HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D LOT M O VAIL PLAZA HOTEL 2000 MAJOR AMENDMENT PROPOSAL REVISIED LEGALVail council gets ftrst look at employee units for Plaza Hotel By Tom Winter Daily Saff Writer VAIL - Representatives of the Vail Plaza Hotel were in the Vail Town Council Chambers again Tues- day night.-T1ii tinn" they *"." presenfin! t[6 - expansion needed to allow for 18 employee howing units on the site. The one to three bedroom units would add an additional 3 l/2 feet of built in another location in town, Peterson sai4 but the cost of land elsewhere would make the overall cost mot€. "The biggesi thing is having employees in the village," Peterson said. "It's a good solution if we can fit it in." Employee housing colld be in me Daily,wednesday, February 16, 2om+agqllt ( (Th,Dtggest l of the proposed six-story Vail Plaza Hotel. "We're opposed to this project unless it conforms with the town master plan," said John Dunn, attor- ney for.the plaintiffs. '"The main thrust [of the suit] is to get the court to review the action of the town coun- cil." Throughout the planning process, neighbors and others complained that the hotel was too tall, too dense and recommend approval of the employ- ee housins to the council in their meeting Flb. 28. The council will first look at the employee units March 7. A second and final reading of the ordinance has not been set yet. Tom Winter covers Vail, Minnm ann Red Clif. He can be reached at (970) 949-0555 ext 606. The units also would require i Developer's attorncy I Discussion about the prospective developers lo encroach 4 feet onto the i :i hotel has gone throueh three town Vail Road setback. .W councils; the last two could never rec- Jay Peterson, an attomey who rep- oncile theif differences with develop- resents developer Waldir hado, said another location in or outside of Vail, ers to clear a path for the hotel's the on-site housing would add $1.8 thoush council member Chuck Oeil- construction.' million to the project's $1 10 million by sid in December he would tkJ to Town planner George Ruther said price tag. Adding the employee units see the employee housing at the hotel he has heard that the developers hope also would mean developers would site. :This is as important as building to begin work by late spring or early get three more hotel rooms. more hotel rooms in the town of summer. The actual construction of the Vail," Ogilby said. The Planning and Environmental employee uniB would cost.lese if ffre ciooncit voted 4-3 Jan. 18 to Commission witl decide whether to thing ishaving employees in the village.'l approve the project, which will be located where the Vail Village Inn now sits on South Frontage and Vail roads, outlining its neighbor the Gate way Plaza Building. Reiidents of the Vail Gateway Plaza building filed suit Friday against the town, the to*n council"arid rl developer to halt cbnstmction ffilffil,r: the arreadv 68-root-ta' :o - try Petercon I nXmtfJiioofl"l'il1,',i1ff't JOHN W. DUNN ARTHUR A. AAPLANALB JR. OIANE HERIIAN IIIAURIELLO oF couxsEL: JERRY W. HANNAH TELEPHONE:(970) 476-0300 FACSIMILE: 19" O) 47 6 -47 65 e-mail- \'.:!l!.:.,16' :;i.n€[ CEiIIFIEO LEGAL ASSISIANTS KAREN M. OUNN, CLAS JANTCE K. SCOFTELD, C:-A Lrw Orrrces Dutnt, AaplerueLp & MRuRtEluo, P.C. WESTSTAR Baxx B u rlor r.rc roe SoutH FRoNTAGe Roeo WEsr Sur?E 3oo Vatl, Colomoo gresz February I l, 2000 R. Thomas Moorhead, Esq. Town Attorney 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Re: Lipcon. et al. vs. Town of Vail. et al. DearTom: Enclosed is a courtesy copy of a complaint I am hling in the district court today. I will take no action with respect to certification of the record or service of the complaint until the council has the opportunity to consider the new ordinance scheduled for March. Please let me know if those plans change. Yours very truly, , ABPLANALP & MAT]RIELLO, P. C. I Joht W. Dunn kem Enc. Mr. Lipcon Mr. Johnson Mr. Breyo I o rN THE DISTRTCT COURT, COi,rNTy OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO Case No. 00 CV COMPLAINT PURSUANT TO RULES 57, 65 AND 106, C.R.C.P. CHARLES R. LIPCON: IRMGARD LIPCON; VAIL SUNDIAL L.P; and JOHN BREYO, Plaintiffs. vs. TOWN OF VAIL, a municipal corporation; TOWN COLINCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL: and DAYMER CORPORATION N.V., a Netherland Antilles corporation, Defendants. PARTIES AND VENUE 1. Plaintiffs are owners of residential condominium units at Vail Gateway Plaza, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. 2. This proceeding relates to a decision of the Defendant, Town Council of the Town of Vail ("the Council"), approving the application of the Defendant, Daymer Corporation N.V. ("Daymer"), for a major amendment to Special Development District No. 6, adjacent to Vail Gateway Plaza. 3. Venue is proper in the Countyof Eagle pursuant to Rule 9S(bX2), C.R.C.P. GENERAL ALLEGATIONS 4. At times relevant hereto and relevant to Special Development District No. 6, the Town had in effect a Vail Village Master Plan, adopted January 16, 1990, as part of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, and the underlying zone district was public accommodation district. 5. At times relevant hereto, Title 12, Vail Municipal Code, made the follorving reo uirements: , a. by Section 12-9A-1 thereof, that a purpose of a special development district is to further the overall goals of the community as stated in the Vail Comprehensive Plan. b. by Section 12-9A-l thereof, that an approved development plan for a special development district, in conjunction rvith the underlying zone district, shall establish the requirements for guiding development and uses of property included in the special development district. c. by Section 12-9A-8D thereof, that any special development district or amendment thereto shall comply with the Vail Comprehensive Plan. d. by Sections 12-9A-4C and l2-9A-10B thereof, that any special development district or any amendment thereto shall be considered in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-7 of the Code and that notification procedures shall be in accordance with Subsection 12.3-6C of the Code. e. by Sections 12-3-7 and 12-3-6C thereof, that notice ofhearing on any amendment of development plans for special development districts shall be mailed to adjacent property owners and that, if the adjacent property is a condominium project, notice may be mailed to the managing agent, registered agent or any member of the board of directors thereof.. f. by Sections l2-3-7F and l2-3-68 thereof, that upon receipt ofa recommendation of the Planning and Environmental Commission ("PEC") of the Torvn, the Town Council shall set a date for hearing thereon. 6. Plaintiffs and other owners of residential condominium units at Vail Gatervay Plaza received no notice of hearing on the application of Daymer; nor was notice given to the managing agent, registered agent or any member of the board of directors of the owners association. 7. On December 13, 1999, the PEC heard the application of Daymer and made its recommendation in favor thereof. 8. Upon receipt of the recommendation of the PEC, the Town Council did not set public hearing thereon but instead, without notiie to Plaintiffs or other members of the public, engaged in a series of"work sessions" in the course ofwhich they negotiated the approval of Daymer's application, thereby bargaining away the police power of the Town in exchange for considerations including promises of economic benefit contained in a "Vail Plaza Hotel, Town of Vail Incremental Revenue Impacts" relied upon by the Council. 9. On January 18, 2000, the Town Council adopted on second reading Ordinance No. l, Series of 2000, approving Daymer's application. 10. Upon information and belief, no notice of hearing before the Torvn Council in compliance with Section l2-3-6C, Vail rv-lunicipal Code and state statute, was given to Plaintiffs, to other owners of condominium units at Vail Gateway Plaza or to other members of the public. FIRST CLAIM (pursuant to Rule 57) 11. The allegations ofparagraphs 1 through 10 hereofare incorporated herein by reference thereto. 12. Plaintiffs are persons, or comprised ofpersons, whose rights, status or other legal relations are affected by the municipal ordinances and comprehensive plan aforesaid and who are thereby entitled to have determined any questions of construction or validity arising under the enactments aforesaid and to obtain a declaration oftheir rishts. status and other lesal relations thereunder. 13. Plaintiffs are entitled to a declaration as follows: a. That Ordinance No. 1 , Series of 2000, was adopted without compliance rvith sections 12-3-7 and 12-3-6, Vail Municipal Code and state statute, deny Plaintiffs due process and the equal protection ofthe law and are invalid and void based upon lack ofjurisdiction ofthe Council. b. That Ordinance No. l, Series of 2000, violates the limitations of the Vail Village Master Plan and the underlying zone district and therefore constitutes an abuse of the discretion of the Council, causing it to be invalid and void. c. That Ordinance No. l, Series of2000, is a product ofnegotiation and not of public hearing and quasi-judicial decision-making, and therefore amounts to contract zoning, causing it to be invalid and void. d. That Ordinance No. l, Series of 2000, was adopted by a body whose members possessed conflicts ofinterest with regard thereto and had prejudged the application in its favor, depriving Plaintiffs and other members of the public of a fair and unbiased forum. SECOND CLAIM (pursuant to Rule 106) 14. The allegations ofparagraphs I through l3 hereofare incorporated herein by reference thereto. 15. The Town Council exercised quasi-judicial functions in hearing Daymer's application. 16. The Town Council exceeded its jurisdiction or abused its discretion. 17. There is no plain, speedy and adequate remedy otherwise provided to Plaintiffs by law. THIRD CLAIM (pursuant to Rule 65) 18. The allegations ofparagraphs I through 17 hereofare incorporated hereinby reference thereto. 19. Immediate and irreparable injury, loss or damage will result to the Plaintiffs if the Defendants are not restrained and enjoined from implementing Ordinance No. 1, Series of 2000. 20. Plaintiffs have no adequate remedy at law. WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs pray as follows: ' 1. Pursuant to Rule 57, C.R.C.P., for judgment declaring as aforesaid and otherwise declaring the rights of the Plaintiffs. 2. For an order adjudging that Ordinance No. l, Series of 2000, is invalid and void. 3. That a temporary restraining order and preliminary and permanent injunction be entered restraining and enjoining the Defendants from the implementation of Ordinance No. 1, Series of2000. 4. For their costs. 5. For such other and further reliefas the Court may deem proper. DATED the I lth day of February, 2000. & MAURIELLO, t42l West, #300 Attomevs for Plaintiffs Address of Plaintiffs: c/o Charles R. Lipcon One Biscayne Tower, Suite 2480 2 South Biscayne Blvd. Miami FL 33131 D - -. John)W. Dunn, No. 108 51 Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 476-0300 o UJ"lL ClnrtesR Lipco4 po se STATE OFFIORTDA ) couNTY o **rr o-"' i Chades R tlpcoC being duly ',,o'n qp@ his ocb deposes and sap that he has rerd the frtegoitg co4hht rnd tlst tk raattcrs and ahgs tLereh set fortU are true, to thc bcsr ofhisloowlcdgc mdbelid ..7c&/t {-: Cbd€sR Lleoa Subscribed and sworn to before Ee rl'is I lth dey of Febrrury, 2000, by charles R Lipcoo.rf';o.1161U.*U. tF,r&rffi?ffit4y connissioo oryires Ulilnes+uy hard srd ofrid seet TortrL P.66 INTHE DISTRICT COURT, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO Case No. 00 CV COMPLA]NT PURSUANT TO RULES 57, 65 AND 106, C.R.C.P. CHARLES R. LIPCON; IRMGARD LIPCON; VAIL SUNDIAL L.P; and JOHN BREYO, Plaintiffs, vs. TOWN OF VAIL, a municipal corporation; TOWN COLINCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL; and DAYI\4ER CORPORATION N.V., a Netherland Antilles corporation, Defendants. PARTIES AND VENUE l. Plaintiffs are owners of residential condominium units at Vail Gateway Plaza. Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. 2. This proceeding relates to a decision of the Defendant, Town Council of the Town of Vail ("the Council"), approving the application of the Defendant, Daymer Corporation N.V. ("Daymer"), for a major amendment to Special Development District No. 6, adjacent to Vail Gateway Plaza. 3.-Venue is proper in the County of fagte pursuant to Rule 98(bX2), C.R.C.P. GENERAL ALLEGATIONS 4. At times relevant hereto and relevant to Special Development District No. 6, the Town had in effect a Vail Village Master Plan, adopted January 16, 1990, as part of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, and the underlying zone district was public accommodation district. 5. At times relevant hereto, Title 12, Vail Municipal Code, made the follorving reouirements: a. by Section l2-9/'-l thereof, that a purpose of a special development district is to further the overall goals of the community as stated in the Vail Comprehensive Plan. b. by Section 12-9A-l thereof, that an approved development plan for a special development district, in conjunction with the underlying zone district, shall establish the requirements for guiding development and uses of property included in the special development district. c. by Section l2-9A-8D thereof, that any special development district or amendment thereto shall comply with the Vail Comprehensive Plan. d. by Sections 12-9A-4C and 12-9A-108 thereof, that any special development district or any amendment thereto shall be considered in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-7 of the Code and that notification procedures shall be in accordance with Subsection l2-3-6C of the Code. e. by Sections 12-3-7 and 12-3-6C thereof, that notice ofhearing on any amendment of development plans for special development districts shall be mailed to adjacent property owners and that, if the adjacent property is a condominium project, notice may be mailed to the managing agent, registered agent or any member of the board of directors thereof.. f. by Sections 12-3-7F and l2-3-68 thereol that upon receipt ofa recommendation of the Planning and Environmental Commission ("PEC") of the Torvn, the Town Council shall set a date for hearing thereon. 6. Plaintiffs and other owners of residential condominium units at Vail Gatervay Plaza received no notice of hearing on the application of Daymer; nor was notice given to the managing agent, registered agent or any member of the board of directors of the owners association. 7. On December 13, 1999, the PEC heard the application of Daymer and made its recommendation in favor thereof. 8. Upon receipt of the recommendation of the PEC, the Town Council did not set public hearing thereon but instead, without notiie to Plaintiffs or other members of the public, engaged in a series of"work sessions" in the course ofwhich they negotiated the approval of Daymer's application, thereby bargaining away the police power of the Town in exchange for considerations including promises of economic benefit contained in a "Vail Plaza Hotel, Torvn of Vail Incremental Revenue Impacts" relied upon by the Council. 9. On January 18, 2000, the Town Council adopted on second reading Ordinance No. l, Series of 2000, approving Daymer's application. 10. Upon information and belief, no notice of hearing before the Town Council in compliance with Section l2-3-6C, Vail Municipal Code and state statute, rvas given to Plaintiffs, to other owners of condominium units at Vail Gateway Plaza or to other members of the public. FIRST CLAIM (pursuant to Rule 57) 11. The allegations ofparagraphs I through 10 hereofare incorporated herein by reference thereto. 12. Plaintiffs are persons, or comprised of persons, whose rights, status or other legal relations are affected by the municipal ordinances and comprehensive plan aforesaid and who are thereby entitled to have determined any questions of construction or validity arising under the enactments aforesaid and to obtain a declaration oftheir rights, status and other legal relations thereunder. 13. Plaintiffs are entitled to a declaration as follows: a. That Ordinance No. 1, Series of 2000, was adopted rvithout compliance rvith sections 12-3-7 and 12-3-6, Vail Municipal Code and state statute, deny Plaintiffs due process and the equal protection ofthe law and are invalid and void based upon lack ofjurisdiction ofthe Council. b. That Ordinance No. l, Series of 2000, violates the limitations of the Vail Village Master Plan and the underlying zone district and therefore constitutes an abuse of the discretion of the Council, causing it to be invalid and void. c. That Ordinance No. l, Series of2000, is a product ofnegotiation and not of public hearing and quasi-judicial decision-making, and therefore amounts to contract zoning, causing it to be invalid and void. d. That Ordinance No. 1, Series of 2000, rvas adopted by a body whose members possessed conflicts ofinterest with regard thereto and had prejudged the application in its favor, depriving Plaintiffs and other members of the public of a fair and unbiased forum. SECOND CLAIM (pursuant to Rule 106) 14. The allegations ofparagraphs I through 13 hereofare incorporated herein by reference thereto. 15. The Town Council exercised quasi-judicial functions in hearing Daymer's application. 16. The Town Council exceeded its jurisdiction or abused its discretion. 17. There is no plain, speedy and adequate remedy otherwise provided to Plaintiffs bv law. THIRD CLAIM (pursuant to Rule 65) 18. The allegations ofparagraphs 1 through l7 hereofare incorporated herein by reference thereto. 19. Immediate and irreparable injury, loss or damage will result to the Plaintiffs if the Defendants are not restrained and enjoined from implementing Ordinance No. 1, Series of 2000. 20. Plaintiffs have no adequate remedy at law. WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs pray as follows: ' l. Pursuant to Rule 57, C.R.C.P., for judgment declaring as aforesaid and otherwise declaring the rights of the Plaintiffs. 2. For an order adjudging that Ordinance No. l, Series of2000, is invalid and void. 3. That a temporary restraining order and preliminary and permanent injunction be entered restraining and enjoining the Defendants from the implementation of Ordinance No. l, Series of2000. 4. For their costs. 5. For such other and further relief as the Court may deem proper. DATED the I lth day of February,Z}}}. , ABP ALP & MAURIELLO, P.C. (970) 476-0300 Attorneys for Plaintiffs Address of Plaintiffs; c/o Charles R. Lipcon One Biscayne Tower, Suite 2480 2 South Biscayne Blvd. MiamiFL 33131 U-a" lLoCharles & Lipcon, pro sc STATE OFI.LORJDA ) )sscouNTYorMrAMrDADE ) Charles R Lipcon, being duly sworn up'@ his oa$, deposes ard sr57s that he has read tf,e fuegoing corylaint and that tk rnattcrs oil things therein set forth are true, to the bcst ofhislaowlcdge ndbelid ...1nl 0 ,4 J/-L/-'-]-^.. / L /\-- CbabsR Linoa subscrbed and sworn to bcfore ss rl#q I lth day of Febr'ary, 2000, by ctarles R Lipcon.16.lr. J:rgl l Utlirtt iYierffiHffitr4y comrnireion ocpires; Wrnes+uy hsrd sd oftial seel TOTFL P.g6 d"r.*", Gondomlnium Assoc. Kelth D. Stoltr SJoltz Bros.. L6. *,HJ"":#i"d'T':'lt, Golorado Dept. of Transportataon C/o Jlm Nall 606 So. dn strcet Grand Junction, OO 81501 Sonnenalp Hotel 82 E. Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 Trevana Ltd. G/o Marine Miller 14il E. ileadow Drive, Suite 499A Vail, CO 81657 Vail Village Inn Plaza Condo Assoc. t&tl G/o Sllfer Management 1tt3 E. Meadow Dilve Vail, CO 81657 Alpine Standard 28 South Frontage Rd. West Vail, CO 81657 Hollday House Condomlnlums 9 Vail Road Vail, GO 81657 StolE Bros. itanagement Attn: Wes Jensen PilB.23it-19m0 Avon, CO 8164l Vlllage Inn Plaza Condo Assoc. Phase lll and Phase V G/o Joseph StauiEr l(Xl East Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 FirstBank 17 Vail Road Vail, GO 81657 Grossroads Condo Assoc. G/o Maxine ililler 1't3 E. ileadow Ddve, Suate 499A Vall, CO 8165/ rHrs rrEM'tIAi,:19JJ3." PRoP ERrY NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-5 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on February 28, 2000, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipai Building. tn consideration of: A request.for a final review ot a maior amendment, to allow for the proposed redevelopment of the Vail Village Inn, Phase lV, within Special Development District No. 6, and a conditional use L,/a/permit, to allow for the operation of a fractional fee club in the Public Accommodation Zone APislrict, located at 100 East Meadow Drive/Lots M, N, & O, Block 5-D, Vail Village First Filing. t' Applicant: Daymer Corporation, represented by Jay PetersonPlanner: George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular oifice hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published February 11, 2000 in the Vail Daily. tlsr;'1 I ,ln, rHrs rrEM "xLff[=$Ji3H" PRoPERTY NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail od February 28, 2000, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: A request for final review of a proposed major amendment to_Special Development Distict #4 (Casiade Vilage), tocated at 1000 S. Frontage Road West (Glen Lyon Office Building)/Lot 54, Block K, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant:Dundee Realty, represented by Segerberg Mayhew Architects George RutherPlanner: A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the conversion of exisling hotel rooms into empibyee housing units, locateil at2211 N. Frontage Rd. (West Vail Lodge)/Lot 1, Vail das Schone #3. Applicant: Reaut CorPorationPlanner Brent Wilson A request for a conditional use permit, tq allow for the construction of an addition to the exisling raw water intake structure and pump station, located on Black Gore Drive/Lot 8, Heather of Vail. Applicant: Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Planner: Brent Wilson A request forvariances from Section 12-6C-6, Section 12-6D-6, and Section 12-14'6, Town of Vail Code, to allow for an extended entry,.trash enclosure and deck expansion, located at 706 W. Forest Road/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6'n Filing. Applicant: cliff lllig, represented by Beth Levine Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a variance from Sections 1 2-6H-6 and 1 2-14-6, Town ol Vail Code, to allow for the addition of gross residential floor area and balconies within required setbacks. Applicant: Vicki Pearson, represented by Ron Diehl, Architect Planner: Ann Kierulf A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for an amendment to a previouslyplatted.building enveiope and a revised lot access, located al 1452 Lionsridge Loop / Lot 4, Ridge at Vail. Applicant: Mike YoungPlanner: George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during reguldr'office hours in the pro.iect planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Ddvelopment Department,' 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-21 38 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published Felrgary 11, 2000 in the Vail Trail. FILE COPY THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill-hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on-February 28,2000, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of vail Municipai Building. In consideration of: A re-quest.for a final review.of a major amendment, to allow for the proposed redevelopment of the Vail Village Inn, Phase lV, wilhin Special Development District No. 6, and a conditional use permit, to allow for the operation of a fractional fee club in the Public Accommodation Zone District, located at '100 East Meadow Driveilots M, N, & o, Block 5-D, vait viltage First Fiting. Applicant: Daymer Corporation, represented by Jay PetersonPlanner: George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Devefopment Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call479-2138 for informatibn. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published February 11, 2000 in the Vail Daily. FILE COPY .I -mffiffiF- PUBUC NONCE '*f,T'13'""ii'f; F!ile?Yfi Wffiffitrp; A reouest for a final r€vieu oI a ffiftmdF'Hi#,: wihin SDecial Devdopme uls' idd No.6 and a conditonal use D€rmit to allow tor fie operarcn' ol a fradional l€e club in rng ffi;ffi'H[**'S,. ing. ^1Sff"$,"":HT"i"JBiJ*"T''Planner: George Htnn€r The aDDlicslions and inlormatlon ITijr}-i$Fffi1ii'rais. ffiIHffiH'Hliil "xHi*ii$fif,1#[P,:rfur ;3''iH"if'f i:ffitri"8l magon t.t i,t./rtrf Unit: 10 Owners: Pat Parrish 8642 Gregory WaY Los Angeles, CA 90035 Home Phone: 310-652-5585 Work Phone Fax: 213-655-6406 E-Mail Unit: 10 Owners: Gordon & DottY Parrish 3763 Regal Vista Dr' Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 Home Phone:'818-788-9334 Work Phone Fax: E-Mail Unit: 11 Owners: Dr. Jose OYnick Sierra Nevada 265 Lomas de ChaPutaPec 11000' Mexico D'F. Mexico Home Phone: 011-525-520-6278 Work Phone Fax: E-Mail f lu /2 l- o o o Unit: tz Owners: Jim & LYnn Oliver 9872Prcacho Ct' Sun CitY, A285373 Hotne Phone; (623)875-4438 Work Phone (623)875-3748 Fax: E-Mail Unit z LZ Owners: OliverProPerties 2304 Harriet Lea Sioux Falis, SD 57103 Home Phone: 605-332-7518 Work Phone 605-361-7114 Fax: 605-361-3748 E-Mail Unit: 13 Owners: Lola Weiner 7000 E. QuincY #3014' Denver, CO 80237 Hotne Phone: 303-220-5788 Work Phone 303-756-6667 Fax: 3A3-'155-4475 E-Mail tt O Linit: l4 Owners: Tom Walsh 3800 w. 53rd. St' Sioux Falls, SD 57t03-4223 Home'Phone: Work Phone Fax: 605-361"-7714 E-Mail 605-361-3748 Unit: 15 1 Owners: GoldenHorizons 2340 OakHills Dr' Colorado SPrings, CO 80919 Home Phone: 779-548-0253 Work Phone 119- Fax: E-Mail Unit: 16 . Owners: Glen Wood Canwest Ventures 9 Vail Rd. #16 Vail, CO 81657 Home Phone: 9'70-479-7116 Work Phone'910-949-4566 Fax: 970-476-7481' E-Mail o Unit: L7 Owners: Jim & DorothY McKnight 203 CountrY Club Dr' Sterling, CO 80751 Home Phone: 3A3-522-2004 Work Phone Fax: 303-522-2212 E-Mail Unit: 18 Owners: Vinterra CorPoration c/o Elecom SuPPIY 3940 Hancock St. Ste 101 San Diego, CA 92110 Home Phone: 011-525-595-1233 Work Phone Fax: 0ll-525-700-3351 E-Mail Unit: 19 Owners: Vinterra CorPoration c/o Elecom SUPPIY 3940 Hancock St, Ste 101 San Diego, CA 92110 Home Phone: 011-525-595-1233 Work Phone Fax: 011-525-'700-3351 E-Mail ' Unit: 20 Owners: Carlos Real Peten228 Col.Navarte C.P' 03020, Mexico D.F' Mexico Home Phone: 011-525-251-7645 Work Phone Fax: E-Mail Unit z 2l Owners: Scott Bradshaw 4130La Jolla Village Dr. PMB# 107-1,25 La Jolla, CA92037 Home phonc: iltq- U,/o.07I7 Work Phone Fax: E-Mail Unit: 22 Owners: Gregorio Geifman Plaza de I a Reform a 2233 -F 602 11020, Mexico D.F. Mexico Home Phone: 0lL-525-596-9I Work Phone Fax: E-Mail i {t"+aaY rt o Unit: 23 Owners: VinterraCorPoration c/o Elecom SUPPIY 3940 Hancock St. Ste 101 San Diego, CA 92110 Home Phone: 011-525-59 5-1,233 Work Phone A1t-525-558-1833 Fax: 01'l-525-7A0-3351 E-Mail N/A 11 Unit: 24 Owners: Annette Mackie 100 Larned Road Summitt, NJ 07901 Home Phone: 908'273-4239 Work Phone 9A8-277-1774 Fax: E-Maii Unit: 25 Owners: Jim & Jane Watson 6999 S. Bemis Littleton, CO 80120 Home Phone: 303-794-7434 Work Phone Fax: 303-794-7434 E-Mail o o O unit: zG Owners: Tom & Jill Darrah 1309 Frontier Longmont, CO U'S'A' Home Phone:,303-772-2299 Work Phone Fax: E-Mail Unit: 27 Owners: Tom Walsh c/o Dakota King P.O. Box 88836 Sioux Falls, SD 57109-1005 Home Phone: 605-361-7714 Work Phone Fax: 6A5-361-3748 E-Mail Unit: 30 Owners: DannY Aboumrad 5100 San FeliPe APt 193 Houston, TX*17056 Home Phone: 011-525-515-1103 Work Phone 011-525-5009 Fax: 011.-525-255-0722 E-Mail Unit: 30 Owners: DannY Aboumrad Bosques de Amates #148 Bosques de las Lomas Mexico D.F., Mexico 11700 Home Phone: Work Phone Fax: E-Mail Unit: 31 Owners: Dick & Gwen ScalPello P.O. Box 1003 Havertown, PA 19083 Home Phone: 61.0-853-8144 Work Phone Fax: 610-853-4L9"1 E-Mail gscalPello@mt 1/'b&-'-n t* Unit z 32 Owners: Jervis Martin IvY Cottage Exhall Alchester, B49 6EA England Home Phone: 011-44-1785-282267 Work Phone'0tI-44-7785-40594 Fax: 0ll-44-t785-5'7563 E-Maii O unit: 33 Owners: Vinterra CorPoration c/o Elecorn SUPPIY 3940 Hancock St. Ste i01 San Diego, CA Home Phone: 011-525-59 5-1233 Work Phone Faxr 011-525-700-335i E-Mail N1A Unit: 34 Owners: Bill McCutchen 12 SandPiPer Rd. WestPort, CT 06880 Home Phone: 2A3-454-7521 Work Phone 212-802-6901 Fax: 2A3-227-5567 E-Mail Unit: 40 Owners: Jacqueline KrePsheild 6201 Elmwood ChevY Chase, MD 20815 Home Plrone: 20I-656-0124 Work Phone Fax: ,202-333-7049 E-Mail O Home Phone: 011-61-98 04-7077 O unit: 40 Owners: Edith Gelfand P.O. Box 389 Palm Beach, FL 33480' Home Phone: Work Phone Fax: E-Mail Unit z 41 Owners: Dean GosPer Hopkins-GosPer 210 Toorak Road, lst Floor South Yarra, Victoria, 3141 Work Phone Fax: 011-61-39882-3353 E-Mail Carve@csi.com Unit : '42 Owners: Scott Savage SJS Investment Consulting 6711 Monroe St., Bldg IV, #A SYlvania, OH 43560-9806 Home Phone: 419'885-2626 Work Phone Fax: 419-885-2236 E-Mail Unit: 43 Owners: Al Butts 4532 Dorsett Ave. Chevy Clrase, MD 20815 Horne Plrone: 301-652-2454 Work Phone 307-657-2130 Fax: 301-656-0884 E-Mail .' A ,J. PROF€RrY TRUST sEDE LID X 6UST4 r^Nre Lutll FAaIO ERlCli ,i RRY|Iaa Ra a^|l !||oird. FRAft( J.. JR e crnot o dFCYO- Jotlt CECCIi|.CI'SEPPEE €RCEDEs ffi**'**. EflCT'ArtED MESA EXE$PT CORP strdJslr. RoYD r. lt €ur{€ e FO66a N. Cr OtYn I i{f!€R FR rr( xaa\r!{.r a xrRorl a FEO(E EDt X. e i.,|(tN G SATEL P litCtAAtSl IIAJtrI. EOI'UI'|[' l. HA.r- OOUGIAS DEAr{q .nr l|LoN FAt .y F|NSHP |lr|'r,,a. o^vto wttara iRUSTEE lxR||ol{, cMRtEs & JX A GE ^|T{€ f, rr$FARD. Kfi o. lTo 0€z^ra6@ . s|tvr .oHf|soa{ (!'rr€Yl- JOX€S. QtFOt G. lRt StE€ x.aN w^clvER REvocad€ $flER wos iR KEARNEI. OTVER M. I DTAM 'xrrcgtsgnocE coal (.ESB'F. P U.A t F€IA.oPETT LBtna€R, Rrtaft' r LFCON_CS AIESLAMGI&O _rroYDs. npuRo r rrARGlE it^cs. PATRE( J, a RO.|N r IFCRES. J@I'I TFEBECC.Arn tt tNoMr€Rs !P ErscnA|4 xraEs x, rs/|R fro|t€Rs R|SRZ. F€DROa. I AO€T.AiDA PErul{|A R ll.ONO J. r ||F..r{t€ RirtEn f^|a(Y rD scSaIE& EFICsI.lr a us JtaE Tt€ifiErrRe Tor e TOA8i. SYLV T M. a FMI{CE5v f v0!AG€ tr{N assocr IEs ,. FREO OttO - OTIO. FETEFSON A POSI % MRCAiE SMrrlr4A|lolE COiP 2l Tna|.Do iD ,( FiEDEFCX S OfiO 950 f€D SA'.|OSIO'{E FO 26 V tL 12,,(! loPtlNG r,Atr(n OR r00 rf{vEisA! anY Arz 571 rratl'ERcal|( DR 1016 CO,D Sajft[ds nnt EOt r{ai2rt gONryIIE cd-REFofii\r SOCt t_ OE|- 'lcUE! r 1!io.l,Ettco,o,F, ca zF i{I,,t!€R $ttrs-LocAco 31.a8 63 Vtui^cE lr{r{ A-^?aca 90.oa aa vt(lcE rrtrt R-^2a 5t vt(lacE t^6t Pttzar'ao 63lar 6a v[! 6E rr$ F.Azca 9r6oa @ urucE r\rr RrraflY 1taa 12 vat- GAtEw ytrt.AzAcolll.o va aB 6a \4Lt aiE u$a '|rzA[ 60601 10 vavrr_acEttrz @t{oosco 3ra671@ \rArvtl^cEF.^e caNoo6€6 Vi-!\6E [\|\r Pt IUAco 613!? 53 VtttAGE Nvtl ftr2aNJ 70a5 6! 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V|cTm VlIAltiA !a vaLaooxt(€EFtNctACCOt nNClrc r.3 E ta€loow oi sTE @ r cH{nc8 sr4 43u ceuERot{ o KsoR FO AO'( 6t3a9 79 A SItlr60 7aJOrcE iD 17' SRtOG-t AVE StE 107! 64 PIYI.OUIH Ct co 11!57 ia co 8161 56 lL 3ih3r 1?co a1357 !A 301 ttP February 14,2000 Dear Vail Homeowner, I am sending you this letter as a courtcsy to inform you that the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission will be holding a public hearing on February 28, to discuss the redevelopment proposal for the Vail Village Inn. A similar letter has already been sent pursuant to the notification requirements prescribed by the Vail Town Code. lnformation about the redevelopment proposal is available for public review at the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Our office is located at 75 South Frontagc Road. The application and all supporting matcrials are available for review from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday. Ifyou have questions about thc proposal and are unable to review the information at our office, please do not hesitate to ca1l. I'd be happy to answer your questions over the telephone. You can reach me by telephone most easily at 9'70-479-2145. Sincerelv. UR"*t-l George Ruthcr, AICP Senior Special Projects Planner Town of Vail v. a__9 )v {Ic '9frx .\o c,r Q oo $88 d4g b'5 Ertstr EE=:II I -:)-J -.-- J;i ,(lri'\i-; q e{ aixIt € Edrqr \o E'ei SF ESq --- RS !*{sr*. CJ T0WN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 February 14,2000 Dear Vail Homeowner, I am sending you this letter as a courtesy to inform you that the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission will be holding a public hearing on February 28, to discuss the redevelopment proposal for the Vail Village Inn. A similar letter has already been sent pursuant to thc notiflcation requirements prescribed by the Vail Town Code. Information about the redevelopment proposal is available for public review at the Town of Vail Community Developmcnt Department. Our office is located at 75 South Frontage Road. Thc application and all supporting maierials are available for review fiom 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday. Ifyou have questions about the proposal and are unable to review the information at our office, please do not hesitate to call. I'd be happy to answcr your questions over the telephone. You can reach me by tclephonc most easily ^t 970479-2145. Sincerelv. GR"*L^ George Ruther, AICP Senior Special Projects Planner 'fown of Vail {p*"n"uo""* Ir tl A-s i*er S J ..* I - ( $ ri O C\l c\l:th ol()c!'c!Fc!v) ttl <<d>o €).t=zo.F =(Dz, C) F.C)Jf-. dr-l < /-'=iE Qxx.A-){i( E}Fxxx =*sCdxl'' aEsFdF ;E 8E\,./ ,t( <)<xxx o-o:-=n:nt- \jru:o-14-Srtl =ruu:(:rtAoam=(<s:.{ Ot\ j3 ftru --ll! Ol -ruZ AD :.rtojmL fu ::fio Fru 3ooruj ^r.rQul tu{ .-:otcro(> :zzo -lttFroz -i|,t Eo i-IHF-:O>IZO :ot|.o z()H(J0r.t(JFllloi tllOuF.( {')2 " -i{ B- :(a (.) s t cteh $: 5Nqx €s d=r RS =.: - : : - -t - - : =-- d F E ) )r,1 | _44, d -q F-r.< h)q) \o ;A *iF*.!F\R -e "-=o 6-r,^R ,.\ TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community D evelopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2r38 FAX 970-479-2452 February 14,2000 Dear Vail Homeowner, I am sending you this letter as a courtesy to inform you that the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission will be holding a public hearing on February 28, to discuss the redevclopment proposal fbr the Vail Village Inn. A similar lettcr has already been sent pu$uant to the notification requirements prescribed by the Vail Town Code. Information about the redevelopment proposal is available for public rcview at the Town of Vail Community Development Departrnent. Our office is located at 75 South Frontage Road. The application and all supporting materials are available tbr review from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday. Ifyou have questions about thc proposal and are unable to rcview the information at our officc, plcase do not hesitate to call. I'd be happy to answef your questions over the telephone. You can reach me by telephone most easily at 970-479-2145. Sincerely, t1ryRt *1 .1 George Ruther, AICP Senior Special Projects Planner Town of Vail {g un"uor^r"* WN OFVAIL Department of Community D eve lopment fl(t caPr February 21,2000 Jay Peterson Bailey & Peterson, P.C. 108 South Frontage Road, Suite 204 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re:Vail Plaza Hotcl - Required Submittal Information Dear Jay, The purposc of this letter is to outline the submiual rcquirements for the revised Vail Plaza Hotel major sdd amendment application. The following intbrmation and materials shall be submitted with thc application for the revised major amendment to Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn, to allow for the construction of the Vail Plaza Hotcl. Certain submittal requirements have been waived or modified by the Community Development Depaftment as it has been demonstnted that certain materials arc already on file with the Town or is not applicable to the design criteda. Pleasc submittal the following information: D A complete zoning analysis of existing and proposed development to include a square tbotage breakdown of all proposed uses, parking provided, and proposed densities. o A proposed site plan at a scaic not smailer than one inch equals twenty fcet, showing the approximate locations and dimensions of all buildings and principle site development features. The site plan shall also include the Vail Road strcet improvements. o All building elevations, sections, and floor plans at a scale not less than one-eighth inch equals one foot in suffrcient dctail to determine floor area, circulation, location ofuses, and general scale and appearance of the proposed devclopment. o A reviscd traffic impact report that includes traffic analysis and impacts resulting from the inclusion of eighteen employee units (thirty-eight employees), ninety-nine hotel rooms, and fifty fraction fee club units as well as all other proposed uses in the hotel. o A revised sun/shade analysis illustrating the shading impacts of the increased building height and revised building Iocation. B An illustration comparing the building height and mass of the proposed 2000 hotel building to the 1985 approval hotel building height and mass. o A building height plan with interpolated and absolute building heights provided. I have waived submittal requirements numbers 1,2,3,4,8, 9, 10, 11, & 12 (section l2-94-5). Thc iters were waived either because the Town already has sufficient information on file, or because they are not rclevant to this application. These items have been waived in accordance with Section l2-9A-5 of the Vail Town Code. 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 tAx 970-479-2452 {g ^u"r"uo r^r"* -t'( I Upon receipt of this letter, should you have iiny questions or concems with regard to the information addressed in this letter, as always, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me most easily by telephone at479-2145. Sincerely, George Ruther, AICP Senior Special hojects Planner Town of Vail o a VAIL PLAZAHOTEL 2OOO REVISED MAJOR AMENDMENT PROPOSAL Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission Februarv 28. 2000 o Orown OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 3 8 FAX 970-479-2452 Vail Plaza Hotel Executive Summary (u2Eto0l me Town of Vail Community Development Department and the Public Works Department, with the aid of vaious outside consuftants, have completed the review of the proposal for the redevelopment of the Vail Plaza Hotel. Upon completion of your review, the Town staff is recommending apprcval of the proposed project. The staffs recommendation for approval canies with it 22 conditions. The details of the staff s recommendation and the recommended conditions can be found in Section lll of this memorandum. ln evaluating the Woposal, the Town staff relied upon the regulations, policies and guidelines outlined in the various land-planning related documents adopted by the Town of Vail. Throughout the course of the development review process staff remained primarily focused on the technicalaspects of the proposal. The matters of design and policy were left up to the Town's Boards. A detailed nanative of the slaffs findings based upon the established review criteria is outlined in Seclion VII of this memorandum. A complete breakdown and technical analysis of the proposal has been prepared. ln the Vail Plaza Hotel Zonina Analvsis (revised 2f28/00) and the Vail Plaza Hotel Proposal Comoaison (revised 2/28/0O), staff provides analysis and comparison of the various development slandards prescribed by the Zoning Regulations and compares the figures of the 2000 proposal to those of the 1999 approval and the 1998 proposal which had been rejected by Town Council nearly one year ago. Also included in the analysis documents are a Vail Plaza Hotel View Analysis, Vail Plaza Hotel Sun/Shade Analysis and a Vail Plaza Hotel Parking Analysis (revised 2/28/00). The purpose of these documents is to provide a comparison of existing conditions relative to proposed conditions should the hotel be constructed. Accompanying this information is a/so a revised Vail Plaza Hotel Traffic The original report had been prepared for the 1998 proposa/. Since its original formulation, the repoft has been revised and supplemented in response to changing conditions and requests of staff and others. The basic findings of the report conclude that while the redeveloped hotel will have impacts of cunent traffic pdterns, the projecled impacts can be successfu//y mitigated. Complete copies of these sri reporfs and other relevant information have been provided as exhibits and are found in the back of this memorandum. Lastly, a brief overuiew of the development history of the Vail Viilage lnn Special Development District has been prepared. This overview is intended to provide a basic understanding of the proposed changes that have occuned within the Distict since its original adoption in 1976. The development history of the Vail Village lnn is outlined in Section lV of this memorandum. {,7 *""'""uo 'o'u* VAIL PLAZA HOTEL Staff Memorandum (2nu0o, TABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUESTS Major Amendment to Speclal Development Dlstrlct Condltlonal Use Permit...........