HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT A BELL TOWER CONDO SCHOBER MACFARLAN REMODEL 2007 2 OF 2 LEGALII II vd I t I I I I t I I I I I I t The MacFarlan Residence Bell TowerRcnovetion ""r" ""IlTr]#31"u" OUTLINE SPECIFICATION Architect: VAg, Inc. / architects & planners "dnr,g'[il{ g$Eff Fax (970) 949-l 5134 6 i;sf Structural Ensineer: E i. 3Monroe&Newell FE t 70 Benchmart Rd. SuiE 204 E I tr P.O.Box 1597,Avon,ColoradoS1620 { .i iTet(910)949-7768 - H Fax (970) 99-4054 n ti !$el iti:' Ei, t I !I tIt: I {Ia E IatI I .l !i ii lll ff! t$t;i{ iii II I'nI i{ f{'Et II fl sg E.glr Iil8 II t$tEil li ii ti ra }E !i Mechanical Ensineer: AEC '|()t01 u.s.6 & 24, suitr 2068 P.O. Box 8489 Avon Colorado 81620 Tel (970) 74t-t520 F8x(970) 7488521 t I I Eist E '{PJof -aDIM BoI-m.1 Town of Vall OFFHffiffi $}ffif}Y a\ T I t VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 I SPECIFICATION INDEX: . DIVISION I _CENERAL:I SECTION OIOIO _ SUMMARY OF WORK SECTION OIO2O _ ALLOWANCES I sECTIoN 0102? - AppLIcATIoNS FoR eAvMENTI SECTION OIO35 - MODIFICATION PROCEDURES SECTION Ol2OO - PROJECT MEETINCS t sEcTIoN 01300 - SUBMITTALS t sEcTtoN 0142r - REFERENCE STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS. SECTION O I 5OO _ CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS r SECTION 01600 - MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT I SECTION 0r631 -SUBSrrrUrrONSr SECTIoN 01700-coNTRAcrclosEour SECTION OI72O - PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS I SECTION OI74O - WARRANTIESII DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK: I SECTION02200- EARTHWORK- NOTUSED7 SECTION 02230 - SITE CLEARING SECTION O29OO. LANDSCAPTNG I DIVISION4-MASONRY: I SECTION 04410 - STONE MASONRY VENEER I sEcrroN o446s - cRANrrE DIVISION 5 - METALS: I SECTION O5I2O - STRUCTURAL STEEL _-, SECTION 05500 - METAL FABRICATIONS I DIVISION 6 - WOOD AND PLASTICS: SECTION 06IOO _ ROUGH CARPENTRY I sECTroN 06150 - wooD DEcKINC . SECTION 06200 _ FINISH CARPENTRY SECTION 0640 I EXTERIOR WOODWORK I SECTION 06402 _ INTEzuOR ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORKr- DIVISION 7 -'|HERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION: SECTION 07I I I - COMPOSITE SHEET WATERPROOFING SECTION 07I60 - BITUMINOUS DAMPPROOFINC SECTION 0'7210 _ BUILDING INSULATION SECTION 07620 - SHEET METAL FLASIIING AND TRIM SECTION 07920 _ JOINT SEALANTS DIVISION 8 _ DOORS AND WINDOWS: I! SECTION 08212 - WOOD DOORS AND FRAMES SECTION 083I2 _ PATIO DOORSI sECTtoN 08550 - wooD wINDows I I SPEclFlcArIoNr SPEC INDEX .I I I I t I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence DIVISION 9 - FINISHES SECTION 09255 -GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES SECTION O93IO -CERAMIC TILE SECTION 09385 - DIMENSION STONE TILE SECTION 09600 - STONE PAVINC AND FLOORING SECTION 09640 - WOOD FLOORING SECTION 09680 - CARPET SECTION O99OO - PATNTING DIVISION IO - SPECIALTIES: SECTION IO8OI - TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES SECTION IO2OO - LOUVERS & VENTS SECTION IO3OO - FIREPLACES SECTION IO82O. SHOWER DOORS / ENCLOSURES DIVISION I I - EQUIPMENT: SECTION I I45I . RESIDENTIAL APPLIANCES DIVISION I2 _ FURNISHINGS: SECTION 12372 - CASEWORK DIVISION I3 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION SECTIONS NOT USED DIVISION I4 _ CONVEYINC SYSTEMS SECTIONS NOT USED DIVISION I5 - MECHANICAL DIVISION I6 - ELECTRICAL SECTION I600 - GENERAL Project No. 2023.OO I I I I I I I I t I I I I SPECIFICATION SPEC INDEX.2 I I I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Proiect No. 2023.00 DIVISION 1-GENERAL: SECTION OTOTO - SUMMARY OF WORK: I I I I l I I I I I I I.I WORK COVERED BY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Project Location: A Part of Lot A, Block 5-8, Vail Village First Filing, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado - Bell Tower Building Conract Documents, dated "3.27.0l - Construction Documents," were prepared for the Project by: VAg, Inc. / architects & planners P.O. Box 1734 Vail, Colorado 8 1658 (970) 949.7034 (970) 949.8134, fax Project Architect: Brian Judge Project Manager: Geofftey Lyon Structural Engineer: Monrow & Newell 70 Benchmark Rd. Suite204 Avon, CO 81620 (97O) 949-7768 (970) 949-4054 fax Project Engineer: Hannes Spaeh, P.E. Mechanical Engineer: AEC P.O. Box 8489 40801 US Hr.ry. 6 & 24, Suite 2068 Avon, Co.81620 (970)748-8s20 (970)748-8521 fax Project Elcctrical Engineer: Stan Humphries, P.E. Project Mechanical tngineer: Adam M. Moyer, P.E. The Work includes half sawn log veneer, half sawn log beams and wood-framed residential condominium, approximately 3,100 livable square feet on existing pll,rvood sub-floor. The existing building exterior consists of stucco, and a wood tile roof, wood balconies, and wood trim. I.3 GENERALCONTRACTOR'SRESPONSIBILITIES: The General Contractor is responsible for all permits and inspections required by state and local codes, including application and payment of such permits. Build per all codes at the highest level of care. The General Contractor is responsible to report to and resolve with the Architect, any and all Contract Document ambiguities, discrepancies &/or mis-coordination encountered during the bidding and construction process. The intent of this requirement is to limit false or cost incre:rsing assumptions regarding design, materials, construction processes, etc. The generaI contractor is I I t I I OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE - I I I I I I I I I I I VAg, Inc. architects & plarners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 I le;r,:);'..::L;::lT:t;ltr.'u'"* conditions exposed during the demo process that may result in I ffi":,:ffiffi:*TiJi,l;ili:1,:.:h1".Hi:i"J:"il"H::Hilil"T[T$"1iiiff*ffi"':'*o CONSTRUCTION CLEANING I The site is to be clean at all times. No on site trash shall be tolerated. GENERAL CONTRACTOR AVAILABILITY General contractors or their representative will be available from time to time to answer questions. 1.4 SCHEDULE: Construction of the residence is anticipated to begin no later than April 9, 200 I, with an expected maximum of seven (7) months of constnrction. Anticipated costs for "winter constnrction" are to be included in the General Contractor's base cost as an allowance. I.5 CONTRACTOR USE OF PREMISES A. General: During the constmction period the Contractor shall have full use of the premises for construction operations, including use ofthe site. B. Use of the Site: Limit use of the premises to work in areas indicated. Confine operations to areas within contract limits indicated. Do not disturb oortions of the site bevond the areas in which the Work is indicated. Reference sheet A I .0 l. Driveways and Entrances: Keep driveways and entrances serving the premises clear and available to emergency vehicles at all times. Do not use these areas for parking or storage of materials. Schedule deliveries to minimize space and time requirements for storage of materials and equipment on-site. 2. Lay-down and haul-out will need to be extensively coordinated with the Town of Vail. II End ol-Section 0l0l0 ! SECTION OIO2O - ALLOWANCES I PART I -GENERALI I.I RELATED DOCUMENTS I A. Drawings and general provisions ofthe Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I t.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements goveming allowances. I l. Selected materials and equipment are specified in the Contract Documents by allowances. In all cases, these allowances include installation. Allowances have been established in lieu ofadditional requirements and to defer selection ofactual materials and equipment to a later date when I I OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE -2 B. 1.3 1.4 ls 1.6 I I I I I I t I I I I I I T I I I I I VAg, lnc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Proiect No. 2023.00 additional information is available for evaluation. If necessary, additional requirements will be issued by Change Order. Types of allowances include the following: l. Lump-sumallowances. 2. Unit-costallowances. 3. Contingencyallowances. 4. Inspection and testing allowances. SELECTION AND PURCHASE At the earliest practical date after award ofthe Contract, advise the Architect ofthe date when the final selection and purchase ofeach product or system described by an allowance must be completed to avoid delaying the Work. At the Architect's request, obtain proposals for each allowance for use in making final selections. Include recommendations that are relevant to performing the Work. Purchase products and systems selected by the Architect from the designated supplier. SUBMITTALS Submit proposals for purchase ofproducts or systems included in allowances, in the form specified for Change Orders. Submit invoices or delivery slips to show the acrual quantities of materials delivered to the site for use in fulfillment of each allowance. CONTINCENCY ALLOWANCES Use the contingency allowance only as directed for the Owner's purposes and only by Change Orders that indicate amounts to be charged to the allowance. The Contractor's related costs for products and equipment ordered by the Owner under the contingency allowance are not part ofthe Contract Sum. These costs include delivery, installation, taxes, lnsurance, equipment rental, and similar costs. Change Orders authorizing use of funds from the contingency allowance will include Contractor's related costs and reasonable overhead and profit margins. At Project closeout, credit unused amounts remaining in the contingency allowance to the Owner by Change Order. INSPECTION AND TESTING ALLOWANCES lnspection and testing allowances include the cost ofengaging the inspection or testing agencies, the actual inspections and tests, and reporting the results. The allowance does not include incidental labor required to assist the testing agency or costs for re-testing upon failure of previous tests and inspections. Costs ofservices not required by the Contract Documents are not included in the allowance, At Project closeout, credit unused amounts remaining in the inspection and testing allowance to Owner by Chanee Order. B. B. A. B. c. D. B. c. D. OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE .3 I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence I Proiect No. 2023.00 t 1.7 UNUSED MATERTALS A. Retum unused materials to the manufacturer or supplier for credit to the Owner, after installation has been J completed and accepted. l l. When requested by the Architect, prepare unused material for storage by Owner where it is not I economically practical to return the material for credit. .When directed by the Architect, deliver I unused material to the Owner's storage space. Otherwise, disposal of unused material is the Contracto/s responsibility. t PART 2 - PRoDUCTS (Not Appricabre)! PART 3 . EXECUTION t 3.1 EXAMTNATTON - A. Examine products covered by an allowance promptly upon delivery for damage or defects. I. 3.2 PREPARATION I A. Coordinate materials and their installation for each allowance with related materials and I installations to ensure that each allowance item is completely integrated and interfaced with related work. Ir IJ SCHEDULEOFALLOWANCESI NOTE I All Allowances to be listed line items as part of Base Contract. t Refer to Drawings and Details for additional costing and material information - specification sections govern installation techniques, material quality, etc. - contractor responsible to coordinate' between sections. I A. Finishes ' +Note: These prices include instalation. I - Flagstone Flooring I - Mud Room $24.00 per s.f. I - Wall Tile & Floor Tile J - Pantry/Laundry $12.00 per s.f. - Bath/Toilet #l $18.00 per s.f. r - Bath/Toilet #1 Tile Base $18.00 per l.f. f - Bath/Toilet #3 $18.00 per s.f.r - Bath"/Toilet #3 Tile Base $18.00 per l.f. - Bath/Toilet #2 $18.00 per s.f. I - Bath/Toilet #2 Tile Base $18.00 per l.f. t - Master Bath/Toilet Tile Base $30.00 per l.f - Master Bath"/Toilet $30.00 per s.f. I - Wood Flooringrr - Great Room $16.00 per s.f. - Kitchen $16.00 per s.f. T t oUTLINE SPECIFICATIoN PAGE -4 I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I t I I VAg, Inc. architects & planners - Hall - Master Olfice Carpet - Bedroom #3 - Bedroom #2 - Bedroom #l - MasterBedroom/Closets B. Trim Materials - Baseboard - Window & Door Casing - Crown Molding Wood Ceilings - T&G Wall Paneling - Great Room- T&G - Master Ottlce- Raised Panels C. Interior Doors Arched Door - Single Door - Double Door D. Door Hardware Hardware - Window Hardware - Exterior Door Hardware - Interior Door Hardware - Door Bumpers Integral Color Plaster - Mud Room - Great Room - Kitchen - Hall - MasterBedroom/Closet - Master Bath - Master Office - Bedrooms #1, #2, #3 The MacFarlan Residence $16.00 per s.f. $16.00 per s.f. $50.00 per SY $50.00 per SY $50.00 per SY $75.00 per SY $ 6.00 per l.f. $ 4.00 per l.f. $10.00 per l.f. $14.00 per s.f. $12.00 per s.f. $40.00 per s.f. $1,200 each $2,000 each $ 75.00 per leaf $450.00 per leaf $350.00 per leaf $ 15.00 per leaf $ 3.25 per s.f. $ 3.25 per s.f. $ 3.25 per s.f. $ 3.25 per s.f. $ 3.25 per s.f. $ 3.25 per s.f. $ 3.25 per s.f. $ 3.25 per s.f. E. Plaster (Includes ceilings where wood is not noted) Project No. 2023.00 F. Bath Hardware - Towel Bars (2 per bath) $150.00 Each - TP Holder $ 75.00 Each - Medicine Cabinet $300.00 Each OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE - 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I VAg, Inc. architects & plarners G. Appliances Refrigerator Double Oven Microwave Hood Dishwasher Wine Chiller Hood Surround Washer Dryer The MacFarlan Residence Proiect No. 2023.00 $5,500 Each $3,200 Each $400.00 Each $450.00 Each $950.00 Each $1,500 Each $2,500 Each $800.00 Each $800.00 Each H. Cabinets & Countertops Kitchen Cabinets - Kitchen Base Cabiners $800.00 per l.f. - Kitchen Wall Cabinets $600.00 per l.f. - Kitchen Countenop & Splash $100.00 per s.f. - Laundry Base Cabinets $300.00 per l.f. - Laundry Wall Cabinets $150.00 per Lf. - Laundry Countertop & Splash $ 20.00 per s.f. Bath Cabinets - Vanities - Countertops & Splash - Master Vanity - Master Countertop & Splash Built-in Cabinets - Mud Room Bench - Great Room Ent. Center - Master Office Countertop I. Plumbing Fixtures Kitchen Sink Toilet Tub Shower Master Tub $400.00 per l.f. $ 85.00 per s.f. $400.00 per l.f. $100.00 pcr l.f. $400.00 per l.f. $800.00 per l.f. $ 60.00 per s.f. $500.00 Each $500.fi) Each $500.00 Each $500.00 Each $1,50O.00 Each End of Section 0 t 020. SECTION OIO27 - APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT I.I GENERAL Each Application for Payment shall be consistent with previous applications and payments as certified by the Architect and paid for by the Owner. The initial Application for Payment, the Application for Payment at time of Substantial Completion, and the final Application for Payment involve additional reouirements. OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PACE -6 I I I I I I I T I I I I I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 Payment-Application Forms: Use AIA Document G702 and Continuation Sheets C703 as the form for Applications for Payment. Waivers of Mechanics Lien: With each Application for Payment, submit waivers of mechanics lien from every entity who is lawfully entitled to file a mechanics lien arising out of the Contract and related to the Work covered by the payment. Application for Payment at Substantial Completion: Following issuance ofthe Certificate of Substantial Completion, submit an Application for Payment. This application shall reflect Certificates of Partial Substantial Completion issued previously for Owner occupancy of designated portions of the Work. 1. Occupancy permits and similar approvals. 2. Warranties (guarantees) and maintenance agreements. 3. Test/adjust/balancerecords. 4. Maintenanceinstructions. 5. Changeover information related to Owner's occupancy, use, operation, and maintenance. 6. Final cleaning. 7. List of incomplete Work, recognized as exceptions to Architect's Certificate of Substantial ComPletion. Final Payment Application: Administrative actions and submittals that must precede or coincide with submittal of the final Application for Payment include the following: l. Completion of Project closeout requirements. 2. Completion of items specified for completion after Substantial Completion. 3. Ensure that unsettled claims will be seftled. 4. Ensure that incomplete Work is not accepted and will be completed without undue delay. 5. Transmittal of required Project consmrction records to the Owner. 6. Certified property survey. 7. Proof that taxes. f'ees. and similar obligations were paid. 8. Removal oftemporary facilities and services. 9. Removal of surplus materials. rubbish, and similar elements. 10. Change ofdoor locks to Owner's access. End of Section 0 1027: Applications fbr Payment. SECTION OIO35 - MODIFICATION PROCEDURES I r.r MTN.RCHANGES IN rHE woRK I I t The Architect will issue supplemental instructions authorizing minor changes in the Work, not involving adjustment to the Contract Sum or Contract Time, on AIA Form C710, Architect's Supplemental Instructions. 1.2 CHANCE ORDER PROPOSAL REQUESTS Owner-lnitiated Proposal Requests: The Architect will issue a detailed description ofproposed changes in the Work that will require adjustment to the Contract Sum or Contract Time. If necessary, the description rvill include supplemental or revised Drawings and Specifications. l. Proposal requests issued by the Architect are for information only. Do not consider them as an instruction cither to stop work in progress or to execute the proposed change-I I OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE - 7 t I r!I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 fJ 2. Within 20 days of receipt of a proposal request, submit an estimate of cost necessary to execute the change to the Architect for the Owner's review. Ir :::H::[:T';[TJ"",T'#.H:::ffi1!:iilTffil,T#:o,:inTffH:il""0,'j','""1i*''*' Architect. Use AIA Document G709 for Change Order Proposal Requests. I I.3 ALLOWANCES I Allowance Adjustment: For allowance-cost adjustrnent, base each Change Order Proposal on theI *ff'ffi"','jffil:f'"Tl#i'1frffiffi,ilf[:,'ffi*:::l'#1"'#i"'ll'il'llL,, losses, tolerances, mixing wastes, normal product imperfections, and similar margins. II l. Include installation costs in the purchase amount as part ofthe allowance. 2. When requested, prep:re explanations and documentation to substantiate the margins claimed. I 3. Submit substantiation ofa change in scope ofwork claimed in the Change Orders related to I unit-cost allowances. 4. The Owner reserves the right to establish the actual quantity ofwork-in-place by independent quannty survey, measure, or count. Submit claims for increased costs because of a change in scope or nature ofthe allowance described in the Contract Documents, whether for the purchase order amount or the Contractor's handling, labor, installation, overhead, and profit. Submit claims within 2l days of receipt of the Change Order authorizing work to proceed. The Owner will reject claims submitted later than 2l days. I 1.4 CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURESr Upon the Owner's approval of a Proposal Request, the Architect will issue a Change Order for signatures of the Owner and the Contractor on AIA Form G701. t End ofSection 01035: Modification Procedures. I I ' sEcrIoN ol2oo - PROJECT MEETINGS I PART l -cENERALt I.I RELATED DOCUMENTS f A. Drawings and general provisions ofthe Contract. including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. t r.z suMMARYI A. This Section specifies administrative and procedural requirements for project meetings, including, but not I limited to. the following: r L Preconstruction conferences. 2. Preinstallationconferences. I r. Frogress meetngs. I 4. Coordination meetinss. I I,3 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE I i- OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE .8 I I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence I Proiect No. 2023.00 A. Schedule a preconstruction conference before starting construction, at a time convenient to the Owner and I the Architect, but no later than | 5 days after execution of the Agreement. Hold the conference at the I Project Site or another convenient location. Conduct the meeting to review responsibilities and personnelr assignments. Contractor to provide for architects sole use ( I ) one bottle of single malt scotch, minimum of(15) fifteen years old, brand to be selected by general contractor. I B. Attendees: Authorized representatives ofthe Owner, Architect, and their consultants; the Contractor and its superintendentl major subcontractors; manufacturers; suppliers; and other concerned parties shall I attend the conference. All participants at the conference shall be familiar with the Project and authorized I to conclude maners relating to the Work. C. Agenda: Discuss items of significance that could affect progress, including the following: I l. Tentative construction schedule. 2. Critical rvork sequencing. |l l. Designation ofresponsible personnel. I 1 Procedures for processing field decisions and Change Orders. 5. Procedures for processing Applications lor Payment. 6. Distribution of Contract Documents. I 7. Subminal ofshop Drawings, Product Data. and Samples. I 8. Preparation ofrecord documents. 9. Use of the premises. I 10. Parking availabilit-v. I I l. Offrce, rvork, and storage areas. 12. Equipment deliveries and priorities. 13. Safety procedures. I 14. First aid.! 15. Securit-v. 16. Housekeeping. I 17 . Working hours. t 1.4 PREINSTALLATION CONFERENCES I A. Conduct a preinstallation conference at the Project Site before each construction activity that requires - coordination with other construction. I B. Attendees: The lnstaller and representatives of manufacturers and fabricators involved in or affected by I the installation. and its coordination or integration with other materials and installations that have preceded or will follow, shall attend the meeting. Advise the Architect of scheduled meeting dates. I l. Review the progress ofother construction activities and preparations for the particular activityt under consideration at each preinstallation conference, including requirements for the following: a. Contract Documenrs. I b. Options. c. Related Change Orders. d. Purchases. I ; ffil"ffiings, Product Dara, and qualiry-contror sampres. g. Review of mockups. h. Possible conflicts. f i. Compatibiliry problems. j. Time schedules. - k. Weather limitations. I I oUTLINE SPECIFICATION PACE -9 I VAg, Inc. architects & plarurers The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 t l. Manufacturer's recommendations. m. Warrantyrequirements. n. Compatibility of materials.r I ffi.;J:H#,rdubstrate* q. Space and access limitations. r. Goveming regulations. f s. Safety. t. Inspecting and testing requirements. u. Required performance results. f v. Recording requirements. w. Protection. I 2. Record significant discussions and agreements and disagreements ofeach conference, and theI approved schedule. Promptly distribute the record of the meeting to everyone concerned, including the Owner and the Architect. I 3. Do not proceed with the installation if the conference cannot be successfully concluded. Initiate I whatever actions are necessary to resolve impediments to performance of Work and reconvene the conference at the earliest t'easible date. I 1.5 PRocRESS MEETTNGS I A. Conduct progress meetings at the Project Site at regular intervals. Notiry the Owner and the Architect of I scheduled meeting dates. Coordinate dates of meetings with preparation of the payment request.r B. Attendees: In addition to representatives ofthe Owner and the Architect, each subcontractor, supplier, or I other entity concemed with current progress or involved in planning, coordination, or performance of I future activities shall be represented at these meetings. All participants at the conference shall be familiar - with the Project and authorized to conclude matters relating to the Work. I C. Agenda: General Contractor to provide meeting minutes also review and correct or approve minutes of f the previous progress meeting. Review other items ofsignificance that could affect progress. Include topics for discussion as appropriate to the status of the Project. f l. Contractor's Construction Schedule: Review progress since the last meeting. Determine whereI each activity is in relation to the Contractor's Construction Schedule, rvhether on time or ahead or behind schedule. Determine how construction behind schedule will be expedited; secure I commitments from parties involved to do so. Discuss whether schedule revisions are required to I insure that current and subsequent activities will be completed within the Contract Time. r 2. Review the present and future needs ofeach entity present, including the following: t a. Interface reouirements. b. Time. c, Sequences. I d. Status of submiftals. e. Deliveries. f. Off-site fabrication problems. I g' Access' h. Site utilization. I j: IITIJ#Y facirities and services' f k. Hazards and risks. l. Housekeeping.- m. Quality and work standards. ! I ouTLrNE SPECTFTCATTON PACE - IO .l t VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 I n. Change Orders. o. Documentation of information for payment requests. t D. Reporting: No later than 7 days after each meeting, distribute minutes of the meeting to each party ' present and to parties who should have been present. Include a brief summary, in narrative form, of progtess since the previous meeting and report. f l. Schedule Updating: Revise the Contactor's Construction Schedule after each progress meeting where revisions to the schedule have been made or recosnized. Issue the revised schedule I concunently with the report ofeach meeting. I 1.6 cooRDrNATIoN MEETIN.' I A. Conduct project coordination meetings at regular intervals convenient for all parties involved. ProjectI coordination meetings are in addition to specific meetings held for other purposes, such as regular progress meetings and special preinstallation meetings. t B. Request representation at each meeting by every party currently involved in coordination or planning for the construction activities involved. I C. Record meeting results and distribute copies to everyone in attendance and to others affected by decisionst or actions resultins from each meetins. I PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) ! PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) I End ofSection 01200: Project Meetings.I I SECTIoN OI3OO-SUBMITTALS I I.I CENERAL: I Work Performance Submittals: Including, but are not limited to, the following: l. Contractor's constructionschedule. 2. Submittal schedule. I 3. Daily construction reports. 4. Quality assurance submittals. f Administrative Submittals: Including, but are not limited to, the following: L Permits. 2. Applications for Payment. I 3. Performance and payment bonds. 4. Insurancecertificates. 5. List of subcontractors. r 1.2 sHoP DRAwTNGS: I A. Submit newly prepared information drawn accurately to scale. Highlight, encircle, or otherwise f indicate deviations from the Contract Documents. Do not reproduca Contract Documents or copy standard information as the basis ofShop Drawings. Standard information prepared without specific reference to the Project is not a Shop Drawing. Shop drawings will not be accepted a I oUTLINE SPEcrFlcArloN PAGE - II I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Proiect No. 2023.00 without General contractor's stamp including that drawings have been reviewed in compliance with Contract documents. B. Shop Drawings include fabrication and installation Drawings, setting diagrams, schedules, paitems, templates and similar Drawings. Include the following information: l. Dimensions. 2. Identification of products and materials included by sheet and detail number. 3. Compliance with specified standards. 4. Notation of coordination requirements. 5. Notation of dimensions established by field measurement. 6. Sheet Size: Except for templates, patterns and similar full-size Drawings, submit Shop Drawings on sheets at least 8-l/2 by I I inches but no larger than 36 by 48 inches. 7. Final Submittal: Submit 4 blue- or black-line prints; submit 6 prints where required for maintenance manuals. The Architect rvill retain 2 prints and retum the remainder. Contractor Option: submit one correctable, translucent. reproducible print and one blue- or black-line print for the Architect's review. The Architect will retum the reproducible print. a. One of the prints retumed shall be marked up and maintained as a "Record Document." 8. Do not use Shop Drawings without an appropriate final stamp indicating action taken. Shop Drawingsi Product Data./Sample Subminal: Including, but are not limited to, the following: l. Omamental lron Stair Railing Shop Drawings and Samples. 2. Interior Wood Casing Profiles and Stain/Finish Samples. 3. Interior Casework/Millwork Shop Drarvings, and Wood and Hardware Samples. 4. Window Shop Drawings. 5. Door and Frame Shop Drawings and Associated Hardware. 6. Interior Plaster Texture Sample. 7. Interior Stone, Marble, Tile and Grout Samples for Owner selection. 8. Wood Flooring and Color/Finish Samples. 9. Toilet and Bath Accessories Schedule. Product Data and Shop Drawings. 10. Fireplace and FIue Product Data and Shop Drawings. I L Residential Equipment Product Data. 12. Cabinet and Casework Shop Drawings and Hardware Samples. 13. Mechanical System Shop Drawings and Product Data. 14. Plumbing Fixture Product Data. 15. Electrical Fixture Product Data. I End of Section 01300: Submittals. t sEcTIoN 0t421 - REFERENCE STANDARDS AND DEFTNIT|ONS PART I - GENERAL ! I.I RELATED DOCUMENTS I A. Drawings and general provisions ofthe Contract. including General and Supplementary Conditions and I other Division I Specification Sections. apply to this Section. I t.2 DEFINTTTONS I A. General: Basic contract definitions are included in the Conditions ofthe Contract. I I - OUTLTNE SPECIFICATION PAGE - 12 I t I I t I I I I I I I I VAg, lnc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence I Proiect No. 2023.00 I 1.4 INDUSTRY STANDARDS I A. Applicabiliry of Standards: Unless the Contract Documents include more stringent requirements, applicable construction industry standards have the same force and effect as ifbound or copied directly I into the Contract Documents to the extent referenced. Such standards are made a part of the Contract I Documents ov ret'erence. I PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) t PART 3 - EXECUTION tNot Aoolicable) I End ofsection 01421: Reference Standards and Definitions. I sEcrIoN 0rs00 - CoNSTRUCTIoN FAcILITIES AND TEMPoRARY coNTRoLS PART I . GENERAL r l.r RELATED DocUMENTS I A. Drawings and general provisions ofthe Contract. including General and Supplementary Conditions and t other Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I 1.2 SUMMARY t A. 'Ihis Section includes requirements for construction facilities and temporary controls, including temporary utilities. support facilities, and securiry and protection. I B. Maintain all existing utilities for cunent tenants use with no interference. I C. Temporary utilities include, but are not limited to. the followine: r I . Water service and distribution. 2. -femporary electric power and light. I 3. Temporary hcat. ! 4. Ventilation. 5. Telephone service. I 2 Sanitary facilities. including drinking water. I /. Storm and sanitary sewer. D. Support fhcilities include, but are not limited to, the following: t l. Field offices and storage sheds. 2. Dewatering f'acilities and drains. I 3. Temporary enc losures. f| 4. Hoists and temporary elevator use. 5. 'femporary project identiflcation signs and bulletin boards. r 6. Waste disposal services. I 7. Rodent and pcst control.I 8. Construction aids and miscellaneous services and facilities. ll E. Security and protection facilities include, but are not limited to. the following: I t oUrLlNE sPEcIFIcArloN PAGE - 13 I VAg, Inc. architects & ptanners The MacFarlan Residence t Project No. 2023.00 l. Temporary fire protection. ', 2. Barricades, waming signs, and lights. I 3. Environmental Drotection. I.3 SUBMITTALS I A. Temporary Utilities: Submit reports of tests, inspections, meter readings, and similar procedures performed on temporary utilities. I B. Implementation and Termination Schedule: Within 15 days of the date established for commencement of the Work, submit a schedule indicating implementation and termination of each temporary utility. I 1.4 euALrrYASsuRANcEI A. Regulations: Comply with industry standards and applicable laws and regulations of authorities having I jurisdiction including, but not limited to, the following: r l. Building code requirements. r 2. Health and safety regulations. I 3. Utility company regulations.I 4. Police, fire departrnent, and rescue squad rules.5. EnyironmentalDrotectionreeulations. t B. Standards: Comply with NFPA 241 "Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alterations, and Demolition Operations," ANSI Al0 Series standards for "safety Requirements for Construction and I Demolition," and NECA Electrical Design Library "Temporary Electrical Facilities." I l. Electrical Service: Comply with NEMA, NECA, and UL standards and regulations for temporary electric service. Install service in compliance with NFPA 70 "National Electric Code." I C. Inspections: Arrange for authorities having jurisdiction to inspect and test each temporary utility before use. Obtain required certifications and permits. I I"5 PROJECT CONDITIONSI A. Temporary Utilities: Prepare a schedule indicating dates for implementation and termination of cach I temporary utility. At the earliest feasible time, when acceptable to the Owner, change over iiom use of I temporary service to use ofpermanent service. I B. Conditions ofUse: Keep temporary services and facilities clean and neat in appearance. Operate in a I safe and efficient manner. Relocate temporary services and facilities as the Work progresses. Do notrr overload facilities or permit them to interfere with progress. Take necessary fire-prevention measures. Do not allow hazardous, dangerous, or unsanitary conditions, or public nuisances to develop or persist on-I site. ! PART 2 . PRODUCTS I 2.t MATERIALS A. General: Provide new materials. lfacceptable to the Architect, the Contractor may use undamaged, I previously used materials in serviceable condition. Provide materials suitable for use intended-I B. Lumber and Plywood: Comply with requirements in Division 6 Section "Rough Carpentry."I T OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE - 14 I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence I I I I I t I I I I Proiect No. 2023.00 l. Forjob-built temporary oUices, shops, and sheds within the construction area, provide UL-labeled, fire-treated lumber and plyrvood for fiaming, sheathing, and siding. 2. For signs and directory boards. provide exterior-type, Grade B-B high-density concrete form overlay plyrvood of sizes and thicknesses indicated. 3. For fences and vision barriers, provide minimum 3/8-inch+hick exterior pl),\,vood. 4. For safety barriers, sidewalk bridges, and similar uses, provide minimum 5/8-inch-thick exterior plywood. C. Tarpaulins: Provide waterprooi fire-resistant. Ul-labeled tarpaulins with flame-spread rating of l5 or less. For temporary enclosures, provide translucent, nylon-reinforced, laminated polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride, fire-retardant tarpaulins. D. Water: Provide potable water approved by local health authorities. 2.2 EQUIPMENT A. General: Provide new equipment. lfacceptable to the Architect, the Contractor may use undamaged, previously used equipment in serviceable condition. Provide equipment suitable for use intended. B. Heating Units: Provide temporary heating units that have been tested and labeled by UL, FM, or another recognized trade association related to the t!?e of fuel being consumed. C. Fire Extinguishers: Provide hand-carried. portable, Ul--rated, Class A fire extinguishers for temporary offices and similar spaces. In other locations. provide hand-canied, portable, Ul-rated, Class ABC, dry- chemical extinguishers or a combination of extinguishers of NFPA-recommended classes for the exposures. l. Compty with NFPA l0 and NFPA 241 for classification, extinguishing agent, and size required by location and class of fire exposure. I PART] - EXECUTION -3,I INSTALLATIONI I I I I A. Use qualified personnel for installation of temporary facilities. Locate facilities where they will serve the Project adequately and result in minimum interference with performance of the Work. Rclocate and modifo facilities as required. B. Provide each faciliry ready for use rvhen needed to avoid delay. Maintain and modify as required. Do not remove until facilities are no longer needed or are replaced by authorized use of completed permanent facil ities. 3.2 TEMPORARYUTILITYINSTALLATION A. General: Engage the appropriate local utiliry company to install temporary service or connect to existing service. Where company provides only pan of the service, provide the remainder with matching, compatible materials and equipment. Comply rvith company rccommendations. l. Arrange with company and eristing users tbr a time when service can be interrupted, if necessary, to make connections for temoorarv services. I I ouTLrNE SPEclFIcAfloN PAGE . 15 C. D. F, G. I t I I I T t I I I I I t I I I I t I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Proiect No. 2023.00 2. Provide adequate capacity at each stage of construction. Prior to temporary utility availability, provide trucked-in services. 3. Obtain easements to bring temporary utilities to the site where the Owner's easements cannot be used for that purpose. 