HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D PART OF TRACT B AUSTRIA HAUS AKA SONNENALP 1999 RETAIL SPACE D LEGALTOWN OF \TAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8155? 970-479-2L38 APPIJICANT CONTR.ACTOR OWNER BUSINESS . VU IS+-17 B\"5 D lg 3' r DEVEL.PMET*T W+h.44^/DEPARIIT,IENT OF COMMUNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/AIT COMM BUII,D PERMf JOb AddTESSZ 242 E MEADOW DR Locat,ion. .. z 242 E Meadorv Dr Parcel No. . : 2]-0L-082-25-001 ProjecE No. : PRJ99-0307 PermiE, #: 899-0288 statrus...: ISSIIED uniE-D, alpplied. . tsLL/OL/r999Issued...: Lt/03/L999 E>cpires. . : 05/0]-/2OOO RIJB CONSTRUCTION CO. P.O. BOX s000,LAKE CK#21-203, RIJB CONSTRUCTION CO. P.O. BOX 5000,LAKE CK#21-203, AUSTRIA HAUS DEV GROI'P LtP 18 WHATESHIP PLAZA, SAN FRANCISCO TAFFERI -FAESSLER REAI., ESTATE Phone z 970-926-7L48 8L632 Phone: 97O-926-7t48 8r_532 *of Dood/gall.ts: EDI/{ARDS, EDI{IARDS, co co cA 94111 Descriptsion: Conseruct office srall partiLions,minor elec occupancy z RL / A3 /B2Multi-FamiLy w /l]pe ConstrucE,ion: Tlrye Occupancy: Valuation: As 5, 000 FircFlacc Infornatiqt: Re8tricted: *of Add c:a6 Al{rl1.ne6a: Building-----> Plan chGck---> InvedCigacion> wilI cal-I----> Restsuarant Plan Revieir- -> DRB Fee-------- Recreagion Fee-----'--- -> cLean-Up Depo6ib--------> TataL eafculated Fae6---> AdditionaL Fee6-' -------> Tocal PerEdt Fce_-___-__> Palment6 - - -- -- - 95 .00 61.?5 .00 f .00 .00 .00 .00 100.00 239 .75 .00 259 ,15 259.'lE .,"J:,r3"#n,,'* approy dare Sq Ft: *of cae r,oEs: FEE SUUMARY *"r'tr*****r*r TOTAI FEES----- 259.7s AAIANCS DUE---. .OO tri*t**r**rt*** IECM: O51OO BUILDING DEPART'IVIMIT DCPu: BUILDING DiViSiON:LL/iL/L999 KATITY Action: NOTE Routed to ch?rlieLl/03'/L999 CHARLTE Acti-on: APPR charlie davisr-em;'.0 54 0 0' FmlwiNe DeFARfi4ef{T1,L/01/1999 KAT'HY Action: APPR N,/ArEam;'05660- riee nupARTlltElri Dept: FrRE Division:at/o"1,/r999 KATITY Action: APPR Mccee releas-ed holdtub.m'"ossoo PUBLTC WORKS DepL: PUB WORK Division:17/OL/L999 KATIIY ACTiON: APPR N/A ; ; " ; ;' ;' ";' ;;;;';;; ;;; ;il ;;;; ;;';;;. ";;;;. ;:. ;;;; ;;; DECIJARATIONS I hcreby acknowledge that I have read thig .pplicabi.on, filLed oub in full thc Lnformation required, co[p1€t6d an accurate PloU plart, attd state thaB all Ehc lnforuaLion Frovid.d ae lequired i.s cor]ect. I agEee tso codply sith che lnforEation and pIot p1an, ho couply sitsh a1l Torn ordinances and state lawe, and to build Ehig strucbure accoraling Eo the lotrn'6 zoning and eu.bdirriaion codes, deBign rewier al4rrovcd, UniforE Bui,ldtnE Code alrd other grainanceg of Ehs Totn applicable tsh.rcto. REOUESIS FOR INSPE(TIONS SmLL BE MADE TI{EIM-FOUR HOURS tN ADVAIICE By TELEPBONE Al 479-2L3A OR AT OUR OFPICE FROM S:00.Al'l S:00 Pi'I it Refun Scnd Clcan-lJp DepoEit To: RLB PermiE #: 899-0288 CONDITIONS as of LL/03/99******************************************************************************** o Const'ructioil ******************************************************************************** Permit Tlpe: ADD/AIJT COMM BUILD PERMr ApplicanE: RLB CONSTRUCTION CO. 970-925-71,48 .Job Address: Location: 242 E Meadow Dr Unit-D, Austria Haus Offices Parcel No: 2101-082-25-001 DescripEion: ConstrucE office wall partiEions,minor elec CondiEions:1. FIRE DEPARTNIENT APPROVAL IS REOUIRSD BEFORE STARTED.2. FIEI,D INSPESTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR ANY WORK CAtrI BE CODE COMPLTANCE. St.AtrUS: ISSUED Applied: LL/OL/L999 rssued: Lt/03/L999 To Expire. O1/OL/2OOO TOWN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIIJ, CO 8L557 970-479-2]-38 APPI,ICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER BUSINESS Description: Electrical---> FBE SI'UUARY 50 .00 'rraatrrttirri Total calculated Fees--_> 53.0o DEPARTMEI.IT OF COMMUNITY DEVEIJOPMET\IT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .JOBSITE AT AII-, TIMES EI,ECTRIEAIJ PERMIT Permit *: E99-0225 Job Addressz 242 E MEADow DR StaLus-..: ISSUED Location. . . : 242 E Meadow Unit-D, AustApplied. . : e]-]-/OL/L999 Parcel No. . : 2101"-082-25-001 rssued- . .. tL/03/L999 Project No.: PRiI99-0307 Expires..: 05/oL/2ooo DANICf ELECTRIC Phone: 719-486-0603 1838 STLVER EAGLE COIJRT, r-,EADVTLLE, CO 80461 DAIiIICI ETECTRIC Phone: 719-486-0603 1838 SIIJVER EAGI-'E COT]RT, LEADVII.'I-'8, CO 80461 AUSTRIA HAUS DEV GROI}P LLP 18 WHAI.,ESHIP PLAZA, SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 TAFFERT-FAESSLER REAL ESTATE Electric for office remodel Valuation:1, 000 . 00 DRB FGO .00 3.OO AddiEional Fees---------> Total Pelt[it Fee-----_--> PaymenEs - - -- -- - InvestigaLion> will call----> . o0 53.OO E3 .00 ToTAL FEES---> 53 .00 EAI,A.ITCE DUE.--- .OO rgEM: O6OOO EI,ECTRICAI-, DEPARTT'IENT DEPts: BUII-,DING DiViSiON: LL/OL/L999 KATI{Y Action: APPR Approved per-Kw rEbm:'05600 FrRE DEPARTMENT *DepE: FrRE Diwision:LL/01/L999 KATI{Y Acrion: APPR N/A CONDITTON OF APPROVA], ].. FIELD INSPESfIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIA}ICE. ** t ** trt* tt t*t*t** t*+* ******* *** t*r tt r**r* t*rJr*r*r**r*** ***rr**r***r*rrt* r f a r * * * * * t * * * J * * 1 * | ** *t iJ ** ' ** * **1 DECI,ARA'TIONS I helsby acknoirledge Chats I have read !hi.s applicaiion, fj.tl€d ouc in full tshe inforuatsion lequired, cotnpleted an accuraEe plot pian, and state thaE all the informaeion provided as ::equired is collecc - I agree tso comply erith che infonnatj.on and PIot Plan, Eo coElrly iriih all Town oidinanced and 6Eage la!.s, and Eo build Ehis 6gruccure according Eo Ehe Tor.n's zoDing and subdiviaion codes, deBign rewier approved, Uniform BuiLding code and otier ordiDances of the Town aPPlicable tshereto. REQUESTS POR INSPECTIONS SHALT, BE MADE TWE}TTY.FOUR HOIJRS IN ADVA.IICE BY 479-2138 0R AT OUR OFFICE FROM g:00 AI{ s:oo PM rowN oF vArnoNSrRUcroN pERMrr o#1,"o'o* ,o**9QQ-oage INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTEII Assessors Office at 970-328-8640for Pareel #&UtL= e io r - ox a --a s -ool - Pele'g *a " grs"pg'l'*.ffi'o?8B apr,P JobN^o,e: 6/f6./-A€t L4< Ei'&ft nati*,regs:J/J €,ilEaood 2& ulohb. nuilding (4 Electrical ( )Mechanical ( ) Block_ Filine Subdivision avners Nante:f,gr|loil?as furs<t*- Address: Ptar.q 9<€&414 f Zss>4Architect: F L Address:Taao 5k,*rn 2t t/+rr vnone* f la. /il'?7!3 PETqq -0301 Parcel # Legal Description: Lot Plumbing ( ) - - - .r.i;' Other ( ) Description of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Nurnber of Dwelling Units: o4/6 Aiterationf{Additional ( )Repair ( )Otlrcr ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: / NumberandTlpeofFireplaces: GasApplinces /aF GasLogs_.h$_ YloodlPella/44$_ /ooo * VALUATIONS ELECTNCAI: $ /Aoo "3 OTTIER:MECHANICAL$ TOTAL $ Soaa EBUILDING: $ PLUMBING $ Town of Vail Registration No. MechanicafContractor: r/ale Town of Vail Regisuarion No. Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: tt'\fl Phone # Address:t/1te2. Town of Vail Regrstrarion No.Lrq- e Plrone# ?7o' 976-//73 PlumbinsContractor: .r/an€ Generaf Conrracror: V1t7 hrft (o.gtC- SIGNATURE: p TO: FROM: DATE: SI.]BJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WTTH T}iE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMTINITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITEI) A. Unlawfirl deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawfrl for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud" dirt. snow, ice, or an otler debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice: Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply witJr the notice within the period oftime herein specificd,, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dir! snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from anv street or alley at the expense of the notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable: L Within the immediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main, sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance thereto; 2. To deposits of sand, dirt or materials necessary for the protection of the public safety; and 3. To public arcas designated for the dumping or depositing ofsaid materials. D. Summons, Penaltv: As an alternativc to tho noticc for rcmoval provided in subsection B above, arry person who violates or causes another to violate thc samc, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder bc punished as provided in Section l-4-l ofthis code. E. Noticc; Penalty: It is unlarvful for ary person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereoi and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred b-v the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hercof, upon being tbund guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) 1?,€ Readandacknowledgedby: ,( - -'6 Position or Relationship to Project:(orlTz,tertt- """, /{rrl f (i.e. contractor or owner) TOWN OF VAIL D epartment of Community D evelopment 75 South Frontage Road Vait, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING Pf, RMIT ISSUANCE TIME T'RAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval. Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review of Health Departnent review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) rveeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residcntial and small projects should take a lesscr amount of time. Horvever, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departrnents with regard to necessary rcview, these projects may also take the three (3) week penod. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the Plan Check proccdure and tirne frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the cxpiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect futurc permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date: Work Sheet was tumed lnto the Community Development DepL {p*"*uo" "* TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOB NAME: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY I, 1999 WHEN A..PUBLIC WAY PERMIT: iS REQUIRED fr//ez/' l'orgtet d/Qa'(earw- .PIJBLIC WAY PERMIT': l. Is rhis a new residence? YES DATE: PLEASE ANSWER TTIE FOLLOMNG QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING TI]E NEED FOR A Noy- 2. Is demolition work being performed that requjres the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES_ NO lf_ NO_K- YES No4 J. 4. 5. 6. Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES A. Is tlrc-Rigltt-of-Way, e:mements or publiq property to be used for slaging, pBrkiry or fencing? YES < - NO--- ,4pt:*t/;oL ?Qi/e.r,, ,77sp .er"-mL- B. If NO to 8A, is a parking staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? YES No-4<- If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Pennit' applications may be obrained at the Public Work's office or al Commudty Dwelopment. If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2198. ALL TIIE ABO\E QTIESTIONS. Nda Is any draiuge work bejng done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES -NO M 1 8. Is a "Rwocable Right-of-Wa)' Pendt" required? YES Nol Company Name oate: 4/1bL_ 1. PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Buildins Permits Fill out our check list provided with a Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field veri$ (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic controVstaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all trafiic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be rezubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (lengtb width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffrc control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's offrce for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and Irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that rnay be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (l) week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" which is to do work on a project itself, NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November l5h. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. 2 J. 4, 5. 6. '7, FagFTrlt lGtt tl.a?a ll?.At TCl}'h. CIF \'AII-I iEltlJttTg - IN'FCCTTh| r.lClFtK c!cll-cr ;aaDEt aHEETB Fota.atl, 2 rtra') F'T'E f|llEC|I E:E .l€alvilryr D.rD--aga t -'/ 7r}A '|.!.Fer a-Cct|rll'l alr-tr.t. l:LrGlt Cchatt. CIClCt|rl -Lt.aF-.3. aaa I f,tlEalE ttL E tl a-oa$-tlcttr a+! E t|t--do€ E F lJrtat-E r Jcl.r-tFl- H-r.ra Ctf faBar F-F6-trr aAOl.-G6G-At-AEa Cl.t€. Llt.. Ela roFlfFtlcrra Ccri atFuot o!ti?ae! rr-U. F-*lt:a€lr tr-1rr oF aaae AFFaaa-nG. fll-D CCTh|A'f FaUCTlCthl CCr- Fhott.. t76--rtC3-7r4- Cldt!-F f|LTaTFaI-r HflIJA DGt, {.FaCIIJP l-L-P l>l'r ori -r ContF-et.tF ll-l CCtNCf TiUClTlClN CCt- Fh.ttr-. t ita-rD-a-7aaa ltriF-eltl.alt l-clga rt ll-rdua at.r?.a RA€L i-.a Tar-. aarlla Itart F-at(r-lttca to aDAOIDO ll-IttE-Fafi-a l!i f oFr-.tl,arrt ----. Cloaaar.