use Sgeng box, RAGO # 960, 2-112" deep (O4 mm), or RACO # 965, 3-1/2" (89 mm) deep, or egual (supplied by othec) Flush mount ganged box€s: use 6€ang box, 1-1l2" (38 mm) minimum depth: six, RACO # 400 or equal, (supplied by others) ffi Power-u p Self-Diagnoetlcs. Upon power-up, the 4009 IDNet NAC Extender tesb each module and performs earth fault diagnostics. Trouble conditions are communicated to the host control panel and are also displayed on diagnostic status LEDs in the 4009 IDNet NAC Extender. When connected via IDNet communication s, detailed status information is available at the host. When controlled witl conventional NAC inputs, common troubles are signaled by providing a polarized open circuit that disconnects the NAC wiring from its end-of-line resistor but still allows a reversed polarity alarm to be receivcd. Door Mounted Reference Label. The 4009 IDNet NAC Extender has a detailcd programming and diagnostic label inside the front door that provides a quick reference for both installation and checkout. lDl{ot fiber optic transmitter: 4090-9107, Shown, Class A (style 7) output 4090-9105, Not shown, Class B (Style 4) output INSTALLATION NOTE: Fib€r optic cable bend radius should be 2" (51 mm) m inim u m, o r per Manufacturer's specif ication. Six-gang blank cover plate Mulberry Metal Products 97156 or equal (by ohers) LED Status lndicators are provided for the following: . Each NAC (standard and optional) has a dedicated yellow LED that: - During supervision provides a slow flash to indicate a short circuit condition and a fast flash to indicate an open circuit - During an alarm, the LED follows the NAC output (on steady or flashing with coded output) Four, general status yellow LEDs provide nine separate indications listed in priority of urgency, As a trouble is eliminated, any remaining trouble(s) will then be indicated until tlre 4009 IDNet NAC Extender is retumed to normal operation. AC power status is indicated by a green LED that is on when AC is normal. During low AC (brownout) conditions or with no AC, fte LED is off. Additional power and battery status is indicated by the general status LEDS. (-(:-<:-: -(::..--.- s4009-0002-3 7/02 Panel Module Selection (shaded model numbers are optional modules) 240 VAC in Dual Class A Adapter (cunent Total devices x 0.7 mA each Total devices x 0.7 mA each Model 4009-9201 Description 120 VAC Basic Panel '1009-9301 '0009-9807 4009-9808 'f009-9809- ,0009-9810' 4009-9E11- lD et Devices, 0.7 mA each, maximum of 100 (see note 5) Auxiliary Power Output, calculate per total device requiremenb (see note 5) Total Supervisory Current = Total 4009 lDNet NAC Extender Panel Alarm Cunent = * Only one of these three modules can be chosen for a single 4009 lDNet NAC Extender. t NOTE: lDNet Fiber Optic Transmitter current is supplied ftom the host fire alarm control panel. NAC Loads Supewisory Current 85 mA Ac-tual SupeNisory 85 mA Alam Gurrent 185 mA NAC Circuit # Circuit 1 Actual Alalm 185 mA NAC Type Stendard Panel I{ACS, 2 A maximum per NAC (see note 5) Optional Four Point NAG todule, 1.5 A maximum per NAC (see note 5) Total NAC Loads Alarm Current = Total 4009 lDNet NAC Extender Panel Alarm Current (enter 81 from above) = Proceduns,Total Alarm Current = 1. Calculate total panel supervisory current (A). 2. Calculate total panel alarm current (81) lconvert mA to A, example: 350 mA = 0,35 A]. Copy (81) into block (82). 3. Calculate total NAC loads alarm cunent from notification appliance ratings (C). 4. Add (C) + (82) to determine total alarm current (D). 5. Total of lDNet Device Current (Al ) + Auxiliary Power Output Current (A2) + NAC Loads Alarm Current (C) is 8 A maximum. 6. Refer to Simplex battery selection document 900-012 for recommended battery size for specific standby requirements (i.e. 24 hours supervisory, 5 minutes of alarm). lntemal cabinet space is provided for bafteries up to 12.7 Ah. Tyco, Simplet, lhe Sinplex logo, LlkAlorn. IDNet, WALKTEST, S,,/.ortsync, onil TrueAlerr ore trailemar*s ofTyco lnlerrrotional AG or its dIliotes in the U.S. dnd/or other s4009-0002-3 7/02 www.tepg.cgm TEPG-US . 91 Tachnology Drive . Westminstar, Msssechusetts . 01441-0001 . USA 8 2N)2 TEPG-US (a Tyco conpony). All rights rcscmed- All rlxcifrcariotzs ond other inforttation shown were cutent os of document re sion date and arc tubiect to chanee withod nolice. S"Simplex S"Simplex O Multi'Applicat0n Peripherals and Accessories Batteries and Chargers 2081 Series System Batteries, 6.2 Ah to 50 Ah FEATURES . Rechargeable, eealed lead-acid design: - Lead-calcium grid structure - lmmobilized electrolyte in absorbent separator - High reliabilig dual seal construction - Low maintenance, no need to add water - Low selfdischargecharacteristics . One-piece, high impact polystyrene cell cover . UL 924 recognized pressure relief valves o Available in a variety of capacities DESCRIPTION Simplex rechargeable sealed-lead acid bafteries provide reliable and repeatable discharge and recharge characteristics for use in fire alarm and other systems applications. They are designed with immobilized electrolyte in an absorbent separator, allowing them to provide rated capacity on the tirst cycle. Because of their sealed construclion, packaging is allowed within the system electronics enclosure (see Figure 1, page 2). When this is applicable, the quantity of system cabinets and the battery wiring distances are both minimized. SPECIFlCATIONS NominalVoftageRating.............. 12Vlbattery Discharge Rating ............. 20 Hour Rate Typical Charge/Discharge Cyc|es.................. 100 to 150 Prefened Charge Temperature Range.....60' F to g0' F (15.6'C to 32.2'C) - Th€$ babdos meet th€ l€quig|nenb ot Ul- ULC, and F8c1ay MuUd br us€ triul rBsp€clive €quipo|€nt bgtbry dirg€{s s lsbd on psge 3. Contst Simplex tor propsr bathry s€lecton per syslorn reqtirBmenE. Sealed Lead-Acid Batteries for Panel Mounting APPLICATIONS Charging. These batteries are intended to b€ used with compatible Simplex battery chargers. Series Connections. These batteries are reouired to be connected in series to produce 24 V system voltage. Battery sets must be of identical vottage, model number, appearance, and approximately the same date of manufacture for proper operation. Testing. Battery capacity testing is recommended to be performed by using a sealed lead-acid battery tester designed to wlthdraw a minimum of battery charge. The p€fened tester applies a variety of amplitude and durauon controlled test pulses that compares terminal voltage against those predicted for the specific battery size. (Testing is available through Simplex Service.) Disposal. Battery chemicals and materials can be recycled. Refer to information shipped with the battery or on its case. Retum to the battery manufaclurer or to a similarly qualified battery processing facility for proper disoosal. O 2000 Simplrx Timc Rccordcr Co. Allrighb rcscrved.s2081-0006-15 6/00 SEALED LEAD ACID BATTERY CONSTRUCTION DETAILS: (actual appearance will vary with battery size) Quick connec{ or post type terminal (type varies with battery size) lnner cover Absorbent separator used to immobilize electro\rte Lead-calcium gdds Cell group Flgure l. Battery Constructlon Reference Sealed outer cover Vent hole Potting material, black for negative, red for positive (polarity is also clearly marked with + and -) Pressure relief valve Semi-permeable membrane separator Cell case (high impact polystyrene) 52081-0006-15 6/00 pago 2 BATTERY SPECTFTCATTONS AISELECTTON CHART ' Dimensions and weight are per baftery and are for reference only. Exact size may vary. Refer to the chart below for panel mounting compatibility. These batteries are 12 V each and series connected for 24 V system use. Whon installed in a fite alarm control panel, they are to be of identical voltage, appearance, model numbor, and epproximately the same date of manufacture. Battery Selection Chart for Fire Alarm Control Panel Mounting Battery Model Ah,20 Hour Rate Simplex Control Panel Series (see legend and notes betow) 4003 4004 14005 14009 14010 4020 4or6- 4100t4120 . 4 or 6-Un 2081-9272 6.2 Yes Yes Yes 2081-9274 10 2081-9288 12.7 Yes Yes Yes Yes 2081-9275 18 Ext Note 1 2081-9287 25 Ext Yes Ext 2081-9271 (rectangular)33 Note 3 Note 2 Ext 2081-9276 (square)33 Ext Yes 2081-9296 (Note 4)50 Ext Yes = Can be placed in the respeclive equipment cabinet Ext = External batlery cabinet required, refer to selection charl on page 4 Shaded a]€a = Not applicable NOTES: 1 . 4010 Cabinets will accommodale 2081-927 5, I 8 Ah bafteries, but will not allow bottom entry conduit. 2. 4020 Cabinets will accommodate 2081-9271,33 Ah batteries, but will not allow boftom entry conduit. 3. Use 4081 series companion cabinet and charger, refer to page 4. 4. Refer to individual fire alarm control panel product data sheels for additional battery application information. 5. These bateries meet the requirements of UL, ULC, and Factory Mutual for use vyith respective equipment battery chargers listed above. Contact Simplex for proper battery selection per system requirements- Battery lllech anica I Specifications' Battery Model Ah,20 Hour Rate (Ah)width Depth Height with Terminals Approximate Weight 2081-9272 6.2 6 1/8" (156 mm)2 5/8' (67 mm)4' (102 mm)s.75 lbs (2.6 kg) 2081-9271 2081-9288 10 6" (153 mm)41/16'(103 mm)4' (102 mm)9.2 lbs (4.2 kg) 't2.7 6' (153 mm)4' (102 mm)4" (102 mm)9 lbs (4.1 kg) 2081-9275 18 7 114' (1U mm)3 3/8' (86 mm)6 5/8' (168 mm)14.3 lbs (6.5 kg) 2081-9287 25 6 5/8' (168 mm)5'(127 mm)7' (178 mm)19.4 lbs (8.8 kg) 2081-927'l (rectangular)33 12 112" (318 mm],3 3/8" (86 mm)71l16" (179 mm)26.6 lbs (12.1 kg) 2081-9276 (square) 33 7 3t4" (197 mml 5 1/4'(133 mrn)6 3/4" (171 mm)26.5 lbs (12 kg) 2081-9296 50 I 1/2' (24,| mm)5 1/2" (140 mm)8 7/8' (225 mm)41 .8 lbs (19 kg) 52081-0006-15 6/00 page 3 EXTERNAL BATTERY CHARGUND CABINET REFERENCE ' Batteries smaller than those listed are normally mounted in the product cabinet. '* Refer to Simplex data sheet S2081 -0002 for additional information on these remote battery cabineucharger products. t Refer to Simplex data sheet 94081{001 for additional information. Yes = Can be placed in lhe respective equipment cabinet Shaded arca = Nol applicable t Refer lo Simplex data sheet 52081-0002 for additional informaron. tt Refer to Simplex data sheet 54081-0001 for additional information. Sir"plox ,ad tta S/n plex logo an ngistand lredemaft.s ol tho Sing/€'x nne Rocorder Co.s2081-0006-15 6/00 External Battery Cabinets Battery Model' Ah, 20 Hour RatG' Extemally Mount€d Battery Cabinets with Chargers I_._.._.... | 4{1812081-9301* I 2081-9303* | s"ri.", Battery Cabinets wfthoul (connects to charger intl20814270* I 2081-9281 12081{282 Chargerr panel) aoos-e801 | noor"ro, 2081-9275 't8 Yes Yes Yes 2081-9287 25 2081-9271 33 Yes 2081-9276 2081-9296 50 Yes External Battery Cabinet Specifications Model Description Color Oimensions 208t -9281 2-Unit, 4100 style cabinet without charger, with solid door and battery shelf, primarily intended for 50 Ah batteries Beige 25 314' W x 20 314' H xO 3/4' D (654 mm x 527 mm x 171 mm)2081-9282 Red 2081-9270r External battu.ry cabinet without charger Red 26 112't lx12'Hx12"D (673 mm x 305 mm x 305 mm) 2081-9301r Extemal battery cabinet with charger 2081-9303r External baftery cabinet with charger 3n6 with meteB for voltage and current 4009-980r External battery cabinet without charger, with solid door and battery harness, for close-nippled mounting to fire alarm control panel cabinet For up to {8 Ah bafteries Beige 16 1/4' Wx 13 112" Hx 4 1/8" D (41 3 mm x 343 mm x 105 mm) .1009-9802 For up to 33 Ah batteries 25 3/4" Wx 20 314" Hx 4 1/8' D (6S4 mm x 527 mm x 105 mm) 4081 Seriesfr Companion cabinet and charger for the 4010 fire alarm control oanel For up to 50 Ah batteries Available in beige or red 22 112" Ytt x16 314' H x 8 3/8' D (572 mm x 425 mm x 213 mm) S.Simplex westrninster, Massachusetts 01441-0001 u. s. A. Offices and Representatives Throughout the World Visil us on lhe world wide web al www.simplexneLcom All gpGcifications and other intormalion ghown were curenl as of prinling snd are subFct to chang! without nolic?. urheeloak IIIH I I llll I ll @ @ rNc'FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS Description Wheelock's Series CH Electronic Chimes minimize alarm system power supply and wiring costs with a low curreni draw of just 20 mA. These unique solid-state chime appliances provide lield selectable single-stroke or vibrating operation with sound Ievels adjustable up to 83 dB and tone adiustable from 800 to 1200 Hz. They are available in two attractive package styles lor flush mounting to standard electrical boxes or convenient surface mounting. The CH70 and CH90 models incorporale a new patent pending chime mounting plate lot faster, easier, level installation with a new aesthetic two (2) screw gfille cover for a more pleasing appearance. Additionally, the Series CH70 Chime Strobe models incorporale the New Lower Current, Zero Inrush Series RSS Non-Sync/Sync Strobes (synch ronization of the strobe flash is achieved when used with Wheelock's SM or DSM sync modules). Series CH Chime Strobes are designed for maximum perlormance, reliability and cost-effectiveness while meeting or exceeding the latest visible signaling requirements ot NFpA 72 (National Fire Alarm Code), ANSI 117.1 (American National Standard oJ Accessible and Usable Buildingi and Facilities) and UL Standard 1 971 (Standard for Signaling Devices for the Hearing lmpaired). CH Chime Strobes, when properly specified and installed in accordance with NFPA/ANSI Standards. can orovide the Equivalent Facilitation allowed under ADA Accessibility Guidefines (ADAAG General Section 2.2) by meering or exceeding the illumination which results from the ADA specified strobe intensity oi 75 candela at 50 feet. This is an illumination of 0.030 lumens oer souare toot. The Series CH Chime Strobes are UL Listed for indoor use. ceiling and wall mount, under Standard 1971 for Signaling Devices lor the Hearing lmpaired and under Standard ?64 toi Private Mode Audible Signal Appliances. They incorporate a Xenon flashlube with solid state circuitry enclosed in a rugged Lexano lens to provide maximum reliability for eflective visual signaling. Series CH Chimes are olfered in 24 VDC models and are designed to operate over a wide voltage range with filtered DC or uniiltered VRMS input voltage. All modets include tN/OUT wiring terminations that accept two #12 to #18 AWG wires at each lerminal. Inputs are polarized for compatibility with standard reverse polarity type supervision. Features . Approvals include: UL 1971 and UL 464, FCC part '15; Pending: FCC Part 15, California State Fire Marshal (CSFM), New York City (MEA), Chicago (BFP) on all modets.. Strobes are designed 1o meet or exceed latest NFPA/ANSI Standards and ADA Accessibility Guidelines. Meets OSHA 29 Part 1910.165.. Unique electronic chime design provides superior quality, versatile perlormance and improved appearance with one- SERIES CH CHIMES AND CHIME STROBES SERIES CH70 Chime Strobe wicovef Attached SERIES CH Chime Strob6 Mounting Plale SERIES CH Chime Mounling Plate SERIES CH70 Chime w/Cover Attachod SEFIES CH70 Chime Strobe CoYer Plale SERIES CH90 Chims Cover Plate '-.-ffi$ -. tenth the current draw ol most electromechanical chimes.I . Field selectable choice of single stroke or vibrating operation - with volume control and tone iontrol. Low currenl draw with low temperature compensation to reduce power consumption and wiring costs. CH70 Strobe models are available with 15, 1 5t5, 30, 75 and 110 candela (wall mount) ratings for operation from a single NAC circuit (in vibrating mode) or separale NAC circuits. Low current draw, Zero Inrush, Non-Sync/Sync Strobe models are for wall mount only. Synchronization requires the SM or DSM module(s). 