HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D TRACT B C VAIL TRANSPORTATION CENTER SIGNAGE LEGALTOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 ParcelNo...: 210108227002 ProjectNo : Q&_\Or - OZ{ L) OWNER TOhIN OF VAIL t FINAT.ICE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO 81657 License: APPLIC.ANT A.K. ELECTRIC 2103 ZEMATT I,ANE UNIT 2103-A VAIL, CO 8L657 I-,icense; CONTRACTOR A.K. ELECTRIC 2].03 ZEMATT I,ANE UNIT 2103-A VAII-,, CO 8L657 License: 117-E DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ' ).-,\.f ), f\.,* rl' UIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 241 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: 17 LOCATIONS INTOWN BUS ROUTE Permit #: E0l-0140 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 06/2112001 Issued. . : l0/O4l200l Expires. .: 0410212002 06/21-/2001- Phone: 06/2L/200L Phone: 970-390-3258 06/2t/200a Phone: Desciption: 17 BUS STOP LIGHT SIGNS LH CR AT MARRIOTT LHPL(A CONCERT HALL PLAZA LH AUX BLDG LH LH MALL w MEADOW @ LTBRARY DOBSON ARENA VVMC ls2WMEADOW 35 E MEADOW l3OEMEADOW )(ROADS SWISS HAUS VTRC EMEADOW@ SONNENALP VORLAUFER HANSON RD ANDWD GOLD PEAK Valuation: $30,000.00 *'tr*l*lrl****'t**t***:l:t**l*aaa:i:l*aa** Electrical-----> S54o.oo Total Calculated Fees-> 9543'00 DRB F€e-----> So. oo Additional Fees-----> (S543.00 ) Investigation--> 90. oo Total Pemit Fe€----> S0.00 Will Call----> 53 . oo Payments----------> 90 . 0 0 TOTAL FEES-->ss43.00 BALANCE DIIE---->90.00 Approvals:I€em: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 06/2!/200L JHM Action: AP ***aaaaaaa**:l,it'aa*aataaa*aaar***r3rt:3:!ra*:l:l:t|tllllat,r**************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 .ll.-....1;1.;....T'-T..:::.:.::::-?::.*:..y--?:::T.-l-:..:X.t.T...:::."::::..::511fl11......:*,,+,,1,1******** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required. completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Tov,'n ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOTJR HOURS IN ANCE BY t:00AM-5PM. CONTRACTOR ANDOWNE Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: rcWN(frYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 {oCONTRACTOR INFORMATION ?o- 5zTown of Vail Reg. No.:Electrical Contractor: ELECTRICAL VALUATION : $AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: . FEET FOR I{EW BUILDS ANd VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS Conbct '70-328-8640 or # t2-a7 -cbz- Job Name:, t ev$ R, r \ S.)., n q JobAddress: s e r r4r/""/"! Lesat Description ll .*' I ero.rl Filing:Subdivbion: Owners Name: ll Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: Nexf Ru s SlonS wo*cruor ru"qtffoo,utt I Remodel( ) Repair( ) TempPower( ) fther( ) WorkType: Interior( ) txenorfr Bo$( )Does an EHU exist atthis location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Duplex( ) Multi-family( ) CommercialR Restaulll l:f'er1 l No. of b<isting Dwelling Units in thb building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this oermit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No ( ) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a FirB Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) t!**********r,ri*r!**r*******trrr!*,!,r*,rJr*rrr*FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****r*****:tit*ii*'ti*t**l**i***i*t****t F: /everyone/furms/elecperm \ *,gn Review Action rOm TOWN OF VAIL category Numbef o^e 6r/21/E4 Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: nr"n it"@o nEDd ress and Ph on e : LegalDescription: Lot- Bfock- subdivision'-1.,.' / t','r-t .,'-. lh, -ZoneDistrict?-_, /. Proiect Street Address: Comments: Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval y!staff APoroval Conditions: t,u,*i f -+-Lr,.ot-.-t.A-^. Vi.{-- Town Planner DRB Fee Pre-paid 23.oe 'tri'f,d lAgD3 o ION omn af rollolAPPLICAT (Please Print or Type, --NAME OF PROJECT -1 s^zA/=zLDA-ts VTC- s.Ea,rr f g) NAME oF pERsoN suBMrrrrNc )ue Vq+hi4fy1 puoNa 4tu-r414 ADDREss To Bef lZ l Va/e CO 3 lto5g NAI4E OF OWNER Trv,bcn line Tou+rs puoNn Li -lto -t4 I I ADDREsS Bt'-l l3l V a^i.ttb6B lbt-L co STCN/ATfNING APPLTCATION SIGNATT]RE OF OWNER LOCATION OF PROJECT ry€/U=T 6nfYa flCu DEscRrprroN oF pRoJEcr -S,r=a,.r(l) -iD A^br./c,,,r.'.gL I E/'-,,tb6 4.-.Ll- /.JE--:. Ll4L{ijtri.,.t) L^Jt':-il.r,\-, }74E vTC- THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THE APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION PROJECTINc, A OF THE SIGN/AWNING ETC), INCLUDE SIGN (FREE STANDING, WALL, MESSAGE. VA+LS OLDE\T 4r.t ."Fca B.SIGN OR AWNING MATERIAL SIZE OF OVERALL SIGN,SIZE OF LETTERING AND LOGO L t2 :(-€3'l- D. E. HETGHT OF SIGN ABOVE GR,ADE DESCRIBE LIGHTING (EXTSTING oR PROPOSED) N+-rUBA.L L.EGHT E k .r sf^J6 F. G. H. LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (FT)=o CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAL (ATTACH) FEE: 520.00 PtuS 51.00 PER SOUARE FOOT OF SIGN AREA. ?r'-r\r \ptto . 2A' oocrrEcK uo. 3l4t onre bllSl94gtfJ REOUIRED MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPI.,ICATION 1. 2, 3. Site Plan Elevations showing exact, Iocation of sign or awning on the building Photographs showing proposed location4, _ Colored scale drawing5. _ Sample of proposed rnaterials 6. Sign edninistrat,or Photograph of sign if avail TO: SIGN APPLICANTS When applications for signs are submitted, the followinginformation is required: 1. A completed sign/awning application (at,tached). 2. A site plan showing the exact locat,ion where the signis t,o be located. A photograph if possible and building elevation showingthe location of the proposed sign. A scaled drawing which details the design of the sign,as follows: (a) Colored exactly as sign will be(b) A list of materials to be used in sign (meta1, wood, canvas, paint, etc. )(c) Photograph of sign if available.(ai speciiic- letteriig style and size 5. If an awning is proposed, submit drawings showingexactly how and where the awning is attached to t,hebuilding and how the awning is to be constructed. 