Design Review Board
Departsnent of Community DevelopfiErt
75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Oolorado 81657
tel: 970.479.2139 Jax: 97 0.479.2452
webl www,ci,vail,co.us
Proiect Description:
VAIL, CO 81657
APPUCANT RESORT DESIGN 04/2012005 phone: 303-449-,1433
1434 Spruce Street., Ste 110
co 80302
License: @00001625
Project Addrcss: 62 E MEADOW DR VAIL l-ocaEon:
Legal Description: Lot K&L Block Subdivision: TALISMAN CONDO
Parcel Numben 2101-082-0501-7
Commentsi See Comments at the approval screen
Motion Byr Hanlon Action: APPROVED
Second By: Dunning
Vote: 5-0 Date of Apprcval: 06/15/2005
Cond: 8
(PLAN); No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of
Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s).
Cond: 0
(PLAN): DRB approval does not constltute a permit for building. Please consult with
Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities.
Cond: 201
DRB approval shall not become valld for 20 days following the date of approval.
Cond: 202
Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date
of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced
and is diligently pursued toward completion.
Pruject Description:
A major exterior alteration in the public accommodation zone district for the Talisman
@ndominium Association to allow for the construction of an underground surface parking
garage and a neu, elevabr tov\rer.
VAIL, CO 81657
APPUCANT RESORT DESIGN 0412012005 Phone: 303449-,f433
1434,Spruce Street., Ste 110
co 80302
Ucense: C000001625
PrcJectAddrcss: 62 E MF-ADOW DR VAIL Locataon:
Legal Descrlption: Lob K&L Blodc Subdivision: TAUSMAN CONDO
Parrcel Number: 2101{82-0501-7
Mouon By: Kjesbo Actlon: APPUED
Se@nd By: Jewitt
Vote: 6-0 Date of Apprcval: 05/2312005
Cond: 8
(P|-AN): l{o changes to these plans may be made without the wriften consent of Torun of
Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s).
Cond: 300
PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of
Planner: George Ruther PEG Fee Pald: $800.00
Application for Design Re
Department of Community Developm€nt
75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81
tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97O.479.2452
web: www.vailgov.com
Goneral Information:
All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Pb6e
refer to the submittal requiremenb for the particular approval that b requested. An applicalion for Design Review
cannot be accepted until all required information is rcceived by the Community Development Department. The
project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission.
Design review approval laps€s unleEs a building permlt ls issued and constructlon commences wiihin
one yoar of lhe approval.
Descrip of the rbt
Physical Address:
Parcet No.:LbWo, Oot - Ol b (Gontact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)
ffi I
t?Q^-o ?q,r
Location of the Proposal:
Name(s) of Owner(s):
Owner(s) Signature(s) :
Name of Applicant:
Maili Address:
E-mall Address:
Type of Review and Fee:
. Signs. Conceptual Review
. New Construction. Addition
. Minor Alteration
. Minor Alteration
. Changes to Approved Plans
. Separation Request
$50 Plus $1.00 p€r square foot of lotal sign area.
No Fee
@O For conslruclion of a new building or demoirebuild.
$300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or
commercial building (indudes 250 additions & interior conversions).
$250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,
reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and
retaining walls, etc.
$20 For minor changes to buiHings and site improvemenls, sucfr as,
rerooflng, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and
retaining walls, etc.
$20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the
Design Review Board.
No Fee
'.,-- ,--tr.*-=7cflfs--
Application for Review by the
nvi ronmental Com m ission
of Community Developmenl
Road. Vail. Colorado 81657
.47 9.2139 tax: 97 O.47 9.2452
web: www.vailgov.mm
Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a
building permit application. Please refer to the submitlal requirements for the particular approval that is requested.
An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information
is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town
Council and/or the Design Review Board.
Type of Application and F€e:
Rezoning $1300
lvlajor SuMivision $1500
Minor Subdivision $650
E(emption Plat $650
Minor Amendment to anSDD $1000
New Special Development District $6000
Major Amendmenl to an SDD $6000
MajorAmendment to an SDD $1250
(no exte io r mod ifi cations)
Conditional Use Fermit
Flmdplain Modification
Minor Exterior Alteration
Major Exterior Alteration
Development Plan
Amendment to a Development Plan
Zoning Code Amendment
Siign Variance
faccDescription of the Req Itn uMctr
Location of the Proposal:
earcer n':LlotogAawl - ollt
--PAName(s) of Owner(s):
Ma[|lng Address:
Owner(s) Signature(s) :
Name of Applicant:
ling o1.
E-mail Addres ", ffi@pax-- 303- 41+.e:-W
rc.'tS7l ,r1kt*!y-c9r!*
Air. 4 2llli llt:llAl/$TI|tAflI JITLi
srEvART TITLE GUARANTY coMPANy, A Tcxee co{porario4 herrin callod dre company, for
yturll9 coryidgntion, bacby eommits o issr.rc iu potiry or pblicics of title insufitcc, ar identified in
Sctrcdula A, in favgr of tlrc proposed Insured ruocd h ScDed-ule A, rs ocmqr or Eortgagcc of tbc estateor interett sove(€d b€tEby in the laod lhrcribod or referrod ro in Schedute e, upoi ialnent of the
prcmiums rnd chrrg* ihcrefor; etl s$jeLt to ibc provisions or' Sr.hcdulcs A and B ard o ttrc Conditrons
ard Sripulatiomr hercof.
This Commitmlnt Ehell be effective only wlren rhc identity of tle proposcd Insurcd ald the amount of
&apolicy or. pollcies committed for havc been insencd in Schedde A hereot by rhe Conprny, cither
at rhc dmc of the issuancc of 0ris Conmignent or by eubraquent ondor$emer.r.
This Commiuncnt is prclin.inny to thc, i$suadar of mch policy 0r policies of rltic insuranco rnd alt
liability and obligatigns hereuoder shrll cerse rnd tcrminnrc six' monrhs Bftcr rhe oftectivc dsts hcrgofor wbcn thc policy or policis5 comoiUed for rhrll irsuo, whichever first occur$, pmvidod rhar $e
frilure to islue ,iuch policy or policics is nor rhe fault of tbe Compaty.
Sigled uruler 3cd for thc Cornpany, tirr thic Corudtncnt shell nct be vetid u bladllg uutil it bearc r
authorizcd Couorcrsijnaore.
IN IMTNESS WHERE0F, Stewart Title Guronty Compaay hrs crured it! corporatr orffi 0!d seal to
bc hereunto lffixed by i$ duly aurlrorized amscfs o[ rhe dab shqwn in Schedulc A.
elult|lan o! chc
tu!rof rad c.uftr..!+tE$tiqle
P.O. 9or 2000
vail, Colondo 3l(J8
(t70) 9!6{2!0
ArF., q. lu;.i) t0itiflt'/ ij tivrAiir tii!_t llu, l/02 p, 3
Order Number: oFot6s?9
l. Effectivc date: thrch lg, 2OOF et r r4t A.l{,
2, Policy or Pnlicies to be iesugd: Amsunl of Inzuraoce(a) A.L.T.A. Owner's (Eruatrrrl) $ rsp
Propoacd lnsured:
S) A.L.T.A. Loen (Sbandatdf
hoposed Insurid:
(c) Lea-sclold
Proposed losured:
3. The estate or intereet in the land dcscribed or referred to in this Commitmcnr and covcred herein is
trr rtrnFle
4' Title to the fee rin5rlr esurc or inerest in said land is at lhe effectivc datc hereofvesFd in:
s88 .IITACEAD vBSTtt{g
5. The land refcrred to in this Commilmcnt is dessribed u follows:
52 EAST uErDOw DR 1hes€ darges a,rt due md pryable belore aVI,IL, eO 81657 Policy can be lssucd.
COmfi$@Sl Clll&€E: 9560,00
Alq 4. ?;li ,[ '2Alv 5TEflA[r T.TLi ltc ilt? i. +
Ordcr Number: o30l6l?t
Condminiun gbtt! 101, 102, 101, 10,t, 201, 202,203' 20{, 205, 305,
301, 302. l0l , 30{, 305' and 305r
188 TAII gl{.,q!l c9l'lDol'lI.rrrvKs ,
Accot'allng !o ihr l,rap thef€ot raCordrd Doercrbar 30, 1970 ln Eooh 219 it Prgr 418
ee Reccplion l{o. 11,50*2, rnd thc Eond.uii niun D€clsrEcion tacordcd Drcober 30,
t9?0 in EooL !19 at P!E. al? ar RcEopttoc lfo ' 115041 and ihe Aaended Eud
Hertrt€d Dsclareticu 86s lrl.lsthfn Condcruriniun .reeordcd ltarch u 5, 2004 ag
R.c.ptior No, E7l6?! and Firrt la*adllgat lbereEo rqcordcd l'lay 201 2004 aE
fieCApllOn fqe. 87?98? , tUbJrCt bO thr llIss7 covedanb€, provltlornt, condil:lons,
€rtsli$tc, rl|rbrictloDa, usls, lLtnltitlonr a|rd EbligrtloDt rlt forth ip raj-d
Condouinluro DGclarrt{oD and the r,caso rtccrded Augnls ! ?, 1t?0 ln Eook llB at
Prgr {09 et R.ceDtion lto ' 114000 alal hbG !(r!tGE Sub-IJ€a!! baving a tsera
€rc9lrlAg oa firBc 3 0 , ?01, .
rBIS C0t4dfnililT WAE gaaPlaED 0ll ltAtr'eH 30 2005. FoR QUESTIONS ll,EASB CAIr! tJl![DA
wrr.rr l|l{9 Af (9?0) 926-0230.
lhis cotrdiguEnt la BaEt ggr
TOrd. TAIlrStAlt golrDourN rlD{ Aggoqllltolf
{.Pi. 1, ;qtlt 1i:12Al/ SIc'xAir Ti'lli
Ordct Number: 0 so3 65? 5
WIL&rN{ .ll&1SS end lOI,INd x. TUASS, re !o Otllt IOt .nd llrlt 102.
utF.trJYt| u. tIrEIscBlR r.tvr!|(r rRusr DtalD D!c!!|BEr 16, 19t8br to ltnit 103
FREDaAICt . HAINES sud Joloi p. flrl|ro , i3 to nnlr 104
6llA.Rou g,ASER, lrnUgTlES, rs Eo rhlt f01 |trtt 30L
PITRISII !{. DOL,llI, tLUElE8 SIE)ER A DBCrrrXlTIoN or '!EUS? Dltlottall E, 1993, X.!|OW!{ ls TIIE P}TRICIA td. Dotlfl 19t2 T1uat, as
bo Unit, 202
ROOe.IJI'L, LP, ae to Urit 2011
IrlAB}1J..:lf t{, FLEISCHET/ TRItsrEE, On SUee!88OR InUETEE8 or tlr
lrerrrrr$ !c, 3t/EI3c[Bn Lrvrdc rR:J$t DAtItrD DEetilgtR 15, 1998.! I,o Itai t 2 05
XAaGIRET Eilgfl0ooD, tRusTtt ot T'I|E iltactrs.lr EAsTltooD lRusr u/D/r
DATED AgqlSt 21, 1t90, ai hq uEit 206
SnpxElt Er(r LLe, a MIef,IoA$ [,${ITED LrtttLrtr cortPAt{y asto lttrlE 3 0e
l,lto$ f,.nuINEKI r'ld !I/OY N$4INSKI, as En IJni t 3 0l
rJ.N{nllrcl WIISS .rC SUZeIEIB wEIfiE, Bs io gBlt 305
ROBTI.T D. E0DES, r. to lhir 306
a8d TAIISI{AN ColtDorallrruu .l'ssocISrION. a, COIJOR.*DO UOlfpRO?II
CORIORAEIOF lo th6 underly!.ng lrnd
ilr 1ii12 P 5
Altl. 4. 2tlilb ltj: lZAIV STillART IiILt |jr ;7{li P. 6
Section I
Order Nunber: 0S0lds?s
The following are dle rcquircmens ro be complicd wirh;
Itcm (a) Paymcnt !o or fot the accoutrt of&e grantors or morrgrgor$ of rhe futl considgradon for the estap or
intcr€gt ro bc lnsurcd,
Iten (b) Proper instrument(s) croting the est$c or inerert to be incured musr bs e><ecuted end duly filed forrec€rd, lo tvlt:
r. tfgsE
TlttrS Cotoillxr{DltT lg DONE rOR ltitFoRillrroNa,! pUttOSBs OtWy
lrrv vuurlr4rrJ ,
t. Rights or claims ofpartics in postessioa, rrot shown by the guUtic rccords,
Easenrents. or claisu of easerreuts, not shown by thc publlc records.
Discrcpaucies, conflicts in bouadary lire6, $hortage in arca, encroacbmen$, ard any facts urhicb I corrcct
survey and inspecrion of the prcrnises would discloee and whicfi are not shown by rhe public rec,ords,
4. .W lien, or right to a lien, for $ervices, labor or matprial herelofore or hsrcafter firrnished, impoeed by lew
and not shown by the pubtic rccords,
5 Defests, liens, encumbrances, adverse claiuu or other matters, if any, created, fir* appeuing i:r thc public
records or-:rneohing subsequent to the effecdvc datc hereof, but prior to thc date thc propbied in*urert ac{uires
oft€cord for value the estat€ or interest or nortgage thcrcon covered by rhis cornnriturenr,
6, Unpatented rnining claims; reseryations or exceptions in patcnrs. or an acr aurhorizing rhe i$suance thereof;
$'ater rightd, claims or drle to wster.
7. Ary rnd c1l ulpeid ha:r6r BDd taralafl.ent, tnd uaredaencd tax rnlrr.
Thr cftsst of inclualone ln aay genersl or spccl,flc flater corrervancy, flrcprot€stion, goil oonsgwaEl,o:r or oth€r di.t?ic!, or laclullon ia aay nrtrrrcrvise or strsat hgrovenent area,
nclarvttions or excrpLionr coataincd ln U,g, pac€rrbB, or ia Asbs authalllidgtht irau.rce thareo!, rrcoldrd in Bgot +E a! pag6 {?S reeerving 1) Rlgrbts oftht gfoDrletor of, * v€Ln oc loda to .*trlc! rad r€rirove bir ora th.a.fro'!l rnd t)right! o! wry tor ditchc! Arld ca$.aIr conrtructad undar thE auEhority of bhcgiiLed $tates.
10, AII Datterd 6!,swn oa the plab of Vrll Vl U.rEr FirEt Ailing.
11. Rerl'rictive covenants tor vall vitlrgrc Flrtr, ritiog, record,cd lugus t 10, :,962l$ Eook 174 at Fage 1"79,
12. E*r|E r$t Agre€EeDt by Vrll hs6ociatcB, ltd. aed vril Water tsd Srn{trtionDirtrict, recordrd Aptll tI, ltaf 6 l'! E6ok tr 92 rr, pEg6 413 r€ R.oeDCion tt6.
103636 etrd Easrlt€nt ifgfaa&aat by atd betvg€Il vail As8ociaEeE, fEc.,
Rurf ord-Noctiagharn alld ArgoclrtEs, RicbnD[rd &locistar, and Vail !{rtsz andSslltrtto! DiBLrict, rocordad grpt.nbar I, f97l ln Book ,?1 al page 609 ar
n.q.Dlloa He, U7290 .
13' ltrru gortloa of rrsJrct llrrscE! tor ir,Eredd and egraaa ubl.cb €lororghag oBto
Eh. aigbt ef wry ol Ealt Heador Driv!, Ir Ehora otr tb6 plae of Veil Villager
Flrrt Filing.
1{, llttnp ndsn of lsece betlreen VriI ArtoclataB, Inc., and Ruaf,ord -Nqt hi$ghs$
AEt$cidt€i, ddtgd 'Iune 2+, L91D recoadod AugulB 1t L970 in Eook 21 8 rt pegF 40t
Coat inuad on trcxt lrrgG
APi 4. ?|]I5 ](I ]3AM ST['#ART TJTI.E NC llilz P. I
CoaElntaeloo o! Eahadute E - Section 3
OralEr Nunberr 0 50365?!
ae ReoeDtton no. 1tr{000, snd Ausadrncnt Eo lrid 1.rrc, r6coriled ituly 19, t9?1 ta
Eaok 210 at !.9. 131 as lecalrticn No. 1250/gl, arld arry asd r11 rra lgE$datEth.t.of.
1,5, Coadotniur Drclr,rrtlon f or Talj,rnla Colratontnius, (.t' condc6inluB) , rrcorded
Dg€sbff 30, 19?0 in Dooh zLt t! trgr {17 sr R.oqD!lo!, No. lls0*1.
