HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5E LOT K VILLAGE CENTER MASTER EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS 1999 LEGALo D esign Review Action Form TOWNOFVAIL Project Name: Village Center Condominiums Project Description: Master Exerior Improvements Plan Owner, Address and Phone: Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Stephanie Lord, Fritzlen, Pierce, Smith, 1650 East Vail Valley Drive, Fallridge C-1, Vail, Colorado, 81657 Project Street Adfuess: 124 Willow Bridge Road Legal Description: Lot C/K Block 5E, Vail Village First Filing Parcel Number: Comments: Project#: Building Name: Village Center Condominiums Motion by: Hans Seconded by: Clark Vote: 2-0-l (pierce) Conditions: Town Planner: George Ruther Date:717199 Board / Staff Action Action: Approved That the Town of Vail approve the sidewalk encroachment onto Town owned land That the applicant subniit detailed exterior lighting information for review and approval DRB Fee Pre-Paid: 520.00 Project Name: Village Center F :\EVE RYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\97\ I DRBAPPRFRM o Condominiums Qrrcstions? O ,U. Planning.Staff'a | 47g-212g GENERAI, INFORMATION This applicttti<tn is tbr any projcct rcquiring Dcsigrr Rcvicw approval. Any projcct reguiring dcsign rcvicw nrustrcccivc Dr:.sign Rcvicw approval prior to subnritting for a builiing p".n,it. io..p".ific infonnation. scc thc sui.rittalrcquirctttutts fbr thc particular approval that is rcqucsted. thc appiication camor be accepted untir .ir tr,"r.qJroinfornmtion is submittcd. Thc project nuy also nced to bc rcvibwid by thc Towu Council and/or rhc pfo"niid "niEnvirountcntal Conlnrission' Dcsign Rcvicw Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unr6is " - building pcrmit is issued and construction is started. F. C. PARCEL #: ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: ryPE OF REVIEWAND FEE:E Ncw Construction - $200 u. APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL Contact Eagle Co.Officc ar 970-328-1t640 tbr.parcel #) PHONE: PHONE: c. D. E. ATTONI H. Conshuction ofa ncw building. Includcs any a{-4ition:whcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidential orcommcJcialbriiiding. Inchidcs-minor changes to buildings and site improvcmcnts. such as.reroofing. painting window additions. landscaping. fcnccs and retaining walls, cfc. EConceptual Review = $0 .For'any application,yhere thc applicant wishes to nrect with Dcsigr RevicwBoard to dcternrine whether or not the project gencrally conrplic."*itt ii,"r design guidclines.,The DRB does not votc on conceptual rcvicws. DRB fees arc to bc paid at the timc of submittal. *lT: *lg" applying for a building pemrit, plcasc idcntitythc accirratc valuation of thc projcct. Thc Town of vail will "oj"rt trtr r* *cording to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS ATPLICATION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THEDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT, Zi SOUTH T'NONTAGE ROAD,vAu,, CoLORADO 81657. $s0 $20 ESCRIPTION OF LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL tor: c+lL BLOCK: 5U Fl PHYSICAL ADDRESS: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S) : o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:CQ,@R:*BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soflits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chinrnrys Trash Enclosurcs Greenhouses Reiaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other Vsus-EusrruCr ..5V) n,l2t-trrz* |crp*-rY HL\r H Fv{.\( Nq JVE + Plcase speciff the manufacfurer's color, number and attach a snrall color chip . *r All exterior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number offixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identifu each fixnre type and provide the height abdvc grade, lumens outpul luminous are4 and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. r' July 2,1999 George Ruther TOV Senior Planner lll SFrontageRD Vail, CO 81657 RE: Village Center Condominiums FRITZLEN PIERCE SMITH ARCHITECTS Dear George: Per our telephone conversation, attached is the submittal for Ffinal DRB review on the Village Center Condominium's Master Plan and Building Landscaping and Exterior Improvements. Enclosed are: l. Master Site Plan 2. Building A Construction Documents 3. DRB application 4. Booklet - you have already received. In terms of planning and zoning requirements I have the following findings: l. Site Coverage CC II allows for70%o site coverage. The existing the site coverage is360/o and the proposed new covered entries only increase this to 39%. 2. l0'Setback The existing buildings exceed the l0' minimum setback on the South and East properfy lines. The new covered entry ways on Building A do not extend past the property line. However, due to the buildins being built up to the property lines, at B & C the new entries will extend across the property line to the Village Center Shop property. The Village Center has a strong relationship with the neighboring property owner and I believe that an agreement could be reached regarding the covered entries. The existing access (sidewalks and landscaping) on the south side ofthe property is all on the adjoining "Shops" property. I would like to propose that approval from the Village Center Shop's Property Owner be a contingency ofthe approvai. K:\9864-Village Center\TOV\drbfi nal0702.wpd PlanningoArchitectureolnteriors 1650 East Vail Valley Drive Fallridge C-l . Vail, CO tj]6-57 r ips@colorado.net . fax (970) 476-4901 . (9701 476-6342 3. Height The existing roof heigbt on Building's B and C exceed the allowable 48'building height. The Master Plan does propose to alter the roof profile, but not above the existing building heightc. 4. Dcnsity Contol We are not proposing any changes in Density. Thanks for your hclp with this project. Please call with any questions or comments. \-/,'-'-\--J Stcphanie Lord Architect K19864-Vilhgc Cenrc To\Adrbfinat0702.wpd zt!=!iU: Nd-F u,.r <&-zrJ- O- u1 6lrr 5E ald AiAI filqlFl*r o l z o Azo \) vluFz ru \) ulo { JJ L -7u)T r,.l u :Noc*Fur<&.-<r.l- CL (') r--os-oolooo--nilns n s) o_ (f)tlo sD si, sro_ o_ o- $uqfrl .JL ilh filfilrrq, s'a {J'q)q): ::9 :ff.i:'I .s,B .:.U ..2 d_='q .'ii pr d'f) 'dili:'b 'Eo- s.d g:p' :'P :flSt:' 'f;8 's,fiE.6 StrE nSrIei Lstp -=FEt: ^.f;fi .=EridAE *'-n I-n,n',t € g"i"i dffi dfftri ;q q '-flm tl olzl zuJ' "'1 U r-Nd-FLr- d-<!- O- q/.) ;ii5 Ee*s$ :E sH stH itit*tgtt[F*:*FEEiifi$:iFttsg*ilt $EF;$iEi$lg$$iF$ it tF iEtl$ st gs $ie iHis EEqse q$ ii Fii rln s Etti$ Ee ;r n FigE€:: $ :*Ett ilH I*g $$"isssg EfiEBii t: ts: s*'= [BE$sg$g$s*g$igE$s xe€ is tEF$iP $r ilE EFi ,, $gFig s$iigii $siE, $lii $iEi,g $t il5i EsFF:'EE $€c$$ tEH$ $l;*t:l sFt$Es| Fs s N c{ q) s;l(It IL $rqffirFdt AA filqlui'r : . zttruJ () Nor- &-zrJ- d- (,)filggilfig$isgi'€iEIi $i,i$gFiig$Ei,EiixFt$ tllgiin$$i$t$liFgiiig iisEl$$Eii$$iiii$$ili Figgigiigilgs''gr$ig*s igggi1El$ttsggi${g-giig $i$sslll$g-lli$il$lss$ls$s (f) q)\tl(s IL E6qffi JFdt AOzz{ {.o19iJlt s StslFt$l FlilldtEl b HIP elitl i =l \;q) $$L5q) q) \) I zt!= "'1 U-Nd-!=:u- O- (, $l*,nllsl,llglss*l,sl'*s t q) il $El alnl AIAI filqlEls' I llt i {-J.Lo ! sU i.i i EP iil.iy < iiilr: Lr {Ittl_z lL J ,t. v H.z lu\) ut Pl; ,i{t, iilri ozulo -l ::iJ '' r{r ZI!T. 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I i clol aJlut itl ! 8l ol qi ,I,ll lit(ta(l: i $ rl L-)-LlJ(IrvFNcz- FL!<--u-<LJ- C- (,.) g $pe ! trss si* F ri+i q:"$ t tggg EEs $r EetF nig flF EE$<( H $x: si !s, 3 SII Eo *; t E$t *i il$E ; $gi i-* E$:s n- sEi :I r,s:1-!r $ i:* :$ :*'e:g ; tl$ [- $t $bil [s E *e ;E igtg*i e: *$ F Eg iE5 *lt$=*$*Fi$ifisfiFEgi ess$$$H$$$Hili$EfiFIiEo Er$ r+$fi $E ie. *r i u-"ug *i*[ -E*iu $t -f;Hep $r*:;:-r$e $tF trcsfi REi tgrE = $ $q5g*$sg$i 3|E$ $EH:$ $FF $$Hi*0-l u:3l p- E (f) q) sil$ IL $rqffi -Fdtoo filfilrl*r zu- LIJ Nd-F r.r.r <&-zLr- C- (n iiiilli$iiiiii ii$tuFiii$$,[i$i iFi$ii$E$g$FriFg$ ,i$$$tiEiii$ig,n; $i Fi$ii il$i $iIii $FiiiFs : q) E IL $u slEl alill olol fil$lEl,i Village Genter Building G Project Manual Gontents Project Directory System Notes Schedules Details Specifications DRB ISSUANCE - January 4,2002 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I Village Center Building C Vail, CO 81657 Owners: Village Center Condominium Homeowneis Association Owne/s Representative Sierra Management Nicki Viars PO BOX 3842 Vail, CO 81658 970-926-0286 970-926-0283 fax Architect: Stephanie Lord-Johnson FriElen Pierce Architects 1650 E. Vail Valley Drive C-1 Vail, CO 81657 970476€3/'2 9704764901 tax Structural Engineer: Tim Boyle Boyle Engineering 143 E. Meadow Dr. #390 Vail. CO 81657 970476-2170 970-476-4383 fax Village Genter Building G Project Manual Fritzlen Pierce Architects DRB f SSUANCE - January 4,2002 Village Genter Building C System Notes Fritzlen Pierce Architects DRB ISSUANCE - January 4,2002 I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I eENERAL NOTE5 | (ntiRtofoR to ?ED vERrFy at Ext5fli€ C,,lDlllottS ,,tO A?fl41e9- (,'nRrct6,1o loltF:( tPLtIlK,f tF pRop&o A€6€l€LlE9 ARE r9r crffATtBLE rll'l{ DOCtiGNrg. 2 (arf"N.roR t9 fttFalE|BLE FoR HAlt rAt{l€ r€ 'NIE6RITY OF ALL EX9TSI6 AID REdJIRE' FIFE.gEPARATIOTI gY'IEII5. ). c,NtR|€To" E re:ffi{CBLE FOR MANTAHIG t}f trtE€R|r oF 9TRtrnnr t9r I€LUDED tx DE].toltrlot{ t^t2RK. .. EXI9TI}I6 FIA}I AND ELEVATIOII IIfORIIANo'{ AASED !Por{ Affi,4LT r.f 6f.REr4E {rg. caF LroR lo Fta;o VERIFY ALL Al$€tot|g ArD llrllFy tRt)rlf,cf 6 oll{?EPAt&tE'. ,.ca fiR/{r.t(jR. fo vERtFt Le,A'la,.t rp ttoea)toy G ALL ExrSTrlro UflLmE5 AID CO+tCCflOft5. c.oo t|ot NE oFF o$,nl]6.5- 1.6OII?,6'OR 10 FIELD \GRIFI AI O(I5NI€ 0. (atrR&t6. to @pat[ArE coitgrflrno Hdng INI}6 N g.frRA PS,f,ERTY HAIIA66'1E}If. q.'rf,:E W@D 06)'f'8' HA\G AfEN FREPAREO EASED Ot{ II{FORfiAIIOII PROVIOED El/ O1IfR5. FRIIZLEX Afrr,E ^Ralftcb H^6 i9t vERtFtEo r}€ Aralt 6y ,wloR @rFLefF.ffi 0F rHrS tt{FoRlrAflot{ Atp 9{ LL t{Ot BE REgFOfl5fBLE FOR NN ERROFs OR Ot4ffi6 }.IIICH MAY EE INcORI?ORATED IfREII{ A9 A REgJIT. 9Y9TEU NOTEg A - b' @LoREO $tr"PEO @trJGrE N t+wQr/rlc RADIANT tCAt nB|N6 Ot1 4'GtAveL Oll4' attrPtoleD FO^o et€E. ox aetcED EARIH - 9€t 9FEC9.n - E.y.l3rll{6 @|VftrE 1 A - PAIO|{ Atp REPAIR Ag RE6I.'RED Af gEAH IV IIE"I I'|,RK Pt - 0' EROOM FlNlSlf,D COIIoREIE Ot{ 4' 6RAVEL ON if' cotar{.fEo Rot|@ eA9'- oit (get&tE9 ver - }.tATcH EXt9flN6 Ar rtr|.|.g e€ uu:c oIcF{€E tgt@ El - tcll ExtERtoR 910f€ VB{EER to t'Arcl{ Ext9Tt}t6 otl 3' X 9' X V4' 5IOIE LED6ER, A}€LE9 BOLT TO tlt^Ll ''U5lO' gt\ x 4' A/PtJteai WLra . 24' OL.6 oi{ Exgnt€ 5rRr,nRE. au - Exl91N6 SIO|f VEItER O{ EXE grRUrnRE - ft1.9 ?AfA1 A{D REPAIR A9 REOJIFED A D 9${ C'ICfivc(nftRfrc1 E|3 . EXI9TII{6 }'{ALL - REPAIIIT . 5EE 9FE45. ADO I€N @47 G gfrmfla fiVqt ft"gttFE 11ffi El{ - Er.0 nnH 4' SANDS'OiE CAPEC-lf tffioat . NOT rJgE A. qA6 A R,oT I&I€LY TU COI€FETE NLE FER 9PE6tFEAnOil9 oit I'x2'nnRtl|6 5TRtpg FER M l|r. REdJIREIGN'5 Ot{ '}9 LAYER9 fiFE 30 ruT 'V ICE A}@ 'iA1ER g. ELO Ot{ t4' EXTERIOR Ft t}|,00 €|fAlHt}t6 0f{ 9lRrrW.At SrEEL FRAI{i& 9t91trt - *E 3EC3. ft2 - exlST|No pM - ta alt&6.g - t.6 cEorF frFtf FI - NEI'I 6EDAR FA'IA Village Center Building G Schedules Fritzlen Pierce Architects \E .E E'.=(!6o(J (J9oo) \h rt) .9 .!)oc) Q) o E c) - o (! c) =NrJO L(l) c.l L'xsLrJ l.. \J8.. ( 'l rlJvf\a=68 ;F oItteEnlll ,(g '.:l-r- lw/ Z, tn atttC- Catlt o lllu? c lll-9o1 .. z14 .. EJg T g tJ< Y 't ==d 6 a) I-u- l3 U, J I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .r= d E o ; E o .F E o- E -g 3o c{ e. d 3 qr P f e(o Y{) i\e n,Y;- Ot !O N u Ig !p o o Ic^ JO <a c Ur .xL E ,gPe !;.9"99 >c:: olg o H; ,i6?.+HS-ao g^^E|, e.o -cq 7go d -rpCT E;;-, I E**E;.Ei.+x\J 6 t 9 gI o 6.F H! \o o FC\ 9'.+ F-"\tttl 100 o o 0!l -J l- JI I I I I I I q I I ,,1 I It I 9'€ l'n Model: W3O6 Size: 9"W x 12"H x 5" ext. Wattage: 2/60A Twin Up/Down 9'+----->A:I lr:-lI l,::l112'l IttlI l::r'|I t:::lVc:::| "Santa Fe"9'<i------> l-m 12'.eAr/I\I'A E I I I n C) (J r- ,j -=.= /-\6; !)=6F J(J c-o- =9Jc,- d-on !.19t=v.=€P =!l6H ;icUO-6 'E '/, =.!J xcvoJCH f.r dY I-l c rlt J F>--cO.d /.to- - at\'a= OJ e:jElry ,ro oJ o)>n-:\ g =+EP&>-uc\:.:doH E T::otEeFsEh i!'- a-r "^EF = v*EoJ-.= yuR ti..tF c\f O- fr) ol =o)e. c .F L/_r - LA\ C\ t-,X$ LIJ \JC trlvn- =P .= e, +. trr llt .(! -J z, u-\ Az- ct IJll,l or IIJfro)YJ.ur9 Uaa .. v)<t ; € Fd-X6ZJs : X t>E tl &. I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I t bD () N 3 c 3 d '= 0) -; Lr-* c)E E C)e. E '{= o o) t-od Lo(\t,XSut >- \JC al!,A>\lJ- .6 tu+. E JEtro t lc,i otll (5 uJ?z, rn -z- ., L)f.ll or ni-i 6; r') v .')uJ-g =11 z- z-Y^<6 ; E F{Ji lii ; IJ< Y '; rl>E vi &. (J oq) E 3 E E .gre, E d, E a E (l) E E oe E ; 't E o E .-- 3...I o J2 '- I 3 .9pe ]o E ., E e' q, .N r c, ao 't g (t., - €q '6 I ODE N c{\o -l \o (o \o E U Village Genter Building C Details Fritzlen Pierce Architects I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I bAuDtu6 NEA VENT TO ALI6N AITH BANPINo. PAINT TO I.1A-TCH TO COLOR %HEME tsANDINa DETAIL FLA+I AND 6AULK AROUND VENT TO PREVENT AATER PAI-IAGE TO BANDIN6 AULK COPPER FLA9HIN6 IN6 BEYOND T VENT },.{/ EXIST VENT PIPIN6 NE}^{ VENT FA6E COA.IING EXIgT. CMJ AALL EXIS'1. ELAgTOMERIC .,OATINO P1ANNINC. ARCHTIICTURI . lNttRlORS 1650 East Vail Vall€? DririE fdldte C-l Vail, Cold-adoE 657 P,19701 1764312 f: (970) 476-4901 t: bs@ado.net FRO.EOT NA!.€, VILLAoE GENTER BUILDINo B "RaEc:'t{E. qq35 DETAIL }IJI'E ER: DI g+€ET REF. A?O2 t7,.L INgTALL NEA VENT FACE ANP INgTALL I" THICK gTONE "FIN5" TO I4ATclH THE FAOE OF THE STONE VENEER. FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS FRO.EA| NAI'G, VILLAoE cENTER BUILDING B PeoEcf l{9' qq?' t99E OAfE 9ETAIL I{.S.1BERI D2 €.EET REF! A?o2 PUNNII{G. ARC1IITFCIURI. INIERIORS 1550 f6t Vdl VdLy Dri\€ FalhidSe C-l Vail, Colorado E1657 * 1970, 4754312 t: (970) ,176490l E: fudor-ado-fEt I I I I I I I T I I I I I t I I I I IIL, Village Center Building G Specifications Fritzlen Pierce Architects DRB ISSUANGE - January 4,2002 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I SPECIFICATIONS INDEX SECTION I - GENERAL REQUTREMENTS OI OOO GENERAL CONDITIONS O 1 I OO SI.JPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS OI50 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS OI2OO NOT USED OI3IO SUBMITTALS OI34O SHOP & WORKING DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA & SAMPLES O I 5OO CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES OI58O TEMPORARY SIGNS OI630 SUBSTITUTIONS OITOO PROJECT CLOSEOUT OI72O CONTRACT RECORD DOC1JMENTS SECTION2-SITEWORK O22OO EARTHWORK SECTION 3 - CONCRETE O3OOO - GENERAL SECTION 4 - MASONRY O44OO STONE VENEER SECTION 5-METALS O5OO METALS CENERAL 05720 RAILINGS AND HANDRAILS SECTION 6- WOOD 06IOO ROUGH CARPENTRY 06200 FINISH CARPENTRY SECTION 7. THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 07I IO BITUMINOUS DAMPROOFING O7I I I MEMBRANE WATERPROOFING 07175 BUILDING PAPER O7I 85 PEDESTRAIN WATERPROOFING SYSTEM O72OO BUILDINC INSULATION AND VAPOR BARRIERS 07240 EIFS 07320 CONCRETE TILE 07600 FLASHING AND S}IEET METAL 0763I GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS O79OO SEALANTS AND CAULKING SECTION 8 - DOORS AND WINDOWS O84OO NOT USED 08610 wooD wINDows O87OO NOT USED I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 9 - FIMSHES 09250 GYPSUM DRYWALL O93IONOTUSED O99OO PAINTING SECTION 10 - SPECIALTIES IO2OO - VENTS IO42O - SIGNS - RAISED LETTERS SECTION 1T -EQUIPMENT NO SECTIONS SECTION 12 . FURNISHINGS NO SECTIONS SECTION 13. SPECIALTIES NO SECTIONS SECTION T4 - COITVEYING SYSTEMS NO SECTIONS SECTION 15 - MECHANICAL 15OOO GENERAL SECTION 16. ELECTRICAL I6OOO GENERAL I r SECTION 01000 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS - OWNERINF'ORMATION t Owner Contact: Nicki Viars Sierra Management Inc PO Box 3842 I Vail. CO 81658 970-926-0286 970-926-0283 fxI I DESCRIPTION OF THE BUILDING I The Village Center Condominiums consists of three buildings built from 1968 to 1974. Building C is a five story building with a walkout basement. The building contains 20 units, 04 per floor. I AS BUILT INX'ORMATION I Existing architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical documents are available from theI Architect. I scoPE oF woRK TNCLUDESr Balcony renovation with new railings, new banding, new flashing, and concrete topping t New front entry structures and lighting I New stucco window trim detail Sidewalk improvements w/ snowmelt I Stucco and paint all building elevations (including window frames) I Decoralive corbels New fascia I New stone veneerr New light fixtures I CoNSTRUCTIoNScHEDULEr Work to be completed during the swnmer of 2002. 4pn122,2002 to Nov 1, 2002 I EXAMINATION OF SITE AND DOCUMENTS I Before submitting a proposal, each contractor shall examine premises, drawingsr specifications and supplementary documents. I I K59935-VTLLAQE CENTER B AND CL{AAA - BIJTLDrNC C\SPECTFICATIONS\01000.DoC I I INo allowance will be made after execution of Conhact for misunderstandings or errors on the part of the Contractor. In cases of disagreement between drawings and specifications or within either document itself, the better quality material or greater quantity of work shall be incorporated into the work. The matter shall be called to the attention of the Architect, for written decision and adjustnent before bid. GEIIERAL PROVISIONS Where approval of the Architect for material or equipment is required, secure such approval before procurement. Where colors and patterns are to be selected by the Architect or Owner request such selection in ample time for approval, or a minimum of two weeks. Whbre specifications include cash allowances, request the Architect or Owner to select the appropriate material in ample time for procwement. Provide shop drawings for each appropriate cash allowance item - minimum 2 weeks prior to fabrication. For each job-finished material, such as masonry, plaster, concrete, paint and other finishes, prepare a sample panel or area, then obtain Architect's or GeneraVContractor's approval before installing the balance of such work. Allow 2 weeks minimum for approval of sample pattern. When Architect requires additional panel or samples, provide same as necessary to secure hiVher approval. Where practical, sample panels may become a part of building construction if approved. Subsequent work shall be in accordance with approved sample panels. Sample panel size shall be sufficient, in the opinion ofthe Architecto to represent the appearance ofthe final product in place. The aesthetic values ofevery material and installation, such as shape, proportion, texture, finish and color, will be an important consideration to Architect and Owner and their decision conceming same shall be final. MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT AND SUBSTITUTIONS In general, these Specifications identifr the required material and equipment by naming one or more manufacturer's brand, model catalog number, and other identification, the first-named manufacturer's product used as the basis for design, other named brands considered equivalent. Base Proposal shall include only those brands named, or approved equals. Where materials or equipment are described but not named, provide first quality items, adequate in every respect for the intended frrnction. K:\9935-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AddA - BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\ot000.DOC 04J<tn02 ., I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I rl I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I After execution of Contract, substitution of product brands for those named in Specifications will be considered, only if one request is received within thirty calendar days after Contract date and request includes statement showing credit due Owner, if any, if substitution product is used, or Owner request consideration be given substitute brands. Materials and equipment proposed for substitution shall be equal or superior to that specified in construction, efficiency, utility, aesthetic design, and color as determined by Architect whose decision shall be final and without further recourse. Physical size of substitute brands shall not be largerthan the space provided for it. Requests must be accompanied by full description and technical data, in two copies, including manufacturer's name, model, catalog number, photographs or cuts, physical dimensions, operating characteristics, and any other information necessary for comparison. Contractors shall adhere to OSHA and/or COSH AND/OR EPA resulations for entire project. GUARANTEES AND WARRANTY Contractors shall and hereby do guarantee and wanant that all work for this project shall be free from defects or faulty labor and./or materials for a period of twelve months from date of Substantial Completion, except when longer periods are herein specified. A five year warranty shall be required for the roof and flashing assemblies. Subcontractor shall furnish two copies of written guarantees satisfactory to General Contractor , along with manufacturer's warranties, operating and maintenance instructions becoming eligible for final payment. WORK FORCE Contractors shall employ skilled personnel and licensed personel where it is required by law. If it is determined by the General Contractor that any laborer is unsuited to the task given, that laborer shall be asked to leave the construction site and work shall cease until suitably trained personnel become available. Any delays or cost incurred for such a substitution shall be borne by the Subcontractor. Contractors employed upon the work shall conform to labor laws of the State of Colorado and to other laws, local ordinances and legal requirements applicable thereto. The nondiscrimination in employment clause shall be in force. K]9935-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA . BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\OIOOO,DOC 04Jan02 3 PROJECT ADMINISTRATION All conespondence by Subcontractors relating to the work shall be made to the General Contractor, who shall submit such to the Architect. TEMPORARY EQUIPMENT Contractor shall provide temporary elevators, hoists, walks, ladders, scaffolding, shoring and other equipment required for proper progless ofthe work. GENERAL EXECUTION REQUIREMENTS Contractors shall verifu all measurements at the site. No compensation will be allowed for difference between actual dimensions and those indicated on drawings. Differences shall be submitted to the Architect for consideration before proceeding with work, and in the event of failure of Contractor to so notifu the Architect, the Contractor shall make good damages or defects in work caused thereby. ' Each Subcontractor shall be responsible for location and size ofchases and recesses necessary for proper installation of his work. Chases and recesses which are not properly located in advance ofsurrounding work shall be cut and patched at expense ofthe responsible Subcontractor. MATERIALS AND WORI(MANSHIP The Architect will consider "or equal" materials per general provisions and materials, equipment, and substitution. Material and equipment shall be installed in accordance per the manufacturer's recommendations. Workmanship shall be of the highest quality. Any workmanship or material, which in the opinion of the Architect is not satisfactory, shall be replaced. Expense shall be borne by Subcontractor responsible for the same. ACCEPTANCE OF PROCEEDING WORK Before starting any work, each Subcontractor shall examine work performed by others to which his work adjoins, or is applied, and shall report to General Contractor any condition that prevents satisfactory accomplishment of his contract. Failure to notiff General Contractor in writing of deficiencies or faults in preceding work will constitute acceptance and waiver of claim of unsuitability. K]9935.VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\r'lAUqU{ ' BUILDJNC C\SPECIFICATIONS\OIOOO.DOC 04Jan02 4 t I I t I I I I T t I I I I I I t I t I T I I I I I cLosE-rN woRK I General Contractor shall notifu Subcontractor when he is ready for them to install their portion of the work and see that they comply within a reasonable period of time. I Do not enclose or cover any piping, wiring, ducts, equipment or other items until General Contractor and proper authorities have made proper tests and inspections. I.t Notify General Contractor to inspect any work when placing of subsequent work would I prevent observation ofprevious work. ' General Contractor shall be held responsible for the coordination ofall Subcontractors as to the beginning and ending of their work. STORING MATERIALS Store materials in a manner to prevent deterioration, staining, soiling and intrusion of foreign materials. Provide waterproo{ well-ventilated enclosures for materials subject to deterioration or dampness. Adequately protect those materials subject to damage of moisture, freezing and frost. Remove from premises and replace with new, any materials showing deterioration or damase. I CLEANING AND FINISHING Building shall be kept free form surplus materials, dirt and rubbish, use a vacuum cleaner I where necessary. I r Adjust windows, doors, hardware, appliances, motors, valves, valve controls, and other ! equipment forproper operation. I Subcontractors shall be responsible for cleaning all their debris and trash during progress t ofthe work. The General Contractor may clean uncleaned areas and the expense charged to the Subcontractor. I Clean surfaces using appropriate materials and methods that will thoroughly clean but not damage materials. r COMPLETED WORK I Completed work shall find materials structurally sound free from scratches, abrasions, I distortions, chips, breaks, blisters, holes, splits, or other disfigurement considered as I K$935-'ILLA'E CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BUTLDTN. c\spEcrFrcATloNs\0r000.Dq1I o4Jano2 5 It imperfections for the specified material. Finished installations shall be thoroughly clean, polished and free from foreign materials and stains. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Before being eligible for final payment, Subcontractors shall secure and deliver to the Architect, through General Contractor, two copies of manufacfurer's instructions and manuals, applicable warranties and one complete set of shop drawings on each piece of equipment. FINAL SCHEDTJLES Before being eligible for final payment, Contractor shall fumish to the Architect through the General Contractor, a list of names, addresses and telephone number of all Subcontractors and material suppliers who furnished labor and materials on job with identification of service rendered. Provide two copies for Architect. TEMPORARY HEAT AND WINTER COI\IDITIONS The General Contractor shall be informed by the Subcontractor of requirements associated with climatic conditions during construction and include those requirements in their proposals. Considerations include, but are not limited to temporary heat, snow removal and material storage. Temporary heat required for the protection of materials, etc., shall be of the electric or oil fired fype- Temporary heat (and related scaffolding and enclosure material) will be provided by the General Contractor. The General Contractor will also take measures to insure that proper ventilation is provided to prevent accumulation of condensation of frost and associated damage to building materials . AS-BUILT DRAWINGS The Subcontractor shall provide to the General Contractor one set of As Built Drawings indicating actual construction methods, sizes, and locations. Final payment will not be due until this submission is accepted. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS The Conhactor is subject to applicable state and municipal codes, regulations and ordinances including, but not limited to the most recently adopted version of the: - Uniform Building Code and Building Standards of the Town of Vail, County of Eagle Colorado - National Electric Code - Uniform Plumbins Code K19935-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BTJILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\OIOOO.DOC 04Jqn02 6 I I t t I I T t I I I I' I I I I I I t I I - Uniform Mechanical Code ft - Fire and Life Safety Code t All authorities havingjurisdiction over construction ofthe project shall apply to the contract throughout and they will be deemed included in the contract the same as though I herein written in tull. ABBREVIATIONS - - Abbreviations in this specification shall refer to the following: I F.R. Manual - Gypsum Association Fire Resistance Manual 1Oth Edition tt I U.B.C. - Uniform Building Code U.L - United Laboratories I U.S.G. - United States GypsumI A.S.T.M - American Society of Testing Materials I ANSI - American Standards Institute I F. - Fahrenheit A.F.F - Above Finish Floor I Fed. Spec. - Federal Specification I N.W.M.A - National Wood Manufacturer's Association OSHA - Occupational and Safety Hazards Association r] COSH II AMMA I _, END OF SECTION 01000 II I K:w35-yrLLAeE GENTER B AND .\AAAA - BlrrLDrNG c\spEcr.cATroNs\01000.Doc I I t t 1 I I I i t I 1 t I I SECTION 01100 - SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS I A. The "General Conditions of the Contract for Construction: AIA Document A-201, 't latest edition, Articles I through 14 inclusive, is a part ofthis Contract subject to all changes I contained in Addenda to the General and Supplementary Conditions. Copies of AIA Document I 4,201 are available at the office of the Architect. I B. The following supplements shall modifo, delete and/or add to the General Conditions. J- l. Paragraph 1.2.3 add the following: In the event of conflict between the Specifications and Drawings, the provisions of the Specifications shall govem. 2. Paragraph 3.2.3: delete in its entirety and substitute the foltowing: "The Owner shall secure and pay for necessary approvals, easements, assessments and charges required for the construction, use or occupancy of the permanent structure including Tap Fees and initial Concrete and Compaction Testing, referred to elsewhere in these Specifications. If any retesting of Concrete or Compaction is required the Contractor shall reimburse the Owner for such retesting. 3. Paragraph 4.1.1: add the following: The Contractor and all subcontractors shall be licensed as required by local jurisdictions. 4. Paragraph 4.5.1: add the following: In case of work performed by subcontractors and where special written guarantees and warranties are required, secrrre same from said Subcontractors addressed and in favor of Owner; deliver original and one ( I ) copy of same to Architect upon completion of work. Delivery of said guarantees and warranties shall not relieve Contractor from any obligation assumed under any other provisions of Contract. In addition to warranties, guiran- tees, operating instructions, etc. elsewhere specified, the Contractor at the conclusion ofthe work and before final payment is made, shall fumish a listing, giving names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all Subcontractors and material suppliers who furnished labor or materials on the job with identification of the services rendered. There shall be provided one copy for the Architect and one copy for the Owner. a 5. Paragraph 4.7.1: delete in its entirety and substitute the following: Refer to I Paragraph 3.2.3 as amended. I 6. Paragraph 4.13.1: add the following: Construction disruption to the site shall be I confined to the limits shown on the Site Plan, or if not designated to the property lines, unless written permission is given by the Architect.I K:\9935-VILLAGE CENTER B A]rlD C\tirdd4 - BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\01I00.DOCr 04jan02 I I I I 7. Paragraph 4.l3.lzadd the following: Contractor shall also remove all broken I glass or scratch glass and replace it with new glass meeting the requirements of the Specifications, and shall remove all paint droppings, spots, stains, and dirt from I finished surfaces and shall thoroughly clean all plumbing fixtures, hardware, and 'I floors, to the maximum extent that is reasonably possible, the Contractor shall keep the interior of the building free from combustible material and debris at all times. tI 8. Article 5 "Subcontractors": add the following: 5.1.4 All contractors and all materials suppliers performing work at the job site or delivering materials to the job site Ishall be licensed as required by local jurisdiction. END OF SECTIONOIIOO K:\993s-VILLAGE CENTER B A]\ID CW{d{ - BUILDINC C\SPECIFICATIONS\o1l00.DOC 04Jan02 ) I I I l il I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I s l I I I I I I SECTION 01150 - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS IB-l Instructions to Bidders A. These Instructions to Bidders are a part of the Contract Documents and are intended to serve as a guide to bidders. They are general in nature and may be amended or supplemented as needed to support any one specific issue. Each bidder shall prepare its bid in strict compliance with all requirements of the Contract Documents and by careful application of these instructions. lB-2 Bidding A. The contractor is to provide the bid based on CSI format. B. All materials, labor, contractor's fees, etc. are to be associated with and attributed to the specific unit or common area for which the work is to be done. C. Due to In-house Budgeting and Funding the proposal should be broken into the following categories in addition to the CSI format: a. Northwest Entry b. Northeast Entry c. Stone veneer on retaining wall near swimming pool between Building B and C d. Landscaping e. Snowmelt f. Sidewalkreplacement g. Painting h TOV permits D. Bid to include full-time superintendent on-site for this project for duration of construction. E. Bid to include staging plan. The site has very limited access and the Association would like to ensure that this is including in the budget and the contractors approach to this issue. IB-3 Contingencies A. Demolition / Unknown Conditions The contractor is to totally familiarize himself with the existing conditions at the site. As unknown conditions may arise during the course of the project the contractor is to provide a contingency amount, based on his experience of similar projects, for these unknown conditions. B. Mechanical The contractor is to totally familiarize himself with the existing conditions at the site. The existing mechanical system is to be retained and reused as much as possible. The new mechanical work is to be design-build. As unknown conditions may arise during the course ofthe project the contractor is to provide a contingency amount, based on his experience of similar projects, for these unknown conditions. C. Electrical The contractor is to totally familiarize himself with the existing conditions at the site. The existing elechical system is to be retained and reused as much as possible. The new electrical work is to be design-build. As unknown conditions may arise during the course of the project the contractor is to provide a contingency amount, based on his experience of similar projects, for these unknown conditions. D. Gutters/Downspouts/Fleat Tape The contractor is to familiarize himself with the existing conditions at the site. The location for new gutters is indicated on the drawings. Contractor to work with architect, subcontractor and property manager to create a cost effective working gutter system. Contractor to maintain existing systems in good working order and appear€urce. List of Subcontractors Sierra Management is to receive a list ofthe subcontractors and their on-site supervisor prior to beginning construction. The property manager needs to know who is to be on-site to effectivelv fulfill her role. Building Occupancy The Association has requested that unit omers in Building C vacate the building for the construction period. However, it can be anticipated that owners will be staying in the units and all exits and life safety codes and regulations must be maintained as though the building was occupied. Other Work or Contractors On-Site The TOV has requested that the Village Center Condominium Association complete a fire sprinkler system retrofit. The Association may hire a separate contractor to complete this work during the same construction window. Sierra Management will update the contractor on this situation. Window Replacement The Association will be providing the unit omers with window specifications and giving each unit the option of upgrading their windows at the same time the exterior upgrade occurs. The contractor will need to plan on having individual contracts with the units that plan on replacing their windows. This cost is not included in the exterior improvement budget. See Section 08610 I I t I t I I I I tl I I I I t I I I t F. G. I I I I I I I t I I I I I l I I I l I Note: The proposed budget should included the cost ofpainting, scarping and priming all the existing window frames. I. Final Clean Windows to be last item cleaned on exterior. Drainage (gutters, downspouts, heat tape, etc) must be complete before final clean. J. Unit Access and Issues Access to units is limited. Keys can be checked out to the superintendent only. Units should be locked at all times. Unit facilities are not to be used - bathrooms and kitchens. Only access to units should be for power from common area outlets. Units replacing windows would also have access for that task only. K. Building D Building D (which adjoins the Village Center Property but is owned separately) will be in operation during construction. Building D should remain free of damage and debris. Coordinate with Sierra Management regarding and major inconveniences that Building D should be prepared for (extreme noise, blocking parking structure access, etc) L. Fire Alarm Issues Because Building B will potentially have occupants the fire alarm system must remain operationally. Contraclor to work with TOV and Sierra Management regarding a temporary disable to limit false alarms and system reactivation. System reactivation responsibility of contractor. M. Concrete Balcony Coatings The Village Center Association requires that Triple AAA Waterproofing, Inc (303-295-7333) complete the installation of the Vulkem coating on the concrete decks. Triple AAA has completed the decks on Building A and B and is familiar with the system requirements. See Section 07185 END OF SECTION OII5O I rI SECTION 01310 - SUBMITTALS I PARTI-cENERALt l.Ol DESCRIPTIONrIA. The Work specified in this Section summarizes the requirements for the submittal of I documents to the Architect which are defined in the specification It also describes the procedures t for " supplemental" submittals. I r.o2 RELATED woRKI I A. Section 01340 - Shop and Working Drawings, Product Data and Samples. I PART2-PR.DUCTS a 2.01 SUBMITTAL SCHEDULE I A. The Contractor will provide a Submittal Schedule, identifuing the submittals which will beI required and the date on which each submittal will be submitted. The Submittal Schedule will be provided to the Architect within thirty (30) day after the Notice to Proceed. The Submittal I Schedule will be updated as required dueto unforeseen schedule impacts.I 2.O2INITIAL SUBMITTAL I\I A. Unless noted otherwise five (5) copies shall be provided of all submittals. If a submittal is ;| larger than 1l"x 17" one Mylar and one blueline copy shall be submitted in lieu of five copies. I B. Each submittal document shall included the following information: I 1 . Date of submittal and revision dates. I 2. The names of Contractor, Subcontraclor, supplier, manufacturer, and when applicable, the seal and signature of an engineer registered in the State of Colorado, for the involved discipline. 3. Identification of product by either description, model number, style number, or lot number. t, t 4. Identifu submittal by Contract Drawing or Specification reference. I 5. Actual color sample of specified colorI K1993s.VILLAGE CFNTER D AND C\AAAA . BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\OI3IO.DCrc I January 4,2002 I D r I I C. Make submissions in advance so that the Architect and his consultants review may be complete not less than fourteen (14) days before Work represented by those submittals is scheduled to be performed. D. The Contractor shall, at the time of submission, describe variations from the Contract Documents in writing, submitted with the submittal document. This description shall outline all the differences including maintenance and utility services, along with any cost savings from an item not containing the variation. If the Owner, Architect and his consultants approve any such variation, an appropriate contract change order shall be issued only ifthe variation involves a change in the contact price of in time ofperfonnance. If the variation does not impact contract price or time, the acknowledged submittal shall stand as a change to the Contract Documents. E. The form and quality of submittal documents shall comply with technical specification section 01340. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI CONTRACTOR'S REVIEW A. The Contractor shall review the submittal document, stamp and sign as reviewed and accepted as complying with Contract Documents, prior to submission to the Architect. If the Architect deems any submittal as having not been reviewed by the Contractor, due to nonconformancy with the Contract Documents, the Architect shall not review the submittal and it shall be retumed to the Contractor for his review and resubmittal. B. The Owner, Architect and/or Design Consultant will reviewthe submittal documents for general conformance with the Contract Documents and mark, sign, and date the Contractors transmittal. C. The submittal shall be marked with one of the following meanings: l. ACCEPTED is an acceptance, and means that the illushation and description appears to conform to the respective requirements of the Contract Documents. 2. ACCEPTED AS NOTED is an acceptance, and means that the illustration and description appears to conform to the respective requirements of the Contract Documents after changes in recognition of the reviewer's noted comments. Submittals so marked need not be resubmitted. 3' REVISE AND RESUBMIT means that the submittal is unacceptable and shall be revised and resubmitted by the Contractor. 4. NOT ACCEPTED means that the submittal is not acceptable and that a new submittal in accordance with the Contract Documents shall be made. K:\993s-VILLACE CDN'IER B AND C\AAAA - BUILDINC C\SPECIFICATIONS\0l3l0.DOClanuuy4,2002 ., I t I t I I I T I I I I I I I I t I I l I t 5. RECEIPT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT means an item is received by the Architect but no It review was made. This mark is for use in resubmitting items that were previously I accepted as noted and the Contractor has incorporated the notes and is submitting documents, that the field staffis using, for record documentation. I 3.03 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES I A. Coordinate each submittal document with the requirements of the Work, place particularr emphasis that each submittal of one trade is compatible with other submittals of that trade and I submittals of other trades including producing as needed drawing showing the relationship of I the work of different trades. - B. Contractor's responsibility for conformance with the Contract Documents, and enors and t omissions in submittal documents and associated calculations, is not relieved by the Architects I review, notes and acceptance of submittals. I C. The Contractor shall maintain a file of all approved submittal documents at the Worksite. The , complete file of approved submittal documents shall be tumed over to the Owner with the required As-Built documents at the end of the project.Itr D. Schedule impact due to resubmittal requirements is the responsibility of the Contractor. I END OF SECTION OI3IO- I K:\9935-vrLLAcE cENTER B AND c\AAAA - BUTLDTNG c\spEcr5rcATroNs\0lll0.Doc I I t I l I I I T J I I I t I I I I t t I I I I I ! I SECTION OI34O - SHOP ANDWORIilNG DRAWINGS.PRODUCT DATA. AND SAMPLES PART I - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. The Work specified in this Section consists of preparing and submitting Shop and Working Drawings, Product Data, and Samples and record documents required by other Specification sections. I.O2 SUBMITTALS A. Refer to Section 01300, Submittals, for submittal procedures. B. Quantities. l. One (l) reproducible sepia and two (2) prints of each Shop or Working Drawing. 2. One (l) reproducible sepia and two (2) prints of manufactwers standard schematic drawings. 3. Five (5) copies of manufacturers calculations and five (5) copies of manufacturers standard data. 4. Five (5) copies ofmanufacturers printed installation, erection, application, and placing instructions. 5. Four (4) samples ofeach item specified in the various Specification sections, unless otherwise specified. In no case shall less than four (4) samples for each item be submitted, unless allowed by the Architect. 6. One (1) original and (a) copies ofinspection, test reports, and certificates of compliance. r.O3 COMPLIANCE A. Changes in products for which Shop or Working Drawings, Product Data or Samples have been submitted will not be permitted unless those changes have been accepted and approved in writing by the Architect. I.O4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Shop Drawings and record documents shall be prepared to a high standard of quatity. K]993s.VILLAGE CENTER I] AND C\AAAA - BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\OI34O.DOC Ianuary7,2002 I PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI SHOP AIID WORKING DRAWINGS A. Prepare Shop and Working Drawings on a reproducible sepia sheet size twenty-four inches by thirty-six(24" x 36") or thirty inches by forty-two inches (30"x 42") lo a scale large enough to easily depict and annotate each of the various items. B. Include the following as they apply to the subject drawing: l. Respective Contract Drawing numbers. 2. Applicable Contract Specificafion Section numbers. 3. Relation to adjacent sfructure or materials 4. Field dimensions, clearly identified as such. 5. Identification of deviations from the Contract Documents and Specifications. 6. Submittal drawing name, number, revision and date. 7. Contractor's stamp, initialed or signed, certifringl a. verification of field measurements. b. Review of submittals for compliance with Contract requirements. c. Compatibility of the Work shown thereon with that of affected trades. 