HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5E LOT K L KIANDRA HOTEL DEVELOPMENT 1986 10 MILLION BOND FINANCING LEGALurffiE tf uMtc, tNc. INV€STMENT BAN<ERS 959 Ridgeway Loop Road Memphis, Tennessee 38I19 901 .. . 766-0600 January 5, 1986 The T\: ^tn Cor:ncil Tcxpn of Vail, Colorado 81557 RB: $10,000,000 Kiandra Hotel lEvel-@nent Kiandra Hotel Partners, Limited Partnership a1 ry Gentlqen: We harie revier'ed the above-referencred financing with bond crcr:nsel and the developer. This letter is to advise you that llvllc, Inc. cqmits to purchase q) to $101000,000 of tax exffpt revenue bonds to be issred bg you. Our @milrent is subject only to the folloping conditios: t. A bond 4proving cpinion accreptable. to us frcnr ButLer & Binion mr:st be received at closing. 2. standard docr,nrents essential to bond financings satisfactory to us anil otr counsel, mr.rst be prepared prior to tlre purchase of the bonds by us. '3. The bcnds will be rated hy a national sedit rating agencY at a I'evel acceptable to us. In crcnnection with this crranitnent, WIC, Inc. represents tiat it is a rembr of the national llssociation of Securities Dealers and has sufficient equity ceital mder Sttr regulations to rndenri.te tlre proposed bond isste qr a firm basis subiecc offering. WEM:tsw APPLICATTON IOr INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BOND FINANClNG Pres€rnted to THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO by KTANDRA HOTEL PARTNERS LITTTED PARTNERSHIP January 7, 1945 AMENDHENT TO THE IRDB APPLICATION DATED JANUARY ?. 1986 CONTACT PERSONS:Jay K. Peterson ( 303 ) 476-0092 James J. Peters ( 803 ) 785-3311 Jay K. Peterson Otto, Peterson & Post P. O. Box 314 9 vail-, CO 81658 COLORADO TEGAL COUNSET: GENERAL INFORMATION:RE: Item 4 History of the Applicant Kiandra Hotel- Partners Limited Partnership is a ner^' South Carolina Limited Partnership formed in December of 1985 for the specific purpose of pur- chasing, renovating, and operating the Kiandra Lodge. The managing general partner is Kiandra Associates. Inc., the co-general partner is Sea Pines Company. and the initial limited partner is Sea Pj,nes company. New limited partners may be adrnitted at a later date. IMPACT ANALYSIS:RE: Employment Proj ections The Kiandla Lodge currenlly employs of $ 1, 187 ,000 LETTER OF CREDIT: A guaranteeing paYment vided at closing. A forthcoming and will 110 with an annual Davrol l letter of credit from a major financial institution of the bond principal and the interest will be pro- commitment letter from the financiaf institution is be made part of this application. January 14, 1986 Autllor 1 z ed Representative KIANDRA ASSOCIATES , INC. NAME OF APPL]CANT COI.IPANY ADDRESS KIANDRA HOTEL PARTNERS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP HiLton Head Company rJff ice Complex Highway 278 Hj.Lton Head Island, SC 29925 (AO3) 785-3311 ext. 322 James J. Peters TELEPHONE CONTACT PERSON AI,IOUNT OF BOND PROCEEDS REOUESTED Not to exceed $10, OOO, OOO PROJECT DESCRIPTION The rRDB flnancing is requegted by the appJ-icant to fi.nance thepurchase snd renovBtion of the Klandra Lodge. The property knorrn aBthe Klandra Lodge consr.st' of tro mid-rige bulrdi-ngs, the KlendraEaet ( formerly the Tarisman Lodge), and the Klandra \{est. Theproperty is situated aLong 6ore creek, hetreen wirLow Bridge Road andVaJ.l Roedr and al.ong Eaet }|eado$ Dr1ve. The Kiandra West has approximatety g5 guest accornoctat j.ons, tworestaurants, End meeting faci-litlee for up to 2oo persons. TheKlandra East has approximately 63 guest accomodations, a sma.r.r.meeting facility, some offise elpace and three commercial. shops. Thesebuirdings have had no major capitar improvement since 197G, and neecrsubstantial renovation and redecorati-ng to l.mprove their quarity,sttractlvene€rEr, and operating caeh flow. The renovation plane j-nclude a complete refurbishment of thegueet roomE' and common sress, conversl(]n of gome un8uccesEful_reataurant spsce i-nto nev meeting and banquet facirltlee in the Eastwlng, the eddltlon of an elevator In the East trling to rervlce thefour etory structure, and the additlon of nes gueErt amenltles in theform of a heerth and exerclse faclrlty and hydrotherapy spa'. Theeetj-mated coet of this renovation is g1,25O, OOO. see nAttachment Ai for the egtlmsted Bources aird ueee offunde for the ProJ ect. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF THE AITPLICANT'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATlVE meg J. l.ce Preeident Kiandra Associatea. Inc. APPLICANT'S LEGAL COUNSEL Henry Motse 61nn Bui.Iding Hlgh*ay 278 and Sea pj,nes C1.rcle P. A. Box 5665 Hilton Head IeJ-and, SC 29928 (ao3) 7a3-70o0 APPLICAI.IT'S ACCOUNTANTS Arthur Andergen & Co. 133 Peachtree Street, NE Atlants, GA 3O3O3 (404) 63A-L776 APPLICANT,S BOND COUNSEL bJllllam Hoops Butler & Bl.nion 1600 Allied Bank Plaza Houeton, Texas ZTOOZ (7l-3r 237-3111 APPLICANT'S UNDERT{RITERS t{ttlJ-e }torgan UI,TIC 959 Ridgeway Loop Rd. !1emphj.s, TN 3Aft9 (915) 768-07rL GENERAL INFORI.IATION l. Descrl-ption of Pro.j ect slte- nAttschment Bn shows the site pLan. The r-eased rand ofthe Klandra East (Talieman Lodge ) is outti-nerd i.n yelrov and thefee rand of the Kiandra west is outri-ned ln green. The tracts ofland have frontage on Vail Road, and Wi-l_lov Elridge Road. .Ihe south edge of the property fronte on Gore Creek. The site isgenerarLy lever- and at grade vlth the adJolning streets. BothLodges have parking easements on the acrJ acent parcer.s outrined 1nred on the map. The Klandra East (Tarisman Lodge) is on a long-term grouncr ]easefrom vai-l Associ.ateg to the present owner. The reaseho.r_d term run=to noon on July I, 2AL9, nith a renewaL rlght for an additLonat 49years. The Kiandra weet r.and i-s onned fee si.mp].e by the presento$ner. FacilitleB- The Kiandra project conerete ot- tvo, mid-risebulldinga on the two sitee. The buildinge are of concret€r and frameconstructlon. Kiandra l,leet le three-storles high, and in KiandraEaet ( Tarismen Lodge ) the southeasterly part contains three storie'and the northnesterly part contains four atorie6. Each of thebuildings contain food and beverage units, each has a snr-mmf.ng poor-,a stauna and a jacuzzi (whlch i-s to be built at Kiandra East as partof the renovatlon). Kiandra West contaj.ns gS guest accommodationcondominj-urn units and Kiandra East ( Tal-isman Lodge) contain6 63 guestaccommodati-on unit-. The parking eese,ment provides approximately 12oparklng spaces. The Kiandra Weet was conetructed in tso phases, the lobby andhotel room wing in 1969 and the restaurant and convention fac j-Iitlesand the rooms ebove thern in r9zr. Kiandra Eagt ( Tal.lsman Lodge ) rasarso constructed in tlro phaaes, the tobby and the rooma i.n the robbyning 1n 1968 and the commerci.aJ- space, restaurant, lounge and therooms above then in l97l. Restaurants & Meetlno Facirlties- The Klandra Lodge has threeeeparate restsurants, tro cocktail rounges and tro robby cocktairIoungee. At Kiandra west (Kiandra Lodge), the regtaurant seats 19tldiners and the lobby lounge (Ketly,s) seats 47 persons, rrhiJ.e atKlandrs Eaet (Tarisman Lodge ) the restaurant eeate 92 dinere and thelounge (cabin Lounge) seats 40 pereons. .The tso buir.dings providemeeting facj.l1-t j.es for groups from lO to 3OO. Asset Life- According to aEast and the Kiandra West havethan 40 years. recent apprej.saJ. , both the Kiandra a rema1nj.ng economic Life of not less Reviev Gu ielel j. nes The l-and of the Kiandra Eaet and the Klandra Vlegt is zonedPublic Accornmodatlone (pA). This zoning arrows hoters, moters,rodges' single-f amiJ,y and two-Jamil-y dwerring structures as nelr asprofessionaJ- services, officee, recreation centers, restaurants,bars and retaiL services. Both rodges vere bui.r-t in conformancewith the zoning ordinanee of the Town of Vail and are a Ledal"usuage. The Applicant believes that the exigting f aci-rity and prannedrenovataon a remoderej.ng will not materially change the Lodge useand exterior rook. Any changes wlr".r. be vithin the Town of Vai-r-,sguiderines and wirl contorm vith the Tovn's requirements. 