-..,.........3 il.STAFF RECOMMENDATION ...................3 Pros/Cons A. B. lv. V. vt. vil. B. Condltlons ot Approval BACKGROUND PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION ZONE DISTRICT ZONING ANALYSIS SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MAJOR AMENDMEI{T PROCESS ............,.......,......10.11 Design compatiblllty and sensitivity to the immodiate environmont, neighborhood and adlacent propenie3 relativo to archltectural design, scale, bulk, bulldlng height, buffer zones, identlty, character, visual Integrity and orlentation .. B.Uses, actlvity and densltywhich provlde a compatible, efficisnt and workable relationshlp with surrounding uses and ac1|vity............. Emplovee Houslnq Requirement 11-13 't 3-14 ............14-15 Emplovee Houslno Generatlon Analvsls .,.....................15-17 Gompllance with parklng and loadlng requirements as outlined In Chaptsr 18.52, of the Town of V Gonformity whh the appllcable elements ol the Vail Comprehenslve Plan, Town policies and Ulban Design Plan Vail Vllfaqe Deslon Conslderations ........,....23-24 Urban llesion Conslderetions. .....................24-30 Archltect Landscaoe Conslderations ....,....30.40 Hentlflcation and mltlgation of natural and/or geologic hazards that aff€ct the property on which the speclal development dlstrlct is proposed...... ...............40 c.all 7-18 18 F.Slte plan, bullding design and location and open spaco provlsions designed to produce a functional development responslve and sensltlve to natural features, vegetatlon and overall aesthetlc quallty of A chculatlon system deslgned for both vehlcles and pedestrlans addresslng on and off.slte traftlc clrculation Functlonal and aesthetic landscaplng and open spacs In order to optimizo and preserve natural tsaturss, recreation, views and tunctlons.................. Phaslng plan or subdlv|slon plan that wlll malntaln a workable, I throughout the development of the special dev€lopment district or subdlv|slon plan that wlll malntaln a workable, tunctlonal and efflclent rolatlonshlp 41 H. t. CR]TERIA AND FINDINGS FOR A CONDMONAL USE PERMIT...,......... ..........42.45 7 vil. ATTACHMENT AA. L TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Departmenl of Community Development February 28,2000 A requesi for a final review and recommendation of a major amendment, to allow for the proposed redevelopment of the Vail Village Inn, Phase lV, within Special Developmenl District No. 6, and a conditional use permit, to allow for the operation of a fractional fee club in the Public Accommodation Zone District, locaied at 100 East Meadow Drive/Lots M, N, & O, Block 5-D, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Planner: Waldir Prado, Daymer Corporation George Ruther I. INTRODUGTION The applicant, Waldir Prado, d.b.a. Daymer Corporation, represented by Jay Peterson, is proposing to redevelop the Vail Village lnn, located at 100 East Meadow Drive. The applicant has submitted two applications to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and consideration: Maj o r Amen d m ent Req u est 1) A request for a major amendment to Special Development District #6, Vail Village Inn. The major amendment application proposes changes to the existing approved development plan and is intended to facilitate the redevelopment of the existing Vail Village Inn, Phase lV Condominiums and allow for lhe construction of the Vail Plaza Hotel. The cunent proposal amends Phase lV of the Vail Village lnn Plaza only. No amendments are proposed to Phases l-lll or V of the Vail Village Inn. Conditional Use Permit Reguest 2) A request for a conditional use permit, pursuant to Chapter 16 of the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations, to allow for lhe operation of a fractional fee club within the proposed Vail Plaza Hotel. The fraclional fee club will be comprised of 50 fractional fee club units operated and managed by the owner of lhe Vail Plaza Hotel. The applicant has identified what he believes to be public benefits which will be realized by the Town as a result of the Vail Plaza Hotel redevelopment. The public benefits associated with the hotel proposal are: . An increase in the annual occupancy rate through the redevelopment of an older, existing hotel.o The creation of approximately 10,500 square feet of new conference and meeting room facilities.r The implementation of the recommended Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan improvemenls along Vail Road, the South Frontage Road and a portion of East Meadow Drive.. The re-investment and redevelopment of resort property in the Town of Vail.r The implementation of the development goals, objectives and policies adopted by the Town for the Vail Village Inn property. r A significant increase in the Town's supply of short-term, overnight accommodation to serve our guests and visitors.e The conslruction of a world-class "anchoF hotel providing a high-level of guest services and amenities.r A potentially sizeable annual contribution to the Town's declining sales tax revenue. II. DESGRIPTION OF THE REQUESTS M aj o r Am e nd menf Reguest The applicant, Daymer Corporation, represented by Jay Peterson, has submitted two development review applications to the Town of Vail Community Development. The first application is a request for a final review and recommendation of a proposed a major amendment, pursuant to Chapter 9 of ihe Town of Vail Zoning Regulation, to Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn. The second request is for a conditional use permit to allow for the operation of a fraciional fee club. The purpose of the major amendment is to amend the approved developmenl plan to allow for the construction of the Vail Plaza Hotel in Phase lV of the District. The applicant is proposing significant improvements to Phase lV of the Vail Village Inn Special Development District. The existing hotel and restaurant are proposed to be demolished to allow for the new construction of the Vail Plaza Hotel. The hotel is intended to be a mixed-use development including residential, commercial and recreational uses. The applicant is proposing to construcl 99 new accommodation unils (hotel rooms) ranging in size from approximalely 350 sq. ft. to 370 sq. ft. per unit, 50 part-time fractional fee club units, 18 employee housing units (38 beds) and 1 free-market condominium. The fractional fee club units are considered part-time, since during the summer months the hotel will retain ownership of the units to rent as short-term accommodation units, and then during the winter months (approximately 24 weeks) the units will be sold as fraclional fee club units. The Vail Plaza Hotel also includes two restaurants, 4,047 square feet of accessory retail located within the hotel and along the plaza, a 15,338 square foot conference facility, a 24,799 square foot full-service spa and health club facility and approximately 249 new underground parking spaces. The approximale total gross square footage of the new hotel is 379,857 square feet. The following is an approximate square footage breakdown of the various uses within the hotel: * 62,816 sq. ft. - fractional fee club units+ 5,499 sq. ft. - condominium . n + * * + * 35,818 sq. fl. - accommodalion units 6,332 sq. ft. - employee housing units 8,375 sq. ft. - restauranVretail 15,130 sq. ft. - conference/meeting rooms 24,817 sq. ft. - spa/health club 221,O7O sq. ft. - common area (mechanical, maid closets, stairs/hallways, parking, office, lobby, etc.) 379,857 sq. ft. gross building square footage Conditional Use Permit ReguEsf The second application submitted for review is for a conditional use permit to allow for the operation of a fractional fee club in the Public Accommodation zone district. The granting of a conditional use permit by the Town of Vail would allow the applicant io operate 50 fractional fee club units within the Vail Plaza Hotel. The applicant is proposing that the club units be sold on an interval basis. The club units would be sold for 24 weeks during the winter months with the remaining 28 weeks owned by the hotel for use as short{erm accommodations units. lt is believed by the applicant that this sales structure will maximize the occupancy of the units and optimize the availability of the units for marketing the conference facility of the hotel during the summer months and shoulder seasons. To further improve occupancy potential of the fractional fee club, the 50 club units have been designed to include up to two "lock-off'spaces per unit. This design creates a total of 108 "keys" and 216 "pillows" for the fractional fee club component of the hotel (1 key = 1 room). A complete set of reduced plans has been attached for reference (Exhibit AA). III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department is recommending approval of the applicant's request for a major amendment to Special Development District #6 and a conditional use permit, to allow for redevelopmenl of Phase lV of the Vail Village Inn. Staff's recommendation for approval is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Sections V & Vl of ihis memorandum. The staff believes that the proposal is in general compliance with the nine design criteria and the criteria for a conditional use permit, as identified in this memorandum. In reviewing the proposal, staff identified a number of pros and cons that we believe are associated with the hotel proposal. The list includes, but is not limited to, the following: PROS a O o a The presence of economic redevelopment in Vail. An increase to the Town's supply of hotel beds and an increased level of quality. The implementation of the Town's development goals, objectives, and policies. The creation of new, deed restricted employee housing to offset the housing impacts associated with the hotel. The elimination of an unsightly surface parking lot. The completion of the final phase of the Vail Village Inn Special Development District. The construction of new conference and meeting room facilities within the Town. a I a . The construction of public improvements funded with private dollars.o The potential increases in sales tax revenue.o An increased amount of public open space.r An improved and updated loading/delivery facility which is relocated from Vail Road.. The provision of 18 on-site employee housing units. CONS . lncreased vehicular traffic on Vail Road.r Deviations from the underlying zoning development standards are required.o The bulk and mass of lhe new hotel is significantly greater than the sizes of buildings presently on the development site.. There are increased impacts of shading on public areas.o The conference and meeting room facilities are potentially under-sized.. Additional views of Vail Mountain from public areas will be negatively impacted.. Only a portion of the dilapidated plaza paver surface is being replaced and improved.. Increased loading/delivery truck traffic on Town streets.r There is only a marginal net increase of true accommodation units over what exisis today.o An eighteen to twenty-four month construction process (noise, construction traffic, etc). Should the Planning & Environmental Commission choose to recommend approval of the requested major amendment to the Vail Town Council, staff would recommend that the Commission make the following finding: "That the proposed major amendment to Special Development Distict #6, Vail Village lnn, complies with the nine design citeia outlined in Section 12-94-8 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. The applicant, as required, has demonstrcted to the satisfaction of the Commission that any adverce effects of the requested deviations from the development standads of the underlying zoning arc outweighed by the public benefits provided or has demonstnted that one or morc of the development standatds is not applicable, or that a prcctical solution consistent with the public intercst has been achieved. Fufther, the Commission finds that the requested conditional use permit to allow for the opention of a tuactional fee club complies with the applicable criteria and is consr.sfent with the development goals and objectives of the Town. Lastly, public notice of this public hearing has been sent to adjacent property ownerc and published in a local newspaper of rccord in accordance with Section 12-3-OC of the Town Code." Should the Planning & Environmental Commission choose to recommend approval of the requested major amendment, staff would recommend that the approval carry with it the following conditions: 1. That the Developer submits detailed civil engineering drawings of the required off-site improvements (street lights, drainage, curb and gutter, sidewalks, grading, road improvements, etc.) as identified on ihe off-site improvements plan to the Town of Vail Public Works Department for review and approval, prior to application for a building permit. 2. That the Developer submits a detailed final landscape plan and final architectural elevations for review and approval of the Town of Vail Design Review Board, prior to application for a building permit. a 3. 4. The sdd approval time requirements and limitations of Section 12-gA-'12 shall apply to Ordinance No. ',|, Series of 2000. In addition, the phasing of the construction of the hotel shall not be permitted. That the Developer submits the following plans to the Department of Community Development, for review and approval, as a part of the building permit application for the hotel: An Erosion Control and Sedimentation Plan: A Construction Staging and Phasing Plan; A Stormwater Management Plan; A Site Dewatering Plan; and A Traffic Control Plan. That the Developer receives a conditional use permit to allow for the conslruction of Type lll Employee Housing Units in Phase lV of the District, in accordance with Chapter 12-16, prior to the issuance of a building permit, to provide housing on-site. That the Developer submits a complete set of plans to the Colorado Department of Transportation for review and approval of a revised access permit, prior to application for a building permit. That the Developer meets with the Town staff to prepare a memorandum of understanding outlining the responsibilities and requirements of the required off-site improvements, prior to second reading of an ordinance approving the major amendment. 8. That the Developer submits a complete set of plans responding to the design concems expressed by Greg Hall, Director of Public Works & Transportation, in his memorandum to George Ruther, dated 12113199. The drawings shall be submitted, reviewed and approved by the Town Engineer, prior to final Design Review Board approval. 9. That the Developer records public pedestrian easements between the hotel and the Phase lll Condominiums, between the hotel and the Phase V Building, and along the Vail Road frontage. The easements shall be prepared by the Developer and submitted for review and approval of the Town Atiorney. The easements shall be recorded with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorde/s Office prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 10. That the Developer record a deed-restriction, which the Town is a party to, on the Phase lV property prohibiting the public use of the spa facility in the hotel. Said restriction may be revoked if the Developer is able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Town that adequate provisions for vehicle parking have been made to accommodate the public use of the spa. The restriction shall be recorded prior to the issuance of a building permit. 11. That the Developer submits a final exterior building materials list, a typical wall sections, architectural details and a complete color rendering for review and approval of the Design Review Board, prior to making an application for a building permit. 12. Thal the Developer submits a comprehensive sign program proposal for the Vail Plaza Hotel for review and approval of the Design Review Board, prior to the issuance of a Temporary a. b. c. d. e. 5. 6. 7. O Certificate of Occupanry. 13. That the Developer submits a roof-top mechanical eguipment plan for review and approval of the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a building permit. All roof-top mechanical equipment shall be incorporated into the overall design of the hotel and enclosed and screened from public view. 14. That the Developer posts a bond with the Town of Vail to provide financial security for the 125o/o of lhe total cost of the required off-site public improvements. The bond shall be in place with the Town prior to the issuance of a building permit. 15. That the Developer installs bollards or similar safety devices at the intersection of the delivery access driveway and the sidewalk along the South Frontage Road lo prevent conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles, prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 16. That the Developer studies and redesigns the entrance on the north side of the hotel across from the entrance to the Gateway Building to create a more inviting entrance or a design that redirects pedestrians to another entrance. The final design shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a building permit. 17. That the Developer coordinate efforts with the owners of the Gateway Building to create a below ground access for loading and delivery to the Gateway from the Vail Plaza Hotel to resolve potential loading and delivery concerns at the Gateway. lf a coordinated effort can be reached the Developer shall submit revised plans to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and approval, prior to the issuance of a building permit. 18. That the Developer revises the proposed floor plans for the Vail Plaza Hotel to provide freight elevator access to lhe lowest level of the parking structure. The revised plans shall be submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. 19. That the Developer redesigns the proposed elevalor tower to creale an architectural feature atop the tower and revises the proposed building elevations and roof plan prior to final review of the proposal by ihe Design Review Board. The Board shall review and approve the revised design. 20. That the Developer, in cooperation with the Town of Vail Public Works Department design and construci a left-tum lane on Vail Road and reconfigure the landscape island in the South Frontage Road median to eliminaie left-turns from the loading/delivery. The construction shall be completed prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupanry. 21 . Thal the Developer provides a centralized loading/delivery facility for the use of all owners and tenants within Special Development District No. 6. Access or use of the facility shall not be unduly restricted for Special Development District No. 6. The loading/delivery facility, including docks, berths, freight elevators, seryice corridors, etc., may be made available for public and/or private loading/delivery programs, sanctioned by the Town of Vail, to mitigate loading/delivery impacts upon the Vail Village loading/delivery system. The use of the facility shall only be permitted upon a finding by the Town of Vail and the Developer that excess capacity exists. The Developer will be compensated by the Town of Vail and/or others for the common use of the facility. The final determination of the use of the facility shall be mutually agreed upon by the Developer and the Town of Vail. 22. fhal the Developer submiis a written letter of approval from adjacent properties whose property is being encroached upon by certain improvements resulting from the construclion of the hotel, prior to the issuance of a building permit. IV. BACKGROUND The development review process for the Vail Plaza Hotel has been a lengthy, labor intensive process that has included numerous meetings with the various Town boards, Town staff, and interested members of lhe community. The review process began over two years ago when the applicant submitted ihe original redevelopment proposal application to the Community Development. Following a nine month review process including a final review and recommendation of approval from the Planning & Environmental Commission and the Design Review Board, the Vail Town Council informed the applicant that a favorable vote could not be made on the application and directed the applicant to revise the proposal. The primary concems of the Council were building height, compliance with the Town's planning documents, off-site traffic impacts, loading and delivery capabilities and vehicular sile access. In response to the Council's concems the proposal has been revised and resubmitted to the Community Development Department. The revised proposal has been reviewed and evaluated by the Planning & Environmental Commission, the Design Review Board and the Town staff. The Commission has held five meetings while the Board has held five conceptual reviews of the revised plans. Additionally, the applicant held an open house lo present the plans to interested members of the community. All the submitted plans, models and related materials have been available for review at the Office of Community Development and on various web sites. The following is a summary of the existing phases and development with the Vail Village Inn Special Developmenl District: Phase | - This phase consists of the buildings located at the southeast comer of the District. Phase I includes one residential dwelling unit approximately 3,927 square feet in size and nine commercial/retail spaces. Phase ll - This phase consists of three resideniial dwelling units totaling approximately 3,492 square feet in size and three commercial/retail spaces. Phase ll is generally located in the center of the District. Phase lll - This Phase consists of twenty-nine residential dwelling units totaling approximately 44,830 square feet in size and six commercial/retail spaces. Phase lll is localed at the northeast comer of the District. Phase lV - This is the original and oldest Phase in the District. This Phase consists of one residential dwelling unit approximately 5,000 square feet in size and seventy-two accommodation units comprising approximately 16,585 square feet of floor area. Phase lV is generally located in the northwest comer of the District. Phase V - This Phase consists of eleven residential dwelling units and three accommodation units totaling approximately 9,972 square feet of floor area and four commercial/retail spaces. Phase V is located in the southwest comer of the District at the intersection of Vail Road and East Meadow Drive. A map illustrating the location of the various Phases has been attached for reference (Exhibit A). The following is a brief summary of the amendments to Special Development District No. 6 since the original adoption: o In 1976, the Vail Town Council passed Ordinance No. 7, Series 1976, establishing Special Development Districts No. 6, Vail Village Inn, to ensure the unified and coordinated development of a critical site to the Town of Vail, as a whole, and in a manner suitable for the area in which it is situated. o In 1985, the Vail Town Council passed Ordinance No. 1, Series 1985, providing certain amendments to the approved development plan for Special Development District No. 6. The amendments included a requirement for a minimum of 175 accommodation unils and 72,4OO square feet of GRFA devoted entirely to accommodation units in Phase lV. o In 1987, the Vail Town Council passed Ordinance No.14, Series 1987, which amended and modified Section I relating to the allowed density of the development plan for Special Development District No. 6. This amendment broke Phase lV into two distinct phases; Phase lV and Phase V. This amendment established the maximum allowable GRFA for the eniire Districi at approximately 120,000 square feet. Further, the amendment reduced the minimum accommodation unit requirement to 148 units and 67,367 square feet of GRFA. o In 1989, the Vail Town Council passed Ordinance No. 24, Series of 1989, amending the density controls of the District. This amendment increased the allowable GRFA to 124,527 square feet and allowed Unit #30 to be created in a commercial space. The amendment maintained the previous approval requiring a minimum 148 accommodation units and 67,367 square feet of GRFA devoted to units in Phases lV and V. o In 1991 , the Vail Town Council passed Ordinance No. 9, Series 1991 , providing for certain amendments to the approved development plan for Special Development District No. 6, which relates specifically to Phase lV. o In 1992, the Vail Town Council passed Ordinance No. 2, Series 1992, allowing for modifications and amendments to various sections of Special Development District No. 6 which related directly to Phase lV, and which made certain changes to the approved development plan for Special Development District No. 6 as they relate to Phase lV. When originally considering deviations from the underlying zoning in 1976, the Town Council found that such deviations were acceptable, as the community was lo realize a substantial increase in the hotel bed base. An increase in short-term accommodations has been a long- standing objective of our resort community. V. "PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION ZONE DISTRIGT" According to the Official Town of Vail Zoning Map, the applicant's property is zoned Public Accommodation. Pursuant to the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the Public Accommodation Zone district is intended, " to provide sites for lodges and residential accommodations for visitors, together with such public and semi-public facilities and limited professional offices, medical facilities, private recreation, and related visitor oriented uses as may appropriately be located in the same district. The Public Accommodation District is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities commensurate with lodge uses, and to maintain the desirable resort qualities of the District by establishing appropriate site development standards. Additional nonresidential uses are permitted as conditional uses which enhance the nature of Vail as a winter and summer recreation and vacation community, and where permitted are intended to function compatibly with the high density lodging character of the District." The Public Accommodation Zone District is intended to provide sites for lodging units with densities not to exceed 25 dwelling units per acre. The Public Accommodation Zone District, prior to January 21, 1997, did not permit interval ownership. On January 21, 1997, the Town Council adopted regulations allowing interval ownership subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit. Previously, interval ownership was only allowed as a conditional use in the High Density Multi-family Zone District. On October 5, 1999, the Vail Town Council approved Ordinance No. 23, Series of 1999, amending the development standards prescribed in the Public Accommodation Zone District. The amendments included an increase in allowable GRFA up to 150%, an increase in site coverage, the elimination of AU's and FFU's in the calculation of density, revised setback requirements, and other various aspects in the development of properties zoned Public Accommodation. The allowable building height, landscape area and limitation on commercial square footage remained unchanged. VI. ZONING ANALYSIS The development standards for a Special Development District shall be proposed by the applicant. Development standards including lot area, site dimensions, setbacks, height, density control, site coverage, landscaping and parking and loading shall be determined by the Town Council as part of the approved development plan, with consideration of the recommendations of the Planning and Environmental Commission. Before the Town Council approves development standards that deviate from the underlying zone district, it shall be determined that such deviations provide benefits to the Town that outweigh the effects of such deviations. This determination is to be made based upon the evaluation of the proposed Special Development District's compliance with the Review Criteria outlined in the following section of this memorandum. The Community Development Department staff has prepared a zoning analysis for the proposed Vail Plaza Hotel. The Vail Plaza Hotel Zoning Analysis compares the development standards outlined by the underlying zoning of Public Accommodation (revised 10/99), to the existing development, the applicant's proposed 1998 major amendmenl (which was not approved), the approved 1999 major amendment and the 2000 revised proposal. lt is important to note that the comparison is based on the entire area of the Special Development District. A copy of the Vail Plaza Hotel Zoninq Analvsis has been attached for reference (Exhibit B). For comparative purposes, the Community Development Department has also compleied an analysis comparing the 1998 proposal and the 1999 approval to the 2000 proposal. The purpose of the analysis is to provide a direct comparison of the 1998 proposal and the 1999 approval to the applicant's revised 2000 proposal. A copy of the Vail Plaza Hotel Proposal Comparison has been attached for reference (Exhibit C). VII. THE SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MAJOR AMENDMENT PROCESS Chapter 12-9 of the Town Code provides for the amendment of existing Special Developmenl Districts in the Town of Vail. According to Section 12-9A-1, the purpose of a Special Development District is, "To encourage flexibility and creativity in the development of land, in order to promote its most appropriate use; to improve the design character and quality of the new development within the Town; to facilitate the adequate and economical provision of streets and utilities; to pr€serve the natural and scenic features of open space areas; and to fufther the overall goals of the community as stated in the Vail Comprehensive Plan. An approved development plan for a Special Development Distric't, in conjunction with the properties underlying zone district, shall establish the requirements for guiding development and uses of property included in the Special Development District.' According to Section 12-94-2, a major amendment to a Special Development District is defined as, "Any proposal to change uses; increase gross residential floor area; change the number of dwelling or accommodation units; modify, enlarge or expand any approved special development district (other than "minor amendments" as defined in this Section), except as provided under Sections 12-154, "lnterior Convelsions", or 12-15$, "Gross Residential Floor Area (250 Ordinance)" of this Title." The Town Code provides a framework for the amendment of a Special Development District. According to the Town Code, prior to site preparation, building construction, or other improvemenls to land within a Special Developmenl District, there shall be an approved development plan for the Special Development District. The approved development plan establishes requirements regulating development, uses and activity within the Special Development District. Upon final review of a proposed major amendment of an existing Special Development Distrist, a report from the Planning and Environmental Commission stating its findings and recommendations and a staff report shall be forwarded to the Town Council, in accordance with the provisions listed in Seclion 12-16-6 of the Town Code. The Town Council's consideration of the Special Development District shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Town Code and approved by two readings of an ordinance. An approved development plan is the principal document in guiding the development, uses, and activities of the Special Development District. The development plan shall contain all relevant 10 material and information necessary to establish the parameters with which the Special Development District shall adhere. The development plan may consist of, but not be limited to: the approved site plan; floor plans, building sections, and elevations: vicinity plan; parking plan; preliminary open space/landscape plan; densities; and permitted, conditional, and accessory uses. The determination of permitted, condilional and accessory uses shall be made by the Planning and Environmental Commission and Town Council as part of the formal review of the proposed development plan. Unless further restricted through the review of the proposed Special Development District, permitted, conditional and accessory uses shall be limited to those permitted, conditional and accessory uses in the property's underlying zone district. The Town Code provides nine design criteria, which shall be used as the principal criteria in evaluating the merits of the proposed major amendment lo a Special Development District. lt shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that submittal material and the proposed development plan comply with each of the following standards, or demonstrate that one or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved. The applicant has submitted a report outlining a review of the criteria (Exhibit D). The nine SDD review criteria are listed below: NOTE: Staffs analysis is based in part on an analysis by Jeff Winston, an independent design consultant. A. Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, identity, character, visual integrity and orientation. Staff believes the applicant has designed a structure which relates well to the site and the surrounding neighborhood. The mass of the Vail Plaza Hotel is significantly greater than that of the existing buildings on the site. However, staff believes the increased mass is appropriate for the site and takes into consideration the massing of the buildings on the adjoining properties and in the immediate vicinity. The applicant has modified the building mass by redesigning various roof elements, articulating the building fagade along the South Frontage Road, reconfiguring the tower elements and by lowering the roof eave lines. The lowered roof eave lines match more closely to lhe eave lines of the adjoining buildings to the east, west and south, thus insuring a smooth transition of building mass between properties. To further address building mass the tallest portions of the building have been located near the center of the development site. This design reconfiguration reduces the perceived height of the hotel in the immediate area. The applicant has revised the building footprint in response to the Town Council's request to maintain the twenty-foot setback along Vail Road. The revised footprint does not maintain the full twenty-foot setback as requesied. The proposed plan shows that the building encroaches a maximum of four feet into the Vail Road setback. The encroachment is on the southwest comer of the building. The total square footage of building area in the setback is approximately 56 square while the total amount of GRFA in the setback is roughly 36 square feet. Staff believes that the intent of the Town Council's direction has been met since there is now adequate space for the required landscape and sidewalk improvements. The Vail Plaza Hotel exterior building materials are a mixture of stone, stucco and wood. The roof material is proposed to be a terra cotta colored concrete tile with copper flashing. The applicant has proposed to incorporate inigated flower boxes and copper chimney caps into the design of the hotel to serve as attractive accent elements. A grayish-brown granite stone will be used around the base of the building. The use of non- 11 reflective glazed windows all around the building reduces the potential of unwanted glare. The applicant has proposed that the exterior stucco color be an off-white or cream color to blend in with the exteriors of the buildings on the adjoining properties. Staff believes that the combination of building materials proposed has been well incorporated into the design of the Vail Plaza Hotel. The Town of Vail Design Review Board will have the opportunity to review the building exterior prior to final approval of the hotel. The height of the Vail Plaza Hotel exceeds the allowable building height of the Public Accommodation zone district by approximately 29 feet. The building height standards of the underlying zone district indicate that the maximum height for buildings with sloping roofs shall be 48 feet. The applicant is requesting that the maximum building height for the Vail Plaza Hotel be approximately 77 feet. This figure does not include the proposed architectural feature or landmark element atop the elevator tower. The height of the elevator tower is approximately 99 feet. The building height is based on an interpolated topography of the Vail Village Inn property, and not the original topography of the site (pre-development). Original topography of the site is not available, as the site was originally developed prior to zoning (and before the requirement that a topographic survey be submitted prior to development). Slaff believes, based upon the topography in the vicinity of the development site, that the interpolated topography is a reasonable and appropriate method to determine building height. According to the Vail Village Master Plan Conceptual Building Height Plan and the Building Height Profile Plan (Exhibit E), the development site of Phase lV of the Vail Village Inn is in an area with conceptual building heights of 3-4 stories, with a building story being approximately nine feet, excluding the roof. The applicant is proposing to construct a five-story hotel, excluding roof. The Building Height Plan element of the Vail Village Master Plan, stales in part, "Generally speaking, it is the goal of this plan to maintain the concentration of low-scale buildings in the core area while positioning larger buildings along the northern periphery (along the Frontage Road), as depicted in the Building Height Profile Plan. The Building Height Plan also strives, in some areas, to preserve major views from public rights-of-way. The building heights expressed on the lllustrative Plan are intended to provide general guidelines. Additional study should be made during specific review processes relative to a building's height impact on the streetscape and the relationship to surrounding structures." In response to the general guidelines provided in the Vail Village Master Plan relative to building height, staff has requested that the applicant prepare a view analysis from eight different locations from the public rights-of-way. This Vail Plaza Hotel View Analvsis provides a "before & afte/' depiction of the proposed building (Exhibit F). The view analysis and on-site inspections have indicated that the view from public rights-of-way will not be negatively impacted. In addition, a Vail Plaza Hotel Sun/Shade Analvsis was prepared to illustrate the building's height impact on the surrounding streetscape (Exhibit G). The sun/shade analysis compares the height impact of the existing structures to the height impact of the proposed structures. The result of the comparison shows that substantially more of the streetscape along the South Frontage Road east of the roundabout will be shaded. The increase in shading results from the increase in building height, the increased encroachment into the front setback and the additional building mass proposed. To offset the impacts of the increase in shading during the winter months, the applicant has proposed to improve the pedestrian streetscape along the South Frontage Road by installing heated sidewalks and drive aisles and has redesigned I2 B. the roof form of the hotel to minimize the shading impact on adjacent properties. To help mitigate the building's mass, the applicant has proposed to construct exterior decks and balconies, along with providing horizontal stepping of the building, along the South Frontage Road. To respect the relationship of the hotel to sunounding structures on adjoining properties, and at the request of the Planning & Environmental Commission, the applicant has removed 2to2% stories from the original proposed (1998) building, increased the vertical stepping of the building and increased the width of the Vail Road setback. Because of the increased vertical stepping of the building and the minimum twenty-foot setback above grade, staff believes that the proposed hotel is respectful of existing development and uses on adjacent properties. The net effect of these changes results in the maximum height of the building being located in the center portions of the site away from the adjoining property lines and slructures. Staff believes that the applicant has designed a building which relates well to the site and the surrounding neighborhood. Further, staff believes that the proposed building complies with the general guidelines and basic intent of the Conceptual Building Height Plan and the Building Height Profile contained in the Vail Village Master Plan. Much has been said regarding the potential "loss" of the "established view conidoi'from the intersection of the South Frontage Road and Vail Road, as a result of lhe construction of the Vail Plaza Hotel. No adopted view conidor exists in this area. Staff and the Town's Urban Design Consultant believe that the true loss of the view and the real negative impacts occurred when the Vail Gateway Plaza was constructed. Through the construction of the five-story tall Vail Gateway Plaza, the view from the intersection was substantially lost. While the existence of the view conidor was recognized during the development review process of the Gateway Plaza Building and attempts were made to respect the view, the efforts fell short of protecting the view. This, coupled with the fact that the intersection configuration and traffic flow pattems of the South Frontage Road have changed since the original adoption of the master plan, is justification for additional encroachments upon the view. Furthermore, staff and Jeff Winston believe additional development and building height behind the Vail Gateway Plaza will have minimal impacts on the remaining view. While the Vail Village Master Plan discusses the importance of maintaining views from public rights-of-way, it did not establish a view corridor in the vicinity of the proposed development site, nor did intend to protect views from private property. The Town of Vail has five established view conidors and is proposing five additional view corridors in Lionshead, to be protected by ordinance. These protected view corridors are generally located in Vail Village and Lionshead. Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. The Vail Plaza Hotel is located within the mixed-use development area of the Vail Village Inn Special Development District. The uses, activities and densities for the Vail Plaza Hotel development site are prescribed by the underlying zoning for Special Development District No. 6. According to the Official Town of Vail Zoning Map, the underlying zoning for Special Development District No. 6 is Public Accommodation. The Public Accommodation Zone District encourages the development of lodges (accommodation units) and accessory eating and drinking establishments at a density of twenty-five dwelling units per acre. The sunounding uses and zoning designation include Public Accommodation to the south and west (Sonnenalp Holiday Haus & Chateau at Vail), Commercial Service Center to the east (Crossroads) and Commercial Core I/SDD #21 (Gateway) to the north. The same development standards that apply to the Vail Plaza 13 Hotel development site apply to the Sonnenalp, Holiday Haus and Chateau at Vail properties. The Commercial Service Center zoning applicable to the Crossroads property is intended primarily for commercial development togeiher with a limited amount of multiple-fami[ and lodging types of residential use. The Commercial Core I underlying zoning of the Gateway Special Development District is intended to provide sites for a mixture of commercial and residential development. The Vail Plaza Hotel is proposed to be a mixed-use type of development. The mixture of uses includes commercial, lodging, recreational and residential. Staff believes the proposed mixture of uses and its proximity to both Vail Village and Lionshead is consistent with the intended purpose of the underlying zoning of Public Accommodation and in keeping with the intent of Vail Land Use Plan. Further, staff believes that the proposed uses within the Vail Plaza Hotel will compliment those existing uses and activities on surrounding and adjacent properties. The proposed density of the hotel and the presence of the conference facilities will improve and enhance the viability and success of the existing restaurant and retail businesses in the immediate area. Additionally, through the redesign of the redevelopment proposal, staff believes that the applicant has improved the integration of the hotel with the adjacent properties. Examples of improved integration include a pedestrian connection and sidewalk adjacent to the Gateway Building, an intemal service conidor providing loading/delivery access from the centralized loading and delivery facility to the entire District, lowering of roof eaves lo relate to the existing conditions of the neighboring properties, and more appropriately sized pedestrian walkways lhroughout the plaza areas to ensure congestion free flow. Emplovee Housino Requirements As indicated in a number of the goals and objectives of the Town's Master Plans, providing affordable housing for employees is a critical issue which should be addressed through the planning process for Special Development District proposals. In reviewing the proposal for employee housing needs, staff relied on the Town of Vail Employee Housing Report. This report has been used by the staff in the past to evaluate employee housing needs. The guidelines conlained within the report were used most recently in the review of lhe Austria Haus and Maniott development proposals. The Employee Housing Report was prepared for the Town by the consulting firm Rosall, Remmen and Cares. The report provides the recommended ranges of employee housing units needed based on the type of use and the amount of floor area dedicated to each use. Utilizing the guidelines prescribed in the Employee Housing Report, the staff analyzed the incremental increase of employees (square footage per use), that results from the redevelopment. A copy of the Suqqested Emplovment Cateqories and Ranses for Vail Expressed as Emplovees per 1000 Square Feet has been attached for reference. The figures identified in the Housing Report are based on surveys of commercial-use employment needs of the Town of Vail and other mountain resort communities. For comparison purposes, Telluride, Aspen and Whistler B.C. all have "employment generation" ordinances requiring developers to provide affordable housing for a percentage of the "neuy'' employees resulting from commercial development. "NeW' employees are defined as the incremental increase in employment needs resulting from commercial redevelopment. Each of the communities assesses a different percentage of affordable housing a developer must provide for the "neu/'employees. For example, Telfuride requires developers to provide housing lor 40o/o (0.40) of the "neW' employees, Aspen requires that 6O% (0.60) of the "nev/' employees are provided housing and Whistler requires that 100% (1.00) of the "neu/' employees be provided housing by the 14 a) b) c) d) e) developer. In comparison, Vail has conservatively determined that developers shall provide housing tor 15% (0.15) or 30% (0.30) of the "nev/' employees resulting from commercial development. When a project is proposed to exseed the density allowed by the underlying zone district, the 3070 (0.30) figure is used in the calculation. lf a project is proposed at, or below, the density allowed by the underlying zone district, the 15% (0.15) figure is used. The Vail Plaza Hotel special development district major amendment proposal does not exceed the density permitted by the underlying zone district. However, the 30% figure was used. The applicant is proposing to provide employee housing for a percentage of the "neu/' employees resulting from the hotel construction. Based upon an analysis completed by the applicant and provided to the Community Development Department, the new hotel is expected to generate 125 "neu/'employees. The "neu/'employees are in addition to the 74 employees already working full-time or part-time at the Vail Village lnn. The applicant is proposing to provide deed-restricted employee housing for 307o (32) of the "neu/' employees. Due to the unavailability of privale vacrnt land resources within the Town limits, the applicant anticipates lhat all or a portion of the deed-restricted housing will be provided in an out-of-town or down-valley location. In order to maximize the benefit of the housing to the Town of Vail, the applicant has suggested that the housing will be available only to Vail Plaza Hotel employees. lt is further anticipated that some form of transportation will be provided to the employees from lhe out-of-town or down-valley location to the hotel. The Planning & Environmental Commission has briefly discussed the employee housing alternatives with the applicant and expressed thal, based upon the information provided to date, the proposal seems reasonable and appropriate. A copy of the "Vail Villaqe Inn Staffinq Roste/' has been attached for reference (Exhibit H). EMPLOYEE HOUSING GENERATION ANALYSIS The staff analysis below indicates the top, the middle and the bottom of the ranges recommended by the Town of Vail Employee Housing Report, as well as a staff recommended figure which was used in determining the employee housing needs of the Vail Plaza Hotel. The staff analysis does not take into account full-time versus pari-time employee needs. A summary of the Employee Housing Generation Analysis is as follows: Bottom of Range Calculations: Retaif/Service Commercial = 4,047 sq. ft. @(5/1000 sq. ft.) =20.2 employees Health Club RestauranULounge Conference Center Lodging =24,799 sq. ft. @(1/1000 sq. ft.) =24.8 employees = 5,775 sq. ft. @(5/1000 sq. ft.) = 28.8 employees =10,368 sq. ft. @(1/1000 sq. ft.) =10.4 employees =99 units @(.25lunit)= 24.8 employees =20.0 employeesMulti Family (Club Units) =50 units @(.4/unit) Totaf Employees =128.2 employees (-74 existing employees) = 54.2 employees 15 (X 0.30 multiplier)=16.3 "new" employees Middle of Range Calculations: Retail/Service Commercial = 4,O47 sq. ft. @(6.5/1000 sq. ft.) =26.3 employeesa) b) c) d) e) 0 a) b) c) d) e) 0 Health Club RestauranULounge Conference Center Lodging RestauranULounge Conference Center Lodging Multi Family (Club Units) =10,368 sq. ft. @(1/1000 sq. ft.) = 99 units @(.7Slunit) = 5,775 sq. ft. @(8/1000 sq. ft.) =10,368 sq. ft. @(1/1000 sq. ft.) =99 units @(1.25lunit) =50 units @(.a/unit) =10.4 employees =74.3 employees =20.0 employees =32.4 employees =38.0 employees = 46.2 employees =10.4 employees =123.8 employees =20.0 employees =24,799 sq. ft. @(1.2511000 sq. fl.) =31.0 employees = 5,775 sq. ft. @(6.5/1000 sq. ft.) =37.5 employees Multi Family (Club Units) =50 units @(.4/unit) Total Employees =198.7 employees (-74 existing employees) =124.7 employees (X 0.30 multiplier) = 37.4 "new" employees Top of Range Galculations: Retail/Service Commercial =4,047 sq. ft. @(8/1000 sq. ft.) Health Club =24,799 sq. ft. @(1.5/1000 sq. ft.) Total Employees =270.0 employees (-74 existing employees) =196 employees (X 0.30 multiplier)= 58,8 "new" employees Staff Recommended Ranqe Calculations: The staff believes that the Vail Plaza redevelopment will create a need for 125 additional employees. Of the 125 additional employees, at least 38 employees (30%) will need to be provided deed-restricted housing by the developers of the Vail Plaza Holel. The staff recommended range is based on: 1. the type of retail and commercial use proposed in the commercial space within the Vail Plaza Hotel: the size of the Vail Plaza Hotel lodging component; the level of services and amenities proposed by the developers for the guests of the Vail Plaza Hotel; and 2. o. 16 4. the result of research completed by Town of Vail staff of similar hotel operations in the Vail Valley. a) Retail/Service Commercial =4,047 sq. fl. @(5/1000 sQ. fl.) = 29.2 employees (bottom of range)b) Health Club =24,799 sq. ft. @(1.5/1000 sq. ft.) =37.2 employees (top of range)c) RestauranULounge =5,775 sq. ft. @(6.5/1000 sq. ft.) =37.5 employees (middle of range) d) Conference Center =10,368 sq. ft. @(1/1000 sq. ft.) =10.4 employees (range does not vary) e) Lodging = 99 units @(.75lunit) = 74.3 employees (middle of range)f) Multi Family (Club Units) = 50 units @(.4/unit) =19.2 employees (range does not vary) Total = 198.8 employees (-74 existing employees) = 124.8 employees (X 0.30 multiplier) = 38 "new" employees 'Lodging has a partrculady la€a vadatjon of employees par roon, depending upon fectoE such as sEe of faciliv and level ol seMc€,/support seNices and amenilias Drovidoo. Depending upon the size of the employee housing unit provided, it is possible to have up to two employees per bedroom. For example, a two-bedroom unit in the size range of 450 - 900 square feet, is possible of accommodating three to four employees. These figures are consistent with the requirements for the Type lll employee housing units outlined in the Municipal Code. Overall, staff believes that the density and uses proposed by the applicant for the Vail Plaza Hotel do not conflict with the compatibility, efficiency or workability of the surrounding uses and activities on adjacent properties. In fact, staff feels that the proposed Vail Plaza Hotel redevelopment will substantially enhance the existing uses and activities in the community. C. Compliance with parking and loading rcquirements as outlined in Chapter 12-10 ol the Vail Town Code. The Vail Plaza Hotel proposal has been reviewed for compliance with the parking and foading requirements prescribed in Chapter 12-10 of the Vail Town Code. Pursuant to the prescribed regulations, 378 parking spaces are required for all of Special Development District No. 6. The applicant is proposing to provide a total of 368 parking spaces. The difference between what is required by Code and what the applicant is proposing is 10 parking spaces. To account forthe difference, the applicant is requesting a deviation from the prescribed parking requirement pursuant io the provisions of Chapter 12-9. A copy of the Vail Plaza Hotel Parkino Analvsis prepared by staff and the applicant has been attached for reference (Exhibit l). The Vail Plaza Hotel has proposed a centralized loading facility for the hotel and sunounding uses within the special development district. Pursuant to the prescribed loading regulations, five loading berths are required to be provided. To insure compliance L'7 D. with the applicable regulation the applicant is proposing to provide five loading berths within an enclosed facility. Vehicular access to the facility is taken from the South Frontage Road. The design ofthe access creates fonryard-in and fonryard-out traffic flow and provides adequate maneuvering and turning space within the lot lines of the development site. The flow of traffic on the South Frontage Road will not be impeded by the maneuvering of delivery vehicles. Furthermore, pursuant to the prescribed regulations, the loading facility will not be located in the required setback, nor will it block access to the parking spaces within the Phase lll Condominium Building. Lastly, the five loading berths more than adequately meet the size requirements (12' x24'x 14') outlined in the regulations. Upon review of the proposed parking and loading/delivery plan for the Vail Plaza Hotel, the staff finds that the proposal meets the intent of the Town's parking requirements and exceeds the loading and delivery requirements. Staff recognizes this as a benefit. We believe that given the proposed and existing uses within the district, the proximity of the developmenl site to the Vail Transportation Cenler, the immediate availability of public lransportation and recent trends in destination resort travel, the 368 proposed parking spaces will adequately provide for the needs of District. Additionally, in a recent parking study undertaken by the Town of Vail, the consultant working with the Town recommended a significant reduction in the required number of parking spaces for fractional fee club units. The reduction has been recommended as the use of the club unit is more similar to the use of an accommodation unit. The maximum parking space requirement for an accommodation units is one space, regardless of size. Staff has been informed of a potential parking space violation within the District. The apparent violation stems from a real estate transaction that transfened a Phase V condominium unit separate from the required parking spaces, thus creating a situation where a residential property does not have the required number of parking spaces. Staff believes this issue could be addressed and resolved if an appropriate number of parking spaces were provided in the newly created parking structure. Conformity with the applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, Town policies and Urban Design Plan. Vail Land Use Plan The Vail Land Use Plan map and the goal statements are intended to serve as the primary focus for the review of development proposals, along with Town ordinances and regulations. Any project should be reviewed with the context of the intent of the overall Plan Document. The Land Use Plan is intended to provide a general framework to guide decision making but is not intended to be regulatory in nature. The goals contained in the Vail Land Use Plan are to be used as the Town's policy guidelines during the review process for a major amendment to an existing special development districi. According to the Vail Land Use Plan, the proposed hotel redevelopment site is located within the Vail Village Area. According to the prescribed key goals of the Vail Land Use Plan for the Vail Village Area, in part, Commercial growth should be concentnted primaily in existing commercial aneas fo accommodate both local and visitor needs. and 18 New hotels should continue to be located primarily in the Village and Uonshead areas, and lncreased density forcommercial, residential and lodging uses in the Corc arcas would be acceptable so long as the existing chancter of each arca is being prcseved. Staff has reviewed the Vail Land UsE Plan and believes the following policies are relevant to the review of this proposal: 1. GeneralGrowth/Development 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, mainlaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. 1.2 The quality of the environment including air, water, and other natural resources should be protected as the Town grows. 1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgrade whenever possible. 1.4 The original theme of the old Village Core should be canied into new development in the Village Core through continued implementation of the Urban Design Guide Plan. 1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional growth in existing developed areas (infill). 3. Commercial 3.1 The hotel bed base should be preserved and used more efficiently. 3.2 The Village and Lionshead are the best location for hotels to serve the future needs of the destination skier. 3.3 Hotels are important to the continued success of the Town of Vail, therefore conversion to condominiums should be discouraged. 3.4 Commercial growth should be concentrated in exisiing commercial areas to accommodate both local and visitor needs. 4. Villaoe Gorc/Lionshead 4.1 Future commercial development should continue to occur primarily in existing commercial areas. Future commercial development in the Core areas needs to be carefully controlled to facilitate access and delivery. 4.2 Increased density in the Core areas is acceptable so long as the existing character of each area is preserved through the implementation of the Urban Design Guide Plan and the Vail Village Master Plan. IJ 5.Residential 5.1 Quality timeshare units should be accommodated to help keep occupancy rates up. 5.2 Affordable employee housing should be made available through private efforts, assisted by limited incentives, provided by the Town of Vail, with appropriate restrictions. The Vail Land Use Plan projects a need for additional lodging units in the Town of Vail. While the statistical information used to project need is most likely ouidated, staff believes there continues to be a need for additional lodging units in the Town of Vail. The Plan projected a need for a total of 395 additional lodging units by the year 2000. The Staff believes the proposed major amendment of Special Development District No. 6 meets the intent, goals, and policies of the Vail Land Use Plan as outlined above. Vail Villaqe Master Plan According to the Vail Village Master Plan, the Plan is intended to serve as a guide to the staff, review boards and the Town Council in analyzing future proposals for development in Vail Village and in legislating effective ordinances to deal with the such development. The most significant elements of the Master Plan are the goals, objectives, policies and action steps. They are the working tools of the Master Plan. They establish the broad framework and vision, but also layout the specific policies and action steps that will be used to implement the Plan. As noted on page 35 of the Master Plan, "ft is important to note that the likelihood of project approval will be greatest for those proposals that can fully comply wlth the Vail Village Mastar PIan." Staff believes this statement re-emphasizes that the Master Plan is a general document providing advisory guidelines to aid the Town in analyzing development proposals and that 100% compliance is noi required in order for a project to be approved. The staff has ideniified the following goals, objectives and policies as being relevant to this proposal: Goal #1 Encourage high quality redevelopment while preserving the unique architectural scale of the Village in order to sustain its sense of community and identity. 1.1 Obiective:lmplement a consistent Development Review Process to reinforce the character of the Village. 1 .1 .1 Policv: Development and improvement projects approved in the Village shall be consistent with the goals, objectives, policies and design considerations as outlined in the Vail Village Master Plan and Urban Design Guide Plan. 20 1.2 Obiective:Encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities. 1.2.1 Policv: Additional development may be allowed as identified by the action plan as is consistent with the Vail Village Master Plan and Urban Design Guide Plan. 1.3 Obiective: Enhance new development and redevelopment through public improvements done by private developers working in cooperalion with the Town. 1.3.1 Policv: Public improvements shall be developed with the participation of the private sector working with the Town. Goal #2 To foster a strong tourist industry and promote year-round economic health and viability for the Village and for the community as a whole. 2.1 Obiective: 2.3 Obiective: 2.4 Obiective: 2.5 Obiective: 2.6 Obiective: Recognize the variety of land uses found in the 10 sub- areas lhroughoul the Village and allow for development that is compatible with these established land use pattems. Increase the number of residential uniis available for short- term, overnight accommodations. 2.3.1 Policv: The development of short-term accommodation units is strongly encouraged. Residential units that are developed above existing density levels are required to be designed or managed in a manner that makes them available for short-term ovemight rental. Encourage the development of a variety of new commercial activities where compatible with existing land uses. Encourage the continued upgrading, renovation and maintenance of existing lodging and commercial facilities to better serve the needs of our guests. 2.5.1 Policv: Recreation amenities, common areas, meeting facilities and other amenities shall be preserved and enhanced as a part of any redevelopment of lodging ProPerties. Encourage the development of affordable housing units through the efforts of the private sector. 2.6.1 Policv: Employee housing units may be required as part of any new or redeveloped project requesting density over that allowed by existing zoning. 2I Goal#3 Goal #4 Goal #5 To recognize as a top priority the enhancement of the walking experience throughout the Village. 3.1 Obiective:Physically improve the existing pedestrian ways by landscaping and other improvements. 3.1.1 Policv: Private development projects shall incorporate streetscape improvements (such as paver treatments, landscaping, lighting and seating areas), along adjacent pedestrian ways. 3.1.3 Policv: Flowers, trees, waterfeatures and other landscaping shall be encouraged throughout the Town in locations adjacent to, or visible from, public areas. Minimize the amount of vehicular traffic in the Village to the greatesl extent possible. 3.2.1 Policv: Vehicular traffic will be eliminated or reduced to absolutely minimal necessary levels in the pedestrianized areas of the Village. Develop additional sidewalks, pedestrian-only walkways and accessible green space areas, including pockel parks and stream access. 3.2 Obiective: 3.4 Obiective: 3.4.2 Policv: Private development projects shall be required to incorporate new sidewalks along streets adjacent to the project as designated in the Vail Village Master Plan and/or Recreation Trails Master Plan. To preserve existing open space areas and expand green space opportunities. 4.1 Obiective: lmprove existing open space areas and create new plazas with green space and pocket parks. Recognize lhe different roles of each type of open space in forming the overall fabric of the Village. 4.1.4 Policv: Open space improvements, including the addition of accessible green space as described or graphically shown in the Vail Village Master Plan and/or Urban Design Guide Plan, will be required in conjunction with private infill or redevelopment projects. Increase and amprove the capacity, efficiency and aesthetics of the transportation and circulation system throughout the Mllage. Meet parking demands with public and private parking facilities. 5.1 Obieciive: 22 Goal#6 5. 1 .1 Policv: For new development that is located outside of the Commercial Core 1 Zone District, on-site parking shall be provided (rather than paying into the parking fund) to meet any additional parking demand as required by the Zoning Code. 5.1.5 Policv: Redevelopment projects shall be strongly encouraged to provide underground or visually concealed parking. To insure the continued improvement of the vital operational elements of the Mllage. 6.1 Obiective: Provide service and delivery facilities for existing and new development. Vail Villaqe Master Plan Buildino Heioht Plan Generally speaking, it is the goal of the Building Height Plan to mainlain the concentration of low-scale buildings in the Core area, while positioning larger buildings along the northem periphery. According to the Conceptual Building Height Plan contained within the Vail Village Master Plan, the Vail Plaza Hotel is located within an area proposed to have building heights with a maximum range of three to four stories. A building story is defined as 9' of height, not including the roof. The applicant is proposing five stories, excluding the roof, with a 10' 6" floor to floor height. Vail Villaoe Master Plan Action Plan The Action Plan graphically expresses a summary of possible development which would be consistent with the elements of the Vail Village Master Plan. lt is not an all-inclusive list, nor is it intended to restrict proposals that are not identified on the Action Plan. lt is intended to provide suggestions and to act as a guide for implementing the Master Plan. The Vail Plaza Hotel is located in sub-area #1 of the Action Plan. Sub-area #1 is the mixed use activity center for Vail Village. lt is distinguished from the Mllage core by the larger scale buildings. The arca is further distinguished by the mixture of residential/lodging and commercial activity. According to the Plan, a significant incrcase in the Village's overnight bed base will occur within the area. According to the Action Plan, the Vail Plaza Hotel property is located within the mixed-use sub-area concepi area#1-1. This concept area is: an area intended for the completion of the final phase of the Vail Village Inn as established by the development plan Special Development District #6. Commercial development at ground level to frame the interior plaza with greenspace. The mass of buildings shall "step-up" from the existing pedestrian scale along East Meadow Drive to 4-5 stories along the South Frontage Road. The design of the development must be sensitive to maintaining a view to Vail Mountain from the 4-way stop (aka roundabout). Vail Villaoe Desiqn Considerations The Town of Vail adopted the Vail Village Design Considerations in 1980. The Design Considerations were revised in 1993. The Design Considerations are considered an 23 integral part of the Vail Village Urban Design Plan. The Design Considerations are intended lo: guide growth and change in ways that will enhance and preserve the essential qualities of the Village; and serve as design guidelines instead of rigid rules of development; and help influence the form and design of buildings. The Vail Village Design Considerations are divided into two categories (urban design considerations and architectural/landscape considerations): 1. URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS These considerations relate to general, large-scale land use planning issues, as well as form considerations which affect more than one property or even whole areas. These considerations are primarily the purview of the Planning and Environmental Commission. A. PEDESTRIANIZATION A major objective for Vail Village is to encourage pedestrian circulation through an interconnected network of safe, pleasant pedestrian ways. Many of the improvements recognized in the Urban Design Guide Plans, and accompanying Design Considerations, are to reinforce and expand the quality of pedestrian walkways throughout the Village. Since vehicular traffic cannot be removed from certain streets (bus roules, delivery access), a totally car-free pedestrian system is not achievable ihroughout the entire Village. Therefore, several levels of pedestrianization have been identified. The level of pedestrianization most appropriate for the proposed Vail Plaza Hotel redevelopment is separated use and joint vehicle/pedestrian use of the roadway. . Sfarf Response.' The applicant has met with the Town staff to discuss pedestian improvements. The staff has concluded that the improvements recommended for the South Frontage Road, Vail Road and East Meadow Dive in the 1991 Town of Vail Strcetscape Master Plan should be implemented. This includes constructing a heated brick paver sidewalk with landscape planters along Vail Road; a heated decontive paver sidewalk from the westem prcperty line of Phase IV to the eastem property line of Phase lll with the rcmainder of the sidewalk continuing to Village Center Road unheated; landscaping in the median and along the South Frontage Road adjacent fo Phases lll & lV; a new sidewalk in the Town ight-of-way at the nofthwest comer of the Gateway Building property; and strcetscape improvements on public property along East Meadow Dive from the westem comer of the Base Mountain Sports rctail space to the intercection of at Vail Road. The final mateials used in the construction of the imprcvements shall be rcviewed and apprcved by the Design Review Board. B. VEHICLE PENETMTION To minimize congestion to the extent possible, all non-resident traffic should be routed along the Frontage Road to Vail Village/Lionshead Parking Structures. 24 In conjunction with pedestrianization objectives, major emphasis is focused upon reducing auto penetration into the center of the Village. Vail Road and Vail Valley Drive will continue to serve as major routes for service and resident access to the Village. Road constrictions, traffic circles, signage, and other measures are indicated in the Guide Plans to visually and physically discourage all but essential vehicle penetration upon the Frontage Road. Altemative access points and private parking relocation, where feasible, should be considered to further reduce traffic conflicts in the Village. . SfaffResponse.' The redevelopment of the Vail Plaza Hotel will increase vehicular tnffic in the Main Vail Roundabout and on Vail Road. Accoding to the "Conclusion and Recommendations" contained in the Traffic lmpact Analysis -Vail Plaza Hotel Redevelopment, preparcd by Felsbery, Holt & Ullevig: . The total prcjected fnps consrsf of subtracting the existing 1042 tips from the proposed 3082 site genented trips. . Two rcadway improvements will be necessary at the main access onto the Frcntage Road. The first includes modification to the center median to provide a stonge arca for vehicles tuming left out of the site. This will allow for a two-step left tum with less delay. The second is an exclusive ight tum lane into the site for eastbound tnffic. This exclusive right tum lane will temove turning tnffic from the through tnffic lanes thercby imprcving safety charccteistics. c The roundabout will not be adversely affected by the proposed site tnffic. The site traffic will consist of apprcximately one percent of the total tnffic in the roundabout in the year 2015. c The auxiliary lane east of the site for right tuming vehicles needs to be extended wesf fo the second access. Ihr's lane will be used for delivery trucks backing into the sife. Ihrs lane and the delivery driveway in which it will serue should be designed to allow backing activity without impacting the eastbound through tnffic. Physical sepantion should be considercd between the through lane and the auxiliary lane where backing would be taking place. A complete copy of the report has been aftached for rcference (Exhibit J). Staff agrees with the traffic enginee/s assessment of the potential traffic impacts. There will be an increase in traffic on Vail Road. There will not be an increase in traffic on the pedestrian portion of East Meadow Drive. The applicant will be required to implement the mitigation measures recommended by the Traffic Engineer should the major amendment be approved. Slaff feels the applicant has addressed traffic issues to the extenl possible. C. STREETSCAPE FMMEWORK To improve the quality of the walking experience and give continuity to the pedestrian ways, as a continuous system, two general types of improvements adjacent to the walkways are considered: 25 Open space and landscaping, berms, grass, flowers and tree planting as a soft, colorful framework linkage along pedestrian routes; and plazas and park greenspaces as open nodes and focal points along those routes. Infill commercial storefronts, expansion of existing buildings, or new infill development to create new commercial activity generators to give streetlife and visual interest, as attraclions at key locations along pedestrian routes. It is not intended to enclose all Village streets with buildings as in the core areas. Nor is it desirable to leave pedestrian streets in the open in a somewhat undefined condition evident in many other areas of Vail. Rather, it is desired to have a variety of open and enclosed spaces, both built and landscaped, which create a strong framework for pedestrian walks, as well as visual interest and activity. r SfaffResponse: The Vail Plaza Hotel redevelopment improves the streetscape frcmework through the creation of the new hotel and the resulting enhanced visual interest along Vail Road. Through the construction of both the intemal and extemal wall<ways, staff believes the proposed rcdevelopment creates the citical commercial connection between Vail Gateway Plaza and East Meadow Drive and provides new strcet life wherc very little cunently exists. D. STREET ENCLOSURE While building facade heights should not be uniform from building to building, they should provide a "comfortable" enclosure for the street. Pedestrian streets are outdoor rooms, whose walls are formed by the buildings. The shape and feel of these "rooms" are created by the variety of heights and massing (3- dimensional variations), which give much of the visual interest and pedestrian scale unigue to Vail. Very general rules about the perception of exterior spaces have been developed by designers, based on the characteristics of human vision. They suggest that: "an external enclosure is most comfortable when its walls are approximately 1/2 as high as the width of the space enclosed; if the ratio falls to 1/4 or less, the space seems unenclosed; and if the height is greater than the width it comes to resemble a canyon". In aciual application, facades are seldom uniform in height on both sides of the street, nor is this desired. Thus, some latitude is appropriate in the application of this 1/2 to 1 ratio. Using the average facade height on both sides will generally still be a guide to the comfortableness of the enclosure being created. In some instances, lhe "canyon" effect is acceptable and even desirable. For example, as a short connecting linkage between larger spaces, to give variety to the walking experience. For sun/shade reasons it is often advantageous to orient any longer segments in a north/south direction. Long canyon streets in an easUwest direction should generally be discouraged. When exceptions to the general height criteria occur, special consideration should be given to create a well-defined ground floor pedestrian emphasis to overcome the 1. 2. 26 "canyon" effect. Canopies, awnings, arcades and building extensions can all create a pedestrian focus and divert attention from the upper building heights and "canyon" effect. . gfa,T8esp@ Vail Road and the sidewalks on either side, adjacent to the Vail Plaza Hotel, aveftrges apprcximately 70 feet in width. The Vail Plaza Hotel (eaveline) along Vail Road is approximately 44 feet in height. Given that the Nine Vail Road Condominiums are not constructed panllel with Vail Road and the prcposed landscaping at the ground level of the prcposed building, staff believes the Vail Plaza Hotel crcates a "comfortable" enclosure of the street and does not crcate an undesinble "canyon" effect. However, staff does believe therc is an oppoftunity to reduce the apparcnt height of the eaveline along Vail Road. Staff would suggest that the applicant be requircd to continue to study and then ptesent sevetal sfreefscape altematives for the strcetscape at the front entrcnce of the hotel to the Design Review Board for review and ftnal apprcval. Special aftention should be given to crcate a design that is not only functional and meets the technical design requircments, but is a/so aesfhetically pleasing and attnctive in naturc. E. STREET EDGE Buildings in the Village core should form a strong but inegular edge to the street. Unlike many American towns, lhere are no standard setback requirements for buildings in Vail Village. Consistent with the desire for intimate pedestrian scale, placement of portions of a building at or near the property line is allowed and encouraged to give strong definition to the pedestrian streets. This is not to imply continuous building frontage along the property line. A strong street edge is importanl for continuity, but perfectly aligned facades over too long a distance tend to be monotonous. With only a few exceptions in the Village, slightly irregular facade lines, building jogs, and landscaped areas, give the life to the street and visual interest for pedestrian travel. Where buildings jog to create activity pockets, other elements can be used to conlinue the street edge: low planter walls, tree planting, raised sidewalks, texture changes in ground surface, arcades, raised decks. Plazas, patios, and green areas are important focal points for gathering, resting, orienting and should be distributed throughout the Village with due consideration to spacing, sun access, opportunities for views and pedestrian activity. . SfaffResponse.' The Vail Plaza Hotelhas sfrcef frontage along Vail Road and the South Frontage Road. The rcmainder of the building has building fronts intemal to the development. The edge of the building has been designed at the street level to be varied and iregular through the use of recessed enties, arched arcades and horizontaltuertical sfeps rn the building foot pint. Staff believes that at the strcet level the design of the building conforms with the intent of the street edge design considention. F. BUILDING HEIGHT 2"7 Vail Village is perceived as a mix of two and three story facades, although lhere are also four and five story buildings. The mix of building heights gives variety to the street, which is desirable. The height criteria are intended to encourage height in massing variety and to discourage uniform building heights along the street. . Sfarf Resporse.' As drscussed prcviously, the Vail Plaza Hotel exceeds fhe allowable building height prescibed for the Public Accommodation Zone Distict. However, sfaff does not feel that the proposed height of the Vail Plaza Hotel is excesslye, given the location of the building at the nofthem periphery of the Village core and the height of the buildings on the adjoining prcperlies (Gateway, Nine Vail Road Condominiums, and the Phase lll and V Buildings). The applicant has submifted a scale model of the Vail Plaza Hotel in its Village context and this model will be available for use by the Planning & Environmental Commission, Design Review Board and the Town Council during the final review prccess. G. VIEWS AND FOCAL POINTS Vail's mountain/valley setting is a fundamental part of its identity. Views of the mountains, ski slopes, creeks and other natural features are reminders to our visitors of the mountain environment and, by repeated visibility, are orientation reference points. Certain building features also provide important orientation references and visual focal points. The most significant view corridors in the Village have been adopted as part of Chapter 12-22 ot the Town of Vail Municipal Code. The view corridors adopted should not be considered exhausted. When evaluating a development proposal, priority should be given to an analysis of the impacted project on public views. Views that should be preserved originate from either major pedestrian areas or public spaces, and include views of the ski mountain, the Gore Range, the Clock Tower, the Rucksack Tower and other important man-made and natural elements that contribute to the sense of place associated wiih Vail. These views, which have been adopted by ordinance, were chosen due to their significance, not only from an aesthetic standpoint, but also as orientation reference points for pedestrians. Development in Vail Village shall not encroach into any adopted view corridor, unless approved under Chapter 12-22. Adopled corridors are listed in Chapter 12-22 of tne Town of Vail Municipal Code. Whether affecting adopied view corridors or not, the impact of proposed development on views from public ways and public spaces must be identified and considered where appropriate. . SfaffResponse; Although not dircctly impacting one of the five adopted view conidors, as /lsfed in Chapter 12-22 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the height of the building will have impacts on the view from vaious locations nearthe roundabout. Public views of Vail Mountain will be partially impacted from fhese arcas. Again, a view analysis has been completed depicting "before and aftef'conditions. Overall, given the building's location, the rccent changes to the intercection rcsulting from the construction of the roundabout and the development pattem on adjacent properties, staff feels that the Vail Plaza Hotel complies with the intent of the Vail Village Urban Design Considerations. H. SERVICE AND DELIVERY 28 Any building expansion should preserve the functions of existing service alleys. The few service alleys that exist in the Village are extremely important to minimizing vehicle congestion on pedestrian ways. The use of, and vehicular access to, those alleys should not be eliminated except where functional alternatives are not provided. ln all new and remodeled construction, delivery which avoids or reduces impacts on pedestrian ways should be explored; and adopted whenever practical, for immediate or future use. Rear access, basement and below ground delivery conidors reduce congestion. Weather protection increases delivery efficiency substantially. Below grade delivery corridors are found in a few buildings in Vail Village (SitzmarUGore Creek Plaza, Village Center, Vail Village Inn). Consideration should be given to extending these conidors, where feasible, and the creation of new ones. As buildings are constructed or remodeled, the opportunity may exist to develop segments of a future system. . SlaffResponsei Through the course of sfaff's review of the Vail Plaza Hotel redevelopment prcposal, sevenl loading and delivery options werc explored. The applicant had oiginally proposed to provide far fewer berths than what the cunent design proposes. However, the applicant has amended the plans to provide a total of five befths on the property. These five befths will be able to be utilized by the entirc Vail Village lnn Plaza and arc connected yla a sen'es of elevatorc and below gnde seruice areas. The seruice arcas arc located away frcm areas of major pedestrian activity. The main sevice area is adjacent to the South Frontege Road in an enclosed facility. The centnlized approach to this facility is unprecedented in Vail. Staff would rccommend that the applicant continue to explorc oppoftunities to imprcve the truck tnffic and passenger car tnffic inErtace in fhe access way within the enclosed facility. I. SUN / SHADE Due to Vail's alpine climate, sun is an important comfort factor, especially in winter, fall and spring. Shade areas have ambient temperatures substantially below those of adjacent direct sunlight areas. On all but the warmest of summer days, shade can easi! lower temperatures below comfortable levels, and thereby, negatively impact use of those areas. All new or expanded buildings should not substantially increase the spring and fall shadow line (March 21 - September 23) on adjacent properties or the public right-of-way. In all building construction, shade shall be considered in massing and overall height consideration. Notwithstanding, sun/shade considerations are not intended to restrict building height allowances, but rather to influence the massing of buildings. Limited height exceptions may be granted to meet this criieria. r SfaffResponse: 29 Although the proposed height of the building will diminish the amount of sun light rcaching the ground in certain areas, and likewise increase shading along the South Frontage Road (north side of the projecQ, the provision of heated public wall<ways effectively mitigates this considention, thus providing ice-free and snow-frce sidewalks. Ovenll, staff believes the proposal complies with the above-descibed considentions. 