HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D LOT M O VAIL PLAZA HOTEL 1999 MAJOR AMENDMENT PROPOSAL PEC DEC 13 1999 LEGALVAIL PLAZA HOTEL 1999 MAJOR AMENDMENT PROPOSAL Planning & Environmental Commiss ion December 13.1999 VAIL PLAZA HOTEL Stall Memorandum (12l13iss) TABLE OF CONTENTS t. [.DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUESTS Major Amendment to Special Development District ..,.....,,..,.......................2 Conditional Use Permit 1i. A, Pros/Cons .........3-4 B. Condltlons of Approval 4€ tv. V. v!. vil. BACKGROUND .......6-8 PUBLTC ACCOMMODATTON ZONE DISTBICT........ .................8 ZONING ANALYSIS SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MAJOR AMENDMENT PROCESS ............................9.10 A, B. Deslgn compatibillty and sensltlvlty to the immediate environment, neighborhood and adiacent plop€rtles relatlve to architectural dosign, scale, bulk, bulldlng helght, bufler zones, ldentity, character, visual integrity and oriontation ..10-12 B. Uses, actlvity and denslty whlch provide a compatible, efllclent and workable relatlonshlp with surrounding uses and activity............. ..........,.......12-13 Emplovee Houslno Reoulrement Emolovee Housinq Generatlon Analvsis Gompllance whh parklng and loadlng requlrements as outllned in Chaptor 18.52. ot the Town ot Vall Conformfty wfth the epplicable elemonts ol the Vail Gomprehenslve Plan, Town pollcies and Urban Vaif Vilfaoe Master Plan. .....19-22 Vaif Viffaq€ Desiqn Conslderatlons ............22-23 Ulban Oeslon Consideratlons. ,....................23-29 Archhect Landscaoe Considerations ldentlllcatlon and mhlgation of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the propsrty on whlch the special development district is proposed,..... ................39 F.Sito plan, building design and locatlon and open-space provisions-designed to p.roduce a- functlonal devcilopment rssponslv-e and sensltive to naiural features, vegstation and overall aesthetlc the community A circulation system designed tor both vehlcl€s and pedsstrians addressing on and off-site traffic circulation Functlonal and aesthetlc landscaping and open space in order to optlmlze and preserve natural features, recreation, views and functions.................- ..............--...............41 PhaslnE plan or subdlvlslon plan that will malntaln a workable, functlonal and efflclent relatlonshlp throughout the dev€lopment of the special development dlstrlct ................. ..................41 CRITERIA AND FINDINGS FOR A CONDMONAL USE PERM1T............. ..........41-45 13-14 14-16 D. ATTACHMENT AA. L Orowv OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 Vail Plaza Hotel Executive Summary (12y13/99) The Town of Vail Community Development Department and the Publb Works Department, with the aid of various outside consultants, have completed the review of the proposal for the redevelopment of the Vail Plaza Hotel. Upon completion of your review, the Town staff is recpmmending approval of the proposed prolect. The staff's recommendation for approval carries with it 15 @nditions. The details of the staff's recommendation and the recommended conditions can be found in Sedion lll of this memorandum. ln evaluating the proposal, the Town staff relied upon the rqulations, policies and guidelines outlined in the various land-planning related documents adopted by the Town of Vail. Throughout the course of the development review process staff remained primarily focusd on the technical aspects of the proposal. The matters of design and policy were left up to the Town's Boards. A detailed narrative of the staff's findings based upon the established review criteria is outlined in Sxtion Vll of this memorandum. A complete breakdown and technical analysis of the proposal has been prepared. ln the Vail Plaza Hotel Zonino Analvsis (revised 1Zlg99) and the Vail Plaza Hotel Proposal Comparison (revised 12/1799), statf provides analysis and omparison of the various development standards prescribed by the Zoning Regulations and compares the figures of the 1999 proposal to hose of the 1998 proposal which had been rejected by Town Council nearly one year ago. Also included in the analysis documents are a Vail Plaza Hotel View Analysis, Vail Plaza Hotel Sun/Shade Analysis and a Vail Plaza Hotel Parking Analysis (revised 1 2n 3/99). The purpose of these documents is to provide a comparison of existing anditions relative to proposed @nditions should the hotel be constructed. Accompanying this information is also a revised Vail Plaza Hotel Traflic lmpact Reoort. The original reprt had been prepared for the 1998 proposal. Srnce lts original formulation, the reryrt has been revised and supplemented in resrynse to changing conditions and requests of staff and others. The basic findings of the report conclude that while the rdeveloped hotel will have impacts of current traffic patterns, the projected impacts can be successfully mitigated. Complete copies of these six reports and oher relevant information have been provided as aftachments and are found in the bacl< of this memorandum. Lastly, a brief overview of the development history of the Vail Village lnn Special Development District has been prepared. This overview is intended to provide a basic understanding of the proposed changes that have occurred within the Disticl since its original adoption in 1976. The development history of the Vail Village lnn is outlined in Section lV of this memorandum. {7 *""'""'o 'n"" TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development December 13, 1999 A request for a final review and recommendation of a major amendment, to allow for the proposed redevelopment of the Vail Village Inn, Phase lV, within Special Development District No. 6, and a conditional use permit, to allow for the operation of a fractional fee club in the Public Accommodation Zone District, located at 100 East Meadow Drive/Lots M, N, & O, Block 5-D, VailVillage First Filing. Applicant: Waldir Prado, Daymer CorporationPlanner: George Ruther r lN!rereIloN The applicant, Waldir Prado, represented by Jay Peterson, is proposing to redevelop the Vail Village Inn, located at 100 East Meadow Drive. The applicant has submitted two applications to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and consideration: thi or Amendment Request 1) A request for a major amendment to Special Development District #6, Vail Village Inn. The major amendment application proposes changes to the existing approved development plan and is intended to facilitate the redevelopment of the existing Vail Village Inn, Phase lV Condominiums and allow for the construction of the Vail Plaza Hotel. The current proposal amends Phase lV of the Vail Village lnn Plaza only. No amendments are proposed to Phases l-lll or V of the Vail Village lnn. Conditional U* Permit Bequest 2) A request for a conditional use permit, pursuant to Chapter 16 of the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations, to allow for the operation of a fractional lee club within the proposed Vail Plaza Hotel. The fractional fee club will be comprised of 48 fractional fee club units operated and managed by the owner of the Vail Plaza Hotel. The applicant has identified what he believes to be public benefits which will be realized by the Town as a result of the Vail Plaza Hotel redevelopment. The public benefits associated with the hotel proposal are: . An increase in the annual occupancy rate through the redevelopment of an older, existing hotel.. The creation of approximately 10,500 square feet of new conference and meeting room facilities.. The implementation of the recommended Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan improvements along Vail Road, the South Frontage Road and a portion of East Meadow Drive.o The re-investment and redevelopment of resort property in the Town of Vail.. The implementation of the development goals, objectives and policies adopted by the Town for the Vail Village Inn property.. A significant increase to the Town's supply of short-term, overnight accommodation to serve our guests and visitors.. The construction of a world-class "anchor" hotel providing a high-level of guest services and amenities.. A potentially sizeable annual contribution to the Town's declining sales tax revenue. II. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUESTS Ivbj or Ame n dme nt Req ue st The applicant, Daymer Corporation, represented by Jay Peterson, has submitted two development review applications to the Town of Vail Community Development. The first application is a request for a final review and recommendation of a proposed a major amendment, pursuant to Chapter 9 of the Town of Vail Zoning Regulation, to Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn. The purpose of the major amendment is to amend the approved development plan to allow for the construction of the Vail Plaza Hotel in Phase lV of the District. The applicant is proposing significant improvements to Phase lV of the Vail Village Inn Special Development District. The existing hotel and restaurant are proposed to be demolished to allow for the new construction of the Vail Plaza Hotel. The hotel is intended to be a mixed-use development including residential, commercial and recreation uses. The applicant is proposing to construct 99 new accommodation units (hotel rooms) ranging in size lrom approximately 350 sq. ft. to 370 sq. ft. per unit., 48 part-time fractional fee club units, and 'l free-market condominium. The fractional fee club units are considered part-time, as during the summer months the hotel will retain ownership of the units to rent as short-term accommodation units, and then during the winter months (approximately 24 weeks) the units will be sold as fractional fee club units. The Vail Plaza Hotel also includes two restaurants, 4,047 square feet of accessory retail located within the hotel and along the plaza, a 15,338 square foot conference facility, a 24,799 square foot full-service spa and health club facility and approximately 246 new underground parking spaces. The approximate total gross square footage of the new hotel is 328,958 square feet. The following is an approximate breakdown of the various uses within the hotel: * 64,094 sq. ft. - fractional fee club units* 5,499 sq. ft. - condominium* 36,013 sq. ft. - accommodation unitsa 9,822 sq. ft. - restauranvretail z * * * 15,338 sq. ft. - conference/meeting rooms 24,799 sq. ft. - spa/health club 174,067 sq. ft. - common area (mechanical, stairs/hallways, parking, oftice, lobby, etc.) 328,958 sq. ft. gross building square footage Conditional Us Permit Request The second application submitted is for a conditional use permit to allow for the operation of a fractional fee club in the Public Accommodation zone district. The granting of a conditional use permit by the Town of Vail would allow the applicant to operate 48 fractional fee club units within the Vail Plaza Hotel. The applicant is proposing that the club units be sold on an interval basis. The club units would be sold for 24 weeks during the winter months with the remaining 28 weeks owned by the hotel for use as short-term accommodations units. lt is believed by the applicant that this sales structure will maximize the occupancy of the units and optimize the availability of the units for marketing the conference facility of the hotel during the summer months and shoulder seasons. To further improve occupancy potential of the fractional fee club, the 48 club units have been designed to include up to two "lock-off" spaces per unit. This design creates a total ot 1 10 "keys" and 2'18 "pillows" for the fractional fee club component of the hotel (1 key = 1 room). A complete set of reduced plans have been attached lor reference (Exhibit AA). III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department is recommending approval of the applicant's request for a major amendment to Special Development District #6 and a conditional use permit, Vail Village Inn, to allow for redevelopment of Phase lV of the Vail Village Inn. Staff's recommendation for approval is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section V & Vl of this memorandum. The staff believes that the proposal is in general compliance with the nine design criteria and the criteria for a conditional use permit, as identified in this memorandum. In reviewing the proposal, staff identified a number of pros and cons that we believe are associated with the hotel proposal. The list includes, but is not limited to, the following: PROS o I a a The presence of economic redevelopment in Vail. An increase to the Town's supply of hotel beds and an increased level of quality. The implementation ol the Town's development goals, objectives, and policies. The creation of new, deed restricted employee housing to otfsei the housing impacts associated with the hotel. The elimination of an unsightly surface parking lot. The completion of the final phase of the Vail Village Inn Special Development District. The construction of new conference and meeting room facilities within the Town. The construction of public improvements funded with private dollars. The potential increase in sales tax revenue. a a a a a . An increased amount of public open space.. An improved and updated loading/delivery facility which is relocated lrom Vail Road. CONS o Increased vehicular traffic on Vail Road.. Deviations from the underlying zoning development standards are required.r The bulk and mass of the new hotel is significantly greater than the sizes of buildings presently on the development site.. There are increased impacts of shading on public areas.. The conference and meeting room facilities are potentially under-sized.o Additional views of Vail Mountain from public areas will be negatively impacted.. Only a portion of the dilapidated plaza paver surface is being replaced and improved.e lncreased loading/delivery truck traffic on Town streets.. There is only a marginal net increase of lrue accommodation units over what exists today.. An eighteen to twenty-four month construction process (noise, construction traffic, etc). Should the Planning & Environmental Commission choose to recommend approval of the requested major amendment to the Vail Town Council, staff would recommend that the Commission make the following finding: "That the proposed major amendment to Special Development District #6, Vail Village lnn, complies with the nine design criteria outlined in Section 12-9A-8 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. The applicant has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Commission that any adverse effects of the requested deviations from the development standards of the underlying zoning are ouMveighed by the public benefits provided. Further, the Commission finds that the requested conditional use permit to allow for the operation of a fractional fee club complies with the applicable criteria and is consistent with the development goals and objectives of the Town;' Should the Planning & Environmental Commission choose to recommend approval of the requested major amendment, stalf would recommend that the approval carry with it the following conditions: 1. That the developer submits the following plans to the Department of Community Development, for review and approval, as a part of the building permit application for the hotel:a. An Erosion Control and Sedimentation Plan;b. A Construction Staging and Phasing Plan;c. A Stormwater Management Plan;d. A Site Dewatering Plan; ande. A Traffic Control Plan. 2. That the developer provides deed-restricted housing, which complies with the Town of Vail Employee Housing requirements (Chapter 12-13), for a minimum of 38 employees, and that said deed-restricted housing be made available for occupancy, and that the deed restrictions are recorded with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder, prior to requesting a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the Vail Plaza Hotel. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. That the developer receives a conditional use permit to allow for the operation of a fractional fee club, in accordance with Chapter 12-16, prior to the issuance of a buiHing permit. That the developer submits a final detailed landscape plan to the Community Development Department lor Design Review Board review and approval prior to making an application for a building permit. That the developer submits a complete set of civil engineer drawings of all the off-site improvements, including the improvements to the South Frontage Road, for review and Town approval, prior to application for a building permit. That the developer submits a complete set of plans to the Colorado Department of Transportation for review and approval of a revised access permit, prior to application for a building permit. That the developer meets with the Town staff to prepare a memorandum of understanding outlining the responsibilities and requirements of the required off-site improvements, prior to first reading ol an ordinance approving the major amendment. That the developer increases the proposed Vail Road setback to insure adequate distances are provided to meet the intended needs of the Town's right-of-way and the front setback or successfully demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Town that adequate areas for landscaping, streetscape improvements and snow storage are provided. The Town of Vail Design Review Board shall participate in this decision-making process. That the developer submits a complete set of plans responding to each of the design concerns expressed by Greg Hall, Director of Public Works & Transportation, in his memorandum to George Ruther, dated 12113199. The drawings shall be submitted, reviewed and approved by the Town Engineer prior to final Design Review Board approval. That the developer records a public pedestrian easement between the hotel and the Phase lll Condominiums and between the Phase V Building property lines. The easement shall be prepared by the developer and submitted for review and approval of the Town Attorney. The easement shall be recorded with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder's Office prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. That the developer record a deed-restriction, which the Town is a party to, on the sdd property prohibiting the public use of the spa facility in the hotel. Said restriction shall be revoked if the developer is able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Town that adequate provisions for vehicle parking have been made to accommodate the public use ol the spa. That the developer submits a final exterior building materials list, a typical wall section and complete color rendering for review and approval of the Design Review Board, prior to making an application for a building permit. That the developer submits a comprehensive sign program proposal for the Vail Plaza Hotel for review and approval of the Design Review Board, prior to the issuance of A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. . 9. 10. 11. '12. 13. 14. 15. That the developer submits a roof-top mechanical equipment plan lor review and approval of the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a building permit. All roof- top mechanical equipment shall be incorporated into the overall design of the hotel and enclosed and screened from public view. That the developer posts a bond to provide financial security ior the 1250/" of the total cost of the required off-site public improvements. The bond shall be in place with the Town prior to the issuance of a building permit. IV. BACKGROUND The development review process for the Vail Plaza Hotel has been a lengthy, labor intensive process that has included numerous meetings with the various Town boards, Town staff, and interested members of the community. The review process began nearly two years ago when the applicant submitted the original redevelopment proposal application to the Community Development. Following a nine month review process including a final review and recommendation of approval from the Planning & Environmental Commission and the Design Review Board, the Vail Town Council informed the applicant that a favorable vote could not be made on the application and directed the applicant to revise the proposal. The primary concerns of the Council were building height, compliance with the Town's planning documents, off-site traffic impacts, loading and delivery capabilities and vehicular site access. In response to the Council's concerns the proposal has been revised and resubmitted to the Community Development Department. The revised proposal has been reviewed and evaluated by the Planning & Environmental Commission, the Design Review Board and the Town staff. The Commission has held four meetings while the Board has held five conceptual reviews of the revised plans. Additionally, the applicant held an open house to present the plans to interested members of the community. All the submitted plans, models and related materials have been available for review at the Office of Community Development and on various web sites. The following is a summary of the existing phases and development with the Vail Village Inn Special Development District: Phase | - This phase consists of the buildings located at the southeast corner of the District. Phase I includes one residential dwelling unit approximately 3,927 square feet in size and nine commercial/retail spaces. Phase ll-This phase consists of three residentialdwelling units totaling approximately 3,492 square feet in size and three commercial/retail spaces. Phase ll is generally located in the center of the District. Phase lll - This Phase consists of twenty-nine residential dwelling units totaling approximately 44,830 square feet in size and six commercialiretail spaces. Phase lll is located at the northeasl corner of the District. Phase lV - This is the original and oldest Phase in the District. This Phase consists of one residential dwelling unit approximately 5,000 square feet in size and seventy-two accommodation units comprising approximately 16,585 square feet of floor area. Phase lV is generally located in the northwest corner of the District. Phase V - This Phase consists of eleven residential dwelling units and three accommodation units totaling approximately 9,972 square feet of floor area and four commercial/retail spaces. Phase V is located in the southwest corner of the District at the intersection of Vail Road and East Meadow Drive. A map illustrating the location of the various Phases has been attached lor reference (Exhibit A). The following is a brief summary of the amendments to Special Development District No. 6 since the original adoption: . In 1976, the VailTown Councilpassed Ordinance No.7, Series 1976, establishing Special Development Districts No. 6, Vail Village Inn, to ensure the unified and coordinated development of a critical site to the Town of Vail, as a whole, and in a manner suitable for the area in which it is situated. . In '1985, the Vail Town Council passed Ordinance No. 1, Series 1985, providing certain amendments to the approved development plan for Special Development District No. 6. The amendments included a requirement for a minimum of 175 accommodation units and 72,400 square feet of GRFA devoted entirely to accommodation units in Phase lV. . In 1987, the VailTown Councilpassed Ordinance No.14, Series 1987, which amended and modilied Section 8 relating to the allowed density of the development plan for Special Development District No. 6. This amendment broke Phase lV into two distinct phases; Phase lV and Phase V. This amendment established the maximum allowable GRFA for the entire District at approximately 120,000 square feet. Further, the amendment reduced the minimum accommodation unit requirement to 148 units and 67,367 square teet of GRFA. . In 1989, the Vail Town Council passed Ordinance No. 24, Series of 1989, amending the density controls of the District. This amendment increased the allowable GRFA to 124,527 square feet and allowed Unit #30 to be created in a commercial space. The amendment maintained the previous approval requiring a minimum 148 accommodation units and 67,367 square feet of GRFA devoted to units in Phases lV and V. . In 1991 , the Vail Town Council passed Ordinance No. 9, Series 1991, providing for certain amendments to the approved development plan for Special Development District No. 6, which relates specifically to Phase lV. . In 1992, the VailTown Council passed Ordinance No. 2, Series 1992, allowing for modifications and amendments to various sections of Special Development District No. 6 which related directly to Phase lV, and which made certain changes to the approved development plan for Special Development District No. 6 as they relate to Phase lV. When originally considering deviations from the underlying zoning in 1976, the Town Council found that such deviations were acceptabie as the community was to realize a substantial increase in the hotel bed base. An increase in short-term accommodations has been a lono- standing objective of our resort community. V. "PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION ZONE DISTRICT" According to the Official Town of Vail Zoning Map, the applicant's property is zoned Public Accommodation. Pursuant to the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the Public Accommodation Zone district is intended, " to provide sites for lodges and residentialaccommodations for visitors, together with such public and semi-public facilities and limited professional offices, medical facilities, private recreation, and related visitor oriented uses as may appropriately be located in the sams district. The Public Accommodation District is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities commensurate with lodge uses, and to maintain the desirable resort qualities of the District by establishing appropriate site development standards. Additional nonresidential uses are permitted as condltlonal uses which enhance the nature of Vail as a winter and summer recreation and vacation community, and where permitted are intended to function compatibly with the high density lodging character of the District. The Public Accommodation Zone District is intended to provide sites for lodging units with densities not to exceed 25 dwelling units per acre. The Public Accommodation Zone District, prior to January 21 , 1997 , did not permit interval ownership. On January 21 , 1997 , the Town Council adopted regulations allowing interval ownership subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit. Previously, interval ownership was only allowed as a conditional use in the High Density Multi-family Zone District. On October 5, 1 999, the Vail Town Council approved Ordinance No. 23, Series of 1999, amending the development standards prescribed in the Public Accommodation Zone District. The amendments included an increase in allowable GRFA up t0 150%, an increase in site coverage, the elimination of AU's and FFU's in the calculation of density, revised setback requirements, and other various aspects in the development ol properties zoned Public Accommodation. The allowable building height, landscape area and limitation on commercial square footage remained unchanged. VI. ZONING ANALYSIS The development standards for a Special Development District shall be proposed by the applicant. Development standards including lot area, site dimensions, setbacks, height, density control, site coverage, landscaping and parking and loading shall be determined by the Town Council as part ol the approved development plan, with consideration of the recommendations of the Planning and Environmental Commission. Before the Town Council approves development standards that deviate from the underlying zone district, it shall be determined that such deviations provide benefits to the Town that outweigh the effects of such deviations. This determination is to be made based upon the evaluation of the proposed Special Development District's compliance with the Review Criteria outlined in the following section of this memorandum. The Community Development Department staff has prepared a zoning analysis for the proposed Vail Plaza Hotel. The Vail Plaza Hotel Zoning Analysis compares the development standards outlined by the underlying zoning of Public Accommodation (revised 10/99), to the existing development, the applicant's proposed 1998 major amendment (which was not approved) and the revised 1999 major amendment. lt is important to note that the comparison is based on the entire area of the Special Development District. A copy of the Vail Plaza Hotel Zonino has been attached for reference (Exhibit B). For comparative purposes, the Community Development Department has also completed an analysis comparing the 1998 proposal to the current 1999 proposal. The purpose of the analysis is to provide a direct comparison of the 1998 proposal that was rejected by the Vail Town Council to the applicant's revised proposal. A copy of the Vail Plaza Hotel Proposal Comoarison has been attached for reference (Exhibit C). VII. THE SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MAJOR AMENDMENT PROCESS Chapter 12-9 ot the Town Code provides for the amendment of existing Special Development Districts in the Town of Vail. According to Section 12-9A-1, the purpose of a Special Development District is, 'To encourage flexibility and creativity in the development of land, in order to promote its most appropriate use; to improve the design character and quality of the new development within the Town; to facilitate the adequate and economical provision of streets and utilities; to pressrve the natural and scenic features of open space areas; and to turther the overall goals ol the community as stated in the Vaal Comprehensive Plan. An approved development plan lor a Special Development District, in conjunction with the properties underlying zone district, shall establish the requirements for guiding development and uses of property included in tne Special Development District." According to Section 12-9A-2, a major amendment to a Special Development District is defined as, "Any proposal to change uses; increase gross residential floor area; change the number of dwelling or accommodation units; modify, enlarge or expand any approved special development district (other than "minor amendments" as defined in this Section), except as provided under Sections 12-15-4, "lnterior Conversions", or 12-15-5, "Gross Resldential Floor Area (250 Ordinance)" of this Title." The Town Code provides a framework for the amendment of a Special Development District. According to the Town Code, prior to site preparation, building construction, or other improvements to land within a Special Development District, there shall be an approved development plan for the Special Development District. The approved development plan establishes requirements regulating development, uses and activity within the Special Development District. Upon final review of a proposed major amendment of an existing Special Development District, a report from the Planning and Environmental Commission stating its findings and recommendations and a staff report shall be forwarded to the Town Council, in accordance with the provisions listed in Section 12-16-6 of the Town Code. The Town Council's consideration of the Special Development District shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Town Code and approved by two readings of an ordinance. An approved development plan is the principal document in guiding the development, uses, and activities of the Special Development District. The development plan shall contain all relevant material and information necessary to establish the parameters with which the Special Development District shall adhere. The development plan may consist of, but not be limited to: the approved site plan; floor plans, buiHing sections, and elevations: vicinity plan; parking plan; preliminary open space/landscape plan; densities; and permitted, conditional, and accessory uses. The determination of permitted, conditional and accessory uses shall be made by the Planning and Environmental Commission and Town Council as part of the formal review of the proposed development plan. Unless further restricted through the review of the proposed Special Development District, permitted, conditional and accessory uses shall be limited to those permitted, conditional and accessory uses in the property's underlying zone district. The Town Code provides nine design criteria, which shall be used as the principal criteria in evaluating the merits of the proposed major amendment to a Special Development District. lt shall be the burden 0f the applicant to demonstrate that submittal material and the proposed development plan comply with each of the following standards, or demonstrate that one or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved. The applicant has submitted a report outlining a review of the criteria (Exhibit D) The nine SDD review criteria below: NOTE: Staff's analysis is based in part on an analysis by Jeff Winston, an independent design consultant. A. Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, identity, character, visual integrity and orientation. Staff believes the applicant has designed a structure which relates well to the site and the surrounding neighborhood. The mass of the Vail Plaza Hotel is significantly greater than that of the existing buildings on the site. However, staff believes the increased mass is appropriate for the site and takes into consideration the massing of the buildings on the adjoining properties and in the immediate vicinity. The applicant has modified the building mass by redesigning various roof elements, articulating the building fagade along the South Frontage Road, reconfiguring the tower elements and by lowering the roof eave lines. The lowered roof eave lines match more closely to the eave lines of the adjoining buildings to the east, west and south, thus insuring a smooth transition of building mass between properties. To further address building mass the tallest portions of the building have been located near the center ol the development site. This design reconfiguration reduces the perceived height of the hotel in the immediate area. The exterior buiding materials ol the Vail Plaza Hotel are a mixture of stone, stucco and wood. The roof material is proposed to be a terra cotta colored concrete tile with copper flashing. The applicant has proposed to incorporate irrigated flower boxes and copper chimney caps into the design of the hotel to serve as attractive accent elements. A grayish-brown granite stone will be used around the base 0f the building. The use of non- reflective glazed windows all around the building reduces the potential of unwanted glare. 10 The applicant has proposed that the exterior stucco color be an off-white or cream color to blend in with the exleriors of the buildings on the adjoining properties. Staff believes that the combination of building materials proposed has been well incorporated into the design of the Vail Plaza Hotel. The Town of Vail Design Review Board will have the opportunity to review the building exterior prior to final approval of the hotel. The height of the Vail Plaza Hotel exceeds the allowable building height of the Public Accommodation Zone District by approximately 26 feet. The building height standards of the underlying zone district indicate that the maximum height for buildings with sloping roofs shall be 48 feet. The applicant is requesting that the maximum building height for the Vail Plaza Hotel be approximately 74 feet. This ligure does not include the proposed architectural feature or landmark element atop the elevator tower. The height of the elevator tower is approximately 93 feet. The building height is based on an interpolated topography of the Vail Village Inn property, and not the original topography of the site (pre-development). Original topography of the site is not available, as the site was originally developed prior to zoning (and before the requirement that a topographic survey be submitted prior to development). Statf believes, based upon the topography in the vicinity of the development site, that the interpolated topography is reasonable and appropriate method to determine building height. According to the VailVillage Master Plan Conceptual Building Height Plan and the Building Height Profile Plan (Exhibit E), the development site of Phase lV of the Vail Village Inn is in an area with conceptual building heights of 3-4 stories, with a building story being approximately nine feet, excluding the roof. The applicant is proposing to construct a five-story (above grade including roof) hotel. The Building Height Plan element of the Vail Village Master Plan, states in part, "Generally speaking, it is the goal of this plan to maintain the concentration of low-scale buildings in the core area while positioning larger buildings along the northern periphery (along the Frontage Road), as depicted ln the Building Height Profile Plan. The Building Height Plan also strives, in some areas, to preserve major views from public rights-of-way. The building heights expressed on the lllustrative Plan are intended to provide general guidelines. Additional study should be made during specific review processes relative to a building's height impact on the sreetscape and the relationship to surroundlng structures." In response to the general guidelines provided in the Vail Village Master Plan relative to building height, staff has requested that the applicant prepare a view analysis from eight different locations from the public rights-of-way. This Vail Plaza Hotel View Analvsis provides a "before & after" depiction of the proposed building (Exhibit F). In addition, a Vail Plaza Hotel Sun/Shade Analvsis was prepared to illustrate the building's height impact on the surrounding streetscape (Exhibit G). The sun/shade analysis compares the height impact of the existing structures to the height impact of the proposed structures. The result of the comparison shows that substantially more of the streetscape along the South Frontage Road east of the roundabout will be shaded. The increase in shading results from the increase in building height, the increased encroachment into the lront setback and the additional building mass proposed. To offset the impacts of the increase in shading during the winter months, the applicant has proposed to improve the pedestrian streetscape along the South Frontage Road by 11 B. installing heated sidewalks and drive aisles and has redesigned the roof form of the hotel to minimize the shading impact on adjacent properties. To help mitigate the building's mass, the applicant has proposed to construct exterior decks and balconies, along with providing horizontal stepping of the building, along the South Frontage Road. With respect to the relationship to surrounding structures on adjoining properties, and at the request of the Planning & Environmental Commission, the applicant has removed 2 to 2 7z stories from the original proposed (1998) building and increased the vertical stepping of the building. The combination of the increased vertical stepping of the building and the minimum twenty-foot setback above grade, staff believes that the proposed hotel is respectful of existing development and uses on adjacent properties. The net effect of these changes results in the maximum height of the building being located in the center portions of the building away from the adjoining property lines and structures. Staff believes that the applicant has designed a building which relates well to the site and the surrounding neighborhood. Further, staff believes that the proposed building complies with the general guidelines and intent of the Conceptual Building Height Plan and the Building Height Profile contained in the Vail Village Master Plan. Much has been said regarding the potential "loss" of the "established view corridor" from the intersection of the South Frontage Road and Vail Road, as a result of the construction of the Vail Plaza Hotel. No adopted view corridor exists in this area. Staff and the Town's Urban Design Consultant believe that the true loss of the view and the real negative impacts occurred when the Vail Gateway Plaza was constructed. Through the construction of the five-story tall Vail Gateway Plaza, the view from the intersection was substantially lost. While the existence of the view corridor was recognized during the development review process of the Gateway Plaza Building and attempts were made to respect the view, the efforts fell short of protecting the view. This, coupled with the fact that the intersection configuration and traffic flow patterns of the South Frontage Road have changed since the original adoption of the master plan, is justification for additional encroachments upon the view. Furthermore, staff and Jetf Winston believe additional development and building height behind the Vail Gateway Plaza will have minimal impacts on the remaining view. While the Vail Village Master Plan discusses the importance of maintaining views from public rights-of-way, it did not establish a view corridor in the vicinity of the proposed development site, nor did intend to protect views from private property. The Town of Vail has six established view corridors and is proposing five additional view corridors in Lionshead, to be protected by ordinance. These protected view corridors are generally located in Vail Village and Lionshead. Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. The Vail Plaza Hotel is located within the mixed-use development area of the Vail Village Inn Special Development District. The uses, activities and densities lor the Vail Plaza Hotel development site are prescribed by the underlying zoning for Special Development District No. 6. According to the Official Town of Vail Zoning Map, the underlying zoning for Special Development District No. 6 is Public Accommodation. The Public Accommodation Zone District encourages the development of lodges (accommodation units) and accessory eating and drinking establishments at a density of twenty-five dwelling units per acre. The surrounding uses and zoning designation include Public Accommodation to the south and west (Sonnenalp Holiday Haus & Chateau at Vail), Commercial Service Center to the east (Crossroads) and Commercial Core YSDD #21 L2 (Gateway) to the north. The same development standards that apply to the Vail Plaza Hotel development site apply to the Sonnenalp, Holiday Haus and Chateau at Vail properties. The Commercial Service Center zoning applicable to the Grossroads property is intended primarily for commercial development together with a limited amount of multipleJamily and lodging types of residential use. The Commercial Core I underlying zoning of the Gateway Special Development District is intended to provide sites lor a mixture of commercial and residential development. The Vail Plaza Hotel is proposed to be a mixed-use type of development. The mixture of uses includes commercial, lodging, recreational and residential. Staff believes the proposed mixture of uses and its proximity to both Vail Village and Lionshead is consistent with the intended purpose of the underlying zoning of Public Accommodation. Further, staff believes that the proposed uses within the Vail Plaza Hotel will compliment those existing uses and activities on surrounding and adjacent properties. The proposed density of the hotel and the presence of the conference facilities will improve and enhance the viability and success of the existing restaurant and retail businesses in the immediate area. Additionally, through the redesign of the redevelopment proposal, staff believes that the applicant has improved the integration of the hotel with the adjacent properties. Examples of improved integration include a pedestrian connection and sidewalk adjacent to the Gateway Building, an internal service corridor providing loading/delivery access from the centralized loading and delivery facility to the entire District, lowering of roof eaves to relate to the existing conditions of the neighboring properties and more appropriately sized pedestrian walkways throughout the plaza areas to ensure congestion free flow. Emplovee Housino Requirements As indicated in a number of the goals and objectives of the Town's Master Plans, providing affordable housing for employees is a critical issue which should be addressed through the planning process for Special Development District proposals. In reviewing the proposal for employee housing needs, staff relied on the Town of Vail Employee Housing Report. This report has been used by the staff in the past to evaluate employee housing needs. The guidelines contained within the report were used most recently in the review of the Austria Haus and Marriott development proposals. The Employee Housing Report was prepared for the Town by the consulting firm Rosall, Remmen and Cares. The report provides the recommended ranges of employee housing units needed based on the type of use and the amount of floor area dedicated to each use. Utilizing the guidelines prescribed in the Employee Housing Report, the staff analyzed the incremental increase of employees (square footage per use), that results from the redevelopment. A copy of the Suooested Emplovment Cateoories and Ranoes for Vail Expressed as Emplovees oer '1000 Square Feet has been attached for reference. The figures identified in the Housing Report are based on surveys of commercial-use employment needs of the Town 0f Vail and other mountain resort communities. For comparison purposes, Telluride, Aspen and Whistler B.C. all have "employment generation" ordinances requiring developers to provide affordable housing for a percentage of the "new" employees resulting from commercial developmenl. "New" employees are defined as the incremental increase in employment needs resulting lrom commercial redevelopment. Each of the communities assesses a different percentage of affordable housing a developer must provide for the "new" employees. For example, Telluride requires developers to provide housing lor 40o/" (0.40) of the "new" employees, Aspen requires that 60% (0.60) of the "new" employees are provided housing and Whistler requires that 100% (1.00) of the "new" employees be provided housing by the 13 a) b) c) d) e) f) developer. In comparison, Vail has conservatively determined that developers shall provide housing lor 15o/" (0.15) or 30% (0.30) of the "new" employees resulting from commercial development. When a project is proposed to exceed the density allowed by the underlying zone district, the 30% (0.30) figure is used in the calculation. lf a project is proposed at, or below, the density allowed by the underlying zone district, the 15% (0.15) figure is used. The Vail Plaza Hotel special development district major amendment proposal does not exceed the density permitted by the underlying zone district. However, the 30% figure was used. The applicant is proposing to provide employee housing for a percentage of the "new" employees resulting from the hotel construction. Based upon an analysis completed by the applicant and provided to the Community Development Department, the new hotel is expected to generate 105 "neW' employees. The "neW' employees are in addition to the 74 employees already working full-time or part-time at the Vail Village Inn. The applicant is proposing to provide deed-restricted employee housing for 30% (32) of the "new" employees. Due to the unavailability of private vacant land resources within the Town limits, the applicant anticipates that all or a portion of the deed-restricted housing will be provided in an out-of-town or down-valley location. In order to maximize the benefit of the housing to the Town of Vail, the applicant has suggested that the housing will be available only to Vail Plaza Hotel employees. lt is further anticipated that some form of transportation will be provided to the employees from the out-of-town or down-valley location to the hotel. The Planning & Environmental Commission has briefly discussed the employee housing alternatives with the applicant and expressed that, based upon the information provided to date, the proposal seems reasonable and appropriate. A copy of the "Vail Villaoe Inn Staffino Roster" has been attached for reference (Exhibit H). EMPLOYEE HOUSING GENERATION ANALYSIS The staff analysis below indicates the top, the middle and the bottom of the ranges recommended by the Town of Vail Employee Housing Report, as well as a staff recommended figure which was used in determining the employee housing needs of the Vail Plaza Hotel. The statf analysis does not take into account full-time versus part{ime employee needs. A summary of the Employee Housing Generation Analysis is as follows: Bottom of Range Galculations: Retaif/Service Commercial = 4,047 sq. ft. @(5/1000 sq. ft.) =20.2 employees Health Club Restaurant/Lounge Conference Center Lodging --24,799 sq. ft. @(1/1000 sq. ft.) =24.8 employees = 5,775 sq. ft. @(5/1000 sq. ft.) = 28.8 employees =10,368 sq. ft. @(1/1000 sq. ft.) =10.4 employees =99 units @(.2Slunit)= 24.8 employees =19.2 employeesMulti Family (Club Units) =48 units @(.4/unit) Total Employees (-74 existing employees) (X 0.30 multiplier) =128.2 employees = 54.2 employees =16.3 "new" employees L4 a) b) c) d) e) f) a) b) c) Middle of Range Calculations: RetaiUservice Commercial = 4,047 sq. ft. @(6.5/1000 sq. ft.) =26.3 employees Health Ctub =24,799 sq. fr. @(1.2511000 sq. ft.) =31 .0 emptoyees RestauranVlounge = 5,775 sq. ft. @(6.5/1000 sq. ft.) =37.5 employees Conference Center =10,368 sq. ft. @(1/1000 sq. ft.) =10.4 employees Lodging = 99 units @(.75lunit) =74.3 employees Multi Family (Club Units) =48 units @(.a/unit) =19.2 employees Total Employees =198.7 employees (-74 existing employees) =124.7 employees (X 0.30 multiplier)= 37.4 "new" employees Top of Range Calculations: Retail/Service Commercial =4,047 sq. ft. @(8/1000 sq. ft.) =32.4 employees Health Club RestauranVLounge Conference Center Lodging Multi Family (Club Units) =99 units @(1.25lunit) =48 units @(.4/unit) =123.8 employees =19.2 employees =24,799 sq. ft. @(1 .5i 1000 sq. ft.) =38.0 employees = 5,775 sq. ft. @(8/1000 sq. ft.) = 46.2 employees =10,368 sq. ft. @(1i1000 sq. ft.) =10.4 employeesd) e) D TotalEmployees =270.0 employees (-74 existing employees) =196 employees (X 0.30 multiplier)= 58.8 "new" employees Staff Recommended Ranoe Calculations: The staff believes that the Vail Plaza redevelopment will create a need for 125 additional employees. Of the 125 additional employees, at least 38 employees (30%) will need to be provided deed-restricted housing by the developers of the Vail Plaza Hotel. The staff recommended range is based on: 1. the tlpe of retail and commercial use proposed in the commercial space within the Vail Plaza Hotel; 2. the size ol the Vail Plaza Hotel lodging component; 3. the level of services and amenities proposed by the developers for the guests of the vail Plaza Hotel: and 4. the result of research completed by Town of Vail staff of similar hotel operations in the vail valley. 15 O a) Retail/ServiceGommercial =4,047sq.ft. @(5/1000sq. lt.) = 20.2 employees (bottom of range)b) Health Club =24,799 sq. ft. @(1 .5/1 000 sq. It.l =37 .2 emptoyees (top of range)c) RestauranVlounge =5,775 sq. ft. @(6.5/1000 sq. ft.) =37.5 employees (middle of range)d) Conference Center =10,368 sq. ft. @(1/1000 sq. ft.) =10.4 employees (range does not vary)e) Lodging = 99 units @(.75lunit) = 74.3 employees (middle of range)f) Multi Family (Club Units) = 48 units @(.4/un1) =19.2 employees (range does not vary) Total = 198.8 employees (-74 existing employees) = 124.8 employees (X 0.30 multiplie| = 38 "new" employees 'Lodging ha6 a panlculady larg. l/adation ol omployees per room, dspending upon tactofE Buch a6 6ize ol laclllly and level ol sedice/suppon 6qMce6 and amenltles provlded, Depending upon the size of the employee housing unit provided, it is possible to have up to two employees per bedroom. For example, a two-bedroom unit in the size range of 450 - 900 square feet, is possible of accommodating three to four employees. These figures are consistent with the requirements for the Type lll employee housing units outlined in the Municipal Code. The applicant has indicated a potential need to provide the required employee housing for the Vail Plaza Hotel outside of the Town of Vail. The need to look outside of the Town is a direct result of the lack of available private land for developing employee housing in Town. The staff would suggest that the applicant and Planning & Environmental Commission discuss the possibility of building the required employee housing outside the Town. Staff would further suggest that the applicant and the Planning & Environmental Commission discuss providing a portion of the required employee housing on-site in the form of Manager's-types of units. Overall, staff believes that the density and uses proposed by the applicant for the Vail Plaza Hotel do not conflict with the compatibility, efficiency or workability of the surrounding uses and activities on adjacent properties. In fact, staff feels that the proposed Vail Plaza Hotel redevelopment will substantially enhance the existing uses and activities in the community. C. Compliance with parking and loading requirements as outlined in Chapter 12-10 of the vail Town code. The Vail Plaza Hotel proposal has been reviewed for compliance with the parking and loading requirements prescribed in Chapter 12-10 of the Vail Town Code. Pursuant to the prescribed regulations 387 parking spaces are required for all of Special Development District No. 6. The applicant is proposing to provide a total of 366 parking spaces. The difference between what is required by Code and what is being proposed by the applicant is 21 parking spaces. To account for the ditference, the applicant is requesting a deviation from the prescribed parking requirement pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 12-9. A copy of the Vail Plaza Hotel Parkino Analvsis prepared by staff and the applicant has been attached for reference (Exhibit l). The Vail Plaza Hotel has proposed a centralized loading facility for the hotel and surrounding uses within the special development district. Pursuant to the prescribed loading regulations, five loading berths are required to be provided. To insure compliance with the applicable regulation the applicant is proposing to provide five loading berths within an enclosed facility. Vehicular access to the facility is taken from the South Froniage Road. The design of the access creates forward-in and fonrard-out tratfic flow and provides adequate maneuvering and turning space within the lot lines of the development site. Therefore, traffic flow on the South Frontage Road will not be impeded by the maneuvering of delivery vehicles. Furthermore, pursuant to the prescribed regulations, the loading facility will not be located in the required setback, nor will it block access to the parking spaces within the Phase lll Condominium Building. Lastly, the five loading berths more than adequately meet the size requirements (12' x24'x 14') outlined in the regulations. Upon review of the proposed parking and loading/delivery plan for the Vail Plaza Hotel, the staff finds that the proposal exceeds the Town's parking requirements and exceeds the loading and delivery requirements. Staff recognizes this as a benefit. We believe that given the proposed and existing uses within the district, the proximity of the development site to the Vail Transportation Center, the immediate availability of public transportation and recent trends in destination resort travel, the 393 (288) proposed parking spaces will adequately provide for the needs of District. Additionally, in a recent parking study undertaken by the Town of Vail, the consultant working with the Town recommended a significant reduction in the required number of parking spaces for fractional fee club units. The reduction has been recommended as the use of the club unit is more similar to the use of an accommodation unit. The maximum parking space requirement for an accommodation units is one space, regardless of size. Staff has been informed of a potential parking space violation within the District. The apparent violation stems from a real estate transaction that translerred a Phase V condominium unit separate from the required parking spaces, thus creating a situation where a residential property does not have the required number of parking spaces. Staff believes this issue could be addressed and resolved if an appropriate number of parking spaces were provided in the newly created parking structure. Conformity with the applicable elements of the Vail Gomprehensive Plan, Town policies and Urban Design Plan. Vail land Use Plan The goals contained in the Vail Land Use Plan are to be used as the Town's policy guidelines during the review process for a major amendment to an existing special development district. Staff has reviewed the Vail Land Use Plan and believes the following policies are relevant to the review of this proposal: 1. GeneralGrowth/Develooment 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential. commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. 11 1.2 The quality of the environment including air, water, and other natural resources should be protected as the Town grows. 1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgrade whenever possible. 1.4 The original theme of the old Village Core should be carried into new development in the Village Core through continued implementation of the Urban Design Guide Plan. 1.12 Vail should accommodale most of the additional growth in existing developed areas (infill). 3. Commercial 3.1 The hotel bed base should be preserved and used more efficiently. 3.2 The Village and Lionshead are the best location for hotels to serve the future needs of the destination skier. 3.3 Hotels are important to the continued success of the Town of Vail, therefore conversion to condominiums should be discouraged. 3.4 Commercial growth should be concentrated in existing commercial areas to accommodate both local and visitor needs. 4. Villaoe Core/Lionshead 4.1 Future commercial development should continue to occur primarily in existing commercial areas. Future commercial development in the Core areas needs to be carefully controlled to facilitate access and delivery. 4.2 Increased density in the Core areas is acceptable so long as the existing character of each area is preserved through the implementation of the Urban Design Guide Plan and the Vail Village Master Plan. 5. Hesidential 5.1 Quality timeshare units should be accommodated to help keep occupancy rates up. 5.2 Affordable employee housing should be made available through private efforts, assisted by limited incentives, provided by the Town of Vail, with appropriate restrictions. The Vail Land Use Plan projects a need for additional lodging units in the Town of Vail. While the statistical information used to project need is most likely outdated, statf believes there continues to be a need for additional lodging units in the Town of Vail. The Plan projected a need for a total of 395 additional lodging units by the year 2000. The l_8 Plan further suggests that increased density for commercial, residential and lodging uses in the Village/Lionshead Core areas would be acceptable so long as the existing character of each area is being preserved. Statf believes the proposed major amendment of Special Development District No. 6 attains the goals and is consistent with the policies of the Vail Land Use Plan as outlined above. Vail Villaoe Master Plan The Vail Village Master Plan is intended to serve as a guide to the staff, review boards and Town Council in analping future proposals for development in Vail Village and in legislating effective ordinances to dealwith the such development. The most significant elements of the Master Plan are the goals, objectives, policies and action steps. They are the working tools of the Master Plan. They establish the broad framework and vision, but also layout the specific policies and action steps that will be used to implement the Plan. As noted on page 35 of the Master Plan, " lt is important to note that the likelihood of proiect approval wiil be greatest tor |i'/os€ proposalsthatcanulycomplywith tl7€ vail village l&,sf€'r PIan." Staff believes this statement re-emphasizes that the Master Plan is a general document providing advisory guidelines to aid the Town in analping development proposals and that full compliance is not required in order lor a project to be approved. The staff has identified the following goals, objectives and policies as being relevant to this proposal: Goal #1 Encourage high quality redevelopment while preserving the unique architectural scale 0f the village in order to sustain its sense of community and identity. 