HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D LOT M O VAIL PLAZA HOTEL 1998 MAJOR AMENDMENT REQUEST DENIED PART 2 LEGALARRB Transport Research Ltd - SfDRA 5.11 IIr Felsburg HoIt & Ullevig 13 Registered User No. 1234 I Tiue and Date of Anal-ysis 9:11 A!{, Aug 26,1998 11 Plaza Hotel *.ure Conditions lntersection No. :I r EIJT * SIDRA US Highway Capacity Manual (1994) Version r Roundabout I RUN INFORT{AT fONlBasic Paranneters: Intersection Type: Roundabout ; Driving on the right-hand side of the road I SIDRA US Highway Capacity Manual (1994) Versionr Input data sDecified in US units Deiault vaLuls Fil-e No. l-1 I Peak fLow perj-od (for performance): 30 minutes ! Unit tine (for woh:mes) :120 minutes (TotaL Flow Period) Delay definition: OveraLL delay, I o.r.y rormura: "rj::;".?:"i:;"L:::1"*'I Level of Service based on: De1ay (HCM) Queue definition: Back of queue, 95th Percentile ail Plaza Hotel Future Conditions *E'UT* rFUTi able S.3 - INTERSECTION PARAME TERS Degree of saturation (highest) = 1.206 I Practical Str>are Capaci-ty (J-owest) = -30 t t Total vehicle f].ow (weh/h) = 4463 Total vehicle capacity, al- l- l-anes (veh/h) = 7189 I Averaqe intersectj.on de]a1' (s) = 50.9 t Largest average movement delay (s) - 205.4 I Largest back of queue, 95t (ft) = 2916 Perfornance Index = 392.16 I Tota1 fuel (galh) = 185-3 t TotaL cost (S) = 23'19.22 Intersection tevel of Service = D Worst movement Level of Service : F ts"""ttotnfira",,o..t Vai-I Plaza Hotel rE uture Conditions Ilntersection No.:r Roundabouc labte S.6 - fNTERSECTION PERFORMANCE rlllar rora] """;.--;;;.--;;;.----;";;.---;;";.! Flow Del-ay Del-ay Queued Stop Index SpeedI(veh/h) (veh-h/h) (sec) Rate (oph) f aae: 63.L2 so.e 0.7'12 3.2e 3s2.76 11.1 ai]- Plaza Hotel E\Jture Condi.tions *FUT* 5'=""t'o'nX'a.uo,,t fable s.10 - MOVEMENT CAPACI TY Al.iD PERFORMANCE SWMARYI ----------Mov l*"' Mov Arv Total Lane Deg. Tlr1> Flow Cap. Util Satn (veh (veh /h, /ht (*) x AVer - .E;tt - v5t Pert - Delay Stop Back of Index Rate Queue(sec) (veh) I 13 R 104 234 71 0.437 7.2 O.85 2.9 s.11 f--------- *outh: South ADDroach 32L l:1 : 114 130. 265 3ZZ 148 168 100 0. 615 100 0.877 100 0. 879 100 0.881 8.1 1.08 7.1 0.83 38 .4 2 .25 36.9 2.31 35 .6 2.37 est: West Approach 12 L 496 806 lL T 438 1003 7r O.437 5.3 27.08 2 .9 22.26 12.4 9.43 14.0 22.59 l- {l .u r_t--:)v J';:'lzt z3 East Approach .L IfJ R 908 42 0.500 42 0.501 100 1.206* 9.5 0.98 9.1 0.94 zv3 .4LL - Y3 5. .l o. _Lb 3.4 19.08 rJ. o. o L>4 . zv JUO 731 t a5 I{t;;100 0.595 88 0.520 88 0. s21 3. 6 0.68 3.7 0.53 3.7 0.65 4.3 26.79 3.2 6.08 3.2 L4. 02 41 T North Approachs39 905r2a 246 304 584F: Nortbwest: l3i i North west Approach 204 422 100 174 350 100 104 2r5 100 0.483 0.483 o . 444 8.5 0.94 9.5 0. 94 9.9 0.97 3.2 11.12 3.2 9.24 3. 0 5.40 I * l4aximum degree of saturation VA-L-L P-LAZA HOTEI Juture Conditions lntersection No - : Roundabout !"rrf" S.15 - CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF sERvIcE (HCM STYLS) * FIJT * Ir::Mow Total Totaf Deg. Tlr1> FLow Cap. of (veh (veh Satn 496 805 0. 615 438 1003 0.431 LOA 238 0.437 Aver. LOS Delay I /h) /h) (v/c) (sec) l-_------- test: west ADDroach T2Ll*t 7.L B t -z E 1038 2047 0.615 outh : 32L 31 T south Approach ]-r4 283 o.817 38.4 U.t'IY .Jb.Y l5u 322I 1"" F 148 o. 881 545 620 0.881 .Jb. U EI t: t: 2L 1T J lr{, East Approach L95 908 306 0.500 9.5 73t 0.501 9.1 753 L.206* 205.4 17 90 1.206 134.1 orth: ,t m 45 !<584 u.5v5 u,2zv 0.521 3- t 3.7 North Approach 5-Jv vub LZ6 304I9t! I/50 u.5v5 3.6 orthwest: 82L 81 T 65 l3 North West Approach 204 422 L 14 50U 104 .215 0.483 0.483 o .484 ct.o 9.5 .E' E I I 482 997 0.484 AIL VEHICLES: 4463 7IA9 r.206 50. 9 INTERSECTION: 4463 718 9 L.206 s0. 9 I,evel- of Service cafculalions ale based on average owerall delay (HC!4 criteria), independent of the current delay definition used. For the criteria, refer to the "Level of Service" topic in the SIDRA Output euj.de or the Output section of the on-line heJ-p. Maximum v/c ratio, or critical green periods --- End of SIDRA Output ---dI I I I I I I to I O APPENDIX G. t o o VAIL PLA?LAIIOTEL TOWN OF VAIL INCREMENTAL REVENUE IMPACTS September 9, 1998 Prepared By: STA}I BERNSTEIN A}{D ASSOCIATES, INC. TABLEOFCONTENTS SECTIONA: E)GCUTIYGSLIMMARYAI.IDKEyASSUMPTIONS SECTIONB: REVENTJE IMPACTMODEL - ALL SI]PPORTING SCHEDULES SECTIONA E)(ECUTTVE SUMMARY A}.ID KEY ASSUMPTIONS VA]LPLAZAHOTEL TOWN OF VAIL INCREMENTALRE\IENT.]E IMPACTS INTRODUCTION Stan Bernstein and Associates, Inc. was retained by the developers of the proposed Vail Plaza Hotel Project (the "Hotel") to anallze the increnentai municipal ,"rn*u", that could accrueto the Town of Vail (the "Town") as a direct resrlt of the construction and completion of the Hotel. The incrernental Town revenues that could be generated from the Hotel are based upon the assumption that buildings 3, 4, and 5 of the existing Vail Vrllage Inn are replaced with the Hotel as set forth in the following chart. PROGRAM ANALYSISgEBZEM.EN4IID ASSOCIATES, INC.. SEPTIMBER COMPONENT VAIL PI,'AZA EOTEL PROJECT EXISTINGWI TO BE REPII\CTD INCREMENTAL ROOMS IJMTS, sQ. rr. GROS$ SQUAREFOOTAGE 428-7E2 44,143 384,639 DWELLING UMTS I I 0 FRACTIONAL FEE CLUB UNITS l5 0 l5 ACCOMMODA'TION (HOTEL) TJNTTS 276 78 198 RESTAURAIU| SQUARE FOOTAGE 8,959 4,2t7 4,742 LOUNGE SQUAREFOOTAGE 3,590 1.196 2,394 CoMMERCIAL SQUARE FOOTAGE E,596 t,932 6,6il HEALTH CLUB/SPA/RELATED SQ. FT.29.447 0 29,447 COI{FEBEI.ICE CENTER Se. FT.2r.208 1,O74 20.134 -l- VAILPLAZAHOTEL TOWN OF VAIL INCREMENTAL REVENUE IMPACTS tr. EXECUTI\IE SII\,TT4ARY Exhibil I, which apPears on the following pagg presents a summary of the incremental rervenue impaas to the Town generated from tie Hotel. Exhibit I preseats (i) a zumnary of the sienificant recurring incremental Town revenues upon completion of the Hotel; (ii) a summary of non-recuring incrernental Town building permit related reyenues generated during the construction period and real estate transfer ta:( revqrues generated from the initial sales of Fractional Club units; and (il) other significant information srch as incremental skier days, taxable sales and assessed valuation. Exhibit I relatcs all revenue impacts to the 1998 Town budget so that readers of this report will be better able to und€rstand the relative magnitude Jf the forecasted incremental revenues. A concise narrative summary of Exhibit I is piesented in the following paragraphs: o Recurring incremental Town reveuues generated from the Hotel are forecasted to be $1,4(X,69,6 and represent approxinately 6.2Yo of the Tocm's 1998 budg*ed revenues. o Recuning incremental Tovm sales ta,x rwenues genersted from the Hotel are forecasted to b€ $1,163,213 and represent approximately 8.07o ofthe Town's l99E budgeted revenues. o Real es;tate transfer tal( revenues generated from initial interval sales are forecasted to be approximately $294, 000. o Construction related permit revenues are forecasted to be approximately $483,750. o Incremental annual skier days are forecasted to be 3l,l19 which represents approximately 1.9/o of 1996197 Vail Mountain skier days. o Incremental assessed valuation is forecasted to be approximately $15.0 million which rePres€nts approximately 3.4% ofthe Town's most crrr€nt certified assessed valuation o Incremental annual ta,xable sales are forecasted to be approximately $29.1 miltion which repres€nts approximately 7.9/o of the Town's 1997 sales tax bas€. Increrrental annual guest nights are forecasted to be 143,599. i ExHrBtT I VAIL PI.AZA HOTEL TOWN OF VAIL INCREMENTAL REVENUE IMPACTS FINAL DRAFT DATED 9-9-98 PROPERW & S.O. TA)GS 4% SALES TAXES 4% SKI LIFT TAXES 1% REAL ESTATE TAXES BUSINESS UCENSES COUNry SALES TA)GS CIGARETTE TAXES ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND FRANCHISE FEES TOTAL INCREMENTAL REVS % OF TOWN'S 1998 BUDGET $68,17s 1,163,213 46,679 11,760 11,632 43,620 388 15,026 44.202 $1.404.696 6.2% BUDGET $2,054,140 14,557,735 2,164,29 1.,700,000 341,500 465,619 128,393 539,799 557,255 $22.508,728 1% REAL ESTATE TAXES CONSTRUCT. REI.ATED PERMITS TOTAL REVENUES % OF TOWN'S 1998 BUDGET $294,000 483.750 $777]fi 34.6% BUDGET $1,700,000 550.000 $2.250.000 SKIER DAYS % oF 1997-98 ACTUAL ASSESSED VALUATION % OF 1997 ACTUAL TA)(ABLE SALES % OF 1997 TOWN ACTUAL GUEST NIGHTS 31 ,119 1.9% $15,026,202 3.3% $29,080,333 7.9% 143,599 1997 AGTUAL 1,597,932 $448,552,540 $367,525,5O0 Not Available -3- SI'MMARY OF SIGNIFICA}IT PLA}.INING ASSUMPTIONS A GENERALASSI'MPTIONS l. The incremenjalleyenue impacts are based upon the Hotel program Anatysis as developed by Zebren urd Associateg Ing Septerrber g, 1999. 2. Nl incremental revenue impacts are based upon 1998 rrninflated dollars (i.e., inflationary impacts have been igpored for financial pranning purposes). 3. Fifteen Fractional club units will be developed as I part of the Hotel. Approximately 2E weeks of each Fractiotral Club Unit will be sold as intervals and the remaining 24 weeks will be retained by the dwelopers of the Hotel and rented to guests. B. ASSESSED VALUATIONA}.IDPROPERTYTN(RE\IENUES l. Hotel rooms (including hotel amenities and parking spaces) will have an astual value of $150,000 per room. 2. Reta4 restar.rrant and lounge space will have an actual value of $275 per square foot. 3. Fractional club units (each containing approximately three bedrooms and 1,900 square feet) and ttg 5,542 square foot condominium will have an actual value of$1,000 per square foot. VAILPLAZAHOTEL TOWN OF VAIL INCREMENTAL REIr'ENT'E IMPACTS The commercial asses$n€nt rate will remain at 2g/o of actual value and the residential asses$nent rate will rcmain t g.74yoof actusl value. The current assessed valuation of vail Village Lm buildings 3,4 and 5 total approximately $2.0 million and have been deducted froin the forecasted ass€ssed valuation associated with the Hotel. The Town's 1998 certified mill levy of 4.321 mills is assrmed to remain constant. 4. 5. 6. 4- VAILPLAZAHOTEL TOWN OF VAIL INCREMENTAL RE\IENUE IMPACTS Itr. SUML{ARYOF SIGNIFICANTPLANNINGASSUMPTIONS (CONTINI]ED) C. SALESTAXREVENUES l. It is assumed that an averagg of 1.75 persons will occupy each hotel room 80pZ ofthe year, and that the average hotel room rate will G StS0. 2. It is assrmed that an average of six persons will occupy the Fraaional Club Units retained by the developers of the Hotel for rental purposes (i.e., the portion of each Fractional Club Unit expected to be rented for 24 weels during the nshoulder^s€asons" of the year). An 8fflo occupancy rate and ao a"ogi nightly rate of $500 is orpected. 3. It is aszumed that an average of six pcrsons will occupy the Fractional Club Units expected to be sold as weeHy interr,"als. A 9f/o occupancy rate is assrmed a1d these units are expected to be used by the owners or their ggests (i.e., no sales ta"xable rental income has been assnrmed although it is titei:y that some owners will rent their respective weekly intervals). 4. It is assumed that each hotel and Fractional Club guest will spend an average of $100 per day for sales ta:rable food, beveragg and retail relited items. tiis assmed daily spending rate is supported by a survey conducted by RRC in 1996 and 199E. 5. The forecasted incremental sales tor revenues and guest nights generated from the Hotel have been reduced by sales tar( revenues and guest nights estimated to be generated from the existing Vail Vrllage Inn operations. D. LIFTTAXREVENUES 1. According to analyses developed by Desigp workshop, annual skier days generated per Fractional Club Unit are assumed to be 252 and annual skilr days generated per hotel room are assumed to be l3g. 2. Effective taxable ski lift revenues per skier day are assrmed to be $3z.so. -5- VAIL PLAZAHOTEL TOWN OF VAIL INCREMENTAL REVENUEIMPACTS Itr. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANTPLA}ININGASSUMPTIONS (CONTINTJED) E. REALESTATETRA}ISFERTAXRE\IENUES l. It is assumed that approximately 276 interval weeks will be sold for an averace pricc of $70,0fi) 2. The annual rate for secondary sales ofinternal weeks is assumed to be 4% of total inventory. F. The Town's portion of the Eagle County road ard bridge fund revenues are calculated based on a continuation of the 2.00 rnill Eagte County road and bridge tund mill levy. G. Construction permits wcre estimated based upon discussions with the Town's building department ofrcials. Il The Eagle County sales to< rebate to tbe Toum is calculated by applying a factor of .0275 to the Town's forecasted insremental annual sales ta>( revques. I. Cigareae ta:( revenues are calculated by applying a factor of .0089 to the Town,s ingremental annual sales ta:< forecasts. J. Franchise fee revenues are calculated by applying a factor of.038 to the Town's incrementsl annual sales tax forecasts. K. Business license rev€nues are calculated by +plyrng a factor of .01 to the Town's incremental annual sales tar( forecasts. {- SECTIONB REVENUE IMPACT MODEL - ALL SUPPORTING SCHEDT]IES o VAIL PI.AZA HOTEL TOWN OF VAIL INCREMENTAL REVENUE IMPAGTS FINAL DRAFT DATED 9-9-98 COMPONENT VAIL PI.AZA HOTEL PROJECT EXISTING WI TO BE REPI.ACED INCREMEN-TAE ROOMS, UNITS. SO. FT. GROSS SQUARE FOOTAGE 428,7e2 44,143 384.639DWELLING UNTTS 1 1 0FRACTIONAL FEE CLUB UNITS 15 0 15ACCOMODATTON (HOTEL) UNrTS 276 78 198RESTAURANT SQUAFE FOOTAGE 8,9s9 4,217 4,742LOUNGE SQUARE FOOTAGE 3,590 1,196 2.394COMMERCIAL SQUARE FOOTAGE 8,596 1,932 6,664 HEALTH CLUB/SPA/REI.ATED SA. FT.29,447 0 29,447CONFERENCE CENTER SQ. FT.21,208 1,O74 20,134 SOURCE: ZEHREN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. - PROGRAM ANALYSIS DATED SEPTEMBER 8, 1998 B-1 ivllu PLAZA HorEL TOWN OF VAIL INCBEMENTAL REVENUE IMPACTS RECURRING AT PROJECT COMPLETION FINAL DRAFT DATED 9_9-98 PROPERry TAXES 4% SALES TAXES 4% SKI LIFT TAXES 1% REAL ESTATE TA)(ES BUSINESS LICENSES COUNTY SALES TA)(ES CIGARETTE TA)GS ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND SPECIFIC OWNERSHIP TAXES FRANCHISE FEES TOTAL INCREMENTAL REVS - VAIL PLAZA HOTEL B-2 $64,928 1,163,213 46,679 11,760 11,632 43,620 388 15,026 3,246 44.202 $1,404.696 RECURRING AT ROJECT COMPLETION VAIL PI-AZA HOTEL TOWN OF VAIL INCREMENTAL REVENUE IMPACTS FINAL DBAFT DATED 9-9-9E General Assumptions: RetaiUResVLounge Value - Sq. Ft. RetaiVResVLounge Sq. Ft Hotel Value per Room Hotel Rooms Interval Sq. Ft.- Interval Units Condominlum Sq. Ft Condominium Units Condo/lnterval Value per Sq. Ft 1. RetaiTTlestauranVLounoe Soace - Vail plaza Hotel Actual Value Retail, Restaurtant, Lounge Assessed Value @ 29o/o Town Mill Levy Town Propefi Taxes Town S.O. Taxes @ 5% Actual Value Vail Plaza Hotel Assessed Value @ 29o/o Town Mill Levy Town Property Taxes Town S.O. Taxes @ S% $275 21,145 $150,000 276 1,900 15 5,Y2 1 $1,ooo $5,814,875 $1,686,314 4.321 $7,287 $s0+ 941,ll()O,ooo $12,006,ofi) 4.921 $51,E78 $4,594 $28,s00,000 $2,7/s,900 4.321 $11,99s $600 Assessed Value @ 9.74% Town Mill Levy Town Property Taxes Town S.O. Taxes @ 5% (Continued On Next Page) B-3 Actual Value Fractional Club Units vArL FLAZA HOTEL TOWN OF VAIL INCREMENTAL REVENUE IMPACTS FINAL DRAFT DATED 9-9-98 4. Condominium Unit - Vail Plaza Hotel Actual Value Condominium Unit Assessed Value @ 9.74o/" Town Mill Levy Town Property Tar(es Town S.O, Taxes @ Sol" 5. Total Assessed Valuation - Vail Plaza Hotel proiect Assessed Value Retail Restaurant, Lounge Assessed Value Hotel and Amenities Assessed Value Fractional Club Unils Assessed Value Condominium Unit Total Assessed Value - Vail plaza Hotel project Town Mill Levy Town Property Taxes Town S.O. Ta<es @ 5% Assessed Value - Dwelling Unit # 4OO Total Assessed Value - Bldgs. B - 5 and Unit #4O0 Town Mill Levy Town Property Taxes Town S.O. Taxes @ 5% Total Incremental Assessed Value - Vait ptaza ftotet p Town Mill Levy Town Property Ta<es Town S.O. Taxes @ 5% 8. CounW Road and Bridoe Fund Revenues @ 1 Mill 9. Construction Permits @ .0075 x $64.500,000 B-4 $s,s42,000 $539,791 4.321 $2,332 $117 $1,686,314 $12,006,000 $2,275,900 $s39,791 $17.008.005 4.921 $29492 $tt.675 $E49,178 $832,62s $3@.000 $1.981,803 4.321 s8.563 $428 $1s.026,202 4.321 $64.928 $i{t.246 s15.02€ $4$J5q Assessed Value - Buildings 3 & 4 Assessed Value - Building 5 VAIL PI.AZA HOTEL TOWN OF VAIL INCREMENTAL REVENUE IMPACTS FINAL DRAFT DATED 9_9-98 General Assumptions: Hotel Rooms: Number of Rooms Available for Rent Average Daily Rental Rate per Room Average Annual Occupancy Rate per Room Average Persons Occupying a Room Incremental Persons Generated Annually Average Taxable Daily E\penditrrs per Person (Excluding Lodging) Fractional Club (Fental Portion - 24 weeks/year): Number of Fractional Units Available for Rent Average Daily Rental Rate per Unit Average Occupancy Rate per Unit Average Persons Occupying a Unit lncremental Persons Generated Annuallv Average Taxable Daily Expenditure per Person (Excluding Lodging) 1. Sales Taxes Generated from Hotel Operations Taxable Sales - Annual - Lodging 4% Sales Tax - Annual - Lodging Ta<able Sales - Annual - Retail/Rest 4% Sales Tax - RetaiURestaurant Taxable Sales - Annual - All Sources 4% Sales Tax - All Sources (Continued On Neld Page) B-s Fractional Club (lnterval Ownership portion - 2g weeks/year): Number of Fractonal Units Avallable for Occupancy 1S Average Daily Fental Rate per Unit O Average Occupancy Rate per Unit *% Average Persons Occupylng a Unit 6 Incremental Percons Generated Annuallv Average Taxabte Daily Expenditrre per Person (Excluding Lodging) 276 $1eo E0% 1,75 141,fft6 $100 15 $s00 80% 6 12,096 $100 15,876 $100 $15,312,,180 $612,499 $14,103,600 $ss,'t44 $29,416,080 $1,176,A$3 ,,vrut-'guazl HoTEL TOWN OF VAIL INCREMENTAL REVENUE IMPACTS FINAL DRAFT DATED 9-9-98 Taxable Sales - Annual - Lodging 4% Sales Tax - Annual - Lodging Taxable Sales - Annual - Retail/Rest 4%.Sales Tax - Retail/Restaurant Taxable Sales - Annual - All Sources 4% Sales Tax - All Sources Taxable Sales - Annual - Lodging 4% Sales Tax - Annual - Lodging Taxable Sales - Annual - Retail/Rest 4% Sales Tax - Retail/Festaurant Taxable Sales - Annual - All Sources 4% Sales Tax - All Sources Taxable Sales - Annual - Retail/Restaurant 4% Sales Tax - Annual - Retail/Restaurant Taxable Sales - Annuat - All Sources 4% Sales Taxes - Annual - All Sources 7. Countv Tax Rebate @ .0S7S E. Ciqarette Ta(es @ .0089 9. Franohise Fees @.0038 Oo. Business License Fees @.01 4. Sales Taxes Generated from All Sources: Taxable Sales - Annual - Lodging 916,920,4S0 4% Sales Tax - Annual - Lodging $652;819 To<able Sales - Annual - Retail/Rest $16,900:800 4% Sales Tax - Retail/Festaurant $6-16,092 Taxable Sales - Annual - All Sources $gg.221.2g0 ^ 4% Sales Tax - All sources -@ - 5. Dedu"t, Existinq sale! Td(.i G"n"rated trom properties to be Repl.""d: Taxabte Sates - Annuat - Lodging _ Ze Roo;a -----SlFdpOO 4% Sales Tax - Annual - Lodging - 78 Rooms $O+,OOOAnnual Persons Generated lrom 7g Rooms @ S1o/" Occupancy 25,409Taxable Sales - Annual - Retail/Restaurant $2,S0,94S 4% Sales Tax - Annual - Retail/Bestaurant $lO1 ,698To<able Sales - Annual - All Sources $4.i40:94S 4%sales Taxes - Annual _ All Sources .@ $1,008,000 $40,320 $1,209,600 $48,384 $2,217,600 $88,704 $0 $0 $1,s87,600 $53,s04 $1,567,600 $63,504 $14,720,480 s588,819 $14,959,853 $s74,394 $29.080.333 $1.163.213 $43.620 $388 $4.202 $1 1.632 6, Net Incremental Taxable Sales & 4% Sales Tax Revenues Taxable Sales - Annual - Lodging 4ol Sales Tax - Annual - Lodging B-6 VAIL PLAZA HOTEL TOWN OF VAIL INCHEMENTAL REVENUE IMPACTS FINAL DFAFT DATED 9-9-96 General Assumptions: Annual Skier Days/FFU Annual Skier Days/tlotel Foom Effective Revs/Skier Day 1'. Ski Lin Ta(es Generated tom Hotel Rooms Number of Hotel Rooms Skier Days Taxable Lifr Revenues 4% Ski Lift Taxes - Hotel Rooms 2. Ski Lift Taxes Generated from Fractional Unhs Number of Fractional Units Skier Days Ta<able Lift Revenues 47o Skl Lift Taxes 3. Ski Lift Taxes Generated from All Sources Skier Days Taxable Lift Revenues 4% Ski Lift Taxes B-7 253 138 $i37.50 276 38,088 $1,428,300 $57,132 15 9,795 $142,313 $s,693 41,883 $1.570.613 $62.82s 4. Dedupt Fxlstlno ski Lift Taxes Generated tom properdes to be Replaced: Number of Hotel Rooms za Skier Days 10,Til To<able Lift Revenues $4o3:6so 4% Ski LifiTa<es .@ 5. Net Incremental Skier Days & 4% Ski Lifi Tax Revenues ,Skier Days gl,.l 19 Taxable Lift Revenues fi.166:96g 4% Ski Lift Taxes .@ i vniL prAzA HorEL TOWN OF VAIL INCREMENTAL REVENUE TMPACTS FINAL DRAFT DATED 9_9_98 1% REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX REVENUES General Assumptions: lnterval Weeks for Sale per Unit 2gNumber of Units tsNumber of lnterval Weeks for Sales 42O_ Ave. Price per lnterual Week. secondary sares Rate tfbooo; 1 . Sale gf Fractional Fee lnterval Weeks Taxable lnfial Sales 1% RETT Taxes - Initiar sares $29'400'000 1%RETTTaxes - secondary ffi B-8 o APPENDIX D. o o Jan t OB sS O4:O3p CHflRLES R. LIPCOTI I -S?O-476-85At p. r JOHN BREYO Vail GatewayUnit 3 12 S. Frontage Rord Vail" Co. 81657 Jmuary 5,1999 George Ruther Senior Plrtrt'er Towo ofVail Fax:479-2452 Rs Vail Village lnn Dear Mr. Ruther: This is to confirmthe following: l. I an the olvner of Utrit 3 in the Vail Gatewry. lt is directly adjacein to the Village Iln Ilotet 2. I hsve not r€ceived writteir aotice from the Town of Vail nor from Stoltz lVnagement abou the Village Im proposal or abort my Plming mil Envnm"re'rtal Comission necings. I object to any meetings without prorper and acturl utritt€,n notic€. 3. I purchased my ruit relying in part on the exisi,ing ma$er plan and exi*ing sDD approval 4. I object to the Village Im violating the master pl'n, the SDD approva! rnd blocking the view corridor towards Gold Pesk Ve4y Truly Yoursi qzfhBr g4- JohnBreyo U .zt; :.sii+: ;;r; ;l[';-.. !t?- . -.rt;I.. . *l;, .- -iii;'{-' ,t i:.lii, .,lGiil --' ..Fi* : .. -. t ,,."4, .-:j; <*lii. .- JhN-!3 i-iJ:: lbi 4b :IEVEN JHIlT.r R,IDEN Fi i h rrx 3l4r J49 e3A4 bE crogtqafzttar 9lug.sinr@C Efibg riLD.f ?,0i2 mu. wednesday, January 6, fSgg lvrembers of the Town of vailplannlng aadEDvrtfiEental cmnissiotr Departsnent of Commurlty Developnent Vail, CO gt65z Re: Vail PlazaHotel DearMembers I have been asked to make an objective e!,aluation oftie pmpged Vall DlezaHotel anal anali"e the potendal rletriruuts soo the realizaflon qf ihiq dgvetopment. I have reviewed the subnittal rnd the fouowing ar€ commelb for \n recort My llrst obsernatiou ts as to frE overa[ Easstng and scab or the alevelolmenl The scale ls far beyond wbat I see as compatible wlth the surmunrling stnrcdrres the proposed projeet absolutelv dwarG the vail Gateway and rlses far abotre any otrer structure ln the lnmediate area . TDe Dmposal indicatss ttatfrere wil be lalEp nassint at the edges of the boundariee Of the pnoperty snd wltbout aS/ required. setDac,trs from tbe adjacelt brrfl<llngs nor is &erc any stepDlb8 of the stnrctur ln I rctadoDshtp to the existrng bufldtngs. It wouldseem ttratttrts ls not tle lrtenuon ofary ofthe pr€ntous approvals or atry oftie underllntag zoning from whlch the gDD has beer based. All of t]le pedestrian space is surrcunded by skuchue tbat ts onsn 40 to ?0 feet In heght creatiug areas that vtu be pernanenuy in shados ald ofrrtns very lltue openness or laa&capirg end unless you are within the 6niltltng ltself there is Dot anyprotectiogfrom the micro cllmates ln \F areacreaterlby thengwstructure such as urind. This design does not crtate any encloorrre. Based on the aDDlicants own sturly of the shadows, the Ftontage roail would also reEain in shadow and vlnnlly create a wdl of sructure that proEbits any view beyonc What ever haBpened to view corrldor that InlUa\y rtsEicted the development sunorrnding the roundabouf Those nsblcflons have been in place siuce the earltst proposals for thk area yere pr?Beubd. rt ts obrrtous that the tntent ofprevious review decisions heldthe helght to Eafntaln ihrs ytgy. I would litre to quesuon tne vau(|I$ of suclr a Ero6s devlauon to the approved SDD especbuy when lt appeatE tbat rhls prsJect sudEcanw lncreases t&e size above tlte previous approval and eseentially tbubles the densig audheight ofthe undertining Grc!,tl IruOGcaElqsr VdL e|ttatlll autofiB iHn-rr r-1>>> lo:4 /JiEvEi J Hr,EJ KirrEN hr|l nK US >4J err44 r,w zoning. Is thie the way the Master ptan htetrded the deveropErent to lEoceed? I believeupon carefi,I examlnauon you wtll [rd tttls Droject does not meet tbat crlteda- Addiuona[v I woutd like to lorah qp6rr otber aspects of the Brcpcal Accordingto tle submittal, the traEc study inilicates that there world De utfle e&ct upon the exlstlng conditioDs, but I ufoUld fgnfl tq dinbn sn thls becatrse rhis prcJeCt ws-uld oDly be8iln to set a precedent for otiers tnat would eventually mevini"e the capacitr of tderourylabout and lt ls ctear thal rhis asw crr2tes a,n alley out of tre trotrbse road analdiminishes the charact€r of ure entrance to tte viltage The Bodel uurizedfor tnrs stu{y does uot take this into consideration Generally tlte resuest to dgdfuanfly reduce tbe setbacks require tie appltcatt to show ttrere would be a bardshtp. I cannot *e the halu shrp in this case- Agarn there igverylittle consideration Erren to the neigtboElng devrtopment A Enal quesdorl. WaS not a Slnllar but smaUer DmJeCt for rhis .rrea p1"vloq3l,y rejected bv the council aud Ptanntng conmission? And what has change to make ttrls approval? Sincerely, Steven James Riden AJA Amhttect TOTH- P.63 'ail Village Irur .: Subject: Vail Village Inn Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 22:07:14 EST From: Sealaw@aol.com To: ford@vai1.net, "George Ruther" <gruther@ci.vail.co.us> CC : bryanwachs@pobox.com, John Dunn <lex@vail.net>, LEdw al23 4 @aol.com, Hanna@aol.com, David <DavidHanna@sota.com>, kinney@sequelvc.com, JFlamonlEVI{A@email.msn.com, palmos@privatei.com, sriden@vail.net CHARLES R. IJIPCON Vail Gateway Unit 5 12 S. Frontage Road-Vaii, Co. 81657 Tel . (97 0) 47 6 - 5L5iFax. (970) 476 - 8681 .lanuary 7 ,1999 Mayor Rob Ford and Town Council Members, Planning and Environmental Commission, and ceorge Ruther, Senior Planner Town of Vai 1 Fax:479-2452 Re: Vail Vi ]lage Inn Dear Sirs and Madams: one or more of the residential property owners at the Vail Gateway have thefollowing objections to the vail Villaqe rnn A Major Anendment ro specialDevelopment District #6 as foll.ows; 1. The application for Planning and Environmental, comnission Approvar wassigned by Jay K. Peterson as attorney in fact on April 13, l-ggg. r received acopv of the Limited power of attorney signed by watdir R. prado as managingdirector on Jan. 4, J.999. A review of the power of attorney indicates that:THE POWER OF ATTORNEY IS SPECIFICALLY LIMITED TO CHAPTER 12-9a-2. THIS CHApTER DEALS WITH DEF]NITJONS. THE POWER IS INVALID ON ITS FACE TO AUTHORIZE JAY PTTERSON TO SIGN AN APPLICATION FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL WITH RESPECT TO A MAJOR AMEND!,tE}flr To AN SDD. FurTher, thele j.s nothing in the record with t.he town thaE would indj.cated that waldir prad.o wasthe duly appointed rnanaging director of Daymer Corp. or that Dal.mer Corp. hasthrough its board of directors approved the granting of a power of actorney toJay K, Peterson. 2. In spite of numerous requests, neither I nor any of the other residen,-ialowners in the VaiL Gateway, to my knowledge, have been giveo noeice of anyhearings what so ever in front of che Planning and Environmental Commission.Notice to stoltz Management is not adequate since they do/did not in turnprovide not.j.ce Eo the owners in ghe vail Gateway. This j.nf ormation aboutlack of notice was previous).y provided to you. You HAVE ACTUAL NoTIcE THAT THE GIVING OF NOTICE TO STOLTZ MANAGEMEMI DOES NOT IN TURN RESULT TN NOTICE TO THE CONDOMINIUM OWNERS IN THE VAIL GATEWAY. This is specially troublesome in lightof the fact that SLoltz yanagenent or their principals was represented by JayPeterson who is also the claj.med attorney in fact and tbe attorney for Daymer Corp . 3. The Town of vail ordinance 12-3-5 c. dealing with notice constiLutes adenial of due process and equaL protection of the 1aw for t.he owners in theVail Gateway and other adjacent condorni.nium owners since it does not providefor actual noLice to them as adjacent property owners. yOU HAVE BEEN PREVICUSLY INFOR}4ED THAT THE GIVING OF NOTICE TO STCLTZ MANAGEMENT DOES NOT IN TURN RESULT IN NOTICE TO THE CONDOMINTUM OWNERS IN THE VAIL GATEWAY. As such 16/99 8:24 AM Va.il Viiiage Lon o I1t is unconsLitu'.ionai. A iette= from Jobn 3reyc, owner of unit 3 in Lhe vaitGateway was faxed to you indicat::rg lack of nci:ce as well as reliance cn the maqi'ar !1- r r.\ zr,rni ndY, g!st 4. The amend.ment viol-aEes :he "vrew cor:idor" from r-he four way scop (nowroundabout) es.ablished in tre SDD approval fcr the Vlilage Inn. Based on this"vlew ccrri.dor', the hej.qht cf ihe vaii Gateway was reduced. rn Rrck pylman's (Town Pianner for vali) l-eLt.er dared Feb. 15, lggg discussing the vailGateway, he staced: "sr,af f feels sLrongty thac this buildi.ng (Vai1 cateway)should present no enc::oachment into the view corridor that is establishea bythe approved Varl vlliage rnn deveLopment. The existing design wiil requiresubstan:ia1 revisions to maintain the view parameters esrablished by the WI .' it wou.Ld be unfair, arbitraly, and unreasonable to have reduced r-he height ofEhe varL Gateway based on the view corridor', in the sDD ordinance for ihevi-1]-age rnn and then to Lurn around and ignore the same requirement for theviilaqe Inn itself. The agreement. betlreen Joe Stauffer and the Town of Vai,l asdocumented in Lhe sDD approval ccnstitutes a record.ed real covenant thatinures ro the benefit of the adjacent. land owners vrho rel-ied on this realcovenant. The sDD approval provides for a three story buiLding in the "viewcorridor" area. The SDD approval was the resul-t of gj.ve and take negotiationsbetween the Town of Vail and Joe stauffer. Joe stauffer agreed to two storybuildings on East Meadow Drive and vail Road in return for a five storybuilding on Frontage Road. rn addition to consti!uLi.ng a real covenant, theSDD approval constitutes a contract between the Town of Vail and Joe Staufferwhich inures to the benefit of adjacent owners as third party beneficiaries. 5. The amendment violates the Town of vail Master Plan. The master plan stateswith respect t.o t.he vair vilLaqe rnn: ',Mass of buildings shall- step up fromexisting pedesl-rian scafe along Meadow Drive F-o 4-5 stories along FrontageRoad,...Deslgn must be sensitive to maintaining view corridor from 4 -way stopto varl Mountaln" The vvr proposal- wiLl d.irectly impact the character of thevail Vlliage. rf approval of the amendmenL is altowed, where eriLl it stop.won'L the cwners of the Holiday House properiy, Lhe qas station and otherswant to have the same massive size to maximj.ze the value of their properties.Perhaps the vail Gateway would like to add another 4 floors a1so. The entranceto the vaii vlllage wourd be a massive canyon of buildings more in keepingwith a large city rather than a unique ski vi1lage. 6. The Village rnn project does not coordinate well- with the vail Gateway. rtcuts off its pedestrian access and drasLically reduces its vis j.bilitv. Thiswould be particularly harmful to the commercial tenants in the buildinq. theTown of vail 1n ccnsidering the vail Gateway sDD applicatlon required that amalor entrance be placed on the side of the building facing the viilage rnn.That entrance would be virEually worthless under the viltaqe inn proposal .The vail Gateway would be facing a large walL tha! goes up 95 f eet. which wouldonly be a few feet from the vail Gat.eway property, A canyon would be created.This is not in keeping with the iniiial representation made by the vai1village rnn to the Town of vai1, that: ,'The architects Zehren & Associateswere chal"l,enged to acccmmodate this program in a configurati,on harmonious toEhe immediate neighborhood and add to t.he vaiL character. " There is nothi_ngharmonious about this project as i-L relates to the vail cateway and it iscertainl-y not in keeping with the vail characrer. rL is a big city projectbeing urged on a small village. n"'i-^ !L^ ^-61 :^^!:uu:rug Lue dljprrcaE.ron process for the vaiL GaLeway, i-L was required that amajor enLrance be placed for access from the villaqe rnn property. rn RickPylman's (Town Planner for Vaj.1) letter dated Feb. 16, 19gg he slated: ,,We feel that iL will be important that this project and the approved vail vitlageinn project when built, have a strong pedestrian connection. we recognize theneed for the developer of the wr projecr to relate his project to the vailGateway. we do want to ensure, however, t.hat Lhe design of the Gateway a110wsLhis pedestrian connection to occur.,, 2of4 The village rnn proj ect comes within 2 feet or so of the vail Gatewav l/8i/99 824 AM 'ail Village lnn drlveway where cars enter the garage and deliveries are made. 1: wcu:d c:earea larEe aiiey tha: would cause au:c and dieseL fumes to accumuiaae anc enie:-.he Vail, Gateway. This wouid be noxious, odorous, harmful tc heal-Lh, andperhaps deadi-y. A st.udy should be done Eo deEermi-:te the burldup oi carbonmonoxide anci ccher dangerous fumes chat would enter the vail Gaieway and r-he \/i 1 I =ao Thn €r^n Fl._^ri s a:ea . 8. The Village inn projeci would cut off sunlighc and aa: for rhe VailGateway. The vaii Gareway would for the most part be in '-he shadow of theViliage Inn. 9. The cr:af f ic, noise, and accompanylng pol]_ution in the area of theroundabout, vaii Road, and Frontage Road wouLd increase dramatically. Theroundabout. presently backs up at certain tr.mes of the day, and the increase inthe number of cars will only exacerbate the probl-em. The Traffic rmpactAnarysis done by Feisbuxq, Hult & u11evj.g .is based on the assumption that 50%of the traffic is intelnal and as such reduced their trip generation figuresbv 50%. This ignores the fact Lhat the Vail villaqe has a free transport.ationsystem that is unique. Even assuming a 50t reduction, the overalL trafiicincreases from about 1050 trips per day to 3100 trips per day. THrs rs A TRTPLTNG rN TRAFFTC. rf the assumed reduction figure is wrong then Lheincrease could be as much as six fo1d. An increase percentaqe of 2% was usedto indicate that the Lraffic woul-d go to 4500 vehicles during the pM peak hourin the year 2015. This assumes that further Large hotel projects similar tothe village rnn wi.11 not be approved, which woutd be unrealist.ic if thisproject is approved. There would be a Domino effect. 1C. No studies have been filed to reflect Lhe pollution leve1s that woul-d comefrom the increased traffic. 11. The owner of the village rnn knew at the time of i,ts purchase what wasallowed and what vras not al1oi{ed under the sDD approval in place at the time.The Village Inn proposal would change the rules and would qreatly increase thevalue of the vi.1lage rnn property and at the sane trne diminish the value or-t.he vail Gateway property as well as other adjacent prcpercy owners. rt wouldbe unfair :o provide the villaqe rnn owner with a financial wind fall at theexpense of the Vail Gateway owners. 