3. Deveropment rine schedure - The purchase of the Lodge wrrl takeprace i-n February of 1986 and the renovation and remodering wirlbegi.n at the close of the lggs-s6 eki season. The compretlon of theproject i-s expected by Thanksgivlng of 19g6. The proJect virr bedone ln phases to minimlze disruption of the Lodge operatlons andthe Erurroundlng propertj.es. 4. History of Appllcant i{iandra Hotel Partners L j,mj.tecl partnershio l.s a nel'Lim1ted partnership formed in Decenber of 1995 forpurpoEe ot purchasing, renovatlng and operating the Ki-andra Associates, rnc. is a south carollna corporation formed inDecember of 1985 to act ae managing generar partner tor the KiandraHotel Partners L j_mJ-ted partnershi.p. sea Pi'nes companv. the co-generar partner, rras incorporated ln thestate of Georgia on June 7, 1965. sea pines company deveroped seaPlne' Plantation on Hlrton Head rsrand, south carorina. sea pinesPrantatlon is 5, ooo acre reeort / resident]-a] community rocated at theaouthern tlp of HiLton Head. In June, 1983, Vacat1.on Resorts, Inc. purchased the SeaPines Company. In February, Igg5, Vacatj"on Resortg/Sea pines waepurchased by Ginn Holdi-ngs, Inc., and in Aprir, r.ggs, Ginn Holdingspurchased the Hilton Head Company, Hi1ton Head Island, Southcaroli-na. These firms together onn, manage and deveLop condominium,murti-famiJ"y, hotet and conference facilitiee throughout the unitedstates. rn addition to or,rnrng ana managing deveropments on overlo, ooo acreE on HiLton Head in five plantations, the company managescondominium and hotel projects an vair and snovmass. colorado, ".aMaui, Havaii. other multi.-f amily projects have been compreted inDestln, Frorida and st. simons, 6eorgia, with nev projects underr*ay1n }lyrtle Beach, South carorina, nsrathon Key 1n Florida, llemphisand chattanooga, Tennessee. The total number of dnelli.ng unitseither compreted or scheduLed {or construction by these entities i,sin excese of 15, OOC South Caro1ina the specit.ic Kiandra Lodge. 5. Company Officers Kiandra Assocl.atps, Inc. Earl D. Hewlette, Jr. - preeident / TreasurerJames J, Peters - Vice presrdent./ SecretaryEarL D. HevIette, Jr. - Director Sea Pinee Compeny E. R. 6i-nn III - Chairman Ear.L D. HevLette, Jr. - pregident Dennis R. Gerring - V1-ce pregldent / TreasurerCharLes A. Scarminach - Secretary E. R. Ginn III - Dl.rectorEerL B. Hewlette, Jr. - Di.rectorDenni-s R. Gernj.ng - Dl_rector Earl D. Hen1ette. Jr. Hr. Hevlette, 39, is presi,dent and Chief Operating rjf Li.cer otGlnn Holdings, fnc. and its maJor operatlng subsldiariea vhichincruded sea Plnee cornpany, The Hr.r.ton Head company and vacationReeorte, Inc. Pr1(]r to Joi.nlng the Ginn organizatl.on ln lgg1, hepractlced lav In GeorgJ.a and South Carolina for over 1O yeare,and vae a partner l.n the Colunbla, South Carollna lav firm ofBoyd, Knorlton, Tate & Findray, epeclarizing ln rear. eetate r"aw.Mr. Herrette i.s a graduate of the unLversity of south carorlnaLar School, and holdg an t{EA from the eame lnstitution. Jamea J. Peters Ilr. Peters, 37, has been preeldent of Sea pj.nes Securltiea, Inc.since 1983. Prior to that, he hel,d narketi_ng and sales managementpoei-tlons ln the penslon fund investement dlvisions of MetroporitanLlfe, cNA Flnancial corp., and moat recently \ra' a vice president ofPaclfic I'tutuar in Nevport Beach, cal.lfornia. He ho.Lde a BA from theUntverglty of Notre Dame, an r{A from the univerelty of oregon, and heis a generaL securj.t1ee prj.ncipal and real estate broker. Vlte - Sea Pl-nes Company E. R. Gi-nn I I I Hr. Gj.nn, 37, etudled business adminj.stration at th€? universityof South caroLina. He is the president and chiet Executive otficerof the Ginn corporatlon, whorly-ovned south carorrna corporarr-on.I'ocated in HiLton Head, south carolina and formed to devel"op reare6tate. He has been active i-n real_ estate development andconstruct]:on Jor fifteen years and has deveJ.oped ruxury resortcondornini.um and individuar drrelling projects, crJjice buj.ld j_ngs, murti-famiry housing projects and singre family residential-deveropments. The Ginn corporatj-on acqulred the Hlrton Head companyand vacation Reeortg rnc., the parent of the sea pinee company, inearly 19S5. Earl D. HesJ.ette. Jr. (see above) Dennis R. Gerwi-nq Mr. Gerwing, 32, has been Vice president, Chief FinanciaLoffj'cer/ Treasurer of the sea pines company since November J-, L9g3.Prior to that he had been an accountant vith Arthur Andersen & co.aince r974, speciarlzr.ng in the financlar servlces and rear estatedeveropment and management lndustrles. l,tr. Gerwing is a graduate otBerrarmine corlege ( B. A. ) and a certlfled pubLic Accountant. Charles A, Scarminach l'lr. scarminach hae been GeneraL counser to sea pinee companyein-e 1972. and is a partner in the Hilton Head, south carolina ravfirm of Novit & scarmi.nach. He hoLds a law degree from syracuseUnlverslty. FINANCIAL INFORT'IATION 1. The Applicant Klendra Hotel Partners Limited partnership anct KlandraA'Boclatesr rnc. are nee enti.ties and have no operating history. The most recent three years finencial statemente for VacationReaorts Holdrngs, Inc., the parent company of Sea pinee Company, areattached as Exhi.blt I. Pro forma operating statements jor the proposed project areattached as Exhibrt II. 2. The Bond Issue a. l{arket1ng plan - The undervriting agreementbe attached as Exhibit III. b. The prrncipal amount of the bonds wi_ll not tos1o, ooo, ooo. c. The debt servlce echedule and other Fertlnentls attached ag Exhibit IV. from UMIC vrII exceed i. nf orma t i on I}IPACT ANALYSIS l. Genera] Impact and Ernolovment proiectiong The Klendra has experienced a Eubstantiar drop rn occupancy overthe paat flve years. The Applicant believes this ia due to threefactors: 1) deferred malntenence on the entire facirlty; 2) newcompetitlon in the valL lodglng narket; and 3) ineffecti.ve marketingof the Lodge'a meeting facilities by prevj.ous oynersnt_p. The renovation and remodeling project propoeed by the Applicantaddresges tro of these factora. By curlng the defe*ed maintenanceand remodeling the Lodge' the Kiandra virr again become cotnpetitli.vevith other major rodges ln varr. AB shoirn ln the operstlng pro forma(Exhiblt rr), the Applicant expecta a gai"n in .,ccupancy rete= thstwilr bring the Ktandra's occupancy from a Low of 49l.