HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5E TRACT C AUSTRIA HAUS AKA SONNENALP SDD 35 1997 APPROVAL PART 3 OF 5 LEGALMEMOR,ANDUM To: Vail Town Council From: Community Development Deparhnent Date: April 11,1997 Re: Austria Haus RedeveloPment The second reading of Ordinance ifl, Series of 1997, an ordinancs establishing Special Dcvclopment District #35, Austria Haus, is schcduled on thc Town Council agenda for Tuesday, April 15, 1997. Thc Planning and Environmental Commission will be holding a hearing on the amendcd Austria Haus redevelopment proposal at2:00 p.m., Monday, April 14, in the Town Council Chambers, This meeting is open to the public and community members reprcscnting all points of view are encouragcd to attend. You will not find a copy of the staff memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission or a revised draft ordinance in your packet. Staff had not yet completed the ncccssary review ofthe amended SDD proposal, updating ofthe draft ordinance and writing thc memoranda when the Council packcts were distributed. To insurc that the Council members receive the necessary information in a timely manner, a second packet will be hand delivered by no later than l0:00 a.m., Monday, April 14. We apologize for any inconvenience this may causc. We arc working actively to keep this item on the April 15 Council agenda to insure that thc Town Council's review of the proposed Austria Haus redevelopment occurs at a timc when all members are present. If you have any questions regarding the proposcd Austria Haus amemdcd redevelopment proposal, please do not hesitatc to contact George Ruther in the Community Dcvclopment Department staff. MEMORANDUM TO: Town Council FROM: Community Dcvclopmcnt Dcpartmcnt DATE: April 15, 1997 SUBJECT: AustriaHausRcdcvclopmcnt On Tucsday, March 25, 1997, the Town Council hcld an aftcmoon workscssion and cvcning public hcaring to discuss thc first rcading of Ordinancc #4, Scrics of 1997 (Austria Haus SDD). Following tcstimony from thc public and discussion of thc ordinance, thc Council approved Ordinancc #4 (5-2 Armour & Ford in opposition) with scven conditions. Sincc thc March 25th mcctings, thc applicant has rcspondcd to cach of thc conditions and issucs. Thc conditions ofapproval and thc applicant's rcsponsc to thc conditions arc as follows: I . That all thc rcquirc<l parking spaccs bc constructcd on-sitc rathcr than paying into thc Town Parking Fund. Thc Council will considcr a land tradc and/or a land lcasc with thc applicant to achicvc thc on-sitc parking rcquircmcnt. Applicant's rcsponse: . 66 on-sitc vehicle parking spaces have been incorporated into the design ofthe underground parking structure. o d land trade is requested by the applicant to accommodate the expanded underground structure on the property. Ifthe land trade is acceptable to the Council, a minor subdivision of the property will be required. 2. That two (2) crccksidc dwclling units (fractional fcc club units) be convertcd to accommodation units. Applicant's response: . The interior floor plans have been reconfigured. As a result, four accommodation units have been placed on the creekside of the Austria Haus on the first level. 3. That the applicant install and operatc the strcct hcating systcm undcr East Mcadow Drivc, adjacent to the Austria Haus. l. Rcconsidcr thc rcstriction on rcstaurant usc in thc building. Applicant's Response . The applicant continues to voluntarily agree to restrict restaurant use in the Austria Haus as desired by the Village Center Condominiunr Association (see attached). 2. Incrcasc thc strcam sctback distancc along thc south sidc ofthc building to providc furthcr protcction of Gore Crcck. .. Applicant'sResponse: r Thc Austria Haus building footprint has been shifted to the north seven feet. As a result, the building footprint is norv 62 feet from the centerline of Gore Creek. 3. Explorc rcmoving scvcral lock-off units with thc intent of rcducing thc overall squarc footagc of thc building, Applicant's Response: . Six lock-off units were removed with minimal impact on the overall square footage of the building. 4, Rcmovc thc clock tower from thc building. Applicant's Response: . The clock torver has been removed. 5. Incrcasc thc ratio of accommodation units to fractional fcc units. Applicant's Response: . The ratio of accommodation units to fractional fee units has been increased slightly due to the addition of two more hotel rooms. For additional details on the amended proposal for the establishmcnt of Spccial Devclopment District #35 and Ordinancc #4, Series of 1997, pleasc sce the staff memoranda to the Planning and Environmcntal Commission dated Fcbruary 24, and April 14, 1997. ORDINANCE NO.4 Series of 1997 Do.lt'€Da1slfl 1't AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO.35, AUSTRIA HAUS; ADOFTING A DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR SPEC|AL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 35 IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 18.40 OF THE VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE; AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS lN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, Chapter 18.40 ot the Vail Municipal Code authorizes special development districis within the Town in order to encourage flexibility and creativity in the development ol tand in order to promote its most appropriate use and to improve the design character and quality of new development within the Town of Vail and to further the overall goals of the community as stated in the Vail Comprehensive Plan: and WHEREAS, the Vail Town Council believes that the establishment ol Special Development District No. 35 benefits the Town of Vail by enhancing and preserving the hotel bed base, increasing relail shoppino opportunilies, generating sales tax revenue. implementing streetscape improvements to East Meadow Drive and Slifer Square, and ensuring deed restricted employee housing for at least '12 employees; and WHEREAS, the developer. Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., has submitted an application for the establishment of Special Development District No.35, for a certain parcel ol property within the Town, legally described as on a part of Tract C, Block 5-D. Vail Village First Filing and more commonly referred to as the Austria Haus: and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 18.65.140, the Planning and Environmental Commission, on February 24, 1997, and with the Design Review Board on April 14, 1997, held a public hearings on the establishment of Special Development District No. 35, and has foMarded its recommendation of approval to the Town Counci'; and WHEREAS, all notices as requhed by Section 18.66.080, have been sent to the appropriate parties; and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers that it is reasonable, appropriate, and beneficial to the Town and its citizenry, inhabitants, and visitors to establish Special Development District No. 35; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has held a public hearing as required by Chapte|I8.66 of the Municipal Code of the Town o{ Vail. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TO\^N COUNCIL OF THE TO\^iN OF VAIL. COLORADO. TIJAT: S!.i.s ol 1997 sEcroN 1 The Town Council finds that all the procedures set forth for Special Development Districrs in Chapter 18.40 of the Municipal Code ol the Town of Vail have been fully satisfied. SECTION 2 Special Development Disvict No. 35 is established to ensure comprehensive development and use of an area in a manner that will be harmonious and compatible with the general character ot the Town, will provide adequate open space, deed resvicted employee housing lor twelve (12) employees, streetscape improvements to East Meadow Drive, public improvements lo Slifer Square and other amenities, and will promote the objectives of the Town's Zoning Ordinance. The development is regarded as complementary to lhe Town by the Town Council and the Planning and Environmental Commission, and there are significant aspects ol the special development district which cannot be satisfied through the imposjtion ol a standard zoning district on the area. SECTION 3 Special Developmenl Districl No. 35 is established for the proposed developmenl on a parcel of land, legally described as on a part ol Tract C, Block 5-D, Vail Village First Filing, comprising 24,089 square feev 0.553 acres in the Vail Village area 0f the Town. Said 24,089 square feeV 0.553 acres may be referred to as "SDD No. 35." SECTION 4 The Town Council finds that the Approved Development Plan for SDD No. 35 meets each of the standards set forth in Section 18.40.080 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail. or demonslrates that either one or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved. In accordance with Section 18.40.040, the Approved Development Plan for SDD No.35 is approved. The Approved Development Plan is comprised of those plans submitled by Pierce, Segerberg and Associales Architects and Design Worksh0p, Inc., and consists of the following documenls: 1 . Existing Conditions, dated April 14, 1 997, revised per Town Council (Design Workshop). 2. Comparison of Existing and Proposed Footprints, dated April 14. 1997. revised as Town Council (Design Workshop). Overall Site Plan, dated April 14. 1997, revised as per Town Council (Design Workshop). Lancjscape Plan. dated April 14. 1997. revised as per Town Council (Design Workshop). Grading Plan, dated April 14. 1 997, revised as per Town Council (Design Workshop). Schematic Drainage and Utility Plan, dated April 14, 1997, revised as per Town Council (Design Workshop). Sanos ol i 9!,7 5. t). 17. 18. 7. Snowrnelt Areas Plan, dated April 14, 1997, revised as per Town Council (Design Workshop). 8. Sun/Shade Studies, dated April 14. 1997, rcviscd as pcr Town Council (Design Worlahop). L Garage-Level Floor Plan, dated Aprit 14, 1997 (Pierce Segerberg & Associates, Architects). 10. First-Level Floor Plan, dated April 14, 1997 (Pierce Segerberg & Associates, Architects). I I. Second-Lcvel Floor Plan. datcd April 14, 1997 (Pierce Segcrbcrg & Associates. Architccts). 12. Thkd-Level Floor Plan, dated April 14,1997 (Pierce Segerberg & Associates, Architects). 13. Fourth-Level Floor Plan, dated April 14, 1997 (Pierce Segerberg & Associates, Architectsr. 14. Penthouse-Level Floor Plan, dated April 14, 1997 (Pierce Segerberg & Associates, Architects). 15. Roof Plan, dated April 14, 1997 (Pierce Segerberg & Associates, Architects). 16. North/South Elevation Plan, dated April 14. t997 (Pierce Segerberg & Associates, Architects). Eastir'Vest Elevation Plan, dated April 14, 1997 (Pierce Segerberg & Associates, Architects). Tuming Radius Plan, dated April 14, 1997, (Design Workshop). SECTION 5 In addition to the Approved Development Plan described in Section 4 above, the following developmenl standards have been submitted to the Planning and Environmental Commission for its consideration and recommendation and are hereby approved by the Tom Council. These standards are incorporated in the Approved Development Plan to protect the integrity of the development of Special Development District No. 35. The lollowing are the development standards for Special Development District No. 35: A. Lot Area - The lol area consists of approximately 24,089 square feey 0.553 acres. B. Density Control -The maximum GRFA for the Auslria Haus shall not exceed 40,554 square feet. This figure includes 10,200 square feet of hotel accommodation units and 30,354 square feet of fractional fee club units. The approved density for the Austria Haus includes twenty- two (22) fractional fee club units, twenty-eight (28) hotel rooms (accommodalion units) and one (1) on-site manager's residence (Type lll Employee Housing Units), tor a total ot 36.5 dwelling units. C. Site Coverage - The maximum site coverage for Special Development District No. 35 shall not exceed i9,634 square feet, or 81% of the lot area, and shall be as indicated on the Approved Development Plans. D. Setbacks - The setbacks of the Austria Haus buildinq shall be as indicated on the Approved Development Plans. E. Landscaring - All landscaping shall be in accordance with the Approved Development or'Jina,.ce I Senes ol 1997 o Plans. F. Height - The maximum height of the Austria Haus building shall be as indicated on the Approved Development Plans. G. Parking and Loading - Section 18.52 of the Town of Vail Municipat Code prescribes the pad{ing requirements for development. A minimum of sixty-six (66) underground, on-site vehicte parking spaces shall be provided, in accordance with the Approved Development Plans. The required number of loading and delivery berths shall be a total of 1 berth, in accordance with the Approved Development Plans. H. Commercial Area - The maximum commercial area for Special Development District No. 35 shall not exceed 4,649 square feet, or 11% of the allowable GRFA, and shall be as indicated on the Approved Development Plans. l. Common Area - The maximum allowable common area tor Special Developmenl District No. 35 shall not exceed 14,004 square feet, or 35% of the allowable GRFA, and shall be as indicated on the Approved Development Plans. J. Uses - The underlying zoning for Special Development District No. 35 shall be Public Accommodation. The permitted, conditional and accessory uses shall be those listed in Chapter 18.22 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail with the exceotion of restaurants or similar food service ooerations. which shall nol be allowed. SECTION 6 The developer, agrees with the following conditions, which are a part of the Town's approval of the establishment of Special Development District No. 35: '1.That the applicant prepare a deed restriction or covenant, subiect to the Town Attorney's review and approval. restricting the current and future owner's ability to Iocate a restaurant or similar lood service operation on the Austria Haus property. Said deed restriction or covenant shall be recorded with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office prior to the applicant submitting for a building permit. That the applicant submit the following plans to the Department of Community Deve!opment for review and approval as a part of the building permit application for the Austria Haus: Tree Preservation Plan; Erosion Control and Sedimentation Plan: Construction Staging and Phasing Plan: Stormwater Management Plan; Site Dewatering Plan; and Traffic Control Plan. se.es oi 199; h c. I. 2 S. Roof Projection Plan (mechanical equipment) That the applicant provide deed restricted employee housing which complies with Town of Vail Employee Housing requirements (Chapter 18.57) for a minimum of twelve (12) employees, and that said deed restricted housing be made available for occupancy and the deed restriction(s) recorded with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder, prior to requesting a Temporary Certificate ol Occupancy tor the Austria Haus. That the following design considerations be carelully reviewed by lhe Design Review Board: A) That the mullions on fie windows and doors, as depicted on the building elevations, be a required element ot the Austria Haus proiect. B) That the applicant further modity the south elevation of the structure, as this elevation continues to be too architecturally repetitive. C) That the applicant revisit the originally contemplated design which incorporales the loading and delivery tacility in the underground parking structure. Staff believes that trying to accommodate loading and delivery in the tront entry drop-off area will result in conflicts between pedestrians, vehicles accessing the pa*ing structure, and delivery trucks. Statf understands the original design option may not be the desire of the owners of the Village Center Condominiums, yet we believe the impact can be mitigated with appropriate screening. D) That the improvemenls recommended for East Meadow Drive, as depicted in the approved Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan, be implemented as a part of the Austria Haus project. This includes a reduction in street width from 30 feet to 26 feet (14 foot bus lane and 12 foot attached, paver pedestrian walk). E) That the applicant increase the roof overhangs on the building. Currently, the overhanqs vary from two feet to three feet. Staff would recommend that all the roof overhangs be a minimum of three teet, with the exception of the overhangs 0n the dormers. F) That a minimum of 25 lineal feet of additional glass area (55o/d be added to the ground tloor (north and east elevations) of the structure. This would make the Austria Haus generally consistent with the transparency ol other Odinere 4 s*a. ol 1997 4. buildings in the Village. G) That the applicant review and modify the balcony configuration on the building in order to eliminate the repetitive nature of the existing design, particularly on the south elevation. The majority of the balconies on the Austria Haus are located on the south side of the building, although several french balconies have been incorporated into the design of the north side of the building on the upper floors. H) That the applicant prepare a comprehensive sign program tor the Austria Haus. The comprehensive sign program shall be reviewed and approved by the DRB prior to the issuance ot a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. l) That the Design Review Board carefully review the combination ol the proposed exterior building materials and how they are applied to ensure that a high-level of archilectural quality is maintained. 5. Based upon the Approved Development Plans, and by agreement between the Town of Vail and the applicant, there will be an exchange of land between the parties. This will be by general warranty deed, pursuant to any required provisions in lhe Charter and the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail. Prior to the execution of such deeds, access to the property can be obtained by an easement from the Town ot Vail to lhe applicant. Additionally, there is required an approval of a minor subdivision by the PEC within ninety (90) days from the effective date of Ordinance #4, Series of 1997 and that all costs incurred to suMivide the property be the responsibility of the applicant and not the Town ol vail. 6. That the applicant review the north elevation plan for the Austria Haus and provide additional acrhitectural relief to the building. 