HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5E LOT K VILLAGE CENTER FIRE ALARM UPGRADE 2003 LEGALAPPTICA 75 S. Frontage Vail, Colorado Rd. 81657 Fire Alarm shop ittal and must i Application \ INFORMATION Fire Alarm Contractor: Ca ram erc,h / ffe t )a litfr lvctTrr,l of Co/a ' Town ofVail Reg. No.: /6 t _t Contact and Phone #'s: -/,o// h/a1a er /n ro\9, j ^ 7 / on E-Mail Addresst Cerrttp"egc @ ae/. t orrt Contractor Sisnature: --dA d; COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materials(Labor FireAlarm: $ f3q.2 f,A OO Adt\oit\."A. Cr-"-H^- B\\t s,=, \)'. \\.6,- \* Contact Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Eryllf ztotoTzDamr - zto)ogz08 ozq Job Name: llitlaae Cenftr- R-it/iat B JobAddress: ,t, r,tt,1/ev t7r;rQ" pi/. Legal Description ll Lot:Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: owners Namei l/,-t/.re Ga*tlrL.ll Address:Phone: Engineer: ,?/4 Address:Phone: Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #)hr';r. Fildi'tjt Detailed description of work: VPfrad(n2 €/1ft/e €;r, o/ot/rn fYtfrt/l WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel({) Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) MultFfamily(7tfl Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No, of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 2 f ll No. of Accommodation units in this building: 4'f Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes $/ No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes 0d No ( ) ,'**'t*'t**tr*tr**rr**tr*'t**rt*,!**rr************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***********'t*,1**t ******************** \wail\data\cdev\FoRMS\PERMmULRMPERM. DOC 0712612002 I $ ,} -iIt*' Commercial Specialists of Western Colorado, LLC. Data Sheets For Village Genter Buildings A, ryand C { i' @toTrFtER"$ruesco rcr|F=nffirvtruffiV.ft I Table of Contents AIIP-200 Analog Fire Panel.. -.'.....'Section I LJDACT Universal Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter... ... ..Section 2 FCPS-24S6 Power Supply... ..........Section 3 PS Series Batteries... """ ""Section 4 o PS-1270 Battery FMM series... ""'Section 5 o FMM-l0l Mini MonitorModule - Gentex 9000 series ..'.section 6 o 9120 HF Smoke DetectorI' MDL Spc Module... ..........Section 7 Spectra Alert Series ... Section 8 o Y2,415 Horn / Snobes o P24ll0K Weatherproof Horn / Strobe o Hl2l24 Horn Onlv o WBB Weatherproof Backbox .* I Decernb€r 13, Ar01 DN-37&t. A-.t06 NOTI FI ER'Anclog FIre Ponel S€clion: Inlelligont Fire Alarm C.onbol Panels @ no76s0oa G1) Calilomia Stale Fir6 Marshal 7165-0028:1il --+*\. Approved 1. i, a GENERAT. , The AFP-2@ is a compacl, cosl-€ffecliv€, int€lligent tire' alarm control wilh a capacity ol 198 individtnlly identilied . and controlled poinls and an exlensive list of powoaM fea- lures. The AFP-2OO provides capabilities that exc€€d most large inlelligent systems, at a-cost compa.abl€ lo @.rven- tio.El control pan€ls. FEATURES. 198 intelligenl device capaclty (99 analog detectors and 99 .monilor/control modules). Style 4 ,6, or 7.. Overall 301 poinl capability (198 ir ollig€nt pointrs, 4 pro. gramnuUe NAC chcuits. 99 programmaHe relays).. Nelwork ready (relereace)l0Tl. FlBE.llET" andJVAM- 232 dala sheets tor more intoniation).. Intelllgent featu.ca:y' Manual s€,nsitry aqushenl. / DayNight aulomatb sansitivity adjustment.y' Drift contpnsation (U.5. Patent Pending) meets IJL rcquircmanE as a calibnted test instrumant.y' Auto detdot test (mee/6 NFPA nLy' Maintercrce aled (awo separa,le algotithms). t/ Pre-alatm (AWACS|y U-5. Patent Pending). ./ Aclivata l@al stMar base on pra-alarm.y' LED blink contml lor sleeping areas.y' Automalic device type check.. Releasing fealures:y' Four independent hazards.y' Sophistiated c'ioss-zcn e (tfuee qtk t s)y' Delay thner and Okcharye timeis (adjustable). ./ Abott (fwt options).. Optional DACT. with AC fail delay.. LCD€o remot€ display/control.. ACS annunciators (ElA-485), induding U)M qrstorn.. Prioler inlerface (80-column and 4Gcolurn printErs).. 5.0 A usable regulaled oulput power, plus 6.0 A expander (maximurn 8.0 A to panel cirorits).. 8o-charader LCD display, backkt.. ReaFtime c{ock, with European lonnat option.. Hislory fila wilh 65o-ev€nt capacity in nonvolatile monrory. lncludes non-erasable shadow his{ory.. Waterllorv or sup€rvisory soleclion p€r point.. Alarm Verifbation sel€clion per point. witr trally.. Walk Test reports two dsvices s€t to sarne addr€ss.. Posilive Afann Sequence (PAS) P.€signal pt t/FpA72.. Silence inhibil and Auto Silsnco tim€r options.. March timeftemporal€alifomia code for bdl circuits.. Field-programmable on panel or o4 pC, with userd€tinsd passuords, plus Auloprogram t€efure.. UL Listed mod€m interfac€ allows remole/off-sit€ slrstem inlegralion. lloTl.flAE.IETtr is a lradermlk o{ }{OTIFIER..1994. ^4, .^. =a af l rf r_'-rl /)ld\I Ut | ilil1.t r(anil\ 6-L ' \-L-l l lt|cl!,,,\-7 \7 E5trsrE' #.!!irt MEA u.s.coastGuard lO4_93-E Vot. Vt 161.OOUZgt1 (noltar rcl€aslng) The AFP-2(N . FZM-1 twHvirc detector int€rlac€ prwftles compatfldlity with many non-NOTIFIER detec{ors for retrofit applkxliom (consult tadory for latest compatlbility listangs).. Dual-rate du]ger for up to gO hourc ol standby porver.. Two€age option for notiftcation ci nits (Canada).. Tomado WamirB ac{ivates differ€nt no0licafon circlit code.. Non-alam points lor lower priodty furctbns.. Remote Silence/Resel/Evecual€ via monitor firodules.. Automalh lirne control lunstions, wilh holiday enceptions.. Rapld poll dgori$m for rnanual stations. R€sponds in < 2 s€cond!. e Operales wittr untwisted. unshielded wire (up to I ,00O ft-/ 304.8 m) tor r€trolit epplications (U. S. Pat€nt S,210, 5Zg).. UL tlsted lof Fire Signaling per Standard 864 & NFpA 72.. UL Lisled br 8uqlary applications per Slanda.d 1076.. UL Listed lor Rehasing Sarvice. Complies wifh NFpA 12, 12r\ 12€., f 3, 15, 16, 2qx Standards when install€d in accordance wilh apprqpriate NFPA standard.. FM approved ior Agent Releas€ and PreactiorvDeluge. MEA and CSFM approved; hourev€., ndt approved lor r€l€asing by MEA-. Approved for rlarine applicaliom by U.S. Coas{ Guard and Uoyd's Regis0er of ship6ing. , Thas doqlmsnt b nol ht.ridcd b bs us€d lor Inslaluoo gt rpoBo.- W. lry ro ta+ ou.p'od[ld ktlornatlon up.t+dalc and accursto. Wc cannot'coicr att spcand apglca'Oons or anticipac aI rt$Jlr€r|5nB. Al sp€cificatio.rs e.r snid O dtairoe wlfiod ndcs. For morc |rdormrtbn, contact IIOTIRER. phono: (2Gt) {A4-716i FAi: (203) ,lSl_7l.i€ @ XOf t f t e n' i2 Oinronvll€ Ro.d, No.thio|It, con Edtclrt 06.4 rso s00 ffi= ffiffmrrtilflmnm SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM "I#ffifriff t I Fst-t5l FSP't5th Pls FST-?51 Th.iltCM StC J'lsl&Pd toop DEl/tcEs -" Se|ail F!$pl t roc 99 sollwara zones ACU'AE .16AT LED Anttundabr u)r|-3rl Cusbm G''9ttlcs FCttst It lAc I t{Fd'i'|lllbn d tu&,ts W prlptp IrcE PRN Sodt s Ptmor t EIA-23/12 loterlac6 lor CRT' prlntct, or PC comPulGl. ELA-485 loop tor LCD or LED annunclators. Fow sLndatd NotlffcaUon or Releaslng clrcults. Full Alpha keyboard lor mcnu-drlven programmlng. 5 ampere regulated power suPPlY. Voltmetet/ Ammetot OPtlon. PaOp 2 oaa - DN-376' lZr3,Dt 12 AH battetles; 18 AH wlth BB'17' Up to 90 hours standby Poslf' SLC looP. Up to 198 devlccs on a slngle Palr of rirus. Slot lor optlonal module. 8o-characGr backlit LCD dlcplay. ; .,I AwAcs" Adu"n"" Warning Addressable combustion Sensing (u's' PatentPending) SMOKE OBSCURATION % per foot 3o/o ALERT Waming at Pand of Possible fir€ P0EArr suo(tlPllolol frooR 3 IQUIP RAct 5 AttRl: 0.221 l.r0* I l:25 P l2125193 066 ACTION Shut ofi Power to equiPment monit'ored bY tl18 detector PqtAtlt SMOKEIPHOIOI FtooR 3 lauP nAcr 5 ACIIOil: 0.511 l.'0i I r:36 t 12125'93 066 ALARM Evacuate building and call fire dePartment Il T|ME -4 ALERT and ACTION lovsls are corplgtoly adiustaHe in th€ field to suit lhe d€ar iness -and staulitY of th€ envlrcntn€nt' AtARil tevets are field "OiuiUiJrJorr'lf tti." fevas wtrrrn-rie'-Ul-pltitt"O rang€' ACTION levds latcfi 8nd may De used !o pertorm corilrof runc{i;i liiiir"""s ""f*"sor..t;;f|] [j rc ictivate a local sounder baso b€loro general AI-ARI wacualion' AUTOPROGRAM PLEASE WAIT 1. FTELD PROGRAMMING - 3 WAYS 1. AUTO-PROGRAM The AFP-zoo identifies a[ dsvices that are conn€ct- ;. ;;i;;"" tho tvp€ of device, and loads delault ili*-ig;"t"r "urii) into norwolatil€ memory' This is comptlteA in less than 30 seconds' 2. ON-LINE ED]T Wttn. "tru providing fir€ prot€c'tion' the AFP-2O0 pro- ii"r t.v'u. .o,tipt.tety edited lrom the lront key- iao. uenu traes permlt easy drange ol anV n1aln' !i"i*lt *t .eferral to the programrning manual -R9' iati increment and edit function sp€eds entry of al' il"nu."da r"U"ls- New program check toutine catch' €s colTrnon 6rotE. 3. OFF-LINE PC: VeriFlre-200 (included with VeriFir*CD) Ths complete AFP-2OO p(ogram may be creat€d in an olt-tine PC-compatible computer wilh a Window@ 0.""a utitity. then loaded inlo the AFP-200 EIA-232 -tt. n" pbg.am may also be otf-load€d to a PC at 'anv time. if'rqh'speeO data translet compleies upload or downoal in bss than one minute. The PC pro' or"r *y also be used to a@ess re'note AFP'200 Ivstems over dial-up phone lines. Providing d€lail sta- tus inlormation and history lile searcty'sort' o=CLR t=AUTO 2=POINT 3=PAssllo 4=MESSAGE s=ZONES 6=SPL ZONES z=SYS 8=CHECK 2. trDfml,! iF-gzes'tzr3or - Pasa 3 ol4 AGENCY LI5TINGS AND APPR'OVAIJS i#:n'i";X:i;l;rm';""9[?##'$"Tffi *f *': liiJ'"'"."t, ""tiiiri modules mav not be lisled-by c€19rn'1?' iiffi"JjJft;;, oi fts&tg may ue in process' consull faclotv lor laiest listing stalus' SPECIFICATTONS '',T!*il'fi ffif#i,**T^**1nifr ffi," y' Non-.esettaH6 Powec 5oO nA' i ;;t;at""rnofa deteclorpowon 5oomA' r/ Foutbullt-h nodffcation dtEuits: 'NACCirctn l: 2'25l- 'iied Ci,*rtt z-l: 25 A (strared total)' i?tr':!ffi:Nf^i13'^,*i;w,:^cci'cuitss&. a"n"w &,"tg"r rang€: TAll'lSAll' , imffi;ii*.ffi.trj:,1.,1., o,,.u ., crnl wi& x 5.5' (1 3'97 cm) d66P' STSTE|h GAPACITY. iot"f ptograrnnablo itpuUouFirt Polnts: 3ol . ld€Es€|{ d€todo|t; S. ruc&Ju";*n"trc""r"tmodules: 99 . F oo.a-rrabte NAC clrqits h pan€[ 4 . proirarnnraUte soltware zones: 99 . proiranrnaue rsrnole telaylannupato'Fti' 9: 99 . LCd-fl) anrundators porslst€m: 4 . ACSan rltdato|r9|3 q/stert 10 GONTR,OUS AIID INDIGATOR' 6 LED lndlcators: AC Porer.; Fire Aann; PreAlatm: Supervl' ;;/#"iitr;Ai-tt slenced; system Tqq1 il' ffi ;;il s"{qrr c"ny-"t': lSg{*#:".P:3iH:;:,*ffi:'iE;-Fi"""t iz-r"v Alpha pa4 4 cursor kevs; Erl6r. ilfi'br.p"vt 80 cheract€F (4 x 20) wi0r lonq'1il6 LED bad(- Ism GOITAPATIILE INIELUGEIIT DEYI CES FSI-751 "lond€{odor. - FsF-?51 Photodot€ctor. iii-iirr Photo d€t€clorwith tixed thermd elemenl FsT-751 Th€final dobdor' fr€d' lsi-iiin Thoflnald€t€ctor, fx€d atd ratodd€€' iii-isi' 11'fss$"ehdodebdor (q,tue5fpetjate€.5g.)' FSt .75lP Ducl ddoctor. si[| ttqrsing' FSI,'751FP Duct det€ctor, with trousiog aod rehy' INTELLIGENT DETECTOR BASES BT1d.PBP Steila,U nang€d bass, Pack896 ol bn' Ssol8P $andatd Rangeless base, pacl(ag€ ot t6|l' NOTE: Berrlte Bf stffix lor dngle'pac'( Das€s' bnOro Ba56lot FsFl-751 (HARSHB) only' WE24F/B RCaYbas€' w2.4&l lsolabr bsse' BsolEl Sottnd.r base- BS0|BHT Sounderbce with terporal sout*br' COIIIPAilBLE ADD RE€SABLE D EI'ICEs NaC-f zLX Mdr€ssable pull stalion, visbl€ L€D. ' ' Ftr "l Morflormodd€. F f&lol Monilorrodule.miniaturc' 6ii-l Monitor rnoduh, dual. two Independent class B citct it$ F;2il-1 Monitor tnodrl6. lwo-wire smoke det€ctofg P.06 4 ora - ol{€?&r' r2f13o1 FCM.l FBll-1 XPilI xPs€ rsG,X C{ttrd rnodda Retay rnodde. iorrlponO"t, -onitor. five addressable Class B cirqrtts. Transponder, controUrelay, fu e addressable Cbss B circuits' lsolator modu{e. \ tl' -Ir! GoMPATIBLE DA||CES' EIA-232 Pod Fee da|€ shecb) PRN S.rlor: 8(blumn P.inter' VimgSne Printer, 210 column, 24 nolts. Mountod in extomal badhor (o der ftdlt Keft lon' I na )' cBT-2: vkt€o dlsPlay tomilal' ilu-iez t'tetnro* inteaace Module to NorI'FIBE'NET" wirs or fter models. COIVIPATIBLE DE\r|CES' R5'485 Port {g'ce &6 sheebt ICS S*ta", Rernote Serial Annunciator/Control sysietns' LCD-80: Remote LCD disPlaY' LOil Ssdea: Remot€ c|Jslom graphic drivsr modules' ACll-8R Remoto relay rnodule' Eight Form€ relays' NlBe6: N€twotk lr{edace Board' H-pr-cs, s€d€s Repeater, isdslorand/orfrercptc mod€n UDACT: Unive6al Oigftal Co|r|.nt.r*:a|or' PRODUGT LIilE INFORilAilOII aFP.2OC AFP-2OO systsn. Includ€s mah PC boad wlth [6uTtno-i.ivp"c' ti*so-t and door (gray]' hardrate and insirucdon rnanual. 12O vAG. lfp-rOOe' Same as AFP'2(X), but 230 VAC' eiieoon, SatnG as AFP'20O. hn widr rcd basox ard door' lfp-zmne Same as AFP-2OoR, hrt 23o VAC' ;i-roc Same as AFP-Zfi), btll uLOapprorndvetsion' Gp-zooact Same as AFP'2OOR, but t'Lc'aPpov€d wfi*on' DR-AFP:D00': R€placam€nt dooG gray' DB-lFp26g3" Replacem€.tdoor. rsd' 'Ai sg8{r -AFP-2(D uiooox grc aoorl. gray' fo' r€dacemsnt onty' SBB4XC AFP aoo baclbd (m rbor)' red. for rcdacement mly' ila-fff, H€awdrny out€t o,ldos|lre' R€qdr€d for mafin€ agoncy aPpto\rod ePplcations'a96llcYiffii Frirg-in r.ito.itt". Modde' Prwldes municipal box ard r€mol€ Stalkm conn€cliorl nnii, nrett Belay Transmitter l'lodub' Ptovldes eight Fonn€ r€lays, Plus transmlu€|. ilxllll: Ammeter/Volttn€ter'iiiiCt Gray Ttim Rlng lor ssmi-flustr mountlng OF (XR lot red).'oiirezoo: Futl'lenglh d€ad'ftoil parrll (requirad lor Cana' dien a@fraftotrs). reliio- Battcry, 12 vo[" 7.o All' (tvo rqt/ilt€d.t' -is-rzrzc Batiry. 12 volt, 12.o AH. (wo raCutued} PS.12180: Battet, 12vott, $n M $wo rcqdtadl' APS{R: 6,0 A epanion supply (eq/Ui/€/s BB4 n' ee'tZ, Aat"ry bor, ,€Srircd lor PS-12180' or it APS6F is used. cic-rzor 12o AH battery cfiarger (see sapara te daa s/laet)i 2'55 AH udized bY AFP'ZOO. lf t Soio, D(TitaLAlarm Comflxrnicator'Transmitter' v"irnr"io, Frogramming kit lor PC' tndud€s a CO wlth a "iriliri.r v"iin.* prograirs lnuuong VeriFre-2(F) ' cable' ardlsucdans iiimrPzocp: Spanish hnguage kiL Indudes software lc' rnarual. andlsb€b. AR,CHTTECTURAI./ EilG I NEEN| HG 5PEGIFI GATIO N5 So€cittcat'tons ere evaitrbl€ on CD-ROM with N-OTIFIER's ;F;.F;-;-scft"€,€. Contact NOTIFIER for details II GENERAL The Universal Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter (UDACT) is designed for use on the NOTIFIER AM2020, AFP1010, AFP-400, AFP-300, AFP-200, System 5000 and System 500 Fire Alarm control panels. In addition, it is also designed for use on the Intelligent Network Annuncia- tor (lNA), software release 2.8 or higher. When used in conjunction with the lNA, the UDACT can report the status of all control panels on llOTl. FIRE'NETTM. The UDACT transmits system status to UL listed Central Station Re- ceivers via the public switched telephone network. The UDACT is compact in size and may be mounted exter' nally in a separate cabinet. EIA-485 annunciator commu- nications bus and regulated 24 volt connections are re- quired. The UDACT is capable of transmitting the status of soft- ware zones (Alarm and Trouble), System Trouble, Panel Off-Normal, Supervisory, Bell Trouble, Low Battery, and AC Fail. When used with the AFP-200, the UDACT trans- mits up to 89 zones; with the System 500, all 16 zones; and with the System 5000, all 120 zones. When used with the AFP-400, the UDACT is capable of reporting up to 567 points: with the AFP-300, up to 375 points. Reporting may be in the form of software zones (99 plus 16 special), panel circuits 14, panel output modules 1S4, and 192 points per SLC loop (the first 96 detector and 96 module ad- dresses). When the UDACT is used with the AM2020 or AFP1010, it is capable of reporting up to 2,040 points. Reporting may be in the form of softivare zones (up to 240) or 60 zones plus up to 1980 intelligent points. The first 568 points trans- mitted may be programmed for a variety of types, including fire, waterflow, supervisory, etc. Remaining points trans- mitted are for fire alarm only. I UOrc: Descriptions regatding point capacity, listed above, I are for receivers which receive in Ademco Contact ,D for- I mat See charT on page 2 for compatible receivers. FEATURES . Dual phone lines.. Dual telephone line voltage detect.. Surface Mount Technology.. Compact in size: 6.75' x 4.25".. Built-in programmer.. Built-in 4-character red 7-segmenl LED display.. Manual Test Report function.. Manual Transmission Clear function.. Mounts in a separate enclosure (ABS-8R or UBS-1).. Communicates vital system status including: - Independent zone fire alarm. - Independent zone non-fire alarm. O.dti OEd, t 1 OE^{! Or!. o.. FLE^RI FEir-l FooelEEEEEEEEEElEEElEEIE]EEE@ e9e INDUSTRY 5fiH'iil"" cANADA Marshal 2132 6030 A 7300-0028:174 lr **&l8lFCC Vor.Vrl IWGUSA. 20723-AL-E MEA 328-94-E@ 1ZoA4.AY (with Ademo 685 onlY) ABS.8R for remote mountlng (9.94'H x 4.63',W x 2.5'D) A - Independent zone trouble. - Independent zone supervisory. UDACT - AC (mains) Power Loss (programmable). - Low Battery and Earth Fault - System Off-Normal.- 12 or 24 hour test signal. - Abnormal Test Signal per new UL requirements. - ElA485 Communication Bus Failure.. Annunciation of UDACTTroubles including: loss of phone lines. communication failure with either Central Station, total communications failure.. Troubleshoot Mode converts keypad to DTMF touchpad.. lndividual LEDs for: Power, EIA-485 Loss, Manual Test, Kissoff, Comm Fail, Primary Line Seize, Secondary Line Seize and Modem Communications.. Open Collector relay driverforTotal Communications Fail- ure or UDACT trouble.. Real-time cloct.. Extensive transient protection.. Simple EIA-485 interface to host panel. AGENCY LISTINOS AND APPR,OVATS See abore forlrbfnrg agendes and file nunbers. rn som'e ceses, c€rtain modules may not fu listed by eflain approval agencies, orlisting nay be ar process. Consult faclory for lafesl r,:stmg status. October 24. 1997 o-160 @HqH:,#F.UDACT Universql Digitol Alqrm Communicqlor Trqnsmifter Section: Annunciator Control Syslems This docum€nt is not intended b b6 used for inslallation purpos€s. W€ lry to k8€p out product information up-lo{8te and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specilications ar€ subject lo d€nge without notce. Fo{ more information. contacl NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7'161 FAx: (203) 484-7118 @ r orl rl = n 12 Crinronvifie Road. Northford, conneclicut ool72 lso-9001 Engineering and Manufactudng Ouality Syslem Certified to lnternational Shndard ls$gml NEffi:- Made h lh6 U.S.A, DN.4867 - Pagel of6 INSTALTATION When used with the AFP-200, the UDACT mounts in the ABS-8R or UBS-1 backbox. When used with the System 500. the UDACT can mount in the CAB-500 far back (nor- mally NIB-96) position. When used with the System 5000' the UDACT can mount in any far back (front module with expander allowed) posi- tion of the CHS4 chassis. When used with the AM2020, AFP1010, AFP-400, orAFP- 300, the UDACT mounts in a CHS4 or CHS-4L module position. ln all cases. the UDACT can mount remotely (up to 6'000 ff.) in an ABS-BR or UBS-1 backbox. NOTE: Oue to space consideratiotns, the far back of the CAB' 500 pos,lion is NoT recommended' COftTflIU N TCATTO N FORi'TAT5 . 3+1 Standard . 4+1 Standard ' 4+2 Standard . 4+'l and 4+2 Ademco Express ' Ademco Contact lO NolE: Ademco Contact lD must be used tor independent zone repoding. REOUINED SOFTWARE AFP-200 English EPROM' = 73609 (or highe4 AFP-200 Spanish EPROM' = 73618 (or higher) AFP-200 French EPROM' = 73617 (or higher) AFP.400 EPROM'= #AFP4R20 (or higher) System 500 EPROM. = 73611 (or higher) System 5000 EPROM. = 73610 (or higher) AM2020/AFP1010* = Release 6.6 (or higher) O RDERI NG IIIFORMATIOII UDACT UniversalDigitalAlarmCommunicatorTrans- mitter. Includes operating instructions, pro- gramming instructions and mounting hard- ware. MCBL-7 DACT phone cord, seven feet long (two re- quired). ABS-8R Melal enclosure for externally mounting UDACT up to 6,000 ft. from host FACP. UBS-1 Metal enclosure. Includes viewing window and optional relay mounting capability. MR-101/C SPDT Form-C relay. Contacts rated for 10A @ 115 VAC. Connects to open collector re- lay driver. MR.2otlC DPDT Two Form-C relays. Contacts rated for 10A @ 115 VAC. Connects to open col- lector relay driver. FBD-I Ferrite bead kit. Use for remote mounting onlY' ETEGTRICAT SPEGIFIQATIONS Standby current: 40 mA. Curr€nt whlt€ communicating: 75 mA. Maximum current while communicating and wlth open collector output actlvated: 100 mA. Voltage: Regulated 24 volts. Range: 21 .2 to 28.2 volts. R.donhr 60mt 6rm (0 Adqrp l(ddr C9|m0 F8l lod.b ( I &bo|naSLtl m fioftmnFormat # (AddGsse3 16 & 421 s6oor E/r6ard som xLR{0)pl . Fire Alarm. Supervisory. Pull Station. Heat Detector. Waterflow. Duct Detector. Flame Sensor. Smoke Zone Burglary 24 hour Non-Burglary High Temperature Low Temperature Low Water Pressure Low Water Level Pump Failure UDACT shown in UBS-I AFP-300/AFP-400 = ALL 'Preently, the IJDACT is not capable ot A.C. Fail delay (per 1993 NFPA standads) when used with the AA Series Amplitier, AVPS Power Supply, or the XP Tnnsponclen TYPE I'IODE FEATURE (Ademco Contact lD format onlyl Use Type Mode to identify reports to Central Station as: 5$fl)(31 cP22of3 it2 0 4+l Ademco Erpress 4+2 Adernco Epress .t (8) 2 3+1/Sbndad/i8002300 ( (21 t/ (41 r45.61 a (NOT USEO) 4 3+ I /Sb rda d/l9ocl/ l400 (Q',,! (41 J (NOT USED) 6 4+ l/Sbndad/lE00/2300 ((21 t l4l ./ (5') 7 (l.OT USEDI 8 4+1/Sbndad/1900/1400 r'el ./ (41 9 (NOT USE0I A 4+2,/Standad/1800/2300 t/ t?l r'()t/ (51 B (NOT USEO) c 4+ZSbrdad/l9m/l400 r'et ! (41 o (NOT USED) E Ademco Conbcl O F (hroT usED) with 685-8 Line Card with Rev 4.4d software. With 9002 Line Card Rev 9035 software or 9032 Une Card with 93264 soflware. Rev. 4.0 software. FBI CP220FB Rec-11 Line Card with Rev 2.6 software and a memory card with Rev 3.8 software. Model 6500 with Rev 600 software. Model 6000 wilh Rev 204 sottware. Wilh Rev B control card at Rev 1.4 software and Rev C line card al Rev 1.5 sottware. Model 2 only. Version 1.62 software. (1) (21 (31 (41 (51 (6) o) (8) (e) Page2ot6 - DN4867 I Whct is "Gonlocl l.D.?" Most digital receiving formats transmit simple information about the status of th€ site, i.e., alarm, trouble, supervisory, battery fail, etc. Contact l.D. is a transmission format enabling transmission of alarm and trouble conditions on a bi-point basis. Three groups of information are transmifted to the central station: a fourdigit account code, a group number (00 to 99), and the device or zone number (000-999). Each of these three information groups is programmable. Because of the virtually unlimited number of combinations, the number of systems, points and/or zones transmitted is boundless. TOCAT AR.EA NETWOR.K APPTIGATION The NOTIFIER UDACT (Universal Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter) provides the means to create a powerful, tow cost, local area network solution for any application involving multiple facilities spread over a small geographic area, such as a college campus. Gompatible NOTIFIER fire control panels (System 500, System 5000, AFP-200, AFP-300, AFP400, AFP1010, AM2020), NOTIFIER UDAGTs, standard public switched telephone network, and a low-cost digital receiver combine to solve what has in the past been impossible to do without incuffing high costs. The UDACT, when used in the contacl l.D. format, transmits detiailed system status via the standard public switched telephone network to a digital receiver. The telephone network becomes the "net\^/ork galeway" from the FACP to the digital receiver and to an optional UniNet monitor. ln the example shown on the attached page, separate phone lines within each facility tie independently to the UDACT and modem. For example:Building No.FACP Typ€4-Digit Acct Cod6 Group No.Devicezone Range A AM2020 0ml 00 00 001 to 00 999 0001 01 01 000 to 01 999 0001 02 02 000 to 02 040 EI AFPlOlO 0002 03 03 001 to 03 396 c AFP.2OO 0003 04 04 001 to 04 089 D System 5m0 0004 05 05 001 lo 05 120 E Swtem 500 0005 06 06 001 to 06 0i6 In this type of configuralion, the maximum number of zonedpoinls to be reported is 100,000. Applications include: hospitals, college campuses, shopping malls, prisons, airports, grouped govemment facilities, power plants, large commercial facilities and much more. ln addition, the control panels may be networked using ilOTI.FIRE.NETTM (see DN-4644). In this configuration, a single UDACT can be used to report uup to 2040 separate points and panel statuses. WIDE AREA ]{ETWOR.K APPLIGATION lmagine an application which requires the status of a fire system to be clearly visible for appropriate tesponse/action, yet the monitored facility is located thousands of miles away from the monltorlng center. These applications have in the past been out of reach using existing technology, but today are po sslble with the NOTIFIER WAN. The NOTIFIER UDACT provides the means to create a unique, flexible, low cost, wide area network solution for any applicaiion involving multiple facilities distance by a large geographic area, such as facilities located in various states spread across the continental United States. NOTIFIER WANS are crealed by using compatible NOTIFIER fire control panels (System 500, System 5000, AFP-200, AFP-300, AFP'400, AFP1010 and AM2020), a NOTIFIER UDACT, the standard public switched telephone network and a low-cost digital receiver. Reporting the general system status or the specific status of any monitored point in any facility to one cenlral location is made simple. Controlling the system in this configuration is also made simple by utilizing the NOTIFIER UniNet, which is network compatible. In the example shown, example: separate phone lines within each facility tie independently to the UDACT and modem. For Bulldlng No.FACP Typo 4-Dlglt Acct Code Group No.Devlcclzone RangE A AM2020 0001 00 m 001 tc 00 999 0001 01 01 000 to 01 999 0001 02 02 000 to 02 (X0 B AFPlOlO 0002 03 03 001 to 03 396 c AFP.2OO 0003 04 04 00.1 ta 04 089 D S!6tem 5m0 0m4 05 05 001 to 05 120 E S!6tem 500 0005 06 06 001 to 06 016 In this type of configuration, the maximum number of zones/points to be reported is 100,000 and the number of moni- tored facilities is 99. Both the number of points and the number of facilities to be monitored increase when a four-digit account number is applied (as with conventional Central Station facility assignments) as well to expand the network! Multiple response centers are possible, one may be the local monitoring central station facility required by local codes/ ordinances. The other monitoring station, as an option, may be located wherever @mpatible telephone networks exist. DN4867 - Pag€3of6 a ( \LOGAT AR.EA NETWOR,K snduec go snduec uo tDtr g =(o tr, '0-ozm trzmo t> I I otr gt GIo @g. CL 5'o E =oo.o3 c c, o{ (t,ootr =. @g. CL 3' GI 5*s$a 5$3a r '||! o o LI-l Page4of6 - DN-4867 ,l J. tOCAt AREA NEllllORK USINO NOTI'FIRE'NETru C',trtt =6 'tr =oov, o Et .g ==o o ED .= ==6 I I<l orl trl =lol I J bl>l dtlat l.._----__--_-1-- 4lll !,9lnn. LLfllllllgEillilt:fl I lJiltE HqpmsE sFEsEgFEfiE oIUz J IUzoIo- ON4867 - P.ge5of6 \ ( I L I =IE DvtiD -lf,{ €ovx l '|lT G' o Page 6 of6 - DN-4867 I|OTTFIEll.5 oExtlll The FcPS-218i (Ganrpl dd FCF&'2IIS! (8'tnpl at€ cdn- oa* ccremecmi nnrol porer rlpp[et xlfi bstbrydla|ls' ffirEps-ilsdnlsa miv te crnirec*a b 8v l2- or 2+ d[ h; At"- c.,,t t Psrol (F cP) o' may be-us€d a3 I stsnd-abn€ 3updy. Prlmary apdlca{otE lndude lrouncaooni;Eil tt.-iit'-rn (HrG) blparcim (b tuporl^oA re qirlJe.g'gto ilAc rimornodzdoo) a sur||ary potrcrt J"""ct Z+vott 3vsbm aooelsod€s. tlp FCFS'24S6'-24S8 ffi;d;-;A;A ild lttrcrrr 21 vrc pow€r !o lour nodn' ffi--ofiirca atonr cmf,grnd asd$chrqat B (Slyb fr?'dfil I istl. z, wtrr-zl{Ac.l o0dar..ttrdrle)'.Alter- #gu. rc nrqmrts may b€ cotfigNrd al 8ll lErFn*e&dtl€' dl r€lbteu€. or tro nqxcre6abb d lrc rct€$d'€' !n€ ftirs;21#2is8 ;bo oantdm a baety ctrargs c*eble ot dre.glng up b 18 All brbrto6. 'llfltrll. Ul{labd t{AC sync{rmnhetlon u.lng Sysbm Sonsor' Wh€€lod(, or Gq|br 4dlaE€8.. CaacadaHe for up b bn power 3|pp$€s wlth stobe tmhg maintein€d.. Op€reb3 er 8'3Fc ltllotrcf a 6 s 'sync gsncabf (de' f;Uittl. s8 nde n we z ContaiBtwot ly{sobH lnpd/dltoldrcdls- f,:\ \3.7 1ISIED s6:,li I frmr FACP l{AC (NAC elpenrler mode) c Junpsrcd per- manelrty 'Otf (standolone mode)- ' Four Oiss 6 (Sty{o n atorr Class A (Styl6 Z' wtrt ZNAC4 module) MCs.. 6€mo (FcF924Ss) ors€'lP FcP9z88, ) f'd q€9-c4$l!' *ttrlanrp";adruci.tt' h tuCogrrd*mooe (.l- Sl)' .,|-snp FCPS-21S6)orGdnp (FCPs-24Sr8)conlhuFout' put li slend-alono mode (UL lil8l)'. ibnpeEb wlth oded Inputq sbndr pee*d otrcugh' . op$onel porvr+upowklon cray (Art'?ltB)- . lo sbnd-dono modc, ousut porer drcrdb m€y bs conflgF urod as: tasttstle (l@i ftF tom FACP rcqdFd)' nqF |€lattaba€, or a mh of tF end two' . Fullv rsoUlatedand ,ttecdpouroutsut-optrnal for pow' stir drrle rrnols rtetictoo' anlrrtcialtr!, and oo€t syr6m pen6recas t€quldng r€gulsEdrf,bcd potre'' . froru-ltmttng gar,rclogy n€ts uL pouGr*nltng l€qdre mgttB.. Form4 nodr|sllydos€d touble r€lay. . Fully anpendeed pd€t stfply, betory, atd NAct' . Sdec{atle est| iallt debcliotr.. AC rorbl€ r€port 3€bcrat l€ for finmedate a 8+our ddsy. . Wdl(! rl|h dtttalv eny UL 86/0 ft€ aEm Gonbol wlildl utl- Itsec an hdrstritandad lwre+olanty no[&alhn dr- qdt (lndudlng u-nflbrcd and unegutabd b€[ pow€4' . tuqdlta Input tlg€tr roltrgg of 9.0 -:lrl VDC. . Sdfsrbhed In ccnpect, lodrl'|g cettn€l - 1 t (:181 mm) hlgh x l4.S (!!6E.3 mm) rlde x 2.75' (60.85 mr) d€sp' . lndd€ mgrC balE:y dttgercap* olclrglp up.b 18 eH U[brta. Caunet cap.tle d hold|g 7l} AH bffi€!. t 3I . Sstbrt dra lpt may b. dbabl€d Yia olP 3wldr lor applha- dor|s '€qdrhg btls bdttt€8. . fneo, dimp+ype fanntnal bUacs accommodab up b '12 At{G (3.25 mm'} rlrc. l[AtDtrDt ma GODI| Th€ FCP$2/0S6/-24S4 compllec wlth fle fdowttg atandar&: . l{F?472 Neffi Fhe Altrtn Code. . uL sc4 Stendard br conbol uttts bf FIl|' Atrm Sptoms fiaCd''Pld*a*).. i|. rfft P*er aupy'hs ft. Flr€ Alettn s!'!bttt! (81€t'6 '/or7€'',ode).rrrcltlcrl|ore Flhrry(AclFU.c. FCFS-24S6/-21S8: l2o vAC' d) l{a 32 A murnum' . vl,lr€!trd ml*flm*f 4 AWG (2.0 rrmfrrrft dtrV heda0oc Contrcl hput clrtrdt:. Trigger InF|t rrdtegF: I b 3it VDc. . frrgger;Ent ZO mA (16 - 3a U. P€r lnFrt 1'0 mA (S - 16 v). Trorttr contrst rrffrg: 5 amp. d 24 VDC. IoinFEO i m oe.rdoll d ||aa.!|d-nt f*rnrr* f nimnrfaoburdhhllffir plrFr!!ryloi'.Pdt ;a,ratirn"dtet "r{"{d and Ert5. u,r cfr|oa €vc dl Ttcmc "glhdh'r q Itdni af ru.|;||ott. Afl tP.cfk Js rt |utid b cftlr|'t ||tnqt, ndi.r F;ffi-|G;JnElrdror-t Ptm (28r 4!+7ror F x @)48+7lll t|oTl Fl ! it 12 c|trEn tl Ro.d, Lo|ihlod, cq|n"icd 06472 Aurllhty pou.r oufut 3Fdfic applkaton potrf 5U) mA mardnum- OuFulchqr|t3:. +24 VDC filtot€d. r€gubH'. 3.0 amp! maxhuD b enY one chcult . Toial conllnuous cutf€a br dl odputs (sbnd-abn€ mode): lbt FCPS-24S6: 4.0 amps madmum; lhr FGFS-2tAta: 6'o emps rnaxkflum.. TotBl shst-btm qfi€r ft. at o.&ub (]{AC ryfermode) fEr FCPS-aaAA' 6.0 antpe maxlmum; frr FCFS-2'IS6: E'o emp6 rmtdmuln. S€coilll'y po*tr (t*trryf ctrri|ng dtcult . Suppods l6ad-add battBdes only.. Fbatdtatgs wftage: 27.6 VDC.. Maxlmun cfiatgo crrr€nt 1.5 smpa . Maxlnum bettsy capadtf i0AH. rDPtlGlllollS Exgrslr l: Exoand noffica[m .pg[8||co Pdt€t €n addi- rind 6.b arnos (FCP92,ls6) a 8.0 emF (FcPs'2{s81. t,3€ uD to fo|l' C6ss-B (stvle Yf outsutr q htr Cb8' A (stylo z) oir$rts (urfrg ZNAC-{!. F6r €x8rpb' Ol€ FACP nofllcatbn ao6lanca Gicdts wll dr,ab tho FCPIS uten l€t€|a+pds- iri'acOotar ocqrr. Ttollbb ondddre on tre FCFS are ainceo Uv fre feCP ftough |he nofilcadon spdifico dnillt Exanolo 2: Use the FCFS to st9ild aDdary r€gubt€d 2+wft ;vtbm powor up b 4.0 anF GCP$2/|SO) c uP b 6.0 amnri GCPS24SS). BoOr tcetbue and rsFresottEDl€ oo*cr 6Obns ars awilabb. Roretde ot F ts ate Groabd 'UV ennictng [t€ ?€refieU€ clF X tom $3 FACP b ofle a bott of tho FCPS hPub. Exnrole 3: us€ addr€!3au€ cdrd |r|odubs !o adhtats th€ FcFb insbad ol ecltt€e|g it !|{ougn t|€ FACP notficatgll aoo0encs dtqits. Thls brpbally eltows ft. moundng tE FCFS ai gr€abr distatE e*ay lioot fts FACP whle s,Qandhg system arcticchro h rndous applcatons. For eramole. an addt€csabb conbd modub b used to 8cd- vab &e FbiS, and an ddrs8sSl6 mdfb.r modrb b used to senas FCPS bd"tble d.!d0ons. Locat ardfary poltsr ouq't fif,c rc|'lillvotxlllTol f,otl ln cofl|e h.tElHor|3, il h n@E aty b ryndtronlze the fastt [mfE oarf ffi ln lh€ !y!an h ADA snplane. Stubes asirpf*r O*l Oy modra|rrg €ry ghort tming pub.s on fre ilACoirrer whlctr ae oabd by the FACP.lrvh€n lmtdl€d d Ure eirO ot a NAC wi€ run. Era FCP92'|S6/-24S8 can tradt (1.€.,'bllotif) th€ 3tobo ryndronizatio dmlng FrkB m th€ ixismq XnC *e run. Thls malntalns the ov€ral systsm ash Umlng of th€ addldord std€s ettadEd b fi€ FCPS. Wh€n the FCP€I-24S6/-24S8 b configut€d (vb OIP srldt set' tlnosl a3 e 'tync fdlow,' tte FCPSb NAC dr|putE hd( f|€ sri,be cytdtrontsalton ntsa prcccnt at [p FCPS's rync lt put bfmh8l. Th€ Fd3as origimb tdtl en upqtsam FACP a otrer poter suPglY. Whgr tho FCPS-24S6r-2/XS8 is co.m$t€d (Yic DIP swldl tot- &Es) as I 'syrrc gfferetor,' the FCPS'3 lytE hPrn btmhals are na used. Rather. th€ FCPS b t|€ otlgfrrala of the gtobe swdrronbalicr pukes dt lre FCPS's NAC oulputs. In feync g6nerasf morte, |re sync tpe (System Seruor, Wh€dodq or c€nbx) is sdedle vb DIP switch re[in5. tnoDUCr uxl rfolt flox FGPE-2{tt:6.0 amp, t2O VAC reat& dla4tet pol'v€r lrltr Dly. lrdud€s mdn prhE drEult boatd. hantft.m€|t, €r|dc irio (t S FAt mml irlgh x il.f, [368.3 nml side x 275F lB9.8lt mml dep), and Instdlaton Inatudiona' FGDt-?lSt: 8.0 anp, 1 20 VAC rcrn& dargi€r por€r cup dy. hdu<lee m€h pthled dutll boad, tansfrnners, endo' iJe(15'[38] mml hlgh x 14.5'[368.3 mml wld€ x2.75'[89.85 mml deep), and Inst aeon instucffor|s. ZtlG{: Cteeo A ($yb a NAC op[on modd€. A77-7|C3:12[24VDC endof-lhe reby lbr mmltodng tour- sk€ srnofts d€locbt por|€r. ?3-127O: B6try, 12 rcl, 7.0 A]l (luo Bqfid,8e Ps Ssi6s dsrr sfr€et IN-tlOg). t f from he FCPS protl&s PovYer to th€ add€ssablo contol mo& ub. \&lE,s,f,blo FACfr ',nc€p&bof locqtitrg @aM arrd n onlw modules et dlstaac€a d uP to tQ,o@ M (3018 neb,'6.). rctxcY utrrxoE AXD rpPnovtlt Se€ ffE flrlt pago d ttds data $ootftrbthg agsd6fidfls rnbers. Th6e lbft|gs and ap- ponb apflyb fte FCF$24S6 and Op FCP$2,1S8. In rome a6 cat€s, oe.taln modulos 6 apdt pow'r caloar3may rdb6Hbys-*r app(ovd eg€ncles, c lhlhg may be h gwa Cssult lbebybrhrtlrfig!Hls. llolF,; N llAtc a&ub st !l'stwatldbs|tbzYdrZIAH@rtnod.t,'.Styb Y fiACtr Door Holdcr Fufr Ornp|rtL q&Yil c tIy|eYMC sttLYMC OuD|rrf,| O|r|p|'t2 o0lp|,ifl tlnD|J!ttDtlocI D| crrt FCPS noubb Conoct Orfprf 2Iwc 8Fcifio Appllcdon Pffi NACCorff Input'i| (frmFA@) l,lAC Contd lneua *t (ftwnFACP) s!,nc hFrt IIIPUT,UTIPUT FUNCnONS 6i€ gogremnda by SWI DIP *ltcfi sadfrlgs Pq.2da - DN4gn.o7B1fn Batt ry chatg.l ,, $ts l{ =O F5; Eg rYd,q-- EgEEEiEETT ?}FEqE€EFF € ,gs3iciggiEs iE66ae5E-OEEC CEbbzz a) +l eao()zz g *El 'l?H Ea EI3o oF +l oo(Jo z2 g ;E;Eii iil {r6 g$ +t I E5 l BO+<<c'zzz o -r i EE=i't 3El ;iE -I-(,g< EZ 1s ;E s9F6 Fto 3 eI 5I ra-l r oR3((fiililil))D @ t rlt OO ffi8trt r _gi: -O,*,=.u q=E s _Ed:_ u lo o oool lo o oool ; ]_!E|_l e Ox4szl . OlBlfn - PlgP 3 of 3 { ./<'- cEl|EnAL - ,-.,)^--,.,.,rde.v oourBf fof the id'iFt"..rmtm;*g:m*g'*"' MH14328 (s) AEAIEO NGC'IAf,C€ABLE I.a.l P8-ae5 ' Volr ''6 ax Pcraa'8'nlG Cc'Pc"ll'r ThePS6g5Battety t ( July 7. 20m PS Series Bottenes EIegEt=# FEATURES : ;r.r* secottdary jrorler for control panels' Gdled eledtotYts Sea|ed atd mintenance'ree ' ovstd|aEp p|oQded' E d""d.d stidf life' *.n;"*'oo'*.g5',T1'1y.;ffflffi :H;;;J.**,l* (ABS' Porystyrene' or J"p"ttahg ott utd"tt' ffi APPLIGATIOIISG * "" o'*-*'**' mtffirffi'S#ffim"ffiFffi8.""i:' opr a terQeraur€ ramp o coilsrnucrloll il**rJco"s,.loi*-g5fi #:#.*ffiffift6€. saf€ op€ratloo h ely.Hl'i1.j-5lJ- i..- 'r..nrOtreO tn affi bmnce{ree' The cce s 8,il6 at"m*e and oammabritY' rilsrALlalroil All panels have space reservBd for qfi8'iesi. P-h-appro6"i"L Dand lnda[ation t"n-' t-frrti t*t" restuictions' Ttnhal hter- i:onnectior dkrgrans "* "i"ii itt rt freratne accomparrying eacfi conbol Pand' Xo"tflgfa' oruFl.{ttFLcq }h'ottd' conlraagdr52 ilr@.-ozo?/oo - PaeG I of3 TOP VIEW HEIGHT 1 AELolN' 3.?O n 0.(n fi|chGs €at2flm) HEEHTzBEL€}W 3r5 t O.O8 hdr6 €o t 2 .run) I e t #ffi-H#'Hiffiffii friiffiffiffiffiF$fi! S'DE vlEW ffi^ I ildatt 5.94 i 0.O4 ind|68 (151 t 1 rfi) "#,.g,1igi3,g?f1"#: > **#$:;i' shall be maintenatt*g- :T , o=aGaEt (3 zottII D9 6 Ch aractetlstl c Di sch a rg e Cu'n"1z'96ffi \\-1 \ \\r.t75(q p \\V: 3C t ttc DbdurOe ltne @ zO'C GfFl r0096 8096 60% n% a% gq. -t -rt tlctlt d f lC t gr '(f 5A 6'r Temper*t€ (Oegl€€8 C) ffi"to.' ^oFr".-. BATTERY MODEL PS.{270 256 r olta hd6 G5 rI nm) oa6d by the gwemt 'i[6"i'at*" ""4 ure authority h aving lul c rffil|SlCtNS Nomhal CapactY @. 20 hr- r.b Atl. 95 Dlsch{1gp Curent @ 20 he rab(|A TOOEL NomLral VoffiPv Webht u,ldilr Doptr Helght Holght-over tetman l tr.rm.t..kgl 22lLtn|L IL m|L tL mm. L75 L76 70 70 65 554 1.U2 3.m 3.70 141 554 't41 4.9 475 2n 4zlt 351 1(n qlPS4956 luz 94 121 338 107 /t.t 1.9 PS-t2s0 t2 5.0 7r 12 98 a7 2S 32:t 594 151 2.ffi P&'l?'o 12 12 94 3.86 9E 83 4I) 600 875 l3m 5.9r 15t a06 s8 ?s-127?o 657 161 65t 192 167 {2'8 5A 7.13 181 2€9 75 PS-121tO 12 18 25 55 100 1?5 18.7 85 619 175 G5{166 1n c20 ra;. 208PS-t2250 12 9.t[5 210 39.7 18Il 3000 lo,5,260 6.60 168 PS-i25lto 12 8.2r)208 s.45 240 65J 2€3 5000 12.m 3o5 660 168 PS-l2to00 12 EM, ot TenPrafitre on CtrycftV , t -t F K P.eF2d3 - Dt'l-llGt ' O7O7,0O i' Connect modules to listed compatible NOTIFIER control panels only. All wiring sho rn is supervised and power limited. Install contact cjosure d€vices per manufacturers' installation instruclions. Any number of UL-list€d contact dosure devices .nay be used. OO NOT UIX fire alarm initiating, supervisory, or secrrrity devices on the same cirdrit. V Flg. 3 FMM-I: Typical two-wire initiating devlce circult configuration, NFPA Style B. TO Next Device FROM Panel or Previous Device lnitiating Devlce Circuit (DC) NFPA Style B, porver limited: 230 UA max. @ 12 VDC max. \co.rrn,b" tionLine 32 VDC maximum. Twisted-pair is recommended. Communication Loss (optidnal conn€dion for panels wtricfr support ihis feature) FUTUREFEAruRE 47K EOL Resistor ELR.47K !.{..