HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT C D COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING APPEAL OF FLOOR LEVEL DETERMINATION LEGALFIIE SOPT Court of Appeals, State of Colorado ZEast l4e Avenue, Denver, CO 80203 Eagle County Distict Court, Honorable Frederick W. Gannett Appellanti?laintiff: COVERED BRIrcB, ING AppelleelDefendant TOWN OF VAIL, a municipal corporation District Court CaseNumbet200T CV Z\1,Division 2 COI]RT USE ONLY Attorney: Paul R. Dunkelman, Atiorney for Appellant P.O. Box 1829 Frisco, CO 80443 Phone: (970) 668-1678Fax: (970)668-5121 E-mail: carlson2@colorado.net .: # 23163 Case Number: 2008cA NOTICE OF APPEAL Appellant Covered Bridge, Inc., by and through its counsel of record, carlsoq Carlson & Dunkelman,LLC, submits this Notice of Appeal pursuant to c.A.R.3(d). TRIAL COURT INFORMATION Trial Courfi Eagle County Dishict Court Trial Judge: The Honorable Frederick W. Gannett Trial CourtNumber: Civil Action 2007 CV 2006, Division 2 A) Nature of Case: This case arises out of a review by the District court pur.suant to c.R.c.p. Rule 106 of a detemination by the Town of vail that r.eal property owned by the Appellant shoulcl be deemed to be a first floor unit defined as at grade or sfreet level when in fact the real property is neither at gade or at street level. The r.eal property at issue is above both grade and sfeet level. By definition in the Vail Town Code, real properfy above grade should be deemed to be a second floor unit. Real property determined to be first floor units have the most restrictive zoning applications. Real property deteunined to be second floor units have more liberal zoning applications. Appellant is appealing the District Court's affirmation of the Town of vail determination that the real property at issue are first floor units. B) Judgment being Appealed: Appellant appeals the Trial Court's Opinion ancl Order dated December 13, 2007. The order is a final judgment of the District court subject to an appeal as of right. The Trial Court's Opinion and Order resolved all pending issues before the Trial courl. There were no issues related to attomey fees and costs. ; includingattomey fees and costs: D) c.R.c.P.546): No. No certification pursuant to c.R.c.p, Rule 54(b) was necessary as the Order and Opinion addressed all claims. E) The Date ofJudernent: The opinion and order was entered by the Trial court on December 13, 2007 and served on counsel for the parties via e-filing on Decemb er !3,2007. No. No motions fbr post-trial relief were filed with the Trial Court. The date anv motign for post:trial relief was denied or deemed denied: No motions for post-trial relief were filed with the Trial Court. No extensions have been sought regarding the filing of any Notice of Appeal. F) G) H) D " t) Whether the District Court applied the incorrect standard of review, specifically abuse of discretion, instead the apprnprixe de novo review of the Town of Vail interpretation of the Town Code? '2) Did the Trial Court err in determining as a matTer of law that the applicable portion of the Vail Town Code was ambiguous and, therefore, permitting statutory construction beyond the plain meaning of the Town Code? pr" 3) Did the Trial Court err in affirming the Town of Vail ruling based upon a finding of ambiguity when the Town of Vail did not determine the Town Code to be arnbiguous in making its determination? A) Did the Trial Court em in detennining that only a review of t}te detennination lelated to Unit 8,227 Bridge Street, Vail, Colorado was properly before the Court and not a review of the determination related to Units D and E, 227 Bridge Street, Vail, Colorado? TBANSCRIPT There is no transcript fi'om the Trial Court. There is a tuanscript which has alrcady been prepared from the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission Meeting, Town of Vail Work Session and Town of vail Counsel Meeting. This transcript is part of the Certified Record which was submitted to the Trial Court as part of the review, The transcript prepared by Juli Blass is eighty two (82) pages long. PREARGUMENT CONFERENCE Appellant does not request a preargument conference but is willing to participate if the court deems that a preargument conftrence may be useful' COITNSEI,. Counsel for Appellant/Plaintiff: Carlson, Carlson & Dunl<elman, LLC Paul R. Dunkelman, #23 | 63 P.O. Box 1829 Frisco, CO 80443 (e70) 668-1678 Counsel for Appellee/Defendant: Senter, Goldfarb & Rice, LLC Eric M. Zipotin, #30133 Elliot J, Scoti #36687 1700 Broadway, Suite 1700 Denver, CO 80290 (303) 320-os09 J. Mathew Mre,#274I4 Town Attorney 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 (970) 479-2107 APPENDIX An Appendix is attached hereto containing the Opinion and Order of the Trial Cout dated December 13,2007, Dated ttris 25il' day of January, 200g. Respectfully submitted, CARLSON CARLSON & DI.JNKELMAN, LLC, Paul R Dunkelman, #23 | 63 P.O. Box 1829 Frisco, CO 80443 (e70) 668-1678 CERTIT'ICATE OF SERVICE I certifli that on this 25th day of January,200g, a ilue and conect copy of the foregoing Notice of Appeal and attachments were forwarded via Courtlink andlor Federal Express to thefollowing: Colorado Court of Appeals Colorado State Judicial Buildine ZBast l4th Avenue, 3d Floor Denver, CO 80203 Eric M. Zipoin Elliot J. Scott Senter, Goldfarb & Rice, LLC 1700 Broadway, Suite 1700 Denver, CO 80290 Eagle County Disf ict Court P.O. Box 597 Eagle, CO 81631 J. MathewMire 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 APPENDTX Lopinion and order of the Eagle county District Court dated December 13,2007 El"lLli0 Docrrncrrt District Coud, Eaglo County, Colorado 885 Chanbers Avenue P.O. Box 597 Eaglc. Colomdo 81631 (.u Eng|s Lo{nry lrlsll.rr:l r,ol|l'[ r r., Fltlng lhtc: Dcc l3 2007 l2:47P1'l *lfif Filirrg lD: 17$S2l3l Rcr.lcw C'lcrft: hrrcn Lrjnrt I ACOURTUSEONLX4- -J covERED BRTDGE,INC,, Plaintiff TOWN OF VNL, a munlclpal eorporation, Defcndant Casc No.: ?ffi1 CV 226 Div.;2 OPINIONANDORDER Ttds mattercomes befor the Dietrict Court for Eagle Counfy, Colorado, by way of plaintiff C-overed Bridge, Inc's fflaintiff) Corlrplaint and Aoplication otJttdjcial Reviqv, In this action, plaintiff appeals a zouing doterrrination mf,de by defondant Town of Vail (tlr 'Toyn').After reviewing the rccold, and having fully and fairly considered the argurnentg pre.sented, theCourt issues thie Opinion nnd Order. BACKGROT'NI) L Factual Background md Legal Settlng Plaintiff does not dispute the Town's findings of fact in this case' Instead, plaintifr challenges thc Town's intorpretation of its Town Code (thc "Cgd"'). Plaintiff owns Unit E in a structur€ known as the Covered Blidge Buildin g, at227 Btidge I Street, Vail, Cotorado. Unit B is located approximately four feet abovo the slreet, but is acrcessed fmm the street vle a short series of stairs.l Iu thc procecdings giving risc io the instant flction, I Ttc coort nomc rhe eristcnce of a dirpute ovcr whdtrer dris aocers ir "dirccl"',9aa plalnrifPs S€Dl$ p' 'f' DssPie tlris minor dlsputc, it is not diryutsd thit a porson wlshing !o cnler Unit E rnay do .so frorn tltc street, A porson attEmpting !o entcr Uoit E from the stroct necds only to climb r four-foot tall sorles ofstcps to enror tho unit. Thus, s poreon my acceo* t nir E from 6tr,ecrt lovc[ evcn tlriugh tlnt accoss msy invotvc clightty rnoro phyoical effott lhrn if it rrcre lcvcl widr thc ctrcct. plaintiff rcqucsted a dctcrmination fiom thc Town that Unit E was a sccond floor unit for prrrpoegs of thczoning provieions of the Codc.2 fite Covered Bridge Building is located in the zoning distdct known as the Commercial Core 1 Disrrict (the '.CCl District"). Use of property within tlc CCI District is govcmcd by a property's position rclative to slteet tevoi or grnde. Thert are three levels that are rclevant to proPerty usp in the CCI Distlictr l) "basCmpnt" Or "garden lerol" ("basenront") 2) "first flooC'or "strcot lovcl" ("firSt flOor"); and 3) "second floorabovc grade" ("socond floo/), Basemflrl is defined as "that floor ofa building that is entirely or substantially below grado." Code, $12-78-2'4. First floor is defioed as "that floor of tho buililing that is located at grade or street level." Code, $12'78-3.A. Second floor is defined as being the second floor above grado,3 Code, $12-78-4.,{' The opcrative tcrms within thc abovc dcfinitions art "grade" and "street levei." Neitter tcrm is dofined by tho Code.a The distinction bctviccn floors in the CCI Dsrict is of lrryotance bocauso of the auttrorized uses for those floors. Generally speaking, firet floor poperties rrc to be used for retail businesscs, while second floor proponioe have fowor rostrictions on thair use. II. Prcceedingr Below The dispute.rrD judicc uirctfnom the Towu's intorpretation of whethcr a unit lying four feot above grad6 or sttoot level qualifios qs first floor or second floor for purposes ofmning, The Town has determined that such a unit qualifics as a first floor lcv€I. ? Tho Courr notos thar plalndff owns Units D rd F, as well, and wishee the Court make dotcrminations in rogard to thom, As the ieiuag involving Unils D otrd F wcrc noi baforE thc Tow4 drc Cout cutnot non, addrcss thern on 1pperl,I Ihc Coun discugseo the nranlng of sccond floo io tho courre of thic Opinion and Ordcr. r tfte Codo docr giw trro comcwlrat Elcvrnt drfinitionr for gndee: l) an "oxieting grad6" b the exisling or natutal grade of a sitc prlof ao conslructioni .and 2) r "finirhcd gndo" is tho grrdo propoeod upon completion of a pltject.' Ccdro, gl2-2-2. Rogardloeo, noithcr definition ir of practlcrl use in lha crclc mb Judlce . ti Plaintiff first requested a dctetmination from thc Town's Depaltment of Communiry Dcvolopment (the "DCD") that Unit B is a socond floor unjt,' tn making this fequest, plaintiff raised much the same arguments tlnt it makcs in the prescnt sppcnl. : The DCb found, as relcvant here, thar Unit E is a first floor unit. The DCD found that' although Unit E i,s four feet sbovc strcet levcl, the Town had consistently deterurined in the past lhat such a differenco in elevation was not sufficicnt to mako a Property "above streat level." The DCD &lso found that to hold otherwiso would bc contrary to the "horizonlal zoning intent" of the Cods,6 Following the DCD's decision, plaintlff appealed to the Town's Planning Environrncntnl Commission {t|c ,?EC'). Aftcr holding a public hcaring at whiclt plaintiff raised muclr thc sarne argUments that arc now beforc thc Court, thc PEC adopted thc following recommendatians, iflter alia,nadeby its otaffi Due to the sloping topographic conditions of Bridge Strtet . . . instances will cxist wh,rs a reasonabie changrin clevation . . . from the pedeseian level to thc'Tirst floor" or "street" levol of the building will occur, Said conditions . . , shall not be construed to circumvent the Town'g longstanding dcveloprnent objective of rnaintaining and preeorving the chaxacter of thc Vail comnsrcial area and prcmoting 4 varioty of rctail shoPs at the pcde.strian lovell - fo [accept plaintifsJ aryuments will fundamentally alror tbo character of Vail Village and the dovelopmcnt objectivcs oftho Town. For in$tnnce, after 32 ycars, it would now be interpreted that cxisting first floor snd sfreet level retail businesscs . . . could be converted to non-retail uses sush as business offices md pmfessional ofhcos. Thit ctrrangcia usc is cloarly conbruy tr: the adopted gods, objectivee and pollcios ofthc Town of Vaill - Any other intcrpretation of the fown'e horizontal zoning regulation is contrary to ths horjzontal zoningintentofthe Codc and dcvclopnent goals and policics of 5 Phinliff tlso eought r dotcrmlnation rogardlng Unit g but that dotarinlnation is not presonily bcfore the Court. o ,Srs DCD Deccmtbr l. 2006 Lefler. R, 3-4, the Town. To interpret the Codc othonrisc would result in office uses on thc strcet levol of buildings tiuoughort thc Town's cnrcial commercial core areas.T Thus, the PEC also detcrmined thCI Unit B is I str€ot lovol unit. t, Plaintiff appcaled the PEC's determination to thp Town Council (thc "Council"). The Council vicwed the Covercd Bridgc Building and conductocl a public hearing upon tho mattcr, Again, the arguments presented to the Council wcre practically thc $amo as thosc raised during the othcr sages of this procecding including tlnt sub judice. After considering the argumenrs raired, the Council aflirmed the decieion of ths PEC.! Plaintiffnow challcngcs the Town's detsrmination. Plaintiff argucs that in reaching its conclusions, thdTown ignored the plain langrrage of Sre Code and misapplied it. Plaintiff furthcr afgues thal unit B is, irr fact, a socond floor unit. . STANDARDOFREVTEW C.R.C.P. 106(aXa) govern$ a courtle rcview of a lower ontity's judicial or quasi-judicial actions, A quasi-judicial action gencrally involvos a dotennination ofiighh, duties, or obligations of specific indiyiduals by app$ng legal standards or policy considorations to facts developed 4t a liearing for the purpose of resolvlng the intere$ts in queution. Stau Furm Mut. Awo. Ins. Co. v, City of lakcwood,789 p.zd 808, 813 (Colo. 1990). The Town'$ determination of tbe zoning classification forplaintiffs proparty m€ets this standard, and C.R.C.P' 106(rX4) is thus the proper m€ans to address the issues prosented. Judicial review is lhnited to whethcr thc lower cntity cxoecded its jurisdiction ot abused ils discr€tion, based on evidenco in thc rccord. CR.C,P. 105(aX4XI); Jtevinson Imports, Inc. v. ? .$ea Staff Mfmordndum, R- pp lE-20, r SLc T,, pp. 7&81 Bcclrso tlu Coulcil adoplod atl findings of fto PBC, tlxl Cout will rcfer to lhc PBC's findiag.r whcn discussing t&e Councll'* flading. city and county of Denver,143 P.3d t099, 1101 (Colo, App. 2006). Therc ls no allcgation in this cace, nor is tlrcrc causc for the Court o flnd, that tho Town exceeded its jurisdiction. Thereforc, the Court will review ths Town's actions only for an abuse of discrotion, which did not occur unless thc Towu's decision was rnanifestly arbifiary, unroasonable, or unfair. People v, Wallk, 167 P.3d 183, 187 (Colo. App. Z0UD. In tho caso srb judicc,plwillff.does not challenge tho only relevant finding of fact - that Unit E is approximately four feot above strest lcvel. Instcad, plaintiff challenges tho Town's intcrpretation and application of Bre Codo, meaning that the Court need review only the Town's inte,rprctatioD and application of iE Codc. Gencrally, an agcncy'r intflpt€tations of its own nrls$ witl be given deference and will be acceptcd if they have a reasonable basis in law and are wanantod by the record. laylawk Cafe v. CoIo. Springs Uquor ard Beer llcenshg 8d,165 P.3d 82LEU (Colo. App' 200,6), citing Re gents o! Univ, of Colo. v. Ctty and Comty of Denver, n9 P'zd 58, 61 (Colo. I 996)' Nevcrtbel€ss, tbc agcncy's intsrpretgtion of itS rules is advisory only -.a court is not bound to defor !o an agency detcrmination that misconstmcs or misapplics tbs law, Stcvlwon Imports, 143 P.3d t10l-02. ANALYSIS Plaintiff ugum thst 6e Town ercd whcn it concludcd that a poperty which is physically located above the shect or gradc level muld quallfy for flrst floor zoning status. Plaintiffargues that" ln so holding the Town misoonstru€d and mioappliert t}e applicable law.e e'Ilc Oout notos {ur plcintlff aleo rrgr$ lhet tlro Town'c intcryrotatlon of tho Code ir unsupportcd by compctcnt cvidenco. Ac thst argumolt ndatcs to frctud fiodlng* and not legnl intcrprcndon, thc Court dirregards it. Specifically, ptaintiff argtrbs that the dcfinition of lirst floor is not arnbiguouu' and that tbc Town thprcfors had no option but to apply tbc ocprcss dcfurition. Plaintiff argues, pcr ttle expross definition, that r building levol must bo exactty at grade or strcet level in oder to qualify as a first floor. In rosponse, the3owu argues that the dcfinition is ambiguous bccau$e thc icrms usod to define first floor are ambiguous, that factors outside of the ordinance's language tnust be uscd to detcrmine lrc meaning, and wben that is dono, a first floor zoning nay encompass propertics above gmde or strcet level. To resolvo the issues prcsented, tho Court must first teview lhe Town's actions in interpreting and applying its Codo. If the Town abused its disctption in doing either, the Court rnay then independently review ths Code, but this is tho only instance in which tho Court may do so. If the Town has not abused its discrction, thc Coult is obligated to acccpt the Town's interprctation and application of its own Codc. I. Tho Town'o Findlngr Regadlry the Code Rather than applyiog thc plain language of dro Code, the Town opted to interpret the Code. Thereforo. thc Court must rpview whethor the Codo is arnbiguous. Only if it is ambiguous could the Town then have gone belond the plain languagc in an cffort to decipber tho intont of the Code's makers.lo lo At thls $age, tlrc Cout ir coucorncd only with whotlnr tho To*n could brve concluded thal $s Codo le amblguous, If ir couH havo, the Torn would not hrve abueod its dirc,retion in ptocoodlng dircotly b thtut0ry lntlerotdofi witbout an 6xpross finding of ambiguily. A. Ambiguity Ordinarily, en otdlnance'g ptain languagc must bc usod o deteminc the intcnl of its maket,,Iaclson & Co. (USA),Itrc, v. Townof Awn,l66P3d2g7,2gg (Colo' App' 2007;'rr Only when a 8loture is arnbiguous may tho canons of statutory intorptptation bc uscd, trn thc cass stb judice,the Town never madc a specific finding that tlre code is ambiguous on the issue of first floor zoning' Regardless' the Town proceeded to interprct tbe Code beyond its plain moaning. Thus, it is implied that the Town determined the Code to be arnbiguous, and the Court will rcview fhis holding to detorminc whcther the Town abused its dlscrction, Becauso the Town nevcr madc a finding that the Code is ambiguous, the Court is forctd to makc indopendent findings rogarding ambiguity. Ncverthelecs' thepurpose of the Court's findings is only to determinc whcther the Town abused its disctetion, i.e', whether an irnplicd finding of ambiguity would bo an abuse of discretion. 