1.1 Obiective: lmplement a consistent Development Review Process to reinforce the character 0f the Village. 1.1.1 Policv: Development and improvement projects approved in the village shall be consistent with the goals, objectives, policies and design considerations as outlined in the Vail Village Master Plan and Urban Design Guide Plan. 'l .2 Obiective; Encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities. 1.2.1 Policv: Additional development may be allowed as identified by the action plan as is consistent with the Vail Village Master Plan and Urban Design Guide Plan. L9 1.3 Obiective: Enhance new development and redevelopment through public improvements done by private developers working in cooperation with the Town. 1.3.1 Policv: Public improvements shall be developed with the participation of the private sector working with the Town. Goal tr2 To foster a strong tourist industry and promote year-round economic health and viability for the Village and for the community as a whole. 2.1 Obiective:Recognize the variety of land uses found in the 10 sub- areas throughout the Village and allow for development that is compatible with these established land use patterns. Increase the number of residential units available for short- term, overnight accommodations. 2.3.1 Policv: The development of short-term accommodation units is strongly encouraged. Residential units that are developed above existing density levels are required to be designed or managed in a manner that makes them available for short-term overnight rental. Encourage the development of a variety of new commercial activities where compatible with existing land uses. Encourage the continued upgrading, renovation and maintenance of existing lodging and commercial facilities to better serve the needs of our guests. 2.5.1 Policv: Recreation amenities, common areas, meeting facilities and other amenities shall be preserved and enhanced as a part of any redevelopment of lodging properties. Encourage the development of affordable housing units through the efforts of the private sector. 2.3 Obiective: 2.6 Obiective: 2.6.1 Policv: Employee housing units may be required as part of any new or redeveloped project requesting density over that allowed by existing zoning. Goal #3 To recognize as a top priority the enhancement of the walking experience throughout the village. Physically improve the existing pedestrian ways by landscaping and other improvements. 2.4 Obiective: 2.5 Obiective: 3.1 Obiective: ZU Goal#4 Goal#5 3.2 Obiective: 3.1.1 Policv: Private development projects shall incorporate streetscape improvements (such as paver treatments, landscaping, lighting and seating areas), along adjacent pedestrian ways. 3.1.3 Policv: Flowers, trees, water features and other landscaping shall be encouraged throughout the Town in locations adjacent to, or visible from, public areas. Minimize the amount of vehicular traffic in the Village to the greatest e)fient possible. 3.2.1 Policv: Vehicular traffic will be eliminated or reduced to absolutely minimal necessary levels in the pedestrianized areas of the Village. Develop additional sidewdks, pedestrian-only walkways and accessible green space areas, including pocket parks and stream access. 3.4.2 Policv: Private development projects shall be required to incorporate new sidewalks along streets adjacent to the project as designated in the Vail Village Master Plan and/or Recreation Trails Master Plan. 3.4 Obiective: To preserve existing open space arsas and expand green space opportunities. 4.1 Obiective: lmprove existing open space areas and create new plazas with green space and pocket parks. Recognize the different roles of each type of open space in forming the overall fabric of the Village. 4.1.4 Policv: Open space improvements, including the addition of accessible green space as described or graphically shown in the Vail Village Master Plan and/or Urban Design Guide Plan, will be required in conjunction with private infill or redevelopment projects. lncrease and improve the capacity, etficiency and aesthetics of the transportation and circulation system throughout the village. 5.1 Obiective: Meet parking demands with public and private parking facilities. 5.1.1 Policv: For new development that is located outside of the Commercial Core 1 Zone District, on-site parking shall be provided (rather than paying into the parking fund) to meet any additional parking demand as required by the Zoning Code. 2t Goal#6 5.1.5 Policv: Redevelopment projects shall be strongly encouraged to provide underground or visually concealed parking. To insure the continued lmprovement of the vltal operational elements of the village. 6.1 Obiective: Provide service and delivery facilities for existing and new development. Vail Villaoe Master Plan Buildino Heioht Plan Generally speaking, it is the goal of the Building Height Plan to maintain the concentration of low-scale buildings in the Core area, while positioning larger buildings along the northern periphery. According to the Conceptual Building Height Plan contained within the Vail Village Master Plan, the Vail Plaza Hotel is located within an area proposed to have building heights with a maximum range of three to four stories. A building story is defined as I'of height, not including the roof. Vail Villaoe Master Plan Action Plan The Action Plan graphically expresses a summary of possible development which would be consistent with the elements of the Vail Village Master Plan. lt is not an all-inclusive list, nor is it intended to restrict proposals that are not identified on the Action Plan. lt is intended to provide suggestions and to act as a guide for implementing the Master Plan. The Vail Plaza Hotel is located in sub-area #1 of the Action Plan. Sub-area #1 is the mixed use activity center for Vail Village. lt is distinguished from the Village core by the larger scale buildings. The area is further distinguished by the mixture of residentiaulodging and commercial activity. According to the Plan, a significant increase in the Village's overnight bed base will occur wlthln the area. According to the Action Plan, the Vail Plaza Hotel property is located within the mixed-use sub-area concepl area #1-1 . This concept area is: an area intended for the completion of the final phase of the Vail Village Inn as established by the development plan special Development District #6. Commercial development at ground level to frame the interior plaza with greenspace. The mass of buildings shall "step-up" from the existing pedestrian scale along East Meadow Drive to 4-5 stories along the South Frontage Road. The design of the development must be sensitive to maintaining a view to Vail Mountain from the 4-way stop (aka roundabout). Vail Villaoe Desion Conslderations The Town of Vail adopted the Vail Village Design Considerations in 1980. The Design Considerations were revised in 1993. The Design Considerations are considered an integral part of the Vail Village Urban Design Plan. The Design Gonsiderations are intended to: guide growth and change in ways that will enhance and preserve the essential qualities of the Village; and zz serve as design guidelines instead of rigid rules of development; and ' help influence the form and design of buildings. The Vail Village Design Considerations are divided into two categories (urban design considerations and architectural/landscape considerations): 1. URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS These considerations relate to general, large-scale land use planning issues, as well as form considerations which affect more than one property or even whole areas. These considerations are primarily the purview of the Planning and Environmental Commission. A. PEDESTRIANIZATION A major objective for Vail Village is to encourage pedestrian circulation through an interconnected network of safe, pleasant pedestrian ways. Many of the improvements recognized in the Urban Design Guide Plans, and accompanying Design Considerations, are to reinforce and expand the quality of pedestrian wall<ways throughout the Village. Since vehicular traffic cannot be removed from certain streets (bus routes, delivery access), a totally carjree pedestrian system is not achievable throughout the entire Village. Therefore, several levels ol pedestrianization have been identified. The level of pedestrianization most appropriate for the proposed Vail Plaza Hotel redevelopment is separated use and joint vehicle/pedestrian use of the roadway. . stall8asw. TheapplicanthasmetwiththeTownstaff to discuss pedestrianimprovements. Thestaff has concluded that the improvements recommended for the South Frontage Road, Vail Boad and East Meadow Drive in the 1991 Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan should be implemented. This includes constructing a heated brick paver sidewalk with landscape planters along Vail Boad; a heated decorative paver sidewalk from the western propefty line of Phase lV to the eastern property line of Phase lll with the remainder of the sidewalk continuing to Village Center Boad unheated; landscaping in the median and along the South Frontage Boad adjacent to Phases lll & lV; a new sidewalk in the Town right-of-way at the northwest corner of the Gateway Building property; and streetscape improvements on public property along East Meadow Drive from the western corner of the Base Mountain Sports retail space to the intersection of at Vail Road. The final materials used in the construction of the improvements shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board. B. VEHICLE PENETRATION To minimize congestion to the extent possible, all non-resident traffic should be routed along the Frontage Road to Vail Village/Lionshead Parking Structures. In conjunction with pedestrianization objectives, major emphasis is focused upon reducing auto penetration into the center of the Village. Vail Road and Vail Valley Drive will continue to serve as major routes for service and resident access to the Village. ZJ Road constrictions, traffic circles, signage, and other measures are indicated in the Guide Plans to visually and physically discourage all but essential vehicle penetration upon the Frontage Road. Alternative access points and private parking relocation, where feasible, should be considered to further reduce traffic conflicts in the Village. , Staff Besoonse: The redevelopment of the Vail Plaza Hotel will increase vehicular traffic in the Main Vail Roundabout and on Vail Boad. According to the "Conclusion and Recommendations" contained in the Traffic lmpact Analysis -Vail Plaza Hotel Redevelopment, prepared by Felsberg, Holt & Ullevig: . The total projected trips consist of subtracting the existing 1042 trips from the proposed 3082 site generated trips. . Two roadway improvements will be necessary at the main access onto the Frontage Road. The first includes modification to the center median to provide a storage area for vehicles tuming left out of the site. This will allow for a two-step left turn with less delay. The second is an exclusive right turn lane into the site for eastbound traffic. This exclusive right tum lane will remove turning traffic from the through traffic lanes thereby improving safety characteristics. . The roundabout will not be adversely affected by the proposed site traffic. The site traffic will consist of approximately one percent of the total traffic in the roundabout in the year 2015. . The auxiliary lane east of the site for right turning vehicles needs to be extended west to the second access. Ihls lane will be used for delivery trucks backing into the site. This lane and the delivery driveway in which it will serve should be designed to allow backing activity without impacting the eastbound through traffic. Physical separation should be considered between the through lane and the auxiliary lane where backing would be taking place. A complete copy of the report has been attached for reference (Exhibit J). Staff agrees with the traffic engineels assessment of the potential traffic impacts. There will be an increase in traffic on Vail Boad. There will not be an increase in traffic on the pedestrian poftion of East Meadow Drive. The applicant will be required to implement the mitigation measures recommended by the Traffic Engineer should the major amendment be approved. Staff feels the applicant has addressed traffic issues to the extent possible. C. STREETSCAPE FRAMEWORK To improve the quality 0f the walking experience and give continuity to the pedestrian ways, as a continuous system, two general types of improvements adjacent to the walkways are considered: 1. Open space and landscaping, berms, grass, flowers and tree planting as a soft, colorful framework linkage along pedestrian routes; and plazas and park greenspaces as open nodes and focal points along those routes. 24 2. Infill commercial storefronts, expansion of existing buildings, or new infill development to create new commercial activity generators to give streetlife and visual interest, as attractions at key locations along pedestrian routes. It is not intended to enclose all Village streets with buildings as in the core areas. Nor is it desirable to leave pedestrian streets in the open in a somewhat undefined condition evident in many other areas of Vail. Rather, it is desired to have a variety of open and enclosed spaces, both built and landscaped, which create a strong framework for pedestrian walks, as well as visual interest and activity. , ltallBesw The Vail Plaza Hotel redevelopment improves the streetscape framework through the creation of the new hotel and the resulting enhanced visual interest along Vail Boad. Through the construction of both the intemal and external walkways, staff believes the proposed redevelopment creates the critical commercial connection between Vail Gateway Plaza and East Meadow Drive and provides new street life where very little currently exists. D. STREET ENCLOSURE While building facade heights should not be uniform from building to building, they should provide a "comfortable" enclosure for the street. Pedestrian streets are outdoor rooms, whose walls are formed by the buildings. The shape and feel of these 'rooms" are created by the variety of heights and massing (3- dimensional variations), which give much of the visual interest and pedestrian scale unique to Vail. Very general rules about the perception of exterior spaces have been developed by designers, based on the characteristics of human vision. They suggest that: "an external enclosure is most comfortable when its walls are approximately 1/2 as high as the width of the space enclosed; if the ratio falls to 1/4 or less, the space seems unenclosed; and if the height is greater than the width it comes lo resemble a canyon". In actual application, facades are seldom uniform in height on both sides of the street, nor is this desired. Thus, some latitude is appropriate in the application of this l12to 1 ratio. Using the average lacade height on both sides will generally still be a guide to the comfortableness of the enclosure being created. In some instances, the "canyon" effect is acceptable and even desirable. For example, as a short connecting linkage between larger spaces, to give variety to the walking experience. For sun/shade reasons it is often advantageous to orient any longer segments in a northisouth direction. Long canyon streets in an easUwest direction should generally be discouraged. When exceptions to the general height criteria occur, special consideration should be given to create a well-defined ground floor pedestrian emphasis to overcome the "canyon" effect. z2 Canopies, awnings, arcades and building extensions can all create a pedestrian focus and divert attention from the upper building heights and "canyon" effect. . W-Bgw Vail Boad and the sidewalks on either side, adjacent to the Vail Plaza Hotel, averages approximately 70 teet in width. The Vail Plaza Hotel (eaveline) along Vail Road is approximately 44 feet in height. Given that the Nine Vail Boad Condominiums are not constructed parallel with Vail Road and proposed landscaping at the ground level of the proposed building, staff believes the Vail Plaza Hotel creates a'Comfortable" enclosure of the street and does not create an undesirable 'canyon" effect. However, staff does believe there is an opportunity to reduce the apparent height of the eaveline along Vail Boad. Staff would suggest that the applicant be required to continue to study and then present several streetscape alternatives for the streetscape at the front entrance of the hotel to the Design Review Board for review and final approval. Special attention should be given to create a design that is not only functional and meets the technical design requirements, but is also aestheticaily pleasing and aftractive in nature. E. STREET EDGE Buildings in the Village core should form a strong but irregular edge to the street. Unlike many American towns, there are no standard setback requirements for buildings in Vail Village. Consistent with the desire for intimate pedestrian scale, placement of portions of a building at or near the property line is allowed and encouraged to give strong definition to the pedestrian streets. This is not to imply continuous building frontage along the property line. A strong street edge is important for continuity, but perfectly aligned facades over too long a distance tend to be monotonous. With only a few exceptions in the Village, slightly irregular facade lines, building jogs, and landscaped areas, give the life to the street and visual interest for pedestrian travel. Where buildings jog to create activity pockets, other elements can be used to continue the street edge: low planter walls, tree planting, raised sidewalks, texture changes in ground surface, arcades, raised decks. Plazas, patios, and green areas are important focal points for gathering, resting, orienting and should be distributed throughout the Village with due consideration to spacing, sun access, opportunities for views and pedestrian activity. . W-8aw. The Vail Plaza Hotel has street frontage along Vail Boad and the South Frontage Boad. The remainder of the building has building fronts internalto the development. The edge of the building has been designed at the street level to be varied and irregular through the use of recessed entries, arched arcades and horizontal/vertical steps in the building foot print. Staff believes that at the street level the design of the building conforms with the intent of the street edge design consideration. 26 F. BUILDING HEIGHT Vail Village is perceived as a mix of two and three story facades, although there are also lour and five story buildings. The mix of building heights gives variety to the street, which is desirable. The height criteria are intended to encourage height in massing variety and to discourage uniform building heights along the street. . Staff Besponse: As discussed previously, the Vail Plaza Hotelexceeds the allowable building height prescribed for the Public Accommodation Zone District. However, staff does not feel that the proposed height of the vail Plaza Hotel is excessive, given the location of the building at the northern periphery of the Village core and the height of the buildings on the adjoining properties. The applicant has submitted a scale model of the Vail Plaza Hotel in its Village context and this model will be available for use by the Planning & Environmental Commission during the final review process. G. VIEWS AND FOCAL POINTS Vail's mountain/valley setting is a fundamental part of its identity. Views of the mountains, ski slopes, creeks and other natural features are reminders to our visitors of the mountain environment and, by repeated visibility, are orientation reference points. Certain building features also provide important orientation references and visual focal points. The most significant view corridors in the Village have been adopted as part of Chapter 12-22 ol the Town of Vail Municipal Code. The view corridors adopted should not be considered exhausted. When evaluating a development proposal, priority should be given to an analysis of the impacted project on public views. Views that should be preserved originate lrom either major pedestrian areas or public spaces, and include views of the ski mountain, the Gore Range, the Clock Tower, the Rucksack Tower and other important man-made and natural elements that contribute to the sense ol place associated with Vail. These views, which have been adopted by ordinance, were chosen due to their significance, not only from an aesthetic standpoint, but also as orientation reference points for pedestrians. Development in Vail Village shall not encroach into any adopted view corridor, unless approved under Chapter 12-22. Adopled corridors are listed in Chapter 12-22 ot the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Whether affecting adopted view corridors or not, the impact of proposed development on views from public ways and public spaces must be identified and considered where appropriate. , gbt-tlqsws. Although not directly impacting one of the five adopted view conidors, as listed in Chapter | 2-22 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the height of the building will have impacts on the view from various locations nearthe roundabout. Public views of Vail Mountain wiil be partially blocked from these areas. Again, a view analysis has been completed depicting "before and afte( conditions. Overall, given the building's location, the recent changes to the intersection resulting from the construction of the roundabout and the development paftem on adjacent properties, staff feels that the Vail Plaza Hotel complies with the intent of the Vail Village Urban Design Considerations. 27 H. SERVICE AND DELIVERY Any building expansion should preserve the functions of existing service alleys. The few service alleys that exist in the Village are extremely important to minimizing vehicle congestion on pedestrian ways. The use of, and vehicular access to, those alleys should not be eliminated except where functional alternatives are not provided. In all new and remodeled construction, delivery which avoids or reduces impacts on pedestrian ways should be explored; and adopted whenever practical, for immediate or future use. Rear access, basement and below ground delivery corridors reduce congestion. Weather protection increases delivery efficiency substantially. Below grade delivery corridors are found in a few buildings in Vail Village (SitzmarldGore Creek Plaza, Village Center, Vail Village Inn). Consideration should be given to extending these corridors, where feasible, and the creation of new ones. As bui|dings are constructed or remodeled, the opportunity may exist to develop segments of a future system. . Staff Response: Through the course of staff's review of the Vail Plaza Hotel redevelopment proposal, several loading and delivery options were explored. The applicant had originally proposed to provide far fewer berths than what the current design proposes. However, the applicant has amended the plans to provide a total of five berths on the property. These five berths will be able to be utilized by the entire Vail Village lnn Plaza and are connected via a series of elevators and below grade seruice areas. The service areas are located away from areas of major pedestrian activity. The main service area is adjacent to the South Frontage Boad in an enclosed facility. The centralized approach to this facility is unprecedented in Vail. Staff would recommend that the applicant continue to explore oppoftunities to improve the truck traffic and passenger car traffic interface in the access way within the enclosed facility. I. SUN / SHADE Due to Vail's alpine climate, sun is an important comfort factor, especially in winter, fall and spring. Shade areas have ambient temperatures substantially below those of adjacent direct sunlight areas. On all but the warmest of summer days, shade can easily lower temperatures below comfortable levels, and thereby, negatively impact use of those areas. All new or expanded buildings should not substantially increase the spring and fall shadow line (March 2'l - September 23) on adjacent properties or the public right-of-way. ln all building construction, shade shall be considered in massing and overall height consideration. Notwithstanding, sun/shade considerations are not intended to restrict building height allowances, but rather to influence the massing of buildings. Limited height exceptions may be granted to meet this criteria. z6 Staff Besponse: Although the proposed height of the building will diminish the amount of sun light reaching the ground in certain areas, and likewise increase shading along the South Frontage Road (north side of the project), the provision of heated public wall<ways etfectively mitigates this consideration, thus providing ice-free and snow-free sidewalks. Overall, staff believes the proposal complies with the above-described considerations. 2. AFCHITECTURE/LANDSCAPE CONSIDERATIONS ROOFS Where visible, roofs are often one of the most dominant architectural elements in any built environment. In the Village, roof form, color and texture are visibly dominant, and generally consistent, which tends to unify the building diversity to a great degree. The current expression, and objective, for roofs in the Village is to form a consistently unifying backdrop for the architecture and pedestrian streetscape, and to avoid roofs which tend to stand out individually or distract visually from the overall character. Roof Forms Roofs within the Village are typically gable in form and of moderate-to-low pitch. Shed roofs are frequently used for small additions to larger buildings. Free-standing shed roofs, butterfly roofs and flat rools, can be found in the Village, but they are generally considered to be out ol character and inappropriate. Hip roofs likewise, are rare and generally inconsistent with the character of the Core Area. Towers are exceptions, in both form and pitch, to the general criteria, but do have an established local vernacular-style which should be respected. . Staff I!?sW The roof form of the Vail Plaza Hotel is a mixture of gables, barrelvaults and clipped hips. While a hip roof is generally considered inconsistent with the character of the Village, the applicant believes this roof form and the incorporation of dormers helps to reduce the mass of the building and blends well with the roof forms of the surrounding buildings Pitch Roof slopes in the Village typically range from 3112lo 6/12, with slightly steeper pitches in limited applications. Again, for visual consistency this general 3112-6112 range should be preserved. . Staff Besponse The pitch of the proposed Vail Plaza Hotel rool is 7/12 and is generally in compliance with this guideline. 29 Overhanos Generous roof overhangs are also an established architectural feature in the Village - a traditional expression of shelter in alpine environments. Roof overhangs typically range from 3 to 6 feet on all edges. Specific design consideration should be given to protection of pedestrian ways adjacent to buildings. Snow slides and runoff hazards can be reduced by roof orientation, guners, arcades, etc. Overhang details are treated with varying degrees of ornamentation. Structural elements such as roof beams are expressed beneath the overhangs, simply or decoratively carved. The roof fascia is thick and wide, giving a substantial edge to the roof. . S!4-t!es@nse. The overhangs on the Vail Plaza Hotel vary, depending on location, and are generally four feet in depth. The overhangs are supported by timber bracing which adds character and visual interest to the overall appearance of the building. Staff believes that the proposal complies with the abov e - d e sc ri bed c r ite r i a. Compositions The intricate roofscape of the Village as a whole is the result of many individual simple roof configurations. For any single building a varied, but simple composition of roof planes is prelerred to either a single or a complex arrangement of many roofs. As individual roofs become more complex, the roof attracts visual attention away from the streetscape and the total roolscape tends toward "busyness" rather than a backdrop composition. . gfi-llesw. The roof form on the Vail Plaza Hotel would be considered a simple composition of roof planes. Staff believes the roof composition proposed by the applicant is consistent with the intent of this architectu ral consideration. Stepped Roofs As buildings are stepped to reflect existing grade changes, resulting roof steps should be made where the height change will be visually significant. Variations which are too subtle appear to be more stylistic than functional, and out of character with the more straight-forward roof design typical in the Village. . Staff Response The Vail Plaza Hotel site is relatively flat (by Vail's standards). While the building does not need to step to follow the topography, vertical and horizontal steps and dormers have been incorporated into the roof design. The vertical and horizontal steps and dormers provide a reduction in the overall mass of the building and adds to the architectural and visual interest of the building. staff believes that the stepped roofs of the vail Plaza Hotel comply with the intent of the above-described criteria. 30 O Materials Wood shakes, wood shingles, and built-up tar and gravel are almost exclusively used as roof materials in the Village. For visual consistency, any other materials should have the appearance of the above. . 9!4-8esp9rc. Most recently, wood shakes and wood shingles are being discouraged for use as a roofing material due to fire safety concerns. At the recommendation of the Town of Vail Fire Department, the staff has been encouraging developers to use gravel, asphalt, tile, metal and other more fire-resistant roofing materials on new buildings. The applicant is proposing to use green concrete tiles on the roof of the hotel. The tiles will be similar in appearance to those used on the recent redevelopment of the Austria Haus. The staff believes this is an appropriate roof material to use on this project. Construction Common roof problems and design considerations in this climate include: - snowslides onto pedestrian walks - roof dams and water infiltration - gutters freezing - heavy snow loads Careful attention to these functional details is recommended, as well as familiarity with the local building code, proven construction details, and Town ordinances. For built-up roofs, pitches ol 4/12 or steeper do not hold gravel well. For shingle roofs, pitches of 4112 or shallower often result in ice dams and backflow leakage under the shingles. Cold-roof construction is strongly preferred, unless warm-roof benefits for a specilic application can be demonstrated. Cold-roofs are double-roofs which insulate and orevent snow melt from internal building heat. By retaining snow on the roof, many of the problems listed can be reduced. Periodic snow removal will be required and should be anticipated in the design. Roof gutters tend to ice-in completely and become ineffective in the Vail climate, especially in shaded north-side locations. Heating the interior circumference with heat-tape elements or other devices is generally necessary to assure adequate run-off control in colder months. . Staff Besponse: The applicant is proposing a cold-roof construction atop the Vail Plaza Hotel. Through the review of a building permit, staff will ensure the roof construction complies with the standards prescribed the Vail's climatic conditions. FACADES Materials Stucco, brick, wood (and glass) are the primary buibing materials found in ihe Village. While not wishing to restrict design freedom, existing conditions show that within this small range of materials much variation and individuality are possible while preserving a basic harmony. Too many diverse materials weaken the continuity and repetition which unifies the streetscape. 3l_ Of the above materials, stucco is the most consistently used material. Most of the buibings in the Village exhibit some stucco, and there are virtually no areas where stucco is entirely absent. It is intended to preserve the dominance of stucco by its use in portions, at least, of all new facades, and by assuring that other materials are not used to the exclusion of stucco in any sub- area within the Village. . Staff Besponse The exterior materials proposed by the applicant are a combination of stone, stucco and wood. No one material is proposed to dominate the exterior of the hotel. Staff believes the applicant has complied with this particular architectural consideration. The final approval of the exterior materials and their application will be addressed by the Design Beview Board at a lafter date. Color There is greater latitude in the use of color in the Village, but still a discernible consistency within a general range of colors. For wood surfaces, trim or siding, darker color tones are preferred - browns, greys, blue-greys, dark olive, slate-greens, etc. Stucco colors are generally light - white, beige, pale-gold, or other light pastels. Other light colors could be appropriate, as considered on a case-by-case basis. Bright colors (red, orange, blues, maroon, etc.) should be avoided for major wall planes, but can be used effectively (with restraint) for decorative trim, wall graphics, and other accent elements. Generally, to avoid both "busy-ness," and weak visual interest, the variety of major wall colors should not exceed four. nor be less than two. A color/material change between the ground floor and upper floors is a common and effective reinforcement of the pedestrian scale ol the street. . 9b!!8esw. The applicant has proposed an exterior building color that is compatible with the color of the existing buildings in the vicinity of the hotel. Staft would like to point out that the applicant is required to obtain Design Review Board approval prior to construction and thet any concerns of the Commission on this topic will be brought to the attention ol the Board. Transoarencv Pedestrian scale is created in many ways, but a major factor is the openness, attractiveness, and generally public character of the ground floor facade of adjacent buildings. Transparent store fronts are "people attractors," opaque or solid walls are more private, and imply "do not approach." On pedestrian-oriented streets such as in the Village, ground floor commercial facades are proportionately more transparent than upper floors. Upper floors are typically more residential, private and thus less open. As a measure of transparency, the most characteristic and successful ground floor facades range from 55% to 70% ot the total length of the commercial facade. Upper floors are often the converse, 30/"-45/" transparent. 5Z Examples of transparency (lineal feet of glass to lineal feet of facade) on ground level. - Covered Bridge Building- Pepi's Sports- Gasthof Gramshammer- The Lodge- Golden Peak House- Casino Building- Gorsuch Building Staff Besponse 58o/" 71V" 487" 66% 62% 30o/" 51o/" Transparency of the Vail Plaza Hotel is really only an issue along the retail space fronting on the plaza area. A measure of transparency of the Vail Plaza Hotel (easilsouth courtyard elevations) indicates that 58% of the ground floor facade is transparent. staff believes that the ground level is transparent enough to provide the street appearance encouraged by the design considerations. Windows In addition to the general degree of transparency, window details are an important source of pedestrian scale-giving elements. The size and shape of windows are often a response to the function of the adjacent street. For close-up, casual, pedestrian viewing windows are typically sized to human dimensions and characteristics of human vision. (Large glass-wall store-fronts suggest uninterrupted viewing, as from a moving car. The sense of intimate pedestrian scale is diminished). Ground floor display windows are typically raised slightly 18 inches t and do not extend much over 8 feet above the walkway level. Ground floors, which are noticeably above or below grade, are exceptions. The articulation of the window itself is still another element in giving pedestrian scale (human- related dimensions). Glass areas are usually subdivided to express individual window elements - and are further subdivided by mullions into small panes - which is responsible for much of the old-world charm of the Village. Similarly, windows are most often clustered in banks, juxtaposed with plain wall surlaces to give a pleasing rhythm. Horizontal repetition of single window elements, especially over long distances, should be avoided. Large single pane windows occur in the Village, and provide some contrast, as long as they are generally consistent in form with other windows. Long continuous glass is out of character. Bay, bow and box windows are common window details, which further variety and massing to facades - and are encouraged. Reflective glass, plastic panes, and aluminum or other metal frames are not consistent in the Village and should be avoided. Metal-clad or plastic-clad wood frames, having the appearance of painted wood have been used successfully and are acceptable. . 9!e!!-Bpsrua&. The Vail Plaza Hotel proposal is in compliance with the above-described design consideration. Staff believes the use of dormers with windows, bay windows and windows with mullions adds to the architectural charm and visual integrity of the hotel. Staff recommends that the use of mullions in the windows at the ground level become a condition of approval. 33 o Doors Like windows, doors are important to character and scale-giving architectural elements. They should also be somewhat transparent (on retail commercial facades) and consistent in detailing with windows and other facade elements. Doors with glass contribute to overall facade transparency. Due to the visibility of people and merchandise inside, windowed doors are somewhat more effective in drawing people inside to retaif commercial facades. Although great variations exist, 25-30/" + transparency is felt to be a minimum transparency objective. Private residences, lodges, restaurants, and other non-retail establishments have different visibility and character needs, and doors should be designed accordingly. Sidelight windows are also a means of introducing door-transparency as a complement or substitute for door windows. Articulated doors have the decorative quality desired for Vail. Flush doors, light aluminum frames, plastic applique elements all are considered inappropriate. As an expression of entry, and sheltered welcome, protected entry-ways are encouraged. Doorways may be recessed, extended, or covered. , 9!a!!Essw, Staff believes the applicant's proposal complies with the above-described criteria. Trim Prominent wood trim is also a unifying feature in the Village. Particularly at ground floor levels, doors and windows have strong, contrasting framing elements, which tie the various elements together in one composition. Windows and doors are treated as strong visual features. Glass- wall detailing for either is typically avoided. . Staff Besponse: Staff believes the applicant's proposal complies with the above-described criteria. DECKS AND PATIOS Dining decks and patios, when properly designed and sited, bring people to the streets, opportunities to look and be looked at, and generally contribute to the liveliness ol a busy street making a richer pedestrian experience than if those streets were empty. A review of successful decks/patios in Vail reveals several common characteristics: - direct sunlight from 11:00 - 3:00 increases use by many days/year and protects from wind. - elevated to give views j4l9 the pedestrian walk (and not the reverse). - physical separation from pedestrian walk. - overhang gives pedestrian scale/shelter. Decks and patios should be sited and designed with due consideration to: - sun - wind - views - pedestrian activity 34 O . Wsw. The majority of the decks and patios on the Vail Plaza Hotel are located on the south side of the building, facing Vail Mountain and the plaza. With the exception of the two outdoor dining decks on the plaza, these decks and patios are for the use of the guests of the hotel and not the general public. Staff believes that the proposal complies with this design consideration. BALCONIES Balconies occur on almost all buildings in the Village which have at least a second level facade wall. As strong repetitive features they: - give scale to buildings. - give life to the street (when used). - add variety to building forms. - provide shelter to pathways below. , Staff Besponse Again, the majority of the balconies on the Vail Plaza Hotel are located on the south side of the building facing Vail Mountain and away from the l-70 traffic noise. Staff believes that the proposal complies with this design consideration. Color O Balconies contrast in cotor (dark)with the building, typically matching the trim cotors. . sta!!!!zspw, Like the exterior color of the building, the Design Review Board will be reviewing this aspect of the proposal. Size Balconies extend far enough from the building to cast a prominent shadow pattern. Balconies in Vail are functional as will as decorative. As such, they should be of useable size and located to encourage use. Balconies less than six feet deep are seldom used, nor are those always in shade. not oriented to views or street life. . Staff Response Staff believes this criteria has been meL Mass Balconies are commonly massive, yet semi-transparent, distinctive from the building, yet allowing the building to be somewhat visible behind. Solid balconies are found occasionally, and tend to be too dominant obscuring the building architecture. Light balconies lack the visual impact which ties the Village together. The balconies on the Vail Plaza Hotel are proposed to be semi-transparent in appearance. O . starr-Elesw, 35 O Materials Wood balconies are by far the most common. Vertical structural members are the most dominant visually, often decoratively sculpted. Decorative wrought iron balconies are also consistent visually where the vertical members are close enough to create semi-transparency. Pipe rails, and plastic, canvas or glass panels should be avoided. . s!il-Ilzspree. The mabrtal b be used in the construction of the balconies on the hotel is wood. with vertical structural members. A detail of the railing will be reviewed by the DRB. ACGENT ELEMENTS The life, and festive quality of the Village is given by judicious use of accent elements which give color, movement and conlrast to the Village. Colorful accent elements consistent with existing character are encouraged, such as: Awnings and canopies - canvas, bright color or stripes of two colors. Flags, banners - hanging from buildings, poles, and even across streets for special occasrons. Umbrellas - over tables on outdoor patios. Annual color flowers - in beds or in planters. Accent lighting- buildings, plazas, windows, trees (even Christmas lights allwinter). Painted wall graphics - coats of arms, symbols, accent compositions, etc. Fountains - sculptural, with both winter and summer character. . 9!B!!l!esw. Accent lighting on the building, annual flowers in containers and in the planting beds, pofted trees decorated with Christmas lights and irrigated flower boxes are proposed to provide colorful accent elements on the Vail Plaza Hotel. Staff would suggest that the applicant provide an additional accent symbol (clock, crest, etc.) on the main elevator tower. The tower is visible from a distance as illustrated in the view analysis and would serve as focal point to guests and visitors. LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS Landscape considerations include, but go beyond, the placement of appropriate plant materials. - plant materials - Paving - retaining walls - street furniture (benches, kiosks, trash, etc.) - lighting - signage Plant Materials Opportunities for planting are not extensive in the Village, which places a premium on the plant selection and design of the sites that do exist. Framework planting of trees and shrubs should include both deciduous and evergreen species for year round continuity and interest. 35 Native plants are somewhat limited in variety, but are clearly best able to withstand the harsh winter climate, and to tie the Village visually with its mountain setting. Trees Shrubs Narrow-leaf cottonwood Willow Balsam poplar DogwoodAspen Serviceberry Lodgepole pine Alpine currant Colorado spruce Chokecherry Subalpine lir Mugho pine Potentilla Butfaloberry . Staff Response A conceptual landscape plan has been submifted by the applicant. The plan has been developed with some assistance of Town staff, since a majority of the landscqe improvements are proposed on Town property. The proposed landscape design takes into consideration factors such as the location of the plantings (sun/shade), maintenance, climate, etc. Staff would suggest that the final landscape plan be reviewed by the Design Review Board along with the f i n al streetscape i mprove m ents. Pavino The lreezelthaw cycle at this altitude virtually eliminates common site-cast concrete as a paving surface (concrete spall). High-strength concrete may work in selected conditions. Asphalt, brick (on concrete or on sand), and concrete block appear to be best suited to the area. In general, paving treatments should be coordinated with that 0f the adjacent public righfof-way. The Town uses the following materials for all new construction: - asphalt: general use pedestrian streets - brick on concrete: feature areas (plazas, intersections, fountains, etc.) . Staff Bgqponse. The paving material used in the public areas around the Vail Plaza Hotel has yet to be determined and finalized. Again, the staff would suggest that the final paving treatment be determined with the assisfance of the Design Beview Board. Retainino Walls Retaining walls, to raise planting areas, often protects the landscape from pedestrians and snowplows, and should provide seating opportunities: Two types of material are already well established in the Village and should be utilized for continuity: - split-face moss rock veneer - Village Core pedestrian streets (tyrical). - rounded cobble hidden mortar - in open space areas il above t)rpe not already established nearby. 5t O . W_BespoDse. Landscape retaining walls are proposed on the nofth, west and south sides of the building. The retaining walls are needed to provide proper grading and drainage around the building. The surlace material of the new landscape retaining will match the stone on the enerior of the building. Liohtino Light standards should be coordinated with those used by the Town in the public right-of-way. . fu!!-E!esw. As patt of the streetscape improvements along Vail Road, East Meadow Drive and the South Frontage Boad, the applicant will be installing new Village light fixtures. The number and locations of the new lights was determined through consultation with Town staff. Siqnaoe Reler to Town of Vail Signage Ordinance . 9!@. Given the staging of the application, signage has not yet been considered by the staff or the applicant. The staff has requested that the applicant prepare a comprehensive sign program for the Vail Plaza Hotel for review at a future date. The comprehensive sign program will be reviewed by the DRB. SERVICE Trash handling is extremely sensitive in a pedestrian environment. Trash collection is primarily made in off-peak hours. lt is the building owners responsibility to assure that existing trash storage problems are corrected and future ones avoided. Trash, especially from food service establishments, must be carefully considered; including the following: - quantities generated - pick-up f requency/access - container sizes - enclosure location/design - visual odor impacts Garbage collection boxes or dumpsters must be readily accessible for collection at all times yet fully screened lrom public view - pedestrians, as well as upper level windows in the vicinity. Materials Exterior materials for garbage enclosures should be consistent with that of adjacent buildings. 38 Construction Durability of the structure and operability of doors in all weather are prime concerns. Metal frames and posts behind the preferred exterior materials should be considered to withstand the inevitable abuse these structures suffer. . Staff Besponse: The applicant is proposing to incorporate a trash dumpster and recycling bin into the design of the main loading/delivery area. The dumpster and bin will be completely enclosed and accessible from inside the building.Access to the dumpster and bins will not impede the operation of the loadingldelivery functions. The driveway and interior building height is designed to accommodate trash trucks. Staff believes the applicant's proposal complies with the above- described criteria. E. ldentificatlon and mitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on which the special development district is proposed. According to the Official Town of Vail Hazard maps the Vail Plaza Hotel development site is not located in any geologically sensitive areas or the 1O0-year floodplain. F. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. The site plan, building design and location and open space provisions of the proposal have been reviewed at length by the staff, the Town of Vail Design Review Board and Jetf Winston, of Winston & Associates, the Town's Urban Design Consultant. This review is the culmination of numerous meetings between the staff and applicant's design team, five conceptual reviews by the Design Review Board and three meetings with Mr. Winston. The staff's review has focused primarily on the technical aspects of the proposal (vehicular access, driveway grades, required distances between structures, sidewalk widths, building orientation, development standards, etc.) while the Board and Mr. Winston focused on reviewing the proposal for compliance with the design guidelines and other applicable elements of the Town's planning documents. Upon review of the proposal, the Town of Vail Design Review has voted 3-0 to forward a preliminary recommendation of approval, with conditions, to the Vail Town Council. In reviewing the proposal the Board was most concerned with the aesthetic qualities of the hotel and less concerned with the development's responsiveness and sensitivity to natural features and vegetation. The lack of concern with the latter criteria is to due to the absence of any existing natural features or vegetation on the development. A condition of the Board's approval was a request for detailed landscape plan to insure adequate provisions are made for vegetation on the development site. The plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Board as part of their final review process. A copy of the Board's preliminary recommendation to the Town Council has been attached for reference (Exhibit K). Similar to the Design Review Board, Jeff Winston, the Town's Urban Design Consultant, has also recommended approval of the hotel proposal. As stated previously, the consultant's review focused primarily upon compliance with the design guidelines and the urban design considerations outlined in the Vail Village Master Plan. The tindings of the consultant are that with the exception of opportunities lower eave lines the hotel proposal generally complies with the master plan. 39 G. The staff reviewed the technical aspects of the proposal for compliance with the prescribed regulations. Upon review of the proposal staff finds that the applicant will need to be provided relief for the proposed deviations from the building height, setback and multi-use parking credit formula if this proposal is to be approved. As discussed previously, staff believes that the request for additional building height is reasonable and appropriate given the existing circumstances. We also believe that relief should be provided from the parking requirements of the regulations. Staff feels that reliel is justified given size of the hotel, the mixture of uses within the hotel and the District as a whole, and recent trends in resort travel. Staff continues, however, to be concerned with regard to the proposed Vail Road setback. We believe that some encroachment of building improvements into the front setback is appropriate given the context of the built environment of the area, the hotel design along the street fagade, and the provision of open plaza space on the interior of the development. While the applicant speaks of average setbacks, statf is more focused on the minimum distances the face of the hotel and the back of the curb along Vail Road. The minimum distance proposed is only 15 feet from the multi-story face of the hotel to the back of the curb. Within this area the applicant is required to provide an eight-toot wide paver sidewalk, landscaping, and room for snow storage. Staff would recommend that the applicant be required to increase the proposed Vail Road setback to insure adequate distances are provided to meet the intended needs of the Town's right-of-way and the front setback. An exact distance can not be determined at this time. A final determination can be made once a final landscape plan and streetscape improvements plan is submitted and reviewed. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off-site tratf ic circulation. The on-site/otf-site vehicular and pedestrian circulation system design has been discussed in great detail. Much of the discussion with the Board and Commission centered on providing adequate pedestrian and vehicular access to, from and within the development site. In response to the concerns, the applicant has redesigned many areas of the plan. The pedestrian areas include the pedestrian connection through the hotel to the Gateway Building, the alleyway spaces between the hotel and Phases lll & V, the plaza area south of the hotel, and the pedestrian link from the hotel entrances to the new bus stop on East Meadow Drive. The vehicular areas included providing adequate turning and maneuvering area at the porte cochere, the entrance only and exit only driveway locations on Vail Road and the entering and exiting design of the loading/ delivery facility. Pursuant to the submittal requirements for the major amendment request, the applicant was required to submit a Traffic Report. A Traffic Report has been prepared by the traffic consulting firm of Felsburg, Holt & Ullevig. The purpose of the report is to evaluate the impacts of the hotel development and the proposed tratfic pattern circulation on the Town's street system. This report has been used by staff to anal;ze traffic impacts of this project. In summary the transportation engineers find that the proposed vehicular circulation system is reasonable and appropriate. lt is believed that through minor mitigation measures such as signage and enter only/exit only design that the traffic impacts and safety concerns of the Town can be resolved. A copy of the Traffic Report and a memorandum from Greg Hall to George Ruther, dated December 9, 1999 have been attached for reference (Exhibit L). Overall, staff believes that with several minor changes and revisions to the plans, the proposal meets the criteria of providing adequate on-site and off-site vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems. 40 H.Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and functlons. Staff believes that the landscape improvements proposed will be beneficial to the quality of the landscaping in both the public and private spaces in the vicinity of the hotel. Through the implementation of the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan, a portion of East Meadow Drive will be enhanced aesthetically. The improvements will include new heated brick paver walkways, the completion of the bus stop, updated streetscape lighting, and wider pedestrian walkways and stairs. The landscape elements of the proposal have been reviewed on a conceptual basis by the Town of Vail Design Review Board. Upon review of the proposal the Board has voiced a favorable response to the applicant. A final landscape plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a building permit. The design of the plaza area south of the hotel is consistent the previous direction and intent of the overall development of the District. The creation of the plaza, with the associated pool area, landscaping, outdoor caf6, pedestrian wallways and retail store fronts complies with the guidelines of the Open Space Plan, an element of the Vail Village Master Plan. Pursuant to the Open Space Plan, the area south of the hotel and interior to the development is intended to be a public plaza with greenspace opportunities. Staff believes that based upon the sun/shade analysis prepared by the applicant, the plaza area will receive adequate amounts of sun light throughout the year. The access to sun light will insure a pleasant, useable plaza area in the Town. The proposed pool and hot tub deck area is intended to address the recreational needs of the District. The use of these recreational amenities will be made available to the owners of property within the District. The new pool will replace the existing pool on the Phase lV development site and will insure consistency with the general direction of the Open space Plan. Overall, staff believes that the proposal complies with this criteria. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and efficient relationship throughout the development of the special development district. The need for the phasing of the hotel redevelopment is not anticipated at this time. A construction staging plan will be required at the time of building permit issuance. The plan will be reviewed to maximize the workable and functional relationship between the redevelopment of the hotel and the existing uses, structures and traffic systems in the vicinity of the development site. The goal 0f the plan will be maximize the efficiency of the construction process and to minimize the negative impacts inherent to major construction projects. VIII. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the request for a conditional use permit to allow for the operation of a 48 unit fractional fee club within the Vail Plaza Hotel based upon the following factors: 4L A. Consideration of Factors: Before acting on a conditional use permit application, the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) shall consider the factors with respect to the proposed use: 1- Relationship and impact of ths use on development objectives of the Town. In January of 1997, the Vail Town Council adopted Ordinance No. 22, Series of 1996. In part, this ordinance amended the Public Accommodation Zone District allowing fractional fee clubs as a conditional use and set forth criteria for the Commission to consider when evaluating such a request. Since that time the Austria Haus Club redevelopment project has been completed and the Gore Creek Club has been approved by the Town. The Austria Haus contains 28 fractional fee club units and the Gore Creek Club has been approved to construct 66 units. The applicant is requesting the issuance of a conditional use permit to allow for the operation of a fractional fee club within the Vail Plaza Hotel. The proposed club would be comprised of 48 two and three bedroom club units. These units would range in size from 920 square lo 2,282 square feet. The average club unit size is approximately 1,335 square feet in size. Each of the units has been designed in such a manner as to provide multiple "keys" to for lock-off units. The total number of "keys" in the club is '110. According to the applicant, the ownership of the club units will be divided into a maximum of 1i 1 2'n intervals for the 24 winter weeks during the ski season, while the remaining 28 shoulder season and summer weeks would be owned by the hotel. This ownership program allows for the most attractive weeks of the year to be sold as club units with the proceeds helping to finance the redevelopment project. The remaining interest in the clubs is then used bythe hotel to support the conference facility during the summer months. According to the applicant this program will create the best possible occupancy of the hotel and maximize the viability of the conference facility. Through the adoption of Ordinance No. 22, Series of 1996, the Town further recognized the need for lodging alternatives for our guests and visitors. In passing the ordinance the Town Council found that quality. fractional lee clubs are an appropriate means of increasing occupancy rates, maintaining and enhancing short-term rental availability and diversifying the resort lodging market product within the Town of Vail. Equally as important, the Council believed that fractional fee clubs were simply another of many forms of public accommodations. lt has been a long held belief that in order for the Town to remain competitive and on the leading edge of resort development, that alternative lodging opportunities must be created and creative financing vehicles for hotel redevelopment must be implemented. Staff believes that the conditional use permit for a fractional fee club within the Vail Plaza Hotel will be beneficial to the Town and will have a positive impact on the development objectives of the Community. 2. 3. 4. 5. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Staff believes that this review criteria has been satisfied as previously discussed in Section lV of this memorandum. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Staff believes that this review criteria has been satisfied as previously discussed in Section lV of this memorandum. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Staff believes that this review criteria has been satisfied as previously discussed in Section lV of this memorandum. Prior to the approval of a conditional use permit for a time-share estate, fractional fee, fractional fee club, or time-share license proposal, the following shall be considered: a. lf the proposal for a fractional fee club is a redevelopment of an existing facility, the fractional fee club shall maintain an equivalency of accommodation units as presently existing. Equivalency shall be maintained either by an equal number ot units or by square footage. lf the proposal is a new development, it shall provide at least as much accommodation unit GRFA as fractional fee club unit GRFA. The Vail Plaza Hotel proposal is a redevelopment of an existing hotel. The proposed hotel shall be required to maintain an equivalency of the presently existing number of accommodation units. The applicant is proposing to meet the equivalency requirement by replacing an equal number of accommodation units. According to information on file in the Community Development Department 78 accommodation units exist in Phase lV of the Vail Village Inn. The applicant is proposing to replace the existing units with 99 new hotel rooms totaling approximately 36,013 square feet. b. Lock-off units and lock-off unit square footage shall not be included in the calculation when determining the equivalency of existing accommodation units or equivalency of existing square footage. Even though lock-offs cannot be counted towards meeting the equivalency requirement, nor are they needed in this case, the applicant has maintained 62 lock-off units in the Vail Plaza Hotel. The staff and applicant feel that these units will be rented as short-term 43 accommodations when not in use by the club members, and thus enhance the overall hotel bed base in Town. c. The ability of the proposed project to create and maintain a high level of occupancy. The fractional lee club component of the Vail Plaza Hotel proposal is intended to provide additional hotel and "hotel-type" accommodation units in the Town of Vail. The applicant is proposing to incorporate 48 member- owned club units (fractional fee club units with 62 lock-off units), with 99 new accommodation (hotel) rooms. Although not included in the equivalency requirement, the fractional fee club units have been designed to accommodate lock-off units. Staff believes that lock-off units provide an additional community benefit of added "pillows". lf a fractional fee club unit owner purchases an interest in a multiple bedroom unit, and does not desire to utilize all the bedrooms, they can then have the opportunity of returning the unused bedrooms (lock-offs) to a rental program. Staff feels that by providing lock-off units, and managing the availability of the lock-off units in a rental program when not in use, a fractional fee club project can significantly increase the availability of accommodation units in the Town of Vail. Through our research on the fractional fee issue back in 1996, staff then identilied some potential positive impacts of fractional fee units in the Town of Vail: A) Activity during the "shoulder seasons" tends to increase due to an increase in year-round occupancy; B) The attraction of revenue-generating tourists; C) The efficient utilization of resources. This is the "warm beds" concept; D) More pride of ownership and community buy-in with fractional fee club units than with accommodation units; E) Increased levels of occupancy; and F) Increased resort exposure due to the extensive number of interval owners. Staff believes these potential positive impacts are still true today. To verify occupancy rates, staff called the operating manager of the Austria Haus. The manager revealed that the annualized occupancy rate for the club component alone was approximately ????? in 1998. d. Employee housing may be required as part of any new or redevelopment fractional fee club proiect requesting density over that allowed by zoning. The number ot employee housing units will be consistent with employee impacts that are expected as a result ot the project. The staff included the fractional fee club units into the calculation of the employee generation resulting from the proposed major amendment of the Special Development District. Based strictly on the number of club units, the development will generate a need for 125 "new" employees. When the 44 multiplier of 0.30 is factored in, 38 of the "new" employees which the developer must provide deed-restricted housing for, are generated by the fractional fee club. e. The applicant shall submlt to the Town a list of all owners of existing units within ths proiect or building; in written statements from 100% of the owners of existing units indicating their approval, without condition, of the proposed fractional lee club. No written approval shall be valid if it is signed by the owner more than 60 days prlor to the date of filing the appllcatlon for a conditional use. The applicant, Waldir Prado, dba Daymer Corporation, and legally represented by Jay Peterson, is the sole owner of the property. No other written approval is required. +) Vail Plaza Hotel 1999 Major Amendment Proposal Attachments December 13,1999 Attachment AA =- /^" I rrvl 9-l -" ^l: 5- t] at- r: Ll**')- I-; (h:l '= 6) (r) r1()\t-) IJHg og =c\d i:1 N:!c{?€ -EEA .s{5 -72 -l.- d 7 zei = :! !;ur. a; i;! i: !:;d! l: i;:-; ii ;ii 'i i: ii Nii ,'! -- -l iJ4 .i I I ,,j ,rl rl rl i ,l l,l I I Irl rl rl I 1 l rii rt i! 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Pursuant to the Town Code, in pafi, ''no person shall building consuuction or demolition within the corporate iimits of the Town urless dcsisn approval has been granted in accordance rvith Title 12, Chapter I I of the Town Code." Should thc Dcsign Revierv Board choose to make a preliminary recommendation of approval to the Vail Touryr Council on the redevelopment proposai lor tbe Vail Plaza Hotel, staff would suggest that the folbwing finding and conditions be made parr of the recomrnendarion: "Upon the preliminary review and consideration of thc redcvclopmcnt proposal lor the Vail Plaza Hotel, the Board finds that tire Vail Plaza Hotel will be compatible with existing structures, the hotel's surroundings and with Vail's environment. The Board further flnds that ue proposal is in cornpliernce rvith the applicable provisions of the Dcsign Guidclincs prcscribed in Title 12, Chapter 1l of the Town Code and the Vail Village Ivlaster Plzur & Urban Design Considerations. 1herefore, the Board recommends approval of the redevelopment proposal for the Vail Plazl Hotel. The Boud's recommendation of approval carries witir it the follorving conditions: l. That the appiicant submits a final landscape plan, ilnal off-site irnprovements plan, and outdoor iiehting phn iu rccordancc rvith the provisions prescribed in the Zoning Regulations for revierv and approval of'the I)esign Review Board. ?. That the appiicant submits a frnai exterior building materials list and oolor rendering for revierv iind approval of the Desigr Review Board. 3. That the applicant submits a comprchcnsive sign progrum proposal fbr the Vail Plaza Hoiel.4. That. the applicant submits a roofitop mechanicai plan prior to the issuancc oia building pennir. All root:. top mcchanical equipment shail be enclosed and screened from public vierv. s I'ECYCLED PAPER Attachment A t : tl it; ii .x94, -i;:.:rc 'l/,'";,r'' l:t:-,1 : J\.'1,,.:: i \ix.' J:',: l.! t,' [+ t' l: ,,r, .,! '.:Ii::r .t (,oe) cYou rv^ Attacbment B .tr ??=gdH U- N dR .i .^gB .: ;-trc ,fio(! *Ea il a FPt r b., <oc tr 6. FEO F S-- P; E U i.j6 -q e N .6 er$ PFP , 5- e*d ;E g ? ; =d E** € = (, ii oo o o :. -e*f FE* E b tE Fi \ s b IH --ei i * *P := S E aobL, RR R$s. E R R E =g^O.63ct: gE F=r!g;'t9 &€ N(\t- E 6O! s* EI ;E q aF4gEss$.:figF : 6t;6F 6':.E.= .: d o=E o .Ft {58 j rE b :l o i,i_r € 6 eYgH| slF*s F s=mgg€ E EFI Hbags b E;gd'EE g 'El su*$5 * sss;8sg:e +g>l - @ =:i (\l (rt l':55<$- ?c E E HRE.iaaed N E 6 € € 3.,! ; E F 5 5 E;q * Y- ^ : : 5aF F E!+ 5 -'; e 55 ; 3 o oi b3.d- e €; * -__ f t ti * *No- o- aZ 6 irbb io d 6N 5 5L(t t> (O NN(.{ I aL cLF lrt F O 6'a(9 c{ Eo .o oE olcl trl 8l €l fi p,Sgs H*sisfg;t FF gess ;€lc(ll 5 eEl -. cilia 'A gl ;3 P<lE# i*lE; EEI:; 5rl aa 8SO'N(rto(o ta) t!oss E Frls p*ila gEl3 g#l Attachent C Vail Plaza Hotel Proposal Comparison (revised l2ll3l99) The following table provides a comparison between the 1998 Vail Plaza Hotel proposal and the most recent 1999 Vail Plaza Hotel proposal Development Standard/ Lot Area: GRFA: Dwelling units per acre: Site coverage: Setbacks: front: sides: rear: Height: Parking: Loading: Gross Building Area: Conference/ Meeting Facility: Spa Area: 1998 SDD Major Amendment Proposal (reiectedl 150,282 sq. ft. 133% or 200,460 sq. ft. (129,156 sq. ft. proposed) 0.29 du/acre (276 au) (15 tru) (1 du) 62% or 92,637 sq. ft. 12' 5"2"&6', 8', 85.75'sloping 87.5'(arch.proj.) 394 parking spaces six berths approx. 395,862 sq. ft. approx. 21,009 sq. ft. approx. 27,802 sq. ft. 1999 SDD Major Amendment Proposal '150,282 sq. ft. 118Eb ot 176,910 sq. ft. (105,606 sq. ft. proposed) 0.29 du/acre (99 au) (48 tru) (1 du) 62% or 92,637 sq. ft. s',, 2" & o', 5', 74.25'sloping 93.5'(arch. proj.) 288 parking spaces (246 new parking spaces) (42 existing parking spaces) five berths approx. 328,958 sq. ft. approx. 15,338 sq. ft. approx. 24,799 sq. ft. Plus/Minus No Change 16% or 23,550 sq. ft. ( - 23,550 sq. ft.) No Change - 177 au +33fiu No Change No Change -5 nc, nc, &6 -3', -'t1.s', +6' - '106 parking spaces - one berth - 66,904 sq. ft. - 5,671 sq. ft. - 3,003 sq. ft. F:\everyone\pec\memos\wipc Attachnent I) ttrl-JPt:]. 1r.- L | | l\ a ,\ hl l) r\ 5 li t .t ( . | ,{ I i: ;. . lf'rt Tuesday, October 19, 1999 IvIr. George Rrrther Senior Special Projects Planner Town of Vail Department of Community Developrnent 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Plaza Hotel George: This is a written description of off-site impacts and their proposed mitigation as requested by your letter dated l0/13/99. Pedestrian Impacts -Vail Road. We will be providing streetscape improvements in accordance with the streetscape master plan for the eastem side of Vail Road from the corner of East Meadow Drive to the northern most property line of our site. These improvements include new "Village" light hxtures and standards, curb and gutter, and a six-foot wide brick paver sidewalk to match the color, pattem, and size of the existing sidewalk at East Meadow Drive.. Additional landscape rmprovements and final sidewalk coniiguration will be provided in accordance with design review zoning regulations. Pedestrian Impacts - East iVleadow Drive. The Vail Plaza Hotel is proposing to provide streetscape improvements in accordance with the streetscape master plan for the northem side of East Meadow Drive from the comer of Vail Road to the westemmost of the Vail Village Inn PhaseIA structure to mitigate pedestrian impacts in this area. The proposed improvements include replacement of the existing cube fixtures with new "Village" light fixtures and standards and a six- foot wide brick paver sidewalk to match the color, pa11ern. and size of the existing sidervalk at the corner of East Meadow Drive and Vail Road. Additional landscape improvements and final sidewalk configuration will be provided in accordance with design revidw zoning regulations. Pedestrian Impacts - South F rontage Road. The Vail Plaza Hotel is proposing to provirle streetscape tmprovements in accordance rvith the master plan lbr the southem side of the South Frontage Road fi'om the comer of Vail Road to the westernmost curb of the Vail Village Inn Phase V driveway to mitigate pedestriau impacts in tiris area. The proposed improvements include ne.v "Village" light hxtures and standards. curb and gutter, and a six-foot wi<le brick paver sidewalk to match tl-re color. pattem. and size of the existine sidervalk at along the South lrrontase Road. Additional iandscape improvements and ljnal sider.valk contiguration rvill be proviclcd in accordance with design review and other applicablc zonrng regulations as rvell as L'olorado Department of Transpoftation. Pedestrian Impacts - South Frontage Road. The Vail Plaza I"Iotel is proposing to provide streetscape tmprovements tn accordance rvith the master plan for the southern side of the South Frontage Road fi'om the eastemmost curb of the Vail Village Inn Phase V driveway to the westernmost comer of East Meadorv Drive (Crossroads) to mitigate pedestnan impacts in this area. The proposed improvements include white concrete standard curb and gutter. and a six-ibot rvirle, four-inch thick, reinforced. white concrete sidewalk. Tl"rese improvements specrfically exclude utilify relocation. engineered structures fbr retaining earth or support of the sidewalk. handraiis, .rJ.:r tiii 1 I i -tjt ,rrL \ .l.,rii. I , "tr.J t1:l 1.riiJrt..\l,lij::r_.\1,1. -\ii{-ji lilLi _il irl; B. C. D. Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Zehren and Associates, Inc. 10n9/99 guardrails. or walls meant to provide for the safety of pedcsfians on the sidewalk, and/or drainage systems meant to control surface water runoff. It is assumed that the items specifically excluded will be provided by another entif'/ to be coordinated with the proposed sidewalk. Additionally it is assumed that all improvements along the South Frontage Road will be at the discretion of the Colorado Department of Transportation. E. Public Transportation Impacts - East Meadow Drive. The Vail Plaza Hotel is proposing to provide public transportation infrastructure improvements in accordance with the streetscape master plan for a new bus stop adjacent to the westernmost portion of the Vail Village Inn Phase IA structure to mitigate impacts in this area. The pronosed improvements relocation of fixed bus signage and f-xtures, and a bus stop similar in size, materials and character to the existing bus stop located on the south side of the roadway. Additional landscape improvements and final configuration will be provided in accordance with design review and other applicable zoning regulations. It is our understanding that the existing surface water runoff from the existing structures and the proposed strlchtres on the site is would be in the same quantities and would drain to the same locations as currently exist. Additionally, we would assume no increase in surface water on our site would occur from the design of proposed drainage struchrres on the South F-rontage Road. Therefore would assume that no major drainage infrastructure improvements would be necessary to accommodate the proposed structures. Please do not hesitate to contact me with anv cuestions or concems. Sincerely, Tim Losa Project Manager Zehren and Associates, lnc. i-i-_ t- iLlll.t Ir! ,\i.i l.t .\.:..,(r{.1,\ij:'r lr't ( Tuesday, October 19, 1999 Mr. George Ruther Senior Special Proj ects Planner Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South lirontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Plaza Hotel George: This a final written statement as requested by your letter dated 10113199 to address design criteria A through I as outiined in section 18.40.080 of the town code. It is our understanding that these nine (9) criteria are to be used in evaluating the merits of the Vail Plaza Hotel, the final phase of the Vail Village Inn Special Development District. A. Design Compatibility. We believe that the hotel is designed in such a way that rs both compatible and sensitive to the environment, neighborhood, and adjacent properlies. Setbacks are consistent with the underlying zoning in that they maintain ar average of twenty feet (20') from most adjacent propefiies to the primary building walls. Additionally, the sfucture maintains setbacks consistent with adjacent properties along both the Frontage Road and Vail Road. Ivlass and bulk are sensitive to adjacent structures in that the hotel is designed to step up in height and bulk frorn both the sfreet and adjacent smaller strucfures in order to maintain a comfortable pedeskian scale while maintaining consistent heights with adjacent strucfiires roof lines and ridges. Additionally, we have purposeflrliy hipped most of the roof forms at or along public streets and plazas to provide a consistent bulk plane at street level. The stepping and broken ridge lines, along with variations in materials and wall planes aot to break down ttte overall mass and bulk of'the project and relate the hotcl to the surrounding neighborhood. The architectural design is neant to be both compatible with both thd Gateway building and the remainder of the special development distnct rvhile providing some identity to the hotel as both a recognizabie and vrable commercial shucture within the conrmumty. Uses, Dcnsit"v, and Activitv. The Vail Plaza Hotel is the last pl.rase of the Vail Village hrn Spccial Development District and as such r.vas ahvays nreant to be the anchor or most densely develolted portion of the distnct. As a ftril service hotel. r,vhich inch-rdes conf-erence. spa. restaurant. and commerctal activities, the hotel meant to act as a ''rnagnct" that dralvs people tlrough the other smaller, commercial based stmctures in the special development district, (including the Gatervay building). Additionally. the hotel is legally requiled to provide loading and delivery services, automobile access, aud parking tbr the remaindel oIthe special developmerrt district. Parking and Loading. We believe our parking and loading lacilities are in compliance with the requirements of chapter 18.52. We are providing six (6), 12' x 25'x 14' underground loading berths. The maximum required is live (5) 12' x 25' berths in accordance with I 8.52. 150. We believe our parking facilities meet required number ofspaces required blz zoning chapter 18.52. \ki-illii:t :i,;il..f'r ,\ir'.:i.ri. "1i,til-i{ii .,1(_ il.tl",jt.*r{ ii,l ,.\}i( 'ili!:1 j'- i.,l: B. C. i -'. .. r9-ll. rr:+(r l{.ri11) Vail Plaza Hote I 961 070.00 Zeluen and Associates, lnc. t}t]19t99 D. Conformitv rYith Nlaster Plan. We believe our development substantially complies with the goals expressed in the various plans contained within the adopted Vail Village Master Plan. The Laud Use Plan indicates our site as Medium/High Density Residential and as such recommends a lodging orientation rvith a limited amount of accessory retail. We are proposing to provide an increased amount of "urban open space" or public plaza and buffering greenspace in the areas indicated as such in The Open Space Plan. We believe that our project complies with the recommendations in The Parking and Circulation PIan. We are proposing an intemal connection to the Vaii Gateway shared pedestrian/auto area as indicated, an improved pedestrian connection to East Meado,,v Drive including new bus facilities as indicated, and a secondary extemal pedestrian connection to Vail Road befween phase five and our project. Additionally we would be providing sidewalk improvements from the new bus stop on East Meadorv Drive to the Cateway on Vail Road, and BikelPedestrian sidewalk improvements from the Vail Gateway to the Vail 'I'ransportation Center on the Frontage Road. We believe that our design substantially complies with Building lleight Ptan in that the plan indicates buildings offive stories both to the east and west ofour site along the lrontage road and north and south of our site on Vail Road. Our design maintains this four to five story relationship wilh our neighbors. We feel as though the three to ibur story designation is inconsistent with current conditions and are not applicable as they relate to our site. It is our understanding that these heights indicated in the plan were based on preserving viirvs to Vail Mountain fiom the four way stop at tlre Intersection of Vail Road and the Frontage Road prior to developrnent of the Vaii Gateway and the Roundabouts. Because these views no longer exist with the development of the Vail Gateway as acknowledged in the plan, and because stopping to view the mountain is actually discouraged by the movement of traffic in the roundabout, we lbel that these standards may no longer apply. The Action P/an indicates our site as an area tbr potential residentiali lodging infill in accordance with previous town approvals with which our proposed project is consistent. The Vail Village Sub-At'eas I-l of the Vttil Villuge Master Pian indicates our site as the llnal phase of SDD #6. In doing so, it identifies a series of goals, which we believe we comply with. Item 1.2 encourages "the upgrading and redevelopnrent ofresidential and commercial facilitres." Iten 2.3 "strongly encourages the development short term accommodation units" and recognizes tlrat rvhen units are "developed above the existing density levels, they should be managed in such a way that allows for short term ovemrght rental". . Item 2.4 encourages the developmcnt of new oommercial 'infiil compatible rvith existing land uses. Itent 2.6 encourages the developrnent of aflbrdable housing units and may be recluired as part of any redevelopment project requesting a densily over levels allowed by existrng zonlng. Ilent 3.2 recognizes the rvill to "reduce vehicular tralllc in the village to tlte greatest extent possible". Iten 4. I encoura-qes the impr ovement of existing open space to create uer,v plazas with greenspace. Itern 5.I recognizes the need and desire to provrde fbr parkin_u demands on site and n,ith underground and visually concealed palking. Item 6,1 recognizes the need to provide serv'ice and delivery facilities fbr exisring and nerv develooment. .8. Natural Ilazards. We believe there are no nafural hazards that may afi-ect develooment of this site. F. Site and Building Design. We believe rve have addressed thrs issue by complance rvith the Vail Villaee Master Plan. Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Zeluen and Associates, Inc. 10il9t99 U. H. Pedestrian/Vehicular Circulation. We believe we have addressed this issue by compliance with the Vail Village Master Plan. Additionally, traffic studies indicate that vehicular circularion pattems are considered safe and have relatively little impact on existing vehicular circulation systems. Functional and Aesthetic Landscaping, We believe we have addressed this issue by compliance with the Vail Village Master Plan. Additionally, we believe we have substantially improved on the amount and quality of publicly accessible plazas, greenspaces, and pedestrian circulation systems. Phasing Plan. The development will be constructed in one phase with completion anticipated for late fall of 2001. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concems regarding the information presented. Additionally, if you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, *1. _ -tI - '--+-- Tim Losa Project Manager Zehren and Associates, Inc. At tachiirent E .,,". ".. l::;a' i !t: r= Fs :i ?9rsi HE E tilEi6a; E;Ec$ F: E SgEE: 3P Ri !{i: t: E *iEilHa:g ;i!i;H3$F T'Ea' )/ tii lt ti I tl ill trL 111 1, t. w 6i' o UZ*14 ='F = =EH zol-oula ut(Eoo uto JJ (9z @a =(JzoJfo o 'fn"{,9 n4,^ ot. *s \)/.6 1, o I ;; :4 ,'A A rt'f lI I I I I I I I - I I I - - - - - Attachment F 'a , rl()*.AO\Ya,rF o\t-- -. t\ir.Y FlN:€qE -El^:: -!, -o.42s - (\ .? ta,i>. 'q) o\6 c FIFILql {) 7. z'i i,_ ,; ?M,cr: ;i ;li !;,trit ur" i. - j tti i xlotio f.rtIt 6tN 6g -A.Ft -.x Jqa llt tt v1 ,q) ) g\g\a FIFI o {t 7. -l(u{:}AVHira cqNtrlbY -ft, -t -.-fi Z: 1 -:: i; rt(Ii -: :'i- i: ianrr': i,! llJ -- l: -- N:i |t ;;r .f, 4 ?2 ,!) o\(t\ a{al 3 z ffitq)+r ;lx*- -iN,a -lA - -.E .€q Z:! H. '.: =! .; ::i r.- : 19.+ rl rff ta nh r -q) f.AO\.v o\rFaH- -FibY (\INrcg; -EA: -; -€.-Zaa - z':. i d! ': l:l iL !, : 11r ,rf ! i:; ! !i-l , ar \o 't) a * -(l) *,AO\\i €\rF o\ HF6dNr 6{ .E -EFrF XC.42 - z: i ,,t : I .l - ?, l:.fii s r:r ;: i; i:r n*i :F '+i{Sr'4 - * ,-r 4*sn s* :#i* +*r {tql+" {* |-. Al v) ,q) o\o\o\ at(\ () q, z -o):) vfT(E CENt,bY -AFl -lr- -,b\a z'- | r.!.- i; ;: E? ',. r'i ; !: ir!Ii. 's tli N:; rfrrl'fi i hrI [!li 1# lr ilk 11 ili i. , r-I['tN'"![1 € a a vI €\€\6 (\FI q) (u Z trt €).{j A F -t cgN -a -A -l -l.!lfl a, C a , o\o\a\ 6l6l q, q, '2. -c,*.Atf*l c€ NFT -/t, - -r- -tra ' ' -+'. Attachment G II C) |JA5rzarFs ---FfbY FtNhG; A: -J -5,42a t 7. L.i .,:' (t: , i- tll - \l I ?=; -:at:i -J .g?= =o'/.=.x Eq) {-)Aa.t{ c\F$ -F - .'i\.U il \ -r-6_d -Eta) -+.4 /.f,l ? i"t. 4.5rl ir g aa) au?3 ;.v., =Y^l-=2!.f, O tr 'a! -q) l.AC\vo\ F5 --- ...ibY FINhG; A=l+r :', -O.42,a z. -., l(. l{l s&* '4Fl ."fl aw6$ ##h." {[ilFlsr !r *E IE 4; :.*t; r't _ ==(*lE*= lJn lL -lq)*.)A6Y€\lFr' + -Fr r-i Ni:G.6 -iA-H -y -O.21 7, -l> ul .:. = x- : ^..]: : ,ff llt! Et+, "i + [G B- ='€ .,= = - =et<a' ",it-:-Fl =--i3s j it-,tL -rlq) +JAO\.Y a,lFo\ Hd -^i\.\a alN :':c!; --,-trl-l 3) -g.-z at \i;,,.="-.: *Eil: Hu,, "ilq qtffi. fl'l#[m'fl o .aP !.8 =! 3c ,.il- E AEtt:L - =F=\?.i.c \ -{)+rFt O\vo\Tr e\ -Fr:Fll.Y a\Nr 6€.E -cA-U EO.rrl Z,a afa o WISTI;TAN BANX ITDG. lC tt(xrnt lnoilTAGE noADwBs4 surT8 Dr vAtL c0l0RArx)u6tt TEt.8PttoNB (9r0) It64l2 FACSTMIIX (9t0) f7itfl99 Bannv & PsrERsoN AhsEssor.r rcqrfiffiol.l Aflul.rsrsATLAw UNCOI.IICINTBR 1650 UNCI)LN STnEEI, SIrIT tlzt DEhMR,COL()f,Arpe6{ TEIXTHOI{E (aB) 817-1640 FAgUMI.E 6lB)t37{t97 MEMORAI\DT'M --.,'.-!5 Attechrent U P.O.toxra9 I29 BDWAII}S ACCSSS NOAI', SUIIT AF BrrwArDe, cl)t,on^Iro gr6la TEttPItONE (9:rD 925.92!t5 PACSIMnX (}70)926-r2t TO: FROM: DATE: RE: George Ruther Jay K. Peterson october 19,1999 Vail Plaza Hotel Dear George: The purpose of this memo is wofold. First, to set forth our employee housing proposal and, second, to explain the fractional fee concept. L Employee Housine. Attached to this memorandum is our Vail Plaza Hotel staffing requirements set forttr by deparunents. The chart I believe is self+xplanatory. As you can see, rather that full-time versus part-time, we have used work hours per year which I believe is a more accurate way to calculate staffing requirements. We have calculated our existing staffrng requirements the same way, in order to arrive at a net increase in employees for the new hotel. This net increase is 105 employees. Our proposal is to provide housing for 30o/o of these employees. Ideally, from our standpoint we would like to provide all housing within the Town of Vail. However, besause of Iimited opportunities within the Town, we would request the option to provide the housing outside the Town limits, if necessary. The numbers would be the same whether inside or outside the Town. 2. Fractional Fee. The Vail Plaza Hotel will contain forty-seven dwelling units which will be operated and managed by the owner of the Vail Plaza Hotel. The hotel would sell a maximurn of twenty-eight prime winter and/or summer weeks with the hotel rnanaging and operating those weeks for the owners. The remaining twenty-four weeks would remain with the ownenhip of the hotel and would be managcd and operated the sanre as thc hotel. Tbere would be an obligation that the weeks remaining under the oun€rship of thc hotel be available only as a "short-t€nn rcrtal," thc same as any hotel room. The nrmbcr of owncrs would be limited to a minimun of six and a ma:dmum of twelve, pursuant to zoning rcquircments. Ifyou have any questions, please call. Jay IL Peterson Attachmmt yt-Ft u tAFF (p€rmsnem anc soasonaupad-time)Page 1 VPH FUNCTIONS by departnent TotNl full time equivahnt vFn - l rtrr UJr'lIIlAtll,tlI glrg Seas0l|aupaft-Um€,Page2 noG l: includes'day off ooverage rvere applicable. noE 2: Maid service is based on rooms/maid. Minor occasional flucluatiom in demend (less than 10O% occupancy) will be covered with overtime of the permanent silaff. nob 3: Occasional will be serviced by the Conferenoe weiter slaff and the two shifis restaurant and kitchen stafi in over time. nob {: Same cover more than 1 of the 14 treatment rooms for some treatments. seasonal woft hoursi/vear divided bv the r€oular one full nob 6: it is a typical hours/Doak day of a oart time nob 7: it is the total pan fime'names'on the oayroll.on lhe Wl inqoe- time al same ratio as VPH in for lunch or dinner nob E: Hotel & Club are staffed as a unified nob 9:for the soecified number of l0: all hotel restaurants off the main pedestrian traffic (Ludwiq, The Mllaoer. etc.achieve a note I I : all these uses are staftd based on real dgmand and not based on sa.ft.. or seats or anv other oCrametel: note 12: lt is established in lhe business that the restaurant at the hotel never caDtur€s morc lhan 1 tunch It is part of ouesls proorem to dine out in other r€staurents. Vail is olenty of those. nob 13: The low ratio of indicates that this slaff can sewe more than 2 times this demand. l. -,U MAXII'UM HOLIDAY1S AND PEAK WEET( ENDS days/pcak wk.end days totalYcic?rn ll-NOV 3IfThulrgMng 25+{ov g 2-D6c $Dec 1&Dec Chrlrtru 7 llenrYea?7 Luther K 6-lan 13"rlan zG\ran 3 Linc,Val,Pre 3 Ash 3 3 3 3 StPatick 3 3 Good Fri 3 7'Av wintertotat _l l-55 12 47 Indepqnrlence 3l 3 3 3 3I3 summertotel l4-Aor. 3 15 18 | 2l-Aprl 2&Apr Mothe/s $May 3 Armed Forc 12-May 19-MayMemoriat izaMavl 3 GrandParen Fadler's 2Jun 9-fun 1&rlun 23".lun 3 3 1z-Aug t$,Ang 3 3 2SAug 2€ep $Sep Yom Kipur l$Sep 3 23-S€p 3GS€pcotumbuq I z-oa[--T 1+Oc[ 21-Od. Halloween 2&Oct 3l tt-Nov 181 el 27 year total 561 361 92 Attachent I Vail Plaza Hotel Parking Analysis (revised 1A1A99l Table 1 : A Comparison of the Parklng Requiremenb for Phase lV Table 2: Existtng Parking RequiremenF for Phases l, Il, llL & V Use Dwelling Unit Area 5,499 sq. ft. Fractional Fee Club Accommodation Units Restaurant Retail Conference/Meeting Rooms 10,368 sq. ft. Town of Vail Requirement Vail Plaza Hotel 64,094 sq. fi. Town Vail Plaza Hotel 36,013 sq. fi. 0.4 spaceyunit + 0.1 spacesi/100 sq.ft. Town Vail Plaza Hotel 5,775 sq. fi.1 space/8 seats Town 1 space/101 .9 sq. ft. Vail Plaza Hotel 1 space/300 sq. fl. Town Vail Plaza Hotel 4,047 sq. ft. Factor >2,000 sq. f.t Town Vail Plaza Hotel 500<2,000 sq. ft/>2,000 sq. ft. 1 space/16 seats Town Vail Plaza Hotel Soaces 2.5 2.5 96.5 96.5 75.6 75.6 48.1 56.7 13.5 13.5 43.2 43.2 Subtotal (e) 279.1 288 Existing SDD parking spaces (Phases 1,2,3 & 5) SDD Parking Deficit per Ordinance Previously applied multi-use credit 2.5olo 112 75 4.7 Parki for Pheses 1.2.3 & 5 Subtotal (b) 191.7 Town of Vail Requirement Vail Plaza Hotel (a + b - existing spaces to remain) x multiple use credit = (279.4 + 191.7 - 42) x 0.9 = (288.0 + 191 .7 - 42) x 0.9 = Grand Total 385.2 393.9 Table 3: Total Parking Requirementfor all Phases of SDD #6 Attacthent J TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Vail Plaza Hotel Prepared for: Zehren & Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 1976 Avon, CO 81620 Client Contact: Mr. Timothy R. Losa Prepared by: Felsburg Holt & Ullevig Greenwood Corporate plaza 7951 E. Maplewood Avenue, Suite 2OO Englewood, CO 8O11 1 303t721-1440 Engineer: Holly A. Hefner Project Engineer: Chris J. Fasching, p.E. FHU Reference No. 98-1 74 September, 1998 TABLE OF CONTENTS o INTRODUCTION Paoe Study area BoundariesA. B. B. Land Use,-Site and Existing Conditions 1 1 1 t' il.PROJECTED TRAFFIC CONDITIONS .....7 and Design Hourly Volumes 12 tz Trip Generation Trip Distribution C. Year2015 ProjectedTrafficVolumes ......... g il|. YEAR 2015 TRAFFTC OPERATTONS ........12 A. B. Background Traffic Total Traffic tv.CONCLUSIONSANDRECOMMENDATIONS ........14 APPENDIX A - TRAFFIC COUNTS APPENDIX B - EXISTING CONDITIONS LOS APPENDIX C - YEAR 2O15 BACKGROUND CONDITIONS LOS APPENDIX D . YEAR 2O15 TOTAL CONDITIONS LOS o o LIST OF FIGURES Vicinity Map Site Plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. Estimated Existing Winter Conditions Trip Distribution Year 2O15 Background Traffic Conditions Year 2015 Total Traffic Conditions LIST OF TABLES 2 3 4 6 10 11 1t. 2. Existing Trip Generation Estimates Proposed Trip Generation Estimates 7 n o t. A. INTRODUCTION Land Use, Site and Study area Boundaries Zehren and Associates, Inc. is proposing the Vail Plaza Hotel development to be located on the southeast corner of Vail Road and the South Frontage Boad in Vail, Colorado. This development will be replacing three existing buildings with one building. The site location is shown in Figure 1. The existing three buildings consist of a total ol 41 ,643 square feet. The proposed development will consist of a total of approximately 150.000 square feet of various uses including accommodation units, a restaurant, a lounge, a spa, and retail space. The proposed development will have one main access onto the South Frontage Road. The main access will serve as the entrance to the four level parking garage. A second access east of the main access, will be used for most deliveries. The site plan is shown in Figure 2. The impacts of the project traffic at the site access points and the roundabout south of l-70 are presented in this report. The purpose of this report is to address the projected traffic impacts associated with the Vail Plaza Hotel development proposal, and to identify any roadway or traffic control improvements required as a result of these impacts. B- Existing Conditions The existing conditions in the vicinity of the project site are illustrated in Figure 3. Currently there are two accesses to Vail Plaza Hotel site. The main access is on the South Frontage Road and the second access is on Vail Road. The South Frontage Road runs east/west through Vail with a posted speed limit of 25 MPH adjacent to the site. Vail Road runs north/south from the roundabout intersection with the Frontage Road providing access to several hotels. Vail Road is primarily used for local access south of Vail Plaza Hotel. The roundabout is located approximately 1 1 Hotel. Most of the site traffic currentlv uses t-70. 5 feet west of the main entrance to Vail Plaza the roundabout as does traffic oriented to/from Since Vail is a ski resort, winter traffic volumes have typically been higher than summer volumes. Traffic counts were collected during the week of August 17. 'l 998, and these counts were used to estimate winter numbers based on 1990 data collected during the winter and summer. The estimated existing winter traffic volumes for the study area are shown in Figure 3 (the raw count data are shown in Appendix A). As indicated, the South Frontage Road east of the roundabout carries approximately 3000 vehicles during the winter pM peak hour. The volumes at the two accesses were calculated by estimating trip generation for the existing buildings. Fo.(DG ==.9 >,LL .=c'oo t: ! o O H;;;io=tr:Ef,N.K<; orco(o =o-r?g U) I (g otr o LL I I I i t lJ, , .,rlli peou lle^ o,zoI)F> ;'l v -.)::' .- -\N. .--.- ?- i>3 r ,'tl rltlII t-o +L o) tl 4^L6 !-- 20 ir \ \ fi. Vie cv ------<l 1225--r'ti F loro((\J :_ a I/,/\>,\ tr .<-695 i_irr| .r L. 14---r530- F ;<* I c;/ 6/ "\/r Ar.ato EI i= F o .Y G'o(L tl xxx oz trJoutJ llFrl a) U) ..1 0, (')o= ,t!CW:6\r,=.Eo).gl= r l!=-bpO6 E3 =(', .E .9.x uJ roo (6 E .t) IIJ .-. - o 'E o U) 6 oJ o- Pv)o->9o- g) tl x.l K<; o,zo 3F->lO-rlrl -( -\ -r =vJN. o The total peak hour traffic volumes were used as the basis for subsequent LOS (levels of service) computations, the results of which are summarized in Figure 3 (worksheets are shown in Appendix C) as is the intersection lane geometrics. Level of service is a qualitative measure which describes traffic operations. A letter designation ranging from A to F is used as the measure. A LOS A is indicative of excellent traffic operations with very little delay and no congestion, while a Los F represents extreme delay and significant congestion. As shown in Figure 4 the left turn onto the South Frontage Road from the main site access currently operates at a LOS F during the PM peak hour. The left turn into the site from the South Frontage Road currently operates at a LOS C during the PM peak hour. All other movements operate at a LOS B or better during the PM peak hour. The minor movements to/from the second access along Vail Road currently operate at a LOS B or better during the PM peak hour. The roundabout currently operates at an overall LOS A. $co.o 5o)= lt .- .oo '= F -l /) t) "e .(H 5Vo {* 30Vo .5co {*- ,.v *Jct .Olc/ Jn o,zodlF>4::i;i r.,, J N. o K<; il. A. PROJECTED TRAFFIC CONDITIONS Trip Generation and Design Hourly Volumes Trip generation equations, as documented in Trip Generation, Institute of Transportation Engineers (lTE), Sixth Edition, 1997 were used to estimate the vehicle-trips generated by the existing and proposed development. lt was assumed that 50 percent of the traffic to/f rom the restaurant, lounge. and specialty retail comes from outside while the other 50 percent is internal (as such, the trip generation associated with these uses was reduced 50 percent). Table 1 summarizes the trip generation results with existing conditions. Table 1 Existing Trip Generation Estimates As shown in Table 1 , the site currently generates approximately 1O5O trips per day. The AM and PM peak hour trip generation is estimated to be approximately 75 and 90 trips, respectively. Table 2 summarizes the trip generation results for the proposed development. As shown, the proposed development is estimated to generate approximately 31OO trips per day' The AM and PM peak hour trip generation is estimated to be approximately 175 and 260trips respectively. Approximately three times as many trips are projected for the proposed development as compared to the existing uses on the site. I Land Use: , "AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Weekday ' Building Tvoe Unit ln Out Total ln Out ln Out Total Condo/ Townhouse 230 22 Rooms 3 10 7 12 64 64 128 Hotel 310 58 Rooms 20 1t 5Z to ?A 239 239 474 Restaurant 831 2 1,OO0',s Sq. Ft. 1 I 5 z 43 43 86 Drinking '836 1 1,OOO's Sq. Ft. 0 o I 4 13 13 26 Market 852 2 1,O00's C^ Fr to 17 ??to 15 21 162 162 324 Totals ?o 5t 76 50 40 90 521 521 1042 Daily Drinking Total from 15% of PM Rates Table 2 Proposed Trip Generation Estimates Land Use AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Weekday Building Tvpe In tn Out Total ln Out Total Condo/ Townhouse )24 to Rooms z 5 I 47 47 J.+ Hotel 310 zto Rooms 89 79 I oat t 136 1 136 2272 Restau rant 831 1,00O's J 'I 34 zvl 201 Drinking *1,000's Jq. rI. o o 14 69 t:, Specialty Retail Center 414 J l,OOO's Sq. Ft. o l1 z6 87 87 174 Totals 104 176 't44 115 259 1541 1541 3081 Dailv Drinking Total from I 5oi6 of PIU Ratgs B. Trip Distribution The trip distribution estimates used in this analysis are shown in Figure 4. These percentages are based upon the existing traffic data previously presented (Figure 3). As shown, approximately 70 percent of the total site traffic is expected to be oriented to and from the west through the roundabout. Site generated traffic was assigned to the adjacent roadway network per these distribution patterns and are shown in Figure 5. C. Year 2015 Projected Traffic Volumes Background Traffic Analysis of traffic impacts f or a year 20 1 5 scenario requires projecting background traffic volumes. The projected background traffic was a result of exponentially increasing the volumes by two percent per year. Year 2015 background traffic volumes and operational conditions are shown in Figure 6. Total Traffic The total year 2O15 traffic volumes are shown in Figure 7. These volumes were determined by first removing existing site traffic then adding the site generated traffic to the year 2O15 background traffic volumes. As shown, the Frontage Road is projected to carry approximately 4600 vehicles during the PM peak hour in 2015. Trips attributable to the proposed Vail plaza Hotel would comprise approximately 6 percent of the total. o -". lo=e6=tror=lL o) oo C) CE F o =CD t- 35 83 TI I o Sz 6 431 oo E -=I(, EF 5oI Jooo- =o. tl ozuloll,J ' O,JO&)F>fi::fir'/J = +. -.rN. (oro u)c =o o6c\1 =i!;PPo-o C) rts{- LFtt ot-(',.}.'c) (0 d] \szs-It 1720-i d ou) co o9l0) .:3tr>3q'7, U)5xoiFOt-=gaD FJ ooII 5J6auoo (LL tl oz uJoulJ a J o (E o oodo :)r->6'rrrJU?; J ;;i \-/ J o t r€s\? ro(\l Xx Nlor,.n .t- cs'oo*,c! =EEE -q)O-c) .ortsb(E LF E.F. .ot- iir ot\ra$N!t tlIL 0FtttN =.9Lt t- 35f- 83L1r- l- 17501' I C)lclt IN.a t c3 I I I ; I I i I i I I I I t? >= iro rI \/ l* s l*t \}E aoJ olt a6! to qt o o o lr-l toot:E :El.: -v It66.:r,IE E ?.t= = I lo_ o- (a lu il tl ol gl x x{ glodo&f,F>fi:: =TJ JEEf, K< Y ilt. A. YEAR 2015 TRAFFIC OPERATIONS Background Traffic The peak hour traffic volumes shown in Figure 6 were used as the basis for subsequent levels of service computations, and the results are also summarized in Figure 6 (worksheets are shown in Appendix C). The roundabout will operate at an overall LOS D. However, the only movements that are lower than LOS B would be the south approach and right lane east approach. These movements are projected to operate at LOS C and F respectively, The LOS F from the east movement is a result of the high amount of volume turning to the north toward l-70 and the North Frontage Road. B. Total Traffic The total peak hour traffic volumes shown in Figure 7 were used as the basis for subsequent levels of service cbmputations. and the results are also summarized in Figure 7 (worksheets are shown in Appendix D), All movements on the roundabout will operate at the same LOS as the background traffic showed previously with the exception of the south approach which will operate at a LOS D. The left turning movement into the site (at the main entrance) will operate at a LOS E and the left turning movement out of the site will operate at a LOS F. Site generated traffic consists of approximately 1.2 percent of the total traffic entering the roundabout. Of the right lane east approach the contribution from site generated traffic is approximately 2 percent. No improvements were used on the roundabout for this analyses. The main access onto the South Frontage Road included two roadway improvements in the an alyses: Provide a "storage" area in the existing median for site outbound left turning vehicles to safely pass eastbound traffic. A raised island already exists in the median from the roundabout to the site access providing separation between eastbound and westbound traffic. Minor modifications would need to be made to the island to provide for a storage area. with this "safe harbor," left turning vehicles could cross eastbound traffic in one maneuver and wait in the storage area prior to merging into westbound traffic. With the addition of the storage area the left turn movements out of the site would still remain at a LOS F, however, the delay time for this movement is imoroved significantly (more than 25%). Construct a right turn deceleration lane into the site for eastbound traffic, This lane is needed to remove right turns from thru traffic lanes. This is of imoonance nere because vehicles coming out of the roundabout do not have sufficient reaction time in the 1 15 foot distance to slow or stop for a right turning vehicle. 12 Limiting movements to right in/right out or three-quarter movement was considered for the site's main access. This would require that vehicles exiting the site desiring to use the Vail Road intersection with l-7O {which is most of the site traffic) make a U-turn somewhere along the South Frontage Road. However, there is not a safe place for vehicles to make a U-turn within a reasonable distance. Therefore, it is recommended to improve the main access so as to accommodate full movement as safely as possible which includes a center "harbor" area and a right turn deceleration lane. The second access onto the site from the South Frontage Road will be used for deliveries. Due to space limitations on site, trucks will need to back up onto the site from the Frontage Road. This should be done from a separate lane along the south side of the road. The existing right turn lane east of the site should be extended west to the site's deiivery access. The design of the lane and driveway should accommodate backing trucks to allow no interference with eastbound though traffic. Physical or barrier separation should be incorporated into the design. 13 The following highlight the analysis: IV. CONCLUSIONSANDRECOMMENDATIONS The total projected proposed 3082 site significant findings and recommendations as a result of this traffic trips consist of subtracting the existing 1042 trips from the generated trips. Two roadway improvements will be necessary at the main access onto the Frontage Road. The first includes modification to the center median to provide a srorage area for vehicles turning left out of the site. This will allow for a two-step left turn with less delay. The second is an exclusive right turn lane into the site for eastbound traffic. This exclusive right turn lane will remove turning traffic from the though traffic lanes thereby improving safety characteristics. The roundabout will not be adversely affected by the proposed site traffic. The site traffic will consist of approximately one percent of the total traffic in the roundabout in year 2015. The auxiliary lane east of the site for right turning vehicles needs to be extended west to the second access. This lane will be used for delivery trucks backing into the site. This lane and the delivery driveway in which it will serve should be designed to allow backing activity without impacting the eastbound through traffic. Physical separation should be considered between the through lane and the auxiliary lane where backing would be taking place. 14 APPENDIX A TRAFFIC COUNTS Aug-lA-94 09:25A LSC#Denver Podir' Fix Note 7672 303 33s ILO7 P-Ol U lq'ot$ 'lb '"' lt :c:D C^ort'tt u 'N\^suuts [** octL ClE ge TabdEtta I [aa,' f]carrorlauo To C<rgd1 LqE Fix I CqnrEiE Chs,, {_n*.rni"1( t-t ut Tchplsro I .:..'t * n tttt Fqr ccrFY LGItrN F.r I Otfllal Dir06ird1 couilrEn iEAsuREs, ll{c. 0ircctionr 0ir I PA6Er I FILEI VAIL 0AIE: E/17/98 utR0ll 0tr TFROI{ 0il Eit0ll EFRoI{ oil oFF I700t{ 170 \/dlL}r yAlttl R0r8l oFf 0f{ oFt VAITS VAILS ON OFF ]lilE I0IiL l700li EEGIN CLASSIFIEO SLIP 1:00 Plr.l( l:30 1:{5 IIR IOIAT 2:00 Pt{ ?: l5 2:30 2:15 HR I()ITI 151 l[1Ito lt6t{9 H0t52 tt3 565 f8o 95{ 995 1009 970 3928 928 819 9t5 a(a 3651 t{ ,IA l5 6t It7 t|5 u9 tle 520 62 18 103 62 33 103 68 38 93 69 {{ 98 261 163 397 103 58toa 66i2 ta9{ 58 393 280 72 42 6E Ub 258 133 70 73 153 85 81 rs6 t03 105 157 88 67 599 316 329 tss r22tst 82 116 t33 t20 106 542 t{3 79 63 68 261 I r( 6 t8 {6 17 {t 89 ls9 7l 60 40 t2 129 65 5e li r02 t3{ 686{ t0 85 l{9 89 230 176 3r9 571 293 oAY lolrl 7519 PERCII{I of IOIAL 5t7JJ) {.5 t91 b.) t07 l.f 7{6 I170 9.8 15.1 t10 597 t085 1022 8,4 7.9 t1.r r3.5 u.0 P -O?t, I(rdz lTl 303 333 1107 H t -1o H I -1o PAGE. B2343 333 11A?RUG 18 '98 11:A5 Aug- la-98 09 :26A LSC#Denver v () (- G- /*i t fl,*q-j -l -te bl s\\.J a7<> @ t o F\ cto -r't { tesc.1 -\+ APPENDIX B EXISTING CONDITIONS LOS o ' HCS: Unsignal.ized i!:terseci j.cns Release 2.19 ACC2.HCO pag3 t Cencer For Microcomputers In TransDor:ation Uniwersicy of Florida 512 Weil tial1 ija Inesvf J-1e, r'L 5ZoLI-2U53 Ph: (904) 392-0378 Streets: (N-S) Vail Road (E-W) Access 2 Ma i r1r qi r6aF n i rp.-r' i .\n }\Ic i.Fl.l.rih .\f Tirn. Ana i.(rzs'l l R 1mi n\. - . rJ \r(rrr/ Jt.rlcllyliL ,.... I-t_&.1 Daie of Analysis ... 8/25/98 OE.her Information. .Peak Hour Existing Two-eray SEcp-con:rclleC fnEersecEicn Nort hbound !1la Souihbound !rlt\. Eas Ebound LTR Wes tbound ' No. Lanes qi^h/vial.l Volumes rt-l r Grade MC's (?) SU/RV's (?) CVrs (?) PCE'S 0 r <0 N bv) r 0 >1 0 N L4 530 0 000 0 >0 <0 1 11 0 1 1n 'I 10 ! ln o Adjustment FacEors Vehicl,e Maneuver Critical Follow-up Time ( t.f ) ' T.efF'ftrrn M:'i.rr- D.\r .l Right Turn minor Roai Throuqh T:afiic Mincr Road Lefc iurn Minor Roaci 5 .00 f,. f,u 5.00 o. f,u 2.ro 3.40 o HCS: Unsignalized Inierseclions Release 2.19 ACC2.HC0 page z Worksheet fcr T'WSC litersect ion St-Fn r PT from Minof S:reeieLet, -WB EB Conf liciing Flows, (1@h) 732 D,-\iar.rr- i rl arl-ri.i f\r. /n,-irhl qrra Movement CapaciEy: (pcph) 589 Prob. of Queue- Free SEa:e: 0 . 98 Siep 2: LT r-rom Major S:reet SB NB Conf l i.ct lng Flows: (wph) 733 PoEentiaL CapaciEy: (pcph) 767 Movement CapaciEy: (pcph) 767 - Prob. of Queue-Free SEate: 0.98 TH Sacuration Flow Rate: (pcphpl) 1700 RT Sacuration Flow Rate; (pcphpl) M'.i/rr. 1.T qh^ra.l T.rna Pr.\h oi Queue-Free sEace. o.g7 qiFn A . ;.T f *.rrn Mi ni-r'r_ qi?a6f WB EB Conflicting Flows: (rph) 13 06 PoienE,ial Capacity; (pcph) 185 M:i.rr T.T Mi n.\- 'FH lipedance Fact.cr: O .97 Adjusced Impedance FacEor: O .97 Capacity AdjusEment Faclor due t.o impeding Movements 0.97 MovemenE CapaciEy: (pcph) 180 lnterseccion performance Summarv Avg. 95? PIow Move Shared TotaL oueue Approach RaEe Cap Cap Delay l_,ength L_: Delay Movemenc (pcph) (pcph) (pcph) (sec/veh) (veh) (sec/veh) wB L 1 180 > 507 7.3 0.0 B 7.3 wB R 13 599 > sB L r'7 767 4.8 0.0 A O.L intersecEion Delay = 0.1 sec/veh HCS: Unsigoalized InEersect.ions Release 2.1.9 ACC2.HCC page 1 Cenier For MicrocompuEers In Transporcaiion Unlversity of Flo:ida 512 Wei I t{a 1L Gainesvili.e, FL 325:.i-2083 Ph: (904) 392-0378 . SEreets: (N-S) Main Access (E-W) Scuth Frontage Road Major Street DirecEion.... Ew l . T.a:rn!.h .'+ 1.irna An^I\t?a.l 1i /min\ Analysc. . .... HAH Dace oi Analysis . -. 8/25/98 OEher info:'maE.ion ...Peak Hour Existinq' Two-way SEop - coni i:o 1l-ed Inlersection Eas t.bound JJ .L !( ---- ---: ---- o 2 <0 N lzL-f, z) . v) . vf, 0 Wes t bound I.,, T R \T^rF hlr^, ! hA LTR Southbound No . L.,aneS . sE.op/ Yreld vo lumes E 11E Ml^r a /9\ su/RV's (?) cv's (?). PCE's 130 N t 0 1785 .95 .95 0 ru1 , a) - vl 000 1.10 r.rv -t.lu Adjustment Fact.ors Vehicle Maneuver Crir'ieal Gap ( t.g ) Fo11ow-up Time (tf ) Left. Turn Major Road Righc Turn Minor Road Throuqh Traffic Minor Roaci l,eft iurn Minor Road 5.50 s .50 b - 5u 7.00 z.Lv z . ov J. JU 3.40 HCS: Unsiqnalized IntersecE.ions Release 2.19 TILLZ .IILU Page 2 Worksheec for TWSC InEersec: ion SteD 1: RT from Minor Street Confliccing Flows : (\ph) PoEencial Capacity: (pcph) Movement CapaciEy: (pcph) Pr^h 6f r)lratta- Fr-aE qFria. O:I otl- n oo qi6h ,. T.T fr.im Mri.rr qil.a..!- Conf licE.ing Fl.ows : (reh) Potential Capacicy: (pcph) Movement Capacicy: (pcph) Prob. of Oueue- Free SCate: 1294 5{b u -) I SEep 4: LT fron Minor SEreet D!' Conf 1j-cting FLows : (wph) Pocential- Capacicy: (pcph) Mai,.,.\'. T.T Mi n/'! r- 'TIJ Impedance Factor: Adjusted Impedance Factor: Capacity Adjustmenc FacEor due t'o Impeding Movements Movement Capacicy: (pcph) ?171 10 n q? 0.97 n o.' 1n Fl-ow Rate Ivlovement (pcph) InE ers ecc i on Move Shared Cap Cap (pcph) (pcph) Performance Summary Avg. 952 ToEaI Queue Delay LengE.h LOS(sec/veh) (veh) Approach DeIay ( sec/veh) NBL NBR WBL ZJ t2 1n ?aF, ln a Tr.lt- arcr..t- i nn na 1 rrr 1..t I 0.0 B nnF 8 .8 sec/veh >)L.Z n1 * The calculaEed value was greater than 999.9. ARRB Transport' Research Ltd - S IDRA 5.11 Fe].sburg llolt & U11evi9 13 Reg:5.stered User No. 1234 Tine and Date of Ana1ysis 9:12 AM, Aug 26,1998 ei:.:8":"::::i"""In+-ersection No . : * ROUND i SIDRA US Highway Cal)acity Manual (1994) Version RouDda.bout I RUN INFOR!{AT ION ' i Basic Para-meters: Intersection ryT)e: Roundatrout D:iving on the right-hand side of the road SIDRA US Hj-ghway Capacity Manua1 (1994) Version Input data s1>ecified in US unit's Defau].t Va]-ues FiLe No. 11'- Peak fJ.ow period (for 1>erforrnance) : 30 minutesi Unit time (for voLuloes) :120 ninutes (To-,al_ Flow period) DeJ.ay definition : Ot/eral] delay, GeoDettj-c delay included Delay formula: Highway Capacity l"fanuai I,evel of Service based on: Delay (HCM) Queue definition: Back of queue, 95th percentiLe y'ail- P].aza Hotel Exj-sting Conditions Itersectiolr No. : V Roundabout rabLe S.3 - INTERSECTION PARAMETERS Utal Total Aver. P:op. Eff . pe:f . Aver. F].ow Delay Delay Queued Stop Index Speed .weh/h) (veh-h/h) (sec) Degree of saturation (highest) = O. G5G' Practical Spare Capacity (lowest) = 30 *Total wehicle fl-ow (veh/h) = 3134 Total vehicle capacity, all lanes (veh./h) = 9503 Average intersection delay (s) = 4.1 Largest average movement delay (s) = 6.3Larqest back of qJu€lue, 95t (ft) = L62 Perforoance Index = 148.58 Total fueL (galh) : 102.0 Total cost ($) : L237.29' Intersection Leve]. of Service = A Worst mov€lEent Level of Service = A Vai-l Plaza gotel- tl):ist:.ng Condit'ions :ntersection No.: Roundabout lable S. 5 - INTERSECTION PERFORMANCE * ROUND * I ROUND T (Eph)Rate 3134 3.57 4 . I 0.5?8 0.61 148.58 14. 6 Jai]. P].aza Hote]. Ercisting Conditioas. intersection No. : RoundaJrout Ea.ble S.10 - MOVEMENT CAPACf TY AIID PERFORT,IANCE SUMI,IARY t ROUND * I'lov - No. Mov rlFP A.rv Tota]- Lane Deg. Flow Cap. Util Satn (veh (veh /h') /h, (*) x Aver. Eff. 95t Perf. Delay Sto1> Baek of Irrdex Rate Queue(sec) (veh) {est: West Approach LZ lJ 535 M,b 11 T 30{ 1280 13 R 74 3L2 100 58 68 0.349 o.231 o.237 2.9 0.52 3.4 0.52 3.5 0. s6 2.r 15. 93r.2 74 -2r1.2 3.34 South : 5Z Lt 31 T 55 !( South Approach 81 251 . 203 629 LVZ 5J. O L.7 rt. 10r.7 9. 78r.7 {.81 100 100 100 0.323 0.323 0.323 5.2 0 .69 6.1 0. 58 5.9 0.?0 East: 22L 21 T 23R East AtrT)roach 107 254 634 4.9 0.66 4.5 0.59 5.3 0. 98 1.4 5.18 1.4 11 . 97 5.5 31 .49 383 43908 43 966 100 o.279 0.280 0. 656* ilorth: North Al)ploach 42 L 374 1034 41 T 91 2A3 43 R 2]-6 613 100 0.36289 0.322 89 0.321 1. 5 0.28 2.0 0.30 2.0 O.37 1.8 !7 .L7 1.5 4.O4 1.5 9.33 Northwest: North West APproach 82 L 146 625 100 0.234 81 T rzl 518 100 0.234.. 83 R 12 308 100 0.234 3. 5 0.57 4.0 0.5? 4.1 0.52 ,l..l..)-t 1.1 5.73 1.1 3.32 * l.taxinuD. degrree of saturation vail- P]-aza HoteL .:xisting Conditions :ntersection No. : Rounda-bout 'fable S.15 - CAPACITY AND LEvEr OF SERVICE (HCM STII;E ) * ROttND * Mov No. Mov tyP TotaJ. Total Flow Cap. (veh (veh /h, /h') Deg. Aver. LOS of DeJ.ay Satn (w/cl (sec) r{est: West Apprcach t2 L 355 11 T 304 13R 14 IUIO 12 80 312 0.349 v.z5 I 0.237 1.> 3.4 5.f,A 6.2 A 5.1 A 23! 629 .7?"2608 0 .34 9 3.2 .iouth: South Aop=oach 32L 81 31 T 203 0.323 0.323 33R 102 315 o.323 5.9 A 386 IJ.YO 0.323 AA -Jast: East Approach 22 L 107 ^2L T 254 !23 R 534 383 908 voo ,< o.279 0 .280 0. 556* 995 2251 u-b3b 5- t 'North: North Apploach a2 L 374 41 T 91 {3 R 216 1034 283 o /5 0.35: 0.321 2.O 2.O A 0t' -L 1990 v . 502 Norttrwest: North West Approach 82 L 146 625 81 T L21 518 83 R 72 .308 o .234 o.234 o.234 5. O 4.0 A A A 339 l r El o .234 3.8 A ALr! V.liltlLl-rli5:3134 oqna 0. 556 INTERSECTION:J I5{v5u5 u. of,b level of Service calculations are based on average oweral-l del.ay (HG1 criteria), independent of the cuErent delay definition used.For the criteria, refer to tlre ',T,ewel of Service', topic inthe SIDRA Output Guide or the Output section of the on-Iine help. l,laximun v/c ratio , or crit.icaL grreen periods --- End of SIDRA Output --- APPENDIX C YEAR 2015 BACKGROUND CONDITIONS LOS ARRB Transtr)ort Res€arch Ltd - srunA 5.fl Felsburg. BoIt & UJ.l.ewig 13 Registered User No. 1234 Tiue and Date of Anal-ysis 9:10 Al'!, Aug 25,1998 /ai1 Plaza Hotel Itrrt" Conditions !l-.ersection No. : SIDRA US Highway Capacity Manual (1994) Version , Roundabout RUN INFORMAT TON r BACK * . t Basic Para.meters: Intersection T!'pe : Roundabout Driwing on the right-hand side of the road SIDRA US lij-g'hway Capacity ManuaL (1994) Version Input data specified in US units Default Values File No. 11 , Peak flow period (for performance) : 30 minutes Unit tj.ne (for wo]-u.mes):120 ninutes (Total FIow period) Delay definition: OveraLL deJ-ay, Geometri-c delav included De1ay formula: Highway Capacity ManuaL Level of Service based on: DeJ.ay (HCM) Queue definitj-on: Back of queue, 95th PercentiJ-e /ai1 Plaza Hotel Futu=e Conditions -Lrf,tersection No. : I Rounda.bout - Iable S.3 - INTERSECTION PARAMETERS Degree of saturation (highest) = 1.181 . Pract'ica]' Spare Capacity (].owest) = -28 $ Total vehicle f]-ow (veh/h) = 4391 Total vehicle capacity, aJ-1 lanes (veh/h) : ?313 Aveiagre intersection delay (s) = 45.1 Largest average movement delay (s) = 183.1 Largest back of queue, 95t (ft) = 2630 Perfom,arrce Index = 366. 41 Total fuel- (galh) = L11 .1 Tota1 cost ($) = 2267.37 lntersection Lewel of Service = D Worst moveEent l,evel of Servi.ce = F Vai-] PLaza Hotel Future Conditions [ntersection No.: Roundal:out Tabfe S. 5 - INTERSECTION PEREORMANCE * BACK * * BACK * It"f Tota1 Awer. prol). Eff. perf, Aver. -low Delay DeLay gueued Stop Index Speed(weh/h) (weh-h,/h) (sec) Rate (nph) 4391 55.04 45.1 0.764 3.O2 366.41 11 .5 cail Plaza Hotel E\rture Condi tsions-- lntersect.iolr No. : Rounda.bout lab].e S.10 - MOVEMENT CAPACITY ArilD PERFORMANCE SUU!{ARY * llAcK * Mov'lNo.Mov Arq Tota1 r:4) F].ow Cap. (weh (veh /h) /h', (*) Deg. Aver. Eff. Satn Delay Stop Rate x (sec) 95t Perf. Back of Index Queue (veh) Iane tli+ I Iest: West Approach t2L 197 822 100 0.605 7.6t.04 11 r 426 1015 59 0.419 6.7 0.80 13 R 104 244 59 0.419 5.8 0.82 6.0 26.a72.1 2L.452.7 5. 06 South: South Alrploach _ 32 r, 114 r31 ' 31 T 284 341 33 R 143 r72 0.832 31.4 1.960.833 30.1 2.010.831 29.O 2.o5 100 100 100 10.4 8. 68 11. 6 20.82 11. 5 tO -21 Sast: East Apprcach 22 L :,'ta 307- 2! T 356 729 23 R 888 752 0.489 9.4 0.96 0.488 9.0 0.92 1.181* 183.110.95 3.3 1 .973.3 18. s0 1o5.2 L75.94 41 4r 100 lorth: North Approach 42L 41 T 43R 524 916L2A 251 303 594 100 tt9 po 0.s72 0. 