-- V Fig. 4 FMM-|: Typical tour-wire fautt-tolerant lnitiating circult configuration, NFPA Style D- IO Nexl Device FROM Panel or Prcvious Device \cornrnrni"r tion Line EOL Resistor is intemal at terminals I & I Communication Loss (optional connection for panels which support this feaure) FUrUREFEAruRE V Flg. 5 FMM-I: Typical two-wire initiating circuit configuration for security systems (with alarm vercus short capability). lnitiating Device Clrcuit (DC) NFPA Style B, porrror limited: 230 pA max. @ 12 VDC max. IONexl Davie FROM Panel or fuevious Device I I 47K EOL Resistor ELR47K \corrrn,a" tionLine 32 VDC maximum. Twisted-pair is recommended. Communication Loss (optional conneciion for panels whictr support this feature) FUTURE FEATURE 14K Sedes Resistor j< ON-6720. ogl12lo1 - Pag€ 5 ot 6 Connect rnodules to listed compatible conlrol panels only. Terminal wiring must be power limated. DO NOT tlx fire alarm initiating, supervisory, or security devices on lhe same circuit. DO NOT LOOP wtre under terminals. Break wire run to provide supervision of conne€tions.. Detectors must be UL listed compatible with module. Install detectors oer manufacturers' installation instructions. Power to th€ interface module rnrst be extemally switched to res€t the detec{ors. used to slitdr power {rom a standard power suppl}4 see Fig. 7 below. i An FRlll.l relay control rnodule can be V f,ig. 5 FZM-I: lnterlace two-wlre conventional detectors, NFPA Styte B. 3.9K EOL Resistor (included) A21€-10 TO Next Device FROM Panel or P,evious DeviceK- Communication Line 32 VDC maximum. Twisted-pair is recommended. Usted Battery Backup switched OC power supply. Gt201i5.rttt z,.z Optional Branch Cittuit TO Nert htedace Module Module supervises supply voltage and deteclor loo9. V Fig. 7 FZM-I: lntedace two-wire conventional detectors, NFFA Style D. IO A/ext Device FROM Panel or Previous Devie \ communica tion Line 32 VDC maximum. Twisted-pak is recommended. Listed Baftery Backup switcfied DC power supply. 6tl0r,i6.rtrl .-z Optional Ere'nch Circuit TO Nert lrr'(eiacc Module Module supervises supply vollage and detecior loop. 3.9K EOL Resislor (indded)reqlired atterminalsS&9 A2tlfit-l0 V Fig. 8 FRM-1: Relay control moduleusedto dlsconnecta power supply. TO Nert Device (-) (+) FROM Panel or Previous Device Communication Line 32 VDC maximum. Twisted-pair is recommended. I -l RELAY CONTROL MODULEDC POWERSUPPLY (+) Listed for Fire (-) Protection with Baftery Backup Y ---'l u s-*11 Iz{H 2 SSrl Page 6 of 6 - DN-6720. 09/12/0i .,)GiEI\ITEXccttrlPcrFtATrCilN 900Ct sEFllES PHOTOELECTRIC TYPE SINGLE STATION/ MULTI.STATION SMOKE ALARMS AC POWERED WITH BATTERY BACKUP Installation Instructions - Owner's READ CAREFULLY AND SAVE INTRODUCTION 9OOO SERTES The 9000 Series Smoke Alarm is a photoelectric Type Alarm for use as an evacuation device in residential applications. Each alarm has a solid state piezo signal to warn and alert the household to the presence of threatenino smoke. Your Photoelectric alarm is designed to detect the smoke that results from an aclual tire. Consequenfly, it is uncommon for household smoke such as cigarette smoke or normal cooking smoke to cause an alarm. MODELS (sEE BACK OF ALARM FOR EXACT MODEL) 91 20.................. .......... 12O VAC. 60Hz 9123.................. ..........12O VAC, 60Hz with Temporat Horn 9220................ -...........220 VAC, 50/60H2 9223..................-....._...22O VAC, 50/6OHz with Temporat Horn OPTIONS, SELEGTIONS: T - Integral 135"F Thermal Sensor H - lsolated 135"F Thermal Sensor F - 1 Form fu1 Form C Aux. Relay with Tandem Wire Connection. NOTE: In the event AC Power fails, a gv battery will provide proper alarm operation for a minimum of 24 hours. HOW YOUR SMOKE ALARM WORKS The 9000 Series Smoke Alarm operates on the photoelectric light scafter principle. The unit's sensing chamber houses a light source and a light sensor. The darkened sensing chamber is exposed to the atmosphere and designed to permit optimum smoke entrv from any direction while rejecting light from outside the atarm. The light source is an infrared (invisible) LED which pulses every 8 seconds. The light sensor is a photodiode matched to the light frequency of the LED light source. Under normal conditions, the light generated by the pulsing infrared LED is not seen by the light sensor, as it is positioned out of the direct path of the light beam. When smoke enlers the sensing chamber, light from the pulsing LED light source is reflected by the smoke particles onto the photodiode light sensor. At the first sighting of smoke, the alarm is put into a pre-alarm mode. This is indicated bv a rapidly flashing LED on the face of the alarm. Once th; liqht sensor confirms smoke for 2 consecutive pulses inside thJ chamber, the light sensor produces the signal necessary to trigger the alarm and sound the eleclronic horn. This technique of verifying the smoke condition, combined with a 5-to-1 signal-to-noise ratio, substantially reduces the possibility of nuisance alarms. HOW TO TELL IF YOUR SMOKE ALARM IS WORKING PROPERLY o Your alarm is provided with an alarm horn and pulsating Light Emitting (indicator) Diode, which pulses every 30 seconds, and a green AC power on LED.o When turning the test knob on the alarm to TEST i the red light emitting diode should ftash rapidly and the horn should sound.. lf the battery is low, a chirp will be emitted when the red LED flashes. lf the alarm is malfunctioning, or if the battery is missing, the chirp is sounded without the red LED flashing. lf AC power fails, the green LED will turn off.o The test knob ofyour alarm simulates actual smoke conditions. NOTE: Tandem Interconnect Models.o When lesting one alarm, the alarm that is activated will flash the red indicator light and sound its alarm horn. All other units will sound the alarm horn with their red indicator lights remaining off. The relays will also activate on all units in tandem on models equipped wilh the relay ootion. FIRE PROTECTION PLAN This Smoke Alarm can quickly alert you to the presence of smoke-it cannot prevent fire. Please note lhat there are hazards against which smoke detection may not be effective, such as smoking in bed, explosions, when a closed door separates the alarm from the source ofthe smoke, etc. The ultimate responsibility for fire protection rests solely on you. Pg. 9-1 550_0093 Information II I { MOUNTING: PLATE & ALARM 1 . Lace the connector through the provided mounting plale and secure the plate to the junction box.2. Pluo the wire connector into the alarm base. Place the ala.m up lo the mounting plate, rotating it clockwise until alarm llrmly snap locks into place. Keep the alarm parallel to the mounting plate so upper and lower labs on the plate seat correctlv inlo the alarm.-fTr,,-A ".7,r,,7A fdl///f-N\ i/1//((nt\uiiiitIl \1 I tiiii rt \)lllnNY i \\\" /r.yl_-r' \slj>. \h>. \. woRx aortlEcrarF Ur FEA l8tI$r*rouar noLE n 8ffi6ffi.",".. CHECKOUT & TROUBLESHOOTING 1. Tum test knob lo the NORMAL posilion and install battery and then supply house power lo lhe alarm. The red indicator liqht should flash every 15-30 seconds, showing ihat the alarm is operating propeny.2. lf red light is not tlashing or lhe green LED is not on: a. Check that the battery is installed. b. Check the connector plug and wire connections. NOTE: Be sure you turn off power betore checking wire cbnneclions.c. lf the power supply and wrring check out. but the red light does not flash or lhe green LED rs still off. return the alarm to the manulacturer See TO RETURN AN ALARM. d- When oowerino uD alarms in a tandem installdfton and ali the alarms souno immediately, inspecl all alarms for those with an illuminated indicalor liohl These will be F|e trouble units.3. Testina with the Test Knob:a. Ro-tate the test knob counter-clockwise to the TEST I oosition and wait uo to 20 seconds for the alarm lo sound. lf the alarm does not sound after 20 seconds, return the alarm for service. b. After successfully testing alarm, return test knob to NORMAL (non-test) position and wait 20 sgconds tor the alarm to stop sounding. c. To test alarm for high sensitivity, turn tesi knob clockwise to TEST 2 position. Alam should remain silent. d. Make sure to return test knob back to als normal position. e. lf your alarm sounds during this test it means the alam's sensitivity has become too high and may cause lalse alarmsf. This could mean your alarm is dirly and should be cldaned as describ;d in lhe maintenance orocedure below.g. lf the alarm continues to alarm, tor TEST 2 posihon tollowing cleaning. relum it io Gentex for se-rvice.h. To check for proper smoke entry into vour alarm's sensino chamber. Genter recommendi usinq the Fjome Saleguard Smoke Alarm s-pray.i, This test should be Derformed once a year and should be sprayed from a distance no closer than 12 inches fiom the smoke alarm. MAINTENANCE After your ala.m has been in ope.ation for a period of lime or if it was installed prior to the complelion of all building construclion, your alarm may have become more sensitive due to dirl build-up in lhe alarm's optic sensing chamber which could cause nursance alaJms or could cause activation from small amounts of smoke build-uo. lf this should occur, following this simple washing procedure will restore your smoke alarm back to its odoinal condition. For further inforfiation, regarding frequencv of cleaninq and testinq. refer lo NFPA 72, NFPA, Ba-nerymarch Fark. Quincy.MA 02269. IMPORTANT: Failure to follow full clsaning instructions cguld result in damaqe to this smoke alarm. DO NOT remove all alarms at the same time for cleanino.1 Turn off electircal Dower to the alarm.2. Twist the alarm counter-clockwise to remove it from its mounting plate.3 Unpluq lhe connector from the back of the alarm. Do not remove lhe wire connectaon: leave the connector for your replacement alarm oa jumper plug. Remove the batterv.4. Select three (3) staindard size wash buckels and fill them each with one qallon of normal iap water (dislilled or de.ionized lreated water is recommended as a final rinse if water is extremely hard in your area).5 Add 1/8 cup of lvory dishwashinq liquid to the firsl bucket of water and allow it to mix thoroughly, then place one dirty alam into tie soaD water mixture until it becomes completely covered or suomergeo. NOTE: lf the alarms are exceptionally dirty, you may wish to flrst wipb off any excess dirt before washinq alarm so as not to dirty the wash water too quickly. DO NOT open alarm for cleaning. WARNING: ONLY IVORY DISHWASHING LIQUID IS TO BE USED. OTHER BMNDS ARE NOT RECOMMENDED AND MAY CAUSE YOUR ALARM TO MALFUNCTION,6. Allow alarm to soak for approximatelv 10 minutes tlonqer tf extremelv dirlv). Then agitate for 5br l0 secondsto fluih out any remaining dirt left inside alarm's nousrng. Remove alarm from wash water and transier direclly to one of the lirst .inse budetg containing clear water Again, allow alarm to become completely submerged, agitate once more for 5 orlu seconds to rcmove soao residue Frnally, transfer alarm to your second and final nnse bucket. repeating m€thod found in Step 7, then removo alarm to a clean dry area for aperiod of 48 hours to allow il to lhoroughly dry. 7. \,-U IMPORTANT: lT lS RECOMMEiTDED TO CHANGE WASH AND RINSE WATER AFTER FIVE 15}aLARtrs. rF youR aLARfs aRE EXTREfiELY DIRW, WATER SHOULD BE CHANGED MORE FREQUENTLY, WARNING: SMOKE ALARMS ARE TO BE AIR DRIED ONLY. DO NOT PLACE ALARM IN OVEN. MICROWAVE OR USE A HOT AIR BLOWER TO ACCELERATE ORYING TIi,|E. THIS COULD RESULT IN DAMAGE TO YOUR SMOKE ALARM. In the evenl you experience difficulty in the cleaning ofyour smoke alarm or if you have ant questions, please contact Gentex Coroofation 6r vour local Genlex drstribuior. WARNING: lf lhe smoke ala.m does not work properly, do not try and lix it yourself. This will void vdur iryariantv. See "To Relum an Alarm' for instruations to retuin smoke alarms lhal do not operate properly. OO NOT TRY TO FIX IT YOURSELF IMPORTANT: Gentex recommends alarms be tested a minimum of once a week. WARNING: Never use an ooen flame of anv kind to test your alarm. You mav iqnite and damaoe ihe alarm as well as your home. The lest feature-of your alarm accuralely simulates smoke conditions and tesls lhe alarm's functions as .eouired bv Underwrilers Laboratories. WARNING: Do not cover, tape. or otherwise btock the openings of your smoke alarm. These ofreninqs are designed to allow air to pass through your smdke alarm, thus samg[no the air around the alam. FAILURE TO REGULARLY CLEAN THIS SMOKE ALARM WILL RESULT IN FALSE ALARMS, A BUILD UP OF DUST CREATES AN OBSCUMTION THAT SIMULATES SMOKE. THIS MEANS THE UNIT WILL GO INTO ALARM WITHOUT A FIRE CONDITION. TO RETURN AN ALARM . Should you experience problems wilh your smoke alaam. oroceed as follows:'1. Turn off eleclrical Dower to the alarm.2. T\,!ist the alafm counter-clockwise to remove il from its mountinq olate.3. Unpluq the conn-ector from the back ofthe atarm. Do not remove the wire connection: leave the connector tor your replacement alarm.4. Carefully pack (the manufacturer cannol be responsrble for conseouential damaqe) and return to the manufacturer. lhclude comol6td details as to exacl nature of difficullies beinli experienced and date of installation.5. Return tot Gentex Corooration, 10985 Chicaoo Drive, Zeeland. Michiqan 49464. prior to ' relurninq. call Genlex at 'l-800-436-8391 to obtain a RMA Number trom our return deparlment. Irrt.EeB F.!srre(sr, lEsr Etrr litotE a.Ad l lc@RDltcErvmt|lEP 72 I I 4 il GENTEX CORPORATION 10985 CHICAGO DRIVE, ZEELAND, MI 49464 PHONE: 1-800-436-8391 1-1-93 Pg. 9-6 LIMITED Fo. a period ot l? mMlhs irm th€ date oaou.chase, or a naimum of 18 monhs r.on lhe date of manulaclur€, G€ni6r wa.rants lo you, th€ origiml cmsurer purchaser. lhat your Smok€ Aam wilbo fr€€ nom daf€cls in wofironship, mate.ials, and consrnr.lion under nomal use and seftft. lf a defecl h wo*manship. maredials, d @stection shald cause your Smoko Alam lo bome inop€.au6 wlhin lhs w6d6nty psiod. Gonlex will rcpen you. Smoke Ahm d rumisn yo! lilh a new o r .ett ilt r€dac€m€nl Snlke Aam with@t chB.ge lo you excepl fd postage reqti ed to.etum lhe Smol(€ alan b 6. Yo(r ropaired o. rcdacm€ol Smoke Alam will be relun€d to l6U t * o{ chago and i ait t'6 coErod und€r rhis wa€nty for th6 bald@ of he k r6nly p€dn. n'is ran nty is loid it or insp€dton ol yer Smore Aram shlM that ttb diamage or tailure wa s caL6ed by abu$, misuso. abn(md !*0., taulv insralla!fl, iflprop€l mainlonanco, or Epaks obe. than hos€ p€.fom€d by us. ANY WARRAIITIES IMPLIEO UNOER ANY STATE LAW INCLUOING IMPTIEO IIARRANTIES OF IVERChANIASIUTY ORfITNESS FOR A PARIICULAR PURPOSE, APPTY ONLY FOR THE WARMNry PERIOO SPECIFIEO AAOVE. PLEASE NOTE TTIAT SOME STATES OO NOT ALTOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPTIEO WARRANry LASTS, SOlHE I8OVEEXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU WARRANry GENTEX WILL NOT BE UABLE FOR ANY IOSS. DAMAGE, INCIDENIAL OR CONSEOUENTIAL OAMAGES OF ANY KINO ARISING IN CONNECTION WI1H IHE SATE, USE, OR REPAIR OF THIS SMOKE AI-ARM PTEASE NOTE THAT SOME STATES OO NOT AIOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIOENTAL OR CONSEOUENIIAL OAMAGES. SO THE AEOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY IO YOU. lf a <lefet in rcrkhanstt), mtdials, o. @nstlctbn shoutd €|rs€ yo!. Snrot€ Atarh to be@rE ircpeGbl€ wihlr fa sa.ranty p€riod, tau must r6tum tha SftEke Ararm to C€nt6x podag€ prepail you musr abo pac* rhe smote Alad rr hir*n@ rhe.isk of it being damag€d h |ran*t. y@ tud ale ddoss aretlm add|6- Smol€ Alains.erumed tor El6ty sa ice shoutd be sent to: G€nr.x CoDo€riot, 10905 Cnicago Dnve. Zeland, Ml 49464. lt re r€ceive a Smok! Ah.m in a damao€<t @dition as thB resh o, shippr.g. we w notity yd and yd musl l5le a claim wnh |h6 Shipp* THIS LIMIIED WARFiANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. YOU MAY A!5O HAVE OTHE R RIGHTS WHICH VAFY FROM STAIE TO STATE 550-0093-15 ?; C, GENERAL System Sensor's MDL Sync Module is designed to work with the SpectrAlert series of homs, strobes, and horn/ strobes to provide a means of: synchronizing lhe tempo- ral-coded homs, sy.rchronizing the one-second flash tim- ing of the strobe. and silencing the homs ofthe horn/strobe combination over a twc.wire circuit while leaving the sbobes active. iJIODU LE GO NFIGURATION Each MDL module has the capability of connecting two Style Y (Class 8) circuits or one Style Z (Class A) circuit. The NAC output(s) from the panel are connect€d to the zone inputs of the MOL module and the zone output(slfrom lhe MOL module are connected to the notitication loop(s). Supervision is accomplished in the module by a direct connection between the zone input and the zone outpul of each of the two zone circuits connected to lhe normal end- of-line device. The FACP 'sees' the EOL device through the MDL module. When either or both outputs (zones 1 & 2) from the module are wired to the SpeclrAlert products, thd homs and sttobes in both zones will be synchronized. The MDL module can be configured so that more than two zones can be synchronized by the interconnection of the shve input and output (see Application Examples). SPEGtAL GONSIDERATIONS A latching Form-C contact is provided in case the synchro- nizing signal to the notification devices is intemrpted. The output can be wired so that a trouble signal will be annun- ciated at the panel. lf the synchronization pulse fails in the MDL module, the strobes will shul off. NOTE: The MDL Module is factory-sel with the trcubb @ntacts in the open slata. Ihese @ntacls may close during shipping. Approxlmately lwo seconds aftet power-up, tioss conlacls wlz open. SPEGIFTGATIONS Voltage range: OC or full-wave-rectified: 11 to 30 votts. NOTE: Supply voltage 6nge at 12 volts, 11 to 17 VDC; et 24 vdts, 21 to 30 vOC. Maximum load on loop: 3 amps. Current: chart at right. Operating temperature: 0"C to 49"C (32'F to 120'F). @ OD4A7 s40't 1 I I (' The MDL Module October 1, 1997 MDL for use DN-6066. J49A NOTI FI EFf FTRE SYSTETVIS & MDLW Sync Modules wirh rhe SpectrAlert Series Section: AudioMsual Devic€s Voltage Average Peak lnfiush oc FVI'R DC FWR DC FWR 12V 10 mA 12 mA 30 mA 31 mA 87 mA 122mA 24V 11 mA 15 mA 35 mA 37 mA 198 mA 262 mA This doqrm€nl is not intended to be |Jsed lor installation purposcs. W€ try to k€€p our product information ufFto{ale and accwate. We cannot cov€r all specilic agptications or snticipate all roquiraments. All specilicalions arc subied to change without notico. For more infomalion, contact NOTIFIER. Phono: (203) 484-7161 FAx: (203) 484-7110 @ rorlrren 12 Ctintoflvilte Road. Norrhford, connecric{r 06472 fl$trntffi Ililil!flfl|l[s DN6066. lU01/97 - Pag€ 1 of4 APP LICATI O N EXA'IIP tES Temporal Goding on Multi-Alert and PA40O (Non-SpectrAlert Horns) . Program module to provide temporal coding by inserting jumper plug per instructions. . Connect only sounders producing a continu- ous tone to the module zone output(s). Strobes cannot be used on a module pro' vtdlag temporal codlng to hornsl Strobes must be wired for lndependent operatlon' NOIE: Temporal jumper should be,ns€(ed €cross both pins only on non-SpecltAldtl Ptoducts lhat ara to b6 powered for temporal sound oulpul. ,{ NAC 1 TO N€TT DE1/tCE OR Eq, tloms wfit ba ten|po/8,l{fded and in syna TEMP, JUMPER ON MODULE 1 il E} E} E} Hof,r{ zoN€ I CONIROI OUT ZONE 1 ZONE2$t out 't?rNc.t iri''-- rRouELE stAvE st-AvEIN C['T te ts {s Synchronize SpectrAlert Horns and Strobes ZONE 1 INPUT THs lrput powB6 th€ MOL Modd€. THs irput must har,E lotlage pr€sert fom lhe FACP bebr€ any{tirp \Ni[ wo.k. T]is also supplies Fltage b Zot€ 1 oubc - ZONE 2INPUT Tns l.pr, orly suppfies roltage to Zone 2 ovgn- NO'E: lf Zona 1 input ls not pvarcd, ha notifrcaton devlces attached b tho Zone 2 oubut ull not be a ovod. HORN CONTROL ln-s lrptt enabl€s the tpns on the Sp€ctAlert mtificaton app$alEss. Volbge preseri m€ans homs are enabled. No rolbge pr€serl tneans tEms a'€ disabl€d. SLAVE IN Comecb b Master MDL lvlodde sla\J€ oul. SLAVE OUT Cornecb to Sbr,g MOL slaw In MODULE 1 TONUff 0EvlcE OR EOL AU SpcdrAled homs, hdn/sto/i,as, snd *obe4,{y devlcas wlll opente la sync. TEMP. JUMPER OFF + 'UOTE: Cless /{ confrgnatio[r rcqulr?,s a spadal p el. Cutsuft wlth panel memtfadurcr. Synchronize SpectrAlert Homs and Strobes Eacfi module can power two three-amp circuits wired in Class B, or one three-amp circuit povered as Class A. Each rnodule will syncfironize two zones. Additional modules can be added and may be synchro. nized to all other modules by interconnecting the'slave' input and output terminals between modules, ,I itr FACP NACl Configued as: Style Z/ClassA OUT (+) NAC3 our (-) RE1URN (+) MC1 RETURN I) MODULE 2 Pzg.2 of 4 - ON-6066'10i01,97 TO NDfi DEVICE OR EOL 2C|-ASS B t $}iffi-*'%il{$ B)'.*" %+{g 8)h*" '**'*{ff 8)n^:-:,'m{8 HoRN zonerJ$ couTRoL owl$ zor{E I zomzfgtu,t ow\$ z*ouz rnouarr{8 sr.Ar/E .t^rrEfgttl ,-------=r our\$ l l l l TEMP. JUMPEROFF t I r\ -- - ''v H Controlling Sounder On/Off Over Two Wires Using Module Horn Gontrol I . Connect the current source to the horn control input. lf a zone output is used for the sourcei you must use an EOL on L)the horn control input terminal. . When multipl€ modules are used, the hom control circuils can be wired in parallel. lf wired in parallel and a zone output is used from panel, use an EOL on the last module for supervision. ZONE 1 INPUT This irput powers tp MOL Modde. ftis irput musl ha\€ \oltage presenl fom lh€ FACP bebre anytting wilt uork. This also supplies wltage lo Zor€ 1 outsuL ZONE 2INPUT Ttis irpd ody supplies \otage lo Zorc 2 outruL irofE' lt Zone 1 inPua ls not pot/€m.d, the notifrcation davices attached to the Zone 2 ouFut vill not be alloLd, HORN CONTROL Ttis irput erBbles the horns on the SgecltAlert mtification appliances. Voltage presed m€ans hons are enabled. No tollage present means hont' are disabled. SLAVE IN Cornects b Mastor MOL Modde sla\e out SLAVE OUT Connects b Sla\€ MDL sla\€ irr Horns Silenced Over Two-Wire Gircuit 1) Any mii of SpectrAlert homs/strobes or strobe-only devices is acceptable. 2) Horn Control connects to interruptible power source. FACP 1 NAC { (*) SpectrAlert Types of D:vkas: HORI{ ONLY HORI.I'SIROEE STROBE O.IIY MODULE 2 TEMP. JUMPEROFF FACP 2 (*) NAc I (-) (*) NAC 2 c) TO NE T SpeclrAlert D€VICE OR EOL TO NETT SpeclrAleri HORN{NLY DEv.|cEORK}L AU SpeclrNaft huns, honr/strobe s, and sttDbes will ope@te in sy'c. (-) (+) fforEs.' 1) Any mix of SpacttAled honl strobe, sarobe-only, or hom-onlY dev,b€s is allowable for Zone 1, 2) No devices or homenly are al- lowed on Zono 2. lt no devices are installed on Zone 2, tetminate €OL rBsistor at hom @ntol ter' minal,p MODULE 1 )mu*'[ti{ )'^*" ..Hi{r lir*" t*o"*{fi ):gH*.. '"[tit )'^*'' .offi?{ )tf*' t*o"t'{8 8)n.^::.'ut TEMP JUMPER OFF DN-6066 . 10/01/97 - Pa963of4 PRODUCT LINE INFORTTATION MDL Sync module for use with Sp€ctrAlert Se.ies, rod. MDLW Same as above, whrle. Three-Year Limited Warranty System Sensor warranls these horns/strobes io be free from defects in malerials and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of three years from dat€ of manufac{ure. For complete waranty information, contact System Sensor. .v ,fJ \3t" \t \ A iITOUNTING DIAGRA"TI 1) Complete field wlring. 2) Mount unit to 4-1 1/16' backbox with screws ('A")' LII'IITATIONS OF HORNS/STROBES The horn andlor strobe wlll not work wiahout power. The horn/strobe gets its power from the fire/security panel monitoring the alarm system. lf power is cut off for any reason, lhe hom/strobe will not provide the desired audio or visual waming. The horn may nol be heard. The loudness of the horn meets (or exceeds) cunent Underwriters' Laboratories stan- dards. Horvever, the horn may not alert a sound sleeper or one who has recendy used drugs or has been ddnking alcoholic beverages. The hom may not be heard if it is placed on a different floor from the percon in hazard or if placed too far away to be heard over the ambient noise such as traffic, air conditioners, machinery or music appli- ances that may prevent alert persons from hearing the alarm. The hom may not be heard by persons who are hearing impaircd. The slgnal slroba may noa be seen. The electronic vi- sual waming signal uses an extremely reliable xenon flash tube. lt f,ashes at least once every three seconds and ex- ceeds cunent Underwrilers' Laboratories standards for pri- vate mode viewing. The visual waming signal is suitable for direcl vienring and must b€ installed within an area where it can be seen by building occupants. The strobe must not be installed in direct sunlight or areas of high light inten- sity (over 60 footcandles) where the visual flash might be disregarded or not seen. The strobe may not be seen by the visually impaired and is not intended to meet Ameri- can Disabilities Act (ADA) requiremenls. The slgnal strobe may cause selzures. lndividuals who have positive photic response to visual stimuliwith seizures, such as persons with epilepsy, should avoid prolonged exposure to environments in which strobe signals, includ- ing this strobe, are actr'valed. The slgnal strobe cannot operate from coded power supplies- Coded power supplies produce interrupted power. The strobe must have an uninteffupted source of DC power in order to operate conecdy. System Sensor recommends that the hom and signal strobe always be used in combination so that the risks from any of the above limitations are minimized. Page4 of4 - DN$066. l0D1/97 G. .tl I f ; I OENERAT The System Sensor SpectrAlert@ wall-mount series indudes a comblete line of electronic homs, stobes, and hom/strobes. Intended for primary signaling use, SpectrAlert@ products meei UL 1971, UL 46,4, and Americans with Disabilities Act require m€nls. Performance. with its extremely efficient reflector de- sign and Xenon flash tube, SpectrAlert@ otferc curent draw reductions as high as 40% over previous generation designs. With less cunent consumption, more devices per loop are possible for a lower installed cost. Instatlation. SpectrAlert@ products are designed for ease of installalion, which also lowers the installed cost. SpectrAlert@ strobes and horn/strobes take up no room in the backbox, making wiring connections simpler and faster. Each SoectrAlert@ wall-mount device includes a universal mounting plate for 4" (10.16 cm) square and single{ang backbox mounting. Accessory mounting plates are also available for small-footprint or surface-mount applications. Flexibilaty. The SpectrAlert@ wall-mount series offers the flexibility to meet a broad range of requirements. Homs and horn/strobes feature a number of field-selectable/reversible hom tones. Strobes and hom/strobes are available in a wide variety of configurations to address visibility requirements-for non-sieeping areas, sleeping areas, and conidors. Offer- ings include 24-volt models at 15, 15/75, 30, 75, and 110 candela; and 1 2-volt devices at 15 and 15tr5 candela. Aesthetics. To meet the aesthetic requirements of build- ing owners, SpectrAlert@ incorporales a stylish, low-profile design that is consistent across the SpectrAlert@ wall-mount product line. FEATURES . Meets UL and ADA signaling requirements. . Low current draw allows more devices per loop for a lower installed cost.. Universal mounting plate included. . Accessory mounting plates available. . Field-selectable horn tones: - Electromechanical /3 kHz. - Temporal 3 / Non-TemPoral 3. - High/Low dBA outpui.. Available in 15, 15/75, 30,75, and 110 candela' . Synchronizable homs and strobes with Sync'Circuitm module.- Aesthetically pleasing design. SPEGIFIGATIOilS Walk test: SpectrAlert@ hom and hom/strobe only work on 'walk tests' with time durations of 4 seconds or greater. Input terminals: 12 to 18 AWG (3.25 mm'z to 0.51 mm2). Dimensions, stro be and hornlstrobe with univercal plate: 5" (127 mm) wide x 5-5/8" (142.875 mm) high x 2-15/16" (74.613 mm) deep; with small footprint prafej 3-3/8" < S40ll &s5s12: P1215(w), P121575(W), P241s0 r), P241575(W), P2475W), P21110(W). 55512: 51215(W, S121575(W), S121575K' s2415(W), S241575(\r/), 241575AG, S241 575EV, s24r57sP(w), s2430(w), s2475(W), S24l 10(w). 54011: P121575K, P241575AG, P241575EV, P241575P(W), P2430(W). < CS549: P241s(w)A" P241575(W)A, P2475(WA' 24110(W)A, S241s(W)A, S24157s(w)A, S247s(w){ 5241 10MA. CS549 V3: P121575KA' P2430(W)A, S121575M, S24300.V)A. Cs548: HC1?244 P121s(W), Pl21575(W), P241s(W), > p241575(W), P241 575AG, P241575EV, p241s7sP(w), P2430(W), P2475(W), 241 1 o(VU), S121 5(W), S1 21575(W), S241s(l,v), 5241 575(W) s241 575AG, S241 575EV, S241 575P(W), s2430(w), s2475(W), S24110(\ r), Hlz24(w). qJ < 7i35-120e:l7s-P1215(w),P121s75W),P121575K'/dffi\ p241sM,P241575(w),P241s75AG,P241575Ev'(ttWJl p241s75Prw),P2430M,P2475(w),P24110W)' hffi 712s-120si174 -s1215M, s121575(vv)'s121s75K' -\-.J . s241s(w), s241575(w), s241575AG, s241575EV' :^llloPll s241575P0 t), s2430M, s2475M, s24110(w). i,':;':;j'= 7135-1209:143 -Hlz24(W. MEA ' 3lonffi E1?i:ffiiF:i'fiSrii#P (vol. v), P24157sP(w) (vol. v0' P2430,(W) (vot. v), pzlzs(w), pzl110W), s1215W)' s1 2157s(W), s2415(W), S24157s(wl'' S241575AG (Vol. V), 5241575EV5241575AG (Vol. V), 5241575EV (vol. v), S2a157sP(w) (Vol. vl), s2430[w) (vol. v), s2475[w), s241r0M, H124(w). 173-98-E Vol. ll: Pl21575K, s121575K @ Approved I r F a I I 5' SpectrAlerilD, Sync.Circultu, and Multidledn are trademarks of System Sensor. iI t 1 January 12, 2001 oN-5939 . J-89 @geg',gtE,g SpectrAlert@ Series Horns, Slrobes, ond Horn/Sfrobes Section: Audioruisual Devices This document is not inlended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keeP our product information up-todate and accurale. We cannotcoverall spscific applicat-ons or ;nticioate all feouirements. All specifications are subjecl to change wilhout notic€' Formore information, contacl NOTIFIER Phone: (203)484'7161 FAx: (203)484-7118 @ X Of l f l e Fl. 12 clintonvilte Road, Northford, Gonnecticut 06472 DN-5939' 0l/12l01 - Page 1 of 4 (85.725 mm) wide x 5-5/8" (142'875 mm) high x 2-15116" (74.613 mm) deep. Dimensions, horn with universat mounting,ptltg:- -Sl llZt, iml-wioe x s-te' (142.875 mm) high x 1-5/16" (33'338-TTl deeb: withoul mounting plate: 5" (127 mm) wde x 5-5/d- fi4i.:s75 mm) high x 1-5/16" (33.338 mm) deep' Weight, hom on!Y: 7.2 oz- (2O4 d' Weight, sfrobe and hom/strobe.' 8'8 oz' (250 g)' Mounting: standard boxes 4" x 4" x 1'112" deep (101'6 x ibi .6' i-s1.r .rnl o( 2- x 4" x 1-7t8" deep (s0'8 x 101'6 x 47.625 mm). Ooeratinq temperature, indoor: 32"F to 120"F (0'C to i{"Ci.- vi"iin[rpr"of models, hom and.horn .stro!3"s; 32'Fio 150"F (0'C to 66'C); outdoor strobe onty: 4v r i-il ia"i-(ao'b to +70"c); ?Lc ca nadian modets: 4Q"C to +66'C. Maximum humidity: 95% as tested per UL 464' Voltages: 12 ot 24 VDC and FWR unfiltered' Operating voltage range:* 12-volt models: 10'5 - 17 V' zi-vott m6oets: io - so v. with Sync'Circuitrr module MDL*: l2-volt models: 1 1 - 17 V. z4-volt models: zu - ru V. See currenl draw tables on page 4' " These products thould be operated within thek rdted voltage oigl. At does, however, teit funclional inlegity to -20% and +7oo/o of manufacturcfs stated rcnges. U.S. Patent Numbers: 5,593,569. 5,914,665' 6'049'446' ENOTN EERTNO SPECI FIGATIOIIS General - SpectrAlert@ horns, strobes and hom/strobg: str"ff Oe capaOfri of mounting to a standard 4" x 4' x 1-112- iror.orior.ox38.1 mm) blckbox or a single-gang 2" x4" i'i-ila; rso.a t fi1.6 x 4i -625 mm) backbox using the uni- versal mounting plate included with each SpectrAlerl@ prod- uct. Also, SpeitiRtertO products, when used in conjunction *itn tn" """i"sory Sync'Circ itn Modute' shall b€ powered from a non-coded'power supply and shall operate on 12 or 24 volts. 12-volt rated devices shall have an opera$ng volt- "g" i"nle of f O.S - 17volts. 2+volt rated devices shall have "i op"titing voltage range of 20 - 3o volts' SpectrAlert@ oroducts stritt trave an indoor operating temperature range of 32'F to 120'F (O"C to 49'C) and operate from- a regulated DC or full-wave rectitied, unfiltered power supply' Horn - Horn shall be a System Sensor SpectrAler(o model capable of operating al 12 and 24 volts. Horn strZtt-6e tisteO to UL 464 for fire protective signaling sys- tems. The hom shall have two tone options, two audibility options (at 24 volts) and the option to switch between a tem- poral 3 laftem and a non-temporal continuous pattem. All hom models shall operate on a coded power supply. Strobe - Strobe shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert@ model -- Lisled lo UL 1971 and be approved for fire protec'tive service. The strobe shall be wired as a pri- mary siqnaling notiftcation appliance and comply with the lmerica,-ns with Disabilities Act requirements for visible sig- naling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe's entire oper5ting voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system- Hom/Strobe Combination - HonVstrobe shall be a Svstem Sensor SpectrAlert@ model Listed to UL 1971 and UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protec- tive service. Hom/strobe shall be wired as a primary signal- inq notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Dilabilities Act requirements forvisible signaling appliances' flashinq at 1 Hz over the strobe's entire operating voltage ranoe. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube andassociated lens/ieflector system. The hom shall have two tone options, two auditrility options (at 24 volts) and the option to switch between a temporal 3 pattgm and a non- temporal continuous pafrem. Strobes shall be powered in- deDendently of the sounder with the removal of factory-in- statled iumier wires. The hom on hom/strobe models shall operate on a coded or non-coded power supply (the strobe must be powered continuously). Module - tritodule shall be a System Sensor Sync'Circuitn model - Listed to UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The module shall synchronize SoectrAierl@ strobes at 1 Hz and homs at temporal 3. Also' the module shall silence the homs on hom/strobe models' while oDeratinq the strobes, over a single pair of wires. The module shall bL capable of mounting to a 4-11116' (119.063 mm) square x 2-1li8" (53.975 mm) deep backbox and shall conirol'two Style Y (Class B) or one Style Z (Class A) circuit' Module shatl be capabte of multiple zone synchronization by daisv-chaining multiple modules together and resynchronizing each other al6ng the chain. The module shall IVOI operate on a coded power suPPlY. T 1t l I ilorEs FoR PR.ODUGT tlllE lNFORmAtloN ) ,vorEs.. 1) canadian modet numbers end in.A". 2) Latin American model numbers end in'F". 3) All weatherproof models mast use weatherproof uacrbox mooet fr-Be.- aj Alr speci'Atert@ products are designed for walFmou-nt only. 5) Installation of less than 7s candela strobes may oe per-issiore uridei rnd equivalent facilitation clause-of the ADAAG (Sec. 2.2)' However, it is the respon- sibitity of the person or entity d""igni;g th" fir" alarm system to dii.tmi". tt e acceptability of iess than 75 candela strobes' 6) All lsrs candela strobes or homistribes- are recommendld for 20' --to; (6.096 x 6.0'96.m) iooms or less. 'Fot a complete listing ot SpecttAlert cunent ,"quinr"nt")ii"=i"i ifn a tni Curnrt Dnw tablei on page 4 of thii document' or lhe lnstruction Manual' Hom .ii-iiiiit-0" "urnrt dra*" "ttriii tn" horn is set at Temp 3, electrcmechanical tone, and high audibility' Page 2 of 4 - Dll-5939 ' 01/1201 tI II SOU]ID OUTPUT OUIDE (dBAl UL Reverberant Room dBA @ Volb DC Anechoic Room Peak dBA @ l0 ft/VDC 10.5 12 17 20 24 fll 10.5 12 17 m 24 30 Temporal LOW TONE Elecfomechanical NA NA NA IJ 75 79 NA NA NA 94 96 98 3000 Hz InteruPbd NA NA l,lA 75 79 79 t{A NA l\IA 94 96 98 HIGH TONE Electomecharical 75 75 79 a2 82 82 94 95 98 100 101 102 3000 Hz hbnuPted 75 75 79 82 85 85 94 95 s8 100 101 102 Non- Temporal LOW TONE Electomechanical NA NA tlA 79 82 85 NA NA NA 94 96 98 3$0 tL InbrruPbd NA NA M 82 82 85 M M NA 94 96 98 HIGH TONE Elecbromechanical 79 79 85 85 88 88 94 95 98 100 101 102 30m Hz hbrupbd 79 82 85 88 88 88 oc 95 98 100 101 l 1o2l O3$o.rtrlll -oI E EcoIL - -gzIJ F(,3oo&o tl e T t REO vliH|lE wlbge ;andela ult mA'@ nom. vlrc rvs. mA'@ nan. FlllR Horn/Strobes P1215 P1215W 15 124 167 P121575 P121575W 12 15t75 152 181 P2415 P2415W 24 68 7A P241575 P24157$t't '15 | 75 74 82 P2430 P2430W 92 100 P2475 P2475W -148 167 P24110 P24110W 1t0 209 P'121575K (weatherproo0 12 15 t75 167 P241575K weattprproof)15175 74 82 P2475K (weatt€ rproof)24 148 167 P241 I 0K (rrveafrerProo|24 1to 165 209 P241575P (m leterirE)P241575PW 24 15175 74 P24'l575AG (agent)24 15175 74 82 P241575,Ev (evacuation)24 15175 74 a2 GANADIAN Models' Horn/Silobes P2415A P2415WA 15 68 78 P2415754 P241575WA 15175 82 P2430A P243OWA 30 92 100 P24754 P247sWA 148 167 P24110A P2411oWA 24 110 165 2@ P24 1 575KA (u,eatErpmof)24 15175 74 a2 P2475KA ('/veatherpoo0 24 75 148 167 P24 l 1 ot<A (vt€atl|erprooo 24 110 165 209 sPANlsH Labelinq. Hornrstrobes P241575F GUEGO)24 15t75 74 82 Strobes s1215 s1215W 15 114 't 57 s121575 s121s75W 12 15t75 142 171 s2415 s2415W 24 15 43 60 s241575 s241575W 24 15175 49 64 s2430 s2430W 24 30 67 a2 s2475 s247$'l't ,24 123 159 s24110 s24110W 24 '| 10 140 191 Sl 2 1 575K (',t/eattErPoo0 12 24 15t75 '142 49 171 64s241575K(!t €atherproo0 S2475K (wealherproof)24 75 123 159 S24110K (t €at€rprmO 24 110 140 191 S241575P (rp letering)s241575PW-24 15 175 49 64 S241575AG (agert)24 15175 49 64 S241575EV (e\acuaton)24 15t75 49 64 GAllADlAl{ Models, strobes s2415A S2415WA 24 15 43 60 s241575A s241575WA 24 '15 t 75 49 64 s2430A s2430rVA 24 30 82 s2475A s2475WA 24 123 '149 s24110A s241lowA 24 110 140 191 S24 1 575KA (v€atherproof)24 15 t75 49 't23 u 149S2475KA (n€alherproo0 24 S241101<A (wealh€Iptoo0'110 140 191 64 SPAl.llSH Labeling' Strobes s241s7sF (FUEGO)24 15175 49 Horns H12n1 H\2n4W 12 124 NA 10t25 10 /'18 H12n4K (!'€at|erproo0 12 124 NA 10125 t0/18 CAtIADIAN lllodels' Hotns HC12n4A HC1224W 12 124 NA 10125 10/18 tE12l24KA (wert|e;P1oo0 121 24 NA 10t25 't0 / 18 svnc.Gircuitfl ll,lodule MDL MOLW 12 124 NA 10/11 12115 CAI{ADIAN Sync.Gircuitn l/lodule MDIA MDLWA 'l2l 24 NA 10/11 12t15 I Small Footprint llloungng Plate for Sinqle-Ganq orvl-Y S.MP S.MPW NA NA NA NA Surface-tllount Backbox Sklrt BBS BBSW NA M NA NA Universal t'lounting Plate treDlacementl D.MP D.I PW M NA NA M weatherptoot Backbox WBB NA NA NA NA DN-5939'O1/12/01 - Page 3 or CURRENT DRAW TABLEg ONLYHORN V t 4 I l AVERAGE GURRENT (mA): STROBE ONLY Candela 1z.VOLT MODELS 24.VOLT MODELS t0.5 v 12V 17V 20v 24V 30v oc FWR oc FWR oc oc FWF oc FWR oc FU'R 159 114 't<',81 128 50 61 43 60 38 60 13t75 168 142 171 99 150 56 oc 49 64 44 62 30 NA NA M NA NA NA 7A 84 72 75 NA NA NA NA NA NA 145 '170 123 lao 102 14',1 1t0 f\lA l.lA tlA t'tA t.