HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5E LOT K VILLAGE CENTER SIGN LEGALProject Name: Village Center Temp Sign Project Description: Sign Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel. 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DRB030224 Participants: OWNER VILLAGE CENTER ASSOC 06/16/2003 Phone: 124 WILLOW BRIDGE RD VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT HIGHUND BUIL"DERS CORPOMTIO06|I6|2003 Phone: 4764458 Kirk 2598 Palmer Park Blvd. Colorado Springs, Co 80909 License: 208-A Prcject Address: 122 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: 124 Willow Bridge Road Legal Description: Lot: K Block 5E Subdivision: VAIL VILTAGE FILING 1 Paroel Number: 210108225003 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprcval: 06/18/2003 Conditions: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0005939 That the sign information is limited to 50o/o of the total sign area pursuant to ll-48-17 , Temporary Site Development Sign , Vail Town Code, Planner: Judy Rodriguez DRB Fee Paid: S70.00 tlFi| ,;c.cEigJ lt ,)ffI I t f \L,. Jr{C' r . L; 1 o Application for Design Rw General I nformation: All proiects reguldng deslqn review must rec.lve rppruvel priorto $ibmiung a.buirding pefinit appllCAtion' flQase refcr !o fie $bmittal 1.oquirctnentt ib, ittJpattc,jfti' approval that is rcqpesieO, An apptrcton tuf Design Rcvjcw e,rrot u" accepted uffiii all €q;;J'1il;fi;ltiori is riieived bv thc communitv Development oepaftmert" The project may alrc nccd to be E/i-;; bV U,1i f*n Council and/or 01e Plannlng and Envimnmenbl Cornmissloo' D€$gn rcvtew rpprov.t tap6ee ;;L;i i iullAing p€ffilt ls'i'sucd and con'tru€tlon trn ines widtin one tear of tlrc approval, Deicraption of thr Rrquest, TEL\ft:'eAAi 5tTtr DE( fLcppl,Nf 9i6N t-o...tionofthePropocal: Loh-LK-Bb.r.;5( SubdivFionl \'rLtAhU cUNfLt l5r FlLiN6\ Physical Addrces: t Parcel llor 'Zi c I c6 'L Lq c C )(Contect Eagle Co' Ass€ssor at 970'328-8&f0 for parcd no') iew Dcoorbnent of Community oevelopment 75 Souur rronuge Road, Vall, Cotrado 81657 tel I 970,479,2139 fa}.: 970,479,2452 w€b: h,ww.c . vail,co'l.ls Zonlng: ilanqs) of owncr(c): llai[ne Addrc$: Orrn{s) slgnere(r): N.m. d ApClcant: l,lalllng Addrcss:2-)qe LMTTZ Il i E-mail Addrwc: K 5ign5 tr C.onaeptual Revlew tr Ncw Constnrtiontr Additlon tr Miflor Akonuon ( multi-famiV/commerclel ) n ilirrr AhErauon (rin€lefamily/dupex) tr Chang€s to Apsoved Plans tr Separaton ReqLnd .((ATtL}l tvrlLir( h€tO^€ 4tl2 v Atv lu. 'J-3 t /J .'z--7- N,) €izt .?/*irr. .i '/7 c 7b k t ft-l1igi,1l <td 11uil&is , cctu \pe of Review end Feei $50 Plus $1.00 pcr rquarc foot of tohl sign !re8. No Fee t550 For con*ruclon of a nevr buiEing or demoir€bulld' +:OO For an addition where squafe fodage 'E ndded to.any resld$tjal or commetEal building (lndudes 250 addidons & Interlor con\'€rslcns)' $250 For minor dranges to butldlngs ano site imProvemerits, sldr as,' remoflnE, pairitir€, whdow additions, landtcaPlng, fencps and tetainln0 wBlls, etc' $20 For mlnor dranges to buildhgs and slte imProvemslB, s"dt as, ;;;ffi, pain-tins. windoilr aaditions, landseaplnE, tunces and r€tainino wElls, etc' $20 Fcr ravision: io plans atrcadv appnwed by Planning Stafi 0r fie Dosign Rcview Board' No Fce For Offlce Use Onlv: Fee Paio: - -AO :- at*.uo.: (a @4- tyt ApClca0dl Date: Phnner;- RECEIVED JUN I I 2003 r'li]Y.ee.26tr3 11:oECN l'l0. 348 F .