7 - That the applicant agrees not to remonstrale against a streamwalk, in lhe Town of Vail stream tract, adjacent lo the Austria Haus should the Town choose to expand the streamwalk in the future. SECTION 7 Amendments to the Approved Development Plan which do not change its substance may be approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission at a regularly scheduled public hearing in accordance with the provisions of Sections 18.66.060 and 18.40.100. Amendments which change the substance of the Approved Development Plan shall be required to be approved by the Town Council after the above-procedure has been followed. The Community Development Depa(ment shalldetermine what constitutes a change in the substance ol the Approved Development Plan. in accordance with the Municioal Code of the Town of Vail. sEcTroN I The developer must begin construction ot the Special Development District within three (3) years from the effective date of this ordinance, and continue diligently loward completion of the project. lf the developer does not begin and diligently work towards the completion of the Special Development District, or at any stage of the Special Development District, the developer shatl recommend to the Town Council that either the approval of Special Development District No. 35 be extended, that the approval of Special Development District No. 35 be revoked or that Special Development District No. 35 be amended. SECTION 9 lf any part, section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity otthe rem.aining ponions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless ol lhe fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared invalid. sEcTtoN 10 The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of lhe Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE lN FULL ON FIRST READING this 25th day of March, 1997, and a public hearing for second reading of this Ordinance set lor the 15th day of April, 1997, in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Robert W. Armour, Mayor Attest: Hollv L. Mcoutcheon, Town Clerk READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED INfIJIL this S.ri6 ot !997 day of __, 1997. Robert W. Armour. Mavor Attest: Holly L. McCutcheon, Town Clerk S€.|€s or 1997 Y'ttl-'> o ORDINANCE NO.22 SERIES of 1996 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 18.04, DEFINITIONS, ADDINC*FRACTIONAL FEE CLUB" AND "FRACTIONAL FEE CLUB I]NIT", AMENDINGSECTION 18.22,030, CONDITIONAL USES, ALLOWING FRACTIONAL FEE CLUBAS A CONDITIONAL USE IN THE PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION ZONE DISTRICTAMENDING SECTION I8.6O.O6O(AX7), CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CRITERIA.FINDINGS. WHEREAS. an apprication has been submitted to amend Sections 1g.22.030 and 18.60.060 ofthe To*n of Vail Municipal Code to allow fractional fee club as a conditional usein the Public Accommodarion Zone District and to provide criteria and findings applicable tofractional fee club rcquests in Vail; and WHEREAS' all notices as required by Section 1g.66.0g0 have been sent to the appropriate parties; and WHEREAS. on November 25. l 996, in accordance with section 1 g.66. 140 rhe Torvn ofVail Planning and Environmental commission held a pubric hearing on the proposed amendmenls ald unanimousry recommended appro.r,al of the amendments to thl rown co,ncir; and WHEREAS. the Vail Toun Council believes thar quality fractional fee club unit are anapprcpriate means of increasing occupancv rates, maintaining and enhancing short-term rentalavailabilitv and diversifuing rhe resorr lodging market withinlhe Town of Vail: and WHEREAS. the Vail To*'n Council believes that a fractional fee club is a lorm of public accommodalion: and wHERE.^s' the Vail ro*n Councir considers that it is reasonable, appropriate, ardbeneficial to the To$n of vail and its citizens. inhabitants and visitors to adopt ordinance No.22, Series of 1996; and WHEREAS. rhe vail rown councir berieves the proposed amendments are consistent r.vith its adoptcd goals. objectives and policies. NOW, THEREFORE. BE iT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COLTNCIL OF THE TOWN OFVAIL. COLORADO. THAT: SECTION 1 Chapter 18.04. Definirions is hereby amended to read as follows: I 8.04.1 36 Fracrional Fee Club. means a fractional fee pmject in rvhich each condominium unit. pursuanr to recorded project documentarion as approved by rhe Town of varr, has no feu'er than 6 and no more than I 2 owners per unit and *hose use i, artuurirh.a by uresen'ation system. Each of the fractional fee club units are made available for short-term rentalin a mrnaged prorram rvhen not in usc by rhc club members. The project is managed on-sitewith a l-ront dcsk operating 24 hours a dav. seven days a week providing reservatiJn andregistrirtion capabilities. The project shall include or be proximate to transportation, rctail shops,eating and drinking esmblishments. and recrearion facilities. I 8.04. I i6.l Fracrional Fee Club Unit - a condominium unit in a fractionar fee clubdescribed as such in the project documenration and not ar accommodation unit within thefractional fee club.o o'dins(? No :-1. 5.160f t906 18.04.430 FractionalFeelDeleted] SECTION 2 Scction 18.22.030 - Public Accommodation-conditional Uses - of the Town of VailMunicipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 18.22.030 Conditionaluses The following conditional uses shal be pennitted in the public Accommodation ZoneDistrict. subject to the issuance ofa conditional use permit in accordance with theprovisions of Chapter 18.60: B. c E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. o. P. at t(. Professional and business oflices; Hospitals, medical and dental clinics, and medical centersl Private clubs and civic. cultural and fratemal organizations; Ski lifts and tows: Theaters, meeting rooms, and convention facilities; Public or commercial parking lacilities or structwes: Public transportation terminals; Public utility and public sewice uses; Public buildings, ,qrounds and facilities; Public or private schools; Public parks ard recreational facilities; Churches: Eating. drinking. recreational, or retail establishments not occupying more thanl0% ofthe total Gross Residential Floor Area ofa main strucn'e or srrucrures located on the site in a non-conforming multi-family drvelling; Major arcade. so long as it does not have any exterior frontogi on *y public way, street, walkway. or mall area; Bed and Breakfast as further regulared by Section 1g.5g.3 l0: Type III EHU as defined in Section I 8.57.060; Type IV EHU as defined in Section I8.57.70; Fractional fee club as further regulared by Section 1g.60.060(A)(7)(a-e). SECTION 3 section 18.60.060(AX7). conditionar uses permit criteria-findings, ofthe Town of vailMunicipal Code is hereby amended and shall read as follows: 7. Prior to the approval ofa conditional use permil for a time-share estate, fractional fee. fractional fee club, or time-share license proposal, the folowing shall be considered: Ifthe proposal for a fractional fee club is a redevelopment of an existing facilit-v. the fractional fee club shall maintain an equivalency of accommodation units as are presently existing. Equivalency shall be maintained either by an equal number ofunits orby square footage. Ifthe proposal is a new development, it shall provide at least as much accommodation unit GRFA as fractional fee club unit GRFA. Lock-offunits aad lock-offunit square footage shall not be included in the calculation rvhen determining the equivalency of existing accommodation units or equivalency ofexisting square footage. The ability ofthe proposed project to create and maintain a high level of occupancv- o'diri.. |L -1-1. Sdi.olt9e6 d. Employee housing units may be required as part of any new or redevelopment fractional fee club project requesting dlnsity over that allowed. by mning. The number of employee housing unis required will be consistent with employee impacts that are expected as a result of the proj ect. e. The applicant shall submit to the town a rist ofall owners of existing unis within the project or building; and written starements from one_hunlrcd percent of the owners of edsting units indicating their approval, withour condition, ofthe proposed fractional fee club. No written approva shat be valid jfit was signed by rhe owner more than sixty days prior to the date of filing the application for a conditional use. SECTION 4 Ifany part, section, subsection, selre,oce, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect ttre validity of the remaining portiois orthis ordinance; and the Town council hereby declares it wourd have passed rhis oriin-"..una each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless orm ract rtrai any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. SECTION 5 The Tolvn Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety, and welfare ofthe Town of vail and the inhabitants thereof. SECTION 6 _ The repeal or the repear and reenactment ofany provision ofthe Municipal code oftheTown of vail as provided in this ordinance shall not affict any right which has accrued, aly duryimposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceedings as commenced under oiby virtue of theprovision repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive anyprovision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unress expressly stated herein. SECTION 7 All bvlaws, orders, resolutions, and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith arerepealed to the extent only ofsuch inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed to reviseany byla*', order, resolution. or ordinance, or part thereof. theretofore repealed. FULL oN FIRST READING this 7th day of January, 1997, and a public hearing shafl be held onthis_o_rdinance on the 2l st day ofJanuary, 1997, in the council chambers of the-vali M""t"i;"IBuilding, Vail, Colorado. /, ATTEST:W Robert W. Armour. Mavor o Holly McCutcheon, Town Clerk INTRoDUCED' RE@r49PTED ANDENACTED oN sEcoND READTNG ANDo_RDEREDpuBrrsrn4lffi DrnvrrnBoi.rivtrtili'n;i-;;y6"rrililfir#,t997- \'- ,( tlltt M t!.tLtr, /' o tiL-' iTolly McCutcheon, fo*r Crc* MINUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING January 7, 1997 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: FILE COPY A. regular meeting of the vair rown council was held on Tuesday, January 7 , 1gg7, in the councirchambers of the Vail Municipal Building. The meeting was called to'oroer iiJppioxi-Jatery 7:30 p.M, MEMBERS ABSENT TOWN OFFICIALS pRESENT: Bob Mclaurin, Town Manaoer Pam B.randmeyer, Acting T6wn Manager Tom Moorhead, Town Attornev Holly McCutcheon, Town Clerk The first item on the agenda was citizen participation, of which there was none. Item number two on the agenda was the consent agenda which consisted of the followina items: A. Approval ofthe Minutes for the meetings of December 3 and 17, 1996. B' Resolution No. 1 , Series of 1 997, a Resolution Designating a public place \Mthin the Town of Vailforthe.Posting of Not'ae for Public Meetings of the v;il roin councit, n"nnlng .no EnvironmentalC-ommission, Design Rdview Board, and Other Boards, commissions, and Authorities of the Townof Vail. Mayor Armour read each item. on the consent Agenda in full, and requested the consent Agenda items be.considered separately. Svbill Navas moved to ipprove the Minutes for the December g and 17 eveningmeetings. Kevin Forey seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed unanimousry, 6_0. Sybill then moved for approval of Resolution No. 1, Series of 1997, and Ludwig seconded the motion. Avote was taken, which passed unanimously, 6_0. Third on the agenda was ordinance No. 22, Series of '1996, first.reading of an ordinance amending 99tl'9! ] I 01, Definitions, to add 'Fractional Fee Club" and 'Fractionat FE"cirnGii,i'amending section18'22'030' Conditional Uses, allowing Fractional Fee Club as a Conditional use in the publicAccommodation Zone District, amending Section 18.60.060 (A)(7) conditional uie perm-it criteria-Findings. Gordon Pierce was present, representing the applicant, Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., along with JohannesFaessler, and Cynthia Thornberg. Town of Vail Planner, George Ruther, presented the item and reviewed changes which were discussed atan earlier worksession. The ordinance had been tabled at the December 17 ;;;;g ;""ting to allow staffto work on more specific language. Staff recommendatlon was for approval of ordinance No. 22 on firstreading' George informed those present that there was an informationai p""xui on tn" nusfia Haus projectavailable in the offices of community Development for public viewing. He saio that statr was available toprovide information and answer questions. Mayor.Armour then opened up the discussion to the public, and the following Vail residents voiced theiropposition to the ordinance: Rod Slifer said that to allow time-sharing at the expense of losing lodging was one of the most importantissues faced by council. He said that time-sh are 'projects were not tlloived within the village core and :l"l_tl:?dj,iilg his seven years of service as Mayor,'and tlrat tw9 lodges in tne Coreareas had alreadyoeen lost to condominium conversions. He stated that Vail could not-afford to lose another. Mr. Sliferchallenged the.90% occupancy rate boasted by the fractional fee unit ownership, .t"ti"g tn"t Beaver creektimeshares had average occupancyrates of-only 65%, approximately. He asked couniil to preserve Vail,sbed base and said that the use of lock-off unitr, "s iioposea in'the sonnenalp pr"l"", could not beguaranteed or enforced. Robert W. Armour, Mayor Sybill Navas, Mayor Pro{em Kevin Foley Rob Ford Paul Johnston (oined discussion following Agenda ltem No. 3)Ludwig Kuz Michael Jewett vaLliM C&r- i*r.O lleidg MrM.3.jatuary 7 r9r7 r\c"vrrr' rtrot\Jr -\"rrrJur t!ds oiJposet Ine cnange, as he said West Vail was . ,,nning to resemble a parking lot and- "mended a sunset clause be incorporated. Rob Ford sug,gested a proce'ss to-g"ih"ipuuri. input be put intoplace' and sybill Navas felt it would be beneficial for rentaicaicompanres to nave tcati"onsin Vlir. councit membenrequested a change be made to address repair/servicing issues. F E A vote was then taken and approved, 5-1, Mayor Armor, "o,,nn ,n opposition. F I L t C 0 P Y Agenda item number five was.ordinance No. 22, series of .1996,{second reaiing cif an ordinanceamending Section 18.04, Definitions, to add iFractionarf_ei.Cfug:-a1d 11r+i"""i i"" Crli.Un;i", amenOing Section18'22'030. conditional uses, altowing Fractional ree cruu as a --noiti""tiG;;;;;iniRlcommooation zoneDistricl, amending section 18.60.06d(AX7) condirion;t use p"nnit crit"ni-ffi;;;. i"il;fr)ait ptanneq ceorgeRuther reviewed changes as suggested ai an eartler work session. staff recomri""o"ti"n *". Tor approval of theordinance on second reading. Architect' Gordon Pierce was pies.en! rgpresenting sonnenalp. properties, Inc. Johannes Faessrer and cynthiaThomberg were also present on behalf of the Apprii"nt. rtr.voi nrmou, tnen weicom"a .orr""t. from the public. Jim Lamont' representinE the East vllage Homeowners Association and long-time resident Jo staufer expressedconcems regarding the mix between accommodation units and fractional tee-uniis. 3i?[::1!?:i'fr"i$T;1"'$T: []3?.""tes of 1ee6, on second readins with a minor chanse referencins During the discussion' Mayor Armour stated that consideration should be given to lock-off unrts and lock_off unitsquare footage when determining ac6ommodation unit equivalency. A vote was then taken and passed, S_1, Mayor Armour voting in opposition. Next on the agenda was a rcpotl?m the Town Manager. Bob McLaurin stated he had nothing ro add to his earlierreport which was discussed at the work session that jay. Mayor Armour reminded his fellow council members of dinnerwhich was.scheduled the following evening (January22) with members of the Avon Town councir to oiscuis issues'of mutuar con-cem-.- - - -"-""'l There being no further business-a motion was made by Kevin Foley for adjoumment, Mike Jewett seconded themotion and the meeting was adjoumed at approximately S:00 p.m. Hinutas taken by Hotty Hccutchaon('Nar'r.S of certarn rrdrvtdudls $O grv! ptbl1c trDlt [Dy be inaccu.rtr.) v.irrM C.dritE6rR va.g v,M.,.jtur:: lre: AUSTRIA HAUS DEVELOPMENT GROUP, LLP IOOO SOUTH FRONTACE ROAD SECOND FLOOR vAlL, co 81657 PHONEz 970/476-4433 FACSIMILE: 97Ol 47 6-4608 October 16,1996 East Village Homeowners Association, Inc. P.O. Box 238 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Austria Haus Redevelopment Project Dear East Village Neighbors: Thank you for your interest in the Austria Haus Club hotel project and for providing us the opportunity to present and discuss the details with you at the upcoming Homeowners Association meeting on October 18. In order to make the most efficient use of time while we are together, following is an overview of our plans. THE AUSTRIA HAUS CLUB Similar to purchasing membership in a golf country club, Austria Haus Club owners will invest an up-front amount for membership, have priority use of lodging times, and pay significant ongoing maintenance fees for upkeep of the facilities. Debt-free, undivided deeded interest to a portion of the Club units and a commensurate portion of the common areas will be conveyed to approximately 270 qualified buyers (depending on the number of permitted units). Membership costs will range from $150,000 to $250,000 for a total of 35 days of annual reserved usage, with annual maintenance fees in the range of $3,500 to $5,000 per member. As with other club memberships, owners may sell or transfer fee title interest. Each will have full access throughout the yeiu to all Club facilities and all residences of their type category, subject to established reservation policies. Available lodging nights not used by members will be rented to the general public. This type of club ownership is not traditional timeshare or interval ownership where buyers are purchasing specific periods of vacation time in specific units, or rights to use specific units for a set number of years. It differs markedly from these in that the Club owners will be committed to one property, do not have the ability to trade units or destinations Ermong exchange networks, nor the right to "bank" usage for future years. Instead, they are owners in a single Vail property to which they retum time and again and in which they have a vested interest in the value, the upkeep, and the revenues generated by room night rentals. Club resorts are one of the few economically viable methods currently available to finance, construct, and, over time, maintain a high-quality new mountain hotel property. For this reason and for the many benefits to their members, they are becoming an increasingly popular form of resort hotel structure. Existing club resorts include the highly acclaimed Deer Valley Club at Deer Valley Resort, Sun Valley Club in Sun Valley, Franz Klammer Lodge in Telluride, as well East Village Homeowners