HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5E LOT K VILLAGE CENTER UNIT 4A-4B ITTLESON COMBINE 2 UNITS LEGALTOWNpITVAIL. 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 OIfNER DEIARTMENT oF coMMUNITy DEVELOPMEN\),.[-a- , :*--1 \) rL:t ,l U,.[" *" (-"--r".\t-r_ () LtL t- PO BOX 2894 VAIL CO 815s8 License:118-B APPLICAICT BAI'ER HOME IMPROVEMBIT PO BOX 2994 VAIL CO 816s8 I-,icense; Desciption: INTERIOR REMODEL OF 2 I.]NITS Occupancy: Rl Multi-FamilY Type Construction: II FR Type II Fire Resistive Type Occupanry: ?? Valuation: $455.500.00 # ofGas Appliances: 0 Status.....: Applied...: Issued ...: Expires...: 05/02/200L Phone: 970-39O-2909 Add SqFt: 0 # ofGas l,ogs: 2 05/O2/2OOL Phone # of \ryood Pellet 0 s3, s?3.50 90.00 93, 573 . 50 $3,573.60 s0.00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BIJILD PERMIT Permit #: 801-0100 Job Address.: 122 E MEADOW DRVAIL Location......: VILLAGE CENTER UNITS 4A AND B Parcel No....: .-.210108209004 ProjectNo..: ?(l bl .olulo HESIRY AIITHONY ITTLESON TRUST05/02I2001 Phone: POCOCABO PIJAIfiIATIOI'V 1185 POCOCABO I-,,1I GREEIIPOIID SC 29446 Licensel -SIISOYCOTTTRACTOR BAI,ER HOME IMPROVEMBflT APPROVED 05/02/2001 FEE SUMMARY 'tttat**rl****tl.ttattatl'a'|.'tlarltrtlla**'ta*aaaa*'llt:al}lllatttlaa Building--> Plan Check-> Inv€digilion-> will call-> s2, 16{ . 00 91,406.50 90.00 93.0o Rqsharant Plan Revicw-> DRB Fee----------*> Reofealion Fee------> Clean-up Deposit--"> DEPARTMNM 90.00 Total C&lqrlat€d F€€s-> Additional Fees-----> Total Permil Fec--> Payments-----"--2 BAr-AllcE DUE-> $0.00 $0.00$0.00. $0.00 l Orl AL PXU;------> F3,5/3.bU l,riL.It|rvf/ r^rl,-. aalltaa*tt++*tlaaa:tl*|t||||rtrrIrtII Approvals:It6m: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEI{1I 06108/2001 GRG Item: 05400 PI"AIINIIIG 0s/]-0/200L ao hr. separation between IIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIilT 05/09/2oot Mccee TOfAL FEES------> $0.00 Action: AP Action: COND rmrst mainuain 2 uniEs (until CUP hae been approved) Actsion: COND Plans do not show fire sprinkler or fire alarsr sysEems. The association and " each- ovrner tsherein, hawe been ordered to replace tshe fire alarm sysEem and install a fire sprinkler aystsem per Appendix 1-A. Fire alarm detection devices mrst be upgraded to meet minimum compliance. Stamped shop drawings must be submitted as part of this permit. InBtallation muat be inspected prior Eo framing inspectsion. Item: 05500 PITBIJIC WORI(S 't'|tlaaaaarallllal'ta See page 2 ofthis Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatioq filled out in firll the information required, completed an accurate Plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree o comply with the information and plot plaq to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiew approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. RTQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE T OUR OffiCE FROM 8:(X) AM - 5 PM. S€rd CleatlupD€pogit To: N/A TI]RE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR ANDOWNE PAGE 2 tt|*'t:|'|*'t**t***+*****'}****{!{t:||*'*,t*{.**'|***'t'|||t'}**||****lt*|.'|*|t***+*'f'|**|l.***t******{!'t**|*****|t'}*'*|*'|dl'*'|!|} CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permii #: B0l-0100 as of 06-08-2001 Status: APPROVED ** *** *** * ***** **t* +*** +** * * ***** +**** t** ** * * * *** ** * * ** t**'* ** ***** ** * * ** f*'*'l* ***'t* ** * '* t*!*** +*** ***,1i*'t* +* Pennit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: O5lO2l2OOl Applicant: BAUERHOMEIMPROVEMENT Issued: 970-390-2909 ToExpire: Job Address: 122 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: VILLAGE CENTER UNITS 44 AND B ParcelNo: 210108209004 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL OF 2 IJNITS Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGSAND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WTTH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERI.AL. Cond: 16 (BLDG,): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQI.JIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.6.I OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: I (FIFC): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQI'NRED BEFORE ANY WORKCAN BE STARTED. Cond: CON0004725 Must be maintained as 2 separate units until a Conditional Use Perrrit is approved to combine the unie (per Allison Ochs, Planner). Cond: CON0004792 All work to be in accordance with applicable requirements of 1997 UBC, 1999 NEC, 1997 UMC or 1998 IMC, 1994 UPC or 1997 IPC. See notes on approved plans for additional requirunents. Fnro - Pao APPUCATTON WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Building Permit #: CONTRACTOR INFORJVIATION tl 970-47 9-2L49 (InsFccdom) Separate Permits rre required for electricd, plumbing, mechanical' etc.! 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 General Contractor: ,BAt/&, frol.ttr lhtaot*fti Town of VdllSeg. No.:/S+.Contact ana Phone #'s: e.\t^q&- 3?o-a0? ; Qf*-f244 CoMPLETE VALUATIoNS FoR BUIIDING PERMTT Ga!q-&!3!9Ig!E BUILDING: $ 370 0OO ELECTRTCAL: $ 3V 0OO orHER: $ 6€00 f,P'K PLUMBING: $ 35 OOO MECHANICAL: $ 12 OOO rorAl: $ #o g0o # Contact Eaqle Countv Assess'5 Offie at 970-328'eqQeI-ry4 o& zo?oo& rob Name: F'tzEsoi/ Rqal€z Job Address:'iilrleb caileR ent"l, 4At-F LegalDescription I Lot: I Block ll Filing:SuMivision:4 ArchitecVfesgn"rlt*Z-Z Addresil/4 g.r*T aL tlJ, srE a/6 Phone: ,r, -ZnO Eneinert 111 gor411l/ C0 Address'&r a]4+ Ih+rL phonet *6 - 2627 --: Eetailfites€rip'tion of work: /Nl4.pR frekAbEL %.R Pl/r/</g .8? K,ff, lUEaB A&qrneeE WorkClass: New() Additlon( ) Remodel$d nepair( ) @,0|) other( ) Work Type: Interior ()( ) Exterior ( ) Both I l Type of Bldg.: Single-family t I i*"-Ot No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 7 o No/fype of Fireplaces Existing' Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet (Z) Wood Burninq ( ) =!:+- No/Tvoe of Fireptaces proposed: Gas Applianceg ( t eas Loos (2t wooa/pettet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLoWEPL Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ()Q No (x) *********************************'t****FOR OFFICE USE OI{LY**************f********t'***t********** Other Fees: DRB F€ca:puEIiEwav PermitEee: F :/everyoneffonns/bldgPerm fYpe of ConsEuctlonl )ccuDancy Grcupi5ffi: - ft?TDr) S$$sr* $ r,?$$\ Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. 2227 Cnyon Blvd., Sulte 155, Boulder, CO 80302 Phone/Fax: (303){49-U75 Fax: (303) 975-5675 March 23, 2001 Mr. Zdenek Bauer Bauer Home Improvement P.O. Box 2894 Vail, CO 81658 SUBJECT:Asbestos Survey and Bulk Analyses Results Center Village, 126 Wtllow Bridger lJnits 4A & 48, Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. Bauer: Attached is the report for tle asbestos survey and bulk sampling of suspect asbesfios- containing materials at Center Village, 126 Willow Itridgeo Units 4A & 4B, Vall, Colorado. The contents of this report are considered highly confidential. Results will not be discussed with individuals not associated with Boulder EnvironmenNal Management's client. Ifyou have any questions regarding the contents ofthis report, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, C/";/lu^ Chris Maron Froject Manager Asbestos*Lead*Industrial Hygiene*Safety*Final Air Testing*Ilealth and Safety Training CIWINDOWS\Desklop\Completed Jobs\hspections\3-20-01 Crnter Village 126 Willow Bridge - Vail.docCreated on O3/23 101 8;58 AM Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. 2227 Canyon Btvd., Suite 155, Boulder, CO 80302 PbonelFax: (303) 449-l175 Fax: (303) 975-5675 Results: The following materials were analyzed and determinrd to be asbestos-containing utilizing polarized light microscopy (PLM). @ASBESTOS.CONTAINING MATERIALS MATERIAL LOCATION SAMPLE ID gray pebbled linoleum 48 bathroom 3-20-CM-0lA brown linoleum 48 bathroom 3-20-CM-048 white brick linoleum 4A bathroom 3-20-CM-18F The following materials were analyzed and determined to be non asbestos-containing utilizing polarized light microscopy (PLM). Asbestos*Lead*Industrial Hygiene*Safety*Final Air Testing*Health and Safety Tralning 35% chrysotile 25 ff front bath 4B 25 ft2 backbath 48 100 ff kitchen 48 NON ASBESTOS-CONTAINING MATERIALS MATERIAL LOCATION SAMPLE ID sponge texture/drywall 48 conidor near kitchen. 4B corridor near bathroom, 48 corridor near entry,!vay 3-20-CM-07C 3-20-CM-08C 3-20-CM-09C texture/plaster 48 side ofexterior entry, middle of exterior entry, 4,A' side ofexterior entrv 3-20-CM-10D 3-20-CM-1lD 3-20-CM-t2D orange peel texture on drvwall 4A laundry room wall, 44. between windows 4B I't bedroom wall, 4El 2"o bedroom ceiling, 4B bunk room window 3-20-CM-138 3-20-CM-l4E 3-20-CM-15E 3-20-CM-16E 3-20-CM-t7E '" Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. 2227 Canyon Blvd., Suite 155, Boulder, CO 80302 Phone/Fax: (3O3) 449-1175 Fax: (303) 975-5675 ASBESTOS SURVEY AND BULK SAMPLING REPORT Center Village, 126 Willow Bridge, Units 4A & 48, Vail, Colorado Introduction: On March 23r2001, Boulder Environmental Management, Inc.'s building inspectoro chris Maron, conducted an asbestos-containing materials survey. The purpose of the survey was to identifu asbestos containing materials (ACM) as defined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish the asbestos impact of building renovation. Sampling: During the sampling process, suspect ACM was separ'ated into three EPA categories. These categories are thermal system insulation (TSI), surfacing ACM, and miscellaneous ACM. TSI includes all materials used to prevent heat loss or gain or water condensation on mechanical systems. Examples of TSI are pipe coverings, boiler insulation, duct wrap, and mud packed fitting cement. Surfacing ACM includes all ACM that is sprayed, trowelled, or otherwise applied to a surface. These applications are most commonly used in fireproofing, decorative and acoustical applications. Miscellaneous materials include all ACM not listed in the thermal system insulation or surfacing categories, such as linoleum, vinyl asbestos flooring, and ceiling tile. Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. followed F.PA recommended sampling guidelines for identification of asbestos in bulk matrices. A set of three (3), five (5), or seven (7) samples were collected for each material type and analyzed by Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM). Each sample set was systematically analyzed. Upon determination that a sample in a set contained asbestos, analysis of the remaining samples in the set was discontinued. If no asbestos was detected during the irnalyses, the suspect material was determined to be negative for asbestos content. Asbestos*Lead*Industrial Hygiene*Safety*Final Air Testing*Health and Safety Training ' Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. 2227 Canyon Blvd., Suite 155, Boulder, CO 80302 Phone./Fax: (303) 449-l175 Fax: (303) 975-5675 NON ASBESTOS.CONTAINING MATERIALS MATERIAL LOCATION SAMPLE ID triangle and brick linoleum 4A washer/drier room, 44' washer/drier room, 4A kitchen 3-20-CM-21G 3-20-CM-22G 3-20-CM-23G Discussion: Sample analyses results are reported in percentages o:fasbestos and non-asbestos components. The EPA defines any material that contains greater than one percent (l %) asbestos, utilizing PLM, as being an asbestos containing material. Materials that are identified as "non detected" are specified as not containing asbestos. Conclusion: The laboratory reports supporting the findings above ;lre attached. Applicable state, federal, and local environmental regulations stipulate that all "friable" asbestos containing building materials, 'materials that can be crumbled by hand pressure', and asbestos-containing materials that would be rendered friable must be abated prior to renovation/demolition activities that would impact tho materials. By law individuals licensed to perform asbestos abatement in the state of Colorado must perform asbestos abatement. Please contact Boulder Environmental Management, )nc. with any questions or concerns regarding this report, Sincerely, U;/lu"-,. Chris Maron (AHERA Building Inspector 046-50-1 457) Asbestos*Lead*Industrial Hygiene*Safety*Final Air Testing*Health and Safety Tralning FRONT RANGE COMMTINITY COLLEGE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION CHRIS MARON Has completed the U.S. EPA/Sate of Colorado Accredited A.H.E.R.A./ A.S.H.A.R,A, Thie course is EPA-approved under llection 206 of the Toxic Substances Control Act IISCA) and meeb the requirements of Colorado Regulation No. B. AS BESTOS INS PECTOIVT\{ANAGEMENT PTANNER RECERTITICATION and has passed the required exam in the dircipline - ktoher6,2Q00 Course Dates IMPR046501457 October 6,2407 Certification Number Expires A-Gt/fSI Environmental Health & Safety TrainingCenur 3645 West 1121h lysnystllestminster, CO 80031 303-40t'-5327rROilI RIIiIOEcoltltut{tTY cotLECEErr.l.6 r|. t lrrdrt Authorized Signature ASBESTOS CERTIF'ICATION Issued: 1011912000 Expires: 1011912001 . Thls cct$ftutc ts taw oaly vlth thc posnsston of cuncnt ,{HEM cerdfrwtto,, tn rhc tltsctptttuspccfrod obovc. R.ocordNrrnber: 7657. Boulder Envtronmentrl Mmrgemento Inc. 2227 Cuyon Elv<t., Suito 155, B,ruldcr, CO to302 Phonc/Frx: (303),f49-l l?5, Prger: (303) 206o4.13 ASBESTOS BULK SAMPLE LOG LOCATION;DATE: 5'as4l CLIENT: Ra.r.s h*.c, lrv.Proverur.t . /rt r AINSPECTOR: \'*,t'tt.is /h*rsrr F--.,,, -+ BI.IILDING/LOCATIONN{ATERIAL SAMPLED f ted h,q\\ tt il IEST METIIOD: PLM- ASBESTOS TIJRNAROUFIDT Z4 fr SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: STQP ON FIRST PosITtvE FOR EACH-SAMPLE.SEI sAMpLEscoLLEcrErlBy:4";i r pArE,I&\-rrME: *- SAMPLES RNCEIVED BY:DATE:TIME; 5ftr *oiot-L'l I LocATroN: tza tr,ll'.w Etdse. \A:\8,,. Vqil DATE: Boulder Envlronmentrl Msmgcment, Inc. 222? Caoyon Blvd,, Suitc 155, Bouldea CO 80302 Phoneffax: (303) 449-l l?5, Pogm: (303) 2064413 ASBESTOS BIJLK SAMPLE LOG rNsPEcrOn: chrjs, AA*ron SAMPLE ID IT{ATERIAL SAMPLEI)BIIILDING/LOCATION QUANTITY r.zo.crn- olA o,(Er,r sohh[rtr li"o.tlB hq+h "fqA-Jt €t3A l/ atB bro"r^ l.'no t{ R h*h 1s s58 x \ (hficlrn+ro /r.IOC \l. .* &btBl ?s 01c ssrleer {*rfur. I d rvr^nh ttR qerrldtr n*n, h,\d 1 a. too 08c I coTT . he\r b^u ffi,.t gv*t r nnr to\Lr\,r'. slos*.r tILtf tire nhahd e,"tr. us ^iJql* Rs T {tR s id=-I ) TEST METHOD: Pr M- ASBFSI0I TURNAROUND: Lt\ -.. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: ST0P ON FrRSr POSTTIVF F'OR F ACEI SAMPLE SET SAMPLEs coLLEcrE Dnv,fuL--/hvn DArE,I.?ap1 rrME: - SAMPLES RECEMD DYr DATE:TIME: i3j !': :i9i+ 7i00 N. Brcadway Ste. 6'S' Denvor, CO' 80221 ihono (303)aS7-4533 Fax (303Xt74534 CIJEFITT CLIENT PITOJECT #: PR(}.'ECT NAlltEr ABBREVIATIOI{$: BOULDER ENVIRONMENTAI,' INC.SEIPNOJECT#: DATEOFRE.CEIFT: DATE OF A!|ALY$ISr 1227 caNYol{ ELVD. #rtt EOULDE& CO Ell:toz T26wlLLOW BRII}GE 4A&IB SAMPLE TYFE W-Vhyl Floor'Tllc FS-Floor Sbrdng AG'Acorrtlcrl Sprey{t CT-Ctlllng lile DJM-Drywrll Jolnt Mud wP-w.ll Pl$tGr GRAN-Grrrultr SAMPLED BY: FAGE#: As4llsfirsTYPE CHRYS.ChrYrotllc AMOS-funotitc CROC4roddolitr TREU-Trinolltr NAD-No Arbertot DGLctGd TRACE/<Itl6 ,tlbctlol MATIRIALTYfE CELL-Crlhlut FFFlbrour Glur ABG,.AW.!g,rtt I{F-Nor Flbrour BII{-Dlnd.r SYN-Synrhofc IfH-Hor$ l{rir 03|lld|l 0+20-l)l rxr-21{ll CLIENT I OFt METHOD: DETECTION LIMIT: ANALY$TI Polrrhcd Llght Mlceomopy, EPA Mrthod 600/R.9!i/l 15 l% A$.rtor l,rrr Mrl dron *fUr 'trc* fertdnr ody to |f,. 11.[r |.'Ed, Tblr trgort r|t trr b. rqndrlol .[3q,t h lrdl rldr ptrbloa ol8Bl, Tth rrporl er{ot h u.d by t cliHt io drrfl P dr.t ? r.*a.nr bt fwt.{to!||y rta!6' !ri! U.S. C{vrf6.!t, Floor Tllr xDplr| ary ti."FA.ltclrtlv." (<t%) rrb*rf {*b0.tottb.rbtb.E, lt(triliw tt !lb aa! L ott.l*d b mM fr sEM rl.t L $tl rrcrh...dr 1r{brir hv !oir$ crfar nrr. r.6rrt rt$nd[c{hn) or TEM Ar.tyd{tor .rbrtcC d.t cS ) f0. rrht'rI ftuht!d }t EPA NESHAPC rrd c!*rhir3 le t|r. r.. Fn q<t07.) l.br|t|r ty Pglrdrtd ti${PLM). Edt rrryi.rr rrG ryrihu. ttt || .ddrhsd tG n 7100 N. Brudwey Sto. 6$, Dervor, CO. 80221 Phone (303)4874533 Fax (303)4874534 a EOUUIEN ENVIRONMBNTAT4 INC. 126 WlLl,OW BRIIXIE fA&48 CLIgNT: PRO'ECTNAME: A$horlzod Signrfirru; $Et PII(UgCT#; PAGf, tr 0r01.{l 2o.F2 tTb npoi rcnb ||t ro b hl||r |r|ltd'_ _ttb rt .I. rry_sl L n0||l.l r..rr h fi{ ri$ r.rrhto ot g8t. Ttb rqorr .|r|. br rd lr tt rht b .!h ptldlct*{rnmr fyf;ilL/lP .r rry $aq.dtu U.* Orlcnlcr, -neor fff ir;tl u9 ytiro ,;lrifr irf,.,e;iiilaf Olrr Arc r A. $r d r*..b ltr * prfitiv. rdr.rl Dc*Hrcd lr TEil or 8BM UF* Srr rqa1s1, ro.n |ln1 ry r!"! o.alg.+_1ryr. r*-*6d.i il reu rnrgqtr l".ad-&i;e;i b; ltrtr lrg&rrr D,?Pl| N! |APB rrd clrrrd4 Lr rLll tr. Frtlqt1{tqt) bjo fi' p111*r L${ffXf 1311 il,6' ;ft[rUr r* 11 rr61ir11t *r. u/L2/2@1.!@tL2 lnsured Name: Cunent mailing Building Site: 2- CGL tim-rts: $ 4. Estimated date of @mPletion: FE.24A DA@. *" Ko rn rgi G fu * NlFf-anization Losation: -raC r^rto^tB,,*,f-ft- flF-4S 0!-CD Horne ocurpied during consfruc{ion t IVO General Confrac{or': - / 1. Nameandaddress: Zf)tne* Bnu€R DbA' hn+l(4 tlom{. 