12. owners in the vail- Gater.vay purchased lheir properties and spent moneyfixing them up relying on hhe approvals already in place for the village rnn,i.ncluding the view corri-dor, as wel.l- as the master p1an. As such changingthese items would constitute an inverse condemnation of the ownershipinterests of the vail Gateway owners. The value of the vai.l Gateway ownerswould be reduced so as to provide a windfaLl to the owners of the vail villageInn. L3. The vail mast.er plan which was enact.ed by ordinance cannot be viotatedunder the guise of an sDD, hrithout changing the master plan itself. AttorneyJohn Dunn has previously submitted a memorandum of law on this r.ssue. Theviilage rnn acknowledge this when they submitted a ,,Revision of vail villaseMascer PIan- ConcepLual Buildrng Heighr. p1an..." on Nov. 30, 199g 14. The village rnn proposal has not discussed the hazard of a fire spreadingto or from their buildings to the vail Gateway in liqhL of Lheir excremelyclose proximiLy. (The fact that the proposed Vail Villaqe Inn has exterioiflreproofing dces not apply to the vai: Gaieway and the vrllage rnn condowhich does noc have special f i.reproof in9. ) what further probiems would t.hiscreate for the fire deparrment if a fire had to be fought.? Also there is noshowi-ng that the Town of vail fire department could handle a frre in ah!1i I ^i n^ ^; |-l,i - ^: no rnat ho.i ahrvsrru:rr9 ur LrrJ-D D.j,,t L s.rs uergrru! l-5 ' what assurances has the owner of the Village Inn provided that it has thef i.nanci-al and rea1 esEate capabilit.y to buil-d what they say they hrant. tobuiid? what assurances have t.hey provided that Fshey are trusiworthy and will of4 l/8/99 8:24 ANl Vail Village Irur do what they say they will do? Daymer corporation N,V. has reporied.ly beenpreviously invoived il 1iL:.ga::on where cL3ims were made of vrrongf u1 ccnductby Daymer. Daymer shouid rnake a fuli d:scrosure of prior Li:igatj.on and r-.souEcome to properly assess it,s trustworthiness. Also its true ownership shouldbe reveaJ.ed since it is a Net:lerlands Ancilles Corporation. :6, The simulated piccures submieted by the vail Village rnn are misleading.view analysis number three shows a nine scory var.l- viliage Horel not muchhigher than the adjacent five story vail Gateway. rf the true heighr of thevail vill,aqe rnn was depi.cted the whoLe of the Golden peak area would beblocked. Even the incorrect. piclure submitted shows that the view of theGolden Peak area wouid be aLmosr. completely blocked. 17. The sales tax revenues projected to the Town of Vaii are based on numerousassumptions. whar guaran:ees or bonds have the vilLage rnn offered if t.helrproj ections are r.rrong. rf the villaqe rnn is seeking to motivar-e the Torrrn ofVail by the promise of additionai funds. certainly they should stand behindthe numbers and provide a guarantee or bond from a financially sound thirdparcy to back up their numbers. 18. The villaqe rnn should provide compensation to the adjacent propertyowners, whose values will go down as a result of the village Inn violations ofthe master plan as well as t.he agreement between the Town of vail and JoeStauffer as codi.f ied in the SDD approval . L9. The Vail Plaza Ho!.el Fact, Sheet is misleading. It indicates tbat the 1992approval allowed a buildinq height of 67 feet. It does not indicare that thisheight applied to rhe buildinq on Frontage Road and does not apply to thebuildi.nqs that would be south of the vaiL cateway. (Between the vail cat.ewavand the ski mouneain) 20. The report of the Town planner is expected to be done by the end of theday on Friday Jan. 8, 1999. It is unknown if sufficien! time r.vi1L be avarlableto review the report prior to the pEc meeting schedul.ed for Monday Jan. 11,l-999. As such the riqht to object on this ground is reserved unril such timeas the report has been provided and studied 2L. No view corri.dor analysis r,ras done ot.her than providing photos so ofwhich are misleading. A view corridor analysis was requested in the memorand.umto the Planning and Environmenlal Commission daLed .june 22, 1.ggg. 22. No urban design anal-ysis was done. An urban design analysis was requestedin the memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commj-ssion dared June 22,lv v 6 - 23. The Town Planni.ng department was unabre to 1ocace the original sDDapproved drawings for the vail Village rnn referenced in ordinance No. 7,series of 1976. These are needed for review and reference particularly interms of the View Corridor. where applicabl-e the same objections are being made to the Faessler Amendmentsto the Public Accommodation Zone Distric'-. Very Truly Yours, Ch:r'l ac P t.i h^^n 4 of4 l/8/99 8:24 AM January 7, 1998 Mr. Rob Ford Mayor, Town ofVail Mr. George Ruther Senior Planner Town of Vail Fax:. 970.479.2452 Dear Mr. Ford and Mr. Ruther. I would like to formally object to the proposed Vail Village Inn's Special Development District as defined for the Vail Village Inn fr'Vf site. As a year-round resident of the Village Inn Plaza Condominiums, which are adjacent to the proposed Vail Village Inn developmen! I am disturbed with apparent disregard for the current ptanning guidelines and the magnihrde and arrogance of the proposed development. As proposed, the site, referred to as Special Development District Nurnber 5 (SDD #6), grossly exceeds the APPROVED development standards contained in the SDD #6 legislation as well as some guidelines in the Vail Village Master Plan. Specifically, at issue are the Gross Residential Floor Area and the height of the proposed buiiding. Currently, the proposed plan violates an established view corridor that has a controlling effect upon buildings in SDD #6. Likewise, the proposed plan totally disregards the Vail Village Master Plan height guidelines. As the owner of the southwest unit in the Village Inn Plaza Condominiums, 0re proposed plan:l) eliminates all western exposure to the mountains and the sun,2) places ruck docks literally against a bedroom wall 3) eliminates any privacy from my patios, and 4) zuggests traffic patrerns that will be unaccepable. Does the proposed plan compensate my potential loss in real estate value? Does the proposed plan compensate me for several yean of dirt and constnrction noise? Can you boldly eliminate values that were developed to protect my neighbon and me? I am not opposed to change. I also believe that a quality hotel would, in the long run, enhance the core of the Village. What I am opposed to is the blatant and reckless disregard to guidelines thar were established to preserve the integriry of Vail Village and to protect individuals such as myself, Is your intent to build another Beaver Creek? Construct a cement city in the mounains? tt I trust that good judgment and a brue setrse to preserve the value of Vail Village will overcome a purely greedy and irresponsible decision. Yours truly, Kinney L. Johnson CC: Village Inn Plaza Condominium Association Easr Vluacn HounowNERs AssocmrroN. INc. To: Mayor Rob Ford and Town Council Mernbers Planning and Environmenta I Commission From: Jim Lamon! Executive Director Date: January 7,1999 RE: Special Development District 5 - Prado Amendment Public Accommodation Zone Disfict - Faessler Amendments The Homeowners Association objects to the proposed Waldir Prado Amendrnent to Vail VillaeeInn Special Development Distict 6 (SDD6) and to de.tbhannes naesster ame-na-m#ts ib't. friliii'f"'- commodattons Zone Distrtct. On the basis of the following factors tre Association recommends denial ofboth proposals as currently proposed. Thgre are merits conJained within each proposal. H;;;;"t; ti;;u-mulative scgP.e ojq:_P.I.gposals suggggts lhat acomprehensive master planning prbcess should bJlndertak- en to amend fte Vail Village Master Plan in order to substantiate he conceptsirirderlying ftese proposal within the broader context of Vail Village and tre economic needs of the c6mmunitv] ftre "orinuiitu(Iong held vision of accommodating appiopriate and timely development witrin rtre iontext of ;;;;16; master planned grorvtr and tre established character of tr-e commrlnity's neighborhoods should "ontinu".I. Special Development Distict 6 - Prado Amendment: l. The Prado amendment 5ignificantly exceeds dre requirements of he existing SDD6 hat its apr-.proval woul9 be considered a breach of faith on the part of tre Town of Vail to fulfill f,re terms of zonii:gagreements it adE)ted, subsequent to negotiation wif,\ property o\ ners, for the Vail Village tnn ana-Viituatpwly s-rtes. I hese zorung agreements and standards were based upon detailed plannini and zonineanalysis of the site, adjapgnt sites, {re surrounding neighborhood and Vail Village in generil. The Ari-end- ment causes a d_egree ot departure that does not conlbrm to the requirernents ol tre Vail Villaee MasterPlan or follou'the requirements to amend the master plan. In order to arnend fte Vail Village "Master plan a comprehensile review of conditions, opportunities, -and consequences is required for the siie. adiacentsites, the surrounding neighborhood.and Vail Village in.order to determine trl irnpacts ana compltitilityot the ltado proposal upon the established character of the surrounding neighborhood and Vail Village. ' . . . 2. The bulh mass, height and selbacks of the proposed stucture is incompatible and inconsistentwith.the surrounding neighborliood. Cenain functionai as:pects of the proposat, suitr as tam; ft;;:-;il-quality and pedestian routes will cquse tre potenrial for ohgoing dysfunciionai and detimental activitiesIo occur on or adJacent to the slte. 'l}re current proposal should be reduced in order to overcome these and other detimental effects upon adjacent properties, dle surrounding neighborhood and Vail Village. . 3. The degree of economic benefit is prejudiced towards tre Prado Amendment at lhe exnense of Pnor property owners and all adjacent prgperty owners. These property owners have been or are'subiect tomore onerous requrremenls enforced by the Torvn of Vail than would b-e prado. If approved. the resrilt rvill be a*grant "l JPg:lI pnvilege thal creates a windfall economic benefit that rvill accru'e solely'to dre gain of 9", TgYg, ol' Yail through increased tax revenues and the current property owner through in6reased iensiryano outloms sv e. II. iublic Accommodation Zone District - Faessler Amendments L In establislpd residential neighborhoods where lhe Public Accommodation Zone Distict occursthe proposal.will cause radical changesln dre characterofdrese residential neighboriroodi. fn" a"greJof the increase in bulk, mass and uses would aggravate existing noxious conditiois and therefore wou-ld b"detrimental to these established residential neighborhoods ai'd vail Village in general. Officcrs: President - Bob Galvin Sccrclary - Gretta pafks Treasurcr - patrick Gramm Judith tserkowitz - Dolph Bridgewater - Ellre caulhns - Ron Langley - Bill Morton - connre fudder Post OIIice Box 238 Vail, Colorado 81658 Telephonq (970) 827-5680 Message/FAx (9?0) &27-58J6 EVHA/TOV - SDD6 and Public Accommodttions Zone District Amendments li7llggg 2- The proposal creates the.opportunity to concentrate an aggregation of commercial space on slresadjacent to the maiir enrance t9 vajl'rrre sco'pe ord,rii .pp-".ndd=tl=e.rir'th;i;;;;il.;;;;;;,". planning proce_sf should be undertaken to amerid the_ V. ail Village viutt.t'pia" i";;.'ilil;iliJ;." l"_]!:,*9" of developmenr being proposed. The vair Viltage"Mastei Fti" *"i;d.pd fi1'#0 ffiliconslocreo a comprehensrve long range master plan. 3- The orooosal !o gtqnt increased exterior retail uses should continue to be limited to tre interiorof a building oi to'buildingi that front establisheJ-peder** pr".ir,"t;;;;;; ample required setbacksfrom roadwivr- " ------'--- t . . a.. Tg Ploposal in deregulating the amorrnt of commercial space is inconsistent wi*r fre purposeand intent of the Public Accommodations Zone Dishict and as well, tr" p.oporui a.oi;; d,;;-;-" ;tii'- *:HTt to all similar types of lodging facilities and drerefore appears tir cieate ^ gr""i "f ,ffi;" --^' pnvrtege. . , 5.^ There are aspects of the Public Accommodations Zone Dist-ict development standards trat areln need ot retorm tn order to encourage tte development of short term accomrnodationr unA idrTrauUi"- *::Tg:-.Y-.,T"::,_rhe degree of change adrocated in the Faessler emendments are fh,,*"hirij;;;"ynave unrnlenoed conseouences_ III. Cumulativ" U*".O, , .1 The.proposals aPPears to reinforce and aggravate existing infi-ast-uctural problems in Vail Vil-lage- AI a. mlmmum, any proposal to rncrease the density, size or uses on any site niust include reouire-ments to absorb, on the site, a portion of sur-rounding neilhborhood and vail'Viltaee i"Gdi;;;;;dr.ror exarnpre' a Dressns mrastilctural problem in vail village is the need for dispiersed ofsteet loadingand detivdry facilities..-r-oading and 9:fiyg.y f""itities shoutdto'b;;;;.ff;iJilt";#il#ffi;:]i,:' that serve on-site. neiehborhood and Vail viilaee needs. As well the t"irft.re-p6y;;;;;;;;),nerv developments sh6uld be required. ,2. If not propgrly master plarmed, -fte aggregate impact tom increases ia commercial souare foot-a8! ano ume snare uruts may drlute.the^value of existing businesses and properties with the laterit affect ofreducing ttre overall economic healtr of the communityl Furdrer, it woufd u! uren r toG"". if," ""-Gi ornerv hotel rooms that are required to offset losses in re-cent years in rtre rentai of conO"mi"i";il;il'from fte migr.ation of local ionsumers down valley. Additionally;"f".tr rtttrfo be unoerafen 6;"fb;tax codes and sales tax rates so as to sfimulate ttre condominium'rental market or to entice Uutiniir", io *-courage customers to pay their fair share of sales tax. JL;\ r bi ..rr IVN\f,lJ ' I O- i,ir.r r ^r'UtJ 'J ' U:i I u:i r url- i l u2 | izra.ti JCITN W- OUTN ARII{UR . ABFLA,|ALE JR. OI^NE HERI'Ai{ X,AURIELIO c/\Rnrf a. ltEitoot{ lfa'Clll COUISCI: JERRY W. X/ll|t{ltl Law OrFlcEs DuHN, AapHNaLP & MAURIELLo, P.C. r r*tgrorer aererrir WFttStatt Bl.rr Burlor xc rog Sourx FRoxTAFE RoAo WEsr SulrE 3oo VrtL, Col.onroo stesz TELEPBONE;(gto) 4?6-O300 FACSIHILE:.lgzo, tte-.;zias |tAnEl{ X. DUa{X C:|rIf|lO Eora Alllst^rr .r I January I, 1999 Ceorgc Ruther, Senior Planncr 'l'own of Vail 75 South !'rontagc Road Vail C0 \NA FACSIMILE4792452 Ite : Vail Plazu Hotel ftojcct Delr Ceorge: Chuck l-ipcon tctls nrc thlt a copy of my lcncr to thc Planning and Envimnncntal (lommission, datcd Junc 2, I998, is not in the filc in connt:ction with the above matter- A copy ol'it therclirre lbllows, and I asl that it, logsther with this letter, be put in thc lilc. It is our intent to have the hearing bofore the Planning and Environmentsl Commissitn transcribed by a sourl te,?ortsr. at our own Expensc of course. We will share any trnnscript with you and nsk that it be macle a purl of thc rword. Thanks for your help in cnrmection with this malter- Yours vcry tnrly, )NN, ABPLANALP & MAIJRIELLO, P,C. W. Dunn jwd:ipsc cc. Mr. I.ipcon Mr. Moorhead rJ|-t1 .Jl 'arl a Vl\r lr-r \, JOXfl W. OUNX J^FYXUn t ^gFL rair|.8 JF. ALLSN q CXRISTC{3EX oraxa |. HSRraaN R. C. STEPHENSOII laLnr COgr|laU JENRY IS HA r{^H Du r.r N,. Aeolo*oil 3l'i, *'=re NsE r.r, P.c. toa Sourx Feoxrre: Ro^D WE5r Surtt 3oo Vltt. Coloeroo aralz June2,l99E IELEF }I O I{ E: (t701 a75-oJoo Fa€3t'.tLE 137C', rr7€-a7€6 |(LE|l ta OUnx ELttltlED ltaL! l!|lraratY Planning and Environmental Cornnrirsioa Town ofVail 75 South Frontage Road vail CO tt6s7 Rc: Vail Plazr Hotcl Frojcct Dcar Conmrission Mernben: We represcril three resid€rdial unit orrners at Vail Gdmay Plaza ard hilre bc€o rcqucsted by thert to provide you with writtcn comnent with respcct to the applicatioo of Daymo Corporation for a major amcndmcnt to Spccial Dorclopocnt Diltict #6, thg Vail \r&gp lnn Sitc ("thc Veil Plaza Hotcl Project- or -thc Projcct'). fhving rcvivwrd tho plEus $bsiu€d to the Towq wc wish to rct forth our con&crnt with respcct to the rdationstrip of the Proj€ct !o thc Vril Village Mastcr Pl.n. Ftpm our roview ofthe plrns, h appeen thet the portions ofthc Projec locd€d immediately adjrcqt to Vail C*euray Plaza will bc 60 to 84 ftct above the existisg grrde to tbc rcuth of Crataray Ph+ on Vail Rod and 70 to 100 ftct abow the qfutirg tradc to tbE Grst of Galcway Plaza on Frontage Road. Thir pmposcd building hcight ir not iu cor&rmity with tbc Conceptunl Building Hcight Plsn of thc Vdl Vrllagc lylastcr Phq which csbbli$cs e buildiqg height guidelirrc on those psrEcls rdjaccnt to Gataray Plaa,af 34 (stepped) building s!ori6. Inrsmuch rs the Conceptual Building Hcight Phn defincs "building stoqf as ninc ftct, the corresponding building hcight gtidclincs uc 27 to 36 fect. Nqr ir thc propo$d building rdd't in conformity with lhc Sub-fuea #l - l Plan rr pagc 37 of thc lt{ester Pla4 which rcquires that thc mass of buildinp'step-up' ftom pedestrian ssale along Meadow Drive to +5 ttori€s along Frontagc Rord. Construing thc two to$thcr, thc rtructurr to thc routh of Cratcway Phzr could not by any interpruation excecd four storics or 36 fcct. Thc proposcd building hcighs fqr thc Projct adjrc€d to Galcwry Phza thcrcfore ecceed mastct plrn limitationr by es much rr 33 to 4E ftet on Vail Rosd Erd 43 to 64 fost on Frontage Rord. tn other wordr, thc plrn proporcs a buildhg thd lr at least twice tlp hsght lirnitetions of thc Vril Vilhgc M!$€r Phn on rhorc parcds, ).., i.. Jl:-\ I Di.6r rVNrLiJ r a_ o_ t., ' ia.uu t .Jtu:tv:t\J(J ut u't teltea-tt 't. \r Section l2-9A-8 ofthc Vail Municipal Code includcs as part ofthe dcrign critcria for approval of an SDD 'confbrmity with applicablc elements of tbe Vail Comprebcosivc Plao, Town policies and urtan design plans" utd provides, with rcfer€nc€ to tbose strndards, thtt: "It shatl bc the bundcn ofthc appticart to denofftrEtc thst r$Eittrl EEtcrial ud the propocad dcvolopmart plan comply with eactr of tbe following $andardq or demonstrste thet onc or rmrc ofthcur is not applicablg or that a pncticrl sot$ioo consistcnt with thc prblic intcrest has bccn achicycd: . . ." We src not sblc to tind aaything in thc rpptiont's submitbl to suggcsr thst the hcight limitations of thc nu$cr phn arc not rpplicable or tha thc ryplicant ir propocing a rolution to tha conflict with rhc rnrstcr plrn which ir sonsistest with the public incre*. Wc cur ody' conclude that the rpplicant is asking that the hcight lirnitdions ofthc nrrter plan be ipored for purpolrc of thc applicatioo. It is thseforE ths purpce of this lctter to providc you with a rwielw of Colorado taw on thc rclaiomhip bctwccrt mastc plans aod zonilg. incMing in partinrlar ttn type of zone distrid krcw rs thc'planned unit dwclopcrert" CPt D") ol as itis howu b Vrll, the special developmant districr CSDD'). Ersd upotr our revicw ofthat laq it ie our bcli,cfthat the master phn rurst be stric{y adh€rEd to ia the conridcrtioc of SDD zonirU; and we respccfully rcquGt thrt lour commission so dccnainc.t thc oubd of ifs considErstion oftbe application. Tho Colorrdo Suprernc Court fr* addrerscd the effect ofa maeter plaa in Tlrobald v. BMd aI ('wtty Conm'rs, 644 P .U 942 (C,olo. I 9E2). In tha casq rhe corn hcld that r mEster plan is advisory only ad that, in order for it to hrvp a dirwt cffcct on property tigttq it must be firrthcr implcmcntcd throudt zoning. fUrsncr, mBeawMefus v. fud of Cwnry (1antm'rs,709P2{ 92t (Colo. 1985), thc court held that w}flc rmastcrplan rs an advircry docrrmcnt is nor necersarily binding on the zonhg dilcrdios of agorennecal body, it ic binding whcn the zoning lcgislrtion rcquirer courpliance with it. Mort rcccntly. n Eurd olcailrtyConan'nv. Cadcr,gnP.U 1339 (Colo. 1996). our suprcmc coun wrs ftccd with a subdivision application which cooformcd with applicable zoning but nol wilh the county mestcr plaq wlric.h had been rdopted as a "guidclinc" by the zuMivision rcgula,tiors. Ovcr tun disscotsi the corut hdd thst the cormty could Gdotrcs the rnaster plan complirrrc provision lcgidrtively adopt€d rs part oftlp srbdivfuion rcguhdols. Tako together. thosc crses tdl us that to thc cmcst that zoning is itrcomistctrt with thc nrrtcr plan the masc plan will prevail, providcd compliance with it is required by some rcguldion. Wc rccognizc that thc Town has Sfcat fl€xibility in thc madnmt of spccial dcvclopnrcnt district zoning and that a purporc ofrn SDD zouc distrist is to cncouragc flcribility urd creativity in thc developmenl of land in ordcr to promotc its mo$ appropriatc rsc. We drc recognizc that our local dilria court har uphcld the Town council's adoption of SDD zoaing ovcr o challenge bnrcd upon thc Nrgumeil thrt the adoption of it con*itrted'$ot zoringl in corfiavention of thc Town's medcr plur. Howwer, wc lrc not arguitrg thal thc prtlcd applicuion violgtc! objcctirc or policics of thc mrstcr phl1 which sre rspirrtiond in ornrc. Rsther, we nre rrguing that no zone distrisl wiihh the town nay violAe a very flcdfic kigh o o SET\'T BY:ATTORI\EYS ; 1- 8-99 ; ll:01 ;57047M165.9704782452;# 5/ 6 limitation inrposd by rhc master plaq givm the rnrstcr plan'r incorporrtion ifto thc Toum's zoning including SDD zoniag It should slso b€ mcnrioncd thd, so 6r at wG arc rwErc, tbere hrs oot bcca districtcoul lwiew of a rezoning in this county sin e thc Cot&r dccisiol" kior to tha dccision, h might have bccn argued that ar SDD zonc disricq bccausc it Gsablisbcs spcdrl nrlg for ttri : . zonc districl may overridc mastcr plan rcquircmantr Howerrer, k Cude; thc cqurt afrrmedL:rimcr County'! detial of an rpplication for l PUD suHivision bascd upon tlc subdivisioo'r crcstion of dcnsity in conflia tith the county nurfisr plarl wcn though (Es the cout emphasized) the proposed usc of thc land was in compliance wirh thc county's zoning rcsolution It must thercforc bc concluded that, if the entirety of thc tarimer Counry zodtrg rcsoffion could not have thc cfccl of ovcniding thc county nsster plaq PUD or SDD 26ni"g could not f,avc t*at cffect. Wc also recognize rh* zoning is a mdtsr of local md ftuicipal corcErq, 1651 th; Town's zoning authority is govcrncd by iu own clurtcr ad ordiluces, ?NIav. Ctty & Cao6y of Dztuer.7lgP.2d66a(Colo. 1988):&nice AlCo-v.RMs,500p.2d807(Cdo. t9f72); rnd that the cases cited in this lcner addrcss colnty trrastcr plaru. However, tte grant of zoning Eurhority is contained in sutute, ! 3 I -23-301, C.RS., urd that autbority is conditioncd upon 1lrg adoption of r masrer plan by g 3 | -21-303, c.RS. Further, tbe statutory prrposcs govcmirg tte adopion of a rmrnicipal master plan. |i I I -23-207, c.R s .. track with those govruing the - i. adoption of a county master plaq $ 3G,2&107, C.R.S.. snd both codics and municipalirics uc, required to find mruer plu comy'iancc rs I cordition to approvrl ofa pUD, $ 24-62-I04(tX0, C.R.S., abscnt a urperreding ordinansc of tho mruricipalily. Vail's ordinrnoc h frd' is consirtmt . witlt that statute. Finally. the discrtsdon comind h ttrc county crset cit€d rre a disqrsio[ of geaeral pdnciples of land uge hw. It is iherefore urr conchuion that your connissio mu1 give; litcral cffcct to thc vail Mllage Mmter Plerl ircluding in psrticr&r the heigit linitaiors contained in it, in coruidering thc epplication for the Projcct. Of sourse. tbe Town's mrstcr plrnr mry be amede{ but tbat process shoqld only bc initiatcd by thc Town council. Pursuurt to ! 3l-27-207, C-R-S.. ..csrEful and conprehcnrive suryeys and stttdics of present conditions rnd fuhre growth" rre required. Initistion ofthst procesq we belicvc. ouglrt nor be rnotivetcd by r single rpplicerion It is our undcrsunding that the rpplicant believrs that thc economic bcosdr of ir$ projeci to the community, including hotel rccornruodatiou and conferencc spacg outwcigh the importurce of ma$er plan compliancc. ln thst cofilcctiotr it b wEll to berr in niod the purpos€s of rhe Town's zoning rcguluions as thcy are s.t fonh in g l2.l-2, vail Muuicipal code: "thcsc rraulations arc cnaslcd for thc purpose ofpromotiug thc hclltb safsty, morrls, urd gcncral wdfrre of the Torrq and to promote the coordinaed aad harmonioru dadopmart of thc Town in r mrsncr \"t will mnslrvE snd sr}rnec its nanrrrl cnvirorunent and its cdablishcd chanctcr u a rcrort rnd nsidOhl community of high Cuslrty." -;,i; i ,ii$',* -E r'{ SENT BY:ATTORNEYS 9704764765-g71.l4792452i# 6/ b Thal purposc, urc suggcst is intendcd to prescrvc the cbaracter of thc towa aad a6t to pro'otc Gconomic dwdoprnent. rubetutially, with thc enendrnt noisc srd pollution cluscarywnnUarrnfrs. Witlbut Etrruosr.rl|ulyr wtltl ulc arlctls|lll tlot3c srt polluto,n cusctl byvcbiodrrfnfrg. Witlbut Etr impast_ urdysis' it ir imposiblc to say u/hat thc cfcc of th frojcct woutd be on tsv€l of servicc ,.,:r-. .wvvl va ara,r'l.i. , ...:,. at the Main Veil Roundabout. Thet impas{ is aggnwtcd by tbaahcopc ofpedcnrirn acccss . .: ' from rhe vilhge core- Fry|h*t tt" rcfoarsing of activity on Frooago Road, toggthfrwith tl& ovcrell heigfu and mass ofthe?roject. would heve a firndaocota[ pot.ciary a*.Eabg doct , on thc feding urd ctraractcr of Vril. Yorn vcrytruly, We nced not rmind you thn rncnrbcrs of thc public, ilcludiog orrr sli-'ri hEvcrdicd on the Town's land use rquluions. Orr clients rr,cro rlld, *h* th"yirrcbrscd gd6 rt :cratnray Plr,F, rlrst thcy would coruinue to haw uaobgtrucrcd "trm, ed ili, nadc majoriltlGtments bgcd upon thrt informrtion. If thoce vicryc src ohrruct.A, tti.f L'rmtr wilt bcsignificsndy dsvducd. our dicnu undcntand thrt thc Tow!'s aning i,as; calctcd to orJtcst, ' ' their perronal vies corridors- Howcver. because they arc adjacent larrOowuers -d b;dd th"-- ' vrlue of their propcrty rnay bc atrlctd by pur rcgoulcildrtiot so courcil, urcy bew $naiag. ,,. ,:i .bcforcvou. -_Ttttf=i,.r,:o.. ,,+,, i r'i.,. Section 12-1'3, Vsil Municipal Co&, providce for dr"'"irbstivp dct€euigdi6 or .".. i. ,,;.., 1;;i, . ,,:intcrprctEtion ofthe provisions of tha zoning ordinance ad for rwicw ofcrh d.r"tdfi;" "rn '.:g.,,. I ..*;u.,,sintcrprctuion by pur commirsion. wc rqgcJou to rEqrrgt ur inrcrpraabn oe $ rzon+fpl, ' ' Vail ltlunicipd Code utd a da€nnination tbat thd prwisionrequircs thrr ttr rpplicrrion UHtyou nrictlv compb with thc hrilding hcight limitetionr oftbc veit vllage Ms*erphn. In nuting thst rrquat, rt= do not wislr to nidnizc other rcpcctr of tbe projc{ which would require that on the nerits your commkcion matc a reconmendation ofacdUif tncapplication. The imtract ofthe Projtrt on Frontrge Rord is diffinrft eveo to irnagi6. T;[c 0o",thr*th thc rorndabout intcruecrion ard rlongFmntagc Rord wqrldbe incra*a vcry we intcnd to prE$ rho$ issuEs rt tiuc of hcuing m thc applicatioq iftLat stage +.ji-"il ry|r$-' wc lgain urge rhar an initiar detsrmirution bc nrdo-rhst m rriuc -rii .o1r1oy;6 *-}" the V$l Villagellana Plan. Thet daarninetioq for obviux rcasonr, *o,riO scr". to tcrrs coneidcration of thc application. .lt JWD:ipse cc. Mr. Lipcon Mr. Johrcton ". -v 1:1 l- Jan-08'09 03:08pn Froo-F0X H0RAti I CAIERIII 2127000231 FOx HoRAN & CAMERINI LLP oNE ERoADwA, NEw YORX. NEur YOn( tOOO4 Jaauary 8, 1999 1472 P 02 F-730 ^nOAi€ rsi Ar{!t cor][SEr,rORS ^Tt-att. 4! TeLEFao,rE. te'er 4€O+OO7E!Eco?rER6. eIDa!e-ago! l3rA t€.Oa.O i',., ...i"i 2at rhe 4lr DOr..!t) r. F€rl Jgxi - igil^a. taEahr|z! A e -EFrilaFTxctny E. Ellvtt FYSraCx ! 'ETFIrEFERAtAe|- ^ gra.Lta^ ArAn i .rat-..-e'i 'irC-AlEr F r6-rt-tati i^?.LEIt ..- iurarar Poglll c dai 60i! ECDT iA C -^FaC|rn€FlC!r779r'lo a t^t-^crFF JR ]crallSl9tir i 6!,y..CrrFt EEs-iO(' s. Ta,atg Ot cosisE! t|^t ,E! 9l|(Xrt,a tl Dear Mr, Ruther: we represenE KnighEebridge cor?oraEion, o&rne! of gnr.E No.che VarI Gateway Condomin:,um. - This is-to e)g)ress our clieat,s adamanE. opposiCion Co Eheprotrrcsed vail praza Hocer. projecr, which i" a"iiii.ncar. toTor"nr of vail and conE,rary to iue vail vi11id-G;;;;'prarr. The proposal should be rejeered out of hand.- Vj-a Fax !lr- Gearge Rut,her Town of Vail MFJ:lc w, AtrtrttuA NorE: Tlme of iteme are approxlmate, subject to change, and cannot be reliedupon to determine at what tlme Council will consider an item. 1. Nancy Sweeney 2. Andy Knudtsen Nina Timm 3. Russell Forrest Nina Timm 4. George Ruther ( George Ruther Art In Public Places Master Plan Discussion. (45 mins.) BACKGROUND RATIONALE: Review examples of what other communities are doing for their Art In public places program. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Respond to how these solutions may apply to Vail. Arosa/Garmisch Affordable Housing Development. (30 mins.) ACTION REQUESTEO OF COUNCIL: provide direction on one configuration of six units on the site. \Mether it is acceptable to cluster the six units on the east end of the site. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On November 17, 1998, the Town Council approved affordable housing and park uses for the Arosa/Garmisch sile. ln addition to the uses, Council determined six units would be appropriate and one street cut should be used for the site. Direction was given to staff to work with the plans and return to finalize the development program and address two outstanding issues. Recommendation: Please see staff memo- Affordable Housing Buy-Down Criteria. (30 mins.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNGTL: Review and approve criteria for new program BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The Affordabte Housing Buy_ Down concept was identified by the Vail Tomonow Drocess and the subsequent Common Ground process as an effective way to create deed restricted affordable housing units for locals. Staff has developed suggested criteria that could be used to determine which for-sale units would be purchased by the Town, deed restricted, then resold to qualified purchasers. Recommendation: Please see staff memo. PEC/DRB Review. (1S mins.) A work session with the Town Council to discuss a major amendment to Special Development District #6, Vail Village Inn, Phase lV, to allow for the redevelopment of the Vail plala Hoiel. (1 hr.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Engage in a discussionwith applicant and the staff regarding the proposed major ame.ndment and to provide initial feedback on the proposal to the applicant. 6. 7. 8. BACKGROUND RATTONALE: On January 'tlr, 1999, the applicant Daymer Corporation, represented by Jay peterson, appeared before the Planning & Environmental Commission with a request for a final review of the proposed redevelopment of the Vail Plaza Hotel. Upon conducting a public hearing and taking testimony from the public, the Commission voted uninimously t6 recommend approval of the major amendment to the Vail Town Council. ln making their decision to recommend approval of the request, the Commission found that, .the proposed major amendment to Special Development District #6, Vail Village Inn, complies with the nine design criteria ouflined in Section 12.-9A.8 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Additionally, the applicant has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Commission that.any adverse effects of the requested deviation from the development standards of the underlying zoning are outweighed by the public benefits provided." A copy of the final meeting minutes is attached for reference. A copy of the memoranda was provided to the Council on January 12, 1999. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: As this is only a work session, staff will not be providing a recommendation at this time. Information Update. (10 mins.) Council Reports. (10 mins.) Other. ('10 mins.) Executive Session - Personnel Matters. (45 mins.) Adjoumment-6:15 p.m. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) 9. 10. THE VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSIONS OF FEBRUARY zND AND 9?H HAVE BEEN CANCELED, THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONwlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 2116199, BEGINN|NG AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov couNclL GHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONwLL BE oN TUESDAY,223199, BEGINNING AT 2:00 p.M. lN Tov couNctl CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETINGwLL BE oN TUESDAY, ?2/99, BEGINNING AT E:00 P.M. tN Tov couNcrl CHAMBERS. Sign language interpretation available upon re{'uEst-wiin?a n6ur notification. please cail 479-2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. rll^\ 6tl\'e:..'t'4 Or{,i\'di*",ttvo@qd'""'*';::l;11' lees FttE C0Py PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Proiec't Orientation / LUNCH - Communitv Develooment Deoartment 11:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Site Msits : 1. Vail Plaza Hotel - 100 E. Meadow Drive 2. Vail Village Club - 333 Bridge Street 12:30 p.m. George NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearinq - Town Council Chambers 2:00 p.m. 1.A reguest for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit at a proposed primary/secondary residence, located at 95 Forest Road / Lot 32, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Philip Hoversten, represented by Snowdon & Hopkins Architec{s Planner: Jeff Hunt A request for a variance from Seetion 12-78;13, Town of Municipal Code, to allow for the conversion of existing floor space to gross residential floor area (GRFA), located at 333 Bridge Street (Vail Village Club)/ A portion of Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: The Remonov Company, represented by Braun & Associates Planner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a major amendment to Special Development District #4 (Cascade Village), to allow for a fractional fee club and a change to the approved Development Plan, located at 1325 Westhaven Dr., Westhaven Condominium Cascade Village Area A. Applicant: Gerald L. Wurhmann, represented by Robby RobinsonPlanner: George Ruther A worksession to discuss a major amendment to Special Development Distriet #4 (Cascade Village), to revise the Glen Lyon Office Building site (Area D), located at 1000 S. Frontage Road West/Lot 54, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Glen Lyon Office Building Partnership, represented by Kurt Segerberg Planner: Dominic Mauriello 2. 3. 4. Driver: VQnfu}ffi ,or. a final review of a major amendment to Special Development Disln'btffSy.;.1 . tI -I\JWd,Hia$e Inn, to allow for a hotel redevelopment, located at 1.00 East Meadow Drive, ."'r , /ri.' r? -LotsMaidO,BlocksD,VailVillagelst. .'tr' l.r,t.l{, ..,. I .. O"" ' 'fi'jApplicant Daymer Corporation, represented by Jay Peterson '' ry, Pidnner: Ge'orge Ruther 6. A request for a worksession to discuss a proposed arena expansion at the Dobson lce Arena, located at 321 East Lionshead Circle/ Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2nd Filing. Applicant: Vail Recreation Distrist, represented by Odell Architeqts Planner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL JANUARY 25, 1999 7. A request to amend the Town's "Public Accommodaiion" Zone District, Chapter 7 and amendments to Chapter 15, Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA), Town of Vail Municipal Code. Applicant Johannes Faessler, represented by Braun Associates, Inc. Planner George Ruther TABLED UNTIL JANUARY 25, 1999 8. Information Update 9. Approval of December 28, 1998 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project plannefs office localed at the Town of Vail Community Development Departmenl, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation ava able upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone forthe Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published January 8, 1998 in the Vail Trail 12-3€ c.Notice: rqau-+r-ro6.reD ffi, Hl E ftflfil/ rz-s+ -xwicz- | ft.5 vvr I ?"blt'Shd Nonr. Z'lS, Fl{B tn" subject matror or the hearing, andt{Uo E/Hlqs +b lllrk a.statehent 1!:l_th: T?riT!:l_"j /qFrua,Uf:hco W o 1. Not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the date set for the hearing belore the Planning and Envlronmental Com- mission, the Administrator shall cause a copy of the notice to be published once in a newspaper of general circu- lation in the Town. condominium project, notice maY be mailed to the managing agent, regis- tered agent or any member of the board of directors thereof), for any amendment, change or application relating to: a. Changes in zoning district boundaries; b. Conditional uses; I c. Variances; d. Development plans for sPecial development districts; and e. Changes in the densitY control sections in any of the zone districts. 