|tar tlla-l !r- llraF-Fttal... Flt.rF-. tao-!3|!it E-trt- -t alrrt3€- H-.a.{ F|6tlcrr Car-r-ht-'f|'- a Gtal' Ilt i lraar'tt atn ]-u,at€Fy-.-.- tt--r aOGa- FIFTG I'EFT. n|CITIFICA.|'lCthl tta-. O6tltel lLftat-FF-.t rr g Ia--r It- -i ll--r Itarr Itr r. Ita ri LlrS-l]j lr|.F.qtor JFI]n AOOSIO Dl-E tt-l'rrut-Gt ori ala--- ll-l)rl-3tsr. -GFcqk hl-J.l, oa-?- tl-lt6*lrtl.e. t6ato lLttca-Fan-l -6tE a Fttrt-Fthtat- c./ct a{rg.r- Dl-rtg-Fth-L C}/Ct Fl€tlcr|r .IPPR $^* TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTME}ffT OF NOTE: THTS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT APPLICA]fI SHAW CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 760 HORTZON DR, GRAND ,fIINCTION CO CO}TTRACTOR SHAW CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ObINER 760 HORIZON DR, GRAND JIJNCTION CO AUSTRIA IIAUS DEV GROUP LLP 18 WIAIJESHTP Pr'AZA, SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 Job Address: Location. . . : ParceL No..:Project No.: Description: TENANT FINISH RETAIL IIDN Occupancy: 82 B2 T)pe ConstrucLion:Tlpe Occupancy: Valuation: FirepLace Informationt Restricted: 20,000 242 E MEADOW DR 242 E MEADOW DR 21,01,-082-2s - 001 PRJ98-0240 PermiL #; Status. . Applied. Issued. -Expires. 898 - 02 94 ISSUED 09 /28 /a998 LL/ 02 /3.998 0s/0L/L9ee *of Woqd/Pa11et: 81506 8r-s 06 Phone z 970-242-9236 Phone:. 970-242-9236 amount date Add Sq Ft: *of cae ADpliances: Building-----> ' Pl.an check- - - > Inve6tigat ion> Will call----> 245 ,AO .00 3.00 .00 .00 . o0 J,00.00 .00 Restuarants PLan Review-- > DRB Fee-------- Recreagion Fee- -- -------> Cl.ean-UF Deposit- - -- - -- -> ToEal Calculated Feee---> , 5O7 -25 Adaitional Fees---------> Total Pemit Fce--------> Payrncnt s - - - - - - - - TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up approved +Of Gas Logs: 'FEE SI'I4MARY ....."'.;;".;;;;;;ffi:';;;;;;f'....'.'..:r1;3i'"'*'.";1n';;;;;;;;';l;;;,."'"' 09/28/1,998 JRM Act.ion: NorE Pr.,ANs ro GARYO9'/29/1998 GGOODELL Action: APPRITbM'' O54OO PLANNING DEPART14ENT DEPL: PI,ANNING DiViSiON:09/29/1.998 GGOODELL ACTiON: APPR PI-,ANS TO GEORGE09'/29'/]-998 ccooDELrJ Action: GANC09./29/1.998 GGOODELL ACIION: NOTE PI,ANS TO GEORGE09'/29'/L998 GEoRGE AcE,ion: APPR Tenant Finishrlbm,'o5e 0o FIRE DEPAnnann'i Dept: FrRE Division:09/29/T998 GGOODEII ACIiON: APPR PLANS TO ATENCIO09./29./A998 GGOODELI-, ACt,iON; CANC ROIITED ONI-,YILbM', O55OO PUBLIC WORKS DEPT: PIJB WORK DiViSiON:to/01/a998 CIIARLIE Act.ion: APPR n/a ** ** r ** i r * ** * *l*1*r * ** ** r*!r*t * r* **i ***** ** *J** 1*** * ** ** 1* * *** ****1** *ii *t *** t * See Page 2 of Lhis Document for any conditions thaL may apply to Ehis permit. DECI,ARATIONS I h€reby acknoerledge lhaE I have read thi6 application, fi11ed ouf in full thc information requiled, completed 9n accurale PloE plan, and 6tatc that all the infomabion provided ae requlred i.B cor.r€cE. I agtee to coioply wiEh the information and pIoE p1an, to comply {ith all Tovn ordj.nances and sEate la9s, and to build lhiB BtlucEure according to the To!.n's zoning and subdivi6ion codes, design review approved, Unifor.n Buitding code and other ordinances of Lhe Town aPplicable theleco. osit Refund ******************************************************************************** REeuasrs FoR rNspEcrroNs 'HALL BE *r f -"o* HouRs rN ADVAN.E Bt r Send Clcan-Ulr D.porit Tot gHAt{ CONST Permit, #: 898-0294 COIIDITIONS as of LL/02/98 Permit Tylge: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applicant, : SIIAW CONSTRUqTION COMpAIvy 970-242-9236 ilob Address: Locat.ion: 242 E MEADOW DR Parcel No: 2101-082-25-001 Descript.ion: TENANT FINISH RETAIIJ XDII CondiEions:1. FIRE DEPARI14ENr APPROVAL, IS REQUIRED BEFORE STARTED.2. FIETD INSPECTTONS ARE FSoUIRED TO CHECK FOR ********************************************************************************SUATUS: ISSIIED Applied: 09/28/L998 Issued: Lt/02/1998 To Erq)ire, 05/0L/]-999 AI\TY VIORK CAIiI BE CODE COMPIIIATiICE. 3 OR AT OUR OPFICE PRO tr'd;i":naAi;"a;'38il"?i Xll1,;1il:3$"s3il Date - t AppLrcATroN MUsr BE FTLLED our col,rpLETELy qt vrrlv ' ,(..".;;;.;..*************"liJ;;;;p4:d3Hgg, {r-euirai,ns ,t J-prlurubinT [ ]-Elecrrical t r-u".rkf,Url rdu u.'., /-Urn; /k*--/"L/ b Job Addre ==, /v/Z/ flrbrJ,l Block- ,rr*n@ tt*Corrta""a Eagle County Assessors office Lega1 Description; Lot Architect: Gendral Description: ,a"=.ft h Address: bZ Zfizce S/, e-Z 'A.ott-# ******r --_ fu,9-l//ftc 4t ION: / , ./ %((. work cras =' WKt'? Number "t ffib:F,rr-+z 37a.r:/Number of Acconrmodation Uni.ts: ftrt" and Type of rirepraces: cas Appriancesi2 Gas Logsj]_ wood/perr.et €__ lY.-"""ryi;"#r?.-.************* VALUATJONS ********************************* BUILDING: $EIEETRICAL: $ MECHANTCAL: $ OTHER! TOTAL: *****:r:r*:a * * ******* ******** * \ own of Vail Reg. NO.one Number: Electrical Address: Contra Plunblng Address: Mechanical Contra Address: PLUMBTNG PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PER}'TT FEE: ELECTRICAL TEE: OTHER TYPE O'F FEE: DRB FEE; Town of Vail Req. NO.Phone Number : @? 1 zfz -ZEZ- Town of Vait zReq, NO.Phone Nwrt,ert&/7?j -W Town of VailrReq. NO.Phone Nutu"tt&9@ oFFfCE USE *** * * ***:t ***************** * * ***. BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:P_LWBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:UECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE:RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: A4- At/s6/ FOR BUTLDING: STGNATT'RE: ZONTNG: STGNATURE: PLTJMBING:;D /lI****************** *!r *,****f Eeneral Contractor:4o-rr;t ),Address: //xJ. nt cr,EAI UP DEP.oSIT BEPrn{D .'