24 VDC chime and chime strobe models with wide Listed voltage range, using filtered DC or unfiltered VRMS. Polarized inputs ior compatibility with standard reverse polarity type supervision of ciriuit wiring by the Fire Alarm Control Panel. Low cost installation to standard electrical boxes. Attractive llush or surface mounting options. No additional trim-ptdte required for flush mountin-gj.Fast installation with ln/Out screw terminals using #12 to #18 AWG wrnng. The 15/75 candela watl mounted strobes are listed-1t 15 candela under UL Standard 1971 and meet intensity on axis for ADA guidelines, with draw.Copyright 1997 Wheelock, Inc. Alt rights reserved. NoTE: All CAUTIOIIS and WARI,IINGS aro identlflsd rylmmf A. All walnings are prinled in loto capitat tenl A WARNING: PLEASE READ THESE SPECIFICATI0I{S AND THE M0ST CURREiIT tNSTALLATI0N INSTBUCTIONS CAREFUTLY BEF0RE USING, SPECIFYII{G 0B IPPIViHC THIS PROOUCT. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ANY OF THE FOLTOWING INSTFUCTIONS, CAUTIONS AND WARI{INGS C(lULD RESULT IiI IMPROPES liFplictinoN,llrsnrurroil llro/on opERATroir 0F THESE pR0oucrs it nu emeRe eHcv srrijATr0r,r, wHrcH couLD RESULT tN PR0PERTY DAMAGE, sERlous IIIJURY OR DEATH TO YOU AND/OR OTHERS. General Notes: . Strobes are designed to llash at 1 flash per second minimum from 20-31VDC. Note that NFPA-72 (1966) specifies a llash rate ot 1 to 2 flashes per second and ADA Guidelines specily a llash rate of 1 to 3 flashes per second.. All candela ratings represent minimum effective strobe intensity based on UL 1971 .. Series CH Strobe products are UL 1971 for indoor use with a temperature range ol 32' F to 120' F humidity of 85%.. Series CH Chimes are listed under UL 464 tor audible signal appliances. (0" C to 49" C) and maximum Specifications and Ordering Information CH Series Modol' Code 0rder Gode Slrobe Gandela Anechoic Peak dBA @10Fr dBA al 10 Feel Heverberanl Ratad Average Current @ 24 VDC-' Mounling. " 0ptionsMinMax 24 VDC Strobe Chimes cH70-24-R 7825 83 52 qR .020 O,BT,U cH90-24-W 7826 dJ 52 58 .020 O,V cH70-2415W-FR 7829 15 83 az EA .070 0,v cH70_241575W_FR <_7830 15/75 83 52 58 .085 0,v cH70-2430W-FR 7831 30 83 JL .101 0,v cH70-2475W-FR 7832 75 83 52 58 Q,P cH70-2411oW-FR 7833 '1 10 83 52 58 .181 . Series CH70 and CH90 can be ordered in Red or White. Pl€ase contact Customer Service lor order codes (il not stat€d above) and delivsry information. ..AVera0ecurrentperactualwhee|ockProdUctTestin0@24VDcNomina|Vo|tage|orchimeandchim€strob€combined'F0rratedaverag€,peakandinrShcUentacrossthel|sted volta0e range lor both filtered DC and unfilter8d VRirS, see most current lnstallation lnstructions (P83599). "' Rslor t0 Datr Shcet fS7000 l0r m0!nling 0!li0n8. l\4odelcodesu{lixW=wallmount,F=Fireletteringorcallcustomerservic€ilotherletteringisrequir€d(b(Feugo)R=Red;Walend=White Examole: CH70-2415W-FR CH90-24-W' ./ ./l\ I \././l\l\souare' Wall Fire Red Rorind White Application 1. The chimes are lactory set in single stroke (SS) mode. They can be changed to vibrating (VlB) mode with iumper on PC Board. SINGLE.STR0KE OPERATION: The minimum input pulse duration m-ust be at ldast 160 ms "ori" time and 160 ms "otl" time. Tfre'chime will oirly operate once each time it is pulsed. This mode is recommended for coded systems. VIBRATING 0PERATI0N: Conlinuous input voltage applied to the chime v'iill activate the chime at one second intervals. 2. The volume and tone contiols have been adlusted at the tactory to insure maximuni dBA output. However, once the mode is selected, the installer may want t0 fine tune the signalto bener suit the application. 3. Anechoic dBA is measured in anechoic chamber with peak meter response. Reverberant dBA is rated per UL standard 464. 4. Chime inrush current is 0.100 amps maximum with liltered DC input (0.140 amps with VRMS input voltage) wilh a time duration ol 100 milliseconds. Model Number 0rder Code InIut Uoltage (vDc) Arq. Curent @120r 24 VDC Mounling 0ptions SYN CHR ONIZATI O}I MO DULES SYNC MODULE Sg-12/24-B ' i; 24 .025 E,Nlb DSMj1Z2{-R .;,.4:,,6374..'':,12 24 .038 W SM Sync Modules are nted l0r 3.0 amperes at 12 or 24 VDC: DSM Dual Sync Modules ar€ rated lor 3.0 amperes p8r circuit. The maximum numb€r of inlerconnected DSM modures rs twenty (20). R€ter to Data Sheet S3000 or Instalhtion Inslruclions. Seiles CH 0uick Reference Guide Model llumber' Wall Mounl Geiling Mount l{on- Sync Strobe SynG's vsM or DSM Slrobe Candela cH70-24-R X X X cH90-24-W X X X cH70-2415W-FR X X X tc cH70-241575W-FR X X X 1sft5 cH70-2430W-FR X X X 30 cH70-2475W-FR X X X 75 cH70-24110W-FR X X 110 ' CH70 and CH90 can be ordered in Red or White. Call Crslomer Service tor oIder Code (it nol staled above) and delivery intormation. N01E: CH90 (Round Grille) can be ordend with strobe but musl be mount€d onty on wall. llo reilino m0unt strobe ayaila e silh Ssries CH Chimss. fi#fi{Ui!f'.'i1l,:H$ff*-uT-[fioi-,5-*8#l',s#ltilLtfl?1,'Ji,lF8f;lr'-ty,,1f ir',',,1ilffffin+l,il5gfiix+r'd'--;,'+',i,'uigT8gbl$ THESE ltl4lERllls coilTAll{ IMP0RTAIIT ll{FoRmATlol{ THAT sHoutD ae neno pntoh ro Sprcj*ile on rNsinllilc riEsr i;iiiibtjbii, iircujorne: --'-'. ToTAL GURRE T REQUIRED 8Y ALI APPLIANCES coililECTED T0 SYSTEM pnrmlnv nln SrC0nolnv powEn SbunciS. -- ' [UsE E4TlilGs 0N il0TlFlcATloN APqLnNcE clRculTs r0 HAI{0LE MAxrMuM INRUSH 0R prlx crjnnrnrs Fnon Ai[ lppr.rlrcrs oN TH0SE ctRcutTs.. C0MPOSITE FLASH RATE FR0M MULTIPIE STR0BES WtTHtN A pERS0il'S Rtt-O Of VteW.o IHE IoLNGE IPPLIED T0 THESE PRoDUCTS MUST BE W|THTN THETR netrO rnpur vOttlcE BAilcE.. INSTAILATIoN 0F 110 CANDELA STBo8E PRoDUCTS il{ SLEEptNc ABEAS.. lltlsllltArl0l,l l1,l 0FFICE AREAS AND 0THEB SPEC|F|CAT|0I{ Al{D tNSTAtUtTt0I |SSUES.. USE STROBES ONLY ON CIRCUITS WITH COIITII{UOUSLY APPLIED OPERATII'IG VOITAGE. oo Ior UsE STROEE oi| 0ODED OR |}.ITERRUPIED cIRcuITs 11{ wHIcH THE APPLIED VOLTAGE IS CYCLED OII AND OIF AS THE STROBE MIV HOr TLASH.. FAILUBE TO COMPTY WITH IHE I1{STAI..LANON INSTRUCTIONS OR GEI{ERAL INFOBMATTON SHEETS COULO RESULT IN IMPROPER INSTATLATIOiI, APPLICATIOII,Al,lD/oR 0PERATIoN 0F THESE PR0Ducrs tN AN EMERGENcY srruATt0l{, wnrcn coulD neSutrirFnoprnw oilyilcr lilo sriibrisiHiUff'oC orlri ro -' YOU AND/OR OTHERS,. q-0I_0.!.cJ9E.$J1q o.]lgl,_Eryqlll 4.ND_CIPAG|TY SHoULD BE TAKEN rNTo ConsrDERAiloN pRtOR TO DEStcN AitD |NSTALLAT|0N 0F THESE pR0DUcTs, PARTICUUIRLY IN RETROFIT INSTALIATIONS. Wiring Diagrams (For All Models) CH CHIME AND STROEE OPERATE II{OEPEI,IDENTTY (N0N-SYr'rC 0R SYNC) FBOM TO NEXT CHIMEOE El'l0.0Fut'tE BEstsmR (EOLR) t0 t{o(r sTno8E OB EOLR CH CHIME APPLIANCES SYNCHRONIZED WIII{ DSIII MODULE DUAL CLASS'A' CIBCUIT WITH iIO AUDIBIE SttENCE FEATURE = Series CH Chime Strobes CH STROBE APPLIAiICE SYiICHRONTZED WITH MULTIPL€ DSM MODULES INTERCONNECTING WIRING SHOWN, iTIAXIMUIV OF TW€NTY I2O) Ffeler to SM/DSM data sheet 53000 and installation instructions (P83123 for SM and p\3i77 tor DSM). Wheelock products must be used within their published specifications and must be pROpERLy specified, applied, installed,operated' mainlained and operationally tested in accordance with their installation instructions at the time of inslall;tion and at leasttwice a year or more often and in accordance with local, state and lederal codes, regulations and laws. Specification, application,installation, operation, maintenance and testing must be perlormed by qualilied pers6nnel for proper operation in accordance wi.thall of the lalest National Fire Protection Agsogrglgn (NFPA), Underwiiters' Laboratories 1UL), ivationat Electrical Code (NEC), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), local, state, county, province, districi, Jederal and other applicable bilildin'gand fire standards, guidelines, regulations, laws and codes including, but-n;t limited to, all appendices and amendments and therequirements of the local authority having iurisdiction (AHJ). Architects and Engine"r" Sp""ttior,, The chime appliances shall be a Wheelock Series CH audible or audible visual appliance or equivalent. Notification appliance shall be electronic and use solid state components. Electromechanical alternatives are not approved. Each electronic chime appliance shall provide field selectable single stroke or vibrating operation with volume control and tone control. The chime and the strobe shall be able to operate from a single NAC circuit when set to the vibrating mode. The peak anechoic dBA measurement al 10 feet shall be 83 dBA minimum, at nominal voltage. Operating voltages shall be 24VDC for chimes and chime strobes using filtered power or unfiltered (VRMS) power supply. All models shall have provisions for standard reverse polarity type supervision and lN/OUT lield wiring using terminals that accept #12 to #18 AWG wiring. Combination chime strobe appliances shall incorporate a Xenon flashlube enclosed in a rugged Lexan lens or equivalent with solid state circuitry that are Non-Sync or Sync in one (synchronization requires the SM or DSM Sync Module(s)). lf the SM or DSM Sync Module(s) contacts fail in the passive state (i.e., contacts remain closed) the strobe shall revert to a non-synchronized flash rate of 1 f lash per second. Strobe shall meet UL 1971 and produce a flash rate of one (1 ) flash per second minimum over the Listed input voltage (20VDC-31VDC) range. The strobe intensity shall be rated per UL 1971 for 15, 15fl5, 30, 75 or 11 0 Candela for Wall Mount only. The 15/75 candela strobe shall be specified when 15 candela UL 1971 Listing with 75 candela intensity on axis is required. All UL 1971 Listed strobe appliances shall be verilied to meet FCC Part 15, Class B and incorporate low temperature compensation to insure the lowest possible currenl consumption. Strobe activation shall be via independent input or lrom the same input circuit as the chime. The combination chime strobe appliances may be installed indoors and surface or flush mounted. The chime and chime strobes shall incorporate a chime mounting plate with a grille cover which is secured with two screws for a level esthetic finish. They shall mount to standard electrical hardware requiring no additional trimplate or adapter. The appliance shall be finished in a textured red or white color. 3 YEAR WARRANTY NATIOilAL SALES OFFICE 1.800-631.214a Canada AOO-397.5777 E.mail: Info@wheelockinc.com http://www.wheelockinc.com C@ MEMBER Distributed By: N.J. 07740 . 7 32-222-6880 . FAX : 7 32-222-87 07 50710 Rev 1297 WHEELOCK, lNC. r 273 BRANCHPORTAVENUE r LONG BRANCH. jffi ,@ @'T' CSFM::300.0795:t3: Desciption Wheelock's Series SM and DSM Sync Moduies are utilized with the Series AS/AH, Series NS/NH, Series RSS, Series RSSP, Series SUSLM and selected strobe applications with other Wheelock combination apoliances. When used with Series AS Audible Strobes and/or Series NS Hom Strobes, the SM and DStvl Sync Modules provide independent operation of synchronized temporal pattern (code 3) horn and synchronized strobe flash, as well as the ability to silence the horn while maintaining the strobe flash ... while using only a single pair of wires. The sync modules are available in two versions; the SM 12124 tor control of a Class B NAC circuit; and a duai output version, the DSM 12124 tor control of either a Class A or two (2) Class B NAC circuits. Feafirres ' Approvals include: Underwriters Laboratories (UL 1971 ) Listing, New York City (MEA), California StateFire Marshal (CSFM), European Community (CE), and Chicago (BFP) on all models.. Uniquely designed to accept an independent strobe and audibie input from the FACp and convert to a single output that connects to Wheelock's Series AS or Series NS lamily of audibie strobes.. Series SM and DSM Sync Modules can also be used to synchronize Wheelock's Series RSS, RSSp, SL and SLM Sync Strobes.. 3 ampere per circuit current handling at 12 or 24 VDC.. Low operating current draw.. Compatible with all standard fire alarm control oanels.. Meets the NFPA. Juiy 1, 1996 Mandate for Temooral Pattern when used with the Series AS/AH and/or Series NSi NS4/NH.. 3 vear warrantv. SEHIES SM AI.ID DSM -- -.---::-SYItlG - MODU LES Series SM or I]EM Copyright 1998 Wheelock, Inc. All riqhts ,eserved. )I I I F P I rndrirc cncur F, rrnou l< - srnoae Fg__ -+\+ t0t8u *"* ]-/- ruorru i ll ',| ILal{Ir' rL\ fir. j ftrJIsklrr FsE stExorEt srEsi rtAulttu x^c clicttlT iroTt 5 FIG. 1 SIIIGLE CLASS "8" CIRCUIT WI1H AUOIBLE SILTNCE FEAT1JHE OSM FIG. Z SINOLE CUISS "8" CIRCUT WrrH NO AUOTBLE SIUNCE FEATURE 0sm SEl NfiE 3 ilolE 1 FIG. 3 I,UAL CLASS "8" CIBCUIT WITH AUDIELE SILENCE FEATUHE sEE llolE 3 N0M SE lolEs 1 & 2 xoTEt 1 & 2 FIG, 4 DUAL CTASS "8" CTRCUIT WITH NO AUOIBLE SILENCE FEATURE + All0l8t.E - AU0I .E . sYrc .a sY c - D- F A P F F D- slBo8E XrC oncutT tr a. + 0UTl '- + lt{ 1{ fflIusl {r/tu\Tr IL\ilFt (ri-' / t'I IL ils KlIr tl rtKln' +.\ + AUO|8U *,oo<J - AUDAII SEE {oIE I [oTEIa2Alr0t8lt t{tc cncuT 12 l01E 5 ( + 0UI2 :r;''K__l ll)f IL AE KIIr furr'/t rI ns Klr II ,irKlrrt0lE{lc ctScutt 12 DSM | .sY[c .I tsYNc -l.r-ld' our t f. . ltll laidtr{us 1| ------- f.. I AUOrS[r AUDIsL€ |. A P j tI rJ. ts Klr' IL\ArKt (r'/It rL xs Klr rIrr ll't.']- s€E sEltot! 1 {orEs i &z J. our z@_l l t ) u- rs Kl TT rt\$Kl (Ir/i rLjtsK I|-- IL in Kl TI'[ac cl8cllT r? o stTolEcacur o DSM-2 0sM-il = MAXIMUM OF 20 0sM's SE .'TE 4 MO FACP M8 C|nCUII FoB Hontt stu cE FIG. 7 DSM'S WTRED 20 CLASS "A"Eirlfl lYllirirtfrlt!9lf"r3,H3,iLLrNsyNcHRoNrzATloN, OSM Fr G. 8 D uA L EGLA s s ;l;rrffi !,yll tBSrJl Au D I B rE s I LEil c E FEATU R E NOTES 1. Non.Sync Appliances can be inst. Rq,t'-ed.il iasr ri;,inli riri'ii;4Ttj',:'!:,_ti!1iii:gi$ii.t*I ,'Jif:"i i!f,:f,rl{,:, fi{i'#F.sita0cins.when s,rencins or a non.sync apDriance isz. I ne.audj^bte appliance proouces a_momenta4r imernipiioi (dffi;.ffiII gflili?-T.tymomifteciionlir crrcurrsiequired,,vnenusrnq,nrdtd,t#tt', eaclfimethestrobesflash. 'r. r'wer uoosters mav be used in conluncrion ririi ili iv ij, diifi iivri -ii;dures 0,t4yr,,r, ,ru,e, shown , ffiii$1':.ftTdff#ffrffi{i1[r,i*':i'iJ*-'ii*{*i$i{;;tiith$L,i'i3:,rufr{'"'d.',irrnii,:ri;i*:lt:ri1i"'" / r ru![t! - l{oEu SErtir ..-.S st! NolE t FIG. 5 SINGLE CUISS "A' CIBCUTT WIT]I AUDTBLE STLENCE FEAT1JRE FIG. 6 SINGU CUISS "A" CIRCUIT WITHOUT AUDIELE SILENCE FEATURE + auDllu - ruD|lu CEInorlr *qn!'i,z 9e - - iI I =-6 c|ll 6== =ll '.= -ll oo@ o E.e =i.,< €==, - *- Q OO@ QE . - E E == e g.Ed?f E=a E = Ei-;I | €r== c =-=ll ::-=d/w1 ::= E=3. -=ooo = - =-;= = 6==..- D O OOOI l-T- Tffi- H . ilOlE: All CAUTIoNS and *Orn,r.. ' .,t . i,! :,r rtY.i.F-?l ri:.r'i ::'.-. j .:il.;i.1:,1![ ;r' '.tr.<'. ,- l :tEftd' . nffi mm'r$trdfr [$i'ffiffi -H^ffi'xffi ilffi'{frT:rtrffi#'#^ffr x,s,nffi **r#ffiffi ,- Table 1t Sync Module Rated Aueraot Cunenl -iled Peak Cured Sated Inrusft Cumntstrote nuoibteT-ffilfr7liiEilt o.ooa ; o.ooZ-j-6IEZT-d ; 0.032 ; 0.004;2.0VDC,0.0@ 99199l2@ i2.o vRMs i o.orT-t-o-od7 o.oza I o.or331.0 vRMS t o.oao-I-lorz-O.OtZ I O.Oae-,--l.bl7 Tabie 2: Sync Modute {DSM) Cinent R Rated Average , f,ated pdluunenl I Clnnni Rated laG Cumil Vollaga I Cunent- -"- | crnent Strute I Aulibre--TEiEi or:ro.oosi0.112 1) n\tnc r n nii----;;;--l!.Jluv I u.utc U.UU4 0.11i49y9cro@3l.9vpct@ .010;0.1 o.ozz I o.ori ,--d.rEE o.oc+ 1 o.oz--i-i.i!i o.oze I t.ril ol the SM and DSM wto*rtes output circur.r pescriprion 0t sM/psM Modute i *fJf,. Current Reguired hom FACP Audible NAC Circuit Cunent Required hom FACP Slrobe NAC Circuitqqqs -8" wnn S - u.uru I 0.0159Eqs "8" wrth No AuciibieTGiE crrcutt) i y Class "8" ,,r,ith AuorbGTiliice-rstngte circuit)-----y.u!10 i 0.030qqgl'8" :vrrn No AurjibreTllfiE Class "8" witn AuoioGTliEiE Class "8" flrrh C I as s'A ",,vrth,t u o i6i e _S ii e rrce- ctass A" wrtn iio AGibieTilfrE (stngle crrcuit) i 0.038 l l[*?;j#':Jffy3fliii:jIiJjt.,iT,.'i!ffoe'esar1z,24vDc:DSMoua|syncModu|esareratedfor3'0*ffi .i!l$t$ if il:Yr'i,ffyii.jl| f :ii,,33 3l Ir:JJlit circutts with cont'!nuousrv appried vo*ase. Do nor use sM or osM sync Moduies on coded or inrenup*d NAc'a cAUT''N: Power 3oosren rau b.e--u!g-.. ir conlunc:ron, ith the sM or DSM Svnc Modures onrv in the ordl ;ti1?H3i$''#1f';tl,3.%r.conneclpo*eil;cs1;iio...rilj'lrii.c]i,'tarteri-nJo-,iri5rvriib3d.if,f,i;HR',?:.,'l;?i,i'TfY'jI,3#J.'##i;P,, 6"flJi1#;flHlig'.iJ;'#',x;i,'li:g?l,TJ':,';,i,::!It'J?H1gfua3g;E"+rgtr,{,,?n!!f,xfi[ii]K,'t,,lll,ff,i, ourput can use sync,!,odu,e i:hE IALARM I coNTioL ;- i PANE:- i{FACP, SM ,OOWE:PAT}I OF u InEr{ POWES BOOSTERS 'ffTh rjSirrls.r;i\ll.i.i JL. JL,VI Aooliances I or [)SM Connedion 0iagram wilh power Booster fiAfiti$lll{i]4lrvfl,fb,Tij$&Hii'.