15' All nrtE€re rhotia on thc c?Ddcelnlus NrD g! Thc ?ellgtAn Coudaqintuq, rGcord€d
Decober 30, 1970 ln go6lc 219 at, PrE. {18 er neceptioE Ne- 115043,
17. EaeoanL fron Rulford-ltoct,ingbalt & Arroclrt.s d/b/a the Ial,igern Lodgr, r
LJ'nlbed E rsta..rrblD tlad Ihe talisara Coadold.lu trrocirtiol sacoratad.Iuly 16,
1973 La aook 230 rU 9rgc 111 aa t'ccrption So. 14597{.
18. lgrarmat b.tfr.|r llor:.acualp prop.rtslrr tac, tsd Telisnau ConalolaluoABroclrlLon rocordrd Hry 6, 1991 lrr Bosk sst rt Eegrc 313 aE RccrprLoa t[o.
.tl 9+{ 9 .
19, Jlgbc@rgnt by a$d €msrrg 8oflD€nr1lr Eropcrcicr 1 Inc. , rod Ta1fu$68 condqniairrn
Arsocl,rEloD, rccordGd Octobct 26, 1,993 ln look S92 et Dag€ 3?0 ar Rcorgltoa !to,
U0, tr1relar6 lar€D€qt, AgsacDent b6tr6rn goBaarr|].9 Progcrtirr lua, aad lbe towo ofVall recordod l{rrch 50, 1992 io Dook 576 rt Dry. 297 ai RrcsptioB So, {72{10.
2L. Erordb.rtd B|'sDnr end Right of rubry lrgrao.nt b€tner! Crblaviaioa Vtr Inc. .trd
tal iuan Gooduirirrn Arroclrtloa raoordld AuEnrrt 1{, 1995 iB Book 703 rt Psg.
t5S rr Recaptloa No. J9gE{2.
2 2 - Arlt rDd all, Srtb- loeges .
33. lucndrd rnd nrstrtedl Declatagig4 For Trllmra Condolllainn r.corded March 25.
?00t1 ar ReccptLca Ng. E7l!73 asd llrrt .lqndqlnt ts tbe ArnendEd ard Rrrlrt.d
Deelaratloa lcr Taliprn Condwiulun rceordtd tlay t0, 300.1 rd noccpblor No,
877987 ,
2{. lgEe@6nl by dsurontlD Propertier lac. ead llrllasrn Cold,miglurn Aesoclrllon
rrcord.d Juac 10, 1992 la look 3E2 .ts D.gr 14 aE RFarptlon tqo. {?9121,
25- Easqu€rt AgrqenenE by Tali6uaa coadoiniun Alloclatioa aad Sonnqnelp Propertiee
Inc, recosdsd Octobrr 9, 2003 as nccEptLon tilo. 85t193.
26. Erlgnqnt Agra€atht by Talicmaa coadsril{rrn f,ttoclrtLen ind sonnenalp
Proprrtl.r, Inc. rrcordcd Octobsr 9, 2001 r! R.o.DlIon No. 8s319tl and First
lseafu€uE, to 8aB€al6nt AgrcG4rtrt reoordgd Decenbes 22, z0ol Ir Racotrliod No.
9 01115,
2?- Daclrrrtion ol Rrciproerl EaEe8estr End OartEr ODarrBisg Agir€e$ort cecorded
D.c€Ser a2f e00{ rr Rr€.Ftion So, 901165.
Cortt1nu6d o ext p!,ga
Ail{, 4,?tll5 ltrrlaAIV SI E|/lART TiTL E rio 17c2 P. 9
ColtiauatLoa of Sahedula I - gacti@ 2
Ora!.r l|ir$.rr 0501557 5
111 na,ttrrr ar rbonu os tht plrt of Soa!.nrlp Subdivieioa rocorded Octob6r 9,
?003 rr n.c.pEloa No. 853tr1.
A Dcad ol Brust datcd Ocrobcs 21 t 2001, ix.eut6d by ldrrilyn !1. llrl,acbcr aeTruct.e of Ehe urrllyn u. Flelacber, Tnrtt.a or guccarroa Taurt.rr o! lhgUrrilya M- Fkirchrr IrivlIE tnlrrg Ditcal Dgcder 16, 1999 r Colorado Tnrrt, totbr Pgbltc lruate. of EREI. Coulry, Co cGcure aa hdrbErdlcr. of 9100,000.00,ln lavor Of EirstBrah of Vril record.A Novauber 5, ,003 rr RocaDtloa Ho,
E567?{, rr to Unir 205
l Daad ot lrurt debrd lhrcb 31, 2OO{, rxrouted t':7 ldrrrd F, t|ayar ilr., to tbaDtrbllc fau.ct€ c! Eagl€ county, !o socusa ru iadebt.drsas o! $1,330,000.00, inlrvor o! negubl{O Brdt recorded lpril 6, e00l r. Ra€a$tlos No. gT291?, rr EoItoit 304
!1. t Dcdd of Truet drtcd DeceoDEr 1, tr999r rx.cstad bg Inoe t(ial$lhi and FlgyIzriaeki, tq thr 9ub1ic lruibrc of 8ag1€ coulty, go ac6ur€ r$ iailob i,Gdtr6! ! of
1900,000'00, in lavor of uoEErtr oEaraaEy Trust coqrely of $Gr york reeosdedD€cS.r {, 1998 a6 ReccFtion No, f?8707, r| to lltdt 103-
qr[. Ir, li;ri] tt)t +P,lNl 5||[lA(r {i Lt l,lv l/u2 f' ll
i, The rerm rnongage, whcn used hereio, sbalt iuclude decd of rrust, Irust dccd, ororber securily iustrument,
2. Ifthe propbsed In$uitd bas or acquircs ecual knowtedgc of eny defca, tiar,cncumbrince, rdversc cltim ot otber mrter affecring it. "$"p or intcrs$t ormonga8e $ereon covfied by this Commirruent otler rhen rhosc shorvn inschedurc I hereof, rnd shar fail to disclose such klourhdgo ro rhe ccmpany inrrriting, thc Cornpany shall be relievcd from liabiliry for any loss or dLircresullng fronr any acr of rclirnce lrereon ro rbc exrcnirhe C"*p*oy;;r"jJ;";
by failurc ro sc disclosd. such krrowlodge. If rhe propowd Insured shalt discl0so
$uch knowledg' to the company, or ii the compariy oocrwise acguircs octualknowicdge of aay such dgfect, lien, encumbranccj 6versc cleim o, o,1", rnuttui.the company rt irs oprion may amcnd Schedule B of this Commltmom
accordingly. but such emcndmest shall nor rcheve rhc Cornpany from lirbitiryprcviously incurrcd pursurff to pnragraph 3 of rhese Conditions ana Sripulations.
3. Liabi.lity of rhe comprny under this commitmenr shrll bc only 1o rhe nur*dprOposed Insured anri rucb pardes includcd unrtcr the deflroition oi Insural in theform of policlr or poricies comnoited for and onty for acturl ross incu,,ed inrcliancc hcredn in undcruking in good friib (a) n ionply wirh rhe roquircmcns
bcreof, or (b) rc oliminare exccprions shown in Schcfiil; B, or 1c) to acquiri or
ctearc lhe esure or inwrcst or Drongfgc tboreon covcr€d by rlrlg Conmi*ncnr, Inno cvcnr shall such liability exceed thC arnount staed irt Schedule A for rhc policy
or policles corfimifred for and srrsh liabiliry ls subject to tha inruring provisions, rfrl
Contlitions end Sdpr.llations, ancl rhc Erclusio; frorn Cor,crage of the forar ofpolicy or policies comniued for in favor of rhe proposed Insured which arc bercby
tncorporacd by referertce and are mr& e part of thiS Cornmitment except as
exprcssl), modified herCin,
4 AIly 0tion or actiens Or dghB of effion ft the proposed Insured rnry have or maybring agairur rhc Company an$illg out of the tans of the tirie ro rhe esrare or
:ntercst or rhe shhrs of the morryage thcrcon covercd by thi$ Commlunent must be
baseC on aud are subjcct ro tlp provilions of this Commjmeur.
All-aotices re4uired !o be givcn rhs Cgppany and rny sratcmcnt itr wnring rcquiftd robe-tun[shpd rhe Company shafl be addrisseC p I af p.O. Box 2029. Hoiston, Texrs
17212, and identify rhis commrtrncnt by iu pnnted coMMtTMENT ORDER NtI[4.
BER which app'cnrs on the boEod of the froru cf rhe firsr page of this commitnen.
nnl{-3 l-ub 'l HU uc : 53 Afl t Ax NU. p, u2
03/30/2005 15:48 FAX S03 779 0714 ntyNEs uEcItANrc^L @oottoot
Talisman Condominium Associetion
62 EastMeadsw Drive
Vail, CO 8r6s7
Maroh 3Q 2005
Johanncs Faessler
Sonncrulp Resort of Vail
20 VailRoad
Vril, CO 81652
Re: SonneoalpHotelAdditionMemo ofUnderstanding
Desr Jobannos:
Thc Board of Managers of Talisman Condomirriusr Associates acknowledges receipt of'Sonncnalp Hotel Addition - Talisman Building Coordinctionn iltarch I l; 2005 Meruo ofUnderstanding.
The memorandum outlines tfte scop€ of work to be performed by the weitz cornpany, inconjunotion with tfte addition to sonnenarp Hotci and "utr"ii*iJ iotu.fr"e with thoTalisman Building,
If dcviations ftom tle Momo of ud€rstanding occlr, plcase noris Tom saalfcl4 theManrgcr of the Talisman Building imnediuoly,
Very trulyyours,
tl,// n ll,ftaru#.Mq
I.'rcd llaynes 'J
C,c: Barry Monroe- Tha Weitz ComDanv
Larry tskwitl, fsq.
Tom Saalfsld - Talismen Man4ger
Product Detail .- Hinklcy Lighting - Classic Cool Page I of I
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Back Home Site Mdp i lerms L(
Existing Sonnenalp / Swiss Hotel / Talisman parking calculations:
Existing Sonnenalp:
Bully Ranch 1.504 l/250 6.02
Total for existing Sonnenalp 88.68
King Club Bar
Existing Swiss Hotel:
Swiss Chalet (seating)
Total for existing Swiss Hotel
Total parking requirements for both buildings
Minus (2.5%) for multi-use credit
.7 41.3
t.4 2.8y330 8.27
2.3/1000 2.02
t/250 6.0
:145 spaces required
Today there are 108 spaces for Sonnenalp, 16 for Swiss Hotel.
For a total of 124 spaces.
7434 Spruce
phone:303.449.4433 fax:303.449.3366
I10, BouJder, CO 80302
Net additions in counts and square footages:
Existing rooms 90
New rooms : 129
Increase of 39 AUs @ .7
Retail increase 3,665 @2.3/1000
Ludwig's addition 1,600 @ 11250
ExistingAUs 59 @.7
ExistingDUs 2@1.4
New rooms
r0 @ r.4
+27.3 spaces
+8.5 spaces
+6.4 spaces
-- -41.3 spaces
-2.8 spaces
*E.4 spaces: +14.0 spaces
retail increase 3690 @ 2.3/1000 : +8.5 spaces
delete conference space 2715 @11330 -8.3 spaces
delete Swiss Chalet restaurant 1,500 @ 1/250 : -6.0 spaces
Total increase in parking requirements = +14.7 spaces
Parking supplied was:
Today there are 108 spaces for Sonnenalp, 16 for OWB, 2l for Talisman
X'or a total of 145 snaces nlus 15.00 for new development areas
Total parkins required : 160.00 spaces for this proiect.
Minus (2.5%) for multi-use credit:(-4) : 160 - 4 : 156 required
Parking as desigrred for new development:
(1 8 porte cochere, 8 surface for Talisman, 138 spaces, including valet spaces)
For a total of 164 spaces.
1434 Spruce Strect,Suitc I10, Bould €r, CO 80302
p ht-r ne : 3 0 3. 449. 44 -l 3 fav:J01.449.3166 cmail:inf<.r@llesoitf)es;gn.com rvrl\v. ll c s o r t l) e s i g n . c o m
New Sonnenalp / Swiss Hotel parking calculations:
Existing Sorurenalp:
AUs 90 x .7 63
x 1.4
King Club Bar 325 r/250 r.3
Bullv Ranch 1.504 1/250 6.0
Total for existing Sonnenalp
New construction @ Sonnenalp:
Ludwing's addition 1,600
Revised count for Sonnenalp 133.0
Total for new OWB
Total parking requirements for new Sonnenalp and
Minus (2.57o) for multi-use credit
OWB buildings = 166.8
TOV = 162 actual required
7434 Sprucc Strcct,Suitc 110, Bouldc t, CO 80302
phone:303.449.44f3 tnx:303.'149-3366 e m a i l: in f o (@ Re s o r t D e s ign. c o m rvrvrr'- l{esort[)esign- com
May Og OS O3:57p Esku,tEh
May 9, 2005
Matt Mire, Esq.
75 SouthFrontageRoad
Vail, Colorado 81657
P'O. Dor.glg
175 Mlin sEt€t, Suic Cl04
Edwerdq Colorrdo 81632
TclcPhonc (970) 9&9255
Frcrimile tfl0) 9260208
9?O-926 -9298 p."
Re: Talisman access from East Meadow Drive
Dcar Matt:
As you are aware, Sonnnenalp Properties, Inc. and the Talisman condominium
Association ('Talisman') intend to enter into a Driveway Access Easqnent Agr€ement
(urd Vacation of Exisdng Easement), ('Agrecmcnt') whioh will vaoate the prment access
iasement from the Tslisman surface parking lot (?arking Inf') to East Meadow Drive
and create a new access easement froh ttre parking l,ot to East Meadow Drive, You have
reviewed and approved the Agreemeirt for thc Town of Vail ("Town').
I am confirming the Talisman's and the Town's understanding that by vacating the
existing access easem€nt from thg Parking Int to East Meadow Drive and creating the
new aciess easement, in accordance with the Agreemeirt, the right of the ownors of the
Talisman Condominiums to have ingress and egress to and from their parking lot to East
Meadow Drive, including access on said drive, as set forth in Section 9 of Ordinance l4'
Series of 1970 and in any related agr€ements between the Talisman and the Town will
continue unaffectcd.
If lhis is not the Town's understanding, please notifr me immediately.
Very truly yours,
1, \.
,/a,,-r*o 4f,4'tlavnence A. Eskwith
cc: Fred Haynes
wcfisfi Bsnt Bldg.
l,O8 Souft fteDbtE Roldrtibrr, Suito 2lO
Vdl. Colcado E1657
Tc.rlhon (9?0)476-fi192
Frcsi|Dih (970) 476-0099
Drrrvrr OGea
1550 Lincoh st€ct, Suitc 3175
Dervcr, Colorgdo 80264
Telephone (303) 8il7-1660
Focain s (303) 837-009?
Department of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road
Yail, Colorado 81657
FAX 970-479-2452
Mike Foster
Resort Design Associates
1434 Spruce Street, Suite 110
Boulder, Colorado 80302
Re: Talisman Condominium Association Development Applications
(PEC05003 1/DRBO50l 60)
Dear Mike:
I have completed a preliminary review of the major exterior alteration, landscape area
variance and design review applications for the proposed Talisman underground garage
and surface parking lot. Upon review of the applications, I have determined that
additional information or corrsctions are required. Please address each of the following
Sheet Al.0
o Remove note regarding separate landscape plan submittal
o A sepmate sign application for the Talisman sigrr is required. As submitted the
sign can not be approved
o The east end ofParking Space #7 needs to be reconfigured to remove the radius at
the northeast comer of the space.
Sheet T - Ll.0
o The graphic scale is does not scale at l" = 8'. It is more like l" - 10'. Please
See comment regarding Pmking Space #7 above.
The emergency vehicle access must be revised. The revised configuration shall
allow for a fire truck to enter the site from the west and exit by backing onto East
Meadow Drive.
Please verify that the hydrant on East Meadow Drive east of the driveway
enkance is properly located according to the steetscape plan for East Meadow
f,-p ^t"*"uo 'n'*
Sheet A1.l
o Parking Spaces #6 &7 in the underground parking stuctwe af,e not appropriately
sized. The spaces shall be a minimurn of 8'x 16' in size.
Please review all sheets within the plan set to ensure that the corrections and revisions as
noted above have been made on all applicable sheets.
Additionally, please submit a complete Application for Review by the Planning and
Environmental for a landscape area variance. According to my preliminary review of the
plans, it apltearc that you are unable to meet the minimum landscape area roquire,ments.
Pwsuant to the submittal requirements fs1 an Application for Design Review, please
zubmit an exterior color and sampte boud with specifications.
Lastly, should you have any questions or concerns with regard to the inforsration
addressed in this letter, please do not hesitate to give me a call; You can reach me by
telephone at (970) 479-2145.