'h1|&suerrf'!it)- *contractor CGL must be at least 2X Drellinsl Coverage *Must provide copy of certificate of insurance *Oluetting limit must be for completed value *lnsured nray notwaive company subrogation rights 3- Date constructiorvrenovation will begin: JnLtp@t l, Ot o, Ooo Completed operations included? (cird${) 5. Estimated value of dwelling after completion:' Confirm @ntractor agrees to the fol|owing: (r}ircle Y N} Locked when workers noton sfte@'l -n-. Pnovide minimum of one 20lb ftre extirEuish':r on premises at all times{/ N Forhomes ualued at $500,0A0 and greater: Activate alarm systems vutren dwelling electricalsystem is comRtete@'l insrtrarrce servic€s S2l rfih A\ arr,e . t{ow Yo'k' Nqv Yo(t lO 175' 1275 <zia eor,ooto ' ooo) 3z'l-2lzz ' r"'(; c2rnc244 ,U{ ltozt I MWIIOEYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Fnro - /dzo APPLICATION WIIL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Building Permit #: ll Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumtring, mechanical, etc,! CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: 'Br{/eZ #oktr thrho*tc Town of Vail Reg. No.: il& -a Contact and Phone #', e.\t^q&rz 3?o-n0q , q19-2i-( contractor sisnut r"t,% oolLj COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & MAIETiAIS BUILDING:$ 370nO ELECTRICAL: $ 3V AOo orHER: $ 6500 S',P.K PLUMBING: $ 35 OOO MECHANICAL: $ 12 OAO rorAL: s f6O 5OO For Parcel.# Contact Assessors Office at 97O-328-8640 or yisit Jt)t0g g2 fiUalot o&zo?oos :et numDeurnot be acc€l E eanez. crl)). 4rob Name: ft-IzEsolT RkoJEz Detailed description of work: /^/7elpB frekObeZ. %R PllllS WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ffi Repair( ) Derng_[() Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior (l ) Exterior ( ) Both ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( )Type of Bldg.: Sinqle-family ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building: ONo. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: : Gas Apoliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet Z) Wood Burni Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: yes ( ) NoDoes a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( K) No ( ) Fees: F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm of Construction: *********.*,t***************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*********************,t**************** Questions? Cail the Building Team at 479-2325 IOI,I'N Project Name: Project Address: Department of Com munity Development 72 . et4.$eh, 4 r+c*l accepted. e' ntt pagur of application is complete "cf Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Sl Condominium Association letter'of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex o Complete site plan submitted tr Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) .g.'Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) .g- Window and door schedule 's Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) q.- Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) o Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection o Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated o Smoke detectors shown on olans ed Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicanfs Signature: Date of submittal: Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurrino Jt-- Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: TOWT'I OF WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING ONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": o Is this a new residence? QUESN ( o Does demolition work being performed req public property? YES Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repavd? Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? uire the gr€ of the Right-of-Way, easements orNo_x_ NOY ox ./.Y YES NO TI Is any drainage worklreing done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES NO V / Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permif'required? YES- NO X -of-Way,Fasements or public property to be used for sbaging, parking or fencing?No-x- If answer is NO, isiaparking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YES_ *o I If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. t'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Workt office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. e /k/83- ffok? tkhp - Company Name Job or Project Name: Date Signed: YES NO a D f l is the Riqht YES F:/everyone/forms/bldperm4 PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifli (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application, Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Workt office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled fortheTown of Vail electricians and irrigaUon crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Depaftment will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". ) NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY, Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work as not complete. Re-application each November l5th does not mean an automatic renewal. F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 /.{/r/o1@ tr tl BUILDIT{G PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Depaftment Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the esUmated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: F: eve4one/forms/bldperm3 75 S. Frontage Rd. Colorado 81657 Fot-e{, APPUCATION WILL T{OT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: Building Permit #; Alarm Permit #: 97 O-47 9 -2135 ( I nsperctions) Commercial & Residential Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at time of , application submittal and must include information listed on the Vail, 2no page of this form. Application will not be accepted without this information, Conbct WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (u/ Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) fther( ) COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PER"TT'IIT (lAbOr & MAIETiAIS) FireAlarm: $ 2,270, ry- forParel # Parcef # (Required if no bldg. Permit # is provided above) bl zto ro6229oo8 t\ zropezq rob Name: rTTLESo\l RerqcDgl_JobAddress: l'LL e'MADCuj DP. VA(L, C! ?,td,5-7 Address:, IZZ €.Mt-aucil Dg. VA Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) ilf aes Crrtr. Rlde, "A" - 4r-t- flooa u'.ritr 4 A +-46 description of work: Ta+A\bo*h d$it5 c-oMbiNiNG,+haM a^fD -e Del. i^JhL?€ pe-€D€b/MoNifoe SDptr't ypeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-fanity(cf Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) fther( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buiHing: Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( vl No ( ) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Fire Afarm Contractor: (Log. M €rzL I hL- sprL".tatist= rf 1r. coloenoo Town ofVail Reg. No.: tGl-3 Contact and Phone #'s: caPBou &urxru (qto\st3 ltoo Contractor Signature: *r*****rr*i***i**********ri****r****!i*'iFOR OFFICE USE ONLY******ti*****i**iii***t.****t***t*i** F : /everyorEf orms/al rmperm ' .:er '1';- ' TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT PROCESS FOR COMMERCAL & RESIDENTIAL EIREALARD' S.YSTETilS Commercial and ResidenUal Fire Alarm shop drawing rcquirements at time of submittal must include the following: A Colorado Registered Enginee/s stamp. Device locations on reflected ceiling plans. Typical device wiring diagrams. Battery calculations A list of specific device model numbers Equipment cut sheets of each type of device. The number of eadr type of device. Information indicaUng the specific zones. Circuit diagrams, Point to point wiring diagram. Wiring typen size, and numberof conducbrc. The source of AC potrer circuits. Fire alarm panel locaUons. Knor Box location. Information indicating monitoring method and monitoring agency. Information regarding property manageni and contact numbers Owne/s primary residence locaUon and contact numbers Instructions for fire alarm sysEm operauons and any petnent code numberc br properoperatinns. This check list has been provided b ensune that our review process may be handled in a timely manner. I have read and understand the above listed submittal rcquirements: ,r'i, ,1 .|A Contracbr Ftrotoelectric Smolre Alarm For 120 VAG and 220 VAC WI9 VD€B&ry Bd'Up ilgft;;6n, r"t c"ttt antl specbltv ARnt$ tffi soic d photobct* !n* dm.-r-codtd t"ntb frr" pldr.fo,t " 4- *. DVI,C & blby brhemtslSdtosbFo$ bdHp h t|c t q* uary Pri H. rh illY ilfdlno i! EiiriJm o+45-roru*r crxu wr wtne. rhoG.td.!rumts6tl srn rd+ Ilp Salaot """ - lf*orrg b b Gdtb ?IID IE*rer*tr*trffi.ffi anrl'Form A,Fom C dY d"ffi;;;ei'J3-q1iffig.#ffi gnhnhffinecfrtctDt;H;;i*il& cm*b mr a lamil sEn tmrdh tt rn- (hrlBaalocdaliln' Tlioo-$i;,bt Fu,56 r! htPd 3 m*n ur : a *JiriEu" -*-_- iirto-'Ljiiin str t rrv lte .p b l0 .sttltf OgPhaotfd-n e003 SERIES H,s@,@Eil--" Fffifrr#'ffi;=la . FG||JGIG.eol 'lf,A?: ;;iiEa-r..ft€' 'urc.Ffrlrzhrrlrtt saqqlltor :-:E:Ei-'Grcrrff' . Afcl-IXcoonrolWthg ffEsE : ls&ffi* softs dd b tDlst Hear Ddtts' i. On'WU*5rrnllUdftPrgrart. L.tdltrr!ffitrcm. ii;i*tt*ronoocnrac. iif;.i'do'tclpdrs (R#rtrP rzfr vW oroled$r$oaneL) Sw|dJd Fc*rr.90G So${lhEtuwm: ffiJTri*;;sorncne Daie @tB sds3) . tto|'ituzsltsat#trY. s'bl gonC&t{fftEb . Pdr|IrEOSelllEC|ErEt 'ffiffi;m,mffi;s;. sdrt}EL@Oodbnffi AvdEb lod.tr mpevlr ,\ GiENTEX 9000p00J SERIES Tildem Wlrklg Dhgrln I I I|-- I I I I I t I 5ff*'t I I -----t LHTANONS: lrdrum of 12 rbms lsl?9/{rl?8''}1'run?3r, 9,'m/pr23,ngz?,x$43. wn&anr,9'zn,iJ?2l*rl ntsy b. corn cbd logd} rf. Do nat aa..d 125 b.{ baist.n.dt d6le b. Do rd qc!.d t15 tudbctuai|lh.llst{|d hst d.tm. NOTE: Gsnb 3ltd(a Clrna cf| not ba hb|csrnaoat b rl€i8c- m {ir8D ofl:r rErufac- tm|l. A Ar J oF sD( (6) A|.AfllI IYITH A RE1AYXAYETI'trT TER. @|{ ECTED loriUgtzt,ulang',f'rF,gl'ItlzlllF,wNuEE.WsEgtF,wtwJl i- I I I I I I sffis,ffit#df" Wlrlng Dlagrams Ebctrical Speclfr cations effi V#HtSffil : : : : : : : : ' : : : : :ffiVltSH oSeratni cirrdrt $mm'lWffil :. : : : : r : : i : :oaFoloffE p€rg carbfl ifun-Fd;Ratt'e...:....:.'...-.:99qpa119fr NomirdS€nsilivlv ..... "... :f Aod'ery Reby . r-. . r.'. . ...1 'I'lnbgrdTheml 1f hohbd ThermalSia ... .,,.t ansbr S€oddty PqYer Sqrcs Archltcct & Enqlncaring Spectficatlont The Phobdecfr- Smofs iFatm $all be a C'drt€x f'bdcl or appDved equal uhit$ sf|al ptwde at least fn trlorho feafut€s fld func0otts. 1. Nomfid t€ncllit'tv $d be 25t6. 2 The dam cral dlts' ar lrfared LED tsdng druit utsch oubes in 4 to 5 seond inlewds wh€n subiectod io snUre. nner Z qrseottiue FJb€s in ettole, fie dail ull actvab. 3. Iho 8hm shal have a MC akahe balory as a bd('ttp in ttE er€nt h.iruhq gower is lod. 4. The I vDC baUefy-hbedence sH bs vsified by rhe cirqdt of tp $ndo dam,5 The alann shall pro,He an hdctrr whon lho batlery b |tr h porGr or high imPod$ce u b mischg. 6. The abm shall rct i& tninimrm Slol JgmFtondse rato h he oplics ftdnc f assue sttil[V d ap€taillon ln eft+ rolmenb of hish RF ad hamfxil cottdfrons. 7. Ihe ser|siu d|araer shafl be frlty sct€sled b Pqg|! entmce dsmdf i|secb, lh5 t€tlttdm he probttfity of bbeabms.& A sotd dale pl@o abt'n reted at qHBA at 10fr 9- A vlsual LED moribr (condbn Indi:ab) wfll slotx puh€ In norrd ooeralion and rafid pube h datm. l0.An easii accosglttG t€ct kipb shall be ptovlled' Tho bsl lsrcb in -tF TEST poefm v,| dfirJdo dl d|d smol(o conditm d awoxitmHy 3.5% ca6ing t|e delecbr to damr wihkt 2G36 seco&. ll till & htw ho Wbuty of bslim b 0.85% as a ]€{ldr€d mitintm. A megrFlic ewlHl dosurc or othor slut dosure, or $ml(e g€nerating €{llrxnsnt '{hidt &G3 not scdler he bht bean or test sddiliw b rd srfidenl. c indlcated in N8$onal @o' 1 | . The ddehor atrl llat,o bld€m hbmnned capabfity ot up b 12 unib a 6 urlb wffi l€by. l2Can be hbmmnocbd rft AC abms, G€t|bx ilXxftoo3 S€ries dd tte HD135 lFal d*e(. lX The mambctrsr Ctaf Fot l& d|€r cofiFabl€ abfln 49qels wlh he blbwhg oplturd toatul€s: a) 135'F isohbd fismd w|ft mmrdy openod conbct br til|ole cqrneclim b local alrn a ant ncisbr; b) 135'F intogral hennel; c) arrdbry Fan A/Form G nhy cctbds br hHa[ru nmob frrr{ms and annuda[on; d) rday opton 0rat is capabb of acfrvditn by tandoto lnt€tcomect wire. Iheflrd settsor shdl b€ sdt{€doritg. 14. thil rust bo uL 2t7 ldod h boft ual and co$ing nulril. l5.Unil shall abo m€d all requi renls ol he $Ee d Caltuda Fr€l,Hd. A[ G$frm€nt shd be dnd€[€ly fidory csdrHod, Ii€d and b:bd irit tre contactur shall bo pmpand to $.rbmlt a c€rmed l€il6r bstfrino b lHs cadi[dt. AhmE'wtidr do nd ned dl of lhe ruquilgttstb d his lpodilc€illon wil not be conddend GiEI\ITEXEClFIFCIFIATIC,N Fire Proteclirn ftodds: U}w.gEnlex.curl 10085 Chicagp Dr., Bu 310, Zedad, trll49464 8101302-7195 1{uy'lib8i}91 FNC 6144fi1.1219 GrL oortd.-o sv..!F 't b rf,b dr!|. bir9.dd.lL.l6t ||-.hL Rdryto&lg ET el,tue1zFg,t2of,trzjffgatw ftWgIF botrdti.mnlwfrh on0oml ffiaaorycor6.Eelzoltellg'llUgl,g*wrgzffiz''tF GAt''*REM-LCiV*I b b.c.n0- dsr ma b.aa lL riE a btr&rdfilnc{t Ib rUcolElSr|tdEraia6t REAYOO''ETB RATE UTT'FESE IIVEr-oFc2avr o! AIP c r25 vrc rax ffr ArP o 220 vs r|^x 6 *-W.pr G)(xxlts1l TOWN OF VAIL ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Permit #: D01{015 Job Address: 122 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: VILLAGE CENTER UMTS 44 AND B Applied . . : 05/02/2N7 ParcelNo....: 210108209004 Issued...: 05/15/2Cf1 ProjectNo.: { @;;0\- O\{D Expires...: 77/77/2007 OI'INER IIENRY AI\I]IHONY ITTI,ESON TRUSTO5/02I2001 PhONC: POCOCABO PLANTATION 1185 POCOCABO I.N GREENPOIID SC 29446 License: CoNTRACTOR BAUER HOME TMPROVEMENT 05/O2/2O0L phone: PO BOX 2894 VAIIJ CO 81658 License: 118 -B APPL,ICAI{:r BAUER HOME IMPROVEMEMT 05/O2/2OOL Phone:. 97O-39O-29O9 PO BOX 2894 VAIIJ CO 8165I Iricense: Desciption: INTERIOR DEMO ONLY Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family TypeConstruction: II-FR TypeOccupancy: ?? Wood Pelleh *.' FEE SUMMARY Valuation: $5,000.00 Fleplace InJormation: Restricted: Building-> Plan Check-> Investigation-> will call_> Add Sq Ft 0 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of S95 . 00 Restuarant Plar Review-> $o. oo DRB Fee-.--> $o. 00 Recreation Fee--> S3 - o0 Clean-uP DePosit-> TOTAL FEES--> so. oo Total Calculated Fees-> So. oo Additional Fees--> go . oo Total Permit Fee-> $0 . 00 Payments-> S9S . OO BALANCE D{JE-> s98.00 $0. 00 $98. 0O $98.00 $0. 00 Approvals:I€dm: 05100 BUILDING DEPART!{E}flI 05/15/2001 eRG Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTI{EMr Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS rr+*******r*ffiffiffi*'|**t*** PAGE 2 Perrnit #: D014016 CONDMONSOF APPROVAL as of 05-15-2001 Status: ISSLIED Permit Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Applied: 05/02/2001 Applicanf BAUER HOME IMPROVEMENT Issued: 05/15/2OOl 970-390-2qJ9 To Expire: 11/77/2001 Job Address: 122 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: VILLAGE CENTER UNITS 4A AND B Parcel No: 210108209004 Description: INTERIOR DEMO ONLY Conditions: Cond:38 (BLDG.): THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY. AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWING THE AREA FREE FROMASBESTOS IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY FURTHER WORK OCCTIRING ON THIS SITE. IF FURTHER QUESTIONS ARISE, CONTACT THE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 479-2250. Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQTIIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: L2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPUANCE. Cond: CON0004726 Must be maintained as 2 separate units with no openings between unless & until a Conditional Use Permit is approved to combine the units (per Allsion Ochs, Planning). See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the infonnation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inforcration as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infonration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state lawt and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SFIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE OUROffiCEFROMS:(X)AM-5PM. ,. Send Clean-up Deposit To: n,/a OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR ANDOWNET TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E0l-0171 Job Address: 122 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLJED Location.....: VILLAGE CENTER UNITS 4A AND B Applied . . : 08/14/2001 Parcel No...: ^ 210108209004 lssued. . : 0811612001 ProjectNo ,V(lftl- 0l4O Expires. .: 02tr2t2002-t OWNER HENRY AI{THOIIY ITTLESON TRUST0S/14I2001 Phone: POCOCABO PI.,AIITATION 11.85 POCOCABO I,N GREBIPOND SC 29'446 License: CONTRACTOR EAGLE VLLLEY EIJECTRIC 08/L4/200L Phone: 970-927-57'12 P O BOX 1115 VAIL, CO 81658 License: 156-E APPIJICANT EAGLE VALL,EY EL,ECTRIC 08/\4/200L Phone: 970-827-5772 P O BOX 1116 VAIIJ, CO 816s8 IJicenge: 156-E Desciption: ELECTRICAL WORK FOR INTERIOR REMODEL OF 2 ttNITS Valuation: $30,000.00 FEE SUMMARY Electical_> 9540.00 Total Calculated Fees-> 9543.00 Additional Fees___> S0.00 Tolal Pennil Fee-> 5543 . 00 pa),rnents-> 9543.00 BAL{I{CE DL[E-> 50.00 DRB Fc€-> Investigntion-> will cblt-> 90.00 s0.00 93.00 TOTALFEES-> Ss43.00 Approvals:IfE:m: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEBfi| 0S/L4/20O! CDAVIS Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIIT CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BIJDG.): FIELD INSPECTIOIIS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information require{ complet€d an aacurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is cotr@t. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiew approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHATT BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN BY TELEPHONE AT TI.JRE OF OWNER FROM 8:(n AIr{ - 5 PM. FORHIMSELFAND OWNE APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG Building Permit #: BOl-0100 Electrical Permit * : €O/'Ot 7 / 97 O-47 I - 2149 (Inspections) MWNOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, Colorado 81657 Contact Assessrc Office at 970-328-9640 or visit for Parcet # Parcel # (Required iflo bldg. p lob Name: Ittleson Residence Renovation lob Address: I22 E. Meadow Dr., Vail Village Center Units 4A & B Legal Description ll Lot: ll Btock: ll ririns:Subdivision: 5Y3fl?$ UFM6ny rttreson lffi.Fd""*ro Ln. Greenpo'a sc.llffi Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: Conplqte rewire to c bi twq residential units into one workclass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodet (y) Repair( ) Temppower( ) orher( ) Work Type: Interior ( X) Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: single-family ( ) Duptex ( ) MultFfamity E ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dweiling Units in this buiiding: g No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes (No(x) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( X) N" (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (1 ) No ( ) COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNTOF SQ FTIN STRUCTURE: 2,6N ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ 30,000.00 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Electrical Contractor: lggle rqlfgy Electri4, Inc Town of Vail Reg. No.: 156-E A .......-_ Contact and Phone #'s: Cel g14-5g44 Sanr Bishop 827-5772 Contractor Signafure:/0\_*.)*-rLi--JH[\ ******rt***********t***************r***tFOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************!t******rrrr**** F :/everyone/forms/elecperm TOWNOF'VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PErMit #: MOI.OO98 Job Address: 122 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: VILLAGE CENTER UNITS 4A AND B Applied . . : 061191200l ParcelNo...: 210108209004 Issued. . : 06/26/2OOl ProjectNo : Expires. .: l2l23l20ll OWNER HEI{RY AI{THONY ITTLESON TRUSTO6,/19I2001 PhONE: POCOEEBO PLANTATION 1195 POCOCABO LN GREE}IPOND SC 29446 License: COIITRACTOR KELI-,YrS QUAL,ITY PLIjMBING SER06,/19,/2001 Phone: 970-328-6093 P.O. Box 318? Eagle, CO 81631 I-.,icense: 245-M APPLICAIIT KEI-,LYrS QIIALITY PLITMBING SER06/19l2001 Phone: 970-328-6093 P.O. Box 3L87 Eag1e, CO 81631 I-,icense: 245-vl Desciption: INTERIOR REMODEL OF 2 UNITS Valuation: $1,000.00 Firepface Informafion: Re{ricted: y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas l,ogs: O 4 of Wood_ Pellef 0 ||.....:t'ht1.***,|,|**+..|i|****|..|||||t||tlt|t|*..|t|{.{|l{'|||||||1*'* M€chanical-> S2o.oo R€stuarar Plan Review-> So.oo Total Cslculated Fees-> F28.00 Plan Check-> 9s.oo DRB Fee--------> $o.oo Additionsl F€6-> S0.00 lnvestigation> So . OO TOTAL FEES------> $2s . OO Total Pennit Fes---> S28 . 00 Witl Call-> S3 . OO Payments.-----'--'t 928 ' 00 BALANCE DIJ'E-----> 90.00 ***,1:l:ltti|||**a'rttItem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/2t/20oL GRG Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD IITSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE- Cot:rd: 22 (BIJDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. ?01 OF THE 1997 IJMC' OR SECTIOII 701 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BL,DG.): INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS At{D TO CmPTER 10 oF THE 1997 UMC, CHAPTER L0 OF THE 1997 rMC, Cond: 25 (BL,DG.): GAS .A,PPLIANCES SIIAIL BE VB.ITED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER I AND SHAITL T.ERII:IIryATE AS'SPECIF]ED I}I SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR CHAPTER 8 Condr 29, (BLDG. ) : ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEITT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. AND SEC.1017 0F THE L997 I'MC AI{D CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BIJDG.): BOILERS SHAITL BE MOIJNTED ON FI-,OORS OF NOIICOMBUSTIBLE CONST. IINI-,ESS LISTED FOR MOI'}fIING ON COMBUSTIBI-,E FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDGI.): PERMIT,PLAI{S Ar.ID CODE AIIAI-,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AI{ INSPECTION REQT'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRAINAGE OF MECIIAIiIICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SITPPLY BOII-,ERS SHAIJIJ BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DR,AIN PER SEC. TO22 OE TIIE 1997 I'MC, OR sEcTroN 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and statE laws, and to build this stnrcture according to tlle towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQI.JESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOL,'R HOLTRS IN ADVANCE BY AT 479-2138 OR AT oLIR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE OF O CTORFORHMSELFAND OWNE : ftWrrvaC APPTICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTEDS 2se mwttopwnlY :..,: ^-..- 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Qfuct* Permit wiil not be accepted without the following: ^ rt ,r :'"11i'.ll""HiHnTil:if.xt o**'to scare to incrude: hr r t , = ,.ilT:J:H.'liir Duct size and Location ^r r I W _.: ffi*fifslx#;::""0'"f\f\nl e ' SVO coNrRAcroR,n.o*rorrlu I r- Mechanical Permit #: 97 O - 47 9-2'L49 (Inspections) Permit will not be accepted without the following: Mechanical Contractor: lGt4" O,^tile Dlr*bu 5ve Town ofVail Reg. No.: zqs - ,4 Contact and Phone #'s: 2Ao - sg1 1 Ket*t &TK* Contractor Signature:6a.a-+ COMPTETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials MECHANICAL: $ ,tuo. u Conbd Assessorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit for ParceI # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit * is provided aUove) 'oo tutt' I4.ll*, c-,-k-, p*LL*oo Job Address: Iftt/ore CPtrr- V*;/ f^. 8t6s7 Lesar Desctipti onll rct{*ttll eo"*, ll rilir,e,Subdivision: o*n"6 N"t"' {ar,.v s#abo'"r ll lddress: p^-*L l(gs D, r-llTffi Engineer:Address: P.'*to I tbs Phone: Detaileddescriptionof work: R..*.*y C,,,.s l^rre io E F-ttrc4j nA ave p{/woe Work Class: New ( ) Addition 0<) Atteration () Repair ( ) Other ( ) BoilerLocation: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (;p Type of Bldg: Single-family ftQ Duplex ( ) MultFfamily !4J Commercial X) Restaurant ( ) Otier ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I Z No. of Accommodation Units in this building: 12 Noffype of Fireplaces Existins: Gas Appliancesfu) Gas Loqs t*I Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (2 ) Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( 1 ) Cas Logs (Z) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ffi No ( ) RECEIl,ED * ** * ,|. * * * * * ** * * * * * * ** * * * * FOR OFFICE USE ONLY* x( * * * ** ** {.* * * F: /everyone/forrns/mechperm $UJ&fl01****{. TOWN OF VAIL ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M0l-0141 Job Address: 122 E MEADOW DR VAIL lncation.....: VILLAGE CENTER UNITS 4A AND B ParcelNo...: 210108209004 ProjecrNo , Pfllbt_ dqO S4o. co R€stuarant Plan Review-> S10.00 DRB Fee---> $o. oo TOTAL FEES-> $3.00 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 0910412001 Issued. . : 09ll9l200l Expires. .: 03ll8l2002 owNER IrEr{Ry A}ITHONY TTTLESON rRUST09/04l2001 phone: POCOCABO PI,AIIIIATION 1185 POCO(bBO I-,N GREETiIPOND SC 29446 License: .A,PPLIC3$I HEARTH EXCHANGE, INC. (TI'3I 09/O4/200a Phone: 910-821-9623 P.O BOX 670 MINTT'RN, CO 8L645 License: L74-M CONTRASIOR HEARTH EXCIIANGE, INc. (THE) 09,/04l2001 Phone: 910-827-9623 P.O BOX 570 MIMTURN, CO 81645 License r L"7 4 -Yl Desciption: INSTALLATION OF 2 GAS LOG SETS Valuation: $2.000.00 Fireplace Information: R€shicted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofGas t ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellct 0 FED SLIMMARY rit.rr**rrarr.a.....i...ttt.,t.tl.rrrraaraaraaallll...'r...... Medranical-> Plan Chcck-> lnvestigatioft> will ca[-> So.oo Total Calc{late.d Fees->ss3 .00 So. oo Additioml F.€s_> (Ss3.00) S53 . OO Totnl P€rmit Fec-> Paymct s-....-> BAI AI{CE DTJIE-> s0. 00 F0,00 90.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEIqr 09/04/200L DF Action: AP ITCM: 05600 FIPE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD IITSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS RIIQUIRED PER SEC. 70L OF THE L997 UMC, OR SECTION ?01 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTALLATIOII MUST CONFORM TO II{AI{UFACTI]RES INSTRUCTIONS Al{D TO CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IJMC. CHAPTER 10 OF THE ]-99? IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG. ) : GAS ADPLIA}ICES SHALI, BE VE$ITED ACCORDING TO GIAPTER 8 AND SHAI.I-, TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TIIE 1997 I]MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY }IITII CHAPTER 3 AI.{D SEC.1O17 OF TIIE 1997 T'MC AT'ID CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE ]-997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOII-.,ERS SIIALL BE MOIINIED ON FLOORS OF I,ISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLAITS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE TO AN INSPECTION REQTIEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRAINAGE OF IIECHANICAIJ RL1OMS CO}ITAINING HE,ATING OR HOT-WATER SI'PPIJY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. TO22 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR sEcTroN 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. tt**x*r,*:titr******i'iar||'rr'itt***'l't***ti!'ti(t't*'t,t*,t*,t't*tla:ta|'ttaaaaa'|:l*****'|.tll|.tl*l*********t*tttaa,|,|a,lllalaAt*tllaallll DECLARATIONS I hoeby acloowledge that I nave read this application, filled out in full the infomration requl€4 completed an accurate plot plaq and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan" to comply with all Town ordinanc€s and state laws, and to build this structue according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiew approvd Uniform Building C<rde and other ordirrances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPEC ION SHALL BE MADE TWIINTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. ITNIJESS POSTED IN MECIIANICAL ROOM PRIOR AT 479.2138 oR AT oUR OmCE f'RoM t:00 AM - 5 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTORFORHMSELF AND OWNE AAI3A/2AAI 16:59 9725279222srcmtaurnly t -o, ruiiahg peffiit #' A an ' a'L€o Dlechanical Permit #: 97 o - 47 9 -21.49. (tn sPections) ;i::75 5, Frontagc Rd. I vail. colorado E1657 o Combusdon Alr DuctSlze and LocaUono FluG, Vent and 6as Line Size and Loglion o Heat Lo3s Calca.n EqulpmentCut/SpecSheets Permit wlll not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layoutdrawn to:sclle to inclsde: o Mechanical Room Dimensions l- dql * ** ** ** +rt * **1.*** *** ** * *d.vr * t* * * * **+ ** ++ *+ ** ****** :F* **: I TOWN OF VAIL . DEPARTMENT OF COMMTINITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLLIMBING PERMIT Permit #: P01-0052 Job Address: 122 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.....: VILLAGE CENTER UNITS 4,A AND B Applied . . : 06/19/2N1. ParcelNo...: 210708209004 Issued. .: 06/26/2001 Project No : (6Or-p ( ut 6 Expires . .: 72/n/2W7 otiINER HENRY AIqIHONY ITTIJESON TP'VSTO6/L9/2001- phone: POCOCABO PIJAMTATION 1185 POCOCABO I-lN GREENPOND SC 29445 I_,icense: coNrRAcToR KEI-,LY'S QUAIJITY PLUMBING SEROS/L9/20O\ Phone: 970-328-6093 P. O. Box 3187 Eagle, CO 81631 I-,icense z 219-P APPLICAI{I KELI-,Y,S QUAI-,ITY PLITMBING SEROS/19l2001 Phone: 970-32A-6093 P.O. Box 3187 Eagle, CO 81631 I-,icense t 279-P Desciption: INTERIOR REMODEL OF 2 LINITS Valuation: $3,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: ?? Wood Pa.llet:FEE SUMMARY Plumbing-> S45.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check--> 911.25 DRB Feg------> So . oo Total Calculated Fees--> $59.25 so . oo Additional Fees--->$0. 00 Investigation-> wiu call->$3.00 BALANCE DUE-.-->$0. 00 Itemr 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT !6/21/2OOL GeG Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARII{ENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 i:::_".:1.:_:.'_:.".:__:::_'::::::*T:.::::::::...::..:i:::*.111"."13.?i-.-'-i51.111i; DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inforuration required, comPleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inJormation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforrnation and # of Gas Appliance s: ?? # oI Gas Logs: ?? # of So . 0o TOTAL FEES--------> S59 . 25 Total Permit Fee-> $s9 . 25 pavments__-> $59.25 plot plan, b compty with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zonin6 and subdivisioncodee, designreview approved Uniforur Building Code and other ordinances of the Townapplicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECNON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOTJRS IN ADV PM. 479-2138 0R A1 oUR OFICE ROM 8fi AM - 5 OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNET /1/- df2/zl/,',/. ' APPICATION I,UILL NOT 6E ACCEPTEDTtsj.Z5 IF INCOMPLETE OR Project #:-o/ Building Permit #: ts ol - Plumbing Permit #: 97 O - 47 9-2149 (Inspections) 'p/Wtl0pvdn75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Plumbing Contractor:contact and Phone #'si .8o - s.^l qTown of Vail Reg. No.: COMPLETE VATUATION FOR PTUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: $ Parcel #no bldg. permit # is plovided above) robAddress: V:i-\, ff,Job Name: . , ,. l*1:t*-2 ,,1 {} q e Detailed description of work: la6loc.fu r-r.e{g Vc'.t+ "we vr*l*.ptpo +4 5,X l-aAd, lgt1ct WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration$4! Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family $4f Duplex ( ) Multi-family Qd Commercial $z) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building: tZNo. of Existing Dwelling UniE in this building: tZ Is this a conversion from a fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( Contact Asscssots Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for ParceI *********'t*****************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY"* ** ***** ****** r.**********!t* *'r't* * * ** * RECEIV EO JUN r I 20r,1 F/everyone/forms/plmbperm es.Pet ffi$m,;il$.$f Town of VailSuney Cornmunity Development Deparhent Russell Fonesl Director, €70)4n.213e Check all thd applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s)did you conbct? Building _ Environmenbl_ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB _ PEC Was your initial conbct with our stafi immediate_ slow 0r no one available 3. lf you were required to wait how long was it before you were helped? 4.Was your project revieaed on a limely basis? Yes / No lf no, why no? 5. Was ttris your first lime to file a DRB app- PEC app Bldg Permit_ ttUA 6. Please rate the performance of the staf person who csisted you: 54321Name: 8. (knowledge; responsiveness, availabiliiy) Overall efiecliveness of fie Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 Whd is fre best lime of day fur you to use fte Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenb you hare which would allow us to betbr serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the tme to complete fiis survey. We are commited b improving our service. 12-12-2OAf - -lnsp€n{an tiequesf xep"trwi;Qieu-*-- ---juali"-s"o."-i"ouruhn_ : RequcsterJ insF€.ti t Urte; hlip€cuon Ar€a: Site AddreEs: Page 1 _-..:-- Wejnes{tay. Fccember I a. t001 GRG 1t2 E |i{EADOW t}R VAIL.r'iLLAOg |:ENTER UTIIT$ 4AATID B I ,l !.J1t I fAosf lTtrt-t& 0l TotN o\'-o 0l' Insrecdon lllsErv llcm. t!9m: llrm: Itrm: 50 4o{|r: 60 10 20 3f)* .{ptr'oved " ORG'Asfi€,r!: AP APPROVECI Comt€nts: gtdol r[d! & used FFJ srood for env bacldno = OK. BLDGhsubtbn - Aootowd " CRG tutla1' nP 6,1oPPg16g08!17/01 hroecbr: ORG. n6nl3: tlgfd lbor|l edtr for]lorl backlng, vsr4x J€tt:"d€r" Fo&rilved *'Com'|tottS:tgo||l t/trr forl Bi- Er.tShe€toc k-- 1.Js0 CP/2&O1 lp*octor;. GRG A{ otr: PAPARTIALAFPROVAL Besf ^;W N(lruil Co{nnr.ntt: Soinc mJh nc,t dofi€. ()l( to tape whgt hd$ Lron t{)mpl€l'Ed sa far. Ca{ for lncp.dlofl pilr to bdfiq re||finktq dflrrvall. 1OrO3O1 f*Ocl'ton CCDVIS Actlan' AF APPROl/ff'(bmm.nts: REET OF SI.