#i,ruru#E',t'fidftFl'fft'yt\iltffti8idm'w,+r,t +firiiliri,',',r,',Ti[J&i'g, RANGE. THE APPLlcATlol{ 0F IMPRo_p.EF v!!T4gE !r{y tEsuu rH oecnnoro opiri-nnon rin [rilicE r-o inlsi'ih'dituci,T;'i,iiicT d'ouib nrsuirtN pRopERTy otMAcE AND sEntous mJURy 0R otlrx lo vou lxotbn orntRs. Wheelock products must be used within.their published specillcations and must be PFOPERLY specitied, applied, installed, operated, maintained and 9I-1|'I9ll1r-t9*.qinaccordanc€w|ththeirinsta||ati0ninstrUcti0nsatthetimeotlnstaitat]onandatieldt].r'jicJa'veaioidi'di;;''idi;;d I!^*:F.ie.i!d.l!g9I1]^10"99l'-r9-s!l.,]|o!!andlaws'.specjficati0n.app|icatio-n,instal|ation.operation.maintenapersonneri0r pr0per operalron In accordance with all 0l the latest National Fire Protection Assoclati0n (NFPA), underwriters'iaboratoribs (UL). Natiorial Fl,^{l,^,l^c.'l,ll!59}l.9:'yl-tgr|9'l'tyand}|ea|thAdministration1oSHli,tocat,iiaie,coun-tv'p-r'dv].'iii,ijll[e, stan0ar0s, guldellnes, regulations, laws and codes including, bul not limited to, all appendicris and amehdments and the requiremerit's ot the iocal - aulh0rity having jurisdrction (AHJ). a wARl'lll'lG: c0NTAcr wHEEtocK.F0R "!ilSTALLATT0N INSTRUCT|ONS" (p83123.SM & p83177-DSM) AN0 'cENERAL tNFORMAT|ON" SHEEI ON IIEqE PBgDUcTs. THEsE DocuMENTS-.Dq qlpERq0 prnroorc $nHces'. n rs rrnponriniiriAT Viitiiilvr cunnEn rxFon*iiiiri-n oriirirsi'qRoDqc-Tq. THEsE mArlnIALS c0NTAIN tMpoRTAirr ruroRmmloN innr SxoUr'ij 6f iiiro'pCi'rjh r-o-sFEcrriiNd oii rHlilnhiiic i-rieCi i,nioucrs INCLUDING:. TOTAL CURFT T RE(IUIRED BY ALL APPTIANCES COI{NECTED TO SYSTEIVI SECOIIDABY POWER SOURCES.. ruqE E4T!!lcs 0N NAc clRculrs T0 HAI{DLE MAxtMuM nnusx on pEAx cunnEriis-rnorvr-lrl pFllicrs 0N THosE NAc ctRcutrs.. COMPOSITE FLASH RATE FROM MULTTPIE STHOBES WITHIN A PERSON'S NEI.O O} VElli.-O THE VOLTAGE APPLIED TO THESE PRODUCTS MUST BE WITHIN rHriN NNTEO IIIPUT i|'OiiiCr NNHET.. TNSTALIATIoN ilr oFF|CE AREAS AND oTHER SpECtFtCATtoN AND rruSrnl_Arrii-r,i isslrs:'--'"----'' usE sTR0BEs ot{LY 0r'l NAc clBculTs wlTH col{TtituouslY APpueo opEnnittrc lolilee. oo iloT usE STR0BE olt 00DED 0R INTERRUPTE0l{AC C|RCU|TS tN wHtCH THE AppLtEo vorrAcE ts cycLED oH ntn orF ns ixt srhbdi'mnv idi imsn. Ordering Information ' Average current per actual Wheelock production Listinq @ 12 & 24 VDC Nominal Voltage. R = Red" Reler t0 Dala sherl * S-7000 for Moun$ng 0ltions.". The maximum number 0f interconnected Dslil modules is twenty (20). The total distance lrom the first to the last DSM shall not exceed I ,000 teel ot #1g AWG wire. use 0nly#18 AWG vvire. Model Number 0rder Gode Inpui Voltage Auerage.Current (Amperes)* Mounting 0ptions.. SM-l2/24-R SYNC MODULE DJO9 12 or 24 .014t.025 E,N DSM-1 2/24.R SYNC MODULE--6374 12 or 24 .020/.038 W v ENCOMPASS W Uo iNc- FiwDm RECDJANT4?OO? V TNcoMPASS Project: General Contructor: Date Submitted: Contents: Vendor: SunvrrrrAl FoR Appnov* Encompass Eleclrical Technologies EET - Rocky Mountains, Inc. 410 Mccregor Drive, Suite 210 PO. Box'1417 Gypsum, C0 81637 Main: 970-949-6095 Fax:970-328-4999 www.enc0mpsery.c0m YaiI Valley Medical Center Our Job # 01071 PM: Rohert Hamina HC Beck, Ltd 181 l4l Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 PM: Doug Workman Ianuary 3,2002 Fire Alarm Submittals & Shop Drawings SIMPLEXGRINNELL West Park Office Bldg E 14998 f Avenue, Suite 600 Golden, Colorado 80401 Contact: Jeruy Johnston ttlco Fire & Security SimplexGrinnell SII4PLEXGRINNELL West Park Office Bldg E i4999 6'h evn suite 6oo Golden, Colorado 80401 www. s impLexgrinneTT. com Tele:303-277-9733 Fax: 303-277-L655 Vail Valley Medical Center East Hospital Tl Submittals Encompass Electrical Tech 5001 S. Zuni St. Littleton, Colorado 801 20 TYPE: SimpIexGrinneII 14998 W. 6th Ave. Frontage Rd, Suite 600 Golden. CO 80401 Sales: (303) 277-9733 Service: (303) 277-9766 Fax: (303) 277-1655 DESCRIPTION; 4098-9714 SSD PHOTO SENSOR 4098-9792 SSD SENSOR BASE 4098-9733 SSD HEAT SENSOR 4099-9001 STATION, SINGLE ACTION, ADDRESS, IDNET 2098-9808 REMOTE ALARM INDICATOR 4098-9791 SSD SENSOR BASE WRELAY DRIVER 2098-9737 DET/ACC RELAY DPDT 3A 2081-9276 LIFEALARM BATTERY 33AH SHORT DSM-12/24-R 1 CLASS A OR 2CLASS B CKT RSS-241575W-FR 24VDC 15/75 CANDELLA cH70-24157sW-FR SQUARE, RED, 15/75CD, WALL 4009-9001 NAC POWER EXT 4 PT ST Y 12()V 2081-9274 lOAH BATTERY 4100-8901 ADD-ON TO 41OO PANEUSYS 4603-9101 LCD ANNUNICATOR 2190-9153 MPX CONTROL ZAM SURF MAPNET II S"Simplex uL, ULC Listed; FM, CSFM, and NYC, MEA Approved* f rueAlarm@ Anatog Sensing TrueAlarm Analog Sensors - Pirotoelectric, lonization, and Heat; Compatible Bases and Accessories rtffi TrueAlarmo analog sensing provides digital transmission of analoq sensor values via MAPNET llo or lDNetrt-. two-wire communications** Fire alarm control panel provides: r Individual sensitivity selection for each sensor . Sensitivity monitoring that satisfies NFPA 72 sensitivity testing requirements r Peak value logging allowing accurate analysis for sensitivity selection o Automatic, once per minute individual sensor calibration check that verifies sensor integrity r Automatic en vironmental compensation r Display of sensitivity directly in percent per foot o Multi-stage alarm operation o Ability to display and print detailed sensor information in plain English language Photoelectric smoke sensors: o Seven levels of sensitivitv from O.2Vo lo 3.7Vo Heat sensors: o Fixed temperature sensing r Rate-of-risetemperaturesensing r Utility temperature sensing lonization smoke sensors*: o Three levels of sensitivity; 0.5Vo, 0.9Vo and I .37o For use with Simplex: o 4010, QzO,4100, and 4120 Series control panels o Universal Transponders and 2120 TrueAlarm CDTs equipped for MAPNET tr operation Magnetic test feature Functional and architecturally styled chamber enclosure: r Louvered design enhances smoke capture by directing flow to chamber r Entrance areas are minimally visible when ceiling mounted Optional accessories include remote LED alarm indicator and output relays UL listed to Standard 268 ' Iles8 products have been approved by the Calilomia Stale Fire Marshal (CSFM) pursuanl h Seclion 131,14.1 ol he Calilofiia Health and Salely Code. Se€ CSFM Udings 7272-0026:218, 72714@.6:231, W0&6:216, and R0$0026:217 lo( allowade valu€s and/or condtons c$ceming matsrial pr€s€oted in this docunent. ll is subjectto r$examinalion, r€lision, and possible cancellation. Accepted lor us€ - City ol N€wYork Deparhenl ol Buildings -MEA35.93E. tlLC mod€ls are designated by a "C' suflir. 4098-9717 was not ULC listod as ol docunent ra,/isim date. Additional tistings may be apdicable, cqtacl Simplex lo.lh€ latest status. @ 2000 Simplex Time Record€r Co. All rights reserved. 4098-971 4 TrueAlarm Photoeleciric Sensor Mounled in Base Digital Communication of Analog Sensing. TrueAlarm analog sensors provide an analog measurement that is digitally communicated to the host control panel using Simplex addressable communications. At the confol panel, the data is analyzed and an average value is determined and stored. An alarm or other abnormal condition is determined by comparing the sensor's present value against its average value and time. Intelligent Data Evaluation. Monitoring each sensor's average value provides a continuously shifting reference point. This software filtering process compensates for environmental factors (dust, dirt, etc.) and component aging, providing an accurate reference for evaluating new activity. With this filtering, there is a signihcant reduction in the probability of false or nuisance alarms caused by shifts in sensitivity, either up or down. Control Panel Selection. Peak activity per sensor is stored to assist in evaluating specific locations. The alarm set point for each TrueAlarm sensor is determined at the host control panel, selectable as more or less sensitive as the individual application requires. Timed/Multi-Stage Selection. Sensor alarm set points can be programmed for timed automatic sensitivity selection (such as more sensitive at night, 'less sensitive during day). Control panel programming can also provide multi-stage operation per sensor. For example, a 0.2Vo level may cause a warning to prompt investigation while a 2.5Vo level may initiate an alarm. Sensor Alarm and Trouble LED Indication. Each sensor base's LED pulses to indicate communications with the panel. If the control panel determines that a sensor is in alarm, or that it is dirty or has some other type of trouble, the details are annunciated at the control panel and that sensor base's LED will be turned on steadily. During a system alarm, the control panel will control the LEDs such that an LED indicating a trouble will retum to pulsing to help identify the alarmed sensors. " TrueAlam analog selEols dd IIAPNEI ll ard lDNd ccnmd]aliolB ars prolecled bt one q mo.e ol h€ ldoriirq u.s. Patsrb: 5,115,468: 5,1t"J,683: 5,543,77/; 5,4&,014i 5,552,765; 5,552,7€,& 47s,@5; D€S. Cr/ 460. -1- s4098-0019-7 4/00 Tr.ueAlarm Sensor Bases and Accessories Base mounted address selection: o Address remains with its programmed location r Accessible from front (dipswitch under sensor) Automatic identification provides default sensitivity when substituting sensor types lntegral red LED for power-on (pulsing), or alarm or trouble (steady on) Locking anti-tamper design Magnetically operated functional test Mounts on standard outlet box ffilrF5 409&9792. Standard sensor base 409&9789, Sensor base with wired connections for: . 2098-9808 Remote LED alarm indicator or 4098-9822 relay (unsupervised) 409&9791, Sensor base with supervised relay driver output (not compalible wilh 2120 CDT): o Relay operation is programmable and can be manually operated from control panel o Use with remote mount 2098-9137 rclay o Also includes wired connections for remote LED alarm indicator or 4098-9822 relay ffilH.rflltF 2098.9737, Remote or local mount supervised relay3 . DPDT contacts for resistive/suppressed loads, power limited rating of 3 A @ 28 VDC; non-power limited rating of 3 A @ 120 VAC (requires external 24 YDC coil power) 40gfj-g822, LED Annunciatlon Relay: . Activates when base LED is on steady, indicating local alarm or trouble r DPDT contacts for resistivey'suppressed loads, power limited rating of 2 A @ 28 VDC; non-power limited rating of ll2 A @ 120 VAC, (requires external 24 VDC coil power) 4OS8-S832, Adapter platei . Required for surface or semi-flush mounting to 4" square electrical box and for surface mounting to 4" octagonal box o Can be used for cosmetic retrofitting to existing 6 3/8" diameter base product 2098-9808, Remote red LED Alarm lndicalor: . Mounts on single gang box (shown in illustration to right) TrueAlarm sensor bases contain integral addressable electronics that constantly monitor the status of the detachable photoelectric, ionization, or heat sensors. Each sensor's output is digitized and transmitted to the system fire alarm control panel every four seconds. Since TrueAlarm sensors use the same base, different sensor types can be easily interchanged to meet specific location requirements. This feature also allows intentional sensor substitution during building construction. When conditions are temporarily dusty, instead of covering the smoke sensors (causing them to be disabled), heat sensors may be installed without reprogramming the control panel. Although the control panel will indicate an incorrect sensor type, the heat sensor will operate at a default sensitivity providing heat detection for building protection at that location. tilffiffilEffi Electrical Box Requirements: (boxes are by others) !y!!tgC! E!gy: 4' octagonal or 4'squar€, 11/2'd€ep; single gang, 2' deep W!!! lglgt : 4' oclagonal or 4'square, 1 1/2' desp, with 'l 1/2' extsnsion ring 4" (102 mm) Squars 8ox 4" (102 mm) octagonal 8ox surlace, or with up lo 1/4' (6.4 mm) maximum recess 2098-9737 Relay (mounts in base elsctrical box or remolely) 4098-9822 Relay (mounts in base el€clrical box) Flefay Size: 2112'X 1 1E' X 1' (3.75 cubic inch€s) (64 mm X 38 mm X 25.4 mm) NOTE: Review total wirs count, wire size, and acc€ssori€s being wired to dete.mine required box volume. I k_ 6 3/8. (162 mm) : I 4o98-98i|2Adapl.rPlar6,IgqgiEd 1t4. for rnounting to Eulhjg Mg4teg (6.4 mm) Doxes and 4' souare llush box '15/16' (24 mm) 4718' (124 mml 0 TrueAlarm Bagas 4098-9789. -9791. & -9792 -2- 1 1/2' (38 mm) minimum box depth Flush mount rcfgr€nce, mount even with final o @ OSfnpk o Simplex Time Recorder Co.s4098-0019-7 4/00 TrueAlarm Sensors Ehurl Sealed against rear air flow entry Interchangeable mounting EMURFI shielded electronics Heat sensors: r Selectable rate compensated, fixed temperature sensing with or without rate-of-rise operation . Listed to UL Standard 521 for 60 ft (18.3 m) spacing for l35o F (57.2'C) alarm, and 40 ft (12.2 m) spacing for l55o F (68' C) alarm Smoke Sensors: o Photoelectric or ionization technology sensing o 360' smoke entry for optimum response TrueAlarm heat sensors are self-restoring and provide rate compensated, fixed temperature sensing, selectable with or without rate-of-rise temperature sensing. Due to its small thermal mass, the sensor accurately and quickly measures the local temperature for analysis at the fire alarm control panel. Rate-of-rise temperature detection is selectable at the conaol panel for either l5' F (8.3'C) or 20" F (l l.l' C) per minute. Fixed temperature sensing is independent of rate-of-rise sensing and programmable to operate at 135" F (57.2' C) or 155' F (68" C). In a slow developing fire, the temperature may not increase rapidly enough to operate the rate-of-rise feature. However, an alarm will be initiated when the temperature reaches its rated fixed temperature settlng. TrueAlarm heat sensors can be programmed as a utility device to monitor for temperature extremes in the range from 32" F to 155' F (0o C to 68' C). This fearure can provide freeze warnings or alert to [ryAC system problems. (Refer to specific panels for availability.) 4098-9733 Heal Sensor wilh Base lffXl$: In mosl fires, hazardous levels ol smoke and toxic gas can build up before a heat detection device would initiate an alarm. In cases where Life Salety is a lactor, the use of smoke detection is highly ffi TrueAlarm photoelectric sensors use a stable, pulsed infrared LED light source and a silicon photodiode receiver to provide consistent and accurate low power smoke sensing. Seven levels of sensitivity are available for each individual sensor, ranging from 0.27o to 3.71o per foot of smoke obscuration. Sensitivity is selected and monitored at the fire alarm control panel. The sensor head design provides 360o smoke entry for optimum response to smoke from any direction. A built-in screen keeps insects from entering the smoke chamber. Due to its photoelectric operation, air velocity is not normally a factor, except for impact on area smoke flow. a 7/8' (12a mm)--+] 4098-9714 Photoelectric Sensor with Base ffi TrueAlarm Ionization sensors use a single radioactive source with an outer sampling ionization chamber and an inner reference ionization chamber to provide stable operation under fluctuations in environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity. Smoke and invisible combustion gases can freely penetrate the outer chamber. With both chambers ionized by a small radioactive source lAm 241 (Americium)1, a very small current flows in the circuit. The presence of particles of combustion will cause a change in the voltage ratio between chambers. This difference is measured by the electronics in the sensor base and digitally transmitted back to the control panel for processing. Three levels of sensitivity are available for each ionization sensor: 0.5, 0.9, and 1.3Va oer foot of smoke obscuration. 4098-9717 lonization Sensor wilh Base ffi Sensor locations should be determined only after careful consideration of the physical layout and contents of the area to be protected. Refer to NFPA 72, lhe National Fire Alarm Code. On smooth ceilings, smoke sensor spacing of 30 ft (9.1 m) may be used as a guide. For detailed application information, refer to 4098 Detectors, Sensors, and Eases Application Manual (5'7 4-709). 3 -3- L-I!G.--LED stalus indicator a7/8'l12a mm\----) RLED status indicator RLED status indicator Simplex Time Recorder Co.s4098-0019-7 4/00 Standard Sensor Base, no ootions Sensors 4098-9714. -9733. & -9717 Sensor Base with connections for Ramole LED Alarm lndicator or ' Sensors 4098-9714. -9733. & -9717 . 