.. I t 75 south f ronlage road vall, colorado g.1657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: olllce ol communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOIfN OF VAIL TowN OF VAIL puBLIc WoRKS/CoMMUNITy DEVELOPIIENT I'lARcH L6, 1988 CONSTRUCUON PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sununary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter., track or aeposit ;;t-.;iri"rl"i, sand, debrisor naterial, incruding trash iuntp=t"r=, portabre toilets and.workmen vehicles,.rpon-uny ;l-;;l', sidewalk, aLIey or pub)-icplace or anv portiln th;;";;:--irt. risnt-oi-;;;-i" arr. rown ofVail street-s ana.roads is approiirnately s ft. Lff pavement.This ordinance ril] b".;r.f;ii;^enforced by rhe rown of VaiIPublic works DeDartment. pers-ons found .ril,filing thi.s ordi.nancewirr be given a 24 hour rriti.n--n"Li""-to*;;;;;tsaid rnareriar.fn the event the person so notified.dges pq1 comply with thenotice within the-24 hour.tim"-lp"cified, the putlic worksDepartment vrirl remove said mateii.t ut it"--""p"rse of personnotifi'ed' The nrovi=ions-or-'tr,i= orainance snirt not beapplicable to cinstruction, *.int".u.ce or repair projects ofany street or al1ey or any'utiiit:-es in the right_a_way.. To review ord.inance No_ e in full, please slop by the Town of:::1"::ii:i"9"";f,1:'X*":i"";i;i" a copv. ri,uni vou ror your rill '11 wJ.edged (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 south Irontrge road vall, colorsdo 81657(303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2139 of flco ot communlly devclopmerrt EUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCI TII"IE FMI,IE If' thi's permi't requires a Tov,n of Vail Fire Departrnent Approvar,Enginee;''s (.pubt ti T:il:l ruvi"* .nl'upp"orut,' a ptinnf n!-bepartmentreview or Hea't th DepartmLnt. revi ew, un[-i-""uiui Lv-tiil"tuit aing Siot[ll;',h"the es tirna ted time ror'a-totar ;;;i;w;"v"iu[a'as r dne Al'l commerc.ia'l (rarge or sma'l'r) and ail murti-fami]y permits wiilhave to follow the above menti6neJ-ru*irur requirements. Residentia.land sma'li projects shou'ld tJke i-ieiier amount of time. However, ifresidential or snrarler.projects iripiil the virious -iuJu. mlntioneadepartmcnts with rega.rd to-necessai-y-ieview,-'r.i. ir"j..ii ruya'lso take the three-weet< peri-J. Every.attempt vri'll be Tgge bV this ctepartnrent to expedite thispermi.t.as. s.qon as possible. - I_, the undersigned, understand the p'lan check procedure and timeframe. ,& Sheet wa s TuFnefri'6-TE'E Communi ty Development Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS HEOUIRED Job Name: Dale: need for a "Public Way Permit": .YES NO v Please er lhe following questionnaire regarding the ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easements or public prope;ty? ls any'utilily work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other than existing dnveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right ol way, easements, or public property? 7') ls a "Flevocable Right CI Way permit" required? B) A. ls the righl of way, easements or public properly 10 be used for staging, . parking or lencing? B. lf no to BA, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of lhese questions, a 'Public Way permit' musl be obtained."Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at Cgryinulity Deve.lopmenl. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, lhe Town ol Vail Conslruction Inspector, al479-215f..' I have read and answered allthe q 1) 2) { ).3) 4) 5) 6) v { Y ve Job Name uestions. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 APPI.,ICA]VT CONTRACTOR OIVIIER Description: MECIIA FOR TENNE}fT FINISH Fireplac! Infornrt.lon: Reetr.icted: y ROBINSON MECHANICAL COMPANYP. O. BOX 6459, 5541 CENTRAI_, ROBINSON MECHANTCAL COMPANYP. O. BOX 6459, 5541 CEIffTRAIJ AUSTRIA HAUS DEV GROUP LLP 18 $IIAI,ESHIP PI,AZA, SAN FRANCISCO CA 941-11 ValuaEion: AVE BOI'LDER AVE BOI}LDER Phone | 970-949-0259co, AvoN, co 81620 Phone: 970-949-0259co, AvoN, co 81620 *of ea6 Aftpliances:#Of oae LogB: l_3,335.00 *of wooil/Pallet: FEE SUMMARY Mechanicrl- - -> Plan check---> Invcaeig.eion> will call----> E 6. 7. B. Restuaran! Plan Rewierr--> DRB Fee-------- Total calculated Fses- - - > Additslonal Fees----- ----> Tolal Penrit Fee--------> 280 . O0 70.o0 .00 3.O0 . oo ,00 353.O0 353 .00 .00 353 .00 Palnncnts - - - - - - - - BAIANCE DUE- -.- rttr***.r******ri****r****rt** a*erl***rirrr*r BUILDING DEPARTMEI{T DepE: BUILDING DiviSiON: CHARLTfE Action: APPR CHARIIE DAVISFIRE DEPARTMEI{f Dept: FIRE Diwision:CHARLIE ACLiON: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHEEK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRE-D PER SEC. 507 OF TI{E 1991 t]MC.INSTAI.,I.ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANTJFAC"IURFS INSTRUCTIONS ANDTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF TIIE 1991 UMC. GAS APPI.,IAI\TCES SHALL BE VEI{:TED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 A}ID SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF TITE 1991 t]MC. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5Os AND703 0F THE 1_991 I,MC.BOILERS SHALL BE MOIJIfrED ON FI-,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. I]NI,ESS LISTED FOR MOIJ}ITING ON COMBUSTIBLE FIOORING. PERMIT,PI,ANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTTON REOI]EST.DRAINAGE OF MECIANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALI., BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 0F rHE 199r_ tMC. ******************************************************************************** Item: 05100LL/Os/L998Item: 05600Ll-/Os /L998 1 2-? 4. O O a-qt oal + DEeARTMENT oF coMMnNrTy DEVEi.opMENr ). ; , t ,a ? I NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ,AtL TIMES MECTIA}ITCAI PERMIT Permit #: M98-O227 Job .A.ddress... : 242 E MEADOW DR I-,,OCAEiON. . .. . .: AUSTRIA HAUS RETAIIJ SPACEParcel No..... : 2l-01-082-25-001Project Number: PR,I98-0240 STAT1rS...: ISSUEDt'Dt' Applied. . : 11/05 /1998Issued...t la/05/a998 E>cpires. . : 05/04/t999 DECLARATIONS t hcroby rcknor,l€dge Lhrc I hav€ r""a f.ppffcarion, filled out in fullp1$, and Btat. thrt. all lhe inf onationlrovidcd as r.qulred ic correct, bo co{rply tdtsh r11 To$r! ordinanc.s and sbate 1rw., and to build lhls cod€Br d€aign !6vi.v rpproved, Unifonn Bullding code and ot'h6r ordinanc€6 REQqESTS FOR INAPECTIONg 8IIAI,I, BB MADE T9{ENTT-FOI'R HOI'RS IN SIG}&TURE OF OI{NER OR CONTRAtrOR fOR HIIiII,EI,P AND required, conu)LeCed rn accurate plot y rith the infornatslolt and pLot plan, to cha Tonn,6 roning alrd aubdLvi.sion cablc t.herelo. 79-2139 oR AT OUR OPPICE FROM S:00 A!4 s:oo PM N0V-04-98 llED 10:15 Al1 FA}{ N0. P. 03 .l-.--. .rnncrr, s, zr or: ogz -zs -eFTgil"?f Xlll]Siilili"$fiifl* B.:i ]d,^1 *,-lit'ilrJ-'",oatn: tD:f-:S-S, ** FRiq d_ oa!q__ APPLTCATIoNHusTBEFILLEDoufCoI{PI.E,IEIIIoRIT}|lYNotegACCEPIED,.|(*******r****r******r********r PERllrr rNroBlATroN ***rt************rr*****r*''** ,-tJ-BuiIdingJ]-Plurnblng[]-EIect,rlcaIff-Mechanllaar[l-other ,rob Nane; Aqili ftuH.\ 'D'.\ 'T)' ilob Ilddressr aq r,esul Description, l,'! il/h. Brock Nlf& Fillng ffi ";" ;'pu "r" ; r-ffi, rlt' - *il" *' r a r", h"lg.