€ETROCK CCMPLE TK D ?O BLDG.MbC. 90 BLDC'-Fht€l A,FJD hlFrmatlon Adfulty. Hlt{lOO T\e+: A-MF L:uij T!'Fe: /lMF StNt r: ls$t ED Ccxls{ I}4!e: Occupairc y P ! ,:+€: r! FP hsF Aruc: GftGPritel: ?1010820gnod Owner: HENRY AilTHOtlY l[.rLE$ON1TttJ$TEf Cortrsclor BAUER I-IOME n FRO\€MEhIT Applk€nt BAUER HOtIE n/|PRO\|EMEDT rrrrri8: 97s.:3fiFls{x} lrscitpton: llfTERlOR REIIODEL OF 2 uftrTS NOthC: fi I UOl ROT,TED REVI$ED FLA}.JS TO GAR.' , AIL|$C{'I AN*II FIRE I,i;:FT, " DFLORESNolka: Ctff|oi conaplCd3 lh€ 2 rd$trs unfid a Ct rP hB5 l]f;en apHoved Uust malntlio 2 hr 5€psrdon beiu/acn th€ ? uniB. - AOCIIS t{o|Ko: F{l,S ROI,TED TO GARY ALLISI:]I.I AND FI3E DEPT - FLORES Com{m|{: PEC .Dprorred CIJP fcr consoilddon ('l ? unib. Alt tnt€dcr - rocllsComnerlt I appro,td O|. deino psrmtt lbr ltlbsofi for Bsuer Fbn|€ l[rprovemant. | &ddad s condHon per A$ton thlt the 2 ur$t! hod to ba tDalfltafttd srr€r'n€ with n.) ofientncr$ ba$r€en unters & unill o CiJp lr DDf-o{ad o comblno tltam. I lu{ gsw I i vrluiatbri of $5K cts fie ha*hfsp+clfrcrj +r :€F€rds vrlffitlon for tid dsmo portlon. I d6{tmted O|d $S( trom th€ S370fi t}|!l he 'rsve as a vbirniiron Jor lhe enfie hb fl! rFtah fie old}s un$ I cttl aqplqyC$:.11r.for the blog pelmit Bol-o1db. n Tf.'lcrupnrlu ;' Fr€*resrec,.ni'ecdon{sr t*- oa tr/,t_/ rll v 'v I I 0S:00 AIH 970-38G2S9 Eiltitrod BV. OFLOfiES K mr#,:"ft REPTl31-Run Id: 1119 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2738 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE TIOSTED ONIOBSM AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P01-0082 |ob Address: 122 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: VILLAGE CENTER IJNITS 4l{ AND B Applied . . : M/n/2n7 ParcelNo...: 2701ffi209n4 Issued. .: W/27/20[7 ProjectNo : f (-TOt- O.Ltb Expires. .: 02/23/2002 OWNER HEIIRY ATTHONY ITTIJESO}I TRUSTOS/20,/2001 PhONC: POCOCABO PIJANT.ATION 1185 POCOCABO IN GREBNPOIID SC 29446 I-,icense: CONTRACTOR KEIJIJYIg QIIAJ-'TTY PIJI'MBING SEjROS/2O/20O]- PhONEZ 970-328-6093 P.O. Box 3187 EagJ.e, CO 81631 Lricense z 279-P APPIJICAI|T KEITITY'S QUAIITY PLU!{BING SERo8/20l2001 Phone: 970-328-5093 P.O. Box 3187 Eagle, CO 81631 License z 279-P Desciption: SLIPPLYING GAS MAINS TO EACH 8 UNIT FROM THE MASTER ROOM. Valuation: $8,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: n # of Gas Appliances:, ?? # ofGas Lngc: n *of WoodPalleh??*,*".*"'*'*...trffiffiFEESUMMARY So. OO Total Calculated Fees--> $153 .00Plumbing-> 9120. 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Ch€ck-> 530.00 DRB Fee-->$0. 00 Additional Fees->s0.00 lnvestigation-> will Call-> SO . 0O TOTAL FEES > S1s3 . OO Total permit Feg_> 9153 . 00 $3.00 Payments-> S153 .00 BALANCE DUE-> $O. OO Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARITTENT O!/23/2OOL CDAVIS Actj-on: Ap WORK MUST COMPIJY TO ENGINEERTS DESICiDI Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARITTENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COI{PLIA}ICE. ff*.'Hitt*.t*,hsffitaiffirH*rH*rffi'rfl'lr'ffaffrtffffff r**'ri*|rtrwffi*****r.t*trti** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiorL filled out in full the information required, comPleted an accuraie plot plan, and state that atl the infonnation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infonnation and plotplan, bconply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stmchrre according b the towns zoning and suHivisioncodes, designrevirew approrre4 Uniforul BuildingCode and other ordinancesof the Townapplicable thereto. REQI,JESIS FOR INSPECNON SHAIT BE MADE TWB{TY-FOT'R HOURS tN ADVANCE BY TELEPFIONE AT 47}213E OR AT OIJR OFFICE rcM Eil' AM . 5 OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIlvtSEtr AND OI TNEI s NWTTWYAEIY bt COMPLETE VALUATIQIUQBILUIILING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) - ll rruuarrue, $ gM).*ll I .014o Building Permit #: 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Town of Vail Reo. No.:n1 'P Contact anil-Pfi-one #'s: Yalq 6o Tto - 290 -58A ConbGt at 970-328-8640 or visit forParcel #ffiffi JobName: V,LI*^, C.r",+f* G*, ,tl_^l Job Address: lzz 6 l4N"'" op-' Vctt- Co. 91b<2 Legal Description ll Lot ll Block I Filing:Subdivision: owners Name: to4.r c4 tl brey I Address: toro c,,^uo pLa,.L.L,a lgs t,cot"o w I Pnone: Engineer:6r*.osy 4,,.t?." ll Address: P" 8." 3q Vr.tl C.. klt gs l Phone: qvT- bt6& Detailed description of work: , S.-.tl"^r- c,c-J a,{+,!r.r.r a\.,L p-t, c-yt+ u^',{Jit-.t U- Me+?L p-ao,*- Work Class: New $Q Addition b4 Afteration ( ) Repair ( ) fther ( ) Typeof Bfdg.: Slngle-familyfft.- Duptex( ) Multi-familyp Commercial ( ) Restiturant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: B No, of Accommodation Units in this building: I Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ffi- No ( ) ***i***rr*******:r**rr*'t?rr't*r*********r*r*FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****rt****n*****r*******r******rrr**r*i F I elte,-f one I f 6 itsl pl mbperm *o rc: t]"A^btu- DArE RourE o' glzn lo t DArE DuE: 4'lolnl l.oo*,1l,robr,., P1-c/.,BL ,W) :',L : ,H$h#jg,*""sw* 0FFfffiffipy u8lll;l -n., (I a7-Al .'R8.. Ituopou'Resideiice" .A nyl?sl,JflD V-J)-. Vllkle Q,enterAGrs tiiine ll:atrJ F- 't,-.'--\ /rJ evrarra a ar4rr..6w !\vgr+ rr w-[' . vail,co 81d57 i ., /.\ -' lrcttfDEns'lilc' . -AUG;14-2001 TUt 05:04 Ptl K.H, IIEBB ARCHITECTS [nX UO. 970 4?? 2965 P, 02' Aur 14, 2001 3:28P[1 BEAtJoI}l GA|\IZE collls|JlTl]lG ENrl N0.3082 ?,2 I r. li --.. I A\ r^ t, 'Tlear lfrrlp . . '. i Pet your requ€rg tn" fonowhg dgsuibes oru design l:riteria for the Villagc Carter n FasPilingpmject: I l. ., : Gas pip\g sizc is based on llre 1994 Plrnnbiiig co<le Tabla I2-3 Gunentlyadoptedinvail). i ' , ' 2. .. Estimated total dl'nrmic lsn8th frbm tte pree!;ure re.gulator on the gas meter t6 the' fiuthesrgas flxfure (includurg ehows and fitf ngs) is apploximately200 feet. , 3. Gas load to each condo units is 180 MBII. | ,4, The hcating value of Bas is 1,000 BTU's per i,rrbic foot (per Kl-LEnorgy)., :, 5. Bascdbn t}e fotal of 1440 I\,IBH fo5 aU tlre r$dts (180 MBH per uni0 and the toialf . Bascdbn the fotal of 1440 MBH fo5 aU tlre r$dts (180 MBH per unit) and the rorali , 'dynamic lengtl5 the pipe size from the meteri:o the condos to be tnyo 1Z'1 pryo5. ' Onepiire to serve four condos on left side offruilding and oile (1) (?) pipe to seme lbw condos qn thir right hdf of the buif ting,':,..\! Iic.)'ouhavefovq6&,pieasecall.' . l 't' 't t O-[ox39 Ysil" 00 u65t (tlo) e.re.6r08 frx (l7o) e4e-fi59 l(1{2 Denv* Stcct Ffiwy. Suito l9i frldcn, (0 8001 GA)nF3s20 Frr; (303) 2?l-38{l AUG-14-2001 TUE Auc,l1. 2001 K, H. }IEBB ARCHITECTS 'BEAUDI l{ GANZE CONStJLTIIIG FUEL PIPING Pil05:04 3 r 2BPH (3o)OIACoONtDTr).+Fo - st F\ lO co + <, riAIv(e F c\.1 € F. al@{4 '_ r- at ,r gO$lO-r-fiC>toCrlcitroor\'|- FXg RBEE -fN CrrfNOrOe.Orjo:jQOI\raD(OlO@F"t--Orn Fol$F(')o6r-NAl oN(o|-(ItcDF-(')roF(olr? C\,1 *€ON to F O,r,(') (Oq -AllOCOt EstF t\l c\ Crr+(D(rre<i*F-'-F+o (! s ot ot (l) |rl F- l4r I\ (D<I '-Al!()qrv)NFr.. N (r) O rn C) O lrr t\* oI ct F r- r-.4<\lrteooo)s(otrog) F(! (Yr(A ('t (o \+ qF(\o ..,o€O€O)(c)sc:t/r(\|t+F.ct<!r',c}$l(r)\'NFlAb,4", FN(r)(oO€o(o@FF.(Vct RsEF$gFgF$g (,QitNr.)CO(OFl.\F,stC)qcl)F.cQFsrcrt\rooo6t rO,lr'@Alc{(')(l,. F.(!C?!t OOrtco\ltO(O(\lF,Fcottn:f.DrOAldO.aOtCl@Nl?! r.'(n*CDq@@g).r/ -C!(''ID i i I irOr+GrsaOa6a4(oO+"rE'til r:l Ct) l.- rf, tr (Yl .rl' r (o C)F v-l?r4c|(po|)Ncl)?.'-Ol .{ U) ae$x*ro'rnxwcdtn€r|J|00roo@,u1 6c's)t'FT9sOFCON(DlOy- +. Ci, <l (o al .: O(r|FcdaO-s.(o(ociFg)lOFORlt(|)(ot\olCt)F$lql!NotV()oFF("/q?t\ o (o€o$l (o (Y)U)(o(n14 l,t.DlrrF($13)cDr-drONlrtv.C.l.<t(ocDOF.qlf) -NrDrQF. OFF.C:(frt.tc|et*'(tF(otu(9sr(I)-IOCOC)$.|r-(\l{F-sAl(ndtr -NCoQd I o()@orNco,oorcrrtdo(o(o(9ror)o(')\t(\t(r)oFNlONU)t+t9e-'or.Ol{(OQ i QCrJN(o.OO,OCO"OuitOtJ,ls L') (r] cO 4 o) c] r- (,: rf '-Nn€(.oF\t\o,l^.-FNrf(DOt o cV r- (4r4 (' (vt d) r c: rr,!t @ N av (tt.cD F q o) ct, otF(?(Ooo)OG/rdo)F C/, 1ll li,i! d iF €)(OoF-rnr|nCT)oC(FrF q)c]t-F.aO(taOd)(t{qNatl"t-CVlirolNOFOI(t(DO^i Cl6l6)Olr)tr,{}-g)qoNrrrCF.(g-l(oCqq E 6)FNt(')eF\'@to]_NttF;,d {F Or{.c')*smorrN.t F-F F. {O d)c|c|tll-)rr) F C F,Fa'r(ovror++:$lF $r !q (o F:i.cir- ,.'' Al r' I c tDrlcoF(J' =L(!{Jofr Rtsr66E ,_[9 lo5PItlrO (LY (trt:o0 EEO- lJ- EE S ,Y r-' t:{ El'z "-.! q SiiS IO:.oz>lY6o s,'s (J9 b(b' Ee Ad qO!tAF.S,EOx-€E<a6z Table 12-3 i- l E! r_= ', C)Ai &Ei! r34r! UlrqI JCtI E*3 loI FOTJt '1*1 (r) It MBING COOE : f€et por hoor (no column {or quires one-half quires one-half requires thros- ts) Fer Hout ?mand inh Wattyh 0 14,650 8790 10,2s50 1910450 7p2s0 11,720o 14,650,0 7,825o 2,930 6 to,u6 '0 8,790 ro 14,050 *m 1.8 2.4 3.0 y lloor level S" E€ss-iirle:f* ss.-++*H'$* !. .135 AUG:14-2001 TUE Aur,14, 2001 05:05 PI{ K,H, IIEBB ARCHITTCTS 3;48P|r{ BEAUDIN GANZT c0|tSULTlllc |t'nx Erl, l N0, 970 477 2965 N0,3083 P, 05 P. 2/3 \rq,pr#*#q0} \ Rsvis.ed: augurt 14, 2001 .Bnluplrq ' , M1.MaftYoo .' Kll Webb fuchitocts ,.i Vail Frofesaioiral Buildirig, Suite 21 6 ' i ,, 953 South rrodqge Rpd \V.ss1 : Vail, CO 81657 '- iRe; Ittlsson Recidence Yt[rico Centcr A.Gasliping : P,rpjbst #350,5.13 DearMark ri ! i i l *45 180 MBII or 3,15 180 t:nn ,+1601440I)IBII or tr;00 1440 c.FH: . '. I a-, trANZf,' uoilsut TtN0' fitolNt[Rs, tN[. Per your request, thg following is a brief dcscrip,tg "f loy,$.gu pip-ing systcm is , . ' , intCrrded to opepta at the Village Ceoter "A'Bgilding iu Vail,.Colorador ,1. . Dry'er-4q0e€ 35,0008TUH' , 0, , Range (4-bumer) - 65,000 BTUII@4, BBq-'5o,oo0BTUH' 5. Fircplace-60f00'S0,000BTUH ToTAVCondo , TOTAL; ,. : I P.0l&rfl Ydl,00 81658 (fl0) ere-6l0E Ilr(9?0)91f-61$9 t{liz Dcnrcr Vtrr PLny. $uito lt5 ftldoo, C0 r$01 . ' (t03)"7F3r20' far: ($01) !?t"18{3' AUC-14-2001 TUE 05:06 PH K,H. IIEBB ARoHITECTS irRX UO, 970 477 2965 P. 00 Aus,l4, 2001 3:{gPM BEAIJDI}l GANZE c0l\lsULTllle E|{ii. ,|lo.30Bt t.3/t. .', Irhl.lld:rkYoi r ' | '!r li t ttt$ron nisiaenca , l \Aggustl.r,200} \ I i t! ,.i t . ', ,r. , ' | ' /'t '! r \, ' ifyoycoquire ani ainitirinal ipmnirqhd oihave ^ny qo6.tion*,pleasl call /|'.'!.trvolTuir,^'?yo:a'ideID7ftoihaveanIq:6s1on8:pJeas€calL/,\. r ' r l t ! / , ,' \ \ .I .\ t- '. Il,1 , '. t 'Tlaefort,yrbthisgas:toadartdttrrito,gthQfpipefiomthcgdsi{letertohe.r i' | fi$hesl sas appliaice (zp0) a 1y't yti'1li'y'a'sp'ecified) gas pipe is riquirod irrd t \ . u1hcondormiq, Addiniallofthecondoq{'l6gftoSeth,errgsultsinanaings',' i ','.r' , 1 pipg,sizetearing.thomet€rof#3lbr(2)2ii, , /\ ,t /\, rlaililFf,it'tf;:t4FK\A/ r ; Asu'dAF]p- ':'- W!' senibiAls1t^r#,al 'L*8, ! ,,' 'j,'. tiiit.ffiffi .." ,' i :.'.,. llt)Lel tw-qffiiF 's|ItF ' li .) rj ' ly' \/ ..'l ||,,,d,, r0, tuvt .4:J'tpM BEAUDIN GANZE C0NSULIING ENCI. No,lg3g p. z ' .l \ '' I., I I ,R,r 'l I I May l6,2b1l . ., 1. '. ' . \ . '. Ivfr. Kylir WefU ' i--4' ^^Jr^v. ry guu lHWeUUArchitects, ..,,rs.n.Weub,Architectq,'. .,.;... .,i i , ,,i11,H*fi:#**Roadwesr '! t, " , ,GlNzn . i / :. .- CoiVSUtTiNCRD: 1'illpe center r{A Grs Dgtrfuutioir i i ,, i , ' uryctrrons' iric' . Projbct{3s05.r3, ' --*.--:Y- " i, ' '\ i ' Ddar'Kylei i Projbct{3s05.r3, ' --*.--:Y- " i, ' ,l.?rj :i.T19*lTlestwehaverevie.wedthepronosed{ftriihlesrc+,i,n;..,*-^x.,:.--.,.--,.-...' ,''c{ v'ur fequor y:J1?_Tvierved the proposed fllNiQle ga' piping proarlcr zubmitfed bv ,'the General cotrtract9r- ws co oo, i"oitrrit trris pnrdrlct i, appropia* for the main gi :run from tlie i,'eter'to trre llai"iuuar;;il;"*ril.'il#;; ##;no exception with.. ' using fbjs flexible producf fd fiGil; ,ri.ia, tni.orla" y,io]. plpi", fio,! rhe miter,. ,, ' to ttreconal units ;hould,b;;;ffi;;iil gdua,ira ", trrrii *."us[t iron, or stesl).. Also, I have attached a conv.nf tho rnrar. -^^ ,^-, ,--..,.-- . , :, , *,so,l hqd a copy of the total.gas load esrimates. , \ .\i' l{fu }ave anr g{itional questiffiease cafi,;t L/'1 / ',l'ww,7 ///lz( / .t vid Lyle, p.E. c- -iSenror "{,ssociate \ ': ,"'. -.\ --.-- ':/I !,,' o;el5n; i ,'i l,' ', i! r'.i r',,r Enclbsrrres ' : I .. . I .1,i., i,/. \. .'. \ ' ' '/' i ., il1 I il ' I .'\ r I t!'\: '''. j . '| .i \ \j '': .. | .v. Dod ,y1.0., Bor ai. -l ,,, ya4C0St6Ss' / r, (lfol 94c.6fos\ ; i,. ,,i:._;iiioi"iiirs,, ! '' / i _. ! . .. l{l{tDenverllesrfkwy.' s:lAvoDftqiecti\3505-llrvilhgeCNTR.iu.rln*ry6*""\G.n.pocumanr\ls0:L3tvll0zpl.doc , ,. .,. .'.. ,3;l""lllo* 0l .. r,. : (303)2?&tSzt .. . .,/ . . Fax; (i0i) z?e.3E4g \ md /]0. IUVI 4:3IPII BEAUDIN GA|lZE CONSULIIl'lc, EilIG,i -r Yv'rvvL"' I |,lo,l9l9 p,2 / l, 'l.i l\ I ! , \.: ' ' P.0. Bor 39 .yail, C0 SI6SS ,1. .' (t?0) 9r9:6t0s \ Faxl (9fl) 949-61i9' ' l4l*2DenverWalfkrv. . Sqilc l9S ,'Cpldcn, C0 {0401. (3ffi) zn_sszb . Frxr(tt)i)z?8Jt43 \ MA).I0. IUUI 4;JJP[|UTAUUI|\l ijANIL CONSULTJNG ENG,.N'- FlE '''I'I r Bnrun rn-Slnzn colsuLTttc EXCtIEEI!, uc, P.0, 8ox 19 Yol C0 El65{l (970i$1e-6 r00 Fo((970)9{9- 6159 l+142 0 !r tIEt Ptc{y_ Sutc 190 r Go&q q! So{ll($r)271-J820 Fou(!0$270-rd{ \ Br- SUBJECI SH€ET NO. 5'lB N0,1939 "P, l |udr. t0, luut 4:iJPfl I,|} Table 12-3 UTAUt)Ill GANZE COI]SULIIIIO El\lc,t{0.1939 p, 4 UNIFORIU PLUMBING CODE TAELI!12-3 \ / '... Maxmump^.y?9-er'.,.r:&;,:'r::i;':'l',"rJ;,;[;;:f;j Nalural Gas ot 0.60 dpeciilc ei""ity e"""aii" pr€6sure o.p "io.i t"in'''i,arer coturnn Pipe She,lnilt"" -' io 20 T y Lengnh ln Feet 7_9 80 s{, lqo Es1E 174 11e gg ai ;i 66 61 si sa so 44.at4 s6o z4s ?g"q ii ,r;i. 1q8 iz r ri 111 1e4 sgr 684 4zo _z a2J ,il 2se iis U 2oB 1sz tz,i1-1t4 t4o4 96s T7s eoi ffi so2 490 +s, 4zB N4 ssg1.1t2 210s 1l+s 1lg1 eai ffi ZeE 7s4 6Bs 6+1 60s so6,z 40so 2784 ry?1 rsii ris6 pgg rnjs dG es4 116s 103s2-1/2 0+55 44s7 3s63 ooqe zioi 244s zzsa ,ffi 1966 18s7 1646a 11,412 zl4s gi?9 sssi i;;; 4s2s ssEs a;G 3476 szs4 2slo3-1/" 16,70s 11.84 .p ;sgs 6d; qq saii sd; soso 4so8 4za1o, a3,277 1s,ss' tz.,uz 'o,JG #ii . ,a:o eris ,d; rosl 66eB se361s0 200 . lso goo 3s0 400 4go s00 550 600ltz N s4 ' 30 , zs -ii; a4 .;; ;i 2e les/4 u 7e ; ,y.. ss ;i ls 46 44 a. 40r 1sB 1ss , !{ ros rod 93 ar Bz ra Ts1-1/4 gzl zze j 246 z2g il r9r 1.7s 169 ro1 rs31'1t2 486 416 i g6s 304 Ao; ?qq a6e 2so 241 eso2 ss6 so1 .llo 6ii ;r, ssi. s17 A; 4a? 44a2-'t/2 14s2 1217 1]91 roes ffi BE- sza 77g 709 7os3 zost zdst' tggg rgri .,uii 1s51 r4s6 rsTs 1306 1246s-1/z . s861 s3b* 39?9 "69o ;;;i ?71 21,31 2013 rs12 18244 saTs ,teos 4ooo G.6t o,ioi 3164 2s68 2go4 2663 2s41 TABLE 12-J (Metric) .. _Ma*mum Dorivery "1l3:Ui-!,i:;:'ijt fi^. or rps pip6 carryinsNa&far Gas of 0'60 specific crav*y Based on pressure Drop or 12,7 mm water corumn Pipe Slze,mm 91412.7 1.419.1 2.925.4 S.432 11.038 16.551 I 31.964 50.876 Eg.B89 131.4102 183,1 1829 27430.9 0.82.A 1.63.7 3.07.6 6.111.4 9.1?1.9 .17-6 34.9 28.061.7 49.690,3 72.5125,9 101.1 Length In mm3719 4633 55470.6 0.6 0.51.3 1.2 1.1'2.5 2.3 2.05.2 4.8 427,8 6.9 6.315.1 18.3 1a.l24.0 21.3 19.342.4 37.6 34.16e.l 5F.0 49.9E6.5 76-7 69.5 27798 32431 37064o,2 0-2 0.20.5 0.4 0.40.9 0.8 .0.71.8 1.6 .1.5 2.6 2.4 2.25.1 4.? 4.38.1 7,4 6,914.3 13. t 12.220,9 19.2 17.929.1 26.8 t.4.s 6492 73150.5 0.41.0 0.91.9 . 1.73.9 3.65.8 5.411.1 10.317.7 16.531.3 29.145.9 42.763.9 59,5 41&7 463300.2 0.20.4 0.3o-7 0.61,4 1.32.1 2.04.1 3.86.5 6,111,4 10.816.8 15.823.4 ZZ,1 8352 9266 115S2o-4 0.4 0.30.9 0.8 0.71.6 1.s 1.43.4 3.2 2.85.0 4.8 4.29.7 9.2 E.115.5 14.8 13,0 27 -s 25.8 22.940.0 37.E 33.555.8 52.7 46.7 50963 5a5960.2 o.l0.3 0.00.6 0,6't.3 1.2'1.9 t.83.6 a,ss.8 5.510,3 9.8ls.o 14,921.0 20.0 13899 .tE532 231651?.7 0.3 o.s o.z l? 1 0.7 0.6 0.6??,4 1.2 1.1 o,sy 2.6 2.2 1.s:g 3.8 3.3 ?.st'l 7,4 6.3 5.6!1 .t1.7 1o,o 8-elg 20.7 17.8 15.7_gq 30.4 26.0 23.0J02 42.3 36.2 32.1 106 IU,{UU.I +;J4I|l| i I FUELPIPTNG Bunsen Bumer UTAUUIN (iAiIIL COl!SULIIIIG EIIG, Mintmum oernand "f rypr""rH:liJ,ill.* in Btus (wans) pef Hour ||o,l939 p.5 art Tebtes 12-l & t2-2 Appliance Barbecue (residenuat) Demand in 3,000 35,000 65r000 25;000 40,000. q0,000 25,p00. r 't01000 3,090 50,m0 30,000 50,000 Watts/tr 14,650 87S 10,255 19,045 7,325 11,720 14,650 7,323 2,930 879 14,650 8,790 14,650 DomesticRecessedovenSestion.....,.,.............,..-...:..;:....................... 9,:1?:1" 16":,:".d r9p Burner section ........,..:......::::.:.....,.. . .... .....Ftrep|ace Log Lighter (commercial) f1"n1".1 Los.L.shrer (residentiat)'........,, ...........:.........:::.' ' ' """"' Gas Engines (per horsepowerl ........ ...-.........,,....:.::.::,.:::.::::.:...:::::..:::.. Gas Refrigerator ...a..-_....--, MobireHohes{.""npp"noiii "...:.::..-:...::::..:::.::::;...:::.: -' ""' !|eam Bgiterg (per horsepowe.i - . ............,....:.::...:1.:,.....::..:....:.....::: Storage Water Heater n ,; ^ ,up to 30 gallon (t l4 L) tank'-....-.:.................,.........,....,. Storage Water Hea€r 40 (151 L) ro S0 gallon (189 L) tank TABLE T2.2 Support of Piping Size of Pipe Horizonlat Venical Inches .U2 '3/4or1 1-1l4 or larger 1-1l4 or larger rnm .t?,7 19,1 or25.4 . 