510 0.510 3.3 0. 54 3.6 0.51 3. 5 0.64 3. 9 25. 8s 3.1 6.053.1 13.90 Northwest: Norttr West AtrT)roach 82 L 204 443 100 81 T 159 367 100 83 R 101 21-9 100 0.450 0.450 8.0 0. 90 8.9 0.90 9.3 0. 93 2.9 10.99 2.9 8.85 2.A 5.18 l.laxinum deg:ree of saturation rtail PLaza Hotet \rture Conditions intersecti.on No. : Roundabout rable S.15 - CAPACITY AllD LE\EL OF SERVTCE (HCM STYLE) * BACK * Mov No. Mov TyP Total Total Flow Cap. (veh (veh /}r') /h') Deg. Aver. LOS of Delay Satn (v/el (sec) West: West Approach !2 L 497 11 T 426 ,13R 104 6ZZ 1015 248 0.605 0.419 0.419 t -o o. / 5.8 ET 1027 2086 0.605 1.2 South: South Approach 32 L 114 31 T 2A4 0.832 31.4o.833 30.1 r37 341 33R 1113 !72 0.831 29. O 541 650 0.833 30. 1 last: East Apploach 22 L 150 ,-.2L T 355 t-23 R 888 - 307 729 r3z 0.489 9.4 0. 488 9. 0 1.181* 183.1 !t ! J.J '{ a /bu 1.181 119. 9 - \o='.h: No3th Approach 42 L 524 41 T 128 43 R 303 251 594 U.3TZ n q1n 0.510 J.5 3.5 A I / br v,atz '7A a{ori-hwest: No:th 82L 81 T c|5 r( West Approach 204 443 0.450 lp:, 50/ u.{ou 101 .2t9 0. C51 8.0 v.J tl 474 1029 0.451 tt.o .AIf, VEHTCLES :4391 7313 1.181 45.1 . INTERSECTION:4391 7313 1.181 45.1 - Leve1 of Serwi,ce ca.l-cu1ations are based on average overal-l deJ.ay (HCM eritelia) ,j-nde1>endent of the culrent delay defini.tion used. For the cliteria, refer to the "Level of Servicet' topic in the SIDRA Output cuj.de or the Output seclion of the on-line hel_p. Maxinun v,/c ratio, or critica1 g'reen pelj-ods --- End of SfDRA Output --- o APPENDIX D YEAR 2O15 TOTAL CONDITIONS LOS HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.19 ACC.HCo Page 1 f"-rT Far' F.t. M i .-..!.-.1mrrIt- -rc Tt.1 ,?'t.="rc-rr'!!'- ai- i /'\. UniwersiEy oi Flc=ida 512 Wei1 HaLl cainesville. F; 3251i-2083 Ph: (904) 392-0378 Slreets: (N-S) Main Access (E-W) Sout.h F=onE,as3 Rcad Major S-Lreet Direcij.on.... gw . LengEh oi Time Anal.yzed.. . t5 (min) trn: l.\rc1- HlIl Da:e of Anal,ysis ... 8/25/9e Oiher InformaEion. . Peak Hour Year 2015 Two-trray S'Lop-cont:'oIied Intersection Eas tbound LTR -_-- ---: ---- o 2 <0 N 1790 100 .95 .95 0 Wes EbounC LTR Norihbound Sout.hbound LTR er-.\rr/r/ial/l VoLume s P5.f crade MC's (?). su/Rv,s (?) CV'S (?) PCE'S 'l?n 1\T n 1.10 lnl 65 J) . >) . v) 000 1 1n 1 ]n Ad j us c.menE. FacEors VehicLe Maneuve r C=iE ical cap ( t.g) Fol low-up Lef t. Turn Major RoaC RighE. Turn Minor Roaci Through Traffic Minor Road LefE Turn Minor Road s.50 b - f,u 7.00 t 1n z.ou I . .'U 3.40 ' HCS: Unsignalized IntersecEions Release 2.1E ACCB.HCo Page I Cent.er For Microcompuiers In TranspcriaEion Uniwersity o! Florida 512 Weii HaLi cainesville, Fi 32511-2083 Ph: (904) 392-0378 stree:s : (N-s) Main Access Major S:reet Direction. . . . Ew Lengrh oi Time Analyzed... L5 (min) Analyst ....... HAH' DaEe of Analysis ....8/25/98 Ocher InformaEion. -.Peak Hour Year 2015 Twc-way Stop-conirolled Iniersection (E-W) Sout,h Frontage Road Eas tbound LTR 000 N Wes Ebound trll( Nort.hbound IJTR Sout.hbcund LTR No. Lanes cF^n/viall.l- grvyl 44e-e volumes Grade MC's (?) SU/RV's (*) CV's (?) , PCEIS n?n z) | v 000 001 tt5 . vl 1.10 Ad j ustmenE FacE.ors vehicle . Maneuver cri t, ical Gap ( ca) Fol1ow - up Time (Ef ) Left Turn Major Road Righc Turn Minor Road Through Traffic Minor Road Left Turn Minor Road ? nn 2.r0 2.60 ? ln 3.40 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections R313ase 2.13 ACC-A.iiCo pag? 1 Cenier 9or Microcomputers In Transporia-Lion Univ3rsicy of Fiorida 512 We:l Ha11 Gain=sville, FL 326t!-2083 Ph: (904) 392-0378 ,_ SE!-eeEs: (N-S) Main Access (E-W) Souih FronEage Rcad Maio- s--PPf Di rec-,-ion. . . . EW t.-.--f. /-\ i Tima Ana lrrzcd 1( fmin) Analvst ...... ILAH ^5 n - - 1..-,i,-rery s r s ... s/25/9e' Other Information ..Peak Hour Year 2015 . Two-way Stop-ccntroLled Intersecc icn Eas:bound Wes cbound No.thbound LTR Sou t.hbound I,TR No - ianes cF^^ /vi 6l ^rLvv/ 4 rv ^v Volumes PiiF Grade MC's (?) SU,/RV,s (?) CV's (?) PCE's 021 N 1790 100 .>J . v5 0 1nn N . >) n lul 83 3s.95 .9s n 000 L.10 1.10 L .10 Adiustment Factors Maneuver Critical Gap ( Eg) FoIIow-up Time (Ef ) T,-ii .:.r,rn Ma.inr RCad D i nh- rr\,rn Mi -^' ROar Thrr.rrr.rh TrA:i i.- Minor ROad Left Turn Mi-nor Road 5 .50 5.50 b . f u 7.00 2.r0 J.JU 3.40 o HCS: Unsigmalized Iniersec! ions Release 2.19 .qLLA. rlLU D.-a ) worksheet for TfiSC incers ecc ion SE,eD 1: RT irom Minor SEreeE 5la Coniliciing Flows: PoEencial Capacity: Movement Capacity: Dr.rl.r ^r- 1\r rarra- Fraa (wh) (pcphi (pcph) Qrai-a. 942 46]- n o1 Step 2: LT frorn Major SEreet Conflicting Flows: Pocent.ial CapaciEy: MovemenE CapaciEy: P!'ob. of Queue-F'ree (pcph) Ct-rFa. !47 r47n (c :::f :: ::_:::T_Y::_::::::_ Conf licting Flows : (rph) Potentsial Capacity: (pcph) Major LT, Minor fH Trnr\a;in..a F^Fi-/'r'.. Adjusted Impedance FacE.or : Capacity AdjustmenE Faccor due Eo Impeding Movement.s MovemenE Capacity: (pcph) SE 193 0 oz u . bl 40 Flow P,Ai-a Movemen! (pcph) InE.ersection Performance Summarv Avg. 95+ Move Shared TotaI QueueCap Cap Delay LengE.h LOS (pcph) (pcph) (sec/veh) (veh) Approach DeIay (sec/veh) Ntt ,! NBR {I :70 ll0 848.2 R4 1? qqq " 21 i 8.6 37 .0 IilEersecE.ion Delay = 35.2 sec/veh HCs: Unsiqnaiized inEe:secc ions Rel3ase 2.19 .ACC . HC0 Pi-.3 ? Wcrksbee= f cr 1"[ISC In[ersecr- icn SEep 1: RT f:om Minor S:ree:sts Coniliccing ilows: (wph) D^F5Fr- i: l arrrl-il-rz. /nnnhiI \!'/vv"' M^r'5hah:- .r=nz n i t-t;. lr-qh\eqr/esrr-v . \y\._vrr,, D-.1.1 ni Orr=:ra-?r-F SCaie: >>+ 434 v.Jl eF5'a ? . T'l' 3r,.m M^i/-lr QFr-ar-li!J Confl ict ing Flows : (wph) D^.6nt- i r'l a'=ni^i i-1r. f nrrh I Movement Capacicy: (pcph) Prcb. of Queue-Free ScaEe: 1989 Qt- an 4 . T,T '-.rfi Mi n.\r qr raat- Conflicting Flows: (vph) D^r-anr- i i l .'-rrr.-ii-1'. /7\-^h\vg}/qvIlJ.\!J!v.r/ Me i.rr- T.T Mi n.r1. Tl{ Iirpedance Facior: Adj usteci Impedance Fac:o: : Capacitv Adiustment FacEo: dle to- rrnple ing Movements Movement CapaciE.y: (pcph) 9066 1 0.55 : -- 1 ! _tow M.r\/rm.ni /nrnh\ Int.ersecE ion Move Shared Cap Cap / nnnh \ / nF^l-r \\ygYrl/\ygHrl/ Performance Summary Awg. 95t ToE.al Queue F)o l :rr T.cnat- l-r T n^uvfsJ !€rtY Lrr JJ,-/5 (sec,/veh) (veh) Approach Delay 95 41 trI L,NB NB WB 1 * 11.9 F (rJ.t a .Z U -Z !J IntersecEicn Delay = 893.3 sec/veh * The calculaced value was grealer chan 999.9. o ./ai]. Plaza llotel !\rtu!e Conditions':ntersection No. : Roundabout lable S.1O - I-IO\/EMENT CAPACTrY AND SERFOR'TANCE SUM!{ARY * IIJT r !1ov 'No. Mov -tt' Arv Total Lane Deg. Aver. FJ.ow Cap. UtiI Satn De1ay (ven (veh /ht /h, (t) x (sec) Ef,f. 95t Perf. Stop Back of Index Rate Queu€ (veh) Iest: West Approach t2 L 496 805 11 r 438 1003 13 R 104 238 100 0. 5151! 0.43171 0.437 8.1 1. 08 7.1 0.83 7 .2 0.AS 5.3 21 . 08 2 .9 22.26 2.9 5.11 iout].: South Al)I)loach 32 L 114 130. 31 T 2A3 322 33 R 148 168 100 0.a71 100 0.8?9 100 0.881 3A .4 2 .25 36.9 2.31 35.6 2.37 L2.4 9.43 14.0 22.59 14.0 11.59 East: East Approach 22 L 153 306 2r r 356 73t 23 R 908 753 42 0.500 9.5 0.98 42 0.501 9.1 0.94 100 L.206* 205.411.95 3.4 8.16 3 .4 19. 08 115.6 194.20 Iorth: Nolth Approach 42 L 539 906 41 T \24 246 43 R 304 584 100 0.595 88 0.52088 0.521 3.6 0.68 3. ? 0.533.7 0.66 4.3 26.793.2 6. 083.2 14.02 Nolthwest: North West Apploach. a2 L 204 422 100 0.483 81 T !1 4 350 100 0.483" 83 R 104 2L5 100 0.484 8.5 0. 94 9.5 0. 94 9.9 0.97 3.2 11 .12 3 .2 9.24 3. 0 5.40 I'laxiEum degree of saturation vail P1aza Hotel \:ture Conditions -ntersection No. : Roundabout Table S.15 - CAPACITY Al{D LE\IEL OF SERVICE ( ttCM SrnE) * EatT * Mov No. Mov rvP TotaL TotaL Flow Cap. (veh (veh /h) /hl Deg. Ave!. LOS of Delay Satn (v/c) (sec) dest: It I 11 T 13R West Apploach {:to 438 104 1003 0.437238 0.431 ct--t '1 1 7.2 B B 1n2e 2047 0. 615 7.6 south: South Approach, 32 L 114 31 T 283 0.811 38.4 v.crv 5b.y 1 ?n 322 n HCS: Unsj.grnalized fnEersections Rel.ease 2.1g ACCB.HCo page 2 wcrksheet, for TWSC InEersecE,ion SteD 1: RT from Minor Sireet NB 5!t Conf lict j.ng Flows: (vph) Potential Capacity: (pcphl Mcvemenc CaDacity: (pcph) Prob. of oueue-Free SEate: 902 483 483 0. s0 IncersecEion Performance Summarv Avg. 958Flow Move Shared ToE,a1 eueue ApproachRate Cap Cap Delay Length LOS Delay Movement (pcph) (pcph) (pcph) (sec,/veh) (veh) (sec/veh) 9.3sB R 96 483 9-3 0.8 B fnEersection Delay = 0.3 sec/weh o ARR8 Transport Resealch Ltd - SIDR.A 5.11 !.e].sburg llolt & Ul].evig 13 Registered User No. 1234 Time and Date of Ana]-ysis 9:11 A!4, .Aug 26,1998 vai]. Plaza llotel llture Condiiions lntelsection No. : SIDRA US Highway Capacity Manual (1994) versi-on- Rourrdabout rFUT* :T_lY:Yll::_____-_.-._-----'--- * Basic Para&eters : Intersection ?!'Pe: Roundabout Driving on the right-hand side of the road S IDRA US Highway Capacity Manual (1994) Version Input data specified in US units Default Values Fil-e No. 11 ' Peak f)-ow period (for perforaance): 3O ninutes Unit tiDe (for volu:lres):120 D.inutes (Total Fl,ow Period) De].ay defiaition: Overa1l delay, Geonetlic deJ.ay included DeLay for[u].a: Hi-ghway Capacity Manual- LeveJ. of Service based on: DeJ.ay (HC!I) Queue definition: Back of qlueue, 95th Percentile Vail Plaza HoteJ- Future Condit'ions Intersection No. : Roundaltout Ia.b1e S.3 - INTERSECTION PAR;METERS * EltT * Degree of saturation (highest) = 7.206 Practical- Spare Capaeity (lowest) = -30 t Total vehicle f1ow (veh/h) = 4453 Total vehic]-e capacity, all lanes (veh/h) = 7189 Average int'ersection delay (s) = 50.9 La:rgest average Doveaent delay (s) = 205.4 Larges-. back of qlueue, 95t (f t) = 29L6 Performance Index = 392.15 Total fuel- (galh) = 185.3 Total cost (9) = 2379.22' Intersecti.on Level of Serwice = D Worst moveeent Leve]- of Service = F VaiI Plaza Hotel ?uture Conditions intersectron No.: Roundabout lable S.5 - INTERSECTION PERFORI'IANCE Total Total. Aver. P!op. Eff. Perf. Aver. Flow Delay Delay Queued Stop Index Speed-(veh/h) (veh-h/h) (sec) Rate (Dph) 4463 63.r2 50.9 0.772 3.29 392.t5 11.1 t FI'T * 33R 148 158 0.881 35. 5 545 620 0. 881 35. I fast: 22L East Apl)roach l-:5 JOO 908 n tnn o < 0.501 9.1 1.206* 205. ACI; 5Ub 731 t 55 .! 17 90 r.206 134.1 \orth: 41 T 415 !( North Approach 519 vub t28 246304 58rt u.5v5 U.JZV 0.521 .'-O J. t 3.7 r /50 0.595 J. t) \ortbwest: North a2L 81 T 83R West App:oach 204 422 0.483 t74 350 0.483 104 .215 0.484 8.5 :r-f, 9.9 442 991 0.484 9.2 AI,L VEHTCT.ES:4463 ?1ao 7.206 50. 9 INTERSECTTON:I Ld:,L-ZUO 5U.v LeveL of Se=wice calculations are based on average owerall delay (HGI eriteria), independent of t}.e culrent delay definition used. For the criteria, refe! to the "Leve.L of Service,' totr:ic in the SfDRA Output Guide o= the Output section of the on-U.ne tre]-p. Maxj.Burl v,/c ratio, or critical g'reen period,s --- Enci of SfDRA Output --- n0Y, 10. IJUU J.l+r!o&!trllr rutu a00vuIn ?FELSBUBG HOLT & ULLEVIG rngnrccr;g pcrhr o ?fiLlPfu rolrrionr Ngltmb.t 16, 1999 Mr. Ttm losa Zshren and Associacr, Inc. P.O.8c r976 Avon, Cotora@ 81620 HE: Accslr l$uts - Prcpotcd Vail Pla Horcl rHU Refrrncs trb- 99'199I IDcrTlm: I lWe heW p.#td ihas'ffir in rupqr+ to tilI h6r thtcd lloYenrbar 4, 1ggs-r€ggrdng iaccass issu6 il rhe propo$d Vril Plrz. llotd. Wc hrvc eddrrcrcd cach cornmcrn et followr: cffiit 1: Tfts purllltcity at nt fs bckiw ry b tn rut*batt fmn uE *luur qrty otl VailRosd wltltoutt(ffid bftwn hrp. A total gtlctlng dstance cf 3tO lrrt wouts bc rv{hblc |rh.'tg Vd Road bgtunen tfie Foundaborrt ard thE gopocd rqrthcrn ilotll arUY- Thir rEcfing dirtanca ruld accdnmodete a queuG Lng|dr sf rborn 15 vdricle5. On weragc, h ls toncertrl tirt rbqrt I vehicle pcr rninute wlll lJfit lett into lho slt9. and aborrt | 3 vdticlso per minutc will cominuc sogdr dong Vril Road- Urdcr en Errtams conditbn, if dl t4 of fi6! vehicbc wero to stoP .t thc antry ircer:ecrion, l*rn I qucrr lrttstt|l d rbost 28O faa rculcl bo gcrrrrted. Suclr a $tauc lenqtft would n6t crc..d Or rvallrblc 5dh8 dlrrrancr. Howrver. r'|b rc9r!*inr e yyo6t Gata rccnatio. Qneuo lergttrs Era qpctEd tD b. signihctttdy lrsr dnn 2EQ feet. shcs rnot! dttn 1 vefilCte per minutc atE crP.sild b be tbh to urn Lft into the site. By arulurting Srr eveifblc 'grp" timo foe left-nrning vdrictas abrp Vrll Road, h w- estimetEd thrt oloUt + $trlr:lsr p€r mirut€, Of I whfti. t\rcry 1 5 recondr, could tum |aft lmo the site. tn a I *r*onC lmgNal, ebout 4 vehicles lon avaregel rrr forrcastd ro held roudl alcrg Vail Road. tf fU 4 5 dnsc vdriclcs wcr! te stoP st thc cntry intrrscstion, then a ques€ hngfi of abour EO flrt would bc genrrsrd. Srrch a gucuc would not evcn bbck the propored ert drivrwtv of dro Hotd citc' )ol-nl-r.llto ArlB.?zr.GlZ lhriftrlry<os rru, lllrJ ,, LlJ Frorn:10?0 .=qq Crpc;- I 795i -c- itia:xi Are 5c nt Egano{@5Ur o /, iruY.. lu, liJJ J.lJr! lcsa&r| Ar! ,!JJU\,ln llowmbcr 16, 1999 Mr. Tim Losa Page 2 The IruCksI dre rold- tunwtt 2 fE stcrY ndloraisfis assoeLrd wi6 the tnd fIit bad'*tht filt swill of the Vall GercnY ecces on Vall M' |ndnl'don!wh6r6twoacccl$8dr|vewlysarrdocclycptcgd,hirimpgrativrfiorneSafety standpoim that g""d "ighiLrrr;ir evritaOlc rt mnn *€.".t. Seftry at 3uch intsrscctbne mn dro ba improvcd W';;;Adths numbord cofif[cdng uil' This cm be dcnc w restr'lcting lngrcsr andlor cgir t:rru."t.ll-*Tl' In tlrc cse ot thc popoecd llotel' it F rscomrnended thar thc a""1", bo lirrftod to outborJnd morralFflt! onlv {i.r. m lrit orilyl' As noted in our Septenrber zi"frsiirtai* *p.rt. po6ttung ittbourd left'trns a this acscss will "n-ri*. ""inapping tsft-trm conltlcts ltong Va'l Ford' Thcrefore'wtri|ethissPacingisnoreniolr!1{tion.thcFw.lcioncfgoodrigtrtdirtarce. the rc$riction or movonnail=(o**L"a -rn' rhc rorJneri-bw vofimc of sitlng tradffc' and il;"d";il b* ape.d ;;;;;;t i-tld ruow for an acscsteblc cordition' i I Cstnut I the seHtl anils d*s as:g.Ehtf'i, wtfit tE tr,?c Mhg {d ewy LnW mlV air*ars o ;dA h o4*n A ttd h's roxin{ b trl,a nu'&bottt ott ttc Vuh Fmnt4e tud' Iru. I l l u From:10?0 The benefitc end st dt6 Fogos€d dedgrr ol drg fitntrgc road access hst'e bccn idernilid re vewey ls dcdgned such tffi dtllwrY rrrsks frncluding scml-tttilct irno thc unloaditrg/dsl rrea ol dra shc withorn hpaing uaflic on *r,*'nwrr** |nan€urrcrirlg wtttrn trre iciiio-i"nl. elsrlg drc FontEg3 Rotd s'ill still not be impacted' 'Wrong.waymovemonuscgu|dbemadeuprheinboundaccos|.ne.Howel|tr,thiscani. iititE#c bv posting lDo ttot Errrer' rndlor'wrortg wey' r-tgns' As notad bv thF Town's Enginear' enrcring vohldrs could rear-dld a tilck making backing fftilrcuyers ,*.t]'-i'o*"vcr, trialan be mfig'tod by po*cd 'Yldd' dgns et ?he bare ot t " corrv'iil.'';hl; ;it dort an itrcomirg drivcr of potamiel conflica i I i i ^-,v t{0. lllb r,5/5 ! ron: lu Iu lr0v. lb. tvuY-- 3:itr[/!!X!II AITI| AIbULIAf\ ilg' i!L N$""\ ':.-,i_ -:'s ;,' 3;;1[P-- --" I \ I I I I I 1ard Jt' larlAr+rl I lfi l\t.rf\, t i I tr, I" ,T.., I \.'l IfI 3 I35Ist I I I lilI etl -l\l- = EiE!{E -nrtaJ9- - '!f aEI E- 5t.Ih-€a 5- o sr TgTt[- Fr.6 x III, I ZEHREN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.Darc Receiye l{0V s.j 1999 Thursday, November 04, 1999 Mr. Iawrcnce Lang Transportation Engineer tr Felsburg, Holt and LJllevig Greenwood Corporate Plaza 7951 E. Maplewood Avenue, Suite 200 Englewood, Colorado 801I I Re: Vail Plaza Hotel Mr. Lang: I had recently reviewed your report dated Septemb er 27, 1999 with the town enginerr. In reviewing the report and the associated access points, the eagineer would like us to address a few additional items. Specifically, the town engineer would like us to address: l. The possibility of trafEc backmg up to the roundabout from the south enby on Vail Road without a dedicarcd left tum lane. 2. Tllre safety and/or risks associated with the hotel exit located eight fee! (eighteen feet from the centerline of the gateway drive), south of the vail Gateway access on Vail Road.3. The safety and/or risks associated with the hotel loading and delivery entry only access as indicated in Option A and it's proximity to the roundabout on the South Frontage Road. It is our intention that 55' semi-tr'ailers, and 45' passenger coaches use the drive (enry) lane for backing prior to departing through the east exit. Our feeling is that passenger coaches only frequent the hotel during the ..ofi season" or low baffic perrods due to the fact that the hotel operates as a fractional fee condominium half the year and does not have the remaining occupancy to be able to cater to large groups. Additionally, other than the initral equipment and fumishings move-in period, we foresee no semi-tziler baffic although it has been determined that we need to provide for such vehicles. It is our objective to have all other vehicles including 35' straight-body trucks and 50' articulated (beer delivery) be able to tum right out of the strucnte with minimal numeuvers. It is the town enginier's concern that vehicle entering the drive will rear-end vehicles using the drive lane for a backing movemert. 4. The safety and/or risla associated with the hotel loading and delivery exit only access as rndicated rn Option A and it's proximity to the roundabout on the South Frontage Road. Specifically, the town engineer would like some comment on the feasibility and safety of both autos and the larger service tlpe vehicles tuming left on the frontage road. We have preliminarily indicated medians for protection of the center huning lane in this option. Additionally, the town engmeer had asked us to explore additional options for a combrnation in/out 90- degree access. Enclosed is Option B exploring that option. Please just generally discuss any positive or negative impacts associated with this scherne including safety concems associated with its proximity to the roundabout. ARCHITECIU RE.PLAN NtNC. tNTERtORS. LANDSCApE ARCHTTECTURE PO. Box 'f 976 . Avon, Colorado 8162O . t97ol g4g-O257 . FAX gTOl949_1080 N0v. lb. 1999 5:15rU 4!Ul(!It Aitu A))uuA fio. lllt} r, u3 Frour:10?0 November 16. 199!t Mr. Tim Loea Page 3 ovcrrll, it should be nated thrt d|. volsmc of urffis cnrcring rnd criting rhe site i5 vcry low ;"d;;J;il; mfflc is GrDEtcd to be irrfn*cnL Durlng P"k P1iodr' onlv I whi6e errery3minrrtes(onrygag.|icro'rcrstcoto&m|moilceho.erdabornlvctrbhcvcryS ;;; ;'.rr*i.d 1o o,{tfu 5b, or nror'& Al$, h i5 rrr"lp.t{.!"t o";fic will s*r ths Etu lt low sFccds, gn - u", rhe ascegr- ir locs!.d in dosc prcrrdty to I tqndabout wttcrc dilit€ sPocdr arr low. Cutttt'att*flpgtcr,ranam,,**sraaz6vidtthetntdlndiltgu*/dfivlrtqit.'l{|..c€st ts btrfafd h Optft A ud l2's PotiffV b tE f"t on lln Scu' Fruwae5d,.Spiliz/ly,fietowle/.,gs,wwotfrfricgn eorr.u*urt on ip n*eiry ann 'ycff ot Mt euigF '{lrt tE hqcr wvfu tVF vdridrs ufitg ldt tt tn fiotW N' tn rcgardr to the frrritrltw of uucls PmiE lcft To dt3 tuifisc l'rd. it rpp.fr tun dI ;ffi; tcmptat' d!.t S; F"vntud t t thb dlqdd rst bc r publrn Ftqn rn oeg*iottC ;;d;i"t.'tt.,rat Cacrmlmgtrstrhr artbanrl bft-arrring r.tf-tc wiI cprdcttcl lq|! dry! ;t"rJ-;;;*i"e ot'E'-mig*"1durirg pcal gcnodc. Howwcr, tfr do6;'nc n."6rY ;;; ili.,-6g'rt oru,. "it" wiu uc un-srtr, but ontydrdr ddwr fltay hatr.r wdttor lone pcrlods befde an .*.mlr ga9 in raffic ir waibble fq'urrring' ssfr*v bcsmcs err irsue ;;dri"* lccomcr,imCattm-erla rurns OO3O rto" fr€fitagt rord nrtrcn a g4 h traffic i! nol srtffitiErrt- | I In regards tc thc op&on,ot p;pvi.fna- a ggdcttlo !cc!!t dong the ttodtr6 Eld, ws b3ftc'c 6.',fi thb r1=o rcpr.ttltE r ifeU. "pOr, ?rsn rn op.trtionsl $.tdDtittt plovitlcd rhat th: 3ntrv ;J;-* grades'rnecr Tonm criuiia. tbwcver, it apfnr: dgt s s$foot scfiFtraal* could not ir*.,r"# o*ritc wit11o|rt meting I bsctir€ mrrtouv€r ffto ol off of lhl frontaoE road' Sr,rch " -.*u*t would crcatc I vE Y hsltdoue riurtion' lf you havc .ny qucstions rcgrrd[ng our findingg cr if you ncGd dditiord escistrtu, Ceacl call. Sincerely FElSatInG HotT & ULLEltlG Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Zebren ard Associates, lnc. tu04/99o The desigl intent of both options is to schematically meet the development standards and tuming radii of the types and numbers of vehicles dictated by the town angineer and planning saff. It is our intention that we have the approved design fully engineered for confirmation of the ideas presented pnor to pennitting of the project by the town or CDOT. Please do not hesitate to contact me or the town engineer, Greg Hall, with any questions or concefirs. We would hope to have confirmation of these issues by Friday, November 12, 1999 if it is at all possible. Sincerely, Tirn Losa Project Manager Zehren and Associates, Inc. Cc: George Ruther, Senior Planner, Town of Vait Greg Hall, Town Engineer, Town of Vail Enclosures E$arl|ti ;$ /) I I I I \ I I \ n I I l I\ \ \ I I l I I mrlhf ||r[1 ,i mT---_l rm-- l tTl--__] Eff rlgt; : I I I I l I I I I I I I ,) I I I /]ffi''u' -:-- v i\ iil ii t'ii'!l , ii,',,)'4,/I F$lri1t; I \ I l// [/ I \ I I I il I I j I I I :- i ! i I iltl I I I t... \t )\\\\ i::\\\r\\ I \\l I I I ril I tl fi Eft rrir, { I I I I I I I I I / I tll;tiliI tl.\rl\ /r l.\tl.' t t)r ry' E$$rilr; iill iil iflt iill ,,ltl llill ll , )ti tllt/ illiil 11 /|1 /iil /ili|i ll(t I \ I I l rt/ \ ll r, .t/ t\ \ \\t \ . \\:\ rtr '\ -\\ . t\:\ tt.. -\s \= tl/r tl /,/ 1(lr\ I\--i, I \ I tss; 5f3 := ->sE b -IjIF--J$l- Iil[i |{ I{ lll ,a-r-_!t-t! \rJ w )g rffi)ffi €k,# ,\ & <iaq #-ffi,-ffi #,,- Attacbment K \., Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Raad Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 MEMORANDUM To: Town of Vail Deslgp Review Board From: Community Development Department Date: December l. 1999 Re: Vail Plaza Hotel - Preliminary R€cornmendalion to the Vail Town Council In anticipation of appearing before the Vail Town Council for first reading of an amending odinance to allow for the redevelopment of Phase tV of the Vail Village hn Special Development Distict, the applicant has requested a preliminary recommendation from the Desigr Review Board. Pursuanl to the Town Code, in part, "no person Sall building construction or demolition within the corporate limits of the Town iurless design approval has been granted in accordance rvith Title 12, Chapter I I of the Town Code." Should the Desip Review Board choose to make a preliminary recommendation of approval to the Vail Town Council on the redevelopment proposal for the Vail Plaza Hotel, staff would suggest that the followiog finding and conditions be made part ofthe reconunendadon: "Upon the preliminary review and consideratior of the redevelopment proposal for the Vail Plaza Hotel, the Board finds that the Vail Plaza Hotel will be compatible with existing structures, the hotel's surroundings and with Vail's environment. The Board frrther finds that the poposal is in compliance with the applicable provisions of the Desip Guidelines prescribed in Title 12, Chapter I I of the Town Code and the Vail Village Master Plan & Urban Design Considerations. Therefore, the Board recommends approval of the redevelopment proposal for the Vail Plaza Hotel. The Board's recommendation of approval canies with it the following conditions: l. That the applicant submits a final landscape plan, final off-site improvements plan, and outdoor lighting plan in accordance with the provisions prescribed in the Zoning Regulations for review and apgoval of the Design Review Board-2. That the applicant submits a final exterior buiiding rnaterials list and color rendering for review and approval ofthe Desip Review Board.3. That the applicant subrnits a comprehensive sip program proposal for the Vail Plaza Hotel.4. That the applicant submits a roof-top mechanical pian prior to the issuance of a building permit. All roof- top mechanical equipmart shall be enclosed and screened from public view. A {7u"*no"t' AttacbJfuent L Memorandum To: George Ruther, Senior Special Projects Planner From: Greg Hall, Director of Public Works and Transportation Date: Deccmbcr 9, 1999 Subject: Vail Plaza Hotel Review ofthe November 23, 1999 Plans I have completed my review of the Vail Plaza Hotel and have the following comments and concems. Some of these are truly comments, which should be conected as the project progresses tltough the development process, amd others are concems or conditions, which shall be taken care ofat the appropriate times in the process. Required PIan Corrections D a The scale stated on the site illustrative plan is incorrect, please label coner:tly. Sheetlevel Minus Two, the clcvation of the ramp from above proceeding to the 6 lowest level is not 145' as indicated. Provi<ie the slope (%) of thc parking area in the lowest valet area and the locatron chanse ftom 128' to 130'. o Please show all acccss points and durrways to elevators and hallways. Specifically, access to the elevators in the level Minus Two, this may cause valet spaces to be eliminated. Access to the small elevator lobby from the loading berth, and access from the loading berth to the freight elevators. The exact locatir:n of the garage door into the Phase IIi p;uking structure. Show the staging area in lront of the freight elevator and how this may impact access to Phasc III and the safety of those using lhe elevator. Show the location of the trash pickup. o The easlside curb alignment of Vail Road is shown pcr the survey. However, there appears to be one shot out of line, this causes a jog right at the hotel entry, which doesn't exist. The curb moves one foot at this location. D The widths of Vail Road, thc South Frontage Road and East Meadorv Drive along with the exac! locations ofthe curbs of the roundabout and median islands and opposite side ofthe street will need to be shown accuratcly prior to first reading before the Town Council. Issues for Discussion Therc has been significant discussion with regards to whether a left+um lane is required on Vail Road. The hotel location as it is prcsently desigrcd would not have to move if the dcsirc for a le1l+um is there. A pedestrian easement would be requircd to push the walk east to make room for the additional l2' lanc. Virtually all of the landscaping on the east side offte road would be lost. A space of 3' to 11'wide as you go north would ex.ist on thc south building and the space would be I' to 15' along the north building. The need for a lcft+um lane was specifically revierved and evaluated by thc traffic consulting firm of Felsburg, Holt & Ullevig. In the Traffic Report prepared by the consulting engineer, the engineer has' stated that based upon traffic projections, vehicles "backing up" into the roundabout traffic would not occur. A review of the rourdabout design with regards to Vail Road aaffic determined that at current volumes, there is a flow of 321 vehicles in the AM peak hour rvith a capaciry to take 1501 vehicles and a maximum V, gtade at the wherc the grades queue of I vehicle, in the PM peak flow was 484 vehicles with a capacity to take 1423 vehicles and a maximum queue of 2 vehiclcs. The roundabout desigrr allows for a 500/o increase in pcak flows with the AM having a peak hour flow of 481 vchicles ivith capacity of 1 172 vehicles with a maximum queue of 2 vehicles. The PM peak flow would be 735 vehicles with a capacity of 1055 vchicles and a maximum queue of 7 vehicles. This queue does not impact the sntry into this site. The Vail Pl;za Hotel Traffic Repon states the currcnt norlhbound traffic volume of Vail Road is 695 vchicles. The added trips to Vail Road will be approximately 57 trips in and 40 trips out, during the peak PM period. They also analyzed that the trips were tuming in against 900 vehicles verses the 735 trips. As estimated in the future roundabout calculations. The second issue is that the loading bay requirements lbr the site were to accommodate the ruming t maneuvers of a 30' single axle truck, a 45' over the road coach eurd a 50-foot semi tmctor tailer on-site, and to additionally to allow a 65' semi factor trailer to maneuver without impeding the flow of traffic on the South Frontage Road. The applicant has provided an access and rnaneuverability plan, which illustrates that the maneuvering of thc vchicles takes place partially off-site, in the right-of-way. However, no backing motions occur across any sidewalks and the traffic flow on the South Frontage Road is not impeded. Extcnding the proposed South Frontage Road median tkough this acce ss point could solve the question of the left tum out for the frontage road access. It would be desirable to at least provide a left turn pocket east bound somewhere in the frontage road to allow U-tums ofpassenger cars at a point that is determined appropriate. This is most likely at Village Center Chute. The landscape median would need to be extended the entire length to ensure this takes place wherc dctermined. This entire access plan on the frontage road will require a Colorado Departrnent of Transportation revised acccss pcrmit. The transportation engineers at CDOT have the authority to decidc how the access functions. Required lmprovements and Conditions tr The rcquired improvements for this development are a 6' heated pavcr walkway from the east property line of the SDD to the Gateway Building. ln addition any revisions to the curb will require new curb and gutter and modifications or additions to the storm scwcr system. The extension of Viilage-style street lights is also requircd. Any necessary modifications to utilities, landscaping irrigation systems and required retaining walls shall be the responsibility of the developer. The walkway will be delineated in pavcrs across the driveways behind the cross pans. O Frontage Road landscape medians to include cub and gutter, concrete unit paver aprons, any masonry rock walls, plant material, bedding mix to TOV specifications, and irrigation system and water connections and sleeves. o Irnprovements to Vail Road include a heated 8' paver walkway from the Cateway Building property to East Meado'w Drive. AII additional improvements to allow for this to take place as similarly as stated above lbr *re frontage road are also the responsibility of the developer.o [n addition, adding curb, gutter and a 5'concrete walk from the east property line of tho SSD to and eround the curb retum of Village Center Chute on the South Frontage Road. Any modifications to the drainage system to accomplish this work are considered thc requirement of the curb. Work such as retaining walls and utility modifications are the responsibility of the Town of Vail. Details of the improvements from Vail Road to the rvest edge of the Phase I building (Base Mountain Sports) along with the .improvements of the bus stop along East Meadow Drive are as follows a heated paver walkway attached to thc street andbus stop along with all modifications to drainage, utilities, retaining walls, drainage systems, irrigation, landscape modifications street lighting and any adjacent property improvements impacted. The orange street lights existing along the enlire length of East Meadow Drive shall be changed to the Village-style street light fixture. This installation shall bc completed by the developer. A final gading and drainage plan be prepared and all drainage systenu carrying runoff from public right of ways require drainage easements. The final grading plan will have all grades to the tenth ofa fbot. o A final landscape plan showing sight distances, snow storage arcas, and all existing vegetation impacted. u The entire building will require a guttering system , heat tape and piping to thc storm sewer.tr That snow shedding is addressed for the entire building.D The pedestrian walks along Vail Road and the other pedesrian mews are established as publio pedestrian easements.o Complete civil+ngineered plans are reviewed and approved by the Town Engineer prior to submitting plans for the building permit. o All one-way cross over lanes shall be 18' in width and all two-way cross over lanes shall be 24' in width. This affects approximately four compact and seven valet spaces.a The two-way drive aisle at the porte-cochere is only 20' in width between the columns. The valet spaces drawn are only 16' in length. If full-size valet spaces are established as required, the drive lane width is fi:rther reduced down to l7'. To resolve the conflict the parking spaces need to be removed.tr The slopes of the heated and enclosed drive aisle ramps are allowed to be a maximum grade of 16V". An engineered-stamped desigr of the drive aisle is required prior to final DRB approval.D The tbree Phase V parking spaces south of the hotel are not practical. To enter the first to requires the driver to usc thc hotel porte-cochere as a roundabout. The one angled parking space, when drawn to the proper dimensions (9'x l9')reduces the drive aisle to the structure by 1'. This conflict could be resolved by moving the parking space closer to the Phase V building. However, the proposed 4 foot wide walk in this mew is then reduccd to tbree feet in width when adjusted. The reduced width is too ftmow next to the building. The parking space design must be revised.o The curb retums into and out of the site will need to be revised to allow proper turning and maneuvering. tr The south retum onto the site shall have a lS'radius.a The north retum out of the site shall have an 8' radius.o The South Frontage Road exit shall be widened to accommodate the 65' semi tractor trailer. This requires an adjustrnent to both sides of the drive aisle and to tbe landscape island.o The brick paver sidcwalk along Vail Road shall be 8' in width. Elsr Vn r,lcn HoivrEowNEns AssocIATIoN, INC. The South Frontage \9a{ 4d Jarl Road are critical vehicular links to Vail Village and its surrormrting residentialncighborhoods C.urrently on Vail Road, during periods of high tralfic, vehicles tuming iito privatc drivewavs canqucklv cause the back up of norti and southbound traffic. This circumstancc causes particular concern for iheconsequences affecting the main Vail roundabou^t. App{g"ing minimum building setbdcks along Vail RoiJrimoves anvt'rture,ophon to make rmprovemerts to.provide for an efficient and safe traffic flow as well as f6r an aesthetically -TITC p_t.:,tl1alo.n to thc Vail Road corridor. Allowing large trucks. blses and- cars exitin_g the Phase I paddng l*.",*_:_T99" 1t:_-:^t9l$g.f feli,vev terminal to exit by crossing agailst easr. bound traffilc on the Soudh Fron:tager(oad' near the east exrt ot the Marn Vatl roundabour, creates the potential for an unnecessary traffic hazard. Olficers:Bob Galvin Secretary - Gretta Parks Treasurer - paGcf Cramm Directors Judith Berkowitz Dolph Bridgewater El e Criulkins - Ron Langiey - Bill Morton - Connie Ridder To: Town of Vail - Town Council From: Jim Lamont, Executive DirectorDate: December 1- 1999RE: Vail Plaza Hotel Special Development District Amendment proposal The Association's primary concems with the proposal fall within two general cat€ories. o Impact upon the public traffic circulation and Vail Village loadine & deliverv svstems.o compltance with.pnor c.onlitio.r1s of approval, Vaii Village Mastel Phn, underlying zone disrrictrequirements, and the relationship with idjacent properttel and improvements The followrng is recommended to provide sufficient information to make an informed recommendation to ttre Town :-".1T.:11:*_.:,:ry.fj9-th?::,PpTL.gll.T ..These recommendations will have consequences for setUacts, peO."trt-and verucutar crrcutatron, bulldng helghts, ofl'site impacts and related matters. The growth in the visitor, , ., . ,.,,I h" grorvth tn the vtsitor population due to increases in. (recently approved or under consideration) densities forvatl vtllage and Lionshead will result in a. grglter demand upon the loading and delivery system for Vail Vilage. The negativ.e. aspects ofthe current loading and delivery system are adverse to tle economic'ani environmental *JT t"io" "f varr vluage and Lronshead mll resyit m a- grg$er demand upon the loading and delivery systern for Vail Jnegative- aspecls of the curren-t loading and delivery system are adverse !o rle economic'ani environmentalVarl Vltlase and lts surrounding residentirl neiohhnrhnndc The r.itif',ti^- ^f tho r,,*,,I^+i,,- ^ff--+- c.^*being ofVarl.Village and its surrounding residintial neighbbrlioods. -lhgptigltro4 of the Cumulative eft-ects fro;redevelopirent :::Ige_!1T39I"g._..T !r: ryit91. Ropulauon Sgm ge vSrt!1az-a-Hotel a"a otner ii-ita. fip;ftdir il;idrfi -.- throughregulatow provisions providingTorthe mitigation of ;trrite ir"d"t "fitdt;;;A;;Je;ii"ffi;;.*. The lack ofthe interconnection of interior circulation routes between earlier phases of the Special DevelopmentDistrict and the proposed Vail P-.laza Hotel places an inappropriate and ut'necesiary 6*J"r rp""-tr-ffi"iir*iutioo oo ig1?:ll lillj" nght-of-ways. Turther,,the configuration causes the unzuitable mixing gf rypls of vehicles, reducing ttreemcrency and s-ale operatlon ot on-stle lgaqnC 1nd delivery facilitics. The interconne-ction-of these routes ind poini ofaccess was qticiplted and provided for. in thadesrgn and ionstruction of the earlier phases. No agreements .estrain orpreempt the Town from requiring these interconnections. The compliance criteria,.such as the view corridor defined in the initial Special Development Disrict establishedtor the srte, uere rmposed upon the lormer owners and adjacent property owners. The rational'and criteria applied for the Post Office Bor 238 Telephone: (970) 827-5680 Vail, Colorado 81658 MessagerT'.{-X: (970) 827-5856 setting aside of thc compliance criteria is a mauer of fair, consistent, and equal trcatmeirt for forrner owner& adiacenr ProPcrty owners and all property owners in similar circumstances. Compliance criteria include docrmrents ind -decisiolu withrcspect to various phases of the Special Devclopment Districl the Vail Village Master Plan, the rmderlvine zonedistrict:!d collateral rcquircrncnts placcd on adjac_ent p,ropcrtics. The documcntalion of changcs and "orordmirts to thc JPeclal L,EveloPm€nt Dstnct has been reported. Howwer, the deviation or negation of compliance criteria lus not beenjutified as to warranted changes in conditions. resulting effects, and the public purposc s6v,;d. The Association has given testimony to the Plarring and Environnrental Commigsion recarding the foretoias mau61s within thc contep<t of thc wo-rk scssioru thcy havc conductcd with rcspecl to this ilem. Ai thc a-uthority t6 ini-tiatc action on several ofthqse matters falls ornside thC jurisdiction of the Commission or staff, they arc prcsentcd-to Council so as to r€sPect its need to give timely corsideratioi to the concems raised by the Association "It is irxpecffirllv suer*tua fUt because there are a suficient numbcr of new Town Cormcil nernben" certain rcports by consuliants ani stffi with resoect to this proposal should be prcsented and considered as a qrulifier to frnalizing tlie Couicil's advisorv comxnents. Thc. formcr Council, duc to the pcnding cxpiration of their tqbs, dsmuncd on micins advisory co-m.ni.. sccrnins to c[oose instead 1o forward the res.ponsibility to the newly elected Council. The Association is Fepared to give additiinal supporrmg Esumony wtlh r€spect to these matters. . Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Level 6 Gross Squrrc Footrgc Dwellins Unit Dwclling Unit (upper level) Club Units Unlt Number Club Lhit 42 (Jpper l,cvcl) Club Unit 43 (Jpper lrvel) Club Unit 44 (Jpper l-evcl) Club Unit 45 (Upp€r Lwel) Club LJnit 47 (Jppcr Level) Club LJnit 4E Gbper lrvcl) SrbTotd c|rb Conidor (public) Corc (clcvator) Maid Cdr (stair) Mechsnicel (roollnol Srb-Toti Ar.r Dwclling Unit Net Club Unit Nel Other Net Totd Nct Net/Gro$ Diltcrcnce Level 6 Zehren and Associates, Inc. nt23l99 -o 8,0,14.00 Area Dcck Arer 2,053.00 0.00 Aree 814.00 814.00 814,00 648.00 8t4.00 E14.00 4,7tt.N 0.00 t 50.00 0.00 0.00 222.QO 372.N 2,O53.N 4,718.00 372.W 7,t13.N 90t.00 Kevs 0.00 Kevs 1.00 L00 1.00 1.00 r.00 1.00 6.qt Bedrooms 1.00 Bedroona t.00 1.00 1.00 L00 1.00 1.00 6,(n Studio 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pillows 2.00 Pillows 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 12.00 Studio 0.00 Deck Arc. 147.00 t47.OO 147.00 108.00 l47.OO 147.00 t43.00 890h Ihte Receiver 1{0Y 2 3 1999 Pagc I Vail Plaza Hotel 96r070.00 Level 5 Grors Squere Footrge Ilwelllns Unlt Dw€lling Unit (lower level) Club Units Udt Number Club Unit 34 (Upper t cvel) Club Unit 35 (Uppcr L:vel) Club unit 36 (Upper kvel) Club Unit 37 (LJpper t-evel) Club Unit 39 (Uppcr lrvel) Club Unit 42 (Lnwer Level) Club unit 43 (-orwr l-evel) Club Unit.l4 (Lou€r Irvel) Club Unit 45 (Lowsr Lrvel) Club Unit 46 (Flat) Club Unit 47 (lnwvr kvel) Club unit 4E (Louer I-evel) Srb-Totd Club Other Arcas Conidor (public) Cde (clevator, rEch. shaft) Maid Cqe (stair) SubToid Othcr Arer| Dwelling Unit Nct Club lftit Net Othcr Net Totd Net NeUGro$! Dilferelcc Level 5 Zehren and Associates, lnc. ut23t99 t6,146.00 Aree 3',1116.00 Aret 814.00 E 14.00 814.00 814.00 E14.00 9l3.00 979.W 4E6.00 5 | 3.00 856.00 992.00 992.OO 9,t0r.00 Area t,592.00 l5l .00 0.@ 0-00 1,743.OO 3,446.OO 9,80t.00 t.743.00 t 4,990.00 1,156.00 Deck Area 340.00 Deck Area 147.00 t4?.00 147.00 147.00 147.O0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.00 735.00 Kevs 4.00 Kevs 1.00 1.00 r.00 t.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.@ 2.00 16.00 Bedrooms 1.00 1.00 1.00 t.00 l00 2.00 2.0{ 1.00 I -00 1.00 2.O0 2.O0 r6.00 Bedrooms Studio Pillows 3.00 1.00 8.00 Studio Pillows 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0_00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0_00 4.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.N 0_00 2.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 t2.oo Page 2 Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Level 4 Gro*3 Squrre tr'ootrge Club Units Unit Number Club Unit 20 (Upper bvel) Club Unit 2l (Upper kvel) Club Lrnit 22 (UpFr IrveD Club Unit 27 (Jpper Lrvel) Club Unit 28 (Upper Lrvel) Club Unil 29 (Upper L:vcl) Club tlnir 33 (Flat) Club unit 34 (Lows lrvel) Club (hil 35 (bu'er r-cve) Club Unit 36 (Lower Level) CIub Lhit 3? (I-owr lrvel) Club Unit 38 (Flat) Club Unil 39 (lou/rr lrv€D Club Unit ,O (Flat) CIub Unit 4l fFht) suFTotrl C|!b Accomodrtion U ts Core (clcvator) Msid Cse (stsirl SutsTotd (Xhcr Are$ Club Unit Na Accormpdatim Net Other Net Totd NGt NcUGrosr Diffrrence Level 4 Zehren and Associates. Inc. llt23t99 25,763,00 Arcr 790.00 790.00 790.00 ?90.00 790.00 1,3 | 3.00 l,096.00 513.00 I,034.00 1,034.00 t,034.00 984.00 9E0.m r226.W 1.226.00 r4390.00 Ave. Arcr Dcck Aree 147.@ 147.00 147.00 147.00 147.00 r47.@ 147.N 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 93.00 93.00 1,215.00 Bedrooms 1.00 1.00 l.q) l.m 1.00 1.00 1.00 l.@ 2.00 2.@ 2.00 r.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2t.00 Pillows 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 48.00 Keys 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.W r.00 2.00 2.ffi 1.00 2.W 2.00 2.00 2.N 2.00 2.00 2.00 25.00 Studlo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 t.00 o.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 000 3.00 Kws Totel Aree - othcrArcrs Areril-o-Gu*") -z9r2.oo 1s0.00 344.00 269.00 3,675.|Xt 14,390.00 6,598.00 3.675.00 24J63t0 4000.00 Page 3 Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Level 3 Gro$ Squrrc Faotrgr Club Units Unlt TVpe Club Unit l7 (Flat) Club Unit l8 (Flat) Club Unit l9 (Flar) Club Unit 20 (t w€r lrvel) Club Unit 2l (Lower Level) CIub Unit 22 (I-ower trvel) Club Unit 23 (Rat) club Unit 24 (Flat) Club Unit 25 (Rat) Club Unit 26 (Flat) Club Unit 27 (L,owr L,evel) Club LJnit 28 (I-ower bvel) Club Unit 29 (l-ower l,evel) Club t nit 30 (Flat) Club Unit 3l (nat) Club t nit 32 (Rat) Srb-Totd CIob Unitt Accomodrtion Units Unit Type A Other Arers Maid Cdridd (public) Coie (elevator) Core (stair) SrbTotd Othcr Arcg Totals Club Ner Accornmodation Net Othcr N€t Totrl Net Net/Grors Dilference Level 3 Zehren and Associates, Inc. llt23t99 3\A77.OO Area Deck Aree 865.00 93.00 t,u4.00 t64.00 1,209.00 164.00 561.00 0.00 1p88.00 0.00 995.00 0.00 991.00 93.00 1,108.00 260.00 975.00 95.00 95E.00 93.00 979.00 94.00 979.00 94.00 969.00 0.00 920.00 64_00 1226.00 93.00 t226.O0 93.00 16,163.00 r,.|00.00 Studlo Pillows t.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 I.00 4.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 4.00 7.W 60.00 Kevs 2.00 2.00 2.N 1.00 2.00 2.00 L00 2.00 2.O0 2.00 2.00 2.O0 2.N 2.00 2.00 2.N 30.00 Bedrooms 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.W 1.00 l00 1.00 1.00 2.W 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.OO 2:t,00 Avc. Area 365.54 342-0o 4J59.0O 150_00 360.00 s,2t 1.00 r 6,r63.00 9,504.00 5.21 1.00 30,t7t.lx) I,999.00 Keys Totrl Arce 26.00 9,504.(rc Page 4 'Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Level 2 Gross Squrrc Footege Club Units Unit Tvne Club Unit 4 (Flat) Club Unit 5 (Flai) Club Unit 6 (Flat) Club Unit 7 (Flat) Club Unit 8 (Flat) Club Unit 9 (Flat) Club t nit l0 (Flat) Club Unit ll (Flal) Club Unit 12 (Flat) Club lJnit 13 (Flat) Club Unit t4 (Flat) Club Unit 15 (Flat) Club Unit 16 Glatl StrbTotr| Cltrb Uallr Accomodation Units Unit Type A Other Arers Maid C6ridor (public) Core (elevator) Corc (stair) Rooftop Deck Srb.Totd Otber Are.g Totels Club Net Accornrnodation Net Other Net Totd Net NeUGross Dilference l*vel2 Zehren and Associates, Inc. lv23t99 37,t57.00 Aree t,334.00 920.00 t,193.00 |,2U.00 948.00 976.W 95E.00 958.00 958.00 970.00 920.00 1,405.00 | 222.00 r3,966.00 AYe. Arer 364.59 344.00 4,142.OO t50.00 367.00 4.t 14.00 9,317.00 13,966.00 12,396.00 9.317.00 35,679.00 2,178.00 Deck Area 93.00 95.00 93.00 91.00 95.00 60.00 93.00 94.00 94.00 146.00 199.00 40.00 ,10.00 1,23s.0o Bedrooms 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 t.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 t.00 2.00 2.N tTro Studio 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 t.00 t.00 1.00 t.00 1.00 0.00 10.00 Pillows 6.00 4,00 4.00 2.00 4,00 4.00 4.00 4,00 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 54,00 Kevs 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.W 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.W 2.00 3.00 2.00 27.00 Kevs Totel Arer 34.W t2.396.00 94V. Page 5 Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Level I Grms Square Footegc Club Units Upit Tvpc Club Unit I (Flat) Club Unit 2 (Flat) Club Unit 3 Glat) Sub-Torrl Club Units Accomodation Unlts Unit T)/pe A Retrll Retail ThrEc Rctail Four SuFTotrl Ret il Restaurant Main Restaurant (Buffet) Sp€cialtv Restaurant SubTotd Rcatrunnt Lounse [.ounge Other Areas Conidor (public) Kitchen/S€rvic€ Truck DocvAuto Circ. Rcst00116 Maid Core (elevator) CoI€ fstair) SuFTotrl (Xhcr Arcrr Totrls Club Net Accomodation Nct Rctail Nct R$lsurant N€t t ungc Net Othcr Net Totd Nea Are: Net/Gross lllffcrcDcr Deck Aree | 12.00 I12.00 95.00 3r9.00 Level I Kevs 3.00 2.00 2.00 7.00 Bedroonrs 2.00 2.00 2.00 6.00 Zehren and Associates. Inc. ll/23t99 44,623.00 Arer 1,334.00 l:5r.00 IAl.N 3,tz?.W Ave. Arer 353.l0 Arer 605.00 0.00 6tt5.00 Arer 2, | 55.00 1.71t.00 3,t73.00 Arer r228.@ 5,795.00 6,444.O0 t0,501.00 s89.00 t92.00 275.00 466.00 24,262.00 3,822.00 7,415.00 605.00 3,E73.00 | 228-00 24.262.00 4t,205.00 3"llt.0o Studio Pillows t.00 6.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 4.00 1.00 14.00 Kevs Total Aree 21.00 7.4r 5.00 Occ. Frctor Occuprnir 18.00 rr9.72 25.00 6E.72 l8t',14 Occ. Frctor Occuorntr 25.00 49.t2 Page 6 Vail Plaza Hotel 96r070.00 Level 0 Gross Squrre Footrgc Bcs!!- Rctail Orc Retail Two SubTold Retril Lobby Ber Lrbby Bar Lobbv Lobby Administration Front D€sk Accountins Totrl AdriDistntioB Soe - Mcn' 9orkout Men's l-ockers/Facilitiss Trstnent Dcck Exercise/rforkout SubTorrl Spr Confererce Main Ballrmm Pte-convene S[b-'Totrl Confercnc. Servlce Areas Extcrior Circulrtion Covered Ranp (North) Covered Auto Entry (West) Uncovered Entry (West) Auto Ramp (South) Pedestrian Access (East) Totrl Other Areas Resboorns Core (clevator) Core (Statu) Corridor(Public) Totrl Othcr ArerJ Perkinp Provided Valet Spac€s Level 0 Zehren and Associates. Inc. lt/23t99 51,428.00 r J02.00 1.740.00 3,142.00 Arer 674.00 Arer 2,217.0O 2,202.00 1.570.00 3,772.OO 3,019.00 2,44',t.00 t,392.00 1.686.00 t 544.00 Arcr 7,004.00 2.485.00 9,489.0O 6t18.00 I,008.(x) 5,772.@ t,696.00 978.00 819.00 10,273.00 589.00 27 5.00 568.00 3.740.00 s,172.00 5.00 Occ. Frct 25.O0 Occ. Frct 30.00 Occuo. 26.96 Occup. 74.57 occ- Frctor Occuprnt! r 5.00 466.93 7.W 3s5.00 PageT ' Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Level 0 Zehrcn and Associatcs, Inc. ltn t9 Tot$ Rcbil Net 3,442.W BrNct 574.00 LobbyNct 2'237.W Adninisbdiqr Na 3:n2.A0 SF Nct t544.00 Cmfcmcc tla 9,4E9.q) ScrviccNct 6J18.00 Bderior CircuLtion Nct 10273.00 Olt r l,h 5.172.00 TchlNra .lrtzl,o Nrt/lGnu Dlficr:ncc lSOtOO yr){ Page 8 ' Vail Plaza Hotel 96t070.00 Lwel Minus One Grors Squrrc f,'ootege Spr Wonpn's Lockers/Facilities Tr€afinent Deck Area Exercisc./Workout Pool Area Sub-Totrl Spr Conference Breakout Pre+onvene Sub-Told Confererce Service Other Arers Mcchanicel Cqridd(Public) Cqc (elcvator) Corc (stair) Public R€shoorrs SrbToLl Prrkine Providcd Vdct Spaccs Par*ing Spac€s (Full Size) Partins Spac€s (Cdnpact) SubTotrl Perbng Totels Olher Ar€as Net Spa Net CglferEnc€ Net S€wicc Nct Parkinq and Rarnp Net Totrl Nct Nct/Gross Differencc Level - l Zehren and Associates, Inc. ltn3D9 37,696.00 Area 3,1I6.50 2,853.00 6,266.00 | 246.00 2.774.N t6,255.5t1 Arer 3,364.00 2.485.00 5,8,r9.00 7,nl.w o.00 2,12t.@ 275-00 s68.00 5E9.00 3,760.00 SDrc6 ?.oo 41.00 I1.00 59.00 Arer 3:t@.@ 16,255.50 5,849.00 7,g'n.OO 4-498,00 55333.st| 2A625'O Occ, tr'rctor occuoentr t 5.00 224.27 7.00 355.00 Arcr Arcr/Smcc 2ll9t 00 Page 9 'V.ilPluaHotel 96t070.00 Lcyel Minus T?o Gros Sqrrrc Footr3o Othcr Arclg Mcchanical Ccridm (public) Cm (cleaalor) S.se.GED $rbTotd Orhcr Ar:rr 4rc. Vala Spaccs Pdking Spac€s (Fun Sizc) kkinq Spscc3 {CoIIDaco $bTorrl PrrEr3 Ioirlt Ofr€r Nct HinsudRrmNa Tet Nct lfct/Gro..llifi.r.i.c $5240e AB 660.00 51.{52.m s\r?,,.O \{o2.n Levcl -2 268.03 Zdren and Associates, Inc. nfBtn 0.00 225.00 150.00 285.00 660.00 125.00 65.00 2.00 l9itJO 5lra6?-00 Page l0 'Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Dwellins Units Dwelling Unit I Club Units Club Unit I @at) Club Unit 2 (Flat) Club Unit 3 (Rat) CIub Unit 4 (Flat) Club Unit 5 (Flat) Club Unit 6 (Flat) Club Unit 7 (Flat) Club Unit 8 (Flat) Club Unit 9 (Flat) Club Unit l0 (Flat) ClubUnitll (Flat) Club Unit l2 (Rat) Club Unit l3 (Flat) Club Unit 14 (Flao Club Unit l5 (Flat) Club Unit 16 (Flat) Club Unit l7 (Flat) Club Unit 18 (Flat) Club Unit 19 (Flat) Club lJnit 20 (Iwo t-evcl) Club Unit 2l (Two Lcvcl) Club Unit 22 (Two Level) Club Unit 23 (Flat) Club unit 24 (Flat) Club Unit 25 (Flat) club Unit 26 (Rat) Club Unit 27 (Two trvel) Club unit 28 (Two lrvel) Club Unit 29 (Two l-cvcl) Club Unit 30 (Flat) CIub Unit 3l (Flat) Club Unit 32 @at) Club Unit 33 (Flat) Club Unit 34 (Two Lrvel) Club Unit 35 (Two trvcl) Club Unit 36 (Two kvel) Club Unit 37 (Two I-cvel) Club Unit 38 (Flat) Club Unit 39 (Iwo kvel) Club unit,rc Ght) Club Unit 4l (Flat) Club thit 42 flwo tevel) Club Unit 43 (Two lrvcl) Club Unit,l4 (Iwo Level) Club Unit 45 (Two Level) Club Unit 46 (Flat) Club Unit 47 (Two tcvcl) Club unit 4t (Two t vel) Totd Club Prrking Totd Arer 5,499.00 Totrl Arer I,334.00 1,251.00 t,237.W 1,334.00 920.00 I,193.00 |,204.N 948.00 976.N 95E.00 958.00 958.00 970.00 920.00 I,405.00 |,222.00 865.00 I,l14.00 1r09.00 I,351 .00 I,878.00 r,7E5.00 t,983.00 I,t08.m 975.N 958.00 1,769.00 1,769.00 2,282.O0 920.00 t,226.00 1,226.N 1,096^00 t,327.00 1,848.00 I,848.00 1,848.00 l,226.00 |,794.00 t,226.00 | 226.00 t,727 .W 1,793_00 1,300.00 1,161.00 856.00 E14.00 814.00 64,094.00 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 50(x2000 500<2000 500<2000 5m<2000 500<2000 500<2fi)o 50(x2000 500<2mo 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 5fi}<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 50(K2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 5fiX2000 >2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 50G2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 50(x2000 500<20(x) Parking Summary Park. Factor Park. Req'd >2000 2.5t1 Factpr Soeces 500<2000 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.W 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.N 2.00 2.00 2.W 2.W 2.00 2.00 2.N 2.00 2.50 2,00 2.W 2.00 2.00 2.W 2.N 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.N 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.W 2.00 9650 Zehren and Associates. lnc. lt/23/99 Page I I 'Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Accommodetioo Units Total Acc. Units Restaurant Total Restaurant Lounee Total Lounge Reteil Total Retail Conference Main Balhoom Breakout Total Rcouired Soeces Total Dwclling Unit Total Club Total Accommodatior) Total Rcstaurant Total Lowge Total Rctril Confer€nce SDD Parkins Re€uired (phases I1.3.5) . SubTotrl Prrking Mixed Usc Reduction (10%) Totel Perking Required Totd PrrHng Providcd Prrking Dilference Parkins Providcd Existing SDD spac€s !o remainr Lcvcl Zcro Parking Level Minus One Parking Lcvel Minus TWo Parkine Totel Perking Provided Percetrtrge * SDD Prrkinq Reouired (ohrs61.23.5) Existing SDD Spaces SDD Parkinq Deficit Sub-Totrl (Current Rcquiremcnt) Previouly Applied Reduction- (2.5%) Cuncntlv Dedicated Phase 4 Spaces Totrl SDD Prrking Rcquired (phrsB 1,2,3,5) Parking Summary tr'actor o;16 Frctor I :8 s€strs Ergcr I :8 seats Frctor Sleces l:16 seatsrt 29JA 0 0.00 Zeken and Associates, Inc. lt/23t99 Soaces 2t5,6 Soeces 9.51 Snaccs 13.49 Aree 36,013.00 Arca 3,873.00 4194 1,902.00 Arca 4,M7.OO Ar3r 7,004.00 3,364.00 2.50 96.50 7 5.61 23.56 9.51 13.49 29.t8 t49.64 400.03 40.00 360.02 366.00 5.9E Full Sizc tt2 0 4l 65 218 600/. tt2 7< ta7 191.68 149-63 Kevs 99.00 Seet Fact. 20.55 Scrt tr'rct. 25.00 F rctor l:300 sq. ft. Scrt Frct. 15.00 15.00 Compact 0 0 ll s ll 3t/c Soeces 75.61 Sertr 188.44 Serts 76.08 SsE 466.93 224.27 Valet 0 5 7 125 137 t1'/t Total I l2 5 59 190 366 1007. '.assume 50olo intemaUpublic b"ansponadon/pedGtrian traffic - breakout use by ballroom occupants Page l2 Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Dwellins Unlts Dwelling Unit I Club Units Club Unit I (Flat) Club Unit 2 (Flat) Club Unit 3 (Flat) Club Unit 4 (Flat) Club Unir 5 (Rat) CIub unit 6 (Flat) Club Unit 7 (Flat) Club Unit E (Flat) Club Unit 9 (Flat) Club Unit l0 (Ral) Club Unit tl (Flat) Club tJnit 12 (Flat) Club Unit l3 (Flal) Club Unit 14 @at) Club thit 15 (Flat) Club Unit 16 (Flal) Club Unit t7 (Flat) Club Unit l8 (Fla$ Club Unit l9 (Flat) Club lJnit 20 (Two l-cvcl) Club Unit 2l (Two L,evel) Club Unit 22 (two kvel) Club Unit 23 (Flat) Club Lrnit 24 (Fla0 Club Unit 25 (Fla$ Club unit 26 (Flat) Club Unit 27 (Two lrvel) Club Unit 28 (Iwo LrvcD Club Unit 29 (Two Level) Club unit 30 (Rat) Club Unit 3l (Flat) Club Lrnit 32 (Flat) Club Unit 33 (Rat) Club Unit 34 (Iwo L:vel) Club Unit 35 (Two Lwel) CIub l.rnit 36 (Two LrvcD Club Unit 37 (Two Lcvel) club thit 3E (Fl8t) Club unit 39 (Iuo t evel) Club Unit 40 (Flat) Club tlnit 4l (Flat) Club unit 42 (Two lrveD Club Unit 43 (Two Level) Club lJnit tM (T*o t-evel) Club Unit45 (Twot vel) Club Unit 46 (R8t) Club Unit 47 (Iwo trvel) Club Unit 48 (Two trvel) 4t Totel Club Unils Program Sumnrary Zehren and Associates. Inc. ll/23/99 Upoer Area 2,053.00 Uoper Area 1,334.00 1251.00 t,237.00 1,334.00 920.00 I,193.00 t 204.00 948.00 n6.00 958.00 958.00 958.00 970.00 920.00 r,405.00 | 222.00 E65.00 l,l14.00 1,209.00 790.00 790.00 790.00 99r.00 r,r0E.00 975.00 958.00 790.00 790.00 t,313.00 920.00 | 226.00 r226.N r,096.00 814.00 814.00 E14.00 8t4.00 | 226.00 8t4.00 r,226.00 t226.00 E 14.00 Et4.00 814.00 648.00 856.00 814.00 814.00 48,061.00 Lower Area 3446.N Lower Area 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 551.00 t,08E.00 995.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 979.00 979.00 969.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 513_00 1,034.00 I,034.00 I,O34.00 0.00 980.00 0.00 0.00 913.00 9?9.00 486.00 513.00 0.00 992.00 992.00 t 5,04l.qt Total fuea 5,499.00 Total fuea 1,334.00 1,251.00 t,237 .00 1,334.00 920.00 l,193.00 1,204.00 948.00 976.00 95E.00 958.00 958.00 970.00 920.00 t,405.00 r222.@ E65.00 |,l14.00 1r09.00 r,351.00 1,878.00 t,7E5.00 r,983.00 1,10E.00 975.00 958.00 1,769.00 I J69.00 2,282.00 920.00 1226.00 |,226.N r,096.00 |,327.O0 1,848.00 l,E4E.00 1,848.00 t226.00 1,794.00 t,226.N | 226.W |,727.W 1,793.00 I,300.00 I ,l 61.00 856.00 1,806.00 r.806.00 64,094.00 Page l3 Deck Area 340.00 Deck Area I12.00 I 12.00 95.00 93.00 95.00 93.00 93-00 95.fi) 60.00 93.00 94.00 94.00 146.00 199.00 40.00 /t0.00 93.00 164.00 164.00 147.00 147.00 260.00 93.00 260.00 95.00 93.00 241.@ 24t.@ 147.00 64.00 93.00 93.00 147.00 147.@ 147.00 147.00 147.00 93.00 t47.@ 93.00 93.00 t41.00 147.00 147.W 108.00 0.00 t47 -W t47.@ s,9s3.00 Keys 4.00 Keys 3.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.N 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.N 2.00 3.00 2.O0 2.fi) L00 2.00 2.00 2.O0 4.00 3.00 4.00 2.OO 2.00 2.W 2.N 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.OO 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 I .00 3.00 3.00 I t0.00 Bedrooms 4.00 Bedrooms 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.N 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 t.00 1.00 t.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 t.00 1.00 3.00 2.OO 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 l-00 2.OO 2.W l.oo 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.O0 3.00 2.M 2.N 3.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 3-00 3.00 t7.00 Studios Studios I.00 0.00 0.00 I .00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 t.00 l 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 t.00 0.00 1.00 t.00 l.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 t.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.00 Pillows 10.00 Pillows 6.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 8.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 6.OO 4.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 2.N 6.00 6.00 2r E.fit 'Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Accoomodetiou Units Totrl A.c- UDitr Reridcntirl Totrlr Rcstrurrnt Main Rcshurant Spccialtv R6taurant Totrl R6trurrnt Lounge Loungc Lobby Bd Confercnce Fecllltes Main Balboom &€eko0t PrG{onwrc Totd Corvcntion Sm Level7-qo Levcl Minus One Tord ktril Retail otr Retail TVo Retail Three Retail Four Totrl Relril Adnlnstrrtion RoomArcr Rooms 363.n 99.00 Program Summary Totrl Arcr Dcck Aree 35,013.00 0.00 Zehren and Associates, Inc. It23t99 Bcdroomr Studlos X!!b!t 99.00 0.00 r9t.tx) t90.00 KeY3 tlr.00 213.001Ur,606.00 Sc|tltrs Area Oc.. Frctor Sertt 2,155.00 18.00 t19.72 1.718.00 2s.00 68.72 3.t73.0{' 2055 188,{4 1228.00 04 25 ScrtlnsArcr Occ. Frtor 7,W t5 33il 15 4-n0 r133r t,5,U.00 15r55.50 21,7!xr5D 1702 t7& 605.00 0.00 1,017.O0 t:,72.00 49.t2 26.96 Ess 467 224 1t5 Page 14 EE-;:fa g Ea! EcEa)N |l,bo c. sg 433$FAAgeE=RsRs=:$:::=E$eEF[$=EF$=$E=fl$ $u a$ Fs \el ? e I -IY Y V(9I -r (n €q8" 8-E. 