HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT C AND D COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING 1994 COUNCIL PEC AND DRB APPROVALS LEGALt' 1 I r ss-|s:- ? )I rLs 2 ---t -REs $li. rrHHt 9|.F 33Ir AH 5= pfr =.1.T L7 E!!I -0,<. R|- Esr 5b' gFl {il3 ffi rll = ,d4lrl I rr. ; (? (, t,lrl \( :l; )!F 1rl lrl' l:l U oo 't/' r IFtEl 5r{.tzthsr6. (J t_ I I !'oEhtgYFrl 1 d \t--9.- 6' E5 ui Il-- rL --+--,9 INI la tu\, rght5, ara : or e :(L,l!o 9t:91 ffil'l g6-9t-Jc0z0'd E I ! I:I I ( I ill5 ,Hr! ig id[ iH$ k h B h II tr. P r ( g s/ .e/ $,/ b d u Hs^I II $v, I / $, !e, :??. d $ &' !+f tI $f'E $ry;E.i: il I st$ I /#A w 'stgffi I I l8' {r S{$^$;qtsg ' ). sL('' ,d,';t'q $tpl- \ Ll",l*aog OL|L7/95 15:30 GWATEI{EY PRATT SCEULTZ ARCH..r'- oo 3)4t 75-161I(30 P. 001 rF YOII 1IAVE ANY CALI. FOR ABBY. TEI..ECOPIER ( 303 ) QUESTIONS OR PROBLE}IS 47 6-1612 REGARDING TII15 FAX, PIJEASE TO: FROM: RE: DATE: NUMBER 9ltp SaUtWz . CwMrd? Ww*-Wt$-_ \r Jfi-l 'ea ...-- - - -t/)or PAGE$ {INCLUDING CoVERI: :L - ot/17 /95 15:30 GWATE}ITY PRATT SCHULTZ ARCE.ao (303 )476-1512lo P. 002 vla'ltp. EYtEtl9lott,. Tt'tttFpw \'i1?Wffi,#,W,Y, r_ rZx N. pA*,T 1v r-* PATtfi d-ry 4 ?awo ffi l'lll iltl titl I t li-- EXtqTHa qls^L '1 treodt\ iltl ll ll tx ro KAtLi 4s'' 6.trhc# ll ll tfrFrf,,ffi1#,zr{6,b LEil +?6Tyi, @ LIILEW.. l/.Lt' COVERED BBIDGE BUILDING 227 1AIDGE STBEET VAIL, COLOBADO AX h"? l,l7,1b 0L/Lg /95 oB | 46t I GWA TIII{EYo PRATT SCHULTZ ARCII.t303)475-1612 P. 001 Docombcr el, 1994 Mikc McGce, Firc Metcholl Town oJ Vail Firu oepartm€at Vail, Colol'odo RE: Gotrnd ldtlgn futdng 227 &l(|gf, su$t vd, co Dear Miks: Thank you for 6ll your carelul attention and repeated offorts to work with tfie Fire ProtGctlon and Alatm sygt€ms cornractors for the cworgd Baidge BJilding this tall, The following is a request from the Aichite*, $wners (Eastflest Partnersl, the Design Review Boad, and the Planning Stsft tronl the Town of Vail regarding the abo.r€ Project, As outlined in the errclosed lgttar from the Departm6nt of Cornmunity Daneloprnent (ltem 3), final approvat of the Projecr is conditiorral upgn trJrsuing this request' 1. Fequest to lower the height of the existing 6'dry stand pip€ ald 4' boqeter ptp€ to lhe mirimurn reouirtd bv the Fire Code and vour Department, lt i$ reque$ted this height abov€ thc planter grade be similar to the instatlatiorr directly ocrose tha street vt/hifi b 1G12"- We nrnnose ro rcdrrca thi prrn€nt height of 27" and 36' above grad€ to match the condirion at Nick's, The present tocation of rhe 2 pipes is close enough to the street edge as to not auow :ny significant lendscsing that $ro(rlrl ohncr rc rhe pipns (perennial flowets mlvl. Furthermore, it woutd be sdpulated that no scrooning b€ allowed to block direct viow. We respe€ttully $ubmit the above requests in en €flort to satisly all interested pirties. We cncourage any ond oll questkrns ond cuggestion+.nr i a ,)j,.-ta a t-a ta aN. zHt I I /f Petcr Oann EA$TA/VEST PARTNERS, INC, Sidn€y Schultz GWATHMEY/PRATT/SCHULTZ ABCI.IITECTS Enclosurei IUV Lctter (12/115/94! oLlre 1:5 o8:47 TTIMEYo PRATT SCHULTU ARCE.( 303 )476-1612 OJ P. 002 , MWUOFVATT 75 South Fronnge Road Vail, C<tlomdo 81657 303479-2138/ 47e.2t3e FAX 30i-479-2.tJ2 December 16, 1994 Deprnnent Mr. Eric Johnson Gwathmey Pratl scnu|tr Archltects 1000 south Frontage Roarl wosl Vail. CO 81657 HE: Covered Bridge Euilding Dsar Erie Thank you again for att€nding the December 7, ]994 Design Ftevierv Board-(DHB) meeting-to rariew'a vanety ot iSStEs reg-uding the Oovorod Btidge BrjiEing' AS you are aware' the DRB approved the final colons for-he UultOing/ranings. The vote for approvalwas unanimous (5'0). Tiris approval canied with it the following lour conditions: 1. That tha two entry lights localed adjacent to the lonrer level reHil space be removed ana tnai ml previouely apiroved "coach lightsn bc installed. The DFIB dd recognize that the existing lights ware only telrporary, and would be in pace only until such time as ttre permanenl lights eorrld be deliverod and installed. 2. That he ADA required lltt, adjacent to BrHge Steet, be modified by adding wood cladding to the 1ft and 6y painting anl exposed m€lal surfacss the 'Nevaio Red' lo metch the ralling color on lhe building. 4. That ho dovoloper work with lhe Town of Vail Fire Department.in ord€r to lower the two stand phes which ere located in the planter at ho southeasl cofnel0f ttre buildhrg, ailjirco,'t lu Erirlge Str'eet. The DR€ quastioncd whetrer the height of lnJ rUr[' pbes was actualy determined by the Fke Code? Geneially, the DRB feh ttrai tire btand pipes ietactctt trum the aosnetc quahty of lhe building and stronolv recommenitid hat thBy bs towerEd. The DRB has.required that' sfroufO tneri be some code requirement which would not allor he stand pipes to be lowered, then the dFlrelnrler of the Covered Bridge Building would need l0 corne back lo tre DRB with an 'adequate' screening plan for lhe stand pape$- That ltre developer of he covered Bridge Building discuss with he prop9fiy owner tO Ue SoLn {PBpl Gramsharnmer; t1e ;russiDility ot rumoving the "yellow- colored stucco', adiacent to the southeast comer ol he Covered Briqe -guilOng, and siUstitute claOOing or stucco paintd to match thE Covered Bridge Building. 6.tr'T"D+ f--"I**'t$ A ri"*iirlz i,' 0L/L9 /95 08 r 47\GvIArHr'fl PRArr scHULrs ARCH. (30U6-1612 P.003 Mr. Johnron Decernber 16, 1994 Pagc Two lf you snouH heve any que$ion3 or commontg r€garding any ot tha above, please teel tree to contact me at 479-2138. Sincerely, llrA l'lrlA* Milto l'lollica Acting Dircctor ol Community D*dopment xc: Petet Dann \,! * $ \ R \ $[ G$il*tj .i ,$ "9rIt | -\rF K\S F.:(f- l-Llf=>;lllC) E;r5(:>dJ =:-S>]-- (/) bHO6s.. " g Hss i? H\.^,El \\ r,/" F rllJ?\\rr1 (D COP YFf!-t 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2138 / 479-2r 39 FAX 303-479-24s2 December 16. 1994 D e p aru n e nt of Comntun iry D eve lop me nt Mr. Eric Johnson Gwathmey Pratt SchulE Architects 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Covered Bridge Building Dear Eric: Thank you again for attending the December 7, 1994 Design Review Board (DRB) meeting toreview a variety of issues regarding the Covered Bridge Bu-ilding. As you are aware, the DRBapproved the final colors. for the building/railings. The vote for approval was unanimous (5-0). This approval caried with it the following fourionditions: 1. That the two entry lights located adjacent to the lower level retail space be removed and that the previously approved "coach lights" be installed. The DRB did recognize that the existing lights were only temporary, and would be in place only untilsuch time as lhe permanent lights couldbe delivered and installed. 2. e Thatlhe ADA required tift, adjacent to Bridge street, be modified by adding wood cladding to the lift and by painting any exposed metal surfaces the"Navajo Red" to match the railing color on the building. That the developer work with the Town of Vail Fire Department in order to lower the two stand pipes which are located in the planter at the southeast corner of the building, adjacent to Bridge street. The DRB questioned whether the height of lhe stand pipes was actually delermined by the Fire Gode? Generally, the DRB lelt th.at the stand pipes detracted from the aesthetic quatity of thebuilding and strongly recommended lhat they be lowered. The DRB has required that, should there be some code requirement which would not allow the stand pipes to be lowered, then the developer of the Govered Bridge Building would need to come back to the DRB with an "adequate'screening plan for the stand pipes. That the developer ol the covered Bridge Building discuss with the property owner to the south (Pepi Gramshammer) the possibitity of removing the "yellow- 9ol9l9d stucco", adjacent to the southeast corner of the CovereO Biidge Building, and substitute cladding or stucco painted to match the coveied Bridge Buildino. 4. o Mr. Johnson December 16, 1994 Page Two lf you should have any questions or comments regarding any of the above, please feel free to contact me at 479-2138. Sincerely, U'A /4'%- Mike Mollica Acting Director of Community Development xc: Peter Dann oo -b K-l3 Fn;. \rL*.-- aq-/{-4,;4 *^Z/ -/4-..<- o' Tr. 12,'7,?4 C-."--l b ry 4A c-J4/+s<-f*. +f/^*-4 ?#f^ "y";/ -7*4 0 o-,* zy'+ ar+z- ,U -4/)a *'t/" f* /6 ".#*/ . l ov.,cr( - Q f<t^.,".^, e,J rtTt-t-at-V'A 4 f-< b^4-- -r e,z>w-1 /r-'t .t bl"-| @ \*;..--- --/ /f -,-v.'-?{< '2e* cJt;r I ' (Z-( zd'l- 5+ll.y ' / /tk-, >4 t.rr..A 7 /14 /9a DESIGN VAIII,REVIEW BOARD APPLTCATION . TOI{N OF DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********tt* t l-< Il4[/ DEl'/, DEPI B,rtLDrr._y-z&t ITD I. tl****!r**** PROJECT INFORMATION | @,,@ED A.DESCRrprroN: A.,llzvr\i__?*..,s1"" B. D. TYPE OF REVIEW: New Const,ruction (9200.00) X*rinor AlreraEion ($20. O0)Addition ($50.00) Conceprual neview (g0) C. ADDRESS:22.1 p?J,tw. LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: Subdivision IJO t,Block If property is described bydescription, pleiase provideto this applicat.ion. E. ZONING:CC- 7. a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheeL and aLtach NAME OF APPLICANT:P*ftvp.c=Mailing ^Q,ddress:*vo'r-^, G. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:C^o?> A.'-ctiu1ury'+ Mailincr Address: LoOO +,vaLt c- --- H.NAME OF OI,IINER(S) : Mailing Address:t^-J, l''>r*- Phone APPLrcATroNs llil'L Nor BE PRocEsssD wrrfiow.orrtrrEe,s srGNA?uRE Condominium Approvat if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are Lo be paid aE theLime of submitt.al of the DRB applilation. l,iter, whenapplying for a buirding permit,-ptbase identify Lhe accuratevaluation of the proposal . The town of vail will adjust thefee according to the Eable below, to ensure the correct feeis paid. I. ,J. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION 4 n ,l. .r r\ n^n.y v o r\r.trrru $10,001 _g 50,000 $ s0, 001 - $ 1s0, 000 $1s0, 001 - $ s00, 000 9500, 001 - $1,000, 000$ over $1,000,000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPTRES APPROVAI, IJNIJESS A BUIIJDING PERMIT ISIS STARTED. 1r't- FEE $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINA! ISSIJED AND CONSTRUCTION f** ftc,/l. @-- November 28, 1994 Mike Mollica, Senior Planner Town of Vail, Department of Community Development 11 1 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Covered Bridge Building 227 Bddge Street Vail, GO The following is a request lor staff rauiew of minor alterations to the above previously approved project. The items presented are a result of field adjustments required during construction, clarifications to DRB, and Permit Drawings. 1. EXTERIOR COLOR SCHEME MATERIALS TYPE COLOR Roofing Cedar Natural/fire retardent Sidins/Sof f it/Trim Cedar Olvmpic 726llt. Mocha Fascia/Beams Cedar/D. Fir Olvmpic Tlll0otlee Stone Rainbow Mix Varies Stucco Off-White La Habra X-17lMistv \Mndows/Doors Clad Kawneer Redwood Deck Railings Cedar Olvmpic Navaio Red Metal Railinss Steel Kawneer Redwood Flashings Copper Natural Chimneys Copper Natural This represents the items broughrt to our attention by the Town Planner, Suppliers, and the Contractor to date. We hope these items are minor in nature and that the original intent ot the approved project is intact. Should the opinions or observations of others differ, please submit them in writing or call. Sincerely, Gwathmey/Praft/Schultz, P. C.a, Eric Joh B,r c)) 0Et 7 19s{ Address: 221 8ntllp (f- Account Number: 01'0000-22026 DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT 1t)\r i,jllii,,i' DEV' GASH DEPOSIT FORMAT Legaf Descriprio n: Lov!- Bloct< 9-.8 Subdivision U*rl V;lleta lgt Filing 1 Dats of E xpi ratio n:_LJ,F!9- and OF THIS AGREEMENT, made and eqtprpd into this ?t! Oay ofD-cg9mber-..- t991! by among covered Bridqe Bldq{dfdrBinaner called the "Developer"), and the TOWN in condominium VAIL (hereinafter called lhe "Town"). WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approval of the Tco for covered BridgeBuildingplans, dated lhecer"lep 12. ,19?1, wishes lo enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, lhe Developer is obligated lo provide security or collaleral sufficient in the ludgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of cerlaln improvements set forth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral lo guaranlee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: Developer agrees to establish a cash deposit with the Town of Vail in a dollar amount of $ 4 4 . zs0 - (1257o of the total cost of the work shown below) to provide security for lhe following: IMPROVEMENT The following measures reguiredBridge Build.ing: 1. Installation of firewindow2. Flower boxes for the completion of the Covered 3. Slate on 4th level deck4. Siding on 4th floor west side of condominium5. Chiller enclosure doors6. Painting of roof vents7. Landscaping8. Signage Total x 125t $44 ,7 50 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mulual covenants and agreements, lhe Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cosl and expenses, to fumish all equipment and material necessary.to perform and complete all improvements, on or beforeJnne tr 5 , @*A tlrrllihe Developer shall complete, in a good workmantike manner, all improvements as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental lhereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specificalions, sketches, and other mafter submilled by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official lrom the Town of Vail, as aflected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department and public Works Department. 2. To secure and guarantee perlormance of its obligations as set forth herein, theDeveloper agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: $3,000 $1,500 $4,000 $5,000 $1,500$ 500 $9,800 $9, 500 ;3p,*# 35,roo N Pag€ 1 ot 3 A cash deposlt account in lhe amount ol $ aa.zso.oo to be held by theTown, as escrow ag6nt, ahall provlcle the rocurlty lor thc lmprovements sot forth above lf thoro l! a default under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set lorth above for another form of collateral acceptable to the Town to guaranteo the talthlul completion of lhose improvements relerred to herein and the performance ol the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternalive collateral shall be at lhs Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shallnot, nor shall anyofficer or employee lhereol, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specilied in lhis Agreement prior to the complelion and acceptance of lhe same, nor shall lhe Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property iniured by reason of the naiure ol said work, but all ol said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless lhe Town, and any of its oflicers, agenls and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or olher expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or delending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addilion to any other liability which the Developer may have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize lor partial release of the collateral deposited wilh the Town for each category ol improvement al such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will the amounl of lhe collateral lhat is being held be reduced below the amount necessary to complete such improvements. 6. lf the Town determines that any of lhe improvements contemplated herein are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth herein by the date set lorth in paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall nol be required to, withdraw from the cash deposit such funds as may be necessary to complele the unfinished improvemenls. The Town shall release such funds upon the wrilten request of the statf of the Community Development Deparlment stating lhat the improvements have not been completed as required by lhe agreemenl. The Town shall not require lhe concurrence of lhe developer prior to the release of the funds, nor shall the Town be required to verily independently that the improvements have not been completed as required by this Agreement, but shall release such funds solely upon lhe request of lhe Community Development Department. lf the costs of completing the work exceed the amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collecled by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle Counly to be collected in lhe same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. tf the permit holder fails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, as defined in this chapler, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violalion of the Zoning Code. 7. The Developer warranls all work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of all work refened to in this Agreement by the Town pursuant to Section 17.16.250 il srrch work is located on Town of Vail property or within Town ol Vail right-of-way. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to lime, provided that such amendmenls be in writing and execuled by all parties hereto. Dated the day and year first above wrilten. Page 2 of 3 o COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING, LTD. DEVELOPER By: East-WeatSTATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLOHADO COUNTY OF EAGLE uodsted 0128/94 Partners, Inc. rGeneral Partner ss. d."'fi l"ii'""i::'?:1":':iiqi,8i"P::llH"ffi:'Ui:of East-West Partners, Inc'., general Partner Witness my hand and officlalseal. ' Ltd' My commisston exptres: t'l - 1A ' I kl/. h"1z:- PLANNER. COMMUNIW DEVELOPMENT of Covered Bridge Building, before me this ) ) ss. ) Witness my hand and officialseal. My commission expires /qq y Page 3 of 3 ,,4!)/ CASH DEPOSI,f FORMAT' Legal Description: LoF-| Block'B T t, r\, Subdivision t/$l ullB<. l?t_ _ Filing r I Uy . t utrrn, dt y, dilffi,: :, *;,;::,ffi#- Account Numberl oi -oooo-22028 , , .!b,- DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT I-Frnt"rr-Fr-''. 0t.u '!, .,.,. THIS AGREEMENT, made and etleled into this JtL A^y of pecember , 19g4, by and among covered Bridqe Btdg.fiEfleinalter called the "Oevetoperl, anO tne fOWtt OF VAIL (hereinafter called the 'Town"). WHER-EAS, the Developer, as a condition of approval oJ 16" TCo of covered HdrH dated )ecer^Le,c- ra- , 19fr., wishes lo enter into a Developer lmprovement r u B B Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated lo provide security or collateral sufficient in the Judgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certaln lmprovements set forth below; and WHEREAS, lhe Developer wishes to provide collateral lo guaranlee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the to"o*'nl.u, ,or", ^sfi:o;:lirl,' *sh deposit with the rown or Vair in a dorar amount of $>3soi4{- Sf,5l{rcfi{hato{aboostskthc$mkxhswnficjorul>lo provide security for the following: In the even e tree northeast of the covered Bridge Building dies because Nr\c'of damage created during the construction of the Coiered Bridle Building,Developer shall replace said tree with a ne\d tree at a maximum cost ofrl r-aafoTn'r>r'--b8€C- In the event damage is caused to the tree in association withthe Town's activities, including but not limited to the reconstruction ofthe Covered Bridge, then the maximum amount which shall be expended upontree replacement shall be g2,900, or one half of such value of the treeshall be later determined. The Town and the Developer agree that theestablished replacement cost of the tree has been a-complished by theTgwnrs expert and, in the event the Developer i.s able to provj-de the Townwith a report of an expert, and supporting documentation, establishing alower cost of replacement of the tree, the amount posted with the Townhereunder shall be reduced in accordance with such ne\,ir amount. NOW, THEHEFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, lhe Developer and lhe Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment and_ material necessary tgBBplorm and complete allirnFnolamanbxsnlxbeloraobligations onor before Dec. 1, . 'frleoDeveloper shall complete, in a good workmanlike manndr, all improvements as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and lo do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance wilh lhe following: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specificalions, skelches, and other malter submilted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, lhe Town Building Official, or other official from lhe Town of Vail, as aflected by special districts or service districts, as their respectlve interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Departmgnt. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security and collaleral as lollows: idgeilding Page 1 of 3 5'? 5'1'a-e \'1{- A cash deposit accounl in the amount of W94-- to be held by the Town, as escrow agent, shall provide the security for the lmprovements set forth above if there ls a default under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any lime substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithlul completion ol those lmprovem€nts referred to hereln and the performance of the terms ol thls Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collaleral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. .4. The Town shall not, nor shall any ollicer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible lor any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to lhe work specilied in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property Inlured by reason of lhe nature ol said work, but all ol said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any ol its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or olher expenses reasonably incurred by lhe Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer may have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply lo the Town and the Town shall authorize lor parlial release of lhe collaleral deposiled with the Town lor each calegory of improvement at such time as such improvemenls are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will the amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amounl necessary to complele such improvements. The collateral shall be releasedif the subject tree is tiving on December 1, L996. 6. lf the Town delermines that any of the improvements contemplated herein are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set lorth herein by the dale set forth in paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be required to, withdraw from the cash deposit such funds as may be necessary lo complete the unfinished improvements. The Town shall release such funds upon the wrilten request of the staff of the Community Development Department stating that the improvements have not been completed as required by the agreement. The Town shall not require lhe concurrence of the developer prior to the release of lhe lunds, nor shall the Town be required to verily independently that the improvemenls have not been completed as required by this Agreement, but shall release such funds solely upon ths request of the Community Development Deparlment. lf the costs of completing the work exceed lhe amount of lhe deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the lreasurer of Eagle County to be collected in lhe same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the permit holder fails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, as defined in this chapter, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of the Zoning Code, 7. The Developer warrants all work.and material for a period of one year after acceptance of all work relerred to in this Agreement by the Town pursuant to Section 17.16.250 if such work is located on Town of Vail property or within Town of Vail right-of-way. 8. The parties hereto mulually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and execuled by all parties hereto. Dated the day and year firsl above written. Prge 2 ol 3 +k The for-egoing QeveloPer lmPh\ a^y ol D,i,er.-',.,Q.r. '. rgtioYof East-West Partners, Inc'., general Witness my hand and official seal. l,rly commission explres: q- l'.} - q S COVERED BRIDGE BIITT.DTNG. T.TD'. DEVELOPERBy! East-West Partners r Inc. , General Partner ackn this of Covered Bridge Building, STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO COUNry OF EAGLE ) ) ss. ) ss. By:Tit partner Lrd. 4* het- PLANNER, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT fu- o X"",t:'SfiIt ot8[o:r lffi ve5 .As-?9em$tv?s qcknowredsed berore me th is. Witness my hand and official seal. My commiss ion "roi, "ffi!/ updsted 92864 Page 3 of 3 7J South Frontage Rosd Vsil, Colorado 81617 103 -47 9 -2 1 t 8 / FAX )0t -47 9 -2 1 66 D ep artm e nt of P ub li c lI'ork s /Trans portat i 0n }IEUORANDT'U To: Ton lloorbead, Towtr AttorneyFron: Todd oppenbeiner, park SupirintendentDate: Decenber 2, 1991REs Covered Bridge Building Maintenance Agreement. r had an opportunity to speak with peter Dann this morningT:?:fgiy .three topi-s conclrnins tr," - c""".J'srid;"- ";ii;i;;tmprovements. Attached is sketc-h plan of tne covered BridgeBuildi-ng improvements arong nriage street. peter Dann has reviewthis sketch and is in agreement riitn tne i-ntoirnation it contains. so, the finar agreernent shourd be as we discussed with Greg Harland Mike Molrica at our rast neeting ,ith-i;; covered BridgeBuirding ovrners . maintaining the steps and ar1 constructedimprovements to the south. - The Town wilr. then naintain arlconstructed inprovements north of the steps ., ""ir as maintain theflowers in the three beds indicated and tie iriig.tron in alr fourbeds' constructed -irnprovenents incrudes p"".i-,'rtonework, walrs,railings and heat_ing- systems. Mainten-ance Jr the constructedimprovements includis - creaning, snow removar, repair andreplacement. Greg Halr suggest!' having rnteirntuntian draft nysketch on to the p1an. sh_ee!, ii, prace of J formar regar descriptionfor the improvements includear ii the Revocaure niqht-of-way permit. The second topic of discussion was the i*igation mainline to berun through the..building crawr space. peter Dann agreed thatbecause of the difficulti involvea in gaini"g-""""rs to the rinethat the covered p5idve etiiraing owner wourd rernain responsible fornaintaining the tine.- Finarly, r have increased the amount of the corrateralization forthe darnaged tree due to .r "r.oi in rny "iigi""i-farculation. Theamount of the bond or retter of credil shorita be s5800.oo. peterDann had discussed this with lvrike Mollica prior to or* conversationand it was agreed that the anount that r airived at wourd be bondedfor now and that peter nay hire a certified Tree Appraiser at alater date. Hopefully this inforrnation will assist in completing the easenentsand agreernents needed to grant the T.c.o. for itre uu:_taing. preasecall me if you have any guestions. xc. Greg Hall Mike Mo]l_ica 'J*0a & @ q t\,-\rl. q U P"lq g AP $ot€ ^ltJ \, €Z 9 E 4{ ao:2 6SF E nrZ IEE P -.+-J5 * r.."(rFQ: --C rd:a2l1.- 2\ii !P: ? d r$5 \9u, o, o 2l4sl IA ) alar{2,{ r.lzcl+ Yl U9Zul4f 3gFo i E,;tsg s$itk4 "r 3t2doI r-Qrg 33r cui ir$ --<rl j.iza( 9;I .tli o'Tzo2r{r <it' 2.aF.F- ; $ rf,l **t-.T$ r {-5ji: L, Gt -Gd dl *Ft..^1r 9a 'f rI Xl rr !,i;? 'dts zzIF.q o- se i*d*, i4 if ff;' .. ,iF i,i i\, $ di.., Eg r:6dL-+6 " )F4 0F * *lr,l " ri rll )l d 4& t- u)J\)oo- i ) o I q 4u -, ZaJ 1 cA , 4 q d id fl er dl /lnl rr{ ii 75 Sottb Ftontagc Road Vtil, Colorado 81657 t0t -47 9 -2 r t 8 / FAX t0t -47 9 -2 | 66 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Dcpartment of Pfilic llorkslTrtnsportttion MEMORANDUM PETER DANN, TONY FAULHABER, TODD OPPENHEIMER' GREG HALL AND SKE ITOLLICA CHARLIE DAVIS DECEMBER 2, 1994 TCO FOR COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING The following items need to be completed before a TCO will be released by the Town ol Vail Public Works Department: 1) Verity that staging on Town of Vail pocket park area is allowed through the winter verify this with Todd Oppenheimer. 2l Construction trailer is to be removed trom Gramshammer property. Tony conveyed that the trailer will be removed on 1213F4. 3) The traffic control device in Gore Creek must be removed. 4) All easements and survey work relating to this must be complete. Please work with the Town atlomey, Tom Moorehead, on this' 5) Bonding for all incomplete landscaping including an amount for a tree that has been dbmaged during excavation. This same tree must be stabilized (guyed down). 6) All materials, tenting and debris must be removed from the Bridge Street side of the Covered Bridge Building. 7l All brick paver work must be complete. lf it isn't @mplete, it must be bonded' I will not be available during the week ol 1215194. lf there are any questions, please contact Todd Oppenheimer at 479-2161. Thank you, Charlie Davis, Town of Vail Construction Inspector l TOWN OF VAIL 7 5 Soutb Fronttge Road Vail,, Colortdo 816J7 t0t -479-21 t 8 / FAX )01 -47 9 -2 1 66 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Department of Public VI/orks/Transp ortn tion \iIEMORANDUM Mike Mollica, Acting Director of Community Development Todd Oppe n hei me r, Park Su pe ri nte ndenVlandscape Arch itect November 22,1994 Inspection of Trees on Covered Bridge Pocket Park d"' At your request I have made an inspection ol the Spruce trees on the Covered Bridge Pocket Park site. The purpose of this inspection was to determine what, if any, darnage has been done to the trees during the construction of the Covered Bridge Building. Any damage to the trees as a result of the construction activity is to be collateralized by the developer prior to issuance of occupancy certificates in accordance with the development agreement. A considerable amount of work and construction staging did occur in the vicinity of the trees on the park site. Some pruning was allowed to remove dead and interfering branches during the course of construction. All pruning was approved by myself and was completed by a qualified arboflist. The staging of construction materials does not appear to have caused significant root zone compaction on damage to the trees. During the excavation stage of construction and associated with the stabilization of Bridge Street one Spruce tree received considerable damage to it's root system. This damage was documented by Charlie Davis, Construction lnspector. This tree should be collateralized by the developer. The tree damaged is located at the southwest corner of the Covered Bridge. lt is a mature Spruce with a double trunk 10 inches and 12 inches in diameter. This tree is an important element in the established view corridor o{ Vail Mountain from the Village Parking Structure steps. This gives the tree some historic significance. The tree had received previous root damage but was not showing signs of decline. Page 2 Mike Mollica Inspection of Trees at CBpp To determine the monetary valve of this tree a professional plant appraiser, atfiliated with the Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers should be consulted. An independent third party appraisal will probably be more acceptable to all parties. In an effort to clarify the scope of the valve in question I have applied the "Trunk Formula Appraisal Method" formula to this particular tree. Keep in mind itrat this application is for reference only. I am not a professional plant appraiser. The factors used in determining the valve inclyle species, condition, location, size and replacement cost of the largeJt normally available tree. In my calculation this particular tree has a monetary valve of $1,890.00. The valve placed on the appraisalfactors in somewhat judgmental. lstrongly recommend that a professional plant appraiser be consulted to determine an appropridte amount tocollateralize. I will contact the Council of Trees and Landscape Appraisers for a list ofqualified appraisers at your request. cc:Tom Moorehead Larry Grafel II COVERED BRIDGE PROPERTY COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING TENANT, COFFEE COI''{PANY 227 BRIDGE STREET, VAIL, CO PRO.]ECI COVERED BRIDGE 8r657 COFFEE COI'IPANY DAIE NoVEMBER 4, 1994 Vail, Colorado TOTAI. PARKING FEE g 12,600.00 fn installnents after dat,e, for value receivedr I promise to pay to the order of the Town of vail at, the Office of the Finance Director, Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado, TWELVE THOUSAND SIX HUMRED AND NO/IOOTHS-----Dol1ars Totaf Parking Fee Down Payment I 2,520.00 with interest of ten percent per annum on the unpaid EaianceJ payable in yearly installments as follows: First installment of $r.tzq.gs due and payable on LLl4/95 Second installment of 9:.rzg.gs due and payable orL nl4196 Third installrnent of $g.rzq.gs due and payable o\ lIl4l97 Fourth installrnent of S:.tzg.qs due and payable on ll/4i98 ft is agreed that if tnis note is not paid when due or declared due hereunder, the principal and accrued interesL thereon shall draw int,erest at the rate of 18 petcent Per annum, and that failure Lo make any payment of principal or interest when due or any default under any encurnbrance or agreement securing this note shall. cause the whole note to become due at once, or the interest to be counted as principlal, at the option of the hol'der of the note. The makers and endorsers hereof severally waive presentnent for payment, protest, not,ice on nonpaymenE and ofprotest, and agree to any extension of time of payment andpartial payments before, dtr or after rnaturity, and if this note or interest, thereon is not paid when due, or suit is brought, agree to pay aLI reasonabte costs of collection, including reasonable attorneyt s fees. IE is further agreed that the Company, Kendra Iloover and Julie Iverson are 1iab1e hereunder, jointly and severally. of Date: Covered Bridge Coffee Conpany NovEl'lBER 4, 1994 JULIE Iof Covered ridge Coffee yan NOvernber 4 r994 C ornpany \ I ' Covered Bridge o Coffee Shop PARKING FEE $12,600.00 INITIAL PAYMENT $2,520.00 PORTION FINANCED $1O,O8O.OO INTEREST RATE 1Oo/o YEARS FINANCED 4 DATE OF DOWN PAYMENT 11104194 PAYMENTAMOUNT $3,179.95 TOTAL PAYMENT DATE PAYMENT # PRINCIPAL INTEREST PAYMENT 11104194 Down pymt $2,520.00 $2,520.00 11t04t95 1 $2,171.95 $1,008.00 $3,179.95 11104t96 2 $2,389.14 $790.81 $3,179.95 11t04197 3 $2,628.05 $551.89 $3,179.95 11t04t98 4 $2,890.86 $289.09 $3,179.95 $12.600.00 $2.639.78 $15.239.78 PKINSTC.WK4 STA|E OF o CO LORADO Roy Romer, Governor Patricia A. Nolan, MD, MPH, frecdive Oirector Dedicated o protrcting nd improing tlr' hea/ry', and environmentol the Pple o[ Cobndo 4300 Cherry Creel Dr. S. [aboraory Building Denver. Colorado 80222-1530 4210 E. 11th Avenue Phone (303) 6e2-2ooo l;$T6r.:*f;" *220-3716 November 21, 1994 Peter G. Dann Covered Bridges Building Limited P.O. Box 5480 Avon, CO E1620 CERTIFIED MAIL NO.: P 162 E29 082 RE: Final Permit, Colorado Wastewater Discharge Permit System Number: COG47U22 - Covered Bridges Building Limited C,olondo Dcpartrncnt of hblicfledrh rndEnvimnmsrt Dear Mr. Dann: Enclosed please find a copy of 0re permit and your certification which was issued under the Colorado Water Quality Control Act. This permit requires that specific actions be performed at designated times. You are legally obligated to comply with all terms and conditions of the permit and certification. It is especially important to note the effective date which can be found on page one of the Certification. It is illegal to discharge per the conditions of this permit until that date. Please read the permit and if you have any questions contact this office at 692'3590. il.;a- Robert J. Shukle, Chief Permits and Enforcement Section Water Quality Control Division xc: Permits Section, Environmental Protection Agency Regional Council of Government Local County Health Department District Engineer, Field Support Section, WQCD Derald Lang, Field Support Section, WQCD Enforcement Office, Permis and Enforcement Section, WQCD Permit Drafters, Permits and Enforcement Section, WQCD Enclosure RIS/mlb A, *'. coc,7w Faciliry No. COG47O422 Page I CERTIFICATION AATHONZATION 71O DISCHARGE ANDER THE CDPS INDASTRIAL GENERAL PERMIT *,,"f f ,sflxtr:;i:"tr:yiffi {8""::#yf*t;:f l:'if !o},*,0, This pemit speciftally awhorbes, Covered Bridges Building Iinited Paer G, Dann P. O. Box 548o 15 Highlards lzne, Beaver Creek Resort Awn, CO 81620 (303)+%9s071 with the facility contact of, Sant as above to dischargefromfacilities identifed as rtc Covered Bridgc BuiUing Foundation Drain and Coohng System Disclurge proiect, locaed in the NW 1/4, Section 8 , T5S, RWW, Eagle @unty, 227 Bridge Snea, Vail, @lorado as shown infgure 1 of the permit, Jrom Dbcharge Poiu identified as 0OI as shown in figure 2 of the permit and Junher identifed and described in rhb table, ,t",;,5t[;fi;grit: .: :,::,,1,,: a,' :: P bi nt :, :,:, .l t,.l..f..i'b;;ffi .i .:' N1 Discharge from the smling basin prior to enteing Gore Oeek Avg. : jg tO^ Man : 350 gpm This General Permit will cover the discharge until the Individual permit is issued for this sitc. Perminee must request inactivation of this General Permit once the Individual is issued. The discharge is to Gore Cnek, Segment 8 of the Eaglc Pjver Sub-basin, Upper Colordo River Basin, found in 3.3.0 Classifuatbns atd Nwneric Standardsfor the llpper Cobrado River Basin (5 CCR l@2-8), as atncnded Septenber 7, 1993. Segment 8 has been classfied for the following uses: Recreation, Class I; Aquatic Life, Class I GoA); Agricuhure; Water Supply. Salinity QDS) monitoring of the discharge will be required. Phosphorus monitoing of the discharge wiII not be required. Antidegradation review does not appty to this permit. New load will be less than 10% oJ baseline load. Refer to page 4 of the permit Jor applicabk limitatians and to page 5 for nnnitoring requirements. All conespondence relative to this facility should refererce the specfu faciliry nwt'tber,COG47L422. Efrctive II/2!E!__ Cenified Lexer No._L !62 829,882-.--__...- Tom Boyce October 6. 1994 Thi-r facility pernil coruains 18 pages. tPagc2 Pcrmit No. COG47000O CDPS GENERAL PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION DEWATERING OPERATIONS AUTHORIZATION TO DISCIIARGE {JNDER TIIE COLORADO DISCIHRGE PERMTT SYSTEM In conrpliancc with thc provisions of thc colorado warcr Quatiry control Act (25-8- tol cr. se4. cRS, 1973 as amcndcd),operdlions cngagcd in construction dcwatcring of ground watcn (cxcluding minc dewatcring adivil.ics) arc authorized lodischar-r:c from approved locations throughoui rhc srare of Colorado ,o .p..ifi"a watcrs of *rc srate. Such dischargcs shallbc in accordancc wirh tbc condirions of rhis pcrmir. This prmit spccifically authorizes thc facility lisrcd on pagc I of this pcrmir to dischargc groundwatcr from consrrucri.ndcwr(cring activities' as of this datc, in acnrdzne with thc pcrmit rcquiremcnrs and conditions sc! forth in parts I and tthcrcrrf' All discharges authorizcd hcrcin shall bc consistcnt with thc terms and condirions of this pcrmit. Tlris permit and.thc aurhorizarion lo dischar_ec shall cxpirc ar midnight. Scprcurber 30, 1998 lssued and Signcd rhis 5ch day of May, 1993 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH y'. p[vid-Elotm, Dirccror .{Vatcr Qualiry Conrrol Division o TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I A. COVERAGE TINDER T}IIS PERMIT B. EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONTTORING REQUIREMENTSl. Effluent Limirations 2. MonitorineRequirements 3. Footnot€s c. REPORTINGREQUREMENTS t. ReoresentativeSamnling 2. Reoortine 3. Tcst Proccdures 4. Recordine of Results 6 6 5. Calculations6. Rccords Retcntion 7. Additional Monitoring by Permincc 7 8 8 PART tr A. MANAGEMENTREQINREMENTS l. Cbanee in Discharec2. Soecial Notificarions - Definitions 9 9 9 9 0 3. NoncomolianceNotification 4. Submission of Incorrect or Incomplete Information .....15. Bloass . 6. Bwass Notificarion 7 . Uosets . 8. Removed Substanccs 9, Minimization of Adverse Imoact 10. Discharge Point ll, Reduction. Loss. or Failurc of Treahcnt Fsciliw12. Prooer Ooeration snd Maintenance 13. Discharee Efifluenr Samoline 14. Siqnatorv Reouirement ....10 . . . . .ll . . . . . . ll I. RESPONSIBILITIES l. Inspections and Riebt to Entrv l3 l3 l3 l3 l3 l4 l5 2. Dutv to Provide Ipformation 3. Transfer of Owncrshio or Contmt4. Availabilir.v of Reeorts 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Permit Violations Prooert], Riehts 10. Sevcrabilitv ll. Renewal Aoolication 12. Confidentialitv 13. Fccs Modification. Suspension. or Rcvocation of pcrmits Bv the Division Oil and Hazardous Substance Liabilitv 14. Reouirine an Individual CDPS Permit 15. Reouestine an Individual CDPS Permir l6 l6 ...16 .1616. Reouestine Coveraee Under the General Permit -2a- PART I Page 3 Permit NO.: COG470000 COVERAGE UNDER TTIIS PERMIT l. In order to bc considered eligible for autborization to discbargc undcr lhe tcrms aDd conditions of this permit, the owuer, opcrator, and./or authorizcd agent of any facility eogaged ia construction dewatering, and desiring to discharge must submit a complacd application form obaincd from rle Wster Quality Cootrol Division. Such application sball bc submincd at lcast thirty (30) days prior to the aaticipatcd datc of first dischargc to: Colorado Departmcnt of Hcalth Wetcr Qudity Contml Division wQcD-PFB2 4300 Cherry Crcck Drivc South Denver, Colorado n222-1530 Aucotion: Pcrmis aad Eoforccment The pcrmit issuiug authority sball bave up to thirty (30) &ys affcr reccipt of thc above application to lEgucst additional rlqra as6l/e1 dcny thc aulhorizatiou for aay particular dischargc. Upon rcccipt of additional information thc pcrmit issuing authority shall havc an additional 3O &ys to issuc or deny authorization for any particular dischargc. If thc pcrson proposing thc dischargc docs not reccivc a rEquest for additional information or a notification of dcnial from tbe permit issuing authority within thc specified time framc, authorization to discharge ia accordaae with the conditioos of thc pcrmit sball bc decmcd graatcd. Authorization to dischargc sball bc sitc spccific and not tramferablc to altcmativc locations. If thc pcrmir issuiug authority dctcrmhcs tbat thc opcrstion docs not fall under the au&ority of thc gcneral permit, then Oc iaforaation rcccived wi[ be treatcd es ao individual pcrmit, discbarge is not dlowcd unril 180 days aftcr Oc application bas bccn rcccivcd. Authorization to dischargc undcr this gcocnl pcrmit shdl co--cncc on Octobcr l, 1993 and shall cxpire on Scptcmbcr 30, 1998. Thc Division must cvaluatc this general pcrmit oucc cvery fivc (5) ycars aud must also reccrtify thc appticant's autbority to discharge uodcr tbc geacral pcrmit, at such fine. Tberefore, a permince dcsiring continucd covcragc under thc gencral pcrmit must rc-apply by April I, 1998. Tbc Division will dacrminc if the applicant continues to operatc uodcr teros of thc gcneral permit. An individual pcrmit will be reguircd for any facility not reautborizcd to discbarge un&r tbc reissucd general pcrmit. For facilitics wishing ro rerminatc autborization undcr tbc ncw pcrmit, provisions of Part II.B,5 will bc appropriate. 