^ 1n 19g4-g5, backto the pre-1981 leveJ-e of 58% ta 62%. tJlthout an upgraded, renovated factrtty, the Klandra wlrlcontlnue to roee market shere, and raprdry become economlcarryunvlable as an operating rodge. The roser rate of lntereet ..."yavsi'labre from the rRDB fLnencing makee it poeslble for the Applicantto purchase the Lodge and perform the required renovation that nilrkeep the Lodge es a viabre busl-neee enterpriee {n the Tovn of vslr. with the renovated facJ-rity, the ApplJ-cant nirr increase thegueat serviee revelr creating approximatery 10 nev jobs and addingapproximateJ.y $150, ooo to the annuar payroll. The Kiandra is alreactyone of the top ten generators of saree tax revenue for the Tovn ofvaiL. The anticipated revenue from the .renovated faciri.ty wlrllncrease sares tax revenueB apprtrximately 452 over current levers by198A. The Appllcant's experience and new ernphasis on marketing tobuelneee meetlngs during the ehoulder and rummer seaaona ls expectedttr brlng nen groupe to vail duri.ng theee critLcer monthe. Not onryvilL the Kisndrs generate neu revenueg for the Town from thesevl.sltorE, but thelr shopplng and d j.nlng uill support local bueineeeeewh1ch, 1n turn, generate nev seles tax revenuee. The expected lncreaee in the ernployrnent and payroll of theKiandra areo means that addltlonar rnoney ,.i.lt be recycred sithin tnevall community generatlng both saree tax and property tax revenueEr.The Klandra ttself currently payEr one of the ten rargeat property taxbiJ.le in the Town of VaiI. The Klandra ProJect prcrposed by the AppJ.1.cant w1lJ. have very*ignlf{cant poeitlve impact on valr rn the form of a totarry upgrauedfaci-rlty1 competitive wr.th its peer faciritles, generatr-ng ner, 3obs,addltlonsr payrorl, and nev tax revenues for the Town, rrtrr vrriuarryno negatJ-ve lmpact 1n any area. rrnpac!. on Alr and water por-lutlon- No negative impact on air ander pollutlon is expected .e a reeuJ.t of the renovetion of thevater polJ-utlon Kiandrs. the traffj.c patterng nould Ue expected fron theThere nay be an increase ln traffJ-c durlng thethat ie expected to be vell vithin the currentroads in the surroundlng areE|. -No renovated renovatl.on capacj.tl.eg lnpact on Kiandra. iteelf, but of the ATTACHHENT A SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS ( estj.meted ) SOURCES OF FUNDS BONDS USES OF FUNDS ISSUANCE COSTS TOWN FEE APPLICATION FEE LOD6E PIJRCHASE PRICE RENOVATION COSTS TOTAL $ 9,8OO, OOO $ 3gg,25O 50, OOO 750 8, 1OO, OOO 1,25O, oOO s 9,8OO, OOO ATTACH}IENT B SITE PLAN FOR THE KIANDRA LODGE 'iliiiii1't| .il -\ '\ir :'-1 \ \t\t \'\ \ F.otrl = iitzllt11-' -, iEllE --r":I:"1 t.r ii:iin. lj- t: t I I t I -rl I!rl !t us rtIIt,il F friu uEil6'l r 9l ii f gil e'li x Fr-\ -t IIrl!tIt;lgiifl !::ia! a, IrJ ry(98 o3Ji o fiEcl<zsY t I II l i'=--.. +a- EXHIBIT I REPORT OF INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS To the Board of Directors of Vacation Resorts, Inc.: we have examined the consolidated balance sheets of vAcATIoN REsoRTs, INC. {a Dela- ware corporation and a majority owned afiliate of the Heizer Corporation ) and subsidiaries as of each of the year-ends in the four-year period ended April 30, 1983, and as of the six-month and twelve- month periods ended October 31, 1983 and 1984, respectively, and the related consolidated statements of income (loss), stockholders' investment (de6cit) and changes in ffnancial position for each of the years in the four-year period ended April 30, 1g83, and for the six-month and twelve-month periods ended October 31, 1983 and 1984, respectively. Our examinations were made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the consolidated ffnancial statements referred to above present fairly the ffnan- cial position of Vacation Resorts, Inc. and subsidiaries as of each of the year-ends in the four-year period ended April 30, 1983, and as of October 31, i983 and 1g84, and the results of their operations and changes in their ffnancial position for each of the years in the four-year period ended April 30, 1983, and for the six-month and twelve-month periods ended October 31, 1983 and 1g84, respectively, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a consistent basis. We have also examined the accompanlng consolidated estimated current value basis balance sheets of Vacation Resorts, Inc. and subsidiaries as of October 31, 1983 and 1984, Such balance sheets are based on the consolidated historical cost basis balance sheets referred to above, adjusted as described in the notes thereto, to present assets and liabilities at their estimated current values. The consolidated estimated current value basis balance sheets have been prepared by manage- ment to provide relevant information about the assets and liabilities of the -ompany t-hat is iot provided by the consolidated historical cost basis balance sheets and that difiers signiffcantly from the historical cost basis amounts required by generally accepted accounting principles. Consequently, these balanee sheets are not intended to present ffnancial position ia conformity with generally ac- crepted accounting principles. In our opinion, the consolidated estimated current value basis balance sheets as of October 31, 1983 and 1984, present fairly the assets and liabilities of Vacation Resorts, Inc. and subsidiaries as of October 31, 1983 and 1g84, on the basis of accounting described in the notes thereto applied on a consistent basis. .TRTHUR ANDERSEN & CO. Atlauta Geoigia, November 30, 1984. F.I REPORT OF REAL ESTATE CONSULTANTS AND APPRAISENS To the Board of Directors and stockhorders November 28' 1984 of Vacation Resorts, Inc. We have reviewed the estimated current value of the real estate property interests of Vaca- tion Resorts, Inc. ("vRI") as of october gl, 1983 and 1984 for the purpose of providing you with our concurrence on the values placed on these interests by the management of vRI. The value reported reflects the sum total of the individual interests, with no consideration given to bulk disposition of groups of property interests or to a sale of the entire holdings or to thJcost incurred in selling any particular property. The total value estimated by the VRI management are: October 31, 198$-Seventy-Seven Million Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars $?7,700,000. October 31, 1984'-Seventy-Nine Million Two Hundred Thousand Dollars $79,200,000. On the basis of our review of appraisals, plus random sampling of supporting in-house and ffeld data, we concur with these evaluations. As herein used, Landauer's concurrence is de6ned as our opinion that the sggegate valuation of the interests included herein by the VRI management is likely to fall within a- 107o range of the probable value we would develop througlr complete, independent appraisals. A l07o variation be- tween appraisers is generally considered a reasonable range of value and implies substantial agree- ment as to the most probable fair market value of the property. VRI management has provided us with complete access to property operating statements, mort- gage agreements, lease summaries, eontracts, and other pertinent data. As part of our review, we have physically inspected the real estate properties. Our review indicated that the rationale and techniques employed to value each propertl, interest were appropriately selected and properly applied. Our review of these valuations has been made subject to the Code of Professional Ethics and Standards of Conduct of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers of the National Association of Realtors. We certify that neither Landauer Associates, Ine. nor the undersigned have any present or con- templated future interest in Vacation Resorts, Inc. or its assets, and tbat we were employed solely to review the estimated current value of the subiect assets. The analyses which formed the basis for Landauer's concurrence rvere conducted under the direct supervision of the undersigned. We hereby authorize the inclusion of this letter in its entirety in fflings with regutatory agen- cies, including a 6ling of an S-l Registration Statement with the Securities and Exchange Commis- sion. Respeetfully submitted, LANDAUER .I\SSOCIATES, INC. Stewart Wight, MAI, CRE Senior Vice President F.2 SW:- VACATTON RESORTS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED BALANCE STIEETS (fiXls Omitted) ASSETS Historical Cost Basis Estimated Current Value Basis (Note 2 ) Ar of April 30,As of October 31.As of October 31, r983 Real estate prolrrties: Operating properties- Sports S- $- $_ $_ Food, lodging and resort 5,47i S,7ZZ S,g4l ll,43? Commercial rentd . . Capital proiects 5,{t5 5,7n, 5,84r n,$7 Lese-Accumulated depreciation (S90) _l!gq) -GJgq) ( 1,46f )4,885 4,872 4:tLt 9876 Developmert properties ZZ3 ZSS f .L77 Leased properties under capital leases, net of accumulated amortization of 838 and $l2l sl5,l29 14,885 353 40-m7d7 (2,065) 28,U2 3,818 925 5t{1153 stfl r"ezd --iJ-f ) (gao) (ls4)---ToE ----dE5 015,713 r5,802 721 230 TfiE6 (3,66s) 28,80r Sal,000 E62,t003,898 13,000 18,500 at 1983 and 1984, respectively. Support facilities: Corporate ofiee Real estste marketing Less-Accumulated depreciation Cash and cash equivalenB: Unrestricted Restricted Receivables; Resort . . 