HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5E TRACT C AUSTRIA HAUS AKA SONNENALP SDD 35 2000 MINOR AMENDMENT GARAGE STORAGE LEGALoo Austria Haus Minor SDD Amendment Construction of Common Storage in the Parking Garage Approved by Staff 9125100 Affirmed by PEC llll3l00 APPTICATION FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMIS$ON APPROVAL GENEML INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission. For specific information, see the submittal requiremenb for the particular approval that is requested, The application can not be accepted until all required information b submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Questions0ll the Planning Staff at 47g-2L38-]--- A. TYPEOFAPPIICATION:tr Bed and BreaKasttr Conditional Use Permitn Major or E Minor Subdivisiontr Rezoningn Sign Variancen Special Devplopment Districttr Major or lp Minor Amendment to SDD Employee Housing Unit (l-ype: _) Major or E Minor *terior Alteration (VailVillase) Major or Minor Exterior Alteration (Lionshead) Variance Zoning Code Amendment Amendment to an Approved Development Plan tr tr tr tr tr tr B.THE 16.1ftfanc4,tTU.,^, o LOCATION OF PR.OPOSAL: Ldr:BLOCK: D. E. F. ti. H. PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #:(Conbct Eagle C-o. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) MAILING ADDRESSI owNER(S) STGN|TURE( NAME OF APPLICANT: MAIUNG ADDRESS: FEE: See submittal rquirements for appropriate fee PTEASE SUBMIT THIS AppUCATtOtr, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMEiTTS ANDTHE FEE TOTHE DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FROilTAGE ROAD, VArL COLORADO E1657. NAME OF OWNER(S): vt\-- MEMORANDUM To: ptanning & Environmenratcommission 4-l t tlF,lm FROM: Community Development Depertment DATE: September25,2000 SUBJECT: A notification and request for the confirmation of a minor amenclment to Special Development Distrid #35, Austria Haus, allowing for the conversion of nineteen (19) parfting spaces to common storage area, located at 242 East Meadow Drive, a part of Tract C, Block 5-D, Vail Mllage First Filing. I. DESCRIPNON OF THE REQUEST The applicant, Johannes Faessler, representing the Austria Haus Gondominium Association, has submited an application for a minor amendment lo Special Developrnent Distrid #35, Austria Haus, to the Town of Vail Community Development Department. The purpose ofthe amendment is to conveft nineteen (19) parking spaces (approximately 3,249 square feet of floor erea) lo common storage area. The area to be converted is located on the lower levet of the Austria Haus in the pafting struclure. The existing parking spaces thal are to be convened are no longer required spaces pursuant to Ordinance #9, Series of 2000. The new parking requirement based upon the amended standards is fofty-four (44) spaces. II. BACKGROUND Special Development District #35, Austria Haus, was approved by the Town of Vail pursuanl to Ordinance #12, Series of 1997. According to Sedion 5 (G), Development Standards, the minimum number of required parking spaces is sixty-three (63). The required number of palking spaces was derived from the exisling parking and loading requirements as prcscribed by the Zoning Regulations. The required number of parking spaces is determined based upon the total square footage ofthe differing types of us€s (retail, lodging, residentiat) in the building. Ordinance #9, Series of 2000, amended the ofi-street pafting requirements for properties within Vail's commerciel core areas. In amending the off-street parking requirements, certain types of land uses resulted in a reduced parking requirement based upon square footage of use or numbers of units. According to Vail Core Parking Map l, the Austria Haus is located within an area affecied by the amended ofi-street parking requirements. III. MINOR AMENDMENT The procedure for a minor amendment to an efsting Special Development District is outlinetl in subsection 12-9A-10 oftheZoning Regulations. Accordingto subsection 12- 9A-10, 'minor modificaf,bns consisfent with the design criteria outlined in subseclion 12- 9A-2 of the Zoning Regulations, may be approved by ttn Department of Community Development. All minor modiftcations shall be indicated on a revised development plan. Approved changes sha//De noted, signed, dated and filed by the Department of Community Developnent." Further, according to subsec:tion 12-9A-2, a 'minor amendment' to a special development district is defined as. "modifications to building plans, site or landscape plans that do not alterthe basic intent and character of the approved special development difrict, and are consistent with the design criteria of the Zoning