4. Use Charges: Cost or use charges tbr temporary facilities are not chargeable to the Owner or Architect. Neither the Owner nor Architect will accept cost or use charges as a basis of claims for Change Orders. Water Service: Install watcr scrvice and distribution piping ofsizes and pressures adequate for construction until permanent water service is in use, I . Sterilization: Sterilize temporary water piping prior to use. Temporary Electric Power Service: Provide weatherproof, grounded electric power service and distribution system ofsufficient size, capacity, and power characteristics during construction period. Include meters. transformers, overload-protected disconnects, automatic ground-fault intemrpters, and main distribution switch gear. l. Install electric power service underground. except where overhead service must be used. 2. Power Distribution System: Install rviring overhead and rise vertically where least exposed to damage. Where permitted, wiring circuits not exceeding 125 Volts, ac 20 Ampere rating, and lighting circuits may be nonmetallic sheathed cable where overhead and exposed for surveillance. Temporary Lighting: When overhead floor or roof deck has been installed, provide temporary lighting with local switching. L lnstall and operate temporary lighting that rvill fulfill security and protection requirements without operating the entire svstem. Provide temporary lighting that will provide adequate illumination for construction operations and traffic conditions. Coordinate lighting levels with the Town of Vail. Temporary Heat: Provide temporary heat required by construction activities for curing or drying of completed installations or for protection ofinstalled construction fiom adverse effects of low temperatures or high humidity. Select safe equipment that will not have a harmful effect on completed installations or elements being installed. Coordinate ventilation requirements to produce the ambient condition required and minimize consumption of energy. Heating Facilities: Except where the Owner authorizes use of the perrnanent system, provide vented, self- contained, LP-gas or fuel-oil heaters with individual space thermostatic control. l. Use of gasoline-burn ing space heaters, open tlame, or salamander heating units is prohibited. 2. Coordinate rype of heating units with the Torvn of Vail. Temporary Telephones: Provide temporary telephone service throughout the construction period for all personnel engaged in construction activities. Install telephone on a separate line for each temporary office and first-aid station. l. Separate Telephone Lines: Provide additional telephone lines for the following: 2. At each telephone, post a list of imponant relephone numbers. Sanitary facilities include temporary toilets. wash t'acilities, and drinking-water fixtures. Comply with regulations and health codes for the type, number. location, operation, and maintenance of fixtures and facilities. lnstall where facilities will best serve the Proiect's needs. OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE .16 J. I D, J.J 5.4 I I I I t I I I I I t I I I t t I T t VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Proiect No. 2023.00 l. Provide toilet tissue, paper towels, paper cups, and similar disposable materials for each facility. Provide covered waste containers for used material. Toilets: Install self-contained toilet units. Shield toilets to ensure privacy. Use of pit-type privies will not be permined. l. Provide seDarate facilities for male and female oersonnel. Wash Facilities: Install wash facilities supplied with potable water at convenient locations for personnel involved in handling materials that require wash-up for a healthy and sanitary condition. Dispose of drainage properly. Supply cleaning compounds appropriate for each condition. l. Provide safety showers, eyewash fountains. and similar facilities for convenience, safety, and sanitation of personnel. Drinking-Water Facilities: Provide containerized. tap-dispenser, bonled-water drinking-water units, including paper supply. Provide earthen embankments and similar barriers in and around excavations and subgrade construction, suflicient to prevent flooding by runoffof storm water from heavy rains. SUPPORT FACILITIES INSTALLATION Temporary Enclosures: Provide temporary enclosures for protection of construction, in progress and completed, from exposure, foul weather, other construction operations, and similar activities. Project ldentitication and Temporary Signs: Prepare project identification and other signs ofsize indicated. Install signs where indicated to inform the public and persons seeking entrance to the Project. Support on posts or framing of preservative-treated wood or steel. Do not permit installation of unauthorized signs. Temporary Exterior Lighting: Install exterior yard and sign lights so signs are visible when Work is being performed. Coordinate with the Town of Vail. Collection and Disposal of Waste: Collect waste tiom construction areas and elsewhere daily. Comply with requirements of NFPA 241 Town of Vail. for removal of combustible waste material and debris. Enforce requirements strictly. Do not hold materials more than 7 days during normal weather or 3 days when the temperature is expected to rise above 80 deg F. Handle hazardous, dangerous. or unsan itary waste materials separately from other waste by containerizing properly. Dispose of material lawfully. Rodent and Pest Control: Before deep foundation work has been completed, retain a local exterrninator or pest control company to recommend practices to minimize attraction and harboring of rodents, roaches, and other pests. Employ this service to perfbrm extermination and control procedures at regular intervals so the Project rvill be free ofpests and their residues at Substantial Completion. Perform control operations lawfu lly, using environmentally safe materials. SECURITY AND PROTECTION FACILITIES TNSTALLATION Except for use ofpermanent fire protection as soon as available, do not change over from use ol temporary security and protection facilities to permanent facilities until Substantial Completion, or longer, as reouested bv the Architect. OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE - 17 B. c. D. B. 3.5 t I I I I I I I I t I I t I t t I I I vAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Proiect No. 2023.00 F. Temporary Fire Protection: Until fire-protection needs are supplied by permanent facilities, install and maintain temporary fire-protection facilities ofthe types needed to protect against reasonably predictable and controllable fire losses. Comply with NFPA l 0 "Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers" and NFPA 241 "standard fbr Safeguarding Construction, Alterations, and Demolition Operations." L Locate fire extinguishers where convenient and effective for their intended purpose, but not less than one extinguisher on each t'loor at or near each usable stairwell. 2. Store combustible materials in containers in fire-safe locations. 3. Maintain unobstructed access to fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, temporary fire-protection facilities, stairways, and other access routes for fighting fires. Prohibit smoking in hazardous fire- exposure areas. 4. Provide supervision ofwelding operations, combustion-type temporary heating units, and similar sources of fire ignition. Permanent Fire Protection: At the earliest feasible date in each area of the Project, complete installation ofthe permanent fire-protection facility, including connected services, and place into operation and use. Instruct key personnel on use offacilities. Barricades, Waming Signs. and Lights: Comply with standards and code requirements fbr erection of structurally adequate barricades. Paint with appropriate colors. graphics, and waming signs to inform personnel and the public oithe hazard being protected against. Where appropriate and needed, provide lighting, including tlashing red or amber lights. Security Enclosure and Lockup: Install substantial temporary enclosure of panially completed areas of constmction. Provide locking entrances to prevent unauthorized entrance, vandalism, theft, and similar violations of security. I . Storage: Where materials and equipment must be stored, and are of value or attractive for theft, provide a secure lockup. Enforce discipline in connection with the installation and release of material to minimize the opportunity for theft and vandalism. Environmental Protection: Provide protection, operate temporary facilities, and conduct construction in ways and by methods that comply with environmcntal regulations. and minimize the possibility that air. waterways, and subsoil might be contaminated or polluted or that other undesirable effects might result. Avoid use of tools and equipment that produce harmful noise. Restrict use of noise-making tools and equipment to hours that r'vill minimize complaints fiom persons or firms near the site. OPERATION. TERMINATION. AND REMOVAL Supervision: Enforce strict discipline in use of temporary facilities. Limit availability of temporary facilities to essential and intended uses to minimize waste and abuse. Maintenance: Maintain tacilities in good operating condition until removal. Protect from damage by freezing temperatures and similar elements. l. Maintain operation oftemporary enclosures, heating, cooling, humidity control, ventilation, and similar facilities on a 24-hour basis where required to achieve indicated results and to avoid possibiliry of damage. 2. Protection: Prevent water-filled piping from tieezing. Maintain markers for underground lines. Protect trom damage during excavation operations. Termination and Removal: Unless the Architect requests that it be maintained longer, remove each temporary facilitv when the need has ended, when replaced by authorized use of a permanent facility, or no later than Substantial Completion. Complete or. if necessary, restore perrnanent construction that may OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE - 18 I VAg, lnc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Proiect No. 2023.00 I have been delayed because of interterence with the temporary facility. Repair damaged Work, clean exposed surfaces, and replace construction that cannot be satisfactorily repaired. I I . Materials and facilities that constitute temporary facilities are the Contractor's property. TheI Owner reserves the right to take possession ofproject identification signs. 2. At Substantial Completion. clean and renovate permanent facilities used during the construction period including, but not limited to, the iollowing: I a. Replace air filters and clean inside ofductwork and housings. I b. Replace significantly wom parts and parts subject to unusual operating conditions. I c. Replace lamps bumed out or noticeably dimmed by hours of use. End of Section 01500: Construction Facilities and Temporary Controls. I SECTION OI6OO - MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT r PART I -CENERAL I I.I RELATED DOCUMENTS I A. Drawings and general provisions ofthe Contract. including General and Supplementary Conditions and t other Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I 1.2 SUMMARY rr A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements goveming the Contractor's selection of products for use in the Project. I t.4 sUBMITTALS I A. Product List: Prepare a list showing products specified in tabular form acceptable to the Architect. I Include generic names ofproducts required. lnclude the manufacturer's name and proprietary product names for each item listed. I l. Coordinatc product list with the Contractor's Construction Schedule and the Schedule ofI Subminals. I I.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE t A. Source Limitations: To the fullest extent possible, provide products ofthe same kind fiom a single source. l. When specified products are available only from sources that do not. or cannot, produce a quantity adequate to complete project requirements in a timely manner, consult with the Architect to determine the most important product qualities before proceeding. Qualities may include attributes, such as visual appearance. strength, durability, or compatibility. When a determination has been made, select products trom sources producing products that possess these qualities, to the fu llest extent possible. B. Compatibility of Options: When the Contraclor is given the option of selecting between 2 or more products for use on the Project, the product selected shall be compatible with products previously selected, even if previously selected products rvere also options. C. Foreign Product Limitations: Except under one or more of the following conditions, provide domestic products, not foreign products, for inclusion in the Work: I T I I I I I ourLINE sPEclFIcArloN PAGE - 19 t VAg Inc. architecrs & plarners The MacFarlan Residence I Project No. 2023.N l. No available domestic product complies with the Contract Documents. ll 2- Domestic products that comply with the Contract Documents are available only at prices or ternxr I subsantially higher than foreign products that comply with the Contract Documents, r D. Nameplates: Except for required labels and operating dat4 do not attach or imprint manufacturer,s or I producefs nameplates or trademarks on exposed surfaces ofproducts that will be exposed to view inI occupied spaces or on the exterior. I 1.6 PRODUCT DELTVERY, STORAGE, AND I{ANDLING r A. Deliver, store, and handle products according to the manufacturer's recommendations, using means and I methods that will prevent damage, deterioration, and loss, including theft. I PART2-PRODUCTS I 2.1 PRODUCT SELECTION I A. General Product Requirements: Provide products that comply with the Contract Documents, that arer undamaged and, unless otherwise indicated, new and providei for complete installation. I B. Pmduct Selection Procedures: The Contract Documents and goveming regulations govern product I selection. I l. Allowances: Refer to individual Specification Sections and "Allowance" provisions in Division I I for allowances that control product selection and for procedures required for processing such selections. I PART3-EXEcurroN I 3.I INSTALLATION OF PRODUCTS I A. Comply with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations for installation of products in the applications indicated. Anchor each product securely in place, accurately located and aligned with other Work. I l. Clean exposed surfaces and protect as necessary to ensure freedom from damage and deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. I End of Section 01600: Materials and Equipment. SECTION OI63I - SUBSTITUTIONS IT PART I-GENERAL I I.I RELATED DOCUMENTS ' A. Drawings and general provisions ofthe Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and r other Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I 1.2 SUMMARY t I ouTLrNE sPEcrFrcATroN PAGE.2O 1.3 I I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for handling requests for substitutions made after award ofthe Contract. DEFINITIONS Definitions in this Article do not change or modi$ the meaning of other terms used in the Contract Documents. B. Substitutions: Changes in producs, materials, equipment, and methods of consfiuction required by the Contract Documents proposed by the Contractor after award ofthe Contract are considered to be requests for substitutions. I.4 SUBMITTALS A. Substitution Request Submittal: The Architect will consider requests for substitution if received within 60 days after commencement ofthe Work. Requests received more than 60 days after commencement ofthe Work may be considered or rejected at the discretion of the Architect. l. Architect's Action: lf necessary, the Architect will request additional information or documentation for evaluation within one week of receipt of a request for substitution. The Architect will notiry the Contractor ofacceptance or rejection ofthe substitution within 2 weeks of receipt of the request, or one week ofreceipt ofadditional information or documentation, whichever is later. Acceptance will be in the form of a change order. a. Use the product specified ifthe Architect cannot make a decision on the use ofa proposed substitute within the time allocated, PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SUBSTITUTIONS A. Conditions: The Architect will receive and consider the Contractor's request for substitution when one or more of the fiollowing conditions are satisfied, as determined by the Architect. tf the following conditions are not satisfied, the Architect will retum the requests without action except to record noncompliance with these requirements, l. Extensive revisions to the Contract Documents are not required.2. Proposed changes are in keeping with the general intent ofthe Contract Documents.3. The request is timely, fully documented, and properly submitted.4. The specified product or method of construction cannot be provided within the Contract Time. The Architect will not consider the request if the product or method cannot be provided as a result of failure to pursue the Work promptly or coordinate activities properly.5. The request is directly related to an "or-equal" clause or similar language in the Contract Documents. 6. The requested substitution offers the Owner a substantial advantage, in cost, time, energy conservation, or other considerations, after deducting additional responsibilities the Owner must assume. The Owner's additional responsibilities may include compensation to the Architect for redesign and evaluation services, increased cost ofother construction by the Owner, and similar considerations. 7. The specified product or method ofconstruction cannot receive necessary approval by a goveming authority, and the requested substirution can be approved.8. The specified product or method ofconstruction cannot be provided in a manner that is compatible with other materials and where the Contractor certifies that the substitution will overcome the incompatibility. OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PACE -2I I I I I T I I I I I I t I I I t t I I VAg, Inc. architects & plarners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 9. The specified product or method ofconstruction cannot be coordinated with other materials and where the Conffactor certifies that the proposed substitution can be coordinated.10. The specified product or method ofconstruction cannot provide a wananty required by the Contract Documents and where the Contractor certifies that the proposed substitution provides the required warranty. I l. Where a proposed substitution involves more than one prime confactor, each contractor shall cooperate with the other contractors involved to coordinate the Work, provide uniformity and consistency, and assure compatibility of products. B. The Contractor's submittal and the Architect's acceptance of Shop Drawings, Product Data, or Samples for construction activities not complying with the Contract Documents do not constitute an acceptable or valid request for substitution, nor do they constitute approval. PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) End of Section 0163 l: Substitutions. SECTION Ol7OO - CONTRACT CLOSEOUT I.I SUBSTANTIALCOMPLETION Preliminary Procedures: Before requesting inspection for certification of Substantial Completion, complete the following. List exceptions in the request. l. In the Application for Payment that coincides with, or hrst follows, rhe date Substantial Completion is claimed, show 100 percent completion for the portion of the Work claimed as substantially complete. 2. Submit specific waranties, workmanship bonds, maintenance agreements, final certifications, and similar documents. Submit record drawings, maintenance manuals, final project photographs, damage, or settlement surveys, property surveys. and similar final record information. Deliver tools, spare pans, extra stock, and similar items. Make final changeover of pcrmanent locks and transmit keys to the Owner. Complete startup testing of systems. Discontinue and remove temporary facilities from the site, along with mockups, construction tools, and similar elements. 8. Complete final cleanup requirements, including touchup painting. T.2 FINAL ACCEPTANCE Preliminary Procedures: Before requesting final inspection for certification offinal acceptance and final payment, complete the following. List exceptions in the request. l. Submit the final payment request with releases and supporting documentation not previously submitted and accepted. Include insurance certificates for products and completed operations where required. 2. Submit an updated final statement, accounting for final additional changes to the Contract Sum. 3. Submit a certified copy of the Architect's final inspection list of items to be completed or corrected, endorsed and dated by the Architect. The certified copy ofthe list shall state that each item has been completed or otherwise resolved for acceptance and shall be endorsed and dated by the Architect. 3. A 5. 6. 7. OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE -22 I I I T I t I I I I I I I I t I I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence I I ouTLrNE SPEcrFrcArroN Project No. 2023.00 4. Submit final meter readings for utilities, a measured record of stored fuel, and similar data as ofthe date ofSubstantial Completion or when the Owner took possession ofand assumed responsibility for corresponding elements of the Work. 5. Submit consent ofsurety to final payment. 6. Submit a final liquidated damages settlement statement. 7 . Submit evidence of final, continuing insurance coverage complying with insurance requirements. I.3 RECORD DOCUMENT SUBMITTALS General: Do not use record documents for construction purposes. Protect record documents from deterioration and loss in a secure, fire-resistant location. Provide access to record documents for the Architect's reference during normal working hours. Record Drawings: Maintain a clean, undamaged set of blue or black line white prints of Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings. Mark the set to show the actual installation where the installation varies substantially from the Work as originally shown. Mark which drawing is most capable of showing conditions fully and accurately. Where Shop Drawings are used, record a cross-reference at the corresponding location on the Contract Drawings. Give particular attention to concealed elements that would be difficult to measure and record at a later date. Record Product Data: Maintain one copy of each Product Data subminal. Note related Change Orders and markup ofrecord drawings and Specificatrons. l. Mark these documents to show significant variations in actual Work performed in comparison with information submitted. Include variations in products delivered to the site and from the manufacturer's installation instructions and recommendations. 2. Cive particular attention to concealed products and portions ofthe Work that cannot otherwise be rcadily discemed later by direct observation. 3. Upon completion of markup, submit complete set of record Product Data to the Architect for the Owner's records. Maintenance Manuals: Organize operation and maintenance data into suitable sets of manageable size. Bind properly indexed data in individual, heavy-duty, 2-inch, 3-ring, vinyl-covered binders, with pocket folders for folded sheet information. Mark appropriate identification on front and spine ofeach binder. 1.4 FINAL CLEANING Cleaning: Employ experienced workers or professional cleaners for final cleaning. Clean each surface or unit to the condition expected in a normal. commercial building cleaning and maintenance program. Comply with manufacturer's instructions. l. Complete the following cleaning operations before requesting inspection for certification of Final Acceptance. a. Remove labels that are not permanent labels. b. Clean transparent materials, including minors and glasses in doors and windows. Remove glazing compounds and other substances that are noticeable vision-obscuring materials. Replace chipped or broken glass and other damaged transparent materials. c. Clean exposed exterior and interior hard-surfaced finishes to a dust-free condition, free of stains, lilms, and similar foreign substances. Restore reflective surfaces to their original condition. Leave concrete tloors broom clean. Vacuum carpeted surfaces.d. Wipe surfaces ofmechanical and electrical equipment. Remove excess lubrication and other substances. Clean plumbing fixrures to a sanitary condition. Clean light fixtures and lamos. PAGE .23 - VAg, Inc. architects & plarurers The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 I e. Replace disposable air filters and clean permanent air filters. Clean exposed surfaces of diffirers, registers and grilles. I f. Clean the site, including landscape development areas, ofrubbish, litter, and other foreignI ;:ffi::'#;;:ffiT[il:::::#$:hT]ffiil3lli;llllli;illi:*1i.,?fi* surface. t End ofSection 01700: Contract Closeout. I I SECTION 01720- PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS PART I . GENERAL II I.I RELATEDDOCUMENTS I A. Drawings and general provisions ofthe Contract. including General and Supplementary Conditions and I other Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY Ir A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for Project Record Documents. t B. Project Record Documents required include the fbllowing:r I . Marked-up copies of Contract Drawings. 11 2. Marked-up copies of Shop Drawings. I 3. Newly prepared drawings.r 4. Marked-up copies of Specifications, addenda, and Change Orders. 5. Marked-up Product Data subminals. t 6. Record Samples. || 7. Field records for variable and concealed conditions. . Record information on Work that is recorded only schematically. I C. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section:I l. Division I Section "Submittals" specifies general requirements for preparing and submining I Project Record Documents. fl 2. Division I Section "Contract Closeout" specities general closeout requirements. 3. Divisions 2 through l6 Sections fbr speci[ ing Project Record Document requirements for specific pieces of equipment or building operating s) stems. I D. Maintenance of Documents and Samples: Store record documents and Samples in the field oflice apart from the Contract Documents used for construction. Do not use Project Record Documents for I construction purposes. Maintain record documents in good order and in a clean, dry, Iegible condition. t Make documents and Samples available at all times for the Architect's inspections. I I.3 RECORD DRAWINGS - A. Markup Procedure: During construction, maintain a set of blue- or black-line white prints of Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings for Project Record Document purposes. t l. Mark these Drawings to show the actual installation where the installation varies fiom the installation shown originallv. Give oarticular attention to information on concealed elements that I I OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE - 24 4. 5. B. I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Proiect No. 2023.00 would be difficult to identifr or measure and record later. Items required to be marked include, but are not limited to, the following: Dimensional changes to the Drawings. Revisions to details shown on the Drawings. Depths of foundations below the first floor. Locations and depths of underground utilities. Revisions to routing of piping and conduits. Revisions to electrical circuitry. Actual equipment locations. Duct size and routing. Locations of concealed intemal utilities. Changes made by change order or Constnrction Change Directive. Changes made following the Architect's written orders. Details not on orisinal Contract Drawinss. J. Mark record prints of Contract Drawings or Shop Drawings, whichever is most capable of showing actual physical conditions, completely and accurately. Where Shop Drawings are marked, show cross-reference on Contract Drawings location. Mark record sets with red erasable colored pencil. Use other colors to distinguish between changes for different categories ofthe Work at the same location. Mark important additional information that was either shown schematically or omitted from original Drawings. Note Construction Change Directive numbers, altemate numbers, change-order numbers, and similar identification. C. Responsibiliry for Markup: The individual or entity who obtained record data" whether the individual or entity is the Installer, subcontractor, or similar entity, shall prepare the markup on record drawings. l. Accurately record information in an understandable drawing technique. 2. Record data as soon as possible after obtaining it. Record and check the markup prior to enclosing concealed installations. 3. At time of Substantial Completion, submit record drawings to the Architect for the Owner's records. Organize into sets and bind and label sets for the Owner's continued use. Preparation of Transparencies: lmmediately prior to inspecting Certification of Substantial Completion, review completed marked-up record drawings with the Architect. When authorized, prepare a full set of corrected transparencies ofContract Drawings and Shop Drawings. I . Incorporate changes and additional infbrmation previously marked on print sets. Erase, redraw, and add details and notations where applicable. ldentifu and date each drawing; include the printed designation "PROJECT RECORD DRAWINGS" in a prominent location on each drawing. 2. Refer instances ofuncertainty to the Architect for resolution. 3. The Orvner will furnish the Contractor one set of transparencies oforiginal Contract Drawings for use in recording changes and additional information. Other printing as required is the Contractor's responsibility. 4. The Contractor is responsible for printing original Contract Drawings and other drawings as required to produce transparencies. The Architect will make original Contract Drawings available to the Contractor's print shop. 5. Revierv of Transparencies: Before copying and distributing, submit corrected transparencies and the original marked-up prints to the Architect for review. When acceptable, the Architect will initial and date each transparency. Acceptance by the Architect indicates acceptance ofgeneral scope of changes, additional information recorded. and of the quality of drafting. OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE -25 D. t.4 l.) I I I t I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Proiect No. 2023.00 a. The Architect will return transparencies and the original marked-up prints to the Contractor for organizing into sets, printing, binding, and final submittal. Copies and Distribution: After completing the preparation oftransparency record drawings, print 3 blue- or blackline prints ofeach drawing, whether or not changes and additional information were recorded. Organize the copies into manageable sets. Bind each set with durable-paper cover sheets. Include appropriate identification, including titles, dates, and other information on the cover sheets. l. Organize and bind original marked-up set ofprints that were maintained during the construction period in the sarne manner. 2. Organize record transparencies into sets matching the print sets. Place these sets in durable tube- type drawing containers with end caps. Mark the end cap of each container with suitable identification. 3. Submit the marked-up record set, transparencies, and 3 copy sets to the Architect for the Owner's records; the Architect will retain I copy set. Newly Prepared Record Drawings: Prepare new drawings instead offollowing procedures specified for preparing record drawings where new drawings are required, and the Architect determines that neither original Contract Drawings nor Shop Drawings are suitable to show the actual installation. New drawings may be required when a change order is issued as a result ofaccepting an altemate, substitution, or other modification. l. Consult with the Architect for proper scale and scope ofdetailing and notations required to record the actual physical installation and its relation to other construction. When completed and accepted, integrate newly prepared Drawings with procedures specified for organizing, copying, binding and submitting record drawings. RECORD SPECIFICATIONS During the construction period, maintain 3 copies ofthe Project Specifications, including addenda and modifications issued, for Project Record Document purposes. l. Mark the Specifications to indicate the actual installation where thc installation varies from that indicated in Specifications and modifications issued. Note related project record drawing information. where applicable. Give particular attention to substitutions, selection ofproduct options, and information on concealed installations that would be difficult to identifu or measure and record later. b. In each Specification Section where products, materials, or units ofequipment are specified or scheduled, mark the copy with the proprietary name and model number ofthe product fumished. Record the name ofthe manufacturer, supplier, installer, and other information necessary to provide a record of selections made and to document coordination with record Product Data submittals and maintenance manuals. Note related record Product Data, where applicable. For each principal product specified, indicate whether record Product Data has been submitted in maintenance manual instead of submined as record Product Data. 2. Upon completion of markup, submit record Specifications to the Architect for the Owner's records. RECORD PRODUCT DATA During the construction period, maintain one copy ofeach Product Data subminal for Project Record Document purposes. OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE .26 I I I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 I l. Mark Product Data to indicate the actual product installation where the installation varies substantially from that indicated in Product Data submined. Include significant changes in the product delivered to the site and changes in manufacrurer's instmctions and recommendations for installation.r 2. Give particular attention to information on concealed products and installations that cannot be I 3. fi:*"l"i"lT'ffilil;il#:li'**, orrecord Drawings, where appricabre.I 4. Upon completion of markup, submit a complete set of record Product Data to the Architect for the Owner's records. I 5. Where record Product Data is required as part of maintenance manuals, submit marked-up Product I Data as an insert in the manual instead of submittal as record Product Data. 6. Each prime contractor is responsible for marking up and submitting record Product Data for its own Work. I I.6 RECORD SAMPLE SUBMITTAL A. lmmediately prior to date of Substantial Completion meet with the Architect and the Owner's personnel at the site to determine which of the Samples maintained during the construction period shall be transmi$ed to the Owner for record purposes. Comply with the Architect's insfuctions for packaging, identification marking, and delivery to the Owner's Sample storage space. Dispose of other Samples in a manner specified for disposing surplus and waste materials. 1.7 MAINTENANCE MANUAL SUBMITTAL I A. When each construction activity that requires submittal of maintenance manuals is nominally complete, but before Substantial Completion, submit maintenance manuals specified. I I . Organize operation and maintenance manuals into suitable sets of manageable size. ' 2. Bind data into individual binders for each manual, properly identified on fiont and spine. For large manuals, provide an index sheet and thumb tabs for separate information categories. I 3. Provide heavy-duty, 3-ring, vinyl-covered binders, I to 2 inih thick as required to contain I information, sized for 8-l/2-by-l l-inch paper with inside pockets or pocket folders for folded sneets. I 4. ln each maintenance manual. include information specified in individual Specification Sections I and the followins: a. Emergency instructions. b. Spare parts list. I c. Copies of specific warranties. d. Wiring diagrams. I e. Recommended maintenance procedures and tum-around times. t f. Inspection and system-test procedures. g. Copies ofapplicable Shop Drawings and Product Data.I i k','*:::ii's:::xffi:T"T'.:Ti::"1[il*Tff:i"* a i. Maintenance drawinss and diaerams. i. Precautions against i-mproper riaintenance and exposure. I 1.8 MISCELLANEOUS RECORD SUBMTTTALS r A. Refer to other Specification Sections tbr miscellaneous record-keeping requirements and submittals in I connection with various construction activities. lmmediately prior to Substantial Completion, completeI miscellaneous records and place in good order. properly identified and bound or filed, ready for use and reference. Submit to the Architect for the Otvner's records. I I OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE -27 I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFqrlan Residence Proiect No. 2023.00 I I l. Categories of requirements resulting in miscellaneous records include, but are not limited to, the following: I a. Surveys establishing building lines and levels. b. Authorized measurements utilizing unit prices or allowances. I i: lffiij;."il':llffiFiJion,on,.,,, I e. Certifications received in lieu of labels on bulk products. f. Batch mixing and bulk delivery records. I g. Testing and qualification oftradesmen. I h. Documented qualification of installation firms. i. Load and performance testing. I t ['ir;:"ffH,:'.1;:';:I:Hlli:.:'"'ing authorities ! l. Fire-resistance and flame-spread test results. m. Final inspection and correction procedures. I PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3. EXECUTION I 3.1 REcoRDTNG I A. Post changes and modifications to the Documents as they occur. Do not wait until the end of the Project.r End of Section 01720: Proiect Record Documents. I SECTIONOIT4O-WARRANTIESr I.I GENERAL: I Disclaimers and Limitations: Manufacturer's disclaimers and limitations on product warranties do not relieve the Contractor ofthe warranty on the Work that incorporates the products. Manufacturer's disclaimers and limitations on product warranties do not relieve suppliers,r ffHj:i'::T#tff::;lli:'j::J::H:1i;ililH'ilffi"J[ilxlj'ffJi'ljT;;:"*" Contractor. or by the Contractor, subcontractor, supplier, or manufacturer. Organize the warranty documents into an orderly sequence based on the table ofcontents ofthe Project Manual. I Bind warranties and bonds in heavy-duty. commercial-quality, durable 3-ring, vinyl-covered loose- leafbinders. thickness as necessary to accommodate contents, and sized to receive 8-l/2-by-t l- ! inch paper. 