3. The within required notices shall stat€ th€ tlme and place of the hear' ing, name of the applicant, a general description of the subject property indicating its location (which may be shown by map), a brief summary of inlormation relating to the proposed change or amendment is avallable in the Administrator's officE during regu- lar business hours for revisw or in- spection by the public. D. Evidence: 1. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall base its determlna- tions upon statements contained in the application or petition, upon re- ports from the Town staff or consul- tants, if any, and upon evidence Pre- Bented to the Commission at the hear- ing. 2. The Town Council shall basE its determlnations upon statements con- tained in the appllcation or petition, upon reports lrom the Town staff or consultants, if any, upon evidence submitted to the Planning and Envi- ronmental Commission and the rec' ommendations or findings of the Com' mission, and upon evidence presented to the Council at the hearing. 3. Hearlngs shall be conducted in such a manner as to afford an appli- cant or petitioner and all interested parties the opportunity to submit ex' ceptions to the record, contentions, and arguments with respect to the issues entalled, provided that the Planning and Environmental Commis' sion and the Town Council maY limit the taking of evldence to evidence not previously submitted and made a matter of record. (Ord. 49(1979) $ 1: Ord. 16(1978) $ 7: Ord. 8(1973) ss 21.400,21.403) o Town of Vail O' FILE COPY I:I.,t i,f,".,l.lcJ h,{ I.,J-.-l fu#n^. An unidentified person billing himself as "Concemed Property Owners', paid for an advertisement in the Daily Trail on January 8, 1999 under the above headline. ft is only one person, as per the follow-up article in the same newspaper on '1111199' We would like to publacly respond with our comments, not as an answer to the sponsor of ttre ad, because he already knows frre answerc. But he has his oarticular reasons and interests to attack. We are making our comments and clarificaiions in respect to tlte Gommunity of Vail and the fact that they deserve a clear and truthful resPonse. We will address what refers to the Wl redevelopment plan (Number 2. below) which is a specilic development. The other issue (Number 1. below) is not really a proposal it is only a suggestion to study the matter as a whole. First, we woutd tike the answer to the headline: ARE NEEDED UP€RADES AN ATTACK ? He is ooposed to: 1 . ? proposal to increase zoning density for the Public Accommodations District. (All hotels)'. 2. The Vail Mllage Inn redevelopment plan. He recoonize the benefits for the Vail Communaw: 1. lncrease hotel rooms. 2. Enhance the shopping experience. 3. Bring more visitors. 4. Create more jobs. 5. Build newer, bigger buildings. 6. Pay more taxes to the Town of Vail. 7. Increase parking. He asks lhe reader if in retum for the seven (or 6) recognized benefits, above: "Do you want lo allwt their prqoal to arso do he following' (Below, immediately following each of their assumptions we follow.up with our response.) His Assumptions: 1. "Flood Vail Wlage with major new commercial retail space?' 2. "Create an unfair business environment for existing small business?" Our Responses 1ne Wt plan had only minimal retail space, just what was needed to'dress" the hotel's public areas. A small amount of additional retail space was added to the plan at the request of the Town of Vail at the Vail Road frontage side. The reason is to increase the flow of pedestrians towatds the Gateway Building and it's access to benefit the Gateway Businesses. His Assumption:3. 'Cause the commercialEation of some residential neighbothoods?" Our Response: The Wl sile is already a hotel (with a RestauranuBar), Condominiums and a market. redevelopmenl plan will substitute the old existing buildings for newer buildings, with archilecture. (Plans available at the Town or at the Wl.) The Wl an alpine o His Assumotion:4. "lncrease air pil,ttion, traffic conge$ion and noise? Traffic could triple." Our Response: All traffc for the Wl redevelopment plan enters and exits from the Frontage Road only, which is a major aftery designed for heaw traffc. Wl hired a traffic consultant of the TOV's choosing. The consultant found that the traffic impac{ of the New WI would be absorbed by the existing infrastrusture without any problem. The report is on file with the TOV. The statement that traffic may triple is an exaggeration. Wrth this development as it is with all new developments TOV officials are responsible for traffic impact' and approves plans onty after extensive research has been completed. His Assumption:5. "Reshap Vail Wlagp in the image of Lionshead?" Our Response: The W architedural plans are "alpine s{ile' and recognized to blend and enhance the overall architeciure of the Mllage. lt has nothing to do with the Contemporary style of Lionshead. HisAsgu!!p!!orc:6. 'Overuhelm the commun$'s employee housing?" 7. 'Cause more of our open space to be convefted to employee housing?" Our Response: Housing requirements and needs will be the responsibility of the hotel operations, a pofiion of which is already ctvered by the existing operations. Generating jobs is looked on as a bad thing according to him. A fear that open space would be corwerted to employee housing is disrespecful to TOV officials and does not deserve a response. His Assumption:8, "lncrease proprty and buslhess taxes to of3ef fhe cost of new growth?" Our Resoonse: It is exaclly the opposite. Possibly there is nothing in more agreement in Vail lhan the fact that Vail needs to improve it's bed base with 'hot pillows" to increase it's tax revenue and continue to provide quality service to lhe Community. The lack of valid facts could be the only reason to drive him to make such a statement. His Assumption:9. 'Grant srycial privileges fo sorne property owners while denying the same ight to others?" Our Resoonse: Again, it is exadly the opposite. The suggestion to study the Public Accommodations Zone Distrids as a whole causes a "lack of confidence' to him. He objects to ihe establishment of an appropriate zoning for all the parties involved. lt is in fact an attack on TOV officials, as if they were there to 'grant special privileges'. The attack is based in nothing more lhan a vague assumption, without any suppott. o His Assumotion: 10. "Block views of the mountain and create a canyon of buildings at the entrance to Vail Wllage.' Our Response: "Block views' to whom? Any pedestrian walking on the south sidewalk of South Frontage Road will see only the Gateway Building, the existing old Wl building and the Vail Mllage Inn Condominiums Building. Pedestrians walking in tfiis area curently do not see the mountain to the south. ln fact, the pedestrian traffic on this sidewalk is minimal, close to zero. All pedestrians walk on Meadow Drive, which is a pleasant walk. Despite to the very low pedestrian traffic the developer, at the request of the TOV, has agreed to improve the sidewalk all the way (outside our property) to the intersection to the Transportation Center. He questions: "Do we have to be Elggt b be better? Our Response: It is a general consensus that an Anchor Hotel, with Convention and SPA facilities along with all the amenities of a World Class Hotel (n the Mllage) would be extremely welcome. In fact, as a response to the newspaper ad, in only a weekend more than 50 merchants, property owners, employees, etc. enthusiastically signed the following statement: 'We support (he rdevdoryqtt of lhe Vall Vlllqe lnn. Vail WIIage is in need of revihllzadon. This <levelopment can tutfiil a longlime aspiration of havlng an Anchor Hotel w'lf a SPA, Conferqrce Facilifies and fie ame'rilies of a Wofld Class Hof3jl in lhe Wilage thatwiil geneate more gue#, in padicularly during fie shoulder seasprls. ftis is needed now more flran wq before b stop he ongoing loss of guesfs to areas ouHde of Vail Wilage. We recommend a<p€diting lhe approvd of the deyetowent" Another fact is that Vail Mllage is already totally developed. There is no land available for such a development. The New Wl tulfills that aspiration. tt complements the Vadl Character (a Wodd Class Hotel in a World Class Resort). lts particular location on the Frontage Road allows it to reach the necessary number of hotel rooms and it blends very well with the immediate neighborhood. Bottom line: a) Vail Mllage needs a stronger "hot pillow base' (hotels, etc.). b) Mrtually there is no vacant land forlhose developments. Therefore, the appropriate headline should be: To be a better communitv, and provide fior the communities needs, we have to be efficientffiigementoftheuseofourmostscarcecommodity:Ianol- lN CONCLUSION: He convokes the reader to participate (which we endorse) but he makes a final and stronger offense to the TOV officials by making the statement "Don't let these critical decisions be made behind closed doors." In short, he say that our town officials are suspected of making decisions behind closed doors. This is outrageous. l, personally, have more tran 25 years of involvement with Vail, in different degrees: as a developel or as a potential developer with other locals, and so on. I am proud that many locals consider me to be one of them. Wnh all of my experience I have never head of such suspicion/accusation against our TOV officials (Staff, Planning Commission, Council). I strongly repeal that. EveMhing he say in the 10 items above are, in fact, manifeslations of distrust of the integrity and capability of our TOV officials to honestly fulfill their duties. In our community there is no room for such behavior. He shows thal he does not belong. I lll'rn['. mt 0-lG ilS ?'.a 4r5335 F-5e6 F,-r57 JOHNNETT€ F'HiLLIF.S LEl31/89 t1:44 EAGLE COUNTY CLERI,i. ENCR,OACIIHENT AND Dot: Q, EtA /tEc'<ez ..rj:' J\t, THIS AGREI|ME}Ir is roade and entered into this 5 day of October, 1989, by and between 1* 4Cv csrec!!'liaFt of boulder, Colorado (hereinafter rer:erred to as rrPaiuern) and VAIL Vff,f,ACe INN, INC., a Colorado oorporation' of vail, colorado (hereinafter refrrrred to as nwl"). RECITAI.-S 1. Tl:e parties have adjoining real estate situated in the fotln of VaiI, County of Eagle, state of colorado' 2. \ /I is the current owner of the developnent rights {hereinafter re rerred to as "develoPrnent rlghtsr) on that parcel il;r" as the vatl Vlllage Inn' vall, colorado. sald ploperty Ittre .Wf propertyr) is-specifically.descrlbed as set forth on ixhi.blt a attiched irereto and nade a part hereof' 3.Paluerigthecurrentownerofthatparcelofproperty-fo.neily known a= ihe Anoco Gasoline Station, 12 S. Frontage.Road ;:; t;ii, colorado and Currantly the proposed site. of the vail c.i."ii il"za projcct (hereinafter^referred to as the rrcateeay^ -;;;j;;t"jl--iaia pi"peitv (the nParner ProPlrlvi). ls speciflcallv a"ri"fU.a as set iorin o-n Exhibit B attached hereto ancl nade a part hereof. 4. WIrs developnent ri.ghts, as aPproved by. the--roun of VaiI, allotr for tn" lttifainS 9t sti'uctures up to the.vvl Prope*y linesontheeastandsouthsidesoftheGatewayproject. 5. Palner intends to F.ave residential and conrnerclal unlts (the rrUnitsn) in the Gatecay ProJect' 6. on or about Septenber 18' 1989' 14 steel.piles (the rsteel pilestr) ""r"-pf""'.i it -".yii1ritV approxirnately. four feet 1!;; -oni--*re' orestirii-tia" of-th€ wr n5oeeltl-t!:I..3!uts the PaIner Property. ine'=i"ef piles were plated to provide lateral bracinq for the existing earth surroun':-ing the parking and i"iiiliis-ioundation for the Gatesay Projecb' 7. wI has received the surn of Three Thousand Dollars (S3,oo;.oo) for cn"-pii""ient. of the steel piles on the lntr Property and as p.;t;;i-i;i ine costs of thl renoval of the eteel piles. Al;REEHENT In consideration of the recitals and t:he mutual covenants and obligations neiiiniitui seE forth' the parties hereto hereby agree as fol I ovs: ?l rtrllqq FfLE C0PY' *" Aedicn-rftr6r0F7 COLORADO VIEI{ AGREEHENT REC :;5. OO A. aS a con( :he event any Unit in the iun or othenrise, as Part' Gatenay Project ls so1d, of the sale to the the "Purchaserrr ) , Purchaser vritlng, of the aPProvedDurchaser ..^ereinafter leferred to a3 3narr ue frirry info:med by parrrer, in developuent rights belonging to wI . F l! i:J 11 B. Prior to the sale to any Unit to a Purchas€r' PaIDer shall obtaj.n fron the Rrrchaser a eignecl vaiver of any interest, "iiir or right tf," --nr".tr.ser Eay hav! 1n an unobstructed vler{ fron the Ga€,evay Project across the WI Property' C. Palner shall inclennify, defend and hold wI hatmlees tron iny "ii""ii"n, -ciain or inlirest thaC any Purchater nay have i"-i" .ir"usiructed'vi"u rror the Gatenay project across the wI PEoperty. D. wI consents to the presence of tha steel piles ui:C6rYleath the WI ProPertY' E. tne steel piles nay b.3 renoved by w-r at--such tlne that l/VI corumences any exlavation construction on the WI Property- or ;i-;t'Ti;e afte'r i;it i, tgeo, -whichever first occurs' and the a;,o-d'o.oo'payrnent pi"ir""=iv tnide to wr shall be apprled touards \hi rs cost- of reroovitrg tlre steel plles. !'VI agrees to pay any costs over and U"yond'tfre S3,OOO.bO for the renoval of the steel piles. F. In the event that r/VI Ehould ever comnence congtruction of a proJect on tte-wr-iiop.riy under the developrnent rlghts (including, ulttroui iiiiiiii"t,-uuiraittg to the property Ilne i"I""""-tfre Pahner Piop"rty and the WI Property) ' Palner yarrantsi and repres""i-" t"'wl thag the p1a-enre"! 9.f the ste6l piles ou the vvr pi"it"ity and the construction of the Gateway 5illl"i"aJ"r,oi ina siralr- not cause or create any engineering, archlte,ctur"r, conai'rilii"i-"i-u"rraing . costs. or-_e-xPcnse6, except for the expense "f-;;;;;i;g ih" tt""t files' to wr that sourd not othersrise exlst ll.lpij't.i the existence of the steel piles and/or' the Gateetay Project' G. This Agreernent is binding upolr the stlccessors and assigns of the Parties hereto' H. Each provision of this Agreenent' arrd agreenent' Dromise, covenant,';;;t;;' -inattiirt"ation and undertaking to iriiii-'lrtt "a"t ;.;;i;i;;'or *'is Asreernent' :19-"nI,:"cessarv exception o. ,""".iI;i;;-;t-;t;l'.of title' estate' rieht or interesL to effectu;;;-;"i-p;ovision oi tni" Agreenant: (i) shaII be deened in"o"po.ii; I;'e':ctr ee"a oi-ocher iistr:urnent by which any right, title oi-i"t"i"tt in any "i trt" p'1lmer Property or the vvl Property rs grant"J, a"t'i""d.oi convcyed' whether or not s''t forLh or referred l;-i;'such deed ot-oiltni instru.rent;-(ii) shall , by virtue oi'-"""tpti"ce of ariy iigttt' titft or interest in 2 (.t E (n ,)J '.1J F rL ofrj |n IE o FI rO a any of the Pahner Property or the wfl ProP€rty !y -a subsequent owirer, be deened accePteC, ratified, adopted and decl'ared as a personal covenant of Cuch owner and, as a-perEonal covenant, ihall le blnding on euch ormer and hls heirs' P€rsonalrepresentativesl successors and asaigns-i and, _ shall be deeroed a peisonal covenant to, vith and for the benefit of each such b.ner; and (iii) shail be deened a real covenant by Pa1ner and wi, ior thinseives, thei'r succesaors and assigns, and also an .quit"Ui" -enritude, running in each case, aE a burden wlth and ufon the title to the Palnei Property and the \ fI Property' Dated this 3lsr day of october' 19s9. STATE OF COI'RJADO COI'NTY OF EA€LE ss: VAIL VILIAGE IIIN, INC. ' A Colorado corPoratt'on tS.Cgrrl) lrotary PubI id t{y cotflnlssion exPires : hly Commision erpircs [hcember 8, 1992 P. 0. 8or 666 Vril, C0 81658 The foregoing lnstnrDent was acknovledged before ne this 35 day of october' re8;;-;l-t"i"r sa"rer' as iresident of vail- viif"qe rnn, Inc-, a'Co-rorado corporation ' wLgness ny hand and official seal' r.?? ttlG336 E{- l1:''O i:'- 16? l3l'1':j/fi9 I I : tf i r'G :" (1t' z : STATE OF COUNTY OF coroRADo ) Pr)urD&- -i "'' 'Ihq.. fprgqo,lng inetrumont uas acknowledged before roe thls day of dUry{|HFf rial, by r€o Palner, al.eraiffifff ?titnese tny hand and officlal seal . cotmlsslon explres:3-3'13 4r6336 B-3eO tr-rE7 1?/7?/a3 li'ta4 trG40F7 d E,XiIIBIT A TtiosEPoRTroNsol'LC/IS.M,N}ANDO,BLOCK5-D,VAILVILLAGE'liRsr rrtluc, AccoRDrNc TO THE MAp TiIEREOF RECORDED uliDER RECEPTION NO. 95382 TN THE OTFICE OF THE EAGLE COUFTY, COI$RADO. CLERX .1ND RECORDER {CI,ERKS RECORDS) DESCRIBED AS FOLLCIWS: BEGr$NrNG.[?APoI}IToNTIIENoRTIIERLYI,I}IEoFSAIDI.,oTo!{HICH IsfHENoRTHEASTcoRNERoPAPARCEI,DESCRTBEDINBooK23oA1| iECE SSE OF THE CLER('S RECORDS, I\TIENCE TEE NORTI{WEST CORNER OF saro ror !i BEARS WOnclr 79 DECRXiS 45 MTNUTES 00 sEcoNDS wEsr ris.oo rEET Drsl:llltt THENCE ATPIIG sArD NoRTIIERT'Y LrllE sourH 79 DEceEEs {6 MTNuTEs-60-sicollos EAsr 178.40 FBBT To rHE NoRTHwEsr conNsn oF vrLraGE rNN PL\ZA, A CONDOMTNTUM, ACcoRDING,f,O THE MAp THEREoF REcoRDED uNDER iecepttow No. 245351 oP THE cr,eRK's RECORDS: THENCETHEFOLI'I,ITNGTIIREECOUFSESAIPNGTHEWESTERLYBOUNDARY OF SAID VITIAEE INN: 1) SOUTH 09 DEGREES 30 I{INUTES OO SECONDS I{EST 190'4{ FEET (19O. 73 I'EET cAtcUTATED 2) SOUTH 80 DEGRESS 30 uTNUTES OO SECONDS EAST 56'60 FEEI 3) SoUIH 09 DEGREES 30 HTNUIES oO SECONDS WEST 7'46 FEET ro ?HE NORTHERLY LINE OF VTIT,TCS TNN PIAZA PHASES I AND II ACCORDING To rHE MAP tHEREor niilonoeo rN BooK 388 AT PAGE ess oF THE CLERK'S RECORDS: TIiENCE THE FOLIPWING FIVE COURSES AIPNG THE NORTHERLY AND wEsrERLy BouNDARY oi ilro vrLr.AGE rNN PrnzA PHASES r AND rr: r) NoRtH 80 DEGRIES 22 UTNUTES 22 SECONDS WEST 125'59 FEEr 2) SOUTH 42 DEGREES 32 MTNUTES 21 SECONDS wEsT 46'01 FEET :) sourH 82 DEGREES 06 I{II'IUTES 46 SECONDS WEST 49'48 FEEf 1) souTH 10 DEGREES 13 !{INUTES 02 sEcoNDS WEST 81'63 FEET 5) SOUTH OO DEGREES 23 MINUTES OO SECONDS WEST 15'83 FEET TO rHE SoUTHEAST coRNER-6r-iiiio-m M, THENCE THs FoLLoI{ING FoUP couRsEs Ar.oNc THE siiuriniii eNo wsitentY BoUNDARy oF sArD lpr M: 1) 51.03 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO TIIE LEFT HAVING A niorus oF s4s-ge rseil-e-iillrRAr.,-llcg oF 05 DEGREES 20 MrNUTtss 21 sEcoNDs, AllD A ifi6io'wriici "91ry-9']urH 78 DEGREES 33 MrNUrEs ;; ;;aoi6a'wEsr sl.01 FEEr (cAlcurarED) 2) souTll 75 DEGREES 53 I'IINUTES oo SECONDS I{ESf 77'39 FSET 3) 36.21 FEET AIPNG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGI{T II^VING A RADrus oF 20.oo ""ir'i-c'eHin'nl' ix9!E--9F lo3 DEGREES 44 MrNUrEs oo sEcoNDs, AND A iiofrp-friiit-ri-ataas lroRTH s2 DEGREES 15 ltlNr''rEs oo secotlos l{Esf 31.45 FEET d 416336 E-sgo Fr-167 l]/?E/3a ll;A'i rrc5(]F7 .i 4) NoRTH 00 DEGREES 23 I{INUTES 00 SDCONDS WES? 193,21 FEET (193.15 FEEr CALCULATED) TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SArD rpT M; TBENCE AI,NG TI{E I{EST LINE OP SAID IPT N, NORTH OO DEGREES 23 IiIINUTES 00 SECONDS I.?EST 5o.OO FUET (50.05 FEET CALeULATED) TO IHE SOUTHI{EST CORNER OF T8E PARCEL DESCRIBXD TN BOOK 23O AT PAGE 556 OF THE CLERK'S RECONDS' THENCE THE FOLIPWTNG TWO COSRI'ES AI'NG ANE SOUAHERTJY AND EASTERIJY BOUNDARY OF SAID PARCEL: 1) SOUTH ?9 DEGREES 45 llrNtt?Es OO SECONDS EAST 1{?.36 FEEI' 2) NORIE 10 DEGITEES 14 UTNUTES 00 SECONDS EAST 147.43 FEET lO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCgPTING THEREFROV: VIIJIAGE IliN PLAUA-PIIASE V CONDOI{INIITMS, ACCORDING To rHE CoNDOI{INIUM l{AP THEREOI RECORDED FEBRUARY 4, 1988 rN BOOK {78 AT PAGE 3?9 NID FIRSI AI.TENDUBNT THERETO RECORDED SEPTEMBER 19I 1988 IN BOOK {91 A! PAGE 4OO A}ID AS DBSCRIBED IN TTIE CONDOUINIIIM DECINRATION THEREOF RECORDED SEBRUAXY 4, 1988 IN BOOK 478 },T PAGE 378 AIID FTNS! AI{ENDI'TENT THEREIO RECORDED SE TtrMBER 19, 1988 IN BOOX 491 AT PAGE 399, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COIPRADO. 416335 B-seer tr- 167 le/ee/69 ll.Q4 F'G6OF7 ot.! ExhibicA-P:ige2 EXHIBIT 8 416336 B-seO F',-167 1?/?2/89 lLl-44 P670F7 A PARE of lpls N A}fD c, BIpqK i"Pt-YlIt vrrJr'AGE' lI!!T-. Friilie,-ions-or vnii, -lormrY 9F-E191I, 6rArE oF colpnADo' ironr irntreutARLY DEScRIBED As FoLrctlst ,3orYllENcING AT THE NoRTI{xtEsT co$IEl-gi sEcTIoN 8 ' fot{NsllzP 5 soutr{, RrNcE eo r,n:ii"oi";ffi ;iii Fnrucrper, UERIDIN| , TltENcE sourH oo DEGREEs ei'uiiruiis oo'sscouos Bl'sE er{D AlpNc rttg rtlsr LrNE oF strD ir-Criox-s' 36'98 FEEa' tBE}lcE Eo]llH 79 DEGREES 45 MTNITIES-oo sncoubs EA6f 2-q'{4 rEEt To l'HE rroR$fJgBT coRNER or'ilio-lirl N; $1I9I xs Ar'so ttrE IRUE PorNr o" BEGTNNTNGT enuNig-afrtirmri6 999-rlt 7e DEGREBS 46 urNltlEs oo sEcoNDs EAst ltl;-Ailffi-iE NoRIH l.rNE or 6A:D IpT N' tilD AlrNc lHE rNrERsrlir'fibnr{Ii No. ZOr-1?5.00 FEEtr' ollENcE ;ouii io-oacnrss rl-uirrnss oo sEcoNDs t{Es! 1{7'43 FEET, T;tENcE NoRrH 7i-iiicnrss 46-iln[urEs oo n wEsr 147'36 rEEt to A PorNT ou iir-frillirr'v r..-$rs-or sArD LT N wxrcl{ rs Ar,so fitE EtsrERrJY nii!frr-oi-iai !I\P-9" vAtL RoAD' tl{ENeE NORIH o DEGREE5 z:'iiiiuriS 0d-sncoxos ?rDsr tND AloNc sIrD i{EsfERLy LrNB Ar{D er,6iic-Eesiinai-nrcl{T oF l{AY r'r}IE' 150'00 iiii-to-nri rnus Porlm oF eEGrNNrNc' .)C ?{ FILE COPY tlrrfn ?ec We support the rcdevelopment of the Vail Village Inn. Vail Village is in need of a y'ppli414rfi revitalization. This development can fulfill a longtime aspiration of having an Anchor Hotel ' ' with a SPA' Gonfercnce Facillties and the amenties of a World Class Hotel in the Village that wlll generate motE gueats, in partlcularly during the shoulder seasons. Thirs is neeCeO now more than ever beforc to stop the ongoing loes of guests to areas outside of vail Village. We rccommend expediting the approval of the development /es//h/ & lZnbrn 7e/ru ?rr@ih Utc't1r-12 44rc t(ar/sp4/,ETh mfN,Ctothin* C-o . a NAME Vafl,tt'eemaUS #-r-t a) ,/014fr^ 7ffi1 tl,aJtur 7&/, #Q5",1-"r We support the rcdevelopment of the Vail Village lnn. Vail Village is in need of a revitalization. This development can fulfill a longtime aspiration of having a Conference HoH in the Vlllage that will generate more gueats, in particularly during the shoulder seasons. Thb iB needed now more oran ever befioe to stop tte ongoing loss of gueeils to arsas outside of Vail Village. We rccommend er@iting the apprcval of the development t4te?hu^t V'2,'aJ hLc*es [, /MdqTr(M+-V\-/ Fu T.'n,u,u i /* - -.. at/ P//d L- n;lL lJ l/\I)/\^\ f>Otunao 4 StSz-t - -Ttra*Iv Haz<-,a.J Qlt ir (neiin We support the rcdevelopment of the Vall Village Inn. Vail Village is in need of a tevitalization. This development can fulfill a longtime aspiration of having an Anchor Hotel with a SPA' Confercnce Facilities and the amenties of a World Class Hotel in the Village that will generate motc guests, in particularly during the shoulder seasons. This is neeAeO now more than ever beforc to etop the ongoing loas of guests to arcc outside of vail Vlllage. We rccommend expediting the approval of the devetopmenf, NAiIE C*ezn- m"Zort .-/47" Jen Chatr,n We support the redevelopment of the Vail Village Inn. Vail Village b in need of a revitalization. This development can fulfill a longtime aspiration of having an Anchor Hotel with a SPA' Gonfercnce Facilities and the amentles of a lVorld Class Hotel in the Village that will genetate morc gusats, in paficularly during the shoulder scasons. Thl$ is needed now morc than ever befoE to stop the ongoing loes of gueets to areas outside of vait Vilhge. We rccommend erpediting the approval of the development NAME HrzrS Bnuc We support the rcdevetopment of the Vail Village Inn. Vail Viilage is in need of a rcvitalization. This development can fulfill a longtime asparation of having an Anchor Hotet with a SPA, Conference Facilities and the amentiee of a Ytlorld Class Hotel in the Village that will gcnerate mote guests, in particularly during ttre rhoulder s€Gons. This ftr necded now morc than ever befoe to stop tte ongolng loos of gusrt8 to anas outside of vail Villagc. We rccommend expediting the approval of the development NAilIE _ rt h/rn. /5', Jeut,ff ' fi4 P-/ s-r/<A-r- /,g '\,rrur.+rr{ F.tsi:*4 2D?s LJ a-.-ee(1dee.r seC-**rrr*c S. Brg n^. SIGNATURE 7cy'&r24 7/4a- Ytle slqRort the redevelopment of the valt vlllage Inn. vall village Is In need of arevitafization. This development can fulfill a longtime aspiration of having an Anchor Hotelwith a SPA' Gonference Facilities and the amenties of a ilVorld Glass Hotel in the Vlllagethat will generate mol€ gucgts, in particularly during the ehoulder seasons. This ls nideOnow morc lhan ever beforo to rtop the ongoing toss of guests to areas outside of vailVillage. UYe recommend expediting the approval of the developmentNAME srltNlTnptr €a K3,,nOn ti ii i l; i i';.,-, r- :}N :; 1,1 "m:!i li 6-3t; 1i !i., : - if,li:g l; -ilii.m :62 1 f -. -f+lv --N -Itl -(+ tD - z a! (.) \o € at?xx=I ?a1 ='il6ra e-r ttf tDNJT> =s E.<- =6jd' -. -IFv -a- N f H I -l+ tD - z (D t,) 6 =-?Ec= 5G l, .'. -t '-T> S =.2 =t==' ::N:: !i lmt: - 9;1:i!!T1i! i ! 'li;i ;; inil;i.m€r i i - ';Az : -. -hlv -.J N J FF*rAt FIo - z tD (, \o€ Q -Q(D t^r E = ?a Er:X'(tG ,== -,+--etr<S-.a =(D4' -- -a -l+lY -7N 7 +rf-l .F(D - z (}J ao tr-=7G-C tl;- - ,J ft^ -a):f"l! PUD3 'i= c I .<--=, =;r' :}N ii ii ;' ! i': i i 6- iiil;;" ili; I'., ;z aa -. -FFIY -7N D' flA Ff(D - z (, \o\oa -a3 !;',= 4?a+! 6t?; *r- == =: tr€=dt- OHI iiiili; idz st -. -FFIY -^'qJN D9 *rAvFI tD - z o ID (, \o\o€ s, I i \-- F07- =!9; -7(th** ilxrEo -'Q@' 3> =E 3 = =;-riA' :;N :i i; lm39 -: 4 ! !: iq 3-{ri : ! !!r! i- lI'ii i: ;-ea;i ':;z --. -FFY --N F Ff-lA Fl. tD - z (D r! (, \c)\oa o ,- (n<!'=: ?a =ri PPcaF rlnrE == c.a- aA. ;:N:: !.:."m!l : : b j:i i! E- l:iie iril!i:':az 7 -a -FFY -a-N Se :+rA -fID - z o (, \o6 na?: = dd,==P H!;;-, {}},: EI tr< .d a' o,. --J4)cO-5 r'rtY -Ac(D-'!N --.;r \o-\OAco rzFl. ID - oN tiiii;i '"2 D] -a -fiY -D9N at F -oFf tD - z r! tD (, \€)\o co na.rcei - 3=Q(!d=t.rP X , Q@-+>oc =!9t')4t =,da' otll ;i j: r':!!;: ir?itii ir'!!i!u. E: I " ,:aZ J -.-l+lv -7N - f-l Ff(D - z UJ 00 -A 2?a bJ UY AB(rtD,+> bJC rE9F = trtea0@A. o,H 4\ --ra -Hv --N - -tlrA, {..+(D - z (! (, \o\o€ F(a.rE :t3 r.J g. c.Tplpi: :aD) =dtti a' o l- il-?1 ORIGINAL \'q;1 V*zl Horne.r- -60 l,.v,lrct R*us fuom l\J\etnt)qI' F\0il6' iuih*l err1qs.-. TrE . Rqo-y.e+u..=, Do... (rc;e D+?4) q6{€l oF fu,ricg, D e- "a*U- Ff,.r'oD6. Wld+zJ "Foh;b+ lercr fuelt .r:r-r. ' Le.en o(rr pficlrioec " hr+cfu' Vhror l€^rel oF 54sfr e ..r/ irrtgsyzraaisT VJitl explac,e e.ti.rccl DEFrh €eotrzr'ar-/ 1'{ rlrrn*+er= g\W €$l ve,hicles arlo {*it Ro,A,c, ' fntpnr-r orr \+il ?".*.or+g".rr? ' torapi.r1 MaA Foc. =pr>+6 t Ji{I Yl:JzZz to -6q --^-r.,V(P\. 4d, fa+tL SnnurLJ 5r'fTv-r {he ?Rope4l.' Neeo *p,-ddq. S€'4tr'ot|.I ;,JcRw. ' R€Corrr ftl€AD .,WaVr*<-. e=\oco @as ' {r,+i t usaec A bocer - e$Fr ob;e<}l'o.rs oF r4cioi..rnr?rro*r.\. 4o. =I'*.trr-;c- , Ne''l{'reP W, FJd' "FTt-".' furd*t ttntemen l=, iaf*a,*to *iaT.. ?r+=2,' 5 - =lop-r'es @ fuilae &r+oi f<er>txs. haqrfru e ir.rleesecrlou. (vieeJ cmtrca\' U+z(fli*x- .lo *. errnCetzo '+Fre.Qgr;od-tal Oe C€n^ci: rnt**Er L4<.. ?hrt Z:t1ee ' +ttet*-e e- frlqr+rid. QsZ oF gucrDltlees) f{tnrs vJo\Actch ' {n1ae66- crr-rR€sotr.ro ( A*rt"q e TAt+-\ SDrD Ac,E *tatdbl€ c?eAle t+ H b;r:E ' N€tu tD r"ock, orf \mprro oF €"hl-," FL* , i4 b*dL *eE ?er,rror;r'- Co.rpih'o, t 4 ' [.,o'L: g )e,,rttl tl+ A *rl^de. *ql/6.aTHe- o Gq H,{.r-) ' occp :r-'HLt * sryr1r*t+\- C i,. - +rrbd ceeoi$) ' tAcdnJr.<.;11-1pgt- Fet*hvrre. O .J*it; iucfrq :€. iaknesr; CJtp erl*ta. Lto \td;t grtra.4r^t) ,/ ' EJ{.J Nwq]cg€. Mat ' Aqflrg;-t*Ie heiqnr R@urutoJ 4ouc-ec^r vrl aul1n ^tfu.t+ar.E h &nteu:u/'.t (,Ome*=) l@);c-,-.r 1+h'o,,.t 1@D,' letAAr€. vcr*rr /4,to^€. I orr.=il.'a el.tr-t. 4uu". ' Coup*nt -.[ l+,*++ic. Lr€€D ernci t;\ egrte*+e.t1. ' \i<."r ( ocx*r-'eut e)ee, ..i aa{. l,L ,*sIOl ecel ' Fuethee+ obie^ri.ra oe pou't.t F,t*ata.' ,?tcctr drpPRopE/dnE fiilC.. W ftkd,,t\. ' 5ize.4 = &.t*.rltli*t. ' €\ec-rao g6;<r',+[s lorq{e sh]eo obi,a,n've*,.. €l{rJ t ir-r lrrr*t *r1 , ".:5., t9 4a"t 6 -ot-' 'Appeorre l*annet) shh€ malb. fr.,re,'u1g Ca.to.'hars Zl ar-,'tAart | *t<ile. €tfu. /K1V X5 e DeB atzsEhbJ X n e-, DeB rr rl A-fHr*, /uo ,,*,1- L6 rl FILE COPY PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL GOMMISSION Monday, January 11, 1999 FINAL AGENDA Proiect Orientatlon / LUNCH - Communi$ D'evelopment Department 11:00 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Greg Motfet Diane Golden John Schofield Galen Aasland Ann Bishop Brian Doyon Tom Weber Site Visits : 12:30 p.m. 1. Vail Plaza Hotel- 100 E. Meadow Drive2. Vail Village Club - 333 Bridge Street George PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p-m. Public Hearinq - Town Gouncil Chambers 2:00 p.m. 1. A request for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit at a proposed primary/secondary residence, located at 95 Forest Road / Lot 32, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Philip Hoversten, represented by Snowdon & Hopkins ArchitectsPlanner: Jetf Hunt MOTION: Ann Bishop SECOND: John Schofield VOTE: 6-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a Type ll EHU deed restriction to the Town of Vail Department of Community Development. This document will be recorded at the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office and will require that the employee housing unit be permanently restricted for employee housing. Driver: ,r"ia-4\ ts r; /t rt\*-..r2 NOTE: lf the 2.A request for a variance from Section 12-78-13, Town of Municipal Code, to allow for the conversion of existing floor space to gross residential floor area (GRFA), located at 333 Bridge Street (Vail Village Club)/ A portion of Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: The Remonov Company, represented by Braun & AssociatesPlanner: Dominic Mauriello MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: John Schofield YOTE: 4-2 DENIED A request for a major amendment to Special Development District #4 (Cascade Village), to allow for a fractional fee club and a change to the approved Development Plan, located at 1325 Westhaven Dr., Westhaven Condominium Cascade Village Area A. Applicant: Gerald L. Wurhmann, represented by Robby RobinsonPlanner: George Ruther MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Brian Doyon VOTE: 6-0 APPROVED FOR RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL WITH 11 CONDITIONS: 1. That the applicant submit a detailed contractor's cost estimate identifying the costs necessary to relocate the existing overhead utility line along the applicant's north property line underground, and that the applicant establish a financial bond with the Town of Vail in the sum of 1257" ot the said relocating costs to insure the undergrounding ol the utility line. That the applicant regrade and revegetate the knoll located at the northwest corner of the development site at the time of the final grading of the Westhaven Club & Lodge. Due to the exposure and aspect of the hillside, the knoll shall be regrading to slopes not exceeding 3:1. The regrading shall be reviewed and approved by the Town Engineer. That the applicant provide Type lll Employee Housing Unit deed-restrictions , which comply with the Town of Vail Employee Housing Requirements (Title 12, Chapter 13, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code) for each of the 21 employee housing units, and that said deed-restricted housing be made available for occupancy, and that the deed restrictions be recorded at the Office of the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder, prior to requesting a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the Westhaven Club & Lodge. That the applicant submit detailed civil engineering drawings of the required off- site improvements (street lights, drainage, curb and gutter, sidewalks, grading, etc.) to the Town ol Vail Public Works Department for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. That the applicant record a twenty foot (20') wide pedestrian/bike easement for that portion of pedestrian/bike path traversing the applicant's property and as identified on the Topographic Map prepared by Intermountain Engineering Ltd., daled 12122194, and that said easement be recorded at the Office of the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder, prior to the issuance of a building permit. The exact location and language of the easement shall be reviewed and approved by the Town Attorney and Town Engineer prior to recordation. 3. 2. 3. 4. E 6. 7. That the applicant provide written documentation from the Public Service Company granting approval of the construction of the Westhaven Club & Lodge in the location identified on the site plan relative to the high pressure gas line. Written approval shall be granted prior to the issuance of a building permit. That the applicant record an access easement along the east property line for that portion of the driveway and access and trash enclosure which encroaches upon the adjoining property and that said easement be recorded at the Office of the Eagle County Clerk Recorder. The exact location and language of the easement shall be reviewed and approved by the Town Attorney and Town Engineer prior to recordation. That the applicant pay-in-lieu on spaces not provided on site above the 52 spaces proposed. That the final landscape plan and architectural elevations be reviewed and approved by the Town of Vail Design Review Board. That the approval of this major amendment to Special Development District #4 shall become lapsed and void one year from the date of a second reading of an ordinance amending the district, and that should the approval lapse, the applicant shall be required to remove the "ruins" and restore and revegetate the site by no later than October 31 , 1999. A bond providing financial security to ensure that said removal occurs shall be required following second reading of an amending ordinance. lt shall be the applicant's responsibility to provide a cost estimate of the removal work. The bond shall be a minimum ot 125o/" of the removal costs. 11. That the applicant revise and submit an amended site plan, landscape plan, and grading plan indicating improvements to the existing boulder retaining wall along the east side of the access driveway. Each of the plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Town staff and the Design Review Board. A worksession to discuss a major amendment to Special Development District #4 (Cascade Village), to revise the Glen Lyon Office Building site (Area D), located at 1000 S. Frontage Road WesVLot 54, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Glen Lyon Office Building Partnership, represented by Kurt SegerbergPlanner: Dominic Mauriello WORKSESSION.NO VOTE A request for a linal review of a major amendment to Special Development District #6, Vail Village Inn, to allow for a hotel redevelopment, located at 100 East Meadow Drive, Lots M and O, Block 5D, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Daymer Corporation, represented by Jay PetersonPlanner: George Ruther 8. 9. 10. 4. 5. MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Ann Bishop APPROVED WITH 10 CONDITIONS: VOTE:6-0 2. 3. 