HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT C AND D COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING 1995-1996 and 2007 LEGALfu. ErC 6/fP Des-gn Review Board WV /l"iL4) | ACTIOI{ FORFI Departrnent of Community Development 75 south Frontage Road, Vail, colorado 81657-tel: 970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Proiect Name: FOUR SEASONS OFRCE SIGN Project DescripUon: Pafticipants: OWNER VAIL DEVELOPMENT LLC 50 s sf,nH sT srE 1480 MINNEAPOUS MN 55402 APPLICANT VAIL DEVELOPMENT LLC PrcjectAddress: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: DRB Numbert DRW70472 FINAL APPROVAL FOR TWO HANGING SIGNS AND WINDOW SIGNS FOR THE FOUR SEASONS OFRCE ON BRIDGE STREET. 09/0412007 0910412007 50 S SDfiH ST STE 1480 MINNEAPOLIS MN 552102 l VAIL RD VAIL Location: 13 VAIL ROAD Loh B&C Block 58 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 2101-071-0101-5 See Conditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalt IOlO3l2O07 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made wlthout the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval' C-ond:2O2 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permlt is issued and @nstruction is commenced and is diligenfly pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0009373 THE APPUCANT SHALL NOT PERFORM ANY REAL ESTATE CONVERSATIONS OR SALES ON THE FIRS FLOOR OF THE TENNANT SPACE PER fiE ZONING REQUIREMENTS OF THE VAIL TOWN CODE, Planner: Wanen Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $58.00 t Conceptual Review Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgw.com General Information: All projects requiring design raderv must receive apprbval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required infiormation is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. DescripUon of the Request:T a7)wo \,o €v }J Location ofthe Proposal: Lot:_ Physical Address: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: S', J f"J-ln'.ror^. E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: r/N5rgns O C-onceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (mu lti-fami lylcommercial ) Minor Alteration (single.family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or For an addition where quare footage is mmmercial building (includes 250 For minor changes to buildings and site re-roofing, painting, window retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site re-roofing, painting, window additions,landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Rs/iew Board, No Fee tr tr z_ - 2q,( re /F re n \\t re falc trz l< ll Y/ Iq l^\ ,uit,t- - - - - * llll #"filb'.",a:fillh7 llli €ments, such as, l- I dscaDina. fences and t-/ TOWN OF VAIL Qucstirrns? Call thc Planning DcsL at 479-2I :x ll ( Tlris application is lirr any sign th t is locatcd within thc Torvn of Vail spccitic l'cquirc rlrcrl ts arc availirhlc liorrr thc Dcpartttrcttt of ('ontrttttttity Dcvcloprrtcrti' a Narrrc ot'Ilusittcss: .t6 L' n \ f n to rrj I tlrrilding tratttc iltr<l adtlrcss: 5re r{l \a t(, bou ow Phone: Na tttc of'orvtlcr: N4ailrnq:tdtlrcss: l) I Signature of olvner: Nu rttc tlt pcrsoll stlbtlrittlllS: 1 I t' d rtl crcrr t tlrltn owrlcr) Addrcss: -l.ypc of sigp (scc back ibr dctirtitions): n Frcc standing tr Wall sign n Othcr, sPccitY. Harrging sign Awning i li Srzc ot sign atttl sizc ol'lcttcrlllg lbr cach srgn proposcd: I I K L \r I I crrqrlr ol'hrrsrnL-ss tr(rrtilgc # llcrglrt ol srgrr abtrrc gtlrtlc l ( lL \ u nrbcr ol'signs ProPoscd: L NLrntbcr iutd sizc of'cxisting sigrrs: 2' 2 o X Jorf30 l.ocation ot'cach sigtr (attach a sitc plirn and a11 clcvation drawirtg or a photograph clcllrly indicatirrg tltc rrronosctl ru.n,iu,rt, l,r.i,d'- €L,r*'*> AJ'rd'.-.) 3't'^ ?'n9"..^ f,^t^.'o I l\1 !lltcrials artci colors ofsign (attach sanrplcs): o FEE: $20 00. PLUS $ 1,00 PER SQUARE FOOT OF SIGN AREA' For Office Usc OnlY: Fee Paid:ck#: Applicatron Datc: By: Co\TERED BRTDGE/ rNC. 50 I" SarnpleRp40, $ritr +oo Yawpawwac$,ilurfra lgcf,+ l95+lz8,+totrlol lss+lt&++,sl+F) September 12,2007 Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: 227 Bridge S$eet, Units E and G To Whom lt May Concern: Black Diamond Resorts - Vail LLC ("Black Diamond") is cunently leasing space from Covered Bridge, Inc, located at227 Bridge Street, Units E & G, Vail, Colondo 81657. Black Dhmond has requested permtssion to insnlt cerbin signage on the exterior of the building. The sign plan submitted by Black Diamond for exterior sigru for UniB E and G are approved by Covered Bridge, Inc. subiect to the Town's sign requiremenB. As owner of the premises, Covered Bridge, Inc. hereby authorizes the Town of Vail to accept Black Diamond's application for signage. Please do not hesitate to conhct me at (954) 784'3031 if you have any questions. Very truly yours, omb From: To: Date: Subject: "Christa Johnson (PLAY)" <cjohnson2@playground.com> <wcam pbell@vailgov.com > 0911212007 2'.21:30PM Four Seasons Sign Permit - Building Owner Approval Attached is the building owner approval letter needed for the Four Seasons sign permit submission. Let me know if you have any questions on the other portions of our submittral. lf you happen to have an estimated approval date too, lwould appreciate that too. Thanks again! Christa Johnson Marketing & Project Manager Playground, A Division of Intrawest Corporation 1050 17th Street, Suite 1000 Denver, CO 80265 Direct: 303.352.2948 Fax 303.893.1487 christajohnson@playground.com <mailto:christajohnson@playground.com > www.playground.com <http://www. playground.com > Confidentiality Warning: This message and any attachments are intended only for the use of the intended recipient (s), are confidential, and may be privileged. lf you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, retransmission, conversion to hard copy, copying, circulation or other use of this message and any attachments is strictly prohibited. lf you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail, and delete this message and any attachments from your system. Thank you. o'c r$ $1.; N -o- -(! e E rst $ 5 o () s)-6 \ ID !s o g $ E f ,o e6 E s(s o o F- ic) D'. I'ro{ nl oo(\a(f) :l ,P \ P lut- z F-() fo oZ o Lr-oul v$- Fz.tuf "r/-_..r\: /-r i: l-'l[,\,.]i \]t 'll i-::..:'itl n[:\ri a,l.::f: 1:,:iPi'f1() ?,r?.olt1 $s F. 5o TIR brf) .l.f(+- st r($\9 tr., !-q)rqS FSYS$sNNEcfis+CrAY x= +\<Sr - -L-E 's);c-ss 3.e.= (sNT 5)ss\$ q)6fisel\\R>;r()1l {r (s = s._aos- S).2' o 5e.SN"6P-$aq){f>B_J 6S -r'.. .9HPXP =CR6t- -sz\o$-=RFX=d-ofh c-.(9{'o+o oF.c) xs r)a s o 6) Ro)YJpl wc. u.t o z. tr(-) f,o voILoul 0z Fz!! T?3'WN C)F }AIL CIESiGN REVif,'i\/ a.;T"\FI: Apililr)vAl- !-q)ro t$F€$-sqJsN$Ecfis+6AE\t) =d'= D< =tE 's) -s0 3.e-= (sNTo2s9roq)r --gq)r) ERA>a-s\-/ q)()p p$ =S-Ao!- s) -r2' o -Ee-SN6p\q)${+>B Is-RN\JSx.9HPXP:lQ5tt -v'rs oq) '=PFX=a-ofih I I I SI.iI r)lo)lol 6'l nl til f.. 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I s $ \f)!- () z.ul J() F.r9 o $ oF o) ><s rors tf)v o)*o) R j LuF Category Numbef o"" ,4f /b /fq b Building Narnet (ovLRLrt ERtb6E 1i4k/LA/U6 Project Name: ('F (2N^r LNTQ+NL€ Owner, Address and Phone: ddr8ssand pnonet TtfeR DLUtt P,o ao bzP -5C Tsnslisllid CCILegal Description: t-ot Ct D etock.{- F Subdivision V f Project Street Address: Comments:li :l Motion by: Seconded by: D Approval I Disapproval Conditions: (statrnpprovat Town Planner o^r", ocT I b 144 h DRB Fee ere-paia $70, 09 "''*;;l;; nevr'w?oaRD ApprrcArroN - rowN olor", cor,oRADo DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:********** TNCOMPI'ETE APPI,TCATIONS I{AY NOT BE SCHEDWED FOR REVIEW.********** I. PRO.TECT TNFORMATION: A.DESCRIPTION: Cndo 6qrl.attca". B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction5' addirion (g5o.oo) ($200.00) X Minor Alt,eration ($20.00) ConcepEual Review ($0) D. c.ADDRESS: Block S-bLEGAL DESCRIPTIQN: \O9 I-Subdivision f4iL f;Uloe rf property is described bydescription, please provideto Ehis application. a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and attach ZONING: NAME OF Mailing APPI.TICANT: Address: El G. H. NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE : TqqdoTl FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100 .00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAI, TggUED AISD CONSNR,UCETOIf I. J. NAME OF OWNER (Sl : Autza 7uoat BL*. fuo. rZs.ec. OWNER(S) SIGNATURE: Mailing Address, APPI,TCAIITONS WILL NOIT BE PROCESSED WTTHOUT OWNER' g STGIIAfURE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid ab the time of submittal of the DRB applicaEion. L,aLer, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuat,ion of the proposal. The Town of vail will adjusL lhefee according to the tabl-e below, to ensure the eorrecE feeis paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VAIJUATION$ o $ 1o,ooo $ 10,001 $ 50, 000 $ 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $1.50, 001 - $ 500, 000 $500, 001 - $l-, oo0, 000 $ Over 91, 000, 000 DESTGN REVIE}I BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAL ItNLEgg A BUILiDING PERI{IT IgIS STARTED. .9 -I,IST OF MATERTAI.IS o NAME OF PROJECT: 6ae*a Sttrtia,e 4t*. S,,b* p?/L trtpm,ucas^r3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I,o?1fo1 BLocK 5-6 suBDIvIsIoN I/a)L illl*,E r'Ar 4uio STREET ADDRESS, The following information is required for submiE,Lal t.o the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUII,DING MATERIAI.IS: Roof Siding Other Watl MaLerials Fascia SoffiEs Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Ret.aining walls ExLerior Liqht.ing Other TYPE OF }IATERIAI.I Designer: Phone: B.LANDSCAPING: Name of ,aE E./) PLANT *t"to"r: Boranical- Name o Conmon Nqme Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.ous Er IndicateErees. Mini Minimum caliper forheiqht for coniferous Sguare Footaqe I ze of proposed shrubs. . Tvpe **IndicaE,e s 5 qallon. GROT'}{D COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATTON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CO}TTROL C. LANDSCAPE TIGHTING: If exEerior 1ighting is proposed, p!-easeshow the number of fixLures and locat,ions on a separatelight.ing pran. rdencifv each fixture from the liqhting planin the space below and provide Ehe height. above giade, -type ofriqht proposed, lumen outpuL., ruminous area and i cut sn6!e otthe light. f ixr.ure. (SecLion 19.54 .050 J) OTHER IJANDSCAPE FEATURES (reEaining waLls, fences, swimmingpoors, eEc.) prease specify. rndicaLe height,s of'recaininiwalls. Maximum height of walrs within the front, setback ii3' . Maximum heiqht of walls elsewhere oD t,he properE.y is 6, D. *.--= i G,,r<'' cBFsK d.'tr 2 #-.-.-AF ss.\g>I $ )- ff rl. ( rB+ r{' d. HI t6Itr (J VZI F<I qd,lz(J gs L-E 2<t !. o lrchtSH J !2971ffi- 5g L_ ar UP >?t Yt-t.' o lrJ 3 an t! ?o- l-', tr) _E-'.-|-__ i:rln| (.1 I t* {r) {-J I O i!. I F (:) I t--t ? tiJl: # 7ul:JO IFi:_ | dohclt -'i I U* $$3 gi$ u# trs -fl ,p HIL.'.u-'). I I I G(.) l5 ru 5 -\+t, rjl If. .l e () c|r.ln (o': I i 7):r-r Itio' I orI or -r It', Ia)l r.tl ?tr UI :rq rq _.'F-5J\ ,:t t'l() 7. 'l I I\| 4A' AI n\m .It F d :a Hfi gs P$$ hX t5g oP lnitoF,nZ scci 'o 2-{m :T r- "'l o o zm ddr, lr lr>h Cr t]!(t*t ts t'r FE1 =rrltt )-( R v $-/gu6e o zlal{l o--t I6lzl J 6 C]T 6r /'.idrrr_; EN.4y \/- y'17--*-- arl ,o I (,1 I frl ): (o a)rJl r-) .-{ I-tto I',to IoI Cr '.1 Ir.) |.-) | 'tl m a - s fr1 ---..1I I _'ftli FzIrrl a .J a) o 'j I'.J I .::J '+A\. -|ru ih s<c 1iln T $ 3l-:l - /gf6t ry% >Ifl68c f,{'oo C]T 6r r't=' '7T. =l' $"g I +& $sEt- II(n F- #fi $s PH$ \<rTB -'r X lCa !2cr l]olJ{,nz 3fr 3r -a-g(' =urF9 b(/tg -lrl. oof FTz---Irnt zfrl zlLn. Iilc {l >l J ge ;s'o F 'nJ,+b /" TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department February 13, 1995 A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an outdoor dining deck at the Covered Bridge Building (Covered Bridge Coffee Shop), located ai227 Bridge StreeVLots B, C and D, Block 5-B, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Planner: Julie lverson and Kiendra Hoover Randy Stouder I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicant is proposing to locate three outdoor dining tables and twelve chairs in an alcove olf Bridge Street at the Covered Bridge Building, adjacent to the handicap lift (see attached site plan reduction). The creation ol an outdoor dining patio requires approval of a conditional use permit by the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC). II. RELATED POLICIES OF THE VAIL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN A. Land Use Plan "4.3 The ambience ol the Village is important to the identity of Vail and should be preserved. Scale, alpine character, small town feeling, mountains, natural setting, intimate size, cosmopolitan feeling and environmental quality should all be maintained or enhanced." Vail Village Master Plan "2.4 Objective:Encourage the development of a variety ol new commercial activities that are compatible with existing land uses. Commercial in{ill development consistent with established horizontal zoning regulations shall be encouraged to provide activily generators, accessible green spaces, public plazas, and streetscape improvements to the pedestrian network throughout the Village. Physically improve the existing pedestrian ways by landscaping and other improvements. 2.4.1 Policy: o 3.1 Objective: 3.1.1 Policy: Private development projects shall incorporate streetscape improvements such as paver treatments, landscaping, lighting and seating areas along adjacent pedestrian ways. 3.3 Objective: Encourage a wide variety of activities, events and street life along pedestrian ways and plazas. 3.3.2 Policy: Outdoor dining is an important streetscape feature and shall be encouraged in commercial in{ill or redevelopment projects." C. The Vail Village Design Considerations "Dining Decks and patios when properly designed, bring people to the streets, provide opportunities to look and be looked at, and generally contribute to the liveliness of the street and making a richer pedestrian environment and experience than il those streets were empty. Decks and patios should be sited and designed with due consideration to sun, wind, views and pedestrian activity." The proposed location lor the outdoor tables at the Covered Bridge Building will provide for an attractive and enjoyable location to have morning coffee and enjoy the street life as people head for the mountain to begin their ski or shopping activities. Although the seating area does not provide mountain views, it is located at the main pedestrian entry way to the Village. The tables are proposed to be located in an alcove off of Bridge Street, tucked in between Pepi's and the ADA lift. This location, typically devoid of commercial activig in the morning hours, will be enlivened by the proposed use. The alcove provides protection from the wind and receives morning sun. The Land Use Plan, the Vail Village Master Plan, and the Vail Village Design Considerations encourage commercial activities along major pedestrian ways. The Town's goals and objectives clearly support activilies such as outdoor dining decks/areas where they are compatible with adjacent land uses. The following section of this memorandum will examine the potential impacts of the dining deck on Town services and adjacent land uses. III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the lollowing factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development obiectaves ol the Town. o The previous section of this memorandum cites several policies of the Comprehensive Plan that support uses such as outdoor dining decks along major pedestrian ways (i.e. Bridge Street). Outdoor dining areas, especially those located in the Village Core, create a festive ambience along pedestrian ways and should be encouraged by the Town where such activities do not interfere with adjacent properties and uses. Staff feels that the outdoor dining area proposed by the Covered Bridge Coffee Shop is appropriate in the proposed location. Adjacent businesses should benefit from the increased commercial activity associated with the proposed use. The proposed outdoor dining area is located in the Commercial Core I zone district. The purpose statement for that district is sited below, along with the purpose statement for the conditional use section of the Code. Staff feels that the proposed use compliments the permitted uses and structures in the immediate vicinity. lf the dining area is adequately maintained, there should be no adverse impacts on adjacent properties. The proposed use is specifically encouraged by the Town's Comprehensive Plan. 2. The effect ol the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Since this portion of the Village Core is strictly a pedestrian environment, the proposed use will not generate any additional vehicular tratfic or parking needs. The proposed dining area will have no impact on the light and air enjoyed by adjacent businesses. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestlian salety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. The outdoor dining tables would be located on the Covered Bridge Building property and thus will have no impact on snow removal, traffic flow and access along this section of Bridge Streel. The area where the outdoor dining tables will be located will be privately maintained. Three tables and twelve chairs are proposed to be located in the alcove adjacent to the handicapped lift at the Covered Bridge Building. These tables have been arranged to maintain a 4-foot clear access to the handicap lift at all times. This meets ADA access requirements and has been reviewed by the Town of Vail Building Department. Staff is concerned about the generation of trash and the ability of the owners to bus the tables and keep the area clean and neat. The generation of waste from businesses located in the Covered Bridge Building was a major issue associated with the redevelopment of the property. Thus, it is imperative that the Covered Bridge Coffee Shop owners maintain the outdoor dining area so that it is free of trash and debris at all times. Garbage must be disposed of appropriately, in accordance with conditions and agreements established by the PEC when the coffee shop was given permission to operate in the Covered Bridge Building. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The proposed outdoor dining area will enhance the pedestrian experience along Bridge Street by providing a warm, friendly gathering place for skiers entering the Village via the Covered Bridge. Morning skier traffic would be welcomed to the Village core with a cup ol hot colfee and a warm breakfast sandwich. The coffee shop will serve lower Bridge Street and will not compete with adjacent commercial uses, but will instead increase pedestrian activity and provide a much needed focal point for lower Bridge Street. The scale of the use, three small tables, is appropriate for the size of the alcove and its location on Bridge Street. B. Findinqs The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinos before orantino a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is localed. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code, For the PEC's reference, the CCI purpose statements and Conditional Use Permit purpose statements have been cited below. -18.24.010 Commercial Core l - Purpose. The Commercial Core I district is intended to provide sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Village commercial area, with its predominantly pedestrian environment. The Commercial Core I district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses. The district regulates in accordance with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrianways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the Village. 18.60.010 Purpose - Limitations. In order to provide the flexibility necessary to achieve the objectives of this title, specified uses are permitted in certain districts subject to the granting of a conditional use permit. Because of their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require review and evaluation so that they may be located properly with respect to the purposes of this title and with respect to their elfects on surrounding properties. The review process prescribed in this chapter is intended to assure compatibility and harmonious development between conditional uses and sunounding properties and the town at large. Uses listed as conditional uses in the various districts may be permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as the town may prescribe to ensure that the location and operation ol the conditional uses will be in accordance with development objectives of the town and will not be detrimental to other uses or properties. Where conditions cannot be devised to achieve these objectives, applications for conditional use permits shall be denied." IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff feels this request for a conditional use permit meets the criteria and finding sections discussed above. Staff also finds that the proposed use and its location are in accordance with the Purpose Section of the Conditional Use Permit section of the Zoning Code and the Purpose Section of the Commercial Core I zone district. Staff has included conditions pertaining to the operation and maintenance of the outdoor dining area so that the health, satety and welfare of the general population will not be adversely impacted by the proposed use. Therefore, staff is recommending approval of the conditional use permit so that the Covered Bridge Coffee Shop may be allowed to operate three tables with twelve chairs as an outdoor dining deck at the proposed location shown on the attached site plan. Please note that the staff requesls that the PEC place the following conditions of approval on the conditional use permit: 1. The outdoor dining area shall be limited to three tables and twelve chairs, located so that they do not interfere with access to the handicapped lift. 2. The area shall be maintained free of trash and debris at all times. A trash container shall be provided and promptly emptied when full. All garbage shall be disposed of in accordance with the approved trash removal plan for the Covered Bridge Building. 3. The Design Review Board shall review the materials, location and general aesthetics of the proposal (i.e. tables, chairs and trash receptacles) in accordance with Chapter 18.54 ot the Code. 4. Hours of operation shall be the same as those of the Coflee Shop (6:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.). ll these hours create a nuisance for adjacent lodges (noise impacts), staff will bring this item back to the PEC for reconsideration. clpec\m€mos\coll€€.2 1 3 t'' ll'irnm January 25, 1995 Randy Stouder Community Developer Town of Vail 75 S Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Randy, The following points address the questions asked in the Application for Conditional Use permit. Please let us know if any firrther information is needed prior to the PEC meeting. l) This application is being submitted for a permit to allow outside tables to be used by Covered Bridge Coffeg located in the Covered Bridge Building (227 Bidge Street). The request includes 3 tables, 12 chairs, all of which would be located on East West Partners property adjacent to Bridge Street. There would be no infliction upon the pedestrian traffic in this area and would not obstruct any surrounding properties. a) The proposed tables and chairs will have no detrimental impact or relationship on the development objectives of the Town of Vail. b) There will be no negative effects to light or air of the surrounding area. Also, the seating area will not create any more foot traffic than usual, nor efect any transportation facility. It will solely be used as additional seating on good weather days for the coffee store. c) The tables and chairs will not effect pedestrian flow, safety or convenience because the location is not directly on Bridge Street but offto the side. Removal of snow and parking will also not be affected because the tables and chairs will be brought inside during closed hours (early morning and late night). d) The character of the area will not be effected as the proposed fumiture is tasteful, clean" and has been approved by the building owners. Each iable is approximately 2 ll2 feet in circumference and there is space between each table for easy accessibility to the entire area. Thank you for your consideration ofthis application. Sincerely, Julie lverson and Kiendra Hoover. I l,*', r f T F u 0 7 $s$.3 UFfi*L rl} Qo.!- S:-rf tI +z J o- UJFFI CD 0 7 u) 0 rtl ,l oBtr fFo €g o>0o I' itol*l a{ AT w4) F =z$r.:ilr- lito {.o.S rohE sfl$6 $9rI $3t\l\+ '{;O:-l\ \i $\ +_ .,*Lqt o- o.cooo. CDg Itttt ,S, oo![t0 uotro>ao bo Et*6;. a E6rLo . **,^qtilm .H 6fot+if cfi, 0ttt { r$ i{-ioJ-e r': o p ,F'L T PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION March 13, 1995 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Dalton Williams Andy Knudtsen Greg Moffet Trynis Tonso Jeff Bowen Randy Stouder Greg Amsden Jim Curnutte Bob Armour Russ Forrest Kevin Deighan Henry Pratt 1. Swearing in new PEC members: rGreg Moffet oKevin Deighan cHenry Pratt Pbnnlng lnd Envlronrnct .l commb3lon ll.rch 13, 1995 Minute3 -'fpy Greg Amsden presented the three new members. Holly asked them to stand and repeat, " l, do solemnly, sincerely and duly declare and confirm that I will support the constitution of the United States and Colorado and faithfully perform the duties as a member of the Planning and Environmental Commission", term to expire February of 1997. Members signed forms. 2. Selection of a PEC chairperson and vice-chairperson for the period March 1995 - March 1996. Greg moved to go into execulive session. Jeif stated all personnel matters need to be executive session. Dalton nominated Bob Armour lor Chairman and Jeff Bowen seconded. Bob Armour nominaled Greg Amsden for chairperson, and Dalton Williams seconded. Jetf Bowen expressed that the board needs a vice-chairman. Andy Knudtsen suggested we nominate a chair and a vice chair at the next meeting. An acting chairperson (Bob Armour or Greg Amsden) would be in charge for a month or so each to get afeel for the meeting structure. There will be a final election at the first meeting in May. 3. A request to eliminate a previous condition of approval at the Covered Bridge Building to allow for the on-site preparation of food at the Covered Bridge Building (Covered Bridge Cotfee Shop), located at227 Bridge Street/Lots B, C and D, Block 5-8, VailVillage lst Filing. Applicant: Julie lverson and Kiendra Hoover Planner: Russ ForresURandy Stouder Randy Stouder made a presentation per the stalf memo. The applicants were requesting a modification of a previous condition ol approval that prevented on-site food preparation. Randy stated that the applicants were requesling approval to prepare cold deli and warm breakfast sandwiches, and stockpot soups. Randy stated it was previously agreed that no on-site food preparation was allowed, but that pre-packaged bagels' muffins, croissants and desert items could be brought in and sold. Randy said that the applicants were already preparing the additional lood items being requested. Randy went on to say that Paul Reeves, the Town's health inspector, had reviewed the tood preparation at the coffee shop and had been monitoring the trash issue as it related to the coffee shop's wasle generation, Paul felt that the additional food preparation was not a problem from a health perspective or a trash generation perspective. Randy said that staff was recommending approval of the additional food preparation with the condition stated at the end 0f the memo. Greg asked the applicants if they had a presentation. Julie lverson stated that the basic sandwich materials come to the shop pre-prepared and all they do is put the items on bread. She stated that everything was done according to the health code, and that waste generation was minimal. Dalton stated that previously, there was a lot of concern over a restaurant being located in the Covered Bridge Building. The concerns were related to the inability of the new building owners to work out a reasonable trash removal process. Restaurants usually generate a significant amount of obnoxious trash. Thus, restaurants were prohibited lrom the building, except for the coffee shop which could not prepare food on-site. Dalton said he wanted one of two things, to either revoke lhe coffee shop use or lo allow for a full scale reslaurant use. Dalton said that he was leaning toward revoking the coffee shop use due to the lack of adherence to the no on-site food preparation condition. Jeff Bowen agreed with Dalton and stated that he had voted no to the coffee shop when it was original proposed, due to the concern over the trash removal problem. Jeff expressed sympathy for the applicants who were caught up in this situation. However, he noted that a BFI truck had backed down Bridge Street and basically closed it down the previous Monday or Tuesday in an effort to collect the trash from the Covered Bridge Building. Trash trucks on lower Bridge Street are expressly prohibited. Julie lverson and Kiendra Hoover expressed concern regarding being caught in the middle due to a trash issue which is completely out ol their hands. Dalton noted that the problem is not between the applicanls and commission, but with the owners of the building and commission. Kiendra Hoover stated that even if they were a retail shop they would still have trash and Jeff re-explained that his problem is with the owners that run the building and they are in violation of the originally approved trash removal plan. Dalton stated that the apdicants are in violation of the no on-site food preparation condition. He went into the restaurant on the site visit today and noted the food prep in process. Bob Armour thought that the building owner should be in front of the PEC if the no food preparation condition is to be removed, in order that they might address the trash removal issue. The applicants stated that they don't feel that food preparation is taking place. They stated that the assembly ol sandwiches on-site does not create any more trash than if sandwiches were being brought in pre-wrapped. Russ Forrest stated that he and Paul would address the trash rernoval problems with BFI and the building owner directly. Ron Riley asked how the trash situation works? The applicants stated someone designated by East West Partners (the building owners and. managers) drags trash down the street to the Clock Tower building and waits lor the BFI truck. Julie lverson and Kiendra Hoover stated that they felt that the trash arrangemenl does work. Randy stated that Paul Reeves has been monitoring the trash situation and it had apparently been working. Ron Riley stated that by limiting the applicants to only brewing cotfee, that the PEC was only allowing them to be half in business. Plannlng rnd Eruircnrnentd Comml$lon Urrch 13, 1995 lllnutes Bob Armour made a motion to allow for limited, on-site preparation of food at the Covered Bridge Building (Covered Bridge Coffee Shop), located a1227 Bridge Street, Lots B, C, and D, Block 5-b, Vail Village 1st Filing, with the condition stated in the statf memo and with the additional condition that the approval would extend only to this particular cotlee' shop and these particular applicants. When the applicants move on, the next owner will have to come betore the PEC, if they wish to continue a limited service restaurant at this location. Dalton seconded the motion. A discussion ensued and it was re-emphasized that if the shop changed hands, that the original condition of no restaurant at all would- apply once again. Bob Armour motioned to include the applicants names in the motion, and a vote of 5-1-1 approved the motion. Henry Pratt abstained and Jetf Bowen voted against the motion. 4. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an outdoor dining deck at the Covered Bridge Building (Covered Bridge Coffee Shop), located at227 Bridge StreevLots B, C and D, Block 5-B, Vail Village 'lst Filing. Applicant: Julie lverson and Kiendra HooverPlanner: Randy Stouder Randy presented the item per the staff memo. He summarized the work session from the last meeting as follows. Three tables were too much for the space and the tables should be atfixed so there would be no problems with access to the ADA lift. There was originally a streetscape bench against the wall at Pepi's. Staff feels tables are encouraged by the Town's Comprehensive Plan. Staff recognizes that the proposed location is not ideal, but its all the applicants had to work with. The Design Guidelines lor Vail Village discuss physical separation of dining areas from streets. The re-developed building does not allow for the desired separation, Other worksession issues related to trash removal, maintaining access to ADA lift, rowdy bar patrons using the tables after hours and disturbing the adjacent lodge guests, and the lack of quality regarding the proposed materials (plastic chairs and tables). The applicants proposed a better quality for the tables and chairs. Randy Stouder stated two lables and eight chairs would work in the space requested. The applicant stated that the chairs could be taken off the street at anytime the PEC desired. Julie lverson stated that during the weekends, 15 people sit on the planters out front of the store. Randy noted that there was a trash problem, in that the customers were leaving cups and other items in the planters. The applicants would provide a trash receptacle in conjunction with the tables which would help this problem. Henry Pratt stated that he would abstain from the vote since his firm was involved in the design of the re-developed building. Kevin Deighan stated he was concerned with the tables being affixed, stating that he thought that pedestrians would sit or lean on the tables and damage them after hours. Kevin wanted a condition that the dining area be cleaned daily and tables and chairs taken in at night. Bob Armour was concerned about no physical separation between the dining area and street. Jeff Bowen agreed. Greg Amsden encouraged a physical barrier as well, but noted that this could conflict with access to the ADA lift. Greg expressed concern about two tables just popped in without the typical separation, and agreed with the concern about after hour usage of atfixed tables. Greg would prefer to see an informal seating area, stating that tables were out of place in the proposed location. Dalton williams had to leave the meeting, due to an emergency. Plmnlng.nd Erfl lronnrent.l Commlsslon ll.rch 13, 1995 lllruto3 ?tr; ', n" Py Bob Armour made a motion to allow for limited, on-site preparation of food at the Covered Bridge Building (Covered Bridge Coffee Shop), located at227 Bridge Street, Lots B, G, and D, Block 5-b, Vail Village 1st Filing, with the condition stated in the staff memo and with the additional condition that the approval would extend only to this particular cotfee shop and these particular applicants. When the applicants move on, the next owner will have to come before the PEC, if they wish to continue a limited service restaurant at this location. Dalton seconded the motion. A discussion ensued and il was re-emphasized that if the shop changed hands, that the original condition of no restaurant at all would apply once again. Bob Armour motioned to include the applicants names in the motion, and a vote of 5-1-1 approved the motion. Henry Pratt abstained and Jetf Bowen voted against the motion. 4. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an outdoor dining deck at the Covered Bridge Building (Covered Bridge Coffee Shop), located at227 Bridge StreeVLots B, C and D, Block 5-8, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: Julie lverson and Kiendra HooverPlanner: Randy Stouder Randy presented the item per the staff memo. He summarized the work session from the last meeting as follows. Three tables were too much for the space and the tables should be affixed so there would be no problems with access to the ADA lift. There was originally a streetscape bench against the wall at Pepi's. Staff feels tables are encouraged by the Town's Comprehensive Plan. Staff recognizes that the proposed location is not ideal, but its all the applicants had to work with. The Design Guidelines for Vail Village discuss physical separation of dining areas from streets. The re-developed building does not allow for the desired separation. Other worksession issues related to trash removal, maintaining access to ADA lift, rowdy bar patrons using the tables after hours and disturbing the adjacent lodge guests, and the lack of quality regarding the proposed materials (plastic chairs and tables). The applicants proposed a better quality for the tables and chairs. Randy Stouder stated two tables and eight chairs would work in the space requested. The applicant stated that the chairs could be taken off the street at anytime the PEC desired. Julie lverson stated that during the weekends, 15 people sit on the planters out lront of the store. Randy noted that there was a trash problem, in that the customers were leaving cups and other items in the planters. The applicants would provide a trash receptacle in conjunction with the tables which would help this problem. Henry Pratt stated that he would abstain from the vote since his firm was involved in the design of the re-developed building. Kevin Deighan stated he was concerned with the tables being affixed, stating that he thought that pedestrians would sit or lean on the tables and damage them after hours. Kevin wanted a condition that the dining area be cleaned daily and tables and chairs taken in at night. Bob Armour was concerned about no physical separation between the dining area and street. Jetf Bowen agreed. Greg Amsden encouraged a physical barrier as well, but noted hat this could conflict with access to the ADA lift. Greg expressed concern about two tables just popped in without the typical separation, and agreed with the concern about after hour usage of affixed tables. Greg would prefer to see an informal seating area, stating that tables were out of place in the proposed location. Dallon Williams had to leave the meeting, due to an emergency. Plrnnl.€ and Erwlronn|ent l Commbslon ilarch 13, 1995 frrlnutss 5. Jeff Bowen made a motion to deny the request for an outdoor dining deck, with instructions to the applicants that a streetscape bench or benches be placed against the wall of Pepi's as originally approved by the PEC, noting also that the standard village trash receptacle should be placed in the alcove along with the bench(s). The applicants wondered whal size the streetscape benches were? Statf described the benches. Bob Armour seconded Jeff Bowen's motion. The motion was approved by a vote of 4-1-1. Henry abstained; Kevin voted against the motion, however, he liked the idea of the tables if the issues could be worked through. A request for a site coverage variance to allow for an addition to the Ricci Residence located al 2576 Davos Trail/Lot 5, Block E, Vail Das Schone 1st Filing. Applicant: Nancy Ricci, represented by Galen AaslandPlanner: Andy Knudtsen Andy presented the project per the statf memo. Andy presented, on page 2 of the memo, five other examples requiring this type of approval. Andy expressed concern about the original size of the variance and that the applicant had decreased square footage to bring the site coverage variance within the range of previous projects. Staff recommends approval with three conditions on page 5. Greg Amsden asked lor public input, there was none. Bob Armour motioned that a request for a site coverage variance lo allow for an addition to the Ricci Residence located at 2578 Davos Trail/Lot 5, Block E, Vail Das Schone 1 st Filing be approved with the staff's conditions on page 5 of the staff memo. Jeff Bowen seconded. Vote 6-0. A request for a front setback variance to allow for the redevelopment of a residence located at 226 Forest Road/Lot 1 1-A, Block 7, Vail Village 1 st Filing. Applicant: John Krediet, represented by Steven RidenPlanner: Randy Stouder Randy presented the project per the statf memo. Building overhang is 7'from front property line, chimney and stone veneer is .5'trom front property line, stone work extends beyond overhang. This would allow more of the front building in the setback. Three areas of intrusion into the f ront setback 13'5" and 1 6' for front of house. Conditions, level of demo, nonconforming currently. No additional height in front setback, applicant has removed dormers that would have extended above that level. Staff recommends approval, reshingling roof, Greg Amsden stated the Commission hadn't had many questions since items were addressed from the last meeting. Bob Armour asked about driveway elevation. Steven Riden, project architect, replied that Forest Road is about a foot and a half down from garage. Jeff made a motion to approve a request for a front seback variance to allow tor the redevelopment of a residence located at 226 Forest Road/Lot 1 1-A, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing in accordance with the conditions which are contained on page 4 and 5 of the slatf memorandum. Kevin Deighan abstained due to a conflict of interest. vote 5-0-1. Greg Amsden requested a 15 minute break before the next item. 6. Pl.nnlng rnd Envlronmsntal Commisslon llarch 13, 1995 lllnutes Printed by Randy Stouder 7 /L4/e5 3Oam From: Randy Stouder To: Andf/ Knudtsen :::i::::_::1:-1i:1:: :::NoTE:'-: -:'7 /a3 /95::9:48am::: the covereal bridg'e coffee shop wants to open an outl-et at tfre curtain hill- Itd. shop. tfre coffee ctricks have toad rnL that the daily grind has lost the contract and wil-1 remove their cart from tfre sports sfrop'the proposaa therrou]-d invo1ve adding a .1 existing s to re - t he.-cof f ee con simi1ar to the sj.tua Iocatj.on.*€f; 6+*:HEF-+*:3-:ia#++aE it rooks r-ike. jus(ef+-@ q':Iil?_.::y:.:T:.;jat tl- e existing rre-q-iiTTEfrEnt and assess on1y the r vrtrat is the pxocess? i assume we wou.ld look of the nce a stan tabl-space provided) . any other issues you see? Fwd:by : :Andfr:Knudt se n:'7 / L 3 / 9 5:: 5 : 55pm:::: Fwd-to: Randy stouder diEE.e.Egsc.e-lac€-9ll on the occupancv o 4-_g_gel_g- (tfrls may l)e cll-rracu-LE s s IikeIY to be a].l ttre )1' V'r*the buildinq wouad ance for a buildingEi w-gs rg_ rrgLe ls_ lrinide;tif iEetA6-n-s i. gn to a multi tg4nan!- Eg at1 existinq €ic'nacte i nto co the new definition. ,.{arkLnq-- J-ooks l.ike you are ontop of ttris one ' -,.fse-- or 2 Anl,. p1astic chai-rs or tab]-es proposed?TefI them now whatt door dinin not aa].owed. L ) lidd ' rrl'vo)\ { . )..;,.rj)w (0r" I Nr^ o- ^\ /#\,/r J,rf, ,f*)/oF["'n Ft J-\( r.Gf hr _- i,(t1 , .,,.tr-{..,n-nl ,.ix'-t* $^\t'.-0' ,,"l ^, Y1'\ '( ^ X "",#tr\.K' :tfrf;''-$r----- r1:r-..'il;d;','ri'" "*n,rrr$ffi*r^ff { 0," { W{,,,:W r,,^ ?' nn o 6fr;.::'"k / \frq { h& ?.q 'N0 I4 ,1:) QK"I .0 , t5t; ^ ,l,/"$"f {es LK{ \ Page: 1 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT:A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an outdoor dining deck at the Covered Bridge Building (Covered Bridge Coffee Shop), located a|227 Bridge StreeVlots B, C and D, Block 5-B, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: Julie lverson and Kiendra HooverPlanner: Randy Stouder I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant is proposing to locate two wrought iron outdoor dining tables and eight chairs in an alcove off Bridge Street at the Covered Bridge Building, adiacent to the handicap lift (see attached site plan). The creation of an outdoor dining deck requires approval of a conditional use permit by the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC). ll. WORKSESSION ISSUES (2/13/95 PEC) The original proposal considered by the Planning Commission included three tables and 12 chairs, The Planning Commission felt that the deck area was so small that three tables would effectively block access to the ADA lift. The Planning Commission requested that the applicants propose two tables and permanently atfix these tables along the wall of Pepi's so that adequate access to the ADA lift would be maintained at all times. The Planning Commission also requested that the applicants take the chairs inside at the close of business each day, so that bar patrons up and down Bridge Street would not congregate in this area late at night and create a problem for adjacent lodges. Several members commented on the fact that a streetscape bench was required to be located along Pepi's wall in the alcove. The commission members requested that this bench be relocated to the pocket park along Gore Creek in the Spring. The applicants have responded appropriately to all of these issues. The following sections of this memo discuss the changes that were made to the original proposal which resolved the issues raised by the Planning Commission. Several conditions have been added to the memo to insure that access to the ADA lilt and the Fire Deoartment water connections will be properly maintained. MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department March 13, 1995 ,[ III. RELATED POLICIES OF THE VAIL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN A. Land Use Plan "4.3 The ambience of the Village is important to the identig of Vail and should be preserved. Scale, alpine character, small town feeling, mountains, natural setting, intimate size, cosmopolitan feeling and environmentalquality should all be maintained or enhanced." B. Vail village Master Plan - "2'4 objective: .=ffi"#:ff:'::,flitxif,l"l'"":f,""filiJ[",1'i],* existing land uses. 2.4.1 Policy: Commercial in{ill development consistent with established horizontal zoning regulations shall be encouraged to provide aclivity generators, accessible green spaces, public plazas, and streetscape improvements to the pedestrian network throughout the Village. 3.1 Objective: Physically improve the existing pedestrian ways by landscaping and other improvements. 3.1.1 Policy: Private development projects shall incorporate slreetscape improvements such as paver trealments, landscaping, lighting and seating areas along adjacent pedestrian ways. 3.3 Objective: Encourage a wide variety of activities, events and street life along pedesfian ways and plazas. 3.3.2 Policy: Outdoor dining is an important streetscape fsature and shall be encouraged in commercial in{ill or redevelopment projects." C. The Vall Vlllage Design Consideratlons 'Dining Decks and patios when properly designed, bring people to the streets, provide opportunities to look and be looked at, and generally contribute to the liveliness of the street and making a richer pedestrian environment and experience than it those streets were empty. Decks and patios should be siled and designed with due consideration to sun, wind, views and pedestrian activity." Two tables are proposed to be located in an alcove off of Bridge Street, tucked in between Pepi's and the ADA lift at the Covered Bridge Building. This location, typically devoid of commercial activity in the morning hours, will be enlivened by the proposed use, and will provide an attractive and enjoyable location to have coffee and enjoy the street life. Although the seating area does not provide mountain views, it is located adjacent to the main pedestrian entryway lo the Village. The alcove provides protection from the wind and receives morning sun. The Land Use Plan, the Vail Village Master Plan, and the Vail Village Design Considerations encourage commercial activities along major pedestrian ways. The Town's goals and objectives clearly support activities such as outdoor dining decks where they are compatible with adjacent land uses. The following section of this memorandum will examine the potential impacts of the dining deck on Town services and adjacent land uses. IV. CBITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. Relationship and impact ot the use on the development oblectives of .the Town. The previous section of this memorandum cites several policies of the Comprehensive Plan that support uses such as outdoor dining decks along major pedestrian ways (e.9. Bridge Street). Outdoor dining areas, especially those located in the Village Core, create a festive ambience along pedestrian ways and should be encouraged by the Town where such activities do not interfere with adjacent properties and uses. Staff feels that the outdoor dining deck proposed by the Covered Bridge Coffee Shop is appropriate in the proposed location. Adjacent businesses should benefit from the increased commercial activity associated with the proposed use. The proposed outdoor dining area is located in the Commercial Core I zone district. The purpose statement for that district is cited below, along with the purpose slatement for the conditional use section of the Code. Staff feels that the proposed use compliments the permitted uses and structures in the immediate vicinity. lf the dining area is adequately maintained, there should be no adverse impacts on adjacent properties. The proposed use is specifically encouraged by the Town's Comprehensive Plan. The owners of the Covered Bridge building have agreed to relocate the streeetscape bench, that was previously approved to be located in the area proposed lor the dining deck, to the adjacent stream-side park. Staff feels that the tables will provide the desired seating along Bridge Street and thus we support the relocation of the bench. 2. The eftect ot the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilltles, and other publlc facllliles ne€ds. Since this portion ol the Village Core is strictly a pedestrian environment, the proposed use will not generate any additional vehicular traffic or parking needs. The proposed dining area will have no impact on the light and air enjoyed by adjacent businesses. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reteren@ to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow lrom the streot and parking areas. The outdoor dining tables would be located on Covered Bridge Building property and thus will have no impact on snow removal, traffic llow and access along this section of Bridge Street. The area where the outdoor dining tables are proposed to be located, will be privately maintained. The two proposed tables will be attached or lixed in place and will not be movable. They will be field located before installation so that ADA access to the lift will be maintained (at a minimum 4 foot width). Access to the Fire Department stand pipes must also be maintained at all times. The TOV Building and Fire Departments will inspect and approve the proposed locations prior to aftachment. 4. Eflect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The proposed outdoor dining deck will enhance the pedestrian experience along Bridge Street by providing a gathering place lor skiers entering the Village via the Covered Bridge. The coffee shop will serve lower Bridge Street and will not compete with adiacent commercial uses, but will instead increase pedestrian activity and provide a much needed focal point for lower Bridge Street. The small scale ol the use, two tables and eight chairs, is appropriate for the size of the alcove and its location on Bridge Street. Staff and the PEC have expressed concem that if the chairs are left outside late at night, that bar patrons might congregate at the tables and disturb lodge guests in the area. Staff is proposing a condition of approval that would require the applicants to take the chairs inside at 10:00 PM. Hopefully, this will avoid the potential problem ot bar patrons disturlcing lodge guests. B. Findinqs The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos before orantino a conditional use oermit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. For the PEC's reference, the CCI purpose statements and Conditional Use Permit purpose statements have been cited below. '18.24.010 Commercial Core l. Purpose. The Commercial Core I district is intended to provide sites and to' maintain the unique character of the Vail Village commercial area, with its predominantly pedestrian environment. The Commercial Core I district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses. The dislrict regulates in accordance with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrianways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the Village. 18.60.010 Purpose.Limitations. In order to provide the flexibility necessary to achieve the objectives of this title, specified uses are permitted in certain districls subject to the granting ol a conditional use permit. Because of their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require review and' evaluation so that they may be located properly with respect to the purposes of this title and with respect to their eflects on surrounding properties. The review process prescribed in this chapter is intended to assure compatibility and harmonious development between conditional uses and surrounding properties and the town at large. Uses listed as conditional uses in the various districts may be permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as the town may prescribe to ensure thal the location and operation of the conditional uses will be in accordance with development objectives of the town and will not be detrimental to other uses or properties. Where conditions cannot be devised to achieve these objectives, applications for conditional use permits shall be denied." V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff feels that this request for a conditional use permit meets the criteria and finding sections as discussed above. Staff also finds that the proposed use and location are in accordance o with the Purpose Section of the Conditional Use Permit section of frre Zoning Code and the Purpose Section of the Commercial Core I zone district. Stdff has included conditions pertaining to the operation and maintenance of the outdoor dining area so that the health, safety and welfare of the general population will not be adversely impacted by the proposed use. Therefore, staff is recommending approva! of the conditional use permit so that the Covered Bridge Goffee Shop may be allowed to operate an outdoor dining deck at the location proposed on the attached site plan. Please note that the staff requests that the PEC place the following conditions of approval on the conditional use permit: 1. The outdoor dining area shall be limited to two tables and eight chairs, with the dimensions noted on the attached site plan. The tables shall be located as shown on the site plan so that they do not intertere with access to the handicapped lift. The tables will be permanenfly attached or anchored so they cannot be moved. Prior to attachment, the tables will be field located and inspected by the staff. A four-foot wide clear access to the ADA lift and fire hose connections will be maintained at all times. 2. The deck area shall be maintained free of trash and debris at all times. A trash container shall be provided and promptly emptied when full. All garloage shall be disposed of in accordance with the approved trash removal plan for the Covered Bridge Building. 3. The Design Review Board shall review the proposed materials, and general aesthetics of the proposal (i.e. tables, chairs and trash receptacle) in accordance with Chaoter 18.54 of the Code. 4. Hours ol operation shall be 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. lf these hours create a nuisance for adjacent lodges (noise impacts), staff will bring this item back to the PEC for reconsideration. All chairs will be taken in each night no later than 10:00 PM and will be put out the next morning no earlier than 7:00 a.m. 5. ll umbrellas are added (subject to DRB approval) they shall not contain any advertising, nor shall they block Bridge Street sight lines into the display window at Blue Harry's (retail shop above deck area). l:\Everyone\poc\rnemosbotlss.2l 3 \ Q. I _.i. =\\ \ ...-s" st \( o t- d_ tuf OLFo ILo ul mF E s ;NitliS) -R e"\ ,sSFti;s$.--.o \) x)<= -O =_Ic07 IInou)* J,X "v 5,1da4 f - -^ *'t' ./.+ F. 1gg5MAK ..\.,' .*l r i I tP P. ,\i\riii \\h\;.'J- ' i\ ''"'\il \\'' u - o Randy Stouder Town Planner Julie Iverson Covered Bridge Coffee A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an outdoor dining deck at the CoveredBridge Building (Covered Bridge Coffee shop), Iocated at 227 Bridge Street. o, February 27,1995 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: In reference to the last PEC meeting, there were several concerns brought up by board rnembers regarding this request. I would like to address those @ncerns, and have also attached a scale sketch of the proposed outdoor tables and chairs. The most cornmon concern was that the tables would block the required ADA handicap lift. Refening to the sketch I have shown to scale that we can comfortably fit 2 tables, 8 chairs, and still leave the required 4 feet needed for the handicap lift. The second question addressed the proposed streetscape bench. I have spoken with East/West Partners, the building owners, and they have agreed to replacethebench with the proposed tables pending PEC approval. The bench was to have been permanently attached to the adjacent pavers, which we can still provide for the tables. We can attach the table legs to metal rods which will be driven into the sand undemeath the existing pav€rs, so the tables will not be moved. The chairs will be free standing. Which leads to the final @ncern of hours ofoperation and additional noise. The coffee shop closes at I lp4 and the chairs can be brought downstairs to our location at an appropriate time, either closing or early if necessary. I hope I have address all ofthe existing concerns regarding this request. Ifadditional information is needed please let me know. Thanks Randy. I I 11.ly'!, ]FEEUV FEts 2 7 i995 . r.i.;illi, J[V,liti, Sincerely, Covered Bridge Coffee 'o EesrWBsr Hosptrertry /-_4f B eave r C re ek& R e s or t r-'(- ft<J ,z'-t C - \,- Randy stouter Town of Vail Community Development Dept. 