|A M 169 220 140 191 l{a 174 PEAK CURRENI (tnA}: STROAE ONLY '15 460 460 450 460 420 480 135 204 135 208 185 15t75 490 520 490 520 460 480 150 199 150 207 150 198 30 NA NA l.tA NA t{A NA r83 201 183 219 183 216 75 NA l'|A l'lA NA t{A l.lA 350 440 340 ,160 330 rl80 fi0 NA NA NA NA NA itA 460 560 450 570 4m 620 INRUSI{ CURRENT (mA): STROAE ONLY t5 80 108 92 124 140 190 97 129 '| 16 152 147 198 75 t75 t04 88 126 160 185 97 135 116 164 147 211 30 NA t'tA t\|A NA NA l,|A 97 129 116 152 147 198 75 NA I'tA NA NA NA NA 190 240 2fi 2W 290 380 110 NA NA t{A NA NA NA 190 220 290 290 370 5TROBE ONIV > Eelow: HORN/STROBE 15 csndela HORN/STROBE | 5175 condela HORII/STROBE 30 condelo HOnf/SfnOBE 75 crrndelo HORN/STROBE t lO tnndela HORN OHLY I2.VOLT MODELS 24.VOLT IIIODELS i05 v 12V 17V 20v 21V 30v oc FWR DC FWR DC FWR oc FUn DC FWR oc FVI'R AVERAGE CURRE T (mA): Electromechanlcal Tone HGH VOL. TEMP 10 '11 10 t0 14 14 '19 21 25 18 29 NON 10 16 ln 19 t4 17 29 23 34 30 42 LOW VOL. TEMP NA |.lA NA t'lA l'|A tA 'tl ,|?13 t3 l4 NOt'l hl,A NA NA n|A l.lA NA 12 16 14 t9 17 24 AVERAGE CURREI{T (mA): 3'OoO l{z Inter.upted Tone HIGH voL. IEMP 11 13 11 11 16 16 24 28 23 1''33 itoN 11 17 21 2A 19 34 39 45 LOlil/ vot-. TEMP M 1\lA M NA t\|A NA 14 14 15 to NON l,lA M NA NA NA 1.lA 13 18 16 21 22 25 H/S 30 cd 24-VOLT MOOELS 20v 21V 30v DC FWR DC FU/n DC FIIIR A\rG. CURRET{I (mAF Elsctromech. HGH VOL. TEMP 97 105 92 100 87 98 NON 95 113 90 116 88 114 LO\,V vq_. TEMP 89 96 80 95 75 87 l,tot'l 90 98 8l 101 75 96 AVG. GURREiIT (mAl: 3,OOO l{z Inter' HIGH VOL. TEMP 102 108 95 105 95 105 NOr,l ot 116 94 121 gt 117 LOW VOL, lEMP 96 84 97 79 ql NON 9l 100 83 103 80 97 H/S '15 cd I2.VOLT MODELS 2+VOLT MODELS 105 v 12V 17v 20v 24V 30v oc FWR oc FWR DC FWR DC FWF DC FWR DC FUn AVERAGE CURREI{T (mA}: El€cttom€chanlc.l Ton. HGH vo{-. lEMP 143 170 124 167 95 142 AO 82 o6 78 67 87 NON 143 170 124 167 95 112 67 90 66 94 68 103 LOW VOL. TEMP NA NA NA NA NA NA 61 73 73 76 NON NA NA NA NA NA NA 77 79 AVERAGE CURRENT (mA!: 3'OOO Hz Intcrrupled Tone HGH voL. TEMP 144 172 125 158 97 144 71 a7 94 NON 144 173 1E 168 146 69 95 70 73 106 LO\ / voL TEMP tlA l\|A M NA tlA t.|A 64 75 60 f5 59 80 NON NA t'lA NA NA l.|A 1'lA 63 79 59 81 60 86 H/S 75 cd z4-VOLT f,OO€LS 20v 21V 30v trc FU'R DC FIVR oc FWR AlrG. CURREIiIT (mAl: El.ctrom.ch. HGH VOL. TEMP 16,4 191 148 167 '131 '167 l,lOl.l 163 188 146 159 132 169 LOI 'VOL TEMP 156 182 136 152 119 156 tilotl 182 162 119 157 A\rG. GURRET'|T (mA): 3'0OO Hz Int.?. HGH VOL. TEMP 169 151 172 r39 174 tlON 164 192 150 175 137 177 LOW VON-. lEMP 159 184 140 164 123 160 l,lot'l 158 184 '| 39 163 124 162 H/S; l5|75 cd 12.VOLT OOELS 24.VOLT IODELS 10.5 V 12V t7v 20v 21V 30v DC FWR DC FWR DC F1IIR oc FIIIR DC FWR DC FWR AVERAGE CURRENT (mA): Electromechanlcal Tone HGH VOL. TEMP '178 193 152 181 113 164 75 86 82 73 88 NON 'l78 lo?152 181 1t3 164 94 98 74 104 LOlrv VOL. TEMP t\lA NA NA t{A M 1.|,A 62 77 61 77 NON NA M NA NA NA NA 81 6l 86 AVERAGE CURRET{T (mA): 3,0O0 Hz Interruptod Tone HIGH vo{_. TEMP 179 't 95 't83 '1'15 166 m 77 87 8l 95 NON 179 '196 152 183 113 168 oo ,o 103 79 107 LOW voL. TEMP NA t',lA NA NA t{A t\|,A 70 79 bb 79 o5 81 NON NA NA NA NA NA M 69 83 oc 85 66 a7 H/S l{O cd 24-VOLT i'OOELS 20v 24V 30v DC FWR DC FWF DC FUn AlrG. CURREI{T (mA): Electromech. HGH vot-. TEMP 't 88 241 165 209 144 200 l'lON 186 238 211 145 202 LOW VOL. lEMP 180 232 2U 132 189 NON '181 232 154 204 132 190 A\tc. GURRENT (mA): 3'OOO Hz Inter. HIGH voL. IEMP 193 246 168 214 152 NON 188 242 167 217 150 210 LOVV vot_- .IEMP 183 2U 206 136 to1 NON 182 232 205 137 195 Page4of4 - DN-5939'01/12,01 I 0, t I t t t t I r) l '!I I l I I I I II CONSTRUGTION DOCUMENTS Village Genter Vail, Colorado Prepared By: REDWINE.REIZIAN INC. 0150 East BeaverCreek Blvd P.O. Box 8009 Avon, Colorado 81620 970-748-0711 March 26,2CF,3 Ee1-d ['+ \K, B\K se- \-l^.^-\ \)it\...* \*o\) 1[.^1rcrh^ O 6gffi+ii+.''' U\[R e'l " oI I I I ! T t T I l' I I t t t N ! I I VILLAGE CENTERI Structural Drawing lndex March 26,2003 page I Sheet #Title COMMONDETAILS S1 NOT USED S2 Stone Veneer: Steel Angle @Wall S3 Stone Veneer: Door/Window Header S4 Stone Veneer: Veneer Ties s5 NOTUSED S6 Window Infill: Sill S7 Window Infill: Jamb S8 New Window @ CMU Wall S9 NOTUSED sl0 Cut Stone Veneer: Above Roof sll Cut Stone Veneer s12 Stone Veneer: Above Roof sl3 Concrete Stair On Grade s14 Landscaping Wall sl5 Balcony Connection To CMU Wall s20 Structural Notes: Page I s2l Structural Notes: Paee 2 s22 Structural Notes: Page 3 s23 Stuctural Notes: Page 4 s24 Structural Notes: Page 5 s25 Structural Notes: Page 6 s26 Structural Notes: Page 7 s27 Structural Notes: Page 8 s28 Strucfural Notes: Page 9 BUILDING A SAl Roof Infill - Plan SA2 Roof Infill- Detail BUILDING B SBl Roof Extension - Plan SB2 Roof Extension - Detail t 'TLLAGE cEN.-.ERo I i*:l"r?iffiT"glndex o I t t I I I I l.' t I I t I I I f, l, BTJILDING C scr Stair Enclosure: North Elevation SC2 Stair Enclosure: West Elevation sc3 Stair Enclosure: Foundation sc4 Stair Enclosure: 2no Floor scs Stair Enclosure: 3d Floor SC6 Stair Enclosure: 4h and 5s Floor SC7 Stair Enclosure: Roof sc8 Stair Enclosure: Landing @ El 67' 0" sc9 StairEnclosure: Landing @E|76'4": El 85'8" SClO Stair Enclosure: Landing @,El 57'8" sc11 NOTUSED scr2 Overbuild Shed Roof SCI3 Porte Cochere - Foundation SCI4 Porte Cochere - Roof Plan SCI5 Porte Cochere - Foundation Detail scl6 Porte Cochere - Roof Detail SCIT Porte Cochere - Roof Detail SCI8 Porte Cochere - Roof Detail SCI9 Porte Cochere - Roof Detail . o/1.rn wlbtt)ffi I I I I t I T I I J t t l t I I I I t oo Date lobll0a robr,ne. V[LL,ntt M\tlw robno.t sh.'Is+d Chu Mtu.h: l+rw Kwill -hNII+ titMS @HCe, Ut{,t1: HtLrt ratE qtN ?Mt V2P6 /6 4A Co4aUChraO unU fle5 e l6"o.c, a]4 wft'{ Vl+u= lto oo .:onrn", Ulllfttb 6lfUZ '-ono., sn*t56, a subjecr: ruf U00ru INFILL By: o".,ilL*lb? 6'qvu6 v^a2- vfuwtL -r1g', p6u s+ frn Av wlt'u tA| .4 re ,?'"'o'c ffar; * in w'A;pg t6"o'c wnDre G) stw t5 wt | ?*" Olmfi ^' Ww - 1W;6 wi xgr'omw 6tau( 0"()4u ww '6\ 6" Snw val@ 6, n Noouj NFILL|'a\LL l) 7lq"=11-o o Jobriue: Ylwft66 C6tAz-Job no.: sn*,J1 ot I I I t I t I I I I t I t l l I I I t subiecr tlfMAU NFttL By: on". 1[2*l6v 6tgq[xlL" fttLTl l+tl 5,BW nelw eLl'o'L,,nf* g6h JfiP Nnw rtfit|' 0'Nu+ 6u htotv uil@ w56 p0wa.5 ?qL 5Q / ll .' /'^ t{r,Norr^J INFll.,l, "' JfrAo oo Jobrd€: ulufrL? AJEA Jobno.: "n*, 58 " subject: NAil hJlil00tl/ e CH\ By: """, lp)10t, V\bnonu 5M af ruo tEr4N L{r'tr{+ uufg n)r4 6fd$ 5t96 u V6Nz 6" mt* JPrnh 6wuf 67o,t &L'B Wn Jp*^8 unw Dn6 FutL L00L# e 6uL PGw trlfilD0{U C 8"(AV trrqll, oll''.tb" (4b wwE sA)) I I I I 1 T I I I I t I l I I I I I I o Jobriue: vlwkbg c6]lf6p Job no.: ** 5lO o, ",q*, UJf 9lilJ? V6J6L PWB PnW ,r' """' 212+/09 $ e) a1 0te HN A = o -ri $ - --. a -a././// ,. /,T_7-/4 /-/u / '' t,';-4*- ?N(W NnTL un0fiA'f D 41U t) guu6 4ilt e fi"'6 'c':24r atl Nr oow uavwa llDt6tl6 tO CHU U' ilN]AL Gr>rzw a.1 Ur 5f0N6 VNAL MyVe aw robr,re. ylLl/hb/ mt)r6ffZ. robno., she*tgl or "'qo, CU\-;IDN( h0ll6l24 b AIU ", "",il?*10l' Urcr0fi6 [^u*u Ftpnr\to ,ifrru lAfttnr coNN#Tog"uu ttttft+ \etE ?l$5 g 16"o,c. 6tta txM Aol+6rw 7D Ct'lu tumt Honrarl 6" ot4t) nvcilEt, FOUN$PftWT CU{ 5taue, WVFEZ' ; o Jobri*e: tltt*Ab? Cilt@ Job no.: "rrorSlL o, ""q*,, 6" 5loNG V6^)ffiL Mvt QpF "r, o",, 2l*10? 6"qmPe Inm Mv6 0M Litb *6le H$E-u Aou o au wrtl 6lgt\x4'nwt-*w Slmg lilLtDo-; e l6r'b,c, NrD 6QNl@ GT}' 6" 5loN6 vAJe 5\ppotners € trPtt PEA 9L vAffiL Tt6 PeQ. s+ 6" fn$6 v6,tmt Pr?frvg 0W oo I I I I I T t I I I I t I I I I RE: AKH FOR 1READ UMA,ISONS AND |,AY0UI t3 Nosrt'rc BAR - TYP ,4 O 12'0.C. EA WAY %' rsoLAn0N J0|NI MAIERiAL (2) ,5 RoiltNE-RmAil hlc. SIRTruRAL S{GINEERS OI5O L BEAVER CRETX BLVD, mrE 3/26lot SHEET NO. s13 JoB N0. 021J1.0 VILI-AGE CENTER $JUEC', GENERAL NOTES P.0. Box E009 sum o Jobrrfle: IllUeE Ce.fWA o Job no.:sneet 514 ot suhiect: LWnmnPh a)hD o^'",Alzalbz t I I I t t I I l I I t t T t li I I I *44.|ri, t'o-u *(@l?,," o,c, GoPrQoL o( (ollgTR J6tl[g@, lctb" O,O, HD( gttl\t$ptu' (MUo I lPfi*. J QlLt'o,c. P[ffN Ib F.nq.uurt *hgl?,,oo W4ucbNr. t!+ Lh*vqcnpwa w\il/ flu"lbu o Jobritfe: VlW6 etWP-Job no.: sn*rS 15 "t subiect fitnnuq hNuAbNeCAU tullrl,Iav, *r.,?(zblo7 o G)cw ww tP.nlil"talqfh4- clr? T54x?. lruwbttrruMLgw) TiLx6*) VfuIeL om ab ff 92av t56xLr) uq L+ta htw w^, Q6tf fisrD &/;ry0t4D @u, l,ur+r 6h"6 xQ, ftirl tW 'LAE ailffi-Jl ?Lttt, tw6 ffiE, wan tGqNo tnoorrf aftwvq 60rN vAaJe L+4v vwt c1 sd)Ilv aahlaJ : ?lU''-lr9 B. c. D. D. E. 2. 3. 4. ) I I I I I I I I I T t I I I I ! 1.GE}IERAIJ A. THESE NOTES SttPPLEUmm THE SPBCIFTCATIONS, liHIcH SHALL BE REFERRED TO FOR ADDITIONAT REQUIREMENTS. ARCHITECT' S APPROVAL MUST BE SECT RED FOR ALIJ SUBSTITUfIONS ' CHECK AI,I, DIMENSIONS ON STRUCTT]RAT, DRAWINGS AGAINST ARCHITECI:I'R,AJJ DRANINCS. VERIFY OPENINGS THROUGH FIJOORS, ROOFS AND I{AI.'LS WITIT ARCITITECTURAI,, MECHANICAI,, CIVIL AND EI,EETRICAIJ REQUIREMENTS. GOVERNfNG BUILDING CODE: IIBC 1997 I.,IVE I,OADS USED IN DESTGN SEISUIC I,OADS PER I,'BC 1997 1. ) zoNE. . 2.1 rr.tPoRTAlrcE FAcroR, r...... B.WITiID PRESSI]RE PER I'BC 1997 REFERENCE WIND VELOCITY. . WIND STAGNATION PRESST'RE, EXPOST'RE CI.,ASSIFICATION. . . . . . . IMPORTANCE FACTOR, IW.... ... Qs.... 16.4 PSF 1.0 1 ? 4. 80 MPH 1.O ROOF 1.) SNOW EXPOSURE CoEFFICIENT, Ce. """" 0'7 2.) TMPORTANCE FACTOR, r..... .'.'. 1.0 3.) ROOF SNOV| [,OAD < 4z]-2, Pf. 1OO PSF (NOT REDUCED) 4.) ROOF SNOW LOAD > 4:]-2, Pf- 80 PSF (NOT REDUCED) 5.) ROOF TOP OR SUSPENDED EQUIPMENT .. AS NOTED s?ArRs ... 1oo PsF (Nor REDUcm) RESIDENTIAL '40 PSF (NOT REDUCBD ) DISCOVERY AND FIELD VERIFICATION A. DT'RING CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR MAY ENCOT'NTER EXISTING CONDITIONS WHICH ARE NOT NOW To\IOWN OR ARE AT VARIANCE WITI{ PROJECT DOCIJMENTATION (DISCOVERY). SUCH CONDITIONS MAY INTERFERE WITH NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REQUIRE PROTECTION AND/OR SUPPORT OF EXISTING IJORK DURING CONSTRUCTION, OR MAY CONSIST OF DAMAGE OR DETERIORATION TO STRUCTURAI., MATERIALS OR COMPONENTS WHICH COULD iIEOPARDIZE THE STRUCTI.'R,AI, INTEGRITY OF THE BUILDING (S) . B. THE CONTRACTOR SI{AI,I, NOTI FY THE ENGINEER OF AI,L DISCOVERIES HE BELIEVES MAY INTERFERE WITI{ PROPER EXECI]TION OF THE VIORK OR .IEOPARDIZE THE STRUCTITRAL, INTEGRITy OF THE BUILDING (S) PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH WORK RELATED TO SUCH DTSCOVERIES. C. TIIE STRUCTUR,AL DOCUMENTS MAY SPECIFY DII'{ENSIONS, EI,EVATIONS AND CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS TO BE FIELD VERIFTED' THE GENERAIJ I t RElwiltr*RtrllN lllc. SIRT'CIUMI SHIIEERS O15O E EEAVER CREEK BLVD. P.0. Box 8009 sum 2044 AVoN, @ 80202 (e7o) 74E-o7ll DAIE: t/26/0t SHEIT IO, s20 JoB N0. mlJl.0 VILLAGE CENTER SUBJICI: GENERAL NOTES A. B. A. B. c. I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I f. "ont*"**e*rJ BE REspoNsrBLE FoR "rr- .rlrrcArroN oF ALL SPECIFIED CO}iIDITIONS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH THE COTiISTRUCTION OR FABRICATION OF ANY STRU TURAT., COMPONENTS REI.ATED TO SUCH COTIDITIONS. TITIS FIEI,D VERIFICATION SHALIJ BE MADE IN A TIMEI'Y MANTiIER SO AS TO CAUSE NO DEI,AYS TN EXECIITION OF THE WORK. STRUqN,'RAL STABII,TTY DURTNG CONSTRU T ION fitE STRUCTURAI, DRAWINGS II,LUSTRATE T}IE COMPI,ETED STRUCTI]RE I{ITH ALL ELEI,IENTS TN THEIR FINAL POSITIONS, PROPERLY SUPPORTED AND BRACED. TIIE COIiITRACTOR SHALIT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR AIJIr CONSTRUCTION IIIEANS AIID l,tBTltoDs. THE CONTRACTOR, IN THE PROPER SEQI'ENCE, SHAI,I, PROVIDE PROPER SHORING AND BRACING AS MAY BE REQUIRED DI'RING CONSTRUCTION TO ACHIEVE THE FINA], COI"IPLETED STRUCTURE. c. 6.SUBMITTAIJS FTJRNISH ONE SEPIA A}ID ONE PRINT OF SHOP AND ERECTION DRA}IINGS TO STRUCHTRAIJ ENGItitEER FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO FABRICATION. SITBMIT IN A TIMELY MAIiINER TO PERMIT 10 WORKING DAYS FOR REVIEW BY STRUCTT'R;AIJ ENGINEER. FI'RNISH TWO SETS OF CONCRETE, GROUT AND MORTAR MIX DESIGNS INCIJIJDING STRENGTTI TEST DATA AND MANUFACTURER ' S I.IITER,ATI,IRE ON ADMIXTURES FOR REVIEW BY STRUCTI'RATJ ENGINEER NO I'ATER THAN 2 WEEKS PRIOR TO ON-SITE USE OF TIIESE MATERIAI,S. GENERA], AND ST'B - CONTRACTOR NOTES: 1.) THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW ALL ST]BMITTALS PRIOR TO SI]BMTTTAL FOR REVIEW BY THE STRUCTT'RAT, ENGINEER IT'I ACCORDA}ICE WITH THE PRO'IECT SPEC]FICATIONS. THE STRUCTURAI, DRAWINGS SHAIJL NOT BE USED AS BACKGROT'NDS FOR SHOP OR ERECTION DRAVJINGS. DRAWINGS PREPARED IN THIS MANNER AND ST'BMITTED FOR REVIEW tO THE STRUCTI,'RAL ENGINEER WILL BE RETURNED REJECTED AND CONSTDERBD AS NOT BEI\IG IN CONFORMANCE WITII THE PRO,JECT SPECIPICATIONS. SPECIAI, INSPECTIONS A. THE OWNER SHALI, EMPI.,OY SPECIAI., INSPECTORS TO INSPECT WORK DURING CONSTRUCTION AS DEFINED AND REQUIRED PER I'BC CHAPTER 1?. SPECIAI, INSPECTIONS SiIAIJL BE MADE OF THE FOLLOIIING WORK: 1. 3. 5. 6. 1 1?01.5.1 t?07.5 .2 l-701.5.4 1701.5.5 1701.5.6 1701 . 5 .7 1701.5 .13 CONCRETE BOI.,,TS INSTAILED IN CONCRETE REINFORCTNG STEEL AND PRESTRESSING TENDONS STRUCTURAIJ WEIJDTNG ITIGH - STRENGTH BOI.,TING S TRUCTURAI., MASONRY EXCAVATTON AND FILLING ROmE-ruZN D{C. SIRI'GIURIL SHIIEERS O15O L BEAVER CREEK BLVD. P.0. Box 8m9 sum 2&A AVoN, CO E0202 (970) 748-0711 MIE: 3/26/03 SHEET NO. s21 ,l0B N0. 02131.0 VILLAGE CENTER SUBJECT: GENERAL NOTES I B. FonNDArroNs - "ol"o" A. A SOIIJS IIiIVESTIGATION HAS NOT BEEN PERFORMED FOR THIS PROJECT. 1. ) THE OWNBR SHAIJIJ EMPIJOY A QUAI'IFIED GEOTECHNICAI., ENGINEER TO INSPECT ALL FOI]NDATION EKCAVATIONS PRIOR TO PI,ACEMENT OF CONCRETE FOR FOOTINGS. 2.1 ITIE GEOTECHNICAIJ ENGTNEER SHAI'I' VERIFY TI{AT T1IE SAFE BEARING CAPACITY OF THE BEARING IT'IATERIAI,S MEETS OR EXCEEDS TIIE ASSI'I,IED TOTAL I.OAD AI,I,OV{ABI.,E BEJARING PRESST'RB USED IN DESIGN AS STATED BEI,OW. 3.) TITE GEOTECHNICAL ENGTNEER S}IALIJ PREPARE WRITTSN SPECIFICATIONS FOR SUITABIJE BACKFILL MATERIALS AND PERFORI,T COMPACTION TESTS ON APPROVED BACKFIL,IJ PL,ACED AGAINST FOLDiIDATTON tfAr.,IJS, BELOW STABS-ON-GRADE AND BELOW FOT'NDATIONS. B. BOTTOM OF FOUTiIDATTON OR GRADE BEAM SHALL EXTEND A MINTMIJM OF 48 INCHES BEI.,OW ADi'ACENT FTNAI, GRADE . C. DO NOT PLACE BACKFIIJL AGAINST FOIJNDATION WAI.,I.,S OR GRADE BEAMS t,}iITIL BRACING FI,OORS ARE IN PI.,ACE, OR OTHER ADEQUATE BRACING IS INSTALLED. D. ACTM LATERAL E ARTH PRESSLTRE USBD IN DESIGN: . 35 PCF E. A?-REST LATERAL EARTIT PRESSITRE USED IN DESIGN; . 50 PCF F. PASS IVE LATERAIJ EARTIT PRESSURB USED IN DESIGN: 300 PCF G. COBFFICIENT OF SLIDING FRTCTION: ..... 0.4 H. FOOTINGS SHAIJIJ BE PIJACED ON TTNDISTURBED NATIjRAIT MATERIALS. TI{E COMTRACTOR SHAI,I, REMOVE ANY I.,OOSE OR DISTTIRBED SOIL AND REPI,ACE WITII NON - EXPAIIS IVE STRUCTURAIJ FILI COMPACTED TO 95I STANDARD PROETOR (ASTM D598) AS APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. I. TOTAL LOAD SOIIr BEARING PRESSURE USED fN DESIGN: 5,000 PSF I 9. SLAB-ON-GRADE - A. TIIE SLAB-ON-GRADE SELECTED BY THE OWNER AT TI{E GROT ND FLOOR LEVEL I oF Turs BuTLDTNG HAs soME RrsK oF MovEllENT. TIIE sr.,AB oprroN I cHosEN As pRovrDrNc surrABL,E IERFoRMANCE AT A REASoNABT.E cosr REQUIRES 3 FEET OF OVEREXCAVATED FILL TO BE PLACED; REFEREIiICE TI{E . PROiIECT SOIIJS REPORT FOR SPECIFIC REOUIREMENTS. T B. THE PREPAR;ATIoN oF THE SIJBGRADE FoR THE SLAB-oN-GRADE SIIALIJ BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE PRO.]ECT SOII,S REPORT REFEREI,ICED ABOVE; I TrrE coMrRAcroR sHAr.,L DrREcr euEsrroNs REGARDTNG TIIE SITBGRADE I PREPAXATION REQUIREMENTS To THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. C. MOVEMEMT OF THE SLAB-ON-GRADE MAY CAUSE DAMAGE TO ANYTHING CONNECTED TO BOT'I{ THE SLAB AND OTI{ER PORTIONS OF THE SUPERSTRUCTURE. ISOLATION DETATLS FOR PARTITION WAIJIJS, BASEBOARDS, PIPING. AND OTHER TTEMS MAY BE REQUIRED; REFER TO TIIE APPROPRIATE DRAWINGS OR CONSUI,T WITH TIIE RESPONSIBI,E MEMBER OF THE I I I I I I I I T I I I t I REDfiNE-REZllil StC. SIRTruMI $qNEERS OI5O E BEAI'ER CRETJ( BLVD. P.0. Box E009 $rm 2044 AVON, @ EO2O2 (e7o) 748-o7rr PROIECT: VILLAGE CENTER DAIE 3/26/03 SHffT NO. s22 J08 N0. 02151.0 SUBJECT: GTNERAL NOTES A. B. c. D. E. F. I I I I I l I I I I t t I I I I T AND OTTIER PORTIONS OF TTIE SUPERSTRUSIURA. 10. collcRETE DEsrcN tJ}*ro* To coNN'c?rl,rc rrEMs * "o0o" sr,AB-oN-cRADE AIJIr CONCRETE SHAIJIJ BE NOR"I,IAIJ WEIGHT AGCIREGATE ITNITESS NOTED. CLEARTY IDEMTIFY INTENDED USE FOR EACII II{IX DESIGN SI,BMITTED FOR APPROVAI. CONCRETE SHAIJIJ CONFORM TO THE FOIJIJOWING TABLE: IIRA = IIAIER REDUCING ADillnURE. SP = SIIPER PLASIICIZER. TOTAI- AIR CONIENI. PERCENIAGE MI'IGE. CMNGE TO 5-7 IF EXPOSED TO FREEZING TOIPERAIURES. ALIJ CONCRETE IN CONTA T WITTT SOILS SHAI'L USE TYPE I-TI CEMEMT. REINFORCING: MILD STEEIJ REINFORCING SHAIJIT BE ASTM A515 V|ITII A MINIMTJ},T YIEIJD STRENGTH 60 KSI, EXCEPT WHERE NOTED AS 40 KSI. ALIJ REINFORCING REOUIRING WEIJDING SIIALL CONFORM TO ASTM A?05. WELDED WIRE FABRIC SIIAIJIJ CONFORM TO AST!4 A185. RE I NFORCEMEITT PROTECTION 1.) CONCRETE PI,ACED AGAINST EARTII. ......... 3N 2.') CONCRETE PIJACED IN FORMS BIII EXPOSED TO WEATHER OR EARTH: a. BARS *5 AND SMALL,ER .... r-I/zf b. BARS #6 AI.ID I,ARGER. ........ 2A COL,I MNS, GIRDERS, BE,AI4S. -.... I-I/2'l SLABS OR WALLS NOT EXPOSED TO I{EATHBR OR E.ARTH. . 3/4' ilorsrs. ........ 1'l coRE WALLS. ......... 1n NO SPLICES OF REINFORCEMENT PERMITTED E:KCEPT AS DETAILED OR ATITHORIZED BY STRUCTT'R,AL ENGINEER. MAKE BARS CONTINUOUS AROT'ND CORNERS. WHERE PERMITTED, SPLICES MADE BY CONTACT I,APS, SITAI,L BB 35 BAR DIAMETERS MINIMI]I,,I. DETAII., BARS IN ACCORDAI{CE WITII NACI DETATI,ING MAIIUAL I" PI'BLICATION SP-66, AND ''BUII.,DING CODE REQUIREMBNTS FOR REINFORCED CONSRETE, N ACI 3I8, I,ATEST EDITIONS. PROVIDE DETATI,S INDICATING REINFORCING CONTINUTTT AT CONSTR,UCTION iIOIMTS. PROVIDE ACCESSORIES NECESSARY TO PROPERI,Y SUPPORT REINFORCINC AT POSITIONS SHOWN ON PITANS AND DETAILS. I 2. 3.) 4 .') s.) 6.) ]EE ffi RAIIO ry u)to(- TF ffi -s[ffi FOOIINGS J000 Rq 0.58 3-4 .75'0-2 lvats J000/4{n0 5.5 .58/.48 2-4 u,M .t,5-7 IMIERIOR FUTY{ORK Jmo 5.5 0.5E 2-4 .75'0-2 EXTERIOR FLAIIIORK J500 6 0.lE 2-3 .75'5-7 EIIVA]ED SI.,ABS ON MEIAT DTCK 4000 5.5 0.18 2-4 .75'5-7 AII O1HERS NOT NOIED J000 5.5 0.58 2-+.75'4-6 G. DAIE: l/26/03 srf,EI N0. s23 JoE N0. 02131.0 VILI-,AGE CENTER RBmilE-R&Uil rF. $NIIUMT OIGfr{EEnS OI5O E BEAVR CREB( BLVI}. P.O BoX Emo $rm 204A AVOi{. @ 80202 (e7o) 74E-07r1 GENERAL NOTES tf I. .I. K. IJ. M. N. o. P. o. A. I I t I t l I I I I I I I I T I I 11. MASONRY pLAcE 2-#sQ1 EAcr{ FAcE) }rrrrr 2'-0" pRoJEct o*o. o opn}rrrcs rN CONCREIE; PLACB 1-#4 {IN TOPPING) WITH 2'-0'r PRO'JECIION AROLTND OPENINGS THROUGH FTJOOR TOPPING SI'ABS, T'NLESS NOTED. PROVTDE SLEE\IES POR AI,IJ PIPES PTACED THROUGH CONCRETE. NO OPEIIINGS OTIIER TIIAN TI{OSE SIIOTIII ON TIIE STRU TURAI. DR.ATIINGS SIIAI,IJ BE PERMITTED I'NIJESS TI{E ARCHITECI I S AND STRUETUR'AI' EIIGTNEER'S APPROVAI, IS SECIIRED PRTOR TO rIIE PI,ACEMES T OF RE INFORC I}IG STEEL. ALL C1cNSTRUSrION JOINTS SHOWN ON THE DRJBWINGS SIIAI,I. BE PREPARED BY ROUGHENING THE SURFACE OF 11{E CONCRETE SO THAT TIIB ACIGREGATE SHALIJ BE EXPOSED IjNI FORIIILY, IJEAVING NO trAITAriICE, LOOSEIIED PARTICIJES, OR DAII{AGED CONCRETE, AS AN AIJTERNATE, 2 X 4 CONTINUOUS KEYI'AYS MAY BE USED FOR CONSTRU TION i'OINTS. SIJABS A}ID BE.AMS SI{AI.,I., NOT HAVE 'IOINTS IN A HORIZONTAIJ PI'A}IE. AIIY STOP IN CONCRETE WORK MUST BE MADE AT CENTER OF SPAN OR AT CENTER OF SUPPORT WITII VERTICAIJ BIIIJICIE ADS AIiID HORI ZOIiIIIAL KEYS, T NLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. AIJL CONSTRUCTION iIOINTS SHALL BE AS DETAfIJED OR AS APPROVED BY ARCHITECT AND STRUCTURAL ENGI}IEER. E}ISI'RE HORIZONTAIJ CONTINUTTY IN IIAI.'LS A}iID FOOTINGS BY PROVTDING CORNER BARS AT WAIJIJ CORNERS AND INTERSECTIONS. I]NIJESS DETAIIJED OTHERWTSE, CORNER BARS SI{AI,L MATCII SIZE AND SPACING OF HORIZONTAL REINFORCING AI{D EKTEND A MINIMtl.l OF 35 BAR DIAMETERS BEYOND TIIE CORTiTBR. PROVIDE STIRRUPS }IITH 2-*I1 TOP SUPPORT BARS FOR I.,E}IGTH OF STIRRUP SPACTNG TIHERE TOP BARS NOT OTHER9IISB PROVIDED. WIRE FABRIC REINFORCEMENT: I.AP ONE AND A HALF MESH WIDTIIS AT SPIJICES AI{D WIRE TOGETIIER. NO WEIDING OF REINFORCTNG SHATJI.' BE PERMTTTED I]NI.'ESS SPECTFICALIJY CALLED FOR OR APPROVED BY TITE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. DO NOT RE-BEND ANY BARS }IITH A YIEI,D STRESS OF GREATER TI{A}iI 40 KSI . CONCRETE MASOIiIRY : 1 . ) CONCRETE ITIASONRY I]NITS SHAT,IJ BE I,AID PII]MB, TRUE TO I.,INE , WITH I,BVEI., COI]RSES ACCI,'RATELY SPACED. FULIJ T'NIT MOR?AR BEDDING SHALIJ BE USED FOR THE FIRST ifOINT AT TIIE TOP Ar,ID BOTTOM OF TIA],I,S AIiID AT IMTEru,{EDIATE BOND BEAMS. FACE SHELIJ MORTAR BEDDTNG MAY BE USED FOR INTERMEDTATE COI'RSES. AII., atOfNTS SHAL,IJ BE 3 / 8 't NOMINAL AND SIIAITIJ BE TOOLED SLIGHTLY CONCAVE, AFTER MORTAR HAS REACTTED ITS INITIAL SET SO TIIAT MORTAR TIILI, BE THOROUGHIJY COMPACTED AGAINST EDGE OF UNTTS ' RUNNTNG BOND SIIAII., BB USED UNI.,ASS CTTHERI{TSE NOTED . HOIJLOI{ LOAD BEMfNG CONCRETE BLOCK SHALL BE In X 15'r NOMINAIJ FACE SIZE TIITH TIIICKNESS AS SHO$TN ON TTTE DRAWINGS COIiIFORMING TO UBC STANDARDS 24.4 ArtD 24.5. 2.1 3.) I t RgmNE-RtElU$r r1S. SIRrIURAL BFIIERS OISO L BAVER CREEK BLVD. P.0. Box 8009 $Jm 2044 AVor{, @ 80202 (e7o) 748-0711 VILL,AGE CENTER PROJECT:MIE: 3/26/03 SHETT NO. s24 JoB N0. 021J1.0 SU&'ECI: GENERAL NOTES B. c. D. F. H, J. K. Ir. M. N. I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I 4.) s.) 5.) 7 .') al,l ilcx srrArJrJ BE AsrM ceo, .RADE N,Q'E 1 MorsruRE CONTROTLED. }IITH 19OO PSI AVERAGE NBT AREA COMPRESSIVE STRBNGIE. BLOCK IIEIGHT CLASSIFICATION: LIGIIIY|EIGHT, T NLESS OT'I{ERWfSE NOTED. ALL COMPLETED IIASONRY WALLS SHALL DEVELOP 1500 PSI IIJTIMATE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTII (F,m) IN 28 DAYS. PERIODIC SPECIAI, INSPECTION NOT RBQUIRED. I. IIORTAR SHALIJ CONFORM TO ASTM C2?O TYPE S. WITII A MINIMW COMPRESS IVE STRENGTTI OF 18OO PSI. GROIIT SHAI,I CONFORM TO ASTM C4?6, WITH A MINIMI,'M COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 25OO PSI . RETNFORCING BARS: DEFORMED BARS, MINIMIIII YTEIJD STRENGTH 50 KSI ' EXCEPT IIII{ERE OTIIERWTSE NOTED, IIORIZONTAL REINTORCTNG FOR WAI.,I,S SITALL BE sDlrR-O-tfAL" LADDER TRUSS TYPE .rOIMr REINFORCIITG PLACED AT 16" CENTERS. PROVIDE PREFABRICATED CORNERS AIID TEES AT AIJIJ WALL CORNERS AND IIiITERSECTIONS . HORIZOIiITAL aIOINT REINFORCING SHALL BE PIJACED IN TIIE FIRST TWO BED JOINTS IMMEDIATEIJY ABOVE AND BEIJOW AI.,L OPENINGS, AND SHAIJL EXTEND A DISTANCE OF 24" BEYOND EITHER SIDE OF TTIE OPENING. AI,I, ITEMS REQUIRED TO BE BUIIJT INTO MASONRY SITAI,t BE INSTALLED AS TIIE MASONRY WORK PROGRESSES. CUTTING Ar{D FITTING OF MASONRY SHALIJ BE PERFORMED BY MASONRY MECHANICS USING MASONRY SAWS. MASONRY WAI,LS SHAI,I, BE TEMPORARII,Y S}IORED AIID BRACED UTiTIIJ THE DESIGNED I,ATERAI, SUPPORTS ARE INSTALTED. LOI{ I,IFT GROIITING: ]..) VERTICAL GROIIT POUR SHAI,L NOT EXCEED 5I-O' IN HEIGHT. I,IFTS MAY BE UP TO 5I-O[ TN HEIGHT. GROIII FILIJ BLOCK CEL,IJS SOLIDITY WITH GRO(I| A DTSTAIICE OF 24" BENE"ATII AND 12N EACH SIDE OF BEAM REACTIONS.OR OTHER CONCENTR.ATED IOADS. AT BOTTOM OP },IASONRY WA].,IJ, PROVTDE DOWEIJS EMBEDDED INTO CAST-IN- PLACE CONCRETE OR }IEIJDED TO STRUCTT]RAIJ STEEL SUPPORTS AT EACH VERTICAL REINFORCING BAR. DOWEL SIZE SIIAI,I, MATCH VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT. SPIJICES NOT pERMITTED IN REINFORCING BARS EXCEPT AS DETAILED OR AI'T}IORI ZED BY STRUCTIJRAI, ENGINEER. WHERE PERMITTED, SPLICES MADE BY CONTASI I.,APS, SHALL BE A MINIMIJM OF 72 BAR DIAT4ETERS. PROVIDE ONE *5 VERTICAL, FILL I{EIGHT, IN EACH OF TllO AD,'IACENT CELLS, EACH SIDE OF AIJIJ OPEI.IINGS , UNI.'ESS OTHERWISE NOTED ' GROUT AI,I.' REINFORCED CEI,I,S AIiID BOND BI,OCKS F'UI,L . REFER TO DRA}IINGS AI\ID SPECIFICATTONS FOR REINFORCTNG A}.ID OTHER REOUIREMENTS. I I RBml€-R&lAil htc. SIRJcruMI SHNEERS OI5O E BEAVER CREEK BLVD, P.0. Box E009 sullE 2044 AVON, @ E0202 (970) 71E-0711 tilTE: 3/26/03 SHEET NO. s25 JoB N0. 02.|3,|.0 VILI-AGE CTNTER SUBJECT: GENERAL NOTES I I o. n"* t*"l'*rs DRop B*r.,ow 40 DE.REE' "*t*tr. Ar Alry rrME DITRING MASONRY CONSTRUCTION OR CURIIIG PERIOD, COLD WEATHER PROTECTION PROCEDURBS PER PRO'IE T SPECIFICATIONS SHAI,I, BE FOI,LOWED. STRUETUR;AI, STEEI, A . STRUCI'URAIT STEEL : MINIMlttq YIEITD STRENGTII 5 O KS I FOR WIDE FLAI'IGES ; 35 KSI (ASTM A53) FOR PIPES; 46 KSI FoR TIJBES; 36 KSI AL,L ELSE, T'NI.,ESS NOTED OTIIERWISE. MrNIMtl,t WELDS: AISC SPECIFICATION. NOT LESS THAN 3/15n FILLET, CONTINUOUS I'NI.,ESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALI, GROOVE !|ELDS TO BE FT'LL PEIiIETR,ATION I'NI,ESS NOTED, WELDERS; I{AVE CURRENT EVIDENCE OF PASSTNG THE APPROPRfATE A.}f .S. QUAI.,IFICATION TESTS . SEE ARCHITE TI'RATJ DRAWINGS FOR NAII.,ER HOI.ES,. ATTACHII4EMTS, ETC. HEADED STIjD CONNECTORS: CONFORM TO A,W.S. D1 .1, STRUCTI]R.,AL I|ELDING coDE. usB 3 /4 " MTNTMUM DrAI{grER STT DS t Nr.,ESS OTHERWTSE NOTBD . HEADED STUD COIINEerORS SI{ALIJ BE AUTOMATICALIJY END }|ELDED IN ACCORDAIiICE WITH A.W.S. Dl .1 STRUCTT'RAL WEI.,DING CODE. WHERE POSSIBLE, CONNECTORS (OTI{ER THAN ON BEAMS) SIIAI,I, BE SHOP TIELDED; WIIERE METAIJ DECK OCCURS, CONNECTORS SHAL,L BE FIELD INSTALIJED BY WEIJDING THROUGH THE META].' DECK. STRUCIURAIJ STEEL SHALL BE DBTAILAD AND FABRICATED IN ACCORDAI{CE WITH TI{E AISC SPECIFTCATIONS AND CODE OF STATiIDARD PRACTICE AIiID WITH OSHA REGULATIONS. IJATEST EDITIONS. 13 . METAI,, DECK GENERAI, 1. ) DECK SHALL BE MANUFACTI'RdO STEEL WITH A MINIMW YIEI.,D STRENGTH OF 33 KSI. 2.1 DECK SITATJIJ BEAR A MINIMI'II,I OE L-7/2 INCIIES AT SI'PPORTS. 3. ) DECK SUPPLIER IS NoT RESPONSIBITE AOR TIIE ADHESIVE ABILITY OF SPRAYED ON FIREPROOFING. 4.) AIrL DECK SIIALL BE GALVANI ZED, PHOSPIIATIZED, Att MINTZED OR PRIME PAINTED, PER M.ANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION AND s.) SPECIFICATIONS . DECK I'NITS STIALL BE INSTALI-.ED 3 S PAN MTNIMT'I,I CONTINUOUS OVER SI'PPORTS 9IHEREVER POSSIBLE . ROOF DECK: 1.) NO PER.I4ANENT SUSPENDED LOADS, OTHER THAN I,AY- IN ACOUSTICAI, TIIJE CEILING SYSTEMS, ARE TO BE SUPPORTED BY TTIE STEEI, DECK' 2.) ATTACH DECK TO STRUCTURE AND ADiIACENT DECK PAIiIELS PER DETAII,S SHOWN EI.,SEWHERE IN TIIE CONSTRUCTION DOCI'MENTS. 3 . ) EIIDIJAPS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 2 TNCHES. L2. B. c. u. F. G. H. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ROf,INE-REEUN IIE. $RrIURAI RIGO{EERS OI5O E BEAVER CREEK BLVD. P.0. Box E009 stflE 20$A AVoN, C0 80202 (e70) 748-07il DAIE: 3/26103 STIEEI NO. s26 JoB N0. 02131.0 VILIAGE CENTER SUBJECT GENERAL NOTES A. D. E. I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I 4.) FLOOR DECK: 1. ) ATTACH FfOOR DECK TO STRUCTT'RE A}ID ADi'ACEMT DECK PANEI.,S PER DETAILS SHO!{N EIJSEHHERE IN TIIE CONSTRUCTION DOCIJIIENTS ' END OF DECK I,,NITS SHAI,I, BE BUTTED; DO NOT STAGGER ENDS OF DECK I]NITS. NON-COMPOSITE DECK BY OTHER MANUFACTI]RERS MAY BE SUPPI,IED IN LIEU OF THAT SHOWN PROVIDED SECTION PROPERTIES, YIEIJD STRESS ATTD LOAD CARRYING CAPACITTES EQUAIJ OR EXCEED THOSE SPECIFIED AND IF APPROVED BY THE STRUCTT]RAIJ ENGINEER. COMPOSITE DECK SIIAI,I, PROVIDE MINIMI,'}! SECTTON PROPERTTES SHOMiI ON DR,AhIINGS. TIIE SPAN I.,ENGTII SHAI,I, BB DEFINED AS TIIE CLE,AR SPAN BBT}IEE}I SUPPORTS. TEUPORARY SHORING SHAI.,I, NOT BE USED ON NON-COMPOSITE FOR}I DECK WITITOUT PRIOR ACCEPTANCE OF THE STRUCTT'RAI, E}IGINEER. pectrpplrER sEAr.,L pRovrDE aor, aoortQlnr, FRAMTNG REQ'TRED TO SUPPORT DECK AT OPENINGS TIIROUGH DECK NOT SHOWN OlI TIIE DRAIVINGS. 2.') 3.) 4.) s.) 14.TIMBER ALL TIMBER PRODUCTS SHALL BE FOREST PRODUCTS ASSOCIATION, EDITION. AIL I.,T'MBBR SIIALL BE VISUAILY CONTENT OF 19*. IN ACCORDAIICE WITIT TIIE NATIONA], NATIONAL DESIGN SPECIFICATION, IJATEST GRADED AND I{AVE A MAXIMT'II{ MOISTI'RE 2.'l 3.) 4 .',) s.) FRAMING LIIMBER: 2Xg AND LARGER, DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH; ALLr ELSE: IIEM- FIR IN THE FOI,LOVIING GR,ADES: 1.) GENERAL FRAMING: STANDARD AND BETTER OR STI,D. 2.') STUDS: STt D OR BETTBR 3.) FLOOR JOISTS AND ROOF RAFTERS: NO. 2 OR BETTER. 4.) BEAl,lS, STRINGERS, POSTS AND TIMBERS: NO. 1 OR BETTER. STT]D WALLS : 1 . ) F'P-AIT{E STUD 9IAI,I,S WITH 2X STI''DS @ 16 " ON CETiTTER AS CAI,I,ED FOR ON TI{E DR,AWINGS . PROVIDE A MINIMUM OP 3 STUDS AT CORNERS. SHIM FOR BEARING ON CONCRETE SI'BSTRATES. GROUT WITH 1:3 PORTI,AND CEME} T- SAND GROUT FOR FI'I,I., BE,ARING. WHERE MI'LTIPLE TOP PI.ATES ARE CALI-,ED FOR TN THE CONTRACT DOCIJMENTS, STAGGER SPLICES AND FACE NAIL PITATES TOGETHER. PROVTDE STl.lDS AT OPENING iIAMBS AS FOLLOWS : A . 2 STI'DS AT OPENINGS LESS THAN 5 I - O II VTIDE b. 3 STUDS AT OPENINGS BETI{EEN 5'-0" AI.ID 8'-0" WIDE C. 4 STIJDS MINIMIJIT{ AT OPENINGS GREATER THAN 8'-O'' WTDE BEAR OPBNING HEADERS ON MUI.,TIPI,E JAI4B STUDS AS FOI.,LOWS : . 1 STUD AT OPENINGS I,ESS THAN 8'-ON WTDE b. 2 STI'DS MINIMUM AT OPENTNGS GREATER THAN 8'-OO WIDE REFER TO DRATIINGS FOR SPECIAI STT'D CONDITIONS AI,I, T'{UI,TI PI,E ME}4BER HEADERS , BEAMS AND POSTS MADE FROM FRAMING LI'MBER SHALL BE NAILED TOGETHER TO FORM A SINGI.JE, COMPOSITE T'NIT USING NO I,ESS THAN TWO ROWS OF 16d AT 12" O,C. 5.) 7.) t I RffiINE-REEUN II{C. stRtmru ilqlffis OI5O E BFA!tR CREEK BLVD. P.0. Box 6009 sullE AVoN, C0 80202 (e7o) 74E-07il DATE: 3/26/0J $rEEt N0. s27 JoB N0. 02lJl.0 VILLAGE CENTER SU&IECT: GENERAL NOTES I I F G. co'p,,y nrrtr*"* srAriIDARDs FoR FRAItrrNe "t*"tro*" As sET FoRTIt IN lrBC TABLE NO. 23-II-B-1 AlrD 23-II-B-2 AI\ID AS DBTAILED ' SHEJATIIING: 1.) CONFORM TO A!,TERICAII PLYTTOOD ASSOCIATION (APA) DESIG}I 2.) SPECIFICATION, I,ATEST EDITION. SHE.ATHING SHAI,I, BE CONTINUOUS OVER TEREE ADJACENT SPA}IS MI}IIMT'M. FIJOOR SITEATTIING: 3/4'' THICK TONGI]E A}ID GROOVE APA RATED SHBATIIrNG 32/L6, BXPOST RE 1, NATL TO SUPPORTS WrTH 10d @ 6 INCHES O.C. AT AI,I, PA}IEI, EDGES A}ID lod @ 10 INCHES O'C. AT INTERIOR OF PA}TEL. GI.I,JE FLOOR SHEATHING TO SUPPORTS VIITH NTITE-BOITD'I (OR APPROVED EQUIVAIJENT) . CONSTRUCfION ADHESIVE SIIAIJL MEBT APA AFG-01. ROOF SHE,ATIIING: 1/2N TIIICK APA R.ATED SHEATHING 32116, EXPOSI]RE 1. NAIL TO SUPPORTS WITH 8d @ 6 INCTIES O.C. AT AIJIJ PANEIT EDGES AND 8d @ 12 INCIIES O. C ' AT INTERIOR OF PAITEI.. IVAI,I, SHEATHING: L/2" THTCK APA RATED SHE,ATIII}IG, B:KPOST'RE 1. ORIENT PAIiIEL,S YIITH FACE GR LIN PARALLEIJ TO WAIJIJ STt'tDS . NAIIr TO SITPPORTS I|ITH 8d @ 6 INCHES O.C. AT AIIJ PAIIEL BDGBS AIID 8d @ 12 INCEBS O.C. AIT INTERIOR OF PANEL. REFER, TO DRAI{INGS FOR SPECIAL SHEATIIING OR NAII,ING REQUIREMETfTS. 3.) 4.) s.) ALIJ TIUBER CONNECTORS SHALL BE iSTRONG-TIE'I CINNECIORS AS MAIII]FACTT'RED BY TIIE SIMPSON STRONG-TIE CONNECTOR COMPANT. FOLLOW SUPPLIBR' S INSTALL,AT I ON RECOMMENDATIONS. DECKING I 1. ) DECKING SHALL BE TONGITE AND GROOVE I'IADE FROM SoIJID TIMBER OR GLITED ITAIIINATED TIUBER. INSTALLATION SHAL'L BE CONTROLLBD RA}IDOU IJAYT]P. CONTiTECTIONS AND INSTAI,I,ATION PROCEDT'RES SHALIJ BE PER AITC 112. STA}IDARD FOR TONGUE -AND -GROOVE HEAVY TIMBER ROOF DECKING. MAXIMT'I.{ MOISTURE CONTENT FOR 2' DECKING SHAI,I, BE 15I, At{D FOR 3 AND 4 INqH DECKING 19*. I,AG SCREWS : 1.) CONFORU TO AIIS r,/ASME STANDARD B18.2.1-1981- 2.t CIJEARAI{CB HOLE FOR SHAI\IK SHALL HAVB THE SAI{E DIAIT{RfER AS THE SITANK AI\ID TIIE SAME DEPfiI OF PENETRATION AS THE I,ENGTH OF I'NTT{RE.ADED SIIANK. I,E,AD HOIJB FOR TITRE,ADED PORTION SHAI.,L TIAVE A DIAMETER EQUAI, TO 7Ot OF DIAMETER OF I'NTTTREADED SHAI{K. THREADED PORTION OF LAG SCREW SIaLL BE INSERTED INTO LEAD HOI,E BY TT'RNING WITH A WRENCH, NOT BY DRIVING TIITH A HAMMER. USE SOAP OR OTIIER I,I'BRICANT ON I,AG SCREW OR IN I,EAD HOLE TO FACIIJITATE INSERTION A}ID PREVENT DAMAGE TO I.JAG SCREW. J. I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t 3.) 4.) s.) T I RBMNE-RflIAI{ IIIC. SIRfiURAL ilqNffiS OI5O E. BEAVER CRITK BLVI). P.0. Box 8009 sxlE 20{ AvcN, @ 80202 (e7o) 748-07fi DAIE: 3/26/03 SIEEI NO. s28 JoB N0. 02131.0 VILI,AGE CENTER SUBJECI GENERAL NOTES I I I I I I I I I t t I t I t I I 'o=: :\:r (e) nortr FD&E V0ler.^w 1.5 bza AMT DECh 'EXt6rO :rorsrg PER. gL (e) t'ftls .I"Es (d d cnu pp1-g J e.r-.tos &) wc eA€i C Uoa 3r,uE5 REDTIIIE-REUN hT. sIRtmnfl. ilGrms 0150 E BE rrtR CR[B( BwD. P.0. Box Etxtg $rm mfi A\,0t1, @ E0202 (970) 7fS-0711 VILIIGE CTNTER DA1E 3/26/03 $fEI to, SAl JoB N0. 02131.0BUILDING A Q- ft,wt- Fcrt.tr ' ffiIt ut*r-l, (e\ Cnv tJP'(l- lA /q'wPrPt,rrE'y \terrp I w s.p&D W|ffio"" Ll/'r tlz 1p Fuers wer-D e,-fi( E Eorroo.t olw Ror fNrgtl-" Tae6r E,(re^'d RE'TilE.REMIN TF. SIRrIUMT SIGOIERS OIsO E BFIE CRET Bt\D. P.0. Box Ems sum ar A\oil,00 80202 (970) 74E-07r1 0ArE s/26103 $rsT N0. SA2 JoB N0. 02l3ln VILIAGE CENTER $JBIECI: BU]LDING A T I I I I I I T t I I l\t\ o vve6 mvp hnb'b'-w? 5WE uug4 , u)w6' h' - rufrF Eara,tstolJ \t\ o -l \ns..+ algl? 4luo" =l'o Q- ?t/L\ gbF o Jobr,rre: llwtf1E h,lEL O Job no.:sh"fbL"n ""qo, hLDl, h: lW€ B.Tnlt<t}N ,r' /}W ,*' lh/ailoz qv4-2l.A'r' l[A Jovr Pc HAril, lDH 191ft/w1x6'o' UW H{E J0$r jll1,. hvwl @)t'w ww 6NI6 66Ptl"l acfaostor] 4\4,r7116"(l ?U e htA cthtug4 -- 2_?rL Wtu) | ,''r',' , oI I I I V-l3 rl<tl-:s >< VlWe CA{Ee qp6'c'-1flne A{u.vnW 6nxlbbh Sfisse lb liqlol(, 1.p1t9tNrr I ttforlre No0lrr @ iG'c'-iTfttr- WC el $l .tl^\)163l--+\)\fr\n , e Fs \l) ?\Fr\)3 UIWME cAWg- hth'o' - qlfrrL 6a.m)QB dhL- il€ed fi*o1*191 {l+ ,{-, I _+lq +- 2o F02,3s 3\s2 I t I I I I T I T I I I I I I I T t t Rlo ,,- lF sl_i \se$s *E $*N3 t/4 +l |f;W,PW de- qluilfr olo q$ g-#s eR $ld H 2 Et.\ $l+ rls stl t o*r dl$='r' &d I t i+tn?] Inn1,t7x791 u | --t f'l. H*t t I I I I I t T n ll t- t$l@gd sI rlWtr€ tWlot T F)I\: p 4.. t-l$ \sl--:..$x:t+$.:A -9:As - - l]T-t T,lerlrn++';qryeL\ ll -'-- lllll ll _s (N + B O+ r-\-/t lb tLhM qL S l-*liilo,, N,ht =LEl.l= ,€ Vr n e. I Ilr I I t f I I I t I I @av sl $ € o VIuftbc ,,11/d0\ o aft% $ $ ttrS s I I I I T I I I o Jobritr€: VIW\W C?/.:!(AL .bno.: o*rN8r* ",qo Vlnb 'C' - 6\'nE 6tU,Ds0fEi ur o*, lllolloL o @>wqb ( $ $r$s J3 d 3 si \rl r/tJN ll $ $ I 6tW ,ffl,lilL (d6rtt- 'DoT. 4v^'rlb I I I I t I T I I I t I I, ,f' I t T I I I I I t I I I I I l' I I I I I I I I I o Jobrirfe: VlWl6€ (AI(W Jobno.: *oSC4 * *rw* lt|,fr?'o'-5tktf- VttcIDA)Q8 ,r' o*, lolq\loz o lth +uil ..9<J.s =JNr(x\o't $$ $ '41* fim.t EL76L4- LruuN6 e SrHD Wlr EL g5vo I o Jobrirfc VIWW &$VA.Jobno.: atr*g|D" I 1- It CNoa N |!o^ (m.ttub t'cjltl CDI?E NITL x\s\t d SR SH fiW L tlfrollrL e I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I oo Jobr,re: llttSN.y;- m4lAL .to''no.'07',{Vl sh""rs(l2pr subiecr hVtWtltg C w, WIL o.t", bllllOt- 6\17/?t" L*v tew L*b lmuqz E)8'buu uw6^', $unnto flhau- C6).zrru w}w ^N U4,'t=llo': o vluh^e <fnuoL'c' hwt, c vwuY oct+e?n -Fptl ql'htl rl+"rl:al' @ (ol/'r.lb't o l-- rj I // r*l5 E6 $$ $:3 3 =3S o EIel .sl?ltl s I \) s3\) s p cge o \\ n rn, III-II-IIIITII..,IIII I I I I I I I I I T I I I t I I I I I oo ,oorr.' Vll)tfllf 6!Ef- ,oono., sn".&15 o, s"oio, V\W OCttfl?E '. WN WIX\L. ,r, o^*,21%{D? stt 5T0$e cr( llt,x v6at@- rw e qa rerS6 6t elb"o''' Soxe wwL {9t*?u2( ury k>"lPtL h$e -p "rlb" ?HTm,l, ,lQxf!"rllf' nPttr PIAE *i+tts,eQ)q ;!:"b Fartuq ru|fi+ @)w a wN o tbrT8^q tbr-b r2nbr*r- W L4We vas 4 ti ry ng,C,G)Q A ,0"+ lresy*t- wl(gVE r) vew actWlE : g2ouoPrilod t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I oo Jobrrile: |llLl6€, CAW- Jobno.: "n*rt$ o, ",r*, TNbfE; [NM(xg ; iloF D?l4bu, o^,",2126(0g N6 VPnAz a)tttt ll|"9tt 0 tw@t Nf+xtL w ltl'u\rtuwrt ||l' Wtb P164ttt9 Ti gx @r ullfl N L,Wi. Er H,rm+C+)?lt'Q WU.w oDa+g(wi p&? llty" 4Lo .t"oru"' l)il t %f< (BrlEL .-ano., s'',a5CJ?'t s"bt"d,, f)008 CD()EAE i l)h? ?ffP{L, ar, o^t ' /'^ '{0a Ilrbn x,'A NaLffi TO' ug\e o|i ,rb 0&a + tly,VyqttbD wu'qrnpBs wn I P.aieYb^koi6 ilbAtz IM e wu MD 0b1|d aw tvtA ADdt htl W)fV 0trft62'V'. 0"DF Wflt- O WUh65 c6'fw WW uAeag, SN o z8 4z4og .utb t?.tn& w M ll'gnffiI@ e'ufrt Pfir T10r ,uru Mi !yun{ hr & tl2yQx6 L11"1tD @WV oous 0W il-uzx6*o\tt' +($at (6 rmss wrb fueM q tl+,ttrtl(frt# ourb wT 414t'-1b' o vlw6 ^WfiQE?0W cor.t+6V! lW TEIA\L E.l1 z(zs(ot N10t Pffiz r^rr aoe fr. NP P^A* t*lbt+ lilh po6-6r4 q&)4(t hDt't> Wt w\b Ehv?g,t{ n ?onap u.t+gw'. twv ogrA(v j APPLICATI INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNEDs NVtlWvarlly 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 E$T-tr$'Etgu'm CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Fire Alarm Contractor: ('o nn elz,b / grr |, tftr # n:T Town of Vail Reg. No.: te t'tl Contact and Phone #'s: 7-ad/ ty'.<.y'rr h fa)n 1- 7/2o E-Mail Addres* ( ontjF( w<@ a-al. Cott Contractor Signature: ,-?- 'l4rd (thw- COMPLETE V ATIONS lsFOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Fire Alarm: $ 2 l. grto. rc \)r.,-^\ O,L\.,-on* tt (-\ rt --d \V t L\c^.r,,- L-a-nrtl C Contad Assssorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit t for Parel # Parcer # 7totoET o14t - ',A.[DIt$Ai W0O Job Name: l/ilne e- Cen *tf- Fu,,/d;nq C Job Address:l2q v)rlrtr/ [r,/q. F/- Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners Namei h;/r"re ct,z{ztg. ll Address:Phone: Engineer: ,VA Address:Phone: Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) .Fz/;re puitcl,h2 Detailed description of work: u77rn/,>y e/jt:t-p /)/e ,z-/ar.n !/ltczrt WorkClass: New() Addition( ) RemodelQfl Repair( ) Retro-Rt( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-family(;-) Commercial( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No, of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: ) L/ ll fVo. of Accommodation units in thisbuilding:. t7i/ Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (X ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ($ No ( ) *******************rr*,r****rr************FOR oFFICE USE ONLY*********t<***************r.*********** Date Received: Public Way Permit Fee:Acceoted By: \WAiI\dAtA\CdEV\FORM5\PERMITS\ALRMPERM. DOC 0712612002 ,/ ( fa Commercial Specialists of Western Colorado, LLC. Data Sheefs For,'*, \", ' ,.1*,/ f Village Center Buildings ArBandC $ruesco, i @toTtFlEf,'HmnER ffi-EF gYlrsoffiraY. rG Table of Contents AFP-200 Analog Fire Panel.. ....'....Section I UDACT Universal Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter. . . . . . .. Section 2 FCPS-24S6 Power Supply... ..........Section 3 PS series Batteries... "' """'Section 4 o PS-1270 Batterv FMM Series..' ......Section 5 o FMM-101 Mini Monitor Module Gentex 9000 Series ... .Section 6 o 9120 FIF Smoke Detector MDL Sync Module... . ..........Section 7 Spectra Alert Series ... Section 8 o P24llHorn/Stobes o P24110K Weatherproof Horn / Strobe o Hl2l?4HomOnly o WBB Weatherproof Backbox Califomia Slate Fire Marshal 7165-0028:164 -'^..