HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT A BELL TOWER CONDO SCHOBER DRB 1965 LEGALl) Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAII Project Name: BELLTOWER CONDOMINIUMS DRB Number: DRB000072 Proiect Descriotion: Renovate the 2nd story of the Belltower Bldg to a 4-BR condo. Participants: 'owNER BETJIJ TOWBR PARTNERS rJTD L2/05/2OOO Phone: 1O1OO N CENTRAI, EXPWY 2OO DALI,AS TX 7523r License : APPLICANT \nIIJ ARCHITECTURE GROUP L2/05/2000 Phone: 949-7034 Po Box 173 4 vail, Co 81558 License: Project Address: 201 coRE CREEK DR VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: BELLTOWERcoNDO Parcel Number: 210108263006 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Pierce Second By: Blumetti Vote: 4-0 Conditions: Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 0l/03/2001 Cond:8 No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board. Entry: 7210712000 By: BRENT Action: COND TOWN COUNCIL MUSTAPPROVE ENCROACHMENT OVER TOV IROPERTY Entry; 1210712000 By: BRENT Action: COND SE C BALCONY SUBJECT TO ADD'L DRB REVIEW ON l2l20/00 Eniyi 0111912001 By: Brent Action: COND The top cap must overhan surface below by four inches. Entry: 01119/2001 By: Brent Action: COND The decorative center por juliet balcony must be painted either the color ofthe lower inset band of the existing balcony or a mural to match the existing balcony. . Department ol Community Development 75 Soah Frontage Road Yoil, Colorado 81657 970-479-2r38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us February 5, 2001 Mr. Geoff Lyon Vail Architecture Group, Inc. P.O. Box 1734 Vail, CO 81658-1734 Re: the Bell Tower Building / 801-0009 Dear Geoff: This letter will serve lo confirm lhe fact that the Vail Town Council voled unanimously (12l19/00) to approve the balcony encroachmenls over lown right-oFway on the above-referenced design review applicalion. Sincerely, E"---+ a-> BrentWilson, AICP Planner ll tj**o"ot "o .&r. 2 t,t .) tr-l I Depaflment of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us January 25, 2001 Mr. Geoff Lyon Vail Architecture Group, Inc. P.O. Box 1734 Vail, CO 81658-1734 Be: the Bell Tower BuiHing / B01-0009 Dear Geoff: I have completed my review of the revisions you submitted this morning on the abovs' referenced building permit application. Thank you for your very quick response to my concerns. I have approved the building permit application lor the Planning Department with the condition that lhe deed-restrictions for the employee housing units are recorded prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Additionally, I have informed the Building and Public Works Departments that all outstanding issues have been resolved for the time being. lf you would like to discuss this in greater detail, please do not hesitate to conlact me at (970) 479-2140. Good luck with your proJect. Sincerely, P---tft'--; Brent Wilson, AICP Planner ll €P un*o'^'o o '' l a'\ It Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-24s2 www.ci.vail.co.us January 24,2001 Brian T. Judge, AIA Vail Architeclure Group, Inc. P.O. Box 1734 Vail, CO 81658-1734 Re: the Bell Tower Building / 801-0009 Dear Brian: I am in receipt of your application for a building permit for the above-referenced project. The purpose of this letter is to inform you of outslanding issues with this application. Emolovee Housino Units - You are proposing to utilize a gross residential floor area (GRFA) credit lor the employee housing units (EHUs) of 662 square feet. However, you have not submitted the required Type lll deed restrictions (attached) in order to establish the unils as Type lll EHUs. Therefore, your client can not receive the GRFA credit until these deed restrictions are recorded with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Please submit signed copies of these forms and a check for recording fees payable to the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Although you are requesting a credit of 662 square feet for the EHUs, the "as-buill" floor plans you submitted indicate the employee housing units scale out to 504 square feet total. Please adjust your calculations accordingly. The Vail Town Code requires that Type lll EHUs are a minimum of 300 square feet. Please show adequate kitchen and bathroom facilities in the EHUs as required by code. GRFA Calculalions -You are excluding significant portions of the third and fourth floor levels from GRFA calculations but provide no indicalion of why these areas are excluded. Are they common mechanical areas or storage areas? Please provide an indication on the floor plans so I can verify these areas should not be calculated as GRFA. lf you would like lo discuss this in greater detail, please do not hesitate to conlact me at (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, E+ruL Brent Wilson, AICP Planner ll {g o"n"*r r"* Department ol Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 wwwci.vail.co.us Dtr@ E,ovrEJ1, Fl JUL 2,i 2ooo l9 Vail Architccturc July 21, 2000 Mr. D. Dean MacFarlan, CEO MacFarlan Real Estate Services 10'100 North Cenlral ExpresswaY Suite 200 Dalfas, TX 75231 Be: The Betttower Condominiums / Part of Lot A, Block 5-8, VailVillage First Filing Dear Dean: Afler digitizing the floor plans you submitted for the above-referenced property, I have determi'ned that the infoimation conlained in the Planning and Environmental Commission memo daled May 13, 1996 is accurate (my calculations were within one square foot of the numbers in the staff memo, excluding tgl9.9.6 addilio.n). . Therefore, thb Town's official record of gross residential floor area (GRFA) is the following: 1) Zone District: 2) Lot Area: 3) GRFA: Maximum Allowed: Existing: Remaining for Addilion: Commercial Core I 6,098.4 square feet 4,878.7 square feet 3,251.3 square feet 1,627.4 square feet I am returning your plans with this letter. lf you would like to discuss this matler in greater detaii, please do nol hesitate to contact me at (970) 479-2140' Have a greal lime in Alaska. Sincerely, A*rf L.:- Brent Wilson, AICP Planner ll {2 *"n"uo""r TOWN OFVAIL Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 Ftx 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail. co.us January 2,2001 Brian T. Judge, AIA Vail Architecture Group, Inc. P.O. Box 1734 Vail, CO 81658-1734 Re: the Bell Tower Building / Design Review Application DR8000072 Dear Brian: On December 7rh, 2000, the Town of Vail sent a Design Review Action Form lo your office for the above-referenced property. The form references the conditional approval of the balcony additions along the exlerior of the building. However, the project description on the form reads "renovate the second story ol lhe Bell Tower Building 1o a four-bedroom condo." The project description is a computer-generated field with information derived from the design review application form as it was logged in upon receipl. As you are aware, the Town has not reviewed any floor plans for the renovalion of the second story as of loday's date. Therefore, the scope of the design review approval is limited to the exlerior alterations proposed for lhe building. I will verify conformance wilh applicable codes for the second floor conversion upon receipt of updated floor plans. Assuming the revised floor plans are in compliance with our standards, I will issue a separate design review action form for the second-story conversion, I apologize if this has caused you any confusion. lf you would like to discuss this in greater detail, please do not hesitate to contact me at (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, E^** d/; Brent Wilson. AICP Planner ll {p'""nuo'^n* To: From: Date: Subject: Memorandum VailTown Council Brent Wilson / Community Development Department December 19.2000 Belltower Building Balcony Additions REQUEST: A request by the MacFarlan Real Estate Services to proceed through the Town of Vail development review process. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: MacFarlan Real Estate Services is pursuing a change from office space lo residential on the second floor of the Belltower Building (both are permitted uses on the second floor in the Commercial Core I zone dislrict). In association with this request, the owner would like 1o add/extend balconies along the north and soulh portions of the building (please refer lo the attached plans for'details). The Design Review Board has given a preliminary approval of the request, pending some minor changes to be reviewed at the December 20tn DRB meeting. Town regulations require property owner consenl for any development applicalion to proceed through lhe developmenl review process. Thus, the Belltower Building, represented by MacFarlan Real Estate Services, is requesting that the Town Council (as the representative lor property owned by the Town of Vail) allow them to proceed with through the development review process. Both of the proposed encroachments would be localed above existing encroachments that have been approved previously by the Town (the dining deck along the promenade and the gallery retail space along Gore Creek Drive). RECOMMENDATION: The Communily Development Department recommends that the Council approve this request. An approval of this request does not approve the developmenl application; it simply allows the applicanl to proceed through the developmenl review process. The Council will be informed of the status of this application through periodic updates of the DRB & PEC meetings. South Fagade of Belltower Building along Gore Creek Drive North Fagade of Belltower Building along Gore Creek Promenade l2-1 1-n@@ 4:@3PM FROM VAIL @ 97A 9/l'9ARCI-{ITECTURE ontn"'n?L'.ertr drrctcaD€r.rr}a (EIC-3Dim fic., ae cq o ? *1ccoA"Lrr.*'rt as Vail Architcc0rc grcuP FTOECTI{AIA PnCtECTt€: !E .D BollTowrRroovaion MacFrrlen Regidcooe DA WD{CT!TII!: SitBPlrn SCAI!: U!6'=1'{t' |f,SUEDATE lall.Ct PROJECrNAME: PRoJBCTNo: t!3.q, BELL-TOS/ELCONDOMINIT'M MAGAIUT{I{-RESIDENCE DRAWINC TITLE NORTIT SCALE: Ul-.I'{f ESIJEDATE l2jllt == | v"it Iitrffi 12-18-2@A@ 9:€llAM FROM VAIL ARCHITECTURE GP 97EI 949 A]34 trotEcrN^xE ?torEcr !|(> 23.o BellToroRcoorulb frrcFalan Rcsidcocc DNAYIYGTIi1ESdEantim SCALE r,lr-l'{ IS:ILEDATE: lZltl! ffi ffi PRoTECT NA.VE: 'ROTDCTNO 2d30 BELL-TOW'ELCONDOMINIT'M MACF'ARI.AN_RISIDENCE DRAWINC TITL.E EAST-ELEYATIONJECILMODIFICATION SCALE: Ul-l'f I|SIJE DATE lltfilFffffi f---ln Fj RN I t -za-zmr 3 : 'r 3PM FRoM va IL- ril:-., r | . 38 tro,| .to!r-.o.-o|' t I ARCHITECTURE GP 97@ t D ' ltaa ?laa s2 949 8134 fecr P.2 a i1l Tl?E lll tttiFtOYEE HOUSNC Uiln RESTRICTI\C CCft/EXrU{T yy11gREa5, Bell Toger Partners . Ltd . lr/-! bc orynt{3) (1h. Orn /) oa cofinorly known rs: Ball T.Eor AFsrt-o-ts - flhr hopcrtfl' od WHEREAS, th. Otns rl,|- b glao sin firtiona o.r lh. ui of . ur|il d glmci ldd on h, Proprry k $|. banafit of tha Om r and llr3 Toryfl ol Vs!. Coloradg (ltra Torn'). Novt, THEREFoRE. fic ornrr do.s ntlbv imgo3.. 6!toli!fi, 'cl(rt i{dgD' and thllr b o|e b.illli d ri p.rDnr who may lr3itn ftr grrchae, or le. q tdd rhc s/qFt httt tl. lbuGYitB [afiliot|3' covafintr. and condiliont, dt of which shall bo demed lo run w h tlrr latrd tnd inm to tha bandrt and Dc bondr€ upoo lha Orncr, itr r|.p-liva lfa acs, slrccGao.e, ard -dgm. Unlts respectlvelY 355 242 f The €mdoyr. HouCng ' (EHU). conftinitE- squ||t hA. is ffiy r€Cticl3d.a a Ty96 llf EHU wl ch nust cot|tpt w rdl lh. Ptwttbna o{ Ch.9H 13, nU" 12 of tlr Town Cods ot V.l 3s amrndcd. The Typ€ tll EHU rhrll not ba tubdivided o( dlyldd Inb lry totm ot ti tahartr' hlJi,'d owndahlP, o? f|lclional t ?. 3. Tb Typ. lll EHU !h.[ b3 bas€d b 3rtd on pad b,y b|tanln*iD .t! UHhroqnglo}|.. rilo work in E.gb county. Tho Type tll EHU $lt not b. h.rd lbr r pdtd t.al t ff Uiry GO) oo$.Grrtive drys. Fo. thc prrrpo.rt! of hi3 Fagr.pl\ a fuf.fmc a,rr9loyx it oilxtto wrtt en tvcrege of a mlnknum of th'rty (3o) hourJ Eh rwcl on I trltt tart€ oaait' Tha grY g( lhG Typa ltl EHU rhall rcnl tht unit al i monhly tEr(al rdr cgGhttnt Ydor d lo.rct lhan th6a matiol tatc. p y.lJrt td dmiLr 9ropG.li6 h ttr To,rn. Th€ Typs tll EHU tlrl b. co'teuoudy ,aotod sd thlll not 6matn vec.nl tor a pciod tt axdad fiw (5) corF€rtjrE tnonltr. a. octrrpanry gt tha T)Da ltl EHU lhdl ba Itrutad b . tnuirnurn ot two p€r3o.lt par bcdtootn. 5. Tho TlD€ lll EHU shett havc its of,n artr(Ea. Thcra slBf ba oo intdbrres from fr EHU lo any dtralling unl lo whlq it maf D. altachad- 6. Thr Type tll EHU murt conbh a kllchcn or kitdl|n{fi..nd a ba$r@m. 7. Th. Typ6 lll EHU mty b. !old, Fanrh, o. dry.),.d op.trbfy fron otlEr &dlnq unib q EHU3 thrt mry bc toc.lGd on thr !.rrc lol or riuth tlr. ||{ hddhg. f ar. ot Ga fololitg condlttorta al3 mat: a. |l mud !a uotsad .ccott hg lo th| cr{cb t t fbdt in p.r.gr.PtE 2 .trd 3 Gf lhis do(rjnfiit. or b. lt mud bc utrd by th. O'vi.. ol thc TfOc tll €HU .3 r g.''nencnr trltatEr. For th. pwpaa gl hit gera0[alar, . g.'rtt!*yf ttrid.Nr dall rn'.n llrr lsfl. ot p|Ig in wildl otr'3 h.bltation l! fir€d and b rl$ch otc, wtLt'to,at tra or ah b rb-nt hre I gct.(tt hitntitrr of nttning alkt . dcgatt |! c irqe thcreltom' 'tgE dless ot thc dur.th ol tlaanc., h d.tsnning wift il I 9€tlE lrnt raaiddrc.. tha Town sirlt Shdl Si lh. foloYving Crotnaltros rdating b tht State of Colorado q.oI N rrr ,- -.8F* oSd - -tol\ .. roirr t{-- o r.tr_ o, ocl o .gcL'{!. ttoif li. og =d= ,!2PE6.6>E FE FE 9..s!;g -!s =-oCE9o 5.4 sF .A :i=o)F= goz, -qt* ]E() -: -a r-r-- - :P -io----t --6 E" -: :e -u-.' -f-i -_-; -: Lrattt Itttl u,2000 Pire. r of2 t 1-24-2@,@t 3'IAPM FROM VAIL ARCHITECTLRE CP 97|d C49 Al3 .irn-tD-.r I r. r. troti,rov-cor-Drvf]. ro't?ar?t2a32 .rt 7r, Ou1G ot h. rGld.'r inlo reqmt bu$aa tt/'rdl'. rrylofnrn hccnr |qfq. r.airtrrr b !s6 6 96p b rrp, tr. ndi ralq r*lo ol Dar$b. tFur.nd dttcn f .iy,l6.tior of 9.]!rC rtd td prert,ld 'rdd v**1.,.eiatsr'on. fitt f$) dryr Ft' b fi.tnrr*oldd bhfygr l[ EHU. !|a D.l0actv? 9u€ha $J ltmlt n glcdloa dun d lh,n 6. ConmtnU Dwrloerm CrTrtnt.r( b tr. Ccnrnritt Ondornuil D?.,t||rrt dGr|ttfli€ hA |'| 9rQ-tiD ,|lrttarm*h.crlrb ta ts $ ll-in tld rtrd hdr,F. ..t dtld.vil .tlmine ort la r *t" mab utC* crL|. No blc hrn F6nrryy I ot€dr l-. tr. oma. d [r Tn t! E]tU rt|l rndt'o C2] ccab of e lrm. efidavitm r frm to b. ootahd fio|n [r Cqtr,rrinity Oarabg'trto.9tfr!.tt to Itr Comnurity OcrCognrrt orpdrncot sdrB mt at idsra dr0lilrlno h.t th. rmplsyg lrotrthg uril har bcn rlntad or qlyn.r€rglad lhroughot hr yoa. !r. tt|ru 'rb. ltrc an9byct, and lha $. fonatrt xfio tr.6€ t?tlrh |h. ..rplolr nou&t uril ts e futr{mr amployr In E|gl|r county. Thr Typo ltl EHU t|ral !. op.fabd art mJnbin€d h eccct .rtc! wfn Cbfi 13. fitlr 12 of h. Tofil Cod. d Vail, Faltl'e to do so mry rrs4t h rnfocarnrnt '|odhgD h a cqfi ot cofnp€t€nl ruri.didlon .nd |n &o(t.ft. rdth ctagtor 3, Tilr t2 of h. Tol$r codc d vd. Tlrr codi0o.n, rrtrbtinf, |figubtlorc. and .ergnoflb cq|Ea|to ludn tlCl rroi D. rr'ah,|4 tb.rdon€d, btmir||Ld. or rnnndcd rxept by lhc wnltrn cqrr'lt ot bofi Ut lo{vtt ot Vtl atd lhc Ornr ot thc Propa.ty. P.3 t 9. TOi/vN OF vAtL. e Cotondo munidpd cooontion Blr b---* tvl->'-- 6A/Todn|/'ttart61al By: Tha fottgKlr€ inswment w.c.ctrnoyyted gsdoetqe rr:tf.{dry a.rtt+c/ .nfu! My comrnltsbn o(tirr!. BEII Il(n|EN. PTRDy: GEWAS ItrC. S.rr J F13h.r E.91., CO llllllll *ilil'i',,,, R to.oo D o.oo Tha t€r.gnhg il|3trurnfit w.t .ctnon lcdgad My comffirdoa argira3: A octo c,,,e rhb4 sy d(AfuL- zo-OJ b/rr/zo I a.4-. LINDA D YOUNG NOTARY PUBLIC State ol Texas Cornm. Exp. 12-13-2004 irrlrrt lt{ r|. Zo(b "ar2 dZ o questionsZfll the Planning Staff at 47g-2L38 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENEML INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review aoproval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific informatjon, see the submittai requirernentsfortheparticularapprorral that!srequested. Theapplicationcannotbeaccepteduntil all therequired information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unlocs a building permit is issued and construction is started. D, t- (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ?A,+al- F. !1. --)- | =fru't1lr\.; ADDRESS: OF REVIEW AND FEE: New Construction - $200 Construction of a new buildino. TYPE tr tr x H. Addition - Minor Alteration - 150 Includes any addrtion where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. $20 Includes minor changes to buiHings and site improvemen8, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping; fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the poect. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVETOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL COLORADO 81657. OF THE LOCANON OF PROPOSAL: LOT: .^- BLOCK: 5 -b FILING: PHYSICAL,0b PARCEL #: NAME OF OWNER(S): owNER(S) Sr NAME OF APPLICANT: t^ncsryrDonc { ffir, tD .9'?O4"92452 PAGE 2/2 FOR. Questons? Gll thfnnrng Staff at 479'?138 DESIGN REVTEW APPROVAL GENEML INFORHATICT{ Thb appliGtion is 6r any proiect requiring Design Redew appoval. {V Ooj!$ requiring deson r€view must receive Design noi* ,pp-fr J$iti sud.iand fo. a bu"dil; pemiL F6r specdc inbrrnati'on see tP subrnittat reguirenpnts tur gre partd'h;pp-;lii# ;eite$.d iiiCii4=un carript be acce@ urml all &e required intunnatioi b subrnitted. mJ p['i.t-"uY-;b";Etb b.'t;rid,A bv tirc Town Courril and/or the Ptanning and Envirgnrn€nEl cofrrnissbn. D|€sign nlvieil sorru approli ""prt" onc year gfft€f final appvnal unless . t riUing p€dnit is issged and consErrcion i: eilarted' OFTHE LocAno{of PRoPosAt'LOT:B. D. E. F, ljl. k >gvt(PT{YSICAL ADDRSS:ffi ar 9z*3zs-864o ror ercet q'7rd PARCEL#: I.IAMEOF OI,vNR(s): o!vI!ER(S) Mf.tEOFAMEAIIT: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: TYPEnn K H. Cnnstn cbn of a nerr building- ;cfi.s anv adclruon where SQrrare fooge b adcled to any /€sldenttal or ccrnrrerchl hJidhts'fi;d;fu; d'tonges o building and r& lnPtcn'enrens' suctl "" ,.#"s, p"insoi, vrindow "airuon+ hndscaphg' ferc€s anc reGining walb, etc. DRB fres are b b€ paiJ at the tittE of $trnitEl. ttter, wigl applving Fr a h'Fl?-ryO pteqse ldentfV tte acc'rate vatuatiqr .f dte ;t&-'Tlte-i;;-of Wf wil aOille tne -fee accorOng to dle troj€4 vah'atton' PTEASE SlrBMrr rl{rs APPLrcATloll, AlJ. sllBt||rrTAl REQt'|rfFfllF AIIDTHEflErortreOEpART''IEXT'OFCOt{ilUtlITYDB'ELOPllElfT' 75 SOUTH FROI{TAGE ROAO, VAIL COtItRrDo Et'657' OF REVI€$/ AND FEE: l{m bnsttuctioa - l2OO Addition - SsO llinor Attcratiorr l2O Questions? Caile Planning Stafr at 479-2138 r0Hni GENEML INFORMATION ' ' "Ytlis apffcitibh api:lies to changes made to a site or eK€rior afterations of a building. Any alteration in which additional building square footage is added will require an "additions" application. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS 'q'-"'. I ,' .r- r,l' 'd' Piiotbs'or sketches which clearlv convey the'existing conditions. d If the intent of the proposal iq riot clearly indicated, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding fther Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors DoorTrim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other o-o TYPE OF MATERIAL: 57VCOO w@/o wooD u,wo w00D tA.DoD EQIQB: to r4ara4{F-YTa To tffictt El6n!4 iLATq+ exrtT,rla il'xra Enmi6 f{^rcjl EyttPB tlA'rcj4 ElrgTtt/( iatcH Eu9rtft ,ll tl lt b-^ll q\e-Mv^,u x Please specify the manufacturer=s color, number and attach a small color chip * All exterior lighting must meet the Town=s Lighting Ordinance 12-11-5J. If o<terior lighting b proposed, please indicate the number of fxhrres and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identiff each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name:Ouantiw: Size*: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: DCSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimum requiremenF for landscaping:deciduous trees - 2 inch caliper coniferous trees - 6 feet in height shrubs - 5 gallons flE:Souare Footaoe: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify, Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walb. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walb elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATIOI{ This form is to verify service avaitabitity and tocation6;#.. ## be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduiii!--rndfll5tions. The locaUon and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Sionature Date U.S. West Communications 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781(Gary Hall) Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Cfed Husky;John Boyd) T.C,L 949-5530 (Floyd Salzar) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District * 476-7480 (Fred Haslee) * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signaturesfrom each of the utility companies, and no @mments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concems with the proposed con$uction, tt|e utjlity representawe shall noE directry on the utility verification form that there is a problern which needs b be resoMed. fie issue should then be detailed in an atbched letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resofue identified problems, 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Worlc at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained befure diooino in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildino oermit is not a Public Wav oermit and must be obtained seoaratelv. II. PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with Town of Vail staff is required. No application can be accepted 7 unless the mandatory pre-application meeting has been completed. It is the applicant=sV responsibility to schedule this meeting by calling 970-479-2128. TIME REOUIREMENTS The Design Review Board meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application forrn and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Departrnent a minimum of three and a half (3 1/2) week prior to the date of the DRB public hearing. REVIEW CRITERIA t/ Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Section 12- 11 of the Municipal Code. NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: A, ffa property is located in a mapped hazard area (i,e. snow avalanche, rocKall, floodplain, debrb flow, wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an J affrdavit recognizing the hazard repoft prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with the planning staff prior to submittal of a DRB application to detennine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards' B. Basic Plan Sheet Format. For all survela, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvements plans, all of the following must be shown. //1, Plan sheet size must be 24'x 36'. For large projecB, larger plan size may be allowed. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale. Graphic bar scale. North arrow. f-itle block, project name, project address and legal description. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number. Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"= 1,000' or larger. Sheet labels and numbers. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5". Names of all adjacent roadways. Plan legend. C. For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the poect site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All sate tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. D. Applicants who fail to appear befure the Design Review Board on their scheduled meetng date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their ibm be posFoned, will have their itens removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. E. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modificationt all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. IV, 2. 'fr'./\ 4: 'r. t9. t; Az. STAFF APPROVAL The Administrator may review and approve Design Rwiew applicatjons, approve with ceftain modifications, deny the application, or may refer the application to the Design Review Board for decision. All staff approvab are subjed to final approval by the DRB. The following types of Design Rwiew applications may be staff approved: A. Any application for an addition to an existing building that b consistent with the architectural design, materiab and colors of the building, and approval has been received by an authorized mernber of a condominium association, if applicable; r B. Any application to modify an e><isting building fiat does not significantly change the exisUng planes of the building and is generally consistent with the archiEctural design, materials and colors of the building, including, but not limited to ocerior building finish materiab (e.9. s:toneurork, siding, roof materials, paint or stain,), exterior lightng, canopies or awnings, fences, antennas, satellite dbhes, windows, skylights, siding, minor commercial facade improwrnenb and other similar modifrcations; C. Any application for site improvements or modifications including, but not limited to, driveway modifications, site gnding, site walb, removal or modlfications to existing landscaping, instalhtion of accessory structures or recreational facilities. ADDMONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. ff this application requires a separate rwiew by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Deparlment of Highway Access Permils, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. B. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publbhing fees whbh are in excess of 500/o of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be republbhed, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applhant. C. Applications deerned by the Crnrnunity Developrnent Deparunent b have design, land use or dter issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staff that an oubide consultant b needed, the Community Development Depattnent may hire the consultant. The Deparunent shall estimate the amount of money necessary b pay the consultadt and thb amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an applhation. Fxpenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the application shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any o<cess funds will be retumed to the applicant upon review completion. VI, o TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Sincerelv. ..) /il^.CI, Allison Ochs Planner ll Town of Vail 3w May 31, 2000 Diane Grant Fax: 214-932-3199 RE: BellTower Building Dear Diane: I have reviewed the file for the Bell Tower Building. Multiple-fami! dwelling units are an allowable use on and above the second floor. According to the Town of Vail files, there are currently 2 dwelling units, with approximately 2906 sq. ft. of GRFA. That leaves approximately 4833 sq. ft. available. A total of 3.4 dwelling units are allowed on site. I have attached the CCI Zone District regulations for your use. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. {g *""rr"ro r r"* TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Belltower Windows ProjectNumber: PRJ99-0318 Project Description: Replacement of wood-trim bay windows on east side of apartment Owner, Address, and Phone: Wales Madden Jr. 10100 N. Centrd Expressway #200, Dallas TX (2r4) e32-3100 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: as above Project Street Address: 201 East Gore Creek Drive, Vail Legal Description: Block 5B, Vail Village Filing #1 Parcel Number: 210108263013 Comments: Building Name: Belltower Condo Design Review Action Form 75231 Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board/Staff Action Action: StaffApprovedwithCondition 1. This activity will require a Town of Vail building permit (please call 970- 479-2325 for more infornation). ToumPlanner: AnnKjerulf Date: lll0ll99 DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Project Name: Belltower Windows Document2 r 4_ AI u) 3f J dc \= l-o, G d oJI or ) ^")g Qucstious? o Call thc Planning Stafi'ut 479-2128 Wqtt- ostt APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dasign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign revicw must rcccivc Dcsign Revicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, sce the submittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcquestcd. Thc application cannot bc acccpted until all the requircd inforntatiou is submittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Errvironnrcntal Commission. Dcsign Rcvierv Board apDroval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final annfovahnlcg t Aaf S,Otr s,',s'e*+$'d*:rg*g'p't.$€if HsHHidHs's+iffis#s$t*".?E#FHi.?Gss+to"-';;; 4a;.,,gF,.s'urylFrlgu qt$ts*qffi se' PraAEur rS Va B.LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOT: CI,I BLOCK:5.D FILING: FIfIST PHYSICAT ADDRESS:2oT €.GOGE CREE( QN. CEilTTbU'E rtPT \ PARCEL#:2lol o0zEqqg (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) TOI,//N OTVAIL LL c. D. E, F G. ZONINC:CA il r{rum) NAME OF OWNER(S): rrlor'$H 6E AILING ADDRESS:qAL-^ gTaflEgs\D.D IAASfAN\A ()f\ALES ODEN t 0100 9ALL pHoNE: zrq) 1?< E! !q__ eI owNER(S) STGNATURE(S):ulosR2.e(J() 6?q ?Ltzz NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: H. ryPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: fl Nerv Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. O Addition - $50 Includcs any adtiition whcre square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or comrncrcial bfilding. fl I{inor Altcration - $20 lncludcs nrinor changcs to buildings and site inrprovcmcnts. such as,t \ rcroofing. painting. windorv additions, landscaping, fences and rctaining walls, etc. DRB fecs are to be paid at the time of submittal. Latcr, whcn applying for a building pennit. pleasc identiff thc accurate valuation ofthc project. Thc Torvn of Vait rvill adjust thc fce according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLTCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vArL. coLoRADo 81657. a o BUILDING MATERIALS: LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: GLA9/? CgtQR:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows nASflC oq MfiAr Windorv Trinr Doors Door J'rinr [{and or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Lnrnrncys Trash Enclosurcs Grecnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other + Please specify the nmnufacturer's color, number and attach a srnall color chip **All cxtcriorlightingmustmeettheTown'sLightingOrdinancel8.54.050(J). Ifexteriorlightingisproposed, plcase indicate thc nunrbcr offixhrrcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. Identifr each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumcns output, lunrinous arca. and attach a cut shect ofthe lighting fixhres. ffi)Cnr-TO EX)5TIilG GTIEE){ -t n rrvl Updated 687 NA PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Nantc Contnton Namc Ouantity Sizc+ PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXTSTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minintum rcquircmcnts for landscaping: dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrou.s trccs - 6 fcct in hcightshrubs _ 5 gallons Tlnnc Squarc Footage GROUND COVER . SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL orHER LANDSCAPE FEATUR-ES (retainingwalls''fences,.swirnming pools, etc,) please specify. Indicate top andbottom elevations of retaining walls.-Maximum height of walls within til, no"i r.tu*k is 3 flet. iraxirnum height ofwalls elscwherc on the propcrty is 6 fect t- Upda.ad6197 BELL TOWER CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION Penthou:e Apertment 10100 N. Centrel, Sulte 20() P. O. Box 15288 Bell Tower Bulldlng Dalles, Taxar 75231 Amerlllo, Texar 79105 201 Eatt Gore Creek Drive (214) 9323100 (8|J/i1371-24in Vail, Golorado 81E57 lsTol176-2125 October 18. 1999 Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Attention Ms. Ann Kjerulf Re: BellTowerAssociates, Ltd. (Bell Tower Condominium Association) Parcel 210108263013 Lot A Block 5-B First Filing 2O1 E. Gore Creek Drive Ladies and Gentlemen: Please refer to the Application for Design Review Approval filed the week of October 11,1999. All of the owners of the Bell Tower Condominium Assocation, Mr. Hermann Staufer of Vail and Bell Tower Associates, Ltd., a Colorado Limited Partnership represented by all of the Partnership partners, discussed the subject Design Review Approval request at the annual meeting of the Condominium Board in Vail on October 13, 1999. This request has the unanimous support of all owners, and your approval is respectfully requested. You have asked for a photograph of the existing casement window, and we will send this to you as soon as the film is developed. SincerelY,..to.Q3\ orl o,<)<\r. hrw Wales Madden, Jr. mewcc: Mr. Hermann Staufer Mr. Dean Macfarlan Mr. Richard Brown Date Receive ocT 2 5 1999 BELL TOWER CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION Penthous€ Apertment 10100 N. Central, Suit€ 200 P. O. Box 15288 Bell Tower Bullding Dalles, Teraa 75231 Amerillo, Texac 79105 201 EadcorecreekDrlve (2lt)932-3100 l8OEl371-2422 Vaal, Colorado 81657 (e70) 476-2125 October 26. '1999 Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vai!-Colocado 81857 Attention Ms. Ann Kjerulf Re: Bell Tower Associates, Ltd. (Bell Tower Condominium Association) Parce|210108263013 Lot A Block 5-B First Filing 201 E. Gore Creek Drive Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to my letter of October 18, 1999, I have enclosed four photographs of the window in the BellTower Penthouse Apartment. Please advise if any other information is needed by your department in order for you to process our Application for Design Review Approval. Thank you. Sincerely, r.)6..0..aq nn add,"'" }..r' Wales Madden, Jr. mew Enclosures cc: Mr. Hermann Staufer Mr. Dean Macfarlan Mr. Richard Brown I J Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol Block Filing , Zone - Com menls: Design Review Board Motion by: Date Seconded by: DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL \GS- 'sEcrroN ctPAeE 3 (xxt|rrqnc U n obtrusively, I nuiz iliteo hjghljghts objets d?rt vvrth the true whrte light oI Hqlogen lomps. Cove .Ughting give subUe d.l.rectionoj jnd i c stio ns - Ilowing from one or€o to qnother with no 'hol spots." Tbe conceoled flexibilitr ot ,n irililsa proides jjluminqtion lo counter tops, rsngre hoods ond olher oreos usuolly inoccessibl€ fo stsndord lighting meli)ods. The lnvizilite s';,ip is easi)y instd)ed with the use of double-backed adhesive tape or clips. Offering a maximum of 252 watts on 20' Iengths, seven watt halogen lamps arc spaced on 8' centers, 4" centers arc also available. Tfueewatt halogen lamps arc offered it less illumination is desired. Invizilitel lamps are individuaJJy replaceable. o FOR WOOD..A'' SERIES STEPS A.VINYL EXTRUSION STEP.LITE TUBE ..A'' SERIES FOR CEILING MOLD LIGHT '\r" sERtEs STEP.LITE TUBE VINYL EXTRUSION Roberts Slep-Lite System is an aesthetic solution to the problem of how to salely light both interior and extgrior steps and handrails. The system provides from five to ten foot- candles of continuous uninterrupted light from a concealed source. The light tube fits into polyvinyl extrusions which have been designed to be cast in place for concrete ot lertazzo surfaces or to be epoxied into routed recesses in all other lloor materials: brick, stone, woocl, carpet, etc. The energy elficient system operates on either 12 voll or 24 volt power supply which makes it applicable to many installations where typical line voltage can not be used. The creative designer has complete freedom in design since the syst€m is custom manu- factured to exact dimensions required with lengths possible up to eighteen feet in a single tube or can be grouped together to torm any continuous lighting effect required. Limitless configurations are possible since the system can be installed on a radius as small as lour feet. The light source can be totally concealed with extrusions and tubes as small as th" in width and %" in depth and is virtually vandal- proof once in place. The product has a lamp life of over 430,000 hours. This means you have virtually a main- tenance free system. The transformers are class ll or buck and boost type and are furnished wilh the system. The light source is protected by a limited warranty for 36 months. Call us toll free lor complete information and th€ name ol our representative nearest you. ..A'' SERIES IN WOOD HANDRAIL EXTRUSION ..V" SERIES IN CONCRETE STEPS PATENTED Project Application '/rss l/rr t ,, ,ta c, 4 Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Par/ o7 TrarlA Legal {)escription: Lot CCT Commenls: -t<ts/g /krfl aorl an, h*7 a ls,hK{PRovAL rVgt lrc y'' ta'uta7ara, -/'ffii'do;,tw Motion by; ZV ,?r"'l'- ('' "^ Seconded by: APPROVAL ---@-ft/71aw{ a/at hor- 77yftdr/J .ri,r*af Summary: E statt Approval ,I oate olppl ication 6,?-1,eo Date of PEC t[eetllt's ry7.a/ -fo APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I VAIL VILLAGE AEstlA{'t tuo sqv^re' Wf I. Plannlng and Envlronmental Comrnlssion review is required for the alteratlon of an eiisting building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor patio-or the replacement of an exist'ing building LOCATED IN THE_CCI DISTRICT. FOLLOI.IING PEC APPROVAL, THE PROJECT MUST BE REVIEWED BY THE DRB. The application wi'll not.be accepted until all information is subrnitted. A. NAME 0F AppLIcANT- r$p1 ADDRESS Hlo eoqh\ cWeF "FtE B.REPRESENTATIVE LDDo SDt^IqA FlD VaJu Cp Hl5? pnonE C. NAME 0F OI,INER(S) (pr'lnt or type) , STGNATURE( S ADDRESS NAME OF APPLICANT'S ADDRESS D.LOCATION ADDRESS 0F PROPOSAL: LEGAL E. FEE PAID cK# THE FEE MUSTiBE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT hIILL REVIEt.l YOUR PROJECT. II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A PRE.APPLICATiON CONFERENCE I,IITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION l.tILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS lT IS Cor'tpLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REqUIRED By THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE AN APPOINT. I,IENT WITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REqUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY-D.EEREAS'ING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PEC MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED t,tITH BEFOREA BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. Imprcvement suwey of property showing property lines and location of building and any improvenents on the land. B. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject l property INCLUDING PR0PERTY BEHIND AND ACR0SS STREETS, and their mailing AddTesses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. BY OVER ccI III. Four (4) copies of a site plan containing the following information: A. The site plan sha'll be drawn on a sheet size of 24" x 36" at a scaleOf I.' = 20' SHOI,JING EXISTING AND PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO THE SITE. Avariation of the sheet size or sca'le may be gpprgved by tfle Corununity Devetopment Department if justified, O-.k$"LL, l,L$b. B. The date, north arrrw, scale and name of the pUoposed developryent I,JITH ITS LEGAL DESCRIPTION shall be shown on the site plan, V The existing topographic character of the site inc'luding existing and proposed contours. This condition will only be required for an expansion area where there is a change of two feet of grade. NA The existing and proposed landsclp'ing, patios. N\ The l.ocation of a'll.existing and proposed buildings, structures and improvements. drl6't^r ' ' ' F. S title report to verify ownership and easements. ilA- IV. THE APPLICANT SHALL SUBMIT IN I.IRITTEN AND GMPHIC FORM A PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE BEFORE THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION INDICATING c. D. E. THAT: A. THE PROPOSAL IS IN CONFORMANCE I.IITH -.AS_SPECLFTED rN 18.24.0't0. lF rr |sItE*ro4fic4st- B.' THE PROPOSAL SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLIES GUIDE PLAN REGARDING: 4. Street Enclosure -lt THE PURPOSES OF THE CCI DISTRICT NDN .l}le l,{Dplr{rd$lED ts I,IITH THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN l. Pedestrianization ffiYrl{ffirD2. Vehic'le Penetration N.A );' :H:::'::li^l.l:T"*or* vq<') L{.t€ "t^ry5t,5. Street Edge .6. Building Height7. Views ff-€y M*€ tNUiIlv?' rt.A- Ft,+ 9. Sun Shade Consideration t[fu MANY OF THE AEOVE ITEI'IS SHOULB BE ADDRESSED BY GMPHIC MEANS, SUCH AS SKETCHES, SIMULATIONS, MODELS (INCLUDING NEIGHBORING BUILDINGS), PHOTOS, ETC. IF THE APPLICANT IS PROPOSING A MAJOR CHANGE TO THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAh DESIGN GUIDE PLAN, THE PROCEDURE FOR CHANGES ARE NOTED IN SECTiON18,24.?20(B), C. THE PROPOSAL IS COMPATIBLE WITH THE CHAMCTER OF THE NEIGHEORHOOD.VrFlq^l^{ nro (+}al}t' IV. THE TOl,lN OF VAIL ZONING CODE FOR CCI ALSO DESCRIBES OTHER ZONJNG ISSUES THAT THE APPLICANT MUST RESPOND TO IN I.IRITTEN OR GRAPHIC FORM. VI. THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR MAY DETERMINE THAT ADDITIONAL MATERIAL IS NECESSARY FOR THE REVIEW OF THE APPLICATION VII. APPLICATIONS FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN CCI INVOLVING MORE THAN IOO SQUARE FEET OF FLOOR AREA ARE ONLY REVIEI.IED SEMI-ANNUALLY. THEY NEED TO BE SUBMITTED BEFORE THE FOURTH MONDAY OF MAY OR NOVEMBER. THE PEC HOLDS A PRELII,IINARY REVIEW SESSION WITHIN 2I DAYS OF THE SUBMITTAL DATE. A PUBLIC HEARING SHALL BE HELD WITHIN 60 DAYS OF THE PRELIMINARY REVIEI.I SESSION. APPLICATIONS FOR THE ALTERATION OF AN EXISTING BUILDING THAT AODS OR REMOVES ^NIENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF NOT MORE TMN IOO SQUARE FEET I|IAY BE SUBI'IITTED AT THE REQUIRED TIME OF THE MONTH FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REVIEI,I. FOR MORE SPECIFICS ON THE REVIEl{ SCHEDULE, SEE SECTION .|8.24.065 A5. tgs-R-ltru tD e,R- ry Present Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Ludwig KurzJim Shearer Kathy Warren Dalton Williarns Members Absent Connie Knight PI.,ANNTNG AND ENVIRONI.IENTAL COMIITSSION Septenber 24, L99O &tlTa'r.- StaffKristan Pritz -sifi ff*i:::, FIL t c{}P y Shelly ltello Andy Knudtsen Penny Perry The meeting was caLLed to order at 3:25 p.rn. by Diana Donovan, Chairperson. Item No. l-: Apnroval of minutes from the Auqust 24, L990 and seDtember 10. 199o neetinqs. Chuck Crist and Dalton Willians asked Penny to rnake changes on pages 10, 11, and l-4 and Penny agreed. A notion to approve the ninutes fron the Augrust 24' 1990 neetincr with corrections was rnade bv Chuck Crist and seconded by Dalton Willians. VOTE: 6.0 IN FAVOR Item No. 2: A recruest for an exterior alteration for Vail Villaqe 1st Filinc.Applicant: Axel Wilhelmson Jill Kanuerer explained that this iten had been discussed on the site visits. The board felt they were cornfortable with the request per thestaff memo. Diana asked if there were any comments fron the public or the applicant and Ned Guathney, representj.ng the applicant stated that the applicant agreed with the staff remo. There were no public comments. Jim Shearer stated that he liked the proposal ltith the nost planting and Kathy warren, Chuck Crist, and Diana Donovan all agreed with hin. PEC Minutes9/24/90 Meeting Dalton liked the proposal with the nost synnetry and Ludwig agreed nith Dalton but felt he could be easily swayed to support the proposal with the most landscaping. A notion to approve the exterior alteration subnittal B, which included planter landscapinq, with the details of the column base to be worked out with staff per the staff neno was nade bv Kathy Warren and seconded bv Chuck Crist. VOTE: 5-0 Item No. 3: A recruest for a naior anendment to SDD No. 4, Coldstream condorniniums in order to amend Sections 18.46.090 (B) densitv and 18.46.100 (B) floor area, at Lot 53 Glen Lyon Subdivision' 1475 Westhaven Drive.Applicant: Coldstrean Condorniniun Association. Shelly Mello presented the proposal for staff.' She explainedthat the applicant was reguesting a major amendment to SDD No. 4- -cascade Village, Area B - Coldstrean condoniniuuts. The applicant ltas proposing to amend Section 18.46.100 (B) Floor Area fron 65,000 sq. ft. GRFA to 57,930. Shelty reviewed the background of the project and rationale behind the request. Shelly reviewed the zoning considerations, criteria, and developruent standards used in evaluating Soo amendment requests.Staff reconmendation was for approval with the conditions foundwithin the memo. Erich Hill, arctritect representing the applicant, explained that Kevin McTavish, manager of Coldstream, rvished to extrllain the reasons for not going forth with the employee unit. Kevin McTavish stated that the Council would require a recreation fee in an exorbitant anount to be paid at the tiroe an enployeeunit would be completed. The fee made the cost of conpleting an enployee unit completely unreasonable. Kathy Warren asked Kevin if he would agree to the site coveragelinitation called out in the staff memo. Kathy felt that enclosing of garages would be an asset and wanted to giveflexibility to the applicant that allowed such an enclosure. Shelly Mello felt that it would be possible to word the conditionin order to exclude the enclosure of carports as counting towardsite coverage. September 24, 1990 Ms. JilI Kammerer, Planner #1 Town of Vail Community Development75 South Frontage Road WestVail, CO 81657 Re: Application for Exterior Alteration in CC1Vail Mountaineering Store - Bell Tower Building Dear Jill: AxeI Wilhelmsen, the shop ohrner, and f appreciate the time andsuggestions offered in our Friday neeting at the BeIl TowerBuilding. Enclosed are new simplified plans for the proposal for yourconsideration and, hopefully, PEC approval. f am going to the site now to lay this out making it as clear as possible for pEC. Don't hesitate to call if you have guestions, or need additionalinformation. Si-ncerely, OLD/GW THMEY/PRATT ARCHITECTS, P.C. NG/ad Enclosure copy to: AxeI WiLhelmsen DatF Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Lesal Descriptio n ,o, W 10/M'""r Commenls: Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL E Statt Approval l$ 5i 1t rt Lri+lr\+- I \+\l\i \ ;tfrE= $-:rtrs .lJ5, + !_t a .L.t? -{<.i_< -.; Q< O$' \t\F =C> \)- ,ia ssta t t- $2ti {t- E[ * T t It Ta i\ I iti**l I L q -f No ZJL-rOn5 Ks I.l.t I'l I I t'!..3 a T st'tCr---- Ti .. .l r ---<..---c I.l I t\q'tL .Q ii tt *i EJ.at. 1l - 171 ls ffi : l- i t-ir\t k ii L-! t A E l- {F -lfr -:rl .-t I $r +---Jl I tr :j itI l:r ,i ,f4 f,. t $ $i $ ).Gtt I t I iil Itstl iQ:h-i!----r'r -f| | /lF-' / r $ i$ $r rl I )- ) :l *1--iI ) // lslTHIFz N- *g s _ar h sFI E * * $ * $ $ I d E 6 rx g -o \a' u)c II >Loo C II o+tc5o = - II ? -:tr=l€ I il$ {fi$ E$- E$Hg$s iHF ao August 28, 1990 Ms. Shelly Mello, Planner #1 Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, CO 81657 RE: Mi-nor Modifications to Bell Tower Buildingfor Proposed VaiI Mountaineering Store Dear She1ly: We wish to modify our modification proposal. A1I other conditions remaining the same, the owner wishes: 1. not to add a window to the north. 2. increase the porch by removing the existing display case. These modifications to the proposal are shown on the enclosed drawings. Don't hesitate to caII if you have any questions. Sincerely, ARNOLD/GWATHMEY/PRATT ARCHTTECTS, p. C. L Lrt I a ctt rl Ned Gwathmey, AIA NG/ad EncLosure t?n, @ vatA+ L'f+ eif YWr{T^+o VW *Wur'd, a+WrYoJ- W No^^l vJi nAnwq(' W- q!,' Qroffk- clyarwh'a!\ fti"*r- Q?, ,., TqAe August 14, 1990 Ms. Shelly MeIIo, Planner #1 Town of Vail Comrnunity Development75 South Frontage Road WestVail, CO 81657 RE: Minor Modifications to BelI Tower Buildingfor Proposed VaiI Mountaineering Dear Shelly: AxeI Wilhelmsen, owner of Vail Mountaineering, would like to applyfor modifications to the exiting Timberhaus elevations facing onthe Children's Fountain plaza. These modifications proposed are: 1 . To make some existing windo\./s morevisible dlsplays.2. To change signage to identify the transparent for more new tenant, VaiIMountaineering. To add one window. 0 To add a gas appliance sinilar to a wood burning fireplacefor atmosphere. No additional sguare footage is proposed. We would hope this willbe staff approved but await your collectj.ve decision on what to donext. Don't hesitate to call if you have questions or needanything else. Sincerely, ABNqLD/GWATHMEY/PRATT ARCHTTECTS, P. c. kw)l\rldtl I rl - Ned Gwathmey, AIA NG/ad Enclosures II APPLICATION DATE:August 13, 1990 [)ATE OF t)RB IIEETIIIG:August 29, 1990 DRBAPPLICATION ' ' ''i*'fa . .. .4.-- n uir-r- Nor gE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFoRMATIoN Is SUBIIITTED*# ' " i":'.l "".- L*.:a "t+$.t -*|s[ rrrrrTHls APrLlLn I rurr r !r-r- - L*,:a..t44. I. PRE-APPLICATI0N.I'IEETING:' " .i, ., ,, . :', .l*l A pre-application neetlng wi'th-a planning'staff member'is strongly suggested to 'j?'i' . determine if aiiy additiorral tnto*otiii"it"iluaul. uc appi'icatioi-uill be accented '"ig* unless it ls compl'ete (rust rlglli:;ii iil;;"il11gji'it't'iiiing adrninistrdior)' '''{+ Ir is the appricSni;i ieipJnsiuiiitv-ii mile-an dppointnlnt with the staff to find '',',*, out about additional submittal t"qri".i.ii!. -if"ii.