2.02 PRODUCTDATA A. Modifr manufacturers standard and./or schematic drawings, diaglams, schedules, illustrations, calculations, or other descriptive data to comply with the Contract Documents and this Contract. Supplement standaxd information with additional information applicable to this Contract. Indicate dimension, clearances, performance characteristics, and capacities. Include with the submittal electrical, plumbing, HVAC, and any other diagrams, as applicable. B. Include the Following: l. Respective Contract Drawing number. 2. Applicable Contract Technical Specifications Section numbers. 3. Identifications of deviation from the Contract Documents. 4. Contractors stamp, initialized or signed, cenifuing: a. Dimensional compatibility of the product with the sequence in which it is intended to be used. b. Review o submittals for compliance with the Contract Documents. c. Compatibilify of the product with other products with which it is to perform or with which it is to be placed in juxtaposition. d. The products electrical, plumbing, control and HVAC requirements conforming to Contract Documents and the necessary utilities are provided for in the Contract K1993s-VILLAGE CENTER B AND CI\A A - I]UILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\OI34O-DOC I I I T I I I r l T I I T t I I I I I January '1,2OOz I I Documents. I C. Certificates of Compliance shall be submitted for these products for which no samples and test results are specified. A copy of the certificate shall accompany the product for which the I certificate is prepared,. The certificate shall: I 1. State that the product complies with the respective Specification and Contract Drawing requirements: I 2. Be accompanied by a certified copy of test results pertaining to the product:I 3. Show the submittals date, Contractors name, contract title, product represented and its location in the Contract , producers name, product trade name and catalog number, place ! ofproduct origin, test date, testing organizations name and address, quantity ofthe " product to be furnished, and related Contract Drawings and Specifications section I number. I 4. Be signed by an authorized representative ofthe producer and notarized. I 2.03 SAMPLES I A. Submit samples of sizes and quantities to clearly illustrate full color range and functional I characteristics of products and materials including attachment devices.III' I B. Erect field samples and; mock-ups at the Worksite as specified in the Technical Specifications f sections and at locations acceptable to the Owner. All field samples shall be erected in a location'- that will be readily available throughout the life of the contract to allow comparison of the work. I C. Show the following information: 1. Respective Contract Drawing numbers. I 2. Applicable technical Specification section numbers. I 3. Identification of deviations from the Contract Drawings and Specifications. 4. Contractors stamp, initialized or signed, certifuing:Ir a. Dimensional compatibility of the product with the space in which it is intended to be used. t ":A;iffi,iffiTiil:?,TiJ"",i1}ffi#'*T,:TiTfffi",TilT;o","..which will be next to it. I D. Furnish required samples as indicated in the Contract. I PART3-Exf,curloNr 3.01 CONTRACTORRESPONSIBILITIES l'I K19935-VILLACE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\OI34O.DOC I la'-aryl,2eo2 3 I A. Veri$ field measurements, catalog numbers, and similar data. B. Do not start Work for which submiffals are required until a transmittal has been received by the Contractor showing acceptance or acceptance as noted by the Architect. C. Before making submittals enstue t}rat products will be available in the quantities and in the time required by the Contract. 3.02 REVIEW BY TIIE ARCIIITECT A. One (l) copy of tlle marked-up Shop and Working Drawing and one copy of the product data will be retumed to the Contractor by the Architect. Only the transmittal form, appropriately marked, will be returned on sample submittals. B. Contractors responsibility for errors and omissions and conformance to the Contract Documents in submittals for compatibility will not be reduced, waived or otherwise limited by the review and acceptance or submittals. END OF SECTION 01340 K19935-VILI,AGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA . BUILDING C\SPICIFICATIONS\OI340.DOC Jamtary 7,2002 4 I I t I I I t I l t I I T T I I I I I I I SECTION O15OO - CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES I PARTI-cENERALI - l.ot DESCRIPTION I The Work specified in this Section consists of fumishing , installing, operation, maintaining and removing temporary facilities including the Contractors Construction I offices, staging areas, yards, storage areas, electrical power, telephone, water, fire t protection and sanitary service. I A. Construction Office, Yards, Storage Areas.!t L Contractor may set a field office during the course ofthe project. Contractor shall be r responsible for the cost of temporary phone or phones during the course of construction. I Coordinate field office with Sierra Management, Nicki Viars. I 2. Construction access is limited and minimal on-site parking is available in the adjacent I Village Center Shops. Covered parking is on an availability basis for key personal. Workers to use public parking structure. Temporary delivery parking is available as I shown on the drawings - Notes #1 and #2. Coordinate all access and parking with SierraI Management, Nicki Viars. I B. Temporary Utiliries.I Contractor may use existing cornmon power and water dwing the course of construction. I Coordinate with Siena Management. No power or water may be used from an I individual unit There are common area outlets located on each floor in the main corridor to the units. A extension cord can be run through a unit from the common I area outlet. I C. Telephone Service. I The Contractor shall fumish, install and maintain at least one telephone in the main field - office. This phone shall be manned at all times by the Contractors personnel or by - answering machine. - D. Fire Protection r Provide fire protection services as required by the local fire department. I E. Sanitary Service I I . Coordinate with Siena Property Management regarding use of sanitary facilities. t 2. Provide special washing facilities adequate for tlre number of employees engaged in the application ofpaints, coating and other volatile or hazardous materials.II K\993s-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA . I]UILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\OIsOO.DOC I Jantary4,2002 1t I F. Materials Storage Limited construction material storage is available in the adjacent Village Center Shops parking structure. Four unuseable parking spaces are available to contractors for material storage. Existing finish surfaces shall be adequately protected to prevent damage, including nicks, discoloration and stains. Coordinate with Sierra Property Management. I.O2 SUBMITTALS A. Refer to technical specifications sections 01300 and 01340 for submittal procedure. B. Submit shop and working drawings with details and layout of temporary installations. C. Not Used PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 ELECTRICAL SERYICE A. Provide temporary power and lighting equipment as rcquired consisting of fixtures, transformers, panel boards, groundings, lamps, switches, poles etc., and wiring sized and capable of continuous service and having the capacity adequate to ensure a complete operating system comply withNEMA. B. Provide temporary extension cords to supply tools not longer than two hundred feet, except that additional length may be used if equipment will be grounded within two hundred feet oftool or power. C. Portable Power generators shall be grounded. 2.02 FIRE PROTECTION A. Fire extinguishers shall have UL rating and comply with the Uniform Fire Code. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OT ELECTRICAL SERVICE A. Install and maintain service in a manner which will ensure continuous electrical service and safe workins conditions. K \993s.VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA. BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\OI sOO.DOC J^ntary 4,2002 a I t I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I |r l. Install temporary lighting facilities where required in Work areas. f a. Illuminate each flight of stairs. 3.02 T'IRE PROTECTION I A. Install producis in conformance with the requirements of the applicable fire departments and OSFIA regulations. I l. Provide fire extinguishers and fre water supply. Extinguishers and supply shall beI accessible, functional, and clearly identified during periods of construction, remaining until permanent fire protection systems are functional. I 2. Fumish not less than one twenty pound type 2A-2)ABCfire extinguisher within ten - feet of cutting and welding operations. I 3. Provide fire extinguishers as required so as to be not greater than 50 feet from any I given area within the construction area. I 3.O3REMOVAL I A. The Contractor shall locate all temporary facilities so they can be completely removed t without damaging permanent work or the Worksite. rr, B. The Contractor shall remove all temporary facilities and restore the site to the I condition the Owner provided it to the Contractor in. i 3.04 TEMPORARY HEAT AND WINTER CONDITIONS III A. Winter Conditions are not anticipated. Contractor to notifu architect if winter I conditions arise and are to be billed to owner prior to use. I END oF sECrroN otsoo I I T I K]9935-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA . BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\OI 5OO,DOC I Jan\ary4,2o02 3 I t I sEcrIoN orsso - TEMP'RARY srcNs I PART 1- *ENERAL I l.0l DESCRrPrroN A. The Work specified in this Section consists of fumishing, installing, maintaining, and I removing one general construction sign per TOV requirements only. I 1.02 QUALTTYASSURANCEr A. Signs shall be painted by a professional sign painter. I PARr2-PRoDUCrs I 2.ot srcNs A. Panel, frame and hardware: to be new construction grade lumber and new hardware required I for sign construction. Posts to be pressure preservative treated. t B. Paint: shall be exterior grade semigloss alkyd enamel. I C; Sign Information; the sign shall contain the following information I A. Project Name and Physical Address. I B. Contractors Name and telephone number. I PARr3-ExECUTIoN I 3.0l LOCATION t A. Location shall be adjacent to construction site entry drive or per drawings. I B. Contractor shall remove sign after notice of substantial completion, and shall return area to same condition prior to sign installation. I END oF sECTroN olsso I I lil]if;]'i'ti"'CENTERBANDC\AAAA.BIIILDINGC\SPECIFIC TIoNS\0I580Doc II I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01630 - SUBSTITUTIONS PART 1- GENERAL l.Ol DESCRIPTION A. The work specified in this section consists of submitting for approval a different material, equipment, or process than is described in the Contract Documents. r.O2 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The substitution must provide the same quality as what it is replacing. The level of quality is defined by ; life expectancy, ease ofcleaning and maintenance, ability to be up-graded as needed, ease of interacting with other systems or components, ability to be repaired, availability of replacement parts and established history of use in similar environments and performance equal or superior to that which it is replacing. 1.03 SUBMITTAL A. Refer to technical specification section 01300 and 01340 for submittal procedwes. B. A complete request for substitution must be made at least fourteen (14) days prior to when an order needs to be placed or a method needs to be changed. C. The submittal shall contain as appropriate detailed product data sheets for the specified item and the substitution. Samples and shop drawings shall also be submitted for the substitution as applicable. The submittal shall contain all the data required which is specified for the originally specif,red item or process. D. The submittal shall contain all the applicable information required in technical specification section 01630-2.01. PART 2.EXECUTION 2.OI INFORMATION Provide the following information with the request for substitution on the item or process that is being requested to be substituted- A. A complete description of the item or process, including but not limited to; K1993s.VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA. BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\O I630.DOC Jan\ ry 4,2N2 1 l. Utility connection including electrical, plumbing, HVAC, fue protection and controls. 2. The physical dimensions and required clearances. 3. A parts list with prices. 4. Samples of color and texture. 5. Detailed cost ofthe substitution and the contract specified item or process. 6. Manufacturer warranties. 7 . Energy consumption information. 8. Local certified maintenance organizations. B. A list of variations between substitution and original item specified. C. A list of other projects in which the substitution item has been incorporated. D.Any schedule impacts the substitution may cause. 2.02 SUBSTTTUTTON REQUEST A. The formal request for substitution will be evaluated by the Architect based on the following; l. Compatibility with the rest of the Project. 2. Reliability, ease of maintenance and use. 3. Initial and long term costs. 4. Schedule impacts. 5. Costs and time involved in evaluatine the substitution. B. The Contractor shall, in writing, verifu that the item being submitted for substitution is equal or superior in all respects to the contract required item. 2.03 CONDITIONS A. As a condition of submitting a request for substitution the Contractor waives all rights to claim for extra cost or change in Contract Time other than those outlined in the request and approved by the Architect. The Contractor, in respect to the request, accepts all liability for cost and scheduling impact due to the substitution. PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTTON 01630 K:\993s-vIl.l.AGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - IIUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\o1630.DOC latiu,ary 4,2002 ) I t I I I I I I t t I t I I I I I I t 'I I SECTION 01700 - PROJECT CLOSEOUT I PARTI-GEIYERALI I 1.01WORK INCLUDEnrt A. Work specified in this section includes procedures required prior to acceptance of Work in I addition to those specified in General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and technical l' specification section 01720. I I.O2 PREPARATION FOR F'INAL INSPECTION I A. Before requesting inspection for final acceptance ofthe Work by Owner, inspect, clean, and I repair the Wbrk as required. Ir I 1.03 FrNAL TNSPECTION I A. When the Contractor considers that the Work is complele, he shall submit written certification I that:'J l. Work has been completed in and inspected for compliance with Contract Documents. 2. Work is ready for final inspection. I 3. All as-builts required have been submitted and accepted.t 4. All damaged or destroyed real, personal, public or private property has been repaired or replaced. I 5. All operation and maintenance manuals have been submitted. I B. If the Architect finds incomplete or defective Work: I l. The Architect may, at his discretion, terminate the inspection or prepare a punchlist and notiff the Conhactor in writing, listing incomplete or defective work. I 2. The Contractor will take immediate steps to remedy stated deficiencies and send t second written certification to the Architect that Work is complete. t r.o4 rNsPEcrroN FEESI I A. Should the Architect perform reinspection due to failure of the Work to comply with the f claims of status of completion made by the Contractor: l. Contractor will compensate the Architect for such additional services at the rate of one I hundred dollars ($100.00) per man-hour. I 2. Owner will deduct the amount of such compensation from the final payment to the Contractor. r K19935-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\fu{{A - BUILDTNG C\SPECIFICATIONS\OITOO.DOC I Jnuary4,2002 I I I 1.05 FINAL ADJUSTMENT OF ACCOTJNTS A. Submit a final statement of accounting to the Architect. l. The statement will reflect all adjustments to the Contract Amount: a. The original Contract Amount. b. Additions and deduction resulting from: previous change orders, allowances, final quantities for unit price items, corrected work, penalties, liquidated damages, reinspection payments, other adjustrnents. B. The Architect will prepare a final change order, reflecting approved adjustments to the Contract sum which were not previously made by change order. C. Lien Releases - Subcontractor lien releases must be provided at final adjustment of accounts. Final Payment will not be released without Lien Releases I.06 F'INAL APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT A. Contractor will submit the final application for payment in accordance with procedures and requirements state in the General Condition. END OF SECTION O17OO K:\9935-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\O1700.DOC lannary4,2002 1 I I I I t I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I ! T SECTION OI72O - CONTRACT RECORD DOCUMENTS I PARTI-cENERALI l.Ol DESCRIPTION I- A. The Work specified in this section consist of maintaining, marking ,recording and submitting I of Contract record documents.III 1.02 SUBMITTALSIf A. As portions of this contract are complete, deliver record documents as listed in technical - specification section 01720 to the Architect with transmittal letter, in duplicate, containing the I following: I L Date I 2. Title and number of each record document. 3. Certification that each document as submitted is complete and accurate.tI B. The following shall be submitted to the Architect:' l. Fully executed change orders. I 2. Shop drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules, brochures, etc.t 3. Warranties, guarantees and bonds. 4. Contractor records. I!' r.o3 euALITy ASSURANCE t A. Record documents shall be prepared to a high standard of quality, such as that set forth in MIL-STD-I00, ANSI Standard Drafting Manual Y14 or other relevant lower tier specification I defining equal drafting quality. ! _ PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used)I..,1 PART3-EXECUTION -I 3.01 MATNTENANCE OF DOCUMENTS t A. Maintain at the field office one (1) copy of the following record documents. I l.Contract drawings with all clarifications, request for information, ArchitectsI I K:\9935-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\o1720.DOC I Jantary 4,2002 1 I I Supplemental Information, directives, changes and as-built conditions posted. 2. Contact Specifications with all clarifications, request for infonnation, Architects Supplemental Information, directives, substitutions accepted, etc. B. Provide files and racks for storage of documents to be maintained in clean, dry, legible condition, which shall be tumed over to the Ov*ner prior to final acceptance. END OF SECTION OI72O K:\9935-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BUILDTNG C\SPECIFICATIONS\01720.DOC lanwy 4,2W2 ) I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I IT SECTION O22OO - EARTI{WORK I PARrr-.ENERAL r l.0l DESCRIPTION t A. This section adopts by reference Specifications for earthwork incorporated in the I structural and architectural drawings and specifications. t B. Work under this section includes all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary to I complete all earthwork as shown on the drawings and as specified herein, including utility installation. All work of this Section is subject to the approval of the soils engineer if determined I necessary. Soils Report shall be deemed part of these specifications. Compliance with the I conclusions and recommendations in the soils report is mandatory. In the event of a conllict between the Soils Report and this Specification, the provisions ofthe Soils Report shall govern. I Due to site access issues, the report is to be based on an open - pit once excavation has begun. I C. Earthwork Contractor is required to inform himselfArerself of the conditions described in the I Soils Report and report to the General Contractor prior to proceeding with the work anyr variations between the specifications and installation of the work. Work includes installation of ,- foundation and associated Drain System described herein. I D. Work of this section includes finish grading for landscaping. Contractor is required to I coordinate with landscape contractor to finalize work.r F. Not Used I G. The Contractor shall screen construction activity as required by local jurisdictions. I r.o2 woRK BY oTHERS! rr A. Not Used I 1.03 RELATED DOCUMENTS I A. Work includes coordination with Sections 03000 and 02500 and Structural Engineerins. In the event that requirements of a Section 03000 differ from the requirements of this Section the I most stringent apply. I 1.04 REFERENCE STANDARDS I A. Compaction shall conform to ASTM D698 I K:\993tVILLAGE CENTER B AflD C\I'AAA - BUILDING C\SPECIFICA'|]ONS\02200.DOC tl I 1.05 SITE COIYDITIONS A. Proceed with work in a manner to prevent damage to trees, tree root systems, adjacent sheets, structures, utilities, property and work. The General Contractor shall locate the building on the site for architect's review ofrelationship to existing trees rock, outcroppings and other natural features. All existing trees shall be preserved and./or transplanted as indicated on the plans. Special care must be taken to prevent damage to said trees. Prior to excavation near existing trees, provide a barricade for tree protection. Notify architect ofany significant tree root damage. If trees or plantings are to be temporarily relocated, all trees and planting to stay on Village Center property. B. Contractor shall take care not to damage or disturb any material beyond the finished grade as shown on the drawings. Repair or replace as directed by the Architect all work damaged without expense to the Owner. C. Provide necessary barricades, lights, shoring and bracing as necessary for protection of persons, improvements and excavations. D. Verify existing grading by physical inspection of site, base proposal upon existing conditions if different from contours shown on site plan. E. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other hazards created by earthwork operations. PART II - PRODUCTS 2.OI SOIL MATERIAL A. All fill material shall be free from organic matter. Highly organic soil ASTM D 2487 Group PT, topsoil, roots, vegetable matter, trash and debris shall not be used. Granular material having 100% finer than 6" and not more than 40To passing No- 200 sieve shall be used for fill. (Plastic index shall not be more than 10.) B. Reference Soils Report for soils recommendations. 