{- t-M ->\../ Approved Oecemb€r 13,2001 ON-37&l.A-r05 n|(}TIFIER'Anolog Flre Ponel S6clion: Intelligent Fir€ Alarm Contrd Panols GEN.ERAL The AFP-200 is a compact, cost-etfec{iv€, intetlig€nt lir€ alarm conlrol wilh a capacity of 198 individually identified and controlled poinls and an extensive list of powerful fea- lures. The AFP-20O provides capabilities that €xc€€d mosl large intelligent systems, al a.cost comparable to conven- tional control panels. FEATUR.ES . 198 intelligenl devic€ capacity (99 analog detaciors and gg .monitor/conlrol modules). Style 4, 6, or 7.. Overall 301 point capability ( t 98 int€lligent points, 4 prc, grammable NAC circuits, 99 programmable relays).. Netwoft feady teterence$OT,. FtRE.llET" a nd NAM- 232 dala sheets for morc infoffi7€,tion).. Intelllgent featurc!:y' Manual sensitw adjustmenty' DayNight auton tic snsitiw adiustment. / Drift ctr,npnsation (U.5. Patent Pending) medb uL rcquirqnants as a calibrated test instrument. ./ Auto detdu tesl (mg€.ls NFPA 72).y' Mahiamnce atrt $wo separa'te algptithms).y' Pra-alarm (AWACSt|. U.S. Patent pending). y' Acliyate ted suder base on prc-alarm. / LED blink control lor sleeping areas.y' Automatic device type check.. Beleasing features:y' Four indepedent hazards. t/ Sophislicaled cross-zone (three options)y' Delay tin'F.r and Disdnrge tinlp,rs (adiustable). t/ Atp,tt (fow qtions).. Opdonal DACT, with AC fail delay.. LCD-80 remole display/control.. ACS annunciators (ElA-r185), including LOM custom.. Printer inlerlac€ (8o-column and 4o,€lumn p.inters).. 5.0 A usable regulaled outprJt povrr€r, plus 6.0 A expander (marimum &0 A to panel circvltr).. Sodraracter LCD display, bacldit. Real-time dock, with European format option.. Histo,y file wilh 650-ev€nt capecity in nonvolatile memory. Includes non-€rasaHe shadow history.. Watertlow or supeMsory soleclion per point.. Alarm Verification selecdion per point, with tally.. Walk Test reports two d€vices ssl lo same addr€ss.. Posifive Alarm Sequence (PAS) Prosignal p€r l,tFpA Z2-. Silence inhibil and Auto Silence tirner options.. Marih time/temporaUOalifomia code for bell circults.. Field-programmable on panel or oA pC, wlth user-defined passwords, dus Autoprogram feefure.. UL Listed modem interface allows remotey'ofl-6il€ sylst€m inlegration. lfoTl.flRE.ltET'r is a trad€mark ol NOnFIER,.1994. . FZM-I two-wire detector int€rlac€ porfres dnpathility with many non-NOTIFIER detec{orc lor retrofit applications (consult fadory for lat€st compatibility listings).. Dual-rat€ dtatler tor up to 90 hours o{ s[andby power.. Two€lage optim tor notilication cirorits (Canada).. Tomado Wamirg rlivates diflerent mtifrcalion circuit code.. Norr'alarm points for lower prio.ity functi'tns.. Remote Silanca/Fes€t/Evacuate via monator moddes.. Autonalic lime control funciions, with holiday €rceplions.. Rapid poll algorttrm for manual stations. Responds in < 2 aecond!.. Op€rat6 with untwisted. unshialded wire (up to 1,000 ltJ 304.8 m).for retrolit applications (U. S. Patenl S,2lO, 5A3).. UL t$tod lor Fire Signaling per Standard 864 & NFpA 72.. UL Usled tor Buqlary apdications per Standard 1076.. UL List€d tor Releasing Service. Complies with NFPA 12,' 12t\ 12B.,13, 15. 16, 2001 Standards when instalted in accodanc€ rvith appropriate NFPA standard.. FM approv€d for Agent Release and Preaction/Detuge. MEA and CSFM approved; howev€r, ndt approved for relea-ing by MEA.. Approv€d formarine applications by U.S. Coasi Guard and lJoyd's R€gi6t6t of shipping. ^n --7 TISTED s635 @ 94/60004 (E1) @@ csl18 (AFP-2@C, AFP-200RC) MEA u.s. coasr Guard 104-93_E Vol. Vt 161.00223/1 (twl lo( rcleaslng) The AFP-200 This doomeol ls ml hfsnded to bc us6d lo. k|sbta0oo pglposas. Wc try |o U4 orrp[odrct htormalron upfiate ad ac6J-rstc. Wa cannA'oovar eff sped|i; apOfca'Oom or addpac al r!$i{!msrts. AI sp€dbado.rs .n attod to duiliunrt,,a|co. For morc infolmrrbn, co. acl OnFtER. phq|g: (203) 4ix-716r rei: tZogla,tZi.id @XOflf teff iz cifnta|vne Rord, rodrto.4 conn csctn o6a7?$rmrx3ilffim ffi ud. h th. U.S-^. SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM 4ffifriff FSF?5! FSP'?5.|kr P|s E//|.45 FST-I5'.1Ilrcidtud sLC ,ntsl&|'na fry -"lGlaJ( 99 sofrt'tate zonas AC$'AEM.I6AT LEO Annund.tor u)il€A Curbol G.aptb Flffr FCS1rttoc lAc I tlofftf5,aur q Faoara Gtsdis PRN Satbr Pritt E A-2ff2lntetlac. for cRT, prlntcr, or PC comPutct Fout standard Notlffcadon or Rel€aslng clrcuits. Full Alpha keyboard tor menu-driven programming. 5 amPere legulated Powef supply. Voltmeter/ Ammetol OPtion' P.lgszd1- O A7&f 'lzt3ot 12 AH bEtterles; 18 AH i,ith 88'17' Up to 90 hours standby Poscf,. SLC loop. Up ro 198 devlces on a slngle Pair ol wlres. Slot for optional module. 8o-character bacldat LCD dlsplay. AWACS" Adu"rr"" Warning Addressable combustion Sensing (u'S' PatentPendhg) SMOKE OBSCURATION o/o Per foot 3Yo T|ME -*ALERTandAcT|oNteve|sarecomP|gt€|yaqudaHoinq:fi"|drosuitthedean|inessarrdstat'lityofthoonv|rotmm|. AraRil revers are n ro "oi'oi,iSiJJiii'lni'lij 9fl11115 :iJffiH ';'g:"Tiliffi *g,tr PnEATU s oxtlPHolol FrOOt 3 toulP nAc[ 5 AIEII: 0.221 l.r0t I l:25 ? l2125193 066 ALERT Waming at P6nd of possible lire ACTION Shut ofi Power to €quipment monltored bY t|l8 det€ctor ftEAtlt sttoKtlPHoIol H.OOI 3 toult RAC( 5 ACITON: 0.511 | 't01 l r:36 P 12r25r93 066 ALARM Evacuate building and call fire deParttnent Il B AIARil levels are fieb adiustable lo otl€ ol tnl€€ rslr€rs ururrrr uF es 'v!'i"r-- --' s g a bcal soutd€r ba"" bolo€ used to perlotm control runaiilsl liiir rev"r s€ff-reslote and may be used b acli€tl general ALARII €r'acuatitl' AUTOPROGRAM PLEASE WATT 1. FIELD PROGRAMMING _ 3 WAYS 1. AUTG'PROGRAII The AFP-2oo identilies all dwices that ar€ conn€ct- J]d"i"*1n"" tt€ typ€ ol devic€, and loads default ,iir* id"d alarm) into norwolatilo momory' This is compGteO in less than 30 s€conds' 2. ON.UNE EDIT Wtrite stitt providing lire protection, the AFP'200 pro' ir"r m"y t" completely edhed lrom th€ |tont key' iaO. Uenu troes p€.mit easy cfiange of any param- [i", "lrf,o"t reterial to the Prog'amming manual' R6' iii in"t"*"nt and edit tunctiorf speeds atrv ol1t- ptranumerlc tabets. New program check rcutin€ catch- €s @mmon €nofts. 3. OFF-LINE PC: VeriFire'2fi1 (included with VeriFire'CD) The complete AFP-2d) program may be c,rc1ted 1t "n off-fini pC*mpatible conrgrterwith a Wndorg} U"..a mfitv, then loaded into the AFP'2OO EJA'a3P' *n ftr" prcrgram may also be ofl-loaded to a PC at -rn" ri.". iriqi'"p."d Oata transler compl€tes upload or AowntoaO in less than one minute. The PC pro' otaa tnay also be used to access,emote AFP'2()0 ivJems 6ver Oiatr.p phone lines, providing detail sta' tus inlormation and history lile search/sort' o=CtR 1=AUTO 2=POINT 3=PAS$IVO a=MESSAGE 5. ZONES 6 = SPL ZONES 7=SYS 8=CHECK 2. trSr r.brt orloz8' rZrSOt - Paoe 3 ol I AGENCT LI5TINGS AND APPR'OV4F *::tgi"titthe;s"tr"T""#trii;eSl6r66dffi$;;;";";;tiiiri modutes mav not be tisled-by cenahap' ili']l?illi-s,'or itting mav ue in process' consult faclofv lor latest listing slalus. SPECIFICATIONS .- primarv tnput pow€( 120 vAc, so/69 H.: 3..0 1T!"-:-.-,: iiilir'itJf,J tr vDq t"y:t;:.: t gi?5ffilff ,l;Eilt* " 55*:3:iiffi $"Jlah ; r'oe maximum standbv' y' Non'resettat{epow€c 5O0 tn'\; i ;;;;:;6;.tadetectorpower scp nrA' 7 f*turltt-ln no0nouon cirwits: . NAC CltEUn T: 225 A' . ifnC circuns e<: 225 A (sharod total)' I'#: *yHiZ' EX r"t Ei W: ^c ci'cu iE 3 & . i"tt"w ilt"o"r rang€: ?AH'18Atl' : 8:ffi*'ffi.fflXiSSfi?'11I: Affiil;ffiffi#'te.tzs' 6o'eszscnr)hishxl'l'$ (36'83 crn) witb x 5.9 (1 3.97 car) do€P' 5YSTEIII CAPACITY. i","r pt"g.tt*sbltpuuouFutPolnts: gx . lnto]rofltdet€do€:og. lia&iotemotdlodco.,rolmodubs: 99 . F *ramtmUe NAOtircults h Panek 4 . Prdratt n"lt sdtreto zon€s: gg . b;;;"bt nnrote rclay/annunciatorpoints: 99 . t-C AO arur.nrdatoa P€rsYstem: 4 . ACS antxrndabB PorqFt'|||: 10 CONTR.OI.5 ATID INDIGATORS 6 LED indicatoF: AC Powec Fir€ Alarfr|; Pts'Aam: Superv+ ;/#i;ilr At"rm Sle.Ed: Systom Trqrte. ;i;;;;# Ctft.rt controtr: Ad<ntrbds€/stop; silencs; ;;;il: sGtem R€s€t 12-lev Alpha pad: 4 qrrsor ttovs; Erder.t6'buprl' 80 dreraclsts (/t r 20) witr longrlr€ LEo bad(' lsttt GOilPATIILE lNrELltGE[r DFvlcES FSI-751 'lontrdor. - FSP-751 Pholo det€dor' iii-zsf Photo dot€ctor wilh f rcd th€rmal €lomsnt FsT-751 lhsmd d€Lclor' ft(od' isi-zsr n Thetfiel d€t€ctor. fx€d and rated{is€' . . FStf-751 HARSTHil pholo deoaor (r€qrir'6 wt M&)' FSI>TSI P Drct dstoctor. witl hot'tsiftg' FSD-751RP Ducl dabcfor, wift trarsing and rchy' INTELLIGEilT DETEGTOR. BASES ezr0LPBp StariOarU nangeC bse, pad€gE d En' e;orip Standatd tlangeless base, padog€ of ten' NOTE: Renate Bf stttfu lor ingle-pack6as€s' B71G|O Bas6lorFSH'751(I.|ARSHil)only' B224RB RelaYbasa. 'tiE21€l lsoldorbas€. 85fi8[l S(xjtldet bas€. B501BHT Soundetbas€wifhtEmporalsourvJEr' COII'IPATTBLE ADDRESSAEIE DEI/ICES NBG-IAJ Addressable Pullstation, vidbl' l-€D' ' ' FUItI-l tr,loritormodle Fililr1 ol Mottitor modub, miniaturo' iofu-r Monitor module. dual. two indep€ndent class B ci.cuits. Fzll-l Monitor rnodul6. two'tdr€ smoka deteclors' Pags4 ol 4 - tlN€7q|' 12fi 3,l,1 FCtrl-1 FRll-1 xPs-il xP$c rs&x C6|ttol fitodule. Retav module. ir",GponO",, .onitor, live addressable Class B "circrtits. Transpooder, controUrelay. fve addressable Class B drcuils. lsolator module. ( COMPATIBLE DEVICES' EIA'232 Port (sce drb sheetc) PRN S.rl..: 8o-column Printsr' VSIO9S,SZ, Printer' 40 column, 24 votts' Mount€d in €,d'mal bafux (order fuom Keft rcn, I nc' )' CRT-2: Video d|sPlay tetminal' rllil-iSZt Netwot* intertace Modul€ to xoTl ' FIttE' llET- wire or frer models. GOIUIPATIBLE DEVICES' R5'485 Port {see &ta ehee|s, ICS S"rt"t Rernote Sedal Annunciatodcontrot systenrs' LCD€o: Bomote LCD dbPby' Lol| S€rle!: Bemote custom graphic ddver modules' Ituen Remote r€lay rnodul€' Eight Form€ relays' NIB-06: Neiwo* l {edacs Eoatd' iFi<es, s€lhs R€p6ater' isolato( and/or ser.optc mden UDACT: Unhreeat Oigltal C-;ommt'nicatot' PN,ODUCT LIilE INFORTAfl ON AFP€m AFP'2oo 6vst€(n. lndud€t.rn"h. q9 PI! 11IilicT"td-6vdo' hiclbox and door (grav]' hatdwa€ ard insinilon manual. 12O vAc- *P-zOOe Sam€ as AFP'an. brn 230 VAC''AFiimR: Satne as AFP'20O, hn wifr rcd bad6ox and door' lfp-ZOOne, Sane as AFP-2oOR. hn Uto VAC' ;F-2oct Same as AFP-2fi)' but ULCapp{ovsd Y€cson' Gi-ioonc, Same as AFP'20oR, butULG4provedrcrsi'on' oR-AFP:Dof : R€plac€m€rr door' Itay' oR.AFPZ|OOR': FeP'lacsrn€ot doot' rEd 'M E ,oe,td ot pttttrnberbrz3OVAC t*elil'g' ia8{i AFP-2oo uiaooo< rcamrt. gny' b(leplacerttsrtottty' g6g.iin: AFP-2oo bad6d (m <bor)' red. lor rcflacemerr c{y' c-ls-fU, HeavYduty oulor strd'x 'r€' R€quiGd for tnadn€ agenry aPPrwed ePPN6do.F- -agorEy;ffi; F[d" Transnriner atlottute' Ptovldes municipal box and r€rnd€ statlon eom€cton' nfni pf,retn Relay Transn*ter lrloduls' Provld€s eight Form4 relays, plus tfansmm€r' axllll: Ammeter/Vollmeter.iiiiict Gray Trim Rlrg for serd-llush mounthq ffi-4XR lor red).opllfpAo' Fufl-l€ngth dea&lront panel (rcquit€,d lot Cana' dj€naryff,l,lions)'is-riic BattEi, 12 volt, 7.o Nl, (ttro leqtn$q' -is-rzf zo, Eattery. 12 volt, 12.o A!1, (two Bqukdl i+rzrgo' Banoi, 12wlt 1s.o F*t (tworeqnreQ' APS4R: 6.0 A etQansion $.Fply (rcqrirg6 B&17): - -- -- .-dil1i: aanery box' requited for PS-121tr). or if APS{R is used dic-rzo, 12o AH battsry ch atger (sae sepante data sheet)i 2'55 AH utitizod bY AFP'zoo. lf t S"tL., DigitalAbrm Communicator/Transmitter' v.imt"io, Frogramming kit lot PC' Indudes 9 c-o wilq a "i'tildiir v"lin*n progra;s linduoqg v€tiFir€'2oo) ' cabt€' andHructm&iiili-*rzocp: spar{sh language kit' lndudes softrvare lG' rnaflJal, atd lab€b. ARCHlrECTUTAL/ ENGTNEEN|NO SPECIFI CATIOT{S So€cffbatiorE ar€ availabl'o on C&ROM witr NOTIFIER's ;F;rrFd-;-sdt a,€. contact NOTIFIER for details' October 24. 1997 UDACT Universol Digilol Alsrm Communicqtor Tronsmitf er Section: Annunciator Control Systems D-l60 @rq#,#"FR GENENAL The Universal Digitat Alarm Communicator Transmitter (UDACT) is designed for use on the NOTIFIER AM2020' AFP101O. AFP-400, AFP-300, AFP-200, System 5000 and System 500 Fire Alarm control panels. In addition' il is also designed for use on the Intelligent Network Annuncia- tor (lNA), software release 2.8 or higher. When used in conjunction with the lNA, the UOACT can report the status of allcontrol panelson NOTI'FIRE'NETW. The UDACT transmits system status to UL listed Central Station Re- ceivers via the public switched telephone network. The UDACT is compact in size and may be mounted exter- nally in a separate cabinet. ElA485 annunciator commu- nications bus and regulated 24 volt connections are re- quired. 8gi9'rir3 't?HiH"Marshal 2i32 6030 A 7300-0028:174 NFttAAml8J Oas OGr Fr F.E RI fEil FooElEEEEE]EtdEG]E]EEE]EEI E@EE@I ld til Eflt:, om @@s63s cs100 FCC Vor.Vrl IWGUSA- 20723-AL-E MEA 328-94-E@ 1Z0A4.AY (with Ademco 605 only)The UDACT is capable of transmifting the status of sofl- ware zones (Alarm and Trouble), System Trouble, Panel Off-Normal, Supervisory, Bell Trouble, Low Battery, and AC Fail. When used with the AFP-200, the UDACT trans- mits up to 89 zones; with the System 500, all 16 zones; and with the System 5000, all 120 zones. When used with the AFP-40O, the UDACT is capable of reporting up to 567 points;with the AFP-300, up to 375 points. Reporting may be in the form of softirare zones (99 plus 16 special), panel circuits 1'4, panel output modules 1€4, and 192 points per SLC loop (the first 96 detector and 96 module ad- dresses). When the UDACT is used with the AM2020 or AFP1010, it is capable of reporting up to 2,040 points. Reporting may be in the form of soft\ rare zones (up to 240) or 60 zones plus up to 1980 intelligent points. The first 568 points trans' mifted may be programmed for a variety of types, including fire, waterflow, supervisory, etc. Remaining points trans' mitted are for fire alarm only. NOTE: Desciptions regarding point capac\, listed above, are for receivers which receive in Ademco Contact lD for' maf. See chart on page 2 for compatible receivers. FEATUR.ES . Dual phone lines.. Dual telephone line voltage detect.. Surface Mount Technology.. Compact in size: 6.75" x 4.25".. Built-in programmer.- Built-in 4-character red 7-segment LED display.. Manual Test Report function.. Manual Transmission Clear function.. Mounts in a separate enclosure (ABS-8R or UBS-1).- Communicates vital system status including: - Independent zone fire alarm. - Independent zone non-fire alarm. A - Independent zone trouble. - Independent zone supervisory. UDACT - AC (mains) Power Loss (programmable). - Low Battery and Earth Faull. - System Ofi-Normal.- 12 or 24 hour test signal. - Abnormal Test Signal per new UL requirements. - EIA-485 Communication Bus Failure.. Annuncialion of UDACT Troubles including: loss of phone lines, communication faiture with either Central Station' total communications failure.. Troubleshoot Mode converts keypad to DTMF touchpad. . lndividual LEDs for: Power, ElA485 Loss, ManualTest, Kissoff, Comm Fail, Primary Line Seize, Secondary Line Seize and Modem Communications.. Open Collec{or relay driver for Total Communications Fail- ure or UDACT lrouble.. Real-time clock.. Extensive transient protection. . Simple EIA'485 interface to host panel. AGENCY USTINGS AND APPROVAU' See aboro forlisting ageicies aN file nwnberc. ln sorne cdses' cedatl'r nodules may not M listed by ertain approval qencies' w listing nay be inprocess. Consrltfactory fu lalesf lsling sfatus. .ABS.8R for remote mounAng (9.94'H x 4.63',W x 2.5'D) This document is nol intend€d to b€ used tor inslallation purposos, wa ty to keep our product information up-lodato and accurat€. We cannol covar all specific applications or anlicipate all Gquiremonts. All specifications are subiec{ to change without nolic€' For more information. contact NOTIFIER Phone: (203) 4E4-7161 FAX: (203) 48a'7118 X (of l Ff E R' 12 clintonville Road. Northford, conneciicut 06472 rso-9001 Engineering and Manufacbring Quality Sysiem Cerlified to lnt€maiional Shndard ISO-900 1 DN4867-Pagslofo INSTATLATION When used with the AFP-200, the UDACT mounts in the AB98R or UBS-1 backbox. vvhen used with the System 5OO, the UDACT can mount in the CAB-500 far back (nor' mally NIB-96) position. When used with the System 5000, the UDACT can mount in any far back (front module with expander allowed) posi- tion of the CHS-4 chassis. When used with the AM2020, AFP1010, AFP-400' or AFP' 3OO. the UDACT mounts in a CHS-4 or CHS4L module position. ln all cases. the UDACT can mounl rernotely (up to 6,000 ft.) in an ABS-8R or UBS-1 backbox' N'TE: Due to space consideratic;ns, the tar back of tha CAB' 5o0 position is NOT recommended. GOftTMU NIGAIIO N FO RflTATs . 3+1 Standard . 4+1 Standard ' 4+2 Standard - 4+1 and 4+2 Ademco Express ' Ademco Contact lD NOTE: Ademco Contact lD must be used for independent zone repoding. R.EOUIR.ED SOFTWARE AFP-200 English EPROM* = 73609 (or higher) AFP-2OO Spanish EPROM' = 73618 (or higher) AFP-200 French EPROM" = 73617 (or higher) AFP-400 EPROM' = #AFP4R20 (or higher) System 5OO EPROM' = 73611 (or higher) System 5000 EPROM'= 73610 (or higher) AM2020/AFP1010'= Release 6.6 (or higher) O RDER| NG I N FO RlttATlO ttl UDACT UniversalDigitalAlarmCommunicatorTransj mitter. Includes operating instruciions, pro- gramming instructions and mounting hard- ware. MCBL-7 DACT phone cord, seven feet long (two re- quired). ABS-8R Metal enclosure for externally mounting UDACT up to 6,000 ft. from host FACP. UBS-I Metal enclosure. lncludes viewing window and optional relay mounting capability. MR.'101/C SPDT Form-C relay. Contacts rated for 10A @ 1 15 VAC. Connects to open mllector re- lay driver. MR-201/C DPDT Two Form-G relays. Contacts rated for 10A @ 115 VAC. Connects lo open col- lector relay driver. FBO.I Ferrite bead kit. Use for remote mounting only. ETEGTHGAL SPEGI FIG/ATIOT'I3 Standby current: 40 mA. Current while communicating: 75 mA Maxlmum currentwhile communlcating and with open collec{or output actlvated: 100 mA. Voltage: Regulated 24 volts. Range: 212 to 28.2 volts. Glo||lc ndtqftigLrt m fiofh|n 60001 Srscor Adqtrco lGigh CS{000 Fd lodcb 6g[ 30OR $sF) eoo (31 c9ruoE r&l (q p) Format# (Addrca3ss 16 & 421 S|'.GrdIttt (t) . Fire Alarm. Supervisory. Pull Station. Heat Detector - Waterflow. Duct Detector- Flame Sensor. Smoke Zone Burglary 24 hour Non-Burglary High Temperature Low Temperature Low Water Pressure Low Water Level Pumo Failure UDACT shown in UBS-I AFP-300/AFP400 = ALL 'Presently, the IJDACT is not capable of A.C. Fai! delay (per 1993 NFPA standards) when used with the AA Series Amplifier, AVPS Power Supply, or the XP Tnnsponder. TYPE IIODE FEATUR.E (Adema Contad lD format onlyl Use Type Mode lo identiff reports to Central Station as: 0 4+l Ademco E)@ress 4+2 Adernco Epress t/ (81 2 3+1/Sbndad/l800/2300 te'l ,/ (4')/(s,61 3 (NOT USED) 4 3+ I /Sbrdatd/i 900/'l 400 ./ (21 r'61 5 (NOT USED) 4+I/Sbrdad/l800/2300 ./ l?l ( (4)./ (5, (NOT USEO) I 4+1/Sbrdard/l9m/1'100 {(21 ./ (41 9 (NOT USED) 4+2/Shndad/l800/2300 ( (2',)./ (41 ./ (51 B (NOT USED) 4+ zlsb rda rdl1 9 00/l 40 0 ./ (21 t l4l o (NOT USED} E Ademco Conbct D F (NOT USEo) With 685-8 Line Card with Rev 4.4d soflware. With 9002 Line Card Rev 9035 software or 9032 Line Card with 93264 software. Rev. 4.0 softwara. FBI CP220FB Rec-11 Lin6 Card with Rev 2.6 software and a memory card with Rev 3.8 software. Model 6500 wilh R€v 600 software. Model 6000 wilh Rev 204 sofiware. With Rev B control card at Rev 1.4 software and Rev C line card at Rev 1.5 software. Model 2 only. Version 1.62 software. II (1) (21 (31 (4) (st (61 r/) (8) (s) Pag€ 2 of6 - DN4867 .Whrif Is "Gonlocl l.D.?' Most digital receiving formats transmit simple information about the status of the site, i.e., alarm, kouble, supervisory, battery fail, etc. Contact l.D. is a transmission format enabling transmission of alarm and trouble conditions on a bi-point basis. Three groups of information are transmifted to the central station: a four-digit account code, a group number (00 to 99), and the device or zone number (000-999). Each of these lhree information groups is programmable. Because of the virtuatly unlimited number of combinations, the number of systems, points and/or zones transmifted is boundless. tOGAt AREA NETWORK APPLIGATION The NOTIFIER UDACT (Universal Digitat Alarm Communicator Transmitter) provides the means to create a powerful, low cost, local area network solution for any application involving multiple facilities spread over a small geographic area, such as a college campus. Compatible NOTlFlERfire control panels (System 500, System 5000, AFP-200, AFP-300, AFP'40O, AFPIO'10, AM2020), NOTIFIER UDACTs, standard public switcfied telephone network, and a low-cost digital receiver combine to solve what has in the past been impossible to do without incuring high costs. The UDACT, when used in the contact l.D. format, transmits detailed system status via the standard public switched telephone network to a digital receiver. The telephone network becomes the "network gatewa/ from the FACP to the digital receiver and to an optional UniNet monitor. In the example shown on the attached page, separate phone lines within each facility tie independently to the UDACT and modem. For example:Buildlng No.FACP Type tl-Digit Acct Code Group No.Devicezone Range A 4M2020 0001 00 00 001 to 00 999 0001 01 01 000 lo 01 999 0ml 02 02 000 to 02 040 E AFPlOlO 0002 03 m 001 1o 03 3t)o AFP-2OO 0003 04 04 001 to 04 mg D S),stem 5000 0004 05 05 001 to 05 120 E s!,stem 500 0m5 06 06 001 to 06 016 In this type of configuration, the maximum number of zones/points to be reported is 100,000. Applications include: hospitals, college campuses, shopping malls, prisons, airports, grouped govemment facilities, power plants, large commercial facilities and much more. fn addition, the control panels may be networked using NOTI.FIRE.NETTU Gee DN4644). In this configuration, a single UDACT can be used lo report uup to 2040 separate points and panel statuses. WIDE AREA ilETWORK APPTIGAIION lmagine an application which requires the status of a fire system to be clearly visible for appropriate response/action, yet the monitored facility is located thousands of miles away from the monltoring center. These applications have in the past been out of reach using existing technology, but today are posslhle wlth the NOIIFIER WAN. The NOTIFIER UDACT provides the means to create a unique, flexible, low cost, wide area network solution for any application involving multiple facilities distance by a large geographic area, such as facilities located in various states spread across the continental United States. NOTIFIER WANS are crealed by using compatible NOTIFIER fire control panels (System 500, System 5000, AFP-200, AFP-300, AFP-400, AFP1010 and AM2020), a NOTIFIER UDACT, the standard public switched telephone network and a low-cost digital receiver. Reporting the general system status or the specific status of any monitored point in any facility to one central location is made simple. Contolling the system in this conftguration is also made simple by utilizing the NOTIFIER UniNet, which is network compatible. In the example shown, example: separate phone lines within each facili$ tie independently to the UDACT and modem. For Building No.FACP Type 4-Dlgit Acct Codo Gmup No.DevicelZone Range A AM2MO 0ml 00 00 001 to 00 999 0001 0t 01 000 lo 01 999 0001 02 02 000 lo 02 040 E AFP1 Ol O 0002 03 03 001 lo 03 396 AFP-2OO 0003 04 04 001 h 04 089 t)S\,stem 5000 0004 05 001 to 05 120 E SFI€m 500 0005 06 06 001 to 06 016 In this type of configuration, the maximum number of zones/points to be reported is 100,000 and lhe number of moni- tored facilities is 99. Both the number of points and the number of facitities to be monitored increase when a four-digit account number is applied (as with conventional Central Station facility assignments) as well to expand the networkl Multiple response centers are possible, one may be the local monitoring central station facility required by local codes/ ordinances. The other monitoring station, as an option, may be located wherever compatible telephone networks exist. ON4867 - Page 3 016 c(] o. -{! TOCAI AREA NETWOR.K snduec go snduec uo Eg. CL 5ct Eg CL 3oo @ _tr. CL 5'rl @ =o CLo3 trc e =ro ct co o{ !-oz m trzmo @a =-8ac -ilGt< I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I F* g$s $$38 F .tl ! c o I Page4o16 - ON4867 tOG,At AREA NETWORK USING NOTI'FIRE'NETTM UI CD .E =5o FgF= =at=EoO HE tr'E.= -FFE 9sv o ED tt o C'.zo(,t(,E Eo (u U) 6 c(l,o E$E€E5FEfiE Et .g ==o 'tr =(,o .D @ cttc E ==o o El .E =3o t<l o lrJz J utzoE(L DN-4867 - Pag€ 5 of6 ) v,a- *t {IItl D,tti D -trl =ovx 1t! o o Page6of6 - DN4867 FCps-24S8NOTIFIER' eEillltL The FGPS2aSG (&amp) atd FCP$2I|SE (&€m.P) ar.e com- oacl cct ofis.fi;.gt|ob pos€.$fpft€s wl|h bstbry-d|arys' ?n"'rcps.2lsel-zlsa may b€ dm€cbd b $y 1z- 6 zc' ;ii iir; Atr* co.tbol Patr€l (FACP) or m8v tr y1gt q' ;il;#;prtt- irm"tv "dpttctui'ns frrdirde t{ottfrcatlon AppE;'O"tli'oi*lt (t{AC} de.rrdct (to s'f'PollDl Y6ffi;'tb"tli'o't*tr 1trfbl birpensict (to supportADA re' qi[..*g'"d ilAc simdto.&8do.t] tr arDdlary pottt-to &rppJ z+*n lrlem acc€sso.i.ts..I1l F-!|-s-.ryfl':jff ^4.tul I -1ISIED ti635Applisne qiiremenu and l{Ac c ffid;-;t;;-"nd nn lro zl voc p*"t !o fiuf Lotf'!.6--ini,b ucitr ccrllgured aa erh€. rilr qas B (sty'ls n J'd& i tstvte z, wfri-zilAct optqt mo&b)' A!er- nigfu. fre Orrounrg may be oo.|figiir€d aa cl IE|{€3GGaD|€' al rienaUe. c ro nqr'c.ot6le atd lF r€tettsl€' ln€ liffi2aSOfZlSA ebo cantr|ns a bstbry cfiargg caPabb of d|a glng up b 18 AH b8lbri€6. llATUII'. Ul-Ltslad NAC ayndlncnizatlon udng System S€tEor' Whe6lod(, or G.ntar ryPllancas.. CaacadaHe ior uP b tBn Portr supPfi€s lrdth stsobe tmlng maintaingd.- Opcrates as e 'gync lbllorref or as a 'syrrc gen*ab', (de- ta l.*ndoo'''€qPz. conbim tuo tlly-isobled hpUcmEol ckoits - tigg€t€d frc; FACP NAc (NAc et$*det mode) o( iurpered per' rnan€nly 'ON' (3tend€lode rnod€). . Fouroaas B (Sryb Y, afdr Cbss A (sl!,b Z' u'ith zttlAC'{ tnodule) ]{ACc.. 6sm FCP9'24SS) or S.€np (FCF$2tlS8- ) frn !E^d -tgg.(wttrdrimsmodnilnduA h NACo9ddettnode (tf, 6t)' . +arp (FCPS-24S6, or 6-dtrp (FCP$24S9) conlhrFrF out- put kr stBnd-elon€ mod€ (Ut .|481). . i:ompatbte nrlth cod€d lnpub; .lgnds pass€d thtough' . optbnal pow€rdlpervlslon rcby (A77'7t64)' . In stand-don€ mod6, or|but Polrer drtult3 may b€ enfrgi s.€d a.: r€sotlsle (lset lne hdn FACP rcqui|€d), non- ]€aatbbls, or a mlx of tso dd tm. . Flllv tEf/.rtdd t/Ird rillotdpqrct iltsul- opdmal for porrF edni dt{|g mokg detaorr' an xrcialorg, atd oth€r eys6m p€tlPtt€.als t€quldng Eguleiedrflr€t€d power' . Pon€.{lmltng bd|nology nr*!s t L pilc'|tnldng rcqdre- m€nl3.. FormA nomdlYdosed toubb rdaY- . Fully eryervked porrer !|rpply' barery, atd NAca' . s€l€ctabb ea,lh fauft delodion.. rc EouU€ t€port d€cLble frr lnm€deE a 8+our dday' . wal(' wlth vtttalv any UL 80{ f]g sbrm contol wlldl u||. Itses an hduetv-itaniard rgrerse-potattty notlficadon dr- odt (lrdudlng u-nfilt€.€d and unr€gubbd bdl pounr). . Roqulr€E lnpur Hgg€t vElt goof S.O-32VDC-. Sdf-onblned ln cdtl96ct, bcldng caHnet - 15'(1181 mm) hlgh x 14.5r (:t68.3 mm) uide x 2.75r (60.85 mm) de€p. . lncfudc lnbgd baby dtetg€r c+db.f dtglNrtg up.b 18 AH buter Cdnet cap* of ho|dtg 7I) AH bstEl6. . Estbry da€€r may b€ dbaHed vla DIP ewltdr lor apglica- 0ons t€qdting latis betbd€s. . Fh€d, demFspe lsmlnal btoc*s accommodab upb 12 AIwG (3.25 mm1 wlrt. tilfl|DfDf .id GODtt Ih€ FCP&24S6I-2/|88 ornpllec wlth the fiotlowlng standards: . FPA 72 atldC Fls Alarm Co&. . tl|. !?f $andad br Conf'ol Utilts br Flr€ AEm Slrt€tns (NACerioorldernodet.. iff rffr Pdtr auppfid ft. FIla Al6nn sFbms (!dtt'& dd/,ettt&)-trlcl'lGllloE P.h.ty(AC)Ponr:. FCPS-24S6/-24S8: 120 vAc, €O Hz, 32 A me'dmum' . wk€rts€: midfiI'r*14 AWG(20 fimlwltr 6(n V ktqtaton' Co trol hpr|t olrEolt:. TdggBr lnpot Ydtsg€: I to 32 VDC. . Tdggpr ornsnt 2.0 mA (tO - 32 V). P€r lnpt 1.0 mA (0 - 16u. TroutL cofil.ct rs[bg: 5 stnpe rt 24 VDC. t 3 s l.ortF|' I m oe..dar d llorat'd. T1 (hrtr i nda hffi b !. tlod b hJd.lbn FrDoG ft" ty b r'p ot iirxuainiqnrtr upolar d 6ta5. tb Grnnoa covf, Jl ?'GIc dlcdd€ a Irupar I rrqrfrirnrrl'. Al T.cflkdon D rubr.d b d|rlg' rfrioql- nodc!' r- il.i-lnonnlioo c-rra reliER' Prro.: @t /o+7lcl FAx (2lxl) 4c+7r 18 f,OTlFl!i" 12 Cffin flo Ro.A Lo.lt{od. Conn!.tort oo/ftz Dl{@7 . OtElrUr - P|ge l qa 3 Arrllary pouufi otrtsqt 3podfrc ap9f,ca6o't power fln mA maxinum. Ouout ckcdtr:. +24 VDC flio.€d, cgulabd.. 3-O amps manlnun 6t any dre drcdl . Total conthuous cntts furdl ditsuts (slandalme.mo<l'e)' i*-86-usct to ampo mulnumi bl F#'2's8:6'0 arnps maximum.. rdi *stsrn o.l|€nthasddp|lb (NAc t4949l!Pt)j fbr FCPS-24aG 6.O ampl mardhum: for FCPS'2ISA 8'0 amps maxlmum. S€condary poryJ (brtirryl firglng dtcdt: . supports l€ad€dd batlgrl€s otrly.. Floatd|e ge voltdge: 27.6 VDC. . Makntrn cftat$t qir€nt 1.5 attp8 . Martnum bettarY caPedtY 18AH' tD"ucriloxt Exf|Itla l: Expand notificato.l apgfane-PoG aL8dd- ri-t"r e.'o anm ffdEelse) or8.o amF (FcP$2'SO)'-tFo ,n o l",r Ctils'e (Stt€ f0 a&ug ot tur Crbs3 A (S[y16 4 .[uri" i*lns zNlici). Far aiemd€, 0re FAGP ttcifrcaliott aD;Isrca cirElrltt rill acffvab fte FCPS tflhen l€ssefda.' il';.fivauotl occurr. Trcublo condliqrs m tfte FCPS are Jint"O Uv ft feCP thtqrgfi 0t€ noffrce[m applisnc' dullt Exanolo 2 t t€ f|€ FCP8 b €xpand au!tr€ty r€gubbd 24-voll ivsbm pow€r up b 4.0 srps (FCP$24S6) or up to 6.0 arD; GcPs2fsB). Eolh reefisle and no{trecsttalt€ o*o 6orii* ate avaliaute. Rdettable outsutt are cteabd bv corniahg th€ res€ttaH€ outsut totn fte FACP to one a boft of t|e FCPS htrlt3. EnnDL 3: use eddt638He slbd ntodibs lo actvab th€ FC6 insbad of acilYE0ng lt thmugh tt€ FACP iltdfiqtq4 aootarre drcu'lt3. Thb tttfcdly dow3 ftr lr|qf|thg the FcFs ai'gtebr dietgnc€.' a#iy film th€ F CP $'hl6 eteanditg system arlrbctre ln varlo.!3 epdlcstons. For examob. an addaccabb ca|tol modub b |,sed to acd- vao lhe FbiS, and sl sddres$le mo.Iq. modds is used !o sense FCPS torlte onCtar* l-ocal et di.*y Pol|var o"S't ttnc tou.iln/otxllllor f, ofi ln lo|||e hstetrelbrB, lt b n63Ery b 3ynffizo th€ fredl Umirn dallr0obesln E|€!y!b|n hADAgnPfian€. std€s a@fflDf* ftb by ttu-lding vg|y lhat fmhg Ftl!.6 on lne ll C D;rg wtldr ee oebd by the FACP. fYl|€tt hctdled at tre eirO ot a MC wire run, th€ FCFS.24S6r-2tlS8 can tack 0.e.. 'b[orn |he stobo lrynctronizslin 0mhg pdaee d| the ixftiru nAC *ire nrr. Tt*r mehtlhs th6 ovral q/dem iash fning of O€ .dditional !tuob€s 6ttg# b h€ FCFS' Wh,il tra FCPS-24S8/-24S8ls coflfgur€d (t b DIP swltcfi 3€l- tho!) as a'smc bllortr,- tr|€ FCPISI NAC q&utr tr8d( fte st5be syrctrionfzafqr Frls€s pt€!€nt at tho FCPS'8 sytrc in' put brmhal. TtE F.&€s.'rifnah from an upatseem FACP o. oth€t potiter suPPlY. Wher 0€ FCPS-24S6/-24S8 b co.lflgutd (vb DIP swldr eet- thos) as a 'smc s€nefabr,' t|€ FCPS't sync hpd btmirals ani'il rreeO. naCrer, the FCFS h fte odghslor of fi€ stobe swrdrrontsathn prrls€s ql th€ FCPS's NAC oulF!ts. ln l8ync (for€rab'nroda, fte syrE tlPG (syctem somor' wh€€lodq a G€nbx) b sdoctatle Yb DIP ruldl !eting!. ttoDUGr utt trroltAtlof, FGt*'iLSG 6.0 anp, l 2O VAC mnde ctwper pd,Er 3rlP Dlv. lndud€ main prhbd drqrlt bodd, betEfqm€t!, €tdG' lirc (1t t3s1 mml hlgft r 14.t [368.3 mml rldo x 2.75: [60.85 r|rnl deep), and hotdbtlon lnsfuc{on!. FGPS-24S!: 8.Oamp, 120VAC t€mtr cfie$ierFr€r3up' ohr. lndud€s main prhted drqtit board, tansfurmots, endo- triro (15' [38] mml hbh r 1a.5" [368.3 rnml wlde x 2'75" [6s.86 mml deep), and Instdlatoo inBtuctons. ZItACla: c*s A (style 4 Nrc opfon rnodul€. Al?-7'lCl.:.7212.4VI}C entr{h€ lelay br monllodng hrr- wks snd€ dc{scir poiY€r. ]3-'127O: BatEry. t2 vof, 7.0 AH (awo teq,ntd, * Fs Sa/r€s dda siedf l,fl-110o.). from the FCPS Fdld€ Potr€r to the addressable conlrcl mod- ule- ot /f'caalrjg @ntd ancl n.Io]nttor modules at dlstancac af uP to lo,qn le/t (9t18 net B). roExcr utfllrot rxD rP?rovAlt S€e fte ftst pagp of 0il8 date sfteet frr f*tg agmdc ild frfe ffinbes. The lcfqs tld+ pofab apdy b fte FCP$AS6 and the FCP$'24S8. In some ag ttolE: Al MC snl,,tb dl !o drr,lrbd b grdr z fiulZtAAtqturtdth-StyhYl{ACa lhor HolrLr Po|or Outprtrta qtbYNAC onputtB S!,LYilAC SttbYNACo|rpd|z ouF|rt*l FCP6tlnubL Cont|Gl o|rFln caee, certah mo&|ec c aPdF po*"t cato.E o|ay not b6 Hlbd by s' tah app.oval egerder, or lkdng rny be in pross. Cd|sult lbc- lsy br hEst lbtm fihrs. ?{vDcsp*lfc AttllcgdonPo*r NAC Oo.fiolInD|Ifil (fto'n FACP) Irl c conbol hputill (fran FAcPt Sync hFr|t ttt?ltiltD ItoGK Dllottn NPUT/OUTPUT FUilCTTONS a.€ programmable by SWI DIP a|llch s6rdn0s P4'Ezof3 - [lt{&l7 . O7r3U02 Bat!.ry Cherg€r $tt ll|riO Fg; E - N ..r ,q- -EgEEEsEFTe ;}6FeEEEFE 08. t3g,Eg3 isp gEE el sgE I ao z oA 5gNE 8,5 +l eeo(,5t -lt ,!P? i"1 | E6 l-O+<<a'zzE o -"P EE= c't HI EEI zz 88zz _.il(JE'lsTIlra TEslFA g ;EEBEi ii: gE l+ EattIo oF 5 I a 3I €l - t=t_--_-------- l tq Pllq pl td Dt Er-------Eltq FtIq ptlq pl I oqg. 3ffit{{|Iil[]l] @ t rtiOOffiStrt r !=: -- =1=7-E5s! = _EdP__ l' lo o oool lo o Eool r !_l-j:! + ow$n7 .07B1MZ - Page 3 of3 }HgE}F#I OENERAI . --^ri€spruvidesecondarypo'verforthe i#ff-# 3i-ffiJiHa; controt Paners' FEATURES : ;;" secondary iorlor for conrol Pan€b' . Golled olecfrolyte' . Seabdand MH1€28(s) Ica.l P8-aeg 3 Volt t'' aH Polaa'SctrlG Gc?Dot'llt' ThePSS9SBattety APP|.IGATTO1|3 H GOr|SrRUCrlolr The sealed constnrcdon d tha Powsr-Sonlc batbry altolr,s tlouble- fte€. €afe operauon r" *yiiiin' rtt"tt't" n" neeo o aod aec- Htrqffi* ffiSmtrffitenance+ee' Th€ casa ls ilillri ir,*tt*t" and flalrrnability' lllsrAllarrolr All panels have space reerrred for batetbl. P^*-:pp-Ptl*" palie ir,smuaim t*t'tt tl'frreli tP" t"uti"uor'"' Ty9ical htot- ;mnecfon diaurams *t "t*i i" fu tbcaurre accormanyep eacft control Panel' iot flgf oncrrrdbPtrcqr|o.lib'rtdr@ ffi-dlo?rm - Pre'ldl }GIGI{TT BELOW 3.m!o.08ffi(Eat2.tm) HEIGHT2BETOW 3.86 t 0.OO hd|Gs €612nm) Ei t ffiffii*#*ffiffi fiEffifl[8ffiffi8[#.ffi ! S'DEvlw :ffi^ I rlaL.l.t 5.94 r O.Oi &rctr€s (151 I 1 |rm) "#,t"gg?';ff3tr'3ffi: > **m,xii'tp shatr be rnaintenaricefe€ anc Ch a racterl stic Dl sch a rg e Cury orcharge thtc @ ZFc (6SF) ffii 10 2oto'l--:--*.; b"--l Etrect of TenPe,.alt tre on AP"cW clf?fgr{rflr6{r TgrF€rafit€ (Deg[€6C) 1M r0dl6 g 8095at e 60t6 $*" M -a -rc 'lcr/f,2d t ffi^e"t *oEA*E aArrERY MODEL PS.127O 12 vo[r 7'o A P' HouR 256 r oIX hds' G5 i I tmr) oaoaSd by lhe go/eml m regrlallcns and the suthodty c [xEl|Slo{s t{ofldnal I Cepac[Y @ 2O hr. rab Afl- 9.5 Dfschatgc Cutrant @ 20 hr- rab mASODEL NomtPl Voltagev wx$fr..l ubbm ul,ldtl Dep0r H€trm h.InlIL tL tl|.lL h firn tL |L Ea. 4.9 l(g. 22 275 L76 70 70 65 5.54 t4l 5.3[141 175 2il 42{i 35r 1(l g0Ps5056 4.O2 3.70 1012 9{ 121 107 4.1 1.9 PS-t250 72 12 5l) 7.5 12 18 3t6 $5.7 2S 4I}95 5.9.1 151 151 2.ffiCF3.86 2fi 6stf 98 76 3.70 94 3J5 9E 83 dx)5.s{ PS.12t20 12 12 657 167 a5l 167 124 5.8 85875 1300 7.13 619 181 175PS-121E0 t86 1,92 t25 4.92 125 240 t8J PS-lzl50 12 25 39.7 18.0 260 6.60 168 a20 208 9..[5 55 30(x)1025 PS-t2$n 12 208 9rd5 240 6tt.7 293 5000 12Jn 305 6.60 16E 820 PS-r21000 12 100 zoos 9bo ato 6.0 | I 551 5l, 15 -+S **+\fi Iil \\I rt75 E \\ NA \ 3C &ttc :818 I -*"1 Fosc Il'rc I f'" r 1 l 4 t 7lli --.{-#w Pag82 d3 - Dt{-lt@'lPoTtUl Ir PS-l 2looo oa,,aa6'AABLE BATTERY: :f""i$Ifff-f X*ffiT!*'",.gs:,"g'*'.,"ry"-***ffi ;ft fi n:#: ffi;S+ 6'-tfiiou "t r+'lo to 14'7o volts untl cure ff;*.lr; fiot{-". and draryer should either be ory:ffi;;; .g.d " 13.80 volts "oq".FLOAT oR .srANDar sERvtcE: Hold battery.asods constant vollage **9 Ll;ilJ"rii"t|a.g"o po=it-. ously. when h€b.t*" *t;;:;:-;oil'm "*il"*.'rr cr'n€nt ler'€l and mantan I NOTE: Ouetotpo,ff.n*fr,dnadett&sofd,,t;;;i",ilEhtry.a:y\etthebaflelvbed'ors@atter srx lo nhe nutths ot aoafiffi;;;;;""'-:::-^"n roi#""p"''Ey'ttttgtil restiltfmm sulfatlon' 100% oE**gf zo* o E ooxao I50%oo g)% 40% 14.0v 13.0v 12.0 v 11!v 10.0v 9.0v 8.0v I 6810 12 14 16 1820 Standlns Pedod ([lonts] o.D6I (Ec E P Pgl21oN Shelf-Ute and Sfo,nge PS-l21000 Discharge Characteristics Ctrargc maY frlbrr&rc tul c4ac[Y. D()NOT lci be0.rl6 €adr0l'tsdtb- emhent femPeraure 2!"C (6P'F) DiscfiargETlrne ON-l t@ ' Ofilt?lto - Prppld3 l GEIIERAt Four difierent monitor modules are available for NOTIFIER in- telligent contols to suit a variety of applications. Monitot modules are used lo supeMse a ciranit of dry-contact input devices, such as conventbnal heat detecio's and pull sta- tions, or monitor and po$/er a cirqrit of two.wirc smok€ de- tecnors (FZM-l). FllM-{ - is a standard-sized module (typically mounts to a 4' [101.6 mm] square box) that supeMses either a Class A (Sgle D) or Class B (Style B) circuit of dry-contac't input devices. |re. is a miniature monitor module (a mere 1.3" (33.02 mm) H x 2.75' (69.65 mm) W x 0.5" (12.70 mm) D) used to supervise a Class B (Style B) circr.riL lts compact design allows the FMM-101 to often be mounted in a single. gang box behind the device it's monitrcring. FiZM-l - is a standard-sized module used to monitor and supeMse compatible twcwire, 24 volt, smoke d€tectofs on a Class A (Style D) or Class B (Style 8) circuit. FDi/l-l - is a standard-sized dual monitor module usgd to monitor and supervise two independent two-wire initiating device cirurits (lDCs) at two separate, consec live addresses in intElliggnt. twowire systems. FlashScan@ (U.S. Patent 5,539,389) is a new communi- cation protocol developed by NOTIFIER Engineering that gr€atly enhances lhe speed of communication between ana- log intelligent devices. Intslligent devices communicate in a grwpsd fashion. lf one of lhe dev,ices within the group has new information, the panel CPU stops the group poll and concenfales on singl€ points. The net efiect is .esponse spe€d greater than fle tlmes that of other designs. FlashScan@ is a regist€r€d t'ademar* of NOTIFIER. Fftril-t moNtroR moDUtE . Built-in type identification automatically identifies this de- vicg as a monitor module to th€ contol panel.. Powered directly by two-wire SLC loop. No additional power required.. High noise (EMF/RFI) immunity.. SEMS screws with clamping plates for ease of wiring.. Direct-dial entry of address 01 - 159 (01 - 99 on tradi- tional systems).. LED flashes green during normal operation (this is a pro- grammable option) and latcfies on steady red to indicate alarm. The FMM-I ltlonltor Module is intended for use in intellF gent, twGwire systems, where the individual address of each module is selected using the builtin rotary switcfies. lt pre. vidEs either a two-wire or four-wire fault-tolerant Initiating Device Circuit (lDC) for normally-open-contact fire alarm and sup€wisory devices. The module has a panel-controlled LED indicator. The FMM-'I can be used to replace MMX-I mod- ul€s in existing systems. /;\ttt I \/ TISTED s635@ Approved Thb doqrnEnt is not intendod to be us€d for instalalion purposes. Wo try to keep ou( produc{ information uPto.date ard acdrrate. We cannot co\€r all spedfic a'pplications or anlicipato all r€quirernenls. All specificaiions are subiect to dtano€ withoul notice. For nrore hlormation, contact OTIFIER. phon€: (m3)484-7161 FAIC (m3)4S4-7118 @ r otl rl e n 12 Ctinronvi e Road. Norrhford, conn€cricd oel?2 nsHr tIIItftS||Itr @ cs669 @ffiiT:*,,, Permit # 2020 14341-E (FDtLl) (exccpt FDM-|| 4St-99-E 6Mt*1, FMM-101, FZM-I) FMM-1 and EZtt-1 detail of FDM-I - note "ones" addresses ar€ 0,2, 1,6,8 only FilM-l Applicatlons - Use to monitor a zone of four- wir€ smoke detectors, manual fire alarm pull stations, waterflow devices, or other nomally-open dry-contact alarm activation devices. May also be used to monitor normally- open supervisory devices with speclat supewlsory tndlca- tioa at lhe control panel. Monitored circuit may be wired as an NFPA Style B (Class B) or Style D (Class A) lnitiating Device Circtit. A 47K ohm End-of-Line Resistor (provided) terminates the Style B ciratit. No resistor is required for su- pervision of the Style D circuit Maximum IDC loop length is 2,5OO ft.n62 m (20 ohms maximum). MARYLAND State Flre Marshal MEA E I I Septemb€r 12, 2001 DN€720 . H-220 NOTIFTER.Flhfn, EZM, ond FDM Err{Gs Monilor Modules with FlqshScqn@ Seclion: IntelligenvAddressable Devices Oo sb 0 1 2 3 4 q\ " oO 0 1 2 3 4 DN€720. 