HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D TRACT B C VAIL TRANSPORTATION CENTER 1990 EXPANSION DESIGN LEGALa ltl|C]I AtL BARBIR ARCII IITCIt|R[ 24 August 1990 Mr. Gary Murrain Chief Building Official Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Vall Transportatlon Center Main Stair Project Numbe( 22289 Dear Gary: Attached for your information as requested is a sketch that shows the main stair as it originally appeared and as it will appear following the improvements. We have noted several key differences. From our last conversation with you, it is our understanding now that a variance to the ICBO code interpretation is not necessary, but rather, given the fact that this is an improvement to an existing condition, Section 104 of the code would apply, Please advise if you require any additional information. Sincerely, MICHAEL BARBER ARCHITECTURE/-fl r lll)A^ tr/4Qrn^- Chris Thomas CT/ksw 0vail\munain.ltr) Enclosures cc: Vail: S. Berryman URS: G. Voos MBA: Vault 2289 MICHAEI EARBER ARCHITECTURE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION r290 BROADWAY SUITE 500 DENVER COLORADO 80203-5606 TETEPHONE 303 837 0555 FACSTMIIE 303 837 0600 \i, s s b' $l o \J T. Fot\I ("l\1'tl tt\\-\\ sEf,!r-q)r; =$z_<rJtduz og =fwaz IIII s ffi-5\- \\- N uJl I I ll I I ul TE) o trjFo T6)o3(r<FEEs6tlt -r?< dl(Y, Jsltil T 9 EltlFz tUo zo F F t-Lo(Laz trF J s#:4" E*sE F; E$$ E EeE: sE*:€H ;Et3; s3F E;$ " f;EsE 5EEEIE '=EIEE eE: :gi E tgEs ! ae*it ;E;l* EE; tar e, !ig E ,*gses€ s;tit '-fit !e€' :E s'E; FF;;[u[ ;Esi; $':: t:;: $E :;g€ EE ; F5ii gE gtI lge tffig E i ;; I ii [$ eFg;E F*itE 'E' Fcf,g EE FEE'g Eg o (It (It "t- 9 o 'lJ o (r, o (o o, CV .lf nQ(o rlr F; z Jo.i utlos2z Jtr -<e=t-au> Eo FrJl{l\9) b n 1,,1 f -t-ao (D ,-J >otrrJ t{1.-l-R cD t{ \, E tU ..Jq I\J L \ *RI b(r (D CO #\v t\ II\\tI I t Fr-<c>bCo9otLz \It rtiF (D ||lICII AIL 24 August 1990 BAIBIR AICt|IITCTt|RI Mr. Gary Murrain Ghief Building Official Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 RE: Vall Transportatlon Centel Wood Construction Project Numbet 222a9 Dear Gary: This will confirm our discussions on Wednesday, 22 August, regarding the use of wood in the Transportation Center. 1. Since the Information Center has been 'separated' from the garage and classified as Type V Construction, the use of non-fire treated wood is acceptable. 2. At the ornamental roofs at stairway numbers 4, 5, and 6 the use of non- fire treated wood is acceptable. 3. At the Blue Cow Chute service area, you will require the use of fire treated wood for the structural components (trusses, sheathing, etc). In addition, you are requiring that two sprinkler heads be added at the attic space and that the attic space be ventilated, I believe this space is already ventilated but will confirm this. I will also confirm that sprinklers in this area are of a non-freezing type. Thank you for taking the time to review these items. Sincerely, L BARBER ARCHITECTUREgl*^- Chris Thomas CT/ksur (Vai\murrain2.hr) cc: Vail: S. Berryman UBS: G. Voos, L. Wood Gator: D. Matthies Martin: N. Lynch A/H: R. StevensMBA: S. Ward. Yaulr 22289 MICHA€I- BARBER ARCHITECTURE PROFESSIONAI- CORPORATION 1290 BROADWAY SUTTE 600 DENVER COLORADO 80203-5606 TELEPHONE 303 837 0555 FACSTM -E 303 837 0600 TO: FROM: DATE: RX: luwn 42 west meadow drive vail, colorado 81657 (30314792250 fire department ***************************************************************** I{EMORANDIJI'{***************************************************************** CHIEF DURAN I,IICHAEL MCGEE, FIRE MARSHAL AUGUST 29, 1990 VILI,AGE TRANSPORTATTON CENTER FIRE PROTECTTON PI,ANS Yesterday afternoon, after the Council r,rork session, Gary Murrain asked me about the status of the fire protection plans for the Transportation Center. He told me he was asked to get a set oftrapproved plansrr together. f told Gary the fire protection plans, specifically the fire alarm and the fire sprinkler p1ans, have not yet been approved andwere in the process of being revised. I told Gary about the meeting on August 14, L99O, with Ludvik, Sinrplex, PcL, Frontier, Cator/Runa, and rnyself, wherein we reviewed the architectural plans I had been given (dated 2/22/90), the shop drawings from Sirnplex(dated 7/27/9o), and the shop drawings from Frontier (dated 7/6/eo). I told Gary that Richard Matthies of Cator/Ruma had stated that the plans I had were outdated. That conment lead to a brief discussion between cary and I on plan submittal dates, approval dates, and related seguencing. I told Gary I had written a memo to you wi.th an outline of dates and submittals. Gary requested a copy of the meno. Gary then explained that there are apparently a number of expensive change orders coming in and some discussion as to what isreally required. f told Gary about the standpipe issue Ron Phillips, Mike Rose and I discussed on August 22, 1990, and the $30,000 change order. I also explained that during rny neeting on the 14th of August,Matthies (Cator/Rurna) stated that he had originally left sprinkler and thermal. detectors out of the area beneath the rrflyoverrr because he didn't think there were any walls. When we walked the job site with Cator/Ruma, Simplex and Frontier, we discovered there were in rRc 8/2e/eo PAGE 2 fact walls beneath the flyover and agreed fire sprinklers and therrnal detectors would need to be added due to code requirenents. We also discovered that the plans given to Frontier failed to showthe interconnection of the original east and west fire sprinkler systems which would have to be broken. I also explained that the plans Sirnplex subnitted did notreflect proper zoning because the thermal detectors intended to actj-vate the pre-action fire sprinkler system did not follow thefire sprinkler plan. The thermal detectors and the sprinkler heads from two different zones were internixed and the fire protection system would never operate if built according to the shop drawings. I told Gary that f pointed out the fire detectors in the newVisitor's Center were incorrectly drawn because the plans made noprovision for activating the fire sprinkler systern interlock. Simplex had totally misunderstood the need for one set of thernal detectors to activate the fire sprinkler system and a separate setof fire detectors for early warning as required by Ordinance 3, Series l-983. cary then told me that was perhaps why Ludvik has been subnitting nunerous change orders. I then told Gary that we should be aware that Ludvik nay be trying to recoup sorne of the cost they incurred when they inadvertently rernoved the thermal detectors inthe existing potion of the parking structure. cary asked me to explain. During the August 14th rneeting, when the various subcontractors, Cator/Rurna and I were discussing the need to separate the fire sprinkler systens in the existing potions, I stated we will leave the therrnal detectors on the existing pre- action system up inside the tees for now. I explained to the group that in August of 1989, due to an estinated $50,000 cost impact, the Fire chief and the Town Manager nade the decision to wait untilnext year or until the Tohrn had the funds, to phase in therelocation of the thernal detectors fron up inside the tees to the bottorn of the tees. I told Gary that during the August L4th neeting, Mike McGintyof Ludvik told ne Ludvik had rrmade a mistakerr because they hadalready taken down all the thernal detectors in the existingportion. He stated that after the meeting with you and I where we explained why the thermal detector should be installed on the botton of the twin tees, they went to work and renoved the existing detectors. Before J.eaving Gary's office, I phoned Simplex to find out what the status lras on the revised corrections to the plans. I wastold Dave Sargent, the project rnanager for Sinplex was on vacation tRc 8/29/90 PAGE 3 until next week but that the plans were to be delivered to tudvikthis uorning. ThLs norning I called Frontier and spoke with !lr. Coonts uho stated they had not made any changes yet and they were rrsitting onthe plansr until they received sone direction from Cator/Runa. I was advised by Gary Murrain to keep the original shop drawings subrnitted by Siuplex and Frontier. cary reguested a copyof the nemo I sent to you regarding the August l-4th neeting and a copy of this neno outlining our neeting yesterday. &. ..8LJG ?a ',e@ 1@3sa HrcHnilcRBER ARCH* liiri AllL"': r llrli I t'll C l|lt[ 8An gtfi AR C ll ITICIIJ nt 24 August 1gg0 Mr, Gary Murain Chief Building Ofilclal Torvn of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 REr Vell Transporlallon Cerrt€l Main Stair Prolacr Number 22289 D€er Gary; Attached for your intormatlon as requ€Eted is a sketch that shqws the maln stair as it otlginally appeared and as ft wlll appear tollowing the improv€rnents. We ha\re not€d sareral key differences. From our hst convsrsdion with you, it lg our understanding now that a varlance to the 1C8O code interpretation b not n€cessary, but rather, given thE fact that this is an improrernent to an existlng condition, Section 1(H of the code woulc apply. Please adviss if you lequire arry addltlonal information. SlrrcereV, P,?/4 MICHAEL BARBEF AFCHIIECTUFE ,/>l I r /l l)A/^ tr/-iQrv,^- Chris Thomas CT/ksw (Vail\munain.ftr) Enclosures cc: Vail; S. Eerryman UR$r G, Voos MBA: Vatrh ?eAEg 11 laHrltt l^oaaa ftJG E8 'gA LA15!. MICHNELCBER ARCH'ft P.4/4 width of the previous central stair f 16' at East Meadow Orive. The r approxirnately p5'S. wide at ft6 increase ol 91lZ'. Stairs at the SW :ture afe also similarly widened. ral steir was V6ry inegular in form. ed ln wldth and orientation trorlJ the )redictable fashlon. The stalr user rge dlrection at each landing, qften air of skis over th€ shoulder. mor€ regular in conliguration. The rs in dir€ction for the stair usBr is trnent ls refatfuely mor8 direcL were in a det€rlorated condftlon pecl at noslngs and areas werg as did not hav€ positiv€ drainage, I oa water, designed to drain positivety. The rv and unworn, rsed wooden rails. These rails did 1e3 in that they did not ertend the ond Jop and bonom nosings and ail did not rne6! current exit or ainted omamental lron and plpe, ;ion and prolile. NEW SITE PLAN STAIR NO. 11 ATION CENTER \RCHITECTURE- f990 4 con VYtoluic bu9 --, .RUG za 'sa la!s1 prrcHnL.ARBER ARCH* +8r65,o !a':|L t" P.3/4 1. Width: 2, Configuration: 3. Condition: 4. Handrails: The available , was approxim: naf/ stairs will same locetion, corner of, the s The prevlous c Each stair run , previous in an was forced to ( while carrying The new stairs numbei ol cha reduced and n The prevlor.rs st Concrete was 'spalling. Some resulting in pon The new sdairs : concrete will be The previous sta not meet cuffent proper distance the profilet ot tl handicap stand; The new rails ar of the proper ex ENO LEVFL .-_.-: ET LEVEL ENTFY artr.d aus SHELn€R ORIGINAL SITE PLAN STAIR NO. 11 VAIL TRANSP'OF MICHAEL BARBEI 23 AUGt INFORMATI BOOTH +8t 75.O T ROTH ::SHEPPARD ARCHITECTS 2185 Broadway Denver Colorado 80205 303 296 88s0 August 22,1990 Ken Hughery AssistantTown Manacer Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado81657 Re: Town of VailMunicipal C,omplex Master Plan Dear Ken; The enclosed letter from Leigh, Scoft and Cleary r€presents the initial findings and recommendations of our traffic consultant regarding the master plan and specif ical ly the traff ic an d transportation i mpacts, I believe thal based on the issues discussed in the letter regarding the Colorado Department of Highways (CDOH), the one major issue that affecu the success of the master plan will be the accommodation of the necessary access points to the site. h will be difficuh at best to maintain the current access points and be able to separate emergency and general public vehicles. We feel confident at this time to recommend that the current site not include the Vail Village Fire Station and would like to get this issue resolved as soon as possible. gc: Pam Hopklns t Leigh' Scott El Cleary, Inc. TRANSPORf,ATION PLANNINC & TRAFFIC ENCINEERINO CONSULTANTS Officcs ln Dcmtr rrd Colondo SprinSi ooolUm:,llu JUL 2 ? 19s0 R E C E t V E, D*": H"JI,.1T[ Far: (303) 333-1107 1889 York Strcet July 27, 1990 llr. Jeff Sheppard Roth Sheppard Archltects 2185 Broadray Denver, CO 80205 RE: Vail llunlclpal Conplex (LSC *900440) Dear Jeff: l{e have conpleted a prellmlnary evaluatlon of the transportation aspectsof the present Vall ltlunlclpal Complex slte, and have conrplled Yeur 2000 estlnates related to vehfcular trafflc generatlon and parklng space needs. The follorlng infornation sunmarlzes our ftndings to date. Exlstlng Facllltles Fron an overall transportatlon access perspectlve, tlre location of the exlsting ltlunlclpal conplex slte ls very favorable. Belng along the north sldeof the south I-?0 Frontage Road and lnnedlately west of the naln I-?0 Vail lnterchange, It ls centrally located wlthln the connunlty and qulte accesslblefor trotorlsta, pedestrlans, translt rlders and blcyclists, Extstlng trafflc generatlon ls roderate and ls slgnlflcantly less than when the slte acconnodated prevlous Post 0fflce actlvlties. The contlnuous left-turn laneprovlded along the site's frontage facl lltates convenlent access Into the Conplex. The existlng slte design, however, does have some transportationdeflclencles trhlch can be sunrmarlzed as follows: o Parklng Space Supply: Thcre ls a shortage of parklng spaces,partlcularly ln the eastern tro parklng lots. As a result, unnecesaary clrculatlon by parkers ls taklng place durlng perlods of peok denand. In additlon, there ls currently no 6rea wtthtn whlch to secure Torn-owned vehlcles (partlcularly pollce vehlcles). o Frontage Road Access: Access to the slte's easternrnost parklng areals too close (about 350 feet) to the 'four-way' lntersectlon. Left- turn acceso ls often blocked by trafflc backed up fron thls busylntersectlon. Furthernore, the drlveway servlng the westernrrostparklng lot ls qulte steep for wlntertlne tractlon and vtslblltty forexltlng ;otorlsts ls llrntted due to the adJacent curved allgnncnt of the Frontage Road. o Pedestrlan,/Blcycle AcceBB: As ls typlcal with the Frontage Road, theexlstlng slte frontage lacks sldewalk and btke lane facllltlcs. TtsnsponrtlonSyEtctnsaTnnsit.hrking.rrthicrlarAccest.Hcstrirn&BicyclePlanring.TrsffrcOFErrtions&Safety.signalDcsign.Tratficlmpactstudies I 1 l|r. Jeff sheppard Pollce FI re Other Page 2 July 27, 1990 Future Parklng Soace Requlrercnts Based on dlscusslons nlth Town staff representattves , the follorlng tabulation has been prepared whlch sunmarlzes Year 200o parklng space needs: Vehlcle Type Staff Category ?own Personal Vlsltor Total TOTAL 40 2A 3ll ?0 22 85 177 N/A N/A ?5 ?5 s6 26 t?r 292 In rcgards to reconoendcd spaces for staff nenberts personal vehlcles, 15 of the pollce and 8 of tlre flre departnent space$ are lncluded for overlapplng nork shlft personnel. It ts assured that thesc overlap apacea wlll be avallalle to pollce and flre departnent vlsltors when nccessary. Also, flre departnent reguirerents do not include vehicles to be parked wlthln the bullding ltself. ' Estlnated Trafflc Gencratlon and Dlstrlbutlon Further evaluutlon of parking actlvlty together wlth standard trafflc gencration rates for civic center facllltles ylelds the followlng peak-hour estiuates of Year 2000 trafflc generatlon for the proposed Coaplex: Vehlcle-Trips Peak Hour Enter Exlt ?: O0 to 8:00 A.ll. 4:3O to 5:30 P.M. '180 s0 80 200 Extrapolatlon of these estlnates lndlcates an average neekday generatlon for the future Conplex of about 1,200 enterlng atrd 1,2o0 exltlng vehlcles. An evaluatlon of avatlable nearby trafflc counta and the elters relatlve locatlon wlthln the sulroundlng Vall connunlty, lt ls egtfuated that the dlrectlonal dlstrlbutlon of Colrplex-gencrated trafflc wlll be Ebout 65 percent torards tlre east and 35 percent torards the rest. In general , thls dtstrtbutlon, as lt applles to the above gcoeratton estllates. should not create slgniflcant tlaffic &ccess probleDs, The actual asslgnrrent of Colplex traffic, of course, rlll be a functlon of the nuuber, locatlon and purposc of drlveways to be provlded ln thc final slta deslgn. Mr. Jeff Sheppard Page 3 July 2?, 1990 Transportatlon I ssues The followlng issues have becn ldontlfled wlth respect to access to andfror the exlstlng Conplex slte: 1.Colorado Departnent of Hlghways (CDOH) lnvolvenent: CDOH has Jurlsdlctlon over the South Prontage Road wlth respect ho traffic novement, controls and access. Any signlflcant change ln current slte condltlons wlll requlre oew access penlts fron the State, The current nunber and location of site drlverays ls not ln conforrance rlth the CDOII Access Code, and lt ls unllkely thut g4y future sltc plan wlll requlre a varlance fron their standard requlrencnte. It wlll therefore be very lrportunt to involve CD0H staff as early ln the design process as possiblc. It is qulte ltkely that CDOH will dcsire the ellnlnation of one or two of the slters thrce exlotlng drlveways. (Early slte plannlng lndlcates that reductlon ln the nulber of drlveways is unrealtstlc), If the nurber of drlveways canrt be reduced, CD0H nay require certaln trafflc rovenent restrlctlons such as prohibltlou of left tunrs ut the east drlveway lntersectlon. They nay also rcquest thc Installatlon of a contlnuouc westbound acce I eratl on/dece I eratl on lane along the slters frontage and,/or a ralsed nedlan ln the center of the Frontage Road, An lncrease ln the nunber of access drlvcways wlll not be favorably received by CDOH. All driveway locatlons along the Frontage Road should be located so as to be conpatlble nlth existlng and/or proposed drlveways serving the bank, redlcal center and Doubletree slte$ to the south, The proposed slte plans, tf they are to lnclude access at the rest end of the site, should attenpt to resolve current grade./vlslblllty deflclencles at the exlstlng nest drlveway. 4. Conslderatlon should bc given to provldlng pedestrl anlbl cyc I e factlltles along the slters frontage. 5. It ls apparent that the cxlstlng alte ls not large enough to provldc proJected parklng space needs ln at-grado parklng lots. (The proJected need for 292 spaces will requlre about two acrea of parklng area). The site, however, does appear to lend itself to developnettt of structured parking, posslbly ln the forl of a single parklng deck. In conclusion, the existlng llunlclpal Conplex slte ls ln an advantageous locatlon relative to servlng the coununlty, It does present sonc slgnlficant challenges, however, wlth respcct to provlding safe and efflclent access. An effectlve and acceptable design solutlon wlll certalnly requlre thc early ,--. lnvolverent of CDOH into tho design process. 2. 