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, CO 81658 Dear Randy, I have rnet with the Covered Bridge coffee Shop owners to discuss adding two tables in lieu of the single bench that was a part of the planning conmission approval . It is rny understanding that the T.O.V. would like to see the Bench moved to the Pocket Park instead of deleting it. I would be in favor of exchanging locations of the proposed benchto the Pocket Park and have approved the table design that is being presented to the T.O.V. If you should have any questions please do not hesitate to call rne. a .,- | Pe Co r4lv,il aa4*a Dann Bridge Building, LTD ncbr '4 uater ver o TO: FROM: DATE: SUB.]ECT: approval at the Covered Bridgre Building (Coffee Shop), located aL 227 Bridge Street,/Lots B, c, andD, Block 5-8, Vail village 1st Filinq Applicants: Julie Iverson and Kiendra HooverPlanners: Paul Reeves and Russ Forest I. DESCRTPTTON OF THE PROPOSAI ' On OcEober 24, 1994 the Planning and Environmental Commission(PEC) reviewed the trash removal plan for the proposed coffeeshop at the Covered Bridge euilding. The pEC approved theplan and imposed the following condiEion of approval I'No on-site food preparation sha11 be allowed except forthe brewing' of coffee. t, As part of their approval of the trash removal p1an, the PECauthorized the owners of Lhe Coffee Shop to serve such itemsas bagels, muffins, croissanbs and various desert items, aslong as these items were not prepared on-siLe. The owners arecurrently ',preparing,' certain other food items on-site, and have come forward Eo request that the PEC amend the previous condi-tion of approval so that they may conEinue to prepare cerEain food items on-site. Specifically, the owners wouldlike permission t.o prepare the following food it.ems on-site: 1.. CoId deli sandwiches;2. Breakfast. sandwiches; and3. Stockpot soups The applicants have provided a description of the preparat.ion requirements for these food it.ems (see attached hand-written statement) . A current menu has been also been attached tothis memorandum 60 thaL the pEc will be aware of all the fooditems currentlv available at the Coffee Shop. II. BACKGROT]I{D The PEC was concerned that on-siLe food preparaLion at, theCoffee Shop would generaLe a significant amount of Lrash.During the Town's review of the demo/rebuild. proposal for the MEITIORAI{DIItrI Planning and Environmental Commj.ssion Community Development Department o covered Bridge Building it became apparent that trash removalfrom Ehe properE.y would be especially difficult. .The pECnoted that other restaurants in the Village had become aproblem wit.h regards to trash disposal. The owners of thebuilding were sensitive to the pEc's concerns over the trashissue, but did not want to preclude the possibilit.y of arestauranL tenant at the building, since they had apparenLLyhad arready been approached by the fuEure coffee shop owners- A compromise was reached that required the Covered BridgeBuilding and t,he Coffee Shop to prepare and foIlow a trashremoval plan. The PEC approved the Coffee Shop and the t.rashremoval plan on October 24, 1994, with the conditj-on noLedabove restricting on-site food preparat,ion, III. STAFF RECOUMEIIDATION Paul Reeves, the Town,s Environnenlal Health Officer, hasperformed routine health inspect,ions of the Coffee Shop andhas closely monitored the trash removal operation forcompliance wibh the approved trash removal plan. His memorandum is at.Lached. Paul's observaEions reflect positively on the managernent oftrash at. the Coffee Shop. He states that the small scale ofon-site food preparation has not presented a t.rash removalproblem. Therefore, staff recommends that the originalcondiLion of approval be modified as follows: "No on-site food preparaLion shal1 be allowed except for:the brewing of coffee; the preparation of cold delisandwiches using pre-packaged, pre-prepared and ready toconstruct materials; Ehe preparation of breakfastsandwiches and stockpot soups as .described in theatt.ached statement by the applicant. No griIling,broiling, baking or frying of food items shalt beallowed. " If trash removaL problems arise as a result of Lhe on-sitefood preparation, staff will bring Lhis item back to the pECfor reconsideration. F r \everyone\pec\memos \cof f ee. 3 13 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 3e FAX 303-479-2452 To: From: Date: RE: Deparunent of Comnuniry Deve loprnent MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Paul J. Reeves. Environmental Health Ottlcer€q-€/ February 27, 1995 COVERED BRIDGE COFFEE FOOD SERVICE OPERATION This memo is in reference to an October 24, 1994 memo to the PEC from Community Development. The memo was in reference to the garbage issue in the Covered Bridge Building. In section lll STAFF RECOMMENDATION,.staff recommended approVal of the application. The PEC added one additional condition of approval, that the restaurant be limited to only pre- prepared foods. The condition w,as in reference to concerns about the quantity of garbage that would be generated if foods were prepared on site. .G",irrently, tl'le only foods prepared on-site consist of "to go" sandwiches made to order, and cclfee. This preparation is limited to cold deli type sandwiches, with no grilling, broiling, baking or frying. During routine inspections and site visits, it is my opinion that the food preparation that is taking place does nct significantly increase the amount of garbage ge4era,tdd by this restaurant. The restaurant is well run and does comply with the State of Colora'do Department of Public Health and Environments' requirements for food service establishments. I have been monitoring the garbage issue at the Covered Bridge Building on a regular basis. While there was an incident shortly a{ter the building opened, the issue was with the buildings management company, and not a result of actions by the Covered Bridge Coffee shop. The issue was resolved in short order. Staff supports the removal of the condition restricting the sale of deli sandwiches prepared on- site. The facility is equipped to prepare this type of food, and the operators have shown that they can manage this very well. The amount of additional garbage that would be generated ' does not pose any concern f or staf f . We are confident that this will not cause problems when it comes to garbage disposal, however the garbage issue will continue to be monitored, and if there is any indication that on-site f ood preparation is causing problems this issue would be immediately re-addressed. PNIIITED ON RECYCLED PAtrR February 13, 1995 Randy Stouder Tounof Vail 75 SouthFrontageRd Vail CO 816-s7 Dear Randy, I am writing this letter to address the issue offood preparation and food disposal at the Covered Bridge Coffee store. Certain parameters conceming food and food preparation were set up before rve opened our doors by Town ofVail and I understand there are currently some questions surrounding those pararneters. The menu item that seems to be bringing up some concerns are our sandwiches. We currently have all of.the sandwich ingredients brought in to the store prepared for use. The meat and cheese is individually wrapped and pre-portioned for each sandwiclr, and all condiments (including tomato, oniorl letruce, sprouts) are stced and in metal inserts ready for use in our deli unit. \Ve approximate that 20 -25 sandr+'iches are sold a day, which has become an important part of our business. The amount oftrash that is produced by these sandwiches would maybe constitute one tenth of our garbage. On an average day we produce 2 l0 gallon bags of traslr, which we do not feel is a large amount. The only trash produced by the "building" of the sandwiches is the wax paper each portion is wrapped in. I understand the original condition was prohibiting rhe preparation offood, and I hope t have adequately described our process and that there really is no food preparation taking place. We have spoken to Paul Reeves, the Health Inspector, and all of our procedures are done in accordance u'ith state health codes. We are asking that the food preparation condition be re-considered in this siruation. Thanks for your help Randy. Sincerely, \lu,D V'K (Jti" Iu"rron \-"' COVERED BRIDGE COFFEE CnII in your cofiee or lunch order! 479-2883 Espresso Drinls - Feeturing Torrefazione ltalia Short / Tall Cafe Latte - espresso with steamed milk 2.75 3.00 Cappuccino - espresso with foamed milk 2.75 3.00 Mocha - espresso with steamed milk and Henhey's Chocolate 3.00 3.L5 Americano - espretsso with hot water and cream 1.50 1.75 Cafe Au Leit - coffee with steamed milk 1.75 Macchiato - espresso shot with n dollop of foam 1.50 Doppio - dorrble espresso shot with a dollop of foam 1.75 Choftec!! - half hot chocolete. half coffec 1.75 2.25 Vail Blend - our reguler house blend ($1.00/$r.2s) Sumatra - our decefhouse blend ($r.r0/sr.3s) Special - roteting single origin coffees ($1.2sl$r.s0) Eot Chocolate ($1.751$2.25) Eot Cider ($r.75152.25) Fresh Juices ($2.00) Fnrit Smoothies ($f .75) Bottled Water ($1.25) Italian Sodas ($2.00) Snapple ($r.75) Soda ($1.00) Pastry Menu/Lunch Menrr - Featuring The Dancing Bear Bakery Pastries (2Bagel ($1.2s)- @.lVluffins (1.50)- (pCroissants ($1.75) - @)filteA Croissants ($2.25)- @Cinnamon Rolls ($2.00)- (QCookies (sl.sO) - (!,,,Drownie($2.00) - Sonthpich Selection Cheddar Swiss Provolone ($to.Lpot Soups,offering daily choices (fu)Build Yorrr Own Sandwich ($5.50) Turkey Ham Roast Beef Lettrrcg Tomato, Onion, Sprouts Honey Whole Wheat Bread or Bagel Veggie Sandwich ($4.25) OR Brealdast Sandwich (egg,ham,checse on s bagel or croissant) $11.50 *?turz cr-t- wrtw--. specialty Desserts AIso! Ask us"' D fuut Um4 *mof {E lP Antuol , tu'\ ) Uu '! i.t( ft)wfhLwt t1.'- !1afu4 {z< m- 6h,Kt lK hKaTpzd un LUak PLPTL fi 4o, @A4 \ il^r At u'u(RuqL 80 l-tE baqU't lu ry,0*1 Arwq ) Ol$V*t y", VwRryryA q pU'bLt(Ld'PtAttq tD a!]' Ur.a o^ pfaU & rv'?V'w- -P,qD" f}o LDL |D-tq rr,tu*lrr^a W Lry.(W Wua) D lEvAaanbl LtuW wuuo1wl Q pll'hLttA , Ptatu1 fu W ' E]"tA b.v p\a*u o& LnLvl.d, Fryt 'fu qo, $\f, LUL 0r\ AL:,aeA/, o$ U-b WutAa,,^a Pu dt4.(Wd lh ftu, c\ t!*4raa-wte ctvva, vnvvaryPuA 'Pru 't7&4 , &o4 b tu-t-r 'g-1t-wA 6nr p\aru utt-wwd Wt>tt -fD qp , @IJJ1 Wr4-1) \Mt bL'L w 0^'{zar12 dD tD - lS luua CPDr'a40'A/d1 '@X lt'1" @ Uniu"ft1tu2 loLu Lwt-p' pL'ba-w) i bll%'ttl ' \uWpd Va V!'a'u-' r,u'tPp f;o LLW' \&u Lu-a- u^ ',vcmrie, eb 1'o -2b PD1'u P^ d^albxwt ila'"uq) D Cmprrs (N^t-p- Wvbtvv-'t-A, VWa?f/) w lt"eall^ v-Rap' fuA w !lrAo,.u-t ufl04 oluflt'F Vrre qu-{- $x\ ^LLaqL t (E aovtt{ WfY ON1.W4) D Ulzow;u Lawr- p!o'ltu'w-A +WfA w S^"Rdn wauJ' %\[ tw gaAM^/ Wap nJr oqq \Nr+U- ar\ araar\qu t$ VQ bAovwwa W dxll , (sg; Nr[T Tftinv ) \ 'F\ ' -,t 4+tt jtnlwtclt fwlr $tll"tl' Ulltrtc' lwralt) WUW. '" r,'P fUuK rttu ad- iQtuMvtrl' tiit"t tru1rr; " 6^L, plJ-Y)LtILA , pL'gh@A 4 tq?: wd-wdilaau1 nuY(. W 1nt l)^^t' g""dMAtutL ioltfl"^ tf\ \t,LL\Vrtd u'u'r\ ' vv'J Y--' nu'a'F'cuewv'v Pao, , t g/,vt) 0r^ pltrfl ryyr- wu^.p Pz/ u' tuak llnpu -b 4O l'l' Lt),l, r,tri avkw(' 6b 2n '2'\ gm''t'r'i(lt-M Pu d-'*l 'D WW+t eanifwtilt' l'-qPd^a'td"t lni).t.,\, Lp'{-t'Ytrl|l/ , fttgL',i'or-r'l , plt- p'm'^"-4) , li^t-tA'r,.Llt.-- w'rlA :pft--ciltt-t:l ' lw -pnJimn4) cis'\$!/^k Lap' bM d) WlaN- L?aL'vz"tzl) oc\qs L rr,nlr 1D 0{'4tx,.*}4)d q$ uslnl lJtu'YJ a'L J J- '!4'R1't4-r" [t'11;['u-^2"' glrtd 0^ plart' 0p- g'apgA t/1^ ilax vr4 *fr 1o' \1,r- trrtq, o.t^. ilt.eaDp o$ Zr= - t4C b(ta'f:tagt hnfil'ttCh*l Y' tl1 ) wwA ^* CE g,'ps M p\L-tiada drietqrtNtcL. tuLfld uffi'L- S gtyud LM ryu/i /r< Slz1fofuar1 bttru 1 -/o (D. ltt. U-1.1. ^^ a*ueJo .6 Jo-rS Lnu,tx F^ da< , ^WtU'tll4 )I fu,bw%u(hvttrd ffi,dqt 1'- yeT-!qp/;'lut( $ff - j\lt^v t;k M(w'{'fi W rn "q*/^1 fk fl6r( (q, {\t'{zL-u ?t - /kf,6'" ,9y,:4 *4F,{ *,'{,;t1, ! Wc,^4OD$.er yfrr;1,"g- &do {* a104".-/a{ /hr^^*\ft" r-ryvv, f- l-l 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-21 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 To: From: Date: RE: Departtne nt of Community Deve lopment MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Paul J. Reeves. Environmental Health Otticer$€/ February 27, '1995 COVERED BRIDGE COFFEE FOOD SERVICE OPERATION This memo is in reference to an October 24, 1994 memo to the PEC from Community Development. The memo was in reference to the garbage issue in the Covered Bridge Building. In section lll STAFF RECOMMENDATION. staff recommended approVal of the application. The PEC added one additional condition of approval, that the restaurant be limited to only pre- prepared foods. The condition was in reference to concerns about the quantity of garbage that would be generated if {oods were prepared on site. ,Currently, the only foods prepared on-site consist of "to go" sandwiches made to order, and cctfee. 'fhis preparation is limited to cold deli type sandwiches, with no grilling, broiling, baking or frying. During routine inspections and site visits, it is my opinion that the food preparation that is taking place does not significantly increase the amount of garbage gener.a!6d by this restaurant. The restaurant is well run and does comply with the State of Colora/do Department of Public Health and Environments' requirements for food service establishments. I have been monitoring the garbage issue at the Covered Bridge Building on a regular basis. While there was an incident shortly a{ter the building opened, the issue was with the buildings management company, and not a result of actions by the Covered Bridge Coffee shop. The issue was resolved in short order. Staff supports the removal of the condition restricting the sale of deli sandwiches prepared on- site. The facility is equipped to prepare this type of food, and the operators have shown that they can manage this very well. The amount of additional garbage that would be generated does not pose any concern for staff . We are confident that this will not cause problems when it comes to garbage disposal, however the garbage issue will continue to be monitored, and if there is any indication that on-site food preparation is causing problems this issue would be immediately re-addressed. PRIIITED ON RECYCLED PAER t February 13, 1995 Randy Stouder Townof Vail 75 SouthFrontageRd Vail, CO 81657 Dear Randy, I am writing this letter to address the issue offood preparation and food disposal at the Covered Bridge Coffee store. Certah parameters concerning food and food preparation were set up before we opened our doors by Town of Vail and I understand there are currently some questions surrounding those parameters. The menu item that seems to be bringing up some concerns are our sandwiches. We currently have all ofthe sandwich ingredients brought in to the store prepared for use. The meat and cheese is indMdually wrapped and pre-portioned for each sandwiclr" and all condiments (including tomato, onioq lettuce, sprouts) are sliced and in metal inserts ready for use in our deli unit. We approximate that 20 -25 sandwiches are sold a day, which has become an important part of our business. The amount oftrash that is produced by these sandwiches would maybe constitute one tenth of our garbage. On an average day we produce 2 1O gallon bags of traslq which we do not feel is a large amount. The only trash produced by the "building" of the sandwiches is the wax paper each portion is wrapped in. I understand the original condition was prohibiting the preparation of food, and I hope I have adequately described our process and that there really is no food preparation taking place. We have spoken to Paul Reeveg the Health Inspector, and all of our procedures are done in accordance with state health codes. We are asking that the food preparation condition be re-considered in this situation. Thanks for your help Randy. Sincerely, \\ir,DV'4i ) L-'/ U{rlie Iverson COVERED BNIDGE COFFEE Call inyour coffee or lunch order! 479-2883 Espresso Drinks - Featuring Tonefazione ltrlia Crfe Lette - €sprwio with steemed milk Ceppuccino - espresso with foemed milk Mochr - espresso witi stcemed milk end Hershey's Chocolrtc Americano - espresso with hot weter and creem Cefe Au Lait - cofiee with stermcd milk Macchisto - espnc$o shot with a dollop of foam Doppio - double eopncsso shot with a dollop of foem Chofiee!! - helf hot chocolrtc" helf coffec Short / Tell 2.75 3.00 2.7s 3.00 3.00 3.L5 r.50 1.75 1.75 1.50 r.75 1.75 2.25 Veil Blcnd - our rcgular house blend (sl.00l$1.2s) Sumrtra - our dccrf house Hend ($1.r0l$13s) Speciel - notrting ringfe origin cofiecs ($1.2slsr.s0) Hor Chocohre ($1.751$2.25) Hot Cider ($1.751$2.25) Fresh Juiccs ($2.00) Fruit Smoothies ($1.75) Bottlcd rileter ($1.25) Itelian Sodrs ($2.ffi) Snepptc ($1.75) Soda ($1.o0) Pestry Mcnu/Lunch Menu - Fmturing The Dencing Bear Brkcry Pastria (2Brgel ($1.2s)- QMuffins (r.s0)- (pCroissants ($1.75) - @,) Filld Cnoissants ($2.25) -pcinnnmon Rolls ($2.00) -(llCookics ($1.s0) - Sfirownie($2.00) - Sandwich Selenion @ n"naYour Own Srndwich (e5.50) Turlrcy Hem Roest Beef I-ettuce, Tometo, Onion, Sproutr Honey Whole Wheat Brced or Bagcl Veggie Sandwich ($4.2O OR Brcelilest Sendwich (cggrham,checse on a bagel or croissant) $3.50 ($ro"r.po, Soups,ofiering deily choiccs C-heddar Swiss Provolone Specialty Desserr Aho! Ash uc..*IlurZ *tVatU. offffit#Vy;#trWo^wL(pavn (w Vn*ery-gA q pU - btPd , &at\ wwiq) 1r AU] . l; 4o, @r'^4 Ut AtL sttRoQL 6b tib baqUt W 41 ,0*1 6^^ p\aH 4k rvft*- -TD qD'-t\ b'6 rr,ru{*v*a Lu Lu< ( Dh-q \fu.u4) @ [Aod.raryttd WW wwarypeA ? PP- hLtJA , Ptutul ta W OW4V^A QlutA lj,t LLW @ Unrr^mtu) PsLu Uv\\4' p\'na'rzA t \tlarqn ' Whffi^J il # {rT- Y d*i2xwv- dr*'e'q) s) CDorr-rr w'14. yvv*-tA UWWzA w eMM^ v-Pa-p' fuA ur. lMo't-,,uflo/P oltvt$ Wqtuu M/\ ^Lfr\u t (E i3v'-< WIY O'r-1 A**t) OWmnU Cr\^\r- Qtt'ttutt+4 CVll+-P'Pd W S\Rnrn wUQ' %\d tu, gaptu^. Wa+ \-rwr1e \Ntqdl an attpw4u A, Vp bAr\^rvu-l4 W dtu4 , (ss; NDPT wav ) @ #tt gulwtcw inQLil'til+' (tl*"f trhO?) fnor r 1)'tttt' utttl c, 'lwvalt) f/Vjt't"'' cdWNfl bp:-r^a- ', Ml-, Pru - ba'tuA' f r\ t1"tt"1,.t o\ M'Y( ' Cuq1ntt' W.%\\ry' threA tAn Pltl-tt' (44- u-RuP Pzd \),1, M)l' uYr Nv{Qap' E) 2n '2-\ @ W-wW,+f eanilu'tW lYotatlla'n)) " \ hnvt- l-p'lt 'W,vl(l , pAe *l't't'tt'l ',CI"*!t d),, l.)vtt*r'-'Lytt-- rt]'r''t A' pl'4 -* ud' pFl - pwrJim o 4) clsuun'k LQ[, - bN]d) w\/'L LPat'l'tuuli') 'c\c\s L rr,ur 1D o{iltx,4-Y'd q$ Nry un,Yi A''t-' - J J" WNIAD M[ul,i-rz,-z-,,1 glxd 0^ f,l}n 0(a- w'apy'd t/1^ 11tdx [vt{x4 1:q."'^ \tr,r-xtJlzo^v'r**)("bVr=-hcbila'ffa7f%ttdt'rlckKYu'Ay) ,rnall7 WtuWA W \nt furt- g,'r'rAM tu4 fultfhtn a-t u. tunk lla"pta -b qO luiltr,irlr.u W d-*1 COVERED BRIDGE CO 479-2883 Esprcsso - Feeturing Tonefezironc Cefe Lettc -with stermcd milk Cappuccino -with foaned milk Mmhr - esprcrso with milk end Amcriceno - csprrrs{t hot wetcr end Cefe Au Leit - coffec with Mrcchieto - ccprcsso chot Doppio - doublc esprtsro shot offoem Choffee!! - hdf hot chocolete, Veil Blend - our regular house ($r.00l$r.2s) Sumetrr - our decrfhourc ($l.l0r$1.35) Spccial - rotating single ($r.2srs1.s0) Menu - Ferturing Pasfiies Call in yoar colfee or lunch. s Chocoletc of foem Short / Tall 2.73 2,75 3.00 1.50 1.75 1.50 r.75 1.75 Hot Chocolate ($1.751$2.25) Hot Cirler ($f .75lf,1"25) Frcsh Juices ($2.00) Fruit Smoothics ($1.75) Bottld Weter($1.25) Itelirn Soder ($2.flf) Snapple (S1.75) Sode ($r.00) Drncing Bcer Bekery Sendwich ($5.50) Chcdder Swiss Pnovolone 3.00 3.00 3.25 1.75 Begcl ($1.25) Muflins (1.51f) Croissants s) Iril€d Cinnemon Cookies Brownie (S2.00) / Build Your Turkey Hem Roest Bsef($2.2s) ($2.00)Lcttucc, Tomato,Spnouts HoneyWhole Breed or Begel Veggie Sandwich Brcrldast Sendwich ( bagel or crcissent) tXl.50 Stockpot Sonps,ofiering Speclalty Desserb Alsol Ash us".. CE g,rps a-L!- pr<L-att!- I lietq'v"ttcL U ald ilttut' bWntl w mt i fi- ftr4reafuaq btvt, | "lo {D . ht. u.l.! Au aLuelL % /o *rs bfi".bd g" da1 . Ttoot ,,.1t{ U-/ krwt tfi lnntz d+t ir+.l 6ah-r* l/z,rwe eb bnul,n. dn.o dhn-lcL trutt N1 6 , hp- .lrrdL L.^t).1u* ..-i)_htJ /t *, t- (at_-T 7u,u.,,rt1 , )ru,r) W4 Uhnuo,rtr oft;01, o \ COVERED BRIDGE COFFEE Cappuccino - esprtsso Mocha - csprrcro with " Short / Trll 2.75 3.00 2.75 3.00 3.00 3.L5 1.50 1.75 1.75 r.50 1.75 r.75 2.25 Hot Chocolete ($1.75/l$2.25) Hot Cider ($r.75IS2.25) Fnsh Juiccr ($2.00) Fruit Smoothics ($f .75) Botdcd lVrtcr ($f.25) Itiien Sodes ($2.(X)) Snepple (31.75) ($1.00) Eeer Brkery Call in your cofiIee or lunch order! 179-28E3 Espresso Drinks - Fcaturing Tomefrzione Itelie Cefe Lrtte - cspnesso ctcrmed milk foemcd milk milkend Henhey's Americano - espr$s{r with hot end cneam Cefe Au Leit - coficc with milk Meechieto - espncsco sbot with e Doppio - doublc espresfo shot with e Chofiee!! - helfhot chocoletc, hrF Veil Blcnd - our rcgulrrr house blend ($1.00 s1.2s) Sumetra - our dccrf house blend ($r.rols1.3o Spccial - noteting single origin ($r.2s6r.so) Pestry Menu - Fcaturing The Posfiies Sanahsich Sd"xlion Brgel ($1.25) Mufiins (1.50) Croissrnts ($1i75) Fillcd Croirrents ($2.25) Cinnrmon Rolk ($2.00) Cookics (Sr.50) Brownic ($2.00) Build YourOrvn Turkey Hrm Roest Bccf Lettucc, Tomtto, Onion, Eoney Whole Wheet Brcad Veggic Sendwich ($4.25) OR Brcddrst Srndwich ( bagel or croissrnt) S1.50 Stockpot Sonpsroftering drily choiccr Specialty Desserb Alsol Ask us... N 0 1qg5 \u\ ;\$\\\'Dt\'Dt?I $lR m .q _{'t- e tu Htu HaF U) ;€";NinliS) -R dt I 11v CHUCK ROSENQUIST GORE CREEK PLAZA 3777 MT. VEDER NAPA. CA 94558 230 BRIDGE STREET vArL, co 81657 228 BRIDGE STREET vArL, co 81657 Aryldr Btrr,rtrr At"ry*t BETH & ROD SLIFER RON RILEY SLIFER, SMITH & FRAMPTON RUSSELL'S RESTAURANT DAVE GORSUCH PEPIGRAMSHAMMER GORSUCH, LTD. PEPISPORTS 263 E. GORE CREEK DR. 231 BRIDGE STREET vAlL, co 81657 VAIL, CO 81657 2lzzlq5- ctdlao!-r-fo guf o-rf $N I rHIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18,66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on March 13, 1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. An appeal of a statf interpretation regarding building level versus allowable uses at the KB Rancy Restaurant located at 680 West Lionshead Circle, Units H-301, H-304 and H-305, Lion Square Lodge Condominiums. Applicant: Frederic Gould, represented by Wendell Porterfield Planner: Jim Curnutte A request to eliminate a previous condition ol approval at the Covered Bridge Building to allow for the on-site preparation of food at the Govered Bridge Building (Covered Bridge Coffee Shop), located at227 Bridge StreeVlots B, C and D, Block 5-B, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Julie lverson and Kiendra Hoover Planner: Paul Reeves/Mike Mollica/ Xh> A request lor a conditional use permit to allow for an outdoor dining deck at lhe2a Covered Bridge Buibing (Covered Bridge Coffee Shop), located at 227 Bridge StreeVLots B, C and D, Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Julie lverson and Kiendra HooverPlanner: Randy Stouder o MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department TII.T COPY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: February 13, 1995 A request for a conditional use permit to allow lor an outdoor dining deck at the Covered Bridge Building (Covered Bridge Cotfee Shop), located at227 Bridge StreeVLots B, C and D, Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Planner: Julie lverson and Kiendra Hoover Randy Stouder I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicant is proposing to locate three outdoor dining tables and twelve chairs in an alcove off Bridge Street at the Covered Bridge Building, adjacent to the handicap lift (see attached site plan reduction). The creation of an outdoor dining patio requires approval of a conditional use permit by the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC). RELATED POLICIES OF THE VAIL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN A. Land Use Plan '4.3 The ambience of the Village is important to the identity of Vail and should be preserved. Scale, alpine character, small town feeling, mountains, natural setting, intimate size, cosmopolitan feeling and environmental quality should all be maintained or enhanced." B. Vail Village Master Ptan "2.4 Objective:Encourage the development of a variety of new commercial activities that are compatible with existing land uses. Commercial in{ill development consistent with eslablished horizontal zoning regulations shall be encouraged to provide activity generalors, accessible green spaces, public plazas, and streetscape improvements to the pedestrian network throughout the Village. Physically improve the existing pedestrian ways by landscaping and other improvements. 2.4.1 Policy: 3.1 Objective: 3.1.1 Policy: 3.3 Objective: 3.3.2 Policy: Private development projects shall incorporate streetscape improvements such as paver treatments, landscaping, lighting and seating areas along adjacent pedestrian ways. Encourage a wide variety of activities, events and street life along pedestrian ways and plazas. Outdoor dining is an important streetscape feature and shall be encouraged in commercial in{ill or redevelopment projects." C. The Vail Village Design Considerations "Dining Decks and patios when properly designed, bring people to the streets, provide opportunities to look and be looked at, and generally contribute to the liveliness of the streel and making a richer pedestrian environment and experience than if those streets were empty. Decks and palios should be sited and designed with due consideration to sun, wind, views and pedestrian activity." The proposed location for the outdoor tables at the Covered Bridge Building will provide for an attractive and enjoyable location to have morning cotfee and enjoy the street life as people head lor the mountain to begin their ski or shopping activities. Although the seating area does not provide mountain views, it is located at the main pedestrian entry way to the Village. The tables are proposed to be located in an alcove off of Bridge Street, tucked in between Pepi's and the ADA lift. This location, typically devoid of commercial activity in the morning hours, will be enlivened by the proposed use. The alcove provides proteclion lrom the wind and receives moming sun. The Land Use Plan, the Vail Village Master Plan, and the VailVillage Design Considerations encourage commercial activities along major pedestrian ways. The Town's goals and objectives clearly support activities such as outdoor dining decks/areas where they are compatible with adjacent land uses. The following section of this memorandum will examine the potential impacts of the dining deck on Town services and adjacent land uses. III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of section 18.60, the community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the lollowing factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development oblectives ol the Town. The previous section of this memorandum cites several policies of the Comprehensive Plan that support uses such as outdoor dining decks along major pedestrian ways (i.e. Bridge Street). Outdoor dining areas, especially those located in the Village Core, create a festive ambience along pedestrian ways and should be encouraged by the Town where such activities do not interfere with adjacent properties and uses. Staff feels that the outdoor dining area proposed by the Covered Bridge Coffee Shop is appropriate in the proposed location. Adjacent businesses should benefit from the increased commercial activity associated with the proposed use. The proposed outdoor dining area is located in the Commercial Core I zone district. The purpose statement tor that district is sited below, along with the purpose statement for the conditional use section of the Code. Staff feels that the proposed use compliments the permitted uses and structures in the immediate vicinity. lf the dining area is adequately maintained, there should be no adverse impacts on adjacent properties. The proposed use is specifically encouraged by the Town's Comprehensive Plan. 2. The eflect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation tacilities, and other public facilities needs. Since this portion of the Village Core is strictly a pedestrian environment, the proposed use will not generate any additional vehicular tralfic or parking needs. The proposed dining area will have no impact on the light and air enjoyed by adjacent businesses. 3. Etfect upon traffic with particular reference to congsstion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. The outdoor dining tables would be located on the Covered Bridge Building property and thus will have no impact on snow removal, traftic flow and access along this section ol Bridge Street. The area where the outdoor dining tables will be located will be privately maintained. Three tables and twelve chairs are proposed to be located in the alcove adjacent to the handicapped lift at the Covered Bridge Building. These tables have been arranged to maintain a 4-foot clear access to the handicap lift at all times. This meets ADA access requirements and has been reviewed by the Town of Vail Building Department. Staff is concerned about the generation of trash and the ability ol the owners to bus the tables and keep the area clean and neat. The generation of waste from businesses located in the Covered Bridge Building was a major issue associated with the redevelopment ol the property. Thus, it is imperative that the Covered Bridge Coffee Shop owners maintain the outdoor dining area so that it is free of trash and debris at all times. Garbage must be disposed of appropriately, in accordance with conditions and agreements established by the PEC when the coffee shop was given permission to operate in the Covered Bridge Building. 4. Etfect upon the character of the area in which the propGed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use In relatlon to surroundlng uses. The proposed outdoor dining area will enhance the pedestrian experience along Bridge street by providing a warm, friendly gathering place lor skiers entering the Village via the Covered Bridge. Morning skier traffic would be welcomedto the Village core with a cup of hot coffee and a warm breakfast sandwich. The coffee shop will serve lower Bridge street and will not compete with adjacent commercial uses, but will instead increase pedestrian activity and provide a much needed focal point for lower Bridge street. The scale of the use, three small tables, is appropriate for the size of the alcove and its location on Bridge Street. B. Findinqs The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinqs before orantino a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of he use in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or wellare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in lhe vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the appticabte provisions of the conditional use permit section of he zoning code. For the PEC's reference, the GCI purpose stalements and conditional Use permit purpose statements have been cited below. "18.24.010 Comrrercial Gore l - purpose. The Commercial Core I district is intended to provide sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Village commercial area, with its predominantly pedestrian environment. The Commercial Core I district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses. The district regulates in accordance with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrianways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the Village. 18.60.010 purpose - Limitations. In order to provide the flexibility necessary to achieve the objectives of this title, specified uses are permitted in certain districts subject to the granting ot a conditional use permit. Because of their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require review and evaluation so that they may be located properly with respect to the purposes of this title and with respect to their elfects on surrounding properties. The review process prescribed in this chapter is intended to assure compatibility and harmonious development between conditional uses and surrounding properties and the town at large. Uses listed as conditional uses in the various districts may be permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as the town may prescribe to ensure that the location and operation of the conditional uses will be in accordance with development objectives of the town and will not be detrimental to other uses or properties. Where conditions cannot be devised to achieve these objectives, applications for conditional use permits shall be denied." lV. STAFF RECOMIT4ENDATION Staff feels this request for a conditional use permit meets the criteria and finding sections discussed above. Stafl also finds that the proposed use and its location are in accordance with the Purpose Section of the Conditlonal Use Permit section of the Zoning Code and the Purpose Section of the Commercial Core I zone district. Staff has included conditions pertaining to the operation and maintenance ol the outdoor dining area so that the health, safety and welfare ol the general population will not be adversely impacted by the proposed use. Therefore, statf is recommending approval of the conditional use permit so that the Covered Bridge Coffee Shop may be allowed to operate three tables with twelve chairs as an outdoor dining deck at the proposed location shown on the attached site plan. Please note that the staff requests that the PEC place the lollowing conditions of approval on the conditional use permit: 'l . The outdoor dining area shall be limited to three tables and twelve chairs, located so that they do not interfere with access to the handicapped lift. 2. The area shall be maintained free of trash and debris at all times. A trash container shall be provided and promptly emptied when full. All garbage shall be disposed of in accordance with the approved trash removat ptan toitne Covered Bridge Building. 3. The Design Review Board shall review the materials, location and general aesthetics of the proposal (i.e. tables, chairs and trash receptacles) in accordance with Chapter 18.54 ol the Code. 4. Hours ol operation shall be the same as those of the Coffee Shop (6:30 a.m. to 'l 1:00 p.m.). lf these hours create a nuisance lor adjacent lodges (noise impacts), staff will bring this item back to the PEC for reconsideration. clpsc\memos\cottoe.21 3 h.itr*asrr*qffi Randy Stouder Community Developer i Town of Vail 75 S Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Randy, The following points address the questions asked in the Application for Conditional Use permit. Please let us know if any further information is needed prior to the PEC meeting. l) This application is being submitted for a permit to allow outside tables to be used by Covered Bridge Coffee, located in the Covered Bridge Building (227 Bndge Street). The request includes 3 tables, 12 chairs, all of which would be located on East West Partners property adjacent to Bridge Street. There would be no infliction upon the pedestrian traffic in this area and would not obstruct any surrounding properties. a) The proposed tables and chairs will have no detrimentat impact or relationship on the development objectives of the Town of Vail. b) There will be no negative effects to light or air of the surrounding area. Also, the seating area will not create any more foot traffic than usual, nor effect any transportation facility. It will solely be used as additional seating on good weather days for the coffee store. c) The tables and chairs will not effect pedestrian flow, safety or convenience because the location is not directly on Bridge Street but offto the side. Removal of snow and parking will also not be affected because the tables and chairs will be brought inside during closed hours (early morning and late night). d) The character of the area will not be effected as the proposed furniture is tasteful, clearl and has been approved by the building owners. Each iable is approximately 2 ll2 feet in circumference and there is space between each table for easy accessibility to the entire area. Thank you for your consideration ofthis application. Sincerely, Julie Iverson and Kiendra Hoover ? F'E ztll,;q Fl[o {,4. : rtl it a- r\tr qt :su6 d9!9 $tt\t\+ T l- s 0 L $q$:uIflxL[] q1 !- S:-rl tD + 0I ul 0 ill _l €9ootD>tto'tro.o z J o- IUFIa -....... {0,b;;;;"., "tqt o- Fo.Eaoo Q \;a-tL 's:St E -.\-$t CDclt [!o' oIDv'g @ EoLo ao Lo E E6cq, Eqtt-o oa)L.,1rtl.r!lra-EE f.otai ai. o {i|Ir 4rl!hR9n \l-- t-s r$ -w.\$'\\ \Yd N,e8\-/. Fodf cs r.,ool-.F.o q'ct - tt' $. oQ-iL-- s- o Fll-t 00PY Greg Amsden asked Tom Moorhead whether removing the potential for demo/rebuilds from the 250 Ordinance had been considered. Frank McKibben, a resident and real estate agent in the Town of Vail, stated that the 250 Ordinance in the past has allowed property owners to enhance and expand existing residences. He did not leel that the 250 Ordinance allowed excessive bulk and mass. He stated that it was important that the Town of Vail maintain its bed base. Sue Dugan, a resident of Vail and real estate agent in the Town of Vail, was opposed to the removal of the 250 Ordinance from the Zoning Code. Kathy Langenwalter felt that the word "however" should be removed from Page 6, B-4, Page I, B-5 and Page 11, B-3. George Buther stated that would be done. Greg Amsden stated that he was adamantly opposed to the proposed amendments . andlelt that it was not in the interest ol the community to repeal the 250 Ordinance. He wholly supported the 250 being used for employee housing but felt that the elimination ol the 250 would be taking away a property right of property owners in lhe . Town of Vail. He stated that four of the seven council members have used their 250. Jelf Bowen made a motion to approve the request{or amendments to Ghapter 18'71 and Chapter 18.57 of the Zoning Code per the mefrro, w1h Kathy Langenwalter seconding the motion. A 3-3 vote denied this request with Greg Amsden, Bob Armour and Bill Anderson opposing. Bill Anderson stated that he was generally undecided on this item until he heard the public input today. He felt it was important that the 250 remain available for Vail residents. Bob Armour agreed with Greg's and Bill's comments. Kathy Langenwalter stated that excluding the 250 ordinance and considering the potentiat fur a25 square leet in credits, the Town of Vail was consistent with what Eagle County allows concerning floor area' Dalton Williams agreed with Kathy's comments. He lelt that the 250 should be used for the benetit of the Town, (i.e. employee housing). 2. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an outdoor dining deck at the covered Bridge Building (covered Bridge coffee shop), located at 227 Bridge StreeVLots B, C and D, Block 5-B, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Julie lverson and Kiendra Hoover Planner: Randy Stouder Randy Stouder made a presentation per the staff memo. Julie lverson stated that the Covered Bridge Coffee Shop desired outdoor seating and a couple of tables lor their store. PLANNTNG AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSIOI,I MINUTES FebruEry t3, 1995 2 3. KathyLangenwa|teraskedwhetherastreetscapebenchwastobe|ocatedintheback corner by Pepi's as pa,t o| ine PEC approvat oi me Covered Bridge Building' Ju|ie|versonstatedthatshethoughtthatbencheswou|dbe|ocatedadjacenttoGore Creek. Bill Anderson was concerned rhat the proposed location of the tables would get in the way of the ADA lift. BobArmouragreedwithBi||'scommentandstatedthathewasconcernedwiththe proposed hours of op"r"tion. He also stated that if the conditional use permit request was approved, it should be for a period of one year at a time' He added that he was opposed to this request. GregAmsdenfe|tthatthesteeps|opeo|theproposedlocationo|thediningdeckwas not favorabre tor accommioo"ti'igJ"6rr.. He itated that lhe streetscape bench the developer was supposed to instill was to be located along Pepi's wall' Je|fBowenStatedthatheWaSnotinfavorofanoutdoordiningdlc|at.thecovered aiioge cortee shop and agreed that the tables woutd btock the ADA lift. Datton williams also felt the tables would block the ADA lift. He added that the location of tables across lrom Nick's could cause additional noise problems lor uOi"""nt foOge units since Nick's customers would hang out at the proposed tables' Kathy Langenwalter suggested that this item be tabled until the next meeting so that tne appricaint couto preiire i scaled drawing for staff and the PEC that showed a more'acceptable arrangement of the tables ind lhe access to the ADA lift. Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this request for a conditional use permit to allow for an outdoor dining deck until February 27, iggs with Dalton Williams seconding the rotion. n 6-O v6te tabled this item to the February 27, 1995 PEC meeting. A request for a maior ccll exterior alteration and common area and parking variances ro allow for a lobby expansion for the Lions square Lodge located at 660 west Lionshead Place/Lot 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing' fuplicant: Lions Square Lodge, represented by Bill Pierce Planner: Jim Curnutte Jim curnutte made a presentation per the statf memo. He stated that staff was recommendingapprova|oftheproposedcommonareaandparkingenc|osurevariance requests wimine ifrree conOitions oullined on Page 13 of the stalf memo' He stated that staff was recommending denial of lhe major exterior alleration application due to staff's feeling that the propoieO addition is noi compatible and would be a radical departure from the overall context of the existing building' Bill Pierce, the architect for this proiect, explained the changes that had been made to the project since the January 9, 1995 PEC worksession' PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTA COMMISSTON MINUTES Fobrusry 13, 1995 I (rt'-.ztUfu rO, Zpx/- >r=44'&'F/ lo'&*) l"o'I/7 fiA - L4 ,6""*'e-'7 &^"'/' = /Ms' d" {e? ( rP- 4- ftv.{44t n [,A! - &*/ dY '- N Pz++"^<f "f k^^'{-& ';"j W' {4{* Aft , Mt ^c,@rr pt/t-,- >^M-,?fiqt>^qn ,h*4. a/n+r 4 it(i, eoffi._- r frw lil" (P?r'.{ -;:, //(. Vle f'*\ JAa..Ttukldr vlal ' T FI 0 L $q$.1 RiilxL lll qlr s.-o tIl + 0 7 ul 0 ill -l I'9ooc,>tt0'Eo.o =_$lit{a. irl $9f 5$t z Jo- ulFIIa rd$ ectrtE - =@- >it-o;tla.g IE ,'!IrS Eu, t-on -lFlm q .rObrt .{i o!l-qto o.tao o- Q \Je-t s*.g:St E-\t- cDc 1' Ea ol'vt6 It IDLo ao Lo E E6s(t, tr 6b(t t\ --s$ n\a-- t-s. B _-:1\\\ \xdu\g - godr {s {., G'ot-.H cn q.cto.e 8$$I$Fk! [,[ qqrF$ lft + 0 7 tl} 0 il _t ocrg trtlr;E Rh,oLo () d:.l z J o- tu F-TTa r;oltl ial0 4tn'i lrunl ^ 90st9Zilyf q $f 3 g d$ $ sIt6 O. f0 -5Qo Or + fl o I .io +i Efssun fa ri ${rl C $ \t $ ad |F r E (}Istl sl<*rl YI -ut-sl\l <st.xtgrl F\ ilrfc GH{+fel ... s { 6r: $ bo HHfrOindsFoI-(t rFo-e +i Ur o TO: MIKE McGEE BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: /tu*- V m,"(/6/4t Y & e/*)s ,i' dearg ft, aK 7un/i /. t/,'/ Ca&z),yt r/)ilzu -r . Enginoering: Reviewed by: -ierri Mortrrel Datc: @orr:os{l ffi5 Commenls: /\..rrtt ftrera snt\be a1,6e(,syo \he oevoloa kx tte hordr .oWed.?. (lr,g o{eo 5eerns sfir.\\ 1a ore5& kotsllg,to".) | y'\1-6.L tsc^ co(vc1q- kg r,ri\\ VrA,Je. \r> ha& a t ro**r con - A\60. soff\:.cr€, rpi\ horle lo ,/ LyyL+- \YB o(€,4 regJ\<r( d\\ fo mo\@ eqe no k6cy\ h\cr., beerr \e(:t to b\oW Arornd Landscaping: Reviewed by:Date: Comments: TODD OPPtrl\il-il_lME:. Return to MliDr srcuDEF' Town Planner ?t PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Comments: INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW OF PUB HEABING UAIC: 4 H72n1,ry Distributed to the Fire Departmenr, pubric works, and Landscaping on ta 't ini!BqB January 25, 1995 Randy Stouder Community Developer Town of Vail 75 S Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Randy, The following points address the questions asked in the Application for Conditional Use permit. Please let us know if any further information is needed prior to the PEC meeting. l) This application is being submitted for a permit to allow outside tables to be used by Covered Bridge Coffee, located in the Covered Bridge Building (227 Bidge Street). The request includes 3 tables, 12 chairs, all of which would be located on East West Partners property adjacent to Bridge Street. There would be no infliction upon the pedestrian traffic in this area and would not obstruct any surrounding properties. a) The proposed tables and chairs will have no detrimental impact or relationship on the development objectives ofthe Town of Vai-. b) There will be no negative effects to light or air of the surrounding area. Also, the seating area will not create any more foot traffic than usual, nor effect any transportation facility. It will solely be used as additional seating on good weather days for the coffee store. c) The tables and chairs will not effect pedestrian flow, safety or convenience because the location is not directly on Bridge Street but offto the side. Removal of snow and parking will also not be affected because the tables and chairs will be brought inside during closed hours (early morning and late night). d) The character of the area will not be effected as the proposed furniture is tastefirl, clean, and has been approved by the building owners. Each iable is approximately 2ll2 fee. in circumference and there is space between each table for easy accessibility to the entire area. ,.1,5., ur A,.r.? j Thank you for your consideration ofthis application. Sincerely, Julie Iverson and Kiendra Hoover' -l I H.+t," I T F s t 7_ $q$.* UF &$ gs- !- S:-$l$ +z Jo UJFFa ro$ 0 7 ul t[} rll -t o csB L.o gsbo o O ,J $+ -"-'-""- 1 rl-t ItlU 1 $stxl-ct(L l { fi ;t! o.u(tg o. -41'f {ln'l{[lfl'r G'trtt fi, o0!t'tr6 Id Eo 0o r:_.966t9z Vf I'ILilfrJt" " U1€i1A\lF1-L.,riri, a 6f rH 6lob;fr efi q, eD c r$ u,4 F'tz$f-Nr JlFJS(, {a.S rohE sfr$6 d9!I $3t\r\J ''#rrr to'@ .REGHALL TODD OPPFI\jF:=lME.:. Return to MI'DY srcuDEF' Town Piannei' PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW OF PUBIIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: AH4 c&)r) Ajs! iltft- 6gnyorc/ Reviewed by: Commenls: Date: Date: Landscaping: Reviewed by: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed Oy: AfurarV Dalc: Z-Z -15 Commcnts: e\qc,,\ft^.eE Cen |o,z- oF Cor,^'neehoY.f T*\rrs F € nc '/ . godcr A$*.r-,eJ I Distributed to the Fire Departmenl, public Works, and Landscaping on_/./_ {cq" F.D. C. cp' wec,lton *D ciY\^c.r- €.D - Ac4 rts wi\\ t-\"-;rj Are F,ne Q4)iusr - V fto* 14' i *' Cro"| ."C C"r'*- {a",ce Cvteo \< Df, y..,ri -.'$^\Y T' of ( ltosa s\/?, $c \.-rt i$n January 25, 1995 Randy Stouder Community Developer Town of Vail 75 S FrontageRoad Vail, CO 81657 Dear Randy, The following points address the questions asked in the Application for Conditional Use permit. Please let us know if any further information is needed prior to the PEC meeting. l) This application is being submitted for a permit to allow outside tables to be used by Covered Bridge Coffee, located in the Covered Bridge Building Q27 Bndge Street). The request includes 3 tables, 12 chairs, all of which would be located on East West Partners property adjacent to Bridge Street. There would be no infliction upon the pedestrian traffic in this area and would not obstruct any surrounding properties. a) The proposed tables and chairs will have no detrimental impact or relationship on the dwelopment objectives ofthe Town of Vail. b) There will be no negative effects to light or air of the surrounding area. Also, the seating area will not create any more foot trafrc than usual, nor eflect any transportation facility. It will solely be used as additional seating on good weather days for the coffee store. c) The tables and chairs will not effect pedestrian flow, safety or convenience because the location is not directly on Bridge Street but offto the side. Removal of snow and parking will also not be affected because the tables and chairs will be brought inside during closed hours (early moming and late night) d) The character of the area will not be effected as the proposed furniture is tasteful, clean, and has been approved by the building owners. Each iable is approximately 2 l/2 feet in circumference and there is space between each table for easy accessibility to the entire area. Thank you {ior your consideration of this application. Sincerely, Julie Iverson and Kiendra Hoover, t, 0.s,, lu2 F'Ez$f-N ' -J:lF JS(, {.4.S lohE sil$6 $9f.? 53t \l \l\J \ \ \\ z J o- UJl-F:a T t- $0, 7 $q$.:IFsiL llt os.s- S:-$r$ 0 7 ul 0 rll _t o cpp frE -__ir. J;tl+ fs$ -="/1../- '-...--- il 1 $s) L{' q tr + l;tldlol \lr.l'. xbqt o. +.o '5aoq- (DcIt .n s1 oilIt'Bo €oto ao bo Etr 6* atr qt T.o 0 -e ltq o + trd;il-. .t $ odf c l':r .-.."*ffir i I fi INSTALT-ATION REAUIREMEN't4-15 at each dual or multiple feed connection to the cornbina- tion system standpipe to identify tllat to isolate the sprin- kler system servetl by the control valve, an additional con- trol valve or valves at other standpipes must be shut off. The sign shall also identifi the location of the additional control valves. 4-2.9.4 Where a main or sectional system control valve is located in a closed room or concealed space, the location of the valve shall be indicated by a sign in an approved loca- tion on the outside of the door or -near the opining to the concealed space. 4-3r Fire Department Connections, 4-3.1 There shall be no shutoff valve between the fire department connection and the system. 4-t.2 A listed check valve shall be installed in each fire department connection, located as near as practicable to the point where it joins the system. 4-3.!l The fire department connection shall be installed as follows: (a) Automatic-'lvet and manual-wet standpipe systems: On the system side of the system control and check valve. (b) Automatic-dry standpipe systems: On the system side of the control valve and check valve and the supply side of the dry pipe valve. (c) Semiautomatic-dry standpipe systems: On the sys- tem side of the deluge valve. (d) Manual-dry' standpipe systems: Directly connected to system plplng. 4-3.4 In areas suliect to fireezing, a listed automatic drip valve shall be installed in the piping between the check valve and the fire department connection that is arranged to allow drainage without causing water damage. 4-3.5 Location and ldentification. 4-3.5.1 Fire clerrartment connections shall be ort the street side of buildings and shall be krcated and arranged so that hose lines carr be attached to the inlets wit.hout interFerence frorn nearhy obiects includine buililinsi. [ences, posts, ()r ()(ller frr e departrrrerrt c()nllections. 4-3.5.2 Each fire department connection shall be desig- nated by a sign having raised letters, at least I in. (25 mm) in size cast on the plate or fitting, reading "S1-ANDPIPE." If atttomatic sprinklers are also supplied by the fire tlepart- ment connection, the sign or combination of signs shall indicate both designated services, e.g., "STANDPIPE AND AUTOSPKR," or "AU'fOSPKR AND STANDPIPE." A sign shall also indicate the pressure required at the inlets to deliver the system demand. 4-3.5.3 Where a fire department connection services only a portion of a building, a sign shall be attached indicating the portions of the building served. 4-3.5.4i A fire department connection for each stantlpipe system shall be located not more than 100 ft (30.5 m) from the nearest fire hydrant connected to an approved water supply. 4-3,6 Fire department connections shall be located not less than l8 in. (45.7 cm) nor more than 48 in. (121.9 cm) above the level ofthe adjoining Eround' sidewalk, or grade surface. 4-3.? Fire department connection piping shall be sup- ported in accordance with Section 4-4. 4-4 Support of Piping. 4-4.1 Support of Standpipes. 4-4.1.1 Standpipes shall be supported by attachments connected directly to the standpipe. 4-4.1.2 Standpipe supports shall be provided at the low- est level, at each alternate level above, and at the top of the standpipe. Supports above the lowest level shall restrain the pipe to prevent movement by an upward thrust where flexible fittings are used. 4-4.1.3 Clamps supporting pipe by means of set screws shall not be used. 4-4.2 Support of Horizontal Piping. 4-4.2.1 Horizontal piping from the standpipe to hose connections that are more than l8 in. (457 mm) in length shall be provided with hangers. 4-4,2.2 Horizontal piping hangers shall be spaced at a maxinrum separation distance of 15 ft (4.6 m). The piping shall be restrained to prevent movement by horizontal thrust where flexible fittings are used. 4-5 Installation of Signs. Signs shall be secured to a device or the building wall with substantial and corrosion- resistant chains or fasteners. 4-6 Signs for Water Supply Pumps. Where a 6re pump is provided, a sign shall be located in the vicinity of the puinp indicating ihe minimum pressure and flow required at the pump discharge flange to meet the system denrattd 4-7r Hydreulic Design Informatlon Sign. The installirrg conractor shall provide a sign identifying the design basis ofa system as hydraulic calculations or pipe schedule. The sign shall be located at the water suPply control valve for automatic or semiautomatic standpipe systems and at an approved location for manual systems. The sign shall indicate the following: (a) The location of the 2 hydraulically most remote hose connections (b) The design flow rate for the connections identified in (a) (c) 'l'he design residual inlet and outlet pressures for the connections identified in (a) (d) 'fhe design static pressure and the design system demand (flow and residual pressure) at the system control valve, or at the pump discharge flange where a pump is installed, and at each fire departmcnt connection' fissccinltovll)*ltorvt 4"r Q"r,*a*.ovr ch*pVr 1"1 -9, t4rrrtttu^ | TO: Return to RANDY srouDER Town Planner PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: INTER.DEPARTMENTAL R EVIE]A/ t/4il -k LIC H ING Landscaping: Date: Datc: Date: COMMENTS NEEDED av #W BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: /4'Nt T f4^"4 Wr ^f_,tke./r;r i /rrEtbt /)ry,- ilr* MW ^u,$f Engineering: Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Commcnts: ,o€Fp 4F" Distributed to the Fire Department, pubric works, and Landsc aping on 4 II' o I. LOl5l92 This procedure conditional use The application submitted. A. NA},IE OF ADDRESS Dat,e of Application Date of PEC Meeting APPLICATION TOR COTIDITIONAI USE PERMIT is reguired for any project required to obt.ain apermit. will not be accepted until aII information is tdaa, PHONE OWNER (S) (pr sIGlraTItRE (S B. t or type) PHONE LOCATI ADDRES FEE s2oo.oo PArD_Z_ .* * @-BY THE FEE I|I'ST BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners of allproperty adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING pROpERTy BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a list of names and mailingaddTesses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR. coRREcT OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. II . PRE_APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A pre-applicat.ion conference with a plannj_ng staff member isstrongly suggested to determine j.f.any additional information isneeded. No application wilI be accepted unless j_t complete (mustinclude all items required by the zoning administrator) . It isthe applican!,s responsibility to make an appointment with thestaff to find out about additional submittal requirements. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPI.ETE APPLTCATION WILL STREAMLTNE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDTNG PERMIT IS ISSUED. Four (4) copies of the following information must besubmitted: 1. A description of the precise naLure of the proposed useand its operating characterist.ics and measures proposedto make the use compatible with other properties in thevicinity. The description must also address: a. Relationship and impact of the use on developmentobjectives of the Town. NAME OF oDTNER(S) ADDRESS \ NAME OF ADDRESS REPRESENTATI ILING b. ? utilities, sihools, parks and recreationfacilities, and other public faciLities and publicfacilities needs. c. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference tocongestion, automotive and pedestrian safety andconvenience, traffic ftow and control, access,maneuverability, and removal of snow from thestreets and parking area. d. Effect upon the charact.er of the area in which theproposed use is to be located, including the scaleand bulk of the proposed use in relation tosurrounding uses. A site pLan at a scale of at least !,, = 2Q, showingproposed development of "uhe site, including topography,building locations, parking, traffic circulation,useable open space, landscaped areas and utilities anddraJ-nage features. Preliminary building elevations and floor plans. A title report to verify ownership and easements. If the building is condominiumized, a letter from thecondomj-nium association in support of the. proposal mustbe submitted to staff. Any additional material necessaryapplication as determined by the ** For interior modifications, and site plan may be waj_vedadministrator. for the review of thezoning administrator. improvement surveythe zoning an by IV, TIME REOUIREMENTS The Pl-anning and EnvironmentaL Commj-ssion meets on the 2ndand 4th Mondays of each month. A conplete application formand alL accompanying material (as descrj_bed above) must besubmitted a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date ofthe PEC public hearing. No j-ncomplete applications (asdetermined by the zoning administrator) wiII be accepted bythe planning staff before or after the designated submittaldate. Al-L PEC approved conditionaL use permits shall J-apse ifconstruction is not commenced within one year of the date ofapproval and diligently pursued to completion, or if the usefor which the approval i.s granted is not commenced r,rithinone year. If t.his application requires a separate revj-ew by any local,State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, theappLlcation fee shall be increased by S200.00. Examples ofsuch review, may include, but are not limited to: ColoradoDepartment of Highway Access permits, Army Corps ofEngineers 404, etc. The applicant shalI be responsihrlF for r|a-:'l-ng "nir publlsh:ngfees which are in excess of 50t of the application fee. It;at the applicant, s requestr doy matler is postponed forhearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, theentire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by theapplicant. A\r ffi :;,1 j. ll;, ": :"::o: :gl:, :P, :l i i, il !l iibur i J public / appri".ats deemed by the commun:-tOevelopment DeparEmentto have significant des.ign, land use or other j-ssues which may have a significant impact on Lhe community may require review by consultants other that tovrn staff. ShouLd a determination be made by the town staff that an outsideconsultant is needed Lo review any applicaLion, Conmunity Development may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her andthis amount sha11 be forwarded to the Town by the applicantat the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review ofthe application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for paynent of the consult.antwhich have not been paid to the consultant shall be returnedto the applicant. Expenses incurred by the lown in excessof the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid tothe Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification bythe Town. IF a ofuwr &W wJeury CHUCK ROSENQUIST BETH & ROD SLIFER RON RILEY GORE CREEK PLAZA SLIFER. SMITH & FRAMPTON RUSSELL'S RESTAURANT 3777 MT. VEDER 230 BRIDGE STREET 228 BRIDGE STBEET NAPA, CA 94558 VA|L, CO 81657 VAIL, CO 81657 DAVE GORSUCH PEPIGRAMSHAMMER GORSUCH, LTD. PEPISPORTS 263 E. GORE CREEK DR. 231 BRIDGE STREET vArL, co 81657 vArL, co 81657 " fryli ll?5 lqE- oe{otcr-rts tut o-L 2lgl qb- o.,l4t"rr** B-rf Qr-r CS,9n \.cL^.{erl*)w €N/ @ T}IIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEBEBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on February 13, 1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town ol Vail Municipal Building. In consideration ol: 1. A request regarding amendments to Chapter 18.71 (AdditionalGRFA) and Chapter 18.57 (Employee Housing), deleting the section providing for Additional GRFA (the 250) and incorporating the 250 GRFA allowance in the Employee Housing Section of the Zoning Code, to be used exclusively for deed-restricted employee housing. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther 2. A request for a major CCll exterior alteration and common area and parking variances to allow for a lobby expansion for the Lions Square Lodge located at 660 West Lionshead Place/Lot 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Lions Square Lodge, represented by Bill Pierce Planner: Jim Curnutte 3. A request for a major exterior alteration in the Commercial Core I zone district and site coverage, stream setback and common area variances and conditional use permits to allow office on the third floor and to allow an outdoor dining deck to provide for the redevelopment of Serrano's, located at 298 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 'lst Filing. Applicant: Margretta B. Parks and Vail Associates, Inc.Planner: Andy Knudtse 4. A request for a worksession for a major amendment to SDD #4 Cascade Village to allow for the completion of the Westhaven Condominiums (The Ruins) located at 1325 Weslhaven Drive/Cascade Village, SDD #4. Applicant: Gerald Wuhrman, General Manager of the Westhaven CondominiumsPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 5. A request for a major amendment to SDD #5 (Simba Run) to allow for riodifications to the previously approved development plan for the Savoy Villas Development located on an unplatted parcel at 1100 North Frontage Road. Applicant: Walid SaidPlanner: Jim Curnulte rl !) 6. A request for a site coverage variance to allow for an expansion of the Aasland Residence located at 2527 Arosa Drive/Lot 3, Block D, Vail Das Schone 1st Filing. Applicant: Galen Aasland Planner: Handy Stouder 7. A request for a worksession toi a CCI minor exterior alteration and a site coverage and a landscaping variance to allow tor an adclition to the Golden Bear retail shop within the A and D Building, located at 286 Bridge StreeULots A and B and a part of C, Block 5-A, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant: Lee Hollis Pfanner: Randy Stoudel \r{ 8, A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an outdoor dining deck at the &:l- Covered Bridge Building (Covered Bridge Cotfee Shop), located at227 Btdge '--'i.l StreeULots B, C and D, Block 5-8, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant: Julie lverson and Kiendra Hoover Planner: Randy Stouder PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board will be reviewing the following application on March 1, 1995 in the Town of Vail Municipal BuiEing. 1. A request for a sign variance to allow for the location of a menu box on Town right-of- way at the Covered Bridge Building located aI227 Bridge StreeVLots B, C, D, Block 5- B, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: Covered Bridge Coffee Shop The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on February 10, 1995. VAILTOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1996 2:00 P.M.lN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS EXPANDED AGENDA Vail Valley Marketing Board OveMew. Housing Background and Update of Status.3:00 P.M. 2. Andy Knudtsen Steve Thompson Tom Moorhead 4:00 P.M. 3. Mike Mollica Peter Dann I reque_st by East West Hospitalig, developer of the Covered Bfidge Building, to proceed through the plahning process to ailow for the expansion of a private brick paver walkwiy onto Town of Vail Land. Location: Southwest corner of the Covered Bridg6 pocket park in Vail Village. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Approve/deny the appticants request to proceed through the planning process. lf approved, the applicant would be authorized to proceed to the Design Review Board, to obtain design approval for a "mini-plaza,'adjacent to the residential condominium entrance, located at the northwest corner of the covered Bridge Building, (see attached site plan). BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The proposed ,,mini-plaza" would encroach approximately 5'onto Town owned property. This property is one of theTown open-space parcels, and is currenfly zoned Outdooi Flecreation District. Although staff does not believe that the ',mini-plaza" would negatively impact the covered Bridge pocket park, staiT believes that the use would be inconsistent with the purpose section of the Outdoor Recreation Zone Distriot. Section 1 g.33.01 0-purpose states: 'The Outdoor Recreation District is intended to preserve undeveloped or open-space lands from intensive develooment while permitting outdoor recreational activities that provide opportunities for active and passive recreation areas, facilities and uses." srAFF RECOMMENDATION: The statf recommendation is for deniar ofthe.applicants request to proceed through the planning process. Thestaff does not believe that the request foi a mini-plaza,-ciedicated solely toprivate residential use, would be consistent with ihe purpose section ofthe Outdoor Recreation Zone District. 7rost b.,Kerz Itlel- (r.*lt*y N*-"4*';' ^-*1/" x/tb'* 4:20 P.M. 4. 4:30 P.M. 5. 4:40 P.M. 6. 4:50 P.M. 7. George Ruther Information Update. Council Reports. Other. fite_Vigitre: an appeal to the Town Council, pursuant to Section 18.54.090 of the Municipar code, of the Design Review Board decision to deny the Olesonly'olinn duplex separation request for a proposed residence to be constructed on Lot 11, Resubdivision of'Loi 7, Block 1,Vail Village 12th Fiting/3275 Katsos Ranch Road. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Visit site. site constraints and the opportunity to separate the duplex stru-ctureproposed for Lot 11, Block 1, Vail Village 12th Filing in accordance withSection 18.54.050(l) of the Municipat Gbde (see attichment 1). Upon review by the DRB, a motion was made to deny the appticant,i odr""tsince the DRB could not find evidence of significant site constraints. rrremotion passed unanimously (4-0). A letter from the applicant dated December 29, 1995, appealing the DRBdecision, has been attached_(see attachment 2). In the'ipplica-nt's letteihe refers to the intent of the Design Review Guidelines (dedon 1 8.54'01 0) as a possibre basis- for overtuming the DRB decision. A copyof section 1 8.54.010 f rom the Municipal code has bee attached for reference (see attachment 3). STAFE REq9MMENDATION: Upon review of the appticant,s separation rgquest, staff recommends that the Town Council uphold the DR'B decision of December 20, 199s, of denial. ln statfs opinion, the applicant has not demonstrated the existence of significant site'constraints 6n tre lot as required in Section 1B.S4.OSO(|) of the Municipat Code. An appeal of the Planning and Environmentral commission's (pEC) denialof a request for a height variance to allow for a residence, currentrf unJeiconstruction, to exceed the gg-foot height limitation for residential ' structures. The project is located at 1339 westhaven circle/Lot 23, Glen Lyon subdivision (sDD #4). Applicant BillAnderson representing Mr. .noMrs. Hovey. EA.uKtiEotlND RAT|OryALE: On December20, 1995, the appticant metwith the Design Review Board to request a determination of sionifir:anrto request a determination of significant iTlsltslts s20 P.M. L Randy Stouder 5:50 P.M. 8. BACKGROUND RATTONALE:The application is in the process of constructing a residence on Lot 23, Glen Lyon Subdivision. The lmprovement Location cgrtificate (lLG) submitted by the applicant indicates that sections of three separate roof ridgeswere ionstructed atheights exceeding the B3-foot height restriction for residential structuresThe ridges in question are labeled A, B and c, starting at the lowest of theridges and going up to the highest. See the attached;ite plan and elevation drawings. According to the interpolated existing grades provided by Intermountain Engineering (based on the oriliialtopographic 9r1ryey), and the ridge height figures provided by Eagte Virfey Slrv-eyihg(lLC), ridges A, B, and C were constructed a miximim of e.{ incneJ - above the 33-foot height limitation. The applicant requested that the pEC grant a height variance.to retain the roof ridges at the existing, constructed heights. rle lfc unanimously denied the requ6sted heightvariance by a vote of 4-0. They made the finding that granied therequested height variance wourd be a grant of special -privilege to theapplicant. STAFF BECOMMENDATTON: Staff is recommending deniat of theapplicant's request to overturn the pEC decision. Adjournment. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING STARTNMES BELOW:(ALI TIMES AFE APPROXIMATE ANO SUBJECT TO CMNGE) rHE NExr vArL rowN "l,!^iJ'l- llor*" woRK sEssroN wf LL BE oN TUESDAY,lngtg6, BEG|NN|NG AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov courucL CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONwlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 2/6/96, BEGINN|NG AT 2:(X) p.M. IN Tov couNctl GHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETINGwlLL BE oN TUESDAY,2t6t96, BEG|NNING AT 7:30 p.M. tN Tov couNclL GHAMBERS.||t||tl sisll^"1g-Esglnterpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. please call 479-2114 voiceor 479-2356 TDD for information. (Request form must be given to the Secretary to the Town Manager by MEETING DATE: January 16. 1996 (Prepare a separate Agenda Request for each agenda item' lf the agenda item will be discussed at both a Work Session and an Evening Meeting' be certain to check both boxes in this section and indicate time needed during each meeting.) X worx session TIME NEEDED: 20 minutes Site Visit Evening Meeting TIME NEEDED: TIME NEEDED:- W]LL THERE BE A PRESENTATION ON THIS AGENDA ITEM BY NON'TOV STAFF? ! No. x yES. Specifics: peter Dann. representing East West Hospitality WILL THE PRESENTATION OF THIS AGENDA TTEM REQUIRE ANY SPECIAL EOUIPMENT? X No. tr YES. Specificsl WILL THERE BE MATERIAL TO BE INCLUDED IN COUNCIL PACKET FOR THIS ITEM? ! No. X YES. lf yes, is the material also for public distribution? X Yes. onto Town of Vail land. Location: Southwest corner ol the Covered Bridge pockei park in Vail Village. Mike Mollica Community DeveloPment o 8:00 a.m. Thursdays. ! tr No.tr |ita|ity,deve|operoftheCoveredBridgeBui|ding'to proieeO through the planni:ng proce-ss to altbw foi the expansion of aprivat"-?t]9lt::,".t,Y?l1Y"y ACTION REOUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve / deny the applicant's request to proceed through rhe ptanning process. lf approved,'the applicaht.wouJO O9 gytnoriled to proceed to the o"iig" Revi'ew eoaid, to-Jbtain oriiign apfrovati6r a "mini-plaza" adjac€nt to the residential condiminium entrance, located at th6 northwest corner of the Covered Bridge Building' (see attached site Plan). BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The proposed "mini-plaza" would encroach approximately 5'.onto iown owneO property. fnis property is one ol the Tbwn open-space. parcels, and is currently . zoned Ourdoor Recreation bistiLi. hrtnougfr staff does ndt believe that the "mini-plaza" would ".g"ti""ly irp""t the CovereO Bridge pockit park, staff believes that the use would be inc'6nSst6nt *itn tne purpose section dt tre Outdoor Recreation Zone District' Section 1 8.33.01 o-Purpose states, ,,The outdoor Recreation District is intended to preserve undeveloped or open-space lands from intensive development while permitting outdoor recreational activities that pioviOe opportunities for active and pasdive recreation areas, facilities and uses"' STAFF RECOMMENDATIoN: The staff recommendation is for denial of the applicant's request to proceed through the planning process. The statf does not believe that the request for a mini- . piJza, OeCicated"solely io priuiie iesidential use, would be consistent with the purpose section ol the Outdoor Recreation Zone District. oo *\ ffF#,D I I I I I I I l I {o' I I TOP CF R30. C S:00' 3E('x C 9r'-5-:,2"SECX t 6:'- ;-:./€' PAVERS (HEA]D) _/w 4rn?4€K _:*Q) . Lor a | "*t I \ R€F- I.^ITDSCTPE Ptl'l$'Cffffisl'6iiiMFEs' I t_ /) coNsrRuclroN . I T: "'"tt I r- PUTflER "P ' | "*t *r-on t tP- f t \ l\, E R,IDGE ,S:T.R.EET LOT C, LOT D & PART OF LOT B BLOCK 5_B VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILING *fi SITE PI-,AN ffi rav "c efs On/ 716 11) lf,l, DE|{ DEd 4 December 1995 Mr, Mike Mollica, Planner #1 Community Development 95 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Re: Covered Bddge Building Modifications to the Approved Plans Dear Mr. Mollica: Pursuant to recent discussions with Peter Dann regarding the modifications to the approved plans of the Covered Bridge Building, we wish to request: 1. Changes to the entry door area on the North Elevation, per the enclosed plan. a. Stain the door and casings cherry, per the interior doors.b. Move and add a new decorative light. a pewter plaque on the door We would appreciate you informing us of the n-cessary steps to a improvements. Sincerely, THMEY/PRATT Edward M. Gwathmey, Jr,, AIA EMG/ml Enclosures of the o copies to: Peter Dann Todd Oppenheimer 2. Add the mini plaza to the walk in front of the entry, as discussed with Todd Oppenheimer, per the enclosed plan. Please reference the Conference Memo dated December 4, 1995. e t_\) $t Bg g oo H$ *s x{ ffi FI H $5 F $$ f.b $s $ ry TOWNOFVAIL Il09 Vail Vallel Drite Voil, Colorado 81657 t 0t - 47 9 -2 t t 8 | FAX t 0t -47 9 -21 66 Dcportm ent of Public I1/orhslTransportation January 3, 1996 Ned Gwathmey Gwathmey Pratt, Architects 1000 S. Front4geRoad West Vail, CO 81657 Dear Ned: I am writing in response to your Conference Memorandum dated 4 December, 1995. I believe that you may have misunderstood what I said about the flower bed associated with the "mini plaza" you proposed. I intended the planting area to begin at the edge ofthe plaza and extend out into the park around the trees toward the creek. The perimeter planting you proposed in your 4 December, 1995 letter to Mike Mollica is not what I had in mind. In order for me to support the concept ofthe *Mini plaza" I felt that some compensation that benefits the park needed to be made. Hopefully this clarifies my expectations of the planting area enough for you to have someone design it. Please feel free to call me or have your Landscape fuchitect call me to discuss the design in more detail. I can be reached at 479-2161. Sincerely ft)r) Todd Oppenheimer Park Superintendent/Landscape fuchitect Town of Vail Peter Dahn MikeMollica Date: Place: Present: CONFERE]IICE MEMORANDUM 4 December 1995 Public Works Office - TOV Todd Oppenheimer Peter Dann Ned Gwathmey Covered Bddge Building Proposed Modifications to the Apploved Plans copies to: Peter Dann Mike Mollica Todd Oppenheimer Re: Peter Dann requested to have the Town of Vail consider modifications to the Covered Bridge Building's landscape plans in the area of the pocket park. These modifications would add interest and orovide better circulation in the 42 inch wide walk that is adjacent to the new building. Alternates discussed were: 1 . Widening the existing heated walk to more than the 42 inches. This would enable people to walk side by side and to pass without stepping off into the grass. 2. Moving the walk out from the building but maintaining the same width. 3. Leaving the width and the position of the walk the same, but adding a mini plaza at the rear door. This would enable people to pass while someone was entering the building. Todd Oppenheimer stated he would go along with #3 and suggested not having a bench in the mini plaza but instead a pedestal for sculpture and a bed of flowers surrounding the perimeter, A plan will be developed and sent to Mike Mollica. The foregoing constitutes our understanding of matters discussed and decisions reached. lf the interpretation of others varies, please notify us in writing, EMG EASTWNST HOSPITALITY l'0V' Utltvlur. rlrv. uciiNovember 17, 1995 Mike Mollica Town of Vail Communig Development 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mike, East West, as developer of the Covered Bridge Building, requests to be put on the upcoming town council work session agenda for the widening of the brick paved walk-way. The walk-way runs East and West on the North side of the building. Earlier in the year, I sent a plan from Ned Gwarthmey's office detailing the area to be widened. Please let me know if you will require additional material for the council Sinc.pqely,7"'. /db* Peter Dann East West Hospitality P.O. Box 5480 ' Avon, CO 81620 (970) 949-5071 . Facsimile: (97O\ 949-5526' E-mail: ewhc@vail.net \, | ,t t {! Prinre,l on rerlcle,l paper\tAn \nqssaj \) s6a= Fff* xsF8ilE F$$o H* ----F 6/)92€ cfuggt< hr $ o lB f lrlrE312(J gn'--- F'35!.olrE5fi3<9EEJI t!C HP gg,\8- - ?lf Jz ffi 6uthtrl;b 92! 8tr $$3 $}PF $$* -it6.F h{ i-'$..,/ \ - lf,( i , ra- m FO()Jz- h-JOb- Fr ttl hl E Fr U) tl U aH H n FMFE 1aff.ff ddX-.it -mj9 .J() FoJ \ \s--"g,' u) .:J c.lt- (o oA OirFcJc)t Ir.) ,1 ol a :< U C) I FILEMPU BRIDGE STREET, VAIL, CO 81657 PRO.lECrgEl!!_gRrDGE gFFEE coI',lPANY pronrse co Paythe Finance ---------Do1lars COVERED COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING TENANT, 227 BRIDGE COTFEE COMPANYPROPERTY DATE NOVEMBER 4, 1994 Vail, Co.l.orado TOTA! P.ARKING FEE $12,600.00 TWELVE THOUSAND SIX HIINDRED AND NO/IOOTHS---- Parking rn instaflments after date, for vaLue received, I to ttle order of the Town of Vail at the Office of Dj.rector, Municipal Building, Vai1, Colorado, Dovrn payment $ 2,520.00 _ with interest Of ten percent per annum o" ifre unpaid ba-Fce, payabLe in yearly installments as follows: First installment of $g.rzg.gs due and payable on rll4l95 Second installment of $:.rzg.gs due and payable on lll4196 Third installment of $l.t;g.gs due and payable on LL/4197 Fourth install-ment of $t.tzq.qs due and payable on LLl4198 It is agreed that if tnis note is not' paid when due or declared due hereunder, the principal and accrued interest' thereon shall draw interest at thl rate- of 18 Percent Per annum, and that faj.lure Lo make any paynent of principal- or interest when due or an'-Jeiauft under iny incurnUrante or lgreemenL securing this note "friff cause the wholE note to become due at once, or the interest to be counted as principlal , at the option of the holder of the note. The rnakers and eirdorsers hereof severally waive pi"i"nt*"nt for Paynent, protest, notice on nonPayment and of brot.est, and agrLe-to any-extension of tirne of payrnent and partial'paynenis before, at, or after maturity, and if this note tr interlsl thereon is nct paid when due, or suit. is brought' ;;t;;-i;-;iy-al1 reasonal le costs of collection, including r6aSonablL attorney, S fe, S. Ir ls further agreed that the ComPany' Kendra Hoover and Ju1le lverr on are liable hereunder, jolntly and severally. any Iv1r .1-_-/ RA H0OVER, tndivldur 11y and on behalf of Covered Bridge Coffee CoroPanY Date: NOVEMBER 4, 1994 JULIE I v ya of Covered r III rldge NOvember 4 Coffee Conpany enal.f Covered Bridge Coffee Shop PARKING FEE $12,600.00 INITIAL PAYMENT $2,520.00 PORTION FINANCED $1O,O8O.OO INTEREST RATE 10% YEARS FINANCED 4 DATE OF DOWN PAYMENT 11104194 PAYMENTAMOUNT $3,179.95 PAYMENT DATE 11104194 11104195 11104196 11104197 11104t98 TOTAL PAYMENT# PRINCIPAL INTEREST PAYMENT Down pymt $2,520.00 $2,520.00 1 $2,171.95 $1 ,008.00 $3,179.95 2 $2.389.14 $790.81 $3,179.95 3 $2.628.05 $551 .89 $3,179.95 4 $2,890.86 $289.09 $3,179.95 $12.600.00 $2.639.78 .J;J5.239.78 PKINSTC.WK4 Professional Tree Transplanting Date Drg Tree Mover 10190 Bayou Gulch Rd. Parker, CO 80134 (303) 841-4098 {owx 0r Vxr fftnrrr. |VnRxS Narne Address P.o.ii JOB &r-, lr, to"n 4 s Pr r '-t-oAl Ooxrtltt t,ttlr SI?E:SOLD Name Ad dres s TERMS: _ C Credit. Sales: ,/ . o. D . '/ cHARcE PArD BY : CASH cHEcK # t30 o"y" NET. FTNANCE CHARGE of. L\7" per month (1874 pet annum) applled to any balance due after thircy days; PAST DUE ACCOIJNTS G0 ON C.O.D. Moving Charqes Miscellaneou SuopliesSize Description Tree Sales Column Totals Total -- Tree Sales Total -- Misc. Supplie Total -- Moving Chg s Sales Tax SUB-TOTAL Deposit TOTAL BALANCE DUE The undersigned hereby a cknowl ed ge s that BIG TREE MOVER will not be llable for damage co driveways, sidewalks, 1awns, sprinkler sysEems' etc. i or to any underground utility, such as, but not I-imited to, water, well' serter 'septic tank, leeching field' power 1ines, phone l-ines, etc., which have not been located and marked by cus- tomer, which would pertal-n to any work or services performed by BIG TREE MOVER. Owner to carry hls own fire, tornado, and other necessary insurance. 2-.b.1b --2 Signature 525'?. -_ 4OUV dv^'-( 84* T2 - n"n >a4/l'4 \T-;^A'. ot -oooo - zzozb - ^rE * * Er-t yurt Date STATEMENT E m"r" NC 2583 A CUT ABOVE FORESTRY P.O. Box 7133 EreckenridEe, CO 80424 (970):ls3-9154 Nooo alzlr DATE: /ol t "/qs AMOUNT REMITTED5J. I L, C0 alt6s DETACH AND MAIL IMTH YOUR REMITTANCE. YOUR CANCELLED CHECK IS YOUR RECEIPT. Statement Thank You 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 05/Fax 970-479-2 I 5 7 ffice of the Town Manager October 17.1995 Mr. Peter Dann East West Partners 100 E. Thomas Place Drawer 2770 Avon, CO 81620 Dear Peter: Thank you for your letter of September 20, 1995, regarding the tree adjacent to the Covered Bridge. I understand and appreciate your position on this matter. I have discussed this matter in some detail with Todd Oppenheimer, Parks Superintendent; Greg Hall, Town Engineer; and Charlie Davis, the Town Construction Inspector. These gentlemen confirm that the Town of Vail did no excavation in the vicinity of the tree in question. Ho*euer, it was reported to me the Covered Bridge contractor did work in the area. As I am sure you will' recall, there were some problems with stabilizing the street in this area. It appears the contractor, in an effort to deal with the situation, destroyed the root system of the tree in question. This tree was deemed to be important to the visual character of the Covered Bridge area and was discussed at length by the Design Review Board and the Town Council during the bridge renovation process. The proposed replacement tree will help to retain this important character. Because the Town's work did not result in the death of the tree, I am unable to accept your offer. It is our intention to use the security deposit to replace tree. Please be advised we will do this work as cheaply as possible and will not bill for any time Town employees are utilized on this replacement. I recognize this does not satisfy your request completely, but it is the best that I can do under the circumstances. {S r""r"""o "urr o RWWawxc: Iarry Crrafel, Pnblic Worts Director . Todd Oppenheimcr, Put$ Superintcndsnt Mike Mollicq Assistant Commrmity Devclopmcnt Dircctor / R. Thomas Moorhea( Town Attorncy TBV PLJ SHOP T0WN0,FUAIT ID:479-2130 '95o 9 :07 No .003 P .02 1909 hil Vellcy Drivc Vtil, Coleredo 816J7 t0t-11 9 -2 t, E I FAX' 0i -479 -2 I 6 6 D cpnnmcnt o{ Pillic Worh lTlawlortttion MET}IORANDI'M To: Pctcr DEhq East Wc$t Partners From: Todd Oppcnhcimcr, Town of Vail Date: Soptomber 19, 1995RE: Troc rcplaccmont at Covcred Bridge Pocke Park. Attlchcd is a quote eheet fi',on Dave Evans et Big Tree Movers for the installetion of one 30 foot Bngluun Sprucc. Thc quotc includcs hond digging tho holc, orano timo to sot tho fic€ fid gq',tng. Riok }lcrmhc with A Cut Above Forcstry estimata$ it will cost rbout $500 to remove tho doad Eoc. ]'her€ may al$o bc $om€ 'l'own of Vail rtatt time to holp prepare the site fbr plaming. Thlr nmount *ould not exceed $500. The total coet of the roplacflmnt will be approximately $5000, I will mhedule the oontraotors to cofirplCIte tho work within tbe ncrt few wecks. Mikp Mollica and/or Tom Moorhead will be in contsct with you to ded with thc $5?00 Letter 0f clredit $'hich th6'l'own i$ holding, Please do not hesitate to cnll me at 479-2161 or 4'11-1126 if you have any queetions. MkeMollica Tom Moorhcad TOU PIJ SHOP IU.-ILJU479o SEP 19 '95 9 :08 No . tl03 P .03 +l rs Ins_ Dtg Thee Mover Professional Tree Transplanti n g 10190 Bayou Gulch Rd. Parker, CO 80134 )latc l' ,0, {J JOlr Name S OLIJ Name TO; Addrece Phone Addres s Phonc TERMS; _ C.O.D CHARGE t'AtD BYr _ CASU _ CIIECK /i (;redlt Sales: 30 Days NET. FINAN(:n CHARGE <:t L!i( per rnonrh (1BX pcr annun) applled to any belance due after thirty daysi PAST Dllli A(;COIINTS G0 0N C.O.D. Si ae Descrlptlon Trc.e Sal.es Ml Fc.e ll J. aneou Surtrlles MovJ ng har!,ee umn Total 'j'o tal -- Tree Sales TotaI -- M19c. Suprrlle 'l'otal -- Movins Ch*e. I es 'Iax -TOTAL The underslgned heteby acknewlsdgss th6t BIG TREE MoVER will not be llablefor darnage to driveways, eldewelks,1awrS. Sprinkler 6yAtens, ctc.; or toany underground utlllfyp cuch a6, butnot llnlted to, nater, well; sGW€tr septlc ta$k, leechlng f1e1dr powcr llrresr phone lirrcer BtG., whlch havenot been locatcd and narked by cue- t.omer r whlclt would perrein to any urorkor Bervlcce performed by BIc TREE MoVER. Owner to carfy,hL* own flre, tornado, and other n€ceaaary lngurnnce TOl'AL BALANC }." DUE il I' Slgnatutc Datc Pflnted by Dltke lfioIllca s/01/5:13prn !fhanl(. I rwa=ly r =lDl a't / 9 5=t 2 z 25sro.== r+\cd to I rlka uoar-1ca i' ;;iii';;a' ;i;' ;; :;'liii';i;' ;;;' ii;' a].rtqatlorl avrtatr b€forc the if a]rourd ua r51earcd.- I w111 hav3 t'o ca]']. Fltz ao lamltrd hln- r t 1l' 13t ftou knovt !tth'!t r g€t lt. t/t-7,*/ ft*4 4 | ',*r*tt*.,/4 *r** a 6K .h ^&.4_ .#1 +. (, - H4 )z oK *1 ,4 fd."-- Rr.4.* fu 4. Page: 1 Printed by Mike Mollica 11:52am Srdrt l-ke ualll.ca lDg rcharlle Davl-a, Gr€g IIaI-I-, lttl.I(€Mcaee, |Iodd oE)t'*rhe'.m.cr :::l ::: : - :Y?: - ::::::i-::i:?:- ?:il:iT: - - == =NCltIE= == = = =======-==A / O4l9 5==9 r aasm==CCr Datl gtanek ;i;i'i;i';ii';i:i;'i;'i;;iil;' ;;' ' ' ' f '.rt!t- -ou€ ttl. cow.r.d E!1aEe BrrL l.dl-nql, r.!ad are alkllag for the ref.aala of !}tot l It r|cltlcb we currentl!' Iao1d. P1€aae 1et me knorr, 1ta wrlt1ng, by rl6xc vrsdlneaalayeha 9tlr af, Arrgruat, 1f f'ou tr€.veout! tqndlllrg itcm| wtrlch rt.e.atcorrootlota, ctc.,.o! Lf wc alaouldl rrot t r.rra tbe fLraa:- and feL€aa. tlre lll. Tod4 - We w111 cotatlraue to r3ta1n ]5,757 f,or po!!1b1e t-e€ rsltlacqn€rrt ( tlra 1arg. ll'ruoe 10cat.d 6w of clte br1alg.) uD€ll D€eenbe! 1, 1996. 'flrrnkr I =-tE=-.---._" - -t8/o4 /95=10 r 3oalrl==Fed to. ltdlke ldo].I.Loa Mii;' i' ;'r";iail;' ;;;;;:' ii6 : ooo : oo' i;bond lroney f,or rrtl,l t!' wolk , alrd s tagltrEthat ha(l occureal ora lrown Prot'ertfr - Al-L thac war dane conq€rEllrE rrtl1l.ty/Rlgbt of way wolk 1a oomDl-ete and a9Droved by ln.l. I am wa1t1n9 for a wrl'tten 1etterfrom Toddt o tlrrt atehes the llown park 1r O - X . I)o We Want tO lceeD tnorrey f or tha rDrtrc.t f ron tlrt-a accourr.t? c . D . rtrrdt=bt' t =xlke=uo1 1 1caF\id to. chaEale Davlr No, b€cau8€ w€ a1raady hava a lcDeraLeaqcount f,or Lhe !D!uce. .fhenkt for alkl.ragf and for ttre qtr'-ck lelDotrle. Page: 1 ,o lQ],lWrff{il O R c'D 0tc 7. / cAsH oepost/ronuar' Legal Descdprion: Lotl-.,11 Block lB SuMivision if$l rd h,. I sJ Filing .r Itl,rl r'f.tPlte ot Explrarlon: ,2. f.?/.uLYr!$lF'Fs: 22q t\a t. 9t ' '' "'"l't)". this ?tA day of December , 199-{. by called the "Developer"), and the TOWN lhis Agreement, lncluding following: WHEREAS, lhe Developer wishes to provide collaleral lo guarantee performance of above-relerenced improvements by means o, theol lhe IOV-C0tylt'*, DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGHEEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and enleted into and among Covered Bridqe Bldq.fiEhinatter OF VAIL (herelnafter caled the ,'Town,). ,addsldatedJecenLe,cta,1g?+,wishestoenterintoaDeve|op@i1ding Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provido securily or collaleral sufliciont ln the ludgment of the Town lo make reasonabie provisions for compleilon of certaln lmprovemenls set forth below; and rn the tt'""PffiW*Ndortheast of the covered Bridge Building dies becauser\- of damage created during the construction of the coiered ariag. Building,qn<19 Developer shall replace said tree with a new tree at a maximum cost of'2;'r,-S8oa- rn the event damage is caused. to ine tree in 4ssociation withthe Townrs-activities, inciuding uut noi-rimited to the reconstruction ofthe Covered Bridge, then the maiimum amount which shalt be expended, upontftg-replacernent sharl be $2,900, or one r,irr or such value of the treeshall be later determined. The iown and. the Deveroper agree that theestablished replacement cost of the tree has been accomplished by theT?"1's expert and, in the event the DeveL-fer is "bi;-t;-;iovide the Townwith a report of an expert,-ol9 supportin!'do.o*"rrtation,'estabrishing alower cost of-replacement of the tl!e, in6.*ontt posted with the Townhereunder sharl be reduced in accoraan"" with such ,r", .rnoorrt. improvements as listed abovo, in accordance with allptans arid specitications filed in theoffice ol lhe Community Developmenl Deparlment, lhe Town ol vlil, ano to do allworkIncidental thereto according to and in compliance wilh the following: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specificalions, sketches, and olher mallersubmitled by the Developer lo be approved by any ol lhe above-relerencedgovernmenlal enlilies. All said work shall be done under lhe inspeclion of, and to lhe salisfaction ol, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other olficial from the Town ol Vail, as alfected by special districG or service districts,as lhelr respoctlve interest may appear, ani s'hatt not be deemed complete untilapproved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail communityDevelopment Deparlmsnt and publlc Works Department. 2' To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, theDeveloper agrees to provlde s-ecurlty and coilateral as follows: lo E$lablish a cash deposit with the Town of Vall In a dollar amount ot lor fl tt?{rc6{helotaboostnkhcxmk:ehrwnfipJowlilo provide security Now, TI|EREFORE, In considerailon ol the foilowing mulual covenanls andagreemenls, lhe Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. . . The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment ilT?51:'B,?T:'?ll'sffJBS"?L'":XTl;;:ffi 1trffi ff::i^}ff:::m::i j:,":l;"=@ rfrlebDeveroper snin comprete, in a good,";;il;;iik"^;;;il';ii the following: on Page 1 ol 3 o st't7't''-g N\ A cash deposit account in the amount of Efg=@- to be hetd by the Town, as escrow agenl, shall provlde the securlly tor the lmprovements set lorth above ll there ls a delault under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may al any lime subslitute lhe collateral origlnally set forth above for another form ol collateral acceplable to the Town lo guarantee the taithful complelion ol lhose lmprovements relerred to hereln and tho pertormance of the terms of thls Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shatl be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall nol, nor shall any oflicer or employee lhereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in lhis Agreement prior to the complelion and acceptance of the same, nor shall lhe Town, nor any ollicer or employee lhereof, be liable for any persons or properly lnlured by reason ol ltte nature ol said work, but all ol said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees lo indemnily and hold harmless lhe Town, and any of its ollicers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of ils olficers, agenls or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereol) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and lhe Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or olher expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in conneclion with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be ln addition to any other liability which the Developer may have. 5' lt is mulually agreed that the Developei may apply to the Town and the Town shall aulhorize for parlial release of lhe collateral deposited with lhe Town for each calegory of improvement at such time as such improvemenls are construcled in compliance wilh all plans and specificalions as relerenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will lhe amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amount .nec€.ssary lo complele such improvements. The corraterar shalr be reLeasedr-r the subject tree is living on December 1, Lgg6.6. ll lhe Town delermines lhal any of the improvements contemplated herein are nol constructed in compliance wilh lhe plans and specificalions set lorth herein by the date set lorth in paragraph 2, lhe Town may, but shall not be required lo, wilhdraw lrom lhe cash deposit such funds as may be necessary to complele the unfinished improvements. The Town shall release such funds upon the writlen request of the staff ol lhe Community Developmenl Department slaling that lhe improvemenls have not been compleled ai required by lhe agreemenl. The Town shall not require lhe concurrence of the developer prlor to ihe release of the funds, nor shall the Town be required lo verily independently that lhe improvements have not been compleled as required by lhis Agreement, but shall reloase such tunds solely upon the request of the communily DevelopmeniDepartment. lf the costs ol compleling the work exceed lhe amount of lhe deposit, the excess, togelher urith interest at lwelve percenl per annum, shall be a lien against lhe property and mg.V be collected by civil suit or may be certilied lo lhe treasurer of Eagle County'to becollected in the same manner as delinquenl ad valorem laxes levied a[ainst such property. lf the permit holder fails or reluses to complete lhe cleanup and landscafing, as Oefineci in inischapler, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation ol the Zoning Code. 7. The Developer warrants all work.and material for a period of one year afler acceptance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town pursuant to Section 17.16.250 if such work is located on Town ol Vail proferty or within Town o[ Vail right-of-way. .. 9.. The parties hereto mutually agros that lhis Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendm-enti be ln writing ind executedby all pariles hsrero. Dated the day and year first above written Pege 2 ol 3 t 'o EOVERED BRTDGE RTTIT,NTNG - T.TN DEVELOPER STATEOFCOLORADO ) By: East-Wes! Partners,Inc.,General partner couNTY oF EAGLE I tt' av ' = ?t 4'il4^-TitIe: 11 The folegolng Developer lmprovement Agregment was acknowlqdged bef,ore ne this h?_a^v or Ai-eoi,.Q*^ ' . rsggov R^..* E {}i; k;" ;; Vi;;; p;;;,CL;+- ' -. of East-west Partners, rnc'., general partner of covered Bridge Building, Wtness my hand and ofllclal seal. -' Ltd. lrly commlsston explres: g- la -qg 4* h*t- PLANNER, COMMUN ITY DEVELOPMENT STATE OF COLORADO COUNW OF EAGLE rlpdltd 9f2t8a orgqolng Dgveloper Wlness my hand and officlalseal. ss. fu_":':.,':slfr:tr I acknowledged belore me lhis Page 3 of 3 , TOV . COll1lIVI. DEV, D[PT, '/ )D GASH OEPO/T FORMAT Legal Descdptlon: tor{-, Bbckg:9 SuMivision hL!4llors-l-S-- Filing <- Dalo of Expf tation|-6:la''rs- Add.oss:@ Accounl Number: {!1Q@!!!!Q DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMEN'I THIS AGFTEEMENT, mado and ontprpd into thls -24 Ouy ofD-gggqber , 19-93 by and among covered Bi:idqe sldq{ltdr8inatter called the "Doveloper"), and lho TOWN OF VAIL (ltcrcinaltcr called lho "Town"). WHEHEAS, tho Developer, as a condilion of approval of the fco for covered Bridse pranr, ouiri'il;;i- , l9!4.,wishes to enler iito a Developut uilding Agreemenl; and I WHEREAS, the Developer is obligaled to provide securily or collaleral sullicient in ths ludgment of lhe Town lo make reasonable provisions for complelion of certain improvements set lorlh below;and ' WHEBEAS, the Dovoloper wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance oJ.. thls Agroomcnt, including consiruclion of lho abovs-roterenced improvements by means ol the lollowing: Dovoloper agroes to €stabllsh a cash doposlt with tho Town ol Vall ln a dollar.amounl of $_d_{-,$n-,_ (125% of the total cost of the work shown below) to provide securlly for the following: IMPROVEMENT. The folLowing measures required for the completion of the Bridge Building: -1 ., {ffii:ndow-i-rr-condomini$n 1z) nrower boxes Covered -4+;Ooe- ti'lYY \ $-q50o,- \N\\ rr?-,-&e€ 3 Z 8ao ' $44,750 ..p6#40 $-r#so $;"'5oo $9,800 TotaI x 125t lhe following lhe Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment and material necessary [o perform and complete all improvemerlts, on or before June 15, 1q9(4ll75t!'lThe Developer shall complele, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specilications filed in the ' olfice of lhe Communily Development Department, lho Town of vail, and to do allwork incicJcnlal lhcrclo according lo and in compliance wilh lhe following: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specificalions, sketches, and other matter submiiled by the Developer to be approved by any of lhe above'referonced governmsntal entitios. All said work shall be dono under lhe lnspectlon ol, and to the satislaclion ol, lhe Town Engineer, lhe Town Building Official, or othor ollicial from the Town ol Vail, as allected by special dislricts or service distrlcls, as lheir respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete unlil approved and accepled as compleled by the Town of Vail Gommunity Development Department and Public Works Department. 2. To secure and guarantce perlormanco of lts obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees lo provido securily and collalcral as followsl il,tr)a ;;;i-";;E>--7X ,-"*-t.-a-/:- ^/r-2 f'0r' f, ^' n5ole ., . *14,'t--',^n.to fl&l"y ,0, rc,Ii Pago 1 ol 3 Printed by ldike l{ollica Fronr I'11l(3 llolll'ca CC. Dan Stanok il;;'i;;;' ;;;;;;'i;'i;iil;' i6'''' "' fl.!aa].-out ttre cower.d BrLdge Bl.rl.]-dl.rrg,and ara rrl(1rrg fo! tha re1€aae of ttrel.!ft wl.l'ah w. crrrr.lrtlfr ttold. Pl-alae l-etlnc know, l.n wrr-ttrrg, b)r ra.:.t l'adncadatttho 9 tlr of Augfult, l.f I'otr brveorrt! tand1tr(' ltqlr wlrlcla ne€dco-r{tctl.o(l, etc...gr Lf va lhould not '.!!rrs tha f,-Dal. and ra1€aae tbe lt. ll'oald - wc vrlLL co||lt'.ltue €o rct!'l.lt,,5,'157 for possl.b]'e trce reDf.lcdncrat(tlte l.argte lpruce located aw of, ttreb!td,g.) untl!- Dscenber 1, 1995. !I'hank! I Page: I EnsTWnsT HoSPITALITY NAugust 1,1995 Town Of Vail Community Developement 75 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 Atten: Mike Mollica RE: Covered Bridge Bldg. Escrowed Funds Dear Mike, I have attached the C.C.B. List of uncompleted items at T.C.O. of which we escrowed $44,750. Since that time the town of Vail has released funds on items,1,3,4,5,8, totaf ing $30,000,($24,000 x 125o/o). The remaining items 2,6,7 are now complete and we request the release of funds totaling ilffi$11,800 x 125o/o). Please contact me if you should have any questions or would like to meet at the C.C.B. for review. --- ftt Beaver Creek@/ .-,) (r-,--\ ct\ P.O. Box 5480 . Avon. CO 81620 (303) 949-5071 . Facsimile: Q03)949-5526 @ Prinred on rccycled paper 'ffi,L Peter Dann C.C.B. LTD. + N*'l N ""-V ^-4 rt*z^ ffiqrYW TOV,COIVI|VI. DEV. DEPT. DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGHEEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entgrfd into this ?iA oay ofD-e-9em!er-, ts93 by anO among- io.t.t"d siidqu B q{lfdr8hailer called lhe "Developer"), and the TOWN OF VAIL (hereinafter called lhe "Town"). a condition of approval qf ths TCo for covered B B wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and . WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the Judgment ol the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forlh below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee perlormance o-f . this Agreement, including consiruction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: Developer agrees to establish a cash deposlt with lhe Town of Vail in a dollar' amount ot $ji,_Z5d_ (t25yo of the total cost ot the work shown below) to provide security for the following: -1 . i.niun(2) Flowrir boxes ' " .6.) Painting of roof vents ( 7: Landscaping .ffi+xltge TotaI x 125t NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the lollowing agreemenls, the Developer and lhe Town agree as lollows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment and material necessary to perlorm and complete all improvements, on or before June L5 ' n{9€tlTSTnfhe Developer shall complele, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the office of lhe Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidenlal lhereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer lo be approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under lhe inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respeclive interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepled as completed by the Town of Vail Communily Development Deparlment and Public Works Department. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: ++$44- $1,500 \ -$-1F'€€€ Il,tr)o ${# Fl:?+€o $ . .s00 s9, 800 q t4,1 sa e*;-t 99544.''|$\ rr*-e€€$:q t@ * $44,750 WHEREAS, the DeveloPer, as plans, dated be.e^Le,a 12 ,1914, IMPROVEMENT The following measures reguired for the Bridge Building: completion of the Covered ridgeuilding mutual covenants and:J-- Page 1 ol 3 Account Number: 0 1 -0000-22026 DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and eqtprpd into this ?e Oay ofD-Cselb9r....- t94 by and among Covered Bridqe Bldq{flJr8inatter called the "Developer"), and the TOWN the Covered . $3,000 $l,500 $4, ooo $6,000 $1,500 $ . 's00 $9,800 $9,500 OF VAIL (hereinafler called the "Town"). WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condilion of approval sf ths TCo for Covered Prid pfans. daled lerenlelt le ,1g/t, wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement BuiL Agreemenl; and WHEREAS, lhe Developer is obligated to provide security or collaleral sufficient in the Ittdgmenl ol llto Town to make reasonable provisions for completlon of cerlaln lmprovements sel lorth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of lhls Agroement, including construction ol lhe abovo-referenced improvements by means of lhe lo owing: Developer agrees to establish a cash deposlt wllh lhe Town of Vall ln a dollar amount of $3t l5O.- (125% ol the total cost ol lhe work shown below) to provide securlty lor the following: IMPROVEMENT I e-following measures reguired for the completion ofE 'i.dge Building:1. Installation of firewindow in condominium2. Flower boxes3'. Slate on 4th level deck t. Siding on 4th floor west side of condoninium5. Chiller enclosure doors6. Painting of roof vents7. Landscaping8. Signage Tota]. x 125t $44,750 ge ding 1. and malerial The Developer agrees, at its sore cosr and expenses, to rurnish ail equipment n1c^e:.s11rl,!g perform and complete all improvemenls, on or before 4,7:gA tlliNihe Developer snarr comfr;t;;; a good workmantike manner,,ipj:"_?Tits as risred above, in accordance witr iripra;r;,iiileJri."iii.i'rir"i i" iii all ollice of lhe community Development Departmenl, lho Town of viil, ano to do allworkIncidental lhereto according ro dnd in compriance wirh rhe roilowinl:' a' such other dggrgr, drawings, maps, speciricarions, sketches, and other mattersubmiiled by.rhe Dovetoper ro be approved by any of lhe above-rererencedgovernmenlal entilies. All said work shall be oone under lhe inspection oi, analo lhe salistaclion ol, the Town Engineer, the Town Buildlng Official, or otherofficial lrom the.Town of Vail, as ailecteo'oy specta aistricts or service districts,as lhelr respeclive inlerest may appear, and shafi not be deemed completJ unfilapproved and€ccepted as completed by the Town of Vail communlty'Development Department and public W6rhs Oeparfm'enf. 2' To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, theDeveloper agrees ro provide s-ecurity "ni"on"r"r"r as foilows: 536n"# js,roo N Now' THEREFORE, ln consideralion of rhe following mulual covenanrs and3greemenls, lhe Developer and lhe Town agree as follows: Page I of 3 o A cash deposlt accounl in lhe amount of $ aa. zso. oo to be held by the Town, as oscrow agont, shall provlde lho aocurlty for lho lmprovoments Bot forth abovo lf thoro ls a default under lhe Agreemenl by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any lime subslitute the collateral originally set forth above lor anolher form ol collaleral acceptable lo the Town to guaranteo the talthful completion ol lhose improvemenls referred lo herein and lhe performance of the terms of lhis Agreemenl. luch acceptancs by lhe Town of alternative collateral shall be at lhe Town's solo discrellon. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall anyiollicer or employee lhereof, be liable or responsible lor any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring lo lhe work specified in this Agreement prior lo the complelion and acceptance of lhe same, nor shall the Town, nor any ollicer or employee thereof, be liable lor any persons or property iniured by reason of lhe naltlre ot said work, but all of said llabilities shall and are hereby assumed by lhe Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its ollicers, agenls and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its oflicers, agents or employees may become subject lo, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabililies (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any pedormance by lhe Developer hereunder; and lhe Developer shall reimburse llte Town for any and all legal or olher expenses reasonably incurred by lhe Town in conneclion wilh investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or aclion. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability whicn the Developer may have. 5. lt is mulually agreed that the Developei may apply to lhe Town and lhe Town shall aulhorize for partial release of lhe collateral deposited wiifr tne Town for each categoryof improvement at such lime as such improvements are conslructed in compliance with ill - plans and specilicalions as referenced hereunder and accepled by the Town. Under no condilion will lhe amount ol the collateral that is being held be reduced below lhe amounl necessary to complele such improvemenls. 6' lf the Town delermines that any of the improvements contemplated herein are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth heiein by the dale setforlh in paragraph 2, lho Town may, but shall nol be required lo, wilhdraw from lhe cashdeposit sttch lrrnds as may be necessary lo complele the unfinished improvemenls. TheTown shall release such funds upon the written requesl ol fhe sraff of lhe CommunityDevelopment Departmenl stating that the improvemenls have nol been completed ai requiredby uto agreement. The Town sttall not require lhe concurrence ol lhe developer prior to iherelease ol the funds' nor shall the Town be required lo verify independently that tireimprovements have not been compleled as required by this Agreemenl, but shall release suchflrnds solely upon rhe requesr of the community DoveropmeniDepar|'ent. lf the costs of completlng the work exceed the amount'of the deposit, lhe excess,togclher wilh interest al.lwelve percent per annum, shall be a lien against the property andm'r.l'be collected by civil suit or may becertified lo lhe lreasurer of Eagle County'to becollected in the same mann-er as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against sucn property. lflhe permit holder fails or reluses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, as defined in thischapter, such failure or refusal shall be considered a vioiation of lhe zoning code. 7 ' The Developer warranls all work and material for a period of one year afteracceptance of allwork referred to in this Agreement by lhe Town pursuant to Section17'16'250 il srtclt work is localed on Town-of Vail properly or witnin iown of Vail righr-ot-way. ., . 9.' The parties. hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended fromtlme to lime, provided that such amenomlnt! be in writing ino "iecuteo by ail parties hereto. Dated ths day and year first above written. Page 2 ol 3 STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE o COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING, I,TD. DEVELOPER By: East-west Partn_ers,Inc.,General Partner before me lhls of Covered Bridge Building, edged belore me this ss. By:,4r,'7 Title z /kt ,.r,r. The foregolng Developer lmprovement -b-.aaV ol S^n,,...Q.r o" - . 191lby Ros ent was Lllof East-West Partners, Inc'., generaL partner Witness my hand and officlal seal. : Ltd. My commtsston explres: 9- tt' q g STATE OF COLORADO .) couNTy oF EAGLE ltt' hA h,zL PLANNER, COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT reemenl Witness my hand and officlal seal. My commission explres upd.l.d 0r28r9a /q'/ / Page 3 of 3 --) \B. APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE /AE? /)2,)) PHONE gffi -b7l PHON ADDRESS C. PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATUR PHONE f ffrott MAILING ADDRESS gICKd EIfr' @ LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: STREET ADDRESS totkLelocxJt:/? sueotvtstot{ de,, ruNe fitLr APPLICATION FEE $1OO.OO pltO/d d."' CHECK n ,ta?b DA r,rir.a tol2/El APPLICATION FOR CONDOMINIUII'/TOWNHOUSE PLAT REVIEW (Chapter 17.22 Yail Municipal Code) (please print or type) A. APPLICANT 1. Two mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivision plat shall be sub--mitted to the Department of Community Development. The plai shall include a site map with the following requirements: The final plat shall be drawn by a registored surveyor in India ink, or other substiantial solution, on a reproducible medium (preferably mylar) with dimension of twenty{our by thirty-six inches and shall be at a scale of one hundred feet to one inch or larger with margins of one and one- half to two inches on the left and one-half inch on all other sides. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot lor all lines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streets, selbacks, alleys, easements, structures, areas to be reserved or dedicated for public or common uses and other important features. All curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by the radius, central angle, arc scored distances and bearing. All dimensions, both linear and angular, are to be determined by an accurate control survey in the field which must balance and close within a limit of one in ten thousand. North arrow and graphic scale. A systematic identification of all existing and proposed buildings, units, lots, blocks, and names lor all streets. MAILfNG eooaess R * gtfu r Qtlotil - (., f/bu MATERIALS To BE SUBMTTTED: Ul W W D. E. F. b. c. d. e. An identification of the streets, alleys, parks, and other public areas or facilities as shown on the plat, and a dedication thereol to the public use. An identification of the easements as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the public use. Areas reserved for future public acquisition shallalso be shown on the plat . f. A written survey description of the area including the total acreage to the nearest appropriate signilicant figure. The acreage ol each lot or parcel shall be shown in this manner as well. g. A description of all survey monumenls, both lound and set, which mark the boundaries of the subdivision, and a description of all monuments used in conducting the survey. Monument perimeter per Colorado statutes. Two perimeter monuments shall be established as major control monuments, the materials which shallbe determined by the town engineer. h. A statement by the land surveyor explaining how bearing base was determined. i. A certificate by the registered land surveyor as outlined In Chapter 17.32 of this title as to the accuracy of the survey and plat, and that the survey was performed by him in accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, Tiile 38, Article 51 . j. A certificate by an attorney admitted to practice in the State of Colorado, or corporate title insurer, that the owner(s) of record dedicating to the public the public right-of-way, areas or facilities as shown thereon ars the owners thereof in fee simple, lree and clear of all liens and encumbrances except as noted. k. The proper form for filing of the plat with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. l. Cerlificate of dedication and ownership. Should lhe certificate of dedication and ownership provide for a dedication of land or improvements to the public, all beneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holders on said real property will be required to slgn the certilicate of dedication and ownership in addition to the fee simple owner thereof. m. All current taxes must be paid prior to the Town's approval of plat. This includes taxes which have been billed but are not yet due. The certificate ol taxes paid must be signed on the plat or a statement from the Eagle County Assessor's Office must be provided with the submittal information stating that all taxes have been paid. n. Signature of owner. The condominium or townhouse plat shall also include floor plans, elevations and cross-sections as necessary to accurately determine individual air spaces and/or other ownerships and il the project was built substantially the same as the approved plans. A copy ol the condominium documents for staff review to assure that there are maintenance provisions included for all commonly owned areas. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA Upon receiving two copies of a complete submittal along with payment of the appropriate fee, the zoning administrator shall route one copy of the site map to the town engineer for his review. The zoning administrator shall then conduct this review concurrently. The town engineer shall review the submittal and return comments and 2. 3. G. notitications to the zoning administrator who shall transmit the approval, disapproval or approvalwith modifications of the plat within fourteen days to the applicant. The zoning administrator shall sign the plat if approved or require modifications on the plat for approval or deny approval due to inconsistencies with the originally approved plan or failure to make other required modifications of the plat. H. FILING AND RECORDING The zoning administrator shall be the final signature required on the plat so that the Department of Community Development will be responsible for promptly recording the approved plat with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Fees for recording shall be paid by the applicant. The Community Development DeparUnent will retain one mylar copy of the plat tor their records and will record the remaining mylar copy. l. lf this application requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Golorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of the application fee. lf, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re- publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Deparlment to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a signilicant impact on the community may require review by consultants other than town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff lhat an outside consultant is needed to review any application, the Community Development Departmenl may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money neoessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be fonrvarded to the Town by the applicant at he time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds fonrarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned io the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount fonrarded by the application shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. a4-28-t995 E3:58PM TO 4?92452 P.szo EAOLE COUNTY TFEAEUBER FR0r.'4O Ropon Datc; frl?.€,lgg VENDOR NO: COVEfIEI' BHIUGT BUILDING. UID. CERTIFICATf OF TAXES DUE oROEff No: SCHEDULE NO: R007870 Prgol t ASSESSED TO; COVERED BHIOGE BUILDING, LTD. % EAST WEST PARTNERS ATTN: CHRIS WFIGHI AVON, CO E1620 TEGAI, DESCBIPTIO}I: SUB:VAIL MLtAgE FIUNG 1 BLK:S-B LOT:C DESC: & D SWLY 4 FT. LOr B Bl(:0392 PG:0293 BK:0C38 P6:02f 1 MISG: BK-0638 PG-260 OCD 04-12-94 CLASS: 21 I 2 ASSD VAL: 258940 CLASS: 2212 A$SD VAL: 452640 PABGEL:2tol@21ff)ol $ITUS ADD:OAO227 BRIDGE ST VAIL TAX YEAR 1994 TOTA[ TN(ES TAX ATIIOUNT o.o0 rflT AMOUltr 0.00 ADV,PEf{,MISC o.m TOTAL DUE o.00 0,00 ASSESSMEf{T TOTAI. ASMT ASMT /IMOUNT lilT AtritouHT ADV.PE!|.ltilSc TOTAT DUE 0.00 TAX LIEII # TOTAT CERT TLS AMOUNT ITIT A'VIOUilT SEOEIIIPT FEE TOTAI. DUt 0,00 GBAND TOTAL DUE OOOD THROUGH OSBT/95 0,00 ORIGIIIAI TAX BILLING FOB 1994 Int'rodty EAGLE @UNTY cMc RE6OJ SCHOOL TOWN OF VAIL MINTURN CEMETERY DISTRICT VAIL PARK & RECREATION OIS COLORADO RIVER WATER CO VAIL WATER DISTRICT VAIL WATER & SANITATION D] VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED UPPER EAGI."E VALLEY CONSO EAGLE COUNW EMEhGENCY S FEE FOR THIS CERTIFICATE Mill Levy 9.981 3.997 29.572 4.690 . 0.033 2.831 o.394 0.000 0.567 r.067 0.563 1,171 . Amont 7101.28 2843.79 21039.89 3336.84 23.44 20r4,20 280.32 0.00 to3,41 759.15 400.56 833,14 54.866 ALL TAX UEN SALE TTI,$) AMOUNTE ARE SUEJECT TO CHANGE DUE TO ENDORSEMENT OF CTJRRENTTAXES 8Y THE LIENHOLDER ON TO ADVERTISING ANO DISTEAIMT W RRAN' FEES, CI{ANGEE MAY OCCUR AND Tt{E ?ftEAEUflEN'E OFTICC WILL NCCD TO Bf CONTACTFD PRIOi TO REMffTANCE AFTER THE FOLLO\ryING DATEST PERSONAL PROPERTY AND MOBILE HOMES - SEFTEMBER r. RIAL PROPEBTY - OCTOBER I . SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICTS AND THE BOUNDARIES OF SUCH DISTRICTS MAY gE ON FILE WITH THE SOAFO Of COUNTY eoMMrssroNEns. rl{E couNw cLEh(, oB THE couNTy AssE380A. This ccnificatt do3s mt includo laDd ot irfiptov€rnords as3.aeqd ur$er a rGparsle .chcdub numbar, poreonal propotty taxca, trtnrtol tnx or rnac. td colhctlC on behdf of otho? chtiti.3, sp.cial or lo6al improvcmc di€tfict ag3sssmgntF of mobilr homcs, unlcrs rpcifiaelly mentionad, 1, tht urdrreigneC, do hcruby ccftily th5t thE andrp *nount of tares dug th€ Fbovo ill outstrndihg esbr for urplid tEflca re rhqwn by thr noords in my ofl affio{ht rrquirEd tor rldimption iri rr notrd hsrtin, In witncs whrr3ol ffom rvhich tho TNEASURER, EAGTE COUilTY, $HERNY BNAilDOII, BY 39036.06 10.00 hava hcfgunto tct prtcds TOTHL P,Ez EAsrWBsr Hosprrmrrv LETTE o RO F TRANSMITTAL -- /r' Beaver Creeku/ .--) { \i- P.O. Box 5480 . Avon, CO 81620 wEARESENDTNG]OU O E ShcP dcwingr D CoPYotbmt THESE ARE TRANSMITTED rs checked below: For approval tr Fofyourut! tr Ar r€gu€slrd t E Atlachcd tr Via ,oy;;tt';; - thr lollorvlng lcms: Samphr E SpecilicrUonsp( aintfrrPrr- B Changeoder c tr tr t-l Plrns Oilginalr @ftEl otl ttto.ottcstnoNgc/-/'/t60 a+ u tr n tr tr Approved as submitlcd Apprwid as notsd R€tumad for correctonr Q For your records E Reviso and rcsubmit )Zf ror re"tsl and comtnant E PRINTS RETUNNEDAFTEF LOAN TO US U FOB BIDS DUE SIGNEDcoFrTo fl t,l€&qr.t Ja ra n nM, r@ rW E a ufr. .t -a'.3\ a /./ (562720 B-666 Sara J. Fisher 7/es - P-697 05/08/95 04;54p pG 1 oF zEagJ.e County Cl,erk & Recorder AGREEMENT FOR PEDESTRIAN ACCESS EASEMENT LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE EASEMENT AND BANNER POLE EASEMENT AND GRANT OF EASEMENTS . This AGREEMENT FOR PEDESTRIAN ACCESS EASEMENT, LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. EASEMENT, AND BANNER POLE EASEMENT, AND GRANT OF EASEMENTS is made and entered into Ehis )Lt?' day of Op,, L1995, by and between covERED BRIDGE BUIL-DrNG, irp., -l'GToffio Limited Partnership ("Grantor") and the TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, a Colorado munlcipal corporation ( "Grantee" ) : IiHEREAS, Grantor and Grantee desire to establ.ish, for thebeneflt of the Grantee, easements for (a) pedestrian access across a portion of Lot "b", Block 5-8, VaiI Village First Flllng, as morespecifically identified on Exhibit A (the "Access/LandscapeEasement"), (b) landscape maintenance across a portion of Lot "b",Block 5-8, Vail Village First FiIing, as more specifically ldentified on Exhibit F(the "Landscape Maintenance Easement") and(c) maintenance of a pole from which Grantee may suspend banners ata location on Lot "d", Block 5-B, Vail Village First Filing, asmore specifically identified on Exhibit C (the "Banner Po]e Maintenance EasemeDt"), which land to be subjected to easements maybe jointly referred to herein as the "Grantor's Property"; and WHEREAS, the Grantor is willing to grant to crantee and itssuccessors and assigns easements across the Grantor's Property,according to the terms and conditions of this Agreementi NOW, THEREFORE, ln consideration of the mutual promises andcovenants contained herein, the farties agree as foLloers: 1. Grant of Easement for Pedestrian Access. The Grantorhereby grants and conveys to Grantee and its successors and assignsa non-exclusive easement over and across that real propertydescribed on Exhibit A (hereinafter the ,'Access/Landscape Easement") for the use by Grantee, its successors and assigns, andthe public, over the Access,/Landscape Easement for the followlng uses ! For travel by representatives of the Grantee and the public atlarge, by foot, for the purpose of accessing the property owned by the Grantee, including Bridge Street and that portionof. the aforementioned Lot t'b'' which is not within thesouthwesterly four feet of said Lot ',b", across Grantor,sProperty. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Access/Landscape Easement untoGrantee, and lts successors and assiqns. REC 35. O0 DOC -v' t rf) 1\ ?-{ 2. Grant of Easement lor Landscape Maintenance Easement. The Grantor s and assigns a non-exclusive easement over and across that realproperty described on Exhibit lD (hereinafter the "Landscape Maintenance Easement") for the use by Grantee, its successors and assigns, over the Landscape Maintenance Easement for the following uses: For the purpose of Landscape maintenance telated to property owned by Grantee, including but not limited to planters located on property owned by Grantee and Grantor, asldentlfled Ln Exhlbtt B. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Landscape Maintenance Easement unto Grantee, and lts successors and asslgns. 3. Grant of Easement for Banner PoIe Maintenance. The Grantor ner ors and assigns a non-exclusive easement over and across that real property described on Exhibit C for the use by Grantee, its successors andassigns, over the Banner Pole Malntenance Easement for thefollowing uses:For the purpose of maintaining and accesslng a pole for thepurpose of suspending from such pole banners across the adJacent portlon of Bridge Street. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Banner Pole Maintenance Easement untoGrantee, and its successors and assigns. 4. Restoration of Grantor's Property. At the conclusion ofany activ perty, Grantee sha1lrestore the surface of the Grantor's Property, as nearly aspossible to lts prlor condition 5. Maintenance and Repair of Grantor's Propertv. Grantee,1ts succes esponsiblefor the maLntenance and repair of the improvements, if atryrassociat,ed with the Pedestrian Access Easenent, the LandscapeMaintenance Easement and the Banner Pole Malntenance EasementIocated on the Grantor's Property. Grantee, its successors andassigns shall be responsible for any damage to the Grantor,sProperty caused by the placement and operation of such lmprovementson the Grantor's Property. Grantee shal1 use lts best efforts tolnstall and malntaln any improvements provided for herein withoutdisturbing the use of the crantor's property. 6.. The parties agree that the maintenance of landscaping in the plantersshall be as set forth on that Exhibit, withthat planter identified as "C.B.B." (except IA 1i?i ldentlfied on Exhlblt Bthe crantor maintaining 2 05/05/95 04:54P pG 2562720 B-666 P-697 oF7 That the Grantee sharr maintain the re]ated irrigation systen), andthe Grantee maintaining those planters identified as "T.O.V." '7. Maintenance of water Line servinq Landscapinq. Grantoragrees that the Grantee shall have the right to continue the use ofthe water line presently constructed under the improvements locatedon Lots "c* and "d" and the southwesterly four feet of Loc "b,,,Block 5-B, vail Vilrage First Filing, for landscaping purposes. rnthe event such line becomes unusabre, or must te ietoCatec, theGrantee . may have access to such line for the purpose ofaccomplishing repairs, or may relocate such line to - anotherlocation around the perimeter of such property in order to servelandscaping maintained by the Grantee. _ 8. c,o+enant to Run rith the G{antot's ptopertv and Grantee, sProperqv' The Easement granteo@etual and sharlrun wi-th the land described as Grantor. s property more specificarlyidentified on Exhibit A. _9. Reservation of Riqhts. The Grantor reserves the rlght touse Grantor's Property and to grant other easements across theGrantor's Property which will not j_nterfere with the easementgranted herein to Grantee. GRANTOR: TOWN OF VAIL,a Colorado municipal corporation 'I rE J_e : STATE OF COLORADO )) ss 'couNTY OF ?".<c-e )_----n- l nsl- rrlmanf Colorado. .was acknowledged before ne on ,?Lr^ day ofby Robert w. Mclaurin, Town t',tan-!er of the Witness my hand and official sea1. l, ^.'- -,:-My conni.ssioh expires ht" ! ' "*r*? ;. r^^*y al, *,lp N 1\ F! The forregoing TOwn of Vail_, 562720 8-666 p-697 O|/OE/95 04:b4p pG 3 OF ? GRANTEE; COVERED BRIDGE BUTLDING, LTD. By: East-West Partners, Inc.Title: GeneraL Partner ./) - .-/syz Pr 14ra,-'(,-,--^|'/,'. r'Title2 t/co-<-'tr''u'o STATE OF COLORADO )., J ss. coUNTY oF (.\ r#_a ) U r t ? iic r e s o i n g i n s' iBt?l' o;"-i ::T' E *&:;.,'ff me on ct5 rs# of Eastfl{est Partners, fncffi Witness ny hand and official seal. My commission expir"" 9 . I I - 1 K fi1 *'r^, Cc lG 2t') rp\easement.tov x o !rd 562720 B_666 P_69?05/05/95 04:S4p pc 4 oF7 5627 20 B-60 p-6ez . ACCESS/LANDSCAPE EASEMENT AeeES-s.-/JlAp-5.clEr;-F=.5F.l!E!r A porcel o/' land in Eogle cou:nty, coloroo'o, locstccl in'Lots':'b'ondi'")or,'l ',;"','.'.. Block 5-D, vall wla-go,.Flrst trirhg ytlth the point of Begfnplng belng ilio i,,,. j,, southeost corner of sold Lot b ond cn the westerly rtgtit of -woy ilio.of ,BrlditcScreo{,' thenco N2641'00^E olong the eostorty tia'oti -iaid .i"i 6 iii'liu--';',iii,westerly TOht of y'r.g1, line of BriCge Sfreef 'o',distonce of ;4O0.feet to'.-:ol:ioitit;thence N6J7?'oo'W olong o lini paroltel to ond 4OO'.fee't_,northeostirtithom.,'.t!:::::9"9 tne'of soi-d Lot b o distonce of t6.oo'r;et'io-,';;"iiiii:''ti,iiit::"sJ357327 a dlstoncc of tB.i6 feet to o potnt on the easteriy ini."i:iii ' Lo( c ond on the u'esterlS' rlght of rlo,v tlnc of Brldge Strcot; i',\ence mOit'jt*l.g t\1 eos, terly line of said Lot c .o1d ilrc westirty n'ght of way linc of '"..:Bricge stroet a distonco of s.o?.feot to thg,point 6r o6gnntlg.,' ,.., ,',-:..',,. .,.:_-..i..-..: ;.1 : . : . .. : ..soid porcel of lond cortto;it.s 72 squoro feet (0.002,,?i*o), moio or les:;,..,.,.,, EXHIBIT A I * ,ltgtH*" '-:UilE e. 's €. d7,2 \,.44o Ao P I I 4 'F{' tTl li8 fE i[jj-qt: \r {l.n .> t.- rli ?t- I, tl f ri-'43): ITE;, l+i: . nti > J a67e(L $c{ \tI7 2 F) z a E oFO _t vaJ 5s I I T, d'cl cll IcI rd. 04 ul >d $ I $ E 5rfo & doods eq lr| 3 I .l.(U ::?3 o;: ri 3.f353 3.r, df6r *F$t ii '1_. v-iE 1z3, 4eii fddE 'rtr., .tE tl*.s 1 I il -J el $l t l:rt ol GIl-' dr: rrlJ A 6 s: i I JzIasl Je ? a{ s2lt Ugzdi! $t 4$i ;5$.zdo3!$ 3tdi {r' -r"d qo+ \I Fc 2 3 $ a. qrw 0'' 7-,o:)o:ts ni Oi--tl -) Za J Ju d .9Id 14 $t*cn 0lu c- $ro too I() F- I ro I $t F-al (O ro t. - s6z?zo B-6t p-6s? os/osls, 04:54p pF? oF z I ..:l ,.. b\/Y^ .:-ioffi, , <o7to,sg .rr'V u,1e\--.\-\ r <oit.f-.. ,/ '--;9L/ j' *'"/,# oi.=K f^oo* ^ ;/ '^;nltr$i \ 4_ ffr#i $&, &l$ Qa . % zfi0( nro. e>ds; u'o,, XZ..WM e<o%q,.'"6 6..SNb/ ^'kry / '/ ' 1e A , locotad n L:ot .d .of Block.'g:g' .'.', eginn hg' bofng, dt'. the e6u thteijst,,",'.. 4 porcel of lond in Eoglo CountSl Colorvdo, locotsd tht-'L:olt:4 af ,,CioAc,.g_6i:,,;'voi/ v//oge, Ffust F1lng- vitlr tni'pint,oti geoiiii iotno, ar'..t;,i.aA,,tho,tnt..- ....corner of sotd Lot^d;.tfii6nce NEJTegg^w-if in9 iiJw)tia'airiiii'Zir:i:A ii^llrilrf tl g.e iest to a pgint; thence ruio.+i;oorE'; ;;|";"if,i .rnn,,,a dbtonie of JOT |:.'feet to o pont; thence SggZ'giO,t'o'., )u,..ct t!ze.+t uu E.o olstance of J.OO,.' . dlstonce br 0.00'fect ,to..'o eani ii ,,,i,!,. "",F;:y:,:!: ;i,,i:!!^ftl.t,:i:i:,ii,,"Xi.y #; ",;::,Jii,,lif,t'.fo|Ililr,!na,,', Z,:,(!:""t,:i"!^!""!:!"t:f :,1tr;:ty"iii,p"ini";o;W';l;;'n;i'rfli;ffi !,!u::,,!,o distonco of J.OO feot to tho pint of ', on . ;':. ne ''. i ' {"o A. i^ F.f+,.j'/ 'bV' luL s lo, \ of Beoinr /izo- ' 562719 B-666'a S""r J. Fi sher / n-flYv \' P-696 05/05/95 04:49p pG 1 OF 4Eagle County CIerk & Recorder REC 20.00 DOC AGREEMENT FOR DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND GRANT OF DRAINAGE EASEMENT This EASEMENT AGREEMENTentered lnto this JGl! dav of TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, A("Grantor") and COVERED BRIDGE OF EASEMENI is made and L994, by and between themunicipal corporationLTD., a Colorado Limited ATIC GRANT4;F4 , Colorado BUILDTNG, WHEREAS, Grantor and Grantee deslre to establish, tot thebenefit of Lots "c" and "d" and the southwesterly 4 feet of Lot"b", Block 5-8, Vail VllLage First Filing ("Grantee's property"), a conduit for the installation and malntenance of a drainagl sylt6iracross a portlon of Lot "b", Block 5-8, and a portlon of TiacC,'B',all in vail village First Filing, as more spe-cificarly identifieilon Exhibit A (the "Grantor's property";; an- WHEREAS, the crantor is willing to grant to crantee and itssuccessors and assigns an easement across the Grantor,s property, according to the terms and conditions of this Agreement; Novt, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises andcovenants contained herein, the parties aelree as follows: Partnership ( "Grantee',) : 1.Grant of Easement for Drainaqe Use. The Grantor herebygrants and conveys to Grantee and its successors and assi.ons anexclusive easement (hereinafter the "Easement',) for the rise byGrantee, its successors and assigns, of the Grantor,s property foithe following uses: For the instarlation, naintenance and repair of Grantee'sunderground drainage system. To HAVE AND To HoLD t,he Easement unto Grantee, anct itssuccessors and assigns. The Easemen! shall run with the landdescribed as Grantee's property and shall be appurtenant to theGrantee's_Property so that a transfer of title to all or anyportion of the Grantee's property sharl automatically transfer iproportionate interest in the Easement. Restoration of Grantor's property. At the conclusion of a\ N installation, main drainage easenent orfacility upon' through or under the Grlntor's property, theGrantee, or its successors in interest served by such driinage rineand facirity, shalL restore the surface of the-Grantor,s pr6perty, as nearly as possible to its existing state. 3. Maintenance and Repair of Grantor,s property. Grantee,its succes eLy responsiblefor the maintenance and repair of the impiovements rocateci on the Y{1\ ?{ () Giantor's Property under this Agreement. Grantee, its successorsand assigns shall be responsible for any damage to the Grantor, sProperty caused by the placement and operation of the improvementson the Grantor's Property under this Agreement. GranteJ shalr useits best efforts to instaJ.r and maintain any drainage rine orfacility perrnj-tted under this Agreement withouC disturbing the useof the Grantor's property and shall restore the surface of theEasement to its originar condition as soon as possibre aftercompletion of its work. . C_qrenant to Bun rith .tlte Gqantor, s p.ope.tv ard G.artee, sProperEv. The Easement granted hereinrun wlth the Land described as Lots 'rc" and ,dr and thesouthwesterry 4 feet of Lot "b", Block 5-B, vail virlage FirstFiling, and that portion of Lot "b", Block 5-B, Tract 'B', Vailvillaqe First Firing more specifi.cally identified on Exhibit A. 5. Reservation of Riqhts. The Grantor reserves the right togrant other easements across the Grantor, s property which wilr notinterfere with the easement granted herein tolGrancee. GRANTOR: TOWN OF VAIL,a Colorado municipal corporation "", y'.f(2/- Title: STATE OF COLORADO ) - ) ss' COUNTY OF Za<4 )-_-'- The foregoing instrument was acknowtedged before me on Ai,t4-, day of ffi"-;--r"i333: by Robert w. t'rll,aurin, rown Man-Eser of rhe Witness my hand and official seal _ My commission expires ll'yco'nni:"';;;:;';:";;'i;;;li7'i395 N1\ T<6 5627 79 8-666 P-696 05/05/95 04:49P PG 2 oF4 GRANTEE: COI/ERED BRIDGE BUILDING, LTD. By: East-West Partners, Inc.Title: General Partner L._By: TitIe: STATE OF COLORADO ) b_Y_ ,R.. -* < (== Ea , r k-0.,.,= =Inc., General Partner bf A A.-,At:sn, Uu Y tc /t, rp\easement . tov ' 28 Nov 94 1\ ?'l ,:) /.2- ) /1 ) ss. couNTY ot I'r>qKz ) \ Th^e foregoing l-nsE.rument was acknowl-edff)d before me100q, Partners, Witness ny hand and official My commission expires ,{ton dav of:...--t-,\Ias (.1 re r / *andb.,t#--covered Bridqeof East-rgestBuilding;J Lrd. 562719 B_666 P_696 05/O5/95 04:49p pG 3 oF4 s62?1e|)u-eoo p-6e6 o5/05/s5 o1}P PG 4 oF 4 EXHIBIT A TO,AGREEMENT FOR DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND ... .jGTIANT : OF .DRAINAGE JEASEITIENT TRACT B20, DRAINAGE EA SEA1EAI T Loa d ).- GoR€ %a* LOT b /y ei / LOT o 'rrfr vt"' ,ro) -tr -/No-,-- /oi ,9 .\ rrL..DRAINAGE EASEMENT IEOAL DESSIPNOAI !gfri \d 4 +otri Op Eeghning ot the southvest -co.mer of soid Lot.d Block S_8, thencs 6J79'oo' E o distonc.e or ti.iz 7r"i-aorg the south rine or sokLot b to the Truc p?!lt_d Beshnnng;- inor".r-Ji|-;;t;"-centerrine, N 2049'40'E o diitoncJ'or-4r.75 feet to the point ofTermrhotion. f".:!. "U, of tond contoins 1JS squarc feet (O.Otg acres), more or LOr dnu ^r*l --- AGREEMENT FOR PEDESTRIAN ACCESS EASEMENT LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE EASEMENT AND BANNER POLE EASEMENT AND GRANT OF EASEMENTS ThiS AGREEMENT FOR PEDESTRIAN ACCESS EASEMENT, LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE EASEMENT, AND BANNER POLE EASEMENT, ANq GRANT OF EASEMENTS is made and entered into xhis dr"ta' day of q.-&iJ-' 1995, by and between covERED BRIDGE BUTLDTNG' iro., -ffiraEo Limited Partnership ("Grantor") and the TOWN OF VAfL' COLORADO, a Colorado munlcipal corporatlon ("Grantee" ) : V{HEREAS, Grantor and Grantee desire to establish, for the benefit of the Grantee, easements for (a) pedestrian access across a portlon of Lot "b", Block 5-8, Val.I Village First Fillng, as more specificalty identified on Exhibit A (the "Access/LandscapeEasement"), (b) landscape maintenance across a portion of Lot "b",Bl.ock 5-B, Vail Village First Filing, as more speciflcalJ.y ldentified on Exhibit lB (the "Landscape Maintenance Easement") and (c) maintenance of a pole from which Grantee may suspend banners at a location on Lot "d", BLock 5-B, VaiI village First Fillng, as more specifically identified on Exhibit C (the "Banner PoIe Maintenance Easemetrt"), which land to be subjected to easements may be jointly referred to herein as the "Grantor's Property"; and WHEREAS, the Grantor is willing to grant to Grantee and its successors and assigns easenents across the Grantor's ProPertyt according to the terms and conditions of this Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutuaL promises and covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. Grant of Easement for Pedestrian Access. The Grantor hereby gran rs and asstgns a non-exclusive easement over and across that real property described on Exhibit A (hereinafter the "Access./LandscapeEasement") for the use by Grantee, its successors and assigns, andthe public, over the Access,/Landscape Easement for the following uses: For travel by representatives of the Grantee and the public atIarge, by foot, for the purpose of accessing the property owned by the crantee, incl"uding Bridge Street and that portionof the aforementioned Lot ,'b, which is not within thesouthwesterly four feet of said Lot "b", across Grantor'sProperty. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Access/Landscape Easement untoGrantee, and Lts successors and assigns 2. Grant of Easement for Landscape Maintenance Easement. The Granto ts successors and assigns a non-exclusive easement over and across that realproperty described on Exhibit I (hereinafter the "Landscape Maintenance Easement") fOr the uSe by Grantee, itS successors and asslgns, over the Landscape Malntenance Easement for the following uses: For the purpose of landscape maintenance related to property owned by Grantee, including but not Iimited to planters located on property owned by Grantee and Grantorr as ldentlfled tn Exhtblt B. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Landscape Maintenance Easement unto Grantee, and its successors and asslgns. 3. Grant of Easement for Banner Pole Maintenance. The Grantor ner ors and assigns a non-exclusive easement over and across that real property described on Exhibit C for the use by Grantee, its successors andassigns, over the Banner PoLe Maintenance Easement for the following uses 3For the purpose of maintaining and accesslng a pole for the purpose of suspending from such pole banners across the adJacent portlon of Brldge Street. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Banner PoIe Maintenance Easement unto Grantee, and its successors and assigns. 4. Restoratlon of crantor'j_llgp3L{: At the conclusion of any activi perty, Grantee shallrestore the surface of the Grantor's Property, as nearly asposslble to lts prlor condition 5. Malntenance and Repair of Grantor's Propertv. Grantee,lts succes esponsiblefor the maintenance and repair of the improvements, if any, associated with the Pedestrian Access Easement, the Landscape Maintenance Easement and the Banner Pole Maintenance EasementIocated on the Grantor's Property. Grantee, its successors andassigns shall be responsible for any damage to the Grantor'sProperty caused by the placement and operation of such improvementson the Grantor's Property. Grantee shall use lts best efforts toinstall- and malntain any improvements provided for herein wlthoutdisturbing the use of the Grantor's Property. 6. Malnte@ The parties agree that theresponsibi landslaping in the plantersidentlfled on Exhlblt B shall be as set forth on that Exhibit, withthe Grantor malntaining t,hat planter identified as "C.8.B." (except That the Grantee shall maintain the reLated irrigation system) , andthe Grantee maintaining those pl_anters identified as "T.O.V.' '7. Maintenance of Water Line Servinq Landscaping. Grantoragrees that the Grantee sharl have the right to continue the use ofthe water line presently constructed under the improvements locatedon Lots ."c" and "d" and the southwesterly four feet of Loc "b",Block 5-8, Vail village First filing, for landscaping purposes. Inthe ewent such line becomes unusable, or must be reloCatei, theGrantee may have access to such line for the purpose ofaccomprishing repairs, or may relocate such l-ine to another]ocation around the perimeter of such property in order to servelandscaping maintained by the Grantee. _ 8. Cqvenant to Run with the Grantorrs propertv and Grantee'sPropertv. The Easement granted herein snart-ffirun wi-th the land described as Grantor, s property more specificalryidentifi-ed on Exhibit A. -9. Rqservation of Riqhts. The Grantor reserves the right touse Grantor's Property and to grant other easements across theGrantor's Property which will not interfere with the easementgrant.ed herein to Grantee. GRANTOR: TOWN OF VAIL,a Colorado municipal corporation 'IaE.J_e: STATE OF COLORADO )) ss. couNrY o, tftk' ) The fo-regoing instrument was acknowledged before me on Ja/^ day of 3p4-_t !995, by Robert W. Mclaurin, Town Uan-Eler of theTofn of Vai1, CoLorado. witness my hand and official seal . My commission explres GRANTEE: COVERED BRIDGE BUILDTNG, LTD. By: East-WestTitle: General Partners, fnc. Partner STATE OF COLORADO ) ,5ron I dav ofas Vif-g Pr-*p, o^ ,.t-Covered Bridge t /-- Iritle: Vt+a ffi25 n ) ss. COUNTY OF C 4[a- ) ---c- Witness my hand and official seal . My commission expires rp\easement. tov ',i...% : ,j: ,, ';i1:];t," -,',..i.irr,i:.: , r,.,' l',,i:t,..-$ ,f,,,; ;,,,';l "jl*i,, t r'-1,., DETA|L tryftt=l ,iriir;" -'r - ecctss/teuosQePE EAIEMENT ;. ..::''.;:'i;,.ri',i,.. . .. ,..,,..,j.'..,. 1..-.... , . ".,;:.'.:,:'i;,:...:.*..:.:,:;:':i.i;.:i'.:'-i.:'''.' ACC::SS,/t,Awoscrltpt:trA-ltrilralr ': , ',:. . : '' ': : ' I .:' : i:' "'t''A porcel of lond in Eoglc county co/orado, loc-oted in Lats'b"and c of , ,..''.. Olock 5-8, Voll Wllagc, Flrst Fiiing 'nlth the Point of BcElninlng: bclpj tft.o ,' . , trtec!{ r-4, vot vuogc, flrst rtttng pltilt tne yotnt of HcEfnnlng:t>ctne. tft.e ,'..,,souiheast cotner of sold Lot b ond cn the.westerly rtgltt.of .way llno of ,Brldg'no .of ;Brldoc - .. .i. strest thenco N2641'0o"8 olong the oostorty lino'otitod't"{ 6 oii {nul'1,.1.-:,r; t, i: :westufy right of yr.gpr.lino,of BriCAe Sfreef 'o,distonce of ;400 feet'to':,o,:poiit; thence NOJI?'OO'W olong a linb porellel to dnd 4.OO,;,feet. noi-theoiterfy;p*r,', t!9.1,o11!he1ty line'of sqia Lot b.o distonco of f6.oo:feel'.go o point;'tfriiie':'(,ile souuiefty une or sqto Loc D o dtstonco ot to.uu feet'to::.o point;..ffience' 9JJ57'J2'E a dlstonce of lB.i6 feet .to a polnt on the',easteriy lini''ot eaicr',y 'ot eaid '' Lof c oncl on the nesterl;, rlght of r'r,iy llne of Erlclge Sfreal, {tteice tUOit'Ot 4org lhe eosterly line of sal<J Lot c and,the westorty right of t'toy lrhs;61 : ".,1 Eridge Strost a distoncv of 5.00 feot to t fi, (*nl of ngl llre,,otl ; t1i of.Beginnfne,'. ;:. .'' r-j:., ,t: Uto westony tho Point of. ,.,tt.,t-', . or . IGss,-. . ', .'. '.' .' - -_-.. . , :. EXHIBTT A ottugv rLre{tr q Qtsaanco ol-.c,UU .rc€t IO tn0 Font of .treglnnlng:.,... :,a ., i.-.'., , ' I l' ' t: t ' '' t't 'tl:tt'' "lt :: : i. ' '' Soid porcel of lond cotrtoiit.s 72 squaro feot (0.002:oires), 6i* or 76,s.9.',:,,.';:,octe9 -4lE il( g .IISIHXS P PJ € vtzeG $cr -t () 7 2t) z a E doo &sq ufl 3 i : -02laE Je. 7 qtt2t' vd4o : br,osG, UEzd 3!F. iBrta* q$i ;5tzd05il i8ii {r' rtg, \I 's €. |tl7'2 fll.4&o ao F Fc 2 3 $a -BF 7"o-)o:tsqol -t vdJ.s,s I s,Io d!r d rd. oa di 6 r+ o o $z 3o JI a ) Ju r, a, ed$ A. t9 0(cni0lu .0h-et ri t/P: : 6J*, $t '1, t3: i3F .rt $ii 1!t ir/f "2.e);1!!{,r , 'or|g;fi' ,'o/og ,r" *'/,# %6 ?*t,,:, r!;it <h^- ' <o7 inq TqrouK':'i-t (|'.r(fM f [$:aka - <o7 .A{r'Q2o,i.,r 9,2 e;e,6'.,$',$/ ii.u:y', / '/ ' <o7 6 ,o_."alRJ::-7-.il$r-rKs/ >R& %,a/{oz| 10t.,. :KZ,_"$yM- q(o%q,_"'./6 ,"**r"",rr"e|Ua2zsbo,,w ga. /<, (9g. lR, . ^=Qqo,. q (oz Q'.-^ q S ($W 0*snul AGREEMENT FOR DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND GRANT OF DRAINAGE EASEMENT This EASEMENT AGREEMENEentered lnto this ,4/i'tl day of ("Grantor") and COVERED BRIDGEPartnership ("Grantee") : OF EASEMENT is nade and L994, by and between the municipal corporation LTD., a Colorado Linited and GRANT 4an,'TowN oF vAIL, E-f,idnnpb, ;olorado BUTLDTNG, WHEREAS, Grantor and Grantee desire to establish, for thebenefit of Lots "c" and "d" and the southwesterly 4 feet of Lot"b", Block 5-8, Vail Village First Filing ("Grantee's Property"),a conduit for the installation and naintenance of a drainage systemacross a portlon of Lot "b", Block 5-8, and a portion of Tlact',B',,all i.n Vail ViIIage First Filing, as more specitically identifiedon Exhibit A (the "Grantor,s Property"); and WHEREAS, the Grantor is willing to grant t,o Grantee and itssuccessors and assigns an easement across the Grantor's property, according to the terms and conditions of this Agreementi NOtl, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises andcovenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. Grant o_f EgEeBent for Dry-Sg_Use-: The Grantor herebygrants anO sors and assigns aiexclusive easement (hereinafter the "Easement',) for the use by Grantee, its successors and assigns, of the Grantorrs Property fort,he f ollowlng uses: Por the installation, maintenance and repair of Granteets underground drainage system. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Easement unto crantee, and itssuccessors and assigns. The Easement shall run with the landdescribed as Grantee's Property and shall be appurtenant to theGrantee's Property so that a transfer of title to all or anyportion of the Grantee's Property shall automatj.cally transfer aproportionate interest in the Easement. 2. Restoration of Grantor's ProDertv. At the conclusion ofinstallati drainage easeoenE. orfacility upon, through or under the Grantor's Property, theGrantee, or its successors in interest served by such drainage line and facility, shal.l restore the surface of the Grantor's property, as nearly as possible to its existing state. 3. Maintenance and Repair of Grantor's propertv. Grantee,its succes esponsiblefor the maintenance and repair of the improvements rocateci on the t Grantor's Property under this Agreement. Grantee, its successorsand assigns shall be responsible for any damage to the Grantor/ sProperty caused by the placement and operation of the improvementson the Grantorts Property under this Agreement. Grantee sharl useits best efforts to install and maj-ntaj-n any drainage line orfacility permitted under this Agreement without dj-sturbing the useof the Grantor's Property and sha11 restore the surface of theEasement to its origj-naI condition as soon as possible aftercompletion of its work. _ 4. Cqvenant to Run with the Grantor, s propertv and Grantee'sPropertv. The Easement granted herein sharl be perpetual and shalrrun with the land described as Lots "c" and "d" and thesouthwesterly 4 feet of Lot "b", Block 5-B, Vail Village FirstFiling, and that portion of Lot "b", B1ock 5-8, Tract ,'B", VaiIVillage First Filing more specifically ident.ified on Exhibit A. 5. Reservatj-on of Riqhts. The Grantor reserves the right togrant other easements across the Grantor, s property which will notinterfere with the easement granted herein to:Grancee. GRANTOR: TOWN OF VAIL,a Col-orado municipal corporation '.r'l_t.l.e: STATE 0F COLORADO )) ss couNTY OF za<.L )-- n- The foregoing instrument was acknowl-edged before me on e6l2 ciay of +4 , 1995, by Robert W. Mclaurin, Town Manager of theTowh of Vail, CoLorado. Witness my hand and official seal My commj-ssion expires lly Comnission ExPies June 17, '995 "t .-9. &rnt^lJ o a GRANTEE: COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING, LTD. By: East-West Partners, Inc.TitIe: General Partner t- tTit]e 2 V.4+. f/1.6 STATE OF COLORADO ) was^acknowledqed before me onby f\oss E llt-,.,.r ka-,r. as ) ss' coUNTY oF l'o.qqo ) o instrument , Lggs, Partners,Inc., General Partner of Covei-ed Witness my hand and officiat seaI. My commission expires rp\easement . tov28 Nov 94 of Eastjt[estBuildingy Lrd. Nctary EXHIBIT A TO ,AGRXED,IENT FOR DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND .'. I-)GRANT ;'OF'DR,AINAGE . JEASEMENT TRACT B20, DRAINAC,E EAffMENT P.O,g. GOR{ WAU {tr- / q) +/Ql I /atlsl LOT o LOr b ,rfr,70' ,ro)' DRAINAGE EASEMENT LEEAL OESCR4PNOAI 'A strb of lond, being lO feet on eoch side of the following descrbed centedine', locoted n Troct I ond Lot b, Elock 5-8, Voil Wlogo, First Fling Subdivision os filed under Reception No. 96JE2 in the Plot &od< of Eogle County ot Poge 19 (for gteet No. l) ond Pagc 50 (fu *reet No. 2), the cente/he ibeing more particulody descrbed os follovs: 8^e9y2iqg-_o-t the southwest comer of soid Lot.b, gtock S_8, thenc,s 6J79'oo'E o distonce or 1s,57 feet oroig neiiiin-tinZ'of sorcLot b to the True Point_of Beghnhg; theic a*rg-i"U'-centedine, N 2019'40'E a diitonci of 4L25 feet io ini point ofTcrminotion. Soid /ess. LO strilo of lond contains 8JS squorc l,eet (O.Olg acres), more or TOWNOFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2107 / FAX 303-479-2157 April 26, 1995 Office of Town Anorney Arthur A Abplanalp, Jr., Esquire Dunn, Abplanalp & Christensen, P.C. 108 S. Frontage Road, Suite 800 Vail, CO 81657 Rc: The Covered Bridge Project Dear Art: Enclosed you will find executed copies of the Revocable Right-Of-Way Permil the Pedestrian Easement and the Drainage Easement. Please have your client eiecute the originals and return tv,,o original copies to me. There is not an exhibit for the Drainage Easement. In my correspondence to you of Nove mbet 22, -1994, we discussed changes that were required on the plat to prop.rly reflect the Drainage EesementI am unaware of whether that change was made on the plat. I spoke today with Peter Dann and he explained that there has been a new plat produced which showsall the easements on one docu:nent. He is to bring me a copy of that document. Hopefulll,that willresolve the issue of the exhibit for the Drainage Easement. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, lti' /x-. Vlt q"/ (/yt\ lud?tfu,/ R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attorney RIlWawEnclosures ,xc: Mike Mollica ,r/Paul G. S. Miller AGREEMENT FOR PEDESTBIAN ACCESS EASEMENT' LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE EASEMENT AND BANNER POLE EASEMENT AND GRANT OF EASEMENTS ThiS AGREEMENT FOR PEDESTRIAN ACCESS EASEMENT, LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE EASEMENT, AND BANNER POLE EASEMENT, AND GRANT OF EASEMENTS is made and entered into this day of 1995, by and betereen COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING, LTD-, Limited Partnership ("Grantor") and the TOWN OF VAIL. Colorado munlcipal corporation ( "Grantee" ) : -, a Colorado coLoRADO, a WHEREAS, Grantor and Grantee desire to establish, for the benefit of the Grantee, easements for (a) pedestrian access across a portion of Lot "b", Block 5-B, Vall Vlllage First Fillngr as more specifically identified on Exhibit A (the "Access/Landscape Easement"), (b) landscape maintenance across a portion of Lot "b",BLock 5-8, VaiI VilIage First Filing, as more specifically ldentified on Exhiblt A (the "Landscape Maintenance Easement") and (c) maintenance of a pole from which Grantee may suspend banners at a location on Lot "d", Block 5-8, vail Village First Filing, as more specifically identified on Exhibit C (the "Banner Pole Maintenance Easemelt" ) , which land to be subjected to easements may be jointly referred to herein as the "Grantor's Property"i and WHEREAS, the Grantor is willing to grant to Grantee and its successors and assigns easements across the Grantorrs ProPerty, according to the terms and conditions of this Agreement; NO!t, THEREFORE, ln consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. Grant of Easement for Pedestrian Access. The Grantor hereby gran rs and assigns a non-exclusive easement over and .across that real property described on Exhibit A (hereinafter the "Access/Landscape Easement") for the use by Grantee, its successors and assigns' and the publlc, over the Access,/Landscape Easement for the following uses: For travel by representatives of the Grantee and the public at large, by foot, for the purpose of accessing the property owned by the Grantee, including Bridge Street and that portlon of the aforementioned Lot ''b,' which is not within thesouthwesterly four feet of said Lot "b", across Grantor's Property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Access./Landscape Easement untoGrantee, and its successors and assigns. { .t 2. Grant of Easement for Landscape Malnten?nge Easement. The Grantof hereby grants and conveys to Grantee and its successors and assigns a non-exclusive ea q,e&9nt over and across that real property described on Exhibit!- (hereinafter the "Landscape ttaintenince Easement") for the usb by Grantee, lts successors and asslgns, over the Landscape l,lalntenance Easement for the following uses i For the purpose of landscape maintenance related to property owned by Grantee, including but not limlted to planters located on property owned by Grantee and Grantorr as ldentifled tn Exhlbtt B. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Landscape MaLntenance Easement unto Grantee, and lts successors and assigns. 3.Grant of Easement for Banner Pole MaLntenance. The Grantor her grants and conveys to Grantee ts successors ancl assigns a non-exclusive easement over and across described on Exhibit C for the use by Granteet assi.gns, over Lhe Banner PoIe Maintenance followlng uses:For the purpose of maintaining and purpose of susPending from such adJacent portlon of Brldge Street. that real propertyits successors and Easement for the accessing a pole for thepole banners across the TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Banner Pole Maintenance Easement unto Grantee, and its successors and assigns. 4, RestoratLon of Grantor's Propertv. At the concluslon of any activities of Grantee on Grantor's ProPerty, Grantee shall restore the surface of the Grantor's Property, as nearly as posslble to its prlor condition 5. Maintenance and Repair of Grantorrs Property. Grantee, lts successors and assigns, shall be fulIy and solely responsible for the maintenance and repair of the improvements, 1f alrY, associated wlth the Pedestrian Access Easement' the Landscape Malntenance Easement and the Banner Pole Malntenance Easementlocated on the Grantor's Property. Granteer its successors and assigns shall be responsible for any damage to the Grantor's Property caused by the placement and operation of such lmprovements on the Grantor's Property. Grantee shall use lts best efforts to lnstall and malntaln any improvenents provlded for hereln wlthout disturbing the use of the Grantor's Property. 6. Mainte@ The parties agree that theresponslbi tands-aping in the pJ.anters ldentlfled on Exhlbit B shall be as set forth on that Exhibit, withthe Grantor maintaining that planter identified as "C.8.8." (except lr That the Grantee shall maintain the related irrigation system) , andthe Grant.ee maintaining those pLanters identified as "T.O.V." 7. Maintenance of Water Line Servinq Landscapinq. Grantoragrees that the Grantee sha1l have the right to continue the use ofthe water line presently constructed under the improvements iocatedon Lots "c" and "d" and the southwesterly four feet of Lot "b",Block 5-B, Vail Village First Fj_li_ng, for 1andscaping purposes. Inthe event such line becomes unusable, or must be relocatei, theGrantee may have access to such line for the purpose ofaccomplishing repairs, or may relocate such line to anotherlocation around the perimeter of such property in order to servelandscaping maintained by the Grantee. 8. Covenant to Run with the Grantor's propertv and Grantee, sPropertv. The Easement granted herein sharl be perpetual and sharl-run with the land described as Grantor's property rnore specificatlyidentified on Exhibit A. 9. Reservation of Riqhts. The Grantor reserves the right touse Grantor's Property and to grant other easements across theGrantor's Property which will not i-nterfere vrith the easementgranted herein tg Grantee. GRANTOR: TOWN OF VAIL,a Colorado municipal corporation STATE OF COUNTY OF coLoRADO ) /7 ) ss. Z4</4 )_--z- j-nstrument , rgg5, was acknowledged before meby Robert W. Mclaurin, Town on 3G*^day of Manager of theof Vai1, Colorado. Witness my hand and official seal. My comn'.ission expires l!:lCcnri': ::'::''t:::i'-:t 17'1335 Title : -To,^;,", fTVnar,a ^Z{. =.5 , ttr,rnl,.rt y',*,l , d^/. e oAddress J r t:i GRANTEE: COVERED BRIDGE BUILDTNG, LTD. By: East-West Partners, Inc.Title: General Partner By: Title: STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF The foregoing )ss. ) instrument was acknowledged, 1995,byof East-West, Partners,Buj-lding, Ltd. Witness my hand and official seal . My comrnission expJ.res Aqoress rp\easement.tov before me on as day of 4_ACE5_S_/JAN?-5A4EE_tu5F_.ilmr A porcel of lond in Eoglc County, C Block 5-8, Vall Wlloge, Flrst Fillng soullteost corner of sald'Lot b.ond westetly rylt 9r yg;; line qf BnCge thence N6J79'0O'\!/ olong a liniz-porott the southedy tine'of soiT Lot b o dist SJJ57'32'E a dlstonce of 18.J8 /'eeLo{'c oncJ on the u,ester/5, rlght.of olongt tlre eosterly line of sald Lot c Eridge Stroet o distonco ol' 5.00 feo Soid parcet of lond contoits 72 squaro feot EXHIBTT A I I .F FI 0' rF tr Ital.rt isf,i.. d!Zr.:Foainb! n l0 KFN $ b.p t,oF acrg Z c i0 ? $ trrF:Fi tls E 2f o Ez F. EsEfin* Drg ${sopz i5; 5UpjiE frEFZ lA h |.* ll 8cF $, t D nr €fZtl (r PtvrFer ,_ c rrer, EXHIBIT B ; It\ Rli x0 irl P iF B F F I I$s Cv F c lob F: -6-Ljs v ts E Z 7 { I 3 ?z d zF'z I F $:o0Lo 5, d d00 o?ro tlizEe't a f-: Jo' I I / {,,0 A ?v,9) A porcel of lond locotod i 1,7 v . 1yitr, ui e. 7o n y, o r Ees nii i ;, i iii" oi' pl;,u7"ii'iai;fi ,: : .,:' ;corncr of soid Lot d; :fficnce N6J7?,0C"W o-long ino i,soutll /ino to dbtonce of d.OO ieet to a point; thcnco otsionce of ().(M ieet to a point; thcncc N26"4/,oo^13 atston.;e if ic0,1,,i,feet to g qorT.t: thence s6J7'g'00'E,a iisionii ar-oloo reet to-o noinr on. ,,.feet to'.',q t'v.,'., .'tvttcv .rvr tv uu c: a.orstonce of 6.00 fegt..to-.o point on. .:.:,:,;-"?ffj!{^k."i,.:1(^L:i;!.,:,t:i".be:i2i., ;;ttil iii"tur4,-;At,Ji-,i,osr,r*",,;,,,, :, !.(::i,:i-1.^y,ili9,lszq:+i,'tii"fi";i;;s'i,,;";";W'l;;'Tic ,flfoffiltle: ,,::i;,o dbtoncs of J.OO fost to the poiitl Soid porcel of lontd contotht of Beq AGREEMENT FOR DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND GRANT OF DRAINAGE EASEMENT ThiS EASEMENT AGREEMENT and GRANT OF EASEMENT is made andentered into this _ day of _, L994, by and between the TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, a Colorado municipal corporation("Grantor") and COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING, LTD., a Colorado LimitedPartnership ("Grantee") : WHEREAS, Grantor and Grantee deslre to establish, for thebenefit of Lots "c" and "d" and the southwesterly 4 feet of Lot"b", Block 5-8, Vail Viltage First Filing ("Grantee's property,'), a conduit for the installation and naintenance of a drainage systemacross a portion of Lot, "b", Block 5-8, and a portion of Tract "8,',all in Vail Village First Filing, as more specifically identifiedon Exhibit A (the "Grantor,s Property"); and WHEREAS, the Grantor is willing to grant to Grantee and itssuccessors and assigns an easement across the Grantor,s property, according to the terms and conditions of this Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises andcovenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1.Grant of Easement for Drainaqe Use. The Grantor herebygrants and conveys to Grantee and its successors and assigns anexclusive easement (hereinafter the ,'Easement',) for the use byGrantee, its successors and assigns, of the Grantor's property forthe following uses: For the installation, maintenance and repair of Grantee's underground drainage system. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Easement unto Grantee, and itssuccessors and assigns. The Easement shaLl run with the landdescribed as Grantee's Property and shalL be appurtenant to theGrantee's Property so that a transfer of title to all or anyportion of the Grantee's Property shall automatically transfer aproportionate interest in the Easement. 2. Restoration of Grantor's Propertv. At the conclusion ofinstaLlation, maintenance or repair of any drainage easeoent orfacility upon, through or under the Grantor's Property, theGrantee, or its successors in interest served by such drainage line and facility, shall restore the surface of the Grantor's property, as nearly as possible to j.ts existing state. 3. Maintenqnce and Repair of Grantor's property. Grantee,Its successors and assigns, sha]l be fully and solely responsiblefor the maintenance and repair of the improvements locateci on the o Grantor's Property under this Agreement. Grantee, its successorsand assigns sharr be responsible for any damage to the Grantor, sProperty caused by the placement and operation or the improvetnentson the Grantor's Property under this Agreement. Grantee shaLl useits best efforts to instalt and maintain any drainage rine orfacility permitted under this Agreement without disturbrng the useof the Grantor's Property and shal-] restore the surface of theEasement to its original condition as soon as possibre aftercompletion of its work. 4. Covenant to Rrr.r tolth,tl,e G1antorrs prop"rtv and Gr.nteersProper!.v. The Easement granted herein shall be perpetual and-shElTrun with the fand described as Lots "c" and 'rdn and thesouthwesterly 4 feet of Lot "b", Brock 5-B, Vail village FirstF1lj-ng, and that portion of Lot "b", Block 5-8, Tract rrgrr, VaiIvillage First Filing more specificarly identified on Exhibit A. 5. Reservation of Riqhts. The Grantor reserves the right togrant other easements across the Grantor, s property which wirl notj-nterfere wlth the easement granted herein to:Grantee. GRANTOR: TOWN OF VAIL,a Colorado munj.cipal corporation Title: STATE OF COLORADO ) \ qq COUNTY OF fa"-"42 )-----U- T!.e foregoing -&Lv!-Toftn of Vail, instrument , L995, Colorado. was acknowledged before meby Robert W. Mclaurin, Town on JLh day ofof theManager Wltness my hand and official sea1. My commission expires t s.U Address GRANTEE: COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING, LTD. By: East-West Partners, Inc.Title: General Partner By: Title: STATE COUNTY oF cotoRADo )) ss'oF) The foregoing instrument 100q of East-West Partners,Building, Ltd. was acknowledged before me on day of Inc., General Partner of Covered Bridge Iilitness my hand and official seal . My commission expires ,J/.\tlt16cc rp\easement.tov 28 Nov 94 Notary PubIic APPLICATION FOR REVOCABT-E A STRUCTURE ON A (Please type or print) DATE e4 o PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN PUBLIC RIGHT.OF.WAY o OWNER OF PROPERTY COVETEd BridCC NAM E o F APP L ICAI.IT covTiETTffi Fence Wnll Landscaping Other I Building, Lt n9t x ADDRESS c/o east@ Post ce IJo:< Corner lot Inside lot x 8I62 LEGAL DESCRTPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE SERVED: l9rtg BLOCK s-B suBDlVtStoN vail virlage Firsr Filing(|fnecessary,attach|ega|descrip|iononsep?ratesheet). DESCHtpTtoN oF STRUCTURE OR |TEM(S) tN RTGHT_OF-WAy:s Attach plans.showing encroac melers, manhores, any. other atfecred appurtenance in the project "r"" 1to scale ordimensioned) and section(s) as wdil as'erevalions 1if appriiabrb;. Does structure presently €xiSt? yes - part of continuing constructj_onProposed date torbcprmrgnsunrcrqt otE6iErr-Grion r5 November r994completion 1. 2. J. 4. In consideration of the issuance of a revocable permit for ilre slructure above indicaled,applicant agrees as tollows: That lhe structure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclusively to lhe land above described. Thal the permit is limited specilicaily to lhe type of slructure described in this application. That lhe applicant shall notily the Town Manager, or his duly auttrorized agc1t, lwelrly-four hours in advance ol llte lirrte for cornnrencernent of colislruction, In order llratproper inspection may be made by the Town. The applicant agrees lo indemnily and hold harmless lhe Town of Vail, lts olficers,employees and agents lrorn and agairrst all liability, clairns and dcltrarrds otr accourrl olirtjury, lo.ss or dantage, irtcluding without lirnitation claims arising from bodily irrjury,personal injury, sickness, disease, death, property toss or damige, or any other loss olany kind whatsoever, which arise oul of or are in-any manner co.-nnected wilh applicant's aclivilies pursuant to lhis permit, if such ihjury, loss, or damage is caused inwhole or in part by, or is claimed to be caused in whole or in part by, the act, omission, error, prolessional error, mistake, negligence or other fault of ihe applicant, his. conlraclor or subconlractor or any olficer, entployee or rcprosentativo ol lho a;:plicarrl, his conlraclor or his subconlractor. The applicarrt agrees to investigale, handle respond to, and to provide defense for and defend againsl, any such liability, claims, or demands at the sole expense of the applicant. The ipplicant ilso agrees to bear all olher expenses relaling thereto, including court costs and altorney's iees, wlrelher ornot an)/ st-rch !iabi!it),, clalms, cr dernands allcqed are gioundless, iar39, or hauCuiellt. Tire appiicanr agrees lo procure and maintain, at its own cost, a policy or policies of insurance suflicient lo onsuro againsl all liability clairns, dentarrds arrd other obligntiorrs assutttcd by llte applicartt pursuarrt to tlris Paragraph 4. Tlte applicalrt lurllrer agrees to release lhe Town of Vail, its ollicers, agents and employees lrorn any and allliabilily' clainls, delnands, or aclions or causes ol aclions wllatsoever aiisirrgl oul ol arrydantage, loss or ilrjury lo llrc applicarrl or lo ilre applicanl's property caused by ilro Town of vail, its ollicers, agenls and ernployees while engaged in maintenance or snow removal activities or any other activities whatsoever on Town of Vail property, streets, sidewalks, or rights-of-way. Qtaoa. o 5.That the permlt may be revoked whenever lt ls determlned that the €ncroachmenl, obslruction, or olher slructure conslilutes a nuisance, deslroys or impairs the use ol the right-oFway by lhe public, constitutes a lrattic hazard, or the property upon whlch the encroachmenl, obslruclion. or slruclure exisls is required for use by lho public; or lt may be revoked at any lime lor any reason deemed sulllclent by lhe Town ol Vall. That the applicanl will remove, al his expense, lhe encroachment, obslruction, or slructure wilhin len days afler receiving nolice of any revocation of said permit. Thal lhe applicant agrees lo mainlain any landscaping assoclated with lhe encroachment on lhe right-of-way. That in the event said removal ol lhe encroachment, obslruction, or struclure is nol accomplished within len days, lhe Town is hereby authorized lo remove same and have the right to make an assessment against the property and collect the costs or removal in lhe same manner as general taxes are collected. That the applicanl has read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forth in lhis application. Special conditions: The applicant and the Town of Vail acknowledqe and aqreethat this appl-ication and permit extend only to the maintenance ments constru"ted within thestairs installe part of such stairs is on ProPerty owned hy applicant and apart of such stairs is on propertv owned bv the Town qf Vailand, in the event this permit to maintain the heatinq elementsis revoked, the stairs may nevertheless be maintained byapplicant and the Town of VaiI. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING, LTD.By: Egst ,lves;t' Partners, Inc., a Byz '(aa 7 ['<L'IaP^\- Signature ol Pioperly Owner (lf joint ownership, both signatures) titre: APPROVED: ineer General Partne! l /J, ,1, ' Datd 4.is 75 t.Ir Project Planner Date SREET HEANNG TIAIN|ENANff RI*IT tr WAY A porcel of lond locotcd h Lot b of sotd Etetc 5-8 and ?n:dgc Straot rlth thc Point of EcAhnhg bahg tho sottthcost cunr of sold Lot b ond behg q tho rcstcrly n:ght of toy lQc'of Erldgc Strpct; thcncc N2611'OOT olurg tho costcrly llnc of eold Lot b ond thc ucstaly rfght of voy lha of Brldge Strae( o dlstqzcc of LO0 fect to o po*tt; thutcg NOJ79'OO'V olong o linc porollel to and 1,M fccl nrthedy frutl thc southuly lhc of sold Lot b o dlstonca ol IO.AO fcct to o polnt; tharcc N 2611'00' E almg o lkto porollC to ond IO.OO fcat *tstaly of thc costcdy llnc of sold Lot b o dlstonco of 6.OO fcat to o podnt; thqtce 56J79'OOT olong o linc potollcl to ond IO.OO feet northerly ftom thc swthdy linc of soid Lot b o dtistoncc of 16.@ fart to o poiot; thcncc 526:{1'@'V olqg o lina porollcl to md 8.ffi hct costcrly from tha tastcrly right of *oy linc of Eridgc Strsat o distarcc of ,5.OO fcct to o poht; thacc NOJT9OO'|U o dlstonco of 8OO fcct to o pohtqt tho vestedy rlght of soy lhtc of Erldgc Strect md thc coetcdl lhrc of Lot c; thenco N2611'OOT olmg tho oostaly lino of soid Lot c ond tho uosterly n:ght of roy lhto of Eridgo Strvot o distonco of 9.@ fat to thoPohl of EcAinnhg. Soid pucd of tond antoinc 16O squoe feot (O.U)a octed, monc or lcss. t a I \ /\/s/4r /N /u io 3 ) * $g \ e E-l\ T R E-l ,'i :Hi !Fi --.--_-/ .r b I \\ s B\ Rv; sq I d' )str q t4 F h I{ Ns R .s ,$g IB B* i\$ is$ tN I$ sf'o-{ o Fa R .s o -1 b a<4tIE ls r''q 6u7carl *4, ,'s 1. ,49;2 :Hx EI\l s F\ fi Print.ed by Mike Mol I ica 3/0 From: Mlke Mcgee 'Io : Mike Mol l1ca SubJ ec L: Covered Brldge F'DC's -==NoTE- ' -2/21/95,-2.33pm". I met, wieh peber Dan and Sid SctrulLz aL2 PM this afLernoon. IC appears i:trereis litL1e room (3 inches) to gain ac acosb of several hurrdred dollars per lnch. I suggest we eraiL une11 t'helandscaping is completed Lhis spr:ingand they pairlt Lhe st,andpipes Lo mat-chLhe habdralas (al-ong wlt,h t:he hand1cape] ewalo].) as Lake anoLher look at j-l; then - Thanks - Page: Pninted by Mike litoll ica t/2 1:229n From, Mike Mcg€eTor ttlke l|toI11cagubjecT! COVERED BRIDGE BI,DG FDCTS ===NorIlE====-=======:==a / 2o,/9 5==3 : O 1pm==I recelved a requeah flom S1d gchultz to revl.er^r the hel.gt.tr of the flredepartment corlnoctions (FDcrB) .ln t'h€l'Aanter. FDc'a are requ1led to be]-ocated a mirrl.mum of 35 l.nctreg abovefl-nlstr grade l-n order to alLow acceaaand use wl.thouC havlng Lo strgvel outBnolr, 1ce, or otsh€r obgt'ructj.onE. Acl-€ar alJ.stance of 7 !/2 feeE tar€qr.rired on e1ther El-de of Lhe FDc 1norder t'o alaow room for t'he f'.re tioseCo benat wl. tltout kirtking $rhen 1L 1apreseurlzed vrlth waber. Therequlrernent6 are aimlLar for flr€ltytlranta . I do not gee how thel, carr be ].owered oracreenec[ wlthout detrlm€ntaa €ffecc (1e11mlt1n9 our ablllty ta ftnd and u6ethe FDCrs). P].eaBe ca].]- me lf you wiBlrto digcuag tl.16 1gsue. Thanks. 2.1.?, t;/ h 44+ ry -.'-"xe' Page: 1 '7 MEMORANDUM TO. FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Chris Anderson Mike Mollica, Acting February 15, 1995 Itt"rl.rt tt L,- olzrltta ftcat'1rc*t-ov- v(, 1x- ^(L'u*{, T\"4 '-th*'t/ Ju4 * g",d 4tw', h YPn t'^nil t', {'""- *"' c''-' fhn, t/.{ Lorl,al Lo a l- o '$" '1y' a'lnu< 4-il,coD'oa " L0? (&"" 4+^ yroctu.t lr-t ftJ*rl ,0 l- Omt) -?.LoLG PttrfrqDbl ./' z/- F, -.e4 --4ev:#rtdn * tt I Ll,wtL-a 'n*k' ck. No. Director of Community Development V Community Development deposit accounts (01 -22026) Agreement, and upon the recent completion of certain outstanding improvements, I hereby request that you release the partial sum of $30,000.00. The check should be made out to Covered Bridge Building, Ltd, CiO Peter Dann, East West Hospitality, P.O. Box 5480, Avon, co 81620. Would it be possible to obtain monthly, or quarterly, updates for this account? Thanks for your help! /./' 0w\ '''\\''1iru ) ''- On December 12, 1994, the Fovercd Bridge Building developers entered into a "Developer lmprovement Agreement" \,y{th the Town, and also established a cash deposit with the Town in the amount of $214,750.00.' Pursuant to Paragraph 5 of the Developer lmprovement MEMORANDUM ill-t c0PY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Chris Anderson Mike Moffica, Acting Director of Community Developme "rV February 15, 1995 Com mun ity Development deposit accounts (01 -22026't On December 12, 1994, the Covered Bridge Building developers entered into a "Developer lmprovement Agreement" with the Town, and also established a cash deposit with the Town in the amount of $44,750.00. Pursuant to Paragraph 5 of the Developer lmprovement Agreement, and upon the recent completion of certain outstanding improvements, I hereby request that you release the partial sum of $30,000.00. The check should be made out to Covered Bridge Building, Ltd, C/O Peter Dann, East West Hospitality, P.O. Box 5480, Avon, co 81620. Would it be possible to obtain monthly, or quarterly, updates tor this account? Thanks for your help! EASTWEST JAt{ 2 4 i395 IOy.ctJulu,uEy.0EPi: l{ike Mollica Town of Vail Deptartment of Connunity Developnent 75 S. Frontage Rd.vail , co 81657 RE: Covered Bridge BIdg. Security Oeposit for TCO Dear Mike, Viekle Construction has completed the folLowj-ng items fron our TCOlist of inconplete projects. cBB Ltd., requests an inspection fromyour office for partial release of funds. Please contact me atyour earliest convenience. 1. fire window in condo2. slate on 4th lower deck3. siding 4th floor, west side condo4. chiller enclosure doors S. ciAa#e (retail) 9')A{re Totalx L25+ P.O. Box 5480 . Avon, CO 81620 (303) 949-5071 . Facsimile: (303\949-552n @ Printed on rccyclad paper 3 r 000. 4, 000. 6, OOO. 1, 5OO. 9, 5O0. 24,OOO. 6, 000. $ 30, ooo. Peter Dann 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 January 9, 1995 Deparnne nt of Community Development Julie lverson and Kiendra Hoover Govered Bridge Coffee ShoP P.O. Box 1954 Vail, CO 81658 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED Dear Julie and Kiendra: In the last couple of weeks, I have noled several Zoning and sign codc violations at lhe colfee shop. My office n"l "f.. received a series of co-mPtaintJregarding both the outdoor Oi"itg [ori. ano tne daily special boards out on Bridge Street' outdoordiningdecksrequiretheapprova|ofaconditiona|usepermitbytheP|anningand Environmentat Commis#n ipiCt.. Untf you have received such approval, all tables and chairs must be taken inside.' Removal of ihe tables should occur immediately' I have. . . attached a conditional use permit application and a PEC submittal schedule' and would be tf"O to meet with you to help you complete the application' Today, I noticed two daily special boards along the staiMay and another board in the window' The covered Bridge coffee shop is allowed one daily speciat board (a^maximum of 3 square feet in size) located no nigi"i th-"n-ofeet or tnEgrouru and attached to the facade of the restaurant at entry level. lf you wish to have a diily special board in a more prominent location, I suggest tn"t you i,rif" " DflB application t6r a menu box. A menu box is a permanent, free-stanoin!'rign. in" tbn, bo* can have half a square foot for the name of the business plus a menu. Vor-are allowed one menu box no taller than 6 feet and no larger than 5 square leet in size. The lccation of the menu box is subject to DRB review and approval. Please take a look at what other restaurants have done throughout the Village to gel an idea of what.ouiOt" allowed at the Covered Bridge Colfee..Shop' There is a side benefit of obtaining "pprou"i f,o.. " t"n, box. You can atiach a daily special board to the menu box (hanging ,no"rn""t'1. lf properly located, this would provide better visibility for the coflee shop. A-DRB sign application is attached The .,Yes, We Are open" signs mustcome down immediately and all but one of the daily special boards. The one Jror"o daily special board must be placed adjacent to your entry dbor and must meet the criteria noled above' Q. .l Ms. lverson and Ms. Hoover January 9, 1995 Page Two You are allowed two window signs, covering a total ol 15% or less of your window area. You may also display the name of the business, hours of operation, credit card acceptance, and similar general inlormation items on your door, as long as the total door sign area is not more than 3 square feet. No more than half the allowed size of the door sign can be used for lhe name of the business. This sign would not be counted toward the allowed number of window signs, which is two, for your property Compliance with the Zoning and Sign Codes must occur immediately. The illegal signs and outdoor tables must be removed immediately. lf the signs are not removed as requested, we will have no other recourse than to contact a Code Enforcement Otficer and have him cite you for violations of the Zoning and Sign Codes. lf you have any questions regarding this matter, please give me a call at 479-2134. Sincerely,rufiu/Randy Sto{uder Town Planner xc: Peter Dann Covered Bridge Building file