1. That the applicant submit the following plans to the Department of Community Development, for review and approval, as a part of the building permit application for the hotel:a. An Erosion Control and Sedimentation Plan;b. A Gonstruction Staging and Phasing Plan;c. A Stormwater Management Plan;d. A Site Dewatering Plan; ande. A Traffic Control Plan. That the applicant provide deed-restricted housing, which complies with the Town of Vail Employee Housing requirements (Chapter 12-13), for a minimum of 160 employees, and that said deed-restricted housing be made available for occupancy, and the deed restrictions recorded with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder, prior to requesting a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the Vail Plaza Hotel. The ratio of units required shall be reduced to 2:1 for units provided in Town versis units provided down valley. That the applicant receive a conditional use permit to allow for the operation of a fractional fee club, in accordance with Chapter 12-16, prior to the issuance of a building permit. '1, That the applieant r€meve the eighth fleer sf the bsilding in an effert te lervsr the everall height ef the bHilding; prier te appearing befere the T€r/rnl Of Vail hesign Review Bear4 5, That the applieant revise the bsilding plans te ereate a step baek in the building en fagade; prier te appearing befere the Tewn ef Vail Design Review Beard, That the applicant receive final Design Review Board approval for the proposed off-site improvemenl, prior to application for a building permit. That the applicant submit a complete set of civil engineer drawings of all the off- site improvements, including improvements to the South Frontage Road, for review and Town approval, prior to application for a building permit. That the applicant submit complete set of plans to the Colorado Department of Transportation for review and approval ol an access permit, prior to application for a building permit. That the applicant explore alternatives to decreasing the depth of the enclosed main loading/delivery area to reduce the impact of the Vail Plaza Hotel at the ground level of the building on the adjoining property to the east. The final change shall be at the discretion of the DRB. That the applicant meet with the Town Staff to prepare a letter of agreement outlining the requirements of the otf-site improvements, prior to second reading of an ordinance approving. That one, on-site employee housing unit be provided as a manager's type of unit. That additional architectural articulation be provided on all north and south levels. 6. 7. 8. o 10. 11. 12. 6. A request for a worksession to discuss a proposed arena expansion at the Dobson lce Arena, located at 32'l East Lionshead Circle/ Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2nd Filing. Applicant: Vail Recreation District, represented by Odell ArchitectsPlanner: George Ruther TABLED UNTILJANUARY 25, 1999 7. A request to amend the Town's "Public Accommodation" Zone District, Chapter 7 and amendments to Chapter 15, Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA), Town of Vail MunicipalCode. Applicant: Johannes Faessler, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL JANUARY 25, 1999 8. Information Update 9. Approval of December 28, 1998 minutes. The applications and inlormation about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language intorpretation availabl€ upon r€quest with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpair€d, for information. Community Dwelopment Department RE jlvEo APR 2 0 gg CHARLES R. LIPCONElt E AArrerfl.tr t,J tuv AttorneY At Law --r vVl a Suite 2480 ":ffi';:ffi;Sffi:Miami, Florida 33131 Email: sealaw@aol.com Web: www.lipcon.com Phonq (305) 373-3016 Toll free: (800) 838-2759 Fax: (305) 373-6204 April 17, 1998 R. Thomas Moorhead, Esq. Town Attorney Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, CO 81557 RE: Vail Plaza Hot.el Dear Mr. Moorhead: My wife and I own Unit 5, Vail Gat,eway plaza. I will beopposing Ehe Vail Plaza Hote1 project because of iEs impact onGateway Plaza in general and on my view in particular. My wife andr have spenE millions of dollars in reliance on the presently qpproved plans for Ehe vail Village Inn and E,he master p1an. Anydeviation that. impact.s the Gaceway wirl have a su-bst.ant.iaifinancial impact on us. IE . is my undersE,anding t,haE the applicat.ion for approval ofthe project. has been filed by Jay K. peterson on beharaof Da).mercorporation, N.v., a Net,herlands entilles corporaE.ion. Accord:-rig todocuments filed with t,he Town, Mr. peterson is acEing pursuani toa power of attorney. granted by waldir R. prado as managing direct.orof Daymer Corporation. You are probably unaware that, Mr. peterson is simultaneouslyrepresenEing st,o1t,z ManagemenE of Delawere, rnc., now the owner o-fall conunercial condominium units at Gateway pIaza. sEoltzManagemenE, as cont.rolring member of the Gateway association, hastaken the posit,ion thaE t,he owners associatsion is unwillinq tosupport the residential owners and che corunerciar t.enanE,s in t-heiropposit.ion to the project, perhaps even on the advice of Mr.PeEerson. rn my opinion Mr. peterson has a conflict. of interest andshould not appear before the planning and environmental corunissi.onor the cown councir as lhe representative of Daymer corporat,ion. I also wish t.o express my concern aa to principals of Dalmer corporaEiona,qypeFQplF! a plroject of this Scope 6y an offsirore corporaEion }q unuF€tl-: , lt is my understanding that Waldir Prado has an inEer€Gts *rrrttG"cbfoorati6n, buE no reaf or full disclosureof ownership has been made. I believe that it, should be made asparL of Ehe application process so thaE Lhe Town and all chose involved in che review process will know which entities are really behind the projecE. Ttris informatj.on i6 needed to ascerE,ainconflicts of int.erest. Please reguire Dalmer Lo reveal their Erue ownership. If you have any questions, please call me. Charles R. Lipcon cc: John Dunn Jay PeEerson Very Truly Yours, WN OFVAIL 4pil29,1998 FlLE coPy Ofice of the Tbwn Attorney 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 1 07/Fax 970-479-2 I 5 7 Charles R. Lipcon, Esquire One Biscayne Tower 2 South Biscayne Blvd. Miami. FL 33131 Dear Mr. Lipcon: I am writing to acknowledge receipt ofyour correspondence ofApril 17, lgg8. I assure you that the project will be submitted to the review as required by the Vaif Town Code. The planning & Environmental Commission, the Design Review Board, and the Vail Town Council will consider the application and objections thereto consistent with the Town code. we anticipate and look forward to your participation in this public process. Very truly yours, TOWN OF VAIL -/',.r i- ,'.11,,,,. ) tL'i-'-/ R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attomey RWIWaw xc: John W. Dunn, Esquire Jay Peterson, Esquire George Ruther t.---. {9 ri"r"uor^r"* !.E COPYF: TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 3I FAX 970-479-2452 October 29, 1998 "A t"f'Petersoo' ' nailey, Haning & Peterson 108 South Frontagc Road, Suite 204 Vail, Cblorado 81658 Re: Vail Plaza Hotel Major SDD Amendment Submittal Dear Jay, The purpose of this letter is to provide you with a complete list of submittal information the Town will need to finalize our review of the proposed Vail Plaza Hotel. Each of the items listed below will need to be submitted to my office by no later than noon, Monday, November 9'b. Tbis deadline provides us with an ' adequate amount of time to complete our review and forward our recommendation on the proposal to the Planning & Environmental Commission. The Commission is currently scheduled to do a final review of the proposal on Monday, November 23d. In order to complete your submittal for the Vail Plaza Hotel, please provide thc most up-to-date information on the followins: 7( A complete zoning analysis ofthe proposed development to include a breakdown ofall proposed uses, parking provided and proposed iiensities. NO i{pacr t / An overall sitc grading plan depicting all existing and proposed contours. oL. I, / enrtpdated Traffic Generation Rcport including a parking need analysis and an anatysis of pedestrian and transit needs. This can be most easily achieved by providing a rip distribution analysis for all of' tbe anticipated modes of fansportation. / Anupdated Economic Analysis. 5. A traffic circulation plan at a scale not less than l"=10' depicting the locations of ingess and egress, a thc direction of traffic flow into and out of parking an$qilinggb'nSan&t&f{ic tuhring afi*} ;r.Ll- maneuvermg ateas, 6. A landscape plan accompanied by a landscape nraterials list specifying the size and quantities of all plant materials. The plan shall also idcntify the types of materials used in the hardscape portions of the site and a materials list. \ :Kt {rhl {".tr 1aratl-hdJ. ..\til .,. !. i\ .."r; I q.r . $..) ,. . j+frr - {po"n"uo""* IhD'z# ?oirr'S oF iul€,gf'J.JlqJ. A drainage plan indicating the types and numbcrs of structules necessary to handle the flow of watcr on and oif tire site. The ptan sniit also identify possible points of connection into the Torvn of Vail storm sewer system and address the need for water quality mitigation' A site plan indicating the building layout, existing and finish grades, decks, patios, sidewalks, retaining i".fir tiitt top of wal"l and bottom of wall elevations, areas to bc landscaped, areas to be snow melted' location of ufility service and driveways with percent slope and spot elevations. A building hcight plan indicating proposed building height. Building heigbt shall be determined by interpolattg eiisting contours uiing ipot elevations al_onq the South Frontage Road, Vail Road and fast'Meadoiv Drive. The interpolaiedcondition shall be depicted tnderneath a roof plan indicating all eave, dormer and ridgc elevations. 1.0/A proposed off-site improvement plan shall be provided to identify those improvements necessary. to VL /-' ualqu'olrv a*"rop th;hotel in cont.*t *ith adjoiqPg ry"p:ni:t-i9"Y::t:Lt^1t:-',"^l9:T::. 7. .v ff);-,w imoiovements shail be to reducc to the degree possible the impacts of the development on existing A stamped topographic survey ofthe development site and of the area adjoining the site for a distance sufficient "nou$ to fully understand the impacts of the development oI1 existing grades and improvements. Spot elevations shall be provided at all maj or points of ingress and egress. A sun/shade analysis of the existing and proposed building for the spring and fall equinox (March 21lSeptember 23i and the winter solstice (December 2l) at 10:00 am and 2:00 pm. An exterior building materials list identifying the proposed materials to be used in the construction of the hotel. colors and other detailed specifications shall be provided as available. A pedestrian circulation plan depicting major points ofaccess and anticipated flows in and around the site. Should you havc any questions or concems regarding the information addressed in this letter, please do not hcsitate to call. I can be reached by telepbone most easily at 479-2145' Sincerely, fL^-i-R,-*L-l ..-reAa.q; a George Ruther, AICP. f ' Senior Planner Town of Vail cc: Greg Hall, Tou'n Engineer Russ Fonest, Community Development Director L-etalcgg.. i{ *f..;la lrp. ..tiirr',i-t\ir.f:,.'i.T;. ^,i;. b*' Cn'l'4^t lJ. 14. 15. infrastructurc. l. A written description summarizing the proposed programming of the 15 fractional fee club units. [ . According to the Town's regulations, a fractional fee club has no fewer than six and no more than I twelve orirers per unit whoae use is established by a reservation system. Each of the units is made ,, available for short-term rental in a managed program when not in use by the unit owners' ./ FttE CoPy TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 970-479-2t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 November 9, I 998 Jay Peterson Bailey, Haning & Peterson, P.C. 108 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81 657 Re: Vail Plaza Hotel Dcar Jay, I have received your letter responding to my letter to you of October 29, 1998. I am writing you this letter as I rvas unable to reach you by telephone. The fifteen items requested in my letter are necessary to complete the special development district major amendment application. I did not request thcsc itcms in June as it appeared then that the plans would be changing and we had not yet received any feedback from the Council on the proposed bulk, mass and density issues. For me to request final plans back in June rvithout input from the Planning & Environmental Commission and Town Council would have been prematue on my part. However, since we are now proceeding with a requcst for a final recommendation from the Planning & Environmental Commission on the major amendment, it is imperative we have a complete set of plans with enough detail illustrated to make our recommendation. Upon receipt of this letter, please contact me so we can arrange a time to mcet and go over the submittal information. You can reach me most easily by telephone at 479-2145 or simply stop by my office. I believe we both understand thc importance of this project and I am confident we can work together to rcsolve any issues that may arise. Sinccrely, Senior Planner Town of Vail Xc: Russ Fonest. Communitv Develonment Director George RuthEr, AICP {p *tn"uo'^'"* ]-L/49/L998 15:17 7 976-476-0699 JAV K PETERSON PAGE gL BennY, FlennInc & PnrrnsoN EIt s ^' APxorrssrorvnr-Conronmoni |llLF ['fi'lltArrowrvsrrlrw -t VVf f TVEST5TAB BANK BLDG. 1OS SOUTH FRONTACE ROAD }VEST, SUITE 2{I4 VAIL, coLoRADO 81657 TELEFttoNE (e70't 4164W2 FACSI!{ILE (970) 475{r0e!t Novenber 9, 1998 George, Ruther, senior Planner Town of Vall ?5 S, Frontage Road west Vail, Colorado 81657 LINCOLN CENTER 1660 LINCOLN STREET, SUITE 3175 DErwE& coLoRADO 40264 TELEIHONE (303) 837-1660 FAC$MILE (303) 837{197 P.o. Dox {{9 4'I9 EDWARDS ACCESS ROAD, SUTTE 203 EDWARDS, COLORADO S1612 TELEPHONE (970) 926-n55 FACSIMILE (90) Cl6-929E vrA FAX NO. 479-2452 I RE: vail Plaza llotel/Major sDD Amend.rqent Submittal Dear eeorge: Your letter of October 29, 1998 has been reviewed by Tin Iposa aDd nyself, and tlre following is our reEponEe to your request: 1. Zonlna Analvsis. This iten has been coupleted along with our ;l[er#Tlve loaaing dock changes, tthich ciU Ue subnitted t.rlth the other infolsation iegrrested bt this letter. The alternate loading dock plan reflects four regueet tc change the location of the ioadiig dock. whil-e we arb willing to nake suclr change, the preferied solution is our original p1an. 2. Site GEediIqlletr. The sJ"te grading plan at the reguested level- of_ffiiona1p1anthathaEnotbeenpreviouslyrequested even tbough our originil subnittal was approxinately sLx months ago. a p-Ian of thii detail is typtcally_ reguired in the Design Riview airnnitt"f 6tage, and not in the Special DeveloPnent subnittal requireuentsl ft is our intention, hosever, to combine this with the requested building height plan. Hopefully, l.te can provide this infor'nation by the Nevember 9, 1998 deadline' 3. Traffic Generation Report. The report dated September 19,_1998 @rg,HoIt,and-U11evigrefIectsthecurrenthoteIprogram as submitted. The parking need analysis has been_generated Ly -the architect using- the current Town of Vail Zonlng REquirements. Any additional study tequirenrents neeclE ts be ctdrified by you, however, it ttoulal appear tlrat none is needed, A pedestrian transit needs study appears to be a new request for nert ituay. If this needed to be done, it seeme the request should. b,awe been sl,x months ago, as thi.s new study could easily take_ six to eight weeks to prepare, A trip distribution analysig hae been lL/29/L99A l*17 97fj-476-gfj99 George Ruther, Senior Planner Town of Vail November 9, 1998 Page 2 JAY K PETERST]N PAGE A2 4. 6. S. .praffic Circ-ulatio . This plan wlll be provided by the xoveuler 9, 1998 deadline. provided for priwate vehicles in the traffic generation report mentioned above. Any addltlonal studies would aPPeat_ !o_ b. redundant and once aga-in could cause four to six weeks of delay'- ii-r"ria appear that-tbe current trafflc aeneration report should suffice. Egononic Analysis. The r€Port da-t-ed septenbar 9, 19-98 prepared by Effi-Ee.n-stelr and Aseoctaies reflects the current hotel program' Iandscaoe PLan. A landscape plan at this level of detail is ffiifiTiv--iEdtrea at tne -pesign Review 6tage and not i'n the ii,Eif"i-il"t"-r=Jpr-""t 6ietrict suufrittal requirementE. once asain, ;f,f;-;;Gst"a'inroruatlon would require four to six weekg ninlnun io-"o.pi!t", ana woura appear t9^[e p-remature- prior to special Uevefofnent District appro:ials, which rri1l set forth our vehicular i"""="- p"ints, p.ae"€itan access points, set backs, buildtng heights, and overall rnass and bulk. Urainageltgll. A drainage Plan at this tevel of detail l-s once "r"-fi:E=FAitional reqirirluent- that has not been previouslv r6questea by you. This t1p9 of plan for this site trould-tlpically U"'tr"p""edn:V a civiL eiltneer- f,o;' De-eign Revles sqbnittal, anq not- fo-r the Special Devel-opnent Distrlct. Becau8e th9 ProPor-ed "i"i""t contai-ns a silrilar lmqunt of inperrrious uaterials, as the-."iiii"S inprovehents, lt would not seem critical to have an "iigi"""ii"g'.t"ay "i tf,is detail for Special Derrelopnent Dietrict ipf,rovaf . Once-agaln, it woultl seem-unwise to begin thl-s.p1an uit:,f we have pr.itmirlary approval and vehicular access points' pedestrian access points, and set backe' site plan. A site plan at .thle level of detail tras not been ;ESues€"d to date, "tth i" -t-ypically required -at- the Design Review subnj.ttal stage. 'Ev;ry eff'olrt, ho:wevei, will be nade to provide itri" i"totratfon, witlr ine exoeition of utility service locatlons, by the November 9. L998 deadline- 7. 8. g. Buildind Height Ptqn. A bullding height plan is arrother_plan tlrat hae not u.eri-lFlously regrrasied by.-thq-Town of VaiI' Evet? effort, noweve?, "riff Ui nade to provide this information by the Noveuber gt L998 deadline. LIlBglL99A 15:17 I 974-476-4499 15. Pedestri4n Circulation PIan- provided. JAV K PETERST}.I PAGE A3 This infornatlon has already been ceorge Ruther, Senior Planner Town of Vail Norrenber 9, 1998 Page 3 10. Offsite ImoroJements PIBn. Once again, this hae not been requested @f,fslt€ iruprovements currentl_y in{1caled on 6ur plans-are paved areas directly adjacent to qu1. site' the degree of ifricfr depends soleIy on apProvals for our vehicular acceEs Points- 11 . FT?ctional Fee. The fifteen fractional fee club units sill have Iro fetr.r tha;-ix nor more than 12 owlers. Each of the units rill be nade available for 6hort tert renta] when not in use by tJre unit owners. It is antlcipated that only the uinter weelcs will be sold and the remaining sho-ulder weeks ana sumrer weeks wilt fe retaLned by the onner ot €he property and will be nade available on a ehort tetm rentat tYPe of basis. L2. Tol'ographie€urvelz. Thts hag been provided. 13. Sqn/sha+e Anafys:is. This analysis has not been .Previously@typicalry done at the oesign 3eyiew -f!f9!'horiever, every eff,ort wilt be Dade to provide this inforilation by the Novernber 9, 1998 deadline. 14. Exterior Llateriats. Once again, this infornation Le an additlonal- @iously fequeete, and sirl be submitted with the Design Reviert APPJ-icaiton. Althouqh I can understand the bagis for these requests, it . eeeme eomewbit unreasonable for the fown to request this lnfor:nation at euch a late date, espeoially with regard to additional reports and stud.ieg, by consultairts ihictt could take an additionat six to elght weeks. It would also seen that a najority of these additional materials are requlred for Design Review Approval and not for the Spesiar. Dev?lopnent Oiitrict. If re{uired for -ttre Special Development Distrtct it would seen these adltlltibnaf materials sould have been requested at the ilu$e 22, 1998 Work segsion ancl not a felt days prlor. to tbe. anticipa!.ed aeiatine. As alwayg, bowever, we desire to work wlth you in order that the best poselble -prbject gets approved, but untiJ. there is sone agreemenCon the vetrtcular access points, the loading dock solution. the rniss and bulk and the density Lssue, it woulil Eeem the add,itional lrlA9/L998 15:17 97A-476-0499 JAV K PETERS&{ ceorge Ruther, selrior Planner Towrr of Vail Novenber 9, L998 Page 4 etudieg offer nothing in solving tiose qucstions- Please contact r[e at your earllest convenienoe. sincerely, PAGE 64 OFVAILOrowx Department of Community D evelopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 FILE COPY November 10. l99E Jay Peterson Bailey, Flaning & Peterson, P.C. 108 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado E1657 Re : Vail Plaza Hotel Dear Jay, I spoke earlier this moming with Russ, Andy and Dominic with regard to the schedule of the Vail Plaza Hotel review process and the lack of complete information. Following our discussion, we all agree that the final review of the Vail Plaza Hotel must be postponed from November 23'until December 14'. The additional time should provide you and your team with enougb time to complete the proposal. As you are aware, there are outsanding plans and issues that must be resolved prior to reappearing before thg planning & Environmental Commission. Most importantly, the fifteen items identified in my lener of October 29u and the ernplolee housing nxaner addressed in Andy's letter of October 266. Until each of the items is addressed, the staffcan not forward the proposal to the Planning & Environmental Commission for a final review. In order lo remain on the agenda for the December l4'b meeting please submit all of the requested information and plans by no later than noon, November 30'b. Ifyou are unable to meet this deadline, please contact me at yotrr earliest convenience so we rrxay discuss anotber possible date. I continue to beiieve that we can work together to resolve any issues that may arise. Tbaok you in advance for your cooperation and undg$1anding. Sincerely, U-Rr'*lu,l George Ruther, AICP Senior Planner Town of Vail Bob lvlclaurin, Town Manager Russ Fonest, Community Development Dhector Andv Knudtsen. Senior Housins Policv Planner Xc: &*ruo FttE tuPy Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 November 18, 1998 Jay Peterson Bailey, Harring & Peterson, P.C. 108 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Plaza Hotel Dear Jay, Thank you for taking the time to meet with Russ, Andy and I to discuss the next steps in the Vail Plaza Hotel review process. The purpose of my letter is to summarize our conversation and to providc you with a tentative schedule for the remainder of your review process. It is my undorstanding that you will be meeting with Andy to come to consensus on the emplope housing issue. My notes indicate your mecting will occur sometime during the week ofNovember 23'o. It is further my understanding that all of the submittal information identificd in my letter to you of October 29'o will be submitted to my office by no later than noon, Monday, November 30u. This deadline is necessary in order to proceed to the Planning & Environmental Commission meeting on Monday, December l4o. Thc tentative schedule for the remainder of the review process includes an aftemoon worksession with the Vail Town Council on Tuesday, December l5h. A conceptual review with the Desigr Review Board is scheduled for Wednesday, December 28o. First reading of an ordinance amending the special development district will be Tuesday, January 5'n and will include an aftemoon worksession. The second, and hopefully final, reading of the ordinance is scheduled for Tuesday, January 19ft. A final Desigr Review Board meeting will be scheduled once the Town Council's rcview is completc. If you have any questions or concems, plcase do not hesitate to call. You can reach me most easily at 479- 2t4s. I am looking forward to working with you and your team on the development of your hotel project. Sincerely,'t fJr^^+R,*l*a George Ruthei, AICP Senior Planner Town of Vail Xc: Russ Forrest, Community Development Director {g oun"uoo ru, FttE ccPr TOIYN OFVAIL Depnrt ment o.f Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 December I I, 1998 Jay Peterson Bailey, Harring & Peterson, P.C. 108 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8l 657 Re:Vail Plaza Hotel Dear Jay, Thank you for taking the time to meet with Greg Hall and I to discuss the loading and delivery requirements for the Vail Plaza Hotel. Our next meeting is scheduled for 11:30 a.m., Tuesday, December l5'" in the Community Developmcnt offices. The purpose of my letter is to summarize the key points and agrcci.ir,,..,i" ,t.,,ltcd during our meeting. Based upon the review ofthe proposed uses within the hotel and tnc lrccu ror ljulrurrol roadiug iuru dclivcry facilities for the entire SDD, staff will be requiring five (5) loading and delivery bcrths. These may all be in one location, or if divided within the property, at least three of the berths shall be available to the hotcl and thc cil:;: iitu tt.uy be common to thc SDD and available for use by tle othcr property owners irr riru gurrcrdi vicinity. Staff will support loading and delivery access offofthe South Frontagc Road provided adequate maneuvering areas and tuming radii can be provided. All backing shall be from a "protected lane" defincd by a physical barricr, as recommended by the traffic engineer. The loading area shall bc designetl to accommodate a minimum of ttuee loading berths. The loading area shall be designed to accommodatc a 65-foot semi-truck and two 3O-foot single axle trucks. The two berths for the 30-foot trucks rnay be tandem berths. All loading and delivery areas shall bc designed in accordance with AASHTO standards. I have enclosed the necessary turning radius templates for your use. The pedestrian sides'alk shall be delineated through thc use ofan identifiable paved surfacc across thc loading and delivery area. Delivcry trucks shall not be parked across the progrsed pedestrian sidewalk so as to impede pedestrian traffic. Lastly, a median shall be constructed in the South Fronlage Road to facilitate a right turn only out ofthe loading and dclivery area. Staff will support the proposed location of the vehicle access to the site and rhc r,urdergrowrd parking struclure provided a median is constructed in the South Frontage Road to prohibit left tums to and from the site. All vehicle ingess/e$ess shall be limited to right-ir/right-out. Sraff rvill continue to explore the options which would permit left tums to and from the site. The South Frontagc Road access and the Vail Road access shall be able to accommodate a charter bus. {P """"""o '^'"' As discussed, in addition to the Town's approval of the proposed vehicle access and loading and delivery area, you will also b+ rcquired to obtain the necessary permits and approvals from the Colorado Departrnent ofTransportation. The permits and approvals shall be required prior to the first reading ofan ordinance amending the special development district. If you have any questions or concems, please do not hesitate to calt. You can reach me most easily by telephone at479-2145. I continue looking forward to rvorking rvith you and your team on the development of your hotel project. Sincerely, f!*-ry-Rt*t-t George Ruther,AICP Senior Plamer Town of Vail Xc: Bob Mclaurin, Town Manager Russ Forrest, Community Development l)irector Greg Hall, Town Engineer e'. 3i+'. R.i=l+zr scALE r. i,(f i" - 2v' ii -' rl'l; lu ./,/h.too'). \:. /€o"\ ---.td- \. ; ;t tt tt t(%).', tgt . l .-' ctEvf!(t co Fcn TRANSPOFTATION DESIGN TECHNIQITJES INC. 9y Jec|. €. Loi3;h ! Aseocratee @t9lz @oo oI B^AE OESICN VEHICLS , AASHTO :-i a: li:: '--! r.'.. r;,!li i; t; ,-ir.jatiE r&i" id&..:i!:.t3,: i; ;o .,/ ..t\/od )--,/ - Qr,^ \\ -.t. \ \"" \\d\ \ \ \ \\ \ \ ,\ \ \ o 6oo I lASlC DaSGN vEHrclE - AASHIO -. - -'*a - .-r\4r'-.-. -r-&rr $ ,v- &A..r- *- .ALE - l- ;'"1 |'1\J 0 _. . *rf ,,jd.* rj rin i ; - ':- i t ii Li Ltti \-{ai o I I Il_I@iq \ a\'t 9o \\\\d\ \ ..,. .. L. ogvlt.(rP€o fot TAANgPCf,TATtOt{ oEgrcr: TECHFXOUES tltc.Ay Jack E. Lebch t Ar6ocrorca @t9?, ': lAErc D!a|GN vEloclE : AASHTO i*l FttE C0Py j}wqFVAr!:lz De partntent of Community Developmcnt i.i !;outh Frontuge R oatl V,til, Colorado 81657 970.479-2 r 3I I;i,x 970-479-2452 Decembcr 11, 1998 Jay Peterson Bailey, Haning & Peterson, P.C. 108 South Fron age Road Vail, Colorado 8l 657 Dn'Vail Plaza Hotel Dear Jay, Thank you for taking the time to meet rvith Greg Hall and I to Ciscuss tlrc loading and dclivcry propos;rl for the Vail Plaza Hotel. I bclievc rvc arc making progress on rcsolving thc many issues associatctl rvith the project. The purpose of my lcttcr is to suntmarize thc kcy points and agrcemcnls rcachcrl during our mccting. Tltc town st rffrvill allow the proicct to continuc fonvard rvith thc profnsed phns illLrslrtting a right tuni and lefl turr out of thc parking structure. The determinalion of whetlrcr the left lurn s,ill bc penlittcd rviil bc dccided i.fler final Toun of Vail approval of the projcct u,ith the assislancc ofCDOT Enqinccrs, lhc Consulting fraffic Engincer, the Roundabout Engincers antl Grcg Hall. At this tinrc, all South Froptlcc Road improvcmcnts associatcd rvith the proposcd projcct shall bc illustrarcd on rhc plans. As rvc-disctr;scd, off-sitc im;rrovcntcnts rvill bc required to rnitilnte thc irnprcts of thc hote l rcdcvclopmcnt. The off-sitc improvements shall include implemcnting the strcctscapc nr;lstcf l)lan alr,ng portions of Vail Road and Eirst lvlcadtt* Drivc, anrl a siderviill: :' ^r3 th ^ q ^, 'th F!.onlit::a 'u:: tl front ti:c Vail Pltza Hotel lo Village Center Road. The sidcs'alk shallbc constructed ofa dccorative pavingmateritl in front of the Phase III & IV tlith hcating adjacer-rt to Phase IV. Thc rcuraintlcr of tlrc sidcwalk shlll bc concrctc antl thc entire lengtl' of the siderlalk shall be a minimum of 8 fcct irr *'idth. Tirc Torur of Vail *,ill bc responsible for the cost of installing lhc strcct iights adjacent to Crossrouds. All orhcr lighting r.cquirer::cn1s shall bc mct bv the irpplicant. The boundlies for thc improvemcnts along the nolil, .,. ' . of Er.:: Mci (lr)\'. Drivc sl,:rll bc lrom Vril Roirtl to the west cnd of Basc Nlountain Sports. No improtemL.nts shrll be r,',..rri':d on private property, howcver, yott agrced to initiate discussions rvith adjaccnt propciiv o\\,ncrs ro cncourilge thcii crxlpcration in improving the streetscapc. All off-sitc irnprovcmcnts will bc ilillslratod ou sctlaritlc shccls in thc nlan scrs. ffi ""ttt " t ,'"*'.' If yor.r havc any qucstiohs or.u'r..rnl pl.or. do not hcsitarc to call. You can reach mc nrost casily b1- telcphorre at 479 -2145. I continue looking fonvard to u orking with you and your team on the devcloprlent of your hotcl projcct. Sincerely, 14 -)lJ' "+ Ktt*A,Z Ccorgc Ruther, AICP Senior Planncr Toun of Vail Xc: Bob Mc Laurin, Torvn lvlanager Russ For rest, Community Dcvclopmcnt Dircctor Greg Ha l, Torvn Engincer -v : Fil.T r;r/Pr CHARIES R. LIPCONVail Gateway Unit s l_2 S. Erontage Roadvai1, co. g165? Tel. (970) 426_9388Fax. (970) 426-9691 Decedber 25,t990 George Ruther Town of VailEax: 479-2452 Re: Village Inn Dear Mr.Ruther: This is to confiro that rae spoke a few days ago rdren r informed youthat r did not receive writien noti-ce from the Town of vair aboutthe Dec- 28, L99B pEc meeting. rt is important that r gec notiee ofthese meetinqs since my condoniniun is -adiacenL il ;; virlage rnnProperty. The notices should go to me at the above add,ress and to ny officeat One Biscalme Tower, Suite !{gQ },fi:ni, Florida 33131 . You informed me that the meeting was off in Decerber for theVillage Inrr and also the proposil to amend the Town,s RrblicAcconmodations Zone District. the proposal to a'nend the public Accommodations would ar-so effectne slnce r eyn next to several hotels. r want to be notified inwrj-ting ehout these meetings also. Prease confirm in writing to me the next meetings set up for thevilrage rrrn and for the pr:blic Accommodations in-ilanuary, 1999. rneed the tine and Iocation a1so. Very Truly yours, C444 Char.J-es R. T.,ipcon cc: John Dunn Dec 25 98 O9:24a CHHRLES R.L I PCON I -9?O-rt76-S6A I p.1 t#i s ' i+] Ilec 25 98 O9: 24a CHFRLES R. L I PCOII CHARLES R. IIPCONVaiI cateeray Unit 512 S. Frontage RoadVail, co.8l-6s?tet ?0) 4?6-9388Fax. (970) 47G-S631 Decenber 25,L998 George Ruther Town of VailI"ax: 479-2452 Re: Village Inn Dear Mr.Ruther: 1-9?0-476-8681 p.2 FITE COPY Please confirm the true ownership of the villagre Inn property andttrat Mr. prado has the authoritlito act on their behalf. Y:.' Plado has represented that he is the owner and as such r would.rike to see some proof of that in writing ;i;;";;"-lorporati-on isa foreigm Netherlands Antilles Corporation. Very Truly yours,gt-/tL Charles R. Lipcon cL Taw Da'u^l FITF TOWI,I OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-4fr&-4ffi30,1ee8 Charles R. Lipcon Vail Gateway Unit #5 12 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado8165T Fax:97O-476-8681 Re: Village Inn Dear Chuck, I have received your letters of December 25u , 1998 with reganl to ttre Village lrur. The purpose of this letter is to provide you with a response to the questions you raised in your letters. Pursuant to the Town of Vail Municipal Code adjacent property owner notification was sent to the Gateway Condominium Association c/o Stoltz Bros., Ltd in Wilmington, Delaware. It shall be the responsibility of the managing agent of your association to disseminate information to association members. All future public notices for development proposals on properties adjacent to the Gateway Building will be sent to Stoltz Bros., Ltd. As you are aware from our previous telephone conversations, the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission will hold a public hearing on the final review of the proposed Vail Plaza Hotel on Monday, January I 1'at 2:fi) pm in the Town Council Chambers. Subsequent public hearings with the Vail Town Council or any other Town Board are yet to be confirmed. Once confirmed, all required notification will be sent to the Gateway Condominium Association. The proposal to amend the Public Accommodation Zone District development standards is scheduled for a joint worksession with the Planning & Environmental Commission and the Vail Town Council for Tuesday, January 12* at 2:00 pm in the Town Council Chambers. The purpose of this meeting is to provide the applicant with policy direction from the Council and the Commission. According to Schedule A ofthe title report submitted with the development application lbr the Vail Plaza Hotel, the owner ofrecord of the property in question is Daymer Corporation, N.V., a Ncthcrlands Antillcs, Corporation with Waldir R. Prado as the Managing Director. Jay K. Pctcrson has bccn assigncd power of attorncy to act on behalf of the corporation. This information is public record and is available for your review. Should you wish to review the Town's lile, please do not hesitate to call and we will arrange a mutually convenient time for you to review the information, I anticipate and look forward to your continued participation in the development process of the Vail Plaza Hotel. Sincerelv. 11*R.**'",*'t George Ruthdr, AICP Senior Planner Town of Vail Xc: R. Thomas Moorhead, Town Attorney {S *"*ror r"* Jan 02 99 12tg+p CI{HRLES R.L IPCOl{ r4copr CIIARLES R. LTPCON Vail GatewaY Unit 5 12 S. Frontage RoadVaiI' Co. 8155? rel. (970) 475-9388 Fax. (970) 475-8681 itanuary 2't999 Geolge Ruther Toun of Vail Eax'. 