2. This pcrmit docs not constitutc authorizatioo uudcr 33 U.S.C. 1344 (Scction 4Ol of thc Clcan Watcr Act) of ary stream dredging or filliag opcrations. In ordcr o bc coosidercd cligiblc for authorization to discbargc uudcr thc trrns snd conditions of tbis permit, tbe owuer, opcralor, and/or authorizad agent of ely facility desiring to dischargc must submit, by ccrtified lettcr,- the discbargc application form, available from thc Watcr Quality Control Divisiou, which gcnerally requires thc following ioformatioo: l. Name, addrcss, and descriptivc location of thc facility; 2. Nr"'c of principal ia cbargc of opcration of the facility; 3 . Name of watcr(s) rccciving tbe discharge(s); 4. Descriptiou of the typc of activity rcsulting i.n the discbarge including tbe anticipatcd duration of activity and./or tbe discharge, aoticipated volumc, aod ratc of discharge, ald the source of water which is to be discbarged; a .iPART I Page 4 Permir NO.: COG470000 A. COVERAGE UNDER THIS PERMIT (CONT'D.) B. EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS A}.ID MO/MTORING REQUIREMENTS l. Emuept Limitations - Constructiou Dcwatcrins Ac{ivities 5. Description of any wastc watcr tricshcot systcm and rccyclc/rcusc utilizcd; and,6. A map or schcmatic diagram showing tbc gencral arca and/or orring of Oc activity.7, Aaalysis of thc warcr to bc dischargcd8. Slorage of petrolcum or chcmicals on site. Efflucnt Paranctcr Dschargc Limiations 3Gday averagc g/ Tday avcrage !/ Daily Maximum 9/ Flow, MGD N/A N/A Rcport Total Suspeodcd Solids, mg/l 30 45 N/A Total Dissolved Solids, mg/l Colorado Rivcr Basia Onlv N/A N/A Rcport Total Phosphorus (as P), mgll Sec Part I.C.?.C. N/A N/A Rcport pH sball remain between 6.5 aod 9.0 s.u. g/. Oil and grcasc sball uot cxcccd l0 mgll,p/ nor chall thcrc bc a visiblc shcca f/. a' Thcrc sball bc no dischargc ofany process geoeriatcd wastc waters cxccpt thosc waste wate6 resulting from dewatcring of grouodwatcr and/or surfacc nrnoff from constructiou sitcs. b. Tberc shall bc no discharge of sadtary w?stc waters froo toilers or related facilities. c. No chemicals 8re to b€ sdded !o tbe dischargc unlcss permission for the use ofa specific chemical is gnrt€d by thc Division. Ia gaating thc use of such cbcmicals, additionat limitations and monitoring requirements may be imposed or an individual permit m8y bc rrquired. d. Bulk storagc stnrcturcs for pcrroleum prrducts and othcr chcmicals shall have adequatc protcction so 8s to contain all spills and prevent the material from eotcring discbarged waters or waters of lhe State. Additioual requiremenls ere ser forth in Section 3ll of thc Fcderal Cleau Watcr Act. O*r, Page 5 Permit NO.: COG47000O 3. EFFLI'ENT IIMITATIONS AND MONITORINC REQUIREMENTS (CONT'D.) 2. Monitorine Requircmcnts - Construciion Dararcring Astivilics In ordcr to obr-in an iadication of thc pmbablc oompliancc or aoncompliancc with thc cfflucnt lirnitations spccified h Part I.B.1, thc pcrmiucc shall monitor all cftlucnt panmerers at the following rcquircd ftrcqucncies. Sclf-monitoring samplcs taken in compliancc with thc monitoring reguirements specified abovc shall be taken at thc point of dischargc prior ro enrcri.og watcrs of thc Statc. ' 3. Footnotcs { Thc thirty (30) day average shall bc dercmincd by lhc rrithrngtic m"^n of all sdmples collected during a thirty (30) consecutiveday period. Samplcs shall not bc us€d for more than one reporting pcriod. !/ - Tbc scven (7) day average shall be dercrnind by tbe arithmaic mcan of all samples taken oa sqrarate days in a seven P) consccutivc-day pcriod. Sanplcs sbdl trot bc used for more than one rcporting period. S/ - This limitatiou shall bc dercrmiled by a singlc samplc or set of samples as rcquired by Part I B. 2, Sampte TyPc. d/ - -Whca the mcasurcmcnt frequency itrdicated is quartcrly, thc samples shall be collected duriag March, Junc, Septcmbcr and Deccmbcr, if a continual discbarge occurs. If the discharge is intcnnittent, then sanplcs shall bc collccrcd duriag thc pcriod that discbargc occurs. If the lrrnittcc, using thc approvcd alalytrcal melhods, monilors any parameEr morc ftoquently than required by this permit, then the results of such monioring shall bc iocluded in thc calculation and reporting of the values required ir thc Discbarge Monitoring Reporr Form or othcr forms as rcquired by tbc Division. Sucb increased frequency shall also be indicated. t Efflucnt Parancter Mcasurcmcnt Frcqucacy {Sample 1}pc 9/ Flow, MGD Wcckly Instan'tancous or Contiauous Total Suspcadcd Solids, mg4 T\,r,icc Monthly Grsb OiI and Grcase, mg/l Wcckly Visual or Grab pH, s.u.Monthly Grab Salinity g/, b/arrlrtcrly Grab Total Phosphorus (as P), mgll Scc Fart I.C.7.C. Quartcdy Grab t PART I I Fage 6 Permit NO.: COG4TOOOO B. EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS (Continued) 9/ - Definitions of Samplc Typc l. A 'coEPosite' sample, for monitoriag rcquircmcnt!, is a 'nini'num of four (4) grab samples collected at equally spaced two (2) hour hGrvds and proportioned accordiag to flow. 2. A 'gtab" sanplc, for monitorbg requircmcnts, is a eiagle .dip and takc" sanple. 3. An 'instantancous' mcasurcment, for monitoring rcquirements, is a singlc leading, obscrvatioa, or Ecasurement pcrformcd on sitc. 4. A 'coatinuous' mcssurenc[t, for flow mooitoriag rcquircmcnts, is a mcasurcment obtaincd frgm an automatic recorditrg dcvice uAich contiaually mr"urcs flow. 5. Aa 'in-situ' mcasurcmcnt, for mouitoring rcquircmenls, is defincd as'a singte rcading, obscrvatioo or tne:$urcrncDt takea il thc ficld 8t the poilt of dischargc. 6. A 'visual' observation, for oil and greasc monitoriag rcquircmcnts, is observing the discharge to check for thc preseucc of a visiblc sbeca or floafiag oit. fl - lo tbe cvcnt aa oil shccn or floating oil is obscrvod, a grab samplc shall bc collected, rnrtlzed, and reportcd. In addition, corr€ctivc actioa sball bc taken immcdiaaly o mitigate ihe dischargc of oil and grease. g/ - Wherc based on a minimum of 5 sanplcs, thc pcrmiucc dcmolstralrs,.to thc satisfaction of rhe Water Qualiry Conuol Division, thar thc lcvcl of Total Dssolvcd Solids CfDS) in the cfttuent can be calculared based upon the level of clcctrical conduaivity, thc pcrmittcc rnay rncasure and rcport TDS ia tcrms of clectrical conductivity. !/ - Total Dissolvcd Soli& monitoring is required only for discbargcs to thc Cotorado Rivcr Basia. See specific facility certification rationale to dctcrmine wbaher TDS monitoring is required. C. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS l. Reoresentativesamoline Samples eDd measuremcnts takcn 8s tequir€d hercia shall bc rcprescntative of the volume and uature of the Dronitor€d discharge. PART I Page 7 Permit NO.: COG470000 C. REPORTING REQUREMENTS (Coatinucd): 2, Reoorting Monitoring Esults for cach calcndar qusicr 8r€ duc by tbc 28th day of the following month. Tho t*ults Ehsll bc sunmarizcd and rcportcd on applicable dischargc monitoring rtport forms (EPA Form 33n-D, posbarted no Latcr than tbe due date. If no discbarge ocarn during tbc reportiag pcriod 'No Discharge' shall bc rcportcd. Duplicatc signcd copics of thcsc and dl otber rcporrs required hcrcin, sball bc submiscd to the Ragiooal Adoinistraor and thc Statc st the followiag addrcsscs: Colorado Pceamcat of Hcalth Wstcr Quslity Control Division wQCDPE-B2 4300 Cherry Creck Drivc South Dcnver, C,olorado U?22-l5n Atcntion: Pcrnitr and Enforcemcnt U. S. Environmentel Protaion Ageacy Onc Denvcr Placc Suite 5OO 999 l8th Strcct Denver, Colorado Wnz-2&s Ancatioo: Watcr Maaagaocot Divisioo-Compliancc Branch EWM.C Failurc to rubnit the reportr sball coastiotc e violation of thc permit aad grounds for revocatioo of tbe permiucc's ccrtification to discbargc under this permit. 3. Test Proccdurcs Tcst Pnoccdures for thc analysis of polluunts sbdl conform to regulations published pursurtrt to Seclion 304 (h) of thc Act, and C;olorado Statc Effluent T imitatio[s (10.1.t, under nfrich such procedures may bc required. 4. Recordine of Resulrs For cscb mcasurcEcnt or sample taken purs',qnt to thc rtquircmcnts of ttis pcrmit, the permifcc shall record thc following informatioo: a. Tbe cxact placc, &tc, and timc of sampting; b. The dates thc analyses were pcrformed; c. The pcnon(s) wbo pcrformed the aaalyses; d. The analytical techuiqucs or mctlods usod; and e. Tbe results of all requirad analyses. 5. Calculations for dl limitations which require avcragirg of measurements sball utilize an arithmetic me:n unless ' othcrwise spccified. o PART I Page 8 Permit NO.: COG470000 C. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS (Continued) 6. Records Retcntion All records and information resulting from the moaitorilg activitics required by this permit iucluding all &alyscs performed and calibration and maiulcaancc of instnrmcntatiou and recordings ftom cootinuous Eonilorfurg instnrmentation shall be rcraiocd for a minimum of threc (3) ycars, or longcr, if requcstcd by thc Regional Administraror or lhe Water Qudity Contnol Dvision. 7. Additional Monitoring by Permiae A. If thc permittec mooitors aDy potlutatrt rt thc loc8tior(s) dcsignatcd bcreir morc frequcurly thaa required by this pcrmit, using approved aoalytrcal mahods as specified lbove, the results of such monitoriag sball bc includcd in the cdculatior ard rrporting, of tbc vdues required in thc Dischargc Monitorilg Report Form @PA No. 332&l), or othcr forms as rcquirod by tbc Dvision. Sucb increased frequency shall also bc indicat€d, B. The Division rescrvcs thc right to requcst further monitorbg of any pollutanG outside thc rcquiremcnts of this pcrmit, as describcd b Part 1.C.7. of this pcrmit, !o ctrsurre thar tbc conditions of thc gcncral permit ar€ mct and./or to cnsurc lhal thc antidegradation presumption is ovcrcome by sirc specific reasons spccified in Sectioa 3. 1.8(l)(cXD(iixiii) of Tbc Basic Standards and Merhodoloeics for Surfacc Watcr. If aay of thc additional monioring indicatcs pollutans of couccrn that nay impact the recciviag v,alers, or necd limitations set, theD the Dvision shdl dcrcroiuc tbat etr idividud pcrnit is required and reservcs thc right to rcquire that the dischargc ocasc until en iadividual pcrnit is ia cffcct. Tablc A dcscribcs thc additional monitoriag lhd wil bc rcquircd for tbis facility, Additional monitoring sbdl bc includcd witb thc Dischargc Monitoring Rcport @MR) and sball bc subjcct to thc p€nnit's monitoring and rcporting rnquirements. C. Total phosphonrs (as P) monitoring is rcquired for facilitics which dischargc into thc following drainagc basins: Cberry Creck basin, Cbatfield Reservoir upstrean of the USGS gage st Watertou and ou Plum Creck, Dillon Reservoir basin (i.c. Tcn Mile Crcck, Snakc River, Blue River, all tributaries !o tbc Dillon Reservoir), and Bcar Creek basin. Thc Dvision also rcserves thc right to iictu.de phospbonrs monitoriug for any receiviDg waters that may later entcr into phosphonrs moniroring requirements. If pbosphonrs mouitoring is a requircment of the peroit tban it sball bc includcd within fts terms and conditions of thc individual Certification Rationale of tbe pcrnit. Additional monitoring for pbosphorus sbell bc iacludcd on thc Dscharge Mouioring Report @MR) aad sball bc subject to tbe permit's mouitoriug and reporting rcquircments. If phosphorus monitoring is requircd tbc mcasurcmeut frequency shall be on a quarterly basis, taken as a grab sample. o Page 9 PERMIT NO.: COG47000O PART II MANAGEMENT REQI,NREMENTS t . Chauee in Discbarpc The pcrmiccc sball inform thc Dvision @crmits and Eoforccment Scction) ia writing of any inant b cotrstruct, install, or alar any proc€ss, facility, or sctivity that is likely to result in a acw or altcrcd discharge and shall furnish thc Division such plals and spccifications uAich thc Dvision dccms reasonably neccssary to cvaluate the cffecr on thc discbargc and recciviog srream. Thc pcrmitte sball submit this noticc within two (2) urccb aftcr making a detcrmination to pcrform tbc tlpc of activity refcrred !o in thc proccding paragraph. Proccss modifications bclude, but arc not limitcd to, tbc iatroductioo of aay new pollut8rt not prcviously idcntified in thc pcrmit, or eny other modifications wbich may result ia e dischargc of a quaatity or gudity diffcrcot fnom that wtich was applicd for. Following such notice, thc pcrmincc shall bc roquired o submit r new CDPS applicetion and thc pcrmit may be modificd to speciry 6a! lirnil eay polluta*s not previously linitcd, if the ncw or eltcrcd discharge migbt bc inconsisrcnt with the conditions of tbc existing pcrnit. h no casc shall tbc pcrmittce implcmeot such chaogc without first noti$iug the Division. 2. Soccial Notificarioos - Definitions a) Bypass: Tbc intcntional diversion of wastc str€aos from any portion of a tr€atnc[t facitity. b) Scverc Pnoperty Damagc: Substantiat physical damagc to propcrty 8t thc tr€atment faciUties wtich causes |hcm o become inopcrabtc, or substautial and pcrmaneot loss of natural nesourc€s which caa reasouably bc expcctcd lo occur ia tbe abscocc of a blpass, lt docs aot mcan cconomic loss causcd by dclays in- production. c) Spill: Ar uuintcntional relcasc of solid or liquid oatcrial nAich may causc pollution of sratc watcrs. d) Upscr: Aa exccptional incidcnt in whicb thcre is uni"tcntional aud tcmporary noncomplialcc with pcrmit cffluent limitations bccausc of factors beyond tbe rcasouablc control of Oc peroinec. Al upsa docs not iucludc noncomplialoc o thc exteot causcd by opcrariooal crror, impropcrly dcsigncd trcatment facilitics, imdequate treatmeDt facilitics, tack of prcvcntative EaiDtcnaDce, or carelcss or improper operatiotr. 3. NoncomolianccNotification a) If, for any teason, thc pcrmiucc docs not cooply with or will bc unablc to comply with any maximum dischargc limitations or statrdards spccificd ia this permit, tbe permincc shdl, at a roinimum, suboit in wtitiog to tbc Warcr Quslity Contlol Division aad EPA within five days of becoming aware of such conditions, the following information: (i) A dcscription of tbc discbargc aad causc of noncompliancc; (ii) Thc period of noncompliancc, includiog ex8ct datrs and timcs aad./or the anticipatcd tioe when the dischargc will rcturu to coEpliatrcc; 8trd (iii) Stcps bcing takco !o reducc, climioatc, and prcvent recureuce of the noocomplying discharge. b) The pcrmittec shall rtport thc following instaaces of noncompliancc orally witbia tweaty-four (24) hours frou thc timc thc pcnnittcc bccoocs aware of thc noncompliancc, aod shall mail to the Divisiou 8 report within five (5) &ys aftcr becoming aware of the noncompliancc: PARTtr I Page l0 PERMIT NO.: COG4700@ A. MANAGEMENT REQLIIREMENTS (Continued) (i) Aay iutancc of aoucompliancc which may end^nger hcaltb or the euvironmeot; . (ii) Any une "ticipatcd bypass; (iii) Aly upset which causcs atr cxceedancc of any cfflucnt limi6ii6a in thc pcrmit; (iv) Any spill which csuscs atry cfflucnt limiatiou to bc violarcd; (v) Daily maximum violuions for aay toxic pollutanc or hazardous subsrrnccs linitcd by PART I-A of this pcrmit and spccificd as rcquiriag 24 hour notification. c) Thc pcrmiacc sball report dl otbcr instanccs of aon+ompliaacc not rrportd under A.3(a) or A.3@) at the timc Dischargc Monioring Reorts arc submittcd. Thc rcports shall contain thc samc information listcd in sub-paragraph (a) of tbis sccrion. 4. Submission of Incorrect or Inoomolete Information Wherc the perniucc failcd to submit any relcvatrt facrs iu a pernit application, or submitted incorroct iafomcation ia a pcrmit application or r€port ro thc Dvision, thc pcrmiucc shall promptly submit thc relcvant application informarion which was not submilcd or aay rdditiooal information nccded to conect atry e11oneous information prcviously submitred. 5. Bvoass The perainec may allow any bypass to occur which docs not csusc emuent liEitatiotrs to be excccded, but if and only if it is for csscntial oainteaancc to sssurc efficicot opention. Blpass is prohibitcd, 8!d thc Divisiou may takc caforccmcnt aaion against a pcrmittec for bypass, unlcss: a) Bypass was uuavoi&ble to prcvcrt loss of life, pcsonal injury, or sevcre pr6pcrty rlam3gs; strd b) Thcrc werc no fcasiblc altcrostivcs to thc blpass, sucb as thc use of auxiliary treatmctrt facilitics, r€lctrtion of untreated wastcs, or Eaintcurcc during normal pcriods of cquipmcnt donrntime. Tlis condition is not satisficd if the pcrmiucc could bavc insullcd adeguatc backup cquiprncnt !o pr€vcnt a bypass which occurred during aormal periods of cquipmeut downrirnc or prcventativc maiatenaocc; and c) Tbc perminec submitted notices as reguired ia'Bypass Notification., pan tr.A.6. 6. Byoass Notification If the permince hows in edvancc of thc accd for e blpass, a noticc sball be submittcd, at least tcn days bcforc the date of the bypass, to the Division and thc Eavironoeotal hotcction Agency @PA). The blpass sball be subject to Division spproval and limitatioos inposcd by thc Division aod EpA. NO.: COG47000O A. MANhGEMENT REQUIREMENTS (CONTINUED) 7 . Upscts a) Effecr of ao upset Aa upsa constitutcs an ef,Ernstivc dcfeosc to an action brought for aonoompliaacc with pcroit effluent limitarious if thc requircncas of paragraph @) of this scction are rnct. No dctcrmilation nadc during administrativc rcvicw of clairnc ihat noncoopliaocc .uras causcd by upsot, atrd bcfors an sction for noacompliance, is filal adrninistative ection subjcct to judicial rcvicw. b) Coaditions neccssanr for a demonstration ofuoset A pcrmiucc wbo wishes to cstablisb thc rffirmativc dcfcnsc of upsct shall dcoonnratc through popcdy eigncd coatcmporaacous opaatiDg logs, or othcr rclcvant cvidcncc that: G) i{n upser occurrcd aad that tbe pcrniucc can ideoti$ tbe spccific causc(s) oftbc upsa; G) TLc pcrniucd hcility was at the tinc bcing propcrty opcratod; aod (iii) Tbc pcroircc submitod ooticc of thc upscl ss requirod i! Part II A.3 of this pcrmit (2Ahour ncitice). (iv) Tbc pcrmittcc complicd with any rcmedial Ecasurcs rcquired undcr Scctiou 122.7(6) of tbc fedqal rcgulatious. c) Burdcn of oroof ID eny cnforccmctrt procccditrg thc pcrmiucc sacking !o cstablish the occusrucc of str upset has thc burdeu of proof. E. Rcmovcd Substanccs Solids, sludgcs, or othcr pollutants rcmovcd ia thc coursc of trcatment or control of wastcwalcn sball bc disposcd of ia a mrnner such ss to prevcnt any pollutant from such matcrials from cntcring watcrs of tbe State. 9. Minimization of Advcrse Imoact Thc permittcc shall takc all rcasoaablc stcps to ltirinizc any advcrse inpsct to watcrs of thc Statc rrsulting from nonmopliancc with any efflucnt limitgtioos specified in this permit, including such accelcrated or additional oonitoriug as ncccssary to dctcrnirc thc satur€ and impact of lhc noocomplyiog dischargc. 10. Discharee Point Any dischargc !o thc waters of thc Satc ftom a point source othcr than specifically autborizcd by this pcmit is prohibitcd. o PART tr Page ll PERMIT i NO.: COG47@00 A. MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS (CONTINUED) I l. Reduction. I-oss. or Failurc of Treaiment Facilitv The permiuee has tbe duty to halt or reducc aay aaivity if ncccssa4f to EaiDr.in compliancc with'thc effluent limitations of thc pcrmit. Upon rcduaioa, loss, or failurc of thc tr€atmcnt facility, thc permittee shall, to thc cxtent nccessary o maiatain compliance with ia permit, control produc{ion, or all dischargcs, or both until thc faciliry is rcstored or an dtcroativc nabod of lrcatment is providcd. This provisioa for cxample, applies to powcr failurcs, udcss aa altcraativc powcr soutcc sufficicnt ro opcrstc the wastcwatcr coutrol facilitics is provided. It shatl not be a defensc for a pcraiucc in an cnforccncnt action that it would bc noccssary to halt. or rcducc the pcrmitred activity ia ordcr to maiutain compliencc with the conditions of this pcrmit. 12. Prooer Oocration and Mainrcnancc Thc pcrniucc shdl 8l aU ti.ocs properly opcratc and D8itrtaitr dl frcilitics 8Dd syste'ns of trc8t6cnt and control (and relared appurtcnanccs) ufiich ere insalld or uscd by thc pcrmiue to achievc complianoe with the conditions of this pcrmit. hopcr opcration and maintcoalcc includcs cffcctivc pcrformancc, adcquatc funding, adequatc opcrar,or sbffing 8.od traidrg, and adcquatc laboratory ard proccss @ltFols, including appmpriate quality assurancc proccdurcs. This pmvision requires tbc opcratiou of back-up or auxiliary facilities or similar systens only *ten neccssary to achievc compliaacc with thc oonditions of thc pcrmit. 13. Discharec Effluent Samoline Discbargc poios shall bc so dcsigncd or modificd tbat a samplc of thc effluent caa bc obuincd et a point aftcr thc final trjeatrDent proccss and prior o discharge to stetc u/atcn. 14. Siepatorv Rcouiremeat All reports required for submittd shall bc signed aad ccaificd for accuracy by Oe peroittcc ia accord witb the following critcria: a) In tbc case of corporations, by a priacipal cxccutivc officcr of at lcast thc lcvcl of vicc-prcsidcnt or his or her duly authorizcd rcprcscDtativc, if such reprcscntarivc is responsible for the ovenll operation of lhe faciliry from which the discbargc dcscribcd ia thc form origioatcs; b) ln the casc ofa pannership, by a gcncral partncr; c) [u Oe casc of a rclc proprietochip, by thc propriaor; ' d) tn the case ofa municipal, state, or otbcr public facility, by eitber a priacipal cxecutive of,ficcr, ranking clectcd official, or otbcr duly autborizcd cmploycc. Within sixty (60) days of ccrtification thc pcrmiucc shall file a statemcnt with the Environmental Protection Agency aod tbc Watcr Qudity Control Division which shall conain thc names of thc penion or persons who are dcsigoatcd to report conditious on discbarge Eouil,oring reporb 8Dd as noted in "Noncompliaocc Notificatioo", Part II A.3. Thc pc.rmittec sball continually updatc this list as changcs occur at tbe faciliw. o PART II Page 12 PERMIT NO.: COG470000 o PART tr Page 13 PERMIT rl. RESPONSIBILfiES l. Insoeclioos and Rieht to Entrv The pcrmieee shall allow the Director of thc Statc Water Quatity Control Dvisiou, tbc EPA Regioual Administrator, atrd/or their authorizcd nepr€scotative, upoo tbe pr€scntatioD of crcdentials: a) To eutcr upon the pcrmiucc's premiscs whcrc a rgulatcd facility or activity is locatcd or in wbich any records are required to be kept under lhc tcrms atrd conditions of this permit; b) At r€asonablc times to have acccss to atrd copy any records required to be kept utrdcr the lerms aDd conditions of this permit and to inspect aay monitoring equipment or monitoring method required in the permit; and c) To cntcr upon thc pcrminec's premiscs to iavcstigatc, witbin rcason, any actual, suspected, or potcntial courcc of watcr pollution, or any violation of tbc Colorado Walcr Qudiry Control Act. Tbc invxtigation ' Eay includc, but is uot limitcd o, rhe following: sa-mpliag of auy discharge and/or proccss watcrs, lhe tntring of photographs, intcrvicwiag pcrmiucc Etaff oo dlcgcd violation, scccss to any and all facilitics or i1p35 v/ithin the perminec's prcmiscs that may havc eoy afrec1 on the discharge, permit, or allcged violation. 2. Dutv to Provide Information The permitrcc shall ftrruish to thc Divisioa, within a reasouable time, any informatioa which thc Division may r€quest ro detcrmioe uAerber causc cxists for oodifying, revoking and reissuing, or tcrminatitrg this permit, or lo dcrcrnine compliaacc with tbis pcrmit. Thc pcrmittcc shall also furnish to tbe Division, upoD r€qucst, copies of records required to be kept by this pcrmit. 3. Transfcr of Ournersbio or Control A pcrmit may be transferred to a trcw pcrmincc if: a) The current permittee notifies tlc Division in writiug 3O days in advance of the proposed transfer date; and b) Tbc noticc includes a wrincn 8grecsrent bctwccn tbe cxisting and new permittccs coutaining a spccific date for transfer of pcrmit respoosibility, coverage and liability bctween them; and c) Tbc current permittee has met all fec requircmeDts of the Statc Discharge Permit System Regulations, Scction 6.16.0. 4. Availabiliw of Reoorts Exccpt for data determined to bc confidential undcr Scction 3OE of thc Fcdcral Clean Water Act atrd Rcgulations for tbe Statc Dscharge Permit Systeo 6.6.4 (2), all reports prepared in accordarce with the Grms of this pcrmit sball be available for public inspcction at Oe officcs of the State Water Quality Control Division and thc Regional Administrator. o PART tr Page 14 PERMIT NO.: COG{70000 B. RESPONSIBILTTIES (CONTINUED) 5. Modification. Suspcnsion. or Revoqation of Pcrmits Bv tbc Division All permit modificatiou, tcrmistion or rcvocstion and reissuaacc actions shall bc subject to the requircmeots of the State Discharge PerEit Systcm Regulations, scctions 6.6,2,6.6.3,6.E.0 ad 6.16.0, 5 C,C.R. lOO2-2, cxcePt for minor modificatioos. Minor modifications may only corrcct typographical errors, requile a changc in thc frcquency of monitorhg or rcporting by lhe pcrmiucc, changc aa iarerim &tc in a schcdulc of compliaucc or allow for a changc in owucrship or opcrational control of a facility ircluding addition, dcactivation or docation of dischargc points whcre thc Dvision daermitrcs that no other change ia lhc pcrmit is neccssary. a) This permit may be modificd, suspeDded, or tcvokcd ia wholc or il part during its tero for reaso1s detcmined by tbe Division including but not limited ro, the followiag: (i) Violation of any tcrms or conditions of thc permit; (ii) gbr'ining a permit by misrcprcscltation or failing to disclosc any facr rryhich is mstcrial to thc grantiag or deoial of a pcmdt or to thc cstablishmcnt of tcrms or conditions of the perait;. or (iii) Materially falsc or ioaccurzrc shtcEents or iaformation ia tbc appucatioa for thc pcrmit; or (iv) homulgation of a toxic cfflucnt stardards or prohibitions (including any schcdulc of compliancc spccified in such effluent staodard or prohibition) which are established under Secrion 307 of rhe Cleen Watcr Act, wherc such a toxic pollutant is prcscnt in tbc dischargc aud such st8rdard or prohibition is morc stringcnt thau aay limitation for such pollutant in this permit. This permit may be modified in wbole or in part due to a change in aay condition that requires ei&er a tcmporary or permancDt rcduction or climinatioo of thc permitted discharge, such as: C) Promulgation of Watcr Quality Statrdards applicable !o waters affectcd by the permitted discbarge; or (ii) Effluent limitations or other requirements applicable pusuaut to the State Act or federal requ ircments; or (iii) Control rcgulations promulgated; or (iv) Data submined pursuaot to Pert I.B indicates a potential for violation of adopred Water euality StaDdards or stread classifications. Tbe certification for the individual facility authoriziug discharge under the general glermit may be modified to allow for a change in orvncrship or opcratiotral cootml of a facility including 8ddiriotr, dcactivation or rclocation of discharge points where thc Division detcrmiocs no cbange in the general permit is nec€ssary. At lhe rcquest of tbe pcrmince, tbe Division may modi$, or tcrmiDat€ this permit if the followilg couditions arc met: (i) ln the case of termination, the perminee uotifies the Division of its intent to terminate the permit 90 days prior.to the desired datc of terminatioo; i b) c) d) PART tr Page 15 PERMIT NO.: COG470000 B. RESPONSTBIUTTES (CONTTNUED) ' (ii) In the casc of tcrminarion, thc peroiucc has ccased any and all dischargcs to stalc witcrs strd demoDstratcs io tbe Division thcrc is no probability of furthcr uDcontroiled dischargc{s) ufiich may affec't waters of the State. (iii) The Rcgional Administraror hes been notified of thc proposcd modification o, tr.rio.tioo and docs nor objcct iu writing wirhh rhirty (30) &ys of racipt of uotification; (iv) The Dvision fuds that &c pcrmificc has shbwn reasonable grounds coDsisrent wi& tbe Federal and Srarc staliltes and rcgutations for such modification, aoendment or tcrminrtisl. (v) Fcc requirements of Scctioo 6.16.0 of Statc Dischargc Permit Systcm Regulations havc becn met; and (vi) Rcquircmcnts of public aoticc hsvc bcca md. 6. Oil and Hazardous Substance Liabitiw Nothing ia this pc-rmit shall bc constnrcd to precludc thc institution of any tcgal action or relicvc thc permittec from any responsibilities, liabilitics, or pcaaltics to uAich thc permittcc ii or nay bc subject to undcr section3ll (oil and Hazardous Substancc Uability) of rbe Clcan Warcr Aa. 7 . State [-aws Nothiug in lhis pc_rait sbstl bc construed to precludc thc iastitution of aay legal action or relicve thc pcrnittec from any responsibilitics, liabilitics, or pcnalties cstablishcd pursusrt to any applicable Statc law or regulationuudcr authority grantcd by Scction 510 of tbe Clcan Waar Act. 8. Permit Violations Failurc to comply with sny tcnos aud/or conditiors of this pcrmit shau bc a violation of this pcrrrit. 9. Pmocrtv Rishrs Thc issuance of this permit locs no1 convcy any propcrfy or warcr rights in cithcr real or pcrsonal properry, orstream flows, or any cxclusivc privilcges, nor docs it authorizc *y i"luty to privatc property or any invasioa ofpcrsonal rights, nor any infringcoeat of Fcderal, State or local taurc oi regulations. - 10. Sevcrabilitv The provisions of this pcrmit arc scvcrable. If any provisions of this permit, or the application ofany provisionof lhis pcrmit to aDy circumsr'rcc, is hcld invalid, tbc application of such provisiotr b;ther circumstaaces and tbe applicatioa of thc reoaindcr of rhis pcrmit shalt aot bc affcctcd. I l. Renewal Aoolication If the permittcc desires to contiouc to discbarge a permit rencwal application shall be submittcd at lg:|st otre hundred cighry (180) days bcfore this pcrmit expires. If tbc pcrmittee anticipares thcre will be no discbarge afrer the expiration date of this pcrmit, the Division should bc pronptly notified Eo that it can rermiaate the permit in accordancc with P8rt tr.8.5. PART tr Page 16 PERMIT NO.: COG470000 B. RESPONSIBILMIES (CONTINUED) I2. cotfideptjelily Any information relating to 8ny secrcl proc€ss, method of manufacture or production, or sales Lr markaiug data, which may bc acquLed, asccrtaincd, or discovcrcd, whether in any sampling invcstigatioo, emergeucy invcstigation, or otherwise, sball not bc publicly discloscd by any mcmbcr, ofhccr, or cmploycc of thc commission or the Division, but shall be kept confidentid. Any pcrson secking to iavoke thc protection of this Subsectioo (2) shall bcar thc burden of proviog its applicability. Tbis scction shall acver be interpraed as preventing full disclosure of cffluent data. 13. Fecs The pcrmiuce is requircd to submit payncnt snd rnnual fcc ss sct forth in &c 1983 arnendoents to the Water Qudity Control Act. Section 25-8-502 0) (b), and Sarc Dscharge Permit Regulations 5CCR 1002-2, Section 6.16.0 rs amcnded. Failurc to submit tbe requircd foc ufrcn duc and payablc is a violation of tbe permit and will result in cnforccmcot aaioo pursuant to Scclion 25-8-ffl d. scq., C.R.S. 1973 as amcnded. 14. Rcouirine aa Individual CDPS Pcrmit Tbc Dirccor may requirc any owncr or operator covcrcd uadcr lhis peroit to apply for and obtaio aa individual CDPS permit if: a) Thc discharger is not in compliancc with the couditions of this Gencral Permit; or, b) Conditions or statrdards bavc chaaged 60 thal thc dischargc ao longer qualifics for e General Permit. c) Data bccomes available which indicates watcr qr.rality sta[dards may bc violatcd, The owner or operator Eust bc Dotified i.n writing that an application for atr iadividual CDPS pcrmit is rcquired. Wben an individual CDPS permit is issucd to atr owuer or operator othcrwisc covered under this Gcueral Pcrmit, the applicability of the Gcneral Pcrmit to tbat owncr or opcrator is 8ur;Eatically terminatcd upon thc cffective date of thc individual CDPS pcrmit. 15. Reouestine an Individual CDPS Permit Any owner or opcrator covered by tbis Geaeral Pcrmit may rcquest to be cxcluded from the coverage by applyiug for an i:rdividual CDPS Peroit. 16. Reouestins Cover?se Under the General Permit Tbe owncr or opcrator of a facility cxcluded from covcragc by this General Pcrmit solely bccause that facility already bas an individual permit may request tbat the iodividual permit be revoked and that the facility be covered by rhis General Peroit. Such request shall bc cvduatcd by tbe Divisiou pcr criterioa specified i! Part I of Ois pe rmit. o l-r.l E.t! oo t+ t-lQZ- o-5<J>fo |lJFITJE=(9>=dooE LL>(D lllJ| | tE ,l>l sY E*t 1tZ Y | ,.,?3s?O'I<()ooov) o<Za-out- CE t-.1lll FtUlZa(tzu9r cc<otlJ_@oF+ o a@o-5NcJ t +=sq6oY;.rr otZ.;ixH5 ri -l ;) U l{ irl I trdt\r5i )litIqI4tiF ,';' Ii, WJ i r.) '::;;! i,d , ;':!oJECr PACE 17 i Jlrt<I>t-,z E,_oolr-ZrO LoYt,t.n6 tllOt-E6oo*-fiQ IJ'_ E 0.( -rur oJ(J>Je<oo TL|.t-(J() llllItl c#{dq q"ll zY-?fis?EI<Oo(Jo(n o<zo -Oui-(f t-r IIJ F Lll = =a(tzuHl CE<OF-r--Pi;N -.\@o-f N<-: r F=o.g6.9eA a-z; =xHo UJJ ()a o F- F-oz 4 Corared Bridges Building Limiled C O,\ S?'R U CTI ON D EWATERI NG P ROJ E CT coG470122 PAGE 18 z Pa EHa'nOJ(J= ?gt1 gfi .F -QHJ>50 olrjIY Itl o(J FIGURE 2 l:,z ) =o trJoo (D frl9 HH 6O V= 8h uJo = lrlF(L o tt- ==o- 6o )J ILl- o ( \ :ilttrt I ,t_, I: ht Ici(9\ RENEWAL OF CONSTRU CII ON D EWATEN NG OPERANONS IN COI,OMDO GENERAL PERMTT FOR DISCHARGE MNONAIE cOLoRADo DISaHARGE PERMIT MJMBER: coG47M Uodate fiis is the seotd rcnaw,l oJ the gcncral pamit for C.onstrrrcTbn Derwtcriag Opcratiotts r+hich was originally ksued Novembcr 2, 1983. Thc Gcaeral Pcrmit gtstcnt for regulathg disclurga fiom thc construction opcraliorlt has workcd wcll for thc State. Thc nlost signiflcant changa ia the sccond rcnawl arc aJ Iollov,s: A. Thc Divkion l:as reasonable concerrlt with corctruction dewatcring sita ncar areas with potenfial groundwuer pollutants conributd by lcaking underground ii6ragc rank, ladflt arcas, surfacc ground contatninotion Jrom gasolinc and diacl spilk, chonical dumping arnr:t. etc. Groutdwarcr charactcrktics ond movcnunt may change because oJ e:rcavation atd grourd*aner pw4oing rctivities. In somc cdtes thc cotzstruction dcwatcring areas may indicatc a potcuial problan wirt groudvntcr pllutat* cncring iruo hc sitc afcr acavaion as a raul! oJ pumping. Additiondl monitoring shouU aid ia cwluathg possibh dnnges in groutd',+vter conditiotts during the pumping activiry, hsuriag tlut the cotditbns oJ the gaural pamit qe wld, and aho irdicatc if a situuion es,ists whcrc an individual pcnnit should be bsued This requirenuu witl be imposcd wherc thc potcuial for problems exist. B. Additional nonitoring nuy be rcquntd to cuurc tlu the antidcgrdddtion prcsumption is overcomc by sitc specifc rcasons specifed in Scction 3.1.8(I)(c)(ilGi)(iii) of The Basic Standard.s and Methodoloeies for Surface Water, as furrtcr aplai4cd in Pan I.C.7.B of thc permit. C. The oddition of phosphons (as P) nonitoriag Jor Jrcilities whbh discharye hto drainage basins that have phosphorus nonitoring and reponing requircnznts and for drainage basins thaL,uy lancr becone areas Jor phosphorus monitoriag, as funher e:plaincd in Pan I. C.7.C. . of thc pcrmit- D. Thc daily naxbrurm swpended solid.s limitation of @ mgll shall no longer apply. The suspended solids limitation of 30 mg/l; 30-Day Averagc and,45 mg/l;7-Day Averagc, shall apply 6 pcr rhc Srate Efrlueu Regulatiors Secrion 10.1.4.(l). Thc dejnitions of 30 day ad 7 day avcragt climinue thc need for a daily maimtnz- Reauthorizdtion Pan I.A.I of the pcrmit spccifcs tlut authorkatbn to discharge urder this gcneral pcrmit wiII cxpire on September 30, 1998, thus Jacilities wbhing couinual covdrage under this pcrmit trutst rcapply by April I, 1998. ' Robcn Cribbs January Il,1993 o RENET{AI, OF CONS IRUCTIOI{ D EX.IATERING OPIRATIONS IN COI'RADO GENERAL PERhIT FOR DISCHARGE R.ATIONALE COLOR.ADO DISCHARGE PERMIT NI,UBR.: COG-OTOOOO Upda ce This is for renegal of the general perolt for Coostructloo Deirateriog Operatlons ritr i ch vas orlgloally issued Novenber 2, L983. The General Pernit 6ysteo for regulating dlscharges froo the construction oPerations has worked rlell for the State. In the past discharges fron oll andgasoline Sroundwater cleao-ups have beeo included uuder this geaeral perDit.After a review of thi6 procedure a decisioa. was oade to discongiuue this allowance. Such facillties do ooq fall under the defiDltion of Coost:ructLon Dewateriog operatioos aud thus cao oot be regulated under this perruit. Most of the other conditioos of the orlglnal peruit and ratlooale are stillapplicable, a copy is attached for reference. The oost slgnificant change isthat of the defioltloo of the 30 day average liuitatiou for total- suspendedsolids. Ihe previous peroit used a defioition based upon the oean of aoloiouo of three saoples nbile the ses deflaltloo ls the Deao of all saoplescollected. rtre sigolficaoce of .thls chaoge ls that if ouly one sanple ii collected iu a oooth, coopliaoce iri th the 30 ug/l liEj.r 1s required. Reau tb or 1za t i on Part .I.A.1 of che pernit specifies that authorlzacioo to discharge under rhisgeneral peroit will erpire on Septeober 30, 1993, thus faciliEi.es erishing coatiaual coverage under this peroit oust reapply by April I, 1993. Pa tricia Nelsoo Maureeo Drdley Juae 15, 19BB Public I'lotic e CoEoloen ts Thls percit, as origlnally public DoElced on July 15, 1988, coDtaioedllnitations aod oonitoriog requireoents for oil and gas grouudwater clean-upoperatioos. EPA comoeoted that lnclusloa of such clean-ups r.ras beyood the scope of this general pernit. After revies the Divisiou concluded that this nas true. Thus the geoeral pereit has been revised; the requireoeuts for clean"up operatioos currently cerEifled uoder this general sill be converted to iodividual pernits durlug the recertificatloo stage. Pacrlcla Ne lson August 17, 1988 ) I \ .t -. - CONSTRUCTION DEWATERING OPERATIONS IN COLOMDO CENERAL PERMIT FOR DISCHARGE MTIONALE COITRADO DISCITARGE PERMIT NWBER: COG-O7O0OO Excavation dewatering ln conjunctlon sith constructlon activlties often resultsin teEPorary dischargea to eeters of the unlEed sEates. These dlscharges aresubject Eo Ehe requlreoencs 25-g-l0t ec. seq., cRs, 1973 as aoended. obcaininga discharge permlt oay be esseotlar to che "onscrrr"tlon actlvlty and rcsschedullng. Aduinlsrrative delays ln the lssuance of a perort olghtelgnificantly lnpact the clolng and cosc of a project. Sltuatloos have arisenln che pasc where perolt processrng delays, or anticlpation of derays, haveresulted in apprrcancs discharglng prlor to receipt of authorrzatr.oo. Theintent of a General Peruit for-cois lruc tion de!,ar€rlng 1s ro. facllitate thescheduling of chese activlEle6 by reduclng the adninliErarlve delays in theirauthorization' to estabrish . ,r.rlfo* criteria for uanagenen! practlces andeffluent llnitatrons for discharges fron these accivitles, and pro'ote aconsisEent PerEiEting and enforcetrent posture wlch respect to these actlvltles. The General Peroit regulatlons provide for the issuance of General pemltswhere covered facL ll t ies: 1. are involved in substantlally the same cype of operarionsl ?. discharge rhe saue type of ,""."; 1' require che same effluent liEicatlons or operatlng condltioDs; !. require sinllar Donltorlng; and,5. are Eore appropriately controlled under a General per'rt thanlndivldual per:oits. Appl icabili rv Thls category' 'constructlon deuacering-, will lnclude dewatering fron bulldlngconstrucEl.n, general constructlon, hlghway, brldge and tunnel construccion,aBong others considered approprlate by the Divlsion. The devacering associatedwlth chis conscructlon actlvrty wlll Le relatrvery shorr-teru and wirl notinclude any pollutancs other chan chose whlch normar physlcar disturbance,punping, or construcclon actlvity olghc creaEe. overburden retrovar is notconsidered a. construcclon activity. The Division retains the authority toindivldually perruic facillties deierraloed co be in noncoopllance rrith rheconditlons of this General perult or noE qualifying for a Generar pennit, (seePART II, B. 5, page 13 of che peroir) -l MTIONALE - page 2 Perolt No: C0c-070000 Coverage Under This Pern i t An applicant r.tishing to discharge under the general perroic nust first suipfy background informacion on che activity. The perolt provldes thlrry (30) daysfor the Division co deny discharge authorlzation or request addit.ional l nfo rua t io n. ' This permit does not consElEute authorizatlon under Ehe provisions of 33 U.S.C. 1344 (Seccion 404 of che Clean l{ater Act), of any slreao dredging or filling.' oPera c ions . The following list shoss soue of the crlteria under shlch an lndlvidual pertric uay be required lnstead of a general peroic. 