HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D LOT M O VAIL PLAZA HOTEL 1999 MAJOR AMENDMENT REQUEST REVISED PART 1 LEGAL-99 SUH 22.4L L EDI'IARDS 3434799327 FAX o MAYOR RoB FORD A rD TolvN cot NcrL MEMBERS, PLAI.INTNG ANID EI\IVIRONMENTAL coMMlssloN, AI.ID GEORGE nrrrHEn sEMoRPLANNER, TO1VN OF VAIL 970-479-2452 I I tot99 Lee M. Edwards, ph.D 483 Gore Creek Drivc # 5A Vail CO 81652 Phonc 970-479-9529 fax 970-479-9527 mailing address in Vail 2l2l N. Frontage Rd., W #221 Vail CO 81652 re: vail village fnu and increased zoning density for all hotels to voice my dovelopers: As a long time property owncr in Vail I would likeobjections to the following proposals by private A) The plan ro increasc thc height and density for tho vail villagcInn Devclopmcnt. B) The plan to increase zoning density for a[ hotcl facilities. Both proposals wourd ruin view corridors, increase traffic todangerous levels, create a skyscraper effect (whrch has arreadyobliterated the forrner athactione of Beaver Creek), incroaseproperty taxes to unfair levels, and spoil the village atmosphere thathas long made Vail unique. The proposed amendments, if passed, will turn Vail into anotherurban mess with all tbe chaoe that cntails. please don't let it happen.It is our responsibility to protcct rhc beauty of Vail. Yours sinccrely,'L cr" Lce M. Edwards ., ti'*'t1esor11:3$M GRI,IE CREEK CLUEbtrt!*LE- x I 976 479WLALrPCOll lNO.996 r -s7o-+7E-4681 I.P."...' F.l RAYMOND F. DWITER ATJORNBYATLAW 4690 VAIL RAg<Er CLUB Onnc g-z VAIL, COLORADO 3T657' TEL:97&4794ie29 Io. te r99s M[e lob FoEn ud Toua Counl MeobcnHmiqg ild Frvftmuart i#;lT-- * mdcrEr4cnutls,sroi-u.a"",.-------- ToerofVnl Ex4Tt-2452 Re Vd yilhgp Iun $DD prqpotrt rui!Frcster Anrfuanr r" fou riUUo Ac*uioOrri,aa zms Diefua Deu lfrfrc Fqr4 Torar Cornsil, ?EC rud Mr. &drar FlerserccqrtrliS crr-ffitr# #;ffi=bt#,ffifl*ff Tte propoccd ve' vinrr h ruucun T..dd$-rlriT ic our of *p wirL tc re* af VriL Ewould rot ody ua te fr* 'ie orc rwutd.i mi rr" _"6.16o, araiag vu] hrr ir $,ouldrrrd sct q ufrltrulcp**A_a fw *mfrlig!-litrn n rc, ia thevilhgs. trtWffi E60iifu exDtorrb3 on dtbe vilrep aesrq,iry vril,c _9_: * .Jr" "pinc trc ircrrrcd wsisuhr ftfrc ,FogEynrtrortdilolr3rv*'usrbrdrlhgwu}lgue*c,romgwithths ft ir dro eeq/ to inrgine fts ud of Vril,t otizas il ths dcqtuir of Vril,s benqr if grch rstru'nrD li i'oured o' bc cqruarr( rt*ril, r lr* urua ,,ii;; ,L*&-og, apm,ncdffitt Hhopotf,* rcrco -al,iJ-iliil*.rvn, rdrrep+,.,tftr ',crr r ,rfl ,t I I ! ,,, I ,' 'i a I I Rc+cdrrySuDqdrod" CIIARLES R. LIPCONVaiI Gateway Unit 5 L2 S. Frontage Road Vail, Co. 81657 TeI. (970) 476-5LSt Fax. (970) 476-8681- 'January I, l-999 Mayor Rob Ford and Town Council- Members, Planning and Environmental Commission, and George Ruther, Senior Planner Town of Vai]- Eax:479-2452 Re: Vai-l Village Inn Dear Sirs and Madams : One or more of the residential property owners at the Vail Gatewayhave the foJ-lowing objections to the VaiI Village Inn A Major Amendment to Special Development District #6 as follows: 1. The application for Planning and Environmental Commission Approval was signed by Jay K. Peterson as attorney in fact on April13, 1998. I received a copy of the limited power of attorney signedby Waldir R. Prado as managing director on Jan. 4, 1999. A reviewof the power of attorney indicates that: THE POBIER OF ATTORNEY IS SPECIFfCAILY IIMIIED TO CIIAPTER 12-9a-2. THIS CHAPTER DEATS IAIITH DEFINITIONS. THE POWER IS IN\AJ,ID ON ITS FACE TO AUTHOR]ZE JAY PETERSON TO SIGN AN APPIICATION FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONI,IENTAI COMMTSSTON APPRO\ZAI WITH RESPECI TO A l4A,fOR AI4ENDMENT TO AII sDD.Further, there is nothing in the record with the town that wouldindicate that Vilatdir Prado was the duly appointed managing d.irectorof Daymer Corp. or that Daymer Corp. has, through its board ofdirectors, approved the granting of a power of attorney to Jay K. Peterson. 2. In spite of numerous requests, neither I nor any of the otherresidential owners in the Vail Gateway, to my knowledqe, have beengiven notice of any hearings whatsoever in front of the Planning and Environmental Cornmission. Notice to SLottz Management is not adequate since they doldid not in turn provide notice to the owners in the Vail Gateway. This information about lack of notice was previously provided to you. YOU HAVE ACTUAI NOTICE THAT THE GIVING OF NOTICE TO STOITZ I'ANAGEI{ENT DOES NOT IN TURN RESULT IN NOTICE TO THE CONDOMINIUM OVilNERS IN THE \nIL GATEWAY- This isspecial-ly troublesome in light of the fact that Stoltz Managementor their principals was represented by Jay Peterson who is also theclaimed attorney in fact and the attorney for Dayner Corp. 3. lhe Town of VaiI ordinance L2-3-6 C. dealing with notice constitutes a denial of due process and equal protection of the 1awfor the owners in the Vail Gateway and other adjacent condominiun owners since it does not provide for actual notice to them as adjacent property owners. YOU HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSIY INFORMED THAT THE GIVING OF NOTICE TO STOLTZ MANAGEMENT DOES NOT IN TURN RESULT rN NOTICE TO THE CONDOMINIUM OIINERS IN THE \AfL GATEWAY. As such itis unconstitutional . A letter from ,fohn Breyo, owner of Unit 3 inthe VaiI Gateway was faxed to you indicating lack of notice as well as reliance on the master plan, zoning, etc. 4. The amendment violates the "view corridor" from the four way stop (now roundabout) established in the SDD approval for theVillage Inn. Based on this "view corridor", the height of the Vail Gateway was reduced. In Rick Pylman's (Town Planner for Vail)letter dated Feb. L6, 1988 discussJ-ng the Vail Gateway, he stated: "Staff feels stronqly that this building(Vail Gatewag) shouldpresent no encroachment into the view corridor that is establishedby the approved Vail Village Inn development. The existing designwill reguire substantia] revisions to maintain the view parameters establi-shed bv the WI . " Tt would be unfair, arbitrary, and unreasonabl-e to have reduced t,heheight of the Vail Gateway based on the "view corridor" in the SDDordinance for the Village Inn and then to turn around and ignorethe same requirement for the Village Inn itself. The agreement between Joe Stauffer and the Town of Vait as documented in the SDDapproval constitutes a recorded real covenant that inures to thebenefit of the adjacent land owners who relied on this realcovenant. The SDD approval provides for a three story building inthe "view corridor" area. The SDD approval was the result of give and take negotiations between the Town of VaiJ. and Joe SLauffer. Joe Stauffer agreed to two story buildings on East Meadow Drive andVail Road in return for a five story building on Frontage Road. Inaddition to constituti-ng a real- covenant, the SDD approvalconstitutes a contract between the Town of Vail and Joe Staufferwhich inures to the benefit of adjacenL owners as third party beneficiaries. 5. The amendment violates the Town of Vail Master Plan. The masterpf an states with respect t,o the Vail Vill-age Inn: "Mass ofbuildings shal1 step up from existing pedestrian scale along MeadowDrive to 4-5 stories along Frontage Road....Design must besensitive to maintainincr view corrj-dor from 4-way stop to VaiI Mountain" The WI proposal will directly impact the character ofthe Vail Village. If approval of the arnendment is allowed, wherewill it stop. Won't the owners of the Holiday House property, thegas station and others wanL to have the same massive size to maximize the value of their propert.ies. Perhaps the VaiJ- Gateway would like to add another 4 floors a1so. The entrance to the Vail Village would be a massive canyon of buildings more in keeping witha large cit.y rather than a unique ski village. 6- The Village Inn project does not coordinate welJ. with the Vail Gateway. It cuts off its pedestrian access and drastically reduces its visibility. This would be particularly harmful to the commercial tenants in the building. The Town of Vail in considering the Vail Gateway SDD application required that a major entrance beplaced on the side of the building facing the Village Inn. Thatentrance would be virtually worthless under the Village Inn proposal . Ihe Vail Gateway would be facing a large wal1 that goes up 95 feet which would only be a few feet from the Vail Gatewayproperty. A canyon would be created. This is not in keeping with the initial representation made by the Vail Village Inrl to the Town of Vail, that: "The architects Zehren & Aesociates were challenged to acconmodate this program in a c,onfigiuration harnpnious to the irrnediate neighborhood and add to the Vail Character." There j-s nothj-ng harmonious about this project as it relates to the Vail Gateway and j-t is certainly not in keeping wj-th the Vail Character.It is a big city project being urged on a small village. During the appfication process for the Vail Gateway, it wasreguired that a major entrance be placed for access from theVillage Inn property. In Rick Pylmants (Town Planner for Vail) letter dat,ed Feb. L6, l-9BB he stated: "We feel that it wi]-l beimportant that this projecL and the approved Vail Villaoe Innprolect when built, have a st.ronq pedestrian connection. We recognize the need for the developer of the VVI project to relatehis project to the Vail Gateway. We do want. to ensure, however,that the desigrn of the Gatewav allows this pedest.rian connection to occur . " 7. The Village Inn project comes within 2 feet or so of the VaiI Gateway driveway where cars enter the garage and deliveries are made. It would create a large alley that would cause auto anddiesel fumes to accumulate and enter the Vail Gateway, This would be noxious, odorous, harmful to health, and perhaps deadly. A study shoul-d be done to determine the buiJ-dup of carbon monoxide andother dangerous fumes that would enter the Vail Gateway and the Village Inn from this area. 8. The Village Inn project would cut off sunlight and air for the VaiJ- Gateway. The VaiI Gateway would for the most part be in the shadow of the Villaqe Inn. 9. The traffic, noise, and accompanying pollution in the area ofthe roundabout, Vail Road, and Frontage Road would increase dramatically. The roundabout presently backs up at certain times ofthe d.y, and the increase in the number of cars will only exacerbate the problem. The Traffic Impact Analysis done by Feisburg, HuIt & Ullevig is based on the assr.rmption that 508 of the traffic is internal and as such reduced their trip generation figures by 508. This ignores the fact that the Vail Village has afree transportation system that j-s unique. Even assuming a 508 reduction, the overall traffic increases from about 1050 trips per day Lo 3100 trips per day. THIS IS A IRIPLING IN TRAFFIC. If the assumed reduction figure is wrong then the increase could be as much as sj-x fold. An increase percentage of 2t was used to indicate that the traffic would go to 4600 vehicfes during the PM peak hour in the year 2015. This assurnes that further large hotel projects similar to the Village Inn wil-1 not be approved, which would be unreal-istic if this project is approved. There would be a Domino effect. 10. No studies have been filed to reflect the pollution l-evels that would come from the increased traffic. LL. The owner of the Village Inn knew at the time of its purchase what was allowed and r,shat was not allowed under the SDD approval inplace at the tjme. The Village Inn proposal would change the rules and would greatly increase the value of the Village Inn property and at the same time diminish the value of the VaiI Gatewayproperty as well as other adjacent property owners. It woul-d beunfair to provide the Vil-J-age Inn owner with a financial- wind falI at the expense of the Vaif Gateway owners. 12. Ourners in the Vail- Gateway purchased their properties and spent money fj-xing them up relying on the approvals already in place forthe Vil-lagie Inn, including the view corridor. as well as the masterp1an. As such changing these items would constitute an inverse condemnation of the ownership interests of the VaiI Gateway owners. Ttre value of the Vail Gateway owners would be reduced so as toprovide a windfal-l to the owners of the VaiI Villagie Inn. l-3. The Vail master plan which was enacted by ordinance cannot beviolated under the guise of an SDD, without changing the masterplan itself. Attorney John Dunn has previously submitted a memorandum of law on this issue. The Vill-age Inn acknowledge this wtren they submitted a "Revision of Vail Villaqe Master PIan- Conceptual Buildinq Height Plan..." on Nov. 30, 1998. l-4. The Village Inn proposal has not discussed the hazard of a fire spreading Lo or from their buildings to the Vail Gateway in light of their extremely close proximity. (The fact that the proposed VaiI ViJ-lage Inn has exterior fireproofing does not apply to theVaiI Gateway and the Village Inn Condo which does not have special fi-reproofing. ) What further problems would this create for the fire department if a fire had to be fought? Also there is no showing that the Town of VaiI fire department could handle a fire in a bui1d5-ng of this size and height. l-5. What assurances has the owner of the Village Inn provided thatit has the financial and real estate capability to build what theysay they want to buiJ.d? What assurances have they provided thatthey are trustworthy and will do wtrat. they say they will do? Daymer Corporati-on N.V. has reportedly been previously J-nvolved inlitigation where claims were made of wrongful conduct by Daymer. Daymer should make a full disclosure of prior litigation and its outcome to properly assess its trustworthiness. AIso its true ownershj-p should be revealed since it is a Netherlands Antill-es Corporation. 16. The simulated pictures submitted by the Vail vill_aete Inn aremisleading. View analysis number three shows a nine story Vail ViJ-lage Hotel not much higher than the adjacent five story VaiIcateway. If the true height of the Vaj-l Village Inn was depictedthe whole of the Golden Peak area would be blocked. Even theincorrect picture submitted shows that the view of the Golden Peak area would be almost completely blocked. L7 - The sales Lax revenues projected to the Tov,ne of Vait are based on numerous assumptions. What guarantees or bonds have the VillageInn offered if their projections are wronlt. If the Village Inn is seeking to motivate the Town of Vail by the promise of additionalfunds, certainly they should stand behind the numbers and providea guarantee or bond from a financially sound third party to back uptheir nurnbers. l-8- The Village Inn should provide compensation to the adjacentproperty .owners, whose values will go down as a result of theVillage Inn violations of the master plan as well as the agreement between the Tor^rn of Vail and Joe Stauffer as codified in the SDD approval . 1-9. The Vail P1aza Hotel Fact Sheet is misleading. It indicatesthat the 1992 approval allowed a building height of 67 feet. Itdoes not indicate that this height applied to the building onFrontage Road only and does not apply to the buildings that wouldbe south of the Vail Gateway. (Between the Vail Gateway and the ski mountain) 20. The report of the Town Planner is expected to be done by the end of the day on Friday ilan. B, L999. ft is unknown if sufficienttime wilt be available to review the report prior to the PECmeeting scheduled for Monday Jan. 1I , 1"999. As such the right toobject on this ground is reserved until such time as the report has been provided and studied. 21. No view corridor analysis was done other than providing photos tr some of which are misleading. A view corridor analysis was requested in the memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated June 22, l-998. 22. No urban desi-grn analysj-s was done. An urban desigm analysis wasrequested in the memorandum to the Planning and Environment.al Commission dated Atne 22, 1998. 23. The Town Planning department claims to be unable to locate theoriginal SDD approved drawings for the Vail Village fnn referencedin Ordinance No. 7, SerJ-es of l-976 after repeated requests. Waldir Prado also had a set utrich he received from Joe Stauffer. Mr. Pradoalso claims that he no longer has these drawings. The two known custodians of these important drawings have conveniently tost them. These are needed for review and reference particularly in terms ofthe View Corridor. Where applj-cable the same objections are being rnade to the FaessLer Amendments to the Public Accommodati-on Zone District. Very Truly ca-4 Ctrarles R. Attachments Yours, ,l/ -T Lipcon 't I CHARI,ES R. LIPCON EXUIBITS SIIBI.{ITTED IN OPPOSITION TO VAIL VILI.AGE INN SDD AND PT'BLIC ACCOMODAtrTONS FAESSI,ER A}{EIIDMENTS l-. .Iohn Dunn June 2, 1-998 letter 2. Charles R. Lipcon letters and email to and from the Town of vail 3. 'John Breyo ilan. 5, 1999 letter to the Town of Vail 4. Plaintiff's Original Petition against Daymer Corporation N.V. 5. East Village Homeowners Association White Paper on the VaiI Plaza Hotel 6. Copies of docurnents from the Vail Gateway SDD Proposal fj-1e of the Town of Vail .A. Feb. L6, L998 letter from Rick Pylman B. Eeb. 22, 1998 Comnrunity Development memo. C. Vail Gateway View Profile. D. Revised Encroachment of Vail Gateway E. Peter Jamar letter dated l'fiarch 24, 1998 7. Architect Steven Riden's evaluation. ilohn Drrnn Jr.me 2, 1998 letter Law C)r.lcEt DuNr.r, AepLaNRup & CgnrsrEnsrru, P.C. roo Sqvrx FRoNtaoE Roeo Wrsr Surrt Joo Ver!. CoLonaoo atgsz JOt|r w. ou{ta ARTXUT A. ASPLANAL'I JN' alLax c. chir!t:tlsll{ grAalf L. rlfiLaN F. C, SIEPFENSOI' !rr<r^! covr!?r: JEFFY W. X FNAH 'ELEPXON E: r9tor.76.o30o TACSIXILZ: tetot ata.at63 aaFEfa ta, 9u||L cart'trtc rtq.( tnat rt June2.l99E Planning and Environmcntrl Commission Town of Vgil 75 South Frontage Road VailCO t1657 Rc: Vail Plrza Hotcl Project Dcar Commission Mcmbers: We rcprescnt three residentirl unit owners at Vail Gateway Plazr and have been requcsted by them to provide you with writtcfl comment with respcct to thc application of Daymer Corporation for a major amcndment to Special Development Disriq lt6. the Vail Village Inn Sitc ("lhc Vril Plaz.a Horel Project" or "the Projcct'). Having rcviowed the plans rubmittcd to thc Town. we wish to set forth our concerns with respect to the rclationship of thc Project to thc Vril Villagc Master Plan. From our review ofthe plnns, it apperr! that thc portions ofthe Project located immediatcly adjecenr ro Vail Gateway Plrza will be 60 to E4 fest above the existing grade to the sourh of Gateway Plaza on Vail Road and ?0 to 100 feet Ebove the existing grrde to the east of Garcway Plaza on Frontage Road. This proposcd building hcight is not in conformity with the Concepturl Building Height Plan of the Veil Village Mastcr Plan, which establishcs a building height guideline on those parccls adjaccnt to Oateway Plaza ofl-4 (stepped) building stories. Inasmuch as the Conccptual Building Hcight Plrn defines "building otory" as nine fcet, the conesponding building height guidclines are 2? to 36 feet. Nor is the proposed building height in conformity with thc Sub-Area 8l-l Plan rt pagc 17 of the Mastcr Plan, which rcquir* that the mass of building! "stcp-up" ftom pedestrian scsle slonS Meadow Drive to 4-5 stories along Frontage Road. Construing the two togcthcr, the structure to thc routh of Catcwry Plaza could not by any intcrprartion exceed four slorics or 36 fcet. Thc proposcd building hcights for the Project adjaccnt to Gatcway Plaza thcrefore exceed mastcr plan limitrtions by rs much rs 33 lo 48 fcet on Vail Road and 43 to 64 fcct on Frongge Rord. ln other words, the plrn proposcs a building that ir at least twice the heigbt timitarions of the Veil Village Master Plan on those percels Section l2-9A-8 of the Vail Municipal Code includes as part of the design criteria for approval of rn SDD "conformity with rpplicable elements of the Vail Compreharsive Plarl Town policics and urban design plans" and provides, with reference to tho$e stsndards, that: "lr shdl be the burden of the applicurt to demonstrate that submitral materirl rnd the proposed devclopment phn comply with each of thc following standards, or demonsrate thst one or more ofthem is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistcnt with the public intcrest har bccn achievcd: . . ." Wc are not able to find any,thing in the applicant's submittd to suggcst thst the height limirrtions of thc mastcr plan arc not applicablc or that the applicant is proposing a solution to the conflict with the mester plon which is consistent with thc public intcrcst. We can only conclude rhat the applicant is asking that the height limirationc ofthe mastor plsn be ignored for purpos€ ofthe application. tt is thcrelore thc purpose of thir later to provide you with a review of Colorado law on thc rclationship bctwecn master plan.r and zoning, including in particular thc type of zone district know rs the "planned unit dcvelopment" C'PUD") ot as it ic known in Vail, the spccial dcvclopmcnt district ("SDD"). Based upon our review of that law, it is our belief that the master plrn must be strictly adhered to in the consideration of SDD zoning and we resp€ctfully rcqucst thst your commission so determine st the outsel of its consideretion of the application. The Coloredo Supreme Court first addressed the sffcct of a mastcr plut in Theobaldv.Btnrd<4f(ountyComm'rs,644P.2d942(Colo. l9E2). Inthatcase,thccounheld that r mastcr plan is advisory only and that, in ordcr for it to have a direct effeA on Propcrty rights, ir must bc furthcr implemcntcd through zoning. Thereaffo, in Beaver Mefuws v. Bmrd oj Coanty (lumm'rs,'lQQ P.2d 928 (Colo. 1985), thc court hcld that, while a master plm 8s an advicory documcnl is not necessarily binding on ths zoning discretion ofa govornrncntal body, it is binding when the zoning legielrtion requires complience with it. Most recently. in Bmrl otCounty Comm'rs v, Conder.927 P.2d 1339 (Colo. 1996). our suprcmc courr wrs fsced with g subdivision applicrtion which conformed with applicable zoning bui not with the county marler plan, which had been adoptcd as a "grridelinc" by thc subdivision rcguletions. Over two dissents, the court held that the county could enforce thc masrcr plan compliance provision legislatively adopted ar part of the subdivision regulations. Trken together, those crses tell ug thrt. to lhe extent that zoning ia inconsistcnt with thc martcr plan, the master plrn will prevail. provided compliance with it is required by some regulation. Wc rccognizc lhat thc Town has grcat flcxibiliry in thc emcndment of rpccitl dcvcloprncnt district zoning and that r purpoi€ ofan SDD zonc distriot is to cncourago llcxibility and creativiry in the development of lrnd in order to promote its most rppropriate use. We aho recognizc rhat our local district court h8s upheld tho Town council's adoption of SDD zoniog over a challcngc bascd upon the argumenl that the adoption ofit constituled "rpot zoning" in contravention of thc Town's mastcr plan. However, wc are not arguing that the Ptescnt applicrtion violates objectives or policies ofthe magter plan, which are aspirationrl in natur€. Rather. we are arguing that no zonc district within the town may violate a vcry specific height limitation imposed by the mrster plan. given the master plan's incorporation into thc Town's zoning, including SDD zoning, It should clco bc mentioned thst, go fu as we iue awsrc, there has not bcen district court revicw ofa rczoning in this counly since the Conder docision. Prior to that decisior\ it might have been argued that an SDD zone district, because it cstabliehes rpecial rules for thrt zone district. mry override master plan requirements. However, in Conder (he court affrmcd Larimcr County'r dcnial of an application for a PUD cubdivision baaed upon thc subdivision's creation of densiry in conflict with the county master plan, even though (as thc court enrphasized) the propored usc of the land was in compliancc with tho county's zoning resolution, It must thereforc bc concluded that. ifthc entirely ofths Larimer County zoning resolution could not have thc effcct of overriding thc county mssler plan, PUD or SDD zoning could not have thot effcct. We also recognize that zoning is a mattsr of local and municipal concern; that the Town's zoning ruthority is govcmed by its own chartcr and ordinances, Zawla v. City & County of Denver.lsg P.2d 664 (Colo. lgtt). Servjce Oil Co. v. Rhdus,500 P.zd E07 (Colo. 1972)l and that lhe cases cited in this letter address county msster plans, However, the gggg! ofzoning authoriry is contsined in stature, $ I t-23-101, C.R.S., and that authority is conditioncd upon the adoptionofamasterplanby$ll-21-103.C.R.S. Funhef,the$tahrtorypurpose$governingthe adoption of a municipal master plrn, |i I | -23-207, C.R.S., track with thosc govorning the tdoption of a county master plan, $ l0-2E- t07, C.R.S., and both counties and munioipalities are required to find master plrn compliance rs a condition to approvel of r PUD, $ 24-67-104(IXf)' C.R.S., absent r ruperseding ordinancc of the municipality. ' Vril's ordinance in fact ir concittcnt with thct statutc. Finally, the discussion contained in the county cases cited are a discussion of general principles of tand use taw. tt is lhercfore our conclusion that your commission must givc litorsl offcct to thc Vail Village Marter Plen, including in particular the height lirnitationo conteined in it. in considering the rpplicrtion for the Project. Ofcourse. the Town's masler plans mry be amended. but that process should only be initirtcd by the Town council. Pursuant ro $ 31.27-207, C.R.S., "crreftl and comprehensivc surveys and studies of present conditiona end future growth" are required. lnitiarion of that prooess. we bclicve. ought not bc motivaled by a single application. Ir is our undcrstanding that the applicant believes that the economic benefit ofits project to the community. including hotel sccommodations end confercnce space, outweigh the imponance of magter plan compliance. ln thrt connectiorl it is well to bear in mind thc purposcs of the Town's zoning regulatiofi as they rre tet fonh in $ l2-l-2, V{l Municipal Code: "thesc rcgulations arc enactcd for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals, and gcneral welfarc of the Town, and to Promote the soordinated and harmoniour developmcnt of thc Town in a mlnner that will con3erve ud enlrrnce its naturat environmcnt rnd its estebliched character as a regort and residentid community of high quality." Jt.r\l lJl r'tllVl\i\LtJ Thrt purposg wc suggcat. is intendcd to prcscrvc the charactcr ofthe town and not to promote economic dcvelopment. We nced not remind you thot members of the public, including our dicnts, hevo rclied on thc Town's land use regulations. Our clients were told, whcn thry purchased units at Gatewry Plaza. thrt lhey would continue to have unobstructed views, urd they made major investmcnts bascd upon that information. lf thosc views are obstructed, thcir investments will be significantly devrlucd. Our clients under$tsnd that the Town's zoning was not cnacted to protect their personal view corridors. However, because they are adjacenr landowncrg and becausc the value oftheir property may be rffected by your rccommendation lo council, they have standing bcforc you. Seaion l2-3-1. Vail Municipal Code, provides for edministrrtive determination or interpretation ofthe provirions ofthe zoning ordinence and for review ofsuch determination or intapretstion by your commission. We urgc you to request an interprctation of $ l2-9A-8(D), Vail Municipal Code, and r determination that thrt provision requires that the application bcfore you rtrictly comply with the building height limitations ofthe Vail Village Mrster Plon. In meking thil rcqucr1 wc do not wish to minimizc other aspec$ of thc Projcct which would requirc that on the merits your commission mske a recommeodation of denirl of the applicstion. The imprct of thc Projed on Frontage Road is difficult even to imsginc. Trrffic flow (hrough the roundrbout intcrsection and along Frontage Road would be increased very substrntially, with thc attcndant noise and pollution caused by vchiculsr trrffic. Without En impacr analysis. it is impossible to sty what thc cffect of thc Projcct would be on lwcl of scrvice at the Main Vail Roundabout. That impact is aggrrvoted by the abrurce of pedectrian access from thc villoge core. Funhcr, thc rcfoorsing of activity on Frontage Road, togother with the overall height and mass of the Project, would havo a fundamental, potantially dwaslating effect on the feeling and charactcr ofVail. We intend to press thore irsues at dme of hearing on the applicstior\ if that stagc is rerched. We aguin urge that an initial determination be msde thst the Project mu$ comply with the Vail Village Mastcr Plan. That dctermination, for obvious rersons, would serve to focts considerstion of the application. Yours very truly, D|F{N, ADPLAI{ALP & CHRISTENSEN. P.C.ttr ,,. ,tttl,l4i. / t/1/\- lot/n W. P,,- IWD:ipre cc. Mr. Lipcon Mr. Johnston Charles R. Lipcon letters and email to and from the Town of Vail ., Subj: Re: Vlllage Inn SDD Date: 1/6/99 E:46:53 AM Mountain Stadard'Iime From: gruths@ci.t/ail.co.us (George Ruther) To: Sealavr@aol.com CC: lex@ldl.net (John tum) Dear Chuck, I hap recdred your emd I request. Gr,en my extreme workl€d this rrreek in peparing for Monday's meeting, I am urable to pr.rll and organize all of the information you requested at this time. Please feel vrdcomed to stop by our offce and the Tom Clerk's ofice to r€\ievv and get corjes of the inbrnration you requested. You lti ll be able to reilewthe inficnnation at yow ldsure. Agdn, I apologize for rpt bdnS aHe to pull and orgarize all the inbrmation yo.t rcquested. S eala,r@aol. com wote: > Dear George > | tried to contact ycu Tuesday to obtdn the SDD approral and plans from 1976. > Please make swe they are ready for riar{rq andor copying on Wednesday. I > need that infornntion to complete my objectim letter. > | dso need to see the ficllorling, all of wtrich apply to the Vail Village lnn: > Ortrnance rp. 7, series 1976 establishing SDD no. 6, Vdl Mllage Inn. > Ordirnnace no. 1 sedes 1985 > Ordinance no. '14, sedes 1S7 > Odinance no. 9, sedes 1991 > Ordinarce no. 2, series 1992 > Ordinance no. 24, ssies 1S8. > Thanks > Chuck Upcm Hedes Ret/r*Path: <gruther@i.ril.co.tts> Recdred: trom rly-zd@.mx.ml.com (rly-zdo2.mdl.ad.conr [ W air-zdO1.mdl.ad.com (!55.5) Y\ith SMTP; Wed, 06 Jan 1999 10:46:53-O5O Receiwd: from ci.€ l. co. r.rs (tov. vdl. net [206. 1 6E. 52. 5l ) by rly-zd@.mx.ad.com (E.8.8/8.8.5/AOL-.4.0.0) v{th ESMTP id MA18372 for <Seelavr@ml.com>; W.&-&v.lt||&A.lr &rtL.OGIItEl-le P.d.! I rt| '. Subj: Re: Village Inn Date: 1/6/99 E:3E:45 AM Mouniain Stardard Time From: gruther@ci.\€il.co.us (George Ruther) To: S ealat@aol. com DeoChwk, I recdl making ttro copies of the rievv analysis; one for you ard one fcr Ster,e. To refresh your memory, the iew analysis is the photographs shotting the beicre and afier situation. l,,lo urban design analysis t/tas comdeted for the project' Sincerely, Georye Rrther, AIC'P Serior Plrner S edar@ad. com \Mote: > Dear George > | rerieraed the .fune 2, 1W metrpcrdum in wtrich the std foutd that a riew > coridor analysis and urben design arnlysis vrctlld be useful. > Were dther of these rc{ded Wth respect the the Vail Mllage Inn > applicaUon. lf so, I vrculd like to see co$es. Th6e \ ere nct prorided to me > at crur meeting on Jan. 4, 1999. > Very Trully Youts, > Charles R. U pcm Heedets ReturnPath: <gMher@ci.uil.co.us> Rceircd: from rly-zdo2.mx.aol.com (rly-zdO2.mail.aol.com [ air-zdO1.ntil.ml.com (v55.5)with SMTP; Wed. 06 Jan 1999 't0:38:45 45@ Receired: fom ci. ri l. co. rs (tov. vdl. net 1206. 1 68. 52. 5l ) by rly-zdo2. mx.aol.com (8.6.8/8.8.5/AOL-4.0. 0) vtith ESMIP id KAA17149 br <Sedat@d.corp; We{ 6 Jan 1S 1O36:44 {500 (EST) Redwd: by ci.vdl.co.trs forn localhct (router,SlMdl V2.6); Wed, 06 &n 1999 08:36:12 {700 Recdrad: by ci.ril.co.us forn ci.ril.co.tts (152.16.1.n5::mdl daemon; unlerilied,SLMdl V2.6); Wed,06&n 199908:36:114700 MeesagelD: <3€981 CA.S053A82@ci.tail.co.rc> Dste: Wed. OO Jan 1999 OE:31.'2 47ffi From:'George Ruthe/' <grutha@ci.\dl.co.us> XJrrldler: Mozilla 4.(F [enl (Wn$; l) MIME-VerBim:1.0 To: Salaw@ad.com Subject: Re: Village Inn Reftrerpes: <d$3f€24.3ffi0bec@ad.com> Omtent-Type: texUfl a'n; charset=ts-acii W.dEd.t .J.n|'v[- !5 &r-L. Onlhi.! !-ld p.d.l t Wsd. 6 &n 1S9 1O4€:,19 {500 (EST) Recdrcd: by ci.uil.co.tts forn locdhct (rcuter,SLMtll V2.6); Wed, 06.hn 1999 08:44:18 {7fi) Recdr,ed: by cl.ril.co. t ts frorn ci.ril. co. tts (152.1e€.1.?,,5,::mdl daenrqr; un€dfed,SLMeil V2.6); Wed, 06Jan 19S908:'4:'17 470r) Mess4elD: <3690E380.8A92CA60@ci.til.co.w> Date: Wed, OO &n 19S m:39:28 4700 From:'George Ruthe/' <gnnher@ci.vdl.co.us> )Glvtdler: Mozilla 4.05 [enl (WrS; l) MIME-Vcsim:1.0 To: Sedat@d.com GC: John Drnn <lex@rCl.netr Sutiect Re Mllage lm SDD ReGrerces: <4cc8@a.3ffXhb3@aol.corn> Content-Type: to<Uddn; charset=tts-ccii Oontent-Transtsr€rrodng: ftit W.dr!-drv.&nr-ttr. 1116. Onftnc Arb, t -! 2 TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorad.o 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 January 4, 1999 Charles R. Lipcon Vail Gateway Unit #5 12 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Fax: 970476-8681 Dear Chuck, I am in receipt of your lettcr dated January 2, 1999. Adjacent property owner notification for the proposed redevclopment of the VVI will continue to be sent to Stoltz Bros. Ltd., pursuant to our regulations. The Town of Vail is unable to accept any notification obligation outside the parameters ofour regulations. I anticipate your continued participation in thc dcvclopment process of thc rcdevclopment of thc VVI property. Sincerely, tP1 -)lJr^^+'<v-*)vA George Ruther, AICP Senior Planner Town r-rf Vail Xc: R. Thomas Moorhead, Town Attomey Russell Fonest, Cornmunity Development Director John Dtnn Jay Peterson {g *rn""ro r^"", CHARIES R. I,IPCON vail cateway Unit 5 L2 S. Frontage RoadVail, Co. 81657 Te1. (9?0) 476-9388 Fax. (970) 476-868L .Tanuary 2,1999 George Ruther Town of Vail Fax:479-2452 Re: Village Inn Dear Mr.Ruther: Thank you for your letter dated Dec. 30, 1998. Sending a notice to Stoltz Management is not adequate notice for me or the other residential oumers in the Vail Gateway with respect to any matters involving the Village Inn. Please se,nd notices directly to me at the above address and at my Miami address which is 430 N. Mashta Drive, Key Biscalme, Fl. 33131. P.S. Please grve me your email address. cc: John Dun VeryTnrlyYourqZ"-' Chsrles R Lipcon TOWN OFVIN Departnant of Community Devclopment 75 South Fmntage Road Vail. Colordo E1657 970-479-2138 FAX 97o'489e&6i] 30. rws Chatles R. Lipcon veil Cralcqay Unit ts 12 South Frontage Road vril,ColoradoEl65T Far:970476'E681 Rc; Vitlage lrm Dear Chuck. I lrave received your lenen of Deccmbcr 25o . 1998 with rcgard n the Village Inn. The pupose ot this lencr is to povide pu with a rcsponse to the questiolE J'ou raised io your lenen' Pusuant ro rhe TOvyn of Vail Municipal Co<le a jacCnt propeny owner notitication uras scrU to rhc Gateway Condominium Association cJo Soitz'Bros., Ltd in Wilmiagon' Dclaware' It shr be r}rc rcsPonsibility of tn ,""*si;i ,1.* "ryour associatioo to disscminate informaiion to association memben. All fuiurc public notiocs fo, a,:-"ct-opirenr X6posals on prcpe;11cr rdj8cent to 15e Cateway Building will bc scnt o Stoltz &os-' Ltd' Asyouarelwaftfiornouprodorsrclcphoneco./e$adotls,0|cTo'nofvailPlanning&Envimnmerual Comrnission will botd a public hearing on the firnl revicw of drc goposed Vail Plaza Horel on Monday' Ianuary iid "i z:lo prn in o. io*n Councit dumbcrs Substquent public lrearin5 wift $e vltJ,ro_a,Courcil or anv other Tovn Board r" y* to U. aonf,r*.a. Olce confiI;o4 all r4uired norification will bc S.nt ro thc Gat$r'ay Condominium Associatiou- Thc propo53l to arncnd rhe public Accofiunodadon Zonc Disrrict developmcnt $aodards.is-scheduled for q joint workseision *itr rhe phnning & linvironmentat C.rnmission an<l the Vail Town Council for Tric'sday' JaNary ilt.-,lfiji-. ir,e rown C"ouncit Chamb*s. Thc pwposc of rhis mcaing is lo proride the applicant rvith policy direction ftom dre Council and the Commission' Accotding (o Schedule A of ft? titlc rLpon submitted with-thc developmenr aPptjt?tt"." fi1 T!^Y..til Pleza Hotcl' the owncr of record of rhe propcl'ty'inqocsrion is Daymcr Corporalion, N.v., i Ncthertands Aruillcs' Ctnpradon *i l waor n. pnao as rtre Managing'Director. Jay'K Pctcrson has bcen assigned powcr of anomey lo act on t"n rr ortrt. .orp-rtion. This infJrrJtion is pubtic record and is aveilsblc for ]'ort nview. Should pu wish to rcview dre Town's file. pleasc rlo not hesioe'o call and we $'ill arsogp a mutually convenient dmc fd you to rcview thc informa tion, I anricipare ud look foruad to your coilinucd participation in $c developmenr proc€ss of he Vail Plaza Holel' Sincerely, fL*R,.**'..t Gorgc Rutlt6r. AICP Scnior Planner Town of Vail Xc: R, Tho,nras Moorhel4 Town Anomey RrnfttE,, FAPTR '.I-Jnc-n ?o-tto3-AOl., HOAI eE,II Ct€;-Oe-O3O7.ql'7-R) IrO,, B: al I €! CIIARIES R. LIPCON vail Gateway ltnit 5 12 S. Frontage Road Vail, Co. 81657 Te]. (970) 476-9388 Fax. (970) 476-868L Decenber 25,1998 George Ruther Town of Vail Eaxz 479-2452 Re: ViLlage Inn Dear Mr.Ruther: This is to confi::n that we spoke a few days ago wtren I informed you that f did not receive written notice from the Town of Vail about the Dec. 28, L998 PEC meeting. It is important that I get notice of these meetings since my condorainium is adjacent to the Village Inn pIoperEy. The notices should go to me at the above address and to my office at One Biscalme Tower, Suite 2480 Miani, Florida 3313L. You informed. me that the meeting was off in December for the Village fnn and also the proposal to arnend the Town's PtLblic Accommodations Zone District. The proposal to arnend the Public Accommodations would also effect me since I am next to several hotels. I want to be notified in writing about these neetings also- Please confirm in writing to rne the next meetings set up for the village Inn and for the Public Accommodations in January, L999. I need the time and location also. Very Truly Yours, -2/'zz4l>\-/ | o- Charles R. Lipcon cc: John Dunn CHARLES R. LIPCON Vail Gateway Unit 5 l-2 S. Frontage Road Vail, Co. 81657 Tel ?0) 476-9388 Fax. (970) 476-868L Decenber 25'L998 George Ruther Town of VaiI Eaxz 479-2452 Re: Village Inn Dear Mr.Ruther: Please confirm the true ownership of the ViIIage Inn property and that Mr. Prado has the authority to act on their behalf. Mr. Prad,o tras represented that he is the owner and as such I would like to see some proof of that in writing since the corporation is a foreign Netherlands Antilles Corporation. Very Truly Yours, e/L/(4Charles R. lipcon l\CL 7@Flv DQr't"/ TOWN OFVAIL Ofice of the Tbwn Attorney 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 07/Fax 970-479-2 I 5 7 Charles R. Lipcon, Esquire One Biscayne Tower 2 South Biscayne Blvd- Miami, FL 33131 Dear Mr. Lipcon: I am writing to acknowledge receipt ofyour correspondence ofApril 17,lgg8. I assure you that the project will be submitted to the review as required by the Vail Town Code. The planning & Environmental Commission, the Design Review Board, and the Vail Town Council will consider the application and objections thereto consistent with the Town Code. We anticipate and look forward to your participation in this public process. Very truly yours, TOWN OF VAIL --/ "'. t, ii..j, . t i\ f\ t Jf \J t)tt ,. tv- t-,'-,.?'! R. Thomas Moorhea<i Town Attomey RWIWaw xc: John W. Durn, Esquire Jay Peterson, Esquire George Ruther r..-- April 29, 1998 {p *i"nuor^o* RE-ivE0APRZ0gg cHARLES n.-Lrpcox Anorney At Law Suite 2490 One Biscayne Tower 2 South. Biscayne Blvd. Miami, Florida 33131 Email: sealaw@aol.com Web: www.lipcon.com Phonq (30j) 323_3016 Toll free: (S00) 83S_2759 . Fax: (305) 373_6204 April 17, i998 R. Thomas Moorhead, Esq.Town At.t.ornev Town of Vail'75-South Frontage RoadVai1, CO 81657 RE: Vail plaza Hot,eL Dear Mr. Moorhead: My wife and I own Unit sa_V.ail caEeway plaza. f wiLl beopposing the vair. praza lr"i"i projecE becaus'e of its impact, o/rGateway plaza in general and o" *y rie* i." pa.Ecurar. My wi.fe andr have spenc miiions of--aJriais in ,eriT'.e -on rhe presenr,Iyapproved prans for r,he vail vii.g" i""-";;"ii. *u".er pran. Any?il:i:i:l t:l::, :Fi":" -;h"'-6.t'"uv will r'".,. a subsranriai ft is mv undersEstgltq t,hat Ehe _application for approval ofthe project ias been filea"ry-o"v r. peterson oi, p"rr.rr of Dal.mercoqporar ion, N. V .,. d u" rrrEir"'"a!-irrc i r r "; ;;;;; r_o,' . Accordins .odocumenEs fired -irh th;-i;;;I"*-r, . pererson -i" i-c".rg pursuanr. ro:J3ffi ;t.t?"J,:jJr3,,'l"."ouv'warai.rn.-t';;;s*manasi-ngoi;"eo, you are probably unaware that Mr. pecerson is simultaneouslyrepresenting stortz M_anageme"t "t. g"la*e-r-1"-ir;. ,'nov, Lhe owner ofarr conunercial condominium - ,r.ric" at 6.t"*ay pLaza. SLoIt,zManagement'' as c-ontrolli"s-;L"rbir o_f the eareway associarion, hastaken t'he position that the orrr.." associatioi is unwilring tosupporr' the reeidenE,iar ornur"-.rra en" "o"i*l?"l!i Lenants in theiropposition to 11.._fryr-:.flp".i"ps even on Ehe advice of Mr.Peterson. rn mv opinion-Mr.-pet.erson has a conflict. of int,eres. andshould noc appla. .!ero."-iit. pi!-""rng and environment,al comrnissionor the town council as ct"-iJJ."lentative of Daymer corporaEion. ,.' ," I also wish to expreas my concern as to principals of Daymer . Corporation. Ownership of a project of Ehis scope by an offshore corporaEion is unusual . It. is my understanding t.hat waldir Prado has an inE,erest in rhe corporaE,ion, but' no real or fu1l disclosureof ownershj.p has been made. I believe chat iE. should be made aspart, of the applicaEion process so Ehat the Town and all thoseinvolved in the review process will know which entities are reallybehind Ehe project. This information is needed tro ascertainconflicts of interesE. Please require Daymer Lo reveal their Erue ownership. If you have any questsions, please call me. Charles R. tipcon cc: John Dunn .fay PeEerson Very Tru1y Yours, TOWN OF VAIL D epart me nt of Communiry D evelopme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 January22, 1998 Charles R. Lipcon Suite 2480 Onc Biscayne Tower 2 South Biscayne Blvd. Miami, Florida 3313 I Re: Vail Gateway/ Vbil Village Inn Dear Mr. Lipcon: I I am responding to conespondencc from you to Susan Connelly, Director of Community Development, dated January 20,. 1998, At this time, the Town has not received any plans or application(s) from the Vail Village Inn, for the redevelopment of thcir property. Pleasc notc tlat the records of the Town of Vail Community Dcvelopment Departmcnt are open records qnd available for your inspcction, subject to rcasonablc regulations. Additionally, the Public (Open) Records section of the Colorado Revised Statute is located at 24-72-l0l et seq. . The Town of Vail ordinanccs provide requirements lor notification of adjaccnt property owners, as wcll as public notice in particular gircumstances. I can assure you that the Town staff is vigilant in assuring that adjacent property owners and the public receive lhe notice required by law. We cannot, however, comnrit to providing notice 0rat is not legally required. If and when an application is submittcd by the Vail Viltage Inn, it will bc assigned to a planning staff member of the Community Development Department and that individual would then be the appropriate person to contaot. Prior to an application being submitted, the Community Dcvclopment Department has a staff member available on a daily basis 1]qathlcen Dorram, (970) 47 9-2125) whom you can contact periodically to determine if any application has been filed' Sinccrely, MikeMollica Assistant Director of Community Development x": Kathleen Dorram F:IEVERYONEWIKE\LETTERS\LIPCON. 