09t121O1 - Page 1 of6 FMM-I Operatlon - Eadr FMM-I uses one of 159 avail- able module addresses on an SLC loop. lt responds to regu- lar polls from the control panel and reports its type and the sratus (open/normaUshort) of its lnitiating Device Circuit (lDC). A flashlng LEO indicates that the module is in communica- tion with lhe confol panel. The LED latcfies steady on alarm (subject to cunent limftafions on 6le loop). FMll-{ Speclfications Nomanal operating voltage: 15 to 32 VDC. llaximum curront draw: 5.1 mA (LED on). lilaximum operatlng curent: 375 UA (LED fiashing). EOL r€slstance: 47K ohms. Temperaiure range: 32'F to 120"F (0'C to a9"C). Humldity range: '10% to 93% noncondensing. Dimensions: 4.5' (114.3 mm) high x 4' (101.6 mm) wide x 125' (31.75 mm) deep. Mounts to a 4'(101.6 mm) square x2.125- (53.975 mm) d€ep box. Fltfl-tot tltNt flloNlToR moDULE . Built-in lype identification automatically identifies this de- vie as a mmitor module to the AFC600.. Povered dir€ctly by twG.wire FACP. No additkmal power requir€d.. High noise (EMF/RFI) immunity.. Tinned, stripped leads $or ease of wiring.. Directdial entsy of address (01-159). The Ft t{-101 llinl llonitor Module can be installed in a singlegang junc{ion directly behind lhe monitored unit. lts smallsiz6 and light weight allow itto be installed wilhout rigid mounting. The FMM-101 is intended for use in antelligent, two{ ,ire systgms where the individual address of each mod- ule is seleclEd using rctary switcfies. ft provides a twcwire inithting device circuit fof nonnally-open-contact fire alarm and security devices. The FMM-101 can be used to replace MMX-101 rnodule in existing systems. FlllM-l Ol Applications - Use to monitor a single de- vice or a zonE of four-wire smoke detec{ors, manual fire alarm pull stations, waterf,orv devices, or othei nofinally-open dry-conlacl devices. May also be used to monitor normally- open supervisory devices with special supeMsory indication at the control panel. Monitored circuivdevice is wired as an NFPA Style B (Class B) Initiating Device Circuit. A 47K ohm End-of-.1-ine Resistor (provided) terminates the cirolit. FMM-lOl Operation - Each FMM-101 uses one of 159 available module addr€sses on an SLC loop. lt responds lo regular polls from the control panel and reports its type E ETENS Page 2 of6 - ON6720.09/12101 "-_t and the status (open/normal/short) of its Initiating bevice. Circuit (lDC). FMM-IO{ Specifications Nomlnal operating voltago: 15 to 32 VDC. lraxlmum operating current: 375 uA. EOL resistance: 47K ohms. Temperature range: 32"F io 120"F (0"C to 49.C). Humldlty range: 10% to g3% noncondensing. Dlme-neions: 1.3' (33.02 mm) high x 2.75" (69.85 mm) wide x 0.5' (12.70 mm) deep. w|re length: 6'(152.4 mm) minimum. FZTI.I ITiITERFAGE TODULE. SupporG ompatible two.wire smoke deleclors.. Supervises IDC wiring and mnnection of extemal power source.. High noise (EMF/RFI) immunity.. SEMS screws with chmping plates for €ase of {iring.. Dir€ct-dial entry of address (01-159).. L€D fashes during normal op€ration (this is a program- rnable option).. LED latches steady to indicate alarm on comnrand ftrom contol panel. The F4-'t Intorface llodule b inlended for use in intelli- gent, addressable systems, wh6r€ the individual address of eadr module is selected using buift-in rotiary s1 ,ttcftes. This rnodule allows intelligent panels lo interface and monitor two- wire oonventircnal smoke detectors. lt transmlls th6 status (normal, open, or alarm) of one full zone of conventional de- tectors back to the control panel. All twc.r rir€ detedors be- ing monitorcd must be UL compatible with the module. The FZM-I has a panelont olled LED indicator and can be used to replace MMX-2 modules in existing systems. FZM-I Applicatlons - Us€ the FZIrrl-t to monitor a zon€ of tf,,o-wire srnoke detedo6. The monitor€d d.qrit rnay be wired as an NFPA Style B (Class B) or Style D (Class A) Initiating Device Circuit. A 3.9 K ohm End-of-Une Resistor (provided) terminates the end of {he Style I or O (dass B or A) circuit (maximum IDC loop resistance is 25 ohms). Install ELR across terminals I and 9 for Style D application. FZM-I Operataon- Eacfi FZM-I uses one of 1S9 avail- able rnodule addresses on an SLC loop. lt r€sponds to regu- lar polls from the control panel and reports its type and the status (open/normaUshort) of its lnitiating Device Circuit (tDC). A flashing LED indicates that the module is in communica- tion with the control panel. The LED latches steady on alarm (subject to cunent limitations on the loop). FZM-I Speclficatlons Nomlnal operatang volt ge: 15 to 32 VDC. llaxlmum cu.rent draw: 5.1 mA (LED on). llaxlmum oporatlng cunent: 255 pA (LED flashing). EOL reslstance: 3.9K ohms. Ertemaf supply voltage (between Terminals T3 and T4): DC voltage: 18 to 28 volts power limited. Rlppla vottage: 0.1 Vnns maximum. Current: 90 mA per nrodulE maximum. Temperature range: 32'F to 120'F (0'C to 49"C). Humldlty range: 10% to 93% noncondensing. Dimensions: 4.5" (114.3 mm) high x 4' (101.6 mm) wide x 1.25' (31.75 mm) deep. Mounts to a 4' (101.6 mm) square x 2.125' (53.975 mm) deep box. t rJ .J at FDTI.I DUAL IIONITOR flTODULE The FDM-'! Dual Monltor Module is intended for use in in- telligent, two-wire systems. lt provides two independent two- wire initiating device circuits (lDCs) attwo separate, consecu- tive addresses. lt is capable of monitoring normally open contact fire alarm and supervisory devices; or either normally open or normally closed security devices. The module has a singfe panel-controlled LED. NOTE: The FDM-1 provides fi,uo C/ass B (Style Y) IDC circuits Oltly. Crass A (Style Z) IDC circuits are NOT suppofted in any application. FDM-I Specifications Normal operating voltage range: 15 to 32 VDC. Maximum current draw: 5.7 mA (LED on). Itaximum operating current: 750 pA (LED flashing). EOL resistance: 47K ohms. ilaximum IOC wiring reslstance: 1,50O ohms. Temperature range: 32" to 120'F (0" to 49'C). Humidity range: 10% to 93% (non-condensing). Oimensions: 4.5" (114.3 mm) high x 4" (101.6 mm) wide x 2.125" (53.975 mm) deep. FDM-{ Automatic Addressing - The FDM-1 auto. matically assigns itself lo two addressable points, starting with th€ original address. For example, if the FDM-1 is set to address '56", then it will automatically assign itself to ad- dresses'56" and '57". NOIE: "ones" addresses on fhe FDM-I are O, 2, 4, 6, or I only. Terminals 6 and 7 use the first address, and terminals 8 and I use the second address. Avoid duplicating addresses on the system. I! Face Plate for FMM-|, FZM-|, and FDM-I TNSTATLATION FMM-1, FDM-1, and FZM-I modules mount direc(y lo a stan- dard 4" (101.6 mm) square,2.125" (53.975 mm) de€p, eledri- cal box. They may also be rnounted to lhe SMB500 surfaoe- mount box. Mounting hardware and installation instruc-tions are povided with each module. All wiring must conform to appli- cable local codes, ordinances, and reguhtions. These mod ules are intended for power-limited wiring only. The FMM-IOI module is intended lo be wired and mounted without rigid connections inside a standard electrical box. All wiring musl conform to applicable local codes, ordinances, and regulations. PRODUGT IINE INFORflIAIION Model Descrlptlon FMM-I Monitor module. FMM'101 Monitormodule,miniature. FZM-1 Monitor module, two-wire detec-tors FDM-I Monitor module, dual, two independent Class B circuits. SMa500 Optionalsurface-mountbackbox. ARGHITEGTSTENOIN EERS' SPEGIFIG,ATIONS Specilications of these and all NOTIFIER products are avail- able from NOTIFIER. I TIOUNTING DIAGRAftIS lor slandatd-sized 6Nmodales DN-6720. 09/120r - Page 3 of6 wlRIIiTG DIAGRATI The fdlowing wiring diagrams are included: tJ FDlt-l, typical dual two-wire Style B initiating device circuit configuration. 2) FMM-1O1, typical two-wire Style B initiating device circuit configuration. 3J FMM.1, typical two-wire initiating circuit configuration, NFPA Style B.q FMn-1, typical lour-wire fault-tolerant initiating circuit configuration, NFPA Style D. 5/ FMfi-l, typical twGwire initiating circuit configuralion for security systems (with alann versts short capability). 6,, Fztl-t; intedace twcwire @nventional dstectors, NFPA Styl€ 8. 7) EZil-I, interface two-wire conventbnal detectors, NFPA Style D. 8, FRil-l, r€lay control module used to disconnecl a power supply. Fig. { FDM-I: Typical dual two-wire Style B initiating device circuit configuration. Two lnitiathg Device Aru)itsv (L&t|) eadr power-lififfed to 230 pA mal. @ 12 VDC mar 47KEOL Resislor ELR47K 47K EOL Redstor ELR{7K I? fO Ar€xt Device FROMPanel or Prevbus Devie I . ANY NUMEER of UL Listed contact closure devices rnay be used.. DO NOT MIX frre alarm initiating, supeMsory. or securtty devices on {he same circuit.. lnstall contac{ closure devices per manufacturer's installation instructions. Fig. 2 FMM-101: Typical two-wireSfyte B initiating device clrcuit configuratlon. Pag€ 4 of 6 - ON{720. 09/12/01 \co.rn*io tionLine 32 VDC maximum. Twisted-pair is recommended. . All wiring shown is supervised and power limited. . Conneci modules to listed compatible NOTIFIER control panels only. 6@Ari1.rft{ UL LISTED Compatible Control Panel (-) (*) FMM-101 (1) H t Connect modules to listed compatible NOTIFIER control panels only. All wiring shom is supervised and power limited. Install contact dosure devices per manufactlreF' installation instruciions. Any number of Ul-listed contact dosure devices may b€ used. DO NOT MtX fire alarm initiating, supervisory, or secrrity devices on the same circuit. V Flg. 3 FMM-I: Typical two-wire initiating devlce clrcutt configuration, NFPA Styte B. TO Next Device FROM Panel or Previous Device lnftiating Device Circutt (DC) NFPA SMe B. power limited: 230 pA max. @ 12 VDC max. 47K EOL Resistor ELR-(7K -F-- Conmunication Loss G72Oi{'2.$rl V Flg. 4 FMM-I: Typical four-wire fault-tolerant Initiattng circuit configuration, NFPA Styte D. I IONext Devie FROM Paiel or Previous Devie \ co.-rni"" tion Line EOL Resistor is intEmal at termlnals 8 & I Communication Loss (optional connec'tion for panels which support this feature) FWUREFEAruRE ElA)'rltt.wr{ \co.rrnim tionLine 32 VDC maximum. Twisted-pair is recrmmended. (optional connec{ion for panels which support thls feature) FUTURE FEATURE V Fig. 5 FMM-I: Typical two-wire tnltiating circuit configuration for security systems (with alarm yersus short cap ability). lnitiatlng Device Circuit (DC) NFPA Stye B, power limited: 230 pA max. @ 12 VOC max. TO Next Devi@ FROM Pand or Previous Device 47K EOL Resistor ELR.47K t \co.-rnb" tionLine. 32 VDC maximum. Twisted-pah is recommended- Communication Loss (optional connedion for panels which support this feature) FUruREFEATURE 14K Series Resistor DN-6720. 09112101 - Page 5 016 Connect modules to listed compatibl€ control panels only. Terminal wiring must be power limited. DO NOT ,tlx fue dam initialing, supervisory or security devices on lhe same circuit. DO NOT LOOP v{re under terminals. Break wire run to provide supervision of connec{ions.. Detectors must be UL lasted compatible with module. Install detectors per manufacturers' installation instructions. Pou/er to the interface module rnrst be extemally switched to reset the detectors. used to switcfi power ftom a standard power supply; s* FIg. 7 below- i fui FRtf,-l relay control module can be V Ffg. 6 FZln4: Intertace two-wire conventional detectorc, NFPA Style B. 3.9K EOL Resistor (included) t2143-10 IO Next Device FROM Panel or Prcvlous Device \ cn ornr.rn ication Line 32 VOC maximum. Twisted-pair is recommended. Listed Battery Backup switched DC pow€r supply. Olzorts.hrl n-- Optional Bnnch Circnit TO Nert /rrlteiace Module Module supervises supply voltage and detedor looj. V Fig. 7 FiZM-|: lntertace two-wire conventlonal detectsrs, NFPA Style D. TONert Dev'rce FROM Panel or Prcvious Devie I\ Cornmunica tion Line 32 VDC maximum. Twistedfai. is recommended- Us/.ed Bafrery Backup switchod DC power supply. ..2 Optional Branch Ciratit TO Next lnbrtace Module Module supervises supply voltage and detec{or loop. 3.9K EOL Resistor (includeQrcqll,red atteminalsS&9 Azt43-{0 V Flg. 8 FRM-|: Relay control moduleusedto disconnect a power supply. TO Nert Device (-) (+) FROM Panel or Previous Device Communication Une 32 VDC mafmum. Twisted-pair is re@mmended. RELAY CONTROL MODULEDC POWERSUPPLY (+) Listed for Fire (-) Protection with Bafrery Backup Page 6 of 6 - DN6720.09/12101 i GiEI\ITEXcctFtrrctFIATlCIN 90cI0 siEFilESi PHOTOELECTRIC TYPE SINGLE STATION/ MULTI-STATION SMOKE ALARMS AC POWERED WITH BATTERY BACKUP Installation Instructions - Owner,s Information READ CAREFULLY AND SAVE INTRODUCTION 9OOO SERIES The 9000 Series Smoke Alarm is a photoelectric Type Alarm for use as an evacuation device in residential applications. Each alarm has a solid state piezo signal to warn and alert the household to the presence of threatenino smoke. Your Photoelectric alarm is designed to detect the smoke that results from an actual fire. Consequenfly, it is uncommon for household smoke such as cigarette smoke or normal cooking smoke to cause an alarm. MODELS (sEE BACK OF ALARM FOR EXACT MODEL) N1?0.:....... ........ ..........12o VAC, 60Hz 9123.................. ..........12O VAC, 60Hz with Temporal Horn 9220............................220 VAC, 50/60H2 9223............................220 VAC, S0/60H2 with Temporat Horn OPTIONS, SELECTIONS: T - Integral 135"F Thermal Sensor H . lsolated 135'F Thermal Sensor F - 'l Form A,/1 Form C Aux. Relay with Tandem Wire Connection. NOTE: In the event AC Power fails, a gv baftery will provide proper alarm operation for a minimum of 24 hours. HOW YOUR SMOKE ALARM WORKS The 9000 Series Smoke Alarm operates on lhe photoelectric light scatter principle. The unit,s sensing chamber houses a light source and a light sensor. The darkened sensing chamber is exposed to the atmosphere and designed to permit optimum smoke entry from any direction while rejecting light from outside the alarm. The light source is an infrared (invisible) LED which pulses every 8 seconds. The light sensor is a photodiode matched to the light frequency of the LED tight source. Under normal conditions, the light generated by the pulsing infrared LED is not seen by the light sensor, as it is positioned out of the direct path of lhe light beam. When smoke enters the sensing chamber, light from the pulsing LED light source is reflected by the smoke particles onto the photodiode light sensor. At the first sighting of smoke, the alarm is put into a pre-alarm mode. This is indicated bv a rapidly flashing LED on the face of lhe alarm. Once tne tignt sensor confirms smoke for 2 consecutive pulses inside the chamber, the light sensor produces the signal necessary to trigger the alarm and sound the electronic horn. This technique of verifi/ing the smoke condition, combined with a 5-to-1 signal-to-noise ratio, substantiallv reduces the possibility of nuisance alarms. HOW TO TELL IF YOUR SMOKE ALARM IS WORKING PROPERLY o Your alarm is provided with an alarm horn and pulsating Light Emitting (indicator) Diode, which pulses every 30 seconds, and a green AC power on LED.. When turning the test knob on the alarm to TEST .l the red light emitting diode should ftash rapidly and the horn should sound.. lf the battery is low, a chirp will be emitted when the red LED flashes. lf the alarm is malfunctioning, or if the battery is missing, the chirp is sounded without the red LED flashing. lf AC power fails, the green LED will turn off.. The test knob of your alarm simulates actual smoke condilions. NOTE: Tandem Interconnect Models.. When testing one alarm, the alarm that is activated will flash the red indicator light and sound its alarm horn. Al other units will sound the alarm horn with their red indicator lights remaining off. The relays will also activate on all units in tandem on models equipped with the relay option. FIRE PROTECTION PLAN This Smoke Alarm can quickly alert you to the presence of smoke-it cannot prevent fire. Please note thal there are hazards against which smoke detection may not be effective, such as smoking in bed, explosions, when a closed door separates the alarm from the source of the smoke. etc. The ultimate responsibility for fire protection rests solely on you. Pg. 9- l 550-0093 MOUNTING: PLATE & ALARM 1. Lace the connector through the provided mounting plate and seqrre the plate to tie iunction box.2. Pluq the wire connector into the alarm base. c. To iest alarm for high sensitivity, turn test knob clockwise lo TEST 2 position. Alarm should remain silent. d. Make sure to return test knob back to its normal oosition.e. lf your alarm sounds during this test it means the alarm's sensitivifu has become loo high and may c'ause ratse atarms.f. This could mean your alarm is didy and should be clianed as descridd in lhe mainienance orocedure below.g. lf the alarm continues to alarm, lor TEST 2 position following cleaning, tetum it to Gentex for service.h. To check for proper smoke entry into your alarm's sensing chamber, Gentex recommends usino the Home Safeguard Smoke Alarm s-pray.i. This test should be performed once a yea. and should be sprayed from a distance no closer than 12 inches from the smoke alafm. MAINTENANCE After your alarm has been in operation for a period of time or if it was installed orior to the completion of all building construction, your alarm may have become more sensitive due to dirl build-up in the alarm's optic sensing chamber which could cause nuisance ala.ms or could cause activation from small amounls of smoke build-up. ll this should occur, following lhis simple washing procedure wrll restore your smoke alarm back to its original condilion. For further information. reqardino frequency of cleaninq and tesiinq. rdfer to NFPA 72, NFPA, Bafterymarch Fark, Ouincy,MA 02269. IMPORTANT: Failure to tollow full cleaning instructions could result in damago to this smoke alarm. DO NOT remove all alarms at th€ same time for clsanino.'1. Tum oft electn-cal oower to lhe alarm.2. Twist the alarm counter-clockwise to remove it from its mounting plate. 3. Unplug the connector from the back of the alarm. Do not remove the wire connection: leave the connector for vour replacemenl alafm or Jumper plug. Remove the batlerv.4. Select three (3) sta;dard size wast' buckets and fill them each with one oallon of normal tap water (distlllsd or de-ionized beated wate. is recommended as a final rinse if water is exlremely hard in your area),5. Add 1/8 cup of lvo.y dishwashrng liquid to the fi|st bucket of water and allow it to mix thoroughly, then place one dirty alarm inlo the soap water mixture until it becomes completely covered or suomerqeo. NOTE: -lf the alarms are exceptionally dirty, you may wish to first wipb off any excess dirt before washinq alarm so as not to dirty the wash wateitoo quickly- DO NOT open alarm tor cleaning. WARNING: ONLY IVORY DISHWASHING LIQUID IS TO BE USED. OTHER BRANDS ARE NOT RECOMMENDED AND MAY CAUSE YOUR ALARM TO MALFUNCTION.6 Allow alarm to soak tor approximately 10 minutes (longer rf ext,em€ly dirty). Then aqitate For 5 or 10 seconds to flush out any remaining dirt lefl inside alarm's nousrno. 7. Remove alarm trom wash water and transfer directly to one of the first rinse buckets conlainino clear water. Again, albw aladn to become completely submerged, agitate once more for 5 orlu s$onds to remove soag fesidue.8. Finally, lransfer alarm to ydur second and fnal rinse bucket. repeating method found in Step 7.then remove alaam to a clean drv area for a pe.iod of 48 hours to allow it to thoroughly dry. I PORTANT: lT lS RECOUHENDED TO CHANGE WASH AND RINSE WATER AFTER FIVE (5I ALARMS. tF youR aLARits ARE ExrREfiELyDIRW, WATER SHOULD BE CHANGED T'ORE FREQUENTLY. WARI'IING: SIOKE ALARMS ARE TO BE AtR DRIED ONLY- OO NOT PLACE ALARM IN OVEN. IICROWAVE OR USE A HOT AIR BLOWER TO ACCELERATE DRYING TIME. THIS COULD RESULT IN OAMAGE TO YOUR SI'OKE ALARM. In the evenl you experience difficulty in the cleaning ofyour smoKe aErm or tt you have any questions, please contact Gentex Corporation or your local Gentex distributor WARNING: lf the_ smoke alarmdoes not work properly, do not try and fix it yourself. This willvoid your warranty. See "To Return an Alarm" tor instruations to retuin smoke alarms thal do not operate propedy OO NOT TRY TO FIX IT YOURSELF IMPORTANT: Genlex recommends alarms be tested a minimum of once a week. WARNING: Never use an open flam6 of anv kind to tegt your alaam. You may iqnite and damaoe the alarm as well as yourhome. The test teature-of vouralarm accurately simulates smoke conditions and tests the alarm's functions as required by Underwriters Laboratories WARNING: Do not cover, tape. or otherwise block lhe openings ol your smoke alarm. These openings are oesrgned to a ow aar to pass through your smoke alarn, thus samolinq the air around lhe alarm. FAILURE TO REGULARLY CLEAN THIS SMOKE ALARM WILL RESULT IN FALSE ALARMS. A BUILD UP OF OUST CREATES AN OBSCURATION THAT SIMULATES SI\,IOKE, THIS MEANS THE UNIT WILL GO INTO ALARM WITHOUT A FIRE CONDITION. TO RETURN AN ALARM . Should you experience problems with your smoke alarm, proceed as follows:1- Turn off electrical Dower to the alarm.2, Twisl the alarm counterrlockwise to remove it from its mountino Dlate-3. Unplug the conn-edtor from the back of the atarm. Do nol remove lhe wire conneclion: leave the connector for your reolacement alarm.4. Carefully pack(lhe manufacturer cannot be responsible lor consequentiat damaqe) and return to the manufacturer lhclude comoldt€i details as to exact nature of difticulties beinq exDeri€nced and date of installation.5. Retum to: Gentex CorDoration, 10985 Chicaoo Drive, Zeeland, Michioan 49464. Prio. to - retuming. call Gentex-at 1-800436-8391 to obta'n a RMA Number from our return department. 3. Place the alarm up to the mounting plate, rotating il clockwise until alarm firmlv snao locks into place. Keep the alarm para'llel to the mounting plate so upper and lower tabs on the plate seat correclly inlo lhe alarm.*796ry1 ^W\ / atil /d-*.\, lII /f . tdffffN\ ffffi(s\ll\\V | \\\ 1LYt.2'\.> \\ \ WORI 6{'tEcYatn wlFEg i6f5*Houa,. iotE rn lsf#6l?["'".. CHECKOUT & TROUBLESHOOTING 1. Tum test knob to the NORMAL oosition and install battery and then suDDlv house Dower lo the alarm- The ftid indicator lidht ahould nash every 15.30 seconds, showing that the alarm is operating properly.2. lf red light is not f,ashing or the green LED is not on: a. Check that the bafterv is installed.b Checi the connector'plug and wire conneclions- NOTE: Be sure vou furn off oower bgfore checkinq wire cbnneclionsc. if the power supply an-d wiring check out, but lhe red liaht does not tlash or lhe qreen LED is still ofi. rdtum the alerm Io the ma;ufacture. See TO RETURN AN ALARM. d. When powering up alarms in a tandem installation and all lhe alams sound immediately. inspect all alarms for lhose with an illuminated indicator lighl. These will be the kouble units3. Testino with lhe Test Knob: a. Rotate the test knob counter-clockwise to the TEST 1 positlon and wait up to 20 seconds for the alarm lo sound. lfthe alarm does not sound after 20 seconds, retuan the alarm for service.b. After successfully testing alarm, relurn test knob to NORMAL (non-iest) position and wait 20 seconds for the alarm to stop sounding. tE3l ElcH stioKEA Rr tl GOROTI{CE Wmt IFPAt2 i I a 1-1-93 Ps. $6 10985 CHICAGO DRIVE, ZEELAND. MI 49464 PHONE: 1-800-436-8391 Fo. a peiod ol 12 m@lhs ftom rh6 dai6 of prci@, da roxinum ol 18 dontE ton lho dals ol rEnulactro. Gstex Mm.ts ro F!. rhe odqhal @nsrer pu.cnas€r, lhal yM Smle Al-n wd be lros fro.n d€tecls in rcrthanshjp, maien*, and @struclron undor oatul u* and 5Ri6. It a d€fecl h wo.tmanstiD, rotdi:als. d dnstrucrio shotid cause you Smote Alrm lo b€lm6 inoo€rablo wilhin ih6 wananty pdiod, Go. er vd .epan trclr SdEke Ajam o. tumisi you *ilh a lw or Eb{ilt.e!(acensnl Smote Alam withod charge to you €xc€pl icr postege reqlircd to €ium lhe SdE&€ Alam io (6. Yu .ep.i.ed q epla@trBn Smole Ala.m *i be r6n med !o y@ ftee ol cia.ge a.d it ril bo cov€red urider this waEnry tq ttp balaflce of nre *aranty pdin- This satranly is vcii f o{r hspection of yo!. Smoke Alad snows 0rai tha dadlage o. fa ure wa s c€us€d by du*. niese, aboomal usao€, fallty iBrallaltd idp@pg @intenaic€. o. repairs olho r tMn thoso Psr(med by us. ANY WARfIANIIES IMPLIED !|NDER ANY STATE LAw' INCLUDING IMPLIEO WARfIANTIES O F MERCHAI,ITAEILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PA.RNCULAR F'IJRPOSE, APPIY ONLY FOR THE WARRANry PERIOO SPECIFIEO ABOVE. PLEASE NOTE IHAI SOME STAT€S DO NOI ALTOV/ I.IMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY LIMITED WARRANTY GENTEX WILT NOT 8E LNALE FOR ANY LOS'S. DAMAGE. INCIDENTA! OR CONSEOIJENTIAL DAMAGES Of ANY KINO ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH THE SA!E. USE. OR REPAIR OF THI S SMOKE AIARM. PLEASE NOIE IHAT SOME STATES OO NOf AILOW IH€ EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEOUENIIAL OAI,IACES, SO THE ASOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT lf a delecl io wdt nanship, mal€/iats, d @nstrlctio. srFUtd eus€ var Smk6 Alam io b€.onr InopeEblo $hrn lh€ waranty psiod, ydl rur.€i('n th€ SrEke Aadn to Gdtor pdag€ prepai, you dusl dso p€d( tlE Sn|o(o Aam to manimizo th€ risk d n being danaged h fansit. Voqmrg afo arao:e a relum addcs3 Smoks Aram .€tumed fa waf'lly 54ice shouH be sent io: Gsntsx ColDoratd1 10985 Chicago D.i!6, Z6€rard. Mt 49461. ll ws rs@iw a Smoie Alam h a damag€d 6.dti,on s '|6 .€sutr of shilpng, *s sil not'V yo{, and yc must nl€ a dtr wih the Shtog THIS LIMITED WARFIN-IY GIVES YOU SPECIF|C LEGAL RTGHTS yOU MAy ALSO ftA\J,E OTHE F RIGHTS wlj|cH VARY FROM STATE TO STATE GENTEX CORPORATION 550-0093-15 I c' -- \, t-' GENERAL System Sensor's MDL Sync Module is designed lo work with the SpectrAlert series of homs, strobes, and horn/ strobes to provide a means ot: synchronizing the tempo- rakoded homs, synchronizing the onE-second flash tim- ing of the strobe, and silencing the homs of the horn/slrobe combination over a two-wire circuit while leaving the strobes active. MODULE GONFIGURATTON Each MDL module has the capability of connecting two Style Y (Class B) circuits or one Style Z (Class A) circuit. The NAC output(s) from the panel are connected to the zone inputs ofthe MDL module and the zone output(s) ftom the MDL module are connected to the noufication loop(s). Supervision is accomplished in the module by a direct conneclion between the zone input and the zone outpul of each of the two zone circuits connected to the normal end- of-line device. The FACP 'sees" the EOL device through the MDL module. When either or both outputs (zones 1 & 2) from the module are wired to the SpecfAlert products, thd homs and strobes in both zones wilt be syncfironized. The MDL module can be configured so that more than two zones can be synchronized by the interconnection of the slave input and output (sea Application Examples). SPECIAI GONSIDERATIO NS A latching Form-C contact is provided in case the synchro- nizing signal to lhe notification devices is interrupted. The output can be wired so that a trouble signal will be annun- ciated at the panel. lf the synchronization pulse fails in the MDL module, th€ strobes will shut off. NOIE: The UDL Modtr,le iE tactory-set with the trouble conaacts in the open stalo, Ttase contacls may ctose dwing shipping, Approximately l|r,o saconds df,.er power-up, thsse contacts will OD€N. SPEGIFIGATIONS Voltage range: DC or full-wave-rectilied; 11 to 30 volts. NOTE: Supply vdaage nnge at 12 wfts, 11 to 17 VOC; at 24 vorc, 21 ao 30 VOC. Maximum load on loop: 3 amps. Current: chart at right. Operating temperature: 0'C to 49'C (32'F to 120'F). @ OD4A7 The MDL Module t ,T Octobor 1. 1997 oN6066. J{gA NOTIFIEFfFIRE SYSTEIVIS |rlIDL & MDIW Sync Modules for use with the SpectrAlert Series Section: Audio^/isual Oevices s4011 Voltage Average Peak In-Rush oc FWR DC FWR DC FWR 12V 10 mA 12 mA 30 mA 31 mA 87 mA 122 mA 24V 11 mA 15 mA 35 mA 37 mA 198 mA 262 mA This doclmcnl is not irtandld b be used lor instaltation purposGs. Wc try to te€p or.rr goducl inlormalion up.to{ate and accurate. W€ cannot cover all sp€cific apglications or anticipat€ all roquir€rnents. All speciticalions a.c sub.icd to chang. without notice. Fo. ttrorG informatioo. contact NOTIFIER. Phons: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 494-2118 @rortrlen 12 Crinronvi € Road. Norrhfod. crnnediort 0&72 ffittatmtruillf|nul5 ON-6066. 10/01/97 - Page 1 of4 APPLI CATI O N EXA'UIPLES Temporal Goding on Multi-Aler{ and PA4OO (Non-SpectrAlert Horns) - Program module to provid€ temporal coding by inserting jumper plug per instructions. . Connect only sounders producing a continu- ous tone to the module zone output(s). Strobes cannot be used on a module pro' vidlng temporal codlng Jo hornsl Strobes must be wired for lndependent operatlon. NOTE Temponl jumper should be ,nsetled actoss both pins oaly on non-SpectrAled products that arc lo be powered fot tempo/'s,l sounct ou$d. Ifl MC1 TO NEXT 0rypE OR EOL Homswfll b todr,{'tzl{'d€d aad in sync. TEMP. JUMPER ON MODULE 1 il E} 8) B} roRN zoNE r coNIROt ot,T ZOl,lE I ZOI{E 2tN our TnltE 2-ri"'* - rRouErE suvE st.AvEN our ts IB ts Synchronize SpectrAlert Horns and Strobes ZONE I INPUT Ttis lrpul polvers the MOL ModLd€. THs input must hale r,oltage pros€r from th€ FACP b.br€ anyfing willuo.t. THs also srpplies r,oltage b Zo(F 1 odptt - ZONE 2INPUT THs irput oriy sf,ppEes \loltage to Zotb 2 outst^ A,OIE: lt Zone I input is not porercd, the nofifrcafion devlces attachad ao tha Zone 2 oubut v l not bo sllo\€d, HORN CONTROL TliB lrput snables the horns on tle SpectAlett rptification appnarrces. VoltEg€ pr€6€rl rnearE horns are enabbd. No roltage pr€se|t tneara horns et€ disabl€d. SLAVE IN CoffFcb !o Masbr MDL Modde slale ouL SLAVE OUT Cod|gcG b Slar,€ MDL sla!€ ln MODULE 1 '%il{8 '5+{B ,*or*$ =''Tffi{E g)ffi* g)fr*" E)fr*" 8)il^*,- HoRN zone r J$coNTRoL ow|g zoNE 1 zoxezlSn our\$ lolez rnoueu{E sr-AvE srAr/EtBtt ,------', ourt8 l l l l TO NEXT 0EvrcE OREOT 2 CT.ASS B TO NEXI DEVrcE OR EOL ALt SpoctrAred rtoms, lurnlslrobeq aN fiohc<tty devlcas sW oo€,'ate b syaa TEMP, JUMPEROFF ,VOIE Aass A co.r ftgtratfuxt a€gurras a specia, paneL Consult uvflt panel manufadurer. Synchronlze SpectrAlert Horns and Strobes Each module can porryer lwo three-amp circults wired in Class B, or on€ three-amp circuit polrerEd as Class A. Each modula will synchronize two zones. Additional modules can be added and may be synchro- nized to all other modules by interconnecting the'slave' input and output terminals between modules, [-l TO NOfi DE1/ICE 0R EOr- Configured as: Styte Zl0lass A OUT (+) NAC 3 orjr (_) REruRN (+) NAC4 REIURil (.) MODULE 2 Pagc 2 of4 - DN{066' 10 lti97 TEMP JUMPER OFF ty Controlling Sounder On/Off Over Two Wires Using Module Horn Gontrol . Connect the current source to the horn control input. lf a zon€ output is used for lhe source, you must use an EOL on the horn control inpul terminal. . When multiple modules are used, the horn control circuits can be wked in parallel. lf wired in parallel and a zone output is used from panel, use an EOL on the last module for supervision. ZONE 1 INPUT Ttis inpr.l powers the MOL Modde. This input must ha\e \tollage present from lhe FACP before anyting witl u/ork. This also supplies \oltage to Zone 1 outstJL ZONE 2INPUT THs irptt ody suppfies vo[age lo ZotE 2 otlput ,VOIE' ff Zone 1 input ls nol potrrbd, tho noUfcdUon devices attached to Ue Zone 2 ouFut vill not be allotnd. HORN CONTROL Ttis irp|lt enables the homs on the Sp€ctrAlert mliflcation appliancss. Voltage preser means horns are enabled. No \o[age pr€sent nr€ans honrs are disabled SLAVE IN CoryEcb to Masler MDL Module slave ouL SLAVE OUT CoruEcts to Sh!€ MOL sla\€ in. Horns Silenced Over Two-Wire Gircuit 1) Any mii of Spec{rAlert homs/strobes or strobeonly devices is acceptable. 2) Horn Control connects to intenuptible power source. MODULE 1 FACP 1 NAC { (*) SpectrAlert I - G) (+) FACP 2 (+) NAC 1 (_) (*)*atu, MODULE 2 TEMP JUMREROFF Typss ot O,eticss: HORN ONLY HORI,ITSIRoBE S]RO8E ONLY TO NgCt Spec{rAlert DEVICE OR EOT TO NETT SpectrAlert HORII{t{-Y DEVICE OR EON. ALL SpectrAtetl homs, hom/strobe s, and slrobes will opente in sync. ,,rOfES.' 1) Any mix ot SpectrAled horn/ strobe, strobe-on9, or hom-onlY deices is alloweble for Zone 1. 2) No devicas or hom4nly an al- lowed on Zone 2. lt no devices are inslallad on Zone 2, tetninate EOL r8sislor €l hom controt ter- minal. o i )unx.. li'*'l )r,*" hyL zone r fgour\8 'xt+{E ,*orr,r{fi jrn{E )Hs*, ."tilt )t**'' .oH?{ )t**tt '*.,"t{E TEMP JUMPER OFF ON€066. 10/01/97 - Page3of 4 \1- ft'TOU NTI N G DIAGR.A'I/I 'l) Gomplete field wlring. 2) Mount unit to 4-1 'll16" backbox with screws ("A"). LilnrTArroNt oF HoRNS/STnOBES The hom andlor strobe wltt not wo* wfthout powor. The honVstrobe gets its power from lhe firey'security panel monitorir€ the alarm system. lf porver is cut off for any reason. the horn/strobe will not provide the desired audio or visual waming. The hom may not be heard. The loudness of the horn meets (dr exceeds) cunent Undenrvriters' L:boratories stan- dards. Holever, the horn may not alert a sound sleeper or one who has recently used drugs or has been drinking alcoholic beverages. The hom may not be heard if it is placed on a different floor from the person in hazard or if placed too far away to be heard over the ambient noise such as traffic. air conditioners, macfiinery or music appli- ances that may prevent alert persons from h€aring the alarm. The hom may not be heard by pecons who are hearing impaired. The signal strobe may nol be seen. The electronic vi- sual waming signal uses an extremely reliable xenon flash fube. lt Rashes at least once ev€ry three seconds and ex- ceeds cunent Underwriters' Laboratories standards for pri- vate mode viewing. The visual waming sighal is suitable for direct viewing and must be installed within an area where it can be seen by building occupanb. The strobe musl not be installed in direct sunlight or areas of high light inten- sity (over 60 footcandles) where the visual flash might be disregarded or not seen. The strobe may not be seen by the visually impaired and is not intended to meet Ameri- can Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. The signal strobe may cause saizures. lndividuals who have positive photic response to visual stimuli with seizures, such as persons with epilepsy, should avoid prolonged exposure to environments in which strobe signals, includ- ing this strobe, are actl'vated. The slgnal stobe cannot operate from coded power supplies. Coded power supplies produce interrupted power. The strobe musl have an unintenupted source of DC power in order to operate correcfly. System Sensor recommends that lhe hom and signal strobe ah.rays be used in combination so that the risks ftom any of the above limitations are minimized. Pag€ 4 of4 - DN{066 .10/0147 PR.ODUGT LINE I NFORI.TATION MDL Sync module for use with SpectrAlert Series, r€d. MOLW Same as above. whrle. Three-Year Limited Warranty System Sensor warants these horndstrobes io be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of lhree years ftom date of manufacture. For complete wan"anty information. contact Syst€m Sensor. \ \ o I {frt \NtoTI FI E Ri I sp"ctalerr@ series N I/F1RE -iWSfetvtS I Horns, Strobes, ond Horn/strobes \-rl I Section: AudioMsual Oevices < 54011 & 55512: P1215(W' P121575(W' P241s(1 1, P241575(w), P2475(w), P24110(W). 55512: 31215(W), 312157s(W), S'121575K, s2415(W), S24157s(W), 241575AG, 5211575EV, s241575P(w), S2430(w), S2475(w), 524110(W). 54011: P121575K, P241575AG, P241575EV, P241 575P(W), P2430(W). < cS549: P2415(W}A, P24l57s(t/V)A, P2475(VV)A' 241 1 o{w)A s241 s(w)A, 5241 575(w)A, s2475{w}A, . S24.|10(W)A. CSs49 V3: P121575KA, P2430(W)A' S121575M, S2430W}A. Cs548: H012J24A. P1215(w), P12157s(w), P2415(W), > P24 157 sNU\, P241575AG, P241 575EV, pzlrszsi,(w), pzqgoUv), P247s(w), 24110(w), s121 s(w, s121 575(W), S2415(W), S241s75(W s241s7sAG. s241575EV, s241 57sP(w), s2430tw), s247s(w), s21110W), H124(w). FJ < 713s-1209:173 -P12150fi), P12157s(W' P121575K' /ffi\ pz4rsM,P24is75(w),P241s75AG,P241575EV'\KW/r/ P241s7sPov).P2430(w),P2475(l,v),P24110(w)'Hffi ttzs-tzogitzn - s1215(w, s121575(w), s121575K' ^\-;J . s241s(riv), s211575(w), s241s75AG, s241575EV,gfllorJ,9 szlt sisp(w), sz+so(w), s247s(w), s241 10(w). ir'l5r'^"'= 7135-1209:143 - H124M. M EA' 3li;ffi, FlliSffili:i]ilP,i'111's,' (vol. V), P241575P(!10 Uol. vD' P2430(w) (vot. v), P2475M' P24110(w)' S121s(w)' s121575(vU, S2415(W)' S241575(w)' 3241575AG (Vol. V), 5241575EV (vol. V), S241575P(W) (vol. Vl), S2430(w) (vol. v), S2475(w), s24110(W), H124(w). 