479-2452 Re: Village Inn Deat Mr.Ruther: Thmk you for yoru letter dared Des" 30' 199E. Seu6inganotbeto Stotznilnageoert isnc rdeqnCeaotice forme orthe other residential ortne[3 h ftc Vail Catstrty wilL r€ryect to my nstt€rs involvirgthe Villep h" Plerse send uoticee diregtly to tr rt the rbot'o eddress md at ny Mani sd&ess $ticfi is 430 N' Mrdne Drive Kery Biscayne R. 33131. VeryTrulyYourstZ"- CtarlesR" Lboon P.S. Please givc me your emait addresa cc: Johhnn 1-9?O-4?E-8681 .. 0Pt 'r TILE COPY FFD Dcpartnrcnt of Comnrunity Devclop tnen t 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 Janulry 4, 1999 Charles R. Lipcon Vail Gatcway Unit #5 l2 South Frontagc Road Vail, Colorldo 8165 7 Fax: 970416-8681 Dcar Chuck, I am in reccipt ofyour lettcr datcd January 2, 1999. Adjaccnt propcrty owncr notificati( n for thc proposcd rcdevelopment of the WI rvill conlinue to be scnt to Stoltz Llros. Ltd., pursuant to our rc julations. The Tou'n of Vail is unablc lo accc )t any notification obligation outsidc thc paramcters ofour rcgulations. I anticipate your continued parlicip.rtion in lhe develol':nent proccss of thc rcdevelopmcnt of the WI propcrty. Sinccrcly, Jl.b^'+ K,.'Jlt--t Georgc Ruthcr, AICP Senior Itlanncr Town ol Vail Xc: R. Thomas Moorhead, Torvn Attomcy Russcll Fonest, Comnrunitv Dcvelopmcnt Dircctor John Dunn Jay Pcterson {S *,",,,,,,n,,, Jan OG 99 O4:O3p CHHRLES R. LIPCOII 1-9?O-476-AA8 I f,aat A- t) -t tt Fr f rrl ir_ .r5 g{ .,," JOHN BREYO Vail GatennyUnit 3 12 S. Frontago Road Vril, Co. 81657 Imuary 5,1999 George Ruther Senior Plamer Tornr ofVail Fax:479-2452 Re: Vail Village lnn DearMr. Rutler: fhis is to confrm the following l. I am the onmer of Unit 3 in the Vail Gotcway. lt is directly adjaceut o the Village hn Hdsl. 2- I hsve not rec€ived writtem notice from tle Tonm of Vail nor from Stoltz l\fianagement about the Viltagehproposal oraborr aryPlmingmdEnviro'rmtal Comission meeings. I object to any meetings without proper and ac;tual written notice. 3. I pwclhaseil uy uoit relying in patt on the erristing master pler and exieting SDD ryproval 4. I object to the Village Inn violating the master plan, the SDD approvat rnd blocking the view corridor towards Crold Peak. VeryTnrlyYours., qztv,Br 9a- John Breyo \J ohapt€r l2-9A-2 Subjecf chapter l2-9 A-2 Date: Tire,5 Jan 1999 00:45:45 EST From: Sealaw@aol.com To: "George Ruther" <gruthe@civail.co.us> Hi George What does chapter t2-9A-2 deal with, Thanks Chuck Lipcon FIIF copy I of I l/6D9 8:44AIvt { JAN-A?-1999 15146 STEUEN JRMES RIDEN RIA AR 93 949 B3A4 P.W P|bE ''og.q,.r'tFA* 9n gas,Da anit rdbd rtUa clbritttb.tOGctBqSV.il @u@4$ u66AiUffilil. Weclnesd4y, JanuarT 6, f ggg FILE COPY IVembers of the Town of Vail planatng ardEtrvrronuetrtal comrnission Deparfneut of Community DeveloDeent vail, CO s1657 Re Vail PLaza Hotel DearMembers I have been asked to make an objective eyaluafion of the prcposed Vall Dhza Hotel and analize tre pobnflal detuinents &om the reatizaflon of ihi. develoDneuL I have reviewetl the subnittal rnal the fouowins are commenb for tle Fecord. My nrst observation ls as to the overall nasslnt atrd scale ortne devetopment The seale ls far beyond what I see as coEDatible wlfh fhe surrounding strrrcfirns .1e pruposed projest absolutely dwart tbe Vail Gateway arul rlses &r above any otber sructure tn the lmmediate area . The Droposal indicates tbat there will be large nassinc at the edges ofthe bowrdaries of the property and wtthout anv required setbacb &om the adjacent bufldlqs nor is there any stepplB of the stsrrcture In a rel,ationshlp to the exisung buildlngs. It would seem tlat thls ls not ttre hbnilon of any ol t*'e prcvlous approvals or any ofthe underltnlng lonlru tom whlctr the SDD tras been based" Arl of the pedestrian sBace is surmunded by shuchu€ that 13 often {l to z0 tbet ln helght creatint areas that wlll be permanenoy in shadow aBd oEerlns very lltue openness or landscapfug and udless you are witldn 15s lnildtng tts€If there is not any pmtection from the micro cllmates ln the area cEatedby the new struchrre such as wind- This desiga does not reateaDyenclosuE. Based on the applicanB owusturV of the shadows, fte Fontage rcad srouldalso remain in shadow and vlstully create a wall of structure that pmhlbits any view beyond What ever haBBened to view corrldor that lnlflally rwtricted the development surrounding the roundabout? Those restrlcflong haye beetr in place since the earltest Irroposals for tlris area were Dres€nted" It Is oDvtous that the lntent of previous rcview decisions heldthe helebt to mafntaln thfs dew. I would like to quesuon the vaudlw dsuch a gmcs devlatlon to ttre appmved SDD espectaly when lt appears tDat tFt. proJect sltDlftantly lncneases t[e size above tlte previous approval and essentially doubles the tlensi$ aud heieht ofthe urderlining JAN-97-1999 I6t47 STEUEN JRMES RIDEN RIA RR fi3 949 A3@4 P.A3 zoning. Is rhis the wry the Iuaster ptan Inteuded the development to proceed? I believe upon carefirl examlnaflon you wfll trul tlrls Dmject h uot meet that crtterlr_ Additionally I would lile to touch upon other aspects of the BroDosal. Accordirg to the submittal, the trafrc study indicares tt|gf tbere would be lltfle ffi upon fte dstlngconditions, butl worild tendto difEron thls Decausethis proJectwould on{y be8iln to set a Drecedent for others trat would eveuhully marimize the capaciF of tf,e roundabout aryl lt ls clear that this qqw cr€ates an alley out ottre frontage road and diminishes ttre character of the enhnce to the viUase The modet utilized for thrs sttrdy does not take this lnto consideratioL Generally the resuest to slgnlflcanfly reduce the setbacks require the appucant to show there would be a ha$shrp. t cannot *e the hard shrp in this case- Agatn ttrere is vety little consideration glven to the neighborjng development A ffnal quesflon was not a slrdLar but smaller Droject for this area prrrnlously rcjectedbv the corurcil andPlanntng commission? Ardwhat has chaqe to maf,e thrr approval? Sincerely. Steven James Rtulen AJ-A, Arc.hfbct o TBTRL P.03 Villaee InD SDD Subjecfi Village Inn SDD Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 02:03: I 5 EST From: Sealaw@aol.corn To: "George Ruther" <gruther@ci.vail.co.us> CC: John Dunn <lex@vail.net> FILE r;rJPY Da,a r (:aatrda I tried to contact you Tuesday to obtain the SDD approval- and plans from L975. Pl-ease make sure they are ready for viewing and/or copying on Wednesday. I need that information to complete my objection letter. I also need to see the following, all of which apply to the Vail Villaqe Inn: Ordinance no. 7, serj.es L975 establishing SDD no. 6, Vail Villaqe Inn. Ordinanace no. I series l-985 Ordinance no. 14, series 1987 Ordinance no. 9, series 1991 Ordinance no. 2, series 1992 Ordinance no. 24, seri.es 1998. Thanks 1of I l/5/99 8:40 AM Vail Village Irur Subject: VaitVillagelnn Eff E AAnr, Date: Thu, i Ia;1ggg22:07:t4EST ffLE [,T l!,"' From: Sealaw@aol.com - 'rr vvi To : ford@vail.net, " George Ruther" <gruther@ci.vail.co. us> CC : bryanwachs@pobox.com, John Dunn <lex@vail.net>, LEdw al 23 4(@aol. com, Hanna@aol.com, David <DavidHanna@sota.com>, kinney@sequelvc.com, JFLamonl_EVHA@email.msn.com, palmos@privatei.com, sriden@vail.net CHARLES R. LIPCON vall- GaLewav unlt 5 1Z 5. !,ronLade KOad vai1, co.81657 re1 . (970) 475-5151Fax. (970) 475-868L ,January 7 , L999 Mayor Rob Ford and To$in Council Members, Planning and Environmental Commi s s ion, and George Ruther, Senior Planner 'IOWn Or Valr Fax:479-2452 He: va 11 vrltaoe -Lnn Dear Sirs and Madams; One or more of the residential property owners at the Vail Gateway have Lhefollowing objections to the Vail Village Inn A Major Amendment to Special Development DistricL #5 as follows: 1. The appl-ication for Planning and Environmental Commiss ion Approval was signed by Jay K. Peterson as attorney in fact. on Apri] 13, 1998. I received a copy of the limited power of attorney signed by Waldir R. Prado as managingdirector on Jan. 4, 1,999, A review of the power of at.torney indicates that: THE POWER OF ATTORNEY IS SPECIFICALLY LJIMITED TO CHAPTER 12-9a-2. THIS CHAPTER DEAI.,,S WITH DEFTNITIONS. THE POWER IS INVALID ON ITS FACE TO AUTHORIZE JAY PETERSON TO S]GN AN APPLICATION FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPRoVAL., WITH RESPECT TO A MAJOR AMENDMENT TO AN SDD. Further, there isnothing in the record with the town that would indicated that Waldir Prado was the duly appointed managing direclor of Daymer Corp. or that Daymer Corp. has through its board of directors approved the granting of a power of attorney to .T-a tr L Daf a1.c,.\n 2. In spite of numerous requests, neither I nor any of the other residenrjal. owners in the Vail Gateway, to my knowledge, have been given notice of any hearings what so ever in front of the Planning and Environmental Commission.Notice to Stoltz Management is not adequate since they do/did not in turnprovide notice to the owners in the Vail Gateway. This information aboutlack of notice was previously provided to you. YOU HAVE ACTUAL NOTICE THAT THE GTVING OF NOTICE TO STOLTZ MANAGEMENT DOES NOT IN TURN RESULT TN NOTICE TO THE CONDOMTNIUM OWNERS IN THE VAIL GATEWAY. This is specially troublesome in tightof the fact that. Stoltz Management or their principals was represented by Jay Pet.erson who is also the claimed att.orney in fact and the attorney for Daymer Corp, 3. The Town of Vail ordinance 12-3-5 C. dealing with notice constj-tutes a denial of due process and equal protection of the Law for the owners in theVail Gateway and other adjacent condominium owners since iL does not provide for actual notice to lhem as adjacent property owners. YOU HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY INFORMED THAT THE GIVING OF NOTICE TO STOLTZ MANAGEMENT DOES NOT IN TURN RESULT IN NOTICE TO THE CONDOMINIIIM OWNERS IN THE VAII., GATEWAY. As such I of4 l/8/99 8:24 AM Vail Viltage Inn it is uncons t i tuti onal . A letter fron \Tohn Breyo, owner of Unit 3 in the Vail Gateway was faxed to you indicating lack of notice as well as reliance on the master plan, zoning, etc. 4. The amendment violates the "view corridor" from the four way stop (now roundabout) established in the SDD approval for the Vi.llage Inn, Based on this 'rview corridor", the heiqht. of the Vail Gateway was reduced. In Ri-ck Pylnan's (Town Planner for Vail) letter dated Feb. 15, 1988 discussing the Vail Gateway, he stated3 "SLaff feeLs stronqly thar this buildins (Vai1 cateway) should present no encroachment into the view corridor Lhat is established by the approved Vail Village fnn development. The existing design will require substantial revisions to maintain the view parameters established by the WI .n It would be unfair, arbitrary, and unreasonable to have reduced the heiqht of the Vail Gateway based on the "view corridor" in the SDD ordinance for theVillaqe Inn and then to turn around and ignore the same requirement for the ViJ-lage fnn itseLf. The agreement between Joe Stauffer and the To\^'n of Vail as documented in the SDD approval constitutes a recorded real covenant thatinures to the benefit of the adjacent land owners who relied on this real covenant. The SDD approval provides for a three sLory building in Che "viewcorridor'' area. The SDD approval was the result of give and take negotiations between the Town of Vail and Joe Stauffer. Joe Stauffer agreed to two storybuj.ldings on East Meadow Drive and Vail Road in return for a five storybuildinq on Frontage Road. In addition to constituting a real covenant, the SDD approval constitutes a contract between the Town of VaiI and Joe Stauffer which inures to Lhe benefiL of adjacent owners as third party beneficiaries. 5. The amendment violates the Town of Vail Master P1an. The master plan states$rith respect to the Vail Viltaqe Inn: "Mass of buildings shall step up fromexisting pedestrian scale along Meadow Drive to 4-5 storj.es along Frontage Road....Design must be sensitive to maintaining view corridor from 4-way stopto Vail Mountain[ The WI proposal will directly impact the character of thevail villaqe. If approval of the amendment is allowed, where will it stop. Won't the owners of the Holiday House property, the gas station and others r,tant to have the same massive size to maximize the value of their properties. Perhaps Lhe Vail Gateway would like to add another 4 floors also, The entranceto the Vail Villaqe would be a massive canyon of buildings more in keepingwith a larqe city rather than a unigue ski vi11age. 6. The Villaqe Inn project does not coordinate well with Lhe Vail cateway. Itcrfs off i l-s npdpsfrian access and drasticallv redreps ifs wisihilitv This would be particularly harmful to the commercial tenants in the buildinq. The Town of Vail in considering the Vail Gateway SDD application required that a major entrance be placed on the side of the building facing the Village Inn. That enLrance would be virtuall-y vrorthless under the Villaqe Inn proposal , The Vail Gateway would be facing a large wall that goes up 95 feeL which would only be a few feet from the Vail Gateway property. A canyon would be creaLed. This is not in keeping with the initial representation made by the VailVillage Inn to the Town of Vail-, that: "The architects Zehren & Associates were challenged to accommod.ate this program in a configuration harmonious to the imrnediate neighborhood and add to the Vail Character. " There is nothingr harmonious about this project as iL relates to the Vail Gateway and it is cerLainfy not in keeping with the Vail Character. It is a biq city projecL being urged on a smalI village. During Lhe application process for the vail Gateway, it was required that a major entrance be placed for access from the Village Tnn property. In Rick Pylman's (Town Planner for vail) letter dated Feb. 1-6, 1988 he stated: r'We feel that it will be important that this projecE and the approved vail Villaqe Inn project when buiLt, have a strong pedestrian connection, we recognize the need for the developer of the vvf project to relate his project. to the Vail Gatevtay. We do utant to ensure, however, that the design of the Gateway allows this pedestrian connection to occur. " 7. The Vi]1age Inn project comes within 2 feet or so of the Vail cateway 2of4 1/8/99 8:24 AM Vail Village Inn driveway where cars enter the garage and deliveries are made. It would createa large alley that would cause auto and diesel fumes to accumulate and enterthe Vai1 Gateway. This would be noxious, odorous, harmful to health, andperhaps deadly. A study should be done to determine the buildup of carbon monoxide and other dangerous fumes that would enter the Vail Gateway and theVillage Inn from this area. 8. The Village lnn project would cut off sunlight and air for the Vail Gateway. The Vail Gateway woufd for the most part be in the shadow of the v]-rl.aoe 1nn. 9. The traffic, noise, and accompanying pollution in the area of the roundabout, Vail Road, and Frontage Road would increase dramatically. The roundabout presently backs up at certaj,n times of the day, and the increase in the number of cars will only exacerbate the problem. The Traffic Impact Anal"ysis done by Feisburg, Hult & Ullevig is based on the assumption that 50%of the traffic is internal and as such reduced their trip generation figures by 50%, This ignores the fact that the Vail Villaqe has a free t.ransportat j. on system that is unique. Even assuming a 50% reduction, the overaLl traffic increases from about. 1050 trips per day to 3100 trips per day. THIS IS A TRIPLING IN TRAFFIC. If the assumed reduct.ion figure is wrong t.hen the increase could be as much as six fo1d. An increase percentage of 2t was used to indicate that the traffic would go to 4600 vehicles during the PM peak hourin the year 2015. This assumes that further large hotel projects similar tothe Villaqe fnn wilL not be approved, which would be unrealistic if thisproject is approved. There would be a Domino effect. 1-0. No studies have been f i1ed t.o reflect the pollution levels that $rould comefrom the increased Eraffic. l-1. The owner of the village Inn knew at the time of its purchase what. was aLlowed and whaL \,,ras not allowed under the SDD approval in place aL the time. The Village Inn proposal Vrould change the rul-es and would greatly increase t.hevalue of t.he Village Inn property and at the same time diminish the value of the Vail Gateway property as well as other adjacent property owners. It would be unfair to provide the Village Inn owner with a financial wind fal1 at the expense of the vail Gateway owners. l-2. Owners in t.he Vail Gateway purchased their properlies and spent money fixing them up relying on the approvals already in place for the Village Inn,including the view corridor, as well as the mast.er plan. As such changing these items would constitute an inverse condemnation of the ownership interests of the Vail Gateway owners. The value of the Vail GaLeway owners would be reduced so as to provide a windfall to the owners of the Vail Village Inn. L3. The vail master plan which was enacted by ordinance cannot. be violated under the guise of an SDD, wj thout changing the master plan itself. ALtorney John Dunn has previously submitted a memorandum of law on this issue. The vil"l-age Inn acknowledge this when they submitted a "Revisi-on of Vail Vj.lLage Master Plan- Conceptual Building lteight. Plan..." on Nov. 30, L998. 14. The Village Inn proposal has not di-scussed Lhe hazard of a fire spreading to or from Eheir buildings to the Vail Gateway in liqht of their ext.remeLy close proximity. (The fact that the proposed Vail Villaqe Inn has exterior fireproofinq does not appLy to the Vail Gateway and the Villaqe Inn Condo which does noL have speciaf fireproofing. ) what further problems would this create for the fire department if a fire had Lo be fought? Also there is no showing that. the Town of Vail fire department could handl-e a fire in a buildinq of Lhis size and heiqht, 15. What assurances has the owner of the Villaqe Jnn provided that it has the financial and real estate capability to build what they say they want to build? What assurances have Ehey provided that they are trustworthy and will 3 of4 1/8/99 8:24 AM Vail Village Irur do what they say they will do? Daymer Corporation N.V. has reportedly beenpreviously involved i.n litigation where claims were made of wrongful conduct by Daymer. Daymer should make a full disclosure of prior litigation and its outcome to properly assess its trustworthiness. Also its true orrnership shouldbe revealed since it i.s a Netherlands AntiLles CorDoration. 16. The simulated picrures submitted by the Vail Village Inn are misleading. View anal-ysis number three sho\rs a nine sEory VaiI Villaqe Hotel not muchhigher than the adjacenL five slory Vaif Gateway. Tf the true hsighr of t.hevai-l Village fnn was depicted the whole of the colden Peak area would beblocked, Even the incorrect picture submitted shows that the view of the Golden Peak area woul-d be almost comDletelv bl-ocked. 17. The sales tax revenues projected to lhe Town of Vail ar:e based on numerous assumptions. What guarantees or bonds have the Villaqe Inn offered if theirprojections are r^rrong, If the Village Inn is seeking to motivate the Town ofVail by the pronise of additional funds, certainly they should stand behindthe numbers and provide a guarantee or bond from a financially sound t.hirdparty to back up their numbers. 1,8. The Village lnn should provide compensation to the adjacent properLy owners, whose values will go down as a resulL of the Village Inn violations ofthe master plan as well as the agreement bet,r,/een the Town of Vail and JoeStauffer as codified in the SDD aDDroval- 19. The Vail Plaza Hotel Fact Sheet is misleading. It indicates thaL the 1992approval allowed a building height of 67 feeL. It does not indicate that thisheiqht applied to the building on Frontage Road and does not apply to thebuildings that would be south of the Vail cateway. (Between the Vail cateway and the ski mountain) 20. The reporL of the Town Planner is expected to be done by the end of theday on Friday Jan. 8, 1999. It is unknown if sufficien! time wil-1 be availableto review Lhe report prior to Lhe PEC meeli ng scheduled for Monday Jan. 1L, 1,999. As such Lhe right to obj ect on this ground is reserved until such timeas the report. has been provided and studj.ed. 21. No view corridor anal-ysis was done oLher than providing photos so of which are misleading. A view corridor analysis was requested in Ehe memorandumto the Pl.anning and EnvironmentaL Commission dated ,June 22, L998. 22. No urban design analysis was done. An urban design analysis was requested. in the memorandum to Lhe Planninq and Environmental Comnission dated June 22, t-998. 23. The Town Planning department was unable to locale the original SDD approved drawings for the Vail Village Inn referenced in Ordinance No. 7, Series of 19'16. These are needed for review and reference parLicularly in terms of the View Corridor, Where applicable the same obj ections are being to the Public Accommodation Zone District. \/a rr, 'nrrr'l rr V^,rre made to the Faessler Amendments 4of4 l/8/99 8:24 AM Eesr Vruacn Homnowxuru AqqocrArroN, fnc. o Offiers: PresiCcnt Directors - lu<iirh Eerkowitz - - Bob Galvin ScrEtary - CrEna parks Trcasurcr Dolph Bnogewater - E![e Caulhrrs - Ron Lanelev Pahck Gramm Bill Morton - Connie Ridder To: Mayor Rob Ford and To*n Council Members Planning and Environmental Commissiou From: Jim Lamon! Executive Director Date: January 7,L999 RE: lfeciat Development District 5 - prado Amendment Pubirc Accommodation Zone Dishict - Faessler Amendments frlc" Wy The Homeowners Association objects to ftepro-posed w4dir Prado Amendrrenr to Vail VillageInn special Dev-elopmetrt District 6.(SDdpl "f,q to tt" lbt--.r FGGA;dments to tre public dc-commodations Zone Dist'ict on tri basiiorru rotlo@ fdt";-G-A.il"-iutoo recommends denial ofboth proposals as currently proposed. Thgre are m."iG .ooTai"iJ *t}uo;-"-h-h;;;"l*H;;;;][A;_muiative scope of the oroooiali suCg:S trf u coorpiefrensi;;;; p#;j pr*.., shoutd be undertak_en to amend ihe valt Vilt"ge^\4$Eiii; i" ".d*ffilu;r."triteffi5ifftJt""a*rying trese proposalwithin ttre broader conte)d;f vail vittf; il'G; Jooot*" n."ar-"rtitl.-Jri-uruty. The communirvsIong hetd vision of acco-Tg&rtng._uppi"put" -a t 1"ry;;;;r.6#;ilil dft;;;;il#;,rimaster planned grorvtr and tre esrartisheticharacter of trl commrfut;;;l;#.rh.;d;iiliJ;il;;; L Special Development District 6 - prado Amendment 1' .lhe Prado amendment sienificantlv exceeds the^ r.eqg_iremene of tre existing SDD6 trat ia ap-proval would be considered a breacf,- of faitr 6n the oart of thJ Toum .rv,;f r^ fir!fitr +L- r-^ ^r -^-:'--aereernents rt: Gate way sites. ereo a breach ot rarth on the.part of *re Town of vail to fulfill fe t-.m. of ioiiresubsequentto negotiation wii\ propertv o*ners,foi&re vail vil;; i;,.a-i";r-it_"d*p!:9'_yqsequenr to negotiation wifi .fi;rry o".rt, roi-t. ffir ?iri*Jffi Ht'i1x. lhese zorunq asreements and standardi were based pp6q dgtailedJiarnrffi and zoninehe sire, adjacent-sids, tre *""*aG *leiiroaol-a'uno vaii \fiilase i oerr"rlr Tha a,i 1. The Prado amendment si properry ollr_rers, for &re V{l Village Inn and Vail analvsis oftre sire, adjlcent'sids, fte su'roundfi;i$u;J9"aTjfiti tffi;f,r'tT#F"r1'if""ffi*c- Xllt^"_ol_t:l a degree of departre that does not c"onfoin to tt. r"[*rrn*tsli ru vail villaoe Mast",ment causes a degree of deparrre rhar does not jonroio r. fr;;d;i[-*L;Fil'f;i\fiilJ1tr#" l':_":t:J!:.*.-:.:,f:yg':1t ,9;",a r";u.i;;.ri":-i;il#,"''#ild"i* v"l vlraee Master pranl$-":r:J!:_Pd-l-",qy"4-"nts to amend t" ma.t"'lTin:-i;il#":;ild"ti'"1itii-#itftfti,if#'fi 1r::-fl:n"H1,-"-:?'-"Y-l-r,.?'*'j::'i,-lpf,!f'11u'13-and c?ns:cu:g*' i';;i''i"d 6' iri;:il, ffi;;ia. comprehensive reviiw of conditions, opportunities,'and consequence;C ,"qlr;;d 6, td;:il.sites, the surrounding neiehborhood ana'va;i tiil""L;;j;;;;;;;;.;: i-.--^+,. --.r ^^.1$:E;y3:lS.::i*p*:i,Tj^l{irli"sr;;;a*ffi #;; jdJiiH;H jsrtes' me surormomg nelghborhood.?tld _Vaii Village rn_order to determine tie impacs -d;dp-;ibiiiiof tre Prado proposalupoi the established;hd;d;f fr; "].J.,i-airiiillett*ood and vail viliaee. - 2' The bullq mass,.height and setacks offie proposed stucture is incompatible and inconsistentwith the surroundins neighbortiood. cerrain n ""qort4r "spe"ii "f tJ p*ii** such as raftic flow. airqualitv and pedesli-an ro-utes will *or" t. p"ioil;T;t;;ifi'aii-ntiii""ri and deaimental activitieslo occur ou or adiacentto the site-. The current propgsal rtoitaG iauc"a ri..aJito-":iilJli.?ll -aother detimentai-effects up"" "Jj**t;;-p;';r,'fr;;;r"d;irl""1!iri"ri,.ra and va1vlrage. -,: 3' T" degree of ecorromic benefit is prejudiceC towards the Prado Anendment at the experue ofPnor property owners and all adiacent orooerfv ,i*ql. Tlrese property o*n"rr rr1"" -ri*" "i*tJifu*tt"more onerous requiremetrts enforccd by 6i T,5wn of trift--iir"IJ-# F*ao. If approved the result wiltbe a ,erant of lpecial priviiege that creaies a ,"ittaal ".on-oto[ #;ft;hrr will accrue solely'to the eain ofthe Town of Vail ttr,Sugh iri-creased tax r"t"nuii and rtrfi;;;;;;:,ffffi;ffi;$ irr#lli f*r,tyand building size. II. Public Accommodation Zone Distict - Faessler Arnendments l ' In established residential neighborhoods wtrere-the Public Accommodation Zone District occursthe proposal.will cause radical changetin trr-"tro*.nr of ftese resid;r'il;;igh#-#;. ffi"-jlJo orthe increase in bulk rnaqs..agd uses iould aggrayarg exsting noxi-ous-"o"iitioi!-*J-t"*i"r" *i"Ta ulfebimental to trese establistred residentiJ "Elehu"til;J .ia i'ii vir]ii" ur general.U Post OlEce Box 23t Vaii, Colcado 8165t Telephone (970) E2?-5680 Message/FAx (9?0) E27-5856 EVHA/TOV - SDD6 and Public Accommodttions Zone Disbict Amendments L'7/lggg Z. The proposal creates the opportunity to concentrate an aggregation of commercial space on sires adjacent to the main errance to Vail. The scope of tris oppornrnityiuggests that a comprehensive mastsplarmng procqs! should be undertaken to amend the Vail Village rVaster Plan in order to provide guiciance to the.scoPe of development being proposed. Th9 Vail VillageVaster Plan was adopted itt tgpO inO is consloereo a comprehenslve long range master plan. l. Th" proposal to grant increased exterior retail uses shouid continue to be limited to dre interiorof a building or to buildings ftat front estabiished pedestrian precincts or have ample required setbacksIIom roagwavs. 4. The proposal in deregulating the arrount of mmmerciat space is inconsistent wift dre buroose and incnt of fte Public Accommodations Zone Dislilct and^ as wetl -be proposai denies the su-J oriimil-teatnent to all similar types of iodging faciiities and therefore appears t6 create a grant of special Pnvuege. 5. There are aspects of the Public Accommodations Zone Dsbict development standards that are in need ofl refomn in order to encourage the development of sirort terrn accommodations and affordable housing, However, the degree of change advocated in tire Faessler Amendments are far reaching and may have unintended conseouences. III. Cumulative Effec8: , .1. The.proposals appears to reinforce and aggnvate.oistiog infastuctrral p'roblems in Vail ViI-lage. At a mrnimum, any proposal to increase tre ddrsity, size or uses on any site niust include reouire- ments to absort, on the site, a portion of surrounding neighborhood and Vail Villaee infrastuctlral'needs- For example,.a p.ressing_ infiastu"gt+l p.roblep g Fil .Viryge is &e need for disp-ersed off-st.eet loading and delivery facilities. Loading and delivery facilities shouldto be incorporated iirto new developmelts hat serve.on-site. neighborhood and Vail Village needs. .4s w.el! tbe hoirsing of employees gendrated by nerv oevelopmen$ snouto De rcqured. ,2. If not property master planned, the aggregate impact from increases in commercial square foot- €e and hme share unrb may dilute tte value of existing businesses and p'roperties with the lat€:n:t affect ofreduciag the overall economic health of tre communiry] Fr:rther, it would be useful to kno',r.the number of nerv hotel rooms that are required to offset losses in rebent years in the renhl of condominium units and from the migration of local consumers down valley. Additionally', efforts should be undertaken to reform tax codes and sales ta:r rales so as to stimulate the-condominiurn'rental market or to entice businesses to en- courage customers to pay fheir fair share of sales ta:c o JFfl{-ag- 1999 t4tn FR01 K I t'lf{Ey JOft'.1S0'.1 TO 4?68681 P .@r 0ecopr Juruary 7, l99E Mr, Rob Ford Mapr, Townof Vail Mr. Georgc Ruther Senior Plarurr Town ofVail Fax:970.479.2452 Dear Mr, Ford and Mr. Ruther, I wor:ld like toformaly objert to the proposcd Varl Village Inn's Spaciat Development District T {6ned for rhe Vait village lnn (vw) site. As a year-iound rcsrde,lt ofthe viilage Inn plaza Condominiums, which are adjaccnt !o thc proposed Vail Vilhge Inn developmem, I am disturbed with apparcat disregard fur rhe curl€nr plaining guidclines atrd thc nugnituie and arrogancc of the proposed development. As proposed, the site, rcfcncd to as spoc.ial Development District Numba 6 (sDD #6), grossly arcecds the APPROVED developmcnt san&rds contained in the SDD #6 legistuion as well as sornc guideliues in the Vail Village Masrcr Plan. Specifically, at issuc are rhe Gross Residential Floor. Ar_ ea and thc hcight of the proposcd buildirrg. currardy, the proposed plan violates an established view corridor tha bas a controlling efEct upon buildings in Soo'*6, Lrkcwise, the proposcd plan roally disrcgards the Vail Viltage Master plan hcight guidelines. As the owncr of the soilhwcst unit iD thc village Inn ptaza cordoniaiums, thc proposcd ptan:l) eliminates all wcstcrn o<posure to dre moumains and the sun, - 2) placas tnrck docks litcrally againsr a bedroom wall,3) eliminates any privacy from my patios, and 4) suggests faffic paneros that will bc unacccptable. Docs tle pruposcd plan compensare my potcntial loes in real cstatc raluc? Does the proposed plan compensatc me for severat ycars of din and constnrction noise? Can you boldly clirninate values tbar were developed lo protect my ncighbors and me? I am not.oppo_scd !o 9-h3nS! I also believe tbat a quality hotel woulrt, in the long nrn, enhance thc corc of the Village. Whar I am oppwcd to is the bjatani and rcckless disrcgard io guiaiU*. rlrt were c^srablishcd to pressrvc tio iirtogrity of vail villagc rad to prorect indlviduals-such asmyself Is your inent to build another Beavcr crsck? construc-t a cement city in the morntams? Jft€lFl9lr' I4.2L FRIIT.I KII$EY JTI+6T}I TO {I6ffit P.@, I trut thd gpod idgrut and e trE scEG to prts€rtrc tho vrluc of Vril Vilhgc wi[ q/crlomc a ptrtty grrcdy ild ireryct3ibb dcci3io. Yomtuly, KtumcyL. tohmon CC: Vilhgc Inn Plaza Condominiun Association TDTfl- P.@ Jan-08-9t 03:08pn FrorF0X H0RAti I CAlEm{l 212709023t FOX HORAN & CAMERINI o^t E ERo^DwA't NEw yOFat(. NEw von* tOOO{, January 8, 1999 14t2 P.02 ATTOfiIIE t 5 ^r{O 2at rhe AT 3.Ab TELEPfr(ldE. t2t2t TE!ECe|EI|E. etataz .',i:l '{d LLP Ooi^lo t. FOtr .Joxf, I rgiFlAX IZEOrrtgL ,t c|A.rE ltx. all.7xOWV t. EtAvrE FrtEc|( L TE IFTEFE FA?^ZL ^ €;ri-EL^ arar. F rro.rarSof. .ir(;nasl F roinS?eri |r^l''r|.Efl r. i'UIA^F F]atEl'll g d^'.6clt{8 Con ,AD C -Asa|iclriE'r Crr77('tll) a n^t-*cpF ,/,n citt5ToFxEr x 6tricrrFt EOrA^OO r. T|.A|a' O, corris€L lat^EF gtlcxrt^ rl Dear Mr. Ruther: We represent, I0lighEsbridge Corporat,ion, ardner of Unec I{o.che VaiI caterday Condominium. - Thrs is_t,o elq)ress our cl-iear,s adamanc opposicion t,o Eheprotrnsed VaiI plaza HoreL projecr.. which ii derrinenral coTornr of Vail and corrcralry co rhe Vail Village MasEer plan. The proposal should be rejeeEed our of hand. Via Fax Mr. Gearge Ruther Towrr of Vail MFJ:lc ,{E;r# ;.a#q ,s' {; # SB\IT BY:ATTORNEYS ; l- 8-89 ; 11:00 ;S704764765. Lrw 6ttr"a= Du n N, nee11g1;1kurr.tr-o, P.C. WFsrS?aR Ei, x Buror xq roa Sorrrx FR(lr|t FE FIoAD WE9T SutrE ooo ValL, CoLoFAod EtrEt I Jauuary 8, 1999 JOHN tY_ OU tl RTI{UR A- ASPLATALF. JR. OIANE HERIIA'{ XAURIELLO c.ARRtf, /r. t{E}tootl tfREt t cogxsEtl JENRY W. HAIIN }I (0tol (970) t(AREt{ lt. DuNl{Ctttltlto !eO{ lS.liLt o George Ruther, Senior Planncr 'lbwn of Vail 75 Soutl f-rontagc Road Vail C0 VIA FACSIMILE N9-U52 lls: Vail PlazuHotel ftoject Dear Ceorge: Chuck t-ipcon tclls mc that a copy of my lctcr to tlrc Planning aod Commission, datcd Junc 2, I998, is not in the filc in conncction with the ahove matler- A copy't of it tlreretbre lbllows, and I ask that it, together with lhis letter, be put in the lile. It is eur int€nt [o have the herying lsfore the Planning and Environmsntal Commission transcribed by a uourt reporkx, at our own expsnsc of course. We will share any tnanscript with you and ir.sk that it be madc a part of the rccord. Thanks fcrr your help in connection with this malter- Yours very truln DrNN, ABPLANALP & MAURTELLO, P.C. --r\\ Jo/n W. Dunn Ljwd:ipse cc. Mr. I-ipcon Mr. Moorhead ,Lt CIP. SEM BY:ATTORNEYS 970476476S, bw Orrrc=s Dut,tr.t, AepLnHRlp & CxntsrENsEN, P.C. A tqtlr&ahrr, GAII |.|r toa SouTl. FFO f^GE Ra^D WESI Surrr 3oo ValL, CcLonabo atart Jwe 2, 1998 9704792452i# 3/ 6 TSIEFI{O EI (97ot .t7o-o3ooJOHN W. OUNX anYl{un l- agFtaNALB JR. ALIE c. cHFtgrE{9etl orlxE L, HC,Fl.tar R, C. STEPIiEN59X !l?cr^l @trilllEu JERFY W. HANIIAH Plaming rnd Environmentd Cornmirsion Town of Vril 75 South Frodage Road vail CO t1657 o HLECOF,. Rc: Vail Plezs Hotcl Projecl Dear Conrnrission Mernbers: We rcprcsant thrce reridential unit ownerr at Vril Gdarry Plaza ald hrrre beea ' rcquo$ed by thun to provide you with written comment with rcspect o the application of : Daymcr Corporation for a major amfidmfft to Specid Dareloprucnt Disttict #6, ttte Vail ytllEgF lnn Sito ('lhc Vril Plaza Hotcl Project" or'thc Projeot"). fhving rwicrs/cd thc plans sbniucd to the Town. rre wish to rct forth our concsns with r€cp€ct to thc rclationship of thc ProieC tor thc Vril Villagc Mastcr Plan. Frcm our rwicw of the plurg h appeeru thrt tbe portimr of the Prr{ec locdcd immediately djacent to Vail Gatoway Plgza will bc 60 to 84 fcst abov€ the cristing grede to the south of Gatwray Flaza on Vail Road and 70 to t00 feet abovt the qistiDg grdc to thc GEst of Grtcway Plaza on Frontagc Road. Tlris proposed building hcight ir not in codormitywiththc Conccptual Building Hcight Plan of thc Vsil Vilqge lUsltcr Pllr1 which estlblishc$ a buildiqg height guidelin€ on thos€ pErcels adjacmt to Grtaray Plaa.sf 34 Gtepped) buildiqg stories. Inasmuch as the Conceptud Buitdiry Hcight Phn defin$"building stoqf as nine fect, thc corrcsponding buildirrg hciglrt grridclines u€ 2? to 36 fect. Nor is tbe propored buildiog ki$t io conformity with thc Sub-fuea #l-l Plan rt pagc 37 of thc umtcr nh4 which rcquiro that thc masc of buildinp "nep-up" fi'om pedestrian scalo along Moadour I)rive to +5 $tori€t dong Frontrgc Rord. Construing thc two togctlrcr, thc ltruchrt to ths sornh of Cnteway Phzr could not by any interpretation exsccd four $torics or 36 fcct. Thc proposcd building hcights for tbc Projcct adjaccnt to Gafcmy Pllza thcrefor" qceed mastcr plur limitltions fo as nrrrch es 33 to 48 fcet on Vail Rosd srd 43 to 64 foot on Frontage Road, In other wordl, the plrn propo*s a building thrt is at leas twice thc hrigh limiations ofthc Vril Villrge Mrgter Ptgn on thoro parcdr o SENT BY:AITORNEYS 971J476476S's704752452i# 4t 6 ','' ^,r{ t I '' ll Section l2-9A-t ofthe Vril Municipal Code inctudcs as pcrt ofthe decign critaie for approval of an SDD "mnformity wrth rpplicablc elenrents oftbe Vail Compretrcosive Ptaq Town policies and urban design plans" und provides. with refcrence to thore standards, tlfi: i 'h shall bc the burdcn ofthe applicart to dEnonstratc th.t nrbuinrl Estcdd tnd :. the propoccd derclopmart plan comply with eash of the following etandards, or demonstrete that onc or norc oftheur is not apptcabte, or thst I praailicd solutioo . .(consisent with the prrblic intcrcst hrs bc€n achicvcd: . . ." .i Wc src not ablc to lind anything in the applicqnt's submittal to suggest thtt the height limitations of the master plan are not rpplicablc or that tlrc applicant is propocing a golution to thc conflist with thc mastcr phn which ig cgnristant with the public ilterest. Wc can only i{ conclude that th€ applicant is asking that the luigftt limitatiom of the rnaster plan be iporod for: , . ' . '$ purpose of the application. lt is thcrefore thc purpose ofthis letter to grovide you with a rwiew, ,r,ir, Egryg**g; of Colorado law on thc rclationship bctwccn ma$q plans and zoning irchrling in particulu tlr type of zone districl know ar thc "plannod unit dwclopmerrt" fPUD") or, as it is knorvn in Va! tr the rpccial dwebpmort distria ('SDD"). Brs€d upon our rwiew ofth"t 1"* il ie ourbclisfffi r t ' 'v: the master plan mu$ bc strictly adhered to in thc considcration of SDD zoning, aad we .+s respcctfully rcqucst that your commission so determfuE ar thc outsct of ie coniid€rltiolr of the , , ,,application. i ,SF*,S tights, it must bc furthcr implemcntcd through zoning. Thcrerftcr, b Beavs Mcfus v. M ofCwntyftnm,rc,7o9P'2d928(Co|o.l9E5)'thecourtheldth8t,whilcgna5twplanasur; advicory documcnt is not nccessarily binding on the zoning dirrEion of a gotunmeotal body, it .6r i i . is binding whcn the zoning legirlrtion rcquires compliancc with it. The Colorado $uprerne Court first sddress€d the cffect of a nastcr plur in Tleobal<l v. Bwd of (innty Comm'rs,644P.U 942 (Golo. l9E2). In that casc, rhc corlrt hcld that r marter plan is advisory only urd thnt, in order for it to hrye a direct cffcct on property Mort recently, n Bwd oJ Cquily Comn'rs v. Condar. Wl V.U 1339 (Colo. 1996), our suprcmc coun wrs frcod with a subdMsion application which conforncd with applicable zoning but not with the coungr mestcr plan, whic,h hd bc€o rdoptd as a "guidclind' by thc suMivision rcgulntions. Over two disscntq the court bdd tbat thc county could cuforce , the mrster plan compliancc provision legislatively adopted ls pan ofth€ subdivision regul4tionr.' Takcn togethcr, thoso cascs tdl us tha( to thc extcot that zordng is iffitrristttrt with tb mislcr plan. thc mrster plan will prevail, provided compliance with il is requfud by some regulatiou. Wc rccognize that thc Town has grcat fl€ribility in tlrc srgdnat of spccid dcvclopmcnt district zoning and that a purposc of ln SDD zouc district is to cncouragc fl€tdbility and creativity in thc development of land in ordcr to pmmotc its most appropriatc ure. We also rccognizc that our local dirtricf court ha! uphcld the Town counoil'8 adopion of SDD zoning over r chrllenge based upon the rrgrment thet the adoption of it consti$ted "spot zodngl in contravcntion of thc Town'r mrster plur. Howwer. wG lrc not arguing thst tbc ptEs€d application violatcs objectivcs or poticics of tlr tttost€r phrl which rre rspirrtimal in nahra Rather, we are arguing thrt no zone districl within the towa mny violdo a very spccific heiglrt .r.1 'lt i,1' ,i i i, ,lttl, , i ,: ." SENT BY:ATTORNEYS 970476476F 9704792452i#.5/ 6 rli.tr, ;.' limitetion irnpotd by thc rtrlsta plrn givar the mrstcr plen'r incorporrtion ido thc To*n's zoning includirtg SDD zoning. It dtould rlso bc mcntion€d that' so fu as wG arc awsrE tbtre hrs not bcctr Uisfiid., court review of r rezoning in thir county since tho Car&r decision Priu to thn dcoicioq it . , ,.* might have becn argued that an SDD zons distdd, bccausc il cgablisbcs specirl nrlcr for thar zone district. may override mancr plan rcquircmcms. Ilswwcr, in,Cu&r thccorut affrned Larimcr County't dcnial of an ryplication for l PLJD rubdivision bnscd upon thc subdivirho'r crestion of dcnsity in conflict *ith the county mster plaq wen tho"gh (as the coun ctnphasizcd)i the proposed urc of the land was in compliance with tlrc munty's zoning resolution. It must thcrcfore bc corrcluded ttut, if lh€ €ntiroty of the Larimcr Co$ty zoning rerotrtion muld not hava thc efiect qfqverriding thc aounty msstsr pllrt, PUD or SDD 2sning could not brvc tbet effect. We also recogniac thal zoning h amatter of local md mnicipal corcmU r* rh$:r'?fti'"i' Town'szoningauthorityicgovcrncdbyirownclurtcrandordinanceg bulav.Cily&futt , .- of Demer,759 P.2d66a (Colo. 1988): $erucz Oil Co. v. RMs,500 P.2d 807 (Colo. 1972); urd that the cases cited in this lcner address county nsster planc llgqrev€r, thc grarrt ofzoning ,1 , , i' uthority is contained in ststutg 5 3l-23-301, C.RS., and that autbority is conditioncd upon thc , adoptionofamasterplanby$31-21-303,C.RS. Furtber,thestatutoryFlrpoE€sgov€fnfug&t,:.;1, adopion of a rrunicipal master phn, $ 3l-23-207, C,RS.. track with those govadng the I . "iourrrrfrrr. vr s.!rrr..vrr$r rru..'rvr rEr I J.-tJ-tw.r ruvgvav's4o.r.v {.,. Ill adoption of I county master plart $ 3C.2&107, C,R.S., ard both corrdies and municipolitics rei+i,.l requircd to find mastcr plan complimce as n condition to appronal ofa PUD, $ 24-67-104(tX0,i, tifr. C.R.S., abscnt a srperscding ordiluncc of tho mudcipality. Voil'r ordinsrcp in facr ir conlistilt{ri, :ir^ with ttrat statut€. Finally, thc discu*ion contained in tbc oouaty cts$ cft€d arc a dirsrr$ol of t ., ,.* gsneral principler of lani use law. It is therefore our conclrsion thar your."tti$d; -r$ g"ifi', litcral sffect to the Vail Viltagc Mrster Plrq including in paniculu the heigbt linitaioru contained in it, in coruidering the epplication for the Project Of course. the Town's mrster plans may bc amendc4 but thrt proc€Et ebould ottly bc iniriated by thc Tovm council. hrrsuant to g 3147-207, C-n-S., 'careftl and co4rehosive surwys and studies of present conditions rnd fuhre gronrth' ue required. Initiation ofthat procesq we belicve, ouglrt not be motivated by a single applicorion It is our urrdcrsunding rhat rhe applicart belier,es thu the economic bcoefit ofits project to the community. including hotd eccomrnodations and confuucc ryace outwaigh the irportance of master plan cornpliancc. ln that connection, it b wcll to beor in nind the purpo$$ of thc Town's zoning rcguluions as they ar€ sct forth in $ l2-l-2, Vail Municipal Codc: "thesc rcgulrtions arc cnaclcd for thc purpose ofpromoting thc hcaltb, safcty, morals, urd gencral welhre of the Towq and to promotcthe coordhd€d and harmoniour dcvclopmant of thc Town in r mrancr thc will conscw€ rod cohrmc its nsturul environment and its egsblishcd characcr ar a recort and rssiddisl comrnrnity of high quality." o SENI BY:A.ITORNEYS JIVD:ipse cc. Mr. Lipcon Mr. Johnston 9704764765-9704792452;# 6/ 6 Thst purposei wc suggest is intetdcd to preserue the character of the town rnd trot to promotc,, economic devdoprrcnt. In making thst rcquelt, we do not wistr to minimize other Eopccts of tbe projoct which would require that on the merits your commission make a recommcndation of dcnialof thc application. The imfact ofthe Project on Frontage Rord is diffiorlt oyetr to insgine. Trafrc flow through the roundabout inters€ction and along Frontage Roarl would bc increased very rubrtantially, with the eflendant noise snd pollution caused by vehicular trafrc. Witboqt rn impact analysi+ it is imposible to sry what the etrect of the itoject would be on level of servicc at the Main Vail Roundabout. That impact is aggravatcd I tbcabsarcc ofpcdesrian acccss from the village core. Funher, the refoursing of activity on Froutagc Roa{ togcth€rlyith the overall height and mass of the Project, would have a firndauental, potortiAty awucriry offcct , on the feeling and charecter ofVail. 1 Wc intend to presr those iszuss at time of hcuing on the applicatio4 ifthar stage, . ,*.dfu, is reached. We again urge that arr initiat detcrminarion b€ rudih"t tt " projue -r" *.pfy-ffii T' the Vail Village Mastcr PIan. That determinatioq for obviour reasons, *ooid ser" to Ocrrs coruideration ofthc application. ,,,. Yourr very truly, *ffi' tff & .HRISTENSEN' P'c ruJo w. nu- .i' ..,,i. Sent By: PW. Assoclates; S54 753 S77S;Jan-10-99 4r2SPM; Village Inn Plaza phase V Condominium Assoc.100 East Meadow Drive #31 Vail, Colorado E1657 January 10, 1999 The Honorable Robert Ford Mayor of Vail Town of Vail Municipal Office Vail, Colorado 9,|657 Subject: Construction of the new Vail Mllage INN Your Honor, I am writing as a director and officer of the above Association. During the annual meeJing of our association on Dec. 2grh lggg we were, foi the first time, allowed to review some information about the construction plans of the new Vail plaza Hotel to be erected on thegrounds of the current Wl. 1 W" consjder the planned project a substantial departure from the Special Development District as approved on the property. Page 1/2 A. l €c urr<t / r) HLE Cc,,^, 2.It is in conflict with the quiet enjoyment of the property rights of Phase v condominium Association property owners in als muctr asitviolates the reciprocal easement and access agreement of 19g7. ThiS aOfgement ouarantees Phace \/ Crrndnrninir rrrr Aco,-,-iali.rn The owners represented at the meeting and other owners in Vlp Phase v condominium Association have expressed great concern over the impact a nine-story building would have on the overafl atmosphere of vail village. rt would set a dangerous precedent that could impact on other potential devetopment plans of such re- lg_velopable properties as the sonnenalp swiss chalet, chateau Vail (formerly Holiday Inn), the Tivoti anit possibly otheis. o Sent By: PUl. Associates;554 753 5775i Jan-lo-gg 4:29PM; Page 212 May I as[fhat the above views, concerns and objections of the owneG QWP Phase v condominium Associatioh be introduced andconsi(p$Uln the upcoming planning meeting next week. Respectftrlly, Hubert Wagner Director of VIP Phase V Condominium Association CC: to all condo owners of record This letter is submitted via Fax #97o-47*z1sr tothe Town of vail. It was sent from my permanent residency: Hubert Wagner 4100 N. W. 101 Drive Coral Springs, FL 33065 Tel# 954-753-,4808 Fax# 954-753-9775 tj ALtcArI'fC - a:=_- -------- lntilot;e f^.hfrt -#J;,#fl"* Ht fr;rJPY oU10/99 Dear Mayor Ford, Tormt Council, Mr..Ruther and PEC: I am the owner of a Reslaurant in the Gateway building in Vail Mllage. I have only just found out about a meeting with the Town of Vail regarding the Vail Mllage Inn Roject I only found this ont by chance... the Torrrn never notified us, and neither did our landlord, Stoltz Management. This is not the r^/ay the Town usually does hlsiness. I have been notified in the past about other issues regarding development in the Town when it r /ould affect my business. I oppose the Vail Mllage Inn flan. The traffic u,ould be honendous, and after the summer of 1999, maybe we should all look at the rate of conslruction and timing of such Fpjects. Vvhat happened to the srnall cute mountiain town? \Mrat about the effecl on air quality? l/wrat about the mader dan and all the isgles when the Vail Gateuray bnildiing was h.rilt? The Vail Gateway and lhe Vail Mllage Inn were supposed to have a @esfian conneclion. The dan being proposed would isolate and hide the Vail Gateway behind a huge building. Between the hrildings an alley would be created that would not be inviting to visitors to the Vail C.ateway. I have not had a chance to study the proposal in detail. These are my immediate objections. To not notify us wien there is potentially a I story building, which uould take '18 months to build, is outrageous. Sincerely, 2U** 2077 n.lrontage rd suite I03b vail, co 81657 970-47 6-2090 Jm 970479-6494 Eat-inq@lnbox.com t I I i JRN-11-1999 1?:35 VIA TELEFAX TOWN COUNCIL OF VAIL IDI GROIP CT}fAI'IIES THE IDI GROUP COMPANIES GIUSEPPE CECCHI. PRESIDENT ?83558?399 P.AVA! January 11,1999 &rrFll ,tc .!).. 1<--t^-t ) 51 fii| clPy Dear Council Members, lam writing to you today as a concerned Vail Village property owner to voice my strong opposition to the changes that you are considering to the zoning density and height restrictions with respect to the Public Accommodations Zone and Vail Village Inn Development Districts- Let me begin by saying that I have been coming to Vail since 1978 and have owned a condominium in the Vail Village Inn sirrce t988. tn that time I have witnessed much growth and development in the town of Vail, which, in my opinion, generally has been carefully planned to retain Vail's unique character and ambiance- lndeed, this atmosphere of a srnall European village is what sets Vail apart from every other resort area- lf the zoning and density chsnges which are before you are approved, the special atmosphere of the Vail Village would be destroyed and our property values will suffer. We do not want or need another Lionshead in the Town of Vail. I ask that you vote in opposition to the proposed changes that are before you. [cerely, Giuseppe Cecchi Vail Villaoe Inn - Unit 108ViIIage- Irm Plaza BALLSrcFI METRO CTI{TER T 9OI N. SruAFT ST., ARUNGTON. VA ?-"6 I 76/55Ez3@ I FA)( 7GV55+7377 TOTAL P.A1 JRN.12.1999 ?ZL?PN CreTLE REfl-TY GROUP AIIL SEASONS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION 434 GORE CRENKDRIVN vNL, COLORADO 81657 (e7or 1761361r (e7ol17&i04iro tr'AX f,ttdcrlcf Xtynrn tr' Dredrt d 9tWhimmrqill Bo.d Amork,NY f0504 NO.459 P .7/l TO: EROM: DATE: RE: wlvfayorRob Ford & Towu Council Members Via Fax (970) 479-2157 FrederickWyman tr Jaruary ll, 1998 I b FILE COPY (914) 2?3-rt{s (914) zfi{Ut Srr Spccid Dwelopmeot Distict 6 - Prrdo Amendmest Prrblic Accommodation Zone District -Fa€ssler Anendments The All Season'r Coudominium Asociation is coacenred regarding the two above referenced matt€rsthatwill be appcaring shortly on your ogeoda. Wo rupportthe concems artictlated iuthe Ianrary 7,1999 memo ftomtbe EastVillage Houeowners Association to the Tovm Boarrd We respeo6rlly suggest tbat the Tourn of Vail should conaidcr thes€ mstt€rs in conjuction wirh a revision of the Vail Village Mrster Plstr adoptod in 1990 with specific attnntion to the impactc, prinarily baffc, of the new Vail Resorts &cility at Golden Pea{s and the poteirtial for frnrre redwelopment ofthe area at the base of Crotden Peak. FW:ml tr\ vli$f,adUzg9 cc: J. Lflnotf All Seasons Coudominium Assosiation P.At r:c, p.aa4 ,,z -irea* %*,*o /^l Trr* &.^.*z-r* a-Lr-^-= M-;^- k* ,1fu7.n /rA^ uj5;.m /'auz+a-, a-J&. o ,S.r*rZ.O--,-*^V /J"-V-;-/ A - F-n aJ"^4 a-.-t-1 ,-n/ ,"/.7/;'- "-;;t-- *-J /h--'4-'L 7*--+t- l{r-- fu h-**& .',/// {.;}""r- "&-/*fuoi L13i# "t'4e8iv3,r -* JAN 1,: 199$ FILE COPY TOTAL P.81 13754762789 FltI.lEYWAmN /DO\[VA{ o /J"- , h.-^rlt J -;.'4 t-t e"r.d- a-e*d /.de.p e frLal etl* ' t '+r1' Pr*Wh/-A&h.A J/L/-tu-/ wtfui-?LJt "4h''.)V'l/az" a- -*r{u;, et-,\d/ lLo lA-/' F), o o /L/dL hoo 7A*<z.*t, at .t'r-do U,tD raroacz-.tqhy,turr-d'ori al-.^-c-(t-z*; r/-*(/t ) A-ulda 11)t*, # /'*ry;-.ft. g**J Al, l/rr'H.) "; tb -e)d*gt == JAe OA/1/-oLcD --r*-flrtrZo*, 6t)*.-. obel/Urr"ll "z,i vor{o-l*:Joo"L-;-dt n Jf.f^@ a4D-/.i+ { f*- LortU1zru-;, *}1-g y/-r- r.'-r4a*o ry;" ata.^j 4 /1'aD /, 4I-*7t;* //u;-doon^d, pn$t*' H"% /""1 qun-J, Jlarq,S '/-r;/- t arL Fa&,o. JL qr)44/z*> ta->' ld 4'H*, n")l-' oa, o*,tozrt tn,4o fL d'4Arf'td t'r$* - at-b {*tArJ rt ur/14/ -r*--+*-t. ad/rt "d, rL-rao.zfruz/44 "-t, .grrr- ea*c+.a/--h^,.- JAa/'fu-,^LD*r".-^) vail village im Subject: vail village inn Date: Wed, l3 Jan 1999 09:25:36 EST From: Sealaw@aol.com To: "George Ruther" <gnrther@ci.vail.co.us> CC: John Dunn <lex@vail.net> Hi Georqe Please let ne know when the WI proposaL is scheduled to appear before the tor.rn counciL Thanks Chuck Lipcon HLE f;r/PY I oft t/13/99 850AM (no subject) Subject: (no subject) Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 23:48:59 EST From: Sealaw@aol.com To: ford@vail.net, "George Ruther" <gruther@ci.vail.co.us> CC: lex@vail.net, LEdwal234@aol.com, Kinney@,Sequelvc.com, JFlamont_EVHA@email.msn.com, sriden@vail.net, bryanwachs@yahoo.com, BryanWachs@pobox.com CHARLES R. L I PCON Attorney At Law Suite 2480 One Biscayne Tower 2 South Biscayne B1vd. lvlram]' r'tor].da JJaJI Email : sealaw@aol . com Web: www. l ipcon. com Phone: (305) 373-3015 To11 free: (800) 838-2759 Fax: (305) 373 - 6204 LJan. -LJ, L999 Mayor Rob Ford and Town Council Members, Town of Vai I Faxz 479 2452 Re: VaiI Villaqe Inn SDD application Dear Mayor Ford and Town Council: Please consider this an addendum to my objections previously filed in this matter. 1. Notice of presentation to the Town Council of the wI proposal should be sent directly to me. f have not received any written notices in the past. The same is true for everyone that I have tal,ked to in the Vai 1 GaLeway and the condominiums at the vai.1 Villaqe Tnn. 2. I would like enough notice to be able to travel to Vail from out of town. Two weeks advance notice would be sufficient. 3. A study should be done by the Town to deEermine the fumes and CO2 1eve1s in the a11ey way created between the Gateway and the WL This alley will go the entire length of Lhe driveway and will have up Lo a 70 foot high waLL creared by the WI which will have NO SETBACK WHATSOEVER. This wal1 will be about 20 feet from the Vail Gateway since the WI plan comes right. to the property line of theVaiL Gateway. At the meeting on the Faessler proposal t.here were numerous comments from PEC members and the members of the town council about the need for setbacks between adjacent properties. 4. The traffic study is €lawed since it used a generic documenL to justify a 50% decrease in traffic. 5. The devel-oper filed a copy of a view encroachment agreement signed by Josef Staufer and Leo Palmer. Mr. Staufer explained aL Lhe PEC meeting that the FILE r;r/PY I of2 1/15/99 9:40 AM (no subjcct) document applied to the then existing plans that had been previously approvedin his SDD. That would be 3 stories in the view corridor and 4 stories in anocher area. It was noL inlended Lo apply to the present WI request nor doesit. apply to Lhe public view corridor from the roundabout area, 6. The closeness of the VVI to the Gateway woul-d be a fire hazard that shouldbe 'i nvesf ioatpd. Also can the fire dpnArtment handle a fire in an I sforv buildinq. 7. The vail Gateway will be in a permanent shadow. AIso ice could fall fromthe WI onto the Vail Gateway property and cause damage and injuries. Tf there was a setback this would not be a danger Lo t.he Gateway. 8. The Town of Vail has been unable to find the plans for the l-976 SDD approval . Mr. Prado claims he did not keep the set he got from Josef Staufer. Those plans would be important to look aE to see what the agreement betweenMr. Staufer and the Town of Vail refers to on a visual Level . Mr. Staufer explained the agreement to the PEC, which they iqnored. 9. You should inquire if Jay PeLerson has a conf J.ict of int.erest since he hasin the past represented Leo Palmer with respect to the Vail Gateway, has represented Stoltz who bought out some of Leo Palmer's interest in the Gateway. Those people who purchased from Leo Palmer, such as myself, should be considered to stand in Leo Palmer's shoes with respect to a conflict. Leo Palmer still owns a unit in the Vail Gateway. Stoltz Management is not forwarding notices of the meetings to the owners and lenants in the Vail n-r^r.t-i, i F i - €-^r r-harr =nrrrr'l I (, d^l- h^Fudtewdy LE Lll Iacc Et-,f *-,-*- ..--t ces. 10. The Town o[ Vail should have the financia] information provided by theVillage Inn removed from the WI proposal as that creates a conflict ofinterest for the Town when considering the project. The amount of money the Town will make should not be part of the cri Leria for approving an SDD thatviolaLes prior Lown agreements with Josef SLaufer, violat.es the underlyingzoning, and violates the master pIan. 11. The close proximity of rhe WI hotel Lo the Vail Cateway will invade theprivacy ot Lhose people in the Vail cateway since the VVI windows will only beabout 20 feet away from the windows into the bedrooms of the Vail Gateway condomi.niums. 12. The PEC voLe should be voided in liqht of the fact that one of the members rr<ac .Ja\r D6f 6ica\n ic hi e rf f .\1^nalt 1-3. The VVI plan certainly does not fit into the neighborhood nor is it compatible with the neighboring properties. 14. There has not been a change in circumstances for lhe WI property to irrqfi frr fha n1en hoi nrr nrnnneod Charles R. Lipcon cc: John W. Dunn, Esq. 2 ot2 l/15/9 9:4O ANl Date Receiver JAN 2 0 1999 TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontdge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2100 FAX 970-479-2157 January 13,1999 Charles R. Lipcon, Esquire One Biscayne Towner 2 South Biscayne Blvd, Suite 2480 Miami. FL 33131 Dear Mr. Lipcon: We are in receipt of yow letter dated January 13,1999 regarding the Vail Village Inn SDD application. Thank you for taking the time to share your opinions and ideas. Your letter has been forwarded to the Town Council and will be considered. The issue of the Vail Village Inn redevelopment has elicited numerous responses as it continues to move through the public process. Therefore, although the Council may be unable to respond to your concerns personally, please know that your comments have been forwarded and will be considered as part ofthe overall deliberations. If you have additional comments or questions, please contact George Ruther at 479-2145. At the Town of Vail, your feedback is very important to us as we strive to serve the collective interests of our residents, property owners, businesses and guests. Thanks again for taking the time to let us know your thoughts. We look forward to your continued participation regarding the hotel redevelopment. Vail Town Clerk xc: George Ruther V-'/ {g*"n"uor ro JAH-22-99 FRI e'7: I 1 A1'l itanuary 21, 1999 GEORCB RUTHER - TOY-EOM.DEV-DEPT. 9?O 47g 2452 CERI.IAINC IIARMON 476 4348 cernaine F. P- Ol t F I Dear George, r- just received your t{ansmieeion regarding ,'tro vaa not,ifiedabout th€ appltcation subnitted by Diyner. I notice bhat there ls no name ahgslng uho slgned forreceipt of notification on behalf of iail Viri-g" irrnPlaza condominiums Aesoc. r & rr, c/o Slifer uaiig"ment.I sould very nuch appreciate the name of the pere5n thoreceived the notifieition, Thanklng lrou in advance for your aBaistance in this matter,I am, JRN-27-19:':' L'1.49 P ,I6L CIIARLES R. LIPCON Attomey At Law suite 2480 Onc Biscaync Tou,€f, 2 Sorth niccayne Blvd. Miami, Florida 3313f EmaiL sealaw@aol.com Web: www.lipcon.com Phons CJ05) 3R-3016 Toll ftee: (800) &38-2759 Far: @05) YY620a vIA TELEI'AI:. 970-474-2452 ilanuary zlt L999 Uayor Rob Ford Town Council ttembersVail, Colorado Re! val-I village Inn sDD Application Dear. Itlayor Ford and Town Council: fn srrpport of ObJestl.on 9 Ln ttre January 13, 1999 Addendrrl toobJections previously filed by rne, please find a copy of LeoPalne!'s telefax to ilay Peterson, dated iranuary 9, L999. Ur. Palner pointed out to ltr. Peterson that !lr. Peterson had representecl tOr. Palner with respect to recognizing the subdivision on the VaiI Gateway Plaza property. In light of, the fact that !{r, Daluer stlll otrns a residential unitin the Gateway Plaza which ie irmediately adjacent to ti,e vailvillage Inn, he directcd ilay Peterson not to represent the owrrersof the Vail Village Inn. Ar ttrings are shaping up it would appear that !i!r. Peterson has thefoll-owing involvement in this natter: I. He Ls tie attorney in fact for Dafziler Coryoration and its attorney with respect to the SDD uotlifioation application. 2, Ee forilerly represented Leo Palner, the developer of the Vail Gateway Plaza, 3. He reprceented Stoltz with respect to its purcbase of LeoPaherrs lntercrt ln soue of the condomlnirrn units Ln the vailViUage Inn. ,, I J*r"r-z'l-1e:'e L't:4v P.t6Z I have previously pointeO out tlrgt notices of neetings and hearingsare not beinE recclved fro Stoltz Uanagenent. {. l,F. Petarson reprcsented or re;rresents one of the nenbere ofthe planning and environnental corumlssLon. As such, it would appear tbat there are otte or ltorc conflicte ofinterest in this matter. Veq, trul' Yours, CHARLES R. LIPCOII CRII:at EncloEure . t JFN-z?-1ee:t L?'46 Januory 8. 1000 Joy Fr" PolOrson l!.ttorney,:rt Lerw 106 s. F onhge F{oo'{ Sulte 307 Veil, Colorado 8i057 Fax 970"d7$0407 Dear Mr. Petgrson:' In afrpro,dfneloty May. i90,? you ,r tc(boni?in(t tllo crrtdivtliion on lhc N llr0 present llmo 1$lill o$rn f rostd whlcli ls imrnedlaloly ainacent 10 tno nognllv€ly irnpaal0d hy hd applicntir Vail Vlllago Inrr. Sincc you om tlio Al ownor of thc Vdl M[a00 lnrl, I mhL and a$ such rhuuld nijl DEtrrosell t, Vo,y Truly yours, l'At.t\,ta r:i Ir.:Vtit.t ,Nt,ir ' r.tlttl. |l l )r rnodift,nlian itt thel;itto {0r lno 0nt(xl nla with ftlsnrr.l lc fonnallv lf illO?rgy 'illsrr ltr,)Fqflt inl unlt |rr the Va,l rhle^ iy pta?R il t/illt'0e inn. il n,tll tn diroory nnrt tflr$y lJt f:rct and A!lotrtery l0rlhe ru harro e d reci qrnllirJ irf i|ltolost orvitors o, ih€i \r'oit\4tleflo inn. 'l'liI l r'r lr r ,i'7 i r'ijt:i .lt.trr.l| ||t tl:l titrr: TOTfl- P.A3 P.63 () u*-fur' R. W. Jenson # tSZJJ 05l0 East Beaver Creek Blvd, A.|O2A PO Box t9000 Avon, CO 91620(970) 949-0768 FN( (970)748-9825 January25, 1999 Iorelei Donaldson Toum Clerk 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Re: Address Chaoge ofproperty Onmer for public Notices Dear Ms. Donaldson: we are the or^mers of vail Gateway phza; The hone offce uftere any notices ofpublic meetings have bee'n sent has relocated- The former address was Mormiainaire properties, Inc., and Mormtain owners, L-_!. c/o stoltz Bros. Ltd., 1300 Market street, suite 300,Wilnington, DE 19801. please re,place that address with the followini: Mormtainaire Properties, Inc., and Mountain Oilners, L. p. c/o Stoltz Bros. Ltd. 725 Coushohocken State Rd. Bala Clnwyd, pA 19004 Attn: Steve Lewis Also, we now have a local office in Avon and ifwe could have I copy of any correryonde,ncethat goes to the home office sent to the following address it would be appieciated: Mormtainaire Prop ertieg Inc. 0150 East Beaver Creek Blvd_ PO Box 19000-157 Avon, CO 81620 Attn: Sean Snvder Thank you for your /tention to this matter. m oun ta ina ire Vrrye rties, inc. "tr81e R Wesley J6nson Date Receiver FEB 0 i fi99 cc: Steve I-ewis Law Orrrces Du ru N, AepreNel:,S"yi.-r*tELLo, P.C. JOH N W. OUNN ARTH UR A. ABPLANALR JR. D IANE HERMAN MAURIELLO CARRIE A. H ENDON 9PECIAL COUNSEL: JERRY W. HANNAH WesrSrea BaNx B u rlom'rc rog Soutx Fnot.rrace Roe,D WEsr SutrE 3oo Varl, Coloaaoo eresu February 2,1999 TELEPH ONE: (97O) zr76-O3OO FACSIMILE: (970t 476-4765 KAREN M. DUNN CERIIFIEO LEGAI ASSTSIANT Mayor and Town Council Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail CO 81657 Re: Vail Plaza Hotel Project Dear Mayor Ford and Council Members: The purpose of this letter, written on behalf of Charles Lipcon, is to provide you with additional comment regarding the above project submittal. i. Vail Village Master Plan Included as part ofthe record in the above matter, is a letter dated June 2. 1998. from this office to the Planning and Environmental Commission. That letter objects to aspects of the proposed YailPlaza Hotel as violating the Vail Village Master Plan. The reasoning of the objection is based in part on the holding of our supreme court in Board of County Comm'rs v. Conder,927 P.2d 1339 (colo. 1996). In essence, that case held that a master plan. once incorporated into a land use regulation, is binding and not advisory. At the hearing before the Planning and Environmental Commission, the Town Attomey disagreed with that analysis. He stated it to be his opinion that the Conder case has no application to the Town of Vail because that case involved a county regulation, as opposed to the regulation of a home rule municipality. He stated it to be his opinion that, because the Town of Vail is a home rule town, the Vail Village Master Plan is advisory only. The purpose of this letter is to reply to that opinion. It is respectfully submitted that the concept, that a master plan is advisory in nature, arises not out of a home rule analysis but rather out of the decision of our supreme court in Theobald v. Board of County Comm'rs, 644 P .2d 942 (Colo. I 982). In that case, the court held that a master plan is advisory only and that, in order for it to have a direct effect on property rights, it must be further implemented through zoning. The Conder case involved a master plan which had been implemented as part of Larimer County's subdivision regulations. The court stated that: Date Receivec FEB 0,. 1999 "master plans are purely advisory documents, absent (l) formal inclusion of sufficiently specific master plan provisions in a duly- adopted land use regulation by a board of county commissioners or (2) a statutory directive from the General Assembly that landowners must comply with master plan provisions in pursuing land use development proposals." 927 p.2d at 1346. We note that the Vail Charter contains no authority for the adoption of zoning regulations. For that reason, the Town can look only to state statute for its zoning authority. It must therefore comply with the state statutory requirement of adoption of a master plan, as it has done. It is also bound by state law and our supreme court's interpretation of state law as to the effect of a master plan. It is immaterial whether that interpretation involves a counry goverrrmenr or a home rule municipality. Apart from that, the Vail Municipal Code makes the Town's comprehensive plan a binding, and not an advisory, document. Section l2-9A-8, vail Municipal Code, places the burden on the applicant to demonstrate 1) that a special development district submittal complies with the comprehensive plan, 2) that the comprehensive plan is not applicable or 3) that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved. The proponent ofthe Vail Plaza Hotel has done none of the foregoing. He simply asks that you disregard the specific limitations of the Vail Village Master Plan, including in particular the height limitations of the master plan. We therefore submit that the Vail Village Master Plan cannot be passed over as an advisory document and that the council must comply with the ordinance cited above, placing the burden on the applicant. We submit that the applicant has not met that burden and that the application should be denied. ii. Concerns as to Work Sessions This project application was considered by the council in a work session on January 26,1999, at which time the suggestion was made that further work sessions may be scheduled. It was also indicated, on behalf of the applicant, that concerns of the council would be responded to. The council is respectfully reminded that it has before it a recommendation of the Planning and Environmental Commission. When such a recommendation is received, it is required by $ I 2-3-7F, Vail Municipal Code, that a date for hearing be set. Section l2-3-6 of the code establishes the manner in which hearings before the council must be conducted, including the requirement of $ l2-3-6D3 that all interested parties be afforded the opportunity to submit exceptions, contentions and arguments. It is respectfully submitted that consideration of any project in work session without notice to the public and to adjacent landowners does not comply with that requirement. It also requested that the council avoid negotiation with the applicant, either informally at staff level or in the course of a work session. Review of a recommendation of the PEC is intended by the code to be a public hearing process and not a work session/negotiation process. iii. Encorachment and View Agreement Members of the council have expressed interest in an Encroachment and View Agreement, dated october 31, 1989, between vail village Inn, Inc., and Leo palmer as the developer of the Vail Gateway Plaza. In essence, that agreement required that Palmer obtain from purchasers of units at Gateway Plaza a waiver of any interest, claim or right in an unobstructed view across VVI property. It is emphasized that that agreement was entered into with respect to the then approved plans of VVI, which were altogether different in scope from the existing application. . Further, the agreement amounts to a private covenant and obviously has no effecio.t itte rigirt of our client to insist that the council comply with the requirements of the Vail Village Mastei plan and town ordinances. Yours very truly, DL]NN, AFPLANALP & CHRISTENSEN, P.C. Yn ri.-'1"" Jofn W. Durur JWD:ipse cc. Mr. Lipcon Mr. Moorhead o VailVilhgelm Subject Vail Village Inn Dete: Sat,6 Feb 1999 17:56:39 EST To: "George Ruther" <gruther@ci.vail.co.us> CC: John Dunn <lex@vail.nea Hi George When is the ne*t meeting about the Vail Villaqe Inn. Thanks Chuck Lipcon I of I il9199a':45 A\rl Re: Vail Village lon Subject Re: Vail Village Inn Date: Tue,9 Feb 1999 13:02:25 EST Fron: Sealaw@aol.com To: "George Ruther" <gnrther@ci.vail.co.us> what about the feb 16 meeting. someone toLd ne the vail hotel proposal was being brougrht up on that date. was it tabled by the developer? thanks for the info regards chuck lipcon I of I 2DD9 3:ll PM Re: Vail Village Im Subject Re: Vail Village Inn Date: Ttre,9 Feb 1999 18:16:41 EST trYom: Sealaw@aol.com To: "George Ruther" <gruther@ci.vail.co.uP can they do that. is there a rule on the amount of tine that must go by after pec approval topresent it t'o the town counciL? regards chuck lipcon I of I 2t9199 4:39PM 2-rqFr99g 6.5tPM FROI'I CAVIIAN - EXECUTIVE 714 A63 9i117 DAVE EAoIE P'rc arorx'/COO By ficsimilc to. (Y70r 479-2452 Bv c-meil b: grthe4ci.rail-co.us Mr. GorgeO. Ruthor, AICP Scaior Planner TwmofVail Depl of Commudty Dsrrelopn€nt 75 South FrmtrgeRoad VaiI, Colorado 81557 InRe hropcod Vril nazrHobl Fcbrrlary 10, 1999 Dear Mr. Rutha: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ruttcr, thc onoers of Unit 401 at vail vilhge Inq have agkcd mo to reviow the proporal for tbo Vail Phza Hotcl which I understard b currcntly undcr considcration by tbc Town of Vail. Mr. Rrilter brs furnishcd me the rnatsi.els he obtained from you in Dec,rrber 1998, ard has mcnlioncd that a Work Scssionis schedulcd with the Town Corncil fq Febnrry 16, 1999. In an ef,fort to pin an idct of the propmal ald thE procoss, I thought if you could firnish som€ answas to a sbst lis ofquestiors pior to tbo \Yorr scssion, Mr. Ruter ruigh be b€tt6 prcprrcd as to how to communicatc his conc€ns. Although rry certt:r backgrunrl is in land rrse planning and editten€,nt, tbe questions I bave posed on the enctoscd pagc may seem quite elemertary. Since I am not.iltdy awanc of the ap'plicable land uso and zoning stdutls fq thc Stdc of Colorado u local nnrnicipalitiog I am hopcftl that you can provido some enlightenment cotrcerning the praedural and rcgulatory procescs to which thc proposrl will be subjected I world bo grahful if yor could firruish this infametiqr iN soon as poosiblc. Sincc Mr. Ruttn hss nd prwiorsly beur rfforded the opornmity to oprc$s his vicrvpoinl it is vital to him to at least lmow what the prqosal cntsil$ itr thc coilext of complirrre with the eiristing pl*ns ard policics of tho Town of VaiL You can reach rre in any of thc following ways: phone (X9) S63-129S; Fax (949) Sd3- 9417; e.mail iessupl@parttlint.nc. Thrnk yor in advmce fa yor essistrnoe. P. I o Encloeure CAY AN DEVELoPMENT CoMPANY tSOl?CowArt . Surrr2Ob . lRvtt{E. CAl.lF6trtl 926t4-6alO Sirrceroly, . TErEpHoflE (949) 803-l?98 . TELEco?tER (9491 063.9417 2-lA-1999 6:53PM FROM CAYMAN - EXECUTM 714 a6,3 9417 QUESr|ONS/REQUE$IS FoR lXnOrurtArrOr - VAIL PL/\ZA INN PROF(!$AL Sjg_qs"sg-lsuppalA As wc arc auarc that lhb rn ffEr has b€€n scheduled for a Toryn Counoil Wqk Scssioq has tbe proposd aheady becn approved by rry rdvisory bodics, E.G.; Plrnning c Environncntal Corrrmision? If so, cuyou fumish a copy of thch fiudings. rcolution(s) and condilions of epro\nl?B. trfould you list th€ rctnaining proccdunl stcpdrrcctinp thc aPplicrrrt must 80 through to know wbtthcr thcpopmalhrs bocn rpg,rovcd or dc,nicd? Critcrb,fof Evahptbn of Prq,GalA, To wbaf cxtsd did tlc applicd brve to conpty wift rtrt€ or ftdad ewiromrental larw? Was cnvironmmtrl irytct docrunemtioa rcquircd with rcopect to trffic, howingrd vicw iryrct potcstids? B. IIas ttrc applicart's proposal compticd with thc Mastcr Plerq Codcs ad Ordirranccs of thc Town of Vsil? If oot, what upcctr of the proposd do mt med tre standrrds? If the app[oil hrs filcd fa cxc.cptiwlsfuBdrrr€s o the eristing stud$d$, wtrat critcris cxiss and what findingF rnu$ th€ Town Counoil nate if thcy are inclinod to epprovc thc pro'posal. Ary code sections tbaf !d&€ss thb quostion would bc prtinrlarly hdpfirl. C. Has a visual analysis been perfonned to wrtuatc lho eurtcnt of view impairmofi poscd by developmcnt of thc proj€ct upon lffectcd rcsideab whhin Vail Village Inn? D. Has l sfrptunl crginocr rcmdcrcd I rcport as to thc strucftual impacts, if any, ibe proposal will havc upon tlc sub&naun gmgp of Vail Villap Inn? E. Wottld yor plcaee funrish cogics of all strffropo'rls r,especling the prop€l? We will bc happ to covcr thc cct of reproduciry the domnelrrs. F. Arc thoo any wcrrkling firdiq$ of ftct the Twm Corncil can make (such as economic ldvmtrge to Oe Town of Vail) lo offset m otlretwise justify thc orcation of negrtivo iuplctl to the hcalth and genaal welfire of rfiecied Fopcrty owncr$ io the vicinity? ie rhe pubte ndice proaedrnc for thc pr,opoeed dwelopmcnfl Arc indivi&d Propaty ovmcrs within r certrin rsdi$ of the pro.iect notificd of cach ard er'ery hedng? Are noticcs of public hearings publbhcd in the lqad papcr? Would yur plcacc ftrnbh co,piec oftho town ordinauaes that govcrn ndicc and public bcaring procedurcs? B. We world like to obtrein dl agrndee ud minutcs of crch rwic*ing body pettaining !o thc proposal as well as to be phccd on a ligt for disribuion of futurc minrfies ard agendes. Apin, wc wilt rtfiruncratG you fo thcsc ccts. C, Thre ap'pcars to bc a sigrificont dispirity bctrvcar the fpocrl and the govwring codes - are tbcrc any special aoticc provisionr tfut may bc in plrce rc alert property owncrs to thc hct thatr rcn-corrrylying proposrl is bcing sougft? 4. Wmk Sossionon Febnrrv 16. 1999 A. Is Ore fontconiry Wort Seeeior a nciced public hcarbg? B. Whsnrnd whcrc isthcnrodinfl C. Will ay final dooisirms posib} bc rcndcrcd at tbis rncdirrg; or is it a Dr€curstr to a furmal process laret on? D. What hformatim Mll bc rrailrblc ro the gcnnal public rt ttrc nreetiug? E. Whlt opportudty fu pblic input will bo aftrdcd? P.2 l. 2. 3. Notioc A- Wh|t FtrE C0Py MWN OFVAIL Department of Commwiry Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 February 11, 1999 Mr. Dave Eadie Cayman Development Compny 18012 Cowan, Suite 200 Irvine, Califomia 9261 4 4810 Fax: (949) 863-9417 Re: Response to Vail Plaza Hotel Inquiry Dear Dave, I have received yow letter of February 10, 1999 inquiring about the Vail Plaza Hotel proposal. In response to your many questions, I will forward a letter to you on February 23 with the answers and information you bave requested. Your letter to me arrived just prior to my absence from the office until Monday, February 22. I am hopeful that this will not be an inconvenience to you, The meeting previously scheduled for Tuesday, February 16 was postponed until Tuesday, March 9. My response letter of February 23 should provide you ample opportunity to review the information and respond as necessafy. In the meantime, I have enclosed a copy of the staff memorandum to the Town of Vail plrnning & Environmental Commission. The memorandum is a detailed staffreview of the proposal. Again, I am happy to provide the requested information. You can anticipate a written response ro your inquiry on T[esday, Febnuary 23, 1999. Sincerelv. rJ,*-Aeb, George Ruther, AJCP Senior Planner Town of Vail {go*"uo l'rt ll ia\\t UUT ITOWN OFVAIL Department of Commwity Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 February 23, 1999 Mr. Dave Eadie Cayman Development Company 18012 Cowan, Suite 200 kvine. Califomi a 926144810 Fax: (949) 863-9417 Re: Response to Vail Plaza Hotel Inquiry Dear Dave, As promised, the purpose of this letter is to respond to your letter to rne of February 10, 1999 inquiring about the Vail Plaza Hotel proposal. On January 1 I, 1999 the Town of Vail Plaruring & Environmental unanimously recommended approval of the proposed major amendment to facilitate the redevelopment of the Vail Plaza Hotel to the Vail Town Council. An approved copy of the meeting minutes which contains the Commission's motion and conditions has been attached for reference. The next step in the review process is a review of the proposal by the Vail Town Council. To date, the applicant has not appeared before the Council for a formal public hearing. A worksession meeting is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, March 9 at 2:00 prn If the p.roject is to be approved, two ls2dings ofan amending ordinance is required. The reading ofthe ordinance is conducted at two separate public hearings. The requirement of an Environmental Impact Assessment is at the discretion of the Town of Vail. Given the scopc of the project and the location ofthe development site, an assessment was not required. However, the Town did require the applicant to submit a detailed traffic impact report, a view impact analysis and an economic impact assessment. Copies of the reports are available for review in the Town files. The applicant has applied for an amendment to a special development district. The special development disrict process allows an applicant to deviate from the underlying zone district development standards upon danonstrating that said deviations will not be detrimental to the public welfare. A copy of the special development district section of the municipal code has been attached for reference. On February 1 ln I sent to you a copy of the staffmernorandum to the Planning & Environmental Commission I believe the memorandum outlines the staf s position on the many iszues and will provide answers to your nxmy questions. A report from a structural engineer has not been submitted. Structural analysis is not required until a request for building permit is made. Once submitted, the report is part of the public record and available for review. o {g *"touor ro The pnocedures for public'notification are outlined in the Town of Vail Municipal Code. I have enclosed a copy for your review. All me0tings tO Gte tnfifVlit ptaza Hotel have been nqticed in accordance with the provisions outlined in the Municipal Code, As mentimed gwiously, the next worksession meeting oD the Vail Plaza Hotel is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, March 9, 1999 at 2:00 pm in the Towu Council Chambers. As this will be a worksession, no final decieions will be made. The purpose of the worksession is to provide the Coucil and the applicant an opportunity to discuss tbe many facets of the poposal. All information on this project is of public record and will either be distributed at the meetings or available for review in our orffices. It remains to be seen whether the Mayor and the Council will be taking public input at the worksession or whether they will wait and take public input at the public hearings. No public hearings are scheduted at this time. Again, I am happy to provide the requested informatioa I hope it is ofhelp as you review the proposal. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me most easily by telephone at970479:2145. I look forward to your continued participation in the development review process of the Vail Plaza Hotel. Sincerely, o UQ,'tt-t George Rutho,AICP Senior Planner Town of Vail SYLVAT{ M roBrN REcEtyEI} ltlAR 1O1 CHES\A/OLO LAI\E, LJNIT 5E} HAVETFORO, PA 19041 ---\.{.t^ \1.'12rtJw ::*. =t*) .-r-t -f1 <. - I'f-.t .4le l--' I r-_ 'L'.-. February 26,1999 Mayor Rob Ford Members ofthe Vail Town Council 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mayor Ford and all Members of the Vail Town Council, We are writing to express our great displeasure with the recent results of the Planning Commission's unanimously recommended approval of the Vail Village Inn Redevelopment project. We have been coming to Vail with our family since 1977. Throughout these years, we have been impressed wjth how the planning and zoning have maintained the charm of the town of Vail. Eleven ]ears ago; we purchased Unit 403 in Village Inn plaza. We felt comfortable that we had a second home, in a village that was, and is, charming. We have now been advised that in January, the planning Commission approved a structure that is much larger than the iodge Tower. We do not understand how they could recommend this, when we have seen renderings of the massive structure that would dwarf the rest of our complex and probably a good part of Vail. We cannot understand how the applicant could even dream ofbringing this project to the attention of the Planning Commission and, ultimately, the Town Council. You and we all know that there are properties surrounding Vail village Inn who are waiting to see what the outcome of this matter will ultimately be. If approved, we can all be assured that it will have the snowballing effect. Mayor Rob Ford Members of the Vail Town Council February 26,1999 Page2 Last weelg several ofthe members of Village Inn plaza Condominium Association and members ofthe Board ofthat associatiorq had an informal meeting to discuss the entire matter. Needless to say, all at that meEting were very upset. When we were informed ofthe requests for changing cunent zoning requirements for site coverage, dwelling units per acre, setbacks, height and GRFA we came to realize that the developer of the "Vail plaza Hotel', has no consideration for the rest ofthe town of Vail. We have been told that council members questioned things like the height of the buildings, the site coverage and traffic plan. We would like to be kept informed as to the progress of this whole project. We cannot be in Vail for the next meeting, but wish to register our firm objection to what has gone on in the Planning Commission meeting and hope that it will be corrected at the next council meeting. Very truly yours, 1\ .a\-,/,V",/iL Y; tL ' 'i Vt i''-..-..-, ' --1' t a-'' \'', '7' i'-21'li i (' V.(Y---'-'- Deane Hall, President, Condominium Assoc. Board Village Inn Plaza Condomium Association Board Members lpe cc: I I NBWSPAPER A}.IOIJNCEMENTS The Voll halh August 13-19 edition TTrc Voil Valtey ?fllllrc: August 13fr edition Ihe IMIy frull'August 166 edition The llaity: Augus. tdedition Copies attached Mk tr'e\q1 4 o '\nreekly POFTT'S f,ofton K"nch Club comes o{age Gypsuvn cuurse one of the ualley'r TOUghG$t BY D^Ln Snnur,r, rfit llsil Stdl' I\vo years and a lot of happy golfers. n1d I f6y unheFny golfers. That's what ttre Cofton Ranch CIub has had since players firsJ teed it up in June of 1997 . The unhappy golfers come in the form of sky-high score- cards an4 frustrating shots. Cotton Ranch CIub head professional Chris Woolery said tbat if you ask aroun4 most will say the Gypzum course is as tough as they come. 'It's d€finit€ly one of the toughest in the valley," Woolery said. M*ing the course difficult is the liquid challenge. "There's water or wetlands on 14 of the 18 holes," he added.'?eople go through a few balls, but when they're looking for thein they usu- ally find two or three more." At 7,052 yards, the par 72 course isn't real long for a mountain venue, but it takes a few rounds to get the bang of it woolery shid" "The first time around it's going to t€st you. The mote you play it the easier it gets," he said.Thc hardest hole? Woolcry didn't hesitate; 'Numbcr six." Thc 568-yard p.r 5 that foccs golfcrs to drivc into lhc tefr of the prcrailing Vail Valley wind is rmreach-Sp.clal b The \hil Trail wheels disintegrated. The Pete Dyedesigned course remains the newest in the valley, with Eagle Ranch scheduled to open in 2001. Cotton Ranch Club, a semi-private course, elected to seed the coruse instead of sod. Approxirnately 90 percent of the course lvas seeded - ratler amazing scene looking at the course now. "You wouldn't believe that most of the course was seed- ed by looking at it today. The groundskeepers have done a great job," Woolery said- Being at 6,300 feet in elevation, the growing season was just long enough to allow the course to be seeded rather than having to lay sod, Being located downvalley, the length of the playing sea- son is a real bonus Woolery said. One ofthe disadvantages is that with so many courses in the valley, a lot of tourists don't make it down to Gypsum. The course still has a few minor loose ends to tie up Woolc.ry said. Lilt completing paving of the remaining cart paths and gefting the tram operating on the fifth hole. The tram. which would taki golfers up a grucling hill from the fourth green to the fifth tee, has never been used. Woolery said theyhe still ironing out some of thc safety requircments for the tram, Hc said that only E per- two months, Cotlon Ranch Club may have the fecl of a new cours€, but it has the look of a mature mountain course. It also has plenty of happy golfers; happy until thcy have to write that big number on their scorecard any- was 8-under witb three to play before the way.is a 69, VAL TRAIL / Arrgrrst 13-19. I Eagte \blley boys golf coach Dave Scott addresses the 17 hopetuls who trted out for the Mountain High School wlll Joln Eagl€ in the higfr school bo!/€ golf ranks this season. Chrls Blenkemhipn ldl Trail Devil team Aug. 9. Baftle gear up for new season BMHS tofieldfirst-ever team; EI/HS enters third season BvD.u,nSmurr THE * DRY * CLEANERS Gree Qicft-up (y Deliuery z4 J{our Drop Cfrute ' Alterations Avon Plaza o 7tl8-1616 Riverwallq Edrards o 926-1616 West Vail Mall e 47F1616 Corning Soon !q EAGLE A Sccr"t Qsrden is having a total liquidation of grecn foliage phnts including Ficus Tiees in twelve inch pots. We would like to pass on to our valued customerg this great offer fot full and lush plants. All plans mrst be sold, so they are bcing sold at cct!!! Delivew is availablc. CdrEJaidEatASErt C;r,ibal.(910t1 1162241 ocdervorplaormdsy (e70) 476-224r 100 E. M€adow Drive,r,lzi\(fr ,Colrrarlrrrtryh;ngatar fu runsil&6i . With the addition of Battle Moumin High School to the boys golfrmks tberc will now be two prep golf teams in th arEa. Battle Motrntaint first scason with a high school team wil be led by Cassie Desrnone, a fou-year pfrlrsical educa- tion teacher at the school. Although the Huskies will be in tbeir first year, Desmone's enthusiasm is higher then ihe surrouding moudaim. '1'm very ex@" she said drring the Huskies' pa.ctice Aug. 10. "I ahlays wmted a golf bam d the school. "I tfiink nc'll do uall ttis yeo," sb€ added. Tkcnty-six players came otf for the tean, but only 12 will be on the final roster. Even with virtually no high sa[sol experience, the crpboard is far from bare. Most ofthe players on the team are avid golfers and bave plenty ofpotential according to Demone. She mentiorcd fhr plsyers wno havc plryed viell in thc early p,racticc rounds. Junior lGvin Dcnton, senior Mat Allen, freshmen Zack Wilson and sophomores Billy Ivenon and Brady Ricci, are tte five who have played well early. Desnone said tb8t senaral other "l think we'll do well this - Cacob Darone Battle lromtaln goff coactr players will hrve a shot to scc playing time on the wsity lhrcughout the sea- soIL The Huskies staricd play Au& 13 with a tourmrneirt in Rifle. Ea$eVellcy entcn lts ttrftd sets{tn Eagle rr'aley will be 6c secmd golf Eam in thc wlley. Now h 6sir lhfud season, thc Dcrdls had 17 plryers emerge f6ihe first day of practice. Coach Dave Scott has b€en witfi trp t€arn since the beginning and says this should be the bes one yet "Thcylvs played a lot of golf, and thcy've cme a long ways," Scott said about the third-year team. 'Leoding the uny for the Devils will be senior Cory Nohn- Now in his frflh year as a golfcr, h€ said that hndng a high schoot team rude a big diffecence. "I didn't play very serious before but since *r got a team IVe really c/odrcd on my game," Nolan said. Last par, Nolan missed qualifuing for a berth in the stdc tournament by juet tro strotas.. He hopes to etiminate tbce bod mernories with I Eip to state thispr. S1cotr said dlat other pla5ms who should do well for thc Devils this season includc sophomore Blake Scott and juniors Dan Prreetm md John Sarnple. Along with Nolao, the foursome all are rcturning lettennen" Frgle Valley started the season with tounam€flt8 in Craig on Thusday and Rifle on Friday. You ale invited to a pr€sentation of the new redevelopment plans for the Vail Village Inn site that will be presented to theTOY A model and renderings will be available. Wednesday, August 18th 9:00 e.u. Vail Village Inn 2nd floor conference noom (Refreshments will be serveO We harc an opinion. DoSrouT E-nail dw;llAnsedaf*Al,com 2r4 Wnrr_TRanr- / Aucr-,sr f3_f9, f99g E Q.*,r',r2,THE TIMES II=NGil I =fe :OI,urv/E\SI .||/rI N rI aNl I =tr:lTtT rTtTrT|r rTNrTtT rr|T ry|l rl|r rn 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..a. lr.rttrr'rlrtt f| r\'r v t)Ib)It ILr\, -r -pltllft I RODEO DEL CONDADO DE EAGLE La Feria y el Rodeo fueron todo un 6xito. EAGLE COUNry E5T, 1939 t:|taq!a a a:t a a.a a...a a a. a.a a a a a a..a.:: t - -: ,;P:iiilli:l:ti,! :.:r' r I ,::: t'rl:: " i Entre Minturn y la Feria &Rodeo ,., l,,.lL ,.S posible que se adoptaran muchos anirnalitcs V tl. , m6s publicidad para las adopciones.' Vulo**o, ru ti.*po y esfuerzo para hacer todo este fabajo posible. r aaaaaaa aa aaaaaaaaa aa aaaaaaaaaa aal sERUrGr0s DE TRAI|SP0RTE I Eagle County Health & Human Services, busca I voluntarios para un nuevo programa "Transportation I Services" Este servicio es para ancianos y adultos inca- | pacitados que no pueden rnanejar y no tienen forma de I acudir a sus citas mddicas. Si le gustaria trabajar como I voluntario llame al Spirit of Eagle al 328-8843. Iil*-4fit'1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1;.,,"tli&llrrl EN rAruNTA DEr E-911 | fttffi;i",**"uq 91L esta tratsndo de llenar una """"ot" I #ffiF!ff&dlrw e$ci|idstod deser vivir at Este de Wolcott, poder I ffif,ffi,*4$."jryryB eels ieco al gio y €star inter€sdados en la Iffiftryeet madcttb dd servicio de emergencia 91I del Iffi*ffi::::J YA ES OFICIAL I Los r6cords de registro de propiedad del asesor I del condado, estdn en el sitio web del condado. I Si usted no acudi6 a la presentaci6n en la Feria y I Rodeo de Eagle, ahori los puede ver desde la' I comodidad de su computadora en el sitio l]www.eagle-county.com I Envie E-mail a sus Comisionados Johnnette Phillips, Chairman at jphilips@vail.net Tom C. Stone, Commissioner at tomstone@vail.net James E. Johnson, Jr. Commissioner at james@vail.net Foco Hispono trqducido y redoctodo por Gilhert Morqles CorresponeEl del Voil tfolley Times La C6mara Baja demanda r6cords Un subcomitd de la Cdmara dr Representantes de este pafs, vot6 a favor de que la Fiscal Federal Janet Reno, comparezca para rendir testi- monio sobre los inmigrantes con an(ecedentes criminales, que contin- uan cometiendo delitos despuds de ser puestos en libertad, inform6 la agencia As s or: iated P re s s. La reacci6n Republicana, se di6 a rafz de que el SIN dej6 en libertad al vagabundo mexicano, Angel Resendiz, acusado de por lo menos nueve homicidios. Segfn Lamar Smith, presidente del comitd, nunca recibi6 informaci6n solicitada de la procuradora a mediados del mes de julio. "No hay excusa para ocultar informaci6n crucial al pueblo y al Congteso", enlatiz6. EN UNA CARTA, el asistonte interino de la procuradora, Jon P. Jennigs manifest6 que un total de 26,870 inmigrantes que habian cometido crimenes, fueron puestos en libenad por varias razones en un peri6do de cinco afios. que concluy6 el 3l de mayo de este afro. Sin embargo, el Depto. de Justi- cra no tenia infbrmaci6n sobre aque- llos que habrian cometido mi{s dclitos. Afradi6, quc los exlranjeros que cometen crimcnes. son recogitlos por el INS al scr liberados, y se les trata de lbrma adecuada segdn las referencias quc se reciben de las agencias policiacas locaies y estatalcs. El ernplazamiento le da a la fun- cronaria, tres semanas para entregar loda la documentaci6n relacionada a los extranjeros criminales que son deportables e inadmisibles, y que en los riltimos cinco afros han sido lib- erados por el SIN, para mi{s tarde cometer delitos por los cuales han sido consienados. Manifestantes se van de Vail desilusionados Docenas de activistas, que arrib- aron en Vail hace como un rnes para montar una agresiva campafra en contra del proyecto de expansi6n Cat [II, han abandonado su empresa, desilusionados de que no se produ- jera la reacci6n que ellos esperaban, inform6 nuestro rctativo frltal The Vail Daily. Robert Alsobrook, un bi6logo que fue arrestado el pasado 6 dejulio durante una demostraci6n en Vail Mountain, expres6 que el crear con- ciencia en los habitantes de Vail sobre los efectos que el proyecto ten- dni, es muy dificil de inculcar. Recalc6 que sus filas han aumenta- do, sin embargo, no con gente de Vail, sino de otros sitios. LOS MANIFESTANTES argu- mentan que la Categoria III, tendrd un el'ecto negativo en la f'auna local, y muy especialmenle en el Lince Canadiense. oue se dice afn habita en estas latitudes. Afraden que el felino hallado atropellado cerca de Vail Pass, es cvidencia de su presencia. y de que el espacio donde se planea la Cate- goria III, esta en su habitat. Siete incendios provocados en Vail Mountain, causaron unos $l2millones dc ddlares en daios, dos dfas despuds de que empezara la tala de drboles para la Categoria III en octubre. Segfn un mensaje an6n- imo envirdo por coreo electr6nico. f'ueron relizados en favor del lince. A PRINCIPIOS DE este mes, poco despuds del arribo de los gru- pos, el camino de acceso fue blo- queado por los activistas, lo que condujo a diez arrestos. Fud enlonces cuandtt los mani- l'estantes ciecidieron cam'niar dc tiic- tica, distribuyendo volantes y turganizando una marcha por el pueblo cl fin dc semana anterior. De los 50 participantcs en la mar- cha, solo 8 fueron habitantes locales, manifest6 Alsobrook. Enfatiz6 su desagrado por el hecho de que mds residentes de la localidad, no se molestaron en expre- sar su oposici<'rn al proyecto. Es muy obvio, que el dxito de muchos negocios se atribuye a l:r operaci6n de la montafra, y es pores{' que mucha gente no dice nada en contra dc los promotores. dijo. Los manilbstantes planean estar de regreso en Vail cn unas cuantas scmanas y en mayor nfmero. Esta se man:I. la Dicima Corte del Circuito de A;.rchcioncse n Denver. di5 a conocer su lallo final a thvor de VA y el Scrvicio Folcstal sobre la controvertida Categoria III en un texto de 39 priginas, en la que expre- sa que no cxiste una poblaci6n viable del lince en el :irea para ser expandi- da. Campafra especial la noche del vidrnes Cada vidrnes en la noche, desde finales de mayo y hasta mediados de septiembre, las agencias policiacas de la zona, participan en el programa del Departamento de Transporte de Colorado conocido como, Hot Fri- day Nights, que se enfoca en detener a aquellas personas que deciden con- ducir bajo Ia influencia de alcohol, inform6 nuestro filialThe Vail Daily. Areas espec(ficas del estado, son patrulladas con uniformados adi- cionales para asi, prevenir accidentes en los que el factor alcohol, este rela- conado. El dinero para mantener esta cam- pafra, proviene de las multas que son pagadas por aquellas personas, hal- ladas culpables de conducir bajo la influencia de alcohol, mejor conoci- da por las siglas DUI o DWI. Segln la vocera del Depto., en 1998 en el 32 por ciento de las fatal- idades de tr6nsito en Colorado. un automovilista intoxicado estuvo involucrado. Los vidmes en la noche. el 58% de los accidentes, fueron relaciona- dos al alcohol, y los sdbados por la noche, ocune el segundo porcentaje m6s alto. La publicidad generada por la campaia. hace a los conduclores mds concientes de las pdsimas repercu- siones, si son detenidos por de beber y ponerse atrds de un volante, dice la policfa. El programa iniciado en 1996, se di6 a raiz del elevado ndmero de fatalidades atribuidas al alcohol en el verano del 95, cuando se registraron unas 76 muertes en el estado, entre los meses de julio y agosto. La vocera puntualiz6 que miis arrestos se estdn realizando, y m6s de los conductores ebrios. esu{ri siendo removidos de los caminos, antes de que ocurra un trr4gico accidente. "Esperamos que eso se traduzca en salvar la vida dc alguidn". afradi6. Grupos informan a VR sobre demanda Una coalici6n de grupos ambien- talistas envi6 una misiva a Vail Resorts la semana anterior, donde se notifican de su intenci6n de demandar a la compafria de esquiar en lo refer- ente a la conslrucci<in de un camino en una iitea conoctdacomo wetlands, que cs tierra semipantanos4 inform6 nuestro rotativo filial The Vail Dail,-. Los grupos Colorado Wild, Sina- pu y el Wildemess Society. aparecen como dcmandantcs. EL CAMINO tcmporal Lime Creek, que sirve de acceso al sitio de expansitin Category III de 885 acres dc terreno, ha sido catalogado conro una violaci6n del Acta de Agua Limpia. El Army Corps ofEngineers, con- siderti la construcci6n de dicho camino una transgresi6n, y ahora se hallan estudiando, si la compaiia debe ser multada $50,000 al dia por la violaci6n. "Esto es para asegurar que Vail Resorts es responsabilisada comple- tamente por destruir de manera ilegal e insensata la zona semipantanosa que sirve de habitat a la fauna sil- vestre", dijo Jeff Berman del grupo Colorado Wild, uno de los deman- dantes- Funcionarios de Vail Resorts, han expresado que dicha violaci6n fue inadvertida. BERMAN AIIADIO, que ram- bidn iniciar6n una segunda demanda en contra del Servicio Forestal de los Estados Unidos ,para que sea levan- tado el cierre de 4mil acres de ter- reno que rodea el proyecto de expansi6n. El interdictojudicial, serd en base a lo que el dice es una violaci6n de la Primera Enmienda, ya que mantiene al pfblico de terrenos ptiblicos. Funcionarios del U.S. Forest Ser- vice, mantienen que el cierre que fue declarado a partir de julio 1, y es para la seguridad del pdblico, ya que no quieren que la gente estd cerca del equipo pesado y de drboles siendo ) Vea FOCO, a la siguiente pdgina AMIGO BAIL BONDS ANYTII\,1E (970i 471 -4087. {970) 926-4731 24 hours. T Daw'week. Statewide-r udyrwqE^-o6Bw,w & Habla Espanol Rudollo Nevarez Arreglos y Recuerdos para Babyshower, Oespedidas, Bodas, y Bautizos. Bolsitas de diterentes figuras para cumpleaios inlantiles. lnformes a los T els. 524-7972 y 47 1 41 43 The nezuspaper locnls read nnd itisitors need. P.0. Box 2594 Avon, C0 81620. Fax (970)949-4382 THT, TIME.\August 13. tl - August 14 . Minturn Farmer's Market fresh veggies and pasta, Dastries. homemade dried flowers, bedding herbs and more. Saturday mornings through Sept. 25. For informati on, call 827-4050. August 16-21 . Get the professional certifica- tions needed to become a life- guard. Classes will run Aug. 16-21. The course fee, $75, covers all books and materials. Spon- sored by the Town of Avon Recreation Department. For infor- mation, call John at 748-4059 or stop by the Avon rec center. August 18 . Can you help tutor middle- school students i The Literacy Project will hold an oric:ntatirrn/training 6-ti p.m. ar the A von library. Volunt(,crs nlect w 'th st[dents two h0rrrs each *cek du.rni ihc sehool lcar. Fr'r inJirrntation or to RSVP. uall 9.19- 5026. . The Ch.rrlber ()f Conimerce rnd High Country Human Resources Association will host a discussion on employer immigration issues, 10:30 a.m.-noon at the chamber conference and training room in Avon. U.S. Rep. Scott Mclnnis, INS officials to attend. Free. RSVP to 949-5189 by Aug. 17. August 21 . Violinist-guitarist Willie Royal and guitarist Wolfgang "Lobo" Fink create a. seductive, spirited world music blend ranging across rock, flamenco, Middle Eastern, Cajun, tango, blue grass, you name it. At the Vilar Center in Beaver Creek: tickets $15 and $10.845-8479. August 2l-22 . The granddaddy of all garage sales is here! The 35th annual Eagle Valley Community Fund Auclion and Rummage Sale at Maloit Park in Minturn will be held frorn 6:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Aug. 2 I . and lrom 8:-10 a.m. to -l:.10 p.m. Aug. 22. lt u ill contin- ue fronr 8 a.m. to 4 p.nr. Aug. 28, olrd l'r,rrn 8 a.rn. lo I p.m. Aug. 29. For more information, call (97O) 47G57Or, (9'10) 827-9426 or (970) 47G5822. August 26-29 . Curious about mushrooms? Whetler your iotcrest is in edible, peychoactive or poisoaous wild mushrooms, you can leam more at the Telluride Mushroom Con- ference. Sponsored by a Denver- based organi26lion called Fungophile, the conferenc€ fea- tures lectures and hands-on work- shops by nationally recognized mushroom experts. Plus a mush- room feast, mushroom poetry, and even a mushroom parade down Telluride's main street. For info call Fungophile, 303-296- 9359. August 27 . All new Vail Valley residents are invited to attend a free "New Resident Welcome" sponsored by the chamber of commerce from 4- 5 p.rn. at the chamber's visitor information center in Avon. Infor- mation. snacks. beverages. For information. call 949-5 I 89. Make it a \\'ith DrpDcw' U{hilrd tinre,** REQUEST FOR QUALIFTCATIONS Request ior Proposals for MaterialsTesting Services are being accepted for the following proiects: #10-P07.01 - New Gypsum Elementary School Gypsum, CO #2O-P07.O1 - New Eagle Elementary School Eagle, CO #30-P07.01 - New Gypsum Middle Scfrool Gypsum,CO #4O-PO7.O1- Eagle Valley HS Addition Gypsum,CO #50-P07.01- Battle Mountain Highschool addition Eagle -Vail , CO #7O-PO7.O1 - Miller Ranch Road Edwards, CO #8GP07.01-lK Bar Ranch Site Development Gypsum, CO Proposals are being actepted until no later than 4pm on Tuesday,07 SEP 90 Proposals are being received by: Th€ EdeCounty $chool District ReSN e/o An*riteciural R€sdrl|ce Cmstinents, lnc.. 1319 SFuce,.Sfrcet,StliF@, Bottd#@ Sget!:::-i:. . - FAX: 30&44$1S(ts Copios of the Reguest for Proposals are available by FAXed request aft€r lo lhe above listed number. Archllectural Resource Consultants l3t9 gtn|03 St .r ' grb &. Ed.adot, @ &@ . F X (303J 443150€ di4ital setfllite s'/stetrr et our cEEvLp... ttrst in setrlh& TV! but e Jerl this hot won't lest loncl # F cw ^ Pro4rarhrhin{ lbr only...+2A.AA That's over COO CflANNELS for only + 2a.aal PLUS A E, SE,LF-INSTAI.L KTT (" # 1a.aa value) suiluher! cell bJay! E'LNEN aT(Y 5Y5TEM5, INE. 1*Br1 lE ,firg E, Urrft 6II . Avur, dI IgITOl 7elA7D o (411il B6gt-gYrgrlwtw.gdlretu-cun Sqm..!!trbtd|! !p9ty. S!. lbn h draiili 0. vln d|y otour ffiorbd &lr!. Crtftr El|d In t! GSS 3anir! ar!. lor nrw c|lttomers only. Prh| C@d oiay*l tlprtb !orl!8ra ol p.oc.r,rtr Ic.8!d(un o!6cd0nr.r{ ou|| ccildoi! |,0ly b 4ot a{ pry pr !i.'r w!0nnnh0. Pro$umlm, ddng; lrn8 d cotd o|Bfif.l b @e!. DliECfv prlCfunrit|o b g.o!r{*d h E natoa dt'|{r bttnr nt c.r&|r! 0l |ha OnEgIV qllomr Orxrr( r cqyd $kn b Fnri&d rt$ fqrid OnSfV Uhg ffi.lHu& rn t ryrrmhg !05 Sndy. E{$c.d T..Laq|r uy hl$. Omt b. aC-ftd ffi 0|lXEgW. krc. u{t ollt{t Ednb CoO. nl|b CBE Ithal doUthin[? Readers are invited to call in their opinion on pertinent issues each week, only in the olanrr€e ri,barcnfioFvdt|rrFrf,dr|. akE rl{|ala, ]gs. .oo $pecializing in Personol familg Heolth Core Homeopothg c Botonicil llldicine lfutrition . Cronioeocrol Theropg ?uail ffiwreffiKffi ffiAPPEulnG$ tration , Aug. 28 and 29: The 3rd annual Artist Studio Tour will be held from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. This self-guided tourbe held fiom 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. This self-guided tour , highlights valley-wide artists and their studios in Vail, ': Minturn, Red Clifr Avon, Edwards and Eagle. A preview ition and auction will be held at the Plaza Gallerv in Vail Aug. 20-29 with a public reception on Aug. 20 from 5 to 8 p.m. Call476-4477. op smoking program 20 hang-out Artist studio tour Evening lovers throughout the summer 20 Below, offered by Recreation District, hosts an environrnent for Activities include pool, foosball, a movie library, a selection and more. Hours are Sunday tbrough from 3 to 10 p.m. and Friday and Saturday from midnight. Call 47 9 -2292. hiking schedule. Mountain offers group hikes throughout the week. Ridge Route-Ptarmigan t,oop, I I a.m. to 3 Tiresdays: Eagleb View Loop, I I a-rn- to noon and Picker, I p.m. to 4:30 p.m. & Fridays: Ridge Route-Kinnickinniclq to 2:30 p.m. Call 47G9090 for more times andJammin'trarz $=AeB-N:eGd- #=e,CA-XagW-- The Vail Nature Center ertt You are invited to a presentation of the new redevelopment plans for the Vail Village Inn site that will be presented to theTOV A model and renderings will be available. Wednesday, August 18th 9:00.t.1,t. Vail Village Inn 2nd floor confenence rroom (Refreshmcnts will be served) Waldir Prado The Developer nflwfr1"n f See Vou jor fun & good.ldl il Merca, The Saqff "Bat oftuad of E .1.L.' - ?tt? -r*-r*- F'retrch-*Ieditert ane on Cuisine Open 6pm Dqlly . Closed Weahresat';ys $ For teseruations c@U 476-3696 a,fter lpm /M<P tag cote C'e€r'r Dt. Vail, Vilttge + $12'5 Dinner Speciols m,",ffi:1ffi:l s5* knch Specio o CoD$ tilnilun The following were reported by the Eagle County Sherifb Oftce in the last week: Guys and dolls A broken Barbie Doll prompted some mis- behavior mrong some Gypsum youths. ' The mother ofa seven-year-old bry r€port- ed that her son confroned a lGyear-old bq vrbo had b,roken his sisterb Barbie Doll. The younger boy claimed the older youth pushed him into a water-filled irrigation ditch. Horvever, when questiond the older boy admitted breeking the doll but denied push- ing the avenging brrother into th€ ditch. other youthfirl witnesses oi9 ttt" toy actually fell into tbe ditch while attetnpting to walk across a log. When re-questione4 the victim admitted he made up the assault story because he was angry about the doll. He rcceived a lecture on false rcporting. The l6-year-old agreed to buy a new doll. Shack fipping Years ago, pranksters tipped over outhous- es. ln this day and age, vandals tip over ski mormain guard shacks. Vail Resorts reported that for the second time this sunmer, somebody tipped over the Mounrain Gate guard shack, located near the Mill Creek and Gitalong trails. Security penonnel, discovered the mis- chief shortly after midnigbt. Damage was about $100. There are no leads. The boys began to race around the horse, indicated he had done the choking. He nas refusing to leave. They jumped on the charged with assault and domestic violence. GOing postal father's back. The daughter scrcamed . An Eagle-Vail man complained thrr his rf,fi*y##;#trffi'"ffi Gypsurn Post Offrce because he believed his offrcer that they lingered in ord€r to protect hower"r, his caller LD. records clcarly or-wife was tarnpeiing with his mail. thb daughter from her father. '*oftd calls from her n'mber. She was The man said he had 'llanted. a +e1nl rhe 6rre boys werc charged with assaulg chargod with a rcstsaining order violation letter in his mailbox to test his theory. That Eespass, criminal mischiei -a unOerrgplettercamcupmissins' drinking. The daughtcr was ct$sed wirh Miscellaneous mischiefposral erylcyees r€porred dt"l _T: .:l "rd"_j; ei"b"g. demanded that a surveillance camera be . Wonicd friends called police *hen a l7- *T"i':ffi#HS'' Post once Domestic disputes ffi#,ffi.#ffif#."ff.ffi' Whelr stafrmemb€rs offered him a battery . An Avon man called thc cops after b Tbe girl was not elrtirety responsive, protryt- of official forms for.filing a complaint, the found his ex-girlfriend etanding in his drive- ing her coqaoions to call 911. man became firth€r enraged and began curs- way. The rran-said he suspected tbat she was lbe girl was roused enough to tcll the copo ing at the counter staff. tp to no good." she had siplplgd f,{io nun drinks md tbr€e A deputy was called to 6e Ten:.tojiff,use 'wten frestioneu by a deputy, the woman bccrs in a ore hour pcriod" Her parents we the situation. The staff will call for lau' said she was getting Lcr forno toytiena,s summoncd to the sccne to take ibe girl back enforcement help ifthe problem reoccurs. physicat addris so that she could serve him homc. out of control *i:'s.ffii-I""iffi'"ffiffi"" *,Y#S"t*fmffif.fuffi A Gypsum te€nager retumed home short- woman refirsed to buy the man a bcer. orrt in the windshiel4 tail ughts, h€adlights md ly after midnight witn a coupte oi-gi;ifri".d" dre parking lor, ttre fight turned ph]Eical. The lnstrumeit pm€t, slaghed tbc tires and gtole a and serreral giys. she a.at-"d ti"r pureot" man threw the woman to the Foun4 and cell phmc. Dundge was in the $7'000 rangc. and asked if her friends could spend the att€mpted to choke her. The victim ppvi&d a list of possible sus- night. The cops were alefied to th€ incident affer pects' -Her parents replied that the guys had to go. the womrn went to the hospital for treatnent. . Burglrs pried thcir way into the cash However, a couple of hours later, when the The victim expressed sympathy for her boxes of two video-game machines d an father woke up, ie sar. the boys smoking cig- attacker, saying he sufrered frorr post trau- Eagle-Vail r€staurant. Damage to the arettes in his Lackyard. madc stress related to combat in Victnam. rnachines totald about-$600, and more than When the dad went downstairs to throw When questioned the suspest said the $1,0fi) in cash is estimated to be missing the @s on! he touched off a mini-melee. voman turned physical on him Hmaver he - Kothy Heichcr atlom€y Phil Alterman and division representative of tbc Labor C€rtification Qnit for ftc Dcpartnent oflabor Jim Shanada wil be in afien- dancc to hear commrmity irytt Alteman will oufline tbc stcpc erylqers have to go tbrough for hiring illcgd alkns, as urcll as rvicving the HilB Visa proccos. AtEndeeg are encorraged to bdng ideas and brainstcm on horv tte govEf,mcnt con a$ist. This specid prescffiti@ is free to Chamber meinbcrs ud the community. To pro- vi& a@uate se*ing, RSVP to tbc Chamb€r at 949-5189 by llrsdny. Immigration law discussion on tap Wednesday Public invited to brainstorm labor solutions with panel of experts ItdltMltullRryrr Busioesses with labor shortages that have been frghting to find legal eryloyces to frll their posi- tions will bnre a chancc to hcar scvcral €xp€rts dbcusg immigr*ioa lan, We&csday. Th€ Chamber of Commcrce aod High C,ountry Hunan Resources Associrition imdtc oembels rnd interrsted community Dcmbrs to a discossion on qlrya/immigration irsucs tm 10:30 a.m. to noor.d the Chamber Confcrence & Training Room in Avon. Congressman Scott It[chni& INS district direc- tor Joc Grecne, ;rrrmigration III||I.lrrtl. ',, 't t-rryy1 \ eq"allatuD"t,y,ritonday,Ausustr6,tees O | ,r*r.uu, Seq# Course code ART :I.(X8 ART I ]O t.lr](r ARTII I :.r(X)2 ART?71 :.1u01 ARTI: l-A tr005 ART2rl :;(I).1 ART2i i l.100it AR t t-1045 2.+055 ART 5 :.105.r nRT[6 l.r05l ARTt6tB :]:O] ARTI6IB 1.1:07 ARTlotB - 11052 ART:8: :.rfin Acct: I 11056 ACCr:l BUSINESS 21 1.1 BUS l t5 1.1202 BUS2 r? :,{x? sPE2l5 ::l0l? 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SURTr'EY OF HT]MANITIES I A TIMELINE OFTHE WAR TTIAT LA.STTD ?5 YI.ARS EACLE CdTJNTY'S COLONTUL HIS-IOR ENOLISH COMPOSITION I ENGLISH COMPOSNrcN I EIVGLISH COMPOSITION I ENGLISH COMPOSITION II PRINCIPI-ES OF SPEECH PRINCIPI-ES OF SPEECH PRINCIPI-ES OF SPEECH INTERPERSONAI. COMMUNICATIONS WRITER'S CIRCLE VETHODS/TEChIIQUE: CURTCULUIVI DEv. CREATTVITY & TIIE YOT,NO CI.IILD INTERMEDIAT' $ZZ.DAI{CErrclu. r.rc rlitllEix Driillir IMIERMEDIATg IiODERN 7,toPM ?- IOPM 4'7PM 7- roPM 7-1Oru 4:.10'7:30PM I,4PM 6- I OPM TH 6'9PM 7- roPM 7.8PM l-1Pl\'1 I.4PM 7- toPM 4.7PM l.lPM 7,toPM 7 IOPM 7-l0P\1 6:lG8:l0PM 6:30 EPM 7-8:3oPM 4 7PM r2-lPM +7PM T IOPM 4-7PN{ .1-7PIr{ 7IOPM .1-7P\t 7,toPM 6:3G9:3oPM 6:31!9:loPM 5{rl5PNl : 5{t:l5PM '6: l5-7r30P!i 5:3G6:30PM 7{:-loPM 6,lG8PM 65 8-9:30PM 65 8:0OAI'16:30PM 5:0G9:00PM 5:lD9llOPM 4:0O'7:00PM 5:00 9:0OPM 8:30AM-5PM 8:30AM-5PM 5r00-9r30PM 8/3G I l/88:fil9r0oAM 7:10-9::l0Plvl 6:C{}- | 0;oOPM&8:0OAlt'7:IOPM 6:ql-7:mPM& 8:mANl-7:oOPM 7:m-l0roOP!t VARIOUS YARIOUS 6:0G9:mPM 5:OG6:0OPM 5:0G8:oOPM 6:0G8:3OPM 7-8:lOPDl 8r3O-9:IOAM NOON- l:00PM 6rl5-7: l5PM 6: lJ-?: l5AM 5:15{:l5P}l ?:30-9PMW 6r30'8PM 7:30-8:30AM 6'7r00PM 6 7:0OPM 9-9:50AM lGlO:50A\1 5:lGE:30PM 7 ]OPM 4-7:mPN'l 9:30AM-llr-tsPM t0:l0AM- l:30PM 4:lG6:,'lOPl, I5:OOPIY 7-9r0OPM l'5 |OOPM 5.?PM lSrl0PM 7, t0Pt!l .16:]OPM | .lPM l'3r3(]PM G9:oOPM E:IOAM-5:3OPM 9:0OAM-5:.lOPM 9:mAM-5:30PM 9:mAM'5::roPM 8 r30AM'5:]OPM Times ',IOPM7 IOPM { 7PM 7'9:loP\l gAM:I:]OPM 6.9PM 6.9PM 7 l0P!1 I i(rPl,{ +7Pi\'l 7- loPM .1 7PM 7- lOPM ] IOPM r-7Pt\l 7- toPM 74:loPM 9AM. 2PM 6trJ toPtvl 7-lOPltl ?-9:30PM *in district rate VAIL VAIL \"\IL VAIL \{INTIIRN VAIL EAGLE EA(;LE IiACJLE EAGLE EAGLE EAGLE VAIL EAGLE VAIL VAIL VAlL VAIL BMHS EAGLE B\IHS EAGLE BMHS BMHS YAIL VAIL EAGLE EAGLE VAIL EDWARDS VAIL EACLE BMHS VAIL VAIL EAGLE EDWARDS EDWARDS 2.1793 EFA O 24794 EFAlto 2,1126 PAC25| !:I32 PAC|57 24 I]7 RECr2l 14486 ouTll I 24tf3 PACTJ I :4 t3l 24167 24t42 24125 ?:1020 ELDlll ?.r0?9 GERltl ?:1030 SPAIOI MEDIC FIRST AID MEDIC FIRST AID SION LANGUAGE GERMAN I INTRODUCTION TO SPANISH IVAILjverL VAIL 1 VAIL ' VAIL : VAIL EAGLE EAGLE VAIL VAIL VAIL VAIL VAIL AVON EAGLE EAGLE EAGLE EAGLE EAGLE EAGLE EAGLE EAGLE EDWARDS EAGLE EACLE EACLE EAGLE EDWARDS EDWARDS EAGLE VAIL B:,,1HS EACLE VAIL EDWARDS EDWARDS YAIL EAGLE EAGLE €AGLE VAIL w,R-F llt/ t:r- t o/ I J R 9n5:0G9:00PM R 9/t6 R 9/30 R IU7 R to/2 | F_ 9/tO F.10t22 Irf,w 9/t l-9/ t5 T,R E/I lzt6 w.F,s.N 9/8-9/ r2 R,S 98,9/25 T,R r0/12, t0/2 r M.T.W,R.F I0/|li,||/l T,R.S,N t0/ l9- r C/24 M 8n0,t l/8 r,R 9/ t,1-9l I 6 v,t 9^5-9n9 M,W E/:ro- r 2/ | 5 R.TH E/31-1z,t6 M,W.F 8/3GlZr7 [,!,R,TH 8/]O t2t6 \l.W.F 8/lG tZtT v,w.Tll E/30tzl6 M, W 8/:r0, | 2/ I -s M T,F 8t11-t2111 T.TH8/3t,r2lr6 M.W 8/lO- lZ r5 M.W9/lt-t0/20 M.W 9/t3- t(ylo M &TH M &, E/30- l2115 't,8t3t -12/1 [.1.8/3Glr13 M, 8/lO |t 13 w.9/t-t2ltJ 'l . a/71- t2 l M,8/30-t2/tl w 8/t0- t2r t5 lltw 8/lo-It |5 M 8/:t0 lll tl MW 8/10-t2/t5 TH Ef3 t- t2l t6 MTH 8/:r0 | :/ | 6 T,3/-ll-lrl.r TI{. E/: tZl6 R92 M,T.W9/27trJ29 w t?r8 R,F.s,N I29- lZt2 $3f $r8 ' 5:tE st9. S:lO ' BEGINNINC JAZDA}iCE B€LLY DANCFIG BECINNING BALLROOV DANCE INTERMEDIATE BALLROOM DANCE A?PLIED FOOD SERYICE SA!.|TTATION FRENCH CUISI\E TI]E MODERN AM, WAY MEDITERRANEAN SEAFOOD AMERICAN REGIONAL'NORTHEASl'' ICE CARVI\G "BEGINNERS" PASTABIL]TIES FOR BECINNERS $76 $35 $35 $35 $45 $15 519 $r9 st9 s38 s76 S:TE sr8 $t9 $?6 $18 $8 |.50 $2:r $23 $30 $5? st8 s5? 357 $5? $57 s57 S3E s86 $86 $46 546 NC NC )tc :,ic NC s76 $76 $76 t16 s76 s t90 Sll.l $ t90 $ t90 $ t90 !U4 slt4 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES 24196 PEDIz5A COMMUNITY FIRST AID PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES 21151 PACI96A WEICHTTRAI\ING I 2.1138 MAAIIIC MARTIAL ARTS I BEGINNINC KAYAKINC IREKKING I BICYCLE REPAIR I MOUNTAIN ORIENIATION EECIN\ING ROCK CLIMBINO NATL. STRENGTH & CONDTT. EXAM PREP BEGINNING MOUMIAIN EIKING INTERMEDIATE }fTN- BIKINC II.ITRO TO FLY FISHING 24744 MAAIIIB VARTIAL ARTS I24145 PACI6IA LOW IMPACT AEROBICS 24?87 PACI66A AEROBICS I 24186 PACr66A AEROBTCS I 24784 PACI6TA AEROBICS II 24789 PACIEIA DANCE EXERCISE 24790 PAC2OIA BEGINNING YOGA 24850 PAC2OI BECINNINC YOCA 24?IJ3 NC KIDS'KARATE 24182 NC K]DS'KARATE 21821 NC TUMBLING FOR TOTS ]4828 NC TUMBLING FOR TOTS ACADEMIC & GED PREPARATION CLASSES DESOO4LU LEARNINGUNLIMITED/GEDPREP DESOO4LT] LEARNINGUNLIMITED/GEDPREP DES9O2EL ENCLISH AS A SECOND LANOUAGE DESgO{EL ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 74197 DFSMINE SUCCESSFUL PARENTINC 24'756 ENGOOIB BASIC ENCLISH REFRESHER 24802 ENCOOIB BASIC ENGLISH REFRESHER 24840 II{ATOO3B BASIC MATH REFRESHER 24803 E\GOOI3 COLLEGE PREP READINc FOREIGN LANGUAGE 24t87 SPAI| I SPANTSH I 2,{O5O SPAII I SPANISH I 241)51 SPAII2 SPANISH II 24843 SPAIOT l.l8.l.l SPAI0B REAL ESTATE t.tl19 REEIos :4120 REEIO] 24122 REEIIE 24t21 REE|O4 z|24 REEr0? 24121 CRAMMAR & CONVERS. SPANISH I GRAMMAR & CONV-ERS. SPANISH II CLOSINCS RECORDKEEPING AND TRUST BROKER TRANSITION CURRE:,IT LEG.{ ISSUES PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS BROKER EXAM PRTP $5? $r9 $57 SI9 $76 $73 SURVEYOF HUMANITIES I INfRo To LITERATURE I INTRODUCTORY ALCEBRA NTRODUCTORY ALCEBRA COLLECE ALG€BRA PRINCIPI-ES OF TNTRO TO ST4TISTTCS GNERAL COTLEGE B]OLOO HUMAN AVATOI4Y AND PHY 7 Business Reynolds Metal reiects Alcoa offer RICHMOND, Va. - Reynolds Metals Co. on Sunday rejected a multibillion takeover bid by Alcoa Inc. as inadequate, a decision likely to set off a bidding scramble for the No. 3 aluminum manufacturer. Already, a Chicago-based invest- ment firm, Michigan Avenue Part- ners. said it has made a superior all-cash offer for Reynolds though it declined to disclose details ofthe bid. The offer came after Pittsburgh- based Alcoa, the world's largest alu- minum company, disclosed its unsolicited $65 a share cash-and- stock offer on Wednesday. Alcoa valued the deal at $5.6 bil- lion, though it did not provide addi- tional details. At 565 a share, the deal would be worth only $4.2 billion based on the number of Reynolds shares outstanding. Reynolds' board of directon held a special weekend meeting to discuss the Alcoa offer. Afterward, the com- Thais seek to halt sale l- l-of retlnery J By Patrick McDowell - - AP Staff Writer BANGKOK, Thailand - A cam- paign by Thai activists to ke€p a local oil company in local hands is gaining momentum, witfi more than 70,000 peoplejoining a club aimed at keeping foreign ownenhip out. The battle over privatizing state- controlled Bangchak Petroleum PLC poses one of the more concrete chal- lenges to hime Minister Chuan bek- pai's attempt to reshape the Thai economy and leave the two-year-old Asian crisis behind. Nationalists who have accused Chuan and finance minister Tarrin Nimrnanhaeminda of selling out the country by letting foreign investors buy Thai banks and companies at bar- gain prices, have drawn a line at Bangchak.A group called the Bangchak Lovers' Club, supported by the poiiti- cal opposition and certain Thai busi- ness sectors, has formed to lobby Chuan and Tanin to ensur€ that Thai investors get first chance at 32 percent of the company's shares when they are floated. Narong Chokwatlana, chairman of the club, was quoted Sunday in Thai newspape$ as saying that 70,503 pe ple had joined the club in two months since it was formed and about half have indicated they want to buy Bangchak shares. Their aim is to block the govern- rnent ftom selling a strategic chunk of Bangchak to foreign investon, which Tarrin in the past has said would lead to important technology rransfers and make Bangchak morc competitive. The club hopes to gather 35O,000 signatures on a petition in a self-styled grassroots referendum to show oppo- sition to selling the stake to foreigrers. "This is not to pressure the gov- ernment," Namng was quoted as say- ing Sunday. "We believe that a good and clever politician should heed the demand of the public.' ' Bangchak, which operates an oil- refining business and runs gas stations across Thailan4 has become a politi- cally hot issue at a time questions are being raised about whether the Chuan government's effons at economic rcfum have reached their limit. pany issued a statement calling the Alcoa bid "inadequate" and saying the board decided unanimously that Reynolds "should explore all alter- natives to maximize shareholder value, including the sale of the com- pany." Whether the altematives would include soliciting rival bids to Alcoa's offer was unclear. Lou Anne Nabham, a spokeswoman for Reynolds, declined to elaborate on the company's statement. Alcoa President Alain J.P. Belda was not available Sunday. A call to his home was not immediately retumed. Several analysts have said Alcoa's offer was too low and predicted a bid- ding war. Ilker Baybars, senior deputy dean at the Camegie Mellon Graduate Business School in Pittsburgh, said the decision by Reynolds' board sets uo such a scenario. sEcnB August 16, | 999 "Numerous people who follow the industry made remarks last week that the Alcoa bid was too low." Baybars said. "There's a little gam- ing going on here. I think Alcoa is prepared to offer a little more." Reynolds could get anywhere from $4 to $18 a share more than the $65-a-share Alcoa offered, Baybars predicted. "I'm confident that at least one or two other players will come into the game at this stage," Baybars said. "Reynolds is going to be with some- body." Among the other possible con- tenders: Alcan Aluminium Ltd. of Canada. l:st week. after Alcoa's ofler was made public, Alcan presi- dent and chief executive officer Jacques Bougie said his company wouldn't rule out making a bid for Reynolds. - Thz Associated Pres.r Invitrtion to the Community! You are invited to a presentation of the new re-development plans for the Vail Village Inn site that will be presented to the TOV. A model and renderings will be available. Wednesday, August 18th 9:fi)am Vail Village Inn (2nd floor conference room) (Refreshments will be served) -n GARTON' BAR& GRItt 7,000 sq. ft. 18 Year loase, $23lsq. f.t RestauranUlliglrblub in llmnbwn Uall 3,m0 sq. lt. 0ntloor Deck 2 Bars (4 Stations) Restaffant Seating Area Full lfitchen State-llf-Thc4rt lliglrtclub Facility & Sound Wem. 4 lllfices lncluded CAIL DAVE GARTOI{ r '24.',oi'5 970/949-0555 Vail Plazahotel plan shot down by council By Elizabeth Macern Daily Staff Wrirer "Bigger is not best," council mem- ber Kevin Foley said. 'My main con- cem is with zoning codes. Right now I'm a linle disappointed thar quire a few of those zoning laws were ignored, as far as I'm concemed." Other council members worried about aaffic problems on Vail Road and South Frontage Road, a lack of setbacks in the architecture and a shady pedestrian envirsnment caused by the proposed buildings, which would reach eight stories facing East Meadow Dnve and six stories fasjng South Frontage Road. Peterson said a smaller hotel would not be viable or even desirable for Vail. "We wanted a major conference fhcility. and that dan'l he donc in three stories," he said. "What they envision doesn't work, It would be a complete overhaul, and I'm not sure we'd be interested." He cited Vail's need to rejuvenate and attract a larger conference facili- ty crowd. With 20,000 square feet of conference space, designs called for the largest single room in Vail. The council members agreed that redevelopment in the Vail Village needs to be encouraged so the town continues to maintain its attractive architectural atmosphere, but fhey "I'm fbr redevelopment - [ think this site needs it," council membei, Sybill Navas said. "But I would say in the next breath. 'not at any price."' Prado, the hotel prop€rty owncr, said the council's feedback was 'hot tremendously encouraging," but he wasn't giving up on the site."l wanr to do somelhing here in Vail," he sard. "We'll continue. We'll do a little more hi .riework, and I think (council mernbers) just need more time." Also at Tuesday's council work session: I The town council iooked at how to cluster six units ofafTordable hous- ing on the open spot at Arosa and Garmisch drives in West Vail. which was identified as a development site during the Common Ground process. In agreement with town staff, the council said the units should be con- figured on the east end of the lotl andI The council agreed on critcria for residences that the town will try to buy and resell with subsidies for affordable housing in coming years as part of the Common Ground affordable housing plan. Includcd in the criteria are the locarion of the unit, proximity to bus stops, age and qual- ity of construction, number of bed- rooms and cost. Elizabeth Mattern covers Vail, Minturn and Red Clifi Sllc cett b reached at (970) 9t194555, ext. 619. VAIL - Visions of a 428,ffi0- square-foot hotel with 326 rooms. a spa and the town's largest conl'erence facility were shartered by the Vail Town Council Tuesday afternoon. Jay Peterson of the Daymer Cor- poratron, representing Vail Village Im property owner Waldir pradb, was discouraged after two years of working on a redevelopmenl protrx.rs- al to hear the council's concems with bulk, mass and traffic. hado was planning on funneling morc than $100 million into rebuildins the sire between East Meadow *ve and South Frontage Road as the Vail Plaza Hotel. "The project, as envisioned. is dead," Peterson said after the coun- cil's 2 p.m. work session, which was intended to provide feedback 6n the plans. Despite a unanimous recornmen-t'. dcion for approval from the planning and Environmental Commission. aI council members expressed a level of discomfon with some aspects of the Foposal, which would require mn-ing amendments and heisht' allowances beyond those in the V-ail Village Master plan. Althoush Mayor Rob Ford suggesed molre work s€ssions to fiid sori're compno- ni6es, thc council left the gercd ingqssion thar rhc propmed- build- i4s u/cre tpo large. weren't convirped the project was the ngfu one for the spot, which council menbcr Michacl Amea referred to as thc 'entrarrce to otlr community." ilgEleiiEiEqEg-EiggE €Ealai?- ; E5 e; EE iE ; E isggi ; i€ g-E € E: :igE EFFg :€EE ! cf,E'- 1€ E; EEiEiEEEg !i€ii!;;a" ==e2' =64B 5.E E Uz6 lEg-r Ef:bg A*, ; iC CTE; B:TrE-8I'i 9:5 :EEei;ass gilgSE:EE IiE*$Hlg*g*ffiEgagt*fii o t! ,=taJg EEoEoi =gEE EECIL si $EEJ' sE 5eOtP?.c *Hot s9 Go iD.C o € ot ao ; 6. E,C) v)rF{ a),F o ,.r{ijJ Ori-la) boF!Hr *{. "E'L{ cd B -{!d Q FTt-l F{Jo (, :l-,!, lllE a, l!.N IJJ dt kromm*lfilS Dally Trall file photo People love to come to Vail, both to play and to work,is the resort's popularity creating a situation that's eroding its ability to compete as the leader in the ski industry? A by a group of outside executives suggests it is. Executives Is Vail a res rt in declineS Report says a lack of I'hip is causing downward spiral gic planning and a wildlife park planning ist examined Vail and the ralley to set the record th" L*"*fu '[lE.'"*n C"u*L S"oaos Du.""N6htly 949 5552 R."""".ttor" S.rgg""t"J DlJ A Rd" A"dLbL BY RoBERT KEDY-Goss Iroilr fnil Staif It's on alamist notion b suggest that Vail is losing its foothold as the nation's leader in the ski resort industry, and thet guests are increasingly finding the valley "boring, old and un-hip." 86 it's a notion that comes to locals loaders as a result of a November Vail Community Task Force report from frve respected out- side industry observers. son who is to bring lhe two entities and move in the same direction." 'I think it's ment," Vail appmpriate ass€ss- Rob Ford said Friday. "And i at the top of council's docket." For( along Disney, Telluride, a company, a strate- is no shared vision entities (Vail Resorts Vail) and no one per- industry is changing rapidly ... There's tremendous competition coming on the scene. At the same time, the demo- graphics in our valley are changing all the time." Rob Levine. another task force mem- ber and general manager of the Antlers Lodge in Lionshea( agrees with Ford. Levine said he takes the report very seriously and values the opinion of the people who compiled it. "They've all been around the block. -. They all have good experience, and they're not crazy," Levine said. 'They're not way out there." r€sort straight: "... between the and the Tourn Make Your Check for $66.75 to: The Bolt YoaF ,lnc, P,O, Bor 3970 &€ck nddg., OO 8O4i?l€67O Visa & Mastercard Orders Please Call (g70l547-7224 ' with other task force o Vail planners to hears details for major new hotel Neighbors protest size of project Bv T,ln.1 FLANAGAN Daily Trsil Stat The Tov*n of Vail's plannhg com- mission will continue to examine a major hotel proposal at 2 p.m. today, looking at plans for dre Vail Plaza Hotel - a project that would take fte place of the Vail Village Inn. The plan could markedly change the tone of the area just east of the Vail Gateway Building, a matter that doesnl sit well with some neigh- bon, one of whom is waging an ad campaign agains the hotel plan. Charles Lipcon, a Miami atiomey who spends four months a year in Vail, is one of the more outspokor opponents to tre project, claiming it's pat of an overall tend tlat will erode the intimate ambiance of Vail Village. He or",ns a condorninium in the Gateway puil.ling, and says moun- r"in views will be obstucted from the Gateway and the roundabouts at tlrc Main Vail interchange. "The Gateway will just be duarfed by this huge building,' he says. Current plans call for a maxi- mum building height of 86 fee! or eight storieq *trile the underlying zoning on the property allovs for 48 feet Torn staff are asking for the eighth floor to be removed from plans. Lipcon is also fighting a separate proposal for changes in the Public Accommodation Zone District, which would allow increases in den- sity and gross residential floor area on 18 properties throughout Vail. Tovm council plans to meet with the planning commission Tuesday aftemoon to discuss the proposal, which aims to give owners an oppor- hmity to imprwe their properties without applying for cumbersome special development districts. Tou'n staff say the amen&nents to the accomrnodati on zone would not include height irrreases. The Vail Plaza Hotel would encompass 124,000 square feet, including 276 hotal and 15 multi- family club units of hotel and frac- tional-fee units; 8,250 square feet of commercial space; 20,000 squme feet of conference space; 28,000 square feet devoted o a bealth club and spa; and 5,000 square feet of r€$Aurant spac€. It uould requfue a major amend- ment to the existing special dwelop ment distict for the Vail Vill2ge Inn. Town staf are generally supportive of the plaq claiming it will help rcvialize the town with additional beds and provide a strong link between the Gateway area and pedestrian taffic cn East Meadow Drive. Senior planner George Ruther says the applicant, Waldir R. Prado, has already taken a story and a half off the building's height since he began discussing his plans with the to\ n. The project has also uder- gone considerable scrutiny over its loading and delivery sehp, which staff believe is safisfactory with the condition listed below. In a recent memo to the planning commission, stafi asked for the fol- lowing conditions:. Deed-restricted housing for at least 160 emplryees. To\rm calcula- tions shorv that many new emplry- ees will be needed for the operatiorq bringing the total for the site to 595.. The eighth floor be rernored ftom plans before they are submitted to the tom's desigr rwiew board . The applicant decrease the depth of the loading and delivery area to reduce gnormd-level impacfs to tl€ property to the east. . The plans be submitted to dre Colorado Department of Transportation for review and ryproval of an ac@ss permit. In addition to Lipcon, the East Village Homeo*ners Association has voiced mncem over the Vail Plaza Hotel proposal. Like Lipcon, the group also opposes the proposed amendment to the Public Accommodation Zone Distict. Jim Lamont. executive director for EVIIA fired out a letter to the planning commission and town council Jan. 7, expressing conoerns about the size of the Plaza. He said that by- significantly alteriog the very-studied conditions of the spe- cial development dishict allo$/ed for the Vail Village lnn, apFoval of the new project *ould be a 'breach of faih" on the tou,n's parr Lamont added that the Plaza plan and pmposed arnendmeot to the accomrnodation zone will "reinforce and aggravate existing infrastuctural problems in Vail Village." Vail building permits up bV $Z million Although falling sbort of being the record year for the decade, 1998 posted a shong showing for constuctiol in Vail, surpassing 1997 by $2 million. The town's community devel- opment departrnent issued 1,162 building permib totaling $74.7 million in construction activity for 1998. That compares to I,l33per- mits and a total valuation of $72.7 in 1997. Russell Forrest, dircctor of co.mmunity development for the town, attributes the strong showing to the $4-million rcrnod- el of the Gasthof Gramshammer lodge, completion of the $10-mil- lion Austria Haus development, and several other projects that were timed to be completed in time for the 1999 World Alpine Ski Championships, set for Jan. 30-Feb. 14. Vail's record year for this decade occurrcd in 1996, with 1,237 building permits rotaling $87.9 million, which included construction of Vail Commons, the Golden Peak ski base and the Vail Village Club. As for develop mcnt activity in 1999, Forrest pre- dicb a strong reinvestuent by the private sector. The town is antici- pating redevelopment proposals from Vail Associates for iF core site in Lionshead (the old gondola building and Sunbird Lodge) plus proposals from the Marriott Vail Mountain Resorl Antlers at Vail and from the new ownership of the Vail Village Inn '"The redevelopment of the Lionshead prop€rties will enable tbe town to realize many of the Lionshead master plan goals sooner than originally anticipat- e4" Forr€sr said 'The proposed projects in both the Mllage and Lionshead indicate the strong intercst in investing in the Vail cornmunity." Forrest says his department is fully staffed and ready to handle new development proposals. In addition, the review process has been streamlined, making it sim- pler for applicants to move ahead on projects. The department continues to operate a customer service cormter for walk-in customers, as well as on-the-spot approvals for minor alterations and 24-hour processing for minor building pet- mits. Counter hours are 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Informati on: 4'19-2146. - Daily Tmil snf report Daily Trail file photo The recently completed Austria Haus topped a busy 1998. t$ sQg {\ 5 c$F *B \..\. .\S* \N G t+,i _sl A{ I N * \t\\ $ N./J' u, frS t-- \ \ "\ e'lE s Q/\E5 E I) \.\)z- F et'o o* N \ $\ er\ \r s li v N V \\ \ \ \\\ \J C.' \\ \ ) "..\xt\ N !.-\\J \ ul& = zI(t, UI- z +JEo Ecoo o!o o a! ecct! og oc €o4xo !co E EoI E o =d CDg o b o Bg Io o6 Pc o o oot CD o 66o ;c oEtEo o ILo oI g eo,l| o o tro Eo E 'otr EeEt5p{:iE EigH'.n= s ? s€EE F F:! gFEF EE€fl:;c; EgEl 9F6E = ie_g eE f 9 gE€i -o n \) q\ V \ F V1 \F \ Y\)A,a$ F'.. \ di 14-tl '\) \ .:J tr .te-t.i q0\ \ Eggis i i *:i: FEiEE \ u \ \l \ \ \\ \ ,Q,' D (\ EE d \ \ t9 $ $t a \ \ ,---;..S---{._ Irx ;t, N €l sl \ \ t!e3 zIo uJ. z p -r-2 a \) \( \ s JJ a Y]a \) rrl- z $J\\$' \ $RA $ \ attit: !? t; i; sE tf ;.[ Itlifi Eg ff a ! ,-! 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E t ls\-r'I \sI 3 A(;' Uxmo Srrres Posra SERvrcE First-Class Mail o Print your n\me,'addres6, and ,,x*"1bH"1THi* x G.op oo o o oE' co E{, !) -o Eo(, an.A Lnl GIolol<lzlEtlFI1llEI ao g .Comol€tg items 1 and/or 2 foi additional 8gwica8..Comgl€t€ rtemsS, 44. and 4b. r Painl vd r name1rd eddross on tho rgvota€ ot thig blm !O lhai ws can rstum thle t spaca dg€s not - , adicle numbsr. red ond lh€ dal€ E Registsrod I also wish to receive the lollowing services (for an exlra tss): 1. El Addressee's Address 2. E Restricted ostivery Consult oostnaster tor fos. €al I &eniaet caro . Atta porn .wdt rTh6 deli\ =-=r' ^t Holiday House Condom in ium s 9 Vail Road Vail, CO 81657 E Expjess Mall E Insured E46rm Receipt for Meftfiendise El COD aN tee is paid) PS Form 38 Unrreo Srares Posral Senvrce Firsl-Class MailftsEgdfc€s UDTD Eemrtno. G'jto.- ,.Xt''J;h'S"t'i#t .Com9l€t€ itsll! I ando.2 tof addhional 8€.vica8. .Cofi|olste d€mB 3, 4a, and 4b. - ^^ *-'t0 can r€Num thib tc9 do€q nd -- d€ numbsr, nd lh6 @e I also wish lo recoivs lhe lollowlng s€rvlces (ior an Extra fo€): 1. E Address€e's Addrsss 2. E Restricted D€livEry Consult posfnaster tor fee. dI E _E g ,E 3 oEqsa:! Io !cI Crossrods Condominiurn Associatian C/o Maxine Miller 143 East Meadow Drivq Suite 499,4, Vail. CO 81657 3 576 E Rsgister€d E Express Mail E.Mm Rocelpt lor Merdundise and lee is paid) frefin*, E Insured tr coo PS Form 381 I, Dscsmber 1994 UNreo Srlres PosrAL SERVcE . Print your nam\ address, tazlp cbac-in*G,Upl .- -. .--. \F VAIL VTLLAGE INN 1OO E. MEADOV{ DRIVE vArL, co. 11057 'tsNUEH:.Compl€t9 ll€.m I andor 2 for addilional sgrvic€8. .C,ompl€t€ it€ms 3, zta, and rtb. I also wish to receivg tho lollowing sorvices (lor an exlra f€o): 1. E Addross€s's Address 2. E- Rostricted D€livery Consult postnasl€r for fe€. .P:-'--.----- I a1 Jr1.l TTrevinaLtd. e can rotum thlt )g do€a nol 19 numbgr. d th6 dalE C/o Maxine Miller 143 East Meadow Drive, Suite 4994' Vail CO 81657 5g 6s E Register€d tr Expr€ss Mail E4etum Roceipt for Msrdgndls€ "/0-' and lee is paid) &,m"a E Insured tr coD ) PS Fom 3811, Decemb€r 1994 UNrED STATES PosrAL sERvrcE illl Flrst-Class Mall PGtage & F€€s Paid USPS Permit No. G-10 o Print your name, address , and ZIP Code in this box o VAIL VILLAGE INN 1OO E. MEADOW DRIVE vAlL, co' !1Gs7 oo oo _5.oollE C 3 oGo Eo5 o fo IcasF oEo oa o E ot co Eg o -o. Eoo antil|rlGcIolq4EI3 ulq Eo .9 .Comd€l€ ilerE I ando.2 foa addltlonal aewic6a. .Co|I|plel€ items 3, 4a, and 4b.rPri/ can.Atlr pol .wri .Th+ (t€ll 37 Sonnenalp Hotel 82 East Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 o lhal w€ can relum thlE d( if 8pac6 do€6 not lhe adide n|lmber. /iv€nd and th€ dale I also wish 1o rocgivo lhe lollowing sorvicss (for an extra lE€): 1, E Addr6sse6's Address 2. E Restdctod Deliv€ry Consult postnasler for fe€. tr Registered E Express Mall E-Rfum Rsceipl lor Modmndiso {**"o E Insur€d tr coD "-F8. Mdress€e's and tee is paid) , D€c6mb6r 1994 Unrreo Sreres PosrAL SERVTcE o Print your name, address, and ZIP ,.xH,{:bffiH" I ComDleta items 1 andor 2 for addilional asrvices. r Comd6lo ilemr 3, 4a, and ilb. . Print your nams srd addr€c8 on tho r6rrarEe of lhi8 iom to that ws can r€tum thls card to I also wish to receive the following services (ior an exlra tee): d L E Addr€ss€€'s Address f 2. E Restricted D€tivery E he bad if spaca do6s ncl b€low tie adicl€ nurt€r. 18 dol\€rEd and lh€ dde .Altach pq.mil. .wril€', rTh6 Rr d€liv€r,T.fr?_. , ,l Firstbank ol- r'*s 1 17 Vail Road Vail, CO 81657 5. Received gy: en Name) R,- fis*rL requested o o IEGE t<P- Uruneo Snres PosrAL SERVTCE First-Class Mail t4stage& Es€{ U€Fs.. . Peiinit No. G-10 . Print your address, ,.x?;ilib*Ts" Cornddo lleru,l andor 2 foi eddiilonEl gorvic€s. Complst€ itetlrE.3, 4a, and 4b. Alpine Standard 28 South Frontage Road West Vail- CO 81657 ao thal wg can rslum ttta ad( il spaca do€a nol v th€ arlicl€ numbar. tliv€rod and lh€ dalo I also wish to rgcsivE he tollowing se|..lcos (tor an extra t€e); 1. E Addressoo's Address 2. E Restricted Deliv€ry Consult postnast€r br fss. I E Registered E Express Mail El+fotum Rocoipt for llerdundlso 7. ?-io - and tee is palcl) dcerm* El Insur€d tr coD First-Class Mail Postag€ & Feos Paid USPS Permit No. G-10 o Print your name, address, andZlP Code in lhis box o ,.Nt':"'+Hfs' 6 t 6E?=t.3 t t ll',1,...11,1L..1' 1,J,,.1.1,1...11..'.f ll.l..ll..,ll.,,,l,l,l .Complel€ itenra 1 sndor 2 lor addillonal egrvica8. rComplet€ itsmo 3, 4a, and 4b. r Print your name and addroi. nn th. d--d- ^. 'ht- '^- __ llot rr9 can retum thla : z Colorado D€parEnent of Transportation c/o JimNall 606 South 9tr Street Grand Junction, CO 81501 8pace dogs not artbls nurnbor, 'd 8nd tho date I also wlsh to recoivs the lollowing services (for an extra fee): 1. E Addressge's Address 2. E Restrict€d D€livery Consull Dosfnasler for tsg. 5ga ra E4ertrfieo E Insured tr coD a aiIIa t 5. Beceived By: (Pnirt , Dscsmbor '1994 First-Class Mail FoPo o . Co|nolele llerna 1 ando, 2 ioa Edditional !ewico8. .Cornol€t€ it€dr8 3,4a, and 4b. I Prinl vour nsme end addross on the rsverss of thi8 ftrnr !o thal vy€ can r€tum fie 1o€8 nol rurDaf. he dals I also wish lo receive lhe following sorvicas (for an extra leg): 1. E Addr€sse€'s Address 2. E RostrictEd Dglivsry Consult postnastor tor foe. Village Inn Plaza Condominiurn Assoc. Phase III and V t c./o Josef Staufer - l/k.f 100 East MeadowDrive Vail. CO 81657 . Date of D€livery 5sb ft I Rsgisl€red I Expross Mail ?daur ne."ipt tor i/tedEndise /ceanx E Insured E] COD -t0 -7 s and tes E Fid) PS Fom 3811, D€c€mb€r 1994 UHmo Snres PosrAL SERvrcE o Print your nam€, address, and ZIP Code in this box . VAIL VILLAGE INN IOO E. MEADOW DRIVE vArL, co. 11057 illl Fkst-Class Mail Postag€ & Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-l0 Fo3oI I Completo ito.nr 'l andor 2 tor additionsl sslvlcee. r Compho item8 3, 4a, and 4b. . Pdrt yorr nffne and add€$ on the rgwra€ ol lhis form 80 lhd we can 6tum this B do€8 not , nunbgr. t lhe dats Vail Village Inn Plaza Csrdominiurn Assoc. I and II c/o Slifer Management 143 East Meadow Drive Vail. CO 81657 D Registsred E Express Mail E{etum ReceiDt for Merdrandise I also wish to receive he following services (ior an €xlra lso): 1. E Addressee's Address 2. E Reslnddd Deliv€ry Consult oostrnasl€r for fes. 5b {tGrzO {u,n* E Insured E] COD 7. Date of Delivery-/6- "%)) <,{;and lee is pdld) Fttilr/^ti $s:E IEO =*o e,FQEIEi+E58rS a U .-:_ a t =-gJ =Ee'a cl a! =3 :J = rYl j F trd' !ld€? ..(,)l l, x r_!-!l E.gEI !|=Il HH"I:it:t Iia; IiFq IiEl tdlisltit:d I E D{ o E 7 V 9o69s @ 3€e?g EqgB e6' 9a REIURN ADDRESS compl'et'd on thc rsvet!€ lll I 3l Hlei*eiiEglfl Frqaa ii rl *l gg?"3 iE il 1 qf"= I1l F itl'llleali *g BE tt HiltslH#-Hl -l? lsg IB l$ lE aE. El lgaill laa* Thrnkyou fo3 ullng Return RoceiPt Scrvlce' yourlB rl EIilel --l HI3lctlo1:,(o(oF (r,ct?tsl qtt ,[.) ltJ -1 t/^. ah T F-.J\n N' Y^-d &-€ .F ", ?,E 86+ *a-r..?y,o;l556s# - a. € zZ F]g ) l! youl BEIUBX./ADDBES$ complrtcd on lho r€verse ald€? Thank you tor uslng Return Recelpl S€rvlce. rtl'noo =.9I- E.Eoo 33 IE 'D Ort - . gx iDt8 rlD ;3 IP l t { D c = r,rl rt t 3t gdSE a8 SS95F =: (AE 1'--{ *W R a'a -a'v3! =fiFo:-(.rt f{E $ a. 6"o d' 6:.t= PxgtItc o ta, 3l(,o oooo3 CTo (0(oI Fg =E6" Pa6- ufigqF3or' 9 E r; i$E E 4 *.saqgfl sg 3 3 E grto B EEil P q $ f'' qrE dxr$ $$;p tECt+ ?.FQilEi+:58sS zz IT 5 J , i }"S',"e EFW = llI 3 tl l. your RETURT{ ADDRESS compl€bd on the reyerso sldo? Thank you for using Rsturn Rocolpt Service. !tt q +88 6EEE 'oo ddiai lisi;sia;iF{i!rcr3 tqrf.ig tl = 3 f a =ta orl .r . il $geEf fI$a:F' *{ +rU 8g"E^3 Hts $$6', d frj a .lt (h '?ro 5 6to ooato3 ol (Dl(ol+l gF r FF$ Icttr Io do oo-v, ax s 6' ds f ;; i$s F$F-Fr FE F B* at att Ol u tx 0l 0(\ s'\ \ \ 8trgY3;t*8 €E *a D trtr L.,!It aOEo