2. ARCHITECTURE'LANDSCAPE CONSIDERATIONS ROOFS Where visible, roofs are oflen one of lhe most dominant architectural elements in any built environment. In the Village, roof form, color and texture are visibly dominant, and generally consistent, which tends to unify the building diversity to a great degree. The cunent expression, and objective, for roofs in lhe Village is to form a consistently unifying backdrop for the architecture and pedestrian streetscape, and to avoid roofs which tend to stand out individually or distract visually from the overall character. Roof Forms Roofs within the Village are typically gable in form and of moderate-to-low pitch. Shed roofs are frequently used for small additions to larger buildings. Free-standing shed roofs, butterfly roofs and flat roofs, can be found in the Village, but they are generally considered to be out of character and inappropriate. Hip roofs likewise, are rare and generally inconsistent with the character of the Core Area. Towers are exceptions, in both form and pitch, to the general criteria, but do have an established local vernacular-style which should be respected. r SfaffResponse The roof form of the Vail Plaza Hotel is a mixturc of gables, banel vaults and clipped hips. While a hip roof is genenlly considered inconslsfent with the chancter of the Village, the applicant believes this roof form and the incorpontion of dormerc helps to rcduce fhe rnass of the building and blends well with the roof forms of the surrounding buildings Pitch Roof slopes in the Village typically range from 3112lo 6/12, with slightly steeper pitches in limited appf ications. Again, for visual consistency this general 3112-6112 range should be preserved. r Sfaff Response The pitch of the prcposed Vail Plaza Hotel roof is 7/12 and is genenlly in compliance with this guideline. Overhangs Generous roof overhangs are also an established architectural feature in the Village - a traditional expression of shelter in alpine environments. Roof overhangs typically range from 3 to 6 feet on all edges. Specific design consideration should be given to protection of pedestrian 30 ways adjacent to buildings. Snow slides and runoff hazards can be reduced by roof orientation, gutters, arcades, etc. Overhang details are treated with varying degrees of omamentation. Structural elements such as roof beams are expressed beneath the overhangs, simply or decoratively carved. The roof fascia is thick and wide, giving a substantial edge to the roof. r SfaffResponse The overhangs on the Vail Plaza Hotel vary, depending on location, and arc generally four feet in depth. The overhangs arc suppofted by timber bracing which adds chancter and visual interest to the ovenll appearcnce of the building. Staff believes that the proposal complies with the above-desc i bed crite ri a. Compositions The intricate roofscape of the Village as a whole is the result of many individual simple roof configurations. For any single building a varied, but simple composition of roof planes is preferred to either a single or a complex arrangement of many roofs. As individual roofs become more complex, the roof attracts visual attention away from the streetscape and the total roofscape tends toward "busyness" rather than a backdrop composition. r Sfaff Response The roof form on the Vail Plaza Hotel would be considercd a simple composition of rcof planes. Staff believes the roof composition prcposed by the applicant is consr'sfenf with the intent of this architectu rcl considerction. Stepped Roofs As buildings are stepped to reflect existing grade changes, resulting roof steps should be made where the height change will be visually significant. Variations which are too subtle appear to be more stylistic than functional, and out of character with the more straight-fonarard roof design typical in the Village. r SfaffResponse The Vail Plaza Hotel site is rclatively flat (by Vail's standads). While the building does not need to step to follow the topognphy, vertical and horizontal steps and dormers have been incorporcted into the roof design. The vertical and hoizontal steps and dormers provide a reduction in the overall mass of fhe building and adds to the architectunl and visual intercst of the building. Staff believes that the stepped roofs of the Vail Plaza Hotel comply with the intent of the above-described citeia. Materials Wood shakes, wood shingles, and built-up tar and gravel are almost exclusively used as roof materials in the Village. For visual consistency, any other materials should have the appearance of the above. r Sfar? Response J1 Most recently, wood shakes and wood shlngles arc being discounged for use as a roofing mateial due to fire safety concems. At the recommendation of the Town of Vail Fire Department, the staff has been encourcging develope,rs fo use gnvel, asphalt, tile, metal and other morc firc-resistant roofing materials on new buildings. The applicant is proposing to use a blend of greenish concrete tiles on the roof of the hotel. The tiles will be similar in appearance fo fhose used on the rccent redevelopment of the Austia Haus. The staff believes fhrs r's an appropriate rcof mateial to use on this project. Construction Common roof problems and design considerations in this climate include: - snowslides onto pedestrian walks - roof dams and water infiltration - gutters freezing - heavy snow loads Careful attention to these functional details is recommended, as well as familiarity with the local building code, proven construction details, and Town ordinances. For built-up roofs, pitches ot 4112 or steeper do not hold gravel well. For shingle roofs, pitches of 4112 or shallower often result in ice dams and backflow leakage under the shingles. Cold-roof construction is strongly prefened, unless warm-roof benefits for a specific application can be demonstrated. Cold-roofs are double-roofs which insulate and prevent snow melt from intemal building heat. By retaining snow on the roof, many of the problems listed can be reduced. Periodic snow removal will be required and should be anticipated in the design. Roof gutters tend to ice-in completely and become ineffective in the Vail climate, especially in shaded north-side locations. Heating the interior circumference with heat-tape elements or olher devices is generally necessary to assure adequate run-off control in colder months. r Star7Response: The applicant is proposing a cold-roof construction atop the Vail Plaza Hotel. Through the review of a building permit, staff will ensurc the roof construction complies with the standards prcscibed the Vail's climatic conditions. FACADES Materials Stucco, brick, wood (and glass) are the primary building materials found in the Village. While not wishing lo restrict design freedom, existing conditions show that within this small range of materials much variation and individuality are possible while preserving a basic harmony. Too many diverse materials weaken the continuity and repetition which unifies the streetscape. Of the above materials, slucco is the most consistently used material. Most of the buildings in the Village exhibit some stucco, and there are virtually no areas where stucco is entirely absent. It is intended to preserve the dominance of stucco by its use in portions, at least, of all new facades, and by assuring that other materials are not used to the exclusion of stucco in any sub- area within the Village. JZ r Sfar7Response The exterior mateials proposed by the applicant are a combination of stone, stucco and wood. No one mateial is ptoposed to dominate the exteior of the hotel. Staff believes the applicant has complied with this pafticular architectunl considention. The final apprcval of the exteior materials and their application will be addressed by the Design Review Board at a latter date. Color There is greater latitude in the use of color in the Village, but still a discernible consistency within a general range of colors. For wood surfaces, trim or siding, darker color tones are prefened - browns, grays, blue-grays, dark olive, slate-greens, etc. Stucco colors are generally light - white, beige, pale-gold, or other light pastels. Other light colors could be appropriate, as considered on a case-by-case basis. Bright colors (red, orange, blues, maroon, etc.) should be avoided for major wall planes, but can be used effectively (with restraint) for decorative trim, wall graphics, and other accenl elements. Generally, to avoid both "busy-ness", and weak visual interest, the variety of major wall colors should not exceed four. nor be less than two. A color/material change between the ground floor and upper floors is a common and effective reinforcement of the pedestrian scale of the street. o Sfarf Response The applicant has proposed an exteior building color that is compatible with the color of the existing buildings in the vicinity of the hotel. Staff would like to point out that the applicant is required to obtain Design Review Boad approval prior to construction and that any concems of the Commission on this topic will be brought to the aftention of the Board. Transparencv Pedestrian scale is created in many ways, but a major factor is the openness, attractiveness, and generally public character of the ground floor facade of adjacent buildings. Transparent store fronts are "people attracters", opaque or solid walls are more private, and imply "do not approach." On pedestrian-oriented streets such as in the Village, ground floor commercial facades are proportionately more transparent than upper floors. Upper floors are typically more residential, private and thus less open. As a measure oftransparency, the most characteristic and successful ground floorfacades range from 55% to 7Oo/o of the total length of the commercial facade. Upper floors are often lhe converse, 3oo/o-45o/o transparenl. Examples of transparency (lineal feet of glass to lineal feet of facade) on ground level. - Covered Bridge Building- Pepi's Sports- Gasthof Gramshammer 58Yo 71% 48o/o 33 - The Lodge- Golden Peak House- Casino Building- Gorsuch Building 66% 62% 3Oo/o 51o/o r SfaffResponse Tnnsparency of the Vail Plaza Hotel is really only an issue a/ong the rctail space frcnting on the plaza arca. A measurc of transparency of the Vail Plaza Hotel (easUsouth courtyard elevations) indicates that 58oA of the ground floor facade is tnnsparcnt. Staff believes that the ground level is tnnsparcnt enough to provide the street appearcnce encounged by the design considerations. Windows In addition to the general degree of transparency, window details are an important source of pedestrian scale-giving elements. The size and shape of windows are often a response to the function of the adjacent street. For close-up, casual, pedestrian viewing windows are typically sized to human dimensions and characteristics of human vision. (Large glass-wall store-fronts suggest uninterrupted viewing, as from a moving car. The sense of intimate pedestrian scale is diminished). Ground floor display windows are typically raised slightly 18 inches V and do not extend much over 8 feet above the walkway level. Ground floors, which are noticeably above or below grade, are exceptions. The articulation of the window itself is still another element in giving pedestrian scale (human- related dimensions). Glass areas are usually subdivided to express individual window elements - and are further subdivided by mullions into small panes - which is responsible for much of the old-world charm of the Village. Similarly, windows are most often clustered in banks, juxtaposed with plain wall surfaces to give a pleasing rhythm. Horizontal repetilion of single window elements, especially over long distances, should be avoided. Large single pane windows occur in the Village, and provide some contrast, as long as they are generally consistent in form with other windows. Long continuous glass is out of character. Bay, bow and box windows are common window details, which further variety and massing to facades - and are encouraged. Reflective glass, plastic panes, and aluminum or other metal frames are not consistent in the Village and should be avoided. Metal-clad or plastic-clad wood frames, having the appearance of painted wood have been used successfully and are acceptable. . SfaffResponse The Vail Plaza Hotel prcposal is in compliance with the above-descibed design considention. Staff believes the use of dormerc with windows, bay windows and windows with mullions adds to the architectunl charm and visual integrity of the hotel. Staff recommends that the use of mullions in the windows at the grcund level become a condition of final Design Review apprcval. Doors Like windows, doors are important to character and scale-giving architectural elements. They should also be somewhat transparent (on retail commercial facades) and consistent in detailing with windows and other facade elements. 34 Doors with glass contribute to overall facade transparenry. Due to the visibility of people and merchandise inside, windowed doors are somewhal more effective in drawing people inside to retail commercial facades. Although great variations exisl, 25-30% V transparency is felt to be a minimum transparency objective. Private residences, lodges, restaurants, and other non-retail establishments have different visibility and character needs, and doors should be designed accordingly. Sidelight windows are also a means of introducing door-transparency as a complement or substitute for door windows. Articulated doors have the decorative quality desired for Vail. Flush doors, light aluminum frames, plastic applique elements all are considered inappropriate. As an expression of entry, and sheltered welcome, protected entry-ways are encouraged. Doorways may be recessed, extended, or covered. r SfaffResponse Staff believes the applicant's proposal complies with the above-descibed citeia. Trim Prominent wood trim is also a unifoing feature in the Village. Particularly at ground floor levels, doors and windows have strong, contrasting framing elements, which tie the various elements together in one composition. Windows and doors are treated as strong visual features. Glass- wall detailing for either is typically avoided. . Sfarf Response; Staff believes the applicant's proposal complies with the above-descibed citeia. DECKS AND PATIOS Dining decks and patios, when properly designed and sited, bring people to the streets, opportunities to look and be looked at, and generally contribute to the liveliness of a busy street making a richer pedestrian experience than if those slreets were empty. A review of successful decks/patios in Vail reveals several common characteristics: - direct sunlight from 11:00 - 3:00 increases use by many days/year and protects from wind. - elevated to give views into the pedestrian walk (and not the reverse). - physical separation from pedestrian walk. - overhang gives pedestrian scale/shelter. Decks and patios should be sited and designed with due consideration to: - sun - wind - views - pedestrian activity r Sfarf Response; The majoity of the decks and patios on the Vail Plaza Hotel arc located on the south side of the building, facing Vail Mountain and the plaza. Wth the exception of the two outdoor dining decks on the plaza, fhese decks and patios are for the use of the guesfs of fhe hotel and not the 35 O genenl public. Staff believes that the proposal complies with this design considention. BALCONIES Balconies occur on almost all buildings in the Village which have at least a second level facade wall. As strong repetitive features they: - give scale to buildings. - give life to the street (when used). - add variety to building forms. - provide shelter to pathways below. r Sfarf Response Again, the majoity of the balconies on the Vail Plaza Hotel are located on the south side of the building facing Vail Mountain and away from the l-70 tnffic noise. Staff belieyes that the proposal complies with this design considention. Color Balconies contrast in color (dark) with the building, typically matching the trim colors. . Sfat7 Response Like the exteior color of the building, the Design Review Boad will be rcviewing this aspect of the proposal. Size Balconies extend far enough from the building to cast a prominent shadow pattern. Balconies in Vail are functional as will as decorative. As such, they should be of useable size and located to encourage use. Balconies less than six feet deep are seldom used, nor are those always in shade. not oriented to views or street life. r SfaffResponse Staff believes this criteia has been met. Mass Balconies are commonly massive, yet semi-transparent, disiinctive from the building, yet allowing the building to be somewhat visible behind. Solid balconies are found occasionally, and tend to be too dominant obscuring the building architecture. Light balconies lack the visual impact which ties the Village together. . Sfa,TResponse The balconies on the Vail Plaza Hotel are proposed to be semi-tnnsparent in appeannce. O Materials Wood balconies are by far the most common. Vertical structural members are the most dominant visually, often decoratively sculpted. Decorative wrought iron balconies are also consistent visually where the vertical members are close enough to create semi-transparency. 36 O Pipe rails, and plastic, canvas or glass panels should be avoided. o StaffResponse The mateial to be used in the construction of the balconies on the hotel is wood, with vertical structunl members. A detail of the niling will be rcviewed by the DRB. ACCENT ELEMENTS The life, and festive quality of the Village is given by judicious use of accent elements which give color, movement and contrast to the Village. Colorful accent elements consistent with existing character are encouraged, such as: Awnings and canopies - canvas, bright color or stripes of two colors. Flags, banners - hanging from buildings, poles, and even across streets for special occ€lsrons. Umbrellas - over tables on outdoor patios. Annual color flowers - in beds or in planters. Accent lighting- buildings, plazas, windows, trees (even Christmas lights all winter). Painled wall graphics - coats of arms, symbols, accent compositions, etc. Fountains - sculptural, with both winter and summer character. r SfaffResponse: O Accent lighting on the building, annual flowel in containerc and in the planting beds, potted trees deconted with Chistmas /lgffs and inigated flower boxes arc proposed to provide colorful accent elements on the Vail Plaza Hotel. Staff would suggest that the applicant prcvide an additional accent symbol (clock, crcst, etc.) on the main elevator tower. The tower is visible from a distance as illustnted in the view analysis and would serye as an important focal point to guesfs and visitors- LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS Landscape considerations include, but go beyond, the placement of appropriate plant materials. - plant materials - Paving - retaining walls - street fumiture (benches, kiosks, trash, etc.) - lighting - signage Plant Materials Opportunities for planting are not exlensive in the Village, which places a premium on the plant selection and design of ihe sites that do exist. Framework planting of trees and shrubs should include both deciduous and evergreen species foryear round continuity and interest. Native plants are somewhat limited in variety, but are clearly best able to withstand the harsh winter climate, and to tie the Village visually with iis mountain setting. Trees Shrubs JI Narrow-leaf cottonwood Willow Balsam poplar DogwoodAspen Serviceberry Lodgepole pine Alpine cunant Colorado spruce Chokecherry Subalpine fir Mugho pine Potentilla Buffaloberry r SfaffResponse A conceptual landscape plan has been submifted by the applicant. The plan has been developed with some ass/sfance of Town sfaff since a majoity of the landscape improvements arc prcposed on Town prcperty. The prcposed landscape design takes into considention factors such as the location of the plantings (sun/shade), maintenance, climate, etc. Staff would suggest that the final landscape plan be rcviewed by the Design Review Board along with the fi na I strcetsca pe i m prove me nts. Pavino The freeze/thaw cycle at this altitude virtually eliminates common site-cast concrete as a paving surface (concrete spall). High-strength concrete may work in selected conditions. Asphalt, brick (on concrete or on sand), and concrete block appearto be best suited to the area. In general, paving treatments should be coordinated with that of the adjacent public right-of-way. The Town uses the following materials for all new construction: - asphalt: general use pedestrian streets - brick on concrete: fealure areas (plazas, intersections, fountains, etc.) . Sfar7Response The paving mateial used in the public areas around the Vail Plaza Hotel has yet to be determined and finalized. Again, the staff would suggest that the final paving trcatment be determined with the asslsfance of the tusign Review Board. Retaininq Walls Retaining walls, to raise planting areas, often protects the landscape from pedestrians and snowplows, and should provide seating opportunities: Two types of material are already well established in the Village and should be utilized for continuity: - splitface moss rock veneer - Village Core pedestrian streets (typical). - rounded cobble hidden mortar - in open space areas if above type not already established nearby. r SfaffResponse Landscape retaining walls are proposed on the north, west and soufh sides of the building. The retaining walls arc needed to provide prcpergnding and dninage around the building. The surtace material of the new landscape retaining will match the stone on the exterior of the building. 38 Liqhtino Light standards should be coordinated with those used by the Town in the public right-of-way. . Sfat7 Response As part of the strcetscape improvements along Vail Road, East Meadow Dive and the South Frontage Road, the applicant will be installing new Village light fixturcs. The number and locations of the new lights was determined through consultation with Town staff. Siqnaqe Refer to Town of Vail Signage Ordinance r SfaffResponse: Given the staging of the application, signage has not yet been considercd by the staff or the applicant. The staff has rcquested that the applicant prepare a comprehensive sign prognm for the Vail Plaza Hotel for review at a futurc date. The comprehensive sign prognm will be rcviewed by the DRB. SERVICE Trash handling is extremely sensitive in a pedestrian environment. Trash collection is primarily made in off-peak hours. ll is the building owners responsibility to assure that existing trash storage problems are corrected and future ones avoided. Trash, especially from food service establishments, must be carefully considered; including the following: - quantities generated - pick-up frequency/access - container sizes - enclosure location/design - visual odor impacts Garbage collection boxes or dumpslers must be readily accessible for collection at all times yet fully screened from public view - pedestrians, as well as upper level windows in the vicinity. Materials Exlerior materials for garbage enclosures should be consistent with that of adjacent buildings. Gonstruction Durability of the structure and operability of doors in all weather are prime concems. Metal frames and posts behind the preferred exterior materials should be considered to withstand the inevitable abuse these structures suffer. O . sta11.Besponsei The applicant is proposing to incorporcte a trash dumpster and recycling bin into the design of the main loading/delivery area. The dumpster and bin will be completely enclosed and ?o F. access/b/e frcm inside the building. Access to the dumpster and bins will not impede the operation of the loading/delivery functions. The driveway and inteior building height is designed to accommodate tnsh trucks. Staff believes the applicant's ptoposal complies with the above- descibed citeia. ldentification and mitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on which the special development district is proposed. According to the Official Town of Vail Hazard maps the Vail Plaza Hotel development site is not located in any geologically sensitive areas or the 1O0-year floodplain. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. The site plan, building design and location and open space provisions of the proposal have been reviewed at length by the staff, the Town of Vail Design Review Board and Jeff Winston, of Winston & Associates, the Town's Urban Design Consultant. This review is the culmination of numerous meetings between the staff and applicant's design team, five conceptual reviews by the Design Review Board and three meetings with Mr. Winston. The staffs review has focused primarily on the technical aspects of the proposal (vehicular access, driveway grades, required distances between slructures, sidewalk widths, building orientation, development standards, etc.) while the Board and Mr. Winston focused on reviewing the proposal for compliance with the design guidelines and other applicable elements of the Town's planning documents. Upon review of the proposal, the Town of Vail Design Review has voted 3-0 to forward a preliminary recommendation of approval, with conditions, to the Vail Town Council. In reviewing the proposal the Board was most concerned with the aesthetic qualities of the hotel and less concerned with the development's responsiveness and sensitivity to natural features and vegetation. The lack of concern with the latter criteria is to due to the absence of any existing natural features or vegetation on the development. A condition of the Board's approval was a request for a detailed landscape plan to insure adequate provisions are made for vegetation on the development site. The plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Board as part of their final review process. A copy of the Board's preliminary recommendation to the Town Council has been attached for reference (Exhibit K). Similar to the Design Review Board, Jeff Winston, the Town's Urban Design Consultant, has also recommended approval of the hotel proposal. As stated previously, the consultant's review focused primarily upon compliance with the design guidelines and the urban design considerations outlined in the Vail Village Master Plan. The findings of the consultant are thal with the exception of opportunities to lower the eave lines of the hotel, the proposal generally complies with the master plan. The staff reviewed the technical aspects of the proposal for compliance with the prescribed regulations. Upon review of the proposal, staff finds that the applicant will need lo be provided relief for the proposed deviations from the building height, setback and multi-use parking credit formula if this proposal is to be approved. As discussed previously, staff believes that the request for additional building height is reasonable and appropriate given the existing circumstances and the ability to provide employee housing units on-site. We also believe that relief should be provided from the parking requirements of the regulations. Staff feels that relief is justified given size of the hotel, the mixture of uses within the hotel and within the District as a whole. and recent trends 40 in resort travel. Staff is no longer concemed with regard to the proposed Vail Road setback. We believe that some encroachment of building improvements into the front selback is appropriate given the context of the built environment of the area, the hotel design along the street fagade, and the provision of open plaza space on the interior of the development. While the applicant speaks of average setbacks, staff is more focused on the minimum distances the face of the hotel and the back of the curb along Vail Road. The minimum distance proposed is now 22 feet from the multi-story face of the hotel to the back of the curb. Within this area the applicant can provide an eight-foot wide paver sidewalk, landscaping, with room for snow slorage. Staff would recommend that the applicant not be required to increase the proposed Vail Road setback. G. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off-site traffic circulation. The on-site/off-site vehicular and pedestrian circulation system design has been discussed in great detail. Much of the discussion with the Board and Commission ceniered on providing adequate pedestrian and vehicular access to, from and within the development site. In response to the concerns, the applicant has redesigned many areas of the plan. The pedestrian areas include the pedestrian connection through the hotel to the Gateway Building, the alleyray spaces between the hotel and Phases lll & V, the plaza area south of the hotel, and the pedestrian link from the hotel entrances to the new bus stop on East Meadow Drive. The vehicular areas included providing adequate turning and maneuvering area at the porte cochere, the entrance only and exit only driveway locations on Vail Road and the entering and exiting design of the loading/ delivery facility. Pursuant to the submittal requirements for the major amendment request, the applicant was required to submit a Traffic Report. A Traffic Report has been prepared by the traffic consulting firm of Felsburg, Holt & Ullevig. The purpose of the report is to evaluate the impacts of the hotel development and the proposed traffic pattern circulation on the Town's street system. This report has been used by staff to analyze traffic impacts of this project. In summary the transportation engineers find that the proposed vehicular circulation system is reasonable and appropriate. lt is believed that through minor mitigation measures such as signage and an enter only/exit only design the traffic impacts and safety concems of the Town can be resolved. A copy of the Traffic Report and a memorandum from Greg Hall to George Ruther, dated December 9, 1999 have been attached for reference (Exhibit L). Overall, staff believes that with several minor changes and revisions to the plans, the proposal meets the criteria of providing adequate on-site and off-site vehicular and pedestrian circulalion systems. H. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and functions. Staff believes that the landscape improvements proposed will be beneficial to the quality of the landscaping in both the public and private spaces in the vicinity of the hotel. Through the implementation of the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan, a portion of East Meadow Drive will be enhanced aesthetically. The improvemenls will include new heated brick paver walkways, the completion of the bus stop, updated streetscape lighting, and wider pedestrian walkways and stairs. The landscape elements of the proposal have been reviewed on a conceptual basis by 4I the Town of Vail Design Review Board. Upon review of the proposal the Board has voiced a favorable response to the applicant. A final landscape plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a building permit. The design of the plaza area south of the hotel is consistent the previous direction and intent of the overall development of the District. The creation of ihe plaza, with the associaied pool area, landscaping, outdoor caf6, pedestrian walkways and retail store fronts complies with the guidelines of the Open Space Plan, an element of the Vail Village Master Plan. Pursuant to the Open Space Plan, the area south of the hotel and interior to the development is intended to be a public plaza with greenspace opportunities. Staff believes that based upon the sun/shade analysis prepared by the applicant, the plaza area will receive adequale amounts of sun light throughout the year. The access to sun light will insure a pleasant, useable plaza area in the Town. The proposed pool and hot tub deck area is intended to address the recreational needs of the District. The use of these recreational amenities will be made available to the owners of property within the District. The new pool will replace the existing pool on the Phase lV development site and will insure consistency with the general direction of the Open space Plan. Overall, staff believes that the proposal complies with this criteria. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and efficient relationship throughout the development of the special development district. The need for the phasing of the hotel redevelopment is not anticipated at this time. A construction staging plan will be required at the time of building permit issuance. The plan will be reviewed to maximize the workable and functional relationship between the redevelopment of the hotel and the existing uses, structures and traffic systems in the vicinity of the development site. The goal of the plan will be maximize the efficiency of the construction process and to minimize the negative impacts inherent to major construction projects. VIII. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the request for a conditional use permit to allow for the operation of a 50 unit fractional fee club within the Vail Plaza Hotel based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: Before acting on a conditional use permit application, the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) shall consider the factors with respect to the proposed use: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. In January of 1997, the Vail Town Council adopted Ordinance No. 22, Series of 1996. In part, this ordinance amended the Public Accommodation Zone District allowing fractional fee clubs as a conditional use and set forth criteria for the Commission to consider when evaluating such a request. Since that time the Austria Haus Club redevelopment project has been completed and the Gore Creek Club has been approved by the Town. The Austria Haus contains 28 fractional fee club units and 1Z 2. 3. the Gore Creek Club has been approved to construct 66 units. The applicant is requesting the issuance of a conditional use permit to allow for the operation of a fractional fee club within the Vail Plaza Hotel. The proposed club would be comprised of 50 two and three bedroom club units. These units would range in size from 920 square lo 2,282 square feet. The average club unit size is approximately 1,335 square feet in size. Each of the units has been designed in such a manner as to provide multiple "keys" to for lock-off units. The total number of "keys" in the club is 108. According to the applicant, the ownership of the club units will be divided into a maximum of 1112'n intervals for lhe 24 winter weeks during the ski season, while the remaining 28 shoulder season and summer weeks would be owned by the hotel. This ownership program allows for the most attractive weeks of the year to be sold as club units with the proceeds helping to finance the redevelopment project. The remaining interest in lhe clubs is then used by the hotel to support the conference facility during the summer months. According to the applicant this program will create the best possible occupancy of the hotel and maximize the viability of the conference facility. Through the adoption of Ordinance No. 22, Series of 1996, the Town further recognized the need for lodging alternatives for our guests and visitors. In passing the ordinance the Town Council found that quality fractional fee clubs are an appropriate means of increasing occupancy rates, maintaining and enhancing short-term rental availability and diversiffing the resort lodging market product within the Town of Vail. Equally as important, the Council believed that fractional fee clubs were simply another of many forms of public accommodations. lt has been a long held belief that in order for the Town to remain competitive and on the leading edge of resort development, that alternative lodging opportunities must be created and creative financing vehicles for hotel redevelopment must be implemented. Staff believes that the conditional use permit for a fractional fee club within the Vail Plaza Hotel will be beneficial to the Town and will have a positive impact on the development objectives of the Community. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation faoilities, and other public facilities needs. Staff believes that this review criteria has been satisfied as previously discussed in Section lV of this memorandum. Effect upon traffic with particular refenence to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Staff believes that this review criteria has been satisfied as previously discussed in Section lV of this memorandum. Effect upon the character of the arca in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in 4. 