6. Descript5-on of lighting that will be used in conjunction with the sign or awning. If proposing an awning, lighting is not allowed to shine through theentire awning which calLs undue attention to thebusiness. Lighting may spotlight only the actual signlet,tering on the awnlng. RECOMMENDATIONS OR POINTERS 1. Check sign code - verify site, height et,c.2. Be specific. vagueness on design, size, construction may delay the approval of your sign.3. Measure frontage of business. APPLICATION FEE WILL BE REOUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPI.,ICATION SUBMITTAL. If this application requires a separate review by any locaf, State or Federal agency other than the Town of VaiI, theapplication fee shal] be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not linited to: Colorado Departmentof Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shaLl be responsibLe for paying any publishing fees whicb are in excess of 50t of the application fee. If, at the appJ.icant's requestr any rnatter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. .' Applications deemed by the Community Developmen't OeparUment to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant inpact on the community may require review by consultants other that town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Community Development may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay hin or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Corununity Developrnent DePartment. UPon completj.on of the reviewof the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notification by the Town. 3. 4. R os)gN F$j I q'g 3$iE\ Frts J ,.{( t- ql A lI ? A ? o-t A.(rc)Y \\va\g\/ 5,S\(-\ ARJf( \-/ \s F<Qi H{rOA StGN+R' "=lPX*,s:1 N SG C\J >,fz=\odln- /l I L_,4 I Itt- /l J \dF u, IJ ?\ r.{I \o\0 v at \, + \n ? +rl o{J { 3qii Js I ,,1a q on7 i36d'--j<qr A \.saJt \6 J} J 1-l v. Itlf-I $l Jrl*t r-l t ?\t t-l /) A UJ ./ra e_od ll::,j.,. : in tlrc sign betr window. At this like to , P0st otFtc|Box t3ti van,nloMDo: 81658 i 303/4/6-14t4 be disptayed our araised border. butwe would i 800/83t-t4t4 o Project Application Date Project Description: Nr',, -'.;'' it' ll, l-'^'. ,,',-"" '-. +L A----",,"'l->(i,,^ (-"ifo't conracr person and pnone lc^.. --l, A)-. . L,^.^ ^^ /7/4 ^ 73 za t- o;" €/ (i^;1 'co *,lrsn /^ 4?27 Prolect Name: Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: .- ,\ | / r f,- Lega|DescriptionjLot-'Btocr50.,u,^n(/-)//'//9,/,.'zone6Ll commenrs: 2// {o,.JA <";l,,v Pd - - tJJ - n.,.r,'lr*i, (.i^l<n Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL D ISA PPROVAL Town Plan ner taff Approval SIGN/AWNINC APP €xPREtg - o rrvisrd l?i9i9l ( PLease NAME OF NAME OF ADDRESS NAI4E OF ADDRES S Print or PROJECT APPLICATIoN DATE ./y'. /O - ?7 '2{ P- OWNER - 1,3 A.LL CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAL (ATTACH) FEE: $20.00 PLUS $1.00 PER SQUARE FOOT OF SIGN AREA. 1. z. 3. 4. 5. 6. pERsoN suBMrrrrNG lDcr,t,na /. lLr<..i,;J,rrnpnoxv, 47b 4B3T l7l4-R 6laar'ze c+ ; t/ari fn ?tr"s?- i/ ,, ,nt>- /- . Naxt"a,rnn ,*o*u QZo) lzc- 4513? SIGNATIJRB OF OWNBR L,ucArroN oF pRoJEcy taaaresgt y'nc fieals. crh.- SBoE?:c_ DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT THE F'OLLOWING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THE A.PPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD, .:,, DESCRIPTIoN oF THE SIGN/AWNING (FR8E STANDING, WALL, PROJECTING/ ETC), INCLUDE SrcN MESSAGE. ,or,,t os#r,^rc- Cpooe.€-FA.E\ . 2 s(tr9 r * o -1?q^r'o.r*. (NlAntgg O*.{) s. srcN oR AwNTNG MATERTAL t5* 5tGlf,fuA,ln'TuecY SArupr:aar+fep \ a,r-orpl -p. EeLc*1aT otr lh' gQoAR€ STega TOBrxlG w/'/+" g'ree L .^rq,LL PCqt6 . C. SIZE OF OVERALL SIGN, SIZE OF LETTERING AND LOGO D. II gta$ A: ftaso^rrce k '\F"r e :q.1!24.6'(<.zc)- te65 Cr.rnres@.+s(NEre g.8r)- sles B:e z.tas+ (Tornue 5935F) HET.HT oF srcN ABovE GRADE 8'd'*,*r. DEscRTBE LTcHTTNG (ExrsrrNc oR pRoposED) N/ft li' . c IT LENGTH oF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (FT) ,0/4 PAID CHECK NO.DATE REOUIRED MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION Site Plan Elevations showing exact locat,ion of sign or awning on the building Photographs showing proposed location Colored scaLe drawing Sample of proposed materials Photograph of sign if available qn edmini (orEa) . \ -l.e,c Block Fi]inq TO: SIGN APPLICANTS liiren apprications for signs are subnitted, the forlowinginformation is required: 1. ) A compJ.ered sign/awning applicat,ion (attached) . t""ij"o3ti:":l:Il"n rhe exacr ]ocarion where rhe sisn A photograph if possible and building elevation showinr.;the Locarion of the proposea sitn. :"";:ii3"3lu"tnn which det,aits rhe desisn of rhe srsn, (a) Colored exactly as sign will be.(b) A list of mateiials t6 Ue-usea in sign (metal,wood, canvas, paint, et,c. )tql phorograph of sign if available.(o) Specific lettering style and size. Il ll, awning is proposed, submit drawings showinggxggtly how and where t,he awning Ls at,tached to thebuirding and how the awning is io-be constructed. Description of lighting t,hat wiII be used inconjuncrion wirh irre sign or irning...If pioposing an:ylllg, _I_ighring.is nor'.ri"r"i"io "n.n. rhroush rhe:::l::_i"ni3g 1a,,n1ch carrs undue "tt.niion-;;-;X; " ',usrrless. r.Jr_onrrn.q_T:{ spotlight only the actuaJ. signIettering on ihe awnl-ng. 3. A q 6. l, Sl.:I_:l?l ."d_: - verify sire, heishr erc.L Ee spec]!rc. Vagueness on g::_rnn, -size, construction rnay^ delay the approvil of your sr.gn.3. Measure fronlage of bu;in;s;. APPLICATION FEE WILL BE REOUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATIONSUBMITTAL. -:f rhi-s apprication reguires a separate review by any J_ocal,stare or Federar gs9l"i orher ttui-i'u-r;;-;; i{ir, rheappricarion fee siritt 6e increas.g.oi sioiilo6l 'ixanpr."s of suchreview, rnay include, but utu-n"i-ri^it"J-i"i-iofiraao Deparrmenrof Highway Access pernits, ermy Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shalt b9 lgspolsible_for.paylng any pubJ_ishing feeswhich are in excess of 50t of ine