514 523 925 453 -__g,qqfi17 637 (331 308 -Em 348 348 _(247)l0l -,i08 309 309 /olol---.--;:;ut @ 4L2 412 _J2f32) 130 1,378 (380) 998 600-70800 1,037 (154) 8&l 1,4?3 t,340 70033,581 3,r,039 77,7M 356 l6il 519 6ffitf Y 243 636 B6556'' 4*5 t79 604 2,743 3.915 $spOt $rZ7A6 Ssooot 1,079 800 2,0?.2 40 3,941 3,731 346.251 $93.997 2,083 184 2,08{l 1,ffIg =* 2,O?,2 3,901 ,$eI3?t The accompanying notes to co rolidatcd ffnancid statements ar6 an integral pert of these balance sheets. 314 691 3Ii --Er 4n ll--a54' --lf/) 353 D--3Et (7r) 287 Real estate commissions Markefrng, developmenl manage- mentendother....... Land notes and home and condo- minium sales contracts Related parties and employees Lcss-Allowance for doubdul accou[b Other asseb: Mercbandise inventory, at cost, on first-ln, ffrst-out basis Prepayments, defened charges and other asseb Investneot in Sea Pines acquisition Real estate marketing and manage- ment conhacts Goodwill 1,253 t,277 3,710 r,5E5 3,710 r,585710 494 710 454-I -am =@ -TFs -@ frd 476 4gt 3,524 3,512 3,524 3,5121,525 r,200 t,525 r,200 t,475 395 t,475 395 1Ss 4t4 795 4t426 25 ll9 25t ll9 25r--E ---W -T758 --siE lIF --917i __185) (84) (2so) (4tr]) (2s0) (463)4L7 438 7,148 5,309 7,L4A 5,309 vt4 gl4 n4 674613 2,015 ll5 F3 VACATION RESORTS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOIJDATED BALANCE SHEETS (00ds Omitted, Except For Share Amounts ) LIABILITIES AND STOCKIIOLDERS' INVESTMENT (DEFTCIT) Historical Cost Bssis Estimated Current Value Basis (Note 2 ) As of April 30,As of October 31,As of October 31, l98l 1983 No@s payabler MortgEges .. ...... m,Sfg Dcvelopment and working capital. 400 Restricted notes Other . . ?AO E3,137 r,840 162 5,139 -_-5,139 442 4,&7 s60 4,232 405 03,390 933 284 $ 2,845 s,788 325 sl6,o6e $15,307 15,495 15,956 8,066 6,$r 643 370 40,273 39,964 (5,707 ) (4,737',, 34,566 35,227t,770 r,7r8 36,336 4,273 4,694 336 3r6p69 $rsJfir 15,495 rt956 8,066 8,33r M3 370 40,273 39,984 39,964 4,L32 4,607 5,139 r2,958 Unamortized discount .. . . Obligatious under capital leases Deferred income taxes and estimated costs to market (note 2) Total liabilities Commibenb anil contiagent liabili- ties ( Notes I and l0) . . . Minority interesg represented by re- deemable prefened stock of sub- sidiary, net of unamortized discount of 0438 and $414, respectively .. Stockholders' inveshrent ( deffcit ) : Commoo stock, $.01 p,ar value; authorized 6,00Q000 shares; lssued 1,632,663 shares at lg84 Peid-in capital l,ess-Notes receivable for pay- ment o[ stocli Retained eamings ( deffcit) Revglu.tion equity ( Note 2) Total stocklolden' investment (deffeit ) 4232 4,84f r2Bs8 12,958 485 44,273 36,945 40,273 3,834 4,273 5,212 3,944 4U 3362r6 r,217 473 39,964 3,E34 4,431 42tt $ 215 29 r44 29 13l 20 48 I,r55 3,939 5,094 r,055 3,4tu1 r,155 r,0552,993 2,800 4,148 3,855160lro 5,312 4,479 5,7 4i 6,739 15,391 50,733 50,894 sr9 13,700 66,614 1,.t, D l5 960 13,100 65,608 1,375 I6 rr06 l5 742 (r04) 360 l5 960 (8E) 686 l5 960 (75) ( r,ssr ) l5 960 (56) (252s) l6 1,208 (300) (8,526) l5 Rtt (ro7) 469 (s6) (300) (2,s2s) (6,526) 27,558 29,993 r,013 I,189 r,553 (65r )(r,610) (5,604) 25,948 24,389 .$9.eqg.s8,s92 S14.740:$50,062 $46,25r E93,997 S9r.372 The accompaaying notes to consolidated ffnancial statements are aD integral part of these balance sheets. F-4 VACATION RESORTS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME (ffi0's Omitted) (LOSS) For the Years Ended April 30,( I ) r980 l98l r9E2 For thc For the Twelve-Six-}lonth Month Period Ended Period Ended October 31, October 31.1983(2) re84(3) REVENUES: Resort operations Iodgrng- Homes and condominiums Hotels Food and beverage Sporf Golf . Tennis . Tournanenb Bikes Marina . Commercial rental Community services Otber Total resort operations Real estate marketing ..... Real estate development . . Total revenues $!!Eq $10,488 $r2,7r8 $5,828 r,907 7,735 1,279 : n,-t $ 6,725 I,843 8,588 1,514 r0,488 t 8,172 2,030 to,202 r,813 r2,7r8 $10,154 2,647 12,801 \123 15,401 $ 8,894 3,209 I2,103 4,U2 3,744 550 22,003 3,015 1,027 $24,425 7,057 31,489 8,332 5,692 r,$3 1,s29 289 I,12l 9,864 1,313 835 1,92,1 8i|7 r42 186 655 3r3 1,299 53,125 8,287 801 !!ue3!]q4r !!q{€ (1) Each of the four years in the four-year period ended April 30, 1983 includes the Company's op- erations in Colorado and Hawaii. (2) The six-month period ended October 3f, 1983 includes the Company's operations in Colorado and Hawaii for that period and the operations in Sea Pines for the period subsequent to June 10, 1983 ( post acquisition ). (3) The twelve-month period ended October 31, l9&1 includes the Company's operations in Colo- rado, Hawaii, and Sea Pines for the entire twelve-month period. The acc'ompanying notes to consolidated ffnancial statements are an integral part of these statements. F-5 VACATION RESORTS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME (LOSS) ( fi)0's Omitted, Except For Per Share Amounts ) For the Years Ended April 30, r980 CONTNIBUTION (LOSS), Resort operations Lodgrng- Homes and mndominiums Hotels Food and beverage . . s 575 523 ''09dl17 s 55r 483--[dia r47 $ 549 486jo-55 235 $ (84) 470---TE6 -----T $ r,59rJ (196) 1,402 -5d5Sports- CoU Biker TenDis .. ... . Tournaments .. - --iJss- (88) t* (4e3) (402) rgt E lg? i 7A) 2,008 338 (37) 99 2n-@ --4dJ- -GET) 246 -748-IZO 509 5,680 465 ( 4.296) (4,7261 ( r,038) I,196 (644) (360) 192 (e9) 215 .g__49. $ 500 ( 1,38{) (e53 ) (s65) (6ee) (2,2t7) (2,2171 (2,217) .gt-uEu) 0(1,69r ) 3,400 e1n) ( r,614) (386 ) (s27) Msira .. Commercial rental Community services Other --.-(4dlF OR 34 .D,,r: l,2u (6e5) (3s3) r78 (67) 345 ( r48) 4l ---iTTotal resort operations Real estate rnarketing .... Real estate development Conkibutiou (loss) fromolrratiorx CEin on sale of properties General and administrative Interest ---Ststed rate -Discount amortization Income ( loss) before income taxes, exhaordinary item andprefened stock dividends Income tax provision Incosre (loss) beforc exraordinary item and preferred stock dividen& Extraordinary item-Utilization of VRI tax loss carry{orward Income (loss) before preferred stock &vidends . .- . . Preferred stock dividends . . Net lncome (loss) atkibutableb common stockholders . E"rltiogr (loss) belore non cashchatges .... Per Common Share Income ( loss ) before exbeordinary item and afterpreferred stock dividenils Erhaordinary item Net tncome (loss) attributable to common stockholders E"Triogr (loss) before non cash eBarges (s27) (3,e15) 10993 r22 197 ( 3,91s ) 109 I r09 !___q!q (927) (3,e15)(sr) (82) $ (s78) S(3.9e7) !_3L 0 (ee7) I .06 .09 0 .fl 0 .r3 i (1.44) $ (.64) s (2.45) $'.rs 0 .07 $ .35 S .3s $ .r3 s (1.44) $ (.64) I (2.4s) I .47 t (r.10) t .r0 s (.6r) The accompanying notes to csnsolidated ffnancial statements are ar iDtegrEl part of these statements. F-5 For the For the Twelve-Six-lllonth Month Period Ended Period Ended October 31, October 31,t983 1984 $ 561 183---a& ---3tr 605 268(ru) 100 184.G 2U--lZirl -m5-6-i6T 392 887 VACAIION RESORTS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF STOCKHOLDERS' INVESTMENT (DEFICIT) For each of tbe Four years Ended April 3e 1983 and for the Six'Month and Twelve-Month Periods Ended October 31, lg83 and 1984 Respectively (000t Omitte4 Except for Share Amounts ) Ilistorical Cost Basis Estimsted Curr€nt Vrlue Eosis (Note 2) Coqrrnon Stock Shares Anount NoteE Receivablefor RetainedPaid-In Payrnent EorninssCapital of'Stock (Deficii) TotalRevalur- Stock-tion holders'Equig lDvestment Total Stock- holders' fnvestment ( Deffcit) May l, 1979 balanc=s . . iuee-foo-on" stock sptit and a change in par value eFective December, lg84 Moy I, 1979 balances, as restated .. Net income for the year ended April 30, 407,53i1 815,066 r,222,599 $ 5r4 29 t 145 .