12 Ths CCI Dhtrict zoni[gregulatlous create tho tlu'ee-tiered zoning unangenrent a previously described: a bascment lcveli a fil6t floor level; and a second floor level. As particularly relevant to rhe caw sub judicc, the Code'e definition of fitst floor slatos that the first floor is that floor of the bullding located at grade or strcct level. On its facs, dris definition cloady indicates tbat the flrst floor is al gradc or succt level. Nevorthelcss,whenthedcfinltionof fintfloorle read intotumwithth€reslof theCCl zoning provisions, its definition becomes ambiguous. This is true for thpe reasons. tl Tho Cdurt notos, wiah l0tgr€st, that tho Court of Apperls affirmod Judge Moofhoad in Jachson' rr Put difuently, if lte C.orrl can derornino tho &do- to bo anbiguors, lhan the Town did not abusc ils diocretion in immediatoly rrsorting to the prlncipt* of rtatutory incerprohtioD First, the defrnition refers to "gpade" and "stroet level." Nowhore is either term defincd in the Code. Title 12 does refer to threc differont kinds of specific grades, but thcre is no dofinidon given l,o grade 0s used in the definttion of fitst floor, nor is sn'eet lovel anyvlreit dcfined' Thus' eroctly where a building level must be located to bc considercd as being at gade or street Jevel is unccrtain, nogating plaintiff s argumoot that the definition is unarnbiguous' Second, the Codo definos a basement as "that floor of a building that iu entirely or nrbsAntially below grade." Thue, a bosemeot lcvel could havc part of its vertlcal spacc exlend above grade, ],ct as long a$ most ofits vortical spac€ extended below grade, jt could still quality &9 a basement, were tho exprcss dofinition of first floor to be hpplied' howcver, such a levcl could also be the flrst floor because it coutd be Considercd to be at gfado of stfeet levcl, via the small portion extending above grade or street level. this conflict negates plaintiffs argurnilt thal the definition of first floor ir unambiguous. Third, werc the Code to bc taken as wrltFn, it would bccome nonsensical in any instarce except when there is a flrst floor located exaetly at str€et level or grade. Ia any other situation, if plainriff s inteqpretation of first floor were applicd, thcre would be no first floor and, as thc deflnitlon of second floor contemplAtcs tho existcnce of a fust lloor, therc could not bs a second floor for lackof a first. For these r€.u9on$ tho court finds tlre code is ambiguous. The code is in need of interputation beyond its plain mcaning, and tho Town did not abuse its discretion in proceeding directly to detemrine intent by mcans othcr than plain language without an exprc$s ftnding of anbiSuity. B, I,rjncipl€s of Stltutory Constructlon In constnring an ordinance, efftct is to be given to the rnaker's inbnt' Woellhqfv, People, 105 P.3d zog,2Ll (Colo. 2!05). To do so, a reviewing body gcne'rally looks to tbo plain languagc of the ordinance. /4 whcn, howevcf, a stabto is ambiguous, accepted prirrciples of statu0ory construction may bo used to dctcrrnine intail. Id. Accepted principles of statutory inrcrprctation include: l) thc textual context; 2) Iegislative history 3) ststJe of lnw prior to enactnpnt of the legislatlon; 4) thc problem addressed by the legislation; and 5) the relatlonshlp borwoen rhe logistorion at issue and other pieces of legislation addrasaing the *amc probtsm in an attdnpt to clarify the legislative intent' Fqtmers Ins. Exeh v. Biil Boom, \rc.,961P.2d 465,4?0 (Colo, 1998). If the langue of th€ statute is roasonably sus,.eptible to morre than one interprctation, a reviewing body should constme the langusgc in light of the goal sought to bc achleved. Icl,Finally, ambiguous statutes should be interpreted so as !o hannonlze all parts ofa smtutory schenro. /d. The Court makes ttrc preliminary linding that the Town d.id use appropriate methods of statutory co6truction * in panicular, tlrc Town wa.s concernod with: I) legistative Nstorg and 2) the problcrns addrcssed by the ordinance, Accol'dlngly, lho Court will review the Towr'e findings in regard to the$e two princjples.ll l, bgislatlve Hbnry The Town reviewed the 1975 zoning ordinance, which provided; Bccause of changing conditious, tlrc Towu Council consido$ tbat the muntcipal government must pmtect thc character of Said arca and that this onlinance is necossary to coffi;uc ttre balancc between the many commercial and residential It Agrinn as tbe Council affrmed fro PEC's firdings, tho following dbcursioni fi€ a rcview of tho findings made by dre PEC and affirmcd by tho Boanl. uscs permitted in the Commcrcisl Cot€ I Dstrict" to Prevent entire buildings ttrercin ftom Uecoming commercial spacc at the cxpcnse of dwelling and accommodation units, g4 lcvols [emphasic addcd, ] Additionally, the 1975 ordinanco dofined fust floor as "that floor of a building that ie locatod at gradc or strcot lcvel," a dcfinition thal remaincd the same in tho Code at tho time of the Town's dccision,l5 The purposc ofthc prescnt Code is: To providc and maintLrin the unlque character of the Vail village cornmercial arei, with lts mixture of todges a'nd cornmercial esbblishments in a prcdominately pedesuian area. . . [and is] intended to ensurc tbe rnintcoancc and preservation irtthe tighuy clustered.urangements of buildings fronting on pedeshianways and public grecnways . . . .'o Based ou the purposas listcd above, thc Town determinod tllat: o Duc to the slopitrg topogfaphic conditions of Bridge Street, specificalJy' and ths Townbf Vu;1, glndratly, instrnccs wjll oxist where a rearonable chonge in elovalion F.76 feeD irom tho podastrian level to the "first floor" or .,street" level of the building will occur. said conditions, however, shall not bc construcd to circumvcnt thc Town's longstanding developnrcnt objective of mainaining and precewing tbe character of the.Vail . commercial arpa and prornoting a varicty of retail shops at the pedestrian level; r To tacccpt plaintifflsl argurrcnts will fundamentatly altcr the charactet of Yatl villagc and tlrc devolopmcnt objectives of the Town. For instance' ihrx 3zy&te, tt would now be intarprotcd thar existing first floor and stneet levc,l retail businesSes . . , coUld bC converted to non-rctail uses such as businegs offices and professional offices. This change in uso is clearly contrary do tt1g adop6d-goalg objectives, and policies of tbe Town of Vail; and . Any ofher intaprotation of thc Town's fzouing sCheme] is_conUary to the horizontal zoning intent ofthe codc and dovolopment goals and policies l'Saa R,, p. 21,tt,tca R. o. l?.r' sce coos, C I i-7n- t , l0 of thc Town To interyret the Codc otherwise would result in office uses on thc strcc! lcvct of buitdingr tluoughout the Town's cntcial commercial cort areas [emphoses added]. These findinge indicate that the Town considers thc intent behind the Code to bo tlte fosEring of rctail shopc accossible fmm the street. The Court discems no abuse of diucrction in the Town's dcterminations. Per the pasl zoning ordinan@s, atr exprcss purposc in thc past was to fostel r€tail shops at pedestrian, r'.e. stroet or gradg tevel.l? Becguse the definition of firtt floor has not changed, and because the purposc of the present Code is to maintaln the charactor of thc CCI District, it not manifcstly arbiuary, unroaronable, or unfair for the Town to have found that the intent behind the preaent . Codc rernains the same now as it was in he past - to fuster the odstence of retail shops at ! propenies accessed from tho streot 2, Problems Addresscd by thc Ordhnncc From the Town's findings nbove listed, it is clcar that the problem addrassed by the zoning rogulations was and is the poosibility ofnon-retail businesscs at strcet level eroding the character of the CCI District. The findings set forth abovo indicate that fostering retail buelnesses accosible fi'om street levcl is the purpose for the Codc. In light 6f tnat purpose, it is not manifxtly arbitrary, unrea$onablo, or unfair for thc Town to detsmine that tho p€sent Code existc to address this issue. il. fite Torvn's Appllcatlon of the Codg oe Intorpreted, to the Undisput d Fact$ Using thc lindings and lnterprctations above, the Town detemrincd that tlre inteDt of the Codc is to foster letail shope accessible from the Sheet. The Town is required to givc effcct to 't-Tfio Courr is a$aro th0t Smde and sroet lewl aro not dofincd as "pedartrian lcvol," Nevorthotesd, it is nor on abule of dlscrction for Toi,vn to havs dotcrninod thc tcrms lo bo sy0on)ryDou$. n that intent. In order io carry out thi$ intcut, thc Town determittcd that a Propefiy nccess€d fiom the street, though four feet above it, is subject to first floor zoning rcgulation' fto CoJrt nnas that tho Town's dotcrrdnation is not an abuss of discretion The Town's dctcrnination is a rstionnl decision bascd upon fic intent of the codo. It is not manifestly artitrary, uffcasonable, or unfair. CONCLUSION T'lre Town has nd abused iB discrotion ln eithor in detcrmining the meaning of first floor to bc ambiguore, in intorpreting that dcfinition, or in applying that intcrprctadon to thc facts of this ca8e. No reason cxisB for thc court to overturn the Town's findings and determluations' wHEREFonE, aftpr a fult and fuir considcntion of the issues prcsentcd, it is oRDEnED this l3th day of Decenrber, 200?, by rho Distia court for Eagle connty' that plaintiff Covered Bridgo, Inc.'s re{ucst for lhc dpfontlant Town of Vail's detennination in regrd m unit E of the covcred Bridge Building be'overtumad, should bc, aM hereby is, DBNIED' L2 L,-. The information contained in this file relates to an appeal of floor level determinations of the Covered Bridge Building 227 Bridge Street PEC 211212007 Town Council 51112007 o MEMORANDUM lbta-s cu To: Vail Town Council From: Community Development Department Date: May 1,20O7 Subject Covered Bridge, Inc. Appeal of PEC Determination 21122007 il. ilt. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST An appeal, pursuant to Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, of the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission's decision to uphold an administrative action determining that Condominium Unit E within the Covered Bridge Building is the "street level" of the building, located at 227 Bridge Street Lots C & D, and the southwesterly four feet of Lot B, Block 5-8, Vail Village First Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto. A copy of the Appeals Form submitted by Carlson, Carlson & Dunkelman, L.L.C., on behalf of the property owner, Covered Bridge, Inc., stramped received on March 1, 2007, has been aftached for reference. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL Uphold, overturn, or modify the Planning & Environmental Commission's decision to uphold an administrative action determining that Condominium Unit E within the Covered Bridge Building is the "street level" of the building. BACKGROUND On November 20, 2006, the Town of Vail Community Department received a letter from Carlson, Carlson & Dunkelman, LLC, requesting that the Town of Vail provide an interpretation of the specific floor level and, therefore, the permitted and conditional uses of Condominium Units C & E, Covered Bridge Building, 227 Bridge Street, as defined by the Vail Town Code. On December 1, 2006, the Zoning Administrator provided the requested interpretation. In making a determination of the specific floor levels of Condominium Units C and E, Covered Bridge Building, the Community Development Department relied upon the following documents presently on file with the Town of Vail: r Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Codeo Covered Bridge Building, Building Permit Set, dated 4/19/94 ("CBBBPS')r Town's legal file for Lots B, C and D, Block 58, Vail Village 1" Filing tv. On December 21,2006, the Town of Vail Gommunity Development.Department received a complete Appeals Form filed on behalf of the appellant. On February 12, 2007, the Town of Vail Planning & EnvironmCntal Commission held a public meeting to hear an appeal of an administrative action determining that Condominium Unit E within the Covered Bridge Building is the "street level" of the building. Upon presentation of evidence and testimony, the Commission made eight findings of fact and voted unanimously to uphold the previous decision of the administrator. On April 3, 2007, the Vail Town Council granted a continuance of the public hearing on the appeal to the May 1, 2007, Town Council meeting at the request of the staff and the appellant. A copy of the memorandum to the Planning & Environmental Commission, dated February 12, 2007,and a copy of the approved meeting minutes have been attached for reference. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Vail Town Council upholds the February 12, 2007, decision of the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission, based upon the following information: 1) the record established before the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission on February 12,2007, 2) the eight findings of fact made by the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission on February 12,2007, and 3) the evidence and testimony presented to the Vail Town Council on May 1, 2007. Furthermore, the Gommunity Development Department recommends that in upholding the decision of the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission, the Vail Town Council makes the following findings of fact : o Due to the sloping topographic conditions of Bridge Sfreel specifically, and the Town of Vail, generally,lnsfances will exist where a reasonable change in elevation (3.76 feet) ftom the pedestrian level to the 'first floor" or "streef level of the building will occur. Said conditions, however, shall not be construed to circumvent the Town's. Iongstanding development objective of maintaining and preserving the character of the Vail commercial area and promoting a variety of retail shops af fhe pededrian level. . For zoning purposes, the "street level' of the building shall be that floor level located at elevation 8162'-0 3/", as depicted on the approved plans. . For zoning purposes, the "grade" on the easf slde of the Covered Bridge Building shall be 8158.74', not 8152'-8" as suggesfed by the appellant. 2 The east and south sides of the Covered Bridge Building are entirely or substantially below grade, as depicted on the approved plans. The presences of a "garden" level of a building shall reasonably infer that some portion or poftions of a building or structure will be exposed for purposes of visual exposure and ingress and egress. According to the approved (PEC) meeting minutes, dated February 14, 1994, in part, it is clearly understood by the decision-makers that retail space was proposed for the first two levels of the building, as required by the Zoning Regulations. The definitions of 'basement" or. "garden" level and Tirst floor" or "street" level have remained unchanged and the regulation has been consistently applied by the 'Town of Vail to meet its development objectives for the last 32 years. To except the appellant's interpretation of the regulations will fundamentally alter the character of Vail Village and the development objectives of the Town. For instance, after 32 years, it would now be interpreted that existing first floor and street level retail businesses such as Russe//! Ore House, Vendetta's, Red Lion, Mooseb Caboose, Vail T-Shirt Company, Axel's, Sweet Basil, Rucksack, Laughing Monkey and numerous other retail businesses could be converted to non+etail uses such as business offices and professrbnal offices. This change lln use rs clearly contrary to the adopted goals, objectives and policies of the Town of Vail and inconsistent with the Town's HorizontalZoning Ordinance of 1975 (ord. 16 seriesof 1975). That the PEC neithter violated the rules of statutory construction nor amended the Code in guise of interpretation as the PEC conectly applied the definitions of "garden or basement level" and Tirst floor or street level" as these terms relate to the Covered Bridge Building, sinee it is clearly understood through the consistent application of the regulations a slight change in elevation between the street and the floor of a building may exist. ln fact, the statutory language of the relevant definitions is clear and the legislative intent of ensuring retail uses on the pedestrian level(s) of a building is reasonably certain as affirmed by the Town's HorizontalZoning Ordinance of 1975 (ord. 16 series of 1975). To ignore the intent of the Code and the development objectives of the Town, as suggested by the appellant, would suggest that the street level of the Covered Bridge Building must slope at the same pitch as Bridge Street or a portion of the street level of the building must be buried below grade to account for the pitch of the street. That based upon the evidence and testimony presented, the Vail Town Council finds that the Town of Vail Planning'& Environmental Commission accurately interpreted the definitions of "garden or basement" Ievel and 'fird floor or street" level, as fhese terms relate to o the intent of the Code and apply to the development objectives of the Town of Vail. As a result, the determination of the PEC on February 12, 2007, is neither contrary to the language of the Town Code nor was it an arbitrary or capricious decision. Any other interpretation of the Town's horizontal zoning regulation is contrary to the huizontal zoning intent of the Code and development goals and policies of the Town. To interpret the Code otherwise would result in office uses on the street level of buildings throughout the Town's crucial commercial core areas. Such an interpretation would result in an interpretation of the 6de to mean that which it does nol express nor intend fo express. The Vail Town Council concludes, based upon the evidence and testimony presented, that the appellant ftas nof met the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of the Zoning Regulations to overturn the decision of the Planning & Environmental Commission. Specifically, the appellant has failed to demonstrate to fhe satisfacfion of the Town Council that the interpretation and application of the horizontal zoning regulations has been incorrectly applied as defined by the Zoning Regulations and the development objectives of the Town of Vail. o Carlson, RonaUW. Carbon Judith Janws Cmlson PaulR.Dunlrchan Christoplvr D. Tomcfuick Cailson I Dturrl/r,ehnl;rn, Attorneys at l-aw Drakc l-anding + 975 N. Ten Mile Dtiue + P.O. Bor lB29 Frisco, Colnrada 80443 I L.L.C. February 27,2007 VIAF'EDERAL EXPRESS Townof Vail Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Appeal - Covered Bridge, Inc. To Whom It Mav Concern: Enclosed please find the following in connection with Covered Bridge Inc.'s Appeal: ' APPeals Formr Attachment I - Aggrieved or Adversely Impacted Personr Attachment 2 - Nature of Appealo Attachment 3 - Adjacent Property Ownersr Stamped, addressed envelopes for each property owner listed on Attachment 3 Please contact me with any questions. Sincerely, c- ., ( -', ,\ \__)-=_--- Paul R. Dunkelman Enclosures Pnalegals Maria E. Ruiz CmIaM. Felice Tracy LeClair =DIVr-IFN teAlnl 15 \z iltl t(lfll r:,? UU TOWN _ ?"i? OF VAIL (970) 668-1678 + F'til (970) 668-5121 + Emtoil: carlson2@cohvradn.rct + VailValley + (970) 845.7090 Appeals Form Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road., Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxl 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: This form is required for filing an appeal of a Staff, Design Review Board, or Planning and Environmental C.ommission action/decision, A complete form and associated requirements must be submitted to the Community Development Department within twenty (20) calendar days of the disputed acflon/decision. Action/Decision being appealed: See attached Dateof Action/Decision: Eohrrrrry 12. 2007 Eoard or staff person rendering action/decisionr p I enni ng' en.t Enw.iro t commission Does this appeal involve a specific parcel of land? (yes) (no) ye s Ifyes, areyou an adiacent propertyowner? (yes) (no)uo NameofAppellant(s): Covered Bridgre, Inc. MailingAddress: P-o^ Box 182q, Frisco, CO 80443 Phone: s7o-66R-1 67A Physical Address in Vail: 2?T Covered Bri rtge Ruildi ngr. Vai l. CO Legal Description of Appellant(s) Property in Vail: Lot:_Block:_ Subdivision:S-e.e-atta,c-bed Appellant(s) Signature(s): ; (Attach a list of signatures if more space is required). Submittal Requirements:I' On a separate sheet or separate sheets of paper, provide a detailed explanation of how you are an "aggrieved or adversely affected person". On a separate sheet or separate sheets of paper, specifo the precise nafure of the appeal. Please cite specific code sections having relevance to the action being appealed, Provide a list of names and addresses (both mailing and physical addresses in Vail) of all owners of property who are the subject of the appeal and all adjacent property owners (including owners whose properties are separated from the subject property by a right-of-way, stream, or other intervening barfler). Provide stamped, addressed envelopes for each property owner listed in (3.). PLEASE SUBMIT THIS FORM AND ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS TO: TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF @MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 7s souTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAI|- COLOMDO 81657. 2. 3. 4. =DV VAIL ntrGEr h1 '"? TOWN OF F:\dev\FORMS\PERMITS\Planning\Applicationsuppeals.doc 12-6-200s Action/Decision being appealed: The Appellant is appealing the Community Development ruling upholding the administrative action which determined that, for zoning purposes, Condominium Unit E of the Covered Bridge Building located at227 Bidge Steet/Lot C & D, and the southwesterly four feet of Lot B, Vail Village First Filing is located on the "fint floor" or "steet level" of the Covered Bridge Building and that by affect Condominium Unit D and Unit F are located on the "first floot'' or "steet level" and the proposed findings of fact made in support of its ruling. Legal Description of Appellant's Property inVail: Lot C and D, and the southwestedy 4 feet of Lot B, all in Block 5-B, Vail Village, according to the recorded plat thereof, Eagle County, Colorado. Attachment I Aggrieved or Adversely Impacted Person Appellant is the owner of 227 CovercA Bridge Building, Vail, Colorado. The Planning and Environmental Commission Community Planning Deparnnent has upheld the finding of the Community Development Departnent and determined that for zoning purposes Unit E Covered Bridge Building, 227 Bridge Street, Vail, Colorado is to be considered a "floor or street level'o of the building. This finding is also applicable to Unit D and Unit F, Covered Bridge Building, 227 Bidge Stree! Vail, Colorado which are similarly situated units. It is the Appellant's position that Unit E, Covered Bridge must be considered a "second flooro'unit. Appellant is adversely affected by the determination that Unit E is considered a "floor or street level" unit. A "floor or sheet level" unit has the most restricted uses. The permitted uses of "floor or steet level" units are retail stores, eating and drinking establishments, lodges, and type fV employee housing. The permitted use of a second floor unit includes the permitted uses of the "floor or steet level", but also provides for many additional uses, including but not limited to lodges, bank and financial institutions, business and office services, The ruling severely impacts the Appellant's property rights, its right to use of the property under the Town Code, the rentability and marketability of the real property and will result in vacancies. The property is not in fact at street level. This has been agreed by the Planning Department. Pedestrians are required to walk up a set of stairs to enter the Unit. The findings of the Planning and Environmental Commission are that Unit E is actually 3.76 feet above street level. It is also approximately fifteen (15) feet above grade. This makes it clear that this Unit cannot be considered at sbeet level, but also makes the unit unatfractive for the type ofuse required on street level, i.e. retail use. Appellant presently has a renter interested in renting Unit E for use not permitted under the Planning Deparhnent ruling. This has limited the ability of the Appellant to firlly rent Unit E. This ruling impacts use of not only Unit E, but also future use of Units D andF. Attachment 2 Nature ofAppeat The Plannins and Environmental commission [the ,,pEC,,] has upheld thatcommunity Plannin-e Department ruling and determined that for zoning purposes thatUnit E Covered Bridse Buil ding,227 #;;; iLet, Vail, Colorado is tobe considered a *",ffi,ffi:t"".r%rt " uriia;;. ;;;il* is the owner orzzi ci.,ed Bridge In making the ruling, th: p_EC adopted the proposed findings of factrecommended by the community planning Department. These findings do not supportthe ruling and result in a clearly L.,on"ouJintrfiletation of the Mruricipal code. Thesefindings of fact include but are not fi;ite; ;ffi fffi;;; urw rvru'rvrp4, r Due to the sloping topographic condifions.of Bridge street, specifically, and theTown of vail, generally, instances will exist wherE a t"u*rru[i" .irung" inelevation (3.76 feet) from the pedestrian lever to the ,,first floor,, and .,street,, leverofthe building will occur. said condition, however, shail not be construed tocircumvent the Town's longstanding development ouiective oimaintaining anapreserving the character of the Vail-Commercial areas . . . t lot zoning purposes, the "street level" ofthe building shall be that floor revellocated at elevation g162-6%, as depicted on the appiov"A pfa.rs. - o According to the approved (pECJ meeting minutes, dated Februar y 14, 1994, inpart' it is clearly understood by the decisi'on makers that retail spa;e was proposedfor the fust two levels of the buitaing . . . ' Any other interpretation of the Town's horizontal zoning reguration is contrary tothe horizontal zoning intent oftle Code . . . In considering th".lpp:d, it is important to consider the relevant definitions ofo'basement or garden level,'; i.first floor o. ,t ""i i"u"f,,, and ,,second floor.,, l ' A "basement or garden level" is defined ,,as that floor of a building that isentirely or substantially below grade.', of note is that the te-, ..street level,, is not part of the definitiin. l2_78-2,Vail fown Coae . 2' A "frst floor or street level" is defined "as tlrat floor of the building that islocated at grade or street level.,, l2_ZB_3, Vail fo*r Coa". 3 ' The relevant language for usage of "second floor,, is ,.above grade within astructure'" Again the term "street revel" is not used. r2-7F.-+,vail rownCode. The law on statutory construction is clear. o In interpreting statutory language-municipal code is statutory language--, the ruling board and ultimately the Court must effectuate the plain meaning of the words used by the legislative body. Clear, plain and unambiguous language of municipal code will be applied as written. Bums v. Citv Council of Denver, 759 P.2d 7 48 (Colo. 1988); see also In re the Marriage of Ciesluk, I l3 P.3d 135, l4l (Colo. 2005); People v. Yascavage, l0l P.3d 1090, 1093 (Colo. 2004). r In statutory construction, the more specific statutory terms preempts the more general statutory terms. Showpiece Homes Com. v. Assurance Company of America, 38 P.3d 47 (Colo. 2001). r The municipal government cannot amend the Code in guise of interpreting the Code. Anderson v. Board of Adjustment , 931 P .2d 5 I 7 (Colo. App. I 996). r Ultimately, if the matter is appealed to the District Court, the Court is not bound by the decision of the municipal govemment if there is no competent evidence to suppoft the decision or if the decision misconstrues or misapplies the law. Anderson v. Board of Adjustment, 931 P .2d 5 I 7 (Colo. App. 1996). It is not disputed by the Planning Department that Unit E is a minimum of 3 .7 6 feet above the level of the street. Appeltant disputes that it is not that the rise above street level is not greater than3.76 feet. It is also approximately fifteen (15) feet above grade. Unit E is neither at street level, nor at grade as is required for a determination that this is a "first floor level." In effectuating the plain meaning of the Code, it is clear that this Unit is above both street level and grade and therefore a "second floor" unit. It is important to note that lack of modifying term in the definition of "frrst floor or street level." A modifier- entirely or substantially-is use for the definition of the "basement or garden level", but there is no similar language for first floor It is clear the PEC violated additional rules of statutory construction. It ignored the more specific statutes defining a first floor unit and relied on the more general provisions regarding the intent of the Code. Specifically, it made findings that general Town's objective and horizontal intent preempted the specific terms defining "sffeet level." It ignored the more specific statutes defining a fust floor unit and relied on the more general provisions regarding the intent of the Code. To reach it desired ruling, the PEC amended the Code in guise of interpretation. In eflect, the PEC found that being above street level still meant street level. This is not supported by the Code and the PEC had to read additional language into the statute to support there ruling. The PEC added language that being within four feet of street level was street level. Even more egregious, the PEC changed the facts to support its ruling. The pEC found that for zoning purposes it would determine that street level of the building is the elevation of 8162-6 %. This is the floor level elevation; however, as acknowledged by PEC (and Community Plaruring) this is not sheet level. This is above the actual street level. The PEC changed the facts to conform with its ruling. It is also changed the facts regarding the prior understanding of"decision makers." Initially, the prior understanding is irrelevant. What the PEC and Town Counsel is required to do is interpret the statute. However, to support its conclusion, the PEC states as fact the understanding ofthe prior "decision makers" by referencing February 14. 1994 PEC meeting minutes. Specifically, it references a concern by a single DRB representative regarding split level retail. Retail is allowed on any level. This concem provides no factual support that prior decision makers considered Unit E to be a "street level" Unit. The determination by the PEC is contrary to the language of the Town Code, is legally in error and is, in fact, an arbitrary and capricious decision. This ruling is contrary to the goals and policies of the community. It would create a situation were retail space would be above street level and, therefore, unattractive to potential users. The end result would be a perennially vacant unit. Attachnent 3 Adjacent Property Owners Covered Bridge Building Association, Inc. 227 Bridge Steet Vail, CO 81657 P.O. Box 2636 Edwards, CO 81632 Pepi Sport,Inc. c/o Josef Crramshammer 231 Bridge Steet Vail, CO 81657 Gastof Gramshammer, Inc. c/o Pepi Gramshammer 231 E. Gore Creek Drive. Vail, CO 81657 Mountain Haus Condominium Association Ath: Barbara Banks 292 E. MeadowDrive Vail, CO 81657 Slifer Building, LLC 230 Bridge Steet Vail, CO 81657 Charles David Luther c/o Craig Denton 227 Bridge Steet Vail, CO 81657 I I 16 Deer Blvd. Avon,CO 81620 Charles David Luther 227 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 16 Paddock Road Edna MN 55436 P & RParhers-Vail, LLC 228Bidge Steet, Units A, C, D & E Vail, CO 81657 Atbr.: Michael Staughton 228 Bridge Sheet Vail, CO 81657 Charles & Elizabeth Koch Real Estate Trust 228Bidge Steet, Units F & G Vail, CO 81657 411 E. 37tb SL N. Wichita, KS 67201-2256 PLANN PUBLIC MEETING February 12,2007 1:00pm TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS ' PUBLIC WELCOME MEMBERS ABSENT BillJewitt oo ING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPMWE$ MEMBERS PRESENT Chas Bernhardt Doug Cahill BillPierce Anne Gunion Dick Cleveland Rollie Kjesbo NO SITE VISITS 60 minutes 1. A request for a worksession to discuss text amendments to Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code, to add commercial linkage requirements and inclusionary zoning reguirements to the Zoning Regulations for the purpose of mitigating employee housing impacts resulting from development in the Town of Vail, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0084) Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Nina Timm ACTfON: Tabled to February 26,200T MOTION: Kjesbo SEGOND: Bernhardt VOTE:6{-0 Nina Timm gave a presentation perthe staff memorandum. The Chairman opened the meeting to public comment. Peter Knobel stated that all of the employee housing needs to be provided in the Town of Vail. He would also like to see any requirements phased in over time so that the market values of properties can adjusi. Dominic Mauriello representing Lionshead Inn and other clients expressed concern that the PEC has not been provided the Rational Nexus or Town Council Memorandums. The same information is not being shared with PEC as Town Council. Jim Lamont commented that there is too much growth and redevelopment occurring in Town. Kaye Ferry stated that the PEC should determine who the employee housing program should house. Town Council is looking for the PEC's direction and was confused at their last meeting that they were seeing the item again. The Commission stated they understand that there is an employee housing issue in the Town, but expressed concern about the lack of an overall employee housing plan for the Town of Vail. Concern was expressed about who this housing program is supposed to provide units for and without that answer it is difficult to know how many units and what type of units are needed. There was support for linkage programs for both commercial and residential development Support was also expressed for a funding source, as long as there is an acceptable plan in place for spending the money. The Commission would like more answers prior to providing a recommendation to Town Council. Page 1 -:*1 '': '' '- I :: ,' .. 10 minutes 2. A requpstJor, a final ieview of an amended final plat, pursuant to Chapter 12-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for a modification to shared property boundaries, Lots 11 and 12, Bighorn Subdivision, located at4852 and 4856 Meadow Lane, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC07-0001) Applicant: Meadowlark Development Partners, LLC, represented by Greg Amsden Planner: WarrenCampbell AGTION: Approvedwith condition(s) MOTION: Kjesbo GONDTTTON(S) 1) The applicant shall not be permitted to request any variances subsequent to the approval of this platfor Lots 11 and12, Block 7, Bighorn sth Addition, on the basis that the approved plat created a hardship for developing these lots. Warren Campbell gave a presentation per the staff memorandum. John Martin, the architect of the homes to be proposed on the lots, representing the applicant, explained why the access to the design to be proposed necessitated the shifi in the shared property line. There was no public comment. The Commission expressed there support of the application. Commissioner Cleveland suggested a condition be placed upon the approval stating that no variances could be requested in the future as a result of the replat. 3. A request for a final review of an appeal of an administrative action, pursuant to Section 12-3-38, Appeal of Administrative Actions, Vail Town Code, appealing a determination made by the Zoning Administrator that for zoning purposes Condominium Unit E, Covered Bridge Building shalf be considered the 'first floor or street level" of the building, located at227 Bridge StreeUlot C and D, and the southwesterly four feet of Lot B, Block 5-B, Vail Village First Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Appellant: Covered Bridge, Inc., represented by Carson, Carson and Dunkelman, LLC Planner: George Ruther AGTION: Uphold MOTION: Kjesbo George Ruther made a presentation per the memorandum to the Planning & Environmental Commission dated, February 12,2007. Based upon review of the evidence and testimony, staff was recommending that the Commission upholds the administrative action of staff dated, December 1, 2006. Paul Dunkelman, representing Covered Bridge Inc. the owner of Condominium Unit E, indicated that based upon his review of the Zoning Regulations, Condominium Unit E can not be interpreted as the first floor or street level of the building. Mr. Dunkelman went on to present photographs of the Cover Bridge Building and urged the Commission to overturn staff's interpretation. The Chairman opened the meeting to pubic comment SECOND: Bernhardt SEGOND: Cleveland VOTE:6-0-0 VOTE:6-0-0 Page 2 o Kaye Ferry, on behalf of the Vail Chamber indicated that Vail's Zoning Regulations were very clear on the issue. The space in question was and always has been required to be retail by Zoning. Kaye asked the Commission not to change 34 years of development history in Vail Jim Lamont indicated that he was the author of the 1975 ordinance cited by the staff. He further stated that it was underslood that physical conditions such as those existing at the Covered Bridge Building were contemplated and understood when the ordinance was adopted. The Commissioners stated their support for the administrative decision of staff determining that Condominium Unit E in the Covered Bridge Building was the street level of the building and the second floor as contended by Mr. Dunkelman. In coming to this conclusion, the Commissioners cited the purpose of the 1975 ordinance, the fact that all codes are open to a certain amount of interpretation, the information presented by staff and the longstanding and consistent application of the regulation by the Town of Vail. In voting to uphold staffs interpretation, the Commission cited the findings of fact listed on page five of the staff memorandum 4. A request for a final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7H-7, Maior Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for additions to, and the renovation of, the Landmark Condominiums; and a reguest for a final review of variances from Sections 12-7H-1O, Setbacks, 12-7H-14, Site Coverage, and 12-7H-15, Landscaping and Site Devefopment, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Yariances, to allow for an underground parking structure and a staircase within the setbacks, and deviations from the maximum site coverage and minimum landscape area requirements, located at 610 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0074) Applicant: Landmark Condominium Association, Inc., represented by Geoff Wright Planner: Bill Gibson ACTION: Tabled to February 26,2OO7 MOTION: Gleveland SECOND: Bernhardt VOTE:6.0-0 5. A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Yaiances, to allow for a new single family residence within the front and side setbacks, located at 1895 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 26, Block 2, Vail Village West Filing 2, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC07-0002) Applicant: Nancy Hassett, represented by Miramonti Architect PC Planner: Bill Gibson ACTION: Tabled to February 26,2007 MOTION: Gleveland SECOND: Berhardt VOTE: 6-04 VOTE: 5-0-1 (Kjesbo) 6. Approval of January 22,2OO7 minutes MOTION: Cleveland 7. Information Update 8. Adjoumment MOTION: SECOND: Bernhardt SECOND:VOTE: The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to aftend the project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call (970) 479-2138 for additional information. Page 3 oo Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (970) 479-2356, Telephone forthe Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department / Published February 9,2007, in the Vail Daily. Page 4 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department February 12,2007 A request for a final review of an appeal of an administrative action, pursuant to Section 12-3-38, Appeal of Administrative Actions, Vail Town Code, appealing a determination made by the Zoning Administrator that for zoning purposes Condominium Unit E, Covered Bridge Building shall be considered the "first floor or street level" of the building, located at 227 Bridge StreeULots C and D, and the southwesterly four feet of Lot B, Block 5-8, Vail Village First Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Appellant: Covered Bridge, lnc., represented by Carlson, Carlson and Dunkelman, LLCPlanner: George Ruther il. SUBJECT PROPERTY The Covered Bridge Building, Condominium Unit E, is located at 227 Bridge StreeUlots C & D, and the southwesterly four feet of Lot B, Vail Village First Filing. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION JURISDICTION Pursuant to Section 12-3-38-1, Appeal of Administrative Actions; Authority, Vail Town Code, the Planning and Environmental Commission shall have the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination or interpretation by any Town of Vail administrative official with respect to the provisions of the Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code. PROCEDURAL CRITERIA FOR APPEALS Pursuant to Sections 12-3-38-2 and 12-3-38-3, Appeal of Administrative Actions; Initiation and Procedures, Vail Town Code, there are three basic procedural criteria for an appeal: A) standing of the appellant; B) adequacy of the notice of appeal; and C) timeliness of the notice of appeal. ilt. tv. A) Standinq of the Appellant The appellant, Covered Bridge Inc., is the owner of Condominium Unit E within the Covered Bridge Building. As the owner of the subject property, the appellant has standing to appeal the administrative action. B) Adequacv ofthe Notlce ofthe Apoeal An Appeals Form was filed on behalf of the Covered Bridge Inc., by Carlson, Carlson, & Dunkelman. The Appeals Form and the materials required for its submission have been determined to be complete by the Community Development Department. A copy of the Public Notice of the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission February 12, 2007, Public Hearing was sent to adjacent property owners, pursuant to Section 12-3-3(BX3), Procedures, Vail Town Code. C) Timeliness of the Notice of Appeal The Administrative Section of the Town's Zoning Code (12-3-38-3, Procedures) states lhe following: "A written notice of appeal must be filed with the Administrator or with the department rendering the decision, detennination or interpretation within twenty (20) calendar days of the decision becoming final. lf the last day for filing an appeal falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a Town-obserued holiday, the last day for filing an appeal shall be ertended to the next business day. The Administratofs decision shall become final at the nert Planning and Environmental Commission meeting (or in the case of design related decision, the next Design Review Board meeting) following the Administrafols decision, unless the decision is called up and modified by the Board or Commission.' A complete Appeals Form was filed with the Community Development Department within the twenty (20) day requirement. NATURE OF THE APPEAL On August 8, 1973, the Vail Town Council adopted Ordinance No.8, Series of 1973, and thereby enacted Zoning Regulations for the Town of Vail. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1973, the Commercial Gore I (CC1) zone district was established. On September 16, 1975, the Vail Town Council adopted Ordinance No. 16, Series of 1975. Pursuant to Section 1, Title, of Ordinance No. 16, Series of 1975, this ordinance shall be known as the "Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance by lmposing HorizontalZoning in CCf. (Exhibit A) The purpose of this ordinance was "...to maintain and preserue the character of the Vail commercial arca", "...to continue the balance between the many commercial and residential uses permitted in the Commercial Core I Distrtc{ and "...to promote a vaiety of retail shops at the pedestrian level." ln addition to imposing horizontial zoning in CC1 , Ordinance No. 16, Series of 1975, also established definitions for the specific floor levels of a building or structure. In accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 16, the "basement' or "garden " level of a building shall be defined as, "that floor of a buibing that is entirely or substantially below grade." Additionally, "first floor'' or "street" level of a building shall be defined as, 'that floor of a building that is located at grade or street level." These definitions have remained unchanged and the regulation has been consistently applied by the Town of Vail to meet its development objectives for the last 32 years. On August 27, 1990, the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission approved an application for a major exterior alteration to allow for the redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building pursuant to the development standards prescribed for development within the Commercial Core I district. On February 14, 1994, the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission held a joint worksession meeting with the Town'of Vail Design Review Board. According to the approved (PEC) meeting minutes, dated February 14, 1994, in part, it is cleady understood by the decision-makers that retail space was proposed for the first two levels of the building, as required by the Zoning Regulations. (Exhibit B) On March 14, 1994, the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission approved an application for a major exterior alteration to allow for the "demo/rebuild" of the Covered Bridge Building. According to information contained in the Town's legal files, in part, "The proposal calls for major design modifications to the front entrance (east elevation) of the existino commercial spaces. the creation of lower level commercial spaces which would be accessib/e from stairs directly on Bridge Street, the infill of the northwesf secfion of the property, the addition of an elevator at the west end of the building, and the addition of two upper level floors to accommodate one condominium." The major exterior alteration application was approved pursuant to the development standards prescribed for development with the Commercial Core 1 district. On April 19, 1994, the Town of Vail Community Development Department approved a building permit application to allow for the construction of the Covered Bridge Building. According to the Office Copy of the building permit plan set dated March 28, 1 994, the "garden' level of the building (Sheet A2.1 ) is 6.08 feet lower than Bridge Street and the "street' level of the building (Sheet A2.2) is 3.76 feet above the street. v. On May 5, 1995, the Covered Bridge Condominiums Map was approved by the Town of Vail Zoning Administrator and, in part, establishes Condominium Unit E. According to the Map, Condominium Units E & G comprise that portion of the building described on the Office Copy of the building permit set as "Lower Retail C" and "Upper Retrail C". (Exhibit C) On November 20, 2006, the Town of Vail Community Department received a letter from Carlson, Carlson & Dunkelman, LLC, requesting that the Town of Vail provide an interpretation of the specific floor level and, therefore, the permitted and conditional uses of Condominium Units C & E, Covered Bridge Building,227 Bridge Street, as defined by the Vail Town Code. (Exhibit D) On December 1, 2006, the Zoning Administrator provided the requested interpretation. In making a determination of the specific floor levels of Condominium Units C and E, Covered Bridge Building, the Community Development Department relied upon the following documents presently on file with the Town of Vail: (Exhibit E) r Title 12,Zoning Regulations, VailTown Coder Covered Bridge Building, Building Permit Set, dated 4119194 ("CBBBPS')r Town's legalfile for Lots B, C and D, Block 58, VailVillage l" Filing On December 21, 2OO6, the Town of Vail Community Development Department received a complete Appeals Form filed on behalf of the appellant. (Exhibit F) REQUIRED ACTION To Uphold/Overturn/Modify the administrative action. Section 12-3-38-5, Findings, details the requirements for action taken by the Planning and Environmental Commission as follows: "The Planning and Environmental Commission (or the Design Review Board in fhe case of design guidelines) shall on all appeals make speciftc findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must support conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requircments of this Title have or have not been met." STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning & Environmental Commission upholds the administrative action which determined that, for zoning purposes, Condominium Unit E is located on the "first floor'' or "street' level of the Covered Bridge Buibing, located at 227 Bridge Street. In accordance with the information presented in this memorandum, and the exhibits attached hereto, staff recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission makes the following findings of fact based upon the evidence and testimony presented: Due to the sloping topographic conditions of Bidge Sfreef, specifically, and the Town of Vail, generally, rnstances will exist where a reasonable change in elevation (3.76 feet) from the pedestrian level to the "first floor" or "street" level of the building will occur. Said conditions, however, shall not be construed to circumvent the Town's longstanding development objective of maintaining and preseruing the character of the Vail commercial area and promoting a variety of retail shops at the pedestrian level. For zoning purposes, the "street level" of the building shall be that floor level located at elevation 8162'-6 % ", as depicted on the approved plans. For zoning purposeg the 'grade" on the east gde of the Covered Bridge Building shall be 8158.74', not 8152'-8" as suggested by the appellant. The east and south gdes of the Covered Bridge Building are entirely or substantially below grade, as depicted on the approved plans. The presences of a "garden" level of a building shall rcasonably infer that some portion or portions of a building or structure will be exposed forpurposes of visual exposure and ingress and egress. According to the approved (PEC) meeting minutes, dated February 14, 1994, in part, it is clearly understood by the decision-makers that retail space was proposed for the first two levels of the building, as required by the Zoning Regulations. The definitions of "basement' or 'Qarden" level and Tirst floot'' or "street" level have remained unchanged and the regulation has been consistently applied by the Town of Vail to meet its development objectives for the last 32 years. To except the appellant's arguments will fundamentally after the character of Vail Viilage and the development objectives of the Town. For instance, after 32 years, it would now be interpreted that existing first floor and slreet level retail businesses such as Russe//'s, Ore House, Vendetta's, Red Lion, Mooseb Caboose, Vail T-Shirt Company, Axel's, Sweef Bas[ Rucksack, Laughing Monkey and numerous other retail businesses could be converted to non-retail uses such as business offices and professional ot?bes. This change rn use is clearly contrary to the adopted goals, objectives and policies of the Town of Vail. Any other interpretation of the Town's horizontal zoning regulation is contrary to the hoizontal zoning intent of the Code and development goals and palicies of the Town. To interpret the Code otherwise would result in office uses on the street level of buildings throughout the Town's crucial commercial core areas. o vll. ExHtBtTs A. Ordinance No. 16, Series of 1975 B. Approved Meeting Minutes, in part, February 14, 1994. C. Covered Bridge Condominiums Map, dated May 5, 1995. D. Letter to Wanen Campbell, Community Development Department, from Carlson, Carlson & Dunkelman, LLC, dated November 20, 2006. E. Letter to Mr. Paul R. Dunkelman, Carlson, Carlson & Dunkelman, LLC, from George Ruther, Town of Vail, dated Deeember 1, 2006. F. Appeals Form, dated December 21, 2(X)6. ;lo.I ORDINANCE NO. 15 Series of 1975 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE SECTIONS 8-200 'PERMITTED USES" 8.300 "COND]T]ONAL USES", 8.400 "ACCESSORY USES'', AND 8.510 'PARKING AND LOADINO", RELATING TO COMMERCIAL CORE 1. DISTRICT, BY THE ENACTMENT OF NEW SECTIONS 8.200."PERMITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES - SPECI-Frc", 8.300 'coNDrTroNAL usES - GENERAL", 8.400 "ACCESSORY USES - GENERAL", AND 8.510 'PARKING AND LOADING", SPECIEYING THAT PERMITTED, CONDITIONAL, AND ACCESSORY USES AI,ID PARKING IN COt'tME RC IAL CORE 1 D]STRICT SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO AND DETER- MINED BY SPECIFIED FLOOR I,EVELS WHEREAS, it has been and continues to be the intent of the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Colorado, to maintain and preserve the nature and character of the VaiI corunercial area, which is deslgnated as zonj-ng district Commercial Core 1 District, with a mixture of residential and conrnercia.I uses; WHEREAS, j-t has been and continues to be the intent of the Town Council to promote and protect said area as a pedestrian access area and to discourage vehicular use thereini and WHEREAS, because of changing conditions, the Town Coun- ciI coosiders that the municipal qovernment must protect the char- acter of said area and that this ordinance is necessary to continue the ba-Lance between the many commercial and residential uses per- mitted in the Cormercial Core l- District, to prevent entire build- ings therein from becoming conmercial space at the expense of dwelling and acconrnodation units, and to pronote a variety of retail shops at the pedestrian l-eve]- i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS I Section 1- Title. Exhibit A This ordinance sha1l be known as the "Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance by Imposing Horizontaf Zonj-ng in CCL'|, or Ord, 16, 1975 Commj-ss j-on Report. The amendment of the Zoning Ordinance the Planning ConYnission nance . i Paqe 2 procedures prescribed in Section 21.500 have been fulfill-ed, with the report of recommendino the enactment of this ordi- Section 2.Amendment Procedures Fulf ill-ed; Pfanning Section 3. Amen&nents to Zoning Ordinance. Sections 8.200, 8.300, 8.400, and 8.5,|0 of the Zoning Ordinance, ordinance No, 8, Series of 1973, of the Town of vail, Colorado, are hereby amended to read as foflows: A. Section 8.200. Permitted and Conditional Uses - Specific. A. Permitted and conditional- uses - basement or garden level within a structure: l-. The "basement" or "garden level" shall be defined as that floor of a buil-d- ing that is entirely or substantially below grade. 2. The following uses shall- be per- mitted in basement or qarden levels within a structure: a. Retail shops and establ-ishments, including the fol lowing: A^h.ral al^ ^ra< Art supply stores and galleries Bakeries and con fectioneries, restricted to preparation of nr^.i,r,-'r- c <nani f i nr'l I rr fnr c,e l a nn rha nromi eac Book stores Camera stores and photographic studios Candy stores Chinaware and glaseware stores o,. Ord. 16, 1.975 Page 3 Delicatessens and speciafty food stores Drug stores and pharmacies Florists ' Gift stores Hobby stores Jehrelry stores Health food stores teather qoods stores Music and record stores . Newsstands and tobacco stores Stationery stores Sportinq goods stores Toy stores Variety stores Yardage and dry goods stores b- Personal services and repair shops, including the following: Barber shops Beauty shops Sna11 appliance repair shops Tailors and dressmakers Travel and ticket aqencies c. Eating and drinking esta.b.Listunents, includj.ng the following: Bakeries and delicatessens with food service, restricted to PrePara- tion of products specifically for sale on the prefiLises Cocktail lounges and bars Coffee shops Fountalns and sandwich shops Restaurants Ord. L6, 197 5 OI Page 4 d. Professional offices, business offices, and studios e. Banks and financial institutions f. Additional uses determined to be s'ni'ar fo r)ernif t-ed uses described in subparagraphs (a) through (e) above, in accordance with the provisions of Section 2L.2OO of this ordinance, so long as they do not encourage vehicul-ar traffic 9. Lodges 3, The following uses shall- be pernitEed in basement or garden fevels within a structure, subject to issuance of a Conditional Use Permit in accordance with the provisions of ArticLe 18 of this ordi-nance. a. Meeting rooms b. Household appl iance stores c. Liquor stores d. Luggage stores e. Radio and TV stores and repair shops t. Multiple- fami l- y housing g. Theatres B. Permited and conditional- uses - first fl"oor slreec level- within a structure: l-. The "first floor" or "street level" shafl be defined as that floor of the building that is located at grade or street level. 2. The following uses shafl be permitted on the first fl-oor or street 1evel floor within a structure: a. Retail stores and establishments, including the following: o Ord. 16, 197 5 Page 5 l\pparel stores Art supp]y stores and galleries Bakeries and confectioneries, restricted to preparation of products specifj cally for sale on the orem iSeS Book stores Camera stores and photoqraphic studios Candy stores Chinaware and glassware stores Delicatessens and specialty food stores Drug stores and pharmacies Florists cift shops Hobby stores Jehrel ry stores Leather goods stores Music and record stores Newsstands and tobacco stores Sporting goods stores Stationery stores Toy stores Variety stores Yardage and dry goods stores b. Eating and drinking establishments, includinq the following: Bakeries and delicatessens with food service, restricted to preparation of products speci- fically €or sale on the premises Cocktail l-ounqes and bars ll \o,-i Ord. 16, 1975 Page 6 Coffee shops Fountains and sandwich shops Restaurants c. Lodges d- Additional uses determined to be similar to permitted uses described in subparagraphs (a) and (b) above, in accor- dance with the provisions of Sectiorr 2L.20o of this ordinance, so long as they do not encourage vehicuLar traffic. 3. The following uses shall be permitted on first floor or street level floor within a struc- f l,f6 cl,r-\i^^+ +^ i a6,,1nce of a conditional_ use Permit in accordance with the provisions of Arti- cle 18 of this ordinance, a. Liquor stores b. Professionaf offices, business offices, and studios c. Banks and financial institutions d. Personal services and repair shops, including the following: Barber shops Beauty shops Business and office services Tailols and dressnakers Travel and ticket agencies Smal-l- appLiance repair stores e. Mul-tipLe-fardly residential dwellinqs f. Househofd appliance stores S. . Luggage stores h. Radio and Tv stores and repair shops i, Theatres Ord. 1,6, 1975 t Page 7 c, Permitted and conditonal uses - second floor above grade within a structure: 1. The following uses shall be permitted on the second floor above grade within a structure; provided, however, that a Condi- tional Use Permit will be required in accor- dance with Article 18 of this ordinance for any use which elinuinates any existing dwel-l-ing or acconnodation unit or any portion thereof. a. Multiple-famil-y residential dwelling b. Lodges c. Professional offices, business offices, and studios d. Banks and financial institutions e. PersonaL services and repair shops, including the following: Barber shops Beauty shops Business and office services Tailors and dressmakers Travel and ticket agencies f. Retail stores and establishments/ including the following: Apparef stores Art supp]y stores and galleries Bakeries and confect ioneries, restricted lo preparation of products specificaffy for safe on the premises Book stores Camera stores and photographic studios Candy stores Chinaware and glassware stores i Ord. 16, 1975 o_ Page 8 De I icatess ens and specialty food stores Drug stores and pharmacies Florists Gift stores Hobby stores Jewelry stores L€ath€r goods stores Music and record s tore s Newsstands and tobacco stores Photographic studios Sporting goods stores Toy stores Variety stores Yardage and dry goods stores e. Eating and drinking establishments, including the following: Bakeries and delicatessens with food service, restricted to preparation of products speci - fically for sale on the premises Cocktai I lounges and bars Coffee shops Fountains and sandwich shops Restaurants 2. The following uses shall be permitted on second floors above gfade, subject to the issuance of a Conditional Usc Perrnit in accordance with the provisions of Article l8 of this ordinance: a. Meeting rooms b. Liquor stores c. Household appliance stores Ord. 16, 1975 Page 9 d. Radio and TV sales and repair shops e. Luggage stores f, Theatres D. Pefmitted and conditional uses - any floor above the second floor above grad€ within a structure: 1- The following uses shall be permitted on any floor above the second floor above grade: ^. Multiple- family residential dwellings b. Lodges 2. The following uses shall be permitted on. any floor above the second floor above grade, subject to the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit in accordance with the provisions of A rt ic I e l8 of this ordinance: a. Retail stores and establishments. including the following: Apparel stores Art supply stores and galleries Bakeries and confectioneries, restri cted to preparation of products specifically for sale on the premises Book stores Camera stores and photographic studios Chinaware and glassware stor€s Delicatessens and specialty food stores Drug stores Florists Gi ft shops Hobby stores Household appliance stores Jewelry stores (- o-- Ord. 15, 1975 o Page I0 Leather goods stores Luggage stores Music and record stores Newsstands and tobacco stores Photographic studio s Stationery sto re s Toy stores Variety stores Yardage and dry goods stores Liquor stores Radio and TV stores and repair shops Sporting goods stores b. Eating and drinking establishments,' including the following: Bakeries and de lioate ssens with food service, restricted to preparation of products spec i - fioally for sale on the premises Cocktail lounges and b ars Coffee shops Fountains and sandwich shops Restaufants c. Professional offices, busines s offices, and studi o s d. Banks and financial institutions e. Personal services and repair shops, including the following: Barber shops Beauty shops Business and offices services Smal I appliance repair shops Tailors and dressmakers Travel and ticket agencies Ord. 16. 1975 Page 1l f, Theatres lt. Additional uses determined to be similar to permitted uses described in subparagraphs (a) through (e) above, in accordance with the provisions of Section 2l .2OO of this ordinance, so long as they do not encourage vehicular traffic B. Section 8.300. Conditional Uses - General. The following uses shall be permitted, subject to the issuance of a Conditional Use Pcrnit in accordance with the provisions of Article l8 of this ordinance: a. Ski I i ft s and tows b. Public utility and public service uses c. Public buildings, grounds, and facilities d. Public park and recreational facil- ities c. Section 8,400, Accessory Uses - General. The following accessory uses shall be permitted: a. Swimming pools, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily inciden- tal to permitted residential or lodge uses b. Outdoor dining areas operated in conjunction with permitted eating and drink- ing establishments c. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Section 17.300 of this ordi- nance d. Oth6r uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitt€d or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation ther€of. Ord. 16, 197 5 Page l2 D. Section 8.510. Parking and Loading. Off- street parking and loading shall be pro- vided in accordance with Article l4 of this ordi- nance. A t least one-half of the required parking shall be located within the main building or buildings. Parking within buildings shall be rcstricted to the basement. No parking or loading area shall be located in any required front setback afea. Section 4. Devclopment Factors Pertaining to Conditional {Jse Pcrmits. In considering in accordance with Article l8 of the Zoning Ordinance an application for a Conditional Use Permit within Commercial Core I District, the following development factors shall be applicable: A. Effects of vehicular traffic on Commercial Core I D i str ict. B. Reduction of vehicular traffic in Commer- cial Core l District. C. Reduction of nonessential off- street parking, D. Control of delivery, pick-up, and service vehicles. E. f)cvclopment of public spaces for use by pedcstrians. F. Continuance of the various commercial, resi- dential, and public uses in Commercial Core 1 District so as to maintain the existins charactcr of said area. G. Control quality of construction, architectural design, and landscape design in Commercial Core I District so as t o maintain the existins character of said area. o- Ord. 1 6, 1975 Page 13 H. Effects of noise, odor, dust, smoke, and other factors on the environment of Commercial Core l District. Section 5. Continuing Enforcement of Amended Sections as to Prior Acts. The amendments of the aforesaid sections of the Zoning Ordinance shall not bar the enforcement of said sections as to an act or acts her€tofore committed or the prosecution and punish- ment of an act or acts heretofore cornmitted or omitted in viola- tion of said sections; said sections amended by this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect in the form preceding this ordinance for the purposes of sustaining any and all actions to enforce the same, suits, proceedings, prosecutions instituted, and the penalties imposed therefor which arose prior to the effec- tive date of this ordinance. Section 6. Repeal of Any Conflicting Section. Afiy sections or parts of sections of the Zoning Ordinance or other ordinances of the Town of Vail, Colorado, in confliot with this ordinance or inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed, pro- vided, however, that the repeal of any section or parts of sec- tions of said ordinances shall not revive any other section of said ordinances heretofore repealed or superceded, Section 7. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect five days after publi- cation following the final passage hereof. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READINC, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL, this 2nd day of September, 1975, and a public hearing on this ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of the Touar Council of the Toum of Vail, Colorado, on the o!d. 16, 1975 15th dey of s.pt€Db.r, irg of tb. ToYtr. llllsT: Prg€ 14 rt 7:30 P.l{,, in th. Municipal Build-1975, \ Ord. 16, 1975 INTRODUCED, READ ON AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN t97 5. Page 15 SECOND READING, APPROVED, ENACTED, FULL, this l6rh day of September, Exhibit B PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION February '14, 1994 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Greg Amsden Kristan PriE Bill Anderson Tom Moorhead Jeff Bowen Mike Mollica Diana Donovan Andy Knudtsen Kathy Langewalter Jim Curnutte Allison Lassoe Randy Stouder Dalton Williams Russ Forrest 1. A request for a conditional use to allow lor a Type ll Employee Housing Unit to be located at 1358 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 21 , Block 3, Vail Valley 1st Filing. Applicant Chris KempfPlanner: Randy Stouder Randy Stouder made a presentation per the staff memo. He stated that staff was recommending approval of the requested conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll i Employee Housing Unit with the two conditions stated in the staff memo. Diana Donovan stated that she would like the Design Review Board (DRB) to carefully review the proposed architecture for the project since it is somewhat unusual and different lrom what is present in the neighborhood. Dalton Williams agreed with Diana's comment. Dalton Williams made a motion to approve this request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit per the staff memo and the two conditions contained on Page 6 of the staff memo with a directive to the DRB to carefully review the architecture ol this project to ensure that it is harmonious with the character ol the Town of Vail. Jeff Bowen seconded the motion. A 7-0 vote approved this request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit. 2. A request for a worksession to discuss proposed lext amendments to Chapler 18.38, Greenbelt and Natural Open Space District; Chapter 18.32, Agricultural and Open Space District; and Chapter 18.36, Public Use District of the Vail Municipal Code. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Jim Curnutte Plaoning and Envhonmer al Commission Februaty 1,1,1994 1 3. A request for a joint worksession with the PEC and DRB for a major CCI exterior alteration to allow for the redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building localed al 227 Bridge StreeVlots C and D and a part ol Lot B, Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Hillis of Snowmass, Inc. and East West Partners Planner: Mike Mollica Mike Mollica made a presentation per the statf memo. He stated that this proposed redevelopment involves no variances at this time. He summarized Section lX, Discussion, of the staff memo. Ned Gwathmey, the architect for this project, stated that they have been "wrestling with this site" since 1990. He said that the applicant has spent a great deal of time studying the feasibility ol this project Bill Anderson stated that the view corridor line should be adjusted to accommodate a sloped roof for the Covered Bridge Building. He also supported moving the building 5 feet to the west property line. Saundra Spaeh, architect representing Pepi Gramshammer, stated that Pepi was concerned with the fifth floor. Greg Amsden stated that he was concerned wiilr the proposed staging area in the pocket park. Mike Mollica explained the staging plan to the PEC. Ned Gwathmey stated that they had approached Pepi about doing the Covered Bridge Building construction at the same time as Pepi's building is under construction. Saundra Spaeh stated that Pepi is adamant about not using the area behind his building as the staging area for this project. Greg Amsden inquired whether moving the building height interpretation line was an option. Mike Mollica stated that staff was open to amending the line and discussed the staff's reasons. Peter Dan, of East West Partners, stated that the applicants were open to shifting the fourth and fifth floors to the west. Allison Lassoe inquired whether the building height intepretation line could be moved horizontally. Ned Gwathmey stated that such a change to the project would delay construction for at least one year. Plannlng and Envhonmeotal Commlselon Fsbruary t4, 1904 6 _ Dalton Williams asked the applicant that if the project was approved, could they be flexible on which rool form they used, depending on whether an encroachment into View Corridor #1 is approved. Ross Bowker stated that this would be okay with them, Bob Borne, DRB representative, asked whether the building would be out of the view corridor if the building was shifted back 5 feet to the west. Mike Mollica stated that the building would still be located in the view corridor. Jeff Winston, the Town's design consultant, stated that he felt moving the building back 5 feet would help this project. He questioned whether the whole building would have to be moved back. Ned Gwathmey stated that they could not do this and still satisfy the ADA requirements for disabled access. Jeff winston stated that a small portion of flat roof may be acceptable but that it must nol appear to be flat. He said that another concern that he had was that the buiHing did not appear to be one piece ol architecture and he suggested that the applicant tie the roofs together in some way so that the dilferent sections of the building do not look so segmented. He stated that the Town did not intend for the line of View Corridor #1 to effect this site in the way that it has. He would like to see the upper portion ol the building be reworked in order to avoid the flat roof as well as tie it to the rest ol the building. He said that the proposed design of the building resembles the Gateway Building and that the architectural design needed to relate better to the Village core. Jeff suggested a more unified approach to the building. He added thal he also supported the applicant pursuing an encroachment into View Corridor #1 . Dalton Williams supported changing the building height interpretation line, or eliminating it entirely. Mike Mollica stated that the PEC and staff have some flexibility to modify the line. He stated that the 60%-40% for roofs was a hard and fast standard that had to be lollowed. A variance would be required if the roof departed from this standard. Sally Brainerd, DRB representative, stated that her concerns are mainly with the storelront. She is concerned with the split-level retail. She stated that the building design is not in keeping with Vail's guidelines. She stated that she did not feel the separateness of the upper levels was ideal. She agreed with Dalton's comments about the building height. Bob Borne agreed with Dalton's comments. He added that he was concerned about the construction activity occurring during the summer. Planning and Environmenlal commission February 14, 1904 Bill Anderson stated that he agreed with the previous comments concerning the roof height line. He said that he would like to see the building go back to the west at least 5 feet. He added that the staging for this site would be ditficult. He added that he understood Ned's concerns about proceeding through the variance process. Bill said he would be willing to approve the project if Ned broughl the roof issue back to the PEC for a view corridor encroachment assuming the top portions of the buiHing were shifted to the west. Diana Donovan stated that she would like to see the building height interpretation line moved. She said the building needs to be moved back and that this will help widen Bridge Street in this area. She felt the criteria for view corridor encroachment could be met but not if the view corridor line became the height limit. She stated that an alternate location would need to be determined for trash removal and that it should not be via Bridge Street. Greg Amsden stated that he did not want to see the building height interpretation line set at this stage of the game. He was in lavor of shifting the building bach. He added that he would like to see the staging area located to the west of the Covered Bridge Building. Jeff Bowen stated that the view corridor has been considered from the Transportation Center and that the view from upper Bridge Street is also affected. He said that he would like to see a different roof lorm. He added that he would like to see the building dropped down trom the north so that the building will appear less massive. Allison Lassoe said she would like to see the building pulled back 5 leet and that this would help the building appear less massive. She stated that she felt that Dalton's previous suggestion could help the roofs for this project. Dalton Williams inquired whether there was a way to internalize the trash removal on the Bridge street. He said that he likes the way the front ot the building looks pushed back but that he is concerned what that would do to the Bridge Sireet shopping experience. Kathy Langenwalter stated that she agreed with the other Board members comments- She added that more integration of the root forms is needed. She is concerned about how the roof form will look. She said that shifting the building back 5 feet is positive. She stated that trash removal will be difficult because this site is "land locked". She added that the staging for this project will be ditficult and she did not feel ihat it would be acceptable to lose a mature tree due to construction staging. She said that she felt that there was a way to do this project without a height variance. She stated that the diagonal line could be stepped. Ned Gwathmey stated that he did not want to advise his clients to go fonnrard with this variance. He said that it would be helpful for them to have an interpretation of the ordinances from the PEC. He said that this site is very tight. Plannlng and Envlronmentd Commbdon Fsbruary 14, 1994 Dalton Williams suggested that they eliminate the diagonal line and go off of Bridge Street with the 60%-40% and a view corridor encroachment. All the members of the PEC agreed that this was acceptable. Ned stated that this would not necessarily help them get this project going. Kristan PriE stated that staff had sat down with the architects for this project previously and it was deemed by the Town Attorney that a modification to the 60%-40% rule is not possible without a variance. Peter Dan stated that he would like to shift the building back and go off of Bridge Street to determine heights. He added that they would like to connect the rools on the fourth and fifth floors together. Bob Borne summarized that the applicant wants to get this project going and that the main issue seems to be the roof and that the PEC seemed to be generally in favor of the design of the building and that some caveat be made regarding the roof' Jetf Bowen stated thal the Covered Bridge Building is the entrance to Bridge Street and the Village and that he would like to see the building mass lessened, the buiEing shifted back, and the roof element changed. Jeff Winston stated that the building design was a resull of the diagonal line and that if the line were to be eliminated, then the roof forms could be integrated. Kathy Langenwalter inquired about the transition ol siding to stucco. Dalton Williams made a molion that the PEC has reviewed the prior PEC determination regarding the building height interpretations and that after careful review, and that since View Corridor No. 1 determines the Covered Bridge Building maximum height, the building is restrained by the view corridor. Due to this, the height calculation can .be taken from Bridge Street with the understanding that the mass will be pushed to the west and that the building be stepped back. Greg Amsden seconded the motion. Kathy Langenwalter restated Dalton Williams motion. A 7-0 vote approved the height determination lrom Bridge Street as stated above. Kathy Langenwalter stated that there were still issues and details that had not been discussed at this worksession which would need to be discussed in two weeks. Plsnning and Envlronn€nl!l Commission F€bruary lil, 1994 co z tr Ltl U) t4 E\ : Eaa Ra(.) rlr$aqq arq tr( Hab Exhibit G aa{5.*s' ;sr t4. 10 ft io t.r@ SCALE: 1" = 10' D€V€LIIPIENI SIGNIS . .rght to c6pl.tr rrT.@emttq5 Indtcct.d o thre codorirG . rrght to sta.lrYr.b 6,tr .{oht ro .nt I Inrled Eqnonr{..Fit rlthln th. rIt. .rsht to mlntorn 301.3 otfrc? dnd frv. rl$r cdv9.tlrrng tha .d<l'ltn rd Pfo].<i. *5J*t toth. rrn|tdtr6.r '.tqtld rn th. D.<lqclro. ao. Cov...d E. I de. . .r9H ro |/Er .r..irnti th.oth rrE co.s6 .l.P.tt to. th! prpo6. of mrrrDg l.p.o!!..nt5 to th. p.oJ?cl, rcbl.ct 'lo tf, I Inrt tloni tt.t?d In th! lhc{r.qtr!. fof cov.r.d lrr.lc. I ri9ht tcnolnrom mo.og.h.nr ofti.. ulll DEVELoPNENT f, rCrTS A r.r!ht io c6pt.t. rl!.qv.Mtt o. Indr6t.d d th!s.ddonrnr!r iaer .r!'tt to .'ndrvrlb 6rtr.rght to c..ot. treat},!.. drts o. r.rght to nor.trri o^. rrin orv..lr.rno rh. c.ddri r6 p.oJ.<t ;6L(t-r6-rh' I inrtdr'6' ;rai.d i^ ttE lrclr.rti6 tr cor.r.d 8.rd0. Cdrbi r. r 6rr .r€ht to v' sr.lr.nt|thF4oh ih.cm rl.fii, ra it!' p!.Pot ofRrr^o r.0.ov6dt5 t th. FoJ.ct.9*J?(t to il1. lritiatr6r ltat.l InttF D!<lo.alrci fo. Cov....l l.tdo.cod6rnr$r Cove..d E r.lo. lvtldr.g, Ltd.. d ColF6do I Inrtod p.rtnershlP l5 H reh tdnds L.6" B€ov.. C.erk, CO 81640 I]€DICAIIO! '0a XORTGAGE I1('LD[F OR DEED Of IRUSI ../*lrorea tr.rs -l{la"y "e --(#at-L q.o.. rgg:fl t-dnd T I t {. 6rJcr.!.i.. Coipdif lO€ S. t.o^!oe. Rodd l.rlvo' t, C[ 41657 "-. t4*4-A'"<"'.--- €sr*i -6F-c$..1 alnLE OFera-,{*--aF;i;i-;;;;-;;i-iiii;t--------- soRvEtoR s cEiTtttcatE I .b h...by c..ilfy th.t I .n a Pior.ctro.tol Ldn.l Sup.yr..Crri...C 6d? th. lorr o? tt Stotr ol CoLo.qcb, t|ot thrtcondo||rnts iop 15 t.v., <or..ct .^d <oipt.i. or tord out,platt.d, d.d rcoir.l dnd rho$ rrr..on / thlt ech cs.lofrrnrk mpros mcr adon s accfoi! tq.v.y of sord 9..opfrty by R ond hcl.r!y 5r/p..vlrron oncl <r..ctly rfrcyr th. ho/lroitol oDcl v.ri'catlac.troll dnd d'iss165 oa th. bsrldr.g contornrne tfr co{rdoirorun !hrtr, tll. coACoirn16 Frtr, pr.c.lr, ond .or.i..l3 da tard condoirnrQ Dp, cnd th. FR..rl rr '.toLr.l !a'dr th. g.o'.dIn toi9l rdnc. rrth opplrq.bt...gulalldrt lov.fnlDg ttl. rLSdrvltrqoa rond. I tcth.. crtrfv thol thri cdd{DLarb Fo (6tor.5 oltra rond. I tcth.. crtrfv thol thri cdd{DLarb Fo (6tor.5 oltrtrfor*troD ..qu r.iot coro. Fft sr6t. 3{.1lfoFr$\ CERTIFICiTf, IT D€IICAIIDI AN! II9I€RSII'F Knoi qll mo by th.t. prc3.nnt thqt Co!.r.cl Brrd!. 8u {dlng, l-1.1,, o Coiq.do ltFrlrd po.tn..lhrp, ber.9 on.. In f€e 5rDplrof alt ihct r.ol p.opc.ty rrtuct.d In th. Torr of Vd,l, Ed!|.Corty, Cotroob, d.rcr rbe.l s ?ol torr, Lat c and Lol d o.d th. soulhraria.ly for f..l oa Lot b, lloc*51, v.rl vrlt60., fr..t Frlrng. o<cord.re to tt noD lhr.ofr.co-.Ld r. th. ofl'.. of th. E.el. Cwnty, Coltodo, Ctrk o^d R!co.d.., co6tornrnC 0,r073 ocr.r, io.. o. t.st. {o?9 h.r.loy.vbr,rt thrs'Covcr.d !.t.lg. con cloh I n I unt ' to th.p.ovrsrd5 ot th. Co.rdort^rur| D.<l...trm aor Cer..d Erlde€ Con.loFrnr6i ..co.d.d In Sook ----- ot Poe. ----- Ere<ltcd thrr -41 a"" "r --l1fL1----------------, 4.0.. ree'5. IIILE C6FIIFICAlE Lond Trtt.66.ont.c Coipony do.r h...by c?.trfy thqt.!h. tttt.to oll lotrrCr rhon Loon thr! trndl rlot rra. b..n .xonrn.d o.d r!*'Y'Eia A^t*-a t*uzoar- Lrn ^ &-dtN' t 'rtnE^ ZONING AI]IIINISTRAIOR C€iT II ICATg T||ri co.d.6rnt6 ado rt h.r.bv d@.ov.d z6jl.-Ad!'! rrt.qto; tnrr 5F-- ioy or l, ih. r'cb.rr!n..1, do h...by c..rrfy lhot ih.6i'.c oioot oftal.r dr a^d peyoblr or ot ------, r+6. aLlpo.c.l3 oa..ol .r'tot. d..cr tbrd s tht. so6doir.rle.o9 o.f pard 0rNErs. NORTGA6EE. Bf' a,D,a.F,(t I **r(- nit ' T}l. .ffr.. of 1h.3. .tChte tt aaJ.cr b 1h 16'nc r.g,lo!tont o.d oll otttr.oPtr..Dl..rau'..6i3 rnps.d by i$. ls o, vorl. X.or dtl i.n by th.t. p..5entr thcl al.st8dn! of vall, bPrng th. b.n.frcro.y of . .L.d oa t.urt on itu1 .rqt orop..ryth. Torn ol Ycrl, Eoql. Cooty, CoLo.ado, detc.lbld qs rollds. Lot c ond Loi d..d trE routhr.si?al, tor a..t ot Lot b, lloc& 5-!, V.'{ Vr(loc.. Fr.rt trl'^c, qc.ordrng to lh. FoP +x./.of ..cd/ded r^ the oa..(. or u.. €oel. Co6!), Coto..do, Cle.t ord R.co.d.r. c66t.rhrng 0.1073 .c.er, io.r or 1.6t. hc."by cohsents io th. provl!|o.3 of thrs ' cov!.rd E. cl9.Cdddrnrlis'd.d th. CoCoFln ci !.ctorotron fo. Cov.r.d Errdgr Coo.loar^runr r.co.cLd In lool ----- st Pqge ----- lx€.uted thl. -!E ^, ", trA/-----------------. s.o.. sg{. I rrlllqnrr of vorl BLOCK 58 lot o .lw rrer(AY, a 2a. t ol-vrll \,".!lot b 1oa BOnCal &c.r!ln! r. C.l4!d. lor yo! mu.r !ond4. .tr r.961 .ctlt 6o..d up.n 6t .l.tkt in l}li. a!to.y inhh ur4 rd. .n., tou nd <[.cd. *h c.a.ct, l. nc n.n! o.r dr o.lio. b.... los .t'y ad-t k thi. sF b. .@f.d d,ct. ol lhr dritqtin thdn h..d- -f* / lt' srrre or-(r[/!{ld& --, > .or"r, * -€.c4.?--- --- i" I do rr..5, <..trtt ttFt.ll rtrucifol conFon?iir oa 0l{ bqrldrne. co.rqrirno of coxirrrre my 6rir Grht.{ by ttt. D.<l...rtcr fe CM..d irrce. C..cbn'.r6..nd by in'r csdonrnt6 ncD..t rlart.'ntr! I Ly <oi9l.t.C, t|lr.oa I hcv. !.i iy h.6d c^d irol thrr -4:-- doy or !qi.n thrr ----- dcy ol a.D, 199--. i;a;a;a.-;a-E;6i;-aolJrit;-a;i*"d; CLEA( *D REC(nDER'S C€FTIFICA'E 'lhr3.odo.rnr6 noo ro. trl.d ao. rrcord r^ .lh. oatrc. of th.C'..|{ oc t.<-n. oh th'!----_ d.y of ----------.-.-------A,D,, 199--, ot -----o'cL6<k ---r, F.co.dd qnd.. RE.ptlor [olook ----- cl Pqg. ----- Condodr.16 t.cld.dt'on r..riLd rn look ----- qt Po€. -----, Cl.rk o.C R.co.{.r€rgr! C4rly, Colro.lo lv'----------------- ,S CTR]IFICAIE 0F4 '| COVERED BRIDCE CONDOMINIUMS LOT c, LOT d, AND THE SOUTH 4 FEET AF LOT b, BLOCK 5_8, VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FILING TOWN OF VAIL, EACLE COUNTY, COLORADO MltEs, (l) Dqt. of Su.v.v, D.ctfiber, 1994(e) St...l Add,'.t'' 227 3.rCo. Stre?t(1, lorri of le..lngt tt o tln. cd..cirng th? e,r3tl^9noi!.ht9 F.*r.o th. r,ll l/16 <fnrf oa s.ctro.' €, Tss- Raov of it| Srxth P.lr. dnd tf* Cl l/16 co^.. oa rord S.ctrm a b.r^e S00'09'E. n- l^clr..i.r s.t no. .t .tbo. od 016r^6 .op I L. s. a6196(5) Et.ntro.: ihorn ht..on or. bds.d d Torh oa Vo I vr?r po161 no. 6 bo.k5rghi polnt. et.vctroa . €160.9 , onfrl. rlth thc Totn or Volt.(6) 43.horn h€rcon, 'C.E.' Indrcotr3 Cooion EtEdn-i, a5 th. rdE .r. d.trned r. th? !clo.atl6.(7) A5 rhorn h.r.o^. 