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A request for a final review of a redevelopment proposal involving a rezoning, conditional use permit revision and development plan approval for Ski Club Vail, located at 598 Vail Valley Dr./ Part of Tract B, VailVillage l" Filing. Applicant: Ski Club Vail, represented by Snowdon & Hopkins ArchitectsPlanner: Brent Wilson MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE:7-0 APPROVED- REZONING PLANNING AND MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Diane Golden VOTE:7-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 1. That the rezoning be approved by Council MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE:7-0 APPBOVED WITH 3 GONDITIONS-DEVELOPMENT PLAN 'l . A signed letter of approval of this plan from Vail Associates is required prior to the issuance of a final design review approval from the Town of Vail.2. That before the 2no reading of the Rezoning Ordinance by Council, the issue of financing for the off-site improvements be resolved by the Town of Vail, Vail Resorts and Ski Club Vail.3. That the sidewalk be 6'wide. A request for a final review of a major amendment, to allow for the proposed redevelopment of the Vail Village Inn, Phase lV, within Special Development District No. 6, and a conditional use permit, to allow for the operation of a fractional fee club in the Public Accommodation Zone District, located at 100 East Meadow Drive/Lots M, N, & O, Block 5-D, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Daymer Corporation, represented by Jay PetersonPlanner: George Ruther MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND; Brian Doyon VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED WITH 21 GONDITIONS: That the developer submits the following plans to the Department of Community Development, for review and approval, as a part of the building permit application for the hotel:a. An Erosion Control and Sedimentation Plan;b. A Construction Staging and Phasing Plan;c. A Stormwater Management Plan;d. A Site Dewatering Plan; ande. A Traffic Control Plan. That the developer provides deed-restricted housing, which complies with the Town of Vail Employee Housing requirements (Chapter 12-13), for a minimum of 38 employees, and that said deed-restricted housing be made available for occUpancy, and that the deed restrictions are recorded with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder, prior to requesting a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the Vail Plaza Hotel. That the developer receives a conditional use permit to allow for the operation of a fractional fee club, in accordance with Chapter 12-16, prior to the issuance of a building permit. That the developer submits a final detailed landscape plan to the Community Development Department for Design Review Board review and approval prior to making an application for a building permit. That the developer submits a complete set of civil engineer drawings of all the otf-site improvements, including the improvements to the South Frontage Road, for review and Town approval, prior to application for a building permit. o 2. 1. z. A 5. o. 7. That the developer submits a complete set of plans to the Colorado Department of Transportation for review and approval of a revised access permit, prior to application for a building permit. That the developer meets with the Town staff to prepare a memorandum of understanding outlining the responsibilities and requirements of the required off- site improvements, prior to first reading of an ordinance approving the major amendment. That the developer increases the proposed Vail Road setback to insure adequate distances are provided to meet the intended needs 0f the Town's right-of-way and the front setback or successfully demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Town that adequate areas for landscaping, streetscape improvements and snow storage are provided. The Town of Vail Design Review Board shall participate in this decision-making process. That the developer submits a complete set of plans responding to each of the design concerns expressed by Greg Hall, Director of Public Works & Transportation, in his memorandum to George Ruther, dated 121 3/99. The drawings shall be submitted, reviewed and approved by the Town Engineer prior to final Design Review Board approval. That the developer records a public pedestrian easement between the hotel and the Phase lll Condominiums and between the Phase V Building property lines. The easement shall be prepared by the developer and submitted for review and approval of the Town Attorney. The easement shall be recorded with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder's Office prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. That the developer record a deed-restriction, which the Town is a party to, on the sdd property prohibiting the public use of the spa facility in the hotel. Said restiction shall be revoked if the developer is able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Town that adequate provisions for vehicle parking have been made to accommodate the public use of the spa. That the developer submits a final exterior building materials list, a rypical wall section and complete color rendering for review and approval of the Design Review Board, prior to making an application for a building permit' That the developer submits a comprehensive sign program proposal for the Vail Plaza Hotel for review and approval of the Design Beview Board, prior to the issuance of A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. That the developer submits a roof-top mechanical equipment plan for review and approval of the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a building permit. All'roof-top mechanidal equipment shall be incorporated into the overall design of the hotel and enclosed and screened from public view. That the developer posts a bond to provide financial security for the 125% of the total cost of the required off-site public improvements. The bond shall be in place with the Town prior to the issuance of a bCdingpermit. Temporary Gertificate of Occupancy. That the devetoper installs bollards or similar safety devices at the intersection of the delivery access driveway and the sidewalk along the South Frontage Boad to prevent conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles, prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. ? I. 10. 11. 't5. 12. 14. 16. That the developer studies and redesigns the entrance on the northside ot the hotel across from the entrance to the Gateway Building to create a more inviting entrance or a design the redirects pedestrians to another entrance. The final design shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board- That the developer coordinate efforts with the owners of the Gateway Building to ffeate a below ground access for loading and delivery to the Gateway from the vail Plaza Hotel to resolve potential loading and delivery concerns at the Gateway. , That the developer revises the proposed floor plans for the vail Plaza Hotel to provide freight elevator acgess to the lowest level of the parking structure- That the developer redesigns the proposed elevator tower to eliminate the cupola atop the tower and revises the proposed building elevations and roof plan prior to final review of the proposal by the Design Review Board. The Board shall review and approve the revised design. That an EHU on-site shall not be required, but that deed-restricted employee housing shall be provided by the developer for a minimum of 38 employees . MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE:7-0 APPROVED - CONDITTONAL USE FOR FRACTIONAL FEE 3. A request for a worksession for a conditional use permit, to allow for the expansion of Buffehr Creek Park, located at 1950 Chamonix/Lot 34, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs WORKSEbSbN-NO VOTE 4. A request for a variance from Section 11-4B-3 of the Town Code, to allow for one additional building identification sign, located at 2109 N. Frontage Rd. WesVVail Commons City Market, Vail das Schone 3'" Filing. Applicant: City Market, Inc.Planner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL JANUARY 10, 1999 5. Information Update 6. Approval of November 22, 1999 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. NINE VAIL ROAD Condnminiums in Vail YillageTo: Town Council. Town of Vail From: Gwen Scalpello, 9 Vail Road Homeowners Associarion President Date: December 16, 1999 Subject: Vail Plaza Hotel Special Development District Amendment Proposal Formerl.y the Holidan House Being locaied directly across Vail Road fr'om the proposed Vail Plaza Hotel, we at I Vail Road CondorriniLrms have strong feelings about ttre proposed cornplex. We support redevelopment of the current fucility and welc,rme the prospect of an attractive new nerghbor. At the sarne time, we feel the current proposal creates najor problems for Vail Road and we ask the Vail Town Council to pursue a dialog with the applicants that will bring aoo..rt changes in the following areas: 1. lometgn_VailBsad traffi c. The criginal plan shov/ed the hotel entrilnce on the Frontage Roacl. The cunent proposal, to locate the guest entry/exit portico on Vail Road, alreviates the problems of left-turning exit traffic so close to the roundabout. lt also creates a new left-tum problem on Vail Road. Our owners are concerned about the increased trafiic on Vail Road and the poterrtial for congestlcn wtrich would affect residential and emergency traffic on Vail Road. lf regisiration, valet and seff-park traffic entered from the Frontage Road and exited onto Vail Road, entry and exit left tum problems for gtie:ds would be eliminated. lf this is not feasible, provision for three ranes to the hotel entrance should be made now, especially considerrng the reduced setbacks currentiy proposed for the huiioir,g. Vail Road is four lanes wide at the rgundabout and narrows to two lanes at $des: f'/4eadoy/ Dri'ie, vrheie lefr tums into the village are prohibited. Left turns into a rnajor hotel anci conl'erence cerrter should be pi'ovided a separate lane. The trafiic projection which concludes a left tum is unnecessary may prove understated in light of growth fro;n projects already on the planning horizon (for example, Lodge at Vail land swap, medical center expansion). Additionaily, the traffic impact analysis was based on traffic in August 1998 and uplifted for winter volumers. We are ccncerned lhat ils focrrs on VeeLday" trafic does not adequately address the trafic of winter Saturdays, historically the prirlary turnove!"' da.y, which bring nnore congestion to town than the average r.reekday. To not require a ieft turn lane because cf this study would be short-sighted. V,,/ithout a thirt! lane to alicw through traffic lt:'v, the rcrundabout couid be affected. 2 9,elb.aehs The prinary justificaiio;r for the reduce.d seibrck on Vail iloa'J eee,Ts tc be that it conforms to a line of sight ftorn a point cf rhe Gateway to a Folnt cf Phase .l These burldings have been specifcally designed to bring pedesrrian traffic into sllarps ancr rr:stauraits 'rr4.ich oFen onto streeisiCe pedesirian salks. No sr.rch plan is elpparent in the Vai' Plaza Fi,rit'i proposal. lf entry trafic were rerouted to the Frontage Road, a;t aEr..rr.;:i./u r€.,tail anci pecie$trian sife"iica)e sin:ilai io ihat tif the Austriar Fiatts 'i,-tuld De cieveluF,e d n1rlch wouicj link the adjacent Vail Road retail spar es. The curr*nt pi"cpolal seerns to both isolate and dwarf them, especially without adequate sethacks, and preGents no ctrnpelling reason to warve the setbacks defined fcr the public accommodation zone. I understand ihat Phase lV has atwaye been pianned to be the largest and most dcnse component ofthe Special Development District. Holever, i'llo'n4ng thit ploject to build out nearly to the GRFA of the entire SDD could limit any fiIure redevelopmeni o: ti-te remai;1ing pfiases. which ate under different oMlership. Beeause I am urrable to attend the Cc'uncil rneeting December ?1, ! have asked George Ruther to submit this letter for your consideration. Date Receive' 9 Vail Road . Vail. CO 81657 8001 872.7221 9701 479.7rO0 oEc 2 0 1999 FILE COPI December 20, 1999 Mr. John Dunn Dun, Abplanalp & Mauriellq P.C. 108 South Frmtagc Road West, Suite 300 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Plaza Hotel - Aprpeal of Town of Vail Desip Revie w Board Conceptual Review Dear Mr. Dunn, On Decernber 9,1999,I received the Appea.l Fum you submitted to the Town of Vail Community Develqnnnt Departnrent on behalf of tbe appellant, Charlcs R Lipoon, owner of Condominium Unit #3, Vail C-rateway Plaza. It is rny under$aDding that you are the attomey for the apellant. I further understand that the basis of pur appeal is tbat the Dcsigp Review Board in thcir conceptual review of Wednesday, Decernber I, 1999, did not Frnd that the botel redeveloprrEnt poposal conplied wirh tbrec design criteria. Tbose criteria being compatibility, relatiurship and desip features. In accordance with the Tonn Code, I bave scheduled the appal for a prblic hearing m Tueday, Ianrwy I 1, 1999. The hearing will be held at 2$0 prn in the Vail Town Council Charnbers. Ary rnatexials you wish pesent to the Council for consideration shall be delivefed to tbe Town of Vail Community Development Departnrcnt by oo later than 6666, lhursday, January 6, 1999, I will insure that lhe materials are govidcd to each of the Town Council nrcmbers. Sbould you bave any questions or concems with regard to &e informatim addrcssed in this letter, please do not hesitate to call. You can rcach rrc by telephone at 4'19-2145. Sincerely, George Ruther,AICP Senio Special Projects Plam6 Town of Vail Iromv Dcpartnunt of Conmuity Development 75 South Fmntage Road Vail, Colordo 81657 970-479-213E FAX 970-479-2452 {g*n""uo"o 0RtctNAI Memorandum To: Vail Town Council From: George Ruther, Senior Special hojects Planner Date: December 21, 1999 Re: Vail Plaza Hotel - Follow Up to the December 7 & 14 Y ail Town Council Meetings The purpose of this memorandum is to provide follow-up information to the Town Council. On both Tuesday, ftecember 7 and December 14 the staffand the applicant presented information on the status of the development review process of the Vail Plaza Hotel to the Vail Town Council. In response to the two presentations, many members of the Council raised specific questions or concems with regard to the hotel proposal that needed fi.rther clarification. Enclosed in the Town Council packets was a memorandum from Jay Peterson to George Ruther, dated December 16, 1999. The purpose ofthe memorandum from the applicant is to respond to the specific issues raised by the Council at thc December 7 worksession meeting. [r addition to the memorandum, thc consulting traffic engineers will be at the meeting to discuss the conclusions of the traffic impact analysis prepared for the proposed hotel. Several of the questions raised by Council were dirccted to staff. These questions focused on the adoption ofview conidors in Vail and the development history of the Vail Gateway Plaza building and the Vail Village Inn Special Development flistrict. ADOPTION OF VIEW CORRIDORS In 1981, the Town ofVail began a process to identify and adopt view conidors in Vail. View corridors were adopted to protect critical views of Vail Mountain and the Gore Range to act as constant rcminders and visual orientation reference points for our guests and visitors. The following timeline outlines the view corridor adoption proccss: October 26. 1981 - Staff identifies and submits 39 major/minor views and focal points to the Planning & Environmental Commission for revicw and consideration. An identified view includes a view to the southeast overtop Lhe gas slation to Vail Mountain from the four-way intcrscction. November 11. 1982 -After more than a year of discussion and evaluation the Planning & Environmental Commission recommends nine view corridors and one focal point be established in Vail. A view corridor from the four-way intersection overtop thc gas station (now the Gateway) was not recommended. June 21. 1983 - Following six months of deliberations the Vail Town Council adoptcd lrdinaqgg_Nq.__E lqtqpf 1983, An Ordinance Amendine The Vail Villaee Urban Desim Guide Plan - Desim Considerations: View Scction and View Conidor Mao To Reduce The Number Of Maior Views And To Eliminate Minor View Conidors. The designated view to be preserved originated from either major pedestrian areas or public plazas. The four views that were preserved were ofthe ski slopes from areas in the Villagc, of the Clock Tower and ofthe Gore Range. These views were preserved in the Vail Villaqe Urban Desim Guide Plan. A view conidor from the four-way intersection overtop the gas statjon was not adoptcd. Julv 21. 1992 - Following the denial of a previous and similar ordinance in 1991, the Vail Town Council adopted Ordinance No.l8. Series of 1992. An Ordinance Amendine Sestion G Of The Vail Villaee Urban Desisl Considerations Relatine To The Protection Of Views Within Thc Town Of Vail And Creatine A New Chapter Of The Municioal Code Of The Town Of Vail To Provide For The Protection Of Certain Views Within The Town. This ordinance removed the view corridor preservation from the Vail Village Urban Desigr Guide Plan and placed them within a new chapter of the Municipal Code. The ordinance further adopted onc ncw view corridor bringing the total number in the Town of Vail to five. Again, the view overtop the gas station was not adopted. Mav 20. 1993 - The Town initiated en effort to adopt four new view corridors. To movc thc cffort forward a View Conidor Task Force was created. The information in thc filc indicates that no new view conidors were established. VAIL 1TLLAGE INN SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT HISTORY March 16. 1976 - The Vail Town Council adopted Ordinance No. 7. Series of 1976, An Ordinance Establishing Special Development District No. 6 And Amending The Zoning Ordinance And The Official Zoning Map. The purpose of thc ordinance was to designate the 3.455 acre development site as a Special Development District. Each subsequent phase of the District required Planning & Environmental Commission, Design Review Board and Town Council approval. A Recommended Height Limitations Plan, and Recommended Landscape, Land Use & Building Massing Plan, prepared by Royston, Hanarnoto, Beck & Abbey was adopted. The plan identified limitations resulting in the stepping-up of buildings from East Meadow Drivc to the South Frontage Road. The maximum recommended height was 60 fcct. The maximum height was later amended to 63 feet. October 23. 1984 - Thc Vail Town Council and the Planning & Environmental Commission held a joint- worksession to discuss an anticipated redevelopment proposal for Phase IV, Vail Village Inn. During the discussion, staff highlighted the changes in the anticipated proposal to the previous proposal. The previous proposal had been rejected by the Town Council in Fcbruary of 1984. According to the staff memorandum the reasons for dcnial of the project include: "the impact of the multi-story building on views to Vail Mountain from the four-way intersection, the bulk, mass and scale of the proposed building were too large, the loss of the gas stalion on the a)rner, the proposed timing of the completion of the prcject, the potential negative impac$ to trafrtc circulation and congestion on Vail Road and the South Frontage Road, and the use of the Phuse III ramp for access to the parking stntcture. " October 29. 1984 - An amended application for a major amendment to Special Development District No. 6 is submitted to the Town of Vail Community Developmcnt Dcpartment on behalf of Mr. Tony Genth. The amended application was in response to a rnajor amendment proposal (Piccidilly proposal) for rcdcvcloping Phases IV & V of Special development District No. 6, which was denied by the Vail Town Council in February of 1984. The amended proposal reduced the number of hotel rooms from 182 to 164; elimiratcd Phasc V so that the project would be completed in one phase; eliminated the use of the ramp to Phase III as access to the parking structure; removcd the redevelopment of the gas station as part ofthe proposal; and rcduced the amount of landscap€ area. In addressing thc rcview process for fte amended application, staff states, " ...close consideration will be given to the slruclure's impact on the Frontage Road as well as the view corridor from the four-way stop. " Novemtrer 12. 1984 - The Planning & Environmental Commission held a worksession to discuss the amended application. According to the analysis provided by the applicant: "The proposed WI Phase IV submittal of October 29, 1984, meets the intent of the March 16, 1976, schematic. In particular, Area B would be permitted by original document to have an elevation of 144'-0". The proposed is 138'-0". Although a portion of the Area A is over the height limit, as it was in the 1963 submitlal, it is felt that a sulJicient portion of the mountain and ski runs can be seen from the main inlerseclion. " Januarv 7. 1985 - The Planning & Environmental Commission held a public hearing to make a final recommendation to the Vail Town Council on the proposed and amended major amendment to Special Deveklpment District No. 6., Vail Village hm, Phase IV. According to the staff memorandum, staff stated that, " ...the intent of the height limitation on the SDD was to ensure a view from the four-way stop to the muuntain and ...while the view corridor has been shifted slightly, the height of the huildings in this area are in compliance with the meimum heights outlined. " Following discussion on the request by t}le Commissioners, the Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the rnajor amendment, as proposed, to the Vail Town Council. Februan 19. 1985 - The Vail Town Council adoptcd Ordinance No. l. Series of I 985, An Ordinance Amendine Ordinance No. 28. Series of 1976. To Provide For The Amendment OfThe Approved Develoomcnt Plan For Soecial Development District No. 6: Amendine The Purpose Section Of Soecial Develooment District No. 6: Adootine An Amended Dcvelopment Plan For Phase IV Of Special Develonment District No. 6: Eliminatins Certain Requircmcnts Rclatine To The Distance Behveen Buildinqs For Phase IV Of Special Development District No. 6: Chaneine The Heieht Requirements And Allowable Uses For Phase [V Of Snecial Development District No. 6: Inoreasins The Allowablc Densitv And Modifvins The Buildine Bulk Standards For Phasc IV Of Special Dcvclooment District No. 6: And Providine Different Parkine And Loadine Requirements For Phase [V Of Soecial Development District No. 6. h adopting Ordinance No. 1, the Town Council found that, " ...the Council considers thal the amendments provide an even more unified and more aesthetically pleasing development of a titical sile within the Town and that such amendments are oJ'benefit to the health, safety, and welfare of the inhabitants of the Town of Vail. " Novcmber 24. 1996 -An application was submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department by Joseph Staufer requesting an 1 8-month extension of to the approval of Ordinance No. 1, Scries of 1985. The Vail Town Council subsequently approved the 18-month extension. The approved extension has since lapsed resulting in a null and void project approval. Any ncw development on the Phase IV site would require approvals from the Town of Vail. VAIL GATEWAY PLAZA DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Januarv 3. 1988 - An application is submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Deprutrnent on behalf of Mr. l,eo Palmer proposing the establishment of Special Development District No.2l. Thc cstablishment of the District would require a rezoning of the property iiom Heavy Scrvice (gas station) to Commercial Core I. Februarv 16. 1988 - The staff sends a letterto Mr. Peter Jamar, the applicant's representative. The purpose ofthe letter is to inform the applicant of staff s initial concems with the proposal. The stafi " ...feels strongly that this building should presenl no encroachmenl into the view corridor that is established by the approved Vail Yillage Inn development. The existing design will require substantial revisions to maintuin the view parameters established by the VVI." Februarv 22. 1988 - Thc Planning & Environmental Commission held a public hearing to discuss the SDD proposal and the rezoning. In their memorandum to the Commission staff expressed a concem with the proposed bulk and mass of the building and its effects on views to Vail Mountain. In the memorandum to the Commission, the staff states, "While the view corridor through the approved Vail Village Inn project from the four-way stop is not a designated view corridor by ordinance, we feel it is a very important view upon entering the community. The Vail Village Inn project responded to stalJ concerns and attempted to maintain an acceptable view fron the.four-tvay stop. We feel strongly that the Vail Gateway project must respect the view corridor as defined hy the Vail Village Inn Building (Phase IV)." The staff further expresses to the Commission that according to thc initial work done by Eldon Beck on building heights for the gas station, " The Eldon Beck study does show that building heights for the developnent of this parcel ot land should reach one to two stories. " The applicant was requestiDg a maximum building height of 62 feet. March 9, 1988 - Jeff Winston, the Town's Urban Desigr Consultant, addresses the Commission. l: his prescntation, Jeffoffered a brief history on the development of the view corridor for the Vail Village Inn area. According to the meeting minutes, Jeff states, "Originally, a master planfor the entire WI area was developed by Eldon Beck & Associates. The gas stalion site was nol part of the original concept. He (Eldon Beck) emphasized that the "view corridor concept" was an important part of the VVI Special Development Distict concept. He (JelI explained that the ltail Village Inn plan was used as a guide during the many revisions to the Vail Village Inn Special Deve lopment Dis trict. " The following is the staff recommendation on the request to establish SDD No. 21, " Stuff generally supports the mixed use concery proposed in this redevelopment plan and the concept of the rezoning to CCl. Although itnay be considered spot zoning, we.fbel that theusesare compatible with the adjacent Vail Village Inn Special development District and are appropriate for this location within the conmunily. However, v)e are not supportive of lhe uses prcposed wilhout the left turn lune and eliminution of the suface parking as well as adequate parking provisions. lle .feel that the getteral concept of development proposed by the applicanl is appropriate and believe that there is an opportunity here to provide an exciting and aesthetically pleasing entrance into Vail. The Community Development Departmenl slaflhas, however, major concerns with the project as proposed. We feel the issues of bulk and mass, height, setbacks, view conidor encroachment and parking are all impoflant tssues that mu be addressed. The staff recommendation for this project would be for the Planning Commission to table this and allow the staJJ'and the applicant to work together to lry to resolve some of these issues. We feel that with adequate resolution ofthe aforementioned issues,we could support lhis project. However, as presented, we feel fiere are major issues that need to he addressed and cannol support fiis projed as presented. Although nrany of the uses of the Heavy Service Distict would certainly not he acceptable in this location, wefeel tho.t the existing serttice station is appropriate to this location. lVe believe that SDD #21 as proposed, presents impacts that are not acceptable. If the applicant wishes to move fot"ward with this project as proposed, stalf recommendation isfor denial.' The following is a summary of the Commissioner's comments: Pam Hopkins - " ...concerned about the view." Sid Schultz - " ...the encroachment above the yVI was not a significa t problem." Diana Donovan - Did not comment on the view. Jim Viclc - " ...when the views were established and discassed, this.four-way stop view corridor was excludedfrom the approvals. " Peter Patten (Planning Director)- "...the Town Council directed staff to address the four-way stop corridor, and fien the Vail Village Inn project came through the planning process, and at that point it was decided to use the views established hy the yVI SDD instead of doing a secondfour-way stop view corridor study. " Bryan Hobbs - Did not comment on the view. Peggy Osterfoss - " ...the WI view coridor was appropriate to maintain and she was not in favor of any additional intrusion into the arridor. " Grant Riva - " ...the views front the four-way stop are inpor@n1 but hopefully people would not spend too much lime at lhe four-way stop." The Commissioners voted 3-4 against a recommendation of approval to the Town Council. The dissenting votes were Hopkins, Schultz, Donovan and Osterfoss. Of the four dissenting Commissioners, only Osterfoss indicated that her reason for denial was, in part, based upon impacts on views. Aoril 5. 1988 -The Vail Town Council approvcd Ordinancc No. 9. Scries of 1988. An Ordinance Rezonine Lot N And A Portion Of Lot O, Block 5D. Vail Villaee First Filine From Heavv Service District To Commercial Core I An Establishine Spccial Dcvclopmcnt District No. 21. In paft, the ordinance allowed a maximum height of 54 feet for the Vail Gateway Plaza building and the fi:rther encroachment of a building into the view of Vail Mountain from the four-way intersection. Julv 29. 1996-An application is submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department, on behalf of Charles R. Lipcon, proposing a major amendment to Special Development District No. 21. The purpose of the amendment is to enclose an existing deck (460 sq. ft.) on the east side of the upper level of Condominium Unit No. 5. Ausust 26. 1996 - The Planning & Environmental Commission held a public hearing to evaluate the major amendment request. In the memorandum to the Commission staff identified tlvo main issues; impacts of the proposed addition on views of Vail Mountain from the roundabout area and the compatibility ofthc proposcd addition with the architecture of the existing Gateway Building. The following text was taken directly from the staff memorandum to the Planning & Environrnental Commission, August 26, 1996: A "The vietv issue was discussed during the PEC and Council reviews of the initial Gateway Building proposal in the lote 1980's. The impacts of the building's roof line on the vietv o/'Vail Mountain from the original four-way-slop were the sub ject of much distassion. A view analysis was requested hy staff and provided by the developer. That anulysis compared fie impacts of the roof lines proposed at the Gateway Building with the approved developmenr p1a1176r Phase IV of the Vail Village Inn. As a resuh of the vietv analysis, the roof line of the Gatetay Building was nodiJied. The easteru-most ridge line was lowered and lhe gap or 'ftotch " between the eastern ridge and the westent ridge was widened. Lowering the eastern ridge had a positive ellecl on views, and the notch between the two main ridges also improved the view of Vail Mountain fron the four-v,ay stop. A copy of the view analysis is auached to fiis memorandum. The Town recently completed the constructkrn of a modern roundabout ot the main Vail interchange. The roundabout efectively replaced the 4-way stop. The geometry and function of the roundabout is dramatically dffirenl than the 4-way stop. Thus, stalf re-visited the view impacts of the Gateway Building relaled tu the proposed addition. The addition will encroach into the notch hetween the two main ridge Iines on the building. Staff did both a drive-by and a walking analysis of view impacts from rhe south roundabout area. llte concluded that although the addition encroached into the notch between the ridge Iines, the impacts on views to Voil Mountain are relatively insignificant. The majority oJ'the ski mountain remains visihle over lhe top o.f the Gateway Building. The view lhrough the nolch is very small and is visible only for afev seconds when driving around the westem hal/'ot the roundabout. Given the fact that cars tn fie roundabout are continuously in motion, staff feels that visitors to the Town of Vail will be more intent on watching what is happeningwith other cars, or trying to delermine which exit to take, rather lhan attempting to look through the notch on the Gateway Building to see Vail Mountain. With regard to conformity to the Vail Village Master Plan, staff states, "As discussed in Crileria A above, stalfhas reviewed thefile and attached a copy ofa View Analysis that compares the approved Gateway rotfline v,ifi the approved Vail Village Inn Phase IV expansion. Staf feels that fue construction oJ the roundabout has changed the area o./'the 4-way dramatically and that the roundabout has created a more elficient tralJic flow. Stalf feels that the area in and around the roundabout is not conducive to pedestrians lingering and viewing the mountain andfeels fuaI views of yail Mountaitr, through lhe notch in the Gateway Building, are not as important as they may have been when the Land Use Plan was originally approved. Staff believes that significant viev,s are still available over the top of the existing Gateway Building, and that the proposed addition would have li le, or no impact on the overall view. The Building Height Plan shows the Gateway Building at 5 stories, and indicates that does ot confotm to the plan (story height at 9 ./bet). The elnation of the acisting ridge is 54 .feet above grade along the south elevatiott. The applicant wishes to exlend this ridge line approximately 28 feet lo lhe east. This will raise the height of the huilding in the notch area. Staf believes that the additional height is nol detimental given the mass, bulk and height of the entire huilding. " I-astly, in reviewing the oriteria for a major amendment to an existing SDD, staff states, "During the discussion of the original SDD, an Amoco Station was preseu on the site. This was a one- stoty building fiat alktwed Jbr signiJicant views over its rorffrom the area of lhe 4-way stop. Phase IV of the Vail Village htn had not been constructed, and views of the lower portion of the mountain still exisrcd. The PEC and Council members were reacting strongly to the signiJicant lo.ss ofviews resultingfi'om the approval of Phase IV of the Vail Village Inn. The Town oficials sinply did not want to loose any more of the mountain view from the 4-way stop. Thus, it is understandable that the building height and its impacts on views was thoroughly discassed at that time. Stulffeek that the change in conditions at the main Vail inrerchange (i.e. roundabout construction) combined with the exisfing locafion oJ'fie Gateway Building and its roofline have made lhe view issue clearer. Stafffeels lhat the notch between the eastern and the western ridges on the Gateway Building is no longer as important a viev) as iI was considered during the original SDD discassions. Thus, stafffeels that the proposed addition does not significantly alter the building design or significantly impede viavs of Vail Mountain.from the entrryay to Town." ) Following discussion of the request, the Planning & Environmental Commission voted unanimously (7-0) to recommend approval of the major amendment request to the Vail Town Council. In making the recommendation, the Commission found that, "That the requesled major amendment to Special Development District #21, has been reviewed in accordance with Chapter 18.40 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, and that, the proposed amendment is in conformance with the review criteria evaluated in Section III (Special Development Dislrict Criteria) of lhis memrtrandum, dated August 26, 1996." Octobcr 1. 1996 - The Vail Town Council adopted Ordinance No. I 7, Series of 1997, An Ordinance Providing For The Major Amendnent Of Special Devclopment District No. 21, Vail Gateway; Amending An Approved Development Plan For Special Development District No. 21 In Accordance With Chapter 18.40 Of The Vail Municipal Code. In adopting the ordinance, the Council found, in part, th at, " ...a d mee$ the Desigtt Standards as sel forth in Section I 8.40 of the Municipal Code... and ftat the major SDD amendment request is in compliance wilh the goals and objectives of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, as well as the purpose section of the SDD Overlay Zone District. " F :\everyonabouncil\memos\99\wi 1 207 Law OFFtcEs Du N N, AepLexelp & Meunreuo, P.C. JOHN W. DUN N ARTHUR A. AgPLANALA JR. DIANE HER}.'IAN MAURIELLO OF COUNgEI: JERFIY W. HANNAH W:srSran BaNX ButLotNG roa Sourx FRoNTAGE RoAD WEsr Surre goo Varl, Colonnoo eresu TELEPHONE:(970) 476-0300 FACSIMILE: <970) 476-4765 email: v6illaw@vail.net CEF'IFIED IESAL A59I9TANT9 KAREN M. DUNN, CLAS JANICe K. SCOF|ELO, CLA December 22.1999 George Ruther, Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage R.oad Vail CO 81658 Re: Vail Plaza Hotel Project Dear George: Thank you for letter dated December 20, 1999, advising that hearing on our appeal ofDesign Review Board conceptual review is scheduled for hearing before the council at 2:00 P.M. on January I l, 2000. As you and I have discussed, it is my request that hearing on the appeal be consolidated with thc council's final reading of the ordinance which will be submitted on January 4,2000, for first reading. Thanks for your help in connection with this matter. Yours very truly, , ABPLANALP & MAURIELLO, P.C. Dunn jwd:ipse cc. Mr. Lipcon o l2-21-gg 0t:{2m Fror T-0{2 P.01/01 F-531 DnidWllanna Deccmber24, 1999 Mayor Lu<lwig Kurz and Town Council Mcmbers, Planning and Environmcnul Commilsion, and Gcorge Ruther, Senior Planncr Town ofVqil 75 S. Frontago Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Fax:.970479-2452 Re: VailVillagelrm Dear Mayor, Ladies and Gentlemen: I am writing to express Iuy corcem about the proposed Vail Village Lur Hotel project. The plan is too lzqge for Vail Village and will crcdg t highde$iry focling upon enteriug Vail. I am an original owuer of l condo in thc Yqil Gatewaywith living roorn aud bedroom windorvs fscing Froolage Road and wi6 side windows facing the proposed project. I expecr Fronrage Road and the round-about will become very congcstcd, crcating ar htolerable amorrnr of traffrc outside our living rcom and bcdroom windows, And from what I undersund, the hotel will be vely close to the cast side of the Gateway buildirrg - and therefore very close to our bedroom aod bathroom windows. Not only will this project scvcrcly impact our privacy, I cxpect the projed will csusc a subsr$tiat dccliae in our property valuo and irs markdability. Wc chose to buy a condo in Vail becausc we eujoy its elegant village dmospber€. We rely upou tho goodjudgenent of Vail's leaders to preservc thir appeal. I urge you to rrject this proposal fu 6c benefit of the residential owners in the Vail Gatcway and for the benefit of Vail Villagc. W. Hanna Oateway Rcsidcntial Owner, Unit #4 cc: The Honorable Jack Kemp 908 Rlrrbrardt Stseet Irguna Beach, CA 92651 Daoid W. Hanna December24, 1999 Mayor Ludwig Kurz and Town Council Members, Planning and Environmental Commission, and George Ruther, Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Fax:970-479-2452 Re: Vail Village Inn Dear Mayor, Ladies and Gentlemen: I am writing to express my concern about the proposed Vail Village Inn Hotel lrojecr The plan is too large for Vail Village and will create a high-density feeling upon entering Vail. I am an original owner of a condo in the Vail Gateway with living room and bedroom windows facing Frontage Road and with side windows facing the proposed project. I expect Frontage Road and the round-about will become very cong€rted, creating an intolerable amount of traffic outside our living room and bedroom windows. And from what I understand, the hotel wiil be very close to the east side ofthe Gateway building - and therefore very close to our bedroom and bathroom windows. Not only will this project severety impact our privacy, I expect the project will cause a substantial decline in our property value and its marketability. We chose to buy a condo in Vail because we enjoy its elegant villale atmosphere. We rely upon the good judgement of Vail's leaders to preserve this appeal. I urge you to reject this proposal for the benefit ofthe residential owners in the Vail Gateway and for the benefit of Vail Village. W. Hanna Gateway Residential Owner, Unit #4 cc: The Honorable Jack Kemp 9O8 llenrbrandt Strc.ct Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Date Receive JAI{ o B 2000 -.- :.dt;T . I rnoc rn€rdlo LLc December 24,1999 Mayor hdwlg Kuz Town CouncllMembers Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Proposed Village Inn HotelComplex Dear Mr. Mayor and Town Council Jrllembers, As the publishers of VaiFBeaver Creek Magazine and several other valley publlcations we are kept abreast of the public pulse both local and visitor. Over the pastfew years comment has run decidedly in the negative. Greed appear as the common complaint followed by the loss of qualntness enjoyed in years past. Whlle growth by lts nature will diminish quaintness it can, and has in other areas, be accomplished without the perverse and short sighted greed evidenced in the approval of the Vlllage Inn Project, as lt ls cunenUy offered. The scale of this project is too massive not only in a visual sense but from a consumptive perspective as well. 'creating a Monstef may well be the epitaph that this councll wlll leave if this project is given hasty approval. - Glve this proJect more thought. Best regards,od rnht strqth,re 5prodLrc$on otftces 29CE w|ltoct CF* r- bor Za3?A atacrYttroc|l aor.l7rclr.co cc,,.'77 c70.679.O2tto rox 67CaClltC r fitcrrrc.i.ra,mt.Tnqctrccrr| I den\/er otttce ll5t rrg-ter aaat 201 ..o"J.o,.. ld, €|3!Aa21 \,,oll omcepd bo( 36€ \J.|||.co 41658-O364 rrlrr,l/.i.{nnl ",Tr Daniel E. Virnich 4320 Glen Falls Lane Vait CO. E1657 970479434s December 28,1999 Mayor Ludwig Ktrz & Town Council Members Planning & Environmental Commission, and George Ruther, Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road vail. CO.81657 Re: Vail Village Inn Dear Mayor, Ladies and Gentlemen: I am writing to voice my stong objection to the proposed Vail Village Inn Project. I have been a fulI time resident of vail for the past six years and have owned property here for over ten years. My objections can be summarized as follows: A. The scope of the project, particularly the height, is not in keeping with the character ofvail. I believe the character should continue to be that of a cozy Alpine village. A project of this size-particularly at the entrance to Vail, is not consistent with this image. I am concemed that the visibility of this to all entering vail as well as those passing by will lend a "High Rise" image to the Village totally inconsistent with its character. B. There is no demonstrated need for more hotel rooms in vail. The recent struggle to utilize the existing rooms is evident and with the indicated flattening of the ski industry growth curve will only serve to exacerbate the vacancy issues. Recently there have been articles in ow local newspapers setting forth the the difficulties experience by the projects next door neighbor-the Gateway center as well as the increasing number vacancies in the village core. I am told that our existing hotels are struggling to maintain 70zo occupancy rates even in the peak season. Such an expansion of a business in the Village core will make this stuggle much more difficult.we need good strong profitable businesses in the Village-creating additional competition in a weak business environment is not the answer to the current dilerrma faced bv our commercial center. We face an employee crisis. One only needs to pick up the local newspaper to understand the crisis that exists for our curreirt businesses to find an adequate number of qualified employees. Increasing the demand for employees by over 100 will only make this increasingly difficult problem worse. Need I also me,ntion the demand put on ernployees housing-aproblem which is far from being solved. Traffic-the studies I have seen suggesting that this project will have only minimal taffic impact must be flawed . I rem€mber the traffic problems before the roundabouts. It appears to me that our haffic problem is again getting out ofhand. I am sure each ofyou in the last couple ofweets has struggled gefting into and out of the main parking lot during peak times(which incidentally sesm to be getting longer and longer). The addition of 290 parking places in the middle of the current congestion can only make it worse. E. Frecedent-I ant concerned that the approval ofthis project sets a d'ngerouri precedent for future development that will be abnost impossible to control. Ifthis project is approved what are you going to say to the next developer that comes along with respect to height, Eaffic, ernployee dernands etc. I believe it is time that this town be managed for the residents, property owners and existing business entities rather than for the benefit ofthe real estate developers and their related businesses. If every time one of these "favored people"comes up with a project and it is approved whether or not it makes common sense- then the future of our wonderful part of the world is indeed bleak. I think now is the time to sit back and look at the scope and problems associated with this project through the eyes of your real constituencies-the people who live and own property here. If you do I am sure you will tum this project down. c. D. KENNETH D. HIL- 12601 Briar Leawood, Kansas 66209-3164 Telephone: 913:663-3440 Mr. Dave 0zawa U. S. Forest Service Post Office Box 190 Minturn, Colorado 81645 Dear Mr. Ozawa: I have been..a.long time owner of a condominium in The tJillows, whichborders on vail Road. The purpose of this letter is to voice displeasurewith the cAT III Timber.Hauting Route for the summer months in tni t;;; - 2000 and beyond. lhls is the ioute proposed down the froni side ofvailMountain, down Mill creek Road, alon! v;il Road and through the Roundaboutonto I-70. I woutd like to request lhat timber hauling n6i ue atong viii-Road, directiy behind our property. During the summer when we visited Vail last year, the construction trafficon Vail Road was very.noisy.and dusty. This-is i residentiar neigrruoi- '- hood, and I don't believe that the truck traffic, which starts veFy earlyin the.morning, is compatib'le with the occupancy-of our Wit.tows unlt.There is so much dust raised that we would iot -oe aoie to open our windowsand, of course, in vail.most properties are without air conliti;;ing. ---'- Your proposal , using this alternative, would cause the value of our-propertyto decl ine. I would ljke to suggest that you seek an alternative totimber hauling route. Bridging over the wet'lands seemsalternatjve that I have seen fiom your report. December 17, 1999 Kenneth D. Hill H:r this particular to be the best bcc: bcc: Ms. Barbara Feeney City of Vail - Councilz t2-23-99 Mayor-Vail Colorado Supervisor-White River National Fc,rest Dear Sir md Ms; Please add these to the oftcial comments and record regarding the rerouting of log trucks ttuough Varl due to the violation ofwetlands protection caused by lhe expursion ofthe ski area into porcntial lynx habitat. Wd lgcommend the ForEst Scrvice uphold the law and protcct thc White River National Forcst 1/s. acromrnodate some !'ail residents and businesses that might be temporarily inoonvenienced by tte actiorsfillegal) of the hand that feeds ttrem6.e. the slci resort). To allow tre cortinued illegal destnrction of dre wetlands to accormcdate thd w'hining rirdr folk, who reprasent tre ultimate NIIvIBY gaggle, wil! certainly provoke lawsuits-at a minimurn. The White River is not just these folks backyud playground-it is mine and the rest ofthe citizeru of tlte U.S. The small inconuinience of a few log inrcli tranting our national fo,rest out horizontally is small beer compared to the anguish myself and murylo0ter Colorado citizers feel regarding h'.uther encroachnrent into roadless areas and prime lynx habiat. I would lilie to he put on fte list to receive any notices or finat deiisiin noti'ces regnrding this action. A fair exchange in my mind would be to abandon the ski area expansion in retum for leaving the cut timber in place, dwreby alleviating the probl:rn of log mrck rollirg tlroq;h Vail. t .a -.i Dave Naslund l -502 Orchard St Grand Jmction. Colorado iww Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 t'AX 970-479-2452 F#D December 28,1999 Mr. John Durur Dum, Abplanalp & Mauriello, P.C. 108 South Frontagc Road West, Suite 300 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Plaza Hotel - Appeal of Town of Vail Design Review Board Conceptual Review Dear Mr. Dunn. I received thc Appeal Form you submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department on behalf of the appellant, Charles R. Lipcon, owner of Condominium Unit #3, Vail Gateway Plaza. The purpose of this letter is to inform you that the Town staff has rcviewed your appeal. Based upon our review of the appeal iurd Section 12-3-3C of the Vail Town Codc, staff has determined that thc Desigr Review Boertl's prcliminary recommendation of Dccember l, 1999, is not an appealable action. ln the case of the Vail Plaza Hotel, the Board did not make a final decision, determination or interpretation. Pursuant to the Board's discussion on Deccmber l, 1999, and the requiremcnts prescribed in the Regulations, a final review and decision with respect to the provisions of the Zoning Regulations is required by the Design Review Board. The date of the final review of the Vail Plaza Hotel with thc Desiprr Review Board has not been scheduled. However, I anticipate a final review in early 2000. Should you have any questions or concems with rcgard to the information addrcssed in this letter, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me bv tclephone at 419-2145. Sincerelv. li,^^r--Q,'*r-', George Ruther, AICP Senior Special Projccts Planner Town of Vail {i r"n'"" '^"o Eec-31-99 I.I:3OA TRIGO l970a4so762 Mr, .r,ri.l Mr:,. fjrt.nirll',tt -1..ri.1c, 1111t,7 !-il'1,. l:lirr r M.,rrrrtr,irr .'jtrrr. 7\,.'rr . t -.J,,,', " 1,, December29, l9J9 lvtayor l.udwig Kurz & Town Counoil Metnbcrs Tovm of Vsil 75 S Frontagr Road Vsil. CO E.1657 Tranmission by Far: 4n:2452 Re: VillweInaHad Dcarlvfayor, Ladies & Gcntlerncn: The planned constructiocr of tbc Vail Villagc Iru remodel docs not kccp with thc buitding tadition of Vail Village. 'l'he plars call foi a hugc building that betrays the warmth and Bavarian uadition of oru town- Many of our visitoru, like ourselves, find ln Vail a respite tiom big and tall buildings, traffic probtems ilnd the congestior arrd pollution these causc. We would enc,ouage you to think this through thoroughly and look aftcr thc envirtms that hnvc madc Vail attrastcd so many of us to invrlst here. gno Trigo P-Ol BTG/tI M.,il, l:t "'l (:.41i-"' 1].'r 11;11t r fi,orr, cl,;Jor,r,.l.l lt Jrir,(t Dec. 29. 1999 4:3?PM FIELD CO}ITAINER No,7Zl3 P, 1 llrry Ficld Chief Erccurive Off iccr. FIELD CONTAINER COMPANY, L.P' Dsacmber 29, 1999 tvtayor Ludwig Kurz and Towl Council Mcmbss' i-6""t"g and-Envimnmcatal Comnission' And George Ruther, Scnior Planncr 75 S. Frontagc Road V8il, CO t1657 Ro: Vail Villagc Inn Dpu Msyor, Ladies and Oerrtlemcn: Ag a homeoumcr on Weet Forest Road h Vail, I would like to voice ;ilng di""ti* t" G VilltS" Inn Hotel project that was rejeotcd by thr last oouncil. I fccl tlre rcvised plan ie still ioo largc-fc Vail' ry poject will cruse " A-tity p-Utecr, inccease tafrc, fu to a prccedcnt for applications fo,r otnei irtt Uuildings to be approved' The mrndatc from Vail rcsidsrt8 and thc Mastor Plan call for VaiI i'iU*ctoU" r"pt a villagc- This is bcing di$egad€d' I am voicing my coreem and would apprreciarc you {!n-E considqation of this message. I caa bc reachcd via fax at 847-956' y250, Verytnrly youn, f?dot LanyField /prn 1li0 Nicholrs loulevrrd Ell crovc Villrgt, lllinoic 60007 Tchphom 147955.5126 f 16i6il2 l{f.!!l-92!t0 Dec 29 99 l1:O4p CHARLES R. LIPCON 1-97O-476-86s1 p. I Stephen e Corinne Saldanha 72O2 fXrrahirc Irrn 13gO W.sttrav€n ciroJ.cBoaa Rrtorr IIL 33496 VaiI CO 8165?Far: 561 852 1160 Fax; 9?0 176 ?SZghai}: Ss.ldt rtr.€Iraocrzpt. oo lfayor Ludrig Rurz ToIrr Co[Ircil Hedrrs Pl.annirrg lrrd Erry''rtqrEnt l Cai,Bsion Soorgr Rutl|ar - Srnior p]'antr3r lorn of Vril 75 S. frosrtrE Ro.d Vail, Col.orado 81657 rax: 970-{79-2452 Rc: Vail ViIlagE Itm - propos.d l5.y Eotel Der! llal'or, I.radica and Gt'Entlon: lfe havo brcn part of th Vdl Vaf.lcy cmnftl, for trrnty-ccyca'rr and harn r|talr3d our trsauti'firl a|r.a glicil into enInt rtratlonrl Rarort Er.sUinatiqr. llre rescnt nera rcgaldi'g tnr p.Lanr to t ar dorrr ttra vail villagrrnn arrd replaoc rt r fi a ncr hotor aa l.r-igth as 7lE etoricg isDst oos!€ant ng to uc. rn ort oonsi&r.d qrJ.nlon the prognrcd hotar r€quinea coqrlLanoerlth trrc vail r|artcr plan and rttsll Bu1r.t1ng coabr and gtandalda, end, as tuolr, needs to bc rrconfl'grurcd in four kry att ar: 1- thc roquiront to nF. ntatn tlrc olrGrotar of veJ-I vir.Iagcas a Villaga 2. Itrt hlltdl.nE h3i.gbt roquilGnts 3. The get baok rcquircntg to Vai]- t.rontagF noad, :fh. \/ail'6at ray .nd l'aLl. VitlaE€ Cordo BuifdingE 4. llho vicrs torarid the mlntrin - slrcoj'flc.lly OoI.f F..f In rddLtion, o.nocEna of tJr oornity rith riagatd to ov.r-builthot l aosdationg and inonegcd load traffio ro olorc te th..Vail rqurdabout rEGd to bc frrlly eval_uat-d. Dec 29 99 l1:04p CHRRLES R. LIPCON I -S?O-4?6-8681 If, thir ir ag4rroncd, aa ia, ilrcrc yll.l ba no Juelificatiqr i'n tt!.futxrr. to turn dorn othot aplrl.ioationr for d.stloyt ng thr ohar?aat€r of VaiI. Villego, oblitoretl'ng tlre vLerg of th.rcrrntairr, prsrgrting tlrr ocrl'tnrotlon of hlgh-risc ltrrlldinga orDcquirfng rrcnr!.ry set baokr. tfc undarltrrld th. first tglding of thc orr{lnanor ir cct for ira.n.1' 2OOO. tlc ulge yqr, llator, r.rrrt es and ('.rrtlon, to r4rhold thalave of our trcarrtLful vl,Ltaqp and ulsc guro tbig pzoj.ot confonato aI.J. thr lcquiElcnte aDd startdrrrd! applioablc, bcforc alrpromlia grantrd. Itc ar re].I' ararc hor diffiorrlt it nrst ba to catiefy aII th. drrFtrrdr tlaquLr€d byr r dirrorrrr and g:loring oo.rrurri ty. Eoucvlr, yqrth€ guarcllans gf gur b.autiful .tnrirctunt nrgt enfororoqrllanoc uith th Vail ltaater pl.n rtrd \/rt.l Bu.i.ldLng codrs anrdStrDdardr for tho bonafi't of al'l tho pople of Vait. p.2 (**,baar r* Corl.nnr ff Srf'd ha il CIIARIES R. LIPCON VaiI Gateway Unit 5 12 S. Frontage Road Vai1, Co. 8L657 Te1. (970) 475-SL5l Fax. (970) 476-868t ,January 3,2000 Mayor Ludwig Kurz and Town Councj-I Members, Planning and Environmental Commission, and George Ruther, Senior PLanner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 8L657 JAN O3 2000 Eax: 479-2452 Re; Vail Village Inn Dear Sirs and Madams: This is my second comprehensive letter in objecting to theVillage fnn Hotel. I adopt the prior letter and exhibits utrich f would like considered as well as the following. It would appear that the Town Council is about to wil1ful1y ignore the law pertaining to the master plan and ignore the reguirement that the applicant prove up the elements for an SDD amendment because of a desire to have more visitors to VaiI andto increase tax revenues during a period of time r^rtren the Iown ofVail is over budget. The town should look into the reason forlack of visj-tors to Vail. Might they be lack of snow or the buddypass system under rvhich skiers are diverted away from Vail toother ski areas operated by the same company or the price ofskiing in Vail? Is this an antitrust violation? Before panicking and ruining the Vail Vj-l1age, shoutdn't the t.own look into thepossibility that the market is being manipulated. Although the Vai1 Plaza Hotel proposal might have some appealing short-term benefits for the town of Vail, it will have many long- term disadvantages that will outweigh any possible benefits. Onthe Town of Vail web site (http: //ci.vail-.co.us/) it states: "much of Vail's ctrarm comes from its uniquely-desigmed alpinevillage and pedestrian system." "Together we value a 1i-festyle that conbines one of the best alpj-ne resorts in the world with afriendly, small town feel." Clearly the approval of the massivehotel, sp6rr and convention center wiLl change aII of that. The entrance to Vail village is r^rtrere visitors get their first impression of the Town of Vail and it will certainly be a lasting Dete Receive' one. The Town of Vail will obtain revenue that a project of thj-ssize would create, but it wiJ'l- suffer later on. Little by little VaiJ- will change, starting with the construction of this massive structure. Tourists enjoy Vail for the exact sane reasons thatyou advertise on your web site; why begin a journey that will ctrange all of that? If you approve this project, future council members wil-1 look to your decision to approve other proposed projects that are uncharacteristic of VaiI. More importantly, the hoteLr spdr and convention center wouldgreatly exceed the height, linitations of the Vail Master Plan.l This plan would al-so violate the master plan and prior SDD approval regarding the view towards Gold Peak. Why have a masterplan if it is not followed? View analysis 7 dated Aug'ust 13, 1999 reflects that the proposed building will completely cut off the view of the mountain. The following design criteria set out in 12-94-8 are being clearly iqnored. Compatibility Relationship Comprehensj-ve PLan Design Features Iraffic trandscaping The master plan is hardly even mentioned by the applicant. Future council meribers wilL look to your actions to justify deviating from the design criteria and ttre master plan again and again. One day, Vail wiII have 1ost, much of its charm and beautiful vistas. Not onJ.y will the charm and vistas be gone, but also your approval wilJ- spark a new wave of traffic that is certainly not j-n character with Vail-'s atmosphere. Cornmon sense should tell you that the traffic anafysis that was done did not make any sense. How could an extra L47 rooms, a convention center, a spa, restaurants, plus extra employees create only one extra car per hour as the traffic engineer stated? We know that is noL anlr*rere near the truth. If the solution to that problem is to add another lane on Vail Road, you would again be making another step towards changing Vail's charm and unique village I The master plan states: "Within this cotrtext the Mrster Plan is one of sevenl docurynts that have been devolopod to prescwe and strengthen the Tgoliao/Alpine charaoter of Vail Vilhge while dlowing for limited higbly- controlled growth... . From numerous public meetings, a ooncensus emergod that additional developnent was rcceptable, even desirable, as long as it did not sigtifigantly alter the exiating chancter of the Villrge. ... As e resulq it is a developnent guide fc private land owners and for the Town. The Plan provides the Towr dircotion whe,n fonnuleting capital irryrovement programs rad establishes stend8rds for fte review of develop'ment proposals on private land (pages ll, and 3) a a a a a o atmosphere. It is clear what will happen to the 'tsmall town fee1" whenvisitors get stuck at the eircle to sit there and vie$r a rcassive wal1 of buildings at the entrance to Vail j-nstead of the mountain? The pictures that were submitted to the Council by theapplicant were very misleading. Their photos show a picture ofthe VaiJ- Gateway and nothing else. We all know that when you aregoing around the circle you see a lot more than just the Gatewaybuildinq. You see beautiful rnountains as you drive through thecircle. During the last few years, the accommodations in town have not been fully booked. The snow conditions have not been as good asin the past, certainly accounting for the 1ow occupancy. FIow will addingf an additional 147 accom:nodation units to the rental pool help? Just because Vail has more places to stay, that is not whatwill draw people to Vail . It is the snow conditions and thevillage charm that will draw people here, not a big hotel that can be found in any big city. If the answer to Vail's tourist problems was adding new rooms to the rental poo1, why wasn't the Sonnenalp fully booked during the Christnas l-999 period? One or more of the residential property owners at the VaiI Gateway have the following objections to the Vail ViJ.lage fnn A Major Amendment to Special Development District #6 as fo]lows: L.Da1aner Corporation has been meeting informally with various Town of Vail committees and the Town Council in informal sessionswithout providing adequate notice to the adjacent landowners. Attached is a list of meetings obtained by doing a search of "Daymex" on the Town of Vail web site. Proper notice of these meetings was not given to the adjacent landowners. fhis has theeffect of Dalmer nraking its case without input frorn the adjacent landowners. At the Town Council meeting on Decembex 2!, 1,999 almost all of the members of the Town Council indicated that they would approve the project without giving all of the adjacent landowners and the residents of Vail much, if anty, input. Thisviolates the rights of the adjacent landowners and the residentsof the town of Vail to due process. f OB.IECT TO At{Y COI'NCI], MEMBERS PARTICIPATING IN THE FORI"IAIJ VOTE WIIO FIAVE AI,READY PRE,JUDGED THE APPIICATIOIiI BEFORE THE FOR}AI., VOTE TAKES PLACE. FI'RTHER I OB,JECT TO ANY COIINCIL MEMBER VOTING ON THE APPTICATION THAT I1AS A CONF],ICT OF INTEREST. 