2098-9808 remote LED alarm indicator or 4098-9822 TrueAlarm Sensor Bases 4098-9792 4098-9789 Sensor Base with clnnections for Supervised Remole Relay and connections for Remote Alarm Indicator or Unsupervised Relay . Sensors 4098-9714, -9733, & -9717 ' 2098-9737 remote relay (supervised) . 2098-9808 remolo alarm indicalor or 4098-9822 rslay (unsupervissd) 4" octagonal or 4' square box, 1 1/2" min. :or 2" min. 4" octagonal or 4" square box &lg: Box depth requirements depend on lotal ,/vire count and wire size, refer lo accessories list below for reference.4098-9791 .TrueAlarm Sensors 4098-9714 4098-97't7 Bases 4098-9792. 4098-9789. and 4098-9791 Reler to base requiremonts 4098-9733 I Heat Sensor I TrueAlarm Sensor/Base Accessories Refer to Simpl€x publication 4098 Detectors, Sensors, and Bases Application Mmual $74-7Og\ lor additional information. ffittE 2098-9737 Supervised Relay, mounts remole or in base electrical box For use with 4098-9791 base Remole Mounting requires 4" octagonal or 4" squars box, 1 112" minimum depth Ease Mounting requires 4" octagonal box, 2 1/8" desp with 1 1/2" exlension ring 2098-9808 Remote Red LED Alarm lndicator on sinqlo oana stainless steel olate Bases 4098-9789 and 4098-9791 Single gang box, 1 1/2" minimum depth 4098-9822 Relay, tracks base LED status (unsupervjsed, mounts only in base electrical box) 4" octagonal box, 2 1/8" deep with 1 112" extension ring 4098-9832 Adapter Plate Eases 4098-9792, -9789, & -9791 Requlted for surface or semi-flush mounted 4" square box and tor surface mounled 4" oclaoonal box General Operatlng Speclflcatlons Communicalions and Sensor Supervisory Power Communications Connections Remote LED Alarm lndicator Current Remote LED Alarm Indicator and Connections UL LiSIEd T Operating Temperalure Range, with Each Base MAPNET ll or lDNel, auto-select, 24-40 VDC ddata, 400 pA tvpica., 1 address oer base Screw t€rminals for in/out 18 to 14 AWG lo alarm cunent Color coded wire leads. 18 AWG 32' to 100' F (0' to 38' 10 to 95% RH 4098-971 4. Pholoelectric Sensor 0-2000 tUmin '10 m/minAir Velocity Range 4098-971 7, lonization Sensor 0-200 tumin 1 nvman Altitude Housing Color 4098-9791 Base Wlth Supervlsed Remote Relay 2098-9737 (sea Frost While 2 for contact ratings) with 4098-9717 or 4098 -9733 3?" to 122" F (0" to 50' wath 4098-9714 15" to122" F G9" to 50' to 8000 tl Coil V 18-32 VDC Current 270llA, ttom 24VDC Alarm Current wiih 2098-9737 Relay 28 mA, trom 24 VDC supply /tO9&9822 Unsupervised Relay, Requlremonts tor Bases 409&9789 and 4Gr8€791 (see page 2 for contact ratings) Coil Voltaqe | 18-32 VDC (nominal 24 Current from communications Alarm Cunent 13 mA lrom 24VOC Simplex, the Simpl$ Iogo, TrueAlarn. MAPNET lL and IDNet are either tralcma 6 nr rugistered trudenark of Simplex Tim. Reconlu Co. in thc U.S. an l,/or other counarics. NFPA 72 is o rcgistercd tru.jcmark of the Nationol Firc Prctection Asst ciution (NFPA). s4098-0019-7 4/00 Wesltninster, Massachusetts 01,,t41 -0001 USA visit us on the world wide web at wwwslmplexnet.com All specifications and other information shown were curr€nt as ol prinling and are subject to change without notice. S,Simplen S"Simpbn UL, ULC Listed;FM, CSFM, and MEA (NYC) Approved. Multi-Appl ication Peri pherals MAPNET ll@ or lDNetrM Communicating Devices Addressable Manual Stations lttr Individually addressable manual fire alarm stations with: r Power and data supplied via MAPNET tr or IDNet addressable communications using a single wire pair** o Operation that complies with ADA requirements o Pull lever that protrudes when alarmed r Break-rod supplied (use is optional) o Models are available with single or double action (breakglass or push) operation o UL listed to Standard 38 Compatible with Simplex: r Model Series 4010/4lWl4l2Ol4O2O fire alarm control panels equipped with either IDNet or MAPNET II communications r Model Series 2120 communicating device transponders (CDTs) equipped with MAPNET tr communications Compact, sealed construclion: r NEMA 2 enclosure rating for minimal dust infiltration r Allows mounting in standard electrical boxes r Screw terminals for wiring connections Tamper resistant reset key lock (keyed slrme as Simplex fre alarm cabinets) Multiple mounting options: r Surface or semi-flush with standard boxes or matching Simplex boxes r Flush mount adapter kit r Adapters are available for retrofitting to commonly available existing boxesMmil The Simplex rnodel 4099-9001 addressable station combines the familiar Simplex manual station housing with a compact communication module that is easily installed to satisfy demanding applications. Its integral individual ad&essable module (IAM) constantly monitors status and communicates changes to the connected conrol panel via MAPNET II or IDNet communications wiring. ' Iris Fofid h6 been apFo/ed by t|o Celfomia Stats Fn Ma6hal (CSFM) pu$ant to S€dio.r 13114.1 of fts Calilomia Hedh and Salety Cod€. Se6 CSFM Lishg 71 5G@6:224 lor allo,vaus vd!6 andor cflditions conc€rnirq mat€dd prEs€d€d in this docunent, ll is sutri€cl to re-€xanination, rsvision, and pGsible cancellatjon. Accepted lor use - qty ol New Yort Deparlm4ll ol Buildngs - MEA3S93E. Additonal tisrings may b€ apdicabi€, contacl Simplex lor the lal€st statrs. O 2000 Simplex Time Recordsr Co. All rights resarvsd. 4099-9001 Addressable Manual Slation (front and side view) 4099-9002 Breakglass 6!ffit 4099-9003 Push with 2098-9828 lnstitutional Cover kit Activation of the Simplex 4099-9001 single manual station requires a firm downward pull to activate the alarm swirch. Completing the action breaks an internal plastic break-rod (visible below the pull lever, use is optional). The use of a break-rod can be a deterrent to vandalism without interfering with the minimum pull requirements needed for easy activation. The pull lever latches into the alarm position and rcmains extended out of the housing to provide a visible indication. Double Action Stations (Breakglass) require the operator to strike the front mounted hammer to break the glass and expose the recessed pull lever. The pull lever then operates as a single action station, Double Action Stations (Push Type) require that a spring loaded interference plate (marked PUSrD be pushed back to access the pull lever of the single action station. Station teset requires the use of a key to reset the manual station lever and deactivate the alarm switch. (If the break-rod is used, it must be replaced.) Station testing is performed by physical activation of the pull lever. Electrical testing can be also performed by unlocking the station housing to activate the alarm switch. " MAPNET ll and IDNEI addressable communicalions designs are probcted by U.S. Patsnt No. 4.796.025. -5- s4099-0001-5 8/00 Addressable Manual Stations Addressable manual station, red housing with white letters and white oull lever Accessories Cast aluminum surlace mount Semi-llush lrim olate lor double oano switch box. red Surface trim olate for Wiremold box V5744-2. red odel 2975-9178 297s-9022 2099-9813 2099-9814 2099-98 t I 2099-9820 2099-9803 2099-9804 break-rod 2099-9828 Instilutional cover kit for field installalion on 4099-9001 rEFttttF Feterence Reler to page 3 for dimensions Typically lor retrofit, refer lo page 4 Ref er to page 4 lor delails Power and Communications MAPNET ll or lDNet, 1 address per slation, up to 2500 ft (762 m) f rom lire alarm control to 10.000 ft distance (includinq T-T Address Means I Wire Connections Screw lerminal for in/out tor 18 to 14 AWG wire UL List€d T 32' to 120' F (0" to 49"intended tor indoor to 93% RH at 100" F with white raised Material and oull lever Pull Lever Color White with red raised Dimensions 5" H x 3 3/4' W x 1" D 1127 mmx 95 mm x 25 mm t \ t EI lll PULL Dlwllll l-+F-l tl___lt_____lr tEffil Single Gang Box Mount Singfe gang box, 2112' deep (64 mm), RACO #500 or equal (supplied by others) 4" Square Box Mount 4'(102 mm) square box, 2118'(54 mm) minimum depth, RACO #231 or equal (supplied by others) Sinqle gang cov€r plale, 3/4' (19 mm) exiension, RAco #773 or equal (supplied by olhers) Semi-Flush Mount Side View -6- Mount tlush or with 1/16'(2 mm) maximum ext€nsion DO NOT RECESS 4" Square box with cover plate Simolex Time Becorder Co.s4099-0001-5 8/00 Preferred Mounting. For surface mounting of these addressable manual stations. the preferred electrical boxes are shown in the illustration to the right. Additional Mounting ReferenCe. Refer to page 4 for Wiremold box mounting compatibility. 2975.9178 Box 5 3/16'H x 4" W x 2 3/16' D (132 mm x 102 mm x 56 mm) (ordered ssparatsly) 2975{OZI Cast Bor 5'Hx37/8'Wx23/16'D (127 mm x 98 mm x 56 mm) Knockouts located top and boftom (oder€d s€paratoly) Access for 3|//|: threaded conduit located top and botlom {_ 1' (25.4 mm) !-s s/4. (es m')---'l )- 4099 Series Addressable Manual Station ffi Refer to NFPA 72, grc National Fire Alarm Code (reference section 5-8), and all applicable local codes for complete requirements for manual stations. The following summarizes the basic requirements. 1. Stations shall be located in the normal path of exit and disuibuted in the protected area such that they are unobstructed and readily accessible. 2. Mounting shall be with the operable part not less than 3 1/2 ft (l.l m) and not more than 4 1/2 ft (1.37 m) above floor level. 3. At least one station shall be provided on each floor. Additional stations shall be provided to obtain a travel distance not more than 200 ft (61 m) to the nearest station from any point in the building. 4. When manual station coverage appears limited in any way, additional stations should be installed. Field wiring (shown for relerence) Simplex 2975-9178 box (shown for relerence) Switch wiring (prewired) 1 -7- Address setting under resealable label (accessible wilh cover open) Stalion cover hinges open tor installation access SimDlex Time Recorder Co.s4099-O001-5 €y00 For retrofit and new installations, additional compatible mountin g boxes and the required adapter plates are shown in the illustration to the right. Please note that these addressable manual stations will also install pnto single gang Wiremold" box model Y5747 but will overlap the box. Wiremold V5747 dimensions are: 4 5/8" H x 2718"Wxl3/8"D(117mm x 73 mm x 35 mm). 2099-9814 Surlace tdm for Wremold box 51/8'Hx5'W (130 mm x 127 mm) Wiremold r€c€ptacle box modd V57rl4-2 (supplied by others) Two gang svvitch box, each 3'Hx2'Wx2U4'D (76 mm x 51 mm x 70 mm) (supplied by others) 4099-9001 loNel addressabl€ slation 20999813 Semiffush trim tor 2 gang switchbox,6'Hx41/2'W (152 mm x 'l14 mm) Flush mount adaoter kit 209S9819. Black 209+9820, Beig€ 4 g/r (121 mm) 6 94' (171 mm) Front View Side View Sinple;e the Sinphx logo. MAPNET !1, antl IDNet arc cither tmilcmatks or r.gittered trtdcnatLt of fimplex Titru Rccotder Co. in thc U.S. andlot othzr countri.s. NFPA n ond Narionat Fira Alon Code ar. ragiskl.d tlad.martLt of th. Nolional Firc Prot.ction Assrrciatio^ (NFPA). Lran is a tralena ol tha Ccncml Electric Co. Wircmold is a trodcma* of,hc Witenokl Conpanl. s4099-0001-5 8/00 Westrninster, Massachusetts 01441-0001 USA visit ua on th€ world wide web at www.slmPlexneLcom All specilications and other intormation shown wera currBnt as of printing and ars subject to changa withoul mtice. 411/16" (119 mm) square bo)q 2 1/8' (54 mm) minimum d6pth (by others) S"Simplen II"Simplel(M u lti-Appl ication Peri pherals and Accessories Batteries and Chargers 2081 Series System Batteries, 6.2 Ah to 50 Ah FEATURES o Rechargeable, sealed lead-acid design: - Lead-calcium grid structure - lmmobilized electrolyte in absorbent separator - High reliability dual seal construction - Low mainlenance. no need to add water - Low self-discharge characlerislics . One-piece, high impact polystyrene cell cover . UL 924 recognized pressure relief valves . Available in a variety of capacities DESCRIPTION Simplex rechargeable sealedlead acid batteries provide reliable and repeatable discharge and recharge characteristics for use in fire alarm and other systems applications. They are designed with immobilized electrolyte in an absorbent separalor, allowing them to provide rated capacity on the first cycle. Because of their sealed construction, packaging is allowed within the system electronics enclosure (see Figure I, page 2). When this is applicable, the quantity of system cabinets and the battery wiring distances are both minimized. SPECIFICATIONS NominalVoltageRating.............. 12Vlbattery Discharge Rating .............. 20 Hour Rate Typical Charge/Discharge Cyc|es.................. 1 00 to 150 Preferred Charge Temperature Range.....60' F to 90' F (15.6" C to 32.2" C) - Thsse batl€ri€s meet lhe requirements ol UL, Ul-C, ard Faclory Mutual lor use |rith respe€live equign€nt banery chargers as lisl€d on page 3. Co act Simpio( lor proFsr batt€ry sd€ctim per syslem r€quirsnents. O 2000 Simplex Tima Recorder Co. All rights r6s€rved. Sealed Lead-Acid Batteries lor Panel Mounting APPLICATIONS Charging. These bafteries are intended to be used with compatible Simplex battery chargers. Series Connections. These batteries are required to be connected in series to produce 24 V system voltage. Battery sets must be of identical voltage, model number, appearance, and approximately the same date of manufacture for proper operation. Testing. Battery capacity testing is recommended to be performed by using a sealed lead-acid battery tester designed to withdraw a minimum of battery charge. The preferred tester applies a variety of amplitude and duration controlled test pulses that compares terminal voltage against those predicted for the specific battery size. (Iesting is available through Simplex Service.) Disposal. Battery chemicals and materials can be recycled. Refer to inlormation shipped with the battery or on its case. Return to the battery manufacturer or to a similarly qualified battery processing facility for proper disoosal. -9- s2081-0006-15 d00 SEALED LEAD ACID BATTERY CONSTRUCTION OETAILS: (actual appearance will vary with battery size) Quick connect or post type terminal (type varies with battery size) Absorbent separalor used to immobilize electrolyte Lead+alcium gilds Cell group Flgure 1. Battery Construction Reference Sealed outer cover Potting material, black for negative, red for positive (polarity is also clearly marked with + and -) Pressure relief valve Semi-permeable memDrane separator Cell case (high impact polystyrene) -10- 52081-0006-15 6/00 page 2 BATTERY SPECIFICATIONS AND SELECTION CHART Dimensions and weight are per battery and are for relerence only. Exact size may vary. Refer to the chart below lor panel mounting compalibility. These batteries are 12 V each and series connecled tor 24 V system use. When installed in a fire alarm control panel, lhey are to be ol identical voltage, appearance, model number, and approximately the same dale of manulaclure, Simplex Control Panel Series (see tegend and notes below) 4005 4010 410014120 4or 2081-9272 2041-9274 2081-9288 2041.9275 2081-9287 2081-5271 (rectangular) 2081-9276 (square)Yes 2081-9296 (Note 4) Yes = Can be placed in the respeclive equipmenl cabinet Ext = 5.x1srn.1 battery cabinet required, reler to selection chart on page 4 Shaded area = let applicable NOTES: 1 . 401 0 Cabinets will accommodate 2081-9275, 18 Ah bafteries, but will not allow bottom entry conduil. 2. 4020 Cabinets will accommodate 2081-9271 ,33 Ah batteries, but will not allow bottom entry conduit. 3. Use 4081 series companion cabinet and charger, reler to page 4. 4. Refer lo individual lire alarm conirol panel product data sheets for additional batlery application information. 