1 I 2 {p*"-*or^"o , JfT'l-2U-1998 1,5:Ul. LFI]RLI.D R. L lf'Lul\ r.oL Janrury 20,1998 susan ConneLJ.y Planning DirecEor Town of VailVail, Colorado Fax: 1- 970 -479-2452 Re: vail- Village Inn Dear Ms. Connelly: I am a unit owner aE, the Vail Gateway. In addltion I am on che board of directors for Ehe association- The VaiJ- Gat,eway opposes any development at ttre vaiJ. vlllage Innproperty which would violace the rnastser plan, which would adrrerselyaffecu the view6 from Ehe resi(lenceE and tchicb would not. coordinat,e wiBh respect, to pedestrian Eraffic. Please iuunediacely let me kno$ if any plans are su.bmiEued qr discuss€d wiEh the Town of Vail with resBecE Lo the vail VillageInn properEy. AIso I woul(l like Eo have t,he schedule of meegings and hearings at which such plans would be discussed. If you hawe 4ny que6tion6, please call me. Very fruly Yo|JrFr 2f 'Oh rt '{|-/vl, rC 4-1Charles R. Lipcon. cc; Norman Eelwig, Esq.fax: L-970-845-8817 CIIARLES R. LIPCON Attorney At Law Suitc 2480 One Biscayne Tower 2 Sourh Biscayrrc Blvd- Miami, Florida 33131 Email: sealaw@aol-com Web: www.lipcon.oom Phonc: (305) 1713016 Toll free: (800) 83E-2759 Fax: (305) Y3-62U TOTfl- P.A1 John Breyo Jan. 5, 1999 J.etter to ttre Town of VaiI JOHN BREYO Vail Gateway Unit 3 12 S. Frontage Road Vail, Co. 81657 January 5,1999 George Ruther Senior Planner Tovm of Vail Fxx:479-2452 Re: Vail Village Inn Dear Mr. Ruther: This is to confirm the following: 1. I am the oramer of Unit 3 in the Vail Gateway. It is directly adjaoent to the Village Inn Hotel. 2. I hsve not received writtsn notice from the Toum of Vail nor from Stoltz Management about the Village Inn proposal or about any Plenning and Environmental Commission meetings. I object to any meetings without proper and actual written notice. 3. I purchased my unit relying in part on the existing master plan and existing SDD approval. 4. I object to the Village Inn violating the master plan, ttre SDD approval, and blocking the view corridor towards Gold Peak. Very Truly Yours, WhrBr ga,- John Breyo \J PJ.aintiff's Original Petition against Dayaner Corporatj.on N.V. Aura--2la-!l.t/ I O. <lo Fl?oM, l,.J C. T. BECK]HAM PI"Ttiff, v3. DAYMER CORPORATION N. Y. Dcfendant. 1'O TEE EONORABLE JT]DGE Of,' SAII} COURI: COMF.S NOW C. T. Beckham, plaintitr herein, and Daymer Corporation N. V.. and for causes of action would following: INTHE DISTRIgf COURT DAI"LA,S COUNTY, TEXAS _JUDTCIAL DISTRICT B-44thC@PYekavf/6 ID:tl4Egtt€t<ltE| L*. PACE 2./7' / | L{r./wl ct'L.'" $ s $ s s $ $ $ $ bnngs. t.Hf hrffi comffi ining'6fi== respod'utly show th€out the_< ci, I. pA.RTIES, Vn'NIIr: lr{ri rurtfsirtCrf(OrV 1. Plaintiff C. T. Beckharn peckhaa,,] is Tcrcas. atr individual who resides rn Dsllas Couuty, z.Defsndant Daymer corpo'tior N, v. [*Daymer'] is a Netherland Antillcs corporation which may @ serving its registered agent, Rogcr D. Moeller, with scrvjcc 3' Verrue is proper iu Dallas County, pursua$tto Section 15.001 of the To(Es Civil practice aqrd Rernedies code, "s all or part of the cause of agtion sccruod hereia. Frrrther, the jurisdiction of this court is invoked rurder tho Declaratory Judgmart AcL Pagc 1 ofproces.s atthe rcgistered office at7gT)Cf"nn 08/20/97 09:3?'rxlRx NO. 1?3 I P.002 I G ate way Plaza Building EddlcSit Cooditiols !d ndd Si| |lra.0 a.rrol rlrE { t.rtrl 4l!l{ t.rE.' mated average grade. In the approval for the Sonnenalp Austria Haus develooers were requiretl to remove a floor froin their proposal in order to conformed the heieht guideline of the Vail Village Master Plan. EVFIA is concerned with the fair, equal and consistent treatrnent among prope4y owners in the same or adjacEnt zone districts. The Association obiects to SDD's because thev are inconsiste-ntlv applied and grant sirecial privileges not generally available to all property owners rn the same or similar zone districts. The extentiveness of the apparent differences between approved SDD #6 development standardS-and the Vail Plaza Hotel propos"! creates the potential for precedents to be established that could open the way for similar sized develop- ment on adjacent hotel properties. Tha environmental, economic. infrastructure and social impacts upon Vail Villase and the adjacent rieighboihoods from tf,e magnitude of this type of development has not been address-ed in the Toin of Vail's master planning documents. A master planning analysis, similar to rhat being undertaken for the Lionshead area, should be conducted of this proposal and the surrounding area prior td miking any final decision. i 13 NHAWc Popcr SDDI Copies of documents from the Vai1 Gateway SDD protrrosal fi].e of the Town of Vail. A. Feb. L6, 1998 letter from Riok Py,].manB. Feb. 22, 1998 Conmunity Development meno.C. VaiJ- Gateway View Profile. D. Revised Encroachnrent of Vail GatewayE. Peter Jarnar letter dated March 24, 1998 a a a a I 75 soulh tronlage road Yail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 February 16, 1988 Mr. Peter Jamar LO8 South Frontage RoadVail , Colorado BL6S7 Re: Gateway Dear Peter: The foLlowing are concerns andwith regard to the Vail cateway olllce ol communlty developmenl issues identified by the staff SDD proposal . l-- rf ccr zoning is to be used as the underrying zoning forthis-project, ttren the horizontal restrictiois of thepennitted and conditl-onal uses as stated in the ccr zonedistrict shalr.apply to this project. rnis wourd requirea bank to obtain a conditional uie perrnit. 2.The proposed. uses as outlined in the development planrequire approxinately lo4 parking spaces cornpared toexisting Town of Vail standards. - tire aeveropm-ni proposarshows 75 underground parking spaces and a polsible 3 to 4surface spaces. The staff position at thii tirne is thatparking for this project must meet the requir"*"ri= p".the Town of Vail nunicipal code. With,regard to the surface_parking spaces, CommunityDevelopment Departrnent feers they-arE not appropriate asdesigned and that. surface parkin| may not ri- appropriateat all on this site. rf you would r-ike to prrr^rir- surfaceparking, _ it rnust be redesigned where it is l"rnfiut"fy onthe applicantrs property and does not conflict'withc]-rcuLat,ion patterns. staff feels strongly that ttris building should present noencroachrnent into the view corridor th;t is estiuiisned bythe.approved vair Village rnn developrnent. trre existing ' design wil-1 require substantial reviiion= to-maintain ttreview pararneters established by the WI . 3. We feel t^rat the east and west ridges are both too high,and believe that the ridge heights should be driven tf tnevlew considerations as well as their relation to the eaveline of the approved Vail Village Inn project thatsurrounds this development. Relationship of the ridgelines of the_cateway Lo the eave lines oi the vaii viifag"Inn project is irnportant in maintaining the consid,eratioiof stepping up fron the corner to the Vail Viltage Innproj ect. With regard to building shape and forrn, we feel that theridge areas, particularly the eastern ridge form should besimplified into a single gable with dormers. This wouldstrengthen consistency with the Urban Design Guide plan. The flat roof form is also an issue that needs to beaddressed in context with the Urban Design Guid.e plan. 4. I{e feel that the driveway width should be increased toaccornrnodate a pedestrian walkway or that the pedestrianentrance on tbe south side should be relocated closer toto Vail Road. 5. I{ith regard to setbacks, we feel strongly that the northside of the building should naintain a-Zb foot setbackfron the property line. This would keep it in line withthe plane of the approved Vail Village Inn building. Withregard to the setback on the east side of the property, lrewould encourage the architects to investigate iariyin|'trrefirst floor further to the property line fo encourage apossible architectural connection witn tne Vail viliageInn project. This would elininate any a1ley way, andwould alro'the project to maintain enough squaie footageto pul1 the north side of the buildj.ng back. - 6. we feel that it.wil] be important, that this project andthe approved Vail Village Inn project, when Uuiit, have astrong pedestrian connection. we recognize the need forthe developer of the WI project to relate his project to,. the_Vail Gateway. We do want to ensure, howevei, Lnat tnedesign of the Gateway arlows this pedestrian connection tooccur. As you can see, the staff has substantial concerns with thecurrent proposar. lile feel that the concept is sound and wouldlike to work with you toward refinement and resolution of someof these issues. rt is our recommendation that the formarhearing date of February 22 be postponed in order- to arrowfuther cornmunications on this piojelt. rf you wish to noveforward on February z2nd, we w11l-not be abie to support theproject as proposed. Sincerely, -\il,/ t./, I(rcf f'{tvu,\t\\Rick pylrnan Town Planner RP:br To: Planning and Environmental Conmission FROM: Community Developnent Departnent DATE: February 22, 1988 SUBJECT: Reguest to rezone a part of Lot N, and a portion ofLot O, Block 5D, Vail Village lst Filing frorn HeavyService District to Special Development District withunderlying Conmercial Core I zone district.Applicant: Palmer DeveLopment Company I. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST This rezoning request has been proposed in order tofacilitate the redevelopment of the existing Amoco ServiceStation on the southeast corner of the a-way intersectionin Vail Village. At the present time the Amoco Station iszoned Heavy Service District. The Heavy Service Districtuses consist of industrial and service businesses. Theexisting Amoco station consists of 8 gasoline punps and asnall one-story building containing 4 service repiir baysand a car wash. The size of this site is approxirnately24,L54 square feet. The proposed Vail Gateway project is a mixed usedevelopment containing retail , office, commercial andresidential uses, with a rnajority of the parking beingprovj.ded in an underground structure. section l-8.40.010 of the vai] Municipal code describes thepurpose of Special Development Districts. It reads asfollows: I'The purpose of special development districts is toencourage flexibility in the development of land inorder to prornote its most appropriate use,. to irnprovethe design, character and quality of new developlnent;to facilitate the adeguate and economic provision ofstreets and utilities; and to preserve the naturaLand scenic features of open areas.rl The special Development District chapter in the MunicipatCode goes on to state that: [The uses in a Special Development District must beuses rpemitted by right, conditional uses, oraccessory uses in the zone district in which theSpecial Development District is located. rl fn order to meet these requirements of the SpecialDevelopment District chapter, the applicant has appLied torezone this property frorn Heavy service District t6Conmercial Core I and simultaneously apply for Special Development District No. 21. This memorandum will addressthe rezoning of the property from Heavy Service to Cornmercial Core I, as lrell as the application of Special Development District to this parcel with Cornmercial core Ias the underlying zone district. A sunmary of the A. Floor Area: Retail: proposed developrnent is as follows: 11,2O0 sf 3,900 sf 4r900 sf 1-2r000 sf , L3 du Building heights of the east and west rid.ges ascalculated by the standard Town of VaiI rnethod areapproxirnately 62 and 57 feet respectively. The peakridge heights are 57 and 52 feet above the elevali"onof the 4-way intersection. Site Coveraqe: L4,357 sf, 5Ot Parkinq 75 covered spaces3 surface spaces B. Retail/Cornnercial: office: Residential: Buildinq Heiqhts: c. D. E. Proposed Uses uies.as proposed are to be those uses specifiedwithin the Commercial Core I zone distrl_ct. f. Agcess: Vehicular access to the underground parking wouldtake place off of Vail Road on the southwest cornerof the site. .A comprehensive traffic analysis isincluded within the developnent plan. fn order to evaluate this proposal , we nust first evaluatethe request to amend the zoning from Heavy Service toConmercial Core I. The Heavy Service pislrict as it isdefined,in its purpose section in the zoning code isintended to provide sites for automotive oriented uses andfor conmercial service uses whicb are not appropriate inother commercial districts. Because of the nature of the uses permitted and their operati-ng characteristics, appearance and potential for generating traffic, aII ofthe uses in this district are subject to conditional useperrnit procedure. Some of the uses allowed as conditionaluses within the Heavy Service zone district include animalhospitals and kennels, autonotive service stations,building rnaterial supply stores, business offices,corporation yards, rnachine shops, repair garages, tiresales and service, and trucki-ng terminals. The Heavy Service pistrict does require 2O foot setbacks frorn aII property lines, al-lows a 38 foot building height, 75? site coverage, and requires a minimum of 10* landscapecoverage. Density standards are not appllcable to the Heavy Service District, as no residential type use islisted as a permitted or conditional use in the HeavyService District. The Comnercial Core I zone district atlows a variety ofretaj-l , connercial and residentj-aI uses, all of which arecontrolled as perrnitted or conditional uses on ahorizontal zoning basis. The proposed change from HS to CCI entails a major changein the allowable uses for this parcel of 1and. A completeanalysis of the merits of this zone amendment is addressedin another section of this mernorandum. II. CRITERIA TO BE USED TN EVALUATING THIS PROPOSAL There are a number of criteria to be evaluated whenreviewing a request of this nature. The first set ofcriteria to be utilized will be the three criteriainvolved in an evaLuation of a request for zone change.The second set of criteria to be used in review of thisproposal will be the 9 development standards as set forthin the Special Developrnent District chapter of the ZoningCode. Tbe third set of criteria will be a generalcomparison of the proposed project to the Uiban DesignGuide Plan, as stipulated in the CCf zone district. Also, the Land Use Plan should be utilized as a guidelinein any request to change zoning. However, becaute thissite is part of the area covered by the Vail VillageMaster Plan/Urban Design euide p1an, the Land Use plan made no recommendations for this site. The Vail villageMaster Plan, as yet unapproved, recommends no changes inthe land use of this site. Staff conments incl-ude those of ,Ieff Winston, our urbandesign/landscape consultant. suitabilit existin IIT. EVALUATION OF ZONE CHANGE REQUEST FROM HEAVY SERVICE TO COMMERCIAL CORE I The staff feels that the existing gas station is anacceptable use as existing on ttre corner of the 4-naystop. We do recognize, however, that it is one ofthe few uses all-owed in the Heavy Service Districtthat would be an acceptable use in this hiqhlysensitive location. The conditional use reviawprocess wouLd reguire Town of Vail approval for anychange.in use on this site. We have also recognizedfor quite sorne tine that redevelopment of this sitecould allow the opportunity to present a rnorepleasant and appropriate entrance staternent to the Town of Vail . We generally support the uses proposedat this location. B.Is the amendment resenti a convenient workablerelatonship with n lan es consistent w thect A. The Arnoco site has been called out on the UrbanDesign cuide plan as a speciat study area and hasbeen reviewed previously as a potential portion ofthe Vail Village Inn developrnent project. withconcern over the potential congestion a bank couldcause at this location, we feel that the usesproposed for this piece of ground are generallyconsistent with the surroundings uses. C. Does lhe rgzoFinq_lprovide for the qrowth of anorderly, viable communitv I{e feel that development of a gateway project intoVail is a sound concept. This..concept-can providefor-orderly and viable growth within the community ifrevisions to the plan, such as inclusion of a leflturn lane and elinination of parking along Vail Roadare incorporated. IV. DESTGN STANDARDS IN EVALUATING SDD PROPOSALS The following are staff comments concerning how thisproposal relates to the design standards as outlined inthe zoning code: A.A buffer zone shall be rovided in a Development District t is adiacent toresidential zone trict.e buffer zonemust be kept free of buildinqs or structures and must sufficient si"ze to adequately separate the proDos use from the surround ropert ofvisualht and a arraqe, and other cornparable 1 factors. The proposed developnent is surrounded by commercial deveJ-oprnent on the south and east sidbs, by Vail Roadon the west side and by the Frontage Road on thenorth side. There is no residential area that thisproject should provide a buffer from. The staff doesfeel stronglyr however, that the north side of tbebuilding should maintain a 20 foot setback from theproperty 1ine. lrle feel that the proposed LO footsetback is inadequate from the Frontage Road. Thereis an existing landscape buffer between the servicestation and the roadhray. This planter, trowever, isentirely located on State Highway right-of-way andneither the applicant nor the Town of Vail controlfuture developrnent on that property. We feel thatthis building should have the ability to provide asufficient buffer frorn the roadway shoul_d thisplanter be elininated. B.A circulation sten des ed forenerated, t considerat on safeseparaton from I areas, conv ence, accessand exhaust control . private nternal streets mav be f thev can be us Police aFire De ent vehicles for emerqen oses.Bicvcle fic shou]-d be considered and rovidedwhen the site is to be used for resident aL Iandscaped, screened or protecled by natural featuresso that adverse effects on the surroundinq areas are purposes. As is many of these criteria, this consideration isintended primarily for large scale developrnent. Asit relates to this proposal , the vehiculai access tothe underground parking occurs in the southwesterncorner of the site. There is a comprehensive trafficanalysis that has been subrnitted as part of thedevelopment plan. This traffic analysis states thatthere is a 40 foot stacking distance for cars waitingto turn left into the Gateway project from Vail Road.The Comrnunity Developrnent staff and public titorks feeLthat circulation related to this project wouldbenefit greatly by the design and implementation of a c c. left turn lane on VaiI Road to serve the Vail caterirayproject. this improvement makes sense due to thepredicted daily traffic flow of gt O cars/day into andout of this driveway. The approved Vail Village Inn project does contain aleft turn lane for their access point a shortdistance down Vail Road from this project. We feelit is important to circulation at the- 4-wayintersection that this left turn lane be rnide a partof the project. The applicant has also designed into the projectapproxinately three surface parking spacel that fal1partially on the applicantrs property and partiallyon the road right-of-way on Vail Road. The stafffeels that these surface parking spaces are notappropriate as they are designed and that surfaceparking may not be appropriate at al_l on this site.The spaces are too close to the intersection andwould irnpede future road improvements if needed. WefeeL that if the applicant wishes to pursue surfaceparking, it shoul-d be redesigned to be conpletely onthe applicantrs property and in an area where it doesnot conflict with circulation patterns. Function?} orcen space in terms of: optimumpregervation oF natural featurgJ-lirrcIGliq trees andqrarTlage areas), recreation, views, convenience, andruncEl_on. The Comnunity Development Departrnent feels stronglythat this building should present no encroachrnentinto the view corridor that is established by theapproved Vail Village Inn developrne,_nt. Duriig thevail village fnn phase'IV approvll piocess, mich time/ -. and effort hras put into naintaining a view corridor' from the 4-way stop. The eventual and approvedbuilding design of the Vail Vitlage Inn plase rVreflects this effort and presents a wide view fromthe 4-way stop. Although the applicant tras notsubnitted to ttre staff a cornplele view analysis, itis apparent frora the infonnalion that we do have thatthe.elisting building will require substantialrevision to rnaintain the view pararneters that areestablished by the WI . Varigty.in te5ms of housinq tvpe, densities.racrl rE,les ancl open space. This Special Development District proposal includesL3 dwelling units with GRFA of appioxinately l_2,OOOsquare feet. With CCI as the underlying zoning, theallowable density on this parcel woutd. fe ff units D. and approxinately L9,300 square feet of GRFA. Theuse of the units (i.e. rental or cond.ominium) has not been deternined. It is difficult, on a site of 24,OOO square feet thatcontains only 13 dwelling units to apply the criteriaof variety of housing tlpe and guality and amount ofopen space. These two criteria are not reallyapplicable to a development of this scale, Theapplicant has attempted to provide some open space bycreating a large setback froro the 4-way intersectionin the fonr of a landscape or sculpture plaza. Stafffeels that this design fonn is very appropriate tothis development. F ASto with other criteria, be rnore relevant to these considerations are feltIarge scale SDD's. I - The applicant has provided pedestrian entrance tothis building on the northwest corner as well as apedestrian entrance centrally located on the southelevation. The pedestrian entrance on the southelevation is located in the center of the building toallow pedestrian traffic to arrive at the building bycoming through both the existing and approved VaiiVillage Inn developrnents. The approved-Vail VillageInn Phase fV d.evelopnent was designed in a manner toscreen vjew and pedestrian access from the existinggas station. We feel that it will be i.mportant theeventual developer of the VaiI Village plasg IVproject arnend certain circulation and desigr;i aspectsof lis project to better relate to the Vait catLwayproj ect. The staff does feel that pedestrian safety would, begreatly.benefited by providing a pedestrian walkwayfron Vail Road to the building entrance on the southside of the building. The pedestrian access asdesigned conflicts wj.th the vehicular access to theparking structure. in terms riateness totsite relatio and bulk. The.Community Developnent Department staff hasserious concerns with the site relationship of theproposed developnent, with the height, and with the Briy?.gv in termF of the needs o-f individuals,farnilies and neiqhbors. Pedestfian traffic in teErns of sa@ sollattractiveness. G. nassingf of the building. There was much discussionduring the approval process of Phase IV of the VaiLVillage Inn project regarding stepping thosebuildings down toward the 4-hray stop. That concept was reinforced in the original SDD documents and inplanning studies conpleted by E1don Beck that showproposed building height allowances for the VailVillage Inn area. The architects have recognized this concept and, to acertain extent. responded. We do. trowever, traveserious concern with the height of both the east and.west ridges. We feel that the height of these ridgespresents an unacceptable encroachment by narrowingthe wide view corridor to a smal-ler iltunnel . rl Lowering of the ridge heights will accomplish twoobjectives in the development of this site. It wouldreduce or remove any inpact of this building on theview corridor and it would further reinforce theconcept of stepping down toward the corner. In thepresent proposal, there is approximately 5 feetdifference from the ridge heights of the Vail VillageInn and the Gateway projects. We feel there shouldbe a substantial step down frorn the VaiI Village Innridge height to the Vail cateway ridges. This-wouldreinforce previous design considerations as well asthe applicant's o$/n architectural concept. The staff also has a soncern, as has been previouslystated in this memo, with the relationship of thisbuilding to the Frontage Road. This d,eveloprnent planproposes a L0 foot setback from the front propertyline. While there is an existing planter thatbuffers this site from the Frontage Road, thatplanter is ]ocated entirely on stite Highway right-of-way. fhere are no assurances that can be nade bythe Town of Vail or the applicant that furtherFrontage Road irnprovernents wi]l not irnpact thisplanter. We feel that a 2o foot setback fron thernain road in Vail is the minimum buffer that shouldbe alLowed. tl .desicrn in entationals, color and texture storaqeIiqhtinq, and Folar blockaqe. With regard to this proposal , a rnajority of theseissues relate to the Design Review 1evel ofapproval. I.,andscapiEq of the tot+l sitg in terns of purposes,tvpeF, neinlenance, suitabititvffi neiqhborhood. r. vr. Staff feels that the design of the plaza entrance onthe northwest corner of this developnent isappropriate and presents a great opportunity for development of a landscaped plaza, possibly with somesculpture. This plaza area can contribute much toward the positive irnage of Vail. The plaza as itis designed is very conceptual and further work will need to take place at the Design Review level . ZONING'CONSIDERATIONS A. Uses The applicant is proposing this SpeciaL DevelopmentDistrict with the underlying zone district of CCI .As required in the Special Developrnent Districtsection of the Vail Municipal Code, the uses in an SDD must rnatch that of the underlying zone district.In the CcI zone district, permitted and conditionaluses are defined horizontally by building level . Wefeel that utilizing cCI as an underlying zonedistrict reguires the applicant to structure his usesin accordance to the horizontal zoning of CCf. Thiswill require submittal and approval of a conditionaluse permit for the office uses. For the purpose. ofreview of this project, the staff has assumed thatoffice will be an eventual use on ttre 3rd and 4thlevels, and see no negative inpact to these uses. The total size of this parcel is 24,L54 square feet.Under CCI zoning, this would allow a l-9,323 squarefeet of GRFA and 13 dwelting units. The applicanthas proposed approxinately L2r0OO square feet of GRFAand l-3 dwelling units. The density proposed iswithin allowable density of the zone district. Thestaff does feel , however, that the overall bulk and rnass of this building results in several najorconcerns of this development proposal . The leve1 ofdensity being requested by the applicant contributesto the nassing of the building, and is thereforereLated to those concerns. Parkinq According to standards outlined in the Off-StreetPaiking section of the zoning code, the uses involvedin this proposal will reguire from 89 to 104 parkingspaces, depending upon whether or not a bank isinvoLved and what the size of that facility would. be.The applicant has proposed 75 structures spaces and 3surface spaces. Staff feels that the surfice parkingas located and designed is inappropriate. ThatIeaves 75 parking spaces to serve this d.evelopment. B. Staff feels that tbis is inadequate and sees no reason on this site to entertain a parking varianceto any degree. The applicants have submitted a parki-ng managementplan they feel addresses the ability of their development to serve their parking needs. Theparking managernent plan has been included as a partof your packet on this project. VII . URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PI,AN The Urban Design Guide PIan addresses this parcel of landas a special study area and does identify two sub-areaconcepts that relate to this proposal . Sub-area conceptsL and 2 on East Meadow Drive involve both short and longterm suggested improvements as an entry into the community and to Vail Road. Improvements include planting bedexpansi.ons, an island to narrow Vail Road, and treeplanting to further restrict views down VaiI Road. These sub-area concepts also reinforce the fact that this parcelshould be a future study area. other tlran some initial work done by Eldon Beck, thatsuggest building heights for this parcel as well as theVillage fnn parcel and some study done to incorporate thissite into the WI , no special study of this parcel of landhas been conducted to date. The Eldon Beck study does show that building heights for development of this parcelof land should reach one to two stories. Tbe Beck planalso shows that the Vail Village Inn developnent behindthis parcel should be a rnaxi.mum of 3 to 4 stories. Thestaff supports the Beck concept of stepping down to theintersection, but given the heights of the approved. VailVillage Inn project, we certainly feel that 2 lo 3 storiesof development on this site are appropriate. I{hile this proposed developrnent is within the general areaof the Urban Design Guide PIan, we feel that many of theUrban Design Considerations may not be appropriatecriteria with which to review this project. We do,however, have concerns of several aspects of this proposalin a general relation to the Urban Design Considerations. The building height and views, in particular, are concernsof this proposal and issues that do not adequatelycorrespond to the Urban Design Consj_derations. The Urban Design euide plan building height considerationprovides for a maximum height in the cCI zone district.This building height requirernent is a rnixed height of 33and 43 feet, with 40? of the building allowed up to 43feet in height. We feel that these height guidelines,coupled with the concept of stepping this buitding downtoward the intersection, suggest appropriate designguidelines for this developrnent proposal . The Design Consideration regarding views and focal points states that: ': rtVail's rnountain/valley setting is a fundarnental part.\ of its identity. Views of the mountains, ski slopes,'. geologic features, etc. are constant reminders of the , rnountain environment, and by repeated visibility, " orientation reference points.tl WhLle the view corridor through the approved Vail VillageInn project from the 4-way stop is not a designated viewcorridor by ordinance, we feel it is a very irnportant view upon entering the conmunity. The Vail Village Inn project responded to staff concerns and attempted to naintain an acceptable view corridor from the 4-way stop. We feelstrongly that the Vail Gateway project must respect theview corridor as defined by the Vail Village Innnuilding - The applicant has responded well with his building designto several of the other design considerations includingstreetscape framework, street edge, vehicle penetration and servj-ce and delivery. However, we have major concernswith the amount of flat roof proposed. Flat roofs arediscouraged in the Urban Design Guide Plan. VIII STAFF RECOMIT,IENDATION staff generally supports the nixed use concept proposed inthis redevelopment plan and the concept of the rezoning to CCI . Although it rnay be considered spot, zoning, we feelthat the uses are conpatible with the adjacent VailVillage Inn Special DeveJ.opnent District and areappropriate for this location within the community. Holvever, we are not supportive of the uses proposedwithout the left turn lane and elimination of the surfaceparking as well as adequate parking provisions. We feelthat the general concept of deveLopment proposed by theapplicant is appropriate and believe that there is anopportunity here to provide an exciting and aestheticallypleasing entrance into Vail . The Conmunity Development Departrnent staff has, however,major concerns with the project as proposed. We feel theissues of bulk and mass, height, setbacks, view corridorencroachnent and parking are all irnportant issues thatmust be addressed. The staff reconmendation for thisproject would be for the Planning Connission to table thisand a11ow the staff and the applicant to work together totry to resolve some of these issues. We feel that wittr adeguate resolution of the aforementioned issues, we couldsupport this project. However, as presented, we feel there are maJor issues that need to be addressed and cannot support this project as presented. Although manyof the uses of the Heavy Service District would certainlynot be acceptable in this location, we feel that theexisting service station is appropriate to this location. We believe that'SDD #21 as proposed, presents inpacts thatare not acceptable. If the applicant wishes to move forward with this project as proposed, staff recornnendation is for denial . .ri*l F Uu I 1-g C 1 f(t r+ = U c c * fI fII Lt Lr E a- I I tf,F c t. t f- t I I f I t'. I li'r" - il i li ti { i.:l iii }, I.o U) o 3o ((ta (u o to o coc o(uo (tc UJ Eo .9) otr .d U' 6 o 6o (U ({ .g o -o oso (t u, \r o U'(o E,(Lt Do o o o E oc!o oc I,IJ PETER JAMAR ASSOCIATES, INC. PLANNING. OEVELOPMENT ANALYSIS. RESEARCI.I March 24, Lg8g A. Peter Patten, Jr.Director of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frcntage RoadVail, CO 81657 Dear Peter: The purpose of this letter is to summarize the changes andrevisions made to the plans for the Vail cateway Developrnent as aresult of the connents and suggestions rnade by the Town Council . The changes and revisions, which we reviewed with you and Rickyesterday, are as follows: r-) PARKING AND FLOO_R AREAS. As requested by the Town Council , the parking reguirement will nowbe totally net within the underground garage. Revisions to thebuildinq design have resulted in slight changes in building floorarea and parking requi,rements as shoqrn below: USE Retail Bank/ConmercialOffice Dwelting Units FLOOR AREA 11-,250 sq. ft. 3,600 sq. ft. 3,80O sg. ft- l-3 , 000 sq. fE. /12 units TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED PARKING ROMT. 37 .1 l_B 15.2 spaces spaces sFaees z+spaces 94.7 spaces95 spaces 2) BUTLpING ORIENTATTON/ENTRIES As reguested by the Town Council , the building and landscaping have been redesigned to provide a major entrance near thesouthwest area of the building and to lessen the inportance ofthe northwest corner. Suale 308. Vail National Bank Building 108 South Frontage Boad West . Vail, Colorado 81657 . {303) 476-7154 A. Peter Patten, Jr.Director of community Development Town of Vail March 24, 1988 Page 2 3) EAST SETBACK As requested by the Town Councj-I, the east setback has been reduced to 0' for the ground level tlrerefore eliminating therralleyrr effect. In addition, the northeast corner has beenrcut*offrr to provide a better transition to the future developnent to the east. 4) NORTH SETBACK The building face has been pulled back an additional 2 feet in order to provide a 17 foot setback for the ground leve1 of thebuilding and to allow the bay window projections to meet the L5 foot setback fron the north property 1ine. In addition, the column adjacent to the northwest entry has been pulled back 7 feet from its original l-ocation. 5) I,ANDSCAPING The hardscape plaza area at the northwest corner of the site has been mininized and the building tras been setback an additional 10 feet on the southwest to allow for a larger plaza and entry areain this location. Also, the planter on the north has been increased in size. 6) ARCETTECTURAL pETAIT,S The redesign of the building as major modification of the inportance of the northwest roof, and a rnininization and has resulted in detail changes such southwest area, rninimization of the area, an increased amount of sloped off-set of flat roofed areas. As you know, \.re will be discussing these nodifications in detail vith the Tohrn Council and Planning and Environmental Commission on Tuesday. We believe that all of these changes address the concerns which the majority of the Council and PEC has raised during the review process. Please let ne know if you need additional inforrnation or have any questions. Peter Jamar, AICP PJ:ns Sincerely ,^, t't t I Arctritect Stewen Riden' s eva].uation. - tr t I f{ffil|il.Phohr: gl094o.{12t F/tlc sf0.0{0,(xxx oD.it rrldc!6 r,r.['tet Wednesday, January 0, 1999 Members of the Town of Vail Plannhg and Envlronmental Commission Department of Communlty Development VaiI, CO 8165? Re: Vall Plaza Hotel Dear Members I have been asked to make an obJecuve evaluation ofthe proposed Vall plaza Hotel and analize the potentlal detrinents lfom the realtratlon of this development, t have reviewed the submittal and the followiry are comments for the record- My tlrst observstion ls as to the overall masslng and scale of the devdoDment. The scale ls far beyond what I see as compatible wlth the surroundlng shuctures the proposed project absolutely dwarfs the Vail Gateway and rises far above any other structure in the lmmediate area . The proposal rndlcates tlrat there wlll be large masslng at the edges of the boundarles ofthe property and wlthout any requlred setbacls tom the adacent bulldings nor is there any stepping ofthe strucfure in a relauonship to the exfsung buildlngs. It would seem that this ts not the lntention of any of the prevlons approvals or any of the underllnlng zoning from whlch the SDD has been based. AI ot the pedestrian space ls surrounded by structure that is often 40 to 70 feet tn helght creating areas that wlll be permanenuy ln shadow and oilbrhg very llttle openness or landscapirg and unlesS you are within the butlding itseu there tS not any Dr0tection ftom the ni6se nlimstss in the area created by the new structure such as wlnd. Thls design does not create any enclosrue. Based on the appltcants own study ofthe shadows, the Frontage road would also remain ln shadow and visuslly create a wau ofstructure that prohlblts any vlew beyond. Wlrat ever happened to vlew corrldor that initially restrictecl the development surrounding the roundabout? Those resHctlons have been ln place since the earllest proposals for this area were presented. It is obvious that the tntent ofprevlous review ilecisions held the height to maintaln thls vlew. I would like to guestion the valldlry ofsuch a gross devladon to the apprqved SDD especially when it appears that thls project slgnlncanuy lncreases the slze above the previous approval and essentially doubles the density and hetght ofthe underltnlng CPC Ltt! PGt O|trc. S.rr 32!E Vdu. C0 Slt6crr:88 u@l:rr8 t-\|Ju-ljtd-tJ7 I O. <lO FRr)M:tE.2r4E9t54r9 .\.../ PAcE 3,/ 7 II. STATEMEN| die FAgrs 4' on the first day of April, r98a wardir R pra o ["prado'], on berralf of Daymer, aod Bccliharr signcd a document styled ..JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENf-,r, which wa.s not a binding contracL but rather was a preliminary document which exprcssly contemplated the later 'execution of s "FINAL ACREEMENT'- The JoiDt veohlfe Agreancnt did not contain all the material terms necessary to qeate a valid and qrforccable ageamen! and expressly statcd that a final as,reefient would contain additional detailcd tcnns, whioh wquld obviorrsly have to be negotiated behryeen the parties. The Joint venhhre Agreement also contained condidon prccedents to dre formation of a corrtrast- Tlc conditions p.*"d"nt-*otemplated 'nder the prelimlnarv Joint Venture Agreeurent did not occur, or did not timely occu-. Therefore, no binding agacment was ever fonted. 5- On the first day of April' l9E4 Daymer and Beckfiam signed a document styled *A JOINT EFFORTS AGREEMENT'2 sraled to be entcred into as of the 3rst day ofMarcl,' l9ga. 6' Dwing the time pcciod following April r, r9M, the parties failed F *e"L tnter apa, one of the conditions precedent by failing to ever negotiate and execute a ..FINAL AGREEMENT as contomplated by the Joint Yenturo Agreenent. Further, the parties conduct in thc ycars following 1984 established that they did not intend to be bound by the Joint ve.nture Agree*enf as both parties did not firily perform under rho non-binding Joint Vc.ntrre Agreerncnt_ 7 ' Approximately five years later, on March ?2, lg8g,Becklam, during a conversatioa with hado' inforrred Prado that Beckham was negotiating to sell Beckbam,s rcal pfirperty which was uentioned in the Joint venture Agrctmc,nl on the nsct dan lvlarch 23, lggg,prado, on behalf t Tho .loDt'r vrrruRr AGREEMENT is attacbod hereto as Exhibit .rl-- 'Tbe JOTNT EFFORTS AGREEMENT t *t""t"O lct.io "" Exbibit .2.- Pege2 08/20/97 09:3?TXIRX N0.1731 P.003 r ^er-1$_y / r|d!]lt F|?OM=rErr2l4E;glrs|4tEl aq.j Pege 3 PAcE 4./? of Daymer, filed thc Joint venture Ag:r€eolent arrd a docunent titrcd *sunmary,,3 ahoug thcReaI ftDpsrty Records of rarrant &*,y, Texss, the situs of the rcal estate which was the :ti:::t i: t"t:t 1*l*" Agreeuenr Appare'ntlv' p,a<io made this bad faith niing, intendingto limi6 Bec,kham's ability to sell Beckham,s por&on of the property.Prado made this bad faithliling without Dotice to gcckhae. 8. Il response to prado's bad lbith ftin& Beckham lited a noticea ,rnong the Real property Records of Tatrant coutrty' Texas which clearty stated tbat the Joint venhre Agreeurent was nota binding contract' aad in the altemative, Becrcbarn ga.ve notice of his termination of the JointVentuf,e Agreedlent_ 9. Frpm that time untd tho plesent, tlrerc bave becq po firrtlrcr dc-ting;s lctween Daymer andBeckham on tha subject property which would evidence performaace uncler either the JointVenture Agreement or the Joint Efforts Agrcancnt lo' In March of 1994, some ten years afrer the ocecutioa of the Joint ventue Acree*ent,Prado' purportedly actlng oa behalf of Daymcr, approached Becktram fqr rhe first time and,attempted lo enforce provisions of the Joint Venture Agroement. Beqkha$ disclaimed the Jotrntventure Agreement arrd stated tlnt it never became a biuding a8reement, prado then gave noticeof his intent to att€rnpt to enforce the Joint ve,ntue AgrEciucfrl prado,s abovc describcd dilatoryaction, which constihrtes waiver, laches and estoppel, has grven risE to an actual conkov€rsy betwcqr Beckham and prado orDaplrer. t lic -su^vrraenv is attac&od hcrcro a5 Fxhibit ..3_,- Thc NOTICE, flled by Beckhun t ,".p""*t i)(nibir .3,, is a$achod hcreto ,r Exhibrt -4-- 0B/20/97 09:3?TXlnX N0.1?31 P. 004 ! rEl ,2lllEsl!s{rg 14' conseguently' pursualrt to section 3z.0ot, et seq., of the T",<as civir Remedies cade' plaintitr asr* oris cout for dcclaratory judgment as set forth in above, and for fees and cosrs rgrdcr Section 37_009. PAGE S/7 I I ' Plaindff inoorporatos in this scction of tho petition the allegations ia paragraphs I throughlO as iffidly set forth hercin There eriscs an astusr conkovcrsyripefora{iudication regarding the facs p104 "600, 13' Thc Joht vcntrucAgreementnever became a co't,act of any form or frshion becarxe ofthe aon-occrurencc of tho condition pnccoaent stated therein- fo tUu iJrr,"tivc, in thc evcnt tbatihe Joint vcntrrre Agrecrnent wus a co'tracl tben the aou-occiurence of rlc cond,itions prccedentthcrcin cxgused Bcckham ftom pcfennanca thaeunder- In the alternativg in the event thst tbeJoint Venture was a contract, prado and DaSnner travc waived 8ny riShts thet they may havc cverhad 'nder the Joint vcnture Agreemcot- In the altornativq in the went that the Joint ventr*e wsse contracl' Prado a'd p*-cr are estop.ped ftom asserting any rights that they rnay bave evcr badundcr the Joint Venh'us AgrpeEeol In rhe altcrnativg lu the cvcnt that the Joint ventur ie aconoact' hado and Daymer are barred by thc doctrine of laches fiom asscrting any rights thatthey may have cver had undcr the Joint Venture agreemeot- AaOitionally, lhero erdsts an actualcontrovcrsy ripc for adjudicatiorg resqrdiog the rights, if ".ry, of C- T- Beclchaq prado andDalmer under the Joint E0forts Agrcement. r2. : '^:n' Practicc md paragraph 13 FrRST CaUsn dr rffiOry 08/20/97 09:3?'rxlRx N0.1731 P.005 r r u:.. r f xulrt i Ift:2!4Ei9t9{19 rv. allegations of paragxaphs t SE CONp caust (r.tr aCTTON t5. Plsiatiff hereby incorpqrstcs in thls c{urr of attion lhe through 15 hsreof as if sct forth herein in thcir cntircty. 16' As indicated above, Daymcr's conduct coDstifutes tortious intcrference with the potetrtisl busi:ness relations between plaintiff and potcntiar priicbaxirs of plaintiffs pfopefty. praintif rnay have * reasonable probability of closing e sale of rhe property at islr", but for the intedio&l condrrct of Defendant Daymer. 