-r.'4 TO1WOF SIGN APPLICAT'OAI STIBiIITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information Thls applietion is fOr any sign that is tocated within thE Town of Vail. Specific requirernarts are avaihble from the Department of Communlty Developrnent. r. srrBt{lrTAL REQUTREI.IENTS Name of Businessi Building name and physical addressi Wrrtten approval from condaniniurn associationr landlord, and Jolnt owner' if applicable' Type of sign (check all that aPPiY): A. A lJ. qF€estEndtng sEn QWatl sign QHangirp / Prgjecting Sign EDisplay Box trDally spedal Board QJoint Directory Sign QSubdivision Entmnce Sign tr tuildlng Identifkation tr Murdl tr Window Sign tr sign Program nGas Filled/Fiber OPtic ATemponry Sign tr Other Number of signs proposed: Sign messager I (t:tJ'tr-€tr'i f.-N'C t f5( i) Slgn and letterfng dimensions for cach proposcd sign (attach e COloreC scaled sclr€matic drawing @ th" = I7; 2't ' l' 'C"' -. .. - Length or businesE ftontage: Heighr of sisn(s) ftom graae: E' Tt TJ ( . - Sign Location (atbch a site plan and an elevathn drawing or a photggrdph clearlY tndtcathg the proposed locagon of sign(s)):,. ':t-L ENZ !.'.5L2-]:rulc l4ateriab and colors of sign (altlch se mp'es1: l'lr sd'tuii c'Lj CL XiRZrMi Slgn llghung ptan: . o Ind-Eat€ type, location and number of RKures.q hclude heght above grade, lumens output, luminous arca- a Atbch a cut shect for each proposed fixturc. Drawings showlng how and where the slgn or awnlng wlll atbch to the buildi;rg and how the awning wlll be constuteo. Number of signs exlstln€: tl,-\/E. C H. I. 't K. L. Page 3 of4/01/10/02 FFY.ee.aEES 1A:59CN t"r0.36 P.?j4 JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEII APPROVAL I,TTTER 4Ltftbe* a2-,u782-- T0r4'ilm descrhUon).VruL&6r.- CU1\i ii-tz, { 74 tr/ t li ov.i Rt? t tf,SC-. r( D a joint owner of property located at (address/legal provice this letter as written aoproval of Se plans dated which have beeJ submitted b the Town of vail Commrniiy Delel@fl€nt Depaffnent for the proposed improvements to bc cornpletcd et the address noted above, I undecta nd that the proposeci improvernents includc: I further understand that minor modifications rn6y be m6de to dre phns over the course of tfre review pracess- tc ensure complianc with the Tovrn's €pplicabl€ codes and r€Eulations. t/rt4('; /'9-''714 r-.1/ 4^LrL sffi.nq //*Z \,\,1. CAZ?LN|LIZ , rt)t>< \' luAdY (t |,t;ftV A stofrd (cN\ '1.ry- ,../..r-"-4 2-z,c a (Drte) ?t:tcLc., hlI x{1- 7r(r{ lraBe 2 of4/01/10/02 s;&#!#,; 'al a i I ! t i I ll '.r' . .: \,r/ruoW gPtW6 ("+v E\z ..J:::r ii- ,;t,, .."i:ri:' FU rI]Ff-lFF-{U& &oF oU &r!z Fo a FrzH l----l -Io-xs ZERr&+ =$HXE +r E E'E2=E F{FIr!rs Fdst' II - \ € cr) X O @ C) Ooll -: j'o)N cr) : i 6oo F6 Erf'O 5 = ;q.- /i = P-f r|'af EdoEr dI\C{ =l-n o -f rl) € = HRPE;OFE EH=-ctI IEl l- CJ I EBqu, -f Ui, = n'r'l t;tl:f-r.---E lqiT{""r --1.:1' rll : 1^ Project Name: Prolecl Description: t ll*Date .7 5z trJ Project Application + 2- d r rn -for tiu u{u, Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: 4rr 1 /( /u"y'z z 6r / r s Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - ott-z- -Da e --7-(*-e'7 / Com ments: d,L/ "V,ll,./nJLz-+.- / €z- 4,fr-( >-oP, (ar.(u*s' --+ 1 'r/L9-2 / A,LL)., a4-/J I r<- f),-Jl ,1 J <. t1 .c a D ISAPPROVA L Design Review Board APPROVAL ,/t+-o C o u-,eu-*,7 Su m mary: Town Planner . / t-D^t" /tf 6i/q/ E Statt Approval iIllt.)'