1.2 LIST OF WARRANTIES I Schedule: Provide written wananties, ifbeyond the General Contractor's one-year warranty period. on products and installations as specified in the tbllowing Sections: r ) w::T;"":i'li.iilll"J,llli';ffr3::T:*'illvaterproonng 3. Aluminum Clad Wood Windows: Section 08550 - Wood Windows, including glazing. 4. Wood Flooring: Section 09550 - Wood Flooring.I 5. Carpet: Section 09680 - Carpet. 6. Residential Equipment: Section I145 I - Residential equipment 7. Mechanical HVAC Equipment: Section I 5000. I I ourLrNEsPEcrFIcArroN PAGE - 28 I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence I 8. Electrical Fixtures, including Ceiling Fans. End of Section 0 | 740: Wananties. r DIvIsIoN 2 - sITE GoNSTRUCTION: I A. sEcrroN02200-EARTHWoRK:NorusED I B. sEcrroNo223o-srrEclEARrNc Project No. 2023.00 I I,5 TREE PROTECTION I Erect and maintain a temporary fence around drip line of individual trees or around perimeter drip I line of groups of trees to remain. Remove fence when constnrction is complete. Do not store constnrction materials, debris, or excavated material within drip line of remaining trees. I Do not permit vehicles, equipment, or foot traffrc within drip line of remaining trees. Do not excavate within drip line oftrees, unless otherwise indicated. I Where excavation for new constnrction is required within drip line of trees, hand clear and - excavate to minimize damage to root systems. I Repair or replace trees and vegetation indicated to remain that are damaged by construction operations, in a manner approved by Archilect and Landscape Architect. I Replace trees that cannot be repaired and restored to full-growth status. I I.6 UTILITIESI Contractor will arrange for disconnecting and sealing indicated utilities that serve existing I structures before site clearing. I END OF DIVISION O3OOO I I I I I I ourLINE SPEclFIcAfloN PAGE .29 I I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 I DMSION4-MASoNRYi A. SECTION 04410 - STONE MASONRY VENEER: I- I.I STONE VENEER: Match Architect's samples for variety, color, finish, and other stone characteristics relating to I aesthetic effects. Provide stone from a single quarry for each variety ofstone required. Provide matched blocks exracted from a single bed of quarry stratum unless stone from blocks randomly selected for aesthetic effect is acceDtable to Architect. I Interior Stone at Great Room Fireplace to be River Rock or an allowance of$20.00 / s.f. - 1.2 INSTALLATION: I Set stone to comply with requirements indicated on Drawings and Shop Drawings. lnstall anchors,I :iiff[,r;':::':,T*"ff:1ffi*:H,::iifi".,1,::;TnK::,:::T:"'T;ffn'J:"H,'" I locations indicated with uniform joints of widths indicated and with edges and faces aligned according to established relationships and indicated tolerances. I End of section 04410r B. SECTION 04465 - CRANITE: I I.I CRANITECOUNTERTOP&BACKSPLASH: I Match Owner's samples for variery, color, finish, and other stone characteristics relating to I aesthetic effects. Provide stone from a single quarry for each variety of stone required. Provide matched blocks extracted from a single bed ofquarry stratum unless stone liom blocks randomly selected for aesthetic effect is acceotable to Architect.I I -::;:be determined as directed bv Architecvowner. Kitchen Countertops (rm. 203)I 3'1[","ff'#1"#ffJffi"11,''t'&2te) Laundry / Pantry (rm.205) I RE: Section 01020 Allowances End of Section 04465. I END oF DlvrsroN o4ooo.I I I OUTLINE SPECIFICATION I PAGE .30 I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFartan Residence I DMSION5-METALS: I A. SECTION05120-STRUCTURALSTEEL: r l.l GENERAL: t Refer to Structural Drawings for strucnral steel information, requirements, and detailing; and concrete reinforcins. t Coordinate with Architectural Drawings for locations. Structural steel locations to be determinedI iJ.'#:fr?:::"T&:'ff;1:::'frffi:1f,::::i::T:-,";:::A#;[1'jo*o con'[ac'l archi'Iec'I I End ofSection 05120. I END OF DIVISION o5ooo I DlvlsloN 6-wooD AND PLASTTc: I A. 'ECTI.N06l00-RoucHCARpENTRy: I l.l GENERAL: Provide rough framing in sizes and locations as shown on the Stnrctural Drawings. I 1.2 SPECIFIC: ( Refer to drawings for location specification.) f To be field verified- End of Section 06100. I B. SECTION 06I50 - WOOD DECKINC: I l.l DECKS: Match existing balcony material for decks and railings, screw attached to framing withI stainless steel concealed fasreners. I End ofsection 06150. I D. SECTION 06200 _ FINISH CARPENTRY: I l.l CENEML: Al[ interior doors and windows are to receive casing. All profiles are to be customr molding, selected by the Architect. 1.2 SPECIFIC: I I . Door casing: 5 l/2" wide molding at the jamb and head, with flat, beveled edge plinth blocks I at the base mould joint. 2. Window casing: 5 l/2" wide molding at the jamb and head, with a 5/4 radius edge stool, I extending beyond the casing, and a lx4 apron. t 3. Base molding: Ripped lxlO trim with base mold cap w/ I" profile base cap per D8.II. total height to be 10". Provide a %" shoe at all hard surfaces. 4. Built-in Kitchen Cabinetry: Provide custom made builrin cabinets, as shown on the Drawings. I In general, the cabinets are to have raised panel wood doors and finished ends, wood interiors, I and concealed hinges. All wood to be selected and approved by Architect. Constructed to AWI Standards, a. full extension slides I Proiect No. 2023.00 I ourLrNE sPEcrFIcArroN PAGE . 3I ). I I I t t I I t t I I I I t T I I I I VAg. Inc. architects & planners 6. 7. End ofsection 6200 t.2 The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 b. stainless steel interior "lazy susans"c. hand distressed / glazed finish Built-in cabinetry and Shelving: Provide custom made built-in cabinets and/or shelving, as shown on the Drawings, in the Master Closet, Wet Bar, Great Room, Mud Room, paniry, and oflice. In general, the cabinets are to have wood panel doors, similar to the interior doon and concealed hinges. All wood to be selected and approved by Architect. constructed to Awl Standards. Cabinetry Hardware: As selected by the Architect. See allowances. Shelfand Rods: re: Drawings for locations and Details. F. SECTION 0640I - EXTEzuOR WOODWORK: l.l GENERAL: All exterior trim and exposed wood to match existing species, finish, size, and configuration. 1.2 SPECIFIC -'|RIM: l. Refer to Architectural Details for WindowiDoor Trim. End of Section 0640 I . END OF DIVISION O6OOO DIVISION 7-THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION: A. SECTION 07I I I _ COMPOSITE SHEET WATERPROOFING: I.I WARRANTY: Submit a written warranty signed by waterproofing manuf'acturer and Installer agreeing to repair or replace rvaterprooting that does not meet requirements or that does not remain watertight during the specitied warranty period. Warrant-v does not include failure of waterproofing due to failure of substrate prepared and treatcd according to requirements or formation of new joints and cracks in substrate exceeding l/16 inch in width. warranty period: l0 years after date of Substantial Completion. PRODUCTS: l.Waterproofing membrane: Rubberized-Asphalt Composite Sheet: Bituthene; Grace: W.R. Gracc & Co. lnstall per Manufacturer's recommendations on all sub-grade foundations with livable area behind. Dampproofing Membrane: Spray or trowel on asphalt based coating. Apply per manuf'acturer's instructions on all foundation walls without habitable soace behind. End of Section 071I I B. SECTION O72IO - BUILDING INSULATION: PART I . GENERAL OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PACE .32 B. B. 1.2 t.4 1.5 I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I t VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.N t.l RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions ofthe Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUBMITTALS General: Submit each item in this Article according to the Conditions of the Contract and Division I Specification Sections. QUALITY ASSURANCE Single-Source Responsibility for Insulation Products: Obtain each type ofbuilding insulation fiom a single source with resources to provide products complying with requirements indicated without delaying the Work. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Provide insulation and related materials with the fire-test-response characteristics indicated on Drawings or specified elsewhere in this Section as determined by testing identical products per test method indicated below by UL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Identiff materials with appropriate markings ofappiicable testing and inspecting agency. l. Surface-Buming Characteristics: ASTM E g4. 2. Fire-Resistance Ratings: ASTM E I19.3. Combustion Characteristics: ASTM E 136. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Protect insulation materials from physical damage and from deterioration by moisture, soiling, and other sources- Store inside and in a dry location. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for handling, storing, and protecting during installation. Protect plastic insulation as follows: l. Do not expose to sunlight, except to extent necessary for period of installation and concealment.2. Protect against ignition at all times. Do not dcliver plastic insulating materials to projecr site before installation time.3. Complete installation and conccalment of plastic materials as rapidly as possible in each area of constructlon. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide insulation products by one of the lollowine: z- l.Glass-Fiber lnsulation: a. CertainTeed Corporation.b. Knauf Fiber Glass GmbH.c. Owens-ComingFiberglasCorporation. d. Schuller lntemational. Inc. Slag-Wool-/Rock-Wool-Fiber Insulation : OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE - 33 I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No.2023.00 t a. Fibrex Inc. b. Partek Insulations, Inc. I c. USC Interiors. Inc. I 2.2 TNSULATING MATERIALS I A. General: Provide insulating materials that comply with requirements and with referenced standards.I l. Preformed Units: Sizes to fit apptications indicated; selected from manufacturefs standard thicknesses, widths, and lengths. t I B. Slag-Wool-Fiber Board Safurg Insulation: Semirigid boards designed for use as fue stop at fireplaceI flue/chase openings, produced by combining slag-wool fibers with thermosetting resin binders to complyI with ASTM C 6l2.,Type IA and IB; nominal density of 4 lb/cu. ft.; passing ASTM E 136 for combustion characteristics; thermal resistivity of4 deg F x h x sq. ft./Btu x in. at 75 deg F. I C. Unfaced Mineral-Fiber Blanket Insulation: Thermal insulation combining minerat fibers of type described below with thermosetting resins to comply with ASTM C 665, Type I (blankets wiihout I membrane facins) I L Mineral-Fiber Type: Fibers manufactured from slag or rock wool-2- Surface-Buming Characteristics: Maximum flame-spread and smoke-developed indices of 25 and 50, respectively. I 3. System locations: a. Exterior walls: 5 %" R-19. I b. Per wall types & Ceiling Definitions: Provide 3 %" batt insulation @2 x 4 walls, 5 %', @I . il:,J."[t;';9-B:1,1."i,,'#:assembries I 2.3 VAPOR RETARDERS I A. Polyethylene Vapor Retarder: ASTM D 4397, 6 mits thick, with maximum permeance rating of 0.13 r Perm' B. Vapor-Retarder Tape: Pressure-sensitive tape of type recommended by vapor retarder manufacturer forI sealingjoints and penetrations in vapor retarder.I 2.4 AUXILIARYINSULATINCMATERIALS I A. Adhesive for Bonding lnsulation: Product with demonstrated capability to bond insulation securely tor substrates indicated without damaging insulation and substrates. I B. Ventilation Troughs: Preformed rigid fiberboard or plastic sheets designed and sized to fit between roofI framing members and to provide cross ventilation between insulated attic spaces and vented eaves. I C. Air Infiltration Barrier: Install Tyvek Housewrap per manufacturer's instructions on all exterior walls to I be finished with wood siding or trim. 2.5 INSULATION FASTENERS I A. Per manufacturers recommendation I PART3-EXECUTION I I OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE - 34 T I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence I Proiect No. 2023.0O 3.I EXAMINATION I A. Examine substrates dnd conditions, with lnstaller present, for compliance with requirements of Sections inr which substrates and related work are specified and to determine if other conditions affecting performance I :j*:lt#:"" *" satisfactory. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been I 3.2 PREPARATION I A. Clean substrates of substances harmful to insulations or vapor retarders, including removing projections capable of puncturing vapor retarders or that interfere with insulation attachment. I B. Close offopenings in cavities receiving poured-in-place insulation to prevent escape of insulation.! Provide bronze or stainless-steel screens (inside) where openings must be maintained for drainage or ventilation. I 3.3 TNSTALLATTON, CENERAL A. Comply with insulation manufacturer's written instructions applicable to products and applicationI indicated.I B. Install insulation that is undamaged, dry, unsoiled, and has not been exposed at any time to ice and snow. I C. Extend insulation in thickness indicated to envelop entire area to be insulated. Cut and fit tightly around obstructions and fill voids with insulation. Remove projections that interfere with placement. I D. Apply single layer of insulation ro produce thickness indicated.I E. Apply single layer of insulation to produce thickness indicated, unless multiple layers are otherwise shown I or required to make up total thickness. I 3.4 INSTALLATION OF GENERAL BUILDING INSULATION I A. Apply insulation units to substrates by method indicated, complying with manufacturer's written ' instructions. If no specific method is indicated. bond units to subsffate with adhesive or use mechanical anchorage to provide perrnanent placement and support ofunits. I B. Seal joints between closed-cell (nonbreathing) insulation units by applying adhesive, mastic, or sealant to edges ofeach unit to form a tight seal as units are shoved into place. Fill voids in completed installationl with adhesive, mastic, or sealant as recommended by insulation manufacturer. r C. Set vapor-retarder-faced units with vapor retarder to warm side ofconstruction, unless otherwise indicated. Do not obstruct ventilation spaces. except for firestopping. t l. Tape joints and ruptures in vapor retarder, and seal each continuous area of insulation to surrounding construction to ensure ainight installation. I D. Install mineral-fiber blankets in cavities formed by framing members according to the following requlrements: I l. Use blanket widths and lengths that fill cavities formed by framing members. Where more thanI one length is required to fill cavity, provide lengths that will produce a snug fit between ends.2. Place blankets in cavities formed by framing members to produce a friction fit between edges of insulation and adjoining framing members. I I ouTLrNE SPEcrFrcArroN PAGE .35 I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 I 3. For wood-fiamed construction with faced blankets having stapling flanges, lap blanket flange over flange ofadjacent blanket to produce airtight installation alter concealing finish material is in place. - E. Apply self-supported, spray-applied, cellulosic insulation according to manufacturer's written instnrctions. Do not apply insulation until installation ofpipes, ducts, conduits, wiring, and elecnical outlets in walls is I completed and windows, electrical boxes, and other items not indicated to receive insulation are masked. t After insulation is apptied, make it even with studs by using method recommended by insulation manufacrurer. I F. Stuffglass-fiber loose-fill insulation into miscellaneous voids and cavity spaces where shown. Compact to approximately 40 percent of normal maximum volume equaling a density of approximately 2.5 lb/cu. ft. I 3.5 INSTALLATION OF VAPOR RETARDERS I A. General: Extend vapor retarder to extremities of areas to be protected from vapor transmission. Secure in I place with adhesives or other anchorage system as indicated. Extend vapor retarder to cover mrscellaneous voids in insulated substrates, including those filled with loose-fiber insulation. I B. Seal vertical joints in vapor retarders over framing by lapping not less than 2 wall studs. Fasten vaporr retarders to framing at top, end, and bottom edges; at perimeter ofwall openings; and at lapjoints. Space fasteners l6 inches o.c. I C. Seal overlapping joints in vapor retarders with adhesives or vapor-retarder tape according to vapor retarder manufacturer's instructions. Seal buttjoints and fastener penetrations with vapor-retarder tape. - Locate all joints over framing members or other solid substrates. I D. Firmly attach vapor retarders to substrates with mechanical fasteners or adhesives as recommended by vapor retarder manufacturer. I E. Seal joints caused by pipes, conduits, electrical boxes, and similar items penetrating vapor retarders with vapor-retarder tape to create an airtight seal between penetrating objects and vapor retarder. I F. Repair any tears or punctures in vapor retarders immediately before concealment by other work. Coverr with vapor-retarder tape or another layer ofvapor retarder. I 3.6 PRoTECTToN I A. General: Protect installed insulation and vapor retarders fiom damage due to harmful weather exposures, I physical abuse, and other causes. Provide temporary coverings or enclosures where insulation is subject I to abuse and cannot be concealed and protected by permanent construction immediately after installation. End of Section 07210.I I END oF DlvlsloN 07000. I I I OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE .36 I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 I DTVTSIONS-DOORSANDWINDOWS: - A. SECTIONOS2I2-WOODDOORSANDFRAMES: II l.l GENERAL: The Contractor has the option of purchasing manutactured doors, lurished or unfinished, or having the doors custom made - which ever is most cost effective and with the r agreement of the Owner & Architect. I 1.2 INTERIOR: Interior doors are to be per construction documents dated 3.27.01 r 1.3 EXTERIOR: f Front Entry doors to be per construction documents dated 3.27.01 t Other main doors (except Patio Doors) : Manufacturer's standard insulated wood doors, I light A with insulated glass and adhered muntin grilles, both sides, in profile as shown on Drawings. Grilles to be clad exterior or Owner determined interior. Refer to Architectural Drawings. I t.4 HARDWARE GROUPS: GENERAL: All door hardware to be Stone River Bronze - Antique Bronze Finish Re: Hardware schedule.I Group / Set # I l. Operable keyed lockset ( I ) deadbolt ( I )dummy knob w/ upper/lower pins il (3) pair hinges t 2. (l)Custom operable keyed lockset ( I )deadbolt W (4) pair hinges 3. (l)Operable privacy lockset w/ (3) pair hinges I 4. (l)Operable passage lachset I 5. Pocket Door: recessed pulls and end jamb flip-up pull, heavy duty track.I End of Section 08212. I B. SECTTON 08312 - PATrO DOORS: l.l WOOD/GLASS FRENCH DOORS: Kolbe and Kolbe (or approved equal) aluminum clad orr ff""1.:'fJ;,Y::fll:;";f ,fii:'lf;il,:H::::liffiTi'':Tffiil1';::":l;,il""",'"'" finish to match typical interior. Muntin size to be %" minimum. Color to match existing. I End of Section 08312. C. SECTION 0836I _NOT USED II End of Section 08361. t D. sEcloN 08550 - wooD wINDowS:I I.I GENERAL: r y#l:;::1",#":l*,ililJi,fl:::,:Lr;'ff^iliJliT;1ilTTll:::t,i:,,l:""":11Tf",, r specifications & size, including, but not limited to, U-value and shading coefficient ofthe insulating glass to which the A./C system has been designed as follows: I U-Value: 0.34 S.C.: 0.49 t I OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE -37 I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residcnce Project No. 2023.00 I I General Contractor & Window subcontractor are responsible to veri$ that all windows from living spaces meet or exceed cunent building codes for egress. Advise Architect of modifications I required to the residence prior to construction. Color to match existing. I t.2 wrNDowS: I l. Type: Aluminum or wood clad casement operable windows to match existing. Color to be I selected from manufacturer's standard. Interiors to be stained and finished.I 2' 3lj5,jffif"TxTj:#l# iffffi:1",T'i-Ti;,ilings' both sides' Exterior to be , 3. Screens: Provide nylon insect screens for all operable windows. Color to match window frames. I 4. Hardware: Manufacturer's standard. 5. Jamb Extensions: Contractor's option. 11 6. Glazing: All glazing to be l" insulated as follows: I Low "E ' or better with a l0-year manufacturer's warranty typically throughout the residence. End ofSection 08550. tI END OF DIVISION O8OOO. I DIVISION 9- FINISHES: I A. SECTION 09255 _ GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES I PART l -cENERALI I.I RELATED DOCUMENTS t A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I 1.2 SUMMARYI A. This Section includes the following: ,I I l. Gypsum board assemblies anached to wood framing. 2. Class-Mat gypsum backing board installed with gypsum board assemblies. I I.3 DEFINITIONSI A. Cypsum Board Construction Terminology: Refer to ASTM C I I and GA-505 for definitions of terms for I gypsum board assemblies not defined in this Section or in other referenced standards. I 1.4 ASSEMBLYPERFORMANCEREQUIREMENTS I A. Sound Transmission Characteristics: For gypsum board assemblies with STC ratings, provide materialsr and construction identical to those of assemblies whose STC ratings were determined according to ASTM E 90 and classified according to ASTM E 4l 3 by a qualified independent testing agency.I I B. Fire Resistance: Provide gypsum board assemblies with fire-resistance ratings indicated. t 1.5 SUBMITTALS I OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE - 38 I I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 r. A. General: Submit each item in this Article accordins to the Conditions of the Contract and Division I Specihcation Sections. I B. Product Data for each type of product specified. I C. Shop Drawings showing locations, fabrication, and installation of control and expansion joins including I plans, elevations, sections, details ofcomponents, and attachments to other units of Work. I D. Product certificates signed by manufacturers of gypsum board assembly components certirying that their I products comply with soecified requirements. I 1.7 DELIVERY, SToRAGE, AND HANDLING I A. Deliver materials in original packages, containers, or bundles bearing brand name and identification of I manufacturer or supplier. I r B. Store materials inside under cover and keep them dry and protected against damage from weather, direct sunlight, surface contamination, corrosion, construction traffic. and other causes. Neatly stack gypsum I panels flat to prevent sagging. I I,8 PROJECT CONDITIONS I A. Environmental Conditions, General: Establish and maintain environmental conditions for applying andr finishing gypsum board to comply with ASTM C 840 requirements or g)?sum board manufacturer's recommendations, whichever are more stringent. I PART2.PRODUCTS I 2.2 GYPSUM BOARD PRODTJCTS A. Ceneral: Provide gypsum board of rypes indicated in maximum lengths available that will minimize end- I to-end buttjoints in each area indicated to receive gypsum board application. I I . Widths: Provide gypsum board in widths of .18 inchcs. I B. Gypsum Wallboard: ASTM C 36 and as follows: l. Type: Type X. I 2. Type: Sag-resistant type for ceiling surfaces.I 3. Type: Proprietary type as required for specific fire-resistance-rated assemblies.4. Edges: Tapered. I 5. Thickness: -si8 inch where indicated. I C. GMMU : Glass-Mat, Water-Resistant Gypsum Backing Board: ASTM C I 178, of type and thickness -. indicated below: Ir I . Type and Thickness: 7/l6-inch thick, T1'pe X. as indicated at all wet areas2. Available Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, a product that may be incorporated in the Work includes, but is not timited to. "Dens-Shield Tile Backer" manufactured by Georgia- I Pacific Corp. - 2.3 TRIM ACCESSORIES I OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE .39 I B. 2.4 2.8 2.9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 Accessories for Interior Installation: Cornerbead, edge trim, and control joints complying with ASTM C 1047 and requirements indicated below: l. Material: Formed metal or plastic, with metal complying with the following requirement: a. Steel sheet zinc coated by hot-dip or electrolyic process, or steel sheet coated with aluminum or rolled zinc. 2. Shapes indicated below by reference to Fig. l designations in ASTM C 1047: a. Cornerbead on outside corners. unless otherwise indicated. b. LC-bead with both face and back flanges; face flange formed to receive joint compound. Use LC-beads for edge trim, unless otherwise indicated. c. L-bead with face flange only; face flange formed to receive joint compound. Use L-bead where indicated. d. U-bead with face and back flanges; face flange formed to be left without application of joint compound. Use U-bead where indicated. One-piece connol joint formed with V-shaped slot and removable strip covering slot opening. Accessory for Curved Edges: Cornerbead formed of metal, plastic, or metal combined with plastic, with either notched or flexible flanges that are bendable to curvature radius. JOINT TREATMENT MATERIALS General: Provide joint treatment materials complying with ASTM C 475 and the recommendations of both the manufacturers ofsheet products and ofjoint neatment materials for each application indicated. Joint Tape for Gypsum Board: Paper reinforcing tape, unless otherwise indicated. l. Use pressure-sensitive or staple-attached, open-weave, glass-fiber reinforcing tape with compatible joint compound where recommended by manufacturer of gypsum board and joint treatment materials for application indicated. Drying-Type Joint Compounds for Cypsum Board: Factory-packaged vinyl-based products complying with the following requirements for formulation and intended use. l. Ready-MixedFormulation: Factory-mixedproduct. a. All-purpose compound formulated for both taping and topping compounds. ACOUSTICAL SEALANT Acoustical Sealant for Concealed Joints: Manufacturer's standard nondrying, nonhardening, nonskinning, nonstaining, gunnable, synthetic-rubber sealant recommended for sealing interior concealed joints to reduce transmission of airbome sound. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: l. Acoustical Sealant for Concealed Joints: a. BA-98; Pecora Corp. b. Tremco Acoustical Sealant: Tremco. lnc. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS General: Provide auxiliary materials for gypsum board construction that comply with referenced standards and recommendations of gypsum board manufacturer. OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE - 40 I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 I B. Laminating Adhesive: Special adhesive orjoint compound recommended for laminating gypsum panels. I C. Spot Grout: ASTM C 475, setting-type joint compound recommended for spot-grouting hollow metalI door frames. I D. Fastening Adhesive fior Wood: ASTM C 557. I E. Steel drill screws complying with ASTM C 1002 for the following applications: I l. Fastening gypsum board to wood members.I. 2. Fastening gpsum board to grpsum board. I G. Foam Gaskets: Closed-cell vinyl foam adhesive-backed strips that allow fastener penetration without I foam displacement, l/8 inch (3.2 mm) thick, in width to suit metal stud size indicated. I L. Sound-Attenuation Blankets: Unfaced mineral-fiber blanket insulation produced by combining mineral I fibers of type described below with thermosetting resins to comply with ASTM C 665 for Type I (blanketsrr without membrane facing). I l. Mineral-Fiber Type: Fibers manufactured from slag wool or rock wool. I M. Polyethylene Vapor Retarder: ASTM D 4397, thickness and maximum perrneance rating as follows: I l. 6 ntils,O.l3 perms. - O. Vapor Retarder Tape: Pressure-sensitive tape of type recommended by vapor retarder manufacturer for I sealingjoints and penetrations in vapor retarder. I PART 3. EXECUTION I 3.1 EXAMINATION - A. Examine substrates to which gpsum board assemblies attach or abut, installed hollow metal frames, cast- I in-anchors, and structural framing, with lnstaller present, for compliance with requirements for installation I tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of assemblies specified in this Section. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. t 3.2 APPLYTNG AND FINISHINC CYPSUM BOARD, GENERAL r A. Cypsum Board Application and Finishing Standards: lnstall and finish gypsum panels to comply with I ASTM C 840 and GA-216. B Space fasteners in gypsum panels according to referenced gypsum board application and finishing I standard and manuf'acturer's recommendations. T l. Space screws a maximum of l2 inches o.c. for vertical applications. I C Space fasteners in panels that are tile substrates a maximum ofS inches o.c.r 3.3 GYPSUM BOARD APPLICATION METHODSI I A. Single-Layer Application: Install gypsum wallboard panels as follows: I I OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE.4I B. D. F. G. 3.4 I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 l. On ceilings, apply gypsum panels prior to walVpartition board application to the greatest extent possible and at right angles to framing, unless otherwise indicated. 2. On partitions/walls, apply gS,psum panels horizontally (perpendicular to framing), unless parallel application is required for fire-resistance-rated assemblies. Use maximum-length panels to minimize end joints. a. Stagger abutting end joints not less than one framing member in altemate courses of board. b. At stairwells and other high walls, install panels horizontally. Wall Tile Substrates: For substrates indicated to receive thin-set ceramic tile and similar rigid applied wall furishes, comply with the following: |. lnstall glass-mat, water-resistant gypsum backing board panels to comply with manufacturer's installation insmrctions at showers, tubs, and where indicated. Install with ll4-inch open space where panels abut other construction or penetrations. Multilayer Application on Ceilings: Apply gypsum board indicated for base layers prior to applying base layers on walls/partitions; apply glpsum wallboard face layen in same sequence. Offset face-layer joints one framing member, 16 inches minimum, fiom parallel base-layer joints. Apply base layers at right angles to framing members, unless otherwise indicated. Multilayer Application on Partitions/Walls: Apply gypsum board indicated for base layers and gypsum wallboard face layers vertically (parallel to framing) with joints of base layers located over stud or funing member and face-layer joints offset at least one stud or funing member with base-layer joints. Stagger joints on opposite sides ofpartitions. Single-Layer Fastening Methods: Apply gypsum panels to supports as follows: l. Fasten with screws. Multilayer Fastening Methods: Apply base layers of gypsum panels and face layer to base layers as follows: l. Fasten both base layers and face layers separately to supports with screws. For curved partitions, install gypsum panels as follows: l. Select gypsum panel lengths and cut them as required to produce one unbroken panel covering each curved surface plus l2-inch- long straight sections at ends ofcurves and tangent to them. 2. Wet gypsum panels on surfaces that will become compressed when panels are installed over a curve and where curve radius prevents using dry panels. Comply with gypsum board manufacturer's recommendations relative to curye radii, wetting methods, stacking panels after wetting, and other preparations that precede installing wetted g;psum panels. 3. Apply gypsum panels horizontally with wrapped edges perpendicular to studs. On convex sides of partitions, begin installation at one end of curved surface and fasten gypsum panels to studs as they are wrapped around the curve. On concave side, start fastening panels to stud at center of curve and work outward to panel ends. Fasten panels to fiaming with screws spaced l2 inches o.c. 4. For double-layer construction, apply gypsum board base layer horizontally and fasten to studs with screws spaced l(r inches o.c- Center gypsum board face layers over joints in base layer and fasten to studs with screws spaced l2 inches o.c. 5. Allow wetted gypsum panels to dry before applyingjoint treatment. INSTALLING TRIM ACCESSORIES OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE - 42 J. 3.5 t t I I I T I I I t I I I I I I I I I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 I, General: For trim accessories with back flanges, fasten to framing with the same fasteners used to fasten gypsum board. Otherwise, fasten trim accessories according to accessory manufacturer's directions for type, length, and spacing of fasteners. Install cornerbead at external comers. Install edge trim where edge ofgypsum panels would otherwise be exposed. Provide edge trim type with face flange formed to receive joint compound, except where other types are indicated. l. Install LC-bead where gypsum panels are tightly abutted to other construction and back flange can be attached to framing or supporting substrate. 2. Install L-bead where edge trim can only be installed after gypsum panels are installed. 3. Install U-bead where indicated. Install control joints at locations indicated. FTNISHING CYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES General: Treat gypsum board joints. interior angles, flanges of comerbead, edge trim, control joints, penetrations, fastener heads, surface defects, and elsewhere as required to prepare gypsum board surfaces for decoration. Finish with a light hand trowel. Prefill openjoints, rounded or beveled edges, and damaged areas using setting-type joint compound. Apply joint tape over gypsum board joints, except those with trim accessories having flanges not requiring tape. Apply joint tape over gypsum board joints and to flanges of trim accessories as recommended by trim accessory manufacturer. Levels ofCypsum Board Finish: Provide the following levels of gypsum board finish perGA-214. L Lcvel I for ceiling plenum areas, concealed areas, and where indicated, unless a higher level of finish is required for fire-resistance-rated assemblies and sound-rated assemblies. 2. Level 2 where panels fbrm substrates for tile and where indicated. 3. Level 4 for gypsum board surfaces, unless otherwise indicated. Use one of the following joint compound combinations as applicable to the finish levels specified: Use the following joint compound combination as applicable to the finish levels specified: l. Embedding and First Coat: Ready-mixed, drying-type, all-purpose or taping compound. Fill (Second) Coat: Ready-mixed, drying-type. all-purpose or topping compound. Finish (Third) Coat: Ready-mixed, drying-type, all-purpose or topping compound. For Level 4 gypsum board finish, embed tape in joint compound and apply first, fill (second), and finish (third) coats ofjoint compound over joints, angles, fastener heads, and accessories. Touch up and sand between coats and after last coat as needed to Droduce a surface free of visual defects and ready for decoration. Where Level 2 gypsum board finish is indicated. embed tape in joint compound and apply first coat of joint compound. Where Level I gypsum board finish is indicated. embed tape in joint compound. B. c. D. A. B. c. D. F. c. OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE - 43 3.6 B. t.2 l-.' I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.N Finish glass-mat, water-resistant gypsum backing board to comply with gypsum board manufactureds directions. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Above-Ceiling Observation: Architect will conduct an above-ceiling observation prior to installation of gypsum board ceilings and report any deficiencies in the Work observed. Do not proceed with installation of gypsum board to ceiling support framing until deficiencies have been conected. l. Noti& Architect one week in advance of the date and the time when the Project, or part of the Project, will be ready for an above-ceiling observation.2. Prior to notirying Architect, complete the following in areas to receive gypsum board ceilings:a. Installation of80 percent oflighting fixtures, powered for operation.b. Installation, insulation, and leak and pressure testing of water piping systems.c. Installation of air duct systems.d. Installation of air devices.e. Installation ofmechanical system control_air tubing.f. Installation of ceiling support fiaming. 