5. relation to surrounding uses. Staff believes that this review criteria has been satisfied as previously discussed in Section lV of this memorandum. Prior to the approval of a conditional use permit for a time-share estate, fractional fee, fractional fee club, or time-share license proposal, the following shall be considered: a. lf the proposal for a fractional fee club is a redevelopment of an existing facility, the fractional fee club shall maintain an equivalency of accommodation units as presently existing. Equivalency shall be maintained either by an equal number of units or by square footage. lf the proposal is a new development, it shall provide at least as much accommodation unit GRFA as fractional fee club unit GRFA. The Vail Plaza Hotel proposal is a redevelopment of an existing hotel. The proposed hotel shall be required to maintain an equivalency of the presently existing number of accommodation units. The applicant is proposing to meet the equivalency requirement by replacing an equal number of accommodation units. According to information on file in the Community Development Department 78 accommodation units exist in Phase lV of the Vail Village Inn. The applicant is proposing to replace the existing units with 99 new hotel rooms totaling approximately 35,818 square feet. b. Lock-off units and lock-off unit square footage shall not be included in the calculation when determining the equivalency of existing accommodation units or equivalency of existing squane footage. Even though lock-offs cannot be counted towards meeting the equivalency requirement, nor are they needed in this case, the applicant has maintained 62 lock-off units in the Vail Plaza Hotel. The staff and applicant feel that lhese units will be rented as short-term accommodations when not in use by the club members, and lhus enhance the overall hotel bed base in Town. c. The ability of the proposed project to create and maintain a high level of occupancy. The fractional fee club component of the Vail Plaza Hotel proposal is intended to provide additional hotel and "hotel-type" accommodation units in the Town of Vail. The applicant is proposing to incorporate 50 member- owned club units (fractional fee club units with 62 lock-off units), with 99 new accommodation (hotel) rooms. Although not included in the equivalency requirement, the fractional fee club units have been designed to accommodate lock-off unils. Staff believes that lock-off units provide an additional community benefil of added "pillows". lf a fractional fee club unit owner purchases an interest in a multiple bedroom unit, and does not desire to utilize all the bedrooms, they can then have the opportunity of returning the unused bedrooms (lock-off units) to a rental program. 44 Staff feels that by providing lock-off units, and managing the availability of the lock-off units in a rental program when not in use, a fractional fee club project can significantly increase the availability of accommodation units in the Town of Vail. Through our research on the fractional fee issue back in 1996, staff then identified some potential positive impacts of fraclional fee units in the Town of Vail: A) Activity during the "shoulder seasons" tends to increase due to an increase in year-round occupancy; B) The attraction of revenue-generating tourists, C) The efficient utilization of resources- This is the\uarm beds" concept; D) More pride of ownership and community buy-in with fractional fee club units than with accommodation units; E) Increased levels of occupancy; and F) Increased resorl exposure due to the extensive number of interval owners. d. Employee housing may be required as part of any new or redevelopment fractional fee club project requesting density over that allowed by zoning. The number of employee housing units will be consistent with employee impacts that are expected as a result ofthe project. The staff included the fractional fee club units into the calculation of the employee generation resulting from the proposed major amendment of the Special Development District. Based strictly on lhe number of club units, the development will generate a need tor 125 "nera/'employees. When the multiplier of 0.30 is faclored in, the fractional fee club generates 38 of the "nera/' employees, which the developer must provide deed-restricted housing for. e. The applicant shall submit to the Town a list of all owners of existing units within the project or building; in wriften statements from 100% of the owners of existing units indicating their approval, without condition, of the proposed fractional fee club. No wriften approval shall be valid if it is signed by the owner more than 60 days prior to the date of filing the application for a conditional use. The applicant, Waldir Prado, d.b.a. Daymer Corporation, and legally represented by Jay Peterson, is the sole owner of the property. No other written approval is required. 45 Vail Plaza Hotel Major SDD Amendment Attachments February 28r 2000 Attachment AA q) ::r 6A q) v) i *.! -q) !h) -\ tlr cg d i-l N:!ed UE E=9 A,d5 -azfr(.r- dbY I z:. i ,,,= rg:E u :: iEroa2 :: oEi:: t! !l?:;:! i?s,; iiil Nii ,:i-il i! '-l €, t ':-. -A'j '-l rii:f Ff il9!--. r,!:^l r! r ;, -l?J:Y! .Er- = '--,A ,=: -E)>z!--a flr,1 F -i -l .: /' :a /; :l 4: i it I.- a;\J+ -; iri i :.1 -C) - i Fi 4a N1 r-A,rg arl F . - -+f Hrii c: - :-.!! ::rN3;t4 -=qj_; A .=::ii -a- a!? f 'a =2 D|)c.a- FI: =* €{.Zr:JI I -= -Elc A -; ?: !J a> !r ri (\v q) *J hlf*l -i:lY t-.Ni; --2b! =!-t t,9 F.i cC - =*>,a ot l',L vsll !!id zei all i i Jii " ii t3i:c9!irli ,,,1 ; I .! -6iEi' N:i 'lo Iiol ilol il(i}l ilol 'rtt Los 9> A! ,.i o o o q B tl 9R6Ei N9; -'=5o_te f iliiMSldt = !iilx?lli .h C .gH6 o IJJ EO "EE =EO /^,v @Po = "E N (! €) uJ .H =th .F c) |rJ = .9,a(E o llJ t!|rJ .9 (! 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E o-VI * gE +o-gE a{ e{ H: r.{ 3E.:gE FCigE I (! 3E;.'iE.E"i {E (1 =c: N 3E:g: TB(\=ag q)u U) oV) q) = F !F E5 aii r.{ ta: E8 E i.io -E= H5.-i 6- a{ ,,:,I:EA9tY &P Attachrnent A =:::11--';7;.71'.5-:' IIF:--, -Fi rdel:l@ry )\\ ---*-f.l-l-: r- r /Bturg alIEaiE S,.i.]- I /l I /. ;gllE :1 i.\i ,l t_ ;* /! -r-----g_-- -- -IJ cl -Eoo {J {J c,:^t$a E- E= S =il ri8 - or6Ei .;* * ^9U .n- EEIgig$$,.i"F$5$gE$ .b, ir!it = dg oR *c " Ei iEH :B ; n"H so, :* o a HPf, EEll --F"" * F elgEg r g€l t:H : g 3 sgf;€'f gF $$s i i ". !e'.*E.xt ;t P;-= S 3 b,k,-,o FE Kgs e F? "" 6:*FE E- ;5 fii rE 6fgE .i '-: (o =t i6E .I rE b =t € idf.F. d z" for : i: - u= gg E E.gIEFgE E P3 3="* oEsr RaEEs ; 8I gF! "ESii$8gS * *srilE rig * -El d!l ;35r.31 $- Ec E E H.= El R E ri v' v, v sEl :t i,fr t € €c *Els$ tH s ci 3r€{EflF"* Ea$ RkR{ E -EE E! E=, $ F,"E#E ec ;;l {eg€;# Fs gge octaN(\ Ito .9. 0t ;>?' *: o- =e urd (\t (l .'t do ra, N(!(o v) o- .N t) Attachment C Vail Plaza Hotel Proposal Comparison (revised 2/28100) The following table compares the 1998 Vail Plaza Hotel proposal and the recent 1999 Vail Plaza Hotel approval to the revised 2000 proposal. D€velopment 1998 SDD Major 1999 SDD Major Revieed 2000 SDD MajorStandard/ Amendment Proposal Amendment Aoproval Amendment Proposel Lot Area: 150,282 sq. ft. 150,282 sq. ft. 152,282 sq. ft. GRFA: 133% or 200,460 sq. ft. 1'l7o/o or 1 75,666 sq. ft. 121o/o ot 181,719 sq. ft. Dwelling 1129,'156 sq. ft. proposed) (104,362 sq. ft. proposed) ( 110,415 sq. ft. proposed) units per acre: 0.29 du/acre 0.29 du/acre '12.7 dulacre (276 au) (98 au) (15 ffu) (44 ffu) (1 du) (1 du) Site coverage: 62% or 92,637 sq. ft. 62% or 92,637 sq. ft. 6106 or 92,036 sq. ft. Setbacks:front 12' 6' 16'sides: 5', 0', 8' & 6' 5', 0', 2', & 5' 5', 2', & 0'rear: 8' 5' 5' Height: 85.75'sloping 73'sloping 77.25'sloping87.5'(arch.proj.) 73.75'(arch. proj.) 99.75'(arch. proj.) Parking: 394 parkng spaces 288 parking spaces 291 parking spaces (249 new parking spaces) (42 existing @ Phase lll) Loading: six berths fle berths five berths Commercial sq. footage: 23o/o or 47,226 sq. ft. 26o/o or 46,124 sq. Il. 25% of GRFA or 45,228 sq. ft. Gross Building Area: approx. 395,862 sq. ft. approx. 295,557 sq. ft. Conference/ Me€ting Facility: Spa Area. approx.21,009 sq. ft. approx. 15,338 sq. ft. approx. 27,802 sq. ft. approx.22,827 sq. ft F:\everyone\pecvnemos\lCo\wipcl AttachDent I) !'.iHRIi'.i .\ il l) ,\:jS r ,){ l,\ j l:. l i.; { 'Iuesday, October 19, 1999 lvlr. George Ruther Senior Special Projects Planner Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Plaza Hotel George: This is a written description of off-site impacts and their proposed mitigation as requested by your letter dated l0/13/99. C. Pedestrian Impacts -Vail Road. We will be proviriing sffeetscape improvements in a".ordan"e rvith the streetscape master plan for the eastem side of Vail Road Iiom the comer of East Meadow Drive to the northern most properfy line of our site. These improvements include new "Village" light fixtures and standards, curb and gutter, and a six-foot wide brick paver sidewalk to match the color, pattem, and size of the existing sidewalk at East Meadow Drive. Additional landscape improvements and final sidewalk configuration will be provided in accordance with design review zoning regulations. Pedestrian Impacts - East Nleadow Drive. The Vail Plaza Hotel is proposing to provide streetscape improvements in accordance with the streetscape master plan for the northern side of East IVleadow Drive from the comer of Vail Road to the westemmost of the Vail Village In:r PhaseIA stnrcture to mitigate pedestrian impacts in this area. The proposed improvements include replacement of the existing cube fixtures with new "Village" light fixtures and standards and a six- foot wide brick paver sidewalk to match the color, pattern, and size of the existing sidervalk at the comer of East Meadow Drive and Vail Road. Additional landscape improvements and final sidewalk contiguration wili be provided rn accordance with design revi€w zoning regulations. Pedestrian Impacts - South Frontage Road. The Vail Plaza Hotel is proposing to provide streetscape improvements in accordance with the master plan tbr the southem side of the South Frontage Road liom the comer of Vail Road to the westemmost curb of the Vail Village Inn Pluse V driveway to mitigate pedestrian impacts in this area. The proposed improvements include ne..v "V:iilage" light fixtures and standards. curb and gutter. and a six-foot i,vide brick pavel sidewalk to match the color. pattem, and size of the existing side,,valk at along tl-re South Frontase Road. Additional landscape improvements and ilnal sidervaik contiguraiion will be provided in accordance with design revierv and other appUcabie zoning regulatious as rvell as Colorado Deparlment of Transportation. Pedestrian Impacts - South Frontage Road. 'l'he Vail Plaza Hotel is proposiug to provide streetscape lmprovements in accordance rvith the nraster plan for the southern side of the South Frontage Road from the easternmost curb of the Vail Village lnn Phase V ciriveway to the \vesternmost comer of East lVleadow Drive ('Crossroads) to mitigate pedestrian irnpacts in this area. The proposed improvements include white concrete standar<i curb and gutter. irnd a six-tbot rvide. four-inch thick, reinforced. white concrete sidervalk. These improvements specifically exclude utility relocation. engineered structures tbr retainrng earth or.r-,ipo* of the sidewaik, irandraiis, ,,.1{r-iiiii:, : i-.!il ri!.'\:..ji.tii'.i,.lr.ri-5li1r.-:q1'1-,1i1ir3i-,\l,t-\i<llrjlllr__ri,i...l B. D. Vaii Plaza Hotel 96l070.00 Zehren and Assocrates. lnc- t0/t9/99 guardrails. or walls meant to provide for the safety of pedcsbians on the sidewalk. and/or drainage systems meant to control surface water runoff. It is assumed that the items specifically excluded will be provided by another entity to be coordinated with the proposed sidewalk. Addittonally it is assumed that all improvements along the South Frontage Road will be at the discretion of the Colorado Department of Transportation. E. Public Transportation Impacts - East lVleadow Drive. The Vaii Plaza Hotel is proposing to provide public transportation infrastucture improvements in accordance with the steetscape master plan for a new bus stop adjacent to the westernmost portion of the Vail Village Inn Phase IA structure to mitigate impacts in this area. The prooosed improvements relocation of fixed bus signage and t-xtures, and a bus stop similar in size, materials and character to the existing bus stop located on the south side of the roadway. Additional landscape improvements and final conliguration will be provided in accordance with desigr reyiew and other applicable zoning regulations. It is our understanding that the existing surface water runoff from the existing structures and the proposed sEuctures on the site is would be in the same quantities and would drain to the same locations as currently exist. Additionaily, we would assume no increase in surface water on our site would occur from the design of proposed drainage structures on the South Frontage Road. Therefore would assume *rat no major drainage infrastucture improvements would be necessary to accommodate the proposed structures. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concems. Sincerely, ._i---- tI - r'-' Tim Losa Project Manager Zefuen and Associates. Inc. "7r_rl !-iLtt ,\ i.i l.) .:\,i ) i..r r Tuesday, October.l 9, 1999 Mr. George Ruther Senior Special Projects Planner Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 tit I i,\ili l\i Ii";i Re:Vail Plnza Hotel George: This a final written statement as requested by your letter dated 10113199 to address design criteria A through I as outiined in section 18.40.080 of the town code. It is our understanding that these nine (9) critena are to be used in evaluating the merits of the Vaii Plaza Hotel, the final phase of the Vail Viilage Inn Speciai Development District- A. Design Compatibility. We believe that the hotel is designed in such a way that is both compatible and sensitive to the environment, neighborhood, and adjacent properties. Setbacks are consistent with the underllng zoning in that they maintain an average of nrenty tbet (20') from most adjacent properties to the primary building walls. Additionally, the structure marntains setbacks consistent with adjacent properties along both the Frontage Road and Vail Road. IVIass and bulk are sensitive to adjacent structures in that the hotel is designed to step up in height and bulk from both the steet and adjacent smaller s|ructures in order to maintain a comfortable pedestian scale while maintaining consistent heights with adjacent structures roof lines and ridges. Additionally, we have purposefirlly hipped most of the roof forms at or along public sheets and plazas to provide a consistent bulk plane at steet level. The stepping and broken ridge lines, along with variations in materials and wall planes act to break down the overall mass and bulk of the project and relate the hotel to the surrounding neighborhood. The architectural design is meant to be both compatible with both thd Gateway buiiding and the remainder of the special development district while providing some idendqv to the hotel as both a recognizable and viable commercial structue within the conmunity. B. Uses, Densit-v, and Activity. The Vail Plaza Hotel is the last phase of the Vail Village Inn Special I)evelopment District and as such was always nteant to be the anchor or most densely developed portion of the dist'ict. As a tlll serv'ice hotel. which includes conference. spa. rcstaurant, and commercial activities, the hotel meant to act as a "rnagnet" that dlalvs people tluough the other smaller, commercial based stntctures in the spe cial development district, (including the Gatervay building). Additionally. the hotel is legally required to provide loading and delivery selices, automobile access, and parking for the lemainder of the special developmerrt district. C. Parking and Loading. We believe our parking and loading lacilities are in compliance with the requirements of chapter I 8.52. We are providing six (6), 12' x 25'r 14' underground loading benhs. The ma,rimum required is five (5) L2' x25' berths in accordance with 18.52.150. We believe our parking facilities meet required number of spaces requil'ed by zoning chapter 18.52. .!.il(.ilfii:r.:i,;il .f'l-.\i.j'..ii.iij"ji.;iLl ti.:"t..At,jD.{_(.iir!..\ti(_iilir:!.-i,r-rR!: p.l'). B(r, i.!. i) ^ ..v'.,r1, (_,;rr,r:|irr 3i!)_1: . i,jrti-jr t.{;:!,i)j;l- , i.\ i ,1=ij r;l!r.il..lu{-l Vail Plaza Hotel 96 r 070.00 Zelueu and Associates. Inc. t0/19t99 D. Conformity with Nlaster Plan. We believe our development substantially complies with the goals expressed in the various plans contained within the adopted Vaii Village Master Plan. The Land Use Plan indicates our site as Medium,/High Density Residential and as such recommends a lodging onentation with a limited amount of accessory retail. We are proposing to provide an increased amount of "urban open space" or public plaza and buffering greenspace in the areas indicated as such tn The Open Space Plan. We believe that our project compiies with the recommendations in The Parking and Circttlation PIan. We are proposing an intemal connection to the Vail Gateway shared pedestrian/auto area as indicated, an improved pedestrian connection to East Meadow Drive including new bus lacilities as indicated, and a secondary extemal pedestrian connection to Vail Road between phase five and our project. Additionally we would be providing sidewalk improvements from the new bus stop on East Meadow Drive to the Gateway on Vail Road, and BikelPedestrian sidewalk improvements from the Vail Gateway to the Vail Transportation Center on the Frontage Road. We believe that our design substantially complies with Building Height Plan in that the plan indicates buildings offive stories both to the east and west ofour site along the frontage road and north and south of our site on Vail Road. Our design maintains this four to five story relationship with our neighbors. We feel as though the tbree to four story designation is inconsistent with current conditions and are not applicable as they reiat€ to our site. It is our understanding that these heights indicated in the plan '"vere based on preserving views to Vaii Mountain from the four way stop at the Intersection of Vail Road and the Frontage Road prior to development of the Vail Gateway and tire Roundabouts. Because these views no longer exist with the development of the Vail Gateway as ackr:owledged in the plan, and because stopping to view the mountain is actually discouraged by the movement of traffic in the roundabout, we tbel that these standards may no longer apply. Tlte Action P/an indicates our site as an area for potential residentiali lodging infill rn accordance with previous town approvals wrth which our proposed project is consistent. -["he Vail Village Sub-At'eas I-] of the Vail Yillage Master Pian indicates our site as the final phase of SDD #6. In doing so, it identifies a series of goals, which we believe we comply with. Itern 1.2 encourages "the upgrading and redevelopment ofresidential and commercial facilities." Itern 2.3 "strongly encourages the development short term accommodation units" and recognizes that r,vhen units are "developed above the existing densily levels, they should be managed in such a weiy that allows for short term overnight rental". . Iten 2.4 encourages the development of new commercial rnfiil compafible ',vith existing land uses. Itent 2.6 encourages the development of affordable housing units and may be required as part of any redevelopment project requesting a density over ievels allowed by existing zoning. Iten 3.2 recognizes the rvill to "reduce vehicular kaffic in the viltage to the greatest extent possrble". Itern 4.I encourages the tmprovement of exrsting open space to create new plazas with greenspace. Iten 5.1 recognizes the need and desire to provide fc.r parkrng demands on site and u,ith underground and visually coucealed parking. Itent 6.1 reco-unizes the need io provide serv"ice and delivery facilities tbr existing and new development. E. Natural Hazards' We believe there are no nahrral hazards that may affect development of this site. F. Site and Building Design, We believe rve have addressed this issue by compliance with the Vari Viilase Master Plan. Vail Plaza Hotei 961 070.00 Zeluen and Associates. IDc. t0t19i99 G. Pedestrian/Vehicular Circulation, We believe we have addressed this issue by compliance with the Vail Village Master Plan. Additionally, raffic shrdies indicate that vehicular circulation patrems are considered safe and have relatively little impact on e,risting vehicular circulation systems. H. Functional and Aesthetic Lrndscaping. We believe we have addressed this issue by compliance with the Vail Village Master Plan. Additionaiiy, we believe we have substantially improved on the amount and quality ofpublicly accessible plazas, greenspaces, and pedestrian circulation systems. I. Phasing Plan. The development will be conskucted in one phase with completion anticipated for late fall of200l. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concems regarding the information presented. Additionally, if you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Tim l:osa Project Manager Zehren and Associates, Inc. AttachrfreDt E FUfi= 2=/a=HJ\,, EA -.* ,.'. ' u= €g *Ei E;E: Ei fcaisE -{E -i E !is: ;: ; E lEc€ €E ;itEF.e io Qo n i:,! E_ g;!EiEe,H 3i!:i ;;F E T .t( ct, z (t L! (^] Z *rL| =+=b{nrL =EF*t'Y|lr d3s Ffr; 9fs42 tu o oE |rJosFzoElr =oEII 2I utJg aEoeEGoo =gl ib-q.qo zIFolua ltJEoo luo J =Jz (5zaa< =(5zoJ =6 '\. "b" \,*, 'q* ,i .:r il il '& l;i'x4 i?l .7) !4 .tt l .,^rI 3r--r rr- ATTACII}IENT F U) {n o "F-'if rTt! i ': o\o\o\ C'J at) bo -q) '{-) f'TlT te Nr, -FtFt .- ata li ! F*''' *, EI 29= = r ! l: lr iiil.*i;: r:irI lE r:i ': ;p .iNi; .t) o >-r =q) €\o\g\ (\ 6l Lq) q) z 29! 'r ii ii, ": ;;;:l ; i - aiu./: r I ::Nii -lq) *J -r:tl -arl N -,bY -.t, - -.- -.bv :i* cl ut vt t€) z!tr; :E ii :; ;liEi,: ii !itrti E -c){-) Fa -o\ SsGU E$ -{.- G 6l v7 Th >-r Fo :*lll r..ti E -€)*)oeFti o\f{ Fr -eib! 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Et!lt co v) u) I -lq)+l lle -€\6;NJ -=lta0r= -<.-a !! xnl E{iii z2 tIJ. d! r3 uJi Ni I' o\ v) o >-l >ol F g\ €\o\ (a at) bt ze! ,,,: E! !! :E:i t!,E1 !: ;:lrl i€ f it ': ;E;g t-ti i -€)+J |rt -alr\a Nf,l -l|\, Fl.- aaa. r.Y o\ u) (n tq) o\g\o\ al6| L €) q) z zeF ,,i- i: :E.:a:*.di ;t ili ..,i E j riur_ ,: 9iNii -lc)+i Ft- ;abY N,t0bY -ft, -t.ts -a.bY ATTACHMENT G .?9!a= ctucq ;a E Et.I EQQ)a?tr ta !r= a* ao\ (\ 6l z -q) \F) Frl-l -NFT -A, -.- - z9 =-.- r: !c UJ ,^ . z 2:; : E I!!di:i]::; r9 !: if i ur: . X ii N<l a. a) "=€e=! -r\ oA-tE?er aF= AA F a-l a.l q, z zg5 rr :: i: u 1: ;"ar(!:{::i r, : ! !:?r9:?ili ; ;: :lu.l" i i :a Ni! -l()€ F -d N -a -A, -.- -tF t' FI t) Q)a=F}E F E 3=<.i I ata-E€N: fr€? thr \-/ !r = r2a* o\ (\lal q) z z2 z".- j:;1 ! 1t ;:.n/: " * li; 19:?*ai; :: 53LU:!E;! N-! -q)+) F - -lN-, -,^, - -.- ,al ill o1)'9,! e :i6l E3FZ?N6F: f Ezail (\6t z U,::.: r: .'::. ! i !:'r:: ': !li UJ" ..,; i: xt"= ! -() \FJ i-i I -Ft N - -/^, -.- Fl .eeESa=c{l?toCi Ot-tr=lf#F =xo# HE ;gA z9p ,,,= :! 3e ;: ;iill19 l?rEi '3lE l$Ni! -q)+)r-t O\,\q o\llFl o\l-l t-r -oibY r\Nhcg; - r-lA-E -O.-l Zt- .99tr e€F XE;cq c)-QA?F ;gE ze3 ,,,i : ! E! '9 ii ilr ;H ieiii ...1 E ; ii-J t6:i xli i -€)+)r-r O\.- o\FF O\Fl t.t cn$!;6\I -o -EH9 -O.-z cg IAIBIITSTAR BANK BLDG. l(! SOUTII RONIAGB NOAD UT8ST, SUITE At| v/uL COLORATTO tr6s7 TBLEPHONE (!l7o) r76{Xlg'l rAcsIMILE (9m) r76{n99 Beu.nv & PsrERsoN A hoFEssroNAl CoRPoRATToN /rrr,onNsYs AT LAw UNCOLN C8I{TER 1660 LINCOLN STnBET' SUITE 3175 DEIYIYE& COLC'RAT'O IO2EI TELBPHONE BO3) 837.1660 FACIIMILE (:'IB) E37.{XI!' MEMORAI\DUM Attachment E P.O. BOX 149 t29 BDWAXDS ACCSSS IOAD, SLnrE Z!3 EDWAN'g, COLORADO 81632 TEEPHONB(970) YW25S FACSIMILE (970) vrt6-92!n TO: FROM: DATE: RE: George Ruther Jay K. Peterson October 19, 1999 Vail Plaza Hotel Dear George: The purpose of this memo is twofold, First, to set forth our employee housing proposal and, second, to explain the fractional fee concept. L Emnlovee Housine. Attached to this memorandum is our Vail Plaza Hotel staffrng requirements set forth by departments. The chart I believe is self-explanatory. As you catt r"J, rather that full-time versus part-time, we have used work hours per year whioh I bslieve is a more accurate way to calculate staffing requirements. We have calculated our existing staffrng requirements the same way, in order to arrive at a net increase in employees for the new hotel. This net increase is 105 employees' Our proposal is to provide housing for 30% of these employees. Ideally, from our standpoint, we would like to provide all housing within the Town of Vail. However, because of timited opportunities within the Town, we would request the option to provide the housing outside the Town limits, if necessary. The numbers would be the same whether inside or outside the Town. 2. Fractional Fee. The Vail Plaza Hotel will contain forty-seven dwelling units which will be operated and managed by the owner of the Vail Plaza Hotel. The hotel would sell a maximum of twenty-eight prime winter and/or summer weeks with the hotel managing and operating those weeks for the owners. The remaining twenty-four weeks would remain with the ownership of the hotel and would be managed and operated the same as the hotel. There would be an obligation that the weeks remaining under the ownership of the hotel be available only as a "short-term r€ntd," the same as any hotel room. The number of onnrers would be limited to a minimum of six and a manimum of twelve, pursuant to zoning requirements. Ifyou have any questions, please call. Jay K. Peterson Attachment VPH STAFF (permanent and seasonaUpad-time)Page 1 A B c D E F G H 1 VPH FUNCTIONS by departrnent n o t e 1 PERMANENT STAFF SEASONAL PART.TIME HELP ) 2 Perma- nent stafi. employees (noh l) wort hours/ Y€6r = 40 hsArveek x50 wUyear work houns per peak day maxi- mum peak days per year work hours per year 3 Lodqino (hobl & Glub) 4 General Manager 1 2,000 5 Assistant manager 4 8,000 6 Guest relations 2 4,000 16 92 1,472 7 Front Office 6 16,000 24 s2 2,208 I Concierge 2 4,000 8 92 736 I Bell man 2 4,000 48 92 4,416 10 PBX 3 6,000 16 92 1,472 1'l Reservations 3 6,000 't2 Sales & Marketing 4 E,000 13 Accounting 6 12,000 14 Housekeeping supervisor 2 4,000 15 maid service 2 15 30,000 40 92 3,6E0 16 Engineering 9 16,000 24 92 2,208 17 Garaoe Operations 3 6,000 16 92 1,472 18 Lodsinq (hotel & Club)il 128,000 17,664 s Food & Beverage (F&B) manaoer+hosl 3 6,000 16 92 1,472 21 waiters+busboy(l : 3 waiters)11 13 26,000 40 92 3,6E0 22 bar 3 6,000 8 92 736 23 kitchen 16 32,000 24 Room Service:4 E,000 16 92 1,472 25 Food & Beverage (F&B)39 78,000 7,360 26 Conference Center 3 3 6,000 I 92 13,248 27 Healih Club/SPA 28 recedion 4 E,000 29 up keeping 4 8,000 16 92 't,472 30 therapisl &2 10 20,000 16 92 1,472 31 exercise room 2 4,000 32 Health Club/SPA 2 20 40,000 2,9U 33 Retail (3 shops)6 12,000 16 92 1,472 34 GRAND TOTALS:132 26.4,000 42,688 35 hours/year %100o/o 160/0 36 Average part time help work hoursi/peak day 464 92 42,e88 37 One full time work hours/year 2,000 38 Totel p8n-tme equvalent to tull tme 5 z',i, 39 Grend Totrl tull timc equivalent 153 40 Average hourdpart time employee/peak day 6 4 fr Number of part time names =(avg hs.per peak day)/(hs/dal 7 116 notes 43 continue 44 45 VPH STAFF (permanent and seasonal/part-time)Page 2 A B c D E F G H 46 note 1: includes "day off' coverage were applicable. t7 note 2: Maid service is based on 10 occupied roomVmaid. Minor occasional fluctuations in demand (less than 100% occupancy) will be covered with overiime of lhe permanent slaff. zs note 3: Occasional large banquettes will be serviced by the Conference waiter staff and the two shifts 50 restaurant and kitchen staff in over time. 51 nob 4: Same therapist may cover more than 1 of the 14 tft )atment rooms for some trealments. 52 note 5: The total 42,688 seasonal work hourdvear divided bv the reoular one full 53 time 2,000 is=21 full time 54 55 note 6: it is a typical hoursi/peak day of a part time 56 note 7: it is the total part time "names" on the payroll. Evid ently depends on lhe average pert-time hourJpeakday 57 58 Employee Totals VPH VPTl equiv WI Ner Wl incrca- equiv.* se 42 7 59 full time 132 132 42 60 part time 116 21 32 61 total 248 153 74 49 62 * part time at same ratio as VPH 63 64 VPH STAFFING IS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING 65 uses note units quant. 66 Hotel units 97 67 Club units 46 68 Hotel + Club E units 143 B Hotel & Club YEAR occupancy 7ryh persons/occupied unit 1.75 71 Hotel + Club population 9 188 72 maid service rms'/l naid l0 73 walk in for lunch or dinner 10 cus{omersi/1 ill EO 74 Restaurant & bar 11 sf 3,613 75 kitchen 11 sf 3,200 76 Conference 11 sf 7,004 77 Health Club/SPA 11 sf 7,009 78 Retail 11 sf 3,550 79 EO highest demand for restauranuday 81 note lunch dinner 82 hotel & Club guests 12 1 1 per 3 nights sta.y. 83 serveVfunction/day 48 48 84 Walk in customervfunction/day E5 servesi/fundion/day t0 60 ners;/function/day E6 Total serveVfu nction/day 13 12E 12E t3 servesl/Yva iter/f u n c{i o n 87 )reakfast is buffet type, serued by the same lunch staff. 88 note 8: Hotel & Club are staffed as a unified operation E9 note 9: population forthe specified number of units, occupancy, personsfroom. 90 note 10: all hotel restaurants off the main pedestrian traffic (Ludwig, The Villager, etc.) rarely (if ever) achigve q [ig! 91 walk in demand.This EO servesi/function/day is a very high assumption. 92 note 11: all these uses are stafied based on real demand end not based on sq.ft., or seats or any other parameter. €3 nob 12: lt is established in the business that the resiaurant at the hotel never captures more than 1 lunch H ancl 1 dinner per 3 nights slay. lt is paft of guests program to dine out in other restaurants. Vail is plenty of those. 96 note 13: The low ratio of 13 serveVwaiter/shift/day indicates that this staff can serve 97 more than 2 times this demand. MAXIMUM HOLIDAYS AND PEAK WEEK ENDS 1999 days/ holidays winbr holidays days/peak wk.end days total Vederanr 11-l.lov 3I Th.nklgiving 25-NOv 3 2-Ilec $Dec 1&D€c ChrlrtrEs 7 Ne*Ye.1 7 6-lan Luther K 13Jan 3 2GJan Linc,Val,Pre 2 Ash 3 3 3 3 StPatick 3 3 Good Fri 3 7-Apr winter total I I 35 12 47 Independence 3 3 3 3 3I3 summertotal 1tt-Apr 3 15 18 21-Aprl 2E-Apr Mother's 5-May 3 Armed Forc 12-May 19-May Memorial 26-Mayl 3 2.fun GrandParen g-.run Father's t6{un 3 2&Jun 3 12-Aug 3 l$Aug 3 z&AW 2-Ssp 9-Sop Yom Kipur l&Sep 3 2$S€p 3GSep Golumbus 7-octl 3 14-Oct 21-Oct Halloween 2&Oct 3 4-Nov 18 9 27 year total 56 36 92 Vail Plaza Hotel Parking Analysis (revised U28100) Table l: A Comparison ot the Parking Bquirements for Phase lV Attachment I Use Dwdling Unit Area 5,499 sq. ft.>2,000 sq. fl- Town Vail Plaza Hotel 500<2,000 sq. ft./>2,000 sq. ft. Town Vail Plaza Hotel 0.4 spaceVunit + 0.1 spaces/l00 sq. ft. Town Vail Plaza Hotel Town Vail Plaza Hotel 2.5 2.5 Fractional Fee Club 62,816 sq. ft. 98 98 Accommodation Units 35,818 sq. ft. Employee Housing Units' Restaurant 75.4 75.4 0 0 4,799 sq. ft.1 space/8 seats Town 40 1 space/170.2 sq. ft. Vail Plaza Hotel 28.2 1 spacei3OO sq. ft.Town 11.92 Vail Plaza Hotel 11.92 Retail 3,576 sq. ft. Rooms 13,846 sq. ft.l space/16seats Town 42.87 Vail Plaza Hotel 42.87 (a) Town of Vail Requirement 270.7 258.9Vail Plaza Hotel Table 2: Existing Pa*ing Requircments for Phases l, ,l,lll, & V SDD parking spaces (Phases 1,2,&112 75 4.7 SDD Paking Deficit per Ordinance Previously applied multi-use credit 2.5o/" tor Phases 1,2,3 & 5 191.7 Tabte 3: ToPrt Parking Requirement for all Phases of SDD #6 - Employee parking is lactored into existing requirements I :\overyorFvecvnernos\oowhpark (a + b - existing spaces to remain) x multiple use Town of Vail Requhement (270.7 + 191 .7 - 42) x 0.9 = 258.9 + 191 .7 - 42) x 0.9 = c78.4 w.7 Attacbent J TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Vail Plaza Hotel Prepared for: Zehren & Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 1976 Avon, CO 81620 Client Contact: Mr. Timothv R. Losa Prepared by: Felsburg Holt & Uilevig Greenwood Corporate Plaza 7951 E. Maplewood Avenue, Suite 2O0 Englewood, CO 801 1 1 303t721-1440 Engineer: Holly A, Hefner Project Engineer: Chris J. Fasching, p.E. FHU Reference No. 98-174 September, 1998 o TABLE OF CONTENTS Paqe l. INTRODUCTION .....1A. Land Use,'Site and Study area Boundaries . . . . . lB. Existingconditions ....1 II. PROJECTED TRAFFIC CONDITIONSA. Trip Generation and Design Hourly Volumes . . . .7B. Trip Distribution . . .C. Year2015 ProjectedTrafficVolumes .........8 III. YEAR 2O15 TRAFFIC OPERATIONSA. Background Traffic B. Total Traffic IV. CONCLUSIONSANDRECOMMENDATIONS ........14 APPENDIX A. TRAFF]C COUNTS APPENDIX B - EXISTING CONDITIONS LOS. APPENDIX C - YEAR 2015 BACKGROUND CONDITIONS LOS APPENDIX D - YEAR 2015 TOTAL CONDITIONS LOS o LIST OF FIGURES 1 z. J. 4. Vicinity Map Site Plan . . 2 3 4 6 Estimated Existing Winter Conditions Trip Distribution Year 2O'l 5 Background Traffic Conditions Year 2O15 Total Traffic Conditions LIST OF TABLES Existing Trip Generation Estimates Proposed Trip Generation Estimates 6. 7. t. 2. 10 11 7 I t. A. INTRODUCTION Land Use, Site and Study area Boundaries Zehren and Associates, Inc. is proposing the Vail Plaza Hotel development to be located on the southeast corner of Vail Road and the South Frontage Road in Vail. Colorado. This development will be replacing three existing buildings with one building. The site location is shown in trigure 1. The existing three buildings consist of a total of 41 .643 square feet. The proposed oe",elopment will consist of a total of approximately 15O,OOO square feet of various uses incli.rding accommodation units, a restaurant, a lounge, a spa, and retail space. The proposed development will have one main access onto the South Frontage Road. The main access will serve as the entrance to the four level parking garage. A second access east of the main acces$, will be used for most deliveries. The site plan is shown in Figure 2, The impacts of the project traffic at the site access points and the roundabout south of l-70 are presented in this report. The purpose of this repon is to address the projected traffic impacts associated with the Vail Plaza Hotel development proposal, and to identify any roadway or traffic control improvements required as a result of these impacts. B. Existing Conditions The existing conditions in the vicinity of the project site are illustrated in-Figure 3. Currently there are two accesses to Vail Plaza Hotel site, The main access is on the South Frontage Road and the second access is on Vail Road. The South Frontage Road runs east/west through Vail with a posted speed limit of 25 MPH adjacent to the site. Vail Road runs north/south from the roundabout intersection with the Frontage Road providing access to several hotels. Vail Road is primarily used for local access south of Vail Plaza Hotel. The roundabout is located approximately 1 15 feet west of the main entrance to Vail plaza Hotel. Most of the site traffic currently uses the roundabout as does traffic oriented to/from t-70. Since Vail is a ski resort, winter traffic volumes have typically been higher than summer volumes. Traffic counts were collected during the week of August 17, 1ggg, and these counts were used to estimate winter numbers based on 1 990 data collected during the winter and summer. The estimated existing winter traffic volumes for the study area are shown in Figure 3 (the raw count data are shown in Appendix A). As indicated, the South Frontage Road east of the roundabout carries approximately 300O vehicles during the winter pM peak hour. The volumes at the two accesses were calculated by estimating rrip generation for the existing buildings. ! r-lIg -q Q :U r-..)F <ic vAPO 2o Vail Road \U \.1 ,.Il,l til ;;i jrl l:l i;l :.I iil i -.1 t; '. !i jr ij !l i : '.1,. '' 1.t I II -n.l -t q) o TT g) t I i I I =_€ CN ,.lr -_:'- (ou= OJof, 1\) \=.*_-= --.r :U ;3i;<-rcvoFc a sq f ='n<=!t19.IJ J e ? 6"9;o)5-=o) tPE r l!-opO6 E=E Cf) .E o lr) F\ I V x TIJ o (6 E U)[! t^ --di- 20 r rool l I u) ol t \".^ Fl \R\-(9 J lr.-695 14 530--_ \ess.v $-122s-i to/ o/ <o/ u) .n lt F> 'o5 .:r oi!t 0)=FJ _r t- .Y .Yqt(Eoo >= zul lljJ a rJ l- 6) ll At. X xioo,z3 f,F>r.' r !.U c4 l.-r;;\JJ I&-JN. The total peak hour traffic volumes were used as the basis for subsequent LOS flevels of service) computations, the results of which are summarized in Figure 3 (worksheets are shown in Appendix C) as is the intersection lane geometrics. Level of service is a qualitative measure which describes traffic operations. A letter designation ranging from A to F. is used as the measure. A LOS A is indicative of excellent t;'affic operations with very little delay and no congestion. while a Los F represents extreme delay and significant congestion. As shown in Figure 4 the left turn onto the South Frontage Road from the main site access currently operates at a LOS F during the PM peak hour. The left turn into the site from the South Frontage Road currently operates at a LOS C during the PM peak hour. All other movements operate at a LOS B or better during the PM peak hour. The minor movements to/from the second access along Vail Road currently operate at a LOS B or better during the PM peak hour. The roundabout currently operates at an overall LOS A. 3cp-o .at)o '=F -l z\-9\%\:'\4\a\t\o^\ ?r\s\?l\ <'+ 30Vo In tJ,ZO 4f,r->Ca'!rrl(/{: -r;:i \., J N. o .<l.---} 5Vo K<; il. A. PROJECTED TRAFFIC CONDITIONS Trip Generation and Design Hourly Volumes Trip generation equations. as documented in Trip Generation, Institute of Transportation Engineers (lTE). Sixth Edition, 1997 were used to estimate the vehicle-trips generated by the existing and proposed development. lt was assumed that 50 percent of the traffic to/from the restaurant, lounge, and specialty retail comes from outside while the other 5O percent is internal (as such, the trip generation associated with these uses was reduced 50 percent). Table 1 summarizes the trip generation results with existing conditions. Table 1 Existing Trip Generation Estimates As shown in Table 1, the site currently generates approximately 1050 trips per day. The AMand PM peak hour trip generation is estimated to be approximately 75 and 90 trips, respectively. Table 2 summarizes the trip generation results for the proposed development. As shown, the proposed development is estimated to generate approximately 31OO trips perday' The AM and PM peak hour trip generation is estimated to be approximately 175 and 260trips respectively. App;oximately three times as many trips are projected for the proposed development as compared to the existing uses on the site. 'Land Use ' .PM Peak Hour ,, Unit In Out ln Out ln Total Condo/ Townhouse zJv 22 Rooms 3 .,lo 7 12 64 64 128 Hotel ?tn 58 Rooms 20 12 5Z io 239 239 474 Restaurant 831 1,OO0's Sq. Ft. 'I 1 7 43 43 60 Drinking'836 1 1,0O0's Sg. Ft. .)I 4 IJ zo Market 852 z 1,000's 16 17 J5 16 15 ?1 162 162 324 Totals ?cl 5t 76 50 40 VIJ 521 521 1042 ' Daily Drinking Totat from 15% of pM Rates Table 2 Proposed Trip Generation Estimates B.Trip Distribution The trip distribution estimates used in this analysis are shown in Figure 4. These percentages are based upon the existing traffic data previously presented (Figure 3). As shown, approximately 70 percent of the total site traffic is expected to be oriented to and from the west through the roundabout. Site generated traffic was assigned to the adjacent roadway network per these distribution patterns and are shown in Fiqure 5. C. Year 2075 Projected Traffic Volumes Background Traffic Analysis of traff ic impacts f or a year 20 1 5 scenario requires projecting background traff ic volumes. The projected background traffic was a result of exponentially increasing the volumes by two percent per year. Year 2015 background traffic volumes and operational conditions are shown in Fiqure 6. I Otat I rarrtc The total year 201 5 traffic volumes are shown in Figure 7. These volumes were determined by first removing existing site traffic then adding the site generated traffic to the year 2015 background traffic volumes. As shown, the Frontage Road is projected to carry approximately 4600 vehicles during the PM peak hour in 20 1 5. Trips attributable to the proposed Vail plaza Hotel would comprise approximately 6 percent of the total. Land Use AM Poak Hour PM Peak Hour Weekday Building, Tyoe ., ttE Code Size Unit ln Out Total ln O'rt Total In Out Total Condo/ Townhouse to Rooms 5 A Y 47 94 Hotel 310 zto Rooms OU 89 I3 tt)6 I tJb 2272 Restau rant 1,OOO',s 1 4 12 5+201 201 Drinking -1,OO0's 14 21 b:,'r 38 Specialty Retail Center 814 1,OOO's o 1l 14 t.+z6 87 6T Totals 'l04 IJ I to 144 tt3 1541 1541 ?6e I Daily Drinking Total from 15% of PM Rares ro=Eo LL ct) at) U' C) (g F (D .= U) fss 83 -I Io ( 9. too \z 6 43-j oo s- .o a! r= o Jooo- =IL tl zut(9 lrlJ - odo4)F_>E'rlrl -( ^ -r;i\JJ;;- -rN. (o to u, AFL-Eo odrc! =EhF.9o-() .() rt-d r_F E- ol_ Fi -Yc)d c0 o l'=gzs '| 720 --r'I ^e E: -A U)5=oi!-{)=.i: oFJ :.Y(6(6o@ I oz. LU(5 ulJ U) (o = o o Xx f, r-- > C3- r rr)U?:J =!rJi:' - -'\ o ( rS\k !a)N \ir'\E K<;N. Nlo(, tt\ F l-=9 o6c\t =;iLE (gc -oO \J ?