$ 700 N 1,476 s 2,176$41 ( 29) t2 s- Increase in revaluation equity for the year eaded April 30, 1980 Realization of tax benefit for net operating loss cany-forwar& of Vilcor, Inc., aris- ing prior to its quasi-reorganization Erercise of 308,616 stock riehts April 30, 1980 balances Net incarne for the year ended 1980 l98r r98t 308,616 l5 (r04) (104) litS 2t5 98 3 I'tgl 12 l9 98 l0l 1,474 1,513 2,176 215 1,513 9E r,531,215 April 30, 4,002 l0s109 1,0r3 109 2,989 5,r12 5,2'42 Increase in revaluation equity for the year ended April 30, lg8l Realization of tax bene6t for n€t operating loas carry-forwards of Vilcrr, Inc,, aris- ing prior to subsequent sorts, Inc. Erercise of 35,268 stock rights Rcpurclosed and retired 26,454 shares ofstock... .. Aprll 34 l98l balances Net income for the year ended April 30, its quasi-reorganization and merger rvith Vacation Re- 35,268 12$,454',) 1,540,029 ( r2) (0) I 812 (l0tl 87 ID Decrease in revaluation equity lor the year errded April 30, 1982 Realization of tax bene$t for net operating Ioss carty-forwar& of Vilcor, Inc., aris- ing prior to its quasi-Jeorgenization and subsequent merger with Vacation Re- sorts, Inc. Payments on notes receivable for stock Aprtl 30, 1982 balances . . . Net loss for the year ended Aprit 30, f9B3 Pannents on notes receivable for stock Aprll 30, l98i! belancqs r48 666 (.2,217 | I,DOJ 12,217]. l3 9,420 197 (2n) 148 l9 7,353( r ) I,189 197 148 l9 8,231 (227'l r,540,029 l5 960 (88) l3 8,004 s,557 (2,2171 l3 r,540,029 l5 tr:l (75) (r55r) (6sr) 8,004 VACATION RESORTS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF STOCKHOI,DERS' INVESTMENT ( DEFICIT) For each of ttre Four Years Ended April Je 1983 and for the Six.Month and Twelve-Month Periods Ended October 31, 1983 and 1g84, Respectively ( fiXIs Omitted, Except for Share Amounts ) Historicel Cost Basis F,stimated Current Value Basis (Note 2) April 3O l9Eit balances . .. .. 1,540,029 Net loss for the six-montl period ended 015 s soo i (75) s(l,ssl) $ (6st) (978) (e78)October 31, 1983 .. Common Stmk Notes Receivoble forPaid-In PayrnentCapital of Stock Totd Stock-Retoined holders' Earnings Investment ( Deffcit ) ( Defrcit ) TotalRevalua- Stock-tion holders'Equitt, Investment s 8,004 s 7,353(l) (978 ) Increase in relaluation equity for the pertod May l, 1982 through October 31, l98il, due primarily as a rerrrlt of the acquisition of Sea Pines ,' Palments on notes receivable for stock Oc-tober 31, 1983 balances' Net toss for the twelve-month lrriod ended October 31, 1984 lncrease in revaluation equity for tlre period November l, l98il throtrgh Octo- bcr 31, 1984 Exercisc of 92,634 strrck rights . . Payments on notes receivable for stock October 31, 1984 balance I9 (56)(s,529 ) (3,9e7 ) t9 19,554 t9,554 l9 1,540,029 92,tr,4 1,632,663 (r,610) 27,558 25,948 (3,es7) (3,9e7 ) 246 l%7) J ,,nru t,435 3 $r,206 s(3oo) $(6,526) $(5,604)$29,993 (f) The current value of assets and stockholders' investment was not determined as of April 30, 1983, due to the then pending acquisition of Sea Pines. However, without regard to the value of the contiact with respect to the Sea Pines acquisition, management believes the stockholders' investment on a current value basis r" oi Ap.il 30, f983 would have declined from that presented by approximately $3.5 million. due principally to valuing the Kiandra Lodge as an operating hotel rather than a cpndominium hotel. The accompanying notes to consolidated ffnancial statements are an integral part of these statements. 816 F-8 vAcATtoN RESORTS, INC. AND SUBSTDIAruES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CTIANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION (ffiOs Omitted) For the Years Ended April 30, l98r 1982 For the Six-Month Period Ended October 31, 1983 For thc Twelve- Month Period Ended October 3I, l9{14Finaucial Resources Provided : Net income atbibuted to common stockholders Add ( Deduct ) noncash items- Depreciation and amortization . Income tar provision (benefft) eliminated by utilization of net operating losses-'' Provision for the year Extraordinary credit Loss on development projects t 215 308 99 lrzzl $ 109 360 j $ r97 343 148 88 $-$- Additions b notes Sslo of Wildwood payablc . 536 r,l6l 500 iN)I 8r6 2,953 14,209 5,379 834 (320) l3 3,736 (522 ) 1,613 3 (86) (4,933 ) ( 2,070 ) (82) (7,r7r\ ( 2,341 ) 9(2,341) 6,503 lncrcasc ( dectease ) in ecuunts palable, ac.cmed ll"bilities, owler balalces and other liabiliUes . ( Incrcase ) decrease in receivables and other assels PaFn€nE received on notes receivable related 90r (g?lt) 60 ( r30) 461 (76) l9 r,584 :]91 l9 8,497 469 (s,596) (62) to clmmolr stock Financial Resources Utilized in Operationsr Net loss atkibuted to common stockholders. Add noncash items- Depreciation and amortization Dscount emortization and iuterest acrrual Repaymmt of notes payable 1,044 t,827 .20,r15 4,830 (2,217 | (978) ( 3,997 ) 4,173 526 r364 <snl ( 6,3e0 ) ( 5,104) (5,047) ( t,208) 739 1,962708 1,949Loss on &velopment proiects . . . (2371 (786)(2,42t',,'hurhase of Woodstone huchalc of Wildwood hlrlchase of operating assets, net Developm€nt proiech hrrchase of rnenagement conbects (5r3) (zzs) lrn') ( r,l50) f 106) (285) (36) (r43) ( r,sso) 5t I ( 184) ( r,006) ( utilized) (s,6u) 362 (18,076) (3,t89) 2,039 5,308Net financial r€sources provided Fiuncial Resources Utilized in Connection rvith See Pines Acquisition: Issuance of reshicted notes, net of &scount Dlscount of existing debt and preferred stock Net equity acquired Valusdon'of U.bitities at purchase 5,669 ( 4,4s4) t,0r7 .J,D*'J ( 9,s47 ) Revaluation of properties ( Increase) decresse in inveshnent in Sea Pines acquisition (2,015) 2,015 ( s,ors ) (2,165) | 24 $ 3,143 Sea Pines acquisition, net Incrcase ( &crease) in eash $ (106)$ 377 I 562 The accompauying notes to consolidated 0nancial statements are an integral part of these statements. F-9 VACATION RESONTS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATENIENTS For Each of the Four Years Ended April 30, 1983 and for the Six-Month and Twelve-Month Periods Ended October 31, 1983 nnd 1984, Respectively (l) TteCompany Vacation Resorts, Inc. ("VRI" or the "Company''), a majority owned affiliate of the Heizer Cor- poration ("Heizer"), specializes in owning anC managing real estate located in prime destination resorts. It currently has ownership or management positions jn the resort communities of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina (principally Sea Pines Plantation. a planned ocean front, resort/residential community of approximately 4,500 acres, the development of which began in 1957); Aspen. Snorvmass and Vail, Colorado; and Maui, Harvaii. Its businesses include the orun"rrhip or operation of resort hotels, resort condominiums, food and beverage facilities, golf courses and other sports facilities and events ( including the Sea Pines Heritage Golf Classic on the Sea Pines Harbour Town Golf Links and the Family Circle Tennis Cup). The Company also is engaged in commercial office and retail leasing, real estate marketing and real estate development activities on lands owned by the Company and in ioint ventures with others. At October 31, 1984, the resort operations of the Company include: Colnrado-the ownership and operation of two hotels (the 148-room Kiandra Lodge in Vail and the 9l-room Woodstone Inn in Aspen); seven hotel related restaurant and lounge facilities with an aggregate seating capacity of approrimately 500; and the