32 or larger 32 or larger Feet b .o .10 Every floor level mm 182S 2438 30,{.8 105 \ Si erFa l'lanagement I nl;s70 s26 0e83 p.1qug rE 01 O?:51s i : VILLAGE CENTER ASSOCIATION 124 WILLOWBRIDGE ROAD TVAIL, COLORADO 81657 l August 6, 2001 Town of Vail Dcpartmcnt of Community Development lll S. FrontageRd. Vail, CO 8t65? ToWhomltlv[ayconcerf i I This is to 6crvo as formal notilication that the \fillage Center Condominium Association Boud of Directors hal reviewed and approved thf plans for o gas line to be installcd into D..:lJ:-- A :Building A i : ZarcdkBauer, the general contractor for Mr. antl Mrs. Ittleson, hae been authorized to begin work as soon as possible. l Should you havo any questiong please contact melat i970) 926-0286. Nicki Viars Village Ccnter Property Manager With kipest regudy l/',/; l/;o* C7O Sicrra Managornent Inc., P O Box i|842, Vail, Colorado 81558 Telephone (91 0) 926-0286, Facii mil e (9701 9264281 PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMM PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS Monday, June 11,2001 PROJECT ORIENTATION / - Gommunity Development Dept. PUBLTC WELCOME hrt n tsstoN MEMBERS PRESENT Galen Aasland Chas Bemhardt Diane Golden John Schofield Doug Cahill Dick Cleveland Site Msits : 1. Vail Maniotl - 715 West Lionshead Circle2. Collins residence - 1115 Homsilver Circle Driver:George NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board may break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 Public Hearino - Town Council Chambers 2:00 pm 1. A report of a staff decision, approving a minor amendment to the approved development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base, allowing for the expansion of the Wreck Room Restaurant and Passport Club, located at 498 Vail Valiey Drive/Trast F, Vail Village 5h Filing. Applicant Golden Peak Ski BasePlanner: Ann Kjerulf STAFF DECISION UPHELD 2. A requesl for a conditional use permit, lo allow for the construction of an athletic field, located at 610 N. Frontage Rd. WesU A portion of Tract C, Vail Potato Patch. A full metes & bounds legal description is available at the Department of Community Development. Applicant Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs TABLED TO JUNE 25, 2OO1 3. A request for the review of a proposed lext amendment to Chapter 11, Design Review, of the Zoning Regulations to allow for procedural changes lo the performance bond process as prescribed in the Vail Town Code. Applicant Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther/Russell Forrest TABLED TO JUNE 25,2001 I !t r\'t 1 MEMBERS ABSENT Brian Doyon 12:00 pm 1:15 pm 4. A request for a minor subdivision and a variance from Section 12-6D5 of the Town Code, io allow for the resubdivision of Lot 1, Strauss Subdivision, a resubdivision of Lots 46 & 47. Vail Village West Filing No. 2, re-creating Lots 46 & 47,located at 1916 & 1936 West Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Pat Dauphinais, represenling Richard StraussPlanner: Allison Ochs MOTION:John Schofield SECOND: Chas Bemhardt VOTE:6-0 . APPROVED WTH TWO CONDITIONS: 1. That the applicant submit 2 mylar copies of the final plat for Lot 46 and 47,Yail Mllage West Filing No. 2, for recording of the subdivision. The plat must be recorded within one year or final Planning and Environmental Commission approval.2. That the applicant review the final plal with the Town Attomey to verify ownership. 5. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the consolidaiion of 2 units within the CC2 Zone District, located at 126 Willow Bridge Road/Lot K, Block 5E, Vail Village 1d Filing. Applicant: Henry Anthony lttleson, represenied by K.H. Webb Architects.Planner: Allison Ochs MOTION: Doug Cahill SECOND:Chas Bemhardt VOTE: G0 APPROVED 6. A requesl for a conditional use permit, to allow for a seasonal slructure within the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 Zone District, located at 715 West Lionshead Circle/Lots 4 & 7, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3d Filing and Lots C & D, Morcus Subdivision. Applicant: Vail ManiottPlanner: Allison Ochs MOTION:John Schofield SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE: 6-0 APPROVED WITH THREE CONDITIONS: 1. That the applicant shall not erect lhe tent priorto April 30h and the applicant shall remove the tent no later than October 31"'of each summer of operation.2. That the approval is good for one year and must be renewed prior to April 2002.3. That the applicant repair the fence, screen all mechanical equipment & generally clean up the site. 7. A request for a variance from Section 12-6D9 (Site Coverage), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of an addition lo a single-family residence, localed at 1115 Homsilver Circle / Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Village 8rh Filing. Applicant: Carol Collins, represented by Anis West Architecls, PCPlanner: Bill Gibson MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Chas Bemhardt VOTE:4-2 (Cahill, Cleveland opposed) APPROVED 9. 8. A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the conection of enors in the platting of Tract J, Vail Village First Filing, located at Vail Interfaith Chapel, 19 Vail Road / Tract J, Block 7,. Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Brent Wilson MOTION: Doug Cahill SECOND: Dick Ctevetand VOTE: 6-0 APPROVED W|TH ONE CONDITION 1. That the applicant records the approved and signed plat with the Eagle County Clerk and Recordeds Office by no laler than June 11,2OO2. A request for a work session to discuss amending certain residential zone districts in the Town of Vail to allow home day care facilities subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit and a home occupation permit. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther MOTION: Diane Golden SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE: 6-0 TABLED UNTIL JUNE 25,200'I A request for a variance from Section 12-6D'6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, lo allow for the construction of a garage within the required front setback, located at 1956 Gore Creek Drive / Lot 45, VailVillage West Filing #2. Applicant: David InryinPlannen Ann Kjerulf MOTION: Diane Golden SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE: 6-0 TABLED UNTIL JUNE 25,2OO1 Approval of May 14,2001 minutes lnformation Updateo June 19th roofing materials d 10. 't1. 12. with the PEC, Town Council & DRB. The applications and information about proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project s office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South F Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon requesl with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department b Planning and Environmental Commission ACTIOil FORM Department of Community Developrnent 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: wwwci.rail,co.us Prctad teme: Ittleson Residene pEG t{umber: pECo1OO37 Pror€ct Dcacrlpdon: Gonditional t se Pennit to allow for the aonsolidation of 2 units wiUrin the CCZ zonePardclpents: OWNER HENRY ANTHoNY ITTLESoN TRU$rO5/15/2fi)1 Phone: POCOCABO PTANTATION 1185 POCOCABO LN GREENPOND SC 29446. License: APPUCAI{T K.H. Webb Architects 05/15/2001 phoner 953 S. Frontage M. West Vall, CO 81657 Ucense: Prtot€ctAddru$: Location: UniE4A and4B, Buiblng A l€gol DclcdpUon! l,'ou Block Subdlvlslon: VIL|_AGE CENTER Palel l{umber: 2101082090O4 Comment3: BOARD/STAFF ACIION lrloUon By: Doug Cahlll Adionl APPROVEDSecond By: Chas Bernhardtvob: 6-0 DabofApproval: 06/13/2001 C,ondlUons: CoM:8 (PLAN): No change to these plans may be rnade withotrt the written onsent of To,rrn of Vall stafr and/or the Design Reqriew Board. Planrnr: Allison Ocfis pEG Fee paid: $2OO.oo MEMORANDUM TO: Village Center File FROM: Allison Ochs, Planner ll DATE: June 13,2001 SUBJECT: Number of Units at Village Center Condominiums The Community Development Department has had numerous requests to eliminate units at Village Center Condominiums. I spoke with Nikki, who manages Village Center, who provided me with information on the total unit count at Village Center. According to Nikki, lheir condo declarations state that there are 56 units on site. However, they do nol recognize the consolidation of units. According to Nikki, approximately 5 units have been eliminated through the consolidation of units. Recent consolidations include: Suarez 1999 Ittleson 2001 Nordstrand 2000 Olhers may have occurred without the elimination of the kitchen or without appropriate approvals. TOI'NT) Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Fontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2L39 f ax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Ittleson Residence PEC Number: PEC010037 Proiect DescripUon: Condltional Use Permit to allow for the consolidaUon of 2 units within the CC2 zone Pafticipants: OWNER HENRY ANTHONY ITTLESON TRUSI0S/15/2001 Phone: POCOCABO PI.ANTATION 1185 POCOCABO LN GREENPOND SC 29+46 License: APPUCANT K.H. Webb Architects 05/15/2001 Phone: 953 S. Frontage Rd. West Vail, CO 81657 License: Project Address: locadon: Unib4A and4B, Building A legal Description: LoB Block Subdivision: VILLAGE CENTER Parrel Number: 210108209004 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOTI Motion By: Doug Cahill Action: APPROVED Second By: Chas Bernhardt Vote: 6-0 DateofApprovalz O6lL3l2OOt Conditions: Cond: 8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board. Planner: Allison Ochs PEC Fee Paid: $200.00 W.tun!fl, llw, b-o MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department June 11, 2001 A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the consolidation of 2 units within the CC2Zone District, located at 126 Willow Bridge Road/Lot K, Block 5E' Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicanl: Henry Anthony lttleson, represented by K.H. Webb Architects' Planner: Allison Ochs TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: DESCRIPT]ON OF THE REOUEST The applicant, Henry Anthony lttleson, represented by K.H. Webb Architects, is requesting a conditional use permit to allow for the elimination of a dwelling unit located in the Village Center Condominiums at 124 East Meadow Dr. The applicant is proposing to consolidate units 4A and 48, BuiHing A of the Village Center Condominiums. The proposed connection will be accommodated by eliminating the common wall between the two units. According to Section 12-7C-3 (Permitted and Conditional Uses), in the CC2 District, permitted and conditional uses for specific floors shall be the same as those permitted in the Commercial Core 1 District. Pursuantto Section 12-78-5 (Permitted and conditional uses; above 2nd floor): the following uses shall be permitted on any floor above the 2nd floor above grade subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit: Any permitted or conditional use which eliminates any existing dwelling or accommodation unit, or any portion thereof, shall require a conditional use permit. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the applicanl's request for a conditional use permit to allow for the elimination of one dwelling unit through the connection of two dwelling units at the Village Cenler Condominiums. Staff's recommendation of approval is based upon our review of the crileria outlined in Section lV of this memorandum. Slaff recommends approval of this request subject to lhe following findings: 1. That the proposed elimination of the dwelling unit is in accordance with the purpose section ol the Commercial Core 2Zone District. 2. That the proposed location of the dwelling unit to be eliminated will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity of the Village Center Condominiums. 3. That the proposed elimination of the dwelling unit complies with each of the applicable provisions of the Municipal Code. III. BACKGROUND In reviewing this conditional use permit request, staff relied upon the goals, policies and objeclives outlined in lhe various Town ol Vail planning documents. While the purpose slalement of the Commercial Core 2Zone District specifically references the Vail Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan, staff feels that due to the location of this property within the Vail Village Master Plan Boundary, it is more appropriate to consider the Vail Land Use Plan and the Vail Village Master Plan. The following is a summary of staff's review of the Town's planning documents: Municipal Code According to Section 12-7C-1, the purpose of the Commercial Core 2 Tone District is intended to: Provide sites for a mirture of multiple-dwellings, lodges and nmmercial establishments in a clustered, unified development. Commercial Core 2 District in accordance with the Vail Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations, as adopted in Section 12-7C-1 5 of this Article, is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of building and uses and to maintain the desirable qualities of the District by establishing appropriate site development standards VailLand Use Plan1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanenl resident. 1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible. 1.4 The original lheme of the old Village Core should be carried into new development in the Village Core through continued implementation of the Urban Design Guide Plan. '1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the addiiional growth in existing developed areas (infill areas). 5.1 Additional residential growth should continue to occur primarily in existing, platted areas and as appropriale in new areas where high hazards do not exist. 5.4 Residential growth should keep pace with the market place demands for a full range of housing types. Vail Villaae Master Plan Goal#1 Encourage high quality redevelopment while preserving the unique architectural scale of the Village in order to sustain its sense of community and identity. 1.2 Obiective:Encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities. , I tv.CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CONSIDERATION CRITERIA AND FINDINGS In accordance with Chapter 16 of the Municipal Code, an application for a conditional use permit within Commercial Core 2, the following developmenl factors shall be applicable: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development obiectives of lhe Town. Staff believes the applicant's request to eliminate a dwelling unit in the Village Center Condominiums will have minimal negative impacts on the developmenl objeclives of the Town. However, statf believes that the proposal will reduce the effective occupancy rate of the two units, which when compounded throughout the Town, could reduce the bed base of lhe Town. 2. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportatlon facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. Staff believes the proposed elimination ol the dwelling unit will have minimal negative impacts on the above described criteria. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, tratfic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow lrom the streets and parking areas. Staff believes the proposed elimination ot the dwelling unit will have no negative impacts on the above described criteria. 4. Effecl upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and butk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. No exlerior changes are proposed wilh this request. Therefore, staff believes there will be no negative impacts on the above described criteria. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos before orantinq a conditional use oermit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the Zoning Regulations and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. Thal the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental 1o the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the Zoning Regulations. t ! BEDROOM:58 @ BEDROOM: 5A @ tR cx u6xirG )= ts It I ii 'l,f 'F'l J ITTLESON RESIDENCE RENOVATION K. H. WEBB ARTHITEOS P.C. APARTMENTs A&B/ IUILbII'IG A v[-r GE cE*rER COTDOfl$IUM5 sls E!ti qs ITTLESON RESIDENCE RENOVATION v|.t Gt cantER col|DoMrr'lirMs{,++'l K. tt. wEBB mcHnrns l.c. I{r-F Itu't J"-.\./)''"'ii1-, V:," /'t 12:00 pm o PLAN I t MEMBERS ABSENT Brian Doyon NING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COM PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS Monday, June 11,2001 PROJECT ORIENTATION / - Community D,evetopment Qept. PUBLTC WELCOME o MlsstoN MEMBERS PRESENT Galen Aasland Chas Bemhardt Diane Golden John Schofield Doug Cahill Dick Cleveland Site Msits :1:15 pm 1. Vail Maniott - 715 West Lionshead Circle2. Collins residence - 1 1 15 Hornsilver Circle George NOTE: lf the PEC hearing exlends until 6:00 p.m., the board may break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 Public Hearinq - Town Gouncil Chambers 2:00 pm 1. A reporl of a staff decision, approving a minor amendment to the approved development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base, allowing for the expansion of the Wreck Room Restaurant and Passport Club, localed ai 498 Vail Valiey Drive/Tract F, Vail Mllage srh Filing. Applicant: Golden Peak Ski BasePlanner: Ann Kjerulf STAFF DECISION UPHELD 2. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of an athletic field, localed at 610 N. Frontage Rd. WesU A portion of Trast C, Vail Potato Paich. A full metes & bounds legal description is availablE at the Department of Community Development. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs TABLED TO JUNE 25, 2OO1 3. A request for the review of a proposed text amendment to Chapler 11, Design Review, of the Zoning Regulalions to allow for procedural changes to the performance bond process as prescribed in the Vail Town Code. Applicani: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther/Russell Forrest TABLED TO JUNE 25, 2OO1 t I I 4. A request for a minor subdivision and a variance from Section 12-6D5 of the Town Code, to allow for the resubdivision of Lot 1, Strauss Subdivision, a resubdivision of Lots 46 & 47, Vail Village West Filing No. 2, re-creating Lots 46 & 47 , located at 1916 & 1936 West Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Pat Dauphinais, representing Richard SlraussPlanner: Allison Ochs MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE:6-0 APPROVED WITH TWO CONDITIONS: 1 . That the applicant submit 2 mylar copies of the final plat for Lot 46 and 47 , Yat Mllage West Filing No. 2, for recording of the subdivision. The plat must be recorded wilhin one year or final Planning and Environmental Commission approval.2. That the applicant review the final plat with the Town Attomey to verify ownership. 5. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the consolidation of 2 units within the CC2 Zone District, located at '126 Willow Bridge Road/Lot K, Block 5E, Vail Village 1d Filing. Applicant: Henry Anthony lttleson, represenled by K.H. Webb Architects.Planner: Allison Ochs MOTION: Doug Cahill SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE:6-0 APPROVED 6. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a seasonal structure within the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 Zone District, located at 715 West Lionshead Circle/Lots 4 & 7, Block 1 , Vail Lionshead 3d Filing and Lots C & D, Morcus Subdivision. Applicant Vail ManiottPlanner: Allison Ochs MOTION:John Schofield SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE:6-0 APPROVED WITH THREE CONDITIONSI 1. That the applicant shall not erect lhe tent prior to April 3dh and the applicant shall remove the tent no later than October 31" of each summer of operation.2. That the approval is good for one year and musl be renewed prior to April 2002.3. That the applicant repair the fence, screen all mechanical equipmenl & generally clean up lhe site. 7. A requesl for a variance from Section 12-6D-9 (Site Coverage), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of an addition to a single-family residence, located at 1115 Homsilver Circle / Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Village Itn Filing. Applicant: Carol Collins, represented by Arris West Architects, PCPlanner: Bill Gibson MOTION:John Schofield SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE:4-2 (Cahill, Cleveland opposed) APPROVED I' 8. A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the correclion of enors in the platting of Tract J, Vail Village First Filing, located at Vail Interfaith Chapel, 19 Vail Road / Tract J, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Brent Wilson MOTION: Doug Cahill SECOND: Dick Ctevetand VOTE: 6-0 APPROVED WITH ONE CONDITION 1. That the applicant records the approved and signed plat with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorde/s Office by no later than June 11, 2OO2. . 9. A request for a work session to discuss amending certain residential zone districts in the Town of Vail to allow home day care facilities subject to the issuance of a conditional use permil and a home occupation permit. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther MOTION: Diane Golden SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE: 6-0 TABLED UNTIL JUNE 25, 2OO1 10. A request for a variance from Section 12-6D'6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a garage within the required front setback, located at 1956 Gore Creek Drive / Lot 45, Vail Village West Filing #2. Applicant David lrwinPlanner: Ann Kjerulf MOTION: Diane Golden SECOND: Chas Bemhardt VOTE: 6-0 TABLED UNTIL JUNE 25,2001 1'1. Approval of May 14,2001 minules 12. Information Update. June 19th roofing materials discussion with the PEC, Town Council & DRB. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspeciion during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Devefopmenl Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call479'2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department s4ll6l2g0l 14:16 llAY-14-200t ltcrt{ mr[0Fuln l-843-844-8024 06:33 611 | Urm AROIiITECTS ""Tfifru erO, eges PAGE 6T P. 02 Qrcrionr? Crll ilre pfrnnlirgsreffrr {?r.2lll APPLTCATToTIoR pL ryrytNo AND ENVTRoNMD,NTALeoil,fMtssroNAPPRoy L tffiItklT TFgot by thc ?turnlnt rad Errvrrcnrncnur corurrrcdoa, For Fodfic ffi ffiHil,#,ffi ffiltr5,*H:Hffi=m.ffi 'H#ffi :r A: TIaEoFAppUCATtO{l. O Addirtorutonilnsdlq E€drrdBru*tbt- f CorrdldcrrtUrpcutt ! !qi*o. OMnq$rtdtrttooQ Rorurlm' , tr SrnVrlqcctr Vdmco. tr ?orrlns Codo.fnrlnancnt *g9q:,0 l" Appovcd Da,steprart Ftlr iliTJ'ffiJd'ffiT.m61 (vrllVithgr) Urfr.c ! Miror C.QII Brtcr{or Alrmdoo(thruficld) lpoolrl Dcvclopnart Dlrior l/fior or tr Miiror Ancrr{tngrt to rn gDD o tr tr tr tr tr E. D8gCRI'?IONOTTHB tOc Ttof{oFpROposALr ZOMNq NAMEOF uAtLtNo OWNER(S)3IGNA NAMBOFREPRESBNr flLNq NAMErD, E. F, 0. lt, ir.lrct4__Ctdr --__nyl mnr*adJ00t TOV40m.DEV. 1. ADJAffNT PROPIRTY OII/IIIRS NAA4IS & ADDRTSSES: Town of Vail Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Crossroads of Vail Condominium Association C/o Christiania" Inc. 356 Hanson Ranch Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Creekside Commercial 610 W. Lionshead Circle Suite 100 Vail, CO 816s7 Village Centsr Association 124 WillowBridge Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Aushia Haus Condo Assoc. 20 Vail Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Sormenalp Properties Inc. 20 Vail Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Sitzmark at Vail Inc. 183 Gore Creek Dr. Vail, CO 81657 ?,.,r-r MAY AFFE.T "ou* r*or=?, PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance wiih Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on June 11, 2001, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A requesl for a variance from Section 12-6D-6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for the consiruction of a garage within the required front setback, located at 1956 Gore Creek Drive / Lot 45, Vail Village West Filing #2. Applicant: David lnryinPlanner: Ann Kjerulf A request for a minor subdivision and a variance from Section 12-6D-5 of the Town Code, to allow for the resubdivision of Lot 1, Strauss Subdivision, a resubdivision of Lots 46 & 47, Vail Vilf age West Filing No. 2, re-creating Lots 46 & 47 , located at 1 916 & :l 936 West Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Pat Dauphinais, represenling Richard StraussPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for the review of a proposed text amendment to Chapter 11, Design Review, of the Zoning Regulations to allow for procedural changes lo the performance bond process as prescribed in the Vail Town Code. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of an athletic field, located al 610 N. Frontage Rd. WesU A portion of Tract C, Vail Potato Patch. A full metes & bounds legal description is available at the Departmenl of Community Development. Applicant Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a conditional use permit, lo allow for the consolidation of 2 units within the CC2 Zone District, located at 126 Willow Bridge Road/Lot K, Block 5E, VailVillage 1" Filing. flpplicant: Planner: A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a seasonal structure within the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 Zone District, located at 715 West Lionshead Circle/Lots 4 & 7, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3d Filing and Lots C & D, Morcus Subdivision. Applicant: VailManiottPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a variance from Section 12-5Dg (Site Coverage), Vail Town Code, to allow for the Henry Anthony lttleson, represented by K.H. Webb Architecls. Allison Ochs conslruction of an addition to a singl+'family residence, located at 1115 Hornsilver Circle / Lot 8, . , I Block 1' VailVillage 8s Filing' , .,t., Lt ;r'i';l;'tApplicant: Carol Collins, represented by Arris West Architects, PC I '1",) )_>\. /.Pidnner: BllGruson Yvs''r'-r'r,..,rs'r'" ' v *' J'ftfolT A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the conection of errors in the platting of Tract J, Vail Village First Filing, located at Vail Interfaith Chapel, 19 Vail Road / Tract J, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Brent Wilson A request for a work session to discuss amending certain residential zone districts in the Town of Vail to allow home day care facilities subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit and a home occupation permit. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther A review of a staff decision regarding a request for a minor amendment to the approved development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base, to allow for the expansion of the Wreck Room Restaurant and Passport Club, located at 498 Vail Valley Drive/Tract F, Vail Village sth Filing. Applicant: Golden Peak Ski BasePlanner; Ann Kjerulf The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planneis office, located at ihe Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Pfease call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published May 25, 2001 in the Vail Trail. ""ffi-ifiioo'fili re,intfr'fr, 'ftlt ,n urrrrs lrrLEso'r * l4T7 ae6s Pood. SC20a40 ,--ffi1 Quccfions? cdl he plamhg Et.il .t 47o.2ltc APruCATIOII IOR DESIGII REVIEW ADPROVAL PI{YSICAL ADDRttiS: lZ6 Wilow gd{e Rdf *4A_48 V{[|g€ Center Condornnrrrrn c' PA.CEL * 21 ot.s:rdgoos (conbcr '"src co. Asseeaqs olno .. 07G328-gg0 b, prrcc oo. zontNorArHeemoarsFoitid /d/ I.|AIG OF .OW-NER(SI Anttnry ad thryamc lltooolrAtuNo ^ERESS: irry rynt-b G. qr GENER^I INFRIRMATIOIT I$ +lto1t* rEany pro1earequhfig rr.Sn Rcvbwaporw '''k'rcd bv he Tom c6.rdr ndror he ih,ri,G;; l;Hilf,i cd;i"G;: ili;'ffiiF.rdbrinc+Fw.t unl€rebuddtDgp. it ;*iliiiconrr,ruoni,,t ird. A, E. OESc*moN oF rnE nfQUJstlrqvcn: a i!-Eedroom iparrnalb hb; l, 4.Be*oom ap*rncnt tocATtou oF pnonoseu QqEgf ;LoGK: r EFu_lNG va[ wrg. rr Fle4g 843.t,141500 Rd. Sulb 2{4, Vd, CO 0i0ff 4200 fso t2o DRB ?€es aro io be pqtc * hc tlne.of qDmltlal. Ltb, wtron .pplytno 6r . br|ltdir{ pcinit pbaic ldsw hr acq&eto yatrr|son ofne prq€cl ThaTour of vd $f a rud Ure tee &-iHJ b ilifu"it *ru.rr*. pLEesc_suBrf,T lt0E AFpucafloil, ALL suatmAl ilOu]tttErD!. ANoTH!_T!I9rHEDEFARTUpTiorconwrrwod=rffiem, 16 soufrt FRoitTAcE ROAD, VA|U, COlOnepo eissi - For Otffoc U|C Orty:Fca.Pst<ll_ ' CtG: By:Appllcaflon Dats:p6r,priii.iirorirueeilnc Dsur 9RB Me€ins tulo: too. e caa 2 o,& owrtRlrl stct{ATrr*$, x G.MIIEOFAFFU tt|AIUI{G H. TYP€ OF REVIEW N,ID FEE.: llw Conctrrctton . lddt{on - llhof Alorrdoo - 'K,fu f360 Soutr Frcnt4s PftoNE e704??-a900 Conrbuctlon ol r noir bulldno- !Lryt ",q !!!!6on *rrera.frrareioohc. h.ddod to d|yre.Hental or commodd hrlldlrE. hdudeg minor charqrr b buiuirqs and rfte lnprornrrrcnfr, arfi.3.,FPiln9t pc,l[ru. window adddon*, tanrftcaphg, fbncie enCnldning rnlls, eh,. PA€E A1 P, 0t BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Sofnts Windows WindowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosur€s Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Olher LIST OF PROPOSED MATERLALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: Existing Existing lnterior finishes: Textured Gyp. Board, R.S. Planking Existing ExistirE Eisting, and replacements to match existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing COLOR: 'Please speci! the manufaciurers color, number and attach a small color chip *Af f exterior.lighting must meet the T-owns Lighting ordinan ce '12-11-sJ.lf exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number offidures and locations on € separate lighting pIan. iclentifo each fixture type and proviie th'e height above grade, lumens ouput,luminous ar€a, and attach a cut sheet of thi'lighting fixhires. PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name: Common Name: euantitv: Slze.: No Landscape proposodPROPOSED TREESAND SHRUBS: D(STINGTREES TO BE REMOVED: ':-' 'Minlmurn requrremente ior rendscaprng: deciduous tre6s - 2 Inch caliper ' + . @nfiercue tt€es - 6 febt In height shrubs - S gallons Tvoe: Souare Footaqe: GROUND @VER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION . CONTROL orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, f€ngesr,swiplnilg poolg, €tc.) Pteas€ specify. Indicate bp and botbm de\r€tions ofretaining uella' Maximum helght of walls w|din the'front setbeck ls 3iiet lvtiximirm height'of wib et."n*t"ii oii gri p,opeily b 6 f€et VIL o LA GE CENTER ASSOCIATION 124 WILLOW BRIDGE ROAD.VAIL. COLORADO 81657 Apil24,200l Town of Vail Deparhnent of Community Development 111 S. FrontageRd. Vail, CO 81657 - a2. To Whom It May Concem: This is to serve as formal notification that the Village Center Condominium Association Board of Directors has reviewed and approved the plans for modifications to take place wi*rin unit's 4A' and 48. Zenedk Bauer, the general contractor for Mr. and Mrs. Ittleson, has not been authorized to begin work until all legal agreements have been signed and certificates of insurance obtained. Should you have any questions, please contact me at (970) 926-0286. With kindest regards, Nicki Viars Village Center Property Manager cc: K. H. Webb Architects. P.C. C/O Siena Management Inc., P O Box 3842, Vail, Colorado 81658 Telephone (97 0) 926-0286, Facsimile (97 0) 926-0283 il. suBMrrrAL *t,,*rrrrNrs FoR A coNDlrlonn" t pERIvfIT PRp-nppt rcerroru eoNreneNcr a fr.opffl..tion confsrcncc with a planning staff mcmbcr is stongly cncouragcd' No application can bc'acccpicd unlcss it is cornplcte. lt is thc applicant's rcsponsibiliry to makc an appointmcnt with thc staff to dctcmrinc additional submittal requircments' SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS FEE S200.00. Thc fec pur.t bc paid at thc time of submittal. Stamped, addresscd envelopes aryt a list ofthc names and mailing addresses ofall propcrfy owners adjacent to thc subjcct propcrty, including properties behind and across streets. The applicant is reiponsible for correct names and ntailing addrcsses. This information is available from thc Eagl.e County Asscssor's ofiice. i A dcscription ofthe prccisc nahu.e ofthe proposcd usc and its operating characteristics and measures p.opo*"i to makc thc usc compatiblc with other propcrties in thc vicinity. Thc dcscription must also addrcss: l. Rclationship and impact oftho usc on dovelopmart objcctivcs of thc Town. 2. Effcct of t}c use on light and air, disribution ofpopulation, transporlation facilitics, utilitics, schools, parks and rccrcation facilitics, and othcr public facilitics and public facilities nccds. 3. Effcct upon trafftc, with particular rcfcrcnce to congcstion, automotivc and pcdcstrian safcty and convcnicncg baflic flow and control, acccss, mancuvcrability, and rcmoval.of snow from thc sbccls and parking arca. 4. Effcct upon thc charactcr ofthc arca in which thc proposcd usc is to bc locatcd, including thc scalc and bulk ofthc proposcd usc in rclation to sunounding uses. A prcliminary titlc rcport, including schcdulcs A and B, to vcri$ owncrship and cascmcnts, If the building is condominiumized, a lcttcr from thc condominium association in support of the proposal must bc submittcd to staff. Four (4) copics of thc following: An improvement survsy of the property showing property lines, locations of all improvcmenB, topography, and natural feahues, A site plan at a scale ofat least l" = 20'showing proposed developmott ofthe sitc, including topography, building locations. parking, traffic circulation, useable open space, landscaped areas and utilities and drainage fcahrcs. Building elevations and floo, plunr, at a scale not smaller than onc-eighth inch equals onc foot' o a o o EI o B D Pagc 1 of2 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE The Applicont presenlly owns units 4A ond 48, Buibhg B, Villoge Cenler Condominiums. He wishes to combine hese lwo units into one unit, ftus requiring o conditionol use permil, pursuonl lo porugroph I 2-l&58 of the Munkipol Code of the Iown of Voil. Neither of the Mo units hos ever been renled by opplicont, nor does fie Villoge Cenler Condominiums hove on site rentol monogemenl. Appliconl oddreses fte mollers sel forlh in Seclion ll of lhe opplicotion os follows: 1. Relolionship ond impocl of lhe use on developmenl obieclives of the Town' The ioining of these two unils will hove no effect on fie developmenl obiectives of lhe Town. No renlol unils willbe eliminoled by the proposed use 2. tffect of the use on light ond oir, dlstribution of populotion, lnnsporllion focililies, ufililies, schools, pork ond reaeolion focililies, ond other publk focilities ond public focilifies needs. The ioining of lhese two unils will hove no effed on ony offie ilems listed obove. 3. Effed upon lrgffi(, wilh porliculor reference lo congeslion, oulomofive ond pede$rion sofely ond convenience, troffic flow ond conlrol, gccess, mgneuvergbilily, ond removol ofsnow from lhe slreels ond porking oreo. The ioining of fiese lwo units will hove no effecl upon troffic. 