Association, Inc. Page2 as a growing number of new properties throughout the United States. Each of these clubs is organized somewhat differently and their bylaws permit varying types of usage. The Austria Haus Club concept is designed to: L Provide an economically feasible means of financing the rejuvenation and maintenance of the guest accommodation inventory on the East Meadow Drive property; 2. Make available significantly more accommodations in the heart of Vail by replacing 37 existing guest accommodation units with a new total of 69; 3. Ensure the highest year-round occupancy by providing room rental opportunities during times when owners are not making full use of the Club; 4. Add quality commercial property, aesthetic public space, and underground parking in the Vail village core; THE EXISTING FACILITY The Austria Haus was built in the mid 60's and was operated until 1979 as the Wedel Inn. It was then purchased by the Faessler family, who received approval late in 1984 for redevelopment of the property. These plans were put on hold and later abandoned when the family purchased and developed additional properties in Vail. The Austria Haus was instead remodeled in 1980 and has served since as an annex to the new five star Sonnenalp Bavaria Haus. Currently, the Austria Haus has 33 small guest rooms and 4 suites totaling approximately 75 "pillows" and is operated for only about eight months of the year. An on site restaurant and bar serves its guests and there is a small retail outlet on the east side of the property. There are many structural problems and building code issues that make it nearly impossible to renovate the existing facility. These include marginally-sized guest rooms, lack of elevators, minimal fire protection and sound proofing, and outdated plumbing, heating, and electrical systems. Additionally, the existing parking as well as the insignificant landscaping sits mostly on Town of Vail land. Neighboring structures are sizeable in comparison, giving the Austria Haus a sunken appearance. Overall, the pedestrian experience along this part of East Meadow Drive is weak, being particularly poor at night and during the winter months. THE PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT The proposal we have recently placed before the Town of Vail consists of a mixed use facility that, if approved, will include: o A club hotel consisting ofapproximately 27 spacious, luxuriously-appointed guest suites on three floors, including: 3 One bedroom./two bath suites 12 Two bedroom/two bath suites 4 Two bedroom/three bath lofted suites 8 Three bedroom/three bath lofted nenthouse suites East Village Homeowners Association, Inc. Pase 3 Lobby, front desk and concierge areas, library/lounge room, exercise and function rooms, ski equipment storage facilities, and outdoor sitting area with Jacrrzzi,and manager's living unit; 10,000 square feet of ground level, walk-through commercial space; Heated pedestrian walkways linking the village center and Bridge Street; Pleasingly landscaped gardens, waterfront, and sitting areas; and On-site underground parking. Each of the 27 guest suites in the Club will feature a lock-off option that allows the main suite to be used by one party of guests while the lock-off room is rented by another. This feature provides the Club with the potential for 37,600 guest "pillow nights" at an assumed 90Yo occupancy rate. This compares to a total of 10,200 "pillow nights" realized by the existing Austria Haus during the fiscal year ended March 31, 1996. Pierce Segerberg Architects will provide architectural design and construction supervision services for the project. The architectural chaxacter will be very much in the vernacular of the Vail Mountain "look" that is derived from the Alpine villages of Europe (e.g. - Bavaria Haus) and will ensure a beautiful gateway building to greet pedestrians entering the Vail village by way ofthe covered bridge. Sonnenalp Properties will manage and staff the facility for the developer and later for the owners association, providing first class resort services including reservations and room night rental; ftont desk and concierge; access to Sonnenalp golf, tennis, and spa facilities; room service; housekeeping; guest activities, and so forth. It is also anticipated that Sonnenalp will purchase, manage, and lease out the ground floor commercial space. We hope you will thare in our enthusiasm and excitement about this project and agree that it will prove to be a very positive addition to the neighborhood, to the Town of Vail, and to the overall Vail visitor experience. Your questions, cornments, and concems are extremely important to us and we encourage you to feel free to contact any of us if you would like to further discuss the project. Sincerelv. The Austria Haus Development Group and Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. a a a a AUSTRIA HOUSE REDEVELOPMENT Summary of Site Design Issues and Opportunities for Improvement PEC Work Session, October 28, 1996 Site Issues The Pedestrian Environment Vail Village has become in recent years an increasingly lively retail and pedestrian environment, especially from the Covered Bridge to the top of Bridge Street and from the Village Center west along East Meadow Drive. But the Austria House is a broken link in the chain. Although it occupies a prominent location at the pedestrian gateway to the village core, it lacks enticing architectural elements and adds very little of interest to the quality of the two streets it faces. The obstacles to movement all around the building and the lack of directional clzuity at the northwest corner of the site, where cars entering the pa;king lot confuse the flow of peofle on foot, further diminish the potential for a rich pedestrian environment. East Meadow Drive Frontage There are a number of problems along the north side of the existing structure: The Austria House entry and the adjacent parking lot are about 2-ll}feet below the grade of East Meadow Drive and Slifer Plaza, making retaining walls necessary that block the free flow of pedestrian traffic around the building. Pedestrians who follow the driveway down to the building entry find their egress blocked at the east end. The parking lot is a dead-end for cars, too. It is difficult to maneuver in and must be shared with service and delivery vehicles. The primary entry to the building is on the north side of the structure, where it is icy and shaded in winter. While the location of an entry on this side is unavoidable, visitors would benefit from architectural elements that offer better protection from the elements and from site design that clarifies a separation between cars and foot traffic. ' The reseeded bank that covers the parking structure across the street is not as attractive an edge to the street as it could be. ' The street looks like a street, not a pedestrian promenade. Buses dominate. Eastbound buses tend to swing wide into the plaza in order to stop close to the bus shelter. Gore Creek Frontage This stretch of Gore Creek is an underutilized asset with enormous potential: ' On the south side of the Austria House, Gore Creek is inaccessible to the public except for the grassy overlook just west of the Covered Bridge. Even for hotel guests, public spaces along the creek are poorly developed even though that area is sunny most ofthe day and offers some of the most intimate creek views to be had anywhere in town. . Neither side of Gore Creek in this stretch is visually attractive: The unnatural looking bank under the Austria House is too steep, unvegetated, and eroding. The other side, part of Gramshammer's, has not yet been integrated as an asset to that property. Design Workshop ' The small pocket park that was improved as part of the Covered Bridge Building redevelop- ment currently stands alone, unattached to an open space network. A nice segment of the stream walk from the east stops at the north end of the Covered Bridge. Slifer Plaza and the Building's East Side . The east side of the Austria House contains some retail space but has no architectural elements to mark the entries and invites only minimal pedestrian traffic. The facade does not relate to the plaza and is visually and physically separated from it by retaining walls, planters, and a screen of mature conifers. As the pedestrian village core has expanded outward from Bridge Street, this deficiency is more obvious as a hole in the overall village fabric. . Across the plaza, the west entry to the Mountain Haus is also hard to see, with the result that the lower level restaurant space has never been financially successful. . Slifer Plaza does not fulfill its potential ers the primary pedestrian gateway to the village. It lacks unifying design elements, visual excitement, and places to stop, sit, and congregate. It is disjointed, cut up by elements that fill space and block views. Trees and planter walls unnecessarily constrict the sense of space, making the plaza seem n,urow and more like a transit corridor than an activity space. Its present configuration encourages through-traffic but not lingering. . The pavement in Slifer Plaza is in poor condition. Without detailing or texture, it is relatively uninteresting and tends to make people pass through the space without slowing down. The rock fountain in the plaza was originally designed without the low stone walls that now surround the pool. Added later by Public Works, the walls send a "Keep Out" message. They frustrate the original design intent of an interactive, accessible water feature that would function as a magnet in an important public space. The bus shelter for waiting east-bound passengers is a major barrier to movement and ground- level views in the plaza. It appears to be oversized for the volumc of passenger traffic that embarks from this location. The conifers in Slifer Plaza are important in softening the apparent mass and height of the buildings at its edge (particularly the Mountain Haus). However, they also hide ground level elements, such as entries, retail spaces, and views through the space, and make the plaza seem much smaller and less active than it is. It would be desirable to open up views by thinning out a few less shapely trees and removing some lower branches. The Mountain Haus, at six or seven stories, casts significant morning shade on the plaza in winter. Its shadow patterns must be taken into account in the development of additional sitting and gathering spaces in the space. The plaza is one of the few public spaces in the village which is frequently viewed from above. This condition should be used to good advantage in redesigning the plaza and the paving paftern. The Village Center and the Site's West End . There is presently no way for vehicles or people on foot to pass between the Austria House and the Village Center. However, it would be possible to allow for a minor pedestrian connection around this end of the building, and there are advantages for the neighborhood pedestrian network in doine so. Design Workshop Lower level windows in the Village Center, protected by a tall window well, create a major grade change and must be accommodated in any redesign. The redesign of pavements in this area must be coordinated with the Village Center to assure smooth grade transitions and adequate access to building entries in both complexes. East Meadow Drive Frontage . Pull pedestrians into the shelter of a new, more interesting retail edge; make the desired pedestrian pathway clearer to mitigate the potential for conflicts between people and cars.. Eliminate the retaining walls between the building and the street by eliminating the grade change that made them necessary. ' Create a more gracious entry for arriving guests: an arrival courtyard, a garden forecourt, etc.. Separate cars and service vehicles from pedestrians to the fullest extent possible.. Consider ways to improve the visual quality of the bank that covers the parking structure. Gore Creek Frontage . Extend an interesting public walkway along the stream edge; create "eddies" trlong the promenade for people watching, sitting in the sun and enjoying the views.. Preserve the quality of the existing quiet, grassy space as an intimate stream overlook.. Preserve the large evergreens along the creek.. Stabilize and renaturalize the streambank as much as the slope will allow. Slifer Plaza . Create more sunny places to sit.. Add flowers, site-specific art, historical markers, interesting paving, and warm night lighting.. Open up views across the plaza to the structures and landscape spaces which encircle it.. Eliminate obstructive changes in grade.. Encourage a less linear, more meandering pedesrian flow. ' When redesigning the space, consider the possibilities for programming special events here, perhaps even using the steps on the parking structure as an amphitheater for larger ceremonies. ' Narrow the corridor in which buses may operate, and use the paving in this area to signal that pedestrians have priority in the space.. Take special care with the paving design, as this is the first public space most visitors will see when they come to Vail, and they frequently view the plaza from above.. Replace the large existing bus shelter nearest the Austria House with a new, smaller one that is integrated into the design of the new building. Design Workshop PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT AUSTRIA HAUS REDEVELOPMENT Vail, Colorado Submitted to the Planning and Envirowncntal Commission, Town of Vail on behalf of Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. Prepared by Design Workshop, Inc., Vail, Colorado January 6, 1997 JAi c 0 tggz .t,0ft{fyL 0Ey,Onfi PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT AUSTRIA HAUS REDEVELOPMENT Vail, Colorado Submitted to the Planning and Environmental Commission, Town of Vail on behalf of Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. Prepared by Design Workshop, Inc., VaiI, Colorado January 6, 1997 ist vide the Town of Vail with a ml assessment of possible environ _IlguS pro,pg4yj!_Vail V!l!Cgg. Serving as an initial scan, an environmental assessment is not intend- ed to quantify the severity of impacts nor to provide definitive solutions, but simply toldgn- tifv issues that may require more focused response during the development planning and review process in order to assure adequate mitigation. Summary Tts tle!_eannot be mjliCated. Possible impacts of significance will cluster primarily around the issues of: I ) Streamb ank rec onstractio n and s tabilizatio n ; 2) Water quality in Gore Creek related to streambank erosion and sediment control. 3) Possible removal of some mature conifers. Potentially negative environmental impaclq in these related areas can be minimized and mit- igated through sensitive site planning, proper construction methods, and a tree replacemBnt program using large specimen trees. In the less purely ecological terms of community impact, the more likely outcomes of the Austria Haus development are largely beneficial ones. Improvements to the already disturbed streambank will make it more stable, more natural looking, and more accessible to the pub- lic, making the creek a much more valuable community amenity in this central village loca- tion. Improvements along E. Meadow Drive will reduce the confusion of existing circulation patterns by clarifying the separation between cars, buses and pedestrians. These improve- ments, the addition of an expanded retail frontage, and improvements in Slifer Plaza will greatly enhance the fabric of pedestrian spaces and walkways in the village. Austria Haus Environmental Assessment, Page I Background The structure that is now called the Sonnenalp Austria Haus was built in the mid-1960's as the Wedel Inn, a motel-like skiers' lodge. Purchased in 1979 by the Faessler family, it was remodeled and became part of the Sonnenalp Resort complex in the village core. A major redevelopment was proposed and approved as SDD #12 in 1984, but was never implement- ed. The present three-story structure (approximately I I,000 sfl) has 37 very small hotel rooms, a small restaurant/bar, a retail shop, and a surface parking lot for around 30 cars on the north side of the building (Figure l). The site itself was significantly altered when the original building was constructed. Although @ that show the site prior to construction, it is generally agreed that the original alluvial terrace, which would have sloped more naturally down to the creek,lry4q regraded to create a flat building pad (figure 2, streambank photo, and figure 3, site section) so that the floor elevations could be virtually the same all around the ground floor and into the parking lot on the north side. This caused several quite negative physical and visual site impacts: It put the parking lot in a depression two to three feet lower than the street adjacent to it, it created awkward changes in grade across the site that have become baniers to pedes- trian circulation, and it made the streambank considerably steeper and taller along this seg- ment of the creek. The last of these impacts is probably the most noticeable, as the rock- armored streambank is unnatural, prone to erosion, and visually unattractive. Figure I North side of existing Austria Haus and pgrking lot, viewed from the Transportarton Center. Austria Haus Environmental Assessment, Page 2 L-igure 2 South:;idc of cxisting Austria Haus and Gore Creek, viewed frcnt Covered Bridge. aeL&lz' e&4irv2(4Ne a @' ?z' b'lfrl HEPffi>t)\U.XA +rr,a WffitEq-\(,{rlp.tr4P@ Figure 3 Ntsrth-south .site sectiotr beJore attd after mid- 1960's cottstruction oJ the existing Austria llaus. 