application te6. If, at theapplicant's requestr atry natter is postponed for hearing, causingEne matter to be-re-published, then, th; entiie-tle ror such re-publj_cation shatl be-paid ly t.fre -apifi"uni. -- Applications deemed by the comrnunity Deveropment Deparrment tohave significant desiin, rand use oi other ii-Jues-wtich may have:^:igllll:?n!.,inpacr 5n rne conmuniry-rniy-rili;; review byconsu-Lrants other that town staff. Sirouia a-aEiermination bemade by the t,own staff that an-outside """""rtJni-is neeaed ro::::.:y-:ly appricallon, conmuniiy oevJr"pin"il;; hire an oursideconsurtant,, it sharr. estimat,e chi amo.,*E crf tnonei necesser), :cpav him or her and rhis amounr ;h"rl-;;'f;;";;;:i ro rhe rown bythe appticanr at rhe rime he fiies hi; -a;;ii;;;i;" wirh rheCommunity DeveLopment Departmeni. Upon comp.tretion of the reviewof the appricati6r oy tnL consutiant, any of,.the funds forwarded:I^:h.: applicant for-paymenr oi-ii. consultant which have noroeen paid ro the consur-Lant, sharl be retughed to ihe appricant.Expenses incurred Fy tre rown in-exgese of the amount forwardedbv the appricanr srritr ue-fiia-lo' trre-roi" iv-tilr-appricanrwithin 30 days of notifi."ii"n Uy .n. Tohrn. l-_ Proiect Application i /7 PY Proiect Name: .l Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing , Zone - Comments: Design Review Board ,'/7 77 DISAPPROVAL3-o Sum mary: ,l ,, / i.,t lf,t' i. -te /, /,.r_^/2._ _ Town Planner 0 Statt Approval ,ll 1u $a 0 'lr X o.qoi> Z!l -F_ 4ir.aVJnV uJri rL ll z,t,d7.2tl rlI 6 .r' 1Jvt\l u: u! a. .l rs.: .14 ,'l s\ 't x uJ llj \}-I \!),r{t.i !" iii '4 " :X Y9 ,ltld t: :: ; Nv 'JP ,^l[\jru: --':XrX 'i $$ $l\rl { { 4 .q ,J r:CU r, |r)11 ;--_- i ;-"o;c i:lli ltt ut;i0$iI' a. \tgzQ6d in v, -iJ i .,r 06 7>r*,ZZ & l. $) \, i '0 ci 4\u2 ,v tl \^-r \l\ \ a i{^- \\ .€* l3-{) i.-=l . .q\ **\ ls.'c-..\ -\.t\Nr-S \--$-+ . t-.\ -\-i\\r-S \--\S'r ,'---Q \i N, \ RR _:-\ n\d\\\\N \\$ $\ N. N\sN \\ .\ .ri \ \I \ N. \ S {-\<D(' '|1 AN.t{Lqr$ + cs( \. ,v SIGii APPL ICATIOiI Da le -.1: Phone l!l!!1211 The f oi lorvingto the Oesign Sign subnittal subeitial bY the aPPlicant aocrcva'l can be givel- -t-p,rrr: p-e tJo.lc rftqP- Lattar e-[itiorr- {wsr:isrfto b,a' to'- * o+ Uai L ' ; sreililte iaO u ALso Yeq.^ett Yk g ar -t rao{ I et)a.trtau bo"rs^ a+ houB-\p..'Jh.^r'a1 Fee Paid 'f eo:t Name of Project toq-gill Name of Person Subrnitting Location of Project (Yl ov i r: l/a C<i r:3rruerare infor:raticn is requ'i red for Re,rierv BoarC beicre a final fee is 52C.00. A. Sign ilaterial fy1 €-ta-u Strrlc-*c-ree- t-r'r't r-&r I,Al.^toD4 r ap *-o Mqtc n LUeoo Co lo 4 oR tra-s b I Fr G.to e.i+ P".lera-bLe- B. Description ir sign Q/'a.et' ee- ?re{uc+\oD of c. Si:e of sisn ).{'Y'-8'' = za f D. Length'ot F. Comentsthis Peovloas Uaic- Ulgrops pit-h APPlicetion it'c5er < C"*r."e Description of-.project L i3 ht ad U cul u 0 f s+ Lq3 tA tt{YIQ b l'^', tl l'oeai-o z B '^ t'ro Fts ' Cot>C)os , fe.st'auvat-:is, La.,.o y'.ac-r's +po Aftra4bt*s' {mp au e-c 'is ["os , tl" C.et.fo tatp D of UalL, I'TATERIALS SueilrrqD l.,ITli APPLICATI0iI 1. Siie Plan2'. diiitings sEffi-Ect loca'"ion 5: Fi'toiogi.pt'tt shor'ring propcssd loc:;ton 4. Aciual sign 5. Colored scale ore''rtnE - 6. PhotcgraPn ot slgn Aporoved for DRB Subnit:31 - bi iupptoued for t)RB Subni -''t: i - 2s ,/turheD Lept€1 DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION I.IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: APPLICATION DATE OF DRB I4EETII'IG: INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** A pre-appljcation meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional informatjon is needed. No application wjll be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning admin'istrator).It is the appiicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE appf ica- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL condjtions of approval must be resolved before a building permjt is issued. A . PROJ ECT DESCRI PTION : U Ai u oil 4'bufu\-sr [r. e.' Cuu*ea -f{\ a*r rJ 6t R-r,r-ct q p.e Ct*11 uB. LOCATION c6'1 U Q 5, PROPOSAL: 'Lt 't OF Address p"a 6 a-'tt-T-a-L-t i aNs Legal Description Lot Bl ock Fil jng Zoni ng C. NAME OF APPLICANT: D. Address NAME OF Address NAME OF OWNERS: t3 4o4 APPLICANT'S REPR losn Llrtcetad L4 $o l bO teleohone 747-ztzL ESENTATIVE t eAR.(- f*/s-n*,s- n-l S- t!r r_,o,rc'-r-€( (_ ttJs brcfopft#e lag.Tzzo vo4 brp C-u.% o t6o telephone 747^zeL 1 be paid at the time a building permit FEE is requested. Si gnature Address Bo* F.DRB FEE: The fee wi I VALUATION $ o-$ 1o,0oo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $.50,00i - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $2oo.0o $3oo. oo IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally'involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fai'l to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. Project Applicalion on" ?'/7F /+'z Proiect Name: /7tr/,1 I//,1/':12r,'/t, 6"o /) 6rta o"r" Project Description:/7.npr.r p/Elr {.n2.^a Er*t7u{ X:::::Phone r3, Owner. Address and Phone:4r, /j' lt/rc Architect, Address and Phone: V'Att '/lil,slm Legal Description: Lot /4,?trc/?ryfriu..fi'rr. Block 5D F,tins Ih// Ui t,+ii i'{ , zone Comments: Design Review Board o^" 1/tt Motion by: Seconded by:B Epnr €{,,D ISAPPROVAL Summary: 'i,-.ri".. u /'/'2,,-,'/ r'4 /r t'' i'" ' i ''''r -r /'o't 7.,:11/ 1 -./- D Statt Approval 6'",1"' /v"*'/ -4^ l1cftruvlna,u/ r4trs /p'a'rs- &tu'//) ,- L"r araa6ptzal futt> * (vztps /,1'/4 =/z/q s .;"t-r4t --r;\ttl lr+c: | -' Il*o | |\tt I L /,^ a/z*rS v.: //rz,J,'/t/al a> b^ -,'€*llr' 7/'-ta,'.-- AlrX< a, fQ f sr* //tu"-4il. t r Cfuahs I u -,/*/u.%, ,// /z //Zr"/*-l/ L a_1 erecrtirn" zg .-" t t (Prease Print or rype) Crr,/'ttAryyy|--P^t: . f NAME oF pRoJEcT -- D' Co'FFE 4'4^/EPq - 2.., t NA},IE OF PERSON SUBMITTINE J /-'JEI/III€ PHONE-fr9'A6OE_ ADDREss # # UntL urLLaea Tptruspacz lnato CerJreL NAI"IE OF OWNER ADDRESS o/ €,a ct, 0P. / 6 tJn,L SIGNATURE OF OWNER LOCATION OF PROJECT DESCR]PTION OF PROJECT 'kJEn /aa THE FOLLOWING ]NFORMATION IS REOUIRED APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING REVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE SIGN/A$TNING PROJECTING, ETC), INCLUDE SIGN FOR SUBMITTAL BY THE SCHEDULED BEPORE THE DESIGN (FREE STANDING, MESSAGE. Vll\aag, zhweot; lrt0'DOCT 2 :l99t APPLICATION DATE SIGN /AWNING APPLICATTON I /t*rn,5t N; ,y't<a dzuDB.SIGN OR AWNING I,IATERIAL c.Q T 7F AE'OVERALL SIGN, SIZE OF LETTER]NG AND a/<i €/ r //f/w' D. HEIG}IT OF E. DESCRIBE SIGN ABOVE GRADE LIGHTING (EXISTING oR pRoPossol a'+ffi E. ,/\ LENGTH oF BusrNEss FR9NTAGE (ETl TLhTE4IaA //Ud/Utr,J CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAL (ATTACH) FEE: 520.00 PLUS 51.00 PER SOUARE FOOT OF SIGN AREA' PAID CHECK NO.DATEh ONfr" 00 oc' + 3'ot' t0 oo 1 . Site Pl.anz. - El.evations showing exact focation o awning on the building 3. - Photographs showing proposed locati 4. - Colored scale drawing s. - Sampre of proposed mater:als f sign or on .X- r 3.20 Sign edm'inistrator NL/T tr t TO: SIGN APPLICAI{TS When applications for signs are submitted, the foltowing information is reguired: 1. A completed sign/awning application (attached) . 2. A site plan showing the exact location where the signis to be located. 3. A photograph if possible and buifding elevation showingthe location of the proposed sign, 4. A scaled drawing which details the design of the sign, as follows: (a) Colored exactly as slgn will be.(b) A list of materials to be used in sign (metal, wood, canvas, paint, etc.)(c) Photograph of sign if avail.abLe.(d) Specific lettering style and slze. 5. If an awning is proposed, submit drawings showingexactly how and where the awning is aLtached to thebuilding and how the awning is to be const,ructed. 6. Description of lighting that will be used in conjunction with the sign or awning. If proposing an awning, lighting is not allowed to shine through the entire awning which calls undue attention to thebusiness. Lighting nay sPotlight only the arctual sign lettering on the awning. RECOMMENDATIONS OR POINTERS 1. Check sign code - verify site, height et.c.2. Be specific. vagueness on design, size, construction rnay delay the approval of your sign.3. Measure frontage of business. APPLICATION FEE WILL BE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATTON SUBMITTAL. If t.his application requires a separate review by any loca], StaLe or irederal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shafl be increased by $200.00. Exarnples of such review, nay include, but are not Iimited to: Colorado Departnentof Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant. shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 508 of the application fee. If' at theapplicant's requesLr any matter is post,poned for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication sha]l be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed try the Community Development Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community nay require review by consulLanLs other that town staff. Should a determination be nade by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Community Development may hire an outsideconsultant, it shalI estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town bythe applicant at the tine he files his application $rit.h the Conlounity Development Department. Upon completion of the reviewof t.he application by the consul.tant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for paynent of the consult.rnt which have not been paid to the consuLtant shal.l be returned to the applicant. Exfrenses incurred by the Town in excess of r he anount forwarded by the applicant. shall be paid to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notification by the Town. r'. . trnL:.LL I 11.,'3.1 /93 i LL . .:, J.l-tJbrJ-:,4,1 :1 Lrii- r.l .t- ' JJ iI:i,J +++ R,EALSLEY rir:J . U 1U r ..r.) 05 @ 003,,00r .Un L r. r- E- | 1tl:18 rilL/ $1 Iurlrlel' Inil. PAGE I DATEoF1 "5'f "" 11-24-92 ROBYN BALSLEY WHIRI,EY INDU9TBIES, INC. WATS: 600.?C5-1959rE! 903-665-8223 FAX: 303-656-5829 ReglonolSoles Otfr@: 213e DOGWOOD ClRCl,.E Lour$vlLLE, co 80m7 D'COFFEE ATTN: JAN EOI GORE VAiL. CO BEANERY l\|ERING CREEK DR #B 81657 lA)(l Phonei 303-479-0608 lmprint D:C0FFEE BEANERY Art No: 0-41797 Otyr Copies: C.C0!I|ARR0/CINDY Speclal Inctructions: THIS ARTWORK PLUS ORDEF Q approval and mrrfirmation, Plsar Item snd Gotor: Gomponcnt Colons; lnk Colors: T-90 20 OZ THERI4O MUG SANDSTONE SANDSTONE GREEN-562 1000 | ; PRODUCTAI{D COLOR SPECIFICATIONS arE your any quesiions that mey br ll#ed (or attecfied) and note conections ftf to ehip and Invoice smell tnrhUons (whtcfi four weeks aficr ncript of llnal approvdl dt artwork and produalon autrorization. Larger orders may takr iongcr. IMPORTANT: ART lS NOT sHowN FULL SlzE. 'DOTB.iARE FOR ELACK &WHITETONE ONLY. YOUR JOB VV|LL PRII.IT IN TT{E CORBECT COLORS AI{D WTTHOUT SIMULATED "DOTS". -41 tlG 11-&92 .b !a !a Acil, Celohde.:Aail, Aohhde for order insFuofons [connecrioNs/coMMENTs r shlpASAP oo r4olfz /tso /rr flnt&zrSsrrs Cntw,wt-- lhr ' .u,225 /t/t ,Au**ttP rtuv// {,qr* , prtr t$'r 4 &tr.l 4 -{ HIB}TECH SIGNS^ Quality at Budget Prices JAYARY 5, 1993 CINNAMCT.ITiTY BUNS 201 @RE CREEK DRN/E AgT B \rArL, CQ 81657 ATIN: JAt{ DESIGN REVIEW BOARD INFOR},IATION: AIIO{ED SQUARE FWTAGE 3 SQUARE FEEf,. SIGN SHALL BE SAT.IDBLA.STED REDgrcOD' MUBLE FACED. ONE FACE TO BE CINMI4O}INY BIJNS IOGO' TTTE REVERSE TO BE DICOFFEE BEANERY IOGO COI.ORS SIIALL BE IVORY FOR BI,,ASTED AREAS, AND TEAL FOR TEXT AND BACKGROUND AS SHCMN. '..4 SIZE- OPTION A - CIJP WITH SMOKE 22.5' WIDE X 19' HIGH ffiffi BRACKET TO BE SIIJ'ER/ AL,/ YEflI METAL BEI}T3 BflI3TTEffi{:f.8il. DE@RATTVE J7*an{ ,/,- / ) P.O. Box 2688,Vai, CO 81658 o Production Center: 910 Nottingham Rd., S-2, Avon, CO 81520 Eagle / Summit Counties: fi3.949-4565 . Aspen / Glenwood Springs: 303.945-5695 FAX: 303.949-4670 -Tt n D{vq,J {+tJo.c.tE-D A/24 TTtf LErry,rz,wc- Jf/t4 (r?.+t'xnA), *(-' Qt',t.V\ \\,/ rcfz{>- JA'S: D' cu,qrri 8E4u0t-,7 (J-* utt*'t;t'-L*) f/f{ L.Lrtutlc- (atL,.-tL ( saz r--). 4P> 7v€ frn=zz<- {/r*-F<. (>tcrtol aa.a) 7V y'E u!6D <','-t Tffi ,,(1-""t7,*tc41 , Ptr-+lt L6.r /h€ 1<+tztL.t lF ,*au, ft-*lf /-^r7 q)uEJho.J-s oA tf /au /J,{Eb A,,tf 1th^t c- F-f*rtit 64"'-,^-, m/f , /-4.\'t:- 4.e e D.t 7, ?,ry Kt?lt?, o ? 2 R S ??t lno t E ? e t2345678?0 lane Berrand (303) 789_0533 FAX (303) ?89_0803 .F t oF=&.!{J\lJ +Z frJ ?-{ :!-r(5@=JJ> irJo eo -oOZ.trJ ==4FFI\ I J.:: -t,| ,- . ,',.li- : .,. t..lg, -ljj '<...l \-, r.: -,t O\r-tl . .': Sl ! i*-- g o) (! F-c).c) a_>14Jo_ EaII B E, &ql@9 B sE E€iggE PE€r53 E Ig$s D.(D\T Project Application i,u////au// projecroescription. l/eUt €t4/U2 (2 7// fpanlft Fo f,qst lr,zuqEf fl,U,,sra^eUfion tVra t t ltt l/uWr .1'/AtshraAfut' [.ttv/H''GrFr{Proiect Name: Konr""t person and enone JAtl lrf"il/il7 d0/ D (bEZ OzttL AZ ' r b . -.. , - I (o ,e ^ q7?' a6o8 ot /7/-76t/ Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: Legal Descriptio n, tor*-'" '--. ,i"r ';" , Fiting l/nt Utt'tEt /ar , zon" 4tg, 4g- Com ments: Design Review Board ,^" ,/frt Motion by:rtr,q( Seconded by: /-a G'nsrPf //fzo'tT'DISAPPROVAL summary: t : t) ?t frz'trcfiu! frftv z.\ 5n Eozz' r7z/ Bz.lFP *zrArs fl/ltkFartze,/t'rf .42r.4</./ rz> E statt Approval Sit -,1model A Bttowze- t I J I l I i Rtc'D$EP 501993 Ij . AllPERSAllDSIUD|0S, lllC GrophcDesisn ffFIl A,,., , I l, : 3l55t.Poul Streer,Denver,t080206 \103388-1211 / 23 Apdl 1991 Mr. Mike Rose Town of Vail Public WorkdTransportation Department 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 re: llay l, DRB Review, Vall Transportatlon Genter, SlgnagdGraphics Dear Mike, Please find attached 2 sets of drawings lor DRB outlining recommendations and revisions to lhe WC signage. Based on our meetings with you, and our wolk during the schematic design phase we have reached the iollowing conclusiom and recommendalions: 'l. Colors on signs and wall graphics should be revised: The colors at the top levels (4 and 5) orthose vbible lrom the village shouH be changed lrom oranire and red lo a dark green or acceptrable earth tones. Colors can get brigtrter as you go down levels or where they are not visible from the Village. (see illuslration) We recommend pql using Yellow. 2. Designs for new animal figures would be used on each level. 3. New irientification signs for the Transportalion Center ( individual letters) uould rephce the existing brighl green lD sign 4. Change white (phstic) PVC sign Parhng and Fxit 1'x I'to Medex (wood) Park and Exit 1' x 6' background color to be the level color. 5. Replace small pededrian guide signs (1' copy) with hrger simple messages ie: Vdil Village/Ariow (6' copy) or Symbols (see illustration). Use backs of pa*irtg and exil signs for these messages where appropriate. 6. Use better symbol for stairs (see illustration) All doors to be painted level color before new symbols are applied. 7. A guidelinefor retail signage will be established along with improvements for directories and in$ructional signage and Transpoilation inlormation once a preliminary budget and phasing is determined and apprcved. Respectfully, r-ll-\ ,/./ -tzz+t--(rzt',+-David Clune John Kjos DC/me enclosure tr Town of Vail Signage lmprovement Program April 1991 Vail Transpottation Centet Sionaoer/Graphics WaiiGdthiAb Recommendations and Cost Estimate Wall GraohlcsPfiid o'n ;nA walls and pedeslrian exits as shown below: Level 1 Cost per Level Design Development $ Fabrication and Inslallation $. April 1991 Vail Transportation Cenler H'#g*g,ffiliH" and cosr Esrimares P7 Pedeetdan Gulde/Ulalltway lD Slgns Replace existing 3O'x3O'PVC Panels Add pedestrian guide messag€ to backs ol pad</exit signs €Vail E MBEEI ALTERNATIVE Re-use white PVG panels for ped. gulle signs wall mount Cost per Lwel Design Developrnent $ Fabrication and Instalhtbn $. oltrrob|!iLd o.br P8 Door lD Slgns - scorchlite VDC - Doorpainted lwel cobr - New svrnbol for Stairs up and Stairs down Cost per Level Design Development $ Fabrication and Instalhtion $ April 1991 Vail Tra mportatio n Cenler Sionaoey'GraphicsC&t Estimat'es and Becommerdations P5 Vehlcular Dlrestional h6plic'i-Jxi6tin-|iEElift'oopy on wtrile PVc(plastic) sigm with Medex(wood) signs described below: Existinq Siqn: 1'x 8' FVf(attached in 3 phces) Beplace Yield and Watch for Ped signs wilh poit mounteO sign/syrrbol at cross walks Strire walks New sign: - 1'x 6' Medex (attach 2 places) - 1/2" Medex - Paint backoround level color -. . - Coov Whitd Reflective VDC - Cable Mounl to Concrete T - Center Sign over Driving lane 24' x 24' post mouted signs Coet per level Design Developmenl E Fabrication and lnslal|ation $ '"1*@ @ @@ @@ Ol!|!r b !.r lva cdqr @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Add srnaller Pedestrian Gost per level Design Dwelopmenl $ guide sign m€ssages e@o Fabrication and lnstalhtion 89lt' lz0 xol I tzl'08t ouo{daPl 7?ts a/ 2JA *' 9g79g91 raruog lao{S'riSte 'uQsoO rydrC / .tdl,SOFntS g}fiSUdW t pll lh/Y ^ ,.9T.r5 trJ J pqs 891il20 roj Itzt 88r auqdqat 90208 0l'ro u00,Fa{s $ 5 tt ,u0ts00 \dug / )ill 5orcrus 0ilvsulduf I gFNfuVJ 2ee2 ,, ,q.. lLh *, iilqdoig/a0ou0g :Ftuo) uopopodsuorg po1 rhf 1*s ri$ j $$t i$N (-I,' ll Lr'-- -- -' pqs / EHw 8ilt'tztfol ttzt'sge0rqdqol 90208011a/wa010qsrsste'lj0!sa0lqdus / xl,torcrusowsltdtv ,rpil tbft w uDrl llDA \ \ .o I I I iz l1 :l al 9.'r.lli -t- @ JI!t !il te ..-a:- ).. ') l; 5al,P i.t'. i-n, '!i!' . irf '-: ,T' nit0l .ro ::r1! t. ;F I itit; I I[/n ! :*j ;F 1'.l3 i. IJ gglt f-Zt rl t Ut SSS *qlrpf COAS O1 'rarua6 1ae6 6 S 16 'u0poq rqdoq / :fff ,OfOruS OWSUldtl pqs 85tt tn ml I tzt 889 ouqdqai 24/dv/b aUrAepl 90209 0)'ra\uag'la04S U Ste'uqsaqt{drS / ltt,SOtOtUS qltvggdfy elol s{qqnr tL/4 * .A\l-l I 3t o-l +lF. ..4- 91.'r.llt -t- ,-.L-,iil*l \ \ \ -\ II lexls 851,'l.zt xDl t tzt 8m auoqdaPl + n?ffi* Q/H4W? 42urY) 9g79g 61 teauaq 'roo{s rs s tg '!Qss0 tqdwg / )ilt totcJus oltysrtdwtt $10[ ioqr^,tr tb/+ epo s)rqd0lC/000u0g5 :roluo) uolioUodsuDrl tlDA \ i ,.--. \'rD \ -t \ :l 1\;t Ii Fl 'l \rrF | \l Eli :{ \ €D\ i'\ I rf -, ,, ?] ,r' if-' ':- il, -{lll '.i' l- I i.; r. SStt'tzt rDJ ltzt'0$ qqdqol 90z0go'rsrrt 100{s 6sts '/0$s0rg0', / n,soFrusowsuaw tpl t|ls ; E4flu 'qfr tb/, {ql ?zur?? s)tqd'lg/a0ou0r5 :$tuo) uoltouodsuort ;p1 J1l- qi @ a .idl0 trl lir 3rsl dEl I zl. cli al' /rAt;t .i\lrl litrs Project Application o, fr./ h, Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone c,/2_, Adr UA q)q- 2rt/ Owner, Address and Phone: Archilect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: el,st /,2t B lock Filing / u. rA Design Review Board La'^7 APPROVAL Date Molion by: Seconded by: DISAPPBOVAL --/ Town Planner E Statt Approval I I :ti'l' APPIJCATION DATE 8IGN,/ITNI NC IPPIJICITTON (Please Prlnt or $Pe) NN{E OF PRq'ECI NN{E 08 PERSON SUBUITTING PHONE ADDRESS NN,IE OF troxrTunE ol I.OCATION O8 OWNER oNEs.f3-g-fe_ ADDRES9 I I tt n^ \GorrtFFrrr \ /, | [r'r.." I -,-..^t -'rr,-1r.. kr.a \ Qlr\€ u'- DESCRIPTION OF PROJECI Nr '' , o 'tt { \ €' fli't"t " '*' r\o THE FOLTTWTNG INFORI{ATION IS BF.qUI3ED rol-9-!'!IlrrArJ Br THE APPLICNII PRIOR rO rHg nsouesT BEING ECHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGII REVIEI{ EOARD. A' DEscRrPTroN oF THE srGN'/AwNrNG PROJECTING, ETC}, INCI,UDE SIGN (FREE BTNIDTNG, llALrJ, I{ESSAGE. B.SIGN OR AWNING UATERIAI, c. SrzE oF ovER,ALr, sIGN, SrzE OF IJTTERTNG AIID I'GO D. 8. IIEIGHT OF DESCRIBE SIGN ABOVE GRADE T..IGIITING (EXT8IINC OR PROPOSED) F. G. H. tENCTlt oF BUSTNESS FnoNTACE (Er) CoNDot{INIt}tASSOCIATION APPROVAL TAITACHI $20.00 FEE PAID - CIIECK I 1.-2.- 3. - ll .-3. - 6.- Slte Plan;i;;.ii;E Bhowlng exact locatlon of slsn or awnlng on the butldlngii'dl'diriirti st ouing-lioposea locatlon Cotoria -rcale drawlnE Saup1c of ProPoced Daterl?lE- -i[ologttP]iot- slgn lf avatlablc Project Application / / \/ t r\ r (, D"" Z/t ?/fr) proiecrName: Var l /arl(rn ,^ )1v.r1u* 'S,Trtttr€ Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Don *o r,/ seconded ort ln^ 4 APPROVAL </- 0 Dale Motion by: DISAPPROVAL Summary:th({/oo- fkt ".1u..*-pn/L,'eu.A *, b* -<-, /u *./,J L Lltd-t,44\p\J J,dtt<Jt, [/a,c n-.Ox- 4( 2 t1 '11/'\' 2-d < t't QAIL . Riz; Ltl'PAil7gX5', pAt{T6t{t.rj!-rofvr. zsf' r22cJ54C .''-Vrii ,1 ; t,i,,, i i ; ,i i '. il/ \-,'( I !"' t', .. '' ' ' -'-'' i '' ' ''i l F.{,,1 L t'. (, /. | /i y ti:f .L. 't' 't \ L4-ra'- F t)^ i]..'',- 1''| / il f 'la v< "lf It'o' '' Jllt' / ' / f/: "'' ' ,-i''t''i,''r..,-l 11'''t" l't.) / rl/ <,Lr, /,- a.t 1rL\r 7t ,,' ,-ta r'1, Iltr''-'''' -1t (-)/ L' 1' \ 1/' Vail Parking Structure Signage 9/L9/9o Design Review Board Meeting. The signagte was presented here for the first tine by Scott ward of Michael Barber Architects. Betsy Rosolack was the staff liason. The staff had not had an opportunity to review the signage before the meetJ.ng. LO/3 Scott Ward met with Mike Mollica and Shelly ltello to show the changes made that had been suggested by the Design Review Board. Mike and Shelly made additional suggestions for changes to the signage. Lo/Lo Scott Ward rnet with Betsy to review the changes he had made to the sign proposal . Betsy told Scott that the staff needed to review the proposal and must see the proposed colors before they could give Barber the go ahead on production, and that if production was started without Corununity Developrnent authorization, it was at Barberrs own risk. LO/LS Betsy called Scott to ask for the color samples. LO/L6 Staff neeting. Staff deternined that the proposal needed to go back to the Design Review Board and also made suggestions. Lo/L7 Interdepartmental neeting. Stan met with staff and discussed their reguests. Lo/Lg Design Review Board neeting where approval was given with conditions and changes. vail Parking Structure Signage lo/L7/9o The staff received color samples on LO/LG and met to discuss the program. The staff agreed with the DRB in the followinq: 1. The colors should be more subtle. Maybe the red could be a deep red, the green a greyed ftreen' the yellow a gold, etc. 2. The animal thene should be retained. In addition, the staff felt: L. That the directional signs should be trirnmed (cut off) so that no excess material remains. 2. The logo for Vail as used in the Lionshead Transportation Center should be used on the Vail Parking Structure sign at the main entrance. 3. The word rrcenterrr should be added to rrVail Transportationrt LO/L7 fnterdepartrnental Meeting Stan agreed: 1. The directional signs would be trimmed off. 2. The colors should be resubmitted With regard to using the V logo, Stan explained that the Design Review Board had discussed this at a meeting early in the year, and had felt it would be better to keep the signage without the logo. He disagreed with the addition of the word, rrcenterr', stating that this added confusion with the transportation center which was the bus tenninal . VAIL PARKTNG STRUCTURE SIGNAGE This went to DRB on 9/L9. The staff had not had tine to see it. The Design Review Board made some changes, then gave approval to all proposed signs with the exception of the signs which identify the sections and leve1s of the structure. The following conditions apply: ,.'L. The lighting shall be made a warmer tone. 2. The identification sign for the identification of various sections and levels of the parking structure should be ,' nodified and presented to the staff for approval . The DRB "L felt the two circles should be made one circle and reduced in size (they were presented at 18") and the colors should be more subtle. Ned preferred using the animal therne. 3. ceorge suggested painting thg i$entifying qolors<--ogt lhl Sxlt -ui.-and entfancg doofs. tn St ,(z ,i 4J- 517- ''4 cr--' - >c c tt fa')i aA\ ra r- ,,. tl ,.* =.-f "l .,4 n...d. | ' 4...1 The interior directory signs would be changed to elirninate the\ addition of a large arrow, and arrows would be placed next to 6Z'each item on the list. / '' ,"1 Srnall identification be placed on the eastbe reduced in size.lighted due to their The consultants agreed to signs for the information center would and west and the sign on the south would These three signs would not be halo srnaller size. make the requested changes. \rr \\ .,/ IL. 1n-,, (l b"a C cL t'r* ,r{,.:i .[ ,- )"'-'''{ f2to lno^DwAY sullE 600 otNvEt cor.oR^oo so1o3.5(06 rlltphoN€ 303 g3t orlt fAcs|M[r lot alr 0600 , ";r - 1 'l ) "(+l ?t. ,x) a7!45 l'llctnEL BffiBER ARCH,(P.?/3 |||lciltil. 8t[8tr A[[tilttcrl,rt VAIL TNANSPOFTATION CENTERPROJECT NUMEEB 22209 MEETING MINUTES TOWN OF VAtuDEStqN REVTEW BOARO Date ol Me6tlng: lg September 1990uare ot tssue: 20 geptember lgg0 Locetlan: Town ol Valt Attendees: Deslgn Revlew Board: Town ol Vail: i g. Berryman Weber Destsn: g:ff;:n, MBA: S. Ward-' Prepared by: Scott Ward ' The Deslgn Revlew Board's. maln concems wirh .tho slgnage package aspres€nled sre rhar too much emphasrs rs ptaced on th-e oiuh".J ,ti f,ep_:99:tll1" stsnase and rhe..amoLnt or pldc-"r-LqurreJ rJi;;;-"b""i;urrnecessary. A rnore shnpllstlo approach io tln signage ls deslred. The requ€sts ot the Dsslgn Revlew Board foratrv€ ro the srgnege package are: .01 Dhec'tlonar/lnrornrailonar sJonase - comblne alr fnrormailon o' one srgn.Revlse and resubmlt lor Desb;l Revtew goaro 6talf approval. '02 Pedestdan Exterror Entry grgnage - combrne e[ hilolm'tron on of* rlon.Reduce scate and corlr firen-sity t;b" 'dtl;; ;il';il;i.il I Deslgn Revlew Board stall approvat. -.v'-' '€Hl' '"' '03 vehrcufar Dhectionar and palkingAow crEarance slgnage .. proceed w,th :lgnage as pres€nrsd pro/ded-inat att lnioimatron rg combrned on one | - - r stgn. .04 Bus Route ldentificatlon 0lgnage _ prooeed as presented wllhoutsrccpa.,n / Mafn Entry gfgnage - proceed wlth ratsed fener, neon.back llr slgnage. **.:*:*,!ev !'r.,r rqrDrlv lr!'lrEt, nson. oacr( lll glgnag6. ry',, ^JJ\€=:: 4 \. Il:ffjlaoyl^lgnqgr slonage - procecd wlrh rebed rener, n€on bac,(lil slgnage. Locate the sl-gn cenrered on rhe north erevailon beneath rhe excefllon .05 .06 softlt. 2t ,9@ 07'06 t'tICFtAEf_ BffiEER ARCH*P,3/3 Vail Transportetlon Qenter Moeilng Mlnutes 1g September 1gg0 Pege 2 .07 Inlomatlon center $lgnage - proceed with raised letter neon back lil slgnage on the nodh elevbtlon., proceed wlth down $lzed rals€d lsltor slgnage wllhout back llght at th€ south. sest and wsst elevarlon, NorEr For all neon back ilr stgnago, reduce ths Int€nstty ot ths neon llght to. sttah the warmest whlte llght posslble. These meetlng minutes r€flect our undsrsrandlng of subleots discussed and declslons reached. Please advlse us of any corrictlons 6r addltlons. ACTION ITEMS .!eE Sublea .01 DkealonaUlnlormatlonal. glgnage ,O2 Pedesrlan Exterlor Entry Slgnage sWlmh $vanmeelmh,drb) co: All AttendeesMBA: M. Berbor C. Thomas Vaun 22289 I F-esponsjb.ill$ Date Due MBA A.S.A.P. MBA A.S.A,P. To: From: Date: Re: stan Berrlman, Kristan Pritz Cornnunity Development Departnent October 18, 1990 Vail Parking Structure Signage, Design Review Board Meeting of Lo/L7/9O The Design Review Board reviewed the proposed changes to the signage and approved then with the following conditions: 1. Remove the slash narks between the letters and nunbers. 2. The two additional colors will be resubuitted. These must be more subtle colors. For example, the red should be muted to perhaps a cranberry. The orange perhaps a russet, etc. 3. The board felt that it was inportant to naintain the aninal theme that existed on the original structure. At the same time, they recognized the need to have the signage in place when the structure opened in Novenber. They asked that the aninal thene be expanded to the new part of the structure and to the pedestrian entrances as soon as possible. Stan Berrynan agreed with the board and stated that he would pursue this-and that it probably could be done within a two-year tirne frame, working with Aurpersand. The staff asked that any additional excess naterial on the directional sigms be trinned off. They also felt that the extra btank board would encouragte graffiti and vandalisrn. f I { '/)t^-' \.*')rf vU v \\,.",of,o S."/ bt^-J''nA.tr/ o,fl- J^- G1Xt',rt=1 -'/f,a,f -4 /^ ,- /=.K r/2..1,-y'' o 2 cg-.r.- eo / at- o /.- L- r, , /r- --Ztw"r/ - /z /l- yrrt-/. -L c-*(^_ r *?-{" un L^,-,7 1of/r "1^r// *8"^^;--t' 7v*bu 4^ ? o b*.L +, O'L-6 ,,, '.'II APPI,ICATION DATE aIGN/TTNINO TPPLTCITION ) r-t1 - z\oo PROJEgI OF PRqTECT THE FoLITWING INFoRI'iATIoN Is BEAUIEED FoR aUBIiITTAL' BY rBE epif,rCAnt PRIOR To IttE REQUEST BEING SCI1EDUL;ED BEFoRE rHD DESIGII REVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE PRO'ECTING, ETC) ' srGN/Al,fNrNG INCLUDE EIGN (FREE STANDING, I{ALIJ, I{ESSAGE' {l*"3; II*,?1"3' ryt" Vn, \ T^.+"'+4"^ NN'rE oF pERsoN suBt{rrrrNc ['\l\(e -Rol.f pnoueAfl9-Zt.l3 ADDRESS NA}IE OF OIINER ADDRESS SIONTTURE OT I'CATION OF DESCRIPTION orx8R B.srcN oR AwNrNc uArERrAr,B\bEJ- t\,\e+A\ /PIFS+lc -' ll c. srzE oF oVERALL SrGN, AIZE OF IJTTERTNG A}ID r-Go D. E. ITEIGHT OT DESCRIBE SIGN ABOVE GR,ADE IJGHTING (EXISUNG oR PROPOSED) r. G. H. t.ENGTtt oF BUSTNESS TRONTAGE (rr) CoNDottINIlrl{ ASSOCIATION APPRoVAL (ATTACHI 920.O0 FEE PAID - CHECK I 1 2 3 1 3 6 Slte Plan;i;;"ii;B Ehowlng exact locatlon of s!'gn or awnlnq on the bullding il;;Gtilns--sr,owrng pioposed locatlon color;d icale drawing Sanple of ProPosed uaterlals -ifi"iograprr- of- elgn lf available +t.,, /8t'/o/' /\/ / t,'L- / c{trec-7'r tt'' o //+/</7/Dale I / -/L,I Project Application Sr A r'V<-. (1t< ,srr-.f'uo Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Conlact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing fu't--2,, , Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date APPFOVAL ./7q -o DISAPPROVAL Summary: D statt Approval ;tt i.r l|!lct|lt[ BIRBIR tn0ll lllcTufit 1.. . l lt' 1i.' ,,rr,{ ''', | '''| '-'' r'\ \-';28 February 1991 Mr. Mike Rose Town of Vail Department of Public Works/Trans. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 816s7 RE: Vall Transportatlon Center Lane Indicator Lights-DRB Projea Numbet 2?289 Dear Mike: 1l ,t1 il ' r l'-.' ,, tr 't,.tI 1 I '. t.. t'This letter is in response to your letter of 25 February '1991 regarding the r l design review board's approval of the lane indicator lights at the main entry. I ln Kristan Pritz's letter dated 27 February 1990, final approval was given for the Vail Parking Structure Expansion, provided the following conditions have been met. 1. Main entry columns should be scaled down. 2. Bevise the light fiKures on top of the columns.3. Public parking sign to read 'Vail Parking'4. Presentation of the signage package. All conditions outlined by Ms. Priu have been addressed and incorporated into the final design by Michael Barber Architecture. No mention of revising entry lane indicator lights as presented was required by Ms, Pritz, furthermore, the lane indicator lights were shown on the approved signage package at that time. No mention of revision to the lights was addressed. Please find the attached drawings indicating the revisions as we understood them to be required for final approval. Sincerely, MICHAEL BARBER ARCHITECTURE t{dtuhrl Scott Ward SWard/km (c:Vdl\lil.ltr) Enclosures: Kristan Pritz letter dated, 27 February 1990. Design review board approval of 3'l January 1991. Two garage entry elevation dtawings. Entry Elevation Presented with Signage cc: MBA: (1) F. Walicki, (21 Vaun 22289 MICHAEI. BARBER ARCHITECTURE PROFESSIONAT CORPORATION 1290 BROADWAY SUITE 600 DENVER COLORADO 80203-s606 TE|-EPHONE 303 837 0555 FACSTMILE 303 837 0600 75 soulh f;onlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 4792139 108 H0. 0rrgnrl tl:Vnult:._ r' Cantr!.1- _-___-_ lifR0: __._...- ,_._ ... 8[: .---_* _ Mrrlclir:: Ccpics: -,_--. offlce ol communlty developmenl project will bean upcoming February 27, L99O Ms. Kathy HarhaiMichael Barber Architecture 1290 Broadway, Suite 600Denver, Colorado BOZ03 RE: Design Review Board Approval of Vail Village parkingStructure Dear Kathy: on January 31r L99o' the.Design Reviehr Board gave final approvalto the vail virrage parking structure expansi6n with the - foll.owing condition: l-. The signage, entry and lighting for thepresented to the Design Review Board atmeeting as soon as possible. The rnotion was made by pat Herrington and seconded by Ka.thyWarren. The rnotion received approval 3-0. The concerns with the parking structure entry included thefol lowing: L. The architecLure had too rnuch of a period look.The light fixtures on top of the coiurnns were notappropriate. The height of the entry columns should bescaled down. The rights would look rnore appropriate ifthey were placed on the column wall as opposea- to thetop of the column. 2. r The public parking sign shalL be changed to read Vailparking. 3. The hourglass stair on the east side of the niain staircorridor shall be slightly adjusted so that the wallsparallel each other. (I think you understand what fan talkjng about. Thls is very dlfficult to describein writing. ) 4. Snowberry, honeysuckle and cottoneaster should not beused as shrubs for the project. At this tirne, r have scheduled the project for the March 7thDesign Review Board nreeting. rf this 6ate is not acceptableplease let me know. The next DRB neeting woul-d be on March 21st.rf you have any questions please feel free to carl at 47g-2L3g. Sincerely, \/ ^l r,,\ lttfhii{iTn'Kristan Pr'itzActing Director Connunity Developnent KP/PP cc: Stah Berryman Projecl Application il)\i Prolect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Archilect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Filing - Taaa Best copy Available Comments: Design Review Board rr.- I Motion by: 1I'|{Ir'' l' seconded or, \1i :'Ll r Itrr /(ir'rOate | | ,l | '.' t DISAPPBOVAL t\ Summary: E Statt Approval t€r'd .l=tr=r't = r : I t-'t H r I€-!==-€t=:|l-t5r5=cr -j ) \!l OL Ja G u{) AJU $At t oB(\) ; z Ho \JO o I(a .,': I it e Ia eo..\ 1 AJ\ {v a ut 0 Ps -g 2 p ds .J o .: o i, .:l ' :,i' i- i: ''''l \FIL E o c otlice ot communlty dqclopment OPY lnwn 75 loulh hontage ro.d Yall. coloiado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (sr3) f?$2139 Dlarch 21, 1991 !Ir. Scott ward Dtichael Barber Architecture l29O BroadwaySuite 6OO Denver, co 80203-5606 Dear scott: I am writing this letter in response to your letter dated February 28, 1991 concerning the tane indicator lights at tbe main entry. I feel it is necessary to correct the history of this project. As I stated in my February 27, 1990 letter, on January 31, 1990, the Design Review Board_qtave-final approval to the val-1 Village'Parking Structure Expansion with the following condition: 1. The signage, entry and lighting for the project will be presented-to the besign Review Board at an upconing neeting as soon as possible. on ltarch 7, 1990, the entry for the VaiI Village Parking Structure was approved. The approved drawing fro:n Michael Barber Architects is dited March 7, 1990. At that meeting, there atas no discussion of the indicator lights. In fact, the Design Review Board approval stated: 'rlighting and signage to be reviewed by Design Review Board at a fater date.rt Please see the attached Uarch 7, L99L DRB approval sheet. In addition. when the signage for the entire Parking Structure was reviewed, there was no information on the indicator lights in the submittal package. i Mr. Scott Wardltarch 2L, I99]- Page 2 Uy purpose for outlining the sequence of events here is to enphasize that these lights were never discussed at Desigm Review Board level . I believe we can rectify this situation by bringing the proposal to the Design Review Board at their April 3rd neeting. If you have any further questl-ons about this iten, please feelfree to contact me. Once again, f believe the issue can beresolved. However, I think it is inportant to nake sure that thehistory of the project is accurate. Sincerely, {"irfon l-'\ Kristan Pritz Cornmunity Developnent Director /abEnclosurecc: Mike Rose Project Application Project Name: Proiect Oescription: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board L"e't-Vli ""," 3i)1?O Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL V SISAPPROVAL,t / iL-1,- | / aa''