Regulations. Minor amendments may include, but not be limited to, vartafions of not more than frve feet (5) to approved setbacks and/or building footqints; changes to landscape or site plans that do not adversely impact pede$rtan or vehicular circulation throughottt the spcial development di*tict; or changes to gross floor area of not mote than frve percent (5%) ot the approved square footage of retail, offi@, Gommon teas and other non+e sidential f,oor area." N. STAFF ACTION The purpose of this memorandum is to inform the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission lhat on September 25, 2000, the Community Development Department staff approved the minor amendment to Special Development Distric{ #35, Austria Haus, to allowforthe conversion of nineteen (19) parking spaces to common storage area. Staff's approval carries with it the condition that, . the applicant submits a revised parking level plan to lhe Community Development Department illustrating the removal of the nineteen (19) spaces and the creation of the common storage area, priorto the applicalion for a building permit. The revised plan shall become a document of record in the Approved Development Plan for Special Developmenl District #35, Austria Haus and the new minimum on-site parting requirement for the District shall be 44 parking spaces. In approving the minor amendment requesl, staff linds that the amendment complies with the criteria outlined in subsection 12-9A-2 as the amendment does not alterthe basic intent or character of Special Development District #35 and is consistent with the design criteria of the Zoning Regulations. Furthermore, the creation of approximately 3,250 square of common area is a change to less than 50/6 of the approved total square footage of the Austria Haus. I NG AND ENVIRONMENTAL COM MEETING RESULTS Monday, November 13, 2000 PROJECT ORIENTATION / - Community Development Dept. o PLANNI o MISSION PUBLIC WELCOME 11:30 am %^, 12:45 pm MEMBERS PRESENT Chas Bernhardt John Schofield Brian Doyon Doug Cahill Tom Weber Site Msits : MEMBERS ABSENT Galen Aasland Diane Golden 1. 2. 4. Austria Haus - 242 E. Meadow Drive Tyler residence - 383 Beaver Dam Hilb residence - 1552 Matterhom Circle Lionshead View Conidors George NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board may break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearinq - Town Gouncil Chambers 2:OO pm 1.A request for a variance from Section 12-8A-5 of the Vail Town Code ("Lot Area and Site Dimensions") and a request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the creation of two legally platted "Agriculture & Open Space" zoned tracts of land, located at 615 Forest Road / a currently unplatted tract of land located in the North % of Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6'n P.M. Applicant: The Vail CorporalionPlanner: Brent Wilson WITHDRAWN A request for a minor subdivision to allow for the relocation of the common lot line, located at 363 and 383 Beaver Dam Road, Lots 2 & 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3'o Filing. Applicant: John L. Tyler Jr., represenled by Braun and AssociatesPlanner: Ann Kjerulf MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Brian Doyon VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED z. Driver: I tiri d\. 3. .. A'teQuest for a minor amendment to an approved development plan (SDD #35), to allow for a--reduction in lhe number of parking spaces (and the conversion of these spaces into.iCommon storage) at the Ausiria t-taus'parkinj garage, located at242 East Meadow Drive/A , '.,.. o,.i part of Tract C, Vail Mllage 1" Filing. Applicant: Austria Haus Condo AssociationPlanner: George Ruther MOTION; Brian Doyon SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE: 4-1 (Schofield opposed) APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: l That the applicant submits a revised parking level plan to the Community Development Department illustrating the removal of the nineteen (19) spaces and the creation of the common storage area, prior to the application for a building permit. 