2.03 SLEEVE UNDER PAVED SURFACES A. Install 4, diameter PVC conduit under all driveways, walkways, and other paved areas. K:\993S-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BIILDING C\SPECIFICAIONS\02200.DOC I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I See plans for proposed locations. Contractor to coordinate with architect and owner regarding final quantity, size and location of sleeves. Locate sleeves on As-Built drawings. PART III - EXECUTION 3.OI EXCAVATION A. Excavation consists of removal and disposal of all materials encountered to elevation indicated, regardless of character of materials and obstructions encountered. L Earth excavation shall include removal and disposal of all obstructions visible on the surface and material of any classification to the limits / grades shown on the plans or a approved by the architect. 2. Obstructions: Ifrock layers ofboulders are encountered, the contractor shall utilize suitable equipment for fracturing, if necessary, and removing rock. B. Excavate to depth and dimensions indicated allowing sufficient space for fills, forms and inspection. C- Excavation of boulders and other solid material less than 3.5 feet in diameter shall be included in the scope of work. When material is encountered greater than 3.5 feet in diameter the Contractor shall inform the Architect in writing and an estimate of the additional charges will be given to the Architect and Contractor. 3.02 STABILITY OF EXCAVATIONS A. Slope sides of excavations to comply with local codes, ordinances, and requirements of agencies havingjurisdiction. Shore and brace where sloping is not possible because ofspace restrictions or stability of material excavated. B. Provide materials for shoring and bracing,,such as sheet piling, uprights, stringers, and cross braces, in good serviceable condition. Maintain shoring and bracing in excavations for duration of open excavations. 3.03 DEWATERING A. Prevent surface water and subsurface or ground water from flowing into excavation and from flooding project site and surrounding area. l. Do not allow water to accumulate in excavations. Remove water to prevent softening of foundations bottoms, and soil changers detrimental to stability of subgrades and foundations. K:\9935-vILLACE CENTER B AND C\Aa'JdA - BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\02200.IX)C 04Jan02 ? Provide dewatering systems and methodologies as recommended by the Soils Engineer. 3.O4INSPECTION A. Verifo that preceding work affecting work in this Section has been satisfactorily completed- 3.06 FILL A. Fill in excess cuts under footings with concrete. Any excess cut under slabs shall be filled with nonorganic soils compacted to aminimum of 95Yo Standard ProctorDensity. orwith concrete, at the Subcontractor's expense ifthe excess was avoidable. B. Backfill around the building under slabs, walks, driveways and steps shall be moistened and compacted to a minimum of 95Yo Standard Proctor Density. C. Backfill excavations as promptly as work permits, but not until completion of the following: l. Acceptance ofconstruction below finish grade, including dampproofing, waterproofing, and perimeter insulation. D. Place fill in layers not exceeding 6" thoroughly compacted to 95%o Standard Proctor Density. E. All building slabs require 6" minimum granular fill. F. Do not backfill with frozen material. Do not damage waterproofing or allowrock to come in contact with waterproofing. The ground surface surrounding the exterior of the building shall be sloped a minimum of 6" in the first ten (10') feet. 3.07 GRADING A. General: Uniformly grade areas within limits of grading under this section, including a-djacent transition area. B. Rough grade to 6" ofproposed finish as indicated on Site plan. C. Finish Grading: In all disturbed areas, install topsoil (minimum 4" deep) over rough grade as indicated on the drawings, subject to final elevations set by the Architect on site. Topsoil for finish grade may be from site excavation but shall be free ofrocks (greater than one inch in dimension), organic or man-made debris and raked smooth. K:\9935-VILLAGE CENTER B AIID C\AuA,rM - BUILDING C\SPECIFICATTONS\02200.DOC04Jan02 A I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t 3.08 PERTPHERAL DRArN 'YSTEM I A. Provide peripheral drain system in accordance with Soils and Structural Engineer's - recommendations or as indicated on plans, for new addition. Verifu condition of existing system - ifuncovered. Tie new system to existing ifappropriate. I 3.09 FrELD QUALITY CONTROL I A. Shall erratic soils conditions appear in the excavalion which are not shown on the log or test pits, the Subcontractor shall contact the General Contractor and the Architect before proceeding I turther. B. Owner shall pay for Soils Engineering Services as required during construction. r C. General Contractor's approval shall be obtained before any backfilling is started. I 3.10 .LEANUP I A. Remove all excess material from the site including trash and rubble. I END oF sECTroN o22oo I I I I I I I K:19935-WLLAGE CENTER B AND CVAAA - BUILDING CISPECIFICATIONS\12200.DOC I 04rano2 I I I SECTTON 03000 - CONCRETE (GENERAL) I PARTI-GENERAL I I.O1ST]MMARY r A. Work under this Section includes all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary to I complete all concrete work as shown on the drawings and specified herein. In case of con{lict I between Structural drawings and this specification section the Structural drawings shall take precedence. I B. This Section adopts Specifications contained in the structural drawings and written specifications as prepared by the Architect. r C. Work also includes but is not limited to: L Concrete slabs. I 2. Form Work. 3. Exterior concrete curbs I 4. Poured Concrete Foundations - per structural. t 5. 6" Stamped and Colored Concrete Sidewalks I I.O2 REF'ERENCE STANDARDSr A. Codes and Standards: Comply with provisions of following codes, specifications, and I standards, except where more stringent requirements are shown or specified.r 1. Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI), "Manual of Standard Practice". - 2. All regulatory construction and building codes.r I.O3 SUBMITTALS t A. Product Data; Submit data for materials and items, including reinforcement and forming accessories, admiztures, patching compounds, waterstops, joint systems, curing compounds, etc. I as may be required by the work.I I B. Shop Drawings; Submit original shop drawings prepared by a professional engineer for I fabrications , bending and placement of concrete reinforcement. Shop drawings to include special arrangements, features, construction j oint locations. t c. PROJECT CONDITIONS I I K:\9935-qLLAGE cENTER B AND cvAAA - BLJILDTNG ctspEcrFrcATtoNs\l3nqz.Doc 04Jan02 I l A. Protection of Foundation Against Free"ing; In accordance with ASI 306, cover completed work with suffrcient temporary or pennanent cover as required to protect footings and adjacent subgrade against possibility of freezing. Maintain cover for time period prescribed. PART II - PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIAL A. Reinforcing Materials: 1. Reference Structural drawings for General Notes and Specifications. 2.IJse 6 x 6 welded wire fabric (10 GA. ) in slabs. (Not fibrous reinforcement.) B. Concrete Materials: l. Reference Structural Drawings for concrete requirements. C. Concrete Slabs l. Interior Concrete Slabs - Smooth finish and seal unless otherwise noted on drawings. 2. Colored and Stamped Exterior Concrete Slabs - pattern and color per architect Pattem - Flower Rock Color - Adobe and Sun GraY Coordinate with Rocky Mountain Decorative Concrete PART III - EXECUTION 3.Ol GENERAL A. Coordinate the installation ofjoint materials and vapor retarders with placement of forms, reinforcing steel, blockouts, and all embedded items. B. Forms: Design, erect, support, brace, and maintain formwork to support vertical and lateral, static and dynamic loads that might be applied until such loads can be supported by concrete structure. Design and construction of formwork is the sole responsibility of the Contractor. C. Vapor Retarder: Install 6 min. vapor barrier under all interior concrete slabs, following leveling and tamping ofgranular base for slabs on grade. D. Rigid Slab Insulation: Install 2" of rigid insulation (R-7 per inch) under concrete slabs E. Reinforcing Steel: comply with Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institutes recommended practice for "Placing Reinforcing Bars". K:19935-VILL4GE CENTER B AND CVAAA - BUILDING CAPECIFICATIONSI03000.DOC 04Jan02 1 I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I F. Control Joints: Refer to drawings and/or soils repod for control joint location. Tool (do not I saw-cut) 1/4" radius by ll4" deepjoints.r G. Non-slip Broom Finish: Immediately after float finishing, slightly roughen concrete surface I by brooming with fiber bristle broom parallel with slope. I H. Remove dirt, loose material, oil, grease, paint or other contaminants, leaving a clean sunace. t END OF SECTION O3OOOI t I I I I I I I I I I K:v93i-vILL4GE cENTER B AND cuAAA - BUILDIN. ctspECIFICATIoNS\'3,',.Doc 04Jun02t I I r sEcTroN 04400 - sToNE VENEER I PARTI-GENERALI 1.OI DESCRIPTION r A. Work of this Section includes fumishing and installing stone veneer as indicated on the I drawings and specified herein. Provide and install miscellaneous metal lintels, angles, and I anchors as required for permanent installation. I 1.02 SAMPLES I A. Stone veneer shall be approved application as indicated on the Contract Documents. Stone to I match existing.I r B. Samples and Mock-up. Provide sample panel twenty square feet minimum on a visible side I of the structure, two weeks minimum, prior to initiating any final stone veneer work. Mock-up to include all types and applications of stone included on the project. Mock-up to incorporate I color range of stone previously determined by Architect. Mock-up to be constructed on I movable pallet, placed within five feet (5'-0") of the existing stone walls. I C. Provide shop drawings for stone installation and fabrications. t 1.03 PRODUCT DELMRY, STORAGE AND HANDLING r A. Deliver materials to site in ample time to facilitate installation. Store materials under cover I in a dry place. Handle materials carefully to avoid chipping, breakage, contact with soil, or I contaminating material. I PARTII-PRODUCTS I 2.Ol MATERIALS r A. Vertical Veneer: Type: River rock to match existing. - Prepare sample for approval by Architect B. Cap: Type:4" BuffSandstone I PART III. EXECUTION r K19935.VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA ^ BUILDINC CLSPECIFICATIONS\O44OO.DOC r January7,2002 1 I ! 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Comply with Building Stone Institute standards for similar applications. B. Begin stone veneer 12" below finish grade (support on 4" x 4u x 4" steel angle or per structural drawings (primed). C. Refer to Section 1.028. Mock-up. Architects written cornrnents pertaining to Mock-up are to be incorporated into and part of these Contract Documents. D. Butt ends of Stone caps to be same in thickness and width +- one-eighth inch (l/8" +-). Color to similar at butt joints. END OF SECTION O44OO I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I K:19935-Y]LI.IIGE CENTER B AND CVAAA - BUILDING CISPECIF]AIT]ONSIO44OO.DOC I I SECTTON 05000 - METALS (GENERAL) I PARTI.GENERAL I I.Ol GENERAL r A. This section adopts, by reference Specifications for Steel incorporated in the structural r drawings and as noted herein as standards for materials, fabrications and quality. I B. Work of this Section includes all labor, materials, equipment, accessories, and services f necessary to complete all steel and metal work as shown on the drawings and specified herein. t 1.02 SUBMITTALSIr A. Submit shop drawings for all work specified herein, including complete details and schedules. r Contractor is required to verifu and submit engineering and design calculations for all standard I shear connections and fabricated truss member connections as shown on drawings. Reproductions of Contract Document drawings shall not be accepted or reviewed. I B. Submit product data for products used in miscellaneous metal fabrications. I C. Samples: Submit samples of each type of material, castings, fasteners, anchors, etc., or other I unique or special item, whether specifically noted herein or on the drawings or not, required for the work. I 1.03 DELIVERY, STORAGE A}{D IIANDLING I A. Deliver anchorage devices to be embedded in concrete to the site in ample time to install before start of concrete operation. Provide all necessary setting drawings, templates and I directions fbr installation of anchorage devices. Store steel members above ground on platform I skids, or other devices, and protect from corrosion. I B. Store other materials in a dry, weather-tight location until ready for use. Store packagedr materials in original unbroken packages or container. I 1.04 REFERENCE sTANDARDSr I A. Comply with the accepted industry standards, and / or local codes or requirements, which ever I is more stringent. I PARTII-PRODUCTS I K1993s-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\OsOOO.DOC r Janrary 4,2002 Ir I 2.01 - MATERIALS; GENERAL A. Concealed and Exposed Fasteners: Provide for other trades and install as required, miscellaneous fabrications, including angles, straps and other fasteners. All exterior fasteners to be corrosion resistant. B. Exposed Steel: All exposed steel, including beam connections, rafter braces, column to beam connections, metal awning supports, hand railing supports, guard railings, and metal hearth are to be considered architecturally exposed steel, per AISC code. Grind all edges smooth, shop prime all parts. C. Structural Steel: Refer to Structural drawings. PART III. EXECUTION 3.Ol PREPARATION A. Coordinate'and furnish anchorages, setting drawings and diagrams, templates, instructions, and directions for installation ofanchorages, including concrete inserts, sleeves, and miscellaneous items required. B. Welding of all railing parts to be accomplished by a professional welder to the highest quality standards. C. Grind all welds smooth and finish per Division 9. Quality of welds on Building A not acceptable END OF'SECTION O5OOO K:\9935-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AA A - BLILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\05000.DOC lanuary 4,2N12 a I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 05720- RAILINGS & HANDRAILS I PART.IGENERALI I.Ol DESCRIPTION r A. Work of this section includes fumishing and installing prefabricated metal railings as I indicated on the drawings and specified herein. I 1.02 SUBMITTALS I A. Samples l. Provide three sample units of each unit to be installed in the work. r B. Submittals I 1. Product data for each product used in omamental metalwork, including finishing I materials and methods and manner of proposed installation. I C. Shop Drawing I l. Shop drawings showing fabrication and installation of omamental metalwork including plans, elevations and details of components and attachments to other units of work. I Indicate materials, profiles of each omamental metalwork member and fitting, joinery, I finishes, fastener, anchorages and accessory items. I D. Mock-Up - 1. Providejob-site mock-up of5 linear feet ofeach rail type. Obtain architects approval I prior to installing additional railings. Sample quality must match actual product I installed. No Exceptions I 1.03 PRODUCT DELIYERY, STORAGE AND HANDLTNG. t A. Deliver materials to site in ample time to facilitate installation. Store materials under cover in I a dry place. Handle materials carefully to avoid chipping, breakage, contact with soil, orr contaminatins material. t PARTTT-PRODUCTS. I 2.Ol GENERAL t Provide ornamental work composed of forms and types which comply with requirements of I noted and other applicable standards, and which arc free from surface blemishes where exposedI r K:\9935-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C.\AAAA - BUILDING C\SPIICII.ICATIONS\05720.DOC I I to view in the finished unit. Exposed-to-view surfaces exhibiting pitting, seam marks, roller marks, oil-canning, stains, discolorations or other imperfections on finished units are not acceptable. l. Exterior Deck Railing To match detail shown in the documents and existing details on Building B. PART III EXECUTION 3.02 PREPARATION A. Coordinate and furnish anchorages and setting drawings, diagrams, templates, instructions and directions for installation of items having integral anchors which are to be embedded in concrete, masonry or stone construction. Coordinate delivery of such items to the project site. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Install exterior balcony railings in compliance with applicable codes. B. Not Used C. Install exterior handrail cap on top of stair balusters. Profile must comply with U.B.C. requirements for stair handrails, or as indicated on the drawings. END OF SECTION 05720 I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I t I K:\993S-VII-1.AGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BULDINC C\SPECIFICATIONS\05720.DOC I . SECTIONO6IOO-ROUGHCARPENTRY T PARTI.GENERAL I l.Ol DESCRIPTION I A. Work of this section includes furnishing and installing items of rough carpentry as indicated I on the drawings and specified herein, and includes but is not limited to:r l. Wood nailers, blocking, etc. - 2. Tempered hardboards. I 3. Trim, Decking, Soffits and Fascias. I B. This section adopts by reference Specifications for wood framing incorporated in the f sFuctural drawings and specifications. I r.o2 RELATED SPEcIFICATToNSI A. 06200 Finish Carpentry . 1.03 TEMPORARYWORK I A. Provide all temporary scaffolding, bracing, shoring, barricades, ladders, safety railing, etc., wherever required to complete the work. Construct temporary work to properly and safely I perform its function. Remove temporary work when no longer required. I B. Provide temporary closures for exterior openings and provide General Contractor and Owner I with key during construction. Exterior openings and exits must remain operable for egressr during construction. I 1.03 SOURCE QUALTTYCONTROL I A. Grading and Marking: Lumber shall bear the identifying marks indicating grades of material and rules or I standards under which it is produced. GradesI shall conform to West Coast Lumber Specification Bureau (WCLIB) or "Standardr F.TiiltxiT;:i:lisiil;t** I lf"l3lil;]iiif*CENTERBANDC\AAAA-BUILDINGc\sPEcIFIcArIoNs\06r00Doctl I Plywood shall conform to Product Standard PSI-74. Identifr each panel with the American Plywood Association 'A.P.A." grade trademark. r.O4 COORDINATION A. Coordinate with other trades and provide necessary wood blocks, corner bracing, headers in ceiling for supporting light fixttues, recesses for lights, attachment of finish hardware, as well as bathroom accessories, nailing strips, plugs, door and window bucks, and rough hardware (i.e. nails, screws, bolts). 1.05 PRODUCT DELIVERY. STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver materials to site in undamaged condition free from objectionable warp. Store lumber and plywood materials on blocking away from ground, fully covered and well ventilated. PART II - PRODUCTS 2.Ol MATERIALS I I I I I I I t I T I t I I I t I I I A. Lumber, General: B. Treated Lumber: C. Framing Lumber: D. Glulams: E. Not Used. F. Plywood: KI9935-VILLACE CENTER B AND C\AAAA . BUILDINC C\SPIJCIFICATIONS\O6IOO.DOCJantary4-2DO2 ) Conform to grading mles of the WCLIB or WWPA: For nailers in contact with masonry or concrete, nailers and blocking on roof with Penta Chlorophenol or approved equal. Per Specification included on structural drawings and specifi cations. All glulam beams not exposed to view may be industrial grade . All exposed glulams shall be Southem Yellow Pine, sandblasted. Order glulam beams without camber. na I I Per Specification included on structural ASTM A304-776(primed for paint at drawings and specifications.G. Anchors, exposed locations.) I Common Bolts and Washers:I I H. Lag Bolts: Grade A (primed for paint in exposed t locations.) I I. Screws: Bronze, Phillips head, self tuming, I countersink. I J. Nails: FED SPEC FF-N-105B, size and type bestt suited for intended use. All nails at exterior to be galvanized and corrosion resistant; use I only finish head nails to fasten trim. r K. Adhesive: PL400 or approved equal. I L. Exterior Sidine: na I M. Exterior Banding/Trim: rough sawn cedar re: drawings I N. Exterior Deck na.I O. Fascia: rough sawn cedar and re: drawings I P. Roof Soffits: T&G cedar and re: drawings I Q. Deck Soflits: T&G cedar and re: drawings I R. Exterior Dryer Vents: See details and Section 10200 I PART III.INSTALLATION II 3.Ol WOOD BLOCKING AND NAILERS I A. Provide in size and shape indicated and as required for installation ofwood nailers, bucks, and furring for roofing, soffits, fascias, drywall trim, cabinets, toilet accessories, shelving and other I miscellaneous installations. Provide nailers at 2'-0" on center horizontal, where vertical siding is I indicated on the drawings. I B. Install anchors and other devices necessary to secure other materials.I I K:\9935-vILLAGE cFNrrR B AND c\AAAA - BUILDING c\spEcrFIcATIoNs\06100.Doc I lan:ary4,2002 3 I C. Install steel shims as required under all headers. D. Confirm direction of material at deck and roof soffits with Architect prior to installation- 3.02 SUBFLOORS A. Glue and nail subfloor to floor joists. 3.03 PROTECTION OX' STEEL COIINECTIONS A. Until the building is enclosed and watertight, protect all steel connections with 6 mil. polyethylene sheeting. 3.04 WOOD SIDING, FASCIA, SOFFIT A. Install wood siding vertically to blocking and or studs at minimum as indicated on the drawings. Installation method, nailing pattem etc. to match existing. B. All butt joints to be beveled and staggered a minimum of 24" between adjacent. C. Siding-Not Used D. Provide butt-joint comers at all exterior vertical siding locations per the drawings and as specified herein. 3.05 WOOD TRrM (AT IIOORS AI{D WINDOWS IN WOOD SIDING) A. Not Used 3.06 SOX'F'IT YENTS A. Not Used END OF SECTION 06100 K:\993s-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BUII-DING C\SPECIFICATIONS\o6100.DOC Jamary 4,2002 4 I I I I I I I t I I t I t I I I I I I t I SECTION 06200 - FINISH CARPENTRY I PARTI-GENERAL I l.Ol DESCRIPTION I A. Work of this section includes all labor, materials, equipment, accessories, and services I necessary to complete all finish carpentry shown on the drawings and specified herein. Workr of this section includes but is not limited to; A. Wood Casing I B. Miscellaneous Wood Trim. I 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS I A. Conform to current editions of the following standards and specification relating to work ofI this Section.I Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI) I Quality Standards, latest editionI f U.S. Department of Commerce, Product Standard (PS) I PS I -74 Construction and Industrial Plywood I I.O3 SUBMITTALS I A. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for all mill items, indicating all construction and I erection details. Obtain field dimensions for construction and erection details. Obtain fieldt dimensions for all items to be fabricated elsewhere and as required to make all part of the work fit accurately together. I Shop drawings shall indicate locaation of each item, dimensioned plans and elevations, large scale details, attachment devices and other components. I B. Submittals: Submit three (3) sample pieces of each finish carpentry item for species, stain and finish review. I C. Mock-Up; Fabricate on unit for each type of cabineVcasework, etc. required. Architect is to review and approve of each sample unit before remaining cabinets/casework work can be I proceeoeo wrm.I I r.04 PROJECT CONDITIONS I A. Woodwork manufacturer and installer shall advice Contractor of temperature and humidity I ffi;]liil* CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BUILDING c\sPEcIFrcAnoNs\06200 Doc rl I requirements for woodwork installation and storage areas. Do not install woodwork until required temperature and relative humidity have been stabilized and will be maintained in installation areas. PART II - PRODUCTS 2.Ol MATERIALS A. Not Used 2.02 FABRICATION A. General L Wood Moisture Content; Comply with requirements of referenced quality standard for moisture content of lumber at time of fabrication and for relative humiditv condition in the installation areas. PART III. EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. Install woodwork plumb, level, true and straight with no distortions. Shim as required using concealed shims. Install to a tolerance of l/8" in l0'-0" for plumb and level, including tops. END OF SECTION 06200 K:\9935-VILLAGE CENTER B AI{D CLdA,rAA - BUILDING C\SPECIFICATTON5\06200.DOC Jarntary 4,2002 ) I I t I I t I I II II I II t I I t I I I I ! SECTION OTIIO - BIT{JMINOUS DAMPROOFING I PARTI-GENERALI I l.Ol DESCRIPTION I A. Extent of each type of dampproofing work is specified herein and includes all vertical I surfaces ofconcrete below grade, extending from bottom ofconcrete to 2" below grade, or as I indicated on drawings. This work includes all interior or exterior concrete and concrete masonry units exposed to earth on one side. - B. Following types and applications of work are specified in this section: - Cold-applied dampproofing. I C. Reference Soils Investigation Report, to be provided by contractor. In case ofcon{lict Soils I Investigation Report recommendations shall take precedence. I r.O2 STANDARDS r A. Installer: A firm which has specialized for not less than three years in installation of types of dampproofing required for project and which is acceptable to manufacturer of primary materials. t B. Manufacturer: Shall submit a certificate indicating that he ha not less than five years I experience in the manufacturing ofthe types ofproducts specified. I PART II - PRODUCTS I 2.OI DAMPROOFING MATERIALS I A. Asphaltic Bituminous Dampproofing:! L Available manufacfurers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers I offering dampproofing products which may be incorporated in the work include but arer not rimited toffiTtlffi::io. roou DISSCO #621R I Owens-Coming Tuff 'N Dri Kamak r B. Foundation Drainage Board 1. Manufacturer; Miradrain or approved equal. I K:\993S-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\ AA - BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\071 l0.DOC I lamuy 4,2002 I I PART III - E)GCUTION 3.Ol PREPARATION A. Clean substrate ofprojections and substances detrimental to work, comply with recommendations of prime materials manufacturer. B. Fill voids, seal joints, and apply bond breakers (if any) as recommended by prime materials manufacturer. C. Prime substrate as recommended by prime materials manufacturer. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. General: Comply with manufacturer's instructions, excepl where ;more stringent requirements are shown or specified. B. Apply coat of cold, liquid bituminous dampproofing material, by troweling, brushing, or spraying, depending upon substrate texture, as required to produce a uniform dry film thickness ofnot less that required by the manufacturer. END OF SECTION O7I1O K:\993s-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BUILDING CLSPECIFICATIONS\o71 t0.DOC lanuaty 4,2002 I t I I t I T I I t I t I t I I I I I I I SECTTON 07rrr - SHEET MEMBRANE WATERPROOFTNG I PARTI-GEIIERAL I 1.OI DESCRIPTION r A. Work of this section includes furnishing and installing sheet membrane waterproofing r systems for concrete wall waterproofing. I 1.02 SUMMARY I A. This section includes: I l. Sheet Membrane WaterproofingI 2. Flashings 3. Substrate Penetration I 4. Protection Board r 1.03 SUBMITTALS T Compliance: Comply with Requirements specified in Section 01000. I Product Data: Submit manufacturer's literature includins I recommended instructions for installation- Subrnit list of projects of similar nature byr manufacturer and applicator which haveI been installed during last five years. I Submit warranty clearly indicating compliance with warranty requirements for I this project. r Samples: Submit 8"x l2"u samples of actual I membrane used on project for Architect's trle. t Certificates: Submit manufacturer's certification stating materials ordered and supplied are compatible with each other, suited for locale T K:\9935-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BLILDING C\SPECTFICATIONS\O7I I t .DOC I Jan|uary 4,2002 I T I and purpose intended and shipped in suffrcient quantity to ensure proper timely installation. Submit manufacturer's project registration from indicating that manufacturer has reviewed project and will issue warranty upon zuccessful completion of the installation. Submit manufacturer's approval of installer. Submit installer's experience record. Certifr materials shipped to project site meet membrane manufacturer's published performance standards and requirements of the Specification. r.O4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. If manufacturer's details vary from the details indicated on the Contract Documents, follow manufacturer's details €rs necessary to comply with wananty requirements. Provide changes in details at no extra cost to Owner. 1 . Manufacturer's Qualifi cations : a. Not less than five years experience in manufacfuring of sheet membrane waterproofing systems specified for this Project. b. Obtain primary waterproofing materials as recommended by manufacturer of primary materials. c. Provide secondary materials as recornmended by manufacturer ofprimary materials. d. Manufacturer's qualified technical representative will be required to visit project site to advise Installer ofprocedures and precautions for installation of waterproofing material and to verifr warranty requirements. K1993s-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\O7I I I.DOC Ja nry 4,ZOO2 ') I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t T I I I t e. Manufacturer's technical representative will be required to be at the project I i::itTli.ffii::il'J1[H;i;il1ff:lT1r#1ffi:::?*,has been properly installed and wananty requirements have been met.t ooo'"T;$Y'1'#l?::;:ffffii il,1i"ff1T;:l'J:j,"?"il1Tfl"Ti,T1"1.,, ", I sheet membrane waterproofing. 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIONS r A. Install waterproofing materials under conditions where the following criteria can be met: I l. Rain is not anticipated within 24 hours of outdoor application. 2. Substrate surface temperatures are above 40 degrees Fahrenheit and below 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Use special cold weather membrane and installation procedures for temperatures between 20 degrees and 40 degrees Fahrenheit. 3. Do not apply membrane waterproofing on damp or frozen surfaces. r B. Do not work or walk on exposed waterproofing membrane. Install temporary or permanent I protection board as necessary to protect membrane during subsequent work operation. T C. Coordinate time of application to ensure earth backfill is installed within 7 days after I completion of waterproofing and protection systems. I 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HAIIDLING r A. Deliver materials in manufacturer's original sealed containers with label clearly identiffing I manufacturer, material name and date of manufacture. Do not remove materials from containers I until ready for installation. I B. Store materials in clean dry space with temperature range between 50 and 60 degrees t Fahrenheit. Do no store materials in direct sunlight. I I.OTwARRANTYI a. Provide warranty for completed installation on single document signed by manufacturer, I applicator and Contractor warranting against defects of materials and workmanship for a period I K\9935-vrLLAcE .ENTER B AND .\AAAA - BUILDING c\spEcrFlcATroNs\'7'r l.Doc I lanuary 4,2002 1 I of five years from date of Substantial Completion of the entire project. PART TI - PRODUCTS 2.OI MANUFACTURER A. Bituthane by W.R. Grace Company or approved equal. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Sheet Membrane Waterproofing: 1. Material: I I I I I I I T I t I I I I t I I I I 2. Thickness: 3. Roll Size: 4. Reinforcing: 5. Primer: 6. Flashing Material: 7. Sealing Mastic: K:\9935-VILLAGE CEN] ER B AND c\A{4!4 - BUILDING C\SPECIFICATTONS\07t I I.DOC lanuary 4,2002 4 Premium Grade bituminous resin modified with synthetic resins. 60 mil. at foundation and at all locations as shown on drawings. Basement wall complete coverage. Installation of membrane is not required on walls below lower level slabs. Maximum width and length determined by Project Conditions. Stitch spun bond polyester reinforcing laminated in center of bituminous sheet material. High tack rubber based insoluble solution compatible with waterproofi ng. 60 mil. unreinforced conformable sheet used for detailing around drains, penetration comers, footings, nonuniform surfaces, and decks and banding Rubberized blend of bituminous and t I I 8. Protection Board: I I B. Protection; Protect nontraffic horizontal surface areas with 90 lb. felt. Moderate to heary I horizontal surface areas should be protected with polystyrene foam or asphalt hardboard. I PART III - EXECUTION IT 3.Ol EXAMINATION I A. Concrete: Ensure concrete has cured for a minimum of seven days and is clean and dry. I Veriff thathorizontal surfaces have smooth wood float finish. Broom finishes are not acceptable.r Ensure that fins, sharp prolrusions, loose aggregate, dust, form release agents, curing compounds and other items that will inhibit adhesion of membrane to substrate are removed prior to waterproofing installation. Veri$ that outside comers are chamfered and inside corners have epoxy mortar, latex modified cementitious mortar or urethane sealant cants. t B. Metal surfacesshallbedry,clean, freeofgrease, oil, dirt, rust, corrosion,othercoatings and contaminants which could affect adhesion of membrane system and without sharp edges or I offsets at joints. Clean all copper surfaces with a solvent wipe prior to application of primer.r C. Wood surfaces prepared in accordance with manufacturer's requirements. I I Kr9935-vILLAcE CENTER B AND c\AAAA - BUILDING c\spEcrFIcATIoNs\o7n l.Doc I January 4,2002 5 I synthetic resins used for sealing detail cuts and membrane terminations. Protection board must be suitable to withstand backfill conditions and/or topping course. I I I I D. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Remove fins and loose material. Fill or finish holes and cracks flush with mortar or plastic cement. B. Seal pipes, conduct anchors and other items penetrating and waterproofing with sealant formed to fit tightly to protrusion and substrate. Ensure penetrations are watertight. C. Primer l. Close container when not is use. 2. Apply primer with roller or brush as recommended by manufacturer for horizontal and vertical surfaces. 3. Ensure primed surfaces are frees from runs, puddles or excessive primer. 4. Prime only as much surface as can be covered with membrane within eight hours. If primed areas are not covered within eight hours, apply new primer over existing. 5. Protect primed surfaces from dust. 6. Do not apply membrane until primer is tacky, but not wet 7. Follow manufacturels special priming instructions when ambient temperature is between 20 and 40 degrees Falrenheit. D. Construction Joints, Control Joints, and Cracks: Forjoints and cracks less than l/4" wide with movement less than 25Yo place 12" wide strips of membrane material over crack or joint. e. Expansion Joints (Joints larger than l/4" or with movement greater than2l%) I . Install closed cell backer rod and sealant material into joint. 2.Place 12" wide strip of membrane material face down overjoint with release film in place to create slip over joint. Install in accordance with manufacturer's details. 3.03 APPLICATION A. General: K:\993S-VILI-AGE CENTER B AND C\ArAJd{ - BUILDING C\SPECII.ICATIONS\07t I I.DOC t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I January 4,2002 I I I t l. Apply membrane in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions. I 2. overlap membrane joints 3" minimum. I 3. Place 12" wide unreinforced flashing material at inside comers and intersections of fbotings and walls. 4. Center flashing material in comers and intersections so 6" legs extend in each direction. 5. Form flashing material to substrate irregularities. Remove release film immediately prior to membrane installation. r 6. Provide troweled bead of 160H mastic to T-Joints and detail cuts on same day as installation. I 7.Seal all protrusions and penetrations with sealant formed to substrate making a I positive seal with primed penetrating member. I 8. Ventilate per Manufacturer's instructions. I B. Vertical Application of Membrane: I 1. Install waterproof membrane, beginning at top of wall, extending down and onto - footing as shown on drawins.s. I 2. Terminate -.-O.ln" past edge of footing 4" minimum, well adhered to flashing material. t 3. Overlap subsequent 3" minimum. I 4. Roll entire surface, as each sheet is installed to eliminate wrinkles and air spaces, withr particular emphasis on overlap areas. I 5. Apply membrane with top edge terminating within l" of finish grade; seal with troweled bead of l60H mastic, extending at least 1" onto wall and 2" onto membrane. Seal I termination edges of membrane with trowel bead of 160H mastic. I 6. Provide membrane over 6" wide flashing material around protrusions through wall; I seal with l60H mastic. T K:\9935-VILLACE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BUILDINC C\SPECIFICA]'IONS\071I I.DOC I January4,2002 7 I I 7. Rolling: Use heavy hand pressure and seal roller on all patches, seams and edges. 8. Double cover outside corners and joints with membrane by applying initial 12" strip centered along axis of corner ofjoint and then covered by regular application ofmembrane. C. Horizontal Application of Membrane: I ' Apply membrane, with tack side down, from low point to high point so that laps shed water on horizontal surfaces. 2. Immediately repair misaligned or damage membrane. 3. Terminate by tuming edge up and pressing firmly to vertical surface. Seal with troweled bead of No. l60H mastic. 4. Roll membrane to ensure full contact with substrate and to avoid wrinkles. fishmouths, and entrapped air. 5. Overlap joint 2" minimum. Overlap end laps 4" minimum. Roll lap areas. 6. Install double layer ofice and water shield up valleys, at crickets, roof penetrations and four feet (4') up eave. Alternate direction ofjoints. 7. Install ice and water shield eighteen inches (18") up side and head wall conditions. D. Drains: 1. Place flashing material over drain opening, extending 6" beyond perimeter of drain. 2. Remove release film, cut and X and form flashing material to drain ensuring 100% adhesion to primed metal drain. 3. Extend waterproofing membrane over flashing and into clamping device. 4. Seal with trowel coating of No. 160H mastic and clamp securely. E. Protection Board: l. Protect membrane waterproofing from damage during backfill operations by removing release sheet and adhering protection board over waterproofed surfaces. K:\9935-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BLIILDING C\SPECTFICATIONS\o7It LDOC: t t I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I January 4, 2002 t I I I I 2. Neatly fit boards around pipes and projections. I 3. Use l60H mastic, l/8" thick on approximate 24" centers if necessary to adhere to board. 4. Apply protection board the same day membrane is applied. 5. Apply protection board with joints tightly butted and end laps offset 6" in succeeding courses. 6. Seal laps with trowel application of No. l60H mastic. I O"r,,"lr;"#lete backfilling as soon as possible after application ofprotection board; within 7 t 8. Protect from damage until backfill is placed. r 3.04 F',IELD QUALTTY CONTROL I A. Flood Testing I l. Performfloodtestpriortoinstallationof protectionboard. I 2. Plug drains on horizontal surfaces. I 3. Use sandbags or other means to restrict runoff. I 4. Flood deck with water to depth of 2" from top of membrane. I 5. Allow to stand 24 hours. I 6. Repair leaks and retest. B. Visually inspect surfaces for fishmouths, blisters, or ruptures and make necessary repairs. I c. Repairs: r l. Clean area where membrane needs repair and lightly primer with primer. t 2. Provide patch with new membrane waterproofing sheet to cover repair area. t I illlf;lliif"t CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BUTLDING CLSPECIFICATIoNS\07I I r Doc I9 I 3. Install and roll firmlv. 4. Apply trowel bead of 160H mastic to edges of membrane patch. 3.05 CLEAIYING A. Clean stains from adjacent surfaces with cleaning fluid recommended by manufacturer. B. Remove foreign matter from finished membrane surface. END OF SECTION 07111 K:\9935-VILLAGE CENTER B AI{D C\A{Ar{ - BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\07| I |.DOC I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I lanwy 4,2002 l0 I I sEcrroN o7r7s -BUTLDTNG pApER T PARTI-GENERAL 1.OI DESCRIPTION I A. Work under this Section includes furnishing and installing building paper to exterior finishes I as indicated on the drawings. I r.O2 APPROVED MANUFACTURERS - A. Owens Coming B. Approved Equal r 1.03 pRoDUcr DELIyERY, sroRAGE AND HANDLTNG I A. Deliver materials to site in original unopened packages with labels in tact. Store rolls vertically in a dry location. I PARrrr-PRoDUcrs t 2.or BUrLDrNG PAPER r A. Tyvek house wrap or approved similar. T 2.02 FASTENERS I A. Hot dipped galvanized needle-point roofing nails w/ 3/8" flat head manufacturer's recommendation. I PART III - INSTALLATION I 3.or EXECUTToN I A. Install a minimum of two layers roofing felt with a minimum 2" headlap and 4" minimum I side lap. I B. Fasten to all exterior wall sheathing areas, overlap and fasten per manufacturer's instructions. END OF SECTION 07175I K19935.VILLACE CENTER B AND C\AAAA . BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\O7I75A.DOC I Jantr ry4,2002 I I I I sEcrIoN 07r8s - s,-,rp R'srsrArrr *EDESTRTAT{ wATERpRooFINc sysrEM I PARTI-GENERAL I.Ol DESCRIPTION r A. Work rmder this Section includes furnishing and installing slip resistant-pedestrian r waterproofing system to the concrete and wood decks I I.O2 APPROVED MAIIUF'ACTURERS I A. Vulkem provided by AAA, lnc (303-295-7333) t 1.03 rRoDUCT DELrvERy, sroRAGE ArrD HANDLTNG I A. Deliver materials to site in original unopened packages with labels in tact. Store rolls t vertically ina dry location. r PART II - PRODUCTS I 2.OI COLD APPLIED DECK COATING I A. Vulkem 3sot35r I 2.02 FASTENERS A. Per manufacturer's recommendation I PART III - INSTALLATION I 3.ol ExECUrroN I A. Install per manufacturer's recommendation - B. Fasten to all exterior wall sheathing areas, overlap and fasten per manufacturer's instructions. I END or sECrroN o7r8s I t K:\9935-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\07185.DOC I Jnnary4,2002 1 T I vulffiffif Sl i p- Resistant- Pedestrian Waterproofing System Product Description: Vutkem 350,/351 is an attractive composite waterproofing system comprised of tough-curing liquid polyurethane. It cures to form a rubber membrane surface that pro- vides a tasting eye-appeating and eaqr-to-clean coating. Non-skid sur- faces for pedestrian traffic features use of an aggregate-laden top mem- brane for surest footing. Vulkem 350/357 rnay be used to apply a seamtess, monotithic waterproof membrane to smooth concrete, to well-anchored and primed wood and to prirned metal zurfaces. Simplg easy-to-fotlow procedures, use of conventionat tools or optional spray permit fast, sure apptication. Vulkem 350 is a one part urethane membrane that bonds firmty to ctean, dry concrete, wood or metal. It retains its integrity even if sub- stnte movement causes hairline cracks of up to 1/16" (1.6mm). If cut or damaged. Vulkem 350 witt prevent water migration between it and its substrate. A Quick Cure Catalyst can be utilized for a fast track application. Vulkem 351 is applied after the Vulkem 350 basecoat has cured and the non-stip aggregate has been broadcast. The finished top tayer affords excellent abrasion resis- tance, and outstanding etongation and recovery to expand and con- tract with substrates. Intellarninar adhesion to Vulkem 350 is exceed- ingly strong. Basic Uses: Vutkem 350/351 is a cold applied deck coating rystern designed for waterpro ofing plaza decks. pedestri- an walkways, balconies, ptywood deck and under thinset tile. Lirnitations: o Do not apply over damp or contaminated surfaces. o Use with adequate ventilation. Standard Golors: Vutkem 351 is available in Beige. Gray, Limestone, Maple, Slate Gray, Black, White, Green, and Red. Packaging: Vulkem 350 basecoat - 5 gatlon (191) pails, 55 gallon (208/) drums. Vulkem 351 topcoat - 2 gatlon (7.6l) pails, 5 gallon (19v) pails, 55 gallon (20&) drums. INSTALLATION: Concrete shalt be water cured and in place for at least 14 days, prefer- ably 28 days. Concrete finish shatt be a Ught steel trowel followed by a fine hair broom, or equivalent fin- ish. New or existing slabs must be dry clean, sound and free of all contaminates which may interfere with adhesion or proper curing, Chemical and/or mechanical surface preparation may be required. Vulkem 350 basecoat is normally appted at the rate of 40 square feet per gallon (.98m'/Q yietding approximately 40 wet mils (1.03 mrn) thickness. The coating is squeegee applied, followed by back rolling to evenly distribute the materiat. Cure Vulkem 350 to firm rubber before topcoat application. The Vulkem 351 topcoat is appUed with a medium nap roller at the rate of 100 square feet per gatton (2.5 m'/Q to yield approximatety 15 wet mils (.38 mrn) thickness. SiUca sand is immediately broadcast into the wet topcoat and back rolled to evenly distribute the aggregate. For a moderate non-stip finish use 4-6 lbs. per gallon (.SkS/4. Refer to Vulkemo 350/357 Application Instructions for specific appUcation detaits. The techniques involved may require modification to adjust to the job site conditions. Consult your local Trenco Representative for specific design requirements. Availability: Immediatety amilabte ftom your local Tremco Field Representative, fternco Distributor or Tremco Vlarehouse. Warranty: Trernco warrants its Vulkem Coatings to be free of defects in materials, but makes no w.unntlr as to appe.rnnce or color. Since methods of application and on site condi- tions are beyond our control and can affect performance, Tremco makes no other warnnty, expressed or implied, including warranties of MERCHAI.ITABILTTY and FITNESS FOR A PARIICIITAR Pt RP0SE, with respect to Vulkem Coatings, Tremco's sote obligation shall be. at its option, to repl,ace, or to refund the purchase pdce of the quantity of Vulkem Coatings proved to be defective and Tremco shalt not be tiabte for any los or damage, TYPICAT PEYSICAT PROPERTIES Property Iert l,lethod Vulten 350 Base Goat Tensile ASTM D-412 320 psi (2.21MPa) Elongation ASTM D-412 1040?o Sr* ASTM D-412 60 psi (414 kPa) Hardness ASTM-C661-83 20 Shore A Peel Strength ASTM C-794 30 lbs. (1331{) (on concrete) 100io cohesive Permeabitity E-96 0.12 metric perms I'L 790 CI.ASS A FIRE R.AtrJNG cAN/Irrc - 5102.2 - M88 CLASS A RAflNG Wet l,laterial Properdeg Non Volatile Astl.t D-1353 79% nin. Content Viscosity, cps Brookfield HBT 8 - 10,000 Cure lime ASTM D-1640 48 hrs. max. @77'E (25'C) 50% R.H. Ftash Point Setaflash r72'E G4.4 Vnllen 351 Iop Goat 3000 psi (20.7MPa) t40olo 2200 psi (15.21,tPa) 75 100?o cohesive to Vulkem 350 .06 metric perms 63% min. 2 - 3,000 24 hrs. max. 82'E Q7 For ]NS0S and Spsc Data Shosts, Call our 2{ Hour Fer-Bacl Lln6: 1-800-551-2806 or Yisil ou? webslto: wrvw.tremcosealants.com nEfrtrA tilcoRpoRArED Ssalanlnf ealheryrootlng Dlvlslon 3735 Groor Boad . Beachrood, ohio. &1122 . Pionc: (?161 292-5000. (8001 321-7000 220 wlclsleGd Avoruc .Ioronlo, 0ll l||ilH 1c7 . Phone: (4161 /ffi-$m . (800) 363-3213 a"Fp[!!c.'n*n PRINTED IN THE USA 0399/35}351SD Jan O.l O2 O8: 59a S i crra l1lnagern.nt I nc Fax :979-g27-t- 9?O 926 (1283 Jul I2 'Ol 0r,:55 p.U? p.2 T I I I I aaaUaterproof lng, fnc, Uetll&r ?rdcrtrir Tnllc CortiulPdeln n rl+['ri innrlr vb':o r-smst rrctr* corhj rylo lo rbr 2rr cosalrbonicr Dey l; Cru&ins of t* psbjcrd *rdpri& i E&.