2.In spite of numerous requests, neither I nor any of the ottrerresidential owners in the Vail Gateway, to my knowledge, have been qiven notice to most if not all of the meetings. Notice toStoltz Management is not adequate since they doldid not in turn provide notice to the owners in the Vail Gateway. The notice to StoJ-tz when given, goes to the wrong address contrary to Stoltz'sletter. This information about lack of notice was previouslyprovided.to you. YOU HAVE ACIIIAI NOIICE THAI THE GMNG OF NOTICE TO STOITZ }4NAGEMENT DOES NOf IN TURN RESULT IN NOTTCE TO THE CONDOMINIITM O$INERS IN THE \IAII GATEWAY. This is especially troublesome in light of the fact that Sto1tz Management or ttr.eirprinciples were represented by Jay Peterson who is also the claimed attorney for Daymer Corporation. 3. The Town of Vail ordinance 12-3-6 C. dealing with noticeconstitutes a denial of due process and equal protection of thelaw for the owners in the Vail Gateway and other adjacent condominium owners since it does not provide for actual notice to ttrem as adjacent property owners. YOU HAVE BEEN PREVfOUSTY TNFORMED IHAT THE GfVING OF NOTICE TO STOLTZ TVIANAGEMENT DOES NOTIN TI]RN RESI]LT IN NOTICE TO THE CONDOMINII]M OWNERS IN TIIE \n'II GATEWAY. As such, it is unconstitutional . 4. The amendment violates the "view corridor" from the four waystop (now roundabout) established in the SDD approval for the ViJ-lage fnn. Based on this "view corridor", the height of theVail Gateway was reduced. fn Rick Pylman's (Town Planner forVail) Ietter dated Feb. L6, 1988 discussing the VaiI Gateway, he stated: "Staff feels strongl-y that this building (VaiI Gateway) should p established by the approved Vail ViLlaqe Inn devel t. The e substantial revisions to maintain the view ameters established bv the WI . Photographs of the notch in the VaiL Gateway bui-lding are aLtached. It would be unfair, arbitrary, and unreasonabl-e to have reduced the height of the VaiJ. Gateway based on the "view corridor" inthe SDD ordinance for the Village fnn and then to turn around andignore the same requirement fot the Village Inn itself. The agreement between Joe Stauffer and the Town of Vail as documentedin the SDD approval constitutes a recorded real covenant that i-nures to the benefit of the adjacent landowners that relied onthis real covenant. The SDD approval provides for a three slory building in the "view corridor" area. The SDD approval was theresult of give and take neqotiations between the Town of Vail and 'Joe Stauffer. Joe Stauffer agreed to two story buildings on East Meadow Drive and Vail Road in return for a five story building on Erontage Road. In addition to constituting a real covenant, the SDD approval constj-tutes a contract between the Town of Vail and Joe Stauffer v*rich insures to the benefit of adjacent owners asthird party beneficiaries. 5. The a.mend.rrent violates the Town of Vait Master P1an.2 Ihe master plan states with respect to the Vail Village Inn: Gss ofbuildings. shall step up from existing pedestrian scale along Meadow Drive to 4-5 stories along F applicatiion, should be 3-4 stories according to the ConceptualBuildi-ng Hei-ght Plan in the Master Plan. The WI proposal willdirectly irnpact the character of the VaiJ- Village. If approval ofthe amendment is a11owed, where will it stop. Won't the owners ofthe Holiday House property, ttre gas station and others want to have the sane massive size to maximize Ehe value of theirproperties. Perhaps the Vail Gateway would like to add another 2or 3 floors also. The entrance to the Vail Village would be a massive canyon of buildings more in keeping with a large cityrather than a unique ski vil1age. 6. The VJ-llage Tnn project does not coordinate well with the VaiI Gateway. Ihe Vail cat.eway would be faci-ng a large wall approximately 68 feet high, wtrich would only be about 40 feetfrom the Vail Gateway property. A dead end canyon would becreated. Thj-s is not in keeping with the initial representation made by the Vail Village Inn to the Town of VaiJ-, that: "The architects Zehren & Associates were challenged to acconnpdate this program in a configuration harrrpnious to the inrrediate neighborhood and add to the VaiI Character." Ttrere is nothing harmonious about this project as it relates to the Vail Gateway and it is certainly not j-n keeping with the VaiI Character. It isa big project being urged on a small vilIage. 7. The Village Inn project comes very close to the Vail Gateway driveway where cars enter the garage and deliveries are made. ft would create a high, long and large dead end a11ey that would cause auto and diesel fumes to accumulate and enter the Vail Gateway. This would be noxious, odorous, harmful to heafth, andperhaps deadly. A study should be done to determine the buildupof carbon monoxide and other dangerous fumes that would enter theVail Gateway and the ViLlage Inn from this area. 8. The Village Inn project would cut off sunlight and air for theVaj-l Gateway. The Vail Gateway would for the most part be in the shadow of the Village Inn during the winter months. On the Eastside of the Gateway building the Hotel will almost, touch. Eromthe plan it would appear to be 2 feet away at the lower levels. 9. The traffic, noise, and accompanying pollution in the area ofthe roundabout, Vail Road, and Frontage Road would increase 2 Jeff Winston'g August 24, 1999 report refleots the areag where the Mast€,r Pl.n is not followed A c.opy of his rcpo,rt is attached Jeff Winston was a consultant with respect to developing the mrster plan. dramatically. The roundabout presently backs up at certain timesof the day, and the increase in the number of cars will only exacerbate the problem. The Traffic Impact Analysis done byFeisburg, HuIt & UJ.levig is based on the assumption that 508 ofthe traffic is internal and as such reduced their trip generation figrures by 50t. This ignores the fact that the Vail Village has afree transportation system that is unigue. Even assuming a 508reduction, ttre overall traffic increases from about L050 tripsper day to 3L00 trips per day. THIS rS A TRIPIJING IN TRAFFIC. rfthe assumed reduction fign:re is wrong then the increase could be as much as six fold. An increase percentage of 28 was used toindicate that the traffic would go to 4600 vehicles during the PM peak hour in the year 201-5. This assurmes that further large hotelprojects similar to the Village fnn will not be approved, which would be unrealistic if this project is approved. There would bea Domino effect. A1so the study does not take into considerationthe effect of other buildings being redeveloped and further increasing traffic on Vail- Road. Wtrat about the tiurber that has to be removed fror ".t"qo.y III * . An tTucKs. VAII., SHOUID HIRE AI.I INDEPENDENT TRAFFIC FIRM TO VERIFY THE ACCUR;ACY OF THE INFOR!,IATION PROVIDED BY THE APPIICANT. 10. No studies have been filed to reflect the pollution leveJ-s that would come from the increased traffic. 1-1- The owner of the Village Inn knew at the time of its purchase what was allowed and what was not allowed under the SDD approvalin place and master plan at the time. The Village fnn proposal would change the rules and would greatly increase the value ofthe ViIIage Inn property and at the same time diminish the valueof the Vail Gateway property as well as other adjacent property owners. It would be unfair to provide the Village Inn owner witha financial- windfall at the expense of the Vail- Gateway owners. 12. Oumers in the VaiI Gateway purchased their properties and spent money fixing thern up relying on the approvals already inplace for the Village Inn, including the view corridor, as well as the master plan. As such changing these items would constitute an inverse condemnation of the ownership interests of the Vail Gateway owners. The value of the Vail Gateway owners would be reduced so as to provide a windfall to the owners of the Vail Village Inn. 13. The Vail master plan, which was enacted by ordinance, cannot be violated under the guise of an SDD, without changing the master plan itself.3 Attorney John Dunn has submit,ted a 3 Dayrrr's argument thet the mester plan does not apply beoause the Vail Gateway was built does not hold water. The Vril Gatewry was approved before the master plan was approved AII of the diagraos of Vail in the master plan show the Vail Gateway and its height Therefore the Vail Gateway was oonsidered rt the time the master plan was enaoted memorandum of law on this issue. The Village Inn acknowledges this when they submitted a "Revision of Vail Village Master Plan- Conceptual Building Height P1an..." on Nov. 30, 1998.4 L4. The Village fnn proposal has not discussed the hazard of afire spreading to or fron their buildings to the Vail Gateway inIight of their extremely close proximity. (The fact that the proposed Vail Village Inn has exterior fireproofing does not apply to the Vail Gateway and the Vill-age lnn Condo, r'strich doesnot have special fireproofing. ) What further problems would thiscreate for the fj-re department if a fire had to be fought? Al-so there is no showing that the Town of Vail fire department could handle a fire in a buiLding of this size and height. 15. What assurances have the owner of the Village Inn provided that it has the financial and real estate capability to build what they say they want to buiJ-d? Wtrat assurances have theyprovided that they are trustr^rorthy and will- do what they say they wiJ'l- do? Dayrner Corporation N.V- has reportedly been previously involved in litigation where claims were made of wrongful conductby Dalzner. Dalaner should make a full disclosure of prior litigation and its outcome to properly assess its trustworthiness. AJ-so its true ownership should be revealed sinceit is a Netherlands Antilles Corporation. L6. The simulated pictures submitted by the VaiI Village Inn aremisleading. As an exarnple, view analysis nurnber three strows a seven story Vail VilLage Hotel not much higher than the adjacentfive story Vail Gateway. 1-7. The sales tax revenues projected to the Town of VaiI are based on numerous assumptions. What guarantees or bonds have theVi].lage Inn offered if their projections are wrong:. ff the ViJ-lage Inn is seeking to motivate the Town of VaiI by the promise of additional funds, certainly they should stand behindthe nu:nbers and provide a guarantee or bond from a financially sound third party to back up their numbers. There is no requirement that the applicant submi-t a "Town of VaiI fncremental Rewenue Impact" report. It is c]-earlv a carrot beinq danqled infront. of the town counsel to iust the master nlan and other zo remenTs. IT IS BASED ON ASSI]MPTIONSs FROM TTIE APPIICAI{T. IiITIAT CONSIDERATION lgAS GIVEN TO TIIE FACT THAT SAIES TAX }ilIT,T, BE IOST 9IHEN PEOP].,,E SWITCH FROM THE OTT{ER HOTEIS IN TOI{IN TO THE APPIICANT'S HOTEI . OBJECTION IS r"tADE TO THIS TO!ilN COIINCII, VOTING ON THE APPI.,ICATION SI t 4 No action was taken on this submission 5 General Assurytions: "1. The inoremcntal reveoue impaots are based upon the Hotel Program Ana5dysis as communioated by Mr. Wslder Prdo as of September 8 ,1999. " Page 4 of fte Se'pt 20,1999 Stan Bernstein report TO RECUSE ITSEIF. A Conflict of interest has been created by theA@ue of it's submission of this report. l-8. The Vi-11age Inn should provj-de compensation to the adjacentpxoperty owners, whose values will go down as a result of theVillage Inn violations of the master pJ-an as well as the agreement between the Town of Vail and Joe Stauffer as codifiedin the SDD approval . 19. The Vail Plaza Hotel Fact Sheet is misleading. ft indicatesthat the 1-992 approval a.l-lowed a building height of 67 feet. It does not indicate that this height applied to the building on Frontage Road only and does not apply to the buildinqs that wouldbe south of the VaiJ- Gateway. (Between the Vail Gateway and the skj- mountain) 20. No view corridor analysis was done other than providing photos some of, l*rich are misleading. A view corridor analysis was requested in tbe memorandum lo the Planning and Environmental Conmission dated Jane 22, L998. Daymer Corporation takes theposition that the Vail Gateway has already blocked the viewcorridor therefore it is a non issue. Further Dalmer has represented to the counsel that the notch in the Gateway building was filLed in. That did not happen. The notch is sti.]-l there. No vj-ew analysis has been done from the Vail Gateway to design compatibility as well as the effect of violating determine the master plan. The applicant has constantl-y misused the Encroachment and View Agreement signed by Leo Palmer and Joe apply to this application. 21,. It is unknown if an urban design analysis was done. An urbandesign analysis was reqnrested in the memorandun to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated June 22, l-998. f urge you as council members to take aII of these factorsinto consideration. How could this project be done in good conscience when it will have so many negative resuLts. Certainlya hotel more in keeping with VaiI, s charming atmosphere wouldbenefit the town. As you nake your decision, you are makinghistory. The way you decide to make that history, is what willultimatel-y determine Vail's future and l-ong-term success. Youwill not be able to market Vail as a small town with a charmingAlpine feel after these projects and subsequent ones of the samekind are constructed. Is the building of this specific hoteltruly beneficial to Vail Village? I don't think so. The Village can certainly wait for something better than this to come along. The Sonnenalp and Austria House are good examples of Lhat. Why settle for second best,shouldntt. Someone has morals that we all hopeit's representatives. I time. Very T.9uIy YgFrs,a<4tuCnarles ft. IrrpCon or even worse? You dontt have to, and you to uphold not only the good principles andto have, but the reputation of VaiI and hope you can do that. Ihank you for your .'EFF WTNSTON IdASTER PI.AII REPORT n.{\./ (\ \. \" .4\i!' Tn August74, 1999 George Reuther, Town of Vail Community Development JeffWinston Vail Plaza Hotel Design Review .P \0 q)\ .'n' \", ! \ r.:v \l1 /v the Urban Design Guide Plan. VAL VIU-AGE MASTER PI.AN lllustrative Plans ELand Use Plan - ls consistent with Medium/High Density Residential designation. EOpen Space Plan - Does not reduce Village lnn Plaza w/ Greenspace. trParking and Circulation - Does not continue EAN peciestrian linkage from Crossroads to Vail Road. trBuilding Height - Exceeds 3 to 4 story designation to achieve "stepping down" to Gaeway building trBuilding Height Profile-Does not achieve stepping down toward Vail Road. ElAction Plan - lmplements projecied infill development of residentiali lodging infill. ESub-area | - Commercial development at ground level to frame interior plazawith greenspoce - Mass of building does not "step up" from existing pedestrian scaje along Meadow Drive to 4-5 stories along Frontage Road. Rather, makes an abrupt transrtion to 5 to 6 stories. n Design does not maintain view corridor from 4-way stop (roundabout) to Vail Mountain. Applicable Objectives ("Special Emphasis"): gl .2 Encourages the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities. Fl2.3 Increxes the number of residential units available for short-term ovemight accommodations. gZ.4 Encourage the development of a variety of new commercial activrty where compatible with existing land uses. 926 Encourages the development of aft'ordable housing units through the efforts of the private sector. 93.2 Minimizes the arnount of vehicular traftic in the Village to the greatest extent possible. tr4. I Does not ,mprove existrng open space dreos or c,€ote new p/ozds with greenspace and pocket park. 815. I Meets parking demands wrth public and private parking facilities. g6.l Provrdes service and delivery facilities for existing and new development Land Use Comparison (Appendix A) WMP Appendix A Pmposed Unbuiit units l48 a.u. (74 e.d.u.)4 I d.u.+ 97 a.u. (90 e.d.u.) Unbuilt square feei 45,636 l0 r,060 2299 PEARL STREET, SU|TE r00 . BCULDER. CO 80302 J 303-440-9200 o FAX 103-449-69 | I o TO}VN OF VAIL MEETINGS FOR DAYMER Touar of Vail - Search Page I of2 SEARCH sesrch 10r. loavmer Number of documents found: 32. Click on a docunent to view ig or submi another sGarch. Search Results IDocunent fitle Date Town of Vail {Slgglnily tler:clopllentj lEe_:gsllenl Agenda : Decpr-nber 1_3 J999 12120199 11:15:03 IOua!_BfVad:lSnIEn{y Dqrel,o-p1nen1-1_PEc : Current Asenda - ,t\rchive - November 22- 1999 12120199 I l:15:03 Ioqr ofVail - Commmity Development - PEC - Current ra20tw 1l:15:02Ageada - Archive_- Noy_emb_er 8.1999 Ioum ofVail - Communit-v Devtlorulen!: PE!_:lqrrent Agenda - Archive - December 13" 199s 12l20w 11: l5:03 Town of Vail - Communitli D_er39!-opqent - PEQ: Meetag eggdls - Archive - Decenrber f-i,1999 t2l2U99 12:19:52 Town ofVail - Community Dwelo.lrrqent - PEQ-: tufr.Cll Aeenda - Archive - October 11" l9S9 12120199 11:15:02 Torm of Vail - Community_D-ela9lop-.m9gt; PEC_-ge,eting Results - l.rlovember 22. 1999 tu20l9 11:15:09 Town ofVsil - Community DryeloDqeni: I'EQ_: {gll9rr! Asenda - Archive - October 25, 1999 lu20l99 l1:15:02 Townof Vail-Commrmity,D_eyql_ol_lqS,nJ_-flanning_-DBB - C.urrent Aeenda - Archive - December I " 1999 12120199 11:14:51 Town of Vg!!_.Qqqnun!11' Development - PEC - Current Agerda_- Archj"c_: September,27. 1999 t2120199 l1:15:01 @qpnen!-:!E-Q-Final Aeenda - Archir,'e - October 1l " 1999 nnol99 1 1:15:08 exe/search-htm nhttp :l/clvail co. u9_vtiJ Torm of Vail - Search Page2 of2 own of Vail - Commr.rnity Development - PEC - Meaing ezults - Archive - October 25. 1999 12120199 l1: l5:09 Town of Vail - Commrurity f)e'v'elopment - PEC - Ir{eeting R.g5ults - Arclne :llavstlbsr_E l_999 12120199 l1:15:09 Tor+a of Vail - Couununity Devclopmcnt - PEC - Current Asenda 12/20199 I 1: 14:59 Town of Vail - Community Development - Planaing - DRB - Current Agenda - {qqhive - NpveubprlZ_I999 12120199 l1: l4:51 Torvr r:f Vail - Conrrrrunity Development - Planning - DRB - kf eeting Results - Archive - Novernber 17, 1999 12120199 I I : 14:58 Toum ofVail - Community f)evelopment - PEC - Final Agenda - Archive - Sentenrber 27, 1999 12120199 11:15:08 Town of Vail - flommrurity l)evelopnent - PEC - Final A€crdai4plf !2--19 12/20199 ll:15:(X Town of Vail - Commrudtv Dcvelopment - PEC - Minutes - November 22, 1999 r2l2u99 l2:32:07 Town of Vail - Commurdly f)evelopment - Planning - DRB rl4eetlqe@ 12120199 I l:14:59 Io*n of Vail - Ccl rrrrunily Dcvclopmcnt - Planning - flRB - Cnrrent Asenda - Archive - Novenrber 3. l9gq l2l2al99 1l: 14:50 Tovl.n of Vail - Communitv Development - Planning - DRB - Arcirive - Current Ascnda - October 20. 1999 rzl20l99 I l:14:50 To*a of Vail - Community Development - Plennine - DRB - Meetirre Results - Archive - Novenrber 3. l qgq 12120199 I I : 14:58 Tor+a of Vail - Comnrunity f)evelopment - PEC - Mfuutes - licvenber 8. 1999 12120199 I l: l5:16 lTor+.a cf Vail - Cornnrruritr- l)e'"'elopment - Planning - DRB l- Archive - Current Agenda - Octotrer 6. lssg 12120199 11:14:50 Torvl of Vail - Communitv Developrnent - Pianning - DRB - Meetine Results - Archive - October 20. ls99 t2120199 ll:I4:57 Tou,n of Vail - Comnrunity f)evelopment - PEC - Miuutes - Atcltrvs : apnl!2- 1999 12120199 1l:15:10 To*t of Vail - Communitv Dcvclopment - Planning - f)RB - Archive - Meetirrc Results - October 6. 1999 12120199 ll:.14:.57 Torm ofVail - Community Development - PEC - Minutes - Archive - Novernber 8- 1999 12120199 I l:15:15 Town of Vail - Cerrntr,unitv Dcvclopmcnt - PEC - Minutes - Archive - October 2-5. 1999 12120199 1l: l5: l5 Towt of Vail - Community Development - PEC - Minutes - Archive - Octobcr I l. lqsrg razu99 11: l5: l5 Town of Vail - Cornmunity Dcvclopmcnt - PEC - Minutes - Archive - September 27. 1999 ra20B9 11: l5: 14 http : //clvail co.uV_vti_bin/$tml. exe/searoh. htn t2t25n999 TOWN OX'VAIL HOME PAGE Toum of Vail- Visiting Vail Page I of2 With world renowned skiing, diverse shops and restawantE, luxurious accommodations and breath- taking mountain vievus, Vail is arguably the finest reort destination in the world. Although the skiing is unsurpassed, Egchlf Vail'? charm comes from ib@ne@tem. Most lodges and condominiums ar, within walking distance of each other and the shopo and restaurar are clustered around the center of the reeort accompanied by a G< Medal fishing stream. Other areas are connected by the largest fre transit system in the country. See for yourself. Vail is a great placr visit-summer or winter, .jr.a i\-ie.t.F'73 l: a rr-t-j .i&'intcl Hmg$ ffi http ://civailco.u#visitingtisiting.htm r2t20n999 Toum of Vail - Living in Vail Page l ofl L_tvfr*6 f}} td*$t Vail is home to 4,500 permanent residents, plus anotter 5,000 part-time resldenb of vacation properties. Together, ule value a lifeetyle that combines one of the best -, atptne res(rts In me vw)no @,fffi mountain community with excellent schools, a state of the art hospital, outstanding skiing and other recreational facilities and more open space than any reeort community in the U.S. We cheris our alpine environment as our moat important natural resource an we all work hard to protect it. Welcome to our t/vorld. Conrfuniy DevelopfiEnt Sabs Tax Aff ordablc Housing Programs Deaign Revis\ir/ Board Planning and Environmental Commission Lronshead N4a9or Plan Environmontal Programs and Ro$aurant Inspoctions Comfi unity Facilti6s Design Procce5 Businosg Licenses Salos Tax Forms Salqi TaY Work Shod Varl Busin€ss Revrew Vail Lodging Ta:: FAos ]lurnan Resourcea Veil Transl Employment Opportunrtres Bus Schecfules ht@ ://clvail co.uMiving.htm I2120t1999 MISCELLAIYEOUS LETTERS r2-25-1999 |r :3rAM FROI'4 f'8 MAC I"€DIA 3A3 A31 4427 December 24. 1999 Mayor Ludwig Kurz Town Council Members Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE. Proposed Village Inn Hotel Complex Dear Mr. Mayor and Town Gouncil Members' As the publishers ol VaiFBeaver creek Magazine and several other valley pUblicaiions we are kept abreasl Of tlre publiC pulse bgth local ard visitor- Over ine past few years comment has run decidedly in the negative. Qreed app€ars as the common complaint followed by the toss of quaintness eni:yed in years past. White growth by its nature will diminish quainhess lt can, and has in other areas' be accomplished without the pen erce and short sighted greed evidenced in Ule approval of the Village Inn Proiecl, as il is Gunently offered. The scale of this prOject is toq massive not only in a visual sense but lrom a consumptive perspective as well. "Creatlrg a Monstef rnay well be the epitaph that this councilwill leave if this prolect is glven hasty approval- Give this proiect tnote thotlght. Best regards, P. I , r' x!!rrtiilrr.'rr!t'.- |{t'nr' t!f,t r'lfri l': ?i,(:1, ]d,.d" r nrw.l '{rnl'|?.|'-6 dra'r7 'ttr r.i t^^r?\r, k v. , . ^l 44r,4 /ts '.-..' .1h,,. ||:il ltn tn,t ir',1,. e.t| ,-r(l7rr ,\ai:! f,r.,r,||:I tt-tt L]t..^7, 'rr,. r^ r! 3n{ ar.irrS-Q r.r.r rrtrt,.2.r.r.Lx, k x .r ,,t 4.^t Presidenl and Publisher JOHN BREYO 18 Summerfield Lane Saratoga Springs, N.Y. 12866 Telephone 518-464-2350 December 24.1999 Mayor Ludwig Kurz and Town Council Members Planning and Environmental Commission, Town ofVail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Village Inn Hotel Dear Mayor, Ladies and Gentlemen: This is to confirm the following: l. I amthe owner of Unit 2 md,Unrt 3 in the Vail Gateway. They are ditectly adjacent to the proposed Village Inn Hotel 2. lhwe not received writte,n notice from the Toum of Vail nor from Stoltz Manage.me,lrt about the Village lnn proposal or abortr my Planning and Environmental Comission meetings or abors Design Rwiew Board meetings or Town Council meetings. I object to any meetings without proper and actual writteir notioe. Further I object to any informal meetings. 3. I purchased my unit relyng in part on the exiSing ma$er plan and exiSing SDD approval. 4. I object to the Village Inn violating tle master plan, the SDD approval and blocking the view corridor towards Gold Peak. The proposed plan will block my views, put my units into a Sadow, create traffio problems, create polhrtion proble,ms md desroy the village ambiance. Also the proposed hotel will come within about two feet of the Vail Gateway on the side where one of my units is looated. This creates a fire hazard as well as a security hazard. 5. I object to any Toum Council members voting on the issre of the Village Inn Hotel who have prejudged the matter and have already indicated theh decision before I eve,n have a chance to provide any input into the process. Accordi'g to an article in the Vail Dalily dated Decemba 23, 1999, mny of the Town Council membqs have decided the isses prior to my being given notice and an opportunity to become involved in the process. Very Truly Ygugs, :r,;)i,!,, bra.yz 4 I a-zf-gg 0e:l3pr Fror-T-043 P 02/0? F-535 December 24, 1999 Mavor Ludwig Kurz and Town Council Members, Planning and Environmcntal Commission, and George Ruthcr, Senior Planncr Town of Vail 75 S. Frontagc Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Fax910479-2452 Rc: Vail Village Inn Dear Mayor, Ladies and Gentlemcn: I am wriling to cxprcss my concern about-tlrc proposed Vail Village Inn Hotel p*.it",. ff,-. plan is too large for Vail Village and will crcarc I high{cnsity feeling upon enrering Vail' I am an original owner of a condo in the Vail Gatewaywith livmg room and ueJr*. winaows facing Fronrage Road and wilh sidc windows facing rhe o.oooscd proiect. I expc;l Fron'ge Road ud thc rcurd-st out will becomC very ioi'r,.rr.O] .i*ting an intolorable imount of trffic ouaide our living room and U.li*, *i"ao,"t] ,q,nd from whar I understand, the hotol will be very closc to ,t . i.rt ,ia" ofrhc Grtcway building - and thercfore vcry close to our bedroom and barhroom windows. Wbr onty wi1 this projecr scvercly impact our privacy. i.ip*, tf," p.lcct will clusc a subsantial decline in our propony valuc and its marketabilitY. Wc chosc to buy a condo in Vail becrure we enjoy is.elognnt village atnosphcre. Wi rely uPon the good judg,e-ment of vail's lcsdcrs to preservc lnrs "pp""[ i *g. you t; reject thiJproposai for $e bencfit ofthc residential ol*,n"r. in thi vail Gateway and for the benefit of Vail Village' cc: Tho llonorablc Jack KcmP Daoid W Hanna , Unit tt4 908 Rernbrrndt Streel Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Stephen & Corinne Saldanha 720.2 l,.yreh rc LanE 1380 Wcethawan GiroJ-e Boar Rrton FL 33/!96 \Iail CO 81657 Par: 561 852 1160 Far: 970 476 7323 Enrl.l: Ssa].danh:rcpao.rn t.cm llhyor Ludrig Kurz Tosn Counci.l- l.lambcrg Planning and Ernrl-ronmntal- Coirsion GfaorE[ Rtrther - S.nl,or P].ann.r Torrr of vai]- 75 8. Frontago Road Vail, Col.orado 81657 E'ax: 970-a179-2452 Rc: YLil. Vil]-agc Inn - Propogcd ltcr Eotcl- D.ar ltayor, Ladi.la and Glcnt1cmlr: Ilo trawc ba€n p.rt of tho \|ail- \/allry caflrtuni.ty for trenty-onoy..rrs and hawr yatohod our bcautiful a:rea gror into an Intrrnatl'onal R.gort Dretination. Ttrc roornt ncrs rogarding ttrc plans to tGar dosrr thc \/ail. \Iil-lagc Inn and rcpl.aec it ritJl a rrer hot I. as high aa 7/8 stori.s is rcst oonocrning to ug. In our oonsidcd o1linion tlrc prqnaod hotcl. r.quirGr coqrli-anoc rJ.ttr thr Va1l Uast.r Plan and \/ail BuiJ-dirrg Cod.s and Stand.ada, and, al anroh, nccdl to b. reconfigurc<l in four koy ucas: 1. Ttn rcguiront to naj.ntain thc oharactar of \/aLl Vl.]-]-agr as a Vi]-]-agc 2. llhc buildirrg hcight rcqui.ronts 3. Ehc ect back regufu.t@nts to V.11 x.aont Ec Road, Tho Val'l- datcray and Vail ViJ-l.aglc Condo BuiJ-dinga 4. lllrc vicrs torarrd thc murtain - slrGaifior.I,J.y Glo]-d P.tk In addition, cono.rnr of th. courity ri.ttr rlEatd to ovcr-LnrJ.I.t hot l aoodationg and inorcagsd road traffio go ologq to tb. Va1l. roundabout nmd to ba ful.fy rval-urted. If this ig al4rrio'ncd, as ie, ttrcn riLl. bo no Jurtl.fioation in tlrefuturc to trr:.n dorn othrr atrrpli.cati.onr for dcrtroying tbc eharact f of V.i-I IlaEa, obJ.itcatirrg ttrc wicrs of ttrc rcuntain, prcrvcntirrg tbr congtneotion of hlgh-risc br.riJ-dinga orrcquiring nacassraa' grt baoke. Ifa undcrgtand th. fl.rst nadJ-ng of tlrc ordinanoc ic got for dlan.a, 2O0O. n urgl you, Itayor, Ladira and Gontlrnnn, to r4rhol.d ttrc l.arg of our bcautifuJ. Vi.lJ.age and nakc rur:c thir 1lrojGot oonfomgto al.I. thr rrquinonntg rnd rtrndrrdo appJ-ioabJ-c, bcforc alprorral'is grantcd. W. ar. rcll arero hor diffiouJ-t it nrst bo to eatiafy all. ttrc demandg roquir.d b1t a diracreo and grorlrrE oogGlrnity. Eorclrcr, yorr the guardiang of our ba.utl.ful orrrriromnt Eut crrforocaoq*iano. rith th. \IaiI- Itast r Pl.an and \/ai]. Btrildirag cod.s and Standarda for ttrc bcn fit of alt tJro poopl.c of VaiI. h","-bawU Corinnc N Saldanha Dsniel E. Virnich {120 Glen Falls l-,ane Vsit, CO.81657 vtG4it9434s December28, 1999 Mayor Ludwig Kurz & Tonm Council MEmbers Planning & Environmental Commissi6a, an4 George Ruther, Senior Planner Toun ofVail 75 S. Frontage Road Veil, CO. 81657 Re: Vail Village Inn Dear Mayor, Ladies and Gentlemen: I am writing to voice my strong objection to the proposed Vail Village rnn plejsct. | fosye been a fulItime resident of Vail for the past six years and have owned property here for over t€n years. My objections can be sunmarized as follows: A The scope ofthe project, particularly the heigbt, is not in ke.piog with the character of VaiL I beliwe the character Sould continue to be that of a cozy Alpine village. A project ofthis size-partioularly at the entrance to Vail, is not consistent will this image. I am concemed that the vi$ility ofthis to all entering Vail as well as those passing by will lend a 'lligh Rise" image to the Village totally incoffistmt with its charactsr. B. There is no demonstrated need for more hotel rooms in Vail. The recent struggle to utilize the existing rooms is wident and witl the indicated flattening oftle ski industry growth curve will onbr serve to exacerbate the vacauay issues. Recently there have been articles in our local newryapers setting forth the the difficuhies e4erie,nce by the projects next door neighbor-the Gateway Center as well as tle increasing number vacancies in tle village core. I am told that our existing hotels are struggling to maintain 70%o occupancy rates wen in the peak season. Such an eryansion of a business in ttre Village core will make ihis struggle mrch more difficuh.We need good strong profitable businesses in the Villagecreating additional coryetition in a weak business environme,nt is not the answer to the current dilema frced bv our cotnmercial center. We face aa eryloyee crisis. One only needs to pick up tle local newryaper to mdersmd the crisis that exi.$s for our current businesses to find an adequate number of qualified e,ryloyees. Increasing the demand for eryloyees by over 100 will only make this increasingly difficult problem worse. Need I also mention the demand put on enryloyees housing-a problem which is far from being solved. Traffic-the studies I have seen suggesting tlat this project willhave only minimal traffc impact must be flawed . I remember the traffic problems before the roundabouts. It appears to me that our traffic problem is ag*in getting out ofhand. I am sure each of you in the last couple ofweeks has struggled getting into and out ofthe main pa*ing lot during peak times(ufiich incidentally seem to be getting longer and longer). The addition of290 parking places in the middle of the curent congestion can only make it worse. Precedent-I am concerned that the approval ofthis project sets a dangerous precedent for future dwelopment that will be atnost inTossible to oontrol. Ifthis project is approved uihat are you going to say to tle ne* dweloper that oomes along with reryect to height, trafrc, employee demands etc. r beliwe it is time that this toum !s managed for the residentq prop€rty oumers and existing business e,ntities ratler than for the be,nefit ofthe real estate dwelopers and their related businesses. If werytime one oftiese'ftvored people"comes up with a project and it is approved whether or not it makes cornmon sense tlen the future of our wonderful part ofthe world is indeed bleak. J think now is tle time to sit back and look at the scope and problems rssociated with this project through the eyes of your real constituencies'tle people rryho live and own property here. If you do I am sure you will tum this project doum. Verytru\ryours, C. D. Dec-31-99 a I I :32A TRIGC't9708450762 M,'. r,,., 1 !1,".. |".'u,;-ttrc, J rrel(l rrtlliT :il,,. l:1,',x o.I4,,,,.,,.\,,i :'1.,1 f''.',,' i-,'r',',,,1. December29, l$r9 Mayor Ludwig Kurz & Town Cotmcil Membcrs Town of Vail 75 S Frontage RouJ Vail. CO 81657 Tranmrssion tty l'ax: 479-2452 Re'. Wlaee tnn H!W! Dear Maytx, tadtcs & C;entlcmcn, Thc plannc4 crmstrucrion ol'thc Vail Village Inn remodel docs not keep with tlre building tradition of Vail Villagc. lhe plons call for a huge tnrilding thar bctrays the warmth and Bsvuian tradition of'our town, Many of our visato$, like ourselvcs, lind in Vail a respitc liom big and tall buildings, troffic Jnoblcms and thc congestion and pollution thcse cause. Wc would encourage you to thinh this tluough thoroughly and look attcr thc cnvirons lhat havc madc Vuil attracted so rnany of us ttl invcsl herc. Trigo P.OZ BTG/TI Dec. 29. 1999 4:4OPM FIELD C0NTAINER . FIELD CONTAINTR COMPANY, L.P. Deccmber 29, 1999 No. ? 211 P. 2 trrry ticld Chicf E!"csriv. Officer Mayor Ludwig Kurz rnd Town Council Mcmben, Planning and Environrncntal Commission' And Georgc Ruthcr, Senior Planner 75 S. Fronuge Road Vail, CO 81557 ( Rc: Vail Village Inn Dear Mayor, Ladics and Ccntlemsnl As a homeowner on Wcst For$t Road in Vail, I would like to voise * *"t objection to thc Village Inn Hotel project &at was rejected by thc last council. I feel thc revisod plan is still too large for vail. The project udll cs]rsc a density problerr, incrcase traffic, and set a prccedcnt for applications for otlrcr tall buildings rc be approved. The mandate from Vail residents and the Master Plsn call for Vail Village to be kcpt a village. This is bcing disregardcd' I am voicing my concern and would apprcciate your stong considcration -of tlis tn"rsage. I can be reachcd via fax at 847-956- 9250. Very truly yotus, e:?dnr Lany Field /Pm t5q) Nicholu Soslevrrd llt Crov! villr3., lllhoir 50007 Idcphoqa t47.956,328 F.cainilc u7.9t6.9250 VAIL DArLY ARTTCLE DEC.23,t999 JOHN W. DUNN ARTHUR A. ABPLANALB JR. D IANE HERfiAN MAU R IELLO OF COUNSEL: JERRY W. HANNAH TELEPHONE:(970) z+76-0300 FACS IM ILE: \970r 476-4765 e-mail: v6illaw@vail.net CEFIIFIEO LEGAL ASSISIANTS KAREN M. DUNN, CLAS JAN ICE K. SCOFIELD, CLA Law OFFtcEs DUNN, AepLaNalp & Mnunrello, P.C. WESTSTAR Blrux Bu rr-o rr.rc rog Soure FRoNTAGe Roao Wesr Su rrE 3oo Vlrr-, Coloaaoo eresz January 3, 2000 Town Council Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail CO 81657 Dtte Receive JAN oB 2000 Re: Vail Plaza Hotel Dear Mayor and Council As you know, this firm represents Charles Lipcon, the owner of a residential unit at Vail Gateway Plaza and a member of the board of directors of the owners association at Vail Gateway. It is our understanding that the first reading of the ordinance to approve a major amendment of the development plan for Special Development District #6, to permit the construction of the proposed Vail Plaza Hotel, will be heard on January 4,2000. The purpose of this letter is to set forth Mr. Lipcon's concems with respect to that project. Enclosed are copies of our letter to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated June 2, 1998, and of our letter to the Town Council dated February 2, 1999. Sct forth in those letters are our legal position with respect to the non-compliance of the 1998 proposal with the Vail Village Master Plan. While the mass of the proposed building has now been reduced, the height of it to the south of the Vail Gateway Plaza remains approximately double what is permitted by the Master Plan. It is also noted that, on October 5,1999, the Town Council adopted amendments to the underlying zone district but left in place the height limitation of 48 feet for that zone district. Therefore, the proposal not only violates the height limitations of the Vail Village Master Plan but also violates the height limitations of underlying zoning, as readopted on October 5. In our letter to the PEC dated June 2, 1998, we emphasized that $ 12-94-8 of the Municipal Code makes it the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that a proposed development plan complies with the Vail Comprehensive Plan, that the same is not applicable or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest had been achieved. We also observed that we were unable to find anything in the applicant's 1998 submittal to comply with that requirement. Indeed, on November 30, 1998, the applicant submitted an application for revision of the height limitations of the Master Plan, which application was withdrawn on December 18, 1998. Neither is there anything in the 1999 submittal or in the staff reports to show compliance with $ 12-9A-8. Rather, the argument of the applicant, which seems to have been accepted by staff, is that one purpose of the Master Plan height limitations, the preservation of the view of Gold Peak from the former four-way stop, has been eroded by the construction of the Vail Gateway Plaza md the main Vail roundabout. While those facts might support an amendment to the Master Plan, no such amendment has occurred. The Council is urged to bear in mind that there are important reasons to have a master plan and to comply with it. One council member has raised two questions which we believe demonstrate those reasons. The first question, whether the massing of the proposedPlaza Hotel ought to be more consistent with Gateway Plaza, was responded to by staff s observation that the underlying zoning for the two properlies is different. The other question, how the public are to know whether views of the ski mountain remain a consideration in planning, was not fully answered. We suggest that the Vail Village Master Plan was intended to avoid the extreme height discrepancy between Gateway Plazaand adjoining properties and requires consistency notwithstanding the differences in underlying zoning. We also suggest that the Master Plan is the document which is intended to provide the public with guidance with respect to mountain views and that, without amendment of the Master Plan, the public are justifiably confused. The Council is also urged to bear in mind that the Vail Village Master Plan was adopted in 1990, after Gateway Plaza was approved by Council on April 19, 1988. lt is submitted that, on the basis thereof, it cannot be seriously contended that Gateway Plaza is a reason for disregarding the Master Plan. It is also submitted that contending that a view of the ski mountain is no longer important because motorists no longer queue up at a stop sign belittles the purpose of the Master Plan. Mr. Lipcon's concems as to the merits of the Plaza Hotel project are compounded by his concems with respect to the procedure whereby the application is being handled. Public hearing was conducted by the Planning and Environmental Commission on December 13, 1999. Notice of that hearing was not sent to Mr. Lipcon although, as appears from the enclosed copy of his letter to George Ruther dated January 2, 1999, he had requested notice and had advised the Department of Community Development that the manager of the condominium association (who is also the owner of the commercial units and who controls the association) in the past failed to forward to residential owners the notice sent to the association. It has also come to our attention, as appears fiom the enclosed copy ofa letter dated January 25,1999, addressed to the Town Clerk, that the address for the condominium association used by the Department is incorrect, as a result of which no notice was received even by the association. It therefore appears that notice of the December l3 hearing was inadequate as to Gatew ay Plaza owners. Council has held work sessions on the Plaza Hotel project on December 7 and?l, at which work sessions the applicant and members of the public have testified in support of and in opposition to the project. While we understand that first reading of an ordinance will occur on January 4, no date for hearing on the recommendation of PEC has been set. We believe that this method of proceeding is inconsistent with $$ 12-3-68 and l2-3-7F of the Municipal Code, which require that, upon receipt of the recommendation of the PEC, a date for hearing "shall be set which shall be not more than thirty (30) days from the date of filing of the application or receipt of the document." It is our concem that the Council, before and after its receipt ofthe recommendation of the PEC, has initiated hearings without notice and has engaged in a dialogue with the applicant which has resulted in a majority of the Council taking a position in support of the project prior to the hearing prescribed by the Code. While Mr. Lipcon or I have attended those work sessions, the absence ofnotice to other adjacent property owners and the public perception that the project has already been approved will cause the noticed hearing to be meaningless. Further, we do not understand how the council members who have publicly announced their approval of the project can fairly sit in judgment of the application at the time of hearing on it without denying to Mr. Lipcon and to other adjacent propefty owners their right to a fair hearing and due process of law. It is very respectfully submitted that the Council is being "stampeded" by promises of financial benefit to their constituents and to the Town. For the foregoing reasons, we respectfully request that the Council reject the recommendation of the Planning and Envirorunental Commission and direct the PEC and the Town staff to engage in a meaningful review of the Plaza Hotel proposal as it relates to the Vail Village Master Plan. In the alternative, the Council may wish to consider a moratorium on development adjacent to south Frontage Road and Vail Road until such time as a new master plan has been adopted to govem the planning ofthat area ofVail. Yours very truly, , ,BPLANALP & MAUzuELLO, P.C. I I \ --.-- I. Dunn jwd:ipse cc. Mr. Lipcon Du N ru, AapLaNeH g'6il-rsrENsEN. p.c. JOH N W. OUNN ARTXUR A. AAPLANALF, JR. ALLEN C. CX R IsTENs€N OIANE L. REFIMAI{ R. C, STAPHENSON spEc{/rt couN3tL: JERRY W. HANNAH ros SourH FRoNTAGE Roro Wg3r Su rrc soo VArL, CoLoRAoo €raJ7 June 2, 1998 'ELEPHONE:(970) 476-O3()0 FACSr 14 rLe: t970t 47e.17.56 KAFeN ril, OUNN cERrr/|lD t3clr Agtlstar{t Planning and Environmental Commission Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail CO E1657 Re: Vail Plaza Hotel project Dear Commission Members: We represent three residentid unit owners at Vail Gateway Plaza and have beem requested by them to provide you with written comment with respect to the application of Daymer Corporation for a_major amendmcnt to Spccial Dwelopment District tt6, the Vail Vilage Inn Site ('1he Vail Plaza Hotel Project" or "the Project"). Having rwiewed the plans zubmittei to the Town, we wish to set forth our concerns with respect to thi relationstrip of the project to the Vail Village Master Plan. From our review ofthe plans, it appears that the portions ofthe Project located immediately adjacent to Vail Gateway Plaza will be 60 to 84 feet above the existing grade to the south of Gateway PIaza on Vail Road and ?0 to 100 feet a,bove the existing grade io the east of Gateway Plaza on Frontage Road. This proposcd building height is not in;;nfomity with the Conceptual Building Height Plan of the Vail Village Master Plan, which establishes a UUAng height guideline on those parcels adjacent to Gateway Plaza of 3-4 (stepped) building storiesl Inasmuch as the conceptual Building Height plan defines *building story" as nine feet, the corr_esponding building h€ight guidclines 8r€ 27 to 36 feet. Nor is the proposed building height in conformity with the Sub-fuea #l-l Plan at page 37 of the Master Pla4 which requires ttr"t ttte mass of buildings "step-up" from pedestrian scale along Meadow Drive to 4-5 stories along Frontage Road. Construing thc two togethcr, the structure to the rcuth of Gateway Plaza-could not by any intelpretation cxceed four stories or 36 feet. Thc proposed building heights for the Project adjacent to Gateway Plaza therefore exceed master plan limitations by as much as 33 to 48 feet on Vail Road and 43 to 64 feet on Frontagc Road. In other words, thc plan proposes a building that is at least tw,ice the height limitations of thc Vail Villagc Mastcr plan on thosc parcels. Section t2-9A-E of the vail Municipal Code inctudes as part ofthe design criteriafor approval of an sDD "1o{ormjtv with applicabte .turunr ortn" t"iibo*pr;i;fi i""'-Town policies and urban design plans" and piovides, with reference to thoru standards, that: "lt shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that zubmittal material andthe proposed development pran compry with each of the following standardg ordemonstrate that one or more of them is not applicable, or that airactical solution consistent with the public interest has been achiiveci: . . .', We are not able to find anything in the appiicant's submittal to suggest that theheight limitations of the masler plan are not applicable oittrat the applicant is prfrosing " *lutionto the conflict with the master plan which is consistent with the public interest. We carionly conclude that the applicant is asking that the height timitations oithe master plan be ignored forpurpose of the application- lt is therefore the purpose of this tetter to provide you wiitr . ;;;;of Colorado law on the relationship between master ptans and zoning, including in particular thetype of zone district know as the "planned unit devetopment' ("PUd';; or, as it-is known i" t"il,the special development district f'sDD"). Based upon our rwiew of thai taw, it is our beriertrrat th€ master plan must be strictly adhered to in the consideration of SDD zoning and we respcctfully request that your commission so determine at the outset of its consideration ofthe application. The Colorado Supreme Court first addressed the effect of a master plan inTheobol<lv.Bmrdof&nntyComm'rs,644P.2d942(Colo.l9E2). Inthstcase,thccourthetd that a master ptan is advisory only and that, in order forit to have adirect effect on property rights' it must be further implemanted through zoning. Thereafter, inBeaver Meadarys' v. BmrdofCounty('omm'rs,709P.2d92E(Colo. 1985),thecourtheldthat,while amasterplanasan advisory documcnt is not necessarily binding on the zoning discretion of a governmental body, it is binding when the zoning legislation requires compliurce-with it. Most recently.in Bmnl of county comm'rs v. conder,gzT p.zd 1339 (colo. 1996), our suPreme court was faccd with a subdivision application which conformed with applicable zoning but not with the county master plan, which had been adopted as a,,guideline" by the subdivision regulations. Over two dissents, the court hcld that the county could enforce the master plan compliance provision legislatively adopted as part of the subdivision rcgulations. Taken together, those cases tell us that, to the extent that zoning is inconsistent with thc master plan, the master plan will prevail, provided compliance with it iJrequirerJ by some regulation. We recognize that the Town has great fl€xibility in the arncndmcnt of special dwclopment district zoning and that a purpose of an SDD zone district is to encourage ncxit ility and creativity in the development of land in order to promote its most oppropriate usJ. We also recognize that our local district court has upheld the Town council's aaoption of SDD zoning over a challenge based upon thc argument that the adoption of it constituted'.spot zoning" ili contravention of thc Tr-rwn's master plan. However, lryc are not arguing that the present application violates objectives or policies of the master plaa which areLpirrtional in nature. Rather, we are arguing that no zone district within the town rmy violate a very specific height limitation iry9sod by the master plan, given the master plan's incorporation into the Town,szoning including SDD zoning. It should also b€ mentioned that, so far as we 8re aware, there has not been di$ria court review of a rezoning in this county sincc the CMer deciion. prior to that decisioq it might have been argued that an SDD zone district, bccausc it establishes special rules for tiut zone district, may override master ptan requirements. Howeveq n Conder the court afrrrned Larimer County's denial of an application for a PLID subdivision based upon the subdMsion's creation of density in conflict *ith the county master plan, even though (as the court emphasized) the proposed use of the land was in compliance with the county's zoning resolution. It must therefore be concluded that, ifthe entirety ofthc Larimer County zoning resolution could not have the effect ofoverriding the county master plaq PUD or SDD zoning could not have that effect. We also recognize that zoning is I mstter of local and municipal concenL that theTglt't zoning authority is governed by its own charter urd ordinsnces, Zavwla v. City & County of Denver,759P.2d 664 (Colo. 1988): .Service Oil Co. v. Rhodus,s0O p.2d 8OZ (Colo. l97Z); and that the cases cited in this letter address county master plans. However, the grut of zoning authority is contained in statute, $ 3l-23-301, C.R.S., and that authority is conditioncd upon the adoption of a master plan by $ 3l-23-303, c.R.s. Further, the statutory purposes goveming the adoption of a municipal master plan, g 3l-23-202, c.R.s., track with those governing the - adoption of a county master plan, $ 30-23-107, C.R.S., and both counties and municipalities are ryqiryd to find master plan compliance as a condition to approval of a puD, S 24-62-104(tX0, C.R'S., absent a superseding ordinance of the municipality. Vail's ordinance in fact is consistent with that statute. Finally, the discussion contained in the county cascs cited are a discussion of general principles of land use law. It is therefore our conclusion t}tat your commission must give literal effect to the Vail Village Master Plan, including in particular the height limitations contained in it, in considering rhe application for the Project. Of course, the Town's master plans may be amended, but that process should only be initiated by the Town council. Pursuant to g 3l-27-207, C.R.S., "carefut and comprehensive surv€D/s and studies of present conditions and future growth" are required. Initiation of that proc€ss, we betieve, ought not be motivated by a single application. It is our understanding that th€ applicant believcs that the economic benefit of its lroject to the community, including hotel accommodations and conference spacg outweigh the importance of master plan compliance. In that connection, it is well to bear in mind the purposes of the Town's zoning regulations as they ar€ s€t forth in $ l2-r-2, vail Municipal codei "these regulations are enacted for the purpose ofpromoting the healt[ safety, morals, and general welfarc of the Town, and to promote the coordinated and harmonious developmcnt of thc Town in a manner that will consenre urd cnhancc its natural environment and its established character as a resort and residential community of high quality." That purpose, we 3u88est. is intended to preserve the character ofthe town ud not to promoteeconomic development. We need not remind you that members of the public, inctuding our clients, haverelied on the Town's land use regulations. our clients o,"r" told, *ft* tfr.v purchased units atpateway Plaza" that rhey would conrinue to have unobstructed ui** -a ihiy made rnaior - investments based upon that information. If those vicws are oUtt*"tiJ, tt "ir invcstmenis will besigrrificantly devalued. our clients understand that the Town's zoning was not enacted to protecttheir personal view corridors. However, because they are adjacent laidowners and because thevatue of their Property may be afected by your recommendation to council, they have ;*dir;before you. Section 12'3'3, Vail Municipal Code, provides for administrative determination orinterpretation ofthe provisions of the zoning ordinance and for rwiew of zuch determination orinterpr€tation by your commission. we urge you to rcquest an interpretation of g l2-9A-g(Di;vail Municipal Code, and a determination itrat ttrat provision requires that the apptication beroieyou s;trialy comply with the building height timitations of the Vait Vllage lvlaster plEn. In making that request, we do not wish to minimize other aspects ofthe project which would rsquire that on the merits your commission make a recommendation of denial of theapplication' The impact of the Project on Frontage Road is difrcult even to im3gine. Trafrc flowthrough the roundabout intersection and atong Frontage Road would be increase? very substentially, with the attendant noise end poliution caused by vehicular traffic. Without an impact analysis, it is impossible to say what the effect of the iroject would be on lwel of service Et the Main Vail Roundabout. ThEt impact is aggravated by thaabsence of pedestrian access from the village core. Further, the refocusing of activity on Frontage Road, together with the overall height and mass of the Project. would have a fundamental, pitentially dJvastating effect on the feeling and character of Vail. We intend to Press those issues at time of hearing on the applicatioq if that stagci: .T:F9.. -we again urge that an initial determination be madelhgt the p'roject must comply iith the Vail Village Master Plan. That determination, for obvious reasons, *ouid serve to focus considerarion of the application. Yours very truly, JWD:ipse cc. Mr. Lipcon Mr. Johnston - L^w OFFTCESuuNN, AeptaNalp & Meunrello, p.C. a aiortttrgNA coirolArrot{ JOH N W. OUNN ARI}i UR A, AEPIINALA Ji. DIANE HERIT{AN MAURIELTo CARRIE A, HENOOX sp:cta! coutSE!: JERRY W. HANNAH WEsrSrrn Balx Bu ruor xc roc Sourx FRoNtaoE Roeo W:sr Surr: soo VatL, CoLoRAoo rtG5, Febnrary Z,l99g TELEPHOI.TE:(970) 476-0300 TAC9IMtLE:(970) 476-4765 KAREAI M. OUNNCtitrr|lO trG^! AS€rtrArt Mayor and Town Council Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail CO 81657 Re: Vail piaza Hotel project Dear Mayor Ford and Council Members; The purpose of this letter, written on behalf of Charles Lipcon, is to provide youwith additional comrnent regarding the ibove proJect submittal. i- Tail ltiUage Master plan Included as part ofthe record in the above matter, is a letter dated June 2, lggg,from this office to the Planning and Environmental commisri"". Tt"ii"iter objects to aspects ofthe proposed Vail Plaza Hotel as violating the Vail Village ruurt", pi-. -The reasoning of theobjection is based in part_o1 the hording Jf ou, ,upr"re court in Board of county conm,rs v.conder,927P.2d 1339(coro. 1996), inessence,-thatcaseheldthatamlsterplan,once incorporated into a land use regulation, is binding and not advisory. At the hearing before the Planning anrt Environmental Commission, the TownAttorney disagreed with that analysis. He stated it to be his "p*i"" irr"iiil e condercase has noapplication to the Town ofVail because that case.invor".,r u "ouoiy r"guiution, as opposed to theregulation of a home rule municipality. He stated it to be his "p,;il; G;;: because the Town ofvail is a home rule town, the vaii vrtiage Master plan is advisory onry. The purpose of thisletter is to reply to that opinion. It is respectfully submitted that the concept, that a master plan is advisory innature' arises not out of a home rule analysis but rather oui of the aecisiti orour supreme courtin Theobard v. Board of county comm'i, eqqi.zagqz(colo. lgg2). In that case, the courtheld that a master plan-is.advisory onty anottraq in order for it ," t *, " oirert effect on propertyrights, it must be further implementeditrougtr zoning. The conder case involved a master plan which had been implemented as part ofLarimer County's subdivision regulations. The court stated that: ..master plans are purely advisory documents, absent (l) formalinclusion of sufficiently specific master plau prouisions in a duly_adopted land use reguration by a board oi.o*ty "o,toiirrior,"r, o,(2) a statutory directive from ihe General err#Uiv tilut " landowners must comply with master plan provisions in pursuingIand use devetopment proposals.,, gZi p.Ziut L:+C.- -'' we note that the vail Charter contains no authority for the adoption of zoningregulations' For that reason' the Town can look only to state statute roiits zoning authority. Itmust therefore comply,with the. state statutory requiiement "f ;"il;;;f a master plan, as it hasdone' It is also bound by state law and our r.rpr"*" court's interpretation of state law as to theeffect of a master plan. It is immaterial wheth-er that interpretati;;;;;;1r", a counry governrnentor a home rule municipality. Apart from that, the vail Municipal code makes the Town,s comprehensive plana binding, and not an advisory, document. Section l2-9A-g, vail Municipal code, places theburden on the applicant to. demonstrate 1) that a special a.uiop*.r,t cJiri"t suu-ittal complieswith the comprehensive rran, 2-)- that the comprehensiv" pr"*iJ""r'"piricaute or 3) that apractical solution consistent with the public interest has been uriri"u.ii-irre proponent of thevail Plaza Hotel has done.none of theforegoing. ,He ,irnpty urt, tt iiy* ai.r"g*o the specificlimitations of the vail village Master Planlirrciuaing i" irtir"r* tit"'nlight tirnitations of themaster plan. we therefore submit that the vail village lvlaster Plan cannot be passed over as anadvisory document and that the council must comply rittr tt e otoin*.. .lt"d above, placing theburden on the applicant. we submit that the applicant has not met tr,aiuuraen and that theapplication should be denied. ii. Concerns as to ll/ork Sessions This project application was considerecl by the council in a work session onJanuary 26, 1999, at which time the suggestion *as maoi that fu(her *ork sessions may bescheduled' It was also indicated, on beih-alf of the applicant, that concerns of the council wouldbe responded to. The council is respectfully remindecl that it has before it a recommendation of thePlanning and Environmental commistion. wt "n such a recommendation is received, it isrequired by $ 12-3-7F, vail lvfunicipal Code, that a date for hearing be set. Section l2-3-6 of thecode establishes the manner in wtrich hearingr u.ror. ti," "ourr"ii ,i*t ii-.onou.ted, includingthe requirement of $ 12-3-6D3 that all inter;te;;artrgl be afforded the opportunity to submitexceptions, contentions and arguments. It is respectn rrv rui-iitJtr,u:t iin.io"rution of anyproject in work session withoui notice to the puttic ana to "o;u"rni r"nooriners does not complywith that requirement. It also requested that iire councit """ii r.goti"ti* with the applicant,eith.er info-rmally at staff level or in the course ofa work session. Review of a recomrnendationof the PEC is intended by the cocle to be a public hearing process and not a worksession/negotiation prociss. iii, Encorachment and view Agreement Members ofthe council have expressed interest in an Errcroachment and ViewAgreement, dated october 3r, 1989, between vail Village In4 Inc., -a i*o palmer as thedeveloper of the Vail Gateway Plaza. In essence, that aleement..quir"Jtirut palmer obtainfrom purchasers of units at Gateway plaza awaiver of any inrerest. ctaim or right in anunobstructed view across WI property. It is emphasized that that agreement was entered into with respect to the thenapproved plans of vVI, which were altogether different in scope from the existirrg application.Further, the agreement amounts to a private covenant and obviously has no effect on the right ofour client to insist that the council comply with the requirements oi the Vail village u^t"ipr.nand town ordinances. Yours very tnrly, DUNN, ABPLANALP & CHRISTENSEN. P.C. John W. Dunn JV/D:ipse cc. Mr. Lipcon Mr. Moorhead Jrn O? 93 12:36p CHRRLES R. LIPCON r-3?0-.