17' Defcadant Daymer has no privilege or justification to iqterfere with tbo potentist contacts and contractual rclations of Plaindff- Dayme,r's tortious interferencc has proximately caused Plaintiff to suffer actual &onotary dnrn4ges and bas fi,*ther prevented plaintitr ftorn marketing clcan title to his property. v. DEMANIT FORAJURYTRiAL I ' Plaintirf hereby respectfrrlly de' nds a triar by jury in tbe above captioned &atter. Pago5 PAGE B./7 \.:/ 08/20/s7 09:32 TXIRX No.1?31 P.006 r AUc-20-92 tor42 FROM:tD,2t4E9r94tE PAcE 7./2 '\i,/ vI. PNAYEIIF.ONTbLTDF WHEREFoRD' PREMTSES coNsrDERED, Piaiatiffprays that defeadant be cired to appear anrd answer' and that on final tial hereof,, thc courl. declare jrrdgmmt as set forth above, anrl outplaintitrhas and recovcrs Au-"go &om and against defcndant Dayrne,r. StateBarNo. 1ol5itg00 4741 Roxbury Lane Dallas, Texas 75229 Ql4) 36945t9 voice anj fax AT.f ORI{EY FOR PLATNTIF]F C.T. BECKHAM C. \CI,IE$T\AOSTfiBSS\CTBURAPAITO\DET,TICN. DOC Page 6 0B/20/97 09: JT 1'XIRX N0.1731 P.007 f, East ViJ.J-age Homeowners Agsociation White Paper on theVail P1aza Hotel EVFIA White Paper: Special Development Districts \Za. il P La,z,a Hotel Itrrr |1ra.| rlata t.?rl u\a,t |.rt0 rnat t.tr tl |ltal ortD uaE,l (.ratl ltt40(lua lllG.r lrrat.' u!q, a &ttl rj.,!,tt.rttg The Vail Plaz.a Hotel is a major convention hotel project proposed for the Vail Vitlage lnn (VVI) sile. Tfre proiect will replace the existins hotel wiig built in the early 1960's.'Also, the recently remodeled lobby and confer- ence building is scheduled for demoli- tion. The Vail Pl""a Hotel proposal included 340 hotet room. 12 timeshare club dwelling unis, a 16,750 sq. ft. convention and conference center. 25,000 sq. {t. spa" 5,600 sq. ft. of retail space, a 9,500 -sq. ft. restaurant and a parking garase for 389 oarkins sDaces.- lie-3.+S-S acre Vaii Villafe inn site was one of the first Special Development District approved by ihe Town of Vail in the mid-1970's. Known as Special Development District Numbelr 6 (SDD #6), it has been amended four times sincebeingadopted in 1976. The underlying zone district for the site is Public Accommodations. The site of SDD #6 is separated into Phases I-V. The Vail Plai Hotel is the final phase (also known as Phase IV) of the SDD to be completed. The size of the proposed proiect will most likely be debated in pubiic hearings because rt appears to exceeds some of the approved development standards contained in the SDD #6 legislation as well as some guidelines in the Vail Village Master Plan. Some of the subjects to be debated may be the allowable Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) and the height of the proposed buildine. GHFA Issues: The Vail Plaza Hotel application, based upon a review of Town of Vail records, appe:rs to exceed approved GRFA limitation for the entire site by approximately 85,795 sq. ft. and for the Phase fV oortion of the site bv 90,657 sq. ft. A iotal of 148,002 sq. ft. of GRFA is beins proposed for the Phase lV portion of thJsite.' A 1991 amendment to SDD #6 limits total GRFA on the 3.455 acre site to 124, 521 sq. ft. Combining the Vail Plaza Hotel portion of the site with existing GRFA on the remainder of the site yields a total of 2 I 0, 322 sq. f.t. of GRFA 6n the entire SDD #6 site. Height lssues: If approved, theVail Plaza Hotel buildine will be the tallest structure allowed tdbe built in the community since the earlv 1970's. The proposed plan appears tobe at odds with an established view corridor that has a controlling effect upon buildings in SDD #6. The original approval in 1976 of SDD #6 established a view corridor from a location in what is now the northwest quadrant of the main Vail roundabout. fhis was the first view corridor estab- lished for the community. The purpose of the view corridor was to preserve a view of Golden Peak and Vail Mountain from the entrance to the community. All subsequent development including the Gateway Plaza building have beei' reouired to conform to the view corridor. lniggZ a dispute arose over a portion of a remodel to the lobby building of the VVI that protruded into the view corri- dor. The owncr was required by the Town of Vail to remove the proirusion from the view corridor. The plan also appears to be incon- sistent with the Vail Village Master Plan height guidelines. The Vail Village Master Plan calls for a height that steps back from a pedestrian scale on Meadow Drive to 4-5 stories along the South Frontage Road. According to the Master Plan the height of a building would be from 36 feet to 45 feet not including the heisht of the roof. The apolication for the-Vail Plaza Hotel showi the buitdins steps from 7 to 9 stories along the Souih Frontage Road and from 5 to 7 stories along Vail Road. Includingthe height of the roof the highest point of the structure is approximately 100 feet above esti- VaiI Y illa ge 66 Phase III View From South Frontage Road Looking South Lowcst Lcvcl of Und€18round P.rkin8 t2 t'. ri '" JHIt.UB-IY:) ]U'TJ f zoning. Is thls the way the Master Plan lntended the development to proceed? I belleve upon careflrl e:camlnatlon you wtu trnd this Droject does not meet that criterla. Addlttonally I wonld like to touch upon other aspects ofthe proposal. Accordtng to the submittal, the trafnc sfu(y indlcates that there would be litue efect upoD the exlstlng conditions, but I would tend to dltrer on tlrls because thts project woulrl only begin io set a precedent for others tbat would eventually maxlmlre the caDaclty of the roundabout and lt is clear that thls now creates an alley out ofthe ftontage road and diminishes the character of the entrance to the vtllage, The model utlrzed for this study does not take thls lnto consideratlon. Generally the request to slgnificantly reduce the setbacks require the appllcant to show there would be a hardshlp. I cannot see lhe hard ship in thls case. Acatn there is very llttle consideration tlven to the nelghborlng development. A tinal question. Was not a similat' but smaller project for this area prevlotsly rejected by the Council arul Plannlng Commlsslon? And what has change to make thls approval? Sincerely, Steven James Rlden A.I.A. Architect TOTAL P.AZ *ALt C ^r!'f E :::F---__--- hrfla;i f",l'rf,i -at'tnQ,,n, flnenphywowrcd*W,ui*u ovlu99 Dear Mayor Ford, Tol^/rt Council, Mr. Ruther and PEC: I am lhe oumer of a Reslaumnt in the Gateu/ay hrtlding in Vail Wlage. I have only just found out about a meeting with the Towr of Vail regarding the Vail Mllage lnn ftoject I only found this out by charrce. .. lhe Torm never notified us, and neither did our landlord, Stoltz Management. This is not the way the Tom usually does hrsiness. I have been notified in the past about other issues regarding development in he Tovrm when it vvould affect my business. I oppose the Vail Mllage Inn flan. The trafftc urould be honendous, and after the sr-rmmer of 1999, nraybe we strorld all look at the rate of con$uctbn ard timing of such projeds. \rWEt happened to the small cute mountain to$/n? lM|at abcx.rl ihe effed on air qrality? \Mrat about the master flan and all lhe is$es when the Vail Gataaray tuildiing was h.rilp The Vail Gataaray and the Vail Mllage Inn u/ere supposed to have a pedestrian connec'tion. The dan being propoaed nrq.rld isolate and hide the Vail Gateuray behind a huge building. Between the buildings an alley \ /ould be created that r^,ould not be inviting to visitors to the Vail Gatevuay. I have not had a chance lo study the proposal in detail. These are my immedhte objeclions. To not notify us wfien there is potentially a 9 story building, wftir:h'*ulld take 16 months to hrild, is outrageous. Sincerely, %V^"- 2077 n frontage rd- suite 103b vail, co 81657 97 0-47 6-2090 fax 97 0-4 7 9-6 494 Eat-inq@IfrG.com JRN-09-1999 L4"27 FROH I<INNEY JoHNSON TO 476t3687 P.Az I trust tlnt good judgmilt and a fue scnse to prGscrvc drc valuc of Vail Villagc will overcomc a purcly grccdy and irresponsible decision. Yours truly, Kinncy L. Jobruon CC: Village Inn Plaza Condominium Association TOTAL P. 02 J Hll-Ud-.t!:J> IU. rJ JrLvLrr J.rl zonint. Is this the way the Master Plan Intended the developBent to proceed.? I beueve upon careftrf examlnatlon you wlU trnd this project does not meel that criterla. Addlttona[y I would like to touch upon other aspects ofthe proposal. Accordlng to the submittal, the trarlic study indlcates that there would be Utue etrect upon the existlng conditions, but I would tend to dltrer on thls because thls project woulrl only betin to set a precedenl for others that wsuld eventilrlly marlmlze the capaclw ofthe roundabout and lt is clear that thls now creates an alley out ofthe ffontage road and diminishes the character of the entrance to the vlllage. The model uilUzed for ilds study does not take thls lnto consideratlon. GeneraUy the request to slgniflcantly reduce tlre setbacks require the appllcant to show there would be a harGhlp. I cannot sse the hard sNp in thls case. Agaln tbere is very lltUe consideration glven to the nelghborlng development. A nnal question. Was not a sirnilar lgf gmsller project for this arsa prevlously reJected by the Cquncrl and Planning Commtsslon? And what has change to Eate thlg approval? Sincerely, Steven James Rlden A.I.A. Architect TOTffL P.82 JAN-49-1999 !4:29 FROI1 KINNEY JOHNSON 476A681 P.At January'7, 1996 Mr. Rob Ford Mapr, Townof:Vail. Mr. Gcorgc Ruther Senior Plarsrer TownofVail Fax:970.479.2452 Dear Mr. Ford aad Mr. Ruther, I would like to formally object b the pmposed Vail Village Inn's Special Devetopmort District as defined for tbc Vail Village lrm (WI) sitc. As a ycar-round rcsidcat of rhe Viitagc Inn Ptaza Condomtniums, *hich are adjaccnt to thc proposed Vail Viltagc Inn developmenr, I am disturbed wilh apparcar disrcgard for thc cunenr planning guidelines ard rhc rnagninlde and aroganc€ of &c proposed developmcnt. As proposed, the site, referrcd to as Spccid Development DisdA Numba 6 (SDD #6), grossty erceeds thc APPROVED developmcnt standards contarned in the SDD #5 lcgisluion as well as some guideliues in rho Vail Villagc Masrcr Plan. Spccifrcally, at issue are the Gross Rcsidential Floor Area and thc hcight of the proposcd building. currendy, the proposcd plan violatcs an esEblished vi€w coridor rhr. ha< 1 6pntrelling cffcct upon buildings in sDD #6. Likcwise, the proposcd plan roally disrcgards 0rc Vail Vilfue Masrcr Plalr hcight guidelines. As the owner of &e sourhwcst unit iu thc village hn Plaza condomiaiuns, thc proposed ptan:l) eliminAtes all wcstcrn o<posurc to rhe moumains and the sun, 2) ptaccs truck docks literally against a be&oom walt,3) eliminates any privecy from ny patios, and4) s"egcsts trafrc patterns that will bc unacccptable. Docs the proposcd plan compensate my potendal loss in rcal gstate raluc? Does tle propos€d plan compensate me for several ycsrs of din ald construction noise? Can you boldly climinate valu$ thal wcre dcveloped lo prolcct my ncighbors and me? I am not opposcd to changc. I also believe that a qualiry hmel would, in the long run, enhance thc corc of thc Villagc. Wh* I am oppooed to is the blatad and rcckless disrcgard io guidclines that u'erc csablished to preserve thc iittcgrity of Vail Villagc aad to prcnea individualJsuch as mlself ls your intent lo build another Beaver Creek? Construct a ccmenr ciw in the mountains? TO Grcl|il.Phon : tto.9€.{r2l FAI( t0.e$.60{ ood! rr&lcad n|lnet Wednesday, January 6, 1999 Members of the Town of Vail Ptannlng and Envtronmental Commission Department of Communlty Developuent VaiI, CO 81657 Re: Vall Plaza Hotel Dear Members I have been asked to make an obJecUve evduatton ofthe l,roDogerl Vall pleza Hotel antl analize the potentlal detri$ents tlom the reallzauon of this development. I have reviewed the submittal and the fouowing are comments for the lecord- My trrst observation ig as to the ovel"il masslnt andscale of the deydoDEent. The scale is far beyond what I eee as compatible wtth the surroundlng sfucnres the proposecl prOJect absolutely dwarB the Vail Gateway and rises far above any other structure in the tmmediate area . The proposal rndlcates that there wlll be lsrge masslng at the edges of the boundarles ofthe proDerty and wlthout alty requlred setbacls ftom the adiacent bullilints nor is there any steppiDg ofthe structure in a reladonship to the exrsung buildings. It would seem that this is not the lntention ol any of the Drevlous approvats or any ofthe underllnlng zoning ftom wblch the SDD has been based. AI ofthe pedestrian space ls surrounded by structure that is often 40 to ?0 teet h ne[ht creatint areas that wlU be permanen0y ln shadow and ofibrtng very lttde openness or landscaping and unless you are within the bulldlng itsell there !s not any protection ffom the micro climates in the area created by the new stnrchrre sucb as wlnd. Thls design does not create any endosure. Based on the appllcants own study ofthe shadows, the Frontage road wolgd also remain ln shadow and visually create a wau ofstructure that prohtblts any vlew beyond. What ever happened to vlew corddor that initialy restrtcted the development sturounding the roundabout? Those restrictlons have been ln place since the earllest proposals for this area wers presented It ls obvlous that the htent ofprevlous mview decisions held the height to maintaln thls vlew. I wonld like to question the vaUdlry ofsucb a gross devlation to the approved SDD especially when it appears that thle project slsnlncanUy lncreases the sue above the previous approval and essentially doubles the densi8 and heteht ofthe underltning GFC LIA P6t O[!c. I'r oilro VolL cp 0ra6Er7a8 6!Ht!8 Sent 8y: PW. Associat es;954 753 9775;Jan- 10 -99 4:29PU; Village Inn Plaza phase V Condominium Assoc. 100 East Meadow Drive #31 Vail, Colorado 81657 January 10, 1999 The Honorable Robert Ford Mayor of Vail Town of VailMunicipat Office Vail, Colorado 91657 Subject: Construction of the new Vail Mllage INN Your Honor, I am writing as a director and officer of the above.Association. During lhe annual meeting of our association on Dec. 2grh lggg we were, foi the first time, allowed to review sorne information about the construction plans of the new Vail Plaza Hotel to be erected on the grounds of the current \A/1. 1. We consider the planned project a substantial departure from the Special Development District as approved on the property. 2 lt is in conflict with the quiet enjoyment of the property rights of Phase V condominium Association property owners in al much as it violates the reciprocal easement and access agreement of 1997. This aqreement quarantees Phase V Condominium_Association to have access across VailVi oarkino soaces. 3- The owners represented at the meeting and other owners in Vlp Phase V condominium Association have expressed great concern over the impact a nine-story building would have on the overall atmosphere of Vail Village. lt would set a dangerous precedent that could impact on other potential development prans of such re- developable properties as the sonnenalp swiss chalet, chateau Vail (formerly Holiday lnn), the Tivoli and possibly others. Page 112 X' :-' &_''1. - J Ftil-lJtj- ,t :r:r:r lu' -rJ Jrl'-!'Lrr Jfll zoning. Is this the way the Master plan lntended the development to proceed? I belleve upon carefLu er€mlnatlon you wlU trntl this project does not meet that criterla. Addltlonaly I would like to touch upon other aspects ofthe proposal Accordlng to the submittal, the trallic stu(y indlcates tlrat there woul<l be UtUe elfect upoD the exlstlng conditions, but I would tend to dltrer on this because thls project woull only begin to set a precedent for others that would eventually ma$nlze the caDaclry of the roundabout and lt ls clear that thts now creates an alley out of the bontage road and diminishes the character ofthe entrance to the vulage. The model udltzed for thts study does not take thls lnto considsratlon. Generally the request to slgnificanUy reduce tie setbacks require the appUcant to show there would be a hardshlp. I cannot ses the hard sNp ir thts c$e. Agatn tbere iE very llttle consideration glven to the nelghborlng development. A nnal question. Was not a sir ilar bUt smaller project for tJds area Drevtogsly reJected by the Councrl and Planning Commtsslon? And what has cbange to nate thls approval? Sincerely, Steyen James Rlden A.I.A- Architect TOTRL P.A2 1000 i., :.. l-t-t-t i VailPlaza Hotel ' . Major Amendment Request (revised) ; L To: George Ruther From: Greg Hall Date: August 19,1999 Subject: Vail Plaza Hotel I have reviewed the latest submittal of the Vail Plaza Hotel and have the following comments that will need to bc addressed: 6. The loading and delivery scheme will need to address the vehicles we had previously stated which included placement of the following AASHTO design vehicles, l, WB65 semi off of the travel way, the ability to park 2, WB-50 semis and 3, SU-30 single unit trucks. Three of these will need to be accommodated for the hotel and 2 for the remainder of the special development district. In addition, the trash system will need to be idcntified and its operation shown independently of the loading and delivery operation. The previous underground tunnel to the other phases of the plan has been removed. It should be reinstated. The site must be able to handle the use of40' over-the-road passenger coaches. The drive rarnps of the parking structure in one-way operation need to meet minimum width of 72' and at the turns a greater width is required to accommodate tuming radii. A more detailed review of the parking structure and all the turning radii will be required. Provide the site improvements discussed previously and show these on the plan. Curb, gutter and walk to Crossroads, including street lights, improvements to the bus stop and East Meadow Drive, a landscaped median to the frontage road, etc. The parallel roadway scheme is inconsistent with the adjacent improvements of the frontage road.. It creates a hole and additional asphalt in an area where the goal is to lessen the visual affcct of asphalt, not to increasc it. This will need to reviewcd more to determine the affects of the frontage road and roundabout operations. How will we ensure one way opcration? Left tums out may be prohibited. It will need to approved by the state DOT for an access permit This development will need to address the off site roadway impacts that havc been applied to new approvals in the Lionshead area this equates to approximately $3788 for each additional unit, the town has then paid 20% of this fee. The Conference area and Spa will require additional payment, but it is not known at this time. Some of the offsite improvemcnts may be credited against this dollar amount ( the landscape median beyond the site, and dcpending on how ernployee fiaffic numbers and parking spaces ^re provided or not the sidewalk to Village Center Chute). Drainage improvements as have been previously required and a detail review of the grading plan. The close proximity of thc west exit driveway to the driveway of the Gateway Building is an issue to be studied. 2. 1J- 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. The impacts during construction. 10. The shading of the walks and the need to heat the walks and drives will need to be reviewed. I l. The requirement to provide the access to the condos to the east drives a lot ofthis design. It appears that they have access and providing them access but not convenient access does it meet their requirements? MEMORANDTJM To: Vail Town Council Town of Vail planning & Environmental Commission Town of Vail Design Review Board From: George Ruther, Senior Planner Date: August 24, 1999 Re: A joint worksession to begin preliminary discussions with regard to the proposed redevelopmcnt of the Vail Village Inn, Phase IV, located within Special Development District No. 6. I. PURPOSE OF THE WORKSESSION The purpose ofthejoint worksession meeting is: To provide the applicant with the opportunity to present the proposed redevelopment to each of the Boards involved in thc review process. To describe the development review process ofthe proposed major amendment to SDD No. 6. To provide the Town Council, planning & Environmental Commission and the Desip Review Board with an opportunity to identify issues or areas of concem early on in the development review process. To seek consensus amongst the Boards regarding issues and areas ofconcem that the applicant will need to address. I DESCRIPTIONOFTHEREOUEST The applicant, Valdir hatto, dba Daymer Corporation and represented by Tim Losa of Zehren & Associates, is proposing a major amendment to Special Development District No.6, Vail Village Inn. The major amendmcnt is intended to facilitate the demolition and redevclopment of Phase IV, Vail Village Lrn. The applicant is proposing to construct the Vail Plaza Hotel. The Vail Plaza Hotel is intended to be a new major hotel in the Vail Villagc Commercial area of the Town of Vail. The hotel is to be comprised of 97 hotel rooms,40 intcrval ownership units, and one condominium. ln addition to the residential uses proposed, the hotel is also proposed to include two restaurants, spaihealth club facilities, a conference and meeting arca and a limited arnount ofaccessory retail/commercial space. The main guest entrance to the hotel will be on the west side of thc building from Vail Road. A loading/delivery area will be provided on the north side of the building with vehicular access from the South Frontagc Road. Guest parking for the hotel is to be provided in an underground parking slructue. Vehicular access to the structure will bc from Vail Road. The underground parking structure provides two levels of parking to accommodate 214 cers. A more delailcd summary ofthe proposal is attachcd for reference. BACKGROUND In 1976, the Vail Town Council passed Ordinance No. 7, Series 1976, establishing Special Development Districts No. 6, Vail Village Inn, to ensure the unified and coordinated developmcnt of a critical site to the Town of Vail, as a whole, and in a manner suitable for the area in which it is situated. IIr. . In 1985, the Vail Town Council passed Ordinancc No. 1, Series 1985, providing certain amendments to thc approved development plan for Special Development District No. 6. (eliminate distance between building requirements, increase in height, amend the allowable uses, increase density) . In 1987, the Vail Town Council passed Ordinancc No.14, Series 1987, which amended and modified Section 8 relating to the allowed density of the development plan for Special Dcve lopment District No. 6. (incrcase density) . In 1992, the Vail Town Council passed Ordinance No. 2, Series 1992, allowing for modifications and amendments to various sections of Special Development District No. 6 which related directly to Phase IV, and which made certain changes to the approved development plan for Special Development District No. 6 as they relate to Phase IV. (architectural elevation changes, modifications to the 4u floor plans) . In 1998, the Vail Town Council passed Ordinance No. 24, Series 1998, providing certain amcndments to the approvcd development plan for Special Development District No. 6. According to the ordinance which originally established Special Development District No. 6, the underlying zoning for the District is Fublic Accommodation. The purpose of the District is to provide additional areas in Town for mixed use development. The District has resulted in a substantial incease in allowable density on the site of the Vail Villagc Inn. When originally considering deviations from the underlying zoning in 1976, the Town Council found that such deviations were acccptable as the community was to realize a substantial increase in the hotel bed base. An incrcase in short-term accommodations has been a long standing objective of the community. On January 26, 1999, the applicant appeared before the Vail Town Corurcil for a worksession to discuss the proposed major amendment. Upon discussion of thc proposal, the Town Council directed the applicant to rcvise the plans to address several major concems. The Council's major concems included thc hcight of the hotel, guest access to thc hotcl and lhe proposed loading and delivery area. More specifically, the Council believed that the hotel was too tall and that the overall hcight nccded to be reduced, that the guest entrance to thc hotel from the South Frontage Road crcatcd traffic congestion resulting in a potentially dangcrous situation and that instead the entrance should be taken from Vail Road, and that the loading and delivery area as designed was detrimental to thc "front door" to Vail. ry. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITES OF THE BOARDS The roles and responsibilities ofeach of the Town's boards in the developmcnt review process for a major amendment to an existing special developmcnt district is clearly defined in the Town Code. The following is a summary of cach of the Board's roles and responsibilities: Order of Review: Generally, applications for major amendmcnts are reviewed first by the PEC, then by the DRB and finally by the Town Council. Thc PEC evaluates the proposal for potential impacts of usc/developm€nt on the Town's development objectives. The DRR considers an application for compliance ofproposed buildings and sitc planning with the Town's adopted architectural design guidelines. The Town Council reviews the proposal in consideration of an arnending ordinance. Planninp and Environmental Commission: Action: The PEC is advisory to the Town Council. The PEC shall review the proposal and makes a recommendation to the Town Council on the following: r Permitted, accesory, and conditional useso Evaluation of nine design critcria as outlined in the Town Code. Staff: The staffis responsiblc for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided, that all required development review procedures are followed, and that the proposed plans conform to the tcchnical requircmcnts of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. The Staffprovides a memorandum to the Boards containing a description ofthe request, background on the property and providcs an evaluation of the application with respect to the required critcria and findings, and a recommendation of approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staffalso facilitates the review process. Town Council: Action: The Town Council is responsible for the fnal approval or denial ofan SDD. The Town Cormcil shall review the proposal for thc following: . Permitted, accessory, and conditional uses.o Evaluation of the nine design criteria as outlincd in the Town Code. Design Review Board: Action: The DRB has NO review authority on a SDD proposal, but must review an accompanying DRB application The DRB review of an SDD prior rc Town Council approval is purely advisory in nature. Thc DRB is responsible for evaluating the DRB proposal: - Architectural compatibility with other structucs, the land and surroundings- Fitting buildings into landscape - Configuration ofbuilding and grading of a site which respects the topo$aphy- Removal/Preservation oftrees and native vegetation - Adequate provision for snow storage on-site - Acceptability of building materials and colors- Acceptability ofroofelements, eavcs, overhangs, and other building forms- Provision of landscape and drainage - Provision offencing, walls, and accessory structures- Circulation and access to a site including parking, and site distances- Iocation and design of satellite dishcs- Provision ofoutdoor lighting- Compliance with the architectural design guidelines of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan V. DEVELOPMENTRJVIEWPROCESS The Town of Vail Municipal Code outlines the process by which an application for an amendmcnt to an established Special Development Distriot shall be reviewed. Thc following is a description of thc review process: According to Section 12-9A-1, Purpose, of the Municipal Code, the purpose ofthe Spccial Development District is, Ato encourage flcxibility and creativity in the devclopment of land in order to promote its most appropriate use; to improve the design character and quality of the new devclopment with the Town; to facilitate the adequate and economical provision of streets and utilities; to preserve the natural and scenic featwes of opcn space iueas; and to further the overall goals of the community as stated in the Vail Comprehensivc Plan. An approvcd development plan for a Special Development District, in conjunction with the property's underlying zone district, shall establish the requirements for guiding development and uscs of property included in the Special Development District. The Special Development District does not apply to and is not available in the following zone districts: Hillside Residcntial, Single-Family, Duplex, Primary/Secondary. Pwsuant to Section 12-9A-2 of the Municipl Code, in part, a major amendment is defined as, 'Any proposal to change uses; increase gross residcntial floor area; change the number of dwelling or accommodation units; modify, enlargc or expand any approved special development district." Since the applicant proposes to change the uses, change the number of dwelling and accommodation units and to increase the gross residential floor area on the site, staff has identified the applicant's request as a major SDD amendment. In accordance with Section l2-9A4 (A)-(C) of the Municipal Code, in part, "an approved development plan shall be required pior to construction. The approved development plan shall establish requirements regulating development, uses and other activities in the spccial development district." Additionally, the applicant shall be rcquired to hold a pre-application meeting with thc Community Development Department prior to submitting a formal application. The purpose of the meeting shall be to discuss the goals of the proposed special development district, the Town's Master Plan and the review procedure which will be followed for evaluating the application. Further, the Planning and Environmental Commission shall conduct the initial review of the amendment to the special development district. The review shall take place at a regularly scheduled meeting. Following the Planning and Environmental Commission's review, the Community Development Departrncnt shall forward a report to the Town Council stating the PEC's findings and recommendations on the amendment request. The Town Council shall then review the application based upon the information submitted. An approval of the application by the Town Council shall require two readings ofan ordinance. In accordance with Scction l2-94-8, Design Criteria, of the Municpal Code, The following design criteria shall be used as the principal criteria in evaluating the merits of the proposed special developmcnt district. It shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that submittal material and the proposed development plan comply with each of thc following standards, or demonstrate that one or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved: A. Compatibility: Design comJntibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties rclative to architeotural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, identity, character, visual integrity and orientation. B. Relationship: Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workablc relationship with sunounding uscs and activity. C. Parking And Loading: Compliance with parking and loading rcquircments as outlined in Chapter 10 of this Titlc. D. Comprchensive Plan: Conformity with applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, Town policies and urban dcsign plans. E. Natural And/Or Geologic Hazard: Identification and mitigation of natual and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on which the special development district is proposcd. F. Design Features: Site plan, building desigr and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic qualib/ of the community. G. Traffic: A circulation system designed for both vchiclcs and pedestrians addressing on and off-site traffic ciroulation. H. Landscaping: Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and function. I. Workable Plan: Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and efficient relationship ttroughout the development of the special development district. VL DISCUSSION ISSUES l. Maior Amendment Submittal Reouirements. Section 12-9A-5 of thc Zoning Regulations outlines the subm.ittal requirements for a major amendment to a special development district. Staff has conducted a preliminary review of the materials submitted to date by the applicant. As a result of our preliminary rcview, staff has determined that the application is not complete. In order to complete the application, the applicant shall be required to submit the following materials to the Town of Vail: a. Fiscal Impact Report b. Traffic Analysis Rcport c. Written statement outlining how the prolnsal complies with the nine design criteria prescribed in Section l2-9A-8 of the Town Coded. Emplolae Generation Reporte. Stamped and addressed envelopes of all adjoining property owncrsf. Preliminary Uniform tsuilding Code Compliance Reportg. Drainage Planh. Off-site Improvement Plan The Town of Vail Public Works Department has complctcd a prcliminary review of the hotel proposal. A copy ofthcir rcport has been attached for reference. The issues iurd concems raised in that report shall be addressed by the applicant in the development review process. Each of the above described submittal materials shall be provided to the Town of Vail by no latcr than the end ofthe business day on September 7, 1999 in ordcr for thc application to be scheduled for a worksession with the Planning & Environmental Commission. Failure to submit the required materials will rcsult in a delay in the developmenl review process. The tentative schedule for the continued review ofthe Vail Plaza Hotcl application includes a worksession with thc Planning & Environmental Commission on Monday, September 27 and a conceptual review with Design Review Board on Wednesday, October 6, 1999. Additional mcctings will be scheduled as necessary. The Town Council will be provided with progress reports during the regularly scheduled PECiDRB reports. 2. Compliance with Town of Vail Master Plan and other relevant documents. When considering proposals for redevelopment, the staffrelics upon thc Town's various master plans and other relcvant documents for guidance and direction. Staff anticipates that we will again be reviewing the Town's master plan documents and analyzing thc applicant's proposal for compliance with the pltms. The following plans will be reviewed: Vail Village Master Plan Zoning Regulations Vail Land Usc Plan J. . Streetscape Master Plan. Vail Transportation Master Plan. Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan Bulk, Mass and Scale. In preliminary discussions about the proposed hotel redcvclopment, much has been said about the bulk, mass and scale of the project. There is no doubt that, if approved in its present configuration, the Vail Plaza Hotel will be one of the larger buildings in the Town of Vail. Due to the location of the building and the scale of the projcct, the staff has employed the services of JeffWinston, of Winston & Associates, Inc., in Boulder, Co. Jeff Winston has served as the Town's Urban Design Consultant for many of the more significant projccts in Town. Jeff Winston will be present at the joint worksession meeting on Tucsday, August 24, 1999 to present the findings of his preliminary analysis. At this time, based upon the information provided to date, staff would recommend the Design Review Board, the Commission and the Courcil provide the staff and the applicant with any direction they may have relative to the bulk, mass and scale of the project (i.e., is a 6-story building appropriate in this location?, is the desigrr of the building compatible with the swrounding environment?, does the building fit in with the context of the area and the character of Vail?, etc.) Please recognize that a morc in depth review of the application will be completed prior to future hearings. Emplowe Housinq Requirements The Town has historically required developers ofSpecial Developmcnt Districts to provide employre housing within the community. Typically, the Town has identified the incremental increase in employees gcncratcd as a result of the new development and then required the developer to providc dccd-restricted housing for a percentage of the new employees. In this instance, the developer has indicated a desire to providc dccd-restricted housing. At this point however, it is unclear as to how the Town will dctcrminc thc housing need and where the housing should be provided. The determination of the housing need and its location will become clearer once the Emplolee Generation Report is provided to the Town of Vail. Staffwould recommend that the Commission and thc Council provide the staff and the applicant with direction on thc issue of employee housing (i.e., how shall the need be determined?, what type ofunits shall be provided?, should the units be new construction or should deed restrictions be placed on existing units?, where shall the units bc provided; in town vs. down valley?, what shall be the time frame for providing the units?, public/private putnerships?, etc.) VII. STAF'FRECOMMENDATION As this is a joint worksession only, staffwill not be providing a formal recommendation at this time. Staff is requesting that the Dcsigr Rcview Board, the Planning and Environmental Commission and the Town Council listcn to the applicant's presentation of the redevelopment proposal and providc staffwith any direction the Boards may have regarding the proposcd SDD amendment and the proposed development review process. Staff is most interested in having the Boards identifu any "red flag" (i.e. height, dcnsity, traffic, mix ofuses, etc.) issues which the Boards would like the applicant and staffto address during the devekrpment review process. Staff will continually provide op;rurtunities for interested parties to comment on the proposal. A znV @ @H @VEe,+ =6XI V'7ur L I. I AvF= =JH ts OE N "Jg =JF< o at) .A F 4) -c)+r '|Tla -€\€.i L\Fcg; --Fry -{o- cl z9; :g;iiir ;l;;!i' xll i {. ID ah * -()+)A fTlal-i c\ sl o ed; -aFry -(.x 66 =! 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ESNi5' J=iFn t< = rilii l!iil ( I \ \ I I ii f; ../ \-z' ) _.., x.<,rr) HIGHLIGHTS for the proposed VAIL PLAZA HOTEL (redevelopment of the Vail Village Inn site) .-- aJ bed rm living rm baths keys weeks lyear 1-Hotel (shoulder seasons)1E6 47 213 201 21 hotel owned year round 96 96 96 52 Club (after sale) t o 90 47 117 108 2E pfivate * lt is expected that, of the sold units, some whole units or lock-offs rooms will be rented through the hotel.* Club units while not sold will be integrated to the hotel operation. 2-AMENITIES seats format The original dimension Confierence:19,562 sf capacity:55{t banquet tor 326 hotel/club rooms 800 amphitheater is maintained SPA : | 23,il2 sf (Similarto the new Hyatt Beaver Creek SPA) World class lobby, lounge, etc. 3-SIZE REDUCTION:13o/o The number of hotel/club bed rooms was reduced from 326 hotel/dub bed rooms to lE5 hoteUclub rooms. Even with that 130 reduction in the number of total rooms, it is maintained the original capacity (dimensioned for 326 bed rooms) of the Conference and SPA because those amenities are considered to be essential to obtain year round high occupancy, particularly on shoulder and ofi seasons. lyUN!lytl't...9lzlE: the desired high occupancy, pa4lelErlv on off and shoulderseasons, can be obtained tr only via the grcup business market, which requires: a) good hotel/club category Oe have that); b) appropriate amenities, conference, spa, el :c. (Considering the rec ll luced hotel, we are abundant on that); c) hotel/club capable of accommodating the larger groups 9l rn9!9 !!qn oneglg!{p sl!!4!q!99!$y. d) strong marketing budget. The size of the proposed amenities (Conference, SPA, lobby, etc.) can accommodate a volume of group business more than double of the proposed hotel/club capacily. | | I Despite the reduced hotel/club accomodation capacity, we will market for the group business to fill up as much as psgslqg lCr Confererce capacily, hopefully overflowing the excess guests to neighb_gring accommodations. 4-IDENSITY for the Wl Special Development Districl with tlq ilqpglgq VqH:1.07 sf grfa/sf land Ausfiia Haus l.'t6 5-BUILDING HIGH's I Above Vail road grade:3 floors + 1 recessed floor and roof I Above Wl Plaza grade 3 floors and roof (equal to tfte existing hotel building high). Above Frontage rd. grade:3 floors +recessed floor and roof Equal to the existing condomanium building adiacent at the East. 6-VEHICLES TRAFFIC On Frontage road:Only deliveries. Trucks will be one level bellow Frontage rd. grade. There will be a screen at the Frontage rd. level so that even the top of the tucks wall not be sesn from the street L On Vail roarl.Only automobiles The entrance/eit toffrom the Hotel/club (and automobiles garage) will be on Vail road. PARKING 266 256 indoor parkinq spaces + 10 outdoor (check in) v)co utotrnl OT v\ o T s.(d !ENls(!:. EE9i =(t Eiiii N q,l tlJ z T! 6 $ ql llt o 3 I s 3 r !$!' rhc .ofi^B{thI ,i{iid E E o (gi3Nis(g:l o-s" =(! r;lil rlii! N E # (! o tll 4 3I !nc (! g" rrr I bDI :; o (!ttNid(d =-.8o-c' .E illilN UJ v) r! q) au 3 ddd rfi$ffi tlIr ${$$ t $ t E $ co (E B tlt Cttrl c, tr, z +IIt F I I tt + * r I rttrtl ttlc .9 q)u)q<i bD*c', == 6 (gI$Nlsftl'r__i: i Fo-s' =6 i{lii EC>!!o>. =\J I/' .:- .:6r'>. c) !J = o, >>r *! Eotl,t EE GR z I +f I l Fr* !l+ e* T I Lt $ +a T I I I I I $ I t $ N| t^E (! g. rr.t I ,.h: -.rbrO IE ==o o o (oiE Nld#it iiiiiN c t! q, |ll vt .9 j 0t uJ $t$d I il l! a) tll l!!! (! g, |lT z o* T +I T I +I T t, rftl {d c o(nl bol o I(!i$NislTt - ti:dFo-s''t Ei!il l!iil EEt(!ar>trJ; flv t tt$$r + f; F +I E T I +:ffi T I I +E T I +t[ + F I l €pt! rE>>_eE ;,q tlj c EI>r!_cb .c6 EUz ++.d!l&* TTI otg $ F I Nll c(!rEi Eii;' /^ o o (!t!Nis,n-l_i:t'Fn sr =(E 3;lil l!iir N o g # p ,} ta:tq.El>i T OJJ /^v 't i\ \\.((' )-i\-. \ \ oI (gt$Nl:' o.s;l =G' i) ji i!.t\t l\rlli "-t i i i ---- .iiili I llr ltlrll rltl!ll rl!ltll!lr l! rlr Ir l! Ir lr Ir Irlrilt Irltltl! l!il'i lrlrlrlr I lt ltlt lt ltlt lt I tfltlt I rllt l! | rlt 59 >i E J /av or oI 3-(UE!Nls,!;-$ = ..-riiil El!llBlrlil!lrll iIt o ffi ) xJ'--.. 9rI\E drJ/^ 36(o itNisfrt-t-i:is.r g{ : (E niiii it il ii -i 1'ji i_.i N| o) _tttJ /'^\v o I .l6dEENfrd(U:.1 o-s' 'a ,-fr$iii $ ffi dsrF 4 # F hh ;ooooroopooooqoorroolcoo ,3.r-*-;iiY.I2aa ; 4 C) &@ rs, q) I(!tENts Jdln J' = # p .friili o) EtcFi 3loJ t/^\v o !,(!IgNI:(!:l =(E 1:l N'fli IJ- ; dr -) /\v o or 9.(s ESNfiSci.i ,$i[i!: ilttt: ,,..'l \C \l1=\J ,-- g f q) :i- c iliJ /t^v o oI (Bi$NislTl-t dFT Gl ,-iiiil ^a-/ |\ta\l U d &, .x(/)q_BoldiJ /v o (!iiNis.Tl-t__:: i $o-s' =(! /-1,,'-lr- \Jal C) I4 o u-e ;-r : u //^v T t6(gEINisrll-gJ+F cL t' Ei!i! tliir N| rl r\IJU (! to*€,.;J TE }i lrl-_;* ; r- ?i = t4v O+)r .e66 E3Nisd:. tEg. .G Ei!il nliir I! 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PeNii $o o 6t tr !o -(l)+.o^.lTta -€\rlN:6l; -=AT -<.- G ;*iii' t (A (tt 6l F() -o+)o^Fl 5i|-tC\ |tt:: (r) NFl6l; -=FrP -{.E G lftiiii 'i Ei !lrrti ! l,n o o 6l t C) -c)+)o^ Fr-{ 6i -c\Ftiiecl; -=Fry -r{.- ct $siil' , i ra (t) (t) F(D p o -e)*)o^FlaHC\ Gl .*N=GU -=FrT -(.- 6t o FFV- lftiiii.l5i!! r..t? i \o 0 o 6l tr tc, -q)+) ffaf-l €\ r{N3ccu -t=AY -{.- .G Ir;iil' \o o art 6l t(D -l(D+)AiieFt €\ 6l .sN=6lE -=tFrS -{.- .G ;l;iii r.\ v, IA GI tr !€) -€)€r^i:e|-€\ rtN96t; -=Fry -{.-clt\7 ir;i$' r- (h (h cl to -(D+)'9.EE G-sN=G; -5F{ry -{r- .cg ;l;iii a ah (h tqJ o\o\o\ c.t o o0 -€)+./^,v Frrtrl 6[ N6l -Fr -.E .cE li;iili ': i! !! r..rl i co o 0 Io o\o\o\ a, a0 ,,,. !i l! .;:!!h ;tgtiif ...9 :; !!-o:! ltxri I Flo+)A!, f.l.lFrl cq N G -A. -.- .61 o\ (t U' 6l 'ol -€)+Jo^F| o\..Fl o\ ,r|N9cl; -uFrP -{O- .G liii$ o\ at) 0 6t '6) -o)+./q EAc!:N=6lU -=FrP -{.I .G z2! ,.,=. lE !t-! il 1!, - E! tlard El iil:ET:I- rrt? I EE : E F=<.! rola-<EdN .E fr€ ? BEa&. -l€)+)o^|,rtaFt o\ al-': cr)NiGE -=AT -{o-d l;;lili,llill NlI .99g3 E EE.S<ts, €€:# H.H! E>chfu o\o\o\ (r) o, a0 -(D+roFi -GNcl -A, -.- 6l =i;liii'l Ei l!r..ti E .29 BE E E 3sf8l E 6.-l 2?E5Lia* o\q\o\ (t) u, a0 -o)+)oHt-l GNG -F{ -.!l 6l ri;iiii 'l Ei!i tl? E .39?