6...14' t va. Austria Haus Environntental Assessntent, Page 3 The Development Prooosal Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. proposes to tear down the existing building and replace it with a new, larger building containing 24fractional fee units (21 having lock-off rooms),20 hotel rooms, one manager's living unit, and 5,122 sf of retail space. The increased number of accommodation units (from 37 rooms to 66 units), the Sonnenalp's intention to offer for nighr ly rent any units not occupied by owners, and the projected year-round operation of the mem- ber-owned project are expected to yield almost a five-fold increase in the number of visitor nights, from 10,200 now to almost 47,000 nights per year. The existing surface parking lot will be replaced by an under-structure Earage for 48 cars, accessed by a heated, ramped driveway along the west side of the building. There will also be a heated surface parking area on the street side for deliveries and guests who are registering. A covered trash area is proposed in the underground parking area. The new building will extend outward from the old building footprint and will encroach into the 2O-foot lot line setbacks on the east, north and south sides, as does the existing building. ech. (See attached site plan comparing old and new building footprints.) Environmental Issues Environmental impacts may be caused by one or more phases of development activity: the demolition of the existing building; the construction of the new building; site development, particularly the reconstruction of the streambank; and the modified urban patterns that result from the completed project (i.e. the effects of increased visitor population, larger building mass and height, altered circulation patterns and changes to the pedestrian street). The fol- lowing discussion highlights the issues which, as a consequence of potential environmental impacts related to the redevelopment of the Austria Haus, may require further study. t.Water Quality mary issues related to water quality are erosion and sediment control, stream- lzatlon, run stormwater manasement. and eftects on sroundwater. Erosion and sediment control will be of greater concern during demolition, construc- tion, and sitework than after the project is completed. Construction activities on thg site will have to be carefully managed to avoid worsening the streambank's propensi- Snowmelt and stormwater run-off from the construction site will have to be diverted away from the bank and any sediment in it allowed to settle out before entering the creek. The Awtrin Haus Environmental Assessment, Pape 4 Special permits may be needed if the renaturalization of the strearnbank will requile that machinery work from the bottom of the bank. in the water. At this time. before q, final design for the streambank improvements has been developed, it is difficult to pre- dict whether disturbance of the stream itself will be necessary and, if so, to what extent. In any case, streambank reconstruction should be done during a low-flow peri- od of the year (fall). The completed Austria Haus project can be expected to improve water quality in sev- eral ways. Fi.rt, !h" renuturuli.ut to erode bv reducins its steeoness and therebv i vins the ootential for successfullv revegetating the bqlk. The consequence of a more stable bank will be to reduce sedimentation of the creek. Second, the redevelopment of the site opens the opportunity to redesign the sit filtration mechanism to eliminate the direct discharse of runoff into the creek. Third, replacement of the existing surface par{<ing lot with a qarage strould allow better con- trol and filtration of runoff tainted with vehicle pollutalrl!. There have been no recent groundwater studies on the site, and the seasonal depth to groundwater is unknown. Depending orl groundwater depth, it may be necessary to design special dewatering systems into the parking garage foundation walls. While this will increase the costs.of construction, it is unlikely that an underground parking structure would have a negative effect on groundwater quality or flow as long as auto- polluted melt water from the driveway and within the garage is controlled and filtered. Water Quantity The Town of Vail's municipal water and sewage treatment system has the capacity to serve the increased number of accommodation units and visitors that will result from this project. 3. Air Quality Air quality degradation in a mountain resort community originates primarily from winter road maintenance (materials used to sand the roads become airborne as traffic pulverizes them and stirs them up), from increased vehicular traffic, and from wood- burning fireplaces. The first - airborne particulates from winter road maintenance - is not directly relevant to the Austria Haus, a private redevelopment within the pedestri- an core, and the new project will not adversely affect existing conditions. To address the last, all units in the new Austria Haus will have gas-burning, not wood-burning, fireplaces. Only the increased traffic could be a potential, though probably min_or, concern. 2. Austria Haus Environmental Assessment, Page 5 o 4. It is possible th l be a slight but temporary increase in particulates as a result of construction activitv and increased trips to the site by diesel-fueled gglstruglro! rg!tc]e.s. It is also proba- ble that, because the new building will house more retail space and accommodation units than the present one, there will be a slight increase in air pollution from delivery vehicles, vans, and private automobiles. The implications for increased traffic after completion of the project are discussed below (see Transportation Impacts). Wetland Impacts The streambank is too steep to support wetland conditions. Subsoils appear to be porous and sandy with cobbles rather than hydric, and there are no wetland plant species in evidence along the stream corridor. Therefore, wetland impacts do not appear to be an issue. Biological Impacts (WiAW and AquaticlRiparian Habita) At present, the quality of the Gore Creek riparian corridor as habitat in this stretch of the creek is low. On the Austria Haus side of Gore Creek in particular, there are no shrubs and very few trees at the creek's edge to provide cover or insects for fish. The renaturalization and revegetation of the streambank as part of this project should grea!- ly improve the quality of the rip4rian habitat lbr both terrestrial and aquatic The physical constraints ol existing topography in this area may limit the feasibi a complete reconstruction of the streambank; however, design concepts for renatural- izing the bank will be developed with input from hydrologists and riparian specialists to assure the maximum ecological benefit. 6. Geologi.c and Other Natural Halards No geologic hazards have been identified on this site. Because of the steepness ofthe streambank, the entire project site is well above the active high-water mark and the 10O-year flood plain. Socio-Economic Impacts 5. Although quantification is difficult at this point, the following impacts, mostly beneficial, can beanticipated: - | . r A ,,t' ;'JtO' :p\ noA',r7v \ Y!'4 ttre exildng Austria Haus emptoys lt full-time equivale-nt FJsitio'nl. ]i is Jstimlted" t,,.f that th/ new oDeration will be run with the same number of full-time emplovees. In Y additibn, an estimated 15 new full+ime positions would be needed to manage the 5,100 sf of new retail space. d size of retail businesses that lease space in the completed project. Austria Haus Environmentul Assessment, Page 6 2. Because the ownership intends to operate the new Austria Haus year-round, the 31 full+ime positions associated with the project will likely be less seasonal than they are presently. Retail Sales and Economic Diversification The project will not bring in new non-tourism economic activities, but it does offer the potential to strengthen local core-area retail businesses through more successful year- round operation and greatly increased numbers ofupper-income guests throughout the year. Shops in the new building are expected to be high-end and to offer merchandise that will diversify the shopping experience in the village core. Sales Tax Revenues Sales Tax Revenues - The existing building has a single retail shop of 497 sf which does not operate year-round. The shop generates about $400,000 in gross retail sales and about $16,000 in sales tax revenue. The new building will have over 5,000 sf feet of retail in as many as five new shops operating year-round. At an estimated $500- $800 per square foot in sales, which is comparable to the Sonnenalp's other retail oper- ations, this is expected to generate from $2,500,000 to $4,000,000 in gross retail sales and from $100,000 to $160,000 in sales tax revenues to the Town. Also, increased sales tax revenues from other retail businesses in the village core can be expected to result from the significant increase in visitor nights generated by thc new building. Real Estate Transfer Taxes - The sale of the Austria Haus, club mernberships, and the retail spaces could generate an estimated $460,000 in real estate transfer taxes for the Town. Lodging Tax -In addition, the 20 hotel rooms and 2l lock-off units will produce municipal revenue from the lodging tax whenever they are rented to visitors. However, the lodging tax is not applicable to members' use of fractional fee units, so the change in net revenue from the lodging tax could be insignificant. 4. Demand for Municipal Semices The new building is unlikely to create a significant additional demand for fire and police services. The design of the new building will conform to today's more strin- gent fire codes and should increase fire safety. As it will not house perrnanent resi- dents, the project should have no effect on the school system. All utility services (gas, electric, water/sewer, phone) have the capacity to serve the new building. 3. Austria Haus Environmental Assessment, Page 7 J.Employee Housing The new building will include a single living unit for the building manager. The exisr ing building has no employee housing units. Transportation and Ttaffic Impacts Traffic Volume A slight increase in automobile traffic is to be expected because of the projected increase in the number of visitors generated annually by the project. What is not known, however, is how many of these additional guests will come by car; it is like- ly that the largest number af guests will continue to come in the winter and that most of them will come by van from the airport. Van deliveries to the project will likely increase somewhat. Even those guests who come in their own (or a rental) car are likely to leave it in the garage after they arrive, as the central village location of the project eliminates the need for a car. Road capacities at the Frontage Road intersec- tion and at the entry to the project should be able to handle the increased traffic load. If there is a potential for congestion anywhere, it is most likely to be in the small drop- off parking area in front of the building, where check-ins, deliveries, and lost drivers may converge. To some extent, this can be mitigated by improved roadway directional signage, speedy guest valet scrvice, careful management of deliveries, and incentives to encourage guests to leave their cars at home. Trash and Deliveries The applicant has been working with neighboring residents and businesses to design a delivery and trash pick-up plan that will cause the minimum of noise and conges- tion. Other village core retail businesses, similar in size and kind to the shop spaces proposed in the new Austria Haus, report that their biggest deliveries occur prior to the opening of the ski season, when the majority of their inventory urives. Thereafter, they normally receive only small deliveries by UPS and others. The applicants expect that very few large delivery trucks will service the shops in the Austria Haus and that deliveries can be accommodated in the small drop-off parking area at the northwest corner of the site. A full loading dock, earlier proposed at the west end of the building, is not thought necessary and has been deleted from the plan. Without a restaurant, the building is not expected to generate an unusual amount of trash, and neither the location of the trash dumpster (in the garage) nor the collection of trash is expected to be a major issue. The driveway will be designed to standards that will accommodate service, delivery, and trash trucks. t. 2. Austria Haus Environmental Assessment, Page 8 I. 3. Pedestrian Circulation The project site plan is expected to make dramatic improvements in pedestrian circulation patterns and directional clarity along East Meadow Drive. Redesign of the Austria Haus entry area and driveway should reduce circulation conflicts between vehicles and pedes- trians in this segment ofthe restricted access street. The new linearpublic space along the building's north-facing arcade provides a place for people to walk without forcing them into the street, where they conflict with buses, and its design uses paving patterns, plant- ing areas, and a curb separation to emphasize its pedestrian character. Where pedestrians presently get confused, walking down into the dead-end space between the Village Center and the Austria Haus or getting trapped in the sunken parking lot, the new site plan will offer them a much clearer and more attractive route. The addition of retail space along the north side of the building helps to extend and fill the gaps in the walking circuit from Crossroads and the Village Center to the Covered Bridge. Visual Impacts Building Mass and Height The new building will be taller and larger in mass than the existing one. However, this is generally considered to be the only area in the village core that can absorb larger scale buildings and where they are appropriate and in context. Variations in roof heights and ground floor facades, as well as extensive glazing, a mix of rustic materi- als, interesting architectural detailing, well crafted signage, and warm interior and site lighting should help to reduce the perception of large scale. The applicant has sub- mitted a scale model of the new structure in its village core context so that Town staff and review boards can consider this issue in depth during the development review process. View Corridors Of the five view corridors officially adopted and protected by the Vail Zoning Code (Chapter 18.73), one is near the project site. It is a view from the main pedestrian srair- way on the south side of the Vail Transportation Center looking up Bridge Street, past the Clock Tower, toward the ski slopes. Nothing proposed in this development will nega- tively affect this view; on the conffary, it is possible that the west periphery of the view corridor will be improved by the architecture of the new building and the way it opens onto Slifer Plaza. Existing views of background buildings from the top deck of the parking stnrcture may be partially obstructed by the taller building. Vews of the ski mountain beyond this vantage point should not be significantly affected, as the ridge lines will still be visible. And, in any case, few people view the mountain only from this location, and most descend into town via the main stairway from the parking structure, where the view will be unaffected by the new development. Views east and west along East Meadow Drive will also be unaffected and the foreground views improved. ) Austria Haus Environmental Assessment, Page 9 3.Quality of Publb Spaces The new plan will have important beneficiat impacts on the quality of public spaces in the village core because of the improvements it proposes along East Meadow Drive, along the Gore Creek frontage, and in Slifer Plaza. In the 1991Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan, goals for the sub-area that includes this section of East Meadow Drive are set forth: "separating buses from pedestrians, provid- ing a comfortable shopping experience, controlling unnecessary vehicular traffic, main- taining vehicular access to lodge units in the area, screening parking, and accommodating service and delivery vehicles." In particular, improvements along this portion of the street should enhance its pedestrian character and reduce the emphasis on the car by adding side- walks where none exist, screening or removing surface parking areas, and installing unit pavers in place of asphalt except in bus lanes. The site design concepts for the new Austria Haus have been targeted to address all of these objectives. The new pedestrian path parallel to E. Meadorv Dr. - wider, more attractive, and heated for snowmelt - should function as intended to separate pedestrian circulation from buses and strengthen the area's pedestrian emphasis. (See Transportation Impacts #3, above.) Improvements along the Gore Creek portion of the property will at a minimum improve the visual quality of the streambank when viewed from the Covered Bridge and points across the creek. They will also offer better visual and physical access to the creek by creating new public spaces at the southeast corner of the building. The applicant is also willing to provide a stream-walk as a public amenity along its section of Gore Creek if the Town commits to the development of a pedestrian connection to the International Bridqe. Improvements to Slifer Plaza will focus on those portions nearest the new building, but the applicant's plan proposes new paving, removal of unnecessary retaining walls, and the addition of ample park seating and lighting throughout. Retention of as many existing trees as possible is a goal (see #4 below). The applicant expects that the design process for Slifer Plaza improvements will be a participatory one, with a final design and funding plan to be developed in concert with Town planners and interest- ed neighbors. Impact on Existing Trees The applicants fully intend to retain as many of the mature conifers as possible on the site, as they consider them to be extremely valuable to the visual image of Slifer Plaza and the new building. It is not yet clear how many of the spruce trees on the east end of the building may have to be removed, but it is anticipated that a few at the north- east corner may bc too close to the area that must be excavated for new foundation walls. The applicant will work with Town planning staff to identify the special trees that must be protected and to agree on a mitigation plan to replace those that must be removed. No removals will be done without Town approval. 4. Austria Haus Environmental Assessment, Page l0 Nuisance Impacts: Noise and Smells There will be no food service operations in the new building, which is expected to remove the need for frequent, noisy food and liquor deliveries that have become so bothersome elsewhere in the village. Without restaurant refuse, there should not be a problem with odors from the trash area. Austria Haus Environmental Assessment, Page I I PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT AUSTRIA HAUS RBDEVELOPMENT Vail, Colorado Submitted to the Planning and Environmental Commission, Town of Vail on behalf of Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. Prepared by DeSt bil, Colorado This purpose of this document is to provide the Town of Vail with a preliminary assessment of possible environmental impacts related to the redevelopment of the existing Austria Haus property in Vail Village. Serving as an initial scan, an environmental assessment is not intend- ed to quantify the severity of impacts nor to provide definitive solutions, but simply to iden- tify issues that ma ire more focused ine the devel !