\ G (U lb.F (d .,J ,o i- 35 i- 83 |\ r.ct I6tt|l vL IeIoo)F ( (+. (t F|'}N oF \gao '(;d-17s01 oP{t .Ytr>56?'u)>:o-iFOEEFJ oo.?. Tr-Yg(!6 ^o^oa o- cL cL (/) Itl I x.lozuto u.lJ a J olto fo (! |D o oao4lF> ul=J ;i\JJi:' '- '-\ +1 ilt.YEAR 2015 TRAFFIC OPERATIONS A. Background Traffic The peak hour traffic volumes shown in Figure 6 were used as the basis for subsequent leveis of service computations, and the results are also summarized in Figure 6 (worksheets are shown in Appendix C). The roundabout will operate at an overall LOS D. However, the only movements that are lower than LOS B would be the south approach and right lane east approach. These movements are projected to operate at LOS C and F respectively. The LOS F from the east movement is a result of the high amount of volume turning to the north toward l-70 and the Nonh Frontaoe Road. B. Total Traffic The total peak hour traffic volumes shown in Figure 7 were used as the basis for subsequent levels of service cbmputations, and the results are also summarized in Figure 7 (worksheets are shown in Appendix D). All movements on the roundabout will operate at the same LOS as the background traffic showed previously with the exception of the south approach which will operate at a LOS D. The left turning movement into the site (at the main entrance) will operate at a LOS E and the left turning movement out of the site will operate at a LOS F. Site generated traffic consists of approximately 1,2 percent of the total traffic entering the roundabout. Of the right lane east approach the contribution from site generated traffic is approximately 2 percent. No improvements were used on the roundabout for this analyses. The main access onto the South Frontage Road included two roadway improvements in the anarvses: ' Provide a "storage" area in the existing median for site outbound left turning vehicles to safely pass eastbound traffic. A raised island already exists in the median from the roundabout to the site access providing separation between eastbound and westboundtraffic. Minor modifications would need to be made to the island to provide for a storage area. With this "safe harbor, " left turning vehicles could cross eastbound' traffic in one maneuver and wait in the storage area prior to merging into westbound' traffic. With the addition of the storage area the left turn movements out of the site would still remain at a LOS F, however. the delay time for this movement is imoroved significantly (more than 25%). ' Construct a right turn deceleration lane into the site for eastbound traffic. This lane is needed to remove right turns f rom thru traff ic lanes. This is o{ imponance here because vehicles coming out of the roundabout do not have sufficient reaction time in the '1 1 5 foot distance to slow or stop for a right turning vehicle. 12 Limiting movements to right in/right out or three-quarter movement was considered for the site's main access. This would require that vehicles exiting the site desiring to use the Vail Road intersection with l-70 (which is most of the site traffic) make a U-turn somewhere along the South Frontage Road. However. there is not a safe place for vehicles to make a U-turn within a reasonable distance. Therefore, it is recommended to improve the main access so as to accommodate full movement as safely as possible which includes a center "harbor" area and a right turn deceleration lane. The second access onto the site from the South Frontage Road will be used for deliveries. Due to space limitations on site, trucks will need to back up onto the site from the Frontage Road. This should be done from a separate lane along the south side of the road. The existing right turn lane east of the site should be extended west to the site's deiivery access. The design of the lane and driveway should accommodate backing trucks to allow no interference with eastbound though traffic. Physical or barrier separation should be incorporated into the design. 13 lv.CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The following highlight the significant findings and recommendations as a result of this traffic ana lysis: ' The total projected trips consist of subtracting the existing 1Q42 trips from the proposed 3O82 site generated trips. ' Two roadway improvements will be necessary at the main access onto the Frontage Road. The f irst includes modif ication to the center median to provide a storage area for vehicles turning left out of the site. This will allow for a two-step left turn with less delay. The second is an exclusive right turn lane into the site for eastbound traffic. This exclusive right turn lane will remove turning traffic from the though traffic ianes thereby improving safety characteristics. ' The roundabout will not be adversely affected by the proposed site traffic. The site traffic will consist of approximately one percent of the total traffic in the roundabout in year 2015. ' The auxiliary lane east of the site for right turning vehicles needs to be extended west to the second access. This lane will be used for delivery trucks backing into the site. This lane and the delivery driveway in which it will serve should be designed to allow backing activity without impacting the eastbound through traffic. Physical separation should be considered between the through lane and the auxiliary lane where backing would be taking place. t.+ APPENDIX A TRAFFIC COUNTS Aug-la-9a 09:25A LSC#Denver Fosrfi' Fdx Note 7672 303 333 11. 07 ?/ 1q*t6 'l8 '"" P. Ot, ._.." o ot* F o0r Cq'9r't tocuql Far, It:oO To Cqrpart L@l Fs, Cqiilltts Chp-,, firr-rni"1 ,/ ,lY 11 L)T.hotst. f Ctr rrl su '[Y\^su t'ts ()Ct( Ciarge le€0fEre I I n.,'I c.r tuqdqr!O!nd 0irp6ir.o:I oeorov ..-...".......-.---..-.. ,/ -t.. sitr/codc ; 3 \ n-s(st'r..,, flAttt vAtt R0Ull0-A80uT -/e+ ifrctt5' -- ' : coulrTEn iEASUREs, lilc. 0irrction: 0ir I Pt6Er I FILET VIIL otIE: 6/lrl98 IIIIE IOIAL ITO(,!{ EEGIII CLNSSIFIEO SLIP I/00r{ RDTII YAILII utt I7O VNILilotF ofl 'IAITS VAITS0t.| oFr €FROII EFROII IFRON ITROX0t{ oFF 0}r oFr (t 79 53 DO 261 r03 68loa 5692 t89{ 5E 393 280 928 tt a 9{5 a(0 3551 rt7 155 122 1{5 l5l 82u9 lt5 t33 139 t20 106 520 542 r{3 151 ttl tlo [6 l{9 ilot52 u3 565 {80 62 r8 103 133 i0 73 62 33 103 153 85 8{ 68 38 93 156 103 105 69 {{ 9E 157 88 67 26t 163 3il s99 316 329 11 19 89 159 7l 12 60 40 77 129 65 42 51 17 roe r34 68 66 6{ {0 86 t19 89 86 230 176 3r9 571 293 268 954 t{ t:) l0 1009 15 970 t{ 3928 51 5 I l8 {6 t:00 Pll r.t( l..rv HR TOTAL ?:00 Pll ?: l5 2:30 2:15 HR IOINT OAY TOIAL 7579 PERCTilT of IOIAL 8,4t.5 491 b.) t07 l.{ 715 1tio 9.8 15.1 597 1085 1022 7.9 11.3 13.5 Et6 5r7 1r.0 7,2 o P _02t Ict\fz 'l-n 303 333 I ]O7 H t -lo H I -lo PNGE.@t7t71A? -??"RUG 18 '98 11:A5 Aug - 1.8-9a 09:26A LSC#Oenver o o *tJ Jlit Ooq-c-G- tJ .€9 a o F\ cto y't :DIsc1 \-l SPPENDTX B EXISTING CONDITIONS LOS ' HCS: Unsignalized lnierseclicns Release 2.19 ACC2.I{Co ?age i ' Cenrer Fc= Microcomputers In Transporialion Univers iiv o:- Flcrida--. - 3i-2 Weil lial I - Gaineswiile, FL 32511-2033 Ph: (90a) 392-0378 Streets: (N-S) Vali Road (E-W) Access 2 M=i^'. c.ra..i ni raFF i ^n tlta Lengrh of Time AnaLyzed.. , 15 (min) . Analysc ....... HAH' Dare ci Anal.ysj_s ... A/25/98 ochei Inr-crmation. .Peak Hour Existing ?wo- way S E,cp- con:loI1. eC Incersectj.on No. Lanes Qf-^h/vial'l Volumes Cr.e,-l a Me,< fzl su,/RV's (?) Cv's (k) ' PCE'S Northbound ! .i. ,( 0 1 <0 N n Souihbound tTR Eastbound t l' . Westbound LTR n-l n N 1A q?n 0 000 0 >o <0 't .t .t n 1 ln 1.10 1.10 Adj ustment Factors Vehi c Ie Critical Gap (Eg) Fo1low- up Tima ft-fI . LefE Turn Major Road Righc Tuln Minor Road Through lraffic Mincr Road L,ef t Turn Minor Road ( nd '6.00 6. s0 ) 1n z -6u .>.5U 3 .40 HCS: Unslgnalized lrlersections Release 2.19 ACC2.HCC page 2 workshee! fcr fv{SC Iriersec-,-ion SEeD L: RT from Minoi S:reec . Conflicring Flows, (vph) 732 PoEential Capacity: (pcphi 589. Movemeni Capacity: (pcph) 589 Prob. oi Queue-Flee Sta:e: 0.98 ;;";-;,-;;-;;;;-;j;;-;..;-------- ----;;- ----- ; Conflict:ng Flows: (rph) 733 PotenE,ial Capacity: (pcph) 761 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 767 Prob. of Queue-Free SEate: 0.98 TH SaEuraEion FloH Rate: (ocphpl) 1700 RT SaEuration Floer RaEe: (pcphpl) Major LT Shared tane Prob. /rf ftrarra-Erraa qriFa, n Ot Step 4: LT from Minor StreeE vrtJ WB ConfLicting Flows: (vph) 13 06 PotenEial Capacity: (pcph) 185 Ma j or L,T , Mino=' TH Impedance Factcr: O .97 AdjusEed Impedance Factor: 0.97 Capacity Adj usEmenE Factor due to Impeding Movements 0.91 Mowement. Capacity: (pcph) 180 Intersection performance Summary Avg. 95? Flow Move Shared Total eueue Approach RaEe Cap Cap Delay lJengrh I Dela-v Movement (pcph) (pc-oh) (pcph) (sec/weh) (veh) (sec/veh) l.1B L 1 180 > 507 7.3 0.0 B ?.3wB R 13 589 > 5tr ! tI t6t 4.8 0.0 A 0.1 Interseccion DeJ.ay = 0.L sec/veh iiCS : Unsignalized Intersecclcns Release 2.lq ltr-1,2 . ilLU Page 1 CenEer For Micrccompute=s In Transporcaiion University o! Floricia 512 W=iL !ia11 GainesviLie, FL 325ii-2083 th: (9Oe) 392-0378 ScreeEs: (N-S) Mai Access (E-W) South FronEage Road Major Street Direciion. . . . EW L,eng:h ot- Time A-ra1yzed... 15 (mio) Analyst. -.... HAH Date of Analysis .., 8/25/98 OF-her Infcrmation.. .Peak Hour Existinq Two-wav ScoD- ccni:'c l led In!erseciion Eastbounci JJII( ---- ---: ---- vz<u I\T IZ LIJ I' wes'cbound L?R Norchbound !t1( Southbound !ll( 000 I I I I I I I I I I I I No. Lanes Sr,oplYield volumes l?r=Ac MC's (?) SU,/RV's (?) CV's (?) DaIltr 1 I L / ttf 0 1 c4V t> 1.10 o AdjusEment Faccors Vehi cl. e Maneuver Cri rica I Gap ( Eg) Fo1low-ug> Time (Ef ) Left, Turn Major Road RighE TUrn Minor Road Through Traffic. Minor Road I.cf I Trr-ln Mi h.1r- Q.\:.1 f .5u 1.LU 1.OU J . JU 3.40 o IICS: Unsigaalizei Inte=Secr-ions Release 2.19 ACC2.HCo gage 2 Wcrksheei ior TWSC Intersec: i3n SEep l-: RT from Mino: SEreeE.N5 Conf lict-ing Flows: (r,Ph) PoteniiaL Capacity: (pcph) Movement Capacity: (pcph) Prrth nf i'h rar ra- Fros QirFa. 6 ^-7btl- n qq St ep 2 : LT r-rom Ma j or St.reet EllWEI Conflicting Flows : (rph) Potent j.a1 Capacity: (pcph) MovemenE Capacity; (pcph) Prob . of Queue-Free Scate: 1294 ?44 J.io n q7 Step 4: LT from Minor SEreet 5ttNB Conflicting Flows: (qph) Pocential Capacicy: (pcph) Major LT, Minor TH Impedance Factor: Adjusted Impedance Factor: capacity Adjustment. Fact.or due to Impeding MovemenEs Mowemeni. Capacity: (pcph) 3171 0.97 n q? o.97 10 F Iow D-:r-a Mcvement (pcph) Tnr Frc Fr-r- i r.rh Mcve Shared Cap Cap (pcph) (pcph) Performance Summary Avg. 952. ToEal QueueDelay Length LOS(seclweh) (veh) Approach Dela-v ( s eclveh ) L\i 5 z3 t I2 l)10 of,L 346 Tnr er<ar-r i ern 5.b 10.8 DeIay z..t ! 0.0 B nnt- 8.8 sec/veh >)L . Z nl * The caLculated value was greaier than 999.9. o ARRB Taans3lort Resealch !td. - SIDRA 5.ll Fel. sburg Holt & Ullevig Registered Use: No, 1234 Time and Date of -\nalysis 9 : 12 }}{, Aug 2 5 , 1_ 9 98 .-lf Plaza Hotel Jrstlno Conci:,--:ons inlelsection No-: SIDRA US llighway Capacity Manual (1994) ve;sj_on Roundabout ( R-UN INFOR!,TAT ION * RO(IND i ' i Basic Para-o,eters : Intersection fvpe: Rounda-bout D:1v:-ng on the right-hand side of the road S IDRA US liighway Capacity Manual (1994) Version. InDui data specified in US units Defau]-t Values Fil-e No. 11 ' Peak flow period (for perforaance) : 30 ninutes Unlt ijne (for wol:m,es ) :120 u.iautes (To--al Flow period) DeLay definitj-on: Oseral-J. delay, . Geometric delay inc1uded Delay f ormuJ-a: Highway Capacity Manua.L I,evel- of Service based on: Delay (HCf) Queue definition: Baek of gneue, 95th pe=cent:_Ie fail Plaza !{ote]- Exr.sting Conditj-ons lersection No.: V Roundabout fab].e S.3 - INIERSECTION PARN4ETERS Degree of saturation (highest) = 0.656' Practica]- Spare Capacity (].owest) = 30 tTotal velr.j. c]'e fLow (veh/h) = 3134- Total vehicle capacity, all ].anes (weh/h) = 9503Average irrtersection delay (s) = 4.1]-arqest'average moveDent delay (s) = 6.3Larges'u back of queue, 95* (ft) = 162 Performance Index = 14g,5gTotal fue1 (galh) = 102.0Total cost (S) = L237.29Intersection I,evel of Service = AWorst u,ovelrent Level of Ser:vice - A Vail PLaza Hotel ixisting Conditrons :ntersection No.: Roundabout lalcle S. 6 - IMIERSECTION PERFORMANCE * ROUI{D + * ROUND i ^-.--------Jtal Total Aver. P:oo. Eff . pe=f . Aver. FLow DeJ.ay Delay eueued Stop Incjex SpeeC .veh/h) (veh-h/h) (sec)Rate (nph) 3134 3.57 4.1 0.5?8 0,5L 148.58 14.5 . /ai]- Plaza lfote]. Existing Coaditions- intessection No.: Roul.dabout ta.ble S.10 - MOVEMENT CAPACITY AIID $RFoRI{ANCE SUITMARY !4ov Mov Arv Tota]. lalne Deg. Ave!. Eff. 95rt perf. -No. T}'tr) F].ow Cap, UtiJ- Satsn Delay Stop Baek of Index(weh (vch Rat,e Qu€ue' /}:') /}:', (*) x (sec) (vetr) {est: West Approach 12 L 35s 1016 100 0.349 2.9 0.52 2.r 15.93 11 r 304 1280 68 0.231 3.4 0.52 r.2 L4.2113.R 74 3L2 68 0.237 3.5 0.55 7.2 3.34 South: Souti Approach 32 L 81 251 . 100 0.323 5.2 0.69 r.7 4.10' 31 T 203 629 100 0.323 6.1 0.68 L.7 9.?8 33 R LO2 315 100 0.323 5.9 0.70 I.7 {.81 East: East Al4)roach 22 L 107 383 43 0.279 4.9 0.66 1.4 5.18. 21 T 254 908 43 0.280 a.5 0.59 1.4 11 .9723 R 634 966 100 0,656* 5.3 0.98 6.5 31.49 ilorttr: North Approach' 42 L 374 1034 100 0.352 1.5 0.:8 1.8 t7 .L741 T 91 283 89 0.322 2.0 0.10 1.5 4.O4 43 R 2\6 613 89 0.321 2.O O.37 1.5 9.33 NorthWest: North West Allproach 82 L 145 625 100 0.234 3.5 0.57 1.1 7.r1 81 r r2r 518 100 0.234 4.0 0.57 1.1 5.73 83 R 72 308 100 0.234 4.1 0.62 1.1 3-32 * l.ta:cj-Dua degr€e of saturation vai]- Plaza Hote1 .xisLing Conditions -:ltersect].on No. : Rounda.bout fable S.15 - CAPACITY A$rD LE\IEL OF SER\ECE (HCM STYLE ) Mov Mov Total Tota,l Deg. Aver. LOSNo. I\1tr> FJ.ow Cap. of Delay(veh (veh Satn /h, /h, (v / c) ( sec) rlest': West Apprcach 12 L 355 1016 0.349 2.9 A 11 T 304 1280 0.237 3.4 A 13 R 74 3\2 0.237 3.5 A 733 2608 0.349 3.2 A *iou*-h: South i=p=oacll :2 L 81 25]- 0.323 6.?. A31 T 203 629 0.323 5. - A * R.OL'ND * * ROIn{D t 33R 102 315 o.323 5.9 386 1195 o.323 o.u :ast: East Approach 22 L 107 -1 r 254 !23 R 534 908 voo o.279 0.280 n <E4f A- :t v5 zl5 I u. o.f,o lilori:h: North Approach 11 lJ 514 41 T 91 {J _!( Zr O 1034 .l ?<- v.szt d ??1 A 100n v.502 ' Northwesc: Nori:h West Approach 82 r. 145 625 0.234 81 T !2L 518 0.234 83 R 72 .308 0.234 A 55v 1,l <1 o.234 3.8 . AI,L VEHTCLES :3134 oqn?0. 556 . IMTERSECTION:3134 9503 u. b5b {.J- . Lewe]. of Serviee ca].cu].atioas are based on average oweralJ. deJ.ay (HCM criteria), independent of the eurrent de1ay definition used. ._. For the cr5.teria., r€fer to the ,'LeveL of Service" topic in I the srDRA ouq)ut Guide or the outl)ut section of th€ on-:.ine he]-p. t{axj.uum v/c taLio, or cri*-ica1 Ereen periods --- End of SIDRA Output --- APPENDIX C YEAR 2015 BACKGROUND CONDITIONS LOS ARRB lrarlsE'ort Resealch IJtd - s.l,uHA 5.11 Felsburg HoIt & U]-]-ewj.g 13 Reg.istered User No. 1234 Time and Date of Analysis 9:10 A!.{, Aug 25,1998 G::"::r*#: * 3\CK r SiDFA US Hiqhway Capacity Ma'!ua]- (1994) Version Roundabout RUN INFOR!4AT I ON i Basi-c Para-aeteis : Intersection \pe; Rounda.bout Driving on tl:e riqht-hand side of the road SfDRA US Highway Ca;>acj.ty Maaual. (1994) Versj-on Input data specified in US unj-ts Defau]-t Values FiJ-e No. 11 . Feak flow pe=iod (for ferformance) : 30 mrnutes Unit tame (for volum.es):120 minutes (Tota]. Flow period) De]-ay def!-nition: Owerall delay, . Delay ror'ur.a: ,.rnff:;"H;:"i:iiil::rt"*" Level- of Serwi-ce based on: DeJ.ay (HG4) Queue definition: Back of queue. 95th percentj-le /ail P1aza Hote1 llture Condj.t'ions .-tersect-ion No. : f Roundabout - rable S.3 - INTERSECTION PARAMETERS i gAcK * * BACK * Degfree of satr:ration (highest) P=acticaf Spare Capaci ty (lowest) To'-al- vehicJ.e fLow (weh/h) Tot'al- welricle capacity, a]-l ]anes (veh/h) Aveiage intersection dela.y (s) Largest average Eovement de]ay (s) Lalgest back of queue, 95t (f--) Pe=formance Index Totar fuel (galh) Total- cost ($) Intersection l.ewel of Serwice Worst oovenent l,eve]- of Service -zo 43 91 /JI5 Z OJU 366.41 1'7.1 1 226 t -5 t .! fail Plaza Hotel Euture Conditi.ons [ntersection No.: Roundabout fa.ble S-5 - INTERSECTION PERFORMANCE Q;' (veh/ h ) nal-> l Arr6r Pr^n Delay Delay Queued (veh-h/h) (sec) Perf. Aver. Index Speed (uph) Eff. stop Rate ri I v_L q< n,45. 1 3.02 366.41 Yai]. P1aza Hote]- Prrtule Conditions" lntersecLion No. : Rounda.bout labLe S. 10 - r'iO\ZEMEICI CS9ACISr AI{D PER!'OR!{AIICE SI I!4ARY i BACK i llov Mov A.rl/ Tota..]- Lane Deg, - -No. IfJ1> Flow Cap. Util. Satn (veh (veh- /'r-: /h, (s ) x 100 0. 60559 0.419 59 0.419 7.6 t.O4 5.7 0.80 5.8 0.82 95t Perf. Back of Inciex Queue (weh) o.rJ .z6.61 2 .1 2L.452.7 5. 05 Aver. DeIay ( sec) f€f Stop Rate Iest: West Al4)roach 12 L 497 A22 11 T 426 1016 13 R 104 24A Soutl: : South \>proach -32L 114 L31 . 31 T 244 34L 33 R 143 L72 100 100 100 0. 832 0.833 0.831 31.4 1.96 30.1 2.01 29.O 2.05 10. 4 8. 68 11 - 5 20.82 11.5 1o.21 "last: East ApF: - ir ch 22 L ,t -. 307' 27 T 35b 729 23 R 888 152 41 0.489 9.4 0. 96 47 0.488 9.0 0.92 100 1.181* 183.110.95 3.3 1 .91 3.3 18.50 LOS.2 115.94 iortl.: North Approach 42L 41 T 43R o .572 0.510 0. 510 3.3 0. 54 3.6 0.51 3.5 0.64 524 916 L2A 25L 303 594 100 89to 3.9 25.8s 3.1 5.05 3. 1 13. 90 Northwest: North 9lest Al4proaeh a2 L 204 443 100 81 T 159 367 100' 83 R 101 279 100 0.460 0.460 0.461 8.0 0.90 tt. v u. :ru :t.5 u.v5 2.9 10.99 2.9 8.86 2.8 5.18 _ * l.laximun degree of satulation vail Fiaza Hotel 'uture Conditiolrs -ntersectiolr No,: Ror:ndabout 'tairte S.15 - CAPACITY AND LEr/EL OF SERVICE (HCt STYI.E) * BACK * Mov No, Mov ryp Total Total PJ-ow C.p. (weh (weh /h) /h, Deg. Aver. LOS of Delay Satn (v/c) (sec) West: West Approach L2 L 497 11 r iZA -13R 104 422 IVI O 244 u - ou.tr 0.419 0.419 /.o o., o. E' EI tt P ro27 2085 0.605 7.2 o South: JZ 'J?1 .tl south Approach a1A '284 0.832 31.4o.833 30.1 137 341 33R 143 0.831 29.O 541 550 u. E5.J 30. 1 '' f ast: East 22L e1 : A_Dploacfi 1f,U .J5b ttt,d 0.489 9.4 0.488 9.0 1 141 * 1e? 1 5Vl t 5z t: -L .J :r.+: /tttt \c:-Jr: No:i:h - 41 T Approacii 524 916 LZ6 Z5! 303 594 o.572 0,510 U.3J-U J-5 3. 6', o(q 1?a1 n i?? \orthwest: OZ lr 81 T tt-5 x No=th West Aoproach 204 443 0.450 169 357 0.450 101 .2t9 0. 4 51. 8.9 :t-5 474 t029 0.461 at-o - A]rL VEHTCI,ES: 439L 7313 1.181 ^< 1 INTERSECTION: 4391 7313 1 1al ,tr I level of Service ca.LcuJ-ations are based on ave:age oweral.l de!.ay ( HG,I cri--e=ia) ,j-ndependent of the cutlent de].ay defini.tion used. For the criteria, refer to the "Lewel of Service,' topic in the SIDRA Output Guide or the Output section of the on-line heL:. t-Iaxj-uum v/c -atio , or crj.tica.]- green peliods --- End of S IDRA Output --- o o APPENDIX D YEAR 2015 TOTAL CONDITIONS LOS i{CS: Unslgna1ized Inlersect.ions Rele3se 2.19 ACC.IICO page 1 Cen:er For Mi.croccmDut3=s in T=ansDo::siion Universi:y of Fi:=ida 512 Wail i{al-L Ae i nccrri I is FT. ?24ii-?nn? th: (9041 392-037E sEreets: (l[-S) $a!.n Access Mei.)r -qirpFi Di.reciion. . . . EWr.eJ v- ve-ve! e4 ' i..,ength of Time Aialyzed. . . 15 (min) Analyst ...-. ILAH Dare or- Analysis ... S/2s/ge (E-W) South Froniage Rcad Other Informa:ion. . P=ak Hour Year 2015 Two-way Stop-controLied Interseccion I Eastbound.t,li, T Rl---- ---: ---- No. Lanes lo 2 <O . Volumes I ].790 100| ^-' .>f, .a)I - crade I 0 Mc,s (?) |su/RV's (t) |Cv's (?) |PCE'S I l{escbound LTR 1?n N 44 2570 . vf, - vf, 0 1. r0 lt^rf l.lr^r in'.i| L,TR Southbound .|l!( 1n1 oJ 5f oq q< 000 1 tt1 1 1n o '- \talri^la . Maneuver Adjustmen! Factors Crit. ical Gap (Eg) Fo1low-up Time (tf ) LeiE. T\rrn Major RoaC Right, Ttjrn Minor Road Tbrougrh Traf f j.c Minor Road LefE Turn Mino!' Road E qn . b . JU 7.00 2.10 a.ov J .5U ? 4n o - llCS: Unsignalized fntersecEions Ralease 2.19 ACCB.HCo PaEe i Center Foi Microcomputers In TranspcrcaEion Universi:y of Floricia 5i2. Weii HaLl' Gainesvi1le, FL- 32611-2083 th: (9041 392'0378 ;;".=,T=ffiiffi;.""======= -T;-;;H;;Tff;;ru;; Major Slree! Dlrection. . . . sw. IJengch of Tlne Analyzed. . . 15 (nln) Analyst. -..... gAIt DaEe oi Analysls ..-.- 8/25/98 Other :nfoflnarion. . . Peak Hour Year 2015 Tero - way Stop-conirolled Inrerseccion lilo. Lanes - Stop,/Yield volumes ' PHF crade Mc's (8) . su/RV's (*) . cv's (t) ' PCE'S Eastbound L?R 000 N Westbound LTR Northbound LTR southbcund LTR 030 N 2570 . t:: 000 001 83 . v5 U 1.10 Adjustment Faetors - Vehicle . Maneuver Cri c ical Gap (cg) FoI Iore- up Time (t.f ) Right Turn Minor Road Throdgh Traffic Minor Road Left Turn Minor Road E tr'I t . !u b.5u 7 .OO 2.10 2.60 3 .30 3.40 HCS: Unsignalize<i InEerseccions R.ei:ase 2.19 ACaq.HCC p3g3 I n5-'t-.f E'rr M r 4-r,1/,.1rm!i! | F 5 !-c'r :.r T?r n c-^-- 2 t- .i i.\n Unive:siiy oi Ficr j.da 512 Werl !{a11 Gain=svilIe, FL 325!!-2063 Ph; (904) 392-0378 . Streels: (N-S) Main Access (!-W) Souci-. Frcniage Rcai Maior S::e3E Direcaion... - EW i.-.r,--f, ^f Ti ma Ana l1r7..l 1 q ami rt ) Anal,ysE ...... FLqI{ Daie of Analysis ... Ei25/98 Other In:ormacion. ..Peak Hour Year 2015 . Two-eray S c op - ccnr- ro 11ed InEerseccicn Eas:bound ! M Westbounci LTR, Northbound LTR SouEhbound J,TR ' No. lanes .. siop/Yleto vo lume s. PTiF dr=ris ptC's (?) SU,/RV'S (*) CV's (?) PCE's vzt N L790 100 , >a . yf, 0 100 N .;; 0 ln 83 3s . 7f, . >) 000 1.10 1 ln 1 rn Adj ust.menE Factors Cri t, ica I Gap ( t9) Fcl- low - up T,5=-':\r':-1 Mr.'i.- RCad P.ight Tu!'n Minor RoaC Thrcugh Tra::ic Mlnor Road. Left Turn Minor Road 2.ra 2.54 3.30 3.40 o i{CS: Unsigmalized InEerseciions Release 2.19 .qCCA. HCo Paqre 2 Worksheei ior TWSC in;e:sec; icn sE.3D 1: P.T irom Minor ScreeE Ng SB _ Ccn!-1ic::,ng Flows ' (vPh) PoE=nrial Capacity: (pcphl . Movementr Ca_oacrty: (pcph) Dr.rh .r€ r')r rarrF- Ffge StaEg: 9E-2 46i 467 n or Ql- ah , . l.T -._r^m M.e i 1-r. qFraal-WE 5IJ Confliccing Flows: (v?h) gotenEial Capacir-y: (pcph) MovemenE Capacicy: ( pcph ) Dr^h .r r-- f}rarro-F!-65 Cl'tt_6. . !47 't-47 . SEep 4: LT from Minor SEreet ' Conf licr-ing Flows, (vph) 1930 PotenEial CapaclEy: (pcph) 62 Major LT, Minor T?I T n^a^:n/'.e F.a,..r- ^r- - aaiustea Impedance Facc.or: Capacity Adjuscment Factor due to Impeding Movenencs Mowement Capacity: (pcph) NB SB 0 .65 u. bf u.bf, 40 Interseciion Performance Summarv Avg. 95? Flow Move Shared Tot.al eueue Approach RaEe Cap Cap Delay Length LOS Delay Movemen. (pcph) (pcph) (pcph) (sec,/veh) (veh) (sec/veh) NB L 96 40 848.2 L4 F 599 .2 NB R 41 46! 8.5 0.2 B WB L 5i L47 ?.7 n 1 ? F ?? ^ ;nie-cpari.!n Daler,r = ?i ) cor./rrah, c pe:/ ye.. HCS: UnsigaaLized In:e:sec:ions ReLe3.se 2.l.g -4CC.ECo P3,ge 2 Wcrksi:ee: ic: SISC laiersecclcn qr5--1 ,:. l- {-a!rn Mi.rrrr i--aa- .i^F_-t i -_ i n^ ::1ws. (r,pir) 994 Pc:eni ia1 Ca-Da.i-iy : (pc-Dh) ^-34- Mcvemeni Capicity: (pcph) 434 P:or. of Queue-:ree Sia!=: 0.9i qf -n 7 , :1' ----m i!4;'inr Q--aar ^nnil i r-t-inr: Fl nr.rc. frrnhlvr./rr; r -v er.rr:J Lt6> D..-oi\F i r'l n=n: -i :-rr. /n^-h \ 1 , nt I !r' e-v.- / Movem3nt Capa:iiy: (pcph) L4'7 D.t..rh .\a nrr5rr5.tr?-a e:-:F5. n << Ett , Step 4: LT from Minor Street .'nnil i .-l'i n.i Fl ^ur< . luFl^ \\ rP../ D^-An!-,i.a'l |.rn:-i :-rr- 1i\-ihl' \ Pv!"' / Me i r'- T,T M i n-lr Tli Impedance Factor: A.l'irtct-4,,i Tmreri=rr-- tri.--.r:-. - f'"^=^+ r., ld.ir,.l-m-nt- .:..r.\r\-a!raLr. Ly l|lrJ u> LL.Lv.re due to ImpedJ.ng MovemenEs M.\rr6rna!'r1- a:l-\-r-i tar. f nnnh\ssyss-gr-\ugyr., 4588 I ^..u - o) 1 Intersecti.on Performance Summarv Avg. 952 FIow Move Shareci Toial eueue Approach Race Cap Cap Delay Lengrh LOS Delay MovemenE (pcph) (pcph) (pcph) (seclveh) (veh) (sec/veh) NE !,. 95 1 * 11.9 F NB R 41 431 9.2 0.2 B wB L 5M1 J/.u J-.J r, 0.6 fntersecCicn DeIay = 993.3 sec/veh * The calculaled value r{ras greacer c.han 999. 9. o ./ail P].aza Hotel. !\rtu!e Conditions :ntersection No.: Rorrndabout ]alrle S, 10 - HOVAME}iI:T CA-DACTTY A}ID PERFORT',ANCE SI]MTICRT *TUT. Mow 'No. Fa€ Stop Rate l"Iov -tv Alrv Tota.} La'Ie Fj-c. Cap. Uti1 (ve:" (weh /ht /ht (t) Deg. Aver. Satn Delay r (see) 95* Perf. Back of Index Queue (veh) Iest: west AI)I)roac}. L2 L 496 806 11 r 438 1003 t3 R LOA 238 100 0. 5157t 0.4371! 0.437 8.1 1.08 ?. 1 0.83 7.2 0.85 6.3 27.O8 2 .9 22.262.9 5. 11 iou-.-h: South Approach 32 L 7L4 130.' 31 r 283 322 33 R 148 168 100 0. 87? 100 0.879 100 0.881 38.4 2.25 35.9 2.31 35.6 2.37 t2.4 9.43 14. O 22.59 14. 0 11.59 East: East Approach. 22 L 153 306 zr r 500 /5J- 23 R 908 753 42 0.50042 0.501100 1.206* 9.5 0. 98 9.1 0.94 205.411 . 95 3. { 8.16 3 .4 19. 08 115.6 r94.20 iorth: North Al)proach 42 L 539 906 41 T L2A 246 43 R 304 584 100 0.595 88 0.520 88 0.521 3. 5 0.68 3.7 0. 63 3.7 0. 55 4.3 26.79 3.2 6.08 3.2 1d. 02 Northwest: North West Apploach. 82 L 204 A22 100 0-483 81 T L74 360 100 0.483- 83 R 104 2Ls 100 0.484 8.6 0.94 9.5 0.94 9.9 0.97 3.2 11.123.2 9.243.0 5.40 Maxiuum degrree of saturatiorr vai-L Plaza Hotel bture Conditions -ntersectlon No. : Roundabout !l]rl.].e S.15 - CAPACITY AllD LE\IE! OF SERVICE ( I{CM STytE) * E.IJ! * Mov No. Mov Tota]. Typ FJ.ow (veh /jo'r, Deg. Aver, LOS of Delay Satn (v/c) (sec) Total cap. (veh /h) r'Iest: West Approach t2 L 496 11 T 438 13 R 104 805 1003 234 0.437 0 .431 u-l- 7.1 7.2 E B 1038 2047 0. 515 /.tl oouth: South AD'Droach, 32 L 11.4 31 T 283 o .411 38.40.879 36.9 130 322 !iCS: Unsignal,ized inieisec:ions p.elease 2.19 ACCB.!iC0 page 2 W3rksheei ic: TWSC :n.-ersea:ion Srep i : :-:on Mincr S-,:ee:I\E 5J Conf iic:inE Flows : (v_eh) Poiential. Capac:.cy: (pcphl M-\ar3!n5r.rr atFrFi Ft'. tn^nh \' \ Ye_vrr / Prcb . of oueue - lree SF-ate : >vz 483 483 0 .80 InE.e:sec--ion Perfcrmance SummarV Avg. 95? Flcw Move Shared ToEal eueue A-Dprcach Ra:e Cap Cap Delay Lengch LOS De1ay' Movement (pcph) (pcph) (pcph) (sec/veh) (veh) (sec/veh) 9.3sB R 95 1e3 >-5 U.tt il Int.ersection Delay = 0.3 sec/veh o o ARRB Ilansport Rcsearch Ltd - STDRA 5.11 Felsburg llolt & Ul].evig 13 Registeled User No. 1234 Tirre and Date of Anal-ysis 9:11 AI'{, Aug 26,1998 Vai-]- P1a=a llc:e]- E\rture Condi--:ons lntersec.-ion No. : S IDRA US Higrhway Capacity Manua]' (1994) version Rcundabout RI'N TNFORMATTON r F(rr r t Basic Paraaeters : Intersection ?!T)e: f,6urrd:Frqsg Driving on the right-hand side of tbe road S IDRA US Highray Capacity !{anua]. (1994) Version Input data specified in US units Defau].E Va].ues File No. 11' Peak flow period (for pelfo:naance): 3O :linutes Unit ti.ee (for volr:Des) :120 DiD.utes (lotal. FJ-ow Period) Del.ay defini-ti.on: Ov€laJ.I delay, - CeoDetric deJ.ay incJ.uded De1ay f o:nuJ-a: Highllay Capacity l,Ianual LeveJ. of Service based on: DeJ.ay (HCM) Queue definition: Back of qluGtue, 95th Percentile vaiL P].aza qotel Futule CondiLions Ingersection No. : Roundabout rab]-e S-3 - INTERSECTTON PARAIIEIERS Degree of saturation (highest) = 1.206 Practical- Spare Capac!. ty (lowest) = -30 t. Tota.l- vehic]-e f].ow (veh/h) = 4453 total vehicie capacity, al]. lanes (veh/h) = ?189 Ave=age intersection delay (s) = 50.9 Lalgest average moveDent, de1ay (s) = 205.4 Larges"- back of llueue, 95* (ft) = 29l.6 Performance Index = 392.16 Total fueL (galh) = 185.3 Total cost (9) = 2379.22 Intersection Level of Servi.ce = D Wors+- Dovement f',eve]- of Service = F vai-l Plaza goteL ?uture Condi,ti-ons intersecti-on No. : RouDdabout Iab]-e S.5 - INTERSECTfON PERFORMANCE TotaL Total Aver. Prop. Eff. perf. Aver. FIow Delay De1ay Queued Stop Index Speed '(velrlh) (weh-h/h) (sec)Rate (oph) r 4463 63.r2 50.9 0.712 3.29 392.15 11.1 * Eltr * * FIJT i o 33R 148 158 0.881 .J).O n aa1 iast: ZZ JJlrrv3R East APProach 355 908 305 0.500 9.5 tJ! U.JUI y..L 753 r.206* 205.4 E ! Lt>v :-.206 134. 1 'ilorth: Nolth Approach 42 L 5-Jv yub 41 T !24 246 43 R 304 584 0.520 o.52:- J. O 3.7 A r /Jo u - 5v!5. E \or',hWest: Nor".h Wes'. Approach 82 L 204 422 0.483 81 r L74 360 0.483 83 R 104 .2L5 0.484 at. o E 462 997 o.484 ALL VEHfCr.nS: 4463 7189 r.206 TNTERSECTION: 4463 718 9 L-ZVO 50. 9 LeveL of Se:wice caLcu].ations are based on average owerall. delay (HClt critelia), iadependent of the current deJ.ay definition used- For ttre criteria, refer to ttre I'Level of Service" topic in tbe SIDRA Output Gu-ide o= the Output section of the on-l-ine treJ.p. l.laxinr:n v/c ratio, or critical green periods End of S IDRA Output --- I{0v, lb. ivgg 5:14fff /I'dr!fl itilu A;bUtlA ? N0. lll0 r. ux Fron:10?0 FELSBUBG HOLT & ULLEVIG rnfrllccdrrg pcdrc 6 gturtprrcrb. re&rriaar Nosrrbcr 16, 1999 Me Tlm losa Zehrg r srd Asaocistel, Inc" P.O. BG 1976 Avon. Coloradc 81620 FE: Accgsr |tsrrtc - Piopold Vtjl nE Hotd FHU Ra(rrrncc No- 99,199I iDerTlm: I lWe heve p{€parGd rfris-ber in rqcrre to tilr ffi (hcd llovelrrbcr 4, f gg9-rogardng l.c"c.s issrrct et the proForod Vd Phzr Hcel. Wc hryc eddrrgcd cadr commont es idlocra: fuffiJlt 1: Tha 'Affity ot Udft fukig rp fr tE twffio.rt frottt he elltr qrbl q1 Vdtuqd ttrtM.e(Md m&m br|g A rotal s1tdd;g dstarrce cf QtO frrt wouE b. rvrihblc rbnE Vail Roed bctwgen tte Ror.rndaboW atd ftr foporad sq|thcrn lbtal A?fy. Tht-.r rtacting dstance wqld -ccsfimod.te a tpeus lang6 Cf rbour 15 whiCer. On nrer4o. h ls forucartr<l tfiat rb4t I vehicte per minutc wlll t|m tett ine thc dfa -nd .bost 13 vctrisbo p€r mirxtt! wil cominilc surdr rlong vdl Fol3d- [Jnder an €d'gme condtbn. if !X ll* of dlGt vehkier wetB to stoP .r th€ adtr.l, irnarsection, ltrrr e cpcuc |rtqidl of $ost 28O faat urould bo gcnrratgd. Sudr a quruc tength would not rxceod rha ryallable sacUr6 dLrsnc€. Hcwever, rhb repnrentr r worst trasc sccnerto. Oueuo lergths ato qp.stEd tD b. signiEcetrtty lrrr lfan 289 feet. rincg fnofa fian 'l vetrlde p€r minutt |l'E GIP.e,tld b bG tbb to trlm ldt into thc site. By eyaluating {rs rysihblc 'gap" time for lcft-Oning vehicles abng Vall Road, h trvs estim3tgd x'1rfi $o|tt 4 *fitcl€t pEf miilrts, er 1 whido tt ry 'l 5 :econdc, could nrm lalt lnto the slte. tn a 1$s*onC Intenrdl, eboC 4 vehidss lon av$.gd err forucancd to hstd loudl along Vail Road. tf U I lt tts" vdrichg wltr te 3top rt tfic GnW intcrspction, then a queue lengdr of aboqr EO fact would bc ganeratrd. Such a qucuc would not evctr tiocl' the Prcpcred exh drivswav ot thc Hotd sito. lot.7zl-r,Hotur6.nl.ar &f0urq:ou o II; I =a.-c"ry.y -O?951 E!&e&*dAE SE :L-- EaJanod,@SUl .rvr! lur lJJJ J,liril Novembcr '16, 1999 Mr- Tim Loer Page 2 The rrucltsl the rotd- @nd,ltzftlntcryldlotals&srssocr|rdwif.thelwdgitkr;aadaEthtfactsgttth of the Vafu ercrrY'snels ot' Udl fuad. ln sigadons where two accgia drlve$'rys arc clomly rptccd' k ir irnporatiw fiorn a gafety star.dpoim drat go gw a"t-rcc lr eveltalte rt rom;ses.t. sdsty * 3|t*t irrtssscc{bnE can abo ba irnprovcd w';;finns ttrs n,rmbor or confiaing l|tn . Thb cen br donc by nstrlcting tngrosr end/or G€ttss tsftirgJnovtrndtls' ln dre cre of thn proporcd ll6tcl' it b rccomrnendcd that th. rc"lo bo littilt€d tD outbomd msultxnt! orrty {i'e' an srii onlyl' As nsted in our septrnrber zz, iisg l"a*-t#ft,Fotibitlns tu$ourd left'rrrru * trb accers will "n-i"",t *atftPping |oft'trrn confllst! rlong Vil lbra' Thersfarc, while this spacing is mr an idorl condition' drc FovLion cf good dgfn distaoce' the re$ricdon of moverncntsio*t"'a o"tyl'9-rcforeclrrrea'bwvoltrne gf sitlngtzffic' and #'fr'.;;il ro* .pu.a -"niir*rr stptrid rltow for m acceptablc condition. Conllrrot 3; rne sateti m&r d*s as;tt iztd vtfit lhc tnp, Nw sd ddfurlry atW qlV a&Gett * hMd h qt*n A u'd il's C'urrtut'itl 6 thc rou@lriett otr tlc fuutt FmntryP Rod' rl,ig .. ,,// rJ From:10?0 The bencfitr and ol rha proposed dedgn of rhe trcntegc road accr::s have bcon Uend{ied ee vewey ls dcs$ned tush ttrgi dcllvcrY tnrls 0nduding semFtttilcr h- ,i. unloading/dcct rree of $. shg wirhorn lmg*ting szftrc on I ,rwidcs r pfugl arrr for dccd*rting tdgtn-Brmingt vehides' Thc proPo*i Gtltrybnsl ;;i'nJ[crne dr, fti;;-; tsu.fo corttoonr ftom t'"fflE 'tirins drc roundabur' il;;i$;;;;,"k iil-*op--nrtn drie refgge 16o lwlrih e rlohcrv vdtk1" ir maneuvcri4g wlrhin the ;F .ic ,rrm. abrg dre Fontagr Fcnd n'ill still not bc impacted- 'Wrong.waymovem€ntlscouldbemrdgupttreinboundaccsEs|rne.Howerrcr,thiscan;;;figft bv posting lDo Not Ern.er' rnd/or'wrone way" t'qm' AgnotedbUthFTown.sEnginecr,errtcringvrildcsccddrear+ndatrud(making backing rranauyers .*t...ior"wcr. dria can be miti9Fted by portrd'Yidd' dgns atthebaa.}otthemtF/lsnc.Thigwiitcortanincgrnhgdrivcrofpoterrtie|conflia. r r0n: lL /u N0. lltb t. 5/tb:l5fU -: '/!,dl(l,x Ailll ASS(]UlAt\ llst lt tl t I I I I I I I I 7arc Jt' ffii u I I IIr\ lr' zTr tl tII lt bT a g lfi[ $s FS ?F€al- Etill Tt F o * TTITH. PrcE.6 * l{ o v, 1b. }V99-- I I I o Z E H R E N AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ll0V g.., lggg Thursday, Novernber 04, 1 999 Mr. Iawrence l:ng Transportation Engineer tr Felsburg, Holt and Ullevig Greenwood Corporate Plaza 7951 E. Maplewood Avenue Suite 200 Englewood" Colorado 801I I Re: Vail Plaza Hotel Mr. kng: I had recently reviewed your report datcd Septemb a 27, 1999 with the town engineer. In reviewing tfie report and the associated access points, the engineer would like us to address a few additional items. Specifically, the town engineu would like us to address: l. The possibility of raffic backing up to the roundabout Aom 0re south cntry on Vail Road without a dcdicatcd left nrn lane. 2. The safety and/or risks associated with the hotel exit located eight fee! (eighteerr feet from the ceaterline of the gateway drive), soutl of the Vail Gateway access on vail Road.3. The safety and/or risks associated with the hotel loading and delivery enry only access as indicated in Option A and it's proximity to the rormdabout on the South Frontage Road. It is our intention that 55' semi-trailers, and 45' passenger coaches use the drive (entry) lane for backing prior to departing through the east exit. Our feeling is that passenger coaches only frequent the hotel during the ..off season" or low raffic periods due to the fact that the hotel operates as a factional fee condominiumhalf the year imd does not have the remaining occupancy to be able to cater to large groups. Additionally, othet than the initial equipment and fumishings move-in period, we foresee no semi- trailer u'affic although it has becn determined that we need to provide for such vehicles. It is ogr objective to have all other vehictes including 35' staight-body trucks and 50' articulated (beer delivery) be able to hrn right out of the structure with minimal mimeuvers. It is the town enginier's concem that vehicle atering the drive will rear-end vehicles using the drive lane for a backing movement. 4. The safety and/or risks associated with the hotel loading and delivery exit only access ils indicated rn Option A and it's proximity to the roundabout on the South Frontage Road- Specifically, the town engineer would likc some conrment on the feasibility and safety of both autos and the larger scrvice type vehicles tuming left on the fronage road. We have p,reliminarily indicated medians for protection of the center nrming lane in this option. Additionally, the town engmeer had asked us to explorc additional options for a combination inlout 90- dcgree access. Enclosed is Option B explonng that option. Please just generally discuss any positive or negative inpacts associated wrth this scheane including safety concems associated with its proximity to the roundabout. ARCHITECTURE.Pt ANNtN6.tNTERtORS.tANDSC-{pt ARCHTTECTURE PO. Box I 975 . Avon, Colorado 8162O . e7O\ g4g-O257 . FAX $7Ol949-1080 Date Receive ilo v. lti. 1999 5 : l5Pll Lavr ZUlIfi] AIIIJ ASS0ilA ri0. lllb t. +/\ fr0n:lu/l.J Norember 16. 1999 Mr. Tim Loea Page 3 Ove*ll, h should bc notsd dtd dtr volurnc cl cJfie rntrring end eriting rtE dte is vcry low .^d ;;; ,it "o rrr{treis .rDct€d to be itrftt$ctrt Orrlng plk p.ti'ods, otdy 1 vClido cvery3rninutes(onlv€ra$llsfotrcerpOtoslm-lmodrcehs'ardrboulvC&bcvory5 ;il;;"-rd"d to ".iirh. sita, on ry.'"g1 Atso, his amicipnedrhctaffic will rmEr rhG sitg rt to$, sF#, givcn Um drc rccgt i5 locttrd in dose pmrmry to s nq^ndabout vrnet! diling sP€Edr ar: low. Coutstt A TIn srtcl1 ndlor til*s lriffip6 tith t e lor/ ffiq td &fvvt qit oatf eclrrrt .E b,*d h, Wn A Jd nS ForinttV b tllp mmbW oa drc sonnFrl'tF{,afrF/,.fuiHly,tltelaowncf,d'@wqfrkcgn eorrttt|t}|rtontpflrrolnry*tdtryotMtat'wJddEhryqs'YbW ru rblbs tut nng btz o'r nn fiwqo d' In ragards to rhe frrribllry sf tructs uming |.fr ryo rh. frotfiglo lqd, it aD9.m trom rtt3 irrti"S rcmplacr d|t Vs,t F gt'idld d€t tit drordO r6t bo r publqn' F'tun m cpcrationd "iriOplotn, it war dcsrrnitrd tr*rhr altbanrl bft{nfng mtt[g wil qp11iene long ddryl f6r,[-i ,"*io. of 'g' conUitio.rsl durirg pcek Pcriorlr. Howqnr' thb dos'nst n crsc*Y i-CV .fr* a"-ing out of tl|3 8ib wlll bs unsdr' Wt only rh* dtivl|t tltly l|tva r writ to|' lorg pcrtods befof€ an accrrcbls gap in traffic ir ryailgbla fornrming' ssfdv bocotlt.s E|r ilsus I a Oi"er lccom.,imOcriem"ena rurns dilo thc frorrt4e rced uftcn a gap an tratfic b not stfficiEnt- | I ln regarCs te x.s calbn,ol pfori.fnt a 9o{cgrco rcc.t3 rlonC the frontrgn lrd' re bi6ct c $". tils .1=o rcpnE11rcr a vl€tt6 opdm from rn oprrrtional 3rdD.im provilcd rlEt llrc sntry il"fr g,"iohcs fo*n crilcria- Hourcilet, it app€ers tt t E 55{got TfiS'tra-lar could nct ;";;d on-sito witho$t mgthg I bsckFlg mlmu\r6r qTto or off of thc fronbgc road' Such " -"*u* would cttltc e vsy hsrdout rlhntcn' lf you havo .nv quastions rcEsTdlng our findingr or if you necd cdditionet asiltrlrcc, coss. call. Sincerely FELSflJNG HOLT & ULI.EYIG Vail Plaza Hotcl 961070.00 Zchrcn and Associatcs, Inc. lrt04t99o The design intent of both options is to schcrnatically meet the development sbndards and trning radii of the tlpes and numbers of vehicles dictated by thc town cnginecr and planning staff. It is our intcntion that wc have the approved desigl fuUy cngineered for confinnation of the ideas prcsanted pnor to pcruritting of the project by the town or CDOT. Please do not hesitate to contact me or the town cngineer, Grcg Ha[, with any questions or conccnm. We would hope to have confirrnation of these issues by Friday, November 12, lggg if it is at all possible. Sinccrely, Tim Losa Project Manager Zehren and Associates, Inc. Cc: George Ruther, Scnior Planner, Town of Vait Greg Hall, Town Engineer, Tovm of Vail Enclosr.res F$' rfl I I I I I \I I I \ I I I I I I I L j ! I I I I I I I i I I I ; I I i I.\ i\,\\\\\\ \\\r\ I T-EFj ll- -JL := i$it' { tl1,{ llJ'6 tl+r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I-'1. I I ,I II i 4_l: o at€ b H q, \l l*illi ilti illB j ilti ilir,. i"'- _ ill "j--_ il| ,/ ),A,i ,/ . "ti----ii@il-llffi#.llulllllllllllllt_ r 1 *Etj i$€ r lii o / ffii;[N/ ll-l ''N}, / o it/i i[//{ii#ri r'|,ffi ;tll L,'' '/ fu! ,'= ," ,t' I /l t' 'ff)'i I I ,, //' W' /l .-U t' [i'/ l( _ii--_:.:.,.^\,1,, ,i ' ,'''N "'""t''I { ^il'n i :l ll /]ilill/llll;,rl rl ' itffi ti /,/i{/f:M i -1. {fl (\ ',. tr\ \, \ i -*-i Iirii Ii!iIl';llt,j I ili il ,'. ll ,,iin i./Ii,'ll 'liti!lii ti ii It ii li \iit \:iliI i'li itii ii tl!tiii' ir ii/ li i i+-ilrtl;lt;irl' | |l'ljijl!i;itl,HJ;Tt i tE=, iir iiil1i I l,' ," 1/ .il !1 i' ,i; ,' /l ' /! ,!i,! ,' i'iiii\\ li-Vr \\ \.\ ,r" ,t! ' ,' ,ii ," ,i' ,ii' F$arilti )\\::-\\'i I I ''i I t il -4.' ' t I i I I i \/ I i:l i I I I I I I I .t t, I I I ,\ i j I I i I I ! I J E$ullgti t/ i I I I i / il' l I i I Y I I I I ll ll \r\ II 1l I I I I i -\r -\t' tl ll|,/ ii E rt , I I I I I t; ,'r I I F$$ rl|ri {t; \rr l\ I ; i I I I I I I I ! I I I I I iiiii x t/ \i \.