HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT A GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER 1994 PROPOSED EXPANSION LEGAL,,rii ! DRB IPPLTCaTION - !OH!I OF UAII", COIORTDO DATE APPTICATTON RECETVED: DATE OF DRB }IEETING: t*t*t***t* TEIS IIPI.ICtrIIOil Nr&L NOr 8E ICCEPTtsDI'IIIIIJ .I!IJ REQUIRED INAORiltrIION IS SUEUIEAED********** PRO,JECT INFORMATTON: A. DESCRTPTTON: I revised gltlsL I. Build approx. 30r fence from northeast corner of Gasthof Gramshammer buildine toraards Gore Creek t) EaII Ience, JZ' B.TYPE OF REVTEW: New Construction ($200.00)Mi.nor Alteration Additlon ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ($20.00) c. D. ADDRESS z 231 East Gore Creek Drive LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I,ot A BlocK Subdivision Vatl !!11age, First Filing 5-B ff propert,y is described by a rneets and bounds legaldescription, please provide on a separate sheet anaattach to this appLication. ZONING; Cornrnerci-al Core I F. I.. G.NAI.{E OF APPLICNiIT:PePi Gramsharnrner I,OT AREA: If reguired, stamped survey showing applicant nust provide a currentIot area. Mailing Address:231 East Gore Creek Drive Vai1, C0 81Q57 Phone NAI,IE OFMailing APPLICANT' S Address: REPRESENTATIVE; Pepi Graurshammer 231 East Gore Creek Drive \7- -t 1 c0 81657 Phone 476-561- T NA!{E OF OWNERS: Pepi and Sheika Gramsharnmer *srcNAruRE t"t, {Q=Z Mdiling Address: 231 nast dore cieek Dijve Fhone 476-5626 .I. Condoninlum Approval lf applicable. K. DRB FEE| DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlme of submitt,al of DRB appJ-ication. Later, whenapplying for a building permit,, please identify t,heaccurate valuation of t'he proposaL. The Town of VaiIwill adjust t,he fee according to the table beJ.olr4 to llensure the correct fee is paid. 4rtf. FEE PAID: $ ,/x,t// FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 d{ slq, +T4 @r ,ffl1,'FEE SC4EDULE: VALUATION$ 0-$ 101000$ 10,001 - $ 50,000 . s 501001 - $ 150,000 $150r001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over S1r 00O,000 * DESIGN RE\XIEW BOARD IPPRO\IAI. E:CPIRES ONE YTAR II'TER FTNAIJ APPROIIA! uNr,Ess A EuILDrNc PERMIT Is IssuED AllD coNsTRgcTIoN Is SA}RIED WITEOT'E**NO APPLICATTON WTLI/ BE PROCESSED OI{NER' S SIGNAISNE t/LIST OF MATERTALS NAME OF PROJECT I Gasrhof Gramshanmer Fence LEGAL DESCRTPTION: LOT :L BLOCK 5-B SUBDIVISIONv.iT vi11"g. Fi*t Fl11ng STREET ADDRESS | 23I East Gore Creek Drive DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Build approx, 30r fence from northeast corner of Gasthof Gramshammer building tor,,rards Gore Creek The forrowing information is required for submit.taL to the DesignReview Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other waLl- Materials Fence Materials Fascia soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FLues Flashings Chimneys Trash EncLosures Greenhouses Other TYPE OF MATERIAI.,COLOR Chain Link (steel)Grey k?PL'ce-*1 iF'-. ,>l - n $t,rH'44 d-t1Aap-y1- rl6la+. F LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERTALS: BotanicaL Name common Name ouantitv size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indi-cate caliper for deciduous trees. Indicat.edeciduous trees is 2 inches. Erees.1 Minimum celiper forheight for coniferous PLANT MATERIT PROPOSED SHRUBS Botanical Name ao^.onQ*. r , l-_ Ouantitv Size* EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED * Indicat.e size5 qallon.of proposed shrubs. TVpe Minimum size of shrubs is Sguare Footaqe GROUND COVERS q^n SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE CR METHOD OF EROSICN CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE IIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show E.he number of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting plan. fdentify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the watt.age, height abovegrade and type of light proposed. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpoo1s, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is3 feel . Maximum height of walLs elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. D. -:. t..< , o 11 1,.)qz $ashof 9ramshammcr, nnc. FAX: 303/476-8816 Teleohone: 3O3l 47 6-5626 Pepi Gramshammer Sheika Gramshammer 231 East Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 November 8, L993 Hillis akin 227 Bridge Streetvai1, co at657 Dear Hi11is, This letter is to inforrn you that I arn installing a 32, Iongby 5' high fence on my property from the edge of the Gasthof Gramshammer building towards Gore Creek. This will effectyour trash removal , trash storage and electric meterreading. It will be necessary for you to arrange for theseservices in some other matter as there will be no further access through ny parking 1ot. For many years I have been unhappy at the way this area behind your building looks. The doors have been fallingapart for more than a year. Constantlyr w€ have had toclean up trash from your stores. This area has been an eyesore that I can no longer tolerate or want my guests to see. I am also requesting that you maintain the snow on your roofbetter than you did last year. This spring, snow fallingfrom your roof onto ny shramp cooler did so much damage thatit was necessary for me to replace it at ny expense. As ofyet, your insurance company still has not reimbursed Gasthof Gramsharnmer for this damage. you must renove the snowfalling fron your roof onto my property at your own expense.I would also like to ment,ion that snow falling from your roof has danaged cars in the past and could easily hurt someone i-n the future. Every spring we have had ftooding in the Pepi Sports equiprnent area since Dobson added onto the building. It isinportant that you start your sump punp before the eraterlevel rises to high. This sprinq, r e had a difficult tirnereaching anyone at your building to turn the purnps on i-nyour basement and once agai-n our carpet was soaked. Thank you for your imnediate attention to these matters. cerely, Pepi Grarnshammer cc: Town of VaiI BFI Holy Cross Electric of VailTown ,9j RECEIPT _' N9 4536T, \,fa@-#*<, RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS .;X::Y'ffi ,G'"EYIAff'";vt;- () {^,u * \J $ashof 6ramshammer, nnc. FAX: 303/476-8816 Telephone: 303/476-5626 Pepi Gramshammer Sheika Gramshammer November g, l-993 Pepi Grarnsharnmer cc: Town of VaiI BFI HoIy Cross Electric 231 Easl Gore Creek Drirc Vail, Colorado 81657 Hillis Akin 227 Bridge StreetVail, CO 8)-657 Dear Hil]is, This letter is to inform you that f ara installing a 32, longby 5' high fence on my property from the edge of the GasthoiGranshammer building towards core Creek. This will effectyour trastr rernoval , trash storage and electric rneterreading. .It will be necessary for you to arrange for theseservices in some other matter as there will be no furtheraccess through rny parking Iot. For,many years I have been unhappy at the way this areabehind your building looks. The doors have been fallingapart for more than a year. Constantlyr w€ have had toclean up trash from your stores. This area lras been aneyesore that I can no longer tolerate or want my guests tosee. _I an also requesting that you naintain the snor^r on your roofbetter than you did last year. This spring. snotr fallingfrom your roof onto my swamp cooler did so much damage thatit was nesessary for me to replace it at my expense. As ofyet. your insurance company still has not reirnbursed GasthofGramsharnmer for this daroage. you must remove the snowfalling from your roof onto ny property at your olrn expense.I would also like to nention that snow falling fron yourroof has damaged cars in the past and could easiJ.y hurtsomeone in the future. Every spring we have had flooding in the nepi Sportseguiprnent area since Dobson added onto the Uuifaing. ft isinportant that you start your sump pump before the waterIevel rises to high. This spring, r,ye had a difficult timereaching anyone at your building to turn the punps on inyour basement and once again our carpet was soaked. Thank you for your irnmediate attention to these rnatters. Project Application Proiect Name: i' '' -- '-)) {- 'fiLosi',, -) f ) t^t r llProiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol Block Filing zone - Comments:i"t- \ ,/t- ', -- . Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL -r- *'- - 6:: .'ij::,i- - DISAPPROVAL Summary: E stan ApprovalTown Planner Dale:'r t Planning and Environmental Commission November 27, 1989 PRESENT Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Peggy Osterfosssid schultz Jim Viele STAFF PRESENT Peter PattenLarry Eskwith Betsy Rosol-ack The meeting was called to order at 3:40 pn by the chairman, JimViele. Preceding the meeting r^rere site visits and work sessions. L. Approval of minutes of 8/L4, 9/LL and 1-0123. Corrections were rnade and Diana moved to approve the minutes with thecorrections and Chuck seconded the motion. The vote was 5-0. 2. A request for a heiqht variance to place a satellite dish onthe roof of the Gasthof Gramshammer at 231 East core Creek Drive.AppLicant: Pepi and Sheika Grarnshammer This iten was approved by consent ag'enda, with a motion by Diana and seconded by Peggy. The vote was 5-0 in favor. 3. Work Session on the Vail Village Master Plan Peter led this session, and minutes were not taken, but it is on tape. This was Peggyts last meeting, as she is a new Council member.Peter thanked her for her contributions to the Board. Also, Sid tendered his resignation due January 1-st. oi!t TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: c.U1 \ /-/ 5 rjx ,/hn', n\Y ' 1.1,' , Irl dish at 23L o Planning and EnvironmentaL Commission Cornmunity Developrnent Departrnent Novenber 27, l-989 A request for a height variance for a satelliteEast Gore Creek Drive (GasLhof Gramshammer).Applicant: Pepi and Sheika cramshammer I. DESCRTPTTON OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The applicant is reguesting a height variance to 1ocate a 29 inchdiameter satelLite dish antenna on the roof of the GasthofGramshammer. The purpose of this satellite dish is to receive acommerciar music signal which will be piped into the common areasof the hotel/restaurant. The total height of the satellite dish would be approximately 4I/2 feet. The roof of the Gasthof Gramshammer, where the dish isproposed to be located, is approximately 33 feet above grade, sothe top of the dish will be approxirnately 37 I/Z feet above grade.It is proposed that the dish be attached to an existing upperfloor waII of the building (see attached photos). The dish isproposed to be painted the sarne color as the building. The requested variance is from Section l_8.59.320 (D,3) of the VailMunicipal code, which states:rrThe maximun height allowed for any satellite dishantenna, $/hen measured from the top of thesatellite dish antenna down to existing or finishedg'rade, whichever is rnore restrictive, shall not exceed fifteen feet. tl rI. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section l-8.62.060 of thernunicipal code, the Departrnent of community Developrnent recommendsapproval of the requested variance based upon the followingfactors: Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationsh i rt rrf tha rarnro<tad lrari anr.a {-n nf har arri c} i nrr The srnall. size of this proposed satellite dish lends itsetfto a rooftop installation. Because the dish is only 4 L/zfeet above the roof, and because the dish will be altached toan existing wal.l, the staff believes that the dish will blendin very well- with some of the existing architectural andmechanical features that currently exist on the roof. Thestaff feels that due to the color, size and proposed locationof the satellite dish, that it will not draw undue attentionto itself, nor will it create any negative impacts toexisting or potential uses or structures in the vicinity. The rglaliolship of the requested variance to other existinqor potential uses and structures in the vicinitv. + 2.The ee to which relie from the strict and literalnterpretationandenrorcentofascifedrIats necessarv Eo ach ornpatib dun f orrntreatment amon sites n the vic or to atta the obi ecti.ves of th St tIe without rant of s ecialprivileqe. As this dish will only have a total height of 4 L/2feet, it could easily be ground-mounted and therefore meet the Town's criteria for satellite dish height. However, the si-ze and proposed location of this dishlends itself well to a rooftop installation. Thoughrooftop installations are not always desirable forsatellite dishes, occasi_onal1y that is the optirnurn method for screening of the dish. In this particularrequest, staff beLieves that a rooftop location woul-d bethe best option for the Gasthof Gramshamner property. We therefore feel that this variance would not be agrant of special privilege. 3. Tbe effect of the requested variance on l_iqht and air,aistrinution of popu csafety. There is no irnpact on this criteria. Irr. Such other factors and criteria as the comrnission deerns applicableto the proposed variAlge IV. F'INDINGS Ttte,Blanninq and Environrnental Cornrnission shall nake the followinqfindinqs before qrantinq a vaijance: That the granting of the variance wilt not constitute a grant ofspecial privilege inconsistent with the limitations on otherproperties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrinental to thepublic health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious toproperties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the followingreasons: The strict or literal interpretation or enforcement of thespecified regulation would result in practical difficulty orunnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with theobjectives of this title. a There are exceptions or extraordinary circunstances orconditions applicable to the sarne site of the variance thatdo not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specifiedregulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyedby the owners of other properties in the sane district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommendation for this variance request is for approval . The height reguirements were written into the SatelliteDish Ordinance speci-fically to discourage rooftop applications. However, it was also recognized by the staff at that time, thatthere rnay be occasions where a rooftop installation would be moredesirable than a ground-mounted location. We realized that thiswould require an applicant to go through the variance procedure,but still felt that this would be the best way to handle theissue. The staff has examined the easthof cramshammer property and feelsthat a rooftop location wou1d, aesthetically, be the best locationfor this satellite dish. Therefore, the staff recommendation isfor approval of this height variance. t\, E 3 e 4.tt or,ootr & r*- a 3 3 ? o {,tt E fi 3 t fr. fii ;"rr-,,11'jrar::,:i :'i:';:--i-':r:,.r'*-!.:r-. irl*rii'. hoPoe€o ArrcR - **a.*6F{IEt-rSr,g EISH rrnuus \gArrecHeD To BqI,LDIN5_ appt ication te I. @rrTrNc DATE Nov. ^1, ra?7 Procedures for applying for a satellite dish antenna are ouilined inOrdinance rtg of ibe!. Detaiis oi-irreie procedures are available fromthe Department of corrnunity Development.' Appticanti i"e-.niouraged tocontact.the Department of Conmunity DevelopinLnt ror aaaitionat iirormitionconcerning submitted requests, review critLria, and the ippiovar pil;d;:" A. NAME OF APPLICANT GASTHoF GRAMSHAMMER ADDRESS 23I East Gore Creek Drive Vail co 81657 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 231 East Gore Creek Drlve B. NAI4E OF APPLICANTS REPRESENTATIVES ADDRESS C. NME 0F 0l'lNER(S) fepi and Sheika Gramsharomer PHoNE 303-476-5626 9a..0-\ r\L.P PHONE D. S I GNATU RE KerryList of names a rore - for febL addresses of-a1 I GiaGhauner - see attached contract property adjacent to the subject and accross streets and theiris responsible for correct mailing property incl uding mai l ing addresses. addresses. see attached llst property behind The applicant AS OUTLINED IN ORDINANCF {9, 1985, t,tOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY9!IEl! Is REqUtRED PRIoR io'niliEi iiF'nirv AppLrcATroNs By rHE DEsTGNREVIEI,.l BOARD. FOR THIS.REAgqI, COMNLSfE RPPI-ICNTIONS MUST BE SUEMITTEDTO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNiii,OiVETOFNiNT 2T DAYS PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULEDDESIGN REVIEI,I BOARD MEETING. o ,' d' Appl ication Date PEC MEETING DATE APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE I.This wil'l A. procedure is required for not be accepted until all NAHE OF APPLICANT GASTHOF requesting a variance. The applicatlott is submitted. any project i nformati on GRAMSTIAMI'IER ADDRESS 231 East Gore Cr k Drlve Vail co 81657 PHoi't[ 476-5626 B.NAME OF ADDRESS APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE PHONE c.NAME 0F Ol,lNER(s) (type or print rry Moo/e - ADDRESS 231 Easr Gore'Creek for Pepi Grams Dr ive Val1 Co 81657 PH0NE 476-5626 D.IOCATION OF PROPOSAL 231 East Gote Creek Drlve ADDRESS vatl co sr6s7 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 8L0CK_-lFILI NG PAltr__ x CK #l' Ruh__Ge€-Lh-qf -qr am g h amm e r PAID EEFORE THE COI'IMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTI'IENT }IILL ACCEPT F. A'list of the names of owners of a'l'l property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT I.IILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE l^lITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO )DETERMINE IF ANY'ADOITIONAL INFORHATION IS NEEDEO. NO APPLICATION |.|ILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEI'IS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT I5 THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MKE AN APPOINTI'IENT I,IITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT AODITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION l,IILL STREAI'ILINE THE APPROVAL PROCTSS FOR YOUR PROJECT EV OECREASING THE NUI'IBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING.AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MY STIPULATE. ALL CON[)ITIONS OF APPROVAL I'IUST BE COMPLIED l.lITH BEFORE A BUILDING PER}IIT IS ISSUED. ' . E. FEE $iut] THE FEE MUST 8E YOUR PROPOSAL. Saslhof Sramshammer. nnc. Pepi Gramshammcr Sheika Gramshamrner APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCII TO AI,LOW A SATEI,LITE DISII ANTENNA TO BE PLACED ON THE ROOF OF GASTIIOF GRAMSHAMMER 23I EAST GORE CREEK DRIVE VAIL, COLoMDO 8r657 The purpose of thls Appllcatlon for a Variance Ls to be granted permlssion to install a Satellite Dish AnEenna on the top floor of Gasthof Gramshammer. (Please refer to the plctures included and Eo the copy of the site plan). The reasons r{re are seeklng this variance are as follows: 1) to be assured of a clear vlew for receptLon 2) to ellmlnate the lnterference caused by people and/or vehlcles, bulldlngs, trees, etc. if placed on the ground 3) to reduce the vlsibllity of the saEelllEe dish by lts careful and concealed placement 4) to lessen the posslbllity of thefE 5) to ellmlnate the need to install PVC pipe, cement for securing the dlsh, as well as a steel Dole to whlch the dish would be attached If permission ls granted, the satelllte dlsh antenna will be attached to the exist.lng wall of the buildlng (please see lncluded photos). The dish w111 be painted the same color as the building whlch w111 cause lt to blend ln wlth the exlstlng structure and virtually w111 eliminate lts being seen by any surroundlng bulldings. Should additlonaL information be requiredr please know that we wLll provide Ehe Plannlng and Evlronmental Cormnisslon wlth sald lnformation as qul,ckly as we are able to. Thank you for your attentlon to thi-s request and for your consideration of thls app licaE ion. /r" //r<-*'/ /y'1 .*.-' Kerry Moo/e Telephone: 303/476-5626 23 | East Gore Crcek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 t\\( axr Manager - GASTI{OF GRAMSHMMER o I I *_tr _t 'Figune 7.2- I.This wil l A. o trrDOCTBoiEog PEC MEETING }AIE No-W requesting a variance. The applicatlon is submitted. NAME OF APPLICANT GASTIIOF GRAMSHAMMFS procedure is required for any project not be accepted until all information Appl ication Date Gore Creek DrLve B. ADDRESS 23 vail co 81657 PH0NE 47 6-5626 NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRISENTATIVE ADDRESS PHONE c. NAME 0F oUNER(S)or Pri nt )-f'e!.i- tlamshamr.r Vail CO 81657 PHoNE 476-s626 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL 231 East Gore Creek DrLve ADDRESS v.tr co erosz LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK FILING FEE $ruO PAiu-a-lK #-f,1-323 rkUli--G".gholS'.*hammer , THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OEPARTMENT I,IILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. A'list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PR0PERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT I,IILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE I.IITH A PLANNING STAFF ME}4BER IS STROIIGLY SUGGESTED TO.}DETERMINE IF ANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION I.IILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS CONPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MKE AN APPOINTI'IENT I.IITH THT STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT-S. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION I,IILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT gV OECNEASiNFTHE NUI'IBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING ANO ENVIRONMENTAL COMMTSSION MY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED l.lITH BEFORE A BUILDING PER}4IT IS ISSIJED. ' , E. F. $utrof 0ramshammer, lnc.Tef eo hone: 3O3 / 47 6-5626 Pepi Gramshammer Sheika Gramshammer 231 East Gore Creek Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE TO ALLOW A SATELLITE DISH ANTENNA TO BE PLACED ON TIIE ROOF OF GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER 23I EAST GORE CREEK DRIVE VAIL, COLOMDO 81657 The purpose of this Application for a variance Ls to be granted permisslon to install a Satellite Dish Antenna on the top floor of Gasthof Gramshanmer. (Please refer to the pictures lncluded and to the copy of the site plan). The reasons rre are seeking this variance are as follows: 1) to be assured of a clear view for reception2) to ellminate the interference caused by people aadforvehicles, buildings, trees, etc. if placed on the ground3) to reduce the vlslbility of the satellite dish by itscareful and concealed placement 4) to lessen the possibility of theft5) to elininate the need to install pVC pipe, cement for securingthe dish, as well as a steel pole to r^rhich the dish would be attached rf pernlssion ls granted, the satellite dish antenna will be attached to the existl-ng vall of the building (please see included photos). The dish will be painted the same col_or as the building which will cause it to blend ln with the exlsting structure and virtually will el-inrinate its being seen by any surrounding buildings. should additional lnformatj.on be required, please hnow that we wi-ll provide the Planning and Evironmental Cormission with said lnformation as quicklv as I^7e are able to. Thank you for your attention to this request and for your consideration of this application. r //? 