GeorgeRuther, AICP
Chief ofPlanning
6*1" R-
Mike Foster
Resort Design Associates
1434 Spruce Street, Suite 110
Boulder, Colorado 80302
Re: Talisman Condominium Association Development Applications
(PEC05003 r /DRB050l 60)
Dear Mike:
I have completed a preliminary review of the major exterior alteration, landscape area
variance and design review applications for the proposed Talisman underground garage
and surface parking lot. Upon review of the applications, I have determined that
additional information or corrections are required. Please address each of the following
Sheet A1.0
o Remove note regarding sepaxate landscape plan submittal
Above mentioned note has been deleted on sheet A1.0.
o A separate sign application for the Talisman sign is required. As submitted the
sign can not be approved
Talisman will be responsible for approving all signage with TOV in advance.
o The east end ofParking Space #7 needs to be reconfrgured to remove the radius at
the northeast comer of the space.
Parking space #7, on all sheets, has been reconfigured to meet 9'x18'
Sheet T - Ll.0
o The graphic scale is does not scale at l" = 8'. It is more like l" : 10'. Please
Graphic scale is correct, drawing is 1/8": 1'-0".
o See comment regarding Parking Space #7 above.
Parking space #7, on all sheets, has been reconfigured to meet 9'x18'
o The emergency vehicle access must be revised. The revised conliguration shall
allow for a fire truck to enter the site from the west and exit by backing onto East
Meadow Drive.
Graphic representation has been revised to show emergency vehicle access
directly in to surface lot. See sheet(s) Al.0 & T-L1.0
o Please verify that the hydrant on East Meadow Drive east of the driveway
entrance is properly located according to the streetscape plan for East Meadow
Fire hydrant is in location of East Meadow Drive streetscape plan. This will
continue to be coordinated with TOV.
Sheet Al.l
o Parking Spaces #6 & 7 in the underground parking structure are not appropriately
sized. The spaces shall be a minimum of 8' x 16' in size.
Parking spaces #6  have been rnodified to bc min. 8'x 16', See A1.1
Please review all sheets within the plan set to ensure that the corrections and revisions as
noted above have been made on all applicable sheets.
All corrections will be shown on associated documents.
Additionally, please submit a complete Application for Review by the Planning and
Environmental for a landscape area variance. According to my preliminary review of the
plans, it appears that you are unable to meet the minimum landscape area requirements.
Please see attached document showing site coverage documents.
Pursuant to the submittal requirements for an Application for Design Review, please
submit an exterior color and sample board with specifications.
Exterior finishes aud coiors will be to match the existing and new Sonnenalp structure.
Sample photos will be supplied.
Lastly, should you have any questions or concems with regard to the information
addressed in this letter, please do not hesitate to give me a call. You can reach me by
telephone at (970) 479-2145.
George, thank you for your assistance in this approval process.
George Ruther, AICP
Chief of Planning
Town of Vail
May 15tr. 2005
Talisman site coverage calcs (23120.00)
Site 22,346.28 sq.ft..
Buildins coverase
- existing 9007.80 sq.ft.
- new structue : 316.54 sq.ft,
9324.34 sq.ft.. (4r.7%)
Asphalt 4105.38 sq.ft. (r8.4%)
Landscape coverase 8916.56 sq.ft. (39.9%)
- soft scape 7809.01 sq.ft. (87.5% of landscape number)
- hardscape 1107.55 sq.ft. (12.5% of landscape number)
1434 Spruce Strcet, Suite 110, Boulder, CO 80302
p h o n e : 3 0 3 . 4 4 9 . 4 4 -l 3 f a x : 3 0 3 . 4 4 9 . 3 3 6 6 e m a i l: i n f o @ R e s o r t l) e s i g n . c o m rvrvw.l{e sortl)esign.com
May 15d. ,2005
Existing Sonnenalp / Swiss Hotel / Talisman parking calculations:
Existing Sonnenalp:
King Club Bar
Existing Swiss Hotel:
Swiss Chalet (seating)
90x.1 63
Bullv Ranch 1.504 l/250 6.02
Total for existing Sonnenalp 88.68
= 149
-145 spaces required
Total for existing Swiss Hotel
Total parking requirements for both buildings
Minus (2.5%) for multi-use credit
Today there are 108 spaces for Sonnenalp, 16 for Swiss Hotel.
For a total of 124 spaces.
10, Boulder, CO 803021434 S p ru c_c,- Street, S:il: Iphone:303.449.44-13 fax:303.449.3366 cmnil:in f o@ Ile s o rt l)cs ign. com s'rvw. ll esor tl)e sign. c om
New Sonnenalp / Swiss Hotel parking calculations:
Existing Sorurenalp:
AUs 90 x .7 63
Conference 4,000 l/330 l2.lLudwig's 1,560 l/250 6.2
King Club Bar 325 l/25O 1.3
Bullv Ranch 1.504 1/250 6.0
Total for existing Sonnenalp
New conskuction @ Sonnenalp:
Ludwing's addition 1,600 I/250 6.4
AUs 40 x .7 28.0Retail 4,450 2.3/1000 10.2
Revised count for Sonnenalp 133.3
New OWB:
12 x .7 8.4l0 x 1.4 14.04,970 2.3/1000 I1.4
Totalfor new OWB
Total parking requirements for new Sonnenalp and OWB buildings : 167.1
Minus (2.5%) for multi-use credit TOV = 162 actual required
1434 Sprucc Street, SLrite 110, Bouldct, CO 80302
P h o n e : 3 0 3 . 4 4 9 - 4 4 3 3 f a x : 3 0 -1 . 4 4 9 . 3 3 6 6 emriI:info@ResortDesign.com rv rv w . R e s o r t D e s i g n . c o m
Net additions il counts and square footages:
Existing rooms
Total of New rooms
Increase of 40 AUs @ .7
Retail increase 4,450 @2.311000
Ludwig's addition 1,600 @ l/250
Existing AUs 59 @ .7
ExistingDUs 2@1.4
New rooms
10 @ r.4
retail increase 3690 @2.311000
delete conference space 2715 @ l/330
delete Swiss Chalet restaurant 1,500 @ I/250
+28,0 spaces
+10.2 spaces
+6.4 spaces
41.3 spaces
-2.8 spaces
+8.4 spaces
*14.0 spaces
+8.5 spaces
-8.3 spaces
-6.0 spaces
Total increase in parkins requirements = *17.1 spaces
Parking supplied was:
Today there are 108 spaces for Sonnenalp, 16 for OWB, 2l for Talisman
For a total of145 spaces plus 18 for new development areas
Total parking required - 163.00 snaces for this proiect
Minus (2.5%) for multi-use credit:(-4) : 163 - 4 : 159 required
Parking as designed for new development:
(18 porte cochere, 8 surface for Talisman, 138 spaces, including valet spaces)
For a total of 164 spaces.
Strcet, Suitc 110, Boulder, CO 80302uc1434 Spr
phoncr303.449.4413 f a x.l0-1. 449.3366 cmailrlnf o @ ll c s o r t l) c s i g n . c o m www.llesortDesign.com
Sonnenalp Hotel Addition - Talisman Building Goordination
Memo of Understanding
The intent of this memo of understanding is to attempt to inform the residents of the Talisman
Building the anticipated necessary interaction between the Sonnenalp HotelAddition and the
Talisman. The following is a summary of the planned Sonnenalp Hotel Addition including the
new construction phase of work, adjacent work in front of the Talisman, and work at East
Meadow Drive.
The Sonnenalp HotelAddition consists of approximately 75,000 square feet of new
construction, including 37 new hotel suites, retail space at the ground floor and underground
parking. The new project will ultimately share an underground parking garage with the
Talisman Building and the Sonnenalp Hotel.
lreus GoveReo lN THts DocUMENT
A. Responsibility of necessary work coordination
B. Contact lnformation - The WeiE Company
C. Construction Coordination Meeting - Time & Location
D. Work related to Entranceway of Talisman
a. Access for emerqencv services
b. Construction Staqinq plan
E. Parking during construction for condo owners
F. Utility shut downs (coordinating document completed with One Willow Bridge)
G. Design & Approval of Talisman entrance & landscaping
H. Schedule ltems
a. Completion schedule of qarage
b. Completion schedule of above oround landscaoinq
c. Tvpical construction work hours
ArrlcHrueNTS To Tnrs Docuuerr
(Document Title - Document Description). Construction Staging Plan - handwritten notes regarding construction /ogrsfrbs &
i nte raction w ith T a lisma n p rope rty.. 41.0 - Sonnenalp & One Willow Bridge Site Plan - overall site plan for informationo 44.4 - (2) Sheets - Illustrating 2 current alternatives for surface structure in front of
Talisman. TL1.0 - Sonnenalp / Talisman Landscape Plan - shows current suiace layout of
parking and landscaping. TG 1.0 & TG 2.0 - Excavation Plan & Corresponding Sections - rnfends to show limits
of excavation and poriion of property that would remain in place during excavation.
AIso illustrates the frees that would stay in place during the project.. Preliminary Construction Schedule - The Weitz Company current construction schedule
Page 1 of6
Sonnenalp Hotel Addition - Talisman Building Coordination
Memo of Understanding
A. RespoHSrBLE Panrres Fon GoonotNATtoN or GoxsrRucloN
It is the intention of the owner of the Sonnenalp Hotel Addition to instruct its' general contractor
(The Weitz Company) as the one in charge of scheduling and managing the construction
activities, that all notices as anticipated by the activities in this document be given in writing to
the Talisman Building Manager at least ten (10) days in advance of the activity to occur. lt is
the intention of the Officers and Board of the Talisman Condominium Association that the
Talisman Building Manager will be instructed and responsible for notifying each of the
Association members and owners and or occupants of condominiums also in writing at least
seven (7) days in advance of the activity to occur as provided in the general contractor's notice
to the Talisman Building Manager. Any actions that must be taken by the contractor with
notice less than ten (10) days will be given to Talisman Building Manager as early as possible.
This may be required in order to allow work to take place that must be done because of
conditions that arise without time for notice.
B. Courecr INFoRMATIoN - THE Werz Gorupnly - Sor.rruetnLp PRoJEcr
C. CorsrnucloN GooRornaloN MEETTNG - SoNNENALp HorEL Aoornou
The Sonnenalp Hotelteam will hold a weekly coordination meeting - 9:00 AM, every
Wednesday through the duration of the project. Talisman personnel are welcome to attend
this meeting as they deem necessary during the progress of the project. We will reserve
the first portion of the meeting to review Talisman issues.
Name Title Gell Phone
Dan Meek Senior Proiect Manaqer 303-591-4579
Barry Monroe Project Manager 970-379-0474
Brad Church Project Superintendent 303-916-7514
Page 2 of 6
Sonnenalp Hotel Addition - Talisman Building Coordination
Memo of Understanding
D. Wonx Reureo to EHtnnrucEWAy or TRt-tslritltt
Emersencv Vehicle Access
The Town of Vail emergency vehicle access for the Talisman Building is currently
available via the existing turnaround in front of the Talisman. This turnaround will stay
in pface until the underground parking and deck are poured at the East End of the
One Willow Bridge project. Once this deck is poured, it will become the access / entry
point into the Talisman project. This deck will then be utilized as pedestrian access and
emergency vehicle access, and excavation in front of the Talisman for the Sonnenalp
project will start. Pedestrian access to the front of the Talisman will be denoted by a
crusher fine or asphalt cold patch walkway to the existing Talisman walkway in front of
the building. This information is depicted on the 'Construction Staging Plan' - attached.
Time frame for this work is not fully solidified; however, we anticipate that the structural
work and MEP infrastructure work necessary to complete the deck will be in place by
roughly the 21"t of April. This would be the approximate date that the deck will be ready
for pedestrian access and the time frame that excavation can begin for the east end of
the Sonnenalp Addition.
Construction Staqing Plan
Refer to the attached 'Construction Staging Plan'. Site fencing placement, as required
by the Town of Vail, will close off access to the Talisman parking lot from the Sonnenalp
Hotel. This will be 6' high green construction fence, with screen. The fencing
placemeni will provide an approximate 8' wide walkway between the Talisman building
and the construction fence (limits of fence designate the limits of excavation for the
Sonnenalp garage). The planned erection of this fence will be April 18rh. lt is intended
that the existing entry way into the Talisman building be left in place - the construction
fence will be set far enough back so as not to interfere with the walkway and site stone
walls. This information is further depicted on sheet TG-2.0 attached to these
Deliveries and trash removal with the Talisman will be made via front entrance into the
Talisman. lt is anticipated that during initial construction time frame, delivery vehicles
will be staged along East Meadow Drive, in such a way not to block emergency vehicle
access. Once the top level of the garage is poured, it will most likely be feasible to
stage deliveries for short time durations on the temporary plaza entrance to the
Talisman. Any long duration deliveries (tenant move in, etc.) will need to be
coordinated between The Weitz Company and Town of Vail emergency services.
Page 3 of 6
Sonnenalp Hotel Addition - Talisman Building Goordination
Memo of Understanding
E. PenrrNc DURTNG GoHsrnucloN FoR Conoo Ownens
The Sonnenalp has rented covered parking spaces at the Crossroads Parking structure,
located directly across East Meadow Drive to be used for Talisman parking during the
construction time frame. ln addition, the Sonnenalp Hotel will offer to Valet park (if
desired) arriving guests at the Sonnenalp Porte Cochere, and transfer these guests and
their baggage via shuttle to the Talisman building. lt is anticipated that the temporary
parking at the Crossroads Parking structure will need to be available until the
completion and turnover of the underground parking structure - slated for December 15,
F. UrurY Snur Dowrls
All utilities affecting the Talisman property are coordinated with the One Willow Bridge project. The
following narrative is taken from the Memo of Underctanding in place with the One Willow Bridge project.
Talisman Utility lmpacts
Temporary Talisman Electical Seryrce
The Talisman 200A, 208V house service and 400A, 208V tenant services are currently fed from ihe Holy
Cross transformer north of the building in the Meadow Dnve berm. As part of the Town of Vail Streetscape
improvements associated with this project, primary elecfrical relocations will be made by Holy Cross.
During this phase of work, a new temporary transformer will be placed in the berm, west of the current
location and west of the temporary Fire Department access road (if required). Eleckical service disruptions
will be solely based on Holy Cross switching operations during this work and should be minimal in duration.
A three-piece intercept type concrete vault will be placed directly over the existing secondary conduclors at
the location that they currently exit the building. This location is east of the main Talisman entry in the
planter area. We will have a generator on standby during this installation only for use if the existing service
is unintentionally disrupted.
Utilizing a common utility hench, new conduits will be routed from the lransformer to the vault location.
Temporary aluminum conductors sized as required by code will be installed between the transformer and
the vault.
At a time scheduled with the Talisman management, the existing service will be disconnected at the
transformer by Holy Cross. A temporary generator will be connected to the Talisman services to provide
the required house and tenant power during the transition. We prolect an outage of up to four hours for this
Once the building is on generator, the existing service conduits will be cut at the vault and the final length of
feeder conductors installed. Following inspection and approval, the new conductors will be energized by
Holy Cross, We anticipate a one to two day duration for this portion of the work based upon inspection
Page 4 of 6
Sonnenalp Hotel Addition - Talisman Building Goordination
Memo of Understanding
Upon confirmation of available power, the building will be transfened fmm generator to the Holy Cross
power source. Up to a four hour outage can be expected for this work.
Currently the telephone and cable services are located on One Willow Bridge Road Property, These
services must be relocated to allow for the construction of the One Willow Bridge Road and subsequent
Talisman Garage Construction. Direct burial type television cable will be installed in the common utility
trench to the Talisman Building, adjacent to the temporary water service. Services will be transfened by
Comcast resulting in an outage of less than one hour. Timing will be coordinated with the Talisman
Building Manager.
Conduit will be installed in the common utility trench for telephone. New cable will be installed and
terminated by Qwest. Timing will be coordinated with the Talisman Building Manager.
Perm anent Talisman Electical Servrce
A transformer serving both the Talisman and the One Willow Bridge Road will provide final permanent
service. The transformer will be located in the vicinity of the stair core at the east end of the Talisman
building. Installation of feeders to the Talisman will follow the same basic procedures and outage durations
listed for the temporary services.
Talisman Temporary Water Connection
A temporary water connection will be required in order to insure that water service is maintained to the
Talisman during the excavation work for One Willow Bridge Road. Preliminary plans for this service are to
provide a temporary service line located adjacent to the common temporary electrical and utili$ trench.
G. Desrctit & Appnoval oF TALTSMAN ENTRANcE & LANDScApTNG
See attached documents prepared by Resort Design Associates illustrating the current
design of the surface level entrance into the Talisman and a preliminary landscape plan.