=€5 F {,E f 0) ,.r t-l'C€61G|q).,az=tr of- =,a* o\o\g\ (a att a0 -C)*.r-lvl+'lt+l 6t N G -A. - -o- .cq :liiii w?I .eeEsEsg FTf#FtrE x6toxE 2Za=tr ; gA o\c\€\ c"I 1t b0 -€)+.oHf{ GN6l -F{ -.l .cc *iii'N:l iEi # 3€ ;EA -q)+. €aFt €\ rl:: (a NFGU -=Fry -{.rl .61 ffiiii' N| -l w tlr SpEngERG & ASSocIATES LLC ofuomEu and &uue/ou at %out NoRwEsr CENTER, SulrE 2O5 ROBERTL. SPERBERG 70 BENCHMARK RoAD, P. O. BoX3420 97GA45.o2OO MTCHAEL R. DUNLEVTE AvoN. CoLoRADo 81620 FAx 9708457339 August 24, 1999 VIA FACSIMILE (479-2452) and FIRST CLASS MAIL George Ruther, Senior Planner Town of Vail 111 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Re: Phase IV Development, Vail Village Inn. Dear George: We represent Meadow Drive Ventures, Inc., owner of units 17 and l8 in Phase V of the Village Irur Plaza Special Development District. We understand that you are the planner assigned to the proposed development of Phase IV-B of the Village Inn Plaza. The purpose of this letter is to express our client's concern that adequate parking for Phase V owners be provided for in the Phase IV-A development plan. It is common knowledge to all of us that the original developer of the Village Inn Plaza Special Development District 6 ("SD6") wanted to defer the responsibility to provide parking for the project until the latter stages ofthe project. To accomplish this, the original developer successfully persuaded the Town of Vail to permit the construction of Phases I-A, I-B, l-C, II-A, II-8. a portion of Phase III and Phase V. all without parking of an1'kind (or with a minimum amount of parking availability), with its promise to provide parking for these phases in the larger Phase III and Phase IV structures. These promises, for the most part, were placed of public record. The promise specific to Phase V was contained in a document entitled "Declaration of Easements and Rights," recorded February 4, 1988, in Book 478 atPage 377 , in the records of the Recorder for Eagle County, Colorado. In that document, the developer promised as follows: "Upon separation and subdivision of Phase V from the Property, any vehicular parking, in addition to that contained in Phase trI and Phase IV, required to satisfu the total parking requirement of the SD6 development plan shall be included in the development plan for Phase IV, when such plan is submitted to the Town of Vail for its approval." Date Receivet AU6 2 ? 099 ,lr We are of the view that any condominiumized parking space in Phase III that is not deed restricted for use solely in SD6 or otherwise restricted to parking within SD6 should not count toward the required parking in SD6 established by the the Town of Vail Ordinance No. 7, Series of 1976, as amended. After all, the parking requirements for the special development district were based upon the anticipated parking need in the special district, not the Town of Vail in general. Thus, in accordance with the promises made by the original developer, the current developer of Phase IV-A should be required to provide all remaining parking required for SD6, not including parking spaces in Phase III without deed restrictions. Further, in accordance with the promises made in the above-quoted document, at least a portion of the parking provided in Phase IV-A (about 36 spaces) should be deed restricted for use by Phase V residential owners. Any other resolution of the parking issue would result in Phase V owners being denied what was promised to them in a document filed of public record, upon which they relied in purchasing their properties. We ask that the Town of Vail act to protect the interests of the owners in Phase V when it considers and approves the development plan for Phase IV-A. We think that the Town Council and the Plaruring Department have an obligation to protect such interests, since the Town Council was the govemmental entity that allowed construction of Phase V without the required parking based solely upon a promise of the developer to provide such parking in the future Phase IV plans. The failure of the Town to protect the interests of the owners in Phase V would result in a substantial diminution in the value of Phase V residential units, and would be a denial of substantial substantive rights promised and conveyed to such owners by the original developer. We thank you in advance for your consideration of this letter, and your anticipated cooperation in ensuring that the owners in Phase V of SD6 get what was promised to them by the original developer. If we can answer any questions, or provide additional information, please call. i@ ,/,IFRO\I-EAD Date: August24,l999 ARROWHEAD at VAIL Post Offrce Box 3418 Vail, Colorado 81658 (800) 535-8882 or (970) 926-3000 R, E A L E S TA T E This fax contains 5 pages including this cover sheet. Dear George, David Bruckmann asked me to follow up with the following information conceming parking for the Vail Village Inn Phase V condominiums. The following is a letter from Mr. Bruckmann and the Decalaration of Easements, which are part of the Articles of Incorporation for WI Phase V and are recorded documents. The underlined portion of these documents lead me to believe that some parking rights were to be granted to Phase V of the Vail Village from Phase IV. If these were not defined properly, it seems that now would be a good time to bring Phase IV and Phase V into proper parking compliance. Please feel free to give me a call if you have any questions. Sincerelv. 4,.$/"' '\ :.l.)-, .-,." i. 'r ; i' c --' I i',.\', I P-. .,, t-^i \. "" ., d. _j-_.f. I i, t/ e _1 ;. .J, r. ''. i '-'-f- I a ,.i i\r,.,o.'\ir'1 t'i , '- :,, l. l. "t , I -"(: Date Receive, AUo 24 1999 To:George Ruther Fax #:479-2r57 From:J. Dudley Ottley, Jr. Fax #:(970) 926-3317 Dudlev Ottlev o Mr. George Ruther Senior Planner Town Of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Co. 81657 u.s.A. Re: Development of Vail Village Inn Phase [V D.P.K.Bruckmann Little Court Neb Lane Oxted, Suney RH8 9JN England August 23,1999 Sincerely Yours, David P.K. Bruckmann Dear George: I am writing on behalf of Fy clienq Mgadoy Drive Ventures [nc., which owns ,nits lZ & lg inIll"g" It" 4A* t!*e V . It is o* obi"ioo tl"t oo parking has ever been provided, by the develooer of $llage Il+ Plaza-Phasg v, to satisg dle sD6 Parking tequ"ire.eots ortne iorrm oiviirLwt"i-lrii ftaufer df{ was to.give b}ry"r.t of P[iaseV urits parkiig c6ndos h phas;rtr. He neverEeed t*iriJia urese par-Kng condos rn relauon to Phase V . I arn-sure it was tle original developels intention to deedrestict these parking-condos so that the transfer of units in Phase V fouia aho reluliin i[i t u".f"i orthe parking condos.Unfortunately, this was not done. .. A case T pginjwhich illustrates this is when Phase Vunits 17 & 18 were sold in 1993. The ownerofthetwo units. had hYo parking-condos in Phase III. In the sale of the two units the settei Llpt-one oltnepaxkrng mndos so that he could use it with another property he had 1n another part of Vail'. His aUillty tokeep the^one pqtcing splce shows that there is in efiecf no iarking that ir-uppuit"o*t to phase V. "^_t;h:::t^"5 111911,o!1"_ l9n tlat t|9 d,eveloper of Phase N sholl-d providd_ihe total required p*ki"eror rnase v. n snould also be provtded tn such a manner tlat when a sale of interest in Phase V occursit continues to have the requir6d amount of parking after the sale. , , V,nfort "ately Phase V seems not to be id.com_pliance with ttre parking requirements of the Town Ofvarl. lt rs our understanrttng txat by code units l7 & 18 in Phase V should have 4 parkine spaces whichare.appl{telant to it ,when in fact it has none. This is the perfect opportunity fot tt{" iouir-6i Vuii L9df thit de^velopment finally-comply with the parking ldws of thi'iown. iam sure it is the intention oftne 'l own ut vail to correct this problem and therefore look forward to their actions on this matter. a' THIS DECLARATION is made this - day of , L987, by VAIL VILLAGE INN, INC., a Colorado corPoratiorr ( ttDeclarant" ) . DECLAMTION OF EASE},IENTS AND RIGHTS RECITALS 1. Declarant is the record and beneficial owner of the part hereof. remainder of the Propert real property (the "Property") situate in the Town of Vail, County of Eag1e, State of Colorado, which Property is more partibularly-described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a 3. The Property consists of Phase IV and Phase V, which phaee V is more pirtitularly described in Exhibit B attached hereto and made i part herebf and with Phase IV being the 2, Town of Vail Ordinance No. 7, Series of L976, established Special Developnent District 6 ("SD6") for Ehe purpose of eniuring the unified and coordinated development and irse'of the Property and other contiguous Property previously owned by Declaiant. SD6 recognized and anticipates that the property covered thereby would be developed in phases, with all vehicullr parking requiied for the SD6 develoPmel! to be contained in phaies denominaced as "Phase IIII', "Phase IV" and "Phase V" t+. Declarant has constructed on Phase V the projecE "Project") known as Village Inn Plaza-Phase V Condominiums has lequested approval of-the Town of Vail of a subdivision the Prdperty so that Phase V will be legally seParated fron IV. As Ph red as a seDaraEe proper ers t' eclarant des the vehicular Par sPaces Prov n Phase IV. 5. Vehicular ingress and egress to the northly side-of- Parcel V and vehicular-parking foi delivery and service vehicles are presently provided bver, icross and upon a portion of Parcel iV. 'Declarant'desires to grant to the Owners an easement for the continued use of such pres6nt ingress, egress and vehicular parking. 6. Utility lines now servicing Parcel IV may present-l-y be locaEed in Parcei V and utility lines now servicing Parcel V may presently be located in Parcel IV. Declarant desires to grSnt Lnd reseive reciprocal easements to continue the use of such present utility lines. t' 7, To permit unobstructed pedestrian access betv/een PhaseIV and Phase V, Declarant desires to grant and reserve reciproc:rl easements for the ingress, egress and passage of pedesCrians on,over and across Phase IV and Phase V. 8. Trash collection and removal receptacles are presently located on Phase IV. There are presently no such receptacleslocated on Phase V. Declarant desires to grant to the Ownerscertain rights to use the trash receptacles located on Phase IV. 9. An outdoor swinrming pool and related deck area(col1ecCively called herein the "Swimming Pool") are presently located on Phase IV. Declarant desires to grant to certain of Ehe Owners certain rights to use the swiarning pool and related deck area located on Phase IV. 10. Declarant desires to grant the above described easements and rights pursuant to Ehe terqs and conditions setforth in this Declaration. DECLARATION Declarant does hereb ublish clare thatfol1ow:inffi ons. eaa res triction:,; e a Duroen ano a Declarant, its succ#sors and assigns, and any person or entityacquiring or owning an interest in the real property described inExhibit A and all other real property which is or becomes subjectto this Declarati,on and improvements builE thereon, theirgrantees, successors, heirs, personal representatives, deviseel;or asslgns. SD6 PARKING RIGHTS n and subdivi contained in when sucti d to theVail for parking provide In accordance with the agreement that as may be required pursuant to Paragraph such additionalI above willthe parking requirements of Phase V, conveYs resDec ve cus t t to use e reasona owner of g, hrithout tation, the right to c rge a Iee use of such vehicular parking spaces; provided,however, Phas e such terms and Owners, their condi t ions Cenants or shal l Eheir not discriminate againstrespective customers and theinvitccs ACCESS AND PARKING EASEMENT 1. Declarant hereby grants and conveys to each Owner anon-exclusive, Derpe-tual Laiement a"a iilttt'ir-ri"y ( ghq ',d6c€rsgand Parking EasimeirE").over, ""io"" and Ehrough parcer rv, forEhe purposes of providing.ro each ownei,-i;;-E;";"ts and theirrespective customers and-invitees, (i) i vehicular parking areaupon Parcel rv located-adjacenr to dtr!_""tti""i"i*parking arealocated on rhe northerly iia" rr parcel v;;J-;; te shown as a"loading zone" on the Ci,"aori"i.tsr.M"p (the ,,Map,,) of the project,to be recorded in the real prof"lty r..ords in rhe office of c'eclerk and Recorder of nagre-coinly, coroiaao,-tJ provide inconjuncrion with. such derignaEed i""ii;;-;;;; ;; la"q"ii"-farkingarea (collectively_ the "pa;king Area") F"i-d"ii""iy ".,o servicevehicres makine deriveries or Eeivice ca11s to-ana pick-ups atPhase v, wirh iarking itr.i"on r:-iric"a to such-rirn. p".iods assuch vehicles ire acEually rati"l deriveries-'o.-"er.,ri"e carls Loor pick-ups ar phase V; and (ii)"a-roaar"y-in"i.iio' pro.ridingvehicular insress and egress'from-Vail n"ia,'-"-i.isn ot Vair,colorado, pubric road, Eo ;h"-p;;5i"g-4i""-;"; i;; rhree parkingspaces located on the norrherly siae"oi-f;r;;i u,'-ao be shown asliurited conunon elemenE parking'-snaces on the.nf"e. So long assuch ingress and, egress'and pirk'ing are provided for, DecraranLreserves the risht from time to t:-ile to h"rit".te the actualroute of such iigress.ana lgress across parcEl rv and the actuallocation of such"p".ti"l-.r3"i-itt. northerry boundary ri_ne ofParcel V. 2, Declarant, as the owner of phase IV, shall at i_ts solecost and expense clean, remove snow and i-c", i"pair and maintairrthe roadway-and parking .;;;;-ii.rua"a within rire Access andParking EaiemenE^ i" go;a-oiJlr]"Ionoirion anJ i"pui.. 3. The Access and parking Easement sharl run with the larrdand shall be appurtenant to parIel V, such that a transfer oflegar title ro'itt. or any p.;;i;; of'parcel -v-"rr"rr auromarical ly:::i:I:: a proporrionare- ii,t"re"c in the n""""i--..a i;;;;;;-"-"tEascment. e shall Iand to all oa proportionate r.nceres t o August 24, 1999 George Reuther, Town of Vail Community Dwelopment JeffWinston Vail Plaza Hotel Design Review VAIL VILIAGE MASTER PLAN lllustrative Plans Elland Use Plan - ls consistent with Medium/High Density Residential designation. EIOpen Space Plan - Does not reduce Village Inn Plaza w/ Greenspace. EParking and Circulation - Does not continue EAr'r' pedestrian linkage from Crossroads to Vail Road. EBuilding Height - Exceeds 3 to 4 story designation to achieve "stepping down" to Gateway building. EBuilding Height Profile--Does not achieve stepping down toward Vail Road. EIAction Plan - lmplements projected infill development of residential/lodging infill. ESub-area | - Commercial development at ground level to frame interior plaza with greenspoce - Cl Mass of building does not "step up" fiom existing pedestrian scale along Meadow Drive to 4-5 stories dong Frontage Road. Rather, makes an abrupt transition to 5 to 5 stories. tr Desigp does not maintain view corridor from 4-way stop (roundabout) to Vail Mountain. Applicable Objectives ("Special Emphasis"): gl .7 Encourages the upgnding and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities. pl2.3 Increases the number of residential units available for short-term ovemight accommodations. @,2.4 Encourage the development of a variety of new commercial activity where compatible wrth existing land uses.pl2.6 Encourages the development of affordable housing units through the efforts ofthe Private sector, g3.l Minimizes the amount of vehicular trafiic in the Village to the greatest extent possible. tr4. I Does not improve existjng open spoce oreos or oeote new plozos with greenspace and pocket park. Ets. I Meets parking demands with public and private pa*ing facilities. g6.l Provides service and delivery facilities for existing and new development. Land Use Comparison (Appendix A) WMP Appendix A Pnposed Unbuilt units 148 a.u. fl4 e.d.u.)4 | d.u.+ 97 a.u. (90 e,d.u.) Unbuilt square feet 45,636 | 0 r,060 nA\ --. nr' \" X nlJJ/\ q)'$:)$ The location and conte>d of this building makes the Vail Village Ma*er the primary guiding documenl n the Urban Design Guide Plan. 2299 PEARL STREET. SUITE 100 o BOULDER. CO 80302 I 303-440-9200 o FAX 301-449-6911 o Qt TOWN OFVEN 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2100 FAX 970479-2157 August 26, 1999 Tim Losa Zebren & Associates 48 East beaver Creek Boulevard Avon, Colorado 81658 Vail Plaza Hotel Dear Tim. Thank you for meeting with me tbis moming to discuss the next steps in the development review process of the Vail Plaza Hotel. The purpose of my letter is to zummarize our discussion and provide you with written documentation of the proceedings of the joint worksession meeting held on Tuesday, August 24'. As we discussed, the proposed development review process for the Vail Plaza Hotel will include the following meetmgs: PEC - September 27t (worksession) DRB - October 6'n (conceptual review) PEC - October 1 th (worksession) TOWN COLiNCIL - October t2d lupdate; DRB - October 20d (conceptual review) PEC - October 25'n (final review) TOWN COUNCIL - October 26' (update) TOWN COLTNCIL - November 2'd (worksession/ls reading)'[OWN COUNCIL - November 16'n (worksession/2od rcadi"gl These dates are tentative anri subject to change depending upon your abililv to meet submittai deadlines and the magnitude of the issues to be addressed. Please m;uk your calendar accordingly. ln addition to the development revierv schedule, rve also discussed the issues raised during the joint rvorksession meeting. According to my notes, the fbllowing issues or concems wcro expressed by the various board mernbers during the joint rvorkscssion discussion: r How will left tums out of the loading/delivery area be handled?o What portion of the ioading/delivery improvements is in the South Frontage Road right-of-way?. How will the deficit parking requirement for the entte special development district be handled?. How does the current proposai compare,/contrast to the original proposal and the previous SDD approval?o The pedestrian walkways in and around the hotel need to be addressed. As proposed they are too narrow and fail to function poperly. How will pedesrian circulation be addressed?o How will access to the hotel from East Meadow Drive be orovided? {g*no*"uo f . what steps are bein-c;at6qtf*rue that the Cateway Bu.ilding is isolaed from the pedestrian ramc on Easr aMeadow Drive? , n-'. ...1- . The long, linear fagde of the north eievation, along the South Frontage Rbad, needs to be articulated. What can be done to this elevation to increase the articulation?r The canyons between the buiidings are unattractive. What solutions are there to eiiminating the unattractiveness of the canyms?. What exactly is being proposed to improve the streetscape along Vail Road?r What are the rafiic impacts of the proposed hotel?. How is the "sense of anival" to the hotel being ad&essed?. The height of the building should vary along tle South Frontage Road. What soiutions are there to varying the roofheigbt? o How would you propose to incorporate the comments of JeffWinston into the proposed plans?o What solutions have you developed to respond to the issues raised by Greg tlall in his letter to me of August 19' r999? Each of tbese issues needs to be addressed in writrng by September f aud discussed wi& the Planning & Environmental Commission on September 27". Again, thank you for meeting with me to continue the discussions on the Vail Plaza Hotel. Should you have any questions or concerns with regard to the information addressed in my letter, piease do not hesitate to call. You can reach me by telephme at 479-2145. Sincerely, e-*-',Q-**,t George Ruthe{, AICP Senior Planner Town of Vail Xc: Vail Town Council Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission Town of Vail Desip Review Board Russell Forrest, Community Development Director Waldir Pratto "a tlr The developer further obligated itself to provide parking for Phase V owners in Phase IV ofthe project by granting Phase V owners certain rights, as follows: "... Declarant hereby grants and conveys to each Owner, its tenants and their respective customers and invitees, the right to use such vehicular parking spaces on Phase IV under the terms and conditions as are reasonably established by the owner ofPhase IV including, without limitation, the right to charge a fee for the use of such vehicular parking spaces..." Based upon such promise, the Town of Vail permitted the original developer to construct Phase V without parking ofany kind, except for about three outside parking spaces on the northwest side of the building, reserved exclusively for commercial owners, and two "loading zone only" parking spaces made available in the same location for all owners. Thus, residential owners in Phase V have nothing but the developers promise, and the Town of Vail's resolve, to ensure that they have adequate parking for themselves and their guests and invitees. In order to make the residential units in Phase V attractive to potential purchasers, the original developer sold to each purchaser of a residential unit a condominiumized parking place owned by the developer in Phase III. These parking places were deeded separate from the units, and were not made appurtenant to the units. Thus, each owner was free to resell hisftrer/its parking place independent ofhis/herlits unit. At least one such ownerhas taken advantage of that ownership arrangement. A predecessor of Meadow Creek Ventures purchased two units (Units 17 and l8) in Phase V and was thus allowed to purchase two parking spaces in Phase III as a result. The owner then combined the trvo units into one penthouse unit, and sold the penthouse unit to a purchaser. ln the sale, the owner sold only one ofthe two parking spaces to the purchaser, and retained the other parking space for his own use. As it turns out, the prior owner also owned other property in Vail (not in the Village Inn Plaza SD6), and wanted the second parking space for that unit. The sum result of the development of SD6 to date is that no parking exists in SD6 for owners in Phase V other than what they have been able to purchase from independent owners of condominiumized parking places in Phase III. With respect to Phase III condomiumized parking spaces, none are deed restricted for use solely by owners in SD6, and all may be sold to owners outside SD6. In fact, many such spaces have already been sold to owners outside SD6. Thus, there is no guarantee that the condominiumized parking spaces in Phase III will be available for owners in SD6, or Phase V for that matter, in the future. The only thing the owners in Phase V have to ensure adequate parking in the future is the original owner's promise as quoted above. OFVAILCumv Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAx e7*($*845?rsss o(teop \b Tim Losa Zefuen & Associates 48 East beaver Creek Boulevard Avon. Colorado 81658 Re:Vail Plaza Hotel Dear Tim. Thank you for meeting yesterday moming to discuss the traffic corffnents outlined in the memorandum from Greg tlall, dated August 19'n, with regard to the Vail Plaza Hotel. The purpose of my letter is to summarize our discussion and provide you with written documentation of the meeting. As we discussed, the plans will bc reviseri to provide a minimum of five loadingidelivery berths on the north side of the hotel. It is our understanding that the loading/delivery area will provide facilities for the entire special development district. We firther understand that the loading/delivery area will be designed to accornmodate tash removal and drop-off for passenger coachcs serving the hotel. No passenger coach drop-off will be permitted on Vail Road. The drive ramps to the undergound structure shall meet minimum width requiremcnts of 12 feet. It is our understanding the plans will bc reviewed to insure compliance. An off-site improvements pian is required. The off-site improvements plan shall illustrats the proposed improvemcnts along the South Frontage Road, Vail Road, and East Meadow Drive, including the bus stop and plaza area. It is our understanding that the sidewalks and driveways wili be equipped with a snow melt system. The proposed off-site improvements shall be reviewed by the Town of Vail. Those off-site improvements affccting the public right-of-way shall be reviewed and approved by the Colorado Deparfinent of Transponation. A surfacc waler drainage plan is requircd along with the site gading plan. The plan shall illustrate of surtbce water will be handled on the site and horv the on-sitc drainage system will tie into the Town's sto[n sewer svstem. The traffic report needs to be revised to include additional information. The revised report shall includc an analysis prepared by the consulting engineer of the traffic impacts of the hotel at each of thc access points to the hotel propeily. Lastly, we understand that you will be revisiting the design of the parking garage exit where it intersects with Vail Road. As desiped, the streetscape does not project the appearaDce of a pedesrian-friendly area. A good example of a pedestrian-friendly streetscap€ where vehicles and people must interface with one another is in front of the Sonnenalo. {g *""t"uo r^r* -.t -. \l" .tG l\1-.,:\ -.;.r' ttt'- .t'** $ Eacb of trhese issues oeeds to be adfressed by Sepernber / . Once the rwisios have been made to the plans please cootact GregHall,(479-Zli0) to schedule a meetingtinre to review tbe cbanges.'-\ AeBio,lhmklo0 formeaingtocontinue the discussionsontbeVail Plazallotel. Shouldyou have any quesions u concems wi6_rogird to th€ information ad&essed in my l€ter, please do nbt hesitate to call. You can reach nr by EkFqilI47e-2r45. Senior Planner Town of Vail -Quth./t GregHalt, Drectoof Pnblic Wc.ks Jay Peterson Waldir Pratto Xc: o 1:t T 9Extr .9€'o}rLJ .6 Sa' s 6lit e !iir tnEoeIot4, (Dgeth l/^'v g o=tr 6N6 & :6 F :AE c .F _g|rJ A(!9o O _c! dl:E 9psE e tE z -g= =E-o-3 c .F 6 o LU Er! e, obo(! B; 'e 3 I €$i:F -Y ao 8,8_.E I,ct nilll .tlE .94JUov, 6N G'E 1^v €)Po =6NG L 6 co G' _9u.t r! N(! CL o,,t -g= *$>f, rh e,o IE otll i EO€Ea E =EA /^,\v 9S6 Ei Nq* EFF fiiffi oPo = c-6 E .9 (! c, !L- E =o3t', c .F G' E c) Eo (E _9l! t-oz N!| ? YI U a es i:F _=oEI_-5'; E->3 Eriii N?lll ttlEo Huo3t' boC ret ==6 /-,v €)Po =GN6 L .E o EE>(!oP: 'r= = \.,ov) €pEEfi>.E= EE3 c.oE (d(d OEtriR Er)uJ (gLa*|rr= -coEU z { N!| .hEo ftt c) UJEbE6n boIE# ==E /v 986dIe- Nq+ EgF E i!i! * Siir Io = 6 N ,F(! c, tJ'J -c =ovt o 6 g tr.l ltl o) (d g |rJ (g tlJ o (! o IJJ ts z a8, =o (J 343 Eai hfr * =3E =eo //^v €)HoT 9SGT9. Ne* E5F s$iii N?ll: 6 co EP _as 'r=-coE(Joca i;str= g6 .oE .E(! otsER EUtrl o EP _asrfJ 5<o EUz N!| o.lt- ta, =E3 =< Jr ?o r'i oJ l/^,v oPoT 936Fs. N9*Es-' "E \. \i \\.(\) ) I E A!il * !iil ! | i I iil iF, Illi lt l tlf il ! l EllE l5 l! ilr lE lr t J, I lls li lh ls lt llr lrlrllr lrlSllE l5lEIls r llr lr ls llr 3, tr : li lilt: lE lilli l:liililil:ll:l! lillill r ll-"t t il t t il t t il t t il t t il il -il I a_ltt i Iril:c q9ll e gt q E 1?q ?{ SIrB+lTr- d.! i Il! x r iili TI i lis ll s 1l r:C a lE lq I = li lF I F l* lc oE O rr, =F.EE! .22 o (uJ /\v o oT 9S6dI3-NFE6:€ E3*' r Stii frgiii "a N \. ) ( _-_---J i.v' i\\i\,i\\L___- \ {'( \-\/ 00mil0 ttr;--r-;+IT:-----t-----:i--r-t tt9 6tf gt?;--r-; tli ----------------ttt Ett a_ __iL _ _:- Elr il Elllalslall :li l: ll ilili g o\frq€ 6zJ /^,v oHoT 9g6Ee-N8;rs_.E ESF 6 s i!l! = liil 'O,trEtrit-f-l ) ( {,FL.oooCIoooCIooo o oooocloooo o oooooioooo oooooioooo ooooooooooo ooiooooooo ooiooooooo 4 ---< otro; E; G'J /.'v oPo =9g6Eq N9; EE*. .E n[lli ( ( It OnO O7^to =-< o3aFJ o1 o.sJ /^v oHoT oq 6EE. NEErs_.8Es-' 6 = Stii tr!iii_--"- oo EbFB llo; odJ //^'v €)PoT -sgcEq N8Ers_-E Es-" 6 n[!li-.'-L =Oalr fo O:-)-e€) .I /-,v oHo =p$6Is-N8;rg_-F Es-' G r 3!il frgiii-/. o rr3 €ri)g Y.; /v oPo =9g683-NiE6:E ESF .E s alil * !iir-.-1. .Xtt, 4E? o*J'; //a'v g o =9E6EiN5;rs__E EEF .E =illl 4 D D € =--a e G' 6_i o!o.cM //^v aPoT !s6sq Nq;Es*' .E s ilii * !iir ,E D € n € D.E _t =6q 6_E Id)i€* .h /v @Po =9S6siNF;c:€ E5*' .E hft aTrg8 NA;ffi{ # p ol>1 e q) \:\eorl ratru nilll g (J q) lg o9t=r>:c_9o!! q, AI e3 l:F-9dokuf 3e' g Alil n !iil =_EL E@ o =boE E =EA /^v oPoT 6N _qL :6 ffiK I It- /$ I I I i\ I Iv,e Ilt i&, c,E uiqosb-57X."i'<E; E*T d 0J+ E 9S i:-9.o'ohu-6 Sa' ftilll N tr -EL E.9(u =bo .EE =EA /^v IoT 6 N _qL G btl l/S t,- I /t l1 I l I 1\ I 5../,e t,.g i n,4/n,,q ___Ll/n ulj\El I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development September 27, 'l999 A request for a worksession to begin preliminary discussions with regard to the proposed redevelopment of the VailVillage Inn, Phase lV, located within Special Development District No. 6. Applicant: Planner: lt. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUESTS The applicant, Waldir Prado, dba Daymer Corporation, represented by Jay Peterson is requesting a worksession with the Planning & Environmental Commission to begin discussions regarding the proposed redevelopment of the Vail Village Inn. The purpose of the worksession with the Planning & Environmental Commission is to discuss the employee housing element of the proposal. From previous discussions with the Vail Town Council, the applicant will be required to provide deed-restricted affordable housing for a percentage of those new employee positions created as a result of the proposed hotel redevelopment. Due to insufficient submittal information, the Community Development Department staff is not prepared to discuss the many other aspects of the proposal (i.e., pedestrian/vehicle circulation, site planning, bulk/mass, etc.) at this time. BACKGROUND As indicated in a number of the goals and objectives ol the Town's Master Plans, providing affordable housing for employees is a critical issue which should be addressed through the planning process for Special Development District proposals. For example, Vail's Strategic Housing Plan identilies two critical issues facing the community: maintaining Vail's economic vitality and enhancing Vail's sense of community, and, the Vail Village Master Plan encourages the development of affordable housing units through the efforts of the private sector. In reviewing the VailVillage Inn proposalfor employee housing needs, staff relied on the Town of Vail Employee Housing Report. This report has been used by the Community Development Department staff in the past to evaluate employee housing needs. The guidelines contained within the report were used most recently in the special development district review of the Austria Haus and Gore Creek Club development proposals. fi? eoPr Daymer Corporation, represented by Jay Peterson George Ruther r .ib t ':t Thb Employee Housing Report, was prepared for the Town by the consulting firm Rosall,' Remmen and Cares, Inc., of Boulder, Colorado. Rosall, Remmen and Gares, Inc. has extensively researched the matters of affordable housing throughout the Rocky Mountain west with information from seventeen mountain resort communities. The report provides the recommended ranges of employee housing units needed based on the type of use and the amount of lloor area dedicated to each use. Utilizing the guidelines prescribed in the Employee Housing Report, the staff analyzed ths incremental increase of employees (square footage per use), that result from the Vail Plaza Hotel redevelopment. A copy of the Suooested Emolovment Cateoories and Ranoes for Vail Exoressed as Emolovees oer 1000 Souare Feet has been attached for reference. The ligures identified in the Housing Report are based on surveys of commercial-use employment needs of the Town of Vail and other mountain resort communities. For comparison purposes, Telluride, Aspen and Whistler, 8.C.. all have "employment generation" ordinances requiring developers to provide atfordable housing for a percentage of the "new" employees resulting from commercial development. "New" employees are defined as the incremental increase in total employment needs resulting from commercial redevelopment, Each of the communities assesses a different percentage of affordable housing a developer must provide for the "new" employees. For example, Telluride requires developers to provide housing tor 40/o (0.40) of the "new" employees, Aspen requires that 60% (0.60) of the "new" employees are provided housing and Whistler, B.C. requires that 100% (1.00) of the "new" employees be provided housing by the developer. In comparison, Vail has conservatively determined that developers shall provide housing tor 15h (0.15) or 30% (0.30) of the "new" employees resulting from commercial development. In recent discussions, the Vail Town Council has expressed an interest in increasing the percentage into the 40% to 60% range. Historically, however, when a project has proposed to exceed the density allowed by the underlying zone district, the 30% (0.30) figure has been used in the calculation. lf a project was proposed at, or below, the density allowed by the underlying zone district, the 15% (0.15) figure was used. The Vail Plaza Hotel special development district major amendment proposal exceeds the density permitted by the underlying zone district, and therefore, the 30% figure shall be used. During previous discussions with both the Planning & Environmental Commission and the Vail Town Council, the issue of affordable housing has been briefly discussed. A majority of the discussion has focused on two issues: where the affordable housing will be provided and what percentage of the "new" employees will be provided housing. Of greatest importance is the matter of 'where". Due lo the limited availability of vacant land resources within the Town of Vail, compounded by the potentially large number of a{fordable units that will be required to be provided, the Council, the Commission and the applicant have briefly discussed "down-valley" alternatives. In discussing the possible alternatives of providing the required affordable units "down-valley", members ot the both the Council and the Commission have expressed an interest in increasing the percentage of "new" employees that shall be provided housing. Historically, the Community Development Department staff has recommended that at a minimum of 15% of the "new" employees are provided affordable housing if the proposal does not exceed allowable density figures and 30"/o if it does. In the case of the Vail Plaza Hotel proposal, staff would recommend that if the applicant is unable to provide affordable units within the Town of Vail, that the percent of "new" employees that need to be ilt. provided affordable housing opportunities be increased. Staff believes that an increase beyond the historical 30% requirement is appropriate if the unils can not be provided within the Town of Vail. Staff feels that the increase is necessary since the immediate benefits of the affordable housing units will not be fully realized by the community (year- round occupancy in Vail, sense of community, economic vitality and sustainability, reduction in l-70 traffic, Vail residents employed by Vail businesses, etc.) Staff believes that the loss of benefits can be mitigated by requiring more affordable units of the developer. In staff's opinion, the amount of increase should be dependent upon the location of the housing (Avon versus Eagle), the type of units (for sale versus rental), the size of the units (one bedroom studio versus three bedroom single family), the long-term master lease potential of the units, the provision of employer-provided shuttle transportation service t0 Vail, the proximity and availability of public transit, how the requirement is being met (new construction versus deed-restricting existing units), etc. The applicant has provided projected employment figures for the operation of the redeveloped Vail Plaza Hotel. The applicant estimates a need for approximately 218 employees. Of the 218 new employees the applicant is proposing to provide affordable housing for 55 (25%) of the employees. The applicant's estimate is the result of an in- depth analysis of employee need prepared by the applicant. The applicant's analysis is based, in part, upon the current staffing needs of the Vail Village Inn, established industry standards, and an interview of similar local hotels. The analysis includes a full- time and part-time position breakdown in the projected employee staffing need. Besides concluding that the projected employee need for the Vail Plaza Hotel will be approximately 218 total employees (both full-time and part{ime) the applicant believes that the guidelines and ratio proposed in the Town of Vail Employee Housing Report are excessive and do not reflect industry standards nor do they represent actual local hotel needs. According to the applicant's analysis, the greatest discrepancy between the Vail Plaza Hotel's projected need and the Town of Vail guidelines is the employee need for the "lodging" aspect of the hotel (concierge, bellmen, reservations, housekeeping, etc.) A copy of the "Vail Villaqe lnn Staffino Summarv' has been attached for reference. DISCUSSION ISSUES 1. The applicant has indicated a potential need to provide some or all of the required employee housing for the Vail Plaza Hotel outside of the Town of Vail. The need to look outside of the Town is a direct result of the lack of available private land for developing employee housing in Town. The staff would suggest that the applicant and Planning & Environmental Commission discuss the possibility of building the required employee housing outside the Town. 2. The applicant and the staff have each completed projections of the potential number of "new" employees resulting from the redevelopment of the Vail Village Inn. The method of calculation used by both the applicant and the staff has been essentially the same. Though the method of calculation was similar, there is a discrepancies in the projected number of "new" employees between the staff's analysis and the applicant's analysis. The staff has projected an anticipated need for 266 "neW'employees, while the applicant anticipates a need tor 218 "new" employees. The difference in the projections is 48 employees. The major J a) b) c) o) e) f) differences between the stalf's calculations and the applicant's calculations are in the anticipated number of employee needed to operate the lodging (bellmen, reservations, housekeeping, etc.), the retail and the restaurant components of the hotel. In several instances the applicant is anticipating a greater need than is anticipated by staff. For example, the applicant projects that 36 employees will be needed to successfully operate the health club while staff is projecting only 29. Staff would suggest that the applicant, the staff and the Commission discuss the calculation methodology of the employee generation analysis. 3. Staff would turther suggest that the applicant and the Planning & Environmental Commission discuss providing a portion of the required employee housing on- site in the form of Manager's-types of units. On-site employee units have been identified by the community as being one of the most desirable locations for employee housing because of the many benefits realized by on-site housing. On-site employee housing units have been provided in several recent proposals. For example the Austria Haus deed-restricted a dwelling unit within the building and has reserved its occupancy for a Hotel Manager and the Marrioft will be providing 10 beds within the hotsl. EMPLOYEE HOUSTNG GENERATTON ANALYSIS The Employee Housing Generation Analysis below indicates the top, the middle and the bottom of the ranges recommended by the Town of Vail Employee Housing Report, as well as a stiaff recommended figure which was used in determining the employe€ housing needs of the Vail Plaza Hotel. A summary of the Employee Housing Generation Analysis is as follows: Bottom of Range Calculations: Retail/Service Commercial =3,550 sq. ft. @(5/1000 sq. ft.) ='17.8 employees Health Club =19,955 sq. ft. @(1/1000 sq. ft.) =19.9 employees RestauranUlounge/Kitchen =8,700 sq. ft. @(5/1000 sq. ft.) = 43.5 employees Conference Center Lodging =15,338 sq. ft. @(1/1000 sq. ft.) = 15.4 employees = 98 units @(.25lunit)=24.5 employees =18.4 employeesMulti Family (Club Units) = 46 units @(.4/unit) Total Employees (-60 existing employees) (X 0.30 multiplier) =139.5 employees = 79.5 employees = 23.9 new employees a) b) c) d) e) f) a) b) c) d) e) f) Mlddle of Range Calculations: Retail/service commercial = 3,550 sq. ft. @(6.5/1000 sq. ft.) =23.1 emptoyees Health Ctub =19,955 sq. ft. @(1.25/1000 sq. ft.) =25.0 emptoyees Restauranvlounge/Kitchen = 8,700 sq. ft. @(6.s/1000 sq. ft.) =56.5 emptoyees Conference Center =15,338 sq. ft. @(1i1000 sq. ft.) =1.b.4 emptoyees Lodging =98 units @(.75lunit) =73.5 emptoyees Multi Family (Club Units) =46 units @(.4/unit) =18.4 employees Total Employees =211.9 employees (-60 existing employees) =151.9 employees (x 0.30 mulriplio0 = 45.6 new employees Top of Range Calculations: Retail/Service Commercial =3,550 sq. ft. @(8/1000 sq. ft.) Health Club =19,955 sq. ft. @(1.5/1000 sq. ft.) RestauranVLounge/Kitchen = 8,700 sq. ft. @(8/1000 sq. ft.) Conference Center =15,338 sq. ft. @(1/1000 sq. ft.) Lodging = 98 units @(1.25lunit) Multi Family (Club Units) = 46 units Total Employees @(.a/unit) =28.4 employees -29.9 employees =69.6 employees =15.4 employees =122.5 employees = 18.4 employees =284.2 employees (-60 existing employees) =224.2 employees (X 0.30 multiplier)= 67.3 new employees Staff Recommended Ranqe Calculations: The staff believes that the Vail Plaza redevelopment will create a need for 206 additional employees. Of the additional employees, at least 62 employees (30%) will need to be provided deed-restricted housing by the developers of the vail Plaza Hotel il the housing is provided in the Town of Vail. lf the housing is located down-valley, at least 124 employees will need to be provided housing. The range recommended by staff is based on: 1. the type 0f retail and commercial use proposed in the commercial space within the Vail Plaza Hotel; 2. the size 0f the vail Plaza Hotel lodging component; 3. the level of services and amenities proposed by the developers for the guests of the vail Plaza Hotel;and 4. the result of research completed by Town of Vail staff of similar hotel operations in the Vail Valley. a) Retail/Service Commercial =3,550 sq. ft. @(6.5/1000 sq. ft.) =23.1 employees (middle of range)b) Health Club =19,955 sq. ft. @(1.5/1000 sq. ft.) =29.9 employees (top of range)c) RestauranULounge/Kitchen =8,700 sq. ft. @(6.5/1000 sq. ft.) =56.5 employees (middle of range)d) Conference Center =15,338 sq. ft. @(1/1000 sq. ft.) =15.4 employees (range does not vary)e) Lodging =98 units @(1.25lunit) =122.5 employees (toP of range)f) Multi Family (Club Units) =46 units @(.4/unit) = 18.4 employees (range does not vary) Total =265.8 employees (-60 existing employees) =205'8 employees (X 0'30 multiplie| =61.7 new employees (X 0.60 multiplier) =123.5 new employees 'Lodging h!! a pailcdarly large tarlatlon ol emdoy66 per roo.n, depondlng r.pon tactor3 swh a! rlze ol lacility and level ol servicer'suppoft servicos and EmsnitlE provldod. Depending upon the size of the employee housing unit provided, it is possible to have up to two employees per bedroom. For example, a two-bedroom unit in the size range of 2150 - 900 square feet, is possible of accommodating three to four employees. These figures are consistent with the requirements for the Type lll employee housing units outlined in the Municipal Code. E\l Fl-o \'I{s}..J 6ENEFJT'ON R TES EXiIII!IT A S ucc EstrD E[ff r_o \a l]sr{t Crrec orul-s,,t xo lt,,l,xcrs Fo R VAJ LExpn-esseo As Elu,royEns peR 1000 SeuAnE FErr-r RRC RESE^RCH OVERlLL AVERAGEs Succesrso R;,rqce BarlRestaurant 5.7/1000 s,f.5-811000 s.f.Rctail and Service Commercial 5.9/1000 5-8/1000Retail; Groccry/Liquor/Conveniencc I . 8/1000 r.5-3/1000Office: Real Estate 6-9lr000Office: Financial 3. I /1000 2.5-4t1000Officc; Profcssional/OrIcr 6,6/t 000 5-8/1000 onfcrcncc Ccnter Health Clrrb l-l.s/I000 I-odging* I .3/room .25-1.25/room L-ocal Govcrnnrent 6.5/1000 Construction (Officcs, Interior Storagc, etc.)10.6/1000 9.r 3/1000 Multi-Fanrily Single Family u.l/unltOrier: To be determined tlrough dre SDDprocess, upon submission of adequate docunrerrtation antj a revicu, of the apprlication matcrials. Multlpl.ler based on densi,ty .'30 1f exceeding denslty .15 if at or below densliy o ED(u(L eo E E a (U ul Io gl Et . .Et.gtt $IBH 63 fi c€ GI e .6l !E(tg o a 5 {J ' Eo 6l EiD o)ah v, o !)E cl() .lt B a, ut c) () .g B o () o qtEl'5t6 rFlttiul<- BIE €lE 9t{.).Ei > !)l/ -81'E -8tE EIE 3l; 5le Hlc =1 , Fl! 