4. A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the division of a tract of land into two lots, and a request for a rezoning from Residential Cluster District to Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential District, located at 1552 Matlerhom Circle/SW % of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 8'll West of the 6th Principle Meridian. Applicant: David G. HilbPlanner: Bill Gibson TABLED UNTIL DECEMBER 11, 2OOO 5. A request for a worksession to amend the zoning regulations to allow for the creation of a new zone district, the Housing Zone District. Applicant Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs WORKSESSION - NO VOTE 6. A request for a recommendation to the Town Council for the adoption of two view conidors within Lionshead, as identified within the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. View Conidor 1 is located approximalely at the main pedestrian exit looking southwest towards the Gondola lift line. View Conidor 2 is located approximately from the pedestrian plaza at the east end of the Lifthouse Lodge looking south up the Gondola lift line. A more specitic legal description of the two view conidors is on file at the Community Development Department. Applicant Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE: 5-0 REGOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL TO TOWN COUNCIL WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That consideration be given lo Lionshead Center on the east side of View Corridor #2 with regards to future development 7. A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the vacation of lot lines, located at 2475 Garmischilots 1-4, Block H, Vail das Schone Filing 2. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Nina TimmPlanner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL NOVEMBER 27. 2OOO ? :lt 8' I request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the creation of two lracts, located at 1778 yail Valley Drive / a currently unplatted tract of land within Section 9, Townlhip 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6'n P.M. directly north of Loi 3, Sunburst Filing 3 within the Vail Golf Courie. {FPlicant: Vail Junior Hockey Association, Vail Recreation District, Town of VailPlanner Brent Wilson TABLED UNTIL NOVEMBER 27,2OOO 9. A request for a final review of a minor subdivision, to allow for the reconfiguration and replatting of two existing lots and the rezoning of Lots 15 & 16 from Agriculture Open Space and Primary/Secondary Residential to Natural Area Preservation and PrimarviSeiondajrr Residential, located at 3886/3896 Lupine Drive/Lots 15 & 16, Bighorn 2'd Adiition. Applicant: Wilson Family Trust, represented by Jay Tschimer, First Land Development, lll^ Planner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL NOVEMBER 27, 2OOO 10. A request for a site coverage variance (section 12-7A-9\ Vail Town Code and setback variance (12-7A-6), Vail Town Code, to allow for a new front entry to the Mountain Haus, focated at 292 E. Meadow Drivei Lot 5, part of Tract B, Vail Village 1d Filing. Applicant: Mountain Haus, represented by Fritzlen pierce ArchitectsPlanner: Bill Gibson TABLED UNTIL NOVEMBER 27, 2OOO 11. Approval of October 23, 20OO minutes 12. Informalion Update The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Devefopment Deparlment, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language lnterpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479.2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department t> d3,.-_ r't o Mountain Haus Condominium 292E. Meadow Drive Vait G€[81657 Village Center Association l24WillowBridge Road Vail, CO 81657 /mcndc frerortClt X 20 Vail Road Vail, Colomdo 81657 /omomlpfierot .t Uoll 20 Vail Road Vail, Colorado 81657 i -,L Q," ,r=r MAY AFFEcr ror* ,*or#" PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 ot the MuniciDal Code of the Town of Vail on September 25, 2000, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: . A request for a minor amendment to an approved development plan, to allow for a reduction in {-l!e number of parking spaces at the Austria Haus parking garage, localed aI242 Easl MeadowIDrive/A part of Tract C, Vail Village 1"'Filing. Applicant Austria Haus Condo AssociationPlanner: George Ruther A lgquelt for a conditional use permit, to allow for a multiple-family unit on the first floor in the LMU-1 Zone Disiricl, located at 380 E. Lionshead Circle, iJnit 110 (Lodge at Lionshead)/Lot 7, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1"t. Applicant: ShacklefordProperties,lnc.Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a final review for a major subdivision and variance from Section 12-68-5 (Minimum Lot Frontage) of the Town Code, to allow for the subdivision of Lot 8 into Lots 8A & 88, locatedal 1467 Aspen Grove Lane/Lot 8, Block 2, Lion's Ridge Subdivision Fiting 4. Applicant: Robert Selby, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a recommendation of the Planning and Environmental Commission on an amendment to the Donovan Park Master Plan, generally located at the intersection of Matterhorn Circle and the South Frontage Road. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Odell Architects, Inc.Planner: George Ruther A request for a final review for a minor subdivision to allow for the reconfiguration and replatting of tv\lo existing lots and the rezoning of Lot 16, Bighom 2d Addition, from Agricultural & Open Space to Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential, and the rezoning of Tract A to Natural Area Preservation District, located at 3886/3896 Lupine Drive/Lots 15 & 16, Bighom 2"d Addition. fPPlicant: Wilson Family Trust, represented by Jay Tschimer, First Land Developmeni, LLCPlanner: George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located al the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Communiiy Development Department. Pfease call 479-2138 for information, Sign language interprelation available upon request with 24 hour nolification. Please call 47$ 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published September 8, 2000 in the Vail Trail. ,i $*" f"il"1* 'ltsz June 19, 2000 \rffiFire Deprtment John Gullick/IUike McGee 42West Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 Ihnd - DEhVe.red Dear John and Mike: t an writing to yuu todayto folkrw uporthe Austrirltmguage issue. Asycnr \ow the garage contains temporary storage areas, which are not in compliance with fire- and buitding coduregulations Yorwae nice"ercqlrtu Fstporrcompliancsdemmds in anticipation ofthe new parking regulations passed by the Town Council recently.'The tfuro hm'come_fo bring thisissuetua-corxc+usion. I am proposing the following course of action: I will deliver a plan to the Community Oeve*opmerrnepartment by Jrme3fr' 2O00-witffimpopose#layout ffirgryage storage areas. I anticipate the approval process to last 4 to 6 weeks. Immediately after reroeiving:appruvals we wifLtear-otrthe€xistirydividirywalkand consfur:ttfo-qwly approved walls including the requirement imposd by both fire- and building departmpnts. f wilFsemfyorrcopy of tbpmpme* @.drycircyour input a:thattimF. If you have any concerns or comment please give me a call at 479-5470. Besfreg4rds, ,",ffi,,", ec; GeorgrRuther-eommdty@ W. MICHAEL CLOWDUS ATTORNEY AT LAW 303-299-7351 f,AtuD 50{HR ANDRE\.|,! & hcEnsolL LLP- Err.r€ l:]OO l22E | 7rH tTiEE Civci, c,o|.oi oo 301102€!96 cLttwous@s LLrRosP Hr,6ta ' ' Marc C. Thornburgb .' llttegi*g GcretoJ Parner , l8 Whaleship Plaza Ean Francisco, California 941I I 4Ls-291-9947 415-291-9623 hx Mobilc: (CA) tH 5-298-9233: (c0) 970-390-3400 Matc C. Thornburgh ?rcsident Momic DeveloPment, LLC 18 VhaleshiP Plaza Srn Frencisco Celifornia 9'1111 r 29r-9947 * +rs 29L-9623 t' 415 720-0114 * thornbutghoatt.net r.)o^t U.L(K r ,k aJ.-";.'- tt*,--c TOIW AFVAIT Department of Comrnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us . June 15.2003 F4gD ra' G@PV, Mr. Marc C. Thomburg, President Mosaic Development, L.L.C. l8 Whaleship Plaza San Francisco. Califomia 941 I 1 Dear Marc, As promised, I have discussed your proposal to stucture the sale of the Hotel Unit at the Austria Haus as a public offering of securities registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission to an investor group with the Town staff. The purpose of my discussions with Town staff was to detennine whether your proposal to publicly offer the sale of the Austria Haus Hotel Unit, as generally described in your letter to the Town of Vail, dated June 5, 2003, would comply with the provisions of Special Development District #35 and all applicable Town of Vail ordinances. Upon discussing your proposal, the Town staffhas determined that, as proposed, the sale of the Austria Haus Hotel Unit to hvestors, pursuant to the proposed SEC registration, will result in a hotel facility and use that is consistent with the "letter of the law " of Special Development District #35 and all applicable Town of Vail ordinances. Staff, however, believes that the sale of the Hotel Unit of the Ausria Haus to as rnany zrs I 17 investors, who will receive two winter and two sumrner weeks annually is inconsistent vdth the '3pin'r " of Special Development District #35 and all applicable Town of Vail ordinances. Special Development District #35 and the applicable Town ofVail ordinances regulatrng accommodation units intend for such units to be available for short-terrn nightly rental. Town staffbelieves that the proposal to sell interest in the Hotel Unit of the Austria Haus as a registered security is a neens to sell fractionalize ownership in that portion of the Austria Haus which is intended for nightly guest accommodations and otherwise strictly prohibited. Staffs detennination is based upon our review of the applicable provisions ofthe Vail Town Code and Ordinance No. 12, Series of 1997 (SDD #35). Should you have any questions with regard to our determinatior, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me