$ p g. s*n Fqn'i'*," nf"1':-------- Archltect:ft51.c, Address:-tltV#133 ceneral DescrlPtlon:rrrc"\e f Itl€ worr clara: t){-uew I J-A1teratlon I J-Addltslonal I l-Repalr ' .1-other611pil[r Nunber of Derelllng Unlte: o- . Number of AccomnodatLon unJ'ts: I- N.umber and 1.ype of FLreplaceF: cas Appllan"""-1Q- cas L,ogs-1Q- Hood,/PeltetlJ- V********r!r***************'t**t**rt* vArruATro's *************'r**************t**r*aburl.DrNc: [ - ELEqfRrcAr': f---------------------- oTIIER: !- - BLur,rErNGr r - MEcH^iliil;'i;gry ioniii @ *****rr************tlll***** owrr of ValI Beg' NO. Addrese:e NunberS ION: Town of VaiI Phone lfuillberi Towrr of ValI Phone Nunber: Town of Val-lCo Phone Number: Reg. No.*' - Reg. No. it ?e PTAN CNECK FEE: h I Electrlcal eontrastor: N/A.. - Addresss . ntunblng contractor: Address: Mechanlca]- contra AddreEss ***r*********r****************** EUTT.DING PENUIT FEE8 PIIIMBI$G PER$IT FEEs MECIIANICAIT PEBUIT rEE: EIECTRICAI., FEE! OTHER TYPE OI' FEEs DRB FEE! nes. No. ll+f -}/\ FOR OFFICE USE BUfLDfNG PIT'}IBING PIJIN CHECK FEEI I'TECIIANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE8 RECREATION FEE: CI.E}N-UP DEPOSIT: IOTAL PERI{IT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATUREI ZONTNG: SICNITURET Corlnents! , fYl lo DEPARTI4E}TT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEIfITOWN OF VAII 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 97 0 -479 -2L38 Mechanical---> 240.O0 Restuarants Plan Reviaw--> Plan Check---> 50.00 DRB Fee--------- fnv6Btsigation> I"li1l Ca]1----> 3.oo NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECTTANICAL PERMTT Permit #: M98-0241 ilob Address.. -: 242 E MEADOW DR Seatus...: TSSUEDLocation......: 242 8 MEADOW DR (RETAIL C-2) Applied. -:. LL/19/r998Parcel No. . . . .: 2101--082-25-00L Issued- . .: L2/09/1"998Project Number: PRiigB -0289 E><pires. . : 06/07 /1"999 APPI.ICAIVI ROBINSON MEEIANICAT COMPANY PhONE I 97O-949-0259P. O. BOX 6459, 5541 CEIfIRAL AVE BOIJLDER CO, AVON, CO 8l_620 CONTR,ACTOR ROBINSON MECHANICAL COMPANY PhONCZ 9'70-949-0259P. O. BOX 6459, 5547_ CENTRAL AVE BOULDER CO, AVON, CO 8l-620OWNER AUSTRTA HAUS DEV GROUP LLP ]-8 I'IHALESHIP PIJAZA, SAIV FRANCISCO CA 9411-1 Description: valuat.ion: l-1 ,229.00 INSTALL HOT WATER FA}iI COIL,A/C DUCTS,GRILLS Fileplace Informahion: Restricted: Y #Of cas AppLiancos:#of Gas Loge:#of wooa/Pa11eE: .0o Total calculated F6es---> 303.00 .0o AddibionaL Fees---- -----> .o0 .00 ToTAIT FAES------ 303.00 Total PelfllC Fee--------> 303.00 Pattmenta-------- BALANCE DUE.--- .OO IIEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEICTLL/.L9/.L998 JRM AcEion: NOTE PLANS TOLL/24/L998 GGOODELIJ AcTion: APPRItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMET{T "Rfi9.: BUILDING Divi-sion: Dept, : FIRE Divj-sion: CONDITION OF APPROVAL ]-. FIEI.,,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. EOMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE ].991 T]MC.3. fNSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO IVIANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1-991 t]MC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE ]-991 I]MC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEI\TT MTIST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND703 0F THE 199r_ IIMC.6. BOILERS SIIAI.,L BE MOI]NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUST]BLE CONST. I]NLESS LISTED FOR MOIN(TING ON COMBUSTitsI,E FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANAI,YSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECI{ANIEAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOI'EST.B. DRAINAGE OF MECTANICAL ROOMS COM|AINING HEATING OR HOT-I,IiATER SUPPLY BOILERS SIIALL BE EOUIPPED WITII A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2LL9 QF THE 1-991- I]MC. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t ************************ DECLARATIONS I harebi' .cknonle€. Ehat t havo r..a f,ppf fcaElon, flllcd outs itt ful1 thc lnforqJ lequlrrd, cou!,letsd -n accung. t}to!plrn, and atsqtq that, rl,1 Ehe infornrtlontFrovidBd ae required lc eorreq!. I agre! to Ehply wtth Ehe Lnfolrreion rnd ploi plan, eo caqrly trllh rU Tgrn ordLnrnect and ltats€ lers, end Co build thie atructutr eceordihg tso th. To'rn'r zoning rnd aubdl,viclon codra,, Cretgn rcvlew approved, Itnifor[ BulliUng codr and other ordl,nancaF of Bhe Torn TDIica.blG th€reco. REOUITEg lOF t$SPEetrOUlr sHArrr! BE rrADE $a!*ry-EOUR HOrnS rN Bt TELEPT|oNA AT 4?9-2136 OR AT otR OFFICE tRoll lroo A!l'a:oo Ptl slolriti,ar o! oH !R oR cortl?AsloR toB BITaELF AlrD orltEi i t: N0v-04-gB UED 10:16 Ail FAI{ NO..P,05 FEn}tI,T I PARCEL f i IT APPLICITION DArn:_!!$f !fu . AFEIJICATION T.IUST BE TII/I.ED OUT COIdPI'E.TEIJY OR It' MAY NOII BE ICCEPTED ,(U*********r***r*ra**r********* pERl,lrr rilFonuATro' t*l*******r***********i***tr* n-[ I-Building t ]-Plutnbing I l-EleotE1aal [)Q-]rec]ranfcal" [. J-other ifob Nanet +dsr&.rs Rele b eddresst ?${Me"i...s F,s Fr. Legal Description: r,otl|J[- niocrc$[- rirfns ' I sumrusloN: 'A[ Address!ncttp Ph { Ato.",Address: , lgS 6. Fron{e3tR'l-- : pr,.E9:lt!!1, (Aqqlll alesht Generar DescrlPtion: B3H Work elass: t)-few I J-Alteratlon I Number of Dwelllng Unlts: , O- Contractor: SUIIJDING PERHIT fEE: FIUIi{BINC PER}TIT FEE: }MCINNICAI, PERMIT FEE: EIJCfnIE.AT FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEAI DRB FEEI J*Addlt'lonal Number Nrrnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appllances O eas Log< () Wood/Pellet^O-vIrr**r*****.* rt*** ***r * **** * ** **** * VAIJUAITONS ** ********t********************** 'LY ^ ---^---rr - r nTIrElP! I -."'!ur*r*o, S .