/ Best coPY Available I NEil()CT F'.:r 1 51991 l44lA'PLICATION DATE 3 r cH /I,llnINp A.PFI,ri+TIQE (9le as e NA$E OT NA}'IE OF }DDRES S NAME OF ADDRE99 gIGNAfUIU LOCATION OF DE$CRI P? ION Prlnt or PROJ!CT Of OWNER PR0,IECT OF PRCJECT THE FOLIJOI{ING INF0R."IAIION Is BEe!.i3Eg FOR SUBMITTAI, EY TH6 NPPIIETNT PRIOR TO THE RIQ''JESMTNE-SCI]EDULED BETORE THE DESIqN BSVIEul BOAFD, A. DESCRIPTION PRO.'ECTING, OF TIIE $ ISN/A'WN*ING ETC) , INCLUDE SIGN (FBTE $TANDINO, ?IALL, MESSAGE, X *// B,SI6N OR AWNING I{ATERIAL $IZE lpl\\ F*q( bLbh, uJ@f bla? /O,Lfi [,] n.'i )i , '"' hLll HEIO}iT OT SIGN ABCVB 6FADE DESCRIBE IICI{TING (EXISTINC LENGTH OF BUSINESS TRO!iTAG5 (TT) CoNDoMINIUM ASSoCTA?i0N AppnovAr, . _... (Ai?Ac.,.r{) ,__ FEE! $20,00 PIJUS S1,00 FER SQUAnE FOOT 0F grGN AREA,.PAID *.__* CHECX N0,DATE- Rg0utREp,,MTE{lArS -$U5t4rTLEp.$1T3, Appl-rcAltON,A,, rrl_.', o.*'' l, -JZ_- Co:,orsd sca ls drawlng -.i. l. e,- Sample of propcsec mi'.eslrls v,6, --aZ-. Phor.og;aph of-s:,gn lf availablc f,):', l, *-- sltc Flan J'; '-5 2, g- Elevatlons shorlng exac'. trocatlon gf Flgn ot awn inE on r-he bu i ldlng 1, *L rncuoiriprri ir^'iwing-iioposed locarlon ^'n't!'r-'tv,' 1, -JZ-- Coiorgd scald drawlng ^,i.. i, nl'( 8t, ra lor s"l" ,ek,- U^ t .,l"t''tJI?c n- -R -'lLrtj,,.!q_ th t H I -r; '/. a tJ $nowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive 303 476-2201 Vail, Colorado 816s7 '..- .?rlqd HAlrIHalvH -" UAAldhrW WpAao? uxudtAd N$/, 2fr 4U^F9 fe?fUWPa? atytila'fTa lHA./", WgtlqA :- I ' hl-all r EM:KJH'*Y&=- ':l- L 4wufiEtr/m4^2't htqn alA?dalod 1t QWldtJ I :tt\\J t\\lL r.Tr N z.s $ :J -\$ \ s f, \i ST I I i -tt Vt\1'- Q\/.n' lP Ll-\N VtUtlagwbeffier I:lrztvtau4--f?rtstT fvqugzt' t 11 7'%,(.a*e'p AVfrA A(ff&H?,O'fa AuffHf, QttPtl I?%TAb o?AaEF-VI Zr(tV7: +/qn e lt -sf 5, At N o { ,{ IH d oF rfo'o t<llo lotz (ol|()' s td [*dl4 tdls > loI| -{, J& I3rr! r-ol-FJ ]F-tf-s5g drtl-FJ -0 d 'ooN.F ul x or) a. \-., II F d0\{\|Fr, ^l( IYl r' J J 0 a.l 2 o d +- $t .n u rd d o d J 0 ..t z 0 { M FI .l -(OrQ'-.icio( ol tian rlGJ( l'-n\i'rli,l io.tl io lrlll rO. ;rir It{r \i {r. i: r' S) -i_ '*]$'tt(o iE$ .!r \: d;e}s!s '!F F ( T,$ rJa a st 7I F vrz4 Nl- .0 s \ G $- N FN \ \\N 4 -.\J N \'L--;! !'- )"- AlJi* *, li. .._.E-.$_il "r \:'. FFfg* ii ,.-,\ \i.r1{*- ii I ""' t-""', 2.. ,Uo 'rr i- 5tro!th rlat{J L0/22 KP: Re: Village Center Directory Signs The Village Center is proposing upgrading their existing directory sign and adding another to the east. The existing directory sign is on TOV l-and (see attached revocable permit). Can the sign be upgraded without signing another permlt? Betsv OI.INER OF PROPERTY 'j l1 APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE A STRUCTURE ON A ri nt PERMIT T0 ERECT 0R MAINTAIN Fence PUBLIC RIGHT-0F-[^IAY Nal l -Landscaping l- 0ther Fred Hibberd NAME 0F APPLICANT_ Samc That the structure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclu-sive'ly to the land above described. That.the permit is limited specifically to the type of structure described jn thisappl ication.3. That the applicant shalI notify the Town Manager, or his duly authorized agent, twentyfour hours in advance of the time for corren.6r"nt of construction, in order that properinspection may be made by the Town.4' That the gPplicant agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Town of Vajl from andagainst all claims,^suits, damages, costs, losses and-e^penses in any manner "eiuttingfqot:.arising out of, or connecied with the erection or maintenance of the aboveidenti fied structure. 