7 /y'{ "-a Kerry Moo/e Manager - GASTHOF GRAI{SHAMMER ?Ro"occD Arr.cA To rrrn:cH SFtTELr.sre ESH r,o|rus t6 AtrecneD T0 BI^I,LDIN6- Rod Slelfer 230 Brldge Street Vall Co 81657 Dave Gorsuch 263 Eaet Gore Creek Drlve Vail co 81657 Ron RlleY 228 Brldge Street Val1 CO 81657 Barry Sloreecue - BMD Management 701 SE 6th Avenue, Suire 204 De1 RaY Beach FL 33483 Charlee Roeenquist PO Box 868 Vatl c0 81658 ValI Management ComPanY 201 Gore Creek Drlve Vatl CO 4262 Fred H111le 170 Eaet Gore Creek Drlve VaIl co 81657 Brldge Street Condomlnlum AssoclatLon PO Box 1105 Vall co 81657 Lodge Propertles' Ittc. 174 East Gore Creek Drlve Vatl C0 8f657 TAELE I.3-I BERIES I73O .73II ANTBNNA SYSTEII SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL Effrct ive Aprnturc Operrt in9 Frrqurncr Itidbrnd 0ein (t .2 dB) Pol rn izrt ion Sidrlobt Envrl opr r.Co-Pol l{rinbram ( g ( 7-7'( 0 { 9.2' 9.2'( I ( 48' 4E'( g ( lgo' Crorr-Pol lrol rt ion VS1,rR Antrnnr Noirc Trnprrttuer rt 10'rlovctlon at 20'rl.vttion et 30t rlcurtionrt 40t tlcvrtion Feed Intrrfrcr .79n 0ir. (29.53 in.) I I .7-t2.2 6Hr 37.3 d8i Linrer r 0nthogonrl 29-25 Log 0 dBi +8 dBi 32-25 Log 0 d8i -t0 d8i) 30 dB (on exll)l.3tl l'ltr. 45' 34' 30' 2gt uR-75 ( 'K) TIECHRNICAL Rr{lestor Hrtrnirl Antrnna 0pt icr l.loun t Tyor Elrvrtion Adiurtnrnt Az irnuth Adiultnrnt Enu i ronnrnttl Prrf ornrncr ldind Lording Trnpcrrturr Rr in I cr Atrnorphrn ic Condi t ionr Sslen Rrdietion (lncldrnt) Etrvetion ovrr Arinuth lo'to 70'Continuour 360t Cont inuour Oprrrt ionrl 9uru ivrl 45 tfi/h 100 l{l/h -40'to lzo'F -50'to t6o-F l/? in/h 2 ln/lr- l/2 In Rrdlrl Srl t, Pol I utrntr rnd Contininrntg rr rncountlnrd in corstrl rnd indurtrirl trtll. 3d0 ETu/h/{tr t AGREEI'TENT rnood nuilc Denver, CO n.a" thts-q--day ot EyBtehs, -TnEl-Tittr -orr. -Partnershlp sole Proprletorshlp. . WHEREIN IT IS UUTUAI,I,Y AGREED: Ir COMPANY hereby agrees to rnake avaLlable to SUBSCRIBER by dlrect Gaudlllte receptJ.on at the above deslgnated prenlses the COMP/\NY PROGRAM SERVICE as lt may from tlme to tlne be eonstltuted and at the tlnes furnished. SUBSCRIBERagreea to and does hereby accept the COMPANY PROGR I4 SERVICE as nadeavallable and as lt.nray frorn tLne to tfine be constltuted and at the:tLrnesfurnlehed. ooIlrood rnustc sgslerns, lnc. DIRECT BROADCAST ,tg€1 aetween ces ]oca 2345 Seventh street, 80211 (herelnafter called ovrner and oDeratorlocated aL )?'tl | (\.1J1 JC_\_!.|:L( (t_i t't t. pct at I crr - I oc€ted at-c)Zt-- -t- (L,-rl-trz(g!gl-q4- (h3retna(tor c:rIIoil SIFS('llIIr!:R) .'1'ha S(rr.t!r('llItt!rli f 'r 1t Leaeed equlprneht shall at a1l tlrnes be and remaLn the sole and absoluteproperty of coHPANy. SUBSCRIBER ls glven pernlsslon to use sane and theterns and condltlons hereln etated, and SUBSCRIBER agrees to retaln all said egulpnent, and any addltlons to or replacenents of the Eame, at eald prenlsso, durlng the perl.od of thls Agreemelt,. " 3. SUESCRIBER hereby agrees to pay to couPJ\NY, at lts offices' located at 23d5 seventh Sbreet, Denver, co 80?11 or Such other address as furnlshed by cot{PANY the following: . ^n A;,A. A rnonthly charge of I J I )O,Ltcl for rnuslc servlce on1y, payable. nonthly, ln advance, on the flrst day of each calendar nonth, subJect to lncreases as set ln Itrtlcle 12. The nonthly charge lncludes performance fees payable to ASCAP and BltI ln respect of sald col'tPANy PRocRM sERvrcE. CoMPANY assumes no llablllty hereLn, however, for payrnent of any perforrnance fee to a nuslc performance soclety for the use by Subscriber of nuslc other than the CoMPANY PROGRAM SERVICE. A tnonthly charge oc I 3.:i , Z](.) for egulprnent lease only, payable nonthly, In advance, on the flret day of each calendar month, subJect to lncreases as 6et ln Article 12. An lnltlal Egulprnent lnstallatlqn-9har.ge-of S i,\cL(?[LJL;\ () Satelllte Orlglnation Fee $ ta?',( l. ( (t SUESCRIBER wlll prornptfy pay to col,tPANY, upon recelpt of Lnvolcetherefore, any Federal, State, Municlpal or other taxes, exclses, f ees, or cttrer lnpoctg hereafter levled or l-ncreased upoir <.r rbereafter requlred to be collscted by CoMPANY wlth respect to the - renditlon, recep€lon or use of the coltpANy pRocRAu sERvIcE undeqthls Agreenent. 4. Thls Agreement shaLl becone effectlve on the contrencement date hereofand ghall renaln In effect for successive slxty nonth perlods unless ternlnated by ei.ther party at the end of any such peiiod by written notlcesent to the ot\er by certlfled rnall nlnety days prlor to the explrtitlonthereof. The cornmencement date of thls Agreement sha1l be the connencenent date wrltten below or the lnltlaL date for whlch conPANY PRoGRAM sERvIcE lsbllled hereunder, whlchever ls later. Upon the terrnLnation of thls Agreenent for any reason or cause whatsoever, SUBSCRIBER shall forthwith surrender to CoMPANY all of the eal-d collPANY equlprnent. CoMPANY shall have no obllgatlon to repalr, replace or otherwlee restore the prenlses to thelrorlgtnal condltlon after such ronoval. t{hen s!.gned by the SUBSeRIBER and by the co}rPANy' thls Aqreernent togetherwlth all the terrns and condlt,lons on the reverse sJ"de hereof, whlch have been read and agreed to by the SUBSCRIBER, shaIl becorne an Agreement blndlng upon the respect!.ve partles, and constltutes the entlre and only Agreenent between ths coli{PANy and the SUBSCRIBER. SERVICE .AGREEMENT B. c. .D. E. /.,-'2 €=L-coul{ENcEl{ENr. DATETW suBscRr ;. Approved BY lka Gramshanmer Dood Duslo aystena, Ino. By TASLB I.3-I SERIES l7r0 .7$r,l AilTeNNA SYSTSI{ SPECIFICATIONS ELECTR I CAL E{frrtive ADerture 0perrt in9 Frcqurnc: tlidbend Orin (t .2 dg) Pol ar izet ion Sidrlobr Envrlopr, Co-Pol l'lainbrun ( I ( 7'z'( I ( t.z' 9.2'( e ( 4€' 48'( g ( l80' Crocr-Pol lsol rt ion V51/R Antcnnr Noi gr Trmpenaturr at 10'clrvetlon at 20' rlrvrt ion rt 30t clrvrtion et 40'clcvrtion Feed lntrrfecr .75n D i r. (29.53 in.) I | .7- I ?.2 GHr 37.5 dBi Li near , 0rthogonrl ??-25 Log 0 dBi +8 dBi 32-21 Log t dBi -t0 d8i ) 30 dB (on rxlr) l .3t l l'lu. 4!' 34t 30' ?8' LtR-75 (rK) IlECTtsNICAL Rr{lector t/htrrirl Anttnna 0Pt icr l,loun t Tvpr El cvrt ion Adjurtnrnt Az ittuth Adiustnrnt Enu i connrntrl Prr{orntncc tlind Lordin9 Trmo:t rturt Rrin lcr Atmorohrr ic Cond i t ionr Eol er Rrdirt ion ( lns idrnt) El tert ion ovtr Az inuth lo'to 70'Cont inuouc 3d0' Con t inuoul 0prrrt ionrl Surv iull 43 Ht/h 100 l'll/hl;o;'i;"tao'r -io' to t60'F l/2 in/i 2 ln/tr - l/2 In Redirl Srltl Pollutrntr rnd Contrninrntl tl lncountlrrd in corrtll rnd indultriel lrclt. 3d0 BTU/h/{tr ) AGREEHENT nrood nualc Denver, co COM}IENCE}IENT. DATE t located at 2345 , rs €? uetween Seventh . Street, rator Leaead equlpnent shall at all tlrnes be and rernaln the sole and absoluteproperty of CoMPANV. SUBSCRIBER 16 glven perrnlsslon to use sane and the terrns and conditlons hereln stated, and SUBSCRIBER agrees to retaln all sald egulprnent, and any addltlons to or replacenents of the sane, at Eald piernleeal durlng the perlod of thls Agreement..' .' 3. SUBSCRIBER hereby agrees to pay to CoUPANY, at lts offlcesf located at 2345 Seventh Street, Denver, co 8O?II or such other address ae furnlshed by COMPANY the followlng: . ^n A^A. A nonthly charge of $ I | )Q 'ULf for nuslc servl.ce only, payable- rnonthly, ln advance, on the first day of each calendar nonth, subject to Lncreases as get ln ,\rtlc1e 12. The rnonthly eharge lnciudes perfornance fees payable to AscAP and BMf in respect of sald COMPANY PROGRAM SERVICE. CoMPANY assunes no llabillty hereln, however, for payment of any performance fee to a nuslc performance soclety for the use by subscrlber of muslc other than the COMPANY PROGR,AI{ SERVICE.D. A nonthly charge os 9- t-:-) , A-) for equlprnent lease only, payable rnonthly, ln advance, on the flret day of each calendar rnontht eubJect to lncreases as Eet ln Artlcle 12. r\c. An lnltial Equlpment lnstallatlpry-9har-ge.of $ ir\cltL.ll-.y' L/\ t-J . . D. Satelllte orlglnatlon ree $ tit;( t. (K-\ E. SUBSCRIBER w111 pronptly pay to coMPANv, upon receJ,pb of. Lnvoicetherefore, any Federal , State, Mun{clpal or other taxes, exclses,fees, or cther lmpoota hereafter levled or increased upoir orhereafter requlred to be collected by coMPANy wlth respect to thai -.r-endltlon, receptton or usa of the COIIPAN y PRoGF,A!{ SERVICE undef .. thlg Agreement. : 4. Thls Agreernent shalL becone effectLve on the .commencement date- .lrereof and shall iernaln 1n effect, for successlve slxty month perlods unless terninated by elther party at the end of any such pe'rlod by wrltten notlce sent to the other by certlfied nrall nlnety days prlor to the expliatlonthereof. 1rhe commencenent date of thls Agreernent shall be the commencement date wrltten below or the lnltlal date for whlch colrPANY PRoGRAM sERVrcE ls bllled hereunder, whlchever ls later. upon the terrnlnatlon of thls Agreement for any reason or cause irhatsoever, SUBSCRIBER shdll forthwlth surrender to CoIIPANY all of the Eaid CoMPANY equlpment. CoHPANY shal.I have no obllgatlon to repalr, replace or otherwlse restore the prenlses to thelrorlglnal condltlon after 6uch rernoval.' when Elgned by the SUBSCRIBER and by the CoMPANY thls Agreenent togetherwlth aII the terrns and condltLons on the reverse side hereof, whlch have been read and agreed to by the SUBSCRIBER, shall becorne an Agreenent blndlng upon the respectlve partles, and constltutes the entlre and onl.y Agreernent betwsen the COMPANY and the SUBSCRIBER. ,--2 Approvsal BY trtd rnusic sgsfern=, i.;. DIRECT BROADCAST SERVICE,AGREEMENT naaa tnte-Q-.a ^y oeIeystens, ine. iltth offlces 80211 (hereinafter called owner andlocated aE )3 ' Corporatlon IIHEREIN IT IS I'IUTUAIJTJY AGREED! f] "oupewv hereby agrees to make avallable to suBscRIBER by dlrect satelllte receptLon at the above desl-gnated prernlses the CoMPANY PRoGRAM SERVICE as lt nay fron tlrne to time be constltuted and at the tlrnes furnlshed. SUBSCRIBER agrees to and does hereby accept the CoMPANY PRocR M sERvrcE as nadeavallable and as lt.nay from tlnE to tlne be constLtuted and at the:tfunesfurnlehed. 2, In order to enable SUBSCRIBER to receLve the CoMPANY PROGR,AM. SERVTCE,l-nstal]atlon of above deslgnated lka Gramshammer nood lluslo ayatens, lno. I\ PUBLIC NOTTCE NOTfCE fS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and Envi-ronmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on November 27, 1989 at 3:oo PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: L. A request for a conditional use permit to add 400 additional parking spaces, visitor's center and ancillary facilj-ties to the VaiI Village Parking structure. Applicant: Town of Vail 2. A request for a height variance for a satellite dish at 231- East /,/ Gore Creek Drive. t./\r- Applicant: Pepi and Sheika cramshammer 3. A worksession on the proposed Spraddle Creek Subdivision. Applicant: ceorge GilIett The applications and information about the proposals are available j-n the zoning administrator's office during office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VATL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Publish on Novenber 10,1989. )l,l r,,1''" ' '/) \L. l'1 i' c'qr2i L [!., a L, 't'''e,,-r,/7'f7 o f, ?ru ^ s-/t-*t *LRod Slelfer 230 Bridge Street Vail Co 81657 Dave Gorsuch 263 East Gore Creek Drlve Vatl C0 81657 Ron Rlley 228 Brldge Street Vall co 81657 Barry Slorescue - Bl'lD Management 701 SE 6th Avenue' Sulte 204 Del Ray Beach FL 33483 Charles Rosenqulst PO Box 868 Vail CO 81658 Vall Management company 201 Gore Creek DrLvevall co -kL62' t/LJ 1 Fred H111ls 170 East Gore Creek Drive Vall C0 81657 Brldge Street Condorninlurn Associatlon PO Box 1105 Vall co 81657 Lodge Propertles' Inc, 174 East Gore Creek Drl.ve VaLl co 81557 filr COP Y 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 June 23, 1994 Department of Comnunity Deve loprnent Mr. Pepi Gramshammer 231 East Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: Proposed addition on a part of Block 58, Vail Village 1st Filing Dear Pepi: As it has been some time since there has been any activity on the application you submitted on February 28, 1994, I am returning the balance of your application fee and closing the file. To reactivate the project, you must resubmil a complete application and tee. When resubmitting your application, please refer to the letter I sent to you dated March 10, 1994, identifying several pieces of outstanding information. As there has been approximately five hours of staff time spent on this project, (at $40.00 per hour) we have deducted $200.00 from the $750.00 application fee. The balance of $550.00 is enclosed in a check made out to you. I have also included a table showing what the rest of the application dates are for 1994. Please keep in mind that as this an exterior alteralion in Gommercial Core l, it musl comply with the submittal dates for exterior alterations. I understand that before you resubmit, you will get signatures from Charles H. Rosenquist and Peter S. Schweitzer, co-owners of the property involved with this proposal. We will need a title report, Schedule A and B, for the property and will require that all parties identified as holding an interesl in the land sign the application. lf you or your architects have any questions about this, please call me al 479-2138. Thanks for your assistance on the project. Sincerely, /^.4/-,/rL\ Andy Knridtsen Senior Planner Kurt Segerberg Saundra Spaeh o FEtu I cilPVIFLb 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Di'3' ,-t. <'F-.r" r, rlr, 5. D e partme nt of C omnunity D eve hpme nt March 10, 1994 Mr. Pepi Gramshammer 231 East Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: Proposed addition on a part of Block 58, Vail Village 1st Filing. Dear Pepi: Staff has received your application for an exterior alteration and a stream setback variance and has reviewed the submittal material. We are requesting that you provide all of the material listed on the application prior to staff beginning lhe review of this project. Once you have provided the requested information, we will schedule the project for a Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) worksession according to the list of submittal deadlines for 1994. There will be an approximate four to five week review period between the submittal date and the worksession. Specifically, staff requests the following application material: ' 1. A title report to verify ownership and easements. ln addition to the title report, we will need to have all individuals shown in the ftle work who have an interest in the property sign both the variance application and the exterior alteration application. lt appears from the deeds you have submitted, that Charles H. Rosenquist and Peter S. Switzer would need to sign the applications. l.+, 2. Please expand the sun/shade analysis to include creek banks and adjacent >' I property lines north of the proposal. lt is not clear what the impacts of theti,, proposal are regarding sun and shade as the sun/shade analysis extends off" the page. Please specifically identily how the proposal complies with the Vail Village Master Plan in relation to automobile access within the core. Please have a survey company, using the survey information adopted by Council pertaining to view coridors, documenl that the proposed addition does not encroach into any existing view corridor. As with all significant projects in the Village and Lionshead, staff will have the Town's Urban Design Consultant, Jeff Winston, review the plans. Please be aware that the application requires you to pay for the additional review. Mr. Gramshammer March 10, 1994 Page Two 6. Please provide a written statement addressing the four variance criteria relating to the stream setback variance. 7. Staff understands that the proposed construction will be built over an existing property line, Statf will need to do zoning calculations on the existing Gasthof Gramshammer. Thank you for providing the plans of the existing building. Staff may need lo do a walk through the existing building to understand how all of the different additions relate to each other. Please provide, at this time, survey information documenting the size of the lots. This will provide the base inlormation for the zoning calculations for the existing improvements. L A scaled model will be required for this project. Please be sure to show the Greekside Building and where the windows, decks and balconies are localed on lhe eastern elevation. The model must be submitted no later than two weeks prior to the worksession hearing. Staff will begin to review the project once the application is complete. At that time, we may need to discuss additional issues with you and may require additional information. For example, the issues which we discussed in our January 6, 1994 conceptual review may need to be discussed in greater detail. These include the stream setback variance, parking calculations, additional parking spaces within ths Village, slream walk, common area variance and view corridor encroachments. Thank you for your attention to these issues. The staff looks forward to working with you and your architecls in the development of this site. Andy Knudtsen Senior Planner xc: Kurt Segerberg Saundra Spaeh Sincerely, .;.| lAMar-9l Plarming Commission Tovn ofVail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 nEc'DtilARtspu Dear Planning Commission staff, We are writing to object to the enparnion of the Gasthof Granrhammer into the present parking lot between that shucture and the Creelside building. We have had the opportunig to review the plans and were upset, to start with, that we were not even included in the propertlr ownen that were to be notified of this exparsion. Our condominium, Creekside II, has its living room and deck overlooking Pepi's parking lot as it presenfu exisb. The south edge of our deck measures 20 feet from the back of the Creekside buiHing. Pepi's propced exparsion extends 25 feet from the north edge of our building and goes up approximately tl4 feet above grade. The floor of ou dec-k is about 14 feet above grade. The expa.rsion of Pepi's building wouH put a 40+ foot wall within a few feet of our deck and our view windorry and would ruin the view from our condominiwn. This would have a dehirnental effect on the value of our condominium of several hundrcd thousand dollan. In the application, paragraph B.8. states, rThe impact of the proposed shucture with respect to sun and shade b negligible.' This is absohdely not bue. The shucture would be within 6 feet of ou dec& and sliding glass door and would totalb block the rnorning sun from us except for a few minutes around high noon. We are encbsing sorne drawinEs that show where our condominium b ln relation to the proposed exparsion of the Gasthof Gnnrshammer to illusfuate what we are referring to in the above paragraphs. fu we obtain more infonnation on thb a<pansion and the negotiations bd\pe€n Pepi and Ctruck Rcenquist and Peter Swiber over the rre of the parking lot we will keep you informed of ou objections. Thank you for gour corsideration. Sincetety, <)t. 4-?/D /**-ZU-g* tarry D. Vande Garde for Credside II oumers : tarry D. and Linda K Vande Garde J. F., II andMargie McGivem Judy Row c Chuck Rmenquist Peter $pitzer Pepi Granshamrner pepi2 . tif ; 'id- j &\tern L 6i-J I I-- I ls ,a I I I? \ \ pepit - 1 t -f-r" /^r ,^tJ I CFEEI(SIDE I' DEclI WDIT U FEET CREEI(SIDE II CONDOMINIW I"IDTH aFW{-OtpE E)Jlt-DllO GARAG TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 38 / 47e-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 To: From: Date: RE: Deparnnent of Communiry Development Andy Knudtsen, Planner Paul J. Reeves, Environmental Health Officer +W.-- March 9. 1994 CFEEKSIDE BUILDING/ GASTHOF GBAMSHAMMER currently using a grease dumpster located in the May Palace garbage area. this grease dumpster is serving 3 different facilities, May Palace, Gasthof Gramshammer and Up the Creek. The current grease container is not adequate for all three of the above mentioned facilities. In the recent past there have been citizen complaints on the garbage/grease collection areas. The cause of the problem is simply a lack of adequate space for garbage/grease disposal. One possible solution to this problem. and others that may surface in the future would be to have the Gasthof Gramshammer build a garbage/grease collection area adequate to contain all of their garbage, and possibly enough space to place two grease dumpsters within the same structure. By placing two dumpsters, this would be adequate grease storage to serve all of the facilities previously mentioned, in addition to adding garbage storage space to the May Palace. Currently, there is an arrangement between the 3 facilities to rotate the costs of grease collection from the May Palace property. By placing the grease dumpsters on this property there should be no reason to change the existing arrangement. As a minimum, the Gasthof Gramshammer needs to place a grease dumpster on their property to store their grease. The end result of either option results in the same thing... two grease dumpsters to service 3 facilities. This problem is somewhat common in the Town, and if the issue is not addressed when building modifications are planned, the issue could mushroom into a much more sensitive one. t /ne t It a^r-ra','<''"< fevlssd t/2@4 Date of Application Date of PEC Meeting APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I VAIL VILLAGE Planning and Environmental Commission review is required lor the alteration ol an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor patio or thereplacement of an existing buitding located in the CCI District. FOLLOWING PEC APPROVAL, THE PROJECT MUST BE REVIEWED BV THE DESTGN REVTEW BOARD (DRB). The application will not be accepted until all intormation and fees ars submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS PHONE NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS PHONE C. NAME OF BUILDING OWNER(S) (prinr or Type) STGNATURE(S) ADDRESS PHONE (Condominium Association approvalwill also be required, if applicable.) LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL DESCRIPTTON:D. E. ADDRESS: FEE $200.00 (LEss THAN 100 sQ. FT.) $500.00 (MoRE THAN 100 SQ. FT.),:;{, d1,,,, / il. PAID $- CK #BY THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNIW DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. PRE.APPLICATION GONFERENGE: A pre-application conference with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application willbe accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). lt is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the statf to find out about additional submittal requiremenls. PLEASE NOT THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STHEAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PEC MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPHOVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING-FERMIT IS ISSUED. THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. lmprovement survey of property showing property lines and location of building and any improvemenb on the land. ilr. d\L (/,ADDRESSED, STAMPED ENVELOPES AND A LIST OF THE NAMES OF OWNERS OF ALL PROPERW ADJACENT TO THE SUBJECT PROPERTY INCLUDING PROPERW BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. 2. 3. 4. lv. C. /Submit four (4) copies ol a site plan containing the following information: J 1. The site plan shall be drawn on a sheet size of 24" x 36' at a scale of 1" = 20' showing existing and proposed improvements to the site. A variation of the sheet or scale may be approved by the Community Development Department if justified. The date, north arrow, scale and name of the proposed development ,/ with it's legal description shall be shown on the site plan. ( The existing topographic character of the site including existing and u,zproposed contours. The focation and size of all existing and proposed buildings, structures u./and improvements. The existing and proposed landscaping, patios, additions or deletions. r'/, A title report to verify ownership and easements. Preliminary building elevations, sections, and lloor plans, at a scale not smaller than one-eighth equals one foot, in sufiicient detail to determine lloor area, gross residential floor area, interior circulation, location of // uses within buildings, and the general scale and appearance of the proposed development. A scaled model may also be required if deemed necessary. THE APPLICANT SHALL SUBMIT IN WRITTEN AND GRAPHIC FORM A PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE BEFORE THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION INDICATING THAT: | ,/'fHE pRoposAL rs rN coNFoRMANcE wtrH THE puRposEs oF THE ccl" DISTRICT AS SPECIFIED IN 18.24.010. THE PROPOSAL SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLIES WITH THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN AND CONSIDERATIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Pedestrianization l2. Vehicle Penetration ,,),3. Streetscape Framework ;,{l* ' 4. Street Enclosure 1,, r'' ' 5. Street Edge .(,'pu[6. Building Edge \ .J "' 7. Jliews -'', i n""' 8: Sun Shade Analysis 1\'-..-_*_ Many of these items may be addressed by graphic means, such as skelches, models (including neighboring buildings), photos, etc. or wriften statements. lf the applicant is proposing a major change to the Vail Village Urban Design $ride Plan, the procedure for changes are noted in Section 18.24.220(8). (^ /g, / VA WRITTEN STATEMENT OF HOW THE PROPOSAL COMPLIES WITH TI. ,\A /i FJ vA WRTTTEN STATEMENT OF HOW THE PROPOSAL COMPLIES WITH THE i /,A\ VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN, STREETSCAPE MASTER PLAN AND OTHER\-), \BELEVANT DOCUMENTS OF THE VAIL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. THE PROPOSAL IS COMPATIBLE WITH THE CHARACTER OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD. @ @ vil. THE TOWN OF VAIL ZONING CODE FOR CCIALSO DESCRIBES OTHER ZONING ISSUES THAT THE APPLICANT MUST RESPOND TO IN WRITTEN OR GRAPHICFORM. l/t c.-t Lo'o*<'A**- ..,--4 THE ZONING ADMINISTBATOR MAY DETERMINE THAT ADDITIONAL MATERIAL IS NECESSARY FOR THE REVIEW OF THE APPLICATION. APPLICATIONS FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN CCI INVOLVING MORE THAN 1OO SQUARE FEET OF FLOOR AREA ARE ONLY REVIEWED SEMI-ANNUALLY. THEY NEED TO BE SUBMITTED ON OR BEFORE THE FOURTH MONDAY OF FEBRUARY OR SEPTEMBER. THE PEC HOLDS A PRELIMINARY REVIEW SESSION WITHIN 21 DAYS OF THE SUBMITTAL DATE. A PUBLIC HEARING SHALL BE HELD WITHIN 60 DAYS OF THE PRELIMINARY REVIEW SESSION. APPLICATIONS FOR THE ALTERATION OF AN EXISTING BUILDING THAT ADDS OR REMOVES ANY ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF NOT MORE THAN 1OO SQUARE FEET MAY BE SUBMITTED AT THE REQUIRED TIME OF THE MONTH FOH PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) REVIEW. FOR MORE SPECIFICS ON THE REVIEW SCHEDULE. SEE SECTION 18.24.065. Note: In 1994, the submittaldates shall be the fourth Monday, May, September and November. VIII. YOUR PROPOSAL WILL BE REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE WITH VAIL'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. lf this application requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other lhan the Town ol Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of the application fee. lf, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such republication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other than town staff. should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is need to review any application, Community Development may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to ihe consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town- A.tx. B. I ..1F r." fl4mv i'' *i: +.I lJ Bob Armour stated that the materials should either tie in or be different. He said he would like to see a peak on the third story roof. Greg and Jeff agreed with Bill's comments. Kathy Langenwalter telt that the zinc lascia bands needed to be carried through. She suggested that possibly reusing the sandstone or wood siding would be more appropriate than using a different metal such as copper. Bill Pierce stated that the owners preferred to use copper but they could go either way. Kathy felt that the zinc fascia band would integrate the commercial and residential additions. Bill Anderson stated that he does not want to argue for zinc or copper but the obvious way to integrate them is to use what is already there. Jeff Bowen stated that he was concerned that the existing awnings on the commercial addition were too bright and that softening the colors could eliminate the "slickness" of the commercial remodel. He was more in favor ol awnings that were soft, like that found on the Trail's End. Bill Anderson stated that the owners would be open to these suggestions. Kathy Langenwalter stated she was concemed that the one aspen tree be preserved. Bill Pierce stated that they intended to save the tree. As this item was a worksession, no vote was taken. 9. A report to the PEC regarding the February exterior alteration submittals: A request for a variance to the Gore Creek stream setback, common area variance and a major CCI exterior alteration to allow for an expansion to the Gasthof lffinshammer Building located at 231 East Gore Creek DriveiLot H, Block 58, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Pepi GramshammerPlanner: Andy Knudtsen Kristan Pritz stated that staff has received an application to enclose a parking lot behind the building. Kathy asked if there would be any major issues. Kristan stated that staff was concerned with the Gore Creek stream setback variance but had not started to review the request. PLnning .nd Envhonmardrl Commllrlon Mffch 14. I 99'l 12 o,, tt/ Andy Knudtsen stated that the owners of the Creekside Building had contacted him and said that they are concerned with the proposed exterior alteration to the Gasthof Gramshammer Building. 10. A request for a wall height variance and driveway slope variance lo allow for a driveway to exceed 10% located al2445 Garmisch Drive/Lots 10 and 1 1, Block H, Vail das Schone 2nd Filing. Applicant: Steve Sheridan and Adam SzpiechPlanner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO MARCH 28,1994 Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this item until March 28, 1994 with Greg Amsden seconding this motion. A 5-0 vote tabled this item to the March 28, 1994 PEC meeting. 11. A request for a site coverage variance to allow for an expansion at the Vail Mountain School located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: Fred Otto, representing the Vail Mounlain SchoolPlanner: Randy Stouder TABLED TO MARCH 28, 1994 Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this item until March 28, 1994 with Greg Amsden seconding this motion. A 5-0 vote tabled this item to the March 28, 1994 PEC meeting. 12. A request for preliminary plat approval of a major subdivision (Trappers Run) on Lots 16, 19 and 21, Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West, generally located north of l-70 and west of the Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicant: John Ulbrich, represented by Gateway Development Planner: Jim Curnutte TABLED TO APRIL 11, 1994 Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this item until April 1 1, 1994 with Greg Amsden seconding this motion. A 5-0 vote tabled this item to the April 1 1, 1994 PEC meeting. 13. Approve minutes from February 28, 1994 PEC meeting. Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve the minutes from the February 28, 1994 PEC meeting with Greg Amsden seconding the motion. A 5-0 vote approved the minutes from the February 28, 1994 PEC meeting. Plrtlnlng lnd Envhonmantll commbtlon t{alch 14, I 994 13 It\d\-' *x1s46F++ilnrn?'.q c'eJicc\c:t.r'f s DOUG WHITTAKER GASTHOF, INC. C.H. ROSENQUIST & 52 DELLWOOD AVE 231 E. GORE CREEK DRIVE P.S. SWITZER WHITE BEAR LAKE. MN 55110 VAIL, CO 81657 231 E. GORE CREEK DRIVE vAtL, co 81657 SITZMARK, INC. TOWN OF VAIL HILLIS OF SNOWMASS, INC. 183 E. GORE CREEK DRIVE 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD 170 E. GORE CREEK DRIVE vAtL, co 81657 VA|L, CO 81657 VAIL, co 81657 VAIL ASSOCIATES. INC. VILLAGE CENTER ASSOC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES, INC. P.O. BOX 7 125 W. WILLOW BRIDGE RD. 20 VAIL ROAD vAtL. co 81658 VA|L. CO 81657 VAIL, CO e1657 -3lq lq +- cd{Lcrt rtS Gtff cprj $t\ ,m I t' Andv KnuilsetFrom the desk of. . . L-a-,*z n*,4. Ft"/ / 0'"r u/") /t--r-- 5Z 4.2*,J A_-Itl l;A 4_.*_ L.Z* SYttrs /a4a44_ ,il / /+/. Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh . Architects o c,. A.I. A. February 28 t L994 Gasthof Gramshammer AdditionPart of Lot A, Block 5-B, Vail VillageFirst Filing, Eagle County, Colorado *2) Part of Lot A, Block 5-B *3) Part of Lot A, Block 5-B 4) Lot B, Block 5-B *5) Lot c & D, Block 5-B *6) Part of Lot K, Block 5-E *7) Part of Lot K and L, Block 5-E *8) Part of Lot K and L, Block 5-E 9) Tract I, Block 5-E *indicates stamped envelopes enclosed Main Office; 1000 South Frontage Road West . Vail, Colorado 81657 . 303/476-4433 One Tabor Center . l2OO Seventeenth Street. Suite 515 . Denver, Colorado 80202 . 3O31623-3355 Legal Description 1) Part of Lot A, and E-I, Block 5-B owner and Address Gasthof Inc. 231 E. Gore Creek Vail, Colorado AL657 C.H. Rosenquist andP.S. Switzer 23L E. Gore CreekVai1, Colorado 8L657 Sitznark Inc. 183 E. Gore Creek Vail, Colorado 8L557 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road WVai1, Colorado 8L657 Hillis of Snownass Inc. l-70 East Gore Creek Drive VaiJ-, Colorado At657 Vail Associates Inc. P.O. Box 7 VaiI, Colorado 8L658 Village Center Assoc. 125 W. Wiltow Bridge Road Vail, Colorado AL657 sonne?lp Properties, Inc. 20 Vail Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Town of vail 75 South Frontage Road W Vail, Colorado At657 .a ,E I THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18,66,060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on March 28, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a minor subdivision to allow for the relocation of a building envelope located at 1314 Spraddle Creek Drive/ Lot 15, Spraddle Creek Subdivision. Applicant: William and Julie Esrey *' Planner:Jim Curnutte A report to the PEC regarding the February exterior alteration submittals: A request lor a variance to the Gore Creek stream setback, common area variance and a major CCI exterior alteration to allow for an expansion to the Gasthof Gramshammer Building located at 231 East Gore Creek DriveAot H, Block 58, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Pepi Gramshammer Planner:Andy Knudtsen 3. A request for a setback variance to allow lor an expansion to the residence located at 4295 Nugget Lane/Lot 7, Bighorn Estates. Applicant: Margaret Gross Planner:Randy Stouder 4. A request for a major CGll exterior alteration and setback variance io the Lionshead Center Building to allow for the expansion of the Vail Associates offices located at 520 Lionshead Mall/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc. Planner:Andy Knudtsen 5. A request for a major CCll exterior alteration and setback variance to allow for the expansion of dwelling units at the Lionshead Center Building located at 520 Lionshead Mall, Units 208,209,308 and.309/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Victor Cano Faro, Transcon Investments, Inc., and Jose Luis Chain Planner:Andy Knudtsen ./. 6. A request for a variance lrom Section 18.69.040 (Development Restricted) of the Vail Municipal Code to allow for the construction of buildings on slopes greater than 40% located at 4335 Bighorn Road/Block 3, Bighorn 3rd Filing' Applicant: Michael Lauterbach/BAB Partnership Planner: Jim Curnutte 7. A request for variances to allow for off-site parking, GRFA in the front setback, and site coverage to allow for a new Primary/Secondary residence located at 1799 Siera Trail/Lot 17, Vail Village West 1st Filing. Applicant: George Plavec Planner: Mike Mollica 8. A request for a wall height variance and driveway slope variance to allow for a' driveway to exceed 10% located at 2445 Garmisch Drive/Lots 10 and 1 1 , Block H, Vail das Schone 2nd Filing. Applicant: Steve Sheridan and Adam Szpiech Planner: Andy Knudtsen r. o applicatiorjt.@- ze, rggn PEC MEETING DATE ur-r'lr rco n r f00 .EPPLTCATION FOR A \TARIAIICE This procedure is reguired for any ploject requesting a variairce. The appliiation wifl not be accepted until aII information is submitted. A. B. NAl,tE OF APPTICANT pepi cranshammer ADDRESS .Vail,Colorado 81657 NAITTE OF APPLICANT, S REPRESENTATIVE@ & Spaeh P.C. A.I.I. AOO-RESS t ooo sortt frontaq NAl,tE OF Ov|NER(S) (tYPe or print) G Pepi Gramshammer a C.H. Rosenquist OWNER(S) SIGNATURE( ADDRESS "et n c^-. c...t n.itto vail, colorado 81657 PHoNE D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT ParE o:! a BLOCK-Ss- TILINq ADDRESS FEE $250.00 FATDJCK TrrE FEE S!l!il[, BE PArD BEFORE DEPARTMENT WII,L ACCEPT YOUR F. stampedr addressed envelopes of- the names of owners of arr proieiiv aajacent to ihe subject propert{-IIgtyPITg pRopERTi BEHIND-AND ACROSS STREETS, and a list ot tnerr names i"a-."iring addresses. THE APPLICAIIT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR EONNSCT MAII.,ING ADDRESSES. .II.Apre-aPpllcatlonconferencewithaplanningstaffmemberj-s stiongtl- sue;Jttea to determl'ne if any additional l"io-if,ition-is needed. No apptication_will be accepted il1;;;,ii-is-comprete (nusr iirclude aII irems reguired by ifte "otifng adnlnistrator) . It ls the applicant's ieiponsiUifity to nake an appointtnent wiln tne staff to find out about additional subnittal requirements ' III. PLE.ASE NOTE THAT A COIITPI,EIE APPLICATION WILL STREA.T'{LINE THE AppRovAt PRoa-E5a FoEGGTnoiIEcr BY DEcREASING rHE NUMBER or cororuoNs oF 4PPROVAI'.THAT THE PLA!'INrNG AND ENvrRoNMEurjii cor'taissroN (PEc) MAY srrPuralg' 'lr.r' CONDITIONS OT APPdOVAT. UUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDXNG PERMIT IS ISSUED FOUR(4)COPIESOFTHEFO',!OI{INGMUSTBESUBMITTED: A. A V$RITTEN STATED{ENT OF TIIE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIAIICE NSOGSTAO AT{D THE REGULATION IWOLVED' THE STATEMENT MUST AJ.SO ADDRESS: 1. The relationshlp of tbe requested variance to other exlsting 6r potential uses and structures in the viclnity. E.*--PY THE COMMUNITY DEVETOPMENT PROPOSAI. 47 6-s626 rovlsed lz€na Date of Application Date of PEC Meeting _.Eebr:Jery_28, 1994 REC',DFEts2S19g0 B. c. D. E. APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR ALTEBATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I VAIL VILLAGE Planning and Environmental Commission review is required for the alteration of an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor patio or the replacement of an existing building located ln ths CCt District. FOLLOWING PEC APPROVAL, THE PROJECT MUST BE REVIEWED TiY TgE DESIGN REVTEW BOARD (DRB). Ths application will not be accepted untll all information and fees are submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESSVail, Co PHONE 47 6-5626 NAIvIE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE @ehADDRESS 1000 South Frontaqe Road, Westvailr c NAME OF BUILDING OWNER(S) (Prinl or Type) peni cramshanrsren -1>G & C.H. Rosenquist SIGNATU ADDRESS 2Vai1, CO 8 PHONE 476-5626 (Condominium Association approvalwill also be required, if applicable.) LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:@Filinq VaiI Villaqe First ADDRESS:23I E. Gore Creek Drive, Vail, CO 81657 FEE $2oo.oo (LESS THAN 100 SO. FT.) $500.00 (MoRE THAN 100 SO. FT.) PA|D S cK# THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUH PROPOSAL. PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENGE: A pre-application conference with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must inctude all items required by the zoning administrator), lt is ttre applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. PLEASE NOT THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUB PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDTNONS OF APPBOVAL THAT THE PEC MAY STIPUI.ATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMIfiED: lmprovement survey of property showing property lines and location of building and any.improvements on the land. BY & ilt. Pierce, Segerberg o &S paeh Architects P.A.I. A. o C. February 28, 1994 Town Of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission72 S. Frontage Rd., W.Vail. Colorado 81_657 RE: Gasthof Gramsharnmer AdditionPart of Lot A, Block 5-B,Vail Vil-lage First Filing Dear Sirs: The intent of this proposed development application, is to conplyin. all respects, with the cci- zonlng ordihance and Urban oesigiGuide Plan. A. In accordance with CCI ,Ig.24r GRFA restrictions both for units and common area have been met.The unit GRFA is l-r438 square feet under what is allowed and theproject total including common area is 1l- square feet under what isrequired, The design height of the project is well within what is allowedas 60? of the structure is only one and one half stories high. Site coveragre is 6,!65 square feet and 8.328 square feet isallowed. Required parking for 8 lodge units, Z condos and an office isL2. We are proposing l-6 spaces. No setbacks are required in CCL other than the 50, streamsetback. We are requesting a 5r0tr variance to the streamsetback to allow for greater flexibility in design on a vefyconfining site. Our development has very lirnited area th{would not inpact units in both the Gramshammer building aff'Creekside. Precedent for strean setback variances are boGh theTallisrnan Lodge and the Creekside building immediately to thewest of our property. Granting this variance has no effect on height, distrifution ofpopulation, transportation, traffic facilities or public safet$. Main Office: 1000 South Frontage Road West . Vail, Colorado 81657 . 303/476-4433 One Tabor Center . 1200 Seventeenth Street. Suite 515 . Denver, Colorado 80202 . 3031623-3355 page two 9. Tn" impact of tlris proposal with respect to the Village UrbanDesign Guide plan is as fotlows: 1-. Pedestrianization will only be enhanced by encJ_osing theexisting unattractive exposed parking and service yard. 2. Vehicle penetration will be unchanged. 3. The streetscape framework wil1 be improved by defining theperimeter of the Childrens Fountain plaia and by, 4. fini;hingoff a street enclosure which, at this time, has no finiteboundary. The existing parking/service lot is neitherattractive nor does it add a sense of space to the plaza as theproposed development will. 5. The Plaza edge will be paved in keeping with the existingpaving design, finalizing the design oi tne plaza. 6. The building edge, as proposed, is tow in profile at theFountain Plaza and continues the theme of the existing entrycanopy. The nain bulk of the structure is to the north of theproperty along the creek nhere pedestrian scale is not ascritical . 7. Established view corridors will not be irnpacted. The highestpoint of the building is bel-ow the Gasthof structure and iitstightly behind the lodge. The proposed addition cannot be seenfron bridge street. 8. The impact of the proposed structure with respect to sun andshade is negligible. It is wedged so lightly between Creeksideand Gasthof that early morning sun and late afternoon sun haveno impact. At midday in summer, shade will be cast onto thecreek bank and in winter at nidday longer shadords will be on thecreek. C. & D. eepis/Gasthof Granshammer has been an historicallandnark in Vail since itrs beginning. The buildingrs Tyroleanstyle has set the stage for bridge street and it is our intentto continue this ambiance to the back of the structure thereforeenhancing the Children,s Fountain P1aza. The pedestrian experience will be inproved, the paving will be defined and landscape will soften th-e oId parking lot. The StreetscapeMaster Plan will be irnplemented through our proposal . Thearchitectufe of the proposed development will be in keeping withcharacter of the neighborhood as it will match the detail of theexisting Gasthof Gramshammer. page three ff further infornationcontact our office as is required to address soon as possible.these issues, please Sincerely,Pierce, Segerberg and cc: Pepi GramshammerKurt Segerberg Architects P.C. A.I.A. Saundra Sp5eh, \ice President ''i[3t',"rt1!*9 Hf : t:' 10@ South Frontage Road West VAIL, COLORADO 81657 (303) 476-4433 FAX (303) 476.4608 taV ffiTTT OF TTRANSNflITTTAL TO > wE ARE SENDING vou $ Attached E Undar separate cover via- D Shop drawings Ietints D Samples XCopy of letter [1 Change order r-l tr the following items: fl Specifications "^"2-gg -?4 1"7?olz ATIEIiITIONANr)t ,4.Dt?/ffiN {ror, approval E For your use tr As requested \ ror review and @mment N FOR BIDS DUE Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned ior cotrections Resubmit-copies for approval Submit-copi€s for distribution Retu m -corrected prints tr tr D D T1 tr tr 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US coPY ro ?g/ A,24fr4h?.tHH,{+, '\ z{t% Pr€4omumor Co. drt . 1094 Postconq.lnFr Conient ,rcl2lo /iffi, ftl., 0tb. l5' 0lt/t. SIGNED: It rDcrorarrrs rftt nol ar na|rd. kindlt aoti,y ua at o,tcc. fttd,-t. Junr dtb . r90 .9roac'ldb. tdl{..a li.-, .:;. 231 Errt cor! Crcrk Dr:lvc'i rl ,- r-,r ;i;;f mE3f f. rr rt r-t.r tr.J h a|l'rh !,': tYrrtt llronlnd (320, OOO.OO) -lta-J*E q rBr lElrt..ll'rsF. |tafnt d.r-rr, drd.r. rch trfr(.I lt! l!t,-.'|q-bl.i rbtlr* Scc .tt!ch.d "Exhlblt A'. . t - J C.f .nb. fr{.t REClo. ee 4ea7a:t B-53a P-36AJd{ITIIETTE PIIILLIFIS O6/e7 /96 l6.Ae pG I OF aEAGLE COt 'NTY CI.ERR. COLORADO lbqtsrti-r - IUCI E rfr JI r|rFl |r brdl.ri..ta q1rr*-(rr ttiro |ltr1i1. i i -;ri q7i*a.3. d tb ;;rf- drrrh. * d rf,l-n r-. Lr. d Fab f.i6a, -l.l jr.*, rttl. |rt. t-rr..LL d ad rtrr, t [r. t-i.l lb b ba+.1f GC L rab t!.bi l-FLr{ tirti.. r|| tr Lr.ait- -a t--.llt ll^Yt ^.'fD lO llol, ||t tJd Friar| |tt r. bFard -i -r<rtt d r.t dr{rh*\ nr;nrre ltr :ltdt lr tE AdtF-|ltf rr lttalf *l I lt! Hr rrt Firt qG....c" J.ar 4*x. frr.lrf& rdlnsdrtftg*r\ llt f.i|rld jtr-i.r*.ti*dt.€tircd. tistdtr.Fr.r., lhrt lt 1! ddd .f l- F!ra..r .tE clttiFa. L. Fa. r-!. F td. .br.{* d ha.ft-rbL .r* d Hr.Et, b ti, h tr rlita.. -ab lEa t$.. 'hnF..dd.t Fti. b.rfn. rtl.nd.ar.tft r* - G'l. brrrhr..|.. d dr tLr.! rthd-hdhrd&tts.L{th. r.ti. l|-. tr.t t.rrnb-t|..*!"d--t tb-rtr|E.}Hc,-r|-f,.stl teroaatr, rLShtr-of-uyr rUcrt rtiona rnd rlrtrlctlvc Cqre-nrntl of lccotit, taclud!,ag but not ltlttad to th. llrcEcnt .nd rtrht-of-rylt of Gorc Crccl, rnd ed vdoro tn.r for 1990 rnd rubacquca! ycara. ... - - Nf lq.ha Fi... h hFir d F*tdt folcr.br a d: frarrr lt! *r-a i.l-.Fhr.I d.r.':zi'-, Fr Ht d*t - b.rd.r !r riL r -t F tiEnoa, ,rfttrt r t rd r htfAxl ,i'.D FOiEvEl tEFEffD, Dl rtllEll WllElE(f. L ,t- t.t t- ||..r{ di. da{ d ft - rr h raa. DOBSO TROTBERS, :i.. a Bcn.rll p.rtncrahlp x. Prrtncr Ertle \ ' " tii' i . ,.r.g''i-T+-:--l- ''trg110., I .,''s'-$ .' .ra:: ' 1:;: .\, 3tA?E O? Cllor^rt c-, d gaglc Tb fr1d1 icrr.rr.G -t--brFJ Ha rE - dEd Colorrdo .r- e7{ DOISOII IROTEERS, I lcnrrll prrtnlrlhtp, r.r rd-r.iFr. 6/t3/Je IhrqHdo{ltcdrd. .rifiihttt!rra-. :-.,i\". Irrtncr. Crtrt .{ J!'rd Jun! bv CATFERIISE ,n90 .q F. nt }. l... lrlarw l'ttrl'.' hr+ --r t -d rq .itr r b h . lid. (tr.rt| - r.rr ttr,[r r-6 EAGLE COUNTY State of Colorado County that the CERTIFICAflON I, Johnnette Phillips, Clerk and Recorder of the of Eagle, State of Colorado, do hereby certify attached is a full, true, and complete copy of WARRANTY DEED llfeCOfOeG On JUNE 27, reeo upon the records of my office. Book No. as appears 532 Page No.s68 Reception 428725 I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, this 3orE day Of A.D. 19 e2 . JOHNNETTE PHILLPS Clerk and Recorder r,...r..,.,r: ..t' ti,,. ..,hr!,,{ ni'l ;'!3"rr''. rcrixrl ;.,1 r',,1 -\!i.! \n,. ,., ;" .. .-r- .r.\allrtJ.rr.,rn,,rr. "h..r.1'r'-thr-:ri,lr|nr. ."rhrf'..rfni,,r,\'t.,.,i .,,1 \t \j:. i... I \ I | | l , ,tt l: r. t: t{ |"t:. /y' -- ri:,. .,' !:a r:: BEST COPY r.\ $ ,T\t:ss $ trl,riErli t- n.,.i,.r ,"?i..-a: - :r,rtiri .'rrrtrr1,,.,,.,,.,j:':.].',,,..'t' r! ": ''" r'r t:y"*l . ,/a ./".//t, I',,/rt./"t'. I'.A:TFF€D ,SC,IOBSA lili:i,; Y ,;.ri.i.. ..l|, r\trr\'l t+l ,lr,, r.rFrtitt '\. t.r tb,-r AVAILAFLI EAGLE COUNTY State of Colorado CEITTIFICATION I, Johnnette Phillips, clerk and Recorder of the county of Eagle, attached State of Colorado, do hereby certify that the is a full, true, and complete copy of recorded on MARCE 3t, t982 upon the records of my office. Book l*lo. as appears JJ.'Page No.4I5 LJl I OO the Seal of the Reception I have hereunto set my hand and affixed County of Eagle, State of Colorado, this 3OTII day of A.D. 19 e2 JOHNNETTE PHILLIPS Y;:iI Vi1l-qe, Firct FilinEr' S I ir t.,.;:'r\r:. par bi cula::ly dr:sCrlbed :; th,-':rr'.r. :: t,.':.'". r" I .r .li:;t.:itncc of i i,03; tl,ence :' i't a cii:it,r:!. (,r -'-, fr.r:.1., thtrl.l,:c N 63019'00" l.l ; - ,- ^ .t ;-ii;ll,';'1,1,. i,,,,. i ; ; :':;ll-:ll;"n"? f:;h'?::.?' bAt l:'l;ol;n:,,;i,'i.:, .' ; il 1,f,.'l l*.lgl;;,,.;1":";.1.1:ll'J3'"s,8iLo tlri ut,,; r,i \r, ;.:rrr',:r.iirq; corrtaini,ia .23g ncreE a - .r,-l Ii3' "'l'i '. -: , t:jata. : - ,r j!f l'l-r(-rlrr,r'l r,f):r-ollclusive casnincnt 'for veh:cUlaf ,' ' . l ,' '3l: .'rlrii .t:r(t!:.t nt)I)urtcnalrll l-o tha nhnuo-iaaa-{r.^a -' ',.'3l: ;r!rii .t:r(tic. nl)l)tlrtCnatrL to thc a bove-(1e S Crlbeal .'r.,'rJ et; l'rr[ ! ;i.:i: "..-:..:.: i'.iI.,._.': . a rri,ch of l.r:,t ll t,l,!,ll , ,]r,lr.) l;-n, vait. Vit tacre l"a Filino, ".'-r-' , 'F?91",(:{.'lrhY'_('.ili,rird(),' l.)e.lirr,r 7,3 fc,(l{: on crthor slile of u aunter.,..,, I:.,' ) i r:'r r.r)- of saicl LoL r,a" ;.,'(i r.'. ,, i :t rrllr linc of s;rid LoL "a" 1 ..i'!r'1, I . i r'rt orr bc<;i_nrring; thence , ::: .,.: ':! .r.|. _t :.ni- of, sirid. tot ,.a,' - ,,:ri....,,.. icl Lot a, Block 5-B r .; , I .:,:; 'to tha left. sald curve ll;;:i:, .' (.:-(.(.'r'lcYr ('aili,rir(lr)|' lrci .r 7,3 f(.(l{: On ClthOt' Slrle Of a Cent,6f ,..l.:. ..d(1::,':. ibil,l ,,tr, [t:rl]rx.;r; i ,,:,i....,,.. Rcqirrring ilt l.lli.. S()ul'_lr.:r.:f corr)..r: <lf Saicl Lot a, Block 5-B; .;,l'.'.1 ;;,1 :llne d(1::,.:. ibil,l ,,rr, It:rl]rx.;r;:':,'.: Rcqirrtlinq ilt l.lli.. S()ul,_ll,t' - Rcqirrtling ilt l.lli.. S()ul,_l]l.:,.:f cort)..r: of sa:thence 77.84 fe,.,l. ;l ti:l)(l rlr.:rrc of ;r curve'.-:.;havinq ,f rarlirr:; .) !-. 6?2.79 f ..r.t , ^ ..r,r,t.ri Li:..:rh-avirlq,r rarlirr:; ot.6?2:79 f..r.r. a,..,,,tini'-.iir""Jr-i6i6,ft;"J;';="rrord'.i,9"! baar!; lr B';()rrr'ir?" Ii i: (r ii;i-.rlc(, of. 7'r,79 fe.et to the tr""'iol"i,ij.*.'.. 9f begi.nn j.nq al:;o lrcinq tr l..ri,i:tt ()n Llrr. Horth r'i.tht_o f_"iv -oi-Coro ., ,-.," crcek Dri"'ci thr:nr:(: I.l i0')'i l'rrr," r./ i .li.r;tirnco of 50.00 r"ntr tilile' :,,,,I^11:!:.:tll L-l lr;',:!1"1,, of .ie.2f] f(,{:L !o a poinr on rhe si"iii-'.i.}xjdi,,,i,, il"ll:.,',:; e.: :U*";;.L ;:;'l,.j;t:' ii"i"nli.i';X'.i!"Il*iil"':ffi : .i ..,. .,.'i'- : ' ti .,^ T9_]1,._.Y! IND To ll()LD thc sarnr;, fsq6thcr wlrh all and sLnqular ,l'" .: '. .- "'i' iot naity-.t iitl nb-ouo .to,.-,ril-.c(: rr..rcr.; . the apprrrrjcnance:r antl pri*i1cq""'u,ei.unl;;;i;";;;s-;; i;-;;;iseE,,.i....'.;r!!:re:rn!c app,"rLain!'(rl ano air rri" cslite, rtqni,, iiile,r'i"[i,r.or _.,'. .]l":III.Il.,li."l .:pp("1-Larnl'(t, ancr alL tlrc e::tate, llqht, title, interest r, ...,j...rii ,ano cr<'lrn rrrhatso'rvel:, of thc said Dartv of thc first part, either in.law. or cqrr!-tv, ro thc onlv propei use, uenerit and l>cfroof 'or iiil'=iia - PartJ-o6'.of, thc sccor.d part,- ttrlir hcirs, and assiqns forcver. : .. .. .t . j1fiff-e*]ffi:,x"='lltiinlnSo;.::""t4:i-:1,!t""i*jI":llt"r; '"roun _te, ai -:l\I?!:sT-'.; '.ii'- ..":_ VAIL.+gSOCIATE { {NC. ..':_ ' ;i ff,:ttf;j€.?'.., o r71 tt ""7', , t ) | ,- i, . l {pqcr}.q3 :..:'.-ojto; uiecreEary '-. .E 4:::-jts i.:'r-u-- to, utecretary -ffi' :iffffi,:Sg*on l.." ,., , -: ' ' ., . ii Wi* ilsi :il l:!'::' i:?li::i i ce-PresidanU an<l Frr:dericliof Vall Assoclqtes, \rc., a Colora(lo Corporiltion. o0 t.'tett D0LL.iRS (Slc.l:rl) t i.rli'"-:-"^':' -:"'i '"!::::':il ,r . i I- 1t ' - ! :l i-i1. : ;ti..i i-:' il i ;cL | .\ | l.,.rt- i] . '.'.,i - .:il:,--e i":' :.. 1i{-, :iiC-1ar.i. r '...ii l:, Tlrti l]r I tr',1 lr 8/r! , , ?86rsu 4r71 't \) Id\ ,,, ?13- ri,r.tr\. -i I t'l tLLIPS''i:r.: '"'irc\''iorl r,r 11 4 tr Pll'il'l o.oo s-l \'ff:',1' t:-t:rl.l !0Eh 'r 'tl ,.i AuBust :'i. Dobson, Jfu.at-ul fafnt,tt t{ ffi;;" k; ;'-tt,, q Fa'+ L a+t4tt D t t:t t:S:r.. tnl.. l - n'l in.l '(lx:;l -'rl t lt. itlil\tt Fatottri r:lFraitrt! -|.- n' at--_+}{_' Pp9l,ffiift"." Ve 1l Colondo Trn (910.00) Oounrt of Ertl r .hnbt r&,r) rnd qult chln(r) to crimdr ctlrsn t+rEn r -rNc 'iAstftll Gt^l|srr'rnE|. t !'vr lor( Ctac,.. Drlvcrhot. radsr$ b 23i l?.tt c DtoFrtt' ln th' !.. .tt.chGd "Erhlblt A' -tl. .(t, i""lli:":-;ii,-fii3" . for thr conrtdrrrtlon ol fi;Gre7 l'ltlt l6: -id --.. Etr6Lt- CtlUNlY f ' !r'" ' corlvEfl;cr DEED. FOR tt.rlE dro brcn rr rtn't 'nd nunb'? dth e[ lrr rPgortrnltcrr St3arrt thlr "7* drY o( 6TTFDOF@LORADO. C.;onntt of Eaglc r..t of Junq - t*i e.i.".irhlp, by CA1IIERINE lt. DO!3O| lRoTIlERs ' ' Sencrr rtrt of i""'"-- -:zo-t' so 'b: si,T*#r$il$ #(:*t t|r llt qslrarrlr !ltt-'r"r "'' l.l'.ra.l. . rFd St.tr ot Doltrrr,ln hrnd Pid. Countyo? Erglc rrj t 6.: J C OLO 'rr-r'-tLr Col orrdo . thr follorlnt rml ..nd St t ol Colorrilo' to rlt FEC lo.oo Doc o. oo c|rt Lr ?TTRPOSES ot{Lt. Junc .f0 90 llolsoN rtorEERS . g.n.rrl P.atnct'hlP N{,:-rt l,* r rclnorbdjrd brlorr mr thir t{rr lorrSoln3 lnru"Itlt:a^ L- Crthraln. ll. Dobron Cena!.l Prttntr Do!s0ll r gs St63 TqX NOTICE neEin Fo. Yqur Flecords -;.g' "".""";#:::;T:"';"" TFEASURER - Box 47e, EAGL= t+iffo5606 GASTI|OF CRATSHAIilIER. IIIC. . BSSEXqU$L_q.!.:_: SI{ITZER, P.S. 23I EAST GORE CREEK VAIL, C0 81657 Please see reverse side of this form for additional information. 3,m3.39 .l ,206.65 8,545.30 1,841.83 6.94 407.55 I 18.94 355.93 402.72 212.53 396.99 | -. JriL : El, r 16,528,77i 54.751 TAX NOTICE HETAIN TOP PORTION FOR YOUR RECOFDS I,1) grt'td*d'V 1870 ----. sTArE PARCEL T - 2101-082-10-004 B00K - 0532 PAoE . 0568 VAIL VILUOE FIL I BLOCI( 5.8 LOT A PT OF t"#i$ l# TH il #1,; T*.SAT Y#U W1LL ffi i3;i3;i ii,f,i,xili?0",-f,l?'"'HiJ'*Xl"[1,10' "n' - 2s . 49 I EAOLE COtf{TY 0m RE sOJ SCHOOLS TOffi{ OF VAIL IIIIIIURII CSETER 10.048 3.997 28.306 6. t01 0.023 ;"" 1.350 :*, 0.394 iVAIL IEIR0 fiECR coro hvn.uirn --, $!!nttEfi{$x. y= v..v.lmTEf,,c0ils j lsi i'lar; ia;{ CtiE trEJ 28 2^d, 4ail :ex DlE JUNE 15 pr'..js the icllo'.'ring )Ftr Jr-L ra: -=e ) J,1. itr r\l I AJJC'S-rrH > L,-lltr rrl-tl\t\i i-:c tvlake Chscks Pey.'..s|" -., EAGLE COUNTY TF:: ep[4qLIqh'"C*n,( f"Vqu &rtq =RtDcxJ -:z, T'tsI|SON.IL RF:FNES}:NT.TTI\'E'S I)F:ED (TESTATE T:STATE) stfi--)\: Rc p rrironhti ve of !. hr. Est'rt € of :L{#ffi #ffi i -ir. ;;*!"i;ifi"*."f t+s'te.sl"FfTmi#----'-__-._.'Grantcc''!ro6' 1l-'l!.ll:.ll;:l"i:ll--:*ils"##"Hr* r oF cor.oRArn .- I couN.0r 9!lgi* ,;S;:iffi ;ii i *"..i.',,i i, l"J --, - s io .-rQ- -,,.--.-.==-.-_rTt"Il:]ffi tr nl t.rrrl|cny sil lr[t.r i;r t lrr'..--.-..-. --- -' ttt:l(]'(':'. - see attached Exhlbit A. )' tho follosinr dexribc<l ,litrlt of Crrbrrrlo: a3717? E-541 F-O3l tGl3OlgG l4tt4 FG t OF a REC JO.fit'€TTE pHILLTpS EF|OL€ CtruNTY CLERX. COLORnDO lO. OO tl.o kno$.n ar $treet rn(l nunrlx'r Wilh rll appurtcnnncct. frrlc end ctearof lrcns lr'd ent'umbrln''cr' ('rccP!: lVilERtjAS. .l:r. lri.rr r..nrlr,'ri (c(cr!t'nr rtr I'rs :if trrln' r'ri'|lt' lrnrl cxeettlerl l'|r l'nl.t- Will rrnd f""^,,"--ii"ii,if '--FE11;j-i-.- . - -.11, Sf ., "'1t,"ir ivill *'rs tltrl;' rrltrtitt('(l t.' PFPf,fl(l) (infirrntcl) il;;l;;;:+@-li__sill',r'.rr'.-qaqre-ecias-"-tl-in{5!=.trrtrt#1baot*';' C.lrnty',f --.Ea!t-19 --- -, :rtrd Stlr.'"i(i'i"rnrlt l1'llEnl:AS. Crr|ntr'r wIi drrly o11',inlrd tr{'rro|lrrl tiolrr.rentrtiY€ of |rid Edrtc on -kEi-tl--. t:r -lJ-. nr,,l i* no* rlullifitrl tnrl adin'i itr rnirl cnlocitr' NOW, Tltt:lf Ef'(tla:':. [(r r': ulnt ,,,1it,' 1"11'6 srtrfr'rft'ri i'l\rtt (;r:rnt,rr lry tlrt'tobrorb.Fmhttc C"a.. bii"at &i's ll.'n'lry ".'ll. '.r,,t".lv' i!'sr!rl. trtrn:rt': i rin(l sl'[ otor.-unto g.T:5!H* rtr urcd hcrrin, the ringulrr includcr tho plurol lnd tho muculin! Srndcr thl fcnlnlnr rnd *"8*Jlt-3::LT:? "lliii:t: ffi Muiutra Sf-r-?-1[ .ur-0 @ il I'cnan$d$'Tirsg$;e8lll$, idgi"u, !.tilrt( (\ rddrr'<'r i.r -jji -T::-:::--:--::--- - --.: ::-.--'-:------:-'. 0r#F{ffiF nln$)" D'G!lt'd flaTE OF COI.ORATIO _- | .' NGI ? 7.. l/ - -.-.v-. '. '.\/\ t -1 ./\..1/z\t /{,\.'-L-- .:- - -, :') lVitn :rr ny hand and olTrcill $'rL il ..il:;i:ii:Lr::ji.*..,,- n:rffi.,t. tt !,rt..Jr..rir (r,r.3,!!r. (i,L,r.t|l.. strl t,,x 'r'!|:trt''lirri! lflnrcnlcnd li "'ll,U"ff.!,.., ,:l:t!,.: . : ' ' l i r t - ( r r . , ' r r t r ' :' : '| lt.rrif:lr' "ir]i'it',1.:::"t1--:r...=.=j,i=:- :-::i-.... f F-..1::.---='{-- ----: ?EXH;3!T AT l,n undlvid.d tuo-clcventh s (z/LL) lntrralt ln t Plrt of Lot 'r'r -EIa:k 5-8, ValI VlllaEr Flrrt F5.llnE, !or. prrtlcullrly d.rcllb'lt lr lollor?r: Co!!.nclnq tt lh. }{orthlJ.3t corn.r o? trld lpl t.r th.nc. tf aa'l!'06" E !:1d rlong tha lrorth lln. of tald t t iri .-dlrtrnc' o! t90.t9 !.ct to thc polnt of beglnnlnEt thcnc. X 66- IErOOi I rnd rlonc th. llorth lln. of.rld !.t irr l08.oo l..t; Ur.nc' i iZ.tt,6O" E ! dlBtanc. og Zl.O!t th.nc. S 26'{l'OOr F r dlatrnc. of 75 te.t, th.nc. N 63t19'oo' tr I dl3tanc. o! 22.00 l..tt thenee S 26"{ltoon gl a di:tarcr o! ?{.16 gaatt th.nc. g oo'o9.ootr E r dlrtlnc. of 9.98 !c.:; thcnc. s 79':'7'O0" tf. dlrtencr o! 17.lt f..!, th.nc. N 10'41'oo" W I dlttrnc. of I20'00 iirtr thrnca 3 ? '1,?roo'r ll ! dt3tanc. ol 45.06 !..t to thr Potntof bcginnlngt contalnlng .239 ac:!! lorr or 1crr. 8og.!h.r trlth ! p.rpcguaL non-rxcluslvt .l3.E.n' lor vrhlcular I ;a-;;e;3i;iin-tiqi'""s and carca3 appurt.nant to Gh" !bov.- Id.ac!i,b.d Fr6p.rty, de3crlbed .3 lollout: I !a!ct o! land ln Lot r, Elock 5-8, vrll vli'IrE. l3t rlllng' ErEl. county r colorado. b.lng ?.5 l€ct o:1 .lthar tlda o! | canlaB Itnr drrcrl,b.d rr tolloss: lrElnnlng rt th. South.ltt corn.! o! rald tat r, llock g-lt -thincr ?t.8a !..! rlong th. lrc o! r cunt. to th. l.!!, trtd eqF. havlnE I Erdlut of 622.79 !..t, I c.ntrll tnEI. ot 7'ogfao' end r chord thre b.ar3 x la'l6'12" E r allttrncr 6t 77.79 t..t to th. ttru. polnt of Deglnntng alro brlng I Pol-nt on th. tlorth rlEht-o!-way of cor. cr..k Driv.i th.nc. x 1o'{3rooi ll I dlrtrncr o! 50.oo lect; thoncc N 47'02t5oi E r dlttrnc. ol 7t.28 laac to a Folnt on thc South boundrtT o! thc sbove dcrcrlbrdtrrct. t:5 FGeoFe 43?l7e B-54r P-O3r tOl3O/gO 14tla .!s\,\J.r \ls\ !lL THIS DEED, Made this 20th day of January, L975,between VAfL ASSOCIATES, INC., a Colorado Corporation 9f th" County of Eagle and State of Cotrorado, of thefirst part, and MANFRED SCHOBER (an unrj.ivide<i one-eleventh (I/Ll) interest); CHARTES H. ROSENeUT'ST andPITER s. SI{ITZER, a partnership (an undiviti.ed one-eleventh (1/1I) interest)t Ttggl_"RorHERs,' " piil"u;;i;- (;";;i;ii"i".i"I";#ffi; i;i;ii ili!i;:;iGASTHOF GRAMSHAMIT'I.ER, INc., a -Colorado Corporation (an undivided. seven-elevenths (?/LL) interest), all as tenants in commott atrd ufi\"i vait,Coloradorlof the second part. ' .WITNESSETH, Shat the said party of the.first part, for and in consider-ation of the surn of TEN DottAR3 ar'rb orHnn cooD At{D vALUABLE coNsrDERATroIits,to the party of the first part in hand. paid by the said parties of thesecond part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged,has.rernised, soldr'conveyed and eurr CLATMED, and by these pi."r"is ao."remise, reLease,.selL-convey and eUIT- CLAIM unto tire said iarties of thesecond part, their heirs, successors,and assigns, forever, all the right,titl-e, interestr claim and demand which ttre siia party,of the first parthas in'and to the following described lot or parcel oi land situate,-lyingand being the the County of Eagle and State of Colorado, to wit: A part of Tract uAu, Block 5-8, Vail Villaqe, First filing,county of Eagle, state of colorado, more partieularly describedas follows: ,Frederick Commencing at the Northwest corDer of said Tgact rAr,; thence N 66018'00" E and along the North line of said.Tract,'A",a distance of 390.1-9 feet to the point of beginning;.. thelc_eN 6oot8r00" E.-and atons the North-tine or saia--r;;;i' ;;-;- 109tl0 feet; thence S Z7ollrO0" E a clistance of 73.03; thence - S 26v4lr00'r I^l a distance oi z5 feet; thence N, 63019 rggrr'14 .distince of 22.00 feet; thence S.26;41'00" tr{ a distance of74.36 feet; thence S 00009r00!!;.8.a',distance of 9.9g feet;'thence Fi ?9017r00" w a distancE;;eg',1t.11- feet; then6elll-igo43,gg" .,.,,ry_" distanCe Af 120.00 feet;,thence S 79.01?r00" I^t a distance of45.06 feet to'the point of beqinning; containinq,.239 acresmore or less ,| . ':' ,'] : Together with a perpetual non-exclusive easement for vehicularand perlestrian ingress and egress appurtenant to the above:describedproperty, described as follows:: ':,r' . ' A tradt t>f ].anat'!.a aot ajligloo;,!-6r Val.1 'v!-Il"g" lrt tflttrrg,nagle County, Colorado, be5.ng 7.5 feet on.either side of a centerLine described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Lot a, Block 5-B;thence 77.84 feet along the arc of.a'curve to the lefL, said curvehaving a radius of 622.79 feet, a:central angle of 7009'40" and a chord,that bears N B6ot6rl2" E a distanCe of 77.79-feet to the true pointof'beginning also beinq a point on the North right-of-way of Cbre Creek Drivei thence N 10043:00,t !'l ,a distance of 50.00 feet; thence N 47002150" E a distance of 78.28 feet,to a point on the South boundary of the above described. tract.. TO IIAVE AND TO HOtD the sarne, together with all anC singular ' the appurtenances an{ privileges thereunto belonging or in anlnnrise; thereunto appertaininq'and, all',the estate, right, ,tit1e, interest , :and clairn whatsoever, of the said.party of the first part, either in' law or equj,ty, to the only properil ,uge,+benefit and behoof of the saidparties of the second part,, their heirs, and assigns forever. IN I^IITNESS I{HEREOFT The said party of the first part has hereunto: set its:hand'and seaL the day. and-yeaii ,first. above rvlitten. ATTEST: DEDICATION BY THESE PRESENTS: VAIL ASSOCIATES, Il{C., a CoLorado corporacion (,'Vail") is the owner of that certain property described in Exhibit "A:' attached to and by this reference made a part hereof. such\ i:roperty is hereinafter referred to as the Real property . ' : ,Vai1 does hereby dedicate the Real Property to the Town of vail , a coLorado municipal corpotation ("Town"), its successors and .assigns, for public use as hereinafter described, T0 HAVE AND TO .: HOLD the same, together \^rith alL and singul-ar the appurEenances and prlvileges thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title and intjerest, whatsoever,. of Vail, its successors and assigns; PROVIDED ALI^IAYS, that this dedication is : expressl-y made and accepted subject to the following expre.ss condi- tions, provisions, restrictions,.and covenants which sha1l apply to and bind the Town, its successors and assigns. , 1. No use of the Subject Land sha1l conflicC r.rith ot violate any provision in the Protectlve Covenants of'Vail .Village First Filing, Eagle County, Colorado as recorded in'book L74 at page 179 of the records of the CLerk and Recorder 'of Eagle County,, Colorado and the amendment thereqo .as recorded in bgok 178 at page 345 of the records of the Clerk and.Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado :2. The Real Property shall be used, held and maintained 'in good order anil cond.ition by the Townr subject to easements or rights- of-way of record or apparent. (included without limitation an easement MEN contained in instrument datecl Lg7 , and recorded on of,'the recorcls of Eagle,County, Colorado) for'useronl1l as an oPen area for the general ,. .constructed and maintainedl improvements'necessary' desirable or con- adjacent or other nearby lands proviriled that said utility inprovements .. ' shal! not cause perm'anent clisruption or alteration to the surface of 3. No pa lo rt of the Real Propercy shall be used for picnicki-ng, camping.or overnight stays by any person or persons. Nor shall there be permitEed within or upon the Real property any informal or organized public or private gaLhering or any other act by any person or persons, which in the judgment of Vail or the Town, may deface, aLter, desEroy.or damage the landscaplng, vegetation or """fh"ti"value of the Real propexty or l_icter it,s surface 4. Except for trees, shrubsr gxass, improved walkwaysn fountains and other decorative items consistent with the use of the Real Property as a pr:blic park, no structures, either temporary or permanent' nor any other improvements sha1l be constructed or pernr-itted to rernain on the Real property. rf at any time the surface of the Real Property shall be'disturbecl, VaiI reserves the right, but shall not be under any obligation, to take any action necessary to restore such rand to its original condition 5. rn the event of a fair-ure by the Town, its successors and asslgns Eo comply with each and every one of the conditions 'hereof, after having received written notice of such failure and the continuance of such failure for a period of sixty (60) days after receipt of such notice, r-t shall be lawful for vail, its successors or assigns, to re-enter and repossess. the Real property or any part or portion thereof, and,thereafter ho-1d and enjoy it as if these presents had not been nade;,, ,,,, rN i,trrNESS WHEREOF;' this tistrument has been executed .1'.':. thls day of ATTEST: (sEAL) drew Norris,Vice-Presi dent I COLORADO )) ss.EAGLE ) ,The foregoing day of instrument was o me this as acknowledged befo{e Associates, Inc., a WITNESS my , 1975, by S. Otto as corporation, on behalf official seal. , Secretary of 'VailFrederick Colorado hand and .;t of such corporation. My cournission expires ACCEPTANCE 0F DEDICATION T:t - _, Mayor of the Town of Vail, a colorado rmrnicipal corporation, and on behalf of the Town of vail pursuant to the. authority vested in me by ordinance No. duly adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Vail , col-orado, , L97 _, do hereby accept the above and fore- dedication for the therein. IN WITNESS has been executed day of ATTEST: - STATE 0F.COLORADO )) ss: COUNTY 0F EAGLE ) .. The foregoing.Aeceptance of before ure My commission expires Dedication was acknowledged L97s, by as Town EXHIBIT A TO A DEDICATION DATED'DAY 0F : . 1975, FRgMvArL-ASSO.CIArE s, ri,ie;T:tbfQdD6 - conpor"arvurArcs, INC.,. A 'q0L0RAD0 cORpop"ATIoN TO T-LIE TOUN 0F VAtf,'. '601ORADO,A MUNICIPAL. CORP,O.RATIOI.I . REAL PROPERTY LEGAT DESCRIPTION 4 part o! Tract "A", Block.5-B, Vail Village First Filing,County. of Eagle, State of Colorado, more pirti-uiarlt---''described as follows: Commencj-ng -at_the l{orthwest corner of said TracE "A"thence North 66"18'00" East and al_ong the.i{orth line ofsaid Tract "A".-lfl.45 feet to the p6int of beginning;thence Sourh 85o15,52" East a disrairce of 126.6+ f""Eithence Nor:th 79"17 '00" East a distance of 63.41 feet;' I thence south 10"43'00" East a distance of 7.5 feai;-ihencel'lorth 79"17 ! 00" East. a distance,of 4l .0 feet; thence south . : :.10"43'00.'Eastadistanceof22.0feet;thence}6;;h}9;|7.i9grr. East a disrance o.f. 24.0 feer,; rhence sourh r0;4tio0;; sasi-a--distance 9t 12.71 feet; thence North 79"17't00r'reasi 'r.ai"-- '. '.,,.'.tanceof'4'.0feec;thenceSouth].0"43l00'.East'adistance'. of 63.0 feet to a poinE on a.curve; thence a distance of ..63.34feeta1on8!hearcofacurve.]tothertghtsaidcurve having a radius-of 622.79 feet, a cenEral anETe .of 5"49,39"and whose chord bears North g4d54'0g" East a distance of63.32 feet; thence North 0o09'00" llest .-airti""e of g9.Zz 1.".t, thenc-e ggyqt-t .79".Llt 00" Wesr a disrance oE 72.40 feer;thence North 63"36'00" west:a distance of144:79 feet; thence.. l {orth 10"43'00" Wesr a aisiancJ oi gi.sg-f""i;-rhence Sourh66o18'29" WesL a distance of 23L.65 feet to the point of .beginning, containing 0.424 acres, more or less ,r! lt {