3.7 CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Promptly remove any residualjoint compound from adjacent surfaces. B. Provide final protection and maintain conditions, in a manner acceptable to Installer, that ensure gypsum board assemblies are without damage or deterioration at the time of Substantial Completion. End of Section 09255: Gypsum Board Assemblies. B. SECTION O93IO - CERAMIC TILE PART I - GENERAL I.I RELATEDDOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions ofthe Contract. including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes the followine: l. Ceramic Tile.2. Ceramic Mosaic Tile.3. Quarry tile. 4. Wall tile. 5. Stone thresholds installed as parr oftile installations.6. Waterproof membrane for thin-set tile installations. 7 . Glass-Mat, Water-Resistant Cypsum Backing Board units. DEFINITIONS Module Size: Actual tile size (minor facial dimension as measured per ASTM C 499) plus joint width indicated. Facial Dimension: Nominal tile size as defined in ANSI A 137. I . OUTLTNE SPECIFICATION PACE -,14 A. B. c. D. F. c. H. r t.4 t-5 I I t I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence PERFORMANCE REQU IREMENTS Static Coefficient of Friction: For tile installed on walkway surfaces, provide products with the following values as determined by testing identical products per ASTM C l02g: l. Leve I Surfaces: Minimum 0.6.2. Step Treads: Minimum 0.6. Load-Bearing Performance: For ceramic tile installed on walkway surfaces, provide installations rated for load-bearing performance level based on testing assemblies according to aSiU C 627 that are representative of this Project. STJBMITTALS Product Data: For each tt?e oftile, mortar, grout, and other products specified. Shop Drawings: For the following: l. Tile pattems and locations.2' widths, details, and locations of expansion, contraction, control, and isolation ioints in tile substrates and finished tile surfaces. Tile Samples for Initial Selection: Manufacturer's color charts consisting ofactual tiles or sections of tiles showing the full range ofcolors, textures, and patterns available for each type and composition of tileindicated. Include Samples of accessories involving color selection. Grout Samples for Initial Selection: Manufacturer's color charts consisting of actual sections ofgrout showing the full range of colors available for each tne of grout indicated. Samples for Verification: Of each item listed below, prepared on Samples of size and constructron indicated' Where products involve normal color and texture variations, include Sample sets showing thefull range of variations expected. l. Each type and composition of tile and for each color and texture required, at least 12 inches square, mounted on braced Glass-Mat, Water-Resistant Gypsum Backing Board units, and with grouted joints using product complying with specified requirements andipproved for completed work in color or colors selected by Architect.?. Full-size units ofeach tlpe oftrim and accessory for each color required.3. Metal edge strips in 6-inch lengths. Master Grade Certificates: For each shipment, type, and composition of tile, signed by tile manufacturer and Installer. Product certificates: signed by manufacturers certirying that the products furnished comply with rcquirements. Qualification Data: For firms and persons specified in the "Quality Assurance" Article to demonstrate their capabilities and experience. Include lists of completed projects with project names and addresses, names ofarchitects and owners, and other information specified. Tile Test Reports: Indicate and interpret test results for compliance of special-purpose tile with specified requirements. S€tting Material Test Reports: Indicate and interpret test results for compliance oftile-setting and - grouting products with specified requirements. Project No. 2023.00 OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PACE.45 1.6 1.7 I I I t I I I I I I t I I t I I I I VAg, Inc. architecs & planners The MacFarlan Residence hoject No. 2023.00 F. QUALITY ASSURANCE Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced installer who has completed tile installations similar in material, desigr, and extent to that indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in-service performance. Moctups: Before installing tile, construct mockups for each form of construction and finish required to veri0 selections made under Sample submittals and to demonstrate aesthetic effects and qualiti;s of materials and execution. Build mockups to comply with the following requirements, using materials indicated for completed Work.l. Locate mockups in the location and ofthe size indicated or, ifnot indicated, as directed by Architect. 2- Noti$ Architect 7 days in advance ofthe dates and times when mockups will be constructed.3. Demonstrate the proposed range ofaesthetic effects and workmanship.4. obtain Architect's approval of mockups before proceeding with final unit of work.5. Maintain mockups during construction in an undisturbed condition as a standard forjudging the completed Work. a. When directed, demolish and remove mockups from proiect site.b. Approved mockups in an undisturbed condition at the time of Substantial ComDletion mav become part of the completed Work. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirements of Division I Section "Project Meetings." DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver and store packaged materials in original containers with seals unbroken and labels intact until time of use. comply with requirement of ANSI A l32.l for labeling sealed tile packages. Prevent damage or contamination to materials by water, freezing, foreign matter, and other causes. Handle tile with temporary protective coating on exposed surfaces to prevent coated surfaces from contacting backs or edges ofother units. Ifcoating does contact bonding surfaces of tile, remove coating from bonding surfaces before sening tile. I.8 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Limitations: Do not install tile until construction in spaces is completed and ambient temperature and humidity conditions are being maintained to comply with referenced standards and manufacturer's written instructions. I.9 EXTRA MATERIALS A' Deliver extra materials to Owner. Furnish extra materials described below that match products installed, are packaged with protective covering for storage, and are identified with labels descriting contents. l. Tile and Trim Units: Fumish quantity of full-size units equal to 1.50 percent of amount installed, for each type, composition. color, pattem, and size indicated. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. As selected by architect and general contractor. B. C. I OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE .46 B. D. A. B. 2.2 z.) 2.4 I I I I I I I t I I I I t I t I I I I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence F. PRODUCTS, CENERAL ANSI Ceramic Tile Standard: Provide tile that complies with ANSI Al32.l, "Specifications for Ceramic Tile," for types, compositions, and other characteristics indicated. l. Provide tile complying with Standard Grade requirements, unless olherwise indicated. ANSI Standards for Tile Insallation Materials: Provide materials complying with ANSI standards referenced in "Setting Materials" and "Grouting Materials" articles. Colors, Textures, and Pattems: Where manufacrurer's standard products are indicated for tile, grout, and other products requiring selection ofcolors, surface texrures, pattems, and other appearance characteristics, provide specific products or materials complying with the followinj requiremens: l. Provide owner's selections from manufacturer's full range of colors, textures, and patterns for products of type indicated.2- Provide tile trim and accessories that match color and finish ofadjoining flat tile. Factory Blending: For tile exhibiting color variations within the ranges selected during Sample submittals. blend tile in the factory and package so tile units taken from one package slow the same range in colors as those taken from other packages and match approved Samples. Mounting: Where factory-mounted tile is required, provide back- or edge-mounted tile assemblies as standard with manufacturer, unless another mounting method is indicated. l. Where tile is indicated for installation in swimming pools, on exteriors, or in wet areas, do not use back- or edge-mounted tile assemblies unless tile manufacturer specifies in writing that this type of mounting is suitable for these kinds of installations and has a record of successful in-service performance. Factory-Applied remporary Protective coating: where indicated under tile type, protect exposed surfbces of tile against adherence of mortar and grout by precoating them with a continuous film of petroleum paraffin wax, applied hot. Do not coat unexDosed tile surfaces. TILE PRODUCTS Products: Subject to compliance with requiremenrs, provide Products per the Finish Schedule at the endof Division 9 Finishes. WATERPROOFING FOR THIN-SET TILE INSTALLATIONS General: Provide products that comply with ANSI At 18.10 and the descriptions in this Article. PVC-Sheet Waterproofing: Manufacturer's standard proprietary product consisting of composite sheets, 60 inchcs wide by a nominal thickness of 0.010 inches, composed ofan inner membrane of2 layers of PVC sheet heat-fused together and to facings ofbondable nonwoven polyester, designed for embedding in latex-portland cement monar and as the substrate for latex-portland cement mortar s*eaing bed. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements. provide the following: | . PVC-Sheet Waterproofing:a. Composeal Gold; Compotite Corporation. Project No. 2023.00 OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE - 47 B, D. F. 2.5 2.6 2.7 I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I t I I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 SETTING MATERIALS Latex-Portland Cement Mortar: ANSI Al18.4, composed as follows: l. Prepackaged Dry-Mortar Mix: Factory-prepared mixture of portland cement; dry, redispersiblg ethylene vinyl acetate additive; and other ingredients to which only water needs to be added at Project site.. a. For wall applications, provide nonsagging, latex-portland cement mortar complying with ANSI Al18.4 for mortar of this type defined in Section F-2.1.2. 2. Mixture of Dry-Mortar Mix and Latex Additive: Mixture of prepackaged dry-mortar mix and Iiquid-latex additive complying with the following requirements: a. [:tex Additive: Styrene butadiene rubber.b. [:tex Additive: Acrylic resin.c. For wall applications, provide nonsagging, latex-portland cement mortar complying with ANSI Al18.4 for mortar of this rype defined in Section F-2.1.2. CROUTING MATERIALS Sand-Portland Cement Grout: ANSI A108.10, composed of white or gray cement and white or colored aggregate as required to produce color indicated. Refer to Finish Schedule at the end Division 9 Finishes. ELASTOMERIC SEALANTS General: Provide manufacturer's standard chemically curing, elastomeric sealants ofbase polymer and characteristics indicated that comply with applicable requirements of Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants." Colors: Provide colors ofexposed sealants to match colors ofgrout in tile adjoining sealedjoints, unless otherwise indicated. one-Part, Mildew-Resistant Silicone sealant: ASTM c 920; Type s; crade NS; class 25; uses NT, G, A, and, as applicable to nonporous joint substrates indicated, O; formulated with fungicide, intended for s€aling interior ceramic tilejoints and other nonporous substrates that are subject to in-service exposures of high humidit_v and temperature extremes. Multipart, Pourable urethane Sealant for Use T: ASTM c 920; Type M; Grade p; class 25; Uses T, M. A, and, as applicable to joint substrates indicated, O. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products which may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one ofthe following: l. One-Part,Mildew-ResistantSiliconeSealants: a. Dow Corning 786; Dow Coming Corporation.b. Sanitary 1700; GE Silicones.c. Pecora 898 Sanitary Silicone Sealant: pecora Corp.d. Rhodorsil 68 White; Rhone-Poulenc. Inc.e. Tremsil 600 White: Tremco. Inc. 2. Multipan, Pourable Urethane Sealants: OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE -48 I vAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 I a. Chem-Calk 550; Bostik. b. Vulkem 245; Mameco Intemational, Inc. c. NR-200 Urexpan; Pecora Corp. I d. THC-900; Tremco, Inc. 2.8 GLASS-MAT GYPSUM BACKING BOARD I A. Provide GMMU : Glass-Mat, Water-Resistant Gypsum Backing Board: ASTM C 1178, of type and thickness indicated below: I l. Type and Thickness: 7/16-inch thick, Type X, as indicated at all wet areas 2. Available Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, a product that may be incorporated in the Work includes, but is not limited to, "Dens-Shield Tile Backer" manufactured by Georgia- I Pacific Corp. 2.9 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS t A. Trowelable Underlayments and Patching Compounds: Latex-modified, portland-cement-based formulation provided or approved by manufacturer oftile-setting materials for installations indicated. I B. Temporary Protective Coating: Provide product indicated below that is formulated to protect exposedr surfaces oftile against adherence of mortar and grout; is compatible with tile, mortar, and grout products; and is easily removable after grouting is completed without damaging grout or tile. I l. Petroleum paraffin wax, fully refined and odorless, containing at least 0.5 percent oil with a melting point of 120 to 140 deg F per ASTM D 87. t 2. Grout release in form of manufacturer's standard proprietary liquid coating that is specially I formulated and recommended for use as a temporary protective coating for tile. C. Tile Cleaner: A neutral cleaner capable of removing soil and residue without harming tile and grout I surfaces, specifically approved for materials and installations indicated by tile and grout manufacturers. I 2.II MIXING MORTARS AND GROUT I A. Mix mortars and grouts to comply with referenced standards and mortar and grout manufacturers' writtenr instructlons. I B. Add materials, water, and additives in accurate proportions. I C. Obtain and use type of mixing equipment, mixer speeds, mixing containers, mixing time, and other I procedures to produce mortars and grouts ofuniform quality with optimum performance characteristics I for installations indicared. I PART3-ExEcurroNt 3.I EXAMINATION I A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions where tile will be installed, with lnstaller present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of installed tile.I t l. Veriff that substrates ior setting tile are firm; dry; clean; free from oil, waxy films, and curing compounds; and within flatness tolerances required by referenced ANSI Al08 series of tile installation standards for installations indicated.r t oUTLINE SPECIFICATIoN PAGE -49 B, D. B. D. 3.2 J..' I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t t I VAg, Inc. architects & plannen The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 2. Veriry that installation of grounds, anchors, recessed frames, electrical and mechanical units of work, and similar items located in or behind tile has been completed before installing tile. 3. Veri! that joints and cracks in tile substrates are coordinated with tilejoint locations; ifnot coordinated, adjust latter in consultation with Architect. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION Remove coatings, including curing compounds. and other substances that contain soap, wax, oil, or silicone and are incompatible with tile-setting materials by usin g a terrazzo or concrete grinder, a drum sander, or a polishing machine equipped with a heavy-duty wire brush. Provide concrete substrates for tile floors installed with dry-set or latex-portland cement mortars that comply with flatness tolerances specified in referenced ANSI A108 series of tile installation standards for installations indicated. l Use trowelable leveling and patching compounds per tile-setting material manufacturer's written instructions to fill cracks, holes. and depressions. 2. Remove protrusions, bumps, and ridges by sanding or grinding. Blending: For tile exhibiting color variations within the ranges selected during Sample submittals, veri$ that tile has been blended in the factory and packaged so tile units taken from one package show the same range in colors as those taken from other packages and match approved Samples. If not factory blended, either retum to manufacturer or blend tiles at Project site before installing. Field-Applied Temporary Protective Coating: Where indicated under tile type or needed to prevent adhesion or staining ofexposed tile surfaces by grout, protect exposed surfaces of tile against adherence of mortar and grout by precoating them with a continuous film oftemporary protective coating indicated below, taking care not to coat unexposed tile surfaces: l. Petroleum paraffin wax, applied hot. 2. Grout release. 3. Petroleum paraflin wax or grout release. INSTALLATION, GENERAL ANSI Tile Installation Standards: Comply with parts of ANSI Al08 series of tile installation standards in "specifications for Installation of Ceramic Tile" that apply to types ofsetting and grouting materials and to methods indicated in ceramic tile installation schedules. TCA Installation Guidelines: TCA's "Handbook for Ceramic Tile lnstallation." Comply with TCA installation methods indicated in ceramic tile installation schedules. Extend tile work into recesses and under or behind equipment and fixtures to form a complete covering without interruptions, unless otherwise indicated. Terminate work neatly at obstructions, edges, and comers without disrupting pattem or joint alignments. Accurately form intersections and retums. Perform cutting and drilling of tile without maning visible surfaces. Carefully grind cut edges of tile abuning trim. finish, or built-in items for straight aligned joints. Fit tile closely to electrical outlets, piping, fixrures, and other penetrations so plates, collars, or covers overlap tile. Jointing Pattem: Lay tile in grid pattem. unless otherwise indicated. Align joints when adjoining tiles on floor, base, walls, and trim are the same size. Lay out tile work and center tile frelds in both directions in OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE - 50 r VAg, Inc. architecs & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 I each space or on each wall area. Adjust to minimize tile cutting. Provide uniform joint widths, unless otherwise indicated. Discuss pattem ofeach room with architect before sening. I I . For tile mounted in sheets, make joints between tile sheets the same width as joints within tiler sheets so joints between sheets are not apparent in finished work. I F. Lay out tile wainscots to next full tile beyond dimensions indicated. I G. Expansion Joints: Locate expansion joints and other sealant-filled joints, including control, contraction, I and isolation joints, where indicated during installation of setting materials, mortar beds, and tile. Do not I saw-cut _ioints after installing tiles. l. Locate joints in tile surfaces directly abovejoints in concrete substrates. I 2. PreparJ ioints and apply sealants to complywith requirements of Division 7 Section "Joint I Sealants." I H. Grout tile to comply with the requirements of the following tile installation standards: r l. For ceramic tile grouts (sand-portland cement, dry-set, commercial portland cement, and latex- portland cement grouts), comply with ANSI A 108. 10. t I. At showers, tubs, and where indicated, install cementitious backer units and treat joints to comply with ANSI A 108. I I and manufacturer's written instnrctions for type of application indicated. I 3.4 WATERPROOFTNG TNSTALLATTON I A. Install waterproofing to comply with waterproofing manufacturer's written instnrctions to produce a I waterproof membrane ofuniform thickness bonded securely to substrate. B. Do not install tile over waterproofing until waterproofing has cured and been tested to determine that it is I watertight. t 3.5 FLOOR TILE INSTALLATION I A. General: Install tile to comply with requiremenrc in the Ceramic Tile Floor lnstallation Schedule. ' including those referencing TCA installation methods and ANSI Al08 series of tile installation standards. I B. Joint Widths: Install tile on floors with the following joint widths: I I . Ceramic Tile: l/ l6 inch. f C. Back Buttering: For installations indicated, obtain 100 percent mortar coverage by complying withr applicable special requirements for back buttering of tile in referenced ANSI Al08 series of tile installation standards: I l. Tile floors in wet areas, including showers, tub enclosures, laundries, and swimming pools. 2. Tile floors composed oftiles 8 by 8 inches or larger. I 3. Tile floors composed ofrib-backed tiles. 3.6 WALL TILE INSTALLATION I A. Install types oltile designated for wall installations to comply with requirements in the Ceramic Tile Wall f Installation Schedule, including those referencing TCA installation methods and ANSI setting-bed standards. I I OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE.5I r VAg, Inc. architects & pfannen The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 I B. Install metal lath and scratch coat to walls to comply with ANSI Al08.l A, Section 4. L I C. Joint Widths: Install tile on walls with the following joint widths: r l. Ceramic Tile: l/16 inch. 2. Wall Tile: l/16 inch. f D. Back Buttering: For installations indicated, obtain 100 percent mortar coverage by complying with applicable special requirements for back buttering of tile in referenced ANSI Al08 series of tile I installation standards: Ir l. Tile wall installations in wet areas, including showers, tub enclosures, laundries, and swimming I 2. ifii;"t installations composed of tiles 8 by 8 inches or larger.t 3.7 CLEANING AND PROTECTING I A. Cleaning: On completion of placement and grouting, clean all ceramic tile surfaces so they are free of foreign matter. I L Remove latex-portland cement grout residue from tile as soon as possible.r' 2. Unglazed tile may NOT be cleaned with acid solutions. 3. Remove temporary protective coating by method recommended by coating manufacturer that is I acceptable to brick and grout manufac$rer. Trap and remove coating to prevent it from clogging I drains. I B. Finished Tile Work: Leave finished installation clean and free ofcracked, chipped, broken, unbonded, I and otherwise defective tile work. C. Provide final protection and maintain conditions, in a manner acceptable to manufacturer and Installer, I that ensure tile is without damage or deterioration at the time of Substantial Completion. I l. When recommended by tile manufacturer, apply a protective coat of neutral protective cleaner to I completed tile walls and floors. Protect installed tile work with kaft paper or other heavy I covering during construction period to prevent staining, damage, and wear.r 2. Prohibit foot and wheel traffic from tiled floors lbr at least 7 days after grouting is completed. I D. Before final inspection, remove protective coverings and rinse neural cleaner from tile surfaces. I End of Section 093 l0: Ceramic Tile. t c. sEcTIoN 0938s - DIMENSION STONE TILE PART I - CENERAL I I.I RELATEDDOCUMENTS I A. Drawings and general provisions ofthe Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and I Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I ? SI IMMARYII A. This Section includes dimension stone tile and related setting materials. I I.3 DEFINITIONS I r OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE - 52 I B. B. D. c. D. t.4 1.5 t.6 I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I T I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Proiect No. 2023.00 F. Dimension stone tiles are fabricated from natural stone to produce modular units that are less than 3/4 inch thick. Manufacturer is the term used in this Section to refer to hrms that either fabricate dimension stone tiles or are the major distributors of dimension stone tiles. Some firms may also own the quarry fiom which the dimension stone for tiles is obtained. SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Static Coeflicient of Friction: Minimum 0.6, as determined per ASTM C 1028. SUBMITTALS General: Submit the following according to Conditions of Contract and Division I Specifications Sections. Product data for the following: l. Each stone tile type. 2. Setting and grouting materials. 3. Waterproof membrane materials. Maintenance data to include in Maintenance Manual specified in Division I Section "Project Closeout." Shop drawings indicating stone tile sizes, dimensions, sections and profiles, joint patterns, and details showing relationship of tile unis to adjacent work. Show installation details at any special conditions. Samples for initial selection purposes in the form of manufacturer's standard sizes showing full range of colors, textures, finishes, and other visual characteristics available for each stone tile type required. Samples for verification purposes in the form of l2-inch-square samples ofeach type ofstone tile required, showing full range ofcolors, textures, finishes. and other variations related to visual characteristics to be expected in the finished Work. l. Prepare samples from same material to be used for the Work. QUALITY ASSURANCE Manufacturer Qualifications: Firm experienced in supplying products similar to those indicated for this Project with a record of successful in-service performance. lnstaller Qualifications: Engage an experienced Installer who employs only persons trained in installing stone tile products similar to those required for this Project. Single-Source Responsibility: Provide material produced by a single manufacturer for each stone tile type. Field-Constructed Mockup: Prior to installing stone tile, construct sample panel for each tile type specified to veri! selections made under sample submittals and to demonstrate aesthetic effects as well as qualities of materials and execution. Build mockups to comply with the following requirements, using materials indicated for final unit of Work. l. Locate mockups on site in location and of size indicated or, ifnot indicated, as directed by Architect.I I OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE - 53 I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Proiect No. 2023.00 I 2. Notifr Architect one week in advance of the dates and times when mockups will be erected. 3. Demonstrate the proposed range ofaesthetic effects and workmanship. I 4. Obtain Architect's acceptance of mockups before start of final unit of Work. I 5. Retain and maintain mockups during construction in undisturbed condition as a standard for judging completed unit of Work. I a. When directed, demolish and remove mockups from Project site. I b. Accepted mockups in undisturbed condition at the time of Substantial Completion may become part of completed unit of Work. I 1,7 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING _ A. Deliver materials to Project site in factory wrappings, clearly labeled with identification of manufacturer I and lot number. Store materials in an area protected from weather, moisture, soiling, extreme t temperanrres, and humidity. Store tiles offthe ground in the boxes in which they were shipped. I B. Comply with instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer for special delivery, storage, and I handling requirements. I,8 PROJECT CONDITIONS II A. Maintain minimum ambient temperatues of 50 deg F (10 deg C) during installation and for 7 days after completion, unless higher temperatures are required by manufacturer's instructions. I B. Maintain ambient temperatures between 60 deg F (15.6 deg C) and 90 deg F (32.2 deg C) during installation and curing, unless otherwise required by manufacturer's instructions. I 1.9 sEeuENcrNG AND scHEDULINcr A. Sequence stone tile installation with other work to minimize possibility of damage and soiling during I remainder ofconstruction period. I B. Install stone tile and accessories only after other finishing operations, including painting, have been r completed. r l.lo wARRANTY I A. Speciat Project Wananry: Submit a written warranty, executed by the Contractor, Installer, and the I Manufacturer, agreeing to repair or replace stone tile that fails in materials or workmanship within the specified warranry period. This warranty shall not deprive the Owner of other rights the Owner may have I under other provisions ofthe Contract Documents and shall be in addition to and run concunent with I other warranties made by the Contractor under requirements ofthe Contract Documents. l. Warranty Period: 2 years after date of Substantial Completion. I I.I I EXTRA MATERIALS I A. Deliver extra materials to Owner. Fumish extra full-sized stone tiles matching installed tile in a quantity I equal to 2 percent ofthe amount ofeach tile q?e installed, packaged with protective covering for storage and identified with labels clearly describing contents. I PARr2-PRoDUcrsI 2.1 MANUFACTURERS I I oUTLINE SPECIFICATIoN PAGE -54 ! VAg, lnc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 I A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, producerVquarriers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: I B. Subject to compliance with the requirements, provide Products per the Finish Schedule at the end ofr Division 9 Finishes. I 2.2 sroNE TrLE, cENERALt A. Comply with referenced standards and other requirements indicated for each material. I B. Provide stone tiles that are free ofcracks, seams, starts, and other defects impairing their function for use indicated; are from a single quarry for each type, variety, color, and quality of stone specified; and have r the following characteristics: ! l. Match Sample stone tile for color, finish, size, and edge profile. 2. Finished Face: As indicated for each material and complying with industry standards. I 3. Tile Size: per Finish Schedule. I 4. Nominal Tile Thickness: 5/8 inch. 5. Tile Edges: Square. .. 6. Match Sample for tile color, veining, texture, shadings, markings, mottling, and other t distinguishable characteristics related to t)?e ofstone specified. 2.3 GRANITE TILE I A. Granite Dimension Stone Standard: ASTM C 615. r B. Finished Tile Face: per Finish Schedule. Ir 2.4 sETTrNc MATERIALS I A. Latex-Portland Cement Mortar: ANSI Al 18.4, composition as follows: I l. Prepackaged dry mortar mix with either polyvinyl acetate or ethylene vinyl acetate dry polymer I 2. i$"ttlt"ii"o,"" Latex Additive: Add at project site to prepackaged dry mortar mix specified orI recommended by latex manufacturer. I 2.9 cRourrNc MATERIALS I A. Grout Colors: Where manufacturer's standard grout products are indicated, provide colors to comply with I the following requirement: - l. per Finish Schedule. I B. Sand-Portland Cement crout: ANSI A 108. I0. I I 2.IO ACCESSOzuES I A. Class-Mat, Water-Resistant Gypsum Backing Board: ASTM C I 178. I B. Waterproof Membrane/Adhesive: One-part, trowel-applied urcthane waterproofing and tile-setting ! adhesive. t I OUTLINE SPECIFICATIoN PAGE -55 r VAg, lnc. architects & plannen The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 I C. PVC-Sheet Waterproofing: Manufacturer's standard proprietary product consisting of composite sheets, 60 inches wide by a nominal thickness of 0.040 inches, composed of an inner membrane of 2 layers of I PVC sheet heat-fused together and to facings ofbondable nonwoven polyesteq designed for embedding in I latex-portland cement mortar and as the subsfrate for latex-portland cement mortar setting bed. l. PVC-SheetWaterproofing: a. Composeal Gold; Compotite Corporation. I D. Setting Bunons: Plastic buttons of thickness required for joint size indicated to maintain uniform joint width. I E. Cleaner: As recommended by stone tile manufacturer. F. Sealer for Floors: per Finish Schedule. I 2.II FABRICATION I A. Flatness Tolerances: The maximum variation on polished, honed, and fine-rubbed surfaces at bed and I joint arris lines is 3/64 inch or l/16 ofspecifiedjoint width, whichever is greater. For surfaces having other finishes, the maximum variation from true plane is l/4 of specified joint width. I B. Module Variation: The maximum variation in dimensions of any piece is l/4 of specified joint width. I C. Beds and Joints: Pieces bedded and jointed as shown on approved shop drawings; bed and joint surfaces I cut or sawn full square for specified minimum thickness of the piece. I D. Backs of Pieces: Backs of all pieces sawn or roughly dressed to approximately true planes. I E. Incidental Cutting and Drilling: Holes and sinkages for anchors, clamps, dowels, according to approvedr shop drawings. I - PART3.EXECUTION r 3.1 EXAMINATION I A. Examine substrate conditions over which stone tile will be instalted. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory I conditions have been corrected. r 3.2 PREPARATION Ir A. Before installing stone tile, clean substrates to remove dust, debris, sealers, coatings, oil, curing compounds, and loose particles. I B. Ascertain that substrates are free ofprevious surface-applied material. Prepare substrate surfaces to accept new material. I C. Illuminate areas of installation using building's permanent lighting system; temporary lighting alone will - not be acceptable. I D. Veri$ that materials are those specified before installing.t E. Apply primer-sealer to wood and plyrvood subfloors when recommended by setting materials I manufacturer. I I ourLINE SPEcIFIcAfloN PAGE -56 - VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 IIt 3.3 INSTALLATION, GENERAL II I A. ANSI Installation Standards: Comply with parts of ANSI Al08 series of tile installation standards in : ;*Tfi:)f,t#j,t#"l:li"Hitfi:ons forthe Insta[ationof ceramic rile" appricabretotype of II B. TCA tnstallation Guidelines: Comply with requirements indicated by reference to installation methods in TCA "Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation." I I C. Install stone tile only on sound substrates. Maintain exposed surfaces free of setting materials at all times. rl D. Do not use tile units with chips, cracks, voids, stains, and other defects that are not naturally present in the I stone and might be visible in the finished Work. I E. Expansion and Control Joint Installation Method: Comply with TCA EJl7l. Joint sealant materials and I installation are specified in Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants." l F. Set stone tile to comply with Drawings and final shop drawings. Adjust accessories for the stone to set r properly. I G. Adhere stone tiles to substrates with setting materials indicated, and fill joints with grout as recommended by setting material manufacturer. Match tiles for color and pattem by using tiles from cartons in same f sequence as manufacnred and packaged. I H. Set individual stone tiles into setting material, taking care to maintain accurate joint alignment and -, spacing. Beat-in stone to obtain 100 percent contact between back of stone tile and setting material. I Scribe and cut tile as necessary around obstructions to produce closely fitted, neat joints ofuniform widthr throughout Project. I I. Grout stone tile to comply with the following: I l. For sand-portland cement, dry-set, and latex-portland cement grouts), comply with ANSI A108.10. I 3.4 INSTALLATION TOLERANCES II A. Variation from Plumb: For surfaces of walls, as well as for anises, external corners, joints, and other conspicuous lines, do not exceed l/8 inch in 8 feet. I B. Variation in Surface Plane: Do not exceed 1/8 inch in l0 feet from level or slope indicated when tested with a l0 foot straight edge. I 3.5 FLOOR/COUNTER TrLE TNSTALLATION METHODS . A. Latex-Portland Cement: ANSI A 108.5. I 3.6 WALL TILE INSTALLATION METHODS r A. Latex-Portland Cement: ANSI A108.5. I 3.'I ADJUSTING AND CLEANINC I A. Remove and replace material that is broken, chipped, stained, or otherwise damaged or that does not I match adjoining tile. Provide new matching units, installed as specified and in manner to eliminate evidence of reolacement. I I oUTLINE SPECIFICATIoN PAGE - 57 -r VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 I I B. Clean stone tiles after sening and grouting is complete; use procedures recommended by stone producer and manufacturer for types of application indicated.I I C. Apply sealer to cleaned stone tile flooring according to sealer manufacturer's instructions, ..