These designs will be modified in the upcoming month and submitted to TOV entities for
Page 5 of 6
Sonnenalp Hotel Addition - Talisman Building Goordination
Memo of Understanding
H. Scneoule or GoHsrRUcroN
See attached preliminary schedule for review. The anticipated construction schedule
will be April 4th through December 1sth, 2005.
. April 4,2005: Break Ground, remove Berm alongside East Meadow Drive.
. April 18, 2005: Establish construction fencing in front of Talisman and alongside
East Meadow Drive. Start excavation for parking garage.
o Fall2005: Underground parking garage complete, Surface parking and
landscaping in front of Talisman nearing completion or put off until Spring.
. December 15, 2005: Sonnenalp HotelAddition complete and underground
parking garage open to both Talisman and Sonnenalp guests. Surface parking
complete for Talisman guests. (Potentially surface parking may be available to
Talisman prior to December 15, but will be dependent on agreement between
TOV and Sonnenalp Hotel project).
. Final landscaping may become weather & schedule dependent, and may be put
off until Spring of 2006.
Typical project work hours will be Town of Vail Standards - Monday through Saturday,
7am through 7pm.
The work described above is the Developer's best estimate of the activities, durations and
affects to the Talisman Building and its Owners. Every effort will be made to provide the
Talisman Building Manager with as much notification as possible. lf changes to this plan
become necessary, the Talisman Building Manager will be notified immediately. We
appreciate your patience and cooperation during the construction of the Sonnenalp Hotel
Addition and will do our best to be a good neighbor.
Page 6 of 6
lllilr,|]ilflill|ut! [l!l iltru ilil il||I ;fi ii,fi :, ..,
)11 Itv.-
' TFIIS DECLARATION OF RECIPROCAL EASEMENTS A}ID OARAGEoPERATING AcREEIlp\rr (this.,Declration') is nade;;ith"li" d"y of Irtanh 2004, btsonnenalp Properfier, Ilt' 3.9glooo" *.potiti* gsonnenJpl, v.ri n*o,ls$ciste;LLC, an Arizora linited liability *rpioy (,Iloverr), ;i T"[";* cordominiumAssocirtion, a Colorado non-profit o6rporati'on Cfilismeo',j.
Brclcelound snd Purrore
A Sormeoslp is tlre ownct in fte simplo of thc real property locatod ia tl.e Toun ofvail,.Eaglc county, colrorado (sometimes cauei trre ,Town,,j, ,ti"t p.pr.o, is oore ffrlrydescdbed on the artached.E+ibit 4 (tbe "sonnenalp prrcei), i"rruding rhe imlnovementsconsisting of a hotel ana rchted amenities knorvn (and ,ir"*a toii"t"l
trrl s.-r*ri rlp Resort.
B' Dover is he crumet-in fee simple of a second parcel of real property h r thc Townof vai[ Eagle-coloty, Colorado, described on thc attachou Eihiait B Gh" ,6wtss iar "el'). Th,Swiss Palcel is the site of a hotel and relatcd improvemenGffitly kaown (and refered tohere) as the "Sviss Hotel-
C' Tatisman is the owncrs' assosiatioa created to administer the Talisrnan
lonAoryntqq Fojcct in the Town of Vail, Eagle Cormty, cotoraao, Gcated b,:tweeo tlreSourenalp Parcel and the Swiss Pacel on o" ptip"try nore nrny aesiriuea on the attachedErblbit. c (the 1fdirman_psrcet). The T;h6e- cqnatomi;un projcst conrists of 16f"qory"*l ulits (the "Talirnan Unitr'), more firIIy described ivitii retcrsrce to theDeclration for Taliman condomiuium recorded in Book 219 at page +il, rr,,dd:e map forTalisrnau Condominium ruorded iu Book 219 at Pagc al8, both as Juppiemente4 rpsiated orotherwise modified Aom time to time and recordod in tl" omc€ of Oe itert aud iiocorder ofEagle County, Colorado (the "Tallluran Dcclerrtlon" and the "Talisman Mrp," resprctively),
-^_,^- -P . Sonnenalp inte.+ to construst (i) an expansion of the Somenalp Re sort with asenes ornevf mrtroY€rne{s, iryludinq (anong otbcrr) an underground parking faciliql below the
:::H., $_1:,t^1y11 Parcel (togethcr wittiretateo inprovedents,
. 'sGo"oarp Garagd),
5l]3_,TT:q,t",* ryking fadlity below the sufac€ of thc TsIiMan rarcct livith rc[tcdsutrlse Paflqng and other the "Trlfunrn Garrge'), pursuant to a liurclopmentAgr.emcnt et*cuted in September,2fi)3, betnrccn Sonnenalp and Tiil"nao.
E' Dover intcnds to demolish the Swiss Hotet and to replace it with a coplominiumand ftactional onaership.interest project (the "I{cw Chalet projeci'), whic,h wilt include anundergound parking facility belowthi s*fice of the $.wiss parcet 1ue "*wi* Garage,,).
F' The current floor plan showing the Sonoanalp Garage, the Talisman r3arage and
P", lyt Garage (sometimes called, togetliei, the "Garaie"l is-d"pucutra on t1e, attachedExhtbltD.
V^ SOoo ? 9t.\
ffillil ffilillTlrl J 5lftnt.n Eralsr G0
il]ru P''Hi?,,*,
F t36.o0 D C,00O. Sonnenalp, Dovcr and Talismarr inrcnd this Declaretion to bind cach of them and
their respective successors and assigns, and all othen holding an interest in the Sonrurnlp parcel,
the Talisman Parcel or thc swisi parcel (bgcftcq the-.?roperty') with cqultabic tcrrnsgoveming the use and e4joyrrent of the Garage. This Declaration will address, aroong otherconceux (i) the permanent allocation of 16 parking spaces for thc exchsive use oi'llrtisian, 8lparking spaces for the exclusive use ofSonnenalp, ana +f parking spaces for the exclrsive use ofDover, iiD tirc nranagemeof ,of the Garage, tiiu * ediabt€ ailo""tion of t]rc r:rpeuses ofmainainin-g, ryurins_, operating and repairing the carage, (iv) a method for dctriining anannuat budget for such ocpenses, (v) recigocar rights for ;"& io and from the Ganlge, ani("i)
f*fl:.m eascmcnts.require! for tbe mainteuance, repair and administation of the iiaragc andtbr utilities and other iastallations serving any portion ofthe propcrty.
In addition to the tercrs defined aborre and other'terms defined in other sections of thisDeclaration, the following words and phraseq .,arhen used in this Dcclaaation, shrri.l havc thefollowing specifi ed mcanings :
- . - sgqtio:n 1.01. "Benefftf€d site" gball mean tbe site for which, or for the ovmer(s) ofwhic\ a particular easernent is c,raafcd prrsuant to this Doclaration
S+dgg l'-'02. 'Ileclanation" shall mean this iusnrmen! as it may be rrnended orrestated from time to tirnc and recorded in the real property records of Bagle d*ty, ,.51*"6o.
Spction I .03. "Ir€{rult Rrte- shall mean an annual ratc of 6 percent over thc trxime rateof interest announced from time to time in the Wall Stneet Joumal,
sqctiou 1.04. "Eggeucot Area" shall mean any one of the u€as on, over, u:rder, across .
9r tbrough which an eascm€nt has teen created p,*uaot to this Declaration, togetJru with allimprovernenG located on the area which Bre utitirca ro. rn" easement.
- Section 1.05. "Owrcr" *"lt e19 initiatly, Somenalp with respect to the SomalpParce[ Talisman with respect to the Taliqrran Pancl; md Oover wi0r rrtp""t to the SwissParccl; and subsequeirtly, th_e respeaive succegsors and assigns ofeach ofthole parties, as such
successoE and assigns are l$ied b1 Section 9.03 bclow and designatcrl in an asiign:acnt of tleowuer's int€rcst under this uectarahon, te"onaea in ftc real p""itty;"o!d, of ft1;le c;""fy,Colorado.
sestion 1.06. 'Terulttee- strall mgan any offlcer, direcbr, emi{oyee, agenl gontractor,
sustomer' guesl visitor, invitee, licensce, assignee, teoant or concessionairi ofanotrarer.
Section 1.07. oPerton- (wlrcther capitalized or aot) shall meaa an indir:.dual or acorpordion, parrrership, association, trust or otlrcr teg* entit5rwith the legal rightto lold title toreal property in Colorado.
Section 1,08. 'Responsible Ounrert shall mean the Owner of t}e Sonnenalp.i'arcel,
Il|ilil,|]ililru [fr| ililtl flilil ililt
ilt ffi Flii lffij, _
- section l.(D' ..slte" El!'ll nr€an any one of thc forlowing: the sonnenalp par!,er, the
Swiss Prcel, and tbe Taliman palccl.
SestioP2.0l. Cunent Grant Subject to tbe temrs aad conditions set flrth in this
?*tTdgl, Sonnenalp, Dover and Talisuau hereby creato, grant and *ot"y tlnr Eascructrts
described in this Declaruion-bclow, and dcclare that each of the Sites .shail be helrl, sold andconveyed subject to this Declaration, which is for the purposc.ofcnhancing and pr:tecting the
3lu9 an! desirntility of all of the Sites. Each easement granted ana invcyia uoAdthisDcclardion shall be for tbe benefit o[, and may bc enforcei by, an ou^o of thg rerycctiveBenefittcd Site aEd thc succossors and assips of such Orvner, Each csscnrgrt lgranted and
conveycd under this lleclaration shall rua witl ttre taoil and shall be appo.t"n*t o tir,: reqpective
Benefitted Site, such that a tansfer oflegal tifle to all or any portion ofsuch Benefittrrt site shall
automatically tansfer a proportion4te intercst in the respectivi eas€eenl
EectigE2.Oz. Conf-qnninq Am€oalm€Nrt After qgnshcrion Following con:ihuction of
each of the Swiss Garage, the Talismau Oaragaanc ttre sonnenatp Gaage, eaCh of ttre Onmers,
upon rcasonable request ftom any other Owncr, will qrtcr into one or --or" amcndu :nts to thisDeclaration or to the cxhibits t9 it, I acc,uratoly show *re location of the easemsnts, rhe parking
spaces and the othcr featurcs of the Gcage as achally constrrcted.
gcsson3'O-l, sonneqelp Garae? Easen€nt. Tha ourner of tlre sonnenaLp Garage
subject io tho tcrms md conditions set fodl fi 6f Dcclaration, heccby grants anO < 6,nveys 6ifollowing:
(a) To the Owner of the Talisman Parcel nnd the Owner of tbs Swi is Parcel, a
Perystusl' noryIclugivc pedcstian and vehicular access case,meirt and right-of-way o rer, across,
on and through the Sonnenalp Oarege; and
(b) To the Owner of the Talismur Parcel, a perpetual and cctcluive petlestiair
and vehicular access easemelrt ud'a perpetual and orqlusiviprikirg "*"ilot or\ iqoss Erdtbrcughllrosc four pa*ing spaces rocarcd in tle sounenatpEirage id numberd i lo rt*ogt129, irclusive, shoun on $trlililp.
_Notwitrstanding the foregoing, the Onmer of the Talisman parcel and the Ormer of the
Svriss Partel understand and agreeas?olows:
(t Tb" p19|r8 spaces located in the Sonnenalp Garagc (arcept arothcrvyissgranted to the Owner of the Talisnan Parpet in clausc (b) of this Section-l,01 abovc) are for t6esole and exclusive use ofthe Owner ofthe Sonnenalp parcel;
I lilill lll llllil ill llill ililI llll lff lllllT..l J 816!.llon EEl.' C0 l7a
(it) Any elevator located in tbc Sonnenalp Garage is reserved prinurily for the
usc of tha Owner ofthe Sonnerulp Parcel and such Omer's Persritees; and
(ut) The access fiom Vail Road info the Sonnenalp Garage is reserved
primarily for the use of the Owner of the Sonnenalp Prccl and the Talisman Ownrrs and thcir
respective P€rnitt€€s, and the Orymer of the Swiss Parpel shall use that aceess as tr secondary
route only, whe,n acoess via Willow Bridgo Road is not readily available.
Section 3.02. Talismqn ftE-aee Easement, Subje* to the tcrms and condidcns sct forth
in this Declaration, Tatisman hereby granB and coweys tlre following:
(a) . To &e Owner of the Sonnenalp Pscel and the Owner of the llwiss Parcel'
a pcrpetual, non-orciusivq pedestian and vehicular accc$s cascment and right-o:f'way over,
aooss, on and through$e Talisman Garage; and
(b) To the Oumer of tbe Sonnenalp Parcel, a pe,rpehral arll gggNEiyg
pcdcstrian and vehigular accgss caseinont and a pcrpefrul and et(clusivc Parkiug riNemErt oll,
across and tbrough those foru parking spaccs located in the Talisnan Oaragc and nt'lnbered 109'
110, 114 and 115, sbownonpg!i!!!l!.
NotwithEtanding the foregoing, tbe o\mec ofthe Sonnenalp Garage and the llnmer of tbe
Swiss Parcel uderstand and agrec as follows:
(t) The parking spaces located in the Taliman Garagc (o<cept ts othecrryisc
ganted to the Owner of thc Sonncnalp Parscl in claus€ (b) of this Sestion 3.02 abovt:) are for thc
iole and e(clusive use of the thosc parties who own tho Talisman Units from tirnt: !o timc (the
'Talismau Unit Ownen'), as such rigbts nay be assiged and allocated to thc Talisnan Unit
Oumers by Talisman; aud
(il) Any elevator located in ihe Talisnan Garage is reserved prirnarily for the
use of the Talisman Unit Oumers and theh Permitt€€s.
gg$ipg3.03, Swigs Garaee Easemenl The Owner of the Swiss G*ge, urbject to lhe
tenns and conditions sct forth in this Declantion, hcccby grants and couveys the following:
(a) To the Owner of thc Soonenalp Parcel, a perpebal, ;ronexclusive
pedesnian and velricular access easenent and rigbt-of-way over, acnoss, on 8trc. tbrough the
Swiss Garagc, i!g[d!!g without limitstion acc€sn b the loading docks loc*d in the Swiss
Garage; urd
(b) To the Orrner of the Talisman Parcel, a perpehral, p.Snexglr+silgpedeskian
and vehicular acc€ss easemelrt aod right-of-way over, across, on and tluough the firiss Garage,
blrt e.xcludins acccss to ihe loading docks locatcd in the Swiss Garage; and
(c) To the Orvner of thc Sonnenalp Parcel, a perpetual arrd e4cl!$iYg
pedestrian and vehiqrlar access eas€n€nt and a pcrpetr:al and exclusive parkhg (us€ment on,
across and through those 17 parking spaces locded in the Swiss Garage a:d numbered
[43]through [60], inclusivc, shourn on Erhlbit Q: with the understanding that upclr completion
lfilil Bgll,fi?..,
n tt6,00 D rt.00
iilililflil lluilffi |ilililililtfilill ilil ffi ilt *fi,1,i,fi? ..,Toff J Slronton E st.. 0o 17t i tS..m D O.t!-
of construction of the Swiss Garage, the Owner of the Swiss parccl and thp ormer of the
fonnemlp Parcel shail rcvjew tbose yrnlered slnces 6 finnlly locatedin thc Garalp, wittr the
**:1,"1^959q C the erctent feasiblc, tbJ list of number€d spaces in the s',riss Garageoesrgnated tor the occlusive usc ofthe Ounrer ofthc Sonncnalp Parcci so tnt aU suci,
aieloc*ed e,rtirely within the boundaries oftte Swiss parcel.
- \"Sfu!"tding the frregoing, the Owuer of the Talisman Parcel and the C,ruer of theDonnenalp rarcel uderstand ud agree as follows:
- (t IT pgUog spaces located in the S'n'iss Garage (except aii otberwisegranted to tbe ovmer of thc sonncoalp Parcel in clause (c) of this sectioii g.or aboye ,r are for thesolo aud orclusive use of the Ol er of th, Swiss parced
- (ii) Any elerrator looated in the Swiss Garage is reserved primarily for the useof the Owner of the Swisj parcel and such OnvrJ, p."nitto.; *a
(ln) The acc€ss Aom Willow Bridge Road into thp Swiss Garage is reservedqrigarily fur the use of tle owner of the Swiss pu,cet ana such owrer's permift es, and theTalisman Unit owncrs shall usc that access as a sccondary routc only, uA* ,"caas via VailRoad is not readily available, The Owner of &s gsnneralp i,ucf fitevils" ,l"u *u the W,illowBridge Road sccess as a secondary route only, except niie,r access is t"dod b he loadingdock in the Swiss Garage.
,^-,_-S#+j{l ,$Epoiuhrent olResooasib.lg.Ouraer. The Owners hereby rppoint andqestgnate tne Responsible owner as the oqmer who will maintain, operate ana&ii in good
grder, repair and condition thc Garage. The Ormers aclarowledie^that at the Ilesponsibleowner's option, the \rpo.usib-I9 Ovmer may delegate such respoisibilities to a rnaruger orassociatioupursuant to Scction 5.10 below.