5. These batteries meet the requirements of UL, ULC, and Factory Mutual for use with respective equipment battery chargers listed above. Contact Simplex for proper battery selection per system requirements, 4t20 4or6- Ext Battery Mechanical Specif ications* Battery Model Ah, 20 Hour Rate (Ah)widrh Depth Height with Terminals Approximate Weight 2041-9272 6.2 6 1/8' (156 mm)2 5i 8" (67 mm)4" (102 mm)5.75 lbs (2.6 kg) 2W1-9274 10 6' (153 mm)4 1/16" (103 mm)4" (102 mm)9.2 lbs (4.2 kg) 2081-9288 12.7 6" (153 mm)4' (102 mm)4" (102 mm)9 lbs (a.1 kg) 2081-9275 18 7 1/4" (184 mm)3 3/8' (86 mm)6 5/8" (168 mm)14.3 lbs (6.5 kg) 2081-92A7 25 6 5/8" (168 mm)5" (127 mm)7 (178 mm)19.4 lbs (8.8 kg) 2081-9271 (rectangular)33 12 1/2" (318 mm)3 3iA (86 mm)7 1/16" (179 mm)26.6 lbs (12.1 kg) 208'l-9276 (square)33 7 3/4" (197 mm)5 1i4" (133 mm)6 3/4" (171 mm)26.s lbs (12 kg) 2081-9296 50 I 112" (241 mml 5 1/2" (140 mm)8 718" (225 mm\41.8 lbs (19 kg) Battery Selection Chart for Fire Alarm Control Panel Mounting -1 1- 52081-000&15 6/00 page 3 External Battery Cabinets Battery Model ' Ah, 20 Hour Rate' Externally Mounted Battery Cabinets with Chargers .r I 40812081-e301* I 2081-9303- I s"ii""t Battery Cabinets without Chargers (connects to charger in panel)tl 2081-9270* | 2081-9281 | 2081-9282 | 4009-980r I 4009-9802 2081-9275 18 Yes Yes Yes 2081-9287 25 -t.: :i :: I i- .:- | . 2081-9271 2081-9275 33 , ir--. t:, Yes F*;'in 2081-9295 50 Yes ' _ lr-. _, : it :..::t: ' . EXTERNAL BATTERY CHARGER AND CABINET REFERENCE ' Batteries smaller than those listed are normally mounled in the product cabinel. " Refer to Simplex data sheet 52081-0002 lor additional inlormation on lhese remote battery cabinevcharger products. t Re{er to Simplex data sheet 54081-0001 tor additional information. Yes = Can be olaced in the resoective eauipment cabinet Shaded area = Not aoolicable t Ref er to Simplex dala sheet 52081-0002 lor additional information. tt Refer to Simplex data sheet 54081-0001 for additional information. Simplex and lhe Sinplex logo are registercd tmdema*s o( the Simplex Time Becodet Co.s2081-0006-1s 6/00 External Battery Cabinet Specif icalions Model Description Color Dimensions 2081-9281 2-Unit, 410O style cabinet without charger, with solid door and battery shelf, primarily intended for 50 Ah batteries Beige 25 314" W x 20 3/4" H x 6 3/4" D (654 mm x 527 mm x 171 mm)2081-9282 Red 2081-92701 Extemal battery cabinet without charger Red 26 1/2"Wx12"Hx12"D (673 mm x 305 mm x 305 mm) 2081-9301r External battery cabinet with charger 2081-9303r External battery cabinet with charger and with meters tor voltaoe and current 4009-9801 External baftery cabinet wilhout charger, with solid door and battery harness, for close-nippled mounting to fire alarm control Danel cabinet For up to 18 Ah batteries Beige 16 1/4" W x 13 1/2" H x 4 1/8' D (413 mm x 3€ mm x '105 mm) 4009-9802 For up to 33 Ah batleries 25 3/4" W x20 314" Hx 4118'D (654 mm x 527 mm x 105 mm) 4081 Seriesn Companion cabinet and charger for the 4010 fire alarm conlrol oanel For up to 50 Ah batleraes Available in beige or red 22 112" W x16 3/4" H x 8 3/8" D (572 mm x 425 mm x 213 mm) 5.5implex westminster, Massachusetts 01441-0001 u. s. A. Oflices and Representatives Throughout the World Visit us on the wodd wide web al www'simplexnet.com All specifications and other information shown were current as ol printing and are subject to change without notice. TM 5.5impls(Life Alarm Fire Alarm Gontrols UL. ULC Listed* FM Approved** NYC, MEA Approvedt Fire Alarm Controls 4009 Series NAC Power Extender for Conventional NAC Operation FEATURES . Eldends capacity of an existing notilication appliance circuit (NAC): - Provides four, power-limited NACs with general alarm operation, available as Class B or Class A, each rated 2 A (expandable to eight NACs) - Includes 8 A power supply/charger - Follows coded or non-coded alarm input . Internal 8 A power supply/battery charger: - Charges internal batteries up to 12.7 Ah or up to 18 Ah batteries in extemal cabinet - Supervises lor power loss, brownout, and batteries, and has power-on and trouble LEDs - Selectable for use with remote battery/charger . Flexible connections to host panel also provade earth fault detection: - Local installations connect to dedicated NAC (+) and panel power supply return (0 V) - For remote locations, up to four, 4009s can be connected on a single NAC with notification appliances, with up to eight signal cards allowed (requires 4009-9806 Earth Detection Module) . lndividual circuit trouble LEDs . Surface/semi-llush beige cabinet included . UL listed to Standard 864 SPECIFICATIONS Input , i 120 VAC Models 102-132 VAC,60 Hz 24(l VAC Models 1.54 @ 204-2UVAC, 50/60 Hz Alarm/Supervisory Input 18 to 32 VDC, fillered or unliltered ' ULC listed models are designaled with a 'C' sutlix (example: 4009-9001c). " FM approved with 120 VAC input. t Accepted for use - City of New York Departmenl of Buildings - ME435.93E. O 1999 Simpl€x Time Flecorder Co. All rights reserved. @ @ :: == 4009 NAC Power Extender DESCRIPTION Compliance with ADA (the Americans with Disabilities Act) often requires adding notification appliances to existing fire alarm control panels. ll the existing panel cannot handle the additional devices, a Simplex 4009 NAC Power Extender can orovide an additional 8 A ot NAC power with four, supervised reverse polarity NACS, Class B or Class A (Style YZ ), without requiring a control panel replacement. Flexible Locations. The 4009 can be mounted close to a compatible, dedicated host panel NAC, or can be located remotely. When remotely located, up to four, 4009s can be connected to a compatible NAC circuit that can also include notification appliances. Remote locations require the optional 4009-9806 Earth Detect Module. (Refer to connection diagram on next page for additional information.) Operation. Alarms from the host panel will signal the four, 4009 NACs to extend the alarm. The 4009 monitors itself and each of its output NACs for trouble conditions (and optionally, earth detection trouble) and opens the host NAC'S connection to inform the host panel, but still being able to respond to alarms. Earth Fault Detection is maintained by the host lire alarm control panel when the 4009 is mounted locally to a dedicated NAC. lf the 4009 is remotely located on a compatible reverse polarity NAC, the optional earth delect module will provide the required earth detection. lf an earth lault is sensed, the module will transler a trouble to the controlling NAC and the 4009 will light its own earth fault trouble LED. 4009 NAC Expansion. An additional lour circuit module may be added to allow separale control of audible and visible appliances or to allow all eight circuits to be controlled together. Operating Temperature 32" F to 120" F (0" C to 49' C) 107" to 90% RH, from 32" F to 104' F . 67 mA lor slandard system 37 mA lor additional 4 circuit card . 30 mA for power supply 73 mA oer 4 circuit card . 2 A maximum per l.lAC . 4 A maximum per 4 circuit card when second card is installed -13- s4009-0001-9 8/99 4OO9 MODEL SELECTION CHART Model 4009-9001 4009-9002 Desc Ptlon Four Circuit NAC Extender Panel, 120 VAC Input power Class Class I 7 4009-9101 4009-9102 Four Circuit NAC Extender Panel, 240 VAC Input power Class Class I z 4009-9803 4009-9804 Additional Four Circuit NAC Module, lield installed (one maximum) Class E/Stvle Y Class A,/Stvle Z 4009-9805 4009-9806 2975-9801 Red Appliqu6 lor NAC Extender cabinet Earth Detect Module, field installed Semi-Flush Trim Kit, beige 2081-9288 2081-9275 Batteries, 12 V sealed lead-acid,2 required' '| 2.7 Ah, maximum size for internal cabinet mountit 18 Ah, requires external battery cabinet 4009-9801 4009-9801 External Battery Cabinet, beige wilh solid door, includes battery hamess, for mounting close-nippled to 4009 cabinet, cabinet size: 161/4"Wx13 112" H x 3" D (413 mm x 343 mm x 76 mm ' Refer to data sheet 52081{006 for smaller batterv sizes and additional details. MOUNTING INFORMATION Door width: 16 1/2. (419 mm) I Wall surface - . .:. '------arlt ox wom: I 16 1/4'(413 mm) | B6ige semi-tlush lrim 2975-9801 , 1 7/16' wide (73 mm) Battery mounting area, avoid bottom entry conduit in this location 4 3/16' (108 mm) ---T-- I I 13 1/2' (343 mm) I I + 4OO9 CONNECTION BLOCK DIAGRAM Extemal battery connection (if required) To dedicated NAC (+) and host fire alarm control panel 0 V for local conneclion QEup lo tour, 4009s on a dedicated or populated NAC (see Note 3) Local AC Power NAC Zones 2 wires, each circuit Connecl to separate NAC of same control panel if separate control of /ts additional four circuit module is required (see Nole 4) NOTES: 1. NAC input wiring is #18 AWG minimum or lo local code. 2. Beter 10 field wiring diagram 841-925 and Installation Instructions 574-827 lor additional information. 3. Earth fault detection requires optionat module 4009-9806 (tor isolated connection mode) or connec'tion to panel 0 V. 4. Separale control of strobes requires additional four circuit module. (On-until-silence for audibles, on-until-reset lor strobes') s4oo9{oo1-9 E/99 To audible and/or visible notification appliances: homs, bells, slrobes, chimes, etc. 4 NACS, each raled 2 A @ 24 VDC nominal, power limited,8 Atotal power available (see Note 4) Gardner, Massachusetts 0'1441-0001 U. S. A. Otfices and Reoresentatives Throuqhout the Wodd Visit us on the wodd wide we6 q www.sfmplexnet.com. All specilications and olher inlormalion shown w6rs current as ol printing and are subject lo change withoul notice. S.Simplel( II"Simpls(TrueAlarni Fire Alarm Gontrols UL, ULC Listed; FM, CSFM, and MEA (NYC) Approved* Fire Alarm Controls 4100 and 4120 Series Addressable Detection and Control Systems STANDARD FEATURES . UL Listed fot: - Fire Detection and Control (UOJZ) - Proprietary Alarm Units - Burglar (APOU) - Process Management Equipment (OVAX) - Smoke Control Service (UUKL) . Wide viewing angle,80 character super-twisl LCD . Selectable for maintained display of first alarm . Expandable upto 1000 points . Dedicated supervisory service indicator and acknowledge . Nonvolatile flash EPROM memory . Battery supervision (low/no battery) r Power-limited operation per NEC 760 (module dependent) SOFTWARE FEATURES . WALKTESTTM system test" . Four operator access levels . 600 event historical log . Individual circuit disconnecUdisable . Programmable: - Alarm verification by zone or point - Selective signaling and/or relay control - Zone coding (PNIS) - Signal silence reminder OPTIONAL FEATURES . Voice communications and firefighter's phones e lnterface to remole: - MAPNET ll@ addressable devices and TrueAlarm@ analog sensors" - utNtplef, transoonders - TrueAlertrM Addressable Controllers - 4-2O mA Analog Monitor ZAMs (AMZs) - Suoervised LED and LCD serial annunciators . Release control operation OPTIONAL MODULES (partial list) . 4120 Network interlace . Class A or Class B lDCs and NACS . Control relays with feedback . Dial-in service modem . RS-232 interlace to remote printer or CRT/keyboard . Panel mount printer . Internal DACTS, serial or contact closure . Decoder module for coded circuit interface . Simplex2120 interlace . Expansion power supplies and battery chargers @ 2000 Simplex Time Recorder Co. All rights reserved. o 41OO14120 Series Fire Alarm Control Panel with Ootional Voice Control INTRODUCTION Simolex 410014120 Series Fire Alarm Detection and Control Panels provide an extensive and powerful featr-rre list to satisfy a wide variety ol applications and local code requirements. They are on-site programmable to provide mapping logic lor inputs and outputs and for custom labeling additions and revisions. Their tlexible site-specific software features can be quickly and securely generated, modified, and archived by trained service personnel using computer based programming tools. With this flexibility, last minute changes can be made on-site, minimizing delays in iob completion. Monitor and control point expansion is available up to a maximum of 1000 points in any combination of lDCs, NACs, auxiliary control relays, and addressable devices. Annunciation capacity is up to 2000 points. ' This product has be€n approved by lhe Calilomia Slale Flr€ MaFhal (CSFM) puFuanl lo SecUon 13144.1 of he Calilomh Health and Salely Cods. s€€ CSFM Ljslings 71 66{02e 1 60 and 717G002e 1 87 lor allowable values andor cmditions conc€ming rnatefial p{es€nted in this documeit. lt is sutiect lo reexaninalion, tevisioi, ard possiue cancellation. Accepted lor us6 - Oly of Nerv Yo Departmgrl ol Buildngs - MEA35-93€. Apdicable FM appfoval inlormation is availaue on €quesi, Addlional listings may be apdicabls, coohcl Simplox lor the latest slatus. " WATKTEST syste.n lest is protecled under US Patent No. 4,725,818. MAPNET ll addressade coanmunicalims is o,otected under U.S. Palent No. 4796,@5. Trudlam analog d€lection is prol€cted under U.S. Palent No. 5,155,468 and 5,173,683. NoTE: Ihe leatures described in this documenl assume operation vvilh revisim I soltware, oslailed inlomalion aboul4120 Nelwori( operalion is lflJnd in dala sheel 54l2S0001. 4100 Se es conlrci panels b€cofle 41iO Sedes cmttd panels when equipped wih a 4120 Netvofi inlerla6 and fie teqdred netvio* ptogfanming. s4100-0013-14 8/00 -15- OPERATOR INTERACTION Primary Operator Functions. The 4100 operator panel maximizes the performance ol primary lire alarm functions by displaying only the indications and interaction switches required for responding to emergency situations (see Figure I below). EAST WING, THIRO FLOOR. AREA 19. SUOKE Smoko Dotactor FnE ALABM lufl forcn ^9- ^"9 *#.0", ,rS., *r9,o I-/\ lffil l'aurr'l 16-l f6--.l fffil lffi-l| ^cx | | m( | | ^d( ll ro< | lsrlacElln:sn I ,u,fi.'.-.w_____/ FIGURE 1. Primary Operalor Functions with Typical Alarm Display Indications. Alarm, supervisory, and trouble conditions are indicaled al the operatois panel by dedicated LEDs and a local tone-alert. An 80 character (2 lines x 40 characters) alphanumeric super-twist liquid crystal display provides inlormation concerning point status (alarm, trouble, supervisory, etc.), type of alarm (smoke detector, manual station, waterflow supervisory, etc.), a custom location label, and number of alarms and other condilions in the system. The top line as shown in Figure 1 would be the custom label for this alarm point. (lf lirst alarm display is selected, status count appears after alarms are acknowledged.) First Alarm Display. When selected for maintained display of the first alarm, and if multiple alarms occur, the first alarm will remain displayed until acknowledged. The information shown in Figure 1 will alternate approximately once per second with the second information line of the tirst alarm. A typical second line for the alarm shown would be: EAST WING, THIRD FLOOR, ABEA 19, SMOKE Press <Alarm Aclo to acknowledge Switch Operation. Alarm, supervisory, and trouble conditions have dedicated acknowledge push-button switches. Operation of the appropriate acknowledge switch silences the tone-alert wilh the LED remaining illuminated until all conditions in that category are restored to normal. The 4100 can be programmed to perform a'global acknowledge" where a single push ol the appropriale acknowledge switch will silence the tone-alert for all points in that condition. lt can also be programmed for individual acknowledgment of each point in an abnormal condilion, as well as their restoration. Both operations are in accordance with the requirements of NFpA 72, the National Fire Alarm Code. Notilication appliances can be silenced by pressing the ALARM SILENCE switch. Pressing the SYSTEM RESET switch restores the system to the normal operation mode. The system tone-alert can be programmed to resound at user specilied time intervals to serve as an 'active status remindef when a trouble condition remains in the system and the audible trouble signal has been silenced. Additional Operator Function Keys. For increased functionality, additional operator keys are available by opening the access door (see Figure 2 below). The FUNCTION KEYS, DISPLAY/ACTION keypad, and the ENTRY keypad are the operator interlace sections that are not essential in a tire emergency situation. These functions are presented in a self-directing manner and include: circuiVdevice ENABLE or DISABLE, control point turn ON or OFF, DISPLAY HISTORICAL LOGS, etc. Operator access is determined by four passcode protected security levels. Level 1 allows rouline actions while level 4 is reserved for trained technician service access. Access in levels 2, 3, and 4 is selectable and passcode protected to ensure proper authorization for