management of approximately 300 resort condominiums for absentee owners in AsDen, Snorvmass and Vail. See Note 8 for Dis- position of Company Owned Assets. Hauaii-the management of approximately 300 resort condominiums for abserrtee owners on the Island of Maui in the Wailea and Kaanapali resorts. Hilton Head lslz;rd-the operation of one hotel (the 202-room Hilton Head Inn) which is leased through 1987 (with options to renew for two five-year periods); management of approxi- mately 800 resort homes and condominiums for absentee olvners; and ownership of seven res- taurant and lounge facilities with an aggregate seating capacity of approximately 600; four 18- hole golf courses and three club houses; 51 tennis courts and a tennis clubhouse; a 550 seating capacity conference center; a marina; and 56,200 and 78,250 square feet of commercial office and retail space, respectively. Heizer is an independent, publicly traded business development company which has been en- gaged primarily in providing capital and managerial assistance to developing companies. The Heizer Board of Directors adbpted on january 20, f981, and its stockholders approved on February 28, 1984, a PIan of Complete Liquidation and Dissotution of lleizer Corporation ('Plan of Liquida- tion") providing for the liquidation of Heizer prior to February 28, f985. The Company has been in- formed that, pursuant to the Plan of Liquidation, Fleizer's Board of Directors declared, subiect to certain conditions included within the declaration, a Iiqrridating distribution to the Heizer stock- holders of .1238 shares of the Company's common stock oer eacb share of Heizer common stock. The record date of this distribrrtion is becember 7, 1984 ani the payment date is expected to be De- cember 21, 1984 or as soon thereafter as practicable as necessary to satisfy State and Federal larvs. Presently, the Company expects its common stock held by Heizer to be distributed to the Heizer stockholders in the form of the liquidating distribution. To facilitate the distribution and to allow the Company's common stock to be more easily traded in a public market, the Company efiected a three-for-one stock split (in addition, it changed the par value of its common stock from $.10 to $.01 per share) in December, 1984. In addition, the Company has entered into an agreement with Heize! F-10 NorEs ro coNsouDATED FINANCIAL sTATEnGNTS-(continued) whereby aggregate principal indebtedness of approximately $7,331,000 at July l, 1g84 under revolv- ing lines of credit will be exchanged for shares of the Company's "or*on stock, using an exchange rate of $9.40 per share. Interest expense of approximately $525,000 has been accrued on the Heiz-er debt balance_ for t}re period |uly 1, through O"tobe. 31, 1984. When the Companys common stockis distributed to the Heizer stockholders and the recapitalization takes place, ali accrued interest through the date of the distribution will be forgiven and credited to paii in capital. However, no assurances can be given as to the ultimate form of disposition of the Companyt "o.-on stock orif the proposed recapitatization will take place. .The Company is the surviving entity of a merger (the "Vilcor Merger') with Vilcor, Inc. ("Vil- cor") efrective April 30, 1979. Vilcor was organized in 1973 by Heizer. VRi was formed by tieizerin 1977 and was a co-venturer with Vilcor in a ioint venture 1;'Vilcor Properties" ) which was formedfor the speci$c purpose of acquiring the Kiandra and Talisman Lodges (now combined and referred to as the Kiandra Lodge ) in Vail, Colorado. The Vitcor Merger was a--ccounted for as a reorganization. On September $, f982, VRI formed, its wholly owned subsidiary. Vacation Resorts Holdings,Inc. ("VRH") for the purpose of acquiring the Sea Pines Company ('Sea Pines'). Under a deffii- tive agreement reached on january 17, f983, VRH merged with Sea Pines (the "Sea Pines Merger"). whereby Sea Pines became a wholly owned subsidi"ry of VnH on June S, ISSS. (2) Curent Value Basis Financial Statementr Cutent Value Reporting. The consolidated estimated current value basis balance sheets are pre- sented to provide supplementary information about the Company's ffnancial position wbich is not provided by the consolidated historical cost basis balance slieets. Manaqement believes the Com- pany's real estate properties have current values which exceed their historical cost basis net book value. Accordingly, the Company has presented estimated current values for its real estat€ properties in the estirnated current value basis balance sheets. The estimated current value basis daia reflects the aggregate of various real estate properties of the Company with no consideration given to bulk dispositions of groups of properties or to the bulk sale of an of the Company's propuri"r. All other assets in the estimated current value basis balance sheets are presented at their historical costs basis as determined in conformity with generally accepted "ccouniing principles. lvlanagement believes that the estimated current value basis balance sheet more realisiically refects the ffnancial base of the Company. The estimated current value of the Company's real estate operating properties represent manage- nent's estimates of the ffnancial value of these assets primarily as investments held for the long-term benefft of operating cash flows. Development real estate properties have principally been valuedlased on market bansactions of comparable pmperties in the same or similar real estate markets. Ttre Com- pany's interest in real estate ioint venture projects have been valued based on estimates of current or future cash flows from these interests. Estimated current value basis stockholders' investment rep- resents the best judgment of management as to the Companyt ffnancial value and may not be cur- rently realizable in cash. The Company's estimated current value basis ffnancial position as of October 31, 1983 and 1984, is reported alongside the historicat cost basis balance sheets. The estimated current value and his- torical cost bases are shown for each asset and liability category and the aggregate increment of esti- mated curent value over cost basis net book value (g27.ESg$00 at Octobei St, 1SSS and $29,g93,000 at October 3L f984) is refected in stockholders' investment as 'revaluation equity.' Stockholders' in- VACATION RESORTS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES F-11 VACATION RESORTS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES r983 NorEs ro CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL sTATEMENTS-(continued) vestmeot (before giving efiect for the pending recapitalization-See Note I ) on an estimated currentvalue basis is $25,948,000 and 924,889,000 or $18.50 and g14.42 per share at October 31, l9g3 and 19g4, respectively, compared to stockholders' deffcit on a historical cosi basis of ( $ 1,610,000 ) and ( g5,604.000 )or ($1.05) and ($3.43) per share, respectively. Arthur Andersen & Co., the Company's auditors, have examined and reported on the consolidatedcurrent value basis balance sheets. Further, Landauer Associates, Inc. (Landauer), nationally recog-nized independent real estate consultants, have reviewed and reported on management's estimates ifthe current values of the Company's real estate interests. Their reports are contained herein. Bases Of Valuation Based upon its experience in resort real estate, management has developedthe following basis for estimates of current values: Operating ReaI Estate Properties-The current value of the Company's real estate operating properties has been determined by capitalizing each property's expected "nrr,rul nperaing nel "4*h flow or by discounting estimated future annual opeiating net cash flow, or a co-bination