\ 3.8 PROTECTION -,r A. Prohibit traffic from stone tile after installation is completed for the following time periods: f l. For tile set with any form ofportland cement mortar, 72 hours and allow healy traflic only after a t minimum of 14 days curing time. e 2. f;::l.rr" "nn epoxy mortar and grout,40 hours and allow heavy traffrc only after a minimum of I B. Protect stone tile flooring during construction period with kraft paper or other heavy covering of type that will not stain or discolor stone . I C. Before inspection for Substantial Completion, remove protective covering and clean surfaces using procedures and materials recommended by grout and stone manufacturers. I End of Section 09385: Dimension Stone Tile.I I D. sEcrroN 09640 - wooD FLooRrNca r GENERAL I ^ RELATEDDOCUMENTS I Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I SUMMARY I This Section includes the following: Solid-wood strip or plank flooring.I SUBMITTALS I Product Data: For each type ofproduct indicated. Shop Drawings: Show installation details including location and layout of each type of wood flooring and I accessory. Samples for Initial Selection: Manufacturer's color charts showing the full range of colors and finishes available I for wood flooring. I r OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE - 58 I I t I t VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 Samples for Verification: For each type of wood flooring and accessory, with stain color and finish required, approximately 12 inches long and of same thicloess and material indicated for the Work. Include sample sets showing the full range of normal color and texture variations expected. QUALITY ASSURANCE Installer Qualifications: An experienced installer who has completed wood flooring similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project and whose work has resulted in wood flooring installations with a record of successful in-service performance. Source Limitations: Obtain each Wpc of material and product from one source with resources to provide materials and products of consistent quality in appeamnce and physical properties. Hardwood Flooring: Comply with NOFMA grading rules for species, grade, and cut. Certification: Provide flooring that carries NOFMA grade stanp on each bundle or piece. DELIVERY. STORACE. AND HANDLTNC Deliver wood flooring materials in unopened cartons or bundles. Protect wood flooring from exposure to moisture. Do not deliver wood flooring until after concrete, masonry, plaster, ceramic tile, and similar wet-work is complete and dry. Store wood flooring materials in a dry, warm, well-ventilated, weather tight location. Order and ship to Vail, Colorado 4 months before installation to allow moisture content to reduce to 67o or less and climatize. Move wood flooring into spaces where it will be installed, at least seven days before installation. PROJECT CONDITIONS Conditioning: Maintain relative humidity planned for building occupants and an ambient temperature between 65 and 75 deg F in spaces to receive wood flooring for at least seven days before installation, during installation, and for at least seven days after installation. After post-installation period, maintain relative humidity and ambient temperature planned for building occupants. For unfinished products, open sealed packages to allow wood flooring to acclimatize. Do not install flooring until it adjusts to the relative humidity of and is at the same temperature as the space where it is to be installed. Close spaces to traffic during flooring installation and for time period after installation recommended in writing by flooring and finish manufacturers. WARRANTY General Wananty: Special warranty specified in this Article shall not deprive Owner of other rights Owner may have under other provisions of the Contract Documents and shall be in addition to, and run concurrent with, other warranties made by Contractor under requirements ofthe Contract Documents. EXTRA MATERIALS I I I I I I I I t I I t I t T OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE - 59 I' ft VAg, Inc. architects & plarurers The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 I Furnish extra materials described below, before installation begins, that match products installed and that are packaged with protective covering for storage and identified with labels describing contents. f Wood Flooring: Equal to I percent ofamount installed for each type and finish indicated. I PRoDUcrs r MANUFACTIJRERS I Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the products indicated for each designation in i the Wood Flooring Schedule and Finish Schedule at the End of Division 9. ! SOLID.WOOD STRIP AND PLANK FLOORINGII Strip and Plank Flooring: Provide kiln-dried wood flooring as follows: I Species: Chesmut I Grade: Medium - high character. Cut Light hewn w/ eased edge. Thickness: %- inch. I Face Width: 4,,6, 8, Inch Randomr Marching: End matched. Backs: Crown uP. I Random Lengths: Provide standard random-length strips complying with applicable grading rules - per t finish floor drawings. Match Architect's Sample. I FINISHINC MATERIALS I Hand Oil and Wax Finish System: Complete system of compatible components that is recommended by finish I manufacturer for application indicated. t Color: Match Architect's sample. I.J Wood Filler: Formulated to fill and repair seams, defects, and open-grain hardwood floors; compatible with finish system components and recommended by filler and finish manufacturers for use indicated. If I required to match approved samples, provide pigmented filler per architect's direction. I r ACCESSORYMATERIALS r Substrate: Existing plyr,vood, replace as required for a secure finish. I Felt Underlayment: ASTM D 226, Type I, No. I 5, asphalt-saturated felt. ] Wood Flooring Adhesive: Mastic recommended by flooring and adhesive manufacturers for application t indicated. I Fasteners: As recommended by manufacturer, but not less than that recommended in NOFMA's "lnstalling Hardwood Flooring." I I ourLINE SPECIFICATIoN PAGE -60 I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Proiect No.2023.00 t I Wood Trim: In same species and grade as wood flooring, unless otherwise indicated. I Threshold: Tapered on each side and routed at bottom of one side to accommodate wood flooring. t Reducer Strip: 2 inches wide, tapered on one side, and in thickness matching flooring. Wood air vents and grilles of same species and grade as wood flooring to be horizontal in floor.I I EXECUTION EXAMINATION t Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements, installation\r tolerances,'and other conditions affecting performance ofwood flooring. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. f, t INSTALLATION General: Comply with flooring manufacturer's written instmctions, but not less than recommendations in NOFMA's "lnstalling Hardwood Flooring," as applicable to flooring t)?e. I Pattem: Lay wood flooring in pattem indicated on Drawings or, if not indicated, as directed by Architect.r Expansion Space: Provide expansion space at walls and other obstructions and terminations of flooring of not I more than 3/4 inch, unless otherwise indicated on Drawings. I Felt Underlayment: Where strip or plank flooring is nailed to solid-wood subfloor, install flooring over a layer of asnhalt-saturated felt.II Solid-Wood Strip and Plank Flooring: Blind nail or staple flooring to substrate according to NOFMA's $ritten recommendations.I I Accessories: Nail baseboard to wall and nail shoe molding or other trim to baseboard; do not nail to flooring. r.I SANDING AND FINISHINCII Hand-sand flooring to remove offsets, ridges, cups, and sanding-machine marks that would be noticeable after finishing. Vacuum and tack with a clean cloth immediately before applying finish. I Apply oil & wax to match approved Sample if required. I PROTECTION Cover installed wood flooring to protect it from damage or deterioration, before and after finishing, during I remainder of construction period. Use heavy protection board or other suitable covering. Do not use f plastic sheet or film that may cause condensation. I I OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE -6I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Proiect No. 2023.00 rI WOODFLOORINGSCHEDULE I Facrory-Finished Solid-Wood Strip or Plank Flooring WDI: Where this designation is indicated, provide wood I flooring complying with the following: Products: per Finish Schedule at the end of Division 9. Species: Chestnut. Grade: medium - high character. Thickness: % inch. Width: 4. 6. 8 inch random Length: per Drawings. Edges: eased Finish: Manufacturer's standard UV urethane in color selected by Architect from full range. End of Section 09640: Wood Floorins. E. SECTION 09600 _ STONE PAVING AND FLOORING I I I t I PARr l -.ENERAL I.I RELATEDDOCUMENTS a, A. Drawings and general provisions of the Connact, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. -I 1.2 SUMMARY -A. This Section includes the following: 'lI I . Dimension stone paving. 2. Dimension stone tlooring. - 3. Stone thresholds. I I.3 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS I A. Stone Abrasion Resistance: Minimum abrasive-hardness value of 12, as determined per ASTM C 241. 1.4 SUBMITTALS 'l A. Product Data: For each variety of stone, stone accessory, and other manufactured products specified. I I l- For stone varieties proposed for use on Project, include data on physical properties required by referenced ASTM standards. B. Shop Drawings: Show details of fabrication and installation of stone paving and flooring, including dimensions and profiles of stone units; arrangement and details of jointing; and details showing relationshio with. attachment to. and reception ofrelated work. I Include large-scale details of decorative surfaces and inscriptions.I I C. Grout Samples for Initiat Selection: Manufacrurer's standard samples of actual products showing the full range of colors available.I I OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE -62 I I I I I t I I t I I 1 I vAg, Inc. architecs & plamers The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 D. Stone Samples tbr Verification: Sets for each color, grade, finish, and variety of stone required; not less than 12 inches square. Include 2 or more samples in each set showing the full range of variations in appearance characteristics expected in completed Work. E. Crout Samples for Verification: For each color required, showing the full range of exposed color and texture expected in completed Work. F. Qualification Data: For firms and persons specified in the "Quality Assurance" Article to demonstrate their capabilities and experience. Include lists of completed projects with project names and addresses, names and addresses of architects and owners, and other information specihed. G. Maintenance Data: For stone paving and flooring to include in the maintenance manuals specified in Division l. Include Product Data for stone-care products used or recommended by Installer and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of local sources for products. I.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. lnstaller Qualifications: Engage an experienced installer who has completed stone paving and flooring similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for Project that has resulted in construction with a record of successful in-service performance. B. Fabricator Qualifications: Engage a firm experienced in producing stone paving and flooring similar to that indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in-service performance, as well as sufficient production capacity to produce required units without delaying the Work. C. Source Limitations for Stone: Obtain each variet_v of stone, regardless of finish, Ilom a single quarry with resources to provide materials of consistent quality in appearance and physical properties and to cut and finish material without delaying the Work. l. Obtain each variety of stone from a single quarry, whether specified in this Section or in another Section of the Soecifications. D. Source Limitations for Other Materials: Obtain each type of cementitious material, grout, admixture, stone accessory. sealant, and other material from a single manufacturer for each product. E. Mockups: Before installing stone paving and flooring, construct mockups to verifo selections made under Sample subminals and to demonstrate aesthetic effects and qualities of materials and execution. Build mockups to comply with the fbllowing requiremenc. using materials indicated for completed Work. l. Locate mockups in the location indicated or. if not indicated, as directed by Architect. 2. Build mockups as follows: i|I a. Approximately 9(r inches square.I 3. Notiry Architect 7 days in advance of the dates and times when mockups will be constructed. 4. Maintain mockups during construction in an undisturbed condition as a standard for judging the-, I comnte;ffi of mockups does not constitute approval of deviations fiom contract Documents contained in mockups, unless such deviations are specifically approved by Architect in I rvriting. r. b. Approved mockups in an undisturbed condition at the time of Substantial Completion may\r become part of the completed Work. l, t.6 DELtvERy, sroRACE, AND HANDLINGI A. Deliver materials to Proiect site in undamased condition.t I ourLINE sPEclFIcArloN PAGE -63 I I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Proiect No. 2023.00 I B. Store and handle stone and related materials to prevent deterioration or damage due to moisture, temperature changes, contaminants, conosion, breaking, chipping, or other causes. l. Store stone on wood skids or pallets with nonstaining, waterproof covers. Arrange to distribute weight evenly and to prevent damage to stone. Ventilate under covers to prevent condensation. 2. Store cementitious materials offground, under cover, and in dry location. 3. Store aggegate materials covered and in dry location. - I.'I PROJECT CONDITIONS t A. Do not set stone flooring when air temperature or material temperature is below 50 deg F. B. Maintain minimum ambient temperatures of 50 deg F during installation of stone flooring and for 7 days after completion, unless higher temperatures are required by fabricator's or supplieCs instructions. C. Weather Limitations for Stone Paving: Comply with the following requirements: I I l. Cold-Weather Requirements: Protect stone paving against freezing when atmospheric temperature is 40 deg I-- and falling. Heat materials to provide mortar and grout temperatures between 40 and r, 120 deg F. Provide the following protection for completed portions of work for 24 hours after ; installation when the mean daily air temperature is as indicated: below 40 deg F, cover with I weather-resistant membrane; below 25 deg F, cover with insulating blankets; below 20 deg F, provide enclosure and temporary heat to maintain temperature above 32 deg F. ll 2. Hot-Weather Requirements: Protect stone paving when temperature and humidity conditions I produce excessive evaporation of setting beds and grout. Provide artificial shade and windbreaks and use cooled materials as required. Do not apply mortar to substrates with temperatures of ,r 100 deg F and above. r' PART2-PRoDUcrs I 2J sroNESouRCES I A. Varieties and Sources: Subject to compliance with requirements, refer to Finish Schedule at the end of I Division 9 Finishes. I 2.2 MANUFACTURERS f A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that I may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: I 2.3 STONE, CENERAL A. Match Architect's samples for variety, color, finish, and other stone characteristics relating to aesthetic effects. B. Provide stone that is free ofcracks, seams, and starts impairing structural integrity or function. C. Provide stone from a single quarry for each variety ofstone required. l. Provide matched blocks extracted flom contiguous locations in a single bed of quarry stratum unless stone from blocks randomly selected for aesthetic effect is approved by Architect. D. Quarry stone in a manner to ensure as-quarried block orientations yield finished stone with required characteristics. I I ourLINE sPEcIFIcArloN T I I PAGE.64 VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 II I 2.4 GRANTTE I A. Granite Building Stone Standard: ASTM C 615. I B. Association Standard: The National Building Granite Quarries Association's (NBGQA) "specifications for Architectural Granite."I ! 2.5 SLATE I A. Slate Building Stone Standard: ASTM C 629 with a fine, even grain and with uniform, unfading color I from clear, sound stock; classification as follows: l. Classification: per stone flooring allowances. B. Pattern: Random w/ max. l/8" gap. I 2.6 STONE THRESHOLDS - A. General: Provide stone thresholds free of cracks, seams, and starts impairing structural integrity or - function and ffom one source for each stone type and quality specified. ; B. Size and Profile: As indicated or required to provide transition between adjacent floor finishes. '- z.g cRour I A. Grout Colors: Provide colors to comply with the following requirements: l. Match Architect's samDle. I B. Sand-Portland Cement Grout: ANSI 4108.10. I 2.lo sroNE FABRrcArroN A. General: Fabricate stone paving and flooring in sizes and shapes required to comply with requirements f indicated, including details on Drawings and Shop Drawings. I l. For granite, comply with recommendations of National Building Granite Quaries Association's (NBCQA) "Specifi cations for Architectural Granite." B. Cut stone to fit stone pattern as indicated on Drawings and Shop Drawings. Produce units to minimize field cuning for thickness, face sizes, and within fabrication tolerances recommended by applicable stone association or, ifnone, by stone source. l. Thickness of Stone Paving and Flooring: Provide thickness indicated, but not less than the following: a. Nominal Thickness: As indicated on Drawinss. 2. Stone Edges: As follows: a. Eased. 3. Cut stone to producejoints ofuniform width and in locations indicated.l T OUTLINE SPECIFICATION I t I PAGE - 65 I VAg, Inc. architects & plarners The MacFarlan Residence I a. Joint Width: l/8 inch. I I t t EndofSection0g600: StonePavingandFloorrng. 6. SECTION 09680 - CARPET: I GENERAL I RELATEDD..UMENTS t I OUTLINE SPECIFICATION A 3.9 PROTECTIONI t A. Prohibit traf fic from installed stone for a minimum of 72 hours. Project No. 202J.00 I B. Protect stone paving and flooring during consruction with nonstaining kaft paper. Where adjoining areas require construction work access, cover stone paving and flooring with a minimum of 3/4-inch untreated ply,wood over nonstaining kaft paper. 3.I I STONE SCHEDULE A. Refer to the Finish Schedule at the end of Division 9 Finishes. 11 4. Clean sawn backs of stones to remove rust stains and iron particles.Ir C. Pattem Arrangement: Fabricate and anange stone units with veining and other natural markings to - comply with the following requirements: - l. Cut stone from one block or contiguous. matched blocks in which natural markings occur. I D. Carefully inspect finished stone units at fabrication plant for compliance with requirements for I appearance, material, and fabrication. Replace defective units. I . Grade and mark stone for overall uniform appearance when assembled in place. Natural variations in appearance are acceptable if installed stone units match range of colors and other appeanmce characteristics represented in approved samples and mockups. I PART3 - EXECUTION - 3.8 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING t A. Remove and replace stone paving and flooring ofthe following description: I L Broken, chipped, stained, or otherwise damaged stone. Stone may be repaired if methods and results are approved by Architect. 2. Defective joints. 3. Stone paving, flooring, and joints not matching approved samples and mockups. 4. Stone paving and flooring not complying with other requirements indicated. B. Replace in a manner that results in stone paving and flooring's matching approved samples and mockups, complying with other requirements, and showing no evidence of replacement. PACE -66 T - VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 l,,rt Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. - I SUMMARY I This Section includes the following:I Trffed carpet. I Woven carpet. I Carpet cushion. I SUBMITTALS Product Data: For each type of product indicated. Include manufacturer's written data on physical I characteristics, durability, and fade resistance. Include installation recommendations for each type of I substrate required. I Shop Drawings: Show the following: II Columns, doorways, enclosing walls or partitions, built-in cabinets, and locations where cutouts are required in carpet. Carpet type, color, and dye lot. l.ocations where dye lot changes occur. Seam locations, types, and methods. Type of subfloor. Type of installation. Pattem t)?e, repeat size, location, direction, and staning point. Pile direction. Type, color, and location of insets and borders. T1pe, color, and location ofedge, transition. and other accessory strips. Transition details to other floorins materials. I Type of cushion.I Samples: For each ofthe following products and for each color and texture required. Label each Sample with I manufacturer's name, material description, color, pattem, and designation indicated on Drawings and in I sdredules.I Carpet: l2-inch- square Sample. I Exposed Edge Stripping and Accessory: ll-inch- long Samples. I Carpet Cushion: 6-inch- square Sample. Carpet Seam: 6-inch Sample. ,- Mitered Carpet Border Seam: l2-inch- square Sample. Show carpet paffem alignment. I t Product Schedule: Use same room and product designations indicated on Drawings and in schedules. I Maintenance Data: For carpet to include in maintenance manuals specified in Division l. Include the following: I Methods for maintaining carpet, including cleaning and stain-removal products and procedures and r manufacturer's recommended maintenance schedule. I Precautions for cleaning materials and methods that could be detrimental to carpet. I I t t I oUTLINESPECIFICATION PAGE -67 t VAg, Inc. architects & plarmers The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 I I QUALITYASSURANCE t lnstaller Qualifications: An experienced installer who is certified by the Floor Covering Installation Board or I who can demonstrate compliance with its certification progrirm requirements. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Provide products with the critical radiant flux classification indicated in I Part 2, as determined by testing ideniical products per ASTME648 by an independent testing and t inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. I Product Options: Products and manufacturers named in Part 2 establish requirements for product quality in terms I of appeamnce, construction, and performance. Other manufacturers' products comparable in quality to named products and complying with requirements may be considered. f Mockups: Before installing carpet, install mockups for each type of carpet installation required to demonstrateIt aesthetic effecs and qualities of materials and execution. Install mockups to comply with the following quirements, using materials indicated for the completed Work: I Install mockups in the location and ofthe size indicated or, ifnot indicated, as directed by Architect. Notifo Architect seven days in advance of dates and times when mockups will be installed. i Demonstrate the proposed range of aesthetic effects and workmanship. t obtain Architect'i aiproval ofmockups before starting work.t- Maintain mockups during construction in an undisturbed condition as a standard for judging the completed Work. I Remove mockups when directed. I Approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undamaged at time of Substantial Completion. I DELIVERY. SToRACE. AND HANDLING I General: Comply with CRI 104, Section 5, "Storage and Handling."t - PROJECTCONDITIONS I - Ceneral: Comply with CRI 104, Section 6.1, "Site Conditions; Temperature and Humidity." I!i Environmental Limitations: Do not install carpet until wet work in spaces is complete and dry, and ambient t temperature and humidity conditions are maintained at the levels indicated for Project when occupied for its intended use. I Do not install carpet over concrete slabs until slabs have cured and are sufficiently dry to bond with adhesive and concrete slabs have pH range recommended by carpet manufacturer. I rt wARRANTY I General Warranty: Special warranty specified in this Article shall not deprive Owner of other rights Owner may I have under other provisions of the Contract Documents and shall be in addition to, and run concurrent with, other warranties made by Contractor under requirements ofthe Contract Documents. I I Special Carpet Wananty: Written warranty, signed by carpet manufacturer agreeing to replace carpet that does not comply with requirements or that fails within specified warranty period. Warranty does not include deterioration or lailure of carpet due to unusual traffic, failure of substrate, vandalism, or abuse. FailuresI - - OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE - 68 t I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residencc Project No. 2023.00 I I include, but are not limited to, more than l0 percent loss of face fiber, edge raveling, snags, runs, and delamination. I Warranty Period: [10] years from date of Substantial Completion. - Special Carpet Cushion Warranty: Written warranty, signed by carpet cushion manufacturer agreeing to replace f carpet cushion that does not comply with requirements or that fails within specified wananty period. - Wananty does not include deterioration or failure of carpet cushion due to unusual traflic, failure of substrate, vandalism, or abuse. Failure includes, but is not limited to, permanent indentation or I compression. -Warranty Period: [10] years from date ofSubstantial Completion. t . EXTRAMATERIALS I Furnish extra materials described below, before installation begins, that match products inshlled and that are I packaged with protective covering for storage and identified with labels describing contents. I Carpet: Full-width rolls equal to 5 percent of amount installed for each type indicated, but not less than I l0 sq. Yd.. I PRoDUCTsI I CARPET I Product[s]: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide [one ofl the following: t Per camet allowance - coordinate with Atlowance Section in Division l. I WOVENCARPET Per camet allowance - coordinate with Allowance Section in Division [. I cARPETCUSHIoNa I Per carpet allowance - coordinate with Allowance Section in Division l. I INSTALLATION ACCESSORIESI t Trowelable Leveling and Patching Compounds: Latex-modified, hydraulic-cement-based formulation provided by or recommended by the following:II Carpet manufacturer. I I I oUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE -69 T I I I I I I I J t T I t I I I I I I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Proiect No. 2023.00 Adhesives: Water-resistant, mildew-resistant, nonstaining type to suit products and subfloor conditions indicated, that complies with flammabiliry requirements for installed carpet and that is recommended by the following: Carpet manufacturer. Tackless Carpet Stripping: Water-resistant plywood in strips as required to match cushion thickness and that comply with CRI 104, Section I1.3. Seaming Cement: Hot-melt adhesive tape or similar product recommended by carpet manufacturer for taping seams and butting cut edges at backing to form secure seams and to prevent pile loss at seams. Metal Edge Strips: Extruded aluminum with mill finish of width shown, of height required to protect exposed edge of carpet, and of maximum lengths to minimize running joints. EXECUTION EXAMINATION Examine substrates, areas, and conditions for compliance with requirements for maximum moisture content, alkalinity range, installation tolerances, and other conditions affecting carpet performance. Veri$ that substrates and conditions are satisfactory for carpet installation and comply with requirements specified. For wood subfloors, veriS the fotlowing: Underlayment over subfloor complies with requirements specified in Division 6 Section "Rough Carpentry." Underlayment surface is free of irregularities and substances that may interfere with adhesive bond or show through surface. Proceed with installation onlv after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION General: Comply with CRI 104, Section 6.2, "Site Conditions; Floor Preparation," and carpet manufacturer's written installation instructions for preparing substrates indicated to receive carpet installation. Use trowelable leveling and patching compounds, according to manufacturer's written instntctions, to fill cracks, holes, and depressions in substrates. Remove coatings, including curing compounds, and other substances that are incompatible with adhesives and that contain soap, wax, oil, or silicone, without using solvents. Use mechanical methods recommended in writing by the following: Carpet manufacturer. Carpet cushion manufacturer. Broom and vacuum clean substrates to be covered immediately before installing carpet. After cleaning, examine substrates for moisture, alkaline salts, carbonation, or dust. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE -70 rr VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Proiect No. 2023.00 I INSTALLATION I Carpet with Anached-Cushion Installation: Comply with CRI 104, Section 10, "Attached Cushion." r Stair Installation: Comply with CN 104, Section 12, ,,Carpet on Stairs.,' I Comply with carpet manufacturer's written recommendations for seam locations and direction of carpet; maintainI uniformity of carpet direction and lay of pile. At doorways, center seams under the door in closed position.I f Bevel adjoining border edges at seams with hand shears. - Cut and fit carpet to butt tightly to vertical surfaces, permanent fxtures, and buitt-in furniture including cabines, I Hffi',ufi[:, edgings, thresholds, and nosings. Bind or seal cut edges as recommended by carpet I Extend carpet into toe spaces, door reveals, closets, open-bottomed obstructions, removable flanges, alcoves, and I similar openings. I Maintain reference markers, holes, and openings that are in place or marked for future cutting by repeating on I finish flooring as marked on subfloor. Use nonpermanent, nonstaining marking device. Install pattem parallel to walls and borders.I I Install carpet cushion seams at 90-degree angle with carpet se:rms. I CLEANTNG AND PROTECTTON Perform the following operations immediately after installing carpet: I *.to"t o.?..;ll:sive, seam sealer, and other surface blemishes using cleaner recommended by carpet I Remove yarns that protrude from carpet surface. f Vacuum carpet using commercial machine with face-beater element. -. Protect installed carpet to comply with CRI 104, Section 1 5, "Protection of Indoor Installations."a,I Protect carpet against damage fiom construction operations and placement oiequipment and fixtures during the remainder of construction period. Use protection methods indicated or recommended in writing by carpetI manufacturer. t End of Section 09680: Carpet. l1I 7. SECTION 09900 - PATNTTNG AND STATNING: I GENERAL I I RELATEDDOCUMENTS I Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and ,_r Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. ! I OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PACE .7I I I I I I I I I T I I I t VAg, Inc. architecs & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 SUMMARY This Section includes surface preparation and field painting ofthe following: Exposed exterior items and surfaces. Exposed interior items and surfaces. Surface preparation, priming, and finish coats specified in this Section are in addition to shop priming and surface treatrnent specified in other Sections. Paint exposed surfaces, except where the paint schedules indicate that a surface or material is not to be painted or. is to remain natural. If the paint schedules do not specifically mention an item or a surface, paint the item or surface the same as similar adjacent materials or surfaces whether or not schedules indicate colors. If the schedules do not indicate color or finish, the Architect will select from standard colors and finishes available. Painting includes field painting of exposed bare and covered pipes and ducts (including color coding), hangers, exposed steel and iron work, and primed metal surfaces of mechanical and electrical equipment. Do not paint prefinished items, concealed surfaces, finished metal surfaces, operating parts, and labels. Prefinished items include the following factory-finished components: Architectural woodwork and casework. Finished mechanical and electrical equipment. Light fixtures. Concealed surfaces include walls or ceilings in the following generally inaccessible spaces: Foundation spaces. Furred areas. Pipe spaces. Finished metal surfaces include the followins: Copper. Bronze and brass. Labels: Do not paint over Underwriters Laboratories (UL), Factory Mutual (FM), or other code-required labels or equipment name, identification, performance rating, or nomenclature plates. DEFINITIONS General: Standard coating terms defined in ASTM D l6 apply to this Section. Flat refers to a lusterless or matte finish with a gloss range below 15 when measured at an 85-degree meter. Eggshell refers to low-sheen finish with a gloss range between 5 and 20 when measured at a 60-degree meter. Semigloss refers to medium-sheen finish with a gloss range between 30 and 65 when measured at a 60- degree meter. T I I l T OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE -72 I vAg, Inc. architects & planners t I I I I ! l t t T I l I I T I I I The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 SUBMITTALS Product Data: For each paint system specified. lnclude block fillers and primers. Material List: Provide an inclusive list of required coating materials. Indicate each material and cross- reference specific coating, finish system, and application. Identifo each material by manufacture/s catalog number and general classification. Manufacturer's Information: Provide manufactuer's technical information, including label analysis and instructions for handling, storing, and applying each coating material proposed for use. Certification by the manufacturer that products supplied comply with local regulations controlling use of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Samples for Initial Selection: Manufacturer's color charts showing the full range of colors available for each type of furish-coat material indicated. After color selection, the Architect will furnish color chips for surfaces to be coated. Samples for Verification: Of each color and material to be applied, with texture to simulate actual conditions, on representative Samples of the actual substrate. Provide stepped Samples, defining each separate coat, including block fillers and primers. Use representative colors when preparing Samples for review. Resubmit until required sheen, color, and texture are achieved. Provide a list of materials and applications for each coat ofeach sample. Label each sample for location and application. Submit Samples on the following substrates for the Architect's review of color and texture only: Concrete: Provide two 4-inch- square samples for each color and finish. Painted Wood: Provide two l2-inch- square samples ofeach color and material on hardboard. Stained or Natural Wood: Provide two 4-by-8-inch samples of natural- or stained-wood finish on actual wood surfaces. Qualification Data: For firms and persons specified in the "Quality Assurance" Article to demonstrate their capabilities and experience. lnclude lists of completed projects with project names and addresses, names and addresses ofarchitects and owners. and other information soecified. QUALITY ASSURANCE Applicator Qualifications: Engage an experienced applicator who has completed painting system applications similar in material and extent to that indicated for this Proiect with a record of successful in-service performance. Source Limitations: Obtain block fillers, primers, and undercoat materials for each coating system from the same manufacturer as the finish coats. Benchmark Samples (Mockups): Provide a full-coat benchmark finish sample of each type of coating and substrate required on the Project. Comply with procedures specified in PDCA P5. Duplicate finish of approved prepared samples. The Architect will select one room or surface to represent surfaces and conditions for each type ofcoating and substrate to be oainted. Wall Surfaces: Provide samples on at least 100 sq. ft. ofwall surface. OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE .73 I I I I I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Proiect No. 2023.00 Small Areas and ltems: The Architect will designate an item or area as required. After permanent lighting and other environmental services have been activated, apply coatings in this room or to each surface according to the Schedule or as specified. Provide required sheen, color, and texture on each surface. After finishes are accepted, the Architect will use the room or surface to evaluate coating systems of a similar nature. Final approval of colors will be from job-applied samples. DELIVERY. STORACE. AND HANDLING Deliver materials to the Project Site in manufacturer's original, unopened packages and containers bearing manufacturer's name and label. and the followins information: Product name or title of material. Product description (generic classification or binder type). Manufacturer's stock number and date of manufacture. Contents by volume, for pigment and vehicle constiruents. Thinning instructions. Application instructions. Color name and number. VOC content. Store materials not in use in tightly covered containers in a well-ventilated area at a minimum ambient temperature of 45 deg F. Maintain containers used in storage in a clean condition, free of foreign materials and residue. Protect from freezing. Keep storage area neat and orderly. Remove oily rags and waste daily. Take necessary measures to ensure that workers and work are:rs are protected from fire and health hazards resulting from handling, mixing, and application. PROJECT CONDITIONS Apply water-based paints only when the temperature of surfaces to be painted and surrounding air temperatures are between 50 and 90 deg F. Do not apply paint in snow, rain, fog, or mist; or when the relative humidity exceeds 85 percent; or at temperatures less than 5 deg F above the dew point; or to damp or wet surfaces. Painting may continue during inclement weather if surfaces and areas to be painted are enclosed and heated within temperature limits specified by manufacturer during application and drying periods. EXTRA MATERIALS Fumish extra paint materials fiom the same production run as the materials applied in the quantities described below. Package paint materials in unopened, factory-sealed containers for storage and identi$ with labels describing contents. Deliver extra materials to the Owner. I I I I I I I I I I I I I T OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PACE - 74 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 Quantity: Fumish the Owner with an additional 5 appropriate, of each material and color applied. PRODUCTS MANUFACTURERS percent, but not less than I gal. or I case, as Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide the products listed in the paint