* ET,EcTRJcA!: l__,E==- oTIlFls l-= EnrlrBiiiA; F- r.rscrAr,iiceLt$-iFqog rotAr/: r-Ir?AfiItit: iT# _ f:;;-;- ;* *I * * ** ** rr ****r Illen"ral contrastor: Eharrr Cili;lli,-fr't-Eek;; Phone Nunber: Electrical contractor, N/ts - .Lddress: Plurnbing Address: llectrani Addressr * ***************l************l**FOR OFFICE ,rlfonn of VaiI {frnonu NulDer: Reg. No. Town of Vail Phone Nunber: BUIIJDING PLAN CHECT FEES PLWBING PI.AN CIIECK FEEI }IECIIANICAIJ PIAN C$ECK FEE! RECREATXOd FEE: CLEIN-UP DEPOSITT foTAL PEnilIT FEES; Req. No. l4't-MqVq-bzEil- are -:$nslell ho{ t'oLt"SanC".f ul{h A dvalnr,o,'ta i G'iUcr I l-Sepair I l-other of Acconmodadion units: 'l Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Reg. NO, EltozousE -*I ***** * ********* ** * **** **t!Ll*t BUIIJDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNAIURE! trArnN6 trot- Bor.ornldc PePm,r d'P ll^s-?B DEPARTIVIENT OF COMMT'NITY PMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AtL TIMES MECIANICAL PERMIT Permlt #: M98 -0242 JOb AddTESS...: 242 E MEADOW DR STALUS...: ISSUED Location : 242 E MEADOW DR (AUSTRTA RETATApplied... aL/L9/a998 Parcel No.....: 2101-082-25-001 rssued...: I2/09/t998Project Number: PRf98-0290 $cpires..z 05/07/L999 I DEVELO APPLTCAIYT ROBINSON MECHANICAI. COMPA}IYP. O. BOX 6459, 554L CENTRAL CO}frTRACTOR ROBINSON MECHANICAL COMPA}TYP. O. BOX 6459, 5541 CENTRAL OM.IER AUSTRIA }IAUS DEV GROUP LLP Description: MECH INSTAI-,I-, FAN COIL,A/C DUCTS GRII.,LS Fireblace Infodnatsion: ReEtsrictsed: Y *of cas Appliances: AVE BOIILDER AVE BOULDER. Phone t 9'70-949-0259co, AvoN, co 81_620 Phone t 970-949-0259 co, AvoN, co 81620 TOl,tIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROADvArL, co 8a657 970-479 -2L38 1-8 MIALESHIP PI,AZA, SAN FRANCISCO CA 94LLL Valuat,ion:1_1_, 060 . 00 #of wood/Pa11e!:#Of Gas Logs: Total calculat€d FeeB--->MechBnlcal- -- > Pl.an Check- -- > InvcsEigaEion> 240.OO 60.00 .00 RegLuarant PIan Rcvien--> .O0 DRB Fee-------- .00 TOTA], FEES-... - 303.O0 Additional Fee6---------> .o0 Tots-l Perrdit Fe€--------> Palauentss-------- 303.O0 303 .00 IECM: O51OO BUILDING DEP.A,RTMENTLL/L9/A998 .'RM ACTiON: NOTE PLANS TO 1,L./24./A998 GGOODELL ACT1ON: APPRIt.bm:' 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT "Rfigt: BUILDING Division: will call----> 3.00 12/0e/1998.rRM Act,ion: APPR n/a Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL ].. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE ].991 IMC.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTI'RES INSTRUCT]ONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21. OF TIIE 1-991 I]MC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VEI{TED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SIIALL TERMTNATE AS SPEETFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 I]MC.5. ACCESS TO HEATfNG EOUfPIVIENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.sO5 AND703 0F THE r-991 tMC.6. BOILERS SHAI,I, BE MOI]NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUST]BLE CONST. I]NLESS LTSTED FOR MOUT\ITING ON COMBUSTIBI,E FLOOR]NG./. prrr<rvirr,pl-+n\b alu uuDE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOI'EST.8. DRAINAGE OF MEC}ANICAL ROOMS CO}flTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEE.2119 0F TrrE 1991 UMC. ****************************************************************t(*************** DECI.,ARATIONS I h.acby tctnoeloagr th.t I hav. .""u ""il""rncrtion, fillad, outs in full rha inforoatEn rcquircd, conploE.d tn aeculrlc ptor Plah. and at.ts! chrts.Ll che i.rfor$ation providrd aF raquir.d i6 co!r.ec. 3 egre. to comply wieh tha Lnfot"drrtst on *rtd plor plan, Co FobFly ulth rll Town ordinanc.g andl sEate lrrr, rnd Eo build tshis alructur€ aecordlng to cho fo,$n,. zoninE .rtd rubdlvloion codla' &rlgn r.vL.!t approved, Unlforn auildillg Code rnd othcr ordinancrE of thr toen applic.blc the!.tg. REQUFA"S lot {S9ASIIONS sHArL BE MADE Tr,rE}tTy-FOrrR HOITRS IN EIO!4lt RE OP d{NER OR COltlRf,clOR FOR trrMSEr,F AND O|{NER ;. N0V-04-98 HED l0:15 Ail FA)( NO P, 04 PERIIIT f Job Nabe: onn,u",,2tej: !-*.*;=y*:l lillfiii5*"Slfi- (' Drm: t!l{99- AIPLICATION t{trsT BE FIIJ'ED OUtr CoI{PITETEIJY OR ** t * * * ** r * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * *l * * * PERltrT TNFORI'ATTON t J-Butldins [ ]-Plunblng I {tectrlcar QQ-Uechanfcar I l-other ob Address: btl?. Er"sf, Mea'ds*'s Dn rregal Descriptlon: Lot-{}- nroclt-UlA- Firtnq I suBDIkON:(.Aqqul Nunber of, Dwel-Il.ng Unlts: O Nunber of AcconniodatLon Units: N;lrnber 4nd lflpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliancee-.,1l eas logs-l)- Wood/Pe1let-O- ^&********r ********** ********* ***** vAL,uATroNs **l**************************'*** tL.- turrtrnnl $. * Er,Ecrgrcar,l l-----' orHER: | '--- g,rrMBrNG: | - r,rEcrrAiiidfi; t:npuoe rorAL: @ t{orlc class: t}-xew I l-Alteration [ ]-Additlonal t l-Repalt 1 l-other X;:::rr;**:.;r,:i,ft n &r.Ph Archltect : Aqce-lg€ "b. lrt tttfGt,Adclress:prr. rlla-tt+33 cenera!. Description: B*lai e -Snshrrll ho{ oo[e' $ot'ool | *d.c{.rrorr- e- G"iUct ovrners llame: A.rl.ia.$aorlqJ. ULP Address: I8 r^rMalelhlf h €qnFnanr{ru, INfORUATION **l *****!r***l*******t**t*** town of vail Reg. No.--.--- Addres6i Phone Nunber: Town of vai]. Phone Nunber: Tosn of VaiI Phone Number: Reg. NQ Re!, NO. Electrical contractor: Address 3 . PlurbinE Addresst , contractort l.r/A Mechanical Con Iddress: ********:l***************tl****** f'OR BUII-,DINC PERT{IT 8EE: PLI'UEING PERUIT FEE! UECHANICAIJ PERUIT FEE: EIJECTRICAIJ FEE ! OTHER TYPg OT FEE! DRB TEE: VAIJUATION BI'ILDING: SIGNilfl,IRE! ZONIilG; SICNAI'T'RE: IT }IAY NOT BE ACCEPTED *****rrl**t!r ********* *****i** Toun of vail 8ed. ti0. ltl-f-M Phone Number: qV4-b>- ' SlGzooFFICE USg *************i***r********t**tt BUII,DING PIAI{ CHECK FEEI PLT]I.IBING PIAN CHECK FEE: IIECHAIIICAL PIAIiI CBECK TEE: RECREATION FEE! CUEN{.UP DEPOSIT3 TOTAIJ PERUII TEES' u^,JAtnN6 tr6R. B"rrc$N/o ?.*rnrr ,hpll-< ^qe, TOWN OF VAII 75 S. FROIVTAGE ROADvArL, co 8!657 97 0 -479 -2138 APPIJICA] T CONTRACTOR O$INER Eleclrical- - - > I D 50.c0 DRB Fee .oo 3.00 TO?AIr FEES---> 53.00 Addigional F€e6---------> Total Penni! Fee--------> Pal4dents6------- BALANCE DUE- -- - Inwe6tsigaiion> will call----> .00 53-OO . o0 **********t**tt ****,*****rJ'rt IIEM: OSOOO EI-,ECTRICAL DEPARTMENT DCPts: BUII,DING DJ.ViSiON:IO/L6/I998 iIRM ACEiON: APPR APPROVED .JRIVI-ribm:'.05600 FrRE DEPARTMENT Depts: FrRE Division:1o/L6/L998 JRM Action: APPR N/A CONDITTON OF APPROVAL t*******r****r* i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * DECI,ARATlONS I hereby aeknowledge Ehat I have read thig appli.cation, filled out in full the infonnalion required, completsed an accuf,abc pLot plan, and Btatse that a1l the information provided ae required is correct. I agree tso comply with the infosnatsion and ploh Pl'an' !o conpLy $i,Ch atl Tolrn ordj.nances aod state Laws, arrd to build thi6 structure according Co the Town'6 zoning and eubdiwision codes, deeign !€wierd approved, Unifofir, Buildinq code and other ordinances of the Town aPPlLcabl,a tshcrrgo. REQUESTS tOR INSPECTIONS SHALT BE MA-DE r'W9NTY-8OUR HOURS IN.AD\TANCE BY TELSPHONE AT 4?9-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRoM Sr00 AM 5:00 PM EPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY PME}CT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL, PERMIT Permit #: E98-027L ,JOb AddTESS: 242 E MEADOW DR St,AEUS...: ISSUED Location...z 242 E MEADOW DR (RETATL DApplied..: lO/L6/1-998 Parcel No..: 2t0L-082-25-001 rssued...: 1,0/20/L998 Project No.: PRJ98-O240 Erqpires..: o4/18/L999 B & B ELECTRTC, rNC. Phone: 970-242-2450 28L8 L/2 NORTH AVE., GRAND ,fUNgfrON, CO 81501 B&BEIJECTRIC, INC.Phone: 970-242-2450 2B!8 t/2 NORTH AVE., GRAND ,JUNCTTON, CO 81501 AUSTRTA HAUS DEV GROUP LtP 18 I^IIALESHIP PLAZA, SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 o DEVELO Description: ELECTRICAL FOR RETAIL SPACE D VaIuaEion:2, 000 . 00 FEE SUI{MARY Total calculated Fee6---> 53 -o0 Ioo lt8-8640 for Parcel /l . TOWN OF. PERMTI VAIL CONSTRUCTTON APPLTCATTON FORM Legal Description: Lot Elock Job Address: leZJ. /hrn.oows 0p.r VqrL_ rilinS suBprvrsroN: Ph. Address: ceneral Description: work class: [K]-New [ ]-Alteration g'J-Addirionat [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nu:nber of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Acconmodation Units: ymber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances Gas Logs_ Wood/Pellet ********************************** VALUATIONS **************************Jr******I 3UILDTNG: $OTHER: $ PLWBTNG: S/TOTAL: S '(***************J'*********** CoNTRACTOR INFORMATION *************************** Seneral Contractor: SH-ftil Cor0s Teur rro^t Town of Vail Reo^ wo_Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Oltners Name: @Address: Architect:Dh Er/EcTRrcAL : $j3rpog_, o-9_ MECIiANICAL: $ \ddress: llectrical Contract,or:\ddress: >ari I ?Iunbing Contractor: \ddress: Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO ?ao-zhz-z+So 'Iechanical Contractor: \ddress: ]UTLDING PERMIT FEE: )LUMBING PERMIT FEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ]LECTRICAL FEE:rtrttFD rTrvDr AF FFF. }RB FEE: oam: tolr+ lqA , APPLICATTON UUST BE FTLLED OUT coMpLETELy OR IT MAy NOT BE AccEpTED f****************************** pERMrr rNFoRMAfroN * ****** ***** *********:l *:r ** ** * t s.$,r- 4 -Lrrr \r.F\r_.r-rf r\., [ ]-Building [ ]-Plumbing [x]-Electrical [ ]-uechanibal [ ]-other Job Name: Austcrn *|nus PERITIT #_-_-. NoT lssueo 4l- tt'rne-. Town of Vail Reg. No.TLVE Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. ?'k*** ***tt/r******** * * * *** !t* * *****FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUIIDTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE: PLWEING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECRIATION FEE: CIEAN.UP DEPOSIT: TOTAI, PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATTIRE: ZONING: SIGNATURT: VAIUAEION :onnents: X.EA}I UP DEPOSIT BEFI]ND TO: fl* G E-tcc-tri c, lrr' RECEIPT - The Town of Vail ,ort /e/7 RECEWED FROM ,52fl Permit Numbers HOW PArD-Cash-Che "rfu/ N9 -__ 49566 I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL. CQ 8L657 970-479-2L38 Elacbris.l- - - > DRBt. IOvc rE tgltl CCt2 trill Crtl---"r tOTAlr r38A-'- r ilob Addres,st 242 B UEADOII DR IJOCAEiON. ..I 2I2 B MEADOW DR Parcel No. . : Zr.Ol--Ogz'zs-001 Projects No. : PRIT98-0?40 PAGE 3/4 StsAEUS...: APPI,IED (AUSfRIA APP1led. -: LI/L9/L998 IEsued. . . : Expi.res. . : DEC-O3-gB 13. 52 FROM ,to,e?04?92482 oF c1cl,tr{ttt{rTY NOTE: THIS PBRMIT !{UST BE POSTBD ON .IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELBCTRICAI.' PERMIT Pelmit *: 898-0309 TOV-COM-DEt,-DEPT. o DEPARI!4ENT o DEVBI,QPI"IINM AppI,rcAr.IT colMERcrAr sEBcrAlrgTs.rNc. pbone: 97o-24L-o269 1048 rrlDEpEtrDENT A1/B[U[;-JU113 A-108, GRATiID .tuNclroN' co 81505 cpDraRAcroR coI'0,IBRcr-AJ-, SPEClALrsls,rNC' Plrone: 97a'241-O268 1048 TNDBPENDEIiIT A\rENUi;- airre l-ro8' GRAND in'NeroN', eo 81s05 OI^IIIBR AUSTRIA IIAUS DEV GROI'P LLP 18 vEiAIrBsHrP PI,AZA, sAI{ FRAt{crsco cA 94111 Deecripcion: FrRE AIARM Valuagion:1, 139.00 aoErl e.lculaD3C !ecs--'> tr 'oo lddsuioaat Fc.f-..------z .00 ,oErt Darhir F.a--.-----2 53.00 I'fl/Eatt!!_"-_-_ EAt !.!lcB DttE- - - - ,rrr-rirrrtr.-rrrartr...trsrrta...trit*tt-.rra tt t"...! t+r....tr ttit"" t "ttttt"t tttttt t ttv"ttrtr ttt!r'tttt" 'rtltlitttt""tttt' !rrtt-...rt.atr...r!altt'tt"!tt rltt"tttt"ttt'rrrlrtrrt .!.rtttttttYttrtttt." "'tit tt]"t t"Ol "tt tit tt tti ' cv COIIDITION OF APPROVAJ-' .irrrttr....ttt tttttttt'?'! ttr'rlttrtrttt.n"ttrt t ttr.. t r t t rtt " t "rttt" 'f ttlt ttt "t 50-0o .og 3.00 E3.00 93 .00 DEC1ARJITIONS t hcrcby aglcnorladg3 tb.C I hawc .cad ghit rppllcelioa, till'a Gu! in fult Zlt' info'B'eton rcquircd' 99EPlGECA It rccUles' PlOs plrtr, r'rd rErEc ihrq atl !h. infortrrion grgvialcd a! rsglllfad 1r cortcco ' I tE-:-:o GoEttly siEh r!|' infotE||tioi atd Pla't Pl'D' Eo c€.91y iiuh rtl foto oruirr*ir" lrrd rc'.ge 1.16, anC io rrrriltt lhie GBtucaurc rccording iJ ehe fwtt'" totring .nd sulbdivitlon codro.d..ig'l-GYi.l,.tE''Gw.a,rhi€or!tuildiltgcod||!rcot'hcroldin$cc.ofrb!to|'trlP?licrblrghcrcto. Raoutgrt tor r[apsqrtqNs sf,A!& !! l.lDa T}'86]t:lt-9om nouie tN A$,arca Bt lEltFttoxE A! {7'-2139 On AT oun orFrc! tRou r:00 'ar Et00 F}1 ffi Foa HtiraELt .ll{D olltti DEC-Os-E|E' t3.52 FTTOT'I : TOt,-COM - DEr,-DEPT .1D.9J764?92452 PAGE 2/4 Status' - -: APPLIBD (AUSTRIA APPlied- -z tt/t9/L998 Igsued. ' -:Explres..; o DE\TELO J TOWN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FRONTACE ROAD vAIIr, co 9t637 970-479-21J8 DBPARIII{ENT OF CPiA{IJNIT.PIVTENI NOIIE' 11IIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITB AT AIIJ TIMES EIrBgrR.fCAJ, PERMIT Permit *: B9B-0310 .Job Addreas: 242 E MBADow DR LocaE.ion. . -: 242 E llEADoW DR Parcel No. . : 2LOL-082-25-001 ProjecB No. : PRJ98-0185 APPIJICA$T C!T"['{BRCLAj, SPECIATISTS,INC. PhONE: 97O-24L'0268 10l1B II{DBPBIIDENT AvEI[Ui; SUfft A-108. GF'AISD JI1NCTION, co 8]-505 coNrRiAcfoR CoMMBRCTAL sPEcr.AtrsTs,iNc- Phone: 970-24]--0268 1O4t TIIDBPENoEIII AltEl{ttB' suITE A-108' GRA}ID iruNetrotil' c1} 81-505 OWT{BR AUSTR.IA IIAUS DBl' GROI'P LLP 18 mlAr,EsllrP PI,AZA, sAt{ FRAI{Crseo cA 94111 Deecripcion: FIRE AIJARII VaIuaEion:1-, 097 . 00 .i..r'vrr,..-.aaortr,....r.rr,r..vrrrrt...!tttrtl...rtttt++. FEI SOt'ltAiY tatttt'tiatttttt'rvYrtttr"'r{rttttt"rtitt+"ittttlrtt'rt ToEaL clleuliBcd ?GGE'--! e3'00Elactrtc.l-.