'lE9t9 EI< .0la 4 !) {) o o N tf rJi Eq, o (t sJ o (J ID (] tE a q)- I l|') atoxctio F € a E FIo!il) x € qr q) E€ aIc !J €)l,x!, P q! c) c) F. 6 g E,s g (lt {) lrlI (|) o B s' ,ttt o !) 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Etl) €€€o\\oal e{(.1al G 6| I L) + a () o "ct 4)"o htl a 6t rf,€ a.l c^tat ;<t6t =iE t\o\a!. oo 6 c.l (\,1!$o0 ()o C) a !) !J 6)6' iU 6) b! bn ,l bx tt) !l a v C) oI {)o g e () a (J .() 'tf* tu q) s (J (D a o e v q Q(, I n) e () tt) .0 () 0) () 0) U) a tl) CI (,* t:rl t IttlII|atlf I tctt4ttQ s -tl *o q_, -_tt oq) -o E(oo-,* -)!- (u g) Io- I I I I I I -l qrl 15l (l)I -8f xl sl(!l ot 'il *.': Isf 'rtltll*f €l ot},I >{ lqtll{)lptt It'-lt-l t€l tslll*llolt.tltutl t3ltrDl t-l tolItrltdlt{)lloItr t8lElc, lo ct lo (, LE lv, IH 1> tuAF!>.24 3 s€s sN so\$ N NsY s o\. s I I I I I ,.r I:l EI 8l bt El BI.rrl .dltl EI €l rltlil€lEI Fl >,19l fl >l I rzl tNl la1 l&tGl l> I alt lE lo {(J a)l EIil 6t >lol F<l EI H!! E F al q ..'l \o\ E I I I I I I I I I.lc)l b|t xl 6tl q)t 6ll FI.al ol otJ L': l(|) l-o lnJ lb0 t(J t: t-to tolx I I Iril allal c)| EI(\ttol t)l ctlr.l EI sll FI tAl xl -^lr.l El rrj Lu ld5 IBl* l'at'- I q.)tc) I att ID lor o al co €o\al ol .tl€\ut lcld let obl ctEIJIr.l,xl () i1co e t() t9 tCll t(uI a:l IU' 9t lu r-o\$€&({ c.ltf cl c o {r U (J !4 (] {)U E cj U) IDnr n)o a o& \o at U) c)o & It{, E(t CL o Ga I& E =3 Eq) o q) ='= # E (! tt, E (! Eo o) (! ;eK)F q) EF (l, o ; (! U' 6) =-v (u c E (s a{) o '= o E o (! (o th (l) (\t 3 o)oc E.o o Q) o E 0)q {) -o '= u,o.H o $ '6 (uooo t\.g o Eo E (D o o 6+ o oI gca ooo o cl- Eo (, (g 3 U'o eq)oq oq) = o3:r 14oor!T E ot $ aa 5(u =o o-o E c l _l Iarl o) o dt cl.c t-oF E(! (l) Eo€ e E(! q) lo lE L a/t IE t(!lo tol>I|l)lctolo l-clq) l5 l6 IEt:l(! 16lq) let; l5 ls tt lslc t! It t:IrtcIC utl 6t GI an1 el 0) o c,tt o) o- tho =o U' E E (! tng c) o .g o 6 o .9 E (E 06 E (Er. IElota IE l0) t; t: t(ulolol; <ilEIdt EIol€lal -cl o1(lrl E] (\l g(!E E E o ao(tl (go Eo6 .!2 (os o0t 6o€ .E @s Eta,ti IEt6t3 IDlo IEloto _l .9s (E (u .q o6 (l) o _l l 6oo E E() (o(o ao at, r?cll\l I To. o e(o (A o (l)o6 c)-c -lol Eoo 6 E -o ooo(! -o lq, t- lo) lo 16 ls) ldlolo) lo l6Ic)tatl6' IFt.. [o tgloIE I Il>I(s l.tl.tt>l(E lv ct t>ltAlo t:- t(D |U E ID (a 36c) ec)o E A ulo(l) E E dt (oo lo(o 10(t,C\l oat.a ro a{oro F.NF -5 I oF _o TL ;i o- .Ea EE 3tlE' oF oa- lolool>.lo llo StEcloE IEEl) +.t-olgzloIF ; E E/a(, d) !: 0)otg {tt-clllo t: l_3 l€ lF le l3 IE lc IEt: tf; o l- lo l+ tglolc I I ->l>l €Elo>lF*l t EI agtol 6lC'I 3lurl 6rl -clEt -cl o |llo IEo (J .l b +te6 =ct Fo)(ort sFsEtg oo(\l (rt c,o |rr_o (\llrt r.)- ct @C'ro_ c) otr .Etl c)(o l. J' s6 l I at!t (! o o o Eo6 q) (l) E = tl o) r0o-i() taEt: l6 lo) l* o oIL II o(t G,o Eq. il.Itl!.. s, ,(,s |D2 oz =oJ oll. UI Fzo oulo 6 L oz ILl|- F at, o tr an ta I Ilolcl6lv,tolo- .^l(:lc)l olol oto o o It (n sIJc (Y) @ a?t c 6, EE6ooo a, o otrc ro ro ro to rf'o o rc rO o = tgcl!,a tt 9,g o oo o CI Eut d€ (D oI o) (6 (D q) ct oa E TL o) ooc E o ai 5 E =o(, T- =(! E. o{,o5 () o- o o .o 6 + d) o :E (! oo oo CD o5o oat o o Ec) o. = C'o an oeo,o. .F $E o.o at(t.co o + dt oI q) Lo c x (6; t(U -o .6 E 66 o)u oEo=x it)o Ec) oo (L U)h 6 (!oI (! d)tr oIt Elg Jo to o ttEr! Eotl oot E E n, o 0) =('l o€ d' oE (U ict = oc):oo ro =c p rl) Eo U' () J t5 B (5o '= o Q) z{)Q sllEc[ . E llto[> EIIE 'ilt E 3 ; F o oc g t, Lt oo{) o o. E UJ o:* .o!tq) o Eq, thtao '6 o q q (\I l/t o (l (t (\i q GI ul u?od ul g? (\l !' .Deoq oo og tr !' Eo U) cl (U Eat, 6)o ooN oo\ lr)ola r'N(o ootJt oo(o_ ooo) oo()- oo@ oot\ tt ooo_ c{ olf, @- lo () Eoz at,(,oc u, o o o J (g Nc)F x o o 6o oF o v) od oto o v, 0, o c o g =o (, Etuo E oa (! _o c, Q o CLo i =c,{,o.o o*$ ut E() tho g (Eo xo Y e -9 d(, o)x. {) -go e C) (E (j, (g N -g(L (g o @ (l, cD i-v IFv, Es<{ ^-ot (LG=e-trlu Y?>\J E> a 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) IIOUSING POINTS: First it is WORTH REPEATING that it is our intention to have a first class service oriented hotel and it's main objective is obtaining year round business. And, as mentioned in orn STAFFING POINTS we also have planned our staffrng based on an operation that maintains full-time year- round employees that are more dedicated and motivated. By staffrng under these polices we will be able to offer a higher rate of pay giving our employees the opportunity to BIIY a home in the area and not rent. The level of staff that will make up our year-round employees are of the type that will already be established in a home in the valley. Part-time employees will be a full-time employee for another business in the valley and they will not need housing from VPH. Therefore onr housing needs (again) will be minimal, if any. Of the 98 possible part-time employees that VPH will need. Using the TOV Staffs forrrula 3 part-time equalsl full-time we would need beds for no more tban32.7 employees. t ?2 [,,/( /-r^* u t ?f , r,-*/ - 7''a7al l;u. =f zst ,.>12./ i-r'-L'\'Ln ?? :// 6 x 202 "2tZ ntuZ \/ PH vvt /6s 4r An^*u, ,. 23 :,22 :-?s COPYFIL T Orowx OFVAIL Depanment of Communiry Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 Septcmber 27, 1999 Tim Losa Zehren & Associates, Inc. 48 East Beaver Creek Boulevard Avon, Colorado 81658 Re: Vail Plaza Hotel Dear Tim, On August 24,1999, we discussed the outstanding submittal items you would need to submit to complete your application for the major amendrnent to Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village Im. I was recently reviewing the file and determined that there are still several items ttrat must be submitted to my office to complete your application. Those items include the written statement outlining how the redevelopment proposal complies with the nine desig review criteria prescribed in Section l2-9A-8 of the Town Code, a preliminary Uniform Building Code Compliance Report, a revised Traffic Impact Report, the Surface/Storm Water Drainage Plan and an Off-site Improvements Plan. Each of these items was to have been submitted to my office by September 7 in order to remain on the September 27 Planning & Environmental Commission. The next mecting with the Planning & Envbonrnental Commission is scheduled for Monday, October 1 I, 1999. The Vail Plaza Hotel is tentatively scheduled for review at this meeting. [r order to remain on the agenda you will need to provide a complete submittal by no later than noon, Wednesday, September 29. This deadline will provide the town staffan opportunity to review the proposal and retum any comments to you prior to the October I I meeting. In the absence ofa complete submittal, I see no reason to appear before the Planning & Environmental on October As I have stated in the past, thc Town is fully committed to moving the proposed Vail Plaza Hotel through the development review process in a timely manner. However, in order to do so, ample opportunity for review and meeting prcparation is required and established deadiines rnust be met. Upon the receipt of this letter please contact me so we may discuss the outstanding submittal infirrmation and the timeframc lor submining those items. You can rcach me most casily by tclcphonc at 479-2145. Sin0erelv. ".kffi-Q,.th.tSenior Special Projects Planner Town of Vail tP *n'-o"o Z E H R E N AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Tuesday, September 28, 1999 Mr. Gcorgc Ruther Senior Special Projects Planner Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re:Vail Plaza Hotel George: This letter is to address design criteria A through I as outlined in section 18.40.080 of the town code. It is our understanding that these nine (9) criteria are to be used in evaluating the merits of the Vail Plaza Hotel, the final phase of the Vail Village Inn Special Development District. A. Design Compatibility. We believe that the hotel is designed in such a way that is both compatible and sensitive to the environment, neighborhood, and adjacent properties. Setbacks are consistent with the underlyrng zoning in that they maintain an average of trventy feet (20') from most adjacent properties to the primary building walls. Additionally, the structure maintains setbacks consistent with adjacent properties along both the Frontage Road and Vail Road. Mass and bulk are sensitive to adjacent structures in that the hotel is designed to step up in height and bulk from both the street and adjacent smaller structures in order to maintain a comforlable pedestrian scale while maintaining consistent heights with adjacent structures roof lines and ridges. Additionally, we have purposefully hipped most of the roof forms at or along public streets and plazas to provide a consistent bulk plane at sheet level. The stepping and broken ridge lines, along with variations in materials and wall planes act to break down the overall mass and bulk of the project and relate the hotel to the surrounding neighborhood. The architectural design is meant to be both compatible with both the Gateway building and the remainder of the special development district while providing some identity to the hotel as both a recognizable and viable commercial structure within the community. B. Uses, Density, and Activity. The Vail Plaza Hotel is the last phase of the Vail Village lnn Special Development District and as such was always meant to be the anchor or most densely developed portion of the district. As a full service hotel, which includes conference, spa, restaurant, and commercial activities, the hotel meant to act as a "magnet" that draws people through the other smaller, commercial based structures in the special development district, (including the Gateway building). Additionally, the hotel is legally required to provide loading and delivery services, automobile access, and parking for the remainder of the special development district. C. Parking and Loading. We believe our loading facilities are in compliance with the requirements of chapter 18.52. We are providing six (6), 12' x 25' loading berths. The maximum required is five (5) 12' x 25' berths in accordance with 18.52.150. We believe our parking facilities meet the needs of the special development district of which it is a part. ARCH ITECTU RE. PLAN N INC.INTERIORS. LAN Ds(APE ARCI IITECTURE P(). Ilox 1976 . Avon, (-olorado 81620 . (970) 949-0257 . FAX (920) 949-1080 Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Zehren and Associates, Inc. 09128/99 We are proposing to provide all parking required by zoning chapter 18.52 for our hotel and thirty five, (35), ofan existing seventy five, (75) space deficit left by previous development in the district. It is our belief that the mixed-use reduction in the cunent zoning ordinance may not be adequate or correctly applied to the overall special development district. In addition, we feel that the requirements for parking, especially with regard to dwelling units that act as fraction fee units, (which are not addressed by current zoning), may be excessive. D. Conformity with Master Plan. We believe our development substantially complies with the goals expressed in the various plans contained within the adopted Vail Village Master Plan. The Land Use Plan indicates our site as MediumAligh Density Residential and as such recommends a lodging orientation with a limited amount of accessory retail. We are proposing to provide an increased amount of "urban open space" or public plaza and buffering greenspace in the areas indicated as such in The Open Space Plan. We believe that our project complies with the recommendation s in The Parking and Circalation Plan. We are proposing an intemal connection to the Vail Gateway shared pedestrian/auto area as indicated, an improved pedestrian connection to East Meadow Drive including new bus facilities as indicated, and a secondary external pedestrian connection to Vail Road between phase five and our project. Additionally we would be providing sidewalk improvements from the new bus stop on East Meadow Drive to the Gateway on Vail Road, and Bike/Pedestrian sidewalk improvements liom the Vail Gateway to the Vail Transportation Center on the Frontage Road. We believe that our design substantially complies with Building Height Plan in that the plan indicates buildings offive stories both to the east and west ofour site along the frontage road and north and south of our site on Vail Road. Our design maintains this four to five story relationship with our neighbors. We feel as though the three to four story designation is inconsistent with current conditions and are not applicable as they relate to our site. It is our understanding that these heights indicated in the plan were based on preserving views to Vail Mountain from the four way stop at the lntersection of Vail Road and the Frontage Road prior to development of the Vail Gateway and the Roundabouts. Because these views no longer exist with the development of the Vail Gateway as acknowledged in the plan, and because stopping to view the mountain is actually discouraged by the movement of trafflc in the roundabout, we feel that these standards may no longer apply. The Action Plan indicates our site as an area for potential residentiaVlodging infill in accordance with previous town approvals with which our proposed project is consistent. The Yail Village Sub-Areas 1-1 of the Vail Village Master Plan indicates our site as the final phase of SDD #6. In doing so, it identifies a series of goals, which we believe we comply with. Item 1.2 encourages "the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities." Item 2.3 "shongly encourages the development short term accommodation units" and recognizes that when units are "developed above the existing density levels, they should be managed in such a way that allows for short term ovemight rental". Item 2.4 encourages the development of new commercial infill compatible with existing land uses. Item 2.6 encourages the development of affordable housing units and may be required as part of any redevelopment project requesting a density over levels allowed by existing zoning. Item 3.2 recognizes the will to "reduce vehicular traffic in the village to the greatest extent possible". Item 4.1 encourages the improvement of existing open space to create new plazas with greenspace. Item 5.1 recognizes the need and desire to provide for parking demands on site and with underground and visually concealed parking. Item 6.1 recognizes the need to provide service and delivery facilities for existing and new development. ."' .|- Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Zehren and Associates, Inc. 09/28/99 E. G. H. F. Natural Hazards. We believe there are no natural hazards that may affect development of this site. Site and Building Design. We believe we have addressed this issue by compliance with the Vail Village Master Plan. Pedestrian/Vehicular Circulation. We believe we have addressed this issue by compliance with the Vail Village Master Plan. Additionally, haffic studies indicate that vehicular circulation pattems are considered safe and have relatively little impact on existing vehicular circulation systems. Functional and Aesthetic Landscaping. We believe we have addressed this issue by compliance with the Vail Village Master Plan. Additionally, we believe we have substantially improved on the amount and quality publicly accessible plazas, greenspaces, and pedestrian circulation systems. I. Phasing Plan. The development will be constructed in one phase with completion anticipated for late fall of2001. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concems regarding the information presanted. Additionally, if you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Tim Losa Project Manager Zehren and Associates, Inc. ..,,'|' Vail Villaee Inn Preliminarv Code Review Zehren and Associates. Inc. September 28. 1999 Underlyins Zonins - Public Accommodation Permitted Uses. Lodges Conditional Uses. Theaters, Meeting rooms, Convention Facilities. Public or commercial Parking Facilities. Retail, Eating, Drbking, Recreational uses not exceeding l0% of total GRFA of the main smrcnrres. Major Arcade, so long as it does not have any exterior frontage on any public way, street, or walkway. Type III EHU. Type IV EHU. Accessory Uses. Swimming pools, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted Lodge Uses. Lot Area 10,000 sq. ft. minimum. 30 ft. minimum street frontage. Size and shape capable ofenclosing a square eighty feet on each side. Setbacks. 20' front setback. 20' side setback. 20' rear setback. Height. 45' flat roof. 48' sloped roof. Density. 80 sq. ft. GRFA per 100 sq. ft. ofbuildable site area. 25 dwelling units per acre maximum. Site Coverage. 55% oftotal site area. Landscaping. 30% ofthe total site area. l5 ft minimum width and length to be included. 300 sq. ft. minimum area to be included. Parking. Per chapter 18.52. No parking or loading in the front setback area. Desisn Criteria - Special Development District A. Design compatibility with immediate environment, neighborhood, and adjacent properties relative to architectural design scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, identity, character, visual identity and character. B. Uses, activity, and density which provide a compatible, eflicient and workable relationship with surrounding uses. C. Compliance with parking and loading requirements. ') D, E. F. G. H. Conformity with applicable elements ofthe Vail comprehensive plan, town policies, and urban design plans. Identification and mitigation of natural and./or geologic hazards that affect the property. Site plan, building design, location, and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the environment. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off-site traIfic circulation. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve nafural features, recreation. views. and fturction. I. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional, and effecient relationship throughout the development ofthe special development district. Uniform Buildine Code - 1997 edition Occupancy Groups (Table 3-A) Grouo A-2.1 A-3 B M R-1 s-2 s-3 Atrium Section Description 303.1.1 A building or portion of a building having an assembly room with an occupant load of more than 300 without a legitimate stage. 303.1.1 A building or portion ofa building having an assembly room with an occupant load dfless than 300 without a legitimate stage. 304.1 A building or portion thereof, for oflice, professional, or service type transactions, including storage ofrecords, and eating drhking establishments with an occupant load of less than 50. 309.1 A building or portion thereof, for the display and sale of merchandise, involving stocks of goods, wares, or merchandise, incidental to such purposes and accessible to the public. 310.1 Hotels, apartrnent houses, and congregate residences (each accommodating more than l0 persons). 3l l.l Low-ha"ard occupancies include buildings or portions ofbuildings used for storage ofnon- combustible materials. 31 l. I Parking garages not classified as Group S, Division 4 Occupancies (open garages). 402 An opening through two or more floor levels other than enclosed stairways, elevators, hoistways escalators, plumbing, electrical, air-conditioning, or other equipment, which is closed at the too and not defrned as a mall. Occupancy Senarations (Table 3-B) Groun Group A-2 A-2 A-2 Group B B B B M M M R-l atria Group M R-l s-2 s-3 R-l s-2 s-3 s-2 R-l A-2 A-3 Separation No Requirements One Hour One Hour One Hour One Hour One Hour No Requirements No Requirements One Hour One Hour One Hour A-2 B A-2 M R-1 s-2 s-3 A-3 B A-3 M R-1 s-2 A-3 S-3 Separation No Requirements One Hour One Hour One Hour One Hour One Hour One Hour One Hour One Hour-Unprotected Tenants No Requirements - 3 floors A-3 A-3 atria atria R-3 One Hour - Protected * Commercial Kitchens accessory to A2lA3 dining areas which they serve do not need separation. * Administrative, clerical offices, gift shops, etc. accessory to Rl do not need separation (10% max. area). Buildins Height and Floor Area (Table 4-A. 5-B) GrouD A-2.1 A-3 B M R-1 s-2 s-3 Atrium Grouo A-2.1 A-3 B M R-1 s-2 s-3 Const. Tvne I-FR I.FR I-FR I.FR I.FR I.FR I-FR I-FR Const. Tvoe I.FR I-FR I.FR I-FR I-FR I-FR I.FR Location on Propertv (Table 5A) MaximumHeight Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited 4 Stories Ratine - Bearinq Walls Four Hour N/C Four Hour N/C Four Hour N/C < 5' Two Hour N/C Elsewhere Four Hour < 5' Two Hour N/C Elsewhere Four Hour < 3' Two Hour N/C Elsewhere Four Hour < 5' Two Hour N/C Elsewhere Four Hour < 5' Two Hour N/C Elsewhere Maximum Area Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited 20' Diameter Clear Min. Rating - Non-Bearing Walls Four Hour N/C < 5' Two Hour N/C < 20' Four Horu N/C < 5' Two Hour N/C < 20' Four Hour N/C < 5' Two Hour N/C < 20' Four Hour N/C < 5' Two Hour N/C < 20' Four Hour N/C < 5' Two Hour N/C < 20' Four Hour N/C < 5' Two Hour N/C < 20' Four Hour N/C < 5' Two Hour N/C < 20' Openinqs Not Permitted < 5' Protected < 20' Not Permitted < 5' Protected < 20' Not Permitted < 5' Protected < 20' Not Permitted < 5' Protected < 20' Not Permitted < 3' Protected < 20' Not Permitted < 3' Protected < 20' Not Permitted < 5' Protected < 20' f ire Resistive Requirements - Tvpe I - FR Buildins Elementl Bearing Walls - Exterior 2. Bearing Walls - Interior 3. Non Bearing Walls - Exterior 4. Strucfural Frame 5. Partitions - Pennanent 6. Shaft Enclosures 7. Floors and Floor/Ceiling 8. Roofs and RooflCeiling 9. Exterior Doors and Windows I 0. Stairway Construction I l. Atrium Roof Fire - Resistive Ratine 4 Hour 3 Hour 4 Hour 3 Hour/4 Hour at Ext. wall I Hour 2 Hour 2 Hour 2 Hour Table 5A 602.4 Unprotected \ Lieht Ventilation and Sanitation (Section -1203) General. Exterior openings for natural light or ventilation required by this section shall open directly onto a public way or a yard or a court as set forth in section 1203.4. Exceptions 2. Skylights. Light. Guest rooms and habitable rooms within a dwelling unit or congregate residence, (group R), shall be provided with natural light by means of exterior glazed openings with an area ofnot less than one tenth the of the floor area of such rooms with a minimum of l0 square feet. Yards. Yards shall not be less than 3 feet in width for one and two story buildings. For buildings more than two stories in height, the minimum width of the yard shall be increased at a rate of I foot for each additional story. Such yards shall be on the same property as the building. Courts. Courts shall not be less than 3 feet in width. Courts having windows opening on opposite sides shall not be less than 6 feet in width. For buildings more than two stories in height, the minimum width of the yard shall be increased at a rate of I foot in width for each additional story. Such courts shall be on the same properQr as the building. Buildine A B C D Atrium/Court Elevation West North South East All Interior Use Assembly; less concentrated use Commercial Kitchen Assembly; less concentrated use Commercial Kitchen Oflices Retail - Gmd Fl./Basement Retail Stores - Upper Floor Mall Aparfinents and Hotels Dwelling Units Storage and Stock Rooms Parking Garages Heisht 6/7 Stories 5/6 Stories 4/5 Stories 6/7 Stories 6/7 Stories Occupant Load Factor 15 sq. ft./occ. 200 sq. ft./occ. 15 sq. ft./occ. 200 sq. ft./occ. 100 sq. ft./occ. 30 sq. ft./occ. 60 sq. ft.iocc. 30 sq. ft.*/occ. 200 sq. ft./occ. 300 sq. ft./occ. 300 sq. ft./occ. 200 sq. ft./occ. Required Court/Yard Setback 7 /8 Feet 6/7 Feet 516 Feet 7 /8 Feet l0/1 I Feet (20' at Atrium) Occupant Load (Table 10-A) Group A-2 A-3 B M R-1 R-3 s-2 s-3 Occupant Load Requirinq Two Means of Egress 50 occ. 30 occ. 50 occ. 30 occ. 30 occ. 50 occ. 50 occ. 50 occ. l0 occ. 10 occ. 30 occ. 30 occ. Area Reouirinq Two Means of Esress 750 sq. ft. 6,000 sq. ft. 750 sq. ft. 6,000 sq. ft. 3,000 sq. ft. 1,500 sq. ft. 3,000 sq. ft. 2,000 sq. ft. 3,000 sq. ft. 9,000 sq. ft. 6,000 sq. ft. *Gross Leasable Area Every story or portion thereof having an occupant load of50l to 1,000 shall not have less than three exits. Every story or portion thereof fpving an occupant load of more than 1,000 shall not have less than four exits. Eeress Width (1003.2) Stairways - 0.3 inches per occupant Other Components - 0.2 inches per occupant Mall exit minimum - 66" .r, ' \. O MaximumTravelDistance(10(M.2.5) Indivldual Tenant Spaces - 200 feet to mall (atrium area). Atrfum - 100 feet maximum of travel distance allowed by 1005.2.2 may be an open exit-access balcony within thc atiurn Sprlnkled Buildings - 250 feet maximrn Increases - Up to an additional 100 feet provided last portion of exit access occun in within a conidor. The leagth of such a corridor shall not be less tha[ the arnount ofincrease taken cSPyFIL T Depanment of Communiry Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colarado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 September 30, 1999 Tim Iosa Project Manager Zehteifl & Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 1976 Avon, Colorado 81620 RECENED ocT 0 5 1999 ZEHREN & ASSOCIATES' INC Re: Vail Plaza Hotel Dear Tirn, The Community Development Department has completed an initial review of the plans.you submitted for the proposed Vail Plaza Hotel. Upon completion of our review, I am passing along issues and/or cornments associated with the proposal. Once you have bad an opportunity to review this letter, please cotrtact rne so we can scheduje a time to go tbrougb each of the issues identified Please respond in writing to each of the iterns below: l. Tbere appears to be a discrepancies between the model, the roofplan and the site plan with regard to the height and desip of tie elevator tower. Please makc any necessary correctrons.2. A sidewalk is required on the eastside of the hotel. The sidewalk is needed to provide an all-weather connection b€t\reen the pla"a area and the South Frodage Road. The sidewalk shall be heated and a minimum of four feet inwidth. 3. The pede$rian sidewalk between the pool and the commercial buildings in Phase I needs to be a minimum of ten feet rvide. The ten foot width is consistent throuehout the develmment area. Can the corridor benpeen the conference break out rooms and the service area on Sheet Level one be reduced in width? If the conidor is reduced the conference area could become larger. The Level 0 and the I-evel -1 pool deck area plans conflict. One plan identifies a rvalkwav around the prxrl and the other does not. Please amend the appropriate plan. Rctail space #2 should have an exterior entrance out onto the plaza. The roofplan does not reflect potential mechanical equipment locations. Please anticipate the requircment for screening the equiprnent in false chimneys, dormers, elc. Plelse illustratc thc 40 foot passcnger bus tuming radius on lhe Level i plan. The Level 0 and the Level I pliurs indicate that the building encroaches onr.o Phase lll propeny. Please elirninatc the eusroachment or provide written approval liom rhe propeny orvner. How do you access Hotel Room #9? Can the second and third be&ooms of the fractional fee club units be made available for shon-term occuoancv wheD not in use by club members? The four parking spaces in the center of the pofle cochere and the four parking spaces in front of the offrces need to be eliminated and a more pedestdan-friendly design proposed at the entance to the hotel. A twenty foot setback should be provided along Vaii Road. This will provide ample area for vehicle maneuvering and landscaping. The current desip sipificantly impacts the Vail Road sEeetscape. 6. 7. It. 9. 10. 11. 4. ). t2. TJ, {po"'o'*'uo o A copy of the plans that were submitted on Wednesday, September 29, were forwarded to the Town of Vail Public Works Departrnent for review. Geg Hall provided the following comments: 1. The Traffic Report doesn't address the confererlce facility witbin the hotel. The impact of this use needs to be addressed in the report. 2. The Traffic Report doesn't split the trips generated by the hotel into the various modes of fansportation- The Town is especially inte.rested in pedestriao rips along the South Frontage Road and through the development to East Meadow Drive. 3. The Off-Site Improvements Plan has not been &awn to the lcvel of detail requested. The Town specifically requesed that the areas where off-site improvements are proposd be "blown-up" in scale with details illustrated to fully Inrlsrstan4 what is proposed. 4. The loading/delivery ea is to be desiped to accommodate two semi-lnrcks and three parcel trucks.5. Please indicate the location of the trash facilities oo tbe appropriate plans. The location of the trash facilities will factor in the operatim and function of the entire loading/delivery area.6. The Surface Drainage Plan submitted is unacceptable. The plan does not evm reflect the current proposal. 7. Please provide a corrplete Grading Plan. The grading as shown on the Roof Height Plan is insufiicient in detail. Again, please review the list of comments and issues and contact me to schedule a meeting time to discuss the itens. You can reach rne by telephone at 479 2145. Sincerely, George Ruther, AICP Senior Special Pmjects Plamer Town of Vail Xc: Russell Forrest, Conrnrmity Developrnent Director Greg llall, Director of Public Worlts Waldir Prado Jav Peterson Z E H R E N AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Wednesday, October 06, 1999 Mr. George Ruther Senior Special Projects Planner Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re:Vail Plaza Hotel George: This letter is to address the iterns outlined in your letter dated September 30,1999. 1. All corrections and revisions to the model will be made prior to first reading of the amendment to the Vail Village Inn Special Development District. This was my understanding of our verbal agreement in order to allow for DRB, PEC, and public comment to be incorporated into the model at one time. 2. A sidewalk and stairway will be incorporated into the landscape design at the eastside of the structure. Preliminary ideas will be presented for public cornment at the October 6, 1999 design review board meeting. 3. A minimum width of ten feet will be maintained at the pedestrian sidewalk between phase one (western building) and the pool landscaping areas at level one. We will field veri$ the phase one westem wall prior to relocating the pool retaining wall. 4. The corridor width at level one can be reduced in width if coordinated with connecfing stairs, egress requirements and structure. However, the conference break out rooms may or may not be need to be increased due to amount of conference space necessary to economically support the other functions in the hotel. 5. The walkway around the pool would be eliminated to the greatest extend possible in order to maximize the amount of landscaping to the north and east of the pool area. Any walkway would be the minimum allowed by applicable codes requiring access to the pool and be located directly adjacent to the poo.. 6. Retail space #2 will be revised to include an exterior enhance. 7. Mechanical equipment locations will be screened to the greatest extent possible. Potential locations for equipment may be in the elevator tower penthouse and below finished grade at the eastem side of the site. All mechanical equipmant will be designed in such a way to minimize potential noise and/or exhaust. 8. A 40' passenger coach turning radius will be drawn on the level one plan. 9. The level one and level zero plans encroach onto phase three property to alleviate concerns regarding an open air service alley between the buildings at the existing grade. Any proposed sfucfure would not bear on nor effect the existing phase tlnee structure. In the event an agreement cannot be reached between the two property owners, an open air service alley in the width of the proposed service corridor will be maintained at level one and the service corridor will be relocated from phase three property at level zero. 10. Hotel room #9 will be accessed from the corridor to the north. The point ofaccess to that room and the configuration of the maid's closet is deperndent upon the ramp length required by code and ARCH ITECTU RE. PLAN N tNC. tNTERtORS. LAN DSCAPT ARCH TTECTU RE P.O. Box 1976 . Avc:n, Coloraclo 81 620 . (970) 949-0257 . FAX (970) 949-1080 Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Zehren and Associates, Inc. r0/06t99 design of the lobby space that accesses both this ramp and the westem side of the project. This access will be provided upon comment on design ofthat lobby and access from the various boards. 1 1. The fractional fee units have been designed to maximize the amount of "lock-offs" or rentable short-term accofi[nodation units to be rented under the proposed management structure. 12. The eight spaces indicated are intended for short term parking for loading and unloading. Detailed drawings areas will be provided for design review and mitigation of parking concerns. 13. The setback along Vail Road is consistent with setbacks at the gateway and phase five. Increasing the setback would have serious economic impacts and may effect the viability of the project. In response to Greg Hall's comments: L The conference facility is intended to be used predominantly by hotel guests with overflow guests staying in short term rental accommodations within the Vail Village Inn Special development and neighboring hotels. Any additional taffic impacts would be minimal and most likely not significantly impact peak hour volumes. 2. The tafftc report addresses other transportation modes by allowing for a fifty- percent reduction for internal uses. Pedestrian trips are difficult to estimate especially between the South Frontage Road and East Meadow Drive because there are no existing facilities for trips between these two areas and because there is very little dernand for trips between these two areas generated by the proposed uses on our site. It was my understanding that we had verbally agreed to accept design input from the various review boards and public comment prior to submitting a final public improvements plan. The submitted plan reflects the gereral areas in which we would be providing public improvements subject to the public approvals process. In addition to the improvements plan, a written description of those improvements will be provided contingent upon approvals. The loading and delivery system can accommodate the specified vehicles. The two semi-trucks can be located in the west and center bay. Two parcel trucks can be located in the east bay with the third parcel truck stacking behind the semi-truck in the west bay. The trash area will be in a fully enclosed room located in the service area indicated to the east of the loading area. Final size and location of this area is dependent on foodseryice facilities equipment, and its relationship to restaurants, kitchens, storage areas, and receiving areas. The drainage plan represents the previous submittal, of which this submittal is a continuation. The surface area of the site, the relative areas of impervious materials, and the underground building envelope remains essantially unchanged and will should little effect on drainage system outlined in the drainage plan submitted. Connection points to town systems and volumes of water should remain unchanged. Proposed finish grades are indicated on all ground level plans. A finish grading plan will be submitted. 3. 4. !. 6. 7. Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Zehren and Associates, Inc. 10t06t99 Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concems regarding the information presented. Additionally, ifyou need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, <--1 :,e- F-.=-_r Tim Losa Project Manager Zehren and Associates, Inc. cc: Waldir Prado Jay Peterson Enclosure VPH PARKING ANALYSES ro[r lrs )use VPH data current ordinance Consultant proposal as ts average unit sf lformula spaces spaces per ratio per I rpaces hotel lroomsl 98 35,66710.4+0.1 per 100 grfa 74.87 0.76 room 1.0 room 98.00 club lunits 40 63,661lZunit or 2.5 if>2000 sf 93.00 2.02 unit 1.1 unit 50.60 dwelling lunit 1 5,03512.5 > 2,ooo sf 2.50 2.50 unit 1.0 unit 1.00 rcsteurant lseat 175 3,61311 perB seats ?1.89 6.06 1000 sf 't.0 6*40 sf I 15.05 retail lunit 3 3,55011 per300 sf. I 11.83 3.33 1000 sf 1.5 1000 sf I 5.33 conference lseat 467 7,004h per 8 seats . .-SS 8.33 1000 sf 1 6 s€als i-i:Sfrffi 262.45 228.35 SDD6 deficit 75.00 less than I 75.00 337.45 303.35 7.5%mixed use reduc{ion -25.3'.1 -22.75 parking required 312.14 280.59 " provided 268.00 268.00 " balance q.ll -12.c9 ADJUSTMENTS It is generally recognized tfrat current ordinance is high in some ibms. For VPH we suggest tfrat some peculiaraties shoud be considcred: a) - Majority of Club owners will be from the East Coast, Canada, Central and South America, Europe, Texas and South US. Less than 33% may be from the front range that eventually will drive. b) - Customers for VPH shops will be predominantly hotel/club guests for which the parking is already taken care o Certainly there will be not more than 2 to 4 outside customers at same time in those shops., We assumed the Consultant ratio for retail, which is higher than 5 spaces. cl - All conventioneers will be staying at the hoteuclub and nearby hotels and rental condos. Parking for those very few that drove to Vail is already provided by their accommodation (wherever it is locate d). Any way, 20 spaces are considered for the conference. d) - Other items, like resteurent should also be adjusted under the consideralion that it is a "hotel restaurant" primarily used by hotel guests. e) - lt should also be considered that all the VPH parking spaoes are 'roteting or floating' spaces that allows a much higher occupancy or, in other words, a higher mixed use reducition. use VPH data curent orcrnance with some adjustnents Consultant proposal adiusted as "a, b, c" above average sf requlrement spaces spaces per spaces per I spaces hotel rooms 98 35,667 q.4{.1 pqllq_grfa 74.87 0.76 room 't.0 room 98.00 50.c0 1.00 club see "a' above units t06 63,661 1.1 per unit 50.e0 1.'10 unit 1.'l unit unit-'-ldwellingunit15,035 2.5 > 2,000 sf I 2.50 2.50 unit 1.0 restaurant seat 175 3,613 1 perS seats 21.89 6.06 1000 sf 1.0 6'40 sf 15.05 retail see "b"above unit 3 3,550 1.5 per 1000 sf 5.311 1.50 1000 sf 1.5 1000 sf 5.33 conference "c"above seat 467 7.OO4 2.86 1000 sf total 175.1E total 189.98 SDDO deficit 75.00 loss than 75.00 250.18 264.98 nob "e"above mixed use reduction -31.27 -33.'12 parting required 218.91 231.E8 \" provided 268.00 266.00 )" balance surplus surplus 36.14 VPH STAFF (permanent end s€esonaypail-time)Page'l Total tull 0me Number of part time n"r"s =(avg hs.per peak VPH STAFF (permanent and seasonal/part-time)Page 2 f ,T A B c D E F G H 46 note 1: includes "day off' coverage were applicable. A7 note 2: Maid service is based on 10 occupied roomsi/maid. Minor occasional fluctuations in demand (less than 1007o occupancl)will be covered with overtime of the permanent staff. 49 note 3: Occasional lape banquettes will be serviced by the Conferenoe waiter slaff and the two shifis 50 reslaurant and kitchen s{aff in over time. 51 note 4: Same therapist may oover more than 1 of the 14 treatment roomg for eorne llqalrneqq 52 note 5: The total 42,oEE seasonal work hoursi/year divided by the regular one full 53 time employee 2,000 hourvyear is =21 equivalent full time 54 employees. 55 note 6: it is a typical hourvpeak day of a part time helper. 56 noG Z: it is the total pan time "names" on the payroll. Evidently depends on the average pert-time hourtpeakday 57 5E Employee Totals VPH VPFI equiv WI Net Wl inqoa- Euiv.' se 42 7 59 full lime 't32 132 42 60 paft time 116 21'32 61 total 248 153 74 4eI 62 ' part time at same ratio as VPH 63 64 VPH STAFFING IS BASED ON THE FOLLOWNG 65 uses note units quant, 66 Hotel units 97 67 Club units 46 68 Hotel + Club E units 143 H Hotel & Club YEAR occupancy 7ga persons/occupied unit t.75 71 Hotel + Club population 9 188 72 maid service maid 10 73 walk in for lunch or dinner 10 customerv func{ion/day EO 74 Restaurant & bar tl sf | 3,613 75 kitchen 11 sf 3,2001 76 Conference 11 sf 7,0041 77 Health Club/SPA 11 sf 7,0091 78 Retail 11 sf 3,550 79 80 hish=Aaanemand f or restauranUday I 81 nob lunch danner per 3 nights staE2hotel & Club guests 12 ,|,|v. E3 seryes/funr 18 48 E4 Walk in customerVfunction/day E5 - _ serves/func{ion/day t0 60 neryfunction/day E6 -ToEl seruesi/function/day t3 12E 128 13 servesArva ite rff u ncti o n 87 bieakfast is buffet type, served by the same lunch staff. E8 note E: Hotel & Club are staffed as a unified operation E9 note9:popu|ationforthespecifiednumberofunits'o@ 90 nob l0: all hotel restaurants offthe main pedeg :rian trq 91 walk in demand.This E(lserves/functioilday is a very high assulnple!. 92 33 note t t att ttrese uses are stafred based on real demand and not based on sq.n., or seats or any other parameter. t4 and 1 dinner per 3 nights stay. lt is part of guests program to dine out in 95 other resleurants. Vail is plenty of those. 96 nob 13: The low ratio of 13 servesl$raiter/shifi/day indicates that this staff can serve 97 more than 2 times this demand. '. ',1 MAXIMUM HOLIDAYS AND PEAKWEEK ENDS 1999 days/ holidays n'lnbt holidays days/peak wk.end days total Vetenns ll-Nov 3I Thankglvlng 2$'NOV 3 2-Ilec $Dec lGDec Chtutnat 7 NewYear 7 SJan Luther K 13-Jan 3 20Jan Linc,Val,Pre 3 Ash 3 3 3 3 StPatick 3 3 Good Fri 3 7-Apr winter total 35 12 47 Independence 3 3 3 3 3I3 $mm€f total 1+Apr 3 15 18 21-Aprl 28-Apr Mothe/s 5-May 3 Armed Forc 12-May 19-May Memorial 26-Mayl 3 2.JunGrandParen g-.run Father's 16-Jun 3 2$'run 3 1z-Aw 3 1$ArE 3 e,At{ 2€cp $S€p Yom Kipur l&Sep 3 2$'8ep 3{l-S6pColumbus | 7-Octl 3 14-Oct 21-Oc{ Halloween 28-Oct 3 4-Nov 18 I 27 year total 56 36 92 Ser, 29, 1999 8:30A1[ZEHREN AND ASSOCIA Z E H R E N AND ASS()CIATES, lNC. AR(.t.u I€(:IURE.I't ANN|NG.lM f F|ORS. rANDSgrPE AIiCH'TLCTURf P.O. Box 197(r o Avofl, Colorado tll620 . (970) 9494257 ' FAX (970t 949'10tl0 No.965l P. 1/10 Fron:10?0 Tucsday, Scptcmbcr 28, 1999 Mr. Gcorge Rudrcr Scnior Special Projects Plmner Townof Vail Departncnt of Community Developmcnt 75 SoulhFrontagcRoad Vail, Colorado 81657 Re : Vnil Plaza Hotel Gocgc: This lcttcr is to addrcss desig citcrie A Srough I as outlined in section I 8 .40.080 of thc town oodc. It is o|r udcrstanding ttEt thcsciine (9) crituia uc to bc uscd in erntuating the rrcrits of the Vril Plaza Hobl' the final phase of thc Vail Villagc hrn Spccid Developmcut DisFict A. Design competibility. we betiwe thst thc hotel is desigrcd ia srch a uay that is both conpatible aod scnsfire to the cnvirurment, neigtrbodoodr rnit adjac'eot propcrties Setbacks als cottsi.t*t wift ttrc undcrlying zdling in that rhry uraintrin an rverdgE of turcnty frct (20') &om rut adjrccot propcrtics to Ore Prinary building -walls' Additifd!:.* sructnc maintains s€b;fs csrsigoriwm aajaccnt prWernes almg both thc Frurtagc Road and Vail Road- Ivlass and butk are scnsitive m adjaccut stuctr€s in tbat thc hotel is designed to stcp up t1h"i4t and bulk tom both thc steet and adjaccnt srnaller errrcturts in order b mainbin a corDfortablc pcitastsian scalc while uraintaining conslstent trei$Js wrn adjacent 8trrtcturcs rcof lines and ridges- edaitionrtty, ve havc purposefutlitlppeO urost of the roof forrns at u alorg public ettcts and plazas to provide " .*"ittcnt UuU ptn " ri -stcct lwc!. Ttr s@ing Td broken 4dgc lincs, dole wttlg variations in materials snd wait phrcs sct to brcak down tlrc orrcrrll nuss od bulk of thc projcct and relatc fre hotel to tbc nrnormding ncighborhood. The architcctural dcsigr is 6canito be botr conpatibla with both he Gaervay building f,drhe rcmaind€r of thc spccial -rlcrrcloprmcnt disfuict whitc providing sornc identity to thc hotcl as both a recogrizabtc urd viablc commeroial stuctwc within 0re cunmwity' B. Uscq Dcnrity, illd Acfivity. The Vail Pleze Hotcl is the lrst phase of tlrc Vail Villagc Iul Spo0id U*Aop-ari District atrtt as such was always neaDt to bc &c anclrc'r c nnst denscly dgttEloped pordon of thc disrict As a firll scrvicc horct, vhich includes oqrference' spr, rcstcunnq {|d commcrclal astivitics, thc hotel me$rt to ad as a 'lnagncf' that dra*s pooplc through thc ooer smallcr, csffincrcial bascd sguotres in ihe spcoial developnrent distict, (including thc Gatcway b"ildtd). Mditionally, thc hotcl is legelly requircd to provide loading, and dclivsv scrtrices, autornofilc acccsg andparking for the ramind66 of thc speid dcvclopnrcnt dis'tict C, prr54 rsd t slding. Wc bclicve orr loading facilities are in cor4tiance wtth thc rcquhe'meob of chaptcr 18.52. w€ ffi providitrs six (6), 12' x 25' loading b€rths. 