173-98-E Vol. ll: P121575K s121575K. @ usTEll @ @Approved \ I GENERAT The System Sensor SpectrAlert@ wall-mount series includes a complete line of electronic homs, strobes, and honvstrobes. Intended {or primary signaling use, SpeclrAlert@ poducts meet UL 1971, UL 4&, and Americans with Disabilities Act require' menE. Performance. With its extremely eflicient reflector de- sign and Xenon flash tube, SpectrAlert@ offers current draw reductions as high as 40% over previous generation designs. With less current consumption, more devices per loop are possible for a lower installed cost. lnstallation. SpectrAlert@ products are designed for ease of installation, which also lowers the installed cost. SpectrAlert@ strobes and hom/strobes take up no room in the backbox, making wiring connections simpler and faster. Each SpectrAlert@ wall-mount device includes a universal mounting plate for 4' (10.16 cm) square and single-gang backbox mounting. Accessory mounting plates are also available for small-footprint or surface-mount applications. Flexibility. The SpectrAlert@ wall-mount series offers the flexibility to meet a broad range of requirements. Horns and hom/strobes feature a number of field-selectable/reversible hom tones. Strobes and horn/strobes are available in a wide variety of configurations to address visibility requirements for non-sleeping areas, sleeping areas, and corridors. Ofier- ings include 24-volt models at 15, 15fl5, 30, 75, and 110 candefa; and 12-volt devices at 15 and 15175 candela. Aesthetics. To meetthe aesthetic requirements of build- ing owners, SpectrAlert@ incorporates a stylish, low-profile design that is consistent across the SpectrAlert@ wall-mount oroduct line. FEATURES . Meets UL and ADA signaling requirements. . Low current draw allows more devices per loop for a lower installed cost.. Universal mounting plate included.. Accessory mounting plates available.. Field-selectable hom tones: - Electromechanical /3 kHz. - Temporal 3 / Non-Temporal 3. - High/Low dBA output.. Available in 15, 15fl5, 30,75, and 110 candela. . Synchronizable homs and strobes with Sync'Circuitw module.. Aesthetically pleasing design. SPEGIFTGATIONS Walk test: Spec'trAlert@ hom and horn/strobe only work on Walk tests" with time duraiions of 4 seconds or greater. Input terminals: 12 to 18 AWG (3.25 mm'? to 0.51 mm2). Dimensions, slro be and homlstrobe wl''h unlversal plate: 5" (127 mm) wide x 5-5/8" (142.875 mm) high x 2-15116" (74.613 mm) deep; wi(rt small footprint plafe: 3-3/8" F I r P SpeBtrAlerto, Sync.Clrcultfl, and Multl-Alcrtn are trademarlG oi System Sensor. ffdMam emf,ltlclrlm This document is not intend€d to be used for insiallation purposes. Wo try to k6€p our product information up-todale and accurate. We cannot cover all spscitic applicatlons or inticipate all requiremenls. All specifications are subject to changB wilhout notice For more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203)484-7161 FAX: (203)484-7118 X(DfIFIER' 12 ctintonville Road, Northtord, connec.ticut 06472 DN6939. ol/12/01 - Page 1 of4 (85.725 mm) wide x 5-5/8' (142'875 mm) high x 2-15116" f/4.613 mm) deep. Dimensf ons, hom with universal mounting-ptgQ:^ ^Sl (lZl. ..]-*io" i s'-sle'(142.875 mm) high x 1-5/16" (33 338 mm) il;;;#;;i; oiniig ptate! s; (127 mm) wide x 5-5/8" t'tqi.azs mm) high x 1-5/16" (33.338 mm) deep' Weight, ftorn onlY: 7 .2 oz. (2A4 g)' Weight, strobe and homlstrobe: 8'8 oz' (250 g)' Mounting: standard boxes 4" x 4" x 1-112" deep (101'6 x ibr.e i s'C.r ;*l or 2" x 4" x 1-718' deep (50'8 x 101'6 x 47.625 mm). ODeratinq temperature, indoor: 32"F to 120'F (0'C to ad'Cr. - li"iir,,i rproof models, horn and horn -sfrobes-' 32'Fio 150"F (06c to 66'c); outdoor strobe onty: '4u-r to *r ia'f-t-+o'b to +70'c); tlc ca nadian models: 4o'c to +66"C. Maximum humidity: 95% as tested per UL 464' Voltages: 12 ot 24 VDC and FWR unfiltered' Operating voltage range:' 12-volt models: 10'5 - 17 V' zi-uoif .6o"r.' io - s0 v. with svnc'circuity fgdu!2 MDL': 1?-voltmodels: 11-17V. z4-volt mooels: zu-ru Y. See cunent dnw tables on Page 4' ' These products should be opented wi'hin their rated voftage onge. iJL does, however, test functional integity to -20% and +10?6 of manulacturels stated ranges, U.S. Patent Numbers: 5,593'569. 5,914'665' 6'049'446' ENGINEEn|NG SPECIFIGATIONS Generat - SpectrAlert@ homs, strobes and horn/strobes shafl be capabld of mounting to a standard 4'x4' x 1-112- ai0i.6 i iot.o t se.t mm) bickbox or a single{ang 2" x 4- i r-28" (50.4 " fi1.6x4i.625 mm) backbox lising.the uni- versal mounting plate included with each SpectAlert@ prod- uct Also, Spe&ilertO proAucb, when used in conjunction *ift ttre .bci""ory Sync'Circuitm Module, shall be powered from a non-codeO- pdwer supply and shall operate on 12 or 24 volts. 12-volt rat€d devices shall have an operatng volt- ige -nge ot t O.S - 17 volts. 24-volt rated devices shall have .i optiting voltage range of 20 ' 30 volts' SpectrAlert@ oroalcts stritt trave an indoor operating temperature range bt gz'r to 120'F (o"c to 49"c) and operate from a regulated DC or full-wave rectified, unfiltered power supply' Horn - Horn shall be a System Sensor SpectrAle@ model capable of operating at 12 and 24 volts' Horn itrlilT6 t-isted to uL 46,4 for fire protective signaling sys- tems. The hom shatl have two tone options, two audibility options (at 24 volts) and the option to switch between a tem- pbral 3 iattem and a non-temporal continuous pattem. All hom models shall operate on a coded power supply. Strobe - Skobe shall be a System Sensor Spec'trAlert{O model - Listed to UL '1971 and be approved for tire oroGdiG service. The strobe shall be wired as a pri- marv sionalinq notification appliance and cornply with the nmdrica-ns with Disabilities Act requirements for visible sig- nalino appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe's enlire operJting'voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. Horn/Strobe Gombinatlon - Hom/strobe shall be a Svstem Sensor SpectrAlertlO model Listed to UL i971 and UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protec- tive service. Hom/strobe shall be wired as a primary signal- ino notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances' flashinq at 1 Hz over the strobe's entire operating voltage ranoe.-The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube andassociated lens/reflector system. The hom shall have two tone options, two auditility options (at 24 volts).and the ootion to iwitch between a temporal 3 pattem and a non- temporal continuous pattem. Strobes shall be powered in- deDendentlv of the sounder with the removal of factory-in- stalled jumier wires. The hom on hom/sttobe models shall operat6 on a coded or non-coded power supply (the strobe must be powered continuously). Module - tvtodule shall bE a Sylstem Sensor Sync'Circtitn model Listed to UL 464 and shall be appoved for fire p6iEcti6 service. The module shall synchronize SoectrAert@ stobes at 1 Hz and homs at temporal 3. Also' the module shall silence the homs on hotn/strobe models, while oDeratinq the strobes, over a single pair of wires. The modufe shall G capable of mounting to a 4-11116' (1 19.063 mm) souare x 2-118" (53.975 mm) deep backbox and shall conirol'nro Style Y (Class B) or one Style Z (Class A) circuit' Module shall bE capable of multiple zone synchronization by daisydraining multipte modules together and resyncfi ronizing each other along the chain. The module shall IiIOI operate on a coded Power suPPlY. , "l t I NOTE5 FOR PRODUCT UNE INFORflTATION ) ,vo7Es.. 1) Canadian modet numbers end in.A'. 2! Latin American model numbers end in'F". . 3) All weatherproof models must use weatherproof backoox mooet fr-Be.- ij eri sp""trryert@ producti are designed for wall-mounl only. 5) lnstallation of less than 75 candela strobes may oe permissiuG dd;ih;;ilivalent'facilitation clausdof the ADMG (sec. 2'2)' Hovever, it is th€ respon' sibility of the person or entity d".ignl;g th" nr" alarm system to_d"i"-i"" in" ""t"pt bility of iess than7s candela strobes' 6) Al 15fls candera strobes or no.r"rr!o"i jr. ,"commendld to, zo' - io;(o.oso x oo's-o_ml iooms or less. 'Fot a complete listing ol spectrAled cunent requirements, -[ii;;ii;i thte cunent Dnw ifiiei on page I or thii docum.ant' or the lnstruction Manudl' Hom and hondstrobe cuftent draws ""5rrJ ri," hom is set af Temp 3, eloctromechanlcal tone, and high audibility' Page2of4 - DN-5939 ' 01/12l01 ) l I SOUND OUTPUT OUIDE (dBAl UL Reverberant Room dBA @ Volb DC Anechoic Room Peak dBA @ l0 ft/VDC 10.5 12 17 20 24 30 10.5 12 17 20 24 30 Temporal LOW TONE ElecfomectBnical l\|A NA NA 75 75 79 l.lA M NA 94 96 98 3000 Hz hlerupbd NA NA r.lA 75 79 79 l.|A r,tA NA 94 96 98 HIGH TONE Elecbomechanical 75 75 79 a2 82 82 94 95 s8 't00 101 102 3000 tlz Inbrupbd 75 75 79 82 85 85 94 95 98 100 't01 't02 Non- Temporal LOW TONE Electomechanical M NA M 79 82 85 NA NA NA 94 96 98 3000 l-E Inbrupbd NA NA NA 82 82 85 NA NA NA 94 96 98 HIGH TONE Electomechanical 79 79 85 85 88 88 94 95 98 't00 101 102 3000 Hz lnbruPted 79 82 85 88 88 88 93 95 98 100 101 1 1021 €3g.ot,r.bl 5TROBE OiltY > Eelow: HOR.]|/S!ROBE | 5 condela HORN/STROBE | 5/75 condela HORII/STROBE 30 cendeln HORN/STROBE 75 cerndela HORN/STROBE I lO cerndela : GURRENT DRAW I rABtEs aI g ONtYHOR.N V 3 I e a 6 t; 5 a I tI I AVERAGE GURRENT (mA|: STROBE ONLY Candcla t2-vo|.T lloDELs 2TLVOLT tlOltELS 10.5 V 12V 17V 20v 21V 30v DC FWR oc FWR oc DC F5n DC FWR oc Ftn t5 159 114 1a',81 128 50 61 43 ou 38 60 15 t75 168 1A2 142 171 99 150 65 49 64 u 62 30 NA NA t'lA tlA NA NA 78 u a?72 75 NA t'lA l.l,A NA NA NA 145 170 't23 159 102 '141 fl0 NA ].|A NA t{A NA l.,tA 169 220 140 191 115 174 PEAK CURRENT (mAF STROBE O'{LY t5 460 460 450 460 420 480 135 204 208 135 185 1s t75 490 520 490 520 460 480 150 loo 207 150 t98 30 t.lA NA NA NA NA NA 183 201 183 219 183 216 75 tlA l'|A It{NA NA NA 350 440 340 460 330 480 110 l,|A M NA NA NA NA 460 450 570 4m 620 INRUSH CURRENT (mA): STROEE Ot'lLY t5 80 't08 92 124 140 190 o,'| 29 116 152 147 198 lst 75 76 104 88 126 160 185 116 16,4 147 211 30 NA NA M NA NA NA o',1A 't 16 152 147 198 75 NA t'lA NA M NA NA 190 240 230 2AO 290 380 fi0 NA tlA NA NA NA NA 190 230 220 290 290 370 HORN ONLY t2-voLT MOOELS 2GVOLT OOELS 10.5 v 12V 't7 v 20v 21V 30v DC FWR DC FWR oc FWR oc FWR DC FII/R oc FWR AITERAGE CURREIIT (mAF Electrom.chanlcal Tone HIGTI VON-. TEMP 10 tl 't0 10 14 t4 't9 21 25 18 29 26 l.loN 10 t6 10 't9 14 25 17 29 23 34 30 42 LOVV VOL. TEMP NA t{A llA itA l'lA t{A 11 12 13 13 17 It NON l.|A NA tlA NA l,lA 1.|A 12 t6 14 19 17 21 AVERAGE GURRENT (rnA): 3'000 Hz InterruPt€d Tone HGH voL. TEMP 11 13 11 11 t6 16 24 2A 23 NON 11 't7 1l 21 14 2A t9 u 27 39 45 LCM/ VOL. TEMP l.lA t'lA t{A t{A itA t{A 14 14 17 21 19 NOf.l l.|A t'|A t{A t|A I'lA l.|A 13 t8 16 21 25 H/S 3O cd 24-VOLT UODELS 20v 24V 30v oc FWR DC FYUN DC FIVR A\rG. GITRRErT (mA): Elscttomech. HGH voL. TEMP 97 105 g2 100 a7 98 tll3tl 95 113 90 116 88 114 LOVV VOL. lEMP 89 80 95 75 87 NoN 90 98 81 101 75 96 AVG. GURRET{T (m/{E 3'OOO llz Inter. HGH vot- TEMP 102 108 105 95 1os tpN 97 't16 94 121 93 117 LOI/V voL TEMP 92 96 84 97 79 91 NON qt 100 83 103 80 97 H/S {5 cd lz.VOLT TTOOELS 2'|-VOLT IIODELS 10.5 v 12V t7v 20v 21V gtv DC FWR oc FWF DC FII'R DC FIVR DC FWR oc FUIR AVERAGE GURRENT (mA): El€ctrom€chenlcal Ton. HGH VOL. TEMP 143 170 124 r67 o<142 82 68 78 87 NON '143 170 124 r67 95 142 67 90 bo 94 68 103 LOW VOL. TEMP t\|A NA NA t.lA NA ilA 6t 73 73 55 76 NON NA NA NA NA NA |.|A 62 77 79 55 6J AVERAGE CURREI{T (mAl: 3'OOO Hz lnterruptcd Ton€ HIGH voN-. TEMP 144 172 125 168 o7 '144 71 87 7'l 83 94 NOI.I 144 173 125 168 vc 146 69 70 99 73 '| 06 LO/l/ voL. TEMP NA ttA 1'|A NA l.lA l'|A 64 60 75 to 80 NON NA NA NA t{A ]\lA tt{?9 8t 86 H/S 75 cd 2/r-VOtT f@El-s 20v 21V 30v DC FUIR OG FWR oc FI{R, AfrG, CURRE T (mAF ElectromGch. HIGH VON.. lEMP 164 191 148 167 131 167 NON 163 188 't 46 169 132 169 LryV VOL. TEMP 156 182 136 162 119 r56 l.lON 157 1A2 137 162 119 157 A\tG. CURRENT (mA!: 3'OOO Hz lntor- HGH VOL. TEMP 169 196 151 172 139 174 l.loN 1$192 150 175 137 177 LOW vo{-. lEMP 159 194 140 164 123 160 NOtl 158 188 139 163 124 162 H/S '15175 cd r2.voLT OOELS 24-VOLT IODELS 10.5 v 12V l?v 20v 24V 30v oc FWR oc FWR oc FIVR oc FWR DC FWR DC FU'R AVERAGE CURRENT (mAl: El€ctromechanlcal Tono HGH vot_ TEMP 174 'r93 152 181 113 '164 75 86 74 82 73 88 NON 178 193 15?t8t 113 164 73 94 72 ot 74 104 Lol' voN-. IEMP NA 1,|A l{A r.lA l'l,A NA 67 77 62 61 NON NA t{,A I'lA NA M t{A 68 81 65 61 86 AVERAGE CURRENT (mAl: 3r0oo llz Intsltupted Tons HGH VOL. TEMP 179 195 152 183 115 156 80 al 77 87 81 95 NON 179 r96 152 183 Ita 168 75 99 't03 79 107 LOW vo{_. TEMP NA NA NA l'lA l.lA t'tA 70 79 66 79 8t NON NA NA NA NA I,lA tl,A 69 65 85 bo a7 H/S 'l{0 cd 24-V(LT OT'ELS 20v AV 30v oc FWR oc FWn oc F5'R A\rG, CURREilT (mA): Eloctromech- HEH voL. TEMP 188 211 165 209 114 200 t{oN 186 238 163 211 1/t5 202 LOW VOL. TEMP 180 232 r53 2U 132 189 NON 181 232 154 2U 132 190 AltG. GURRENT (mA): 3POO Hz lnteG I-trGH voL. lEMP 193 246 168 214 152 m7 NOtl 166 242 167 217 150 210 LOttt vor-. TEMP 183 2U 157 206 136 193 t{oN 182 232 156 205 137 195 Page 4 of4 - ON-5939'01/1201 RED vuHtrE voltage ;andela Mg. m/t @ nom. voc NS. nrf @ non. Fl\'fl Horn/Strobes P12',15 P1215W 12 15 124 167 P121575 P121575W 12 15175 152 181 P2415 P2415W 24 68 7A P241575 P241575W 15t75 74 82 P2430 P2430W 24 30 100 P2475 P2475W -75 148 167 P24110 P24110W 24 110 165 209 P 1 21 57 5R (weatfprprogf)12 15 t75 124 to, P24 1 57 5K (n'eattErpoo0 15t75 74 82 P2475K (weattErp roof)24 ta 148 167 P241 1 0K (',raalherProo0 24 110 165 209 P241575P (m bnering)P241575PW 24 74 82 P2415754G (aged)24 '15 I 75 74 82 P241575EV (e'ac ation)24 15175 74 6Z GANADTAN Models' Hornlstrobes P2415A.P241sWA 24 15 68 78 P2415754 P241575WA 24 15t75 74 82 P2430A P243OWA 24 30 92 100 P247 5A P247sWA 24 148 167 P24110A P2411oWA 110 165 209 P241 57 sKA (weatherproof)15175 74 oz P2475KA (',r€attprPtoo0 24 148 '167 P24 1 I oKA (weatlErproof)1t0 '| 65 209 SPANISH Labetingr Horn/Stiobes Strobes P241575F (FUEGO)24 't5 I 75 74 a2 s1215 s1215W 12 15 114 't57 s12'1575 s121575W 12 15175 142 171 s2415 s2415W 24 t5 43 60 s241575 s24157sW 24 15t75 49 64 s2430 s2430W 24 30 a2 s2475 s2475W -24 123 '| 59 s24110 s24110W 24 tlo 'r40 191 Sl 2 I 575K (,,\€atheQtoo0 12 15t75 142 171 S241575K ($€athePooD 24 't5 I 75 49 64 S2475K (wealherproo0 24 75 123 '159 S24 l 1 0K (\r,€atherproof)24 110 140 191 5241575P (r|o bnerirE)s241575PW -24 1st75 49 64 S241575AG (8ger{)24 15t75 49 u S241575EV (e\acuation)24 15t75 49 u CANADIAN Models, Strobes s2415A s24'15W4 24 43 s241575A s241575W4 24 15 t75 49 64 s2430A s243oWA 24 30 ot 82 s2475A s247sWA 24 123 149 s24110A s24t1owA 110 140 191 5241 575KA (\,'?a0ErPmoD 24 15 175 49 64 S2475KA (weat€rpmo0 24 75 123 149 52411oKA (weaheProof)24 110 140 191 sPANtsH Labelinc. Strobes s24157sF (TUEGO)24 15t75 49 64 Horns H12n4 H72n4W 't2 t 24 NA 't0 I 25 10/18 H1224K (u€atherprcoo 12t24 M 10t25 10 / ',l8 GANADIAN Models, Horns HC12n4A HC12n4W 12t24 NA 10t25 10/18 HC12a4KA (t r€at€rprooo 12 124 NA 10t25 10/18 Sync.Circuitn Module MDL MDLW 12t24 NA 10t11 121 15 CANAOIAI{ Sync'Circuitn l6odule MDLA MDLWA 12 124 NA 10/11 't2 I 15 Small Footprint Mountlng Plate for Slnqle-Gang OllLY S.MP S.MPW NA NA NA M surface-Mount Backbox Skirt B8S BBSW M NA l'|A M Universal Mounting Plate lranlacement!D.MP D-MPW t\|A NA NA NA Weatherproof Backbox wsB NA NA NA NA =oI E E4oE2I E =IJ FI Doo4a , I I 1 DN-5939. 0l/12/01 - Page 3 ot4 il tl f' Gommercial Specialists of Western Colorado, LLC. Data Sheets For Village Center Unit 3-K $ruesco@toTlFIEn'rcnftRruErrlrucffiY.rc Table of Contents FMM Series Monitor Modules with FlashScan... ... . '. ... ... Section 1 o FMM-l0lMiniture Monitor Module PA400 SeriesMini-Alert SounderwithOptional Stobe..............'Section2 o PA400B Mini Alert Sound,er @eige) Gentex 9000 Series Photoelectric Type Single Station Smoke.'......Section 3 o 9L20IIF 120VAC/9VDC Tandem with Therm-Relays I Septomber 12, 2001 DN-6720 . H-220 NOTIFTER.Fft,lM, FZM, ond FDM Series Monitor Modules with FloshScon@ Sec'tion: IntelligenuAddrossable Devices GEIIERAT Four difierent rnonitor modules arc available for NOTIFIER in- telligent conbols to suit a variety ot applications. Monitor modules are used to supervise a circuit of dry-contact input devices, such as conventional heat detectors and pull sta- Uons, or monitor and power a circuit of twc.wir€ smoke de- tectoF (FZM-1). FillUl-l - is a standard-sized module (typically mounts to a 4" [101.6 mm] square box) that supeMses either a Class A (Style D) or Class B (Style B) circuit of dry-contad input devices. ilt l0l - is a miniature monitor modulo (a mere 1.3. (33.02 mm) H x 2.75' (69.85 mm) W x 0.5" (12.70 mm) D) used to supeMse a Class B (Style B) circuit. lts compacl design allows the FMM-101 to oft€n be mounted in a single- gang box behind the device it's monitoring. FZ,M-I - is a strandar&sized module us€d to monitor and supervise compauble two.wire, 24 volt, srnoke detectors on a Class A (Sbdo D) or Class B (Style B) circuit. FDil-l - is a standard-sized dual monitor modulg ussd to monitor and supervise two independent two-wir€ initiating device circuits (lDCs) at two separate, conseqrtiw addresses in intelligent, two-wiro systsms. FlashScan@ (U.S. Patent 5,539,389) is a nerv communi- cation ptotocol dsvsloped by NOTIFIER Engin€ering that greafly enhances the sp€6d of communication b€twe€n ana- log intslligent devices. Intelligent devices communicate in a group€d fashion. lf one of the devioes within the group has new informatbn, th€ pansl CPU stops the group poll and concenbates on single points. The net efiec{ is rcsponse spe€d gre.ter lrran f,ve umes that of other dssigns. FltshscenO is a r€gistorod tradema* ot NOTIFIER. Fmm.t toNttoR moDutE. Built-in type identmcation automatically identifies this de- vice as a monitor module to the contnol panel.. Ponrered direclly by twewire SLC loop. No additional Por 'er r€quir€d.. High noise (EMF/RFI) immunity.. SEMS screws wlth clamping plates for eas€ of wiring.. Oired-dial entry of address 01 - 'tsg (0j - 99 on badi- tional systems).. LED flashes gr€€n dudng normal operation (this is a p]}, grammable option) and latches on steady red to indicat€ alarm. The Fl,lil-l l{onltor llodule is intended for use in intellF gent, two.wir€ systems, wh€re the individualaddress of each modul€ is selected using the built-in rotary switches. lt prc- vides either a two-wir€ or four-wire fault-tolgrant Initiating Device Circuit (lDC) for normallyopen-contract fire alarm and supervisory devices. The module has a panel-cor rolled LED indicator. The FMM-1 can b6 us6d to replace MMX-1 mod- ules in existing systems. @ cs669 @ffiH:*,.,\.7 USTED s635@ Approved Thls dodjflrent is nol intsndod to b€ used tor inslallatbn purposes. W6 try to ksop our producl infomation up.to.dab and accurat€. Ws canmt cov* all spedlic aDolications or anlicipalc all r€quir€nsnls. All spocilicstions ar€ suuaci to ai;noe witirout notbe. Fo. mor3 infomatbn. conrrBct NorFER. phon6: (203)aE+?161 FAX (203)4E4-7tlE @ r on rl e n t2 ctintonvi a Rosd, No htord, connscricur 06472 DN€74r. 09112n1 - PsgB l ofo MARYLAND State Flre Marshal ME/A Permit # 2020 14341-E (FDM-1) (ex@pt FDtkl) 4ileg-E (FMIG-I, FMM-101, FiZ hl) FMM.l and F;Zf,t-1 detail of FDM-I - note "ones" addresses arc 0, 2,4,6, I onllt FMt-{ Appllcatlont - Use to monltor a zon€ of four- wire smoke detectors, manual fire alarm pull stations, waterf,ow devic€s, or oth6r nonnelly-open dry-contact alarm activation d€vicss. May also b€ usad to monitor normally- open supervisory devices with speclrl supanlsory lndlct- tion at the control panel. Monitored circuit may be wired as an NFPA Styl€ B (Class B) or Styl€ D (Class A) InldaUng Device Circuit. A 47K ohm End-of-Line R€sistor (provided) terminates the Style B circuit. No resistor ls required for su- peNision of the Style D circuit. Maximum IDC loop length is 2,5@ fr,.n62 m (20 ohms maximum). EOosb 0 1 2 3 4 qs oo 0 1 2 3 4 FMM-I Operatlon - Each FMM-1 uses one of 159 avail- able module addresses on an SLC loop. lt responds to regu- lar polls from the contol panel and reports its type and the status (open/normal/short) of its Initiating Device Circuit (lDC). A flashlng LED indicates that the module is in communica- tion with the control panel. The LED latches steady on alarm {subject to cunent limltations on the loop). FilM.{ Speclficatlons Nominal operating voltage: 15 to 32 VDC. Ittaximum currenl draw: 5.1 mA (LED on). lllaximum operating current: 375 UA (LED flashing). EOL resistance: 47K ohms. Temperature range: 32'F lo 120'F (0'C to 49'C). Humldity range: 10% to 93% noncondensing. Dlmenslons: 4.5' (114.3 mm) high x 4' (101.6 mm) wide x 1.25' (31.75 mm) deep. Mounts to a 4' (101 .6 mm) square x 2.12tr (53.975 mm) deep box. Fmt-tot flilNt mol|lToR moDutE - Built-in type identification automatically identiftes this d*' vie as a monitor modul€ to the AFC600.. Porered directly by two-wire FACP. No additional po$,er requir€d.. High noise (EMF/RFI) immunity.. 'Tinned, sbipped leads for Ease of wiring.. Dircd-dial entry of address (01-159). The FMM-to'l ltlinl lionltor ltodulo can be installed in a single€ang junction directly behind the monitored unit. lts small size and light weight allow il to be install€d without rigid mounting. The FMM-101 ls int€nded for us€ in int6lligent, twowire syst€ms where the individual address of each mod- ule is selectEd using rotary switches. lt provid€s a two-wir€ initiating device circuit for normally-open-contacl fir€ alarm and se€urity devices. The FMM-101 can be used to replace MMX-101 module in existing slstems. FtM.l Ol Applicatlons - Use to monitora single d+ vice or a zone of four-wire smoke detectors, manual fire alarm pull stations, wai€rflow devic€s, or other normally-op€n dry-contact dovices. May also be used to monitor normally- open supervisory devices with special supervisory indication at the control panel. Monitored circuiVdevico is wir€d as an NFPA Style B (Class B) Iniiiating Device Circuit. A 47K ohm End-of-Line Resistor (provided) lerminates th6 circuit. FMM.lOl Operatlon - Each FMM-101 uses one of 159 available module addresses on an SLC loop. lt responds lo regular polls from the control panel and r€ports its typ€ and the status (open/normal/short) of its Initiating Device Circuit (lDC). FMM.{0{ Speclficatlons Nomlnal operatlng voltage: 15 to 32 VDC. Maxlmum operallng curr€nt: 375 pA. EOL resistance: 47K ohms. Temperature range: 32'F to 120'F (0.C to 49.C). Humldlty.angs: 10% to 93o/o noncondensing. Dlmanslons: 1.3" (33.02 mm) high x 2.ZS' (69.85 mm) wide x 0.5' (12.70 mm) deep. Wre length: 6' (152.4 mm) minimum. FZTI.I INTERFACE MODUTE. Supports compatible two-wir€ smoke d€tecrtors.. Supervises IDC wiring and connecdon of extemal power souroe.. High noise (EMF/RFI) immunity.. SEMS screws with clamping plates for ease of wiring.. Direcldial entry of address (01-159).. LED nashes during normal operation (this is a prograrn- mable option).. LED latches steady to indicate alarm on command from control panel. The FZm-l Int€rfaca oduls is intended for use in intelli- gent, addressabl€ s!6tems, wh€re the indMdual address of eacfi module is selecied using builtin rctary sritcfies. This module allows intelligent panels to Interface and monitortwo- wire conventional smoke deteclors. lt transmlb the status (normal, open, or alarm) of one fult zone of @nvensonal de- tedors back to the control panel. All t/r,o-ud'€ detec.tors be. ing monitor€d musi b€ UL compatible with the module. The FZM-1 has a panel-controlled LEO indicator and can be used to replace MMX-2 modules in eisting systgms. FZM-I Appllcatlonr - Use the FZM-I to rmnitor a zme of tr/lro'wire smoke deteclors. The rmnibrcd circuit may b€ wirod as an NFPA Style B (Class B) or Styte D (Class A) Initiating Device Circuit. A 3.9 K ohm End-of-Llne Resistor (pDvidsd) terminatEs the end of the Style B or D (dass B or A) circuit (maximum IDC loop msislance is 25 ohms). Install ELR across tEminals 8 and 9 for Style D application. FZM-I Operatlon - Each UM-l uses one of 159 avait- able modulo addr€sses on an SLC loop. lt responds lo regu- lar polls from lhe control panel and reporb ib gpe and the statrs (op€n/normaUshort) of lts Initiating Dwice Cirolt (tDC). A flashing LED indicates that the module is in communica- tion with the control pan6l. The LED latches steady on alarm (subj€ct to cunent limitations on the loop). FZlrl.l Speclflcatlon. Nomlnal operatlng voltago: 15 to 32 VDC. Maxlmum cu.rcnt draw: 5.1 mA (LED on). Maxlmum operatlng cun€nt 255 pA (LED flashing). EOL reslstrnca: 3.9K ohms. Exlernaf supply voltage (betwaen Terminals T3 and T4): DC voltaga: 18 to 28 volts porer timtted. RIWte vottage: 0.1 Vnus maximum. Cunenl: 90 mA p€r module maximum. T€mporaturo range: 32'F to 120"F (0'C to 49'C). Humldlty range: 10% lo 93% noncondensing. Dlmenslons: 4.5" (114.3 mm) high x 4" (101.6 mm) wide x 1.25" (31.75 mm) deep. Mounts to a 4' (101.6 mm) square x2.125" (53.975 mm) deep box. I I E R Pag€ 2 ot6 - DN6720.09/l2ml FDM.I DUA! }IONITOR TTODULE The FDM.1 Oual Monltor Module is intended for use in in- telligent, two-wire systems. lt provides two independent two- wire initiating device circuits (lDCs) at two separale, consecu- live addresses. lt is capable of monitoring normally open contact fire alarm and supervisory devices; oreither normally open or normally closed s€curity devices. The module has a singfe panef -controlled LED. NOIE: The FDM-1 provides trlo C/ass B (SUle Y IDC circuits Oir[Y. C,ass A ($yte Z) IDC circuits are NOT supported in any applietion. FDM-{ Speclficatlons Normal operatlng voltag€ range: 15 to 32 VDC. lrlaximum currsnt draw: 5.7 mA (LED on). lilaxlmum operatlng curront: 750 yA (LED flashing). EOL r€slslanco: 47K ohms. ilarimum IDC wlring r.slstance: 1,500 ohms. Tempcraturs range: 32'to 120'F (0'to 49'C). Humldlty rango: 10% to 93% (non-condensing). Dlmenslons: 4.5'(114.3 mm) high x 4'(101.6 mm) wide x 2.125' (53.975 mm) deop. FDM-I Automatlc Addres3lng - The FDM-I auto- matically assigns ibelf to two addressable points, starting with th€ original address. For example, if the FDM-1 is set to address "56', then ll will automatically assign itself to ad' dress€s "56' and '57'. IVOIE' 'ones" addresses on fhe FDM-I arc O, 2,4, 6, or 8 only. Terminels 6 and 7 use the {irst address, and terminals 8 and 9 use the second address.@tt Avold duplicating addresses on the system. Face Plate for FMll-|, FiZll-1, and FDM-I xtoultillto DtAcRAms for stenderd.sfzcd mcdalct l1{sTAtLATtON FMM-1 , FDM-1 , and HZM-7 mdules mount diredly lo a starF dard 4" (101.6 mm) square, 2.125" (53.975 mm) deep, elec'tri- cal box. They may also be mounted to the SMB500 surface mount box. Mounting hardware and installation instructions are provided with each module. All wiring must conform to applF cable local codes, ordinances, and regulations. These mod- ules are intended for pow€r-limited wiring only. The FMM-101 modure is intended to be wired and mounted without rigid connections inside a standard elec.trical box. All wiring must conform to applicable local codes, oldinances, and regulations. PRODU€! HlitE tltFORfltATtON Model Descrlptlon Filtll-1 Monitor rnodule. FllM-101 Monitorrnodule,miniature. FZM.'I Monitor module, twswire detec{ors FDM-I Monitor module, dual, two indapendent Class B circuits. SltlB500 Optionalsurfac€-mountbackbox. ARG H If ECIS'/EIIGI 1I EERS' SPEGIFICATIOIIS Specifications of these and all NOTIFIER producG ate avail- able from NOTIFIER. a TiI I E T dN%^go% ON€720. O9|1AO1 - Page 3 of6 5) 6) 7) 8) WIRING DIAGRAIYTS The lollowing wiring diagrams arc included: t) FDM.1, typical dual two-wire Style B initiating device circuit conflguration. 2J FMM-101 , typical two-wire Style B initiating device circuit configuration. 3, FMM-i, typical two-wire initiating circuit configuration, NFPA Slyle B. 4J FMM.I, typical four-wire fault-tolerant initiating circuit configuration, NFPA Style D. FMM-i, typical two-wire initiating circuit configuration for security systems (with alarm versus short capability). FZM-1, interface two-wire conventional dotectors, NFPA Style B. FZM.1, interface two-wire conventjonal det€ctors, NFPA Style D. FRM-1, relay mntrol module used to disconnect a power supply. Fig. I FDM-|: Typical dual two-wttc Style B initiating devlce circult conflguntion. Two lnitiating Device Circuits-7 (L&H) eacfi Dor,verlimiled to 230 uA max. @ 12 VDC max. 47K EOL Resistor ELR47K 47K EOL Resistor ELR.07K TO Nan Device FROM Panel o/,Prcvious Devlce ofih,tl.lrd \comrn,", tiotrLine 32 VDC maxlmum. Twistedaalr ls ]€commended. . All widng shown is supervised and power limit€d. . Conneci npdules to listed compatible NOTIFIER conhol panels only. . ANY NUMBER of UL Listed contacl closure devices may be usad. . DO NOT MD( ttre alarm initiating, supervisory or seorfi danices on the same circuit.. Install contiact closure devices per manufaclurer's instrallation Instruc{ions. Flg. 2 FMM-101: Typlcal two-wlre Style B i nitiatlng devlce clrcult con@urailon. Page 4 of6 - DN€720 .09/12rc1 UL LISTED Gompatlble Control Panel (-) (+) FMil-101 iffi2\S'-tdtt) t-) 3 Connect modules to listed compatible NOTIFIER control panels only. All wiring shown is supervised and power limiled. Install contact closure devices per manufacturers' installation instruclions. Any number of ULiisted mntact closure devices may be used. DO NOT MXfire alarm initiating, supervisory, or security devices on the same circuit. V Flg. 3 FMM-|: Typtcal two-wirc tnttiating device circuit configuratlon, NFPA Style B. TO Nen Device FROM Panel or Prevlous Devicc lnftlating Devioe Circuit (DC) NFPA St$e B, povv€r limitod: 230 pA max. @ 12 VDC max. \corrrni." tionLine 32 VDC maximum. Twlsted-pak ls r€comrnended. Communication Loss (optional conmctbn for panals whlcfi support thls f€ahJrs) FUruREFEAruRE 47K EOL Resistor ELR{7K 3720'*2.rrt V Flg. 4 FMM-1: Typical four-wlre fault-toterant lnfttattng clrcuit configuratla, NFPA Style D. IO l{exl De,vlce FROM Panel or Pltvlo,us Devfu \cornmunicatron une EOL Resistor is intemal at tarminals 8 & 9 -J< Contmunication Loss (optional oonnectlon for panels which support thls feetur€) FUruREFEAruRE t?2q,r3.i!, V Ffg. 5 FMM-I: Typlcal two-wlre Inlttating clrcult configunfion for securltyr systems (wlth alarm vercus short capablllty). Initiating Devlcr Clrcult (DC) NFPA SVI€ B, power limitad: 230 pA max. @ '12 VDC max. IO lVexl Device FROM Panel or Prcvtous Devlc€ 47K EOL Resistor ELR-47K -J< Communication Loss \comrni", tion Line . 32 VDC maximum. Twistod-pair is recommended. (optional connec,tion for panels Yvhich supporl thls feature) FUruREFEAruRE 14K Series Reslstor !li2or,r,a.rnf DN€720. 09/12/01 - Paga 5 of6 Connect modules to listed compatible control panels only. Terminal wiring must be power limited. DO NOT Mlt( firc alarm initiating, supervisory, or security devices on the same circuil. DO NOT LOOP unre under terminals. Break wire runto prwide superuision of conneclions.. Detectors must be UL listed compatible with module. Install detec{ors Der manufacturers' installation instructions. Power to the interface module must be extemally switched lo reset the detectors. used to s ,itch power ftom a standard power supply; see Fig. 7 below. An FRM-I relay control module can be V Flg. 6 FiZM-1: lntertace two-wire conventlonal debctors, NFPA Style B. IO Next Devicr- 3.9K EOL Resistor (inctud&) A2l'|ll-10 FROM Panel or Prcvious Dc,vice \ c*,rrn ication Line 32 VDC maximum. Twiste&pair is recommended. Listed Battery Backup swltch€d DC pow€r supply. G?ito*s. { *z Optional Bnnci Cirgr.tit TO Next lntertace Modute Module supelises supply vollage and detec{or loop. V Fig. 7 FiZM-l: Inbrtace two-wire conventlonal detectors, NFPA Style D. IO Nexl Device FROM Panel or P@vlous Devte.. \Cornrrn kation Line 32 VDC maxlmum. Twist€d{ak ls re@mmended. Lided Baftery tuckup Eritcfiod DCpoi€r supply. t720*a.s .,- Optional Bnnch Circuit TO Next tntertac8 Mod/ule Module superuises supply voltags and d€t€coor loop. 3.9K EOL Resistor (tnduded) r€quired atterminalsS&9 A2trB.10 V Flg. 8 FRM-1: Relay control moduleusedto disconnecta powersuppty. TO Nert Device (-) (+) FROM Panel or Previous Devioo Cunmunication Line 32 VDC maximum. Twisted-pair is recommended. RELAY CONTROL MODULEDC POWERSUPPLY (+) Listed for Fire (-) Protection with Baftery Backup ,+ E+lf 7-{P SSpl Psge 6 of 6 - ON€720. 09rlz0l t7:ZO*t srl June 16, 1998 PA400 DN-240s'J'10s NOTTFTEFf FTRE SYSTENIS Mini-Alerl'" Sounder wirh Optionql Strobe Section: AudioNisual Appliances GEIIERAt System Sensor's model PA400 Mini-Alert Sounder is com- pact and reliable. Sounders Model PA400, the Mini-Alert piezo horn, has a 90 dBA pulsed sound output, and operates at 12 and 24 VDC and full wave rectilied unfiltered. This compact device is ideal for hotel, motel, or residential fire system applications, where aesthetics demand a small indicating device. Strobes The UL 1638 compliant PS Series signal strobe is an eleo tronic visible waming signal that flashes approxlmately once every 1.5 seconds. Available in a 1 .5 cd light intensity, the strobe light uses an e)drem€ly reliable xenon flash tube with lort, cunent requirements. The elec{ronic circuit is en- closed within the durable polycarbonate lens. All circuits are polarized to be compaUble with DC alarm supervision and saiisry lhe latest code requirements for primary visible signaling. PSLO add-on strobes field install to the PA400 Series sounders, but are listed for secondary visible signallng only. FEAIURES . Atbactive styling (ideal for residential or hotel applica- tions).. Polarized for DC supeMsion.. lntenupted tone.. 9O dBA output at 10 fe€t (3 meters).. 1.5 candela add-on sbobe (secondary signaling).. Operates from 10 to 32 VDC.. Low cunent drain.. Easy field-wiring with SEMS s6€ws.. Available in red, b€ig€ or white.. Mounts in standard slngle{ang backbox.. Three-year warranty. GOilgTRUCilON AltD OPERAflOil The sounder operates electronically and uses th€ piezo efiect. The sounder is mounted on a wall plate which is available in red, white or beige. Optional stob€s (models PSl2LO and PS24LO) are easily mounted to sounders in the field. The red+olored sounder is lntended for use in the alarm indicating cirqrit of a UL listed 12 or 24 VDC fire alarm conlrol panel. Optionalstrobe additions of Ore PA400 (models PS12LO and PS24LO) require a 12 or 24VDC panel respeclively. These devices are available in dual voltages, red or beige (P4400 ls available in wtrlt€), and mount in several different configurations. OW4A5.AY (PSrO) The PA400 with Optlonal Strcbe APPLICAIIOlIS Piezo sounder ls designed for fire alarm and security haz- ard waming, Optional strobe is recommended to protect the hearing impaired and anyone occupying noisy areas. The National Fire Protection Association publishes codes, standards, and recommended practices for the installation and use of sounders and strobes. fhePAI(N This dodment is nol inlond.d to ba usrd for In6tallstion purpos€s. Wa try to ko€p our product informalion uFiodata and accurata. Ws canmt cov€r sll sp€cific applicatiom or snlicipato ell requirEmanlE. All sp€cilications ara subjcct lo chang€ without notic.. For moro infomalion, contscl OTIFIER. Phon€: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 @ f Of f f l e R. 12 Ctinronvfl€ Roed, Nodhford, connscticut 06472 nffirnrilmtr|l]r DN-2405.06ner98 - Psgs I ol 2 SPEGIFICATIONS Mini-Alertil Sounder/Strobe Mechanical: AWG: 12 (3'25 mm'z) to 18 (0.75 mm2)' Di' mensions without strobe j +9/16" (1 1 5.89 mm) high x 2- 13/16" (7'1.44 mm) wide x 1-1l8" (28.58 mm) deep; dimen- sions wlth strobe: 4-9/'16" (115'89 mm) high x 2-13116" (71.44 mm) wide x 2" (50.8 mm) deep' Weight wtthoy! strobe: 2.4 oz. (68 g.); welght wlth sfrobe.' 5.6 oz (159 g.). Mountlng: 2-1t2" (63.5 mm) single-gang backbox. Operating temperature range: 14'F to 140'F G10"C to 60'c). Operating voltaget 12 and 24 VDC and full'wave recti- fied unfiltered. Actual 12 volt operating voltage cannot be less than 9.6 VDC or greater than 15.4 VDC; actual 24 volt operating vollage cannot be less than 18 VDC or greater than 33 VDC. NOTE: Atl models can be powered using full-wave recth fied unfiftered supplies. lJnder no circumstances can MA 1A24, SS12/24, or PA400 series devices input voltage exceed 33 VDC or be ,ess than 9.6 VDC. CURRENT DRAII' I SOUND OUTPUT Gunent (mA)Reve1b0rant (UL Ming) Anechoic @ r0fi. (3.1118 m)12V 24V PAA{IO 12 .t(82 dBA 90 dBA PA400 with PS__Lo 1.5 cd 62 40 75 dBA 83 dBA wrRtNc tNsrALtAiloll Installation instructions are packaged with each unit. The PA400 is intended for mounting to a standard 2-112" deep single-gang box which allows sufiicient clearance for con- duit entrance. The PA400 is compatible with DC line su- pervision. The piezo sounder is polarized and has termi- nals marked with polarity. Apply positive supply voltage to (+) terminal and negative supply voltage to the (-) terminal [See wiring diagramJ. Mount the appliance to the electrical outlet box using the two mounting screws supplied. Wiring must be in compliance with all codes and must not be of such length or wire she which would cause the appliance to operate outside of its published speciftcations. The National Fire Protection Association has published codes, standards, and recommended prac-tices for the in- stallation and use of sounders and strobes. lt is recom- mended that the installer be familiar with these require- ments, with local codes, and any special requirements of the Local Authority Having Jurisdic{ion. ARGHITECTURAT/ ENGI 1I EERI ]IG SPECIFIOAITONS Sounder shall be a System Sensor Model -, ca- pable of operating at 12 and 24 VDC. Sounder shall be listed to UndeMrite/s Laboratories Standard 46tt for fire protection signaling systems. Sounder shall have an op- erating temperature between 14'F and 1/tO"F G10'C to 60'C). Sounder shall have eight tone options, selected by means of dip(s). For sounder/strobe comblnatlon: Sounder/strobe shall be a System Sensor Sounder/Strobe Model -, capable of operating at 12 or 24 VDC. Sounder/strobe shall be listed to Underwriters' Laborato- ries Standard 464/1638 for fire protection signaling sys- tems. Sounder/strobe shall have an op€rating temperafure betw€€n 14'F and 1/O'F (-10'C to 60'C). Strobe shall have a mlnimum light output of 1.5 or 15 candela and shall be UL listed as a secondary signaling dwice. DIilEilSIONS tcon Control Panelor prBvious device. TO EOLR or next device. + ffi hffil + l-- z.arzs' II f/1.44 trfnl I | ,,i:llll', I .