-note that a C0MPLETE uryll:I-:";''?::li tion wirr streamii;; iil-ipilivai'priiell-ior.vorr.projfg! bv q9:Ii1:ilg !l: number ':'' ' of conditions of approval .that tne Oni'miy'itii,,iuti' 'ALL cbnditions of approval must :* iir reioiveo before i uuitaing permit.is issued' ' : -q*.:''i:lri.*.. -- \A. PROJESf DESCRIPTION Timberhaus Ski and SPbrt to become VaiI Mountuiq@ roval . 8. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: - Children's Fountain"Plg:eAddress Bel1 Tower Buildin Legal DescriPtion Lot Zoning B'lock Filing C. NAI4E OF APPLICANT:AxeI Wilhemsen Address tel ephone. D. NAT1E OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:Ned GwathmeY Address 1000 south Frontaqe Road west' vail' co 81 657te'l ephone 47 6 -11 47 I NAI'IE OF OWNERS:Axel Wilhemsert Si gnature Address 291 Booth Creek Drive, Vai1, CO 81657 tel ephone 476-6080 F. ORB FEE: The fee will be paid at the t'lme a building permit is requested' VALUAT1ON $ 10.00 $ 2s.oo $ 50.00 $100.00. $200.00'$300.00 TO THE DRB: FEE $ 0-$ 10'ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $:.50,001 - $ 150'ooo $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - 51,000'000$ Over $1,000'000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS i. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the-applicant must stake the site to indicate p"opliiy"ii;;;"il'irliiing .o.ntrs' Trees that wi'll be removed should also be marked. This work tuii'u.-lotpleted before the DRB visits the ' site' s will normally involve tl'o separate meetings2. The review process for'NElt EUILDING of the gesign giui.n"bouii,-so-piun-on at teast' tivo meetings for their.approval' 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review me"ling ind who have'not asked for a postponement republ i shed. Board at their scheduled will be required to be 476-6080 / TO: STGN APPI,ICAIITS l{hen applleatl-onc for rlEms aro rubnlttcd, t}rc tollowl'nE lnfomation le regul,red: \ f. A esaPlcted rlgrn/arnlnE appllcatlon (attachcd) ' ' 2. A rltc Plan rhosl'ng tlrc .xaet locatlon rhcrc thc lc to be located. rllm rhorlng\t. \r. A PhotoqrraPhthe location I ecalcd drawinE whlch detalle ag follows: porlblc and bulldlng elcvatlon thc propoeed llEm. deelgm of ttra t19t, tfof thc \ t.t colored exactly.aq atgm-vl'll be.\ i;i l-iitt ot nateilals to be used ln rlgn (uetal, wood, canvaB, Paint etc.) \(c) Phot6Eraph of -19n I'f avallablc'-: iai speciiic lcttcrlng style and sLze' 5.It an awnlng ls propoccd, rubnlt drawl'ngs^ ehouing- "ia"€ri rrow-ana irrrcio thi awnlnE 1r attachcd to tlre Uuf iafil and trou ttrc awnlng tr io b' conttnretod' Descrlptlon of llghttng that slll be used ln;;;i;;ili"ii rit[-irt"-"is" or awnins. rf proposlns an ;;il;;-liittiine I's not-allosed to ehlne tlrrough the ""iii6'awning wfrtcrr calls undue attention to tlre ili"i".s". -liel,tiG nii-epotrtght only tbe actual slgm letterLng on the awnlnE. \6. R4eOUUENDATTONS OR POTNFERS 1. Chcck rlEn codc - verlty ll'tcr -hclgttt ctc' i. Si-"p."fifc. Vagqinl"g'on acilgnr-glze, con'tr.ct!'on aay dclay tlrc approval of yo-ur tlEn' 3. lleasurc frontage of buelicBB. rEE: A 92O.OO APPIJqAEION FEE I|ILL BE REQUTRED AM!|E',:lll{E OF APPI.,ICATION. APPLICATION DATE trox rlllflNo lPDr,lelrror - VAL 6.t5, (Plcare Prlnt or ?tFG) I{A}TE OF PRq'EgI NAlltE OF PERT'ON SUSIITTING TDDRESS NAI,TE OF OIINBR ADDRESS lroxrtml ol I'CATION OT DESERTPTION otrtln FROJTEI OF PRq'ECI $TE FOIIOIIING INFORTIATION IS REOUIR,ED FOR SI'BI'TIBTAL BY 1IIIE lFprrcur pRIoR To THE nBOursr-sErNG gqHEDULED BEFoRE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. I. DESCRIPTION OF rITE PROJEeITNG, Erc) ' STGN/AWNING (FREE STAIIDING, WALTJ, INCI,UDE SIGN I-TESSAGE. \fu .'VA'L B.SIGN OR AI{NING IIAtrERIAL C.SIZE Of OVERALI, SIGN,SIZE OT LSTTERING A}ID IPGO D. E. F. G. H. 4.- SIGN ABOVE GRADE T,IGImING (EXTSTTNG OR PRoPosED) €n'$t6 $cf) Te s20.00 FBE PAID - clIEEK { EE t$D I4n'- IjENGTtl OF BUSIIGSS FROIITACE (Fl) '-)'r COIIDOI{INN'I,I ASSOCIATIION APPROVAL (ATTACHI I'*,6t-o'l IIEIGHT OF DESCRIBE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. IY, )/+- V Slte Plan;i;.ii;s showing exact locatlon of sisn or awnlng on tlre bulldingir,iiliriirti ehowtns pioposed location colortd ecale drawing SaEpIG of ProPosed Daterlars Prroloertp]t of elEn if available BEST.COPY iAVAil."ABttr j s/r/r t Project Application Project Name: at t Proiect Description: a-/ "- -h-r*J Contact Person and Phone C-',.-.-r , K,n r ru.zl au- * Ve L Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPFOVAL {=o Su mmary: Date: Town Planner Staff Approval o Project Application ,^"44f n Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phonei Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: II. Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department February 9, 1987 A request for an exterjor alteration to the Bell Tower Bui'lding jn Commercial Core I located at 201 East Gore Creek Drive Applicant: Bell Tower Building Associates, Ltd. I.DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The proposal involves the addjtjon of approximately 800 square feet of ground f'l oor retajl space adjacent to the Children's Fountain area. In iaaition, a new dininb deck is proposed on Gore Creek Drive a1 ong with an expans.i on to an exjsting deck oh the creek side of the building' The diirjng decks are addresied in detail through the conditional use memo that is attached. In addition to standard zoning considerations, review of development. ptoj"ctr in Commercial Core I involve consjderation of the Urban Design buiie Plan. The Urban Design Gujde Plan involves two elements of review, the Guide Plan itself and tie Urban Design Considerations. As stated in the purpose section of the Comnercial Core I zone district, "The Commercial Core I District is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space' and other amenities appropriate to the tyies'of Uuitiings' and uses. Distrjct regulations_in.accordance wiltr ttre Vail Viilage Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations presiribe site development standards that are .intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrian ways and public greenwayi, and to ensure continuation of the building scale and arciitectuiai qualities that distinguish the Village'" Through adoption by the Town Council in 1980, the Design Considerations oi ttt6 Urban Design euiae Plan serve as development review criteria sjmi'lar to setbacls, building heights and other more traditional zoning standards. As a statement to the importance of these design criteria in evaluating development proiects, pre-determined zoning standards such as building ietbacks and density controls for retail space have been etiminalea from Commercial Core I. This js an 'important consideration when weighing the merits of a development proposal in the vi1]age. III. URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN Diagrammatic in nature, the Gujde Plan suggests development and improvements that are desired in the Vi'l lage. The Guide plan works in conjunction with graphics that jndjcate where these improvements areappropriate. Referred to as sub-area concepts, these improvements are designed to improve the pedestrian nature and overal'l fabric of the Vi I 'lage. There are no sub-area conceptsthis development proposal . in the area of this property relevant to IV. The nine Urban Design Considerations to be usedproject are as follows: 1. Pedestrianization in eva'l uating this This consideration is not affected by thjs proposal Vehicular Penetration This consjderation is not affected by this proposal . 3. Streetscape Framework Streetscape framework is intended to encourage improvements to the qua'l ity of the walking experience and give continu.i ty topedestrianways. Two types of improvements, landscaping and conmercial storefront infills, are referred to as ways to .improve the Vil'l age's walkways. l,lhile the commercial infjll will require the removal of some landscape planters, it is felt that the onestory expansion is a needed improvement to bring the commercialactivity out toward the pedestrian in the area of the Children,sFountain. At the present tjme the storefront is recessed behind the bujlding overhang. The commercial infill wil'l create a better sense of space that is presently lacking in this area. 4- Street Enclosure Streets serve as outdoor rooms whose walls are formed by the buildings on either side. It is the goal of the'Guide Plan to encourage buildings that provide a comfortable sense of enclosure on the street. The one story expansjon will provide a stronger sense of pedestrian scale as opposed to the existing four storybuilding. A precise calculation of the building height versus street width is not directly applicable because of the building,s locatjon adjacent to the Children's Fountain plaza. 2. 5. Street Edge As proposed, the storefront expansion will rejnforce a fairly irregular street edge around this property, particularly with the 'i rregular facade lines and slight building jogs. 6. Building Heishts Building heights are not applicable to this project because of the one story nature of this proposal. 7. Views There are no significant impacts on either minor or major view corridors in the Village. 8. Service and Deljvery Service access on the west side of this property will remain unchanged. Service and delivery functions would be provided in the loading zones adjacent to this project on Gore Creek Drive' 9. Sun/Shade Sun/shade patterns are not significantly affected by this infill devel ooment. V. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS l. Parking There is no onsite parking provided on the site. Additional parking demand generated by this proposal will be met through payment into the Town's parking fund. The precise amount to be paid will be determined at the time of bujlding permit. 2. Dining Decks The new dining deck and modifications to the existing dining deck require conditional use approval by the Planning Conmission. These considerations are addressed in the attached memorandum. 3. Landscaped Area The zoning code al lows no reductions in landscaped areas unless specifical1y requ'i red through the development of projects compatible with the Urban Design Guide Plan. Staff feels that each portion of this proposal resu'l ting in a reductjon jn landscaping 'i s warranted. The removal of a portion of two planters along Gore Creek Drive is required to allow for the development of any dining deck. It is felt 3 that the street'life provided by the d'ining deck will far outweigh the negat'ive impact of reducing these planters. In addition, inter'l ocking brick pavers are to be used as a floor surface for this deck. This type of material technjcally qualjfies as landscape area' resu'l ting in what is actual 1y no loss of landscaped area. Staff feels that the removal of planters to allow for the expansion of the dining deck and expansion of retail space are signifjcant. However, to mitigale these impacts, the deve]oper has proposed installing interlolttng brick pavers at the base of the stairs. These pavers will cover an aria of approximately 250 square feet. In addition, street trees wjll be planied to assist in defining the patio expansion jn thjs area. lJhile tirese improvements are technically off site, it is felt that their positive benefit more than satisfies the loss of other'l andscaped area on the Property. VI.STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends approval of the proposa'l as submitted. The addjtional outdoor dining decks and retail expansion wi1l greatly improve this property and this area of the vil1age. Staff would encourage the Planning'Comirission to adopt the following conditjon in coniunction wjth this approval: '| . At a minimum, the applicant shall jnstall the brjck paver treatment and street trees in the area adjacent to the creekside dining deck as indicated on the vicinity map and landscape p1an. Efforts are now underway to develop a continuous streetscape improvement program in this area (see accompanying memo). The applicant of this project has jndicated a wjllingness to participate in these improvements ind-the staff recognizes that the precise design and application of improvements jn the area of the Bell Tower Building may be modified. The design of these improvements and negotjatjons with the three property owneis in the area are presently underway. While the ideal sjtuation would be to have the streetscape improvements fjnalized and made a condition of thjs approval , that is not possible at this time. Our approach to the overall streetscape improvements has been one of rely'ing on a spirit of cooperatjon and participation from these property owners. For this reason, if agreements are not reached, we feel that it is still reasonable that the appl icant of this project provide 'improvements as have been indicated on their application. 2. The applicant shalI not remonstrate against a special improvement district for Vail Village, if and when one js formed. T0: Planning and Environmental Commjssion FR0M: Community Development Departnent DATE: January 9, 1987 SUBJECT: A request for a condjtiona'l use permit to add a new outdoor dining deck and to make modificatjons to an existing outdoor dining deck at the Bell Tower Building'l ocated at 201 East Gore Creek Drive. Appljcant: Bell Tower Assocjates, Ltd I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE The addjtion of any new outdoor dining deck, or modifications to an existing dining deck, requires review and approval by the Planning Corrnission. As opposed to standard conditiona'l use requests, conditional use permits in Commercial Core I are reviewed with respect to a specific set of considerations. These design considerations are intended to be responsive to these soecial characteristics and nature of development in the core area. Eoth of the dining decks proposed in the redevelopment of the Bell Tower Building are located on Town of Vail land or rights-of-way. The Town Council has reviewed these applications and given the applicant permission to proceed through the development review process. It should be emphasized that the proposed decks have not been approved by the Town Council, but rather given approva'l to proceed through the Planning Commission review process. The dining decks proposed.are.as follows: 1. The Bell Tower Building sits d'irectly on the property line along Gore Creek Drive. The planter boxes on either side of the present entry to Timberhaus Sports are located on Town of Vail right-of-way. The proposed deck would be located adjacent to this entry on Gore Creek Drive and the use at thjs level would be converted to a bar for the Lancelot Restaurant. As proposed, the deck would require the removal of approximately L/2 of the planter area. The deck wou'l d be defjned by a railing between the planters on Gore Creek Drive. 2. At the present tjme a dining patio is located on the creek sjde of the building at the bottom of the stajrs below the Children's Fountain. Defined by a number of large planter boxes, this deck is seldom utilized. The property line presently runs through the center of these planters. The deck would be modifjed by removing the planter boxes and extending the deck five feet onto Town property. The deck would be defined by some type of railing treatment and the placenent of street trees. II. CRITERIA TO BE USED IN EVALUATINE REQUES.]. At first glance, it may appear as though the dining deck proposed for Gore creek Drive would pnesent problems with vehjcu'l ar cjrculation inthis area. However, the proposed dining deck projects no further than theexistj ng planter wall and after sjte review, it is the fee'l ing of the staffthat this deck does not adverseiy affect vehicular cjrculation. 0f particular concern in evaluatjng the impact of this dining deck was how it would affect the ability of fjre trucks to access the walkway between the Wail Street Buildjng and the Lodge at Vail. Athree point turn is required for the Flre Department's vehicle to access this area. In doing so, the fire truck.is required to backjnto the area of the proposed dining pat.io. In order to mitigate any impacts from this maneuver, projections above tables, such asumbrellas, would be prohibited. The deck proposed on the creek side of the building wou'ld notaffect vehicular traffic in this area. B.Reduction of vehi ar traffic i Comme rc i a Core I Neither deck would affect this consideration. C. Reduction of non-essential off-street Neither deck would affect this consideration D.Control of deliver.v. pjckup and service vehjcles A loading zone is located on Gore Creek Drjve directly across fromthe proposed dining deck. The distance from the outside of thedining deck to the curb on the other side of Gore Creek Drive js 35 feet. Even with a delivery vehicle jn this area, a djstance ofapproximately 25 feet will remain for circulation in th.is area. There is no effect on this considerat.ion from the deck on the creek side of the building. Development of public spaces for use by pedestrians The new dinjng deck along Gore Creek Drive involves no addjtional development of public spaces. The proposed expansion to the deckon the creek side of the Bell Tower Building is related to asignificant improvement to a pedestrianized area adjacent to thjsdeck. This improvement involves removal of the ex.i sting sidewalk surface and replacing jt with jnterlocking brick pavers. The areato be improved wjth brick pavers is from the base of the stairs along the length of the Bell Tower Building frontage, and extending some 25 feet from the stairs along the Creekside Bui 1di ng. The developer's proposal to improve the sjdewalk surface in thisarea has prompted discussion of a number of improvements to the ent'i re length of this walkway. The area under study runs fromthis location to the west end of the Sitzmark Lodqe. E. The Town staff has commissioned Jeff l'linston (urban design consultant to the Town) to prepare a number of alternatives for streetscape improvements to thjs area. The staff is presently working with tenants and property owners along this wa1 kway to develop these design alternatives as wel I as funding opportunit'ies for these improvements. Improvements to this wa1 kway, or promenade, wilt include a new walking surface, 'l ighting, seating areas, landscaping materjals, drainage improvements, and at least two focal points that may one day accommodate pub'l ic art- The development of these improvements arose from the redeve'l opment proposals from the Bell Tower and Sitzmark Buildings, and interest from tenants within the Gore Creek Plaza Buildjng. It is the goal of the staff would hope to see these improvements constructed simultaneously with the participation of each property owner. V. F.Conti nu of the varl ous rcial . res'idential , and ublic uses I n rcta re ntain the existin cna r ter e area. The addition of the dining deck on Gore Creek Drive will provide another element of street life that is vital to the success of the Village. The expansion of the creek sjde dining deck should 'improve its usabjlity and provide additional pedestrian activity in this area. G.Contro I ualit of construction architectural desi ano anos ca rcial Co stri ct so as to ma ntai n st ngc aracler o the area. The design of both decks are quite simple in nature. In both cases, interlockjng brick pavers will be the surface of the deck, and the deck will be defined by some type of railing treatment. This is similar to the proposal that was approved at the Gorsuch Cafe this past year. At the present time, it is planned to incorporate the streetscape improvements into the creekside dining deck by using street trees and railing treatments to define the d'i ning deck. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of both of these dining decks with the following condjtjons: 't . In order to prevent potent'i al conf|icts with emergency vehicles, the placement of any improvements above the height of dining tables shall be prohibited. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the tenant of this space is made aware of and adheres to this restriction. 2. At a minjmum, the applicant shal 1 provide, at his cost, those off-s'i te jmprovements to the creekside dining deck as indicated on the landscape and vicinjty plans (inter-locking pavers and street trees ) . 3. The applicqnt shall not renonstrate against an improvement districtin the Vail Village if and when one li formed. As has been noted, work is presently undeway to develop a contlnuous streetscape inprovement program along this wallway.- The applicnat has indicated a wil'lingnbssto participate in these improvements if agreembnts can be reached between the-threeproperty owners. It-should. be recognized that the preclse design of the improvementsadjacent to this dining deck-may change--as a result of the overill streetscipeimprovements. condition #2 is deslgned to ensure that if agreements are not'reached to develop the entire streetscape, the developer of-this project will not becormitted to providing the lmprovemnts represented in this application. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Town Council Community Development Department December 23, .l986 Discussion of proposed outdoor dining patios on Town of Vail land and right-of-ways. Submittals have been made to the Community Development Department to develop three outdoor dining patios that are located on Town of VaiI land or right-of-way. These include: 1. Bell Tower Bui'l ding, Lancelot Restaurant located along Gore Creek Drive 2. Bell Tower Bu'i 1ding, Lancelot Restaurant located on the Gore Creek side of the building (this is an expansion of an existing deck) 3. Gore Creek P1aza, Blu's Restaurant located on the Gore Creek side of the building (this is an expansion of an existing deck) Appljcations have been made to the Pl anning Commission for these decks. Pri or to the Planning Comm'i ssion reviewing these applications, the Town Counci'l must consent to the proposa'l s because they are located on Town land. Council action is not to approve or deny the patios as proposed, but rather to al 1ow or deny the applicant the right to proceed to the P1 anning Commissjon for their review. Each of the patios has been reviewed by the staff of the Community Development Department and the Town's Fire, Po1 ice and Public Works Departments. As has been evident during previous discussions of proposed dining patios on Town 1and, Town departments have different phi'l osophies on this issue. l'lhile Commun'i ty Development is conceptually supportive of the street life provided by this activity, the Public Works and Fire Departments are fundamental 1y opposed to physica'l improvements on Town right-of-ways or land. With respect to these applications, Community Development feels that any impacts resulting from these improvements can be mitigated on a site specific basis. Details of these mitigating neasures will be formulated during the Planning Commission review if the ippljiations are allowed to proceed. The staff recommendation would be to give the applicants the opportunity to proceed to the Planning Commission with these proposals. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION 72/8/86 PRESENT Diana Donovan Byran Hobbs Peggy Osterfoss Duane Piper Sid Schultz Jim Vie'l e ABSENT Em Hopkins The meeting was cal led to order by the chairman, Duane Piper. l. Approval of minutes of November 24. 'l 986. A correction was made on item #3. Donovan moved and Viele seconded to approve the minutes with the correct'ion. The vote was 6-0 in favor. 2. QS!