'fhc maximum required is five (5) 12' x25', bertlrs in accordance wittr IS.SZ.ISO- We beliwc our parking facililies meet tlle needs of tlre special devclopmort distict of which it is a part Ser.29, 1999 8:3?Alr{ ZEHREII AllD ASSOCIA l{0. 9651 P. 8/10 From:10?0 vdl Plrzr Uotcl 961070.00 Zchrfir md A$ociates, luc. 09nu99 Wc arc proposing !o proyide all parking requircd by zoning chaptcr 18.52 for qu hotel and thirty fivg (35), of ur cxisting swcnty livc, (75) space delicit left by prwious derrelqrurent in thc disrict It is our bclicf that thc mixcd+sc rcducfion in thc currsnt zoning mdinance rnay not be adequatc or corectly applicd to trc orrcrall spccial dorclopmcnt distict. hr additict, we fecl that the requirennrts for parking, espccially wih rcg3rd to dwclling units that act as fraction fee unis. (which are not addressed by cunvrt zoning), may be excqssi\rc, D. Confornity with Mrster Plrn. Wc bclicvc our derclopmmt subswrtially cornplies with tto goals expresscd in the vrriors plans cortrined withh thc adoptod vail villagc Mrsta Plao. Ihe Iawl Use Plan indicates orr site as Mediurl/lligh D€nsity Resideotial and as such rccomrrmrds a l@ing mienation with a limited annunt of accccsory rctail. We arc prcposing o providc an incrtascd amolnt of "ubao opco qtacs" or public plaa ad buffering gre€nryace in the areas indicated as such in The Qpat Spae PIan- We believe that orr projec{ corrplies with the recommendatims in fte Poking and Ciradation PIan. lIJe arc prop$ing m btcrnal cmncction to the Vail Grlcuay shand pcdcstiu/anb arca as indicatcd, an iryovcd pcdcstian connccfm to East Meadow Drivc including rew bus fasilities as indicatcd, urd a sccondary cxtcrnal pcdesFian corrrcstion to Vail R@d be$tccn phasc fivc srd ow projcct Additionally we would bc providing sidcuNalk imprortnenb frorn fic ncrv bus stop on East Meadow Drivc to the Gatcway m Vail Road, and Bikc/PedesEian sidswalk improvcnrcnts frorn the vail Gat{ ,vsy to the Vail Trosportation Csrta on tttc Frfitbge Road. Wc beliwo that oru dcsign subsmtially complies vt|& Buildhg Height Plon in &st flc plan indicates buildings of irve $ories both to the eest and west of orr site aloog the fiontagc load and nqth and south of our sib on Vail Road. Ow desigrr rnaintains tftis four o fivc story rclatioruhip with our ncigbbss Wc fccl as thouglr thc tluoc to four sb,ry dpsigution is iaconsistent with currat conditims a$d lrc not applicablc as lhcy rtlatc to our sitc. It js otn $derstmding tbat thcsc bcigltb indicatcd in the plan were bascd on prcscrving views to Vail Mountain tom thc four way stop at tbe Intmection of Vail Road and thc Frontagc Road prior to develop,rncnt of the Vsil Gatewry ard the Roundabouts- Becausc tlrcec yiewr no longcr exist with thc dwclopnrent of tlc Vail Gates.y as ackrowledged in tbe ptan, and because sbppng to vicrw lbc ntounbb is actually discouragcd by tbc trcvtotcnt of traffic in tlrc mundabout we fccl that thcsc sbndards may no loger apply- The Action Plaz indicabs or sitc as an area for poreutial residc,atiModging infiU in accorddtce wltb pr€vious to!#n app,rovals with whioh our poposed projctt is oonsistent. -Ihe Vail Village &tb-Arus /-I of the Yail Village Mastet Plat indicatcs oru sitc as the final phase of SDD #6. Lr doing so, it ideotilies a ssies of gods, which rrrc bcliwe rve corrply witb. /rern 1,2 €ncouragps "ttrc rrpgrrding and redcwloprrrcrrt of resiitrntiel and commercinl facilitics-" Item 2-j *stsrongly cncorragcE thc dwclo,ymcnt shqt tcrrr accomrnodation unib' md rccopizs that when units ae "dcrrcloped above the existing density l€velq they shorld bc managcd in such a way that allorvs fsr short term overnight reahl". ttqn 2,4 cncouragEs the devclopncnt of new cosme(cial infill compatible with eldsling land uses- ftea 2.6 encorreges the developmcnt of affordsble housing units and may be required as part of any rcdweloprncnt pmject requesting a density ovu levels allowed by exi*ing zcning. ftqn 3.2 recoglizcs thc will to'tcducc vchicular taffio in hc village to $c grcalcl cxHtt possiblC'- Itat 4.1 encflragcs ftc improvenurt of eristing ecn space to creaE naw plazas with greeaupace. ttem 5.1 recognizcs ttrc need and dcsir€ to providc for pcking dcmands on sirc md urith rrrdergmrnd and visually conccalcd prrking. Iten 6.1 recognizes the need to provide senrice and delivery hcilities for existing urd new dwclopment Ser.29, 1999 8:3?Al|ZEHNEI AI{D ASSOCIA Vail Plaza Holcl 96tW0.00 No. 9051 P. 9/10 From:10?0 Zebrcn aud AssocieEs, Inc. wna99 E. F. G. Neturel llezrrds We believe tlrcre rrc no natural hrzuds that may afrect dwelqnurt of tris sits. Site rnd Building D.slg"- We bcticve ws have ad&csscd this issuc by comptiance wift the Vail Villagc lvlastcr Plan. PcdcrtiauYeliculer Circnlation. We beliwe wc have addrcasd this issue by compliance with the Vail Villagc Master Plan. Additonrlly, taffrc gMies indicate that vehicular circulati@ paftcrns ut considcrcd safe and have retatively littlc irrpact on eristing vehiculr circulrtion systeras' Fuctbnet and Aertlctic Laldscrpiag. We believe we havs sddrqescd tlris issrr by compliancc witb thc Vail Villagc Mastcr Plan. Additionally, we bclio,c wc havc substantially improved cr tbc amount and qrnlity publicly acccssiblc phzas, greenspaccs, and pedesrian circulation systems' L pLering P[n" The dwclopncnt will be cqrstucted in onc phase wilb cottpletiut an6cipated for latc frll of 2001. Plcasc dp not hc6itap to cmtact mc witb my questions or concans rtguding tbe infurration fEsettod- Additionill1 if yurr. nccd any additioual infumaticr, please do not hcsitate to cqntrct r1e. Sincerely, Tim lnsa Projcct Maoager Zeluu and Associates, Inc. "'seD. 29, lggg'' 8:38ilf ''ozEHREll Al{D AssoclA l{0. 9051 P, 10/i0 " ^ From:10?0 I lJr .llr /5a ,ll'435', TORNOF Wrnat 6amu$ Dcaclqrrs* 75 tud.Frwup Pd W @brdo 61657. e701n.2118 FN( 97M79.4s2 ScgdcrZt, 1999 fmLo z&EirAr$cirE$Inc. 4tbsEcrvsGr*Bctlgwd Avo"CdmdoEl65t Rs vrlPLu.Ilad 'DcarTsq OnAugs Z, 199, urt discrs*d thcmEndhf ruhtctt ryqaVu wo19-1qa o srbmft o co@cc yau q0dicdb ft( tbpmjo udcor to Spocll Dcvclqruot DislaNo 6 VrI vtrIrgc ra Iuasrccotlyrwirmiryrbcflcroddccrulnrtrhd rbcrcsc*illt6,q"Ilmtbdo$bc$biwdtory"rF.c tosq|erc ygur edic*r. TloF ih5 ioEhdc tcwnnocrt@ o$lbbsbout Oitdatdfrat treocrl cosplicswdlUcntcOcSprwlrrcriqiapcsiUcAbSGim I2-9NdtbcTornSdc.rFdilrtiry t'ai'is guilOog codc Cclp|ire X4s1, I r?yi*d Trrfic Irya R4cl' tb Sqftcctkm Wu Dnbgr Plnodaoff-Ctc tryormn na. Hdtlsc nrGrar lohn'c bcctrshdualn ny officcby Sc4enrbs ? in cdstororiaoatbc Squnbrr ? Plmiqg & Edvi@I Ctrunirsicn ttrc lsr ffiingwith thc Plaobg & hcir@lanl Omirsio is scbcdtlcd fg llodry, Ocobcr I I, I 999. IIlc VrilPhallddrermairclysbcdrlcdfrrcvicsrttbisrEri!& Inad:rtollragiBolbrgBA),trlwiUDccd opoi&acc4lacrfioitblWmhcrtbaDooq\rr$.edry,$opoabcr29- Ihtrd?dltswillprovi&6c ui,a srff a opcuu&y rc nvicw rheprgwl rnd ream uy cmtots b yur pic ro rbc Ocr0bcr I I rrEEtl4E" I!&eabecDpc ofs csDlctc stgrittrl,I sc?trorr.smto aporbdcc 6c Plrsring& Ewlouanl m Ocrobcr u- esIbew$rt€d irrbp prsLrbcToum S fu[ya@ficdtonoviegth!Fqoadvril Plrzrltrilcl &wghtbe 6cvctryrrwiorFoccsbrtiEdyre. llorwn, inadcrtodoo,arytcWstrlsiyfsrwtarrod utcrins trEDsatlo ir quird eod cltliid d:tdlbun be u. Upo thc rcccip of DiB htF pl$sG euct c ro w3 nry dlsee $s mdiog crDoft.l idoiD.tio srtl thsrMre fs gbmiubgfu itcms- Yqr sea rcash c EGt cdlyby tdcpbor J. aV)-2146. SfrF.rdy, fI*Q,.*t-t Gsgpnuher,AlCP Sruic Spocirl hdocts Plaog TornofVril g4airrD"- o o VAILPLAZAHOTEL BUILDINGAREA CALCULATIONS & SUMMARY 917199 -o Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Levcl 6 Grors Squrrc Footegc Dwellins Unit Dwelling Unit (upper level) Club Unlts Utrlt Number Club Unit 39 (Upper trvel) Club Unit 40 (Upper lrvel) Club Unit 4l (Upper Level) Club Unit 42 (Upper l-evel) Club Unit 43 (Upp€r Irvel) Club Unit 44 (Upper Irvel) Sub-Totd Club Conidor (public) Corc (clcvator) Maid CorB (strir) Mechanical (rmftop) SubTotd Arer Dvelling Unit Net Club Unit Nct Other Net Totd Net NcVGmss Dlfferencc Level 6 Zehren and Associates, lnc. 9t8t99 7,791.00 Arer 2,002.00 Area Et4.00 814.00 860.00 7t5.00 814.00 814.00 4,t3t.00 0.00 150.00 0.00 0.00 222.N 372.N 2,002.00 4,t31.00 372.00 71205.0O 5t6.00 Deck Aree 0.00 Dcck Arer l0 t.00 l0 t.(X) 101.00 10 t.00 l0l.00 101.00 506.00 92r/o Bedrooms t.00 1.00 1.00 L00 1.00 1.00 6.00 LrlKlt 1.00 1.00 1.00 t.00 I.00 1.00 6.00 Plllows 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 24.N Keys 0.00 Kerrs 1.00 1.00 | .00 1.00 t.00 1.00 6.00 Bedrooms LvtrlRm Pillows 1.00 0.00 2.00 Page I Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Lcvel 5 Gross Squrr. f,'ootrga Ilwelline Unit DwElling Unit flowcr level) Club Units Unlt Number Club unit 32 (Uppcr ["cvcl) Club unit 33 (Upper L:vel) Club Unit 34 (Upper t-evel) Club Unit 35 (Upper Levc) Club unit 36 (Jpper Level) Club Unit 39 (Lower tevel) Club Unit ,t0 (t ower Lrvcl) Club Unit 4 I (Irwer l-evel) Club Unit 42 (Iower Lrvel) Club Unit 43 (Lower Lrvcl) Club Unit,g flrwer t vcl) SutsTotrl Club Other Areas Corridor (public) Core (clevator, mech. shaft) Maid Cor€ (sr&ir) SubTord 0ther Arc$ Dwelling Unit Net Club Unit Net Oths Nct Totrl Nct Ntd/Gross Dlffcrencc Level 5 Zchren and Associates, Inc. 9t8/99 t5,E9t.00 Arce 3,033.00 Arcr 814.00 8 r 4.00 814.00 8 | 4.00 E 14.00 913.00 979.00 4E6.00 r,369.00 992.00 9q2.00 9,t0I.00 Arca 1,6t6.00 l5l .00 0.m r28.00 I,t95.0() 3,033.00 9,80t.00 1.895.00 t4,729.00 I,t69.qt Deck Aree 450.00 Dcck Arca 154.00 154.00 154.00 154.00 154.00 0.00 0.00 o.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 770.00 Kevs 4.00 Kcvs 1.00 L00 t.00 | .00 r.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 17.00 Bedrooms 1.00 t.00 1.00 l.00 1.00 2.W 2.OO 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 16.00 Bedrooms Studio Pillows 3.00 1.00 8.00 LR/Klt Plllows 1.00 4,00 1.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 r.00 4.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 2.00 l.m 6.fi) 0.00 4.00 0.00 5.00 4.00 44.00 Page 2 Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Level 4 Gross Squrr€ Footrge Club Units Unit Number Club Unit l9 (Upper l-evcl) Club Unit 20 (Upper l-evel) Club Unit 2l (Jpper l-evcl) Club Unit 23 (tjpper LeveD Club Unit 25 flJpper l-evel) Club Unit 26 (Upper Irvel) Club Unit 27 (Upper trvel) Club Unir 3l (Flat) Club Unit 32 (Lower kvel) Club Unit 33 (t wer Irvel) Club Unit 34(Lower t-cvcl) Club Unit 35 (I-ower I-fCD Club Unit 36 (towo l*vel) Club Unit 37 (Flat) Club Lhit 38 (Rs0 Sub-Totel Club Accomodatlon Units Unit Type A Other Arees Conidor (public) Core (elevator) Maid Cor€ (stair) Sub.Totel Other Arcrs Club Unit Net Accornrndation Net Other Net Totrl Nct Neucross Dilleretrce Level 4 Zehren and Associates, lnc. 9/Et99 26,288.00 Arer 790.00 790.00 790.00 915.00 790.00 790.00 1,216.00 r,095.00 513.00 l,034.00 1,034.00 1,034.00 979.OO l:34.00 1234.00 14,238.00 Ave. Aree 371.5E @ 2,915.00 150.00 209.00 379.00 3,653.00 14,238.0O 6,3t6.79 3.653.00 u,207.79 2,040.21 Deck Arer 10t.00 | 0l _00 t 0 t.00 250.00 t0r.00 101.00 101.00 |0r.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.00 0.00 101.00 101.00 r,r59.00 Bedrooms 1.00 1.00 t.00 1.00 t.00 r.00 L00 | .00 I .00 2.00 2.N 2.OO 2.00 2.00 2.O0 21.00 Pillows 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 62.00 Kevs 1.00 r.00 L00 t.00 1.00 l.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.(n 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.N 2.W 22.O0 Studio 1.00 l.0o L00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 t.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 t 0.00 o Kevs Total Area t7.00 6.316.79 Page 3 Vail Plaza Hotel 96r070.00 Level 3 Grors Squerc Footrgc Club Units Unlt Tvnc Club Unit 45 (Flat) Club thit 46 (Flat) Club unit t7 (Flsi) club unit t8 (Ftat) Club Unit 19 (Lower Level) Club Unit 20 (Lower trvel) Club Unit 2l (lrwer Lrvel) Club Unit 22 (Flat) Club Unit 23 (lower Lrvcl) Club Unil 24 (Flat) Club unit 25 (Iower Level) Club Unir 26 (Lower Lrvcl) Club Unit 27 (L,ower Lrvcl) Club Unit 2E (Flat) Club unit 29 (Flat) Club Unit 30 (Rat) Sub.Totrl Club Urits Accomodrdon UniE IJnit Tlpe A Other Aress Maid Conidor (public) CorE (elevator) Corc (steir) Sub-Totd Other Arers Totds Club Net Acconfibdation Net Other Nct Totrl Net NeVGross Ditlcrcoce Level 3 Zehren and Associates, Inc. 9t8/99 32,759.00 Arer Dcck Arer I,160.00 101.00 r,164.00 t0t.00 79.00 81.00 lrl4.00 81.00 593.00 0.00 1,088.00 0.00 t,060.00 0.00 I,129.00 142.00 975.00 0.00 97E.00 0.00 9?8.00 0.00 978.00 0.o0 97E.00 0.00 951.00 0.00 t275.00 81.00 1.234.OO Er.00 16,519.00 66t.00 Studio Pillows 1.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 t.00 6.00 1.00 4.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 4.00 0.@ 4.00 l.(x) 4.00 0.00 4.00 L00 4.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 6.00 t.00 6.00 9.00 68.00 Kevs 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.N 2.@ 2.00 2.N 2.N 2.@ 27.O0 Bedrooms 1.00 1.00 2.00 I.0o 1.00 2.00 2.@ 1.00 2.U) r .00 2.00 2.ffi 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.@ 25.00 Ave, Arcl 368.62 278.00 4,632.W 150.@ 444.00 5,504.00 t6,519.00 9,584.00 5.504.00 3t,07.00 r,152.00 Keys Totrl Arcr 26.@ 9584.00 Page 4 Vail Plaza Hotel 96t070.00 Lcvel 2 Gross Squere Footegc Club Units Unit Tvne Club llnit 4 (Flat) Club unit 5 (Flat) Club Unit 6 (Fl8t) Club Llnit 7 (Flat) Club Lrnit 8 (Flat) Club Unit 9 (Flat) Club Unit l0 (Flat) Clubunitll(nat) Club Unit 12 (Flat) Club Unit l3 (Flat) Club Unir 14 (Flat) Club Unit 15 (Flat) Club Unir l6 (Flat) Sub-Torrl Club Urlts Accomodation Units Unit Type A Othcr Arers Maid Ccridor (public) Corc (elcvator) Corc (stair) Sub-Totd Oth.r Arc:r Totels Club Net Acconunodation Net OlherNet Totrl Net NcUGrosr Dilfcrcrcc Levcl2 Zehren and Associates, Inc. 9t8t99 33,947.00 Arer Deck Aree 1,t92.00 81.00 982.00 0.00 I,193.00 8r.00 1,485.00 t42.00 t,042.N 0.00 965.00 200.00 969.00 0.00 969.00 8t.00 969.00 8t.00 969.00 8r.00 951 .00 8l .00 1,275.W 8t.00 | .22t .O0 8 I .00 r4,rE2.00 990.00 Kevs 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.O0 t.00 2.W 2.00 2.N 2.00 2.(n 2.00 2.W 2.00 24.00 Bcdrooms 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 t.00 1.00 1.00 t.00 2.00 2.00 20.00 Studio 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 | -00 l,00 1.00 t.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I -00 I1.00 Plllows 6.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 62.00 Avc. Area 362.85 300.00 4,328.00 150.00 491.00 s269.@ 14,182.00 12,335.80 5J69.00 31,7t7.t0 2,159.20 Kevs Totrl Arer 34.00 12.336.80 Page 5 Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Lcvel I Gross Squere Footege Club Units Unit Tvoe Club Unit I (Flat) Club Unit 2 (Flat) Club Unit 3 (F1at) Sub-Totd Club Units Accorpodation Unlts Unit Type A Retail Rctail Three Retail Four Sub-Totrl Ret|it R€strurent Mah Rcstaur|nt (Buffct) Specislty Restaurant Sub-Toirl Restaurrnl Lounse lormge Other Areas Conidor (public) KitchedService Truck DocldAuto Circ. Rrstmnls Maid CorE (€levator) Core (stair) SubTotel Other Arcu Totels Club Nct Accommodation Net Retsil Net Reshurant Net t oungc Net Other Net Totrl Net Aree NcUGross Dilfercncc Level I Deck Aree 81.00 81.00 t42.00 304.00 Keys Totrl Are. 21.00 7,429.00 Occ. Frctor Occupaot! 18.00 109.1'l 25.00 6s.92 t75.09 Occ. tr'rctor Occuprntr 18.00 74.1r Zehren and Associates. Inc. 9t8t99 42,02E.tX1 Arer t2n.w 1,251.00 l s42.o0 4,090.fi) Ave Arer 353.76 Arer 605.00 0.00 605.00 Arcr 1,965.00 1.648.00 r.6t3.00 Ar.| t,334.00 5,397 .00 t,223.00 6263.0O 589.00 293.W 275.00 546.00 2r1586.00 4,090.00 7 429.0O 605.00 3,6 t 3.00 1,334.00 21.586.00 3t,657.00 337r.00 Kcvs 2.N 2.00 2.OO 6.00 Bedroorrs 2.00 2.O0 2.Q0 6.00 Studio Pillows 1.00 6.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 6.00 3.00 t8.00 92t/o Page 6 Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Level 0 Grosr Squar€ Foohgc Rctril Reiail Onc Rctril Two Sub-Totd Retrll Lobbv Ber t obby Bar Lobbv Lobby Administration Front Desk Accounting Totd AdminbtrrtioD Spe - Mcn ts/Workout Merr's tnckcn/Facilities Trcatnent Deck Exercise/Workout Sub-Totrl Spr Conference Main Ballroom Prc.conv€nc Sub-Totd Confcrcncc Scrylcc Arcrs Erterior Clrcnletlon Covered Ramp (North) Covercd Auto Entry (West) Covered Pedestrian (East) Totrl Other Areas Rcslrootrs Core (elevator) Corc (Stair) Corridor(Public) Toirl Othcr Arert Perkinq Pmvided Valet Spaces I*vel 0 Zehren and Associates, Inc- 9/8t99 ,t8,923.00 1,615.00 1.330.00 2,945.00 Area 647.W Area 2,426.00 2,t92.ffi 1.340-00 3,532.00 3,150.00 2,447.N 93s 00 t.686.00 E 2tE.00 Arce 7,004.00 2.485.00 9,{t9.00 6J18.00 1,008.00 5264.OO 1.368.00 7,6.10.0O 5E9.00 275.00 568.00 3.740.00 s,172.00 12.00 Occ. Frct 20.00 Occ Frct 30.00 OccuD. 32.35 OccuD. E0.t7 Occ. Frctor Occttprtrts 15.00 466.93 7.00 355.00 Page 7 Vail Plaza Hotel 96r070.00 TdIs R.tril Net B|rNct Lrbby Net Aftinistrtior Net Spa Nct Coftrtncc litct S.rvicc Nct Extcic cinulrtim Na Orh.r Nct Tohl Nct NcllGms| Dlllcrcncs 2,945.00 g7.n 2,426.W 3J32.00 8,2 t 8.00 9J89.00 6JrE.00 7,64O.U 5.172.00 ,639t.00 1536.00 kvcl0 Zchnn ard Associaes, Inc. 9t8199 )s% Page 8 Vsil Pkza Hotel 961070.00 Levcl Mlnur Onc Groro Sqqrn loo0rg Spc lVmsr'cL,cl n/F.cilitica 'Ihfig|t Dcck ArE Excrciscrr*rq,lout PmlArEr SrbTotrl Spr Cofcnncc Btaftoln ft+cmvarc SubTotrl Corfcrrocc Scrvlcc OttcrArcrr Mcchmicrl Conldor(PtrUtlc) Cm (clqvstr) Corc (slrir) Public Rcgtroofiig SubTotrl Prrldnr Flovldod Vrla Spaces hcing SXccs (Fun Sizc) Pr*inq SFccr acoi4|rcr) Sub'Tot{ Ferllrg Totrls Othcr fuEcs Nst Sp6Nel C.onfqqrcc Nct Scrvicc Nct Pa*inqrrd Rrnp ct Tot l Ncr NrL/lGrog Dlfioracc I4vcl -l Occ. hctor Ocauprntr r 5.00 224.27 7.00 355.m Ara Arta^bm. 2t,289.00 367 '!ny. Zchren rnd Associates, Inc. 9tw9 5539r.00 ArCI 3,r 50.00 4090.m sJl1.00 785.00 2.n2.N r{,60!r.00 Arcr 3,364.00 2.485.00 sta9.00 7gn.oo I t7.(n 22E9.0O 275.00 56E.00 5t9.00 3t3t.00 Slrs 2.00 49.m 7.m st txt AEr 3,$8.m t4,609.00 5,E 19.(n 7,971.00 21280.m 53554..(l rt35.00 Pagc 9 Vail Plrza Hoel %t(n0.00 Iad Mlnu Trro Grocr Squrrc Fmt4c Oltcr Anrs Mcchmicrl Co.ddo (pblic) Ccc (clcvr,fr) CdG (rt*) SubTotrl Orhcr Arc$ Artr Vrli Sprcct tudry Sprccr (Fun SiE) PrtinS Soacas (Comoect) SrbTofrl hrld4 Tot& Oth€r Nct ffiinq rnd RrrT Nct Totrl N.n NcdlGros llifiercnce a&623.00 I.cGI-2 299.75 Zchcn md Asrosirtcs, lac. 9np9 0.00 2,15.00 t5{t.(n 2t5.m 660.00 35.m l rg.flt 4.00 1t|6.00 467$n Ag 660.fl) 45J6r.N n/2l,/0 u0100 Pagc l0 Vail Plaza Hotel 96t0?0.00 Dwellins Units Drclling unit I Club Unib Club Unit I (Fla0 Club Unit 2 (Rat) Club Unit 3 (FlaQ Club Unit 4 (Fl8t) Club Unit 5 (Flat) Club Unit 6 (nat) Club Unit 7 (Flat) Club Unit E (Flat) Club Unit 9 (Flat) Club Unit l0 (nat) Club Unit ll (Flat) Club Unit 12 (Flat) Club Unit l3 (Flat) Club Unit 14 (Flat) Club Unit 15 (Flat) Club Unit l6 (Flat) Club unit l7 (Flat) Club Unit 18 (Flat) Club Unit l9 (Two lrvel) Club Unit 20 (Two lrvel) Club Unit 2l (Iwo I-evel) Club (hit 22 (Flat) Club t nit 23 (Two lrvcD Club Unit 24 (Flat) Club lJnit 25 (Two l-evel) Club t nit 26 ('I\/o lrveD Club Unit 27 (Iwo L.evcl) club ttnit 28 (FlaQ Club thit 29 (Flat) CIub Unit 30 (Flat) Club Unit 3l (Flat) Club lJnit 32 (two Level) Club Unit 33 (Two kvcl) Club unit 34 (Two l-evel) Club Unit 35 (Tuo l-cvc) Club lJnit 36 (Two I-eve) Club Unit 37 (Ret) Club Unit 3t (Flat) Club Unit 39 (Two l-crd) Club Unit 40 (Two kvel) Club Unit 4 I (Two l-cvcl) Club lJnit 42 (Two L-evcl) Club Unit 43 (Two l-cvel) Club Unit 44 (Two Lcvcl) Club Unit 45 (Flat) club unit 46 Flar) Totrl Chb Prrking Parking Sununary Total Arcr Park. Factor Park. Req'd 5,035.m >2000 2.50 Zehren and Associates, Inc. 9t8t99 Totel Arcr 1297.W I,251,00 1,542.00 t,t 92.00 982.00 l,193.00 1,485.00 I,M2.00 965.00 969.00 969.00 969.00 969.00 951.00 t,275.00 r22t.w 764.00 l,214.00 r,383.00 1,878.00 r,850.00 I,129.00 |,t90.00 978.00 r,768.00 r J6E.00 2,t94.00 951.00 r,275.@ t,2t4.@ I,09s.00 r,327.OO 1,848.00 I,84E.00 1,84t.00 |,793.00 1,234.00 r214.N |,727 .00 1,793.00 I,346.00 2,084.00 I,806.00 1,E06.00 l,160.00 1.164.00 63,661.fi' Frctor 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 50k2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 5fiK2000 500<2000 500<2000 5@<2m0 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 50(x2000 500<2000 500<2000 5m<2000 500<2000 >2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 50G2000 500<2000 500<2000 50(X20@ 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 5oo<2mo >2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 Soecer 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.OO 2.00 2.OO 2.00 2.@ 2.00 2.00 2.O0 2.00 2.00 2.N 2.00 2,00 2.00 2.N 2.00 2-W 2.N 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.M 2.50 2.O0 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.QO 2.00 2.@ 2.N 2.00 2.W 2.M 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.OO t0.50 Page I I Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Accommodation Units Total Acc. IJnits Resteurrnt Total Rcslaurant Lounpe Total lrunge Reteil Total Retail Confercnce Main Ballroom Total Reoulred Soaces Total Dwelling Unit Total Club Total Accornrnodation Total Rcstaurant Total Irunge Total Retail Main Balboom Sub-Totrl PrrHtrg Parking Dcficit (Prev. SDD) Sub.'Totd PrrHrS Reqrd Mixed Use Reduction (7.5%) Totel Perldng Requircd Totd PrHng Providcd Prrkitrg DIllcretrce Prrkinq Providcd Prcvious SDD I-evel Zero Parking Irvel Minus One Parking kvd Minus Two Parking Totrl Prrldng Providcd Pcrccntrgc Parking Summary Kevs Spacer 98.00 74.87 Sert Frci. Scrts 20.64 175.09 Sert Frct. S9g[1 25.00 65.92 Zehren and Associates, Inc. 9tEt99 Ar0a 35,666.s9 Arcr 3,613.00 Arcr I,9E1.00 Arer 3,550.00 Ar€r 7,004.00 2.50 80.50 7 4.87 2t.89 8.24 I l.E3 58.37 258.19 75.00 333.19 -24.99 308.20 26t -40.20 Full Size 42 0 49 119 2r0 76'/c Frctor l;8 seats tr'rctor l:E seats Sprc€! 2r.E9 W 8.24 Sneccs I l.t3 Sorccs s8.37 Frctor 1:300 sq. Il. Se4-Ec4 t5.00 Cornpact 0 0 't ; 3v. Serts 466.93 Frctor l:8 seats Total 42 t) 5t t50 268 100uo Valet 0 t2 2 35 49 18./o Page I 2 Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Dwellins Unlts Dwelling Unit I Club Units Club Unit I (Flat) Club Unit 2 (Rat) Club Unit 3 (Flat) Club Unit 4 (Rat) Club Unit 5 (Flat) Club unit 6 (Rao Club Unit 7 (Flat) Club Unit 8 (l'lat) Club Unit 9 (Flao Club Unit l0 (F180 Club Unit ll (Flat) Club Unit 12 (RaD Club Unit 13 (Rat) Club Unit l4 (Flat) Club Unit 15 (Flat) Club Unit 16 (Flat) Club Unit l7 (Rat) Club Unit l8 (Flar) Club Unit l9 (Two lrvel) Club Unit 20 (Two kvel) Club Unit 2l (Two Level) Club Unit 22 (Flat) Club Unit 23 (Tuo Lcvel) Club Unit 24 (Rat) Club Unit 25 (Two t-evel) Club Unit 26 (two L,cvel) Club Unit 27 (Two Level) Club Unit 28 (Flat) Club Unit 29 (Flat) Club Lhit 30 (Fla9 Club Unit 3l (Flat) Club Unit 32 (Trro L€vel) Club Unit 33 (two trvel) Club Unit 34 (Two t evel) CIub Unit 35 (Two Level) Club Unit 36 CIwo lrvel) Club Unit 37 (Flat) Club Unit 38 (Flat) Club Unit 19 (Two kvel) Club Unit 40 (Two l"evel) Club Unit4l (Two t vel) Club Unit 42 (Two Lrvel) Club Unit 43 (lwo l-evel) Club Unit 44 (Two t evel) Club Unit 45 (Flat) Club Unit 46 Glat) Totsl Club Utrits Program Summary UpperArea LowerArea Total Area 2,002.N 3,033.00 s,035.00 Zehren and Associates, Inc. 9t8t99 LWKitDeck Area 450.00 Deck Area 81.00 81.00 142.O0 81.00 0.00 81.00 t42.O0 0.00 200.00 0.00 81.00 8l .00 81.00 81.00 81.00 81.00 8l.00 81.00 101.00 101.00 101.00 t42.00 0.00 0.o0 r01.00 101.00 101.00 0.00 8 t.00 81.00 101.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 l0l.00 l0l .00 l0 r .00 r 0l .00 l0l .00 10t.00 r01.00 l0l.00 t01.00 101.00 3,477.00 Bedrooms 4.00 Pillows t0.00 Pillows 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 6,00 8.00 8.00 4.00 8.00 4_00 8.00 8.00 8.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 8.00 8.00 6_00 10.00 8.00 8.00 4.00 4_00 268.00 Kevs 4.00 Upper Area t,297.W I,251.00 t,542.00 1,192.00 982.00 I,193.00 1,485.00 1,042.00 965.00 969.00 969.00 %9.00 969.00 951.00 1,2'15.00 1,22t.00 764.OO l,2t4.N 790.00 790.00 790.00 I,l29.00 915.00 978.00 790.00 ?90.00 1,216.00 951.00 r27s.N | 234.N I,O95.00 814.00 814.00 814.00 814.00 814.00 |,234.00 |,234.00 8 t4.00 814.00 E60.00 715.00 8 t4.00 8 14.00 l,l 60.00 l.l 64.00 46,686.00 Lower Area 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 593.00 I,088.00 1,060.00 0.00 9?5.00 0.00 978-00 978.00 978.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 513.00 1,034.00 1,034.00 1,034.00 9?9-00 0.00 0.00 913.00 979.00 486.00 1,369.00 992.00 992.00 0.00 0.04 16,97s.00 Total Area 1297.00 I,25t.00 1,542.00 1,192.00 982.00 I,193.00 1,485.00 t,042.00 965.00 969.00 969.00 969.00 969.00 951.00 r,275.00 t22r.00 764.00 I,214.00 l,381.00 1,878.00 1,850_00 I,129.@ I,E90.00 978.00 1,768.00 1,768.00 2,1 .o0 951.00 r27s.N t,234.00 l,095.00 1,327.@ 1,848.O0 I,E48.00 I,84E.00 r,793.W |,234.00 r,234.@ |,727 .00 1,793.00 I,346.00 2,084.00 r,806.00 1,806.00 I,160.00 I . | 64.00 63,661.00 Keys Bedrooms LR/Kit 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 t.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 t.00 1.00 2.N 1.00 I .00 2.N 1.00 | .00 2.OO 1.00 I .00 2.00 L00 1.00 2.N 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.OO 1.00 t.00 1.00 1.00 2 00 2.00 I 00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 l.00 1.00 r.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 L00 L00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 r.00 1.00 2.N 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 t.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 L00 3.00 3.00 t.00 3.00 3.00 t.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 4.00 3.00 2.@ 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 L00 1.00 l.00 1.00 t.00 97.00 E9.00 45.00 Page 13 Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Accommodatlon Units Totrl Acc. Utritt Rc3ldcrtirl Totrlr Restrnrrnt Main Restaurant SpccirltvR€st rrnt Totd Rcrtrlrrrt Lounpe I-obby Bar Conference Fecilites Main Ballroom &€akouf Pre{onvenc Total Convcrtion Sor l*vcl Zqo Level Minus One Totrl Rctell Reail One Retail TVo Retail Thrcc Retail Four Totd Rcrrll Admingtntot Program Sununary RoomArer Room! Totel Arcr Dcck Aru 163.N 9t,txt 31666.59 0.00 104362.59 ScrtinqArcr Occ. Frctor SertE 1,965.@ t8.00 t09.17 1.64E.00 25.00 65.92 3,613.00 At,g 175.09 1,648.00 65.92 ScetsScrtinq Arcr Occ. Frctor 7,004 3,364 Zehren and Associates, Inc. 9/8/99 KcvE 9E.00 t99,00 Bcdmorls 9t,00 t9t.00 Plllows r96.00 174.W l5 l) 467 224 3iu4.970 7 r5338 8,218.00 14.609.00 22,827.OO l6l5 1330 605.00 0.00 t,5stt.00 3532.0O Page 14 Vail Plaza Hotei 961070.00 Lcvel 0 Level I 4E,923.00 42.028.N Level 2 Level3 33,947.N 32,759.00 14,182.00 12,336.80 Level4 Level 5 26,288.00 i5,E98.00 Area Surnmary Level 6 Total 7,791.00 311,648.00 Dwclling Unit Club Unit Acconunodation Unit Retail Irbby Rcstaurant bunge/Bar Conference Pre-Conviene Kitchcn F'ood and Beveragc Frcnt Oflice SalcVCater. (multi-use) Accountlng Ex€cutivc Ofiice Rccciving/Storage Personnel (oflice) Servicc Arcas Laundry Housekccping Engineering Mechanical (Pl8nt) lai:T"'"*' Spa (Trcatment) Pool Deck Pool Area ExercisG Roorns Coridor (public) Corridor (service) Core (elevator) Core (stair) Parking (spaces, rarlp) Club Unit Storage Area Restrooms/Coats/Etc. I-oading Dock Service Storage Maid (Satellite) Sub-Total Net Arear Level -2 48,623.00 225.OO r50.00 285.00 46,761.OO 0.00 47,42t.0o Level -l 55,391.00 3,164.00 2,485.00 t 17.00 3,r 50.00 2,090.00 5,711.00 2,E72.O0 786.00 2J89.00 275.O0 568.00 2r 189.00 589.00 0.00 s3,556.00 I,835.00 97y, 2,945.OO 2,426.O0 64't.OO 7,004.00 2,485.00 2,r92.O0 I 340.00 3,l 50.00 2,44',1.O0 935.00 1,686.00 3J40.00 27 5.Q0 568.00 7,640.O0 2,i36.00 95% 4,090.00 7,429.00 605.00 3,613.00 1,334.00 5,39?.00 '275.00 546.00 3,371.00 920/0 4,328.00 150.00 491.00 2,t59.20 94vo 1,616.00 151.00 128.00 1,169.00 93% 0.00 150.00 0.00 5,035.00 63,661.00 3s,666.59 3550.00 4426.OO 3,613.00 1,981.00 10,368.00 4,970.00 0.00 0.00 2,t92.00 0.00 1J40.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22,512.0O 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 339.00 6300.00 4,537.00 6,646.00 2,87LoO 2A72.OO 25,142.00 0.00 1,726.0O 3,409.00 75,690.00 0.00 t,767.OO 6,263.OO 0.00 r,080.00 295,557.59 r6,090.41 95o/o 7,971.O0 63r8.00 8,223.00 16,519.00 14,238.00 9,584.00 6,316.79 4,632.W 2,915.00 150.00 150.00 444.N 379.00 3,033.00 2,002.00 9,801.00 4,83t.00 589.00 589.00 6,263.00 0.00 293.00 46,38?.00 38,6s7.00 300.00 278.00 31,787.80 3r,607.00 209.00 0.00 24,201.19 14,729.00 Gross-Net (wall) Area 1,202.00 Cross-Nct Factor 98% 1,152.00 96Vo 2.080.21 92% 0.00 7,205.00 586.00 92vo Page 15 ,i o.\ =o\,,:r > Ea 6 I a,N E|3 Fgg$$AAg5sE$gi:::[:===3389[F*=EgF=EE=fl$ a*h 5 a TA a,9r ag Fx Xs98 .-: 6l^-lx;6 F. .i ..i i< o\x!x x:sF.\I 66a 65g-€ gi o i.|c 88 e88 I Ivi \ci : jvi .i o4-+- g8--+- q {a{a\|Fa\| - )<^ ei i6c;ci(\c{ \el P 9 e -l \'a -a -Ol- crr -qlR- 8- 3- -tF a! t tl siol l:: g\ot r: QI FAI Fiqitl 8r F Pl €ad -t 8l Fqt = o qiN 6('r F Rs E$ n$ i$; E3 FF3 F u5 iiA;*F$ RFF t sF =o35. Fi*5 -., I 88:$ 8EEt\ i a{ \ttt +vi FI T. "lEg* 'll E !t$ Eir=E*e,q$€sH.*ggEE*€Eggeg$EcfgiaE *! Hg F;E's53gre$:$il5EIsg$s!FxppiEE$$E t EEP :;\o" 9! E ccI ;;3 35 :5 :5o.q oo d ".; eN t5 66l qE q€- ,at 8 ?ls..]|I =t 8 TIR,{F =o\-F ci5 8: :it-rfr o€.i \., 3 a.,l .'rt 8 El n",lt s ..rt 8 Tl ts{n x {\IFt E5€ \o q F r- -t 8 it$ ot 8 I|$ i I L iii iii !r -" 9er qA 9= * Efl gE u csef, ; f;El gig $ t i F*€la E c EEI H$g l $ ."i.ilpH'&sc R rE g (o(\I6l |.J{ u- E do.o>s.!FJ.,|(\1 -E =gl gs ; :s AE|ggg*$.=.fiF$ ci]t @o) od(q rF b ea e{[ E t,ei Ffa q g sss ilg FEE g $ CD - 6.!+ E.= -id.*9 :-''ri H gEI hoi-El .r S*J S -gl F Srs s fr9=I (\l . lta XE=I R bHH S bt-I E3l E gUE x S o,e o E'(D .9, o CT 5t :EI :TE 'El * a= i $ E 'iEI El Ee s s €; EEI 3B fi5 E RRRFi ir E$ 6N E .>co oo>6'-ooor,allct -s4o-t!_-:< .-i ,:r cri otocoo) (\l <'td(olrl AraoOobEoo F- l!(o rorf tiJai o .N1' c FE| ;$ gg glEsEF F E Eg Vail Plaza Hotel Proposal Comparison (revised l0/lll99l The following table provides a comparism between the 1998 Vail Plaza Hotel proposal and the most recent 1999 Vail Plaza Hotel proposal Development S:tandard/ Lot Area: GRFA: Drdling units per acrs: Site coverage: Setbacks: front: sides: te.ati H€ight: Parking: Loading: Gommercial sg. footage: Gross Building Area: Conferencd M6eting Facility: Spa Area: 1998 SDD Malol Amendment Prooosal 150,282 sq. ft. 133% or 200,460 sq. ft. (12q156 sq. ft proposed) 0.29 du/acre (276 au) (15 ffu) (1 du) 62%o192,637 sq.ft. 't2' 5" 0" 8',& 6', I' 85.75'sloping 87.5' (arch.proj.) 394 parking spaces six berths 23/" or 47,226 sq. ft. approx. 395,862 sq. ft. approx. 21 ,00t1 sq. ft. approx. 27,802 sq. ft. 1999 SDD ilalor@slfJelesd '150,282 sq. ft. '117o/o ot 175,666 sq. ft. (104,362 sq. ft. proposed) 0.29 du/acre (98 au) (aftu) (1 du) 62% or 92,637 sq. ft. 6' 5"0"2"&5' 73'sloping 73.75'(arch. proj.) 256 parking spaces (218 nar parking spaces) (42 existing parking spaces) f ive berths 26%or 46,124sq.tt approx. 295,557 sq. ft. approx. 15,338sq.ft. approx. 22,827 sq. ft. Plus/Mlnus No Change 160/o or 24,794 sq. tt. ( - 24,794 sq. ft.) M Change - 178 au + 29 ffu No Ghange No Change -6' nc, nc, -6, -1 -3', - 12.75', - 13.75' - 138 parking spaces - one berth +3% and- 1,102 sq. ft. - 100,305 sq. ft. - 5,671 sq. ft. - 4,975 sq. ft. F :\Everyon e\pecvnem os\wipc PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE Monday, October 11, 1999 MEETING RESULTS Proiect Orientation / PEC LUNCH - Communiw Development Deoartment Driver: KEX MEMBERS PHESENT John Schofield Galen Aasland Diane Golden Brian Doyon Tom Weber Chas Bernhardt Site Visits : z, PI-ANNTNG AND ENvrRoNMENrALcoMMrssroN ilLE, c[lPY 12:00 p.m. MEMBERS ABSENT Doug Cahill 1:00 p.m. 1. Vail Plaza Hotel- 100 E. Meadow Drive NOTE: lf the PEC hearing €nends until 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearino - Town Council Chambers 2:00 p.m. l.A request for a worksession to begin preliminary discussions with regard to the proposed redevelopment of the Vail Village Inn, Phase lV, located within Special Development District No. 6. Applicant: Daymer Corporation, represented by Jay Pelerson Planner: George Buther WORKSESSION-NO VOTE A request for a variance from Section 12-6C-9, Town of Vail Code, to allow for two{amily residential site coverage in excess ol 2c./" of lot area, and a request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of a Type ll employee housing unit, located at 1007 Eagle's Nest Circle / Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village Filing 7. Applicant: Kathleen Ferry, represented by Eric Johnson, ArchitectPlanner: Brent Wilson MOTION: Brian Doyon DENIED SECOND: Tom Weber VOTE: 5-0 (Galen recused) 3 A reguest for a minor subdivision, to vacate common lot lines to create a new lot, located at2477,2485,2487,2497 Garmisch Drive/ Lots 1-4, Block H, Vail Das Schone #2. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Nina Timm Planner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL OCTOBER 25, 1999 4. A request for a worksession to discuss a redevelopment proposal involving a rezoning, conditional use permit revision and development plan epprovalfor Ski Club Vail, located at 598 Vail Valley Drive I Pan ol Tract B, Vail Village 7"' Filing. Applicant: Ski Club Vail, represented by Snowdon & Hopkins ArchitectsPlanner: Brent Wilson TABLED UNTIL OCTOBER 25, 1999 5. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of a Type ll employee housing unit, located at3847 Lupine Drive lLol7, Block 1, Bighorn Subdivision First Addition. Applicant:. Randy Nichols, represented by the Mulhern GroupPlanner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL OCTOBER 25, 1999 6. A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the establishment of a new parcel and the vacation of platted easements, located on a Portion of Lot 1, Sunburst Filing #3 (Golf Terrace). Applicant: FallridgeCondominiumAssociationPlanner: Brent Wilson TABLED UNTTL OCTOBER 25, 1999 7. Information Update 8. Approval ol September 27, 1999 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for informatbn. Community DE/elopment Department Published October 8, 1999 in the Vail Trail ()romt OFVAIL Department of Comtnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Memorandum To: Vail Town Council From: George Ruther, Senior Special Projects Planner Date: October 12,1999 Re: Vail Plaza Hotel The purpose of this memorandum is to update the Town Council on the progess of the development review process and to inform the Council of the issues discussed to date. On Monday, October I 1, I 999, the Planning & Environmental Commission held a worksession meeting to discuss the proposed major amendment to Special Development District No.6, Vail Village Inn. The major amendment is intended to facilitate the construction of the Vail Plaza Hotel. This was the second worksession rvith the Commission. The previous worksession, held on September 27 , was devoted entirely 1o the issue of employee housing requirements. One or possibly two more worksessions are anticipated prior to the Commission making a final recommendation to the Town Council on the proposal. Included in the Toum Council packet was a copy of the staff memorandum to the Planning & Environmental Commission. The memorandum outlines the purpose of the worksession, a partial description of the applicant's request, a summary of the background and history ofthe Distriot, a zoning analysis ofthe proposal, a comparison of the 1999 major sdd amendment to the previous 1998 proposal and a numbcr of issues which the staff was recommending that the Con,mission and applicant discuss. Following a site visit to the devclopment site. the Comrrussion eurd the applicant discussed tire issues identified by staff. Thc following is a srunmalv of the Commissioner's comments: Vail Road Setback In general, the Commissioners disagreed with stal-f s concem that the proposed hotel should be required to maintain the required twenty-foot setback along Vail Road. The Comrnissioners believed that the setback r,vas appropriate given the cxisting development on adjacent properties. Several Commissioners did express an interest, however, in reviewing a landscape plan to insure that the streetscape along Vail Road can be adequately provided and that the applicant address the setback criteria and demonstrate why a setback encroachment should be granted. {p rrn uor^r"" Buildine Heisht The staff had identified a concem with the proposed height of the hotel on several portions of the development site. Upon reviewing the plans, the Commissioners believed that the proposed height ofthe hotel was acceptable. Several Commissioners did indicate that certain areas of the hotel did not respect the development on adjacent properties. Of greatest concem lvas the height of the hotel in relation to the residential uses in the Gateway Building and that the hotel tumed its back on the Gateway Building. Greenspac e/Pedestrian Circu lation This particular issue generated the most discussion. The Vail Village Inn Special Development District contemplated an interior counyard partially sunounded by commercial development. The courtyard was intended to serve the guests and visitors staying within the Vail Village Inn as well as pedestrian traffic off of East Meadow Drive. The Commissioners were most concemed that the current proposal did not provide adequate pedestrian circulation throughout the District. The applicant was asked to review the site plans and seek opportunities to improve circulation. Possible improvements suggested included reducing the size of the pool deck area, increasing the walkrvay widths near Phases I & tr, introducing more retail frontage to the courtyarq creating a better pedestrian connection to the Gateway Building raising the fucish eievation of the pool deck, revising the tower design at the south entrance to the hotel and repairing the pavers within the District. Building Entrance on Vail Road The Commissioners generally believed that the proposed qntrance desip on Vail Road was acceptable. Several Commissioners did request that the applicant preseDt addrtional drawings and details of the proposed entrance design at the next meeting. Depending upon the information submitted, improvements to the entrance maybe requested. The concem with the entrance was that it may lack a sense of anival. Acc ommodation Unit Requirement Over the years the Town has consistently required that accommodation units be provided in Phase IV ofthe Vail Village Inn. The required number was once as high as 175 units. The existing ordinance requires no fewer than 148 accommodation units. The applicant's pnoposal includes 98 acoornmodation units and 44 part-time fractional club units for a combined total of 142 units. The Commissioners believed that given the type s of units proposed and the antioipated operation of the fractional fee club units, that the spirit and the intent of the requirement was essentially being met. The next step in the development review process is a second conceptual review of the proposal by the Desigr Review Board. The Board initially reviewed the proposal on October 6 and their comments are outlined in Section VI of the Planning & Environmental Commission memorandum. The next meeting of the Board is Wednesday, October 20. Staff anticipates that the proposal will be back before the Plaming & Environmental Commission for a third rvorksession on Monday, October 25 and progress towards a final recommendation on November 8. fo (Dromt fttt coPr Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 October 13,1999 Tim Losa Project Manager Zehren & Associates 48 East Beaver Creek Boulevard Avon, Colorado 81620 Vail Plaza Hotel Dear Tim, Thank you for meeting with the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission on Monday, October I I , 1999, for a rvorksession to discuss the request for a major amendment to Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn. The purpose of this letter is to provide you written summary of the Commissioners' comments from yesterday's meeting and to establish a deadline for all requested and revised information to be submitted to the Community Development Departrnent in anticipation of a fural recommendation by the Planning & Environmental Commission to the Vail Town Council on Novernber 8, 1999. The following is a list of comments expressed by the Planning & Environmental Commission on October I 1: Vail Road Setback . Generally, the Commission supported the proposed setback along Vail Road. Several Commissioners felt that more detailed information rvas needed to fully comprehend the impacts of the proposed setbacks and additionally requested that you aniculate why the setback encroachment should be granted. You should speak specifically to the public beneiits to the Town of Vail in answering the Commissioner's qucstions. Buildine Hcieht . Generally, the Commission supported the overall building height as proposed. There was questir:n, however, as to the relationship of the proposed height to the Cateway Plaza Building on the north side of the hotel, t-he perceived height of the hotel from the plaza uea, the negative effects of the hotel's height in terms of shading and loss of light to the Gateway Plaza Building and the need to re-orient the mass of the hotel to mitigate the negative impacts on the Gateway Plaza Building and the need to break-up the easVwest ridge line on the northem portion of the hotel. $ ^"n"r"or^ro ,{- Pedestrian Circulation ' This issue was of great concem to the Commissioners. Almost unan.imously the Commission members felt that the site planning needed to be revised to conect numerous pedestrian circulation issues. The issues included a redesign to the tower elsrnent near tbe hotel entrance off East Meadow Drive, the lack of adequate width between the pool and the Phase I buildings, the narrow conidor between the hotel and Phase V, the awkward circulation on the north side ofthe hotel adjacent to the Gateway Plaza Building., the depth of the pool and the twenty-foot tall retaining walls, the need to improve the paver surface thLroughout the District, the minviting nature of the pedestrian experience in the porte cochere and the lack of interesting retail or activity spaces on the plaza level ofthe hotel. Buildine Entance ' Generally, the Commission supported the building's entrance design and configuralion. Several Commissioners questioned the interface between the pedestrian and the vehicles, the lack of a prominent sense of anival to the hotel and the potentially minimal areas devoted to landscaping . Acc ommodation Unit Requirement ' The Commission unanimously agreed that the spirit and the intent of the accommodation unit requirement established in previous ordinances. Submittal Information The Town of Vail is commined to preparing for a final recommendation of the request for a major amendrnent to Special Development Distict No. 6, Vail Village Inn and a conditional use permit for a fractional fee ciub by the Planning & Environmental Commission on November 8, 1999. In order to prepare for the final recommendation, the hotel proposal and submittal information must be frralized The following information must be submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Deparunent by no later than 9:00 arg Wednesday, October 20: tr i5 sets of revised final plans. The fural plans shall comply with the requirements outlined for major amendments in Section 12-9A-5 of the Town Code. This shall include building elevations, floor plans, roof plans, landscape plans, drainage plans, off-site improvements plans, building sections, building height plans, roof-top mechanical plans, and site plans. o A complete and detailed written description of the proposed operation of tie fractional fee club (i.e., interval structure, reservations, operations, amenities, management, marketing, etc.) The written description shall address compliance with the Town's requirements for fractional fee clubs and the conditional use permil criteria. o A revised final written statement describing the major amendment request (i.e., number of au's/du's, building area calculations ofthe proposed uses, parking requirements, etc.) and how the request complies with the nine criteria prescribed for special development drstrict amendments in Section 12-9A-8 of the To*'n Code.o A written description of how the project's off-site impacts rvill bc mitigated as required pursuant to Section 12- 7A-14 of the Torvn Code (i.e., emplope housing, strcetscape improvements, infrastructure lmprovements, publie art, etc.)Q One set of rctluced drarvings (8 /2" x i I ") of all pl;urs submitted tbr review.tr ,{ revised model depicting the final proposal. a A written statement responding to each of the issues raised by the Planning & Environmental Commission and the Design Review Board during the worksession and conceptual review meetings. Again, the Town staffis committed to preparing for ihe final Planning & Environmental Commission review on Monday, November 8. If you are unable to meet the deadlines established in this letter, please contact me so we may discuss possible altematives. You can reach me by telephone al479-2145. 