5' That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment, obstruc-tion' or other structure constitutes a nuisance, destioys or impairs the use of theright-of-way by the public' constitutes a traffjc hazari, or ttri-properiy-upon wnicnthe encroachment, obstruction, or structure exists is required toi" uie ov ine public;- 9!" it may be revoked.g! any time for any reason deemed sLitt.i"i"ni uv-ine"rown of Vail.6. That the appiicant wil.l reirove, at his L*pJni", tn. en."ou.hment, obstruction, orstructure withjn ten days after receiv'i ng'notiie of any revocation of said permit.7' That. the applicant agrees to maintain any iinaiiaping issociated with the encroacnment- 9n the right-of-way.8' That in the event said removal of the encroachment, obstruction, or structure.isnot accomplished withjn ten days, the Town is hereby iutnorizea to remove same andhave the right to make an asseisment against the pii,p"itv and coliect the costs ofremoval in the same manner as general ia*es a"e-.5iilituo.9' That-the perm'it so issued is n5t isslgnabie, una-ir isiuea solely to the undersignedappl i cant.l0' That,the applicant has read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forthin this application.ll. Specia'l conditions: LEGAL DESCRIPTI0N 0F PROPERTY T0 BE SERVED: LOT K BL0cK 5E 5g39. First Filing(If necessary, attach descript.ion on separate Corner lot_ Inside lot_ r , ,, r^ | DEscRIprI'N 0F srRUcruRE 0R rrEM(s) rnro RrGHT-'F-r.rAr lft*{TY"nd snow ,ro.un.*ffi*oAttachplansshowingencroachment,property.l.ine,s.ia, meters' manholes, any.other affected aiurti:nance in the piojeii;;;, i6;;itl"o, ADDRESS 155 East Meadow Drive dimensioned) and section(s) as weil as'erevations iii ipbiilaure). []oes structu!"e presently exist? Proposed date for conrnencement of construction In consideration of the issuance of a revocable permit for the structure above indicated,applicant agrees as follows: l. /.. gn atures Manager Et12Z c7 ?ELY \ q ,ttl' CLIRB ANDC ITTtrtr I'r 1d ') /r. ) i r r,'.-AL - RE-OCATED EXJSTIf!G \ /lr I\/t! : /\l^t-v | -u /--1 \JL ar l\J')tL- .r.ACE QTI ra a,^ SOD LAr.':' 6 F.-r51 /, : ST i_OAD ilc tii: RTh -(irF.l',ic,,E FXtSTlrli TRAJSFORMFR _\V,, ,(.c 1Nv-t ..1 '/. f, ?- r-i.' - - 1 .rt: tr. '/ttt'' \/tr I ^,:tr ctrt'ITERv l'-l--i \JL- vLr r ^ rlt ^,r!^ n \_-"ANT'QUE" LAMP 8 POST -r_ trY,<1 TRAT\ RE-O:A-l'Et) EX:STiil3 TRII'ISFORM:R BUILDIIIG',.'/." 2-:2L1 IALS A in Z;^,i-" -- _---- PLANT BED OF ANIiUALS & SFi'JBS \l ANTiOUE LA]'/P B POST f a ' tr a-t ^ . Ir- U'Vlr i lL n - u,! ^,r-' T . .iiP.-- | l!,,4 / Project Application la fo/ l-Q-4rT< z<-Prolect Project Contact Name: Description: Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Arch ilect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Co m ments: B lock Filing Zone - Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded APPROVA L D ISAPPROVAL Oo /Ha^/f' S -9 Summary: "t /o'/'- Town Plan ner,^", )tfz"f ql E Statt Approval €p' id: ;'N " {, ''* {*1 '' \ 1,',, .T \'€\ ",l; b rn @ g @ '..\\ 1 t il:3 ^r^r.',,!^ ii.A tz,, (*sct ou-7) foEEe_gou rrlD €i/FR( r€gl1 E6Ar$o ;.rGYg lAl:rco rN aARr ^^!.Is?'.kD ytr'to,-,j ?r"d*l shadrnl 3;JJ3.:" *reouN D n(cx, u5rN6 6RF)AN D DA(K ^'!u.sVh'trD ) ef\oro irlt,l i ]=l : 'I ,l' "r _'-i ;tI I ,ALl- PAtu15 9Ar vT6o rrtboe *r r Eo N 6ATi: W I T|+ Lltrr]|