3. I llr. Jefl Sheppard lfe trust that thts Huntclpal Corplex. prograr. Page 4 lnfornatlon wlll asslst $lth Se look forward to provldlng July 2?, 1090 further plannlng for the future lnput lnto yourVal I rork Slncerely. LEIGHI SCOTT E CLBARY, INC. PllS/rlc MEMORANDIIM ot, , ,'( I : i TO: FROM: RE: DATE: CHIEF DttRAN ,/-) ,/ MIKE MCGEE, FIRE IIIARSIIAL(ry ERC FIRE PROTECTTON AUGUST 22, 1990 There appears to be some confusion on just what the Fire Department j-s requiring, what we are recommending and what is beingbuilt in the TRC fire protection system. The neeting Mike Rose requested we attend this morning concerned a reguest for a change order on the standpipe systen inthe TRC. The reguest was for approval to interconnect thestandpipes at a cost of $35,000. The letter Mike Rose showed mewas attached to copies of correspondence regarding the fireprotection system. The letter indicated that as a result of the Aug"ust 14thmeeting, I reguired the contractor to interconnect the standpipes.Attached was a copy of some review comnents I had written inFebruary, L990, which stated the standpipes were not required to beinterconnected. The copies of correspondence Mike Rose had did not however,present a complete picture of the situation. I would Like toclarify the situation. f received a letter from Richard Matthies, an engineer withCator, Ruma, and Associates, dated November 2l-, 1989. This wasessentially our first involvement in the fire protection systemdesign. The letter indicated a neeting took plaCe the day beiore,at which, Mike Rose gave then sorne design perineters for the firesystems. !tr. Matthies stated his opinion that the fire sprinklersysten as requested by Mike Rose, would not meet rninimurn N.F.P.A.standards. Mr. MatLhies was requesting a written response from us. I called hin on Decenber 6th, 1990, at which tine we discussedelernents of a pre-action systen. I agreed to send a follow upIetter detailing a pre-action fire sprinkler systen. I conducted some research and calLed Matthies back on the Lgth of December andgave hin the basics of a pre-action systern. Matthies sent a letter dated December 1,9, L99O, outlining hisunderstanding of our discussion. Some issues were still in need ofclarification. The issue of the standpipes reguired one change,being the need for a rrfire hose valverr at the top of each riserversus a fire department rrhose connectiontr at the |ttop of eachstair. rl _ On February 12, 1990, Dick Matthies faxed ne a copy of theengineering specifications for review. This was the first tirne Ihad seen the specifications. on february 15, 1990, I sent a copy of the revie$t conments I made on Section 15995 of the specifications to Stan Berryman as reguested. I also attached copies of manufacture's specifications on a pre-action fire sprinkJ-er systen. Iten number 9 of my letter, dealing with standpipe systems, referenced N.F.P.A. Standard 14,and stated an exception to the requirement that standpipes be interconnected at the base of the riser. As per our guidelines, I did not attempt to dictate a design,especially to a registered engineer, not did I rewrite the entirecode section. We were engaged in a discussion of previouslyestablished criteria (ie. the engineering specifications andN.F.P.A. l-4). The exact verbiage f used was that |tstandpipes arenot recruired to be interconnected. . . rr and I stated that they 'rshallnot be connected to the fire sprinkler system.I' The statement that the rrstandpipes are not reguired to beinterconnectedil was not a prohibition but an option. We have nothistorically been requiring existing structures to retrofit standpipes nor have we reguired them to interconnect standpipes. There was a staternent that rrLocation, labeIs, and tlpe of F.D.C.shall be approved by the Fire Department. rl The prohibition against interconnection to the sprinklersystem was a result of a suggestion that the standpj.pes bepressurized off of a conrmon feeder rnaj.n with the sprinkler system. Due to the problems we have had in the old TRC sprinkler systen, itdid not seem reasonable to risk an accidental or maliciousdischarge. On March L9, 1990, I sent another copy of the same reviev comments dated February L5, 1990, to Kathryn Harai of MlchaelBarber's office, in response to a request from Stan Berrlman.Stan's requests was apparently pronpted by a letter sent to hin byBarber's office on March 5, 1990. stan Berrynan brought me our fj-rst and only set of plans inJune, L990. We agreed to conduct our detailed review when the shop drawj-ngs were received. During development of the shop drawings,the electrical contractor, Ludvik, and the fire spri.nklercontractor, Frontier, sent a request for infornation to Barber,soffice. Barber sent the request, dated 7-L6-90, to Stan who thengave me a coPy. On July, 19, 1990, I sent Stan another copy of the reviey comments dated February 15, 1990. On August L4, L990, the engineers, the electrical contractor,the fire sprinkler contractor, Sinplex and I net on site to resolve some of the issues. One of the first iterns we discovered was thatthe Fire Department's set of plans were not current, the sprinkler shop drawings did not reflect the existing conditions, and the fire alarm plans were incornplete and inaccurate. The review comments as recorded by PCL dated August 1,4. L99O,do not indicate a reguirement to interconnect the standpipes. Iwas however, present during the conversation betr,teen the representatives form Cator, Ruma and Associates and Frontier. We discussed the need to find an acceptable location for the fire department siamese connections. Several options were discussed, including relocating the F.D.c.'s from the top level to the south side on West Meadow Drive,the option to interconnect the standpipes, and the option to get the connections out onto the Frontage road so they would beaccessible. We also discussed options to tie the new firesprinkler riser into the two existing risers, placement of F.D.C.'s on West Meadow Drive, and they discussed sorne elements regarding excavation, berns and other details. I left the meeting with the understanding that the engineers, sub-contractors and other necessary parties would evaluate their options and get back to us. The results of the meeting between Mike Rose and I this rnorning left F.D.C.'s at the top of the two stair towers on thenorth side of the structure, and one F.D.C. for each standpipe onthe south side. I hope this clears up what has been a less than smoothprocess. l I )n / (,_l,-{^,-, "/r nt cilrrr Btrrrr rrculltcl|Jtt wNlJ,, .", L,"{' 24 Jdy ieoo :'t^^#'o';qff^ *m;ir'* 1^U*",7 RE: Yrll Tr.n port tlon Clr .t Proied Numb€r 22289- ---+ o""r i "n' Thb conespondenco should b€ considercd as a continudion of our letter of ) lO July 19OO i€garding lh€ form of the exteritt o(xrctst€ $airs and th€ cholces / r :_ -f Ii, arallabl€ to the Tourn cf Vall. Wo und€rstand rha lh€ Town of Vail Building ( ()fi\- I.) i"' h o€partmer has grarnsd the Toyvn of vail a vat'ratrce to th€ lcBO interprstatio; ( ;aq*tt}qJ ,l$lq*d the 1988 Unttom Building Code (UBC) S€dion 3306(c), to p€rmit \ AJ tura -ll r4l-.' constnrction of f}e stalB as cun€ntly dEtail€d. (S€e Odion 1 d te,arcnc€d J il^^.{ \,rf,l\^L IOWn (' VAt yl-- ^tD€panm6nt of Puuic wor*dTr8ns. l\P(' 75 South Frmlags Road - l*b VaI, CO 816s7 .1. construclion d tlr€ slalB as cun€ntly d€tall€o. [ssg ()Blon I or rel€renooo e,/ r\ . r \r.. '\.bne'). Jf'^1\tlt1,T( *\t."r l0ld to Our pr6/iorrs kaner rsvi€w€d the evolution ol the slair design as it relat€d to th€ ' )L,,\ r r r[.r, roquiremo.|ts ot lh€ o€sign Review Board (DRB) and pr€\rious review by th€ \,.'"- .;[, ^aTown of Vait EuildirE Dopartm€nt. Th€ tollourir€ ar€ some c,f the ditferencss gratlututl ' b€nfl€€n the oxisting (nofl d€molbh€d) stalr and fi€ curent deshn. .- 1. Wldth: The arailau€ exil width ol tho pr€nious central stail was apprdlmdely 16' al East Meadouv Otive. The new s(alrs will be apprqimat€ly 25'6' wids at the same location, an inctease of 9 tf2'. Stain al the SW comer ol tho structutg ate also similarly widsnecL 2 Conliguratbn: Th€ prwlous c€ntral stair was very ineguhr in form. Each stair run variod In width and o.iontatlon trom tho prelrlous In an unpr€dictabl€ tashion. The stair us€r was brced to changs dir€dkln at sach lardlng, ofren while catrying e pr{r ct skis otret the shot'dder. Th€ now slail3 arg moro rogular in corfigurdion. The numbor ol chang€s In direcllon lor the stair us€r ls reduced and nxrr€rngnt b ralafiv€ly tnore ditsct, tllCflAtL SARBEI AlCXllECtUlt ttOfESSlONAt COIPOt IION 1290 llo^ow^Y sulT! 600 oENvEt cotoR^Do t0203-5606 tEtfPHoNC 303 8:tt 0555 t^cstMlt€ 30:) 837 0600 t t. a Mr, Stan Berryman 24 JrIy 19S0 Pagp 2 3. Condhion: 4. Handraib: Ths prorious siairs w€re h a detarioratad condition Concrets was chipp€d at no6ings and areas were spalling Some ar€as did ncn havs positlve drainagp' .esulting in poncling cf wder. The n€w stais ars tlarignsd ro drain pocitiwv. Tt|€ @nc,ste will be nfl and urnorn. The pr€\rbrJs stalc u8ocl wood€n rails. Th€so rails dU not m6€t cur€nl cod€s In that th€y did nd sxt€nd th€ proper dlstanc€ boyond top and bottom rx,6lngs and the prolils cf tho ralt did nct m€st cur€nt €xit or handicap standards, Th€ new rails are pait sd otnarnental i.on and pipe' of th€ proper extembn atd Profile. Please catl il you have 8ny futther qu€stims regalding this issue. A3 you are awarq e tirnev resolrjtion b tmPorrant as construction ot th€ csntral stair b unde ey. Slncsr€ty, MICHAEL BARBER ARCHMCTURE Ci* Vil* Chrls Thornas CTsh (Vait\stair.lt.) cc: MBA: M. Barber I C. Adkisson - (- j' S. ward Va.fi,%9 //,' C^"'x Nl iltcilAil. BARStr lRCl|lltclt|flt 24 July 1990 Mr. Stan Berryman To$rn of Vail Departmern of Public Works/Trans. 75 Sodh Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Vall Transportatlon Center Poect Numbet 22289 Dear Stan: This correspondence should be considered as a continuation of our letter ol 10 July 1990 regarding the form of the exterior concrete stairs and the choices arrailable to the Tou/n ol Vail. We understand that the Town of Vail Building Department has graniled the Toum ol Vail a variance to the ICBO interpretation cf the 1988 Uniform Building Code (UBC) Section 33tt6(c), to permit construction of the stairs as currerilly detailed. (See Option 1 of referenced lene|. Our prwious letter revie\ryed lhe evolution of the stair design as it related to the reguirements of the Design Re^/iew Board (DRB) and previous review by the Town of Vail Building Department. The lolloling are some ot the ditferences b€twesn the existing (now dernolished) stair ancl the current design. 1. Width: The available exit width ol the previous central stair was approximat€ly '16' at East Meadow Drive. The new stairs will be approximately 25'6' wide at the same location, an increase of 9 112'. Stairs at the SW mrner of the structure are also similarly widened. 2. Configuration: The pranious central stair was very inegular in lorm. Each stair run varied in width and orientation from the previous in an unpredictable fashion. The stair user was torced to change direction at each landing, often while carrying a pair of skis wer the shoulder. The new stairs are more regular in configuration. The number of changes in direction for the stair user is reduced and movement is relatively more direct. MICHAEI. BARgER ARCHITECTURE PROFESSIONAI CORPORATION '1290 EROADWAY SUITE 600 DENV€R CO|-ORADO 80203-5606 TEt EPHON€ 303 837 0555 FACSTM -€ 303 837 0600 Mr. Stan Berryman 24 July 1990 Page 2 3. Conditinn: The prwiotrs stairs were in a deteriorated condition' Concrete was chipped at nosings and areas were spalling. Some areas did not have positive drainage' resuhing in Ponding of water. The new sitairs are designed to drain positively. The concrete will be nelv and unwom. 4. Handtails: The prwious stairs used wooden rails. Thes€ rails did nd meet current codes in that they did not odend the proper distance beyond top ancl bottom nosings and the profile of the rail did not meet cunert exit or handicap standards, The new rails are painted ornamental iron and pipe' c, the proper extension and pro{ile. Please call if yoj have any futther questions regarding this issue. As you are awars, a timely resolution is important as construclion ol the cantral stair is undEruay. Sinc€reiy, MICHAEL BARBER ARCH]TECTURE Cfl* Vil.* Chris Thomas CT/sh (Vail\stah.!tr) cc: MBA: M. Barber C. Adkisson S. Ward Vauft q,Il9 7., O"y fl4"'o'v ftfi:i' l'llCll ttL BtRltl ARCII ITtCIl|Rt 10 July 1990 Mr. Stan Berryman Toryn of Vail Department ol Public WorkVTrans. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Vall Transportstlon Centor Project Numb€r 222'89 Dear Stan: This conespondence is in resporse to the ruling ol Mr. Gary Murain, Chief Building Official lor the Town of Vail, p€rtaining to his interpretation of the 1988 Uniform Building Code (UBC) Section 3306(c). Mr. Murrain believes the e!ilerior stairs, as designed, should not be permitted due to qyariable tread lengths due to varying width and curyature of stairways that will disrupt the rhythm and movement of occupants attempting to use the stairway$. We understand Mr. Munain has based his interpretation on an interpretation by the Intemational Conlerence d Building Officials (ICBO). Only after a meeting on 3 July 1990 between Mr. Mundn and rnyselt, did it become clear that all exterior stairs with a curved wall would be dfected by thb interpretation. It is our belief that the stairways as designed will proride th€ Vail Transportation Center with a condition that is as least equal to the existing stairvvays that have served thg community for the past 18 years. As you are aware, th€ stainilays proposed for construqtion have evofued from schematic designs initially proposed by Michael Barber Architecture. Our initiar design, which was reiectsd by the Design Review Board (DRB), had straight run stairways which conforms with the code interpretation of Mr. Murrain. The DRB requested that curuing walls be us€d at the stairways in an ettempt to provide a more sensitive and tree tlo!fling tseling, similar to the existing stairways scheduled for replacement. The DRB would prefer to rebuild the existing stairs exactly, withor.rt rggard to accomrpdating more people. The DRB cited the Uonshead parking struc-ture, which has straight run stairs, as being an unaccsptable approach to the design of the new stairway, consequently, curues wers introduced to the stair design which were later approved by the DRB enabling Michael Barber Archilecture to proce€d with the production of the construction documents. A s€t ol design dwelopment drawings, which included the curved staiMay design, wes forwarded to Mr. Murain for initial radew and comment prior to completion cf the construction documents. At that time, Mr. Murrain made no mention to the stairs not conforming to code Iequirements. MBA completsd the construclion documents, stamped and signed the drawings, and submitted for approval to the Building Department. MICHAEI. 8AR8TR ARCHITECTURE PROf ESSIONAI. CORPORATION 1290 BROADWAY SUITE 600 DENVER COTORADO 80203.5606 TETEPHONE 303 837 0555 FACSTM|LE 303 837 0600 I iEg0 Mr. Stan Berryman 10 July 1990 Page 2 Given the fact that Mr. Murnin will not sup€rc€de th€ position taken ry the ICBO, we ofiEr two approaches to be considered for the r€solution of this issue. Option 1: Fequest that a vatiancs to th€ code interpretation b€ granted by' the Town of Vail Building Department allowing th€ stairways to b€ conslructed as designed. option 2: consider an altemde design solution thd would satisfy the code irterpret€tion of Mr. Munain' Anached 's a sketch of an altemde stairway along with the oontrac{ors conceptual cost and schedule impact. A timely respofise b wananted on this matter as consttuc'tion at the central stair is approaching raPidtY. Sincerely, MICMEL BARBER ARCH]TECTURE 2"tl,lbq Scott Ward SWsh (Vail\stairway.nr) Anachmont cc: MBA: M. Barber Vauh 22289 (tili_A) pd- corusrRucTtoN SERVlcEs, lNc. Coortrvc{o.l si.aa rtoO llr. Scott tfard IIICHAEL BARBER ARCIIITECTURE 1290 Broadwsy, sults 600 Denver, C0 80203 Re: Yall TransPortatlon Center Stalr fllr Proposed Ghange Dsar lln. ltardr Por your requostr re offer the folloulng thoughts regardlng the proposed change to stalr tlt (attached)t l. Structural steel ls on slte and erectlon has begun for thls arei. Ghanqlns steel In thls area at thls point rouiC sertously i-npict the completlon of thls area end added costs to the structura'l steel. 2, Concrcte chrnges to the walls off of the structule nlght reduce the iilrect costs' pendlng revlew of- ftnal iriiinss. scheduled coplitlbn ot thls area xould also be serlouslY lnpacted. 3. lurplenentlng thls change rould result ln a delay to the prbJect. uilch rould- add addltional cost, such as bverheadr ulnter protectlonl layout' etc. 4. Other ltens lmpacted by thls change--l-s store capsr- handrall' brlcli pavetsr earthrork, EIFS' nasonrl' qnd potenttai other trades- pendlng flnal drarlngs belng I esued. tflthout nors comgleto dehll€d drawlngs and schedule fon lssuance of final drawlngs, lt ls linposslble for us to asbign a cost to this proposed change. Unt'll PCL recelves notlce otherrlse, uo are proceedlng based on the current desl gn. iluly 1lr 1990 D02r4A-24 2000sr.uthColoradoB|vd.Suite40ooenltr,Colorado80222Te|ephone30!.75].66mRapidfar]0].;5].6921 @ uell Tranrportatlon Crnt* - Strlr lll' ProPosed Changa ifuly 11' 1990 Page 2 If you hava aw quertlonr, don't hesltate In calllng' Yours truly' PCL C0ilSTrugIt0il sERYlcEsf lllc. /* 8r-"rrA/). ilin G. Bronn ProJect llana$r ilGB/mkn Attachment cc3 Denny Amour/PCL Chrls Thcas/llA Gregg Yoos/URS Les llood/U|S Stan Bemnan/T0U -l!-l-!-!--=- 1 !3 - '3 !3 T l-t E 1 =:€5 F ':L- F UR,:HFr'=-:: |{ r:OO mt6lY dhtt wttw PAFIIAL PLAN . PEvgvtf" AT c4A'l? t1o, lo, JUL-1€r-9r:i TIJE 1 o '=o ?evw a)we?. wP,t.L4 AT ryrAiP+C/PkAL) TARTIAL PLAN .:. TtllQle\"? A1 "lAlP Na, tl J.Lr t- - 1€r-9E' TI.JE 1=:5.+ Pr:L F. Ll F: !:: H A..f I l.l r:oo oeLaTv c\P't??vt{wq t3 PARTIAL PLAN WtQtctbAf dtAPNo. 12' anr I fPE 3a ',s :IZ2 IIICHFEL ERRBER FRCH'( |lllC}I AtL BAREIR ARCI|IIICI|JRI IACSIMITE COVER SHEET Dote: 30 ApriL 1990 P. L/14 lime; lticlnel Earber TronsmittBd Fromr MBA Fox Number Colledr 479-2157 ProiecllN.rr6ber:22289 14Totol Number oJ Pcrges Including The Cover Sheet: RE: ELectrical inforrnation CommqOls: "T We qre lronsmilting {romTeJefoxnumber 303 837 06@. lfyou hovelrouble receiviog lhis tronsmission pleosecoll us, MICHAEI- gANEER ]?90 IRQAOWAY SUIT€ 600 CORPORATlON f ACS'M|LE 303 897 060c AR C H IT E CT O R ! P R O F E S S ICJ N A ! DFNVER COLORADO 80203,5406 r!tEpF|ONE 301037 0655 o o FFR 3E rgo NICHREL EFF $ftfqu 'ffi,#.'f.P#* FlxtsrEt tar gOW wd 90W l{mpr aro slandrtd^ SFGcify by changld0 lamp wodage tnd flr€, To develop Satalog Na. (ollow €xamplc below: $" ES f -"' Cu{ *o} "u' gF-ru.,"*.rfi-*fti*-"n CP+ltt D-R.14.24hlTA-1 20V- Mark Lighting, Inc. 25 Knickeiboer(ar Ave., Moqnacnl€, NJ 07074 CrCrt S{itJtjl t: SOYA Allgfl noad tctottclrv?f SDTT.10 Torrhao{ tNtencir orTro$AL eoulPliEl{?.dC a6 sultlt to Ca ffiwk gnErly Slyh4 grtlrst EE PL?, PLg Fl. Nig:it Ll$hr C.a- -rirxi+ltior tt E8.ff Ent€rgsr'rcy 8sncry Pacil GLR Fr||o ( HLF Holdst 6LS (lo cner3irie +fld luftf'', 1 cot{TlNuous Rcws*Tiru wifln?;c|n3r proYrdic - . for pLASTEfi FRAME options (ree (0v9nt tldci a,rd PF il (o cst. No. Su€ LSmPS 40W t f{.s.crtarcg N4 CPI-MO-R.r4-240 CF,t-{irO.F.1{.340 lx4 2 E cFl'Mtr8.tr{.3{O CP{.M€bR'1..{{0 2r1 3 1 cpl.tdD.B.*2.2tJd0 2x2 2-U A6d ti Errltlx rC Crliit+.: \r .250" Ultt!viOi€t 5libilir€o polyc6tborrrlc 0no ' 129" arirrt ii'r rcrylic oveflry .205" C-70 l€dpstod prt3|ndhc 9rat3 . . . - . . - . . .?05., Q.70 ompefcd priornaric llE53 and .es0- lcnlpcrec 'ih'er ,250" .lFrt tempoled glas! 6nd .12f " prirT rst i€ acrylic Ow(lay ...,,, Otner Efri.ldlcg rvEllEule, Fl€ere tpeclty tAilpERFROOf FAETE|T|GR8 idd !s Bulii,{ ie,iti:r}il i.;. i:---;+ Aff€nnrld wllh Ccnter'9in, nrrrrjOncd Steel ,'.' " ' tt Toi*l'ta6d wilh cenlst-piri, hdfdenad st6e; ...., , ! nN)- 201/s39-0€80 FAX No.20rl039.i09s Firq{ li -rrFR 3E ;sE nr:a6 rtcH'nfirrf-nnCr**;- Applications Commerclal. industrial afi C in$titutiorlal f aciltlie$ where attracfively degigfied, easily installed, emer. ggncy exit signs are required, $tandard Unit FeaturesI Altraotiv€ .slimltrro housing oflered in a v/ida var;sty ol color combinations. r Univ8rsai, wall gurtace, end or ceiling rnoLnting. s $tandard 1e0 volte {?77V optional). t Downlight fiAy bo emitled by removing bolloifl as€fturo knocKot|ls. I L€tt, right or douhle arrow oplions echievBd by means oi snapguls. r Ext6ndsd |tls AC lamps. Emergency Unit Features E ComFl€tely selffontainsd 0m6rgen6y powe{ uilit. t Opetates tar g0 rninut€s. r Fr€m&rm grada, pur€ load, rnsintsnanca lrgs bstiery wittl 13 yedr Cxp€cted llfe. r Environmgntally c0at6d, tully au|orflstlc sotld,$tdtg chatglcr.I Aulornatic bqttary protection (LVD). r Cha/ge.rste indicalor. r Test switch. I Easily tarnperprooled. r Barier.tree environrnent sign avarlebla. Dlmensiolts wall-mount L'1. o." a xt '';'"t=.' .,.. .t7. ".,.<:- -' .. ., EXqutsiTe @S+ries'rt y''l r''r Attracti,re exit signs l .,!'i;' with kit.based ii hr --iieldflexiblllty. $ "[ 'X#H? :l fF T,fr 1l':l f #..11 *''t h. C 7''G 4. PrOducl $electOr l:-*{-.}c-r-:' rt$tal lt,fl?d viag fi nl tnll: li(c d,rlrrrr (rrll (riltl aa $A,l'e.rrl, ' rR,t l9S ,y f ri,l!