€j4efation of a request for a mi Applicant: Hong Kong Cafe/The American Ski Exchange Tom Braun explained the request. Byran Hobbs moved and Viele seconded to grant the request as long as the Hong Kong restaurant agreed with the request. The vote was 6-0 in favor. eal of a taf f deci s ion concern'i n the in retati on rk Lodqe. Duane Piper noved to the audience and Jim Viele chaired this item. Peter Patten explained that the Sitzmark wanted to expand an existing office space which the staff believes is a nonconforming use because the space is on thefirst or street level . He pointed out that there were many situations similarto the one at Sitzmark, such as the P'l aza Lodge shops, the east side of the Bell Tower Building and the Fountain Cafe in the Creekside Building. The applicant'i s appealing the interpretation of street level and fee'l the officeis on the second level . Duane Piper, representing the app'l icant, felt this v{as more a consjderation of degree. He felt that many of the examples shown to be similar were less extreme than that of the Sitzmark, the greatest difference in grade being 4' as opposed to the 8 feet at the Sitzmark. He added that if this was first floor, then there must be a basement. Pioer stated that there needed to be a moredefinitive explanation in the zoning code, for the street was well below the street level . Sid Schu'ltz said that it was difficult to look at the zoning code and try to apply f1 oor levels as therein described. He felt that street levels could be a STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Tom Braun Betsy Rosol ack 5. a at a number of different levels in different places, but that the intent of the code was to have retail shops near the pedestrians. l,Jith the des'i gn of the berm, the intent at the Sitzmark was to get people off of the street. If the berm were removed, and shops placed at berm 1evel , he wou1 d see it as street 'l evel . Diana Donovan agreed with the staff memo. Byran Hobbs abstained. Peggy 0sterfoss stated that she wou1 d'l ike to see the code clarified, that technica'l 1y, if one has to wa1 k up 8 steps, it would be 2nd level , but she feltthat the jntent of the code was to interpret this as first level. She repeatedthat she wou'ld like to see a rewording of the definition. Jim Viele agreedthat the definition needed to be cleaned up, but in the meantime would go alongwith the staff interpretation. na Donovan moved and Sid Schultz retati on.e vote was 4 to u 4. Prg.] iTinary review of exterior alteration proposals for the followinq bui I di ngs: a. b. c, d. e,f. BUILDING C] ock Tower Casino Building Plaza Lodge Be] 'l Tower Lionshead Center Sitzmark Lodge LENGTH OF STUDY PERIOD 60 days 60 days 90 days 90 days 90 days 90 days PEC L2/8/86 -2- c]sl0n w Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive 303-476-2201 Vail, Colorado 81657 November 21, 1986 Mr. Peter Patten Town of Vail Planning Dept. 75 S. Frontage Road Vail , CO 81657 Re: Be11 Tower Building Addition A part of Tract A. Block 58. Vail VillageVail , Colorado Dear Peter: t ]-rsc ttr].ng, Enclosed are four sets of information on our proposed request for an addition to the Bel1 Tower Building in Vail Vi1lage. Theapplicant, Be11 Tower Associates, Ltd., is requesting exterior modifications and alterations which require submittal of the pro-posal to the Town of Vail Planning Department by November 24, 1986. as per CCI zoning (Section I8.24.065). This proposal is requestlng changes to the following five areas: 1. A Conditional Use Permit ( Section 18.24.030) for conversion of an existing exterior entrance patlo to a restaurant,/bar seating area along Gore CreekDrive. A Conditional Use Permit (Section 18.24.030) for expansion of an existing outdoor restauranL/bar seati-ng area along the pedestrian way of the northside of the Be1l Tower Building. An approval of Town of Vail for use of Town ofVail property for portions of the above mentionedrestaurant/bar patios. Exterior modification and alteration to the south, east and north elevations to accommodate expansionof the existing Timberhaus Ski and Sport Shop,conversion of an existing space from retail torestauranL/bar and the addition of two new retail spaces. A change 18.24 .170 ) in landscape coverage (Section These requests fa11 within the guidelines of the Vail VillageUrban oeJign Guide PIan and Comm-ercial Core I zoning; maintain 2. ? A Mr. Peter Patten Page 2 and enhance the unique character of the Vail Village commercial areai upgrade portions of the property; and is consistent with the purpose (Section 18.24.0I0 ) of cCI . The existing and proposed permitted, accessory and conditional uses (Sections L8.24.020 through 18.24.080) for the basement, first, second and above second floor level are maintained. How- ever, as previously noted, a Conditional Use Permit will be required to have and operate the proposed outdoor dining patios (Section I8.24.030) at street level. This has been encouraged by the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan, and is consistent with that plan. The lot area (6,029 square feet) and site dimensions (97' x 70') as per Section I8.24.090 are above the minimum reguired. The setbacks ( Section 18 .24.100 ) ; height ( Section I8.24.120 ) ; anil density control (Section I8.24. 130) will be unchanged. All added square footage is retail and does not affect the GRFA alloca- tions. The coverage (Section 18.24.150) of the property with building' ground level patios and decks will be increased and there will be a loss of landscaping and site development (Section 18.24.I70) due to expansion of the building and patio areas. Coverage will be increased to 4,805 square feet, however, this will be below the allowed 4,833 square feet, if the patios which are encouraged by the guide plan are not included in the summary. The reduction in planters at the south and north perimeters of the property and replacement with dinj-ng patios should be an i-mprovement to thequality of street activities on both sides of the building. The reduction of the planters along the south will allow for a more viable patio area and should not reduce the apparent green space as the larger coniferous trees will remain and be reinforced with additional plantings. The elimination and reconfiquration of theplanters along the north patio will again allow for a more viable patio (especially during the lunch and early evening hours) and open up the interior of the existing restaurant to the walkway along Gore Creek. The existing planters are more a barrier and snow trap than an asset to the pedestrian walkway. The loss of landscaping along the north wall of the existing building at the northeast corner has 1ittle impact on the overall impression of the project. The area involved is over an existing underground storage area and does not add significantly to the larger area north of the bui-ldj-ng, which will remain in place. The planters along the east which face out to the International Children's Fountain will be modified, but incorporated into the new design. Parking and Loading (Section 18.24.180) will be consistent with existing conditions. No on-sj-te parking is provided, and addi- tional parking spaces for the increase in restauranL/bar and retail space wou1d, as per Town of Vail standards, be purchased by the applicant. Loading requirements would be unchanged and Mr Peter Patten Page 3 the existing loading zone along the south side of Gore Creek Drive would stilI service all portions of the building via the west aIley and the Children's P1aza. Emergency access will be unchanged, as no elements of the new design will project further into driving lanes than presently exist. The project will comply with Sections 18.24.190, L8.24.200 and 18.24.220, and be developed as per the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan. Considerations of the Urban Desiqn Guide Plan are as fo1lows: 1. Pedestrianization is encouraged by reinforcing the edges of Goreffihi1dren,sPlaza.Thepresenteasternexpo- sure of the bui-lding is on a platform four feet and seven steps above the plaza, limiting the pedestrians access to shop and psy- chologically discouraging the casual browsing along its shop win-dows. The new proposal bri-ngs the shops to within a few steps of the plaza and increases the anount of display available to thepedestrian. The modification of the southern entry to the exist- ing shop to an outdoor patio certainly adds to the street life and acti-vity along Gore Creek Drive. and encourages the use of Gore Creek Drive as a stronger pedestrian walkway. The develop- ment of shop exposure along the north wa11 at the northeast corner adds to the pedestrian scale as people climb the stairs from the lower leve1 , and the new shop facades wj-11 draw people across the plaza and on to other shops beyond the staircase. 2. Vehicular Penetration is unaffected bv this expansion of exist@es, and will use i1l escablisire<i traf-fic and access patterns. 3. streetscape Framework is reinforced by bringing the building access and display down to grade, where the pedestrian can have a better interaction with the store fronts. Added visual interestis reinforced by adding activities where they did not existbefore along Gore Creek Drive and add to the existing diningpatio activity east (Pepi's) and west (Sweet Basils) of the newpatio. The landscaped elements surrounding the building are reduced in size, but increased in intensity; therefore creating more effective focal points along the pedestrian routes. Withall of these improvements, the quality of the walking experiencearound this key building in the Village core is greatly increased. 4. Street Enclosure is improved by extending an existing one-story bEEE-EIement around the east ind north sides of the build-ing. This lowers the scale of the building down to a welldefined ground floor pedestrian front, and ties into the openplaza to the east, giving i-t a comfortable enclosure to matchsimilar elements on the north ( Fountain Cafe) and east (Pepi's terrace). The articulated front with its display windows pro-jecting in and out creates a facade very much in keeping with the unique pedestrian scale of the Vail Vi1lage. Mr. Peter Patten Page 4 5. The Street Edqe is reinforced bv the articulated front of ai-spfay-wInAowsl-E6ating a facade veiy much in keeping with thg unique character and pedestrian scale of Vail. The softened (45- angle) corners of the expansion allow for views around the build- ing as it is approached and leads the pedestrian's view into and out of the plaza, rather than trying to contain them within the harder edges of the upper levels. 6. Building Height is not affected as the entire expansion is within the existing envelope of the building and averages less than 12 feet in height. The new roof lines will add variety and increase the mix of building heights which is a desirable element in the guide p1an. 7. Vj-ews are not impacted by the building expansion because all improvements occur inside existing building envelopes, and are just creating new facades inside view planes of the existing buildj-ng (see enclosed sketches). 8. Service and Deliverv i-s unchanqed and is consistent with the town ffing loading ana parking zones presently established along Gore Creek Drive. Emergency and maintenance access is not changed and will continue to service the building and other buildings beyond the plaza by not extending into the plaza any more than existing conditions. Trash and some deliver- ies will sti1l be handled through the existing service aIley along the west boundary of the property, and the building expan- sion should not interrupt with its existing use. 9. Sun and Shade are taken into consideration by creating the outdoor patio area on the soulh side of the building and trying to extend the northern patio out to increase its sun exposures in the late afternoon/early evening hours of summer. Also, with the expansion within the already existing envelope, no additional shading patterns are created on the plazar Gore Creek Drive or pedestrian walkway and staircase on the north side of the build- ing (see drawings for diagram). Architectural detaili-ng and landscaping considerations will be addressed during the design review stages of approvals and sha11 not be expanded upon at this time. I hope the enclosed informa- tion is adequate to begin the review process. If you need more information or have any questions on the project' please let me know. nnlfririlw Crairg 'N. Snowdon, Partner Snowdon and Hopkins - Architects cNS: jb Sincerely, BELL TOWER - BUILDING ADDITION Addresses of Adjacent Property Owners Lazier Arcade Building - Lot C,Block 56, VV Association Estate Ist (225 wall St.)Wall Street Condominium c,/o Brandess-Cadmus ReaL 281 Bridge Street Vail , Colorado 81657 - Lots A & B, Block 56, w lsr (174 E. Gore Creek . The Lodge at Vail. I74 East Gore Creek Drive. Vail, Colorado 81557 part of Tract A, Block 58, W lst . Mr. Charles Rosenquist. 193 E. Gore Creek Drive. Vail , Colorado 81657 Gasthof Gramshammer Lodge - Lots ErFrG,HfI,E. Gore Creek Drive). Mr. Pepi Gramshammer. 23I E. Gore Creek Drive. Vai1, Colorado 81657 Block 58, w Ist (231 Casino Buildin - Lots D,E,F, Block 5C, VV 1st (250 BridqeStreet ). Bridgestreet Condominium Association. c/o Brandess-Cadmus Real Estate. 28I Bridge Street. Vai1. Colorado 81657 Creekside Condominiums Buil4iqS - A part of Tract A,Block 5B, VVlst (223 E. Gore Creek Drive). Peter Switzer. 511 Illinois National Bank BIdq.. 228 So. Main Street. Rockford, IL 61101 . Board of Managers. Creekside Condominium Associ-ati-on. P.O. Box 1528 - 386 Hanson Ranch Road. Vai1, Colorado 81658 International Children's Foundain pLaza - A part of Tract A, . ?own of Vail. 75 So. Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 Date of Application 11/24/96 APPLICATION FORM FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I (CCI} This procedure is required for alteration of an existing buildingwhich adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdooi patio oireplacement of an existing building shall be subject. to review bythe Planning and Environmental Commission The application will not be accepted until al-l information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT Bell_ Tower Associates. Ltd. ADDRISSI?OO Brvan Tower. Dallas . Texas 75201 PHoNn(214)qOq -7500 NAME OF APPLICANTIS ADDRESS 201 Gore Creel< REPRESENTATIVE *rowdon and Hopkins - Architects Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657 PHONE 476-2201 c.NAME 0F OWNER (priqt or type)Be Tower Associates, Ltd c/o Clark Willingham SIGNATURE ADDRESS 1300 PHONE Q14)969 -7500 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS ZOf n^ C.,,." C"..t O"i, LEGAL DESCRIPTION " oart of Tract A. elock $100.00 PAID IMPROVEMENT SURVEYOI' BUII-,DING AND ANY I. B. D. E.FEE F.OF PROPERTY SHOWING IMPROVEMENTS ON THE PROPERTY LINES AND LOCATION LAND. A LIST OF THE NAME OF OhINERS OF ALI-, PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THESUBJECT pROpERTy and their mailing addresses. rr' Four (4) copies of a site plan containing the following information: A' The site plan shall be d.rawn on a sheet size of 24', x 36" at a scaLeof l" = 2O'; a variation of the sheet size or scale may be approvedby the cornnunity Development Departnent. if justified; G. ' Appricarion"r Exrerior Arterario' or?urrr. ccr pase 2 /1..1 B. The date, North arrow, scale and name of the proposed developmentshall be shovrn on the site plan; C.. The existing topographic character of Lhe site including exishing and proposed contours. This condition will only be requred for expansion area where there is a change of two feet of grade; D. The location and size of all existing and proposed buildings, struc-tures and improvements ; E. The existing and proposed landscaping; F. The location of all eiisting and proposed buiId,ings, structures and patios or decks. III. The applicant shall submit j.n written and graphic form, a preponderanceof evidence before the Planning and Environmental Commission thatthe proposal is in conformance with the purposes of the CCI Districtand that the proposal su:bsLantially complies with the Vail Viilage Urban Design Guide Plan. Urban Design Guide Plan, the procedures foi ihange are noted ii. Section 18.24.220 (B) . IV. The applicant'must also submit written and grcphic supporting materialsthat the proposal substantially conplies r'rith the fol-lol.ring UrbanDesign Considerations section of.the Vail Village Design Co;rsi<leration. A. PedestrianizationB. Vehicle PenetrationC. Street.scape framework' D. Street EnclosureE. Street EdgeF. Building HeightG. ViewsIl. Sun Shade Consideration Many of the above items .should'be addressed in some graphic meansusing such tools as sketches, simulations, models (incl-uding neighboringbuildings), photos, etc V. The Town of Vail Zoning Code for CCI also describes other zoning issuesthat the applicant must respond to in written or graphic form. VI . Applications for extcrior altcratj.ons or nroclifications in CCI can' are only reviewcd semi-annually. They need to be submitted beforethe fourth Monday of May or Novernber. For more specifics on thereview schedule, see Section 18.24.065 A-5. aI f ,l4 l) lL,uf . # ou - ngrlh w o,lL ' vv,tr znalqsn bafuuny ' 6uu ll rrrq MdiLwn , : l/orl , hlordo qnowdon 6\A hoyldo ' aratttatls ' . iuov '. t^) l^tuln laa u/v/r1 gr s$9 iF fW or*vqrl anlmwfu L>nulrt Fe$p6rznl, h>s bwn *eA i lipn o( ^friltl ,wnl,,,r1 Gu utr(,'and eb-Ll*h ) - - 1 nsw u,ilw 4lho trl ftw y,v,+how, trrua besa-zlkA{ut- tllz,,l,vl flrr) h^y* [olhe n*,lvrds (nW hD'ED h*, ban nd"ka -zlLacful. li't )' I DATESUBMTTTED, . , , 4trOiffi::y:-::^Tioeo@"-#^- -'-'' ",.fr"'n"'''ofu\ BRrEF DEscRrpTroN r: T pR0p0sAL: C_,*,.rp *t O_1, , z ldro, d,^_ -t O V. (n ,tA puBLrc ,'RKs fu'* 75+ '^t :*iU 'ryT ^/ 4/,< INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVI El,t PROJECT: n"vi"*"a av, Bl4 patetl> ,& H <z o(..,(: r> Atr- E u,- f i .;,'(' ilrq,g, .'t,..q' 71,etes 2,, E€ /i/P'v(( sseio ldo 9 7ore.-t tf:'r-v C-rt /.e /t/)-/,r'tt': t)/tl rt, 4'X-q FIRE DEPARTMENT Date Comments: Reviewed by: Comments: / -so"tr ,rtd 7 Reviewed by:_ Comments: ,,r-(-)" (4) -+\=,/ Lo<'1a 4 r '1 , ;t(. t <)'7/ ( /'7 7 !' e -.*7 E€ d>oo< '/ \./€2 tFt c4 7ro- fir?- POLICE DEPART}4ENT Date Reviewed by: Comnents: Date 'l I ,A o^ atl-T. |-U. &f /b b*B Reviewed by: Corunents: Date FIRE OEPART+,IENT Reviewed by:DateComments: - .-Z/O 4 '/sa-'-{ 'z'-2v POLICE DEPART}4ENT Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: I {-d"Uc,zsSra^ o tzll * THE PR0P0SAL: I Cd*'^"^^^.r^t ,^".--\r/ ,Z f{- PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED 8Y: BRIEF DESCRIPTiON O PUBLTC t,loRK! INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI EI.I TE OF PUBLIC HEARING *9 -Z-ar>.at-+2. 1ft"' rrzt'</ A?4c-R-t-* a'/i?-<tew , ./ d ftfu 4z^''e- a:zzz't</'--A-X //"?z Date Date it.i .. t.-a I Project Application Date Project Name: €-fe V-+ g4V+e";z+ pro,ect Descriptn^' r5'A= g*llAl+f F*t Tn contacr person and p6on" €r rlop-t> 4e*- l+= 41ta-?1*1 Owner, Address and Phone: '= Architecl, Address and Phone: Lesar Descriprio n,rorWfo?frA-, r,t,ns VV. l4' , zone - Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: out"Qrn zqrlqal DISAPPROVAL Summary: o^t, eYa. ??",taql E stati Approval revised 6/7e/91 DRB ApplrcArroN - rowN oF vArL, coLoRADo Rm AUG071991 DArE APpl,rcArroN RECETVED , -/-//-7/ DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** TEIS APPLICATTON WII,L NOT BE ACCEPTED IINIIL AIIJ REQUIRED TNFORIIATION IS SIIBIIITTED ***tt**a** DESCRIPATON: B. Addition (S50.00) ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT '5)Review (S0) Block a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and E. F. H. LOT AREA: If required, applicant must provide a current stamped survey showi^ng 1ot ar;a. OF APPLICANT: i"f "oHf6h Phone $0< 1n nn1r/ rvt vwf $ 50,001 $150,001 s500,001$ over $ 10,000$ 50,000$ 150,000$ 500,000 $1,000,000 $1, 000, 000 FEE $ 20.00c <n nn s100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00 .00 TYPE OF REVIEW: ,\ / New Construction ($200.00) XMinor Alteration ($20.00) /T, tI _t mt ISubdivision l\e l I I ower El al q . If property is described by description, please provide attach to this application. ZONING: Phone NAME OF OWNERS: /1 - NAME oF APPLICANT' s REPRESENTATIVE t )>'/lffl-(/' Mailing Address: J. Condominium Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application. Later' when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate val-uation of the proposal. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table below' to ensure the correct fee is Paid. FEE PAID: S - FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION SIGNATURE(S):Mailing Address: *NO APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED WITHOUT O9INER'S SIGNATURE NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: LOT STREET ADDRESS: DESCRI The foflowing information is Review Board before a final required for submittal to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR B, BUILDTNG MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WalI Materials Fascia 50rrl-cs Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings 1-h i mn arr c Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Quantitv Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *rndicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous t.rees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. $I 6 6 lults lc IH IRlo I tlllcl lEtllo.t= IRt<l= IF l= -lEt<te lcE lsllullrrl(/! o?7 <rc() EI H I El=a,li elEif lilE:t l€l E5t lgl6;ll9l ur?l EI? EI lilEr$lBlt oaIt(,o ir:i vttEol-<ra hzt{ lroool Jsx :o(? E rroosl EoE YE,!> FU':'t<l TIrsl :l 5t:lilal itrl-lil il fi:g€ ffi #sru;** j#EFffi ao otl ra .i ao o5 '|t F I Et LI 3 oo o!a Io inn .i uonort x x @ 6i R ci f3 3 'o t e: .g ,i !J ?i 9ra.'iE -( :i iE iE!r ;Ear iC E.to €5, 9Eo=3-En!t- E'i! ETa: €'r i1c.i 'E. t l9i8 r2lo'.t.= :!;q )a afo E t a, a lo:l 3to to n|(,t q) {,) .eg Eg:€ :E .!lie€s .J; €.8 Jtt .E €EE E :P_oIn'a^a F&gECtr ,i:r aJ: 9 !; d.i.id;Eq:qi :333: :RH:: a *s EFFFE d gEF c 3Eln :ifl I r. :'i .itg . q,!|) * ;fig 0 Qs a) ee; tr; 9;td;g =5!>tod_ J;;E.: trgEE #E rum I H*ffiiM l€ ls l6lr IT r$ R a E s F =* q5E8s aacl - I rll <l -l l3Et- cla FF g$ $q{FI Qe!3 cFcSc :,. 9ria !lie Elia t,: I,.i<l le ss be a-l E is nfuowER Asso&erEs, LTD. 207 E. GorA CreekDr, YaiI" Colorailo 81657 303 476-2725 300 Cteacent Coart Srventh Floor Dallae, Texaa 7 5207-7847 274 855-3706 October 23, I99f Town of VaiI Building Department VaiI, Co. 8I657 Dear Sirs and Madams: I would like to verj-fy that a'plan to install an exhaust fan on the roof of l{emories of Vail (BeI Itower building, 20I E. Gore Creek Drive) has been reviewed by the BeI ltower condominium associatj.on (specifically Herman Staufer, obtneri CIark Wrllrngham, owner; and Craig Snowdon, arch j-tect) and approved. Should you need any additional guestions answered, please calI me at my office, 476-4550. Thank you. oc_ rt Oliver INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI EI'I PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED:DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED 8Y: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: '7[/ 15 Fc4.< ,ft2-ze-neZ t4: 4 ^)o*7se1z 6F $>-t ( Zon-.-t-r-4€,./TS 7a,S <.',-'€' loa4;e 1/l<{ 7Z€ /t-42^zfev- 4y 7,4<-= 17/<4€ 6,tt:vz<<&>') t 5 162') c -7-2, 4t,{-rG)...,o O ve-z- -a4€ 71-*- €)t,57"/^-/<- f a '+'t -/<-\- (a>e<Ronct+, 771a7 € ^ocLco /?d , 1tz/'-?a7e-b 6*<k' fc> 7/A//2 ov-.\J /t<ofeerT 1t;-1't' A'-ctF -O24t"'4c€ f4<') 4-.O az<z g fzz't (- fc.A t',7e( 6x)rz<- I e <e<+ u ipe-n J':7-/g/ /ntfo ,9 5-7o1rl tg|lrLrex- o4 l+//)o ct:r2 / ^'' *'-t€ ..2-z' *'-e *6t</1 FI RE DEPARTMENT oocitP'( ' t2 /4e<'{ er'loFt c) 'u 7a '1d 'c-€' Reviewed by: Comments: POLICE DEPARIT4ENT Date Reviewed by: Corments: Date RECREATI ON DEPARTI'IENT Reviewed by: Corunents: Date - Project Name: Proiect Description: Contacl Person and Phone Prolect Applicatlon v t5 41 LU lc,++waQo L-)7r, G- 4-/6 o Owner. Address and Phone: Q{NaAE 9,rLArchitecl. Addr€ss and Phone: Comments: Design Review Board Date Molion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ;# ..-.,i E statt Approval i--VAF--VlLLlge-P'r.=r-- &[-st-{:s+ual*S<e't-o{- SCIlfu&rt .M- l'hc fol I or.r i ng inforrnlt j.on i:i llol rd bcl'orc a i:irral :rpprovul A. tlt,ll,lrtii(l i\t\l'tiRtALS ioo f Sirling Othcr: liirl I itlatcriol s rcqrrilt:d for strlrni.t.tal by cirrr bc !! ivcrr : 'l'ype of l,lat_crial ytN t.hr: irppl jc:rnt to thc Dcsitn ltcvi (lo I or Fascia Soffi ts Itlindor.rs l'iintiow 'I'rirn Doo:: s Door'l'rirn Ilanr! o: Dcck Flues F 1a sh i.rr gs Clrinrrev s Rai 1s Tr:rsh [nr.l osures Glccnirr-rirs es 0!irer: BEST " -:',*. COPY AVA[-ABtE B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botanical Name Cormon Name *:!res*t law.+ef fu h nzd|'$ed 4 tut ffn 4 n6 7lerarg SJ ze SHRUBS r. l !,Project Applicalion o.," fuu f, Hfl Project Name: ProjectDescription:'t Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot C(f ,.on" corr"ntg jil-\ Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL Summary: \{r.thn P',h Town Planner o,,", 1i\c [,. iQtl {","n Approval '=-f 75 south frontage road' yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 July 14, '1983 CI ark S. tli 1 'l ingham Be] I Tower Associates 1300 Bryan Tower Dallas Texas 75201 Dear Mr. l,lil I ingham: This is a reminder that thefor the Bell Tower expansion payment is $3,000. Sincerely, JS:br Re: Bel'l Tower Parking Fee final payment of the parking feeis due at this time. The fjnal I O O Proiect Appllcatlon t. ,"" ?