*il ..^.. NOTE: Shown with control Panel in alarm. Panel polarity reversed in supervisory condition. PR,ODUCT LI NE INFORIIATION RED WHITE BEIGE DESCRIPTION VOLTAGE CURRENT CANDELA PA4OOR PA4OOW PA4OOB 90 dBA Sounder 12E4VDC 12 mA PS12LO Add-on Strobe 12 VDC 50 mA 1.5 PS24LO PS24LOB Add-on Stobe 24 VDC 25 mA 1.5 Pag€ 2 of 2 - DN-2405. 06/16/98 GIENTEX sooo siEFilEs' GctFIF'cIFIATIcII\I PHOTOELECTRIC TYPE SINGLE STATION/ MULTI.STATION SMOKE ALARMS AC POWERED WITH BATTERY BACKUP lnstallation Instructions - Owner's Information READ CAREFULLY AND SAVE INTRODUCTION 9OOO SERIES The 9000 Series Smoke Alarm is a Photoelectric Type Alarm for use as an evacuation device in residential applications. Each alarm has a solid state piezo signal to warn and alert the household to lhe presence of threatening smoKe. Your Photoelectric alarm is designed to detect the smoke that results from an actual fire. Consequently, it is uncommon for household smoke such as cigarette smoke or normal cooking smoke to cause an alarm. MODELS (SEE BACK OF ALARM FOR EXACT MODEL) 9120.................. ..........12o VAC, 60Hz 9123............................120 VAC, 60Hz with Temporal Horn 9220............................220 VAC, 50/60H2 9223............................220 VAC, 50/6oHz with Temporal Horn OPTIONS, SELEGTIONS: T - Integral 135"F Thermal Sensor H - lsolated 135'F Thermal Sensor F - 1 Form A/1 Form C Aux. Relay with Tandem Wire Connection. NOTE: In the event AG Power fails, a 9v battery will provide proper alarm operation for a minimum of 24 hours. HOW YOUR SMOKE ALARM WORKS The 9000 Series Smoke Alarm operates on the photoelectric light scatter principle. The unit's sensing chamber houses a light source and a light sensor. The darkened sensing chamber is exposed to the almosphere and designed to permit optimum smoke entry from any direction while rejecting light from outside the alarm. The light source is an infrared (invisible) LED which pulses every 8 seconds. The light sensor is a photodiode matched to the light frequency of the LED light source. Under normal conditions, the light generated by lhe pulsing infrared LED is not seen by the light sensor, as it is positioned out of the direct path of the light beam. When smoke enters the sensing chamber, light from the pulsing LED light source is reflected by the smoke particles onto the photodiode light sensor. At the first sighting of smoke, the alarm is put into a pre-alarm mode. This is indicated by a rapidly flashing LED on the face of the alarm. Once the light sensor confirms smoke for 2 consecutive pulses inside the chamber, the light sensor produces the signal necessary to trigger the alarm and sound the electronic horn. This technique of verifying the smoke condition, combined with a s-to-1 signal-lo-noise ratio, substantially reduces the possibility of nuisance alarms. HOW TO TELL IF YOUR SMOKE ALARM IS WORKING PROPERLY r Your alarm is provided with an alarm hom and pulsating Light Emitting (indicator) Diode, which pulses every 30 seconds, and a green AC power on LED. . When tuming the test knob on the alarm to TEST 1 the red light emitting diode should flash rapidly and the hom should sound.. lf the baftery is low, a chirp will be emitted when the red LED flashes. lf the alarm is malfunctioning, or if the battery is missing, the chirp is sounded without the red LED flashing. lf AC power fails, the green LED will turn off.. The test knob of your alarm simulates actual smoke conditions. NOTE: Tandem lnterconnect Models. r When testing one alarm, the alarm that is activated will flash the red indicator light and sound its alarm horn. All other units will sound the alarm horn with their red indicator lights remaining off. The relays will also activate on all units in tandem on models equipped with the relay option. FIRE PROTECTION PLAN This Smoke Alarm can quickly alert you to the presence of smoke-it cannot prevent fire. Please note that there are hazards against which smoke detection may not be effective, such as smoking in bed, explosions, when a closed door seoarates the alarm from the source of the smoke, etc. The ultimate responsibility for fire protection rests solely on you- Pg.9-1 550-0093 2. 1.To minimize fire hazards-avoid improper storage of flammable liouids and don't leave small children home alone. Bedroom doors should be closed while sleeping if a smoke alarm is installed in the bedroom. They act as a barrier against heat and smoke. Establish an escape plan: (a) Post a detailed floor plan depicting the chosen escape routes.(b) Each bedroom should have at least two escape routes. (c) trlat<e sure your children know what to do in case of fire and teach lhem to follow the escape plan you have oosted.(d) Agree on an outside meeting place. (e) Conduct fire drills at least twice a year.(f; Be sure each member of the family is Jamiliar with the smoke alarm so they can react properly. WHAT TO DO IF THERE IS A FIRE IN YOUR HOME lf you have prepared family escape plans and practiced them with your family, you have increased their chances of escaping safely. Review the following rules with your children when you have fire drills so everyone will remember lhem in a real fire emergency: a. Don'l panic; stay calm. Your safe escape may depend on thinking clearly and remembering what you have practiced. b. Get out of the house following a planned escape route as quickly as possible. Do not stop to collect anything or to oet dressed. c. 6pen doors carefully only after feeling to see if they are hot. Do not oDen a door if it is hot: use an alternate escaoe route. d. Stay close 10 the floor; smoke and hot gases rise. e. Cover your nose and mouth with a cloth, wet if possible, and take short, shallow breaths.f. Keep doors and windows closed unless you open them to escape.g. Meet al your prearranged meeting place after leaving the nouse. h. Call the Fire Department as soon as possible from outside your house. Give the address and your name.i. Never re-enter a burning building. Contact your local Fire Department lor more information on making your home safer from fires and about preparing your family's escape plans. WHAT THIS SMOKE ALARM CAN DO This alarm is designed to sense smoke entering its sensing chamber. lt does not sense gas, heat (except for the H or T options), or flames. When properly located, installed, and maintained, this smoke alarm is designed to provide early waming of developing ftres at a reasonable cost. This alarm monilors the air and, when it senses smoke, activates its built-in alarm hom. It can provide precious time for you and your family to escape from your residence before a fire spreads. Such an early warning, however, is possible only if the alarm is located, installed, and maintained as specified in this Use/s Manual. NOTE: This smoke alarm is designed for use within single residential living units only; that is, it should be used inside a single-family home or one apartment of a multi-family building. In a multi-family building, the alarm may not provide early warning for residents if it is placed outside of the residential units, such as on outside porches, in corridors, lobbies, basements, or in other apartments. In multi-family buildings, each residential unit should have alarms to alert the residents of that unit. Alarms designed to be interconnected should be interconnected within one family residence only; otheruise, nuisance alarms will occur when an alarm in another living unit is tested. IMPORTANT NOTE: WHAT SMOKE ALARMS CANNOT DO Smoke alarms will not work without power. A battery must be connected to the alarm to maintain proper alarm operalion if AC power supply is cut off by an electrical fire, an open fuse or circuit breaker, or for any other reason. In the event of AC power failure, the battery will supply power for a minimum of 24 hours. Smoke alarms may not sense fire that starts where smoke cannot reach the alarms such as in chimneys, in walls, on roofs, or on the other side of closed doors. lf bedroom doors are usually closed at night, alarms should be placed in each bedroom as well as in the common hallway between them. Smok€ alarms also may not sense a fire on another level of a residence or bullding. For example, a second-floor alarm may not sense a first-floor or basement fire. Therefore, alarms should be placed on every level of a residence or building. The horn in your alarm meets or exceeds cunent audibility reouirements of Undenivriters Laboratories. However. if the p9. G2 5504093 lf the alarm should sound: 1 . Never waste time dressing or gathering valuables. Follow lhe escape route and leave the house immediately2. Check bedroom doors before openinq. lf the door is hot or smoke is leaking in around the edgeS-DO NOT OPEN-use lhe alternate escaoe route.3. lf there is smoke in the escape route-keep close to the floor and take short breaths. lf possible, cover your nose and mouth with a wet cloth.4. Do not use your own telephone-call the Fire Department from vour neiqhbor's house.5. Once'out, do -not re-enter your house, but proceed to your prearranged meeting place. WHAT ELSE YOU CAN DO TO MAKE YOUR FAMILY SAFE FROM FIRES Putting up smoke alarms is just the first step in protecting your family from fires. You also must reduce the chances that fires will siart in your home and increase your chances of safely escaping if one does start. To havir an effective fire sarety program: a. Install smoke alarms properly following the -instructions in this manual. Keep your smoke alarms clean. Test your alarm weekly and repair or replace it when it no longer functions, As with any electronic product, alarms have a limited life, and alarms that don't work cannot orotect vou.b. Follow safety rules and prevent hazardous situations:. Use smoking materials properly; never smoke in bed.r Keep match-es and cigaiettb lighters away from children.. Store flammable materials in proper containers and never use them near open flames or sparks.r Keep electrical appliances and cords in good working order and do not overload electrical circuits.. Keep stoves. fireplaces, chimneys, and barbecue grills gredse-free and inake sure they are properly installed away from combustible materials.. Keep portable heaters and open flames such as candles away from combustible materials.. Do not allow rubbish to accumulate.c. Develop a family escape plan and practice it with your entire family, especially small children.o Draw a floor plan of your home and find wo ways to exit from each room. There should be one way to get out of each bedroom without opening the door.. Teach children what the smoke alarm signal means, and that they must be prepared to leave the residence by themselves if necessary. Show them how to check tci see if doors are hot before opening them, how to stay close to the floor and crawl if necessary: a.nd fgw to ise the alternate exit if the door is hot and should not be opened.o Decide on a meetino olace a safe distance from your house and make suie that all vour children undeistand that they should go and wait for you if there is a fire.e Hold fire drills at least everv 6 months to make sure that everyone, even small childien, know what to do to escape safely.. Know where to go to call the fire department from outside vour resr-dence.. Provide 'emergency equipment such as fire extinguishers?nd ieaih your family to use this equipment properly. alarm is located outside a bedroom, it may not wake up a sound sleeper, especially if the bedroom door is closed or onlv Dartlv opdn. lf the alarm is located on a different level of the'rirsiddncb than the bedroom, it is even less likely to wake up people sleeping in the bedroom. In such cases, the Naiional Fire Protection Association recommends that lhe alarms be interconnected so thal an alarm on any level of the residence will sound an alarm loud enough to awaken sleepers in closed bedrooms. This can be done by installing a fir6-detection system, by connecting alarms together, or by using radio frequency transmitters and receivers. All tvDes of smoke alarm sensors have limitations. No Wpri bf smoke alarm can sense every kind of fire every'time. In general, alarms may not always warn you aborit fires caused by violent explosions, escaping gas, improper storage of flammable materials, or arson. NOTE: This alarm is not designed to replace soecial-purpose fire detection and alarm systems necessary t6 protebt persons and property in non-residential buildings sudh as warehouses, or other large induslrial or commercial buildinqs. lt alone is not a suitable substitute for complete firedelbction systems designed to protect individuals in hotels and motels, dormitories, hospitals, or other health and suoeryisory care and retirement homes. Please refer to NFPA 101;The Life Safety code, and NFPA 72 for smoke alarm requirements for fire protection in buildings not defined as "households." lnstalling smoke alarms may make you eligible for lower insurance rates. but smoke alarms are not a substituto for insurance. Home owners and renters should continue to insure their lives and property. PLACEMENT OF SMOKE ALARMS THIS EQUIPMENT SHOULD BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION'S STANDARD 72 (National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269). For vour information, the National Fire Protection Associaiion's Standard 72, r€quires the following: Smoke detoctors shall be installed outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms and on each additional story of the family living unit including basements and excluding crawl spaces and unfinished attics. In new construction, a smoke detector shall be installed in each sleeping room. Where to Locate the Required Smoke Detectors in Existing Construction. The major threat from fire in a family livinq u-nit is at night when everyone is asleep. The principa' thre,t to persons in sleeping ar€as comes from fires in the remainder of the unit: therefore, a smoke alarm(s) is best located between the bedroom areas and the rest of the unit. ln units with onlv one bedroom area on one floor, the smoke alarms should be located as shown in Figure 1. ln familv livino units with more than one bedroom area or with bedrooms oi more than one floor, more than one smoke alarm will be needed, as shown in Figure 2. In addition to smoke alarms outside of the sleeping areas, NFPA 72 requires the installation of a smoke alarm on each additional story of the family living unit, including the basement. These installations are shown in Figure 3. The livinq area smoke alarms should be installed in the living roori or near the staiMay to the upper level, or in both locations. The basement smoke alarm should be installed in close proximity to the stairway leading to the floor above. When'installed on an open joisted ceiling, the alarm should be Dlaced on the bottom of the joists. The alarm should be positioned relative to the stairway so as to intercept smoke boming from a fire in the basemenl before the smoke enters the stairway. Where to Locate the Required Smoke Alarms in New Construction. All of the smoke alarms specified for existing conslruction are required, and, in addition, a smoke alarm is reouired in each bedroom.' Are More Smoke Defectors Desircble? The required number of smoke alarms may not provide reliable early - warninq orotection for those breas separated by a door from the areii orotected bv the required smoke alarms For this reason, it is recommehded that the householder consider the use of bdditional smoke alarms for those areas for increased orotection. The additional areas include: basement, bedrooms, dining room, furnace room, utility room and -.hallwavs not orotected by the required smoKe alarms. I ne installdtion of smoke alanns in kitchens, aftics (finished or unfinished). or oaraqes is not normally recommended, as these localions-bccdsionally experiende conditions that can result in improper operation. Figure 2: lN FAMILY LIVING UNITS WITH MORE THAN ONE SLEEPING AREA, A SMOKE ALARM SHOULD BE PROVIDED TO PROTECT EACH SLEEPING AREA IN ADDITION TO ALARMS REQUIRED IN BEDROOMS FiguTe 3: A SMOKE ALARM SHOULD BE LOCATED ON EACH STORY. IMPORTANT CONSIDERATION We recommend replacing your alarm(s) every ten (10) years; wny:i Dust, dirt, and other environmental contaminants can affect your alarm over a prolonged period.. Fast chanoino industry consensus standards and codes on all alarFrs-make it advisable to p€riodically upgrade vour alarm to maximize life safety.. Assurance that vour smoke alarm needs are kepl abreast with the constadtly improving electronic technology.. Smoke alarms are recognized as one of the lowest cost wiis to protect dwelling- inhabitants against the.danger of fire(s). lt makes good @mmon sense lo penoolcally repiabe and updale your smoke alarm that contributes so much to life safety. Figure 1: A SMOKE ALARM SHOULD BE LOCATED BETWEEN THE SLEEPING AREA ANO THE REST OF THE FAMILY LIVING UNIT. Pg. 9-3 550-0093 RLill | * W Room a MOUNTING: PLATE & ALARM 1. Lace the connector through the prcvided mounting plate and secure the plate to the junction box.2. Plug the wire connector into the alarm base. c. To test alarm for hrth sensitivity, turn test knob clockwrse to TEST 2 gosition. Alarm should remain silent. d. Make sure to return test knob back to ils normal oosition.e. ll your alarm sounds during this lest it means the alarm's sensitivitv has become too hioh and mav c-ause false alarms-f. This could mean your alarm is dirty and should be cleaned as described in the maintenance procedure below.g. lf the alarm continues lo alarm, lor TEST 2 posrlron following cleaning. return il to Genlex for service.h, To check for proper smoke enlry into vour alarm's sensino chamber. Gentex recommendi usinq the nome Saf€guard Smoke Alarm s-pray.i. This test should be perlormed once a year and should be sprayed from a distance no closer than 12 inches from the smoke alarm. MAINTENANCE After your alarm has been in operalion for a oeriod of time or if it was installsd orior to the completion of all building constuction, vour alarm mav have becom€ more sensitive aue to dirt bui6-up in the alarm's optic sensino chamber which could cause nuisanae alams or could cause activatron 7. IMPORTANT: lT lS RECOMMENOED TO CHANGE WASH AND RINSE WATER AFTER FIVE (5I ALARTIS. IF YOUR ALARMS ARE EXTREIKELY DIRW, WATER SHOULO BE CHANGED iilORE FREOUENTLY. WARNING: SMOKE AL.ARMS ARE TO BE AIR DRIED ONLY. DO NOT PLACE ALARI' II{ OVEi'I. MICROWAVE OR USE A HOT AIR BLOWER TO ACCELERATE DRYING TITE. THIS COULD RESULT IN DAMAGE TO YOUR SMOKE ALARM. ln lhe event you experience difficulty in the cleaning of your smoke alarm or il 1ou have an! quesr|ons, please contact Gentex Corporation or your local Gentex distributor. WARNING: ll the smoke alarm does not work properly, do not try and lix il yourself. This will void your wananty. S-ee -To Retum an Alarm' for instru;tons to retuin smoke alarms thal do not operate prope.ly. DO NOT TRY TO FIX IT YOURSELF. IMPORTANT: Gentex recommends alarms be tesled a minimum ol once a week. WARNING: Never use an open flam€ of any kind to tesl vour alarm. You mav iodite and damaoe Ole alam ds w€ll as your home: The test feature-of your alarm accurately simulates gnok€ conditions and tests the alamb functions as required by Underwriters Laboratories. WARNING: Do not cover, tape, or othenvise block the openings of your smoke alarm. Th€se op€nings are desioned to allow air to Dass throuoh vour smoke alarm. ttius sampling the aiiaround th6 afarm. FAILURE TO REGULARLY CLEAN THIS SMOKE ALARM WILL RESULT IN FALSE ALARMS. A BUILD UP OF DUST CREATES AN OBSCURATION THAT SIMULATES SMOKE. THIS MEANS THE UNIT WILL GO INTO ALARM WITHOUT A FIRE CONDITION. TO RETURN AN ALARM Should you experignce problems with you. smoke alarm. oroceed as follo.rs:1- Tum off elecirical oowBr to the alarm.2. Twist the alarm counter-clockwise to remove it from its mounting plate.3. Unoluo the connec{or tron the back of the alarm. Do nof remove the wire connection: leave the conngctor for your replacement alarm.4. Carefully pack (the manufaclurer cannot be resoonsible for conssousntial damaoe) aM r€tum to the manufac{urer. lidude comoldtd details as to exact nature of difliculties b€ing exDeri€nced and date of installation.5. Retum to: Gentex Corporation, 10985 Chicago Orive, Ze€land. Micfiioan 49464. Prior to retuminq. call Genteiat 1-800-436-8391 to obtain a RMA Number from our retum d€oartment. Remove alarm from wash water and transler direclly to one of the firsl rinse buckets containing clear water. Again, allow alarm to become completely submerged, agitale once more for 5 or 10 seconds to remove soaD r€sidue. Finally, transfer alalm to your second and linal rinse bucket, repeating method found in Step 7. then remove alarm lo a clean drv area for a period of 48 hours lo allow it to thoroughly dry. Place the alarm up to lhe mounting plate, rotating it clockwise unlil alarm fl,mlv snao locks inlo place. Keep the alarm parailelto the mounting plate so upper and low€r labs on the plate seat correctly into the alarm.*7r.w> "*)tu> aAfffA lffitq({[t\N (fiffit \\tl-Nv ' NN ILyl-,' \SN:> \\> wonxcoxtEdtot*rnaa \ \ !iF5#fl!l "o" " Sli$6ffi*,no" CHECKOUT & TROUBLESHOOTING'1. Turn test knob to the NORI4AL Dosition and anstall battery and then supply house porver to the alarm. The red indicator light should flash every '15-30 seconds, showing that lhe alarm is operaling propeny.2. lf red light is nol ffashing or lhe green LED rs not on: a. Check that the batterv is inslalled. b. Check the connectorbluo and wire conneclions. NOTE: 6e Sure you tum off power before checkino wire @nnectons.c. I the power supply an-d wirinq check out, but the rdd lioht ddds-not flash oi the oreen LED is still off. re-tum the alarm to the man-ufacturer. See TO RETURN AN ALARM. d. When po\ivering up alarms In a tandem installation and all the alams sound immediately, insp€ct all alams for those with an illuminated indicator lioht. These will be the trouble units.3. Testing with the Test Knob:a. Rotate the test knob counter-clockwise to the TEST 1 position and wait up to 20 seconds for the alarm to sound. ll the alarm does not sound afrer 20 seconds. return the alarm for servrce. b. After successfullv testino alarm. retum lesl knob to NORM{L (non-iest) position and wait 20 seconds for the alarm to slop sounding- from small washang alarm back to its original n small amounts of smoke build-up. lf this should occur, following this si ihang procedure will reslore your sr| following this simple reslore vour smoKereslore your smoke rl condition. nIJ srsi €||FrsFL@r. tESr !&H !|aot(E ^lrtfl tllcconoArca wmt tFPAr2 For turth€r infomation. reoardinq freouency of cleanino and tesiino. r;fer ro NFPA 72-, NFPA. Bafterymarch Park, Ourncy. t\rA 02259. IMPORTANT: Falluro to iollow tull cleaning In3tructions could result In damagq to thla smolo alarm. DO NOT remove all ala.ms al lho same timg tor cleanlno. 1. Turn ofi etectn-cal oower to the alarm. 2. Twist the alam counter-clockwise to removs it from its mounting plate. 3. Unplug Ore conneclor from the back of the alarm. Do not remove the wire connsction: leave the connector for yout replacement alarm or iumper plug. Remove the batlel.4. Select th.oe l3l stBhdard sizs wash buckets and hlf th€m each with one gallon of normal tap waler (dtsiilled or de-lonlzed tr€aigd wal€r is recommondsd .s a final rlnsa lf watsr is srlremely hard In your aroa). 5. Add 1/8 c1lp of lvory dishwashing liquid to the first bucket of water and allow it to mix thoroughly, then piace one dirty alarm into lhe soao waler mixture until il becomes completely @vered or submeroed, NOTE: -lf the alams are exceplionally dirty, you may wish to first wipe off any excass dirt before washing alarm so as not to dirty the wash waler too quickly. DO NOT open alarm for cleaning. WARNING: ONLY IVORY DISHWASHING LIQUID IS TO BE USED. OTHER BMNDS ARE NOT RECOMMENDED AND MAY CAUSE YOUR ALARM TO MALFUNCTION.6. Allow alarm to soak for approximately 10 minut6s (lonoer if extremelv dirtv). Then agitate for 5-or 10 seconds to fluah out any remaining dirt lefl inside alarm's nousrng. LIMITED WARMNTY For a p€tud ot 12 nronih! tom th€ date ol our.hss6, or 6 rulimum ol i0 no.'lhs tom lh6 drle of haNfacturs, Ganl.x warants ro you. th€ o.iglnrl coftumr pwchsrar, [|8l yoq s.nok! Alarm will b r lr€a f|Dh debcls in wortmarship, ma|3ii6B, .nd consbuctbn und3r nomd usa ffd €€dio. ll a def*1 in softmamhlp, mat€dals. o. corElruclbn should cau!€ yol' Smok€ Alam to b.co.n€ inoprad€ withln lh€ w*r!.ty pedod. G€nh: will €paf y r Smot. Arad or fumEh yo{ wlh 5 now or rsn l r.pl.@mdt smokc At€rfi *|tnod.ia|!€ r,o tou .x6pr lor po6raq! r€qul€d lo rstum lh6 Smok€ Asm io us, Your Gpan€d or rcpl€lamonl Snok Aamr wtl b€ lllrtn€d to you lr.l o{ ch.rg€ and il will bo co$rad undd thb waranty for !l€ Dalsnce ol hs rlrrunly p€nod. ThE wa.ranly is void f ou inlpection rt you. Smoke Arn rhows thst ho rlamEg€ d frilll! wss ctu36d by abus., misu!6, .bndn€l u!€ge, f5ully insblblron, impop6i m€intonahc€, o. .4'!i|l olh. r tlan lhc6 F€dorinad by us ANY WARRAMIIES IMPLIEO UNDER ANY STATE LAW INCLUOING IMPIIED WARMN"NES O F MERCIIANTAAIITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, APPI.Y ONLY FOR THE WARRANTY PERIOD SPECIFIEO ABOVE, PLEASE NOTETHA]SOME STATES OO NOT ALLOW LIMIIATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPI-IEO WARRANTY LASTS. SO TIiE AAOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOf APPIY TO YOU GENTEX WII.! NOT BE LhALE FOR ANY LOSS. DAi'AGE, INCIOENTAL OR CONSEOUENTIAL OAMAGES OF ANY KIND ARISING IN CONNECTION WNH THE S.AIE, USE. OR REPAIR OF THI S SMOKE ALARM PLEASE NOTE THAT SOME STATES OO NOT AIIOW TI-IC EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIOENTAL OR C'NSEOU€NTIA OAAIAGES. SO THE AACA/E EXCLUSION MAY NOT ll ! d€f.cl ln 'i,or(Dmlfrp, m.i6rielB, o. conltructlon rhol,ld c€u.€ yol,r gno*o Arrin to b..ome llEpo€ble viithin h6 Yrsr.nly pclbd, yo{, mu3t .!tun th. Smolc Alal|n b G.ri.x pctag. pr.pid. Yorl mult abo plct lh€ slioka Aem b mhiniz. th€ rkt of tt bsing &magod in Fanltt. You mu{ abo cncto6€ a r€rum .dd.b$. Smot Alams .6tum.d lor w6nlr|ty ss.r/ic6 riould b! !.d to: crr.x CoToralion. 10e85 Chhsgo D?iva, Z..land, Ml 4940a. ll w! r.c!iv. 3 S'noko Alam ln a damag.d condllon a! th! r6ult ol 3hipplng, 'r€ wlll notlt you .nd ydr nu.t fla 6 clrin wll,l h6 SfiDodr THIS LIMITED WARMNTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHE R RIGHTS WHrcH VARY FROM STATE TO S]ATE. GENTEX CORPOMTION 10985 CHICAGO DRIVE, ZEELAND, MI 49464 PHONE: 1-800-436-8391 1-'1-93 Pg.9-6 550-0093-15 Best COD]A;dq ,-v Commercial Specialists of Western Colorado, LLC. Data Sheefs For Village Center Unit hl $ruesco@iloTrFIER"XmFCn nEElvtruoffixr.rc Table of Contenb FMM Series MonitorMo&rles with FlashScan.. ..'Section I o FMM-l0lMinitrne Monitor Module PA400 Series Mini-Al€rt Sounder with Optional Sfiobe... . . . .. . .... . . Section 2 r PA400B Mini Aleft Sounder (Beige) Gentex 9000 Series Photoelectio Type Single Station Smoke........Section 3 o 9I20IIF I20VACPVDC Tandem with Therm-Relays Sept€mber 12, 2001 DN-6720. H-220 NOTT FT ER'FMM, FZM, snd FDM Series Monitor Modules with FloshScqn@ Section: InlelligenUAddressable Devices GEIIERAt Four difi€rent monilor modules are available for NOTIFIER in- t€lligent controls to suit a variety of applications. Monitor modules are used to supervise a circuit of dry-contact input devices, such as conventional h€at detectoE and pull sta. tions, or monitor and power a circuit of two-wir€ smoke de- tec{ors (FZM-I ). FMIII-{ - is e standar*sizod module (typically rnounts to a 4'[101.6 mm] square box) that supervises either a Class A (Style D) or Class B (Style B) circuit of dry-contac,t input devices. FMlf,.lOl - is a miniature monitor module (a mere 1.3" (33.02 mm) H x 2.75' (69.85 mm) W x 0.5' (12.20 mm) D) used to sup€rvise a Class B (Style B) drcuit. lts compact design allows the FMM-101 to oftsn be mounted in a single- gang box behind the devica ifs moniloring. FZm-{ - is a standard-sized module used to rnonitor and supeMse compatible two-wire, 24 volt, smoke delec,tors on a Glass A (Style D) or Class B (Style B) chcuit. FDM-I - is a standard-sized dual monitor rnodule used to monitor and supervise turo indepondent two-wire initiating devic€ circuits (lDCs) at t\ |o s€parate, consec ive addresses in intelligent, tr,\rou,ire systems. FlashScan@ (U.S. Patent 5,539,389) is a new communi- cation prctocol developed by NOTIFIER Engineering that greatly €nhances the speed of communication betu/e€n ana- log intellig€nt d€vi€s. Intelligont devic€s communicate in e grouped fashion. lf one of lhe devices within the group has new information, the panel CPU stops the group poll and concenfates on single points. The net efiec{ is Fsponso sp€ed gr€.ter t ren five Ames lhat of other designs. Flashsc.ro is s registef€d irademark of NOnFIER. Fmm.t toNlroR moDutE. Bullt-in type iden$fication automatcally identities this de- vice as a monitor module to the control panel.. Powored diractly by two.wire SLC loop. No additional porver required.. High noise (EMF/RFI) immunity.. SEMS scrsws with clamping plates for eas€ of wiring.. Dirccf{ial entry of address 01 - 1S9 (01 - 99 on badi- tional systems).. LED flashes green during normal op€ration (this is a pro. grammable option) and latches on stgady rod to indicaie alarm. The Fmm-l onltor llodule is intended for use in intelli- gent, two-r ,irs sltstems, where the individualaddress of each module is sel€cted using ihe built-in rotary switches. lt pre, vides either a two-wir€ or four-wire fault-tolerant lnitiating Device Circuit (lDC)for normally-op€n-contac{ fire alarm and supeMsory devices. Th€ moduls has a panal-controlled LED indicator. The FMM-I can be used to replaca MMX-I mod- ules in sxisting systems. @ cs669 @ffiH:,,,, A 't tD Lt\/ usTE0 s63s@ Approved MARYLAND State Flre Marshal MEA Permit # 2020 14341-E (FDil-l) (excapt FDM-1) 4ST-991E FMM-1, FMM.|O|, HTM-1) FMM.l and FAn-| detall of FDM-I - note "ones" addresses ar€ 0,2,1,6, 8 onlyt FMil-l Appllcatlonr - Use to rnonitor a zone of four- wire smoke detectors, manual fire alarm pull stations, waterflow devices, or other normally-op€n dryontact alarm ac{ivation devices. May also be used to monlbr normally- op€n supeMsory dsvices with specrrl supenlsory lndlct- tion at the control pan€|. Monitor€d circuit may be wired as an NFPA Style B (Class 8) or Style D (Class A) Initiating Device Circuit. A 47K ohm End-of-Line R€sistor (provided) terminat€s the Sq/le B cirqJit. No resistor is required for su- pervision of ihe Style D circuit Maximum IDC loop length is 2,il0 ft.n62 m (20 ohms maximum). IOosb 0 'l 2 3 4 qs oo 0 1 2 3 4 This docum€nt ir not intanded to be us€d for installstbn purpossr. W6 t y tq xeep our produ|c't infomstjon uptodab and accurat€, W€ cennot coyer all apcdfrc a-oolicaiicirs or anticipste all pquirem€nts. All spedfications ara subioc{ to cirange w irout notice.anticipste all pquirem€nts. All spedfications ara subioc{ to cirange w irout notice. For mor€ Information, contect NOT|F|ER, phon6: (203)i&t-7161 FAi: (AO3) 4E4-ZilE @ r ort rt e n t2 crinronvitb Ro8d, Norrhrord. conn€ciicur 06472 flstar3lllilruflIr DN€720. 09rl201 - Pag6l of6 FMM-{ Operatlon - EachFMM-I usesoneof 159 avail- able module addresses on an SLC loop. lt responds to regu- lar polls from the control panel and reports its type and the status (op€n/normal/short) of its Initiating Device Circuit (lDC). A flashlng LED indicates that the module is in communica- tion with the control panel. The LED latches steady on alarm (subject to curreat limftations on the loop). FMM-I Specifications Nominal operating voltage: 15 to 32 VDC. Maxamum curront draw: 5.1 mA (LED on). f,laximum operating cunrnt: 375 pA (LED flashing). EOL resislance: 47K ohms. Tempetature range: 32'F to 120'F (0'C to 49'C). Humldity range: 10olo to 93% nonmndensing. Dimenslons: 4.5'(114.3 mm) high x 4'(101.6 mm) wide x 1.25" (31.75 mm) deep. Mounb to a 4'(101.6 mm) square x 2.125r ($.975 mm) de€p box. Fmm-tot flilNt flloNttoR moDUtE. Built-in type identification automatically idenlifies this de- vice as a monitor module lo the AFC600.. Pourered direc'tly by twc.wir€ FACP. No additional power required.. High mise (EMF/RFI) immunity.. Tinned, stsipp€d leads for sase of wiring.. Direct-dial entsy ot address (01-159). Th€ FMlt-'to1 ltllnl ilonltor odulo can b€ install€d in a singla€ang Junc{ion dir€c{ly behind the monitored unit. lb small size and light wBight allow it to ba installed without dgid mounting. The FMM-101 is intended for use in intelligent, t$,o-wire syslems where the individual addr€ss of sach rno&. ule is selec-ted using rctary sr ritches. lt provides a two-Mre initiating device circuit for normally-open-contact frs alarm and security devices. The FMM-101 can be used to r€plac€ MMX-101 modul€ in €xisting syslems. FMM-I Ol Appllcatlons - Use to monitor a single de- vice or a zon€ of four-wire smoke detectors, manual fir€ alarm pull stations, waterf,ow devices, or oiher normallfop€n dry-contact devices. May also be used to monitor normally- open supErvisory devices with special supervisory indication at the conhol panel. Monitored circuiUdevice is wired as an NFPA Style B (Class B) Initiating Device Circuit. A 47K ohm End-oFLine Resistor (povided) terminatEs th€ circuit. FilM-{Ol Operatlon - Each FMM-101 us€s one of 159 available module address€s on an SLC loop. lt responds to regular polls from th€ control panel and r€ports lts type I E TENS ONES Page 2 of6 - DN6720.09/12 t1 and the status (open/normal/short) of its Initiating Device Circuit (lDC). FMM.{0t Speclflcatlons Nomlnal operatlng voltag€: '15 to 32 VDC. axlmum operatlng current: 375 pA. EOL resistance: 47K ohms. Temperatur€ ranger 32'F to 120.F (0.C to 49.C). Humldlty range: 100/o to 93% noncondensing. Dlmenslons: 1.3" (33.02 mm) high x 2.75" (69.85 mm) wide x 0.5' (12.70 mm) deep. tllllre length: 6' (152.4 mm) minimum. FZftI-I I]ITERFACE MODUTE. Supports compatible two-wire smoke d€tectors.. SupeMses IDC wiring and connec{ion of extemal power souroe.. High noise (EMF/RFI) immunity.. SEMS screws with clamping plates for ease of wlring.. Directdial enty of addr€ss (01-159).. LED flashes during nonnal op€ration (this is a prograrn- mable option).. LED latches stoady to indicate alarm on command fiom contnol pan6l. The Fzlt-l Interface ilodule ls intended for use in intelli- g€nt, addressable s),stems, wher6 th€ indMdusl address of €adr rnodule is selected using buih-in rotary switcfies. This module allotvs intelligent panels to int€rfacs and monitor lwo- wi.€ @nventional smoko detec,tors. ll transmlts the status (nonnal, open, or alarm) of one full zone of conventionel do- tectors back to the control panel. All turowir€ d€tedors b€- ing rnonitor€d mus{ b€ UL compatible wt'th th€ module. The FZM-1 has a paneFcontrolled LED indicator and can be used to replace M!rtX-2 modules In existlng syst€ms. FZt-l Appllcatlon3 - Use the FZM-1 b rnonitor a zon€ of two-u/ir€ smoke detsc.tor5. The monibred circuit may be wired as an NFPA Style B (Class B) or Style D (Class A) Initiating D€vic€ Circult. A 3.9 K ohm End-of{inE Resisbr (provided) terminatss th€ end of the Style B or D (dass B or A) cirorit (maximum IDC loop resistance is 25 ohms). Install ELR across tarminals 8 and 9 for Styte D application. FZM-I Operatlon - Each FZM-1 uses one of i 59 avait- abl€ module addr€sses on an SLC loop. lt r€spords to regu- lar polls fiom the contrcl panel and reports fts type and the status (open/normaUshort) of its Inidating Dwice Ctrcuit (lDC). A flashing LED indicates that the module ls in communica- tion with the control panel. The LED latches steady on alarm (subjsci to cunsnt limitations on th€ loop). FZI[-{ Speclf,catlon3 Nomlnal operullng voltago: 15 to 32 VDC. Itaxlmum curent draw: 5.1 mA (LED on). Maxlmum operatlng currcnl: 255 pA (LED flashing). EOL rorlrtanc.: 3.9K ohrns. External supply voltage (between Termlnals T3 and T4): DC volhge: 18 to 28 volb power limiied. RIWIe vottage: 0.1 Vnus maximum. Curten[: 90 mA per module maximum. Tomp€raturo range: 32"F to 120'F (0'C to 49'C). Humldlty range: 10% to 93o/o noncondensing. Dlmenslons: 4.5" (114.3 mm) high x 4' ('101.6 mm) wide x 1.25' (31.75 mm) deep. Mounts to a 4' (101.6 mm) square x 2.125' (53.975 mm) deep box. o FDM.I DUAL IAONITOR }TODULE The FDM.'I Dual Monltor lUlodule is intended for usE in in- telligent, two-wire systems. lt provides two indEpendent two- wire initiating device circuits (lDCs)at two separate, @nsecu- tive addresses. lt is capable of monitoring normally open contact fire alarm and supervisory devices; oreither normally open or normally closed security devices. The module has a single panel-controlled LED. NOTE: The FDM-1 ptovides two C/ass B (Style V IDC circuits OTVLY. Crass A (Style Z) IDC circuits aro NOT suppofted in any application. FDM-I Speclficat:ons Normal operatlng voltrg€ range: 15 to 32 VDC. Illaximum curr€nl draw: 5.7 mA (LED on). llaxlmum operatlng curent: 75O pA (LED f,ashing). EOL roslstance: 47K ohms. liaximum IDG wlring rosbtance: 1,500 otrms. Temperalure range: 32o to 120'F (0'to 49'C). Humidlty range: 10% to 93% (non-condensing). Dlmenslons: 4.5'(114.3 mm) high x 4'(101.6 mm) wide x 2.125' (53.975 mm) ds€p. FDM-{ Automatlc Addresslng - The FDM-1 auto- matically assigns itself to two addressabl€ points, starting with the original address. For examplo, if the FDM-I is sot to address "56', then lt will autornatically assign its€lf to ad- dress€s "56' and '57'. ,VOTE' "ones'sddresses on fhe FDM-I arc 0, Z 4, 6, or I onty. Terminals 6 and 7 use the first address, and terminals 8 and g use the s€cond address. a@idEit Avoid duplicalrng addresses on the system. Face Plate for FMlhl, F1ZM-1, and FDM-I INSTALIATION FMM.I, FDrh1, and FiZM.l modules mount dir€dlylo a stan- dard 4" (101.6 mm) squars,2.125'(53.975 mm) deep, elec{ri- cal box. They may also be mounted to he SMB500 surface- mount box. Mounting hardware and installation instructions are provided with each module. All wiring must conform to appli- cable local codes, ordinances, and regulations. These mod- ules are intended for power-limited wiring only. The FMM-101 modure is intended to be wired and mounted without rigid connec{ions inside a standard electrical box. All wiring must conform to applicable local codes, ordinances, and regulations. PRODU€r UNE mFORXlATtOll Model Descrlptlon Flllt-i Monitor module. FMl,l-10'l Monitormodule,miniature. FZM.1 Monitor module, two-wir€ detoc{ors FDM.I Monitor module, dual, two independenl Class B circuits. SltlBsoo Optionalsurface-mountbackbox. ARGIIITEGTS'/EIIIGINEERS' SPEGIFIGAIIOIIS Specifications of thes€ and all NOTIFIER products are avail- able fiom NOTIFIER. o tI! xlouilfllrc DtAeRArs for slanderd-sizcd mcdalet f,6'A%^90% DN-672{1 . 09/'12101 - P896 3 of6 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) uilRtltc D|AonAils The following wiring diagnms are included: tJ FDM.I, typical dual two-wire Style B initiating device circuit configuration. 2) FMM.101, typical two-wire Style B initiating device circuit configuration. 3) FMM-1, typical two-wire initiating circuit configuration, NFPA Style B. .FMM-I, typical four-wire fault-tolerant initiating circuit configuration, NFPA Style D. FMil.1, typical twowire initiating circuit configuration for security systems (with alarm versus short capability). FZil.1, interface twowire conventional detec,tors, NFPA Style B. FZll.1, interface twowire conventional detector, NFPA Style D. FRU-1, relay control module used to disconnect a power supply. Fig. I FDM-|: Typical dual two-wlre Style B inltiating devlce circult configuratlon. Tw lnitiating Devie Ciranits'- (L&H) eadt powerlimited to 230 pA max. @ 12 VDC max. 47K EOL Reslstor ELR47K 47K EOL Resistor ELR47K IO Nex| Devi@ FROM Panel orPrcvious Devica . ANY NUMBER of UL Listed contad dosur€ devices may be used. . DO NOT MIX frre alarm Initiating, supervlsory or security devices on the same circrJit. . lnstall contacd dosure devices per manufactrrer's lnstallatlon lnslrudlons. Flg. 2 FMM-101: Typlcal two-wireStyle A lnitiatlng devlce clrcult configuratlon. PadB 4 of6 - DN€720.09/12101 \comrn'", tiot'rLine 32 VDC maximum. Twirtedgalr b Bcommended. . All wiring shown is supervised and pofler limlted. . Connect rnodules to listed compatible NOTIFIER control panels only. 66?artl.wr|f UL LISTED Gompatlble Gontrol Panel (-) (+) FMU-101 W(t) (-J Connect modules to listed compatible NOTIFIER contml panels only. All wiring shown is supervised and power limited. Install contact closure devices per manufaclurers' installation instructions. Any number of UL-listed oontact closure devices may be used. DO NOT MX fire alarm initiaung, supervisory, or security devices on the same circuit. V Flg. 3 FMM-I: Typical two-wlre initiating device circuit configuration, NFPA Styte B. IO Nexl Device FROM Panel or Prcvious Device lnitiating Device Circuit (DC) NFPA Style B, porver limited: 230 yA max. @ 12 VDC m8x. 47K EOL Resistor ELR47K *t<-- Communication Loss .7m*2.srt V Fig. 4 FMM'1: Typicat four-wtre fault-toterant lnitlating clrcuit configuratlon, NFPA Style D. IONexl Devicc FROM Panel or fuevious Devi@ \corn nunication Une EOL Resistor is intemal at terminals I & 9 -.F- hmmunication Loss (optional conneciion for panels which support this feature) HIruREFEAruRE Itilol|r3.i| \crr.rni", tiqtLine 32 VDC maximum. TvYisted-pair is re@mmended. (optional connedion for panels which support thls feabre) FUruREFEAruRE V Flg. 5 FMM-1: Typlcal two-wlre tnlttaling clrcuit conflguratlon for securityrst stems (with alarm yersus st ort capeblllty). lnltlatlng Device Ci/r/uft (DC) NFPA Style B, power llmited: 230 yA max. @ 12 VDC max. TO Next Device FROM Panel or Previous Devi@ 47K EOL Resistor ELR47K \cor.rni"" tion Line 32 VDC maximum. Twisted-pah is recommended. Communication Loss (optional connec-tion for panels whicfr support this feature) FUrUREFEATURE 14K Series Resistor !tilo*B.rrt' DN$720. O9rl2/01 - PagE 5 ofo Connect modules to listed compatible control panels only. Terminal wiring must be power limited. DO NOT MXnte alarm initiating, supervisory, or s€curity devices on the same circuit. DO NOT LOOP wtre under terminals. Break wire run to provide supervision of mnnec{ions.. Detectors must be UL listed comoatible with module. Install detectors per manufacturers' installation instructions. Power to the interface module must be externally switch€d to reset the detectors. used to switch power from a standard power supply; see FIg.7 below. An FRI'l-l relay control module can be V Fig. 6 FZM-I: lnterface two-wire conventional defeclors, NFPA Style B. 3.9K EOL Resistor (induded) A2143-10 IONext Device FROM Panel or Prcvious Device Y---- Communication Line 32 VDC maximum. T$risi€dfair ls recomrn€nded. Usled Baftery Baekup switchod OC powsr supply. !720||t5.rid '.- Optional Bnndt Citcuit TO tletd. lntedace Module Module supeNis6 supply voltage and deteclor loop. V Fig. 7 EM-1: lntertace two-wire conventional detectors, NFPA Style D. fO Nexf Devica FROM Panal or Prcvbus Dcvice \ Comrnunica tion Line 32 VDC maximum. Twisted-pair is recommended. Liiled BatteryBa*up $ryitchod DC poriler supdy. !t2orl6.wr|' '-z Optiondl Bnnch Circuit TO Nextlntefiac€ Mdute Modul€ suparvises supply voltagB and d€tector bop. 3.9K EOL Resistor (incluctd) lqllred atterminalsS&9 42143-t0 V Flg. 8 FRM-i: Relay control module used to dlsconnect a power supf. RELAY CONTROL MODULEDC POWERSUPPLY (+) ListedforFire (-) Protection with Baftery Backup Paga 6 otO - DN6720.09/lz0l IO Nexf Device (-) (+) FROM Panel or Prcvious Devire Communication Une 32 VDC maximum. Twisted-pair is recommended. t7:lorLt.rrd June 16, 1998 DN-2405 . J-105 NOTTFIER FTRE SYSTENIS PA4OO Mini-Alert* Sounder with Oplionol Strobe S€slion: Audio^/isual Appliances GEIIERAT System Sensor's model PA400 Mini-Alert Sounder is com- pact and reliable. Sounders Model PA400, the Mini-Alert piezo hom, has a 90 dBA pulsed sound output, and operates at 12 and 24 VDC and full wave reclified unfiltered. This compact device is ideal for hotel, motel, or residential fire system applications, where aeslhetics demand a small indicating device. Strobes The UL 1638 compliant PS Series signalstsobe is an elec- tronicvisiblewaming signal thatflashes appoxlmatelyonce every 1.5 seconds. Available in a 1.5 cd light intensity, the strobe light uses an extremely reliable xenon llash tube with low cunsnt requirements. The electronic circuit is en- closed within the durable polycarbonate lens. All circuib are polarized to be compalible with DC alarm supervision and satisry the latest code requirements tor primary vlsible signaling. PSLO add-on strobes field install to th€ P4400 Series sounders, but are listed for secondary visible signaling only. FEATURES . Aftractive styling (ldeal for residential or hotel applica- tions).. Polarized for DC supervision.. Interrupled tono.. 90 dBA output at 10 f€et (3 meters).. 1.5 candela add-on strobe (secondary signaling).. Operates from 10 to 32 VDC.. Low cun€nt drain.. Easy fieldwiring with SEMS screws.. Avaihble in ted, beige or white,. Mounts in standard singlegang bac*box.. Three-year rvarranU. coilsrRu€floN AltD oPERAflotl The sounder oporates €l€ctronically and uses the piezo effect. The sounder is mounted on a well plate which is available in red, white or beige. Optional shobes (models PS12LO and PS24LO) are easily mounted to sounders in the field. The red+olored sounder is Int€nded for use in the alarm indicaiing circuit of a UL listed 12 or 24 VDC lire alarm contol pan€1. Optional sfob€ additions ofthe PA400 (models PS12LO and PS24LO) require a 12 or 24 VDC panel respec*ively. Thes€ devic€s are available in dual voltages, red or b€ig€ (PA400 ls available In white), and mount in several different configurations. ThePAI(N with Optional Strcbe APPtlCiATlOll5 Piezo sounder is design€d for fire alarm and seorrlty haz- ard waming. Optional strobe is recommended to protect the hearing impaired and anyone occupying nolsy ar€ss. The National Fire Protection Assodation publishes codes, standards, and recommended practicss for the Installation and use of sounders and strobes. s4o1't (PA400) cs548 s3593 (PSLO) (PA400) \/ OW4A5.AY MEA 427-91-E (PA only) ffi, 8,"JF.li13 (Kffi)J) lut"otttt bIF64 7135-1209:143\_---J (pAl00) 713$1209:123 (PSLO) The PAIA(N This documcnt ic not inbndad to b. us3d for kEtslletion punosa8. Wr ty to k .p our producl Inbrmation upb.dals and accurst . Wa cennol cowr 8ll sFcific spl ioation! ot enlicipeL all requiram.ntt. All spcdficslims arc iuuac't to chsnge without mticc. Fd mor€ inbrmrtion, cor .cl OTIFIER. Phon.: (203) 484-7161 FA)C (203) 484-7il8 @ r orl rl e n t2 ctinronv ts Road, Northtord, connaclicur 06472 ilclnrtrfilnmn DN-2405.06/16,99 - Pag.l of2 SPEGIFICATIONS Mini-Alertil Sounder/Strobe Mechanical: AWG: 12 (3.25 mm') to 18 (0'75 mm2). Di- mensions without strcbe: 4-9/16' (1 15.89 mm) high x 2- 13t1t (71.44 mm)wide x 1-118" (28'58 mm) deep; dimen' sions with strober 4-9/16" (115.89 mm) high x 2-13l16' (71.44 mm) wide x 2" (50.8 mm) deep. Walght wiah?y! strobe: 2.4 oz. (68 g.); welght wlth sfrobe.' 5'6 oz (159 g.l. Mountlng: 2-1t2" (63.5 mm) single-gang backbox' Operating tempErature range: 14'F to 140'F C10"C to 60'c). Operating voltage: 12 and 24 VDC and full-wave recti' fied unfiltered. Actual 12 volt operating voltage cannot be less than 9.6 VDC or greater than 15.4 VDC; actual 24 volt operating voltage cannot be less than 18 VDC or greater than 33 VDC. NOTE: All models can be powered using full'wave recti- fied unfiltered supplies. Under no circumslances can MA 1224, SS12/24, or PA400 senes devices input voftage exceed 33 VDC or be ,ess fhan 9.6 VDC. CURRENT DRAW'SOUND OUTPUT Curcnt (mA)Revetbsrant (JL Rating) Anedroic @r0fr. (3.0a8 ml12V24V PA/IOO 12 15 82 dBA 90 d8A PM00 wlth PS__LO t5 cd 62 40 75 dBA 83 dBA wR|lto tNSTArtATlOll Installation instructions are packaged with €ach unit. The PA400 is intended for mounting to a standard 2-112" deep single-gang box which allows sufficient clearance for con- duit entrance. The PA400 is compatible with DC line su- pervision. The piezo sounder is polarized and has termi- nals marked with polarity. Apply positive supply voltage to (+) terminal and negative supply voltage to the G) tetminal [See wiilng dia$amJ. Mount the appliance to the electrical outlet box using the two mounting screws supplied. Wiring must be in compliance with all codes and must not be of such length or wire size which would cause the appliance to op€rate outside of its published specifications. The National Fire Protection Association has published codes, standards, and recommended practices for the in- stallation and use of sounders and strobes. lt is recom- mended that the installer be familiar with these require- ments, with local codes, and any special requirements of the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction. ARGHIIEGTUNAT/ ENGINEER.INO SPEGIFIEAfl O]IS Sounder shall be a System Sensor Model -, €- pable of operating at 12 and 24 VDC. Sounder shall be listed to Underwrite/s Laboratories Standard 4O4 for fire protection signaling systems. Sounder shall have an op erating t€mperature between '14"F and 140'F (-10'C to 60'C). Sounder shall have elght tone options, selec'ted by means of clip(s). For sounderlstrobe comblnatlon! Sounder/strobe shall be a System Sensor Sounder/Strobe Model _, capable of operating at 12 or 24 VDC. Sounder/strobe shall be listed to UndeMriters' Laborato- ries Standard 'f64/1638 for ftre protection signaling sys- tems. Sounder/stobe shall have an operatlng temperafure between 14'F and 140'F C10'C to 60'C). Stobe shall harre a minimum light ougut of 1.5 or 15 candela and shall be UL listed as a secondary sQnaling device. DtrENSrOlls FROf, Contol Panelor prcvious deYica fo EOLR or next device. .,#r\ -^. JIIOIE: Shown with control panel in alarm. Panel polarity raversed in superuisory condition. PR,ODUCT LINE INFORtrIATIO]I l--.nr*i--l | 1.75fir I| (14.45 mm) | ru ffi RED WHlTE BEIGE DESCRIPTION VOLTAGE CURRENT CANDELA PA4OOR PA4OOW PAi+00B 90 dBA Sounder 12t24VDC '12 mA PS12LO Addon Strobe 12 VDC 50 rnA 1.5 PS24LO PSz4LOB Add-on Strobe 24VDC 25 mA 1.5 Psq,e2 sl2 - ON-2405 ' 06/16/98 GiENTEX sooo siEFilEs CcItrIPGIFIATIGIN PHOTOELECTRIC TYPE SINGLE STATION/ MULTI.STATION SMOKE ALARMS AC POWERED WITH BATTERY BACKUP lnstallation Instructions - Owner's Information READ CAREFULLY AND SAVE INTRODUCTION 9OOO SERIES The 9000 Series Smoke Alarm is a Photoel€ctric Type Alarm for use as an evacuation device in residential applications. Each alarm has a solid state piezo signal to warn and alert the household to the presence of threatening smoke. Your Photoelectric alarm is designed to det€ct the smoke that results from an actual flre. Consequently, it is uncommon for household smoke such as cigarette smoke or normal cooking smoke to cause an alarm. MODELS (sEE BACK OF ALARM FOR EXACT MODEL) 9120............................',120 VAC, 60Hz 9123............................120 VAC, 60Hz with Temporal Horn 9220............................220 VAC, 50/60H2 9223............................220 VAC, 50/60H2 with Temporal Horn OPTIONS, SELECTIONS: T - Int€gral 135'F Thermal Sensor H - lsolated 135'F Thermal Sensor F - 1 Form A,/1 Form C Aux. Relay with Tandem Wire Connection. NOTE: In the event AC Power fails, a 9v banery will provide proper alarm operation for a minimum of 24 hours. HOW YOUR SMOKE ALARM WORKS The 9000 Series Smoke Alarm operates on the photoelectric light scatter principl€. The unil's sensing chamber houses a light source and a light sensor. The dark€ned sensing chamber is exposed to the atmosphere and designed to permit optimum smoke entry from any direction while rejecting light from outside the alarm. The light source is an infrared (invisible) LED which pulses every 8 seconds. The light sensor is a photodiode matched to the light frequency of the LED light source. Und€r normal condiuons, th€ light generated by the pulsing infrared LED is not seen by the light sensor, as it is positioned out of the direct path of the light beam. When smoke enters the sensing chamber, light from the pulsing LED light source is reflected by the smoke particles onto the photodiode light sensor. At the first sighting of smoke, the alarm is put into a pre-alarm mode. This is indicated by a rapidly flashing LED on the face of the alarm. Once the light sensor confirms smoke for 2 consecutive pulses inside the chamber, the light sensor produces the signal necessary to trigger the alarm and sound the electronic horn. This technique of verifying the smoke condition, combined with a 5-to-1 signal-to-noise ratio, substantially reduces th6 possibility of nuisance alarms. HOW TO TELL IF YOUR SMOKE ALARM IS WORKING PROPERLY . Your alarm is provided with an alarm hom and pulsating Light Emitting (indicator) Diode, which pulses every 30 seconds, and a green AC power on LED.. When turning the test knob on the alarm to TEST 1 lhe red light emitting diode should flash rapidly and th€ horn should sound.o lf the battery is low, a chirp will be emitted when the r€d LED flashes. lf the alarm is mafunctioning, or if the battery is missing, the chirp is sounded without the red LED flashing. lf AC power fails, the green LED will turn ofi.. The test knob of your alarm simulates actual smoke conditions. NOTE: Tandem Interconnect Models.o When testing one alarm, the alarm that is activated will flash the red indicator light and sound itrs alarm horn. All other unils will sound the alarm horn with their red indicator lights remaining off. The relays will also activate on all units in tandem on models equipped with the relay option. FIRE PROTECTION PLAN This Smoke Alarm can quickly alert you to tho presence of smoke-it cannol prevent fire. Please notE that there are hazards against which smoke detection may not be effective, such as smoking in bed, explosions, when a closed door separates the alarm from the source of the smoke, etc. The ultimate responsibility for fire protection rests solely on you. Pg. 9-1 55G0093 1.To minimize fire hazards-avoid improper storage of flammable liouids and don't leave small children home atone. Bedroom doors should be closed while sleeping if a smoke alarm is installed in the bedroom. Thev act as a barrier against heat and smoke.3. Establish an escape plan: (a) Post a detailed floor plan depicting the chosen escape roules.(b) Each bedroom should have at least two escape routes. (c) lvtat<e sure your children know what to do in case of' ' fire and teabh them to follow the escape plan you have posted. (d) Agree on an outside meeting place. (e) Conduct fire drills at least twice a year. (D' Be sure each member of the family is familiar with the smoke alarm so they can react properly. lf the alarm should sound:1. Never waste time dressing or gathering valuables. Follow the escaoe route and leave the house immediately.2. Check bedroom doors before opening. lf the door is hot or smoke is leaking in around the edges-DO NOT OPEN-use the alternate escape route.3. lf there is smoke in the escape route-keep close to the floor and take short breaths. lf possible, cover your nose and mouth with a wet cloth.4. Do not use your own telephone-call the Fire Department from vour neiqhbofs house.5. Once-out, do -not re-enter your house, but proceed to your preananged meeting place. WHAT ELSE YOU CAN DO TO MAKE YOUR FAMILY SAFE FROM FIRES WHAT TO DO IF THERE IS A FIRE IN YOUR HOME lf you have prepared family escape plans and practiced them with your family, you have increased their chances of escaping safely. Review the following rules with your children when vou have fire drills so evervone will remember them in a real fire emergency: a. Don't panic; stay calm. Your safe escape may depend on thinking clearly and remembering what you have pracliced. b. Get out ofthe house following a planned escape route as quickly as possible. Do not stop to collect anything or to get dressed. c. Open doors carefully only after feeling to see if they are hot. Do not open a door if it is hot; use an alternate escape route. d. Stay close to the floor; smoke and hot gases rise. e. Cover your nose and mouth with a cloth, wet if possible, and take short. shallow breaths.f. Keep doors and windows closed unless you open them to escaoe.g. Meet at your preananged meeting place after leaving the nouse. h. Call the Fire Department as soon as possible from outside your house. Give the address and your name.i. Never re-enter a buming building. Contact your local Fire Department for more information on making your home safer from fires and about preparing your family's escape plans. WHAT THIS SMOKE ALARM CAN DO This alarm is designed to sense smoke entering its sensing chamber. lt does not sense gas, heat (except for the H or T options), or flames. When properly located, installed, and maintained, this smoke alarm is designed to provide early warning of developing fires at a reasonable cost. This alarm monitors the air and, when it senses smoke, activates its built-in alarm horn. It can provide precious time for you and your family to escape from your residence before a fire spreads. Such an early warning, however, is possible only if the alarm is located, installed. and maintained as soecified in this Use/s Manual. NOTE: This smoke alarm is designed for use within single residential living units only; that is, it should be used inside a single-family home or one aparlment of a multi-family building. In a multi-family building, the alarm may not provide early warning for residents if it is placed outside of the residential units, such as on outside porches, in conidors, lobbies, basements, or in other apartments. In multi-family buildings, each residential unit should have alarms to alert the residents of that unit. Alarms desiqned to be int€rconnected should be interconnected within on6 family residenc€ only; otheMise, nuisance alarms will occur when an alarm in another living unit is tested. IMPORTANT NOTE: WHAT SMOKE ALARMS CANNOT DO Smoke alarms will not work wlthout power. A battery must be conn€cted to the alarm to maintain proper alarm operation if AC power supply is cut ofi by an electrical fire, an open fuse or circuit breaker, or for any other reason. In the event of AC power failure, the battery will supply power for a minimum of 24 hours. Smoke alarms may not sense flre that stark where smoke cannot reach the alarms such as in chimneys, in walls, on roofs, or on the other side of closed doors. lf bedroom doors are usually closed at night, alarms should be placed in each bedroom as well as in the common hallway between them. Smoke alarms also may not 3ens€ a flre on another level of a residence or bullding. For example, a second-floor alarm may not sende a first-floor or basement fire. Therefore, alarms should bo placed on every level of a residenca or buildlng. The horn in your alarm meets or exce€ds cunent audibilaty requirements of Undenvriters Laboratories. Horever, if the P9. 9-2 550-0093 work cannot Drotect vou. Follow safety rules'and prevent hazardous situatlons:. Use smoking materials properly; never smoke in bed.o Ke€p match6s and cigaiett'e ligihters away from children.o Store flammable materials in proper conlainers and never use them near open flames or sparks.o Keep electrical appliances and cords in good working order and do not overload electrical circuits.. Keep stoves, fireplaces, chimneys, and barbecue grills grease-free and make sure they are properly installed away from combustible materials.r Ke€p portable healers and open flames such as candles awav from combustible materials.r Do not allow-rubbish to accumulate. Develop a famlly escape plan and practice it wlth your entlre famlly, espocially small children.. Draw a floor plan of your home and find two ways to exit from each room. There should be one way to get out of each bedroom without opening the door.. Teach children what the smoke alarm signal means, and that they must be prepared to leave the residence bv themselves if necessarv. Show them how to check t<i see if doors are hot before opening them, how to stay close to the floor and crawl if necessary, and how to use the alternate exit if the door is hot and should not be oDened. Decide on a meetino olace a safe distance from your house and make suie that all vour children undeistand that they should go and wait firr you if there is a fire. Hold fire drills at least every 6 months to make sure that everyone, even small children, know what to do to escape safely. Know.where to go to call the fire department from outsroe your resroence. Provide emergency equipment such as fire extinguishers and ieach your family lo use this equipment properly. product, alarms-have a limited life, and alarms that don't alarm is located outside a bedroom, it may not wake up a sound sleeper, especially if the bedroom door is closed or onlv Dartlv ooen. lf the alarm is located on a different level of the'rirsiddncb than the bedroom, it is even less likely to wake up people sleeping in the bedroom. ln such cases, the National Fire Protection Association recommends that the alarms be interconnected so that an alarm on any level of the residence will sound an alarm loud enough to awaken sleepers in closed bedrooms. This can be done by installing a fire-detection system, by connecting alarms together, or by using radio frequency transmitters and receivers. All types of smoke alarm sensors have limitations. No type of smoke alarm can sense every kind of fire every time. In general, alarms may not always warn you about fires caused by violent oxplosions, escaping gas, improper storage of flammable materials, or araon. NOTE: This alarm is not designed to replace special-purpose fire detection and alarm systems necessary to protect persons and property in non-residential buildings suih as warehouses, or other large industrial or commercial buildings. lt alone is not a suitable substitute for complete fire-dei6ction systems designed to protecl individuals in hotels and motels, dormitories, hospitals, or other health and suDervisory care and retirement homes. Please r€fer to NFPA 101:The Life safety Code, and NFPA 72 for smoke alarm requirements for fire protection in buildings not defin€d as "households." Installing smoke alarms may make you eligible for lower insurance rates. but smoke alarms are not a substitute for insurance. Home owners and renters should continue to insure their liv€s and proPerty. PLACEMENT OF SMOKE ALARMS THIS EQUIPMENT SHOULD BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION'S STANDARD 72 (National Fire Protection Association, Bafterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269). For vour information, the National Fire Protection Associaiion's Standard 72, requires the following: Smoke detectors shall be installed outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms and on each additional story of the family living unit including basements and excluding crawl spaces and unfinished ailics. In new @nstruction, a smoke detector shall be installed in each sleeping room. Where to Locate the Required Smoke Detectors in Existing Construction. The maior threat ftom fire in a family living u-nit is at night when everyone is asleep. The principal threat to persons in sleeping areas comes from fires in the remainder of the unit; therefore, a smoke alarm(s) is best located between the bedroom areas and the rest of the unit In units with only one bedroom area on one floor, the smoke alarms should be located as shown in Figure 1 . ln familv livino units with more than one bedroom area or with bedro6ms oi more than one floor, more than one smoke alarm will be needed, as shown in Figure 2. In addition to smoke alarms outside of the sle€ping ar€as, NFPA 72 requires the installation of a smoke alarm on each additional story of the family living unit, including the basement. Th€se installations are shown in Figure 3. The living area smoke alarms should be installed in the living room or near the staiMay to the upper level, or in both locations. The basement smoke alarm should be installed in close proximity to the staiMay leading to the floor above. When inslalled on an open joisted ceiling, the alarm should be placed on the bottom of the joists. The alarm should be positioned relative to the stairway so as to int€rcept smoke boming from a fire in the basement before the smoke enters the stairway. Figure 1: A SMOKE ALARM SHOULD BE LOCATED BETWEEN THE SLEEPING AREA AND THE REST OF THE FAMILY LIVING UNIT. Where to Locate the Required Smoke Alarms in New Construction. All of the smoke alarms specified for existing construction are required, and, in addition, a smoke alarm is reouired in each bedroom.'Are Mote Smoke Defectors Desinble? The required number of smoke alarms may not provide reliable early -warninq oroteclion for those areas separated by a door from the areai orotected bv the required smoke alarms. For this reason. it is recommehded thdt the householder consider the use of additional smoke alarms for those areas for increased orotection. The additional areas include: basement, bedrooms, dining room, furnace room, utility room and _. hallwavs not orotected by the required smoke alarms. I ne installdtion of smoke alaims in kitchens, attics (finished or unfinished), or garages is not normally recommended, as these locations occasionally experience condilions that can result in improper operation. FiguTe 2: IN FAMILY LIVING UNITS WITH MORE THAN ONE SLEEPING AREA, A SMOKE ALARM SHOULD BE PROVIDED TO PROTECT EACH SLEEPING AREA IN ADDITION TO ALARMS REQUIRED IN BEDROOMS Sadoon a Hell Badootfl Lh,hq Rom a -f Dlnlng Rorn \. Ba!.mmi \ h FiguTe 3: A SMOKE ALARM SHOULD BE LOCATED ON EACH STORY. IMPORTANT CONSIDERATION We recommend replacing your alarm(s) every ten (10) years; wny:. Dust. dirt. and other environmental contaminants can affeci yoir alarm over a prolonged period.. Fast chanoinq industry consensus standards and codes on all alarfts-make it bdvisable to periodically upgrade vour alarm to maximize life safety.. Assurance that your smoke alarm needs are kept abreast with the constaitly improving electronic technology.. Smoke alarms are recognized as one of the lowest @st ways to protect dwellind-inhabitants against the..danger of fire(s). lt makes good common sense to penoo|cally replaie and update your smoke alarm that contributes so much to life safety. Pg. 9-3 550-0093 ffil**- TV Room a orrban I t--, MOUNTING: PLATE & ALARM 1. Lace the connector through the provided mounting plate and secure the Dlate lo the iunction box.2. Plug the wire connectbr into the dlarm base. 3. Place th€ alarm up lo the mounting plate, rolating it clockwise until dlarm firmlv snao-l6cks into plac€. Keep the alarm parailel to the mounting plate so upper and lower tabs on the plate seat correctlv inlo th6 alarm"t{m"'m kag"l w] B*Kl'iouo'rorE rn BlffiNffi",""" CHECKOUT & TROUBLESHOOTING '1. Tum tesl knob to the NORMAL Dosition and install battery and then sugDlv house dower to the alarm. The rdd indicator lidtit 3hould flbsh every 1t30 seconds. showing thal the alarm is operating propeny.2. lf red light is not flashing or the green LED is nol on: a. Check that the batterv is installed.b. Check tl|e connectorbluo and wire connec{ions. NOTE: 6e Sure vou tum off rpwer before checkino wire c6nnedions.c. f th€ power supply an-d wirinq c*|eck out, but the rcid lioht ddds'not fiash o; the oreen LED is still off, raum the alalm to the mai'ufacturer. See TO RETURN AN ALARM. d. When powedng up alarms in a tandem installation and all the alarms sound immediately, inspect all alarms for those wi0r an illuminaled indicalor lioht. These will be lhe lrouble units.3. Testing vi,ith lhe Test Knob:a. Rotate the test knob courter-clockwise to the TEST 1 position and wait up to 20 seconds for the alarm to sound. lf lhe alarm does not sound after 20 seconds, retum the alarm for seryEe. b. Aflef successfully testinq alarm, return test knob to NORMAL (non-iBst) position and wait 20 seconds tor the alarm to stop sounding. c. To test alarm for \igh sensilivity, tum lest knob dockw,ie to TEST 2 position. Alam should remain silenl. d. Make sure to retum lest knob back to its normal position. e. lf your alarm sounds during lhis tesl it means the alarm's sensitivitv has become too high and may cluse false alarms.f. This muld m€an your alarm is dirty and should be cleaned as described in the maintenance Drocedure below.g. lf the ala,m contlnues !o alarm, tor TEST 2 position following cleaning, retum it to Gentex tor service.h. To ch€ck for proper smok8 entry into your alam's s€nsing chamber, Gentex r€commends using the Home Safeguard Srnoke Alarm spray.i. This test should bB perfomed once a year and should be sprayed lrom a distanca no closor than 12 inches trom the smoks alarm. MAINTENANCE After vour alarm has bean in ooeration tor a period bf tim€ or if it was inslalldd prior to the compleiion of all building consiruction, your alarm may hav€ b9com6 more sensitive due to dirt build-uo in lh€ alarm's ootic sensing chamb€r which could cause nuisance alarma or could cause activation from small amounts of smoke build-up. It this should occur, following this simple washing p.oc€dure will rgstoro your smoke alarm back io its oriolnal condition. For further intorriation, regarding freauencv of cleanlno and testino. refer to NFpA 72-, NFPA, Bafterymarch Fark, Quincy, MA 02269. IMFORTANT: Fsllure to tollow tull cleanlng Inttructlonr could rerult In damago lo ttr18 smoke alarm. DO NOT tsmovo all rlarma at ths 3am€ tlm6 for cl€snlno. 1. Tum otf eloci;cal oowsr to the alarm. 2. Twist the alarm counler-clockwise to remove it ftom iis mounting plate. 3. Unplug the connector ftorn tho back ol the alam. Do not r€mov€ the wire conneciion; leave lh6 conn6clor for your. rsplacemont alam or jumper plug. R€mov€ ttte battery.4. Selgct thre6 (3) standard sEe wash buckets and hll them €ach with one gallon of normal tap water (dlslllled or do-lonlzed treated wator l! recommondad a! a linal rinse It watar 18 oxtrdrply hard In your arca). 5. Add 1/8 cup of lvory dishwashing liquid to th€ tirst buckat ol water and allow it to mix thoroughly, lhgn place one dirty alarm into th€ soap wat€r mixure until it becomos complelely covercd or submemod. NOTE: -ll th€ alams ar€ sxcsptionally dirty. you may nish to first wipe off any excess dil| bofora washing alarm so as not to dirty lhe wssh rvater too quic*ly. DO NOT open alarm tor cl€aning. WARNING: ONLY IVORY DISHWASHING LIQUID IS TO BE USED. OTHER BRANDS ARE NOT RECOMMENDEO AND MAY CAUSE YOUR ALARM TO MALFUNCTION.6. Allorv alarm to soak for aooroximatelv '10 minutes (lonogr lf grlre.rislv dirtv). Then agitat€ tdr 5 -or 10 ssconds to fluih out any remaining dirt lefl insid€ alarm's nousn9. Remove alarm ftom wash water and transfer direcllv to one ot the first rinse buckets containino clear water. Again, albw alarm to become completely submerged, agitale once more for 5 or 10 seconds to remove soao residue- Finally, transfer alarm to your second and linal rinse bucket, repeating method found in Step 7, then remove alarm to a clean dry area for a period of 48 hours to allor^r it to thoroughly dry. IiIPORTANT: lT lS RECOr|lrlEt{DEO TO CHANGE WASH AND RINSE WATER AFTER FIVE 15)ALARiIS. IF YOUR ALARIS ARE EXTREftELY DIRTY. WATER SHOULD BE CHANGED IIORE FREQUENTLY. U/ARNING: SMOKE ALARMS ARE TO BE AIR DRIED ONLY. DO NOT PLACE ALARTI IN OVEN, ICROWAVE OR USE A HOT AIR BLOWER TO ACCELERATE DRYING TIIIE. THIS COULO RESULT lN DAMAGE TO YOUR SUOKE ALARi,l. In the evenl vou exDerience difficultv in the clganino of your smoke ilarm dr if vou hav€ ani, ouestions. - blease contact Gentex Corporation br your locil Gentex distributor. WARNING: lf the smoke alarm does not work prop€rly, do nol try and fix it yourself. This will void wiur iaanantv. Sbe "To Retum an Alarm" tor instrud-tions to retuin smoke alarms that do nol operate pmperly. DO NOT TRY TO FIX IT YOURSELF. IMPORTANT: Geni€x rscommends alarms be tested a minimum oi once a wegk. WARNING: Never use an oDen flam€ of anv kind to test your alarm, You mav hnite and damaoa the alarm is well as your home-. Th€ test feature-ot your alarm accurately simulat6s smoke conditions and tests the alarm's functions as requirsd by UnderwritBrs Laboratories. WARNING: Do not cov€r, tape, or otherwis€ block ths oDeninos ot vour smoke alarm. These ooeninos are design;d to -allow air to pass through your smdke alarm, thus sampling the air around the alam. FAILURE TO REGULARLY CLEAN THIS SMOKE ALARM WILL RESULT IN FALSE ALARMS. A BUILD UP OF DUST CREATES AN OBSCUMTION THAT SIMULATES SMOKE. THIS MEANS THE UNIT WILL GO INTO ALARM WITHOUT A FIRE CONDITION. TO RETURN AN ALARM Should you experi c€ problerns with your smok€ alarm, proceed as folbws:1. Tum off €l€c'bical power to lhe ala.m.2. Twist the alarm courter-clocls'vise to a€mov6 il trom its rnounting plats.3. Unplug the conneclor from tl|o back of the alarm. Do not remove the wire conn€dbn: lsavs the connec{o{ tor your replacement alarm.4. Carefullv oac* (the manufaclurer cannot be r€soonslbl€ fur conseouential damaoe) and rstum to the manufacturer. lhclude comol;td details as to exact naturE ol diffcullbs t€ing Bxperi€ncad and date of installatbn.5. Retum to: Genlex CorDoration. 10985 Chic€qo Orive, Zeeland, Michigan 49464. Prior to - returninq. call Gentex at 1-80G43@391 to obtain a RMA Flumber from our r6tum d€oartrn€nt. 'Ilr|lllo! |r r.flxoprEDF.io[ iroEolo.i rrarrco Gi, ir[-h, Flt br *F Lr(}f, tEt TE I EE]I ru|c^'NX|xE@eD ICCWI||iX|P t2 LIMITED For 3 Fnod of 12 nu$E nsn tE dat of poft,]as€, or € mrrimun of t6 mon[|. li!.n th! dab ot n|sndlcnJll, G€nlex N.al'aob io yft. lr|6 orliiml crlsum€. purch336r. out yolrsnbk Almwlllb. fr63 trqn d.i.cL ln wortJt'arEhip. niatldals. srd co.|lrrudbn ufthr m.nr€l ul€ rid .aNac.. It a dsf€cl h rc.lnslshlp, n|at!fials, or constvcto.r shdrld caula tour Smok Ahm lo !€cdnc inopersu€ wl6in lle warsnry pdbd, G€.{ex t',1 r.p€i. youl Slr|ol(. AtIn o. tumbh yur $th . ncr or l!!'lrl ..d.codi€nt gnote Adm |thod chrEF lo yorl orc.9l b pGt.0F cqd,td b lltrn tr€ Snbta Asm !' us. Ydrr EpaiEd d rEplamdll SnEto Asm will b. rstulli€d lo Fr lt ! of dslG tld n wl b€ @6Gd under hB mmnv fo. h€ b€lrnce of !r€ wr.r'ty p€riod. Thl! sr|€nv i! v(id if @iEp.dion of For Smok A€m !hoN! thsl th. dfrl3g.o. Ar. *et c$!€d t'y.lus., trri{so, at dlnal U3.gE laurt hslallad.ri, Inp.!?.r rxirbnrrc.. or r!p.ir! oth. r ltln !ro$ p..io.nrd by us. ANV WAFTIAITIES IMFTIED UNOER A'{Y STATE LAW II€IUDIIG IMPUEO WARRAMES O F IERCHANTAATUTY OR FITIIESS FOR A PARTICT'IAR PI'FPOSE, APPIY ONIY FOR TI.C W'NRAXTY PERIOO SPECIFIED ABOVE, PLEASE iIOTE THAI SOiTE STATES oo NOT AILOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPI.ED WARRANTY TASTS, SO THE AAOVE EXCLUSIOT{ MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. WARRANTY GEITEX WILI NOT AE LIAALE FOR ANY !OSS, DAMAGE. INCIO€NTAI OR @NS€OUENTIAL OAIIAGES OF AAIY KINO ARISING IN COTINECTION WITH I}€ SAIE, t'SE. oR REPAIR OF THIS SIIOKE AARM. PLEASE TIOTE TTIAT SOME STATES DO NOT AI.OI/V TNE EXCLUSION OR LIMII nO Of INCmNTAL OR CONSEQUEi|T|AI DAMAGES: SO TBE ABOryE E(cLt S|ON MAY iloT APPLY TO YOU lt. d.lbcl h wod.n mnip, n'lt€riab, d co.Er.udbn stn td c.us. yor StrE*! Arn b b.oodr. inop.r$L |it|h tlc inlr8nty Fid, yq, mu6t r€bm tn€ gt1dG Abnn to c€d.x Fd.g. FlFid. you nrEt dlo p.d( 0lo SnEl(. Aam io mtini!.Aj. rLk of ntt€ dam€o.d in lrldt yd/ rxllr.tro d|cb€ s dum dr!.( giol(' r'r.ft! .!trn d b wf||nv s€rvice .hcrrb b6 r.nt to: G..ax CdDddo.r, t0S5 chh.lo odv., z.d5|n, m a94€4. It rr |l .tvr ! Smof. ALrtn h ! drr|.o€d corairim ss h€ t€st 6f $ipdq. t! e .b!.t yul fid l,o{nrd nb. cbim lti t,|l Shioo€r. THIS IIIITED WARMNTY GryES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS- YO('| MAY AISO HAVE OIHER RIGTITS WHICTI VARY FROM STA]E TO SIATE. GENTEX CORPOMTION 10985 CHICAGO DRIVE, ZEELAND, MI 49464 PHONE: 1-800-436€391 1-1-93 Pg. 9-6 550-0093-1s