by telephone at (970) 479-2145. Sincerely, |lry?,'-r+, George Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail {g *ro"uor ro To: From: Date: Re: MEMORANDUM Townof Vail Austria Haus Development Group, LLLP ('AHDG') June 5, 2003 Sale of the Austria Haus Hotel Unit Summary AHDG desires to sell the Hotel Unit at the Austria Haus due to the facility's substandard operating performance. We are evaluating a possible sele of the Hotel Unit to investors through a public offering of securities registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission ('SEC"). AHDG believes that th€ sale to an investor group and continued operation of the hotel as or*lined below is consistent with the requirements of Special Development District No. 35 (*SDD No. 35") and all applicable Town of Vail ordinances. Austria Haus Project Oyerview The Austria Haus project consists of l8 fiactional Austria l*ius CIub Unitg a Commercial Unit and the Hotel Unit (which contains 25 separate hotel rooms), as well as shared comfion elements including front desh lobby, clubroorq workout roonl swimming pool and underground parkms garage. The full facility received a final Certificate of Occupancy and opened for operations in December of 1998. A Mewbar oJ'tfu Sorunenalp Family of Resorts o.nd. Hotek 242 F.ast Meadorv Drive, !'ail, Colorado 81657 * 800-898-4363 * g)O-+77-5800 - 97O-479-5651 fax u.rvl'.austriahauschrb-com r rrrembcrship@austriahausclub,com Current Situation Since its inceptiorl the Austria Haus Hotel Unit has been unable to achieve the occupancies enjoyed by its peer group of accommodation facilities in the Vail Valley' This is due primarily to constraints that irnpair the hotel facility's independent operations' including a lack of stand-alone status and facilities such as meeting rooms and restaurants to attract full service hotel clients year-round and group meeting business during the shoulder seasons' coupled with a small room count that makes independent sales and marketing initiatives to increase F'I-T' occupancy rates prohibitively expensive. Location and room/fasility quality are not the issue' as demonstrated by the fact that the Austria llaus club units have experienced a stable 65Yo occupancy over the past three years, while the Hotel Unit occupancy over the same p€riod peaked at Aff/oin ttre year 2000 and then declined to a rate of 360/o inthe yeu 2002' As a result, AHDG has been unsuccessful to date in either enhancing the performance of or attracting a buyer for the Austria Haus Hotel Unit. Traditional prospective buyers reilize tlro;t' under the cufrent structure, the same operating constraints would impair their performance and further potential occupancy erosion may occur as the newly approved full service hotel facilities planned for Vail Village are built and opened for occupancy' In light of these factors, AHDG has developed a sales strategy tlat we believe will: l) overcome the current operating and sales obstacles; 2\ meetall reqrrirements of SDD No' 35 and other applicable Town of Vail ordinances; and 3) enhance the overall occupancies of the Austria Ifuus Hotel Unit, to the benefit of both the hotel ownership and the Toun of Vail aud its constituents. Sales and Accommodation Tax Impact All occupancy of hotel rooms by the public urd the investors will be deemed rental use and will be subject to all Town of Vail sales and occupancy taxes. AIIDG projections show an overall increase in occupancy from the current 36% level to aminimum of 65Ya, but with a lowEr average nightly rental rate due primarily to discounted rental rates chaxged to investors for their personal use. The net effect to the Town of Vail should be approximately the same (or increased) sales and occupancy taxes from nightly room rentals at the Austria Haus Hotel. In addition, the higher overall occupancy ofthe hotel will generate greater sales taxes forthe Town. Conclusion In order to proceed with the offering outlined in this memoranduq our securities law counsel requires that AHDG obtain the Town of Vail's confrrmation that the sale of the Austria llaus Hotel Unit to investors pursuant to the proposed. SEC registration will result ia a hotel facility and use tiat is consistent not only with the letter but also with the spirit of SDD No. 35 and atl applicable Town of Vail ordinances. If you would like any further information about the proposed offering or clarification of any of the matters covered in this memorandunq please do not hesitate to contast either Marc Thomburgh at (415) 291-9947 or W. Michael Clowdus, Esq. at Q03) 299-7351 . RightFAX EII'7lOS 11:48 PAGE 7/5 RtghtFAX L^W OFFICES BALLARD SPAHR ANDREWS A INGERSOLL, LLP PHrl-eDELFttA, FA rz26 r7n srREET, sutrE z.goo EALTIMoRE' MD DENvER. cgLoRADo €ozoz-Esea CAI{DEN' NJ .,o3-?cz-z4oo aaLT lll(E clrY' u? FAx: sos-296-g.,so vooRHEEg' N.