thereof. Operating net cash flow is determined before Jeducting principal and interest pa]'ments on the debt speciffcally related to the property. The operating *t "*rtt fows are based on an evaluation of the historical operating results and future plans for each property and are supportedby historical and projected revenues and operating expenses. The resulting values recogiize the considerable differences between properties in terms of quality, age, outlook and risk, as rvell as the prevailing yield requirements of investors in income-prod.,cing real estate prolrerties. A summary of the valuation methods utilized and the applicable range of capitalization or dis- count rates and the weighted average rates employed are as follows [OOO', o*itt"d;, 1984 Valuation Method Discounted Estimated Future Annual Cash Flow Combination of- Capitalized Expected Annual Cash Flow Discounted Estimated Future Annual Cash Flow Weishted Range ol Aveiage ValuationRates RateJ Anrornt tVeighted Rangc of AverageRttes Rates Valuation Amouut Capitalized Expected Annual Cash Flow . $S5,40O s.75-18.00% 22.50Vc I0.00-11.0070 12.00-18.00% 7.00-18.007c 22.507o 10.00-l1.00% 5,000 12.00-18.AOqo 062,100 8.48Vo 22.5OVo 9.38?r, 22.5Odn l ,-, $64,000 DexeloWunt Real Estate Properties-Management has valued the Company's position in development properties assuming execution of var]ous development strate$es. These dJvelopment shategies take advantage of the highest and best useof the properties, as determined by ma-nage- ment, considering numerous factors, including the overall stiategy of the Company and'the apf-li- cable land use clvenants, Ntanagement has utilized the compaiable market approuch for deter- mining a substantiel portion of the estirnated current value basis ( approxi*"i"ly $11,OOO,OOO in F-12 VACATION RESORTS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES NorEs ro coNsoLrDATED FINANCIAL STATEIIENTS-(continued) 1983 and $13'700,000 in 1984) of development properties, Management changed the method of estimating value (approximately $f,400,000 in lggS and 92,g00,000 in l9g4[ in l9g4 for joint venture proiects. The Company utilized the comparable market approach in lg83 and the capi- talizing s1 .xt.ated annual current cash fow (I27o) or the discounting of estimated future annriat cash flow (?5To) approaches in 1984. Leased' ReaI Estate Propertic,r-The Company is currently obligated under several long-term capital leases for oftce space. Since management believes the lease rates are below-markeg they have valued these leasehold interests (approximately $500,000 in lgg3 and $400,000 in l9g4) based on capitalizing (weighted average rate of L6.83Vo in 1983 and 20.007o in 1984 ) the esti- mated incremental difierence of market rates over the current rates. The Company also has a purchase option under one of the leases to acquire the building and tand at an amount below its estimated cunent net realizable value based on discounting (20ro in 1983 and 1984 ) the esti- mated incremental value in excess of the option price ( the approximate value was $200,000 in 1983 and 1984). Landauer reviewed, analyzed and concurred with management's estimate of the current value of the Company's real estate property. The aggre gate value was $77,700,000 at October 31, 1983 and $79800,000 at October 31, 1984. Concurrence, as used by Landauer, is deffned as a variation of less lhan L0Vo from the probable value that might be estimated by Landauer in a full and complete appraisal. Debt Arrl Prefered Stoc&-Long-term mortgage debt relating to the operating and develop- ment properties and preferred stock are carried at their face amounts. Since the value of the Com- pany's rral estate properties has been determined without giving effect to mortgage principal and interest payments, any difference between the currenC value and cost basis of long-term mortgage debt is not reflected in tbe value of the real estate property. Management believes that the Company's below-market rate debt and preferred stock have inherent value but has not recognized this value since there are due-on-sale clauses in these instruments. The cost basis balances of working capital debt and other property debt represent the current value of this debt since interest rates thereon fuctuate with market rates. In addition, since the current value basis of capital leases is based on the capitalization of the incrementat difierence between the Iease obligation and the estimated current market rate, obligations under capital leases, as de- termined for historical costs basis, have been eliminated. Defened Inconw Tares And Estimated Costs to Market-Deferred income taxes on an estimated current value basis is an estimate of the income taxes ( assuming ordinary rates for development and leased real estate properties and capital gain rates for operating proper- ties ) applicable to the excess of current value basis over tax basis. In calculating these deferred income taxes, the Company takes into account its net operating loss carryforwards available at the date of determination and applies those ftrst to development properties. These were ap- proximately $f3.325 million and $f6325 million respectively, at October 31, 1983 and 1984. To the extent the Company's net operating loss carrvforwards are utilized as a result of taxable income generated from operations or from non-recurring erents such as the Heizer recapitaliza. tion, the net operating loss carryforwards will not be available in the future to cover income taxes incurred as a result of the sale of real estate properties. Estimated costs to market rep- resent managementt estimate of the incremental costs which would be required to dispose of the Company's real estate property. F-13 NorEs ro coNsoLrDATED FINANCTAL SrATEr{ENTS-( continued) Other Assets Atd. Liabilities-Nl other assets and liabilities are carried in the estimated- cur- rent value basis balance sheet at the lower-of-cost or net realizable value_the same stated value asin the historical cost basis balance sheet-except for certain accrued liabilities and deferred rev- enues which are recognized in accordance wlth generally accepted accounting principles butwhich would not require either cash expenditures or other perf:o.ma.rce in a tiquidation. Atso,in the historical cost basis ffnanciat statements, estimated dredging costs have been accrued andincluded in accrued liabilities. In the estimated current value basiifinancial statements the valueof [Iarbour Town N{arina has been reduced by an amount equal to the accrued costs of dredging. The application of the foregoing methods for estimating current value represents the best judg- ment of management and appraisers retained by.ttanag.menl based upon its eialuatjon of the curreitand future economy and anticipated investor rates of ieturn at the tilme such estimates were made. Judgments regarding these factors are not subject to precise quantiffcation or verfication and may change from time to Hme as economic and market factori, and minagement's evaluation of such factors, change. Also' many of the Company's properties included in the estimated current value basis dataare restricted as to use and are an integral part of the Sea Pines operation, accordingly there is aquestion as to whether those properties could be sold individually without producing a negative efiecton the value of other Company properties or its results of operaiions from those otLer priperties. Management intends for tbe estimated current value basis balance sheet to be an integral part of the. Company's annual report to stockholders, but will not be presented as part of the Comp"any', qrr*- terly reports to stockholdets. The extensive market research, ffnancial analysis and testing oi ,oult, ."