-> ro-OO tB! t.c -oo :nvea bigrt i oh t till c.ll' - --t Tqf,AL !31S"'> -o0 s3 ,00 -o0 3l .00 ' 00 53,00 lddlsioo.t taat-'- -----'> iocel zcroit ?aa--------> FrYlAnG3?------ EAIINCE DUE---- , i art, rrtrr.,,trrrtr...rr- rrrr.!v!rrtt,t,rr! ttttrarr rrt.|rrr..rtr.|r'|tr..taritartt"ttt"tt" trttltttte!t t ttttt r?erttltt+ttillt lt" ' Itelr ; . g 6 q Q o B:LtEcrRI cAIr- DEPARTMBInA''BOVED oBff t' ::]:ot"" Diwision : 116fr?/t3tto5y* DEptfiftE$i fipe, rrns Division: LL/l'|g/Lgg8 itRM Action'] NqrE PLAt[s To FrRE- DECIAITATIONS I h.s.ltl achFo,elcdge shaE I h.vr rt d Ghia rPtlicgtioft, fiuaa o||g in fuft Bh3 incoto:Eict rQguilld' Googl€Ecd 'n 'scurtec I'tot gl.n, ind EEaCa gh.r .lt lhc irr€oYatcion Ptovidad ra rcquired it eOlrGcB ' t 3ErGe lo coq'ly uith th' infgF tton and PIos pl'n' s6 o*Ffy rish rlt ton*t oldimncer end eeaec !1re. ..,d co bsild Ehlt atrucEdle rcgoaatinl to chc tdn'c goflitrt rfld Eubdiwleion 6ed.s. darigin -Eviir :Ftr!.,vrd, trrifoti Buildli'tt COde and oEbar ordin!.|eae of Chc Eovn lpPlictttle Ch'ra!'o' tf$rtgfr roe lllspgcrloxg CtAt L Be HlDa TfltlIr-?OUR ltosRs t$ lD'uAltcts sv tZLEPnoNB !T l7t'?11! OR AA O'.,n OF ICB rRsft g:00 A}l t:00 Ptl Jatlrrrt.evotltttttrrrittlttt'ttttt'ttrratttt'.'tttatrlitt't"tiltttttt!ttl|ttt+r!"tttttttl"rY'*t*tt"aY'rtt COIIDIfION OF APPROVAIJ 'tt'.'.t....'t...ttttl't.....'lo|'l'!..11''tl..rr''ltl't.-.Ilvrrrr'....It{i'l.r....rtrr!r..*' stGt{ATqBr ot ot{tEil oi cort1?AcBrR FOE tlll'tsEll' lllD ctJt{ER DEC-O3-9e r 3. 53 FROM, TO}TN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{TAGB ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 oP cofo4ttNrr( NOTEr TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'IOBSITB AT AIrL TIMES EI,,ECTR,ICAI PERMII'PetmiE *; 898-031L o DEI/EI,OPMEI{T r{iar...,...rat ei tlt SUttoiY r" ttt""'! di't"!"'a'v"""Yt"?' t' r "t*te "'t'rttr"' Et"ctsris.1---> 3O-0J DRI F.a T09.1 crlctrht.a !e9.---, Bf'oo hYassl,gabigrt) tqtAl tESs-- -t t.'tt.i''j'.''1..'..'tr|....i.t$.}'-J.'tat'tt'.tJlll.'..v1''t.l..Ja9tJ't'...!,''J.*tt'....''r'r}..'.|l!itti...'t**tt:..t rte-rrr: ,9€g90 EIiEcrRrCAIr-PE9?RHHTAppR.ovBD ,P-tpt: BUIL'DrNG Division: il1fi?/33e8oJFY*" DBptfisfflT ffJsc' nrne Division: iiTigtTlg"gb ow AcEion; NcrrE PraNs ro F..* i,. J..vatiira...rarert..r.rrrrtrarr ar.rrrtt t.! rr rrtrr,.rt rtttr!...at.ttt.- rrlra trl'rrvrt'tltttt t r rvrr tri" " v t ttt t "J tr'rrrtt"t! t' tttt COITDITION OP APPROVA'J *,....rt{.r..-.rwa}.?....yalftttta.r.tttrl...rvyt{t.... rgt{ ltt..-at'il"""!etltll t"tt rtttt " rYr !ta"t"'r t{ e "t"ttlt"'}}5 J'att DECLARATIONS r herlby .sknerl.dg. Ehir t h.v€ rard i,hir appll,cicidr, llllad gut l]: tull cha lnlornrtion rrqui red' cdlPl'ctcd aa acculrEe Plol plrn. anC at.tE Ehat &Il th6 inloroa'wi"3} provl,d€C rt raquirGd la corrc€e ' I tgrcc Eo conPly slth Ehe inlolaaiic' lttd pIoE ttlen' co cooply viBh alt tc{a e'rdinrncca tnal c!.la larg, rnd io Ulfa lhia SgFttcEutr recosding Cc che Eovtt'a ?G'r'lng rna *rbilivieioo caCca, dariga r."ta. appooridr gniforo BuilCing coa. anc o!hc: ordin{rcrr ef lh' To''' aDPIlotbI" BhereBo' REf,gEsrs FgR tusEEclrgt€ rHtt Ir BB to.oE ttf,EN:x-touR tto'uRt tlt tr|\aer{gr tY TEI'PHoNE lt {79-2r3g oR ar 9u* oPPrcB Pioti cr00 ix B:00 Pt4 3 -00 3r-00 lddicio'ntt Fa!3"--- - r - -> total tcJiit tia-------'> P.!'!angt. ----- - ta4$CE Dt E- ------ -'----t - 00 B3 .00 .0o 9t.oo TO\,-COM-DE\,-DEPT . o DEPARTMBIiIT .fob Addrees= 24?. E MBADow DR L,ocation- . -z 242 E MEADOW DR' parcel No..: 2L0l-082'25-001 ProjeCts No- : PR.I9g-0186 APPI/ICAIIT COD{I'{ERCIAL SPECIAIJISTS, INC' 1.048 INDEPBIIDEIIT AVE}ITJE, SUITE A-108, CONTRACTOR COI'IMERCIALT SPECIALISTS' INC' 1048 INDEPEI{IDBNT AVEbIUE, SUTTE A-108' OrmlER AUSTRIA HAUS DEV GROUP LLP 1-8 WIIALESIIIP PIAZA, SASI FRANCISCO CA DescripBion: FIR-E AIARXI lD '9|764?A2452 PAGE 4/4 Status- -.: APPL,TED (AUSTRIA APPlied- .'- LL/L9/L999 Issued. ' - : B>Pires: - : Phone z 97A-24L'o268 CR.AIID ,]UNCIION, eO 8a505 Pbone: 970-2aL-O268 GILAIID flJtilgrroN, co s1505 94111 Valuation:1, 566 . o0 iiffi oe ctnuR oR soNlRACaoR FoR H:ltsE,F A:o ot'l{ER rNc. IEAREsENDtNcyou p arrncneo l-l uruoensrpalArEcovERvtA ,(n AEASON FOF TRANSMITTAL CHECKED BELOW: f-l nesueulr- coPtEs FoR APPRIVAL I suaur- coP t Es FoR DtsrRtBUTtoN I I FOR REvIEw AND jjMMENT l*eaoveolsNorED I f, enwts nentaNeo AFTE+ LIAN To us REMARKS PTEASE NOI'FY USAT ONCE IF ENCTOSURESAFE NOT AS NOTED. 6 A"RY GoovLLt- h4M^, ErCO fr.uftvr Fll\rrtt uEAREsENDtNGyou lA enecnw l-l urvornsennRArEcovERvtA nlqe (m *lrbtwtvtE)2. (>4r b+FsE FEASON FOE TRANSMITTAL BELOW: I I RESUBMIT-COPIES FOR APPROVAL I I SUBMIT-COP'ES FOF DISTRIBUTION I IFORRANEWANDCOMMENT I I RETURN- CORRECTED PRINTS leeeaoveoAsruorED [] 7 pnwrs nerunueo AFTER L2AN To lts REMARKS PLEASE NOTIFY US AT ONCE 'F ENCTOSUFES AFE NO7 AS NOIED, / DATE n lt=lqe JOB NO. CEt>-- 5 ATTENTION'GArY (leo>E,LL RE: (rEFl+r+rlt}- t-E,!rAI|t!r FthJrgtt oo F ot Io) REPT131 TNNN OF V'IIL. COLORADN i1.9/t3./199T A9r36 REOUESTS - INSFECTN I^JORK SHEETS FOR: 9113,/1?9t Fctivity: 898-tit*94 91lA/19 Type: A-trOl4lvf Sbatr-rE: ISSUED Constr": NCBlvl flddreEs: E4f E: MEAnnL, DR Location:34* F MHFTDfiH nF Farcel .. E1O1 -OBe-?;-rA'/'1 Descript i on: TENANT FINISH FIFTAIL "D" Rppl i cant : SHAhl ION$TRUCT'I DN COf4F'ANY Owner: ATJSTRIA HAt,lS DEU GROUF LLF' Contractor: SHfit^l CONSTRUCTION COMFANY PAGE AREA: CD Occ::Uge: Fhone r 97O-34P-9836 Fhone; F hon e | 97lA-;i4;il-9i:3{r Locl<s, Ho ldsr and l.lot ir:es, . . ACTIVITY Not ice: SI-OT i:5 Inspection Reqrrest Infor-mat i on, . . " 'Request nr': dan 3. er'oy Req Ti me l €lB: tZltZ (Iomn ent s : rretai I Itens requested to tre In:perted. .. fiflt54$ BLDG-Final f./n Ff-rone r 845-674F: spaf:P (1 Act i on lnspection Histoly,... . It em: Ogtta30 BL.DE-Ft'am ing 11/e519& Insper:tor': CD Action: AFtrk AF[-'RDVED Notesr FATCH ALL FIFE F'ROOFI|{G THAT HAS SEEN DAMACED AAtASra BLOG-In sr"rlat i on EEO6A BLDF-Sheetrack Nail Ie/Al /98 Inepector': JRM Act i on: AFf'R AF'FR0UED RETOIL "D" rA'ZrA7A Al.DL:*fi i sc. fiOAgA FI-D6-FinaL AA53A FLDG-Temn, nln Ie/?t/98 Insper:tot-l CD Action: AFCR Notes: INSTALL CEILIN{: IN MECFIANICAL ROOM CNMF,I.ETE FNIRY L.AI'{DlNg (LABORERS I^JBRKING ON T}{I5 NOI,'I) ' rr*n, *o'rt tlHil?kh":oB:5tt FoR u^rIr Item: ArAsSe FUJ-TEMP. C,i O Item: |AA53J PLRN-TEMF'" f/O Item: er0537 PLAN-FIl..hlL C/O Iten r OETFJB FIRE*FINQt". C.1n It en r '40539 Ft^l-FINAt, C./O Iten I 0054i4 sL-DG'.Fina1 C/n Item: Item: Item:It em; Item: Time Exp AF.F.ROUED/CNRRECT I IIN BEGD Comrnents