| LAwyERs@ EALr-ARDsFAHR.ool.{ walBHlNdloN' Dc Pr-usr DBr.rvEn As SooN As PossIrug, To: ,Rgcrrrnxr I Ccorgc Ruther ColrfAIYY Town of Vail-Planning Depi, FaxNo. I'HonlE No. 970/479:2452 Dltu: Tuecdty, Itme 17,2@3 Mlrtnn: Fh.olt: ChristopherPayne Pnown: DirectDial: fo3D.99-7145 Total nurnber ofpages including this pege: 05. If you do not receive all the page, please cull3$f299-7345. is privileged old conlidentid md is intended only for bo of tfte inrlivirlual or entit5r nnmal atrove and otters who lnve been spccifically auttorizert to rcceive it. If y<nr ale not thc Eded recipieoq you are he,reby notified thet atry disremiaation, dietibution or copylng ofthls communication is suictly Ii you havo received the comunicdion in eror, or if any problms occur wilh transmissioo, pleue notify us by tcle,phorc. thmk you. ghtFAx 6/L7 IOB 11:48 PAOE 2/S RightFAX law Orrrcre Br-urno SFAHR Aronrws & lxoeasoLL, LLF raas lTrH STREE?, gUITE asoo DENVER, COLOFAOO Bo202-5ss6 303-eaa-e400 FAXi so3-a9g"3asE LAWYEiSOEALLANDSPAHR.COY CI{RI'TOFHEF W, PAYT'E DllEcr IrlAll lo!.alt 7 salt FAvra gor^uaFtraF^{tt.c qx PHTIAOELFHtA, la BALTIMORE, HO CAMDEH, NJ MALVCFN, FA 3AL' L XE CTTY, UT wasl{ictoN, oc Juno 17,2@3 Vh Facsimilc 970/479--2452 George Ruther Torvn ofVail Diroctor ofPlarning 75 S.FrouiageRoad Vail, Colorado 816J7 Re: ArrstriaHaus DweloputcotGroup'LLLP C'AIIDG') Doar Mr. Ruthcr: This firm rcpresents AHDG in connection with the proposed sale of its Hotel Unit to iuvestors througb an offering of sosuritioe. As a follow-up to lnur mccting carlicr this month with Mam Tbornbrugfu alrd Mke Clowalur, you requested silditiolsl infonoation cmcaning thc City of Arpca's responsc to a eimilar proposal. Encloeed pleose frd a January 9 , 2oo3 lett€r froe John P. Worcester, Esg., Aspelr City Attomoy, to our co-counscl, David J. Mylcr, Esq., phu a oopy of Davc Myler's request for aB interpretation of the Aspeu Muaicipal Code. lf you uecd othe,t information in this rcgad please do not h€sitat€ to call Mike Clowdru or me. Thanlc you for your aseistaace, Verytruly ],oure, lld,l!-- CMstopherfaYna CWP/!d Enclosure cc: W. Michael Clowdus, Ecq. (w/o cocl.) Co-Docs-A *1280s0 vl 1r0.513 l. P.2 AlL7/OS 11:48 PAGE 3/s RightFAX IRtItIC}| I{YIEfl TEITIIER CARLTELE : JsiE]t'g,2fl8 D$rirl J. l,Iylg; E!!i. Friillcb. Mylr, rldu & c;rlirlc. lp6soub Mfl Slct A!g!n, co 81611 t IE-g^slg_E{ . 'f *Ecitr^trlt I t" .Xc: . Sardyltruure , DcaDrcilft ' TfiE ir b'nryqn to you lcuff dateal Dercadber l0,2W.la wtichycq u& tudy ' qCds rlgrrding Foborcd plur fos Se grrdy HorFB. Plcrt crcorc tb dclry b Ctflng btcEr ym. I drw bcea oa-rraerttufu rd iger nca@ riturlC o tbe. doc. f Urw rilsc[srcil yoa lm.witb nrlic AE Woo&, ilmctoa of tr CS;e Ocnd@ctr Dc!|orteld. sfliln|t4 uElon yGt rt?rElEddioDr Inyour Drobq lo. Icntr rr[ crt naa4 oNoi,rulrir zn,t20frt, boah Julh.q!F +d lrre ottta optuion tlst tbl poporod ruttrrqtittg of rtic oncrship of t[e Nor6 & Sonh. Arpco. LLE'' . ' c,ould ,ri coargon fu .hflfim of a nrbdiviripn 'nd vodd Et tortitnilE dmc dinlo rts{I€lolnEdEs cnrrnny p.mrA U.tb9 AryfuM'rricu*l Cbdd' .I tfl; urir o$dq ooFtc'yoru rce.ds, l@r. I ws crl bo of httr aroifrqsa lilcs$. bt Ec Sltrcnlv, 4tf*r*IohrP..Wcccrffi Cilyrlt@ry hltc Anir wo6oi,. 9(busity pclhqrdft Dilc6br lEgt{t,Bt86+,lrw,uritlffiuhad.. ' l$Smccab 'fF+ CcaE$rll-l$ . bElt[E0F . Ar'?erul{t , ". H-HF gg.?. RightFAX l|NNCUIF /EIIDEIEESI agDrrlrl.r4lI'@ffitl. -t },|d, 6/L7/OS 11:48 PACE 4/5 RightFAX ArN. q. IUUJ IU: IUAYT IT,TI LIU',I I,tYLIR LIIIiliR CARLI$TI ur orrptS " MEILfCH,NdYI.E&LEII{EN&CABLI;S,E antrnttatfl fgln .ifiFitn ilo.513 P. 3 !|Eac{Ctr,lclt] trEtJEIIErrG.III .'ltDlraslrt f 06ltqrtrlf.Er$rrEt Ertrz(tr AonsCqmarcEt6ll Decccnbcr l0,?oUL l csr oillno{tlEmrtr Piltr|}l0lr EtEt!|.cryr/udL tIE tlrEllECcr|IIlr.E''3SEEIUtSlEalGEtanE'IradIarE{l ruISrIEI&EBEDt. fCiawdrcm,ClwAtbucy Cityof'l{lo UlqSoftftLla Aeia, CO 8f611 II tt: tufrEow Docloh: I ornidng o bcEdfof,l{ott! & SodA4€o' IJf Cf'[o{6 A SoEfr), e Colcedo lirrrilcd ueility cquyufiioho*rr udsprsdE tb sclryEons i! At9E Ib uobcr udas|gFrr otNorb & Sod ss lLut lctlr d Dcdirl DCDo. ArwcdisoltdoNqytnbcr2{r, z00z,ErokddDroiol at cnplcingvuiour optimr fu rsEuEbiEE tho orrurhip of.Norh & Sflfi ftcy Dly ti4ly.ddt D6$ nlddn qr rtrglddy, tlgy may fr". rrctrhrirdr cdty (a Iioitd liSl$ry wlsr u a cdlqrtim) wtio6 wlll -n&dig G gr6y noua h ib edn,ty, sd duit lpw '.qabcn or &raholdrcr. Ia d{hrr prrc, thc-bud!il eattf wn cnra ol oDgm At Uut sd iryov'tEst bowa rs tbe Sady HorrCUnil&crunrscnbcUurrrrrftoldcrrwillbsirerdauabcnhipfutae*or&arorafstoct