_!!unn-gg_eld review process in order to assure adequate mitigation. Summary The redevelopmcnt of the Austria Haus is unlikely to cause serious environmental impacts that cannot be mitigated. Possible impacts of significance will cluster primarily around the issues of: l) Streambank reconstruction and stabilization: 2) Water quality in Gore Creek related to streambank erosion and sediment control, 3) Possible removal of some mature conifers. Potentially negative environmental impacts in these related areas can be minimized and mit- igated t program using large specimen trees. In the less purely ecological terms of community impact, the more likely outcomes of the Austria Haus development are largely beneficial ones. Improvements to the already disturbed streambank will make it more stable, more natural looking, and more accessible to the pub- lic, making the creek a much more valuable community amenity in this central village loca- tion. Improvements along E. Meadow Drive will reduce the confusion of existing circulation patterns by clarifying the separation between cars, buses and pedestrians. These improve- ments, the addition of an expanded retail frontage, and improvements in Slifer Plaza will greatly enhance the fabric ofpedestrian spaces and walkways in the village. Austria Haus Environmental Assessment, Page I Background The structure that is now called the SonnenalpAustria Haus was built in the mid-1960's as the Wedel Inn, a motel-like skiers' lodge. Purchased in 1979 by the Faessler family, it was remodeled and became part of the Sonnenalp Resort complex in the village core. A major redevelopment was proposed and approved as SDD #12 in 1984,, but was never implement- ed. The present three-story structure (approximately 11,000 s0 has 37 very small hotel rooms, a small restauranUbar, a retail shop, and a surface parking lot for around 30 cars on the north side of the building (Figure l). Figure I North side of existing Austria Haus and parking lot, viewed from the Transportation Centen The site itself was significantly altered when the original building was constructed. Although no topographic maps exist that show the site prior to construction, it is generally agreed that the original alluvial terrace, which would have sloped more naturally down to the creek, was regraded to create a flat building pad (figure 2, streambank photo, and figure 3, site section) so that the floor elevations could be virtually the same all around the ground floor and into the parking lot on the north side. This caused several quite negative physical and visual site impacts: It put the parking lot in a depression two to three feet lower than the street adjacent to it, it created awkward changes in grade across the site that have become barriers to pedes- trian circulation, and it made the streambank considerably steeper and taller along this seg- ment of the creek. The last of these impacts is probably the most noticeable, as the rock- armored streambank is unnatural, prone to erosion, and visually unattractive. of existing Austria Haus and parking lot, viewed from the Austria Haus Envirownental Assessment, Page 2 Figure 2 South side of existing Austria Haus and Gore Creek , viewed from Covered Bridge. 4vtfir.lbN)"{AE ++4l41 \__ + WEFffi> qlt/fit v2@rNe e6@- 7 p6F6tE)* AA,..rD,t-4+@ o p' za' a'LfuJ Figure 3 North-south site section before and after mid-1960's construction of the existing Austria Haus. 9'lqpb66.?,taa l tE. Austria Haus Environmental Assessment, Page 3 The Development Proposal Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. proposes to tear down the existing building and replace it with a new, larger building containing 24 fractional fee units (2 I having lock-off rooms), 20 hotel rooms, one manager's living unit, and 5,122 sf of retail space. The increased number of accommodation units (from 37 rooms to 66 units), the Sonnenalp's intention to offer for nighr ly rent any units not occupied by owners, and the projected year-round operation ofthe mem- ber-owned project are expected to yield almost a five-iold increase in the number of visitor nights, from 10,200 now to almost 47,000 nights per year. The existing surface parking lot will be replaced by an under-structure garage for 48 cars, accessed by a heated, ramped driveway along the west side of the building. There will also be a heated surface parking area on the street side for deliveries and guests who are registering. A covered trash area is proposed in the underground parking area. The new building will extend outward from the old building footprint and will encroach into the 20-foot lot line setbacks on the east, north and south sides, as does the existing building. The new structure will not violate the required 50' setback from the centerline of Gore Creek. (See attached site plan comparing old and new building footprints.) Environmental Issues Environmental impacts may be caused by one or more phases of development activity: the demolition of the existing building; the construction of the new building; site development, particularly the reconstruction of the streambank; and the modified urban patterns that result from the completed project (i.e. the effects of increased visitor population, larger building mass and height, altered circulation patterns and changes to the pedestrian street). The fol- lowing discussion highlights the issues which, as a consequence of potential environmental, impacts related to the redevelopment of the Austria Haus, may require further study. Water Quality The primary issues related to water quality are erosion and sediment control, stream- bank stabilization, runoff and stormwater management, and effects on groundwater. Erosion and sediment control will be of greater concern during demolition, construc-. tion, and sitework than after the proiect is completed. Construction activities on the site will have to be care edto'avoidworseniffi ty to erode and to avoid the discharge of sediment over the bank and into the creek. Snowmelt and stormwater run-off from the construction site will have to be diverted t. away from the baq!,4!d_4!y CglEEnt in it allowed to s Austria Haus Environmental Assessment, Page 4 ) 3. Special permits may be needed if the renaturalization of the streambank will require that machinery work from the bottom of the bank, in the water. At this time, before a final design for the strearnbank improvements has been developed, it is difficult to pre- dict whether disturbance of the stream itself will be necessary and, if so, to what extent. In any case, streambank reconstruction should be done_dqling a low-flow peri- od of the year (fall). The completed Austria Haus project can be expected to improve water quality in sev- eral ways. First, the renaturalization and stabilization of the streambank will decrease its tendency to erode bv reducing its steepness and thereby improving the potential fo{ successfullv revegetating the bank. The consequence of a more stable bank will be to reduce sedimentation of the creek. Second, the redevelopment of the site opens the opportunity to redesign the site's stormwater management system and to add a proper filtration mechanism to eliminate the direct discharge of runoff into the cre4. Third, iipruc"-eni of itt" "* ittln g rurru"" p-ting @"t "on - trol and filtration of runoff tainted with vehicle pollutants. There have been no recent groundwater studies on the site, and the seasonal depth to groundwater is unknown. Dependine on groun o the parking garage foundation walls. While this will increase the costs of construction, it is unlikely that an underground parking structure would have a negative effect on groundwater quality or flow as long as auto- polluted melt water from the driveway and within the garage is controlled and filtered. Water Quantity The Town of Vail's municipal water and sewage treatment system has the capacity to serve the increased number of accommodation units and visitors that will result frorn this project. Air Quality Air quality degradation in a rnountain resort community originates primarily from winter road maintenance (materials used to sand the roads become airborne as traffic pulverizes them and stirs them up), from increased vehicular traffic, and from wood- burning fireplaces. The first - airborne particulates from winter road maintenance - is not directly relevant to the Austria Haus, a private redevelopment within the pedestri- an core, and the new project will not adversely affect existing conditions. To address the last,.all units in the new Austria Haus will have gas-burning, not wood-burning, fireplaces. Only the increased traffic could be a potential, though probably minor, concern. Austria Haus Environmental Assessment, Page 5 4. It is possible that during demolition and construction of the new building, there will be a slieht but lncrease ln iculates as a result of construction activi and increased trips to the site by diesel-fueled construction vehicles. It is also proba- ble that, because the new building will house more retail space and accommodation units than the present one, there will be a slight increase in air pollution from delivery vehicles, vans, and private automobiles. The implications for increased traffic after completion of the project are discussed below (see Transportation Impacts). Wetland Impacts The streambank is too steep to support wetland conditions. Subsoils appear to be porous and sandy with cobbles rather than hydric, and there are no wetland plant species in evidence along the stream corridor. Therefore, wetland impacts do not appear to be an issue. Biological Impacts (Wildlifu and Aquatic/Riparian Habita\ At present, the quality of the Gore Creek riparian corridor as habitat in this stretch of the creek is low. On the Austria Haus side of Gore Creek in particular, there are no shrubs and very few trees at the creek's edge to provide cover or insects for fish. The renaturalization and revegetation of the streambank as part of this project should great- ly improve the quality of the riparian habitat for both tenestrial and aquatic species. The physical constraints of existing topography in this area may limit the feasibility of a complete reconstruction of the streambank; however, design concepts for renatural- izing the bank will be developed with input from hydrologists and riparian specialists to assure the maximum ecological benefit. Geologic and Other Natural Hazards No geologic hazards have been identified on this site. Because of the steepness of the streambank, the entire pro.iect site is well above the active high-water mark and the 1O0-year flood plain. Socio-Economic Impacts Although quantification is difficult at this point, the following impacts, mostly beneficial, can be anticipated: l. Jobs The existing Austria Haus employs 3l full-time equivalent positions. It is estimated that the new operation will be run with the same number of full-time employees. In addition, an estimated 15 new full-time positions would be needed to manage the 5.100 sf of new retail space. This number could vary depending on the number and size of retail businesses that lease space in the completed project. J. 6. Austria Haus Environmental Assessment, Page 6 2. Because the ownership intends to operate the new Austria Haus year-round, the 31 full+ime positions associated with the project will likely be less seasonal than they are presently. Retail Sales and Economic Diversification The project will not bring in new non-tourism economic activities, but it does offer the potential to strengthen local core-area retail businesses through more successful year- round operation and greatly increased numbers of upper-income guests throughout the year. Shops in the new building are expected to be high-end and to offer merchandise that will diversify the shopping experience in the village core. Sales Tax Revenues Sales Tax Revenues - The existing building has a single retail shop of 497 sf which does not operate year-round. The shop generates about $4fi),000 in gross retail sales and about $16,000 in sales tax revenue. The new building will have over 5,000 sf feet of retail in as many as five new shops operating year-round. At an estimated $500- $800 per square foot in sales, which is comparable to the Sonnenalp's other retail oper- ations, this is expected to generate from $2,500,000 to $4,000,000 in gross retail sales and from $100,000 to $160,000 in sales tax revenues to the Town. Also, increased sales tax revenues from other retail businesses in the village core can be expected to result from the significant increase in visitor nights generated by the new building. Real Estate Transfer Taxes - The sale of the Austria Haus, club memberships, and the retail spaces could generate an estimated $460,000 in real estate transfer taxes for the Town. Lodging Tax - ln addition, the 20 hotel rooms and 2l lock-off units will produce municipal revenue from the lodging tax whenever they are rented to visitors. However, the lodging tax is not applicable to members'use of fractional fee units, so the change in net revenue from the lodging tax could be insignificant. Demand for Municipal Services The new building is unlikely to create a significant additional demand for fire and police services. The design of the new building will conform to today's more strin- -, u I gent fire codes and should increase fire safety. As it will not house permanent resi- V- dents. the proiect should have no effect on the school system. All utility services (gas, electric, water/sewer, phone) have the capacity to serve the new building. 3. 4. Austria Haus Environmental Assessment, Page 7 I, 5. Employee Housing The new building will include a single living unit for the building manager. The exist- ing building has no employee housing units. Tfansportation and Tlaffic Impacts Traffic Volume A slight increase in automobile traffic is to be expected because of the projected increase in the number of visitors generated annually by the project. What is not known, however, is how many of these additional guests will come by car; it is like- - ly that the largest number of guests will continue to come in the winter and that most of them will come by van from the airport. Van deliveries to the proiect will likely increase somewhat. Even those guests who come in their own (or a rental) car are likely to leave it in the garage after they arrive, as the central village location of the project eliminates the need for a car. Road capacities at the Frontage Road intersec- tion and at the entry to the project should be able to handle the increased traffic load. If there is a potential for congestion anvwhere, it is most likelv to be in the small drop- off parking area in front of the building, where check-ins, deliveries. and lost driverg may converge. signage, speedy guest valet service, careful management of deliveries, and incentives to encourage guests to leave their cars at home. I Trash and Deliveries The applicant has been working with neighboring residents and businesses to design a delivery and trash pick-up plan that will cause the minimum of noise and conges- tion. Other village core retail businesses, similar in size and kind to the shop spaces proposed in the new Austria Haus, report that their biggest deliveries occur prior to the opening of the ski season, when the majority of their inventory arrives. Thereafter, they normally receive only small deliveries by UPS and others. The applicants expect that very few large delivery trucks will service the shops in the Austria Haus and that deliveries can be accommodated in the small drop-off parking area at the northwest corner of the site. A full loading dock, earlier proposed at the west end of the building, is not thought necessary and has been deleted from the plan. Without a restaurant, the building is not expected to generate an unusual amount of trash, and neither the location of the trash dumpster (in the garage) nor the collection of trash is expected to be a major issue. The driveway will be designed to standards that will accommodate service, delivery, and trash trucks. 2. Austia Haus Environmental Assessment, Page 8 1. 3. Pedestrian Circulation The project site plan is expected to make dramatic improvements in pedestrian circulation patterns and directional clarity along East Meadow Drive. Redesign of the Austria Haus entry area and driveway should reduce circulation conflicts between vehicles and pedes- trians in this segment of the restricted access street. The new linear public space along the building's north-facing arcade provides a place for people to walk without forcing them into the street, where they conflict with buses, and its design uses paving patterns, plant- ing areas, and a curb separation to emphasize its pedestrian character. Where pedestrians presently get confused, walking down into the dead-end space between the Mllage Center and the Austria Haus or getting trapped in the sunken parking lot, the new site plan will offer them a much clearer and more attractive route. The addition of retail space along the north side of the building helps to extend and fill the gaps in the walking circuit from Crossroads and the Villaee Center to the Covered Bridee. Visual Impacts Building Mass and Height The new building will be taller and larger in mass than the existing one. However, this is generally considered to be the only area in the village core that can absorb larger scale buildings and where they are appropriate and in context. Variations in roof heights and ground floor facades, as well as extensive glazing, a mix of rustic materi- als, interesting architectural detailing, well crafted signage, and warm interior and site lighting should help to reduce the perception of large scale. The applicant has sub- mitted a scale model of the new structure in its village core context so that Town staff and review boards can consider this issue in depth during the development review process. View Corridors Of the five view coridors officially adopted and protected by the Vail Zoning Code (Chapter 18.73), one is near the project site. It is a view from the main pedestrian stair- way on the south side of the Vail Transportation Center looking up Bridge Street, past the Clock Tower, toward the ski slopes. Nothing proposed in this development will nega- tively affect this view; on the contrary, it is possible that the west periphery of the view corridor will be improved by the architecture of the new building and the way it opens onto Slifer Plaza. Existing views of background buildings from the top deck of the parking structure may be partially obstn.rcted by the taller building. Mews of the ski mountain beyond this vantage point should not be significantly affected, as the ridge lines will still be visible. And, in any case, few people view the mountain only from this location, and most descend into town via the main stairway from the parking structure, where the view will be unaffected by the new development. Views east and west along East Meadow Drive will also be unaffected and the foreground views improved. 2. Austria Haus Environmental Assessment, Page 9 J.Qualtty of Public Spaces The new plan will have important beneficial impacts on the quality of public spaces in the village core because of the improvements it proposes along East Meadow Drive, along the Gore Creek frontage, and in Slifer Plaza. In the l99lZown of Vail Streetscape Master Plan, goals for the sub-area that includes this section of East Meadow Drive are set forth: "separating buses from pedestrians, provid- ing a comfortable shopping experience, controlling unnecessary vehicular traffic, main- taining vehicular access to lodge units in the area, screening parking, and accommodating service and delivery vehicles." In particulaq improvements along this portion of the street should enhance its pedestrian character and reduce the emphasis on the car by adding side- walks where none exist, screening or removing surface parking areas, and installing unit pavers in place of asphalt except in bus lanes. The site design concepts for the new Austria Haus have been targeted to address all of these objectives. The new pedestrian path parallel to E. Meadow Dr. - wider, more attractive, and heated for snowmelt - should function as intended to separate pedestrian circulation from buses and strengthen the area's pedestrian emphasis. (See Transportation Impacts #3, above.) Improvements along the Gore Creek portion of the property will at a minimum improve the visual quality of the streambank when viewed from the Covered Bridge and points across the creek. They will also offer better visual and physical access to the creek by creating new public spaces at the southeast corner of the building. Improvements to Slifer Plaza will focus on those portions nearest the new building, but the applicant's plan proposes new paving, removal of unnecessary retaining walls, and the addition of ample park seating and lighting throughout. Retention of as many existing trees as possible is a goal (see #4 below). The applicant expects that the design process for Slifer Pl;za improvements will be a participatory one, with a final design and funding plan to be developed in concert with Town planners and interest- ed neighbors. Impact on Existing Trees The applicants fully intend to retain as many of the mature conifers as possible on the site, as they consider them to be extremely valuable to the visual image of Slifer Plaza and the new building. It is not yet clear how many of the spruce trees on the east end of the building may have to be removed, but it is anticipated that a few at the north- east corner may be too close to the area that must be excavated for new foundation walls. The applicant will work with Town planning staff to identify the special trees that must be protected and to agree on a mitigation plan to replace those that must be removed. No removals will be done without Town approval. 4. Austria Haus Environmental Assessment, Page I0 Nuisance Imoacts: Noise and Smells There will be no food service operations in the new building, which is expected to remove the need for frequent, noisy food and liquor deliveries that have become so bothersome elsewhere in the village. Without restaurant refuse, there should not be a problem with odors from the trash area. Austria Haus Environmental Assessntent, Page I I qJ Fzrr I O U) F (t) IJ. f I I U) F(t) 3 lr1Fz!J O z Fs oz F q. r! 6 Fa rrl E Ir 3rr I 5 t$+ "r:ifr *. o3 F(t € trI Fz!J O rr'l J z rt I 3Frr I 3rr'l ql q.,l qt O I& 3 EI Fz 3s atrl t!ql Q F :) tI 3r! \ Fz '-.) { o y) E tJ. 3 f r I Q lrJ I t! F !JFzrr Ir'\ qzr! U E lJ- 3q.] 1 f,'-*---: -5f - .,'b- |,$ :+a ,,F.r I tr,f,,' >{r'-' :;'i-J,: 'r' -.'I t r-l i;r"" oF9-r ts Eb trl Lsti$3':sf3s $ $* v .B ,€$- i$tt3r3{ =\) .5 :s {- -{- Ist: .$F s:s\s -{'-t.. 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't;;$lE "ii ';:tfigi "i I rJ . I' s E-r t j :,. €€"€ i . '-: --,.iiii .E .'r : :{gs"' oa ,tli-8, 'l---:.,;j3 .*;E3;.E E :liii lielg;;niri Eirfirr :?EEEiEEi: 35i i i En3:qiilii ; gii;lli'i 6iiiiiriz!I !,3 -liI; a g;!h'ailsri!rr.ii =,, ri _ili ' :t*q q:;6H:i;e:;iErdH;Fs:.rlil.i;Is;70 n*!t i,ircE.o_.'i!, q{r ;::;igrii:iiqE iA -,.;!i ;:iif,;igIiEEittii".r;i?d,:;1.i.:F A tfl i':*';;:*llai,;u-:!sg;;;ll;!eiiriiiie.r.. :.s;5 dl;g;3*;'.EtEilittiiii!:;tEE;i;t*;E *;:' Et'*iii:r::;;ii:::;iu;'qigqlqig iE iS'.f ;t:itt5;:l:?!'.'.; i;".AiI:Sliiliil' E tA tiil :Elilr.IB>:i:;iriliii:;!;i!iiiiEa if :lc& .frFbr:"!i3tt"Rll."iri'3'n'n.'.'!f 3oS' 9'3tl:iE:?,r,Eb'oFAFb!-.;:;'ij'-:'jn- -...ii !!:.i6::3-.zit;;;;;;11,?esiiriii:!| rr '-r 'r o'l;' *09 rttt Ir, o o oo {, odNr!oNe.!ei f, :!: i*3 f; iri iritE E ts E s ts H ;EH:i;'.1'I:.,.:'.t Fi E;i rF' Eillr Hi::ifi i Eiaiifl; iiii::::i315* 3.z'| olrr4a|. "31:AE 'O F g F i T 6tr 1ru !.Stsvuu^ .,$ ti iiii iiaiiii iiiai i;iiiiit rilriiii iiii iil!il; iiiii iiitii;i i!iiil i:;iilriir;;ririiisitl;liiiii;;illr ;s:; i ilr!rir :iggi rlil:ii; ;i!ii I:l ;r9; c aEt:sii 1i1E: .;s;irgi i6icii!i, errr I ltoi,iS Clrii H5;;i;:i ii;*;;t! li!e E I:tlll; IHit$ Ei=ii:ir 3e;:i'lre l?ri r r*r!:Ei e;iii sEilii$1, eiiIEi$3; llii H g*l-4"' uqiFt l;irr'tti;;;i;' Ei: iitr * *isi:il silii Elllii;ii e!;ii; ,2:.i;i ,g!.;gl{ ':r!t '"i$5"E! .'>*r,,;!'lili'';:il;i,'iiiii'iiiilii$'ifili 94 .:35 tll363$ .iFEii t-a;€-,€ii irFr-iE i!i! iAil;!{ i;5!i g:iilili iiltt ll I I I lll lillll I ll ll tliti eu, t I $; iii jll;f jE $ :i ii !s aEi Er 5 e lf,;;i llRilEE i;;s :ii:uli; i il i i; fl lli flfiffi , i$ li iii ffiii tl.! i$ li iiii*lililE,3;i ;i ;ieiiqi; iil i ii ii tilt ,liiiii . I ,tr ii: -igti li I ; s lll EBiiig ; ;E t! xtEtt.' : l' 3 r ,rir uri iI l:uir" u,i;i; ;E,ii,;r ilil iit if, ;liilii ;ii;'u,;iq,;:i i iiii ili :i nli;i$i ii;l;:i il:i;;; ii i$;i ;!i :il siil$;r aij 5l Hie' g;i H;t f;a;i[:E er: i; :;;E :lj :i; l;lrsr;! :gi il '!ig -iiu'ii 'iiii;ii -rl 3l Eit EEi.ri ii:Iri: it r! i r.i- , - i :r !i; i&-. !.iEti .Ig"F56i ..:!.'?,-l.,I'i':i ifi:'' -'s 'llt :;$l Ilf iqi;iir =li:,ff,. "i'g'r'?ii f,:gfj i:', ,--E -i;c oai gi36ii?,.t ioB.;.i.. -..ij.o!r. .!.! itta, !€"8.i8.!arEEb! E"Eblt' 65SU.E' Esr', !q€t: .gt!. ci3 ai:5(,*f,1 {}5tE.B' :"3.3}: .iiI :E.r.-. O!. .c E' .{ oc.{rto|. 9! - . .r t.r -al, Fii t{ jrits i;l ?.SEl- ic '8 3 gt 6 "t { j i 5A B^ r, .q';8 8!..8'.,:r'€i3b.f59!, -9li.Ea l5i.iE: llio braaL atEo -H> '!r, oa -laau v a {r a, >.1 . a!rl'tt q.a<t krra a r.r bia ,0.t a6o.a,r0a r! I \aF1 o. aJ<teoCrto x!z Ej.cr' 9olg ?, r.|J E<r{,.Jd rtU|l{-ra ucotrr.ue .EIi ,2igi ir?E ;gi €El,rIE55 ;Hsit: Egi;T:r Erst o!A.g -->t .0'! - gg E9;" 41i86 3 .! -tr.X,2 ctr-t. .. A t a r.{i\ '{.r ti .Oj.Obt > 2o.t eA O.rntt.taA :k.l .r 0,f .O .{.r.a'- ,-{ q. i l'r.-oor.oro H!c!l' 2caA|J < iOata .Catr{ '.a.!t ,tot t o.tt{o 0.Ed o ll0 oE o. r.t>L a4a€ta 5u>l f9; h5oil5t" 2A5" -: .u.CBt:: Ircd fl' .lrkd c.c. a I c4I{ ,.{ cl >.! o'ooo kE t{ P9 |r|tc na{ it . dr{o6 o>r -t.o! a r..o o c ort{ or. c t!9aLt br r. o -d co-{E -r..r. ora, aa E rrb e ,.taa Ic oo<to ooro A uotJa9a z^trrttLa ua co-{}a Eu9 Fllfta r!l* t5i 863"3i;.. <E2lnl I?&.!js.;i" F:-1 ta r, -.. ril-rooEr.o( (l| -.oEr. 4l ordo, d|-l!t Li>c> 'A ar 0-.4 Et..tl, U LO :ZCAt{C Hr r, .QE !l a> - a' PO Xar.., U r. a k><t a.{ Hooq.{! 9 t (,t .{ -0t!a )!r{e-.. u u|,on )r xuo oE .r A.{}.9>o oEox.c>E <.t t ,rya.r,{ ox c oa uol>ra.r., 40 -{,{rr. !to o r'-..1 I t Iarrd l.art o! .t i'...r.o c cr. ourt ..o tl-r a '{E .o (,-l E-CaA Ul O-. atl L <t ll Eoroo ltaEa k .r>C6a lla -. 99V4? lll'.. !l{C lrro-{Cut Orrn.Qr.a, ia-.dO-.a aiaa Aga-. q >E.{i, ll!.a a ,cau .{ a-{ 2o ot tl .r. \.tE <aaE -a(' - H-aa! E nr.QC.Ct-ia l.COra.) 4-a tOt L., f aa Il5&ltg |]J.L t..t ro aU.dc ..lCOrh a.Aa.o . ktC atao g . aa |. r>aiao g-a ta -al, tqc .4.{ a !iii F.;! Ri 85!n5*u ui!i5 !Ii5.i .l! I'nl t 3! i7 .,5 o b.. o3 ..b€ t 'i. . b .l E'l .ia'jEi .itxc "'i6 oi5-'*o;3 9r3:End ir!n!6t I€j.8j l6t-3 >l' ..e 8i85.5€f .t-!'53 ;I.';il r!"t d.,ar. '. .1, r{a Ltr >'{-{-aa kaa. a, O-)O C.lla, a-JaU .r-a o. at .lOO.rr,lar tr. .|.-t Cktn-a-t t ir.-lE-{a '.t-. o >H ,Ar.d._ a .tttEO g .Oa.{a.{ |iaaa IIir ili :t $l$Ildu :;:tig t€eli! iIEg X I ? \X"aoei 'id0.. .E brq ua4.c. .O-{a,E ttt')lc< 'i8 \r .gl \l11: $lBl r!Er i IAi, r J X9EEd-laL5fl! EAarra.{ .c aaOa L]aX.{;E! ! g !toa r a3:: il s.a l H .{a !..c H at^t r 5i!;. Io >a, u l.r t<a-l I dIri, l{ $*t:t!.'l*oa tvaura!olrl $!i;: !ii:lrit .t-rE: ;iiti;: illri; ' F !;Ilt; X gr 6gi i Ei $ii:i: dE r.iiel f iliii atLa9t rtits i;$i E t-l? i,-qf l*fl: fJi' t , f ro I rli! r !!$; slgr8gl .tr i;;{lit;ti l,tau uo.( 4 4 tt{arErl L lu,,gtr.||oo a,a.Iido>oouLlelrli. doo|J or8".3 A i cl^6tar, r at tt o!$ri $l -ir InF;i tIruo > !iii; itarat {lltrt5r5 t, Hrgr I "dst g t.r' BilE! r llr B U9itf La LaA ea Ha ato I It T I rfreezr rtoRNEtrRGE +++ pslll,P02 TiUc &rocidiotr C'OMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY STEWART TITLE CUAN,ANTY COMPANY FltF c: ^' STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, A Tcru Corporation, hcrcin callcd the cornpany. for valuabte ggnriderariou, hstcby commits to issuc iu policy or pulicica of titlc inrurarrc, ae idcatificd in Schc4ule A, in favor of tm pioposea lruurcd n EGd-in $rhedule A, a$ owner or monEagoc of lhc esrare or intercst covend hcrcby in'the land describcd or refcrrcd to in Slchedute A, uPon payment of. the premiu1qs and charges thcrrfor; all subjcct to the prwisiomr of Sclrcxlules A and B snd to ure Coudidons aud Stipulations hercof. This Commitmcnt shall be effcctivc only wheu thc idcntity of the proposcd lnsurcd and the efiount of tlle policy or policies comnited for havc bcen inscncrt In Schedule A bsrcuf try ttrc Conrpany. cithcr at tbC tifltc of rhc issuance of this Commih€nt or by rubscquent endorscment' This Con6imrcnt iE prclimimry ro thc issurmc of nrch policy or Policies of titlc incur&ce anrJ all filiiifity ""a "Utigatloni hcrcuder stull cc&ce ud t€rniDatc sir months after thc cffecdve datc hcrEof or wb€n fhe policy or policics commirtcd for sbrll issue. whichcvq flrst occurs, provided that thc failurc to issui such policy or policies i8 not thc fautt of the Company' Signed under rcrl for thr Comprny, brrt thir ( jornnitnrent sball not be v0lid or binding until it b€ats an authorized CouncrtilPature, lN wtTNFss wllEREoF, Stcwan Title Gnttrutty Company hae caurcd itt corporarc narie and seal to be hctcUnto afhxed by its duly authorizEd ofticerc on the dare sho$'t in Schqlulc A' STEWAR,T TIT GU^RANTS COM?ANV (lraitntatl of the nravAi,T tttt tl or DACLE COUN'IY. INC, P.O, lor 2fix) Vrll, Colondo 111618 (fro) 049-lol I LE %'t Cr|uuL€tdignaturG Pr.:rident a rJreezr TSoRxSTTRGE +++ rOrrl CONDITIONS AITID STIPIJLATIONS t. Thctcrm rlonglgc, whcuuscd hcrein, rhdl includc dccdof trust, tmst dccd, or utlrcr rouutity ingrumcnt. 2. tf thc propo$d Iruured har or acquira rchrd loowlcdgc of any defect' lien' cnCUmbraltr, advcr* clain or sthEr mancr affcctiq! thc cs'-t. or intcrcsa or ulonS,ege fiereoD covercd by this Ctnmlunptrr odrer than thore rhown in Schcdulc B hct€of, lrd rhall fiil to dltclorc sttch howledge ro ftG Compray iu writiry, tlrc conpny sbell be lElierred from liebillty (or aoy los or danagc rcculung from uy st of rclislEc bErtoD to rbp cxr.ot 6e Compuy is prejudiccd by fiilurc torcdilclele nlshbTlcitc. If Oc ProPoled rnsurEd rball disclocc rugbltrowlCgc lothe ConPetry'or if rhc Compary oocrwisc squlrEs sctual kngwledgc of rny such dcfect, licn, e$urtbnlcc, advcrse clslm or otbEr ErtEr, rlre Conpaay lt it$ opion nay encnd Schcdulc B of lhie Commitmcnr accordingly, but such amcndmil lbrll aot rcllcve tbe Company from liability pr€viously ircurred pursu|il to ParagraPh 3 of $ese Condlrions 8nd SdPulerlons. 3. Liabilily of thc Compary undcr thir Commitmcnt shdl bc only to thc naned proporcd Itrsurcd rd oucn prrticr ircludql urder thc definirion of lnsurEd in tlrc fofm Of policy g[ p9licic$ comtntEd for.Dd otrly for rcrual loss incurrEd in rcliEnce hercou in udcrtrking in good fet& (a) ro comPly with thc rqluirErDcnu hereof, or (b) lo climinsrc ghovrr ia Schedule B, or (c) to scqulre or ercatF $F cllrE or inbrcst or mongegc lbcrcortr oovcrcd by this Commiunent- IIt lg Cvgnt $sll such lisDility crccd ttc rnouqt $rrcd in Schedulc A ft,r tlrc pJicy gr pglisiCs gommified tbr ard such lirbility ir subjccr to the Insurln8 provirioos, thc conditio,ns rnd stipulations. ard thc Exclurloru from coverage of thc firrm of pOliCy Or polrcicr commircd for in faVor Of I||C ProPoscd lnsurEd which urs lrcrcby inCOrpOntaf by refercncc rnd arc mede a psfl of lhis Commitmrnt cxEPt E5 ef,Prcslly modifid hercin. 4. Any action or ectioff or rights of actioo that thc propoeed lnrurcd may have or may brlng agaiasr thc Compury aririrg, oW ef tbc ltahrs of thc tidc to th€ c8tstc or intcrcst or ttr9 sh$s of thc morttqtc Oereon rnvcred Dy thls Commitmcnl must bc based on rnd rrE subJect to thE PruYilionr of thlr Commirncnt. P03 i I -'- . SIETYATTTTII.E 'UARANT' C'Uptrrry All noticcs requircd to bc given the ComPlry nDd any 3tltlmcnr in urriting rcquired to be furlished rnc Compo0y rhall bc .ddrEwd to it ar F.O, Box 2029, Ilorston' Tcrar 71252,afridcutify this coumitmc.nt by it! Ptilicd COMMITMENT ORDBR NLJM' !!i which rppcars on the bo$om of thc hont of tbc fust pstc of this commitmcnt. o rlreezr TEoRNBuRcs +rt rfll Po4 SCHEDWE ^; Order Numbcr: g6or2ggt J. Efreclivedate: Aprll 02, 2996 tt 7:tl5 I.X. , , 2. Policy or Policies to be issued: - -t (a) A.L.T.A. Owncr's (Scanda=d) Propancd Inswcd: TO EE D'rADf,TINED Atnounr of lrcuranceI to. ooo, ooo. oo (b) A.L.T.A. Loan (strldrrd, Proposed Insurcd: (c) Iasehold Proposcd Insurcd: , 3, The .state or inter.st in the land descrtbed or rqcrrcd to in this Commitment awl covered herein is taa ttmplo . Title ro rhe faa tl'/gle estate or interut in said land is at the efrcctivc date hereol vested in: : 6dMlllf,l& P PnOPtnttES t INC. ' I COT.OijDO COnPgn TZON 5. Thc land r{erred to in this Commirmenr is described es followt: Ftt llrrrctED tEctaL DEgcntPfraIY Putgottc,d lddrttt:STAIEMENTOF CTURGES ?fiase clurgas arc drc atd paydle bcforc e Puliey ean De ic,raad- PnEx.tVr( arHlvldrr oD!rrE^n.. s756t. O0 I ftsezr TEoRNEI'RGE ,ri pUIL P05 SCHEDWE A Jraer Nwnber: 960728e3 o LEGALDESCNPNON ^ p.ra ot tE.,cc C, UAXII vtLL At' FIRST FTLINO' '!ax or u zL. Gouqiy et tagl.. st.tc o.f colorrdo, Itaac?lbed te folTott: Baglazlng tt a polaE ia ?rect c trlaa ,t.tcr tt. llelitlrvggt Cc'r7Aes oE lroi B, EToek 5-D bca't 5 37 deEzaca 7S"O' lt 7 9,14 tcc., 2baaca N 6l dcgtoao 12'56a tl J2-0o taae; thcar'€ S a9 dcgEeet l7'ol" t 7r7-OO lect; gfrcnee 3 EC Cagrrct /7'Ql'f ll5. oo t-cci anetroe w E d.g'rccs 57't7t t 125-69 tcca co. Pal.ae oA gDa lEc gt | 145.77 toot E.d'lut €uFv!, Glic8o Scvth..taeEZy Aaz-55 CecE aToo'g 2b' tse oC a cusve Eg Elrc Tetc /hot. seacral tzgle la It d'gf ct 90'15' rgd rhoae logg chord betre 6 72 deg':cet 13'48' E t?e,cs tcer co t Polnt cE a.zJCnCi chaacr N 85 dcarael 2o'SOt r 729-50 tacc 'o t potac oQ cuiaci tA.ae€ ttttcrTy 3t.67 te,t| eloag tbc tre oC.! 85.00 Eoae clFre zo Ebe tlgbc 'l',o'e celqcrtT .€;gle la 26 dtEsect ot'as' r a fhoeQ fo',g cD,o,':d baaat S 8t deg'ac't S?'O3- E 38,21 fect; EtscEc|r s ll c',gr.c8 52' .O5' a 28 - 35 teec i GACECa S 72 degsc'as t6'56'A 75-95 fecc uo 'h'a 'olat ol E.gig.'.tag. cor'ffft oF 'llot'J,'|rrfE ot eoLoilDo ?tl&1 CoWI;Tffi? HAE PBtetftD oN APn'fl,. 70' 7996' Foa QSE9fIONS PT r;l,SE 5LIJ tnllc/ gCBrtu lrt (97Ot 919-20!7' coPt.t co': tradattck 5. ocEo c fersezr TEoRNBURGE ,r, rfll !' : 2lrder Nunber : I 6 o 72 8s3 P06 SCHEDALE B Sectiott I REQUIREMENIS The lotlowing arc rhe rcquirematts to be complied with: Irent (a) Pqtment to or for the accowtt of rhe gta&ors or t totttators d tk full considemtion fat the ettilc or interest to be iwured- Itcn (bl proper insrnotrent(s) crcatint rhe estate or intcrcst ro bc insured musr be executcd and duly fled for record, to wit: I. lVidcncr Atlltf.ccoty to gccrrrG ttcl. ourr.l! cy cfiE.ty of lttyaaat of all ovt,c.'|al gE.xe'rodaaaeEF,El.':Laaacc,zelltadbytbeErgrlccou'rrtyt?.e'lr?e|' 2. grrcucloa of tltldtrvlt aa Eo.DrDea r.Dd Lla'.t tnd fat reEuta co StrYrrE ?Jcl' Gu.!.a E!, CacPeaY. 3, E-rcqrlon ol C.Eti[lcrta - EaEity ?r'rantatot/Izdlvldrtal ttt'rtta'ol rnC ltr r6Eutlt co EAe octtce. a. itrlCcacr rtlltCtcEory 3s lfqvr'zE !J!lc 6grrr.a c!' ColtPr.ny clrlc th' ratJ cgectc lr|.etf€r tax atteseed bY Ehe tova ct vtlt btg bc€8 ?a!d a'r cAlc cht zEtatte?toa ld .;rctpt trcrr geld ttz- DaGd crcE soanantTp Ptoget.-l!(,t, Izc. ' t dolofldo Cotport2,.oa' vattlag tee ttltPte ct,cla 1B Grr'a,cG,c(. ) co ba dcccrzrlaad' xotii: ItonAfrox oF trlz :.J'ct^h ,a,Dztgt o, tnr on,'/fitriE xugf .lrr'tErl ot|| frt DEZD ^s98 7g?5 /fl@|Dlnf,r TCt 'TArur,E OIY EcoaDtlt' of Dtlg,a cR'g 3A-J5-2O9 (2t' l{pfiE: gg.f|rt ftCl! cuast 'Zy Cod/Pr'triy i..cfrat zht stEnc to '|dd lz|r addlilo'|.I fequltcE-it g lnd/ot 'z'caPcto!,a lt B'rt da€a gceeeea?|. llPolt lattzlag cf Ehc graatc'e(E) - a lrsoz tn***ffiRrteuRcu ", rslll Scstion 2 P07 lOrdcr Number: 96o12s93 EXCEmONS ilhe policy or policies to be issued will contain crceptions rc rhe following unless lhe sqme are disposed of ro rhe Vdtislacrion of he ConParry: Ill Rights or clains of panier ia po.rsession, nor shown by the public records' l 2. Easenenrs, or clains of eetcments, not sllp,*m by the public records ' .3. Disctcpancies,conflictsin boundarylines, shortageinarea, encroachmems, andany lacn whichacorrect suney and lrcpecrlon of the premiszs wuhl dbclose arul vhich qre ,,ot shc,wn by thc public records. L Ary lien, or right to a lien, lor semica, labor or nateilal herSofore or hercafier farnished, inposed by ldw and not thown hy rhe publlc records. 5. Defects, liens, cncuttdlrances, adverseclatmsor othertuttcrs, ifany.creued,first appcaringinthepublic ' reiord.s or anachlng subsequenc to thc elleerivc date hereof, but prior to thc datc the proposed insured acquircs of fecord for value the cstare or interest or morttqte rhereon covcrcd by thts cot rrnltment' IJnpercwcd mirtng chinu; lesemations or axreptiortt in parewt, or dn act anlhorizing lhe issuance theteof; walet rithts. clnims or tltle rc warcr. . My aad all ruprtd CrXCr rud at att .Det ',ad aay uaredcamcd ttx trla.. Tha .tt.ct ot laclusloa, ln .ay gaat':tT ot agcetflc ,rcet cc/nta*tg'ey ' ctre pEO?;aCZtOE. Eo!! gic!.reJ.ya tJoa cr o Cber dtebEtcg or ta,oT'Aaloa Il esy rrtr: De'.?ie€ at EGraaC i4Pf9rtt[cE E .tct. . X.r.wr! loas oF txeaptloat eostalacd la a.3. Prbara., or ta Aczt ruchorlrlag ello laa:gJrnca zh.ljr.rcj ' raeosdad la Doo* 18 t' D.,Ec 175' !asezt/lag 7) Rlgh'o of EIC pfgpt'l. Cot of 4 vc{n or Tcdt Eo .:ttrcc aaC toev. his o'a r$erctro''| r'Bd 2) tlEhlt of lly fot dlechat rad canelr co'lg ztltc ced usccf ric ruc''ortE / cE Ebe VAt Coil Sgrt€e- .70.S.at''|a'.lt. ,.atctlctlc,'rt tad tlghtt-ot'r.ltt aa ghotz oD, cD. 97tE of vatl vll7tgc llj,;ta PlILttE, tccoEd.d ,Argutc 1,o, t9lt2 lp gook 7?a .a gaga 78O 8t ScF.Ptloa llo ' 96122. taa., cazdltloeA, t...*rilo'lt, r!,ttij|c?-lo!E ,'zd obllTaEtoa'- aa caaBata.d tl EtiG P':oicccjva Cov.E.B es sf yall vl',',.ge. F!=tc 'tltsg' roeo'Fdtd ^tqgrd' t 70' t952 la goeh Ul .c Ptg. 779 r, tcccpcioa lto' tStEr' 72. rar'l,, c.ro.ac, condlcloat, ,E.t.t-t rEloaa, targ'lcctoE't tad abl.lgrtjoae rr coltr'D.d'DE.rGcgc^g'.GEc4tb.z'/'Je49l'!ZAacocla|c,o'zA....eo7o]'.do co'iSmt.clca lld 6ag |lcltl|ricl, I c., caai''igcd la ctre l,zgtrul.rFc Eecordea ffos.fDrr a, 7966 ja Bock 2oO tC Etge /lQS " BectPEja'a No' 7o19ta' taJ'It, 6.r.&.nc, .,oed!t!oat, rstcr+ttlaaa ' zctetlct!'na rad €,bllr.atcEr ts c$tlCrt'laA J,E llt.Ecs c Agt.cE st bGc'caa v',!l At',oc!'cot ' 'i''c' ' I e6ta.'tdo co8D08r tloa I'rd valt tt cer tld g|Eler|.toz Dlt.Elcc' Il e.be lE|t2rtlr/!'s'L E€;GoEd|,{ fogfun C 15. 7966 lD Eaoh 797 .,t Ptgt 165 !! lectPtloD No' 104536' 6. rll. r3. Cozelaucd oa saxt Dtgc sfreezr IToRNIURGE +++ rlll POE I i i coatlnue Cloa ot ScDrdulc E - gccclaa 2 i- a.rd.t ,tr$rb..r-. 96O72t93 v :21, ?c!flg, a',tamaaz, co,'d,lcton' , taa.rylatoat, E.tcEtcclost rud obltgattonz tt csaBrlacd la lascrc.B ! Agrecoclf DaErtGn Vatl l;eoctatce agd ttctteEl gloge Qaa CeBg!day, t Cglor.do eorprc.ttoal ta t&'a .{sr lruo(tltc EeeoFded, DccqDer Zo. 7969 ts Ea,o,k 216 .c Paga 575 ,t S.eGPEloE no- tlz,r.O. 75. otdtr al Zacluaton tE Ch. Vatl Xaetopoltt!.n Dtctttszt taeard,cd .t RoeoPejor| !yo. 7O561t !.r,d oEdeE o! ,ttclusl9.z lt Ehc V,.tl t ce? a,''d gaa,lGrelos. DlaEstet, rccatded !9 8tc.PlloE No- 96560. 76- My rnd rlt cxtottag [a..al e,iA c.a.act.t. 77. nt7ba ol tty for tAo ru+tttnc.rtuPLrd flov aE cota Craat. o Austria Haus Adjacent Property Owners l. Mountain House Condominium Association POBox 1748 Vail, CO 81658 2. TownofVail c/o Finance Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81557 3. P & REnterprises 228 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 4. Lodge Properties, Inc. 174 East Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 5. Creekside Condominium Association 223 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 6. Village Center Association 124 Willow Bridge Road Vail, CO 81657 7. Vail Core Condominium Association c/o John R Kaemmer 434 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 8. Crossroads Condominiums c,/o Steve Stafford 143 East Meadow Drive, Suite Vail, CO 81657 I t':\prj\austsir\docs\owncn.doc ' ,. a Vail Corcbondominium A*soc. Lodge Propcrtics. lnc. Mountain Housc Condominium c/o Brnndcss Cadmus Prop Mgmt | 74 East Gorc Crcck Dr. Assoc. j8l Bridgc sr. vail, co 816.57 Po Box 1748 Uail. CO 81657 Vail, CO 81658 Creekside Condo Assoc. 223 Gorc Creek Drivc Vail, CO 81657 Village Centcr Association Crossroads Condominiums 124 Willow Bridge Road c/o Stevc Stafford Vail, CO 81657 143 East Meadow Drivc Vail, CO 81657 P&R Enterpriscs 228 Bridgc St. Vail, CO 81657 , arnt(l tl-\ 'tllr a THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE ls HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental commission of the Town ol Vail witl hold a public nearing inlifotOance viitn Section 18.66'060 of the Municipal Code of the iown ot Vail on June 9, igS-2, at 2;00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' ln consideration of : A request for a worksession to discuss a conditional use permil 1o q!!ow for the construction of ine-Afpin" Garden eOucation Clnter, f ocated at 620 Vail V-alley Drive/Tract A, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Vail Alpine Garden Foundation Planner: George Ruther A request tor a variance from Section 18.13.060 (Front Setback) and for..a residential addition LiirLT"s ihJzso Orojninc"-, io arto* tor the constiuction ol a doimer addition, located at2943 Bellflower Drive/Lot 4, Block 6' Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Frank Bannister, represented by RKD Pianner: Tammie Williamson A reouest for an interior addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, to allow for an additional bedroom, locatbd at 680 W. Lionshead Place/Lot 3' Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing' Applicant: Phylis Darnell, represented by Rob Levine' Planner: Dirk Mason A request lor a worksession to discuss a zoning code amendment, to allow for outdoor commercial ski storage, as a conditional use and to allow for commercial ski storage (indoors) in all building levels, located in the CCI and CCll Zone Districts' Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc. represented by Joe Macy Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for an interior addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, to allow for an additional bedroom' iociGo it eeO W. Lionshead Place, the Antlersilot 3, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Larry Schwimmen, represented by Rob Levine' Planner: Dirk Mason A request to amend the Golden Peak Ski Base Development Plan to. allow for outdoor comrirercial ski storage, a parking lot attendant booth dnd outdoor wire ski racks, located at 458 Vilf Vatrey Oriveffradt F, Vail Vilhge Sth Filing and Tract B, VailVillage 7th Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc., represented by Joe Macy Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for a variance from Section 16.20.010 (Signs. Permitte.g), t9 11!9y lor tw.o building iOeniifiCiiion signs and to allow for an increase iri tne size of traffic control signs.r-located. at.. Golden pealt S-ki ease, aS$ Vail Valley Driveffract F, Vail Village Sth Filing and Tract B, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc., represented by Jack Hunn Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for an interior addition, utilizing the.250 Ordinance, to allow for a study, located at '1975' Placid Drive/Lot 15 Vail Village West Filing #1' James Donaldson, represented by Gore Range Construction Dirk Mason Applicant: Planner:M A request for a worksession to discuss a front setback variance (Qectio-n 18.28.070)' to allow A;;"i;i Jrp""rio" "t i;;;.s;;d;, l"aateo ar 1ai{ East Meadow'Drive/Lot P' Block 5D' Vail Village 1st Filing. Aoplicant: Haagen Daz, represented by Bill Pierce Pidnner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a minor subdivision and variances from lot size (Seclion 18'27'050)' landscaping (Section 1g.27 .1OO) ano -plif<ing tsection ie.Z:.f 10) requirements lor the First Bank in West VllL lJ"iiJO it227'1 N. fronta!'e'Road/Tract C, Vail Das Schone Filing #1' Apolicant: First Bank of Vail, represented by Joseph Miller Pianner: Dominic Mauriello A reouest for a minor suMivision to modify lhe^platted building envelope for Lot 9, Spraddle CrJ&.loi"i" d it tzzg Spraddle Creelr/L<jt 9, Spraddle Creek' Aoolicant: Dr. and Mrs. Singh, represented by Gordon Pierce Pidnner: Tammie Williamson A request for a review of the Environmental lmpact R-eport, tnaallow lor a,new single-family i-r"ri'El-roCat"d at 51t atick Bear Lane/Lot 1, block 2,'Gore Creek Subdivision' Applicant: Planner: Rolle Kjesbo Tammie Williamson Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. represented by Gordon Pierce George Fluther The applications and inlormation about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular offics hours in ir," pi|i"Ct pil^^er's office fo""t"a iitf'" fbwir of Vail Community Developmeni Departmenl, TS sodh Frontage Road. Sign language interpr€tatton available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or479-2356 TDD for inlormalion. Communily Development DePartment Published i,'lay 23, 1997 in the Vail Trail. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a brew-pub qnd.I re999st for a variance from Section 18.26.040 .t, to theiequiiement that no nrore tnan 45h ot the dLnnual prqduglg1 be.sold for off-site consumption inO a'variance to the requirement for50% ( Section 18'26'150).of .the b",xing io oe tocatbo oniit"JoJat"o-ir eoo uonihead Mall (Gondola Building)/Lot 4, Block 1' Vail Lionshead lst Filing. Aoolicant: Vail Associates, Inc., represented by David Thorpe Pidnner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a conditional use permit.to allow for a seasonal structure to be erected for the purpi,se ot selling seasonaLplairt proOucts, located a|2154 S. Frontage Road/(Conoco)' generally located at: THATPoRT|oNoFTHESEI/4oFSE1/4oFSEcT|oN11,ToWNSH|P5S9UTHIEANG_E81WEST oF rHE 6rH p.M., eeolicour.rrv,-ColonAoo, WHIoH BEGINS4I A.tg^ll'lr oN rHE sourH' EASTEFLy nrcnr-or-wev LtNE oF TNTERSTATL HIGHWAY No.70, WHIoH PoINT oF BEGINNING LtEs s86.14'22"w e orb'rnru-Cibp rzoo.eq FEET AND N48'00's7"E A DlsrANcE oF 380.04 FEET oF THE sE CORNER or sniO SEcrtoru lr, iHerucr ALoNG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY N44"01'Os"E A DlsrANcE or rgo.o ri.,'rlriNce s+s"6g'ss'E A DrsrANcE oF 229.50 FEET, THENCE N85"36'13"w A DtsrANcE or zs7.'ei'FrEi io rHE porrur oF BEGINNING. TRAcr coNTAINING 0'500 Ac' AoDlicant: Jane Mack Pidnner: Tammie Williamson Planner: '? Crossroads Condominiums c/o Steve Stafford -143 East Meadow Drive Jail, CO 81657 Village Center dssociation 124 Willow Bridge Rd. Vail, CO 81657 P & R Enterprises 228 Bridge St. Vall, CO 81657 :.' :: Vail Core Condominium Assoc. Brandess Cadmus Prop. Mgmt 281 Bridge St. Vail, CO lll657 Creekside Condominium Assoc. 223 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Mountaln House Condo Assoc. PO Box 1748 Vail, CO 81657 Vail Core Condlominium Assoc. c/o John Kaemmer 434 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 l,odge Properties, Inc. 174 E. Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 r,r, i''l *t ..,i!; , \';::..tir i'' t+j-t$'+ -a r_1.? _ -;sd{:'lq4t i't '..f!: 'q,#.j;#* **-ryii". ri'.* ... .4'' ?j-: _ ir. I ^*a- THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUB PBOPERTY PUBLIC NOTIGE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 1 8.66.060 of the l\4unicipal_Code of the Town of Vail ori May 19, 1947, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of : A request for a worksession to discuss a conditio-nal.use permiL to allow for the construction of tne Rtpine Garden Education Center, located at 620 Vail Valley Drive/Tract A, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Vail Alpine Garden FoundationPlanner: George Ruther A request to establish a Special Development District f35, the Austria Haus, located at 242 East I Meadow Drive/Part of Tract C, Vail Village 'lst Filing.rH-UD ffApplicanl: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. represented by Gordon Pierce- lPlanner: George Ruther A request for a worksession to discuss amending the Town ol Vail Zoning Code to create a new zone district (PA-1). t $;1trpplicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc' represented by Gordon Pierce /!-Planner: George Ruther a A request for a worksession to discuss amending the official Town of Vail Zoning Map tov rezone the Austria Haus property, located at242East Meadow Drive/Part of Tract C, Vai /Village 1st Filing, to PA-1. *4Fpticant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. represented by Gordon Pierce - \Planner: George Ruther A request for an interior remodel, utilizing the 25_0 Ordinance, located at 120 Willow Bridge Road, Unit s-K/Lot K, Block 5E, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Stanley and Cecelia Schocket, represented by Kyle Webb Planner: Dirk Mason A request for the PEC to review and make a recommendation to the Town Councj!.on public view'corridor methodology and criteria lor the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Area. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Susan Connelly A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a seasonal structure to be erected for the purp6se of selling seasonal plant products, located at2154 S. Frontage Road/(Conoco)' generally located at: f ,. r The aoplications end informarbn abo|jt the proposals are available for public inspection during rcgllar.olfice houre In the prbisct planno.'3 office located at the Town ol Vail Gommunity Development Department, 75 S'outh F.ontage Roed. Sign language Interpretation available upon reqtrest wilh 24 hour notification. Please catl 479-2114 toice or 479'2356 TDD for informalion. Gommunity DaveloPment Dapadment Prblished -liay 2, 1$)7 In the Vail Trail. o I a t'\ t' - 4,-2.e-e € 'r-'/4"<-"e--'-vt a trd$ib"oicondominiums On"rcorecondomtntumAssoc. Ou"u,co81657 c/o Steve Sth{tord c/o Brandess Cadmus Prop. Vall Core Condominium Assoc. 143 East Meadow Ilrive Mgmt c/o John Kaemmer Vail, CO 81657 281 Bridge St. 434 Gore Creek Drive naif CO 81657 Creekside Condominium Assoc. Lodge Properties,Inc. Viflage Center Association 223 Gore Creek Drlve 174 E. Gore Creek Drive 124 Willow Bridge Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Vall, CO 81657 Vail, CO 81657 P & R Enterprises Mountain House Condo Assoc. 228 Bridge St. PO Box 1748 Vail, CO 81657 Vail, CO 81657 nh ,4d ,M, THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on January 27,1997, at 2:fl) P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A requestforvariances_from 9ections 18.22.060 (sebacks), 18.22.140 (parking), 18.04.130 (Common frea) and 18.22.020 (Percentage of Accessory Uses) to allow for an-dntry addition at the Swiss Chalet, located at 62 East Meadow Drive/Part of Lot K, Block 5-E, Vail Vi[tage t st Filing. Applicant: SonnenalpProperties,lnc.Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for a final review of the establishment of a Special Development District #34, Austria Haus, located at 242 East Meadow Drive/on a part of rract c, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Planner: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Gordon Pierce George Ruther A request for a conditional use permit to allow a Fractional Fee Club to be located at242 East - 1 Meadow Drive/on a part of Tract C, Vail Village First Filing.\t- ZlFpplicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Gordon Pierce- ! Planner: George Ruther A..request for an amendment to Section 16.20.020 (Sign Code) of the Vail Municipal Code to allow for temporary banners to be used for conferences. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a residential addition for an expansion ol the living room, utilizing the 2S0 Ordinance,located at 1998 Sunburst Drive/Lot 19, VailValley gld Filing. Applicant: Nate AccardoPlanner: Lauren Waterton The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during tegular office hours in the project planners office located at the Town bt Vail Cdmmunity Development Department, TSSouth Frontage Road. Sigl language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or 47g-2356TDD for information. Community Development Departm€nt Published December January i 0, 1996 in the Vail Trail. Ir. - 3,- Crofsroaai Cgndomlniums c/o Steve Stafford 143 East Meadow Drive Vail. CO 81657 nail, CO 81657 124 Willow Bridge Rd. Vail, CO 81657 P & R Enterprises 228 Bridge St. Vail, CO E1657 Vetl, CO 81657 Mountaln House Condo Assoc. PO Box 1748 Vatl, CO 81657 O t",, core condominium Assoc. O n"u, co 8l6sz c/o Brandess Cadmus Prop. Vail Core Condominium Assoc. Mgmt 281 Bridge St. Village Center Association 223 Gore Creek Drive Creekside Condominium Assoc. Lodge Properties, Inc. c/o John Kaemmer 434 Gore Creek Drive 174 E. Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 ,. THIS ITEM MAY AFFECTYOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town ol Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 ol the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on January 27,1997, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for variances from Sections 18.22.060 (Sebacks), 18.22.140 (Parking), 18.04.130 (Common frea) and 18.22.020 (Percentage of Accessory Uses) to allow for an entry addition at the Swiss Chalet, located at 62 East Meadow Drive/Part of Lot K, Block 5-E, Vail Viilage 1st Filing. Applicant: SonnenalpProperties,lnc.Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for a final review of the establishment of a Special Development District #34, Austria Haus, focated at 242 East Meadow Drive/on a part of Tract C, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Gordon PiercePlanner: George Ruther A request for a conditional use permit to allow a Fractional Fee Club to be located at242 East Meadow Drive/on a part of Tract C, Vail Village First Filing. 4pplicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Gordon pierce Planner: George Ruther A..request for an amendment to Section 16.20.020 (Sign Code)of the Vail Municipal Code to allow for temporary banners to be used for conferences. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a residentiq! addition for an expansion of the living room, utilizing the 250 Ordinance,located at 1998 Sunbursr Drive/Lot 19, VailValley g-rd Filing. Applicant: Nate AccardoPlanner: Lauren waterton ril*rt The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during legular office hours in the projgct planner's office located at the Town bt Vait Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign hnguage inlorpretation availabb upon request with 24 hour notificalion. Please call 479-2114 voice or 4Zg-2356TDD for information. Community Development Department Published December January 10, 1996 in the Vail Trail. ftLy;li1 l'!'tJ .'/,r W o FIIE C0i?l' o rRof : o*.rrE KNTGHT ,r*, t* FH'€ l€. . g?g .,6*r= O Connlc Knight . hofcssionalWrlta 5197 Bhck Gore Drirre r Vail, Colondo 81657 o Tdephone/Faxgt/{Z$gdls Ootobor 28,196 Ftx479-2452to SUSAIII CONNELIY, Drector Towrr of Vail Conrnnity Dadoprncm TOV Phming ad Environncotrt Conrrrissioncrs, GRBO MOITFIiT, Chairmm JAMES LAMONT, Adrnini$ntor East ViltryG Honemrsr Acsr. From ComiaKnigh RE; sonncorlp hopertier,lnc. requet !o anrend sectlon 1t.26.040 ofthc vail MuniciPsl Code to add 'dmeshrre ecrte units, frrctiond fa unitr and time share liccnre units" rs a conditional uso in Cornmccirl Corg tr Al a timc whca thc Town of Vul sordy neodr more hr*d roorns not less, I wurld hopc that you would deny this requc$ for srctrr a pdnc cnricial locarion. Despitc the lhct thEt tlrc Sonneoalp is invotvod. **h may not rlwryr be tho case. hblic Accunrodation anhg har bccn wittering in Vd Wlrge I urge to to rtiok !o thcM$tcrPlrn ltrnk you ftr pur coridadon. Oct. 28 l% B2nm tuL Member Society of hofessional Joumallsts . North Amcrican Ski Journallsts THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental commission ol the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 ot the Municipal Code of the Town ol Vail ori April 14, 19-97, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a major exterior alteration in CC1, to allow for a deck.enclosure at the A & D Building, located ai Zee Bridge StreeVLots A, B, & C, Block 5A, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: 286 Bridge Street, Inc., represented by Craig Snowdon Planner: Dominic Mauriello A reouest for a variance from Section 18.54.050 J2 a,c,and e, Design Guidelines, to allow for light iixtures at a height ot 22', a luminous output which :elcegqs the_ allowed maximum and to aiiow for light fixtured without cut-off shields, locr4ted a.t 2211. North Frontage Road/Lot 'l , Block A, Vaildaischone 3rd Filing, a resubdivision of Vaildas Schone First Filing. Applicant: West Vail Lodge, represented by Charlotte Young/Brian Smith Planner: Tammie Williamson A request for a final review of an amended proposal tor the establi.shm_elt of Special Development District #35, Austria Haus, loiateh at242Easl Meadow Drive/on a part of Tract C' lBlock 5-D, VailVillage First Filing. Soo,'..n,, sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Gordon Piercet Planner: George Ruther A request for a variance f rom Section 1 8.1 3.060 (Setbacks) to allow for a snowmelt boiler and a snow avalanche mitigation wall in the south side setback, located al2049 Sunburst Drive/Lot 1 , Vail Valley 4th Filing. Applicant: Landon and Mary Hilliard, represented by Lany Eskwith Planner: George Ruther A request for an appeal of a staff denial of the outdoor ski storage, located adjacent to the Gondola Buildingffract D, Vail Lionshead lst Filing. Appellant: Vail Associates, represented by Joe Macy Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for an appeal of an administrative decision regarding Section 18.64.040.