-quired to produce current value information makes it impractical to report this information on aninterim basis. Reoahntion Equitg. The aggregate difierence between the current value basis aud cost basis ofthe Companyk assets and liabilities is reported as revaluation equity in the stockholders' investment section of the consolidated estimated current value basis balance sieeis. The components of revaluationequity at October 3I, f9$ and 1g84, are as follows ( 000,s omitted ) : VACATION RESOnTS, INC. AND SUBSTDIARIES Estimated current value of interests in- Real Estate Properties Operating Development Leased Deferred income taxes and estimated costs to market Historical costs of other assets and liabilities $64,000 13,000 700 77,700 ( 13,700 ) 64,000 (36,442) $62,100 16,500 600 79,200 ( 13,r00 ) 66,100 (36,r07) $27,s58 $29,993 (3) Summary of Signiffcant Accounting policies Cowolidation Policics. The accompanying mnsolidated ffnancial statements include the accounts of VRI and its maiority owned subsidiaries. .lll material intercompany accounts and transactions have been climinated. F-14 VACATION NESORTS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATENIENTS_(Continued) Prcsentotion Format. The Company has elected to present results of operations by summarizingthe revenues and related conkibution derived from its lines of businesses. Tlre Company recogl nizes revenues as goods and services are provided. Contribution is net of all expenses inc1"di"g mai- keti]rg. rePain and maintenance and depreciation applicable to each line of business presented but excluding any accounting, corporate overhead not directly attributable to lines of business an dinterest. General and administrative expenses include all accounting and unallocated corporate overhead. Sea Pines Metger. Under the terms of the merger agreement, each Sea Pines shareholder could exchange each share of Sea Pines common stock for (f) $2.00 cash, (2) 91.00 cash and $3.22 face amount oI a llthVo, fve-year note, or (3) $6.44 face amount of a L\ttbTo, ffve-year note. Under these alternatives, the Company paid 98,814,000 in cash and issued SI2g,000 of $i.Sg face amount and $7'596,000 of $6.44 face amount l}\b%io, frve-year restricted notes in exchange for the common stockof Sea Pines. - Th" Sea Pines Merger was accounted for as a purchase as of June 9, l98i]. Hence, VRI's consoli- dated statement of income for the six-montb period ended October 31, 1983, includes the operations of Sea Pines for the period June 10, 1.983, through October 31, 1983. The proforma resulti of Sea Pines' operations for the period May 1, 1983, through June 9, 1g83, would not be materially difierent from that presented. AII direct costs incurred prior to closing the acquisition of Sea Pines, including 9:p9:ru, accounting, legal, etc., were capitalized as Investment in Sia Pines acquisition as of ApJ 30, 1983. ' In connection with the purchase, certain assets were revalued based on management's evaluation of independent appraisals and other factors. The restricted notes issued and certain long-term debt instruments acquired, including the preferred stock, which bore interest rates belot, the prevailing market rates for sirnilar instruments at the date of issue or acquisition, were discounted -to refleci such market valuation, as follows ( 000's omitted ): Principal hincipal Weighred Balanc= at Balanci at Average Jtrne 9, October3l, Stated Discounted1983 l08C Rate Rste UnamortizedOriginal Discoutrt atDiscount October 31,Amount 1984 Notes Payable Travelers Mortgage North Carolina Nationat BankMortgage ...... Restricted Notes Prefened Stock sr0,633 674 7,724 1,375 $20.406 $10,228 7.OVo 9,1Vo L0.1Vo 6.Wo 12.1Vo L2.5%o L8.0Vo 9.0To $3,801 2M 2,055 6,06i1 ++6 $3,20I t74 1,362 4,737 4t4 847 8,$r 19,168 1,375 $20,541 $6,509 ss,l5l ln connection rvith the Sea Pines Merger, the Company changed its ffscal year end from April 30 to October 31 to correspond with the Company's operating cycle.- hlcome Taaes. For ffnancial reporthg purposes, a tax sharing agreement exists b€h^reen VRI aaddl of its subsidiaries which allows the individual companies to reflect taxes based on ffIing a con- solidated tax return. Under the agreement, each subsidiary of the consolidated group is req-uired to remit to, ot receive from, VRI its pro rata share of the consolidated tax liability or tenefft.- F-15 I{Ifr,It}RA LOD6E SXHISIT iI I]PERATIiE CASH FL(]I.I FRtl FORIIA s5i87 YIAR I 97188 YEAR E 88189 YMR 3 89/90 YEflR 4 30/91 YEfiR 5 f I]F UI,IITS UNIT NIEfiTS AVERRg€ MTE 0ccupf5EY r IJI'IIT NI6HT COSTS ROI}I REVEIflE REVEI{JE TOTAL RfVEi{IJE DIRECT EXFENSES INDIEECT E)(PEI'ISES CNPITfl. EXFENSE RESEruE - 3i LEASE PRYIIIEI{TS TOTAL ROO,!|S DEPANTHENT EIFENSE hfiNAFEI'IEt{T F€E 6R[]SS - J* itRl'lAGEl'IENI FEE t'tET - lo)( TOTAL I{IS6E}iA{T FEE ROI}IS O€PARTIIENT CONTRIHJTITN C0it'lERCIH- fiEl'lTS C0NTRIBUTI$,I TNLISI{A]{ Cff'IDI}'IINIUI{ CI]NTRIzuTI$I It)Tfl- KTft\DM DAS{ FLIlI.t I'II]RTEAGE Lt]tr{ PAY}IENT NET INC(]IG Coverage Ratio LI]AIII |]FTA Frirc i pa I interest Rate Term Paynent i45 31r0fi1 89.00 58. 57t a0,03 at 7591 000 {61 457 l45 3er 000 60,46r( e0, 87 3,0{0r ixp 50, 3t I 99.00 51.41,1 3,817,500 53,54{ i45145 6RIFS OTHER 33,CC0 i3,000 105.00 107, rrtl 5e.35r 6t, 35re4.55 t3, t6 3t465,0(,0 3t53lrofft 56,3{4 58,b4e e, 905,457 5e0r 930 l,40e,513 84r 15t u3,055 3, 0"0, 311 667r 940 1,454r 875 91,709 113r 055 3, i71,04{ 707,850 Ir 5eL,858 98! 131 I t3t 055 3,5e1, 344 744, 150 1,5g5r 195 105,540 113,055 3, 589,541 76{,2co l,650, agi 107,589 113,055 :t ge0, 75? !, i36,480 i,441, E9{ 84, 164 9ar 709 98, 131 00u er54gr 140 e,6i5,Jl5 t05, 640 107,56t 00 84r 164 584,695 e36,4r)0 03,543 9e,709 753! 931 ?49t74r i03, 311 98,131 8c9? 150 effi,590 110r 756 1{15,540 107,5,89 973f e04 954,326 e78,585 994,3!g 1I6,505 1e2,579 8e0,475 11016, 171 Ir105,464 lri5arb54 1r263,S43 =:::==: =:=::==== ====:==== 911,896 9i1,896 911,896 gil,098 9t1,ug5 (91,{el} iC4t?77 193t5b9 JS0r7S9 35tib4E =:====::: :======:=: :::=====:= ==::==== ========== 89.97t ii1.44r lel.e$( ir8,4br iJB.b6?( ?r 8001 oft) s.50,( 30 ?1 t, 896 PflINCIFAL INTEFIST RATE A]fiRTIZATION TERII FAYMNT tE6il'liliii6 YEAR BftAME A(HI8IT IV iiIANOFII LODGE !€BT SERVICE scI€DtJiI 91 800,000 8.30r ir'l 9lt, ggti II'ITERESI AI{TJI{T fflilmL PAYiEIIT PRIilc]PAL ffiITHT ENl}Ii{G B'ltAi{CE I '1,8110, ulo I 91 711, i04 3 9,6351503.i I, i4Pr6e5 5 9! 44t,B5e 5 9,J3P,514 7 .ir e13! Bbe I 910851 166I 8r !45t 510 10 8r 793r gga lt 8,5e9!575 t2 gr45lr t9{lJ I, e57,549 14 8r (r47,654 15 71819,809 15 7,57er597 L7 7,30{,37e 1S 7,0l3r34B t9 61697,597 e0 6,3541996 at 5tgg3r?65-ez. 157919{713 51 14e,345 E{ 41667,550 e5 4, 15e,396 i5 3,593,{5{ 77 e,9g7,0oe 38 et3egro(E z9 t?615,071 i0 840,457 833,000 79,896. 8e6rz9{ d5,60P 819,018 98,079 811, 1e3 100, 773 80e,5f/ 109,3J8 793,464 il8r 6Je 7&t,180 izo,716 774,e39 t31657 7b0,358 151,5e7 747,489 164,{07 711,514 178,38a 71q351 193,544 701,900 Put, s,5 6941051 PA7,845 66{,664 2{7,ele 543,571 rui ?e5 5a0rg7a agl,0e4 595, lJli 315,751 5691995 34e,601 540, 176 371,7aA 508,577 {03,3t8 47{re95 437,600 437,099 47\7% 396,74e 5l5r 154 35!,954 558r94e 3051444 606,45e ?il1,895 658r(00 157,gbs 713i930 t37r egt It4,615 7t,439 840,457 9,7e1, 104 9,635,503 9, 5,ia,5I5 9,44tr 85P 91 33Pr 5l{ I, Zl3,88e 9t 085, lb5 8,945,510 g, 7931 gge 8,6i9,575 B,451, l9+ B, e57r 549 8,047,654 7, 819,809 7,57e,597 7t iu4r 37e 7r 013,34{ 5,697,587 5, 3541 986 5, 9il1e65 5,5791 9{7 5, 14?,3{6 4, 667, =50{, 15p,395 3,593, {5{ Er 987, ooe ar3e9r(}ja l,515,071 8{0r 457 rJ 911,895 91t,895 9u ,996 9u,896 9t1r 896 9t 1,895 9t I, Bi6 9l l,896 911, 996 911,896 911,8:16 91tr 995 911, 996 911r 996 91lr 895 9llr 896 9llfs96 9l l,896 911,896 9l I,996 911r 896 9ll,896 911t896 911, 896 9l l, 895 911,896 5i1,8% 911,89b 911r 895 911,896