-Drrl-dbbr* corr of VoLc:_.ry.y$?-*6!. "*r, -r*.r'Oroi.a t"iL-rrg arracc.Dry ! : Apply opoorr of Vl&or lS I rlfon "orif. !b rnilo dlo,red br u lcrl 4tboun eia couptdbn- hiciry ilcurr trlo Urf_iiiirri.* ," iielrro .ff .."rt 1 Norcr rrd Chrllcrthrcl. At gi'dh&.prcrriry ofvoirrrrodconucboof cc rar! .ro,n 6rr*rr't..r ul c -+ iFfi,ffi ",9n".mffffi:[:WrD'n D.r6@r€d Frorqr.ndrbnorl -,tLl t.*d&r*,ill Dr 6&rrla *orkutil dt conccior n-coolrra.2- A miainu of li of,rto rlctr ro * rirryec arct mb'tuin" tfd*rb!.|robilizrbnc m_n*'d rdd *50.00 ii cb.ddfdr, Dr'oJ; i: ffiJff-xftir;ei;$*;ffi ncl. o) lnrttl lr.|r b hntrl..-lt { fi.r-...,ft brarifs ril ba rtd0|Il tl_${ fr$;--d to fs .a: * aiFJ6: Na 30dayt lrlotc: ltb groml nri !. rrld.fi,n |ry ,, i?oa rno:gert rrbrh !!! rgl T I I I I I I I I I I I I I Addrr: f,O, Eo! 7Sa !!brrn,Co' tl6at JrD lYrn* Villrp €crrcr CcadoclD lYlbr Eridjc Rrt. J.n O.l O2 O8:59a S i crra l'lanegam.nt I ncfax : 970-827--q2o2 970 92S 0283 Jul 12 'Cl 0t:!E p,0.] p.3 v]l|r|m 3SOf35t it b Iffi,ffi'ffi 'dr'ffEh" 35At351 !/arepnooting system I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Warerrighc Decorative r Plazasr Decksr Boof Tecracesr Batconies rot; Mechanicaf Equipment Roorns Hi, Lasting FOT FEDE3?RIEi|: r'J/i0i'i 0a;!f :-\ti lliriJclrat?rvx )rvtl rSii-96?-r-Cf 6i:-5 to'z. ii..Inf Jan O{ O? 09:Ola Sicrr! Ilrnagcncnt Inc Fa\ | 97W7-qZg2 s70 926 0283 Jul 1? '0! 07:5 p.6o P-r+I I I t I I I I t t T I I I I T I I I iW ffif*nxnEmnH;ffi ,!* r Eir.nn'r o,.,, " TYP|oAL PlYwooo DErAfr Jdnt D.railll-Iralria{lt.Sattiart| l|ratt} rrbat"*,**"it?*nr* iggfiElfi-.* dHfrr:nrrr ;8! -t r.rb irt...t lUtc ffttl id prcprCer ilErconpoimDs.arm'% ffiffi#*ffi*-ffi tbfrffiaTm" lerfrr I#Ff#att 3C{ait.r I {/tU!,riEfi-tTE;-r tbrl.a{aal-taE lllJF- ||.t.o.aan i-.ft;r. Fa a.aT fr.it E O.a:td l'|9truaon $|.t| t'| rvrlr.bfe. (brrcr n,h(d ittrlcowL.n rnrttbr br turrrrrr rnbr-itffi'. -3@!o"ery o|t,lran ,iraa rr u.Br, I II SECTION 07200 T PART I - BUILDING INSULATION AI\D VAPOR BARRIERI l.Ol DESCRIPTION T A. Work of this Section includes furnishing and installing rigid and blanket and sound insulation I as indicated on the drawings and specified herein. I B. Applications of insulation specified in this section include the following: I l. Board-type rigid board building insulation.I 2. Blanket-type building insulation. 3. Sound-attenuation blankets.I - 1.02 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE A}ID HA}IDLING I A. Deliver materials to project site in manufacturer's original packages, with manufacturer's name, type and thickness clearly marked on each package. Protect from darnage from weather, I handling and construction operations before, during and after installation. I PART II - PRODUCTS I 2.01 RIGID INSULATION I A. Perimeter grade concrete building walls and under interior concrete slabs: I Type: Polystyrene foam insulation board I Conformance: ASTM C578 I I I I I Thermal Resistance: Thickness: R 7 per inch l. 2" on outside of concrete walls. 2. 4'(horizontally) under slabs inside exterior concrete walls (foil faced). 3. Full depth of firring elsewhere. K]993s.VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - B{JILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\O72OO,DOC f lnuary 4,2002 I I T 2.O2BATT OR BLANKET INSI]LATION A. Sill Sealer: Size: B. Thermal Blanket Type: Type: Thermal Resistance: Widths: C. Themral Blanket Type: Type: Thermal Resistance: For insulating under sill plates on foundation walls. Resilient fiberglass or mineral wool rolls. 6 5/8" wide x l" thick, compressible to 1132" For insulating exterior stud walls. Unfaced mineral fiber blankets Full depth at building exterior studs. As required to fit framing type and spacing. For insulating ceiling/roof cavities. High-density batts. R-38 I I I t I t I I t I I I I T I I t I I PART III - EXECUTION 3.01 COI{DITION OF ST'RFACES A. Examine surfaces to which rigid insulation is to applied for defects or conditions that will adversely affect quality of work. Concrete or masonry surfaces must be level and plumb, and free ofform oil, grease, wax or other bond preventative residues. 3.O2INSTALLATION K1993s.VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA . BTJILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\O72OO.DOC Jal;,tuary 4,2002 ) I I A. Above Grade Concrete Walls Insulation l.Install insulation board at inside face ofexterior concrete walls as described herein and I indicated on the drawings. Apply board horizontally against the wall bond to wall with spotr applied adhesive. Apply from footing to bottom of floor framing. B. Sill Sealer I 1. Unroll over top of foundation walls and punch anchor bolts through material so that- when sill plate is installed sill sealer will compress between concrete and sill plate. I C. Thermal Batt Insulation 1. Provide insulation at all exterior stud walls, attic spaces, rafters, first level floorjoists I as indicated on the drawings and specified herein.t 2. Do not install insulation until construction has progressed to the point that inclement I weather will not damage or wet the insulation materials. Install between framing members after all piping and wiring is in place, with batts on exterior side of all piping. Apply roof insulation I in ceiling joists. Insulate R-38 batts at bottom of floor/ceiling assembly where floor is exposed I to outside air, minimum 12 inches inside exterior surface. I 3. Seal all cracks and holes with foam crack sealers, follow all manufacturer's instructions. t Provide pipe insulation to any supply water pipes that are located within 24" of exterior foundation walls in crawl spaces or garages. ll r D. Vapor Barrier r l. Install 6 mil. vapor barrier @ inside face of exterior walls, ceilings, except in crawl I space, where insulation is installed- Lap all joints 4" minimum and install such that vapor barrier creates a continuous membrane. I E. Sound Attenuation Batts L Install sound attenuation batts in floors and walls as required to isolate bedrooms, bath I rooms, hallways, and laundry room, and as indicated on drawings. I T END OF SECTION O72OO KI9935-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AA,AA ^ BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\O72OO.DOC I January 4,20f2 3 I I I t I I r sEcTIoN 07240 - E.I.F.S. I PARTI-GENERALI r.OI DESCRIPTION I A. Work of this section includes furnishing and installing exterior insulated finish system as I manufactured by STO Industries. I B. The South and West Eleviations of Building C have wood siding that is to be covered I with a coat of the synthetic stucco. The new coat should be thick enough to eliminate thet visibility of the siding. Please notify Architect and Owner Representative if additionat - areas require additional coats ofstucco. r C. Patch and repair any areas of stucco that have degraded with age. Notify Architect and I Owner Representative before proceeding with workr D. Window and Door Trim - Provide premanufactured trim pieces that are attached via I manufacturers recommendations. See detailsI I r.o2 JoB coNDrrroNsI I A. Install in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations, particularly in regard to I temperature and thickness and installations over existing materials I PARTII-PRODUCTS I 2.Ol MATERIALS r Approved Manufacturers: - STO Industries-R-Wall System I Orapprovedequal I 2.02 SURFACE PREPARATION I In accordance with Manufacturer's instructions.IT 2.03 ADHESIVE I R-Wall Primer/Adhesive-B K;\9935-VILLAGD CENTER B AND C\AAA - BtllLDINc CLSPECIFICATIONS\0724o.DOC I olMayeE I I I 2.O4INSULATION BOARI) l# EPS insulation board Manufactured by a STO approved EPS molder. Thickness shall be l'. 2.05 GROUI\ID COAT R-Wall Primer/.Adhesive-B 2.06 FABRIC R-Wall Reinforcing Mesh 5-100. 2.O7FIMSH R-Wall Medium Finish-texture and color by architect. PART III. EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. All installations of STO Materials shall be performed by and/or supervised by STO Trained* Applicators. B. Under no circumstances shall any of the STO Products be altered by adding any additives, except for small amounts of clean water as directed on label. Antifreeze, accelerators, rapid binders, etc., are forbidden. C. A starter strip of STO REINFORCING FIBER MESH-C shall be applied to the wall at the base line using STO DISPERSION ADHESM prior to the instillation of the EPS Board, if the STO Full Thermal System is extended below grade (referto STO Spec BG 100). The starter strip of mesh is used to seaVprotect the bottom of the first course of EPS Board. It shall be wide enough to adhere 4" of mesh onto the wall, be able to wrap around the board edge and cover approximately 4" on the outside surface ofthe EPS Board. This procedure shall be followed at all exposed EPS Board edges as per STO Details (example- window and door heads and jambs). Directions for wrapping the starting strip and back wrap mesh around openings are covered in the Manufacturer's Instructions. K19935-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA . BI'ILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\O724O.DTJC 0lMay98 ,, I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I D. The EPS Boards are placed horizontally on the walls starting from a level base line. Stagger vertical joints and interlock EPS Boards at all inside and outside corners. Apply firm pressure I over entire surface of the boards to insure uniform contact (tamping is not recommended whenr using STO DISPERSION ADHESIVE). EPS Boards shall bridge sheathing joints by a I minimum of 8". All joints shall be butted tightly together to eliminate any thermal breaks in the I STO Full Thermal System-C. Care must be taken to keep any adhesive from getting between the joints of the EPS Boards. All open joints in the EPS Board layer shall be filled with slivers of I EPS Board or an approved spray foam. I Refer to drawings for details of radiused exterior opening retums. r E. The use ofnails, screws, or any othertype ofnon-thermal mechanical fasteners is not approved by STO Industries, Inc. I F. Rasping of the EPS Board surface shall be required to achieve a smooth, even surface and I remove possible ultraviolet ray damage. I G. Use of plastic or metal corner beads, stop-beads, etc. is forbidden. I H. The R-Wall medium finish is applied directly over the fabric, ONLY AFTER TI{E GROUND COAT HAS THOROUGHLY SET. The STO finish shall be applied troweling using a stainless I steel trowel, depending on finish texture specified. General rules for application of STO Finishesr are as follows: 1. Avoid application in direct sunlight. 2. Finish shall be applied in a continuous application, always working to a wet edge. 3. Weather conditions will be a factor in the application of the finish, as well as drying time. 4. Finish shall not be applied over caulk joints or expansion joints.II I. Provide temporary protection to the installation to prevent staining ofthe finish until exterior concrete slabs and gravel roofdrip apron (Section 02200) is installed. - J. Refer to drawings for exterior door and window installation details (doors and windows have r adeepreveal) I END OF SECTION 07240 K19935.VILLAGU CENTER B AND C\AAAA . BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\O?24O.DOC I 0lMay98 3I r I I I I K:\993!VILLAGE CEI*ITER B AND C\AAAA - Bt ILDINC C\SPECIFICATIONS\07240.DOC olMaygE 4 I I SECTION 07320. CONCRETf, ROOT'ING TILES I PARTI-GENERAL - l.Ol DESCRIPTION t A. Work of this Section includes furnishing and installing concrete roofing tiles, related I flashing, and fasteners as indicated on the drawings and specified herein. Review special t flashing at crickets, chimneys, etc. I 1.02 pRoDUcr, Df,LrvERy, sroRAGE Ar\rD TTANDLTNG r A. Deliver materials to the site in original, unopened bundles bearing product identification. I Store materials on raised platforms and protect with coverings. Store rolled goods on end. r 1.03 JOB CONDITIONS I A. Do not install underlayment or roofing tiles on wet surfaces. ! 1.04 GUARANTEES AND WARRANTIES I A. Contractor to warrant roofing and flashing to be fully waterproof and free from defects inr material and workmanship for period of three years from the date of Substantial Completion. I Roofing Contractor shall not be required to install any application the he or she does not I believe to be good roofing practice. Roofing Contractor to inform General Contractor of any such inconsistencies before submitting a bid or proceeding with the work. t B. Approved Manufacturers: Manufacturer: Westile I 831 1 Carder Court, Littleton Colorado 80125r t-303-791-1700 I -800-433-8453 PART II - PRODUCTS I 2.0I MATERrALS I Model and Color: Model - Slate Tilef Color - Buckhorn (To match Building A roof canopy) I K1993s-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA . BUILDING C\SPECIIIICATIONS\O732O.DOC I lanvary 4,2Q02 I I I Crickets: Nailers: Underlayment at Eaves and Ridge: Lacing: Underlayment (General): PART III - EXECUTION 3.OT CONDITIONS OF SITRFACES A. Roof deck to be free and clear of all foreign objects, dirt, grease, etc and dry prior to placement of underlayment. B. Contractorto prepare roofdeck as per underlayment and concrete tile manufacturers recommendations. 3.02 APPLICATIONS Concrete Tile: Veriff consfruction methods with Architect in the field. lX4DouglasFir Bituthene Ice and Water shield,40 millimeter thickness and concealed appropriate flexible flashing primer as manufactured by W.R. Grace Co. Nst-IIsed 2 layers Asphalt impregnated felt 30 lb./square unperforated. Apply tiles in accordance with I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I K:\993S-VILLAGE CENTER B AND CW',{A - BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\07320.DOC faruary 4,2002 ) I I I Underlayment: I I t safety considerations: t I SnowFence: I t END ox'sEcrroN oz32o I iliff;ll*i*.ENTER B AI'D c\r''itq'A - B'LDINc c\spEcrFlcAtoNs\0?320.Doc r manufacturerer's recommendations in straight courses. Apply underlayment over the entirety of the roof before applying shingles. Referto construction drawings for extent and location. Installation to be in strict accordance with Manufacturer's specification data. Coordinate installation with installation of copper flashing. Do not perform any work on the roof when surface is wet or shppery. Install, and remove after work is complete temporary safety railings at all eaves. Install steel snow fence per drawings - double membrane fl ashing. I I I I I I I I I SECTION 07600 - FLASHING AAID SHEET METAL I PARTI-GENERALI - l.Ol DESCRIPTION I A. Work of this Secfion includes all galvanized and nongalvanized sheet metal flashing and I sheet metal work, except duct work and other sheet metal for heating, ventilating and air t conditioning systems, as indicated on the drawings and specified herein. Sheet metal work IryAC systems are covered under SECTION 15 - Mechanical. T 1.02 REFERENCE STAI\DARDS I A. Conform to current edition of the following standard relating to work of this Section: Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA) Architectural I Sheet Metal Manual, Latest Edition and standards of the Copper Development Association. I I.O3 PRODUCT, DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING ! A. Bulk materials from which items are field fabricated shall have manufacturer's name or - trademark, gage number and coating class printed or embossed at frequent intervals to permit I easy identification. Store materials at site above ground in a covered, dry location. Handler sheet metal items carefully to prevent damage to surfaces, edge and ends. I 1.04 SUBMTTTALS I A. Samples: Submit samples of each metal required., review for color and finish only- t B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings of all sheet metal details. Show complete information I conceming installation, joint details, fastenings, etc. Where sheet metal is applied to other thanr wood surfaces detailed shop drawings shall include locations for sleepers and fastening strips required to secure the metal work. II PARTII-PRoDUCTS I Sheet Metal Flashins: I Roof Valleys: 20 oz cold roll Copper I Step Flashing (min. 6" X 6") and roofedge 20 ozcoldroll CopperI K1993s.VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\O76OO,DOC I January4,2002 1I I strips (min. 8" long): Fasteners: Fasteners: Screws and Washers: Copper Flashing: Belt Courses (stone): Fasteners: Steel Flashing: Metal Gage: PART III - EXECUTION 3.Ol EXECUTION A. Preparation: Screws appropriate for the intended application. Fasteners to be compatible with base material. Fed. Spec. FF-N-105B, Type II, galvanizednails, flathead, barbed, 12 gage x l " long minirnurn, all fasteners to be concealed. Galvanized steel, round head; neoprene weatherseal for exposed screw applications. 20 oz. cold roll copper. 20 oz. cold roll copper. Copper nails and copper screws appropriate forthe intended application. Brass fasteners may be substituted where installation will not be in contact with moisture. At all exposed flashing installations, including roofand exterior wall intersections shall be copper 22ga. Apply sheet work only to smooth, sormd, thoroughly clean dry surfaces free from defects and imperfections that could affect installed work. Field measure before fabrication. I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I K:\9935-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\07600.DOC Iamtary4,2002 ) I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I C. Expansion and Contraction: D. Soldering: E. Shop Drawings: F. Coordination: END OF SECTION 07600 K:9935-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BUILDING C\SPECIFICATTONS\07600.DOC Jalrtuary 4,2002 ? Follow general details shown on drawings. Work shall be executed by skilled mechanics, worlananship equal to the best standards of practice in modern sheet metal. Accurately form work to sizes, shapes and dimensions indicated and detailed, with all lines and angles in true alignment, shaight, sharp and erected plumb and level, in proper plane, without bulges or waves. Comers shall be neatly mitered. All fasteners to be concealed. Flashing to be eight foot (8'-0") pieces (minimum) or full length whichever is less. Carefully form all flashing for a neat, professional, finished appearance. Provide sheet metal with expansionjoints not to exceed 20' centerto center. Connect runs with copper slip joints. Neatly solder all joints, waterproof unless otherwise noted. Provide shop drawings for fabrications other than standard installations. Coordinate carefully with other trades including, but not limited to roofing, siding and masonry. B. Workmanship: I SECTION 07631 - GUTTERS, DOWNSPOUTS, and HEATTAPE I PARTI-GENERAL I l.ol DESCRrPTroNI I A. Work of this section includes installation and fumishing of exposed metal gutters and I downspouts, heatiape, attachments and accessories as required to insure an effective watershed system as shown in the drawings and specifications herein. I B. The gutter and downspout assembly, fasteners, etc. shall meet requirements as stated in Section 07600 Flashing and Sheet Metal. r 1.02 SUBMITTALS I A. Submit shop drawings showing layout, section profiles, anchoring and anchoring devices, and joint details. Please note where power for heat tape will be pulled from. I 1.03 PRODUCTS I A. Gutters and DownspoutsI 18 gage metal 6" diameter site assembled downspout with "Kynar Finish" (to match Building B) continuous rectangular gutter to match with heavy duty gutter straps and I femrles at 16" o.c. (max). Comply with SMACNA Architectural Sheet Metal Manual for gutter and downspout sizing and details, unless otherwise noted. r Include gutter termination caps. I B. Also included are drywells and drain pipes at all downspout locations. I l.O4INSTALLATION I A. Installation shatl be in strict accordance with manufacturer's specifications and conform to ' standards set forth in Architectwal Sheet Metal Manual published by SMACNA to achieve r proper installation. Install gutter level, downspouts plumb. r B. Coordinate with other trades. I C. Installation of gutters, heattape, and downspouts to be completed before final clean. I D. Heat tape must be working via connection to common area power at roof.I END Of,'SECTION 0763I t I K19935-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BUTLDING C\SPECI[ICA]IONS\07631.DOC r January 4,2002 I I r SECTION O79OO. SEALAIITS AND CAI]LKING I PARTI-GENERALt . 1.OI DESCRIPTION t A. This section includes joint sealers for the following locations: I l. Exterior and interiorjoints in vertical surfaces and horizontal surfaces as indicated I below. a. Control joints in unit masonry. r l i:Tfi:fffr,tffi:::Tf#l'; and frames ordoors and windows. d. Otherjoints as indicated. t i. IJi"li*. expansion joints in finish materials. t 2. Provide joint sealers that have been produced and installed to establish and maintain ertight and airtight continuous seals. I 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS I A. Referto Section 09300 Tile for sealing tile joints.I I.O3 SUBMITTALS t A. Submittals I l. Product data from manufacturers for eachjoint sealer product and color required, I including instructions forjoint preparation andjoint sealer application. 