1. Proxioity of che operacion to a landflll or srlne and oill taillngs; 2. Evidence of non-coopliance under a previous peroit for the operation; 3. Presence of dor.mstrean drinking uater intakes; 4. Preservarion of high qualicy water; 5. Addicion of tlocculants (settling agencs or cheolcal additives) to waterprior !o discharge. 6. Tlre use of land application as.a neans of discharge. 7. The bulk storege or use of chemicals on sice thac could be discharged through the conscruction deeaterLng operation. Peruic Rationale The ormer, operaEor and/or auchorlzed agenc for a facillty desiring co discharge shaIl subuit an applicatlon as provided by che l,later Quality Control Division. This application rrill be evaluaced. If the general peroit is applicable to Ehe operaEion, then a rationale will be developed and the facillcy will be cerEified under the general pemlt. MTI0NAIE - Page 3 Peralt No: COG-O7O0OO The certlflcaclon racionale sball lnclude at a miniouo the nade and address of che contacE person, a discussion of coopliance under the previous peroic-, 1f applicable, the receiving t.rarer for che discharge, number of discharge polnts' a deEeroinaclon of che need for salinity Eonicoring and the explration date of the general petoit certiflcarion for the speclfic facilicy. If afrer evaluatlon of the applicatlon, it ls found that the general Penolt is not applicable to the operatlon, then che application gill be processed as an tndividual perolt. For an individual per:olc, up to 180 days ui1l be requlred co process the appllcation and issue the perolt. In this case dlscharge cannot take place untll the Peruit ls issued and becones effectlve. The general perult ltself r.r11l contaln the effluent liEltations and the ' Eon{torlng requlreoenCs for the peruiCted discharge points. The follor.rlng Cext detalls the racLonale for the condltlons of the genelal perolt. Effluent LiDltations Crit eri a The follosing table presenCs a cooparison of effluent linitations based upon State Effluen! standards (sEs) and Water Qrallty Standards (l'lQs): sEs !!g Total Suspended Solids, ug/l 30145 oil and Grease, rng/I I0 pH, s.u. 6.0-9.0 6'5-9'0 Sallnity Effluent llolrarions in che general perrnlc are based on che sel€ction of che oosC stringent lioilafions Presented in fhe above table. The Peroit Conditions section chat follons discusses the lioitations for each Paraueter. Perult Conditions The principal pollucancs of concern ln consErucEion dewacering are: 1. Sedioents (Tocal Suspended Solids); 2. Oil and Grease (frou puups or exEraneous sources); and, 3. Mded flocculents or cheroicals co asslsc ln seccling. t MTIONALE - Page 4 Pernir No: C0c-070000 Total Suspended Solids In the absence of.grooulgated Federal BAT, BCT or BPT linitaLlons, che State is required co place State Effluent Linicarions in this Pernit. For TSS these linlratLons are 30 rng/I for a 30 day average and. 45 tq/l for the 7 day average Iinication. It should be poinced ouE that operations covered under this perEir prioarlly control runoff in a oanner sioilar to sand and gravel, and coal ninlng operatlons. Setcling of suspended naterlal would be rapid and nuch like dlsturbed grouod nater associated wich a sand and gravel oPeration. The Dlvlslon has found general coopllance lJtch the 30/45 TSS liuitations for sand and gravel minl.ug facllltles shich are properly operated. Data are avallable for tno construcCion dewaCerlng oPerations. These data shov the following: 3O-Day Average Arithoecic Hean Thus, it appears that TSS lioits ot 30/45 are appropriate. With the linited data available, the application of nore sEringenc linits is inappropriate. For the purpose of facilitating conpliance oonitoring activities' a daily oaxiuum llnltaclon of. 5O ag/L has been sec. Honitoring shall be specified as twice uonthly. This should be adequaEe to ProcEcE water quallty. oil anil Grease OiI and Grease uay be present in Che discharge as the result of puop lubricant contaoinacion or conEaoinated extraneous runoff enterlng the discharge. A lioltation of 10 ng/l for Oil and Grease is recoooended based on the Colorado Regulacions for Effluent Lirlitations. This level can generally be attalned by convenllonal oil skionlng nethods or a suboerged overflos. Further, at l0 ug/I of Oil and Grease a vlslble sheen nornally becooes evident. Monitoring shall be weekly for 0i1 and Grease. E The pH range of 6.5-9.0 for slate water quality standards (WQS) ls Che effluent Iirnitation appropriate for this pertrit. Though some streaE segrnents in the slate have a WQS of 5.0-9.0, a sufficient nurober of streaos have the ruore scringenr linitation of 6.5-9.0 Ehus warranting ioposition of this liaitation. llacers nornally encouncered are aE a pH of 7.0-8.0. Natural surface and groundwaters in a few locations ln che scate will not bd ttithin these liroits and a facility at such a locaclon will very likely be considered an abnornal operation and therefore required to obtain an individual penolt. FIor,, Flor.r nonitoring will be requlred under this penoit. FIow voluoes will be 5.98 Dal.ly Maximua 36.18 ta MTIONALE - Page 5 Pernic No: COG-p70000 .deternined by punp rate or other nethods. chac che Division finds accept'able. The frequency of flow ooniloring is discussed in the body of the pertrit..- Theretrill be no lioiraclon on the flow volurue discharged under the general peroit. Flocculants Because of a side variety of available chenical flocculanEs, the use of such seEtling aids ousc be subject to prior approval by the permic issuingeuchorLcy. However, since line and aluru are che Eost frequenEly used aids for setcling and typlcally their use results in no slgniflcant effect on otherpollutanc parabeters, pernl.ssion for thelr use uill not be required. Salinlty Sallnicy, Tolal Dissolved Solids (TDS) is an issue in the Colorado River Basin r.rhi ch trarranCs sotre discusslon. RegulaEion 3.10.0, Regulaclons for Inplernentation of the Colorado RiverSalinity Scandards Through che Colorado Discharge Perult Prograo addresses thedischarge of salinity to che Colorado River Basln. It is a requlreuent of theregulaclon that che saLlnity of each discharge in the Colorado River Basin be evaluated for impacc on the syscetr. Generally, the neE inpact on sallnity cothe basin froo consEruction deuacering is negli.gible because che waters arecypically shallos grounduaters shich eventually reach the river. Nonetheless,the state reserves the righc to refuse che appllcablltty under the general discharge pernit of any constructlon deuaterlng operation, if ir appears thatthe discharge rill not be consiscent uith regulacions. Addltionally, guarterly ruonicoring for sallniEy uil1 be a peroit requireoent for a1l facllities locacedin the colorado River Basln. Should rhe daca identify a probleo, the stateo'il] have the righc to require rhe faciricy to obrain an individual pernlt, whereby a study addressing the econorqic feaslbility of salt reooval can berequired. The certificatlon ratlooale thar acconpanies the pemic sha1linclude the Divislonrs determlnatlon of vhether or not salinlcy oonicorlng isrequired. Monitoring Requireoencs Monitorlng r:ill be required of each activity resultlng in a discharge. Theroonicoring frequencies are stated on page 5 of the pernit. Because Eost discharges are of short dura!ion, frequent moniEoring is necessary co decernine changes in che qualiry of che discharge. SpiIl Concainment As Dost facillcies provide bulk storage of sooe volune of petroleun products or ocher chetricals, the peroic r.ri 1l require adequace procection fron spilrs for such facilities so as to prevent loss of rhese uraterials into dischargedrtacers. such procection can take various foms, houever diklng in most caseswill prove ro be the Dost cosc effective. Thi.s provision is required as the Divlsion incerprecs proper operation, as properly addressing pocenEial polluCant sources before probleos occur. (O (o MTIONALE - Page 6 Pernit No: COG-070000 Spill Containnenc (Continued) Reporcs will only be requlred in cases of noncoopliance rrlth perDlt conditions. The pernlttee wll1, however, be required to ual'ncain Lts records for a period of three (3) years. Such records nill be subjecC co inspeccion by EPA and/or che Warer Quality Control Divlsion. Report ing Requirepents The resulCs of saople uonl.torlog shall be reported once each year to the Dlvision as discussed in Part I C (4) of the Peroit. Should the effluent concaln concenErations of any paraEeCer in excess of PerEit llnltations, the perEitEee shall notlfy the Divlsiou trlthln 5 days of becooing aware of the slcuarlon. The perulttee.shall lnoediately notify the Dlvision of the occurrence of any discharge or spill not covered by Che condltlons of the perui E. PeruiC Duration The peroic shall not exceed five years in duratlon. Other Conditions The peroittee Eay add or uove discharge PolnEs under lhe authority of Che general pertriC so long as the discharge polnts are associated nlth the saEe consEructlon site and go to the saDe recelvlng streao. Should the perElttee wish to discharge inCo a differenC stream' a requesC for peroit nodificacion slll be requl'red Should the perroiEtee wish to dlscharge fron another construcCion si'te, a new appllcat.ion sill have to be subEiEted to the Dlvision. \ '' . {l ,o RATIONAIE - Page 7 Perroit No: C0G-070000 Special Connenc Uost const.ruccion acEivities are perforoed in a reasonably lioited area. Certain accivities however cover slgnificanr areas of land i.e. selter line construction, stream rechanneling, etc. Pasc and present land use can be extreoely varled along rhe route i.e. landfllls, old lagoons, etc. and nay severely iopact che local grounduater quality. Though the discharges are of short duracion, voluoes can be extreoely hlgh and of low quality. Additionally, the Division's experience has been chat contraccors roust begin construction shortly after the contracEs have been let, which ln turn Ieaves insufflcient tlEe for collection of necessary da!a and permic issuance. Barrlng poor quallcy groundwater, lhese accivities fiE rrell lnto thle general perolt cacegory. To accooooda!e !hese types of acclvicies a specialized applicacion approach 1s ln order as follows: f) Penoi c applicaclon should be by che facility onner. A transfer of the perrrit Eo che contractor can then be accoroplished, if they are co be che responslble party. 2) A pre-applicaclon conference uith Ehe Division is essencial. This r.'iII all.ow che Division an opportunity Eo idencify special data which r.rill be necessary for a cooplete application. Special data ln general ri11 consisc of groundwater analysls for C0D and specific conductlvicy at specified disEances thioughout the acCivity area, possibly every 300 feer. Should generaEed daUa identify probleu areas, either Ehe entire activity niIl require an individual pertriE r.rhlch takes 180 days co obEain, or Ehe probleo segEents will be excluded frou certificacion dnder che general perulc. Jon C. Kubic Donald H. SioPson March 18, 1983 2. FIL[ $EPY Ann Flepetti, who lives at 1001 VailValley Drive, stated that she was very concerned about what would happen at this site. She stated that she and her family were not opposed to limited residential development (i.e. single fami$, duplex or primary/secondary) but would hate to see anything more than that. She pointed out that she lives in a duplex. She stated lhat she would not like to see a pocket park on the property. Jim Curnutte responded that the requesled change to the Low Density Residential designation would limit future construction to either one duplex, one primary/secondary or one single family structure. Dalton Williams felt that there was no need for additional park space in this area' He said that residential use for this site seemed to make the most sense. He stated that he would like to see all equipment from the former water treatment plant identified and removed from the property. Pat Dauphinais stated that with regard to the removal of whatever inlrastructure was in place, that it may be easier to leave certain elements in place as opposed to tearing up the entire site. Jim Curnutte suggested that a sub-surface invenlory be conducted and then they could determine what would need to be removed. Jeff Bowen stated that because the site was triangular, he felt that a single lamily residence would be the most appropriate option for this site. Bob Armour felt that a sub-surface inventory would be a good idea. He did not feel that there was a need for another park on this site. He felt that this site would be a good buffer between the residential area and the park that surrounds it. He agreed with Jeff's comment regarding the future zoning and said that we may want to consider restricting the GRFA on the property. Bill Anderson and Greg Amsden agreed with the other PEC members comments. Greg also said that the sunounding topography creales a natural separation from Ford Park. Pat Dauphinais stated that they did not wanl the GRFA on the site restricted in any way because this would directly affect the property's value. He pointed out that they will most likely request Primary/Secondary zoning for the lot, not single family. He stated that it is a perfectly buildable lot and the only restrictions should be as a result of taking the future building through the Design Review Board review. A review of the trash removal plan for a proposed colfee shop (restaurant), located in theQomrd Blidge Euiklirg i at?27 Bridge StreeuLots C and D, and a part of Lot B, Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: East West HospitalityPlanner: Mike Mollica It should be noted that Jeff Bowen abstained from this request. Planning and Envionmenlal Commission Meeling Minutes october 24, 1994 _l 3. Mike Mollica made a briel presentation per the staff memorandum. Julie lverson, representing Covered Bridge Goffee, stated that they did not envision that there would be excessive trash as a result of the proposed coffee shop. She explained to the PEC what they anticipated the proposed contents would be. Mike Staughton, manager of Russell's Restaurant, asked why the Gorsuch alley was being proposed, as opposed to behind Pepi's. Mike Mollica explained that here was no public right-of-way behind Pepi's building and that the Covered Bridge Building was the only building in the Village without an alleyway. Peter Dann, of East West Partners, explained that there were limited options with regards to the trash removal plan for the Covered Bridge Building. Dalton Williams stated that if he had known a restaurant was going into the Covered Bridge Building, he would have voted against the redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building. He felt that there should be a condition added that would restrict Covered Bridge Coffee to the brewing of coffee only. Julie lverson explained that since residential space was located two floors above Covered Bridge Coffee that they were not allowed to cook any food and that this restriction was in their lease. Bob Armour and Bill Anderson were in lavor of the addition of Dalton's suggested condition. Dalton Williams made a motion to approve the trash removal plan for the proposed Covered Bridge Coffee per the staff memo with the three conditions outlined on Page 2, with the additional condition that no on-site food preparation be allowed except for the brewing of cotfee. Bill Anderson seconded the motion and a 4-0-1 vote approved this request with Jeff Bowen abstaining from this item. A request for a final update for the Main Vail Interchange Roundabout Landscaping Proposal. The Town of Vail reques$ the Planning and Environmental Commission's input on the cuceptual approach to landscaping the roundabout. Signage and lighting plans will also be presented for discussion. Applicant: Town Council, represented by the Vail Public Works Department and Winston Associates, Inc. Planner: Randy Stouder Randy Stouder introduced the consultants, Leif Ourston and Paul Kuhn. He then turned the floor over to Greg Hall, the Town Engineer. Greg Hall gave a brief history of the Main Vail Interchange and the process that had led to the proposal of the Roundabout concept ol the four-way stop. He stated that the main issues were signage, lighting, landscaping and traffic flow. Planning snd Environmental Commission M€ding Minutes October 24, 1994 i , Rolo.4 z ,f c* f = /, t ,,"-X n.tr, ,) \f t. L7b"6ff'": R"..a',** t U/,1; = 2,51b o.84 gx 'l5,om # 12, boo.ot btl ll II .lt_ -_ I I I :',i1,A - t .:fe ,?2c,a':t Ei \-1J/ l-l V F!!- t COP Y TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department October 24,1994 A review of the trash removal plan for a proposed coffee Shop (restaurant), located in the Covered Bridge Building, aI227 Bridge StreeULots C and D, and a part of Lot B, Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: East West Hospitality Planner: Mike Mollica I. BACKGROUND AND DESCBIPTION OF THE REOUEST On March 14, 1994, the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) approved a request for a major CCI exterior alteration to allow for the redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building. The PEC approval carried with it eight conditions. lt is two of those conditions that involve further review by the PEC today. Condition No. 7 of the PEC approval stated that "no motorized vehicle be allowed lo use Bridge Street for trash removal." Condition No. I stated that "the PEC would need to review the addition of a restaurant as tenant space and its proposed trash removal plan." The Covered Bridge Building is currently under construction and one of lhe proposed tenants is Covered Bridge Goffee, This is proposed to be an upscale espresso shop and full service coffee bar, also seruing various pastries, (including muffins, bagels and croissants). The shop would be approximately 488 square feet (gross) in size. Although lhere may be some debate as to whether or not the PEC intended to classify a coffee shop as a "restaurant", the State Health Department, as well as the Town of Vail's Environmental Health Department, does classily this type of operation as a "reslaurant". lt is for this reason that the proposed Covered Bridge Coffee is coming belore the PEC in order lor the trash removal plan to be reviewed by the PEC, prior to the issuance of a building permit lor a tenant finish. II. PROPOSED TBASH REMOVAL PLAN The owners of Covered Bridge Coffee anticipate that over 857" ot what is sold in the espresso shop will be "to go" and they also anticipate that the average weekly amount of trash generated from this store will be approximately 80 gallons. The applicants are proposing to use four 21-gallon containers to store their trash. Additionally, the applicants are proposing to install recycle bins for plastic and aluminum and are intending to provide porcelain cups and dishes for those customers wishing to sit inside. The following information has been provided by the applicants, and is their analysis of the proposed contents of their trash: 1. Trash located behind the counter: .Paper cups; .Plastic milk containers; .Espresso grounds (dry); .Aluminum foil. 2. Public/customer area: .Paper cups; .Sugar Packets; .Napkins; .Stir straws. The above information has been reviewed by Paul Reeves, the Town's Environmental Health Officer, and Paul believes that the applicant's estimales ol trash quantities are accurate. Trash generated from Covered Bridge Cotfee will be moved (on a daily basis) to the trash room of the Covered Bridge Building, located at the lowest level and at the west end of the building. East West Hospitality has estimated that trash for the entire building will be picked- up approximately three days per week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday), and possibly four days per week in the high season. The trash containers for the Covered Bridge Building will be carried by hand, or by hand cart, to the alley on the east side ol the Gorsuch Building (adjacent to Gore Creek Drive). East West Hospitality has agreed that no trash containers will be left unattended in this location, and that the trash will only be brought lo this location minutes before the trash truck arrives. This will be coordinated with BFI when trash pick-ups occur on the adjacent properties (i.e. Creekside Building, Pepi's, etc.). III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommendation is for approval ol the applicant's trash removal plan for Covered Bridge Coffee. We believe that the applicant's eslimates of their quantities of trash are generally accurate and reasonable, and additionally, we feel that the overall trash removal plan is acceptable. The staff would recommend the lollowing three conditions of approval: 1. That no trash container(s) be left unattended at the Gore Creek Drive/Gorsuch alley location for any period of time. 2. That routine inspections will be performed by the Town's Environmental Health Officer to ensure that the trash quantities and proposed disposal methods, as presented in this memorandum, are in compliance. 3. That any spillage of trash during transportation to Gorsuch alley shall be immediately cleaned-up by East West Hospitality. c:\Dgc\ngmos\ra8h 1 0,24 -lst"*: I ;fr&*.&-. . "4, zryb 3- d..t*.h' .- -l " )-&*-;**1s j;l{2g r. t T0: TOWN OF VAIL FROM: COVERED BRJDGE COFFEE RE: TRASHREMOVALPLAN Covered Bridge Cofee will be an upscale espresso shop in the new Covered Bridge Building. The goal ofthe store, at this location" is to draw the pedestrian offofBridge Street and into the retail stores of the Covered Bridge Buildfurg. It will offer the luxury of a qualrty drink while encouraging shoppers to linger in a comfortable atmosphere. The store will also provide a valuable service for the thousands of skiers daily that cross the Covered Bridge. Covered Bridge Coffee will b0 a full service coffee bar. Wcwill dso be s€rving vadou lnsnies, induding muf,Fns, bagels, and cmicsants. AII of thc food items wil be preparrd pffsitc and will be scwed as take out itenrl. From our experience with other coffee stores, we anticipate that over 85% of what we ssll will be "to gon, and the average weekly trash for our store will be approximately 80 gallons (according to BFI this is minimal). Following is a plaq outlined in detail, that should address any concems about our trash. WHAT IS TNOURTRASW BEHINDCOUNTER. Paper Cups Plastic Milk Containers+ Espresso Grounds (dry) Aluminum Foil* OUTSIDE COUNTER (CUSTOMER). Paper Cups** Sugar Packets Napkins Stir Straws * These items are recyclable and bins will be provided for plastic and aluminum. We have spoken with We Recycle, on S. Frontage Road, which is open daily for drop off We also have a procedure for compacting our milk containers which minimizes the space they take up. ** Porcelain cups and dishes will be provided for those customers wishing to sit in the store and enjoy their coffee, so no additiond trash will be produced by having seating. '/ cf /1nt 5 t- ffin5n (cnlatu6 t ,"tz z K'l v"/ -"'-_"-'.\-/\/.\,1 --.5 \.. t- \t- - I - l -l -/-./ ,/\ rtzo ,/', /' \---- rrrrrar..l,trarvrrJ wvlllU l9t r> v ll.0/261a 0,1 ldnou l0lliI.l3svtt (3!Cgtcc2 35aV36ll Squrrc Untouchrbli' Conrrlncrr . 0uroble cnd cr6ck rgsitlrnt, svfn ultder tou0h rndoor/ouldoor condilions. o Combina wilh contomporory X colorod lopt tor function rnd good looks. . Swing tops, which k?ca rfssh oul of 6i9ht !nd tunngt topi !vrilrblo. . Wolcone oddition lo hotel lobbier, rhopping mclle, rcrlroom6, r0ttturtnls cnd snrck tress. Routi Uitouclcblof Conlr inrrs . 0ttcr tcms loughntts rs Squnre Untouchcblo contajnrrs, ' Avtilrble with lunnel or swing lops in !ccfnl gofor'6. . Frt s|ma locolions rr Round Untouchrble contsiners. lhll Eound rnd Slim Jim. Conlri'|cr| Prdcct for tighl rpots. '. Swing top lidr cv!ilrblo lo( Stim Jim containrrr. rll-- -r-.-- Bcioe, Blue, Brow_n, 0.'ry €t6 35,?4 3568 l4Z" sq. x 24" h. ]9 Sr oal. 5mE3ge rel:{. x 3{1 h. 50.sll_ -5008 _9p,c1-Q,cy 9ru!,-G,lt-- Beigo, 8rown, Gny 3!.40 31r0 35 60 | 5t.1{ 4 -7938 0q. t604 20,d" rq x l6X" h. Fit6 39!9,395S?67 rsy"-oir. Fir-.I947,3i46ttil zov.l x itri x lx' h Firs gi{0 -'esla.0a 20,," i I tr; 4y;"-i-iG isil-'rvs t8^ dia. - riuEollis Grcy I I--l 11.?2 22.78 4 24.88 13 02 3i?i 15" sq Fns 3568,3!Eg | 29,82 rl ,. 8rown, feel ,35 COLORADO. GEORGIA . NORTH CAROI-lNA . VIRGINIA. WASHINCTON october 21,1994 Mr. Mike Mollica Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mike: As of our latest discussion in regard to the trash removal for the Covered Bridge Building, East West Partners, as managing partner for The Covered Bridge Building, Ltd. Partners, will have a 90 gallon trash container wheeled to the back alley behind Gorsuch/Slifer, Smith and Frampton office buildings. They, too, will remain there with our representative until they dump into the BFI truck. Sincerely, Peter Dann Covered Bridge Building, Ltd. BeaverCreekoResort. l00EastThomasPlace .Drawcr2770. Avon,Colorado 81620. (303) 845-9200. FAX (303) 845-7205 EASTWnST HospIrRrtrY "__r;6r B e a v e r C r e e k@ ^RT$SguYfN H,"- sr1 si Y "rni,l,.rlru\ Ut\'UtrvArL T0\l .\rvt""''TO: ATTN: FROU: RE: TOWN OF UTKE }'OLLICA EAsr wgsr HosPrrALrrv @ TRASH REITIOVAL PI.AN FOR THE COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING P.O. Box 5480 . Avon, CO 81620 (303) 949-5071 . Facsimile: (303\949-55'25 @Pr rted on recycled paper DATE: SEPTEITIBER 30, L994 The Covered Bridge BuiJ-ding is requesting an approval for their trash renoval plan in order to allow a coffee shop to^ lease a portion of the lirst floor, as required by the Town of Vail during initial building approval. The Covered Bridge Building Coffee Shop, as it wilt be called will have a maximum stating capicity of L2 persons. Coffee, cappuccino and etc., will be prepared on !ite, while bagels and pastries are delivered. In addition, there will be a snall deli center for preparing sandwictres for take out. AII garbage fron the coffee shop will be in a closed plastic bag in a-garbige container with a lid. The trash containers will be kept in the Covered aridge nuilding trash room with in the building. Trash will be picked up 3 days per week, tentatively !ton, Wed, Fri and possibly 4 days per week in the hiqh season. East l{est Hospitality Management Company will coordinate wj-th BFI to remove the garbage from the Covered Bridge Building trash room by way of Bridge Sfreet within the existing Town of Vail trash removal schedule. If accessing the lower half of Bridge Street is not acceptable to the Town of VaiI, the trash will be rolled up to Gore creek Drive in containers and then picked up at an acceptable location. dir/;e/r*r-, ?47-2/?7 $iP 2 3 ,:E4 oo EASTWEST HOSpnnrruv -- // Beaver CreekoResort/ (-.) { ,t-J u-) C'\,- ltlV '0uivri'ii' Dt'\/' DtPtr' Septenber 23, L994 Dear l{ike }lolLica: The Covered Bridge Suilding reguests review and approval by the P.E.C. of the Covered Bridge coffee shop trash removal plan. lfe are targetlng the october 24th P.E.c. neeting. Please notifyus if thiE will not be possible. Silryerely, I/* l,(w Peter Dann Covered Bridge Building Ltd. PDlpf P.O. Box 5480 . Avon, CO 81620 (303) 949-5071 . Facsimile: (303) 949-5526 @ Printed on rccycled pape, Category Number l2- Csign Review Action FO- TOWN OF VAIL Date /0'1b:14 Projecl Name: Building Name: Project Doscription: Owner, Address and Phone: 4x,6@cona"t, Address and Phone: F ' , \ ,-/'-". '/o AP(' A:*.--t Legal Desoiptiontysw 4c,b Bbck 5-8 Subdivision t4 _ ZoneDistrict cc} Project Street Address: Comments: Motion by: Board / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: n Approval 3 Disapproval \(staff Approvat Conditions: 14 ', klrL,- DBB Fee Pre-paid # zo, o! o ,rjt\| _i . 'nT ,; r,,-i l.}, r, I1u .: ' i "lr i'E'_lVI v,,' RE: 1. COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING 227 Bridge Street Vail, CO Town of Vail, Department of Community Development Mike Mollica, Senior Planner 1 1 1 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Covered Bridge Building 227 Bridge Street Vail, CO The following is a request for staff review of alterations to the above previously approved project. The items presented are a result of field adjustments required during construction, clarifications to DRB and Permit Drawings or errors discovered in the lmprovement Location Certificate from Eagle Valley Survey dated 1Ol20l94. Level Three- Penthouse Balcony at Bridge Street Request is to accept the balcony as shown on the ILC having a dimension of 17'-1" x 6'- 6". The DRB and Permit drawings show a dimension width of 15'-7" but no depth dimension is shown (the drawings scale 6'-6" from the door/glass line). An error was discovered after steel was in place and concrete poured with snow melt tubing, A field decision was made to simply reduce the railing to fit the original size and leave the structure in place. ' Roof Plan- Penthouse Stair Roof Request to accept reframing of roof over upper stair as shown on the ILC having a ridge elevation of 8200.3 feet.' The DRB and Permit drawings show a ridge along the East side of the upper stair to the Level Five Master Bed. The steel floor and roof structure did not allow adequate headroom above the top stair landing. A field decision was made to shift the ridge to the middle of the stair and bring the valleys to the outside corners resulting in higher ridge elevation but below the maximum allowable. 2, Roof Plan- Flat Roof @ Master Bedroom Request to accept the enlarged (approx 3'-0" x 11'-4"1 flat roof the ILC @ elevation 8200.1'feet. The DRB and Permit drawings show an undimensioned upper elevation 8200.5'that scales 11'-4" x 24'-O". The structural centered to the 1 1 '-4" dimension but as the roof detail shows area as shown on flat roof area @ steel beams were the roof transition 3. from flat to eloped aligned to the outside of the beam, The 3' extension is a r€sult of a correction to th6 roof drainage. The East Elevation still remains as approved. Thie represents th€ itsms brought to our att€ntion by the lLC, the Town Planner, and the Contractor- to date. We hope thege items are minor in nature and that the original intent of the approved proiect is intect. Should the opinions or observations of others differ, please submit them in writing or call. Sincerely, GWATHMEY/PRATTISCHULTZ ARCHITECTS, P.C. Eric Johnson, Architoct EJ/kc ,ts/,6'tL IT *.$ $s55 f _t dr 'o =s*i $$ I' I t I d'lei 1-$ T* r! rtrlF I v I -f- tqll tuh.E- fJFJt4+ A h-l ; L/4rl (*z{EF t 4?re?Qauree +zpqFYfWFLftdl '#:wftP ?elw; p41s1lt@ r * ea-d77A= I L fFnT 4t& COVERED BBIDGE BUILDING 227 BRIDGE STREET VAIL, COLORADO AX.z+ q ^ /a4 r€vised 6/L8/9L COLORADO tolth/rlL . .) ''1j u .\.. I. DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: r'rs rPP't""tf;iTi#il, "" AccEPrEp UNTII. }LI. REQUIRED INFORMAIION IS SUAMIITED ****t*t*** ,, _ ; DESCRIPTION:At*e,r{rtl-ir'.ii TYPE OF REVIEW: New construction ($200. OO) -KMinor Alteration (920 ' 00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) D. Subdivision ADDRESS: zz--r ' Br-u*F Btv<r-:t- LEGAL DESCRTPTTON: t'oX at zt? Block E'v If property is described by a meets and bounds legal Aestriptioi, please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this aPPlication. F. ZONING:aol LOT AREA: If required, aPPlicant stamped survey showing fot area. NAME OF APPLICANT:E>rt/ w.s Mailing Address: NAME OF Mailing must provide a current Phone APPLICANI, S REPRESENTATIVE :Cefu Ft,.t*+q*+ Address: tPo 9' Phon I. J. K. NAME OF OWNERS: *SIGNATURE (S) : Mailing Address: Phone Condominium Approval if applicable ' DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at r.16 r-imo nf crrtrmiit.l of DRB applicaLion. Later, whenthe time of subrnittal of DRB applicat'ion' id at oQ- tit/4 ()s7 ippfylng for a building pernit, pJ-ease j'dentify the uti"iut6 valuatlon of ine proposal. The Town of vail wiII adjust the fee according to the table below' to ensure ihe correct fee is Paid. FEE SCHEDIJLE:@ r t'//.t fQ / 90s 10,001 $ 50, ool $150,001 s500,001I over VALUATION $ 10r 000 I 50,000s '150,000 $ 500,000 $1,000,000 $1r oo0r 00o BE PROCESSED FEE $ 20 .00 $ s0.00 9100.00 $200.00 s400 .00 ss00.00 VTITEOUT OI{NER' S SIGNATURErNO APPLICATION TIILL South North West Town of Vail 11 1 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Pepi Gramshammer Pepi Sports 231 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Dave Gorsuch Gorsuch, Ltd. 263 East Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Ron Riley Russell's Restaurant 228 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Rod Slifer Slifer, Smith & FramPton 230 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Beth Slifer Slifer Designs 230 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Chuck Rosenquist Gore Creek Plaza 3777 Mt. Veder Napa, CA 94558 East il atlq+ - ro/ b Iq4' q{tPg-sI\, sLrr art o I THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwillhold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the MunicipalCode of the Town of Vail on October 24,1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a worksession to discuss a proposed change to the Land Use Plan from Park to Low Density Besidential (LDR) for a parcel owned by the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District, located at 967 Vail Valley Drive/Tract C, VailVillage 7th Filing. Applicant: VailValley Consolidated Water District, represented by Pat Dauphanais Planner: Jim Curnutte A review of the trash removal plan for a proposed coffee shop (restaurant), located at 227 Bridge StreeVlots C and D, and a part of Lot B, Block 5-8, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: East Wesl Hospitality Planner: Mike Mollica 3. A request for a conceptual review meeting for the Main Vail Interchange Roundabout Landscaping Proposal. The Town of Vail requests the Planning and Environmental Commission's input on several conceptual approaches to landscaping the roundabout. Applicant Town of Vail Public Works Department and Jeff WinstonMinston Associates. lnc.Planner: Andy Knudtsen 4. A request for front and side setback variances lo allow for a new residence to be located at 1788 Alpine DriveiLot 1'1, VailVillage West 1st Filing. Applicant: Thomas TheysPlanner: Jim Curnutte tign Review Action FQn TOWN OF VAIL Category Nrmber / 2 sab 7' 1' ?4 PrcpcaNamei C,v-e'"."-.I Bn':/4a T< ,''/ /' ir'/ Building Name: - ") Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone:tr^-, M^X fr'Ea^-t @ffiii&Vec*ct, Address and Phone: L€gal Description: Lot5l-!)- Block 5-B Subdivision ZoneDistrict c( 7 Project Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: 6 a-rz,--t Vote: -F- O Seconded by: Uv/tl-i I $neotou"t ! Disapproval E StaffApproval Conditions: Town Planner Date: ?, ?' 7+DRB Fee Pre-paid # za,o-e e AArre#-.,OK .6t -tt-.,-,r< ^","*t -4*-t*; 4 D 24 . .-r,, J./a &a-A-; + ?''1- ?4 ' Qrt'-J T*t e- = .Jq Vf^*/ - /"%.^'r - 4J^r'/4 G\I- /^/2,-/1* b t.+z Zd,_ fl*4 Vt{e, I A n r=-fr2r=O r\ -= q;LETTIER (oF'f RANSMITTAL WE ARE SENDING YOU XI Shop drawings I Copy of letter n D Attached K ! I Via Prints/sepias Change order Plans Originals |z'o-) bVvr,.- rhe folowins lems: Samples ! Specitications! ! DATE t/Clq+ lroauo.ro: T.o.V. Hit'- |.1o il,-+ RE; Avu -A bn;Jr- BIJ- \l o DATE NO,DESCRIPTION I qA/q1 F6.. Plr^-s A r.4 ELtrrt* ..' A a.t +/r /+ct"ttt"".-. EU^rt$:-. - Nlir.-{-.. + @+}itb I q lr /q*qA^l;Al*Dzt?i t THESE ARE TBANSMITTED as checked below: For approval For your use As requested Approved as submitted Approved as noted Fleturned for corrections For your records Revise and resubmit For review and comment PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US ! ! ! tr x ! ! ! f ! ! ! FOR BIDS DUE 19 La+ "'CRE[,,|ARKS ll enclosurcs arc not as noted, kndly notily us al once. Na rT!'+ =>r-_'tAT te;-t l/4.rt Cofrez1w4 -Q?AHaAFfil* J Eae? UIHE -,?1l) * Cto-7er:rnil) .7P,7-Pv€f a*e ( rr )- --l * ce ezt?t*b c-,tN,)(r'7e4 To flP1C1A, , I-ta aeeJe'z) to a?t*-1 6a1p.rx).. ^-- | |t't ATa H r -?r kPP '&vEFeP p>Vrp@, a)tuerr-lGe -2T+te vq*l*];e;g=- @e-.*aU e* ta11*t-) -pena-\!^ -14.1 Aul.-_-l;tFl 6 -._ !xao .' ,b?tD@a azt4e AX. t /w /q+ COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING 227 BNIDGE STREET VAIL, COLORADO vu!^ >/h el.WF FllHEDt^lt .V . el l-t /.-_EJ?*I ; -Fl++trrHr-- ;bor1e6 (4tD= €'rn) 6-tl Vo-zz\€u7? bJ /- IELP<#,/ ,--- =.agu\lE? Fr#u -TO *\aa4--:-+IlH?aA 6V?' ,FI$,EFb|;I] ''/ \.''.\ r , -\ | t tl I I I\Lo)-:/e. T(re | x,' toY7. eqfi*xss \t . 7r= COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING 227 BRIDGE STREET VAIL, COLORADO \ o o \-=oF-t 'iz HAflHEF-wYaA>\v wvav F.V6 bl,- 1.1 4TAt? Llr He?ft+ eUevATLG2*) .-,*"W I4e?ytce P@3.2, f I l, .r^,l, r_F !r-;^ . ,. ^.t ,l - ht/?11 _ tsMu I II 1l' go'ftn 4V :co?reJz?aF e c2ltvua? b1t-1ptr A/ r>ir..rTEp HETAT.- AeLt+ Tproaw alHlweF Euc-t-abu?e -tht Ax. 2A qy'/q+ COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING 227 BRIDGE STREET VAIL, COLORADO l- -'l l1lJT-H/AFlE. 7p711-1- ? tn taATr lF{eJuh)'ffirrg by. rr)e> 4 tH f7zq]-; of -?EllltaFJ. vaprtf FJE- aF-ff11;u7P,;si€|4lf, atAF*,a2 =W*g%H *re-tb!es, fel 4.?,' rH ( \ -*-QrveetJ/e--_ t'/:rr.?tY1 I ,DR:-ewa.t_tr-a t-ouTLtHE fr 3t-6ap-_ - .hAaJ@ /t- dtt -l -eawL)Hl+ - c"TAl-LhTI,.atJ. 1/ t /q* I' /"" ou6o I t F D 'lr 5 F 2cou =lr,t p el$ nl-l E" IE i> o 2g Et Fe ,:ff t ;E!ii Ilr:F () troa-(, IIE UJ ?L €EF -o+,o t? -PooIoN o =ct C, I FEoIIotro El-o .lr,5 lrlo6 I! 5 I s4$J ) -2 =s-) <;l.:ate revised 6/L8/91 DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIL' DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ttt*aatt** TIIIS APPLICATION IIII.L NOT BE ACCEPTED rrN r r L Ar.r. REQU r Y* *t*Y*O*Rj':|t r oN r s suBl'lr rrE D Ct-i F\^r4€I{/ e1- TYPE OF REVIEW: I. lhlg H. LOT AREA: If requi.red, stamped survey showing K. FEE $ 20 .00 $ 50.00 s100 .00 $200 .00 $400.00 $500 .00 }IITEOUI OI|NER' S SIGNATURE r0 L coLoRAPp'n 4y6 11tw DESCRIPTION: New construction ($200. O0) XMinor Alteration (S20 ' 00) E. ZONING: must provide a current Addition ($50.00) Conceptual Review (90) ADDRE''. a?,1 ;rit2, gl , _ _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 4,.?,6}BJ.OCK 6 - b Su'.,divrsi"" tloit tlit(Ta'Rit+ If property is described by a meets and bounds legal oesiriftioir, please provide on a seParate sheet and attach to this aPPlication. NAME OF APPLICANT: Mailing Address: Phone NAME OF Mai Iing APPLICANT,S REP SENTA IVE: Phone I. NAME OF OWNERS: *SIGNATURE (S) Mailing Phone J. Condominium Approval if applicable' DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are Lo be paid aL ii" ii*" of submittar of DRB applicaLion' Later, when ippfyl"g for a building permitl- pleasb identify the "iiri'ui. valuation or [ne proposar' The Town of va1l wiII adjust the fee according to the t'able below' to ensure ihe correct fee is paid. - --r-,, A FEE SCHEDIJLE: VALUATION $ o-s 10,000 s10,001 -$ 50r000 $50,00L-$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 5001000 $500,001 - s1, oo0,0oo $ Over $1r 000,000 *NO APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED applicantlot area. /Ll ^/ .t oCign Review Action Filh TOWN OF VAIL Category Nurnber l2- Project Name: Building Name:Ad-=a Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: @ontact, Address and Phone: Legat Desoiption: to6l-D" Blocr 5-B subdivision Zone District C( Z P@ect Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: 3 .r,,*< Volrit 4 - O Seconded by: Tn-' " I p{nnrovat I Disapproval ! Statf Approval Conditions: Town Planner oate: '7, 6, 74 DRB Fee Pre-paid $ eo.* oo '?'b-?-1 Gte.e-( T^.ut-o R^:ZS'-_ 5K73 d qbre t/e'7"t 1-- e'ftV? FeFt*ta bJ / de*11l-t, 4vt? P-iAtE ),tr,t1>+A.JG V'at?t ie d w" A4efl (b/>q.r) lXtz- <-cr6AI-AFJT- - 14kzz, b1F-v l'lFtur+ PAuu€T+ w I avT a-tT FAnF|.-I i.,.Ct+'/2" P5Ftez- F/(t\ tl-rtt ?valAbrL V-lAvv .*e*1 (l/Ac'.1\ VJ / ?/eu ?HtA,tt-te ( r.,o.) zY lz-dw lprt-1 $.re €*rgU- l&, N= ?ra aeflv+l ?ifi?O+e-e a,-taafflFlg crtAe oA qtrl(ave- fi-Y F'IBF{ 7f *l?rt(- evoqulqa AL{eue _----+ .)2ft t/b,t/ FT 71tu? Acherl. ( t/AA.t\ (l- +1wv ?4n ( h 4) ntuH aHtpa (z tr\ ,&) itu MECH SHAFT DETAIL Lt l-t' COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING 227 BNIDGE STREET VAIL, COLORADO lF]TEFt+^1€I \ ,/ Ca"?e? lFlTEFa lN.r/ ?*tn rra4r l\b,/| \ 2- aAC 2t t- tt ar -:a- PQrrrr'r TC2 *fA#revised 6/L8/sL /ffiowA'-- DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIL' DA?E APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: tt***t*tttt THIS APPLIqAIION IIILL NOT BE ACCEPTED T I'NTIL AI.L REQI'IRED INSOBIIATION IS SUBMIEIED ttaa*ttai* JUIi 1 :; I. A. DESCRIPTION::.rbrt {',rhc-92('c.-,-,- 2. qvt ++. EI TYPE OF REVIEW: D. Subdivision E. ZONING: Frh; mus! provide a current &F /d*; J. K Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are Lo be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application. Later' when applying for a building permit, please identify th-e. - ,^.kuttui'ut6 vafuation of ine proposal. The Town of V'ail ..6\4'will adjust the fee according Uo the table below, to 91t- ensure the corre"t #ffiZ$ "rr "oro, sZo'- FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ 0 - s 10'000 I 10,001 - $ 50,000 $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 s150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000I over S1,000,000 *NO APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $1.00.