+?6-8681 p.l CIIARLES R. I,TPCONVaiI cateway Vnit 5L2 S. Frontage Road ,"Ii't6,3i'.;::;1,, Fax. (970) 4?6_8691 January Z,Lggg George Ruthet Torrn of, Vailtax: e79-2452 Re: Village rnn Deat Mr.Rubher: 'lXank you for yoru letter drted Dec. 30, 199g. sading a uoticc to $olrz Mmagen*rt b not rdequate. n3tic9 for rnc or thc othcr resid€nthl owtrersir the Vril Grtewry with repect to stry rnsttgrs iavolrring the Vilhge hn. Pless€ s€nd notices ditectly to Eo rt t[e ebws rdrtres and at ry ltfis'i ed&ess $,tich is 430 N.Ma$u lhira, Key Biscrpe, n. $13i. VeryTnrlyyours, P.S. Plereo givc me yoru errril address cc: Joln Dunn &- Cbarles & Lipcon Jan 01 OO l2: 53p CHRRLES R. LIPCO].I r -3?o-4?8-8681 P"? l t I l: '':- ;4\ '/1 w m ou n I a in a ire V roV e rt ies-, in c. R. W. Jcnson f [92J3 0S l0 East Bezver Creek Dlvd, A.t02AtO tox t9000 (e70) e19.0768 Avon, CQ 81620 FAX (970)743-9825 Lorelei Doualdson Town Clak 75 S. Fronnge Rd. Vai[ CCt tl6-tZ Jaauary 25, l99g Re Address Ctaage of Ftoperty Orpner for hrblic Notices Dear Ms. Donatdsou: we are the oqmets of vail Gateway phea, tte boms.office *,,ere any notices ofpublicmeetings have been sec[ has retocaied- The fornoerrddress *n, ruo*La-ri.u propertias. hc..and lvlormtsi' orryner+ L''. c,/o stohz nros irol, rroo Mrrket srreet, suite 300,wilmingou, DE r9E0l. plerse rcprace thet-.atlo*tr the fo'owing;Mormtaiaaire hopertieg Inc., rnd Mouatain Ouroers, L. p. c/o Stohz Bros. Ltd. 725 Coushohocken State Rd. Bala Cpwyd, pA 19004 At&: Stwe t,ewis AIso, we nowlave a locar offce in Avoo and if we _courd hava r copy of aay correspondercethat goes to the Lome offi"r reor to rh" iou"irifraor** ;r *L,rriiJ.ppiiirr.a,Mou$ahEire propertics, Iac. 0150 Elst Bearer Creet Blvd- FO Box 19000-157 Avoa" CO E1620 Attu; Sean Snyder Tta"k liou for your lttotion 1q this mr6s1./ Y"Btlrlyrf / /ruu4vl^-e* TR WesleyJ6nson cc; St€ve L€nvis ';,.;l r{,,5 FTB i, . 199! JAll-01-00 l2:{5 Fron;KUf,l SALIOI{ ASSCIATES {018987915 T-e88 P.0l Job-0ll Kunr Salt*ox Assocllteg 3 Ianrrary 2000 &rd A Coe CbllrldtrBed 1355lbtuta SiE*, NElrd, CA ro!09 {0{n98-7m Facsimile No. 97 0479'245 2 Mayor Ludwig Kurz and Town Cormc'il Mcmbe'rs Planning and Enviroruneutat Commissioo And Creorge Rr{her, Seuicrr Plsner Tov'rn ofVail 75 S. lmntagc Roart Vail, Colorado 81557 Re: Vail Villagc Inn Dear Mayor, Ladies and Gentlcmen: As long-tcrm propcrty owners in tle towu uf Yail, wc ale dccply "oo""*"a *ont ihc proposed Vail Village Inn hotel project' we sto4gly oppose development of swh height and &osity as it will tavc ane!*ive impact ontheviewsintbe sea" as well as heighte'ed congestion poblans. Sinccrcly,frz DavidA. Cole 4l,T}BigHomRoa4 UnitJ'2 vail, Colorado 81657 Atrd 46g0ParanVatleY Atlant+ LteoryLeiA3zT Ar16412866 15:21 19498539417 CAVMAN DEVELI]FIIENT PAGE B1 Rlymond J. tlutbr VrilVlfiege Inn, Unlt401 ttlO E. hedowDrlw vdl, co El6t7 Bv Fecrtunllc b: 970'179'2152 Mayor Ludnrig Kurz and Town Council Membera c/o-Mr. Geole Ruth€r, Senior Phnner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontiaga Rogd vail' co 81657 Januory4,2ooo Rs: Vail Mlage Inn Dear tUlayor Kur: and Council illembers: A few othsr ownerE of property wihin Vsit Village Inn- verbSlly informed m€ that druinan". No. ,1, Sedes-ot ZO'OO rcgarding tre Ve1 Plaza Hotel proposal wi[ be consk ereA for intmduc.tion at your Janlary 4, 2000 mogting. Thia letter exptesses my iiiiJ-JOf"ctoni io ne develoiers pmpoirl and lhe primary reasons wtty I bdieve you should deny the PmPosed odinance- My concema are principally rooted in the sameot{ec{ions tfiat o*t9t 149F withinWl-fiJ*-ir"riousty elpresssd'h regard to thls gatted i.e., the ercessive nragnitude of the p[poi"t. i"-eit*'of height enJ view impgirm€nt. The unprecede{rpd breadh of $6-p.i"*i corponents, wh6n conbgsbd widr tre estaUlish€d and w€fl founded poli** of lne Ua*er HLn for ttrie algs, mal(e it an entirely inapproprbte proposal. I gm evEn mo(g concemeO about the fashion in wtrir*r tris prccese has besn walutrd; a pmcells, if it wem widely kno*'n. should pfop€tly evoke'oqrag€ emong the citizenry of the Town of Vail. Ib.ProBSsal The Planning and Environnrentrsl Commission unanimously rccommanded approval.of the prcposai togethar wfth certain condifiona of approval. When o19 considen lhe "x"e$tie magnitude and scope of the maior amendments sougtt! by he_developer for ftis SDD arci, I cannot comirchend hoy or why the Towtt of Vail dty fethss wou5 fnowingly ignorc the setuguirds elablbhed for orcryone's Probclion in lha lla$er Plan. Oi itc aurface, the stiaff anatysis appeaB to eddmss eadl (€quirad findhg conceming proposgls of lhlsUpe. However. many of lhe condusiotts fall as legilimate findings of fact. They ate npuly biard and unsuppottsble assertions'hat attBmpt to ahed a fgvorable light upOn aomething hal devastes martedty fmm whatwas envisioned as e proper intensity of land uee fior lhb arca. BLla{lzqaa 15:21 19498539417 CAVMAN DEVELI]FIIENI PAGE 62 Mayor Ludwig Kurz and Town Councll Members Januery 4, 2000 Pege 2 Pleasaconeiderjustafewoilth6Equbitesforapprovingmajo'deviationefromtha viaion of tha ilaster Phn: 1. Accofding to the Town of veil Municips!.c4e, il shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate tnat a^iOevbtid fto-m ne developrnent stTdlqs of the underlying ;;ittg;;;'d;puolic-U"nens that outweigh the adrrerse efiact of sakl deviation'-c-omffii N;i bnce haa the dcveloperafproached Wlto di$cuss his plans- There wrg no rcga16 wnat3;iii on- ttii piirt to'do the right thing and shara thoughb with thoee most dirsctly affecied. I hw€ been a resicdtist oeveloper for 35+ yeal8 8nd ir*rys titi it i point to soek community input' In tris case' ws have boen citoneryallod ln a ro* cauil'rerfeshion. M.rty vM oInell do not live herc full lime' c-iren t."t fect, I woutc na',e tt'ougnt tt'€. c{ty wou|d. have demanded that u1€ O-ereiop"r maXi "rely-eforr ro proCrice hformation and mquest the opportu.nity to mafi i prcsentatlon,'wih ampfu advance notica. Moreoyer, how can a flnding on iiift; t"irt"e uv Ure biuir"pei such as the 'potential'for incroas€d ravenue b lhe il;;t*-;igttitrt torg-terin nesative eneab that a masaiw strucilup in front of existing stnr&ures presinteZ On]e is Ureontical and the other ia en absolule - by 6i[*fitt*;-own fuafur Ptan and ordinances, your decision must necesrerity be t*ight#'heavily on lhe iceua of land uE€ impaAC sudl as maasing, v-lew impairment. Privacy, shadow ett€cls, etc- 2. The intensity of the proposat and ita aftendant devistions in no w8y meets the te-st of- providing ldnefita ttiat butreigh tre effects of suctr devietions. The zoning analysis iliiffiri tfr. staff repott cleefo shws an ovebuilding .scenario'. Culiously,. the una"tfying zoning d,t pubtic a;commodation wae originally co&$S agalnd the propodat is the meastire of impads (1€f. Slaff anatysb clsbd 1/1199). Now, howevpr, itre'existing VailM$sge Inn is in insirtaC point of reference, osfrsnsibly to show that the Wl aiO ttre prc-poeal are not unaliie. @ngO[ To an extent,-thie is true. Hor"rrer, the point of the illaster Ptan 'n to maintain an equilibrium betrveen the lower strus{ures and the talEr stuctgres.The proPOsal is to place a + 73-foot building in sn area that was envisioned to onty be 3 or 4 stodee in height ln subatance and effecL the support th€ proposat has gamered in the stafPs analysis is predicated upon fmctings purporting to embody 'facls,' whidr et best are rationalizdions deaigned to produce the illuaory efbd of demonstrating that the devietion measut9s up to [1c code i cdbrion. I beliow it b your unequivocal obligetion to take ho imporbnt purposs€ of the tiaster Plan and tre code's provisions much more seriously than merely utilizing these as a gukte that can be explained awsy ot even disnriseed out of hand, as intimstsd in iho analysis. zI|A412AA6 15:21 19498639417 CAVMAN DEVEL0FI''IENT PAGE 83 Mayor Ludwig Kurz and Town Council ilembers January 4,2000 Paga 3 The Prccase: I belbve thet not rcquinng a full Environpentel lmpact Asseaament for thb intense proposal will surafy suUlea'fre town of Vail to e courtchallome a6 to th' rdequacy and idi c t iii lvairarion,-itrouu tn" pmposat be approved ab*nt this very n€oFeary document when any nnd use inteniity'ls ploposdd to be neady doubled over that of eriating dandada, | ;;not Utani'-oi eriy jurisdic{ion trat diopsrseo wih a full environmental ass*smont second, I flnd it particularly <tistasteful-that I do not recaive public hearing notices; for this b the second rime r'"iperlenceo being unawsre of youi deliberations. In 1992, a iii-p*ilt"r tit-" etp"nrion bf Wt was appmved wmouieny notice whEtsoever being ffii*d OV r.. rniagine tirJoirict oi ",ii*ng a new building. llgqns my vbw of the ;;iby ff; my etriyaiand ill i"c t"t6*3orithal nothing could b€ done aboutt it al that poinf tbt onty ara your n-otlce praOo& flawed..but I feel qry -ate tnry lkey b end up ih;;"biA;ia coritt "r,arrJnsi in th,is latalce becaysa th-"I -d9 i:! "1?11n duc care Olnfoil tfr. pubtic. The Town ot Vail ehould be most eensitve to thb, given the loown ;5[;i};fr"-*ht prcfile ot tre vilhge. Moreover, the predice-of meilang notices to the ;;6ii-;gent irivircs no sssu;ncsa of nofrca disfiibuton to owners. ln our pnircifai"aie, lrrti. .toe Stiaufier has a conllid of intored that has boen addrcssed lhoroughly to you in a tetbr sent by Mr. Chades Upcon. Finally, I believe a sensible plan can b€ lnived at by coopefation end-inbnadion - not atonevielling as ic tha cese t 'Oeliev€ we hrw herc. None of fie concapts o1 the pmposal Oefy encyd6pedic definition - 0rey am easily comparad to benchmafks of rreasum tfiat were creiteO-in the iihster Ptan, witt a vioion to pmtecl the integdty and purpoca of ttb fine communig. Ae eudr, I uqe you to refrah from comnitting the subJect ptopody to sudr an intenie use and to consider utilizing the bots ayailable to you to enurrc that a Eaponsible proposal b given ttre drenca to be pronerll snd thopughly evgluatad on behalf of everyone conc€med. Frqm: James Johnson Sr. To:george ruther Dzlet l/4/@ Time: 5:59:32 PM January 4,2000 JAMES R. JOHNSON Vail Gateway Unit R-l l2 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Phone:970.477.2035 Fax 970.477.M97 Re: Ordinance No. l, Series of 2000 Constuction of The Vail Plaza Hotel MAYOR LUDWIG KURZ, Town of Vail Council Members, Plaruring and Environmental Commission Mernbem, and George Ruther, Senior Planner, Town of Vail. LADIES & GENTLEMEN, Please be advised that I am the owner of Unit R-l located in fte Vail Gateway Plaza Building. I have owned this unit since October of 1998. When we agreed to purchase this unit from the prior owner, we were made aware of cerhin plans to develop the adjacent property by our real estate age,!rt, Frank McKibben. At trattime lhe project was still in a design phase. When we inquired about the impact of the proposed project to the Gateway Building Mr. McKibben referred to the Village Master Plan. He made specific reference to bolh lhe view corridor requirements as well as lhe maximum height requirement of 48 feet The Austia House plan was specifically mentioned because the atternpt to build a higher stucture was voted down by the existing Town of Vail Council. I objectto the passage of Ordinance No. l, Series 2000 for tre following reasons: * as an adjacent property owner we were never notified ofany public hearings regarding the to proposed Vail Plaza Hotel, applications for a major ameodment to Special Development Distict No. 6, Vail Village kt4 Phase IV, or any changes to the existing Vail Village Master Plan via variance or ordinance. * passage of ordinance No. l, Series 2000 would appear to be in direction violation of dre Vail Village Master Plan. What will prevent future developers from seeking relief fiom the Master Plan? Howmany years until tris mountain village looks like Beaver Creek or Copper Mountain? Page 2 ot 3 + for purely selfish reasons, I like fie warmfir and light fte sun provides me almost Fromr James Johnson Sr. To: george ruther Dale: l/4/QQ Time: 5:59:32 PM everydzy. I bought fiis property for fte panoramic view of the mountains. I will loose bodr if you vote in favor Ordinance No. I In closing, I am baffled by your support ofa project that makes many promises firat are questionablq fiom proposed revenues for lhe Town to flre sophmoristr falfic sfudy. I am involved in the property development business in Westem Pennslvania. Never in my 25 years of experience have I witressed a governing body charging wholeheartedly towards approving a project ftat violates an exiting ordinance (Vail Village Master Plan), and is not in the best interest of tre residents of Vail Village. Apprwal opens "PANDORA'S BOX" for all future developers. Once this process is in motion what will stop ownef,s of exiting 2 znd 3 story buildings, i.e. Meadow Drive properties, from legally demanding equal treatnent. Thank you for any consideration. Sincerely, James R. Johnson sentviafax 970.479.2452 e-mail: grutrer@ci.vail.co.us hand deiliverd January 4,2000 Page 3 o, 3 6Al12/1999 2L129 6148534197 SCALPELLO January 4,2OOA Mayor Lufiig lOtz and Tovin of Vail Council Members To'm of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vait, Cobrado 81657 Subiect Ordinance #1, Serles of 2000: Vail plaza Hotet Dear Mayor, Ladies and Gerrtenpn: Gren Scalpello President cc: Mr. George Rufiet Senior Planner We recognlze and have act\rely paflicipded in the initiaiives to inprove Vairs image. Asadiacentproperty ouners, we support fie redev€lopment of ft€ Viil vilhge lnn sitel but not trecunent plan. A bad nenr b_uilding wculd be worse tran a bad old building. i askthatllgu derrylhe ordinance which wllt allow tre constuction of tre cunent plan for de viit ptaza Hotel forfie following reasons: 1. The mass of he stuctre on Vail Road and on he Frontage Road presents sn iniliaf image of Vail which is more akin to a cityscape han the viilage atno-sphere ntrich has naOJVaii '-- successful. lt also viohtes on Vsil Road the urban phnning guidelines r^'hich call for a buitding height of % the space enclosed to avoid a 'carryon btfect."- - 2. The stucture is in viohtion of the town Masler plan regarding height of bulldings- 3. The stucture is in violation of fte revisions to he undertying pt^6llc accommodation zonirp wftich were recenty enacted. 4. The increased tafnc on Vail Road has not been adequatefy planrEd. This buitding must b6 set back at lhe zoning requirernents of 20 feet lo allor for future widening of Vail Roid to accommodate he faffic to this hotel and to futrre devebpments wtrich witl use Vail Road as their access route. As homeowners we are greaty distjrbed by a town process htich sets building and eonirE standarcls and ften seleclively lgnores hem. when we remodeted g Vail Road, we were not permitted to anhance the entsance as we wished because of zoning requirsments. We vrere required to abide by he guidelines and lhink our neighbors should do lhe same- Approval of ttis ordinance and cunent plan appears discriminatory. Very Truly Yours, PAGE AI o NINE VAILROAD Condoninilm-s in Vcit Villcge Formerllt the Holiday House 9 Vail Road - Veil, CO 6165? 8O0l 872-7221 97Ol 479-7t0O Easr VIr,r-,acn HovtEowNEns AssocIATIoN, INc. Officers: President - Bob Galvin Secretary - Gretta Parks Trea^surer - Patrick Gramm Directors - Judith Berkowitz - Dolph Bridgewater - Ellie Caulkins - Ron Langley - Bill Morton - Corude Ridder To: Mayor Ludwig Kurz and Town Council Members From: Jim Lamont, Executive Director Date: January 3,2000RE: Vail Plaza Hotel SDD amendment application Th9 follorving is a recommendation for standard language of a condition of approval for the mitigation.of off-site impacts on the Vail Village Loading and Delivery system resulting from the development of th3 project and other rec-ommendeii conditions 6f approval for thi Vail Plaza Hotel SDD amendment application. l. The property owner shall not reasonably withhold, compliance with and participation in public or private programs, sanctioned by the Tilwn of Vail, alldwing the use and management of certain on-site faiiliti-es, liriritea to loadidg and delivery docics and biys, freight elevatori, delivery corridors, parking and storage areas, for the remediation ofoff-site impacts upon the Vail Village loading and delivery system related to the development of the projbct. Further, upon the determination of the Town of Vail, the property owner qtr receive compensation for the provision of said facilities and management services and/or a{avier from associated developnrent standards. L i,r;rt a. Requirement that the loading dock freight elevator service all floors of the Phase III and proposed building below the loading dock. 2. Compliance with the Vail Village Master Plan with respect to the maintenance of 3- 4 s_tories height along Vail Road on that portion of the proposed buiilding immediately south of the Gatervay Plaza Building. It is recommended that the displaced buitding area be relocated to the south wing ofthe proposed project adjacent to the Phase V building. a. Requirement for building height, with the exception of architectural qppurtenances, shall be at or below a line ofsight, for that portion ofthe project, within 20-30 degrees on either side of a line from the center of the main Vail roundabout along a centerline proximate to the central declivity ofthe Gateway Plaza Building. ! Requirement that a maximum ridgeline height limitation for each wing of the proposed building is established in the development plan. 3. Compliance with 20' property line setback limitation along Vail Road for surface development. It is recommended that the displaced building area be relocated to the south wing ofthe proposed project adjacent to the Phase V building. 4. Compliance with employee housing requirements in a manner that is not dependent upon the use of publiclv owned lands. ,/V 5. Sl|rcn turns are to be allowed from the South Frontage Road exits and that at@{nedian is constructed. a. Requirement that if and when the Town of Vail sanctions the construction of traffic control feature5 allowing for a left hand turn or reserve flow for east bound traffic on the South FrontgBg R9ad, east of the main Vail roundabout, the property owner shall participate proportionally in the funding of the project. Post Oflice Box 238 Telephone: (970) 827-5680 Vail, Colorado 81658 Message/FAX: (970) 827-5856 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 MEMORANDUM To: Vail Town Council From: Ceorge Ruther, Senior Special Projects Planner Date: January 4,2000 Re: Y atl Plaza Hotcl - 1"' Reading of Ordinance No. l, Serics of 2000 On December 13,1999, the Town of Vail Planning & Envirormental Commission unanimously recommended approval of the major arnendment to Special Devclopment District No. 6, Vail Village hn, Phase IV. A copy of the materials reviewed and evaluated by the Commission in making their recommendation has been forwarded to the Vail Town Council. Upon making their recommendation, the Commission made the following finding: "That the proposed major amendment to Special Development Distict#6, Vail Village Inn, conplies with the nine design criteria ofilined in Section l2-QA-8 o/ the Tou'n of Vail Municipal Code. The applicant has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Commission thal any adverse elfects of the requested deviations.fron the deyelopment standards of the underlying zoning are ounveighed by the public benefits provided. Further, the Commission Jinds that the requested conditional use permit to allotr for the operation of u fractional fee club conrplies with the applicable criteria and is consistent with the development goals and objectives of the Tov'n." The Commission's recommendation of approval included 2l conditions. The recommendcd conditions are contained in Section 5 of Ordinance No. 1, Serics of 2000, as amcnded by the Vail Town Council. Should thc Vail Town Council choose to approve Ordinance No. 1, Scries of 2000, staff would recommend that the motion for approval include the following language: "That the proposed maior amendment to Special Development District No. 6, Vail Yillage Inn, Phase IV, has been reviewed in accordance wilh the applicable regulations outlined in the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations and that upon revian, the Council Jinds that the proposal complies with the nine daign criteria outlined in Section 12-9A-8 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Further, the applicanl has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Councit that any adverse effects of the deviations from the developnent standards of the underlying zoning are outleeighed by the public benefits provided and that practical solutions to the said deviations have been provid.ed with the best interest of the public in mind. Lastly, the Council.finds that the proposal is in keeping with the goals, objectivu and policies of the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan, and as such, the development proposal for the Vail Plaza Hotel is consisont wifi the development goals and objectives of the Town of Yail. " {,7 *'"""'uo ""' soF.|€P 5'1' ORDINANCE NO.I SERTES OF 2000 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AN APPROVED DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 6, VAIL VILLAGE INN, PHASE IV, TO ALLOW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE VAIL PLAZA HOTEL;AND SETTING FORTH DETATLS tN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, In 1976, the Vail Town Gouncil adopted Ordinance No. 7, Series of 1976, establishing Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn; and WHEREAS, Section 12-gA-1O of the Zoning Regulations permits major amendments to previously Approved Development Plans for Special Development Districts; and WHEREAS, Waldir Prado, dba Daymer Corporation, as owner of the Phase lV property, has submitted an application for a major amendment to Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn, Phase lV; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this ordinance is to adopt an Approved Development Plan for the Vail Village Inn Special Development District, Phase lV to allow for the construction of the Vail Plaza Hotel; and WHEREAS, the proposed major amendment to the Special Development District is in the best interest of the town as it meets the Town's development objectives as identified in the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions outlined in the Zoning Regulations, the Planning & Environmental Commission held a public hearing on the major amendment application; and WHEREAS, the Planning & Environmental Commission has reviewed the prescribed criteria for a major amendment and has submitted its unanimous recommendation of approval to the Vail Town Council; and WHEREAS, all notices as required by the Town of Vdil Municipal Code have been sent to the appropriate parties; and O WHEREAS, the Vail Town Council considers it in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare to adopt and re-establish the Approved Development Plan for Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn, Phase lV, Vail Plaza Hotel. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF Section 1. Puroose of the Ordinance The purpose of Ordinance No. 1, Series of 2000, is to adopt an Approved Development plan for Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn, Phase lV, Vail Ptaza Hotel. The Approved Development Plans for Phases l, lll & V remain approved and unchangect for the development of Special Development District No. 6 within the Town of Vail, unless they have otheryise expired. Only the Approved Development Plan for Phase lV, the Vail Plaza Hotel is hereby amended and adopted. Section 2. Amendment Procedures Fulfilled. Plannino Commission Report The approval procedures described in Section 12-9A of the Vail Municipal Code have been fulfilled, and the Vail Town Council has received the recommendation of the Planning & Environmental Commission for a major amendment to the Approved Development Plan for Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn, Phase lV, Vail Plaza Hotel. Requests for amendments to the Approved Development Plan shall follow the procedures outlined in Section 12-94 of the Vail Municioal Code. Section 3. Speqial Development District No. 6 The Special Development District and the Major Amendment to the Approved Development Plan for Phase lV are established to assure comprehensive development and use of the area in a manner that would be harmonious with the general character of the Town, provide adequate open space and recreation amenities, and promote the goals, objectives and policies of the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan. Special Development District No. 6 is regarded as being complementary to the Town of Vail by the Vail Town Council and the Planning & Environmental Commission, and has been established since there are significant aspects of the Special Development District that cannot be satisfied tht-ough the imposition of the standard Public Accommodation zone district requirements. Section 4. Agy-e&pment Slandardg - Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn, Phase lV, Vail Plaza Hotel Development Plan- The Approved Development Plan for Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn, Phase lV, Vail Plaza Hote! shall include the following plans and materials prepared blzgh1e!__a4d Associates. lnc., dated November 23, '1999 and stamped approved by the Town of Vail, dated A. Site lllustrative Plan B. Site Vignettes Key Plan (noted "forfl/usfration purposes onU\ C. Site Vignettes D. Site Plan E. Level Minus Two F. Level Minus One G. Level Zero H. Level One l. Level Two J. Level Three K. Level Four L. Level Five M. Level Six I N. Roof Plan O. Roof Plan (Mechanical Equipment) P. Street Sections (Vail Road Elevation/North Frontage Road Elevation) O. Plaza Sections (South Plaza Elevation/East Plaza Elevation) R. Building A Elevations S. Building A Sections T. Building B Elevations U. Building B Sections ':V. , Building Height Plan 1 (Absolute Heights/lnterpolated Contours) W. Building Height Plan 2 (Maximum Height Above Grade/lnterpolated Contours) X. Pool Study (Pool Sections) Y. Vail Road Setback Study Z. Loading and Delivery plan AA. Street Entry Studies (Vail Road/South Frontage Road) BB. Sun Study CC. Landscape lmprovements Plan Permitted Uses- O The permitted uses in Phase lV of Special Development District No. 6 shall be as set fofth in the development plans referenced in Section 4 of this ordinance. Gonditional Uses- Conditional uses for Phase lV shall be set forth in Section 12-7A-3 of the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations. All conditional uses shall be reviewed per the procedures as outlined in Chapter 12- 16 of the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations. Density- llnfts per Acre - Dwelling ltnits, Accommodation llnits, & Fractionat Fee Ctub llnig The number of units permitted in Phase lV shell not exceed the following: Dwelling Units - 1 Accommodation Units - 99 Fractional Fee Club Units - 48 Density-- Floor Area The gross residential floor area (GRFA), common area and commercial square footage permitted for Phase lV shall be as set forth in the Approved Development Plans referenced in Section 4 of this ordinance. Setbacks- Required setbacks for Phase lV shall be as set forth in the Approved Development Plans referenced in Section 4 of this ordinance. Height-- The maximum building height for Phase lV shall be as set forth in the Approved Development Plans referenced in Section 4 of this ordinance. For the purposes of SDD No. 6, Phase lV, calculations of height, height shall mean the distance measured vertically from the existing grade or finished grade (whichever is more restrictive), at any given point to the top of a flat roof, or mansard roof, or to the highest ridge line of sloping roof unless othenivise specified in Approved Develooment Plans. Site Coverage- The maximum allowable site coverage for Phase lV shall be as set forth in the Approved Development Plans referenced in Section 4 of this ordinance. Landscaping- Development Plans referenced in Section 4 of this ordinance. Parking and Loading- The required number of off-street parking spaces and loading/delivery berths for Phase lV shall be provided as set forth in the Approved Development Plans referenced in Section 4 of this ordinance. In no instance shall Vail Road or the South Frontage Road be used for loading/delivery or guest drop-off/pick-up with the prior written approval of the Town of Vail. The required parking spaces shall not be individually sold, transferred, leased, conveyed, rented or restricted to any person other than a tenant, occupant or user of the building for which the sp,ace, spaces or area are required to be provided by the Zoning Regulations or ordinances of the Town. The foregoing language shall not prohibit the temporary use of the parking spaces for events or uses outside of the building, subject to the approval of the Town of Vail. Section 5. Approval Aqreements for Special Development District No. 6. Phase lV. Vail Plaza Hotel 1. That the Developer provide Type lll Employee Housing Unit deed-restrictions , which comply with the Town of Vail Employee Housing Requirements (Title 12, Chapter 13, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code) for a minimum of 38 employees, and that said deed-restricted ' housing be made available for occupancy, and that the deed restrictions be recorded at the Office of the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder, prior to requesting a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the Vail Plaza Hotel. The Developer agrees that it shall make application to the Town of Vail for plasing the Type lll Employee Housing Units within Phase lV of Special Development District No. 6 within 30 days of approval of Ordinance No. '1 , Series of 2000. The Developer shall make a good faith effort to place some or all of such employee housing units within Phase lV in such a way as to meet the Cesign objectives of the Town of Vail ordinances. Nothing contained herein shall obligate the Town to approve such application, nor shall the Developer be required to remove existing uses or density in order to construct the employee housing units within Phase lV. 2. That the Developer submits detailed civil engineering drawings of the required off-site improvements (street lights, drainage, curb and gutter, sidewalks, grading, etc.) as identified on the off-site improvements plan to the Town of Vail Public Works Department for review and approval prior to application for a building permil 4. E 8. 9. a. b. .c. d. for review and approval of the Town of Vail Design Review Board, prior to application for a building permit. The sdd approval time requirements and limitations of section 12-9A-12 shall apply of Ordinance No. 1, Series of 2000. In addition the phasing of the construction of the hotel shall not be permitted. That the Developer submits the following plans to the Department of Community Development, for review and approval, as a part of the building permit application for the hotel: An Erosion Control and Sedimentation Plan; A Construction Staging and Phasing Plan; A Stormwater Management Plan; A Site Dewatering Plan; and e. A Traffic Control Plan. That the Developer receives a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of Type lll Employee Housing Units in Phase lV of the District, in accordance with Chapter 12-16, prior to the issuance of a building permit, to provide housing on-site, if the application to amend Special Development District No. 6 pursuant to Condition of Approval #1 above, is approved by the Town of Vail. That the Developer submits a complete set of plans to the Colorado Department of Transportation for review and approval of a revised access permit, prior to application for a building permit. That the Developer meets with the Town staff to prepare a memorandum of understanding outlining the responsibilities and requirements of the required off-site improvements, prior to second reading of an ordinance approving the major amendment. That the Developer increases the proposed Vail Road setback to insure adequate distances are provided to meet the intended needs of the Town's right-of-way and the front setback or successfully demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Town that adequate areas for landscaping, streetscape improvements and snow storage are provided. The Town of Vail Design Review Board shall participate in this decision-making process. That the Developer submits a complete set of plans responding to each of the design 6. 7. 10. memorandum to George Ruther, daled 12113199. The drawings shall be submitted, reviewed and approved by the Town Engineer prior to final Design Review Board approval. 1'|. . That the developer records a public pedestrian easement between the hotel and the Phase lll Condominiums and between the Phase V Building property lines. The easement shall be prepared by the developer and submitted for review and approval of the Town Attorney. The easement shall be recorded with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder's Office prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 12. That the Developer record a deed-restriction, which the Town is a party to, on the Phase lV property prohibiting the public use of the spa facility in the hotel. Said restriction may be revoked if the Developer is able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Town that adequate provisions for vehicle parking have been made to accommodate the public use of the spa. 13. That the Developer submits a final exterior building materials list, a typical wall section and complete color rendering for review and approval oi,h" D".ign Review Board, prior to making an application for a building permit. 14. That the Developer submits a comprehensive sign program proposal for the Vail Plaza Hotel for review and approval of the Design Review Board, prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy 15. That the Developer submits a roof-top mechanical equipment plan for review and approval of the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a building permit. All roof{op mechanical equipment shall be incorporated into the overall design of the hotel and enclosed and screened from oublic view. 16. That the Developer posts a bond with the Town of Vail to provide financial security for the 125o/o of the total cost of the required off-site public improvements. The bond shall be in place with the Town prior to the issuance of a building permit. 17. That the Developer installs bollards or similar safety devices at the intersection of the O delivery access driveway and the sidewalk along the South Frontage Road to prevent conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles, prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 18. That the Developer studies and redesigns the entrance on the northside of the hotel across 19. that redirects pedestrians to another entrance. The final design shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board. That the Developer coordinate efforts with the owners of the Gateway Building to create a below ground access for loading and delivery to the Gateway from the Vail Plaza Hotel to resolve potential loading and delivery concerns at the Gateway. lf a coordinated effort can be reached the Developer shall submit revised plans to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and approval, prior to the issuance of a building permit. That the Developer revises the proposed floor plans for the Vail Plaza Hotel to provide freight elevator access to the lowest level of the parking structure. The revised plans shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. That the developer redesigns the proposed elevator tower to eliminate the cupola atop the tower and revises the proposed building elevations and roof plan prior to final review of the proposal by the Design Review Board. The Board shall review and approve the revised design, That the Developer submit a cost estimate prepared in cooperation with the Town of Vail Public Works Department to cover the complete cost of designing and constructing a left-tum lane on Vail Road and reconfiguring the landscape island in the South Frontage Road median to eliminate left-turns from the loading/delivery area. The Developer shall post a financial bond covering 150% of the cost of constructing the left-turn lane and reconfiguring the landscape median to eliminate the left-turn from the loading/delivery area. The bond shall be held by the Town of Vail for a period of 10 (ten) years for the Town to use to construct the left-turn lane and median improvements should it be deemed necessary by the Town of Vail. Upon determining the need for said improvements and notifying the Developer of the need in writing, the Town shall commence construction within eighteen months. The bond shall be in place with the Town of Vail prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. That the Developer provides a centralized loading/delivery facility for the use of all owners and tenants within Special Development District No. 6. Access or use of the facility shall not be unduly restricted for Special Development District No. 6. 20. 21. 22. 23. Section 6. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validig of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the iact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 7. The repeal or the repeal and re-enactment of any provisions of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occuned prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 8. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. The repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, heretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE lN FULL ON FIRST READING this 4'h day of January, 2000, and a public hearing for second reading of this Ordinance set for the 18rh day of January, 2000, in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Ludwig Kuz, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson. Town Clerk READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this ,18'h day of January,2000. Ludwig Kurz, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk t _ ' ^___. 4. be made available for occupancy, and that the deed restrictions be recorded at the Office of the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder, prior to requesting a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the Vail Plaza Hotel. The Developer agrees that it shall make application to the Town of Vail for placing the Type lll Employee Housing Units within Phase lV of Special Development District No. 6 within 30 days of approval of Ordinance No. 1, Series of 2000. The Developer shall make a good faith effort to place some or all of such employee housing units within Phase lV in such a way as to meet the objeclives of the Town of Vail ordinances. Nothing contained herein shall obligate the Town to approve such application, nor shall the Developer be required to remove existing uses or density in order lo construct the employee housing units within Phase lV. 2. That the Developer submits detailed civil engineering drawings of the required off-site improvements (street lights, drainage, curb and gutter, sidewalks, grading, etc.) as identified on the off-site improvements plan to the Town of Vail Public Works Department for review and approval prior to application for a building permit. That the Developer submits a detailed final landscape plan and final architectural elevations for review and approval of the Town of Vail Design Review Board, prior to application for a building permit. The sdd approval time requirements and limitations of Section 12-gA-12 shall apply of Ordinance No. 1, Series of 2000. In addition the phasing of the construction of the hotel shall not be permitted. That the Developer submits the following plans to the Department of Community Development, for review and approval, as a part of the building permit application for the hotel: An Erosion Control and Sedimentation Plan; A Construction Staging and Phasing Plan; A Stormwater Management Plan; A Site Dewatering Plan; and A Traffic Control Plan That the Developer receives a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of Type lll Employee Housing Units in Phase lV of the District, in accordance with Chapter 12-16, prior to the issuance of a building permit, to provide housing on-site, if the application to amend Special Development Dislrict No. 6 pursuant to Condition of Approval #'l above, is approved by the Town of Vail. That the Developer submits a complete set of plans to the Colorado Department of Transportation for review and approval of a revised access permit, prior to application for a building permit. That the Developer meets with the Town staff to prepare a memorandum of understanding outlining the responsibilities and requirements of the required off-site improvements, prior to second reading of an ordinance approving the major amendment. That the Developer increases the proposed Vail Road setback to insure adequate distances are provided to meet the intended needs o{ the Town's right-oI-way and the front setback or 6 cL. r.l c. d. e. o. 7. (,4 .' t successfully demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Town thal adequate areas for landscaping, streetscape improvements and snow storage are provided. The Town of Vail Design Review Board shall participate in this decision-making process. 10. That the Developer submits a complete set of plans responding to each of the design concerns expressed by Greg Hall, Director of Public Works & Transportation, in his memorandum to George Ruther, daled 12113199. The drawings shall be submitted, reviewed and approved by the Town Engineer prior to final Design Review Board approval. 'l 1. That the developer records a public pedestrian easement between the hotel and the Phase lll Condominiums and between the Phase V Building property lines. The easement shall be prepared by the developer and submitted for review and approval of the Town Attorney. The easement shall be recorded with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder's Office prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 12. That the Developer record a deed-restriction, which the Town is a party to, on the Phase lV property prohibiting lhe public use of the spa facility in the hotel. Said restriction may be revoked if the Developer is able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Town that adequate provisions for vehicle parking have been made to accommodate lhe public use of lhe spa. 13. That the Developer submits a final exterior building materials list, a typical wall section and complete color rendering for review and approval of the Design Review Board, prior to making an application for a buildingpermit. 14. That the Developer submits a comprehensive sign program proposal for the Vail Plaza Hotel for review and approval of the Design Review Board, prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy 15. That the Developer submits a roof-top mechanical equipment plan for review and approval of the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a building permit. All rool-top mechanical equipment shall be incorporated into the overall desig of the hotel and enclosed and screened from public view. 16. That the Developer posts a bond with lhe Town of Vail to provide financial securily for the 125"/" ot the total cost of the required off-site public improvements. The bond shall be in place with the Town prior to lhe issuance of a building permit. 17. That the Developer installs bollards or similar safety devices at the intersection of the delivery access driveway and the sidewalk along the South Frontage Road lo prevent conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles, prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 18. That the Developer studies and redesigns the entrance on the north side of the hotel across from the enlrance to the Gateway BuiHing to create a more inviting enlrance or a design that redirects pedestrians to another entrance. The final design shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board. 19. That the Developer coordinate efforts wilh the owners of the Gateway Building to create a below ground access for loading and delivery to the Gateway from the Vail Plaza Hotel to resolve potential loading and delivery concerns at the Gateway. lf a coordinated effort can I be reached the Developer shall submit revised plans to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and approval, prior to the issuance of a building permit. 20. That the Developer revises the proposed floor plans for the Vail Plaza Hotel to provide freight elevator access to the lowest level of the parking structure. The revised plans shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. 21 .That the developer redesigns the proposed elevator tower to creale an architectural atop the tower and revises the proposed building elevations and roof plan prior to final review of the proposal by the Design Review Board. The Board shall review and approve the revised design. 22.That the Developer submit a cost estimate prepared in cooperation wilh the Town of Vail Public Works Department to cover the complete cost of designing and constructing a left- turn lane on Vail Road and reconfiguring the landscape island in the South Frontage Road median to eliminate left-turns from the loading/delivery area. The Developer shall post a financial bond covering 150% of the cost of constructing the left-turn lane and reconfiguring the landscape median to eliminate the left-turn from the loadingidelivery area. The bond shall be held by the Town of Vail for a period of 10 (ten) years for the Town to use to construct the left-turn lane and median improvements should it be deemed necessary by the Town of Vail. Upon determining the need for said improvements and notifying the Developelof the need in writing, the Town shall commence construction within eighteen months. The bond shall be in place with the Town of Vail prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certilicate of Occupancy. 23. That the Developer provides a centralized loading/delivery facility for the use ol all owners and lenants wilhin Special Development District No. 6. Access or use of the facility shall not be unduly restricted for Special Development District No. 6. The loading/delivery facility, including docks, berths, freight elevators, service corridors, etc., shall be made availabte for public and/or private loading/delivery programs, sanctioned by the Town of Vail, to mitigate loading/delivery impacts upon the Vail Village loading/delivery system related to the development of the project. The Developer will be compensated for the common use of the facility and management services by the Town of Vail or others. The final determination of the use of the facility shall be mutually agreed upon by the Developer and the Town of Vail. I(l Memorandum To: Vail Town Counci From: George Ruther, Senior Special Projects Planner Date: January 11,2000 Re: Clarification of Council lssues and Proposed Conditions of Approval The purpose of this memo to provide a written list of the issues expressed by the individual Council members on the proposed Vail Plaza Hotel redevelopment and to provide draft conditions of approval for Ordinance No. 1, Series of 2000. Kevin Folev . The proposal does meet the development standards of the underlying zoning of Public Accommodation. There is a need for redevelopment. However, the standards of the underlying zoning and the master plans must be met. Greo Moffat . The purpose of an sdd is to allow deviations from the underlying zoning when public benefits can be achieved.. The requirement for employee housing units shall be met within the Town of Vail.. Disappointed to see smaller timeshare (interval ownership) projects replacing larger hotel accommodation unit projects. Sybil Navas r What is the notice requirement of the Town of Vail?. The employee housing unit requirement must be met within the Town of Vail.. The conference/spa/lodging lepects of the project are seen as benefits.. The greatest concern of the proposal is the impacts on vehicular traffic on Vail Road and the South Frontage Road and the possible need for three lanes on Vail Road.. The overall height of the building is a concern.. The Design Review Board should look at addressing the stepping back of the building from Vail Road. Rod Slifer . A view analysis was compleled. The analysis showed that the view from the roundabout would not be compromised.. The third lane in Vail Road should be constructed at the time of construclion of the hotel to minimize construction impacts. However, a bond providing for future construction if necessary is acceptable.. The pedestrian connection to Gateway is an improvement of the project.. Look at flip-flopping the mass of the hotel along Vail Road prior to second reading. -la, Diana Donovan r No construction staging should be permitted on Town property.r Conslruclion employee parking in the town structure should not impact guest parking.. All of the phases of the sdd should be required to use the centralized loading/delivery facility.. The applicant should strongly encourage the other owners within the sdd to participate in the repair of the brick pavers in the plaza.. The hotel should be responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the landscaping on town property adjacent to the hotel.r The twenty foot setback along Vail Road should be honored.. The loading/delivery facility should be made available for "community use" if excess capacity exists.. Look at flip{lopping the mass of the hotel along Vail Road prior to second reading.. The trees al the bus stop need to be left alone and not removed as part of the bus stop construction.. The employee housing requirement shall be met in-town.. No additional building height should be approved to accommodate employee housing on site. ' Believes that plans should be adhered to until changed during a community planning process. Chuck Oliobv . The employee housing shall be on-site as il sets precedence for future redevelopment projects. The lack of vacant land resources necessitates the need to require on-site housing.. Condition No. 1 needs to be revised to add more "teeth" to the language. Ludwio Kurz . The employee housing unit requirement should be met on-site, however additional building height should not be granted.r The employee housing requirement needs to be met in town.. The flipping of the mass may not be the most appropriate solution given the topography of the site.. We need to remain competitive and redevelopment is a means to stay competitive. The following conditions of approval will be included in Ordinance No. 1, Series of 2000. Please review the conditions and provide comments as necessary. Section 5. Approval Aoreements for Special Development District No. 6. Phase lV. Vail Plaza Hotel 1. That the Developer provide Type lll Employee Housing Unit deed-restrictions , which comply with the Town of Vail Employee Housing Requirements (Title 12, Chapter 13, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code) lor a minimum of 38 employees, and that said deed-restricted housing *$*th .guigT thi i;6d! I\ _trL {^v :-i6= =3> -.E Io T- 6E:.NiT6d: f &>t lf,l Nt! IJ.J ? ,.t r! N6 -a, +r+.. I -!o g, S -s .t) !.=rd +< F! fr';lii u=lE. = IiilxEiii +< v, o HJ .t) : H*oao tn @ o J :Ec x:Nn!ru -Er3' - g l! e. 0) (E lJ- t z E $to HC 6 -9 -o- rt3i;t ii3 ilil i85 |,-aJ e-zruiel ag UJ Ntz N *3fl a>i.) =n o ET (ooE ob,o(! .g+<;e.e- ; o tt o fg _€)tuq ,4d EO*a E =EA /-,v -! v) C q) LU ta(d Io I 6 E:.N8;rg -E EF9 "6d z .E (l) IJ E z rilii Nfriiii 9.E 6t3 t! r +* {l r +++:g *. *-ftfrfr ttl tIt 9E + t E !€ e t + lF +r+ q I i €aE1o=lJ5 --gSE EAfiE = iiir 3h tr, .c (Jotn 6Nd L /^v aPo =16 N _@ A=- 66 co 1P6 o) 4J C'NG CL at .P f6=:!9 \.|s : a.rtc!t +< E.s =n>f, .E $ ,g I CEFNiE6:f o_>q =E1lli * !iir (a o (J Q'ct, c)q) L. tt) aPo = 6 N C .9 (! _grlJ El!ou, o@l! c YlJ- t z o 'ar Co (E o IJ.J Ectou (u bo = E: _o.'- th =o G' _€,tll + ,.4 i;f.i BO*g# -o '= E /^\v 6tFNiPc:.i a-j* r-e';li = Iiilx?lii @PoT "6 Nll .F a! q) III =ov, o ,a(! I4J tao (E q) t! ta 4J |lJ Eoz th lr + t ci + t it IE+ t l! + Memorandum To: Vail Town Council From: George Ruther, Senior Special Projects Planner Date: January 11,2000 Re: Clarification of Council lssues and Proposed Conditions of Approval The purpose ol this memo to provide a written list of the issues expressed by the individual Council members on the proposed Vail Plaza Hotel redevelopment and to provide draft conditions of approval for Ordinance No. 1, Series of 2000. Kevin Folev . The proposal does meet the development standards of the underlying zoning of Public Accommodation. There is a need for redevelopmenl. However, the standards of the underlying zoning and the master plans must be met. Greo Moffat o The purpose of an sdd is to allow deviations from the underlying zoning when public benefits can be achieved.. The requirement for employee housing units shall be met within the Town of Vail.. Disappointed lo see smaller timeshare (interval ownership) projects replacing larger hotel accommodation unit projects. Svbil Navas r What is the notice requirement of the Town of Vail?o The employee housing unil requirement must be met within the Town of Vail.. The conference/spa/lodging aspects of the project are seen as benefits.. The greatest concern of the proposal is the impacts on vehicular lraffic on Vail Road and the South Frontage Road and the possible need for three lanes on Vail Road.. The overall height of the building is a concern.. The Design Review Board should look at addressing the stepping back of the building from VailRoad. Rod Slifer . A view analysis was completed. The analysis showed that the view from the roundabout would not be compromised.. The third lane in Vail Road should be constructed at the time of construction of the hotel to minimize conslruction impacts. However, a bond providing for future construction if necessary is acceptable.. The pedestrian connection to Gateway is an improvement of the project.e Look at flip-flopping the mass of the hotel along Vail Road prior to second reading. O Diana Donovan o No construction staging should be permitted on Town property.r Construclion employee parking in the town structure should not impact guest parking.. All of the phases of the sdd should be required to use the centralized loading/delivery facility.r The applicant should strongly encourage the other owners within the sdd to participate in the repair of the brick pavers in the plaza.e The hotel should be responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the landscaping on town property adjacent to the hotel.. The twenty foot setback along Vail Road should be honored.. The loading/delivery facility should be made available for "community use" if excess capacity exists.. Look at flip-flopping the mass of the hotel along Vail Road prior to second reading.. The lrees at the bus stop need to be left alone and not removed as part of the bus stop conslruction.. The employee housing requirement shall be met in-lown.. No additional building height should be approved to accommodate employee housing on site.o Believes that plans should be adhered to until changed during a communily planning process. Chuck Oliqbv r The employee housing shall be on-site as it sets precedence for future redevelopment projects. The lack of vacant land resources necessitates the need to require on-site housing.o Condition No. 1 needs to be revised to add more 'teeth" to the language. Ludwio Kurz . The employee housing unit requirement should be met on-site, however additional building height should not be granted.. The employee housing requirement needs to be met in town.. The flipping of the mass may not be the most appropriate solution given the topography of the site.. We need to remain competitive and redevelopment is a means to stay competitive. The following conditions of approval will be included in Ordinance No. 1, Series of 2000. Please review the conditions and provide comments as necessary. Section 5. Approval Aoreements for Special Development District No.6. Phase lV. Vail Plaza Hotel 1. That the Developer provide Type lll Employee Housing Unit deed-restrictions , which comply with the Town of Vail Employee Housing Requirements (Title 12, Chapter 13, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code) for a minimum of 38 employees, and that said deed-restricted housing 3. 4. be made available for occupancy, and that the deed restrictions be recorded at the Office of the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder, prior to requesting a Temporary Ceftificate of Occupancy for the Vail Plaza Hotel. The Developer agrees that it shall make application to the Town of Vail for placing the Type lll Employee Housing Units within Phase lV of Special Development District No. 6 within 30 days of approval of Ordinance No. 1, Series of 2000. The Developer shall make a good faith effort to place some or all of such employee housing units within Phase lV in such a way as to meet the objectives of the Town of Vail ordinances. Nothing contained herein shall obligate the Town to approve such application, nor shall the Developer be required to remove existing uses or density in order to construct the employee housing units within Phase lV. That the Developer submits detailed civil engineering drawings of the required off-site improvements (street lights, drainage, curb and gutter, sidewalks, grading, etc.) as identified on the off-site improvements plan to the Town of Vail Public Works Department for review and approval prior to application for a building permit. That the Developer submits a detailed final landscape plan and final architectural elevalions for review and approval of the Town of Vail Design Review Board, prior to application for a building permit. The sdd approval time requirements and limitations of Section 12-9A-12 shall apply of Ordinance No. 1, Series of 2000. In addition the phasing of the construction of the hotel shall not be permitted. That the Developer submits the following plans to the Department of Community Development, for review and approval, as a part of the building permit application for the hotel: An Erosion Control and Sedimentation Plan: A Construction Staging and Phasing Plan; A Stormwater Management Plan; A Site Dewatering Plan; and A Traffic Control Plan That the Developer receives a conditional use permit to allow for lhe construction of Type lll Employee Housing Units in Phase lV of lhe District, in accordance with Chapter 12-16, prior to the issuance of a building permit, to provide housing on-site, if the application to amend Special Development District No. 6 pursuant to Condition of Approval #1 above, is approved by the Town of Vail. That the Developer submits a complete set of plans to the Colorado Department of Transportation for review and approval of a revised access permit, prior to application for a building permit. That the Developer meets with the Town staff to prepare a memorandum of understanding outlining the responsibilities and requirements of the required off-site improvements, prior to second reading of an ordinance approving the major amendment. That the Developer increases the proposed Vail Road setback to insure adequate distances are provided to meet the intended needs of the Town's right-of-way and the front setback or a. h c. d. e. o, 7. 9. '1ro'u6f lv\ir-rimuat , successfully demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Town that adequate areas for landscaping, streetscape improvements and snow storage are provided. The Town of Vail Design Review Board shall participate lnJhi+deeisien-making4xeeese 10. That the Developer submits a complete set of plans responding to each of the design concerns expressed by Greg Hall, Director of Public Works & Transportation, in his memorandum to George Ruther, dated 12l13/99. The drawings shall be submitted, reviewed and approved by the Town Engineer prior to final Design Review Board approval. 11. That the developer records a public pedeslrian easemenl between the hotel and the Phase lll Condominiums and belween the Phase V Building property lines. The easement shall be prepared by the developer and submitted for review and approval of the Town Attorney. The easement shall be recorded with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder's Office prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 12. That the Developer record a deed-restriction, which the Town is a party to, on the Phase lV property prohibiling the public use of the spa facility in the hotel. Said restriction may be revoked il the Developer is able to demonstrate to the satisfaclion of the Town that adequate provisions for vehicle parking have been made to accommodate the public use of the spa. 13. That the Developer submits a final exterior building materials list, a typical wall section and complete color rendering for review and approval of the Design Review Board, prior to making an application for a building permit. 14. That the Developer submits a comprehensive sign program proposal for the Vail Plaza Hotel for review and approval of the Design Review Board, prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certif icate of Occupancy 15. That the Developer submits a roof-top mechanical equipment plan for review and approval of the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a building permit. All roof-top mechanical equipment shall be incorporated into the overall design of the hotel and enclosed and screened from public view. 16. That the Developer posts a bond with the Town of Vail to provide financial security for the 125/" oI the total cost of the required off-site public improvements. The bond shall be in place with the Town prior to the issuance of a building permit. 17. That the Developer installs bollards or similar safety devices at the intersection of the delivery access driveway and the sidewalk along the South Frontage Road to prevent conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles, prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 18. That the Developer studies and redesigns lhe entrance on the north side of the hotel across from the entrance to the Gateway Building to create a more inviting enlrance or a design that redirects pedestrians to another entrance. The final design shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board. 19. That the Developer coordinate efforts with lhe owners of the Gateway Building to create a below ground access for loading and delivery to the Gateway from the Vail Plaza Hotel to resolve potential loading and delivery concerns at the Gateway. lf a coordinated effort can i be reached the Developer shall submit revised plans to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and approval, prior to the issuance of a building permit. 20. That the Developer revises the proposed floor plans for the Vail Plaza Hotel to provide freight elevator access to the lowest level of the parking slructure. The revised plans shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. 21 . That the developer redesigns the proposed elevator tower to create an architectural atop the lower and revises the proposed building elevations and roof plan prior to final review of the proposal by the Design Review Board. The Board shall review and approve the revised design. 22.Thal the Developer submit a cost estimate prepared in cooperation with the Town of Vail Public Works Department lo cover the complete cost of designing and constructing a left- turn lane on Vail Road and reconfiguring the landscape island in the South Frontage Road median to eliminate left-turns from the loading/delivery area. The Developer shall post a financial bond covering 150% of the cost of constructing the left-turn lane and reconfiguring the landscape median to eliminate the left-turn from the loading/delivery area. The bond shall be held by the Town of Vail for a period of 10 (ten) years for the Town to use to conslrucl the left-turn lane and median improvements should it be deemed necessary by the Town of Vail. Upon determining the need for said improvements and notifying the Developer of the need in writing, the Town shall commence conslruction within eighteen months. The bond shall be in place with the Town of Vail prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certif icate of Occupancy. 23. That the Developer provides a centralized loading/delivery facility for the use of all owners and tenanls within Special Development District No. 6. Access or use of the facility shall not be unduly restricted for Special Development District No. 6. The loadingidelivery facility, including docks, berths, freight elevators, service corridors, etc., shall be made available for public and/or private loading/delivery programs, sanctioned by the Town of Vail, to mitigate loading/delivery impacls upon the Vail Village loading/delivery system related to the development of the project. The Developer will be compensated for the common use of the facility and management services by the Town of Vail or others. The final determination of the use of the facility shall be mutually agreed upon by the Developer and the Town of Vail. Memorandum To: Vail Town Council From: George Ruther, Senior Special Projects Planner Date: January 18,2000 Re: Off-site Improvements Construction Obligations and Staff Recommendation The purpose of this memorandum is to outline the off-site improvement obligations of the Developer of the Vail Plaza Hotel and to provide the Council with the recommendation of the staff for the design, construction and financial responsibilities of the improvements. Off-site Improvements There are certain off-site improvements that are required to be provided as a result ofthe construction of the Vail Plaza Hotel. These improvements are required either because of the design and operational aspects of the hotel or because ofthe requirements of the various Town planning documents such as the Streetscape Master Plan and Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan. The required improvements are identified on the Off-site Improvements Plan that is part of the Approved Development Plan for the Vail Plaza Hotel. The requirement for off-site improvements will be further clarified in a Developer Improvement Agreement that shall be executed betwecn the Town of Vail and the Developer prior to the issuance of a building permit for the hotel. The recomrnended list of required off-site improvements should include: l. A heated" six-foot and eight-foot wide, concrete paver sidewalk and all associated improvements (site furnishings, trash containers, etc.) pursuant to the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan.2. The completion ofthe bus stop on the north sidc ofEast Meadow Drive. 3. The installation of 'Village" street lights along East Meadow Drive the entire length of the Special Development District. 4. A new unheated, eight-foot wide, concrete sidewalk along the South Frontage Road from the eastem boundary of the Special Development District to the intersection ofVail Center Road and the South Frontage Road. 5. The installation of 'Village" street lights along the southside ofthe South Frontage Road from the Main Vail Roundabout to Village Center Road. 6. The construction and landscaping and all associated improvements for a median in the South Frontage Road east of the Main Vail Roundabout to the driveway entrance to the Vail Village Inn, Phase tII, Condominium Building. 7. The removal and subsequent reJandscaping of the existing loading/delivery lane along the south side of the South Frontage Road, in the right-of-way, in front of the Phase III Condominium Building.8. The conshuction ofa landscape island designed to screen the loading/delivery access drive and entrance from the South Frontage Road.9. The desip and construction of a potential left-turn lane on Vail Road. The requirement shall include all associated costs to complete the improvements. 10. The design and construction of all required storm sewer and drainage improvements resulting from the construction of the hotel. Staff Recommendation Staffrecommends that the Developer be held responsible for all costs associated with the construction of the off-site improvements listed above. For the purpose of this requirement, all associated costs shall include, but not be limited to, design, civil engineering, materials, laboE construction, fees, inspections, installation, etc. The Town of Vail shall be responsible for the cost of the construction of any required engineeritrg associated with the construction of the portion ofunheated, concrete sidewalk from the eastem boundary of the Special Development District to Village Center Road. To ensure that the construction obligations and fmancial responsibilities are met, staff would recommend that a Developer Improvement Agreement be executed prior to the issuance ofa building permit for the hotel. t.,kxtne7* ?e*ot,1 ORDINANCE NO.l SERIES OF 2000 rlrrlo , AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AN APPROVED DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 5, VAIL VILLAGE INN, PHASE IV, TO ALLOW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE VAIL PLAZA HOTEL; AND SETTTNG FORTH DETATLS tN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, In '1976, the Vail Town Council adopted Ordinance No. 7, Series of 1976. establishing Special Development District No, 6, Vail Village Inn; and WHEREAS, Section 12-9A-10 of the Zoning Regulations permits m;jor amendments to previously Approved Development Plans for Special Development Distric.ts; end WHEREAS, Waldir Prado, dba Daymer Corporation, as owner of the Phase lV property, has submitted an application for a major amendment to Special Development District No. 6, Vaii Village Inn, Phase lV; end WHEREAS, the purpose of this ordinance is to adopt an Approved Development Plan for the Vail Village Inn Special Development District, Phase lV to allow for th€ conslruction of the Vail Plaza Hotel; and WHEREAS, the proposed major amendment to the Special Development District is in the best interest of the town as it meets the Town's development objectives as identified in the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions outlined in the Zoning Regulations, the Planning & Environmental Commission held a public hearing on th6 major amendment application; and WHEREAS, the Planning & Environmental Commission has reviewed the prescribed criteria for a major amendment and has submitted its unanimous recommendation of approval to the Vail Town bouncil; and WHEREAS, all notices as r€quired by the Town of Vail Municipal Code have been sent to the appropriate parties; and WHEREAS, the Vail Town Council considers it in the best interest of the public health safety, and welfare to adopt and re-establish the Approved Development Plan for Speciel Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn, Phas€ lV, Vail Plaza Hotel; and . Ordinanc€ l, Sei$ of 2000 o .' Whereas, the approval of the major amendment to Speclal Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn, Phase lV, Vail Plaza Hotbl and the dev€lopment Btandards in r€gard thar€to shall not establish precedence or entitlemenb elsewhere within the Toivn of Vail. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO. THAT: Section{. tu*=i!he..Qr!h* The purpose of Ordinance No. 1, Series of 2000, is to adopt an Approved Development Plan for Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn, Phase lV, Vail Plaza Hotel. The Approved Development Plans for Phases l, lll & V remain approved and unchang8d for the development of Specisl Development District No. 6 within the Town of Vail, unless they have oth€rwise expired, Only the Approved Development Plan for Phase lV, the Vail Plaza Hotel is hereby amended and adopt€d. Section 2. Amendment Procedures Fulfilled. Plannino Commission R€oort The approval procedures described in Section 12-9A of the Vail Municipal Coda have been fulfilled, and the Vail Town Council has received the recommendatlon of the Planning & Environmental Commission ior a major amendment to th€ Approved Developm€nt Plan for Special Devglopment District No.6, Vail Village Inn, Phase lV, Vail Plaza Hotel. Requests for amendments to the Approved Development Plan shall follow the procedures outlined in Section 12-9A of th€ Vail Municipal Cod€. Section 3. Soecial Development District No. 6 The Special Development District and the Major Amendment to the Approved Developmsnt Plan for Phase lV are established to assure comprehensive development and use of the area in a manner that would be hermonious with the gen€ral character of ths Town, provide adequate open space and recreation amenities, and promote the goals, gbjectives and policies of the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan. Special Development District No.6 is regarded as being complementary to the Town of Vail by th€ Vail Town Council and the Planning & Environmental Commission, and has been established sinc6 there are signiflcant aspects of the Special Development District that cannot be satisfied through the imposition of the standard Public Accommodation zone district requirements. Section 4. Develooment Standards - Special Development Distric-t No, 6, Vail Village Inn, Phase lV, Vall Plaza Hotel Ordinanc|l, S.rj.s ot 2000 l,l o Dewlopment Plan- The Approved Development Plan for Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn, Phase lV, Vail Plaza Hotel shall include the following plans and materials prepared bv Zehr€n and Associates, lnc., dated November 23, 1999 and stamped.approved by the Town of Vail, dated January 18, 2000: A. Site lllustrative Plan B. Sit€ Vignettes Key Plan (noted "for illustntion puryoses onn C. Site Vignettes ' D. Site Plan (revised) E. Level Minus Two F. Levcl Minus One iG. Level Zero H. Level One l. Level Two J. Level Three ' K. Level Four L. Level Five M. Level Six N. Roof Plan O. Roof Plan (Mechanical Equipment) . r P. Street Sections (Vail Road Elevation/North Frontage Road Elevation) O. Plaza Sections (South Plaze Elevation/East Ptaza Etevation) R. Building A Elevations S. Building A Sections T. Building B Elevations U. Building B Sections V. Building Height Plan 1 (Absolute Heights/lnterpolatsd Contours) W. Building Height Plan 2 (Maximum Height Above Gradettnterpotated Contours) X. Pool Study (Pool Sections) Y. Vail Road Setback Study Ordinanc! I, S€ri6 ot 2000 t Z. Loading and Delivery plan AA. Street Entry Studies (Vail Road/South Frontage Road) BB. Sun Study CC. Landscape lmprovements Plan DD. Off-site lmorovements Plan Permitted Uses- The permitted uses in Phase lV of Special Development District No. 6 shall be as set forth in the development plans referenced in Section 4 of this ordinance. Conditional Us6s- Conditional uses for Phase lV shall be set forth in Section 12-7 A-3 of the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations. All conditional uses shall be reviewed per the procedures as outlined in Chapter 12- 16 of the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations. Density- Uni's per Acre - Dwelling Units, Accommodation UnlE, & Fractional Fee Club Unl,s The number of units permitted in Phase lV shall not excaed the following: Dwelling Units - 1 Accommodation Units - 96 Fractional Fee Club Units - 48 Density- Floor Area The gross residential floor area (GRFA), common area and commerdal square foetage permitted for Phase lV shall be as set forth in the Approved Development Plans referenced in Section 4 of this ordinance. Setbacks- Required setbacks for Phase lV shall be as set forth in the Approved Development Plans referenced in Section 4 of this ordinance. The front setback along Vail Road shall be 2O'. Height- The maximum building height for Phase lV shall be as set forth in the Approved Development Plans r€fer€nced in Section 4 of this ordinance. For the purposes of SDD No. 6, Phase lV, calculations of height, height shall mean the distanc€ measured v€rtically from the existing grade or finished grade (whichever is more restrictive), at any given pdint to the top of a flat roof, or mansard roof, or lo the highest ridge line of sloping roof unless otheruise specified in Approved DeveloDment Plans. Ordinance 1, Sed6 of 2000 Site Coverage- Th€ maximum allowabie site coverage for Phase lV shall be as set forth in the Approved D€velopment Plans referenced in Section 4 of this ordinance. Landscaping- The minimum landscape area requirement for Phase lV shall be as set forth in the Approved Development Plans referenced in Section 4 of this ordinance. Parking and Loadlng- The required number of off-street parking spaces and loading/delivery berths for Phase lV shall be provided as set forth in the Approved Development Plans referenced in Section 4 of this ordinance. In no instance shall Vail Road or the South Frontage Road be used for loading/delivery or guest drop-off/pick-up without the prior writlen approval of the Town of Vail. The required parking spaces shall not be individually 60ld, transferred, leased, conv€ysd, rented or restricted to any person other than a tenant, occupant or user of the building for which the space, spaces or area are required to be provided by the Zoning Regulations or ordinances of the Town. The ' foregoing language shall not prohibit the temporary use of the parking spaces for events or uses outside of the building, subject to the approval of the Town of Vail. O Section 5. Approval Asreements for Special Develooment District Ng. 6. Phase lV. Vail Plaza Hotel f . ihat the Developer submits an Employee Housing Plan to the Town of Vail Community Development, within 30 days of the appfoval of Ordinanc€ No. 1, Series of 2000, for the review and approval of the Plan by the Vail Town Council and/or reviewing Boards and Commissions, prior to the issuance of a building permit. At a minimum, the proposed plan shall include, but not be limited to, housing alternatives showing 38 beds and 19 beds on- site and within the Special Development District for the consideration of the Town. The required employee housing units shall be located within the Town of Vail and comply with the Town of Vail Employee Housing Requirements (Iitle 12, Chapter 13, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code). The Developer shall provide deed-restricted housing for a minimum of 38 employees, anf,said deed-restricted housing shall be made available for occupancy, and the deed rcstrictions be recorded at the Office of the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder, prior to requesting a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the Vail Plaza Hotel. Nothing contained herein shall obligate the Town to approve such a Plan, nor shall the Developer be Ordhanoe 1, Series of 2000 required to remove existing proposed uses or density in order to construct the €mployee housing units on sita. The Developer agrees, at the determination of the Town of Vail Community Development Department, to make all necessary applications and procBed through all required development review processes resulting from the proposed Employee Housing Plan. 2. That the Developer submits detailed civil engineering drawings of the required off-site improvements (street lights, drainage, curb and gutter, sidewalks, grading, road improvements, etc.) as identified on the off-site improvements plan to the Town of Vail Public Works Department for review and approval, prior to application for a building permit. 3. That the Developer submits a detailed final landscape plan and final architecturat etevations for review and approval of the Town of Vail Design Review Board, prior to apptication for a building permit. 4. The sdd approval time requirements and limitations of Section 12-9A-12 shall apply to Ordinance No. 1, Series of 2000. In addition, the phasing of the construction of the hotel shall not be oermitted. 5. That the Developer submits the following plans to the Department of Community Development, for review and approval, as a part of the building permit application for the hotel: a. An Erosion Control and Sedimentation Plan; b. A Construction Staging and Phasing Plan; c. : A Stormwater Management Plan; d. A Site Dewatering Plan; and e. A Traffic Contrcl Plan. 6. That the Developer receives a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of Type lll Employee Housing Units in Phase lV of the Districr, in accordanc€ with Chapter 12-16, prior to the issuance of a building permit, to provide housing on-sit6, if the application to amend Special Development District No. 6, pursuant to Condition of Approval #1 above, is approved by the Town of Vail. 7. That the Developer submits a compl€te set of plansto the Colorado Departmsnt of Transportation for review and approval of a revised access permit, prior to application for a building permit. Ordln.nce I, Series of 2000 o 8. That the Developer meets with the Town staff to prepare a memorandum of understanding outlining the iesponsibilities and requirements of the required off-site improvements, prior to second reading of an ordinance approving th€ major amendment. - 9. That the Developer revises the plans to comply with the required 2O-foot dlong vatl Road pursuant to the Zoning R€gulations of the Town of vail. The revised plans shall be revlew€d and approved by the Town of Vail Design Review Board prlor to th€ issuance of a building permit. 10. That the Developer submits a complete set of plans responding to th€ design concems expressed by Greg Hall, Director of Public Works & Transportation, in his memorandum to George Ruther, dated 12l13/99. The drawings shall be submitted, reviewad and approved by the Town Engineer, prior to final Design Review Board approval. 11. That the developer records a public pedestrian easement between the hotel and the Phase lll Condominiums and between the Phase V Building property lines. The easement shall be prepafed by the developer and submitted for review and approval of the Town Altorn€y. Th€ easement shall be recorded with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorde/s Office prior to the issuance ofa Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 12. That the Developer record a deed-restriction, which th€ Town is a party to, on the phase lV property prohibiting the public use of the spa facility in the hotel. Said restriction may be . revoked if the Developer is able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Town that adequate provisions for vehicle parking have been made to accommodate the public use of the spa, The restriction shall b€ recorded prior to th6 issuance of a building permit. 13. That the Developer submits a final exterior building materiels list, a typical wall section end complete color rendering for review and approval of the Degign Review Board, prior to making an application for a building permit. 14. That the Developer submits a comprehensive sign program proposalfor the Veil plaza Hotel for review and approval of the Design Review Board, prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy '15. That the Developer submits a roof-top mechanical equipment plan for review and approval of the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a building permit. All roof-top mechanical equipment shall be incorporated into the overall design of the hotel and enclosed and screened from public view: Ordinlncr l. Series of 2000 1A 17. That the Developer posts a bond with the Town of Vail to provide financial security for the 1250/o ofthe total cost of the requir€d off-site public improvements. The bond shall bs in place with the Town prior to the issuance of a building permit. That the Developer installs bollards or similar safety devices at the intersection of the delivery access driveway and the sidewalk along the South Frontage Road to pr€vent conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles, prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. That the Developer studies and redesigns the entrance on the north side of the hotel aqoss from the entrahce to the Gateway Building to create a more inviting entranca or a design that redirects pedestrians to another entrance. The final design shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a building permit. That the Developer coordinate efforts with the owners of the Gateway Building to crgate a below ground access for loading and delivery to the Gateway from the Vail Plaza Hot€l to resolve potential loading and delivery concems at the Gateway. lf a coordinated etfort can be reached the Developer shall submit revised plens to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and approval, prior to the issuance of a building permit. That the Developer revises the proposed floor plansfor the Vail Plaza Hotelto provide freight elevator access to the lowest level of the parking structure. The revised plans shall be submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Dapartment for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. That the developer redesigns the proposed elevator tower to create an architectural feature atop the tower and revises the proposed building elevations and roof plan prior to final review of the proposal by the Oesign Review Board. The Board shall review and approve the revised design. That the Developer submit a cost estimate prepared in cooperation with the Town of Vail Public Works Department to cover the complete cost of designing and constructing a left- turn lane on Vail Road and reconfiguring the landscape island in the South Frontage Road median to eliminate left-tums from the loading/delivery area, The Developer shall post a financial bond covering 150o/o of the cost of constructing the leflturn lane and reconfiguring the landscape median to eliminate the left{um from the loading/deliv€ry area. The bond shall be held by the Town of Vail for a period of 10 (ten) years for the Town to use to 18. 19. 20. 21. 22 O.dinance 1, Scrieg of 20q) construct the left-tum lane and median improvements should it be deemed necessary by the Town of vail. The determination of need shall be made by the Towh Engineer upon finding that the existence of the hotel has negatively impacted the flow of traffic on Vail Road. The Upon determining the need for said improvements and notifying the Developer of the need in r,\,riting, the Town shall commence construction within eighteen months. The bc,nd shall be in place with the Town of Vail prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 23. That the DeveloPer provides a centralized loading/delivery facility for the use of all owners and trenants within Special Development Distric,t No. 6. Acc€sg or use of the facility shall not be unduly restricted for Special Development District No. 6. The loading/delivery facility, including docks, berths, freight el€vators, service corridors, etc., may be mad€ available for public and/or private loading/delivery programs, sanction€d by the Town of Vail, to mitigate loading/delivery impacts upon the Vail Village loading/delivery system. The use of the facility shall only be permitt€d upon a finding by the Town of Vail arid the Developer that excess capecity axists. The Developer will be compensated by the Town of Vail ancUor others for the common use of lhe facility. The final determination of the use of the facility shall be mutually agreed upon by the Developer and the Town of Vail. 24. That the Developer submits a written letter of approval from adjacent properties whose property ls being encroached upon by certain improvements resulting from the construction of the hotel, prior to the issuance of a building permit. 25. That the Developer executes a Developer lmprovement Agr€ement to cover the completion of the required ofFsite improvements, prior to the issuance of a building permit. Section 6. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clauge or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or Dhrases be declared invalid. Section 7. The repeal or the repeal and re-enactment of any provisions of the Vail Municipal Code as provided Ordinance 1, Seri6 of 2OO0 in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occuned prior to the affective date her€of, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proc€eding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stat€d h€rein. Section 8. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. The repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or parl thereof, her€tofore repeal€d. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE lN FULL ON FIRST READING this 4'" day of January, 2000, and a public hearing for seicond reading of this Ordinance set for the 18tn day of January, 2000, in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Ludwig Kuz, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk READ AND APPROVED ON SECONO READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this 18Ih dav of January,2000. Ludwig Kuz, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk Ordlnanc! 1 , S.ries of 2m0 10 !\ W"O.^n #o\d\.. "?"J'[tLTA? :' 4. a ($Au*i"'d) AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AN APPROVED DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO, 6, VAIL VILLAGE INN, PHASE IV, TO ALLOW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE VAIL PLAZA HOTEL; AND SETTING FORTH DETATLS tN REGARO THERETO. WHEREAS, In 1976, the Vail Town Council adopted Ordinance No. 7, Series of 1976, establishing Sp6cial Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn; ano WHEREAS, Section 12-9A-10 of the Zoning Regulations permits major amendments to previously Approved Development Plans for Special Development Districts; and WHEREAS, Waldir Prado, dba Daym'er Corporation, as owner of the Phase lV property, has submitted an application for a major amendment to Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn, Phase lV; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this ordinance is to adopt an Approved Development plan for the Vail Village Inn Special Development District, Phase lV to allow for the construction of the Vail Plaza Hotel; and WHEREAS, the proposed major amendment to the Special Development District is in the O best interest of the town as it meets the Town's development objectives as identified in the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan: and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions outlined in the Zoning Regulations, the Planning & Environmental Commission held a public hearing on the major amendment application; and WHEREAS, the Planning & Environmental Commission has reviewed the prescribed criteria for a major amendment and has submitted its unanimous recommendation of approval to the Vail Town Council; and WHEREAS, all notices as required by the Town of Vail Municipal Code have been sent to the appropriate parties; and WHEREAS, the Vail Town Council considers it in the best interest of the public health. safety, and welfare to adopt and re-establish the Approved Development Plan for Speciel Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn, Phase lV, Vail Plaza Hotel; and o Ordinsnce 1, S€rils of 2q)0 Whereas, the approval of the major amendment to Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn, Phase lV, Vail Plaza Hotel and the development standards in regard thereto shall not establish precedence or entitlements elsewhere within the Town of Vail. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT; Sectlon 1. Puroose of the Ordinance The purpose of Ordinance No. 1, Series of 2000, is to adopt an Approved Development plan for Special Development District No.6, Vail Village Inn, phase lV, Vail plaza Hotel. The Approveo Development Plans for Phases l, lll & V remain approved and unchanged for the development of Special Development District No. 6 within the Town of Vail, unless they have otherwise expired. Only the Approved Development Plan for Phase lV, the Vail Plaza Hotel is heraby amended and adooted. Section2. AmendmentProceduresFulfilled. PlanninoCommission.Reoort The approval procedures described in Section 12-94 of the Vail Municipal Code have been fulfilled. and the Vail Town Council has received the recommendation of the Planning & Environmental commission for a major amendment to the Approved Development Plan for special Development District No.5, Vail Village lnn, Phase lV, Vail Plaza Hotel. Requests for amendments to the Approved Development Plan shall follow the procedures outlined in Section 12-gA of the Vail Municioal Code. Section 3. Soecial Development District No. 6 The Special Development Districl and the Major Amendment to tha Approved Development Plan for Phase lV are established to assure comprehensive development and use of the area in a manner that would be harmonious with the general character of the Town, provide adequate open space ancl recreation amenities, and promote the goals, objectives and policies of the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan. Special Development Dishict No.6 is regarded as being complementary to the Town of Vail by the Vail Town Council and the Planning & Environmental Commission, and has been established since there are significant aspects of the Special Development District that cannot be satisfied through the imposition of the standard Public Accommodation zone district reouirements. Section 4. Development Standards - Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn, Phase lV, Vail Plaza Hotel Ordlnanoe I , Seiies of 2000 Development Plan- The Approved Devslopment Plan for Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn, phase lV, Vail Plaza Hotel shelt include the following plans and materials prepar€d bv Zehr€n and Associates. lnc., dated November 23, 1999 and stamped approved by the Town of Vail, dated . January 18,2000: A. Site lllustrative Plan B. Site Vignettes Key Plan (noted 'for rllusfra tion purposes only) C. Site Vignettes D. Site Plan (revised) E. Level Minus Two F. Level Minus One G. Level Zero H. Level One l. Lev€l Two J. Level Three K. Level Four L. Level Five M. Level Six N. Roof Plen O. Roof Plan (Mechanical Equipment) ' P. Street Sections (Vail Road Elevation/North Frontage Road Elevation) O. Plaza Sections (South Plaza Elevation/East Plaza Elevation) R. Building A Elevations S. Building A Sections T. Building B Elevations U. Building B Sections V. Building Height Plan 1 (Absolute Heights/lnterpolated Contours) W. Building Height Plan 2 (Maximum Height Above Grade/lnterpolated Contours) X. Pool Study (Pool Sections) Y. Vail Road Setback Study OrdhEnca l. Sorl.! of 2000 Z. Loading and Delivery plan AA. Street Entry Studies (Vail Road/South Frontage Road) BB. Sun Study CC. Landscape lmprovements Plan DD. Off-site lmDrovements Plen Permitted Uses- The permitted uses in Phase lV of Special Development District No. 6 shall be as set forth in the developmerit plans referenced in Section 4 of this ordinance. Conditional Uses- Conditional uses for Phase lV shall be set forth in Section 12-7 A-3 ol the Town of Vait Zoning Regulations. All conditional uses shall be reviewed per the procedures as outlined in Chapter 12- 16 of the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations. Density- Unifs per Acre - Dwelling UniE, Accommodation Units, & Fractional Fee Club Unlts The number of units permitted in Phase lV shall not exceed the following: Dwelling Units - 1 Accommodation Units - 96 Fractional Fee Club Units - 48 Density- Floor Area The gross residentiel floor area (GRFA), common area and commercial square footage permitted for Phase lV shall be as set forth in the Approved Development Plans referenced in Section 4 of this ordinance. Setbacks.. Required setbacks for Phase lV shall be as set forth in the Approved Development Plans ref€renc€d in Section 4 of this ordinance. The front setback along Vail Road shall be 20'. Height- The maximum building height for Phase lV shall be as set forth in the Approved Development ' Plans referenced in Section 4 of this ordinance. For the purposes of SDD No. 6, Phase lV, calculations of height, height shall mean the distance measured verlically flom the existing grade or finished grad€ (whichever is mote restric.tive), at any given point to the top of a flat roof, or mansard roof, or to the highest ridge line of sloping roof unless otheruise specifi€d in Approved Development Plans. OrdinEnce 1. Seri6 of Z)00 Site Coverage- The maximum allowable site coverage for Phase lV shall be as set forth in the Approved Davelopment Plans referenced in Section 4 of this ordinance. Landscaping- The minimum lendscap€ area requirement for Phase lV shall be as set forth in the Approved Development Plans referenced in Section 4 of this ordinance. Parking and Loading- The required number of off-street parking spaces and loadingidelivery berths for Phase lV shall be provided as set forth in the Approved Development Plans referenced in Section 4 of this ordinance. ln no instance shall Vail Road orthe South Frontage Road be used for loading/delivery or guest drop-off/pick-up without the prior witten approval of the Town of Vail. The required parking spaces shall not be individually sold, transferred, leased, conveyed, rented or r€strict€d to any person other than a tenant, occupant or user of the building for which the space, spaces or area are required to be provided by the Zoning Regulations or ordinances of the Town. The foregoing language shall not prohibit the temporary use of the parking spaces for events or uses outside of the building, subject to the approval of the Town of Vail. Section 5. Approval Aoreements for Soecial D€velopment District No. 6. phase lV, Vail Plaza Hotel 1. That the Developer submits an Employee Housing Plan to the Town of Vail Community Development, within 30 days of the approval of Ordinance No. 1, Series of 2000, for the review and approval of the Plan by the Vail Town Council and/or reviewing Boards and Commissions, prior to the issuance of a building permit. At a minimum, the proposed Plan shall include, but not be limited to, housing alternatives, with at least one altemative showing 38 beds and at least one additional plan showing 19 beds on-sit€ and within the Special Development District for the consideration of the Town. The required employee housing units shall be located within the Town of Vail and comply with the Town of Vail Employee Housing Requirements Oitle 12, Chapter'13, of tha Town of Vail Municipal Code). The Developer shall provide deed-restricted housing for a minimum of 38 employees, and said deed-restricted housing shall be made available for occupancy, and the deed restrictions be recorded at the Office of the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder, prior to requesting a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the Vail plaza Hotgl. Nothing Ordlnanc€ l, Serl6 of 2OO0 contained herein shall obligate the Town to approve such a Plan, nor shall the Developer be required to remove existing proposed uses or density in order to construct the employee housing units on site. The Developer agrees, at the determination of the Town of Vail Community Development Department, to make all necessary applications and proceed through all required development review process€s resulting from the proposed Employee Housing Plan. 2. That th€ D€veloper submits detailed civil engineering drawings of the required off-site improv€ments (street lights, drainage, curb and gutter, sidewalks, grading, road improvements, etc.) as identified on the off-site improvements plan to the Town of Vail Public Works Department for review and approval, prior to applicatlon for a building permit. 3. That the Developer submits a detailed final landscape plan and final architectural €levations for review and approval of ihe Town of Vail Design Review Board, prior to application for a building permit. 4. The sdd approval time requirements and limitations of Section 12-gA-12 shall apply to Ordinance No. 1, Series of 2000. In addition, the phasing of the construction of the hotel shall not be Dermitted. O 5. That the Oeveloper submits the following plans to the Department of Community Development, for review and approval, as a part of the building permit application for the hotel: a. An Erosion Control and Sedimentation Plan: b. A Construction Staging and Phasing Plan; c. A Stormwater Management Plan; d. A Site Dewatering Plan; and e. A Traffic Control Plan. 6. That th€ Developer receives a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of Type lll Employee Housing Units in Phase lV of the District, in accordance with Chapter '12-16, prior to the issuance of a building permit, to provide housing on-site, if the application to emend Special Development District No. 6, pursuant to Condition of Approval #1 abov6, is approved by the Town of Vail- 7. That the Developer submits a complete set of plans to the Colorado Department of Transportation for review and approval of a revised access permit, prior to application for a Ordinancs 1, SrdlE ol 2000 i building permit. L That the Developer meets with the Town staff to prepare a memorandum of understanding outlining the responsibilities and requirements of the required off-site improvements, prior to second reading of an ordinance approving the major amendm€nl. 9. That the Developer revises the plans to comply with the required 2Gfoot along Vail Road pursuant to the Zoning Regulations of the Town of Vail. The revised plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Town of Vail Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a building permit. 10. That the Developer submits a complete set of plans responding to the design concems axpressed by Greg Hall, Director of Public Works & Transportation, in his memorandum to George Ruther, daled 121'l3lgg. The drawings shall be submifted, reviewed and approved by the Town Engineer, prior to final Design Review Board approval. 11. That the developer records a public pedestrian easement between the hotel and the Phase lll Condominiums and between the Phase V Building proporty lines. The easement shall be prepared by the developer and submitted for review and approval of the Town Attomey. The easement shall be recorded with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorde/s Office prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 12. That the Developer record a deed-restriction, which thg Town is a party to, on the phase lV property prohibiting the public use of the spa facility in the hotel. Said restriction may be revoked if the Developer is able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Town that adequate provisions for vehicle parking have been made to accommodate the public use of the spa. The restriciion shall be recorded prior to the issuance of a building pennit. 13, That the Developer submits a final exterior building materials list, a typical wall section and complete color rendering for review and approval of the Design Review Board, prior to making an application for a building permit. 14. That the Developer submits a comprehensive sign program prdposal for the Vail Plaza Hotel for review and approval of the Design Review Board, prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy 15. That the Developer submits a roof-top mechanical equipment plan for revisw and epproval of the Design Review Board prior to the issuanco of a building permit. All rooFtop mechanical equipment shall be incorporat€d into the overall design of the hotel and Ordinance I, Seriee ot 2000 enclosed and screened from public view. 16. That the DeveloPer posts a bond with the Town of Vail to provide financial security for the 1250lo of the total cost of the required off-site public improvements. The bond shall b€ in place with the Town prior to the issuance of a building permit. 17. That the Developer installs bollards or similar safety devices at the intersection of th€ delivery access driveway and the sidewalk along the South Frontage Road to prevent conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles, prior to the issuance of a T€mporary Certificate of Occupancy. 18. That the Developer studies and redesigns the entrance on the north side of the hotel across from the entrance to the Gateway Building to create a more inviting entrance or a design that redirects pedestrians to another entrance. The final design shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board prior.to the issuance of e building perhit. 19. That the Developer coordinate etforts with the owners of the Gateway Building to create a below ground access for loading and delivery to the Gateway from the Vail Plaza Hotel to resolve potential loading and delivery concems at the Gateway. lf a coordinated effort can be reached the Developer shall submit revised plans to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and approval, prior to the issuance of a building permit. 20. That the Developer rsvises the proposed floor plans for the Vail Plaza Hotel to provide freight elevator access to the lowest level ofthe parking structure. The revised plans shall be submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and apprgval prior to the issuance of a building permit. 21. That the developer redesigns the proposed elevator tower to create an architectural feature atop the tower and revises the proposed building elevations and roof plan prior to final review of the proposal by the Design Rsview Board. The Board shall review and approve the revised design. 22. That the Developer, in cooperation with the Town of Vail Public Works Departm€nt design and construct a left-tum lane on Vail Road and reconfigure the landscape island in the South Frontage Road median to eliminate left-turns from the loading/delivery. The construction shall be completed prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Ordinlnc€ 1, Serl€ of 2000 23.That the Developer provides a centralized loadingidelivery facility for the use of all owners and tenants within Special Dovelopmont District No. 6. Access or use of the facility shall not be unduly restricted for Special Development District No. 6. Th-e loeding/delivery facility, including docks, berths, freight elevators, service conidors, etc., may be made available for public andior private loading/delivery programs, sanctioned by the Town of Vail, to mitigate loading/delivery impacts upon the Vail Village loading/delivery system. The use of the facility shall only be permifted upon a finding by the Town of Vail and the Developer that excess capacity exists. The Developer will be compensated by the Town of Vail and/or others for the common use of the facility. The final determination of the use of the facility shall be mutually agreed upon by tha Developer and the Town of Vail. That the Developer submits a written letter of approval from adjacent properties whose property is being encroached upon by certain improvements resulting from the construction of the hotel, prior to the issuance of a building permit. That the Developer executes a Developer lmprovement Agreement to cover the completion of the required off-site improvements, prior to the issuance of a building permit. Section 6. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase therdof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 7. The repeal or the repeal and re-enactment of any provisions of the Veil Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not reviv€ any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 8. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, 24. za. Ordlnqnce 1, Serles af 2000 I inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent only of such Inconslst€ncy. Th€ repealor shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, ord€r, r€solution or odinance, or part thereof, heretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED oNcE lN FULL oN FIRST READING this 4'h day of January, 2000, and a public hearing for second reading of this Ordinance setforthe 18h dayof January,2000, in the Council Chembers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Ludwig Kutz, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk REAO AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this 18'N day of January, 2000. Ludwig Kurz, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk o Ordimnc€ 1. S6rha of2(m 10 WN OFVAIL OttcopF January 25, 2000 Jay Peterson Bailey & Peterson, P.C. 108 Sou& Frontage Road, Suite 204 Vail, Colorado 81657 Vail Plaza Hotel Conditions of Approval Dear Jay, Congmtulations! The Vail Plaza Hotel was approved by the Vail Town Council upon second reading of Ordinance No. 1, Series of 2000. The purpose of this letter is to provide you with written documentation of the conditions of approval for the Vail Plaza Hotel and the timeframe in which the conditions must be met. For example, as you are aware, an employee housing plan shall be submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Departmetrt within 30 days (February 17,2000) of the approval of Ordinance No. 1. The following is a list of the conditions grouped into specific timeframes: Prior to Buildine Permit Apolication r That the Developer submits detailed civil engineering drawings of the required off-site improvements (street lights, drainage, curb and gutter, sidewalks, grading, road improvements, etc.) as identified on the off-site improvements plan to the Town of Vail Public Works Department for review and approval, prior to application for a building perrrit. r That the Developer submits a detailed final landscape plan and fiual architectural elevations for review and approval of the Town of Vail Design Review Board, prior to application for a building permit. o That the Developer submits the following plans to the Departnent of Community Developmen! for review and approval, as a part of the buildiag permit application for the hotel:a. An Erosion Control and Sedimentation Plaa;b. A Construction Staging and Phasing Plan;c. A Stormwater Management Plan; d. A Site Dewatering Plan; ande. A Traffrc Control Plan. That the Developer receives a conditional use perrnit to allow for the constnrction of Type III Employee Housing Units in Phase IV of the District, in accordance with Chapter 12-16, prior to the issuance ofa building permit, to provide housing on-site, if the application to amend Special Deveiopment District No. 6, pursuant to Condition of Approval #1 above, is approved by the Town of Vail. Department of Cotnmunity D evelopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 {po"r"urr * .\ r.} That the Developer submits a complete set ofplans to the Colorado Departrnent of Transportation for review and approval ofa revised access permit, prior to application for a building permit. That the Developer submits a complete set ofplans responding to the design concems expressed by Greg Hall, Director of Public Works & Transportation, in his memorandum to George Ruther, dated 12/13/99. The drawings shall be submitted, reviewed and approved by the Town Engineer, prior to final Design Review Board approval. That the Developer submits a final exterior building materials lisg a typical wall section and complete color rendering for review and approval of the Desigrr Review Board, prior to making an application for a building pennit. Tbat the developer redesigns the proposed elevator tower to create an architectural feature atop the tower and revises the proposed building elevations and roofplan prior to final review of the proposal by the Design Review Board. The Board shall review and approve the revised design. Prior to Buildins Permit Issuance r That the Developer revises the plans so that they comply with the required 20-foot along Vail Road pursuant to the Zoning Regulations of the Town of Vail. The revised plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Town of Vail Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a building permit. o That the Developer record a deed-restriction, .flhich the Town is a party to, on the Phase ry property prohibiting the public use of the spa facility in the hotel. Said restriction may be revoked if the Developer is able to demonsffate to the satisfaction of the Town that adequate provisions for vehicle parking have been made to accommodate the public use of the spa. The restriction shall be recorded prior to the issuance of a building perrrit. That the Developer submits a roof-top mechanical equipment plan for review and approval of the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a building permit. All roof+op mechanical equipment shall be incorporated into the overall design ofthe hotel and enclosed and screened from public view. That the Developer posts a bond with the Town of Vail to provide financial security for the l25o/o of the total cost of the required off-site public improvements. The bond shall be in place with the Town prior to the issuance of a building permit. That the Developer studies and redesigns the entrance on the north side of the hotel across fiom the entrance to the Gateway Building to create a more inviting entrance or a design that redirects pedestrians to another entrance. The final design shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a building permit. That the Developer coordinate efforts with the owners of the Gateway Building to create a below ground access for loading and delivery to the Gateway from the Vail Plaza Hotel to resolve potential loading and delivery concems at the Gateway. If a coordinated effort can be reached the Developer shall submit revised plans to the Town of Vail Community Development Departrnent for review and approval, prior to the issuance ofa building permit. That the Developer revises the proposed floor plans for the Vail Plaza Hotel to provide freight elevator access to the lowest level ofthe parking structure. The revised plans shall be submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Deparment for review and approval prior to the issuance of a buildhg permit. "tt\ {'} r That the Developer submits a wriften letter of approval from adjacent propenies whose property is being encroached upon by certain improvements resulting from the construction of the hotel, prior to the issuance of a building permit. r That the Developer executes a Developer Improvement Agreement to cover the completion of the required off-site improvements, prior to the issuance of a building permit. Prior to a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy o That the developer records a public pedestrian easement bctween the hotel and the Phase III Condominiums and between the Phase V Building property lines. The easement shall be prepared by the developer and submitted for review and approval of the Town Attomey. The easement shall be recorded with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder's Office prior to the issuance ofa Temporary CertiFrcate of Occupancy. o That the Developer submits a comprehensive sign program proposal for the Vail Plaza Hotel for review and approval of the Design Review Board, prior to the issuance ofa Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. r That the Developer installs bollards or similar safety devices at the intersection of the delivery access driveway and the sidewalk along the South Frontage Road to prevent conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles, prior to the issuance ofa Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. r That the Developer, in cooperation with the Town of Vail Public Works Departrnent design and construct a left-tum lane on Vail Road and reconfigure the landscape island in the South Frontage Road median to eliminate left-turns from the loading/delivery. The construction shall be completed prior to the issuance ofa Temporary Certificate ofoccupancy. O other r That the Developer provides a centalized loading/delivery facility for the use ofall owners and tenants within Special Development District No. 6. Access or use of the facility shall not be unduly restricted for Special Development District No. 6. The loading/delivery facility, including docks, berths, freight elevators, service corridors, etc., may be made available for public and/or private loading/delivery programs, sanctioned by the Town of Vail, to mitigate loadingidelivery impacts upon the Vail Village loading/delivery system. The use of the facility shall only be pennitted upon a finding by the Town of Vail and the Developer that excess capacity exists. The Developer will be compensated by the Town of Vail and./or others for the common use of the facility. The finai determination of the use of the facility shall be mutually agreed upon by the Developer and the Town ofVail. Upon receipt of this letter, should you have any questions or concems with regard to the iaformation addressed in this letter, as always, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me most easily by telephone ^t479-2145. Sincerelv. try-'K-Pr, George Ruther, AICP Senior Special Projects Planner Town of Vail Xc: Vail Town Council tlrorlry Ftt E cuPy OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 t! February 3,2000 Mr. Jobn Dunn Dunn, Abplanalp & Mauriello, P.C. 108 South Frontage Road, Suite 300 Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Vail Plaza Hotel Dear John. It is my understanding you represent Mr.Charles Lipcon with regard to matten conceming the proposed Vail Plaza Hotel . The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the review process for the proposcd Vail Plaza Hotel. As you are awarc, pursuant to Ordinance No. I, Serjes of 2000, an iteration of the Vail Plaza Hotel pian was approved by the Vail Town Council on Tuesday, January 18, 2000. [n accordance with the approval the Developer was required to reappear before the Vail Town Council with a plan to provide housing for a minimum of 38 employees. An additional stipulation was that the Developer prepares an altemative providing all of the required housing on the hotel site. I have been informed that the Developer is prepared to present their altematives to the Town of Vail. A review of the housing altematives has been scheduled. The preliminary review is scheduled for 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, February 15, 2000, in the Vail Town Council Chambers. A final review and recommendation is scheduled with the Planning & Environmental Commission on Monday, February 28 and two readings ofan amsading ordinance are scheduled for Tuesday, March 7 and Tuesday, March 21 with the Vail Town Council. I will again be sending out notice to adjacent property ownen pursuant to the requirements of the Vail Town Code. For your information I will send two separate notices to the owners ofproperty at the Vail Gateway Plaza. One notice will be sent to Stoltz Bros. Management, lnc., at the address of record according to thc Eagle County Assessor's Office and while not legally obiigated, a second and third notice will be sent to two local addresses. The local addresses were obtained from reDresentatives of Stotlz Bros. Management, Inc. Should you have any questions regarding the information discuss in this letter, as always, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me bv teleDhone at 479-2145. Sincerelv. -Q"**a George Ruther, AICP Senior Special Projects Planner Town of Vail tg un"uo"*o