2. Samples ofjoint fillers, cleaners, primer, bond breaker tape, backer rod, etc. - B. Mock-up r l Prior to installation ofjoint sealers, apply sealantto small, concealed sections of I appropriate work for inspection ofinstallation and color, for all sealants to be used. r 1.04 DELIVERY AND STORAGE I A. Deliver materials to job site in manufacturer's original sealed factory labeled containers. I Polysulfide sealant containers shall bear manufacturer's name and product designation. Do notI use packages of materials showing evidence of water damage. I l I r I.O5 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Apply sealants when ambient temperahre is between 40 degrees and 100 degrees Falnenheit or as per manufachrer's specifications. Do not work when conditions or surfaces are such as will produce injurious effects in the finish work. B. Do not proceed with installation ofjoint sealers where joint widths are less than allowed by sealant manufacturer. PART II PRODUCTS 2.Ol MATERIALS A. General: Provide joint sealers, joint fillers and other related materials that are compatible with one anotler and withjoint subshates and conditions ofservice and application. Provide color of joint sealers indicated or as selected by Architect. B. Sealants and Caulking I . Application: a. Exterior vertical / horizontal movement unexposed joints. b. Exterior horizontal joints including concrete pavement joints. c. Exterior vertical joints at perimeters of doors, windows, and wall penetrations. I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I 2. Application: a. Horizontal joints exposed to gas including concrete pavement joints Type: Conformance: Consistency: Colors: Type: Conformance: Consistency: Color: 3. Application: a. Glazing sealants Type: Conformance: one component, neutral cure, silicone sealant ASTM C-920-79, Type S, Class 25, Grade NS non-sag bv Architect coal tar extended, fuel resistant Polyurethane sealant ASTM C-920-79, Type S, Class 25, Grade NS Shore A hardness of l5-35 by Architect one component, neuhal cure, silicone sealant ASTM C-920-79, Type S, Class 25, Grade NS 1 I I Consistency: ShoreAhardness of25-30 Color: bv Architect. - 4. Application: a. Interior sealants and caulking. I ::nn*mce: i#iHliTllffi,,,,,*,t 3:i:T:1"*'' ,"#ff:; I 5. Application: All exerior concrete joints. t Type: IGAS Mastic Sikaflax 405/406 I Backing Material: Extended closed cell polyethylene foam rod or other closed cell resilient material recommended by I approved sealant manufacturer. Material to be t nonabsorbent, nonstaining, and compatible with sealant. I Bond Preventative Polyethylene tape withpressuresensitiveadhesive one side. I Primer: Quick drying clear vamish thinned to proper I tr;#:Ifl#d ortvpe approved bv sealant I C. Joint Sealant Backing I A. General: Provide sealant backings of material and type which are nonstaining, compatible I withjoint substrates, sealants, primers and otherjoint fillers: and are approved for applications I indicated by sealant manufacturer. I PARr rrr - ExncurroN r Quick drying clear vamish thinned to proper consistency and of type approved by sealant t manufacturer. I 3.O2INSTALLATION I A. Sealants shall be applied by skilled mechanics under competent supervision. Follow I manufacturer's printed instructions. l3 I B. Clean all joints free of dust, dirt moisture, loose aggregate, paint, protective coatings or other contaminants. Immediately after cleaning mask joint and thoroughly prime all porous joint surfaces by brush. C. Make joint width 1/4" minimum to3/4" maximum. Make depth ofjoint equal to width, except do not exceed lD depth. Use backup material or bond preventive material to contol depth ofjoint and to assure that sealant will bond on two sides only, not on back ofjoint. D. Use guns with proper noufe sizc for indicated joint width. Apply sealant rmder sufficient pressure to expel air and fill joint solidly to indicated depth. Work from bottom to top or from inside to outside to avoid entrapping air. Immediately tool joints slightly concave to compress sealant into joint and assure complete contact for good bond. E. On exterior door and window frames caulk inside perimeter first, then caulk exterior top, sides and sill. Take care in caulking sill to allow I " gaps at vertical members and at each weep hole in sill members to allow weeping of condensate to exterior. F. Remove masking and clean surfaces adjoining joints of all smears or other soiling resulting from caulking operations. G. When gum consistency compound is used, prirne coat all surfaces in contact with caulking before application of sealant. END OF SECTION O79OO K:\9935-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BIILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\02900.DOC lanruary4,2002 4 I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I sEcrIoNoE6ro-wooDwrNDows T PARTI-GEIvERAL I.Ol DESCRIPTION T A. Work of this Section includes furnishing and installing wood clad windows and exterior glass I doors as indicated or scheduled on the drawings and specified herein. I r.O2 APPROVED MAI\ruFACTURERI S I Pella I 1.03 suBMrrrALS t I I I I A. Manufacturer's Data: B. Shop Drawings: C. Engineering: D. Schedule: Submit three copies of manufacturer's data. Submit shop drawings of for all head, jamb, sill, center mulls, etc. for all conditions. Window supplier shall provide engineered design for reinforcing design ofjamb, head, sill and transom connections. Submit schedule of all windows including rough openings and sizes offeatures. VERIFICATION OX'SIZING AND AYAILABILITY MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR I TO ORDERING AND ACCEPTANCE OF BID BY WII\DOW SUPPLIER GUARANTEES r A. Wananty: Provide 20 yr. seal failure and lifetime hardware guarantee. I PART rr - PRODUCTS I 2.Ol GENERAL I A. Refer to Window Schedule; all doors and windows to be clad with mechanically appliedt K19935.VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BI-IILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\O86IO.DOC I January4,2002 I I I aluminum with acrylic polyester finish. (Provide shop drawings.) Mullion covers are required in several locations, are to be provided by window manufacturer and to match adjacent window clad system and color @rovide shop drawings). Provide I 1/4" modern divided lights where indicated on plans and window schedule. I I I I I t I I I I I I I T I I I t I l. Color: 2. Locks and Operators: 3. Glass Width: 4. Cladding: 5. Glazing: 6. Jamb Extensions: To match existing. To match adjacent existing. AII windows shall be 5/8" insulating glass. Provide tempered glass where applicablebycode. All doors shallbe 3/4" tempered insulating glass. All windows & glazed doors shall be clad by a protective metal or cladding to match adjacent existing. All Glazing shall be "Low E". All glazing shall be for high altitude installation, 8600 feet above sea level. Tempered glass areas as required by applicable codes. Provide jamb extensions on all four sides or to match existing. Extensions to match adjacent windowjamb in species, grain and finish. B. Wood members shall comply with the "Industry Standard for wood window units I.S. 2-73' by the National Woodwork Manufactwefs Association (N.W.M.A.) C. Wood windows shall be constituted of clear ponderosa pine and trnfinished interior. D. Performance testing has been done for structural performance (ASTM-E331) and water penetration (ASTM-E331) with results complying to N.W.M.A. standard 1.5.2-73, Class B. E. Insulation glass certified Class "A" under sealed Insulating Glass Manufacturing (SIGMA), requirements ASTM E-773-81 test. F. Provide tempered glass where required by local and federal codes. K:\993S-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BLTILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\0E610.DOC January 4,2002 ) I I G. Provide screens (by window manufacturer) for all operable windows. t 2.02 *R'DUCT DELrvERy, sroRAGE ANDHATTDLTNG I A. Do not deliver until openings are prepared for installation. Store in a clean, dry, enclosure protected from extreme changes in temperature and humidity. Handle carefiilly to protect I surfaces and edges. I PART III - INSTALLATION r A. Installation per manufacturer's printed instructions, and comply with manufacturer's r specification appropriate for particular installation. Use extended jambs, of required dimension, I where aoplicable. I B. Windows and doors installed in wood siding exterior surfaces shall be installed on exterior I sheathing (with jamb extensions). I C. Installation for work of this Section is also referenced in Section 06200 - Finish Carpentry. D. Interior finishes to match individual units. Contractor to coordinate with ownerts I regarding interior finishes of windows sills and case. END OF'SECTION 08610 t I I I I I I K19935.VILLACE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BI]ILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\O86IO,DOC I January4,2002 3 t II I I SECTION 09250 - GYPSUM DRYWALL T PART I. GEI\IERAL I l.Ol DESCRIPTION I A. Extent of each type of gypsum drywall construction required, including water-resistant andr cementitious boards, is indicated on the Drawings and includes all work specified in this Section. r At Contractor's option, gypsum drywall can be used to meet Fire Resistive Requirements. I B. This Section includes the following types of gypsum board construction: I l. Steel framing members to receive gypsum board. t 2. Gypsum board screw-attached to framing and furring members. I l.o2 APPRoyED MANUFAcTURERsI r A. General interior wallboard and United States Gypsum Company, I cementitious backer board: Chicago Illinois 60660 or equal t 1.03 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AI\D HANDLING t A. Deliver materials to the site in manufacturer's original unopened containers, or bundles with I labels and directions intact and legible. Handle wallboard carefully to avoid abrading surfaces or I edges. Store materials flat, under cover, on level platform, with ends, edges and surfaces properly protected from weather, undue sagging and damage. Store adhesives in dry area, I Drotect against freezing at all times. - B. Deliver fire-rated materials bearing testing agency label and required classification numbers. t I.O4 SUBMITTALS I A. Provide four foot square mock-up sample texture for walls and ceiling for approval by the Architect. Do not proceed on any texturing without Architect's approval. Coordinate location of I mock-up w/ Architect. T B. Provide samples of each item, such as comer moldings, etc. to be placed in the project.II PART IT - MATERIALS I K:\9935-VILLAGE CENI'ER B AND C\AAAA - BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\09250.DOC I lamary 4,2002 II I T 2.01 WALLBOARD PRODUCTS A. Gypsum Wallboard: ASTM C 36, and as follows: L Type: type X. 2. Edges: tapered. 3. Thickness: 5/8". Interior wall and ceiling swfaces unless otherwise noted- B. Water-Resistant Gypsum Board: ASTM C 630, and: 1. Water resistant, type X 2. Edges: tapered. 3.Thickness: 5/8''. Interior wall above wainscot and ceiling surfaces without tile at Area2. C. Cementitious Backer Board: 1. 72" Durock or approved equ rr. Interior tile application locations in Area 2. 2.02 WALLBOARD ACCESSORIES A. Interior Wall Outside corners: radius conrer bead unless otherwise noted on drawings. B. Interior Wall Inside Corners: 90 degree comers. C. Provide samples for approval of all other accessories required for completion of the Work. 2.03 ADHESIVES A. Provide laminating or contact adhesives recommended by wallboard manufacturer and designed for the specific purpose intended. 2.04 JOINT TREATMENT MATERIALS A. Designed for use with gypsum wallboard and conforming to ASTM C 475, ASTM C 840, and recommendations of manufacturer of both gypsum board and joint treatrnent materials. Use perforated tape, joint compound, finishing or topping compound as recommended in writing by wallboard manufacturer. Ready mixed compounds may be used in lieu ofjob mixed materials. B. Joint Tape: Paper reinforcing tape, unless otherwise indicated. Pressure sensitive ofstaple- KI9935.VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\O925O.DOC la''J.wy 4,2002 1 I I I I I I T I I I ! I I I I I I I I II I I attached open-weave glass fiber reinforcing tape with compatible joint compound where I recommended by gypsum board manufacturer and joint treatment materials. I 2.05 Drying-Type Joint Compounds: I A. Factory prepackaged vinyl-based products complying with the following for formulation and intended use: t l. Ready-Mix Formulation: Factory-premixed product. - 2.Taping compound formulated for embedding tape and for first coat over fasteners and r flanges of comer beads and edge trim. I 3. All-purpose compound formulated for use as both taping and topping compound. r 2.06 TEXTURE COATINGSr A. Textured Finish: All exposed gypsum board to receive light troweled plaster finish, provide sample for approval.I PART III - EXECUTIONI - 3.01 w,ALLBoARD INSTALLATIoN I A. Condition of Stufaces: 1. Examine surfaces or framing to which wallboard is to be applied for defects or I conditions that may adversely affect executien, pennanence or quality ofthe work, and I notify General Contractor before starting work. 2. Nail / screw to framing per manufacturer's direction to accomplish the following I ratings:f a. Gypsum Board Application and Finishing Standard: Install and finish gypsum I board to comply with ASTM C 840 and FA-216. I b. Install sound attenuation blankets where indicated, prior to gypsum board' unless readily installed afterboard has been installed. I c. Located exposed end-buttjoints as far from center ofwalls and ceilings as t possible, and stagger not less than 24 inches in altemate courses ofboard. d. Install ceiling and walUpartition boards across framing in the manner which I minimizes the number of end-butt joints or avoids them entirely where possible. r Stagger joints at least 24 inches. At stairwells and similar high walls, install boards horizontally with end joints staggered over joints. I f. Install exposed gypsum board with face side out. Do not install imperfect,!damaged or damp boards. I K19935.VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\Og2sO,DOC I lzntary4,2002 3I I 3.02 FIMSHING OF DRYWALL A. Texture to be of light troweled finish to match existing interior cooridors B. General: Apply joint treafrnent at gypsum board joints (both directions: flanges of comer bead, edge trim, and contoljoints; penetations. fastener heads, surface defects and elsewhere as required to prepare work for decoration. C. Final finish: Unless otherwise noted all gypsum board exposed surfaces shall be taped and finished as required to accept paint. Final taped finish to be smooth. END OF SECTION 09250 K:\993s-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BUILDING C\SPECIFICATTONS\09250.DOC January 4,2002 4 T I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I SECTION O99OOPAINTING I PARTI.GENERALI - l.Ol DESCRIPTION I A. Work of this Section includes surface preparation, painting, staining and finishing of interior I and exterior surfaces. I B. Paint all exposed surfaces whether or not colors or materials are specifically indicated, except I where a surface or material is specifically indicated not to be painted or is to remain natural.r Paint all exposed galvanized surfaces. Paint all exposed to view gypsum board unless otherwise I noted. Contact Architect regarding any unaddressed surfaces in question. I C. Painting is not required on prefinished items, finished ;metal surfaces, concealed surfaces, I operating parts and labels except for touch-ups. I 1.02 QUALITYASSURANCE I A. Include the following on labels of each paint container: 1. Manufacturer's name and stock number, type and color of paint. I 2. Instructions for use and application and reducing where applicable Iabel analysis.I r B. Single -source responsibility: Provide primers and underoat paint produced by the same I manufacturer as the finish coats. I C. Field Samples: On wall surfaces and other exterior and interior components, duplicate finishes I of prepared samples. Provide full-coat finish samples on at least 100 square feet of surface. Simulate finish lighting conditions for review of in-place work. I D. Warranty: A warr:anty shall be required for a minimum period of three years. I 1.03 suBMrrrALSI I A. Furnish a set of color chips or manufacturer's color numbers after award of contract for initial t color selection. Architect will prepare a schedule locating color placement. After color selections contractor is to provide field painted 6" square sample for approval. I B. Stained or Natural Wood: Provide two 4" x 8" samples of natural and stained wood finish on actual wood surfaces. I K:\9935-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BUILDING C\SPECIFICA'I|ONS\09900.DOC a Jal,uuy4,2002 1T I 1.04 COORDINATION A. Examine drawings and specifications for work of various other trades, including electrical and mechanical. The painting conbactor shall thslerrghly familiarize himself with provisions regarding their painting. B. Surfaces to be painted are indicated herein and on the drawings. Consult Architect for finish ofany surfaces not specifically shown. 1.05 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND IIAIIDLING A. Deliver paint materials to the site in manufacturer's original sealed containers with labels and directions intact and legible. Store paint materials in a single place, to be well ventilated and to maintain a minimum ambient temperature of 50 deg F, designated by the General Contractor. Keep storage place. Remove all soiled or used rags, waste and trash from building area daily and take every precaution to avoid danger offue. B. Only storage are available at Village Center is exterior garage space with potential to be below 50 deg F. Contractor to provide additional storage if needed. I.06 JOB CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements:Do not apply paints when surface temp€rature is below 50 degrees F. unless otherwise specified. Do not paint exterior surfaces during damp, frosty or rainy weather, or until surface has thoroughly dried from effects of such weather. Avoid painting surfaces exposed to hot sun. During painting operations take precautions to protect floors, concrete, aluminum, glass, hardware and other finished surfaces from paint spatter, spillage, and other soiling. Upon completion of the Work, remove paint and vamish spots from floors, glass and other surfaces. B. Protection of Surrounding Materials: K:\993s-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\09900.DOC lanuary 4,2N2 ,l I I I I T I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I PARTIIPR'DUCT' I 2'or MANUx'Ai#il,H,"t I ffffi;*::'; I 2.02 EXTERIORPAINT SCHEDULE t A. Wood Banding:Elastomeric paint lx4 trim - Moorwood 0871-71 Center - BM Shelbume Buff I B. Exterior Wood Doors: nar I C. Soffit: Elastomeric paint l BM Shelbume Buff I D. Exterior stucco Elastomeric paint I SW Casa Blanca TWT SW2060 Hatch color - SW Barcelona Beige Trl\rT t iJ"3,li,lrn"*,, on erevations f E. Fascia and Corbels: Elastomeric paint Moorwood 081-71 f F. Wood Siding: na I G. Miscellaneous Metals (except omamental Apply shop primer, Sherwin WilliamsI wrought iron railings and gate): Gloss Alkyd Enamel, SW14 surface preparation, Ken Kromid Primer, 2 coats I X"g1sq" u Enamel' Color selection bv I H. Railing: Spruce Green Enamel Diamond Vogel I A2-6413 (Verifu color matches w/ railings t on Building A I. Wood Windows Elastomeric Paint to match new Pella I windows in Tan or putty KI9935.VILLACE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - I]UILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\O99OO-D(T I lanuary4,2002 3 I I 2.03 INTERIOR PAINT SCHEDULE A. Gypsum Drywall Surfaces B. Wood Floors and Stair Treads: C. Interior Wood Doors, trim at windows and wood doors, crown molding, wood trim, base railing, interior surface of exterior doors and colurnns: D. Primer: E. Finish: F. Miscellaneous Metals (including metal doors not provided by window manufacturer). G. NorthWest Entry PART III - EXECUTION 3.01 ST]RFACE PREPARATION A. General: Remove hardware, accessories, plates and similar items in place but not to be painted, or provide adequate protection, prior to preparing surfaces for painting. Remove Sherwin Williams Eggshell Latex Enamel, S-Wl I surface preparation, ProMar 200 Alkyd Enamel Undercoater, 2 coats ProMar 200 Latex Eggshell Enamel, color selection by Architect. na Elastomeric paint color per architect Oil base gloss vamish. 2 coats oil base satin varnish (sand with extra fine sandpaper between coats). Prepare sample finish for Architect's approval two weeks before initiating work. Shop finish d vamish. Provide field touch up. Paint green to match railing specification and doorway at Building B Touch up minor imperfections with spackling compound, finish to match adjacent surfaces. Dust down with clean painter's brush. I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I K:\993S-VII-LAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BIIILDINC C\SPECTFICATIONS\09900.DOC la'J,ary 4,2OO2 4 I I doors to paint edge if necessary. Reinstall items at completion of painting. Use only I skitled mechanics for removing and! connecting above items.B. Drywall: I C. GalvanizedMetal: I I D. Metal surfaces: I t E. Woodwork: I I F. wood Floor: Thoroughly clean with solvent. Coat with vinegar solution or solution consisting of four ounces copper sulfate in one gallon of water. Permit coating to remain on surfaces at least 12 hows. Dust offwith still brushes. Metal Surfaces shall be washed with mineral spirits to remove dirt or grease before applying paint. Wire brush or sandpaper clean rust or scale before painting. Woodwork to be finished with enamel or vamish shall be sanded smooth and surface clean before proceeding with application of the first coat. na I G. Unsatisfactory Surfaces Conditions: If any surf-ace cannot be put in properI condition for finishing by customary I cleaning, sanding and puttying operation, I notiff General Contractor for correction before proceeding or assume responsibility for and rectifu any unsatisfactory finish.I H. Sanding: Sand woodwork and metal between coats I i.l;t:nt:* sandpaper to produce smooth even I I. Undercoat Color: I Color of undercoats of paint to approximate, I but no exact value offinish coat. Suction spots or "hot spots" in surfaces after I application offirst coat shall be touched up , K:9935-VILLAGE CENIER B AND C\AAAA - BT ILDING C\SPECIF|CATTONS\09900.DOC I la ruy4,2002 5 I I before applying second coat.J. Putty: Fill all nail holes, cracks, seams, etc., with putty, tinted to match finish color. K. Edges: L. Protection: Finish all edges of doors and windows same as face. Protect paint work and adjacent work at all times by suitable covering. Upon completion of work, remove all paint spots from adjacent surfaces, remove all rubbish and accumulate materials of whatever nature and leave work in clean orderlv and acceptable condition. Assure that caulking has been installed before painting as appropriate. t I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I M. Caulking: 3.02 APPLICATION AIID WORKMANSHIP A. Apply materials in strict accordance with manufacturer's directions. B. Painting Contractor shall supply labor, materials, tools, ladders, scaffolding and other equipment necessary for completion of this work. C. Apply to the highest quallty standards ofthe industry, free of runs, sags or other imperfections. D. Surfaces to be painted shall be cleaned ofdirt and dust before painting is started. E. Protect completed finishes from damage by other trades. END OF SECTION O99OO K:\9935-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BUILDING C\SPECIFICAIONS\0990O DOC January 4, 2002 6 I I sEcrroNlozoo-'ENTS I PART I- GENERAL l.Ol DESCRIPTION I Work of this Section includes fumishing and installing new vents in all existing locations I as indicated on the drawings and specified herein. Dryer vents should open and close t automatically. I Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and local regulations. I Some vents are located in the wood banding. Coordinate wood banding cut out with I vents. All vents to be painted to match adjacent surfaces or surfaces. I 1.02 APPROVED MAIYUT'ACTTJRERSt rhis specincationisbased::#*5ffi:ffff1t' I I I I PART rrr - ExEcurroN I 3.ol rNSrALLArroN Install vents in strict accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions and as t indicated on the drawings and in compliance with applicable codes. Provide demonstration of operablity prior to acceptance of work by Architect. I END oF sECrroN lo2oo I I K19935.VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - I]UILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\IO2OO.DOC I ran\ary4,2002 I I PART II -PRODUCTS Vent Covers - see schedule ofvent sizes. Field verifr sizes and quatity prior to ordering. Accessories: Provide all vents, connections, tubing, caulk, supports, etc necessary fora complete installation. I I sECTroN 10420 -srcNs - DTMEN'T.NAL LETTERS I PARTI-cENERAL I.Ol DESCRIPTION I A. The Work specified in this Section consists of furnishing and installing one Building I Identification sign per TOV requirements only. I r.02 QUALITYASSURANCE I A- Signs shall be manufacturer baked enamel raised lettering. t PARr2-PRoDUcrs - l.Ol MANUFACTURER I Gemini Incorporated (or approved equal) t See attached cutsheet 2.Ol SIGNS t A. 12" Cast Metal Letter Helvetica Letter Style I B. Paint: baked enamel - Federal Green 0259 - must match railing color. I C; Sigr Information; the letter "C" I PART3-EXECUTION I 3.or LocArroN I A. Final Sign Location to be provided by Architect and Owner Representativer B. Submittal required two weeks prior to ordering I END oF sECTroN ro42o I K\993s^VILLAGE CIN'IER B AND C\AAAA - BUILDINC C\SPECIFICATIONS\IO42O.DOC t Jan:ary4,2002 I I I I I I I I T t I I t I I I t I I t t SECTION 15OOO GENERAL MECHAMCAL PROVISIONS PARTI GENERAL 1.OI SCOPE OF WORK A. The Contractor is to provide a design-build snowmelt system. 