that level's control access. Passcode log-ins are stored in the history log for access review. Display Action and Entry Keypads allow operators (with proper access levels) to perform controlling tunclions to system zones, NACs, and auxiliary control relays, or to gain access for system inlormation. DISABLE allows a specilic circuii or a specilic addressable device to be disconnected from the system to isolate a problem. A trouble condition will occur as a reminder ol the action taken. ENABLE followed by ENTER restores the circuit or device lo active status in approximately 60 seconds. The display will count down the remaining time and will wam the operator if the circuit to be enabled will cause an alarm. The NET key is used to display 4120 Network point data located at other network panels. l- FUNCflON {-Fil f-Ft v -<r7 SYSTEII lS NOR ALgtz,i40 FRI 26 ttlAY 0O F|RE pn|()Rny2 slstEx sYslEt AuBr PowEnooooooluHt luff $rPEnvEoRY lnou8tE s!,r cED 0ll-\ -\ -\ -\ \-- -\- fruRu I lTunu I t- s',pv I f rra FLrRO GysrEn .l ^cx | [ ^cr( | I AcK I I Acx I tsrlfg LIlsErJ eftorllooa ----l I l-F4l -z @eg @@@a- a^l an LJJ TJJ IJJg@@ t-"."'l@ FIGURE 2. Additional Operator Kevs -16- 54100{013-14 8|/00 page 2 OPERATOR INTERACTION (C ONtiNUEd) Cqntrol Keypad. CONTROL identifies five programmable switches with associated LEDs. Possible applications are: city disconnect, door holder bypass, manual evacuation, elevalor capture bypass, elc. Control switches can be individually passcode protected such that only certain access level operators can perform that function (refer to Figure 3 below). Provision for Custom Labels FIGURE 3. Controt Key Detail l-- FUNCTIOII I Fr I I F2 |v v KEYS---.] ITI TilI =z =:trz SYSTEM IS NORMAL 9|27t4o FRl26 MAY 00 ALARI' POV'ERoosttEtcED 0l.l-\ -\ RFE Pntontw 2 luFt lL Nll *rr"9r*r r"Sro FuRrl l^unrrl lsrrpil -rBn [a'.rnn lffiTlI ao( J I acK I Lg, I ^cx l. [srrNcEl IRESET I n#ont,,,',t -------J FIGURE 4. Function Key Detail Function Keys. FUNCTION KEYS identilies the "soff keys F1 through F4 whose functions vary within each Main Menu Option. Each key's function is described on the top line of the display. For example, in the DISPLAY HISTORICAL ALARM LOGS FUNCTION menu, pressing the F2 key will display the most recent alarm event stored in the history log (see Figure 4 above). MASTER CONTROLLER MODULE The 4100 Masler Controller Board provides system control, synchronization, and supervision ol all modules, continuously scanning each module for status changes. Features include the following: . Operator's Panel with LCD and operator keys . SPDT Auxiliary Trouble Relay rated 2 A @ 30 VDC, resistive loads . City Circuit Connection, 24VDC remote slation (reverse polarity), local energy, shunt master box, or a Form 'C" contact outout . Battery Charger for up to 1 10 Ah batteries: - Batteries up to 33 Ah mount in the bottom of the cabinet, batteries larger than 33 Ah mount er:temal to the cabinet - Compatible with lead acid or Nioad batteries . Intelligent Power.Limited Power Supply: - Two isolated outputs of 4 A each at 28.5 VDC when AC powered (24 VDC during battery operation) - Tap "B' provides 4 A lor general purpose NAC and control power (NOTE: This output is not available when charging 1 10 Ah bafteries.) - Tap 'A" provides panel power with the remainder available for NACs controlling "clean" loads with controlled inrush current and proper transient suppression - LCD readout of system voltage and currenl, and battery voltage and current - Optional 12 VDC converter (4100-0019), rated 2 A @ 12 VDC. requires 1.1 A max lrom 28 VDC - AC inout is 6 A @ 120 VAC. 3 A @ 240 VAC. 50/60 Hz REDUNDANT MASTER CONTROLLER OPT]ON (4100-7023) Provides monitored dual control with automatic switch-over hardware. INITIATING DEVICE CIRCUITS (lDCs) (4100-5000 Series): - Eight circuit zone modules provide system expansion as Style B (Class B) or Style D (Class A) Ooeration - Capable ol supporting UL listed compatible, two-wire smoke detectors and electronic heat detectoas plus normally open contact devices (manual stations, mechanical heat detectors, etc.) - Accepts mechanical coded Inputs NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE CIRCUITS (NACs) (4100-4000 Series): - Two, {our, or six circuit modules provide system expansion as Class B (Style Y) or Class A (Style Z) - Supervised for opens, grounds, and wire-to-wire shorts - Dual and Triple channel modules have integral switching relays for selecting the proper audio channel output - Outputs can be programmed for temporal pattern or march time pattem - NACS are rated as: 2 A @ 24VDC;50 W @ 25 VRMS o|100 W @ 70 VRMS for speaker circuits; or up to six firefighter telephones (including master) GENERAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING SPECIFICATIONS Humidity........... .....85% Noncondensing Temperature ......................... 32" to 120" F (0' to 49" C) MODULE DESCRIPTIONS -17- 54100-0013-.14 8/00 page 3 MODULE DESCRTPTTON S (c ontinued) D['AL RS-232 COMMUNICATIONS MODULE (4100-0113): - Each module provides two RS-232 ports for connection to CRT/keyboards (terminals), printers, or other approved compatible applications - Up to live RS-232 ports are supported per 4100 control panel with tlvo ports (total) being selected as CRT/keyboards - Each port can be vectored by event category - Up to three ports total can be configured to communicale with a hosl 21 20 Multiplex System using 2-wire, 2120 communications (DC Comm) - Module option 4100-01 37 is available to orovide Style 7, RS-232, 2120 communications STYLE 7, 2120 (DC COMM) TNTERFACE MODULE (4100-0123): - Maintains 2120 communications during a wire-to-wi re short tault condition - Includes primary, secondary, and transmit status indicators AUXILIARY CONTROL RELAYS: - Built-in fuse protection per contact - Feedback tracks on/otf status of remote devices - 4100-3001, Four CPU controlled relays, DPDT conlacts rated fot 2 A @ 24 VDC . or 1 12 A @ 120 VAC, inductive - 4100-3002, Four CPU controlled relays, DPDT contacts rated 10 A @ 24 VDC or 240 VAC maximum, inductive - 4100-3003, Eight CPU controlled relays, SPDT contacts rated 3 A @ 24VDC or 120 VAC. resistive EXPANSION POWER SUPPLY, POWER-LIMITED, 120 VAC INPUT (4100-1108): - I A, (two taps of 4 A each) filtered, unregulated 24 VDC output for standard peripheral devices - AC input is 2.5 A @ 120 VAC, 60 Hz MINIPLEXO REMOTE INTELLIGENT POWER suPPLY, POWEF-LTMTTED (4100-01 17): - Tap "B" provides 4 A at 28.5 VDC lor general purpose NAG and conlrol power - Tap'A" provides remote module power, 4 A maximum, 2 A is typically available for "clean" loads with controlled inrush currents and proper transient suppression (actual available power depends on remote module requirements) - 4 A for battery charging (lead acid batteries only) - Addressable electronics communicale status, voltage, and curent information for viewing at the panel LCD. Operator panel can be used to control output taps. - AC input is 6 A @ 120 VAC, 3 A @ 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz Typical 4100, R5-232 Conneclions NONPOWEH-LIMITED EXPANSION POWER SUPPLIES Power Supply 4100-0105 4100-0115 4100{108 Input 2 A @ 120 VAC, Outpul 5A@24YDC*5"/., lor regulated peripheral power I A @ 24 VOC (two lapsof4Aeach) filtered, unregulated410S.01 18 ADDITIONAL BATTERY CHARGERS: - Charges up to 110 Ah bafteries, lead acid or NiCad - Monitors for AC power failure, low/no battery, and high battery level - 120 VAC, 60 Hz model 4100-0104 requires 2 A inpul - 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz model 4100-01 14 requires 1 A input 41 OO.O124 ENHANCED BATTERY CHARGER: - Charges up 10 110 Ah batteries, lead acid or NiCad - Manual switches for high rate charge and AC disconnect - LEDs for AC f ailldisconnect, loMno battery, and high battery level - Melers to indicate battery voltage and charging current, 0-50 VDC voltmeter, 0-5 A ammeter - AC inout is 2 A @ 120 VAC 4120 NETWORK INTERFACE: Model 4120-6014 provides a modular interlace with media options of: - 4120-0142, for wired data - 4120-01 43, for fiber optics - 4120-0144, for modem connections - Refer to data sheet S4120{003 for delails Physical Bridge Modules provide extended modem connection flexibility with choice ol: - Style 4 communications, 4120-6023 - Style 7 communications, 4120-6024 - Refer to data sheet S4120-0005 for details -18- S4100-0013-14 8/00 page 4 410014120 Voice Communication Gommand Center Components Master Controll6r One-Way Voice Communicalions Microohone Two-Way Firefighter Master Phon€ MODULE DESCRtpTtON g lContinue$ ONE-WAY COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS . Single and dual channel audio . Triple channel audio with a dedicated microphone channel . Multiple supervised remote microphone inputs . Multiple built-in selectable tones . Spoken voice coding . Multiple digitally recorded human voice messages . Spoken WALKTEST system testing . Digitized voiceltone generation . Automatic or manual audio control . Separate evacuation, drill, and optional 'All Clea/' voice messages and tones . Ready-to-talk indicator for microphone . Optional synchronized redundant voice tone generator . Local panel speaker for tone/message broadcast verification . MINIPLEX Voice Transponders for distributed audio FIREFIGHTER TELEPHONE SYSTEMS . Firefighter telephone to audio interface . Multiple remote masler phones . Ring signal on remote lirefighters telephone indicates call reouest . Telephone circuits are supervised for open and shorl circuit conditions GENERAL The 4100 Audio System provides one-way voice communication, alarm tones, ancUor digitally prerecorded voice messages to alert occupants of fire or other emergency situations. Evacuation signaling may be automatically generated via alarm initiated event programs in the 4100 Master Controller or by firefighting personnel operaling the system microphone. The system may also be equipped with a Firefighter Master Telephone module to provide the Fire Commander with two-way communications with firefighters or fire wardens located remotely throughout the building. OPERATION The 4100-0210 Audio Control Board provides rouling and pre-amplification of digitized alarm tones and voice messages. Actual tones and human voice messages are digitally recorded and stored in the audio control board's message memory. When called upon, an integral Voice Tone Generator (VTG) recreates the audio waveforms of the prerecorded voice/tone messages with completely natural sound. The Audio Control Board receives instructions from the 4100 Master Controller to direct the routing of the audio tones, codes, prerecorded or manual voice messages to the appropriate audio output circuits. -19- s410G0013-t4 8i/00 page 5 MODULE DESCRIPTTON S, (C onti nued) AUDIO CONTROL BOARD FEATURES (4100{200 Series):. Message Memory - Custom Message Data . Routing Matrix - lnpuUOutput Switching . Audio Inputs: - Master Microphone - Remote Microphone #1 (Optional) - Remote Microphone #2 (Optional) - Primary Voiceffone Generator (Optional) - Secondary Voiceffone Generator (Optional) - Phone to Audio lnterface . Audio Outputs: - Channel 1 (Single Channel,4100-0210) - Channel 2 (Dual Channel, 4100-021 1) - Channel 3 (Triple Channel, 41004212) - Local Panel Speaker . Audio Tones: - Slow Whoop - slowly ascending tone from 200 to 830 Hz in 2.5 seconds, recommended for fire alarm and no other purpose - HighAow - lree-running signal with a high frequency of 750 Hz for 100 ms and a low frequency o{ 500 Hz for 400 ms - Horn - continuous 500 Hz tone primarily used lor coded systems - Chime - 600 Hz lundamental tone with a 1 .5 s duration, used as a free-running tone or for coded operation - Beep - 500 Hz tone of 0.7 s on, 0.7 s off - Slutter - 500 Hz tone with eoual on and off times of ''100 ms - Wail - ascends, then descends between 600 to 940 Hz - GSA Tone - continuous 2000 Hz tone - Bell - a fundamental frequency of 35O Hz with prominent harmonics at 700 Hz and 2100 Hz - Selectable Temporal Pattern for horn, bell, whoop, and chime tones (1/2 sec on, 1/2 sec otf, 1/2 sec on, 1/2 sec otf, 1/2 sec on, 1 1/2 sec ofl) ZONE CODED SIGNALING is available using tones or spoken numbers. Spoken coded messages can be used in place ol conventional pulse tone coding to eliminate counting and interpretation of the zone coded location. For example, a fire alarm zone such as First Floor East, Smoke Detector Room 23 will be Code 1123. Two possible transmission schemes are: 1. Conventional Zone coded Signaling where T = Tone: T...T...TT...Tfi ...T...T...TT...TTT...2. Spoken Coded Signaling: Code, one..one..two..three... Code, one..one. two..three The Digital Audio Controller has the ability to precede spoken codes with phrases and alert tones. As an alternative, the previous example could have been preceded with a chime tone. The qsTQ"code'could be repfaced with the phrase "Docfor Fircstone, please dial...". PREPROGRAMMED SPECIAL MESSAGES ATE available on request. Up to live minutes ol special phrases and messages are available to meet specilic applications. The standard Evacuation Message is: 'Attention... Attention... Attention... An emergency has been reported.... AII occupants walk to the neatest stairway exit and walk down to your assigned re- entry floor or main lobby... Do not use the elevator... Walk to the nearest stairway.... Do not use the elevator.... Walk to the nearest stairway." AUDIO AMPLIFIERS (410G0200 & -1200 Series): - Power-limited models are available with 25 W or 100 W output al 25 VRMS, or 90 W output at 70 VRMS - Nonoower-limited models are available with 100 W outDut at 25 VBMS or 70 VRMS - Frequency response of 120 to 12,000 Hz - Battery backup operation - Integral amplilier monitor lor supervised operation - Optional redundant operation provides automatic switchover lrom primary lo backup amplifier MAPNET [o, TRUEALARMo MODULE (4100-0110]: - Uo to 127 MAPNET ll addressable devices or TrueAlarm analog sensors per module - MAPNET ll Line lsolator Modules for panel mount (4100-01 1 1 ) or line powered (21 90-9169, surface mount or 2190-9170, flush mount) - Refer to data sheet S4100-0002 for delails DECODER MODULE (4100-0136) Translates coded initiating circuit inputs into addressable points. Refer to data sheet S4100-0018 for details. DrAL-rN SEFVICE MODEM (4100-0139) Provides remote access for a computer equipped with a modem and terminal emulation software. PANEL MOUNT PRINTER (410G0451): - 40 column high speed event printer - 20 visible lines with internal take-up reel - Operates lrom system voltage with battery back-up - Requires dedicated RS-232 port - Refer to data sheet S4100-0021 lor details INTERNAL DUAL LINE DACT MODULES: - Each provides multiple programmable leatures such as automatic 24 hour test and power lail report delay - Each line reouires a DACT cable. model 2080-9047, ',|4 ft long, with RJ45 plug - Serial DACT 4100-0155 is capable of communicatin g serial, point-specilic information (refer to data sheet 52080-0009 for details) - Contact Closure DACT 4100-0153: - Alarm input typically connects to City relay contacts - Provides Supervisory and AC power fail reporting using dedicated relay contacts - Provides DACT communications status monitoring using relay leedback point -20- 54100-0013-14 8/0O page 6 MOEULE DESCRTPTTON S (continued) DISTRTBUJED MODULE OPERAT|ON W|TH MTNTPLEX- TRANSPONDERS (4100-8019): - Allows remote location of: Amplifiers, MAPNET ll and TrueAlarm Interface Modules, Initiating Device Circuits, Notification Appliance Circuits, and Auxiliary Conirol Circuits - Model 4100-8210 control panels provide audio operation, model 4100-801 0 control panels provide nonaudio ooeration - Up to 31 MINIPLEX transponders can be controlled from the fire alarm control panel - Refer to dala sheel S4100-0015 lor Miniplex Transponder details - The figure to the right shows a typical audio/voice MINIPLEX transponder system with initiating devices and notitication, each monitored and controlled by the control panel REMOTE UN|T TNTERFACE, RUt (410G,0304): - Supervised serial communication channel lor control and monitoring of remotely located annunciators, MINIPLEX transoonders. and l/O panels - Can be wired for either Class A (Style 7) or Class B (Style 4) communications - Connects to TrueAlert Addressable Controller to provide individual addressable control of TrueAlert addressable notification appliances (reter to data sheet 54009-0003 for additional information) - Up to four RUI modules can be installed LED/LCD ANNUNCIATION Optional interface modules are available for remote and/or local conlrol panel annunciation. The LEDs are programmable for slow rate, fast rate pulse or steady illumination. Annunciation capacity is up to 2000 points, where one annunciation point is either: one LED or one switch on an LED/Switch module, one LED driver output on a Graphic Driver, or one switch input on a Graphic Switch Input Module 64/64 LED/SW|TCH CONTROLLER (4100-0301 ): - Interfaces up to 64 LEDs and 64 switches to the master conlroller via serial communications - Continuously monitors switches for changes in status - Supervises and controls LEDs - Supervises LED/switch module placement 24 PO|NT UO GRAPHTC TNTERFACE (4100-0302): - Each of the 24 points can be individually contigured as either a switch input or a lamp driver - Lamp driver output is 150 mA (+24 VDC common) - Outputs can be steady, slow pulse, or fasl pulse - Switch inputs can monitor 2 position or 3 position switches Lamp test input is provided Provides supervised monitoring and/or control for smoke control applications MINIPLEX Transponder #1 4100-8210 MINIPLEX Control Panel MINIPLEX System Example LED/SWITCH MODULES - Modules contain socketed LEDs to allow selection of LED color choice to indicate soecific functions - Switch modules can be used to pertorm manual control such as lor HVAC, pressurization fans, damper control, speaker circuits, etc. LED/SWITGH MODULE SELECTION SERIAL LCD ANNUNCIATORS The 4603-9101 LCD annunciator provides remote annunciation and control using an interface and display similar to that of the 4100 panel. (lf multiple alarms occur, display ol lirst alarm requires operator intervention.) Information is transmined over a single twisted, shielded pair. Other styles of serial annunciators can be connected on the same pair of wires. (Reler to data sheet 54603-0001 .) 