- .In carrying out its responsibilities under this Declaation" tbc Responsibl Owner isarrthorized, withorrt limitation, !o do the following, the costs of whic&. shall be iasl.rded in the
S^P-:_*^T }dc,I"d or otherwise authorized and-assessed to tbe Owners as provirled in thisuBgrariEmon below:
(a) Hire, pay_ and^ supewise ail persons ne.cessary to bc cmproyed in ordor toproperly maintah and operaG the Garage. The cosb associated
"'ittt *"t Uiria penrcnnel shallbe hcluded in tte annuai b'dget ron a"Eu,"g", io*it*a io attirr" v;1";
o) Discfarsg any previo'sry hired prson whose work or performance theResponsible Owner determines to Ui **c"ss# o, undesirable.
(c) Maintain and repair the Encement Areas as ncc€ssary to nrrintai,, theGarage in good condition" subject to the provisiotrs ofrhis Declaration aUocatiug rerlponsibility
(d) Enter into contacts for utilitics, fash rernoval, and othrr servicesn€cossary forthe maintenancc and operation of the Garage, in the name of the FesponsibleOvrner as agent fot all Orvnere,_ as 6e Respousibte O$rnar shall elsct. The Respons:ble Ovmer
$dl y* diligerrt efforts to obhin the bcst price available as to any sqr,ice, srareriat o r purchase,
lut thatt be cntitled to purchase or conhict for the same with consideration for o1 her factors
(s99h as' for otample, tbe level of seryice and any requiremeots of the Owuers for expediteddelivery of services) as needed to best scrvc the intcrests of tl,e owncrs.
G) Purchase- equipment, tools, vehicles, appliauces, goods, su rplies andmatrrials as sirall be reasonably nccessary to perform tbe'dr:ties of G-nesponsr ,lc owner,including tbe naintenancc, qpkeqr, t"pait, ncpla"",meot refi:rbishing and presenrar ion of theGarage.
- (0 Collest assessm€nts from each Oumer based upon tlre budget grrepared asprovided in Article V.
Spction 4.0?. Mainteumce Easement Each owncr grants to the Responsibl : Owncr aperpetual, non'exclusive eascment in and to that part of the Oirage located on sucS O,mer's Sitefor any pu4lose reasonably neccssary for the maintenancc, repair or inspection oftlre r.iaragc anithe utilities and other installations cornpnsxrs or serrdng'ttt Crog", and generally for theconduct of such activities ry3sonably requirca of tUc Resdnsible Ofier in 6i pcrn'rinance ofits dutiesuder this Declaration.
In additio+ as utility lines and other installations serving a Sitc nay lio in, on or under adi&rcnt Site, each ownet grants !o tbc other oumer a pcrpehrd, oon-o"l*ive easenrent in srd
lo that Part of the Garage located on such Owner's Siteior hc purpose of maintaining, rcpairing,inse$"g or:eplac_ing sg9h utility installations that serve anoth& Owner's Sia, pri,vidcd thtany Owuer who utilizps this easement (i) must not interfere with the use and enjoyn:ent of &eEascment Area in any mgterial, adveise way, and G) shax tu*to." tn" Bur"-r,r Area tosubstantially the same condition as existed bcfo; the Ou;er,s work.
-- -
Notwitbsunding the provisiom in tbis Section abovg cach owaer rvill be respr,nslblc forall maintenance, rqlairs, restoration and other work requirrd or advisable from ti*e to time onany stairways and clevaton located within that portion oiru Aarage ourncd Uy the Onirer.
- Section4.03' Alteration of Easemgnt l4o[lrovcments. Fach Owner vdth r€sl,ect to anET".*t Area may not commenc"@asement Area that win advcnely
Su"t.tut use and-enjoymcnt of the Eas;rcnt aro uyt" Owner ofthe Benefitted Slrp wi&out
F..pdof submis-sion 9f Plry and specificatioru for fr alteratio" *a O. pJ* writte: approvalby the owner of any Benefitel l:,!, rytr approval nol !o !e unreasonabry withheld ,,, drr"y"J.Such plans and specifications shall be in sud"rorm and shall contain such-information ru may be
I illill lllililtill ilffi ilil illtl ilt ilililtl [|l Et#*?*I.|k J .Slronlon Eril., C0 17a R t3€,00 D I r.Oe
reasonably required by the Ovmcr of tho B€o€fitted Sit€. Ths Qrvrcr of the Benefittd Sit'e shall
deliver to sqcn t"q,!."ttng OumFr(O wittpn approval or disapployal of such plans and
speoificarions withir30 days after 1|13r receip by te Oumer of the Benefitted Site rf tbe plans
and spocifications * ruqoitra above. If ibJoqrner of the Be,nefitled Site fsils to rleliver such
urli$; approval or disippnoval within thc time puiod specified abovc, that Owner sball be
decmcd to havc disryproved the submission,
Section 4.M. Permitted Users. Thc Owner of a Benefitted Site shall be enti led to make
tle g.*lefitted Sit" o*ituUte for use by the PermitEes of such Owner on sucl' te'sns and
conditions as may be imposed by zuch O-rvner in its sole discrction. Any d4age cn dcstruction
to the Easement Arca caused byany Orvner or srrc,h Orvner's Pcrmittees shall bc rqnircd at ttre
sole enpeose of suoh Owner.
Section 4.05. Reservation of Rigtts. Tbe Owncr of each Ess€Nnent Area res€rves sll
dghts with 1gspe"t to gr:ch pas"-unt area which aro not hconsistcnt with the right c f the Owner
ofthe corresponding Beuefitted Site to use and enjoy tle easement glsnted to such O wner.
Sestion 4.06. Indemnification. Tho Owner of 'eac,h Benefitted Site shal. indernnif'
defena and hotd hauless tbe Owncr of the corresponding Easerncnt Area from auc against any
claimq dcmands, Iiabilities, actions or causes of actions, suit+ jtdgmcnts, duagt s qnd costs,
inctudiug withoui limiution reasonable attorncy's fee+ uising out of or related to th , use of sush
Easemeot Rrea by fhe indcmnifying Orvner or ths Pc,@ittc€s of the iudemni$ing Ot'ncr.
Section4.07. Ooeration ldaintenance anC RppFirgf.Easenent Area Srrbject to the
*o*unG *d
.et fotrtr i" atti"t" V below, the Responsible Ounrer will perform tre
gencral operation, rnaintenance aud rcpair of tlre Garage. The Resporrsiblc Owner ldll maintain
and operate the Garage in'a safi clean and atuactive condition
Witbout limiting the generality of the foregoing, fre Responsible Owner will do the
(a) Maintain records suffcient to desoribe tie servicss providcd by qe
Resporsiblc Owner untler this Dcclaration, and such financial books and rccords sufficieot in
acdrdanoe with prwailirrg accounting standards, includtrg identification of the sorrrce of ftnds
cotlected by the Responsibte Owner and thc disburseinent of zuch fimds.
(b) Deposit all ftnds collested fu the Owners or other"wise acctuing to tbsir
berrefit in a special bank account or accounts, segregatcd ftom the othcr funds oftlre Responsible
(c) Recommend to the Ouners for their adoption, rulcs and rcgrrlatio'ns, and
from tirae to time, anrendments to the sarne, for the use of the Easeroe-nt Areas oi the Garage,
and enforcc zuch des and rcgulations in a consistpnt rnanner.
(d) Retain and employ such professionals and such othor eliPerts whose
seryices may be reasonebly required to effcctivcly perform thc duties of the Rcsporrrible Owner,
in accordanse with the budget provided pursr:ant to Articlc V below,
til|||iltililil|co 174
Ililll[lllllll f,r#ifi?,,,-
R 138,00 D rr. O0Tr|l J tlrontO E rl.,
NotwithsEnding anything n this Section 4.0? or elsewhere in this Declrration, tbe
Responsible Owncr shall bc exoued fiom iA obligation for the operation and mairrtenance to
operato the Grage (i) to thc ortcnt and whcnsver tbc Responsiblc Ovmer is prer,cntcd ftwu
doing so by force't'ajzure cErses, (ii) to eo ortent that any brcaoh by any other (lvmer of iG
obligations under this Dcclaration, iuoluding (withoir ltnitdion) a brcach of su,;h Oumer's
obligatiotx to pay assessmeots under this Declratim, prevents fte Rcsponsible ( )qrncr ftom
carrying out its duties under this Agrcenent, or (iii) to thc extcnt ard whenever there is provided
in this Declaratistr a limitation upon the Responsible Ocmcr's ability to experd fun< s in respeot
ofthe Garage.
For lhc purpose of this Declaration, 'torce majcure causes" shall mean causcr beyond the
reasonable control of flrc Responsible Owner, including casr:alties, war, insurrect on, strikes,
lockouts and governmcntal actions. Witb respect to clurse (ii) in fte paragraph immediately
above, the Responsible Owner agrecs thag notwitbstanding any zuch.breach by ano tre,r Owner,
the Responsiblc Owner shall continue to perform its duties to the srtprt of furds ava itable under
this Agrcencnt and shall rse commercially reasonable €fforts to eoforce this Agreer reut gglinst
ths Owner in breaclU subject to the provisions of Artiale V.
Scction 5.01 . SubqniSsion of Bdset Unless the O$arcrs agree in uriting ot irenrise, tho
budgat for the operation and uraintensne of the Garage shall bc based on the cslerdar year as
thc fiscal year, At teast 60 days before the closc of any fiscal year during the rerrr of this
Declaratiog the Responsible Omer shall Fr€pars urd submit to the other Oqmers rr budget for
the cnsuing fiscal year, with lirc itm enties includiag (without limitation) a line item for
appropriate rcs€rves for capital cl(p€rls€.s and a contingcucy line itsn fu unroticiprtcd, ouncnt
expen$es. Thc budga will include a stotem€nt ofthe estiruated assessments payable by each
Owncr for the cnsuing fiscal year. Thc Responsible Owner acknowledges that it b as a duty to
tbe other Onners to budget the expctr"es urd resenres in a fair and commercial\' reasonable
manner, taking carc to allocate costs to each Owncr in relation to the benefit affotded to each
Ovner, and takfury futo.ascoud the intensity of the use of the Eascment Areas availrble to eacb
Otmcr, so tlat no Owner or Site subsidizes ep€nscs pfopcrly chargeable to anothr Owncr or
The Owncrs shatl have 60 days after receipt of thc budga to disappro'rc auy items
in reasonable detail by notice 1n witing to the otber Ownen. All it@s not disapproved witbin
60 days shall be de€med acceped. If the Responsible Orrvncr doos not receive a writbn response
fiomthe other Owuers wiftin 60 days, tte entire budgetshall be deened accepted.
Sestioo 5.02. Budeet Increases. If the budget submitted by the Responsible Ownec for a
fiscal year reflec8 an increas in total costs, other tban the menagemrent fee pa;nblc to the
Responsible Owner rmder Section 5.07- of 10% or less, compued to the prwiow yrnr's budget,
or if ttre line item costs in any single catcgory are increas€d by 5Yo or less (subject to the
foregoing l0%o czp on any increasc in thc toul biudget), tbcn such increases shafl not bc the basis
for any objection by the other Ouuers to the pmposed budget,
I lllillllffill il lilll]|lt ilutil lffi ilil ||] 8fi1 tfi?,.-T.rt J St|qrtqr Erct.. G.D r74 n 133,90 I C.0e
HoweYet, if the burlget zubndted by thc Responsible Onnrer for a fiscal year reflects an
increase in total costs' other than the mrnngement fee payable to the Responsible Omer rurder
Section 5.07. of srorp than I ff/0, compared to the prwidus year's budget, or if the linr , item costsin any single cstegory are increa$ed by more trsr-s% (subjeot to theloregoirg l0% cap on any
increase in q. tot l budget), and if that budget is disrypbved by the oihec-owner s,
Responsible Owner, within 30 days aft,r tlre nesponsiUte Oumer's receipt of writtcu I rotice fiom
an Owner digang.roving the budgeg shall rcvise the disapprovcd budget, taking into cc nsideration
the reasons for disapproval, md submit a levisea budget io the other-Ounrers fi. tt"it pproval:
If any ditracnces rcgarcling the proposcd budget for a given fiscal year arc n rt resolved
befo-re the begin4ing of the fissalyear-fur,question, the nesl;lsiUtc Owncr sball .ontinue to
conduct actividcs under ihis Declaratioa, using the hrdget for thc previous fiscal y,lar, sa1g1 1
Budget for the ae$' fiscal year is apprcved- ffthe Owncn are unabli to resolve any liffercnce,
rcgarding the p'roposeil budget for a giveo fiscal ycar within 60 days after thc bcginling ofthe
fiscal year in question, then the parties will arbitrate the matters in dispute accor,ttiat to tne
procedures in Article VIII.
Sestiog 5.03. Ouartedy Meetiscs" The Reeponsible Owner and the other Orvners shall
review opercing and other financial matters relating to the Garage (i) at regularll,.scheduled.
quarterly meetings and Gi) at any other time and fiomtime to time ulon ie*onible rirpa* by an
Section 5.04. Financial Reoods. The Rcsponsible Owner shall deliver trr the other
Oramers a financial report for the Garage with respeCt to each calendar year oD or betixe April I
of each subsequent year' The Responsible Orryner $hElt kcep all finurcial records rckcing to the
Garage at lhe office of the Responsible On'rrer iD Vail, -Colorado,
and tho recorr:.s shall be
available for inspcclion by the other Oumers during rcgulr busincss-hours following reasonable
advance notice to the Responsible Owner. At an Owncr's request, after prior writtrlr notice to
flre Rcsponsibte O'rmer, tne naponsiUtc O*ner will obtair:, not more tban oarce everJ,rwo yearsra certificd financial stabnent preparcd aftcr an urdit by an indepcndent certitiea iuUticaccountant retained by the Reqporsible Owner and rrasorably approved by the othrr Ownerr.
The cost ofthe audit contemplated underthepreceding scoteocl *r'aU Ue charged as alr operating
e'{pense fo-rlhe year r1 question, Any Ounrer msy $quest an additional audiiat any timl, at tln
ereeDse ofthe requestiug O\{r!er.
^ Ssctiqn 5.05. Imole4lentation of Budqel The Responsible Owner slrall bc responsiblefor tlre and monitoring of the budg+ wUicn ."iU form the bruiis for allelqenditures for tho Clarage. However, thc budget i.g inte,naea ody as a reasonable r.etimate ofincome and orpodihnet l9l tr9 Gaago, and the Reqponsiblc or*er .ay deviate ftom the
budget i[, in the Re'qponsiblc Ou'ner'i reasonable jud-gneut and fouowing reaso:rable prior
written notise to the Owners, adeviation is nac€ssary or ippropriate for the efrcient rurA pnraentgo{ioo of the Garagc; provided, howwec, if the RespotrsibG owner propos€s to d,ryis:te fromthe then-existing brrdget wi& a cost increase of morc than 5% "f rL" totat lrrdget, the
Responsible Owner will be rcquired to obtain the approval of the other Ovmers for the rci1ton.
^ - Sepdgq 5'06. Iazuffigi!----------------nt lutrds. The Responsible Owner sball not be requi:ed to pay
from its ovm firnds more than thc slare of Garagc e:cpeo"o 'let are allocated to thall,rsponsibll
ffill|ilill l[lu ull illl|ll ffi |l l$ .ft:ii iifn,
Owner in its capacity as an Ovmer; and the Rcsponsibla Owner sball only be r€quire( to peiform
its obligations and rnske disbursmeits under tbis Dedumion to thc extent that, ud so long as,
paymcnts rccoived from assessrnclts pald W the Oqrncrs are suftoient to pay ttrr> costs and'
€xpons€s of the Garage. If the Resilonsiblc Ormer deilermines that tb€ ass€ssments pay$le by
the Oilners are insrfficient" then the Responsible Ourncr shall notif the other Own,:rs and call
;o1 u 6.qeting to ameod the budget or otherrrisc address thc shordall in pqrments.
Section'5.07. Management Fee. The Responsible Owner shall have the riglt to receive
a rcasorable mrnagernent feg consistcnt with fees that would be payabte to an inde,ptudent third
pafiy manager for cornparable services, as conpensation for its msnsgement servic€r| under this
Declration, as sct forth in thc annual budget, but not to excccd 5% of thc budgct:d expenscs
other than the management fee. No other f€es or monios are due the Responsible O'*ner for its
manage,nent senices under this Declaration
$ection 5.08. Assessmgnts. Each Ownq shall be responsible for its sirare of the
exper$es assosiated with the Garagc. For elpenses gencrally applicable to all thc O'lrners under
thc ap'proved brrdgrg the Responsible Owner will establish an annual asscssruest 1' be paid by
eac.h Oumer, based on a formula, the numeralor of which is the ntmber of parling sgaces
dcdicated for the exclusive use by the Onnrer in question, and the deuominator of 'rrhich is thc
total nrurber of parking spaces in tte eotire Garage.