1. Work shall consist of fumishing all labor and materials necessary for the installation of complete operating snowmelt systems. Snowmelt sidewalks as shown on plans, coordinate with existing snowmelt systems. 2. Contractor to use existing boiler system without negatively impacting the existing heating system. 3. Owner Representative to review proposed design-build system before installation 4. Provide required piping line to driveway. Driveway to be snowmelted in 2003. Lines required for Boiler Room under new sidewalk to be install with this project to limit future sidewalk demolition. Coordinate with owner and architect. 1.02 CODES AND STANDARDS A. Comply with all applicable codes, laws, industry standards and utility company regulations. 1.03 EXAMINATION OF PREMISES A. Examine site and become familiar with existing local conditions aflecting work, such as obstructions, grades, necessary excavating or filling, before submitting proposal. No allowance will subsequently be made by reason of any misunderstanding with respect to existing side conditions. 1.04 COORDINATION A. Coordinate the work specified in this Division under provisions of Division 1. B. It is the responsibility ofthe Contractor to sequence, coordinate and integrate the various elements of snowmelt systems, materials, equipement, and the existing heating system.. Compliance with the following is required: 1. For coordination of mechanical systems, equipment and materials installation with K:\9935-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\15000.DOC Jan]Jary 4,2U)Z 1 other building components. 2. All dimensions shall be verified by field measurements. 3. Chases, slots and openings in other building components shall allow for mechanical installations, to be provided during progress ofconstruction. 4. Coordinate connection of mechanical system with exterior underground and services. 5. Mechanical equipment installations shall be such as to facilitate servicing, maintenance, and repair or replacement of equipment components. 6. Although such work may not be specifically indicated, fumish and install all supplementary or miscellaneous items, appurtenances and devices incidental to or necessary for a complete mechanical system. 7. Prepare drawings showing proposed arrangement of the work to meet job conditions, including changes to work currently drawn or specified. 1.05 EQUTPMENT A. Rough-in to locations as required. Provide valves on all pipes excep waste and vent pipes, plug or cap these. Final connections will by made by electrical contractor. 1.06 PERMITS FEES ANDNOTICES A. Pay for all permits, fees, licenses and inspections for this Division. Do not include the cost of tap fee for sewer and water or Gas Application Fee charged by the Utility Company. 1.07 FOIJNDATIONS AND STJPPORTS A. Fumish and install all foundations, basos, hangers, anchors, guides and supports for mechanical equipment, piping and ducts. I.O8 INSTALLATION AND ARRANGEMENT A. Install all work to permit removal of coils, shafts and wheels, filters and all other part which might require periodic replacement or maintenance. I.O9 NOT USED I.IO ACCESS DOORS A. Fumish access doors of type suitable to Architect and provide to General Contractor to construct into the building. Access doors should be provided in all locations where access is required. K:\9935.VILLAGE CENTER B A]VD C\AAM . BUILDINC C\SPECIFICANONS\I5OOO.DOC lanuaty 4,2002 ) I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r.lr rDENTrF'rcATroNS I f#.t" domestic cold water, main domestic hot water and all gas valves shall be identified by I 1.I2 FLUSHING, CLEANING AND sTERILIZING I A. After flushing, sterilize the domestic water system. B. Before final connections are made in the piping systems, all piping shall be blown out with I air and then washed out with cleaning compounds.I r C. All equipment shall be cleaned, including plumbing fixtures. All debris and construction t materials shall be removed from the premises. - 1.13 TESTING I A. Test all drain and waste lines with standing water test of twelve feet of head, held long I enough to inspect eachjoint. t B. Test all steam and water piping, before connecting to units, at 150 PSIG hydrostatic pressure. - C. Test gas piping under 60 PSIG air pressure. t P..11t tests required by code must be done, to the satisfaction of the local authorities having iurisdiction, before coverine. I " ou hydrostatic tests to o] n"o for minimum of six hours. Air tests to be held a minimum of two hours. r F. Owner Representative to be present (included) at testings I r.14 opERATTNG AND MATNTENAIcE INSTRUcTIoNSI I Deliver operating and maintenance instruction to the Owner on completion of the work and I instruct Owner in their use. I I.I5WARRANTYr A. All materials and equipment shall be new unless otherwise specified. Guarantee all I workmanship, material and equipment and replace any found defective without cost to theI K:\9935-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\t 5000.DOC I lanuary4,2002 3I I Owner, for twenty four months after final acceptance as defined in General Conditions. B. Each warranty for longer than the twenty four months described above (that comes with equipment used on the job) shall be passed onto the Owner with dates and end of warranty. 1.16 MISCELLAI\EOUS DUCTING A. Provide and install miscellaneous ducts for fans, range, dryer and other devices as required. Provide approved termination to all ducts. Verifu locations with Architect. Install per marufacturer's instructions. B. All ducts in exterior wall to be replaced. See Section 10200 1.17 SUBMITTALS A. Subcontractor to provide complete design for snowmelt system prior to beginning installation B. Submit certificates of final inspection and acceptance from authority having jurisdiction. C. Prior to submission, shop drawings, material lists and catalog cuts or manufacturers'printed data shall be tloroughly checked for compliance with requirements, compatibility with other equipment being furnished, accuracy of dimensions, coordination with work of other trades, and conformance with sound and safe practice as to erection of installation. D. Assist General Contractor in preparation of record documents. PARTII PRODUCTS 2.01 Materials and Equipment A. Materials and Equipment: Acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction as suitable for the use intended. B. Compatibility with Available Space: Equipment layouts shown are based on use of named equipment as specified. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for first ascertaining that the offered equipment can be installed in the space available with ample clearances for maintenance. PART III EXECUTION 3.01 Workmanship K:\9935.VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAJAA - BU]LDINC C\SPECIFICAT]ONS\I5OOO DOCJansary4,2}O2 4 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I A. Workmanship shall conform to highest industy standards for each trade involved in erection of the work, I WATERCOI\NECTIONS Not Used I PLUMBING FIxTTJRES - Not Used I HEATING SYSTEM I NotUsed SNOWMELT PIPING r A. General t l. Piping to be crosslinked polyethylene with an oxygen diffiision banier as manufactured by Wirsbo, Roth, Rahau, Stadler, Heat link or Unicore. I 2. Piping shall be installed in continuous loops, no splices allowed. Snowmelt tube diameter shall be nominal 5/8" and maximum loop length of 250'. Snowmelt tubing shall be placed I on 9" centers. r 3. The Contractor shall install the tubing as recommended by the manufacturer and spaced to t provide the requiredheat output. Tubing loops offeach manifold shall be installed in equivalent lengths <!SW. t 4. The contractor shall install manifolds as provided by the tubing manufacturer. The manifolds shall consist ofa supply header (including: balancing valve for each loop, I compression fitting to receive tubes, temperature gauge and air vent) and return headerr (including: manual shutoffvalve for each loop, compression fitting to receive tubes and temperature gauge). ! 5. Tube shall carry a twenty-five (25) year non-prorated warranty against faihne due to defects I in material and workmanship. The tubing manufacturer shall carry aliability policy of an t amount great enough to cover replacement cost of material, labor, shipping and incidental damages incurred due to a tubing failwe due to defects in material and workmanship. . END OF'SECTION T5OOO I KI9935.VILLAGE CENTER B A}ID C\AT{A. BTJILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\I5OOO.DOC I luluuy 4,2002 5t I I I SECTIONI6OOO-ELECTRICAL I PARTI-GENERALI I.Ol SUMMARY - A. Certain labor, materials, and equipment may bc fumished under other sections of these I specifications, by Utility Companies or by the Owner. When this is the case, the extent, source, t and description of these items will be as indicated on the drawings or as described in the specifications. r 1.02 coDES A]\rD REQUIREMENTS I A. Work under this Section shall comply with the requirements of General and Supplementalr Conditions of the Specification, along with all supplements and amendments thereto, as r published by the Architect. I B. The complete design and installation shall comply with local and state ordinances and codes, I the lalest edition, supplements and interpretation of the National Electrical Code of the National I Board of Fire Underwriters, and with the requirements of the local Power, Telephone, and Cable Television companies fumishing services to this installation. Applicable codes, ordinances, I standards and statutes take precedence where they are more stringent or conflict with ther drawings and specifications. It is the sole responsibility of the Contractor to supply fixtures and trim that comply with I applicable codes and to notifu the Architect of any discrepancy before submitting a bid. I C. Standards for Material and Workmanship - All material shall be new, and shall conform with I applicable standards of the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., unless otherwise indicated. Workmanship and neat appearance of the installation shall be on the same level of importance as I it's electrical and mechanical efficiency. Materials which are defective or damaged during the I course of the installation shall be repaired or replaced in a manner meeting the approval of the Architect and at no additional cost to the Owner. In acceptance of, or the rejection of the I installation by the Owner or his Agents, no allowances shall be made for lack of skill on the part - ofthe installer. t D. Work Included - All materials and labor necessary for a complete and workable electrical system, including smoke detectors, as shown on the drawings and indicated herein. Drawings for I the Electrical Work are not intended to describe a complete electrical system; omission of minor I items obviously necessary to accomplish the above intent shall not relieve the Electrical Contractor (hereinafter referred to as Contractor) from fumishing and installing the same. I K19935.VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BUILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\I6000.DOC I Januuy 4,2002 I t ! F. Light Fixtures: Per Luminare Schedule G. Smoke l)etectors - Commercial Specailists to provide any alarm coordination. 1.03 WARRANTY A. The Contractor shall provide for the Owner a 18 months (from the date of Final Acceptance) warranty of all electrical equipment and systems provided under this Contract, except for incandescent and fluorescent lamps and fuses. All defective equipment or materials which appear during the Warranty period shall be replaced or repaired by the Contractor in a timely manner at no expense to the Owner. 1.04 DRAWINGS AI\ID SPECIFICATIONS A. The drawings are diagrammatic and indicate general arrangement of electrical devices. Locations are approximate, except where indicated, and shall be subject to minor modifications as directed by the Architect. Approval of locations must be obtained prior to rough-in. Where minor inconsistencies occur between the Electrical Drawings and the Architectural Drawings, the Architectural Drawings shall take precedence in all cases. B. Refer to architectural, stucfural, and mechanical drawings as part of this set, and be responsible for all information contained therein as affects the electrical work. C. Instructions such as "provide ..." shall mean "Contractor shall be responsible for the furnishing and installation of completion in every respect." 1.05 CONSTRUCTION POWER AIID LIGHTING A. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to arange for and provide construction power and lighting, as required. Energy costs will be paid by the General Contractor. All temporary facilities shall be properly grounded, shall comply with the requirements of the National Electric Code, OSHA and of the serving utility and shall have ground-fault protection. B. Temporary Power only available at common area outlets. No power useage inside private units. I.OTTRENCHING A. Be responsible for trenching and backhll for electrical work. Backfill shall be done in accordance with Architectural specification. Contractor shall be responsible for new and existing buried utilities. K:\9935-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BUILDING C\SPECIFICAIONS\!6000.DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t Jnnu,,ry 4,2002 I t r.o8 suBMrrrAls I A. Submit shop drawings, product data, cut sheets, etc. including but not limited to:r l. All switchboards, panelboards. 2. Lighting Fixtures. I 3. Smoke Detectors. r PARTII-PRODUCTS I 2.01-2.05 NOT USED I 2.O6LIGHTING FIXTURES I A. Provide new fixtures and lamps as indicated on t}re plans and described herein. Fixtures shall - be fumished, pre-wired and shall be securely fastened in place in an approved marurer. Fixtures r exposed to weather, moisture and cold temperatures shall be suitable for such conditions. I Provide necessary supports and structural members required. All ballasts shall be internally protected by use of two intemal temperature-sensitive, non resisting protectors, G.E. I Watt-Miser Class "P" or equal. Ballast shall be Advanced Rel 3P electronic ballast. I B. Proper lamps shall be provided for fixtures and shall bear the label of G.E. or acceptable I equal. Incandescent lamps shall be rated for l25V operation except as noted. All fixtures, lamps,r and lenses shall be cleaned and free ofdust and debris, before Final Acceptance by the Owner. I C. Contractor shall furnish as part of this Contrac t a2ilYocoverage of every lamp type specified. Contractor shall also fumish to the Owner a complete list of lamp types and the nearest I distributor's name, address and phone. Provide (5) extra globes for any light lixture with I globes. Provide (2) extra Type A light fixture. t D. Fixture Schedule l. See attached schedule and cut sheets I 2.07 -2.I0 NOT USED I 2.r sERvrcE I A. Contractor is responsible for new service line to struchne as required. I 2.T2 SUBSTITUTIONS I K19935.VILLACE CENTER B AND C\AAAA . BUILDING C\SPECIITICA'TIONS\I6OOO.DOC I Ja[rary4,2002 3 I I A. If the bidder proposed to substitute equipment of manufacturers other than those specified, he shall submit written requests to the Architect ten days prior to bid date. Directly opposite each item substituted, he shall indicate the total amount per item or group of items which he will add or deduct from his base bid if his proposal is accepted. Failure to furnish such an itemized list will interpreted to mean tlat bidder agrees to provide equipment of the specified manufacturer(s). The itemized list shall include the mane of proposed manufacturer and the model or catalog number of each proposed item. In addition, the bidder shall attach catalog date, prints, diagrams, specifications, etc., as necessary to per the General Contractor/Architect to evaluate the proposed substitution properly. A proposed substitution will not affect tle determination of low bidder. B. Where the specifications and drawings state the equipment shall manufactured by one specific manufacturer "or acceptable equal", the Contractor shall, at his discretion submit proposals in the form of shop drawings for altemative equipment that is equal to that offered by the specified manufacturer. The General Contractor/Architect reserves the right to disapprove this alternative equipment if, in his4rer opinion, it is not acceptable in quality durability, appenrance, strength, performance, design, physical, dimensions and arrangement to the equipment offered by the specifi ed manufacturer. C. Where a Contractor proposed to use an item of each equipment other than specified or detailed on the drawings, that is acceptable to the General contractor/Architect and that requires redesigrr ofthe structure, partitions, foundations, piping, wiring, or any otherpart ofthe mechanical, electrical, or architecfural layout, then such redesign, new drawings, and detailing required for it shall be prepared by the Contactor without extra compensation. Similarly, when a quantity and arrangement different from that specified or indicated on the drawings the Contractor shall provide all ductwork, piping, structural electrical wiring and any other additional equipment required without extra compensation. PART III - EXECUTION 3.01 COORDINATION A- Coordinate all work with that of the other contractors on the job, and also with that of the Owner, in order that there will be no delay in the proper installation and completion of the work. Any cost for extra work or materials resulting from lack of coordination of work performed under this section shall be bome bv the Contractor. 3.02 DAMAGE TO OTHER WORK K:\9935-vILLAGE CENTER B AIVD C\r'irAu{A - BUILDINC C\SPECTFICATIONS\l6000.DOCJanuary4,2002 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I t A. Use every precaution to protect the work of others, and be responsible for all damage to other wort caused by work of or through the neglect of workmen under this Section of the I Specifications.I 3.03 CUTTING AND PATCHING - A. Carefully lay out all work in advance and where cutting, channeling, chasing, or drilling of I floors, walls, partitions, ceilings, or other surfaces is necessary for the proper installation, I support, or anchorage of raceways, outlets, or other electrical equipment, carefully perform this work, and any damage to the building, piping, equipment, or any defaced finish, plaster, I woodwork or metalwork shall be repaired by skilled mechanics of the trades involved, at noI additional cost to the Owner. Do no cutting, channeling chasing or drilling, welding of structural members of the building, etc., without first obtaining permission from the Architect. If I permission is granted, perform this work in a manner approved by the Architect. No holes shallr be drilled in rafters unless specifically approved by the Architect. t 3.0-3.0s Nor usED r 3.06 SPECIAL SYSTEMS I A. Not Used r 3.07 - 3.08 NOT USEI) t 3.oe cENERAL I A. The entire electrical system shall be left in a first class workable operating condition and work I shall be complete. I 3.10 CLEAN - UP I A. Remove materials, scrap, etc., relative to the electrical installation and leave the premises in a I clean, orderly condition. Any costs to the Owner for cleanup of the site will be charged againstr the Contractor. I B. Clean electrical equipment and materials of foreign matter. Clean light fixtures using only methods and materials as recommended bv the manufacturer. I 3.r LABELTNG I A. Provide labels and neatly typed directory cards for panelboard, fire alarm system (if K19935-VILLAGE CENTER I] AND C\AAAA - BTIILDING C\SPECIFICATIONS\I6000.DOC I January4,2002 5 I I applicable), and any special systems installed. Label mechanical equipmen! disconnects and starters, etc. indicate the general area and type ofelectrical load served by each circuit. Work shall not be considered Substantially Complete until these conditions have been met. 3.12 ACCEPTAI\ICE DEMONSTRATION A. Upon completion ofthe work, at a time to be designated by the Architect, the Contractor shall demonstrate to the Owner, the operation of the entire electrical installation, including any special systems provided under this Contract. Provide instruction manuals for equipment installed under this Contract. 3.13 TEMPORARYWIRING A. Remove temporary wiring, outlets, etc., when job is complete. 3.I4 AS BUILT DLECTRICAL DRAWINGS A. Deliver as built electrical drawings to Architect after completion of the work and prior to final acceptance as outlined in Section 01000. END OF SECTION 16000 KI9935-VILLAGE CENTER B AND C\AAAA - BUILDING C\SPECIFICATTONS\I6OOO.DOC lznuary 4,2N2 6 I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I