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 WITEOUT OWNER' S SXGNATURE COLORADO Nesr Construction (5200.00) X Minor Alteration (S20'00) Addition (S50.00)Conceptual Review (S0) ADDRESS: Zzr brr\e - €rt-' LEGAL DESCRTPTTON: Lot rh:: Bf ock 6',? If property is described by a neets and bounds legal aescribtion, please provide on a separate sheet and attach to Uhis aPPIication. LOT AREA: If requiredr aPPlicant stamped survey showing lot area. NAME OF APPLICANT EA* /6) Mailing Address:>o Phone NAME OF APPLICAN T, S REPPESENIa, I.NAME OF OIONE *SIGNATURE (S) :Mailing Address: Phone IVE: J o?",nn Review Action Ftn TOWN OF VAIL Category Number oate 6'/1.74 Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: owner, Addressanapnone: T-e-tpr, \ a^,n- e@Address and Phone: LegatDescription: Lotsj)D BtocR3'-I\s Suoaivision VyJ U,/Lnt l4 zone District cc>/ ProjectStreetAdAress: ?Z'? Tt)J.( 3'*, Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: fl Approval a Disapproval Ss,"tnoprou", Conditions: Town Planner DRB Fee Pre-paid # zs,e C'rrrt 13lss. APPLICATION DATE SI GNIATYIIING APPLI CATION Ptint or PROJECT PERSON SUBMITTING b?- f.o- ,nonr--*16'll3ll (PIease NAME OF NAME OF ADDRESS NAME OF ADDRESS O}INER SIGNATI'RE LOCATION OF DESCRIPTION ooo q. ?.o. OF OYINER PROJECT '?-2- OF PROJECT snoNn-313-. Eo.Jl 8k z-o FOR SUBMITTAI BY THE SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN ?4/r\ THE Fol,l,owruc rllrbRMATroN rs REoUTRED APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BE]NG REVIEW BOARD. A' 3R33lliTi3) 3[.]:"il:il(t''!lN'H$i.!l*ff1-Sct *it;"',*- **l--- t. 6 -? TaWu\ ll *r= T7@ DrB ^ ?,b'?i.---+ a. to +?Tarvr +i il cs*r#ryl SIGN OR AWNING MATERIAL , fy-Y e4,,'r l <d Fletr I (,)It Pi+ .r SIZE OF OVERALL SIGN, SIZE OF LETTERING AND LOGO D. IJ O q.4" x +ot' . 6, <F &-, bf llt'a.+, C) 6en x 5+" ' r'ee sF QIHEIGHT OF SIGN ABOVE GRADE ,/ DESCRIBE LIGHTING (EXISTING OR PROPOSED) @ LENGTH oF BUsrNEss FRoNTAGE (Fr) Eo pt" CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIAT'ON APPROVAL IO,,OC"' N FEEr S20.00 PLUS $1.00 PER/$QUARE Foo pe-ro f, *S cHEcK no. ll Z q oF srcN.AEEA.^ WTffiu/rrfiv Site Plan Elevations showing exact location of sign or awning on the building ehotolraphs showing proposed location Colored scale drawing Sample of proPosed materials photograph of sign if availatRf,,-ol;-:i lfr; t," I '' lffi;. t$N 1 z J 6 - i. i" ''r :'t. , J(.r irift,..;lil ' ,i r ' eg11JUl'l 'OVER Tn\/. rlvv-V iiv, D#t, Sign Adninistrator TO: SIGN APPLICANTS When applications for signs are submitted, the following information is required: 1. A completed sign/awning application (attached) . 2. A site plan showing the .gI3S! location where the sign' is to be located . 3. A photograph if possible and building el.evation showingthe location of the proposed sign. 4. A scaled drawing which details the design of the sign, as follows; (a) Oolored exactly as sign wl]I be.(b) A list of. naterials to be used in sign (metaI, wood, canvas, paint, etc.)(c) Photograph of sign if available.(d) Specific lettering sty.Ie and size. 5. If an awning is proposed, submit drawings showing exactly how and where the awning is attached to the building and how the awning is to be constructed. 5. Description of lighting that wiII be used in conjunction with the sign or awni.ng. If proposing an awning, Iighting is not allowed to shine through the . entire awning which calls undue attention to thebusiness. Lighting may spotlight only the actual sign Iettering on the awning RECOMMENDATIONS OR POINTERS 1. Check sign code - verify'site, height. etc. 2. Be specific. vagueness on design, size, construction may delay the approval of Your sign. 3. Measure frontage of business. APPLICATION FEE WILL BE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. If this application requires a separate review by any local, State or i.'ederal agency other than the Town of VaiI, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limicect to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50t of the application fee, If' at the applicantts reguestr dDy matter is postponed for hearing, causing the natter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Conmunity Development Department to have significant design, Iand use or other issues which nay have a significant impact on the communit.y nay require review by consultants other that town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Community Development may hire an outsideconsultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Com'nunity Development Department. Upon completion of the revierq of the application by the consultantr dny of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payrnent of the consuft.ant. which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of i he amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. Bg zo z, cBEgK.1P # z-t fi9'19 ' --. f-z. o_ L.JLa # rZloIF (J f lrJEZI b#I zoRovuJ IF Fzs_ Jo,.!'- a lrE!fi3< 9F_. 3= u- lr UP 'L--8 - *,u I F i:- |oiiu-F /'\a=lzLn I 8''- t)a r, fi)(l.oiI L]E \ Foc)Jz U-Jro ut prh .$ ff.'ff e gX- J ogti -mj(q o-le-JJO TF00 $J Cftl^712*t^.t t-1gF-- . oIo =lrJE Llqt F olrj lrJEF $ 7. 0 a_ rllIL 7- oi: t- ua F 0 7. e \t + o uJt-6 att UJi o0 f- t\. I ir] o v a)' COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING 227 BNDGE STREET VAIL, COLORADO JIJ.}'|-1=-94 l'tOh|H I GHT,ECH "-+ * 111hrht ?*lc-?l!u^A tl^re { DtJ.- 1a1+*w\ 36, y24, =rlZoft<4: G,O t '. a i. I i I L I : JlJ.tl:- 13-94 o$ 6b rt /r lE |s,** t N et+A s (r T-TFg JIJt.{_IE_94 FIOH ';-+itlJ Oo' B"t'i'ir HIGHTECH s r cNf :A P - A4l.toF,,|J r_lr-'r - I =-.94 3t ri i D r; ri)tJ (- I .l 'r*tt.1 y# -a I{' TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Dan Stanek and Gary Murrain Mike Mollica April 15, 1994 The Covered Bridge Building }or{e to,zA,1.+ --t1' The following are the conditions of the approval for the issuance of a building permit for the Covered Bridge Building: Prior to the Town conducting a lraming inspection on the project' an lmprovement Location certilicale (lLC) shall be submitted to the Town of Vail Department of community Development a minimum of forty-eight hours prior lo the requested inspection. The ILC shall certify the footprint of the building as well as identify all roof ridge elevations. Prior to the Town's issuance of a Temporary certificate of occupancy (TCO) for the covered Bridge Building, the developer shall post a bond, cash escrow, or letter of credit, in an amount necessary to insure the completion of any outstanding improvements, not completed at the time of the requested TCO. Said guaralntee for completion of any outstanding improvementlshall be in accoriance with Section 18.54.070 (Per{ormance Bond) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Prior to the Town's issuance of a TCO for the covered Bridge Building, the developer shall grant a pedestrian and landscape maintenance easement to the Town, for the purposes of pedestrian access to the pocket park and mainlenance of the planters and pocket park landscaping. Prior to the issuance of a TCO for the project, the exposed northeast elevation of the Gasthof Gramshammer, adjacent to Bridge Street, shall be finished with stucco and painted to match. Per the Design Review Board (DRB) approval, and according to Sidney Schultz, project architect, the five retaildoors (doors 1, 2,11,12, and 13) will have divided lighls, According to the March 16, 1994 DRB approval, the developer shall paint a small sample of the railing color for further review by the DRB and for final approval. No signs are currently approved for the Covered Bridge Building. The DRB has recommended that the developer make an application for the review of a sign program for the entire building. 2. 3. 4. c, 6. D'^e tt'tU'11 _--+ 7. 8.Prior to the issuance ol a TCO for the project, the Town's Landscape Architect shall complete a sile inspection to ensure that the existing large evergreen trees, in the adjacent pocket park, have not been damaged during the construction process. lf the Town's Landscape Architect determines that any trees are damaged, then the value of the trees shall be collateralized, at full replacement cost, for two growing seasons. lf, after two growing seasons, the damaged lrees do not return to full health, then the developer shall replace said trees with a similiar tree(s) ol like species and size. IF YOU HAVE ANY CALL FOR ABBY, TELECoPTER (303) QUESTIONS OR PNOBLEMS 476-1612 REGARDING IIHIS TJAX, PLEASE TO: FROM: RE: DATE! NUI1BER Of PAGES (INCLUDING coVER): --.- I +.v0*mlwt- rltow t)wr1 O O rD - rA ng'" o/J-fA:rz o .. Xb ,!.L, LIMITED LICENSE AND EASEMENT AGREEM M ThTS LIMITED LICENSE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT iS MAdE ANd entered into thls 12th day of Aprit, 1994, by and beteteen the TowN OF VAIL, COLORADO a Colorado munlcipal corporatlon. (the "Town") 31O covERED BRIDGE BUILDING, LTD., a colorado Limlted PartnershiP ( "Developer" ) : WHEREAS, Developer desires to demolish and redevelop .Lmprovementa on a parc:el of real ProPerty..f.t th: Town of Vall more paiUlcularly described as Lot "c" ana f,oU I'dir and the southwesterly 4 feet of Lot "b", Block 5-8, Vail Village Flrst Flling (th9 "covered Bridge Property" ), and, ln as_sociation with such demolitlon and redeveltpmentr'the Developer deslres to use, and the Town requires lmprovemLnts to certaln land proposed for use by n"".fop.t, and thL Developer 1s w11Ilng to expend slgnlflcant sums In imp-rovements to, certitn real proplrty owned.by the Town and .o.. iurticularly descrlbed tn SxnlUtL A attached hereto and made a pait hereof itnt "Toi{n Property"), and to -provlde llmlted assistance to th; Town Ln associatlon wlth removal of a structure known as the Covered Brldge, belng a part of Brldge Street wlthin the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS,theTownlswlllingtograntto.Developerallmlted license agreenent to permtt constructlon on the Town Property' to allow sali lmprovemerits to remal.n on the Town Property for the perlod of ttme- set forth herein, and ls further will,ing -to permit [,ne os" of certaLn other property owned by the Town of vall as more fully set forth hereln; Now,THEREFoRE,lnconslderationofthemutual-promisesand covenants contalned hereln, the partLes agree as follows: 1. Grant of License for Cpfrs!.ruqtlo-n Use' ,The Town grants to neveto for the use bY Developer bt tne Town Property for the following uses: For constructlon storage' a staglng area' mal'ntenance of construction equipment, and constructlon of improvements upon the Town frop-erly and the Covered Brldge ProPerty, ln accordance wlti thL plans of the Developer as more fully set forth hereln. 2. grantsfor the uses: Grant of License and Easement for UtIIlty Use. to Deve @er a non-excluslve ll ted llcense and use by Developer of Lhe Town Property for the The Town easementfollowing For the installatlon, malnlenance and repalr- of underground ,ttfffty llnes and facilltles (and such above-ground facilltles a3 may be necessary in assoclatlon wlth such underground utility linesl serving the Town Property and the covered Bridge properiy, lncludtng but not necessarlly limlted to elec[,ricity, water, sewer, telephone, natural gas, and cable television. The Town of Vall agrees that 1t wlll grant a permanent easement for ine naintenance of- such utility facilities to such utllity company or companles at such pernanent location, as approved by the Town of Vai1. 3. 5. DeveLoper' Developer for Use of Streets The Town grants to Developer the use bY DeveloPer of t,hai portlon of Bridge Street north of its lntersect'ion with Gore Creek Drlve and Gore creek Drlve for the followlng uses: For constructlon actlvlty and for dellvery of construction materlals as requlred by and conslstant wtth the flnal deslgn plan for the demblltlon and reconstruction of improvements on the Covered Bridge Property. The use of Gore Creek Drlve and Brldge Street noted above shall be permlt,ted on the fottowlng condltions: a. Removal and delivery of materlals shall occur and be completed between the hours of7:00 to 11:00 AM and 2:00 to 7:00 PM eacir day, in accordance wlth the requlrements of the Town of VaiI Builctin!-DepartmenL for the Commercial Core I zone district. b. Except durtng perlods of removal and dellvery of construction materials, the eastern slxteen (15) feet of Bridge Street shall remain unobstructed durlng the perlod from the lst day of July, Lg94 ' through the 5th day of September ' L994 ' At aII other Limes durlng the perlod of the llcense granted under thls paragraph, the ea-stern twelve (12) feet of Brldge Street shall remaln unobstructed. 4. Construction of ImDrovements . 04 Tojrtn PrgperFv' . . -I"conJunctlo develoPment PIan, :16" Dev6loper shal} construct lmprovements on the Town Property in accordlnce with that plan approved by the Developer and the Town of vail and attached hereto as Exhibit B (the "Town Property Improvement Plan" ) . Restoratlon of Town Propertv. At the conclusion of the reO Brtdge ProPerty, the shall restore the surface of the Town Property and anv Grant License ffii as possibl", to its natural state, with the FxGFtl3n of that portlon of the Town Property whlch ls improved to othei standards under the Town Property Improvement Plan. ino the foreqolnq, 1n the event the To!4 reeenElEus! roves some Portlon of tle surface o 1lc inEludinq Uut not timited to gllet!-lrnE t ffiek Drlve and the covered Bridoe ana for That reason the Developer would experlence s eTf pay o',rer to the Torcn ,g-ug-h--arnountffi the restoratlon qf rh surface of the Town Propertv and Publlc wavq. 6. Mqintenance and Repalr of ToHn- oJ VilI Prgpertv'Developer onsible for the maintenance and repalr of the lmprovements located on the Town Property. DevelopLr shall be responslble for any danage to the To$tn Property caused by the placement and operatlon of the lmprovements on the Town Propertyg blic W Notw a the event the Town reconstructs or i roves some rtion of the rovements to the Town Property a I{avs ncludin rovements on Br Street,t$reen Gore overed Br el w l.tOU otherwise requl.r o be res the savlngs, then the DeveloPer shall. Dav over to the Town such amount as Is savecl ano wot exDencleo ln e restoratl'0n o rovements to Property and Publlc vlglE_: 7.Use of Crane for Benefit of the Town of Vqll:The Developer w @ate a construction crane on the Tovtn Property in assoclatlon wlth lts construction actlvity as required-by and consistant wlth the flnal design plan for the demolltion and reconstruction of improvements on the Covered Bridge Property. The Developer wlll provide the use of that constructlon crane, within the llmits of lts capacity, to assist the Town in the rbmoval of the Covered Brldge from its present locatlon to a point wlthin reach of the craner and the reconstructlo Brldge, and not tnterferlng wlth the Developer's construction ffilEy, provJ.ded, however, that the Town of Vail shall be responslble for the dlsassembly of the Covered Brldge ln such manner that the capacity of the construction crane is not exceeded ln the removal of the Covered Brldge materlals. --In the event the crane available to the Developer is unable to assist ln eiLher the whether because of absence o e crane,ercapac e, or anv other reaso obllgated to bdy to the Town up to $51000 toward the cost of crane ruction of the Coverecl Brlctge, or an 8. rnsurancg, rggulTgl.nents 1 Developer shalt obtaln comprehenslvepuffisurancecover1ngDeveIoper's;;ti;ili;I- "" in" Town Propertv in the amount of one million dollars ($1,000,0'oOiJot tu"h tnitoent glvlng.rlse to a clalm for bodtly InJury or property damage' The -Town shall be named as an additlonal lnsurdd -and a ceittftcate of lnsurance shall be furnished by DeveloPer to tfre rlwn and kept in full force and ;*;;t throrighout th; term of thls agreement ' .o o'?'no, '?i::t""tt';i:"'$:?a:Ii:!alt liabtlities, Judgments, costs (including reasonable attorneys fees), damages, "riii6, claims and actions oiany kind or nature by reason of lls use of the Town Property' 10. Revocatio4. The llmited llcense granted in Paragraphs 1 and 3 may be t.lrffiur l;. i';; In the fofowtng manner: rn the event Town of v"Ji- aetLrntnes t,hat a default has occurred in the performance of tne oniigaiio^" of oevelopgl' tl9 Town of Vail shall provlde Developei(;;a;-i-i o-eveloper proiides the Town of Vail with the name and .JOi.""' of nevelo-per ''s construction lender' that constructfon fenaerl,- a-notice of defautt, ldentlfylng -the. nature of the default. ;;'.i"peiinarr have ten (10) day-s wl-thin whlch to curesuchdefault,andDeveloper'sconstructionlendershallhave an additionaf fiJJ JiG *it'nli which to cure such default' rn the event the default i; not corrected within such Perie6, then DeveloPerwlllremoveatltsexpenseallimprovementslocatedonthe Town nroperiy within ten (1-0) days aftei.receiving notice of the rermtnation .it'ln"' ii.ll.A'ifi"n"6 granted 1n Paragraphs 1-and 3 hereof. The ""^p"iitions under this laragraph shall not include Sundays and ho1ldaYs. ll.Removaloflmprovements.Intheeventtheremovaloftheimprovementson@snotaccompl1shedwithintwenty(20) days of t'ne- compigtiol of- the lmprovements to the Covered Brldge Property and the Town nropeity' .lht Town ls hereby authorlzed to t".ou. same and strati nave the righ-t- to make an u"".i"tn""t against the Covered Bridge Property and collect the cost of removal in the same manner as g5neral taxes are collected' rovisl.on lncurred the Tostn,less the amount whlch the Developer ncls on e rovlslon O o ffi for tne removal 0r construc ono e Covere e, calcula e basrs o hal -day or grea er useaqe . 12, Terminatlon of License as to conltruclien- AcF-iviligg: The limit cense granted In ParagraPns 3 hereof shall cornmence on APril 18, 1994' and following schedule: shali tLrminate according to the 4 a. During the perlod fron Aprll 18, L994, through November 20, 1994, the limtted llcense granled ln Paragraphs l and 3 shall be 1n effect.b. During the period from November 21, L994' througlt APtll L5, 1995. t.he limlted llcense granted ln Paragraphs l and 3 shall be 1n effect, provlded that exterlor actlvltles shall be limlted to the following hours:@c. ouiing the period from April 15, 199!, through JulV f, 1995, the 11mlt6o ttce-nse granted ln Paragraphs I and 3 shall be I'n effect. 13. Termination of License and Easement as to utilit Actlvlties.granted in ParagraPh t--GlE-fl-T-ommence on the date of this agreement and shall not terinl-nate except by agreement of the Tolvn of Vat1, the owners of the Covered Bridgi Pr-operty at the'time of termination, and any affected utillty -company, provlded, however, that the locatlon of any utillty lfnes LnA alsociated llcense may be changed by agieement o-t the Town of Vail and an affected utility company wlthout the consent of the then owners of the Covered Bridge Property if the servlce to the covered Brldge Property is not relocated or otherwise adversely affected. 14. Tlminq of Acttrrtt,:Lgg_:. It ls agreed that the actlvities contemplat@ 5 of this Agreement may occur at any time duri-ng th6 term of the Llcense as to constructlon AcLlvities as deftned in paragraph 15, provided that the only activities occurlng during the period from November 2l , L994, through Aprll 15, 1995, snitt be deliverles to the covered Bridge tropeity to be used !n lnterlor constructlon, which deliveries shall occur withln the tlmes stated ln Paragraph 15. TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado munlclpal corPoration By:Title: rp\llcagnt. tov 12 April 1994 Covered Bridge Building, Ltd. DeveloPer By:East-tlest Partners' Inc. Title: General Partner By: TitIe: EXHIBIT A A11 of that portlon of Lot "b", Block 5-B' vall Vlllage First iiiitg, Li".pl tne-southwesterly 4 feet of said Lot "b" EXHIBIT B The Town ProPerty Improvement Plan Is deflned as that plan whlch h;; ;;;; appio..r"d nv-tG iown or vail for the inprovements to that illrtf." .g-iog ',6'ir' gfocf 5-Br Vatl Vlllage Flrst. Flllng, except fi;-;;;d;"t""ry E tler of said Lot "b", at presentrv on f ire wlth the Town of ValI. t ,'ilsign Review Action Ftm TOWN OF VAIL Date 1'/2, ?.1Category Numbel lz- PqectNarnet ( ?v-e--..-l T\ AiAZ 7 "4/r Building Name: ' '' ' Projest Description: Owner. Address and Phone: @"onact,Addressandphone: 3'j < ' '/i +^u' '^ Legal Description: LoVJ-talLBbck 5' R SubdivisiondJ1\ / ProjectStreet Address: I ' /122 V Zone District aC ) Board / Statt Action Motion by: Seconded by: fl Approval ! Disapproval \ stattRpprovat Y\ Conditions: Town Planner Date: 4./2, 74 DRB Fee Pre-paid { zt.gt , TO - lqfl otr \rlr!,TPDLTNilIIfi PIION: DATE APPLICATION RECEI\|ED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: tarttl*tr*a A. &4-s]F-1yj4 1u:51Ftf't t*t o 0 1991 ?r\\r ^Atrtl 6111 n;67t!EIS fDPllCfTlON fllti! fo|! EE ICCEPtID IUV - UUlVllVl, UlY, UlilFrr. rr& nroutnrD ilrronlttrtor rs sugrrrrED' *t*t*attttr, P-BgirEcT rNEoRtdaTioN! '; J 4?6L6Lz P.az v revlred glUgl. coro8rDo B. TYPE OF RE\ITEII: New Congtructl-on ($200.00) -la-uinor Alteration :,lddttton ($50.001 c. ADDRES$, _..421 Conceptual Rcvier D. LEGilL, DASCRIPTION: Lot 9etoctr 5-b Subdlvislon NE If propcrEy. te descrlbed by ( s20. 00 ) ($0) deccrlpt,loai pleBse provldcattach tcj -thls appllcatlon. a nre€t8 and bounds leEal on a aeparate aheet and e1E. F. AONINGS NAl.lE OFtlailing IIOT AREA: If regulredl stanped surirey ahoulng applicantlot area. nuat provide a curent G. H. NAI,IE OF APPLICAI.IT Addieas: APPLICANT, S I.OWilERS! Condonlnl.un Approval if appltcable. DRB FE8: DRF feeel ae shown abover are to be pald atthe tlne of subnlttal of DRE applicatlon. Laterr when '\VALINTION FEEI 0-s lo,ooo $2o.oo $101001 -9 so;ooo Sso.00$ 501001 - $ 150,000 $100.00s150r001 -$ 5001000 9200.00 $5001001 - 91,000;000 $400.00$ over $1,000,000 $S00.00 applytng for a bullding pernlt, please ldentify the ntaccurate valuatlon of the proposal. The Torm of Vall ru. .wiII adjugt the fee accoratngto the tabl€ b€torr,to | - ensure thc correcr fee ts pald. tt' pAtD: g ,20da 11* ,(97 EEP SCHEDUITP! \ W t-7 'rl l016u\ 1ll1 11 r DISICN RElrrEN t(DRD.rlPNO\rl& t,(PIRIS OUE TEIR IFIER ErfILeDDRs\rrL Elrr,tg8 r BtEtDSne ptstrt 13 tgggED rm ccn$grRgcTrs rsSTAREED. rgtottEBE(8): IMalllng Addieee; >P' Project Name: tr Category ruumUer 3- ol",nn Review Action F*" TOWN OF VAIL BuildingName: 10{Ll.- v V v :' " project Descriptio"' fhnu - NbUi[l r Af6r Legal Description: tott' fti"$ -,r erocr 5$ sruoiui"ion Vnr-0 V,lhq0 \fr zone District (6 -\1 O-r-clU Project Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action r,rotion uv, 8DL $vn[ u"", f D [\t!c,ll0 seconded ov, \U^tt< trJatclr'.Jr $APProvat n Disapproval ! StaffApproval Conditions: Town Planner Date:DRB Fee Pre-paid 2oo, U o ----Ino{idAr-Xil s<acil, \Ur6 ( =1 9.2.71 P,---d brG b, 52( T{6. b/(I5 Tt/.{ 5r:4 tY/, A, 5Af 7/.- No,'-, I - )R6 OK cA &- d"./. /1../4.* dAr42 Nl( a*f *"X/ ,h /"-fi-/ '4 / o\ 4 ai^^e ft o|- V44te 5X. '4 Z1#. /ftl (/-^.t .*4.ry- , fl: .4 {, aL.a..,._ "r,.2',r7-* /-.(/ frt t*l Il-" 4-*141r I frX ;f , ya- a'-'.1 f>A-* z-Jr- ^* zZ44 , o-il * /tf'a- ,;t -44^ 5e./4/zA.-27 R,ai r",*affi iX T * /*./,<4 . f.U</*L/4\#4 Kt"f ra*/aaf^; fu fr * .N:F\D T,rk -& Cn4,tln.'fu ", -t';d"X* /) ,/ .* 4 ) ,.;4.e.w ry Ot.rtr.C slrlgL goloRtDo Rtc'DFEB 161994 r*tttttttt TBIS TPPLICAIION rtlJTr NOI BA ACCEPIEDUNIIL lI.|L nEOUInlD ItTtORutItoH Ig SuBUIrtEDa*t*i**tt* A.DESCRIPTION: l'DRB TPPLICTIION - 8mU Ot VtIt, DATE APPLICATION RECEIT/ED : DATE OT DRB MEETING: I. B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Constructl.on ($200.00)Mlnor Alteration ($20.00) Additlon ($50.00)Conceptual Review (90) C. . -ADDRESS:z D.LEGAIJ DESCRIPTION:Block 9'b Subdivlsion ET If property ls descrlbed bydeserJ.pt,lon, please providiattach to this applltation. a meets and bounds legalon a separate sheet and E. F. G. LOT AREA: If reguired, appllcantstamped surJrey showlng lol area. ZONING: NAI.IE OFMaillng APPTICANT: Address: ?iY{'tuwt ?Prir %ilNrz ,t. Condomlnium Approval if appllcable. K. DRB FEE: DIB fees, as shown above, are to be pald atthe time of submlttal of DRa-applicitiorr. Later, whenapplytqg for a. building- permitl - preas- - iaent.iit-;fieaccurate valuation of the proposll. The town 6f vairwilr adjusr the fee according to the tiure berow, ro 4#slensure the corect fee ls paio. 1i; ": t FEE SCHEDULE: - TEg EI'IZ 3 }40+ fuET(@ $ ;Tuttto o, ooo s 53Too \---"/' 110,001 -$ s0,o0o $50.00I 50, oo1 - $ 150; ooo $1oo. ool1fg, 001 - $ s00,000 $200. o0$500, 001 - s1, 000, oo0 s400.00$ over $1, 000; OO0 $sgg:00 r DESIGN RIII'ITET| BOARD TPPNOVI! EXPINES OIIE IEIR, I}IER FI}IAI.APPROUT& UNIASS A BUrIDING PESI|IT rS ISSUID llrO CONSTNUCTION ISSTTREED. H.NAI'IE OF APPLICANT' Address: OWNERS: tsrGNttuRE(9): Matli **No lPPLrctrTroN tfrr.r. BE PRoctssED rrraoUlt o|yrrER, s srGlIATt Rt 1 I. current Condomlnium Approval if appllcable. 7 PLAIiIT ITIATERIAI @ Comrnon O Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate 5 qallon. GROT'ND COVERS proposed shrubs. TvDe sLze of IYPE oR METHoD oE V? 1A{ EecaEROSION CONTROL soD TYPE OF IRRIGATION LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterlor lightlng ls proposed, please show the number of flxtures and locatlons on a separate lighting plan. Identlfy each fixture from the lighting plan on the li-st Uefow and provide the wattage, height above grade and t,ype of llght ProPosed. c. D. Mlnlmum slze of shrubs ls Sguare Footaqe '''48Qhg.o*r.,y'.ot;,* <u$PeL l4rrut*tuUr,r/ Z{ 0, t, lz0faexV ht>*'l oTItER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retalning walls, fences, swimminq pools, etc.) Please speclfy. Indicate helghts of retainlng iraffs. MaxLmum height-of wltls withln the front setback ls 3 feet. Maximum helght of walls elsewhere on the property l-s 6 feet. 7.'.o NA!,IE OF PRO.IECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOTC arocx 5.8 suBDrvrsroN lu-la, STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTTON OF PROiIECT: The following lnformatlon leReview Board before a final A. BUILDTNG DIATERIALS: reguired approval IYPE OF for subnittat can be given: MATERIAI to the Design Roof Sldlng Other lfall Materlals Fascia Sofflts - l{indows lll.ndow Trim Doors Door Trl-m Hand or Deck Flues Flashlngs Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B.LANDSCAPING:Nane gf DesJ.gner: - phone: Rails Co* p*) D Fznlttt tfu> PLA}TT !,IATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TREES Common Name Ouant,ltv Size* 7 -a_ EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED ?eea A: Jwetla, P r rn.(;\,.,..rt. *Indicate callper for deelduous trees. trees. Mininun calioer forheight for conLferous COLOR Indicate | .. tri-'. I tI -- * .,li1! l/l't TO: FFIOM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Departmenl March 14, 1994 A request for a major CCI exterior alteration to allow for the redevelopmenl of the Covered Bridge Building located a1227 Bridge StreeVLots C and D and a part of Lot B, Block 5-B, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: Planner: Hillis of Snowmass, Inc. and East Wesl Partners Mike Mollica I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicants are proposing a major redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building located at227 Bridge Street. The project would be considered a "demo/rebuild" which would involve the demolition and removal ol the existing slructure and the construction of the proposed building on this site. The proposal calls lor major design modifications to the front entrance (east elevation) of the existing commercidl spaces, the creation of-lowe,I-]gYf:lcgl!CIelgjal spaces which would be accessible from slairs direclly on Bridge Street, lhe infill ol the northw€St section of the property, the addition ol an elevator at the west end of the building, and the addition of two upper level floors to accommodale one condominium. The exlerior materials proposed for the structure would be predominantly stucco and wood, with a wood shake shingle roof. A snowmelt system would be installed in all pedestrian areas on the property and the snowmelt system would also extend to the two exterior stairs (sandstone) on Bridge Street. These areas would be finished with concrete unit pavers, in the approved Streetscape design. As a result of the two previous PEC worksessions, the applicant has shifted the entire structure back to within 6" of the western property line, and has further shiited the fourth and fifth floors lo the west approximately 4'. The Bridge Street (east) elevation ot the structure is now proposed to be located approximately 7 feet back from its currenl location. The fifth floor has been modified to provide an east-facing "double dormer", which further conceals the flat roof portion of the structure. As a part of this redevelopment, the applicants have also proposed to upgrade and improve the Town's adjacent pocket park to the north. The original design for the pocket park was completed by Winston and Associates and has been recently modified by the staff and Todd Oppenheimer, the Town's landscape architect. Final Design Review Board approval of the pocket park design shall be necessary. Also included in the redevelopment, the entire structure would be brought into compliance with all of the current building and lire codes, (the building would be fully sprinkled)' Due to this project's location within the Commercial Gore I zone district, approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) of a malor GCI exterior alteration is required. The staff has reviewed the applicant's submittal, and agrees that the proposal as redesigned would comply with allof the Town's development standards for the Commercial Core I zone district. No variances or view corridor amendments are required for this redevelopment. II. BACKGROUND AND HISTORY . On August 27, 1990, the PEC approved a major CCI exterior alteration for the redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building. . On August 29, 1990, the Town's Design Review Board (DRB) granted final design approval for the redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building. Although there is no time limit or expiration for the previously approved major exterior alteration, the final DRB approval for the redevelopment has expired. . On February 14, 1994, the PEC held a joint worksession with the DRB to review the major CCI exterior alleration proposal. . On February 28, 1994, the PEC held a second worksession to review the major CCI exterior alteration proPosal. . On March 2,1994, ihe DRB held a conceptual review of the proiect. o III. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The following is a summary of the development standards for the proposed redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building: She Area: Buildable Area: S€lbacks: Heighl: Commm ArEa: GRFA: Unils: Site Coverage: Landscadng: Parking: Loading: Cromnrercial Useg: Gross Floor Area: COMMERCIAL CORE I ZONING N/A -N/A Per the Vail Mllage Urban D€sign Guide Phn 60%: 33' or less rO%: 33 fi. - 43 tl. 1,265 sq. ft., or 35% ol allowabl€ GRFA 3.614 sq. lt. or 80% 25 units per acre, 2 unils for lhis properly 3,740 sq. lt., or 8(P/o Per lhe Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan Per th€ Town of Vail Parking Slefldatds P€r the Town of vail Loading Slendards N/A N/A EXISTING PROJECT 4,675 sq. tt. 4,518 sq. tl. N: 0' S: 1' E: 7' W: 0' 43' lo ridge 762 sq. ft. 0 sq. n. 0 unils 3,650 sq. tt., q 7gf/c Sarne Requir€d: 22.1 spec€s Required: I Exisling: 0 8,867 sq. ft. 9,629 sq. fi. PROPOSED PROJECT 4,675 sq. lt. 4.518 sq. ft. N: 1' S: 0' E: 14'W: 0'-6' 60.5%: 33 tt. or less 39.5%: 3il lt. - 43 tl. 1,265 iq. tt., or 35% 3,614 sq. lt., or 8f6 1 unil 3.726 sq. tl., or 79.7o/o Sarne Requhed: 28.1 spaces Fequired: 1 Eristing: 0 7,671 sq. tl. 12,5$ sq. n. lv. The nine criteria for Commercial Core I exterior alterations shall be used to judge the merils of this project. In addition, the PEC shall also utilize the Vail Village Master Plan, the Vail Village Urlcan Design Guide Plan, the Streetscape Master Plan and the purpose section of the Commercial Core I zone dislrict. As stated in Section 18.24.010 of the Town's Municipal Code, the purpose section ot the Commercial Core I zone district is as follows: "The Commercial Core I district is intended to provide sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Village commercial area, with its mixture of lodges and commercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The Commercial Core I district is intended to ensure adequate light, air' open space, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses. The district regulations in accordance with the Vail Village urban design guide plan and design considerations prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrianways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale and architectural qualilies that distinguish the village." The Ptanning Stafl finds that the Covered Bridge Building application for a major exterior alteration rneets the Gommercial Core I purpose, as stated above. V. COMPLIANCE WITH THE VA]L VILLAGE MASTER PLAN Although not specifically categorized as a sub-area, the Covered Bridge Building is specifically identilied in the Vail Village Master Plan as follows: "Although it is a goal to maintain design continuity in the Village core, there will be change in the core areas built environment. This is mostly due to the number of properties that have not exercised their full development rights. The most notable among these properties are the Red Lion Building, the Cyrano's Building, the Lodge at Vail and the Covered Bridge Building. lf each of these and other properties developed to their full potential, there will undoubtedly be a significant increase in the level ol developmenl in the Village core." There are many goals, objectives, and policies which are identified in the Vail Village Master Plan that are applicable to the development of the Covered Bridge Building. The staff feels that the following specifically address this project: Goal #1 : Encourage high quality redevelopment while preserving the unique architectural scale of the Village in order to sustain its sense of communitY and identity. 1.2 Obiective: Encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities. 1.3 Obiective: Enhance new development and redevelopment through public improvements done by private developers working in cooperation with the Town. 1.3.1 Policv: Public improvements shall be developed with the participation 0t the private sector working with the Town. Goal #2: To foster a strong tourist inEustry and pror.note year-round ecgngmic health and viability for the Village and for the community as a whole. 2.4 Obiective: Encourage the development ol a variety of new commercial activity where compatible with existing land uses. 2.4.1 Policv: Effiercial infill development consislent with established horizontal zoning regulations shall be encouraged to provide activity generators, accessible greenspaces, public plazas, and streetscape improvements to the pedestrian network throughout the Village. 2.5 Obiective: Encourage the continued upgrading, renovation, and maintenance of existing lodging and commercial facilities to better serve the needs of our gues$. Goal #3: To recognize as a top priority the enhancement of the walking experience throughout the Village. 3.1 Obiective: ' Physically improve the existing pedestrian ways by landscaping and other improvements. 3.1.1 Policv: Private development projects shall incorporate streetscape improvements (such as paver treatments, landscaping, lighting and seating areas), along adjacent pedestrian ways. 3.4 Obiectives: Develop additional sidewalks, pedestrian-only walkways and accessible green space areas, including pocket parks and stream access. 3.4.1 Policv: Physical improvements to property adjacent to stream tracts shall not further restrict Public access. Goal #4: To preserve existing open space areas and expand greenspace oPPortunities. 4.1 Obiective: lmprove existing open space areas and create new plazas with greenspace and pocket parks. Recognize the different roles of each type of open space in forming the overall fabric of the Village. 