4603-9101 LCD Annunciator s4100-0013-14 Styls 7, FUI Communications Eighl red LEDS, eight green LEDS, and eight -21- 8/00 pag€ 7 MOI'NTING REFERENCE Model Number 2975-9190 2975-9191 2975-91 193 2975-9't94 2975-9195 41 0014120 Cabinet Dimensions Slze 2-Unit 3' (76 mm) minimum 24' (610 mm) maximum Helght 20 314" (527 mm) Cablnet Width 25 314 (6s4 mm) Cablnet Oepth 6 314' (171 mm) Door Wldth 26318" (670 mm) 4-Unit 6-Unit IMPORTANT: Distance between cabinets must be no less than 3 inches (76 mm) and no more than 24 inches (610 mm). Simplex, the Sinplex loga, MAPNET , MINIPLEX, WALKIEST, TrueAlarm, and TrueAlen arc eilher ted€na*s ot regbtercd tademarks ot simplex nme Recoder Co. in the U.S. and/ot othet counties. NFPA is a registercd tadematu ol the National Firc Protection Association. Installation Delail Side View NOTE: A system ground must be provided lor Earth Detection and transient protection devices. This connection shall be made to an approved, dedicated Earth connection per NFPA 70, Article 250, and NFPA 780. s4100-0013-14 8i00 36 1/4" (921 mm) 52 118" (1324 mm) 2-Unit S.Simplen Atl specitications and other inlormation shown $,sre current as ol prinling and ars subjsct to change without notice- Westminster, Massachusetts 01,141-0001 U. s. A. Otfices and Representatives Throughout the World Visit us on the worfd wid6 web at www.simplexnet.com TrueAtarniS"Simpler(Fire Alarm S stems 410014120 Universal Transponder (UT) Feature ldentification 4120r OescrlDtlon 0uantlty Slandby Curent (mA)Alarm Cunenl (mA)Module Size 4100-8018 Transponder cabinet, nonpower-limited, reouires 4'l00-6051 8511 Universal transDonder (UTl 8601 UT with audio 8602 Voice command center UT 410014120 -R911 Add to exisling UT, 4100 or 4'120 7560 NPU voice interface. microohone onlv 4 7561 NPU voice inlerface. Dhone and microohone 4 7501 WO LCD disolav 177 2 6050 Powerlimited listino 4100t4120- 6051 Nonpower-limiled listing 6005 6 A with 4 A charoer (UD lo 50 Ah)100 100 6014 Modular network interface J5 2 0142 RS485 media card 40 40 o143 Fiber oDtic media card 3S 0144 Modem media card 50 50 6023 Phvsical bridoe. SVle 4. Class B 260 260 6024 Phvsical bridoe. Stvle 6. Class A 3@ 304 0156 I VDC module. orovides 3 A trom 28 V tao 5004 I zone Stvle B 75 '| 95 5014 8 zone Stvle D 195 4001 2 circuit Stvle Y. Class B 16 ee 401 1 2 circuit Stvle Z. Class A 16 4201 4 circuit dual channel Stvle Y. Class B 25 80 4202 2 circuit tdole channel Stvla Y. Class B 25 80 4203 4 circuit dual channel Stvle Z. Class A 25 80 4204 2 circuit triole channel Stule Z. Class A 25 80 4205 2 circuit triole channel SWle Y (Canada). Class B zl 80 4206 2 circuit triole channel Stvle Z (Canadal. Class A 25 80 4321 6 circuit Stvle Y. Class B 80 4331 6 circuit Stvle Z. Class A 80 3001 4 Relavs. 2 A with leedback t5 3002 4 Rslavs. 10 A with feedback 15 '175 3003 I Relavs. 3 A with teedback 25 280 (NOTE: suoervisorv currenl is with 'swilch lo batterv" scleclcrll 0201 25 VRMS, 25 W without power supply, oower-limited 36 2200 2 0202 25 VRMS, Dual 25 W, with power supply, Dowerlimited .to 4400 1203 25 VRMS. 100 W. 120 VAC. Dower-limited oat 8750 8 0203 25 VRMS. 100 W. 120 VAC. nonDower-limited 68 8750 I 0213 25 VRMS. 100 W. 240 VAC. nonoowerlimit€d 68 8750 8 0207 70 VRMS. 100 W. 120 VAC. nonoower-limited oa1 8750 8 o217 70 VRMS. 100 W. 240 VAC. nonoower-limited otl 8750 I '1207 70 VRMS. 90 W. 120 VAC. oower-limited oat 8750 8 Total oct I ' Products are 4120 orefix unless indicaled otherwise. -23- @ 2000 Simplex Time Recorder Co. All rights raserved.s4100t020-5 8/00 ' Products are 4120 Drefix unless indicated olheMise. " Special mounting allocalions, refer to Simplex data sheet s4100-ooo7 Simplex, the Simplex logo, MAPNET, atd TrueAlarm are rcgbtercd tndemafts ol the Simpbx nme Recotdet Co.in the US and/ot othet counties. VESDA is a registered Uadema* ol Vision Prcducts Pty Ltd.s4100-0020-5 8/00 II"Simpler( All specifications and other inlormation shown were currenl as of printing and are subject to change without notice. Westminster. Massachusetts 0144'1-0001 U. S. A. Ofiices and Representalives Throughout the World visit us on the world wida web at www.slmplexneLcom S.Simplex TrueAtarni Fire Alarm Systems Fire Alarm Controls UL, ULC Listed 4100 Series MAPNET ll/TrueAlarm FM Approved Addressable Modules and lsolator Modules MAPNET r" rentuRes o An addressable two-wire circuit that provides individual*: - Supervision and identification of initiating devices - Supervision and operation of notification appliance circuits - Operation of control relays - Support of TrueAlarm@ analog sensing devices' o Module 4100-01 10 characteristics: - Capacity of up to 127 addressable devices per channel (one channel per module) - Class B or Class A communications wiring - Retrofit applicalions can often use existing wiring - Multiple modules can be mounted in the control panel (refer to specilic conlrol panel for details) . Zone adapter modules (ZAMs) are available to connect conventional (non-addressable) initiating devices to MAPNET ll circuits . Compatible with Simplex: - 4 l OO series fire alarm control panels - lt'ttttlPtEt' transoonders - Universaltransoonders - 4120 Networks" r Optional fault isolation modules: - Panel mount module is available wilh four outout circuits, Class A or Class B - Single circuit line powered modules are available lor remote mounting in surface or flush mount trim TrueAlarm ANALOG SENSING FEATURES . Analog information is digitally transmitted to the control panel to provide: - Automatic environmental compensalion to accurately maintain sensor sensitivity - Variable sensitivity settings - Automatic daily sensor alarm simulation test - Selectable day/night operation mode - Automatic dirty and excessively dirty sensor indication ' MAPNET addrassablo communications is protecled by U.S. Patent No. 4,796,O25. TrueAlarm analog detection is protected by U.S. patent numbers 5,173,683 and 5,155,468. " When configuring modules for use in a 4120 Network, substitute prefix 4120 for 4100. O 1998 Simplex Time Recorder Co. All rights rcserved. To additional MAPNET ll devices, up to 127 total to Device(s) Simolex 4100 Series Fire Alarm Control Panel with MAPNET ll Devices DESCRIPTION Model 41 00-01 1 0 addressable modules communicale with remote addressable devices to provide initiation, notification, and control. Operating over a two wire MAPNET ll circuit, individual initiating devices such as smoke and heat sensors, manual fire alarm stations, and sorinkler flow switch contacts can communicate their identity and status. Individual addressability allows the location and the condition of each device to be displayed on the 4100 control panel and on system annunciators. Additionally, notification appliance circuits (horns, bells, stfobes, etc.) as well as other conlrol circuits (lans, dampers, etc.) may also be individually controlled. Up to a combined total ol 127 addressable monitor and control devices may be intermixed on the same common pair of wires. TrueAlarm srnoke sensor wilh base TrueAlarm thermal sensor with base -25- s4100-0002-8 6/98 DESCRf PTION, Continued Multiple 4'100-0110 modules may be installed to accommodate a system capacity of up to 1000 addressable devices (control panel dependent). MAPNET ll operation continuously interrogates each addressable device on its communication channel for status changes. Two-way dala communication are supported over a multi-drop, 'T-tapped" pair of wires lor any combination of up to 127 monitor and control points. The digital poll/response techniques used ensure high supervision integrity and will report alarm and trouble conditions to the control panel. Wiring. Using a tr/visted, shielded #18 AWG wire pair, a maximum of 10,000 ft (3 km) o{ all connected lines may be run {rom each 4100-01 10 module, provided that the maximum distance from the module to any addressable device is no more than 2500 ft (762 m). Retrof it Wiring. Due to its inherent noise immunity, many retrofit applications using unshielded wire can support MAPNET ll communications. Retrofit using existing wiring will typically reduce installation cost and expedite the project. (Refer to Simplex field wiring specitication 900-082 for addiiional information.) TrueAlarm SVSTEM OPERATION MAPNET ll can also communicate wiih TrueAlarm analog smoke and lemperature sensors. Every four seconds, smoke sensors transmit an output value based on their smoke chamber condition. Simpl€x 4100 Se.ies Fire Alarm Control Pan€l Panel mount€d 41 O0{ 1 1 0 modlle The control panel maintains a current value, peak value, and an average value of each sensor's output. Status is determined by comparing the current sensor value to its average value. Tracking this average value as a continuously shitting reference point filters out environmental factors that cause shifts in sensitivity. Programmable Sensitivity. The sensitivity of each sensor can be field programmed at the control panel for different levels ol smoke obscuration (in percent). Sensor sensitivity can be individually varied automatically by time of day, typically more sensitive at night and less sensitive during daytime hours. In order to evaluate whether the sensitivity should be revised, the peak value that is stored in memory can be read and compared to the alarm threshold, directly in oercent. Diagnostics and Dual Stage Operation. TrueAlarm operation gives the control panel the ability to automatically indicate when a sensor is dirty and excessively dirty. The NFPA 72 requirement tor a test of the sensitivity range of the sensors is fullilled by the TrueAlarm ability to maintain the sensitivity level of each sensor. Additionally, a 'two-stage" alarm operation can be programmed in the control panel. For example, a 170 smoke obscuration reading could cause a local indication allowing the building security staff to investigate, while a 3% obscuration report could immediately initiate a system alarm. Non-addressable lDc zon€Mwffi \;-zt-r Mi +E[- 4100 Series Addressable System One-Line Drawinq Example (Class B Wirinq Shown) Wlring Rstsrenca Four wires, MAPNET ll, and 24 VDC powe. Two wire MAPNET ll circuit Two wire ci.cuil: supewised IDC or supswised NAC zone -26- 54100-0002-8 6€8 page 2 MODEL 4100.0111. PANEL MOUNTED MAPNET II FAULT ISOLATOR MODULE FEATURES . Connects to the MAPNET l! output ol a 4100-0110 module to provide: - Four output circuils, short circuit isolated from each other - Uo to 123 MAPNET ll circuits that can be assigned as required to any or all of the lour output circuits - (Four consecutive MAPNET ll addresses are required to be assigned to the 4100-01 1 1 for circuit identilicalion) . Each output has an individual diagnostic lault indicator LED r Each circuit can operate Class B (Style 4) or Class A (Style 6) DESCRIPTION The 4100-01 11 MAPNET ll fault isolator module allows an addressable interface module to be wired with up to four isolated circuils of Class B or Class A operation. This provides isolation ol a circuit with a shorted line without interfering with the MAPNET ll communicalion lo devices on the other circuits. Operation involves continuously monitoring the shorted lines and automatically restoring normal communications when the shorted line condition has been corrected. The module also contains a trouble LED per circuit tor ease in locating lhe faulty circuit. Each fault isolator module reouires four consecutive MAPNET ll device addresses to be dedicated for its operation to advise the control oanel of the circuit fault location. T D"- II controt f--- Four isolat€d outsut circuits trom the 4100-011 1 lsolalor module Pan€l mounted 4100{111 lsolator module Panel mounted 4100-01 10 MAPNET ll module ww i,------. 4100 Series Addressable System with the 4100-0111 Fault lsolator Module Connected to Four Circuits (Class B Wiring Shown) Non.addr€ssable IOC zone Wlrlng Relsrenc€ Four wires, MAPNET ll, and 24 VDC porer Two wir€ MAPNET ll drcuil Trvo wire circuit:------. sup€Msed IOC or supowis€d NAC zon€ -27- 54100-0002-8 6/98 page 3 ' MODEL 2190-9169/9170. MAPNET lt FEATURES ' lsolates input lrom output in the event of a MAPNET ll short circuit: - Properly locating isolators allows the system to optimize operation by isolating shorted wiring - Control panel reporting of active and inactive devices assists in locating the fault - lnitial system power-up frequently encounters short circuit wiring laults, using isolalors can expedite system set-up ' Available in two mounting styles: - Model 2190-9169 for sudace mount (mounting plate is 4 5/16'[109 mm] square) - Model 2190-9170 for tlush mount (mounting plate is 4 314" 1121 mml square) - Mounts in standard 4" square electrical box. 2 1/8" minimum depth ' Operating power is supplied by the MAPNET ll communications lines (see installation note 2): - Up to lour remote isolator modules may be connected without channel loading impact . Can be connected to the 4100-0111 panel mount isolator module for additional isolation ' Output terminal strip provides dual terminal connections for wiring convenience LINE POWERED ISOLATORS DESCRIPTION Line powered isolator modules provide bi-directional short circuit protection for MAPNET ll communication lines. When properly located, remotely mounted isolators can optimize communication integrity by creating device groups. Any group with short circuited wiring can be isolated, allowing communications to continue to the other groups. These remote isolators are typically wired such that a Class A loop is available to feed Class B wiring runs, or connected as an entire Class A circuit. INSTALLATION NOTES 1. Loading requirements. lf more than four modules are used on a single MAPNET ll channel, each additional isolator module reduces the channel loading capacity by six addresses (5 modules = 121 addresses, 6 modules + 115 addresses, 7 modules + 109 addresses, etc.) 2. Refer to installation instructions 574-674 tol additional information. 3. Refer to MAPNET ll distance and wiring requirements when applying line powered isolator modules. 