/'M f 97, Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact P€rson and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Zone - Design Review Board fA Fc\A 4- '-* ) DISAPPFOVAL Summary: E statt Approval oo oo Snowdon and Hopkins r Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive 303-476-2201 Vail. Colorado 81657 l4arch 29, 1983 I.tr. Jin Sayre Town of Vail Planning Department 75 S. Frontage Road Va11, CO 81657 Jiml Erclosed are two copies of the proposed addition of a roof deck lrellis to the 4th i,eve1 of the Be1l Tower Building. Also enclosed, at you request, is a list of all Urban Design Grideline Considerations and the impact of this addition to those guidelines. I would like to put this item on the agendaof the next DRB meeting (April 6, 1983, if possible). I $d11 also try to supply Polarold photos of the antlcipated height of the northeast corner of the addltion as viewed from the Gore Creek Dnlve/Bridge Street intersectionor Children's Fountain area (whichever may have the nost impact ) and from the Wil1ow Street Bridge over Gore Creek. If you have any questions or neeci more information, please call . Sincerely, ,,"ryMr, CNS/mcc Brclosures 't oo oo 2/3/83 Bell Tower tuilding - Roof Deck 1bellis Addit:.on Desien Q.rldeLines: A. Urban Design Considerations 1. Pedestrianization - no irnpa.ct2. Vehicle Penetration - no impact3. Streetscape Flamework - no impact4. Street &lclosune - no lmpact (lnprovement is locat,ed 14t back from fron! edge of roof) 2. Street Edge - no i-npact6. Building llelght - ltre i-urprovenent occurs approxirnately at mid-polnt in roof, so increase in roof height is rninirnal(43' from Core fteek pedestrian or north el-evation and 35rfrom Cfrlldrenrs Fountain Plaza or east elevation.7. Views - no irnpact - see photos8. Service and Delivery - no i-urpact9. Sun/Shade - no irnpact B. Architecture/l-andscape Considerations 1. Roofs - will improve roof massing by reducing appearance ofsingle large roof area.2. Facades -a. l&.terlals - woodb. Color - dark brovmc. Transpa.rency - r+ill remain opend. Windows - n/ae. Doors - n/af. Trim-n/a3. Decks and Patios - no impac!4. Balconies - n/a5. Accent Elements - wilL provide break-up of roof mass and - opportunity for accent colors by use of aecessory lterus.6. landscape Elements - w1ll provide opportunity for plantings and hanging baskefs at 4th Floor 1evel. 7 . Service - no irumct EerllowailIding, .Roof i il'l l(i':: l,()l'Tra9!.A t;!,{rl it 5-B Deck, Tnelli" ,qltn l. I i | ::r: Val1 ViLlage .Firsl r r ; , ( rlr I'lr{ ). il.l . l Trellis addition to 'llrc fol lr'1; j11,' ittf'6rllirrt i'rr i:, llolrrd ltclur'r: il i:irrll :rppr'<.rvlr I A. ltllll,lrli.iii f.lAl'l:RlAt,S Iloof Siding Other l'Jal l lr.latcrial s Fasc ia Soffits llindovrs Itlindow 'I'r.inr Doors Doo r 'l'rinr Hancl or Deck Rails Flues Flash j.ngs Chimne;'s Traslt nncl osures Gtccnhous es Othcr' \ LANDSCAPING I'crlrt i t'r:tl f.Or ..;r.rlrrrr i t l.;r I by l.lrc clr lt bc ,: iVCll : :lIE*g.I_1,1; r I L, r.'.i.l i itpp) it::rrrl to tllc l)c:;l11rr llt:v j r-.1,,, Co lor plastlc rrlexanrr sheeting clear nla rough sawn tinber beams stain to natch existing metal beam connections sbain to match beams rough sawn tinber stain to match existing n/a n/a n/a n/a. n/a n/a n/a galv. flashlng painted to match beams nla nla wood oosts - 6x6 stained to rnatch existing Common Name Si ze Name ofrQesigner: PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botanical Name --.--.....-.F_ --l-----\- \ SHRUBS l(:rtJNll oo ,ilO',,u,,,,,,, SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATiON TYPE SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL r Other Landscape Features (retaining wal1s, fences, swjmming poois, elc.) Please specify. owrer to hang flowerlng planbs during sumner nronths.Provicies opportunity for Snowdon and Hopkins 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado Architects 303-476-2201 81657 I'lcvenber 23, 1982 }&. Ed Dragerr.u. tox tooyValI, C0 81658 Dear M: Erclosed is a copy of flerd reports from our office and yoder Ergineeri-ngafter a raalkthrough r^ribh steve Patterson, Town of va11 Brirding T:nspector, as you requested. Ihis vralkthrough uas on VJednesday, November 17, 1982 and v,as Lo review buirding code deficiencies as required by the Tovn of vail ,for clarkts consideration of charrge in ownership frorn singre ownership to condomjrlum ornership. As noted in the letter, there uere no design decisions made, just i.tems to be corrected. Also enclosed is a letter to Steve Patterson requesting his review prlor to fonrardlng the informabion toyou and Cl-ark. Or I\:esday, l.'bvember 23, 1982, in a telephone conversationwith Steve, he approved the lists as submitted and had no additional corments. rf ciarl r,rants to have an idea of costs for these modificatlons, actual designs will have to be considered and reviewed r^rith fhe Town of vail forthelr acceptance. ff there is anything I can do to help you with thisfiIatter in the future, donrt hesitate to ca1l . Sincerely, fuk:k* CNS/mcc Drclosures Willingham PaLterson cc: Cl9rk ,Ffeve Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive 303-476-l?o1 Vail. Colorado 81657 November 22, 1982 Irh. Steve Patterson Town of Vail hrilding Department 75 South Fl'ontage Foad Vai1, C0 81657 Steve: Erclosed is a copy of my field notes and the notes of Dave Yoder (Yoder frrgineerirg ) after our r,ralkthrough r.'rith you last week of the BeLl Tower fuiIding. Llsted are your reccrnrnendations as the Brilding Departnent for change in use and/or zoning of the Bell Tower Bullding from single ovnrership to condominlum owrership. Pri.or to forwarding this list to the Owner and hi.s representatives, as you requested, could you review and corment on any items wtrich you do not agree with; and add any additional items you may have considered since our walkthrough last veek. I will not forward Lhese items to the Owner until I hear from you. Qinaayralrr -^fu{Mr CNS/mcc Ycder Engineering Consuttantfc. . 125 North 8th Street GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 815011 ,. I'I (303) 245.0148 /. t -._' .'rirh ,/ N}v 2a bezTO Snowdon & Hopki nslArcir-i_iecti 20 1 Gore Creek-Dniye VaiI, Colorado_8l-657 THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED : ' The following ]_lgryg yere discussed and must be addressed should the building be condominiumize4. _ 9gme items are verbally described here but wjll obviously require engineering drgwilgs_.qldlqflqf$gl flvestigation within the building framework and ceilinq plenum! fqf thqmost cost effective method of comglienqe. l. The second _f1 oor main corridor will require mechanical ventilation. 2. The Lancelgt flqgtqurant kitchen exhaust termination must be extended per code. LThi s i ten- shgll d !St- be qlneSe!$rr} del qyed . ) 3. The ski rqP-air-shqp-,lig.ULirW and exhausl-fan_-rurt-pperqte sinullaxcgus-ly 4. No mechanieal _yentt_l{Lii_n is provided iLr the_Sli_rhSp_qftbe prc!en!_LL!!e_. Pe1_99de_r_ some mechanjqql Uentilation and outside air must be included. 5. The gas cy_:ljndcl$q@oor dental offiSe__W-t_l,l_jeS!_ire_rnqSXsqlql ventilation as-Well as some revision to-lhe piping to confoftlto Sgde--In-Addition, the e'lectnical-Banel. hox l-ocated i:Lti-Lnoonruit-be-l"cl!eate-d-o-u,tside the room. 5. The fire hOSelOCated_in the second flool c r] oeal_ed in a regular fi re hose cabin 7. The k i tchen ette_on_the secod_Uoor_requjrerneehanj !al__exh_au sU ng, 8. rhe qauna on the-deck-has evpnspd-Xomex-wiLidhjruct be remoyed-and electLical .run in- condui t . 9. Thp hUijding boiler_water__supply_rnusLhavp a redrrced presssne hack flow_prevent instal led_per-code._ oo" lt /17/ef 7930G BelI Tower Bui1ding GDo{TroN/i]ivail, Colorado ,t;f'""'o" J/EATHER TEMP- o at AMoat l :3O PM PFIESENT AT SIIE Steve Patterson - Craio Snowdon lle rri d Yndor" trIET"DRretr@RTcoPtES TO FOFM 2ar-3 - Avanado ton,,ir.ir,, rm SIGNEO TO DATE , a JOE 7q?nc PROJECT Bell Tower Buildino LOCATION \/e i 'l l.n'l nv.a/nre,rt vv GONTRACTOR OWNER WEATHER TEMP o at AMoat PM PRESENT AT SITE ' .l0. A loose jq!lqt-rq-!q-Lqnd--qCj-qq94-q9!{ui-b mqst be secursd,lhjs js tocated in the stairwelllq the_Lg.nSel!! nestaurant's back door, 11. Ihe buildins-preledknas-Lqs-sellrql-alarrn_sjrrLem. A mjnimal-syrtem-requircd- (which may_be qplgraded bv Mike McGegLw_rj_l_rncl_ude_manual_and__autornatj.c dpv.icps, Yoder Engineering Consuttantlrc.- 125 North 8th Street GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 8T50I (303) 245.0148 Snowdon & Hopkins/Architects Page 2 of 2 THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: - The-i tems-lisfed-nboye-ffronly-those--nol.ed-on-this-date. ThjS- reviClv does nqlprecLude--anyJurther i tems-wh i ch-nay --bg noled-t n future-rellisldLl-ists- COPIES TO tr[trIL]DRMPO FoFM 2a1-3 - ava,tabte 'rom A,;;tr,,, . , srcNEo-Davjd,% Walkthrough of BeII Tower Building with Steve Patterson and Dave Yoder for consideration of zoning change from single ordner to condominium ounrership. 1. Ground Level Floor (Lancelot Restaurant)A. Common alleyway wilh Gore Creek Plaza Erilding wlrieh presently fu::ctions as fire egress $ray from rear (northwest )stair if used as such in future shall be cleaned up and revised as follows: 1 . Brilt-in trash enclosure to be constructed.2. bristi-ng exhaust duct under sbaircase to be revlsed and relocated. 3. Gates to be added to all minor sfairs (to existing cool-ers ) so thaf escape corridor is readily defjned4. Ground surface to be upgraded to provide clear unobstructed access from st,air bo street.5. Items 1 through 4 can be eliminated if existing stair is redirected to exlt to northwest corner of property.B. Lower stalr to restaurant kitchen to be provided wi-th handrail bo rneet code requirements.C. Stair and landing to mechanical equipment room to be cleared of all obstructions (shelves, cabinetry, elc.).D. AL wirlng to be securely faslened to vralls and roof of stairway to restauranb kitchen.E. Could not get access bo interior of restaurant. 2. lbin Level Fl-oor Pl-an (Timber Haus S<i Srop)A. Dead bolt on existing fire exit door to rear stair to be removed and replaced with approved panic hardrnrare.B. Raised step at rear landing of stair case at ski shop levelto be rernoved and stair modifed accordingly.C. Integrity of suspended grid ceiling to be upgraded by replacing all misslng and danaged panels and removaL of loose and unaftached ruiring from below ceiling level .D. Exhaust fan from ski repair shop to alley to be connecLed to lighting (to supply outside air whenever shop is in use).E. Exit door to Gore Q.eek Drive to have new panic hardwarejnslalled and dead bolts removed for emergency access.F. Flre detection to be reviewed and commented on by T.O.V.fire department. 3. Second level Fl-oor Plan (offices) A. Rear stair landing - add diagnonal landing area to existing structure to accommdate code requirement for door swing clearance over landing.B. Provide panic hardware to exit doors (2). C. HaIl closet (Denbist gas locker)1. Relocate electrical paneI from closet to hal},ey,2. Provide self.closing, air-tight door. 3. Provide ventilation to exterior.D. Hose cabinet1. Provlde glass door or appropriate marking (general review by T.O.V. fi-re department).2. Hose cabinet jnterior to be properLy enclosed wibh drywall and aII el-ectrical connections concealed.E. Kitchenette area lo be vented to exterior. F. Corridor to be rrented to exterlor.G. Suife 211 (Vall lhnagement Co.) may requlre addltional doorfo public corridor (to provide direct access for fire egress through adjoinlng space). 4. Third level FLoor Plan (Private residence and 2 apartments)A. E:sterior sauna wirlng (to control box) to be jn conduib.B. Oould nob get access fo northwest corner apartment, but no deficlencles luere apparent. Brrvrulro II. Dru,cnn, Jn. P.O. BOX 166e \/AII4 COI,TORADO 41657 t/olrz C,ff PIIONE 13()3) 4A&L3L4 November 8, 1,982 SECOND FI,OOR \/AIL NATTONAL BANI( BI,DG. I{r. A. Peter Patton, Jr. Department of Community Developrnent Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road lVestVai1, Colo. 81657 Re: Be11 Tolver Condorniniurn Conversion ljear Peter: In response to your letter of October 21, 1,982, we would desire to go ahead at this tirne with the formal proceedi-ng to convertthis building into commercial, office and residential condominiuns. As the process moves forward, and changes are made in the new sub- division regulations, we nay ask for treatment as the new regulations would a1low. It was through this method that we came under the con- version control process i.n the first p1ace. As to the second ques- tj-on you asked relating to designated Units R-3 and R-4; at the timethe building was before the Town for review when being remodeled several years ago, the owners were asked to voluntarily continuethe then use as ernployee type housing as a condition of approvalof the reinodeling, Any restrictions or documentation of that fact is in the Town's records. lvith Tespect to your question number 1, Unit R-2 is a bedroorn connected to and a part of R-1. It has not kitchen facilities and is currently being used as a part of the large ownerrs unit (R- 1) . As far as number 3 is concerned, we are not in a position to speak to correcti-ons until we see what, if any , are noted and the rnagni-tude or degree of difflculty in making the corrections. We have requestedI{r. Steve Patterson to make such an inspection. Unit R- 3 i,s leased to Tirnberhaus Ski Shon and is occupied by Gordon and San<1y Li-nke, Skl Shop nanagers. Lease renerval foi^ five'years 5/31,/82 at rental of $476.73 per rnonth with annual cost of living escalators. Unit R-4 is leased to Lancelot Restaurant and occupiec by Nlike Carter, bartender, renerval as of 12/I/82 for one year at a rental of $++9.53 per rnonth. As far as neters are concerned, at the present tirne, those two units R-3 and R-4 are not separately netered. We presently rent the units on an all utilities furnished basis. l'{e would be willing to agree, l,lovenber 8, L98? Page 2 i-n a manner acceptable to the Town that if, as and when the owner- ship of these units passes to a third party, the rneters will be installed. l{e feel that the cost of additional fees of any sort ought to be waived in total . The ordinance, as best we can ascertain, was passed as a deterrent, by increasing costs to the converter, to shifting the legal owner- ship of apartment units to condoniniun units. It was directly a result of the change of two buildings of Apo11o Park from long terrn enployee rental housing to time sharing and two additional buildings to short term rentals. The Counsel determined that the r{ay to present this type of thing fronr happcning in the future, would be to penalize through a very dj.ffj"cult procedure and extremely expensive provisions, the person desj,ring to convert. Unfortunately, in our i-nstance, but for a voluntary agreement on the owners part (at the Town's request) to continue the enployee housing use in R-3 and R-4, we would not even be subject to the effect of this ordinance. Therefore, it is only appropriate that all costs be charged to the units creating the problem. In this way, the very units and individuals, employee low cost housing, are the victins of the expense and cost increases irnposed by the ordinance. We would, therefore, request waiver of the fees since to do so would not increase the costs of the employee housi.ng. Please consider this our forrnal request to condominiumize the Be11 Tower Building. rst EHD/nc Clark Itrillingham, Esq Very lnwn 75 3oulh fronlage td. vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 department of community development El a.1ry,' f* ry b'"' g, /r/r, Re: Bel'ltower Condominiumization 0ctober 21, 1982 Ed Drager P.0. Box .|669 Vai'1, Co]orado 8'1658 Dear Ed: Thanks for your infornntjon on the Be'l 'l tower Condominiumization. I fu1 'ly under- stand your itatements relevant to no change in use (as the ordinance_addresses) being -proposed. However, condominiumizing the apartments gives the legal right to se1i those units as individua'l pieces of property at any time in the future' and this could have a negative impact upon the employee housing use currently there. Thus, I believe the intent of the ordinance to oversee the balance of various housing types does apply to this application. I've had some prob'l ems with regard to submitta'l requirements of thjs ordinance as far as acceiting partial applications, publishing for a public hearing and then not having the infornation in time for the hearing. This results in a series of tab1 ings which is not only annoying, but wastes the time of the staff and the PEC. hlith this in mind, I will need the following before I can accept the application for publication for a public hearing at PEC: 'l . Clarif ication of exist'ing contents and use of unit R-2. Does-it have. a kitchen? Is it i nnidis qua"te"si-Jt" ibrJn*,--c.,'*''AAn &e1uuY' 2. By what docurpntation or exact restriction are units R-3 apd R-4 restriclBd t6 emp'loyee housing? /,/-l;-fr; %*l,frr---l -/ ZZ &,,.*4ft?oz4 Bui'lding inspection by Steve Patterson or his designee and the.applicant's response as to how thL corrections needed (if any) will be handled. and household composition of present tenants. CurrentLength of occupancy rental /'lease rates. 77-E ,Grln+ fu4 /;-.A<,'/;-l'r-'l'-t*5/t, g+p 4""' <io.ls /"to.-t t/ o*"<.21.-, f t-a -*lta - S7 /t*' t- g - 4 , /t/ka &,/tr- &-taz"- a /-*nt/t/ lff s s/,w /1j, /u* E//1, Ed Drager Page 2 . 10/21/82 %*./ lt ^/tt/tr2.cz,txz.aLt Ofu*+'f(t 5, Please address, in written forrn, how you will independently meter public utl-llues. to the units as well as youi responsm --- ,inpermitfeeJbetweenwhenthebui.ldingwasuu.ittffia oe now. /try*./hfu* You should be aware that the Council has instructed me to re-write a]l of Section'17.40 as.a part of the new subdivision regulations. I will begin *ris projeciin November and will probably have it revised and adopted arourid the fiist-ofthe year. It would,.of course,.,be your choice as to whether or not you wishedto wait for this revisions. In my opinion, it may be snrarter for boih of us,as I intend to propose the elimjnation of some of-the more "difficu'l t" proviiionsof this ordinance. Let rne know what you want to do. Senion Planner APP:bpr J October 20, 7982 now 1 the At the present, the building basement and the first floorfloor is rented of f i-ce space lela?ts.K-l 15 nof EnlruNn II. DnLeER, JR. ATTORNSY AND COI'NSDLOR P.O. BOX 1469 \/AII4 COLoRAD'O 41057 ale are unlts K-an is rented as commercial space in the to two different tenants. The second and the third floor is owned and aDart - o commerc a1 b een rente d but is an integral part great pains to require prospectlve purchasers in fact, relate to changes in which the property is the ordinance is you. SITCOND FLOOR VAIL NATIONAL BANK Bf-f}O. Mr. Peter Patton !oning Administrator Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road trfest Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re: Be11 Tower Building Condorni-niurn Conve rs ion Dear Peter: I would like this letter to serve as a prelirninary request to convert the Be11 Tower Building, presently owned by Be11 Tower Associates. We are delivering to you with this letter, a copy of the condoniniun rnap, which contains as near as seem app1lcab1e, the requirenents of Chapter 17.L6 Vail Code; a copy of the declaration and a copy of the proposed by-1aws of the association. h'e understand that the building i"nspector must rnake an i"nspection pursuant to Chapter 'J.7 .40.070 . used b the buildi-ng owners as a second h ome:n-two sma are ren tenan ns on leases d are restr cte R-4 on the condomi-ni-um map.nit and never has owners uni t.of Unit R- The conversrlion ordinance goes throughinforrnation be provided to the Town and and concerns itself with natters that,in use and not the 1ega1 ownership forrnheld. It is not the Dresent intentresent use IividIn that urlns the la each have more rrelevant and hence ought re s pe ct , rnucn o to be waived by October 20, L982 Page 2 Please advise whatpernit rny client to 1egal ownership of Very und are the next and proceed with the their building. o fornal steps necessary to mere change in forrn of Jr. EHD/nc enclosures Drager, o depurtment of conltltunity development September 27, 19Bz Clark S. t{ill ingham Bel 1 Tower Associates, Ltd. 1300 Bryan Tower Dal 1as, Texas 75201 Dear Mr. }.lillingham: Re: Be]1 This is a reminder of your '1982 paynent for the parking fee. l'he 1982 installment is 93,000. $3,000 wil I be due in Jurre of 1983. S i ncerely, 4; J II'I SAYRE Pl an ner JS:br Tower Expansion parking fee Bell Tower expansion The fjnal payrnent of fr;ull nl 75 souf h f ronlnge rd. Yail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ttr!I $ flii box 100 vail, colorado 81657 {3031 476-s613 Clark S. Willlnghan Bel1 Tower Associates 1300 Bryan Tower Dal1as, Texas 7S2Ol department of community development Novenber 18, l98l Re: Bell Towe{-Bgilding '12- Dear Sir: 0n July 10th of this year I cal led-you^concerning the parking fee for the Bell Touer "-il"tt"t-i"-v"ii' colorado' During that con- versation you ."to"iti"-ii"t-tfte second installment wourd De oaid. on July rs r sent you a lettet:.? ;;;t of which is enclosed' Lutlining the scheduil"Jr' fuy^"rrts. After-'c'irecking with our finance department' I find;;y-ht;;no record oi-tt"rt a bill being paid' If the bill has been paid' please::"d l PhotocoPy of the check' If the bill has "ot'ui!"-ptid' kindly expedite the natter' Sinc ere IY '7^e- J'IM SAYRE Town Planner JS:br Encl. /z-1{, S\(,4!^i' box 100 vail. colorado 81G57 1303) 476.s013 Clark S. ltlillingham Bel1 Tower Associates, Ltd 1300 Bryan Tower Dallas, Texas ZS2OL department of comrnunity development Jr.jly 13, l98l Re: Bell Torver Building Dear Sir: To review- our phone conversaion of Jury 10th: The total parkingfee for the Betl Tower expansion is $ri,000, of which you'have paid$6,000. The balance is piia in three instalrments. Three thousanddollars is due at the present tine, $J,000 is due in June of l9g2and the renainder is due in June oi tgss. The Finance Departmentwiir serrci you reninders of the l9g2 and l9g3 payments. Thank you for helping to solve Vailrs parking problens. Yours, box 1fl) , Yail. colorado 81657 13031 4?G5613 I ro*,1 75 south lrontage 3O3.76-7OOO-Grl Peler pallen S€nror Ptannet Departmenl ot Co|hmunity Development department of community development January 5, l98l colorado 81657 237 Mr. Bruce Meese 4011 Bryant Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55409 Dear_ltlr. Meese, This correspondence is to confirm our recent discussions concerning zoning regulations of the Town of Vail with regard to ProPerty in tne 441jryer Builfu, located on lot A, block 58, Vail Village frrsE F ].l].ng. This building is located in the Connrercial Core I Zone District, which does allow professional offices as a pernitted use on the second floor level . fitus, no fornal approval would be required fron the Town of Vail Planning and Environnental Conmission for a proposal consistent with these zoning regulations. It was a pleasure speaking with you on your recent visit, and I would appreciate it if you would contact xoe again if I can be of any further assistance. APP:bpr PA Pl anner JC'HN SPECIFICATION INOUS'EIAL. rt|AR INE FA6NICt lt..ANEI ouroooR iJ)1 ,"'v.t, lrq ".,:rC.tl PLA}IE ]TETAIiDANT FABRIC FINISH (BIG-TOP W'EIGHT INCREASE: l'l-hME TEST SERIES TEST REQUIRIiIMENTS FIRE RESISTANCE -I ItsT lv{E'tilOD: The weight increase of tne r"i'::.rrt:d fabric shallnot be more than fifty pelc9-nt(5oTo)gte"+'erthanti'tt<'lftheunIinishe.dfabric.',.. BREAKING !:rRENCTIr. The breaking strength .t lhr: ii-e;ted fabr'ic shall be virtually unchanged frorrr that of the ur,fin:sirc.o 'l;r i'.. Ac c E L E R A IE-P-_ry-q-4-l-L1 s j!i!f !- The percerrtage io:s in break.lrl strerrgth of the finished fabric after accelerated weatirerrng, .f.:r1l rrr.rt be greater than that of the unfiniahed fabric similarly w,earhe r ed. t \e iinished fabric after weathering shall rneet the requi rernent.: lr, r ii ri- rr.:si stance as specified in the fire re. sistant te st method bclc,w: The finished fabric in its orrgi,ral state, after accelerated weathering, and after water extraction, -<hal) he testcrl in accordance with the follow- ing procedur e: TEST SPECIIT{ENS: Z-17!";T-U 2" lwarp-t..l5r'1. AIter c,ir,ditioning, shall be auepended ye,ttigally with their lovler tnil 1/4't above the top of a 3/8.1 I. D. . -.ri v,.