rrym tts payad, of apulharc Pricc. ltr nrobt4|bip btrmrt er ruc& n,ill bc EE id!l!.l e srrify od witr bc.r[utct to t! 1pfulgtior of tbe Scuirirr ud keufp Cmirim. ltr rcerriticr vilt bc mld by u|ty of r 16Oruce guUi,s otEriag Ac rtcilnibGdin tb Errqliw $rmry ofto-ofrdag vstish lta,r 6ctea o-rtb laer, tbc-wrtrrrcrr of tt tc.triti!. wiU bE Editlcd !o ccil6 riSbr Edpcivilafpt wi6r6gEdb6e irn odocqBmsyofft sctlyEou€,tn*willuptobtrb r&amirsdqotsfsc dfJc trtileft b t! lod clrytgr1roob rfiri&will omtimc b t! ostid B tbo bufusr crfty- Buo{ r4nn rry rrviow of lhr povirior of ru! 26 of t! eryca UuiCeei Coalc e4 i6 prd4El|f, d rsqirdoPted TtDc Slr! Drvrtoprnt rcguldionr od rqbted &6dtiq it ir RightFAx Al L7 / Og 1l : 48 PAGE 5/5 RightFAX I I t' \ .. *.lruu, ru: n hM f r(tltl$n tTYLtl( l DI!d:osw cc: SULF&I DrniclDdEo Ltt liltt CAlttlSLE lr0.5t3 P. 1 DtIIjr&LElIm,&CIICI*! IdrW{rccru, cry.Aruaey DcgobclO2O02 Prp2 tly s[liliE ed 6s qd.o rad ulc d|3anriti!! b r hdns! otllyfrrhdlc r linitsd lilbili$ or*Fryuecqcrtim)stic[lowocbecrftcoymr 10093of$p lr*t udiryrweiurdrlorya rr to SstvEuuro ibcrrcoorrd$ctc cudislof r rddtvldm reddooDots@ttthln titnr gtscuroctirnc lbstd!\rslom!d, Iruatodthrlsostsiooderocuridaingth! fr[lo*i4g; , l. fhserrdoao[rrbofioobcrlSbuwuu&artsofrnckir6ouuciaccadty ddcc ac rrutt h a rlivirim oftbo hd ciryrovolotr bma ar thr'SerrdyEmr +"4 repl* hC |ltcrogr. nffillmon, eo SaldyEotr6 witt lot be uld fu coudmi*uor, 4lafiranb,ruqplc,Crnllngunftrcftrdurtrc tucthg'u, 2, 13s SdtEouroir notr &rufihgusit lr 661@ b'.sd sd d€dDodbfrBArya Mudriprl Codc. Ar t&b, 6c uro sdlopld.d Dy Ue burinos difi r'tbh wlll otv! frc SEry Eolr6 Ed 6a uobcr c rMoldcrr of ttd dif, rtocr rot codifr e'i'rp rDrc uro. 3. ttoraUofrctticr intc buhs ocigwhiohorufrG Su'ryEotu. docr oot nnrh iner credirn d.tffiralEccr" cllhrSpm,E r!er" u dpfilcdbyc.&S, g 3E-R-lf 0 dqc. thleb tb! reaf puqtyin{ulidarurbr vcrtod btlrlndarodtyut!ao ftcinutrt hrucLrcdpopatywinbc oulqpdb 6cF rohrrcc offu rssitir oftd @tity. fu erd' tll rstugstf ncopoed deraibd bceh &ec lst cortihte tiru ilrm dawlo1llol rs ttthra ir al6cd iD trs&p.nrrftwf.lDql Cod$ I IL-L -dDrddrr $outb @bdsqeroqfciud qodwrndatddng@witr hcl[dDfupqa$oof rpllrg*fi sddrtcdnatalr bnFport of cpubli! o lirg of ffirrifi+ Airiryonelfu thlo bbocdtrb eltbcodimanlaaloofthrrouidcr, coqtcd wi6tbedg$ radpdvtlry redhbl€ b &dtom:clwilluot higtulton*do obtrinsr$diyirioa u+tn" dirrs dsmlogmt ryprornl ftm &o Qibr. Accqdiudy, *o rurld grodry rylaedrtc pu qioimir$rtnscd. Ifyqu bffc qpcrdor cucrt uyrddtlurl Inftmrlim h crderb rcqpod b ti! rsqusst drqs do actedtrte to crlt Va:rTarpYours, D.vidL}[yrr Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Austria llaus Ventilation ProiectNumber: PRJ00-0009 Project Description: installation of5'x4' exterior louver to provide ventilation of carbon monoxide from underground parking garage Owner, Address, and Phone: Sonnenalp Resort 82 E. Meadow Drive, Vail CO,81657 476-5656 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Robinson Mechanical (Steve Boyd) P.O. Box 6459, Avon, CO 81620 949-0259 Project Street Address 242 E. Meadow Drive Legal Description: Part of Tract C, Block 5D, Vail Village l'r X'iling Parcel Number: 210108225001 Building Name: Austria Haus Comments: Outstanding issues may need to be resolved prior to building permit Board/Staff Action Action:Staff approved with conditionMotion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions:l. ventilation louver shall be painted to match wall Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: 02l2ll00 Project Name: Austria Eaus ventilation DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 JAIiB-2?-OO 11' l4 FROM. TOV--DEv-DEELI!.'* 'tD,9?@4?912452 , Questions? Ct"Planning ffitrat47g'2L38 ApplrcArroN FoR DEsrcN REUTE* ^rK{P'ffi? GENERAL INFORMATIOT.I Thb application b for any project reguiring Dgsign Revbw approral. Any project requiring design ret E'v mJst reeive Design Rwietrr approval prior to subrniEing for a building pennt For specific informatbn, see the sJbmitEl requiremenE fur the partianhr approval that b requested, The appliztbn cnnot be acepted umil all tfie rcquircd infomttiorr b $brnifted. lhe pruject rruy abo need to be revieurd W the Torn Couml and/or tte Plannir€ ancl Erwironmenhl Commission. Design Rsiew Board approval *pires one year after final approval unhss a buiHing permit ls issued and con*uctftrn is Etarted. A- DESCRIFEONOFTHEREQUEST:t/ s'.x4' coMo PAGE PTIYSCAL ADDRESS; PARGEL#: ztor-ool (Conbct Eagle Co. Assessots ffice at 9tu32&8640 for parcd #) LOO\TION OF PROPOSAL:Lar -2ffi^el-ocr: 482 ,, mne NqFEOFAPHJAANN I{AIIITIIG ADDRESS: NAIVIEOFOTvNER(S): . 3a^ ,r,a--,n o\p Ra<..