With respect to sxpenses rclating to specifio faoilities in the Garage, includQs @y way of
example and not limitation) the loading dock in the Swiss Garage, wbich are Ec,t g€n€rally
applicable to all the Ouners, the particular Ounrers who are cntitled to use such frcitities rhall be
responsiblc for thc associded e4p€Dsesr bascd on thc bencfits and costs attribulrblc to the
Owners in questiorq or based on such other tcrms as the Onners in questio:r determine
acceptabte. Any such agr€@elrt betv.een the Owners in question may be reech€d rr amended
from tinae to time witlrout requirernent for approval by any Owner who is not entitlul to thc usc
of the facility in 4rcstion.
The Responsible Owner will collect lhe assesmeots fron all Owners in puiodic
installme$ts (but no more fi,equently than monthly) and d4osit all fitttds in orre of more
segrcgated operating accounts established for tre operation and managoment oflhe (iruage. Any
allsessment not paid within l0 days after ibe due dste will be subject to a late fee eqrnl to 5% of
suoh installnent amount and dcfrult interest at the Dcfault Ratc.
Section 5.09. Budget Surplus., If the Rcsporsible Osroer dcferrrfures, brrcd on the
annual financial report prcpared in accordancc with Scstion 5.02. that the assessmerts collested
from the Ownerc for the budget year in question er<ceeded the experuies qrd fiEding required for
res€rvcs for ihat ycar, then thc Rcsponsible Oryner shall orcdit thc ovcrpalrmcil of :sscssmctrb
by e"ch Oumer against ttre ne* palo.ent of assessments due for the new budgef year, provided
thst if the overpeymeot smounE to mut than l0o/o of the total costs in the new'budge!'the
excess arrount will be rctumed b tho Owners who paidthe exacss amoutrts.
Section5.l0. Aopointncot of Manager or Assosiation. At tho Rcsponsilr.lc Owncr's
eleotion, the Rcsponsible Ovmer may dclegate some or all of its rights and rasponsil,ilities as the
Rcsponsible Owner to a manage! or managcment company selectcd by the Resporsible Owner
ilffi m ffiil H ffi lffi l[il illllilil il ll] P#lii f.s.,,T..l J tlFnten aal., O0 lta R 136.9e E e .00
and.re^asonabl:1 appmved by all Oumen or to 8n assoqiation furn€d by all of the Ovrners. Thetotul fu*t payable for management senriccs by thc Orvnen punruant to tnir ag.*,r! whetherto tbe-Rosponsible owrier, ." q{ pr.fy manage. or rnanagcmcnt company, or both, shall belfunited as prwided in Ses!ion.5.0?. and there-shall be no-duplic*ionin lees payaUle ly theOrriaers to thc Responsible Owna and any such third parry -unuger o, --,"g".*t c{,mpany,
Section l-11. Rql
Taxes. To the ortcnt tbat any portion of the Garqp inclldes
!$kiog spaces designated for the exclusive use of an oq^et oi;;fter part of the iiarage, th€Oumer wbo holds the exclusive easeiaeqt for the parking rp*r tn"ti dt th" real cstah taxesallocqble to the spaces covered by the ease,rrcnt it oinio *Lo*riji, tlut thry ,*y "grr"9n the Jca-l-e$te taxes payable with respect to spaces $served for their e,{clusive rxe oo *frrerOwner's Site by serreral difrercnt methods, inctiding by way of exaurple anJ not lin itation, thefollowing:
G) Negotiate to &termine the actual value of the Garage for p: operty bxpurpo_ses set by &e courty Assessor, as if the oaraga were a separate -to< pG,,t, withoutincluding thc actual value atuibuted by the Counp A-ssessor to the surfacc parcc, uoA *y
on or above the sut&ce of thc land
O) Calculctc the assessed value of thc Garage for property tat purposes,
based o.n tbe aqtual valus of the Garage cretsminect in accord*"" ilitu roupurt (li abo ri. '
(c) Calculae the real estatc tiltes lwiod against thc Garage on the l:esis of the
assessed valuc ofthe Garagc.
(d) Calculate the real estate t$(€s paya,ble witr rcspeot to each paricing space
on a pro rata basis.
I-r any event, all the Owners wilt iooperate md uegotiate in good faith as nec€sssry to usist each
Owner \trho is eutitled to an occlusive parking casernent and the Ovner of thrr burdeoed
Eascfirctrt Arca in rcacniry agrc€ment on the pci-qpa€e allocation of real estate taxs payable
with respect to tbe spaces in question.
. Section 6.01' Geneml Liabilig lrupr. .anpa Each Owner shall mafurtain gene:rl liabilityi$urancc against claims r* p".rooat or toaity ia;rrty, deaft or property ttanage aritir{g eo- d,use of sucb Easement Area" with single limit of Uaiitity or nof teis ttran ure it,ooo,rjbo and anumbrella policy of not less theu $5,000,000. It, ton -time
to timg reasonabli practice woulddistate thst such limit should be increased, srcn O*o19 shall increase sucl llrits to theneoe$sary greater arnouot. Such liability insurance sball name as additional insurcds tbe othcrOwner($ with rcspect to such Easement Area and shall contain a provision Sat no act oromission by an onrner shall void the polioy or operale as a conditionio **u"ry b;, any otherpcrson under such policy.
iffinl$$u uru ffir ilIru ffi !l ru ; nliiii':*."
Section6.02, Damagg or Destfgsnon. rlacrr uurnef, wfl'rnsurc au iinpr)v€ments on
sttch Ownsr's Siie ftat comprise the portion of tbe Garage located on such Owner's Sitc, in an
'mount equal to es firil replacement vrlue of such improvements. kr th€ went of ,lamage to or
destuction of m Easemsrt Area by fire or arq' other catrse, similar or dissinila r, insurcd or
uninsurod, the Ou/Ee[ of the Site on which such Easement Area is located will n $oro, repair,
replace or rebuild the portion of suchEasement fuea so damaged at the cost of such. Orrynsr. ffa
portion of thc Garage tbat is so dr-aged is located on more than one Sitc, srrch rlwaers may
elest to act together to accomplish such rcstorciorl rcpair, rcplaceinent or rebuiHing of such
dmnged Easement Areas, If, within six mon6s aftcr the date of such casualty clamage, such
Owuer(s) hane not eitlrer (i) cornplcrcd or (ii) commenced and continucd diligBntly the
rcstontionr rcpair, replacunent or rebuildiag of the portion of such Easement Area so dmr"g.q
any othcr Owner may cotrunencc, contimre or complete such restoration, rcpair, relilaceorent or
tcbuilding with the proceeds of the insurance carricd by the Oumer of the damaged Sitc (and for
that purpose, each Owner shall be namod as a loss payec on the propcrty insurance lrolicy carried
by each other Onrner). If the damage is not cover,ed by insruance due to the or;rssion of the
Owner of the ilamaged Site or due to such Ownpr's desbion to self-insure, then any .lther Owner
may conrmcncc, continue sl ssmflcto zuch restoration, repair, rcplacemcnt or rehrilding at the
sole cost and expense of the Owncr of such damaged Sitc.
Section 6.03. Mutral Release ard Wgiygr of Subroqation. Each Owucr, .[rr itself and
anyone claiming through or under such Owncr, hcrcby rcleascs cach other O'rnrer and its
slteccssoB and assigns and waives any and alt rights to recover against each other ()wner and its
succ'essors and assigns for any loss or damage to such Owner's Slte, any improveroents located
tbecon, any personal properly of such Oumer and any other property danoage or todily injrry
arising from any causc or type ofperil correred by any insruancc carriod or required'o bc carrieil
by zuch Owner tnder this Declaration or covered by any other insurance actually carried by such
Owner. ri/ithin 10 days ofthe eorecution of this Declaration or the issumce of auy ne w insruance
policy after ths date hereo{, whiohever is applicable, cach Owner s}rall cause the insurer ofsuch
Site to issue a waiver of subrogation rights cndorscrnant (if svailablc on oommercially
reasonable terms) to all policies of insuranco caried in connectiou with such liite and any
improvemelb and personal propcrty locaied thereoq whioh states, arnong othei thlrgs, that tre
relcase and waivsr contained in this paragraph sball not impair or rrduce covcrage under such
Sectipn_.6.04. Condenrnation.
(a) In the event of a total or partial taking of an Easemeft Area in
condenrnation proceedings or by alry right of cmineut domain (including a deed or r r hcr tansfer
in tieu of eminent domain), tlrat portion of the tolal aggregaE award for such laki:1g, includfurg
seYcratrce damages' atfibutable to fte value of such Easement Area so hlceq shall be payable
only to the Owner of such Easement AreC and no claim for such award shallte raade by the
Ovmer of any concsponding Benefitted Sitc, zubject to the provisions of Section 6.0{@}bclow.
(b) The provisions ofSection 6.04(a) above shall not prohibitthe r)wner(s) of
a Bcaefitted Sitc with rcspcct to an Easemeut Area so taken fiom filiug collaterat ckrims with the
condemning autrority, for rccovery ovcr ald above tlp value of the Basement Arerr rc t{ken, to
the extent of eny damage sr.rffercd by the Owrer of such Benefitted Site resulting from such
I lllil lfl lllill ffi llil ililll illl il lilill ll lll P'#, 1,81f.,.,,
iri"u sironton F.itr, co 114 n 1t!'00 D e 'oe
taking; providcd sucfi claim or rccovery docs not reduce or dfunfutish the amount ol'the award
whirh the Ovmer of such FasementArcawould otlmnrisc receivc.
(o) Il fte went of srch a taking of an Easemqrt Area' ttrc Q1ry6gr r t dth rcspest
to such Easemeot Area man but shall not bo obligatcd to, restq€, rcpsL, r€plsc.€ or rebuild ths
portion of such Easement i\rea not so takcn at th€ cost of zuch Owner. Iq, within six moDfhs
after tho date of zuch taking, such Owner has not either (i) completed or (ii) comrrrenced and
continued diligcnfly Se rcstoratioq rcpair, replaceure,nt or rebuildirrg of the portrn of such
Easement Area not so taken, the Ownor of the condemncd Sirc shall ma&e the corrdeurnation
proceeds available to any othea Owner, on demand for the purPose of completing suoh
rrstoration, repair, replacelnent or rebuilding of the remaidng Base,ne,lrt Area uot trrken in the
condemnation proceeding.
Section 7.01. Rights of Action. In tho cvcnt th8t any Onner fails to oomply'ritb uty of
tlre pro.'isioru of tnis niitaxation, then subject to the requiremenB for arbitation rlet forth in
artiitc Vttt. the Responsible Owner or any of ffre other Ovrncn shall have any aod all remedips
proviO"A Or Uy law or iu equity, including, without limitation: (a) durages, (b) injurrctive religf
i"O t") speciftt perforrrance oithc covcn"uts in this Deckation. The prwailirU Orvner(s) shall
Ue eiriUia to rccov€r from the nonprevailing Omer(s) rsasonablc attomcy's ftcs lnd cosB in
additionto any other anounts providedfor inthis Declararion"
Each Ovmer acknowledges that a defrult by onc Ovmcr unilcr this Declaratirm shall not
eiccuse tle failure by atry otbcr Owner to perfotm its covcnants rmdcr this Declaratit,tt' €llc€pt as
specifioally provided in Scction 4.ff/ abovo.
Section 7.02. Failure to Perform Rrsrired Maintenanoe. In the cv€It that the
Resporisiblc Ormer fsih to perform or oause to bc pcr,formed thc maintenance rerlrired under
this Declaration, theo any otLer Owner shall be authorized to perform the worb sirject to the
in this Section. The Rasponsible Owner shall be given at least 60 days' prior
written notics and an opporornity to que within that period (or if tlre cur€ caonot r(rrsonably be
compl*ed in thet time an op'porurnity to commcnce aod dilig€ntly pursue a oure) or commenco
and diligcntly ure, provided" however, that in cmergeocy circumstances, the Resporaible Oumer '
$hall be elrtitled only to such sbortcr notice as nay be reasonablg if possiblc rrl aIL If the
Responsible Owrer fails to act within the tlme (if auy) allowed undcr the preoediog s@t€ilce,
thea another Owncr sball eutitled to perform or sause to b€ p€rformed tte rcquired rnaintenance.
ln that even! tho perfouning Owner shall havs tbe right to (i) receive lcpaynent frr the actual
cost of its perforrnance fiom the segregated account(s) es&ablisbcd for the Garage, (ii) levy
asses$nents to pay for the costs incuned, (iii) ass€ft a lien to securc the paynrcnt of the
obligation as provided in Section 7.03 below, a,nd (iv) exercise such oth€r reneditrs as may be
available at law or in equity.
If the Rcsponsible Oluner fails to perforrr the maintenmce required uuder this
Declaration on mor€ &an thr€c occasions, trcn tre other Ovmerg may appoint a replacement
Rcspoasible Owner, who -qhetl swcccd to all thc rights aad responsibilities of that r,:,le r.yrder this
. .srcllon&qa sta.t@lnt of Account The Rcsponsible owner will provi<le, withi! 15
days after tlc effcctive date of a written rrqucst by any Ov^ea a satsslcnt in&catin1l'the amount
gf 9f pnaid charges ctr sraounts duc tom the rtquesting owner under tbe lrffs of thisDeclaration' Py existins d€faults under this Dcclaratioir by tlic rcquesting olvn€r, rrad any other
information deerred proper by the Responsible Orrmer.
Sectio-n 8.01. Tbe Ouarets intend that any and all disput€s
TlinS oul o{, or pertaining ,n aoy way to, tUis Declararion be govemed and settle j punuut t to
the procedures set forth in this Articb VIII
. seption 8,Q2. AmilfFlo Reolutign Thc owners will attempt to scttlc any dispute
tsyq thera amicabJy within 30 days after any complaining Ourncr providcs the rrrber Owners
wittt writtcn noticc of the dispute. To'this cnd, the Owners witt consutt and negotirrle to reach a
solution. If thc Owners mylqal]y agree, thcy may seek to resolve tJrc dispuG thbu6Jr mediation.Howwa, nothiog io this Article VIII will preclude either party Aom comrnencingiarbfuation at
any timq subject to the terms ofthece p,rocedures
Section 8.03. Exceotions to Duty to Arbitate.
(a) Tpmpora{v Esuitable.Relief, Any owncr may scek t€mponlry eguitabre
relief from any court of cornpetcnt jruisdiction withorl'beiug tequir"a to arbitate rinadr mcse
procedures, to thc extsut that any event or circumstancp arises such that the Owrrrr worrld be
t|enarablV injured aad no adeqr:ate remedy at law would exist for such party, but dre nerits of
the claims betrveen and anong thc Owners lhat glve rise to the necd for such eqrritable relief,
including aoy entitlement to permanent equitloblc rclief, will be det€rroined byirbitation in
accordancewith the provisions of these proccdures.
. O) - E_nfoE:eqent of Pa.vment Obligatio$. Further, if any Owno, fails to pay
eny atnouil due undcr this Declaaation witbin tlo timaproviaea, then the otlnr Owrl:rs may
the non-paying Ov'rner for t\e.sgn {ue, for dauagcs cirxed by-the failure in pa},nrent, ani uny
other refief available rmder this Declaration or at iaw or in equity, without arry requirancnt foiarbifation under this Artislb Vm
Secfon-t g!. Obligation to Arbitate. Exccpt for mattas excluded fionr arbitration
under Sd4+{.93, any dispute, conrove(sy, or claim arising out of or relating in any way to
4dicle V of this Declaration will be sefiled 6y binding arbiuaiion conducted in aeclrdance with
these proccdures.
Seotion 8;05, Commencemerf of Aftitration.
I ll[[ ilil ffiil ffi lffi ililI fifi il ilil il ill f, iil1fil''ir..'
T..l J tlmniqn E rt!' c0 17a R 136.00 D O'00
(a) No!i99. Any Onner ntay at any ti'ne iuitiate an arbitation under thesd
procedures by giviqg a nrittcn noticc of arbitratidn (6e 'Notice") to the other ortruers. Tho
Notice will contain a stsE@ent of any disputc in suffcient detail to apprise the othe r: Oumers of
(i) the nature and scope of the dispub, (ii) thc initiqfi"g Owne,r's position and (i:ii) the relief
sought. Witltin 30 ,{Ts after receipt of thc Noticg or wi&in such other peciod oI rime as thc
Owners may agree, the other Owners will deliver their responses to the initiatiug Omer (the
"Arsweri'), which will contain their statements of the dispute, their positio::a and any
cormterclaims that they seok The initiating Owner will tlen bave 20 days, or such rlthcr period
as. the Owners tnay agre€, to deliver its response (the 'Reply') to any couterclaim raised in tho
Atrsrw€r. No amendrnents to the Notice, Arswer or Reply will be permitted withoul the consent
of the other Owners or of the arbitator named as provided below. Upon the appcintnent and
acceptance of the arbitator, a copy of the Noticg An$r/€r and Reply will b€ 11iven to tho
arbiuator promptly as thoso items become available.
(b) Selcction of an Arbitrator, There u,i[ be one arbitsatq. If, within 20 days
after the Notice, the Owners have bccn rmable to Egree upon a mutually accepta,bh: abitrator,
they will request that Thc Judictal Arbiter Group, Inc., Eryoint an arbitrator ftom amr: ng its ponel
of arbitrators, aod Thc Judicial Arbiter Groui,.Inc., then will condust thp arbitation. If that
organization is unwilling or unable to seiae, &cn Judicial Arbitration & Mediatiou Sorvices, Inc.
will be requested to appoint an arbikator and condust fte sbitation,
(c) Ccrtain Adniaisfrativc t#Ih. The arbitator rcay appoint a:$crctary. to
assist the tn:bual ia the adrrinistative auangcmcnts for ttc proccediugs, The arbitrator may
also employ such stenographic aad orther assisbncs as tho arbitator dccms necessary,
Section 8.06. Failure to Participate. If an Owner, having bcen given noticc and
opponunity, fails or refirses to appear or participate in an arbibation or in any tlage of the
arbilration, the pmceedings wifi nevefihcless be cooducted to conclusion and fual rrwud. Any
award rcnde,red uder such circrmstanccs will be as valid and cnforceable as if alj parties had
appcared and participated fully at all stagss ofthe arbitration.
Section 8.07. Place of Arbitation. The place of arbitration will be in a location in Eagle
County, Colorado, as selccted by the arbitrator, unlcss the parties otlrerwise muhr:rlly agree in
Section $.08. Confidentialitv. The parties ad tl€ arbitrator wilt tueat as corrfldential all
aspects ofthe arbibation proceedings (including the pleadings, discovery, testimony; erridencg
briefs and the a*ud), ualess tle parties othenrise agr€c in writing md axcept t,l tle orteqrt
required by law or to enforcc aoy arbitation award.
$ection 8'09. Pfeliminqv Mceting. The arbitaror will hold a prelininary nl:etiag with
thc partieg at a time and place itetehined by the atimror, fu the discwsion o:1 proc-dural
mattcts furior to tbe issuance of such procedural direstiv€s by the arbitator) and for d.issussion
of such ortlermatters as the arbitmormay determine.
Sestion 8.10. hocedtueg lhe proccdures to be followed in any arbitratior undcr this
Declaration will be as prescribed ia this Article VItr and in such sdditional directive I consist€ni
illlllllllll eo:ts65lllllllllllll Prrr: rr of z7
fllllf llllltl tztntzqt+ wtodp
R ti!6,90 0 0 '00TfDk J tltrtnton Erela' C0 774
with the teryls of this Article VItr. that are issrred by the arbitEtor following cnosuldion with
the O'runers. Uot"ss oth;;tsgerd by the O$mers, tbe procedr:res will provi'le for the
suUnission of briefs by G Ottt "i, the introdu*ioa oi documents and tho' oral ter tirnony of
witncsscs, cros+xamination of wibcsses, oral argUmeffi, tbe closure of fre procr din-gS and
suqh oth; mattsrs as fro arbina1gr may decrn appropriala The arbitsiqr will r''.gUlarc all
BEffers relating to the conduct oitn" uttituti* (iiituding aoy tssort t9 a court for l rrovisional
i*tJbrj, Gitrf*c"*.ttt of any award, ud any otber quastion 9f slbiqation law or procedure
in accordsrce with theso Procedires and as oth;iliso proviiled in the Commercial ' lrbitation
Rules of the American Arbitation Association (thc "Rules") and the Colorado Arbilration Ast
(the "Acf). If any conflict orists behrccn thc provisions of the Rules and thu Act, thc
provisions of ihe Actwil fevail.
.Section E,ll. Linitations aniC I,acFg. As a preliminary issue, tbc arbitral,lr may' in
*"pooliiiTilotion O aismise or a motion f91 summary judgment' rendcr an award dr:tcrmining
the merifs of any claim based on limitations or lacbes bclore consideriog the substarrtive merits
of the arbitration clairn.
Sectioo E.12. Discovery. Discovery will be handled cxpcdilioruly, ad fte arhitator will
aegne tUc tilnits of d$o@hchding -thc
ngmbcr of dcpositions that may be lr&eu" €ficr
* iO"i"g the complcxity oi-te issues-anO the arnount in conhoversy. Discovery')rocedures
available ii litlgation befffe the cour6 will not apply iu an arbitation condugted lrursuant_lo
these Procedures. However, each party will prodrrCi rcleYaot and non-privileged dor;unrents (or
copies of such documcuts) a"."qu;"t"4 by tbc other palty' The arbitrator will proq:tly resolve
all disputes regarding discovery.
se.ction E.13. Afralsvits. Each party may submit widence i_q the fomr of sworn
amo"uifiG,-npo-r m"@orthe otber irty, the party zuburitting tbe affi<lavit will make
the affiant avaitable for doss-ofilrination. If thc affiant is not rrude availablc' for Cross-
examindio& the afrdavit will not be considcred as widence by the arbilraror unless the
sbitator finds tlat the affiant is beyond tbe contuol of the party offering the afrrlavit or the
afrant is gnavailable, and the irtEres6 ofjusticc require considecetion of the evidenc(' submitted
by the affianl
Sectio+3.I4. Timg of hoceedines. The Oqmers intend tha[ baning cnrao_rdinary
circums@ loneua"d wilhin &ree montbs aftcr tbe date the Notice is
received Uy ttre arbitrutor. The arbitator will l:se his q her b€$t efforts to issue the Jinal award
or awards wiOin
pcrioa of 30 days after closut€ of rhe procccdings (but failurc to drl so will not
be a basis for challenging the award)-
Scctiou 8.15. Writtco Qoinion. Any award or portion of an award, rvhether lreliminary
or ftnat, witt Ue in a rttfing sigr"d by the arbitator a"e o,itt state thc rcasorut upon whicit tbc
oward or portion of the award is based,
Section8,,l6. EnHof Jlrdenrent. Judgmcntonthcarbibationawardmayte enteredin
atry feAetat ot st"tJ *"tt h.tt"gl*t"dtction. Subject to governing law and cour: rules, the
fede,ral and state courts located -io tb"
rrfiere the U.S, prirrcipat business of6se of each
Owngl is located will bave jruisdic*ion over an action brought to enforce tla rights and
Scctiqr 8'17' Gov-erniqs Law. The arbitator's decision will be made pursuant to therelerrant sr:bstantive tawofthi Sffifcolo;;. ---- "'' r'w 'r/
section 8'l& hoyisional Relief. The ounrcrs expressly agree that prior to 1e selegtionof the arbitator, nott ing io tb€s€ pm*.,
"iii *u*l tbe owners aom appryir:g to a courttlat would otherwise tturl. j*itai"tioi f";prrii-'Gty injunctions and other simila' provisionalor interim mcasures, afu{*rg arbirator ir'J;t"d, r, oi sh, *ix h;rs;i; jruisdir;tionto heasuch applications, o(ceDt for tu. eorooi-"nioi"'n"*lr"
"cbo rrd"r s;6ru3., and exceptthat the owners agree'that *y ru."u*-il;ty- the arbiMror may be immr:diately andspecifically eoforced by a corut otherwise having j*d,di"don over the owners.
Section8.l9. Tims and.Notice. All noticeg roguests, denands, claiml , aud othercommunications unaer tlis.A4qls- yIU wiU be in udd'g i;t;"fiG ,"d.sr, derrund, ctaim,or otha commuai"ation rmderEs ffi;g1p1 ,iff U. dcemed duty given and receir ed only if itis sutt by in accordance witl tu" p,rfrffiffi-ffit
methods set forth in section 9,0 L addressedb the intended recipient at the addrcss pr,ovided p*orot to rhat Section.
., $?tion 8'29. Exqg consactuat craims. u,.oa coutractuar c'aios of a pa tr, zuch asthose arising out of allegaliont oruan raittt ffisrppres€ntstio& are within the jurisd iction of thearbrtrator. Accordiagly, ths arbitator lus the ponre_r_o grad exemplary, statutory, punitive orother damages in encess of compe.nsatory aamaies. ltrowever, tbe initiuing parry rvi.h resp€ct to
;:ff*t conhactual slaims will trave ttre u,ia". to prova such ctaims deyono e reasbnable
Soction 8'21' Cogtg. All fecs and expcnscs of the arbitation relating to th: arbihator,secretarial ad stenographir_or.:+o qssishtrte, rcnal of space and "tr,"iiir"a erpenses (asctetemined by the arbitraor) *iu F paia ui the prtio to rire arbitation in equar r barcs. Thewill notify the duners, fiil dml a dnr", of cstimated asrounts to be rdvanced inorder to meet all such anticipatcd:Tp*"*; *a *ru orryner will aavandits sban: pomptry.other fees and expenses of-the arbiirador'(b"rdrry uro_i"yJ-r"o,Eii", of rccounringacotarial or orber.otperr, Td.F.".."T.of b."dr) *ill b" p"id bitdp;],;;i"g rtem, but theowuer provailins on substantially at "rit"-irfu^ will be enritled to recov€r surh fees andexltenses a'om tle other parry ol parties to tt. *titutioo *rus" a" *tituto, lpecificellydet€rndn€s orherrvise in tni intircsrs;tiG;. " -
rr -. sectipnS'22' Exeeditiolif: Ece9dips. The ounren desfue that any abitntion underthess procodrues proceed o<peotiourty@jcct t" try.*ral *d;*;;i of the aftirator).The olvn€rs inshuct the arbi-rator t" i",i="rJ t*""nable sanctions to insure that the arbitrationproceeds expeditiously. The owners *tll ,n*" u good-faith effort to au* oo utrnecessarydelays orobstactes O the arbinationprc.rrr.--" -
|[lil,ruro Uil! Ull ilX$ |ilil $ H "fl'1 ffi**'
section g-0t Autbority. Each puty reprlseds and warrants that its er ecution and
d"tin"ry-tFffiGtr*ttffi; is t"tfirnh* of the cov€Dants under this Declrstiou have
t"*r J"fy authorized Uy ii *tiLr tJq"iJ rurder the docuqents governing its orgt nization and
Section 9.02. Transfers of Sites. Notwithsanding any other provisi ns of this
Declaration, in lhe event Filfets titlc to the site owncd by srrch orvrrer to a bos8
na" tf,irO-pirty tansferee, sue,h Ovmer shall be artomatically fued and reliEred tLrm ald after
the date of such nansfer t"- *yfafilftty for tbe perfounamc of any covenants or rrbligationslo
Uu p"rfor*"6 by such Oqner ielsting to matters or occu'Gnc€s arising ftom rrnd after the
t "rifo; and each such transfcrec of Jush Owner will be deemed, by aeceptance of a tleed to
sucb Siie, to have rpccifr"alli assgmed and agreed to performtlre covcnants and obligations of
such Owner under ttis Oeclaration arisini ftom and after the tansfer'
Seption 9.03. $uqglssors and AssigrE. This Dcclaration shall bind and benefit
so-*fr3ati* ffivG successors and assigns; povirlqd' however'
tbat if either the Sonne,nalp i.o"t ot the Swiis Pucel is zubjccted { 1co$omioirnn regime or
cftpr form of co-tenmf oro.trtip, the rigtrts anil obligitions of the Ovnrer <rf the Site in
S*rtion shall be permitted to U" ur^rigorA tJtbe oornot'-association, but not to lllF individual
co-ovrtrors ofthe Site.
Secfion9.04. Duratiou. The ermncnts and the otbcr grants, cov€nant" restrictious,
b€uefits and obligatioos ffirftiiO..f"."tion shall be deemed to qreat€ perygbal beacfits amd
sewit'das r4ron tbe Beoefitted Sites and tbe Easemcut Areas, respestively, ru$ting 'ryith ttrc land'
This Derlaralion sball create privity of contract and sstat€, or bottr' with and amorq5 tho Owners
and their successors and assigns, subject to Section 9.03 abovc'
Section 9,05" Modificafion No provision oI t€rn of tbis Declaration InaJ'be arynd{,
.oamffiwaivgd or otbenrise changed, m1 may-this l)eclaration be
t"r.i*t 4 "*opt Uy a
instrumcot tiat specifies the nrodification and is dd;r executed by
all ofthe then Owners.
Sestion 9.06. Notices. All notices arrd other communicstions reguired or pernritted
wrOer tffi Oectaraisn-shail be bunitirs and strall be deemed suftciently given witenpersolally
delivered or when delivercd by UnitedsUtes mail or overnight corrrierserryice Ur thc address
rh;;;4"* or to the addr€ss sbown on tbc conveyance by rvhich such Oumer orhined title tq
sush OuDer's Site, or whcn dclivery is refirscd. Any Owner, by notice to all of the other Ovmen
given as abovc, may cbange the'ad<tress to whic,h futrue notices or other cr'Inmunications
ttended for zuch Owner strall be sent. The srJlre.nt ad&esses for the Owners are:
Owner ofSonnenalp Site: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc.
20 Vail Road
I llill lffi lHill ilil llill lilll illl lll llill ff lll fi lhT:Fr".,
l..k J Slro|rtdl E:eh, @ 174 R 138.00 D 0,00
Vail, Colorado 81657
At[r: JohanncsP. Pacssler
Telophone: n0479-5470
Owner of Talisnan Site: Talisman CondominiumAssosiation
Owner of Swiss Site:
62 F'qstMeadowDrive
Vail, Colorado 81657
Ath: Tom Saalfeld
Fa,.c 303-4765803
Vail Dover Associateq IIC
4148 N. ArcadiaDrive
Pboerd:rAZ E5018
Atb: Robcrt M. Mcl.lichols
Telephone 602-889-23q)
Sectiol 9.07. Govemins Law This Declaration shall be govemed by and r:oostrued in
accordance with the lavrs of the Stde of Colorado.
Fection9.08. Sevgability. If any terrn or provision of t}is Declmrtion s tbe
application thereof to any pcrson oI circumstancc shall, to any e:deut, btr invalid or
unenforccablg the remainder of this Dec,lantion, or thc agplication of such tcru or provisiou to
persons or cirEumstanc€s othcr than those as to vihich it is held invalid or uncnfot,:eable, slhall
not bc affected thereby, and each t€rm and provision ofthis Declaration shall bc 'alid and be
enforced to the fulle.st extcnt permitted by law,
Section9.09, &elationshio ofPartics This Declaration is not intpnded to ,;reat€ ajoint
venture, parhership or ageircy relationship bcnrceir or among any of the Orvuers.
Section9.l0. Owners' Rights to Mortsage, Any or all of the Ouners shalli at all tines
have tbe right to mortgage or eoorunber all of their rcA€stive right, tifle ard int:rest in their
easeurents hereby ueated or any portion thereof, provided that any such tnoltgagc or
eercurnbranoc shall be subordinatc aod inferiorto sttch casemer$.
Section 9.1l Iaterprst&gon. The captions of the articles and sectiors of thitr Declaration
s.Fe for cqnvenience only and shall uot be considered to expand, modi& o:: aid in the
interpretation, consbsction or meaning of this Declaration. Uoless the contexl provides or
reguircs to thc contary, thc rue of the singular hemein shatl include thc plural, tle use of thc
phual shell include thc singular and the usc of my gender shall include all genden'
Section9.l2. No..Waiver. The faihxe to cnforce any providon of this DeclacAion shall
not constitute a waiver tbereof or of-the right to cnforce guch provision thereafter.
Section9.l3. No Public Rigtrt of &dication Nothiog contained in thirr Declarstion
shall be deemed to bc a gift or dedicrtion of all or any part of atry Parcel to the public or for any
oublic use.
lillfl,ltruru &ru uil |[|lil ffi ll ffi ;#iI fiI,*,
section 9.14- countcrparts-. This Declaration may be o<ccuted in couate4iart copics,
EJGCUTSD as of the date $et forth above.
Iimited liability company
Notary Pubtic
0/oruJu )
) ss.
LLC, an Arizonr. linitcal
couNrY or fo.cl-- l"*u yrn' The foregoing hq"-"ry was acknowledged before me rhis _{'*, or..i\rcvn-,}y r
2004 by Johannes P. Faessler as president of sonn;ab propertieg toc.,J6toriao ,o;F;Ei-*
WITNESS my ofEcial hand
My commission orpires:
,*o #*lffii?' iliffjl' T ffi;fi'# if;*-".ff##
Colorado nonprofit co4rordtion.
WITNESS my official haod qd spal.
My commission expires: llfiPaol,
ot fuury,/t+
As rociafion, a
q / )ss.col]NrYor {n y'<_ J
fr: fj*sg,,,c inso'mlnt **-""t*rot"ae6ffijl*, or Nc.etohy c20M by Robert M. McNichols as Manager of bqv€r a.Gciates, f,I-q .*'A;ffi;ftliliability company' sole member of Vail Dover Associates, LLc, an Arizona Iimiled liabilitv
WITIIESS my ofrcial band an
My cornnission expires: O]nl
Ul^uc'u..r 1ffi---
Notary Public
I ffil ilililffi ffi ffillflil ill]il ililt il ll tgffF**T-l i, Str|rnton Ercl.r O0 17{ n tgB.Co l, O.Ce
Legal Dssciption of Sonncnalp parcel (Rccitel A)
lot .1.,. .Sonnenal_p Subdivision, Vail Villege First Filing, t
Resubdivisioo of Put of Lsts L and K, Bloek 5-E, according t6-t! e
4* rccordcd October g, 2003 under Reccption No. g53l9tl Eaglc
County, Colorado.
ilil|ffi ilffi ill fiilllillililh ilffi !lil|| t'*ffi P;,,-
\d _2t. Sonnenalp SrrMivision, Vail Village First Filing; a
RpsuHivision of Part of Lots L and K Block 5€, according to thc
p]at recorded Ostobor 9,2003 undor Reception No. 853I9i, Eagle
Cormty, Colorado.
r.* J Elmntm E sl.' O0 17a R 13t,00 D t.( 0
Leeal D€scriltion of $ei$s Parsel (R€cital B)
ffi|iltilil@ 17aluil,lflilil!iluliltl
LECTAL orsciurrror*l on nrs pnorlnTr
m.ffi1iHf*t*rfiJ**age First Filh6 oounrv qf Ersts state of ooi orado,
ff.rHn:x,eil_ry,Tsffi iir#iffiffi s,fr :g-tr*.HSlH.
Fl'HF,Effi ;T.thcsor,=o.oord;,rutr;:1"S1fr tffiSgffi'".rsFJ:s.szoso'ooT. d aistarce or-r4s.orlli,: tii]uTedsa,iifE ;-aiffi#a6.* feot; I hence$'66"osizz'rfl .'.r,"u"*"rqoG-Gi"l??ll;r1uhd-dd;tao50,oo,w.rrnd
along the bo'adar1'orsd,iaidill ffi;;iffi5o fee*o the tnre po,iut-oru"an_ir,s ,
A non-oclusivo easement for acccss, degcrtbed ds fono$E :
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I,'n il! ..r' r'-'-'Tfi
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Planning and Environmental Commission
Department of Community Development
May 23, 2005
A request for final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to
Section 12-7A-12, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, and a final review
of a variance from Section 12-7A-10, Landscaping and Site Development,
pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Yanances, Vail Town Code, to allow for the
construction of a new underground parking garage and an above ground
elevator tower, located at 62 East Meadow Drive (Talisman
Condominiums)iParts of Lots I and K, Block 5E, Vail Village Filing 1, and
setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC0$0031)
Applicant: Talisman Condominium Association, represented by
Resort Design AssociatesPlanner: George Ruther
The applicant, Talisman Condominium Association, represented by Resort
Design Associates, has requested a final review of a major exterior alteration,
pursuant to Section 12-7A-12, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, and a final
review of a variance from Section .,12-7A-10, Landscaping and Site Development,
pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Yariances, Vail Town Code, to allow for the
construction of a new underground parking garage and an above ground elevator
tower, located at 62 East Meadow Drive. Upon review of the applications, staff
has determined that the request for a variance from Section 12-7A-10,
Landscaping and Site Development is not necessary as the proposal complies
with the prescribed development standards in which case the variance
application has been withdrawn by the applicant. Staff is recommending
approval of the request for a major exterior alteration to allow for the
construction of the new underground parking garage and the above ground
elevator tower.
The applicant, the Talisman Condominium Association, is requesting a final
review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section '12-7A-12, Exterior
Alterations or Modifications, to allow for the construction of a new 6,360 square
foot underground parking garage, a new 316 square foot above-ground elevator
tower and a new 4,105 square foot surface parking lot resulting in more than
8,900 square feet on landscaped area, located at 62 East Meadow Drive
(Talisman Condominiums/Parts of Lots I and K, Block 5E, Vail Village Filing 1.
The purpose of the application is to create an enclosed parking garage and to
improve the landscaped element of the Talisman property.
The key elemsnts of the proposal include:
. Expansion and upgrading of one of Vail's Public Accommodation zoned
properties,r Elimination of a portion of existing surface parking and the provision of a
new parking structure,r Increased landscaping and site development,r Compliance with the Town's off-street parking requirements,o Reduction in the amount of rehicular traffic on East Meadow Drive, andr lmproved emergency vehicle a@ess.
The applicant has withdrawn their request for a variance from Section 12-7A-10,
Landscaping and Site Development, Vail Town Code, as it has been determined
that the application complies with the prescribed development standards for
landscape area and site development.
The redevelopment of the Sonnenalp and Swiss Chalet is currently underway.
Upon completion, thirty-seven new accommodation units will be added to the
Sonnenalp Hotel and a new fractional fee/condominium project known as One
Willow Bridge Road will be completed at the previous location of the Swiss
Chalet. These two projects, along with the Talisman Condominiums will be
connected below ground by a new underground parking garage.
On May 18, 2005, the applicants appeared before the Town of Vail Design
Review Board for a conceptual review of the proposed Talisman Condominium
major exterior alteration. Following a presentation on the proposal by the
applicant's representatives, the Board expressed their overall support for the
project and requested that thq applicant refines the landscape plan design and
reappear before the Board on June 1, 2005 for final review.
Min. of 10,000 sq. ft.
of buildable area and
a min. of 30 feet
of frontage.
20 feet
20 feet
20 feet
22,346 sq.ft./0.513 ac
9 feet
0 feeU0 feet
0 feet
Legal Description:
Land Use Plan Designation:
Current Land Use:
Development Standard
Lot Area:
Parts of Lots I & K, Block 5E, VailVillage 1st
62 East Meadow Drive
Public Accommodation
Vail Mllage Master Plan Study Area
Mixed Use/Residential
Site Coverage:610/o or 13,631 sq.ft.
Landscape Area:40o/o or 8,916 sq.ft.
Parking:24 parking spaces
*See Section 12-7A-O for discrstion granted to the Plannlng and Environmental Commission and the criteria.
Building Height:
45 ft. for flat or
mansard roofs
and 48 ft.
for sloping roofs.
Max. of 25 units/acre
Up to 150 sq. ft.
foreach 100 sq. ft.
of buildable site area
or 33,519 sq. ft.
Not to exceed 6570
of the total site area
or 14,525 sq. ft..
Min. of 30o/o
of the total site
or 6,704 sq. ft.
1.5 parking spaces
per dwelling unit or
24 spaces
48 feet
31.2 unitsi/acre
Land Use
Mixed Use
Mixed Use
Mixed Use
Public Accommodation
High Density Residential
Commercial Core ll
Public Accommodation/General Use
The criteria for consideration of a major exterior alteration of an existing or new
buifding in the Public Accommodation zone district are outlined in Section 12-74-
13, Compliance Burden, of the VailTown Code. According to section 12-74-13,
"tt shall be the burden of the applicant to prove by a preponderance of the
evidence before the planning and environmental commission and the
design review board that the proposd erterior afteration or new
development is in compliance with the purposes of the public
accommodation zone didrict, that the proposal is consistent with' applicable elements of the Vail village master plan, the Vail Village Urban
Design Guide Plan and the Vail Streetscape Master Plan, and that the
propovl does nof otheruis have a significant negative effect on the
character of the neighborhood, and that the proposal substantially
complies with other applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive plan."
Gompliance with the Purposes of the Public Accommodation zone
Section 12-7A-1 of the Vail Town Code describes the purpose of the
Public Accommodation zone district. According to Section 12-7A-1,
"The public accommodation district is intended to provide slfes for
lodges and residential accommodations for vrsrforg together with
such public and semipublh facilities and limited professional
offices, medical facilities, private recreation, commerciaUretail and
related visitor oriented uses as may appropriately be located
within the same distrid, and compatible with adjacent land uses.
The public accommodation district is intended to ensure adequate
light, air, open space, and other amenities commensurate with
/odge useg and to maintain the desirable resort qualities of the
district by establishing appropriate site development standards.
Additional nonresidential uses are permitted as conditional uses
which enhance the nature of Vail as a vacation community, and
where permitted uses are intended to function compatibly with the
high density lodging character of the district."
Staff has reviewed the proposed application submifted to allow for the
construction of a new underground parking garage and elevator tower on
the Talisman Condominium Association property. Upon review of the
proposed plans, staff believes that the proposed development plans will
maintain the desirable resort qualities intended by the Public
Accommodation zone district development standards.
Gonsistency with the applicable elements of the Vail Village Master
Plan, Vall Village Urban Design Guide Plan, and the Vail Streetscape
Master Plan
Staff believes the proposed project largely complies with the applicable
elements of the Vail Village Master Plan. Specifically, the proposal
compfies with objectives 1.2, 1.3,2.5,3.1, 3.2,3.4, 4.1,5.1,5.3, 5.4, 6.2
of the Vail Village Master Plan.
The proposal has also been reviewed for compliance with the Vail Village
Urban Design Considerations. The Design Considerations were adopted
to assure that future changes in the Mllage are consistent with the
established character of the Mllage and will result in positive contributions
to the quality of life in Vail. The Design Considerations are intended to
guide growth and preserve the essential qualities of Vail Village. Staff
believes that the proposal complies with the established Design
As prescribed in the Vail Village Urban Design Considerations, the
Architecture/Landscape Considerations shall be reviewed and approved
by the Design Review Board.
3. Effects upon the character ofthe neighborhood
By in large, staff believes the proposed project will have a very positirre
effect upon the character of the neighborhood. As previously mentioned
above, the proposed plans largely comply with the applicable elements of
the Vail Village Master Plan, Vail Village Urban Design Considerations,
and the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan. Furthermore, the
proposed plans meet the minimum development standards prescribed fora project in the Public Accommodation zone district in the Zoning
Regulations. Through infill development the streetscape and built
environment along Meadow Drive will be significant improved and
4. Gompliance with the applicable elements of the Vail Gomprehensive
Staff believes the project complies with the Vail Comprehensive Plan.
The mmprehensive plan is comprised of many different planning
documents. The plans applicable to this proposal include the Vail Land
Use Plan, Vail Village Master Plan, Vail Village Design Guidelines &
Design Considerations, and Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan. The
previous criteria provide responses to compliance with many of the
applicable planning documents. The only plan not yet addressed is the
VailLand Use Plan.
According to the Vail Land Use Plan, the proposed development is
designated as "Village Master Plan Area". The Village Master Plan Area
is intended to provide sites for mixed use guest oriented development.
Vail Village is approximately 77 acres in size and comprises roughly 2%
of the Vail Land Use Plan area. The Vail Land Use Plan does not
specifically address this land use designation. Instead, development with
the Village Master Plan Area is addressed in the Vail Mllage Master Plan.
Staff believes the proposal complies with the applicable elements of the
Vail Village Master Plan.
The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and
Environmental Commission approves the request for a final review of a major
exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7A-12, Exterior Alterations or
Modifications, to allow for the construction of a new 6,360 square foot
underground parking gaEge, a new 316 square foot aboveground elevator
tower and a new 4,105 square foot surface parking lot resulting in more than
8,900 square feet on landscaped area, located at 62 East Meadow Drive
(Talisman Condominiums/Parts of Lots I and K, Block 5E, Vail Village Filing 1.
Staffs recommendation of approrral of the major exterior alteration is based
upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section Vl of this memorandum, and
upon the evidence and testimony presented on these applications.
Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the
applicanfs request, Staff recommends that the following findings be made as
part of the motion:
Maior Exterior Alteration
"The applicant has proven by a preponderane of the evidence before the
planning and environmental commission that the proposed erterior
alteration and new development, with minor modifications, is in
compliance with the purposes of the public accqnmodation zone district,
that the proposal is consrstenf wlth applicable elements of the Vailvillage
master plan, the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and the Vail
Slreetscape Master Plan, and that tha proposal does not otherwise have
a signiticant negative effect on the character of the neighbuhood, and
that the proposal substantially complies with other applicable elements of
the Vail Comprehensive Plan."
Vicinity Map
Reduced Plan Set
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NorlcE ls HEREBY GIVEN that the planning and Environmental commission of the
Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accoidance with section 12-3-6, Vail rown
Code, on May 23, 2005, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in
consideration of:
A request for final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to section 12-lA-12,
Exterior Alterations or Modifications, and a final review of a variance from Section 12-7A-
10, Landscaping and Site Development, pursuant to Chapter 12-17 , yariances, Vail
Town code, to allow for the construction of a new underground parking garage and an vo.4lf
above ground elevator tower, located at 62 East Meadow Drive (Talisman alOl"'_ .
Condominiums/Lot L, Block 5E, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard - ' 1j6\*thereto.
Applicant: Talisman Condominium Association, represented by Resort Design
AssociatesPlanner: George Ruther
A request for final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 1lZ-7A-A,
Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for a professional and business office (real
estate office) for the Vail Plaza Hotel and Club, located at 100 East Meadow Drive
#3/l/illage Inn Plaza, Phase lV, Lot M, N, O, Block SD, VaitViilage Fiting 1 and setting
forth details in regard thereto.
Applicant Vail Village Inn, represented by Connie DorseyPlanner: George Ruther
A request for final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-6E-3,
Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for construction of a Type lll Employee
Housing Unit (EHU); a request for final review of a variance from Section 12-134,
Requirements by Employee Housing Unit (EHU) Type, Vail Town Code; to allow for a
Gross Residential Floor Area garage credit; and a request for final review of a floodplain
modiflcation, pursuant to Chafter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code; located at
2883 Kinnikinnick Road/Exception to Phase ll, Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club
Condominiums; and setting forth details in regard thereto.Applicanl Chuck OlgilbyPlanner: Bill Gibson
A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council to approve, approve with
modification, or deny an amendment to the Lionshead Pubic Facilities Development Plan
to include the use of tax increment flnancing as provided by the Urban Renewal Law .
The specific description and area for the Lionshead Pubic Facilities Development Plan
are in the Community Development Department. The general description includes that
area north of Gore Creek, west of Middle Creek, east of Red Sandstone Creek and
south of Interstate 70 in the Town of Vail.
Applicant VailReinvestmentAuthorityPlanner: Russell Forrest
The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection
during office hours at the Town of Vail communig Development Department, 75 south
Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that
precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Gommunity Development Department.
Please call 970479-2138 for additional information.
Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please
cr,ll970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaked, for information.
Published May 6, 2005, in the Vail Daily.
Neighbor Contact List for Talisman DRB/PEC Application
. Fred Hibberd Jr.,
45 Skyline, Jackson, WY 83001. Mark E. Knight, C/O Knight Oil Tools,
Fouet Road, Lafayette, CO 70508. Vail Religious Foundation Inc., C/O Rev. Don Simonton
19 Vail Road, Vail, CO 81657
o Vail Village Inn Plaza, Condominium Phase 3 and 5,
C/O Joseph Staufer
100 East Meadow Drive
Vail, CO 81657
o Bishop Park Condominium Assoc., CiO Phillips & Assoc. Inc.
PO Box 1403, Vail, CO 81658o Village Center Assoc.
124 Willow Bridge Road, Vail, CO 81657o RiverHouse CondominiumAssociation
PO Box 2015, Edwards, CO 81632
o Talisman Condominium Association
62 E. Meadows Drive, Vail, CO 81657
o First Bank of Vail, C/O First Bank Holding CO
PO Box 150097, Lakewood, CO 80215r Vail Village Inn Inc.
100 E. Meadow Drive #33, Vail, CO 81657
o River House Condominium Association
PO Box 3459,Var1, CO 81657r Village Center Condominium Association
C/O Siena Management
PO Box 3842.Ya11. CO 81658
o Sitzmark at Vail Inc.
183 Gore Creek Drive, Vail, CO 81657o Vail Village InnPlaza, Condominium Phase 1 and 2
C/O Slifer Management
143 East Meadow Drive, Vail, CO 81657o William T. Jacobs, Jr.
2001 W. Jefferson St., Joliet, IL 60435o Edelweiss CondominiumAssociation
103 Willow Place, Vail, CO 81657