- !. >-\*.l, Bunsen Burneri rvith the ,ri r s'rpplv slrr.rt ofl and adjusted to give a lum- inous {larne 1-llZ" long" The flarrre shall be applied vertically to eech specimen for 12 seconrls - wi thclt,r,.vn . -tntl a duration of flaming aftcr withdrawal, notecl,, The, ar,,rrage lengtli r-r i char (Ior the standard teet fabric) shall nc-rt ex< r:eci t- 1, I ,l' . f ne rn lxinrurn shalI not exceed 6'r. Flarning shall not exc e'r'd I st.r<,,nd' rvraxirnrtrn. Afterr glow shall not exceed 20 seconds n1<ixiruur'r. FLAME RE IARD,AN(',I;] , H"" b; ^pp;.;;;t ,;i ,.,',,,'. and New York City [',t,a rr] ut ii' Ii,i- (-.,, ii, rrrr;r Fire Marshall, #F-lZl.. .,:.rl.rrds ;rrrri Appe.rl;, #"374-65-S. M. BEST COPY . AVAILABLE Wxff (r. December 17, 1980 Jack D. Fritzlen Box B Vail, Co]orado 81657 Town of VailAttn: Town Manager Vai'l , Colorado 81657 Gentl emen: This letter is to confirm my request on December l6th to the town council that the plastic be]'1, the loudspeakers and all night lighting of the FI! Tower Bui'lding be reviewed for compliance with design review a;F;vemnA6t-appropriate action be taken- S i ncerely' D. Fritzlen ^-. .-. HITCH NTERPRISES,INC. 2't4-744-5,51113OO BFIYAN TOWEFI * DALLAS, TEXAS 75?01 * Mr. James A. Rubin Zoning Administrator Town of Vail Box 100 Vaj.1, Colorado 81657 Dear Jim: The purpose of this tetter is to set fort\y' in writing our respective agreements concerning the pJ-antprs around the Bell Tower Building. My understanding is'as follo\,\ts: 1. The Bell Tower Building is responsible forplanting trees, shrubs and flowers in the south pJ-anters, which are on town property' the plaza planters, which are on our property, the planter ajoining the north stairs, which is on both our property and to\^tn property, and the north planters, which again straddle our respective property lines. We will notplant any thing in the planter in the middle of the ne$t stairs, nor on the north side of the stairs. 2. The Town of Vail will maintain all planters incluiing our planters on the plaza. Maintain- ing these planters shall include all watering maintenance and planting of flowers in future years. If this correctly set forth our agreement, please sign the enclosed copy in the space provided be1ow. I appreciate your continued cooperation and look forward to our years to- gether in Vail. Yours very truly' Hitch Enterprises, for Inc. JAMES A. RUBIN Zoning Adminj-strator July 8, 1980 THE HITCH FAMILY AOFTIBUAINEClB COMFANTEEI EISK MANAoEMENT MASTER COMMOOITIES, INC. NATIONAL WESTERN MANAGEMENT, INC. WESTERN TRIO CATTLE COMPANY CATTLE BUYING' FIVE FLAGS CATTI.E CO,, INC. NO MAN'S LANO CATTLE CO. H.W H CATTLE CO., INC. CATTLE FEEC'INCI BEEF FACKINGI FAFIMINO HENRY C HITCH FEEDLOT, lNC. EOOKEn CUSTOI\,! PACKING COMPANY, lNC. HITCH FAnMS, |r{C. MASTER FEEOERS, INC. CLOVIS PACKING COMPANY, INC. MASTER LAND CO., LTO. MAST€R FEEOERS II- INC. MASIEN GRAII{ CO. 'j'l.l at Project Application Pro.iect Name: t\ Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Dale i( ,it DISAPPROVAL .l ()i ,,' //t Chief Building Oflicial Date: {.,IST OF MATIEUAL' Ucl L C. av is reqilired for submittal bY before a final approval can Tvne of Material Color NAME OF PROJECT LEGAL DESCRIPTI DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The following informationto the Design Review Board A. ) BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WalI Materials Fascla Soffits Ilindows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Chimneys Trash Ensl-osures Greenhouses Other a a a B.) PLANT MATERIALS(Vegetative,^Landscaping Materials including Trees, Shrubs,and Ground Cover) Botanical Name Conrnon i\ame Quantitv Size W FILING the Applicant be given. o K ASMIR. WILLINGHAM & KRAGE ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW I30O BRYAN TOWER DALLAS,TEXAS 752OI 2t4 /744 -55 .. May 21 , 1980 AMARILLO OFFICE SUrTE 3c)1 COM MERCE EIUILOING aMARtLLO,.lEXAS 79tOl 4OA/374-a6tl ALAN H. COOPER KATH ERIN E C. HALL STEWART E- HOGE CYRIL OAVIO KAS M IR tsEN L. KRAGE PATRICIA HOON TANSEY HEREIERT H. THOMAS JO HN J- WHEIR CLARK S. WILLINGHAM DAVTD€. WtNN OF COUN9EL DEAN CARLTON J. SCOTT MORRIS Mr. James A. Rubin Zoning Administrator Town of Vail Box I00Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Ji-m: Thank you for your letter of May 16th and your assistance in resolving the parking assessment for the Bell Tower Building. I still contend that legally the only fee that should be assessed my project is at the rate of $1,000 per parking space since that was the official rate on June 4, L979. Your proposed compromise, however, is acceptable as I have neither the time nor inclination to fight a battle of principal for 99,000. I hereby accept your fee of $15,000 and your installment plan. A $6,000 check is enclosed. Please have the Town Attorney forward the installment agreement. I understand from your letter that I will owe $3,000 in June of 1981 , L982 and 1983 with no interest charged. Thanks again for your personal time and effort in this matter, Jim. Yours very trulY t Clark S. willingham For Hitch EnterPrises, Inc. CSW,/c jc Enclosure luwn n department of community development lltl box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476'5613 May 16, 1980 Clark S. Willingham Hitch Enterprises Inc. Box 1308 Guymon, Oklahoma 73942 Re: Revised Parking Assessment for the Be1I Tower Expansion Dear Clark: On Tuesday, MaY 6th, the Town Council reconsidered the $51000 parking fee pei'space and decided to lower it to $31000, payable over a-five year period. After this decision, the Torvn Attorney and myself decided that we would use the lower amount in a recaleulation of what you need to pay into the parking fund. I also discovered a mistake that had been made in the original calculations, in which the storage addition to the Lancelot Bestaurant was incorrectly.incJ-uded in figuring the parking* requj.rement for the expansion. The net result is that the numbe. of spaces which you are deficient has been reduced from six to five. The new parking assessment, therefore, becomes $15IOOQ (5 spaces X 3 pe" sp"cL). r[is is a 50% reduction from what was initially required, and we hope that you find it acceptable. ff you desire to pay it'in installments, we would like $6'000 at ifr:.s time, since the fee was originally supposed to be paj-d at the time that your building permit was issued, which rvas June 4, Lg7g. The remaining $9,OOO would then be paid in three future installments at the beginning of June of 1981 ' L982, and l-983. If you choose the installment plan (for which no interest will be charged), the Town Attorney will be sending an agreement to you for you to sign. I hope that this change meets with your approval. I would appreciate a prompt response on your part and will be forced t-o- pursue other courses of action if no payment is received by June lst. Clark S. WilllQam--Bell Tower 5-16-80--fage Two. As far as the addition itself, it really looks great and has vastly improved the general appearance of that part of Town. Your assistance in the redesign and reconstructionof the Creeksi.de Stairs is also greatly appreciated. I look forward to later this summer when, hopefully' a1l the work wllL be compLeted there Please 1et me know if you have any questions or problens. Sincerely, (h,.,!oA.W^ Jafles A. Rubin Zoning Administrator / /', I ( /." Project Application Prolect Description:/aupscft?a Ck+lG€5 Project Name: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone: 7..|^in^ A^hr^v6.1. 6i 'v*t Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL--------r- Summary: Chiel Building Official Ja A',. . J*!^*r;.r, tuwtt m v&t box 1O0 vail, colorado 81657 " {303} 476"5613 December 3' L979 Clark S. Willingham Attorney at taw' Kasmir, Willingham & Krage 1300 Bryan Tower Dallas, Texas 752Q1 department of community clevelopment Dear Clark: .In the continuing saga of t-he Parking Assessment for the Bell Tower Building, the Tor.rn Council passed_a ResoluLion on November 6, LgTg (copy enclosed) which officially re- adopted the fee at $5'000 per space. At the meeting on November 6, L979, I discussed with the Council the possibilityofincludinq the Schober Building and cyranno's in the second part of section 3 of Resofution No, 2i. Thj-s would have included Lhe Schober Suilding and Cyranno's in any new policies regarding the parking fee as p-art of the VaiI Villige Urban Design Plan presently being ?ormulated. The Councit t.ft that this section, at the pi""""t time, should only specifically include the two smarrer bxpansions in Lio'shead, Currents Jewelry and This Wicked i'iest' Itcould,however,bepossiblewhentheVailVillageUrban Design pian is presentia to the council, which will be sametime in Uirch or april of 1980, to treat the Schober and Cyrarrno's-xpansions i-n the same manner as any new policies adophed' This woul-d be decided when the final plan is formulated and approved. Craig Snorvdon is assisting the formulation of this plan' -T!9next meeting on t.he Vail vitl.g. PIan is on December L2t I9i9 at 4:00 P.M, at Pepi's. If you are in Town at this time' I think you rvould fiiO ttris m.Lting very worthwhile' r will Ta'?i. Clark Willi"ngham 12-3-7 9 Page Two continue to let you knor'r when the meetings are' and I would be more than happy to spend some tine vrith you when you are in Town to keep you updated. As far as the assessment itseJ.f, it does remain at $30r000 per the letter datecl october 16, L979. I would appreciate it being paid by December 11 ' L979. S j-ncerely, n,clfr?( iJ*.^-? fir ['ta"-l*'1-- l/James A. Rubin Senior Planner Enclosures cc: Craig Snowdon iil:l-lJIlj]'iu'] l'lo. 25 Scrir,-s of .19/9 A I.lii$OIIJ'I'.1O]{ Of 'Ilil'l '.lf,l,,'/i{ (ntrl'l(llL l)L'L'l ING Tittt PNiK]NG ll.lri PI()v.l.DLlD "lN tll'xl]'lcl.l 18.52.160 (2) (B) A'r' {;5,000.00;,ifrl'lD SHI'I'OC lQl {111 Db'lhl LS I+ILI\Tll'lG 11 i lrlltlfl0. trriJILRLlAS, the Tbwn Council is of tllc opj:rion that the c'trst for tir: pla:ning, desigin. cclr)struction ancl nrajltcinance of park i:rg spaces j,s appro<j.nrltely $5, 000. 00 ; and tr',{IEREAS, tJrc parking fee s}rould bc set at $5,000.00. NCI/'I, TIIFIREFORE, BE It RESOLVID BY IIIE TOI'N COLNCIL OF 'ruE TC[^I}I OF VAIL, COI.ORADo, IHAT: Section L The parking fee Lo be paid by an applicart for a parkiJlg variance or c/v\irler of properly located withil any area exenpLed from onsite parkhg and/or loading reguirenents strall be $51000.00 per space, except as set forth in (2) belour: o Sectj-on 2. Dq>ansions th,at requjre less than one full parking spa.ce shatl be charged on a pro rated basis, based on the percentage of that parking qpace required but il no event sha11 said fee be less than 51,000.00. A11 larger o'pansions shall be ctrarged accordirrg to Section 18-52.110 Parkirrg Schedufe Applicability. Section 3. The Current Jewelry and this l{icked I'bst ex;xnsiorrs, previously approvd bV the Planning and ffrvironnental Connission, sha11 be charged at tlie revised rate as established in Secticrr 2. These exlnnsions shall also be included under arry nevr policies regarding tJre parking fee as part of the Lionshead Urban Design P1an. ]NTRODUCD, RL'AD, APPRC\,D, Al'lD ADOPID, this 6th day of Novenl:er, 1979. A'|ITISI: '1\:,rrr C I r:r:)< a Project Application ,^r" l/-/77? { ! i Proiect Name: Prorect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone:4zo - A;c / Legal Description: Lot Block Zone: Motion by: I Design Review Board o^," lf- fi-77 DISAPPROVAL 'd L'' Pro,ect Name: Project Application t Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: ^ .-J- zon"((J-Filing Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Stafl Approval o o e. I->> ; €i tl L -l- a t\SN5-s6 S\. t-5'5:5 fs\ <).= ='.= _c. \3€ -r> .TF- 0 s.o -+5F {Er' <) -S5S ,tr.3s$(\ 2.C ++ =€>6 2,= s1i --Ya-n :s E-+--\y '-..'o/q< N->E-**<5 f,-',rtirt $ll. l 1 ry q: d :,;< ' \,.r lr.-,r \er s'slsqs- rrg J tf 15 :s4>s f: o l\r A Fee Paid [l- n- \,oD9 Name of Project Name of Person Subrnitting . Location of Project Description of project t\n r \\l The fo'l lorving infomat'ion is required fort0 the Des'i gn Re'rjerv BoarC beicre a final Sign subnitial fee is 520.00. -. ^.. i6F|l ?^l??^.1)Ibrr ArrLlLAl lUrl r^-r r-rrinn itcbei,rP/ | lr-ee'-" fs'i-: Phone hr-t w- s'iq) subnittal bY the aPPlicent apprcval can be givel- A. Sign l'laterial B. Description of Sign C. Size of Sign bar = :S r{' Lengih ot tlAT:RIALS SUEIiITTED lrlTh- APpLICATIOiI 1. Site Plan,. Drar'ri ngs sE6iiig-ex3ct I oca'.i on 3: Firotoqieplts sho''-ring Prop'rssC'locEffi--3. Ph0t09r3'plls 5no'itlri9 PI ( 4. Ac*al sign --5. Colored Scale oral'ltng - 6. PhotcgraPh of sign AOntntsErator APproved for ORB Subnitirl Disapproved for t)RE Subn'i tt:l - ..:., (i^. fi$r"'' lqrl4r'.UF?-rrfl - r: i4':51tl:f,ri'Fr{5c'r|I=i[.'& ' '1 ,I Proiect Name: Project Dercription: --j Contact Petson and Phone *+ _ .:.,r::.rl 'lc r'!- .i r'-!r}L Prolecl Appllcatlon Oate Owner, Addre$ and Phon6: Architect, Address and Phone: L€salD€scriptl on ro, &j-l*fiffi(h Ql'l ' , rr,nn Zone - Commont3: Design Review Board Dale DISAPPROVAL Summary: ll'n*" /ol?q I lV t-,1ili1:-T-- I i I I '- -i" '-+ I o t ,. 1I"'') ' 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 April 17, 1984 offlce of communlly developmenl TO: SIGN APPLICANTS FR0M: Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz, planners RE: Sign Application Requirements When applicatjons for signs are submitted, the fo] lowing informationis required: l. Site plan showing exagt location where the sign is to be located. 2. Photograph or draw'ing showing the building and where sign is to be located. 3. Exact design of sign (one or more of the following) (a) scale drawing or rendering (must be colored exactly as sign will be) (b) the sign itself is made (c) photograph if sign is made FEE: A $20.00 applicat'ion fee wi'11 be required at time of applicat.ion. Appl i cat'i on Fee Paid SIGN APPLICATION Name of Name of Locati on Da te Project__dLal:__ subm'itta'l by the appl icantapproval can be given. Descriptjon of project The.following r'nformation is requ.i red forto the Design Review Board before a fina.l5lgn submittaI fee is $20.00. A. Sign Material \ c.Size of Si gn B. Description of Sign 2. Drawings stowlig-Exact locationq. Photographs showing proposed locEIT6i-4. Actual siqn5. Colored sialE-d'FEwinE-6. Photograph of sign MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION l. Site Plan Approved for DRB Submittal D'isapproved for DRB Submittil- Sign Administrator Project Application lv Date - T>,Proigct Name: Proiect Description: Owner Addr€ss and Phone: Architect Addr€ss and Phone: ov<,L-rez Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone:. Zoning Approved: Deslgn Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL - ,i.di&{ / OF / (a 7' /ta&, Administrator Chief Building Olficial i r L rmber lldt$rrrt Matt Alvarez P.O. Box 1148 Park C ty. Utah 84060 (g01)649.9712 |Sn.ry"'5 rd VL tii(tc. Ui,,jh it40l0 i801t649.86/4 | ---l \!r\.\ :)., oo Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drlve P. O. Box 1998 Vail, Colorado &3 479-2?01 81657 Kent Rose Public Works DirectorYai1, Colorado 8165?Ytay 26, t979 Dear Kent, I am following up on our conversation Thursday, May 17, 1979 between ourselves and Dick Ryan about the Schober Buildingplanters on Gore Creek Drive and the l,ancelot Inn canopy. The new owner, Hitch Enterprises, requests a "Revokable Rightof Vlay" per:uit to enlarge the existing pJ-anters on Gore CreekDrive and to enlarge the new L,,ancelot Inn carropy. The canopy has been approved by the Design Review Board, and enlargingthe canopy would remove a support from the path of pedestrian f1ow. I have enclosed a site plan showing the Schober Building L',otline and the planters and canopy. If you need additionalinformation, please, call . Thank you very much. Sincerel.y, funalclwl,s Pamela Hopkins enc]. . Automotive & lndudriol Producb Compony Phone A/C 9t5 362-4351 Eost Loop 338 & l.S. 20 Odesso, Fexos 797 62 P. O. Box 651 3 /'\' //)tlk, /k /o"/o1 1n+ cv&r' ^ //C/E /ayt )/o ,pro[/*71,,s, 7././11 |p/t ';/. r7 il z ug iln ?t/: ,,.bo,',,./y4l /'// il( slt(,'/ anw/ //bp, ', . /, ('7ry1, /o"o b/ incpas. //, ton*lil,rror/, // r'o '4, l/n0r //e -zltu? - /y' ,r,"o'nt*€{ sr:.t'r 4 ,'/r::l 4 exleZ-/ ./e CtzTtoVT a ,?azp/e Tzta€ €rr/ Qs //tetw 47ur5y'. F Yp,,'rr wy'a//r 1p//,r::,( t /orwJk tn*// i i' ^tt ,,/ ;q -r7r / v: k rss, Y/ * './/-;ii /), ''n-- ,4r( € fu r, i/ /- "{rffi{: t* / ? box I lXl Yail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 department of community development lhy 11, Scbolcer Building Bq,r 1998 Vail, @ 81-657 Re: Rrlclic/?rivate Joilt Venture Progran a.\ Dear Slr: ( U'a-4, lt ut I am sorry to inforrn you that yor project has not been approved as part of the Rrblic/Private Joirt Venture Program for J- 979. the Town Ccluncll has decided that your project should not be fiurded due to their feeling that the landscaping program as presented was intended to be part of the approval of the Schober Building Additicn. the Torm wculd still appreciate rcrking with ycu cn the redesign of the Creekside sbairs. I rculd like to thank you for applying and hope you har'e a eood sttllnEr. Sincerely, WfuW!^-Jarres A. h:bin Zoning Adnbistrator JAR:caj rg79 Project Application on" 5l klz s Project Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zoning Approved: Design Review Board s /re /+s Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: ?n'uwzrntKl, Feh{ #r31. fiH*S :l'l I) 't ti U .J(fN tp -L \dJ-? '-N<\'N/rp,rl" 1 Q==x<'v j ,(J \,4usQr) Project Application o^. {-/6* f ? Proiect Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Archit€ct Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zone: Filing Zoning Approved: Design Review Board DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL - Motionby: / /l ( Seconded by: ......- fuL Flil i\ L Fi r' P t : il u) r-i l--- Chief Building Ofticial o department of community development Aprl1 13, L979 Craig Snowdon Architect Box 1998 Va11, Colorado 81557 Dear Mr. Snowdon: Enclosed is a copy of the Minutes from the Planning & Environmental Commisslon meeting of April 10, L979' As you are attare ' your request for a Conditional Use Permlt for the Schober Bul1d1-ng was approved unanimously by the Commission. However, as vith yout f i.rst proposal, there is a ten (10) day appeals perlod for anyone who ls in opposltion to the Cournisslonrs declslon. ENC tnwn u l|ill box 100 Yail, colorado 81657 1303) 476-5613 re tary _fr- o 0t ams 0asth 8r hammer, Ilnc.Tefephone: 303 | 476-5626 P. O. BOX 506 vAil., cotoRADo 81657 Pepi Gromshommer Sheiko Gromrhommer 4/9/79 THE VAIL PLANNING COMMISSION vAIL, COLO 81657 GENTLEMEN: I AM WRITING TO EXPRESS MY CONCERN OVER THE REOUEST TO BUILD AN ADDITION ONTO THE NORTH SIDE OF THE SCHOBER BUILDING. FIRST OF ALL, I FEEL IT WOULD DETRACT FROM THE BAVARIAN STYLE OF ARCHITECTURE OF THIS BUILDING SINCE ONE SIDE OF THE ROOF WOULD BE MUCH LONGER. ALSO, IT WILL ELIMINATE MUCH OF THE VIEW FROM THE FOUNTAIN AREA LOOKING TOWARDS THE CREEK BETWEEN THE SCHOBER AND CREEKSIDE BUILDINGS. THE IMPACT THAT A BIGGER BUILDING WOULD HAVE IN THE CORE AREA IS UNACCEPTABLE. THERE IS NO PARKING OR LOADING ZONE AREAS FOR THIS BUILDING NOW AND IT WILL BE EVEN UIORSE IF AN ADDITION IS BUILT. THERE WOULD BE NO SPACE TO LANDSCAPE AROUND THIS BUILDING AS ALL OF THE GROUND WOULD BE TAKEN UP BY THE BUILDING ITSELF. IT IS INTERESTING THAT THIS GROUP OF PEOPLE WHO ARE REOUESTING THE ADDITION PROMISE TO LANDSCAPE AND KEEP THE AREA LOOKING NICE AND YET THE AREA AROUND THE PRESENT BUILDING IS NOT KEPT UP AS IT IS. IT SEEMS TO ME THAT OWNERS SHOULD MAINTAIN THE BUILDINGS THEY HAVE INSTEAD OF REOUESTING BUILDING PERMITS TO IMPROVE THE DETERIORATED STRUCTURE. I WOULD HOPE THAT THIS WOULD NOT BE A REASON FOR APPROVING THE AUILDING REOUEST. FINALLY, I WOULD LIKE TO ASK THE PLANNING COMMISSION THIS: IF THIS ADDITION IS APPROVED' IITIOULD THIS ENTITLE EVERY LAND OWNER IN TOWN TO BUILD ON EVERY SOUARE INCH OF PROPERTY THEY OWN? I STRONGLY FEEL THAT THE CORE AREA OF TOWN SHOULD NOT BE BUILT UP ANYMORE THAN IT ALREADY IS AND URGE YOU NOT TO APPROVE THIS REOUEST. I HOPE THIS LETTER HELPS YOU TO UNDERSTAND MY CONCERN OVER THIS IMPORTANT I4ATTER AND I WANT TO THANK YOU FOR ALLOIIVING ME TO EXPRESS MY OPINION ON THIS SUBJECT. S I NCERELY .(1>d, at /'# t--..?t-------.-..-.ra .av...,*+------a pepr cRAptsHAMMER, PRESIDENT GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER INC. PGlSS -- ?uli;t k ' Leatl I + lg(,9 + 4?,0 **h1.0 -l +l + +l +( t +L +Q +4 h,J*a - --|fr-ffif : l,,ril n tl---ll -- rA | ------ ll - --- wailc_ li_ _[il;tiv,,l A,vu _ jl ilwqo- - --ll - l- : :-iV,{oich,tnal? 1l - - / .a'i! hnndn li it. fii qfl,">w ti . ll ;f,nJtrraint,,^nr . lAild 4 il- huw l, - - tt |Lsuloui,nilnt^' lapl r? li li gluuo , ]i- V?rJ-** i tuthrootn,ll 4lqp,v 6,l!tll rl il Ii 1i :i '1tfr,0 t-/ ,41?,.b //., q4,0 ,l0C.b t(e0h.0 t/ +4EA ab.a 4410 L" 001,0 - u il I il ti\'-'rolfr*o Project Application 4 Projeci Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Filing 4-za - d4o Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board .-! . / "t -,t/ir / ^' // DISAPPROVAL Summary: Chief Building Off icial : ;i;/,:15$' - Proiect Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: P?-r,-g,:;t+ Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: Fb,'n, ft e ld Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL gn n 'n /t r' b( "'Q t fa/JAo/, O V, nouol ooJ "tur+:lSum mary:lt, 1778 Zoning Administrator Chief Building Of f icial 1 .-o MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into 1L1r llth day of 0.to!9"_, lg7 6, by and between the ToWN oF VAIL, a Colorado nunicipal corporation, referred to herein as flTownfr and Slifer and Cnmpany , feferred to herein as ttApplicantrr, WI TNESSETH : WHEREAS, the Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Vail imposes requirements pertaining to off-street parking and loading of vehicles within the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, the said Zoni,ng Ordinance for the Town of Vai1, as the provisions of same apply to the property of the Applicant, for which certain building or developnent work is contenplated requires the Applicant to provide off-street parking spaces; and WHEREAS, Section 14.400 pernits the Town Council. to authorize off-site location of the required parking spaces and faciliti.es; and WHEREAS, in accordanee with the application that is the subject of this agreenent and the statements and agreenents of the Applicant, the Town Council has determined that the off- site location of the required parking facilities within the parking structure owned, rnaintained and operated by the Town will fulfil1 the pulposes of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town, will be useable, convenient, and wi. 11 not cause traffic congestion or unsightly concentration of parked cars; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has directed that this Memorandun be fully executed by the parties to ensure conpliance with the Ordinance of the Town; and WHEREAS, the Applicant has agreed to comply with the requirenent of providing parking spaces by purchasing I spacey in a parking structure, constructed by the Town, and to pay the actual prorated cost of such parking spaces; NOW, THEREFORE, it is rnutually agreed between the Town and the Applicant as folLows: 1.. The Applicant agrees to pay to the Town the actual cost for constructing I parking space/ within the parking structure developed by the Town. In any event, the cost per parking space sha11 not exceed $3,S00.00. 2. The Applicant shall have the option to pay the anount as conputed in accordance with the provisions of paragraph I above as fol. lows : a. The entire anount in cash at the tirne of obtain- ing a building permit for any construction or addition in accordance with the Vail Zoning Ordinance; or b. 25% of the entire cost, as calculated herein, with the balance payable over a period of g years in equal annual installnents with g% per annun interest, accruing on the unpaid balance. Within such an installment arrangement the Applicant woul.d have the right at any tine to pay the entire unpaid balance wirhout penalty, by rnerely paying the accrued interest on the unpaid balance. 5. It is understood between the Town and the Appticant that by paying for a parking space within the parking structure, the Applicant shall not acquire any right to use any particular parking space within the parking structure. 4- Any funds derived by the Town in accordance with this agreenent shall be applied to the reduction of debt for the parking structure referred to herein. 5. It is agreed by the Applicant that the oblilation created hereunder sha.1 I becorne a lien against the real estate which is described in the a.ttached Exhibit A, which is incorporated -2- herein bi reference. The obligation herein created shall continue as such a lien against the described real estate until the entire obligation is ful1y discharged by the Applicant. 6. This agreenent shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their heirs, successors and assigns. ATTEST: ATTEST: TOI|N OF VAIL -5- o o DESIGN REVIUW BOARD ACTION DATE OF MEETING: MEMBERS PRESENT: SUBJECT: APPROVED: DISAPPIIOVED: SECONDED BY: U ,/J AGAINST: 'lu ( j"/ AI]STENTION: SUIII\IARY: oo Rovston Hairamoto Beck & Abey Associates: 225 Miller Avenue Harold N. Kobayashi ASLA Mill Valley Robert T. Batlerton ASLA California 94941 George W Girvin ASLA 4t5 383-7900 Robert S. Sena ASLA July 26, 1976 Mr. James F. Lamont, Director Department of Cormunity Planning Town of VaiIP.0. Box 100 Vai I , Col orado 81657 RE: Shober Building, Design Review Dear Jim: 0n July 27, 1976, a meeting was held with Dick Bailey, Ted Kendall, Ron 51 ifer, Diana Toughill, and you, to review the proposed changes to the Shober Building. My conrnents were as follows: 1. The small addition to the lowest level on the northeast corner is acceptable. The design of the stairway and railings on the roof of the addition was not well shown but is not a difficult design problem. 2. The cormercial addition on the south side of the building is acceptable and would comect several current unsightly con-ditions. The building wall meets the property 1ine. The development should include a plant bed space within the street right-of-way encompassing the large existing tree and extending for approximately half the building face. The plant bed should be similar in appearance and con- struction to the planters at Pepi's. The exterior stairway at the southwest corner of the building was not thoroughly shown or solved. An elevation from the west is requested and further design is needed. 3. The proposed addition on the east side of the building facing the Gore Creek Plaza is not acceptab'le and in my opinion would be detrimental visually to both the appearance of the building and to the quality of the Plaza. All current land- scaping on the east side of the building lot would be re- moved. tandscape Architects: Land Planning Urban Design hrk Planning Environmental Planning Principals: Robert Royston FASLA Asa Hanamoto ASLA Eldon B€ck ASLA Kazuo Abey ASLA I-ouis G. Alley AIA Rtricia Carlisle ASLA Mr. James F. Lamont -2-July 26, L976 This east elevation of the building is one of the best examples of Alpine architecture in Vail. The proposed addition wou'ld significantly alter this elevation. The loss of landscape would also be detrimental to the building's appearance. It is possible to improve store access and window visibility per my sketch drawn in the meeti ng. The fountain in the Gore Creek Plaza is close to the Shober Building and the scale and appearance of the Plaza would be affected detrimentally by the proposed change in sca'l e of the building and loss of planting. For these reasons, I cannot recommend approval of this particular portion of the project. a. b. c. Si nc Y', a4t@narv fte Mr. Terrell J. Minger Mr. Bill Ruoff Mr. John Dobson Ms. Diana Toughill Jvly 26, 7976 Mr. James F. Lamont, Director Department of Community Planning Town of Vail P. 0. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Shober Building, Design Review Dear Jim: 0n July 2I, !976, a meeting was held with Dick Bailey, Ted Kendall, Ron Slifer, Diana Toughill, and you, to review the proposed changes to the Shober Building. My comments were as follows: 1. The small addition to the lowest level on the northeast corner is acceptable. The design of the stairway and railings on the roof of the addition was not well shown but is not a difficult design problem. 2. The commercial add'ition on the south side of the building is acceptable and would correct several current unsightly con- ditions. The building wall meets the property line. The development shou'ld include a plant bed space within the street right-of-way encompassing the large existing tree and extending for approximate'ly half the building face. The plant bed should be simi'l ar in appearance and con- struction to the p'lanters at Pepi's. The exterior stairway at the southwest corner of the building was not thoroughly shown or solved. An elevation from the west is requested and further design js needed. 3. The proposed addition on the east side of the building facing the Gore Creek Plaza is not acceptable and in my op'i nion would be detrimental visually to both the appearance of the building and to the quality of the Plaza. 411 current land- scaping on the east side of the bui'lding lot would be re- roved. Royston Ha.iramoto Beck & Abey Associates: 225 Miller Avenue Harold N. Koba.vashi ASLA Mill Valley Roben T. Baatenon ASLA Llalifornia 94941 Ccorgc W. Girli,r ASLA 4i5 i33t?00 Rob€rt S. Sena ASLA landscape Architects: land Planning Urban Design irark Planniag Environmental Planning Principals: Roben Royston FASLA Asa Hananroro ASLA Eldln Delk A3; Kazuo Abey ASLA touis G. Alley AIA htricia Carlisle ASLA a/o -2-July 26, 1976Mr. James F.Lamont For these reasons, of the project. Si ncgrefly, RoYST0N, HANAMoTo, a. This east e'levation of the building is one of the best examples of Alpine architeciure in Vaii. The proposed addition would significantly alter this elevation. The loss of landscape would also be detrimental to the building's appearance. It is possible to improve store cess and window visibility per my sketch drawn in the meeti ng. The fountain in the Gore Creek P'laza is close to the Shober Building and the scale and appearance of the Plaza wou'ld be affected detrimentally by the proposed change in scale of the build'ing and loss of planting. b. c. I cannot recommend approval of this particular portion ABEY ,v cc: Mr. Terre'l I J. Minger Mr. Bil'l Ruoff Mr. John Dobson -/ Ms. Diana Toughill y' o APPL rcAil ll.i3: vARr Ar.rcE COND IT IONAL U5E PERMIT Ordinance.l'lo. S lSeries of 1975) ., I Applica+ion oate apacir s, tgze Publication ,"r. 4/9//Q Hearins o"r.4aJ lir/l7C . ,earins ,." QODI ' F1161 Decision date {or Town Counci I | (re)Bo:< 1248(Applicant) Colorado (Address) Phone 476-242Ivail(5tate)(C i ty ) do hereby requesf permission to appear before the Vai I Planning Comnission to request the following: ( ( (x ( Variance from Article - ,Section toZon ing Change f rom Parking'Variance Conditional Use Permi i to allow i n @nrercial Core f ' zone . For the {ollowing described properfy: Lot/tract A , Block 5-B Fi t ing Nurnber vail ViIIaqe First Filing (ccn[)let€ legal descriPtion attachedl) c|ear|ystatePurposeandintentofthiSapp|ica+io0- The a!:plicant is requestjrg relief frcrn tlE Parking reguirenent arising flon the resulf of a proposed additiqr to the Sctrcber Suilding. The proposed addition will prorride adttiticnal grrade leve1 ccnnercial space. In addition, it will visually inprove tJre facade o€ subjecL prcperty' partj-cnl-arly tl€ elevation frontiJ|g- cn @,re creek Drive. An effort i-s being nade b!' tlE PrcrPerEy o"ner to generally r:pgrade the property and nake it flore ccnrpatible vr"ith t]E lEdestrian charactex of Gore Cree]< D.rive, and Gore Creek Plaza- Wtrat Oo you {eel is the basis.tor hardship in this case?- Lile nost prcperties i.rt tJre ViJ.lage @re' no on-site parkiJtq vras required a! fie tijrE tlF S"tpl"r Building was constnrcted nor is there any provision for on-site parkilq. For the toun oi VaiI to require csFsj-te parking r^)ould create a situation iatfr oriicft the al4)licant i:ould not corpfy aue to ttre ptrysical constrajnts of tlte site. Suctr a requiranent r,ould fi:rtlrer be inccrrpatiblE with the pedestrian character of tftis area r,{hic}t botfi the alPlicant a4d t}E Iblrn r,i,"ish to Preserve' lr,' W I Ii,iPROVEI'IENT LOCATION SURVEY APARTOFTRACTAIBLOCKS-B'VAILVILLAGEFIRSTFILING t!lr..eonl-or .!.tGMllt I ! s rgo rr'oo" A r". eo' or oo s zg"rz'oo'w zc.oo' L:29.51 n too45'OO'W tz.?t' s rgorz'oo"w c.oo' $r':iriE ClEt':i{ Di{iv!L: 'l '?3' l. t :c...491 i. l:.iriluliD, SEIi{C A id Hrrriv c[qiiFY TIIAT A sl,iaJlY vLtL VILL',!! FIqSI FILI':3' Tl': TCULAR DESCR;:I] AS F:]'-LC'JS: coi:i.lr:tcil{G Ar rtlt lolTr-ir5!I-:1-;:l :: :::? T::!j":'.T:::?;,1t,?'"]l.o?.t;nll:t'nCijiii'L:iLt 1'-. Fr rr'c '., S.95",l5'51.,E. i25.ia FiiT:iri'ldnii-Ll;l= Ci s'.r: ;r.q;; q_tl1-1:_i5tT:^T:rl ,'i!.,r ? :., F,,r rn r:,c rc.ir FTili ;.'Jkl5 Lr i- Jr r.!J ,-.":_:_:,."1:.i-i'i,rier,;4.,i. :.rf FE:T Tn T:{E LrL:_i:I_TUE'iCi Il.73.l7, -r.3"6. tr3.al F:ei', Ivr:'LL ).1]^lj.;;- rcri rn r rrrr.,r n.,TqEllC[ I1.73"17' --r0"E. hJ.(l i'i:ci; Ir1:..LE ).rJ -J '] qr*ji9rylS;"Tli;tii,lri:i)yi:c'1i.:i-i,i l:;lli? ,!f i,llr'!!ir'!rlri'ii.,"'0f tLijj.:iill'lu; lilc't:E L -n,,- rr r,,e c.r^ cnrtTu I I':Ei!:-iliiitrLl'oi ia:: rrACT.4;'ir-ttrcr._l.ri'171]^.ir,'.r,"i.;',i.t;l:-i-iir.-ii'i!:ul'ii!t'i;'^'ioiii"i'i!*rituiii'i"'rii:r l:-:i.,i:i'"':1.:?.15.i];'.:t;;.:;,:l:'iiill i'iuli ?ti"iili ;i;"ruc'; ii ii':-:iiil^1::tji:.4^::iI:L-l::!::F':3;;i;l:',ii;l'i lni!il;'.i''irl.ii'irli',"i*i',ii;i.!c;1i't3?-:r.9,,?"f::l;,1";i="::;;i1';i;;:tjSr^ritil'iril,"l"N'1;.;::ri'rr.'ii.zi iiii:_1.i::ii5 i*t::i':l';;.:=,i; iiiii ",:'::4.03 t-LLt: i:.L,rLc ft.r(, -J '-- ii F:$ Tn Trt: Ij{_!_iIjI_:fil'"io;;3;ct;'{- ii-ct r15:; TH::icE s-7e'i7'13"" 41' lIS ISTERED LA'ID I'is,{^l! iY i't op nr,11 , i:fl_5 9EG I:i'i:'i3 ,iffi'lre rl:.jR sr1lY:1'\:1;i:lY 3uIL:l'13 T0 is !-n;a;:r.,i:t:.'"1,,].:-;"i:.";-;.'.= Ti: Lo:.!.TIJ:,i A'iD DI':::istl',rs-ei'iLi-ii;i:lr;!s' I'rptrlq':::jrs' i;'|c:'j:'irs I il ?l'r'::- cF-..:Ay I:l :YI::'ii5 cr r;i.ll::l rl ;ii-r";; - ii;:l;:il';;rs - lr 'r? 3: 'rii: r-?'r':sis r;: ACCU?.r.iELy sri0:rii T0 ;Hi tiir"ir"itv l;:;rll;lsi Ail 3t!IiF. itt i::re:s ":7-=.;- t-ry-!Ia.. p.lt) ;i0 PRCPTRTY C0,r.ilE?S lilE StT ' PUBLIC NOTICE NOTIcE Is HEREBY GIVEN THAT srifer & company, nepresenting the owners of the schrober Building, have applied for a parking variance from the provisions of section .|9.200 of 0rdinance No. g (Series of .|973) in order to add more square footage to the existing retail space and restaurant space in the Schrober Building morespecificallydescribed as: 4 part of Tract A, Block 5-8, Va.il Village Fjrst Filing, Town of Vajl, EagleCounty, Colorado, being more part.i cular described as f6llows: Commencing_at the northwest corner of said tract A, thence N. 6601g,00,,E. alongthe north line of said tract A lll.45 feet; thence s.Bsols,5z,'E. 126.64 teet; ' thence N 79ol 7'00"E 63.4.l feet; thence S .l0043'00"E 7.50 feet to the true pojnt 9f 9gqillinq;^thence continuing along the aforesaid course 97 feet io aJffiffin tnesouth line of said tract A; thence tt. ZgoiT'00',E and a'l ong said south line:S.SOfeet to a point of curvature; thence 29.5.l feet along the iouth line of said tract Aalong the a'c of a curve to the right having a centrit ingre oi 92042'5a;-u;o-u-radius of 622.79 feet; thence N ]0043'00,,1ll." 63.0 feet; tfience S igotZ;OO"U q.OO teet;thence N .|0043'00"W 12.7T feet; thence S 790.|7,00,'14 24.00 feet; thence f,f tOd+i;OO,,W22.00 feet; thence S 79017'00"}'| 4l.00 feet to the true point of-beginning. The proposed add'ition would require approximately four (4) additional parking spaces. I i II I I I I I I l A Public Hearing will be held in accordance 0rdinance No. B Series of 1973 on April 29, 1976 in the Vail Said variance will be heard before the Town of Vail planning findings and recommendations w.ill be transmitted to the Towrr decision. TObIN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF CO}4I'IUNITY OEVELOPMENT with Section 2.I.500 of Municipal Building at 3:00. Comm'i ssi on whose Council for final \ the Vail Trail April 9, 1976 l'IEMOMNIIUM o T0: PLAIINIIIG C0MMISSION FROM: DEPARTME;'IT 0F C0MMUNiTY DEVELOPMENT DATE: APRIL 29, 1976 RE: PARKING VARIANCE - SCH0BER BUILDII{G Slifer & Company, representing the owner of the Schober Building, has re- quested a park'ing variance for four (4) parking spaces in order to allow the addjtion of approximately 735 square feet of retail space and 200 square feet of restaurant space which would add approximately 13 additional seats to the existing Lancelot Restaurant. Consideration of Factors (Section .l9.600) l. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The Schober Build'ing is one of a few buildings in the CCI area which is not built to the absolute maximum allowed under the current zoning ordinance. This building, lfke almost all others'in Commercial Core l, was constructed before the adoption of zoning and therefore, space for parking was not provided when the lots were subdivided and sold. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict orliteral interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the obiectjves of this ordinance without grant of special privilege. The stated purpose of the CCI zone district is: "The Commercial Core I District is intended to provide sites and to maintain the unique charac- ter of the Vail Village commercial area, with its mixture of lodges and commer- cial establishments in a predominantlypedestrian environment...The district regulations prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the t'ightly clustered arrangement of buildings fronting on pedestrian ways and pub'l ic greenways, and to ensure Planning Commission Schober Bui lding Parkinfariance Page 2 continuation of the building scale and architectural qualitjes that distinguish the Vi11age. " The proposed addition to the Schober building is in keeping with the purposes outlined in the zoning ordinance as the structure remains in scale with the Vi'l lage, and the architectura'l quality of the structure is 'improved by the changes. Forcing prov'i sion of parking in CCI is in direct opposition to the stated purpose of mainta'ining a predestrian area. Approva'l of the varjance would be in keeping with many other parking requests in the area. The request is similar to the Hill Building Addit'ion and the Covered Bridge Store which were both vari ance requests for parking in order to expand existing buildjngs constructed prior to zoning. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, d'i s- tribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The proposed expansion of uses should have little affect on the demand for parking in the parking structure, and the parking structure has sufficient capacity to provide for any addit'ional traffic which might be generated by the t xpansion. The proposed expansion will not necessitate additional vehicular access into the pedestrian area as de1 ivery veh'icles are already servicing existing uses. The mass transit system is capab'l e of handling any increased demand, if any, generated by the proposed expansion. The affects of the variance on adequate lighi, air, distribution of population, public facilities and utilities and public safety are negligible. Fi ndi ngs: 1. That the granting of the variance wi'l I not constitute a grant of spec'ial privilege inconsistent wjth the 'l jmitations on other properties classified in the same district . Schober Building Parking Variance Pase 3 O !'le do not feel that approval of the variance would be a grant of spec'ia'l priv'i1ege as approval would be consistent with previous parking variance requests. and other like expansions in the Core have not been required to furnish additional parking. 2, That the granting of the variance w'ill not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties orimprovements in the vic'inity. l,le fee'l that denial of the variance would be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare as parking on the site would create additional vehicular traffic and could be hazardous to pedestrians using the area. 0n site parking could be iniurious to the p1 aza area from both an aesthetic and safety standpoint. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: (a) The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this ordinance. (c) The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of of privileges enioyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. 0n site parking in the CCI district would be inconsistent with the desire to pedestrianize the Core and inconsistent with application to other structures in the same district. box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 office of the town manager April 2l , 1976 Dr. Peter }Je]les Pension Isabe'l P.0. Box 19ll Vail, Colorado RE: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Dear Peter: 0n April 20, 1g76 the Town Council approved your.request for I Conditional Use Permit to convert an existing dwe'l 1ing unit in the Pension Isabe'l to a labortory-facility as submitted to the Planning Commission on March lB' 1976. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact this offi ce. Si ncerel y, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPM${T t{io'"""^ $ IEiii€i; iii tti*iiii!illiiiii?;i l; :;i;;:E':i*i; i jiiiliifu iii iiiiiii:iiiilli:iili:ii ;iiiiiii' l i i litiii:;l +;;t;iiiiiiilii;iiiiiiii;i*iii;iis;' i 2..- ,.\| ",I I I I I Yl\-| ' _rl , i.i..h\l I I I I \.,I\\l-l\v I .2 It 6 (l U) ti , x (t> $lr-l i < I I l IJI gl & I I I I o I I I 'Ytlr;\ I -tt I I_I I I G, 9 {J o ' o ' JIn i < I I ol I -rl clo-l4 I I I ' ; rl d I I I I *.1 I rlJI-alul9l<-l I I I R rg F o I I I Irl I I o) 0) oo) 3 a E b E:-tsbe-s !&=L:iirXcE -.i 3i< >= ?; ?€€5 xi ,Y qe,: t, Zi-E :iEii 3 Ei E:;eilEE ;*9i E:s; .=.{ i E =eZipti3n!:"j. i*l'riii*FE E€ : if iE€! E=!EgsE3;:ziu H r Fl g ;:";::t a*; *83$:r63? :; €: ct Ei: gEE:!5; FH eEAE eif s E c) , 6') F = B o i: F |f F oJl{vl !^l :)l.Alj, FI q) v F j t<: Qrr r- \r' \J ''.l{i:] ;-.t-. a4 inO I 1 Ii\lii\ll I I It 5 z alt CLxo () >l rl ? box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 office of the town manager April 8, 1976 Dr. Peter Welles Pension Isabel P.0. Box'l9ll Vail, Colorado RE: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Dear Peter: 0n Apri] 6, '1976 the Town Council heard your request for a Conditional Use Permit. The application was tabled until the April 20, 1976 meeting pending further information on the parking variance request rnde by Slifer & Company for that building. lle will contact you of the outcome of the April 20' .|976 Council meeting. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office. Sincerely, DEPARTI.IENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT j'fr* Fco ;stote ?py. )r:,C\rtr i:,rtr.r.-l;,81(;!;i aJal) At5 :)42' March 6, 1976 I"Is. Diana rbughill Deparhrcnt of Connanity Derielopnrents Tcr,vn of VailVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Ms. Toughill: With reference to the rarodeling and renovating work noui being perforrned Jn 9lil e, third-level, Scho*:r Hrilding, Gore Creek Drive, Vail Village nirstFiling' ttris letter consETtutes our urrlerstandilg and ccran-itrnent, th;t, ifour request for a corditj.onal use permit relatirze to this space is denied, v,e will return it to sr:lcstantially its original confign:ration at tlre earliestpractical rurEnt. v{e furttter agree to hold ttre Tcxm of Vail harmless in natters relative to the approrral or disapproval of the oorditional use permit. Please be assured of or:r sincere desire to cooperate. Sincerely, ---.7-k_,2 C. E. ('Ibd) Kindel Slrfer&Ccrncc i$;:t::: :Ei;:s;g i;gEir ? iEst;i:j :P;f;!:: q !q;:; g :ilE*Es:';ii:i:i: Ffri*ci * Fiireii:ig;;;r*;r ' NF E ;;lii g;!::;:: liti E i u ;;i;'!ii;:;;;;i;;; i G'qf aE"t{:r (l Ei q,cr:8..: 6.i F-r 6$ <l) qp € E o {!-o .o 9. .7|r q 69 'Ez' -:o !t?;"i;!, ct tt =-avo f30a;E9EA :Elc;2!t 6Sc)? 9q,f50..:. 6 or ooPA ': d) ?,EEEFC, 5b:stsb:l€;€rT: r E Irl rE .c 0.6 E; r!'F ; I€€;3; FiEg E gE q3:s:z E€ir€i i e !tbe l:E€ ES; #;;;E E;Ei !'e = a'E:5E :'- - -J.-;-=irE"?s, -EEr-rFEA,:01 EEfET:Ei! ' 5! e#'-.E 9.? 5 E= - =a I Y: * EE g€ [ E.Ecr € E '- .O !E;!; 3E ;!3f,;$i;J:s€it; q/.q ! = (Y) o':,coc,c cq ;a: HE! e oc 33 3; q^ >' i" == .e .b -.9tso =d "t F.EE,E .l-<= x ... .= rl O +,,t ; ^l E-<lJl c -l/l 'ot+g o (q 0) F o (lJ B 'Ee oCL b. a Vcqio ttt .Or.i 7 F E t c z F" Fl Eao ^^^ h E< "i : i:l O !r.. t/ .-r F. fPinc) _!lf-l 3 ,.i I I tni I+l -l vl.\| q I I o a(|| ril€-l bol9, 1 NNl II I.il\l I I.l)l\ttlYl\l(__{ J -l-l I 'a x 'd E .onl'.t I\-l{l II o .rt aa a o .; D ' x 5 U2 Jt f-l !t \Y!:i; dt€{Jz CS :1'-il I JV\l \sl I I / M9LAUcHLIN & HART ATTORN EYS AT LAW S, OOUGLAS MILAUGHLIN RICHARO T'I, HARI VAIL ARCAOE P O, BOX r40a vatL, coLoRAoo 6 r657 343 476 -2427 December J-4, 1973 Town of VailBuilding DepartmentP. O. Box 100Vail, Colorado 81657 ATTENTION : Diana Toucrhill RE: Change of Dear Diana: Use - Pensi-on IsabeIIe Buildi.nq Pursuant to our conversation of December L4, L973, I am writing this letter to inform you that Manfred Schober is changing the use of the second floor of the Pension Isabelle Building. The accomodation units are being changed to business offices. Accord.ing to the zoning ordinance now in effect. Mr. Schober does not have to provide additional parking, as the fractional space needed per unit falls below the miniumu requirement under the zoning ordinance. I am under the impression, however, that a certificate of zoning compliance is needed and that such form is not presently available from the To\,tn. Please forward all necessary forms to my office when they are available. If anything further needs to be done, please contact me immed- iately at my office, as f am assuming I have complied with the zoning ordinance to effectuate a change of use for the Pension Isabelle Buildinq. Sincerely yours, McI,AUGHLIN & HART cc: Manfred Schober rKP/)b r,_ ("rr NOTICE I8 NEREBI CIVEDIfor a prbking vanlcnor and ltr.800 of ondlnenota ohangr of, urrunltr?rndBcf onc addl.tlona{ d PI'BLIC IIOIICE NOTICE OF PTDLIC HEARN{E thrt P.t.r Alrn lfcllr haa rppllrdtn aoqordrnor' rLth Seotlons Uf .200, C (Scrlrr pf -lodra roorr ttTt) ln ondcr to ctrlorto a dcntal offtror lnthe ohanar of ur noqqirel ,g tPle.r A Publto Brrrlng rllt br held ln aooordraor nLth S.otlon 21.100of Ordlnanor Xol 8'(8rr:ha bf lf?f ) on Nrw.nbrn 29, 1C?3 rt 2100 9.1. ln thr Vrll ltrnlclgal Dulldlng. Satd Vullnarappllortlon rLll bc hrard ht th. PlurnLnl Conltrlon endthrln droirlarr tnrn.rlttod to th. Tom Cotrnoll. TOWII OF VAII. a E 197 3) App I i Heari Fi na I (we )Peten Alan Wel1s of P. 0. Box 1696 Colonado va]-r . '(State) (City) do he reby request permission to appea r be fore the Comm iss ion to req uest the fo I low ing : cation Date November 7. 1973 Pub I ication Date Novemben 9 1973, q IJ, \, ,..-, /ng oate 7/kt.&?,/775 Hearing Fee $100.00 .4, /l Dec is ion date f or Town Counc i I l/4-" . Q .z? 73 APPL ICAT I ON FOR VAR I ANC And,/0r COND I T IONAL USE PER[4IT 0rdinance No.8 (Series of li ^ n'" .-ub't al' t'1phOne z.+ t r_ Vail Planning )f' Variance from Arti Zon ing Change from P a r k i n g V a r i a n ceConditional Use Permi t tn ccl For the following described cle Scrtion +^ Fi lino Numbe. Units 7 and 8 to allow Zone. property: Lot/tract_, Block in Pension Isabel Clearly state purpose To a1low punchase of and intent of this one panking space application in the Tna n s nort a.t ion Tenminal- in orde:r to change two lodge rooms to a dentistrs office. What do you fee I is the bas i s for Parking is nequined for a change hardsh ip i of use in n th is case? an area wnere no parking can be provided. /a MEMORANDUM OF AGREEI'fENT KN01^t ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the Pension Isabe1 , in consider-ation of the granting of a building permit for an addition to be constructed on the premises conmonly known as Pension Isabel, Gone Creek Drive, Vailr heneby agr?ees to comply with the parking nequirements to be included in ::evisions contemplated fo:: the zoning ondinance fon the Town of VaiI and to do any and all things necessary and appr^op:riate to comply with such zoning requir:ements when and at such time as they nay be enacted by the Town Council for the Town of Vail . 1+ t 4 //+L/ DATED this lt\ day of 0ctoben, 1973. PENSION ISABEL ,/*,2( 4'f 3 H) -- /o6t.t- d €of ,a./ //3f'o o rto ,,?^/ " .510.a " */.i-r-4 63.o o. 7/' o O, y'/.ao I 7 \r /4ft*e/./ - .--rLL *4 z++q;ntJzt t ''t-L*4 ^7ry ^etz/_ :/aS-o X{a - lgca x. /=,/a/ 2 a o ./.brr'r, L4 t4. ^-(' cl'/'{'n fu // 4 Z z.