schedules in the Finish Schedules at the end of Division 9. Manufacturers Names: The following manufacturers are referred to in the paint schedules by use of shortened versions oftheir names, which are shown in parentheses: Devoe & Raynolds Co. (Devoe). Fuller-O'Brien Paints (Fuller). Glidden Co. (The) (Glidden). Benjamin Moore & Co. (Moore). Pratt & Lambert, lnc. (P & L). Sherwin-Williams Co. (S-W). PAINT MATERIALS, GENERAL Material Compatibility: Provide block fillers, primers, undercoats, and finish-coat materials that are compatible with one another and the substrates indicated under conditions of service and aDDlication. as demonstrated by manufacturer based on testing and field experience. Material Quality: Provide manufacturer's best-quality paint material of the various coating types specified. Paint-material containers not displaying manufacrurer's product identification will not be acceptable. Proprietary Names: Use of manufacturer's proprietary product names to designate colors or materials is not intended to imply that products named are required to be used to the exclusion of equivalent products of other manufacturers. Fumish manufacturer's material data and certificates of performance for proposed substitutions. Colors: Provide color selections made bv the Architect. EXECUTION EXAMINATION Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with the Applicator present, under which painting will be performed for compliance with paint application requirements. Do not begin to apply paint until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected and surfaces receiving paint are thoroughly dry. Start of painting will be construed as the Applicator's acceptance of surfaces and conditions within a oarticular area. I I OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE - 75 I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 Coordination of Work: Review other Sections in which primers are provided to ensure compatibility of the total system for various substrates. On request, fumish information on characteristics of finish materials to ensure use of compatible primers. Noti! the Architect about anticipated problems using the materials specified over substrates primed by others. PREPARATION General: Remove hardware and hardware accessories, plates, machined surfaces, lighting fixtures, and similar items already installed that are not to be painted. If removal is impractical or impossible because of the size or weight of the item, provide surface-applied protection before surface preparation and painting. After completing painting operations in each space or area, reinstall items removed using workers skilled in the trades involved. Cleaning: Before applying paint or other surface treatments, clean the substrates of substances that could impair the bond ofthe various coatings. Remove oil and grease belore cleaning. Schedule cleaning and painting so dust and other contaminants from the cleaning process will not fall on wet, newly painted surfaces. Surface Preparation: Clean and prepare surfaces to be painted according to manufactureCs written instructions for each particular substrate condition and as specified. Provide barrier coats over incompatible primers or remove and reprime. Cementitious Materials: Prepare concrete and concrete masonry block to be painted. Remove efflorescence, chalk, dust, dirt, grease, oils, and release agents. Roughen as required to remove glaze. lf hardeners or sealers have been used to improve curing, use mechanical methods of surface preparation. Clean concrete floors to be painted with soap and water. Flush the floor with clean water to soap, rinse, allow to dry, and vacuum before painting. Wood: Clean surfaces of dirt, oil, and other foreign substances with scrapers, mineral spirits, and sandpaper. as required. Sand surfaces exposed to view and touch smooth and dust off. Scrape and clean small, dry, seasoned knots, and apply a thin coat of recommended knot sealer before applying sealer. After sealing, fill holes and imperfections in finish surfaces with putty or plastic wood filler. Sand smooth when dried. Prime or stain wood to be applied immediately on delivery. Apply to edges, ends, faces, undersides, and backsides of all wood. When transparent finish is required, backprime with spar vamish. Seal tops, bottoms, and cutouts of unprimed wood doors with a heavy coat of sealer immediately on delivery. Materials Preparation: Mix and prepare paint materials according to manufacturer's written instructions. Maintain containers used in mixing and applying paint in a clean condition, liee of foreign materials and residue. Stir material before application to produce a mixture of uniform density. Stir as required during application. Do not stir surface film into material. lf necessary, remove surface film and strain material before usins. OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE - 76 I I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Proiect No. 2023.00 Use only thinners approved by paint manufacturer and only within recommended limits. I Tinting: Tint each undercoat a lighter shade to simplif, identification of each coat when multiple coats of the I same material are applied. Tint undercoats to match the color of the finish coat, but provide sufficient differences in shade ofundercoats to distinguish each separate coat. APPLICATION General: Apply paint or stain according to manufacturer's written instructions. Use applicators and techniques best suited for substrate and type of material being applied. Paint colors, or stain treatments, and finishes are indicated in the schedules. Do not paint over dirt, rust, scale, grease, moisture, scuffed surfaces, or conditions detrimental to formation of a durable finish. Provide finish coats that are compatible with primers used. The term "exposed surfaces" includes areas visible when permanent or built-in fixtures, convector covers, covers for finned-tube radiation, grilles, and similar components are in place. Extend coatings in these areas, as required, to maintain the system integrity and provide desired protection. Paint surfaces behind movable equipment and fumiture the same as similar exposed surfaces. Before the final installation of equipment, paint surfaces behind permanently fixed equipment or fumirure with prime coat only. Paint interior surfaces of ducts with a flat, nonspecular black paint where visible through registers or grilles' Paint back sides ofaccess panels and removable or hinged covers to match exposed surfaces. Finish exterior doors on tops, bottoms, and side edges the same as exterior faces. Finish interior of wall and base cabinets and similar field-finished casework to match exterior. Sand lightly between each succeeding varnish coat. Scheduling Painting: Apply first coat to surfaces that have been cleaned, pretreated, or otherwise prepared for painting as soon as practicable after preparation and before subsequent surface deterioration. The number of coats and the film thickness required are the same regardless of application method. Do not apply succeeding coats until the previous coat has cured as recommended by the manufacrurer. If sanding is required to produce a smooth, even surface according to manufacturer's written instructions, sand between applications. Omit primer on metal surfaces that have been shop primed and touchup painted. If undercoats, stains, or other conditions show through final coat of paint, apply additional coats until paint film is of uniform finish, color, and appearance. Give special attention to ensure edges, comers, crevices, welds, and exposed fasteners receive a dry film thickness equivalent to that of flat surfaces. Allow sufficient time between successive coats to permit proper drying. Do not recoat surfaces until paint has dried to where it feels firm, does not deform or feel sticky under moderate thumb pressure, and where application ofanother coat ofpaint does not cause the undercoat to lift or lose adhesion. Application Procedures: Apply paints and coatings by brush, roller, spray, or other applicators according to manufacturer's written instructions. Brushes: Use brushes best suited for the type of material applied. Use brush of appropriate size for the surface or item being painted. Rollers: Use rollers of carpet, velvet back, or high-pile sheep's wool as recommended by the manufacturer for the material and texture required. Spray Equipment: Use airless spray equipment with orifice size as recommended by the manufacturer for the material and texture reouired. I I I I I t I I I I I I t t I I OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE .77 I I I T I t I I I I t I I I I t I I I VAg, Inc- architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 Minirnnr Coating Thickness: Apply paint materials no thinner than manufacturer's recomrnended spreading rate. Provide the total dry film thickness ofthe entire system as recommended by the manufacturer. Mechanical and Electrical Work: Painting of mechanical and elecrical work is limited to items exposed in cquipment rooms and in occupied spaces. Mechanical items to be painted include, but are not limited to, the following: P{ping, pipe hangers, and supports. Tanks. Ductwork. Motors and mechanical equipment. Accessory items. Elecrrical items to be painted include, but are not limited to, the following: Conduit and fiuings. Switchgear. Panelboards. Prime Coats: Before applying finish coats, apply a prirne coat of material, as recommended by the manufacturer, to material that is required to be painted or lurished and that has not been prime coated by others. Recoat primed and sealed surfaces where evidence of suction spots or unsealed areas in first coat appears, to ensure a finish coat with no burn through or other defects due to insufficient sealing. Pigmented (Opaque) Finishes: Completely cover surfaces as necessary to provide a smooth, opaque surface of uniform finish, color, appearance, and coverage. Cloudiness, spotting, holidays, laps, brush marks, runs, sags, ropiness, or other surface imperfections will not be acceptable. Trmparent (Clear) Finishes: Use multiple coats to produce a glass-smooth surface film of even luster. Provide a finish llee of laps, runs, cloudiness, color iregularity, brush marks, orange peel, nail holes, or other surface imperfections. Provide as follows minimum: | .sand 2.seal 3.stain 4.sand 5.stain (highlight or glaze) 6.laquer (3 coas) 7.sand Provide satin finish for final coats. Co4pleted Work Match approved samples for color. texture, and coverage. Remove, refinish, or repaint work not complying with requirements. OUTLIIE SPECIFICATION PAGE -78 - VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 I FIELD QUALITY CONTROL I The Owner reserves the right to invoke the following test procedure at any time and as often as the Owner deems t necessary during the period when paint is being applied: The Owner will engage the services of an independent testing agency to sample the paint material being I used. Samples of material delivered to the Project will be taken, identified, sealed, and certified in I the presence ofthe Contractor. testing agency will perform appropriate tests for the following characteristics as required by the Owner: I Quantitative material analysis. I Abrasion resistance. Apparent reflectivity.t Flexibitiw. Washabiiity. AbsorPtion. f Accelerated weathering. Dry opacity. Accelerated yellowness.I ffiHT: Color retention. Alkali and mildew resistance.r The Owner may direct the Contractor to stop painting if test results show material being used does not comply with specified requirements. The Contractor shall remove noncomplying paint from the I site, pay for testing, and repaint surfaces previously coated with the rejected paint. If necessary, the Contractor may be required to remove rejected paint from previously painted surfaces ifl on I repainting with specified paint, the 2 coatings are incompatible. t CLEANINC I Cleanup: At.the.end of each workday, remove empty cans, rags, rubbish, and other discarded paint materials trom the slte. I After completing painting, clean glass and paint-spanered surfaces. Remove spattered paint by washing I and scraping. Be careful not to scratch or damage adjacent finished surfaces. I t PROTECTION r Protect work of other trades, whether being painted or not, against damage by painting. Correct damage by I cleaning, repairing or replacing, and repainting, as approved by Architect. Provide "Wet Paint" signs to protect newly painted finishes. Remove temporary protective wrappings provided I by others to protect their work after completing painting operations. I At completion of construction activities of other trades, touch up and restore damaged or defaced painted surfaces. Comply with procedures specified in PDCA Pl. I I I oUTLINE sPEcIFIcArloN PAGE -79 I I '' VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 T EXTERIoR PAINT SCHEDULE I Stained Wood: Provide the following stain finish systems over exterior wood per the Drawings and Finish Schedule: f Flat Alkyd Finish: Two-coat, semitransparent, exterior, alkyd, penetrating wood stain.I First & Second Coat: Semitransparent, exterior, alkyd/oil wood stain applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to match existing. I Devoe: 90XX All-Weather Water Repellent Akyd Semi-Transparent Stain. Fuller: 645-XX Ful-Stain Semi-Transparent Siding and Deck Stain. Glidden: 9721 Lne Endurance Oil SemiTransparent Stain. Moore: Moorwood Semi-Transparent Stain and Wood Preservative 081 . P & L: C 30097 STAINShield Penetrating Oil Rustic Stain. S-W: Semi-Transparent Wood Preservative Stain A- 14 Series' I INTERIOR PAINT SCHEDULE ! r To be determined by architect / owner. I Assume (6) six color variations, (l)one dark different ceiling and wall colors including at areas ofplaster. End of Section 09900: Painting. ! END OF DIVISION O9OOO. I DIVISIoN lo-SPECIALTIES: A. SECTION IO8OI - TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES: I I.I CENERAL: All scheduled items to be coordinated with Floor Plans. It 1.2 SPECIFIC: Schedule of Items a Product Ouantity Room Color/Finish TBD by Owner all baths all baths TBD I EndofSection lo8ol. C. SECTION IO2OO_LOUVERS ANDVENTS: I I.I MECHANICAL LOUVERS: I Install a fixed blade, metal louver in the Mechanical Room fresh air intake. Size as required. I Louver to have an intemal insect screen. Paint color as designated by the Architect. End of Section 10200. I I OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE .80 r I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Proiect No. 2023.00 I I D. SECTION IO3OO_FIREPLACES: I.I GENERAL: Fireplace to be prefabricated appliance units, as described below. Manufacored by Heat n Glo. I Approved equais are Superior, or Majestic. I 1.2 FIREPLACE: I Great Room: 50" wide gas fireplace, masoffy lined with two gas log sets. Log Sets: Two (2) by "Hargrove" split pine, with enhancers. I Heat-N-Glo Grand 50 - 50" horizontal vent, or approved equal f Site build masonrv w/ herringbone brick liner. Review final lireplace selection ,"'itn arcnitect before framrng. '- End of Section 10300. I E. sEcrIoNlo82o-sHowERDooRS/ENCLosuRESI I.2 SUBMITTALS: I Manufacturer's data and installation instructions. Provide samples of units when requested by Architect. Acceptable samples will be retumed and may be used in work. r 1.3 GENERAL: Provide glass shower doors as indicated. Install units at locations and heights as indicated, plumb and level, firmly anchored in accordance with manufacturer's instnrctions. Provide all required f blocking. I.4 MATERIALS: I Shower Door to be tempered 3/8" thick glass. Eurostyle at Master Bath #214. Provide waterproof lip at s ill. I I.5 PRODUCTS: I Tub / shower doors and Enclosures: Re: Fixture Specification Manual. I Hardware: Re: Fixture Specification Manual- I.6 TNSTALLATION: I General: Install shower door units in accordance with manufacrurer's instmction, using fasteners appropriate to substrate and recommended by manufacturer of unit. Install units plumb and level, firmly anchored, in locations indicated. I Adjust shower doors for proper operation and veriry that mechanisms function smoothly. Clean and polish all exposed surfaces after removing protective coatings.r End of Section 10820. I I OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE.SI I I I - VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 f END OF DIVISION IOOOO. I DIVISION II - EQUIPMENT: I SECTION II45I - RESIDENTIAL APPLIANCES I GENERAL I RELATED DOCUMENTS I Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and: Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I SUMMARY I This Section includes the following: r Cooking equipment, including ranges, cook-tops, and microwave ovens. Range hoods. Refrigerator/freezers. Dishwashers. Clothes washers and dryers. Waste Disposal. Allowances: Fumish all appliances under the allowances indicated as specified in Division I Section "Allowances": SUBMITTALS I Product Data: For each appliance type required indicating compliance with requirements. lnclude complete operating and maintenance instnrctions for each appliance. I Appliance Schedule: Submit schedule of appliances, using the same room designations shown on Drawings. I QUALITY ASSURANCEr Instatler Qualifications: An experienced installer who is an authorized representative of the residential appliance I manufacturer for both installation and maintenance ofappliances required for this Project. '- Source Limitations: Obtain residential appliances through one source from a single manufacturer. I Provide products from the same manufacturer for each type ofappliance required. I To the greatest extent possible, provide appliances by a single manufacturer for entire Project. I Product Options: Drawings indicate sizes, profiles, and dimensional requirements of residential appliances and t are based on the specific types and models indicated. Other manufacturers' appliances with equal performance characteristics may be considered. Refer to Division I Section " Substitutions." I I ourLINE SPECIFICATIoN PAGE - 82 I I I I I I I t T I I I I I I I I VAg, lnc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 Electrical Appliances: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. UL and NEMA Compliance: Provide electrical components required as part of residential appliances that are listed and labeled by UL and that comply with applicable NEMA standards' AGA and ANSI Standards: Provide gas-buming appliances that carry the design certification seal of AGA and that comply with ANSI 22 I -Series standards. AHAM Standards: Provide appliances that comply with the following AHAM standards: Refrigerators and Freezers: Total volume and shelf area ratings certified according to ANSVAHAM HRF.I. Energy Ratings: Provide residential appliances that carry labels indicating energy-cost analysis (estimated annual operating costs) and efficiency information as required by the Federal Trade Commission. DELIVERY Deliver appliances only after utility rough-in is complete and construction in the spaces to receive appliances is substantially complete and ready for installation. WARRANTIES General Warranty: Special warranties specified in this Article shall not deprive Owner of other rights Owner may have under other provisions of the Contract Documents and shall be in addition to, and run concurrent with, other wananties made by Contractor under requirements ofthe Contract Documents. Special Wananties: Written warranties, executed by manufacturer of each appliance specified agreeing to repair or replace residential appliances or components that fail in materials or workmanship within specified warranty period. Electric Range: Five-year limited wananty for in-home service on surface-bumer elements. Microwave Oven: lO-year limited warranty for in-home service on defects in the magnetron tube. Refrigerator/Freezer: Five-year limited warranty on the sealed refrigeration system. Dishwasher: l0-year warranty against deterioration oftub and door liner. Clothes Washer: l0-year limited warranty for in-home service on the inner wash basket and outer tub, and five-year limited warranty for in-home service on the balance suspension system and drive transmission. PRODUCTS PRODUCTS AND MANUFACTURERS Products: Subject to compliance with requirements. provide the appliances listed in the Equipment Schedule and perthe Allowances section Division l. Items listed inPart2.2 comprise an inexhaustive list. RESIDENTIAL APPLIANCES I I OUTLINE sPEclFIcArIoN PAGE .83 I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I t I I I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence Proiect No. 2023.00 Gas Range: Freestanding gas range with cooktop, grill, oven and broiler, design certified and listed by AGA, and complying with requirements specified in the Residential Appliance Schedule. Gas Wall Oven: Built-in, gas wall oven with broiler unit, design certified and listed by AGA, and complying with requirements specified in the Residential Appliance Schedule. Microwave Oven: Freestanding microwave oven, listed by UL, and complying with requirements specified in the Residential Appliance Schedule. Exhaust Hood: Wall-mounted, undercabinet exhaust hood, listed by UL, and complying with requirements specified in the Residential Appliance Schedule. Side-by-Side Refrigerator/Freezer: Freestanding, two-door refrigerator with side-by-side freezer, listed by UL, and complying with rcquirements specified in the Residential Appliance Schedule. Dishwashec Built-ilu undercounter, automatic dishwasher, sized to replace 24-inch- base cabinet, listed by UL, and complying with requirements specified in the Residential Appliance Schedule. Ctothes Washer: Freestanding, top-loading, automatic clothes washer, listed by UL, and complying with requirements specified in the Residential Appliance Schedule. Electric Clothes Dryen Freestanding, front-loading, electric clothes dryer, listed by UL, and complying with requirements specified in the Residential Appliance Schedule. Color: Match clothes washer. Waste Disposal: Built-in, in sink, continuous feed, I hp UL approved waste disposal. FINISHES Finish: Provide manufacturer's color, finish and style per Equipment Schedule and per Architect selections. EXECUTION EXAMINATION Examine roughing-in for plumbing, mechanical, and electrical services, with Installer present, to verifl actual locations of services before residential appliance installation. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. {NSTALLATION General: Comply with manufacturer's written instructions. Built-in Equipment: Securely anchor units to supporting cabinets or countertops with concealed fasteners. Verifi that clearances are adequate for proper functioning and rough openings are completely concealed. Freestanding Equipment: Place units in final locations after finishes have been completed in each area. Veri$ that clearances are adequate to properly operate equipment. OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE.84 I VAg, Inc. architects & plannen The MacFartan Residence Proiect No. 2023.00 I Utilities: Refer to Divisions 15and 16 for plumbing and electrical requirements. I ADruSTINC AND CLEANING I Test each item ofresidential appliances to veriff proper operation. Make necessary adjustments. I VeriS that accessories required have been furnished and installed. I Remove packing material from residential appliances and leave units in clean condition, ready for operation. I I RESIDENTIALAPPLIANCESCHEDULE r Refer to Equipment Schedule and coordinate with Allowance section Division l. I EndofSectionll45l: ResidentialAppliances. I DIVISION 12 - FURNISHINGS: I A. SECTION 12372 -CASEWORK: I.I GENERAL: I r.2 BUrLT-INS: l. Master Office (rm. 225) l| 2. Master Hall (rm. 224) 3. Great Room (rm 202) 4. Kitchen (rm. 203) t End of Section 12372. I END OF DIVISION I2OOO. I DIVISION l3 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION: - NOT USED I END oF DIVISI.N l3ooo.I DIVISION 14 - CONVEYING - NOT USED: I END OF DIVISION 14000. - DIVISION 15-MECHANICAL: I Re: Sheet Ml of Constnrction Documents. I END oF DIVISIoN lsooo. I DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL: t l.t GENERAL: The General Contractor is responsible for the design/build electrical system, including all permits and inspections. See the Electrical tayout drawings for fixture locations and circuiting. I I oUTLINE SPEclFIcArloN PAGE -85 I I I I VAg, Inc. architects & planners The MacFarlan Residence I Proiect No. 2023.00 l. General contractor to coordinate initial meeting with Mech / Elec. Engineer and relevant subcontractor. 1.2 SPECIFIC: All switches and outlets to have all ivory and fuax finish in walls, wood or tile to match adjacent material. Dimmers to be sliders. Telephone System: GC to insall a three line (phone, modem, and fax) system, 6 pair to each phone outlet in the house. Recessed fixtures typically 75 watt incandescent fixtures with black baffles and white trim rings I and faux rings in wood surfaces. Provide light fixtures by Lightolier, Halo, or equal. All chandeliers are supplied by Owner and installed in base contract by electrician. I All interior wall sconces are supplied by Owner and installed in base contract by electrician. All exterior wall sconces are supplied by Owner and installed in base contract by electrician. ! Floor Outlets: Provide fully recessed outlets with hinged covers, brushed brass finish with smooth flange designed for wood floor installations. I All outlets to be wired with integral surge protection. - END OF OUTLINE SPECIFICATION. I t t I I I T I I I OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PAGE -86 I T ilA,!lt-MI I I I t I I t I t I I I I I The MacFarlan Residence Bcll Tower Renovetion ""r" ""Yfo]8if-u" FIXTURE Architect: Vail Architecture gnoup P.O. Box 1734 Vail, Colorado 81658 Tel (970) %9-7034 Fax (970) 949-t 134 Stmctural Eneine€r: Monroe & Newell 70 Bcnchmark Rd. Suitc 204 P.O. Box 1597, Avon, Colorado 81620 Tet(9799a9-7768 Fax (970) 949-40s4 Mechanical Ensineer: AEC 40E01 U.S.6 & 24, Suite 2068 P.O. Box 8489 Avon, Colorado 81620 Tel (970) 748-8520 Fax (970) 748-E521 For Pricine Only: March 27, 2001 Town ol Vail |{i .TT lli ffs ifi EIi, lt ri li li, fi,it !t fr'!i fi; ItF!TIEI:!.lt F: Ff .Ed?€ sx E; E€6€ g'F ol EE 5si.! EE It dic:gE 'EE rE .E lofftEbr IEg9 .ag Er ! E { E f Ef A 6 8t .E II I SI {r!cC a tt I t }$$ F$ q g I SPECIFICATI ffiRE to\ &3rsR: ./t,G^# I}FFBffiffi ffiffiPV I I I I I I I I T I t I I I I I I I I Vail Architecture group, Inc. FIXTURE SPECIFICATION INDEX: SECTION I _ PLUMBING: A. SCHEDULE I. MASTER BATH a. Sink b. Faucet c. Toilet d. Tub e. Tubset f. Showersetg. Steamshower 2, BATH #I a. Sink b. Faucet c. Toilet d. Tub e. Tubset f. Showersetg. Bathset 3. BATH #2 a. Sink b. Faucet c. Toilet d. Tub e. Tubset f. Showerset S. Bathset 4. BATH #3 a. Sink b. Faucet c. Toilet d. Showerset e. Bathset 5. CREAT ROOM a. Sink b. Faucet 6. KITCHEN a. Sink b. Faucet 7. LAUNDRY / PANTRY a. Sink b. Faucet SECTION 2 - APPLIANCES A. SCHEDULE I.GREAT ROOM a. Wine Chiller 2.KITCHEN a. Dishwasher b. Refrigerator c. Hood d. Microwave e. Waste Diposal OUTLINE SPECIFICATION The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 INDEX .I Vail Architecture group, Inc. f. Range / Oven 3. LAUNDRY / PANTRY a. Washer b. Dryer SECTION 3 - FIREPLACE SECTION 4 - DOOR HARDWARE SECTION 5 - LIGHT FIXTURE SPECS. SECTION 6 - ELECTRICAL SPECS. SECTION 7 - MECHANICAL SPECS. The MacFarlan Residence Project No.2023.00 OUTLINE SPECIFICATION INDEX .2 bJ i.l l-J :.^? cat rtr o)c Q}]-6-t A)5 'n:q)(/)()= xx JJo(D {x 9N)fctx? -{ oJ ! x -tldaaq ^=o.n =(to6'3oo x *..N f oo) r' A)Oo 5 (Dtsr tto(, gt 9xl lt(nN 9l t.r=o.,s 0)u,,. 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Dimensions:72x38x19 Remember: Shipping is Free! -.t EFor Desrqners & Contractorg..- ProlEsEionElPartner Progtam Atfiliate Prcgfar'n Click herE Portfolios Create your portfolio Fcr oerscna lized custcrr e r assista nce, :a ll us toll-free at: ca n't find scmething? .."email us at: s alesre b a t lr cl ick. co lrr Call for pricing! 800-643-9990 (toll-free) ';{:r1: . - "--: ' -' - ---- --.1 :,:r\-*:: --,-.----* ----. -- **;,::l r 46 Air Jets. Comes in all colors . comes In all Kohler. American Standard & Eljer colors. We can also match any custom color you'd like add to portfollo l rtj j lir:rn{i,i I l)r'sf r)ir'/:i I ,ii'ar{rr .ii.,itlCr aerr,?ti{, I ilri,.,;r,:,, I)oiI:}, | :.,1,.-tI1 1- 800-643-9990 i,,,rne pi)90 rrrin | :ririili,'a) ,' I . :al-.r'l f)':i1lOlr,r 1 5hopl)rfr.r .-ft I lbillit r.r i ir.r':. Call us Toll-Free: http ://www.bathclick.com/product. asp? stk_code:Ovaladdition t/30/01 R,l',, N.i;.:\i.i - h.i'If\ti tJ lvsw* sArA Hampstead DecUBath Set with Handshower, Traditional spout wrt!iGre'te.1'l+r in Nickel Silver P22134-CR-AD Kallista Product Search Details Page I of2 F{ASzre 6elHI I I I I t T I t I I I I I I I I I I )eJ'KALLISIA .vOtE rNFO Hampstead Showerhead with Arm Assembly P21431-OO r choice ot nrr."tingF;;6;1or regutar sprays '.1-_.i 1-q€t'';- - 3o ld -$ 441.00 ,-l t.' / .2.. -$ 166.00 a.' / Chrone 's 108.00 6rushed N icke I '$ 193.00 f:Colorr Price Cotrort Price Anliqu€ Bronze '$ 193.00 ht.../detail.asp?item:19405&prod_num=P2l43l-00&collection=Kallista&collection id=19400 1/26101 I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I t I t Product Search - Similar Products Page I of I BATH #1,FZ,#3 ,-.. Lovotories /Both room Si n ks - IHE BCI.D LOO( CFI(OHIER,. Caxton Lavatory, 17" x 14" Select from these 2 available options: . K-2210-G Caxton Lavatory, 17" x 14" .@ 14" $seorch Products Aqoin OKOHLER Plumbinq .../lavatories_similar.asp?im:2210 jpg&BT:All&ML=Vitreous+China&FC:AlI&IT:All&AD=ll130/01 I I I I I t I T I I I I I I I I T I T Detailed Information Page I of9 930 lllustration Description Show Dimension Sheet For 930 Show Parts Lists For 930 524.00Widespread Lavatory F aucet. 1 12" valves. Spit c-c = 6 718".8" centers. Show Dimension Sheet For 931 Show Parts Lists For 931 592.00Single Hole Lavatory Faucet.112" vafves. Spit c-c = 4 112". Show Dimension Sheet For 932 Show Parts Lists For 932 Singfe Hofe Lavatory Faucet. 112" valves. Spout c-c = 6 15/16". 524.0O Show Dimension Sheet For 922 597.00Tub & Shower Set (3 valves). 1/2" valves. Comolete. 3 valve rough for above. http ://newportbrass.com./new_detail.cfm? S eries:93 0 1/30/01 I I I I I t I t I t t I I I I I I I I TOTO Restroom Products YETft #|,#Z,'fs, . Traditional design with stately lines . Powerful and quiet flush . Provincial design suite: Matching pedestal and self-rimming lavatories . Large water surface High profile, elongated, close coupled toilet. Low consumption (6 Lpf/1.6 Gpl) gravity flushing action. Tank cover, fittings, chrome platcd trip levcr lcss seat. . CST724 http ://totousa.com/offers/residential/C ST7 24.html Page I of3 CST724 Provincial, f .6 GPF Toilet, Elongated v25/01 I t I I I I t t I I I I I I I I t I I TOTO Restroom Products Page 2 of3 Elongated, 12" rough-in, less seat. o C724 Elongated front bowl only, 12" rough-in. o ST723 Provincial tank and cover only. Complete with tank trim and coupling components. o SSI 14 SoftClose: Seat and lid gently close with a touch of a hand. Elongated, closed front seat with lid. o SW804 Zoe' Washlet: Ergonomic, remote control toilet seat with bidet-style washing and deodorizer. Elongated, closed front seat with lid. o SW8l4 Zoe' Washlet: Ergonomic, remote control toilet seat with bidet-style washing and deodorizer. Elongated, closed front seat with lid. Optional heated seat. {vailable Colors TOTO gives you an array of color tones from which to choose. These classic tones can complement any bathroom giving you the decor and feel for which you've been looking. So go ahead and get colorful, because performance has never looked so good. TOTO colors are compatible with other popular china and tub manufacturer's colors. TOTO Whites #l I ( oluniql ll hite TOTO Basic Colors o tJ I Ehmt dl t (\t!l.rn ()() \--l \-/ \-/ ittl3 Scdunu lkise ilrl lkn,e N)l (iru.t' TOTO Premium Colors http ://totousa. com/offers/residential/C ST7 24.html t/25/01 I TOTO Restroom Products Colors appearance may vary depending on monitor settings. For accurate color values, contact your local TOTO dealer. For a cross reference color chart with ca]]tpalblc_cala$-digl( _hqe. Available Trip Lever Finishes { #CP Chrome Plated - Standard I #PB Polished Brass 'l Page 3 of3 t http://totousa.com/offers/residential/CST 724.html v25t0r { eroduct Search Details tsffrl h.#z THE BCil.D LOO(CFI(OHIER.K-s06 Page I of3 P:iqes lCq_lors I More tnfonnation. Standard 5'x 32" size ror atcoffiG]liiiii. Integral Apron for quick installation z:-d,tFdt--,a/R ry/';, ItitutilrtN- -t-lr -7 Click on looo fot warranty inroma:ion /22Fl Printer Friendly Version Emoil Produd fo o Friend Ei) Ko h I er gplots/Flarbf es & p 7i ges Tec h n ic at Doc u mentatio n You may need to downroad Adobe@ Acrobat@ to view the technicar documentation.Hslylo vlcutsp€a{laalo n s_!ri i n g Ad o b e Ac ro b atlEEllrl Spgs;f;.ation Sheet Elnousn-tn Sheer El t",r," Roush-tn sheer ln*"***2.kohlerco.com/.../detail.asp?item:10981&prod-num-S06&Ml=Kohler+fa51111o r/30/01 . Crafted of Kohler Cast lron for deep, glossy color and to stand firm against v""i" 6t url. .De..signed for one persoribathirig - -- . Will Compty with the Americansiith Disabilities Act when installed per requirements of the Accessibility Guidelines, Section 4.20 Bathtu'bs, of theAct. Kohler Limited Lifetime Cast lron Warrantv_Product will be free of defects in materiai-' and workmanship as long as original consumer owns his/her home. ffiffi 8€rury from wirhiG. C liekf_o_rAlarge r I ma g e K-506 Mendota Bath l Detailedrnformation ffi I I I I I I t I I I I T I I t I I 3- flrrim e24BPll only for above.250.00 351.00 Show P_arts .Lists. For 925 925 Tub Set. 1/2" valves. Complete.405.00 511.00 1-500 2 valve rough for above. I 139.00 3-92s llTrim kit for rougn aoove. llzoo.oo ll372.oo Show Dimension Sheet For 936 Show Parts Lists For 936 g'g- x- a 4!) e 936 Roman Tub Deck Set. Complete.3l4" valves. Spout c-c = 8 1/2". Quick connect. 600.00 768.00 1-502 Valves only for above.182.00 a o?c llT.l- 66lrr fn. rnr,..h Inal,,-lor ^,nn,,+ llailS_lfll-[l5,lqAoA- Show Dimension Sheet For 937 Show Parts Lists For 937 ll3/4" valves. Spout c-c = I 112". ll llComplete. Set includes 1 ea. No.280 ll llHandshower, No. 284 59" Hose, No.2B9 ll llDeck Flange Kit and No. 290 stainless ll llsteel hose (connects to No. 28). Quick Il llconnect included. ll 1412.00 Page 3 of9 I http://newportbrass.com./new-detail.cfm?Series:930 U30t0l I It I It I T t I t I I I I I t I I t I Detailed Information Page 2 of 8tEnrtF1, *2,#g , Show Dimension Sheet For 923 Show Parts Lists For 923 x4 F0& 923 Tub & Shower Set. (2 valves) w/diverter spout. 112" valve. Complete. €5-o0-l E 3oo 1-520 2 valve rough for above.139.00 3-923 Trim only for above.296.00 414.00 S,bow D_rmsnslsn€hegl Esr!?4 Strslu-]Parts-]L|sls]Egrtz4 X@) Shower Set. 1/2" valves. Complete.386.00 485.00 1-500 2 valve rough for above.139.00 a .raA t; *;t l; r/. .t,rI-- | Show I imensior r Sheet For 9248P Show Parts Lists For 9248P 924BP Shower set w/balanced pressure valve. 112" valve. Complete. 495.00 |.---:-:"lr- 1AtU4 varve onry lor aDove.| +.+. v\,, 3- 9248P Trim only for above.250.00 351.00 http ://newportbrass. com,/new_detail. cfm? Series=920 1/30/01 Detailed Information Page 6 of 8 gArr+ #1.#2,#3 18" Towel Bar Show Dimension Sheet For 5921 Show Parts Lists For 5921 24" Towel Bar 176.00 Show Parts Lists For 5922 131.0030" Towel Bar Show Dimension Sheet For 5923 Show Parts Lists For 5923 TowelRing t For 5924 Show Parts Lists For 5924 v30t0lhttp ://newportbrass.com,/new_detail. cfm? Series=920 I T I I T I I t I I t I 1.. f) I I I I t + O,.*re Co[ection I t I Ir rEr E-_El Page I of2 11x5x q+nr.o. l|'dcltj;\ril Ji *..trf InAiloyMetatBasrns I 13-3,.4x13-3i4xs-1r2 NWUI| \ ^ y;il,n,i;-;,lbo; - Acapulco I Als00r in Alloy Metal Basins 15Dia.x8t.D. I 4Dia.x6O.D. I I I Acapulco inpolished Alegre r A1500f 15 Dia. x 8 t.D.r 4Dia.x6O.D. I Baroque Standr in pewter Depth: 1gt Width: 19 x 19 I ... .Height: 31 wetght: 35 lbs _ utnK support Ring to Floor: I the.Rtegre co[ection "r1h:,".:l::ins are created with the sand casting manufacturing method.whire ar the bowrs are created rro;ih;;;;i.,?0..; ...ir o,r[;;r-Je-s';jri'i. oetected in eachr one Due to the *nd "?:i'lg t-"cr'niq'e sm"ri oiiil_"gg: "l ogrosity may be present on the surfaceI ;:[:,1"-r. some unevenness in ttri tinisn -i,io" pr"r"nt rhese differences are not considered 1 After casting' the bowls are trimmed and then finished..we wiil have two finishes. our currentf ;3lilffiy,ava.ilable witn tne iorisneo- ?l''ti!n.'i'i" p"rished rinish is appried by nand usins I The A-1 100 bowl has our Melon pattern and decoratrv-e.SR rim crafted into the design. The drainr if#ilt:fl ,::?:.{ir?';::lstiainer, I tiu;-oi1' tn" ravatory J.lr'. "ii'[J il,stared ir a spacer t ns wittr all metal bowls- maintenance is important. Unlike plated finishes this is a sotid material! and can take vigorous creaning ano poriirriig.'He-emoer, abrasives are not recommended. Cabo - Undercounter A0450 in Alloy Metal Basins 15 Dia. x 7-3t4 t.D. 17-718Dia. x I O.D. Ittp ://batesints.corn /alegre.html t/30/01 I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I Detailed Information 6eErr F@4 f uver 6ftR Page 4 of9 1-503 Valves only for above. (lncludes No. 2e0) 370.00 3-937 Trim only for above. Includes spout.k44rol Fo4rrd 10131 Stainless steel flex hose to connect roman tub valves to spout. 314" x 12" wl3l4" male pipe x 3/4" female pipe threads.I I Shor r Dimension Sheet For 938 Show Parts Lists For 938 938 Bar Faucet. 4" centers. Spout c-c = 5 112". 11 3/4" high. 1/2" valves. Complete. 357.00 499.00 928 Bar Faucet. Single Hole. Spout c-c = 5 112". 11 3/4" high. 1/2" valves. Complete. 288.00 403.00 Show Parts Lists For 929 929 Bidet Set, bottom spray with vacuum breaker. 