* MATLTNGADDRESS, 8Z f" //1d",", >./^i1 Ca g/LEZ ftfitrrcz ti-+b-sltb oYIItIER(s) SIGNATU RE(S) : C.onsbuction of a nerv building. Inclutles any addidon where square tuege b added to any resijentaal or corrErf,ial butilding. Includes minor dranges to buildings and site impro/emens, such as, reroofing, painting, uundoal additiors, landscaping, ftnces and r@ining walb, etc. DR:B ftes are b be paid at the tirne ^l."hqittal. l-ater. whgr applying fur a buiHing penniq ptease idertW the acflrate valuation of fie project The Ta^rn of Vail wil a<ljr$ the fee acording b tie projed valuatbn. PI.EASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, AII SUEIIITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND TtlE FEE TO TllE DEFARTMEIfT OF COltlMUtlITY DEYELOPltlElfr, Date Receive' t'ftrturt B. c. D. E. F. G. 'a g/s7 H. tr o Ileur Gonsfuction - $200Addftion. SEO K. MinorAltemtion- S2o ftrANE: Qhq 7it-111, -oZ€9 TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: 75 SOUTH FROI{IAGE ROAI}, VAil., CdlORAm 41657, JAN g 1 2000 JAK-z?-OO 1 t . 15 FROM - TOV-COM-DEV-DEPS.-- rD .9?O47924s'2 PAGE 3/A ffil**^,=**":H*;'ff;* mftI1i$f |IAIIW AND srrE rMpRovEMENrs GENERAL INFORIVIATION This applicauon applies to dranges made to a site or exerior alteratjons of a building- Any albration in whidl additional buildlng square foege is added will rsquire an *additions" application. i. SUBTVIITTAL REOUIREIVTENTS Phms or sketdres which deartv onvey the existing condfions Photos or sletctres whach clearly 6n/ey fie proposed building or site alteration(s). All retevant specifiations forthe proposal induding colors and materials to be used. D Condominium Association approlal (if applicable). tr If the intent of the proposal is not deafi indicated, the Administrator may detenTtlne that additional materials are neGary for the review dtl|e apdicauon. f E X ry 11 ROBINSON MECHANICAL COMPANY 910 Noftingham Road, Suite N-1 P.O^ Box &t59, Ajon. CO 81620 *.. \t\o o Phone (970) 949-0259 Fax (970) 845-8404 JAN. 3.?@A I2:.14H1 COHPANY 'CFNo JoB: AUSTRIA HAUS 1t3t00 NO.233 P.3 ' IH Greenhecl Lorryer MARK: LVR t/lnIA r) Nol*: AI dl|tdrlicL *ortn *r In lnlls ollndrss. Habl'tt I Wnlh tun{€hsd rpprfih€t V 0,26 ln, und8r Eab. CON8TRUCilON FEATURES Filn 1,1,F: Ftutged gEhgt F}rt|! Thidora.f 0,r.)r 0.081 thEDot Elrdc Thlchc'3 (ln,): 0.091 lll&eri.l: . l- ESD-603 BislPerformance Dralnabre Applicdion & D€lgn Hlch Pcrfonn.|E D.iilrrue ElS. LormT Mod.l ESDdIS it ! x,rcGf louvcr d64nrd u -p|gfot elr lntakr rnd ofilust openalEB In bulldhg od.th. Yr.lb. D|dgn hoomoilto dih c$crr h hc h.cd tffi|lbff I|C horEofl lhdr io c,lxtnd l*r b thc lcl\Itr cih frmes or irr$€ v/hcre u.tbr ls turthr ahund.d hlough w cal ftY{t|3pqrs 3nd od atth6.lA.d lilwr dlt Th. ESD€IFI ban ooemnry rtllcle bmtt Dr ArcA LrsEnSED PERFoRMANCE DATA (rc*nguiat dtM .nrblhg Crsonctt to rdcd nd $puwlth ocnndrnoc. STANDARD CONSTRUCTION FEATURES r Fr|ma; Hqvy gaugE 606STs odrudad rlumilnqm, 6 in. dE!F, . Bhfti: Ddide d€6lgn, 606T5 *fudod alul|l|num posruotlcd d 3?' ltd 'lls' d\Elcs mwr nrtclytlF, c tbrs. ' lfg'scrcen: o.zs in. x 0.051 ln. llrthnrd cryondEd rlulnhum In rcmonblo fnma S.,ttn b noq .d inJde (ft!r). . Frri$: Mll. Nfllnd i.chngulrt Abrrhmr OPTIONS & ACCESSORIE€ Sffi: Ft&ncd agard.d durinm bhd lcnrn rD#otv w(rn,l H (lr|.l Frec Arar (tt1 Irct Wd. Scat Hlgh shlp 6cc. 1-1 !0,000 48.000 10.5t t orrrhac( cAPs 1,t l rt ixxx**-{xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxftxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxl(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx il"OTRANSACTT'NREP'RTOP'01 il JAN-27-2000 THU 08135 Al{ xX x x DATE START RECE I VER x 11* DP xNOTETX TII{E PAGES TYPE JAN-27 08:33 At1 4192452 1' 39"3 SEND OK 152x x l( x t x x x xTOTAL :lH 3gS PAGESI 3xx l( xxxxxxxxxxx x x xxt x xxx x xxxxxxxxxxx x xxxxxxxxxx xx xxxx xx xxxxxx xxxx x xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx FAX COVER SHEET 9'10 Nottinghanr R.d. N-l l).O. Box 64-s9 r\vou, (lO 81620 (970) 9,19-0259 Phorrc (0?0) $45-8404 Fax l)i\'l'Ii: t/27 'IO: K^TIIY COMIIANY: 1'OV PI{ONII; FAX; 47t)-24s2 NO. OFPGS:SUBJECTI PtrRMITAPPLICATION FROM; Sttta,w COMPANY: Robinson Mechrrnical Clompany PITONE: 970-q49-0259 tr'AXr 970-845-8404 NOl'I'): AUSTRIA I.IAUS Itleasc scc a ttachccl. PARCET, #2101-082-25001 Bp#897-033 r FAX COVER SHEET 910 Nottingham Rd. N-l P.O. Box 6459 Avon, CO 81620 (970) 949-0259 Phone (970) 845-8404 Fax DATE: U27 TO: KATHY COMPANY: TOV PHONE: FAX: 479-2452 NO. OF'PGS:SUBJECT: PERMIT APPLICATION FROM: Sur*a'w COMPANYT Robinson Mechanical Companv PHONE: 970-949-0259 FAX: 970-845-8404 NOTE: AUSTRIA HAUS PARCEL #2TOI-082-25OOI BP#897.0331 Please see attached. Thank You, Susan