- BEsr A -:-'o{ COPY AVAI.ABLI r loo 7 4/,c^ x /2,7/ X .lfio o /\ J37a , b6 iZ.4/ r2Aa-zt'-- = & 2E uud a s t'af lanuary 12, tg65 W. 8. ltoctrllch Secretary Encl: WEF/s Mr. Manfred Schober Vatt, Colo'rado f,tear Mr. Schober: wE understcad thaS you 'ntend to construct a comnercral bulldtng ln vatlthls year. Befqe a bulldlng p"*fr-".ite lseued, your preltmtnarybulldlng plans' slte plan "na-"r"*ttoi" murt be revtewcd ancr approvedby the Planntng and Arclrttc"t*or c""J"r comrntttee. A meetlng of thtgCommlttee lr belns held.on Mfi"y.-;;;ary 2i, 1965, to conslder severalbutldlns proposals scheduled ro, iriii;;. tn order that there tly_F no delay, you are regueeted to flll out theattached appUcailon and return t, -tti-" ;,;;rliffi#r'i'ur,orno pTalriBi i#.H.Jn:et my offiee tf you have any qucsuons orddecrre any further Very truly yours, o sil,59, PROPqSAL FOR COMIVIERCIAL DEVELOPMENr IN VAIL V&I,AGE (1) Describe the business you are proposiog ard where would you propose |t t(."-, t 9/r-t /"Jtto locate: l->,,)n',4, /r.., .-.,,--, 7 QI Why do you thirrk this business ls needed at Vail? (5) (3) What experience have you harl in this type of buslness? ,/ ..,'.1/t' 4 t-'7--- (4) What part will you ptay in the actlve management of the business? Overall size a Lr. s., /l Approximate irnrestment required Capacity Kinds of goods or serwices prwided Price rarlge Number of employees Have you visited Vail? If this includes a buildtng, who is the architect and contractor? t€.2",,.4.{''*-,.r 2 Are you aware of the Correnants of Vdil Village and the function of the Planning & Arcbitectural Control Commlttee? ;z-4 " (9) Wilt this be personally or institutionally fina^nced? If through an instltu- ll (6) l'll (B) Describe in detail the facility you propose: tlon, grlve name t Street and Number ouv /./z'-//.- 6/./r'i;zn-Z vr"./rvr"s. & 2/,.- ,2// 7 -City and State Age Years lived in present city *3 Citizen: tyes{tNol TeIe. No. lfarital Status: Si Given name of spouse, EXPffi,IENCE: (Start with your present position) Firm name &,-e,7rr-..-.47* .4--- Kind of Flvsiness S;e- y's&ep Address 62 64 .4n -s"x /'4 ' 5-zz q'. Z{ Final (or present) Duties '/ta.,^^ /"-f*' ' Last immediate superior-'4.' J?f - J- L/ Supervision EDUCATION: Indicate the highest grade completed: Elementary 6 7 B ltrghSchool ,,-.r)Colleg6t)/ Z 3 4 Graduate l,r/ Deqree(s) Nafoe d 7,7.=7lTr r-Ttt.,2t234 L234 School r ?iz "7... )t"-, Pcbruary 2, 1965 Mr. Manftad Echoober Vrtl Colorado Dcar !dr. Sohocbcn : A rcvlcw and dltcurelon of the gropoocd prellmtnary drawlngr fa a lodgc, bar, rnd raatrurant wcr€ approvsd by the Vatl Plan- nlng and Archltcatural Control Cormlttcc and thc commlttac rc- quect d addlttorai.lnforma$on on thrle propoeal fq thc ncrc rcgular ncctlng of thc coonltt.a. Tho followtng addltlqral spccUlc lnf*urtton tc rcqucatcd 0) Ptot Plan showlng porktng Gl Ompt.tc wqhlng drcrvtngr rhorlng all clevattonr (3) A rcndclng drawlng({l hturr planncd crganston(s) nopotod natcrtala to br urGd Cqdtally, VAIL PIA!|NING & ARCIIIIECTURAI CONTROL GOMMTTTEE W. E, Fnochlloh Sccrrtuy WEF/'t ldarch 20, 1906 '. trugt e brld Dtc to oorflrm our telephono,cotl.-{mrsctlon todry. lbe plana wEch Fr Eubmtttod to thc Vtll Archttetural Control Comnnlt|oC wtrO ap,pmved" PIcaBa flnd orclog"!_* gopy of the ldnrteg of the mecdng ehlcb f*" brild on:!{ereh 98, ,1966. :Elera{ contrct py'offlce U you have any qns$ons or deslrc'anyItrtbtr lniornetton" VAIL WATER 6, SANITATION . P. O. BOX 56s VAIL, COLORADO 81645 DISTRICT - !/. E. FROEHLICH DISTRICI HANAGER AREA CODE 303 476-560 r te65May 13, Mr. lrlanfred Sehober VaTI Coloredo Dear lvlanfred, Aleo llnd encloged an lnrrolce in t}tb the water and sewer taP fee for . Enc polnt Bysten, bar and restaurant has been estlmated al L24, Ace b the tap {ee and rate whlch ls the number sentedschodrile, tJlls nuaber : resta.urant and bar would i plus the ownerrs kltchen by an average be 3l ltltchens, pI explanatton of the water and Ttre number of peoPle to be whlch equals 38 lnts = 82.5 points. n or hgve any questlons' PlcaseIf you deslrg contact Very truly Yours, VAIL WATER AND SAI,IITA'TION WEF/das Enclosures cc: Mr. Ernst Payer I E. Froehllctt Dlstrlct l{anager dful- J 311j]4-F7 -'- ,! f. s3 Kitchen .s z l7t -o | 7, / *'*^-d a I uo'o 4fit- POINT SYSTEM VAJL, COLORADO Residence **ropW /r,+4@*rire>(Jf<' 4 77P&' -'r'''=-I b'#{ t.rIrr- Wash bowl L/2Bath (basin&toilet) L/2 Biath (shower) Laundry Facilitles Outside Water a basiq tollet) L t/4 pint 1,-L/2 points L-L/2 points Z-l/Z points l/2 p:rtr 1 point tl r points 4 q point zz I 2,5 o ROWIEY. PAYE& HUFFMAN ^ND LEtTltOtD tNC. AICIIIIECIS AND ENG I NEENS f{20 KrnH 8rcrc. ctEvEraND t5, OHto February 16, L955 i'ir. !'red Froehlich ViIIage of VailVaij-, Colorado Dear Mr. Froehlich: lie are workj.ng on final drawings for t,he hotel forI1:r.. M.,nfred gchober. 'ljiLl you please let us j{novn at your very ear}lest con-venience v,'here atl utiLit,ies rvill enter: electrici r.rzliiater, gas, telephone, and sewer connect,ions. Very Lruly yours, Ernst P.ryer Mr. Froehlich: This is a zerox of the carbon of our 2/L6letter. We are at a complete standstill waiting for thisinformation. Will you please give it, your attention just as soon as you possibly can? E.P. I' /3/3 Dear lvtanfred: Ilere is a xerox of the letter I sent air mail 2/L6. Will you see what you can do to get some action on this? URGEM. I am also sending a xerox Eo Froehlich to remind him, but I think it is important that you contact him. E.P. February 16, 1955 lir. Fred Froehlich Village of VailVail, Colorado Dear Mr. Froehlich: lie are vrorking on final dr,aiwings for the hotel forI.l;c. Mcrnf re<i Schober. Y,'il1 you please Let us jtnow art your very earliest con_nce iqere-all utilit,ies rvill ent,er: clectricity,, Eay Eelegnone, and selrer connections. Ernst Payer /n fr#/f a A c4"^We 216 - 4/- 7/7/ {,ry"d,",/tu fu41 2 -;-. ffi"(ilffi{#rbr cerboa of our 2/r5 fWl.ttca. r. ar. rt a ooqrlrtr rtaodlttll vrlttng for tlrir ' // t- A t, lntonrtlon' nlll 1ou pbret glvr lt lour attcntlon Jurt : tr roon tr ltou porllblY caa?/k/s.*&*/4@e,/ t.!. ^>, *r\.defeTP z-q-&e'xl + 3{r"-C'"'4 /^'^* o Project Application l) i' '/f I .( - /. o^. ('/ '' / l' I':-\ I /L_ r a f i -r Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone ., Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Zone - Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: lj,',:u( nr/t d.,"u Approvat STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE OFFICE OF THE TREASURER CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE ORDER NO.: VENDOB NO.: ISSUED TO: v- liJy-1. 50c-r 2 LAiiD TITr-: {;UqRlNT!: C0nP.1 t,iy 30x :57 VAIl- CC il1oi3 PARCELNO.: l--)f,!oa5 ASSESSED TO: i:LL T0tiE.1 ASS0CIATiSz LTJ.':6,t cRESc:NT couRTr 7TH FLOoR JALLA S,, TX 7 52C1 AMOUNTS REFLECTED ARE VALID ONLY UNTIL+ c)t=t/43 : I-CCK PROPEHTY DESCRIPTION LUI ..{ 'ir.. I Ui CURRENTTAX 27'79^.16 TAX DUE: INTEREST: ADVERTISING: PENALTIES: MISC: TOTAL TAX DUE TAX LIEN SALES OR DELINOUENT TAX TOTAL AMOUNT TO REDEEM SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS TOTAL SPEC. ASSMTS DUE STATUS: P AI D 0. D0 !-r,00 C. r-10 0.0c 0.00 i9cc ' ' __.J c.3c 0 . '1,: 0. Jc 0.00 FIL. 1 TREASURER, EAGLE COUNW MABY E, WALKER | \'/ 1 | . llo'l i t r Y , lc- | ,-r't r I Vi IL V;LLAG: NOTICE I, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY CEFITIFY THAT THE ENTIRE AMOUNT OF REAL ESTATE TAXES DUE UPON PARCELS OF THE SAME FOR UNPAIO REAL ESTATE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN. AND ALL SALES OF THE SAME OFFICE, FROM WHICH THE SAME MAY STILL BE REDEEMED WITH THE AMOUNT REQUIRED FOR BEDEMPTION, ARE AS NOTED HEBEIN, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I HAVE HEREUNTO SET MY HAND AND SEAL rHrs jijDAYoF AU6UST AD19 j3 THIS CEBTIFICATE DOES NOT INCLUOE LANO OR IMPROVEMENTS AS- SESSED UNDER A SEPARATE SCHEDULE NUMBER, PEBSONAL PROPEFry TAXES, OR SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS, MOBILE HOMES, UNLESS SPECIFICALLY MENTIONED. FEE FOR ISSUING THIS CERTIFICATE $ j . 00 A. APPLICATION FOR CONDOMIN IUM CONVERS ION NAME 0F AppLiCANT Be11 Tower Associares, Ltd., an, 96115 ADDRESS 300 Crescent Court, Suite .7t)0, Dallas, Texas 75205 DATE November 14, 1988 2L4-855-3706 B.NAME OF ADDRESS APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Jay K. Perersoo P.O. Box 3149, Vail_, CO 81658 C. NAME 0F PROPERTY OIJNER (type or print) Berr Tower Associates, Lrd. SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OI,JNER ADDRESS 300 iredcent Courr, Suire 700,s, TX 75205 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS 201 Gore Creek Drlve, Vai1, Colorado 81657 PH0NE 476-0092 pg611g 214-8ss-3706 E. FEE $100.00 PAro Inc'l ude a list adjacent to the of the names and majl jng subject property. F. LOT -ILOCK SUBDIViSI0N See arrached - uonoomlnaum fl.aD FILING addresses of all owners of property Application for confconversion page 2 II. Four (4) copies of the following inforrnation: A' A preliminary map showing.the reguired information for a condom-inium plat as more speciiicalry deii"ea-in section ]-7.26. B- A map showing alr common areas and usages of the building and,groundsr dDd plans for the interior aiiii:_on of the nuiidirrgshowing horizontar and vertical boundaries of-al1 units. c- A copy of the declaration applicabre to the condominium project. D' A copy of- the bylaws. The bylaws sharl contain the informationrequired by the condominium orn"rsnip act of the state of coloradc E. A condominium conversion report from the Town buirding inspectoron the condition of the uuiiding, iirii"g ar1 building code vio_lations, fire code violations and related violations which aredetrimental to the health, safety u"a-r"iture of the public,the owne=s, and the occuoants cf the building. F. A report of the proposed conversion including: length of occu_pancy of present tenants; the trousefroia cornposition-of pi"="rrttenants; current rental rates, whether rents j-nclude or excludeutilities, date and the amount of last rentar_ increase; asummary of_the proposed ownership of ine-Lnit.s, if the unit,swill be sold as time_share_or inlerval ownership; and the approxi_mate proposed sare price of units u"a-ri"""cing'iri""g;".r."to be pro.rid.eC by the applicant G. For the condominiumization_?f-.r existing 10dge, the fo1l0wingad,dirional informarion shall b" p.";iJ;;; proof ot owneiini_p;site inventory for the property indicating in detail the actuarconfigurati.on of the. lodge- t""iriiv,-d;";"r.r,on areas and therocation of any amenitiei servi-ng Lhe roage; affidavit of servi.cesprovided as is called for in seciion rireo.ozs tA) (2); d.esigna-tion and description of any current employee units; and pta4of improvemenrs ro be made to rhe ;.6;;ri-"r""glitfr"I"li*.."ucosts thereof. H. For arl time-share units,, the Discl0sure Requirements as stipula_ted by chapter 5.01 must be submirtea witii the application. fIf. Time Requirements The planning and Environmentar commission meets on the 2nd and4th Mondays of each month. An applicuii"""iith the necessarvaccompanying material must Ue suUiritted- fo"r weeks prior to thedate of the meeting. IV' Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with vail,s comprehensive plan. .,q , .Application for 3nO" conversion page , O rr. Four (4) copies of the folrowing information: B' A map showing all common areas and usages of the build.ing andgrounds r drrd plans for the interior diiision of the builciingshor'ring horizontal and vertical boundaries of -ar-r units. c' A copy of the declaration applicabre to the cond.ominium project. D' A copy of the_ bylaws. The bylaws sharl contain the informationrequired by the condominio* 6rrr"r=hip Act of the state of coloradc E' A condominium.conversion report from the Town building i-nspectoron the condition of the uui-iaing, listing ai-l buir.ding code vio-rations, fire code violat.i;;; and related vior_ations which aredetrimental to_the heajti,,-""t"ty ana weif"ie of the public,the owners, an4 r-&e o..r"r..t= or the l"iiai"g. F. A reD.)rt' .rf +'ho ^,^n^^^r -- A. A preliminary map J_nl-um ptat as more shovring.the required information for a condom_specif ica1ly def ined j_n Sectj_on i-7.26. site inventory forconfiguration of thelocation of any amen LI For ted v Chap! ime Requirements The Planning and Environmental4th Mondays of each month. Anaccompanyi-ng material must bedate of the meeting. Commission rneets onapplicati-on lrith thesubmitted four weeks the 2nd andnecessaryprior to the TV Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with Vail,s Comprehensive plan. ,'a A. B. c. D. E. ADDENDT'U TO APPLICATION Condominium uap is attached. The Condominiun Declaration sets forth the uses for each unit and any restrictions. Declaration is attached. Bylaws and Articles are attached. The first tr'ro floors have recently been renodeled and brought upto code. The top two floors need to be inspected which has been discussed with the building inspector. (1) Units c-l through C-Lz are currently occupied by commercial tenants and they will remain pursuant to the terms and conditj-ons of their lease agreements. (2) Units R-L and R-2 are connected and are used part-tirne by the owners of the project. (3) Units R-3 and R-4 are currently rented long tern for $aSO.OO per month which includes utilities. This applicationwill not change the current leases. (4) Units C-3 through C-12 and units R-L through R-4 will be owned by the applj-cant. ft is anticipated that units c-L and C-2 will be sold to the current tenant, the Lancelot Restaurant. (5) The final sales price for units c-1- and C-2 has not been finalized and no financing will be provided. (6) There will be no time sharing. (1) Proof of ownership is attached. F. G. ,;z'o! A L T A C O I.,I .I"I I T N E.N T SCHEDULE A Aprl ication Ns. Vt23?2 For Information 0nlY - Charees ALTA Ourner Pol icv.Alta Lender Folicy 95O.O0 95. OOTaxcenttt:-T'TAL-- gss.c,r) l,lith vour remittance please refer tq V12392. 1. Effective Eate: July ?9' 1?88 at E:CIO A.H. 2. Pol icies to be issuedr €.r.td proposed Insuned: I'ALTA'r Oun€ns's Po I i cv Form B-197O (Amended LO-L7-7Q) Proposed Irrsured: TBD .ALTArr Loen Pol isv ll97O Revision) Proposed Insured: TBD 3. The estete on interest in the land described or refeFred to irrthis Cornmitnent end covened herein is! A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered hereirr is at theeffective date heneof vested in: BELL TOWER ASSOCIATES, LTD., AN OKLAHOI,TA LTI"IITED PARTNERSHIP 5. The land referred tc' in this Csnmitmerrt is described asfol I qus: CONDOHINIUI'I UNITS C-l ANTI C-2, BELL TCIWER CONEOI"4INIUHS, ACCORDINB TO THE CONDOI'IINIUI'I I'IAP RECORBED XXX IN EI]OK XXX AT PANE 1 ALTA COiltl SCHEDULE TT",IENT Appl tcrtion No. VL2392 "i: PAOE XXX Al,lD AS DEFINED AND DESCRIBED IN CONDOI.IINIUM DECLARATION RECORDED XXX IN BOOK XXX AT PA6E XXXI COUNTY OF; EABLE, STATE OF COLORADO. I A .f *, 7.:: s, f;pAntr tx.rli[, T;-, [5r . l:.. . :-.Y . |i, ';- t. .l .,1., !."i. i,,1. , a$.,ft.'#. ' l, 'r)i Fli;JV I .i frT,48f.' ', ff.',i.- ol ALTA COI'II'IITMENT SCHEDULE B-1 (RequinenrentE)' Apel ication Ns. Vt23?Z The follouins are the requinements to be complied uith: 1. Payment to on for the account of the Erantors or morteaeors of the full consideration for the estate on interest to be ineuFed. 2. Proper instrunent(s) cneatirrs the estate sr' interest to be insured must be executed and dulv filed fnn record' to-uit: PARTIAL RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST BATED JUNE T9' 1979' FRO]'I HITCH ENTERPRISES, INC., AN OKLAHOMA CORPORATION TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE EIF EI"IPIRE SAVINGS, BUILNING ANN LOAN ASSOCIATION TU SECURE THE SUI'| OF S84O,OOO.OO RECORETED 'lulv O2, t979t IN BOOK 2S7 AT PAGE 5?2. SAID BEED OF TRU$T I^IAS FURTHER SECUREII IN ASSIIJNMENT OF RENTS RECORDErI JUIT' 02, L?79, IN BOOK ?87 AT PAOE 993. CONTINUATION OF LIEN AGREEI"'IENT IN CONNECTION I"IITH SAID DEED OF TRUST I'IAE; RECORDED l"larch 29' 1985' IN EOOK 4lcr AT PA6E 6. PARTIAL RELEASE OF DEEE OF TRUST NATEE JUTIE Q3, L?87' FRSM BELL TOWER ASSOCIATES, LTD. TO THE PUELIC TRUSTEE OF EA6LE COUNTY FOR THE USE I]F JOHN T. SHARPE T0 SECURE THE SUM 0F 54OO,OOO.OO REIIORDEE June t0' 1997' IN EOOF': 464 AT PAGE I25. 6OOD AND SUFFICIENT SEED FROM VAIL ASSOCIATES' INC. ' A COLORADO CORPCIRATION TO BELL TOWER ASSOCIATES, LTD., AN OKLAHOMA LII''ITED PARTNERSHIP CONVEYINIS A PORTION OF LOT e, BLOCK 5-B' VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILING' N0TE: LANb TITLE GUARANTEE COI"IPANY IS IN THE PROCESS OF OETAINING SAIE DOCUI'IENT. CONDOIIINIUI,I ].IAP AND CONDOI'{INIUTI DECLARATION ACCEPTABLE TO THE COMPANY TB BE RECORDED IN EA6LE COUNTY. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COI1PANY THAT THE TERMS' CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOI.IN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. T.IARRANTY BEED FRET'I BELL TONER ASSOCIATE$' LTEI. ' AN gKLAHI]MA LIFIITED PARTNERSHIP TO TBD CONVEYINC SUBJECT FROPERTY. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a. PACE 3 Ot ALTA COt"'1 1"4 ITt''l ENT SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirenents) Application No. VL2392 '). NOTE! CERTIFICATE AND ARTICLES OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP DATED JUNE 30, l98C' . AND AMENDED -JUNE 1, T987 EISCLOSES CLARK 5. I'IILLINGHAI'I TO BE THE GENERAL " PARTNER OF BELL TOWER ASSOCIATES, LTD. ' A LII'IITED PARTNERSHIP. ?. DEED OF TRUST FROI'I TBD TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAI3LE COUNTY FOR THE U$E CIF TBD TO SECURE THE SUM OF TBTI. THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REAUIRE5 RETURN ADBRESSES ON TIOCUI4ENTS 5ENT FOR RECCIRBING!! ot ALTA COt'II"IITMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Application No. V12392 ';. The policv sr policies to be issued uill contain €xceptions to thefollotrlins unless the same are disposed of to the setiEfection ofthe Compenvl -: 1. Stendard Exceptions t throush 5 printed on the coveF sheet. 6. Taxes and asEesEments not vet due on rayable and special essessments not vet certified to the Treasurer's office. Anv, unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. Liens for unpaid uater arrd seuer chargesr if anr. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE T$ EXTRACT ANR RET,IOVE HIS ORE THEREFROI'I SHOULD THE sAI'IE BE FOUNB TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREHISES AS RESERVED IN UNITEB STATES PATENT RECBRBET' Julv 12' I'd'r9, IN E0l:'H 4S AT PABE 475. 10. RIGHT OF bIAY FOR DITCHE$ OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHI]RITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVEE IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORBEtr July l?, lF??,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. 1I. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS HHICH DO NCIT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUgE, BUT O'.IITTING RESTRICTIONSI IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGICIN, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN' Ag CONTAINED IN IN$TRUMENT RECORDEF Ausust 10' 1962, IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE I79. 7. a. ?. t2. 13. EXISTIN6 LEASES ANN TENANCIES. THOSE PROVISIONS, COVENANTS ANB GONDITIONS, EASEMENTS ANE RESTRICTIONg, IdHICH ARE A BURDEN TO THE CONDCIMINIUM LINIT BESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A, A5 CONTAINED IN INSTRU].IENT RECOREIED TBD, IN BC'OK TBE AT FAIJE TBE. EASEHENTS. RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTICINS AS SHI]WN OR RESERVEE ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILLABE FIRST FILINB AND CONEICIHINIUM MAP RECDRDEB XXX AT PAGE XXX AT PAGE XXX. 14. SI-ATE OF COLORADO O COUNTY OF EAGLE OFFICE OF THE TREASUBER CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE ORDER NO.: VENDOB NO.: ISSUED TO: v-12392 500i ? LAi.I9 TITI-E GUARTI..ITEE CO}.1 PAI'IY 30x 357 vA rL cc 816i I PARCEL NO.: C008o,r 5 ASSESSED TO: 3:LL T0r^lER ASS0CIATESz LTJ.':6r: cREsc:NT couRTz 7TH FLooR JALLAST TX 7 52C1 AMOUNTS REFLECTED ARE VALID ONLY UNTIL + a9/30/4.3 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION : '-OCK 5 -3 LOT A P ART 0F VAIL VILLAG: FIL. 1 NOTICE I, THE UNOERSIGNED, OO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ENTIRE AMOUNT OF REAL ESTATE TAXES DUE UPON PARCELS OF THE SAME FOR UNPAID REAL ESTATE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN, ANO ALL SALES OF THE SAME OFFICE, FROM WHICH THE SAME MAY STILL BE REDEEMED WITH THE AMOUNT REQUIRED FOR REDEMPTION. ARE AS NOTED HEREIN. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I HAVE HEFEUNTO SET MY HANO ANO SEAL rHrs 30DAYOF AUGUST Ao te 33 TREASURER, EAGLE COUNTY MARY E. WALKER ""1 );. k, CURRENTTAX 27 ,7 9 ^.1 6 TAX DUE: INTEREST: ADVEFITISING: PENALTIES: MISC: TOTAL TAX DUE TAX LIEN SALES OR DELINQUENT TAX TOTAL AMOUNT TO REDEEM SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS TOTAL SPEC, ASSMTS DUE STATUS: PAIO 0. t0 c.00 c.00 l. oc 0, 00 c.c0 0. 00 0. c0 0.00 THIS CEBTIFICATE OOES NOT INCLUDE LAND OR IMPROVEMENTS AS. SESSED UNDER A SEPARATE SCHEOULE NUMBER, PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES, OR SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT OTSTRICT ASSESSMENTS, MOBILE HOMES, UNLESS SPECIFICALLY MENTIONED, LLn",, , o FEE FOR ISSUING THIS CERTIFICATE $ 5. OO O. -,n t./r'l Prolect Applicalion Date Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: ffa,"u Approval \ .e -1 \ .Ssc\. I.l I-> 9 oi tl t- -\ a -l\ =s s(6 \Fs,\- r-5'6 =>>>fs\ <).S E '= \33G-r> Jrr o s.o +5F rE d -S<, S\n I Gar L Ca I .s "$,9is st T:s .EE Et.c5--f 3 c:5rt3.r-iB Esg d-. +'lr .E5-5s oo 'a.ty'.. "ti I \;.'tI Appl i cati on lluraber W W"m ril4S7 SIGN APPLICATION Fee Paid 6 The fo'llowing information is required forto the Design Review Board before a final Sign submittal fee is $20.00. subm'i tta'l approva'l appl icant gi ven. by the can be A. Sign Material //oate 11,////t )- Name of Project /At{z'tat- Name of Person Subrnitting "e, lAurtn- Location of Project /.4 - ;/Yu/ t:!,--,8A-4 Description of_.Project z**zc,zat' I 'f2-. - Phone -.,!/2!i-l-fz;l B. Description of Sign C. Size of Sign { f oac,att- Feet- Ot ac.l) Length o( Comments D. E. //fA /4P46.4€ MATERIALS SUBi'IITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan2. Drawi ngs sho-vTng-eract I ocationa: Firotogiapns shoriing proposed locEltion- 4. Actual sign--5. Colored scale draling - 6. Photograph of sign \) fi.ri(. y"rrft Jtgn Aomlnlstrator Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB Submittal --)rqn AdmrnlsErator-t Craig Snorrdon Box 1998 Vail, CO 81657 Re: Parking Assessrcnt for tlre BeIl lrc^rer (Schober) Building IXpansion Dear Craig: Based on the figr:res belovr, I harrc calculated that ttte Parking Asses$rent on the Schober Buildirrg bpansion is $30'000 which is based on six strEces at $51000 per E)ace. This noney is to go into a Parking Furd created and ncre specifically descrjJced in Section 18.52.160 (2) of the Tq,.n of Vail Municipal code (which is enclosed). rf ttp rpnqf is not used within a five year period frqn tle dat-e of paltlrEnt, the unused Snrtiot will be returned to the pa.yor at his request. I1re specific calculations based qr l,larctr 27, L979 figures are as follorss: box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 October 1.6, L979 lst Floor (New Sguare I'eet) department of community development Parking Spaces Added 2.93 .11 2.O7 0 .L2 5.23 Restarrant Greentpuse TotaI 2nd Floorsr ffi- 3rd Floor ofElces 4th Floor 5ttt Floor neEidential 162.75 square feet 277.50 sguare feet 440.25 33.75 62L.76 0 120.00 (only ery>lqgee housJng loft) TCrmL \13 ,ft^ o Craig Snordon--Schober Bldg. 10-16-79--Page $,D O't tte ctnnge of the uses on the 4th floor from Acconnodation l}:tits to Hplqree Housing Ltlilits, there is an additional parking regtrirenent of 6/L0 of a s1nce. this ijs because one of the acccnmcdation r.rtits r,ould prerriously have been considered as a lock-off from tle larger &elling unit, with ro prkirrg requirerent of its qpn. ne beconing a druelling r.rrit, it riould have a parking reguirenent of 5/10 of a space. ltre otfier 1/10 of a sPace is tle difference in ttre initial factor betrdeen and Acccnncdation Unit and a Drnelling ftnit. lltre total of deficient parking spaces is therefore 5.83, which r"iould be :rormded off to sjx. I r,vould appreciate palment of the $30.000 at yor:r earliest convenience. Sincerely, A,*4'€*d-Vl^u" A. Rubin Zcning A&ninistrator cE: Dick $'an E:cl. :caj