\ tlt/il i!i l, , li 't I ,i, llil t/,.,i ! lit li/, li,,,/ l, t ll \2, ii$[i Ta !]rrEof;rEsEis E.b t= -D-€t'd \ \ \ \ \ \ \ o Attachment K ..4 Department of Community D evelopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorad.o 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 MEMORANDUM To: Town ofVail Deslgn Revidw Board From: CommunityDevelopment Department Date: December 1,1999 Re: Vail Plaza Hotel - Preliminarv Recommendation to the Vail Town Council In anticipation of appearing before the Vaii Town Council tbr first reading of an amending ordinance to allow for the redevelopment of Phase lV of the Vail Village Inn Special Deveiopment Disrict, the applicant has requested a preiiminalv recommendation from the Design Review Board. Pursuant to the Town Code, in part, 'bo person shall building construction or demolition within the corporate limits of the Town unless desip approval has been ganted in accordance tvith Title 12, Chapter I i of the Town Code." Should the Desip Review Board choose to make a pteliminary recommendatim of approval to the Vail Town Council on the rodevelopment proposal for tle Vail Plaza Hotel, staff would suggest tbat the following finding and conditions be made pan ofthe recomrnendadon: "Upon the preliminary review and consideration of the redevelopnent propos{ll for the Vail Plaza Hotel, the Board finds that the Vail Plaza Hotel rvill be compatible with existing structwes, the hotel's surroundings and with Vail's environment. The Board fi:rttrer tinds that the proposal is in compiiance with tie applicable provisions of the Desip Guidelines prescribed in Title 12, Cbapter I I of the Towu Code and tbe Vaii Village Master Plan & Urban Design Consideratiors. Therefore, the Board recommends approval of the redevelopment propoial for the Va.il Plaza Hotel. The Board's recommendation of approval carries with it the followine conditions: i.That the applicant submits a final landscape plan, final off-site improvements plan, and outdoor lighting pian in accordance with the provisions prescribed in the Zoning Regulations for review and approval of the Design Review Board- That the applicant submits a fiBal exterior building materials list and color rendering for review and approval ofthe Design Review Board. That thc applicant subrnits a cornprehensive sip program proposal for the Vail Plaza Hotei. That the applicant submits a roof-top mecbanicai pian prior to the issuance of a building permit. All roof- top mechanical equipment shall be enclosed and screened frorn public view. 3. A n {guno"or rr* Attachlnent L Memorandum To: George Ruther, Senior Special Projects Planner From: Greg Hall, Director of Public Worla and Transportation Date: December 9, I 999 Subject: Vail Plaza Hotel - Review of the November 23, 1999 Plans I have completed my review of the Vail Plaza Hotel and have the following comments and concems. Some of thcse arc truly comments, which should be corrected as the project progresses through the development process, and others are concems or conditions, which shall be takcn care ofat the appropriate times in the process. Reuuircd Plan Correcfions o D The scale stated on the site illusffative plan is inconect, pleasc label correctly. Sheet-Level Nlinus Two, ihe elevation of the ramp from above proceeding to the 6 lowest level is nor 145' as indicated. Provide the slope (%) of the perking area in the lowest valet area and the location chanse from 128' to 130'.o Please shorv ali access points and doorwavs to elevators and hallways. Specifically, access to the elevators in the Level Minus Two, this may cause valet spaces to be eliminated. Access to the srnall elevator lobby from the loading berth, and access from the loading benh to the freight elevators. The exact location of the garage door into the Phase III pruking structue. Show the staging area in front of the fieight elevator and how this may impact access to Phasc III and the safety of those using the elevator. Show the location of the trash pickup. o The eastside curb alignment of Vail Road is shown per the survey. However, there appears to be one shot out of line, this causes ajog right at the hotel entry, which doesn't exist. The curb moves one foot at this location. D The widths of Vail Road, dre South Frontage Road and F;ist lvleadow Drive along with the exact locations of the curbs of the roundabout and median islimds and opposite side of the street will need to be shown accurately prior to first reading before the Town Council. Issues for Discussion. There has been sip-ificant discussion with regards to whethe r a left-tum lane is required on Vaii Road. The hotei krcation as it is presently designed would not have to move if thc desire for a left+um is therc. A pedestrian easement would be required to push the rvalk east to make room for the additional 12' lane. Vinually all of the landscaping on thc cast side of the road would be lost. A space of 3' to 1 i' wide as you go nonh would exist on the south building and the space would bc 8' to 15' along the norrh buiiding. The need for a left+um lane was specifically reviervcd and evaluated by the tralfis consulting i-rm oi Felsbur*e, Holt & r.Illevig. In the Traffic Report prepared by the consuiting eng.ineer. the engineer has' stated that based upon traific projections, vehicies "backing up" into the roundabout faffic rvouid not occur. A review of the rotindabout design rvith regards to Vaii Road traffic determined that at current voiumes, there is a florv of 321 vehiclcs in rhe A.\I oerk hounvith a capacifv to take 150 1 vehicles and a ml,xirnurn o/o grade at the where the grades queue of I vehicle, in the PIvl peak flow was 464 vehicles rvith a capacity to take 1423 r,ehicles and a maximum queue of 2 vehicles. The roundabout design allows for a 50% increase in peak fiows with the AM having a peak hour flow of 481 vehicles with capacity of I 172 vehicles with a maximum queue of 2 vehiclcs. The PVI peak flow would be 735 vchicles with a capacity of 1055 vehicles and a maximum queue of 7 vehicles. This queue does nor impact the entry into this sitc. The Vail Plaza Hotel Traffic Report rtates the cunent northbound raffic volume ofVail Road is 695 vehicles. The edded trips to Vail Road will be approximately 57 trips in and 40 trips out, during the peak PM period. They also analyzed that the trips were tuming in against 900 vehicles verses the 735 uips. As estimated in the futruc roundabout calculations. The second issue is that the loading bay requirements for the site were to accommodate the n-rming t maneuvers ofa 30' sing.le axle truck, a 45' over the road coach and a 50-foot semi tractor trailer on-site, and to additionally to allow a 65' semi tractor trailer to maneuver without impeding the flow of traffic on the South Frontage Road. Ttre applicant has provided an access and rnaneuverability plan, which illustrates that the maneuvering of the vehicles takes place panially off-site, in rhe right-of-way. However, no backing nrotions occur across aDy sidewallc and the traffic flow on the South Frontage Road is not impeded. Extending the proposed South Frontage Road median through this access point could solve rhe question of the lefl tum out for the frontage road access. It would be desirable to at least provide a left rurn pocket east bound somewhcre in thc frontage road to allow U-tums of passenger cars at a point that is determined appropriate. This is most likely at Village Center Chute. The landscape mcdian would necd to be extendcd thc cntire lcngh to ensure this takes place where determined. This entire access plan on the frontage road will require a Colorado Department ofTransportation revised access permit. The uansportation cngineers at CDOT have the authority to decide how the access functions. Required Imorovements and Conditions o The required improvements for this development are a 6' heated paver walkway from the east property line of the SDD to the Gateway Building. In addition nny revisions to the curb will require new curb and gutter and modilications or additions to the storm sewer system. The extension of Village-style street lights is also required. Any necessary modifications to utilities, landscaping, irrigation systcms and required retaining wails shail be the responsibility of the developer. The rvalkway wiil be delineated in pavers across the driveways behind thc cross pans. tr Frontage Road landscape medians to include curb and guner, concrcte rrnil pgygl 3p1s1s, any masonry rock walls, plant matcrial, bedding mix to TOV ryecifications, and irrigation system and water connections and sleeves. Lnprovements to Vail Road include a heated 8' paver walkway from the Gateway Building property to East Meadow Drive. All additional improvements to allow for this to take place as similarly as stated above for the lrontage road are also the responsibility of the developer. In addition, adding curb, gufter and a 5'concrete walk liom the east property line of the SSD to and around the curb retum of Village Center Chute on the South Frontage Road. Any modifications to tie drainagc system to accomplish this work iue considered the requirement of the curb. Work such as retaining walls and utility modifications are the responsibility of the Town of Vail. Detirils of the improvements from Vail Road to the west edge of thc Phase I building (Base lvlountain Sports) along rvith the improvements of the bus stop along East lv{eadow Drive are as follows a heared paver walkrvay attached to the strcet and bus stop along with zrll modifications to drainage, utilii.ies, retaining wails, &a.inage systems, inigation. landscape modifications street lighting and aoy adjacent properry improvements impacted. The orange street lights existing along the entte length of East Meadow Drive shall be cbanged to thc Village-sryie street li_eht fixrure. This installarion shall be completed by the devcloper. A hnal grading and drainage plan be prepared and all drainage sysrems carrying runoff from public right of rvays require drarnage easements. The t-nni grading plen will have all grades to the tenth of a ibot. q A final landscape plan showing sight distances, snow storage areas, and all existing vegetarion impacted. tr The entire building will require a guttering sysrem , heat tape and piping to the srorm sewer.a That snow shedding is addressed lbr the entire building.o The pedestrian walks along Vail Road and the otber pedestrian mews are established as public pedestrial easements. o Complete civil-engineered plans are reviewed and approved by the Towu Engineer prior to submitting plans for the building permir. 3 All one-way cross over lanes shall be 18' in width apd all two-way cross over lanes shall be 24' in width. This affects approximalely four compact and seven valet spaces.o The two-way drive aisle at the pone-cochere is only 20' in width between the columns. The valct spaces drawn are only 16' in length. If full-size valet spaces are e$ablished as required, the drive lane width is fi,rther reduced down to 17'. To resolve the conflict the parking spaces need to be removed.tr The slopes of the heated and enclosed drive aisle ramps are allowed to be a maximum grade of 16%. An engineered-stamped design of the drive aisle is required prior to final DRB approval.o The three Phase V parking spaces south of the hotel are not practical. To enter the frrst to requires the driver to use the hotel porte-cochere as a roundabout. The one angled parking space, when drawn to the proper dimensions (9'x I 9') reduces the &ive aisle to the structure by I '. This conflict could be resolved by moving the parking ryace closer to the Phase V building. However, the proposed 4 foot wide walk in this mew is then reduced to three feet in width wheu adjusted. The reduced width is roo narrow next to the building. The parking space design must be revised.B The curb retums into and out of the site will need to be revised to allow proper turning and maneuvering. D The south return onto the site shali have a lS'radius.o The north rcturn out of the sitc shali have an 8'radius.o The South Frontage Road exit shall be widened to accommodate the 65'semi tractor trailer. This requires an adjustrnent to both sides of the drive aisle and to the landscape isliurdo The brick paver sidervalk along Vail Road shall be 8' in widrh. MEMBERS PRESENT Galen Aasland Diane Golden Tom Weber Chas Bernhardt Doug Cahill Site Visits : 1. West Vail Lodge - 22't1 MEMBERS ABSENT John Schofield Brian Doyon PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION PUBLIC UEENNG SCHEDULE Monday, February 28, 2000 MEETING RESULTS ProiEct Orientation / PEC LUNCH - Communitv Develooment Department Driver: Kex NOTE: lf the PEC h€aring eltends until 6:00 p.m., the board will break tor dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearino - Town Councll Ghambers 2:00 p.m. 1. A requesl for a. conditional use permit, to -allow for the conversion of existing hotel rooms into e.mployee housing units, located a|2211 N. Frontage Rd. (West Vail Lo.-dge)/Lot 1, Vail das Schone #3. Applicant: Reaut CorporationPlanner Brent Wilson MOTION: Chas Bemhardt SECOND: Diane Gotden VOTE:5-0 TABLED UNTIL MARC}I 13, 2OOO A request for a final review of a major amendment, to allow for the proposed redevelopment of the Vail Village Inn, Phase lV, within Special Dev-eloilment District No. 6, and a conditional use permit, to allow for the operatiori of a fractionit fee club in the Public Accommodation Zone District, located at 100 East Meadow Drive/Lots M, N, & o, Block 5-D, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Daymer Corporation, represented by Jay peterson Planner: George Ruther 2. o(tcoPr 12O0 p.m. 1:30 p.m. N. Frontage Rd. George MOTION: Tom Weber SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE:4-1 ( Chas Bernhardt opposed) APPROVED - MAJOR AMENDMENT RECOMMENDATION TO TOWN COUNCIL 4rt ti- *tlvlETlOS.l: Doug Cahill SECOND:Tom Weber VOTE:5-0fr \; " r:', fppnoveo-coNDtfloNALUsEpERillTwtrH2l coNDlTtoNS: 1.That the Developer submits detailed civil engineering drawings of the required off-site improvements (street lights, drainage, curb and gutter, sidewalks, grading, road improvements, etc.) as identified on the off-site improvements plan to the Town of Vail Public Works Department for review and approval, prior to application for a building permit. That the Developer submits a detailed final landscape plan and final architectural elevations for review and approval of the Town of Vall Design Review Board, prior to application for a building permit. The sdd approval time requirements and limitations of Section 12-gA-12shail apply to Ordinance No. 1, Series of 2000. In addition, the phasing of the construction ot the hotel shall not be permitted. That the Developer submits the following plans to the Department of Community Development, for review and approval, as a part of the building permit application lor the hotel: An Erosion Control and Sedimentation Plan; A Construction Staging and Phasing Plan; A Stormwater Management Plan; A Site Dewatering Plan; and A Traffic Control Plan. That the Developer receives a conditional use permit to allow for the construction ot Type f f l Empfoyee Housing Units in Phase lV of the District, in accordance with Chapter 12-16, prior to the issuance of a building permit, to provide housing on-site. That the Developer submits a complete set ot plans to the Colorado Department of Transportation for review and approval of a revised access permit, prior to application for a building permit. That the Developer meets with the Town staff to prepare a memorandum of understanding outlining the responsibilities and requirements of the required off-site improvements, prior to second reading of an ordinance approving the major amendment. That the Developer submits a complete set of plans responding to the design concems expressed by Greg Hall, Director of Public Worls & Transportation, in his memorandum to George Ruther, dated 1213/99. The drawings shall be submitted, reviewed and approved by the Town Engineer, prior to final Design Review Board approval. That the Developer records public pedestrian easements between the hotel and the Phase lll Condominiums, between the hotel and the Phase V Building, and along the Vail Road frontage. The easements shall be prepared by the Developer and submitted for review and approval of the Town Attorney. The easements shall be recorded with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder's Office prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 10. That the Developer record a deed-restriction, which the Town is a party to, on the Phase lV property prohibiting the public use of the spa facility in the hotel. Said restriction may be revoked if the Developer is able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Town that adequate provisions for vehicle parking have been made to accommodate the public use of the spa. The restriction shall be recorded prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2. 3. 4. a. b. c. d. e. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. That the Developer submits a final ex'terior building materials list, a tlpical wall sections, architectural details and a complete color rendering for review and approval ol the Design Review Board, prior to making an application for a building permit. 12. That the Developer submits a comprehensive sign program proposal for the Vail Plaza Hotel for review and approval of the Design Review Board, prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 13. That the Developer submits a roof-top mechanical equipment plan for review and approval of the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a building permit. All roof-' top mechanical equipment shall be incorporated into the overall design of the hotel and enclosed and screened from public view. 14. That the Developer posts a bond with the Town of Vailto provide financial security for the 125/" ol the total cost of the required off-site public imprwements. The bond shall be in place with the Town prior to the issuance of a building permit. 15. That the Developer installs bollards or similar safety devices at the intersection of the delivery access driveway and the sidewalk along the South Frontage Road to prevent conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles, prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 16. That the Developer studies and redesigns the entrance on the north side of the hotel across from the entrance to the Gateway Building to create a more inviting entrance or a design that redirects pedestrians to another entrance. The final design shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a building permit. 17. Th_at the Developer coordinate efforts with the owners of the Gateway Building to create a below ground access for loading and delivery to the Gateway from the Vail Plaza Hotel to resolve potential loading and delivery concerns at the Gateway. lf a coordinated effort can be reached the Developer shall submit revised plans to the Town of Vail Communig Development Department for review and approval, prior to the issuance of a building permit. 18. That the Developer revises the proposed floor plans for the Vail Plaza Hotel to provide freight elevator access to the lowest level of the parking structure. The revised plans shall be submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. 'l9' That the DevelePer redesigne the prep€ffid elevater tewer te ereate an arehiteeturel leeture atep the tewer and revis€s th€ prepeeed buildhg elevatigns and reef p'an Frier te final review ef the prepesel by the Design Review Beard, The Beard shall reiiew ind apBre+e+le-rsdsegdesigf,, 20. That the Developer, in cooperation with the Town of Vail Public Works Department design and construct a left-turn lane on Vail Road and reconfigure the landscape island in the South Frontage Road median to eliminate left-turns from the loading/delivery. The construction shall be completed prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 21. That the Developer provides a centralized loading/delivery facility for the use ol all owners and tenants within special Development District No. 6. Access or use of the facility shall not _be unduly restricted for Special Development District No. 6. The loading/delivery facility, including docks, berths, freight elevators, service conidors, etc., may be made available for public and/or private loading/delivery programs, sanctioned by the Town of Vail, to mitigate loading/delivery impacts upon the Vail Village loading/delivery system. The use of the facility shall only be permitted upon a finding by the Town of Vail and the Developer that excess capacity exists. The Developer will be compensated by the Town of Vail and/or others for the common use of the facility. The final determination of the use of the facility shall be mutually agreed upon by the Developer and the Town of Vail. 22.Thal the Developer submits a written letter of approval from adjacent properties whose property is being encroached upon by certain improvements resulting from the construction of the hotel, prior to the issuance of a building permit. 3. A request for variances lrom Section 12-6C-6, Section 1 2-6D-6, and Section 12-1+6, Town of Vail Code, to allow for an extended entry, trash enc_losure and deck expansion, located at 706 W. Forest Road/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6'n Fiting. Applicant: Cliff lllig, represented by Beth LevinePlanner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL MARCH 13,2OOO 4. A request for.a minor subdivision, to allow for an amendment to a previously platted building envelope and a revised lot access, located at'1452 Lionsridge Loo! i Lot 4, Ridge at Vail. Applicant: Mike YoungPlanner: George Ruther TABLED UI.ITIL MARCH 13,2OOO 5. A request for linal review of a proposed major amendment to Special Development District #4 (Cascade Village), located at 1000 S. Frontage Road West (Glen Lyon Office Building)/Lot 54, Block K, Glen Lyon Subdivision. fpplicant: Dundee Realty, represented by Segerberg Mayhew ArchitectsPlanner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL IIARCH 13,2OOO 6. A request for a variance from Sections 12-6H-6 and 12-1+6, Town of Vail Code, to allow for the addition of gross residential floor area and balconies within required setbacks, located at 303 Gore Creek Drive Vail Townhouse #2-ClLot 2, Block 5, Vail Village 1n Filing. Applicant: Vicki Pearson, represented by Ron Diehl, ArchitectPlanner: Ann Kjerulf TABLED UNTIL MARCH 13,2OOO 7. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of an addition to the existing raw water intake structure and pump station, located on Black Gore Drive/Lot 8, Heather of Vail. Applicant: Eagle River Water and Sanitation DistrictPlanner: Brent Wilson WITHDRAWN 8. lnformation Update i\ t 9. Approval of February 14, 2000 minutes. The appllcations and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during ggular office hours in the proiect planne/s office located at the Town'ot Vait Cdmmunity Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call479-2138 for informatidn. Sign language interpr€tation avaihble upon requeet with 24 hour notiticafpn. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Headng lmpairsd, tor information. Community Devebpmont Dopartm€nt Vail Plaza Hotel 96r 070.00 Level 6 Gross Square Footrge Dwellins Unit Dwelling Unit (uppcr level) Club Units Unlt Number Club Unit 44 (Upper t evel) Club Unit 45 (Up?er Lwel) Club Unit 46 (Upper l,evel) Club Unit 47 (Uppcr l-evel) Club Unit 49 (Upper Lrvcl) Club Unit 50 flJooer Level) Sub.Totd Club Conidor (public) Core (elevator) Maid Cqe (stair) Mechanical (roolioo) Sub-Totrl Arc: Dweling Unit Net Club Unit Net Othcr Nct Tot l Nct NeUGro$ Dllfercn.G Level 6 Zehren and Associates. Inc. 423lOO 7,923,00 @ 2,053.00 Arer 814.00 814.00 814.00 648.00 814.00 814.00 4,71E.00 0.00 r 50.00 0.00 0.00 222.@ 372.U1 2,053.00 4J18.00 222,N. 7,t43.t0 780.00 Dcck Area 0.00 Deck Area t47.W r47.00 147.00 108.00 147.00 147.00 t43.00 Kws 0.00 Kws 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.(xt Bcdrooms r.00 Bedrooms 1.00 L00 t.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 Studlo 0.00 Pillows 2.00 Studio Pillows 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.w 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.N 0.00 2.00 DE G E r u Effl ill rre z a zooo ilj o Page I Vail Pl^za Hotel 961070.00 Level 5 Gross Square Footage Dw€llins Unit Dwelling Unit (lower level) Club Units Unit Number Club Unit 35 (Upper lJvel) Club Unit 36 (Upper kvel) Club Unit 37 (Upper I€vel) Club Unit 38 (Upper twel) Club Unit 40 (Upper l-evel) Club Unit 44 (hwer I-evel) Club Unit 45 (Irwer Irvel) Club Unit 46 (I-ower I*vel) Club Unit 47 (I-ower kvel) Club Unit 48 (Flat) Club Unit 49 (t ower L,evel) Club Unit 50 (I-wer L€vel) Sub-Totrl Club Other Arees Coridor (public) Core (elevator, mech. shaft) Maid Core (stair) SutsTotrl Other Arers Dwelling Unit Net Club Unit Net Other Net Totrl Net N€UGross Difference Level 5 Zehren and Associates, Inc. 2/23/00 16,146.00 Area 3,446.00 Area 814.00 814.00 814.00 814.00 857.00 912.00 979.00 486.00 513.00 858.00 992.00 9s5.00 9,E0t.00 Aree I,61?.00 151,00 0.00 0.00 1,76t.00 3,M6.00 9,808.00 1.768,00 15,022.00 I,I24.00 Deck Area 340.00 Deck Area l4?.00 147.00 147.00 147.00 t47.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 735.00 Bedrooms 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 t.00 2.00 2.OO 1.00 1.00 t.00 2_00 2.00 16.00 Kevs 4.00 Kevs 1.00 l.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.O0 2.00 l.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 17.00 Bedrooms Studio Pillows 3.00 1.00 8.00 Studio Pillows 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.o0 0.00 2.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 4.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 4.00 1.00 34.00 Page 2 Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Level 4 Gross Squrre Footrge Club Units Unlt Number Club Unit 2l (Upper Level) Club Unit 22 (Upper Level) Club Unit 23 (Uppcr t,cvcl) Club Unit 28 (Upper trvel) Club Unit 29 (Upper Level) Club Unit 34 (Flat) Club Unit 35 (lrwer kvel) Club Unit 36 (tnwer t evel) Club Unit 37 (t-owsr t-evel) Club Unit 38 (Inwer kvel) Club Unit 39 (Flat) Club Unit 40 (Irwer I-evel) Club Unit 4l (Ilat) Club Unit 42 (Flal) Club Unit 43 Glat) Sub-.Total Clutr Accomodation Units Unit Type A Other Arees Conidor (public) Core (eleYator) Maid Core (stair) Sub.'Total Other Areas Club Unit Net Accommodation Net Other Net Totrl Net Net/Gross Differetrce Level 4 Zehren and Associates, Inc. 2123/00 26445.00 Arer Deck Area 790.00 147.00 790.00 r47.0Q 790.00 147.00 790.00 147.00 790.00 147.00 798.00 't47.00 513.00 0.00 1,034.00 0.00 1,034.00 0.00 t,034.00 0.00 990.00 195.00 980.00 93.00 1,693.00 t47.OO 1,226.00 93.00 t.226,00 93.00 14,478.00 1,503.00 K€vs L00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I .00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.W 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 24.00 Bedrooms 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I .00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.N 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 22.00 Studio 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 Pillows 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 48.00 Ave. Arer 373.t2 Aree 3,017.00 150.00 512.00 2'71.00 3,950.00 14,478.00 6,343.00 3.950.00 24,771.OO t,674.O0 KeYs Totd Are! 17.00 6343.00 94o/o 79o/o Page 3 Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Level 3 Gross Squrre Footage Club Units Unit Tvpe Club Unit l8 (Flat) Club Unit 19 (I.-lat) Club Unit 20 (Flat) Club Unit 2l (I-ower kvel) CIub Unit 22 (lrwer kvel) Club Unit 23 (Lower L.evel) Club Unit 24 (Flat) Club Unit 25 (Flat) Club Unit 26 (Fla0 Club Unit 27 (Flat) Club Unit 28 (Lower L€vel) Club Unit 29 (Lower Lrvel) Club Unit 30 (Flat) Club Unit 3l (Flat) Club Unit 32 (Flat) Club unit 33 (Rat) Sub..Totel Club Units Accomodetion Units Unit Type A Other Areas Maid Corridor (public) Cor€ (elevator) Core (stair) Sub..Totd Other Areas Totels Club Net Accommodation Net Other Net Tot.l Net NeVGross Difference Level 3 Zehren and Associatcs, Inc. 2123lO0 32,480.00 Area Deck Arer 782.00 93,00 1,092.00 164.00 864.00 164.00 562.00 0.00 1,088.00 0.00 994.00 0.00 1,021.00 93.00 I ,073 .00 273 .00 975.OO 98.00 9s8.00 93.00 979.00 94.00 979.OO 94.00 969.00 137.00 920.00 64.00 r,242.00 93.00 t.226.00 93.00 t5,724.O0 1,553.00 Ave. Aret 361.04 498.00 4,303.00 150.00 338.00 s,289.00 t5,'724.00 9,387.00 5.289.00 30,400.00 2,0E0.00 Studio Pillows 0.00 2.00 l.00 4.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0,00 4.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 2-00 1.00 4.00 l 00 4.00 1.00 4.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 4_00 1.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 4.00 6.00 56.00 Kevs 1.00 2.00 I _00 1.00 2.O0 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.OO 2.00 2,00 2.00 2.00 2t.00 Bedrooms 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 l 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 t.00 2.00 2.00 22.00 Kevs Total Area 26.00 9.387.00 77Vo Page 4 Level 2 Gross Squrre Footrge Club Unlts Unit Tvne Club Unit 6 (Flat) Club Unit 7 (Rat) Club Unit 8 (Flat) Club Unit 9 (Rat) Club Unit l0 (Flat) Club Unit ll (Flat) Club Unit t2 (Fla$ Club Unit 13 (Flat) Club Unit 14 (Flat) Club Unit 15 (Flat) Club Unit 16 (Flat) Club Unit 17 (Flat) Sub.Tot l Club Units Accomodrtion Units Unit Tlpe A Other Areas Maid Conidor @ublic) Core (clevator) Core (stair) Rooftop Deck Sub-Totrl Otb€r Are$ Totels Club Net Accommodation Net Other Net Totd Net NeuGross Difference 34,972.O0 Area Deck Area 907.00 93.00 1,235.00 93.00 1,263.00 93.00 946.00 98.00 976.00 98.00 958.00 8l.00 958.00 99.00 958.00 99.00 970.00 t46.00 920.00 199.00 r,455.00 20.00 r.213.00 20.00 t2,759.N r,139.00 Kevs 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.@ 2.W 2.00 2.N 3.00 2.@ 24.00 Bedrooms 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 t.00 t.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.N 16.00 Studio 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 | .00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 8.00 Pillows 2.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 4t.00 Avc. Arer 36t.75 386.00 4,370.00 150.00 325.00 1.790.00 7,02t.00 12,759.00 13,023.00 7.021.00 32f03.00 2,169.00 Kevs Totd Arer 36.00 13.023.00 Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Level 1.5 Gross Squrre Footege Club Units Unit Tvpe Club Unit I (Fla0 Club Unit 2 (Flat) Club Unit 3 (Flat) Club Unit 4 (Flat) Club Unit 5 (Flat) Sub..Totrl Club Utrits Accomodrtion Units Unit Type A Emolovee Houslnp Unit Type A Other Arees Maid Conidor (public) Core (eleYator) Core (stair) Rooftop Deck Sub.Totrl Other Arees Totrls Club Net Accommodation Net Employee Housing Net Other Net Totrl Net NeUGross Dilference Level 1.5 Zehren and Associates, Inc. 2/23t00 26,380.00 Aret 908.00 1,235.00 |,263.00 948.00 975.00 5,329.00 Ave Aree 353.25 Ave. Area 351.78 386.00 4,337.W 150.00 324.00 4.1t4.00 9J .00 s,329.00 7,065.00 3,166.00 9.31 1.00 2497r.0o I,509.00 Deck Aree I12.00 I l2.00 95.00 I12.00 95.00 526.00 Kevs 20.00 Kevs 9.00 Bedrooms 1.00 2-00 2.00 1.00 1.00 7,00 Studio 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 Pillows 2.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 18.00 Kevs l.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 9.00 Total Area Pillows 7,065.00 40.00 Total Area Pillows 3,166.00 17.00 Page 6 Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Level I Gross Square Footege Emolovee Housins Unit Type A Retail Retail Three Restaurant Main Restaurant (Buffet) Specialtv Restaurant Sub-Totrl Restrurrnt Lounpe I-ounge Exterior Circuletlon Auto Ramp (North) Pedestrian Entrv (South) Sub-Total Ext Circ, Otler Areas Conidor (public) Corridor (ernployee) Corridor (s€Tvice) Kitchen/Servic€ Truck Dock/Auto Circ. Resf0oms Maid Core (elevator) Core (stair) Sub-Totrl (Xher Arers Totrls Enployee Housing Net Retail Net Restaumnt Net l-ounge Net Exterior Circ. Net Other Net Totrl Net Ar€r N€vcross Dillerence Kevs 9.00 Level I Total Area Pillows 3,166.00 17.00 Zehren and Associates, Inc. 2/23/00 39,970.00 Ave. Area 351.78 Aree s64.00 Arer 2,t55.00 1.503.00 3,658.00 Arer 1,141.00 2,532.OO 4.685.00 7,217.M 3,680.00 1,619.00 709.00 6,868.00 't,213.W 600.00 29.00 254.00 397.00 21389.00 3,r 66.00 564.00 3,6s8.00 I,14 t .00 7,2r7.00 2r.389.00 3?,t35.00 2,835,00 Occ. Frctor Occuprnts 18.00 n9.72 25.00 60.12 179.84 Occ. Frctor Occuprnts 25.00 45.64 Page 7 Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Level 0 Gross Square Footag€ Retail Retail One Retail Two SuFTotel Reteil Lobbv Lobby Administration Front Desk Office/Sales Accounting Tot.l Admlnistration Spa - Men'Yworkout Men's LockerVFacilities Treatment Deck Exercise./Workout Sub-Tot.l Sp. Service Areas Sereice Corridor Service -Receive/Storace Sub-Tot8l Scrvic€ Exterior Clrculetion Covered Ramp (North) Covered Auto Entry (West) Pedestrian Access (West) Auto Ramp (South) Pedestrian Access (East) Sub-Total Ext. Circ, Other Areas Mechanical Core (eleyator) Core (Stair) Corridor(.Public) Total Other Areas Parkinp Provided Valet Spaces Totals Retail Net t obby Net Adminisfalion Net Spa Net Level 0 Zehren and Associates, Inc. 2/23/00 42,216.00 1,473.00 1.539.00 3,012.00 Area 2,426.00 l,969.00 1,t 34.00 t.887.00 4,990.0O 3p19.00 2,447 .00 1,392.00 1.686.00 t,544.00 l,263.00 3.634.U) 4,897.00 930.00 5,676.00 1,984.00 935_00 816.00 10,341.00 1,30?.00 275.O0 568.00 3.801.00 5,951.00 5.00 3,012.00 2,426.0Q 4,990.00 8,544.00 Occ. Fact. 30,00 Occuo. 80.87 Page 8 Vail Plaza Hotel Level 0 961070.00 Service Net 4,897.00 Exterior Circulation Net 10,341.00 OtherNet 5.951.00 Tot8l N€t 40,161.00 Neucross Difference 2,055.00 95Vo Zehren and Associates, Inc. 2/23 /00 Page 9 Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Level Minus One Gross Squrre Foolrge Epe Women's lrckqs/Facilities Treatment Deck Area Exercise/Workout Pool Area Snb..Totrl Spr Conference Ballroom he-convene Sub-Total Conference Service Other Areas Mechanical Conidor(Public) Core (elevator) Core (stair) Public Restrooms SutsTotal Parkins Provided Valet Spaces Parking Spaces (Full Size) Parking Spac€s (Corpact) Parkinq Spaces (Accessible) Sub-Total Prrking Totals Other Areas Net Spa Net Conference Net Service Net Parking and Rsmp Net Totrl Net NeUGross Difference Level - | Occ. Frctor Occupants 15.00 46t.53 7.00 336.86 Arer Area/Soace 20,931.00 388 Zehren and Associates, Inc. 2/23t00 57,696.00 Area 3,116.50 2,8s3.00 6,266.00 1,246.00 2;174.00 16,255.50 Ar€a 6,923.00 2.358.00 9,2t1.00 4,689.0O 0.00 2,328.00 275.N 542.00 856.00 4,001.00 SDrces 0.00 45.00 7.00 2.N 54.00 Aree 4,001.00 16,255.50 9,281.00 4,689.00 20.93t.00 55,157.50 2,53t.50 Page l0 Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Level Minus Two Gross Square Footage Conference Breakout Pre-convene Sub-Totd Conference Service Other Arees Mechanical Coridor(Public) Core (elevator) Core (stair) Public Restrooms Sub.'Total Perkins Provided Valet Spaces Parking Spaces (Full Size) Parking Spaces (Cornpact) Parkinc Soaces (Accessible) SubTotal Parking Totels Other Areas Net Conference Net Service Net Parkine and Ramp Net Totd Net NeUGross l)iffererce Level -2 Occ. Frctor Occuprnts I 5.00 224.27 7.00 355.00 lE Arer./Sp.ca 20.928.00 Zehren and Associates, Inc. 2/23/00 4g,ts8.00 Aret 3,364.00 2.485.00 5,849.00 8,4t3.00 0.00 220.00 r52.00 285.00 0.00 6s7.00 Sp@ 0.00 45.00 7.00 2.00 54.00 Aree 657.00 5,849.00 8,483.00 20.928.00 35,917.00 13,941.00 388 Page I I Lcvel Minus Three Gros Sqlrrc trootagc Other Areas Mechanical Conidor (public) Core (elevatm) Core (stair) SubTot l Othcr Aro.t Aree Valet Spaces Parking Spaces (Full Size) Parking Spaces (Compact) Parking SDac€s (Acc6iblc) SrbTotrl P.rkiDg Totds Oth€r NGt Parkinq and Rrnp Nel Totrl N€t Nrl/Gro*: Dllferencc t,6,77t.W 0.00 22r-00 152.00 285.00 65E.0tl 141.00 Arcr 658.00 43.930.00 ,r4,5tE.00 l,r&1,00 Sprccr l!Eg! 30.00 96.00 l t.00 4.(n 3l1.56 Vail Pla"a Hotel 961070.00 Dwellins Units Dwelling Unit I Club Units Club Unit I (Flat) Club Unit 2 (Flat) Club Unit 3 (Flat) Club Unit 4 (Flat) Club Unit 5 (Flat) Club Unit 6 @at) Club Unit 7 (Flat) Club Unit 8 (Rat) Club Unit 9 (Flat) Club Unit l0 (Flat) Club Unit ll (Flat) Club Unit l2 (Flat) Club Unit 13 (Fla0 Club Unit 14 (nat) Club Unit 15 (Flat) Club Unit l6 (Flat) Club Unit 18 (Flat) Club Unit 19 (Flat) Club Unit 20 (Flat) Club Unit 2l (Two L-evel) Club Unit 22 (Two l-evel) Club Unit 23 (Two l*vel) Club Unit 24 (Flat) Club Unit 25 (Flat) Club Unit 26 (Flat) Club Unit 27 (Rat) Club Unit 27 (Two t evel) Club Unit 29 (Two lrvel) Club Unit 30 (Flat) Club Unit 3t (Flao Club Unir 32 (Flat) Club Unit 33 (Flat) Club Unit 34 (Fla0 Club Unit 35 (Two Level) Club Unit 36 (Two Lrvel) Club Unit 37 (Two t€vel) Club Unit 38 (Two Level) Club Unit 39 (Rst) Club Unit rtO (Two trvel) Club Unit 4l (Flao Club Unit 42 (Rat) Club Unit 43 (Flat) Club Unit 43 (Two l,evel) Club Unit 45 (Two Level) Club Unit 46 (Two t*vel) Club Unit 47 (Two kvel) Club Unit 48 (Flat) Club Unit 49 (Two t-evel) Club Unit 50 (Two L.evel) Totrl Club P.rHng Parking Summary Zehren and Associates, Inc. 2t23/00 Totel Aree 5,499.00 Total Area 908.00 1,235.00 I,263.00 948.00 975.00 907.00 r,235.00 1,263.00 946.00 976.00 958.00 958.00 958.00 970.00 920.00 l,4s5.00 782.N 1,092.00 864.00 r,352.00 1,878.00 1,784.00 I,021.00 1o73.00 9?5.00 958.00 1,769.@ 1,769.00 969_00 920.00 t24.00 t226.N 798.00 t,327.OO I,848.00 l,848.00 1,848.00 9m.00 1,837.00 r,693.00 1226.O0 r226.00 |,726.O0 1,793,00 r,300.00 I ,161.00 858.00 814.00 814.00 62,8r 6_00 Park. Factor >2000 Frctor 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 5oo<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 50(x2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 Park. Reo'd 2.50 S@ 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.N 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.M 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.m 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.OO 2.00 2.00 2.N 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2_00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 9t.00 Page 13 Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Accommodation Units Total Acc. Units Resteurent Total Restaurant Lounqe Total tounge Retail Toral Rehil Conference Balhoom Br€akout Total Reoulred Soeces Total Dwelling Unit Total Club Total Accomrnodation Tolal Restaurant Total t ounge Total R€tail Conference SDD Parkinq Reouired (phases * SuFTotrl PrrHng Mixed Use Reduction (10%) Totrl PorHng Required Totrl Prrking Provid€d PrrHng Dif1erence Perkine Provided Existing SDD spaces to remain. Level Zero Parking kvel Minus One Parking I-evel Minus Two Parking IJvel Minus Three Parking Totd PrrHng Provided Percentrge * SDD Prrkins Rcouired (nhesesl.2.3.5) Existing SDD Spaces SDD Parkint Deficit Sub-Total (Current Requirem€nt) Previouly Applicd Reduction- (2.5%) Cunentlv Dedicated Phase 4 Spaces Total SDD Prrking Required (pheses 1,2,3,5) Parking Summary Frctor 0.76 Frctor l:8 seats F ctor l:8 seats IICISI Sprces l:16 seats** 28.85 l: 16 seats" 14.02 Zehren and Associates, Inc. 2t23t00 Soaces 75,42 Soaces 22.4E Sprces 5.71 SDaces tt.92 Ar€a 35,818.00 Arer 3,658.00 Arer 1,t41.00 & 3,576.00 AIg 6,923.00 6,923.OO 2.50 98.00 7 5.42 22.48 5.7 | I1.92 42.86 149_68 4{r8.56 -40.86 367.70 366.00 -1.70 Full Size tl2 0 45 45 96 298 8lo/o rt2 75 rE7 l9l.68 42 149.68 Kevc 99.00 Seet Frct. 20.34 Sert Frct. 25.00 Frctor l:300 sq. ft. S€at Frct. 15.00 15.00 Compact 0 0 7 7 ll 25 7'/o Formula .5+.1/100s.f. Serts 179.84 Serts 45.64 Serts 461.53 2U.27 Valet 0 5 0 0 30 35 lOVo Total ll2 5 54 54 l4l 366 100"/0 Accessible o 0 2 ; 2o/c Page 14 Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Parking Summary Zehren and Associates, lnc. 2/23100 I i+assume 50yo intemal/public transportation/pedestrian haffic - breakout use by ballroom occupantsv Page I 5 Vail Plaza Hotel 96t 070.00 Dwellins Units Dwolling Unit I Club Units Club Unit 1 (Flat) Club Unit 2 (Flat) Club Unit 3 (Flat) Cllub Unit 4 (!'lat) Club Unit 5 (Flat) Club lJnit 6 (Flat) Club Unit 7 (Flat) Club Unit 8 (Flat) Club Unit 9 (Flat) Club Unit l0 (Flat) Club Unit ll (Flat) Club Unit l2 (Flat) Club Unit 13 (Flat) Club Unit 14 (Flat) Club Unit 15 (Flat) Club Unit l6 (Flat) Club Unit 17 (Flat) Club Unit l8 (Rar) Club Unit l9 (Flat) Club Unit 20 (Flat) Club Unit 2l (Two lrvel) Club Unit 22 (Two kvel) Club Unit 23 (Two t-evel) Club Unit 24 (Fla$ Club Unit 25 (Flat) Club Unit 26 (Rat) Club Unit 27 (Flat) Club Unit 27 (Two Level) Club Unit 29 (Two trvel) Club Unit 30 (Flat) Club Unit 31 (Flat) Club ttnit 32 (Flat) Club Unit 33 (rla0 Club Unit 34 (Flat) Club Unit 35 (Two kvel) Club Unit 36 (Two l-evel) Cllub Unit 37 (Two kvel) Club Unit 38 (Two l-evel) Club Unit 39 (Flat) Club Unit 40 ('Iwo l-ev€l) Club Unit 4l (Flat) Club Unit 42 (Flat) Club Unit 43 (Flat) Club Unit 43 (Two Level) Club Unit 45 (Two Levcl) Club Unit 46 (Two tevel) Club Unit 47 (Two bvel) Club Unit 48 (Flat) Club lJnit 49 (Two I.evel) Program Summary Zehren and Associates, Inc. 2/23/00 uBp9rAr94 2,053.00 Upper Area 908.00 I,235.00 I,263.00 948.00 975.00 907.00 1,235.00 I,263.00 946.00 976.00 958.00 958.00 958.00 970.00 920.00 1,455.00 1,213.00 782.00 1,092.00 864.00 790.@ 790.00 790.00 I,021 .00 1,073.00 975.00 958.00 790.00 790.00 969.00 920.00 |,242.00 r,226.00 798.00 814.00 814.00 814.00 814.00 990.00 857.00 1,693.00 |,226.00 1,226.00 814.00 814.00 814.00 648.00 8s8.00 814.00 Deck Area 340.00 Deck Area 112.00 112.00 95.00 I12.00 95.00 93.00 93.00 93.00 98.00 98.00 81.00 99.00 99.00 146.00 199.00 20.00 20.00 93.00 164_00 164.00 t47.O0 147.O0 147.00 93.00 273.N 98.00 93.00 241.00 241.00 137.00 64.00 93.00 93.00 147.00 147.00 147.00 147.00 147.00 195.00 240.OO t47.00 93.00 93.00 147.00 t47.00 147.00 108.00 0.00 147.00 Keys 4.00 Kevs 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.O0 2.O0 2.00 2_00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 3,00 1.00 2.O0 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 3,00 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.OQ 3.00 3.00 ?.00 2.00 2.O0 3.00 Bedrooms 4.00 Bedrooms 1.00 2.00 2.OO 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.OO 1.00 1.00 1.00 l 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.OO 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 L00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 2.OO 2.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 2.OO 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 t.00 3.00 Studios Studios 0.00 0,00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 | .00 L00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 L00 1.00 L00 0.00 0.00 1.00 | .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 L00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 | .00 0.00 Pillows 10.00 Pillows 2.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 4,00 6,00 6.