4. Eflect uoon the chorocler of the oreo in which the proposed use is to be locoled, induding the scole ond bulk of the proposed use in relofion lo sunounding uses. Ihe ioining of these lwo unils will hove nol chonge the chorocler of lhe oreo in which the proposed use is to be loioted in ory woy. The xole ond bulk ofthe new unil to be creofed ouf of the lwo exisling unils willbe equivolenl1o fte two exisling unils. vrLL?cE .ENTER AS s o.firro* 124 WILLOW BRIDGE ROAD TVAIL, COLORADO 81657 April24,2001 Town of Vail Department of Community Development I I I S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 To Whom It May Concern: This is to serve as formal notification that the Village Center Condominium Association Board of Directors has reviewed and approved the plans for modifications to take place within unit's 4.A' and 48. Zenedk Bauer, the general contractor for Mr. and Mrs. Ittleson, has not been authorized to begin work until all legal agreements have been signed and certificates of insurance obtained. Should you have any questions, please contact me at (970) 926-0286. With kindest regards, Nicki Viars Village Center Property Manager cc: K. H. Webb Architects. P.C. C/O Sierra Management Inc., P O Box 3842, Vail, Colorado 81658 Telephone (97 0) 926-0286, Facsimile (97 0) 926-0283 MAY-O9-O1 14=01 FROM.LAND TITLE GUARANTEE tD = 19?O4?64534 PAGE I/4 Land Title Guarantee Gompany Date May09,2001 Kgle 'ulQ"bb Qro-q-fl4q6 Enclosed please fintl &e title insnance policy for your propefiy located at 4A. BUI-DING A, VILLAGE CENIER . Plcascrcvies, this policy il its endnty. h tbe sreor tlat yor fid any dscrepancy" or if you have any questions regnrding you fiml rirle Bolrcy, ym oay conba Thtle pOartment M":nM76Z25l Fu:n041641y2 Please rcf€r to @r OlrlerNo, yn'2535 . Sbould ym drci<lc b seII thc properry descriH in this policy, or ifyou are reguireil to puclrse a ne* ddc co4mitllrent for mortgage puposes, you may be eotitted ro a credit toqard future title in$uance pre,miums.I:sl Tide Gnrantee Compouy will rcain a copy of this policy so we will be able to pro,'ride fotrrepro&cts aod serviccs to you quiclty and efficienrly. Thaak yor for giving us fte opportutrity !o serrre you. Sircecly, r "rtd Titlc Gnrautca congauy MAY-Og-OI 14.OT FROI'I .LAND TITLE GUARANTEE ID.I9"o4?Ci4534 PAGE 2/4 IonAO/CEI PolicyNo. CiAJZTAr3S OrNerNo. Vtn535 ScherhlcA AEod $225,000.00 Propcdy Addrcss: 4A, BUILDING Ab VIIJ-AGE CENTER. 1. 2. FolicrDat :ADril 30,2001 ar 5:00 P-M- Nreof Imed: HENRY A}ITIIONT ITTI,ESON AS TRUSIEE U/A DATED LUIOIIS 3.Tbesteteor idertst intb und desqlbert orndcrrcdto lntbis Sdefute end whicL is covercil by tt&polcy ls AFee ltingle Tilletotheestateorilnrre* overtdby ttris poticy a the date hcn.of is veged in HETiIRY A}ITIIONY ITTLESON AS TT.USTEE U/ADATED IArcBl 4. the Imd rcferrs! to h Odr Flict is descrlbed as fo|lops; CONDOMINIT]M UNIT4A, BTJII,DINGA. VIIIAGECB{TER', ACCORDINOTOTIIEMAP OFVIIIAGE CENTER RECORDED DECEMBER 6,IY2INBOOK',j6AT PAGE 624 A}.ID TTE SECOND SUPPISMENT TO TIIE MAF OF VILI.AGE CENTER RECORDED OCTOBER 23 , I '4 IN BOOK 237Af, PAGE 24, AI{D DECLAM^TION FoR vIIl-{cE CENTER RECORDED NO\fEMBER 20 ., tnzl$ BOOK 226 AT PAGE 362 AND FIRST STJPPLEMENT fO DECI.ARA:ION RECORDED OCAOBEN. 3,IY'3 IN EOOK 23I AT PACB 38I AI{D SECOND SUPPLBMENT TO DECI.ARATION RECORDED Ii,I BOOK237 ATPAG:B 23 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 239 AT PAGE 574. COUNTY OFEAGI.E, STATE OFCOLORADO. r|i&PoEcy rdid only If Sdc&lcBis ane.Deal Lond ntl. Guarantee Compary Reprteembg Cbicr{o nOc Indancc Compary MAY-OS-OT 14.OI FROM3LAND TTTLE GUARANTEE lD,79?04?64534 PAGE 3/4 PoficyNo. (ifAUnzs8sFormAO/fiI Orn-(hlerNo. Vtn$s ftheduteB This policy does lot insorc agdrst loss or drmrge (ard the Cmpany witt lot pey costs, aftomcys' ftec or eqnoses)wlichariscby reasonofi Cicocol Exceptions: I' RighrsorclainsofpartieshposessiooDorshoqab,y tbepubric rccords. 2- EasEnenrc, or claius of eascoco, mt $osa by tbe public reoords. 3' Discrelnncies, conflica in boundary tircs, shoragc i! arca, cocroacrbocotg, and any ficts which a conect $rvey aDdinqcction of fte preoises rould disclose aort *,tio arc od oo*rn try oe dbric rcco,ds. 4' Ary lico' oFight o a_lc4 forscrviccs, bbor, ormataial heretohrs orbereafter furisbod, inposcdUy laraD6not $owD by thc In bIfo rcaods. t r{NfA}IDALLTNGSANDASSESSMENTS. 6- RIGHT OF PROPRIBf,OR OF A VHN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE TIIEREFRONT{ SHOIJLD TIIBSAIUEBE FOT'}IDTO PENETRCTEOR,INTERSBCTTTIBPRBMISES AS RESER\IED D{ UNITBD STATES PATENT RECORDED JT'LY T2,I89f.,IN EOOK 48 ATPAGE 475- 7. RICIIT OF WAY FOR DrICIIES OR CANAIS CONSTRUCTED BY TIIE AI.]THORITY OF TTIEUMTED STATES AS RESERVED IN UMTBD SfATFS PATENT RECORDED IULY 12, 1899,IN BOOK,tB ATPAGE 425- E. RBSTRICTfIIE CO\IENAI{ISWHICH DO NOTCONTAIN AFORFEITURE ORREVERTIRCIAUSE,Bur oMITTING REsTRIcIroNs, IF AtIy, BASED oN RACE, cor-oR, RzuGIoN, oRNATIONAL ORIGIN, AS COTiITAINED IN INSTRI'MENT RECORDED AUGUST IO, 1962. hiBOOK I74 AT PAGE 179. 9. UTILTTT EASH\,IENT4O FEETIN WIDTH ALONG TIIE NORITIERLY LOTLINE AS SI{OWN ONTIIE PLAT OF VIIJAGB CENTER RECORDED DECEMBER 6, 1Yl2 IN BOOK 226 AT PAGE64- IO. NON.EXCLU$VEEASEMENTFORTIIE PIJRPOSE OFINGRBSSA}IDEGRESS AS SHOWN A}.ID RESERTIED ON TIIE RrcORDED FIRST SUPPLEMBNT TO THE MAP OF YIIIAGE CENTER. II. TIIOSE PROVISIONS, COVENAI{TS A}ID COT{DIIIONS, E.ASEMEI{IS, A}iD RESTRICTIONS,wHIcIl ARE A BLTRDEN To TI{E coNDoMINt{tM UMT DESCRIBED IN scIIEDr,lrJ A5 AsCONTAINED IN INSTRUME}TT RECORDED NOVEMBER '0. 1Y72,$:T [OOr ZZE Er PECE MAY-OS-OI 14:Ot ppgy. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE lf),l9?O4?A4534 PAGE 4/4 Form AO/CEI , -r|| OuOrderNo. VnZ$s SdcrtuleB 362 AI{D AS AIUENDED IN INSIRUMB.IT RECORDED OCTOBER N, g73,IN BOOK 231 ATPAGE 381 AIiID As SUPPLEMENTED IN INsTRIMH\IT RBcoRDED 6f soox 232 AT pAcE 23 lA}ID RERECORDED APRIL 25, I9?5IN EOOK 239 AT PAGE 574AIiID AII{ENDMENT IRECORDEDJIJLY IT,I994INBOOK &'ATPAGE?|. I I12. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RBSTRICTIONS AS SHOqTN OR RESERVED ON TI{E IRBCORDED CONDOMINIIJM MAP OF ULI.A,GE CENTER A}.ID SUTETNVNTTS TI{ERETO. i I 13. E)(ISTING LEASES AI{D TENAI.ICIES I ol{Rfs Fq.IcY stuflB A @ lb. 32L7L7 4 Boltr.l.cy lb. J L?ffiL4? Dab of bllclz: SegrWen 7, M at 5:00 p.m. Irrsrgr Im.srt: 51,349,000.00 Prenfin hDt: S 1,936.00 1. f@ of Ersrd: HET,RY ANrro$r ITIIESoN, AS IBIISIEE IINDER ecREEl,tEttT InIED DffilEIl 10, 1998 2. the eeta'b c ln@ lrr ltn t.ad dticfi ts covered bg, fie lnlLcy is: FEE SIMPLE 3. TltI€ b ttE e€tab c trr@6rt In ilte l^ed ts vedne h: HENRY INIIU{Y ITILHN, AS ITUSIEE UNER AGREE}G}n DAIED DEI'ER 10, 1998 4. *te l^ad refiend b ln ltds polt&y ts L@bd h rtE StaE of(bl..'r:ad'', carrtf, of E€d.e , sd ls Hbed as follsm: ffintrrtun (tllt tE, Ehd.ldfi:g "A", \TTLLAffi CENIER M{EMINII}E,a Alng b ttE ffigtrtntm Uap tleneof flled f,eoemben 6, L972 in Boct< 226 at We 6?4, ad $pf.erert ttEreb ftted @er LL, L973 in Bod< 231 at We 4!14, ard $aplemnt t|ueb ftled Oc@er B, L974 lrr Bod< 87 at We 24, atd,nnerffi PIat ttercof ffled .ily 11, 1994 ln Boc* 645 at 4e 26; ard as deflrEdud <bslbed ln ltp ffintnfirn Eclaratlcn reod lbrrcaben ?n, L972 lrt Eod( 226 at Pqe 362, ad as arcrH try lrrstrtrEnts remH Oct&er 23, L974 ln bd< ?37 at We 23, Alztl 25, 1975 lrr ed< 239 at Fage 574; Jrfly LL, L994 ln Bod< 645 at Pqe 27. Ilrts Foficy is lrrva-lld rnLess tle over street ard Sdpefle B ane attacH. AL,TA Orer's hl:lc,y (!O-L7-92) CbnEsfgrraU!€ ErtMzed Offl-q G egEnt sfiutta B orE ro. 321717 -Oblfcy I'b. J 1288142 PARIT I ltrts pollqr &s rut ,nsrle agalnst lms c de6 (erd fie o".'Irany rdll rrt pay @€tts' at@rrysf fee c eqas) rilrtr sle b1z renr of: 1. Anl, fcte, rlghts, ln'Eeots, s'clalE rillctr are rpE slsfr by ttE plcltc remdshrt vlhtctr qlld be astalrd bf'an lnqlestfm of satd Isd q by naktug lqldrryof 1=rurs ln rtssqcegan tterof. 2. EleqTlyrta, c clalrre 6f engrsrtsn rut stum b8' the Itrbllc reoocd.s. 3. DfscreptrEl"eE, drflfcitg fn borrtarl' llrEs, smage ln al€a, errnoaffi, and{8, otiEr fctE nhtctr a @€st s.Erref' rsrld dlsle ad tfilrh are rgt stperr h!,tte pbu-c remods. 4. Any llen, c rJgffi b a llen fc enrl.es, labc c tmtelc-Lal heretofcec tereafEr firndstncl, l.lllea bD'Iil ilrt rnt sttohn try tte gjltic reffids. 5. Tarcs ft.p ard pa5pabl.et 8d ilry ta:r, qrcJ.al asessrErrts, ctraqge cr lLentpoeA fc waE qr gi€r srvlg|es, oc: foE' anfr stter rEecLa] taxiry dlsbdc.t. 6. Rtght of tls nnryietm of a Veln q lode to extract sd srprre his de tf,reulBfrron,slsdd tle Eane be fcr.rd b penetrab q lrrtewt tte genrfes hereDry granEd, asresved h W|led S:taEs pabnt remd. 7. Rlgtr otr wqr trG dtEEs c aanals srEtrrrbed try tf,E a.rtM.ty of tte [r$EdStaE, aa resved lrr lhtd Stabs paErt reoard. 8. resHrttats. v*ddl & rgt qrtaln a fufel.trrre G rsverbr ciLan€, ag srtalrd ln JrstrurErrE rsdd A€ust LO, L962, lrr bd{ LZ4 at pap U9. 9. Iftil.lt1z ad atralnage e'n+rEn'be as stsfir qr tle }{a1l otr Vlfbge GnEr. 10. ltnee ovenants, EdLtJcns, dLtgatLcrs, eaffnEnts sd resbrlctLqrs rtricfr are ahstbn b ttE ffinirrtun lfdt dFrclrlhed ln S#ltl-e A, ad e't fdr ln tieffirdnlrrn rbln"atlqr reoozH lbvsrber n, L972, ln bd< ?526 at @e 362, asanerH by fnsEuent(s) remdd @er 23, 1974, ln bd< 237 at Page 23, e[Efl 25, L975, lrr bd{ 239 at Pagr 574, ild July l-L, L994, in ed{ 645 at pqe 27. ALTA Sdard blJ.cy. tFsErn regd'cr - FEm Nc. 1{O2-C (rev. 9/87, o ENDORSEMENT Attached to Policy No. lssued by 32L7L7 L6t l,b: Part I of sald h].fcl' are herebl' Fitst AnwianTith Insurance Compny This endorsehent is made a part of the policy or commitment and is subiect to all the terms and pro- visions thereof and of any prior endorsements thereto. Except to the extent expressly stated, it neither modifies any of the terms and provisions of the pdicy or commilment and prior endorsements, if any, nor does it exlend the effective date of the policy or commitment and prior endorsements or increase the face amount thereof. This is hereby amended as follows: Eoeprtl.cr l.bs. I tlrrcr$ 4 wder SctredrJ-e B,eletbd. Eoe{'Hgr llc. 5 t[fu Sffirle B, part I of said b.llcy ls tEtr€bfr enerH ard rrpdifld b r€d aE fo].lqls: Ta:es fca tJe 1'er M, a ll€n, hrt rnt I'et d.e or. paFble. IN AL[. OIIIER RESFEDIS, SAID rcI,ICY FEMAIT.IS TflE SNIIE. First American Tith Insurance Company " (il/^JfuQP**NT f iT,ila\,-- I a"- t) '. <" l*a*r'n'€<:- e!e ,-_ :. sEPItI0[n a{, j _- 4'.. tgot ..J-io *;;;;j;;l-i Deleb * 6)*eLqae'- AUTHoRTZED srGNAroRy Colorado Form 110.3 o from the EXCLUSToNS FRoM C0VERAGEO coverage ol this policy and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys'tees 0r expenses whichThe following matters are expressly excluded arise by reason of: 1. DEAilmoit 0F TERitS. The following tems when used in his policy mean: (a) 'insured': he Insurcd named in Schedule A, and, subi€ct to any dghs 0r dofsnsss he Comparry would have had against the named insured, hoso who succeed to fie irtterest 0, fis nam€d insurcd by openlion 0f hw as distnguished lrom purchas€ includlng, brjt not lirnlted to, heirs, distributees, devisees, survivors, p€60nal represefih- tives, next ol kin, or coDo.ato or fiduciary successors. (b) 'insured claimarf: an insured claiming loss or oamag8. (c) "kn0wl6dgs" 0r'known': actual knowbdge, nol constructive knowledg€ 0r n0tce which may be imputed b an insured by reason 0l ths public records as defined in this policy or any othsr rccords wtrich impart coostructive notice of maners affecling the land. (d) 'land": the land described or retorred lo in Schedule (A), and impmvsmonls afiixsd therBto which by law constihite real property. Ihs term "land does not inclu& any poperty beyond ths llnes of lhe arsa described 0r rufened to in Scheduh (A), nor any right, tlfie, inter8st, estab 0r easement in abunjng streeb, roads, avenues, alleys, lanes, ways 0r waterways, but n0hing hgrein shall modity 0r limit the odent to which a dght of access to and fiom lhe land is insured by this policy. (e) "mort0a0e": mortoage, deed ol trusl, trust deed, or other security instrumont. (0 "public recorG': rec0rds established und€r slate shtutes at Dale of Policy for the purposs oJ impartin0 constructive notice 0f mattors relating t0 roal property to purchas€rs for value and wifioul knowledge. Wift respecl to S€ction 1(axiv) of the Exclusions From Coverage, "public rec0rds" shall also incude envimnmentalDmtction liens filed in tho records ol fie cl€rk of t|e United States district court l0r tho distict in whlch fie land ls localed, (g) "unmarkshbility 0t $e lide": an alleged or apparent maner affectlng the lite lo ths land, not oclud€d or excepted lrcm coverago, which wolld sntitl€ a purchaser of fie eslate 0r interest described in Schodule A t0 be released from lhe obllgation lo purchase by virtue ol a conlracual condition requiring lhe delivory of markelable ttle. 2. Cor{TlltuATtoll 0F lllsuRAl{cE IFrER COI{VEYINCE OF TITIE, The coverage 0f ftis p0licy shall condnue in lorce as of Dats of Policy in lavor ot an insured only so long as he insured rstains an eslab or inbrest in the land. or holds an indebtedneis semred b:y a.purchase nnney mortgage dvon by his policy which constihrtes fie basis ot loss or damage and shall state, b lhe extent oossible. $e basis ol calculatino he amount of he loss or darnage. lf tre Company is preiudiced by $e tailurc of tlr insurei claimarrt t0 pdvid6 he required pr00f of loss or damage, $e Company''s obligations totie insuGd under $e policy shallterminate, including any liability or obligation to &fend, prcsecute, or continue any litigation, wi$ regard to $e matter or mattors requiring such prool of loss or damage. In addition, the insured claimant fitsy reasonably be required t0 submil to examinalion under oath by any aufiorized rBpresentative oJ he Company and shall prbduce for examinallon, inspection and copying, at such reasonable times and places as may be designated by any autho.izod represenhlive 0l the Company, all records, books, ledoers, cnscks, correspondence and memoranda, whethorbearing a dab bofore 0r aftor DatB of Policy, which reasonably pertain t0 he loss 0r damage. Ftrlher, if requsstsd by any aufiorized re$esentatlve 0f the company, the insured claimant shall grant ils permission, in writing, for any aulhorized rep msentafve 0f the Company t0 examine, inspect and copy all rocords, b00lc, lod0ers, checks, correspondenDe and mem- oraflda in tie custody or control ot a $ird party, which reasonably pertain lo $e l0ss or damagE. All information designated as confidonflal by the insursd claimant provided t0 the Company pursuant to his Section shall not be disclosed to ohers unless, in lhe reasonable iudgment of fie Company, it is necessary in the administration ol he claim. Failure of he insured claimant to submit for examtnaton under oa$, produce oher reasonably requ€sted intormation 0f gffit psrmission to secure reasonably necessary infoma- tion trom third parties as required in his pangnph, unless pmhibited by law or govemmenlal regulaton, shallterminate any liabilrty 0f the Company underfiis policy as to that claim. O. OFIIOIIS TO PAY OA OTHERWISE SETTLE GLAIiIS: IERIIIilANON OF UABILITY. ln case of a claim under this p0licy, the Company shall have he tollowing addltional options: (a) T0 Pay or Tender Payment 0f tfie Amount of lnsurance, To pay ortender paymsnt of ths amount ot insunnco undsr $is pollcy logelher wllh any costs, attorneys' lees and expenses Incurred by the insursd clalmant, which were aufiorized by the company, up to he flme of payment or tender 0f payment and which he Company is obligated to pay. Upon the o€rcise by hs Company ol tris option, all liability and obligations to the insured underfiis policy, o$er than t0 make fi€ paymsnt requircd, shallerminab, including .nv li2hilitu dr ^hli^tll^n ln ,lltarvl ^r^c.."t. ^? ^^ntinrF Jor any loss 0r damage caussd heroby. (b) In tn ev€rt 0f any litigatlon, including liligation by fie Company 0r wih fie Cofinanyis consert, he Company shall have no fiabillty lor loss or damaoe until fiers has been a linal delerminaton by a court of compebnt iurisdiction, and dispositi0n 0f all appeals thersfrom, adyerse b $e tiue as insured. (c) lhe Compary shal not be liabls tor loss or damage l0 any insured for liability volunhrily assufiEd by fie insured in setting any chim or suil wihout fie prior wrinen consenl of h6 Company. 10. RtDUCn0il 0F IilSURAilCEi REDUCTIOI{ 0R IERMII{ATIOII OF IIABII.TY. All payments under ftis policy, scopt payments made for costs, attorneys'fees and 6xpenses, shall rsduce lhe amount 0l the insurance pro 1ant0. 11. UAEtrltY ilolrCUitULAnVE. ll ls expressly und€Ebod that th€ Amount of In- surance under$is policyshallbe reduced by any amounl the Company may pay under any policy insuring a mortga0e t0 which o(ceptiofl is hken in Schodule B 0r h which fie insured has agre€d, assumed, or talen subjecl, or which is hematler occutod by an insuBd and which is a cha0e or lien 0n the eslats or lnbrest dsscdb€d or rofenod to in Schedule A, and the amouflt s0 paid shan be deem€d a payrmnt under $is policy to $s insund owner. 12. PAYrttEltT 0F OSS. (a) N0 payment shall be made wif|out producing lhis policy for endorsement 0f fie paymsnl unlsss $e policy has been losl or destroyed, in wiich caso pr00l ot loss or desfucton shall bs furnishod lo he satisfaction of the Company. 0) \,Vhen liability and the sxlsnt of loss or damage has b8en deflnitely lixsd in accordance wlhhese Conditlons and Stipulalions, fis loss or damage shall bs payabl€ wlthln 30 days fiereatle[ 13. SUBROCATIOII UMil PAYiIEiIT OR SETNEilEI{T. (a) lhr Compr|yr Rhhl ol Sutmerdon. lryhenevsr th6 Compaary shall havs setthd and paid a claim under hls policy, all right ot subrogalion shall vest in the Company unaflecbd by any act 0[$s insure{l clairnant. The Company shall b0 subrooat0d to-and bo Bnlhled to all 1.(a)Any|aqordinanceorgovernmenta|regu|ation(inc|udingbutnot|imitedtobui|dingandzoning|aws,ordinances'orregu|ations)restricting,regu|a1ing,prohibng or relating to (i) the occupancy, use, or enioymenl 0J the land; (ii) the characlei dimensioni or ldcation ol any improvemerit now or hereafter erected on thi land; (iii) a sepantion in or,t/nership or a change in me dimensions or area ot lhe land or any parcel of which ihe iand is or was a part; or (iv) environmental protection, 0r. the etfect of any violation ot these laws, ordinances or governmental regulatidns, except to lhe extent frat a notice df he enioicement thereot or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resutting from a violation or alleged violaiion affecting ttte land has been recorded in fie public records at Date of Policy. (b) Any governmental police power not excluded by (a) above, except to he exted hat a notjce ol tfie exercise hereof or a notice ot a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violafon 0r alleged violation atfecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date ol Policy. 2. Righb ol eminent domain unless notice of the exercise thereol has been recorded in fie public records at Date of Policy, but not excluding from coverage any hking which has occurred prior to Date of Policy which would be binding on the dghts oi a purchaser for value wihoui knowledge. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims 0r 0fier matters: (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant: (b) not knolvn l0 the qompany, not recorded in $e public records at Date ol Policy, but known to the insured claimant and not disclosed in tvriting to fie Company by the insured claimant prior to the date $e insured claimant became an insured under this policy; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to he insured claimant; (d) attaching 0r crcaled subsequent to Date of Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the estate or interest insured by this policy. 4. Any claim, which arises out of q.t! fans?9tiqn vesting in the Insured the estate or interest insured by this policy, by reason of the operaton ol federal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors' righls laws, that is based on: (i) the tlansaction creating lhe estate or interest insured by tris policy being deemed a lraudulent conveyance or fraudulent lransfer; or (ii) the fansaction creating the estate or intercsl insured by fiis policy being deemed a prelerential fansfei except where fie preferential transfer results lrom fie failure: (a) to limely rBcord lhe instrument of tansfer; or (b) 0f such recordalion t0 impart notice t0 a purchaser lor value or a iudgment or lien creditor. CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS mT.e 0y It9 msured. in any tansfer or conveyance of fte estate 0r interest. lhispolicy shall not continul in forc8 in i11?k'i'S''i'ili:iffi :';lt'flTliil"Lg':S':J3.ii,"'D purEnase money morEag8 given t0 the insured. 3. iloncE 0F cLNil T0 BE GtVEl{ 8Y titsuRED cLAtlttAl{L The insured shall notily tho Company prompty in writing (i) in case of any litigation as set torth in Section 4(a) below (ii) in case knowledge shall coms to an insured hereunder 0f any claim 0f tite 0r Inlorest which is adverse h the tlle to the estde or inlerest, as insursd, and whlch might cause loss or damags lor which the Company may be liable by virtue 0t this policy, 0r (iii) it tiile t0 the estate or interesl, as insured, is rejected as unmarketablo.ll prompt notce shall not be given to the Company, then as to$e insured allllability 0l he Company shallterminale with regard t0 $e matter or matters for which prompl notice is requked; pmvided, howevei that failure t0 notify $s Company shall in no case preiudice fte rights of any insured under his policy unless fte Company shall be prejudiced by the failure and then only to $e oderrt ol $e projudico. 1. OEFEI{SE AltD PR0SEClrTt0il 0F ACTt0ilSi DI'IY OF IIISUREO GTAIIIIAIII TO COOPERAIT, (a) Upon written request by the insursd and subiect to $e options contained in Section 6 0f th€ss Conditions and Stipulations, the Company, at its own cost and without unreasonable delay, shall provide for the defense 0t an insured in liligation in which any third party asserts a claim adverssbfie Ute or intorest as insured, but only as to those staled causes 0f actjon alle0ing a detect, Iien 0r en- cumbrance or other mafterinsured againstby this policy. The Company shall have the righl t0 selsct counsel 0f its choice (subject t0 the right of fie insured lo obiect Jor reasonable cause) t0 represent the insured as h lhose stated causes of action and shall not be liable Jor and wlll not pay the lees 0f any olher counsel. The company willnot pay any fees, costs 0r expenses incurred by he insured in the defense 0t hose causes of action which allego mafters not insured against by this policy. (b) lhe Company shallhave the right, at its own cost t0 institute and pros€cute any action 0r proceeding 0r lo d0 any ofier act which in its opinion may be necessary 0r desirable b establish the title to the estate or interest, as insured, or to prevent or reduce loss 0r damage to the insured. The company may take any appropriate action under the terms 0f Sris policy, whelier 0r not it shall be liable hereunder, and shall nol lh€reby c0ncede liabilily or waive any provision 0l this policy, lf the Company shall ocrcise its dghts under this para0raph, il shall d0 so diligen{y. (c) Whenever thc Company shall hav8 broughl an action 0r interp0sed a defense as required 0r permitted by the provisions ot tftis policy, the Company may pursue any litigation t0 final determination by a court 0f competent iurisdiction and expressly reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to appeal from any adverse judgment 0r order. (d) h all cases where this policy permits 0r requires the Company to pmsecute or provide tor lhe defense ot any action 0r proceeding, the insured shall secure to the company the right to so prosecule or provide defense in lhe action 0r proceeding, and all appeals therein, and permit the Companyto use, at its optlon, the name 0f fte insuredtortiis purpose. Whenever requesled by the Company, the insured, at the Company's expense, shall give the Company all reasonable aid (i) in any action or proceeding, securing evidence, oblaining witnesses, prosecuting 0r defending the aclion 0r proceeding, or etlecting ssttiement, and (ii) in any other lawlul act which in the opinion ol the Company may be necessary or desirable lo establish the ti{e t0 $e estate or interestas insured. lfthe Company is prejudiced bythefailufo 0l the insured to furnish the required cooperation, the Company's obligations to the insured under the policy shall terminate, including any liability or obligation h detend, prosecute,0r cofltinue any litigation, with regard to fie maner 0r matters requiring such cooperation. 5. PROOF OF LOSS OR DTJIIAGE. In addition to and after he notices required under Section 3 0f these Conditions and StiDulations hav€ been provided the Company, a proot of loss ordamage signed and sworn t0 by the insured claimant shall be turnishad to fte Company wifiin 90 days after the insured claimant shall ascertain the lacts giving rise to the l0ss or damag€. the proof of loss or damage shall descdbe tE defect in, or lien or encumbrance on the title, 0r other matter insuled against vu||rPdlry tut t aut|cla$rur. (b) To Pav 0r 0herwlse Sottle With Parties ofier than*'*ut fl lll,T:,lll'Hi$ :Hl'ffi ou,er parties Oot in the name 0.| an insured claimant any claim insured against under fiis policy, toge$er wi$ any costs, attorneys' lees and oeenses incunEd by the insured claimant which were authonzed by the Company up to the time of paymem and which the company is obligated to pay; or (iD t0 pay or olherwise set0e witr th€ insured claimant the loss 0r damage provided for under $is policy, mgether wnh any costs, attorneys' lees and expenses lncurcd bylhe insured claimantwhich were authorized bythe uompany up t0 the time 0l payment and which $e Company rs oD[gaEd t0 pay. . Upon $e exercise by the Company of erther ot the optrons provided for in para0raphs (bxi) or (ii), the Com- pany's obllgations t0 ths insured under this policy for the claimed loss or damage, other than fE payments required to De made, shall terminats, including arry liability or obligation t() oelend, prosecute or cofitinuo any litigation. 7. DErEBilIilANOil, EITEilT OF LIAEIITY |rtD c0iltsuRAltcE. This policy is a contfact ol ind€mnity aosinst actual mone4ary loss fi damage sustained or incurred by the Insured claimant who has suffered loss 0r damage by reason d maners insured againstby his policy and onlylothe extent ner€tn oescnDed. (a) Ihe liability 0f the Company under this policy shatl not sceed the least of: (i) lhe Amount 0t Insurance stated in Schedule A;0r' (ii) the difterence between the value 0l be insured estate 0r interest as insured and lhe value 0f the insured estate 0r interesl subiec'tto th8 delect, lien or encumbrance insured against by lhis policy. (b) In $e evenl $e Amount 0t Insunnce stated in Schedule A at the Date 0f Policy is less than 80 percent ot the value of the insured eslate or inlerest or the full consideration paid lor the hnd, whichever is less. or it subsequent to the Date of Policy an improvement is er8cled 0n he land which increases lhe value 0f fie insured eshte 0r interesl by at least 20 percent over he Amount ol Insurance sbted in Schedule A, hen his Poticy is subiect t0 fie lolbwing: (i) where n0 subsequent improvernent has been made, as t0 any partlal loss, the company shall only pay he loss pro rata in the pmportton that fte Amount 0f lnsurance at Dale of Policy bears to fie total value ol the insured estale 0r interest at Date ot Poticy; or (ii) where a subsequenl {nprovement has been made, as to any partial loss, the Company shall only pay the loss pro rata in thbproportioti that 120 percent 0f the Amount ol Insurance stated in Schedule A bears t0 the sum ol the Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A and th8 amount exDended for the imDmvement.'lhe provisions ot this paragraph shall not apply to costs, attorneys' lees and expenses lor which the company is.liable under this policy, and shall onty appty to that porlion 0J any loss which exceeds, in the aggreoate, 10 percent of the Amounl of Insurance stated in schedule A. . (c) The Company willpay only those costs, attomeys' lees and expenses incurred in accordance wlth section 4 ot these Conditions and StiDulations. E. APPORTIOiIMEIIT. lf the land described in Schedule (A)(C)consists 0l two 0rmore parcels which are not used as a single srte, and a loss is established affecting one or more of the parcels but not all, the loss shallbe computed and settled on a pro mta basis as il the Amount ot Insurance under this policy was divided pro rata as to the value on Date of Policv of each seoarate oarcel to the whole, exclusive of any iniprovements made sub- sequent t0 Date of Policy, unless a liability or value has othenvise been agreed upon as to each parcel by the Company and the insured at the lime ol the issuance of this policy and shown by an express statement or by an endorsemenl attached t0 his policy. 9. UilITATtoil 0t UABTL|TY. (a) It the Company establishes the tifle, or removes the alleged defect, Iien or encumbrance, or cures the lack 0t a righl ot access to or from lhe land, 0r cures the claim 0f unmarketability oftitle, allas insured, in a reasonably diligent manner by any method, including llligation and fie comple- tion 0f any appeals thereJrom, it shall have fully performed its oblioatjons with respect t0 that matter and shall nol be liable had tiis policy not been issusd. lf rsquqcted by he lompany, fie insurEd claimant shall fans{er to fre C0mpany all rights and remedies aoainst arry person or pmperty necessary in order t0 perfecl fils riofi 0f subrogation. Ihe insured claimant shall psrmit $e Company to sue, compromise or settle in $e narne ol the insund claimaflt and to use the name ot the insured claimart in any transacli0n or litigalion invoMng lhess dghts or rsmedies. lf a paymont 0n account 0f a clalm does not fully c0ver $e loss of the insured clalmant, hs Company shall be subrogated to thasa rights and romsdl€s in the proportion which he Companys paymenl bears lo the whole amount of the loss. lf loss should result from any acl 0f ths insured claimant, as slated abovo, that act shall not void this p0licy, bul the Company, in $at evsnt, shall b6 required t0 pay only $at part of any losses insurod against by thls policy which shall exceod he amount, lf any, lost to tie Company by reason of the impaiment by he insur8d claimanl of tie Companys right of subrogation. (b) lhc Complnfr Rlehb A0almt non-lmur0d 0blleor8. the Companys right of subr0gation against non- insured obligors shall odst and shall inclu&, wilhoul limitation, he righb of te insur€d b indemnifes, guannties, ofier policies 01 insurance 0r bonds, mtwithshnding any terms 0r conditions codained in those instrumerns which provide for subrogation righls by reason 0f fiis policy. 11. lRBfTBtnoil. Unless prohibited by applicabl8 law eiuer the Com- pany 0r the insured may demand arbitration pursuant t0 lhe Tille Insurance Arbitralon Rulos 0l $e American Arbitration Association. Arbitrablo matters may include, bul are not limited lo, any contr0vsrsy 0r claim between the Company and the insured arising out 0f 0r relatin0 t0 this policy, any seMce of the Company in conneclion with its issuaflce or he breach of a policy provision or other oblioatjon. All arbitrabls rnatlers when hs Amount 0t lnsurance is $1,000,000 0r less shall be arbitrated al he oDlion 0f eiher the Company or he insured. All arbitrable matters wien lhe Amourrt ot Insunnce is in excess of $1,000,000 shall be aftitrated only when agroed to by boh he Company and ths insured. Artitration puGuant h his policy and under the Rules in effecl 0n the dat€ the demand l0r artifation is made or, at be option 0f $e insund, fie Rules in effect at Date 0l Policy shall be binding upon $e parties. The award may include attorneys' fees only if h€ laws of $e state in which the land is localed permit a court t0 award attorneys'lees to a prevailing party, Judgmenl upon lie award rendered by the Arbitrato(s) may be enterod in any court having lurisdiction lhereol The la$/ 0l lhe situs of tho land shall apply to an a6itration under the TiUe Insurance Abitration Rules. A copy ot the Rules may be obtained from fie Company upon requesl. 15. LUIBIIITY LIIVIIIED Tll THIS POUCY: POLICY ENTIRE CO'ITRACT. (a) This policy together with all endorsements, if any, attached hereto by he Company is lhe entire policy and contract between the insured and the Company. In iflterpret- ing any provision of this policy, tris policy shall be construed as a wnole. (b) Any claim 0t loss or dama0e, whether or not based on negligence, and which arises out of the status 0t $e ti{e to the estate 0r interest covered hereby 0r by any action asserting such claim, shall be restricted to this policy. (c) No amendment ol or endorsement to this policy can be made except byawriting endorsed hereon 0ratached hereto signed by either the ftesidenl, a Vice Presidenl, the Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, 0r validating officer or authorized signatory of tho Company. 16. SEVERABILITY. ln the event any provision of the policy is held invalid or unentorceable under applicable law' the policy shall be deemed not to include that provision and all other provisions shall remain in full lorce and etfect. 17. itoTtcEs. WHERE SEilT. A ndits tlqui|sd b bo dlr€rl lh3 CofiPany and 8ny stabnEtt i0 wrth! l{uiEd b b. fumbh€d 0p Conf t Ehd iKf.t{te tu nmbd ol $b pdict ctd 3h8l b. ddtsod b t€ Conptty at 1 Fidfrsisr vtht, Sflb &q Cdnomir 9?(n, o(b ilFofics ;hidr bir6d Ob po5y. l,t{,'l ITTLESON RESIDENCE RENOVATION I r. n. wm ARcHITECIS P.c. I r-hh!I r-'{J ils .rtr qE ITTLESON RESIDENCE RENOVATION vttr GE ccfttER coMtot tNlrls |(. l|. WEBB ARCHIIEOS P.C. J+++'l t,t'+'l I x. t.. wtornncnnros Lc. II {s-rn M-E I I rdF,.El 4 ITTLESON RESIDENCE RENOVATION At ntl|El'lls All/ 6UltOa'lG Av[t GE cErflEi cor{Dolll$lrlls JI*EI TTTLESON RESIDENCE RENOVATION APARTME|T5 'T,8/ €UIIDIiIG A VILLAGE CEIITER CONOOi4NlurrlS{'{.+'l I x. n. wrmARcHtTECrs P.c. I rkqra I rbm oI .-Fl'il TTLESON RESIDENCE RENOVATIONi t't'+,1 I x. H. wmr ARcHrTEos P.c. I rE-br trgF f,Y itg l* P l* IF ll |.TLESON RESIDENCE RENOVATION APARTMEIITS A&E/ BUILOING A VITTAGE CENTER COI{DOMINIUMS,-Fl 'l {,t'{'4 I r. tt. wmr ARcHrIEos P.c. I rd'd te /F\ Y .|f tq lr lr I{;ltF T liItlF iE |l r a,b lliE tllFl ll @lrr 'lsliili' T"i rl Tii'i /;\ Y .E'!iii lr 9 itii|t rll E1 IT IE lr Yrk ill '|fr!ii IE *,'r'*Q,t, EiEFE;18lii Hl;i! lE ;HE-idEtE5lIttg6BE 9X $li'i /.--\ Y ;li 1ilii /6\ YI|s .|:ifi 19 rli t9 .tr. ,G\v d:ili F 'li v lriiilYr l8 E iii l!* Fiiii; -=-h1||rresiltil TTF-I f-:l-f --_l r71Ntl l--"-\'i\ =L--f=r f--=ti--11 ilffiill r^ l-'t"'.'.(1..,.-"" J{'l{'l.-TI EI ITTLESON RESIOENCE RENOVATION |(. }|. WEBB ARCHIIEflS P.C. A'ARTIICIVTg AdE/ AUILOII{G Avtlt GE cENTEi @XDOflrXrUirS tlAy-10-2001 THU 0l:32 Pl{ K.H. [.|EBB ARCHITECTS FA){ N0, 9?0 47? 2905aYA [l|.Ylebblrdrilds fstscdrfrdrytdtd VdthtuodM&rllc2la Yd,ftr6 t|l5t G_- P, 01 9r0.{tr2n0 rr0,{tu9ll0iffib&rcr fodnfutromittul k lbmftlq ClmtDll. toc 119:2.152 h fili[icl,tqtlsotncty Dh: 5/10/01 t38Ait ' -l\--- tdhltftconthmdd ttc I \ & s\r ,\\_ttrnl_ O \ ' ' ' n a-.- ' ' ' ilton, lfEyurdnrrion$th tfa,liuruortdhonfinnnithyur, thdom lmrndrogeslo o l'14 htrftt dor' R€gqds, illih G--