1L" O Sincerely, tJ -)/J+KuHu4 George Ruthei, AICP Senior Special Projects Planner Town of Vail o \ \ \ \$ -f ir $ \ d\ E[\ xx -ll{\ * $\ [J\ t[gl uo F H -t- I W >r+t)rT ui uL 0 t- N \ \ \ luou nolf,v \ \ \ I \,// /,,ll ti I \ \ i \ \ \ \ \r \ \ \ \\ \ \\ \i \\ \\ I lr jg*r I 1\ 1i \\ \\ \i \\ \\ \\ l1 \\ \\ t\ \ 1l \\ U o ADDEIiDTIM TO APPTICATION FOR PI,JANN]NG AI'ID EI{VIRONMENTAI COMMISSION APPROVAT ADJACENT PROPERTY O|.INERS i. Gatewey CondominiunAssociatlonc/o Stoltz Bros., Ltd. 1300 i::a-rket Street, Suite 300'vlilmington, DE 19801Attn: Keith D. Stoltz 2- Vail Village Inn Plaza Condominium Assoc. I & IIc/o S1ifer Management 143 East Meadow DriveVail, Colorado 8L657 3. Village Inn PLaza Condominium Assoc. Phase IfI and Phase V c,/o .Toseph Staufer 100 East Meadow DriveVail, Co.Lorado 8165? O 4 - cclorado Department of Transportation c/o ,f,in NaII 606 So. 9th Street Grand Junctlon, colorado 81501 5. Alpine Standard 28 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81557 6. FirstBank 1? Vail Road Vai1, Colorado 8165? 7. Sonnenalp Hotel 82 East Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 8. Holiday House Condominiumsg \/::rit eOad Vail, Colorado Bl-55? 9. Crossroads Condorninium Associationc,/o Maxine Miller143 East Meadow Drive, Suite 499AVaIl, CoLorado 9165? 10. Trevlna Ltd-. c,/o Maxine Mij.ler143 East Meadow Drive, Suite 499AVa1L, Colorado 9165? o THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on October 25, 1999, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for an extension of a previously-granted variance and a request for a worksession to discuss a redevelopment proposal involving a rezoning, conditional use permit revision and development.plan approval lor Ski Club Vail, located at 598 Vail Valley Drive / Part of Tracl B, Vail Village 7'n Filing. Applicant: ski club Vail, represented by snowdon & Hopkins ArchitectsPlanner: Brent Wilson A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the addition of seasonal employee housing (one Type lll EHU) at the Vail Public Library basement, located at 292 West Meadow Drive / Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filing. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a final review of the proposed redevelopment of the Vail Village lnn, Phase lV, within Special Development District No. 6, located at 100 East Meadow Drive/Lots M, N, & O, Block 5-D, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Planner: Daymer Corporation, represented by Jay Peterson George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Fload. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published October 8. 1999 in the Vail Trail. ffir'r' MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Department of Community Development DATE: October 'l 1, 1999 SUBJECT: A request for a worksession to discuss a major amendment to Special Development District #6, Vail Village Inn, to allow for a hotel redevelopment within Phase lV, located at 100 East Meadow Drive/Lots M, N, & O, Block 5-D, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Waldir Prado, Daymer CorporationPlanner: George Ruther [ !NIre9EI!9N The applicant, Waldir Prado, represented by Jay Peterson, is proposing a major amendment to Special Development District #6, Vail Village Inn. The major amendment is intended to facilitate the redevelopment of the existing Vail Village Inn, Phase lV Condominiums and allow lor the construction of the Vail Plaza Hotel. The cunent proposal amends Phase lV of the Vail Village lnn Plaza only. No amendments are proposed to Phases Flll or V of the Vail Village Inn. The purpose of the worksession meeting is to: . continue discussions on the redevelopment proposal for the Vail Plaza Hotel,. visit the development site,. present the revised proposal to the Planning & Environmental Commission and the community,. inform the Planning & Environmental Commission of the issues discussed between the applicant and the Design Review Board,. fon,lrard direction and input on the various aspects of the proposal to the applicant. Based upon the information provided to date, staff recommends that the following issues be discussed in anticipation of a final review and recommendation by the Planning & Environmental Commission on Monday, October 25, 1999: . Proposed development standards. Site planning II. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicant is proposing a major amendment to Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn. The purpose of the major amendment is to amend the approved development plan to allow for the construction of the vail Plaza Hotel in Phase lv of the District. The Vail Plaza Hotel is intended to be a mixed-use development. Uses within the hotel include residential, commercial and recreation. The applicant is proposing to construct 98 accommodation units (hotel rooms), 44 part-time fractional fee club units, and 1 free-market condominium. The fractional fee club units are to be considered part time, as during the summer months the hotel will retain ownership of the units to rent as short-term accommodation units, and then during the winter months the units will be sold as fractional fee club units. The Vail Plaza Hotel also includes two restaurants, 3,550 square feet of accessory retail located within the hotel, a 15,338 square foot conference facility, a 20,355 square foot full service spa and health club facility and approximately 218 new underground parking spaces. III. BACKGROUND The following is a summary of the existing phases and development with the Vail Village Inn Special Development District: Phase l-This phase consists of the buildings located at the southeast corner of the District. Phase I includes one residential dwelling unit approximately 3,927 square feet in size and nine commercial/retail spaces. Phase ll - This phase consists of three residential dwelling units totaling approximately 3,492 square feet in size and three commercial/retail spaces. Phase ll is generally located in the center of the District. Phase lll - This Phase consists of twenty-nine residential dwelling units totaling approximately 2t4,830 square feet in size and six commercial/retail spaces. Phase lll is located at the northeast corner of the District. Phase lV -This is the original and oldest Phase in the District. This Phase consists of one residential dwelling unit approximately 5,000 square feet in size and seventy-two accommodation units comprising approximately 16,585 square feet of floor area. Phase lV is generally located in the northwest corner of the District. Phase V - This Phase consists of eleven residential dwelling units and three accommodation units totaling approximately 9,972 square feet of floor area and three commercial/retail spaces. Phase V is located in the southwest corner of the District at the intersection of Vail Road and East Meadow Drive. A map illustrating the location of the various Phases has been attached for reference. The following is a brief summary of the amendments to Special Development District No. 6 in the original adoption: . In 1976, the Vail Town Council passed Ordinance No. 7, Series 1976, establishing Special Development Districts No. 6, Vail Village Inn, to ensure the unified and coordinated development of a critical site to the Town of Vail, as a whole, and in a manner suitable for the area in which it is situated. . In 1985, the Vail Town Council passed Ordinance No. 1, Series 1985, providing certain amendments to the approved development plan for Special Development District No. 6. The amendments included a requirement for a minimum of 175 accommodation units and 72,400 square feet of GRFA devoted entirely to accommodation units in Phase lV. In 1987, the VailTown Councilpassed Ordinance No.14, Series 1987, which amended and modified Section 8 relating to the allowed density of the development plan for Special Development District No. 6. This amendment broke Phase lV into two distinct phases; Phase lV and Phase V. This amendment established the maximum allowable GRFA for the entire District at approximately 120,000 square feet. Further, the amendment reduced the minimum accommodation unit requirement to 148 units and 67,367 square feet of GRFA. In 1989, the Vail Town Council passed Ordinance No. 24, Series of 1989, amending the density controls of the District. This amendment increased the allowable GRFA to 124,527 square feet and allowed Unit #30 lo be created in a commercial space. The amendment maintained the previous approval requiring a minimum 148 accommodation units and 67,367 square feet of GRFA devoted to units in Phases lV and V. In 1991, the Vail Town Council passed Ordinance No. 9, Series 1991, providing for certain amendments to the approved development plan for Special Development District No. 6, which relates specifically to Phase lV. In 1992, the Vail Town Council passed Ordinance No. 2, Series 1992, allowing for modifications and amendments to various sections of Special Development District No. 6 which related directly to Phase lV, and which made certain changes to the approved development plan for Special Development District No. 6 as they relate to Phase lV. When originally considering deviations lrom the underlying zoning in 1976, the Town Council found that such deviations were acceptable as the community was to realize a substantial increase in the hotel bed base. An increase in short-term accommodations has been a long , standing objective of our resort community. The following is a summary of the land use regulations prescribed by the Public Accommodation Zone District: According to the Official Town ol Vail Zoning Map, the applicant's property is zoned Public Accommodation. Pursuant to the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the Public Accommodation Zone district is intended, " to provide sites for lodges and residential accommodations for visitors, together with such public and semi-public facilities and limited professlonaloffices, medical facilities, private recreation, and related visitor oriented uses as may appropriately be located in the same district. The Public Accommodation District is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities commensurate with lodge uses, and to maintain the desirable resort qualities of the District by establishing appropriate site development standards. Additional nonresidential uses are permitted as conditional uses which enhance the nature of Vail as a winter and summer recreation and vacation community, and where permltted are Intended to function compatibly with the high density lodging character ot the District. The Public Accommodation Zone District is intended to provide sites for lodging units with densities not to exceed 25 dwelling units per acre. The Public Accommodation Zone District, prior to January 21 , 1997 , did not permit interval ownership. On January 21 , 1997 , the town ? Council adopted regulations allowing interval ownership subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit. Previously, interval ownership was only allowed as a conditional use in the High density Multi-family Zone District. On October 5, 1999, the Vail Town Council approved Ordinance No. 23, Series of 1 999, amending the development standards prescribed in the Public Accommodation Zone District. The amendments included an increase in allowable GRFA up to 150%, an increase in site coverage, the elimination of AU's and FFU's in the calculation of density, revised setback requirements, and other various aspects in the development of properties zoned Public Accommodation. The allowable building height, landscape area and limitation on commercial square footage remained unchanged. IV. ZONING ANALYSIS The development standards for a Special Development District shall be proposed by the applicant. Development standards including lot area, site dimensions, setbacks, height, density control, site coverage, landscaping and parking and loading shall be determined by the Town Council as part of the approved development plan, with consideration of the recommendations of the Planning and Environmental Commission. Before the Town Council approves development standards that deviate from the underlying zone district, it shall be determined that such deviations provide benefits to the Town that outweigh the effects of such deviations. This determination is to be made based upon the evaluation of the proposed Special Development District's compliance with the Review Criteria outlined in the following section. The Community Development Department statf has prepared a Zoning Analysis for the proposed Vail Plaza Hotel. The Zoning Analysis compares the development standards outlined by the underlying zoning of Public Accommodation (revised), to the existing development, the applicant's proposed 1998 major amendment and the 1999 major amendment. lt is important to note that the comparison is based on the entire area of the Special Development District. A copy of the analysis has been attached for reference. For comparative purposes, the Community Development Department has also completed an analysis comparing the 1998 proposal lo the current 1999 proposal. The purpose ol the analysis is to provide a direct comparison of the 1998 proposal that was rejected by the Vail Town Council to the applicant's revised proposal. A copy of the analysis has been attached lor reference. V. THE SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MAJOR AMENDMENT PROCESS Chapter 12-9 of the Town Code provides for the amendment of existing Special Development Districts in the Town of Vail. According to Section 12-9A-1, the purpose of a Special Development District is, 'To encourage flexibility and creativity in the development of land, in order to promote its most appropriate use; to improve the design character and quality of ths new development within the Town; to facilitate the adequate and economlcal provision of streets and utilities; to preserve the natural and scsnic featurss of open space areas; and to further the overall goals of the community as stated in the Vail Comprehensive Plan. An approved dovolopment plan for a Special Devslopment District, In conjunction with the properties underlying zone distrlct, shall establish the requlrements for guiding development and uses of property Included in the Special Development District." According to Section 12-9A-2, a major amendment to a Special Development District is defined as, "Any proposal to change uses; increase gross residential floor area; change the number of dwelling or accommodation units; modify, enlarge or expand any approved speclaldevelopment district (other than "minor amendments" as definsd in this Section), except as provided under Sections 12-15-4, "lnterior Conversions", or 12-15-5, "Gross Residential Floor Area (250 Ordlnance)" of this Title." The Town Code provides a framework for the amendment of a Special Development District. According to the Town Code, prior to site preparation, building construction, or other improvements to land within a Special Development District, there shall be an approved development plan for the Special Development District. The approved development plan establishes requirements regulating development, uses and activity within the Special Development District. Upon final review of a proposed major amendment of an existing Special Development District, a report from the Planning and Environmental Commission stating its findings and recommendations and a statf report shall be fonrarded to the Town Council, in accordance with the provisions listed in Section 12-16-6 of the Town Code. The Town Council's consideration of the Special Development District shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Town Code and approved by two readings of an ordinance. An approved development plan is the principal document in guiding the development, uses, and activities of the Special Development District. The development plan shall contain all relevant material and information necessary to establish the parameters with which the Special Development District shall adhere. The development plan may consist of, but not be limited to: the approved site plan; floor plans, building sections, and elevations: vicinity plan; parking plan; preliminary open space/landscape plan; densities; and permitted, conditional, and accessory uses, The determination ol permitted, conditional and accessory uses shall be made by the Planning and Environmental Commission and Town Council as part of the formal review of the proposed development plan. Unless further restricted through the review of the proposed Special Development District, permitted, conditional and accessory uses shall be limited to those permitted, conditional and accessory uses in the property's underlying zone district. The Town Code provides nine design criteria, which shall be used as the principal criteria in evaluating the merits of the proposed major amendment to a Special Development District. lt shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that submittal material and the proposed development plan comply with each of the following standards, or demonstrate that one or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved. The nine SDD review criteria below: A.Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhood and adiacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, identity, character, visual integrity and orientation. Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. Gompliance with parking and loading requirements as outlined In Chapter 12-10 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Conformity with the applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, Town policies and Urban Design Plan. ldentlflcation and mitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on which the special developmsnt district is proposed. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitlve to natural featurgs, vegetation and ovsrall aesthetic quality ot the communlty. A circulation system designed for both vehlcles and psdestrians addressing on and off-site trafflc circulation. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space In order to optimize and presenre natural features, recreation, views and functions. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and efficient relationship throughout the development of ths special development dastrict. vt. ptscussroN rssuEs The Town of Vail staff has completed a preliminary review of the plans submitted for the redevelopment of the Vail Village lnn. Upon the completion of our review, which included input and analysis from Jeff Winston of Winston & Associates, the Town's urban design consultant, a number of issues with regard to the proposal have been identified. The Community Development Department would recommend that the Planning & Environmental Commission, the statf and the applicant engage in a dialogue on the issues that have been identified. The purpose of the discussion is not to resolve each of the issues at the meeting. Instead, the purpose of the discussion is to continue the dialogue and provide an opportunity for all interested parties to have their issues and concerns heard. Prooosed Development Standards/Site Plannino The development standards for lhe redevelopment of Phase lV, Vail Village Inn are prescribed and outlined in existing development plans and the underlying zoning of Public Accommodation. The most recent redevelopment application proposes deviations from the existing development plan and the underlying zoning. Areas of deviations include buibing height, setbacks, parking, and accommodation unit requirements. As outlined in Section 12-9A of the Town Code, it shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that any deviation from the development standards c. D. F. G. H. of the underlying zoning provide public benefits that outweigh the adverse eftect of said deviation. Upon review of the proposed plans, an inspection of the development site, and the guidelines and recommendations outlined in the Vail Village Master Plan, the staff would suggest that the following changes be considered: 1. Vail Road Setback: The western portion of the hotel to be located along Vail Road should be revised to comply with the twenty{oot setback requirement. As currently designed there is only a six-foot setback for a thirty-seven to forty-two foot tall building fagade along Vail Road. The six-foot setback allows lor only twenty to twenty-five feet of landscape area between the back ol curb and the face of the building. The Vail Village Master Plan specifically addresses the heights of building facades and their relationship to the street edge. In the case of Vail Plaza Hotel it appears desirable to either reduce the height of the building faqade along Vail Road and/or increase the buibing setback. Staff suggests that both alternatives be explored by the applicant for future review and consideration. Heiqht: The maximum overall height of the hotel, excluding the architectural projection atop the elevator tower is seventy-three feet. The maximum height permitted by the recently amended development standards for the Public Accommodation zone district remained at forty-eight feet. The Vail Village Master recommends a maximum building height for the Vail Village Inn development site of four to five stories with the building stepping-down at the street. The applicant is proposing six stories (one of which is located in the roof). While staff believes the development site can accommodate the proposed maximum building height, staff does not leel that the current design with the maximum height along the north edge of the site adjacent to the Gateway Building is appropriate. Staff would recommend that the greatest vertical mass of the building be located more towards the center ol the site and that the proposed easVwest orientation of the "lobby' building be re- oriented in a north/south direction. A re-orientation of the building would locate the greatest vertical building mass in the center of the development where it is perceived less and open up additional opportunities for light and air to reach into the space between the hotel and the Gateway Building. Greensoace/Pedestrian Courtvard : The Vail Village Master Plan recommends a greenspace wrapped with groundlevel commercial space be created within the District. Through the development of Phases l-lll and V this concept has been developed. The hotel proposal furthers this concept, however, staff believes that this opportunity is not fully captured. The proposed pool and pool deck area compromises much of the site which could otheruise be developed into greenspace and pedestrian area. The current pool deck design leaves only marginal pedestrian sidewalks around the north side of the commercial spaces in Phases I & ll. Further, the pool deck is proposed to be twenty feet below the plaza and sidewalk above. Given the heights and orientation of the commercial buildings to the south of the pool area, depth of the pool below grade and the sizes of the landscaping proposed around the south side of the pool, staff has questioned the desirability and viability of the outdoor pool itself. Staff feels the poolwill receive only marginal amounts of direct sunlight, that the depth of the pool below grade will create a very noisy sound chamber lacking privacy 3. 4. and views and that the size of the pool deck area significantly impacts the pedestrian circulation throughout the development site. Staff would suggest that the pool deck size and elevation be explored in hopes of creating a more desirable pool deck and improved pedestrian circulation throughout the site. Buildino Entrance on Vail Road: The Vail Village Master Plan encourages identifiable entrances to buildings and properties to acknowledge entrances and welcome guests. staff feels that this has not been done with the current design. The current design proposes that the building significantly encroaches upon the street and that the entrance to the hotel be side loaded off a corridor between the hotel and the Phase V condominiums. The entrance appears to be hidden and out of the way. The actual front door to the lobby is tucked in more than fifty-five feet from the face of the building. The lack of adequate landscape area and an identifiable architectural feature at the front entrance further hinders the sense of arrival. Staff would suggest that along wilh maintaining the twenty-foot setback along Vail Road, the current design be explored for opportunities to redesign the front driveway and drop- off area. The redesign should to improve the streetscape of Vail Road and create a greater sense of arrival. Accommodation Unit Reouirement: The existing development plan for the Vail Village Inn Special Development District requires a minimum of one-hundred and forty-eight accommodation units. The redevelopment proposal anticipates a total of one-hundred and one (101 ) accommodation units and fortyJour (44) part-time fractional fee club units. The lractional fee units are considered part-time as the hotel will retain ownership of the units during the summer months to rent as short-term accommodations for guest and visitors. Statf believes that the spirit and intent of the minimum accommodation unit requirement is being met with the current proposal. The hotel will operate with a 24-hour front desk having reservation and registration capabilities. To further insure availability and occupancy of the lractional fee club units during the winter months, staff would recommend that the applicant be required to make the units available for short-term occupancy when not in use by club members. Statf suggests that the applicant and Commission discuss the minimum accommodation unit requirement and the opportunities for short-term use of the club units when unoccupied by club members. Desion Review Board lssues: On Wednesday, October 6, 1999, the Town of Vail Design Review Board conceptually reviewed the proposed plans for the Vail Plaza Hotel. The following is a list of the comments expressed by the Board members: . Where is the front entry?. The proposed parking at the front entry conflicts with the flow and circulation of the area.. A more pedestrian-oriented and more inviting design should be proposed for the front entrance. . The proposed corner element located on the southeast comer of the hotel is confining and restricts pedestrian flow and circulation.. The proposed corner element should be redesigned to be incorporated into the hotel. 5. 6. . The spaces between the existing buildings (Phase lll, Phase V, Gateway) should be addressed. The current design results in unattractive and unpleasant alleyways.. More pedestrian-scale needs to be introduced around the lower two or three floors of the hotel.. The traffic flow in the area between the hotel and Phase V is awl<ward.. The pedestrian circulation through the District is constricted by the pool area design.. The pool looks like it will be an unpleasant space due to noise, shade, dirt, lack of privacy, etc.. Break up the north elevation along the South Frontage Road.. The building should step down more along Vail Road.. The roof form atop the two towers should match the form and steepness of the existing towers in the District. VII. STAFFRECOMMENDATION As this is only a worl<session, the Community Development Department will not be fonrarding a recommendation at this time. A formal recommendation will be provided at the time of a final review. Date ReceiverTIIMOUNTAINAIRE PROPERTIES, INC. 0150 East Beaver Creek Blvd. P.O. Box 19000-157 Avon, CO 81620 ocT 15 899 January 25,1999 Mr. George G. Ruther, AICP Seirior Planner, Dspt. of Cormmity Dev. 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Re: Vail Plaza Hotel Deer Genrge: This letter is a follow up to our prwious phone eonversations relative to the above reference proposed dwelopment and its impact on the Vail Gateway Plaza. We are the owners of the 17,644 sqft. of cnmmercial oondo spaca. Afthough the oumers of the residentill condo units have ryecific issres relwant to the proposed hotel that sre not necessarity the conrmercial ryaee's top priority, it is not our intpotion to downplay their conceins but rather focus on the issres that we feel mo$ directly iqact the commercial spflaes. Pede*rian trafrc flowhas ahrays bee,n a prohlem with the Gateway and as a re$rt the cornm€rcial qace has had a reputation for c.onstant turuover. While we csnnot e&e.ct oue dwelopment to sohe thrt problem entirely it would be extremely he$firl for Grteway if the facility for easy and inviting pede*rian traffic flow exis*ed between the properties vften the hotel is caryleted. It is $ill the reqonsibility of the landlord rnd merchants of Gateway to take advantage of any e,nhanced means of pede*rian flow but having that iryroved facility oould have a significnnt positive perception for the Gateway location; and $ould offer qnergistic opportunities for the hotel and spa as well I have discussed with the hotel dweloper vnrious means by r&ieh pede*rian trrffic flow c.ould be frcittated between the properties. We erylored werything from slry walks from building to building to covered walkways. There rre a atrmt'er of physicd and eoonomic issres that inffue,nced ow evaluation ofthe various e,nhancements. What seemed to be mog practiaal md potentially betreficial is an attractive and inviting walkway/stairway betweqr the properties in the approximate location uihe,re the crureNrt ac,cess betwa€Nr the properties exis. That would offer at lea$ some physicd linkage betruee,n the properties to enc,ourage pedeshian trafrc flow in both direstions. Phone: (970) 8454693 Fax (970) 845-073E PrgaZ We appreciate yonr involvemt md ineere* ia rhis matt€r md for keeping us-apprised ofthe meetinge. We will phn to ettend the next wor* session on October 25'. Pleas€ do not hesitate to contlct mc if you hrve rny que$ions or wrnt to discuss ftrther any properties. R Weslw Mormtainrire D09'rtE Gateway Gondominium Assoc. Stoltz Bros., Ltd. Market St., Suate 3(xl ington, DE 198{11 : Keith D. Stoltr Golorado Dept. ot Tnnsponaton c/o Jim Nall 606 So.9h Street G|and Junctlon, OO 81501 Sonnenalp Hotel 82 E. Meadow Drive Vall, GO 81657 Trevina Ltd. C/o Marine Miller 1tl3 E. Meadow Drive, Sulte 4994 Vail, GO 8165-/ Vail Village Inn Plaza Gondo Assoc. t&tl C/o Sliter Management 1'$ E. Meadow Dilve Vail, CO 81657 Alpine Standard 28 South Frontage Rd. West Vail, CO 81657 Holiday House Condominiums 9 Vail Road Vail, CO 81657 :;.ri:*l "*Js:1;Pi or"u=i;lv$$i; Village Inn Plaza Gondo Assoc. Phase lll and Phase V C/o Joseph Staufer 100 East lleadow Drive Vail, CO 8165/ FirstBank 17 Vail Road Vail, CO 81657 Crossroads Condo Assoc. C/o Maxlne Miller 1€ E. Meadow Drive, Suite 499A Vall, CO 81657 iass'l s09IS :o{ a19!6ual asfi u:slae{$ peag tj]otli,.lj g THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vailon November 8, 1999, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a final review of a major amendment, to allow for the proposed redevelopment ot the Vail Village Inn, Phase lV, within Special Development District No. 6, and a conditional use permit, to allow for the operation of a fractional fee club in the Public Accommodation Zone District, located at 100 East Meadow Drive/Lots M, N, & O, Block 5-D, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Planner: Daymer Corporation, represented by Jay Peterson George Ruther A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of a Type ll employee housing unit, located at 3847 Lupine Drive / LotT, Block 1, Bighorn Subdivision First Addition. Applicant: Randy Nichols, represented by the Mulhern GroupPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a minor subdivision, to vacate common lot lines to create a new lot, located at 2477,2485,2487,2497 Garmisch Drive/ Lots 1-4, Block H, Vail Das Schone #2. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Nina TimmPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a minor suMivision, to allow for the establishment of a new parcel and the vacation of platted easements, located on a Portion of Lot 1, Sunburst Filing #3 (Golf Terrace). Applicant: FallridgeCondominiumAssociationPlanner: Brent Wilson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's otfice located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Pubf ished October 22, 1999 in the Vail Trail. ruffit FttE cuPy (bomt OFVAIL Department of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 MX 970-479-2452 October2l, 1999. Tim Losa Project Manager Zehren & Associates, Inc. 48 East Beaver Creek Boulevard Avon, Colorado 81620 Rc: Vail Plaza Hotel Dear Tim, Thank you for appearing before the Town of Vail Design Review Board on Wednesday, October 20,l999,for a second conceptual revicw of the proposed Vail Plaza Hotel. The purpose of this letter is to provide you with a written summary of the Board's comments. The following is a list of the comments: The redesiped tower at the southeast comer of the hotel still does not provide adequate pedestrian circulation. The tower design needs to be incorporated and integrated into the design of the hotel. Thc goal of the redesign is to significantly open up the space and reduce the restrictive natuc of the current design. The spaces between the buildings (Phasc III, Phase V & Gateway) are not acccptable. The walkway along the northside of the hotel lcading to the Gateway Building must be provided. The design of thc walkway shall be intercsting and inviting. The drivcway ramp leading down into tbc parking structue should be increased in slope to the maximum allowed lo increase thc size of the plaza area above. The proposal to incorporate archways and gates in the arcas between the buildings is good. The archways and gates should varying in size and uppearance, yct maintain an overall reco.qnizable theme. The rvalkway betwecn the pool area and the Phase I buildings must be increased in width. The goal of the chango is to improve the feel and flow of pedestrian traffic throughor.rt the District. The proposed open rail design is good. Plcase providc section drawings of the pool deck retaining walls to illusfatc liurdscape planter design and sizes. Overall, the pool deck design with thc cascading pools is very attractlve. Greiltel'iuticuliltion must be introduced along the Soutlr Frontage Road. .A,s desigred the strect-cdge is to<r straight and linear iurd does not confbrm rvith the Vail Village Urban Design Considerations. A minimum of a 10-foot offset shall be provided. The Vail Road and South Frontage Road property line discrepancies must be resolved prior to the Board commenting on the proposed Vail Road setback. The Board is interested in ensuring that the sfeetscape along Vail Road is attractive, welllandscaped and inviting. {g on"uoro"r* .r.'rt^ - ri:.I.! { - '.i, '..' -1 u '. to -' the Vail Plaza Hotel is tentatively scheduled for a third cmceptual rcview by tbe Design Review Board o Wednesday, Novernber 3, 1999. Io cder to rernain on the Board's agBoda yotr will n€ed to submit rcvisios by no later tba" noon, Tbursday, Octobo 28, 1999 to the Cqnmunity Developrnent Departrmt. I h@€ tbis let€r is hclpful in clari$ing thc Board's commmls. Should yor bave any questionE or concems, pleasp ftcl fre€ to call. You cm reach me by tclcphme at 479-2143. Sincsett, fi^'^*- R,n*'l Cxuge Rutbcf,AICP Senior Special ftojects Plmn€r To$m.ofVail Xc: VailTwrCoucil Town of Vail Planning & Enviromaul Comnission Waldir Prado a MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and EnvironmentalCommission FROM: Department of Community Development DATE: October25, 1999 SUBJECT: A request for a worksession to discuss a major amendment to Special Development District #6, Vail village lnn, to allow for a hotel redevelopment within Phase lV, located at 100 East Meadow Drive/Lots M, N, & O, Block 5-D' Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Waldir Prado, Daymer CorporationPlanner: George Ruther L !NIreWI!9N The applicant, Waldir Prado, represented by Jay Peterson, is proposing a major amendment to Special Development District #6, Vail Village Inn. The major amendment is intended to facilitate the redevelopment of the existing Vail Village Inn, Phase lV Gondominiums and allow for the construction of the vail Plaza Hotel. The current proposal amends Phase lV of the vail village Inn Plaza only. No amendments are proposed to Phases l-lll 0r V of the Vail Village Inn. The purpose of the worksession meeting is to: . continue discussions on the redevelopment proposal for the Vail Plaza Hotel, r pr€sent the revised parking plan, off-site improvements plan, loading/delivery proposal and the vehicle circulation plan to the Planning & Environmental Commission and the community,. inform the Planning & Environmental Commission of the issues discussed between the applicant and the Design Review Board on October 20, 1999, andr forward direction and input on the various aspects of the proposal to the applicant. During the previous two worksession meetings, the applicant and the Commission have discussed employee housing requirements, the proposed development standards and deviations and site planning issues. Staff recommends that the following issues be discussed in anticipation of a final review and recommendation by the Planning & Environmental Commission on Monday, NovemberS, 1999: . Parking Plan. Loading/Delivery Planr Off-site lmprovements Plano Traffic Circulation - II. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUESTv The applicant is proposing a major amendment to Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn. The pupose of the major amendment is to amend the approved development plan to allow for the construction of the vail Plaza Hotel in Phase lv of the District. The Vail Plaza Hotel is intended to be a mixed-use development. Uses within the hotel include residential, commercial and recreation. The applicant is proposing to construct 97 accommodation units (hotel rooms), 47 part-time fractional fee club units, and 1 free-market condominium. The fractional fee club units are to be considered part time, as during the summer months the hotel will retain ownership of the units to rent as short-term accommodation units, and then during the winter months the units will be sold as fractional fee club units. The Vail Plaza Hotel also includes two restaurants, 3,820 square feet ot accessory retail located within the hotel, a 15,338 square foot conference facility, a 20,355 square foot full service spa and health club facility and approximalely 247 new underground parking spaces. III. BACKGROUND The following is a summary of the existing phases and development with the vail Village lnn Special Development District: Phase l-This phase consists of the buildings located at the southeast corner of the District. Phase I includes one residential dwelling unit approximately 3,927 square feet in size and nine commercial/retail spaces. Phase ll-This phase consists of three residential dwelling units totaling approximately 3,492 square feet in size and three commercial/retail spaces. Phase ll is generally located in the center of the District. Phase lll - This Phase consists of twenty-nine residential dwelling units totaling approximately 44,830 square feet in size and six commercial/retail spaces. Phase lll is located at the northeast corner of the District. Phase lV -This is the original and oldest Phase in the District. This Phase consists of one residential dwelling unit approximately 5,000 square feet in size and seventy-two accommodation units comprising approximately 16,585 square feet of floor area. Phase lV is generally located in the northwest corner of the District. Phase V - This Phase consists of eleven residential dwelling units and three accommodation units totaling approximately 9,972 square feet ol tloor area and four commercial/retail spaces. Phase V is located in the southwest corner of the District at the intersection of Vail Road and East Meadow Drive. A map illustrating the location of the various Phases has been attached for reference. The following is a brief summary of the amendments to Special Development District No. 6 since the original adoption: . ln 1 976, the Vail Town council passed ordinance No. 7, series 1976, establishing Special Development Districts No. 6, Vail Village Inn, to ensure the unified and coordinated development ol a critical site to the Town of Vail, as a whole, and in a manner suitable for the area in which it is situated, ln 1 985, the Vail Town Council passed Ordinance No. 1 , Series 1985, providing certain amendments to the approved development plan for Special Development District No. 6. The amendments included a requirement for a minimum of 175 accommodation units and 72,400 square feet of GRFA devoted entirely to accommodation units in Phase lV. In 1987, the VailTown Councilpassed Ordinance No.14, Series 1987, which amended and modified Section 8 relating to the allowed density of the development plan for Special Development District No. 6. This amendment broke Phase lV into two distinct phases; Phase lV and Phase V. This amendment established the maximum allowable GRFA for the entire District at approximately 120,000 square feet. Further, the amendment reduced the minimum accommodation unit requirement to 148 units and 67,367 square feet of GRFA. In 1989, the Vail Town Council passed Ordinance No. 24, Series of '1989, amending the density controls of the District, This amendment increased the allowable GRFA to 124,527 square feet and allowed Unit #30 to be created in a commercial space. The amendment maintained the previous approval requiring a minimum 148 accommodation units and 67,367 square feet of GRFA devoted to units in Phases lV and V. In 1991, the Vail Town Council passed Ordinance No. 9, Series 199'1, providing for certain amendments to the approved development plan for Special Development District No. 6, which relates specifically to Phase lV. . In 1992, the VailTown Councilpassed Ordinance No. 2, Series 1992, allowing for modifications and amendments to various sections of Special Development District No. 6 which related directly to Phase lV, and which made certain changes to the approved development plan for Special Development District No. 6 as they relate to Phase lV. When originally considering deviations from the underlying zoning in 1976, the Town Council found that such deviations were acceptable as the community was to realize a substantial increase in the hotel bed base. An increase in short-term accommodations has been a long standing objective of our resort community. According to the OfficialTown of Vail Zoning Map, the applicant's property is zoned Public Accommodation. Pursuant to the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the Public Accommodation Zone district is intended, " to provide sites for lodges and residentlal accommodations for visitors, together wlth such public and semi-public facilities and limited professional officqs, medical facilities, pravate recreation, and related visitor orlented uses as may appropriatsly be located in the same district. The Public Accommodation District is intended to ensure adequate laght, air, opsn space, and other amenities commensurate with lodge uses, and to maintain the deslrable resort qualities of the District by establishing appropriate site development standards. Additional nonresidential uses are permitted as conditaonal uses which enhance the nature of Vail as a winter and summer recreation and vacation community, and where permitted are intended to functlon compatibly with the hlgh density lodglng character ot the Distrlct. The Public Accommodation Zone District is intended to provide sites for lodging units with densities not to exceed 25 dwelling units per acre. The Public Accommodation Zone District, prior to January 21,1997, did not permit interval ownership. On January 21,1997, the Town Council adopted regulations allowing interval ownership subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit. Previously, interval ownership was only allowed as a conditional use in the High density Multi-family Zone District. On October 5, 1999, the Vail Town Council approved Ordinance No. 23, Series of 1 999, amending the development standards prescribed in the Public Accommodation Zone District. The amendments included an increase in allowable GRFA up to 150o/", an increase in site coverage, the elimination of AU's and FFU's in the calculation of density, revised setback requirements, and other various aspects in the development of properties zoned Public Accommodation. The allowable building height, landscape area and limitation on commercial square footage remained unchanged. IV. ZONING ANALYSIS The development standards for a Special Development District shall be proposed by the applicant. Development standards including lot area, site dimensions, setbacks, height, density control, site coverage, landscaping and parking and loading shall be determined by the Town Gouncil as part of the approved development plan, with consideration ol the recommendations of the Planning and Environmental Commission. Before the Town Council approves development standards that deviate from the underlying zone district, it shall be determined that such deviations provide benefits to the Town that outweigh the etfects of such deviations. This determination is to be made based upon the evaluation ol the proposed Special Development District's compliance with the Review Criteria outlined in the lollowing section. The Community Development Department staff has prepared a Zoning Analysis for the proposed Vail Plaza Hotel. The Zoning Analysis compares the development standards outlined by the underlying zoning of Public Accommodation (revised), to the existing development, the applicant's proposed 1998 major amendment and the 1999 major amendment. lt is important to note that th6 comparison is based on the entire area of the Special Development District. A copy of the analysis has been aftached for reference. For comparative purposes, the Community Development Department has also completed an analysis comparing the 1998 proposalto the current 1999 proposal. The purpose of the analysis is to provide a direct comparison of the 1998 proposal that was rejected by the Vail Town Council to the applicant's revised proposal. A copy of the analysis has been attached for reference. V. THE SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MAJOR AMENDMENT PROCESS Chapter 12-9 of the Town Code provides for the amendment of existing Special Development Districts in the Town of Vail. According to Section 12-9A-1, the purpose of a Special Development District is, {To encourage flexibillty and creatlvlty In the development of land, in order to promots ats most appropriate use; to improve the design character and qualaty of the new dsvelopment within the Town; to facilitate the adequate and economical provision of streets and utilities; to preserve the natural and scenic features of open space areas; and to further the overall goals of the community as stated in the Vail Gomprehenslve Plan. An approved development plan for a Special Development District, In conlunction wlth the properties underlying zone district, shall establish the requiremsnts for guldlng development and uses of property included in the Specaal Development District." According to Section 12-gA-2, a major amendment to a Special Development District is defined as, "Any proposal to change usgs; increase gross residential tloor area; change the number of dwelling or accommodation unlts; modify, snlarge or expand any approved special development district (other than "minor amendments" as defined in this Section), except as provided under Sections 12-15-4, "lnterior Gonversions", or 12-15-5, "Gross Residential Floor Area (250 Ordinance)" of this Title." The Town Code provides a framework for the amendment of a Special Development District. According to the Town Code, prior to site preparation, building construction, or other improvements to land within a Special Development District, there shall be an approved development plan for the Special Development District. The approved development plan establishes requirements regulating development, uses and activity within the Special Development District. Upon final review of a proposed major amendment of an existing Special Development District, a report from the Planning and Environmental Commission stating its findings and recommendations and a staff report shall be forwarded to the Town Council, in accordance with the provisions listed in Section 12-16-6 of the Town Code. The Town Council's consideration of the Special Development District shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Town Code and approved by two readings of an ordinance. An approved development plan is the principal document in guiding the development, uses, and activities of the Special Development District. The development plan shall contain all relevant material and information necessary to establish the parameters with which the Special Development District shall adhere. The development plan may consist of, but not be limited to: the approved site plan; floor plans, building sections, and elevations: vicinity plan; parking plan; preliminary open space/landscape plan; densities; and permitted, conditional, and accessory uses, The determination ol permitted, conditional and accessory uses shall be made by the Planning and Environmental Commission and Town Council as part of the formal review of the proposed development plan. Unless further restricted through the review of the proposed Special Development District, permitted, conditional and accessory uses shall be limited to those permitted, conditional and accessory uses in the property's underlying zone district. The Town Code provides nine design criteria, which shall be used as the principal criteria in evaluating the merits of the proposed major amendment to a Special Development District. lt shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that submittal material and the proposed development plan comply with each of the following standards, or demonstrate that one or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved. The nine SDD review criteria below: A. D,esign compatibility and sensitivity to the immsdiate environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, butfer zones, idsntity, character, visual integrity and orientation. B. Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workable relatlonshlp wlth surroundlng uses and actlvlty. C. Compliance with parking and loading requirements as outlined ln Chapter 12-10 of the Town of Vail Municipal Gode. D. Gonformlty with the applicable elements of the Vall Gomprehensive Plan, Town pollcles and Urban Deslgn Plan. E. ldentitication and mitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that aftect the property on which the special development distrlct is proposed. F. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a tunctlonal development responslve and sensltlve to natural teaturss, vegetation and overall aesthetlc quallty of the community. G. A circulatlon system deslgned for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and otf-slte trafflc clrculatlon. H. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optlmlze 8nd preserve natural features, recreation, views and functlons. l. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, lunctlonal and efficient relationship throughout the development of the special development dlstrlct. vr. prscussroN rssuEs The Town of Vail staff has completed a preliminary review of the plans submitted for the redevelopment of the Vail Village lnn. Upon the completion of our review, which included input and analysis from Jeff Winston of Winston & Associates, the Town's urban design consultant, a number of issues with regard to the proposal have been identified. The Community Development Department would recommend that the Planning & Environmental Commission, the staff and the applicant engage in a dialogue on the issues that have been identified. The purpose of the discussion is not to resolve each of the issues at the meeting. Instead, the purpose of the discussion is to continue the dialogue and provide an opportunity for all interested parties to have their issues and concerns heard. Parkino Plan The parking requirements for the redevelopment of Phase lV, Vail Village Inn are prescribed the Zoning Regulations. Section 12-10-10 of the Zoning Regulations outlines the off-street parking requirement based upon the differing tlDes of uses proposed. For example, an accommodation units requires 0.4 spaces per units, plus 0.1 space per 1 00 square feet of gross residential floor area, with a maximum of 1 space per unit. In addition to the parking requirement outlined in the regulations, there is an additional requirement for parking in Special Development District No. 6. Pursuant to the approved development plan, the redevelopment of Phase lV shall be required to provide 75 parking spaces to meet a deficit parking situation within the District. The Town of Vail is currently in the process of studying parking generation within the Town's two commsrcial core areas. The purpose of the study is to determine the appropriateness of the existing parking requirements for the various types of uses and to propose amendments if necessary to the parking schedule if necessary. For comparative purposes, the staff has evaluated the parking requirement for the Vail Plaza Hotel based upon the current regulations and the recommended rates proposed as a result 0f the parking study. Parking Requirement (existing regulations) Use Dwelling Unit 1 Accommodation Unit 97 Fractional Fee Club Unit 47 Conference Restaurant Retail Existing Deficit Existing Spaces Use Dwelling Unit Accommodation Unit Fractional Fee Club Unit Conference Restaurant Retail Existing Deficit Existing Spaces Parklng Requirsment (recommended changes) Parkino Spaces 2.5 74.9 95 43.2 23.2 12.7 254 (x 5% reduction for mulitple use (12) ) -12 - 42 (existing spaces to remain) 200 75 70 345 parking spaces Parkino Soaces 1.1 97 47 86 31 6 269 (no multiple use credit applies) - 42 (existing spaces to remain) 227 75 70 372 parking spaces Quantitv 10,368 sq.ft. 5,678 sq.ft. 3,820 sq.ft. Subtotal Grand Total Quantitv 1 97 47 10,368 sq.ft. 5,678 sq.ft. 3,820 sq.ft. Subtotal Grand Total The applicant is proposing a total of 289 parking spaces. Two hundred, forty-seven parking spaces are provided in two levels of an underground parking structure accessed off Vail Road. Forty-two spaces are existing in the structure underneath the Phase lll Condominium Building and they are accessed off the South Frontage Road. Of the 289 parking spaces, 106 are valet spaces, 7 are compact spaces and the remaining 176 are full-sized spaces. The applicant has proposed short-term temporary spaces located at the front entrance to the hotel. Since these spaces are temporary in nature, and not intended for long-term parking, they can not count towards meeting the overall parking requirement. Due to the multi-use nature ot the hotel, the multiple use credit permitted by Section 12-10-12 ot the Zoning Regulations shall apply. In the case of the Vail Plaza Hotel, a 57" reduction shall be applied to the overall parking requirement for the hotel. The 5% reduction shall not be applied to the 75 required spaces nor the 112 existing spaces, pursuant to the approved development plan. Loadino/Deliverv The Zoning Regulations outline the requirements for loading/delivery facilities. Pursuant to the regulations, the applicant shall be required to provide a minimum ol live loading and delivery berths. The five berth requirement takes into account the multiple use credit since the proposed facility shall serve as the sole off-street loading and delivery areator the entire District. Upon review of the proposed loading/delivery plan, the staff has identified a number of issues that must be resolved in order for the facility to function properly. The loading/delivery plan contemplates access to the site off the South Frontage Road. In order to gain access and provide maneuvering capabilities without interrupting the traffic flow on the South Frontage Road the applicant is proposing to construct an additional lane parallel to the South Frontage Road. A portion of the additional lane will be constructed on the applicant's property and a portion will be constructed in the CDOT right-of-way. During a recent Town Council update on the status of the development review process for the hotel, several Council members expressed concerns with the current proposal. Of greatest concern was that the parallel access road scheme was inconsistent with the improvements on adjacent properties along the South Frontage Road. The Town is currently considering South Frontage Road improvements to lessen the negative visual impacts of the vast amount of asphalt in the area. The applicant's current proposal increases the amount of asphalt. Additionally, safety concerns were raised regarding large delivery vehicles attempting to cross multiple lanes of traffic to head westbound on the South Frontage Road (left-turn). Staff anticipates that a right-turn only from the loading/delivery area will be required. Staff fufther anticipates the need to construct a landscape median east of the roundabout to prohibit left turns from the hotel site. The access to and from the loading/delivery area does not comply with the Town's adopted driveway standards for commercial developments. The entrance and exit driveway angles do not meet minimum standards. Failure to meet minimum standards results in unsafe situations and the possible need to implement restrictions on turning movements. This issue must be addressed. The loading/delivery facility must be designed to MSHTO standards. The current configuration does not permit adequate maneuvering for the types of vehicles delivering goods to the District. The final design shall be reviewed and approved by the Town Engineer and shall be granted a revised access permit by CDOT. The applicant is proposing to use the loading/delivery area to accommodate the occasional passenger coach bus arriving at the hotel. In order to determine if the area can accommodate the maneuvering requirements of the coach bus, the site plan needs to show the turning requirements ol a 40 foot bus. The front drop-off area on Vail Road can not accommodate a bus as designed. A copy of a memorandum from Greg Hall to George Ruther, dated October 19, 1999, has been attached for reference. Off-site lmorovements fn accordance with Section 12-7A-14 of the Zoning Regulations, the applicant is required to mitigate substantial off-site impacts resulting from the proposed redevelopment. Pursuant to Section 12-74-14, "Property owners/developers shall also be responsible for mitigating direct impacts of their development on public infrastructure and in all cases mitigation shall bear a reasonable relation to the development impacts. lmpacts may be determined based on reports prepared by qualitied consultants. The extent of mitigation and public amenity improvements shall be balanced with the goals of redevelopment and wlll be determined by the Planning and Envlronmental Commission in review of development proiects and conditional use permits. Substantial off-site impacts may Include, but are not limited to, the following: deed restricted employee housing, roadway improvements, pedestrian walkway improvements, streetscape improvements, stream tracubank rgstoration, loading/delivery, publac art lmprovements, and simalar improvements. The Intent of this sectlon Is to only require matigataon for large scale redevelopmenudevelopment proiects whlch produce substantial off-site impacts." Attached for reference is a copy of a letter to George Ruther, from Tim Losa, dated October 19, 1999, outlining the off-site improvements proposed by the applicant. Staff agrees in concept with the improvements proposed. However, further discussion and greater detail will be required to fully understand the extent and financial responsibilities ol the proposed off-site improvements. Since this is a proposal to amend an existing special development district, detailed drawings are required to be made part of the public record. The drawings shall completely illustrate the improvements to be constructed. Additionally, a Developer lmprovement Agreement identlfylng the improvements and the financial responsibilities shall be required prior to second reading of an amending ordinance. Traffic Circulation The applicant has submitted a revised Traffic Report. The report was prepared by Felsburg, Holt & Ullevig as a supplement to the earlier Traffic lmpact Study. The following is summary of the report: . The current proposal will generate approximatelyl ,457 trips per day with a total of 85 trips during the am peak and 127 trips during the pm peak. The current proposal will generate approximately 50% fewer trips than the previous 1998 major amendment proposal. . The north driveway, adjacent to the Gateway Plaza Building should be an exit only to maximize safety and reduce vehicles from stacking up into the roundabout.. The south driveway, adjacent to Phase V should be entrance only and should not require a dedicated left turn lane on Vail Road. . Adequate sight distances need to be maintained along Vail Road to minimize potential turning conflicts.o The in-bound left turn lane at the South Frontage Road access to the loading/delivery area will operate at or above Level of Service "C" (expected delays of 15 - 25 seconds) during peak traffic periods. . The outbound traffic at the South Frontage Road exit driveway will operate at Level of Service "E" (expected delap of 35 - 50 seconds. A relatively low volume of vehicles (<15/h0 will be subject to these delays.. No otf-site conflicts are expected between the parallel loading/delivery lane and the through tratfic on the South Frontage Road.. Neither acceleration nor deceleration lanes are required pursuant to the State Highway Access Code. Staff would recommend that the applicant describe the on-site tratfic flow of vehicles. Most importantly, the applicant should describe a guest arival scenario and how the vehicles flow throughout the site. VII. STAFFRECOMMENDATION As this is only a worksession, the Community Development Department will not be forwarding a recommendation at this time. A formal recommendation will be provided at the time of a final review. 10 Vail Plaza Hotel Attachments (revise d 10125199) o A. ZEIIREN ANI) A5S(-)(.tAl[5, rNl Tuesday, October 19, 1999 Mr. George Ruther Senior Special Projects Planner Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Plaza Hotel George: This is a written description of off-site impacts and theil proposed mitigation as requested by your letter dated l0/13/99. Pedestrian Impacts -Vail Road. We will be providing streetscape improvements in accordance with the steetscape master plan for the eastem side of Vail Road from the corner of East Meadow Drive to the northem most propedy line of our site. These improvements include new "Village" light fixtures and standards, curb and gutter, and a six-foot wide brick paver sidewalk to match the color, pattem, and size of the existing sidewalk at East Meadow Drive. Additional landscape improvements and final sidewalk configuration will be provided in accordance with design review zoning regulations. Pedestrian rmpacts - East Meadow Drive. The Y atl Plaza Hotel is proposing to provide streetscape improvements in accordance with the streetscape master plan for the northem side of East Meadow Drive Aom the comer of Vail Road to the westemmost of the Vail Village Inn Phase IA structure to mitigate pedestrian impacts in this area. The proposed improvements include replacement of the existing cube fixtures with new "Village" light fixtures and standards and a six- foot wide brick paver sidewalk to match the color, pattem, and size of the existing sidewalk at the comer of East Meadow Drive and Vail Road. Additional landscape improvements and final sidewalk configuration will be provided in accordance with design revidw zoning regulations. Pedestrian Impacts - South Frontage Road. The Vail Plaza Hotel is proposing to provide sheetscape tmprovements in accordance with the master plan for the southem side of the South Frontage Road from the comer of Vail Road to the westemmost curb of the Vail Village lnn Phase V driveway to mitigate pedestriarr impacts in this area. The proposed improvements include new "Village" light fixtures and standards. curb and gutter, and a six-foot wide brick paver sidewalk to rnatch the color. paftem. and size of the existing sidewalk at along the South Frontage Road. Additional landscape improvements and tinal sidervalk coniiguration will be provided in accordance with design review and other applicable zoning regulations as rvell as Colorado Department of Transportation. Pedestrian Impacts - South Frontage Road. The Vail Plaza Hotel is proposing to provide streetscape improvements in accordance rvith the master plan for the southem side of the South Frontage Road from the eastemmost curb of the Vail Village Inn Phase V driveway to the westemmost corner of East Meadow Drive (Crossroads) to mitigate pedestrian impacts in this area. The proposed improvements include white concrete standard curb and gutter, and a six-foot wide, four-inch thick, reinforced. white concrete sidewalk. These improvements specifically exclude utility relocation, engineered strucfures for retaining earth or support of the sidewalk, handrails, ARt lrlll:{ li;ltl rl'l .,\Ni'ili\(,.li"rlljRl(JliI.t_Ai.il)5(.A}rt:Aiit:Hn{:r:Tt_jtti ts. C. o l). l).(J. l3r,,r. lr:t.'{t . \',r,,| (.r:i,rr,!1o ltirr")(r r !.}i0r !,{!t-{rj:r: . !:.1.).. t{,!;r()r it.i'l-lflii(i Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Zehren and Associates, Inc. t0/19/99 guardrails, or walls meant to provide for the safety of pedestrians on the sidewalk, and/or drainage systems meant to control surface water runoff. It is assumed that the items specifically excluded will be provided by another entity to be coordinated with the proposed sidewalk. Additionally it is assumed that all improvements along the South Frontage Road will be at the discretion of the Colorado Department of Transportation. E. Public Transpofration Impacts - East Meadow Drive. The Vail Plaza Hotel is proposing to provide public hansportation infrashlcture improvements in accordance with the streetscape master plan for a new bus stop adjacent to the westemmost portion of the Vail Village Inn Phase IA strucfure to mitigate impacts in this area. The prooosed improvements relocation of fixed bus signage and fxtures, and a bus stop similar in size, materials and character to the existing bus stop located on the south side of the roadway. Additional landscape improvements and final configuration will be provided in accordance with design review and oiher applicable zoning regulations. It is our understanding that the existing surface water runoff from the existing structures and the proposed stuctures on the site is would be in the same quantities and would drain to the same locations as curently exist. Additionally, we would assume no increase in surface water on our site would occur from the design of proposed drainage shuctures on the South Frontage Road. Therefore would assume that no major drainage infrastructure improvements would be necessary to accommodate the proposed skuctures. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Tim Losa Proj ect Manager Zeken and Associates, Inc. t-i-- ZTI_I REN ANlr ASS(](.1,\II:5, ll.j( T'uesday, October 19, 1999 Mr. George Ruther Senior Special Projects Planner Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re:Vail Plaza Hotel George: This a final written statement as requested by your letter dated l0ll3/99 to address design criteria A through I as outlined in section 18.40.080 of the town code. It is our understanding that these nine (9) criteria are to be used in evaluating the merits of the Vail Plaza Hotel, the final phase of the Vail Village Inri Special Development District. Design Compatibility. We believe that the hotel is designed in such a way that is both compatible and sensitive to the environment, neighborhood, and adjacent properties. Setbacks are consistent with the underlying zoning in that they maintain an average of twenty feet (20') from most adjacent properties to the primary building walls. Additionally, the structure maintains setbacks consistent with adjacent properties along both the Frontage Road and Vail Road. Mass and bulk are sensitive to adjacent structures in that the hotel is designed to step up in height and bulk from both the street and adjacent smaller structures in order to maintain a comfoftable pedestrian scale while maintaining consistent heights with adjacent struchres roof lines and ridges. Additionally, we have purposefplly hipped most of the roof forms at or along public streets and plazas to provide a consistent bulk plane at sheet level. The stepping and broken ridge lines, along with variations in materials and wall planes act to break down the overall mass and bulk of the project and relate the hotel to the surrounding neighborhood. 'Ihe architectural design is meant to be both compatible with both th€ Gateway building and the remainder of the special development district while providing some identity to the hotel as both a recognizable and viable commercial structure within the conmunity. Uses, Densitv, and Activity. The Vail Plaza Hotel is the last phase of the Vail Village Inn Special Development District and as such was always meant to be the anchor or most densely developed portion of the disfict. As a full service hotel. which includes conference. spa. restaurant, and commercial activities, the hotel meant to act as a "magnet" that drar.vs people tlrough the other smaller, commercial based structures in the special development district, (inciuding the Gatervay building). Additionally, the hotel is legally required to provide loading and delivery sewices, autornobile access, and parking for the remainder ofthe special developmerrt district. Parking and Loading. We believe our parkrng and loading facilities are in compliance with the requirements of chapter 18.52. We are providing six (6), 12' x 25'x 14' undergr ound loading berths. The maximum required is five (5) 12' x 25' berths in accordance with I 8.52.150. We believe our parking facilities meet required number of spaces required by zoning chapter 18.52. .\lir-illllr li,ii.l:.1.,t .\i.J\tl.r(-,.li.lilRl()t<1..,t.\Nt_)!1 ..\l,l /\K{-.tiliL(_[]11! Ii.U. lJrl' 1it 1 n r,.r.r , ( r)i(ril,l,) ill{}l{.J, i'J;(;j il.1ii-r,}lt!' . L.\\ ir.!-{) t,',i,1.1(tl1(l B. (- Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Zeluen and Associates, Inc. t0,l.9/99 D. Conformity with lVlaster Plan, We believe our development substantially complies with the goals expressed in the various plans contained within the adopted Vail Village Master Plan. Tlrc Land Use Plan indicates our site as Medium,lHigh Densify Residential and as such recommends a lodging orientation with a limited amount of accessory retail. We are proposing to provide an increased amount of "urban open space" or public plaza and buffering geenspace in the areas indicated as such in The Open Space Plan. We beiieve that our project complies with the recommendations in The Parking and Circulatiotr Plan. We are proposing an intemal connection to the Vail Gateway shared pedestrian/auto area as indicated, an improved pedestrian connection to East Meadow Drive including new bus facilities as indicated, and a secondary extemal pedestrian connection to Vail Road between phase five and our project. Additionally we would be providing sidewalk improvements from the new bus stop on East Meadow Drive to the Gateway on Vail Road, and BikelPedestrian sidewalk improvements from the Vail Gateway to the Vail Transportation Center on the Frontage Road. We believe that our design substantially complies with Building Height Plan in that the plan indicates buildings offive stories both to the east and west ofour site along the frontage road and north and south of our site on Vail Road. Our design maintains this four to five story relationship with our neighbors. We feel as though the three to four story designation is inconsistent with current conditions and are not applicable as they relate to our site. It is our understanding that these heights indicated in the plan were bascd on preserving views to Vail Mountain from the four way stop at the Intersection of Vail Road and the Frontage Road prior to development of the Vail Gatervay and the Roundabouts. Because these views no longer exist with the development of the Vail Gateway as acknowledged in the plan, and because stopping to view the mountain is actually discouraged by the movement of traftlc in the roundabout, we feel that these standards may no longer apply. The Action P/an indicates our site as an area for potential residential/lodging infill in accordance with previous town approvals with which our proposed project is consistent. The Vail Village Sub-At'eas 1-l of the Vail lrillage Master P/arr indicates our site as the final phase of SDD #6. In doing so, it identifies a series of goals, which we believe we comply with. Item 1.2 encourages "the upgrading and redevelopment ofresidential and commercial facilities." Iten 2.3 "strongly encourages the development short term accornmodation units" and recognizes that when units are "developed above the existing density levels, they should be managed in such a way that allows for short term overnight rental". r Item 2.4 encourages the development of new commercial infill compatible with existing land uses. Item 2.6 encourages the development of affordable housing units and may be required as part of any redevelopment project requesting a density over levels allowed by existing zoning. Iten i.2 recognizes the will to "reduce vehrcular tralfic in tlie village to the greatest extent possible". Itent 4.1 encourages the improvement of existing open space to create new plazas with greenspace. Iten 5.I recognizes the neecl and desire to provide for parkin-u demands on site and rvith underground and visually concealed parking. Itent 6.1 recognizes the need to provide serv'ice and delivery t-acilities for existing and new develoument. E. Natural Hazards. We believe there are no natural hazards that may affect development of this site. F. Site and Building Design. We believe we have addressed this issue by compliance with the Vail Villase Master Plan. Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Zehren and Associates, Inc. t0/19/99 G. Pedestrian/Vehicular Circulation. We believe we have addressed this issue by compliance with the Vail Village Master Plan. Additionally, traffic studies indicate that vehicular circulation pattems are considered safe and have relatively little impact on existing vehicular circulation systems. H. Functional and Aesthetic Landscaping. We believe we have addressed this issue by compliance with the Vail Village Master Plan. Additionally, we believe we have substantially improved on the amount and quality of publicly accessible plazas, greenspaces, and pedestrian circulation systems. L Phasing Plan. The development will be constructed in one phase with completion anticipated for late fall of 2001. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concems regarding the information presented. Additionally, if you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Tim Losa Project Manager Zehren and Associates, Inc. It-Ht{t_[] .,\Nl-) A:t5()(. tAf [5, I t']r Tuesday, October 19, 1999 Mr. George Ruther Senior Special Projects Planner Town of Vail Department of Comrnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re:Vail Plaza Hotel PEC/DRB Comments George: This is a written description responding to each of the issues raised by both the Design Review Board and the Planning and Environmental Commission as outlined in you letter. dated |0ll3l99. Vail Road Setback. It is our intention that the proposed structures along Vail Road both be consistent with other structures located along Vail Road and neets the "spirit" of the zoning requirements specifying setbacks. The existing streetscape is otre in which the majority of structures along Vail Road.maintain an east-west orientation along their primary roof ridges with their street frontage at a maintaining a north-south orientation creating a non-uniform setback along Vail Road. Additionally, the buildings step up in height from south to north as they approach the Frontage Road. In the desiga of the Vail Plaza Hotel we have tried to maintain a similar orientation, setbacks, and height relationships along vail Road. In order to maintain the "spirit" of the zoning we have attempted to rnaintain an average setback of rwenty feet to the primary building walls at Vail Road exclusive of one story architech.rral projections. ln examining our setbacks fiom Vail Road, we have calculated the tbllowins: The one-story portions of the shucture are non-habitable, non-enclosed, architectural projections adcled for visual interest and meant to enhance the pedestnan streetscape. For this reason they were excluded liom the average setback calculation. Chapter 18.58 addresses similar architectural projections that may extend into the required setbacks. The public benefit most specifically associated with this deviation from the underlying zorring is an enhanced pedestrian streetscape along Vail Road. Additionally, public receives an increased number of short-term ovemight accommodation units associated with the redevelopment of this site. '\1.:( illlr(.liiiil .lrl ,,i!i!li,i "iiJil.l.ill lliirrt.i\f.,il)!{ !,,1,i ,.\Ri,rI|||i li,!ti Average Property Line Setback Average Curb Setback 'Total Length of Walls One Story Frontage 9'-9"11t A"66',-6" 'fhree Story Frontage t 8'-9"32'.-4"74',-0" Four Storv Frontace 21'-0"3 l'-8"47',-6" Average Setback (3 & 4 sbry arcas only) 1 9'-8"32'-0"l2l '-6" Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Zeiren and Associates. Inc. t0t19/99 Building Height Great care was given to ensure the residential units and commercial entries located within the Gateway plaza receive direct sunlight. This was the primary concem at the time when the side setback was increased the burlding height lowered from the previous proposal to the current proposal. The lowest level of residential units located on level three of the Gateway Plaza receive direct sunlight at 12:00 noon on December 21, the day at which the sun is at the lowest point in the sky. The ground floor commercial entries adjacent to Vail Road also receive direct sunlight from 12:00 noon on December 21 due to the fact that the proposed struchrre steps down and to the east at Vail Road. Additionally, because the opening between the existing Gateway Plaza and the proposed hotel face west, the amount of direct sunlight increases on the Gateway Plaza as the sun sets in the day. Any negative impacts due to the length of the proposed ridge would not substantially benefit the Cateway. Breaks in the ridge would provide only a narrow slots of direct sunlight to pass to the Gateway that would move across the fagade as the sun moves across the sky. These slots of light, intense differences between light and dark areas would induce glare and may be an undesired effect on lower portions of the Gateway. 'I'he perceived building height adj acent to the Gateway Plaza will be forty-five feet, the same unintemrpted wall height as allowed by underlying zoning for flat roofed structures. 'Ihis is due to the fact that the eave is located at an elevation of210' and the adjacent grade is located at an elevation of 165'. The distance between the structures does not allow enough distance to perceive the proposed hotel ridge from any point between the two structures at ground level. Additionally, projections from the primary building wall, planters and lower floors step to break up the perceived mass of the wall. Circulation The holel entrance at East Meadow Drive has been re-oriented to address some of the commissioner's comnents regarding the width and nature of the hotel entry. Tiris area will continue to be shldied for additional resolutions to the issues raised. The circulation path berween the proposed hotel and Vail Village Inn Phase V has been redesigned to provide for an improved pedestrian experience. The space between Vail Village lnn Phase III has been redesigned to create a linear "finger" park between the structures that will connect proposed pedestrian circulation systems located at the north and south portions of the site. The pool area adjacent to the southem plaza has been redesi-ened to incorporate a series of stepped retaining rvalls. pools and seating areas. No continuous walls over tlve fbet in height exist except at the cxtreme uofthtvest corner of the pool. Rariings have been reduced to slone bollards and more transparent steel railings and balusters to reduce the apparent height of walls. Pools cascade liom one level to another providing "white noise" that may alleviate any concems over noise. Sun/shade studies have been provided to help alleviate any concems over sunlight in the area. the plaza south of Building B has been redesigned to increase the restaurant frontage, architecturally identifo the entry area through both plaza configuration and building elevation, and identiff clear circulation paths. ZEHREN /\NIJ 455(j("tArF5, il']l Tuesday, October 19, 1999 Mr. George Ruther Senior Special Projects Planner Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re:Vail Plaza Hotel PEC/DRB Comments George: This is a written description responding to each of the issues raised by both the Design Review Board and the Planning and Environmental commission as outlined in you letter. dated l0/13/99. Vail Road Setback. It is our intention that the proposed structures along Vail Road both be consistent with other structures located along Vail Road and meets the "spirit" of the zoning requirements speciflng setbacks. The existing streetscape is one in which the majority of strucfures along Vail Road maintain an east-west orientation along their prirnary roof ridges with their street frontage at a maintaining a north-south orientation creating a non-uniform setback along Vail Road. Additionally, the buildings step up in height from south to north as they approach the Frontage Road. In the desiga of the Vail Plaza Hotel we have tried to maintain a similar orientation, setbacks, and height relationships along vail Road. ln order to maintain the "spirit" of the zoning we have attempted to maintain an average setback of twenty feet to the primary building walls at Vail Road exclusive of one story architectural projections. ln examining our setbaoks fiom Vail Road, we have calculated the followins: The one-story portions of the structure are non-habitable, non-enclosed, architectural projections added for visual interest and meant to enhance the pedestrian streetscape. For this reason they were excluded liom the average setback calculation. Chapter 18.58 addresses similar architectural projections that may extend into the required setbacks. The public benefit most specifically associated with this deviation from the underlying zoning is an enhanced pedestrian streetscape along Vail Road. Additionally, public receives an increased number of srrort{erm o'emisht *"",T,T,i1,?lfl ri'::T:::i:j lil:::.::i::::",r,,::il,:liii'"" Average Property Line Setback Averaqe Curb Setback'Total Leneth of Walls One Story Frontage 9',-9"tl1, A"66',-6" 'fhree Story Frontage i 8'-9"32',-4"7 4'-0" Four Story Frontage 2t'-0"31',-8"47'-6" Average Setback (3 & 4 story areas only) I 9'-8"32'-0"l2l '-6" l'.i.-l tju;, lIl.:{, ..\i,,r). t,rrit,,r,rIjI, i)ltr:ti I L(r.-{lr !}.+!J ilj,,- n l^) !r):{) '4.!,l,li}ljl.l Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Zeluen and Associates, Inc. 10/19/99 Building tleieht Great care was given to ensure the residential units and commercial entries located wrthin the Gateway plaza receive direct sunlight. This was the primary concem at the time when the side setback was rncreased the building height lowered from the previous proposal to the current proposal. The lowest level of residential units located on level three of the Gateway Plaza receive direct sunlight at 12:00 noon on December 21, the day at which the sun is at the lowest point in the sky. The ground floor commercial entries adjacent to Vail Road also receive direct sunlight from 12:00 noon on December 21 due to the lhct that the proposed structure steps down and to the east at Vail Road. Additionally, because the opening between the existing Gateway Plaza and the proposed hotel face west, the amount of direct sunlight increases on the Gateway Plaza as the sun sets in the day. Any negative impacts due to the length of the proposed ridge would not substantially benefit the Gateway. Breaks in the ridge would provide only a nanow slots of direct sunlight to pass to the Gateway that would move across the fagade as the sun moves across the slcy. These slots of light, intense differences between light and dark areas would induce glare and may be an undesired effect on lower portions of the Gateway. The perceived building height adjacent to the Gateway Plaza will be forty-five feet, the same unintemrpted wall height as allowed by underlying zoning for flat roofed stuctures. This is due to the fact that the eave is located at an elevation of 2 i0' and the adjacent grade is located at an elevation of 165'. 'I'he distance between the structures does not allow enough distance to perceive the proposed hotel ridge from any point between the two structures at ground level. Additionally, projections from the primary building wall, planters and lower floors step to break up the perceived mass of the wall. Circulation The hotel entrance at East Meadow Drive has been re-oriented to address some of the commissioner's conxrents regarding the width and nature of the hotel entry. This area will continue to be shrdied for additional resolutions to the issues raised. The circulation path between the proposed hotel and Vail Village Inn Phase V has been redesigned to provide for an improved pedestrian experience. 'fhe space between Vail Village Inn Phase III has been redesigned to create a linear "finger" park between the structures that wiil connect proposed pedestrian circulation systems located at the north and south portions of the site. The pool area adjacent to the southem plaza has been redesigned to incorporate a series of stepped retaining rvalls. pools and seating areas. No continuous walis over five feet in height exist except at the extreme nofthwest comer ol the pool. Railings have been reduced to stone bollards and more ransparent steel railings and balusters to reduce the apparent height of walls. Pools cascade from one level to another providing "white noise" that may alleviate any concerns over noise. Sun/shade studies have been provided to help alleviate any concems over sunlight in the area. The plaza south of Building B has been redesigned to increase the restaurant frontage, architecturally identifu the entry area through both plaza configuration and building elevation, and identifu clear circulation paths.