(Non--- Confbrming Usesi,'stating that private and public unstructured oft-street parking is a different land use than private and public structured off-street vehicle parking, and therefore, an existing legal non-conforming use may not be continued. Pepi Gramshammer, represented by Pierce, Segerberg & Associates. George Ruther ,r+w Appellant: Planner: A request for a minor subdivision of the Lodge Tower parcel, located at 200 Vail Road/Lot A' Block 5-C, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Lodge Properties, Inc., represented by Jay Peterson Planner: Dominic Mauriello A ioint meeting with the Design Review Board to make a recommendation to Council on the prioritization ot "Wisn List" items for the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Susan Connelly A request for a minor eliterior alteration in CC1 and a request for a site coverage.variance.from Sectibn 18.24.150, to a commercial storefront and an expansion to the outdoor dining deck, in rhe Red Lion Buitding, located at 304 Bridge Street/Lots E, F, G, & H, Block 5-A, Vail Village l st Filing. Applicant: Landmark Commercial Development, represented by Morter Architects Planner: Tammie Williamson A request for an amendment to the development plan to_allow_for ould_gor ski storage, located at 458 VailValley Drive/Tract F, VailVillage Sth Filing and Tract B, Vail Village 7th Filing, commonly referred to as the Golden Peak Ski Base. Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc.Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for a worksession to discuss a major exterior alteration in CC1 and a minor subdivision, to allow lor the construction of a parking garage, 9 accommodation units' 1 condominium and new retail office space at the Gasthol Gramshammer, located at 231 E. Gore Creek Dr./Part of Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Pepi Gramshammer, represented by Pierce, Segerberg, & Associates Planner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL APRIL 28, 1997 The applications and information about the proposals are availabte for public inspection during regular office hours in the proiect planner's otfice located at lhe Town of Vail Community Development DePartment, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Communhy Development Deparlment Published March 28, 1997 in the Vail Trail. _\t lleritta Pierce P.O. Box 1123 Vail, CO 81657 B.R. Boniface Roxanne S. Boniface 6440 Southeast Winged FooE DriveStuart, EL 34997 Mlchael J. Biondi Cynthia G. Biondi . One Deer Park Meadows Road Greenwich, CT 06830 Deervood Cottage Partnera Llmited Liabiltty company Shutter Lane Oyster Bay Gove, NY 11771 a THIS ITEM MAY AFFECTYOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE ls HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on April 14, 1997, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a major exterior alteration in CC1, to allow for a deck enclosure at the A & D Building, located ai Zee Bridge StreeVLots A, B, & C, Block 5A, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: 286 Bridge Street, Inc., represented by Craig Snowdon Planner: Dominic Mauriello A reouest for a variance from Section 18.54.050 J2 a,c,and e, Design Guidelines, to allow for light iixtures at a height ot 22', a luminous output which exceeds the allowed maximum and to aiiow for light fixtured without cut-off shields, located al2211 North Frontage Road/Lot 1, Block A, Vail das-schone 3rd Filing, a resubdivision ot Vail das Schone First Filing. Applicant: West Vail Lodge, represented by Charlotte Young/Brian Smith Planner: Tammie Williamson A request for a final review of an amended proposal for the establishment of Special Development District #35, Austria Haus, loiated at242East Meadow Drive/on a part of Tract C, Block 5-D, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Gordon Pierce Planner: George Ruther A request for a variance from Section 18.13.060 (Setbacks) to allow lor a snowmelt boiler and a snow avalanche mitigation wall in the south side sehack, located at 2049 Sunburst Drive/Lot 1 , A Vail Valley 4th Filing. - I Applicant: Landon and Mary Hilliard, represented by Larry Eskwith7 - Planner: George Ruther A request for an appeal of a staff denial of the outdoor ski storage, located adjacent to the Gondola Buildingffract D, VailLionshead 1st Filing. Appellant: Vail Associates, represented by Joc MacyPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for an appeal of an administrative decision regarding Section 18.64.040 (Non- Confbrming Usesi,'stating that private and public unstructured off-street parking is a different land use than private and public structured off-street vehicle parking, and therelore, an existing legal non-conforming use may not be conlinued. Appellant: Pepi Gramshammer, represented by Pierce, Segerberg & Associates. Planner: George Ruther ,t ^l't147Il a,tt{ "# A request for a minor subdivision of the Lodge Tower parcel, located at 200 Vail Road/Lot A, Block 5-C, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Lodge Properties, Inc., represented by Jay Peterson Planner: Dominic Mauriello A ioint meeting with the Design Review Board to make a recommendation to Council on the prioritization o'i "Wisn Lisf items for the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Susan Connelly A request for a minor exterior alteration in CC'l and a request for a site coverage.variance.from Sectibn 18.24.150, to a commercial storefront and an expansion to the outdoor dining deck, in the Red Lion Building, located at 304 Bridge StreeuLots E, F, G, & H, Block 5-A, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Landmark Commercial Development, represented by Morter Architects Planner: Tammie Williamson A request for an amendment to the development plan to allow for outdoor ski stolage, located at 458 VailValley Driveffract F, Vail Village Sth Filing and Tract B, Vail Village 7th Filing, commonly referred to as the Golden Peak Ski Base. Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc.Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for a worksession to discuss a major exterior alteration in CCl and a minor subdivision, to allow for the construction of a parking garage, 9 accommodation units, 1 condominium and new retail office space at the Gasttiof Gramshammer, located at 231 E. Gore Creek Dr./Part of Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Pepi Gramshammer, represented by Pierce, Segerberg, & Associates Planner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL APRIL 28, 1997 The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular.office hours in the prbject planner's office located at the T6wir of Vail Communhy Development Department, 75 Soulh Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or479-2356 TDD for information. Community Development Department Published March 28, 1997 in the Vail Trail. '(76 .lsav O .:.,i Crossroads Condominiums c/o Steve Stefrord 143 Eest Meadow Drlve Vail, CO 81657 Vail Core Condominium Assoc. Brandess Cedmus Prop. Mgmt 281 Bridge St. Yell, CO 81657 Vail Core Condominium Assoc. c/o John Kaemmer 434 Gore CreekDrfue Vail, CO 81657 Village Center Associetion 124 rrVillow Bridge Rd. Veil, CO 81657 Creekside Condominium Assoc. 223 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Lodge Properties, Inc. 174 E. Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 P & R Enterprises 228 Bridge St. Vail, CO 81657 Mountain House Condo Assoc. PO Box 1748 Vail, CO E1657 r{)rEM uxt attfftlrSuR PRoP.*l NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a oublic hearinq in accordarrce with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code ot the Town of Vail on February 10' is9i, uii,Og p.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll EHU, located at 392 Beaver Dam Circle/Lot 4' Block 3, Vail Village 3rd Filing. Applicant: Howard KoenigPianner: Tammie Williamson A reouest for a maior amendment to SDD #17 to change the number of lots, located at 1502 Bulfehr Creek Rd.ffracts A-1 & A-2, Parcel 2, Lions Ridge 2nd Filing' Applicant: Harold BrooksPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for additional GRFA utilizing the 250 ordinance, located at 778 Potato Patch Dr./Lot 18, Block 1' Vail Potato Patch. Aoolicant: Fred BartlitPidnner: Tammie Williamson A request for a residential addition for an expansion of the living room, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 1998 Sunburst Drive/Lot 19, Vail Valley 3rd Filing. Applicant: Nate AccardoPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a worksession to discuss variances from Sections 18.22.060.(Se,1!acfsf '-!e,z-2t140 (Parking)' ia.0i.rCO (Common nreiianO tg.Zz.OzO (Percentage of Acge_qsory_Uses) tb allow for an entry addition at the Swiss Chaiet, located at 62 East Meadow Drive/Partbf Lot K, Block 5-E, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Henry Pratt Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for a conditional use permit to allow a Fractional Fee Club to be located al242East Meadow Drive/on la oart of Tract C, Block 5-D, Vail Village First Filing'.-- Jlticant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Gordon PiercetPlanner: George Ruther A request for a final review with the Design Review Board lor the establishment of a Speclal D.evelopment- Oisiri-it +SS, Austria ftlus, toCiteC at z4iEast Meadow Drive/on a part of Tract C, Block 5-D, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Gordon Pierce Planner: George Ruther A request for a worksession to develop a preferred alternative for Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA). Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Russ Forrest The apptications and information about the proposals are available for public inspe"tig!_qYll9_tegulal o-flicS hours'in the project pfinneli ottiie iocateO at ihe Town of Vail Comminity Devi:lopment Department, 75 South lFrontage no'ad.'U Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notificalion. Community Development Department Published January 24,1997 in the Vail Trail. Crossroads Condominiums c/o Steve Stafford 143 East Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 Vail Core Condominium Assoc. Brandess Cadmus Prop. Mgmt 281 Bridge St. Vail. CO E1657 Vail Core Condominium Assoc. c/o John Kaemmer 434 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Village Center Association 124 Willow Bridge Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Creekside Condominium Assoc. 223 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Lodge Properties, Inc. 174 E. Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO E1657 P & R Enterprises 22E Bridge St. Vail, CO 81657 Mountain House Condo Assoc. PO Box 1748 Vail. CO 81657 rtfreu'i".iA[t5ftIISER PRoP. *O NOTICE lS HEREBy GTVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town ol Vail will hold a puOiic nearing in accordance with Section 1856.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on February 10' iggi, arz:oo-p.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of : A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll EHU, located at 392 Beaver Dam CircleiLot 4' Block 3, Vail Village 3rd Filing. Applicant: Howard KoenigPianner: Tammie Williamson A reouesl for a maior amendment to SDD #17 to change the number ol lots, located at 1502 Buflehr Creek Rd.iTracts A-1 & A-2, Parcel 2, Lions Ridge 2nd Filing. Applicant: Harold BrooksPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for additional GHFA utilizing the 250 ordinance, located at 778 Potato Patch Dr./Lot 18, Block 1 , Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Fred BartlitPlanner: Tammie Williamson A request for a residential addition for an expansion of the living room, utilizing the 250 Ordinance' located at 1998'sunburst Drive/Lot 19, VailValley 3rd Filing. Applicant: Nate AccardoPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a worksession to discuss variances from Sections 18.22.060.(Selbacfs)' 18:?1a0 (Parking)' f e.bi.feO (Common Arel) and 18.22.020 (Percentage of Acgqssory_Uges) to allow for an entry addition at the S*isJ Cnatet, located at 62 East Meadow Drive/Partbf Lot K, Block 5-E, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Henry Pratt Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for a conditional use permit to allow_a..Fractional Fee Club to be located at 242 East Meadow Drive/on a pari of Tract C, Block 5-D, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Gordon Pierce Planner: George Ruther A request for a final review with the Design Review Board for the establishment of a Specjal Development-. pistr'lct *iS, Austrii Haus, located at24iEastMeadow Drive/on a part of Tract C, Block 5-D, Vail Village First lj-:.:.:.sr'lGy lfpticant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Gordon Pierce- Planner: George Ruther A request for a worksession to develop a preferred alternative for Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA). Applicant: Town ot VailPlanner: Russ Forrest The apptications and information..about the proposals are gygi$qle for public insp.e.tiol-9{,lg_1"gula1 g[ic^e frourJ'iii tne project ptanne/i office located at ihe Town of Vail Commirnity Devblopment Department, 75 South fFrontage Road. Sign language interprelation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Gommunhy Development DePartment Published January 24,1997 in the Vail Trail. Please call479-2114 voics or 479'2356 TDD for informajion . ',tn*'1 ri.-n Crossroads Condominiums Vail Core Condominium Assoc. Vail Core Condominium Assoc. c/o Steve Stafford Brandess Cadmus Prop. Mgmt c/o John Keemmer 143 East Meedow Drive 281 Bridge St.434 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81557 Vail, CO E1657 Vail' CO 81657 Village Center Association Creekside Condominium Assoc. Lodge Properties, Inc. 124 Willow Bridge Rd. 223 Gore Creek Drive 174 E. Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Vail, CO 81557 Vail' CO 81657 P & R Enterprises Mountain House Condo Assoc. 228 Bridge St. PO Box 1748 Vail, CO E1657 Vail, CO 81657 THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPEBTY PUBLIC NOTICE NoTlcE ls HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental commission of the Town of Vair *i1 noro a pubtic nearing inicCorOance riith Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal..Code of the Town of Vait ori February 24,1997,at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: A request for a site coverage variance to allow for. the construction of a two-car garage, located at i552 Streamside Circle/Lot 15, Bighorn Subdivision 4th Addition' Applicant: Edward Padilla, represented by Kathy Langenwalter Planner: Lauren Waterton A reouest tor a site coveraoe variance and conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll EHU' locatbd at 1194 Cabin Circl-e/Lot 3, Block 2 Vail Valley 1st Filing' Applicant: William and Shirley Mclntyre, represented by Ned Gwathmey Planner: Dominic Mauriello A reouest for a site coverage variance and conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll EHU' locatbd at 186 Forest Roadl-/Lot 9, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Planner: Mike Flannery, represented by Guy Dreier George Ruther A request to amend a platted building envelope amendment to allow for a 489 sq. ft. increase in ine-duirOing e;vetope iize, tocated alEnveloire B, Parcel4, Lions Ridge Filing #2. Applicant: David & Jody Leach, represented by Bob Mach Planner: Tammie Williamson A request to develop a preferred alternative for Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) for single- family, duplex and primaryisecondary. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Russ Forrest A request for a worksession to discuss the development standards fgr the proposed.Alpine Gard'ens Education Center, to be located generally west of the Ford Park Athletic Fields, on a part ol Tract A, Block 2, Vail Village 7th Filing' Applicant: Betty Ford Alpine GardensPlanner: George Ruther A request for variance(s) from Section 18.58.320, Satellite Dish Antennas, D1,3,4 and 6 to allow two s'atellite dishes to bd instatteO at the northwest corner of the Vail Commons property and. a variance from Section 18.54.050, Design Guidelines, C 7, to allow.two-rooftop antennas on the faise stairwell tower, located at 2099 Nbrth Frontage Road WesWail Commons. Applicanr: KTUN RadioPlanner: Tammie Williamson lqlT $'* request for a final review of the establishment of special D-ev-elopment District #35' Austria aus.located at 242 East Mtaoow oriuelon a part oiiiact c, Btoix 5-D, Vailvillage 1st Filing' A request for variances from Sections 18.22.060 (Setbacks), 18;22.140 (Parking), 18'04'130 (common Area) and ra.ii.'oiir-ii";;didg; of_Adcessory tises).to^allow for an entry addition at l;,."'s;i;; d,;I6;L;"il;idt Easiv"io'o, oriverpartbr Lot K, Btock 5-E, Vail Villase 1st Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc', represented by Henry Pratt Pianner: Lauren Waterton The applications and information aboutlhe prgposals are available for public inspection l.l|'rino reoular office hours in the project ptanner,s ottice rocatei'afini-iowri of'vail cormrn'iy-6JuJro[t"t't oipl,lm"nr, zs"soitn Frontage Road' Sign language int€rprstation available upon requost with 24 hour norification' Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Communily Development DePartment Published February 7, 1997 in the Vail Trail'