4.1.2 PolicY: The development ol new public plazas, and improvemenls to existing plazas (public art, streetscape features, seating areas, etc.), shall be strongly encouraged lo reinforce their roles as attractive people places. The staff believes that the proposed redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building would further the above Vail Village Master Plan goals and objeclives. VI. COMPLIANCE WITH THE STREETSCAPE MASTER PLAN The Streetscape Master Plan concepts identified for the Covered Bridge area include the following: "slairs connecting Bridge Street to the pocket park and Gore Creek on the north side of lhe Covered Bridge Building are needed. The pockel park should be improved so that it could function as a picnic area or performance site in the Village." The Streetscape Master Plan addresses paving treatments in the Village as follows: "The demarcation between the public right-of-way and private land may be appropriate to dissolve or emphasize, depending on the individual project site. The result will be to create a varied street color and texture that allows private property owners creativity, but also establishes a comprehensive design context to work within. The primary paving material for the right-of'way area of the Village core is recommended to be the rectangular concrete unit pavers. The herring bone pattern, which is proposed for most areas, is edged by a double soldier course. The intent is to satisfy the need for a simple slreetscape . treatment wilhout being monotonous. The double soldier course also creates a point for starting and stopping pavers proposed by private developers that will be compatible with the overall phased paving design." Although the specific details of the proposed streetscape and pocket park design are described in Section Vlll of this memorandum, overall, the staff believes the proposed improvements make a positive contribution to the qualily of the area and are in compliance with the Town's adopted Streetscape Master Plan. vil. vlil. The Urban Design Guide Plan Sub-Area concepls identified for the Covered tsridge area include a pocket park to the north of the site (with benches and planters). A "feature area" with specialty pavers is also identified for a small area immediately southwest ol the Covered Bridge. The staff believes that the applicant's proposed modifications to the Town's pocket park, including the viewing platform adjacent to the Covered Bridge and a new entry stair into the park, are in conformance with the Urban Design Guide Plan Sub-Area concept and are a positive public improvement. The following are the nine Commercial Core I exterior alteration design criteria, as listed in the Urban Design Guide Plan, to be utilized by the Planning & Environmental Commission when evaluating CCI exterior alteration proposals: A. Pedestrianization Staff believes that the proposed redesign for the Covered Bridge Building will improve the pedestrianization in the lower Bridge Street area. This section ol Bridge Street is basically a car-free pedestrian area, however, due to the large numbers of pedestrians utilizing this area at peak times, it is not unusual for the street to become congested. The modifications proposed for the Covered Bridge Building, as well as the modifications proposed for the adjacent Covered Bridge pocket park, would improve pedestrian circulation and would also provide additional public seating areas. The project architect has designed the building so that it would meet all the current ADA requirements for disabled access. A "lift" would be located at the southeast corner of the property, adjacent to the south side of the main entry stair to lhe second floor retail level. The lift would be located behind a raised planter, which will assist in screening the lift lrom Bridge Street. The lift would provide disabled access to the lowest level of the structure, as well as to the pocket park. From the lowest level, it is possible to access the main elevator at the rear of the building. All levels of the building, with the exception of the fifth tloor, would be accessible from this elevator. Staff has suggested that the design of the "lilt" be modified to better reflect the alpine character of the Village, and the applicant has agreed to modify the design, subject to final Design Review Board approval. At the request of the DRB, the applicant has redesigned the southeast corner of the site to eliminate the exposed lower level commercial space, from the main stair, south to the Gasthof Gramshammer. This area has been fitled so that the Bridge Street elevation would exlend up to the face of the building, thereby enhancing the pedestrian experience. This area would be finished with conirete unit pavers (with integral snowmelt), in the approved Streetscape design. A raised stone planler would be added in front (east) ol the lift, and a bench would be added to the area. Staff believes the proposed new pedestrian access into the Covered Bridge pocket park, as well as the proposed safety railings, will be a major improvement over the existing conditions. B. Vehicular Penetration As recommended in the Urban Design Guide Plan, and in conjunction with the pedestrianization objectives listed above, the major emphasis regarding vehicular penetration in the Village is focused on reducing auto penetration into the center of the Village. Loading and delivery for the Covered Bridge Building is currently, and will in lhe future, be handled in the same manner as any other building within the Village core. All loading/delivery vehicles are required to park in designated loading/delivery zones. Hand carts are then necessary to transport the goods to the individual businesses. One particular concern that slaff, and the PEC, has identified has to do with trash pick- up for the Covered Bridge Building. Because the only legal access for this site is via Bridge Street, stafl is concerned that trash pick-up would occur on Bridge Street. Staff believes that this would be very undesirable, given that lower Bridge Street is considered a 'no-vehicle" area. As discussed in more detail under the ServiCe and Delivery section of this memorandum, the staff would strongly recommend that the owner of the Covered Bridge Buibing discuss with the adjacent property owner, Pepi Gramshammer, the possibility of allowing for service access through his site. C. Streetscape Framework The Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan recommends that it would be desirable to have a variety of "open and enclosed spaces, both built and landscaped which create a strong framework for pedestrian walks as well as visual interest and activity." Further, lhe direction of the Guide Plan is not to enclose all Village streets with buildings, nor is it desirable to leave pedestrian streets in an open and somewhat undefined condition. Statf believes that the applicant's redesign for the Covered Bridge Building creates a positive streetscape framework for the lower Bridge Street area. Along with an enhanced pedestrian experience in this area, the redevelopment would also create new commercial activity generalors (i.e. additional street life and visual interest) with the addition of the 'visible" lower level commercial spaces. ln order to provide a visual connection between the lower level retail commercial shops and Bridge Street, the applicant has shifted the east elevation of the structure approximately 7 feet back from its current location. This not only provides lor a visual connection but it also allows lor landscaping to be located in front of the building. The stalf believes thal the exposed lower level commercial spaces, at the northeast corner of the structure and along the pocket park, work well given the lower grades in the pocket park area. We support the DRB's request to inlill the southeast corner of the site to eliminate the exposed lower level commercial space, (from the main stair, south to the Gasthof Gramshammer). Staff does not believe that split-level commercial provides a comfortable enclosure for the street, and also does not provide the character and "Village feel" that the Design Guidelines recommend. Statf agrees with the DRB, that the infill of this area will enhance lhe pedestrian experience along lower Bridge Street. With regard to the architectural considerations, the staff has reviewed the project with the Town's design consultant Jeff Winston (Winston and Associales). The initial design concerns identified were that the majority of the structure'S mass and bulk should be concentrated on the western half of the property. Additionally, staff felt that the building should step down as it approaches the easlern portion of the property (Bridge Streel). Further, staff felt that the overall roof design should be simplified and that the proposed fifth floor should be architecturally inlegrated into the rest of the structure. Staff had also expressed concern regarding the relationship of the proposed fourth and fifth floors to the existing Gasthof Gramshammer lodge rooms (and exterior decks) to the south. Since the two PEC worksessions, lhe applicant has modified the building's design to reduce the length of the solid wall, which would have extended out (east) approximately 8', from the edge of the Gramshammer fourth floor deck. At the request of the PEC, the applicant shifted the entire slruclure 5' to the west, to within 6" ol the western-most property line. Additionally, the Covered Bridge Building's fourth and fifth floors have been pulled back, to the west, approximately 4', so that any potential negalive impacts to the Gasthof Gramshammer would be lessened, or eliminated, and so that the relationship of the Covered Bridge Building, to Bridge Street, would also be improved. D. Street Enclosure In order to provide a more comfortable street enclosure in the lower Bridge Street area, the PEC recommended (at the initial worksession) that the applicant consider shifting the building to the west. The applicant has complied with lhis request and has shifted the building approximately 5 feet to the west, up to within 6 inches of the western-most property line. This modification, coupled with stepped-back fourth and fifth floors' provides an external street enclosure which adds visual interest, and according to staff, provides a very comfortable pedestrian scale, which is the desired condition in the Village. Due to the Covered Bridge Building shifling to the west, the staff would recommend that the exposed northeast elevation ot the Gasthol Gramshammer, adjacent to Bridge Street, be finished with stucco and painted to match the Gasthol Gramshammer. lt is also recommended by staff that Mr. Gramshammer consider adding a retail window in this wall area. E.Street Edge As previously mentioned, as a part of this redevelopment, the applicants have proposed to upgrade and improve the Town's adjacent pocket park to lhe north, as well as the building's frontage on Bridge Street. A total of three, raised, stone-faced planters would be located along Bridge Street. In addition, two new planters would be 9 added at the lower retail level elevation, (please see the landscape plan). Plant material proposed for the planters would include 3 Aspen, 4 Juniper, 7 Chokeberry, 3 Alpine Current, 10 Kinnickinnick and assorted mixed-perennials. To further the Vail Village Urban Design Considerations, the staff would recommend that the applicant consider the addition of flower boxes to the balconies on the building. The design for the pocket park calls for the creation of a viewing platform/seating area adjacent to the Covered Bridge. The Streetscape Master Plan recommended benches, lighting and paver design would be utilized. A new entry stair into the park would be constructed at the southeast corner of the park, which would provide pedestrian access to the park and to the lower level commercial spaces in the building. The entire park area would be re-seeded and irrigated as a part of the proposal. In order to accommodate the redevelopment, the applicants have proposed to remove the two existing evergreen trees which are located adjacent to the north elevation of the building. These trees are very close to the building and have grown "one-sided". The Town's Landscape Architect, Todd Oppenheimer, believes the two trees could not be relocated successfully. No other vegetation is proposed to be removed with the construction. The Town will be responsible for mainlenance of the planlers located up at the Bridge Street level, as well as maintenance of the planter and landscaping in the pocket park. The developer of the Covered Bridge Building will be responsible for maintenance of the lower level planter in front of the building. F. Building Height The Vail Village Master Plan has identified this property as having an acceptable building height in the range of three to four stories. A story is defined as I feet of height and no roof is included. This property is unique in that there is an 8-foot difference in elevation between Bridge Street and the pocket park area north of the property. During the review of the 1990 redevelopment proposal, the applicant had requested that stalf analyze and interpret where building height base elevations would be calculated from. In 1990, the staff made the following building height interpretations, and these interpretations were subsequently upheld by the PEG: 1. That the Covered Bridge Building site be divided €qually, beginning at the northeast corner of the property with a line running diagonal to the southwest corner of the property. The statf and the PEC believe that this analysis provided for a fair and equitable review of building height because it allows for the Bridge Slreet elevation of the structure to be based upon the grades on Bridge Street. lt also allowed for the elevations of the building which lront north to the pocket park, and west to Pepi's parking lot, to be based upon existing grades in the park area. 10 2. That the base elevation of Bridge Street (8,161 feet) will be used to determine heights for areas of the building which fall into the southeastern 50% of the divided property. 3. That the base elevation at the northwest corner of the Covered Bridge property (s,153 feet) will be used to determine building heights for the northwesl 50% of the structure. During the PEC's 1990 review of the Covered Bridge Building redevelopment, the drawings were submitted, and were certified, showing that the proposed design could be built within the parameters of the height interpretation, and that the building would not encroach into any Town adopted view corridor. lt was in late 1993 that the staff learned that the 1990 approved drawings were not accurate and that the structure could not be constructed without a height variance and a view corridor encroachment. Although the stalf continues to believe that the above interpretation was an equitable solution to a difficult problem, (given the unique topography surrounding this structure), the staff has acknowledged that this interpretation has driven a design solution for the site which does not appear to be compatible with the design standards for the Village. From a design perspective, and from a practical point of view, staff believes that a majority of this building's upper level mass should be localed towards the rear or western portion of lhe site. However, the 1990 building height interpretation listed above forces a design solution with a majority ol the building mass centered on the property. This is necessary in order lo meet the 60-40 roof area percentages. During the February 14, 1993 PEC worksession, the PEC again reviewed this issue,and subsequently determined that the building height base elevation for the Govered Bridge property could now be calculated solely from the Bridge Street elevation (8,161 feet). This PEC decision was based on the understanding that the applicant would redesign the structure so that the entire building would be shifted back approximately 5' to the wesl, and additionally, that the 4th and Sth lloors would further step back to the west. G. Views and Focal Points View Corridor #1 is the view corridor from the steps of the Vail Village Transportation Center extending over lhe Village towards Vail Mountain. This view coridor was intended to provide unobstructed views of Vail Mountain and key architectural features such as the Clock Tower and the Flucksack Tower. As proposed, the highest point of the Covered Bridge Building's redesign would 4! encroach into any of the Town's adopted view corridors. ln order to avoid a view conidor encroachment, a portion ot the fitth floor is designed with a flat roof. Although this has been a very difficult design problem, the stalf believes that the redesign of the fifth floor roof form, and the addition of a 'double dormer' adequately conceals the flat roof from most pedestrian areas adjacent to the building. Because the project architect has recently redesigned the roof form, at the request of the statf and PEC, the slaff is comfortable delaying the view corridor certification until Building Permit. 't1 tx. H. Service and Delivery Per the Town Code, an additional loading space is noi required for the redevelopment. No loading area exists for this site. The proposal includes a trash room lo be located at the rear, or west, side of the building. Trash pickup is proposed via Bridge Street, as this property has no legal access through the rear, or Children's Fountain area. Again, it is strongly recommended that the applicant discuss with Pepi Gramshammer, owner of the property to the west, the possibility of allowing for service access through his site. Pepi Gramshammer has recently submitted plans to develop his propefi (currently a surface parking lot), by adding an enclosed parking garage with approximately I lodging rooms and two condominiums above the garage. l. Sun/Shade The applicant has provided a sun/shade analysis for the winter solstice (December 21st), and lor the spring and fall equinox (March 21st and September 21st). The analysig was conducted for the existing building and the proposed structure, and revealed shading patterns for 10:00 AM, 12:00 noon and 2:00 PM. The proposed slructure will cast increased shade patterns on the adjacent pocket park site to the north and northwest. The staff believes that this additional shade will have minimal impacts due to the fact that the area of the additional shading is mainly lo the northwest of the building, and this area is heavily landscaped with large, mature evergreen trees. There will be some additional "late day' shade (2:00PM) cast on approximately 4 square feet of Bridge Street, in the area of the proposed new stairs to the pocket park. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends approval of the applicant's request lor a major CCI exterior alteration to allow for the redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building. The slaff finds that this redevelopment proposal, over the course of two PEC work sessions, has developed into one which is in compliance with the Urban Design Considerations for Vail Village as well as the other Comprehensive Plan elements described in detail above. Staff believes that the proiect will have a very positive etfect on lower Bridge Street and the entry to VailVillage. The staff's recommendation of approval includes the following conditions: 1. That prior to lhe Town's issuance of a Building Permit for the redevelopment project, the applicant shall verify that lhe proposed roof design does nol encroach into View Corridor No. 1. This work shall be completed by a registered surveyor in the State of Golorado. 2. That prior to the Town's issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) for the redevelopment project, the applicant shall post a bond, cash escrow, or letter of credit, in an amount necessary to insure the complelion of any outstanding improvements, not completed 12 3. at the time of the requested TCO. Said guarantee for completion of any outstanding improvements shall be in accordance with Section 17.16,250 ol the Town of Vail Municipal Code. That prior to the Town's issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) for the redevelopment project, the applicant shall grant a pedestrian and landscape maintenance easement to the Town for the purposes of pedestrian access to the pocket park and maintenance of the planters and pocket park landscaping' That the applicant add "divided lights" to the retail doors on the first and second levels of the structure, subject to DRB approval. That the applicant add flower boxes to the balconies on the building' subject to DRB approval. That the exposed northeast elevation of the Gasthof Gramshammer' adjacent to Bridge slreel, be finished with stucco and painted to match. It is recommended by staff that a retail window be cut into this wall. 4. 5. 6. c:\pscvnsm6\bidg€.314 13 M MENtr ;,:,: riiii ,i ri fii @_*Mi #jjji * ww#iiiffiN ""*c)'r' -;k i,l ,i jffilryriil i$ ,i' L---:::r:l-i. 11ffi i-:-----J ; . .\"rtllr i :. jj i \\- 39-, - 1i-.- .l i.' . \' ,tA .:21 1 ::/1\tr1 | :'.,:A Ioii ir o1Ir(, frZ>a9j\,/D 6lQ lrllrl QO OF( F(E ili;iii,iilmI rJilir-.-tll F t! F u o o0vu010c 'llYA .El8ts 390lus Lzz 0Nrc-lrn8 l00lu8 0lu3AO3 @hoil e I Ir I t T 5 1 ct t t 4I It {t tt I t I It a I I It A ct ;l ;l 1 cl Ehgli I II I EI ul #1. Ll?'Et? ol= GOfafr Cfr99'1 #tE.eElEEa r- +- 33oir5tt 3I HE F fr1 f,l g tt U) frl U a H H n !25' 6 6 H I I I I I I c I- .l(' ct(, H q @ I to cx |\ ,l o o xIt | __ 9__ bIRlo I lr-tx i. I ot cx(.) o Es- FP*$t-r o $. dT 4; Ha i* -J-' J-f*-s , $ o56 S: o :..\i I'l.l .g r$-'$sIsnS -a,?4f 7,i'i,--l-,'tP+-Q ,e 'p-Tqetq+ lfI I I fiEr tr( iTFIt$ rq0 ,/J ,21' biL I I I.ll =s 7. \ {- {. .,f, r\l _J N F 0 t\)l !$$J T ,l/tb 'tb ,6-rbPIb.F ,z/fr'P \l-l'lalsl $l EI sl sst $lp rtF LJ"- - -J T\ \ \ \ \ \ rclt c$r,Y 7-0. Item No. 5 was a Vail Town Council appeal of a maior CCI exterior alleration, to allovrl for theredevelopmentoftheffi227)BridgeStreet,LotsCandD,andapartof Lot B, Block 5-B, Vail Village First Filing. Mike Mollica reviewed the memorandum dated March 14, 1994, from the Community Development Department to the PEC, explaining In detail the proposed project as requested by Applicants, Hillis of Snowmass, Inc. and East West Partners, and Informed Council of PEC's recommendation for approval with the six conditions as listed In staffs memo. Mike further stated two conditions were added by the PEC. The first condition was lhal no vehicular access down Bridge Street would be allowed for service and delivery or lrash pick up. The second condition stated that if a restaurant were added to the building, a trash removal Program must come back for PEC approval. Sid Schultz, architect for ihe projecl, entertalned questions. Ross Bowker and Peter Dan of East Wesl Partners explalned construction activity and timelines for the proposed project, stating construclion was expecled to begin in April, wilh a completion by Thanksgiving. Landscaping issues and concerns were discussed. Mike Mollica suggested lhat a lree inventory be done. Any non-surviving trees could be required to be replaced. Council agreed. Plans for the upgrade and additional improvements to the Town's adjacent pocket park were discussed. Mayor Osterfoss stated Council members had discussed commencement of the Streetscape Plan for lower Bridge Street in conjunction with the Covered Bridge Building redevelopment. Paul Johnston moved to uphold the PEC's approval of the redevelopment project, with a second from Merv Lapin, with the condition that any trees in the area which did not survive during the two years after redevelopmeni be replaced by the applicants. Mayor Osterfoss added the staging plan would be discussed at a later Work Session. Mayor Osterfoss directed staff lo return to Council with suggestions as to how to proceed with the Slreetscape lmprovements if a water line replacement would be necdssary with the project. A vote was taken and passed unanimously, 7-0. Item No. 6 on the agenda was a report lrom the Town Manager. Merv Lapin made a motion to direct staff to amend, the SDD ordinance, eliminating resldentlal/single lamily projects from qualifying for SDD stalus. Paul Johnston remlnded Councll lhere was a petition currenlly circulating regarding an SDD issue and suggesled Council wait until June to address the issue. Jan Strauch seconded the motion as made by Merv. A vote was laken and passed, 6-1, Paul Johnston opposed, Tom Stelnberg added he had recelved calls regarding illegal parking and towing off private property. Mayor Osterfoss asked statf to investigate the situalion. Jan Slrauch requested a timeline for the prioritization of goals. Bob Mclaurin updated Council of status to date and suggested March 22, !994, as a date for completlon. Mayor Osterfoss requested a copy of the document prlor to the meeting. There being no furlher business, a motion to adiourn the meeting was made and seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Holly L. McOutcheon, Town Clerk Mhrfr| hkcn by Holly L lilcCddlcon Vrll Town Coqdl Ertdng ilcctlng Mlrutr. 0t/.l5itl I \'i 3'/5.7.1 Ttu C*^4 VAIL TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 15,1994 7:30 P.M.lN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:30 P.M. 7:35 P.M. Chris Anderson 7:,10 P.M. Jim Curnutte 8:25 P.M. Chris Anderson 8:35 P.M. Mike Mollica l. 2. EXPANDED AGENDA CITIZEN PARTICIPATION- Consent Agenda: Ordinance No. 6; Series ot lc)94, second reading, an ordinance amendirE the Investment Policy set forth in Chapler 3.52 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, Ordinance No. 7, Series ol 1994, lirst reading, an ordinanoe providing for the establishment of Special Development District No. 32, Cornice Building; adopting a development plan lor Special Development District No. 32" in accordance with Chapter 18.40 of the Vail Municpal Code, and setting fonh details in regard therelo. Applicant: David Smith represented by Tom Braun. Action Reouesled of Councih Approvs/deny/modify Ordinance No. 7, Series ot 1994, on first reading. Backoround.Rationale: There was a site visit early this date dufing Woft Session. Please re-revial previously distrifuted materials. Stalf Recommendation: Approve Odinance No.7, Series of 1994, on first reading. Resolution No. 8, Series ol 194, a resolulion designating Dana Inveslments Advisors, lnc., as a money manager tor the funds ol the Tourn ol Vail as permitted by the Chafler of the Town ol Vail, its ordinances, and the slatutes ol the State of Colora6. Action Requested of Council: Approve/deny/modify Besolution No. 8, Series ot 1994. Backoround Rationale: Changes to the investment policy currenlly being approved permit the use of an indeperdent investment manager. This resolution names one of those manager. Staff Recommendation: Approve Resolution No. 8, Series of 1994. Vail Town Council Appeal of a major CCI exterior alteration, to alloil lor the redevelopment ol the Covered Bridge Building (227) BriJge Stree! Lots C and D, and a part of Lot B, Block 5-8, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Hillis ol Snowmass, lnc. and East West Partners. Action Reouested of Council: There was a site visit early this date during Woft Session. Review the exterior alteralion requesl and uphold/ovenum/modify lhe decision ct the PEC regardirE the CCI exlerior alteration. Re-revigfl materials previously distributed. 3. 4. 9:35 P.M. 9:50 P.M. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends apprcval, with the conditions lisled in statf's memorandum to the PEC. 6. Town Managefs Repon. 7. Adjoumment. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: oaooooo THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL BEGULAR WORK SESSION wlLL BE ON TUESDAY,322194, BEGINNING AT l2:dl P.M.. lN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BE ON TUESDAY,4/5194,'BEGINNING AT 1:00 P.M.lN TOV COUNCTL CHAilBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING W|LL 8E ON TUESDAY,4l5l94, BEGINNING AT 7:30 P.M. lN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS. ooooooo C:\AGENDA.TCE (Request form must be given to the Secretary to the Town Manager by 8:00 a.m. Thursdavs.) MEETING DATE: March 15. 1994 (Prepare a separate Agenda Request for each agenda item. lf the agenda item will be discussed at both a Work Session and an Evening Meeting, be certain to check both boxes in this section and indicate time needed during each meeting.) o 0tr Work Session Site Visit Evening Meeting TIME NEEDED:- TIME NEEDED:- TIME NEEDED: t hour WILL B K i THERE BE A PRESENTATTON ON THIS AGENDA TTEM BY NON.TOV STAFF? NO. YES. Specifics: WILL THE PRESENTATION OF THIS AGENDA ITEM REOUIRE ANY SPECIAL WILL THERE BE MATERIAL TO BE INCLUDED IN COUNCIL PACKET FOR THIS ITEM? NO. YES. lf yes, is the material also for public distribution? $. Yes. O No. ITEIII/TOPIC: Town Council appeal of a major CCI exterior alteration, to allow for the redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building (227 Bridge StreeUlots C and D, and a part of Lot B, Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing). Applicant:Hillis of Snowmass, Inc. and East West Partners ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Review the exterior alteration request and Uphold/Overturn/Modify the decision of the PEC regarding the CCI exterior alteration. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: Please see the Community Development Department's memorandum to the PEC, dated March 14, 1994, included in the Council packet. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommendation is for approval, wiih the conditions that are listed in the staff EOUIPMENT? \-I i rn\- r\\.r. O YES. Specifics: Oq fL't htt-:memorandum to the PEC. Mike Mollica, Community Development oFil ' Eric Berg, a neighbor, stated that he does nol understand why the fence has been ailowed io remain in place as long as it has. He said he was opposed to the granting of a variance for this lence. Jeff Bowen stated that the fence did not comply with the Town of Vail's Zoning Code and therefore would need to be taken down. Greg Amsden stated he was not in favor of the fence and that it needed to pulled back to the 20 foot setback line. He said that any fence to be erected on the site would need Design Review Board approval. Bob Armour stated that he would like to see the fence pulled back to the 20 foot setback line. Bill Anderson stated that he had no further comments. Kathy Langenwalter stated that she had no further comments and that she did not Jeel that a hardship existed on the site. Kristan Pritz suggested that should the PEC vote against this request that they should put a time limit as to when lhe applicant should make application to the DRB. Jeff Bowen stated that he would like the fence to be removed within seven days from today's date or else the applicanl be cited for violating the Town of Vail Zoning Code' Kristan Pritz stated that the applicant would have the right to appeal the PEC's decision to the Town Gouncil within ten days of today's meeting- Jetf Bowen made a motion to deny the applicant's request for a variance to allow a 6 foot fence and that the applicant has ten days to remove the fence with Bob Armour seconding the motion. A 5-0 vote denied this request. 3. A request {or a major CCI exterior alteration to allow for the redevelopment of the ru|bcatedat227BfidgeStreeVLotsCandDandapartofLot B, Block 5-B, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Hillis of Snowmass, lnc' and East West Partners Planner: Mike Mollica Mike Mollica made a presentation per the statf memo. He siated that the number of required parking spaces would be fine tuned at the time of building permit. He summarized that staff was recommending approval ol the request and that it meets lhe nine criteria listed in the staff memo. He stated that statf was recommending six conditions in conjunction with the approval for this project. Sidney SchulE, the architect lor this project, stated that the applicants did not have any problems with the six conditions outlined in the staff memo. Pl.nnlng lod Envltmmanl.l Comml.ion lrrrch 14' 199'1 3 a Jefl Bowen was concerned about the presence of a lrash truck on Bridge Street as a result of this project. He also was concerned that should a restaurant be proposed to be located in the Covered Bridge Building at some future date, that it be required to come back before the PEC. He added that the construction staging for the project was also a concern to him. Ross Bowker, of East Wesl Partners, stated that during construction they would leave a minimum width ol 12 teel on Bridge Street. Kristan Pritz stated that the applicant has been working with Community Development and Public Works and that all parties agree that Bridge Street needs to remain as open as possible. Jeff Bowen stated that with the continuing work towards increasing summer business, he did not want to see Bridge Street become a "battle zone" during the summer months. Kristan Pritz stated that staff and Town Council shared the same concern. Jeff Bowen stated that he would like to see some limitation placed on the amount of time that Bridge Street would be 'cut off". Peter Dan, of East West Partners, explained to the PEC how they envisioned the slaging area to function. Greg Amsden stated that he would still like to see Pepi Gramshammer work with the applicant to resolve the trash issues that exist for this site, but that he would not vote against this project if a resolution could not be reached with Pepi. Harry Frampton, of East West Partners, stated that he had met with Pepi and Peggy Osterfoss earlier and that it was possible that Pepi would agree to some "creative trash solution'. He added that it did not appear that Pepi was planning to redevelop his building this year. Kathy Langenwalter inquired how far in lront of Pepi's building would the lence be located. Mike Mollica stated that the fence would be located approximately 15lo 18 feet out in front of Pepi's building. Greg Amsden stated that he was nol opposed to the proposed construction fencing. Bob Armour stated that he agreed with Greg concerning the construction fencing' He said that he did not want see anymore truck traflic on Bridge Street. He stated that he was hopeful that Pepi would work with the applicants towards a solution to the trash issue. Planning rnd Environmenttl commiasion i|rrch 14.100l 4. Bill Anderson stated that he was opposed to trash trucks using Bridge Street and that trash should be hauled to the intersection for pick-up. He said that he agreed with the six conditions staff outlined in the staff memo. Kathy Langenwalter stated she did not have problems with the proposed construction barriers. She suggested getting school children involved with painting the fence for something fun and creative. She stated that trash trucks on Bridge Street should not be allowed and that the applicants should submit an acceptable solution to this issue at the time of building permit. She stated that the PEC was not opposed to a restaurant in this location, but that at present, lhe trash situation did not seem to lend itself to restaurant use. Kristan Pritz stated that it was not the deliveries that were a concern but that removal of trash was an issue. The applicant would need to utilize the Town of Vail loading areas. She stated that a trash removal plan for a future restaurant, could be brought before the PEC. Bill Anderson made a motion to approve the request for a major CCI exterior alteration to allow for the redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building per the staff memo and including the six conditions contained in the staff memo, with the addition of condition 7 that: 'fuo motorized vehicle be allowed to use Bridge Street for trash removal. He added Condition 8 that: "The PEG would need to review the addition of a restaurant as tenant space and its proposed trash removal plan.' Greg Amsden seconded this motion and a 4-1 vote approved this request with Jetf Bowen opposing because he did not feel the proposed construction staging plan was appropriate for Bridge Street and that a coordinaled development plan needed to be done for the Gramshammer ancl Covered Bridge Buildings. A request for a worksession {or a major exlerior alteration, site coverage and setback variances for the Lifthouse Lodge commercial area, Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing/S49 West Lionshead Circle. Applicant: Planner: Bob Lazier Jim Curnutte Jim Curnutte made a presentation per the staff memo. He reviewed the three requests (selback variance, site coverage variance, and major exterior alteration). Jim reviewed the criteria to be used in evaluating this proposal with the PEC. Galen Aasland, the architect for this project, stated that they were attempting to improve this site through this proposal. He explained the rationale for the proposed rekord doors proposed lor Pizza Bakery and Bart and Yeti's. Ross Davis, owner of Bart and Yeti's, stated that he was concerned that there be an efficient construclion process so that his business is not negatively effected. Planning and Environmental Commission March 14,1994 ot. @rz ftn @ *zn - Nd-Y 3,t4,71 e FtrC ,/e /2,4/ 6. \ Rr* R*L- n*. ,^^24 6rt- & ,64 /z' \/-// fre 6T A. 5.afV y t>4 +. Afr-l " Ov'- 13/x/ A, - No ,h4.1 T^--/- - tu/.r/ -X .,4 - I'h &, h--L t't"a; lM a^-l t MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department Applicant: Planner: i:!_ [ Hillis of Snowmass, Inc. and East West Partners Mike Mollica "[cFYTO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: March 14, 1994 A request for a major CCI exterior alteralion to allow for the redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building located at227 Bridge StreeVLots C and D and a part of Lot B, Block 5-8, VailVillage'lst Filing. I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicants are proposing a major redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building located aI227 Bridge Street. The project would be considered a "demoirebuild" which would involve the demolition and removal ol the existing structure and the construction of the proposed building on this site. The proposal calls for major design modifications to the front entrance (east elevation) of the existing commercial spaces, the creation of lower level commercial spaces which would be accessible lrom stairs directly on Bridge Street, the infill of the northwest section of the properly, the addition of an elevator at the west end of the building, and the addition of two upper level floors to accommodate one condominium. The exterior materials proposed for the structure would be predominantly stucco and wood, with a wood shake shingle roof. A snowmelt system would be installed in all pedestrian areas on the property and the snowmelt system would also extend to the two exterior stairs (sandstone) on Bridge Street. These areas would be finished with concrete unit pavers, in the approved Streetscape design. As a result of the two previous PEC worksessions, the applicant has shifted the entire structure back to within 6" of the western property line, and has further shifted the fourth and fifth floors to the west approximately 4'. The Bridge Street (east) elevation ot the structure is now proposed to be located approximately 7 feet back from its current location. The fitth floor has been modified to provide an east-facing "double dormer", which further conceals the flat roof portion of the structure. As a part of this redevelopment, the applicants have also proposed to upgrade and improve the Town's adjacent pocket park to the norlh. The original design for the pocket park was completed by Winston and Associates and has been recently modified by the slaff and Todd Oppenheimer, the Town's landscape architect. Final Design Review Board approval of the pocket park design shall be necessary. Also included in the redevelopment, the entire structure would be brought into compliance with all ol the current building and fire codes, (the building would be fully sprinkled). Due to this project's location within the Gommercial Core I zone district, approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) of a malor CGI exterior alteration is required. The staff has reviewed the applicant's submittal, and agrees that the proposal as redesigned would comply with all of the Town's development standards for the Commercial Core I zone district. No variances or view corridor amendments are required for this redevelopmenl. II. BACKGROUND AND HISTORY . On August 27,1990, the PEC approved a major CCI exterior alteration for the redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building. . On August 29, 1990, the Town's Design Review Board (DRB) granted final design approval for the redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building. Although there is no time limit or expiration for the previously approved major exterior alteration, the final DRB approval for the redevelopment has expired. . On February 14, 1994, the PEC held a joint worksession with the DRB to review the major GCI exlerior alleration proposal. . On February 28, 1994, the PEC held a second worksession to review the major CCI exlerior alteration ProPosal. ' On March 2, 1994, the DRB held a conceptual review of the project. III. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The following is a summary of the development standards for the proposed redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building: COMMERCIAL CORE I EXISTING PROPOSED ZONING PROJECT . PROJECT Site Area: N/A 4,675 sq. fi. 4,675 sq. tt. Buifdable Area: N/A 4,518 sq. tt. 4,518 sq. tt. Selbacks: Perlhe Vail Village Urban N: 0' N: 1' Design Guide Plan S: 1' S: 0' E: 7' Et 14' W: 0' W: 0'-6' Height: 60%: 33' or less 43' lo ridge 60.5%: 33 tl. or less 40./.: 33 tr. _ 43 1. 39.5%: 33 lt. - 43 tt. Common Area: 1,265sq. ft., 762 sq. ft. 1,265 sq ft., or35% . tr 35% ol allowable GRFA GRFA: 3,614 sq. tt. or 80% 0 sq. tt. , 3,614 sq. lt., or 80olo Units: 25 unils pEr acre, 0 units 1 unil 2 unils for lhis prop€rly Site Goverage: 3,740 sq. ft., or 8ff6 3,650 sq. n.,ot78% 3,726 sq- tt., o( 797v" Landscaping: Per the Vail Village Urban Same Same D6sign Guide Plan Parking: Per the Town ot Vail Required: 22.1 spaces Fequked: 28.1 spac€s Parking Standards Loading: Per the Town of Vail Requited: I Required: I Loading Slandards Existing: 0 Exisling: 0 CommerdEf Uses: N/A 8,867 sq. tt. 7,671 sq. ft' Gross Floor Area: N/A 9,629 sq. tt. 12,550 sq' ft. IV. CRITERTA TO BE USED IN EVALUATING THIS PROPOSAL The nine criteria for Commercial Core I exterior alterations shall be used to judge the merits of this project. In addition, the PEC shall also ulilize the Vail Village Master Plan, the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan, the Streetscape Master Plan and the purpose section of the Commercial Core I zone district. As stated in Section 18.24.010 of the Town's Municipal Code, the purpose section of the Commercial Core I zone district is as follows: "The Commercial Core I district is intended to provide sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Village commercial area, with its mixture of lodges and commercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environmenl. The Commercial Core I district is intended to ensure adequate light' air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses. The district regulations in accordance with the Vail Village urlcan design guide plan and design considerations prescribe site development standards that are intended lo ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangemenls of buildings fronting on pedestrianways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation ol the building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the village." The Planning Staff finds that the Covered Bridge Building application for a major exterior alteration meets the Commercial Core I purpose, as stated above. V. COMPL]ANCE WITH THE VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN Although not specifically categorized as a sub-area, the Covered Bridge Building is specifically identified in the Vail Village Master Plan as follows: 'Atthough it is a goal to maintain design continuity in the Village core, there will be change in the core areas built environment. This is mostly due to the number of properties that have not exercised their lull development rights. The most notable among these properties are lhe Red Lion Building, the Cyrano's' Building, the Lodge at Vail and the Covered Bridge Building. lf each of these and other properties developed to their full potential, there will undoubtedly be a significant increase in the level of development in the Village core." There are many goals, objectives, and policies which are identified in the Vail Village Master Plan that are applicable to the development of the Covered Bridge Building. The staff leels that the following specifically address this project: Goal #1: Encourage high quality redevelopment while preserving the unique architectural scale ol the Village in order to suslain its sense of community and identitY. 1.2 Obiective: Encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities. 1.3 Obiective: Enhance new development and redevelopment through public improvements done by private developers working in cooperation with the Town. 1.3.1 Policv: Public improvements shall be developed with the participation of the private sector working with the Town. Goal #2: To foster a strong tourist industry and promote year-round economic health and viability for the Village and for the community as a whole. 2.4 Obiective: Encourage the development of a variety of new commercial activity where compatible with existing land uses. 2.4.1 Policy: Commercial infill development consistent with established horizontal zoning regulations shall be encouraged to provide activity generators' accessible greenspaces, public plazas, and streetscape improvements to the pedestrian network throughout lhe Village. 2.5 Obiective:. Encourage the continued upgrading, renovation, and maintenance of existing lodging and commercial facilities to better serve the needs of our guests. Goal #3: To recognize as a top priority the enhancement of the walking experience throughoulthe Village. 3.1 Obiective:, Physically improve the existing pedestrian ways by landscaping and other improvements. 3.1.1 Policv: Private development projects shall incorporate slreetscape improvements (such as paver treatments, landscaping, lighting and seating areas), along adjacent pedestrian ways. 3.4 Obiectives: Develop additional sidewalks, pedestrian-only walkways and accessible green space areas, including pocket parks and stream access. 3.4.1 Policv: Physical improvements to property adjacent to stream tracts shall not further restricl Public access. Goal #4: To preserve existing open space areas and expand greenspace opportunities. 4.1 Obiective: lmprove existing open space areas and create new plazas with greenspace and pocket parks. Recognize the different roles of each type of open space in forming the overall fabric of the Village. 