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 Lower Area Total Area 3,446.00 5,499.00 Lower Area Total Area 0.00 908.00 0.00 1,235.00 0.00 I,263.00 0.00 948.00 0.00 975.00 0.00 907.00 0,00 1,235.00 0.00 1,263.00 0.00 946.00 0.00 976.00 0.00 958.00 0.00 958.00 0.00 958.00 0.00 970.00 0.00 920.00 0.00 I,455.00 0_00 1,213.00 0.00 782.00 0.00 r,092.00 0.00 864.00 562.00 I,352.00 l,088.00 l,878.00 994.00 I,784.00 0.00 l ,021.00 0.00 l,073.00 0.00 975.00 0.00 958.00 979.00 1,769.00 979.00 1,769.00 0.00 969.00 0.00 920.00 0.00 1,242.00 0.00 t,226.00 0.00 798.00 513.00 |,327.00 1,034.00 1,848.00 1,034.00 t,848.00 1,034.00 1,848.00 0.00 990.00 980.00 I,837.00 0.00 1,693.00 0.00 |,226.00 0.00 t,226.00 912.00 |,726.00 979.00 I,793.00 486.00 I,300.00 513.00 1,16t.00 0.00 858,00 992.00 1,806.00 Page 16 Accommodetion Units Room Arer Rooms Total Ar€r DeckArcr K€ys Bedrooms Studios Pillows Totrl Acc. Unlts 361.t0 99.00 3tElE.00 0.00 99.00 99.00 0.00 19E.00 Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Club Unit 50 (Two kvel) g) Totrl Club Units R$ldential Totrls Resteurant Main Restaurant Specialtv Restaurant Totel Restaurant Lounse l.ounge 1,141.00 25.00 45.64 Conference Facilites Sertins Arer Occ. Frctor Scrts Brcakout 33@ 15 224 Ballroom 6,923 15 462 Pru-convene 2.358 7 33'l Totrl ConYention 12,645 Soe LevelZerc 8,544.00 Level Minus One 16.255.50 Totrl 24,79!r,3O Retail Retail One 1473 Retail Two 1539 Retail Three 564.00 Tot.l Retrll 3,576.00 Adminstrrtion 4,990.00 Program Summary Zehren and Associates, Inc. 2/23/00 814.00 955.00 1.769.00 t47.00 3.00 3_00 0.00 6.00 48,782.00 14,034.00 62,816.00 6,299.00 108.00 E9.00 19.00 216.00 104,133.00 6,639.00 211.00 192.00 19.00 424.00 Sertinq Arer Occ. Fector gE 2,15s.00 18.00 n9.72 1.503.00 25.00 60.12 3,6s8.00 20.34 179.84 Page 17 (J><EX $s ct vl € a! t P5oN 13{ssd E c6 \9 l{ 5 ni Fr q q F q ? d € c9. 3 F-+ xl_l ql .tJ q €l +l 8n x \olF- Cal qEls6l -€l oq9 v)o eecri :< ><:iYo@ xxriYovl R9:,Yot E EF \0- P c\ a5 :< 0t- 8 t,- ..r SFaFEABRESSAS=ElE:i=$=:EEsEeAi*B iEE*=EFE=i P^ i{o 15s ;6Xa\ I(\ N qe o-\ Nt EE !tot- 6- Ee S! J,d g:5 rll}jt]bo !oi :5 :5oi ..i \o^ \el R E|F -tt TIEr:l 9 d E iIE* H3i rrx .,,t8 Tle- ,11 s "qt 3lS,r|g :IE 313 @ () xTf: iri -l 8-+5!:= q o-o e{ xs:.'\ c.i :< a* -i eeqo\ rat \oq8-9 Es Eg e:* g: B -l 8 EIR11|g AEEiEn EFE nE Iu F er E fix5 '3 3'8 EEe qA €eeE B Asi gA l*f 5 !l:<)<xYlr':Y-!crtFs\o..r@oq aco. q EEel \o o_ j. -:xii- o\ N *EEEEEE eeE II3g8$$n asa E E o.€\o{ t55.'i diqcr \ON ol E i-ll \Oit{.]t $ 'rtg EIF E El { n c et Hol q. B 3 3e :5FEFIF = -\c9S.: F3a-o-R eeEssq q $ *, = t:, F g e$s ?€ ,"8 e{ ? ,i 3u *F nsnE€BEaEsgfisEsgEEgSieE$EEggesEsEggsggsggflgi EE E a{ 'il4 3|s 'at E gE l,lan 02 OO O2:51p CHRRLES R. LIPCON 1-S?O-4?B-8881 p. 'f CI{ARLES R IJPCON AUomeyAtLaw Suire24S0 OnoBiscapoTowcr 2 SochBfucryreBlvd. Mi'ni, RoddE 33131 Enril s€dlw@olcom Web: rvumr.lipcon cm Phoae: (305) 323-3016 Toll frcc: (S00) 83&27j9 Far(3oS)3Ba2O4 March2,2000 Mayor ludvtrig Kurzc./o Town of Vail75 S. Frontaqe RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Hand Delivery Re: Vail plaza Hotel Dear lil.ayor Kurz: f previously sent loo,.1 email requesting answers to variougquestions to herp- me determi"" i-i=y"o had a confrict of interestw5'th respect to itr" viii-pr""" i.tli proposar. To date, r havenot reseived a response. Even n:i.thout tti,-iespon""l*it would ::T:ir:*:f vou have a crear conflicr or inteiesi-in-cnrs natter L. VaiI Resorts has slrown an interest _i_n.buying this property.since you have a direct ;"""";i; to vaiL Resorts, a confrictsituation exists ev Ye'r' ^s€erLs, c 2' You have a financiar interest 1n attracting as many tourist.to vair as possible. Even at ;h; cost ot changing the narure.characrer, and charm ot vaii viuIi". 3' The economic analysis provided by the d,evel0per has prourisedthe rorrr of vai1, taiqe "il; ;i-i";reased revenue. The ord,inancesof vail do not requirJ tnis-anafysis. ffris 1, si_ply a thinlydiss'ised carrot ior vaii-I.-;i;i;;;-il;;-o; ffi;:i pran. llan O2 0O O2: 51p CHHRLES R. LIPCON 1 -S?0-.t?6-8981 p.5 l;r]ll#if*:i;:"' directJ-v or ind'irectJ.v ror va' Resorts or a This list is not p.arJt to be exhaustive. I suspect otherconfllcts wourd be detemi".i'JiJnts. issue goes to courr andfull discoo.ry i",l1T_i:"fi;i*a!positiona, grrhp.enaed, recordsand docunents, interrogatories, -"i". AIso, I suspect otherconflicts r+ourd become rppu'r"nt if you answered the enail that rpreviously sent to you. i:Hloni:nffi:i. ror vou to abstain f,rom vorinsr on rhe vair. plaza Resp;ctlptly yours,g/-{/k- Charles R. Lipcon cc: Georgte Ruther llar OZ OO O2:52p CHBRLES R. LIPCO]T 1-9?O-4?6-8681 p.6 CHARLES R. TIPCON Attmney At Law Suire24E0 One Bircryne Tovcr 2 SoutBiscrpeBhrd MiEi Ftortb 3313r F'm.ft sednp.@oloo' Web: wvrv.lipoorueom Ptorc: (305)373-3016 Toll6ee: (800) 83&2?59 Frr (305) 373-620a llfrnfr 2,2000 Rod Slifere/o town of Vail75 S. Erontage RoadVail, Colorado 9165? Hand Delivery Re: Vail plaza Hotel Dear Mr. Slifer; t prwiousty s€ffi you an email requesting mswers to vsrious que*ions to he$ ne deternine ifyou had r confligt of intue* with respccr to fte vail praa Hotel proposot. io eat€, I hsve notreceived a toqponlle, Even without the turpmcg it would a,p*ti"t yoo havc a olear conflict ofincereg in this mstt€r as follows: l. vail Rcsorts has shoum r rqeresr in buying this property. sincc you hcve a dir@ cmnectionto Vail Rcsorts, e conflict siturtione:rigs 2' You bsve a fimncbl im€r€st in athacting m nrny tourids to vril as possible, Even at the oostef ctmging the nrtue, characte(, md cla; ofVd Vrlage. 3. The ecmomic enalysis proviled b1_tf9 -dgvoroper has promised the toryn of vai[ r8f,ge qrmc a1insreased rwe''re. The ontinmces oivun ao oorrequire'niB urlG t*-t" "*r, g rhhrydiqguised aonot for VaiI to violate it's oum,rco p'lro. 4' rpreviously pointd of !"-roo a conllict iu that you werc the broker on the srle of unit 3 inthe V'il Gatcwayrmder uihish e penalty cJruse exice if1he ma*crprr" t,i"r""a. you will orueme r refimd on the commission if the maserr prrn is violated and e; ;;;y "r"or" L olgg*ua. l'lar O2 OO O2:52p CHRRLES R. LIPCOII 1-9?O-476-SB8 I 7.? As such you have a direot finrncisrio,eres yith respeot to the vste. rn additioo, yoru firmpresently hrs e li*ing m rrrir 4 in the VCf Crt*,rv. n. p6"JVU ffi"T"t"f prqocal wi[geatlv dflo"ge the value of uait 4. mis is arso a ;!flist irtr.rr irirr;;;;.. This li$ is not mest to be odoylva I sr{ect other cmflics muld be dct€mnircd if rhb is*,egoes to coutt nd ftr disaovery fu.done inchrding depo$ious, sopo*""aEoru" -odoormentg interrogtorio+ etg. also, r *qJ&nei canflictsw@rd become rpparent ifyoumsw€rod the erltil thst Ipreviously s*t to yor. Demand is nado for you to rbsain from voting oa the vail praza Hotel proposal. ReryectftftyYours,(4qD CtrlesR Lipcon cc: Crcorge Rutler |.7 f: r. oo o2:s1p CHRRLES R. LIPCON 1-S70-476-8681 p.2 CII.ARLES R. LIPCON AttomeyAtLaw Suile 2480 One Biscrpo Torrcr 2 SoufrBisoayreBfud. Mirui, Rodds 3313f Flnoit seahn@eolcm Web: www.lipqon sm Phone (305)3?3,-glt6 Toll frcs: (S00) et&2259 Far (30s) j7%2M It&fffr2,2000 ereg Moffetc/o fown of Vail?5 S. Frontage RoadVaiL, Colorado BL6S7 lland Delivery Re: Vail plaza Hotel Dear Mr. Moffet: r previously gent you an emair requesting €rnslvers to variousquestions to her-p. rue determir. ii=yo,, had a confrict of interesEwith respect to iir" v.ii-Fr.". i"tl proposar. To date, r lravenot received a respsnse. Evenloiiir"ut-tG ;;;;o;"",-it would :lT:fr:*l: "o" have a clear conflicr of inte-rest-in rhis mafter 1. Vail Resorts has shor,vn an interest _i_n.buying this property.since you have a direct "o;.;;i;; ro vail Resorta, a confticrsituation exists. 2' You have a financiar interest in attracting as eany touri.ststo Vail as possible. Even at the "o"t of changing the nature,clraracter, and charu of vaii viiris". 3' The econornic anarysis provided by the developer hae prourisedthe tovrn of VaJ.t,'r1ige "il; ;;-i";reased revenue. The ordinancesof, Vail- do not reguire ttrj.s anify"i"..fni" is si,aply a thinly.disguieed carrot for vail t. "i.i.!L it's o*n master plan. AJ I I'ant OZ OO O2:Slp CHFRLES R. LIPCOI{ snartea R. tripcon cc: George Ruther 4. Your conpany T3_T::rtieing, fnc. provides focusedadvertising to ckiers and snordc6arders 6n vacati;;:-zurther youprovide display advertisin;;;;';" snoJ, sporr resort buses anda'rporta' your bus rates oi" ri""a'on_riaeiir,ip.-ilnore riders,the hi-gher tshe rates. you havi a-rirect financiar interest inattractins as m.uy.lue rioers-tJ i"ir ""-po;,;i;il io.,"t.rg,hisher rates. *tiT; fil-i;fi"'n.p the rown of vair and vailResorts as customers, is weff is--ierchants. lhis list is not pealt to be e:rtrauetj.ve. f suspect otherconfricts would be detimi""JJirnis. issue goes to court a'dfull discov"=t i"*1:::-i:ailr"i*aepositioDa, 5r:brpeenaed recordsand docunents, interrogatorj_es, -.i". .Llso, I suspect other;:lfiil:i"'3:ii *Tffi:";;;"i ii-voo answered ihe eaa* that r 3ff1d"l:"H:i.ttt vou to abstain f,rom votins on the vail plaza Respectfully tours, 1-S70-,t?6-S681 p.3 l'lan 03 OO O8: O?a CHFRLES R. LIPCON t_l I -S?O-4?6-8G81 CHARLES R. LIPCON VaiI GatewaY Unit 5 12 s- Frontage Road VaiL co. 81657 reI. (970) 476-5151 Fax. (9?0) 476-868i March 3,2000 t{ayor ludwig Kurz and Town Cor:nci I Members, PJ.arning and Envitonnental cormiss ion' and Georgc Ruther, 9eaior Pl-a::lre! Toqm of Vail 75 s. I'roatage Road Vail. Colorado 8165? E'ax2 419-2432 Re: Vai] ViIIage Inn Dear Si-rs and l4adans : Tbere hariE been mis$atetrHts eade abort a view 4feement mEOd into betuil8n I4o Prltu ad Joe ' Startrcr to thc effect that thc Gdouay has naiwd ary objectiotrs to viclti! bch8, blo*td by d€1lclqnxtcdt d th€ Villrys Inn Ilotd. A cwy of lhc €tlemer[ t8 'f,,f,*f,.It refers to ths wl's de\rctoPru.nt riett!'' as 4totod by ths town d Vail Je Stafcr cxflained a thc pEC uing, hcld on Jm. I l, 1999 tbt tho qremccrt rderred.to tha building that ; ryg.;*d in 6e hsight d threc to fog aA ttto ard foor ard thr*story building A cryy d the portin€nt F898 fidn tb€ foseriFt d thd neetitE, aE dEched Th€ ulrFslory portioo u,as to be in UE view corridor to Gold Peak Tha €rooreat did not l'raive ary riglts to dject to th€ Tfunp To$,€r q dy dher highcr stnrdutes than *ta ii"gr"aatthcthie. rtrc-val naz goer char{y cxceedr trn, tbrce and four soies. The VlUagp tnn is nA have a valid rvairer to gp &ow rhdl€ heiglrrs baed on the vicw agrccncnt' p.1 Mar 03 OO O8:O7a CHRRLES R. LIPCON 1-S70-476-8681 PII\NNING & ENVIRONI{ENTAL, COM}IISSIoN HEARING HELD MONDAY, JANUARY 1I, 1999 VATI, PI,AZA HOTEL REDEVEIOPMENT PROPOSAL Present for the Planning and Environnental Conmission: GaLen Aasland, Ann Bishop, Greg Moffet, John schofield, Brian Doyon, Tom weber Town of Vail Staff: Dorninic Mauriello, George Ruther, Brent Wilson, Judy Rodriltuez, Tom l'loorhead p.? ORIGINAL candace Stutson Reporting Vail , CoJ-orado (970) 524'4040 Itlart 03 OO O8:OBa CHRRLES R. LIPCON I -970-4?6-4681 think the SDD is. The staff apparently lost all the papers. My papers, I sold the property to Hr' Prado' I left everything behind in the office. so I don't trave any papers. But that sas the SDD. I woul'd be happy to answer any questions if you have any guestlons' I would be happy to anstter any connents at this tine' I'{R. UoFFET: Thank }ou. lm,. SCHOFIEL,D: Could we, while wetve got you here, just as a matter of curiosity, J:L Ir99^- preaented us with an gnerj3g}Irglt ti." .gt"ttttt th* yo' the circumstances of the intent of that agreenent? MR. staufer: I an fauiliar with that agreement. I signed it. Ur: Pal:tner signed it' Basically Leo Idas doing the Gateway building' I was concerned. He first sald he was only going to build condoniniuns there- I vas concerned -- but not sell thern. He ltould just rent then and run it as a hotel' I lras concerned that if he Lrere to seII then eventually that I may run into problens wlth those condoninium owners not knowinq that they had a brrildl4g eEPrgYgl-in ----front of theur, you know, so, although, you know, it was a threetofourandtwoandfourandthreestorybuilding. 69 o, 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 -L2 ''L3 14 15 16 T7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 And I wanted to make sure that l4r' Palmer infotns his candace Stutson Reporting VaiI, colorado (970) 524-4o4O as president of th9 \lgUll--Y.ifbSe rnn and'-IE- -lalmer entered into I believe back in 1989' Could you tell o,u p.3 l'lan 03 00 08: Ogat CHRRLES R. LIPCON 1-S?O-4?6-8691 buyers that f had a special developnent district approved there that would eventually be built. UR. SCHOFIELD: So basically, to the best of your knor^rledge, then, Mr. Palmer carrled through on this agreenent when he sold the units and the onners were aware that your vier,r at sone point in tine could be :blocked? MR. Staufer: I an not -- I don,t knov if they were made aware of it but I assumed that Mr. Palner nost probably said, yeah, VaiI Village fnn has sone developnent rights here, but what they are, I don,t know, but they were in file here at the Town since L976. MR. SCHOFIELD: Thank you. I.{R. ZUEGER: I have a question. lfhat was the agreed height on the VaiI Village -- l,tR. UOFFET: HoId on, hold on, hold on. You've got to come up and introduce yourself. I{e've got to get you on the record. MR. ZUEGER: f'r0 Paul Zueger. I have a retail gallery in the Gateway building, and ny question to Mr. Staufer, at the tine he did his agreement with Palmo, what was the helght of the bullding at that poJ.nt? MR. Staufer: Two stories at vail Road up to four stories, down to three stories at the view corridor site, and then up to five on the highway. candace stutson Reporting Vail , Colorado (9701 524-4O4O p.4 70 1 2 3 4 5 5 I 9 10 1l- L1 L3 L4 1.5 16 a7 L8 l-9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 llan Og OO O8:O8a CHRRLES R. LIPCOI{ .'-:r ift-G ? {$ "'6!ffi' !.3l3,'t/',A: fCrrrrru I -970-.t?G-8681 tD; lt?tt?tt!}l p.5 P.Zrot tt" .t t' ala!lra Hle Fi.t37 lllit!/ll r1! s64 FC'l OF , erc.tmrE ?t rtILLlrS ClgLE collt?f gtE(, aoLoneDo 3it.r EcrorEr$! r'I3 tEl rer DOp : 0, oo :85 ril-5q.E 5 rq:b |5{--.E!.t!-r-j:!: tllls-lr crr :rF-!c. :rat' ry 15 35191- 'G#J-d-iarL.F; corenro (lctcfinltrr lcLlr- ED 3t ffifiFi;a-Yrl&-fuLriE-nr' as, i-a $r9E4! eErotilgcE' cr vitll-ooicilc oeroiarrttt FQqr'lrsl tr 11 rgslr1 ' rccr!|th l. 8rc ft|,cgi., blta |.tctillqr &!fl 'otrtc ds|rt'4 ti ur' !fl! ;i vaLi, -csulw ol Ertb; stst' cc ecrcs'lc' ofrr, --- ;: ; * Er Grltl.rrr' raer o€ tt .tcoeltiltrt-5r$rtr- tr1l G.F.ifu&;'r.l.tt"aE-IelfuYrrceatof-rr{utr'l o t}rt nrur\ i;cn-J-ilr'iiri-vlrintqi."4r-, gqlorr o' :ir' DsoPGt'r ffimEg#Liaffil'l#'I ffiffi;: ,.E rcsth oo ,. q-diy,EtE-1Sff&#'*:_s: EF:firffiFh -rI iI. Eil!-ei;rEsEc' c+ncrttr %I:TE4"rg.fr! ff.-r.t r\"n" tr iff:i#1ffitrHiff#ilffifti.iT;iE#*"feri-l'ercae' i i i {r r|||fra Vrll, {lor !dr'th6 r's.t,r.tcf I s- D.:lrar trca.{s to hild-Ellt'dEihf "rd1u.o -grits') tF t&l Grrang DrsiGE- a!- Ot| c abdlt "tcl lr, t9lt, al. ng t"i lr, reBFEuE! :' "li ttre r1rlttli '1rxi tJra rqtltrl coY'!D"3t' .* 'lltfiSlllElH,,'rr,;" '"1 rottrt' t".' $fiii'igoi' triievr rdltas 'at loLltnc= - : , r.i;. -,.: Flan -Jt. 03 OO O8:O8a tif is 166"td CHRRLES R. LIPCON 1-97O-,{?6-8681 lDr r9?34?3{93a p.6 p,lr6t ?r7ES,i l:gt :' $l'h :'trrfi xruu tl ''i I Iil.elren $|a€&a!c5 rEldlt Dcq3urelelnsft t. rr tt.ll Otrf! l$s 9rf$E "ts ". -'.*o'H,.;. ;" iSr.I_F.SdF##Sfu!!o[ .!dt svJgt{cfr $iil**%*ffi*'"fii'i'fi if,i-ctr;"v ;;t:it ra'"t tr. wr ttrlD.l3y. l'i ' o,' ws ecrtctti .a"^tli ry. rrcc tl tl! 3t*r Dtlel rincrdirtu $re Yrn $|:fr; . r9 sugb t1!? qlt r"*fi,lgffi?\l li8EGc aft.E J$f_l' ,l3,ffi.;ilFFffi #i{*{*r*xtr9ff:.Tfff&E:.H*'*-Jr##i !? s H;i:r* ffi: !f.ffi#*-TriliEt.[i-i; tii-'ri""ir ic tte rterr Ft 0J,i' I pilce.ii#91ry9'- tc !i! H fiJ rg , a ,atl t0 I u, oIt F! 3t a H-*'o.--*i" tj#il irrr*r4e "41 g'c ..'.errrore ui tiacrrril og--dra rircttt b't!to' :! ffi eI?, t il Man 03 OO O8:OSa CHRRLES R. LIPCON r -9?0-4?6-8681 p. ? tDr lE?L73'l3l* P.4fA8 tr7'A- iffi 'G l 96 rfui61il54"s?E3.' (,:A : lltrP*rs8 o : :g^:r gr,r*l,Hi!| cr"rtr w1pgl;r;;gga!H.;: fel=-r{;F{:;1*{*' 4r6'33{i g'sfc ir-tc? ffiFfffr :iffi'$ffiF#;Hii$8i.ffi,$ry;i#l^flniT'"H:in"lPuff.lT E ffi:t-#'ill*Fat:U$:i*gltt ffilf lilffii' drti* :tSlf'."!frilEi -S&iffi#' H1;TH;S * #H:'.t$'ffitffi ;iEiltv ""'trrc vct Prq't't' uetcc grr lbl, rrr ot oct'b'r' 19tt- Vrttr Vltlrl#l #' lle' I I-'6lililc eoE?onllan nrtr*n*rqi':Htfi0. l9? tdt 0 |ISl ,,i .l .'. . ,l l, l ".'tt it'' ' .r!., . , .' r t. sFllE oF cols$DQ , t, "", ,ccr;t5t Ot $al8 I .l: r *tf#X'iffi:'H#Hry !:*r'!""*i' s rl-i;r.5E ry.:r.ilra rtrd arf,lalel"t'dl ' F B' o ffig"H* ',qrr.rrt Flar 03 OO O8:O9a CHHRLES R. LIPCON -'*'rhr-Gi66"af '6dFtl--"fl Bir''tifi i'f tfl rtilrE . '. i tIrEF ot 60tsrD 1 -9?O-,r?6-8681 lDr r9?f{?G{63{ F.SAEI illir. p.8 ct? l'i'i'_ r 't, ii l )69t cooDlrt'or -E8l&-l ;FAIryT'fffi'rEt 'rltlstc rg lr|g artd FttiElrl !e!1' t tcEr re tfi& l7 i, I alE336 Fgl!' Fr57 l?/Elleo tlrt!4 r 1; 'it o77ft4 ro ?. o VailrPlaza f{otel J. : l Subjecfi Vail Plaza Hotel Date: Mon,6 Mar 2000 20:22:17 EST From: Sealaw@aol.com To: lkurz@ci.vail.co.us, rslifer@ci.vail.co.us, snavas@ci.vail.co.us, "Kevin Foley" <kfoley@ci.vail.co.uP, gmoffet@ci.vail.co.us, cogilby@ci.vail.co.us, ddonovan@ci.vail,co.us CC: "George Ruther" <gruther@ci.vail.co.us> Dear Sirs and Madams A copy of my March 6, 2000 letter is attached. The original with attachmentswill be hand delivered tomorrow to the Town of Vai1. Please put a copy intothe record for the Vail Plaza Hotel Proposal . Very Truly Yours, Charles R. Lipcon CHARLES R. LIPCON Attorney At Law Suite 2480 One Bi scalme Tower 2 South Biscayne Blvd. Miami, Florida 3 3131 Internet Sealaw@aoI . com Telephone (305) 373-3015 Fax (305) 373-5204 O March 6, 2ooo Mayor Ludwig Kurz and Town Council Members, Planning and Environmental Commj.ssion. and George Ruther, Senior Planner 'I OWn Or Var _L 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8L657 Fax:479'2452 Re: VaiL Plaza Hotel Prooosal- Dear Sirs and Madams : It has recently come to my attention that three of the members of the towncouncilrs votes srith respect to the above project should not. be counted forthe following reasons. TOWN CHARTER SECTTON 3.7 Section 3.7 of the Town Charter specifically prohibits council members from having any direct or indirect financiat inLerest in any contract wj.th the EOVtn. Greg Moffet's company Tiga Advertising Inc. enLered into A contract with the town of Vail on May 19, 1995. The conLract was renewed on March 15, 1999 and runs until May 30, 2004. On Nov. 1, 1999 the contract was assigned to TigaVai1, LLC. Accordj-ng to a report based on Colorado State records, Tiga Advertisi.ng has I of3 3/7/00 8: l5 AM Vai rPlaza Hotel ;f Greg Moffet as president and Christine Moffet as vice president. A copy ofthat informatlon j-s attached. Tiga Vail, LLC shor^rs Timothy Moffet as adirector. A copy is attached. I have been told that Timothy Moffet is GregMoffet's brolher. Unless valid consideraLion was paid to creg Moffet for his or his companieslnlerest in the contract with the Town of Vai1, the transfer is a sham designed to get around the town charter prohibition. Further the purported assignment was not signed by Tiqa Vail, LLC and therefor has not come into af fa..f lA ...tn\r ^f fha l ot-t-a'.c :nnrnrrih^ r r^^ ir^- ^s ^- -^^i-..9 L'rE _LLrecL (J! arr o.Dbrg nenL 1Sattached. However the actual assignment was never prepared or signedaccording to the town records provided to me.) That leaves Tiga AdvertisingInc as the contracting party with the town of Vail. Even if the assignment was valid, Greg MoffeL is benefiting, at leastindirectly, since he is still running the advertising company. A copy of TigaAdvertising's web site is attached which shows greg@busad.com as the emailaddress. An email sent to that address was answered by creg Moffet. A copy ofthe email is attached. Further the web site advertises the availability ofadvertising on the town of Vail buses. If Greg Moffet was not involved in thecontract with the town of VaiL, why would he be offering advertising for the cown. TOWN CHARTER SECTION 4.11 Section 4.11 of the town chart,er prohibit.s a member of the council fromvoting on matters in which 1. He has a substantial personal or financiallnterest, 2. Has other than the corunon public interest, or 3. On any question concerning his own conduct. Greg Moffett: He directly or indirectly has a contract with the town of VaiI under which he makes money from riders on the town buses. The more riders,the more money. Therefore he has a direct interest in packing Vail with as many tourists as possible which would be accomplished by approvinq the VaiIPlaza Hotel in vioLation of the masLer plan. More rooms, more guests, morebus riders, more money for Greg Moffet. or hi.s related entit.ies. Further VailResorts 1s a cl-ient of creg Moffet's and they have reportedly expressed an 'i nf crpql- i n hrrrri n.r l.h6 nr^nar|. vyrvI,Lr uj. Rod Slifer: He has a direct financial sLake in the decj.sion by reason of thefact that he was the broker on the sale of unit 3 in the Vail cateway. Thatsale had a penal-ty cl.ause in it, if the master pfan was violated. As such RodSlj-fer or his related entities will have to refund money on the commission earned on the sa1e. Further Rod Slifer's firm is in some tl4)e of partnership or relationship to vail- Associates and/or Vail Resorts. Vaj.l Resorts hasreportedly expressed an interesL in buying Lhe properry. LasLIy Rod Slifer'sfirm represents unj.t 4 in the Vail cateway which is listed for sale. Theviolatj-on of the master plan will have a direct effect on the value of unit 4 Mayor Kurz: Reportedly works for Vail Resorts or a related entity. VaiLResorts has reportedly expressed an j.nteresL in buying the property. Besides the substantial financial interest that two of the council members above have in violating the master plan t.o approve the Vail plaza Hotel , allthree have an inLerest other than the common public interest, by reason oftheir rel ationship t.o Vaif Resorts, Based on the foregoing iL is respecLfully requesLed thaL Lhe vote be recounted wilhout. the votes of Greg Moffet, Rod Slifer, or Mayor Kurz being cons i dered . 201 5 3/7/00 8: l5 AM Vai. tllaza Hotel; ..'a Respectfully Yours, O charles R. Ll-ocon P.S. A copy of the quest.ions that I sent to varj.ous council meribers is attached. No answer was provided to my questions by anyone. 3 of3 3/7/00 8: l5 AM Vail Plzza Hotel Subject: Vail Plaza Hotel Date: Tue.7 Mar 2000 09:34:09 EST From: Sealaw@aol.com To: "All Council Members List" (towncouncil@ci.vail.co.us) CC: lex@vail.net, "George Ruther" <gruther@ci.vail.co.us>, jflamont@vail.net Dear Sirs and Madams f was informed that the Vail P1aza Hotel Proposal was taken off of tonights agenda and reset to some time in Apri1. I am here now and could attend tonights meeting. this has happened to me before- When I am in town, the meetings get postponed. Under the circumst.ances of being an adjacent land owner, I would like toattend the meeting. Therefore, I would appreciate you contacting me to set upa convenient date, when I could attend so as to provide me wit.h due process in a situation where violat.ion of t,he master plan will cause my wife andmyself mil-Iions of dollars in loss of value to our condo. This effects othersin the adjacent buildings also. Please put a copy of this email into the fiLe for this project. Thanks ah.rl 6a l.i nann te1. 305-373-3015 miami 476-5L5l- vail I of I 3/7/00 8:16 AM ORDINANCE NO.4 SER|ES OF 2000 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND RE.ENACTING ORDINANCE NO. I, SERIES OF 2OOO, ADOPTING A REVISED APPROVED DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 6, VAIL VILLAGE INN, PHASE IV, TO ALLOW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE VAIL PLAZA HOTEL: AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS lN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, In 1976, the Vail Town Council adopled Ordinance No. 7, Series of 1976, establishing Special Development oistrict No. 6, Vail Village Inn; and WHEREAS, Section 12-9A-10 of the Zoning Regulations permits major amendments to previously Approved Development Plans for Special Development Districts; and WHEREAS, Waldir Prado, dbe Daymer Corporation, es owner of the Phese lV property, has submitted an application for a revised major amendment to Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn, Phase lV; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this ordinance is to repeal and re-enact Ordinance No. 1, Series of 2000, to adopt a revised Approved Development Plan forthe Vail Village Inn Special Development District, Phase lV to allow for the construction of the Vail Pleza Hotel; and WHEREAS, the revised major amendment to the Special Development District, including the provision of deed-restricted housing for 38 employe€s and the resulting 3.5 f€et of additional bullding height, is in the best interest of the town as it meets the Town's development objectives as identified in the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions outlined in the Zoning Regulations, the Planning & Environmental Commission held a public hearing on the ma,or amendment application; ano WHEREAS, the Planning & Environmental Commission has reviewed the prescribed criteria for a major amendment and has submitted its recommendation of approval and findings to the Vail Town Council; and WHEREAS, all public notices as required by the Town of Vail Municipal Coda have been sent to the appropriate parties; and WHEREAS, the Vail Town Council considers it in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare to adopt lhe revised Approved Development Plan for Special Dsvelopment District No. 6, Vail Village Inn, Phase lV, Vail Plaza Hotel; and Ordln.nce 4, Series of 2000 Whereas, the approval of the major amendment to Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn, Phase lV, Vail Plaza Hotel and the development stendards in regard thereto shall not establish precedence or entitlements elsewhera within the Town of Vail. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Purpose oftha Ordinance The purpose of Ordinance No. 4, Series of 2000, is to adopt a revised Approved Development Plan for Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn, Phase lV, Vail Plaza Hotel. The Approved Developmenl Plans for Phases I, lll & V remain approved and unchanged for the development of Special Development District No. 6 within the Town of Vail, unless they have otheMise expired. Only the Approved Development Plan for Phase lV, the Vail Plaza Hotel is hereby amended and adopted. Sectlon 2. Amendment Procedures Fulfilled. Plannino Commission Report The approval procedures described in Section 12-9A of the Vail Municipal Code have be6n fulfilled, and the Vail Town Council has received the recommendation of the Planning & Environmental Commission for a major amendment to the Approved Development Plan for Special Development District No.6, Vail Village Inn, Phase lV, Vail Plaza Hotel. Requests for amendments to the Approved Development Plan shall follow the procedures outlined in Section 12-9A of the Vail MuniciDal Code. Section 3. Soecial Development District No. 6 The Special Development District and the malor amendment to the Approved Development Plan for Phase lV ere established to assure comprehensive development and use of the area in a manner that would be harmonious with the general character of the Town, provide adequate open space and recreation amenities, and promote the goals, objectives and policies of the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan. Special Development Districl No. 6 is regarded as being complementary to the Town of Vail by the Vail Town Council and the Planning & Environm€ntal Commission, and has been established since there are signifiernt aspects of the Speciel Development District that cannot be satisfied through the imposition of the standard Public Accommodation zone district requirements. Section 4. Development Standards - Special Development District No. 6, Vail Villago Inn, Phase lV. Vail Plaza Hotel Ordlnance 4, Sefles of 2000 Dcv6lopment Plan- The Approved Development Plan for Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn, Phase lV, Vail Plaza Hotel shall include the following plans and materials prepared bv Zehren and Associates, lnc., dat€d March 't, 2000 and stamp€d approved by the Town of Vail, dated March 21, 2000: (as may be further revised by the Town of Vail Design Review Board) A. Site lllustrativ€ Plan B. Site Vignettes Key Plan (noted 'for i//usfna tion puryoses onlf) C. Site Vignettes D. Site Plan (revlsed) E. Level Minus Two F. Level Minus One G. Level 2610 H. Level One l. Level One & 1/2 J. Level Two K. Level Three L. Level Four M. Level Flve N. Level Six O. Roof Plan P. Roof Plan (MEchanical Equipment) A. Skeet Sections (Vail Roed Elevation/North Frontago Roed Elovation) R. Pleza Sections (South Plaze Elevetion/East Plaza Elevetion) S. Building A Elevations T. Building A Sections U. Building B Elevations V, Building B Sections W, Building Height Plan 1 (Absolute Heights/lnterpolated Contoun) X. Building Height Plan 2 (Meximum Height Above Grade/lnterpolated Ordlmncc 4. Seri6 of 2000 Contours) Y. Pool Study (Pool Sections) z. Vail Road Setback Study AA. Loading and Delivery plan BB. Street Entry Studies (Vail Road/South Frontage Road) CC. Sun Study DD. Landscape lmprovements Plan EE. Off-site lmorovements Plan Permitted Uses- The permitted uses in Phase lV of Special Development District No. 6 shall be es set forth in Section 12-7 of the Vail Town Code. Conditional Uses- Conditional uses for Phase lV shall be set forth in Section 12-7 A-3 ot the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations. All conditional uses shall be reviewed per the procedur€s as outlined in Chapter 12- 16 of th€ Town of Vail Zoning Regulations. Density-- llnlts per Acre - Dwelllng Units, Accommodation Untts, & Fractional Fee Club Unlts The number of unit6 permitted in Phase lV shall not exceed the following: Dwelling Units - 1 Accommodation Units - 99 Fractional Fee Club Units - 50 Type lll Employee Housing Units - 18 Density- Floor Area The gross residentiel floor area (GRFA), common area and commercial square footage permitted for Phase lV shall be as set forth in the Approved Development Plans referenced in Section 4 of this ordinance. Setbacks- Required setbacks for Phase lV shall be as set forth in the Approved Development Plans referenced in Section 4 of this ordinance. The front setback along Vail Road shall be a minimum of '16', ' Height-- The maximum building height for Phase lV shall be as set forth in the Approved Development Plans referenced in Section 4 of this ordinance. For the purposes of SDD No. 6, Phase lV, ordlnance 4. Seriss of 2000 calculations of height, height shall mean the distance measured vertically from the existing grade or finished grade (whichever is more restrictive), at any given point to the top of a flet roof, or mansard roof, or to the highost ridge line of sloping roof unless otherwise spgcified in Approved Dev6loDment Plans. Site Coverage- The maximum allowable site coverage for Phase lV shall be as set forth in the ApprovEd Development Plans referenced in Section 4 of this ordinance. Landscaping- The minimum landscape area requirement for Phase lV shall be as get forth in the Approved Development Plans referenced in Section 4 of this ordinance. Parking and Loading- The required number of off-street parking spaces and loading/delivery berths for Phase lV shall be provided as set forth in the Approved Development Plans referenced in Section 4 of this ordinanc€. ln no instance shall Vail Road orthe South Frontage Road be used for loading/dElivery or guest drop-off/pick-up without the prior written approval of the Town of Vail. The required parking spaces shall not be individually sold, transferred, leased, conveyed, rented or restricted to any person other than a tenant, occupant or user of the building for which the space, spaces or area are required to be provided by the Zoning Regulations or ordinances of the Town. The foregoing language 6hall not prohibit the t€mporary use of the parking spsces for events or uses outside of the building, subject to the approval of the Town of Vail. Section 5. Approval Aoreements for Special Development District No. 6. Phase lV. Veil Plaza Hotel 1, That the Developer submits detailed civil engineering drawings of the required off-sit€ improvements (street lights, drainage, curb and gutter, sidewalks, grading, road improvements, etc.) as identified on the off-site improvements plan to the Town of Vail Public Works Department for review and approval, prior to application for a building permit. 2. That the Developer submits a detailed final landscepe plan and final architectural elevations for review and approval of the Town of Vail Design Review Boerd, prior to application for a building permit. 3. The SDD approval time requirements and limitations of Section 12-94-12 shall apply to Ordinance No. 4, Series of 2000. In addition, the phasing of the conslruction of the hotel Ordlnance 4, S€dss of 2000 4. shall not be permitted. That the Developer submits the following plans to the Department of Community Development, for review and approval, as a part of the building permit application for the hotel: An Erosion Control and Sedimentation Plan; A Construction Staging and Phasing Plan; A Stormwater Management Plan; A Site Dewatering Plan; and e. A Traffic Control Plan. That the Developer receives a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of 18, Type lll Employee Housing Units in Phase lV of the District, in accordance with Chapter 12- 16, prior to the issuance of a building permit. That the Developer submits a complete set of plans to the Colorado Department of Transportation for reviEw and approval oJ a r€vised access permit, prior to appllcation for e building permit. That the Developer meets with the Town staff to prepare a memorandum of understanding outlining the responsibilities and requirements of the required off-site improvements, prior to second reading of an ordinance approving the major amendment. That the Developer submits a complete set of plans responding to the design concems expressed by Greg Hall, Director of Public Works & Transportation, in his memorandum to George Ruther, dated 12l13/99. The drawings shall be submitted, reviewed and approved by the Town Engineer, prior to final Design Review Board approval. That the developer records a public pedestrian easement between the hotel and the Phase lll Condominiums and between the Phase V Building property lines. The easement shall be prepsred by the developer and submitted for review and approval of the Town Attomey. The easement shall be recorded with the Eagle County Clerk & Recordeis Otfice prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, That the Developer record a deed-restriction, which the Town is a party to, on the Phase lV property prohibiting the public use of the spa facility in the hotel. Said restriction mey be revoked if ths Developer is able to demonstreto to the satisfaction of ihe Town that adequate provisions for vehicle parking have been made to accommodate the public use of a. b. 6. 7. at. 9. '10. Ordinance 4, Seri6 of 2000 the spa. The restriction shall be recorded prior to tho issuance of a building permit. 11 . That the Developer submits a final exterior building materials list, a typical wall-section and complete color rendering for review and approval of the Design Review Board, prior to making an application for a building permit. 12. That the Developer submits a comprehensive sign program proposal for the Vail Plaza Hotel for review and approval of the Design Review Board, prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificele of Occupancy. 13. That the Developer submits a roof-top mechanical equipment plan for review and approval of the Design Review Board prior to the issuence of a building permit. All roof-top mechanical equipment shall be incorporated into the overall design of the hotel and enclosed and screened from Dublic view. 14. That the Developer posts e bond with the Town of Vail to provide flnancial security for the 1250/o of the total cost of the required otf-site public improvements. The bond shall b6 in place with the Town prior to the issuance of a building permit. '15. That the Developer installs bollards or similar safety devices at the intersec,tion of the delivery access driveway and the sidewalk along the South Frontage Road to prevsnt conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles, prior to the issuance of I Temporary Certlficate of Occupancy. 16. That the Developer studies and redesigns the entrance on the north slde of the hotel across from the entrance to the Gateway Building to create a more inviting entrance or a design that redirects pedestrians to another entrance. The final design shell be reviewed and approved by the Oesign Review Board prior to the issuance of a building permit. 17 , That the Developer coordinate efforts with the owners of the Geteway Building to create a below ground access for loading and delivery to the Gateway from the Vail Plaza Hotel to resolve potential loading and delivery concerns at the Gateway. lf a coordinated effort can be reached the Developer shall submit revised plans to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and approval, prior to the issuance of a building permit. 18. That the Developer revises the proposed floor plans for the Vail Plaza Hotel to provide freight elevator access to the lowest level of the parking structure. The revised plans shall be submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and approval prior to th€ issuance of a building permit. Ordinance 4, Serles of 2000 20. 19, Thst the Cevelepef redesigns the propeeeC Bleyater tswer to €reaf€-eF-ef€hiteduFaHe€tcfe ier to+in€l reviewsf* ahell review and appreve th€-r€visedd€€igfr, That the Develop€r, in cooperation with the Town of Vail Public Works Department design and construcl a left-tum lane on Vail Road and reconfigure the landscape island in the South Frontage Road median to eliminate left-tums from the loading/delivery. The construction shall be completed prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. That the Developer provides a centralized loading/delivery facility for the use of all owners and tenants within Special Development District No. 6. Access or use of the facility shall not be unduly restricted for Special Development District No. 6. The loading/delivery facility, including docks, berths, freight elevators, service corridors, etc., may be made available for public and/or private loading/d€livery programs, sanctionod by the Town of Vail, to mitigate loading/deliv€ry impacts upon the Vail Village loading/delivery system. The use of the facility shall only be permitted upon a finding by the Town of Vail and the Developer that excess capacity exists. The Dev€loper will be compensated by the Town of Vail end/or others for the common use of the facility. The final determination of the use of the facility shall be mutually agreed upon by the DEVelopEr and the Town of Vail. That the Developer submits a written letter of approval from adjacent properties whose property is being encroached upon by certain improvements resulting from the construction of the hotel, prior to the issuance of a building permit. That the Developer executes a Developer lmprovement Agreement to cover the completion of the required off-site improvements, prior to the issuance of a building permit. 24. That the D€veloper record Type lll deed-restrictions of each of the 18 required employee housing units, with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder's Office, prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. S€ction 6. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinanc€ is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares ii would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, 21. Ordlnance 4, Seriqg of m00 subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, secllons, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared Invalid. Section 7. The repeal or the repeel and re-enactment of any provisions of lhe Vail Municipal Code es provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding es commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed end reenacted. The repeal of eny provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 8. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts lhereof, inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. The repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, her€tofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE lN FULL ON FIRST READING this 7'" day of March, 2000, and a public hearing for second readingofthisOrdinancesetforthe2l"rdayofMarch,2OOo,intheCouncil Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Ludwig Kurz, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this 21"' day of ' March,2OOo. Ordin.nc.4, Series of 2000 Ludwig Kurz, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk OrdlnEnca 4. S.ri6 of 2000 zZ "E r*ttt; i E gE X; Ec fiEE 'I EgEB N?E N €o\o\t-{ a\ -(f) ti G --?1 -cgII oE GLo Fl-o U a\ -o'l cg d -a - - €) a0 G - -o-l -ol G >> -*.A -€)LLH -U |riq) {r)oHH G N 6i -Rr -ol G rI I II I I TI I I T(I -I -I J TI -lI-t6llr bDct.- Qerg0:E(J Eoo:r aa:-E-= .!rE' -Gl9LolAf.f hl6l -lII{)arIq,a aFId - -€) u0 G --t- -.- .cg li*ii xri E -+.Atlq)LLrl -tt) F-O{-)oHf{ CB N G -lA. -rr{OT c€ +Et r5-tI\rs^r I.r'a^ I al il €q\// I {,\??\- E/?g!\E -.; o0 s€ 6,'i cai I I I_J i-;i', I 'o6 E €E*, EsftEE$gse ooortol e u I bl) x bI) 5 x .6. TW Tctl:ctr Itt\,iE\ t3\ra\ ntru IEI\ FI,d\a+e\cl\rt\EI)Gl !o HE'ila E] r r N r r fi - r rr r rr rl - r r - fr - - tv. --r €) --,a\) lol '-Lc>rv*J5CJ.'F +a a +- -(- I -q) b0 cgrr'( -.- -.- cq 29 i1 " I Es 'r it !g,11 ;: B?i -H il Ea€a; i1 63nr;E6Fa xr? i +)t-€)LL -a-r\v frr(q) rar)o f'FE -\r\| N cg -lR{ tr(.- -. b\a 'l'*iP,' itin":""i# r - I I f I r I - Ir tr- r - lI - - -- ft. -lq) bO^:.rFtl Earlt tr -i! .ar. >- (.) 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