1/2" valves. Complete. Fits Kohler and other bidet manufacturers. Specify manufacturer when ordering. 845.00 Show Dimension Sheet For 9291 Show Parts Lists For 9291 http ://newponbrass.com./new_detail. cfm? Series=93 0 1t30/0r lrninnlxu f'le'l Frr,nr F rrnk: Neo Products l:it4hPn :l j'stem Products Insc! Sinkj Undrrmountrd Slnls Synthelic Sinkt Faucets Fillr3tion Olher Finirhing Touches f,'rslomer S*r(iDe Seod lle Your Erochure Hor, ao Claan rnd Protaet FAO Narionride 0isa.iburors Oirecr ro SDec Conlrct Model RGX 120 (18 gauge) IJ ir c -'l Last changes: 01 l25nOO1 rrrahmactarrFrf'onL o rnm http ://www.frankeksd.com/dimensions.asp?ID=3 9 I I T I I I t I I I T I Franke Home KrrcdE @se"r"t Product Dimensions Double Undermounts Specifically designed for undermounting in solid surface countertops. Optional accessories may be used. 18/10 chromium/nickel stainless steel, gauge as noted. Page I of2 Cutout Dim. Cutout will be inner dimensions as shown. FRANKE recommends using both template (included) and ! when making final cutout. t I l t I 1" I I ,i,o I / I T .@ *73./t- 7% 16:44:03 U25/0r & BAR sEtrq I I I a 20 600 015 SINGLE HOLE BAR FAUCET SATIN NICKEL A 31 600 030 SINGLE HOLE BAR FAUCET PERMA.BRASS'* 306o0ot+l SINGLE HOLE BAR FAUCET POLISHED NICKEL 30610051 > rrrrti\ BnR TRUCET 20 610 030 > NI BAR FAUCET EFMA.BRASSTM At{rOU ^tc$I I I I a 20 102 030 Harrirtg,totto Bretss \t'orks Lt(l' lllc' -f,Pearl Court, Allendale, NJ 07401 PHONE : 201'818'1300 FAX : 201.818'0099 yttcH gN - l-r a t1,1 S (M( DISTSISU-rED BY . 2 HOLE KITCHEN SET 8'. FEfii!4A'BRASSH Product Search Details THE BCI-D LOCI( CFI(C'HLER,. Page I of2 K-3208-3 Bollad afifiA Sink,25" x 22",3-Hole drilling, 12" Deep Basin A great answer for the kitchen, bar or laundry areas Three-hole faucet punching Crafted of Stainless Steel to achieve a striking finish and high wear resistance Crafted from 18-gauge stainless steel a a Click For A Lalg_el'lm?99 K-3208-3 Ballsd Utility Sink Four-hole, 12" deep, shown with Taboret Jaucet (K-82 20- I</K- r 6070-1A) R mnn, Friendlv Versiont-Emoil Producr to o Fricnd:IED Prices lColors lMore lnformation Kohler ColorslFinishes & Prices IIr-r - Tech nical Documentation You may need to download Adobe@ Acrobat@ to view the technical documentation. How to view specificatiqng uqur! 4dqbe Aqebet E Specification Sheet E Rougir-tn Sheet E "u,r,. Rough-tn Sheet E s"ri"u Parts Sheet http://www2.kohlerco.com/pl.../detail.asp?item=8996&prod_num=3208-3&Ml=Stainless+Stee l/25101 O a I t I I I I I I I I I t I s t I I I I Product Search Details ]HE BC)|-D LOO( OFI(OHLER,. QlickfprA l-agellCIage K-7779-K Tritott/Finesse Kitchen Sink Base Faucet shown vtith Triton llristblade Handles (K-160t 2-5) Page I of2 K-7779-K Tritonrv/FinesserM Kitchen Sink Base Faucel, l2-1/4" Spout Height with an 8" Multi-swivel Swing Spout and Black Sidespray One-piece Ceramic Valve - Resists debris and hard water build-up Ergonomic Handle Rotation - Provides on/off water control with only a quarter turn Flexible Connection - Allows installation on 8" to 16" centers Solid Brass Construction -- Ensures years of reliable performance Multi-Swivel spout with rotating aerator Limited Lifetime Warranty -- Covers function and finish for as long as you own your home Available in Vibrant Polished Brass Finish- Resists scratches, corrosion, and tarnishing Clict on looo lot v/ananW in.brma:ion /4.f'-l-l Printer Friendlv Version Emoil Product to o Friend jl) L*u*svet f fr,PrPf Prices lColors IMore Information r Optional Handle Style - Choose from cross, square, or wristblade Kohler Colors/Finishes & Prices IIII -, Tec h n ic al Docu mentation You may need to download Adobe@ Acrobat@ to view the technical documentation. How to view spqcifications using Adobe A.crcbat E Speciiication Sheet E Rough-ln Sheet http://www2.kohlerco.com,/plumbing/detail.asp?item:16556&prod_num=7779-K r/30t0r t ASKO USA lLaundry lWashers 1w620 Page2 of2 t I Ysrv!t. Can save more than $200 per year in water, electricity and detergent-paying for itself in about five years. Childproof controls and detergent compartment' . Additional wiring unnecessary to accommodate this 220 volt unit because it plugs into the back of an ASKO dryer \!600 | fJ620 | \.v640 | tv66o 11700 1T720 11760 1T780 Home I Laundry Care I Dishv,,ashers | !'./here to Buy I Customer Care I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I htry://ranvw.askousacom./laundry/washers/w620.htm r/25t01 f.f 6 '^z C!o o l-J t-r o N t! o o N)3 { |':|-to{ o EL v + |e6 { { F zo EE a{N) Y N) 2<o o o .Dt! .)o 7 NJ .') It di 5@ a N Y \o o\OO o N.D tJ 3 ze oJ taI 3 F ,+'o o z tt D' (! tt) l!o v) (! (n .Do U) (D o .Do g (D o - z o o (! (9 3 o (D o 3 3 E!!z-la t I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I e 0) ooa ct)Fz tiIl U a tt)o q) : U) z FT O {J ru Q) (u (t) tl) ct) (t i) v) a c)as{ (g a (u i.l FI ra F] 3() z E c.l (u N U7 at')(n e N € Tr!o rl] E Ir o Q *Oa.t Q ot :)a n .:' corf, I (J.] a C!C.l F..F Iz F](1,' t9al I o 7 a, (uE2cEA I !l) 55 v c.l c.l ol c) !.1 v E J c.l t I CLo.I I I I I T I I I I T t I T T d^ I-r. rr)IE FI I I I I I :,.. ,, S e r i e s I ti l= I I t I t I I I I I 424 WINE STORAGE Overall Size: H 33 't(i W 23 1A'D 24' Dmr Swing Clearance; 25 %' STORAGE CAPACIW 46 Bottles 5 Shelves 8 Bottles per Shelf 6 Bottles (Fixed Bottle Holder) 16 Bottles (Top Zone) 30 Bottles (Bottom Zone) CRATED WEIGHT 150 oounds (Framed) 155 pounds (Stainless Steel) (l)lg l; T I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e As Ko LAUNDFTY CAFE lDrsHWAsHrNG lwHEFrE ro BUY rcusroMER cAFrt D1706 DL7lir D1776 D1796Fl D!876 i\!996 D1976 D1976CSTiq D I 99655, D I 996HNDL, D I 996F1 Dishwasher ASKO USA lDishwashers lDl996 KtTcHEN) Page I of2 DISHWASHING MODELS > Dishwashing System Ta.hn i..1l q rr.'. if i.^ r i^ n < Frequently Asked Questions Testimonials Key Features Clea ner, Drier Drshes Qu ieter wash G reater Ca pacity Real Accourltability Hrgh Style lryhere to Buy Brochu re Alva rd s Environment '"'Jater C0nservatron Lowest E nerqy Use Our most contemporary group also provides the most exciting installation options. The 1996 is available in white, black and stainless steel; the 1996HNDL in stainless steel only. The 1996FI (Fully Integrated) must have a custom panel or an optional steel door, fits in any cabinet and virtually disappears. D1996HNDL D1996FIx xShown with optional black toe kick. Bold faced items are unique to each machine and are intended to show up-grade features With its ccntrols in the too of the dcor and out of sight when closed, it offers very contemporary styling. And it is very easy to clean. While this design will change the looks of your kitchen, it does not change how you operate it: select a program/ close the door, and it starts automatically. Need to add a dish? Open the door and it stops, and then starts again when the door is closed. Features: . Extra Quiet Package that makes it the world's quietest . Seven-way Omni-Spray wash system . Interior light that illuminates the tank http://www.askousa.com/dishwashers/dl996.htm 1l25l0l D19965S 3 G' (D bI) q) E. C I : f, m I I I I I T I I I t t I I T I I I I I FlfcHEr.) sertes 690 REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER WITH ICE AND WATER DISPENSER Overall Size: H 84" W 48" D 24" Minimum Height Required: 82 76" Door Swing Clearancet 29 %" Refrigerator Door: H 67 '\1"" W 20 "Aa" Freezer Door: H 67 tX"" W 15 1,6" Energy Usage: 1l l1 kwh/$96/annually* STORAGE INFORMATION REFRIGERATOR 18.2 cu.ft. of Storage 4 Adjustable Glass Shelves I Stationary Glass Shelf 1 High Humidity Compartment with Dividers 2 Storage Drawers 1 Adjustable Utility Basket 2 Adjustable Door Shelves I Adiustable Dairy Compartment I Gallon Door Shelf 1 Egg Container FREEZER 1 1.2 cu.ft. of Storage 2 Ad justable Wire Shelves 2 Removable Plastic Shelves 3 Drawers 5 Adjustable Door Shelves lce Maker with Storage Bin CRATED WEIGHT 610 oounds (Framed) 656 pounds (Stainless Steel) t t I T Untitled Document Page I of I E' frl tpicute'" I t Hoods EPfCURETM EHD: 30", 36", 42" mounted hoods. 54" wide, 18" high, and 26 7/8" deep wall- They feature internal variable speed blowers. (600 CFM for 30"-36' hoods and 1200 CFM for 42"-54" hoods). Halogen lighting and easy to remove washable filters. Available Colors: Stainless Steel (S) Available End Cap Bullnose Trim Finishes Black (BK), Chrome (CH), and Brass Features and Benefits . Bright and recessed Halogen Lighting - illuminates the entire cooking area. Commercial Styling and Engineering. Easy-removal & dishwasher-safe filters. Planning Guide/Product Specifications All hoods are powered by highly efficient and quiet blower systems. The 30" and 36" models feature one internal blower, moving air at 600 cubic feet per minute (CFM). The 42",48" and 54" models feature two internal blowers with a 1200 CFM rating. I I t I I I I t I I t I I http ://dacorappl.comihtmlftroodsonly.htm r/26/01 : dac,n c?rcuze 42",48" AND 54" Wide Hood Specifications 30'Min. (762mm) L I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Spacing ---------------- Betwesn Cabinets ** (457mml CABINET DIMENSIONS OVERALL DIMENSIONS 267/8' (683mm) EHD42 (41 7/8" / 1064mm) EHO48 (47 7/8" / 1 216mm) EHD54 (53 7/8" / 1368mm) Specifications are subiect to change without notice. See installation instructions for additional details. DacoF - Distinctive Appliances Inc. 950 South Raymond Avenue, Pasadena, CA 9l 105, USA . 800-793-0093 , Fax:.626-141-9632 . Visit our web sirc ac www.dacor.com 1T|t tr,sr m -trt5. CE F) =CL mII(-r 5. ! l- z z r- z o o : I m 98 Rev 000207 dacont I I I I I I I I I I t I I | / *on"" | / 11t2' -:=< (38mm) Specifications _- 6 t/8' 718'(22mm't Diamoier eleclrbal e.--1- I I 718'(22nnl elgc'lrical access Overall Hood Width EHD42 EHD48 EHD54 cPtruze 42",48" And 54" Wide Hood Equar -1 1()- (2s4mm) ,/--\.Round ={ Diamster \ ,./q (1s6mm) 3 1/4" X 10' . 4t 718" (l064mm) 47 7t8" (12l6mm) 53 718" (l368mm) m -tr,5,FJ -m -tr,5, € F) =CL m -Ef(tl5. ! r D z z z o o : I m 99 Rev 000207 Overall Hood Height 18" (457mm) Overall Hood Depth at Top ll718" (302mm)I Overall Hood Depth at Bottom 26 718" (683mm) Electrical Supply Requirements l20VAC. 60H2, l5A Dedicated Circuit Total Connected Load 0.6kw (sA)I I Approximate Shipping Weight EHD42 EHD48 EHD54 87 pou nds 108 pou nd s 120 poun d s Special Note:l.'lounting holes are supplied for top or rear mounting techniques. ( | 200 CFM Internal) T I Dacop - Distinctive Appliances Inc. 950 South Raymond Avenue, Pasadena CA 9l 105 800-793-0093 . Fax 626-{4l-9632 Visit our web site ac www.dacor.com Specifications are subiect to change without notice. See installation instructions for ailditional details. Untitled Document KrrctE,J Page I of2 DACOR INTRODUCES A SUPERB COMBINATION OVEN SYSTEM THAT IS DESIGNED TO FIT WITH YOUR SCHEDULE . MICROWAVES ADD SPEED AND SIMPLE ONE-TOUCH PROGMMING TO YOUR DACOR COOKING SYSTEM. r DACOR'S PURE CONVECTIONTM OVENS OFFER UNSURPASSED COOKING PERFORMANCE, SUPERIOR HEATING AND AIR CIRCULATION FOR EXCEPTIONAL MULTI-RACK cooKlNG. . DACOR'S WARMING OVENS HAVE AMPLE SPACE FOR FOUR, FULL-SIZED MEALS, AND FEATURE EASY-TO.USE TEMPERATURE AND TIMER CONTROLS TO ENSURE EVEN HEATING. . Mjclelvavefeatu!"gs . View a Dacor Kitchen . Plannipg Guide/Prsdlet SpeEifications DACOR MICROWAVE DMO24 - A Stainless Steel, 11O0-watt oven with a 16" turntable, a two-line interactive display and 1.8 Cu ft. capacity. Overalf Dimensions: 23 15116" W x 13 7116" H x 19 114" D Oven Interior Dimensions: 1.8 Cubic Ft. Available Colors: Stainless Steel (S), Black (B) and Arctic White (R). Microwave Trim Kits AMTK27: Stainless Steel microwave trim kit - trims to 27". Available in Stainless Steel (S), Black (B) and Arctic White (R). AMTK3O: Stainless Steel microwave trim kit - trims to 30". Available in Stainless Steel (S), Black (B) and Arctic White (R). http ://dacorappl.com./trtml/micromain.htm v30t0r l- Franke Home t KtrcAE Page I of2 I I I I I I t t I t I I I I I I lrnjnrixr 'j.: 'u Ff,:,m Frtnii,: N€u, Products Other Finishing Touohcs iustomer 5erviDe ' Send Me Your Brochure HoU to Cle:n and Frotcct FAO Narionu ide Oistrlbutors 0lreol to Spec Co nt aot [Ellr++ll'rrfiilErEliiHEtr Filtration Little Butler Waste Disposers Powerful, dependable, quick and quiet with 1Hp or 3/4 Hp high-torque induction motors. Batch or continious feed. uous feed. Automatic reversing aclton. Waste Disposers WD 751 Continuous feed WD 1001 Continuous feed I hftp://www'fr"./I(SDProducts.asp?Header:l"iltration&Product:Little+Butler+waste+Disposer l/30/01 litchen :l ustel; product! - Insat Sinkr .:.. . : -. --- Undrrrnounrid 6l;i; - "-,,1 synth€1ic sint<! ' '' ",. ":'.-:,]' F:uoca: . ,;. .: ::- =;r-l_.;Filtrarion :;f- "''-, "" -' Epicure Ranges c12LCute nt€ llerl (f,nernllon of Comr erclnl-5ry1e Appllsnce3 Ifrr.''ETl EPICURE Ranges Page I of3 EPICURETM ERD48S09: 48", dual-fuel range. Features a 2!!000 BTU patented gas-flame b ro i ler. two P_UIe tenVeclianll, self-clea n i n g ovens and 6 sealed-gas burners. Choice of 3", 9" and 24" high back guards with shipment. 3" back guard recommended for island installation. 24" back guard has shelf. Overall Dimensions: 47 718" W x 35 114" - 38 518" Hx30 114"D Large Oven Interior Dimensions: 27" W x21 114" D x 15" H (4.6 Cubic Ft.) Small Oven lnterior Dimensions: 15" W x 21 114" D x 15" H (2.6 Cubic Ft.) Available Colors: Stainless Steel (S) Availabb Backsplash Sizes: 3" (03), 9" (09)and 24" (24) Available Handle End Caps, Bullnose End Caps and Trim Rings Trim Finishes: Black (BK), Chrome (CH) and Brass (BR) DACOR EXCLUSIVE FEATURES: r Smokeless. Closed- . Six 15,000 BTUDoor.lnfrared Burners Ceramic Gas Broiler (large oven) Smokeless, Closed- Door, Electric Broiler (small oven) Pure ConvectionrM (both ovens) Self Cleaning (both ovens) -3_eaotlnuqus, 14'l wide Platform Grates Smart-FlamerM Grate Temperature Control Electronic Controls and Two Timers Wqk Bjng. Griddle and SimmelPlale (Shipped wrth Unit) Auto Re-ignition Safety Lockout Opli_qnalTrim Ftrnrqlreg For LP Order: LP@ The end of the model# For High Altitude H @ The end of the model# Planning Guide/Product Specifications http://dacorappl.com/html/epicrange.htm t/26t01 t I I I t I I t I t I ASKO USA lLaundry | Washers I W620 f-AdDDPf lTnXeY Page I of2 WASHER / ORYER MOOELS > Laundry Care System l cchn icn i SL'coircLtrcns trr'cqucntlv Asked Questicns Tcslimonia ls Key Features lSetter Clcanrnct airlrj llry,ng r oncjer I asltnq 5 pace Sarrrnt; Eurth Lovir.J 'lvhere to Euy 6roc ir u re AwdrdS Compare .4SKO !s i!i.rYt.r(i :j,trtunc Environment f- rt it rcj y (.l0nscrv.rt rrr e As Ko LAUNDRY CARE lDrsHWAsHrNG TWHERE ro BUY rcusroMER cAFrE "v 60{.).. :_.2 il i i.rc r7B0 W62O Washer Bold faced items are unique to each machine and are intended to show up-grade features Features:Click hcre to a a a O a Adjustable (600-12O0 rpm) spin speeds Flush outer door drops down and eases loading and unloading Time delay start (5 hours) Conventional mechanical and push button operation Available in white 20-year life expectancy Capacity that matches any top-loader-15 towels and most king-size comforters Stainless steel inner and outer tanks never rust, chip or absorb odors Internal heater produces optimal temperatures throughout the entire wash cycle Superior cleaning produced by better temperature control and more effective yet gentler, lift & drop, tumble action Up to seven rinses ensures thorough removal of all harmful, smelly detergent residue Super Quick Wash cycle will clean better than an old-style agitator and do it in only 34 minutes while using only 5.7 gallons of water and 0.3 (24) kwh of electricity Smaller exterior allows for more convenient installations--under counters or stacked in closets Solid rubber SmartSeal door gasket eliminates troublesome bellows that crack and leak Quattro" four-shock suspension and Automatic Load Balancing System ensures nr riei rrirtr rallrr rrihrafinn frcc cninninn I I I I I l+ - 3rl'lr " w - 23rl,o,, g - 2q1,,, ,, http :/iwww.askousa.com/laundry/washers/w620.htm t/25/01 I ASKO USA I Dishwashers I D1996 Page2 of 2 I I . Unique Safe & Handy basket for long I serving pieces and knives. Optional white, black and stainless steel doors with matching curved handles I aVailable (S :.: ir:ii6Fl fcf ciLtlrc L.i tfrcsc r.iirels). Optional brass handle also available. 1B:B stainless steel tankr o Super Cleaning System. Galvanized steel base pan r . Dual pumps and motors. Sleek, electronic controls I . 5 programs I . 4 Wash temperatures: 1100 F, 1300 F, and 150o F, 160oF I . 3 Rinse temperatures: 110oF, 130oF, 150oF I . Turbo Fan" Interval Drying System produces 100o/o dry dishes. Separate adjustable cup and wine goblett racks. !2+ place setting capacity. Removable and adjustable plate rack! . Inteorated -W,WjEI €'s9VE8r$rq'li:' oI t t I I I I I t http://www.askousa.com/dishwashers/dl996.htm t/25101 t/80 I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I E ASKO ASKO USA lLaundry lDryers 1T720 Page I of I LAUNDRY CANE I DISHWASHING IWHERE TO BIJY I GUSTOMER CASIE 'ir.00 .5611 T72O Dryer Bold faced items are unique to each machine and are intended to show :-; up-grade features Features: Click here to . Internal moisture condenser eliminates need for external vent so units can be installed in more convenient locations. Conventional mechanical and push button operation. Two drying programs: o Timed Dry o Air Fluff. 2O-year life expectancy. Available in white. Cleanable fan reduces need for service calls. Butterfly Drying" System that reduces wrinkles and extends motor life. Large capacity, stainless steel drum also reduces wrinkles and won't snag clothing. Can be stacked with an ASKO washer. Three drying temperatures: air, low and normal Timed drying program (5-90 minutes) Double lint filter covers entire door Only needs one 220 V, 30 amp outlet like any standard US dryer Includes 220 V receptacle for ASKO washer ,'r,i'il IT r:,1 |-l:i ' 'tt, I WASHER / DRYER MODELS > Laundry Care System le clrr'r Ictj i SDCcrirc.ttrcns i'rcquc irtlv Askcd Qutsttcr. s iLrstimoni.rls Key Features Eetter Lle.lnlng al]d D n/ino (ci]{JCr L;Strnq .-q t-'ace Savr ne E.lRh Loving ',',ihere to Euy il rcchu fe 7 \i!a rd s Compare /\a.C vs ll3vtec li(] ptu r]t Environment :') tiC,r' (.,11_ii-ryn n,ll t75A uArrpDBY NOJTFY H- zqtho w- zzlluo* D-ztl\tu " http://www.askousa. com,/laundry/dryers/t72 0. htm ll25l0l 62/2A/298r 11:59 9708279222 GAS UNE ACCESS 2 3/4 roMMl rtlrl(ltxtl rt$ Nt 'lcorrtrattc Edo'lrtl tdrrd5l uda at .sarlltnD! ?5 1t8 PAGE 62 25 5r8 [65rMMl .{ GRAND-50 5O'' TOP VENTED DIRECT VENT GAS FIREPLACE SPEC'FICATIONS 59 U4lr518Mlltl 40 7/8 [12E5MMI 241nl623uvl 18 1/8 [46rMMJ 1/4 [1200MM1 7 1/4 [185MM] EEAT-N-GI.O . (612) 085{0tt0 t rrri.ndo.coo A-r6 O2/2A/26AL 11:59 3798279222 EEAI-N.G,O' (512) 9s5{tn0 . rrr.hc|bgl..co a2/28/zAgL 970e279222 GRAND.5O Vent Termination Approvals VENT|I{C Wttfl THHEE (31 tc Et-Botts IfiitJ"*(g1.'nm, oi *ll,,l5lil, r-,4 trflNtMuM(l.zmf 0' lvtexuuuiz.cmis MINIMUM (t.G m) ro Maxuulvr is.r mi AAT|OVTOH- l;2 V+ V, + H +l{, = 90' MAXIMUM (9.9m) H r H, - 20. Mjrlrttuu (a:'r|) H= lO MA!(IMUM (3.1m1 A WARNTNG: A 3-FOOT LENGTE OFS STRAIGET PIPE (MINIMUM) MUST BE TEE FIRST VENT COMPONENT ATTACEEIT TO THE UNIT. -.-g-1 =IPl<(+I F\lt Ir.l I II [.-'I'-l@ .l,i-\@ n ^t- -\ \\ *il(^ ,h;'.."_J "+( TUOTE: SFV670€3O Hrlt Shtctd ir rquirad aE\rc clbor E cl..rrncr tr h!. $an a lnchcr ltozmnl. i..' I I i' i, I I , I l I{./ vENTrf{o WTHTHFEEf3I Do- ELEoWS v (FT.) H + H. (FT.) 3'MlNllr,rUM (9r4 mnr, g MAXIMUM (t.e m)4'MINIMUM (1.2 m, E MA)(|MUM (z.rt ml 5'MINIMUM (1.!m) 10'MAX|MUM(3.rm) G'MINIMUM (t.9ml 1?MAXTMUM (s.6m) V + V, + H + H, r gO MAXIMUM (9.9 ml l.l + tl, = 2(I MAXIMUM (E.Z m) RATIO V TO l-l + H,, : t:2 EEAT-N-GLO' 6f2) 9t54m . rrr'.baogto,cu g2/28/260I lt:59 979e.279222 PAGE E5 EBIILN{II' . (6lz}S5400 . rr?.b.|qlh,ciE MINIMTIM CLEARANCES FOR ALL DIRECT \IENT TINITS ' (f.xcEw GRAND-nq IrER-TRC, sr-rRz, L-aaRNER-TRC, n-cbnr,un-TRc) HORIZ ONNhL TERMII{AilON A2/29/ZAAL 11:59 978e279?22 CAUTION: IF EXTERIoR wALLs ARE FINITHED U\,ITH VINYL stDINGt I? IS NECEISARY TO INSTALL THE VII{YL PROTECTOR KIT TO THE TOP oF THE EXTER|oR FtRl$Top (FoR ArL RourrtD TERMTNATTON CApSt. SEAI-N-GI,O . (5fa 98$6fi0 . rrr.bcrbglo.cor : ; fr I ;, ; I ftrlpgI [Yl =vENr rEFllllNAL @ =A|n suPPLY lilLET Q -O"*V*EFE TERIilNAu ts xor penurrtfeo ? A B c .F F G H 12 12" 0'(u.s.A.) 12" (Cen8d.) 18' 18' 9', 6' 3ft. (Canada) 3fr. (u.s.A ) 0ft. (Cana<ra) 9' (U.S-e.) 12" (Camda) 3ft. (U.S.A.) 6 [. (Canada) 7ft. 18' clo6tattc€6 aborre grade. veranda, porch, deck or balcony cleErences to windolvordoorthat may bc open€d clsaranc€ b permanienlly clG€d wlndow varlical cloaGnco lo ventil8t€d sofrt locet€d ebovB ths l€rminal wrlhm a honzontel didanoe ot 2 fgel (60 cm) trom thg center-tino ot th6 lgrmingt cloarancs to unventilaled Eoflit clBannqe to outGlde com€r clgsrsnce to insids cgmst not to b€ installod above a gee rne{erlregulator assembly wilhin 3leel (80 cm) horizontslly trom the c€nter-line of thg re0ulator cloaEnce to Eervice rogulator vent outlet d€arance to non-rnschan|cal atr sugply inlet tg building gr th€ combustion ar inlal lo any oth€r appli8nct cl€erance to a mechanical air eupply inlet cloeranqE above pav€d Gldswalk or e payEcl clrivewry loaatsd on public proporty clerrrncB und€rwrrnda, porch, cl€ck gr balcony ' 30' mlnimum for vinyl clrd soffits- - I verrt shdl nol lerminate directty abo\€ a sidewalk or pavrd driveway which is loaaie<l bshfeen lwo singla tamily dwetlinge and EsrveE both dwslliFga. - only pormlrled lf veranda. porch, cleck or balcsny iE tully opon on a mtnimum of 2 ai(l€B beneath the flogr. NOTE: Local Codes or Rggulalaons rnay rsquie different cleatances. : Fl A2/28/ZOOL 1.1:59 3798279222 PA€E 07 Frr rri. -iI JSaa t-- j I rq-r IlE-lI F-ll-{ |t!--\ |rl ll.=_::I. w___1" I tJ_Il,i"lil , llllr! 4 XO 38 3LO.SEHEg olREcTVEirfltrtc SYSTEM tFlgutrS r06r#\\v ,rm1r_H+ stlso!D -{ 73rG r--I .JFT.-E[Lm i rlieo F IF It ra(tER -_l I t3 tal: /'^ ( r'roT I >-_-/ 5 X I5'8 DSERIES DIRECT VENTING SYSTEI/I (Figun4' T-616 0rA J-- tuorI -{ 7 lr.-rr t-I iF (rE4 ovtLwcD 'o*rffi) \vz ,,,IilSI. -r-r--ai-+ -1 rr/|..fl l-, ''EMHffiI I u-----+-t rtnEn F ! -.1 7 lra l._ l2t t9 EEAf-N€L(} . (5f2)9t5rt000 . wrr.bcrE5h,cin g2/28/2681 1.1:59 6ln 9108279222 VENIT TERMINATIOI\ APPROVALS Pipe 5 X 8 5/8 D.'SERIES PIPE PAGE O8 )r/ 8112TR.x', l\w' stE rr !r. t-- .'! ,llrl trrl t 2rt) 'r-Erlii-lttltii*l'll ||lll*-ll-IL- q^|o F-=tat--t P'r'D I tl/t?.t tD T_ 2-17L r [--.'l 8 tdtt'rvc-ffi i -I-.--l I i--t s3,B l_ g 3/ar- r{oTE: Ftp?! ovERt-Ap !$t trucHEs ttag3 nnl Ay EAct{ Jotr{T. ,Ft_l-'--l ,* d,{0D -|-:-:'?Il-.1lrg4 | |I lrrt IIl-l-J-r-,- ' Irl2O E: lDr(D I ov{lo HIIlErE Fa-ltll:*l t& -r'- I 0?s ,-l " a'o SL4X65/8D-SERIESPIPE I (Figunol ,T;-R#.', T== |..r---nIIIrsrra r -l | | I 23ad | | | 12:17 | | r I I rlrlrI lrr:''ol I h.ro | |I t-i I t_r-l--b.dJ J--L.^j I t l2l7D ts.l?.17D1 41 314 I I l_ 65/6 i-l F . t4b 6;AE !J6i3/E LJ .tN1'T' T-iole -! s- | t/24) Fr r 7.?aDl EEAT-N€II) . (6ra gts{{no . wr.hcsutccd 81620. Mailina Address: P.O. Box 1734. t. It 'qToNs tslvgr- bpepie l--Arltta ry-tt- E4NzE-Ql,rgl- - --------- (v w J €& l*oes, s|4Lw Rrck- A.*t*./'rylI , : Anui;,o<tAMi,b4bfl L*&in' eof t l I flfit't D;OC t{ftf'C,tdpfi.t TAD... I S{^a ?t,r+,v prorQ I I TLELIM'NAF{ :ffivtx, FrD t ctT lqedl) INFORMATION OR ACTION REQUIBED BEPOFT BY: I I This Architect's Record BeDon rcNesenls the rccorder's rccollection ol events discussed, decisions teached, ttems to verify, ot inlormation requircd. tl your recollection is other than that noled above, please advtse within 7 days ol receipt ot this report-Page_t of_ Stone River Bronze 435-563-8500 Phone / 435-563-8585 Fa:r Lever, Ifuob & Handle Quick Reference C CL Lever WL Lever MK Knob c 8- TL Lever O HL Lever O PK Knob n \/ A("1 #31 Grip Handle a)I I I I Quick Ref Guide Pagc 4 Stone River Bronze 435-563-8500 Phone I 435'563-8585 Fa:< Plate Quick Reference I t t I I I I I I sQ02 / AR02 sQ03 / AR03m^Fll "lll"llll"llll"llll.Ld \,/ lu d 2.5" x 6" 2.5" x 6" 3ttx 10"2.5" x 10" sQi9 / AR19 HN llollllollll ll ll- .*lttd\/ 1.75" x 9 318" sQ18 / AR18 HM il lt l|l HU 1.5" x 9" D13. AV R12I I If I I ffi'Iffil sQo6 / ARo6 sQoe /ARoe I q,lp] HH H8 I I l, * t;l rc_l tt x 4.5tt sQ ol r 2.5 2.5'ROUND 2.5" x2.5" DIAMOND Quick Rcf Guidc Page I I I I I Luminaire Schedule MacFarlan Residence AEc# 20260 Sheet I Fixture Tvoe Luminaire A Small aperture recessed adjustable accent light with difftrse clear alzak reflector lockable 35 degree vertical 360 horizontal adjustment non lC airseal mtg frame Manufacturer & Gat#: Lightolier #C4P20A'CCDW-C4A120 A1 c D I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I Note: Paint trim to match ceiling Recessed adjustable accent light with diffuse clear alzak reflector lockable 35 degree vertical 360 horizontal adjustment lC airseal mounting frame illanufacturer & Ca6f : Lightolier rc6P38A-CCD-W-CGDAIC Lamp: Dimensions: Lamp: Dimensions: Lamp: Dimensions: Lamp: Dimensions: sOW PAR2O MFL 4.5*DlA X 7"H gOW PAR38 MFL 6"Df,A X 11.25"H gOW PAR38 MFL 6"DlA X 1't.25"H (1) F17lT8/830 1.875"x5.25"x24" 1dow HAL-I9 4.5*DlA X 7"H Note: Paint trim to match ceiling Recessed adjustable accent light with diffuse clear alzak reflector lockable 35 degree vertical 360 horizontal adjustment lC airseal mounting frame Manufacturer & GaS; Lightolier #C6P38A.GCD-W-CGDAIC Note: Paint trim to match ceiling Surface mounted fluorescent closet light electronic ballast with T-8 lamPs Isanufacturer& CaS: Lightolier#TCU4017W120-SO Small aperture recessed incandescent downlight with diffuse clear alzak reflector 50 degree cutoff. Non-lC AirSeal Mounting Frame "A' Lamp white painted trim' Manufacturer & Cat#: Lightolier #C4AD'CCD'W'C4A120 Lamp: Dimensions: Note: Paint trim to match ceiling I I t I I I I T I I T I I I I I I I I Luminaire Schedule MacFarlan Residence AEc# 20260 Fixture Tvpe Luminaire Dl smalt aperture recessed incandescent downlight with diffuse clear alzak reflector 50 degree cutoff. Non-lc Airseal Mounting Frame "A', Lamp white painted trim' Manufacturer & Cat#: Lightolier #C4AD-CCD-W-G4Ai20 Sheet 2 Lamp: Dimensibns: Lamp: Dimensions: 60w HAL-19 4.5"DLA X 7'H 60w HAL-19 6.75"D1A X 7.3125"H Note: Paint trim to match ceiling wet location recessed lensed downlight. Fresnel glass lens with white difftrser lC AirSeal Mounting Frame "A" Lamp white painted trim' Manufacturer & Cat#: Lightolier #1126-1100 AICM Note: Paint trim to match ceiling D3 -. small aperture recessed incandescent downlight with a clear Alzak Reflector 50 degree cutoff. lc Airseal Mounting Frame''A'Lamp white painted trim' Manufacturer&Cat#:Ligrhtolierrc4AD-CCD-W-C4A120 Lamp: Dimensions: Note: Paint trim to match ceiling DINING ROOM CHANDELIER GREAT ROOM CHANDELIER KITCHEN CHANDELIER KITCHEN/BAR CHANDELI ERS "lD" fixtures are Owner Supplied Contractor installed. Contractor will coordinate receiving, storing, mounting, provide lamps and external wiring to make a complete installation. surface mounted halogen click strip 2"o.c. xenon lamps with clear lens ind festoon reflector. Provide remote low voltage transformers as required' Manufacturer & cat#: Tivoli #llllc2002-MG0524X-MC2450-MC2153 75W HAL-19 4.5'DlA X 7*H ID1 tD2 tD3 tD4 Lamp: Dimensions: 5 watt xenon lamP ' 314" x 3/4" length as shown Note: Provide length as shown I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I ,rN" 41/2f Aperture - Non-lG tAF20 - 5{M ti'lar-. PABI6 - 75\ry M€L g ftnr'lt ,vr.g Aecessa: Aa,..rs:a:l? i:.'. ir'?r':s !'c';1:: aicgni al:::s( i::l::llc i' :3v"il!9r'rln: r' Slos3; ::, ,.:S jS -i :,:::':,:;::;Ai?i ar: ?iqla .:-:s :.a .a:3 ': : il :3 \'a::' ery c;:"'a:a;:s a-: :::T SC'*gS i : :' Z;3ir'a a::: ::g:.'a; j':ai ::;r?:":: a--:as aSSJ: :.'. :"1':-:-SS z===='a'a= tertures Ref,octor i5 -ca. Sl,::- :: : -at: a:.ll':r'!- S ja::'-: reie::ol !iE:ri.!':iri:r::as vra.l ':",! :l: triJ:€. Trim S:;i-"ra:g-=: '2' aal:' a'? aa a J. '.1 : .'.:! :: pEiii:: :' 9-^ s::: il:::e 0ptics LX:ka:ia :_4, .?-]az' a?,a 353' -:' ::-:: e;lus:li,:1: ::- :: .elai:3a ." i':r: : s' i..r.a:ng 2,'r":-.: i-ia'::':1;339 : :;:i:s irs:alie:r:: (?va: 3:: :S l'iiai il!::€3i ins:allair:i ::'sirec::t l{on-lC Mounting Frames Cc;iaci j';:::s ;;5rxr:3 i:i ::1:-'9:: a acSirca::l:is ::l is:ailai|J:i r: !i2Sl3'!r C''"via!l ::ilrncs Lc i.: I : :':hrci ie,-:ror,a-ie ::: :f a. ::aS ac:eSS '.ar. all: a 'JL l-isied. s",ia:l:':' ::ri:,::a:re:s Non-lC AirSeal Mounting Frames !:rergv :'.-ii:9r^l i'a.'9s cesicce: :ai r::r' Ins-'ai:: ':s ::'i a' 3:pir:e:':-s ::' iis:ali3'-;:: .:i: as:e: !r ::.'i.'a:i a:: :-;s -: 1: : ' 3' :::\ :,.._,5. .:-q4t-4,€:: r:,;il sr', .-e t:( -! ::i.:n: nc ca:s i:-:as' r:si:i.a:3- J- -:i::. 5-;3i 3;ii:::: Airseal lC Mounting Frames i:::ir ;i::-l ''a'*:s Jesr!'94 ia'-:r ' ::r':iar a:: aa:r:-! -. - -(:€: ::' : '3:: ::i:3a: .. :i .:s- :: :' s- '-za 2'a' :a'a :::;::--. ::' -ii:::::- -: aS':':-:'.' ,"ai aa ,':s -::: ' :-:( : x:-:3::-': - .12'- How to SPocifr Onar - 5 lrld 4 llf Aperure - lG PAfl2O ^ 50W MaL. PAFj6 - 6(M Max- Hofl rD SPcsitf fuf€c€t '*a'ig Crcutril/16' . t:ff trr$ l|sP - t5o CtCt rC l- !. D C8Ct, !i^ !a!!6 !r!!? ?C! ryLto. Aat€ g 'itti:t A'r 0fctlYDClStw0ctB 7 l:3:t iz 135 lE i(1? i:.3 !3: '.! 4 Z3 L1 :? E5 3r:3:! c:9 € 1i E zg !: 1s €.7 z? 3539 SL' !t t9f tlllta tG, - l.S EaOl t Lr t. ta Ctltt r lbdalktg 3? ntrlinliatst r'4a.$ tt -9-u--9J-u--g-s--E-a :!9 2.'i' ?1 3' i7 !:, 2t i5 l 1-7 :3 5 53 3: r: g LE!9 3t:! ?r5S C t 4J z3 l aU 2! 5.1 4:- 3':;5 1i ig -:.{ "-a ! 'J :5 aF 1; ! :-g :: 5cv trrtE -a.0Ele.t l- lt 5* CaG?l tr *ttd. Abq 3f riaitAri a.!9 f V:.r.t 4. ...4lg-g-g-ry- 0 c E 5 :5i lg C6 5 :5 :'!€ g-3 Ct ? :5 lEl g :r :.i :r I r.d !E r-: li' 3 :l 53 :ar ,c :3 .': ! 'jf 16 i,t :t I aS .7 :? l2 iT ir r:-6r 3? :i lg S €i 36 ;6 =irgra: ,si aa! cae !t€ 4 5 60w rr!$ P . lII. aPC& lt a- h. t3t CaCa f ri.'i&.dafti€ F !|'drd aaqi :ar rf€i& -g--ry--s-ry-4'6' t3-c t.5 l8' 5 ?-c:3 t:/ 1f : :t ::6 g ;:5',. ile 56:.6i3 3-, Sl ri 5c i: !; I :: !l z:'!.i 3 a? 39 ii 5 !! ?r' ii -r.- A it'zz t hJ E fltltl|. m, . r.r Cl.t, t !.r i. * C3Ca -,- C. llsl.lr.ni l?jn{ ,' lifla.t} ,-t€ *_!LnEg r -P-E t w-l-s--u- D Gfc 3 ig :5 !5 3 i7 g :-i- r'9 1 :r E i r:i2;::3311i3i z:5 !i : t ?E.re ' '9:l-':rt3 3:i ie S :: ::: :F I '-I:f 6i St l;i :1 sorf, t rt$.3ltCSCt tt B.-l! !.t CACA Y qr:!.r.r Ar+,T 3c riyrsrili*4 x. 'Jr.3 ! -ry-l--si-l-.lL l--g-E : '- '53:; ' : :3 93 :t': ; 3:'i.a ? :S r' :: :: : ,li ii :::1 f a: .. i#ot*r.in zroinrf6iors sE€ pBg€ t, ;;-*"-;;"*.,'""#*o"g".r I I I I I G'Tperture - Non-lG PAfi3O - 75W Mar ishon neck oniyi (Fl|@!|iAitnE f lr,!t,E- tusT 3i'lFrri:l Atig ----- .-l I ll ' ll ,;o4- II . ll'- . ll ,ile- !| "llD ll 9a il----,r:- ll ^rq,- ;l Etl''' Ii-,#E Ir*15+aEL:r q{.. |_l_||-C.€il'-:I ll -t- ll I ttttrE W - t{,CrCt.' t !-1. !t C8CDf lbir.rqtliti{ 3aPtfulrliiq 3f rretildLrQ -ry,.!s.ry' o tt It R A9 13 i3 TLg16 1,Si5 35! 19r:g0g iz s, 19 rg rr s8 ln Li 'lt . es tdl 2.c'13 6 5 -25 Zsi rt 7.s 31 it zr' t &t )! 3? 15 tt F ir3l'16.9ZS3IZS til{.g 35:9 !(||rnE5'-lf,r-a|.C&t rr l- iLS C8€AlPturlralbtl f rb.rdAIrI 3f t6.tlAitt9 -s--u-g-L-u-l-s-E-u.F 3172J 5?g n3f25 Z:5 s.4.z:.E t 4 35:5 7 !tr {0 !r-3.' 3i7 Q aZ 2.1 1f, g !:'.t g V ?4 5(15 aEs 283:5 '|? :'1 i3 !3 tt' E. 16 6.t 5F 9t7 lS18.43{ lry nEn- l:- tSatct :7 l- lr'} Ctttt c iin-dE! aG4 :€. tb'slei &!tE f \,bl.ai arilE D fc ! s ! 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Q l-t- 35 1tr173 24 E{:l $Y PIESP -1l5te?,l? g.-ho$ CBgn "-. -y qqtlrAiArnd! 3c.15itF,l'lrT 3e *rlaar A16{€ D t t w 0 c-t I w D c FC t lY ! fr i.7 17 ? tE''9?I";- 3iZ?jI,)l'1g ',2 111 25 X5 :i :.1 g ?.g a.a a a5 ::3 - :.i rt t 3t 1.{ :3 ;.t S 3.7 :: : a7 f: .a L' 5 !E 13 !7 !5 9i 3; !S3g ! li. i i.: 'r' t 't3l R- {.$t8ct,2t L- |! sl|a GBCn t iai*d A,r!q f |kr'r.t d ttcb4 3a' \a,a atEq Dftr,u0ctrw0cELw .: ''E ?S 'sr 7 i9 i;7 3r ?9 Z :5i lzi:! :g :- ii r0 !r 7..ri 6c:J.! l:t€E?.:.. :i 1! 5c iF I i:3:E:5? I€!:39?:!' :: 3: 5! E.l l: :i 2! ;t at = € - *- ':j i-- I qecesseC ACiusia!i€ Dci1.11li-ahls rrclid€ a;ce i anC iask ir-cr,li;r3 o: oovni:ghitrg i slopeo c:iirngs !srr! line \trlEE€ PAR30 ang PAR38 lzr'ps arar.aDi: rF a $rice van eW 0f vJanaqes a..: !ea$ soiea;s. 6' 3cl luie deep staru:a: A::ak' r:Jlgctit cG':!5 :ssure !c,,r 3:riiir'3ss aic:alenag. F€stures RBfrectot l6 -:a. Specure' I :a( alu'rnur'! Sl..i c.t 'gfjgci3i cteiina ; lri|:gs viEt ,ni3::13 fnurs. icr x:!:-T i-:!i ttc:r:iie -?C' Trim S:l:-i:rce: :z'z='.a' a.z ta=ta r.':i : \,n rainief -i' r- <::; i;r';g 0pt"" i3cka:!e re1.:e 2: Js:-,ari, lC= -:'::e 35i:20. a5l::?:. a:: CEDA|C. 3i' fry d i5i23. C6ri2C:r: C5AlC. !.ecKable 350' ..---^. a^. ^- -- -6'ilSrilSri: Z:ld{.-:i- \/r:' Ub :s.3il';j€t '.ei;[nl:; c' r1 -- ? -:-1 i.'aratatiSeti 3lilcs aiicr. i:-i zr: : s:::::,:,:r ahelES a'nei Ins:aila:rcr t:a,, ec oEiris:ie..te$. ,...r:3-r,-c-:i =" t. ..i' =r c.' i: Non-lC Mounting Frames C:l:ec: i'z-:;: J:s:ie: :c: ci'iir"ercrai :.4 1.:...-c =^ . <'; '.'. ( ? ,: -r ar::r ii 5r-!1vaii C;ri,i:S -: :: 1 1 '.:' i:::( i:nova:,e :c: :-:\:::s ac:ess :.a:f, a35" rJL Lrstgc, sr.ia:.€'a' :a-i: iC-il3:',:S Non-lC AirSeal llouminE framcs Fncrn, c-. c-. -='rrc -oc 1-3- iai,ral. rnsJi6leti rgsr:€'i,:' e!:ilaaircits. F3r itsial '5i!tn li piaS're'l' 'i,^L'ail Ce:,inCS ,.ip iC i 1 !.';1lgx :rr:J:gs :t-is c!r'-.j-iiete '.','dl s\,"':,ie, lccki:: -:-i:,:: -is ia:3a:r- r,4sie :;''.. , I c-.- c .'2:'re ia- :Zi: if3:i,C:] AirSeal lC Mountin g.Framas =^=r| c5" si' i-:iFr :a":.qr fl"3sr- d€ ia'ailiica::-s Jl- i-,s:3c iot:,'?c'i cc'ia:i .\,= ':. a::- sr':a::a:if :e:'rf ,0aair:::s i:: ^s::rl::,::: r:.:i:s:::c:c'i. ,|,;ti ...;..^i ' . :''_':r( :ir:-':S tC;:e :3i!.::3,i. :' :,. .: :;{'1: -aJr:;-.3:a.^.^-".''.".^'-...u =c:Y :.. ., - r. Bef,ector Finishes EE6- j --:: EE'_::: tryx- "'-':-8X- i::. Flange 0plions Iv- f,,.1; t.-3. I =. a.t...r-z Beffector 0utionsS-t : :s i::'-'.: 'a' '.i :a I How to Sp.ciff Bef,ector ;r!$E! &En = 6 ill'{- c6PtnAtcts c6r20 c5Au0 cffinA lcryfs-l cfi20 caar2o ;of ffiitidfir€iiulatdo{ €flsisE s* 9e+ r"a - 120W Mar llmtoSpcffy 5'Apernre - lG PAF30 - 75W tvlar. {shcn neck onlv} flflro Strcits F&crs -..erq c6firAlMl c6Arc c6P3oA@l csArc f!|' fraGl||ci tnfua-Eisn e|E diire rstas see lac t- PAF38 - 90W Mar I I I I I I t t I t I I I ,A & "A { Cr-st = a l:./ii l|ow to Spscifr isietj| :-.-a {seliaFd: aDt orlrEr5r713 3€€ F€3 54 ::ir!'J:;ii,-:t I I I I I I t I I I I I I i I T I I i TASKMASTER I & II - -- 5' ii2iirir-- Bcqucd Folio HIqHB j-7tt itt&tnl ii:3 ZE[i i.lcti tllio Nl5&t0 iEY. A TASKMASTEB III wa"b" 09dom Prga 3rE ctlrart Corrdirlc! odd.r id S!--r Co hli!. tuiE i5c Sn'' G$&lld r,:?€rE:rc ! .-t 1? It : -i:: P re'e ! ::? Pit 0c Fluorescent Taskmaster | & ll Under Shelf Luminaires Fartrro3 Taskmaaer I. i lt' sheliotr oeo:n.. r'Ye ncn.r,zl l€i::-s. I lt lt ;: ..1 . . Groundec ccnvei,erce 0L:ieL cSlron€r o 0:r,'oi sri'li;:'iliriroe; r:) s,jiil! pEak) . Beked vrhiie ener,:iiir's:r Tasknager ll. i:/;' St,e o\,r J€a:i a l.n r'i,1Fi.r= /- {tt CO . G:ounce; ccrr€i,;t: cg:rei !ct-do:iali. . Cn,/oli sr,'iici. siai:a'i. Bai(ea v,tliiE Eiai: ii- St Taskmaster lll Task Light ior Furniture Systems Featrres Taskmascer lll. t'ovioes 6r ei€'i:3 :: i5 iooi cancies r.'rier :luriec::'3:cr: l-'9:as[ suiiare ii a 2a';::: 77' ,,:,ce v:a'<::a:,!r i80 toclcaidle eve:age uhen El:Jiiec i!' :::,r fi€ iask su"'Ecel. Sune;e o! ,',.:-< s:e:.:. i;Eiiing lev€ts f,rinrr -?:. Ca::: :::' i ,:rs -r r'-'ri:es ve;iing rej;:iic.s . Lens'Zr er9 a;.:s:::'::: \cry locice:',:ie ,E,,9i ol r',.cik s,..:ia::. Sii\€f ssaLiai a::"3 ::'ieClOfS. :3 ,reii Pi,:::ias:Y:-1 :ese. oi.cji :,rii:€' sritii-. 8 icc: c:c :e: :a- :: ::siiicnec ',e?. a' ra''i . 0JtCi-nCu C- s:.e..r-nstt: i.?Cke:s.. Consu':":s :' , 3l ..z:::,',:-;rcE::':::'i:- ,: :a: as: ;s';*: 1:'. re 2a :-z:.,- ::- r.i/g i?6tr! r)J ',-' br Tft L..|.l -r66rr$e. | 12-'lr:' i0,? Lar€; :i': r' L-1 f2' l"tWenDr Ct LaD. a"r - Tstt|lvy 9Pe:3ni rslDrtfl BPR6piri3Fi ISLlnnvEPa r1:l1ri _.asd:!s!r l ?1.:;' ,i-ro [arc' 4!-; ? rsltBit Iti l$&1tw Itl r----.:;=];.:1 T---]| .:.-r.-.:'., rr-' ll.j." I -...F-'-:T--u,-cpioe rra trc! J-a? 5* !5rn :--rf,1-:tr 0rdui09 Infonrdim F araruoda :!Un !rE6.!!lsl' brs-,c: r9.m:nl 5P6 FEt LJqt tf. l!|gd wG/tF C.rlh! |E asE-,af,g r ::- 'a : : Zt'.? j= .:3-, C l|-F; 4c.-',E. :JeS nu55n20 ru!0m20 IcIOYI20 TcLt{twtzt --- I =,-E I :.:,rgG---ir1-" ''.! 'r ----- /: !:: .'| \-jz' !.;:+: iel-+* '-.4i_.4- Ordering lrlormnion Fmrt L,tre t6. lllrciE -a6rdi littnt lrrc/g 16f,E 0ptions Pag! 345 g.lL! ! e:'j: L'::-::,- '-^'a': :?. :1,r i:r : a:'J1r: :nisLt 'e=.\ Firisl 1::'ini ':- si' s-- { ::s cr- r.'i l! ..'r'irt iiiea :i?-.i: ::" :;'' " srr -._s.:-::aio', Mgoltitrg 8r.cla s-re. i, ;,?i ie:!rr?:. rqa:.-n r,r,1t:i: :-€:!:.:: S 3:i:;.:1: G.i::. ',i:r.: :'::,:'l !E-:,1{'iS c0rrtriAsl nEItucn0x Js'ri !:.-: E iir:.:E .--':.,:€ :!-:'z-.: Lri:-: !at(+r *,1:{:! R.lShlio Xl{t-10 TASXttAStEn n FO0TCAI{Dlt BEADTiTGS ,. - E: ,s=; ! r'sg!:::' :::t :''.:- -ea' ?'a a'-r:,-'? S,;E \i'2i lt:i : .1.. I r al :g anai : 18 :i-ta ? l0 !c I T I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I \t *pr",rD3r' { lE Aperhrre - Iton-lG Al9. M819. flI15 - 100W Mar How to SpecifF Clfrt " -r :rlt Singb Uoit t|!iltr! !c kmd 6€4t!tbfr' b.. 9c- Pla.P -..nii! !-i:e:tt . o .8 5 :tt ;g 6 n 38 7 A ig 3 15 -c.0 I 12 1!6 5€ d!g!e t'earFgeal ;c iOE CgCt lluhiplc Unirr Srcsr? i5o cg SF+! |tln i cu Car'€r lcolarJles I T E tt la Sascc 01 ff r 60 :r4i ie5P.l SlStr! (EitEsr.ts 4 trf Aperture - lC Al9. BT15 - 75W Mar Horr to SFcifl': PriEir.r ian-.t c4A0 iffii C4AJC ig ;€,i€tl:!i:r: rri:.ir2i:F ?'a irrEi!'a:6 sacpa,.:t :j,*"r.. Celdhpowar Curva CotfichrB o{ lftilizdion ItJ Al 9 c^ GtltrE €0 t20% tL|':.rrtl $ g l0 rASEi O :'91::i .f-.i=1 !:l;etl5r = 5C ?;. i :, .io .3: ? 34 S51 :3iir3:€ E : !-o -rt !5 =<t.-- e !E r? .1"i-= l 42.c0 .3 =n :! 3e J€ ', Jp ,J; :l :ui;Ji : a I j:'Singlc Unir ir€4tt|.r hrJa, T:EE ?,r:;ea lluhigle Uois${;f F.ic t ! Sra€i,!". lr:!ia! ? C€i:* s?ctz€ggqr:!9r 3 2a it t0 i2" _lnil I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l(xtlci I I(rl\l(:\1. t-n,.rg\ Snrarl lC anrl \ir:<'ul lC ' FIK'. .l'tr:ificallr ,l..rigrx.l to sd\e..rrr.rsJ. l)esigrrrrl tr' ,,ffer lirll liglrring lrrf.rnuulr('r sllen lrurierl in irrsula- ti,,n, {r'<'e1rt: a rr icL. chuit'r. ,rf re{lrclor lrims arrrl lanrps up t,r l(Xl\\.'fltcrmallr pn[r.,({ed. lor u.. in all r.eiling. ttp t" l- thick. t l- l-isterJ firr through l'rurrr.lr ,.irr.uit uiring anrl ft r rlanrp lrx.atiorrs. Fulll c,r.k.-red \lClt lrorr:ing nrinitnizr.s lir lruk:rge to lr-. tlrarr 2 Cf \1. - r.hich conrplie: sith \\aihirrgtr,rr St:rlr Enrrst e,'.1,. r:ectiorr .-r( 12.-1.{ I irxl reduq.':. lrcat 1,,-- uu,l ,',,rrtlrrl-,rt i,,n r'n ceilirrq. llJ- rDounling barr erlenrl to 2ll rr,talalJr rlC orrlr, ln,l lrx'k.ll,le. Jurrr.tir,n llrrr sith integr:rl calrle t'latttlrr anrl largc rusr a('('ess {.rrnlrr rlrrr.r- (.ttntidt l'I.tt i!r" <\ittrirtj ,ti',t F,,tirc-ln Kit un,! ll,'ll", t,,r Trittt. I lr,!tr ettrh !'rntr,r!.'l\- ll{l) Llrt.p lC- l',,r irighe.t \\attages arr.l lx..t lightirrS lx.rfermtart,'r, in lL arr,l \irSral a14rlir.uti,'rrs. 9t,/r" [),".p lC acr'ontrnrxlalcs lrrr:rrrirrnr I)er.p \lzlL'l' n.flet1rrr trinri- 'flre rr,'il-r'on, .al,.l lighl ''rurr.r pror irlr,. llr.: lxst qualitr. arrrl hidtr:st $Jltagrs t l(Xt\\'t,r[ :renrral tln nli ghti n g ironr i n:.ulated ..rili rr gr. l-nen:r..inrafl , I l(X,D,\lCU ,\ir:erl/lC is fulll ga'ket..l ulrl re,lrrr..i thnr-firtrrre airl'llu rrr L.ii than 2 Cf \1. t l- l-i.ted I,rr through brarx'h cirnril l iring. 'fl,..nrrallr f r,ler.l.-rl- -\'<rrmtlltxla[.i,.iIinr.- rr1r to '1" tlri. k- |i3- rrrorrntirrg Itarj e\lrnd tr, 2ll nrtatul,le ,lC ,.rrtlr r artrl l.x'kalrl.. .lunltion lrrr rr/inl.grul ,'al,l. rlarnlrs ,rrrrl lurge.rr=-r a( r'(!r: ( rlnFr,,',..r. l)arrrl, l.r.atiort ratr,,l. Frcsnel Lensl'rte r€\\:_l/ n26 f.resoli L!!ra Lrqiog:5CAtg Apentre Size Ceiling Type Cur OuI lAl WrdthW Length {Ll 0verall lcngth (0U Depfi tDl 6.li 63i' 6Vf 6:/r' lC AirSeal lC 0eeplC DeepAirSeal lC 6ii/r;- 6!3/to- 5r3/r5- 6r:rr€' 'il 11i ll r/e" lillr' ll r/r' 15tlz. 15112- 15112- l5rl2. Tiii' ]:ln' 9t!' 9rl3' , ,,lJ- Continuous f,efl€f,tors - 4' s€ndard length 4f Refl(,rto6: 90" Re,'€(to,s,: Frcsted Lens (solt aing) Clear Lens Prismatic Lens Linear Prismatic Lens I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I Arcfi. Engr nalFr ng ConsL/lt€nts 97el-748-BSZ1 TIYtrII.FLO l|T TrPEIGIZ FICURE A @3/@2/@L LZ.ST P.@l -'l'():1, -Jt: r r' f--' /'"'ns 'f lJrrt4 : ltt,,na 14c>zf (- [\*-- c-- tr 3',lg TW|}*FLO llt TYPE K12O FIGURE C Dimo69196"6orrt in engllsh ard rrglnc ( ). @L/ZZ/A\ Ol |S7P P .@ZI .A".cF ,. Eng r neer r rl9 Conrl.rlt€nts 97O-748-SSZL I ! lt I' t " . - - l '-f;t.v+L-\!t ll l ^+z *li -lo$t> ' ll- :knqK l-l lotz 8p fi|q {lrn :lf, {l;' t-lt- lotz l(p B H t>ru H F F t; IF a ='(D c) aA.lsII ErD F(? E,2 = $ 6 3I ETg ?ltrt Fl Bl..rI F F ?J'(l ?I o ctox€5d:o 5oglI eu, { c'\ F l,i v,(' t\tItt ; g o q FE; < B I ld ts-tr':r r3lrJt? I.Tll.ICEl(^t1\) l;I" IFt{t5 190tr I l\) I I I I I T ,{ i iE-I KX I ilo $F$g{ 5g fe ?R Bfl mo xo Ffio -l ! t\.rg $o IF z. oJ Ro I { Ln L zc a t \) t I I I I I I I I flE ,rltr " llnql; l-r t9 q- I I I n| 3 g EFgg IFg iiis?!i{! i{iiiiiii iffiiiiiiie Et Fs)Fr I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t-z t ':rul: i-1i Vaf i .r;itjs,r: il,:,il:',' ";f .ii]::i$i' i;rY;Ii.r'i, l:tri* : " Vd The MacFarlan Residence Bcll Tower Renovetion Veil Village Eagle County, Colorado DETAIL MANUAL Architect: Vail Architecture group P.O. Box l?34 Vail, Colorado 81658 Tel (970) 949-7034 Fax (970) %9-8134 Structural Ensineer: Monroe & Newell 70 Benchmark Rd. Suite 204 P.O. Box 1597, Avon" Colorado 81620 Tel (970) 949-7768 Fax (970) 949-4054 Mechanical Ensineer: AEC 40801 U.S. 6 & 24. Suite 2068 P.O. Box 8489 Avon. Colorado 81620 Tel (970) 748-8s20 Fo< (970) 748-8521 For Construction: MLar.ch27,200l laVsgrw,/,t,19 //rs/or I Vail Architecture Group, lnc. TIm MACFARLAN RESIDENCE Project No. 2023.ffi I..- DETAIL MAUNAL INDEX: I Section I - General:I Wall Types I DO.WI Wall Type W-l: Typical Exterior Partition D0.W2 Wall Type W-2: Typical Interior Partition a D0.W3 Wall Type W-3: Typical Interior Partition I D0.W4 Wall Type W-4: Typical Interior Partition Section 2 - Plan Details: f D2j Plan Detail @ Great Room / Entertainment Center I D2.2 Plan Detail @ Great Room Staggered Log D2.4 Plan Detailn @ Outside lnterior Corner: WD/Stone t D25 Plan Detail @ Log Column - lA I D2.5 Plan Detail @ Log Column - 2A D2.6 Plan Detail @ Log Column - 3A D2.7 Plan Detail @ Log Column - 4A I D2.8 Plan Detail @ Log Column - 5A ! Section 3 - Elevation Details: r D3.l Log Stack Enlarged Elevation t Section 4 - Misc. Section Details: I D4.r Wall / ceiling Detail - lA f D4.2 Wall / Ceiling Detail - 24' D4.3 Section Thm Furr Down - lA I D4/ Section Thru Furr Down - 2A I D4.5 Section Thru Furr Down - 3A D4.6 Section Thru "Juliet Balcony" a D4.'l Section Thru Fireplace Flue I D4.8 Section Thru Public Storage Bench- lA I D4.9 Section Thru Public Storage Bench - 2A D4. l0 Section Thru Kitchen Bar I D4.ll Section Thru Fireplace I D4.12 Section Thru Entertainment Center D4.13 Section Thru Base Heater Enclosure I D4.14 Section Thru Los Stack ! Section 5 - Door Details: D5.l Door Head- lA I D5.2 Door Head - 2A I D5.3 Door Head - 34. D5.4 Door Head - 4A - D5.5 Door Head - 5A I D5.6 Door Head - 64r D5.7 DoorJamb- lB D5.8 Door Jamb - 28 I D5.9 Door Jamb - 38r Section 6 - Window Details: - D6.1 Window Head- lC I D6.2 Window Head - 2C I I DETAILMANUAL DTL INDEX .1 I I I t I I I I I I t I l I I t I I I Vail Architecture Group, lnc. Tm MACFARLAN RESIDENCE D6.3 Window Head - 3C D6.4 Window Head - 4C D6.5 Window Head - 5C D6.6 Window Sill- lD D6.7 Window Sill - 2D D6.8 Window Sill - 3D D6.9 WindowJamb- lE Scction t - Finish Details: DE.l Tile / Carpet Transition D8.2 Carpet / Wood Transition D8.3 Wood / Stone Transition D8.4 Wood / Tile Transition D8.5 Tile / Stone Transition D8.6 Ttp. Closet Rod & Shelf D8.7 T1p. Bathtub Framing D8.8 Typ. Shower Framing D8.9 Shower Bench Section End of Detail Manual lodex. Project No. 2V23.@ DETAIL MANUAL DTL INDEX .2 I I Vail Architecture Croup, Inc. The MacFarlan Residence Project No. 2023.00 - l - t sEcrroNooolo-cENERALNoTES:I l. Do not scale Drawings. I 2. Dimensions are to face ofstud, centerline ofstud and/or face ofconcrete foundation walls, unless- otherwise noted. | 3. Coordinate all electrical equipment to fit within ceiling and wall cavities/spaces. Rcview possiblea conflicts with architect prior to installation for determination ofproper course ofaction. I 4. Provide all necessary blocking in stud cavities in walls and ceilings. Locations include, but not I limited to, toilet and bath accessories, wall and ceiling mounted electrical equipment, window treatments, mantels, closet rods, cabinetry, countertops and false beams. l 5. Refer any and all discrepancies to Architect.I 6. Verifl with Architect location of all plumbing fixtures prior to floor installation. I 7. All wall types are graphically described in detail manual. See floor plans for individual wall types- indicated. locations and individual items. f 8. Typical interior partitions to be wall type W-2 and W-3, Re: Floor plans for locations.I 9. Interior partitions to receive plumbing features to be wall qpe W-2C, U.O.N. | 10. All wet areas to receive 7/16" CMMU. Wet areas include, but are not limited to bathtub and shower surrounding walls and ceiling surfaces. I I l. Maintain a minimum of 6" on hinge side of all interior doors, typ. 6", U.O.N.I 12. Plan, section and detail dimensions sovern.t I I I I End ofsection 00010 - General Notes I I I DETAIL MANUAL 00010- l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I T I I{EAD PLAN gEALANT E.O.gTRUCTURE >/o" GUJA 6 F,IL.]/APOR BARRIER, TAPE AND SEAL AT FLOOR, CEILII{G, oPENlr.lGg Al.|D JO|NT9. i-ExrgTtNG EXTERTOR TUALL FtNtgt{ 9y9TEF1 Or.l EX|ST|NGI 9IIEATI{IN6 ON EXISTING FRAIIING R-Ig BATT NEJLATIO}.I ALL CAVITIEg CONTINUOTJg 3IH TO TYPE I, EXCEPT 9UtsSTITUTE 1/1e-" GI1I.1U FOF 9/A" GYP, BOARD AT IIJET AREAS. TYPICAL EXTERIOR PARTITION tsA9E TYPE TYPE (rc) (1) Vail Architecture group A Pclood sdi.. Co.Fod@ (970) 949-7034 ru: (9m) 949-t I 3a .mil: {chtt.p@vril.lct PROJECTNAME: PROJECTNO: 202it The MacFarlan Residence Vail Village, Eagle County, Colorado DMWING [TLE: WALL TYPE W-l SCALET I l/2' = l'-0' ISSUE DATE: 3.6.01 PHASE: @ SHEET: D0.wl R.E: PLAN tsA3E TYPE TYPE l\\z t2 gEALANT a.o.FLooRoR ROOF STRUCTURE ae" GUIB., BOTI{ 9lDEg 2x6 utD.9Tr,,lDg 0 16" OC. 9 tn" B,aTf rNguLATloN T.O. PLYI,IJOOD SUBFLOOR OR COtICRETE gEALANT gIM TO TYPE 2, EXCEPT gUBgTITUTE '1A6" GI1I1U b/O" GYP. BD. AT UET AREA5. INTERIOR PARTITION PROJECTNAME: PROJECINO: 2(}23 The MacFarlan Residence Vail Village, Eagle County, Colorado DRAWING TITLE: WALL TYPEW-2 SCALE: t l/2'= l'.{)" ISSUE DATE: 3.6.01 Vail Architecture group A ksd Ssvie CdF.!@ (970) 949-?034 fsr (97q 9a9-81!4 €cuil t'chtlrp@vril.!.r PHASE: CD SHEET: nn wt REI I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PLAN TYPE TYPE /'=\\z o 9EALANT B.O. FLOOR OR ROOF STRUCTURE ?o" GUts, tsOTtl glDEg 2x4 UtD.9TUDS 6 t6" OC. 3'BATT INgUL. f .O.PLYWOOD SUBFLOOR OR COI{CRETE gEALANT 9IF1 TO TYPE 3, EXCEPT SUBgTITUTE 1A6" GI1YIU FOF 9/8" GYP. BOARD AT TIJET AREA5. TYPICAL INTERIOR PARTITION PROJECTNAME: PROTECTNO: ZtQli The MacFarlan Residcnce Vail Village, Eagle County, Colorado DRAWINC TITLE: WALL TYPE W-3 SCALE: I l/2'= l'{' ISSLJE DATE: 3.6.01Fff Vail Architectue grouP A Pa6d S..vio. CdF.d6 (970) 949-?034 fu: (970) 949-El laaril cblgtp@val.d PHASE: ct SHEET: D0.w3 RE: PLAN TYPE TYPE gEALANT B.O. FLOOR OR ROOF STRI,ETURE 2o" GW 2X UD.9TUD9 6 t6', O.C. 3" BATT NAJL. 1.O. PLYUOOD 9UtsFLOOR OR CONCRETE 9EALANT 9II,I TO TYPE 4, EXCEPT gUBgTITUTE 1A6" GI1I.lU FOR 9/8" GYP. tsOARD AT IIJET AREAg. INTERIOR PARTITION - GIIJB ONE SIDE PROJECTNAME: PROJITCTNO: 203 The MacFarlan Residence Vail Village, Eagle County, Colorado DRAWING TM-E: WALL TYPE W.4 SCAI-E: I lil'= l'4" ISSUE DATE: 31.01 @ o Vail Architecture group A P.t5! S.*ia Cd?dto! (970\ 949-'t034 r..i.: (970) 919-El14 Goril: rrthtgrp@vril.et PHASE: CD SHEET: DO.Ifr/4 REi I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I l" x l@" HARDr,lJooD TRlr'1 PROJECINAME: PROJECTNO: 2m3ln TTIE MACFARLAN RESIDENCE TOWN OFVAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO DRAWING TITLE: PI-AT.I DETAIL . GREATRM.ENT. CENTER SCALE: I ll2'= 1'4" TSSUE DATE: 3-6.01 l_\_ I .EAtr I \ts Vail Architecture group A Pttlond S@ir CdDdrdd (970) 949-7034 frr: (970) 949-E | 34 .!uil uchrgpevlil.at VERIFY EXI9TI[{6 PR,{f'llf.lG IIJALL THICKI{Egg PtlASEi CD D2.l RE: A2l 2 X 4 BLOCKING A9 REG. 5CI..IED. FIREPLACE AFPLIANCE PROJECTNAME: PROTECTNO: ZtlllD THE MACFARI.AN RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COTJNTY, COI,ORADO DRAWING TITL& PT-AI{ DETAIL - GREATRM. FIREPT.ACts SCALE: I lll' = l'{' ISSUE DATE: lr.0l PTIASE g) SHEET: D2.2 RE: AZI Vail Architecture group (970) 9,19-7034 6r: (970) 9r+ll!4 .eril rr.hl'9Ovdl-d PHASE: CD D2.3 R-E: Al.lfgl I T I I I I I t I I t I I I I t I I I PROJECTNAME: PROJECTNOT 2I}23.q) THE IvIACFARLAN RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COI.JNTY, COLORADO DRAWING TITLE: PI.AI.I DETAIL - GREATRM. STAG.IJOG SCALE: I lf2'= l'4' ISSUE DATE| 3.6.01 Vail Architecture group A Pcmod S.Mcc Corpfirldtr (970) 949-7034 fu: (970) 949-tl34 .!uil: ehttrpevrjl.o.l I t I I I I I I I I t t I I t t I I I Vail Architecture $ouP A Pd.dd Sdio Cdpa io! (970) 949-7034 fr.r: (9?0) 949'E | !4 .dit .llbtlrpe1rilst b D" GY P. 9l-{EATI-l ll.lG(*7t1 9tDE5) CAULKII..IG TO IIATCI{ COTJNTER LINE OF GR.AtllTE COJNTER A@vE V" Lqt COLUHN PROJECTNAME: PROJECTNo: ZIB.(I} THE MACFARI-AT.I RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COTJNTY, COLORADO DRAWING TITLE: PI.AI.I DEf,AIL - IJOG COLI.JMN - 1A SCALE: I lf2'= l'{!' ISSUE DATE: 35.01 PITASE: q) SHEET: nt/ 'JL.-RE: A2.I cAULKltfG TO FlATCll toG COLOR N -- :ElC E.€AE\ts l" x t@" r{RDu,D. tsagE bD" GY?.9I]EATI.{IFIG (e,or|.4 5toE9) gEALANT TO r.lATCt{ tsAgE COLOR I I T I I I t I I I I I t I I I I =:Er::7:l.€rEi\1s PHASB: CD D2.5 RE: A2l PROJECTNAME: PROJECTNo: 2OB.m TIIE MACFARI-AN RESIDENCE TOWN OFVAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO DRAMNG TITLE: PI.AI.I DETAILN . I.OG COLTJMN . 2A SCALE: I ll2'= l'.0' ISSUE DATE: 3.6.01 Vail Architecture group A Far6d S@ic. Co'?o.ni6 (970) 949-7034 f& (9m) 99'tl s .sril rrlttlrP@Yril.na I I I I I I t I T I T I I I I I I I \€AE I Irt PROTECTNAMET PROJECTNO: ar8lx} TIIE MACFARI.AN RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COT'NTY, COLORADO DRAWINC TMLE: PI-AI.I DETAIL. LOG COLI.JMN - 3A SCALE: I Ul'.1'-0 ISSUE DATE: 3.6.01 9/O" GY?.gHEATHlr.,lG (8,0111 9tOE9) Vail Architecture group 9..sd Sdie Coeantio (9?0) 949-7034 ru: (9?o) 949-3 | 34 .mrli rEbtgtevrilat PHASE: CD SHEET: D2.6 RE: AZI I t I I I I I t I I T I I I t I I I I Vail Architecture group A F.too.l Sdie CdDo..ri@ (970) 949-7034 fir: (970 9ae-813aquil .r.bt8rp@vdl.o€l PROJITCT NAME: PROJIjCT No: 2&.3.O TIIE MACT'ARI-AN RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COIJNTY, COLORADO DRAWING TMLE: PI.AI.I DEf,AIL.I,OGCOLIJMN - 4A SCAIE: I l/2' = l'.0' ISSUE DATE: 3.6.01 l" x lo'r{RDu,D. BAgE gEALAI{T TO FIATCH COLOE OF BAgE PHASE: CD D2.7 RE: A2"l :''A:fgj t I I t I I t t I I I t I T I I I -: r:^E:fsl 12' @UARTER-9AII'{ LOG COLIJHN SEALANT TO T.1ATCI.] COLOR G E.A9E 9/4" GYe.9HEATllll.lG(BOTL 9tDE9) Vail Architecture group A PErd.l Swi.! Cdtmho! (910) 949-7034 fu:(970)99-t134 @il: ucbtgp@vril-ct PRoJECTNAME: PROJECTNO: Zl/3.(tr THE MACFARI.AN RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COIJNTY, COLORADO DRAWING TITLE: PI.AN DETAILN. I,oG COLUMN - 5A SCALE: I U2'= l'4" $SUti DA'IE: 3.6.01 PTIASE: G' SHEET: D2.8 REr A2l VERIFY LOCATION OF 1' G CEILII.IG I2" I]ALF-gAII'{ LO6 VENEER 2'Cr{tNKtr{G I2" STAGGERED gTACKED LOCg Vail Architecture group A F.ttodrl Sdi.. Co.po.rio (970) 949-7034 fu: (970) 949-t 134.dil rchBAGvdt.et PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NO: 2fi1.m THE MACFARLAN RESIDE}.ICE TOWN OFVAIL, EAGLE COI.JNTY, COLORADO DRAMNG TITLE: IJOG STACK ENI.ARGED ELEVATION SCALE: 3il4'. l'- 0' ISSUE DATE| 3.6.01 PHASE: o SHEETT D3.1 RE: At.l VERIFY LOCATION6 GYP. CEILING 9C!+ED. CROutt noLDrNG b/A" GYP.gI]EATI.]ING(e,on{ 9tDE9) Vail Architecnrre group ,\ P.t|od.l S@id Coryo.rnd (9?0) 949-?034 fu: (970) 949'8114 omril {cbrgp@v.il.an VERIFY LOCATIONCF.1. GCElLll.lG .- t2. l..laLF-gaut,l LoG PROJI]CT NAME: PROJECTNO: aXZ3ltr TIIE MACFARJ.AN RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COIJNTY, COLORADO DRAWING TITLE: WALL / CEILING DEf,AIL - IA SCALE: I 1ll'= l'{' ISSLJE DATEI 3.6.01 Ptl^SEl q) SHEET: D4.l RE: At.l Vail Architecture group ,{ Ptud Sdi6 CdF..od (970) 949-?034 rd; (970) 919-E I 3a.oril rch$?@v!l.n r PHASE: CD r\/ tua.2 REr At.l VERIFY LOCATIONAFT. GCEILIhIG --./_ t2" 6[,JARTER_9Au].1 LOG 12'r-rALF-gArrN LO6 12" r.rALF-gAuN LOG PRO.IECTNAMB PROJECTNO: 2odtlD THE MACFARI.AT'I RESIDEI{CE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COLINTY, COLORADO DMWINC TITLE: WALL / CEILING DEIAIL. 2A SCAIE: I l/2'. l'4' ISSUEDATE: 3.6.01 .E,A'E\ts t I I t I I I I I I l I t I t t I I I Vail Architecture grouP A P.onrl Sdi(r CorFr.do! (970) 949-7034 frt: (t0) 919-tl3a cluil: {rbtt poetil.Et 2)(4 BL 6'CROuhl FIOLD|F|G '1116" UJATER PROOF GYP. gr{EATllltlc PROJECTNAMU: PROJECTNO: 20Al.m TTIE MACT'ARI-AN RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COIJNTY, COLORADO DRAWING TITLE: SECTION THRU FURR DOWN.lA SCAI.E: I l/2' - l'{' ISSUE DATE: 3.6.01 tsATT INSJLATIOhI GYP. 9t.tEATr{tr{Ci PHASE: @ SHEET: D4.3 REr At.l I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I gCI{ED. TILE EATT IN€TJLATIOhI gCI{ED. CRAIN HOLDING PRoJECTNAME: PROJECTNO: 2OZ\m TIIE MACFARI.AN RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO DRA!\'INC TMLE: SECTION THRU FT.]RR DOWN -2A SCALE: I l/2' = l'-0' ISSUE DATE: 3.6.01 1/16' IIJATER PROOF GYP. gHEATI.]ING 2 X FRAFIIT{G Vail Architecture grouP (9?0) 949.?014 fu: (970) 941-t I 3a loril: rEbitrpevrilsr PHASE: CD SHEET: D4.4 RE: At.t \:- \-:.T,AE\ts o gCHED. CROuhl floLD rNG > tg" GY ?. grlEATr{ lr.lc ..I/16" iIJATER PR.OOF GYP. 9ItEATI.{ sarr rNgulairoN 2 X FRAMII\IG 1/16'' IUATER PROOF GYP. 9I-.IEATI]IFIG PROJLqTNAME: PROJECTNO: mql.m TTIE MACFARI.AI{ RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COI.JNTY, COLORADO DRAMNC TITLE: SECTION THRU FT'RR DOWN.3A SCAIE: I l/2"= l'-0' ISSUE DATE| 3.6.01 Vail Architecture group A Pclt@l Sdie Corpo.rEo! (9?0) 949-7031 fu: (9?0) 949'8114 .luili nchlllp@vr|l.o.l PHASEI CD SHEET: D4.5 R"b: At.lrs I l I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I Vail Archite€ture $oup A Pagllsdie Cdpa.lid (9?0) 949-7014 far (970) 949-tl 14 .dril ucht!IP@vxl-!.1 W" ?LYUOOD gUB-gTRAIGI{T VERIFY LOCATIO},I G 1' G CEIL GAg FIREPLACE FLUE RE, 9PEC€ 12" t{ALF-9Ar,t}l LO6 12" I{ALF-9AIU..I LOG VENEER BEY 2" Cl{lNKlNG BEYOIID BLOCKIN6 A9 REO. l{RDtlJD. PLANKI}{C PROJECTNAME: PROJIiCT NO: 2023.d) TIIE MACFARI,.AT{ RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COI]NTY, COLORADO DRAMNC TITLE: SECTION TTIRU FIREPLACE FLI'E SCAIE: I l/2' = l'4' ISSUE DATEi 3.6.01 PI'ASE: CD SHEET: D4.7 RE: At.l I]A{DLE CUTOIJT - ----1 PROTECTNAMB: PROJDCTNO: ZIBfiI TIIE MACFARI.AT.{ RESIDET{G TOWN OFVAIL, EAGLE COIINTY, COITORADO DRAWING TITLB: SECTION TTIRU PT'BLIC STORAGE BEF'ICTI SCAIE: I Ul'r l'{ ISSUE DATE: 3r.0t PHASE: @ SHEET: Dlt.8 RE: Al.l Vail fuchitectrc group (90) 99-7034 f|t (tO) tra9{l3adlit rrtlgpevril-d I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I :HED, I'X4" TRI].I BEYOND KICK-gPACE I.]EATER DUCT Vail Architecture grouP A Patoorl Scrie Co.F.rdd (9?0) 949-7034 fd: (970) 949-813 cMiI ehttlp@v.il.@l PROJECTNAME: PROJECTNO: 20X|.m TIIE MACT'ARI.AN RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COI]NTY, COLORADO DRAMNG TITLE: SECTION THRU PT'BLIC STORAGE BENCH SCALE: I l2'= l'-0' ISSUE DATE: 3.6.01 PHASE: CD SHEET: D4.9 R.E: At,lfgl :- .EAE\ts I I T I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I ?LYUOo) gUB.gTRAIGI{T U'ROIJGI-]T IRON gUPFORT tt^01 gCIlED. CABINET FR,AI,1II.{G gCHED. IIJANEgCOT I" X I@" HRDII,D. BAgE 5CI4ED. CABINET FRAI'1IN6 3/4" ROTJND TRnl (TYP. O ALL ITARD gURFACEg) Vail Architecture group ,{ P.{|oorl Sdic. Co.F.tion (9?0) 949-7034 fu: (970) 9a9-tl34 .dil ebltrp@veil.@t PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NO: 2@.(tr TTIE MACFARI.AN RESIDET.ICE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGIJ COIJNTY, COLORADO DRAWING TITLE: SECIION TIIRU KITCHEN BAR SCAIE: I ll2'= l'{F ISSUE DATE: 3.6.01 PHASE: CD D4.10 RE: At.l VERIFY LOCATIC?.I G 7' G CEILII..IG FIREPLACE FLUE REr 9PEC9. SCI.IED.gTONE VENEER gCI{ED, LO6 FIAhITEL SCI{ED. LO6 HANTEL gLIPFORT 5C,I{ED. gTONE VENEER REIUFN gCI{ED. FIREFLACE tsRICK VENEER SCI{ED. gTONE IJEARTI{ 5CI]ED.gTONE VENEER 2 X FRA1II€ A9 REA. PROJECTNAME PROjECTNO: ZtB.m TTIE MACFARI.AI{ RESIDENCE TOWN OFVAIL, EAGLE COI,'NTY, COLORADO DRAWING TITLE SECTION TIIRU FIREPI.ACE SCALE; !/tl'r l'{' ISSTJE DATE: 127.01 PITASE @ SHEETI D4.11 RE: Al.l Vail Architecture group (c'0) 949^7ol l Iu: (YIl) 949-813a .ruil rrlrgp€vril.Ei I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I VERIFY LOCATION AF r . G CElLll.lG FIREPLACE FLUE l<E:9t-E(-=r. 12" lralF-gau.}.l Lo6 l'x 4" l.{RDltJD. TRtf,l acl{E9. T ' G gCI.TED.T'GBEYOND 3" I{RDU.|D,gIIELF Vail Architecture group A ?aEDl Sdiecdpa io (970) 949.1014 f|I: (970) 919-8 I la €!dl: |fthtlrpovlil.*t IN" PLYIJJOOD g{JB- STRAIGI{T 9C|{ED. ttRDu,D. PLANK|I{G rx BLocKlr.,lG 4" r.lRDu'D.3|{ELF gCI{ED. CABINETg I{RDU,,D. tsAgE PROJITCTNAME: PROJECTNOT 2m3.m TIIE MACFARI.AI{ RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COI.]NTY, COLORADO DRAWING TITLE: SECIION THRU ENT. CENTER SCALE: Y4'= l'{' ISSUE DATE: 3.6.01 PHASE: CD SHEET: D4.12 RE: At.l I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I VERIFY EXI9TIN6 FRAI'III€ IIALL TIIICKFIEgg 9/E' GYP.gI{EATI]ING 6 T,1IL VAPOR BARRIER *AED. l" X tO" ttRDurD. BASE BEYOI.ID rx uJooD TRtfl I]EAT UNIT RE: llECl{. I.I'OOD LOUVERg gTAINED TO I.IATCI] lx rJJooD TRlll TIJOOD LOUVERg gTAINED TO MATCI{ l.O.PLYUDOD gUBFLOOR gEALANT Vail Architecture grouP A P.ooo! Sdic. Cdpdtion (9'70) 949-1034 flt: (9?0) 949-t I 3a.Dil rchBrp@v{l.mt PIIASE: CD SHEET: D4.13 R"E: At.l PROJECTNAME: PROJECTNO: 2023.m TIIE MACT'ARI.AN RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COTINTY. COLORADO DMWING TITLE: SECTION THRU BASE HEATER ENCIJOI SCALE: I l/2'= l'{' ISSUE DATE: 3.6.01 VERIFY LOCATION 6I ' G CEILING I I I VE I I t2" T I t I I t I I I I I I I--\-T ,€AE I I1$D4.t4 PHASE: q, SHEET: RE: At.l PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NO: 2@t.O THE MACFARI-AN RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO DRAWING TTTLE: SECIIONTHRUI.OG STACK SCALE: A4'rl'd ISSUEDATE: !.6.01 Vail Architecture group A Fc.t.od Sdi@ C6pa io (970) 949-?034 l{: (970) 9,19-81 l4.nril |rEhtg? Carl.D.r VERIFY LOCATIA{ d r . G CElLlFlC Vail Architecture group A lcted S.rvie C.edtioD (910) 9-7034 f.r: (970) 9a9-El la .ruil: u.h|m@v!|l.D.r 12't.raLF-gArrN LOG VENEER PROJECTNAME: PROJECTNo: 2OB.m THE MACFARI.AN RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO DRAWINC TMLE: SECTION THRU I,OG STACK SCAIE: t4'.1'{' ISSUEDATE: 3.6.01 PHASE: c) SHEET: D4.15 RE: At.l _ l \-fgl I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I VERIFY LOCATION OF GYP. CEILING 12" naLF gAul.l LoG 9/A" GYP.StlEATr-{lN6 6 r1'IL.VA?OR BARRIER EXISTING EXTERIOR gYgTEH PATCH / REPAIR A9 REO. COPPER FLASHIN6 2" X 4u tlARDu'OOD TRll'1 t" x 4' l.{aRDurooD TRII,1 BEYOI..ID gCHED. DOOR Vail Architecture group A Prod Sdio Co(F.rtio (9?0) 949-?034 ru: (970) 99-8 I 3a cerit tch8,?en -!.r lu x 4" uRDuJD. TRlll l" x 4" rlRDr,rJ. TRltl BEYOhID PROJECTNAME: PROJECTNO: 2ItU3.q) TIIE MACFARI.AN RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COI.JNTY, COLORADO DRAMNG TITLE: DOOR HEAD- IA SCALE: I l/2'=l'-0' ISSUE DATE: 3.6.01 PHASE: CD SHEET: D5.1 RE; At.l EXIgTING EXTERIOR 5Y9TEF1 PATCH / REPAIR A9 REO. VERIFY EXIgTII€ FRAMING IIJALL TI-.IICKNEgg COPPER FLA9I{IN6 2" X 4" r{RDu'D. TRrrl 2',)( 4" HRDurD. TRIH BEYOND SCHED, DOOR Vail Architecture group A Ptrs|l Sdio CdF.rto! (9?0) 949-7034 frrr (97O 9a9-813a c[Lili ..chrrrp@vril.olt VERIFY LOCATION OF GYP. CEILING gc,!{ED. CROU'{ MOLD lr.lc 9lA', GY?.9|-IEATUING I" X 4" I{RDIIJD. TRIF1 I" X 4" I{RDIUD. TRII,I BEYOND PROJECTNAMeT PRoJEcTNoT 2OB.m TITE MACFARI.AI.I RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COIJNTY, COI.ORADO DRAWING TITLE: DOOR HEAD. 2A SCALE: t l/2'= l'{' TSSUE DATE: 3.6.01 PHASE: c) SHEET: D5.2 RE: At.l gCHED. CROU I |IOLDING l" x 4u I{RDUJD. TRtFl I" X 4'I]ARDIIJOOD TRII,1 BEYOND 5Cf{ED. DOOR Vail Architecture group A P.e.rl Sai@ Cdpcruon (9?0) 949-7014 fu: (970) 949 I I 14 lu|ril .rcLtgrp@v.il.@r VERIFY LOCATIONG GYP. CEILIN6 (3)2}<b!{EADER 12' t-.,tALF gAu^l LOG > /9" GY ?. 9t.lEATt-l ING (EpTrl gtDEg) 6 ratL.vaPog 64pRlER l" x 4" r..rRDu,lD. TRIFI I" X 4" I..{RDII'D. TRIH BEYOND PROJECTNAME: PROJECTNO: 2Ur3.(D TIIE MACFARI-AN RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COI.]NTY, COLORADO DRAMNG TITLE: DOOR HEAD - 3A SCAI-E: I l/2" = l'4' TSSUE DATE: 3.6.01 PHASE: CD SHEET: D5.3 RE: ALl VERIFY LOCA'IONG GY?- CEILINIC gCrlED. CROUN PIOLDrNG(aolH 5tDE3) Vail Architecture group A P6&6rl Sdie Cdpdrtio! (970) 949-?034 rd: (9'70) 9a9.E I 14 .suil: .rchtm@v.il.r.l >8" GYP.9ItEATFING(E,olq gtoES) PROJECTNAME: PROJECTNO: 20l:l,(x, TIIE MACFARI.AN RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COI.]NTY, COLORADO DRAWING TITLE: DOOR HEAD - 4A SCALE: I U2'= l'.0- ISSIJE DATE: 3.6.01 PTTASE: CD SHEET: D5.4 RE: Al.l INTERIOR INTERIOR VERIFY LOCATION OF GYP. CEILIT.IG NEtlI 12" AUARTER 9AIIN LOG NEUJ 9/9" GYP. 9r{EATr{lN6 (7) zXO |{EADER NEU, t" x 4' r{RDuJD. TRnl NEIIJ I" X 4" I{RDII'D. TRII'I BEYONT Vail Architecture group A Pan.n Sdi€ Cdpo..ti@ (9?0) 949-7034 fer: (97O 9a9-8 | 3a cruil lrcbrgrp@ vdl.aa PROJECTNAME: PROJECTNO: 2{z}.ql THE MACFARLAN RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COI.]NTY, COLORADO DRAMNG TTTLE: DOOR HEAD - 5A SCAL€: I l/2'= l'{' ISSUE DATE: 3.6!l PltASE: CD SHEET: D5.5 RE. At.I INTERIOR INTERIOR \€RIFY LOCATION OF GY?. CElLltlG NEIIJ I2" AUARTER gAUN LOG NEU 9/4" 6YP. 9t'{EATttlr.l6 (3) 2x.6 I.{EADER NEU,, l' x 4" r{RDurD. TRIFI NEU,| I' X 4" r.rRDuJD. TR[.r BEYONT Vail Architecture group A P.!u.l Sdie Cdpdtid (97O\ 949-7034 fa: (Yro) 949'8 I 14 cdril llblgrp@vril.a.t PROJECTNAME: PRoIECTNo: 2OB-m TIIE MACT'ARJ.AN RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COIJNTY, COLORADO DRAMNG TITLE: DOORHEAD.64 SCALE: I l/2'= l'.0" IssuE DATE: 3.6.01 PHASE: @ SHEET: D5.6 RE: A8.t \-7 - \: -,4:rs I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I \EAE I \ts INTERIOR INTERIOR 9/A" G'(?.grlEATHrNG(BOTII 9IDE9) BATT INgULATIONI I'X 4'' I.{ARDIIJOOD TRIF1 (E,orq 9rDE9) gcf.fED. DOOR Vail Architecturc group A Pdt.d S.die CdFldd (9?0) 949.7034 r:.ii (9?0) 9a9-8 I la cduil .r!bl$p@ vril.!.r PROJFrTNAME: PROJECrNO: Zn3.(I} TTIE MACFARI-AT.I RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO DRJ\WING TITLE: DOORJAI\{B- IB SCAI-E: I li2'= l'4" ISSUE DATE| 3.6.01 PHASE: CD SHEET: D5.7 RE: At.l I T I I I I I EXTERToR t I EXIgTING EXTERIOR 9YSTEH PATCI{ / REPAIR A9 REO. VERIFY EXI9TIN6 FRAFIING IIJALL THICKAIESg Vail Architecture group A Pdm! s.ryi€ Co.p6rti@ (970) 949-7034 frl: (970) 9a9-8lla .uuil uchrlrp@vdl-El 6 r1.IL VAPOR BARRIER 9/O" GYP.9IIEATI]ING BATT INgULATION I' X 4' I{ARDUJOOD TRII,i t z',x 4. r{ARDU'ooD rRrFl I ecHED. DooR I t I I T I t.€rE I I15 PROJECTNAME: PROJECTNo: 2O2l.(I} THE MACFARI-AN RESIDENCB TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO DRAMNG TITLE: DOORJAMB - 28 SCALE: I 12- = l'{" tsslJE DATE: 3-6-01 PHASE: CD SHEET: n<auJ.tt RE: At l EXTERIOR EXIgTIT.]G EXTERIOR 9Y9TEF1 REPAIR / PAlCIl A9 REA. VERIFY EXIgTING FRAF1ING iIJALL Tr-{rCK}1893 2" X 4',HARDUJOOD TRhl Vail Architecture group A ktuj Sdic. CqrD(r|!o! (970) 949-?014 fu: (90) 949-t I 14 .odlxnug.pl? vdlEt INTERIOR 9/8" GYP.gI{EATI]ING 12" r.laLF-gAuN LOG 6 IjIL.VA?OR BARRIER t" x 4' r{RDujD. TRtf,l gCrtED. DOo1R PROJECTNAME: PROJECTNO: 2m3.m THE MACFARI.AI{ RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO DRAWING TITLE: DOORJAI\4B.38 SCALE: I l/2'= l'-0' ISSUE DATE: 3.6.01 PHASE: CD stlEDl: D5.9 RE: At.l I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I tsATT INgULATIOT.I VERIFY LOCATIOI{ OF GYP. CEILING EXI9TING EXTERIOR II,ALL 9Y9TEF1 VERIFY EXIgTING FRAMING TUALL TFIICKNEgg EXIgTING IIJINDOI]J Vail Architecture group A Pdoo|l S.ftie CdTadot (970) 949-7034 fu: (970) 949'E I 34 .mil r.htgp@v.il.FI tcHED. CROU|\| MOLDII.|G 9 / A', GY?. 9r{EATr.ltNt6 b F'IL.VA?OR BARRIER t" x lo' r-tRDttJD. TRIM ,///- l., x 4.. t.lRDuJD. TRlll BEYOND PROJECTNAMET PROJECTNO: 2OZl.m TITE MACFARLAN RESIDENCE TOWN OFVAIL, EAGLE COUNfi, COLORADO DRAWING TITLE: WINDOW HEAD- lC sCArE: t V2'= !'{- ISSUE DATE: 3.6-01 PIIASE: CD D6.1 RE: At.l EXIgTIN6 EXTERIOR UJALL 5Y9TEI1 VERIFY EXIgTING FRAF1IN6 IIJALL TI{ICKI..IE55 EXIgTING uJINDOIU VERIFY LOCATION6 GYP. CEILING acl{ED. CROIIN IIOLD IN6 BATT INgIJLATION 6 rlIL.VAPOR tsARRIER >/a" GYP. 9t-.tEATr{lr{6 /- l"x4' t.lRDutD. TRlf,l ,/ tsEYOND PROJECTNAME: PROJECTNOT 2gB.m TIIE MACFARI-A}'I RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO DRAWING TITLE: WINDOU/HEAD.2C SCALL: I l2'= l'-0' ISSLJE DATE: 3.5.01 Vail Architecture group A P.rtui Sdic. CdFrti@ (970) 949-7034 faj (970) 9..9-6 I !,a cduil: .rchttQ@ vril.Dct PHASE: CD SHEET: D6.2 RE: At.l VERIFY LOCATIOI.I OF TOhIGUE I GRiOO!r'E CEILING BATT INSIILATIOI.| 6 rlIL \/APOR BARRIER t2" HALF 3Aul\] LOG t" x t@" lrRDuJD. TRll,1 (ARC[-IED) 2" Cl{lNKltlG BEYOND EXIgTING EXTERIOR IIJALL 9Y9TEI1 VERIFY EXIgTING FR,AFIING IUALL THICKNESg EXI9TING UJINDOuJ Vail Architecture group A Pum.l Sdic! CqF|ti@ (970) 949-7034 ld: (970) 949-6ls .ruil: rEbttlp@vril.et 12'I-.IALF 9AuAI LOG BEYONID PROJESTNAME: PRoJECTNO: anlln TTIE MACFARI.AN RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COIJNTY, COLORADO DRAWINC TITLE: WINDOVT HEAD - 3C SCALE: I l2'= l'{" ISSUEDATE:3.6!l PIIASE: CD D6.3 RE: At.l , EXIgTING FRAI,II}.IG II,ALL TI-IICKNEgg VERIFY LOCATIOI{ G T T G CEILING 12" aUARTER-9AU^I LO6 9t8'* G'(P.9t{EATtllN6 6 F1IL VAP.o'R BARRIER l" x lo'r-.lRDruD. TRIM (ARa..rED) I' X 4" I]RDII'|D. TRF1 BEYOND PROJECT NAN'IE: PROJECT NO: ZtB.(x) TIIE MACFARJ-AI\ RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COI.'NTY, COLORADO DRAWINC TITLE: WINDOW HEAD .4C SCALE: I 12'= l'-O' ISSUE DATE: 3.611 EX|STlt,lG EXTERIOR iiJALL gYgTEM EXIgTING IIJINDOUJ Vail Architecture group A P.lbrl Sdie CdF.r[or (9701 9.7034 f.r: (970 9a9-8 | 3a cdujl uEhrsrp@l.il-ct PHASE: G) SHEET: D6.4 RE: At.l VERIFY LOCATION OF GYP. CE 3c'!{ED. CROtll mOLD lt lG 9/A" GYP. SI]EATIIING BATT INgTJLATIA{ 6I1IL !r'AFOR BARRIER EXIgTING EXTERIOR IIJALL gYgTEM \€RIFY EXIgTING FRAHING UALL TI]ICKNES9 EXISTING UJINDOUJ Vail Architecnre gloup A kuul Sdrt Cdlornid (9?0) 949-?034 fa: (9?o) 9a9-{ I 34 cnrit rrchtgQ@vdl.l.r PROJECTNAMET PROJECTNO: 2IrL.m TTIB MACFARI.AN RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COIJORADO DRAWINC TITLE: WINDOWHEAD - 5C SCAIE: I U2' = l'-{)' ISSUE DATE: 3.6.01 PHASE: o) SHEET: D6.5 RE: At.l .E 'E\1$ I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I EXI9TIN6 IIIINDOIIJ COPFER FLAgHING EXIgTING EXTERIOR UJALL gYgTEH VERIFY EXISTING FR,AIIING IIJALL TIIICKNESg Vail Architecture group A P6dd SdiE Cdpd|ld (970) 949-7034 fui (970 9a9-81lacldl .rch$p@lail.act ITE TILE tsACK.3PLA9II CAULKING gCI..IED. AEANITE COUNTER. 3/ 4" PLYIDOOD gUB - STRAIGI-.IT b rlIL VA?OR tsARRIER BATT INgULATION I /A" GYP. 9l{EATr-.llNG PROJBCTNAME: PROJECTNo: 2OZl.m TTIE MACFARI.AN RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COI.JNTY, COLORADO DRAWING TITLE: WINDOW Sn r.- lD SCALE; I l/2'= l'{" ISSUEDATE: 3.5.01 PHASE: CD SHEET: D6.6 REr At,l EXIgTING I.IINDOIjJ VERIFY EXISTINK3 FRAMING IIJALL TI-.IICKNEgg COPPER FLAgI-.IING EXI9TIN6 EXGTERIOR IUALL 9Y9TEI1 Vail Architecture group r{ Fctotr{ Sdie CorFrrid (9?0) 949.?034 fu, (970) 949-8 | 14 cruii: arcblgrp@vril.oct t'x 4" r-.tARDurooD rR||1 BEYOND I l/2'X 2" !{ARDUDOD 9ILL l" x 4" |{aRDUJOOD TRII,1 BATT INgULATIOI.,I 9/8', G.(P. SHEATHING 6 TIIL !r'APOR BARRIER PRoJECTNAME: PROJECTNO: 2(II}.O TTIE MACFARI-AN RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COTJNTY, COLORADO DRAMNG TTTLE: WINDOW SIII - 2D SCALE: I l/2" = l'{' tSSlJE DATE| 3.6.01 PHASE: (x) SHEET: D6.7 RE; At.l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXI9TIN6 II,INDOIIJ coFPER FLAS*.{tr.,t6(rY?) \/ERIFY EXI9TING FRAM IIJALL THICKNEgg EXIgTI}.lG EXTERIOR II|ALL gYgTEH l'x 4' r{RDr.rJD. TRlr-l BEYOND I tn, x 2' ttRDuJD. grLL I" X 4" HRDuJD, TRIF,,I I?" I]ALF-gAIIN LOG 2" CIIINKING BEYOND 6 NIL.VAPOR BARRIER UJOOD PANEL 9C!{ED. l" X lO" r-.lRDtJJD. BAgE tsEYOND lx ujooD TRlfl I]EAT UNIT RE: llECll. IIJOOD LOUVERg STAINED 10 !.1.AlCIl IX uJOOD TRFI U,OOD LOUVERg STAINED TO rl.,AlCIl 1,O, ?LYVOOD gUBFLOOR gEALANT PROJECTNAME: PROJECTNO: Z)23.m THE MACT'ARI-AI{ RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COTJNTY, COLORADO DRAMNG TITLE: WINDOW SILL 3D SCALE: I 12" = l'-0' ISSUE DATE| 3.6.01 Vail Archibcnue group A kEd Sdvic Co.F.d.'o (970) 949-?034 fu: (970) 949-8 | 3. .!uil rrchrgrp{}v.il.trd PTIASE: @ SHEET: D6.8 RE: At.l -=7: : ==E --- E-:87 t:.E .E\ts I.IG EXTERIOR UJALL gYgTEM VERIFY EXIgTINK3 FRAF1ING U,ALL TI{ICKNEgg EXIgTING TIJNDOuJ 6 F.IL VAPOR tsARRIER BATT INgULATION b/a" GYP.9r{EATrllN6 t" x 4' |]ARDUJOOD TRlll PROJECTNAMET PRoJEcTNo: 2dB.m THE MACFARI-A}.I RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COTJNTY, COLORADO DRAWING TITLEI WINDOW JAMB . IE scALE: I U2'.1'{' ISSUE DATE: !.6'01 EXTERIOR Vail Architecmre group A P.Isd S.nid CorF.rtid (970) 949-7034 fu: (970) 949-t I 14 lmdl nchrtrp@Y{l,o.l PHASE: CD SHEET: D6.9 RE: At.l bIA" GYP.9I{EATIIING 6IIIL !r'APOR BARRIER EXI9TING EXTERIOR IIJALL gYgTEH VERIFY EXIgTII.IG FRAF1ING IIJALL TI{ICKNEgg EXlgTlr{G UJINDOU,| BATT INSIILATIOT.I t2" HaLF-5Aul-l Loc I lr2" x 2" I..|ARDIIJOOD glLL PROJECTNAME: PROJECTNO: 2OZt.(n TTIE MACFARLAN RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COIJNTY, COLORADO DRAWING TITLE: WINDOWJAMB - 2E SCALE: I l/2'= l'-0" TSSUE DATE| 3.5.01 Vail Architecture group A P.m!d S.di€ CorycrloD (9'to\ 949-1014 ldr (970)949.t13a clujl n brFp@vril.dcr PHASE: CD SHEET: D6.10 RE; At.I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I l I I I Vail Architecture group A knl SdidCqF i.o (nq 949.7034 fu: (970) 919-l I g .odl: .rchtltpovdl.Et gCI{EDULED FLOOR TILE I,IORTAR OR ADI..IEgIVE BED 7t4',PLYUOoD COI.IT INUOIJS METAL AI.I6L E gCI{EDULED CARPET - rc, 9PECIFICATIONS gCIIEDULED CARPET PAD - rc: 9PEClFlCATlOt{9 PRoJECTNAME: PROJECTNO: 2O&m TTIE MACF'ARI.AT.I RESIDET.ICE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COIJNTY, COLORADO DRAMNG TITLE: TILE /CARPETTRANSMON SCALE: 3'= l'{' ISSTJE DATE: 3.6.01 PHASET CD SHEET: D8.1 RE: AZI Vail Architecture group A Pdloorl S.dic. Co.p..riion (970) 949.?034 fu: (970) 949-8134 .Ilil:.rchrm@fiil.at IIARDII'OOD TI{RE3I{OL D COO@. II,|/ FLOOR FLAI.I FOR IUIDTI{ gCIIEDULED IIARDUJOOD FLOOR RE, gFECIFICATIONg r,1OIgruRE tsARRIER SCIIEDULED CARPET - re, 9PECIFICATION9 gCHEDULED CARPET PAD - ro, 9PECIFICATION9 PROJEC-TNAME: PROJECTNO: 2OZl.m TIIE MACFARI-AI.I RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COIJNTY. COLORADO DRAWING TITLE: CARPET/WOOD TRANSMON SCALE: 3'= l'4' ISSUE DATEi 3.6.01 PTIASE: CD SHEETT D8.2 RE: A2-I .E^A,tr\ts I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I ltc ra: PL'(UOOO Vail Architecture group A P.ei.l Sdia Cdpddor (9?0) 949.7034 fa:(970)949-8134 cduil: r.bttrp@v.il-Ei r-rolgTuRE g4pplER 2X IIARDUJOOD TRIF1coo@. T|{RE9HoLD IUIDTH I.I,/ FLOOR PLAN O.9.B.gUBFLOOR gCI{EDULED uJOOD FLOOR - retgPECIFICATION PROJECTNAME: PROJECTNOT ZtA.q, THE T{ACFARI-AT.I RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COIJNTY, COLORADO DR,IWINC TITLE: WOOD / STONE TRANSMON @ THRESH. SCAr-E: 3' = l'4' ISSUE DATE: 3.6.01 P!L{SE: c) SHEET: D8.3 RE: A2l .E, E Nr$ Vail Architecture group A PdEl Sdie Cdpd.ti@ (9?0) 949.7034 frr: (97O 9a9-8lla .mrjl lrdtlrp@vril.!.! I,IOIgTURE BARRIER gCI.IEDULED I1 ARDI!@D FLOOR rg, 9FECIFICATION9 SC}.IEDULED FLOOR TILE - rar A9@l . A8O2 HORTAR OR ADI{EgIVE tsED CONTINUOUg HETAL ANIGLE r.{ARDu.,looD Tr-lREsr..lr-IOL D COO?D. IIJIDTI{ IUl PLANg PRoJECTNAME: PROJECTNo: UBltr TIIE MACFARLAN RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COIJNTY, COLORADO DRAWINCTME: WOOD /TILE TRANSMON SCALE: 3'= l'.0' ISSUEDATEi 3.6.01 PHASE: q) SHEET: D8.4 RE: AZI t I t I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I ra: * =l-rc\ |--+- .E .tr \1S rto PL'(uooo Vail Architecture group ,{ P.6o.rl S.aia CdpdrtioE (97O) 919-'t034 frl: {970) 9a9-B | 3a cmdr .!.brgrp(0v.il.a.t THEDULED FLOOR TILE - T'IORTAR OR ADI.{EgIVE BED 3/4" ?L'(UOOD CONTINUOUg IIETAL ANGLE PROJECTNAME: PROJECTNO: ZZr.0 THE MACFARI.AN RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO DRAWING TITLE: TTIE I STONE TRAT.ISITION @ THRESH. SCALE: 3'= l'{- $SUIIDAIE: 3.6.01 PTTASE: CD SHEET: D8.5 RE: A2.l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I RIPFED IX IIJOOD BLOCKII{G FROVIDE BLOCKII{G IN IUALL A9 REOUIRED vt4" ftY uJo@. PAINTED Ix{ IUOOD ED6E PAINTEDUl \" EEyeLED EDGE l?z" o UJOOD SllELF RODgTAINED PROVIDE 2xl2 UJOOD AT.IGLED INTERFEDIATE gUPPORT BRACKET II,I..IERE 9IIELVE9 gFAN MORE TI{AN 4'.O" . FAINTED --- 4uX4uXrze' S'llELF BLOCKIIS BEVEL EDGEg O ROD ENDg NOTE: N@TE: 9F{ELF gl.]otl}.{ TYPICAL FOR ALL FIXED 9HELVES NOTED. ALL 'JPOO TO tsE PAINT 6RADE EXCEPT TUIIERE NOTED 1O EE OK. ALL PAINT GRADE PAINTED ALL OAK gTAINED RE: FLOOR PLAN9 . Aglt4o Vail Architecture group A Pc6o..l S.sc. CoAdrioi (970) 949-7034 fu: (970) 9\9.rt34 Gmil GhltrpGv&l.o.t PROTECTNAME: PROJECTNO: 2Xf8.m TITE MACFARLAN RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COIJNTY, COLORADO DRAWINC TITLEj TYP. CITOSETROD & SHELF SCALE: l-lll'=1'{" ISSUEDATE: 3.6.01 PHASE: CD SHEET: D8.6 R!: A2.I I I I I t I t I I T I I t I I T I I I D!9TANCE VARIE9 RE: _ ARCI..IITECTUR,AL PLAT.Ig 9I-1IF1 TUB TO RECEIVE TILE ' GROIJT UNDER IUALL TYPE VARIES, RE: ARCI.IITECTURAL FLOOR PLANS FOR II,|ALL TYPEgCI]EDULED TILE tsACKgFLAgt] IIJ/BULL. NOSE EXPOgED EDGEg gCI.]EDULED TILE ON TI]INgET 1Ab" Grlr'1'U IUATERPROOFING FIEHBRANE tn" o.9E. b/8" GY?5UN BOARD EITI.{ER gIDE 2X UJOOD FR,AII ING SCI-IEDULED TUB gET TUts IN FULL BED GROUT Vail Architecture group A P.$d.l Sdi.. Cdpodnon (970) 949-7014 fdr (9?0) 949 E I l4 .Mil: ncbtgrp@val.ocl PRoJECTNAMB PRoJECTNO: 2OZl.q) TIIE MACFARI-AI{ RESIDENCE TOWN OFVAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO DRAMNG TITLE: TYPICAL BATIITT'B FRAMING SCAIE: 3'= l'{' ISSUE DATE: 3.6.01 rcI.IEDULED TILE TACKSPLA9H ll,/BULL- NOgE EXFOgED ED.SES 9EALANT rcHEDULED TILE ON TI{INgET 146" GfiNU II,ATERFROOFING FIEFIBRA!E tn" o.ea. rcHEDULED TILE ON TI..IINSET '146" GnnU 2X I'JOOD FRAMING gCI{EDULED PREFAtsRICATED TUB gET TUts IN FULL BED GROIjT PHASE: CD SHEET: D8.7 RE: A2l I I I I T I I I I I I I T I I r"r-r € gHoilER t6 t't RE: FLAN Inill gCI{EDULED TILE 1/16. Gnnu. Oi.I IIALL TYPE INDICATED OI..I PLAN II.,ALL TYFE VARIEg RE. FLOOR PLANg gIIOII|ER DRAIN PER PLUr1BTT{G Dul39. uJrTr{ gIDE IIJEEPg HOLEg TYP CRUSI]ED TILE OR gTONE REINF. I1ORTAR BED fl" TO I n.) SLOPE I/4" PER FT. TO DRAIN 'CIIOROL AY' I.IETERAIE TJNDER HORTAR BED, OVER CURB ' UP UJALLg 6' qr /!-Er-t E I I I I , T. O. SLAB+vARlEg RE: SECT lOl.,l9 Vail Architecture group A Pltsd Sea CotPodti@ (970) 949-?034 far: (970) 919-Ella .!uil: n hrsp@vril Et PRoJI,CTNAME: PROJECTNO: ZZl.m TIIE IvIACFARI-AN RESIDENCE TOWN OFVAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO DRAWINC TITLE: TYPICAL SHOWERFRAMING SCAIE: I l/2'= l'4' ISSUE DATE: !.6.01I PHASTi: c) SHEET: D8.8 RE: A2l t I I t t t I I I I I I I I I I I VARIEg, RE. SECTIONS .ER PLAN NOTE. RE, FLOOR PLANg FOR GLA59 LOCATIONg ::- \- :I .EAtri\zs Vail Architecture group A P.Mtr l Smic Coqmti@ (970) 949-7034 fa: (9?0) 9r9-t I 34 .!uil: afthlrp@vrl-dr gCI]EDULED TILE BULLNOgE EDGE /^ I1ORTAR BED 146" Gnn)J. 2X4 FRAFIIT..IG.16'oc. PROJECTNAME: PROJ!:CTNOT 2OZl.m TIIE MACFARI.AN RESIDENCE TOWN OFVAIL, EAGLE COIJNTY, COLORADO DRAWINC TIfLEi SHOWER BENCH SEC1ION SCALE: I l/2'= l'{- ISSUEDATET 3.5.01 PHASE: CD D8.9 RE: &.ll