4.1.2 Policv: The development of new public plazas, and improvements to existing plazas (public art, streetscape features, seating areas, etc.), shall be strongly encouraged to reinforce their roles as attractive people places. The stalf believes that the proposed redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building would further the above Vail Village Master Plan goals and objectives. vr. GoMPLIANCE WlrH THE STREETSCAPE U.ASTER PLAN The Streetscape Master Plan concepts identified for lhe Covered Bridge area include the following: "stairs connecting Bridge Street to the pocket park and Gore Creek on the north side of the Covered Bridge Building are needed. The pocket park should be improved so that it could function as a picnic area or perlormance site in the Village." The Streetscape Master Plan addresses paving treatments in the Village as follows: "The demarcation between the public right-of-way and private land may be appropriate to dissolve or gmohagize., depending on the individual project site. The result will be to create a varied street color and texture that allows private property owners creativity, but also establishes a comprehensive design context to work within. The primary paving material lor the right-of-way area of lhe Village core is recommended to be the rectangular concrete unit pavers' The herring bone pattern, which is proposed for most areas, is edged by a double soldier course. The intent is to satisfy the need for a simple streetscape treatment without being monolonous. The double soldier course also creates a point lor starting and stopping pavers proposed by private developers that will be compatible with the overall phased paving design." Although the specific details ol the proposed streelscape and pocket park design are described in Section Vlll of this memorandum, overall, lhe staff believes the proposed improvemenls make a positive contribution to the quality of the area and are in compliance with the Town's adopted Streetscape Master Plan. vil. The Urban Design Guide Plan Sub-Area concepts identified lor the Covered Bridge area include a pocket park to the north of the site (with benches and planters). A "feature area" with specialty pavers is also identified for a small area immediately southwesl ol the Covered Bridge. The stalf believes that the applicant's proposed modilications to the Town's pocket park, including the viewing platform adjacent io the Covered Bridge and a new entry stair into the park, are in conformance with the Urban Design Guide Plan Sub-Area concept and are a positive public improvement. vilt. The following are the nine Commercial Core I exterior alteration design crileria, as listed in the Urban Design Guide Plan, to be utilized by the Planning & Environmental Commission when evaluating GCI exterior alteration proposals: A. Pedestrianizalion Statf believes that the proposed redesign for the Covered Bridge BuiHing will improve the pedestrianization in the lower Bridge Street area. This section of Bridge Street is basically a car-lree pedestrian area, however, due to the large numbers of pedestrians utilizing this area at peak times, it is not unusual for the street to become congested. The modifications proposed for the Covered Bridge Building, as well as the modifications proposed for the adjacent Covered Bridge pocket park, would improve pedestrian circulation and would also provide additional public seating areas. The project architect has designed the building so that it would meet all the current ADA requirements for disabled access. A "lift" would be located at the southeast corner of the property, adjacent lo the south side of the main entry stair to the second floor retail level. The lift would be located behind a raised planter, which will assist in screening the lift from Bridge Street. The lift would provide disabled access to the lowest level of the structure, as well as to the pocket park. From the lowest level, it is possible to access the main elevator at the rear of the building. All levels of the building, with the exception ot the fifth lloor, would be accessible from this elevator. Staff has suggested that the design of the "lift" be modified to better reflect the alpine character of the Village, and the applicant has agreed to modify the design, subject to final Design Review Board approval. At lhe request of the DRB, the applicant has redesigned the southeast corner of the site to eliminate the exposed lower level commercial space, from the main stair, south to the Gasthof Gramshammer. This area has been filled so that the Bridge Street elevation would extend up to the lacg of the building, thereby enhancing the pedestrian experience. This area would be finished with concrete unit pavers (with integral snowmelt), in the approved Streetscape design. A raised stone planter would be added in front (east) ol the lift, and a bench would be added to the area' Statf believes the proposed new pedestrian access into the Covered Bridge pocket park, as well as the proposed safety railings, will be a major improvement over the existing conditions. B. Vehicular Penetration As recommended in the Urban Design Guide Plan, and in conjunction with the pedestrianization objectives listed above, the major emphasis regarding vehicular penetration in the Village is focused on reducing auto penetration into the center of the Village. Loading and delivery for the Covered Bridge Building is cunently, and will in the future, be handled in the same manner as any other building within the Village core. All loading/delivery vehicles are required to park in designated loading/delivery zones. Hand carts are then necessary to lransport the goods to the individual businesses. One particutar concern that statf, and the PEC, has identilied has to do with trash pick- up for the Covered Bridge Building. Because the only legal access for this site is via Bridge Street, staff is concerned that trash pick-up would occur on Bridge Street. Staff believes that this would be very undesirable, given lhat lower Bridge Street is considered a "no-vehicle" area. As discussed in more detail under the Service and Delivery section of this memorandum, the staff would strongly recommend that the owner of the Covered Bridge Building discuss with the adjacent property owner, Pepi Gramshammer, the possibility of allowing for service access through his site. C. Streetscape Framework The Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan recommends that it would be desirable to have a variety ol "open and enclosed spaces, both built and landscaped which create a strong framework for pedestrian walks as well as visual interest and activity." Further, the direction of the Guide Plan is not to enclose all Village streets with buildings, nor is it desirable to leave pedestrian streets in an open and somewhat undefined condition. Staff believes that the applicant's redesign for the Covered Bridge Building creates a positive streetscape framework for the lower Bridge Street area. Along with an enhanced pedestrian experience in this area, the redevelopment would also creale new commercial activity generators (i.e. additional street life and visual interest) with the addition of the "visible" lower level commercial spaces. ln order to provide a visual connection between the lower level retail commercial shops and Bridge Street, the applicant has shifted the east elevation ot the structure approximately 7 feet back from its curent location. This not only provides for a visual connection but it also allows for landscaping to be located in front of the building. The stalf believes that the exposed lower level commercial spaces, at the northeast corner of the structure and along the pocket park, work well given the lower grades in the pocket park area. We support the DRB's request to infill the southeast corner ol the site to eliminate lhe exposed lower level commercial space, (from the main stair, south to the Gasthof Gramshammer). Staff does not believe that split-level commercial provides a comfortable enclosure for the street, and also does not provide the character and "Village feel" that the Design Guidelines recommend. Staff agrees with the DRB, that the intill of this area will enhance the pedestrian experience along lower Bridge Street. With regard lo the architectural consideralions, the staff has reviewed the project with the Town's design consultant Jeff Winston (Winslon and Associates). The initial design concerns idenlified were that the majority of the slructure's mass and bulk should be concentrated on the weslern half of the property. Additionally, staff felt that the building should step down as il approaches lhe easlern portion of the property (Bridge Street). Further, staff felt that the overall roof design should be simplified and that the proposed lifth floor should be architecturally integrated into the rest of the structure. Staff had also expressed concern regarding the relationship of the proposed fourth and fifth lloors to the existing Gasthof Gramshammer lodge rooms (and exterior decks) to the south. Since the two PEC worksessions, the applicant has modified the building's design to reduce the length of the solid wall, which would have extended out (east) approximately 8', from the edge of the Gramshammer lourth floor deck. At the request of the PEC, the applicant shifted lhe entire structure 5' to the west, to within 6" of the western-most property line. Additionally, the Covered Bridge Building's fourth and fifth floors have been pulled back, to the west, approximately 4', so that any potential negative impacts to the Gasthof Gramshammer would be lessened, or eliminated, and so that the relationship of the Covered Bridge Building, to Bridge Street, would also be improved. D. Street Enclosure In order to provide a more comfortable street enclosure in the lower Bridge Street area, the PEC recommended (at the initial worksession) that the applicant consider shifting the building to the west. The applicant has complied with this request and has shifted the building approximately 5 feet to the west, up to within 6 inches ol the western-most property line. This modification, coupled with stepped-back fourth and fifth floors' provides an external streel enclosure which adds visual interest, and according to stalf, provides a very comfortable pedestrian scale, which is the desired condition in the Village. Due lo the Covered Bridge Building shitting to the west, the staff would recommend that the exposed northeast elevation of the Gasthof Gramshammer, adjacent to Bridge Street, be finished with stucco and painted to match the Gasthof Gramshammer. lt is also recommended by staff that Mr. Gramshammer consider adding a retail window in this wall area. E. Street Edge As previously mentioned, as a part of this redevelopment, the applicants have proposed to upgrade and improve the Town's adjacent pocket park to the north, as well as the building's frontage on Bridge Street. A total of three, raised, stone-faced planters would be located along Bridge Street. In addition, two new planters would be added at the lower retail level elevation, (please see the landscape plan). Plant material proposed lor the planters would include 3 Aspen, 4 Juniper, 7 Chokeberry' 3 Alpine Current, 10 Kinnickinnick and assorted mixed-perennials. To further the Vail Village Urban Design Considerations, the staff would recommend that the applicant consider the addition of flower boxes to the balconies on the building. The design for the pocket park calls for the creation of a viewing platforrn/seating area adjacent to the Covered Bridge. The Streetscape Master Plan recommended benches, lighting and paver design would be utilized. A new entry stair into the park would be constructed at the southeast corner ol the park, which would provide pedestrian access to the park and to the lower level commercial spaces in the building. The entire park area would be re-seeded and irrigated as a part of the proposal. In order to accommodate the redevelopment, the applicants have proposed to remove the two existing evergreen trees which are located adjacent to the north elevation ol the building. These trees are very close lo the building and have grown 'one-sided'. The Town's Landscape Architect, Todd Oppenheimer, believes the two trees could not be relocated successfully. No other vegetation is proposed to be removed with the construction. The Town will be responsible for maintenance of the planters located up at the Bridge Street level, as well as maintenance of the planter and landscaping in the pocket park. The developer of the Covered Bridge Building will be responsible for maintenance of the lower level planter in lront of lhe building. F. Building Height The Vail Village Master Plan has identified this property as having an acceptable building height in the range of three to four stories. A story is delined as 9 feet of height and no roof is included. This property is unique in that there is an 8-foot difference in elevation between Bridge Street and the pocket park area north of the property. During the review ol the 1990 redevelopment proposal, the applicant had requested that stafl analyze and interprel where building height base elevations would be calculated from. ln 1990, the statf made the following building height interpretations, and these interprelations were subsequently upheld by the PEC: 1. That the Covered Bridge Building site be divided equally, beginning at the northeast corner ot the property with a line running diagonal to the southwest corner of the property. The staff and the PEC believe that this analysis provided for a fair and equitable review of building height because it allows for the Bridge Street elevation of the slructure to be based upon the grades on Bridge Street. lt also allowed lor the elevations of the building which front north to the pocket park, and west to Pepi's parking lot, to be based upon existing grades in the park area. 't0 2. That the base elevation of Bridge Street (8,161 feet)willbe used to determine heights for areas of the building which fall into the southeastern 50% of the divided property. 3. That the base elevation at the northwest corner ol the Covered Bridge property (8,153 feet) will be used to determine building heights for the northwest 50% of the structure. During the PEC's 1990 review of the Covered Bridge Building redevelopment, the drawings were submitted, and were certified, showing that the proposed design could be built within the parameters of the height interpretation, and that the building would not encroach inlo any Town adopted view corridor, lt was in late 1993 that the statf learned that the 1990 approved drawings were not accurale and that the structure could not be constructed without a height variance and a view corridor encroachment. Although lhe stalf continues to believe that the above interpretation was an equitable solution to a difficult problem, (given the unique topography surrounding this slructure), the staff has acknowledged that this interpretation has driven a design solution for the site which does not appear to be compatible with the design standards for the Village. From a design perspective, and from a practical point of view, staff believes that a majority of this building's upper level mass should be located towards the rear or western portion of the site. However, the 1990 building height interpretation listed above lorces a design solution with a majority of the building mass centered on the property. This is necessary in order to meet the 60-40 roof area percentages. During the February 14, 1993 PEC worksession, the PEC again reviewed this issue, and subsequently determined that the buitding height base elevation for the Covered Bridge property could now be calculated solely from the Bridge Street elevation (8,161 feet). This PEC decision was based on lhe understanding that the applicant would redesign the structure so that the entire building would be shifted back approximately 5' to the west, and addilionally, that the 4th and 5th floors would further step back to the west. G. Views and Focal Points View Corridor #1 is the view corridor trom the steps ol the Vail Village Transportation Center extending over the Village towards Vail Mountain. This view corridor was intended to provide unobstructed views of Vail Mountain and key architectural features such as the Clock Tower and the Rucksack Tower. As proposed, the highest point of the Covered Bridge Building's redesign would @! encroach into any of the Town's adopted view corridors. In order to avoid a view corridor encroachment, a portion of the fifth floor is designed with a flat roof. Although this has been a very ditlicult design problem, the staff believes that the redesign of the fifth floor roof form, and the addition of a "double dormer" adequately conceals the flat roof from most pedestrian areas adjacent to the building. Because the project architect has recently redesigned the roof form, at the request of the staff and PEC, the staff is comfortable delaying the view corridor certificalion until Building Permit. 11 tx. H. Service and Delivery Per the Town Code, an additional loading space is not required for the redevelopment. No loading area exists for this site. The proposal includes a trash room to be located at the rear, or west, side of the building. Trash pickup is proposed via Bridge Street, as this property has no legal access through the rear, or Children's Fountain area. Again, it is strongly recommended that the applicant discuss with Pepi Gramshammer, owner of the property to the west, the possibility of allowing for service acrcess through his site. Pepi Gramshammer has recently submitted plans to develop his property (currently a surface parking lot), by adding an enclosed parking garage with approximately I lodging rooms and two condominiums above the garage. l. Sun/Shade The applicant has provided a sun/shade analysis for the winter solstice (Decembei 21st), and lor the spring and fall equinox (March 21st and September 21st). The analysis was conducled for the existing building and the proposed structure, and revealed shading patterns for 10:00 AM, 12:00 noon and 2:00 PM. The proposed structure will cast increased shade patterns on the adjacent pocket park site to the north and northwest. The staff believes that this additional shade will have minimal impacts due to the fact that lhe area of the additional shading is mainly lo the northwest of the building, and this area is heavily landscaped with large, mature evergreen trees. There will be some additional 'late day' shade (2:00PM) cast on approximately 4 square feet of Bridge Street, in the area of the proposed new stairs to the pocket park. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends approval of the applicant's request for a major CCI exterior alteration to allow for the redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building. The statf finds that this redevelopment proposal, over the course of two PEC work sessions, has developed into one which is in compliance with the Urlcan Design Considerations for Vail Village as well as the other Comprehensive Plan elemenls described in detail above. Stafl believes that the project will have a very positive effect on lower Bridge Street and the entry to Vail Village. The staff's recommendation of approval includes the following conditions: 1. That prior to the Town's issuance of a Building Permit for the redevelopment project, the applicant shall verify that the proposed roof design does not encroach into View Corridor No. 1. This work shall be completed by a registered surveyor in the State of Colorado. 2. That prior to the Town's issuance of a Temporary Certi{icate of Occupancy (TCO) for the redevelopment project, the applicant shall post a bond, cash escrow, or letter of credit, in an amount necessary to insure the completion of any outstanding improvemenls, not completed 12 al the time of the requested TCO. Said guarantee for completion of any outstanding improvements shall be in accordance with Section 17.16.250 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. That prior to the Toirun's issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) for the redevelopment project, the applicant shall grant a pedestrian and landscape maintenance easement to the Town for the purposes of pedestrian access to the pocket park and maintenance ol the planters and pocket park landscaping. That the applicant add "divided lights" to the retail doors on the first and second levels of the structure, subject to DRB approval. That the applicant add flower boxes to the balconies on the building' subject to DRB approval. That the exposed northeast elevation of the Gasthof Gramshammer, adjacent to Bridge Street, be linished with stucco and painted to match. It is recommended by staff that a retail window be cut into this wall. 4. 5. 6. c:\pecvnemo6\bridge. 3r 4 13 @HNE Y=-" FT o z I t tIi 6 III ^t'. =a--Effi l!"""" Iq---" .l,irfi,l gilj::i*ffi, .)i-ii{i _l 00v8010t "Iv 1338IS 390irE /ZZ 9Nt01n8 3C0tu8 03ul^ocNl.ld SdvSscN\al tl<l\,-J -l I aII 3tI I i i:I}r9 ir i$ olrl9 frz>a 9d\./D 6F IrlFl Q(, F(la F I! F oo 06vuo'rol "lv^ ll3uls 3901u€ 1zz gNrolrn8 3901u8 03U3AOC @iloil Ii! aI .! t 9l ?I tq i - t a d e3 It It t, 3t !t I @ |JI arl'l ?l 3l I b0 trl Ehgli-t- I o o, HF Gl,fr| c?99t< EH' EFI --iz- /'-/ e- - sq-'cd tZIEI' E;,lf;'- -3r 1 o ;{5il3 5g t- f,l frl fr t-,t U] F] U aHg n ,'eF' 6 g c, : I I s I6 I q' o:(, Il|clIo .l c I(, o .0 c.l e .5 t\ I o o YIJ o I I -T Y_ ss-t-t*s3o $_ET $$\5 i* tT g= E$ J-' 9-s5s \l-l +'l' '= o $l -' $$il I I I u7/,6'tL e$6Ttlr.{ :fo lr o1l It"otlluxTr+ittI00 i g ,2tr b'1L $ 7. \ i- {. ,r t\J -J N F 0 t$l P/,b'P ,z/tl'l'' 9t\j "1" I+ \l'l a.l $l FI,$if i-g i$ i* I .u- hE H$, (, I JTI \\ F bt ulD r+-Ed" o tltn* tP t tlq{ e"ue,/ I E. F, Pz e, **f 6^;-r7c /7*t /ft*l /A';/J7 oFt[-f, ffitrFY Kathy Langenwalter asked that the four evergreen trees be relocated so that the trees would be located along the back of the proposed addition. Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve the requested side and rear setback variances per the staff memo with Conditions 3 and 4 being deleted as conditions of aPproval. Greg Amsden seconded the motion and a 7-0 vote approved this item. 3, A request for a worksession for a major CCI exterior alteration to allow for the redevelopment of the ||-;f;Cf|q located at227 Bridge StreeVLots C and D and a part of Lot B, Block 5-8, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: Hillis of Snowmass, Inc. and East West Partners Planner: Mike Mollica Mike Mollica made a presentation to the PEC and stated that the purpose ol this worksession was to discuss the progress that has been made with the requested major CCI exterior alteration. He stated that the fifth floor was a significant issue on this site' Jeff winston, the Town's design consultant, stated that he had spoken with the appliqants and staff several times since the February 14, 1994 PECworksession. He said that there were still some concerns with the proposed mansard and flat roof forms. Mike Mollica stated that fifth floor double dormers would be repeated on the back side of the building as well as the front. Jeff Winston stated that the double dormers were positive. He stated that in his opinion, a view corridor encroachment still appeared to be the most favorable solution for this site. Ned Gwathmey stated that they would like to find a solution that would allow the applicants to proceed with construction activity on April 15, 1994. He stated that he felt that he had designed a solution that would work for the site without necessitating a view corridor encroachment. Bill Anderson stated that the double dormer approach was positive. He stated that the architects had done a good job modifying this request since the February 14, 1994 PEC worksession. He stated that changing the tifth floor roof line was an improvement. He said that he would support a view corridor encroachment lor this site. Bob Armour stated he would be in favor of a view corridor encroachment. Kristan Pritz suggested that the PEC keep the view corridor encroachment criteria in mind, during this discussion. Pbnnlng rnd Envlronmcnttl Commi3llon Fcbrurty 28, 199{ Mike Mollica reviewed the five view corridor encroachment criteria and the purpose section of View Corridor #1 to the PEC. After hearing the criteria; Bill stated that he was still supportive of the view corridor encroachment. Greg Amsden stated thal he would support a view corridor encroachment as long as the Covered Bridge Building's roof line did not extend past or above that ol the adjacent Gasthof Gramshammer Building. Jetf Bowen stated that he agreed with Greg's comments. He stated that a sloped roof would be preferable to a llat roof and that the addition of the double dormers was positive. He said that he would support a view corridor encroachment. Allison Lassoe stated that she favored the peaked roof but preferred no view corridor encroachment. Dalton Williams stated that either of the two roof forms were acceptable to him. He added that a single peaked roof was preferable to a double dormer approach. He said that he could support a view corridor encroachment. Kathy Langenwalter felt that the double dormer/flat roof design would be acceptable, as the flat roof would not be visible, and further stated that she would not support a view corridor encroachment. , Ned Gwathmey stated that they would pursue the double dormers. He said that he would prefer not to pursue the view corridor encroachment' Pepi Gramshammer stated that he was concerned with the ice build-up between the two buildings and that he would like to see this issue addressed along with the current request before the PEC. Ned Gwathmey stated that they would slope the roof away from Pepi's building to solve the ice build-up problem. Greg Amsden inquired what Pepi was proposing to do with the back of his building. Kathy Langenwalter asked Pepi if he would work wilh the applicants on the exposed lront wall area (on Bridge Street). Ned Gwathmey stated that the building has a trash holding room for the entire buiHing and they will have the ability to bring trash around the building and bring it up on the lift. He stated that trash cans would not be lelt on Bridge Street. Kathy Langenwalter suggested that the Covered Bridge Building could be restricted so that a restaurant could not be located on the site, due to the extensive amounts ol trash generated with such use. Plsnnlng and Envl.onmeoial commltllon Fobtutry 28,1994 4 Ned Gwathmey stated that he would need to discuss this issue with the applicanls. Dalton Williams asked Pepi how he proposed to take care of trash for his building. Pepi stated that he did not have enough room on his siie to get involved with the trash situation at the Covered Bridge Building. He stated that he did not feel restricting restaurants in the Covered Bridge Building was appropriate. Mike Mollica asked Pepi whether he would consider allowing the Covered Bridge Building owners lo have access to trash trucks via his property. Pepi stated that he was completely opposed to becoming involved with the disposal of the Covered Bridge Building's trash. Jeff Bowen stated that he would like to see the trash disposal for both buildings coordinated in such a way that trash trucks would not be on Bridge Street. Dalton Williams staled that he did not want to see the PEC put a use restriction on a building that could not be removed in the future. Allison Lassoe slated that she was concerned about the trash trucks coming down Bridge Street. She stated there were also safety issues associated with a trash truck backing down a narrow road. She stated that a deed restriction (for use) did not seem necessary at this time. Jeff Bowen stated that a partnership between Pepi and East West Partners to address trash disposal, would be beneficial for all concerned parties. Greg Amsden felt that East West Partners would address trash disposal properly, as they do in Beaver Creek. He stated that a deed restriction was not necessary' Mike Mollica stated that staff was concerned that the proposed window design may not meet the Design Guidelines for the Village. . Kathy Langenwalter stated that the upper floor windows possibly could be broken up but that relailwindows needed to be able to be retail windows, i.e. the panes should provide lor the display of merchandise. Other commissioners agreed with Kathy. Jeff Winston stated that the small window panes that are present on many of the buildings give Vail a unique feeling. He stated that small window panes should be located around doors. It was suggested that the applicant use smaller panes on the doors. Plsnning sod Enviionmonld Commlllion February 24, 1004 I 2'27. 74 7EC 14,/9 '| I tfl4 - qr,U /^ y^X 4,t.-._/ >"Zt^ ,- 0K .-/ :r;./,q ")4-*;^. A a;t. ( / / -f/--r{ r'r*-^,^ D4",4 i '/ / Klr/f - 4 f /,,/n K,^"".2A 7 aa-_-,r _rr(, ; K4 - "".*'4 ry ft fr ,&**4//.x ---'-7 i; iivo rt.1 a> ,ffiI. M ft*,ttl, [/ | / /;tr aft b? w 1r/7/ A/hi & 4y1t4r*b/^/ " Q,A/.-/,f") T/"*/ /^,'*-- fuf u'.' 0f /,;Jr* p. dK a>ah*a o 3.A request for a loint worksession with the PEC and DRB for ? p?jot CCI exterior nnFI' alteration to allow for the redevelopment of the aI227 Bridge StreeVlots C and D and a part of Lot B, Block 5-B, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant Hillis of Snowmass, Inc. and East West Partners Planner: Mike Mollica Mike Mollica made a presentation per the staff memo. He stated that this proposed redevelopment involves no variances at this time. He summarized Section lX' Discussion, of the staff memo. Ned Gwathmey, the architect for this project, stated that they have been \vrestling with this site' since 1990. He said that the applicant has spent a great deal of time studying the feasibility of this project. Bill Anderson stated that the view conidor line should be adjusted to accommodate a sloped roof for the Covered Bridge Building. He also supported moving the building 5 feet to the west property line. Saundra Spaeh, architect represenling Pepi Gramshammer, stated that Pepi was concerned with the fifth floor. Greg Amsden stated that he was concerned with the proposed staging area in the pocket park. Mike Mollica explained the staging plan to the PEC. Ned Gwathmey stated that they had approached Pepi about doing the Covered Bridge Building construction at the same time as Pepi's building is under construction. Saundra Spaeh stated that Pepi is adamant about not using the area behind his building as the staging area for this project. Greg Amsden inquired whether moving the building height interpretation line was an option. Mike Mollica stated that staff was open to amending the line and discussed the statf's reas0ns. Peter Dan, of East West Partners, staled that the applicants were open to shifting the lourth and fifth floors to the west. Allison Lassoe inquired whether the building height interpretation line could be moved horizontally. Ned Gwathmey stated that such a change to the project would delay construction for at least one year. Plannlng llld Ervlronmfi|!l Commladon . F.btulty la' 1994 r lt r| :t I Dalton Williams asked the applicant that if the project was approved, could they be flexible on which root form they used, depending on whether an encroachment into View Corridor #1 is approved. Ross Bowker stated that this would be okay with them. Bob Borne, DRB representative, asked whether the building would be out of the view corridor if the buibing was shifted back 5 feet to the west. Mike Mollica stated that the building would still be located in the view corridor. Jeff Winston, the Town's design consullant, stated that he lelt moving the building back 5 feet would help this project. He questioned whether the whole building would have to be moved back. Ned Gwathmey stated that they could not do this and still satisfy the ADA requirements for disabled access. Jeff Winston stated that a small portion of flat roof may be acceptable but that it must not appear to be flat. He said that another concern that he had was that the buiHing did not appear to be one piece of architecture and he suggested that the applicant lie the roofs'together in some way so that the different sections of the building do not look so segmented. He stated that the Town did not intend for the line of View Conidor #1 to etfect this site in the way that it has. He would like to see the upper portion ol the building be reworked in order to avoid the flat roof as well as tie it to the rest of the building. He said that the proposed design of the building resembles the Gateway Building and that the architectural design needed to relale better to the Village core' Jeff suggested a more unified approach to the building. He added that he also supported the applicant pursuing an encroachment into View Corridor #1 Dalton Williams supported changing the building height interpretation line, or eliminating it entirely. Mike Mollica stated that the PEC and staff have some llexibility to modify the line. He stated that the 60%-40% for roofs was a hard and fast standard that had to be followed. A variance would be required if the roof departed from this standard. Sally Brainerd, DRB representative, stated that her concerns are mainly wilh the slorefront. she is concerned with the split-level retail. she stated that the building design is not in keeping with Vail's guidelines. She stated that she did not feel the separatbness of the upper levels was ideal. She agreed with Dalton's comments about the building height. Bob Borne agreed with Dalton's comments. He added that he was concerned about the construction activity occuning during the summer. Pbnning rtld Environmenbl Comrisdon F.bruery t4, 1904 Bill Anderson staled that he agreed with the previous comments concerning the roof height line. He said that he would like to see the building go back to the west at least 5 feet. He added that the staging tor this site would be difficult. He added that he understood Ned's concerns about proceeding through the variance process. Bill said he would be willing to approve the project if Ned brought the roof issue back to the PEC for a view corridor encroachment assuming the top portions of the buibing were shifted to the west. Diana Donovan stated that she would like to see the building height interpretation line moved. She said the building needs to be moved back and that this will help widen Bridge Street in this area. She lelt the criteria for view corridor encroachment could be met but not if the view conidor line became the height limit. She stated that an altemate location would need to be determined for trash removal and that it should not be via Bridge Street. Greg Amsden stated that he did not want to see the building height interpretation line set it this stage ot the game. He was in favor of shifting the building back. He added that he would like to see the staging area located to the west of the Covered Bridge Building. Jefl Bowen stated that the view corridor has been considered lrom the Transportation Center and that the view lrom upper Bridge Street is also atfected. He said that he would like to see a different roof form. He added that he would like to see the building dropped down from the north so that the building will appear less massive. Allison Lassoe said she would like to see the building pulled back 5 feet and that this would help the building appear less massive. She stated that she felt that Dalton's previous suggestion could help the roofs for this project. Dalton Williams inquired whether there was a way to internalize the trash removal on the Bridge street. He said that he likes the way the front of the building looks pushed back but that he is concerned what that would do to the Bridge Street shopping experience. Kathy Langenwalter stated that she agreed with the other Board members comments. She added that more integration of the roof forms is needed. She is concerned about how the roof lorm will look. She said that shifting the building back 5 feet is positive. She stated that trash removal will be difficult because this site is "land locked". She added that the staging for this project will be difficult and she did not feel that it would be acceptable to lose a mature tree due to construction staging. She said lhat she felt that there was a way to do this project without a height variance. She stated that the diagonal line could be stepped. Ned Gwathmey stated that he did not want to advise his clients to go lorward with this variance. He said that it would be helpful for them to have an interpretation of the ordinances from the PEC. He said that this site is very tight. Phnrlng ||d Erwhon mcott I Commbrlon F€brutry 14,1994 Dalton Williams suggested that they. eliminate the diagonal line and go off of Bridge Street with lhe 60/"-4Q/" and a view coridor encroachmenl' All the members of the PEC agreed that this was acceptable. Ned stated that this would not necessarily help them get this project going. Kristan PriE stated that staff had sat down with the architects for this project previourly and it was deemed by the Town Attorney that a modification to lhe 60/o-40/o rule i+' not possible without a variance. Peter Dan stated that he would like to shift the building back and go off of Bridge Street to determine heights. He added that they would like lo connect the roofs on the fourth and fifth floors together. Bob Borne summarized that the applicant wants to get this project going and that the main issue seems to be the roof and that the PEC seemed to be generally in lavor of the design of the building and that some caveat be made regarding the roof. Jeff Bowen stated that the Covered Bridge Building is the entrance to Bridge Street and the Village and that he would like to see the building mass lessened, the building shifted back, and the roof element changed. Jeff Winston stated that the building design was a result of the diagonal line and that if the line were to be eliminated, then the roof forms could be integrated. Kathy Langenwalter inquired about the transition of siding to stucco' Dalton Williams made a molion that the PEC has reviewed the prior PEC determination regarding the building height interpretations and that alter careful review, and that since View Corridor No. 1 determines the Covered Bridge Building maximum height' the building is restrained by the view coridor. Due to this, the height calculation can be taken lrom Bridge Street with the understanding that the mass will be pushed to the west and that the building be stepped back. Greg Amsden seconded the motion. Kathy Langenwaller restated Dalton Williams motion, A 7-0 vote approved the height determination from Bridge Streel as staled above. Kathy Langenwalter stated that there were still issues and details that had not been discussed at this worksession which would need to be discussed in two weeks. Pllnnlng lnd Envlronmentrl comrrltdon . February 14, 1994 -til I [?rY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUII Planning and Environmental Gommission Community Development Department Village lst Filing. Applicant: Planner: February 14, 1994 A request for a lolnt worlcesslon with the PEC and DRB for a major CCI extdtior alteration to allow for the redevelopment ol the Covered Bridge Buiffiing focated at227 Bfidge streevLoF c and D and a part of Lot B, Block 5-8. Vail Hillis of Snowmass, Inc. and East West Partners Mike Mollica I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicants are proposing a major redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building located al22i Btidge Street. The project would be considered a 'demo/rebuild'which would involve the demolition and removal of the existing slructure and the construction ol the proposed building on this site. The proposal calls for major design modifications to the front entrance (east eievation) of the existihg commercial spaces, the creation of lower level commercial ipaces which would be directly accessible lrom stairs directly on Bridge Street, the infill of the northwest section of the property, the addition of an elevator at the west end of the building' and the addition of two upper level floors to accommodate one condominium. The Bridge Street (east) elevation of the structure has been shifted approximately 3 feet back from its curr€nt location. As a part of this redevelopment, the applicanls have also proposed to upgrade and improve . the Town's adiacent pocket park to the north. The design for the pocket park was completed by Winston and Associates and has been approved by Todd Oppenheimer, the Town's landscape architect. Finat Design Review Board approval of the pocket park design shall be necessary. Also included in the redevelopment, the entire structure would be brought into compliance with all of the cunent building and fire codes, (the building would be fully sprinkled). Due to this proiect's location within the Commercial Core I zone district, approval bythe Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) of a malor GCI exterior alteration is required. The statf has reviewed the applicant's submittal, and agrees that the proposal as_ Oeiigned would comply wiilr all of the Town's development standards for the Commercial Gore I zone district. No variances or view corridor amendments are requested as a part of this application. t\ II. BACKGROUND AND HISTORY On August 27, 1990, the PEC approved a major CCI exterior alteration for the redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building. On August 29, 1990, the Town's Design Review Board (DRB) granted final design approval for the redevelopmsnt of the Covered Bridge Building. Although there is no time limit or expiration for the previously approved maior exterior alteration, the final DRB approval for the redevelopment has expired. III. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The following is a summary ol the development standards for the proposed redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building: Sile Area: Buildable Area: S€lbacks: Heighl: Common Ar€a: GRFA: Unils: Site Coverage: Landscaping: Pa*ing: Loading: Commerdd Uses: Gross Floor Area: COMMERCIAL COFE I ZONING N/A tl/A EXISTING PRO'ECT 4,675 €q. ft. t1,518 sq. n. Per lhe Vail VillagB Ulban N: D€sign Guide Plan S: E, w: o 7' o PROPOSED PROJECT 4,675 sq. n. 4,518 3q. tl. N: l'S: 0'E: 9'-6'W: 5'-6' 60.1%: 3il tt. or less 39.9%:3il ft. - 43 tl. I,265 sq. tl. 3,614 sq. fl., or 8(P/. 1 unil 3,726 sq. tt., q 79.7% Same Required: 28.2 rpaces Requircd: 1 Existing: 0 7,703 sq. fi. 12,582 eq. ft. 6070: 3l]' or l€ss t|:}' lo ridge rO%: 33 ft. - 43 ft. 1,265 sq. n., 762 sq. ft. or 357o ol allowable GRFA 3,614 sq. fl. or 807o 0 sq. lt. 25 unils per acre, 0 unils 2 unil. lor lhis prop€.ly 3,740 sq. tt., o. 80% 3,650 sq. tl.. q 789" P€r the Vail Village Urban Samo Design Guide Phn Per the Town ol Vail Required: 22..| cpaces Pa*ing Slandards Por the Town ol Vail Roquired: I toading Slandards Existing: 0 N/A 8,867 3q. n. tVA 9,629 sq. lt. IV. CRITERIA TO BE USED IN EVALUATING THIS PROPOSAL The nine criteria lor Commercial Core I sxterior alterations shall be used to judge the merits of this project. In addition, the PEC shall also utilize the Vail Village Master Plan, the Urban Design Guide Plan, the Streetscape Master Plan and he purpose section of the Commercial Core I zone district. As stated in Section 18.24.010 of the Town's Municipal Gode, the purpose section of the Commercial Core I zone district is as follows: 'The Commercial Gore ldistrict is intended to provide sitss and to maintain ths unique character of the Vail Village commercial area, with its mixturs of lodges and commercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment' The Commercial Core I district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other am€nities and appropriate to the permitted $pes of buildings. and uses. The district regulations in accordance with the Vail Village urban design guide plan and design considerations prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrianways and public greenways, and lo ensure continuation of the building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the village." V. COMPLIANCE WITH THE VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN Although not specifically categorized as a sub-area, the Covered Bridge Building is specilically identified in the VailVillage Master Plan as follows: "Although it is a goal to maintain design continuity in the Village core, there will be change in the core areas built environment. This is mostly due to the number ot properties that have not exercised their full development rights. The most notable among these properties are the Red Lion Building, the Cyrano's Building, the Lodge at Vail and the Covered Bridge Building. lf each of lhese and other properties developed to their full potential, there will undoubtedly be a significant increase in the level of development in the Village core." There are many goals, objectives, and policies which are identified in the Vail Village Master Plan that are applicable to the development ol the Covered Bridge Building. The staff feels that the following specifically address this project: Goal #1: Encourage high quality redevelopment while pr€serving the unique architectural scale of lhe Village in order to sustain its sense of community and identity. 1.2 Obiective: Encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities. 1.3 Obiective: Ennance new dwelopment and redevElopment through public improvements done by private developers working in cooperalion with the Town. 1.3.1 Policv: Public improvsments shall be developed with the participation of the private sector working with the Town. Goal #2: To foster a strong tourist industry and promote year-round economic health and viability for the Village and for the community as a whole. 2.4 Obiective: Encourage the development of a variety of norrr commercial activity where compatible with existing land uses. 2.4.1 Policv: Commercial inlill development consistgnt with established horizontal zoning regulations shall be encouraged to provids activity generators, accessible greenspaces, public plazas, and stre€tscape improvements to the pedestrian network throughout the Village. 2.5 Obiective: Encourage the continued upgrading, renovation, and maintenance of existing lodging and commercial facilities to better serve the needs of our guests. Goat #3: To recognize as a top priority the enhancement of the walking experience throughout the Village. 3.1 Obiective: Physically improve the existing pedestrian ways by landscaping and other improvements. 3.1.1 Policv: Private development Projects shall incorporate streetscape improvements (such as paver treatments, landscaping, lightlng and seating areas), along adjacent pedestrian ways. 3.4 Obiectives: Develop additional sidewalks, pedestrian-only walkways and accessible green space areas, including pocket parks and stream access' 3.4.1 Policv: Physical improvements to property adjacent to stream tracts shall not further restrict Public access. Goal #4: To preserve existing open space areas and expand greenspace oPPortunities, 4.1 Obiective: lmprove existing open space areas and creale neu, plazas with greenspace and pocket parks. Recognizs the differenl roles of each type of open space in forming the overall fabric of the Village. 4.1.2 Policy: The devetopment of new public plazas, and improvements to existing plazas (public art, streetscape fealures, seating areas, etc'), shall be strongly encouraged to reinforce lheir roles as attractive people places. VI. COMPLIANCE WITH THE STREETSCAPE MASTER PLAN The Streetscape Master Plan concepts identilied for the Covered Bridge area include the lollowing: 'Stahs connecting Bridge Street to the pocket park and Gore Creek on the north side of the Covered Bridge Building are needed. The pocket park should be improved so that it could function as a picnic area or performance site in the Village." The Streetscape Master Plan addresses paving treatments in the Village as follows: "The demarcation between the public right-of-way and private land may be appropriate to dissolve or emphasize, depending on the individual project sile. The iesult will be to create a varied street color and texture that allows private property owners creativity, but also establishes a comprehensive design context to work within. The primary paving material for the right-of-way area ol the Village core is recommended to be the rectangular concrete unil pavers. The herring bone pattem, which is proposed for most areas, is edged by a double soldier course. The intent is to satisfy the need for a simple slreetscape treatment without being monotonous. The double soldier course also creates a point lor starting and stopping pavers proposed by private developers that will be compatible with the overall phased paving design"' vil. GoMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN FOR VAIL VILLAGE The Urban Design Guide Plan Sub-Area concepts identilied for the Covered Bridge area include a pocket park to the north of lhe site (with benches and planters). A "feature area" with specialty pavers is also identified for a small area immediately southwest of the Covered Bridge. The staff believes that the applicant's proposed modilications to the Town's pocket park, including the viewing platform adjacent to the Covered Bridge and a new entry slair into the park, would be in conformance with the Urban Design Guide Plan Sub-Area concept and are a positive public improvem€nt. VIII. COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERANONS FOR VAIL VILLAGE The following are the nine Commercial Core I exterior alteration design criteria as listed in the Urlcan Design Guide Plan. Pedestrianization Vehicular Penetration Streetscape Framework Street Enclosure Slreet Edge Building Height Views and Focal Points Service and Delivery Sun/Shade rx. prscussroN Because this a joint worksession with the DRB and tre PEG, the staff will not specifically address each ol the exterior alteration criteria listed above. The statf would propose however, ftat the PEC and the DRB focus their discussions regarding his redwelopmenl on the following issues: A. Bulldlng Helght and Masslng: The Vail Village Master Plan has identified this property as having an acceptable range of building heights in the three to lour story category. A building height is defined as 9 feet of height and no roof is included. There is an 8-foot diflerence in height between Bridge Street and the pocket park area north ol the property. During the review of the 1990 proposal, the applicant had requested that staff analyze and intetpr€t where building height base elevations would be calculated from. ln '1990, the staff made the following building height interpretations, and these interpretations were subsequendy upheld by the PEC: 1. That the Covered Bridge Building site be divided equally, beginning at the northeast corner ot the prop€rty with a line running diagonal to the southwest corner of th6 property. The staff and the PEC believe lhat his analysis provided for a fiair and equitable review of building height because it allows for the Bridge Street elevation of the structure to be based upon the grades on Bridge Street. lt also allowed for the elevations of the building which front north to the pocket park, and west to Pepi's parking lot, to be based upon existing grades in the park area. 2. That the base elevation ol Bridge Street (8,161 feet) willbe used to determine heights for areas of the building which fall into the southeastern 50% of the divided property. 3. That the base elevation at the northwest corner of the Covered Bridge property (8,153 feet) will be used to determine building heights for the northwest 50% of the slructure. During the PEC's 1990 revisw of the Covered Bridge Building redevelopment, the drawings were submitted, and were certified, showing that the proposed design could be built within the parameters of the height interpretation, and that the building would not encroach into any Town adopled view corridor. lt was in late 1993 that the statf learned that tre 1990 approved drawings were not acturate and that the structure could q! be constructed without a height variancs and a view corridor encroachment. Although the staff continues to believe that the above interpretation is an equitable solution to a difftcult problem, (given the unique topography surounding this structure), the stalf does acknowledgs that this interpretation has driven a design solution for the site which does not appear to be compatible with the design standards lor the Village' From a design perspective, and from a practical point of visw, staff believes that a majoiity of this building's upper level mass should be located towalds the rear or westsrn portlon of the site. However, the above building height interpretation forces a design solution with a majority of the building mass centered on the property. This is necessary in order to meet the 60-40 roof area percentages. The staft has recently discussed with the applicant the possibility of modifying the building height interpretation in order to achieve a design which is more compatible with the Town's design guidelines, and which would not negatively impact adjacent properties. Staff has suggested modifying the 1990 height interpretalion so that the "building height line" would divide the property east and west through the site. Given the design considerations, the statf would like further direction from the PEC regarding lhe 1990 height interpretation. B. Vlew Corrldor f1 View Corridor #1 is the view corridor lrom the steps ol the Vail Village Transportation Center extending over the Village towards Vail Mountain. This view corridor was intended to provide unobstructed views ol Vail Mountain and key architectural lealures such as the Clock Tower and the Rucksack Tower. As proposed, the highest point of the Covered Bridge Building's redesign would 4! encroach into any of the Town's adopted view corridors. Howsver, it should be noted ftat a tairly significant portion of the fifth floor is designed with a flat root. The applicant maintains that the flat roof design is necessary so that the structure would not encroach into View Corridor #1, while still providing for a fifth floor. The applicants have presented an optional sloped roof lor the fifth floor, which will be presented with the scale model at the PEC meeting. This sloped roof option does however, involve a view corridor encroachment of approximately 4-6 feet. The applicants have stated that architecturally, they prefer the sloped roof design, and that given support by the PEG for a view corridor encroachment, they would file an application to encroach into View Corridor #1. C. ArchltecturalConslderatlons In order to provide a visual connection between the lower le\tel retail commercial shops and Bridge street, lhe applicant has proposed to shift the east slevation ol the structursapproximately 3 feet back from its current location. This not only provides for a visual connection but it also allows for landscaping to be located in front ol the building. With regard to the architectural considErations, the stafl has revievved thE project with the Town's design consultant Jeff Winston (Winston and Associates). As previously stated, stafl believes that the m4ority ol this structure's mass and bulk should be concentraled on the western hall of the property. Additionalty, we feel that the building should step down as it approaches th€ eastern portion ot the property (Bridge Street), and that the building should'also step down as it approachss the pocket park to the north. Further, we feel that the overall roof design should be simplified and that he proposed fitth floor should be further architecturally integrated into the rest ol the stucture. Staff has also expressed concem regarding the relationship of the proposed fourth and fifth floors to the existing Gasthof Gramshammer lodge rooms (and exterior d€cks) to the south. The current design creates a solid wallwhich would extend oul (east) approximately 8'from the edge of fie Gramshammer fourth floor deck. Staff fsels that the Covered-AriOge Building's fourth and fifth floors should be pulled back, to the west' so that the impaci to the Gasthof Gramshammer would be lessened, or eliminated, and so that the relationship of the Covered tsridge Building, to Bridge Street, would also be improved. Other architectural considerations, as listed in the Urban Design Considerations' include: .Boofs - pitch, overhang and materials. .Facades - transparency, windows, doors, trim, materials' color. .Balconies/Decks ' size, mass, color and matsrials. .Accent Elements - signs, awnings, flags, accent lighting, painted wall graphics, flower boxes, elc. D. Landscape Corciderations As previously mentioned, as a part of this redevelopment, the applicants have proposed to upgrade and improve the Town's adiacent pocket park to the norlh' as weli as the building's frontage on Bridge Street. Two new planters would be located on Bridge Street. The applicant is investigating the possibility of eliminating the railing along Biidge Street and providing a two tiered planter that could lunction as an attraitive ptanter barrier. The design for the pocket park calls fqr th9 creation of a viewing platform/seating area adjacent to the Covered Bridge. The Streetscape Master Plan r&ommended benches, lighting and pavers would be utilized. A new entry stair into the park would be constructed at the southeast corner ol the park, which would provide pedostrian access lo the park and to the lower level commercial spaces in the building. In order to accommodate the redevelopment, the applicants have proposed to remove the two existing evergr€en trees which are located adjacent to the north elevation of the building. These tre€s are very close to the building and have grown "one-sided". The Town'i Landscape Architect, Todd Oppenheimer, believes the two trees could not be relocat€d successfully. Because construction staging lor the Covered Bridge site is very confined, the staff has requested a staging plan at this level of the planning review. As a part of the construction staging.plan, which includes the Town's pocket park, the applicant has requested that they be allowed to relocate one large evergreen tree to another location in the pocket park. The evergreen in question is approximately 40-45' tall. The intent of the iree relocation is to provide a pad for the conslruction crane. Although the staging site is very restricted, tor construction purposes, the statf is opposed to allowing the applicant to attempt to relocate the evergreen' Other landscape considerations, as listed in the Urtran Design Considerations, include: .Plant Materials - trees, shrubs and annual flowering plants. "Paving - concrete unit pavers (streetscape design) vs' asphalt. .Retaining Walls - height, materials. E. Sun/Shade Analysis The applicant has provided a sun/shade analysis for the winter solstice (December 21st), and for the spring and tall equinox (March 21st and September 21st). The analysis was conducled for the existing building and the proposed structurs, and revealed shading patterns lor 10:00 AM, 12:00 noon and 2:00 PM' The proposed structure will cast increased shade patterns on the adjacent pocket park site io me north and northwest. The staff believes trat this additional shade will have minimal impacts. The area of the additional shading is mainly to the northwest of tho building and is heavily landscaped with large, mature evergreen trees. There will be some additional shade cast along Bridge Street in th€ area of the proposed viewing platform/seating area, F. Service and Delivery Per the Town Code, an additional loading space is not required. No loading area exists for this site. The proposal includes a trash room tO be located at the rear, or west, side of the building. Trash pickup would be via Bridge Street, as tttis property has no legal access through the rear, or Ghildren's Fountain area. lt is suggested that the applicant discuss with Pepi Gramshammer, owner of the property to the wesl, the possiOitity ol allowing for service access through his site. Pepi Gramshammer is currently considering developing his property (cunently a surface parking lot), by adding an enclosed parking garage with lodging rooms and several condominiums above the garage. G. ADA ComPllance The project architect has designed the building so that it would meet all the cunent ADA'requirements for disabled :rccess. A "lift'would be located at the southeast corner oi the property, which would provide access to the lowest level ol tho structure' From this point, ii is possible to acc€ss the main olevator at ths rear of the property. All levels 6t tne ouito'ing, with the exception of the fifth floor, would be acc€esible from this ele\tator. A cut sheet of the "lifl" is attached to this memorandum, staff has suggested that th€ design of the "lift' be modified to better reflect the character of tha Village. The applicant has agreed to look into this. c:\p3cvncm6btidga.2l,l 10 M @E]NE --+' ,'1-tt - -' i BI h =E.fl HI @l6o F99uF F3F :EH 5'; ;3 /roul. c?',6'r tl \ h!l e ft h 0 H 0 eH R a otrl/ T i(lllrll 'i tll ;ll,tl @l.illlitl tr :1 liliilttl Ejl lll 1ll ltl Jil --r--=-_-_-_-_-_-_-l-_-_-_-_-_.ri iItlrtl rirrl _<_J___ "# M MilTtr |r u rqr iEl o w$ \$ M MnrE 'li iEl' Jlo w$ \$ ll l-€ oo M MMil[tr ..,li Hti:l El O oo oovlr6l@ 1rA E3UIS 3o0tu8 tzz cNro'ltn8 3o0tu8 03u3AOC "li s|' El O @ilrE rl l lttl ooo "lfr-ll iFi-ii- dfr.f l o*,ot,nr roo,r, or'rrno,-l@fl il f E tr,trD oo oowfio3'TV J:l38lS SCO|US IZZ cNtolln8 3c0tu8 03u3^o3 @ilTE El' oI? .-€ I -1-€ Ii-€ ,,0-.9618 0 :r,olu /l .F.l o'b: L :-o lclx Jf;I o, c-ot lz-\ll=-l' .I lll + |\Jl'< | lg I I e '1, I t Jt ,a tr ttti l! rtfi ll .l I iI I il I l I I*i I I I -l I -. EF T,fl* F !r I Itt o O trIWne frl n terms ol normal day-to-day*J mobility, stairways can present a significanl problem lo the physically challenged. lnclinator Co. of America, lor 70years one of th€ leading manufactu rers of residential elevalors and slair litts, has a cost-eftective solution lo the accessibility problems laced by people wilh physical limitations. Our LIFI-ette is a durable, lotrquality, superior designed verlical platform lift capable of lifting a wheel- chair, its occupanl and an atiendant, up lo twefue feel. Whelher it's gaining access to a building or rioving from floor to floor, the LlFIcIte can be adapted for botr indoor and ouldoor usage, making it pertecl for schools, churches, meeting halls, office buildings, and residences. Every LIFT-ette is conslructed in accordance with the Inclinator Company's well-known guidelines for quality assurance. Breakthrough engineering, which has becorne lhe hallmark ol lrrclinator over the years, has allowed us to creale a specially designed, quielly operating model. In addition, it's easy lo install and service. As with all Inclinator products, the LlFfcile can be expected lo deliver years of dependable service. For turther information, visit your nearesl Inclinator dealer or contact us directli. INCTINATOR ;il::"H F\if,IAMERICA P.O. Box 1557 v Harisburg, PA 1710$1557 Phone 717-234-8065 Fax 717 -234-0941 G 1992lrclnrror Co.npr^y ol An€nc.. P O gor 1557. Hrr',sblrg. PA 17105 All R€nts Reserved PERANON FEATURES Most oJ the LlFf-ette's mechanics are different from other unils cunendy available. The lifting mechanism, a double row ball screw, is secured at the bottom via a flexible mount bear- ing, and al the top by a self€entering high quality bearing, which also sup- porls lhe driven pulley. The molor, brake, solenoid and controller are all localed at the top of th€ tower to make servicing the unil easier. Access is gained through a removable access panel located toward the lop of lhe bwerlrontpanel. The guiding system is one of the more importanl innovations. Support for the tower and guiding is accom- plished ihrough lour, round vertical members, two per side. There are no rolling members. The typtcal guide wheels have been replaced wittt four slide blocks per sirJe. The side plates hous€ lhe dual bro- ken screw satety. This salely is unique to litls of this type. lf there should be a failure of the screw, nut, or other parl of the lifting mecfianism which would cause a decrease in ten- sion on a sensing plate, lhe satety dogs will engage the vertical suppotls, hold the platlorm, and disconnect power lo the motor. All LIFT-ettes fealure removable lower base legs. With the legs in place, lhe lower is approximalely 40" wide. When removed. the lower is only 24" wide, which allows the unit to pass through a normal doorway. In addition to strut supports, eight-, ten-, and twelve-foot units have brackets tor attaching the lower to a slructure. INCLINATOR ffiffirfnmence Harrisburo. PA 17105.1557 Phone 717-234.806S Fa\ 7 17 -234-0941 SPECIFICATIONS: STANDARD EOUIPMENT DESIGN: ls designed to me6l or exceed th€ requirements ol ANSI 417.1 CAPACITY: 750 lbs. SPEED: 10 FPM TRAVEL DISTANCE: Up lo 12 tt.; up to 4 stops MOTOR: 3t4HP,1725 RPM. 120 VAC. 60 HZ, 10 AMPS, single phase, lime delay reversing. Conveniently localed at tho iop of the iower. 20 AMP designaled service. DFIVE: Recirculaling ball scr€w selt- cenlering driven pulley, three V-8elts with broken bell safety switch. Manual raise and lowering. BRAKE: Spring applied, electrically rel€esed brake is mounted directly to the top of lhe drive screw and prevents coasting upon application. OVERSPEED SAFETY: The speed sensor/governor, it activated, keeps lhs unit within th€ designed operating sp€ed. Resels automatically. DUAL SAFETY DOGS: Secures the plat- form lo lhe guiding rails if th€r€ should be a tailure ot the litling means. LIMIT SWITCHES: UD and down limit switches wilh a tinal limil lo disconnecl main power in th€ event ol an overrun. CONTROLS: Up/Down paddle switch on platlorm and at landings. Keyswitch, alarm, and emergency stop switch on units lor pub- f ic inslaf lalions. 24 VAC. TOWEF: 16 ga. auto steel wilh wealher resistanl cbating. Femovable base legs make handling and inslallation easier. Upper service panel removable for quick access to motor, conlroller and brake. Spliced lower skirl on 10 tt. and 12 fl. models. PLATFORM: 12 sq. tl. (15 sq. tl. optional). 42' high sides. Handrail on each long sid€. Platlorm floor and ramp have non-skid sur- faces. PLATFORM SAFETY DIAPHBAGM: Suspended lrom bottom of plattorm. Stoos downward motion of lhe unit it an obstruction is encountered. SHIPPING: Unil is shipped parlially assembled and pre-wired. TESTING: All unils are insoecled and run wilh capacity load beJore leaving the tactory, WARRANTY: Has a limiled warranty. Please conlact Inclinalor Co. lor complete intormation. OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT ALTERNATE POWER: 12 voll DC PLATFORM GATE: 42'high wilh interlock LANDING GATE: 42" high with interlock AUTO FOLD RAMP: On platform which locks in the up posilion to acl as a guard. STATIONARY RAMP: To be Used at the lowef landing it no pit is provided. NINETY DEGFEE EXITS: Platlorm can have entry from one, two, or lhree sides. CUSTOM SIZES: Plattorm size can be cuslom ordered for special applications (max. "D" dimension is 36"; max."W" dimen- sion is 60"). SPECIFICATIONS OF EOUIPMENT SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUI NOIICE. Mlnatot s LtFT-elt€ is reattily inialted in he tone, with the elrElcity to titt a wheelchab aN pass€ngu uPtot relve t@L /*fr-- +*/ 4 ,rfu te-V M^/', 0 o /*,J-( /4r/' ,& +Zr"X, ,d-e /-ry@ Z;u" *: /Y4 "4-, ^,b1 '-/ pn '"2- tu4x4 -/*-* h ",e4- ,a Vq; &; A -4e' " *6,-^ .A ,-.- l--".*-L-* I/:6 e ot"-b-*^ rt a--- /--r-.c*.tp-,-* .l ' y't^ D/^#1 .s{.o A d 4a, * h,/ 54 r{1 /.A;- dY\ /-# ,rr'-Arrr**^. ,/'M laff '4L4' -rk *? /,^'tln-4" sx. -""1 , .bq .6 tJ,.a*, c"-L^ "d:h 6-/{*+4zx ZrdfrA u - e* bo/to >r"zf ,42":i 7-oo hA -*,- ilft Rry s8 s'. TOWN OFVAIL 7J Sottb Frontagc Road Vail, Colorado 81617 t03 -47 9 -2 I t 8 / FAX t0t -47 9 -2 I 66 ,RfC,t Works/Tratsgortati, February 9, 1994 l,!r. Ric FieldsFieldscape P.O. Box 1821Avon, CO 81620 RE: Covered Bridge Building / pocket park plan comnents. Dear Ric: rhank you for taklng the tine to discuss ny pranning conmentsearlier to{ar1.- r ap-orogize ijain for the aeiav in getting backwith you. Forrowing-is Jbrief-s1mop=ir "i:ttl-ii.r" we discussed.Please call ne as soon as possibl-e i?-inv or-trr"-r!-"otes are not toyour recollection. 1' Moving of the, ex.rstilg spruce in the niddre of the park srtewill not be arlowed. rfr"r6-i.- no reason to move it since theconstruction staging prans are being "ni"g6a.-- tilis tree should beincluded in the lree -prot"cifon lfun 2. Show the 10, T 30, trailer parking space on the plans along withthe tree protection fencing. 'trr" e"""i'";-;"d H;1'railer will haveto connect in severar prices. _rencirig--"rr""ra -rc placed in arectilinear fashion at riast one toot beyond the drip line of eachtree within the construction area. 3' The wall of the ptanter along eridge street should be raised toelevation 60.5 0n a-tl sides. rirt" h,i-tr n;-ke lnii'pranter related_i".th".Eridge street tevel ratrrlitnan trr"-rtroJ-ie-ver. The Town ofvail vill naintai-n this_ plant"i ir an annual fiower bed. rt shouldbe connected to the park?s i*rlaiion ;Fi;;.-;lliernrn.tion fronthe Buirding Departnent wilt- have to be nade regarding thepossibility of a railing at this location. 4' All pavers shourd b9 as- specified in tbe streetscape l{aster prandocunent. These are standTa pi""t" in trrl ;t;ii;i.nd,, coror rnix.soldier course Davers- are_Aralahoe Blend coror onry. A sampre of:lg actual. pavlrs should bd =rruritt.a prior to instarlation.Pavers at street revel shourd ue irre eonn dntckness, ottrers can be60nn if desired. 5' All retaining warls shourd be of the same c.r.p. concrete with stone veneer and cap construction.systen behind the walls.Be sure to show the draLnage 6. Subnit the railing design for approval prior to construction.Only the niddle sections of ttre railing need to be detachable.Allow for a nininum opening width of 2Or. Allow for the railing toreturn to the Covered Bridge to close off the drop off that existsat that location. 7. Revise the seatinlt area, planter and steps to not inpact thefloodplain as dLscussed. 8. Move the TOV street light frorn the planter to the southeastcorner of the seatl.ng area. Add a trash receptacle to the seatlngarea also. Trash receptacle design should be consistent with the Streetscape design. Subnit a catalog or cut sheet on the productfor approval prLor to purchase. 9. f have one comnent which f failed to mention on the phoneearlier. If Bridge Street is cut to perform water lineinstallation or to nake a water tap, f would like to extend theParks irrigation systen to existing planter along Russellrs walland along the creek below Russellrs. Please nake allowance forthis when deslgning the irrigation systen. Please call ne if you have any questions regarding any of theseconnents. My nunber is 479-2161. SLncerely, 1al{Clpz*hrir,v^ . Todd Oppehheimer Town of VaiI Landscape Architect cc: Ha11 JAH-31-94 l.toH :3A t1?o ,,.4BTIST6 IN COMMEBCIAL - FE$IDENTIAL I-ANDSCAPING & MAI NTENANCE JAITTUARY 3I,1994 TO: CRAIOFRT,NIZ FROM: JODYDANIELS RE: BRIDOE STREETOFFICEBTJII,DING It i! in Ey opinion that 0rc 25.30' qnrco cao be movcd with e 50/50 drmcc of surrriviltg provided tho following proccdures ro followsd: l) Ball eizc diamctrr nccds to be 8-10" ger cetiber Indr of ts€e trunkZ) Ball depth nceds to bo as dscp or lsss ifmot sfiuotsrr ir not cignifioant, duo to hard pan qr cltseso rcelsy coflditisns.3) Ball needs to bo sccurcd ciihc,r by wira useh or woodcn bo:r, so that ao soils arc distrbed &uing lihing urd uarplutirg opcratisrc.4) Lifting of feo rugt bo ftom lhc Iower put of the ball, go tlu no sipificant damago to balt oasurE uihflc ransptanthg5) To miaioizo transplant shock; stan ft!ryIandng ia early rpring( ttc carlicr thc bottr) apply wilt pmof to foliago as soon Ns wcalhcr wErE! to above fteezing t€npcBtuscs ild watee thoroughly wlco a weok, also guy trso soanoly with hoce and tr'ire tie downr ct fourpoints. Sabelle has been transplanting large epecimen hccs in this arca sincg 1992 witt a 90% snaccst rab. Thcre will bc an abovc avtrago lost of nc0auoi lhc fil8| sd secfid year of tansplmting but gcnerrlly on a rco with hcarry foliagc fir io not a ugticablo problcao. If 1ou havo ury firth* guc*ions in rogflr& to ttris Eatt€r, plcaso fool fi€e to sontac;t Ee at 32&64er. SinocrolS SoBolls Landecaping & Maintenaoe Co. FOS' 7A&0209 2901 SOUTH SANTA FE OFIVE ENGLEWOOO. CoLORADO 60110 FAX (303t 78&0507 (7'lgl 606.1840 €180 LEHMAN DRVE COtOiADO SPFING8,COLOFAOO e0907 FAX rnq 59A.3460 P-A2 I4NDSCAPff 9 MAINTEIIANCE Joily Danlels, Rcgional Managc Ctrmtcl Err$; CHUCK ROSENQUIST BETH & ROD SLIFER RON RILEY GORE CREEK PLAZA SLIFER, SMITH & FRAMPTON RUSSELL'S RESTAURANT 3777 MT. VEDER 230 BRIDGE STREET 228 BRIDGE STREET NAPA, CA 94558 VAIL, CO 81657 VAIL, CO 81657 DAVE GORSUCH PEPIGRAMSHAMMER GORSUCH, LTD. PEPISPORTS 263 E. GORE CREEK DR. 231 BRIDGE STREET vAtL, co 81657 VAIL, CO 81657 a) r r 1e + - "cJ tsrrt Cft tr ,'I THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUB PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on February 28, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a major CGI exterior alteration for the Laughing Monkey to allow an addition to the south side of the Creekside Building located at 223 East Gore Creek Drive/a part of Tract A, Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant Jose GuzmanPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 1 2. A request for a major CCI exterior alteration to allow lor the redevelopment of the & Govered Bridge Building located a1227 Bridge StreeULots C and D and a part of Lot D\ B, Block 5-B, VailVillage 1st Filing.7 Applicant Hillis of Snowmass, Inc. and East West Partners Planner: Mike Mollica 3. A request for a variance for required parking to be locatd off-site for a single family residence located at2642 Cortina Lane/Lot 6, Block B, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Hans WemannPlanner: Randy Stouder 4. A request for a wall height variance and driveway slope variance to allow for a driveway to exceed 8% located a12445 Garmisch Drive/Lots 10 and 11, Block H, Vail das Schone 2nd Filing. Applicant Steve Sheridan and Adam SzpiechPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 5. A request for a variance to allow for a 6 foot fence located in the lront setback and a variance to allow alternative materials not listed in the Design Review Board Guidelines for a fence located at 51 18 Gore Circle/Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn Sth Addilion. Applicant: Robert SchonkwilerPlanner: Randy Stouder 6. A request for a side and rear setback variance to allow for an expansion to the existing residence located a12757 Davos TrailAot 1, Block F, Vail Das Schone 1st Filing. Applicant: Juergen Krogmann and Monica Roth Planner: Randy Stouder I 7.A request for a minor subdivision and to Residential to Low Densi$ Multi-Family, specifically described as follows: rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road/more A D|'cet ot hrd h th! Southro.n Ou|n!. d Soctim 14, TownshF 5 Sout[ turyr 8l U,brl oa tho 6|h Pdn*d M.tldtn, ]no,e prtdcubtly d.|ctt.rt ! togous: Beglnnhg d s polnt wh.rE 8 trs$ c.p 3rt lor r ltn..3 corn r lo( lh. l{lrt Ou|l|cr ol t|ld S.Clon la' b.s3 (Nodh 29 degrrca 28 mln|nr3 5l t omda rvrtr, tgrr.oe ioqt oecot (No|fl *t Dogt€- t5 r||d!3 @ tlcqldr w..l 915.€,8 l€d lbu{r!q: ndE Nodr t4 dogtler os nhut6 tg !ecm& E|!l' 10.?S tsqri Th.no. 183.82 het rlong iha rc of I qJrva lo thr dglf whlci art auulnd! r chont badng Notlh 88 dlg|!.. 12 nhuft $ !€condr E|!|, l8t,78 tett; Th.ic. SoUi 7, drg|lrr 4t) mlndr 2l !.aoodt €|d, 8aZ t t; th.i.a l,a7.,ag |||t dq{ li! .rc ot r cuw! to th3 bil whldl.tr tttren& a .fiord borrhg Nodh 6 tbgr.n 38 ml ,ter 17 sccood! E.|t, r4Aqt |.|l; Ttlltr. Norlh m d!!f.n 5C raulor 55 tocood! Ed, 06.55 hati Th ce 51.10 tolt rbr0 th. r|c of I cuw! to thc delt rvfth |lr rubtlrdt r dod baulne Soudt ,1, drgr!6 20 mlnu.| 37 lcondt Est, .44.2014!t Thrnc. South t,a d.g,.er 25 mlnut|| g) !.conl't Wff, 1t051 lrcl; Thfice South 88 d!9|tar 18 dflt.. 91 !!cond! Wrtl. 320'm ld: Thri€ No h rO dcgr..t (I, nlnd. (,5 !.ootb W*l glfi) Itdi Thrnco South 7? degrla! 48 dnugt 4l rrcofitt Wbrl, 10.18 txl; lhtnc. Sodh lO d.gn . 53 dnu!| 93 !!s|dr Wh, 38,48 ha: Th.nc. Nonh 87 dcgrra 40 Dlnutla 08 raca.dr Wbtl 337.72 tatl; Th.ncr (Nonh tl degnq 52 mhd.r t3 |.cqrb Er! lg',q, b.l D!.dl tlotlh'li d.grtr 55 tnftrrb 3l $cq|dt E4 12'.75 L.l Mflur.d) lolh. POINT OF SEGINNI'{G. B.rhg ttofi c.LO. rc(o.d lor South h.I ol Srdlon In. bdwrc|| S|(iloor 'l+16. (G.LO rftord Sosur tX doe|ior E),2 mhul|| EaS (Sqrn 0f d.gt€!| 38 mhtn.r 32 Fcorar E|.t Uor!,!d, 8. L A request for a variance from Section 18.69.040 (Development Restricted) of the Vail Municipal Code to allow lor the construction of buildings on slopes greater than 40% located at 4335 Bighorn Road/Block 3, Bighorn 3rd Fillng. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Juanita l. Pedotto Andy Knudtsen Michael Lauterbach/BAB Partnership Jim Cumutte Walter Kirsch Randy Stouder A request for a minor subdivision located at 4316 Streamsids Circle WesVlots 2 and 3, Block 4, Bighorn 4th Addition. CONFERENCE MEMORANDUM 7 February 1993 Town of Vail, Office of Comrnunity Development Date: Place: Present: Re: Mike Mollica y' Greg Hall Charlie Overend Todd Oppenheimer Govered Bridge Building Sidney Schultz Peter Dann Ross Bowker Ric Fields Craig Bruntz Staging: Greg feels the width remaining on Bridge Street with the construction fence in place is too narrow. He wants a minimum 12 feet of clear width during the peak summer season (June - September). The construction trailer is not acceptable along the bank of Gore Creek as shown. Craig will look at relocating the tower crane east toward Bridge Street and positioning the trailer west under the trees. Care will be taken to protect the roots of the trees from concentrated weights and other construction damage. The Staff felt that the Town Council would not allow Ford Park to be used for staging. Peter will look at the possibility of using the Christiania/VA lot or the VA Golden Peak lot for staging, Any modification to the flood plain will require FEMA/Corps of Engineers approval. Todd will check into the requirements for a 404 Permit and stream stabilization. There was a concern about on-site storage of materials after the beginning of ski season. Greg pointed out that the area below Bridge Street would not be available since that is a snow storage area. The Pocket Park construction may not be completed until Spring '95. Conference Memorandum - Covered Bridge Building 7 February 1993 Page 2 Covered Bridge: The schedule for reconstruction of the bridge is not definite. East West expressed that the tower crane could be used to help with portions of the bridge construction if that work was coordinated with the Covered Bridge Building construction schedule. Water Supply: The question of adequate water supply/pressure to the building needs to be resolved' Contact will be made with Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation and the Vail Fire Department. Design lssues: Mike explained Jeff Winston's concerns about how the diagonal line through the site (used by Staff to calculate building height and percentagesl had controlled the massing and design of the building. Sid explained that Staff had previously said that they would not support a deviation from these requirements, so the building was designed so as to not require any variances. lt was also questioned whether the flat roof of level five would be perceived from pedestrian vantage points, Landscape lssues: Greg suggested a railing design at the bench area that permitted the railing to be first removed from the posts, and then the posts from the stone cap. Mike showed a re-design of the Pocket Park by Winston showing a stair to the Retail Level and another stair to the Park. Todd and Ric will work together on a revised plan incorporating elements of both designs, relocating elements to stay out of the flood plain. Landscaping in the planters was discussed. Mike strongly urged the use of at least one or two aspens along Bridge Street. These should be located so as not to interfere with the roof above. Ric will have a revised plan ready for the meeting on the 14th of February. The foregoing constitutes my understanding of matters discussed and decisions reached. lf the interpretation of others varies, please inform us in writing' 4/by'/t SS aa ,:. 2. t,?4- -'l C*r*1 fuJa,- f^ra 6", o ""t-"r*\ il ++--^ elf +hJ il il it cU1 . ( 2<_ 4- O-/&-tet-at^-.-f -W, i t. I r r'- t I | , I I ;ia) tz-{t L/</ r"-."1 a2zL6* f-r.,.,-- li />1r\ c-<r\r-1 a{ ftr.S y5 ,.,,,n-k ,*/ f/*--,i -I /,'' 'ii Czv>.---.*.-tR :!rili \nil:l f / t' ,.-, / ll /\6 ) (-4Vfc,t -tz /< D7 /CD4 d y<l' / (l , 'i --t^r- e *,^*aly<--/',,n , Q ** yl-."a {>it a / :i i: 1/7y'"n'ap )r:n .^1ry 2 oA (V I 1.21.?i 75 South Frontage Road Vtil, Colortdo 81657 t 03 -47 9 -2 1 t 8 / FAX t 0 t -47 9 -2 1 66 Department .fu z T+L. uEuoRAltDulr To: Mike Mollica Froms Todd Oppenheimer Date: ilanuary 24, L994 Re: Covered Bridge Building subrnittal I have reviewed the tatest subnittal for the Covered Bridge Building, which included a Landscape Plan, shadow Analysis plan' Site pfiir and Topographic Survey. Following are my cornments and concerns regarding the project. Please call ne if you have any questions. -I did speak witn Sianey Schuttz early last vre_ek and igreea that a neeting with you, Greq Hal], Sidney and myself would be a good idea. 1. See revised plan for Pocket Park seating area/stairway. Removal of the existin-g Spruce next the Covered Bridge is unacceptable. The seating arel his been shifted south and west. One set of steps is eliminaled and the planting areas are combined. The two foot shift irest provides laaitional space for street maintenance activities. ihe additional planter at street level adds landscaped area and eliminates the trdeadil corner vlhere the street light is located. 2. A plan for construction staging still needs to be agreed upon. I am Loncerned about using the pocket park for staging because of the grade difference between the park and Bridge Street and because of the number of mature trees on the site. Grading in a ramp, stockpiling soil and other naterial and damage from construction equiprnent witt seriously conprornise the health of the trees. 3. I am assuming that the developerrs Landscape Architect is going to provide conltruction details and other plans needed for the conitruction of the Pocket Park inprovements. The details and plans are referenced further in these comments. 4. The referenced irrigation system should be extended over the entire park area. This should be an autonatic system with a water tap, meter and backflow prevention device. 5. The entire park should be resodded with a rninimum of six inches of soil preparation. 6. Repair eroded sections of streambank with Permamat Fabric and TOWN OFVAIL of Puhlic lllorks lTran tportat io n I{ boulder placenent. f will provide details and specifications to the owner's Landscape Architect upon request. 