}I : Crrl$gtalnd 4ir'r, tr,rtcl:er 4,tr,.;i-.;, l lrllirfinl,9fi1{ l;.i {rlDii 6\,rr;i Ctdt{cr !i rb'ir, !i.{te lt-r '' iL ss.i;' i !_q llJtni q./!t:L'.A1.:.',,.rl::...... flt!.l| tllq'r L{| r|iiilai ;ilcl Ir ait n*9.1. t' 4,t illt r.l: (..i::.r, I,wr,lai &$ir lto r,rr r.r;:.. ' qrdt 16 llln '.{.it ; : tairnrt/ir. li4lt $(| *,rr*t :! '!i'Ctilll| t/ E d .jrrn, !4Pli ;sr n:rl, r:-r ! ?ll lEUl..irjla ltr,r * l:. {;,r', tllrl'D(!|i.l,lfi{lr,{ r t \r; ir. . ,h[{OrrrZe.an:,.,a'a'r,lrt -,r :t. . 'l{':! t rll l.orl, fir.l'l lri4 r,:t,; - lY$rqaall ai.r'r ltai nih,r.l a'.Jit CariA? !J !n€ frl^,,ll. t,trs ltrt,: r,i';,: !, qiifis I fi d.r, 4(. lsi,o 6 lar p : ./1, I -- -1 0;lf,n i ;.!jBg?!! o.rr,!.:r rB,r.er,,.,:' ! fgrirlfrat oltrtl t{i iefilr:j 'rjllev g.lmt ; t.brE{{fr.lJ$o,rti/r.#/a.'!,, r' l rru'.|0C /dcf, kvif " t{qitr,tf rta lgr,r r IIr l',4 ' r-{ csiling or end-rnount 4rrr/rc' f--*tt'---{lrt ln4+t,tq./d Fit irr;l .l ai.t t* :L:..,t 10.1! wG[t 2.ai(at:l7Y '|C{,t'' Wn {.Jrn (lfilit rrl, *lh} "ia t l; gl7rtt Ct ,!'t! wrt.Jr Fl,a' liJqn'f {lt Slrgry ltJr€, 340 r.lt,. !!;on. ( ?,' tt | !!il l,a^E rart, lCl AC fann 09.{rh0rr ,?tr1rt lfilr3a { t {ff on lEairrl Sbti l.rr 6r.:r'it0 F#$$ty trfir!tr:rdl I Ja l$rii riolofa[ lrrtp rrflrt r 1Al,.j "-l{rJtt tir ld ron. Irl lilr5 udrrr.l0 (r nr':.:,ft *(n ii66rd $Er i/tLr. trar;tli c t ,rrc$lrl9 g llr tc rriir rre r,t,tt l, ||r {ir{ ;rFu:ii i,n+r ll:q fl.| ,.ri,{. t{ .L,j il9lJ'rlad l t|!.l 5d!0G{!t r:r rloci..,g ,,rrEtr! rfrs r.rl!llu(t'ily J,l pb :d6 rttl.:rl,0l,: (! j Sr*itr )|&r 'r |rl"r. ( ,I lvailug o,t 1d l.con i6.6s4 6't6'9;.,ltry meir * u1 1?l l ft'j r,lt F hi I i I t l,tli, f9',?ftron t;ll lri(,fi r'Ct |nlilt t;. . -Jd. JAly {ltr.,r $'r rr -tr.rln 1,t,46 er t lc /C! t.rerrnn2an+:! i9:al7 i, r."Je -i'e,, . t.. r -J3lt?;a .rlr llavlili nl.vllJfr FrrA |r(ll7 |dSAlil(4sorrr ni i I l, 'i= t,i" ' ttl IUI I T I | * 1",,,. t *,r lF-tQV:r"-{it_.- lo'/i --{ rlPR 3E 'ea a7ta7 HTCHRbEAREER FRCH{(-P.3/r3 gJgrnlng: Fi^iJr:: rnu:i t's i,ilOt-irrdce ll 3.::?f d 1l'r:J .r,ii: iicci ca,.-,cs lrr lr: l til'rlni: 1:',, - tti;.li ;Cii. Fr:;'jf? Li.-!C :: 'i ibsull rI,'] S(rrifrt.ri ilFisli'ri , , / AFL Flxtu rp FetS[[-s^F nd Spee if lcat8o n s Patenta fi rtuG: Unde/wi;reri Lrboralo- rreS ligtFc lor lret loc8ttona tlouclrrg; QnE P;Ece dis cast atuminum in e cllrnolicatsn3Pg wilh rffegrgl c00lrn0 tins over the enlire lenglh, {rnd 125' mtru- r'u.n wall thrcknESg. Concegla0 integral casi 3|p hingcs with srainlesi st€sl pins. on€ piece grlruded gnd vuloanizcd E.P.DM. gasxEt bslween ho.,r$" ing aflc doof frame, concoaEo wnA,l llxturs is Ctoigo, Ooor Framor One piece dre gagt Alufirnufir with r eg?al coolng line .l2S' Ininimum wall thrckness. rna(e$ with hanshg to crEate 6 continuoug cylindricsl grape. CorEe&l€d nIog.al casl sltp h:ngss ajhw removsl with- out tcolr. .Sloo.rf fl'l tto/ided io ;iro:t dOOr ltame Oggning, 3n€f thigt( clear rempefed glegg Ens rs iarled lo ooor lrame by a ons pr6ce /nolded E.2D.M, 0aEk4l. Doot lr6me secure$ to noutlng w l,l,o stenlsss stoel r€tE380ct ciptive a$cn head scrgw& Foi,rr Epp{rd a'1d pLrggoo holcr Pto' v[t8d for 8ttachfieil 0t Sefn 0oor, Frxed Hoad, and Lex€no StrisH cplion$. Swlvcl: SymmetrtcEl do8iln wilh die ca$t Elurnhum compo.n*6 lnlsrndl loCking te€th Pro vide 7tlr' sdiugttfloil by righlening t$o tleinbE8 Steel ]taas$so llr€t\-hoad 5ctows €" inra(vaE fttrkcd oo s*iv€l erlefio( %" N.P,S.M: cd;nlln0 ufloof oagHlEd bBsling fFnge. f,dlra{or AssorrHtga: Intet' Chang€eb|e in a1t tnfot AFL lix. ture iypa* SFecular Altake optical cornpo,r€nts nDuna60 to cl€€r SnodEBd ahrrltlxJ.fl k8fte Beflgctor agserflbly snaps rr||o liilurg fpuiln0 ivilh gprrnC dPi. HPS. MH and MV mad'um g8$e 8ock€ts are oorceiS:rl €t4d 4KV. FlCl 6ocl€13 e(€ .ece$soo $nole canracl ratcd sKV. Elaitlerl Oomponcntr ; Fac - tory rnour{ed ut itouEing and p{wvired "rith l€8do cdending f,odr swtvs{. u.L. litled comp+ fi€d8 with hrgll power titctor balr3ts rsted lo{ - 200F. e|.arr. rfig. ODlonet photocett i ernally rcoufilod wrlh llu$h sen$or on srog of h(tlrirng. Flntrh: Housing, lens tgmt and swivel a,8 serrli.gros3 bal€d enarn€l over Alodine of lariditeprfig. ElEcK. garl( Dronte or nalu/al abrY|irurfl cQtots, Photernolrlcr: Based o.' in.Je- p€ndont testifrg tabordldry rorjor r$ 3 I I I ?' i-- I I i,rt I I :t I I I I *l6%', AFLl l{orizor{al Fl0od Max- Wt 2{ lo5. E.PA. I O AFL? \b.rical ilood Mgx. Wt 24 lbs E PA, I,O AFI.3 Hori2odal spot Max. Wt. ?4 tbs E.PA 1,0 Alillng Erngc* n relSlQn lO lixlute mountttlg %'f'J PS,il'i. il I l-r--,,-- 1-1" -. -r; It I iIl .-\ \, t Wail tr.'Ounl Cgn be tnvcrles =-'-+ +- a,tow,6g tull upward or '-F , \ | downwartT I'rfirn0' \ ro5' IF*["9 -. . . .. k.r,r,r Li,(:liTiN(i. tt' ;Hlt$o:*,oiiff nrtirfehi''u ":ffi;ffirffi 'il;'n# " ;:.;''i,; t i..*,n,,' Arctr;teciuralFloodlights "{- ;,oo,*;;:,i;f;3ir.gif*..1;* H8'*,;ii:1.1,'. ca3t alurrddum {rsme, Itd locks | * t resaftroles 31lJ l%iff:H[1$H:8il:3$ -liiiir,iiii% B'/!,A'E R:l:i'1if;"*-l,7 assembly nopnl$ lO paedrill6d door lfarae Foles, Cartion: Not facot r.rrrenoeo tot Etou/1d dodfied iixl'Jf65 in vcnoal grons arqa$. AvarFDle io tnreg baked e0amel lrr1l8h88 t 7Vc ,I 70 Watt to 175 Watt rnx{eia)cso-3sorTyperu r-\ dEu-sr{/lF*4Gr1-r-r|-+rrr+r!{',,' '(. J Brmooore (BD); Extrudedatu- Crt. No- Colot rnrnum dcors wttt antFretl€ction .J rr",l".- SOIAL-€ ANek \rnrnum doors with anti-retl€ction J.lt.,l"- baltled Each door is hingcd lo 3 | i ^Aar thrrfift ||"r {raartp anrl ld"1ks I lo holes, and .nay be uSed wittl Lgxano ghreld optim. Availabls,n lhr*e b6ked Sndmd fin$heS rfla.rc gbloid (AFreL$}r 7i' cJ6€r conrex U.V. stabilirsd vac' r..um fomsd polycSf bonato with oltkel. Mot ftts erer leffi to predrillgd door lrarns snd m€y bo trsed wlth Barfi Oool.ol Fixed l'{ooo option. Cautbn Uso only vylrsn rdrdalism is f,rilic ipgto'd b b8 rEh. u$0tur dfs ir rifir[od by UV.,lhcdofdhn trofi 6un- lbht. msraury vapof q rt0t6ltic helidolamg6 B0/08-f Dsrk granr€. Ca:, No. Cclo. FHIBL€ B}arK FHtoE-E Datk eiorlr.8. resernbles 313 Durafiooicd coloi Fff/Nlr.E l lgtural AlJfninuin Cat. Nc AFL-L$ C -i_ Il \sv.' tN*tJ Arrhlltoturd *8ox {JBlt: Cylindrical Dody a1d malc;ning ccvet in dis cast alminrrm, One FreCe jnotded E.PD.IA cov€t 9a6fiel. lfiAtnel ground screw prgviCe6. Csplrve COunrersunk cov€t Ecl{rwE. '/c'N.PSM. lix- ture fiOunl wilh inlgrn8l $et Ectgw lock. Tvro '/r" F|,P.SM, for Conduit rfltry, AJailabf€ in th/s€ baked enamel f io;shes. For abov€ g.act€ Inst8rlattofl onty,. '/r'N.PS.i'l Fixture Mcunl Cat. No. fulor JB?EL€ FIscK JB1/OB.E Dsrk &qnz6, rrFern. bjqs 3€ Dut€roolCr cq|o/ JBl/t'lA.E NalUtal AlumrAU(1,T *Yt"I Irwl /z'N.PS-lr/. Stenshhn Mount tor Slnglc Frruru (s[ilIo]: 3- O.D. x .188' \rsSl CeSl Sluflirxj:'n with ',/r"AlF,g.M. tixturc moqnt Intcrnd ser sctew li$ure iocK ecceS8i- b.l6 through hand holo IntcrnAl gtound lug sup9li€d witll hstalhd lead. Avalabi€ in threc bat€d €narnBt f ini$hos, cEr. No. Color 9M16/SL"E Btac;( SMIS/DB.E Satk Etonze, ,eSern6F$ li13 Dultnodicc Col0r $Mi6/t{A.E I.lotrjrai Al(rmifl lrrn f'tci€: I0 as.9u/0 e f'gio rncteili. l3n A,iC pl0'JUCI longgvrty, ${anoFion mugl 0r, net rI' ccncrele by clrle g. 'iiFn :-ur g-s bz, rs t'1I I ffi.Er*' ;.'ffiffiffity&ffi t." - P.6/L3FFR :E '9A A7':11 r'IICHNUFREEE FRCHTK EgEiEE EEgHgI tEgggsg igiEEgg ggEFIgig trr7 f"E\t-,....L. _!,i':)f\ z -t r- -zt6 + ut lJ {E t UJ-\IIJi.-z .i ql B 5 P E t ? 3 {, {,t IEut- 5U' u 13o Eu, t-o 1'(u ia-,Jlr =fcOl-F U1 II I I t E E tL llJ-E ?F,4lxIE ;d- FXIt t/ =rFT +EE EE$Ocpr..\cc:A{dl!Eoo =FF! v..{ 5 f; * I ''. ii ; .. t) '+. : +JI }: E;f E E-;; E;. i'- t- ]'Ftt'"j .1s-1 1..i. '.:.. a++' RPR 3A '99 A7i 12 I'1ICHT)BRREER RRCH* €€ rHai -i ffE EE€E€iEgEEEFfiE€gEi f;FgsEi E$ $.gi i EEFEgEEIEF:$IEEE€;€ fi EEt Fe Ei EE EE kH uE s Hsl !E !E ,!H tErsE FE ; EE: EE EE EE FgE; I ;t?: (tatt :*dt: a. iiEra r' 47&;;t rt -oi i.','-' :i'f iI II r{ s 1 EI !{ I rE -r I I sI E)l I I Ii T It I T4 iI I I I II t3z J gt(J Ag,l -I tttt)( tol .$ F---:[."-.'-i +E=o<= *=,v Hfi44Frt FE EP-r 8E--7- =F HE E Ec{s a ztE z o =clG T rq tr.trt u.l Fz OAE(o, g (o J rrrLJ9rl-:E-F5*(/, {)(J {Brl.l-5v, ?+,ootro l*o Eo'H -tdtr E E6 Fitii ?i4*{';}1i/t -'-- {ra$f--Gttu'itr4.I|-Lrrtqil*$:Ltys-*!ftL ALrElzN*rs' y NfS Vtv?'d.&t_ (tEN f7.*<- Tb StULtll/,r+ :i llBusr-Ix-dlr',ss- 46e.dE-ee$ss3LJ,nr5- * { 0.';,,sirfi.*-.L3$j/fr.EtJEg'gl- r I Jil' bdedxsLn{|8. ,&sseff- Fgarru to nol f,r$ ngltl tt lf,roiltt ffPR 3E ,94 A7I13 I'I]CHNURBER RCHil( . Specificaticns P.9/13 EXqulsiTe@$eries Oeacriptlon Exo!{siTg SoJleg el|r srgns utrirr€ injcclion.rnoldeJ (hcrmo2iEtirc trarfir wilh a geel-stencri {O+e Ovor e rsrnforcad libc.Ola{is Jatl4t |saor, Slrndard hcusing afd Sle crl cdtcrs ara r,n teir bleck wifr JtSndard l€flo/ colo.s ol tod or green. A rddlu$.Atro5t0c r;tLroctr tacg oliminEtd3 light leaks dnd prov{tes kn, rrghi or dirri!)lg efr0vJ otl. li?ns Dy artg{ng of $lBpout8. Qtxrllghl thcy oc proyide'J by iha /6- movdl ol two bo(om aoo|tu(d c,ovcrs, siqna r ay bo iimpefpr0olad Dy ;mod,on 01 a special lccklng Scfrrw (prdvlded). Emergertcy Fower Pack Ths po!flor pac[ it congtrud€d ol ar". ioi{rcrion-notoeo tnd.rrcDldgth cg6E wllll tamovtito lrJn! c6vor. opgrarion ts tutly q'Jto,t18tic, An SCFI $dlid-8tatr ch8rE3r 6tn$l5nt!y rnainldino the ornery sl lult diatg& Ch$!6f pdntsd di.clit bofltd rc spfcycd wilh a Contonnai oottlnc wfrlcl Fovldd ,noisri/r€, Eorf93ion, tnold, and I'Jngud r€6ls- lanco. Emttgoncr lrmpr ffe swrtci'ltd upoo hg8 of no?nal pcoror. Drnng 0tnsiac{-y oprrallon, darnagr lrofi dr€p dlSchargs ls prs.'rir:d dy t low y6'lt6!r dEdonr€cr circurl On tr3ioralien ol ullll9 jroiN€r, thg cnafoo, wiJl bf0in a redlargo e'yclg. l! wtl lf,ing |ne bal- rEry 10 full c{sasity }virhhr scoplabto uL lim€ etafderds. A pilol xght g0rvcr !a hdhdro chargs {rla, A t63r 3wl6h i3 p&vlded lo rnec{ 0.n6rgoncy opflfEtion. surdarc oporation i3 lrofi 1?0v or 27TV, Battery Emergency go,ror 6ourc| b l premium gradg, perd l€ad. melnto. nanco t Eo b6rtory. €rp#trd lllc ls 15 yoars, Complotott ggalgd, nevc, nocosaary 10 add war0r, Superlor pedo/manca in iow tcfirpt/. tlurA tpplhgrlcflS. Cafrrss D.o-rat! vrafrAnly. lllumination Installaiion End Or CSrlhg riounie€ unit5 irtt Srji)p!j66 riLirl rili:oil '{.i: .,r...:'. inaiude e hi.lligt UFr aAtr ?ri" iong, y.' lFrtr,1.'4'ii;;p;7 1r ., ,.r.' tng ro n Sri' Or 4" sgragon,il o, c\oiirtbox. iai c! tl/| 1 ,, ,f, .: .i iivgrrablg sgpttatcty ior lieLd conversio/: ig6s PfnJucr 3.r nri: chgd.J, 'lJr,l no!,nlso moddls aleo mQ,Jnl l0 rr J" sqJ;{ig ';'"x r'il ir\{l'Jdo an o9ening lQr 7.' 40ndJlt tnttr" lct,i,fecl coitneci}oi, r,it - Or./t ,rDig6 artB Ffov[tgq /4 InE wall Dleia iol socJring ll]1r !r': ;*' rr' , vJall suriaca. XnoC,rotr:s lfe 9lo/id'?d 0n )cli ttg6l ol Ins arri lrcmc lcr conrre9lion lo y}" SrJl|lcc conou:|. \{rf,.'rg ri lrrnir;:f 1!q throBgn l8-gEug9 |,rfio bfd3 witr'-'h luct( infe € s..',oetRll'In::f 1;:,. ryir,rg comPa.nmot.,t :q 3v0|c stlhdoirs. Optlons A liro Ar,grnr ptn'll rntArtacg cp{ion vthtch {!3s5os hi} (rr,i lSmi; 1i cne cycla tqf gcgond Suring tire algrm c;?tJlnn ls Svlll,lD'J i ). .,,: : y.l$ arl rnode!3. Tlts opuon mcd'rie fist:ll9 lri3i{r ir5v'6r l1;;' i.r;Ji' Ingi Cn r.oth AC snd Cdleltet4y urills. :r'rc rrrlr tlB.9i t,re 5er:. rncdol litrrps i AC aoc DC oterstrF! ..!l049r, Atitlltblj t3i ,i 1 .. 2{. 48 or 1t0 yoll lirg eh/nl p3J1els. Ti ttttt, ir(i(; 6'.rlr! 'Fr.P :. rufrlt l Odgi ')utnoer sfid gt Fujly *j3,rn ptrel v0lt$,l6, Magter coillol {irg aislrr rirteritcs 2aigls IMCFAP) et.} 6vcr;;-fi':' i- t'rtnidg m8rry AC gxrl 8i9ns v'ft c !'l'l:e !a,jrc:'. Fe;e; lc i:i!a gnEet i0-t033 lor .'Fcfc inloirTBt|irn oft iAP enc aylcFaP o9:,f)' . An optoosl slcnc:l laco is Svciiaoje wh:ch d!6clays tn6 ill;dr. iglrodal stmbcl cl Acigca. lt l3 doSii.red ii: teoegnrtlcn 0l lis flariodEt ?oiicy lor a !Atrig..lrec anv;ronntcnr (Sp*cil/ -Fig/, Ali,o 6yarrabla lor r?l,.conuroad fin9/3€ncy rnooels l$ l,A cgiroil Y,,,1:'.in Orovides the bsrf16r.lrO0 gtCACrj lACg inq Bn i.udto/!tqstl ct.cr ti, modulo. Ourjne a pc\\ef hlhtO, tlrc inodri,e tlt#he$:ns o,{lt'6 (.jt tf,firPA an{ Fto'/toer E pul0a{ng i$dlbl8 3l0ngl rvhill! ?1i0'r,1 osiret exit,tcfltien by vtlug' or tlegrinB ir'lcalt€d 9at$ot,'.; {rPecrlt tict't ?.J j, Fdr alatrn.lfl esn6/ f.qodiJlo only. ipealfy gB- i11 Suggested Specifica! iort Erlt sion hgurinJ E,1tll bd,:onttrust€d ol ''tn;10 or Dlaeii,nisil;;n frrclidod rntfnopiart;c ltouging'#;th radiu$ rilroibird Slgnc';s. :3Fs ori gl € mrnallno [!lll iceks. flx,mal iilu,i'irlian ilillt fio hct ;2s:':] prlvrdcC by two tii+145v eri84doc.:.le i|1gtgt ooriaru::i ,"'- iampr, cotiteo to 1g rrsls lor !a0 ?cll c;era:i3tt. Snapqtll g,:rc,vi snd ocwnirght ta dJfiFly vrllh pt{ng' Full tled llerroillly snsll Ee ca' pabb rhobgn lhs u3c O, hoivldtJsl cEFvcrEi?ll k{5 Drmcr,rio.'e lo bs 87r' hidh x 'i0%" ,tidF x I vs' doep EnrErgoflOy *(if gtgrlt !n bd scnjdvdd throutt c (leElor/) {'ie:3j inttallgd, fu y 0utorrotic t)oeoa pack. Fowcr pgc{ con3lidctioh s!'aJi pro-r'id$ a solid s(fflr bol$r/ c\trrEr, a piesltqm 6rii)?. A,i? lea4 Danery wiih 15 /get oxpaclod {ita. A shlr;c rEte giiot ligh!.rr.c : !9x! lriich. TnE chargg/ Eh8li 9ro|ioo It:t/t volt&js disc.,'nuai cir cuit and Ehall bE co?ablq 0f tecnof9ln9 llr? 4talte'^/ rYrlhn 3ci61?' ablo uL llfig EltntrEr{tg, Tht Fowcr grcx riusr be captuic lri opcrsti.rg two 3,6 wln DC lafips io, I 4 ioJ.s. u,ritr ar'o supclod wlo rwo I sT&145v exiondcd-l;t6 cnotgy aon. 3ctung Ac llmpE. dordbd l4 12 wat$ lo/ 120 volt opefation. gmgt- gcncy liluJnlnirron i$ proviC06 lotwithtryo 3,6 sall lamp!. Dual-Lite' P.O. Box 468' Newtown, Connecticut 06470' (s03) 426'8011 Prrntcr, In U.S.A- $0'?5$ :i), E.r: FPR EE '98 A7:14 I4ICHFEL BAREER ARCH>Ko $FEgtRffii"sEn#s Corrftercial. lndoitrial 8nd instltutional l8cillli6S wf'grs fuggrd, cast alumiflurD efiotE€ns1 eril tlgfl3 leBlurlng con- l-qmporary slytlng and a choics ot )ncdhdescenl or fluofes- 6ent AC [amp3 arg riquired. Standard $ign Features N casl dluminu'r| conskucliQn used tir/ougnoul r Coflt3tnpoaary da$if,ilI oesion sllow s u3c lfl surlaca, end qf cetling niounled a9Flicatonl,r Difectional arrolr9 AchievgJ b/ n03nt Dt Sneporjtg, a Eottorn apanure wiln grismatic len! ptovides €,,6n down- lrghl illumi.l8tion.r Erlcnded ljt€ ;ncsndescentAC ltmFg gtandErd. t Optional tluor€gcent AC lBmp9 er inctndesc6nl "Lignt Pin6l" dvai|ebls.r Md6r+all NFPA-I01 sn6't987,llL 924 ilir sjgn reqult€tnsnlg. $peclron Features r Cuslom d8$igncd 'ntcgtgl€d circuitry p.ovade$ ccnlrnuctr3 $glt-dlagnosdc moniloridg o( en re unrt opsr.llicn. l| CoinglSl€ly autoflrailc 3-gtags batiery charget afld lran$ton cifcuilr ,Autofi8lltr bafl8ry protection (LvD).I F Oyrngut protecllon Citcuir.t 13"minute rekgnsJer delay.r A.c. locf(out circuilI lwo color LEO cnar0er tnqde indicator lrgnlr sepRrals LED9 i^dicaE Dgilery. chtrgcl or emefgene/ lar F rnal runclioir.I IC piooramrnsd di$chargg cyclgg insvrs optrmum b9l!8rl porformanca and em€tggncy oprtrlion.t TsSt $witch allow8 a conplet6 liv6 minule eystsrn 3hgck st tny tima.I U iversaf 1201277 votltnqul. Dimeneions i.lOTE: Add 1+t" tO har0ht or ryi.tlh dirnOnr'C,ns rO, f,XtUnI'n0 Ca^opt, zttJ/6L'P.Lg/1.3/v /'. '- f;Xf;Ali$Um'" $eri*s i Ptisnl Prndlng Casl alumlnum, sF gclllcalicrr grade ernargency exit slgns,, Applications eitt y (f ) d?srlc!frw rjo,Yr,laDk. ,r{ o!v, grbtt,r!:i torilI f iJi6*} .1 ., }:r, i, fitislte'ff ih!.l} h $it fi'rdd riil|patlt.l . ow$Wif, - {b!l'$}ll i'{.|;'i' ^(lE! Ctnor't, irgt r hrul!. $tli]Simcll' rrhd. hfi4r4. ll) Gr|llr Jtld e/hlit'tltl'rrl r'rotflcr"J.:o irds', !-0!l;lu! !l! lE'td " r:'r, t/ 'v.- iwlulaf B oira c! lh. ict.ct'i- lt*l fi: r/i:l rajtf f'ui!'n, ' l - ' t e *lllrlrs.tl,ritgllhcrrilrtutfLJ.?t,vh;r!'0|,rqtt,ui.ill!',i,:rl.ilrr:". l?i rrfl r:siiru0 ,0t 0'. i'if, L,tn: Pincl nfdtlj, llli,f'itfiu,$ttltrr as's. J!ll,Jt!'t rs))lrl{ ii3t:3o ir ri:c t{ | tor lcli if tuJl4n#d arir,i}g ttp"cilrtft inlY {5t 0$r! g#srr}Jarlolh :rJ't.E: tlcti{y' Product Selector tolrl L.;llf,rit lw;t'.11 c'.rf,$!u,) Cg i'rlVr': i0ir,r'i,'l rd""nilt Wl^'tr tyrll Do.rl, !ir.'Clr lircj,'';,ir-:. : ::i gA,(;rF 0r Arr, fitltt. i lttr i.: r " Cql|lti!l ?nt qlrrl: j':!j, -(;_:::: _..* cwrcFr CSftBB-T c$80 r fird 'ilttr 6ir(t $al n*ll, +.1,a l ttj' .rti".t ;"t<:-r cdido 0l # 0 a4p1r. r,rct lr;. r, rr, ;/ ,: CtJlrro c. arid ror.r,1r,lorrar lic! r'.: :.;: ct/ruiB'l cSnrB-i c0a{8'l lod'!Eruti Ahr..e|lil r,Vtll n0!41, trrltirtu |vlihi::.| Ita,;!'/ Carl,[99t B{ tr.!n:. j,olrJ li:t r,.E :.;; icil,0t 0f f+d r.e9rT. .i|.ra, lfr iJJr ft CYi\r0B.l c5wcg.! clwo3.l sat ?,a<l 9rrci '/;ill fi9$,1, r lii! ltrt .,, n'r.rl ,; rr r crrlli:! 0| $d Jilg(j'rl, linilei!.t '^i:r.2 it l|'ff fldtIaJE (or4el!!Jb::l\ t; Optional Fealures tLoiirlconl AC iefit, {1?0 vAC Ac rlmpi (r17 vAfi {l) Arqrllcrj ',6/ en',tJ i9raPi;t lgnit i ^C ta6,rrE|r,:: t' 4.,., ?r,,'n 6uard tip5Clly ntll. ccrlHrg ol n Tt-t _t_Li l-.,' ^ i '[)(IT ." RFR 3@ '98 A7:15 NICHAUREER ARCH* $pecifications P.tt/t3 EXCALIBUR': $eries I 0escriplion EXCAUAUR SEtirs exit 9i908 utrlire rirgge4 m9til construcdon thrqughout, All Srtr nou3lno co,t'PonenB atg pricrBIon diE oagt ;n h€h strcnglh E!.rtnin'-im lo a5su16 pmpst llt and elimin3le tionr-leaks, H;mevtbtc tnrgoutt !16 ptovlde{t in {rg 9l6nci, licc casting to atlow tor right. lelt ot doutrie dkocrional 8.row3. Lon6rpanels aie c66qru61ao pl lDer9t63s rsinfcrcod Poryester m0r€riol Erii Sleng iensts moel19&2, ULS34 faguirFments tor ngicnt (6"). w,Cth (2^). ttrokd {%"1 ond minlttum specing {yr''} nlcrturet are cnst inlo rha bortom ot exCALlguil Exit katnst and lltted wrtn a paj3malh leng lq 9rryi{€ 0fotcl.9v0n obwrdight dlumrnatron. Sl56dAtd colors ott€tEd srQ blsck, whil+ and bt;k wrth Dtsshsd ElFmi om $cocil lacq, ci$tottr cotorr fr5, €XCAUFUF signc rt€ avqtilo,c oft a rP.citl otocr Detit L€ner Fdnbl dorori ot€r€d 016 ttd, Btccn rnd whlt!' QEnoper and porr$ pecl€ suoglied wiln tigns $a slgo contttt ct+ct ot cis aluminuo ano E,g g0l0t n$lcnrd lo |hc oxrt gjgn llafi€' ganderd AC ilbftr don lg providcd by tncsndescmt Htfip3. gfisrgoncy rluminiliort ig provioed br 3.8 !YE[, DC lEmp3. SPECTROil {ptcificaticn-grgds €l.clronicg pgckage p/ovid€3 $ ccmDlatsly cutomldc thrfil.stSgB bdtery cnBfoar witn lo9, Yot8ge di$cann0cl brownod and ls.rninute ma cslai ialay ciqrr{t, cusiorn dca;on€d intagtatod circuitry conlinuously rDonrhrs no flal unit Opo{alion add au|omalicAly paftolttts dr5. chfigg |e3l3 al progrsmfllgd inlowal3 t'l erefciso Dalt€n/ 3n9 cnftk rmrrealcy oporallotl, Soll.dragnoslic logic al'ourtg wArn o{ matfunct'En in batbry, chirgef , iransl€r sirdult ct BrneJggncy tamFs lry means 0l EEparqrp LEO indicator llghtS, A rwo.cclor LED in{ricalas chdrgo, ffid6 End r te$ swltch Sllaw$ li./e min. uls diagnosllc/dl$chatge tt3t tt sny titne Operation EPEGTFON etectroniq3 qperA$On rE tully ttrto.fiaoc, Ouaing norrn8l opcration, rh'6 ehargsr naifitafis tha batrEry at lull ca. p0ov a'lrt constsnrly monhors lho OC voJtage acro3g th3 lat l!ry tenminols. Should tho lertniffil vol'.sga var! lton th6 ref,oril- rnandDd thal value by 't' iloe,,r o, - t0%, an LED wiii ililm;nrrd, i'rdlcatlng a nallunctton o, ||ro Danefy or cnaroBr. lJpon inrer- tugton ol norrnai AC pe|t,ct, or brownoul condiljons exceedrnlS r 2070 CaoP tro& nommal yoitige, lhE auDfiaric vanstsr cticrrit swrrchos |ne smorgshcy lighliflg iord 'o de benEry, Emejgefi4r goqsr $,alt br Frovjdad lor s minio$rn ol 90 rrrinutes. Ouring Enefgorlcy opefctiorl. rns barlery l$ groleclod fuom dsep dr$- thargr Crrnagc bt r Jo,,/ vc'ltA$s battary digconnecl {LVO) c'lcurl upoo ,€3tore*on ot normal pow€r, a timf, dolay felfry (TDF) crc1trl holdl thg unit in omorq?ncy congrtions tot an addtlonal :5 rninutcJ, allowing ulility volla€e to slabitize dnd HlD.l!'pr lBfiling ld reacB fu,l illumro6tron (rt agpllcab,e). Ihe cn&g8r vrill hen begh a recherga cvctt. Congtaht cu ent, equiirtg ar.|{J tlofit stages, are indlqaled Dy o rwg.coto, LED Th€ chorger wdl b4ng the Dane.y l0 futt cSpScrry w|thrn occrpr. dDli uL rrrne *€nosrds, SPE0TRQN ctQc!(oni08 at.o pro. grrm/Dad to initialo N livc nrinu(e dischargo tgst Ovoty 28'!? dayc Encl E 30.mrnut9 digchargG tost overy 6 =,? monhi, Thesc te5t3 exe{cisc rh€ udt'i oonory, tndroby protonging *r us€,ul lile and ogtim'zing ttr crpldty. Thc testE aho altc* tha SPECTBOH t€ic cireuitry to &ralyze erfi€rgadEy opefation per- tormince. Any mallunc,tlon of lhf lJnit s bsltory, ch6r0er. tfftos- 16r circuil o.ornergerl,cy ta||'pE wrtt b{ 'ndicalgd by LEDs on nO unit dr,rDlal panol. A marrurrl lost 3wttch Ellf,.r/i tryg.firhute, c)agnoglrc/rlirchlrge te$ts tt afiy t'me. Opar|tron itom 't20 $ ?77 VAC gourcDs ls provided tui by e rrniversa| Uanstormer. Battery Ail EXCALIBUf, SPECTROiI Sg,ies floigti utij,:e nra ''r':r' ence-lreu, pomium gfeda, pJlrj iF64 Datistias ErX*ct'',.: :'r'i 'c 15 yeErs, I{ev€r n€cessar}' i'? acd walfr Gtii'ti;i i.r"r ::. . war.cnly. lnstallatlon EXCALIFUR siSnrctce/ec lcr End o. ca,ling nsrfii;,1i uir- i t,' Df led wrlh E cafi?py and $whrdl rr:gunlint llirlo for e$ i^.:":':' "' a 3,!" octlgrnrl ot switct b$r *nochc.rrtn stt Ft0t)olri In i'' i errl rellpiSlg tdr conneDtion l0 ;c' ccr,Cuil anc tcr secutjtg li, , dnrt d;rccrty to wall tltt'facs9. lllumination Shndatd EXCALISUF| ricdels 6rr suijplieo !'/ith l'rr5 1 6T6'1d5 roltertEnded titg incandg3cent iar}tf$ which havg tdtrr Csr3llii ro le wafl$ lof r20 vAC oPeratiotl. SXqAUBUF modF,s or itrrii w{ln |n€ -FL end -?F oplioni lre S,rppl;ld witn rso i-'vr Pl- ' type lluorsscenl lamps lor AC illufti alion, gxcA'ijluit I'r)r'; I ordor€d whh $€ -LP "Lr3nt pinel" cptron DrQvrC{ AS ,rri.-"n"' iion by moans ot3 panil mounted a.iAy ol tubtli.nru:ufe :r '"- dego€nt lAar'p$ oonssm;nf 15 *ai3 liic6':Ce$csnl E'<C':-ir.'"; nodcl$ ati E,rPpi,od with tuo 3,6 weG €tt'ifganc) l'rf,pi ir.'i lli,,Or+goqnt .DodglS atc hrppliod wiln lDI6O SUg|f|r:'i:rliuri, rii,-,:r: cn Light Pf|4ei in0oot3 tlrcv,dc AC Fcrl sfiBrgE116/ rtllmirr,r:")' Suggested Specilications Ex'! 5;gn corstruci!c|t thg!t Eg prsc!3isn c;6 gagi dt.urt'tuf: taroughout. Iloffinal AC iilumlnalion {'+lt 7b av'drd ot tt'11 ilsTe cxlcn,ind llle itBanJescant loorps) (5 'vat{, "FL' tYt.- iiuoterccni lurnpgl (15 ,tat1 Light Plneli. Letter panets eiiaii r:e .'ooifrucled cf fiFgrgia$6 ,oiafol,:6d polye*er. snap3ut etr|::- 'liofrsl!trow9 at]d dltleSgd d0wnl;ghl bpe,'l,lte5 sn.1r1 be proli{j€,J 3 Ct*ncatd, Erncrgency exlt pt'vet Sna be achle?td lhac't,;!r . i$ctort irrstlilod, lully dutomatlc pcvref eick. Pcaei rtBr .: " stf !.ict;on gllati he cagl alrlrinum and shgli ,'4atclr l)'c t'r,r I i-': ; in color, Tt,e 9o'rrer pagi( gtsJl ,nElr.,ide il promium !;gle. i;---, i.rad b6it6f y wrth 19 yea/ exlatted litE. Tha bat!8ri r/lli Di']v..: : sufltCl€nt cgpaeiV to op*rat{r llttio, (tsrrsel 3.6 w:.lc'. O$ lett )s; t'*i0hl Pane|i to. 1t/t nQsr! te 8n snd '/ol:agd 0l 8?Z}, ot nci" r j.r banoil "gl'3gB Elcctronicc ah,ll, ti lull, au0tna$c,,'t :et;c:i iharger shtit D0 lil: lhrg+.vlAgs lygo viitn conslsn( {urreit. italu4ii:g tnd tloal voirdgf m0d8$ 6;/eu;:./ w;ll;nciusa I 5 ri'i.,. - uts tirira otlry lTDll), ;ow vollAgt, l)r €JY d;sconreci (i.1r'Di ;tr.,: Drownolt D.orecil0n cilcrr,it. g *o.a5l6i ri$llt-emlillng djcSs |./ill bg ptovic$c tg rndtcire cnalge, ':1ode cuglom-co9B,i+d ;nLEtAtid clrcuitry !h3ll Jr ssti',jiaAnoglic ;n des,qn ancl cc!-' sterrtly monitor ch,lrgcr ptrlet*arrce gnc 8e18ry vollEgs. j.rj. crlrp proErgmr$ine rrill in6lsdt li'/e rnin'jl4 discnarge,/ oitE.l'-'e- tic cyclin-g avcr! 'AA g 2 lsys t? axgr'Clse the ontt's batt'J d'r4j CDOr:h tmeroenCy opttrf,!|on. Any ntalliJfiClron ot Ing [;i''f 5 r.lii' lery, cnrr0cr, tfanrft'l cltcutl 0; eme.'!BtlL'/ t$rnpr ihai ,rray oeeur durittE nolmel 0psr tr(,n or discFErga cy4l;ng t":i Ia . d€hcled by logic arcuitry. ,1 vrsr.t5l jfidigattlr 2i 3r y luc;t .':, . '. will be di$pliydd D/ iight-+fi;tlint (ii0odfi ilfi the r,1'! s lrfl:i {ac6 and 6hAll PfocrSalY indigal$ lhl o! 3io ryPt cl r'!dih"--t oir. A anuBl tegt 3w;lch 511;ril Dg p'ov'oe1!oanDw liv* ;iilr'ir .' dragnoit;c/drschsrqe lEstlng $ ony linlt. A ,lrivr,'rgilt lt't.;',. lcrier rhsll altow oDgtaii4n trom -'e0 o/ ?77 VAC. if, Hr r:r;.r ..', Optional squrpmeni lhail iticlude -- l?'rIE'lJrot' '.' bg {11 !4}" high i, { !01{)" wi06 i}y {ari}" ceef VE l{n zOc.z- V&tt*nO 1P24tFr) '/- -"'-:E-,-.i I $,urnplex Fire Alarm Systennu UL Listed FM Approved Heat pg{1,:i;lrr-::, FEATURES. Low Profile * Only i% inches frcm Ceiling $urface with Junction Box Mounting. Dangling Disk- To tndicateOpetalion of Fixed Temperetute Elemont; Rale-of'Fise Elemenl is SelFFlestoring, White * Blends with Ceiling, Eaey Insiallation * Twist and it Locks into PlEce: Same Mourttirtg Flate for 3% inch (8.25cm) or 4 inch ('!0.16cm1 Ocagonal Box. or Open f.lounting, OESCRIPTION: $irnptcx ?099 series h€ql detector$ ptovioo high qualily' refiabilily, and the ultlmalo in design aflrt deca{. ?he lo$/ srlhguetle and white linlsh blend with rnost c€ilrtg daaigns to provide an unoblrusive unit. Thorrnoitais erl availebie in 135'F ($7oQ) and 200'F (g4ec) /Stingg; in lixed, or ftxed and ralo.of-ri$e cst€go/i€g. Elngle or dual circuit con{igurattor,s, wiih normElly open conlact$, Ths contac'ir ol thc deiEclof s are rated at 1.0 amp /a 28VDC. OPEFATIOTI: H€Et dot€G{ot€ u8lng the fgt6'of fise principle ol opera' tlon hsve an atr churnber, a v€nl, and a flgxible mgtal dapfrragn. Wnon the unit lt heated, the air in the chefiber expBnds, The vgnt permits tho chamber to brsalhe and olowly rgleas€ the erpandsd air. lf a fire oc(ilrs, th€ alr h the chsfobdt will expand more rapidly thon it cE r b€ v€nted. Thlg cauees the dlaphrEgm lo clos€ d 8st(8) 0f notmally open contecls to signal an ,alarm condllion, The rate{f.rige heal detec{or rgslore$ ils€if to normalty open contact position wh€n the heat i3 dFBipeled. Tn6 cornbinalion rale.o{.rise and tixed tcmperalu{e h€et detoctors should not be nlounted in line with gpacs hEaler blowers. direc'lly over Sloves Bnd ovens, ot dther h€al-generatirlg units. Thago CeFctors ar€ availabl€ an two fiIad tempersture ratiAgs. Those rel€d Et 135oF (57'C) arc suitable lor most appligplisps' lhose raled al 200'F {94'C) are euitable wherever the emtienl t€m. p6ralure exceeds 100"F (37,7'C) bqt nol l50uF (65.5'C). 2098.9446 Publiait,rf SAlSU.,jai! I t v ORCFRING INFQF!,lATION I o P,7?/L3 iTp'r,i*$-."f;;;;; .,F'"' DIMENSIOHST JVflCTOl.a EOt |JiOUNitG MOUT*TING: NOT€S; I Marlfiufr dislEnca Ehorvn ie from Bny wnll g.?rlltron 0r cFiling p.oioclions enceding doffi |nore th{a r? incheg (30.48(hl, 3, RElr.)f .HBa 1 s.F/Mln. t0-r 3?rC/S€C.l Soll. fi€$rorrfi $. 3, fis{ero4ac NFFA lilE Stan(|trd o.l Au(.fharrc Fia Oclcc,tors lor moTa c€t3tbd inlo.6dl6n ot't td4nlio.r, fprcing, .nt ^totlance Eflr, lesr g, irc., for lhe$e ot{tclors. {, lo m?fl l[os. harE dout levol3 ol gfiokt 3r1o toxrc gaads cgn butld up urlors a lriEl d?lcclor would fi(rale i,n 8lRrn. kr cttcs wnerA {lC aably 16 A LCtO{, the USO Ol SDrohD darocror3 E rr.gu"f' 5. Thr6,0 dsvicr5 do not irrcotporctc . por,'Ilolfi9 OtrvLcc. r{oll. A|.L oual f.lJrc'x\ doiertc{i..rt1l!14 fwo..?i ricerrALlr Oa;ir cFe 9C4lltjlg griflCaRO ENDt } frFC'.j!? Cl' t t4l,ltl CrilL|'lg lUllf l{:t itO)llYrfrr. !VlRlNQr duar:r{c{rri aEl cl::tfi 1(r5;g lD tChOlrfo IttotPEiofiJI iiiCtr^r ! o EYI I A o VlnF rFoin frfif aLierr t^a.t'. Oal ztt€vr.lrri 0C"tCrOF wrFts CorirgCtga ro r.ifxt nritEcTot Ott ir,ro.Ol':xrr: FfSiSfOn rot(' Ar I srttoLc cracil.t ,'.cc6L9 garrl wr:lr 0 e tl t |lcRAlA\i r $FCl{ ci? i:cN?a47 li,rdi}l i-LlrO Circui'i Cirgg"E Ral*-,;l- flse 3 Fixe,: Ternp t35 F {57'Ci Rata-ol'firsa E Fired Trimp ?cc'F i91'C) Fixa.r'i,tinD Orrty 135'F (5/*tC F:re:". rur;it : Spl,:.',9 i $y.1.:ri':1$rirvilUl-,,iFt,11 230 ;F {9.1' Cl i I ?098-9439 X i r'r0 ^ SCtt i ?0 r eOit 3098,9440 x X iri)..i0li. lr5^15i:. ?098.9441 X 25 ^ ilSlt ! 20 x20ir. .944:X X i't 5r.rsil I19;t15ft. 2098.S4{3 X x.5C .( SCrt | 2C x !ri': 2C98.5114 10 r SCit I I3 ,' i'!it. e098.9445 X ! ag ". agtr I 30 . 2o;l ?098-9446 X : Ii,'lnt.l l$r:l$fi. rla v€istCLg x.5,JrlrA16 aA9[r,{0i Togril'rro t-..G.*.rocr tli{6 i^!iE -'*- 6qt rgrr 19xcrc! Itou!/it tg SlmPlex Tim; Recerder Co. caicrter lla,:.',gch!,$elrs 0i 4r, i .i100! Ll ii ;.. Time, Flre Alsrm, $Scurity tftd CcriltQl Stt'.(lr is Ofiices arro FeFterentatives Thrcughr;ut l:tlt Wc'r:rt International Conference of Building Officials 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 BOARD OF OIRECTORS CHAIFMAN BRENT StIYOER, C.B.O, BUILOING OFF C AL PACIFICA, CALIFORNlA FIRST VICE.CHAIRMAN EUGENE J, ZELLER, P.E., C.B.O, SUPERINTENOENT OF BUILDING ANO SAFElY LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA SECONO VICE,CHAIRMAN JAi{ES l-. MANSON, C.B.O. DIRECTOB, DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFEIY COUNTYOFSPOKANE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON IMMEDIATE PASTCHAIRMAN wtLLtA E. SCHLECHT, C.B.O. BUILOING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF WASHINGTON HILLSEORO, OREGON ROBERT J. EPPSTEIN, C.S.O. CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL FREMONT, CALIFORNIA aoB FowLER, P.E., AlA, C.S.O. OIRECTOB OF BUILDING INSPECTION ABILENE, TEXAS JA P. GASTERLAND, C.S,O. BUILDING COOE OFFICEB SI PAUL, MINNESOTA PHILLIP M, HEBRINGTON, C,B.O. DIRECTOF. OEPABTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY FENO NEVAOA ooucLAs E. HOOO, C.B.O. EUILOING OFFICIAL COLORAOO RIVER INDIAN TR BES PARKER. ARIZONA GORDON W. ]{URDOCH, P.E, BUILDING OFFIC]AL DANA POINT. CAL]FORNIA T,ICHAEL J. NOLTE, C.B.O. BUILDING OFF C]AL CRESWELL. OREGON ROX PERKEFEWICZ C,A,O, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COUNTY OF KITSAP PORT ORCIiAfID, WASHiNGTON JAMES R. SINGLETON, C,B,O. BUILDING SAFETY ADM N STRAIOR TUCSON, ARIZONA THOMAS R. THOMPSON, C.B.O, EUILDING OFFICIAL BROOMFIELO, COLORADO ROBEBT D. WEBER, P.E,, C.B.O. O]RECTOR, DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING COUNTY OF CLARK LAS VEGAS, NEVAOA ALLEN O. ZEPPER, C.B.O, AUILDING OFFICIAL STILLWATEF. MINNESOTA No. of Stories: 1 Story over 3 kvel Basement Floor Area: 1,12,000 sq. ft. added Occuoant Irad: 180 in Rm 322 Valuition: $4,500,000.00 (suggested) Seismic Zone 1 Basic Wind Speed 80 mph 1988 Uniform Buildine Code Gary Murrain Chief Building Official Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Murrain: Data for the above project have been reviewed for conformance with the Uniform Building Code. They have not been reviewed for compliance with requirements of federal, state or other regulatory agencies. NONSTRUCTURAL COMMENTS: 1. Occupancy separations are required between the parking areas and other uses, see Section 503 (a) and sheets A2.1 through 42.3. 2. Basement areas are required to be sprinklered in accordance with Section 3802 (b) 1. 3. Parking garages require mechanical ventilation complying with Section 705, third paragraph. Regionaf Offices: (rTlBN.WTowerDrive. KansasCity, N'lissouri (r.1151 . (8161711-2241 2122-1 l2th Avenuc. N.E., Suite B--]00 . Bellevue. Washington 98004 . (206)451-9541 9100 lollyville Road, Suite 200 . Austin. Texas 7 87 59-7 15a . (5 I 2r 79.1-8700 (213) 699-0541 OFFICES OF PFES DENT JAMES E. 8IHR. P.E. EXECUTiVE VICE.PRESIDENT DOI{ALD R. WATSOI{. P.E. April 25, 1990 Plan Check No. 3690 Project: Addition to Vail Transportation Center Address: Vail, Colorado Type of Construction: I/V-N Occupanry Classifications: 8'-1,18-21 A-3 FAX NUUBERS Order Deparlmenl rc80 ES (2131692.3853 r213)692-3425 12131695-4694 (213) 699 8031 o 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Mr. Gary Murrain April 25, 1990 Page 2 Parking spaces should not obstruct the required paths, see sheets A2.1 through A2.3 and Section 3301 (c). Duct openings extending "vertically" through floors should be provided with shaft enclosures and protected openings in accordance with Section 1706 (a) and (b), and Section 4306 0). Stairs 5, 6 and 7 are required to be enclosed. Section 3309 (a). Abandoned stair 3 should not remain accessible to the public. Door openings adjacent to corridor 203, shown on sheet A2.2, should comply with Section 3305 (h) 1. The use of tenant space 322, shown on sheet A2.3, should be shown on the plans. Based on an occupant load factor of 15, the 2700 square foot space would be considered a Group d Division 3 Occupancy if assembly uses are proposed. Two exits which are required from space 322 should be separated by one half the diagonal dimension until they reach the public way. Section 3303 (c). Maximum travel distance to enclosed exit stairwavs should not exceed 200 feet. Section 3303 (d). Variable tread lengths due to varying width and curvature of stairways will disrupt the rhythm and movement of occupants attempting to use the stairways and should not be permitted in accordance with Section 3306 (c). Accessible areas for buses, shown on sheet A2.4, should be clearly indicated and limited to the westerly portion of the deck. i14. r The proposed information center on level 4, see sheet A5.3, 10. { 11.1 (r2.) 13. ..! @ Mr. Gary Murrain April 25, 1990 Page 3 should be of Type I construction or the provisions of Section 707 (a) should be applied, see Section 1701, fourth paragraph. t 15. ) If Section 702 (a) is to be applied, the use of tenant space 322 basement. Finished grade levels around the structure should be provided to establish the number of stories and the height of the building, see Section 420 and sheets A4.1 and A4.2, also c2144.3. 77. "Roof' enclosures shown on sheet A4.2 should comply with Section 3601 (d). 18. A fire-retardant roof in accordance with Table No. 32-A is required for the information center. 19. Toilet room walls require smooth, hard nonabsorbent finishes in accordance with Section 510 (b), see sheet A7.2. 20. Wood is not permitted in a Type I building, see Section 1801 and D2lA8.1. 21", Shaft enclosures and occupancy separations are required at stairway 12 and service core areas shown on sheet A8.6. STRUCTURAL COMMENTS: 1. A copy of the soil report should be provided for your records. Acceptance of the soil report is recommended dependent on compliance with local ordinances. 2. A description of the process and a request for its use is required for the proposed pressure grouting under the existing footings described on sheet 51 at grid B. Mr. Gary Murrain April 25, 1990 Pase 4 J. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. L7. Details of the deck expansion joints, which show the required fire rating is maintained, should be provided, see sheets 52 through 54. Details of shear ties referenced at level 2 on line 36.7 are required, see sheet 52. Existing and proposed construction should be clearly indicated on sheet 55. Fire-resistive requirements for Type I construction should be shown on the framing plans on sheet 56. Special inspection is required for spray-applied fire protection. Truss plates are required near and a side of details shown on sheet 56. Precast wall elements, shown on sheet 59, require a connection strength capacity in accordance with Section 261.5 (i) 3 A and B. Details of shoring noted on section 2/S9 should be provided in accordance with Section 2903 (b). Details are required for corbels at walls shown on section 2/S9. Retaining walls should be designed for undrained earth pressures unless a drainage system is provided at the building perimeter. A construction sequence is required for section 7/S10 which shows an existing spread footing being altered by adding to its stze. Reduced bolt values are required for the 3-inch spacing shown on section 10/510. 12. 13. r -l Mr. Gary Murrain April 25, 1990 Page 5 1,4. Calculations and details are required for precast double tees and supporting elements. 15. Details of diaphragm stiffeners noted on calculation sheet A1.5 should be shown on the plans. 16. New beams desigrred on calculation sheet A3.1 should be references on the plans. 17. The use of guidelines by the Colorado Prestressers Association is subject to your acceptance. 18. A lateral analysis of the visitor center structure is required. May we suggest a valuation of $4,500,000.00 since there was none specified. Please inform us of your decision so that an invoice can be issued to cover our services. All data are being held pending receipt of further instructions from you. If we do not hear from you within 90 days, it will be assumed that you no longer have a need for the data and they will be discarded. Please advise. Please do not hesitate to contact us if there are any question. Cordiallv."M(otr Floyd Apodaca, P.E. " U Chief Structural Engineer Plan Review Services FA:dh - IIJ oo ---\-&&*"oFc ==&t_P-,:{r-t l') tl,--fu ,\?:\_J- --S"-.- -*io-6* ,t ---_ffi #" rt{- 330 il.Ifi;ff: ilj r-u a ;;;J=;x .- -ri. V;j;\-\:. ***"[ $'^"&[" "[.^' +^ rn'T16*o TJI $**d' .** oo..+- _}/"iltr.;.[*JJ --- -"4;J"J A - l/"-- ;**[-' R*Jq rLflN REVIEH 692-34-':..'.,,:r .i ,: .- r;*i .. .....1 -/-8. A'" -+*t =-^r li.' lk) o -€ Yt S--vr a hI) a\' \ - t?-- M 4-Lt4di.r.-.c-rrrn--rF-*"--..4,*#'+ /, re+ lQ' -"F "&"U . CI'^!-.--*n- - --*\--l--^- ga--?/ /f_, -J" =€,(tr _ze8 oome International Conference of Building Offi6/als BOANOOF DIRECTORS CHAIRMAN BRENTS YDER. C,A.O. EUII-OING OFFICIAL PACIFICA, CALIFORNIA FIRST VICE.CHAIFMAN EUGENE J. ZELLEF. P,E., C.6.0. SUPERINTENDENI OF AUILOING AND SAFETY LONG EEACH CALIFOBNIA SECOND VICE.CHAIRMAN JAMES L. irAtlSOX. C.B.O. OIRECTOR, OEPAFTMENT OF AUILDING AND SAFETY COUNTY OF SPOl<ANE SPOKANE. WASHINGTON IMMEOIATE PAST CHAIBMAN wl|-LtAti,t E. scHl€cHT, c.B.o. BUILDING OFFICIAL COUNTYOF WASHINGTON HIILSBORO. OFEGON BOAERT J. EPPStE0't, C.S.O. CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL FREMONT. CALIFORNIA BOB FOWLER, P.E.. AIA. C.B.O. OIRECTOR OF BUILDING INSPECTION ABILENE,IEXAS JAN P. GASTEBLAIIO. C,A.O. EUILDING COOE OFFICEB ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA PHILLIP M. HEFAIl{GTOII, C-4.O. DIRECTOR. DEPAATI\1ENI OF BUILOING AND SAFEIY RENO. NEVADA DOUGLAS E. HOOO. C.B.O. AUILOING OFFICIAL COLORADO RIVER INOIAN TBIAES PAFKER, ARIZONA GONDONW. iTURDOCH. P.E. BUILOING OFFICIAL DANA POINT, CALIFOFNIA l cHAEt J. r{OLrE. C.B-O. BUILOING OFFICIAL CRESWELL. OFEGON RO PERKEFEWICZ. C.B.O. oIRECTOFI OF COMMUNITY OEVELOPM€NT COUNIY OF KITSAP PORT ORCHARO. WASHINGTON JAMES R. Stt{GLEtON, C.g.O. BUlLDll'tc SAFEIY ADr\,llNlSTRAtOR TUCSON. ARIZONA THOtiTAS R, THOUPSON. C.B.O. BUILDING OFFICIAL EROOMFIELD, COLORAOO NOBERT O. WEBER. P.E.. C.B.O. DIRECTOR, OEPARTfuIENT OF BUILOING COUNIY OF CLARK LAS VEGAS NEVAOA ALLENO.ZEPPEF. C.A.O. BUILOING OFFICIAL STILLWATER. MINNESOTA 5360 SOUTH WOITKMAN MILL ROAD WHI I ]IER, CALIFORNIN 9O60I (21l) 699-054 i APril 5, 1990 oFFrcEsoF PRESIOENT . r."',11i"'! "',"'JHl;i; *, ooflALD n. watsot{. P.E, Plan Ched< No. 3690 Prrcject: Addition to Vail t:ansportation Center Address: Vail Colorado cary mrrrain chief Brililirg official Town of Vail 75 So\rth ftontage Roadvail, colorado 81657 Dear l'1r. ld.r:n:ain: Ihe follcnirq prelinLi:rary ccnnrents are tie result of otrr reetirgs durirq the reek of April 2, I99o. }rcNSTFI'EIURAL CIIIIEIIIS: L. korrisions of Section 702 (a) with regard to Q'pes of consbrrcEion arrl use of nbaser stn:cture should be considered for the proposed project. 2. A definition of finistred grade arourd the stt:ucbr.re to establistr tfie nr:nrber of stories ard the buildlrg hei-$rt is required. Section 420. 3. Variable tread lerqths due to v:aryirg width ard currature of stai::vrays are not pennitted by section 3306 (c). Maximnn travel distance to enclosed exit stainrays shoul-d not exceed 2O0 feet. Section 3303 (d). The nonstrusEural ard structural revierss are i-n progress ard will be forvarded qrn ccnpletion. Please r1o not hesitate to contact us if you lrave any questions. , P.E. chief stnrctural Brgfuteer, Plan Revieri Serwices Re8ional Offices: 6738N.W.TowerDrive. Kansas City, Missouri 64t5t 21 l2- I t 2th Avenue, N.E..suite8-100 . Bellevue. Washinglon 98004 9100 lollyville Road. Suite 100 . Ausrin, Texas 78759-7455 4. FAX r{UMEEnS Order Oepa.ltn€nl ICBO ES (213) 692.3853 t2r3) 692.3.25 1213)695-469.r (213)699.803t . (0 t6) 74 t-224r . (206) 45 t -954 r. (5 | 2) t9.r-8700 Cordi-a1ly, FA:arg International Conference of Bu ild ing Off icials 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 9060'I (213) 699-0541 April 5, 1990EOARD OF OIRECTOFS CHAIRMAN gRENTSI{YDEF, C.B.O. BUILDING OFFICIAL PACIFICA, CALIFORNIA FIRST VICE-CHAIRMAN EUGENE J.ZELLER, P,E., C,B.O, SUPEBINTENDENT OF BUILOING ANDSAFETY LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA SECOND VICE-CHAIRMAN JAI|ES L. A SON, C.B.O. OIRECTOR, DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY COUNTYOF SPOKANE SPOKANE. WASHINGTON IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIRMAN WLUAM E. SCHLECHT, C.B.O. AUILDING OFFICIAL COUNTYOFWASHINGTON HILLSBORO, OREGON FOBERT J. EPPSTEIT{, C,S,O. CHIEF BUILDING OFFIC AL FREMONT, CALIFORNIA BOB FOWLER, P.E., AIA. C.B.O. DIRECTOR OF BUILDING INSPECTION ABILENE, TEXAS JAN P.GASTERLAND, C.A.O. BUILOING COOE OFFICER ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA PHILLIP TI. HERFII{G'ON, C,B.O. DIRECTOR. DEPABTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY RENO. NEVAOA OOUGLAS E. HOOD, C.B.O. BUlLDING OFFICIAL COLORADO RIVER INDIAN TFIBES PARKEB, ARIZONA GOFOOXW. MURDOCH, P.E. BUILOING OFFICIAL DANAPOINT, CALIFORNIA MICHAEL J. I{OLTE, C.B.O. BUILOING OFFICIAL CRESWELL, OFEGON RON PERKEREWICZ, C.B.O. DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COUNTY OF KITSAP PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON JAMES R. SINGLETO}{, C.A.O. EUILOING SAFEfi ADMINISTRATOR TUCSON. ARIZONA THOMAS R, THOMPSON, C.B.O. BUILDING OFFICIAL BFOOMFIELO. COLORADO NOAERTO. WEBER. P.E.. C.B.O. DIRECTOR. DEPAFTMENT OF BUILDING COUNTY OF CLARK LAS VEGAS. NEVAOA ALLEN O. ZEPPEF, C,B,O. BUILDING OFFICIAL STILLWATER. MINNESOTA \-\-sC PIan Cbed< tdo. 3690 Hoject: A&ition to Vail Center Addr€ss: VaiI oolorado OFFICES OF PRESIDENT JAMES E, BIHR, P.E. EXECUTIVE VIC€,PRESIDENT DONALD F. WATSON. P.E. Transportation \ -_-'--_\\\\\\ FAX NU AEBS OrderDepadment (213)692'3853 cary M:r: ain chief tuildirg official Town of Vail 75 Scuttr nurtaqe Road VaiI, colorado 81657 Dear l.lr. l,trnrain: the follcnirg preliminary cclmEnts are the result of our ueetirgs dnrfuq tle ueeJr of April 2, I99o. lutsrlrTumL otENIS: 1". H:orrisions of Section 7OZ (a) u'ith regard to tlpes of construction ard use of rlbasex stnrcture sh<rrld be considered for the pncpeed project. 2. A definition of finistpd g:ade aurd tlp stn:ctu::e to establistr tlre runber of stories ard tlre txrildiry height is required. Section 420. 3. Variable tread lerqttls dtre to varyirg width ard cunrature of stai:*ays a:e not pemitted tryz Section 3306 (c). 4. laaxirm.un b:ave1 distane to encleed e><it stai:*ralp sttcr.fld rnt e)<eed 200 feet. Section 3303 (d) . ltre rpnstnrctual ard stnrctural rwiqrs are in prcgress ard will be for:rparded r4nn ccnpleticn. Please do not hesitate to contact us if ycu have any questions. brdially, Chief Stnrctrl::al. Bgfureer, Plan blier.r Serrices Regionaf Offices: 6738 N.W. Tower Drive . KansasCity, Missouri 64151 . (8161741-2241 2122-1 'l 2th Av€nue, N. E., Suite B-300 . Bellevue, Wash ington 98004 . (206) 451-9541 9300lollwille Road, Suite 200 . Austin, Texas 78759-7455 . (5121794-87oo rcBo Es Adminrslral on \213) 492-3425 (213|695-4694 (213)699-8031 FA:ang TtCTURt TRANSMITTAT l ro: Vail Brildinq Department JobNo: 22289 75 South Ftontaqe Road rourirr", VaiI Transportatlon oenter Vail, OO 81 657 oor", 19 Fbbruarv 1990 Ann: Gary Murraln Submiltol No: d Amched D Shop Drowings D Somples U UnderSeporole Cwer 0 Reproducfions ! Chonge Order D Specificotions I Originols E Moil fl Toxi Messenger Telecopier tr tr l4enp f ron Anderson & I No Excepiion Token 0 Revise ond resubmil 0 Moke Corrections Noied D Resubmitlol Nol Required tr Reieded ! Submit Specified ltem E ForApprwol )Ql For Your Use E For Review ond Comment n"n'o,r, Attached is a copy of ttre menrcrandum frqn Anderson & I{astj.ngrs regarding the telephone conversation betr^reen Ron Stevens and Floyd Apodaca dj-scussing design loads at the transit decl<. -\- MICHAEI, BARSER ARCHITECTURE PROFESSIONAI CORPORATION 1290 SROADWAY SU|TE 600 DENVER COLORADO 80203-5606 TELEPHONE 303 837 0555 FACSTM .E 303 837 0600 International Conference of Building Officials BOARO OF DIBECTORS CHAIBMAN BRENT S YOER, C.A.O. BUILOING OFFICIAL PACIFICA, CALIFORNIA FIRST VICE.CHAIRMAN EUGEHE J.ZELLER, P.8., C.B.O. SUPERINlENDENT OF BUILDING ANDS.AFETY LONG B€ACH. CALIFORNIA S€CONDVICE-CHAIRMAN JArES L. lrAMtON, C.a.O. DIRECTOR. DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING ANO SAFEW COUNTYOF SPOKANE SPOKANE. WASHINGTON IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIRMAN ut-Ltalt E. scHLECHT, c.a.o. BUILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OFWASHINGTON HILLSBOBO. OREGON ROBEHT J. EPPS'EI'{. C.B.O. CHIEF BUILOING OFFICIAL FREMONT, CALIFORNIA SOB FOWLER, P.8., AIA, C.A.O. DIFECTOR OF BUILOING INSPECTION ABILENE. TEXAS JA P. GASTEFLAI{D. C.B.O. BUILDING @DE OFFICER ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA PHILLIP T. HERRIl{GTON, C.B.O. DIRECTOF, OEPAFTMENT OF BUILOING ANDSAFEIY RENO,NEVAOA t ouGLAs E. HOOD, C.B.O. BUILOING OFFICIAL COLORADO RIVER INOIAN TFIBES PARKEF. ARIZONA GORDOiI W. UURI'OCH, P.E. AUILDING OFFICIAL OANA POINT, CALIFORNIA ilcHAEL J. 1{OLTE. C.8.O. AUILOING OFFICIAL CRESWELL. OREGON RON PERKER€WICZ. C.B.O. DIFECTOR OFCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COUNTYOF KITSAP PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON JAIIES R. SIiIGLETON, C.B,O. SUILDING SAFETY AOMINISTRATOR TUCSON.ARIZONA THOTAS F. THOiTPSOT{, C-8.O. EUILDING OFFICIAL SROOMFIELD. COLOBADO R08€eTO. WEAER. P.E., C.A.O. OIRECTOR. DEPAFTMENT OF BUILDING COUNTY OF CLAFK LASVEGAS. NEVADA ALLEN O. ZEPPER. C,B,O. BUILOING OFFICIAL STILLWATER. MINNESOTA 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 April 3, 199O Regional Offices: 6738 N.W. Tower Drive . 2122-1 l2th Avenue- N.E.. Suite 8-300 . 9300 Jollyville Road, Suite 2o0 (213\ 699-0541 OFFICES OF PFESIOENT JAf{ES E, AHR. P.E. EXECUTIVE VICE.PRESIOENT DOt{ALD R. WAlSOll. P.E. Dransportation Kansas City, Missouri6415l . (B16)74'l-2241 Bellevue, Washington 98004 . (206) 451 -9541 . Austin, Texas 78759-7455 . (512) 794-87OO Plan Cbed( ldo. 3690 Pr:oject: Aditim to Vail Oert€r Addr€ss: vail oolorado Gaa':f l,lmiain chief Britdirg official ltcryn of Vail 75 Scuth FhntaEe bad Vail, Glorado 81657 Dear lift. Mlr:ain: Ihis is to acJcrowl@e rceiprt. of ttp sets eadt of plans ard specificatiors (Volrrc l- ard 2) for the abcnre npntimed project or April 2, L9gO. strusbnl calcrrlatims sttculd be sutrnitted for revienr. It is qrr uOerstadiry the plans al€ to be reviesrcd for opliare witb tbe rsrstnrtural ard stnrcfi.ual porri.sions of the 1988 ltrriform Brildirq Oode. Please do rrctt lpsitat€ to oqrtact r:s if yo.r have any questions. oordially, Chief Stnrc;bral- Blgirer, PIan brienr Sertries EA:a[g FAX UIBERS Order Depanment rcBo Es AdminrslratDn (213J692.3853 (213)692-3425 (213)695-4694 {213)699.803r Floyd Apodaca,'P.E. ,\,,,,tl ,, rr*rr rrc'/Jr"r'rrl'ono'- 5 tlarctt 1990 Mr. Sten Eerrynran TortrTt d Vsil Depamprt of Pubfic Wort<s/transportatkrn 75 Souh Frcilage Road Vafl, Colorado g16sz Vall Transportatlon Center Erpanslon Project Number 22289 Dear Mr. B€rryrnan: l*"SFph 1.3,2 cf the Addsndum to the Owner Architect Agreement requireslhd the Architect not d6/iats frorn applicable codes, regulatlorq lals or ordinances s/ithou written auho&diAir fiorn the Orner. rc lrevtoustyF*o:d.,.* are proceeding according to your lnstructio{B on rnc toUoUng items which are in violdirn ot curent codes-and regutdions. 1. Ths noor drainage sy$em at the odsllng parldng 8tructure will not be modm€d to me€t ctrt€nt coctr. The exHingf syst€m coflngcB ctrainage d a[ parking l€t els to a sand, dl ard gaa trap, then to thc lom sy$em, rather than oonn€cting level 4 to storm system end levels 1 through 3 to sanftary se\^/er i$ b reguired by cunent code. Drainage d tr|E ner r patldng addftion wi|l be in tull complianc€ wlth codc. Z The lo€tion cf e(lstlng thermal detsctors at the lorel Z fro protoclion system will no b€ modlfrsd to flloet current code r€quirements. Thermal d€tectors added to lo/ds 1 and 3 d the oxisting $ruc{ur€ and at the €ntire n31rv parkrng addition will be in tull compliance whh code requirsmeils tor locatlon and spacing. 3. The emergency genoraor, fuel tank, and transiloimer wlll corilinue lo be localed within the C.D.O.H. riglrtot-wry, nC[ afl Toilrn of Vall Froperty as ts requir€d by Higfxvry Dspartment rcgulatiorrc. 4. The o<isting guardrall d the L4 to l..3 effy ramp wlll not be replaced as pan cf the construction contract Rdt€r the guadrall RE: *{rchACt 0Atttt AtcHrr!cTUt! pRoftt3t0NAr corr0BAltoN '1210 l8oAow Y sutrE doo ocfivrt corotloo !0tt03-5a06 IELE hoNa 36 83t 0555 r^€stnrtr€ gos esl oa{to t'l?R A6 '96 66:56 l'tICHtrEL BARBER NRCH,*P,3/3 - .l- Mr, snn r*t 6 March t99d e Pag.2 #rTrffi$ 13rr bamd o,r e de,.if po,rdcd ry Arcr,ir€e beftv.en ,"ffan,n€ct, rho cocn r€qurrneril i" e n*iiriilffi iftr,,3ffi bathece.re vouf tns&rcrbns bysb*ru b'ry&u,enm,,.g Sinoerety,W oc: MBA Ftr@.-Ve.il.W ffi Fh.-- CO CD -J(f uJ tr U'oo-zo FL uJY lrJ c0 oF F =E Lljo-o rr €h =Ol t"io> IE E F1C' H-z*.9o= E =e, =zJO {t O- tr- N ..i5 =E<aH= !n! F ulo- o ; t!t^6vE?rtf,oon@B9at ir ctri> =uJ-E h=ct r+ ^/o dEE =*E U69 5utE XO-t x>o=Fcl 'io=etr IIJto F oz ts =d uJo- I I l.,, ,Ft<to I I I I I,,olF-t<E IFl9z IE lotz Or rs >rl rl I I IaHI, fr, rl ztP =,2'.lq l! t|lo =I lt E$E;I p6(!66 EEEH3 (60-:-!:o(/,tr -. {t|= ./, o iEi!E qE FiE .s-kPqaEaFio=-o"(5:: O-!t CESCF E;Ess (roFo o t F tr IJJz 3 zl .. >l UJ ull!z .DF cr u,t o. J zI = a .J 3 i r, = lul, I :;ilHlrl ;EIF I =AEF5IEI EifiEIHH F,I U) ,&lo Fl FfH FlH az LL ?l."l _l t' FoJ & Fz zoHts .<r1 .1,z F H u; =z --') t.lt{H rtl lolzIB FI LIJl=t<lz (9 Hza a Ittr\ t! c @(') C! I\o j a! t-l F ()& & F.l r.trrl H : E tsU' r B o\ N UJco rarnlr| IF. (f)-€c () 4 zF]E Lo H .t) H frrd.t) Hu)z : A =tr I e*l /.i z gJ J a lt z3ot- \o\o I('lln F\ l-{&Fi 14Fl 'lTvH Fl = tr z rri uJ(E = lt z =f- o\oo\ I 6F\ Fl Hz 14E zHv E1kz =tr o o IJJE J t!o 2 B c.lr\ I \o l\ ul E F F1 Hz =zHvH z =e. u- .]z' HI at>i tllqz3 H N I-to =g u- o z.J ol!G l!oz =lI ut gj E, UJz = F IJJ EI E E <FEQuJ<zEUJF(qZo )E<oOF =c)trsfiF-,2ilo E 2? =<z&fFd6 <^ =Fz() =<=tvAFY,Z =g ta'og ir =b2 J<Oo9.fo E =E,trlo-z D Fa )E V,zo C) E!! UI IJJ IIJ E =E UJo- I I l_ t3 I I I II l. IEE t9 t-to le I I $l ;u I I I lt Iuv, = Eo oFo zoo Eo ttJz3o o gr F z0o 5*E.9 E;t:E E!E!E :gEEF ;EE gE :EiiE *"; Ejs €$Eaei ;g;€E iEEEg(! o-: FE: c, r/t tr efi!.c€ iiiiE v,u, UJll tr =E uJL o NOTMlYA .. >lo IJJ UJ uJzoF g, J z =o -co;l l! z c Cg ti UJ UJz T >aE F'Eu,A =(DG. zz99q5 =ag,otnOZt'oaJ() z.tr <(o*H E.-E J z z tr gJ F ] UJz I I I I Io|z) EI rEl <lilq zl H rl rl ?l q 2l il -crld I I ol 1l(9lul :t rlq pl I oz ourGJ o 23 F I dj el 4EE I I I I Iozl g J 3l-lq fl 11, =z .Dq I I .l r-J ,iil (Jz lt Fc) Fzoo (,0 ZJ- =EDFJZ(!o c) J e uJz UJ(t ct =E =E,u,A F C) F Eu, i F z.^9 =\rDO =zde | !trDl- t:e:l=(J^ I,=Hg Ent ts tcutE o2 lrJ59E<c!)€frle 'eET E dLE !:=8 :s o *:E 66E 5r.,E X>T ilFo-i! ii- lll F ts =E,ll|o-z9F(J EFazoo ,5i.TTE DEPART}TENT OF HIGTIIATS Y:,lncenance Sectloa 02 G:and Junctlon, C0 81502 INSPECTION RELEASE FOR UTILITIES DATE llilllcy Courpany 1nsta111ng or responslble for chls Lnstallatlon s111 return thls ' release to Scace Departuen! of lllghways, Bor 2107, Grand Junctlon, co g1502, only r.'ien Projecc'ls coupleted.and thls release ls stgned by proper area Senlor Highvay YslnlenanceDan or hls deslgnated represencatlve. I; ,5en1orH1ghwayHaintenanceEanorRepresencat1veofra@ TelephoneN- have lnspec ced tie Uclllry and good condltlon. ccaplea ced. che Lnscallaclon area for Underground Peraic No: (Contact MIKE DELONGPH.t 845-7347 Che Slate DepartEenC of Hlghnays concernlng'7102 . I flnd the area co be in TOWN OF VAIL Ucli.ity Coopany Please have slgned and returned wlihln J[ da:rts.afcer projec:1- AuLhorlzed Personnel COLORADO DEPARTMENT UTILITY PERMIT OF HIGHWAYS Slandard Provrs ons PERMITTEE Name DATE ISSIJED MAY T4.1990 PERMIT NO. S.H NO. I-70 FM.PMAIN VAIL DISTRICT NOTICE TO PERMITTEE: You must notity owners or operators ol underground utility tacilitigs at least lwo (2) business days prior to makingorbeginning excavalions in the vicinity ol such lacilities, as required under Section 9-1.5-103, Colorado Revised Statut6s. CALL UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OF COLORADO (UNCC), .I.8OO-922-1987. OR 534.6700 IN METRO DENVER. FOR MARKING OF MEMBER UTILITIES, CONTACT NON.MEMBER UTITITIES DIBECTLY. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION: (lurnlshed by permlltee) PURPOSE lnstallation tr Adiustme nt/Relocat ion tr Removal O Mainlenance oi existing facility FACILITY (Type,ze, class of , oesl or potentiaLetc. ) NATURE OF tr Buried' LOCATION INSTALLATION f, LonSirudinal (Parallel)E Transverse(Crossing) City/Town Milepoint(s) oI nrtrTrr.tt\tA I DEtr oLc---4-iiW 'For underground location information, contact: PLANS: Attach plans or work sketch ('EXHIBIT A") showing location, character, dimensions, and details ot the work to be done. 4 sets minimum required. Compliance with the plans or sketch, as approved by the Department, shall be a condition ol this permit. SPECIAL PROVISIONS (completed by Deparlment)The Special Proyisions are lerm3 and conditions ot lhis permil. Any wofk shall only be in accordance wilh lhe approved plans, Standard Provisions, and Special Provisions as set lorth in thrs permit. rhe cDoH insoecror ts MIKE DELONG, CONTACT 24 HOURS PRIOR TO PROJECT reteprrons 845-7347 Work to be completed on or before: .TIINE I 4 r 1gq0 Work time restrictions: NAY I,TGI{T I{OIIRS ONT,Y, NO WEEK.EI\trNS OR HOLTNAYS Designated minimum cover is . Designated minimum overhead clearance is Pavement cuts permitted only as follows: Replace pavement to the lollowing specilications: Flequired location aids (buried facilities): orxen: CI{ECK MARKEn SPFCIAI PROVTSIONS ON ATTACHETI SI{FET: TI{TS PERMTT TS I'OR THE TNSTAT,T.ATTON OT' I'ENCE AND TYPE FOUR BARRIER ONLY. ANY OTHER. woRK oN HWY. RrGH-A-WAY WrLL REqUTRE ApprTrONAL PERMTTS. Permitlee is prohibited from commencing any work within highway ROW prior to issuance of a lully endorsed and validated permit. Permit, plan exhibit, insurance certiticate (s)', and tralfic control plan' must be available on site during work. ('See Sld. Provisions) Your request to use andlor occupy stale highway system right ol way as described above is granted subjecl to lhe terms and conditions ol this permit, including the Standard and Special Provisions, as shown on the FRONT and BACK hereof. lT lS Ui.IDERSTOOD that the Permittee will accoanplish the work al no expense to the Department and will own and majntain the facilities permitted. Pe.mttlee hereby assumes. releases and agrees to indelnnity, defend. protect and save the Stale ol Colorado harmless from and againsl any loss of andlor damage to lhe property ol the State ol Colorado, third parties or the Permiltee's tacilities, and all loss andlor damage on account of injury to or deaih ol any persons whomsoever, arising at any lime, caused by or growing out of the occupation of Colorado State Highway rights of way by Permittee s lacilities or any part thereol, rncluding but nol limited to installation. ad,uslment. relocatron, mainlenance or operation, or removal ol exisling facilities. unless such loss and/or damage arises from the sole negligence or wilful conduct ot the State of Colorado or rls employees or agenls. Faiture by Permillee to comply wrth any ol lhe included terrns or condilions may subjeci this permit to suspension or cancellataon, at the discrelion ol the Department ol H lg hways. TH IS PERMIT IS NOT VALID UNTIL FULLY ENDORSED BY ALL PAFTIES. WITH DATE OF ISSUE AFFIXED BY AN AUIHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE DEPARTMENT. A FULLY EXECUTED COPY OF THIS PERMTT MUST AE ON FILE AT THE HIGHWAY DISTRICT OFFICE, In acceptrng this permil the undersigned, representing the Permittee. verilies that he or she has the authority to srgn tor and bind lhe Permittee, and thal he or she has read understands and accepts ali of the included condrtaons. I "/, /qoF/y---tcs-o".--- | s/,y'ro Signature Y r*(,|^"e- PCL A-crftznot), ''"t Tuu -- "''< 1!cr- pin., eooT " PL" / fr,*-,/- DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS. STATE OF COLORADO Chief Eng ineer checked by keller, hill & delong BY R.P. MosToN ft te--d- Al I 5- CDOH Form #333 aag Pr.vlou3 rdlllona mry beurad unlll ruppllar rrr lrhrurlad P.ilU'il T ltr GIiHAY PEru{tT I SSUEII TO:TOWN OF VAIL l,tlli l;1) l,ir,tt' ,;t I'(r (,r It{,/(;, e nd Jr,,r.;ll()rr. ()rrlorltlu UtS02-210t prr,'2ttg-7 560 ,10. : ln)_:-"_ -___ 110, r-70 sourn FRoNTAGE uTIt.nY I'illlilTS l.ll t-t l,0S'l____ m1g141l _pAsr pATn0L lt0. te st,EClAL l)n0v|5t0lls Tlme allorretJ ro Days llo (asplial t)(corro.cte )to be crrt. b til., (asplralt) (Concr.cte)to assur.r! str.alglri: etlge f0r. patclrlrrg.llo b,r'e lrlt a I lored r,rl tl.'lrt i.]; "; i;;-roarlrrei,-Jra,,.,,,,u1,1 or. cur.t I lrre, excel,t as o.pt-ovltled lr-t' tlrc llanual orr llnir,r;,,, i;:;f f lc r)r.rirLl."t it;;icns arr,t Supplenrcrrts.lllrrlrnrrrn rlrpt.lr slral I bc . iiri:iiris '- illrYlilli:''outtd trtll ltv ciils t,iss"st,al l be Jrusrrerr or. bor.e rt. u'<Jer. rtre roa<lway arrtt All lraved |oads artd drlver'ra1'5,o'ossetl lrr the irrstillailon shalI be bor.erJ. Xi I'i:.1?1,T'?l'l:,.::::':'llli^li-iqr ;" i,'r,,i,- ;i'; i ;r,;; erade.All bacllftll ls surrJect to q'ir nnirrio startrar-, corrrgractrorr. 1,,11.,,.:.,11,, ,]arlc, backf I I lert ar,,t |,a i,rt,o,l lrr oirc ,t;;:'-""-'"(',ltl trrlx patr:lt tnav be.place,l ovl;;' ;i;;. t;;";;'"ir'rilratcll, rrpo' conrpret;o. of 5ackf lllllltlrln l4 rJai,s, hoL.rrr lx 1,atch-r,rri st-il,,f,racc c0lrl rrrlx,At'eas ol toarlria;'artd t'l9i't ui i,ii-,rii'tult,u,t rlrrr-irrg gris lrrstollatlorr s5all bet.eslot'r:tl lrr ot'lqlrral contottr antl'.u,'Jlllrlr b1,'rri.,il"g'io ,t r.ai,, top soilerl ,f et'Lll iu orl, tttul-hcrl , att,J t'r:sce clr:tl rritlr a|,lrove,l r,ratci'ial at. speclf icotJ pr-opor.tlons.Atly tlattritrl': lrr tltu lllglrr'rr1' rn.iiiilui-rr'ull.-rre. r.cpair.otl pr. l.r.to corlrrulrq ot.lrer workAtlvarrcItl trat'rtltrg nrt,J'con"str',,iiin'i iigitr,.r.raslru.s, trii:,'ica6es arrg Flaq pcoplc s'allcottforrtr ttlth Ihc Ilanual orr urrlforrrr ti.irriic t;oira;;i i;;;iies n,,,1 suppleruents..[rro ltny t|aIf lc slrall be trtatrrtaiirc,t at atl tlrrrcs'lrr the constr-ucilorr area lrracc0t'rl,rrrcc rrl tlr ilrc llUlCt).llrl 6ttttss to tlrtl ttork arca. slral I lru lrer'mll.Icrl Ir'orrr tlrc rnalrr llnes or.. r.arnl)s of theI nt,rt's t,r t rr lll rllruo1,.llo r:t;tr ll'rrrrrrtt slrnll bu al lor,totl crr Urr: rrrl lrr lilnos of tlrrr r.oarlvny tlrrr. lrtg corrstt.ttctlon.llrl rltatrrl , t'acl:r:(l oi' ililii llrrrttrrI rililr r,rrLt igqcr-s nray vor.k or. rrrovc over. l)rved surfacetrltlroul. Jrads.rr l LllUtl l. ll,l {J S . lllllr)1.'. clratrgcs or adrl ltlorrs r: arr lre grrlrtr.url lr1, llrrt { lglrl ilsltector tg nree t. f leldl?:'ll:l'j'Jt.l,'l'l]9t chonges rc(|rlre rrr'lt.tcrr air|roval by ilre c.t),().il., [)isrr.tcr ], andlltt.b,. llt plarrs" Inust 6e qrr.or; f 4crl t:,: Uru t) lst.r.lr:t r-rt/r\''rr' 1 t'r)Ll llackf lll slrall bc Cll::.2 tri.a polrrL f r.orrr ilre f lrrlsh tir.atlelhe last of l-rackf ll I slral I ire of Attc Cl;rsc t;. rrrrt nr' ilntr flr.r,t-,,,c ro)r. ur t)ilcKt t ll sltall t)e ol- AIJC Class 6, artrlln 2- I lf ts trr- arr nppr.oved er;uivalerrt.''l he last 'Z,l " ol. bac'ktll I nt'lliglrrra5, cr.ossltrrt sholl be 12,, of AllC Class 6. ll,, of Y??i:.:: Ll',1::1."1:l :.:k:;llllEairy i,er. crr. vii, ) ,rrrtt 4i or ilril' rir.atre r plaicrl trr Zllf ts.trr ari apitrrive d o,1,,ruii;;1.' 1 ' '\" ., t'''(r '' vr rr.'I 'Io(ri: L l'rdLuu rrr ( coot'df ttate trot'k wlth -,u]IL_DilqNq-_-.-_ aL l'lrorre llurrrber. 'g45-7347 arrrlat l)ltotte llurrrbel-- --__. llotlt,y thc ciffilnit*s-.lo Louii.-mT;;e-Ttd 'tl ',ij-i;il:'k-. ------ All utll ltlcs locatad at lrrlcts ot' outlets ol' al I rnaJor. or. rrrlrror. str.uctrrres arrrJt'oadrray draltlatte dltchel,ot],1. irr'.i gatlorr rJitches sttiii-l,o n,,.osetl or- placetl at adr-'pth of 4tl" bilou the f lrrrsrrctr uiiJ" or Lrre gr..und sur.Iace.lllrrlrrrrrnr ovcrlrcarl cleararrce shal I be f aet,,,rrrrrrurr uv(rludc ctedra ce Sltall be faet,l!! poles arttl ancltors slral I be placeillil-tr'iu-i; of lre r-lglt of rray I lrre.Al I abovc tlt'ound st.rttcttrt'es sha I I be placed rrlthiu s'-of llre riglrL of vay I l1c.All exca'.'aIlo"s o' turrrrcls ai-e t.r r'eet re r.e r lu I r.e nrc a t s oi 0sllA of' lltll, Grarle arrtl placed llo opcrr plts or cttts are al lovrrrl r'ri tlrln i!t)' ui a,,y ii:ou,,red lane ot irlqlrt, rreekerrdsor llol idays, trrtless protcctcd tr1' l1'1le 4 barriers,'as i,:,1t,iretl by ttre Itti tctlllut'led lrrstallatlorr slrall be Ili,:eit'rritlrirr io.i riuu, ilrc r.ight of rray llrre.All ettcasettrunts lrr ct-osslrrg of lllqhvnl,s siiaii-6e'i-,uiuiu'r,,, of 4' below tl ltch sur.focattd encoserncrrt shal I bc .f ''il' t'i9lrI of r.ray I irrrr to rrgrrt or. r.r,ry l rrre.Local lott ettIot'cctnettt sho.l I be'rrotiricrt'a",1'ii,r-rit.'"i const.r.ucilorr uor.k.An ltrsllectot' ttttts t lle.orr. rite.rltrrirrg irrstallirtion arrtl all cost f or. tlris provisiorrg.f tlln lrr:;;rcctor.slrall bc r.clnlrrrr.sitl b1,Ilre Ilarl:lrrg Plarr slrall be. a;,;rlo,,,rrl tr-r' i;-.ir.it.ii. -=li,iii.rcr siiins sii,iii-i;c-insiat led andtttaltrtalrrctl to provltle u rt o b s t i' tr c t r: <l I-i rrrr of 5lrllrt. lretveerr llrr-iler- Slgrrs.All rror'll arrrl rrratcr-lal9 to rrrcc t or. r-.xccctl (.oloiinrlo 0cpor:trrrerrt of lllglrrrays St,rrrdardSpec I f I r:o t I rlrrs l'or. lload arrrl llr. I tlrle 0orrs tr.rrr: t I orr.All procetlurcs arrrl rror-i: lulr,l ccL io lllr;hva1, a1r1rr.ovirl.A corrrPlr:tc c0l)),of tlrls ller-mlt slr;rll i,,r t'ir ti,,. ,1,,1, SItc vl r Coritr.,rclor..fro lrorr: striltl lre Iet.nlltterl at rrlgltt or orr li atur,rf;r1,s, Srrrrrlal,s, nr. llollrlays rrltltoutprlor autlror.l zatIorr, luwn 75 south trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 (303) 479-2139 Septenber 7, 1990 office of communlty development Mr. Scott crubley PCL, Construction 2000 South Colorado BIvd. Denver, Colorado 80222 Dear Scott, This letter is in regard to ttre Vail Transportation center finaL plan review. As you are a\dare, there were two sets of stamped plans subrnitted to the Town of Vail Building oepartnent for plan review. Both sets were sent to Whittier, california to the fnternational Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) Headquarters on April 3, 1990. on April 24, 1990, I received a hand written faxed response from our fcBo representative, Mr. Floyd Apodaca that included twenty- one nonstructural comments and eighteen structural conments. on April 25, 1990, I received a faxed tlped comment sheet that confirrned the previous hand written fax received on lpril 24, L99o- To my knowledge all iterns have been corrected on the plan review comment sheet from fcBo dated April 24, 1990 except for the stairway configuratlon. on August 24tn-, f received the drawing indicating the existing stair configuation overlayed on the proposed stair configuation. I have agreed to use Section 104 of the Unifonn Building Code, which allows for the acceptance of the proposed design as the non-confornance of the existing stairs is decreased by the proposed stair configruation. Out of the original two sets of plans that nere submitted to IcBo, ICBO retained one set of the starnped plans and the other set is retained in the Town of Vail Building Department. In regard to the field copy of approved plans, I have requested froru Michael Barber archi€ects, an additional set of stamped plans that will be cross checked with the Eet in our office and issued to PCL as a job set of plans. Please keep in nind that these approved plans do not contain a set of the fire alarn or SprJ-nkler systems. These plans are still not approved at this tine. Please refer to the vail Fire Departnentrs comments on tbe status of those systems. rf you have a need to review our set of approved plansr -please feel free to contact me at ny office at (303) 479-2L38. I will be happy to go over our set with you. If you have any further questions regirding the approved set of plans, please do not hesitate to contact me. Gary Chief Town Building officialof Vail fclRon Philllps Larry Eskwith Stan BerrymanXristan Prltz URS: G. voos Wood MBA: Ward Vault 22289 ^1ffi' lnternational q"tfqtt"t- 9f Btilffi }-d ''-------Eistll - ::.:::::::::; wHrlrrrn, c^tlroR\t^ eo60l ' ' (2t3' 6! BllF/ 3360 souTH woRr(MAN Mltt RoAD - \\.1 \ 1/.1i// li/ TELEcopIER covER LETTERt// ,Y./, DArE'-lt lJ3 3' qC rrrrE:- FHOI1: TOTAL NUI'IBEF 0F PAGES SENT INCLUDING TNIS SHEET; (oOPERATOR: TELECOPIEB: ( SE ARE TBANSI'IITTING fRO}l A ll l33-T,"Be'Blgiil'ill ABOVE. BrcoH rtx7oE PAGES. PI,EASE i'o sPilx rrru }IACHINE. CALL (213) 699-0541 iiii-opsneTon t{A!'':ED *f, li?iffir,Sf :,},i*#'31i::t'i:l:l;''l','*[[i:t[li#i s?lEt';g t{:- ld ruuz C lnternational Conference of Building Officials rolRo 0F olREctois OHAIRMAN sgg117 5xypse, C.B.O. BUILO!NG OFFI9IAL pACrEtgA, CALtFORiIiA FIRg? V C€.CHAtFMAN EUCEN6 J. ZELLEN, P.E.C,B'O 3UPERiHTENDENT OF gUILDING AND SAFETY LON6 SEACH. CAL FOENIA SEcoNO vEE.CHAIRMAN JA|',EELUAtaooN,ct.o OtFEClCq, 9EPAsIMEN? OF gUILDING A,.ID SAFETY COVHTY 6F IPO|4ANE SPOFANE. WA9I.{INGTON rl,rlMEoraTE PASi Cr'i Al C[4AN wr|-ltafl g. Ecll|.ccxt, c.t o BUtL0tHo oFEtclal COUNl'v OFWASH i{GTOlt h.LLSBOFo 0FFGOi{ f,osEHl J, CpparEfi, c.g-o cHIEF CUr!OlN0 oFFlclaL ETEVON' CAL1FOFN'A ro8 FOWLEF, P.E.' Ala. c.B.o crFECTirR JG EJtLD \G 'ugaE:irCll ABI!E!.tE, TEXAS JAX P cAgTERl-Atro, c.a o. BU'L01{6 CODE OFFTCgP Sr 2a iL. A]I\NESCTA FIIILLIP S HEFFINGTON. d.E O DtHEi?OP T EPAF?MENr CF AUtL0 \i /i|l0 SAFE:'q!NC \E,'.10t 00uGlrg E, H000 c.8.o. aur.0tN3 QEFTciAL col oq43? :rvEF rN0rrN rq'5rF-5 PAq(EF.1?I;ONA ooHooriw iauRoocll. F E. BUrLii\i$ ciFlcLAL Di';a o('l ..1' ,:Al(FQqXlA MtcHAeL J rgL?E. c.s 0 g,JrLc,aG CFFTCtAL icEsweL. cFIEGla\ ROfl PETXEREWICZ c,B.o. UBectoo OF COUMUNIIv 0EveLOFilENT cOL.JNYV QF K.TSAP POFT QRCi.iARD WA$HIIIGTO'i Jl[fES R. STNOLE?O'{- c B o gUILOINC SAFE]Y ADMINIS-T IUCS.N, AFI ZONA 'l{ox 3 R, ftO p30fl, c.B c BU IOING OFFICIAL gcooMFr€10 coLoqaDo toEEnr o WEBEF, p.E.. c.B.o. OTFECT?R OEF ARiMENI OF gUILDINC COUNTY OF CLARX -4s ve6AS r'lEVAoa ALLET{ O, 'EFFEP, C.B.O. 81./t!0lHG oFFICIAL STrLLrlA?gB, MINNESO'rl 5360 5OUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD . WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90501 April 25, 1990 Plan Check No. 3690 Project: Addition to Vail TransPortation Center Address; Vail, Colorado Twe of Constructiofl: W-N O'ctupuo"y Classifi cations : B'f iB-}t A'3 No. of Stories: I Story over 3 Level Basement Floor Area; 1L2,000 sq. ft' added Occupant Load: 180 in Rrrt 322 Valuation: $J 500.000'00 (suggested) Seismic Zone Basie Wind S 30 mPh 1988 Uniform "ting Ctrde Gary Murrain Chief Building Official Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado E1657 Dear Mr, Mumain: Data fOr the above project have been revjeu'ed for conformance with the Uniform Building Code. Thr;" have not been reviewed for compliance with reqiirements of federal, state or other regulatory agencles. NONS'IEUEruBAL- .. 1. Occrrpancy sePa- art and other uses' s, -tiorr 42.3. rd between the parklti 'teas I and sheets A2.l rl '-'.'-h j Basement areas are r€gllred to be sprinklered in accordance with Section 3802 (b) 1. 'rvith . (213) 699454r oFFrceS 0F FIESIOENT JAIT'Eg E 6IHB. P,I ET€CUT]VE VICE.PRES'OEl{T oo?{atD n, WAi9OM. F.e ie?E-E69 llfl/tfu NUld SE:EE B fax rJurBEns t}{€r ORPmnsnl Plin FovierY lcgo Es {213}6c: 3853 1f13)69e.3,1?5 t213)6t!.469d i2r3)699.8t3t Regionrf officer: 6738N.w. 1swg1 prive. Kensas ciq/, iv!i55aur1 fi415f i816) 741-2241 it2Z-tt2th,twnue,N.E.,Sui€B'l0c'Bellevue.\t/alhinglon9800d'{206)451-9541 9300lollwl{le Road, Suite 2o0 ' Austin, Tex33 78;59-7455 ' (31 l) 794'8700 Parking garages reguire mechanical ventilation Section 705, thtd paragraPh. e'd Mr. Gary Murrain April 25, 1990 Page 2 4. Parking spaces should not ob$truct the,re-quired paths, see sheets-rV.l through A2,3 and Section 3301 (c). 5. Duct openings extending "vertically'' through floors.should be providdd with shaft enciosures and protected openings in-- - lccordance with Section 1706 (a) and (b), and Sectior 4306 (i). 6. Stairs 5, 6 and 7 are required to be enclosed. Section 3309 (a)' 7, Abandoned stair 3 should not remain accessible to the public. B, Door openings adjacent to corridor 203, shown on sheet A2.2, should comply with Section 3305 (h) 1. g. The use of tenant space 322, shown on sheet A2.3, should be shown on the plans. Based on an occupant load factor of 15, the 2700 squarb foot space would be considered a Group A. Division 3 Occupancy if assembly uses are proposed, 10, TJvo exits which are required from space 322 should be separated by one half the diagonal dimension until they reach the public way. Section 3303 (c)' 11, Ma,rjmum travel distance to enclosed exit stainvays sltould not exceed 200 feet. Section 3303 (d). ft, Variable tread lengths due to varying width and cuilature of stainvays will disrupt the rhythm and movement of occupauts att€mpiing to use ihe stairways and should not be permitted in accordance with Section 3306 (c). 13. Acceseible areas for buses, shown on sheet A2.4, should be clearly indicated and limited to the w€$terly portion of the deck. 14. The proposed information ceflter on levei 4, see sheet A5'3, co seFE-e6s Hll4lu !{Uld 9Et6a 46, Mr, Gary Murrain April 25, 1990 Page 3 15. 16. should be of Type I construction or the prwisions of Section 702 (a) should be applied see Section 1701' fourtb paragraph. If Section 102 (a) is to be applied the use of tenant space_322 is in cortflict wiih item 3 with respect to allowable uses in the basement. Finished gfade levels atound the structure should b_e provided to establiih the number of stories and the height of the buildirg, see Section 420 and sheets A4.1 and A4.?' also c21A4.3. "Roof' enctosutes shown on sheet A4.2 should comply with Section 3601 (d). A fire-retardant roof in accordance with Table No. 3?A is required for the information center' Toilet room walls require smooth' hard nonabsorbent finishes in accordance with Section 510 (b)' see sheet A7.2. Wood is not permitted in a T5pe t building see Section 1801 and D2lA8.1. Shaft enclosures and occupanry separations are required at stainvav 12 and service core areas shown on sheet A8.5. STR-UCIURAL COMMENTS: 11 18. 19. 20. 21,. 1I.A copy of the soil report should be provided for your_records. Acceptance of the soil report is recommended dependent on compliance with local ordinances. A description of the process and a request for its use is required-for the propbscd pressure g{ryting under the existing foritings described on sheet 51 at grid B- 1 VCI EZFE-eEB l']fL4:U Nr:jld tE:64 EE. 5E ddH- Mr. Gary Murrain April 25, 1990 Page 4 /I 5. Details of the deck erpansion joints, which qhow the required fire rating is maintaindd, should be provided, see sheets 52 through 54. Details of shear ties tefercnced at level 2 on line 36.7 are required, see sheet 52. Existing and proposed construction should be clearly indicated on sheet 55. Fire-resistive requitements for Type I construction should be shown on the framing plans on sheet 56. Special inspection is required for spray-applied fire protection' Truss plates are required near and a side of detail$ shoprr on sheet 56. Precast wall elements, shown on sheet 59, reguire a connection strength capacity in accordance with Section 26L5 (i) 3 A and B. Details of shoring noted on gection 2/S9 should be provided in accordance with Section 2903 (b). Details are required for corbels at walls showrt on section 2/S9. Retaining walls should be desigrred for undrained earth pressureJ unless a drairrage s)'stem is provided at the building perimeter. A constructioll s€quence is required for section 7/510 which shows an existing ipread fopting being altered by adding to its size. Reduced bolt values are required for the 3-inch spacing shown on section 10/510. o 10. 11. r/-, !d 13. SZIE-269 l'lflAfd NU-ld LE:64 EE. 5Z UdU ,. i Mr. Gary Murrain April 25, 1990 Page 5 L4. Calculations and details are required for prccast double tees and supporting elements. 15. Details of diaphragm stiffeners noted on calculation sheet A1.5 should be shovrn on the Plans. 16. New beams desigrred on calculation sheet A3'1 should be ref€rences on the plans. I7. The use of guidelines by th" Colorado Prestressers Association is subject to your acceptance. 18. A lateral analysis of the visitor center structure is required. N{a;, we suggest a valuation of $4,500,000.00 since there rvas none specified. Please inform us of your decision so that an invoice can be issued to cover our services. :a are being held pending receipt of further instructions frour 'rve do not hear from you within 90 days, it will be assumed :u no longer have a need for the data and they will be orscarded. Please advise. Please do not hesitate to contact us if there are any question Cordiallv. n')@/fl' Floyd Apodaca, P.E. \-/ Chief Structural Engineer Plan Review Services FA:dh 9'd SaFE-259 PlfIAfH tJBld LE:r58 EE. ll UdU ARCII ITTCTURI tr ,VIEMORANDUM d rrcono or nIEPHoNE coNvERsATroN 22289iob. No: 5 March 1990 10:00 a.m. Gary Murrain, Vail Build Kathryn Harhai Vail Transportation Center code Analysis Relative to Visitor Center It is my understanding from our telephone conversation that you concur with Michael Barber Architecture's interpretation of the U.B.C. relative to construction type at the Visitor's Center, This interpretation is that Type I F.R. construction does not need to be maintained above the surface ol Level 4 at the Visitor's Genter because the separation between Visitor's Center and garage is an area separation. You concur that use of fire protected steel structure at Level 3, and exposed wood truss roof structure at Level 4, in a fully sprinklered building, meets code requirements as you interpret them. Di3rriburion: S. Berryman/Dept. of Public Works, Vault 22289 MICHAEL SARBER I29O BROADWAY SUITE 600 A R C H IT E CTU RE PR O T E SSI O NA I, oENVER CO|-ORADO 80203-5606 TELEPHONE 303 837 0555 CORPORATION FACSTMI-E 303 837 0600 l'l lCll Att EARBIR ARCililtCTl|Rt 9 October 1990 Mr. Stan Berryman Town of Vail Department of Public Works/Trans. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Vall Transportation Centet Fire Protection at Stair No. 't2 Project Number 22289 Dear Stan: This letter is to inform you of the decision made by the Chief Building Official, Gary Murrain, pertaining to fire protection of the anic space above the service core at stair No. 12. According to the manufacturer, the prefabricated wood trusses can not be treated with a fire retardant without a loss in structural capacity. Mr. Murrain will accept tvvo sprinkler heads in the anic space in lieu of the fire treated lumber. We teel this is a reasonable solution. Subject to your approval, we will proceed with a Construction Change Authorization to add these sprinkler heads to the Scope of the Contract per Mr. Murrain's request. Thank you. Sincerely, MICHAEL BARBER ABCHITECTURE .-A ^ALld"^V{^^*- Chris Thomas CT/kmh (Vail\fpsprink.ltr) cc: Vail: G. Murrain URS: G. Voos , L. Wood PCL: J. Brown MBA: S. Ward Vavlt 22289 File MICHAET EARBER ARCHITECTURE PROFESSIONAI. CORPORATIOI\ 1290 EROADWAY SUITE 600 DENVER COLORADO 80203-5606 TfTEPHONE 303 837 0555 FACS|MTLE 303 837 0600 ^0 . ,,i,'' s" lown TO: FROM: DATE: RE: As you reguested, I have reviewed the blueprints issued byMichael Barberrs office as construction documents for the VaiITransportation Center expansion. To summarize, the following pages were found to contain eithererrors, inaccuracies or other deficiencies: A 3.1 THROUGH A 3.4 A 6.2 S3ANDS4 M I-1 M 4-1 AND M 4-2 M 4.4 AND M 4.5 E 2.} TITROUGH E 2.4 E 3.1 AND E 3.2 E 4.r The errors prinarily reflect inadequate fire sprinkler or firedetection coveralle, changes to the structure, simi]_ar items. 42 west meadow drive vail, colorado 81657 (3031479.22sO MEI'[ORANDIIM GARY MI'RR,AIN, CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL UfCHAEL MCGEE, FIRE MARSIiAL nocToBER 9, 1990 (? TRC BLUEPRINTS - PI,AN CIIECK fire department ff you need more specific inforrnation, please call me. lnwn TO: FROM: DATE: RE: 42 west meadow drive vail, colorado 81657 (3031479.22sO MEMORANDUM GARY MURRAIN, CHIEF BUILDING OTFIFTAL MICHAEL MCGEE, FIRE I.{ARSHAL /4r'ocToBER 4, 1990 L' FIRE DEPARTMENT FEVIEW OF PI,ANS SENT FOR VAIIJ TRANSPORTATION CENTER fire department BY ARCHITECT reviewed the specifications, me on October 3, 1990. I have As you requested, I have documents and blueprints you gavelisted my observations as follows: Addendum Number One No comment. Addendum Number Two Iten 61. Section 10520 - Page L, 2.2 FIRE EXTINGUISHER: I anr not arrrare of any requirement in N.F.P.A. Standard tO orU.F.C. Standard 10-1, to install Halon fire extinguisher anywherel-n the TRC. Halon is not usually recommended except for high valuecomputer rooms or simil_ar electronic eguipnent. Halon is not recornmended for use in an open atmosphere and has been the subjectof much discussion in professional circles due to the destruclionof the. ozone layer by use of CFCts (chlorinated fluorocarbons).Halon is a CFC. A 5 BC rating is guite small and is not within the referencedstandardsr recomnended ranges for protection or suppression of anyfires anticipated in the TRc. an appropriate fiie extinguishelrating wourd be more in the range of -zA aosc. No cut sheets havebeen submitted to me as of this date indicating what a croker #4Lo2is. No review has.been done by the Vail Fire Departrnent regardingwhere the fire exting'uisher are to be or should be located. r d6not know Lf 57 extinguisher are reguired or where they are beinginstalled. TRC PI,ANS F€VIEW LO/04/eO PAGE 2 Iten # 62. SectLon 10520 - Page 2r 2.3 Fire Extinguisher Cabinets: No cut sheets have been received on croker * w2652 StyJ.e BG or# W2558 Style BG. The addendun states the cabinets are to belocated as directed by the architect. The Vail Fire Department has not historically located fireextinguishers in areas prone to a high rate of vandalism or theft. We seldom reconnend Halon extinguisher due to the high cost of Halon over conventional dry chenical fire extinguisher. Iten # 64. Section 15300 - Page 3 Fred llaslee works for rrUpper Eagle ValJ.ey Water / SanltationDistrictr,r not Reqat Vatley Water Co. . Iten # 77. (page 33) C2 Stair # 4 waE left off of lst set of fire sprinkler drawlnge. Addendun Nunber Three No comnent. PROJECT IIIANUAIJ, VOLUI.IE 1, DATED APRIL 3, 1990 SECTION 10520, PAGE I and 2, SUBSECTIONS 2.2 & 2.3 Directs the contractor(s) to fiII and service fireextinguisher and install and locate fire extingruisher cabinets rrin accordance with governing authoritLes.tr As of this date, we havenot been contacted by anyone regarding fire extinguishers orcabinets or locations. SECTION 14200 ELEVATORS - SUBSECTION 1.2 The Vail Fire Department and Building Departnent haveinterpreted the elevators are not enclosed, thaa the;e are no varidelevator lobby enclosures and that A.N.S.I. AI7.l plfASE 2requirenents are not applicable. TRC PI,AI'IS REVIEW LO/O4/eO PAGE 3 PRO.TECT IIANUAL, VOLII{E 2, DATED APRIIJ 3, 1990 SECTION 15300, FIRE PROTECTTON 1.04 SYSTEI{ DESCRII{TION A. line Z - change rlostr to trlosstr A.1 rrthree superrrieed air compressorsrr are not requiredto be electrlcally supervised by the fire alarm panelbut shall be hard vired into an unswitched emergencyclrcuit. Fire Department Connections for the dry Class standpipes are to be located at the base of eachriser, on the street side, and shalL be convenient and accessible as per N.F.P.A. 14, 1985 Edition,Section 5-6.9 (a). (NOTE: See attached letter fron Frontier Fire Protectl_on askLngfor clarificatl-on, dated iluly 27, f990.) 1. 05 SUB!{TTTALS C. Fire sprinkler plans do not show ductwork, air devices,and llghting as specifled. 1.06 HYDRAULIC DESIGN c. Hydraulic calculations by specification are allowed tohave either a registered engineerrs stamp or aN.I.C.E.T. LEVEL 4 certified signature. ColoradoRevised Statutes, L2-4-IO2 and subsections thereafter,do not recognize N.I.c.E.T. certification. 1. 07 OUAIJITY ASST'RANCE: C. Regulatory Reguirements: Do not specify which edLtionsnor doee this section included Town of Vail MunicipalCode sections or the Uniforn Fire Code as adopted bythe Town of Vail . 2.09 GENERAL DUTY VALVES: GATE VALVES - line 5, add rrort to letter nfil to rnake thesentence read trconsisting of a cast iron glandflange. . . x B. B. TRC PINNS REVIEW to/04/eo PAGE 4 2.10 SPECIALTY VALVES: C. DRY PIPEIPREACTION CONTROL PANEL: If the fire alarncontractor is supplying a properly listed fire control panel , there is no need for an additional control panel to be supplied by the fire sprinkJ-er contractor. Inaddition, the last two }etters on line z, ttrtdrrr appearto have been intended to be written as rrandrr whichrequires the next word (first word on line 3) to besinguJ"ar, not plural . 2.12 FIRE PROTECTION SPECIALTIES D. Low Air Pressure Horn - What is a low air pressure horn? PART 3 . EXECI'TION 3.01 PIPE APPLTCATIONS: A. Requires Schedule 40 steel pipe for applications of 2inch and smaller while section 2.06 pIpE AND TUBING !,IATERIALS, allows for use of Allied Tube and ConduitCorporationrs IXLrr pipe, which is not Schedule 40 steelpipe for eLzes up to and including 2 inch. Allied xXLn 1s approved by the Vait Fire Department for use withinl-t t s U. L. /F.tt. listings. 3.02 PTPING INSTALI,ATTONS O. Autonatic drurn drips are to be replaced with plugs. 3.04 VALVE INSTALLATIONS: E. HOSE OUTLET VALVES: The specJ_fications reguire 2-L/2inch hose outlet valves be eguipped with a rquick disconnect 2-L/2 to L-L/2 inch reducing coupling ateach standpipe outlet for hose connections.rr 1 ttquick disconnectx wl-th quarter turn lugs is not approved bythe Vail Fire Departrnent for use on standpipei 3.1I WORK BY OTHERS: A. Requires the electrical contractor to electrically wireand connect rralarm bells.rr Town of VaiI Ordinance 3,Series 1983, specifically excluded trbellstr as anapproved alarn signaling device for fire protection. TRC PI.,AN CHECK LO/o4/eO PAGE 5 SECTION L672L FIRE AIJARI.I SYSTEI.IS; 1.02 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Specification calls for contractor to provide a systernI'suitable for type occupancy as defined by local-Building Code and as approved by local Fire Mashal .rlrrFire Mashalrr is misspell,ed. Approvals of the fire alarn plans were not given untilthe plans met mininun requirements as set forth in thereferenced N.F.P.A. standardE. Plans for the firealarm system nere approved as noted, Septenber 17,1990, without respect to the architectural orengineering speclfications. The VaiI Fire Departruentdid not receive architectural plans until June, 1990,and recel-ved the architectural speciflcationsOctober 3, 1990. (NOTE: Even though the referenced N.F.P.A. standards were notidentified by edition, arr recent editions note in the introductorymaterial, that these standards are rrintended for use by personsknowledgeable in the application of fire detection as part br rireprotection syetems.rr In addition, the standards specifical_ly stateI'Nothing in this standard is intended to prevent the use of newrnethods or devl-ces. . . t,) 1. 04 SUBI,TITTAL: c. B.The words rrOn independ.ently produced scaledbackgroundsr...shall not be acceptable.il do not form aconplete sentence nor a complete thought. It isassumed reproducible plans are not acceptable to thearchitect. C. Change from rtsubmit naintenance data an parts li.st...rlto rrSubmit maintenance data and parts list. . . u rRC PI,AN CHECK LO/04/eo PAGE 5 2.02 FIRE AI.,,ARM AND DETECTION SYSTE}IS: D.SYSTEM WTRING AND SUPERVTSION: This section calls for rrClass I initiation andalarn circuits...rr The Vail Fire Department reconmended the thernal detectors intended foractivation of the fire sprinkler systern be a twowire, rrClass Brr circuit. Town of vail ordinance 3,Series 1983, and Ordinance 14, Series L984, requirewater flow and supe:rrisory switches to be a 4 wire,rrClass Atr design. Iten 2 reguJ.res the contractor 'rinstall diodes ofresistorE at rrend-of-linerr devices. rr Diodes andresistors may be installed independently or inserJ.es, depending on operational characteristics ofthe eguipment, polarity, or other design features.llhis reguirement as written, does not foLlow mostfire alarm equipnent manufacturers designreguirements, is too specific to apply to a1I ofthe eguipnent listed in section 2.Ol ACCEPTABLE M.ANUFACTURERS, and is dependent upon specificelectronic design criteria. The requirement that the battery system supplybackup power for only four hours is not inconpliance with referenced N.F.p.A. Standard. 72-A, (1985 edition) Section 2-3.4.L, which requires24 hours of backup power. E.OPTIONAL SYSTEM FEATURES l. 2. 4. 2. 5. Remote station systens is not an option butreguired by Town of Vail Ordinance J.4, Series 1994. Alarm initiation frorn sprinkler flow switches isnot an option but is required under N.F.p.A.Standard 13, Uniforn Fire Code Article 1_0, UnifornBullding Code Chapter 38, Uniform Building CodeStandard.3S-1, and other Torvn of Vail I.lunicipalCode sections. A variation of the requirement is appropriate forthe intended design of the thermal dlteitors usedto activate the fire sprinkLer systen and as such,is not an option by virtue of the definition of apreaction double interlock sprinkler system. 6. ARC PIJAN CHECK LO/O4/eO PAGE 7 7. 8. Trouble indicatlon from sprinkler flow valves isnot an option but lE also required by the sane code Eections liEted in iten # 5. The option to equip and wlre the system Euch thatan energized fire alarn audible signaling devicewill also activate iten A Exterior flashing redIights iE not an approved option. Exteriorflashing lJ-ghts are used to indicate fire sprlnkleractivation only. In addition, the lights nust berated at 80r000 candle power (nininun) and arenot red. Secondly, the fan shut down circuits (iten B) andrenote annunclatorE (lten C) are activated by acontrol circuit and have little to do with audibledeviceE. They are controlled through differentcircuits of different desigrn with different Lntent. UNTUAL FIRE AI,AR}! STATIONS 5. Bhe internal rrtrrarnJ-ng hornrr is intended for use Lnlocations under 24 hour supervision. The designedlntent is to gJ-ve a I'prefunctlontr notificatl.on ininstitutional applications. The local horn is tooeasily confused with an actual alarm activation. The well intentioned and well meaning casualpasser-by nay tend to assune the local horn hasaccompllshed the intended functions of actlvatingan alarm evacuation signal , notifying authoritiesof an actual emergency, and sunnoning tbe firedepartnent. While the local intent was to deterfalse alar:arE by sounding a local horn Lntended tofrighten Eomeone with nalicious intentions, theinappropriate use of this devlce is not approvedby the Vail Fire Department. AUTOI,IATIC FTRE DETECTORS 2. Autonatic Smoke Detectors Details specifJ-cations for ion detectorE butdeletes any reference to photo-electric smokedetectors. Town of Vail Ordinance 3, Series 1983,specifiee photo-electric smoke detectors shall beused in all public areas unless the anbientconditions are not suitable, in which case analternate device nay be used. H. I. TRC PI.AN CHECK LO/O4/eO PAGE 8 3.05 FIEIJD OUALITY CONTROL: C. 1. The architectural specJ-fication requires themanufacturers representative to test eachdevice. No test standard is referenced. Given thenunber of devices, it is my professional opinionthat alternate methods of acceptance testing shoul-dbe considered. CONCLUSION The actual shop drawlngs, submltals, and related cut sheets(plans) for the fire alarm systen and fire sprinkler systen are inmy posseEision. Signed and stamped copies have been given to therespective subcontractors. Due to the nunber of errors in the original plans, the nunberof subsequent re-subnitals of shop drawings, and a general lack ofconscice and clear directions regarding the function, control anddesign of the fire sprinkler and fire alarm systems, I have toldthe subcontractors, PCL, Barberrs office and Cator-Ruma that theperfornance standards clearly stated in the N.F.P.A. standardsshall be used as a guide Ln the flnal inspection and testingprocess. As I told Stan Berrlman, I suggest on future projects, we meetin a pre-construction meetng with ihe design teaur and eEtiabliEh aclear and straight forward set of criteria for a few of these norecritical items. If you need more information, please let ne know. END LO/Oe/eO 1||ICHItt BARBIR ARCl|ITICTIJRI 28 June 1990 Mr. Gary Murrain Chief Building Official Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 816s7 RE: Vai! Transportatlon Center Plan Check Comments Proiect Numbet 22289 Dear Gary: To date, we have not received a response from you to our 15 May 1990 response on the plan check comments. Specifically, we are requesting the Buifding Department's comments on ltems 3, 17 and 20. Mark Naylor of Civitas, our Landscaping Consultant on the project, is reviewing Item 12, the issue of the stair treads. He and Scott Ward of our office will be following through with you next week. We have asked the General Contractor to provide a copy of the precast calculations from Stresscon, the subcontractor on the job, when they are completed. The DRB last Wednesday reguested a revision to the large window design at the Information (Visitor) Center. We are providing this as quickly as possible. Be advised that due to this revision the lateral calculations requested (hem 18) will be delayed several more weeks. Please advise us of your position as soon as possible on ltems 3, 1 7 and 20 as the General Contractor is proceeding with construction. Sincerely, MICHAEL BARBER ARCHITECTURE /-)l Ll) l-Yru- V{^i^"- Chris Thomas CT/ksw cc: Vail: S. BerrymanURS: G. Voos: L. WoodPCL: J. Brown Anderson: Fl. Stevens ri., r Civitas: M. NaylorMBA: S. Ward: Yault 22289 MICHAEL 8AR8ER ARCI]ITECTURE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 1290 BROADWAY SUTTE 600 DENVER COLORAOO 80203-5606 TE|-EPHONE 303 837 05s5 FACSTM -E 303 837 0600 NOV 15 '9A ai6l?8 I'llCHftEL BSRFER RRCH,K PriiciFrls Jamc5 M, Haslin!5 Albed E. And€Eon John D. Psrk Ronetd L. Srcvens Oun offtoo bag vlstt€d ths slte ponlodlcally to observe tbe Drogn€ss ofconstnrotlo[ of tb6 atnrcture. rn addltlon, !lr. Les woort of uRS has beerr onBlto furl tlne nonl,tortng tbo progr€ss aud qualtty of constructlon of tbsstnroturo and the rel.ated el€[€rts of lbe ptoJ6ct. Bassd on our slteobaerYatlonlr tbe lategt of nhlcb occurred ou 0ctobor ll, 1990, tbo structurefor thla par&ltrg faolrtty apFear! to havo b€ea constr-ucted ln subitanttaloonforoance plth tho proJeat drartnga and speal.flaatlous as related to the Derklng stnrcture. at tbe tlE6 of our" lateat ylclt, the vlsltorg ceuter aud aone. of tbe atalns wer.e cooplete. P.Zi? ANDERSON & HASNNGS CONSUI,TING ENGINEIRS, INC. 2059 BRYANT ST. . DENVER, COLORADO 80211 r (303) 433-8486 l{ovenber 1", 1990 l|r. &r4l l,firrraia Cbicf Bulldlng 0fftclal fom of Yall ?5 South trrontage Road Tallr. Colqrado ilASl_ nBr Vrll Trraaportetlon Center Dean llr. lfirrralal F!$/lnf' col lllcbael Barber Arohi.teoture , 'f C L Cosstnrotlon Coupany Slucerelyl n ,#*a*dn'- noreld L. Stevens, P.E. - lln. Cbrls Thonap- !fr. .Iln Brom Principals James Nl. Hastings Albert E. Anderson John D. Park Ronald L. Stevens ANDERSON & HASTINGS CONSULTING ENGINEER$ INC. 2059 BRYANT ST. . DENVER, COLORADO 80211 . (303) 433-8486 Novenber 12, 1990 Mr. Cary Mwraln Chlef Bulldlng 0fflcial Town of Va1I 75 South Frontage Road Vall, Colorado 81657 RE: Va1l lraasportatlon Center Dear Mr. Hurraln: our offlce has vlslted the slte perlodlcalty to observe th€ progress of constructlon of the structure. fn addltlonl Mr. Les Tood of UBS has been onslte firLl tine nonltorlng the progreas and quallty of constructlon of the stnrcture and the related eleneDts of tbe proJect. Based on our site obaervatlonsr the latest of whlcb occurred oa October 11, 1990, the structurefor thls parklng faotllty appears to have beea constnrcbed ln substartlal confor@nce wltb tbe proJect drawings and speclflcatlons as related to the parking structure. At the tlne of our latest vlslt, the Vlsitors Center and none of the stalrs were conpleie. Slncerely, /1.'7 ^z J/-'Artrd'Zt''a"' Ronald L. Stevens, P.E. RLS/Irf cc: Mlchael Barber Archltecture - Mr. Chrls Thonas P C L Constnrctlon Conpauy - Mr. Jiu Brown |||tclt til. BIRBIR ARCt|IIICTt|[t 15 May 1990 Mr. Gary Murrain Chief Building Official Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Vall Transportatlon Center Proiect Number 2289 Dear Gary: This conespondence is our response to the |.C.B.O. plan check comments number 3690 from the |.C.B.O. letter to you date 25 April 1990, and our meeting in Vail on Monday, 30 April 1990. Where a specific LC.B.O. comment resulted in, or may result in a change in the design, we have noted this. Where a comment was 'general' or we felt we were in compliance with the code as is, we have stated so. Several of the |.C.B.O. comments have been resolved by your decision to continue to ctassity the retail space on Level 3 as a B-2 occupancy. From our meeting on 30 April '1990, it is our understanding that on the occasions that the proposed tenant may require groups of people greater than that which would normally be expected in a retail space, the City will require the tenant to obtain a special use permit as is currently done with other businesses in Vail. With the classification of the retail space as a B-2 occupancy, the provisions ot Section 7fD @l can be applied. It is our understanding trom our telephone conversation last Wednesday, that you will allow the General Contractor, PCL Construction, Inc., lo pick up the Building Permit as scheduled, subject to the satisfactory resolution of any disputed individual items prior to that item being constructed. On several items, specifically numbers 17 and 20, we are asking that you waive the requirement against the use of wood framing in the roof assemblies. Please see the individual item for more detail. The item numbers of the lollowing specific responses are the item numbers trom the l.C.B.O. letter. MICHAEI- BARBER ARCHITECTURE PROFESSIONAT CORPORATION 'r290 EROADWAY SU|TE 600 DENVER COLORAOO 80203-5606 TEL€PHONE 303 837 0s5s FACSIMITE 303 837 0600 Mr. Gary Murrain 15 May 1990 Page 2 A. NON STRUCTURAL COMMENTS: ITEM NO. 1. 2. 3. RESPONSE The building has two distinct occupancies, 81 and 82. The Contract Documents reflect the required one hour separation between these occupancies (level 3, sheet A2.3). On level 2 there is an existing mechanical room that is being expanded. The required one hour separation is being maintained. There are other accessory uses to the garage, for example electrical closets, fke valve rooms, miscellaneous storage rooms, an existing lunch room, existing building maintenance areas, etc. which are not 'separated" nor do we see where they are required to be separated by code (section soi] (a) exceptions 2B). New wall construction within the garage is typically 8' CMU, cast in place concrete or precast concrete. This includes the accessory spaces not required to be separated. An automatic sprinkler system has been indicated for all areas of the building which are new or are to be renovated. Renovation of the existing Transit Center (currently non-sprinklered) was an alternate, not taken by the Town of Vail. Mechanical ventilation complying with Section 705, third paragraph, was indicated by the Contract Documents. However, thlough value engineering during the construction contract negotiation, the Town of Vail decided to defer upgrading fans in existing air exhaust shafts to a future time. The existinq exhaust system apparently does not meet the requirements of the more current codes. New supply air are being installed in the existing garage which will improve the situation and all new portions of the garage are to be ventilated as indicated in the construction documents which meet the current codes. Please advise if the Building Department will continue to accept the existing exhaust system as is. Striping at stair 5, located between grids 22 and 23 along grid A, will be revised on Level 1, (A2.1) and Level 3 (2.3) to match Level 2 (Mj). Also, the area to the souih of stair 7 at grid 22 on Level 1 , will be diagonal striped as on other levels to more clearly define the exit path. Striping in front of the elevator lobby between grids 29 and 30 along grid A will be revised on Levels 2 and 3 to match that indicated on Level 1. 4. Mr. Gary Murrain 15 May 1990 Page 3 o. All floors of the parking structule are connected by the ramping system (typical for parking structures), therefore there cannot be a 'separation' floor to floor. ln so much as the floors cannot be separated due to the continuous ramping system our engineers maintain there is not a requirementthat the mechanical duct openings extending 'vertically' through the floors be protected. We believe that stairs 5 and 6 as shown, meet the criteria established by Seaion 3309 for enclosure. Stair 7 is part of the exit parh within the garage leading to stair 5. lt joins trivo adiacent parking ramps on the same level. The total rise of stair 7 is approximately 4'-5'. The wall separating the two ramped areas through which stair 7 passes, is open, auowing unrestricted movement of air from side to side and up and down. We do not believe that any life safety purpose is served by enclosing stair 7. In fact, in this circumstance, the addition of doors may unnecessarily delay and impede exiting. Abandoned stair 3 will not be accessible to the public' Doors at all levels except Level t have been removed and the openings sealed with 2 hour construction. The remaining door at Level 1 is for maintenance access only and will be tocked to the public. Signage indicating 'exit' is to be removed. Openings 201 and 2o2, adiacent to corridor 203 will comply with Section 3305 (h) 1. Per previous discussions and agreement with the Building Department, this retail space is considered a B- 2 occupancy. Tenant space 322 has three exits. a Up stair 13 to the level above and out. b. Out through pair of doors 322. c. Through space 318 and out door 318. Referring to our drawing A5.2, we calculate the diagonal distance of space 3181322 as approximately 115'. The straight line travel distance between doors 322 and door 318 is approximalely 77'. We believe that the space is in compliance with Section 3303(c). We have reviewed our exit calculations and believe that all locations within the garage are no greater in travel distance than 200' lrom an exit door, horizontal exit, exit 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Mr. Gary Murrain 15 May 1990 Page 4 12. 13. passageway, or enclosed staiMay and therefore in compliance with section 3303 (d). We are continuing to evaluate the stair design with respect to the requirement of 3306 (c) and will forward our opinion and our design to you as soon as possible. The structure ot the Level 4 deck is designed to accommodate buses within two areas. First, from grids 1 to 8 and A to C. Second, from grids I to 19, and 81 to C. The Town of Vail intends to install barricades to prevent non-authorized vehicles (including buses) from crossing east of grid 19. Signage at the entry to the visitor parking area south of grid B'l and between grids 16 and 19 will prohibit buses in that area. Per previous discussion and agreement with the Building Oepartment since the Visitor Center/Retail Space is considered a B-2 occupancy, the provisions of Section 7o2 (a) can be applied and each occupancy considered 'separate and distinct'forthe purposes of area limitation, number ol stories and type of construction. The area and number of stories ol the Visitor Center/Retail Space meet the requirements for Type V one hour construction. Please note however, that even though the Visitor Center/Retail Space can be ol Type V construction, the materials used for the structural frame are non combustible, except for the roof lraming, and the facility is completely sprinklered with an approved automatic system. We agree with your earlier decision that the basement or first floor of the B-1 occupancy meets the requirement of condition number 3 of section 7O2 (ar. The tenant space is not in the basement or the first floor. Finished grade elevations are indicated on drawing C2. As noted, sheets A4.1 and A4.2 indicate floor elevations. The roof structure shown on the enlarged elevations on sheet A4.2 are all mechanical fan enclosures, Section 3601 (d) exception 3 allows for the enclosures to be of unprotected, non-combustible construction. The Contract Documents indicate the roof lraming as standing seam metal roofing over metal deck on 2x fire retardant treated wood ioists. Given that these roofs are only canopies tor the ventilation shafts and that they are located at the grade level (level 4) of the parking structure (exposed to sky) and given the fact there is not a rating 14. 15. 16. '17. Mr. Gary Murrain 15 May 1990 Page 5 18. .to 20. requirement for the shafts, we respectfully ask you to allow the use of the fire retarded wood joist. Since section 702 (a) can be applied to this project, the Visitor Center can be of Type V, one hour construction' As such utilizing footnote 3 of table 32-A, the roof of the Visitor Center meets the stated limitations and can therefore be a Class C roof in lieu of Class B. Wall finishes at toilet rooms are either ceramic tile, or concrete block finished with block filler and high performance, epoxy type paint. Both finishes provide smooth, hard and non-absorbent surfaces. The staiMay relerenced by detail D2lA8.1 and several similar stairways have been constructed entirely of cast in place concrete and have 90 minute door assemblies from the garage. In an attempt to integrate the materials common to Type I construction (concrete, precast concrete, etc.) with the 'Bravarian Motif common to Vail, we have showed decorative wood framed, shingled roofs on the architectural elements that sit on or penetrate the top level of the structure. We have separated these 'decorative roofs' from the stair enclosures with a 4' concrete slab. The wood framing is all Fire-retardant treated and the roof assembly is Class C. The use of the wood framing and the shingles at stairways number 4, 5 and 6 and at the top level of the service core adjacent to stair 12, is in our view, necessary in the new construction in order to be consistent with the basic architectural style established by existing structures such as the Transit Center. We feel by separating the shafts from the decorative roofs as shown, we have met the intent of sections 1801 and 1806 while integrating the new construction with existing. In addition to isolating the shafts, we would point out that at the service core adiacent to stair #12, half of the wood roof is over an exterior space and all the spaces have been fully sprinklerecl. We respectfully request that you waive the requirements restricting the use of wood framing in Type I construction given the fact they are of very small areas, separated from the pedestrian spaces whh at least two hour construction, or are tully sprinklered, and the roofs meet the desired architectural goal of the Town of Vail to integrate the new construction with the existing. Mr. Gary Murrain 15 May 1990 Page 6 21. Stairway 12 is separated from the garage occupancy at Levels 'l and 2 with rated doors and construction. Elevator shafts are separated with rated concrete construction. Other spaces within the service core are of an accessory use to the parking structure and constructed with cMU walls or existing 8' precast concrete. As accessory uses these spaces are not required to be 'separated', unless the Chief Building Official wishes to classify these accessory spaces, such as the elevator lobbies as a different occupancy group. (section 503(a), exception 28). B.STRUCTURAL COMMENTS: ITEM NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. c. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. RESPONSE Concur - will be supplied. Pressure grouting is described in specification section 02240. Deck expansion joints are detailed on drawings A1.4 and A1.s. A detail of the shear ties is enclosed. All of Level 5 is new construction. Fire proofing requirements are defined in the architectural sections of the documents. Concur - will clarify. Will comply via shop drawings and design review per specification section 03410 - 1.2. Contractor will be providing details of temporary shoring. Concur - will be designed and detailed by precaster and reviewed by Engineer of Record as specified. See comment number L Design has been performed in accordance with recommendations trom the soils engineer retained by the Town of Vail. 11. Mr. Gary Murrain 15 May 1990 Page 7 12. Construction sequence is implied by detail. This will require contractor to Pertorm grouting Prior to addition of new loads to soil. 13, Reduced values (50%) were used for connection design. Refer to calculation sheet C3.&9. 14. Concur - See comment ltem 8. 15. The diaphragm stiffener concept has been abandoned in favor of removal and replacement of topping' 16. Refer to plan sheet s4 and detail 3/s9. 17. Building official response required. 18. Calculations will be pro\rided. Gary, we trust this letter resolves most issues. Please advise us of the Building Departments' positions as soon as possible. Sincerely, MICHAEL BARBER ARCHITECTURE r-,.. A /)/ ,tJ ,t /I ln^ 'n lll-\ -yuw l\=L{t4.^__\-/ Chris Thomas CT/sh (Vai\planchek,doc) cc: TOV: S. BerrymanURS: G. Voos L WoodPCL: J. BrownMBA: S, Ward Vault 22289 Ar:DERsoN * tr'r.cu CONSI.'tTING ENGINEERS, INC, 2O59 Bryant Street DENVER. COLORADO BO2I1 ..-- bAr E --.. .cH€cti€0 8Y - /) ,// .// \\ \ SmUz*'-oLu'.",5 'iuc;d=,6r"-D i'Ax. gPAclNq Sriu' N3Ti,5l1?.F. TiEs AFE, i13i T0 bE uesc FoR AD-'isrllE oirrErerrrlAL cAHeER EgT'.€Cp--AAJACE51T =LL& ' TC ,'"Cz"l,i-trgr-r.- t1=ig, DE^Rii'lo flleT bF Sl-llHlrsp . ,-+4^5'.attW \\'\'._-- \\tr Il ZnlL.I=J T/P|CArL./ A l= gjAOUL? AE HAOE NCI FARTHER TFAN 4:C' FaCV TEF- ENO9 EXCEPT FOA CAN|:-|LEVEI15, lN f^JHlc-r-{ cA6LnEs 5',iOUL-DpE- loca;a5 Arlcur rz' TAoi-rrqos', rc ta-e irAfvrAlN ALICN|4eNT oF 91A65 :LEV,qTICN l_--l DATE READY FOR CALLER INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL Tkr) -6- LOCATION:' INSPECTION: z8s MON TUES WED THUR 5, Veoirll f,e Qa PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT a/6Porzry44^t BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING tr RQUGH / WATER - ROOF.& SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB v tr FINAL tr tr FINAL tr INSULATION L O SHEETROCK ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT I . ".' B SUPPLY AIR E tr FINAL tr FINAL Czvt f-i !.neenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS; niigc *9n PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE oq-Z7-lD Joe r{nN,rr t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES Gf) '"'' FR.AM PM LoCATI6N: 6. €r.o$rPrrr€ fzo*o APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CALLER Nnflatd *tl> 1-o, CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR . ,- ir..;_l ..8,]r. F INSPECTION REQUEST OWN OF r.i.\ INSPECTION: CALLER MoN TUES @ THUR FRI PMREADY FOR LOCATION: B tr tr tr D tr tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNQERGROUND FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEF M o tr tr tr ECHANICAL: HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS o coN SUPPLY AIB .MTF(ftAL /nppRoveo,-/5d,E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ' '.t oore /-27-rU' rNSPEcroR TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DS eJ\ READY FOR LOCATION: e l:) t \.)\.1' \ INSPECTION: I NAME MON QALLER T.TJES wED @ tt' BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOOTINGS / STEEL E] FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEFR tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr TFMP. POWER ] . - trHEATING D ROUGH . tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL $ neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED 8 -=.l*? o INSPECTOR 1ilf-i - INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL q3b? I PERMIT NUMBER/OF PROJECT oo-. 9,lt JoBNAME s.. CALLER FIEADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: MoN ruES wED rnrun CO AM tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED D(ner ruseecroN REoUTRED t INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST OWN OF CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:@ TUES WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ^ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAT tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL APPROVED,+4 CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED RlSorop oor:. :,/ '- ) rf * r/(' rNSPEcroR-- \x'l .;. nv,t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: '='>-TUES q9 THURPECTION:FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI O FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB ON / STEEL ,_ ROOF & SH " PLYWOOD tr INSULATIO EER NAILING , N tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROC tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING q RoUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oorc ?- ( 64d rNSPEcroR RFisxor r'v ll q DATE I t ER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES o'@ .i ,i'.. BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATEF f,rour.ronrloN / srEE tr FRAMING t ,_ ROOF &€H€ER: PLYWOOr|NAILING GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB T'l El D FINAL MECHANICAL: EI HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT - tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL l(dnp*noveo tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: 17r zt) o^ ,/ DAIE 7'/71/2 rNSPEcroR INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL itI J { r . t^IOI LDATE. I JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER TUES THUR / c--)'\-LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER O PROJECT ,?ttla,l L IuJJ-tcttt-'t Z"".(j.{<J Jt".tcra (c-7,* &t' c'- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL I tn, I t' t'z t'.'F(umBrnc,*;; @J:f tJ,!" f.T, p,Ift.ry ffi tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr tr B fI tr tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / D.W.V. (noucH / wArER r'& ) ROOF & SJEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING 1 INSULATION I] POOL i H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL tr FINAL 1tl ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr FINAL tr SUPPLY AIR 1d @, I . i II tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDf neenoveo CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON JOB NAME +--+\,r\\kcol/ \\ci ir.> APPROVED 6, wthtr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CALLER THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: ?::::::'"RHTI UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W,V. ROUGH / WATERFRAMING Nd{r,-h"P trlt trS tr_ trF OOF & SHEEB GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL \ T?WN OF iral\*\;$ i1r q;; CORRECTIONS: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTIONTOWN OF i REQUEST VAIL , DATE tolz{ JoB NAME CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr tr tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V.. ROUGH / WATER E tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED "t ft.r DATE INSPECTOR ,! dr,.^.tl.ds PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT rar -INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF yArL ^ (e* l,-,2 ro" *o".DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: @ CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr FINAL tr FINAL F APPRovEo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: 6 pt I r.,- INSPECTOR INSPECTION REOUEST T JOB NAMEDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ECROJ\\r"\ OFP CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: B FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. BOUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr tr BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: T] HEATING tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR E tr FINAL FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ootr rt I Lr JoB NAME V c"J INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL fco READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR PMAMFRI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING -,KooF & SHEEB- pLvwooD NATLTNG lot)oqJu, !ctha.- s\';'"d cns PtPING \-,/ O INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL D tr tr ql tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR O FINAT tr tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED INSPECTO nffis,op o INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr tr tr tr IEMP. POWER tr HEATING E EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED INSPECTOR tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t { d... $ v i - lr. tt-rl o f qo nils#rr.r ,^ {r*.,*u.(^r{ll5 ,.nL- Otr +b 3Y ' t.'" #i INSPECTION PERMIT NUMBER OF BROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: REQUEST ^ ,/. TOWN OF ^ -zi vAtL ..,\trnt^ G^-hJOB NAME MON THUR CALLER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB ISHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR \t nlEs"o" -,rT{ \'.- I-----f ,-',,ir{ * INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME " CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES wED @ FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER -^PLYWOOD NAILIN tr GAS PIPING SULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK tr HEATING ROUGI'{tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL tr FINAL ft3renovet{i,tr OISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: .,.,*_ INSPECTOR DATE II D JOB NAME l INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF I/AtLPERMIT NU CALLER >11 READY FOR INSPECTION:t4rlnalTrnNr. J'- MON TU wE THURKt FRI AM PM Q;,^i,il lA :/n _/ hss JZ,a{( f,*a_s, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL \F4oucH / D.w.v. ',pucw wArERo fl E] tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr D FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr q TEMP. POWER E HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS qoNDUrr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTO 4i68 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE November 21, 1990ggg p4yg Vall Trans INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ortation Center Add lt ion/ A 1t erat ion READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON 241 Souch Frorrtase WED THUR FRI CALLER TUES Road AM PM BUILD!NG: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL - BOOF & SHEER- PLYWooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr oTenp. C of O. tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED This Temporary Certi-ficate of Occupancy ls good for 30 dayrs. Ic ls the responsibillty of the contractor co maintaln publie sofety durlng construction or et)ilSD Ehat are noc completed. Fencing an<l storage oi roateriuls musc be xoalntalned Thls Temporary Certlflcate of Occupancv mav be revoked at anytlme if Bulldin 0ff1cla1 fI-nds that the constructlon effectlng the safety of the pub'l lc or for due c..une. November 2L, L990 INSPECT s,$6s"op INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES INSPECTION .I REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL s\C\i ') THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL O HEATING . D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE n REQUESTr/b38 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,^r, / 4/s/go JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION 'o Ce TOWN OF VAIL INSPECTION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr D D tr D tr tr UMBlNG: D FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SIIEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB {stt EETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr o D EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL APPROVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECT _.. ,/ 4atY * PEBMIT NUMB R OF PROJECT [40 JoB NAME INSPEC toN: DATE READY FOR LOCATION: THUR FRI CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER t] FOUNDATION / STEEL E FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL i H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr C O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL (neenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIO INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PR JECT ri; .,t INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL -ZvDATEL2ro, *or. CALLER TUES WEDREADY FoR INSPECTION: , i YO) LOCATION: V L*J BI tr E a D tr tr o ILDING:PL o o tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: pdEs,,"p SPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME 'o.r=["f*'- IV lr: ,r\ Pdd ON: DATE - l'i) REASV LOCATI a,4 6r/3 CALLER TUES Koa BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING B GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED tt INSPECTOR nffis"- REQUEST VAIL CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES XED fu}^I - AM PM rncArroN. l)a'4 Trn*,.. A'^fr--/JA' (-e'r<-( t-vtA ( B tr tr tr D tr tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PL o tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL il, rrNal 7r,*o' ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL Ir'*ot tr DISA,PPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDIAPPBOVED CORRECTI INSPECTO ffisxop I .:f * " t:{\ INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAIL REQUEST FIEADY FOR INSPECTION: NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THUR AM\\\\\LLOCATION: BUILDING:PL tr tr tr tr tr D tr UMBING: tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH i D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING ROOF & SHEER GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING N.il u- POOL / H, TUBINSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr o tr tr ROUGH D tr D tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL APPBOVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED COBRECTIONS: INSPECTf;/4 INSPECTION REQUEST - tltl (tL,\4 //! TOWN OF,VAIL'llfuw (r,rofu MON CALLER UES WED THUR FRI Y!^ PMREADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION:Ct BU ol trl trl t-'l trl Fo ILDING:PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORBECTIONS: . rrr' "'ra.. INSPECTION REQUEST NAME INSPECTION:MON TUES @ THUR CALLER - o' zV" t. :) READY FOR LOCATION: PMFRI V=r.E PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE /'1) ?r JoB TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr o tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr o D tr tr cl FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATEBFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL (rrr.ror- ELECTRICAL:. tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr o tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS:.*- -lrlni- ndr*" , l"*\ itt t. 4 &Ol t Zoz,r tt -11 I 7l( Rfii*e i I ,*#"toN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL '*,./ r".)'' PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT / '+ .1." READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL n tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING D tr tr ROUGH D tr D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL \tr APPROVED ..tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: ..,--a -- )' | '^ / lNSPEcroB -i--2-z t ,rl -- :: '1:{/ Rffisxo" PERMTT NpMFER OF PROJECT I /z-t ."r t -J ,-/- I INSP CTION REQUEST F VAIL d'44-4 z-y@ DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME it"i.ru t,, f BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER q tr D tr 0 tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR hzfrrruar-tr FINAL APPROVED DISAPPROVED EINSPECTION'REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,t"/ INSPECT tffi$cP