4. Refer to diagram notes below for additional installation information. Panel mounted 4100-01 1 1 lsolator module (see nole 3) (see note 3) i MAPNET ll Wirinq Reference One-Line Diagram with Line Powered lsolator Modules Separate loops, MAPNET ll channels or isolalor module circuits NOTES: 1 . For simplicity, only line pow€red isolators and smoke sensors are shown. Other MAPNET ll dovices are compatible wilh these wiring options. 2. Class A loop wiring with Class B device wiring is typical of a Class A ris€r supplying lloor devicas wired Class B. 3. These MAPNET ll wiring examples can be wited lo the panel mounl isolalor output or directly to th8 MAPNET ll module output depending on applicalion requiremenls. lf wired directly to the MAPNET ll module output, locate the first and last isolalot modules close-nippled (within 3 ft) of the control panel cabinel. s410G0002-8 6/98 - Symbol Reterence 2190-9169 or 2190-9170 Une powered isolator Smoke sensor with base shown as typical ot comoatible MAPNET ll devices. S.Simplel( Sinplcr, thc Sintplcr lo8o, MAPNET, MINIPLEX. and TrueAlann arc reSistcrcd trademar*s tt th? Simolcr Tinc Recorder Co. Gardner, Massachusetts 01441-0001 U. S. A. Otficas and Representatives Throughout the Wodd visit us on the world wide we6 al www.simPlexnet.com. All specilications and othef information shown were curent as ol printing and arB subi€ct to change without notice. 5-Simplel(M ulti-Application Peripherals and Accessories UL Listed ULC Listed. FM Approved Annunciators 4603-9101 Serial LCD Annunciator FEATURES . Remote LCD annunciator for use with: - 40201410014120 Fire Alarm Control Panels - 41OO{412O Universal Transponders . Information display teatures: - Wide viewing angle, super-twist LCD technology with green LED backlighting - Two lines ol 40 characters each - LED status indicators - During battery backup, backlighting is disabled until there is switch activity . Controls include: - Switches for system acknowledge, alarm silence, and system reset - Four programmable control switches - LampiLCD test o Information is transmitted over one twisted, shielded pair . Flush mount on standard electrical boxes . Options 2975-9206, Surface mount box 4603-91 1 1, Brushed aluminum lrim DESCRIPTION Simplex 460&9101 LCD annunciators provide remote control and annunciation with an 80 character, back-lit, alphanumeric, LCD readout. Information is presented in clear, descriptive English language and includes: point status (alarm, trouble, etc.); alarm type (smoke deteclor, manual slation, etc.); number of system alarms, supervisory conditions, and trouble conditions; and a custom location label. A single twisted, shielded wire pair provides serial communications that also supports other models of Simplex serial annunciators on the same wire pair. Consult local code requirements for guidance in determining applicalions and location of the 4603-9101 LCD annunciator. ' uLc Listed mod6l is 4603-9101c. @ 1999 Simplex 'Time Recordar Co. All rights reseryed. 4603-9101 LCD Annunciator SPECIFICATIONS General Openting Sp Voltage 20.4 to 32 VDC, system supplied Normal Operating Currenl 170 mA, backlighling enabled Ballery Current 30 mA, backlighting disabled 170 mA, backlighting enabled Operating Temperature 32. F to 120" F (0" C to 49" C) 10% to 90% lrom 32. F to 104" F (0" C to 40" C) Steel, painted light beige Trim Dimensions 4 1/2" H x 1'l 13/16'W (114 mm x 300 mm) Trim Hardware Supplied with both slotted and tamper-resistant screws Operating Humidity Hange Mechanical Specif ications Slandard Trim Optional Trim (Ordered separately) NOTE: General Conduil Entrance Requirement Surface Mount Box (Ordered separalely) Flush Mounl Box Relercnce (By others) Brushed aluminum, model 4603-91 1 1 : Conduit entrance must be localed a minimum ol 2 3/4'(70 mm) lrom the front of the box lo clear assembly 2975-9206 1 1 31/32'Wx4 5i8" H x2 3/4' D (304 mm x 117 mm x 70 mm) rvory 6-Gang, 3 1/2" (89 mm) deep: RACO 965, 6-gang masonry box; MCO 590, gangable swilch box, 6 required; or equal -29- s4603-0001-9 12y99 DEgCRtpTtON (Continued) Alarm, Supervisory, and Trouble conditions are also indicated by dedicated LEDS and a tone-alert audible sounder. Each condition has a dedicated acknowledge push-button switch that silences the tone-alert but leaves the LED on until all conditions in that category are restored to normal. Switch ooeration is either globally or individually acknowledgeable, determined by the control panel operation. Repeated operation of the appropriate acknowledge switch will scroll the LCD display showing activity in the sequence of occurrence. The tone-alert also pulses to indicate the operation of any of the push-button switches. OPERATION System Controls. Notification appliances can be deaclivated by pressing the'ALARM SI LENCE' switch. (Exact operation is determined by the host control panel such as visible appliances remaining on until system is reset.) Pressing the'SYSTEM BESET' switch restores the system to normal operation. SYSTEM CONNECTION REFERENCE (Not drawn to scale) OpERATfON (Continued) When system activity is normal, the LCD displays the time, date, and "SYSTEM lS NORMAL." Control Switches. Four programmable "CONTROL" switches and associated LEDs are included. Typical applications include manual evacuation, door holder release bypass, and elevator capture bypass. Keyswitch Enable. All switches on the annunciator are controlled by the "ENABLr keyswitch with a key that is removable only in the disabled position. A briel lamp/LCD test is performed whenever the keyswitch is changed lrom enabled to disabled. Battery Backup Operation. During battery backup, the LED backlighting is disabled to conserve battery power. When an annunciator switch is activaled, the backlighting is automatically enabled. After approximately 30 seconds of inactivity, the backlighting will again be disabled. 4603-91 01 LCD Annunciator WIRING: Communications require a single #18 AWG twisted, shielded pair. Power requires 2, #18 to #12 AWGlor 24 VDC system power. Provide Earth Ground connection to electrical box.2 Typical Fire Alarm Control Panel Simplex and thd Sinplex logo are rcgistered ttadematk ol the Simplex nme Racotdet Co. 1. 4. Refer to Installation lnstruclions 574-031 lor addilional wiring specifications. 4603-9101 LCD Annunciator s4603-0001-9 12/99 S.Simplen Gardner, Massachusetts 01lK1-0001 U. S. A. Ottices and R6presentativ€s Throughout the World Visit us on ths world wide web at www.simplexnet,com. All specilications and other information shown wer€ current as ol printing and are subiect to change wilhout notice. 5.5implel(Multi-Application Peripherals and Accessories UL, ULC Listed FM Approved Communicating Devices MAPN ET I lt Communications Individually Addressable Devices FEATURES . Individually addressable communications over a single pair of wires for interfacing to: - Initiating devices - Notification appliance circuits - Control relays . Fire alarm control panel displays device location and stalus, for use with Simplex: - 4100 Series lire alarm control panels - 4100 Series Universal Transoonders - 4120 Series Network node fire alarm control paners - 4020 Series fire alarm control panels - 2120 Communicaling Device Transponders . Zone Adapter Modules (ZAMS): - Provide addressable interface to conventional zoned circuits . MAPNET ll communications' can be wired: - NFPA Style 4/Class B or Style 6/Class A - Style 4/Class B communications may be wired either "T' tapped or ln/Out o Convenient DIP switch address selection c UL listing Standards: - Addressable stations are listed to Standard 38 - All other MAPNET ll addressable devices are listed to Standard 864 INTRODUCTION MAPNET ll communicating devices individually annunciate identity and accurate stalus to the connected control panel. Applications include interface to manual fire alarm stations, sprinkler flow switches (or any typical lire detecling device) and addressable control. New inslallation wiring is via twisted, shielded wire. Performance is compatible with most relrolit wiring where unshielded and untwisted wire exist. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS MAPNET ll input........................24 to 40 VDC with data Current............ ...........see chart, page 2 Address Means.............. DlP switch, S position Ternperature..................32o F to 120" F (0" C to 49" C) Humidity.............857" non-condensing @ 86" F (30'C) @ 1999 SimDlex Time RecorderCo. All riohts reserved. Addressable Manual Stations Zone Adapter Modules (ZAMs) Supervised Individual Addressable Module (lAM) ' MAPNET addressable communication operalion is protected by U-S. Patenl No. 4,796,025. -31- s2190-0012-13 7/99 MAPNET IIADDRESSABLE DEVICE SELECTION CHART Mod,el 2099-9795 Descrlptlon Action Current Supplied by MAPNET ll communications 2099-9797 Single Action, 'Local Fire Alarm" Cover 2099-9796 Double Action, Breakglass 2099-9761 Double Action, Push-Pull 2099-9135 Double Action, Push-Pull withoul Simplex logo 2099-9813 Semi-flush Trim Plate Not Applicable2099-9814 Surface Trim Plate 2975-5178 Back Box Addressable Manual Fire Alarm Stations***(refer to page 3) Zone Adapter Modules, Monitor ZAMst (separate 24VDC power required)(refer to page 4) Zone Adapter Modules, Signal and Control ZAMs* (separale 24 VDC power required) (reier to page 5) Addressable Supervised IAM'(refer to page 7) : Doscrlpton Supervised IAM** ' For ULC listed producls, add a'C" suflix (example: 2098-9201 C). " 2190-9lT2 is considered as l.5 devices each for MAPNET ll circuit loading. Reter to data shset S21904018 for more information.." For ULC lisled products, add the suffix 'C' il in English, 'CF" if in French, or'CB' il Eilingual. Model 2190-9153 Cover Type Surface Descrlption Monitor ZAM, Style D SupervlsoryCunent I Alerm Cunent I 2o mA @ 24VDC | ,o mA @ 24vDC 2190-91 54 Ftusn 2190-9155 Surface Monitor ZAM. Stvle B 2190-9156 Flush 2190-9157 Surface 4-Wire Detector ZAM 2190-9158 Flush Model 21 90-9159 Covor Type Surlace Supervlsory Current 15 mA @ 24 VDC Alarm Cuarent 65 mA @ 24 VDC 2190-9160 Flush 2190-9161 Surlace Signal ZAM, Style Y 15 mA @ 24 VDC 40 mA @ 24 VDC 2190-91 62 Flush 2190-91 63 Surface Control Relay ZAM, DPDT Contacts 10 mA @ 24 VDC 2190-9164 Flush -32- S2190-0012-13 7199 page 2 MAPNET ll addressable manual stations have an integrally mounted addressable module that monitors the station contact status and communicates changes to the connected control panel via the MAPNET ll communications wiring. ADDRESSABLE MANUAL STATIONS Addressable Manual Stalion Mounting Options 2099-9814 Surtace lrim for Wiremold box 5 1/8"H x 5"W (130 mm x 127 mm) Addressable stations are available in either single or double aclion or single action with "Local Alarm" cover. Mounting is surface or semi-flush using either standard boxes or the Simplex red back box, model 2975-9178. 2099-9797, Sin gle Action with 'LOCAL ALARM" Cover 2099-9796 Double Aclion, Breakglass 2099-9761 Double Action, Push-Pull Notes: 2099-9795, Sinqle Aclion Addr€ssabl€ Manual Slation Housing dimensions: 5"Hx3a4'Wx1'D (127 mm x 95 mm x 25 mm) Simplex 297$9178 box, no mounling plate requir€d 5 3/16' H x 4" W x 2 3/16" D (132 mm x 102 mm x 56 mm) se€ not€ 3 Gangable switch box (by others) see note 2 2099-9813 Semi-flush trim for 2-gang swilch box 6'H x 4 1/2" W (152 mm x 114 mm) Wiremold receplacle box (by othars) see note 1 '1.Use a Wremoldt bo* no. 5744-2, deep receptacle box,4 3/q Lx43/4"Wx 2 114" D (121 mm x 121 mm x 57 mm), with the 2099-9814 surface trim band. Use two gangable swilch boxes, t Lx2" W x2314" D (76 mm x 51 mm x 70 mm), with the 2099-981 3 semi-tlush trim band. When the 2975-9'178 box is used, no trim is required. The address code dipswitch is accessible when the pull station cover is in the'open' oosition. -33- S2190-0012-13 799 page 3 Monitor ZAMs are used when the fire detecting devices or supervisory switches are mounted separately from the addressable electronics. lt orovides status moniloring and supervision to the device circuit zone and is used for circuits with non-addressable detectors and for other contact closures such as waterflow and tamper switches or non-addressable manual stations. ZONE ADAPTER MODULE - MONITOR ZAM Typical ZAM Mounting, Monilor, Signal, or Control 4 11/16' (119 mm) Square box, 2 1/8' (5,4 mm) &ep ZAM ass€mbly Monitor ZAM models are available lor monitoring as: Style B (Class B) Style D (Class A) Style B with separate detector power output (4-wire detector operation) a 4 11/16' (119 mm) Square exlension ring, 1 1/2' (54 mm) deep Surface cover, 4 1 5/1 6' squarc (125 mm) 'l- Tapped or IN/OUT wtnng Class B, Style B 2- wire monitor circuit \ t , t rJ \ Monitor ZAM Wiring Diagrams -34- S2190-0012-13 799 page 4 Signal ZAMs are used to supervise and operate 24 VDC notification appliances, speakers, and telephone circuits. Output capacity is up to 2 A @ 24VDC, or 50 W of 25 VRMS speakers, or up to three simultaneously activated firefighter phones. 'T Tapped or IIVOUT winng ZONE ADAPTEH MODULE - SIGNAL ZAM ZAM Package Reference Drawings The signal ZAM is available for either Style Y/Class B or Style ZClass A operation for notification appliance circuits. Wiring diagrams are shown in the following illustralions. Class B/Style Y nolilication appl iance cirqjil (speakers shown tor relerence) Signal input, audio or phone Class A/Style Z nolilication applianca circuit Signal input, audio or phone Signal ZAnt/Control ZAM -35- Monitor ZAM 52190{012-13 7/99 page 5 a'ZONE ADAPTER MODULE - CONTROL ZAM ' C6ntrol ZAMs are used to provide addressable control lunctions such as elevator capture, HVAC control, pressurization fan control, damper control, etc. Control zAM Wiring Diagram "T' Tapped or lN/OUT wiring Appllcatlon Power Limited'2A@28VDC Non-Power Limited ' DC Voltage must b€ from a listed Fire Alarm pow€r supply.*' Induciive loads must bs properly suppressed. lnductlve Ratlng- 1A@28VOC 1A@28VDC 1t2A@ 120VAC Control ZAM Control Powgr Control ZAM Relay Ratings (DPDT Contacts) 2A@ 28VDC 112 A @ 120VAC -36- S2190-0012-13 7/99 page 6 SUPERV|SED tNDtVtDUAL ADDRESSABLE MODULE (tAM), MODEL 2190-9172 The 2190-9172 Supervised IAM orovides location specific addressability to a single initiating device or multiple devices by monitoring normally open, dry contacts. Closure ol the monitored contacts initiates an alarm. An open in the initiating circuit wiring will cause a trouble to be reported at the fire alarm control panel. The smalf package size of 2 114" Lx 1 118" W x 1/2" D (57 mm x 29 mm x 13 mm) allows easy mounting. ll the initiating device contacts are momeniary, such as from a rate-of-rise heat deteclor, enabling the latch leature allows the IAM to latch the alarm condition until the system is reset. For applications where the contact closure latches, or if its condition needs to be tracked at the control panel, non-latching operation may be enabled. The lollowing illuslrates typical connection inlormation for inlerfacing into a Simplex fire alarm control panel via MAPNET ll. Use with a single station detector is to annunciate the alarm status and to supervise the connector. By using a separate, additional lAM, an isolated heat sensor contact can be monitored. Typical Supervised IAM Wiring Diagrams MONTTOR + c/ELLOW)TYPICAL IN]nAT|NG DEVICES * MAPNET II CONNECNON MMIMUM DISTANCE FBOM ENO€F.LINE RESISTOR TO MONITOR WIRES IS 4OO FT. MAPNET II CONNECTION ALTERNATE END.OF.LINE LOCATION (100 ko , 1/2w) 219G9172 SUPEBVISED IAM INTERNAL END.OF.LINE RESISTOR TYPICAL SINGLE STATION SMOKE DETECTOB -37- S2190-0012-13 7199 page 7 I Supervised IAM Mounting with Slngle Station Detector 4" (102 mm) Square box, 2 1/8" (il mm) deep Single Station (Residential) Detector Simp,d,l tt?€ Silrl,,lex loga, aN MAPNET arc registerdd ttadene*s ol the Sindex nme Recotder Co. in the U.S. atd/ot othet @unfibs. NFPA is a registerd tl€.denld'fts ol the National Fira Prclection Association.s2190-0012-13 7/99 ILSimplel(Oitic€s and Representatives Throughout the World Visit us on the worfd wide web at wttYw.slmplexneLcom. All sp€cilications and other inlormation shown were current as of printing and are subiect to change \Nithoul nolica. Gardner, Massachus€tts 01441-0001 U, S. A.