7. The area for asphalt patchback on Bridge Street should be shown on the plans. Check with Greg HalI for the nininum width of patch required. 8. Modify planters per attached cross section sketch and plan notesto reduce slope of planted areas. 9. Provide a cross section drawing through planter lthere indicated on the plan. 10. Provide construction details as indicated on the plan. I canprovide the Owner's Landscape Architect with information upon request. 11. l.faintenance of the tvo planting beds irnmediately between nridge Street and the building will be the responsibility of the property owner. Please note that on the plan. The Tov will uraintain thepark area and planters at the stairway. A separate irrigation systen will be reguired. 1'2. Subruit irrigation plan and detaits. Use the following equipnent. Rainbird heads w/ flex pipe connectors.frritrol l'lc-Plus controller CL 200 pvc nainline NSF rated poly laterals, 1rr min. diameter 14 GA UF wire 13. Subrnit information on how icing problems on walking surfaceswill be handled/nitigated. All areas where icing could occur are very shady but the handicap lift is of particular concern. I l i ; I ! -1 |.'1'.. - :t: lt-tiIi, rl.it-tl^l : I I COLORADO. GEORGIA. NORIH CAROLINA o VIRGINIA o January 17, 1994 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Planning Staff Ladies and Gentlemen: We are writing concerning our proposed redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building and the establishment of a "pocket park" on the Town of Vail's land adjacent to this building. This letter will serve as the commitment of Covered Bridge Building, LLC (CBB, LLC) (an entity being formed by Harry H. Frampton, lll to acquire this property from Hillis of Snowmass) to construct these improvements substantially in accordance with the Landscape Plan by Fieldscape daled 1/12/94 (copy enclosed). Assuming all approvals are granted and the project moves forward CBB, LLC will make these improvements at its own cost and expense conditioned upon the following: 1) A maximum price not to exceed $92,000. (The current plan is far more expensive than the original, and exceeds our budget by $a5,000.) 2) An appropriate use or license agreement with TOV for CBB, LLC for the use ol the land North of the Covered Bridge Building and the atfected portion of Bridge Street for the duration ol the of the construction of both the building and the park and requisite access thereto from Bridge Street. 3) Acceptance and operation/maintenance of the park upon completion by TOV. For: Covered Bridge Building, LLC and Harry H. Frampton, lll r') (-' i,r,,- ,, l', \r. -lrL ) ) r' \.._,',- (. , t i ,.. Ross E. Bowker Mce President REB/klm BeaverCreekoRcsort. l00EastThomasPlace .Drawer2770. Avon,Colorado 81620. (303) 845-9200. FAX (303) 845-7205 WASHINGTON INTER.OEPARTMENTAL REVIEW OF THE COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING All previous comments regarding on-site, roof and adjacent to site drainage' utilities, snow shedding, deliveries, trash, etc. apply. Provide detailed engineered plans for improvements abutting Bridge Street. These plans will belased on surveyed information of adjacent area required. Two trees next to building will not be able to be saved - too close to building' too close to each other, too big to survive. Pocket Park plan needs to meet winston Associates plan as revised by Town of Vail staff. Need construction access/staging plan. Coordinate improvements with reconstruction of Covered Bridge' while Govered Bridge is under construction, a detour will be going through the pocket park and use tne existing stairs. lf they will not exist, need alternate solution. Provide sprinkler system, resodding and stream bank erosion stabilization' In reconstruction of pbcfet park, Town of Vail will evaluate pocket park plan. currenfly, it does not function well for snow removal. Tree next to covered Bridge wiil be lost. Remove paver stones on west side. Evaluate street light requirements. Provide detailed building plans once complete' Columns on wesl lower level block access to building. Look at pulling deck back on master bedroom level to step building lace back. Fire Department Comments. Januarv 12. 1994 (Mike Mcceel: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. L 10. 11. 1. 2. 3. 4. Question exit(s) from third floor. Building will require 100"/o fire sprinkler and fire detection system' Four inch water line (on Bridge Street) is subject to replacement, pgnding UEVW & S hydraulic'analysii, ClP, and review and approval by UEVW & S' Staging during construction should be specified. l-tz'7.1 f ,4-l b 9J 9/*/r- 5. All comments from 6/90 (except #4) apply' 6. plan assumes 4 inch water line, sewer and utilities will run beneath the building from Bridge Street. 7. Third floor use (i.e. office) may have to be deed restricted due to lack of exits. Design as proposed will not support other more dense use due to occupant toaO. t.C.fi.O. review and/or conference with Building Official is recommended. 8. Class 1 standpipe is required in the NW stair' 9. Fire Department connections for standpipe and fire sprinkler system use required to be installed on Bridge Street side of buiHing' 10. Trash storage and removal looks inadequate for that much retail. Difficult access to trash room for trash, fire' Fire Department Comments. June 20. 1990 (Mike Mccee): 1. New and existing structure required to have fire sprinkler system throughout. 2. Fire detection system must be expanded. 3. lnsure adequate water supply for fire sprinkler system' 4. No display will be allowed beneath exterior stair on Bridge street. 5. Provide exterior floor drains at basement level lower gallery' 6. Phase I recall on elevator (minimum) required. 7. class I standpipe with valves at each landing required in NW stair. c:Vnike! etbrs\bridge.1 1 2 JOH N \/\/, OUNN ARTHUR A. AEPLANALP, JR. ALLEN C. CHRISTENSEN OIAN E L. HERMAN ROHN K, ROBBINS TELEPHON E: (303) 476-0300 TELEcoPIERT (3O3) 476-4765 LAw OFFICES DUNN, ABPLANALP & CHRISTENSEN, P,C. VAIL NATIONAL BAN K tsUILDING 5u rrE 300 I08 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST vArL, COLORADO a I 657 14 January 1994 SPECIAL COUNSEL: JERRY l^'. HANNAH Mr. Mike Mofllca Tovrn of VaiI Department of Conmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road west Vail CO HAND DELIVERED Re: Development Proposal for Lot "c" and Lot "d",and the southerly 4 feet of Lot "b", all in Block 5-8, Vail Vlllage First Fiting Dear Mlke: In accordance wlth the request of Ned Gwathmey, you wiII find under cover of thls transmlttal the tltle report relating to the above property and the adjacent property comprising what has become known as the parkJ.ng area for Gasthoff Gramshanmer (part of Lot "a", Block 5-8, ValI village Flrst FIIing). In order to make this report more intelligible as it relates to the above property, I have deleted those references to the parking area, as I understand that does not concern you. I have teft that informatlon readable, ln order that you may be assured that I have deleted nothlng whlch actually refers to the above property. Please contact me lf you ha questlo Arthur A.analp, Jr Enclosurexc: Mr. Ned Gwathney ery truly A L T oO" o M M r r M E N r SCHEDULE A our Order No. V22819 For fnfornation OnIY s1s5. 00 s1s5. oo PLEASE REFER TO OUR ORDER NO.v228L9. **** - Charges - ALTA owner PoIicY Info Binder --TOTAI-,-- ****WITH YOUR REMITTANCE 1. Effective 2. Policy to ilALTAI Ownerrs Date:November 3o, be issued, and proPosed Policy Lo-L7-92 1993 at 8:0O A.M. Insured: Proposed Insured: 3. 5. ..+:7 HILLIS OF SNOM'{ASS, INC. A COLORADO CORPORATION AS TO PARCEL 2 The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitnent and covered herein is: A Fee Sirnple Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: EIIARLES: II: RESENQUIST AT{E FETER 3: SIITTZER; A''ARTNERSIIfF AI{D' €ftsTHer €ruwsHruq{bR, IN€t, ft €eLeru\De eeRPeru\EJel{-r i\E Te PJ\ReEL -j-HILLIS OF SNOWI{ASS, rNC. A COLORADO CORPORATTON AS TO PARCEL 2 The land referred to in this Cornmitment is described as follows: ?*R€BL 1: * FAf{f €F LeT "a" BLOCI( 5 Ei VAIL VILL*€Ei FIRST'ILI}|€; €OU\TY fbffrefi* PAGE ALrP"oMMrrMENr SCHEDULE Our Order No. V22819 65 DEGREES ]-8 MINUTES OO SECONDS EAST AND ALONG THE NORTH OF SAID LOT IIAII A DISTANCE OF 390.19 FEET TO THE POINT BEGINNTNG' THENCE NORTH 66 DEGREES 18 MINUTES OO S DS EAST AND ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT I]A1I 108.; THENCE SOUTH 77 DEGREES 11 MINUTES OO SECONDS EA DTSTANCE OF 73.03; THENCE SOUTH 25 DEGREES 41 MI OO SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE oF 75 FEET; THENCE No DEGREES 19 MINUTES OO SECONDS T{EST A DISTANCE OF 2 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 26 DEGREES 41 MINUTES OO SECONDS DISTANCE OF 74.36 FEET; THENCE SOUTH OO DEGREES 09 ES OO SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 9.98 FEET; THENCE SO 9 DEGREES 17 MINUTES OO SECONDS WEST A DTSTANCE OF -11 FEET; THENCE NORTH 10 DEGREES 43 MINUTES OO SECONDS A DISTANCE OF 120.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 79 DEGREES L7 ES OO SECONDS WEST A DTSTANCE OF 45.06 FEET TO THE PARCEL 2: LOT C AND LOT D, AND THE BLOCK 5-8, VArL VILLAGE PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF SoUTHWESTERLY 4 FEET OF LOT B, ALL rN FIRST FILING, ACCORDTNG TO THE RECORDED EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. t't'i \) D ALrP"oMMrrMENr SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirernents) Our Order No' V22819 The following are the requirements to be cornplied with: 1. Pa]tnent to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the fuII "ottiid"t"tion for the estate or interest to be insured. 2. ProPer instrunent(s) creating the estate-or interest to be insured must be eiecuted and duly fited for record, to-wit: THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLy, AND NO POLICY WILIJ BE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. THE COUNTy CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETI'RN ADDRESSES ON DOCI'MENTS SENT FOR RECORDING! ! PAGE 3 ALTOO"OMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-2 ( Exceptions )Our Order No. V22819 The poticy or policies to be issued wiII contain exceptions to the follbwing-unleis the sarne are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Conpany: t-. standard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treasurer's office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land' 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any' g. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JUIY 13, ]-899' IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE uNrrED srATEs AS REsERVED rN uNrrED srATEs PATENT REcoRDED Jury 13 ' L899 'IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. ].]-. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHTCH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE' COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGTN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRI'MENT RECORDED AUgUSt 10, L962 1 IN BOOK 1.74 AT PAGE 179. L2. EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCIES. 13. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRTCTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FILING. (ITEMS 9 THROUGH 13 AFFECT BOTH PARCELS) ].5. UTILTTY EASEMENT NORTHEASTERLY LOT OF VATL VILLAGE, TEN FEET IN WIDTH ALONG LINES OF S ERTY AS SHOWN AND RECORDED PLAT TERLY ON THE PAGE ALTOO"OMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-2. (Exceptions) Our Order No. V22819 Reguired bY Senate Bilt 91-14 A) The subject real property nay be located in a special taxing district. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer or the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The infornation regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the Board of county commissioners, the county clerk and Recorder, or the county Assessor. Reguired bY senate Bill 92-143 A) A Certificate of Taxes Due Listing each taxing jurisdiction shall be obtained from the County Treasurer or the County Treasurer's authorized agent. @ DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ALT^O"oMMrrMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) A DEED OF TRUST DATED August 10, 1984 FROM HILLIS OF SNOWI'IASS, rNC' TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUIITY F'OR THE USE OF JOHN A. DOBSON AND CATHERINE M. DOBSON TO SECURE THE SI'I!'I OF $1,908,593.77, AND ANY OTHER AMOUNTS PAYABLE UNDER THE TERMS THEREOF, RECORDED August 13, L984, IN BOOK 392 AT PACE 295' SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT IN CONNECTTON WITH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED August O4, L987 , IN BOOK 467 AT PAGE 221 AND RECORDED AUGUST L7 , 1987 fN BOOK 458 AT PAGE 63. SATD DEED OF TRUST I'IAS ASSIGNED TO UNTTED BANK OF DENVER NATTONAL ASSOCIATTON, CO-TRUSTEE IN ASSIGNMENT RECORDED August 15, 1988, IN BOOK 489 AT PAGE 112, AS TO AN UNDTVTDED L/2 TNTEREST. A DEED OF TRUST DATED August 03, 1987 FROM HILLIS OF SNOWMASS, rNC., A COLORADO CORPORATION TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF VAIL NATIONAL BANK TO SECURE THE STIM OF $255,OOO.OO, AND ANY OTHER AMOUNTS PAYABLE UNDER THE TERMS THEREOP, RECORDED August 04, L987t IN BOOK 467 AT PAGE 220. SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED August 04, Lg87,IN BOOK 467 AT PAGE 221 AND RECORDED AUGUST L7' 1987 IN BOOK 468 AT PAGE 63. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS FURTHER SECURED IN ASSTGNMENT OF RENTS RECORDED August 17, L987, IN BOOK 468 AT PAGE 52. EXTENSION AGREEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH SATD DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED August 31, L992, fN BOoK .588 AT PAGE 35. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS FURTHER SECURED IN ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS RECORDED August 31, 1992, IN BOOK 588 AT PAGE 36. (TTEMS 15 AND 16 AFFECT PARCEL 2) our order No. v22819 16. 1,7 . 18. SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO SECURED PARTY, RECORDED EMP f RE SAVf NGS BUI LD I NG-,Prl$D-I€+rrffiSSOC I ATI ON, THE Auqust 2l--++9ff,--IN-BOOK 536 AT PAGE 455. 19. D €eptember l9r, 1988 flr Beeli 191 ftR Fl\eE 453r PAGE I Return to /46 //;ca Town Planner DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI EW HEARING t t. /4t /1r/f BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: >-.-/rtrfu/ ^2/ ldt 6. ov4tJ&' Date:- on h; lc,,lsifl,Xl, r, *, 1\d,"wyo, n/. /, hrs, rJc' el.. offlf z) Prur,'Je dz/a,'hJ €1f.r'.erraA //^, fi, c',+.fto ttO"'-t:15 o.brIL"X .?',.J7, flno+.-/k* po/o^, *r// 'l* b.*J u,' surcdLt'/ J^fo ot-"4M! 'fEWi-L u,/J;p "-ri '7--r* '/'L lJt"' 5*'+t -TZo c(o*- J- b-'/l"r';'- 't{' l- co'a oJkt"Tu ^'/ L $u/sr"{ u! *^P"&{*,?th *?/; , ryJs /. lrrtf uin5/aa A>so",-L, p/^ ') ^t;i *;;i*:],J:' ^:r{,, /,1o,,^ ?z^a) *gd;A"h t"^pro,,c*ii ut,rl 0 nl."onsJ,ua/,,-1 ol cour.. J ^",P{!ftr:- Date:- Comments:l) wh;L Cauct'eJ ts,,.r^e fg an &, ,*slrn.J.'n J A oLlour t ,",,;// be Ao,fr -//-" 7 t^ Jf, f)or/--/ ,oarlc- anl us<- JL. e r;tJ;A "rJ^.',\ . "rJ Jk/ *'nJ ""'1, *,J .ol/cr,*L s) P*u,'J- S7r,xb /- ,/ r/.*., r46oJ/:r. a- ) sloo-.- p...r,- e fl oa; r^ S J n L,./: .o/ :.u, . -z 4 re.an<rJ 7_.T.. r ,':""'.::"* -: .*nttrueJ'on o{ foeblp*L-'",7n o+ lL / vv,,ll N"t€u.,lr ._L pact_/ p*k- p/on,. Cunrt^! / a& h 'b" {,r-rron ,^-e-L( {* sno,*, /e h,,ou- r . *Ttuz- |vvr* oovt.c! bn Jy. ;:;i Lo /o, l. pcn ,)T:.L'#.:,,;;,,# irto1,,'irj,' *r1; ;"'' -'; :;,,'*' - ^ J \ Gomments: I *tt prcti ws 00,-,"',t n /s rcs uJ'fi @ 5 ho,-*: ' -,VJ ",.X7 *l; ar:es ,7ro ,V h) co/u,nn5 a) /""L *( + thl oh "* Qr//i^q/0 /o*. du-l- {,* L-'tt h*t b*/" o ftor- 2,o,, I b- ugn_ tP . l,tulr bJr*-- b,*f b'r.'lJ'T I Beturn to ho//i.,q Town Planner INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: C DATE SUBMITTED: 6./P-- %* f4i\^- - ,*J -J*,J -,'l-L \ CoMMENTS NEEDED BY: F./., 2, /7?4 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: -bt^-/ Kt44 - Jo,,-, /l?0 cr^-""*L ,.''L dft-&,///. PUBLIC WORKS Engineering: Reviewed by: Comments: Comments: Date: P.evies,eduy:fr'n.n <:> oateb'27'1o r ^,, Ccn'iients: Nfpli..*^-.f p>,laov<-\ y'v,*o-.tJ'7. 3 ^ \-k4tht-'Jt1' apr+.r- {": A-a"\-,'.- ' U^^r fL.-^ ;;r- *{-*!2-., {**-t of -, Ct*.1pf* a.'J A 5'.-lJl., tr {..,,+t" |Lyr: f^_.-,_, ;Jl .., '1r.^, p^-.\*-0 ln, 1-t-- prw,p,>u. )! 'rS' J,rr.---1,*-t pn**1 , *i ft*' 'r-'. | ,t S*'L -ry.,t* F"^.t^-L'i..,f':ai i'f suur vi r,-cV T^-- e-,.t ^-. : ft"--(',,,-.'"li ".-t"J\. a tl\ln.Tf-^ ^-.\t- %.^ \-. a-V, p, "{F.-+\ . \ p ?L^1"J.^_.-_{4:'*t r: ,1p f|''f f:: TL ;"^^l- ;!\rr-l it, &"".l.t +tJ?itr*RlpuKltl tJ,r-I' ; €; .L.*'-ztcibiW ^it,r Revi ewed by: -------------Date- ! Conlants: P?OJECT: DATE SUsI,IITTED: CCI."i{ENTS }IEEDED BY : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUBLIC }IORKS POLICE DEPARTI4ENT Revier'red by: Connerrts: Date i li n tl l|'tl ll I1 tl I RECi:!ATi OII DEPARTI.::NT Reviewed.by: C,qw.nts: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING Date ! a o Retum to Alo/ lica Town Planner DATE SUBMIfiED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEAAING F"1. /1, /??.{ COMMENTS NEEDED 8Y: r'}. z nu BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: --).. I-Or-,--/ Kz/^..A/ - J",-, t?70 oc,"--u-t a.tz *hJ./ t).4 ,'J/ ,,-') " z-- -1 /? z)8 ,r/) ..,.!. L /.?-? ia71,2-z 2..:. - n., 4 *.r' -- ,1/ir'i);,':*';;': to-.&a,.t* 12't'o'zer) z: s*'ert*t & ,"y/.'-ez,".z-,1,,/'uJ -'i 77;yzy' ? S'/('77t''- - " v -"tc7c's' .; d/ tze..,.v.-'/ ff'- '" '42 t/':uz/'J '/-,- ,4.-.^/:r'a:-z' ''7" 'et'"7 /ot-' '4/''/r )' 7) sor'./ri. "t';-' 1'r"r "ri"/'' ) 'z'": z/'zt E 2t'< l- /'t'zs ' Z2^" "7-' ('-.,a'.'L|J'' r"L''^ /"'"'-( "'4'tJ ;/i"'? - /'/ / -{< . 8. c' tvt v r e-'"<'/ 7 -"/7A z<''1/zz "u "'"- ., ?''iiifi'i:"'" "'*o,-''::' ,;-,i,"'!</ ;'r '( ' ?) ./;""- '4v"" ''t'"";7 Ca, dJ ;:l :--':,-:';'':: ; ';" ^t::: ,'/-[2' ) z'r/-J '/li- 4"- : t-bd ',tr,,2 / o r'-'7 -. ,n./<r, .,.-,44?.o. / "/^ ,,IJt.' ,.nr. z^ ,4,2:4'L. ' 't ; /)Al:r'/ [v't)'?'U'!z- ]ft;'7'l'/''iL I e,./../ "';- -1 "--* o' '-/?-4) 1 E''{'n1 7/af 7tz'e; / /""' ' f-a- P?,OJECT: DATE sUsr4lTT ED z 1y'i!: t-O--- CCI'',i4ENTS i|EEDEO BY :_.---- ERIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: I NTEP.. OEPARTIIENTAL REVI EW DATF.,,OF PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC }IORKS P.ev'iersed by: Connents: Date 5 January 1994 Mr. Mike Mollica, Planner Town of Vail Community Development 1 11 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Re: Govered Bddge fuilding Dear Mike: Attached please find the remainder of the submittal materials for our PEC hearing on the restoration of the Covered Bridge Building. Since we are submitting well in advance of the 17 January deadline for the 14 February PEC meeting, we would very much like to schedule a work session with the PEC as soon as possible. Our client is on a very tight schedule, and the pending sale of the building and subsequent redevelopment is contingent on them having a certain feeling of comfort from the Staff and PEC prior to the closing date. After reviewing the application materials, please give me a call so we can arrange a work session date. lf you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call. Thank you. Sincerely, GWATHMEY/PRATT/SCHULTZ ARCHITECTS, P.C. EMG/ad Enclosures copy to:Ross Bowker Harry Frampton Edward M. Gwathmey, Jr.,IA|A ot. Statf is recommending 90 day review periods for all of the following proiects: A. A request for a major CCll exterior alteration and a height variance to allow for the enclosure of thb elevator shaft for the Antlers Condominiums located at 680 West Lionshead Place/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing' Applicant: AntlersCondominiumAssociation Pfanner: RandY Stoudel Randy stouder stated that the applicant would be working with the existing elevator area so that it would be possible to access each floor without going up a||ightofslairs.Aheightvariancewi||benecessarytoa|lowforthe modification to the existing elevator shaft. B. A request for a major ccl exterior alteration and a height variance to allow for the redevelopment of the covered Bridge Building located a|227 Bridge StreeVLots i and D and a part of Lot B, Block 5-8, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant: Hillis of Snowmass, lnc. Planner: Mike Mollica Mike Mollica stated that since this request was advertised, it has been determined that a height variance will not be necessary. The applicant desires to "fast track" this proiect in order to begin construction in the spring of 1994' c. A request for a major ccl exterior alteration for the Laughing Monkey to allow an addition to the south side of the Creekside Building locaied at 223 East Gore Creek Drive/a part of Tract A, Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Jose Guzman Planner: ShellY Mello Andy Knudtsen said that the applicant is proposing to modify the existing patio of the Laughing MonkeY. D. A request for a major CCll exterior alteration and setback variance to the Lionshead Center Building to allow for the expansion of the Vail Associates oflices located at 520 Lionshead Mall/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead lst Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc. Planner: Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen showed the PEC where the proposed expansion of the Vail Associates offices would be located. Planning and Environmontsl Commission Minrnes Decemb€t 20, lggg E. A request for a major CCll exterior alteration and setback variance to allow for the expansion of dwelling units at the Lionshead Center Building located at 520 Lionshead Mall, Units ZdA,ZOe,308 and 309/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. pp|icant: Victor Cano Faro, Transcon |nvestments, |nc., and Jose Luis Chain Planner: AndY Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen stated that this request would allow units.on the second and third floors of the Lionshead center Building to expand. He stated that GRFA was available at this site. F. A request for a major CCll exterior alteration to allow for the construction of an addition to the Lionshead Arcade Building located at 531 East Lionshead Circle/Part of Lot 1, Block 3, Vail Lionshead lst Filing' Applicant: Robert Lazier Planner: Jim Curnutte Jim Curnutte showed the PEC where the proposed addition was to be located on the site plan for the Lionshead Arcade Building. He said that the applicant may alter the proposed addition prior to presenting it formally to the PEC. Kathy Langenwalter requested that the applicant work out the technicalities prior to this item being presented to the PEC. Diana Donovan made a motion to approve the staff's recommendation for 90 day review periods for the above-lisied projects with Dalton Williams seconding this motion. A 6-0 vote approved the siaff's recommendation for 90 day review periods for the above-listed proiects. 6. A request for a wall height variance to allow for the construction of an avalanche mitigation wall located al 4229 Nugget Lane/Lot 6, Bighorn Estates' Applicant: Helen Dickinson Pianner: Shelly Mello TABLED INDEFINITELY Jelf Bowen made a motion to table this item indefinitely with Diana Donovan seconding this motion. A 6-0 vote tabled this item indefinitely' 7. Approve minutes from December 13, 1993 PEC meeting. Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve the minutes from the December 13, 1993 PEC meeting with Greg Amsden seconding the motion. A 6-0 vote approved the minutes for the December 13, 1993 PEC meeting. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes December 20, 1990 I 3. A request for a worksession for a variance to build in 40h slope and for a wall height variance to allow for a duplex to be located at 2560 Kinnickinnick Road/a parcel of land located in the N 1/2 ol lhe SW 1/4 of Section 14 T5S, B81W of the 6th P.M., Town ol Vail, Colorado. Applicant: Bobi Salzman/Carl DieE Planner: Andy Knudtsen 4. Update on the Environmental Strategic Plan. pta ffierminationforthereviewperiodsoftheExt.eriorA|terationrequestSintheCC| and CCll zone districts: ' Staff is recommending 90 day review periods for all of the following proiects: A. A request for a major CCll exterior alteration and a height variance to allow for the enclosure of the elevator shalt for the Antlers Condominiums located at 680 West Lionshead Place/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: AntlersCondominiumAssociation Planner: Randy Stouder -,r'---\-\fA. ) )e request for a major CCI exterior alteration and a height variance to allow for lL_Z/ the redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building located at 227 Bridge StreeVLots C and D and a part of Lot B, Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing'Vr-J fu?o+Y /*^ c. /o*", (p'o Applicant: Hillis of Snowmass, Inc. Planner: Mike Mollica A request for a major CCI exterior alteration for the Laughing Monkey to allow an addition to the south side of the Creekside Building located at 223 East Gore Creek Drive/a part of Tract A, Block 5-B, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Jose GuzmanPlanner: Shelly Mello A request for a major CCll exterior alteration and setback variance to the Lionshead Center Building to allow for the expansion of the Vail Associates offices located at 520 Lionshead Mall/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead lst Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc. Planner: Andy Knudtsen D. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION December20, 1993 AGENDA No lunch will be served. Site Visits Ogilby Salzman/Dietz Drivers: Andy and Kristan Public Hearino C@b,f cz'49 2;00 p.m. 1. A short presentation by the applicant regarding a request to rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary Residential to Low Density Multi-Family, located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road/more specifically described as follows: A parcel ot tand in rhe Soulhwesr Ouaner of Secfion '14, Township 5 South, Range 8l Wssl ot the 6lh Principal Meridian, more parlicularly described as lollows: Eeginning al a point whence a brass cap set lor a wilness cornar for the West Ouarter ol said Section 14, bears (Nonh 29 degrees 28 minules 5l seconds Wesl, 1073.08 teet Oeed) (Nonh 43 Degrees 15 minulss 02 seconds Wes|,915.95 fest Measured): Thence Nonh 74 deg.ees 05 minules t9 seconds Easr, 10.76 feet; Thenco 183.62 feet aJong the arc ol a curve lo fte righl which are sublends a chord bearing Norlh 8g degrees 12 minules 30 seconds Easl, 18'|.76 feelt Thence Souh 77 dogrees 40 minules 21 seconds Easl, 62.77 leeli Thence 147.43 feel along the arc of a curve lo lhe leh ri,hich arc sublends a cho.d bearing North 86 degrees 36 minules l7 seconds East, 145.60 leel; Thenco Nodh 70 degrees 52 minulos 55 seconds Easl,406.55 f6et; Thence 54.10 teel along lhs arc ol a curve to the right which arc subtends a cho.d boaring Sorrh 47 deg.ees 20 minules 37 seconds Eas1,44.20 lgol Thence South 14 degrees 25 minules 50 seconds Wesl, 110.51 leel; Thence Soulh 68 degrees 18 minutes 91 seconds Wes1,320.00 feer; Thence Norlh l9 degrees 07 minules 05 seconds Wesl,50.00 feel; Thence Soulh 77 degrees 48 minules 4t seconds West, 160.18 teel; Thence Sourh l0 deg.ees 53 minutes 33 seconds Wesl,36.48 feel: Thence Nonh 87 degrees 40 minules 06 seconds Wesl,937.72 teel: Thence {Nodh 1l degrees 52 minutes l3 seconds Easl, 130.00 feel O€eO Nodh 1l degreos 55 minuos 31 secrnds Easl, '129.75 leel Measured) lo lhe POINT OF SEGINNING. Bea.ing from G.L.O. record lor South half of Seclion line belwsen Sections 14-15. (G.L.O. record Souh 01 d€grses 30.2 minues East) (South 01 degrees 38 minutes 32 seconds Easl Measured) Applicant: Juanita l. Pedotto Planner: Andy Knudtsen 2. A request for a worksession for an amendment to a previously approved development plan at The Vail Swim and Tennis Club, 2893 Kinnickinnick Road and a request for a conditional use permit for four employee housing units/a portion of the SW 1/4, Section 14, T5S R81W of the 6th P.M., Town of Vail, Colorado. Applicant: T. Charles Ogilby and Stanleigh H. Cole Planner: Shelly Mello Re: 20 December 1993 Mr. Mike Mollica Town of Vail Community Development 1 11 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Govered Bddge Building Alterations in CC1 - PEC Schedule Dear Mike: Enclosed please find 'l 14" floor plans for the above project for your consideration. The elevations and model will follow as well as Corky's view corridor analysis. Based on our understanding of the Ordinance and the Design Guidelines, we are in compliance and do not need any variance to build the enclosed project. Due to the complexity of the project, we would request the hearing process begin as soon as possible and, therefore, to be on the 60 day calendar, lf a work session is appropriate, it may give the developer some comfort in proceeding with the working drawings. We have about six weeks to do working drawings and construction of the project must begin the day the mountain closes for ski season. Sincerely, THMEY/PRATT CHULTZ ARCHITECTS, P.C. Edward M. Gwathmey. EMG/ad Enclosures copy to: Harry Frampton Ross Bowker 4i Date Date APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I VAIL VILLAGE M@?tol;:Fvrt5 Ibn1o W- ffl€t/l\L- ll.rs(lr*s # too 'Qfr- or ]r ication of PEC Meetin I. Planning and Environmental Cornnission review is requ'ired for the a'l teration of an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor patio or the replacement of an existing building L0CATEO IN THE CCI DISTRICT. FOLLOT,IING PEC APPROVAL, THE PROJECT MUST BE REVIEWED BY THE DRB. application'wi1l not be accepted unti'l a'll information is submitted. .. /' ,, I I'r/ t,/ NAME oF AppLrcANT cl cfi.:f /esy ,r'a^Y2,,'r, , / | 4 I * I The A.'Anlfh't,Et-khN)eoosess aea,ta& 2770. .tO J -^ /-:rf ltaa/ c) 6/L2-o PHONE '4 '7B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTAITUC flfO5S € {)PU}/AT /1 ,/ t-" /t r, t ADDRESS oaX 54&). 4/0nJ, CO , Yti"zr Pnone 'i4? - s'at/' 8/ ,#1/11<€/1 DuL?/'/ SIGNATURE( S) ADDRESS c. NAME 0F ot.lNER(S) ( PH)NE f7//732- D. L0CATI0N 0F PROP0SAL: LEGAL Bwi- F 13 5-b AoDRESS 4?',1 l&rEra 6TFv19r . E. FEE tr?f* emotnD/ cr*(bb "M THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I,IILL/ (ry REVIEl.l YOUR PROJECT. II. PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO OETERI'IINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION I.IILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE AN APPOINT- MENT I.IITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION I.IILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BYTMRMSING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PEC MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUE-D. THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. Improvement survey of property showing property lines and location of building and any improvements on the land. B. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject , prtperty INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACR0SS STREETS, and their mailing AddTeSSes. THE APPLICANT |.JILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. OVER ccI III. Four (4) copies of a site p'lan containing the following information: A. The site plan shall be drawn on a sheet size of 24" x 36" at a scaleOf I,. = 20. SHOWING EXISTING AND PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO THE SITE. Avariation of the sheet size or scale may be c..pproved by the CommunityDevelopment Department if justified. B. The date, north arrow, scale and name of the proposed development l,lITH ITS LEGAL DESCRIPTI0N shall be shown on the'site plan. C. The existing topographic character of the site including existing and proposed contours. This condition wi'll only be required for-an expansion area where there is a change of two fbet of grade. NA D. The existing and proposed landscgping, patios. E. The lrrcation of all existing and proposed bui'ldings, structures and improvements. F. .A tit'le report to verify ownership and easements. IV. THE APPLICANT SHALL SUBMIT IN WRITTEN AND GRAPHIC FORM A PREPONDEMNCE OF EVIDENCE BEFORE THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION INDICATING THAT: A. THE PROPOSAL IS IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PURPOSES OF THE CCI DISTRICT. AS SPECIFIED IN 'I8.24.0I0. B. THE PROPOSAL SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLIES WITH THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN REGARDING: " l. Pedestrianization2. Vehicle Penetration3. Streetscape Framewofk4. Street Enc'losure .5. Street Edge .6. Building Height7. Views8. Sun Shade Consideration MANY OF THE ABOVE ITEMS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED BY GMPHIC MEANS, SUCH AS SKETCHES, SIMULATIoNS, MoDELS (INCLUDINc NEIGHB0RING BUILDINGS), PHOTOS, ETC. IF THE APPLICANT IS PROPOSING A MJOR CHANGE TO DESIGN GUIDE PLAN, THE PROCEDURE FOR CHANGES ARE THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN NOTED IN SECTION18.24.220(B). C. THE PROPOSAL IS COMPATIBLE I.IITH THE CHARACTER OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD. V. THE TOI.IN OF VAIL ZONING CODE FOR CCI ALSO DESCRIBES OTHER ZONING ISSUES THAT THE APPLICANT MUST RESPOND TO IN i,IRITTEN OR GRAPHIC FORM. VI. THE ZONING ADMINISTMTOR MAY DETERMINE THAT ADDITIONAL MATERIAL IS NECESSARY FOR THE REVIEhl OF THE APPLICATION VII. APPLICATIONS FOR EXTERIOR ALTEMTIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN CCI INVOLVING M0RE THAN 100 SQUARE FEET 0F FLOOR AREA ARE ONLY REVIEWED SEMI-ANNrAlli. lrrv NEED TO BE SUBMITTED BEFORE THE FOURTH MONDAY OF MAY OR NOVEMBER. THE PECH0LDS A PRELIMINARY REVIEI.T sESsIoN wITHIN. zl DAys 0F THE susNiTTnL onrl.' n PUBLIC HEARING SHALL BE HF!.D I.IITHIN 60 DAYS OF THE PRELIMINARY REVIEI.I SESSION. APPLICATIONS FOR THE ALTERATION OF AN EXISTING BUILDING THAT ADDS OR REMOVES ANY ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF NOT MORE THAN lOO SQUARE FEET MAY BE SUBMITTED AT THE . REqUIRED TIME OF THE MONTH FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REVIE|'l. FoR MoRE SPECIFICS 0N THE REVIEl.t SCHEDULE, SEE SECTIoN 18.24.065 A5. Govered Bddge Building Adiacent Property Owners North South East West Town of Vail 1 11 Soulh Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Pepi Gramshammer Pepi Sports 231 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Dave Gorsuch Gorsuch. Ltd, 263 East Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Ron Riley Russell's Restaurant 228 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Rod Slifer Slifer, Smith & Frampton 23O Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Beth Slifer Slifer Designs 230 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Chuck Rosenquist Gore Creek Plaza 3777 Mt. Veder Napa, CA 94558 lla'rlq4 - odfao-rrs sLrr ou eN o0o+THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and. Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordancs with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on February 14, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a minor subdivision located at 363 Beaver Dam Road and 383 Beaver Dam Circle/Lots 2 & 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3rd Filing. Applicant: John Tyler/John Tyler, Jr./Robert Tyler Planner: Mike Mollica z. A lbqutisl, tul d, yyurAsgsslo iut il lrli4gt \r\.,11 I'^lt ttvt dltvlat|(J aru Jiir.9€.ur\ vdllqrtvtj to the Lionshead Center Building to allow for the expansion of the Vail Associates offices located at 520 Lionshead Mall/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates, lnc.Planner: Andy Knudtsen 3. A request for a worksession for a major CCll exterior alteration and setback variance to allow lor the expansion of dwelling unils at the Lionshead Center Building located at 520 Lionshead Mall, Units 208,209,308 and 309/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Victor Cano Faro, Transcon lnvestments, Inc., and Jose Luis ChainPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 4. A request for a minor subdivision located at 4316 Streamside Circle WesVLots 2 and 3, Block 4, Bighorn 4th Addition. Applicant: Walter Kirsch Planner: Randy Stouder 5. A request for a conditional use to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit to be located at 1 358 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 21 , Block 3, Vail Valley 1st Filing. Applicant Chris KempfPlanner: Randy Stouder 6. A request for a worksession to discuss proposed text amendments to Chapter 18.38, Greenbelt and Natural Open Space District; Chapter 18.32, Agricultural and Open Space District;and Chapter 18.36, Public Use District of the Vail Municipal Code. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Jim Curnutte ao A request for a worksession for a major CCI exterior alteration to allow for the redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building located at227 Bridge Streeulots C and D and a part of Lot B, Block 5-8, VailVillage lst Filing. 8.A request for an SDD to allow for the redevelopment of the Comice Building and a conditional use for the off-site relocation ol three existing employee housing units, located at 362 Vail Valley Drive and more specifically described as follows: A part of Tract "B" and a part of Mill Creek Road, Vail Village, First Filing, County of Eagle, Slale of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Commencino at thc Nodheasl corncr of Vail Villane, Firsl Filino: thence Norlh 79'46'00" West alono lhe soulherty ltne ol u.s. Hignway No. ti a dtstance ot 3ti/.uti leet to lhe Noflheast cornet ol sad lract d ; thence Soulh 10"14'00" West along the Easterly line of said Tract "8"; a distance of 198.31 feet to the Souheasterly corner of said Tracl '8"; lhenca North 79"46'00' West along the Southerly line of said Tract "B'a distance of 100.00 feet to the true poinl of beginning thence north 09'10'07" West a dislance ot 41.67 feel: thence Soulh 88.27'11" West a distance of 75.21 feel: lhence Soulh 27"13'37" Easl of distance of 77.37 teeti thence North 57'24'00" East a distance of 55.1 1 feet, more or less lo th€ true point of beginning. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicanl: Planner: Hillis of Snowmass, Inc. and East West Partners Mike Mollica David Smith Jim Curnufte Rod and Beth Slifer Kristan Pritz 9. 10. A request to modify the landscaping plan associated with the previously approved exterior alteration proposal for the Slifer Building, 230 Bridge StreeuPart of Lots B and C, Block 5, Vail Village lst Filing. A request for a minor subdivision and to rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary Residential to Low Density Multi-Family, located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Roacl/more specifically described as follows: A parcol ol lard In thE Southyr$t Ou.,t.r ot Sodlon 14, Torynshb 5 Souti, Rangs 81 Wo6l ol the 6lh Princlp.l Moddhn, moro Prniculsly d$ctb€d r8 lollowB: g€ginnlng at a point whonca a br.s3 €p sat tor a wln.$ co.ner lor lh. W.3t Quane, ol rdd Secfion 11, b€rft lNonh 29 degFes 28 minules 51 s€co(|dl West, tO73.Og leot Doed) (No(h,43 D.grr6 15 minuleg 02 seconds We3L 915.9€ l€€l M€.suioo: Thoncc Nonh 7,( d.9...3 05 mlnulos 19 sacods E.st. 10.76le€t: Ihonce 183.62 foot.bng the.rc d a c! o to lhe dght whlch ar. lubtends . chord b€.rlng Nodh 88 dig|g€r 12 mhules 30 seconds E.sl, tgt.76 leeq thence Soulh 77 degr€eg ,40 mlnures 2l secon& EGt, 62.n fs€l; Thence 147-43 leet dong tho stc oi s .!rye to the lett wfibh rts lubten& . dtord berrhg North 86 dgg.oes 36 mlnutC 17 seconds Easi, 145.d) tgqq lhotre Nodh 70 deg,ees 52 mlnut6 55 leconds Easl, ,l(S.55 l9€t Thttct tt.10 te€t .long the..c oI s cuwo to the dgll rvhlch .rc subten& . drord boatln! Sot Ur ,17 degre6 20 rdndsa 37 lgcond! E.st .14.20leet: Th.nco So{nh l,l degr€es 25 mlnuEs 5l) s€con& Wesl 110-51 fest: Th.n6 Sodh 68 deg.€€r 18 dnue€ 9l 3sconds Wost, 320.m hol; Thanca Nonh 19 degre€s 07 mlnd6 G5 3econds w€6t, g).00 le€l; Thenco So|.nh 7l dege€s 48 rnlnut€3 41 stconds l{te* 160,18leel; thencs South l0 degrec! 53 mlnule! 3i3 ssconds West 38,,18 le€li Thgnce No.th 87 degrges 40 mlnul€5 06 seconds Wes| 337.72 lggl: thenca (Nodh I I degroos 52 mloutei 13 5.conds E|st, 130,m leol D6od) Nonh i I degroes 55 mlnulgs 3l secon& E3st, 129.75leet Me3sured) lo the POINT OF SEGINNING. B6erh9 l.om c.L.O. rocord lor South h.f ol Sedlon fine betwe€n Sodbn! l+ 15. (G.L.O. record South 01 d69r!o3 30.2 mlnues Esst] (Souh 0t dogr"$ 38 mlnut€ 32 s€cgrds E.st Msasurd) Applicant:Juanita l. Pedotto \oo ot 'l 1. A request for a minor exterior alteration and a site coverage variance to allow for an enclosed trash and grease dumpster at the southwest corner of the Gore Creek Plaza Building, specifically located at 193 Gore Creek Drive/Part of Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant Charles Rosenquist, represented by Kevin Clair and Tom ArmstrongPlanners: Randy StouderiShelly Mello 12. A request to relocate the helipad to the east end of the Ford Park parking lot located at 580 S. Frontage Road EasVan unplatted parcel located between VailVillage 7th Filing and Vail Village 8th Filing and a portion of the l-70 right-of-way. fi::::l" I:1,'1i':ly::'n "Tl"i::: :,::;:';::::^ 13. A request for preliminary plat approval of a major subdivision (Trappers Run) on Lots 16, 19 and 21, Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West, generally located north of l-70 and west of the Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicant: John Ulbrich, represented by Gateway Development Planner: Jim Curnutte TABLED TO THE MARCH 14, 1994 PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING