HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT A BELL TOWER CONDO SCHOBER PANO JEWELRY LEGALPlanning and Environmental Commisson ACTION FORl,l Department af Community Development 75 south Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.qom Project Name: PANO JEWELRY BAY WINDOWS Proiect Description: FINAL APROVAL FOR NEW BAY WINDOWS PEC Number: PEC070048 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 081L312007 Participants: OWNER STAUFE& HERMANN PO BOX 5000 VAIL co 81658-5000 07lrilzoo7 APPUCANT VAG ARCHITECTS-DAVID WIEDER 07 I L7 12007 Phone: 970-949-7034 PO BOX 1734 VAIL co 81658 ProjectAddress: 201 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 201 GORE CREEK DR UNIT C-5 Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: BELLTOWER CONDO Parcel Number: 2101-082-6300-5 Comments: GUNIONRECUSED BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: KJESBO CLEVELAND 5-0-1 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No cfranges to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail sfaff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: CON0009217 This approval is contingent upon the applicant obtain Town of Vail design review approval for this proposal, Cond: CON0009218 The applicant must obtain and execute an encroachment agreement, or similar agreement as deemed appropriate by the Town Attomey, for the entry feature prior to application for a building permit C,ond: CON0009219 The applicant must pay all employee housing mitigation fees prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy. Planner; Bill Gibson PEC Fee Paidr $650.00 Minor Exterior Alterations or Modifications Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 f ax: 970.479.2452 web: $at/w.vailoov.com General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Reuew Board. Type of Application and Fee: d ot\t B "FCD E Rezoning $1300tr Major Subdivision $1500E Minor SuMMsion $650I Exemption Plat $650D Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000tr New Special Developrnent Distfict $6000D Mai)r Amendment to an SDD $6000! Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 (n o exteri or modifrca (nn s) Desqiption of the Request: Conditional Use Permit Floodplain l'lodification Minor Exterior Alteration Major Exterior Alteration Develooment Plan Amendment to a Development Plan Zoning Code Amendment Variance Sign Variance tr D5n tr tr E tr D $6s0 $400 $6s0 $800 $1500 $2s0 $1300 $s00 $200 LocationoftheProposat: Lot: A Bbck: 5b Subdivision: Physical Address: Parcel No.: 4 lbl OD2r30Oi (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) zoning: <otrtnCnrl I C.^,rc t .l , t Name(s) of owner(s): lt(ftrvr Sh4uttr Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mait Addres., obriJ b a fqar.Lttufi r"* (q?o) Q.t4. blrt{" . cotn Planner:_ Project No.: Ju rl8 l? Cer+4F trhysitrl Addrr*i* ?rrc.f ltlo.! y€4?55d61 Sg.uf,rr Coramercial LLC 970{76s{61 ! Ccrdilonnl;tc Pctmit l:f Fkro.Stdnf.l4d"Eaio.l n lbfiar E*t,enor Altcfttron c] Itla lOr ExtrfGoi llllTdtion U De/€lcp(r$rs F an n Arndldrt*fi ro a Oaelogment Ptan l:, Zar|f|$ {-.odc Amerdrncnt D varlarre U $ign Vdrirr€e P.l trlinsr txterior Alterations ur lrlodificattons fpplicatisr for Reuiery by the Planning ahd fnvironrnerrtel €ommission Oapgrlrnctrt. qf Co}f|'ttnrry Dq,Wne'lt ?5 Sou$ frsrligr f,*ld. tGl. Coto.fido 81057 t8|: 97q.,,179.:138 . flg 9S"{79.}a5). rrcb; BwrY.vdilgov'ooair €€r|€rll lr{otrf|rdor|. ,ila ptd{cts r€qdfirlt f'lafi*rg Ard €nvro.iIr€r*al Co.nmasion reliliN.''9** re<"ive rF $/.1 poof to sti hilldrg d biitdir€ pcrmil a0pibffBn. Fb,gC rt{cr to thc "lbnttd requrremcnE for $r p$rt(drf sgptovll thrt ir; fr4r$tc6. A1 ntplc|(On if f{rr{rg ard Gncirurrrer{ar Cornrnr.rlirn r.lvraF (,dr€t ba ocardd wttil a{ ruqJircd ofo.tElroat \r |!crn Fd fy tl'c cs.r:"qrr*ty &|r,dotrncnt oe!|0ffr€flf, ltre F.tuocr r*ay dl$d ne{d l* be &vist!€d by &€ Tg'iln tflr$cil ardi'sr the p'!rr!l|.| ntdqt.| g{rrd. TfDG of Appllertidr rnd feei C l'1 F f-'1 n tr r Rcaoni.E t1300 itlilo. sr.rb<lrrrlioar *l 50O {tli{tor si}bdM$on t650 ERmp0w Hd *{50 F||Fl Am$ftdtr*nt tO fi SDf,r tlQoo Na|l, spc,c|.* O€rielsftent Dslrd i6O0Oirq Ar'llnClrlent to ur SDD !6004 rJfl ArnsrdrrEnt to i.r SOD f f25n *w *tcrr3f @fi*^rtulrf) t650ttp t65O t€oo J1500 $zso *rloo t500 fa00 Loe#or oa th. Prlpocal: lot:.-*6lock:_ Subdivisiorl: (Coneacr €aqte Ca, A$srtst{rr at 9?tr328-S6{O for p.rrc*l m.) Zo.*rg: ofUre ltl*m*(s) of Qur*e{r}: Hliting Addr€rcl P,s*: 4.?..1" {71^ a '| /*3 {hrmr(:} Slgptalusc(s): tfrrnc of App$ca'fu llalllng Addrccrs: Phone! €-mrll tddrcsr O{ficrl.b&dy: Ps(|l _ t*lo Ott!: 'OIt|? PNOFIRTY OIflIIER WRIT'Ei A''ROYII. IITTER Er{gre$Iar-Dct"rJd,u^rtu* rtp,cEo,.lahue h" t, (trnt na|ttl--.^*'. . __-J'ilr6intoni€iot p.tp.rly h€aad * prcrrde fth Futn .s rfrnrin ryrwrr r tnr rus orteo l*Sat .ft O6/ql fuf .rtrcn r,"iru r,.-t r.nr thit b lho Tcunr o, Vrlt Coflunrrty OeiElofmena Oefrrrlmax fu. S|e tropGcat l|}?rocmqts to bc <oradetd rt B* & r${tr, !bo.c. I urdsf!frrfd tlu( rnc propGcd improy€rrE s ifirude: t{tola fdddarju, d..e chccl ttr. rtrtfilc t b.lo* utrldt L nod rygftcrb+c to you: G | $.ir'lid,'li drAt firir't ntrtrIftfi'as nfy tt Jrr6* t: thc f*rrs ot/tr tlre aotxsd .)f th€ rfrif.l, pftres ls *"r'e,rrc cofly',lsrl^:t t',/.tlr lhe lovt\ iog{raDte tal|.J aftJ ryu&ttot s. D t tquat! frrtt .fi ttlo.jdretlr{x. alen' .'L r{.tfar'la', :}."?t .?p tr,!r.t J(' lfe. iyins orG', i:ii r oir'.<c otr' d.a1rkr;2rrafc& UAt€lri ttt ttt! ;Etct*8q lt lre e!!F!:t:rnt ,t!r *tu{@.€t.t6f'{t-,r.1 i€rt,.(, .pl*lLrottv furtt?]t /Jtettr' lD tt*\ f$n ;,;):;t';i;:-, irrrll i!',i4,rr .dl rf. dlr{ar'.rr{J I :r: .'..rt,:I : ---+.r;: t:i::',lt,fL r! t! llrtsr rtlF tiF. ,,fr-it!.,rr t& r r.!*.r.. tilrili - r_[y].. {..i.j:ir.!i.t:!-. bffifta MEMORANDUIU Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department ft1pr"u.l pa'wzut' f €{a c6vwuJ ltht p{<t- ?o- t (G,^r,* {,l/rrtd) utlofior., : 9*{ {zol/'c 79;b& TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: lt. August 13,2007 A request for a final review of an exterior alteration, pursuant to Section '12-78-7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the addition of bay windows, located at 201 Gore Creek Drive (Bell Tower Building)/Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC07-0048) Applicant: Herman Staufer, represented by VAg, Inc. Planner: Bill Gibson SUMMARY The applicant, Herman Staufer, represented by VAg, Inc., Architects and Planners, is requesting approval of an exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12- 7B-7. Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, located at 201 Gore Creek Drive (Bell Tower Building)/Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto The purpose of the proposed exterior alteration is to allow for the replacement of two existing flush store front windows with two store front bay windows at the Pano Jewelry tenant space located on the first floor level of the Bell Tower Building. The proposed bay windows will be located on the south side of the building adjacent to Gore Creek Drive. Staff is recommending approval, with conditions, of this application subject to the findings and criteria outlined in Section Vll of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The purpose of the proposed exterior alteration is to allow for the replacement of two existing flush store front windows with two store front bay windows at the Pano Jewelry tenant space located on the first floor level of the Bell Tower Building. The proposed bay windows will be located on the south side of the building adjacent to Gore Creek Drive. The bay windows will add an additional 24 sq.ft. of "net floor area" (12 sq.ft. for each window) to the retail space. The south edge of the Bell Tower Building is located within one foot of the property boundary. The proposed bay windows will extend approximately two feet from the face of the building; and therefore, encroach one foot into the Gore Creek Drive Rightof-Way. 1il. tv. BACKGROUND At its August7,2OO7, public hearing, the Vail Town council, acting as the proferty owner of the Gore Creek Drive Right-of-Way, authorized the applicant to broceed through the Town's development review process' APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Town of Vail Municioat Code' Title 12 Zonina Requlations chapter 7 - commercial and Business Districts, Article B, commercial core 1 (CCl) District (in Part) 12-7&1: PURPOSE: The Commercial Corc 1 Distict is intended to provide sifes and to maintain the unigue character of the Vail Vitlage commercial area, with its mixture of lodges and commerciat establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The Commercial Core 1 Distict is intended to ensure adeguate light' air' open space' and other amenities apprcpriate to the permifted types of buildings and-uses. Ihe Oistricl regulations in'accordance with the Vail Village Urban Design puide Plan and Design Considerations prescribe site development- standards that are intended io ensrre the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered aiiaigements of buildings fronting on pedestrianways and public greenways, and to eisure continuatioi of the buitding scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the Village. 12-78-7: EXTERTOR ALTERATTONS OR MODIFICALONS (in part): A. Subject To Review: The construction of a new buiHing' lhe afteration of an ixistin'g building which adds or removes any enclosed floor _area, the atterat'fin of ai existing buitding whbh modffies exterior rooflines, the replacement of an existing building, the addition of a new outdoor dining deck or thL modification of an exiiting outdoor dining deck shall be subject to review by the Planning and Environmental commission (PEC) as follows (in part): 12-7&20: VATLVTLLAGE URBAN DES,GN PLAN (in part): A. Adoption: The vail vitlage urban Design Guide Plan and design considerations are adopted for the purposes of maintaining and preserving the character and vitality oi tne Vait village (CC1) and to guide the future alteration' change and improvement in CCl district. Coprbs of the Vailvillage design guide iiin"ana design considerations sia/l be on fite in the depaftment of community development. Chapter 11 - Design Review 12-11-1: PURPOSE (in Part): c. Design Review: Therefore, in order to preserve the natural beauty of the town ani /s seffrng to protect the welfare of the community, to maintain the values created in the community, to protect and enhance land and propefty, for the promotion of health, safety, and general welfare in the communiu' and to aftain the objectives set ouf in this section; the improvement or alteration of open space, exteior design of all new development, and all modifications to existing development shall be subject to design review as specified in this chapter. Vail Land Use Plan The Vail Land Use Plan was initiated in 1985 and adopted in 1986 by the Vail Town Council. The main purpose of the Land Use Plan is two-fold: 1. To articulate the land use goals of the Town. 2. To serve as a guide for decision making by the Town. The Vail Land Use Plan is intended to serve as a basis from which future land use decisions may be made within the Town of Vail. The goals, as articulated within the Land Use Plan, are meant to be used as adopted policy guidelines in the review process for new development proposals. In conjunction with these goals, land use categories are defined to indicate general types of land uses which are then used to develop the Vail Land Use Map. The Land Use Plan is not intended to be regulatory in nature, but is intended to provide a general framework to guide decision making. Where the land use categories and zoning conflict, existing zoning controls development on a site. Goals and Policies (in part): 1.0 GeneralGrowth/Development '1 .1 Vail shoutd continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses fo serue both the visitor and the permanent resident. 1.3 The quatity of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible. '1 .4 The oiginal theme of the old Village Core should be canied into new development in the Village Core through continued implementation of the Urban Design Guide Plan. 1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional growth in existing developed areas (infill areas). 2.0 Skier/TouristConcerns 2.1 The community should emphasize its role as a destination resoft while accommodating day skiers. 3.0 Commercial 3.4 Commercial grov,rth should be concentrated in existing commercial areas to accommodate both local and visitor needs. 4.O Village Core / Lionshead 4.lFuturecommercialdevelopmentshouldcontinuetooccur pimarity in existing commercial areas. Future commercial 'devetopment in the core areas needs to be carefully controlled to facititate access and delivery. 4.2 lncreased density in the core araas is acceptable so long as the existing character of each arca is preserued thorough implementation of the Urban Design Guide Plan. 4.3 The ambiance of vail village is impoftant to the identity of vail and shouldbeprcserued.(sca|e,alpinecharacter,smalltownfeeling' mountains,naturalsefting,intimatesize,cosmopolitanfeeling, e nv i ron m e ntal q u al itY. ) Vail Villaqe Master Plan The Vail Village Master Plan is based on the premise that the Village can be planned and disigned as a whole. The VailVillage Mas]er Plan is intended to be tonsistent with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan, and along with the Guide Plan, it underscores thL importance of the relationship between the built "nuiront"nt and public spaces. Furthermore, the Master Plan provides a clearly stated set of goali and objectives outlining how the Village will grow in the future. Goals for Vail Village are summarized in six major goal statements' While there is a certain amount of overlap between these six goals, each focuses on a p"rtiJ"iaspect of the Villagb and the.community as a whole. A series of |Ul""G" outline specific stefs that can be taken toward achieving each stated golt. Policy statements have been developed to guide the Town's decision- making in achieving each of the stated objectives. The Vail Vilpge Master Plan is intended to guide the Town in developing land use laws and policies for coordinating devetopment by the public and private sectors in Vail Village and in implementing communig goals for public improvements. Further, the Master Plan is intended to serve as a guide to the staff, review boards and Town Council in analyzing future proposals for development in Vail Village and in legislating effective ordinances to deal with such dwelopment. Contained within the Vail Village Master Plan are goals for developmeni in Vail Village. The goals are summarized in six major goal statements. The goal statements are designed to establish a framework, or direction, for the future growth of the Village' A series of objectives outline specific steps toward achieving each stated goal. Policy statements have been developed to guide the Town's decision-making in achieving each of the stated objectives, whether it be through the review of private slctor development proposals, or in implementing capital improvement projects. (in Part): Goal #1 Encourage high quatity redevelopment while preserving the unique architectural scale of the village in order to sustain its sense of communitY and identitY. 1.2 Obiective: Encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities. Goal #2 To foster a strong tourist industry and promote year-round economic health and viability for the Village and for the community as a whole. 2.1 Obiective: Reagnize the vaiety of land uses found in the 10 sub- areas throughout the vittage and allow for development that is compatible with these established land use patterns. 2.2 Obiective: Recognize the 'historic" commercial core as the main activity center of the Village. 2.2.1 Policv: The design criteria in the Vail Village Design Guide Ptan shatt be the primary guiding document to prcserue the existing architectural scale and character of the core area of Vail Village. 2.4 Obiective: Encourage the development of a variety of new conmercial activity wherc compatible with existing land uses. 2.4.1 Policv: Commercia! infitl devetopment, consistent with estabtished horizontal zoning regulations shall be encouraged to provide activity generators, accessrb/e green spaces, public plazas, and streetscape improvements to the pedestrian network throughout the Village. 2.5 Obiective: Encourage the continued upgrading, renovaUon and maintenance of existing todging and commercial facilities to better serve the needs of our guests. 2.5.2 Policv: The Town will use the maximum flexibility possib/e i'7t the interpretation of building and firc codes in order to facilitate buitding renovations without compromising life, health and safety considerations. 2.6 Obiective: Encourage the development of affordable housing units through the efforts of the pivate sector. 2.6.1 Policv: Emptoyee Housing; units may be rcquired as part of any new or redeveloped project requesting denstty over that allowed bY existing zoning. Goal #3 To recognize as a top priority the enhancement of the walking experience throughout the Village' 3.1 Obiective: Physicatly improve the existing pedestrian ways by landscaping and other improvements. 3.1.1 Policv: Private development proiects shall incorporate sfreetscape imprcvements (such as paver treatments' landscaping, lighting and seating areas), along adiacent pedestian waYs. 3.1 .3 Policv: Flowers, trees, water features and other landscaping shatt be encouraged throughout the Town in locations adiacent to' or visible from, Public areas- Vail Villaqe Urban Desiqn Guide PIan This Guide Plan represents collective ideas about functional and aesthetic objectives for VailVillage. Diagrammatic in nature, the Guide Plan is intended to suggest the nature of improvements desired. lt is based on a number of urban design criteria determined to be appropriate for guiding change in the Vail Village. The Guide Plan is intended to be a guide for current planning in both the public and private sectors. Design considerations relative to redevelopment within the Commercial Core, specific to this proposal are as follows: Vaif Village Design Considerations: Facades 'Windows In addition to the general degree of transparency, window details are an impoftant source of pedestrian scale-giving elements. The size and shape of windows are ofr,en a tesponse to the function of the street adjacent. For close-up, casual pedestrian viewing windows arc typicalty sized to human-sized dimensions and charactenlsfics of human vision. (Large glass-wall storefrcnts suggesf unintemtpted viewing, as from a moving car. The sense of intimate pedestrian scale is diminished.) Ground floor display windows are typically raised slightly 18 feet f and do not extend much over I feet above the wallrway level. Ground flcr,rs which are noticeably above or below grade arc exreptions. The afticulation of the window itself is still another element in giving pedestrian scale (human-related dimensions). G/ass areas are usually subdivided fo express individual window elements - and are fufther subdivided by mullions into small panes'which is responsib/e for much of the old-wotld charm of the Village. sinilafly, windows are most often clustered in banks, iuxtaposed with plain watl siilaces to give a pleasing rhythm. Hoizontal rcpetition of single window elements, especially over long distanceg should be avoided' Large singte pane windows oeur in the Village, and provide some coitrast, as tong as they are generally consisfent in form with other windows. Long continuous g/ass is out of character. Bay, how and box windows are common window details, which furthervariety and massing to facades'and are encouraged. Reflective glasg p/asfic panes, and aluminum or other metal frames are not consistent in the Village and should be avoided. Metal-clad or plastic clad wood frames, having the appearance of painted wood have been used successfully and are acceptable. V. ZONING ANALYSIS Staff has completed a zoning analysis of proposal in relation to the land use requirements outlined in Title 12,|oning Regulations of the Vail Town code. A summary of the analysis is provided below: Street Address: 201 Gore Creek Drive ParcefNumber: 210108263013 Zoning: Commercial Core 1 (GCl) zone district Land Use Plan Designation: Mixed Use Current Land Use: Mixed Use Development Development Standard Allowed/Requir6d Existino Proposed Buildable Lot Area: 5,000 sq. fi. (min.) 6,098 sq.ft. No Change Setbacks: None or 1 ft. O ft. (1 ft. unless specified into Gore Creek othena/se in the Drive ROW) Vail Village Master Plan Site Coverage: 4,878 sq. ft. (80%) or 5,561sq.ft.(90o/o)5,585sq.ft.(90%) as per the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan VI. SURROUNDING LAND USES Land Use Zoninq North: Mixed Use Development CommercialCore 1 (CC1) South: Mixed Use Development Commercial Core 1 (CCl) East: Children's Fountain Plaza Outdoor Recreation (OR) West Mixed Use Development CommercialCore 1 (CC1) vil.REVIEW CRITERIA It shall be the burden of the applicant to prove by a preponderance of the "uiO"nt" before the planning and environmental c'ommission that: 1. The proposed exterior alteration is in compliance with the purpo""J oi tte GGl district as specified in Section 12-78-1, Yail Town Code; and, Staff resPonse: staff find's that the proposed exterior alteration ensures "adequate light' air, open space, and oiher amenities appropriate to the permitted ,types of buitdings and uses." Staff finds that this proposed_exterior alteration also ensure! "the maintenance and preseruatbn of the tightly clustered i,iangements of buildings fronting. on pedestianways . and. public iii"i*iys' Staff also RnOs tnat this proposed gxterjgl alteration also 6nsures -the 'continuation of the building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the Village"- Section12.7b.15'siteCoverage,Vai|TownCode,statesthat:"slte*rrog" shall not exceed 80% of the totat site area, unless otherwise specm6a in the Vail Village lJrban ..Design Guide .Plan and Design ionsiderations." The existing Bell Tower Building cunently has approiimatefy 90% site coverage' - The proposed bay w.indows will nid,Oestty inciease the s1e coverage of the building; however, the proposal is consistent with the Vail Village urban Design Guide Plan's Design Consideration that "bay, bow and box windows are common window detaits, which further variety and massing to facades - and ate eiiorraged". Therefore, Stiff believes the proposed increase in site coverag6 is consistent wiin tne Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and the purposes of the Commercial Core 1 District' 2'Theproposatisconsistentwithapp|icat|ee|ementsof.theVai| Master itlan, the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan, and the Vail ComPrehensive Plan; and, Staff resPonse: Staff finds that this proposed exterior alteration is consistent with, and furthers, the goals and policies of the Vail Land use Plan as identified above in Section lV of this memorandum' staff finds that this proposed exterior alteration is consistent with, and turtn"r", the goals ani policies of the Vail Village Master Plan as identified above in Section lV of this memorandum' staff finds that this proposed exterior alteration is consistent with the Vail Village Urban Design duide Plan's Design Consideration1hat 'bay, bow, and]ox windows dre common window details, which futlher variety and masstng to facades - and are encouraged"' The Town of Vail has recently constructed streetscape improvements adjacent to the Bell Tower Buiiding in accordance with the Vail Village Stieetscape Master Plan. Since this proposal involves the installation of baywind'ows,thisproposedexterioralterationdoesnotaffectthe constructed streetscape improvements. The proposed b-ay windolvs will not impede pedestrian or vehicular access along Gore creek Drive any more than the new landscape planters installed along the south edge of the Bell Tower Building as part of the Vail Village streetscape construction project. Therefore, staff believes the proposed exterior alteration is consistent with all applicable elements of 'the Vail Master Plan, the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan, and the Vail Comprehensive Plan' 3. The proposal does not othenrise negatively alter the character of the neighborhood; and, Staff response: Staff findi that this proposed exterior alteration is consistent with the Vail viri"g" Urban Design Guide plan's Design consideration lhat'bay, bow and box windows are common window cletails, which fudher vaiety and masslng to facades - and are encouraged." since this proposal replaces tvvo existing flush storefront windows with new bay window forms "n"ortag" 6y the Vail Village Design Considerations, Staff belives the proposei extlrior alteration witt nave a positive affect on the character of the neighborhood. 4'Theproposatsubstantial|ycomp|ieswiththeVai|Vi||ageUrban Design 'CuiOe Plan and the Vail Village Design Considerations'. to inclule but not be limited to, the following urban design considerations: pedestrianization, vehicular penetration, streetscape framework, street enclosure, street edge, building height' views' serviceldelivery and sun/shade analysis; and, Staff response: The Town of Vail has recently constructed streetscape improvements adjacent to the Bell Tower Buiiding in accordance with the Vail Village Stieetscape Master Plan. Since this proposal involves the installation of bay wind'ows, this proposed exterior alteration does not affect the constructed streetscape improvements. The proposed b-ay windorarc will not impede pedestrian or vehicular access along Gore Creek Drive any more t'han the new landscape planters installed'along the south edge- of the Bell Tower Building as p'art bt tne Vait Village streetscape construction project. Additionally, Staff finds that this proposed exterior alteration is consistent with the viitVittage Urban Design Guide Plan's Design Consideratio-n that .bay, bow and b-ox windows aie common window details, which further vaiety and massing lo facades - and are encouraged." Therefore, Staff finds that the proposed exterior a.lteration substantially complies ritn tn. Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and the Vail Village Design Considerations' 5.Theproposa|substantia||ycomp|ieswithal|othere|ementsofthe Vait ComPrehensive Plan' Staff resPonse: Staff find! that the proposed exterior alteration complies with all other elements of the Vaii Comprehensive Plan based upon its conformance with the goals of the Land use Plan, the Vail Mllage Urban Design Guide plan. and its lack of impact to the constructed elements of the Vail Village StreetscaPe Master Plan. VIII. STAFFRECOiIIMENDATION The community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental bommission approves, with conditions, the an exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-78-7', Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town bode, located at 201 Gore Creek Drive (Bell Tower Building)/Lot A, Block 58' Vai|Vi||ageFi|ingl,andsettingforthdetai|sinregardthereto. should the Planning and Environmental commission choose to approve this exterior alteration, t-he Community Development Department recommends the Commission pass the following motion: ,The Planning and . Envircnmentat Commission approves an exteior alteration, p|ursuant to Secfion 12-78-7, Exterior Alterations or Modificationi, Vait Town Cde, tocated at 201 Gore Creek Dive (Bell Tower Buitding)/Lot A, Block 58, Vail viltage Fiting 1, and sefting forth details in regard thereto." should the Planning and Environmental commission choose to approve this amended final plat,-the community Development Department recommends the Commission approve the following conditions: "l.ThisapprcvaliscontingentupontheappticantobtainTownofVail design review approval for this proposal' 2. The applicant must obtain and execute an enci'rcachment agreement, or simiiar agreement as deemed appropriatg by the Town Aftomey, for the entry feature piorto application for a building permit'" should the Planning and Environmental commission choose to approve the amended final plat, ih" Co;ntrn1y Development Department recommends the Commission makes the following findings: l0 ,'The Planning and Environmental commission finds that the proposed exterior atterition is in compliance with the purposes of the CCl districl as specffbd in section ti-lA-t of the Zoning Regulations; that the proposalis consr.sfenf with applicable elements of the vail village Master'Plan,theTownofVail'streefscapeMasterPlan,andtheVail comprehensive Ptan; and that the proposat does not otherwise negatively atter the character of the neighborhood. Fufther, that the proposal substantialty complies with the vail vitlage lJrban Design Guide Plan and the Vait Viitage Design Considerations, to include, but not be limited to, the followin{ urban-design considerations: pedestrianization, vehicular penetration,streefscapeframework,streetenclosure,streetedge,'buitding he'ight, views, seruice/delivery and sun/shade analysis; and that tne proposit substantially complies with all other elements of the Vail Comprchensive PIan. Additionalty, the Ptanning and Environmental commission finds that the proposed site coverage issocrafed with this exteior alteration application r.s ionsistent with the VaitViltage Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considentions." ATTACHMENTS A. B. c. D. Mcini$ Map Applicant's Request Architectural Plans Public Notice t1 EFEg;6 E9E 6E r og tl :E q Eb FabP E5ogEE:T3 o: 5F 5t 9e r-E 99 59ET a! t:ta ld la Attachment A rE.rIlJ - -Er. - Attachment B llril VAg,Inc. Architects & Planners Montlay, July 16,2007 Bill Gibson AICP Planner tr Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Design Intent, Bell Tower Bay Windows Dear Bill: Thank you for ihe opportunity to address our request for a "Changq to the A-ppr9v:d l-lans" with regard to the PEC and DRB for the Be ll Tower Building in Vail. It is our intent itat this letrciwill detaii an<l clariff what we believe is the intent of this request. The Owner,s and desip. team associated with the Bell Tower Building endeavor to te'energizn the building tbrouqh a- conplete, thorough and thoughfi exterior renovation of the property] as previously approved by ttre Town In this efforL the Owner,s are requesting a revisioq to the approved plan that witl atreit two pictrue/display windows on the northern (Gore Creek Drive) elevation of the property. W" intend to replace the picture,/display windows with large, bay display windows of a sirrilar size and location, conrmon tLougbout the village. It should be noted that these windows' while potentially encroaching on town property, are to be cJntained beneath an existing roofoverhang and sdll not worsen the existing condition We appreciate your consideration of this issue, please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or cornrnents' Sincerely, VAg, Inc., Architects & Planners David Baum, Senior Project Architect fila R:\Otrc^dm\Forfls\For^tt tit€ctAlrttaTctplatc.doc Physical Address: 90 Benchrnark Rd., Suite 202 Avon, CO 81620 (97O) 949-7OJ4 fax: (970) 949-8134 email: general@vagafchitccts con Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1734 Vail, CO 81658-1734 mHfijL$l rrl(l)tal ndlrlrll EI.-l -l(DILIFil -q) €oA --(l) &.8aas?rs - fi=GI (J r'iF{ g; bgs FRo ts -|- Q)E r{ltl rF$,[ .Frl.(tFA .aPo ttfrJ oroo| I0z IrpoE.U ..ortil reaoJ. llof, tqf d*ii ,|Hi # fi il*rl i*riiu rl aI Sn tiE! I I * Il'[nrl NIHIIIHN ,lt ll,, tllrI iIr, 'lli IHIIINI[[NIHHIHNHHII II I $ I I #t i,l! tqlTo $ ',' ! 'erf " lr t dffi#$t#nfre*ffiffiMdmh# lleu.rrn ntt r&frm * r"drnn .rr*tdd $gdr* ra rilr "nlr #*emfuu^L*ro#fudl$* ** goCar.cn {dtfi'-.dil .dil*E o"dd sl'an u[*t-n s * { {'^r a I I ! lii! i;',:ii! is :i iil ililiii!llii l'" sii;i p I i1h it '- i r,ii ;rll: r1i ,li :li i l'J ::lil! :lri iltl !ilJ!! i llri !,'iitiiii ;:tii ir =t: :1. il! r1lill irll.l rii ! :a !li!i J. ti ll:lil ;l ::!l!r :] ! ji I \ \ I ti IE Ir 'ir i;: i ii. tjir ! i ilj : ilir ri l!: { ;l'. ilz"t t i:ti : !::jd., :i!t { -!!. ";!!! i I a iiii ;iii :!i1rlirl: :lir: iii:t ::ili :iiii i;i j:i! z: i1 'Ittii;i ;tii ;r ii Ir! i ;!,:l ii t:iliz.; r; rr,ii rl; il i i;l ;rr rl.rli it!.i Itlr-tii;! ii: :t! rll ,i tl LtI :J"11 i'qi . lll .liI 1, i: ji lb EB l! fi i: 'rlt a: tl !! n: ",fui i:i l:!!rlt_: F:il lllillilililil liir,fi ir I ii, :ti U) =Ez.E =F:=d:65tr- =638e=';li =tr;3$2=;rjt P*3; r=loilF(D aF XE:{ ir ii g|ilil4i'l.ll{+l HHre@ gffi4fF+gi+Iil_.@ilH@E -uo-=lpn@l-ilEil--o. ilHl'i 'P::tBil I e6ed uosqle ll!8 :reuueld ipn sJeuueld pue slseltplv ''cul 'gvn [q paluasarde: ':e1ne1g ueuleH :luectlddv'- ie?o0-eobii) 'ofiJr{i preoar ut sllelep quol 6u;ges pue '; 6u11t3 s6ellln tlen 'g9 ,rcore 'Viotltoulpllne .renol 11eg) e^Io leerc erog loz te palecol 's'r'\opul^ rieq p uouppe eql lol ^ olle ol 'spoc u^ ol llen 'suolpculpotr Jo suo[elellv Joueua 'L-aL-zl uolpas ol luensjnd 'uogeJeile Jouaua ue lo ^ a!^eJ leug e :o1 lsenbar y uosqlg ll!8 :JeuueH sr su u e H pu e sparqerv'' cu r' evn lq naru lffi ;""5:i" 13,"::t:3* u"r rJ,""115,1y qpo;6uqas pue'2 6u;1r3 e6e1lr1llen'9lcolg '8 pue Z slo'l/e^pg /(e11en ;te160!t pue iOt-t t pelmol 'eoueplia.r ^ eu e,o uo[crulsuoc €ql qll''^ uolleposse ul 'ilun oulsnog 55lt6rd,ll tt adrt e lo uolpru1suoc eql 16I ^ olle ol 'apoc u^'\or lle1'sesn leuolllpuo3 '€-Cg-Zl. uo[ees ol luens.rnd '1u:ed esn leuolllpuoe e lo meneJ lBuU E JoJ lsenba: y uunH locs :Jsuueld sJeuueld pue spe1qilV ''eul 'gvn {q paluaseldal ''pl'l 'uaupe4 Jerv\ol lleg :lueJll'lclv (grcO-eOg=a)'o1e.raq1 Preba.t ul spelep qpol Eutges pue 'l buttll abettn llen '89 lcol€ 'V 1o17(6urppng remol ;1eg) anp6 1aa.r3 eioe loz le pelmol 'eeueplsel Joou pJll'll eql lo ppouler eql pue uollP^ousr Joualxs ue lol r o[e ol 'epoc u/\^ol lPn 'suollsJulpoyl lo suollelellv loueu3 'L-al-zl uolc'"s of tuens:ni 'uonecrllpoul lo uollelslle Jopeye ue lo a,ra$el leuu P Jol lsanba: y uosqle lll8 :l€uueld Jetzeg sunf :Pec11ddY (SmO-eOC=a) 'oFraql preoer ut sllelep quol6uqes pue-'uolllppvruz uols!^lpqns uioqOlg b pue I sloTa^UO euiOnl 928€ pue 9l8t te palecol '&epunoq {Uadod pereqs B ol uolpoglpout e Jol arorte 6r 'apoC u,t\ol llen 'seJnpeJold ^ a!^au 1e6 uo11duax3 'zl-gl retoEq3 o1 penslnd '1e1d leug pepueule ue lo l allsl lEuU B 'to; lsenbe: y urultl eulN/uosqlo ll!6 :leuueld llen 1o u^ oI :1uec;lddY (ZIOO-ZOC=a)'olsreql pre6a: u1 qlelep qpol 6uges pue 'spulstp (Sa) tenueplseg /fuepuocegT/fueuru6 l11ure3-onn1 puE '(U) le$ueplseu irir"r.^r "trilsi rlriirapliag ,t11ue1-a16u;g aq1 ul 'asn leuolllpuoc e se uun oursnoq "iiorZ*"'ir ;?7i; breurirF oi puC'asn peglured e se 1un 6ulsnoq ea{o1dua 11 adrle r'aofle o1 'epo3 ur*o1 'n-A'?El'zl '0-o]zl 'z'o9'zl'e-cg-zl 'z-cg'zl'e-89-zl 'zfig-zl suolpes ot "uetltiuiure 1xel pasodo.ld.to1 'apo3 ut$ol llen'ueupueuv'/ -e-Zl uollcss ol Uens:nd 'lnuno3 u^ oI llen eql ol uolppueulillocel ;eug e rc1 lsanbal y :lo uollerep!suoc u! 'Oulpllng ledprunyl llen lo u/{ol eql u1 rud gg:1, le'LOOZ'91 lsn6ny uo 'epoC urnot tten 'g-E-Zl uorpas tlll^'sJuepJo-cce ut buueaq cl1qnd e plotl llfn llen lo u^ oI aql lo uolssruruloc lelueuruorl^ul pue 6u1uue14 atll leql N3Ng A€3ullH sl SclroN 3ClroN cllsnd luSdoud uno^ rcSJlv Avn nSll slHl o luoutqcqlv Arequestforafina|reviewofafloodp|ain-modification,pursuanttoChapter146' Grading Standards, V"iliJ*n 6'oJ", to "ifo* tor imfrovemenis toanapproximately two- mite tength of the Gore v;ilti;iil; trom sunu[rst Drive to Bighom Road, and a conditional use permit, ir;;;ito settion rz-a-cx concitional Uses, vailTown code' to allow for the retocation-oi a paved,_non-roi6ti*a bicycle path..and pedestrian watkway, tocated on rr"j'n,-v"]riairev'riling +lno unptattid properties' (a complete tegat description is avaitalt;'io;;s;;"r''l,n at t-tre iown oi vail community Development Deoartment), ano settinJioihl;i"iit i" regard thereto' (P Ec07-0049) ;#il;;;i""' Jo",n oiVait, represented bv Gress Banie Planner: Scot Hunn Theapp|icationsandinformationabouttheproposa|sareavai|ab|eforpub|icinspection duringof|icehoursattnerownofVailCommunitvo"*ropmentDepartment'75South Frontage Road. The pr6ri"-i, inuit"o to attend .p;ft".t orientation and the siie visits that orecede the pubtic ne"rinJ i;'il;;;" "f vaif domtunity Development Department' 'Pl"as. call 970-479-2138 for additional informatlon' Sign|anguageinterpretationisavai|ab|eupon.request,with24-hournotification'P|ease call 970479-zaso, rere!'tr-on; f* th; Hearing lmpaired' for information' Published July 25, 2007, in the Vail Daily' Page2 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Town Council Community Development Department August 7,2007 OR IGINAL frerM n..,rf;.t'., - C<7 7€ -$* r)ofe' l-O-O Reguest to proceed through the development review process with a proposal to construct private improvements on Town of Vail owned Gore Creek Drive Rightof-Way. Applicant: Herman Staufer, represented by Vag, Inc.Planner: Bill Gibson DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST Request to proceed through the development review process with a proposal to construct private improvements on Town of Vail owned property. SUBJECT PROPERTY The subject property is the Town of Vail owned Gore Creek Drive Right-of-Way. The property is not platted or zoned. BACKGROUND It is the desire of the applicant, Herman Staufer, to apply for an exterior alteration application (subject to review by the Planning and Environmental Commission) and a design review application (subject to review by the Design Review Board or the Administrator) to construct two new bay windows at the Pano Jewelry tenant space in the Bell Tower Building at 201 Gore Creek Drive. The proposed bay windows will replace two existing store front windows which are located along the Bell Tower Building's southern property boundary. The two proposed bay window will extend beyond the property boundary into the Gore Creek Drive Right-of-Way by approximately one foot and three inches. A vicinity map (Attachment A), the applicant's request (Attachment B), architectural plans (Attachment C), and a site photo (Attachment D) have been attached for reference. The Gore Creek Drive Right-of-Way is owned by the Town of Vail, and the Town Council serves the role of the "property owner" for this right-of-way. Since the applicant is proposing to construct improvements on Town of Vail property, the applicant must first obtain the Town Council's (i.e. the'property owne/s') permission to proceed through the Town's development review process. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends the Town Council grant the applicant permission to proceed through the development review process. Please be aware that an approval of this request does not constitute an explicit approval of the proposed improvements; it only authorizes the applicants to proceed through the Town's development review process. I ilt. tv. V. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Applicant's request C. Architectural Plans D. Site photo z iFc:6Eg;; :6o- E 8r HE96E r E€ * i:: d6;E:Oo,lb ;E" 5; E3 9sob :i E B u ] E Attachment A I f-oON t- U)f o)f I (JcfoO -3 : \u o .: o !o Eo ot-oo FllO =- (\ E- -= ct).-C J=Or!.o \9(E Er= :-s _YOq,t lo -v(, -9o oJ o (E o- Attachment B us VAg,Inc. Architects & Planners Monday, July 16,2007 Bill Gibson AICP Planner II Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Design Intent Bell Tower Bay Windows Dear Bill: Thank you for the opportunity to address our request for a "Change to the Approved Plans" with regard to the PEC and DRB for the Bell Tower Building in Vail. It is our intent that this letter will detail and clariff what we believe is the intent of this request. The Owner's and design team associated with the Bell Tower Building endeavor to re-energize the building through a conplete, thorough and thoughtfrrl exterior renovation ofthe property, as previously approved by the Town. In this effort, the Owner's are requesting a revision to the approved plan that will affect two picture/display windows on the northem (Gore Creek Drive) elevation of the property. We intend to replace the picture/display windows with large, bay display windows of a similar size and location, common tbroughout the village. It should be noted that these windows, while potentially encroaching on town property, are to be contained beneath an existing roof overhang and will not worsen the existing condition. We appreciate your consideration of this issue, please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or cornments. Sincerely, VAg, Inc., Architects & Plarmers David Baum, Senior Project Architect filer R \OffcAdrm\Fonns\ForArchit€cr5\LetterTenpiatc.doc Physical Address: 90 Benchmark Rd., Suite 202 Avon, CO 81620 (970) 949-7034 fax: (970) 949-8134 email: general@vagarchitects.com Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1734 Vaii, CO 81658-1714 .F..|'Jl|'A .a|rc :t|e+).roc l0z PIxtUoU r,outd $/notr [o[ olNtr I 9t136ilH r.l(l)lQl n6tlEI EI q)|LIt(l 'lr{(l)Eoax -€)il.8 eAel-r'llts = Ebr.r rrEc3 (J- F{ g:. hEFF57cro ts --€)E fir{lt[r ]r$rl t c lueuqceDv @tr.{|iinl{$j--trI'F-.Fq.rF,/l e Fo )Fe.rJ rroo l0z FpoE u s.ourd reaotr lpg eql a<t<tdd<I H aa suor rol lou : I ilA b Xuloz '{'i{ I b u A F()q P furtl il ,rl!!i fi ilrrli t I ,riilli,rillii#d ,d$i lI T J..l tii* FIl9 u It) o H 9 J iltuz U II fr a d) t 4 tuoo() 5F{ A Ft) tu B tr I oztuuuJoJI F(D iiirii $,orf" ll r ilillif tlrl oJe riii leTT* oz UlltJ oJ{ E H E illl,l,nar HNHEIEHHN r,lr,l,, rllrI iIr, 'lli HIHIIINI[[NIHHHHNHHIil d) 6tr<t uoo<(fo*Si'ro#fudld* in#dmk# t|rdl -r* nffr "H#ea. * rrln.r*fd*d .*+rrl** .r'rt .r-.r deffitul#uitu *zul*d* "n*ft *C*te .n rCrrii**. .Ce "*1n .."--f" .rd.# -G*l-* sl r { rl*r illlir !:l :t I..1 !;l 3:ii!ii tri2l::l iihlrr!ji ii!iii;rr!:lt. 9!; li !i :.;rl !: r: 1 l',- ! ll: i t,! : l:! r"i! i',ii.I E:I rii ;iI5 a ;:: :ri ='i :iii!*:: 5ti:js;Eia'iEit*li!ei:i:[131eFr: ,Eiiilii; i3 i! :ll-1, i: ll -r ll rli.ltt t! ,::!.1 '.i l t : a: t:t- E d A {,,q :iiilii jiiliii !iltliir iiiii!:; iii::i:: iiiiiiii:!i;iiti c.!t:i?a '!; q i:t :1iI:: i:: i;' t:' r;t! irr::i:t t33i i\ j::.{ :!ii :! &i ii:i:rrI iii j ;:,i I I.l I i' i li !t t:iF i: qr :'i,a y$ = l; ii!t: t: jirt:!t. iItti Eai iil:"!li!i:l,'1 tcl iit -ffiiilil 8 5! r{ ::ljiir!: i;! o rE 2.5 *=;=d gaa[5 =Oott-c.)r FuJl4 =tr1:$27i>:tPl i; J=lo lll F m ili5!i ; r j ;ii t { a B ili{ill r }r$ll tg t]ffi_ilHlE6-pn;1s[6r rol fou : AUUillWltIUd r gfi gffi dpl,+TlF-.,m,ilH..[EE- m-1ptii$mr-r6fiou : Auulilwlllud " :li itr{ial r ft$ll 1g [ffimHIuolpiltsuor rol lou : Auulllwnrud "' iiE Attachment D trl Bell Tower Adiacent Propertv Owners North-East of Property Owner/I\4anager: CREEKSIDE CONDO VAILMANAGEMENT PO BOX 6130 AVON, CO 81620 Physical Address: 223 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL AREA Legal Description: CONDO: CREEKSIDE CONDO East ofProperty Owner/lVlanager: GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER INC 23l EGORECREEKDR VAIL, CO 81657 Physical Address: 23I GORE CREEK DR VAILAREA Legal Description: CONDO: CRKSD CONDO-GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER DESC: GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER PARCEL R656I 58 MAP 05-13-98 South ofProperty Owner/\4anager: LODGE TOWER CONDO STAN COPE 2OO VAIL RD VAIL, CO 8I657 Physical Address: I74 E GORE CREEKDR VAILAREA Legal Description: CONDO: LODGE APT CONDO West of Property Owner/Ivlanaeer: GORE CREEK PLAZA POBOX742 VAIL, CO 81658 Physical Address: 193 GORE CREEKDR VAILAREA Legal Description: CONDO: GORE CREEKPLAZA trl 14 American Land Title Association Cornnitsnent - 1982 TITLE INSURAIICE COMN{ITMENT BY rstewart| --.tttle guaranty company OrderNumber: BellTower We agrce to issuc poticy to you according to the tem$ of tlre Cocrmitnent. When we show the policy amount and yoru nanre as the proposed insrucd in Schedule A, this Cormitrrnt beconres eff€ctiv€ as of the Cormitrnent Date shown in Schedule A. If the Requircmcnts shown i! this Cormihent have nol bcen mct within six months affcr Ote Commitnent Date, our obligatioo under rhis Comnitrunt will end. Also, our obligation undet this Conrritsncnt will end when the Policy is issucd and then our obligation to you n'ill be undcr 0r Policy. Our obligation undcr this Cornrritrrnt is limited by the following: Tlre Provisions in Schcdule A. The Requirements in Schedule BJ. Thc Exccptions in Schcdule B-tr. The Conditions on Page 2. This Conrnitrrent is not valid wihout SCHEDULE A and Sections I and II of SCHEDULE B. THIS COMMITMENT tS NO|r AN ABSTRACT, EXAMINATION, REFORT OR REPRESENTATION OF FACT OR TITLE AND I}OES NOT CREATE AND SHALL NOT BE THE BASIS OF ANY CLAIM FOR NEGLICENCE' NEGLIGENT MISREPRESENTATTON OR OTHI,R TORT CLAIM OR ACTION. THE SOLE LIAAILITY OF COMPANY AND TTS TITLE TNSURANCE AGENT SEALL ARISE UNDER AND BE GOVERNED BY PARAGRAPH 4 OF TIIE CONDITIONS, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Stcwart Title Guaranty Conpant has caused its corponte namc and scal to bc her€unto aflixed by its duly authorizcd ofticcrs on the date shown in Schcdule A. rste\ rartL + t!. gsatt,rly co?n9try ffi Slewafi Title of Colorado - Vail Division 97 Moin St., Suite W-201 Edwards, CO 811532 Order Number: BellTower I of 2 Comrnitmcot - ?35 WO Disclosurt Countersigned: Auttrodzcd CountccrigDstub i t I COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCITEDULEA l. Effectlve Date: June 29,2007 at 8:00 a.m. 2. Policy or Pollcles To Be Issued: (a) A.L.T.A. Owner'l Order No.: BellTower Amount of ItrsurrDce (b) A.L.T.A. Loan Thc estrte or Interest in tbe tand descrlbed or referred to ln thic Commitment rnd covered hereln ls: Fee Simple Tltle to the Fee Simple estate or intcrest h srid lrnd lr rt the effective drtc hereofvestcd in: BELL TOWER PARTNERS, LTD. The land referred to in this Commitment is deccrlbed rs follows: Condominium Unit R-l BELL TOWER CONDOMINIUMS According to the Condominium Map recorded January 16, 1989 in Book 49E at Page 7O4 as Reception No. 394895 and as defined and described in the C,ondominium Declaration recorded January 16, I 989 in Book 498 at Page 703 as Reception No. 394894. COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO Purported Address: 201 Gore Creek Drive Condominium Unit RI Vail, Colorado 81657 STATEMENT O['CIIARGES Tbccc cbargcs arc due and payable bcfore a Policy can bc icsucd: SEARCH FEE: $150.00 STEWABT TITI,E GUARANTY COMPAT{y Conminncnt - Schcdulc A Prgs I of I COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULEB-Sectionl REQUIREMENTS Order Nunber: BeltTower The following are the requirements to be cornplied with: l. Paymont to or for the account of the grantor(s) ormortgagor(s) of the frrll consideration forthe estate or interest to be insured. 2, hoper instrumcnt(s) creating the estate or interost to be insured must bc executed and duly liled for record, to wit: 3. NOM, THIS REPORT HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR INFORMATIONAL PI.JRPOSES ONLY. grlDART TI,ILE GUARANTT COMPANY Cornmitncnt - Schcdulc B 1 Prgo I of I O.dGr Numb.r: RcllTo$rlr i \ COMMTTMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULEB-Section2 EXCEPTIONS Order Number: BellTower The poltcy or policles to be issued will conteh crceptlonr to tle following unless the srme ere disposed ofto the satlsfactlon of the ComPrnY: l. Rights or claims of parties in possesion, not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of eascme'lrts, not shown by the public records' 3, Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments' or any facts, which a "orr".i survey and inspection ofthe premises would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or rigtrt to a lien, for services, labor or material herctofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by laws and not shown by the public records' 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, advcrse claims or other matters, if any, crealed first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effactive date hereof, but prior to the date the proposed insurcd acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon coYered by this commitment. 6. Unpatented mining claims, r€servations or exceptions in patc,ots, or an act authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. 7. Any and all unpaid taxes and assessmcnts and any unredecmed tax sdes. 8. Any and all assessments or expenses which maybe due and payablc to Bell Tower Condominium Association. 9. The effect of inclusions in any general or specific water conscrvancn firc protection, soil conservation or other district or inclusion in any water servicc or street improvement ale&. 10. Reservations or exceptions contained in U.S. Patents, or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereol recorded Scpternber 4, 1923 in Book 93 at Page 98, reserving I ) Rights of the proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his ore therefrom urd 2) rights of way for ditches and canals constructed under the authority of the United States. I L Protcctive Covenants for Vail Village First Filing, recorded August 10, 1962 in Book 174 atPage 179 as Reception No. 96381' 12. All matters showrr on the plat of Vail Village First Filing' 13. All matters as shown on the Condominium Map of Bell Tower Condominiums recorded January 16, Ordcr Ntmbcr! BcllTowsrEEgART TITIT OUARANTY COMPANY Comrniursrt - Schrdulc B 2 Prgc I ofl 1989 in Book 498 at Page 704 as Receptioo No. 394891 14. Condominium Declaration for Bell Tower C-ondominiums recorded lanuary 16, 1989 in Book 498 at Page 703 as Reception No. 394894. 15. Right of Fint OfferAgreemcrtt by and betwee,n Bell Tower Partr€rs LTD and Belltower IIC recorded October 18, 2005 as ReceptionNo. 933516. 16. Agree,qent and Grurt of Temporary Easernent regarding StrcctscaP€ Utility and Snowmelt Improvemeirts recorded February 7 ,2007 as Reoeplion No ,200703489' 17. Agrcement Pcrmitting Encroachme,nt rccorded January 26, 2007 asReception No. 2(/ |)702221 . 18. Type III Employee Housing Unit Restictive Covenant rpcorded May 16, 2001 as Reception No. 7s7173. 19. Any md atl existing lcases and tenancics. STIPABTTITI,D GUARANTY COMPAI{Y Cormirrnt - Schcdutc B 2 Pr,gc2 of2 Old.r Nlnblrt BrllTowcf DISCLOSURES Pwsuant to C.R.S. l0-l 1-122, noticc is hcrcby given that: A. THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY MAY BE LOCATED IN A SPECTAL TAXING DISTRJCT; B. A CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE LISTING EACH TAXING JI.ruSDICTION SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM TIIE COI.'NTYTREASURER ORTIIE COI.JNTY TREASTJRER'S AUTHORIZED AGENT; C, INFORMATION REGARDING SPECIAL DISTRICTS AND TIIE BOUNDARIES OF SUCH DISTRICTS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE BOARD OF COUNry COMMISSIONERS, TIIE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER, OR THE COUNTY ASSESSOR NOTE: Colorado Dvision of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires that "Evcry title entity shall bc responsible for all mattcrs which ap'pear of record prior to the tinrc of reoording whenever the title entity conducts the olosing and is responsible for recording or filing of legal documents resulting from the transaction which was closcd." hovided that St€wart Title of Colorado - Vail Division conduots the closing of the insured transaction and is rcsponsible for recqding the legal docunrcnts from thc tansaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and thc hndcr's Titlc Policy whor issued. NOTE: Affirmativc Mechanic's Lien hotection for the Owncr may bc.available (EPicaUy by deletion of Exception No' 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commi[nent from thc Ovmer's Policy to be issucd) upon conrpliance with the following conditions: A. The land described in Schedulc A of this commiunent must bc a singlc-family rcsidence, which includes a condominium or townhousc unit' B. No labor or matcrials have boen firnished by mechanics or rnatcrialmcn for purposes of consFuction on thc land describcd in schcdule A of this commitmcnt within thc past 6 months, C. The Conpany must rcccive an appropriate aflidavit indanniffing the Cornpany against unfiled Mechanic's and Matcrialmcn's Liens. D. The Company must rcccive payment of the appropriatc prcmium. E. If there has been constnrction, improvements or major repairs undcrtakcn on the prop€rty to be purchased' within six months prior to thc Date of thc Commitmcnt, the rcquirements to obtsin coverage for unrecordcd liens will include: disclosure of ocrtain construction information; financial inforrnation as to the seller, the builder and/or thc contractor; paymcnt of the appropriate prcmium; fully exccuted Indemnity agXeern€nts satisfactory to the cornpany; and, any additional requiremc,nts as may bc nccessary aftcr an examination of the afortsaid information by thc Corrpany' No covcrage will be given undcr any circumstanccs for labor or material for which the insurcd has contacted for or agreed to pay. NOTHING MREIN CONTAII\TED WILL BE DEEMED TO OBLIGATE TEE COMPANY TO PROVIDE ANY oF Tm, covERAcEs RDFERRED TO HERETN, IJIILESS Tm ABOVE CONDITIONS ARE FttLLY SATISFIED. Stcwai fittc of Colorado - vtil Divi.rion Fll..Nrmbtr: Edlfo$er Disclolur€s MINERAL DISCLOSURE Order No: BellTower To comply with the provisions of C.R.S. 10-11-123, the Company makes the following disclosure: (a) That there is reoorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severed, Ieased or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate and that there is a substantial likelihood that a thirct party holds some or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal energy in the property and G) ffrat such mineral estate may include the right to enter and use thc Property without the surface ownsr's permission. NOTE: TEIS DISCLOSI]RE APPLIES Oi\tLY IF SCHEI}ULE B, SECTION 2 OF TIIE TITLE COMMTTMENT HNRTIN INCLUDES AN EXCEPTION FOR SEVERED MIIYERALS. Srcw|'l Titlc ofcolorado - Vril Divisiott Fll. Nutrbcr! BcllTo\'vsr Mincnl Di6clo6urc Rcv,072@l Privacy Policy Notice PURPOSE OT'TEIS NOTTCE Title V of the Grarmn-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) grnemlly probibits any financial institution, directly or tSrough iS affrliatcs, from sharing nonpublic personal information about you with a nonaffiliated third party unlcss the institution provides you with a noticc of its privacy policics and practices, such as thc tlpe of information that it collccts about you and the catcgories of persons or entities to whom it may be diictosed, In compliance with the GLBA, we are providing you with this documcnt, which notifies you of the privacy policics and practices of Stewart Title Guenn$t Comprny. We may collect nonpublic pcrsonal infornration about you from the following sources: r Inforrmtion we reccivc from you, zuch as on applications or other forms. o Information about your tansactions we secure from our filcs, or from our affiliates or othen' r Information we receive front a consumer re,porting agency. r Information that we receivc from othcrs involved in your transaction, such as the real csbte agent or lender. Unlcss it is specifically stated otherwise in an anrndcd Privacy Policy Notice, no additional nonpublic personal information will be collected about you. We may disclosc any of thc above information that we collcct about our custorrrs or former customcrs to our affiliates or to nonsffiliated third parties as permitted by law. We also may disclose this inforrnation about our customers or fonnef cuslorrers non affrliated companies that pcrform scrviccs on our bchalf. WE DO NOT DISCTOSE ANY NOMUBLIC PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU WITH ANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMTTED BY LAW. We restrict access to nonpublic pcrsonal information about you to thos€ cmployces who need to know that information in ordcr to providc products or scrvices !o you. We maintain physical, etecfonic, and procedural safeguards that comply with fedcral regulatiors to guard your nonpublic Personal information. Some states give you tbc rigbt to acccss and correct nonpublic personal information. You may contact us in writing at out Home Office, if your state law givcs you this right' Revised 6/05 Privacy Policy Notice PIJRPOSD, OF TIIIS NOTICE Titlc V of the Gramm-Lesch-Bliley Act (GLBA) generally prohibits any financial institution, directly or ttnouglr its affitiates, from sharing nonpublic personal information about you with a nonaffiliated third party unlcss thc institution providcs you with a notice of its privacy policies and practices, such as the type of information that it collects about you and the categories of persons or cntities to whom it may be disctosed. In compliance with the GLBA, wc are providing you with this document, which notifies you of the privacy polioies and practices of Stervrrt Title of Colorado - Vsil Division. We may oollect nonpublic personal information about you from tbe following sources: r Information we receive fiom you" such as on applications or other forms. r Information about your transactions we secure from our files, or from our affiliaks or others' r Information we reccive from a oonsumcr re'porting agency. r Information that we receive from others involved in your transaction, such as the rcal estate agent or lender. Unless it is specifically statcd otherudse in an amended Privacy Policy Notice, no additional nonpublic personal information will bc collectcd about you. We rnay disclose any of tlrc above information that we collcct about our customers or formcr custoners to our affiliates or to nonaffiliated third parties as permitted by law. Wc also may disotose this information about our customcrs or former customers non affiliated cornpanies that perform services on our behalf. WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY NONPTJBLIC PERSONAL INFORMATION ASOUT YOU WTrTI ANYONE FOR ANY PI.JRPOSE THAT IS NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED BY LAW. We resfict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those employees who need to lnow that information in order to provide produots or soryiccs to you We nr,aintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpublic personal information. Somc state$ give you the right to access and con€ot nonpublic personal information. You may contact us in writing at out Home Office, if your state law gives you this right. Revised 6/05 2. CONDITIONS 1. DEFIMTIONS (a) "Mortgagc" mcsns mortgagc, deed of truEt or oiher security instrurnent. (b) "Public Records" mcans titlc rccords that give consfiuctivc noticc of matters affecting your titlc - according to the state stahrtes whcre your land is located. I.ATTRI'EI'ECTS Thc Exceptions in Schcdulc B - Scction II may be arncndcd to show any &fccts, liens or encumbrances that ap'pear for the first time in the public records or are created or attached between the Commitment Date and thc datc on which all of thc Requirernents (a) and (c) of Schcdulc B - Section I are met. We shall have no liability to you bccause of this amcndment. E)flSTING I}EIM,CTS If any defects, liens or encurnbrances cxisting at Cormritmcnt Date are not shown in Schedule B, wc may amand Schedule B to shown thern. If we do amend Schcdule B to show these deGcts, tiens or encumbrances, we shall be liable to you according to Prragraph 4 below unl€ss you knew of this information and did not tell us about it in writing' LIMITATION OF LIABIIITY Our onty obligation is !o issue to you the policy refencd to in this Cornmifineot wtren you have rnet its Rcquircrncnts. If we havc any liability to you for any loss you incr.r because of ao ctror in this Commitnrnt, our liability will be limitcd to your achul loss causcd by your rclying on this Commibnent when you actcd in good faith to: Comply with the Rcquirenrnts shown in Schcdulc B - Sectim I. or Eliminate witr our writtcn cons€nt any Exceptions shown in Schedule B - Scction IL Wc shall not be liable for more than the Policy Amount lhown in Schedule A of this Commitment and our liability is subject to thc terms of thc Policy form to bc issucd to you. CLAIMS MUST BE BASED ON TEIS COMMITMENT Any clainr, whcther or not based on ncgligence, whicb you tnay havc against us conceming the title to the land must bc based on this Connnihnent and is subjcct to its tcdns. Order Numbcr: BellTower 2 of 2 Conunilnsrl - 3. 4. American Land Title Association ConmifiEtrt - 1982 TITLE INSURANCE COMMITMENT BY rstewart| --. >title guaranty company OrderNrmber: BellTower2 wc agrcc to issuc poticy to you according to the tErtrrs of orc conrniunenl. when we show tbc policy amount and yo* i.-" as tlc popoiea insured in Scftdulc e, this CorrDitDcnt bccomes cffcctivc as of the Commitncnt Date shown in Schedule A. If the Rcquirormnb shoqD in this Cornmitmlnt have not bccn rrt within sk rmntbs after the Connnitrrnl Date' our obligation under Oris cornniurnt wiil end. Also, our obligation under this C,ommitrrent will cnd when rbe Policy is issuid and thcn our obligrtion to you will bc undor thc Policy. Our obligation under' this Conrnitnenl is limitcd by the following: Thc Provisions in Schedule A' Thc Requircmenb in Schedute BJ. The Exceptions in Scbedule BII. Tbc Conditions on Pagc 2. This Coffidmont is not valid without SCIIEDIJLE A and Scctions I and II of SCHEDULE B. TBIS COMMTTMENT lS NOT AN ABSTRACT, EXAMINATTON, REFORT OR REPRESENTATION oF 5'ACT OR TITLE AND IloES NOT Cnmro AND sHiLL NoT BE THE BAsls oF ANY CLATM FoR NEGLIGENcE NEGLIGENT MISREPRDSENTATION OR OTIIER TORT CLATM OR ACTTON. TIIE SOLE LIABILITY OF COMPANY AND ITS TTTLE INSURANCE AGENT SIIALL ARTSE UNDER AND BE GOVERNED BY PARAGRAPH 4 OF THE CONDITIONS. IN WITNESS WHERIOF, Stcwart Titlc Guaranty corrpany has causcd its corporate name and seal to be hercunto affixed by itr duly outhorized ofrcerc on tbe date shown in Schedule A. r st€h rartt--.'n6. 95.nty cdnptny Stcwart Tidc of Colorado - Vail Division 97 Main St., Suite W-201 Hdwards. CO 81632 Order Numberl BellTower2 I of 2Commitmml-235 WO Dsclosurc Countersigred: COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCEEI'IILE A t. Etfective Dete: June 29,2007 at 8:fi) a.m. Order No.: BellTower2 2. Poltcy or Pollcier To Be Issued: Amount of Ineurrnce (a) A.L.T,A. Orvner's (b) A.L.T.A. Loen Thc estrte or interest in thc lend described or referred to in thls Commltmcnt rnd covered hereln k: Fee Simple Title lo the Fee Simple cstrte or interest in sald lend tc et the cffecdve date hereof vested ln: HERMANNSTAUFER The lrld refcrred to lr tbir Commitment is descrlbed rs folows: Condominium Unit C'5 BELL TOWER CONDOMINII.]MS According to the Condominium Map recorded January 16, l9E9 in Book !98 at Page 704 as ReceptioiNo. 394895 and as defiued and described in the Condominium Declaration recorded January 16, 1989 in Book.498 at Page 703 as Reception No' 394894' COUNTY OFEAGLE STATE OFCOIJORADO STATEMEI{T OF CIIARGES These chargcs arc duc od payablc bcforc a Policy car bc ictued: SEARCH.FEE: $150.00 sttrwART ltTl,E GUARANTY COMPAIiIY Cornmirnlcnt - Schcdulc A Prgc I of I Purportcd Address: 201 Gorc Creek Drive Condominium Unit C5 Vail, Colorado 81657 COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDIJLE B-Section I REQUIREMENTS ATE|rABT TI1AE GUARANTY COMPAI{Y Coruritsrsrt - Schcdulc B I . Psgc I ofl Order Number: BellTower2 The following are the requirernenls to be complied with: l. payment to or for the account of the gantor(s) or mortgagor(s) of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured, Z. Proper instument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to wit: 3. NONE, TIIIS REPORT HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Ordgr Ntlrrrbcr3 BcllTotrr2 COMMITMENT TIOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B-Section 2 EXCEPTIONS Order Number: BellTower2 The pollcy or policies to De lssued will contrln erceptlonr to the followlng unless the srttre are dlepomd of to the satisfscdoe of the ComPanY: L Rights or claims of prties in possession, not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easem€nts, not shown by the public records' 3. Discrepancies, conllicts in boundary lines, shortage in are4 sncroaclm€nts, or any facts, which a oo**i sgrvey and inspection of the preinises would disolose, and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for sm,,ices, labor or material heretofore or hereafter fumished, imposed by laws and not shown by the public rccords. 5. Defccts, liens, encumbranccs, adverse claims or other matters, if ann created lirst appearing in the public records or attaching subssguent to thc effcctive date hcreot but prior to the date tho proposed insured acquires of record for valuc the eslate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this commitrnent, 6. Unpatented mining claims, reservations or exceptions in patants, or an acl authorizing the issuanca thereof; water rights, claims or title to wat€r. 7. Anyand allunpaid to<es and assessmstrts andanyunredeemedtax sales' 8. Any and all assessments or expcnses which may bc due and payable'to Bell Tower Condominium Association. 9. The effeot of inclusions in any general or specific wat€f, conservancy' firc protcction, soil conservation or other district or inclusion in any water se,lrdce or street improvem€nt axea. 10. Reservations or exceptions contained in U.S. Patents, or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof' recorded September 4, 1923 in Book 93 atPage 98, reserving l) Rights ofthe propriotor ofa vein ot lode to extract and remove his ore therefrom and 2) rights of way for ditches and canals constructed under the authority ofthe United States. I l. protective Covenants for Vail Village First Filing, recorded August 10, 1962 in Book 174 atPage 179 as Reception No. 96381. 12. All matters shown on the plat of Vail Village First Filing. 13. All matters as shown on the Condominium Map of Bcll Towcr Condominiums recorded January l6' Slt9tFif TTILE Ordcr Nrr$r: DcllTo*tr2 CUARANTT COMPANY CartEnitrrrcni - Schcdulc B 2 Prgc I of2 1989 in Book 498 at Page 7M as Reception No' 394895' 14. Condominium Declaration forBell Tower condominiums recorded January 16' 1989 in Book 498 at Page703 as Rece'Ption No' 394894' 15. Right of First offer Agreement by andtetween Bell Tower Partners LTD and Belltower LLC recorded October 18,2005 as Receplion No' 933516' 16. Agreement and Grant of Ter.nporary Easement rcgarding streetscape utility and snowmelt lmProvements recorded February 7, 2007 us Recaption No' 200703489' lT,AgreementPermittingEncroachmentrscordedJanuary26,200TasReceptionNo'20070222|. 18. Reciprocal Access Easemgnts and Joint use Agreement recorded February 2l'2007 as Reception No' 200704568. 19. Any and all existing leases and tenancies' gTUWAATflTI,E GUARANTY COMPAI'IY ' Corrmittsrt - Schedulc B 2 Pege 2 of2 Ordcr Nurbcr: Bc{lTowe.2 DISCLOSURES Pursuant to C.R.S. |.0-11-122, notice is hercby givot that: A. THE STJBJECT REAL PROPERTY MAY BE LOCATED IN A SPECI.AL TAXNG DISTRJCT; B. A CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE LISTING EACH TAXING ruRISDTCTION SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM TIIE COUNTY TREASURER OR TTIE COI.JNTY TREASTJRER'S AUTHORIZED AGENT; C. INFORMATION REGARDING SPECTAL DISTRICTS AND T1IE BOI.JNDARIES OF SUCH DISTRICTS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE BOARD OF COI.JNTY COMMISSIONERS, T}IE COI.JNTY CLERK AND RECORDER, OR THE COUNTY ASSESSOR NOTE: Colondo Division of Insurance Rcgulations 3-5-1, Paragaph C of Article.Vll requires that "Every title antity shall be responsible for rlt mattcrJ which appcar of record prior to thc time of rccording whencver the title entity conducts tha closing and is responsibie for recording or filing of legal documents resulting from the transaction which was ctoid." provid;d that stewart Title of Colorado - vail Division conducts thc closing of the insured transaction and is rcsponsible for rccording thc legal documcnts from the transaotion, exception number 5 wilt not appear on the Ovmer's Titlc Policy and the lrnder's Titlc Policy wbcn issued- NOTE: Affirmative Mechanic's Lien hotcction for the Owner may be available (typically by deletion of Exception No. 4 of schedule B, section 2 of thc cormnitnent from the owner's Policy to bc issued) upon cornpliance with thc following conditions: A. The land describcd in Schcdule A of this commitmcnt must bc a single-family residenoe, which includcs a condominium or townlrousc rmit. B, No tabor or materials have bcen fumishcd by rncchanics or matcrialmcn for purposes of construction on the land describcd in scbcdule A of this commitmcnt within tlrc past 6 mo,nths. C. The Company must reccivc an appropriate affidavit indcmnirying thc Company against unfiled Mechanic's and Matcrialmcn's Liens. D,' The Conrpany must receive paymcnt of the approrpriate pronium' E. tf there has been constnrction, irnprovcrnants br major rcpairs undertaken on the property to be purchased, within six months prior to ttl€ Date of the Conrmitmcnl the requirernents !o obtain cowrage for mrccorded licns will include: disclosure of certain constnrction information; financial information as to the seller, the builder and/or the contractor; payncnt of thc appropriatc Prcmiuq fully exccuted Indcrmrity agrecmcnts satisfactory to the company; una,- uny additional requirenrnts as may be nccessary aftq an examination of thc aforesaid information by the Cornpany' No coverage will bc given under any circumstances for labor or matcrial for which the insured has contractcd for or agreed to pay. NOTHING IIEREIN CONTAINED WIII BD DEEMED TO OBLIGATE TIIE COMPAI\TY TO PROVIDE AI{Y oF Tm covERAcEs REEERRED 19 nnRDINl ITITILESS Tm ABOVE CODTDITIONS ARE FIILLY SATISFIED. Stcwrt Titli ofColorEdo - vail Divisim Fil. Nunb.r: BcllTowcr2 Disclosurcr J ." I MINERAL DISCLOSURE To comply with the provisions of c.R.s. 10-ll-123, the company makes the following disclosure: (a) That there is recorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severe4 leased or otherwise conveyed from the surfac€ estate and that there is a substantial likelihood that a third party holds somc or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal energy in the proPertY; and 15) ffrai sucfr minerat estate may include the dght to enter and use the property without the surface owner' s Permission' NoTE:THISDIScLosUREAPPLIESONLYIFSCIIEDULEB'sEcTIoN2oFTHE TITLECoMMITMENTHEREININCLUDESANExcEPTIoNF'oRSEVEREI) rVIII\ERALS. OrderNo: BellTower2 Slcwrn Titlc ofcolorcdo . vail f)ivisiolt Flh Nrmb.r: BcllTowttz Minsnl Dsclosure Rev. 0?/200 | Privacy PolicY Notice PT'RPOSE OFTHIS NOTICE Title V of the Gramm-l,cach-Blilcy Act (GLBA) generally probibits any financial institution, directly or *,-ugr, its affiliates, from sharing nonpublic personal information about you wior a nonaffiliarcd third party-unless the institution provid--cs you with a notice of its privacy policics and.prractices, such as the he of information tlpt it collccts about you and the categories of persons or cntities to whorn it rnay be diltosca. In oompliance with the GLBA, wc are providing you with this document, which notifies you of the privacy policics and practices of Stewrrt Title Currtnty Compeny' we may collcct nonpublic personal jnformation abor,rt you from the following sources: r Information wc reccive from you, suoh aq on applications or other forms' r hrformation about your hansactions wc secure Aom our files, or from our affiliates or otherc' o hrformation we receive &om a consumer r€porting agency' o Information that we reccivc from others involved in your transaction, such as the real estata agent or lender. Unless it is specifrcilly statcd othcrwise in ur amended Privacy Policy Noticc, no additional nonpublic pcrsonal informaticn will bc collected about you' Wc may disclosc any of thc abovc inforrnation that we collect about our cu8tomers or former customers to our affiliates or to nonalliliatod third parties as permitted by law' We also may disclose this information about our customeG or formc customers non affiliatcd cornpanies that perform scrvices on our behalf. wEDoNoTDIscLosEANYNoMUBLICPERSoNALINFoRMATIONABotITYoUWTTH ANYONEFOR ANY PIJRPOSETHATIS NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTEDBY LAW. We restsict access to nonpubtic pcrsonal information about you to those ernployecs who necd to know that information in ordcr to pto"ia. products or services to you. Wc maintain physical, elechonic, and pr".J*"f safeguards that comply with federal replations to guard your nonpriblic personal information' bon," statcs grvi you the right io access urd corrcct nonpublic pereonal information. You may contact us in writing at out Aomc office, if your statc law gtws you oils right' Revised 6/05 t.' Privacy PolicY Notice PI'RPOSE OF TEIS NOTICE Title v of the Gramm-L.each-Bliley Aot (GLBA) gencratly prohibits any financial.institution, directly or through its affiliates, f.omst"rinin-puftic pcrlnal iniormation about you with a nonaffiliatcd third party unless the institution p-"la-rr you with a ngtice of its privacy policics and.practices, such as the ffiJoiiniorn,ution that it collects a5out you and the oategmiis oflolon; or entities to whom it may be disclosed. In compliancc with the GLBA, wc are providint you with this document, which notifies you of the privacy policiis and practices of stewert Titte of colorrdo - vail Divislon. we may oollect nonpublic personal information about you from tlrc following sources: . lnforrnation we receive from you, such as on applications or olher forms' I Information about your transactions we sccure from our files, or from our affr|iates or others. r Informatron we receive from a consumer reportmg agency r Informotion that wc receive from others involvcd in your transaction, such as thc rcal €state agcnt or lcnder, Unless it is specifioally stated otherwise in an amEndcd Privacy Policy Notice, no additional nonpublic personal information will bc colleoted about you' we may disclose any of the abovc information that we collect about out customers or former customefs to our aftiliatcs or to nonaffrliatcd third parties as permitted by law' Wc also may disclose this information about our customers or formcr customers non affiliated companies that perform serviccs on our behalf- wEDoNoTDIscLosEA}.IYNoNPtJBLIcPERSoNALINFoRMATIoNABoUTYoUWITH ANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMNTED BY LAW' We restrict access to nonpublio personal information about you to thosc.emgloY.ees who necd to lxrow that information in order O irouia" produots or scrvices to you' We maintain physical, elecfionic' and proccdural safcgurds that oJtnpf' *itfr federal rcgulations to guard your *nn Ullc personal information' 'So-" .tuto givi you thc right to access and correct nonpublic personal information' You may contact us in writing at -out iome Office, if your state law gives you this right' Rerrised 6/05 l. t CONDITIONS DEFINITIONS (a) ..Mortgagc', mearrs mortgEge, decd of trust oj otler s€curity instrument. ft) ..Public Rccords'' mcans title records that fr"i "o*Uuoti"" noticc of mattsrs affecting your titl€ - according to the state statutcs where your land is located' LATERDEI'ECTS The Exceptions in schedule B - section II may be am€nded to show any defects, liens or encumbrances that appcar for the frrst time in the public l€cords or arc crcated or attached between tne Commitm-t Daii and thc date on which all of the Requirerncnts (a) and (c) of Schedule B - section I are met. we shall have no liability to you because of this amerrdment' EXISTTNGDEFECTS Ifany defccts, liens or encumbranccs existing at Commitnent Date are npt shown in Schedulc B' we *y u-*o schedule B to shown them, If wc do amend schedule B to show thesc dcfects, liens or "nJurrrbr-""r, wc shatl bc liable to you according to Paragraph 4 bclow unless you knew of this information and did not tell us about it in writing' LIMITATION OF LIABITITY our only obligation is to issue to you thc policy refened to in this commitment whcn you have met iir n.qriltr-it". If we have ary liability to you fof any loss you incurtecause of an error in this Con#t"*t, our liability will be lirniied to your achral toss causcd by your relying on this Comrnitment when you acted in good faith to: Comply with the Rcquircrncnts sbown in Schedulc B - Scction I' or Eliminate with our writtcn consent any Exceptions shown in schedule B - Section II. wc shall not be liable for rnore than the Policy Amomt shown in schcdule A of this commitmcnt and our liability is subject to the trrms of thc Policy form to bc issued to you. CLAIMS MUST BE BASED ON TEIS COMMIIIIIENT Any ctairq whethcr or not tnsed on negligcnce, which-you may have against us concerniDg the title to itrc land must bc bascd on this Cor'nitnent and is subject to its tcrms. 3. 4. 5. OrderNumber: BellTower2 arrt Bell Tower Building Net New Commercial 24 square feet A. Commercial Increase: Commercial Linkaee Increase in commercial sq ft: 24 sqft increase Commercial Linkage requirement : 20%o of net new employees generated 24 sqlt | 1,000 x 2.4 employees (retail) x2Io/o mitigation = .0ll (.0115) employees to be provided deed restricted employee housing B. Mitigation for Commercial Linkage Fee-in-Lieu Provide a fee-in-lieu payment to the Town of Vail of .0ll employees x $131,385 =$1,445.24 The fee-in-lieu payment must be received prior to or at the time of building permit issuance. **f,*'t*a*r * i t *tt'*ta *t*:i **r**'t***+******* *********'i t * *a*'a* *t't t*rt*a**a**la{'*:t* *tl ***litf ltf +*'}*'} + TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statementr***r*|r****t'ir|*********t*a****tr.*|r***'t*t ******i******t**{.*******{.******I**:}:}'r************ Statement Number; R0?00019?9 Amount: $1,445.24 09/25/200709:08.Alt Palment Method: Check STAI'FER, D.B.A. H. S. EMTERPRISES Init: LC Notatsion: #1022glHERllAlI Permit, No: Parcel No: SiCe Addre8a: Locaeion: ftris Payment.: ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description P8C070048 Type: PEC - Minor Exterior Alt 210L- 082 -6300 -5 201 CTORE CREEK DR VAIIJ 201 GORE CREEK DR UNIT C-5 iL,44s.24 **tt*ti****** f **'t**'t't **ft**t***tt*****'tl+***f*******'tti***t***f** *']***{"1'l*t'f *******'i****l*t* Total FeeE: Total ALL Ihts 3 Balance: $2,095 .24 F2,O95.24 $0. o0 CurrenE Ptnts PV 00100003112500 PEC APPIJICATION FEES L,445 .24 *Maft--1-1tnll%fr€-- (, Bell Tower Building Net New Commercial 24 square feet A. Commercial Increase - Commercial Linkage Increase in commercial sq ft - 24 sSJi increase Commercial Linkage requirement: 20o/o of net new employees generated 24 sq ft / 1,000 x 2.4 employees (retail) x20Vo mitigation: .011 (.0115) employees to be provided deed restricted employee housing B. Mitigation for Commercial Linkage Fee-in-Lieu Provide a fee-in-lieu payment to the Town of Vail of .01I employees x $131,385 : $1,445.24 The fee-in-lieu payment must be received prior to or at the time of building permit issuance. (oglftltooT) Bill Gibson - ne : eail iower eay winoows Page 1 rec/?'.6.1t w,-aflT From: To: Date: Bill Gibson David Baum 091L312007 1:14 PMSubjectl RE: Bell Tower Bay Windows Hey David, Just as a bay window is considered residential floor area by Chapter 12-15, Vail Town Code, it is also considered commercial floor area. Pursuant to Section 12-2-2, Vail Town Code. net floor area is tne "total floor within the enclosing wall; of the structure" and a "bay windor4l" is not listed as an exemption from this definition. Administrative Decision/Interpretation of Chapter 72-23. Commercial Linkade. Vail Town Code fi.e, Ordinance No, 7, 2OO7l fhe Town of VaiI Staff formally determines that a bay window of a retail store is subject to the commercial linkage employee housing mitigation reguirements prcscribed by the Vail Town Code, Pursuant to Section 12-3-3, Vail Town Code, this determination shall become final at the Planning and Environmental Commission's next meeting scheduled on September 24,2007; unless an appeal of this decision is submitted prior to that meeting. If you wish to appeal this administrative decision/interpretation, applications are available at our office or on the Town's website at www.vailoov.com. An appeal application submitted prior to the Commission's September 24th meeting will be scheduled for review by the Commission at its October 22,2007 meeting. An appeal of the Commission's decision can then be submitted within 20 days of the Commission's decision, and will then be scheduled for the next Town Council meeting that conforms to the notification requirements of the Vail Town Code. Such an appeal to the Town Council, will likely be scheduled jn the late November/early December time frame. Please be aware that the proposed Pano Jewelry (8ell Tower Building) bay windows can not be constructed until this issue has been resolved. Any construction of these improvements without Town of Vail final approval will be considered a violation subject to the penalties outlined in Section 1-4-1, Vail Town Code. Sincerely, Bitl Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 (970) 479-2773 (970) 479-24s2 fax > > > "David Baum" <davidb*6vagarchitects.com > 0917312007 10: 13 Alvl > > > Biil: Thanks again for the reply, but the issue is still not resolved. Can you please point me to the section of the Town Code that stipulates a Bay Window is considered as Floor Area? I simply cannot find it. Thanks. -----Original Message---- From: Bill Gibson [mailto: BGibson@vailoov.coml Sent: Wednesday, September L2, 2007 10:59 AM To: David Baum Subject: RE: Bell Tower Bay Windows David, Just as a bay window is calculated as residential floor area, it is calculated as commercial floor area. BiII ftt{ copy >>> "David Baum" <davidb@vaoarchitects.com > 0910712007 10:54 AM >>> Biil: Thanks for the quick reply. Can you please point me to the section of the Town Code that stipulates a Bay Window is considered a3 Floor Area? I am having a hard time finding it. Thus far, I have found only these definitions Under Title 12: Zoning Regulations, Chapter 2: Definitions: BAY WINDOWS: A window or series of windows that projects from the main wall of a building and forming a bay or alcove in a room within. FLOOR AREA, GROSS RESIDENTIAL (GRFA): See chapter 15 < http://www.sterlinocodifiers.com/CO/Vail/16015000000000000.htm# 12- 15> of this title for GRFA definitions, regulations, and requirements for GRFA calculations. FLOOR AREA, NET (Used Only For Calculating Parking Requirements): The total floor area within the enclosino walls of a structure not including the following: A. Areas specifically designed and used for mechanical equipment to operate the building. B. Stairways. C. Elevators. D. Common hallways. E. Common lobbies, F, Common restrooms. G. Areas designed and used for parking. H. Areas designed and used as stotage which do not have direct access to an individual office or retail store, not to exceed five percent (50/o) of the total proposed net floor area for office and not to exceed eight percent (890) of the total proposed net floor area for retail. "Common areas" are spaces for which all tenants in the building contribute toward the upkeep and maintenance thereof and are not used for employee working areas. FLOOR AREA, SEATING (Used Only For Calculating Parking Requirements): The floor area within the enclosing walls of a business or structure i (0i11 9429!!)*Bill s!._o1.!E egl! l9we1 eaflirypr._ _ that is devoted to the seating of guests for dining or meeting purposes, exclusive of lobbies, prefunction areas and kitchen facilities. Per our reading of the Town Code, none of the three definitions of "Floor Area" provided apply to this application; GRFA does not apply (as we are not residential) and both the "net" and "seating" definitions stipulate that they apply for "Calculating Parking Requirements" only. Under Title 4: Business and License Regulations, Chapter l, General Licensing Provisions, the following definition is provided: BUSINESS FLOOR AREA: The number of square feet located within any "premises" as defined in this S€ction, except that the number of souare feet located in storage areas and administrative offices within retail business premises shall not be considered business floor area. However, I am not certain how this definition applies to development standards and definitions as it is clearly written for another separate purpose, that of business licensing. Any clarification that you can provide is greatly appreciated. ---Original Message--- From: Bill Gibson lmailto:BGibson@vailoov.coml Sent: Friday, September 07, 2007 8:08 AM To: David Baum Cc: hsstaufer@aol.com; Anne F. Gunion; David Wieder Subject: Re: Bell Tower Bay Windows Hey David, A bay window is considered "floor area"; therefore, employee housing mitigation is required. Sincerely, Bitl Bill Gibson, AICP _egse q l Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vall, @ 81657 (970) 479-2173 (970) 479-2452tax >>> "David Baum'<CeuldbloyegeEIilgcEgOm> @106,12007 5:3{ PM >>> Biil: Hennann Staufer has asked that we request your re\rietv of the C.ommercial Linkage requirement being imposed on the Bell Tower building as a result of the conversion of the existlng 2 retall dbplay wlndo/vs to bay wlndows,6 approved by the Town Coundl, PEC and DRB. I have attempted to dlscuss this matter with you but both of us have been ln and out, so hopefully this email will cbarly state the Ovynels position and serve a better means of communicauon. We believe that the follovring section (from the Town Code) endtles us to request this re\rievr: 12-23-2i EMPLOYEE GENERATION AND MMGATION RATES: B. If an applicant subrnib competent evidence that the employEe generatlon rates contained in table 23-l of this section or the no(us study do not accurately reflect the number of employees generated by the prroposed commerclal da/elopment or reder/elopment and the administsator finds that such evidence warranB a devlatlon from those employee generdtlon rates, the administrator shall allor,v for such a deviatlon as the admlnlstrator deems appropriate. The basb of our request is that we believe the converslon of these rvlndows does not result In net changE in our retail floor area. The bay windows cannot be occupied by staff or employees and do not increase the floor area of the retail space. Therefore, we belle\€ the followlng o(emption applies: 12.23-5: EXEMPTIONS: The followlng shall be exempt from this chapter: A, The rederleloprnent of existing commercial derlelopment, if no nev{ net fl oor area.,.are created Therefore, we are requesting that you waive the Commerchl.llnkage Fee In Lieu as requ€sEd of $1,,1.15,24, We intend to apply for a pemit on thb issue through Highhnd Builders thb weelq so your timely response b greaty appreciated. Thank you for your consueration of this request, please feel free to @ntact me with any quelstions or @mments. David Baum Senior Project Architect davidb@vaoarchitects.com <@> VAg, Inc. Architects & PlanrErs 970.949.7034 970.949.8134 fax PO Box 1734 vail, @ 81658-U34 The preceding e-mall message (inchdlng any attachments) contains infornation that b confldenual and b protected by archltect-client or other prMleges, or constitutes non-public Informatlon. It ls intended to be conveyed only to tt|e deslgnated recipien(s). If you are not an intended recipient of this message, please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system. Use, dissemination, distribution or reproduction of this message by unintended recipients ts not authorized and may be unlawful. ?ECoZ - oola AGREEMENT PERMTTTING ENCROACIIMENT Ttis AgEdntot Pcdoitting Eowchocat (dis' gc.r&of) dred this- &y of Scptcrnbct, 2007, is \ and bctweco thc Towr ofVeii e Coloredo municipd corporetiou (Towa") aod Bcll Torrct Coadominium Arsocietioq llc, a cotpotetia duly ogralzcd aod cristiog rmdct by vitue of thc lews of Coloredo fOrlmcf). RECrIAI,s A. Bcll Tovcr Codooioiums, accordiog to thc codorniniurn rnep rccordcdJanu2ry 16, l9E9 iE bool 498 et page 704 eod es &fucd and dcscdbcd io cmdomioium dcderatior rccordcd Jraurry 16, 1 9E9 in book 498 &t pagc 703, County ofEcglg Stetc of Coloredo. B. Thc Torm is thc wntt of cctteia ptopctty locetcd adiaccat to rhe Bdl Tov,cr Ptrpqty.!d d?ictd oo Exhibit A rttachcd hctcto lad incotpoteted bctcin( thc "Tovn Ptopcty)- C Bdl Tor*cr dcsitcs to c@struct.ld Eriobia e octrio Bry W'urdov overf,rog (the "Ovchaog), r,tidt Ovc$rag eill ractoarh oato a potion of thc Towu Propctty in thc r.tee dcpictcd on Erbibit A D, Thc To*:n ir williog to pomit thc Ovcrlog m cncrach rpotr dc Tovn Propctty es ptoviikd hcrdo. AGREEMENT NOV/ II{EREFORE in oasidcretio, of rhc Rccitels, 6c mutral ptomiscs ooaiocd hctcia aad odrct good rnd vrlueblc considttetiod, dE leor&t rod su6cicocy of vhich is hcrtby ec*oowlcdgd thc prrtics agrcc as f . Tbc Twn hacby gEnts i6 @lscot to dr cocrqechnrent of ric Ovcdng aad stoac vclcct oDto thc Tovu Propctty b thc loatiotr shovn oo Erhibit A o4 furthcg fot thc cmscuctio!, .ristcocg usq inptovcocot, lcplrococat arrd meintcoacc of thc Oocdrog ptovidcd dnt thc atca of cncroachoeot of &e Qe.rlrng shall in all such ioctrnccs bc limitcd spccGcally m thc locetioo es dcpl*d on Erhftrit A Thc .r!€raachrDcot rifts gnntcd by 6is Agrtcttcdt stt ll be uscd sd+ for sud purposcd aod fot 6osc ectivitics teesooably aeccr.sery in cooocctioo tLctcwitl rod for de pctfooueocr of thc obligrtions uodctuleo by Bdl Tovcr uodcr this Agtecocor 2 Thc coooedtrrcnt lights gt&tcd by eis Agrccocot end thc tcos end cooditims aontrincd in this Agrctocot shdl ruo with thc lead aod shell iourc to $e bcnc6t of end bc biodiog on thc penfos and ttcir rtspcctivc succcssoos or.ssighs in intcf,.st to 6c Bdl To$!t Ptqtcttt tod thc TovD Pto'Pctty, tc+cctiv+ 3. Bdl Torroce agrccs o iadcoai$, dcfcad end hold hennlcss The Twrr aod tic Town Ptopcrty of ead ftom any eod dl lieMity, deios, lic-., dcrneo&, rtioos aad ceuscs of eaioo olatsocvct edsing out of or tdated m ary lo's!, co6t, e-ftg- ot bjury, indudiog dcedr, of eay pcooa or ,l"nrge to p1opctg, ofaly Liad t6ultiug io comcctioo rlith tbc Oecrh{rt or tLir Agrecrn€ot, includir& withort liaitatiroq thc m"rg of lrry racianic's ot mtcdz.Lnan's lico eg.idlt 6e Tova ?ropettt. a- (t) This furEnrcat, aod E*ibit A atwhcd hcteto, cootrios thc cntirc agr..Ecot ed undctst ndiog of tbc prtics wi$ tcspcct to thc subjcct raettct hof, rnd thctc rte no teprcscorati@s, indtctDcots, Prqniscs or ncgotietioas od rrpcscoations tdrting hcrtto erc mcrgcd hereil Ttis Agtccm€nt Dat bc crecutcd in oultiple ormtrrpats, cartr of wticl shdl bc dcqncd rn cigj!.|, hrt dl of which alca togctbct sbdl coostitutc ooc ad tfic sirDc instruDcot p) If rny deurc c porisioo of this Agrecocot shdl in additioa to bc inse[d ia {,holc or io Pt4 dcll th. lcoeining d.u!c. rod plovisioos, or ponions thctcof, shJl nectthchre be rad rcoria ia firll folcc and effcct (c) No ancodraot, dlcrrtio.\ modiEcetba of ot ia edditira of or ia eddtln to this Agrcttrcot shdl bc vdid ot binding unlcss crprtsscd in *titiog aad signcd by both P.tti€s to thil Agecmcnt (d) lf ci6ct peig h.tcto shr:ll hring rnt suit q adi@ .g8i!st .lolict for telic[ dccJeretory or otheroisq r;c;ng out of this Agtccrncoq thc peveiliog party ehetl trrvr ead rcoct egri..t thc odrer P.ity, ir additi@ to dl court c6ts r|rd disbr:rscoeog such suu er thc Couc mey adiodgc to bc rcasooeble rttotleFr fecs' (e) This AgtE !!.ot sbdl bc gworrcd by rod intcrgctcd iq eccotdracc wie thc lrrr of thc Stee of Coloado. ,w Peelof2 { tl' f}' . '1, ',,1 * | ,/) * {i By IN WIINESS IIHEREOF, 6c partics hcrcto brc crccrred ttb Agffit to bcmc cllcctivc as of tbc &tc 6st writtca ebovq Town ofVul, eCrclodomiipal Sua Zcnlcr, Toen M.org.r ATTEST: Lotclci Doeldsoo, Tova Clctk Oqact: Bctr To,wr Ooodoninium Alocierion, Iac- e cotpontio duly orgrnizcd aod ;"dIrrg rmdcr bt virnrc of 6c hv: of Colmdo SIATEOFCOT.oRADO ) )33. COUNTY OF EAGI.E ) Tbc futgoiag ilrrrnocat wrr eclnowlcdgd bcbtcoc thb &l of ---------------- ry-W Stro Zcralcr rr Toq'o Mrargct, of Ttc Towr of Vril' e Colodo ouaicipat otpo*bo, m bchalf of auch coroontioa. Wnncsr oy haad rnd of6cirl *rl My co'nnission crpitcs: - SIATE OF couNTroF-0qil9! Te(cs €et€ifrrlEe-) ) rs. ) Thc forcgoiog iartr:ocrt u,.r .d.nc'efcdgcd rxrfo't.retb lttfu.$ of Sr,4V4!? f : -'?{xllVDcen MecFrdo. rs Ptcsidcat of Bdl Toglt C-ofuinilo Asocirtbo,Ioc, oo b&lf of ruch Cd'odo ooo-pto6t cotponti:o. My coomiraim ctPite* Dca ldecFadan, Pnsidcot Witncss rm hend md ofEcid scal r,ot^Bta!nt3altOon5rA!.rOcbranlo P:4lc2oI2