'l C.E.' indl(.t.5 Ltnlt"d Codon€l.mnt, .s irr. ton. oru d.ar.ed In ih. t.ciq.otron <A) E.rfrnts trbn @ D.r Lqnd lltt. Gl/...ntt€ Coigony, |tl. oolr.v io, v?ra77 dot d ac.rl al, l99a (t) Th. cddot.rui 4rts llsted belot q.. a!b.l..i io c.tlnl^ deve l.pr'rnt rrltrtr, ot Indt.oirdl .9,ry ^\Y o'< - t2aa5 c c. 1995 SHEET ] Ronald, W. Carlson ludith James Cmkon Paul R. Dnlkehrun Christopher D . Tomchuck I Carlson, COPY Cmkon I Dwlkebnnl, Attorneys at l-aw Drake bmding + 975 N . Ten MiIe Driue + P.O. Box 1829 r^risco , Colorado 80443 o L.L.C. November 20.2006 Wanen Campbell Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 RE: Unit E, Covered Bridge Building 227 Bridge Street Vail, CO Dear Mr. Campbell: We would request that the Town of Vail provide an interpretation of the specific floor level and, therefore, the permitted and conditional uses of Condominium Unit E, Covered Bridge Building, 227 Bridge Street as defined by the Vail Town Code. In providing this interpretation, we believe that it is also necessary to provide an interpretation of the specific floor level of Condominium Unit C, Covered Bridge Building. It is clear from the language of the Vail Town Code that Unit E must be considered a second floor unit and Unit C must be considered a first floor unit. The relevant definitions in this determination are the terms "basement or garden level," "first floor" and "second floor," as follows: l.A "basement or garden level" is defined "as that floor ofa building that is entirely or substantially below grade." Ofnote is that the term "street level" is not part ofthe definition. A "first floor or street level" is defined "as that floor ofthe building that is located at grade or street level." The relevant language for usage of"second flooC'is "above grade within a structure." Again the term "street level" is not used, Exhibit D Parabgals Mmia E. Ruiz Carla M. Ha$en Panicia J . Craig 2. J. (970) 668-1678 + FAX (970) 668-5121 + E-mail carlson2@cohyado.rct + VaiIVaLb"t + (970) 845-7090 oo H"'*i*ffiflF o In construing a statutory code, it is black letter law that strict construction must be given to statutory language. You must first look at the "plain language of the statute." If the language is clear, it must be interpreted as written. The architectural design for unit E show that the level is a minimum four feet above street level and approximately fifteen feet above grade. A walk by of the unit confirms this. Unit E is neither at street level, nor at grade as is required for a determination that this is a "first floor level." This requires a finding that this unit is above both street level and grade and therefore a "second floor" unit. This position is strengthened by the fact that Unit C must be considered a "first floor level." In the Code, tltere is a difference between street level and grade. While Unit C may be below street level, it is not below grade. It is in fact at grade. As this Unit is at grade. it cannot be considered a "basement or garden level. Again, the definition of basement or garden level is limited to "substantially below grade." The Unit must be considered a "first floor" unit which is at grade. Any other interpretation will be contrary to the Code and legally unsupportable. It would also contrary to the goals and policies of the community. It would create a situation were retail space would be above street level and, therefore, unattractive to potential users. The end result would be a perennially vacant unit. I would appreciate it if you would coordinate a time with me to walk the unit in order to provide the appropriate usage interpretation. Sincerely, (2-qo,s-=--=- Paul R. Dunkelman cc: Covered Bridge, Inc. TOII?{OFI/AII DEartment of Community Dnelopment 75 Sorth Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 97M79-2138 FAX 970479-2452 ututu.aailgou.com December 1,2006 Mr. Paul R. Dunkelman Carlson, Carlson & Dunkelman, L.L.C. P.O. Box 1829 Frisco, Colorado 80443 RE: Covered Bridge Building Street Level Determination 227 Bridge Street Vail, Colorado DearMr. Dunkelman The Town of Vail Communily Development Department is in receipt of your letter dated November 20, 2006, regarding the specific floor levels of Condominium Units C and E, respectively. In making a determination of the specific floor levels of Condominium Units C and E, the Commwrity Development Department relied upon the following documents presently on file with the Town of Vail: o Titte 12,ZonngRegulations, Vail Town Codeo Covered Bridge Building, Building Permit Set, dated 4/19/94 C'CBBBPS"). Town's legal file for Lots B, C and D, Block 58, Vail Village l" Filing Upon review of the aforementioned documents, the Community Development Department has determined that, for zoning purposes, Unit C is to be considered the "basement or garden" level of the building. In conEast, Unit E shall be considered the o'floor or street level" of the building. While it is mutually understood that Unit E is a minimum of fow feet above the level of the street, the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission and Vail Town Council have consistently held, when interpreting the applicable sections of Title 12,ZoningRegulations, that such a change in elevation shall not constitute an "above street level" condition. Any other interpretation is n tBCrcr.ED PAPER ", J contrary to the horizontal zoning intent ofthe Code and development goals and policies of the Town. To interpret the Code otherwise would result in office uses on the street level ofbuildings throughout the Town's crucial commercial core areas. Therefore, Sections 12-78-2 and 12-78-3 of the Vail Town Code shall apply to Units C and E of the Covered Bridge Building, respectively. As you are likely aware, Sectio n 12-3-3,of the Vail Town Code outlines a procedure for , appealing an action of the Administrator. Should you wish to appeal the Community Development Departrnent's determination regarding the specific levels of Condominium Units C and E, a form for filing said appeal is on file at the Offices of the Community Development Department, Sincerelv. lL ?a+*, George Ruther, AICP ChiefofPlanning Town ofVail flLt c0PY Exhibit E Departmmt of Cornmunity D nelnpment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colnrada 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 utaut aailgoa.con December 1,2006 Mr. Paul R. Dunkelman Carlson, Carlson & Dunkelman, L.L.C. P.O. Box 1829 Frisco, Colorado 80443 RE: Covered Bridge Building Street Level Determination 227 Bridge Street Vail, Colorado DearMr. Dunkelman, The Town of Vail Community Development Department is in receipt of your letter dated November 20,2006, regarding the specific floor levels of Condominium Units C and E, respectively. In making a determination of the specific floor levels of Condominium Units C and E, the Community Development Department relied upon the following documents presently on file with the Town of Vail: o Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Codee Covered Bridge Building, Building Permit Set, dated 4/19194 ("CBBBPS") r Town's tegal hle for Lots B, C and D, Block 58, Vail Village l't Fiting Upon review of the aforementioned documents, the Community Development Department has determined that, for zoning purposes, Unit C is to be considered the "basernent or garden" level of the building. In contrast, Unit E shall be considered the "floor or street level" of the building. While it is mutually understood that Unit E is a minimum of four feet above the level of the street, the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission and Vail Town Council have consistently held, when interpreting the applicable sections of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, that such a change in elevation shall not constitute an "above street level" condition. Any other interpretation is n &cYctto umn conhary to the horizontal zoning intent of the Code and development goals and policies of the Town. To interpret the Code otherwise would result in office uses on the street level of buildings throughout the Town's crucial commercial core areas. Therefore, Sections 12-78-2 and 12-78-3 of the Vail Town Code shall apply to Units C and E of the Covered Bridge Building, respectively. As you are likely aware, Section 12-3-3, of the Vail Town Code outlines a procedure for appealing an action of the Administrator. Should you wish to appeal the Community Development Department's determination regarding the specific levels of Condominium Units C and E, a form for filing said appeal is on file at the Offices of the Community Development Department. Sincerely, A,*r- ?,,tt*n George Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail Rorra,A'V, Carlson JudithJatws Cmlson PaulR. Dwi<clrnnn o CarkonrCarlson I Dunkebnmr, L. o L.C. Attorneys at l-aw Dral<e l-anding+ 975 N. TenMile Dive + P.O. Box 1829 Frisco, Colorado 8044j Exhibit F Parabgak Maria E. Ruiz CorhM. Felice Patticia J . CraigCtsislopl.rl D. Totnclunk December 21,2006 Via Facsimile (970) 479-2452 and U.S. Mail Town of Vail Attn.: Waren Campbell Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 RE: Unit E, Covered Bridge Building 227 Bridge Street Vail, CO Dear Mr. Campbell: Enclosed please find the Appeals Form as well as the necessary attachments. The Appeals Form has been sent by both facsimile and U.S. Mail. Please advise as to when the matter will be brought before the Planning Commission. Sincerely, q.qA.\s'=---- Paul R. Dunkelman cc: Covered Bridge, Inc. (970) 668-1678 + FAX (970) 668-5121 : E-mail: conbon2@colarala.ner + VailVallcy + (970) 845-7090 i=EIV 0:) 2006 OF VAIL |iltrc0 1111 iAil TOWN niH$m Appeals Form De;rarLment of CoinmunRy : Da\Aeloptncnt 75 SouUr ftonFage Road., vail? Oilorado 81657 tdf : 970:479.2139 far: 970.4N9.2452 web: i,rwur.vailsov.coin. Generat Infornraffon: This form ls tequire4 for filing ar,r appeal of t Sbff; Deglgn Revie^/v Board, or Plannjng ancl Errvirgnmental Commlssion action/dccision .q complete form and assoctat€d requircments nrusl be.submtted b the Community Det/clopment Departnrent wifrin turenty (20)cahMur dayn ol the clisptrted actron/decision. Action/Decision being appealed: Aooellant is aopealing the CommunitvDevel,opment -Derparfinent deterlqlnation that for zoning purposes g 9g,y*"d Btidgg Boilditg, 2?J Bridge Streel, Vql,, Colorado is to,bu om shee"t]g/9|" olthuluilging Dateof Action/Decision: Board or Saff person rendeiling ac,6m/dedsiol:George Ruthcr Does thts appeat |nuolve a"spactfic partel of land?. @ (na) If yes, arc you an adja'cent prop€rty'ownefr tVesg llame of Appellant{s}r Covsed Bridge,Inc' Mailing Address: Po' Box 1829,.Frisco, CO 80443 Phonb:(970) 668-r678 Physical Mdress l.n vall: 227 Covered Bridge Building, Vail, CO Legal DescrlpHon of Appellan(i) proFerry In Vd;; Lot C and Lot D. an4 thc southwc$tedk! feet of Lot B. Appdtant(s) Stgnaure(s)t .?< rLc:e-- rccordedplat thercof. Eaglc Countv. Colo.redo (nttacn a list of signatures jf more space is.required). Submittal Bequirementsll' 0n a sspardte sheet or separate'sheets of poper;, provide a ditailed explanation of how you orc an "oggrieved or atlversely aflfected person",2' On a separat€ sheet or separate shccts o'f paper, specify the precise natur€ of me appeal, Flease cite spec,ifrc code sections havinE retwance to the ididn being appealed,3. Provide a list of names and addresses (hoth rnailing dnd phy:;icaladdrcsscs jn Vail) ot ali owners uf property who arc thc subject of the appeal and all gdJacent prope.rty owner$ (including o\dne6 whose propcrties arc sefaraterl from the subject propcrty by a right-of-wity, stream, ol other intervening barrier).4. Provide.ghmped, addressed envelopes for each proper$ owner listed in (3.). PLE ISE.SUBMXT rlll5 FORM aN D Atl,.sl IBM fffAL REQUIREM ENT5 rO: TO\flN QF VAIL, OFPARTMCiTIT.OF @MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT/ /5.ril)rJTH TRONTAGE R0A0, VAIL, COLOMDO 8155/. F: \d cv\Fo [f4SI:ERt"llTS\Planning\App licatkrns\Appealr. doc Erv=ln\ 2i 2086 U OF VAIL n TelF lnl =- l;1 DEC |lI TOWN DateRcceived:- ler-' I *_ ndviWMr Planneir- -(, \ - flioiect No. r 2.6-2005 ridzq:g 9002'lz'co00 'd 998i'0N 3r1 NV[{t])N|'|0 t N0sluvc N0sluvc tl'- Attachment I Aggrteved or Adverscly Impacted Person Appellant is the owner of 227 Covaed BridgeBuilding, Vail, Colorado, The Community Planning Departne,lrt has determincd that for zoning purposes Unit E Covered Bridge Buildin1,227 Brjdge Sfieet, Vail, Colorado is to be considered a "floor or sheet level" of the building. It is the Appellant's position that Unit E, Covered Bridge must be considered a "second floor" unit. Appellant is adverrsely afrecrcd by the detcnnination ttnt Unit E is considered a"floor or steet level" unit. A "floor or sheet levef' mit has the most restioted uses. The pennitted uses of "floor or street level" units are retail stores, eating and drinking establishments, lodges, and type IV ernployee housing. Tire pennittcd use of a second floor unit includes the permitted uses of the "floor or street lcvel", but also providcs for many additional uses, including but not limited to lodges, ba* and financial institutions, business and offioc scrviccs. The Community Plarning Deparhncnt determination severely impacts propefiy rights, its right to use of the property under the Town Code, the rentability and marketability ofthc real property and rvill rcsult in vacancies. The property is not in fact at sheet level. This has been ageed by the Plamring De,parfinent. Pedestiarn are required to walk up a set of stairs to enter the Unit. Unit B is a minimum of 4 feet above eueot levol- It is also approximaicly fiftcc'n ( I 5) fcot abovo grailc. This makcs it clear that this Unit cannot be considered at street level, but also makcs thc unit unattactive for thc tlpe of use rcquired on sheet level, i.e. retail use. Appellant presently has a renter interested in renting Unit E for use not permitted undar thc Planning Departnent ruling. This has limited the ability of the Appellant to tully rent Unit E. t'd g98t'0l'l cI |'|VI{I)Nflo n NOsluvc NOsluvc lldz9:g $002'lz'co( Attf,chneut2 Nature of Appcal The Commuuity Plaming Department has determinod that fsl2sning pruposes tlratUnit E Covered Bridge Building, 227 Bridge Steet" Vail, Colorado is to be consid€red a "flool or steEt level" oftie buildhg. Appellant h the owner of ?27 Covured Bridge Building, Vail, Colorado. It is important to consider the relevant dcfinitions of "basement or garden level," "first floor or sbeet levelr'and "second floor," l. A "basoment or garden level" is dcfined "as that floor of a building that is e,ntirely or substantially below grade." Of note is that the t€rm "steet level" is not part of the definition. lz-TBA,Vail Toqm Code. 2. A "first floor or steet level" is defined "as tlut floor ofthe building th+ is located at gaile or street level." 12-7F.-3, Vail Town Code. 3. The relevant languagc for usage of"second floor" is "above grade withh a strtchrre." Again the tenn "strreet lcvel" is not used. 12-78-4, Vail Tovrn Codc. It is not disputcd by the Plannirs Departncyrt that Unit E is a minimum of foru feet above the level of the steet. It is also appmximaely fifteen (15) feet abovc gradc. Unit E is noittrer at steet level, nor at grade as is required for a determination that tris is a 'frrst floor level." This requires a finding that this Unit is above both steet level aud grade md thereforc a "second floorD rurit. This position is stengthened by the fact that Unit C should be considercd a "first floor level." The Planning Departnent has dctcrnined that Unit C is a "basemcnt or garden level unit." This is not part of ths appeal duc to the lack of adverse impact which is considered intlre appeal process, i.e. Attachment 2. While Unit C is below street level, it is at grade. Inthe Code, there is a differoncc between steet level and grade and in this instanoe only the term grade is considsed . As tbis Unit is at grade, it cannot be consiilened a'basement or garden level. The definition of baseinent or gaden level is limited to "substantially below grade." The Unit must be consideted a"fust floor" unit which is at grade. g 'd 998?'0N ct't NVflll)lNtl0 | |.losluvS Nos'luvc Ildz9:9 9002'lz'co0 It is clear from the language of the Vail Torvn Code that Unit E must bc considsed a seoond floor unit ard Unit C must be oonsidered a first floor unit. It is welt established law that in interpreting statutory language, you must first look to the plain language ofthe statutc. See Inre the Maniage of Ciesluk 113 P.3d 135, l4l (Colo. 2005); see also Eeoole v. YascavaeE, 101 P.3d 1090, 1093 (Colo. 2004) Tho Planning Deparhent bas decided to ignore the stict language of the Toum Code and determine thet a Unit four feet abova strcst level and fiftccn fcct above grade is in fact at grade or stcct level. The determination by the Planning Departnent is contrary to the language of the Town Code, is legally in error and is, in faot" an arbitrary and capricious decision. This nrling is contary to the goals and policies of the community. It would create a situation were retail space would be above steet levcl and, thereforo, unattractive to potentid users. The end rcsult would be a perennially vacant rmit I 'd 998i'0N cr NV[l.l])N|i0 [ N0$luv] N0sluvc fld09:q g00z'lz'ceo Attachment3 A{iacent Propsr'ty Omerr Covered Bridgc Buildfu€ Association, hc. PO. Box2636 Edwafds,CO 81632 Pepi Spo4Inc, doJosof Orsnshammer 231 Bddge Steet Vail, CO 81657 Slifor, Smith and Frampt'on, LLC 230 Bridge Stect Vail" CO 81657 Darrid Lnther s/o CraigDentm 1116 Deer Blvd. Avon,CO 81620 I'd gg8?'0N c'll llVflll)N|'|0 [ N0sluvc N0sluvc lrid0$:9 9002 ' tz'c00 RottallWl.Crolsa. ldhh,lanatullrrn PoalR.Dlliiahrar' C1r|pCcrlssn & Dunlcr,lmr,,n, L.L.O llrrotneys at uw Dtaltel.zudtlag+ 975 N,Ta'Mrhtutue + P.O. Box 1829 Frisco,CobrfuN443 Paalagqli lvlari,a E. Rrdz CaioM.Fe[cc Par;liEial.*dgCluiroploD, Twnclulck December21,2006 llia Facsimile (970) 479-2452 and U.S' Mail Town of Vail Attn.: Warreir Campbell Deparfircnt of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Unit E, Covered Bridge Building 227 Bridge Stcct Vail, CO DearMr. Campbcll: Enclosed please find Supplerrental Attaslunemt 3. SincerelY, €r----\ Paul R. Dunkclman cs: Covered Bridgo, Inc. (970) 668-1678 + FP'J{ 1.970) 668.5121 + E,rnail: crrhon}@calmadnna + VallVallary + /970) 845-709A 7, ' d 9981'0N cll NVtilli)Ntlo t NOs'luvc Nosluvc [,{dz0:9 9002 'lz'cs0 Supplemental Attrchmmt 3 Adjrcent hoperty Owners Covered Brtdge Buildtng Assoelafion, Inc. 227 Bridge Sheet Vail, CO 81657 P.O. Box 2636 Edwlrds, CO 81632 Pepl Sport,Inc. c/o losef Oramshartmer 231 Bridge Sueet Vail, CO 81557 Gastof Granshammer, Iuc. do Pepi Gramshammer 23I E. Gore Creek Drive, Vail, CO 81657 Mountaln Haus Condominium Associetion Athr: Barbara Bariks 292 E. McadowDrive Vail, CO E1657 SliferBuildlng, LLC 230 Bridge Steet VaiI, CO 81657 Cherles Devid Luther c/o Craig Denton 227 Bridgc Steet Vail, CO 81657 1l l6 Deer Blvd. Avon, CO 81620 Charlec Devid Luther 227 BridgF Steet Vail" CO 81657 16 Paddock Road Edna, MN 55436 0 'd 9g8t'0N cll l|vrill)Nn0 [ N0sluvc N0s']uvc fidZ0:9 g00Z'tZ'c0( i ? & RParhersVeil, LLC 228 Bridge SkoeL Units A, C, D & E Veil, CO 81657 Atb.: Michacl Stutghton 228 Bddgp Sheet Vail, CO 81657 Chadec & Ellzrbsth l{och Real Ert tF T}uct 228Bridgc Shoct, thitsF & G Vail, CO 81657 411 E. 37tb stN. lVichitq KS 57201-2256 | 'd ggSt'0l{ cll llvllll)l{rl0 [ N0sluvc Nosluvc lldz8 :9 9002 ' ]e'c00 .a RonaAlV.Cartrrnlr. lludlthlarncs Cqilsort PillR.D:lgllkhrE,'. ccrJr,ccf#rffi,t.L.O Drral<el,rrnddw+975 N.TmlvlibDrrioe+ P.O. Box 1829 tuisco, Collll'a/o 80443 Par.alqdt I{ada E. Rrriz CarhM. Pelitr Paaicial-Cl.aeC*ldsnilwD,Tonclutk Deccmbcr 21,2006 Via Facsimile (970) 479-2452 and U.S. Mail Town of Vail Atfrr.: Wanen Campbell Dcpamrent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Unit E, Covered Bridge Building 227 Bridgc Steet Vail, CO DoarMr. Campbell: Enclosed please find the Appeals Form as well as tlte nccessary anachments. The Appeals Form has been sent by both facsimile and U.S. Mail. Please advise is to when the matta will be bmught bcfore tlre Planning Commission. Sincercly,q{aF--" Paul R. Dunkeknan Covered Bridge, Inc. (970) 668-rc7e + Flo(.(970) 668-5121 + Eqnail car/r;on2@qlondo.rrlr+VaIVakl + 07|l 845.7090 cc: -e o-g-u v e DEC 2i2U0 rowN oFslt n \D)l( r\l\l 7,'d 998t'0N cr NV|llIt)Nrl0 I N0SIUVC N0SIUVC |tldz9:9 900e'lz'c00 J-' $r fxtriuit c Oate5 i.pclicati<;n li4ay 20, I982 APPLICATION FORM FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS oR MODtFICATtONs lN COMI\4ERCIAL CORE | (CCl) l. This procedure is required for alteration of an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor patio or replacement of an existing building shall be subject to review by the Planning and Environment Commission. The application will not be accepted until all informatiorr is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT John Dobson ADDRESS 227 Bridqe Street Vail. Colorado 81657 PHONE476-541 6 B. NAME OF APPLICANTTS REPRESENTATIVE Ruoff/Wentworth Architects AIA ADDRESS 500 Lionshead Mall, Vail, Colorado 8le 57 PHONE476-305'l C. AUTHORIZATION OF SIGNATURE John ADDRESS olorado 816 PHONE 476-5416 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS 227 BrtLdqe Street Vail, Col LEGAL DESCRIPTION E. FEE: Check for $101.20 enclosed. F. IMPROVEMENT SURVEY: See attached survey by Interrnountain Engineering' G. LIST OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS AND ADDRE9SES: SEC AttAChEd I ist of six names. ll. SITE PLAN: See attached drawings. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: It is proposed to fill the depressed entry at the North half of the building front so that an easier access may be provided. The entry doors to the various shops will be reorganized for easier identification. e 1V4F. )-cr.,l^rt^ +v a/\u-b +ile-2. ua;i parr\ t<al'wr,tlC 1rto^"\ tf,"#.-1'^'4l-r- IIV. URBAN DESIGN COI{SIDERATION: A. Ped est r ia n iza t ion V. ZONING: Zone - Commerical Core I rf;liffiffiSf,[PPBpeeqP:1 B. The modifications proposed will widen Bridge Street in front of thebuilding thereby creating a more inviting entrance to the Village fromthe Cov.ered Bridge. Vehicle Penetration Vehicles are not allowed on this end of Bridge street. But the added /width that will be created will ease access for T.o,V. maintenance andemergency vehicles. C. Streetscape Framework The basic front and building tines which are so famitiar to our guests would fbe maintained. Tlre new work will maintain the same general chiracter asexists now . Street Enclosure The eave heiglrt of the building will remain unchanged. Therefore, the ,/street enclosure will not be chanqed. Street Edge Variations in the building facade maintain visual interest in accordance "/with street edge requirements. F. Building Height Building height will not be changed. y' Views Views on the north end of Bridge street will be improved. The work /will not a ffect views in any other directions. Sun Shade Considersations Shading patterns will be unaffected. ,,/ D, E. G. H. ,a:,l 'aa ' l8.2rl.04o B Uses - Second Floor Existing: Retail Stores 18.24.090 Lot Area E site Dimensions 4,329 square feet 18.24. 100 Setbacks 18. 2rr. 120 Height 18. Zrl. 150 Site Coverage 18.24. 170 Landscaping E Site Development Unchanged -- No Requirements Allowed: 38'Existing: 37'At Bridge Street. Z9r6u 808 Allowed: 3,463.2 sq.ft.Existing: 3,355.9 sq. ft.Proposed: 3,339,4 sq. ft. Unchanged from existing.t 8. 2ll. 180 parking E .Loading )/, '/h- .n< /,l./,)fil ar-* q AA /ttr_!l -nTTfr'rT L_rlo vvvuvv.N\I -r4#-.{-E ni ---fi*-\_.e lll r 3 ffilii g iflg! lir e !ffi 'ffi{i{ r- r+ ' --lt- ,:---.--.-_,Q ? lsg*l l= e iN5-=i I lP E l,'*-qol tlE "r li i sl ill$ - ffil '---.f_r COVERED BRjDGE BUILDING 227 ]RIDGT STREET VAIL. COLORADOrGr@mw Exhibit H TO: ' FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Exhibit l MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department March 14, 1994 A reqrlest for a major CCI exterior alteration to allow for the redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building located at 227 Bridge StreeVLots C and D and a part of Lot B, Block 5-B, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: Planner: Hillis of Snowmass, Inc, and East West Partners Mike Mollica I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicants are proposing a major redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building located at 227 Bridge Street. The project would be considered a "demo/rebuild" which would involve the demolilion and removal of the existing structure and the construction of the proposed building on this site. The proposal calls for major design modifications to the front entrance (east elevation) of the existing commercial spaces, the creation oflowgllewt-comlnelglAt spaces which would be accessible from stairs diqgg!]y,_on Brrdge_9tfeet,- the infill of the -nOnhWesf section ol tlTd broperty, the'dOOiilon of an elevator at the west end ol the building, and the addition of two upper level floors to accommodate one condominium. The exterior materials proposed for the structure would be predominantly stucco and wood, with a wood shake shingle roof. A snowmelt system would be installed in all pedestrian areas on the property and the snowmelt system would also exlend to the two exterior stairs (sandstone) on Bridge Street. These areas would be finished with concrete unit pavers, in the approved Streetscape design. As a result of the two previous PEC worksessions, the applicant has shifted the entire structure back lo within 6" of the western property line, and has further shilted the fourth and fifth floors lo the wesl approximately 4'. The Bridge Street (east) elevation of the structure is now proposed to be located approximately 7 feet back from its currenl location. The fifth floor has been modilied to provide an east-facing "double dormer", which further conceals the flat roof portion of the structure. As a part of this redevelopment, the applicants have also proposed to upgrade and improve the Town's adjacent pocket park to the norlh. The original design for the pocket park was completed by Winston and Associates and has been recently modified by the staff and Todd Oppenheimer, the Town's landscape architect. Final Design Review Board approval of the pocket park design shall be necessary. Atso included in the redevelopment, the enlire structure would be brought into compliance with all of the current building and lire codes, (the building would be fully sprinkled). Due to this project's location within the Commercial Core I zone districi, approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) of a malor CCI exterior alteration is required. The staff has reviewed the applicant's submittal, and agrees that the proposal as redesigned would comply with all ol the Town's development standards for the Commercial Core I zone district. No variances or view corridor amendments are required for this redevelopment. II. BACKGROUND AND HISTORY . On August 27,1990, the PEC approved a major CCI exterior alteration for the redevelopment ol the Covered Bridge Building. . On August 29, 1990, the Town's Design Review Board (DRB) granted final design approval for the redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building. Although there is no time limit or expiration for the previously approved major exterior alteration, the final DRB approval for the redevelopment has expired. . On February 14, 1994, the PEC held a joint worksession with the DRB to review the major CCI exterior alteration proposal. , On February 28, 1994, the PEC held a second worksession to review the major CCI exterior alteration proposal. . On March 2, 1994, the DRB held a conceptual review of the project. III. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The following is a summary of the development standards for the proposed redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Buibing: ' COMMERCIAL CORE I ZONING Sile Atea: N/A 4,675 sq. fl. 4,575 sq. ft. BuildablE Area: 4,518 sq. lt. 4,518 sq. ft. Selback: Per the Vail Village Urban N: O N: 1' Desisn Guide ptan I ):. :; ?; W: 0' W: 0'4' Heighl: 60%: 33' or less 43' to ridge 60.5%: 33 tl. or les3 4o%: 3:| fi' ' 43 tt. 39.5%: 33 ft. - 43 tt. Cornrnon Area: 1,265 sq- ft., 762 sq. ft. 1,265 iq. ft., or 35% . or 35% of allowable GRFA GRFA: 3,614 sq. tt. or 80% 0 sq. tt. 3,614 sq. ft., or 80% Unil8: 25 unils per acre, 0 unils 1 unil 2 units lor this property Site Coverage: 3,740 sq. tt., or 8fA 3,650 sq. lL, orTSolo 9,726 sq, n., s 79.7"h Landscaping: Per lhe Vail Village Urban Sanp Sarne Design Guide Plan Parking: - Per lh€ Town of Veil Raquired:22.1 spaces Required: 28.1 spaces Parking Standards Loading: Per the Town of Vail Requirgd: 1 Bequired: 1 Loading Standards Exisling: 0 xisling: 0 Commercial Uses: N/A 8,867 sq. tt. 7,671 sq. tl. Gross Floor Area: N/A 9,529 sC. tl. 12,550 sq. fl. EXISTING PBOJECT PROPOSED PHOJECT tv. The nine criteria for Gommercial Core I exterior allerations shall be used to judge the merits ol this project. In addition, the PEC shall also utilize the VailVillage Master Plan, the Vail Village Urlran Design Guide Plan, the Streetscape Master Plan and the purpose section of the Commercial Core I zone district. As stated in Section 18.24.010 of the Town's Municipal Code, the purpose section of the Commercial Core I zone district is as follows: "The Commercial Core I district is intended to provide sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Village commercial area, with its mixture of lodges and commercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The Commercial Core I district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses. The district regulations in accordance with the Vail Village urban design guide plan and design considerations prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrianways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the village." The Planning Staff finds that the Covered Bridge Building application for a major exterior alteration rneets the Commercial Core I purpose, as stated above. V. COMPLIANCE WITH THE VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN Although not specifically categorized as a sub-area, the Covered Bridge Building is specifically identified in the Vail Village Master Plan as follows: "Although it is a goal to maintain design continuity in the Village core, there will be change in the core areas built environment. This is mostly due to the number of properties that have not exercised their full development rights. The most notable among these properties are the Red Lion Building, the Cyrano's Building, the Lodge at Vail and the covered Bridge Building. lf each of these and other properties developed to their full potential, there will undoubtedly be a significant increase in the level of development in the Village core." There are many goals, objectives, and policies which are identified in the Vail Village Master Plan that are applicable to the development of the Covered Bridge Building. The staff feels that the following specifically address this project: Goal #l: Encourage high quality redevelopment while preserving the unique architectural scale of the Village in order to sustain its sense of community and identity. 1.2 Obiective: Encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residentialand commercial f acilities. 1.3 Obiective: Enhance new development and redevelopment through public improvements done by private developers working in cooperation with the Town. 1.3.1 Policv: Public improvemenls shall be developed with the participation of the private sector working with the Town. Goal #2: To foster a strong tourist industry and promote year-round economic ealth and viability for the Village and for the community as a whole. :" 2.4 Obiective:.'r Encourage the development of a variety ol new commercial activity where compatible with existing land uses. 2.4.1 Policv: Commercial infill development consistent with established horizontal zoning regulations shall be encouraged to provide activity generators, accessible greenspaces, public plazas, and streetscape improvemenls to the pedestrian network throughout the Village. 2.5 Obiective: Encourage the continued upgrading, renovation, and maintenance of existing lodging and commercial facilities to better set've the needs ol our guests. Goal #3: To recognize as a top priority the enhancement of the walking experience throughoul the Village. 3.1 Obiective: ' Physically improve the existing pedestrian ways by landscaping and other improvements. 3.1.1 Policv: Privale'development projects shall incorporate streetscape improvements (such as paver treatments, landscaping, lighling and seating areas), along adjacent pedestrian ways. 3-4 Obiectives: Develop additional sidewalks, pedestrian-only walkways and accessible green space areas, including pocket parks and stream access. 3,4.1 Policv: Physical improvements to property adjacent to stream tracts shall not further restrict public access. Goal #4: To preserue existing open space areas and expand greenspace opportunities, 4.1 Obiective: lmprove existing open space areas and create new plazas with greenspace and pocket parks. Recognize the different roles of each type ot open space in forming the overall fabric of the Village' 4.1.2 Policv: . The development of new public plazas, and improvemenls to existing plazas (public art, streetscape features, seating areas, elc.), shall be strongly encouraged to reinforce their roles as attractive people places. The staff believes that the proposed redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building would further the above Vail Village Master Plan goals and objectives. VI. COMPL]ANCE WITH THE STREETSCAPE MASTER PLAN The Streetscape Master Plan concepts identified for the Covered Bridge area include the following: "stairs connecting Bridge Street to the pocket park and Gore Creek on the north side of the Covered Bridge Building are needed. The pocket park should be improved so that it could function as a picnic area or performance site in the Village." The Streetscape Master Plan addresses paving treatments in the Village as follows: "The demarcation between the public right-of-way and private land may be appropriate to dissolve or emphasize, depending on the individual project site- The result will be to create a varied street color and texture that allows private property owners creativity, but also establishes a comprehensive design context to work within. The primary paving material for the right-of-way area of the Village core is recommended to be the rectangular concrete unit pavers. The herring bone pattern, which is proposed for most areas, is edged by a double soldier course. The intent is to satisfy the need for a simple streetscape .lreatment without being monotonous. The double soldier course also creates a point for starting and stopping pavers proposed by private developers that will be compatible with the overall phased paving design." Although the specific details of the proposed streetscape and pocket park design are described in Section Vlll ol this memorandum, overall, the staff believes the proposed improvements make a positive contribution to the quality ol the area and are in compliance with the Town's adopted Streetscape Master Plan. VII. COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN FOR VAIL VILLAGE The Urban Design Guide Plan Sub-Area concepts identified for the Covered tsridge area include a pocket park to the north of the site (with benches and planters). A "feature area" with specialty pavers is also identified for a small area immediately southwest of the Covered Bridge. The statf believes that the applicant's proposed modifications to the Town's pocket park, including the viewing plalform adjacent to the Covered Bridge and a new entry stair into the park, are in conformance with the Urban Design Guide Plan Sub-Area concept and are a positive public improvement. VIII. COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR VAIL VILLAGE The following are the nine Commercial Core I exlerior alteration design criteria, as listed in the Urban Design Guide Plan, to be utilized by the Planning & Environmental Commission when evaluating CCI exterior alteration proposals: A. Pedestrianization Staff believes that the proposed redesign for the Covered Bridge Building will improve the pedestrianization in the lower Bridge Street area. This section of Bridge Streel is basically a car-free pedestrian area; however, due to the large numbers of pedestrians utilizing this area at peak times, it is not unusual for the street to become congested. The modifications proposed for the Covered Bridge Building, as well as the modifications proposed for the adjacent Covered Bridge pocket park, would improve pedestrian circulation and would also provide additional public seating areas. The project architect has designed the building so that it would meet all the current ADA requirements lor disabled access. A "lift" would be located at the southeast corner of the property, adjacent to the south side of the main enlry stair to the second floor retail level. The lifl would be located behind a raised planter, which will assist in screening the lift from Bridge Street. The lift would provide disabled access to the lowest level ol the structure, as well as to the pocket park. From the lowest level, it is possible to access lhe main elevator at the rear of the building. All levels ol the building, with the exception of the fifth floor, would be accessible from this elevator. Staff has suggested that the design of the "lift" be modified to better reflect the alpine character of the Village, and the applicant has agreed to modify the design, subject to final Design Review Board approval. At the request of the DRB, the applicant has redesigned the southeast corner of the site to eliminate the exposed lower level commercial space, from the main stair, soulh to the Gasthof Gramshammer. This area has been filled so that the Bridge Street elevation would extend up to the face of the building, thereby enhancing the pedestrian experience. This area would be finished with conirete unit pavers (with integral snowmelt), in the approved Streetscape design. A raised stone planter would be added in lront (east) of the lift, and a bench would be added to lhe area. I Statf believes the proposed new pedeslrian access into the Covered Bridge pocket park, as well as the proposed salety railings, will be a major improvement over the existing conditions. B. Vehicular Penetration As recommended in the Urban Design Guide Plan, and in conjunction with the pedestrianization objectives listed above, the major emphasis regarding vehicular penetration in the Village is focused on reducing auto penetration into the center of the Village. Loading and delivery lor the Covered Bridge Building is currently, and will in the future, be handled in the same manner as any other building within the Village core. All loading/delivery vehicles are required to park in designated loading/delivery zones. Hand carts are then necessary to transport the goods to the individual businesses. One particular concern that staff, and the PEC, has idenfified has to do with kash pick- up tor the Covered Bridge Building. Because the only legal access for this site is via Bridge Street, statf is concerned that trash pick-up would occur on Bridge Street' Staff believes that this would be very undesirable, given that lower Bridge Street is considered a "no-vehicle" area. As discussed in more detail under lhe Service and Delivery section ol this memorandum, the staff would strongly recommend lhat the owner of the Covered Bridge Building discuss with the adjacent properly owner, Pepi Gramshammer, the possibility of allowing for service access through his site. C. Streetscape Framework The Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan recommends that it would be desirable to have a variety of 'open and enclosed spaces, both built and landscaped which create a strong framework for pedestrian walks as well as visual interest and activity.' Further, the direction of the Guide Plan is not to enclose all Village streets with buildings, nor is it desirable to leave pedestrian streets in an open and somewhat undelined condition. Staff believes that the applicant's redesign for the Covered Bridge Building creates a positive streetscape framework for the lower Bridge Street area. Along with an enhanced pedestrian experience in this area, the redevelopment would also create new commercial activity generators (i,e. additional street life and visual interest) with the addition of the "visible" lower level commercial spaces. In order to provide a visual connection between the lower level retail commercial shops and Bridge Street, the applicant has shilted the east elevation of the structure approximately 7 feet back {rom iis curuent location. This not only provides for a visual connection but it also allows for landscaping to be located in front of the building. The staff believes that the exposed lower level commercial spaces, at the northeast corner of the structure and along the pocket park, work well given lhe lower grades in the pocket park area. We support the DRB's request to infill the southeast corner ol the site to eliminate the exposed lower level commercial space, (from the main stair, south to the Gasthof Gramshammer). Statf does not believe that split-level commercial provides a comfortable enclosure lor the street, and also does not provide the character and 'Village feel" that the Design Guidelines recommend. Staff agrees with the DRB, that the infill of this area will enhance the pedestrian experience along lower Bridge Street Wth regard to the architectlral considerations, lhe staff has reviewed the project with the Town's design consultant Jeff Winston (Winston and Associates). The initial design concerns identified were that the majority ol the structure's mass and bulk should be concentrated on the western half of the property. Addilionally, staff fell that the building should step down as it approaches the eastern portion of the property (Bridge Street). Further, staff felt that the overall roof design should be simplified and that the proposed fifth floor should be architecturally integrated into the rest of the structure. Staff had also expressed concern regarding the relationship of the proposed fourth and fifth floors to the existing Gasthof Gramshammer lodge rooms (and exterior decks) to the south. Since the two PEC worksessions, the applicant has modified the building's design to reduce the length ol the solid wall, which would have extended out (east) approximately 8', from the edge of the Gramshammer fourth lloor deck. At the request of the PEC, the applicant shitted the entire structure 5' to the west, to within 6' of the western-most property line. Additionally, the Covered Bridge Building's fourth and filth floors have been pulled back, to the west, approximately 4', so that any potential negative impacts to the Gasthof Gramshammer would be lessened, or eliminated, and so that the relationship of the Covered Bridge Building, to Bridge Streel, would also be improved. :D. Street Enclosure In order to provide a more comfortable street enclosure in the lower Bridge Street area, the PEC recommended (at the initial worksession) that the applicant consider shifting the building lo the west. The applicant has complied with this request and has shifted the building approximately 5 feet to the west, up to within 6 inches of the western-most property line. This modification, coupled with stepped-back fourth and fifth floors, provides an external street enclosure which adds visual interest, and according to staff, provides a very comfortable pedestrian scale, which is the desired condition in the Village. Due to the Covered Bridge Building shifting to the west, the staif would recommend that the exposed northeast elevation of the Gaslhol Gramshammer, adjacent to Bridge Slreet, be linished with:stucco and painted to match the Gasthof Gramshammer. lt is also recommended by:stafl that Mr. Gramshammer consider adding a retail window in ' this wall area. E. Street Edge As previously mentioned, as a part of this redevelopment, the applicants have proposed to upgrade and improve the Town's adjacent pocket park to the north, as well as the building's frontage on Bridge Street. A total ol three, raised, stone-faced planters would be located along Bridge Street. ln addition, tvvo new planlers would be 9 added at the lower retail level elevation, (please see the landscape plan). Plant material proposed for the planters would include 3 Aspen, 4 Juniper, 7 Chokeberry' 3 Alpine Current, 10 Kinnickinnick and assorted mixed-perennials. To further the Vail Village Urban Design Considerations, the staff would recommend that the applicant consider the addition of flower boxes to the balconies on the building. The design for the pocket park calls for the creation ol a viewing platform/seating area adjacent to the Covered Bridge. The Streetscape Master Plan recommended benches, lighting and paver design would be utilized. A new entry stair into the park would be constructed at the southeast corner of the park, which would provide pedestrian access to the park and to the lower level commercial spaces in the building. The entire park area would be re-seeded and irrigated as a part ol the proposal' In order to accommodale the redevelopment, the applicants have proposed to remove the two existing evergreen trees which are located adjacent to the north elevation of the building. These trees are very close to the building and have grown "one-sided". The Town's Landscape Architect, Todd Oppenheimer, believes the two trees could not be relocated successfully. No other vegetation is proposed to be removed with the c0nstruction. The Town will be responsible for maintenance of the planters located up at the Bridge Street level, as well as maintenance of the planter and landscaping in the pocket park' The developer of the Covered Bridge Building will be responsible for maintenance of the lower level planter in front of the building. F. Building Height The Vail Village Master Plan has identified this property as having an acceptable building height in the range of three to four slories. A story is defined as 9 leet of height and no rool is included. This property is unique in that there is an 8-foot difference in elevation between Bridge Street and the pocket park area north of the property. During the review of the 1990 redevelopment proposal, the applicant had requested that stalf analyze and interpret where building height base elevations would be calculated trom. ln 1990, the staff made the following building height interpretations, and these interpretations were subsequently upheld by the PEC: 1. That the Covered Bridge Building site be divided.equally, beginning at the northeast corner of the property with a line running diagonal to the southwest corner of the propeny. The staff and the PEC believe that this analysis provided for a fair and equitable review of building height because it allows for the Bridge Street elevation of the struciure to be based upon the grades on Bridge Street. lt also allowed for the elevations of the building which lront north to the pocket park, and west to Pepi's parking lot, to be based upon existing grades in the park area. 10 2. That the base elevation of Bridge Street (8,161 feet) willbe used to determine heights for areas of the building which fall into the southeastern 50% of the divided property. 3. That the base elevation at the northwest corner of the Covered Bridge property (8,153 feet)will be used to determine building heights for the northwest 50% of the structure. During the PEG's 1990 review of the Covered Bridge Building redevelopment, the drawings were submitted, and were certified, showing that the proposed design could be built within the parameters of the height interpretation, and that the building would not encroach into any Town adopted view corridor. ll was in late 1993 that the staff learned that the 1990 approved drawings were not accurate and that the structure could not be constructed without a height variance and a view corridor encroachment. Although the stafl continues to believe that the above interpretation was an equitable solution to a difficult problem, (given the unique topography surrounding this structure), the staff has acknowledged that this interpretation has driven a design solution for the site which does not appear to be compatible with the design standards for the Village. From a design perspective, and from a practical point of view, staff believes that a majority of this building's upper level mass should be located towards the rear.or western po(ion of the site. However, the 1990 building height interpretation listed above forces a design solution with a majority of the building mass cenlered on the property. This is necessary in order to meet the 6040 roof area percentages. During the February 14, 1993 PEC worksession, the PEC again revlewed this issug, and subsequently determined that the building height base elevation for the Covered Bridge property could now be calculated solely from the Bridge Street elevation (8,161 feet). This PEC decision was based on the understanding that the applicant would redesign the structure so that the entire building would be shifted back approximately 5' to the wesl, and additionally, that the 4th and 5th floors would further step back to the west. G. Views and Focal Points View Corridor #1 is the view corridor lrom the steps of the Vail Village Transportation Center extending over the Village towards Vail Mountain. This view corridor was intended to provide unobstructed views of Vail Mountain and key architectural features such as ths Clock Tower and the Rucksack Tower. As proposed, the highest point of the Covered Bridge Buildingls redesign would not encroach into any of the Town's adopted view conidors. In order to avoid a view corridor encroachment, a portion of the fifth floor is designed with a flat roof. Although this has been a very difficult design problem, the staff believes that the redesign of the fifth floor roof form, and the addition ol a "double dormer" adequately conceals the flat roof from most pedestrian areas adjacent to the building. Because the project architect has recently redesigned the roof form, at the request of the staff and PEC, the staff is comforlable delaying the view corridor certification until Building Permit. 11 o tx. H. Service and Delivery Per the Town Code, an additional loading space is noi required for the redevelopmenl. No loading area exists for this site. The proposal includes a trash room to be located at the rear, or west, side of the building, Trash pickup is proposed via Bridge Street' as this property has no legal access through the rear, or Children's Fountain area. Again, it is strongly recommended that the applicant discuss with Pepi Gramshammer, owner of the property to the west, the possibility of allowing for service access through his site. Pepi Gramshammer has recently submitted plans to develop his property (currently a surface parking lot), by adding an enclosed parking garage with approximately I lodging rooms and two condominiums above the garage. l. Sun/Shade The applicant has provided a sun/shade analysis for the winter solstice (Decembei 21st), and for the spring and fall equinox (March 21st and September 21st). The analysig was conducted for the existing building and the proposed structure, and revealed shading patterns for 10:00 AM, 12:00 noon and 2:00 PM. The proposed structure will cast increased shade patterns on the adjacent pocket park site to the nonh and northwest. The stalf believes that this additional shade will have minimal impacts due to the fact that the area of the additional shading iS mainly to the northwest ol the building, and this area is heavily landscaped with large, mature evergreen trees. There will be some additional "late day' shade (2:00PM) cast on approximately 4 square feet of Bridge Street, in the area of the proposed new stairs to the pocket park' STAFF HECOMMENDATION The staff recommends approval of the applicant's request for a major CCI exterior alteration to allow for the redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building. The staff finds that this redevelopment proposal, over the course of two PEC work sessions, has developed into one which is in compliance with the Urban Design Considerations for Vail Village as well as the other Comprehensive Plan elements described in detail above. Statf believes that the project will have a very positive effect on lower Bridge Street and the entry to Vail Village. The staff's recommendation of approval includes the following conditions: 1. That prior to the Town's issuance of a Building Permit for the redevelopment project, the applicant shall verify that the proposed rool design does not encroach into View Corridor No, 1. This work shall be completed by a registered surveyor in the State of Colorado. 2. That prior to the Town's issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) for the redevelopment project, the applicant shall post a bond, cash escrow, or letter of credit, in an amount necessary to insure the complelion ol any outstanding improvements, not completed 12 o at the time of the requested TCO. Said guarantee lor completion of any outstanding improvements shall be in accordance with Section 17.16,250 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. 3. That prior to the Town's issuance of a Temporary Certificate ot Occupancy (TCO) for the redevelopment project, the applicant shall grant a pedestrian and landscape maintenance easement to the Town for the purposes of pedestrian access to the pocket park and maintenance ol the planters and pocket park landscaping. 4. That the applicant add 'divided lights" to the retail doors on ths first and second levels of the structure, subject to DRB approval. 5. That the applicant add llower boxes lo the balconies on the building, Subject to DRB approval. :jl 6. That the exposed northeast elevation of the Gasthof Gramshammer, adjacent to Bridge Street, be finished with stucco and painted to match, It is recommended by staff that a retail window be cut into this wall. c:tsrclncmc\bridge.3l,l 13 PLANT SCHEDULE ( .).F*Fi& r!'- (ll ri'Fdd hndF O **d.rr..-a !bd.s o **.-- h6.d, O B.r|- ^rfu.dEn3ffio'oF|..g' !-" liJ r(f .-*,*--*-n.t *--.|* /z-'L]r'U '*""'.-NOTEi (, z.6J l(D LJ()o E II] otdE trJ o(J F LrJ go 6B uJq 8gt-;(D- F. c.l N 5(L ao 5 PROPOSED COVEREDBRIDGE BUILDING 1 a. ${.r ,ra"-r'.a.e '\ \ \ @ Eutr * *s64rt!a.rra, BRIDCE STITEET ,.'|1^.. ,r.i !....frj L'! COVERED BRIDGE M @fuUil ili I zAl 3l(til I .!l 3l I oo .9l'" *lt \ \ \ E.O' FEF. t rloscrPE PtA{ FOR u rERW.5 & OU NthES I a os El o H F\ ttl R coNsrnucltoN .nerD ornc€ I J\*t:.. cowieo]B]RT-I) G]g SA-.R EET DECX O 8t'-8- 1.,'2" IL DECK O 91.-7"I I I I I I I o 820 I I I I azoo'l.e' I I \ \ oEct( o 9'r'-7" | |I\ll oEcK o 8r'- 8-1t2. PAWnS orElrED) r- l\LorB l,*r*"- , I ,lJ- ful-Tqfr e$6T $$:1o s$ +-l\o $_ET dT 4; it J-l $r g= L$l -J-'*s56 :.\j'1 -0 t$-' $$ 'r' ) Il I -s ig $l olttuET 1+t5FIttq0 I +lalsl FI --lI*l EI 5lr-l I \tl \-t tl l+ i1l ,.o =s 1 \ I -JN \-- '$ t\]I \l-l'lal$l 5l fl flb',a g ,r !L 6^6- \t $l -rffiiJ- \-/ THIS ITEM MAY AFFECTYOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on February 12,2007, at 1:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of an amended final plat, pursuant to Chapter 12-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for a modification to shared property boundaries, Lots 11 and 12, Bighorn Subdivision, located at 4852 and 4856 Meadow Lane, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC07-0001)Applicant Meadowlark Development Partners, LLC, represented by Greg AmsdenPlanner: Wanen Campbell A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter '12-17, Variances, to allow for a new single family residence within the front and side setbacks, located at 1895 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 26, Block 2, Vail Village West Filing 2, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC07-0002)Applicant Nancy Hassett, represented by MiramontiArchitect PCPlanner: BillGibson A request tor a tinat review of an appeal of an administrative action, pursuant to Section ' lr/ 12-3-38, Appeal of Administrative Actions, Vail Town Code, appealing a determination ;g/ul4\., made by the Zoning Administrator that for zoning purposes Condominium Unit E, r;Jl'' -L povgrgd Bridge Building shall be considered the "first floor or street level" of the building, tV 7T located at227 Bridge StreeUlot C and D, and the southwesterly fourfeet of Lot B, Block /' 5-8, Vail Village First Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Appellant Covered Bridge, Inc., represented by Carson, Carson and Dunkelman, LLCPlanner: George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Pfease call 970-479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call970479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Pubf ished January 26,2007, in the Vait Daity. Page 1 '' ,q td o lr L .-.\** .l .af---frry@s- Covered Bridee Building Notes purpose of the presentat." ,*d fot t* Co..r...c.,, l r The Community lopment De ent will present evidence and testimony that will enablf the Planning €onnnission to clearly find that based uponf series of facts, that for zoning pu{poses, Condominium Unit E, within the povered Bridge Building is the first floor or street level of the building. Most , we will demonstrate that through a series of actions and interpreted,,the Town's Horizontal 7-oning Ordinance since its inception in 1975 the regulation in any other manner is contrary to the horizontal a a a zoning intent of the Code and development goals and policies of the Town. Reference staffmemorandum, dated February 12 ,2007. Section IV - Summarize eachbullet point and present exhibits Exhibit G - In accordance with Town's Zoning Regulations, as far back as May 20, 1982, the basemenVgarden and first floor/street levels of the Covered Bridge Building have been commercial retail uses, as required by Zoning. With these facts in mind, it could likely be argued that any opportunity to appeal an adminishative or PEC action expired in 1982. However, staff doesn't even believe that debate is even warranted given the other facts ofthis appeal.. Exhibit H - Sheet A2.2 of the approved building permit set of plans indicates that a difference of 3.8' feet exists between Bridge Street the "retail landing" and "lower retail C" (Condominium Unit E). Given the topographic conditions of a mountain resort community, and the fact, that since its original construction the Covered Bridge Building has always had a grade change and a set of stairs leading to the front entrance ofthe retail spaces. Exhibit I - The Staff memorandum to the Plaruring & Environmental Commission ret-€nty states that the major exterior alteration proposal was in compliance with the applicable Zoning Regulations, e Further, the staffand PEC conclude in the report, that for the purposes of zoning, "the Bridge Street elevqtion of the structure is based upon the grades ofBridge Street." Exhibit J - Covered Bridge Building Building Permit Set, dated April 19, 1994. Exhibit K - TC, PEC & DRB approved plan sets, March 14, 15, & 16, 1994 Further affirms the proposal's compliance with the ZontngRegulations Exhibit L - PEC & DRB approved plan sets, August 28, 1982 Again, affirms compliance with Zoning Regulations and further affirms that the mere presence of stairs and a grade change does not preempt the Town's Horizontal Zoning Ordinance of 1975.*r- a a CilS - Sunclay, February t!,2OO7 PLANNING AND ENVIRONHENTAL coltt|rssroN PUBUC f,EETING February 12, 2m7 i:oopm TOWN COUNCIL CHAIiBEFS / PUBLIC WELCOME ]IIEMBERS PRESENT IIEMBERS ABSEl'IT osmv|s]rti 60 minutes't.A request for a worksession to discuss text amendments lo Tille 12, Zoninq Reou- lalions, Vail Tovvn Code, to add com;merdial linkage requirements and inclustonary zon- ing requiremenls lo lhe Zoning Regulalions lor the purpose ol mitigating employee housing impacts resulting from davalop- ment in the Town of Vail, and setlino lorlh details in regard thereto- (PEC06{0d4) 'Applicer :Town ol Vail Plannont{ha Timm ACTIO]I: MOTION: SEGOND:VOTE: l0 mlnules 2.4 rsqugst tor a linal review of an amend- od final plal, pursuant to Chapler 12-'12, Exemption Flat Flevl6w Procedures. Vail Town Code, 1o allow lor a modification to shared property boundaries, Lots 11 anq 12, Bighorn Subdivision, tocat6d at 4852 and 4856 Meadow Lane, and s€ltino forth details in regard thereto. |PECOT-000-1) Applicant:Meadowlark Development Part- ners, LLC, represented bv Cr6q Amsden Planner:Wanen Campbeil ACTION: MOTION: SECONoT VOTE: 3.A requ€sl for a linal review ot an appeal of an administrative action, oursuddl to Section 12-3-38, Appeal of Administrativg Actions, Vail Town Cod€, aDp€alino a de- termination made by the Zoniirq Ad-minis- trator that for zonirio purDoses-Condomini- um Unit E, Cowr€d Bhdge Bu qim sha b€ considered the 'first lloor or stroet level' oflhe building, locatod at 227 Btidg. Sir€eulot C and D, end ths soulhwesteity tour leet ol Lot B, Block 5-8, Vail Village First Filing, and setting lorth details io re- gard lherelo, Appellant:Covered Bridg€, lnc., represent- ed by Carson, Carson and Dunkelman, LLC Planner:George Ruther MOTION:SECOND: VOTE: 4.4 requsst lor a final review of a major exterior alleration. oursuant to Section 12-7H-7, Majot Exleiior Allerations or Modilications, Vail Town Code, to allow lor addilions to, and lhe renovation ol. lhe Landmark Condominiums: and a reouesl lor a final review of variances from Sections 1 2-7H-1O, Setbacks, 12:7H-1 4, Site Coverage. and 12-7H-15, Landscaping and Site Dev€lopment, Vail Town Code, pur suant to Chapter 12-17, Variances. to allow tor an underground parking structure and aslaircase with.in the setbacks, and deviatlons from the maximum site coveraoe and minimum landscape area requiremenls,loc$d st 61 O WbBt Linshoad Circla/Lol I , Block I, V l Lionc*nrd Filing 3, and sotino iorfi dda 6 ln Goard tfE|$.(PEC,6-OO74} - Applicanl:Landmark Condominium Association. Inc., represenled by Geott Wright PlanneriBill Gibson ACTION:Tabled to February 26. 2007 MOTIO : SECOND: VOTE: - 5.A request lor a tinal review of a varianc€, from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code,pursuant to Ch apter 12-17, Variances, to allow for a new sinole lamilv resllence within the f.ont a n d -s id;l setbacl(s, Iocat€d at 1895 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 26, Block 2, Vail Villaoe West Filing 2. and-selting forth d€tails ii regard thereto. (PEC07-0002) Applicant:Nancy Hassett. represenled by Miramonli Archiiect PC S.Adjoumment HOTION: SECOIo: VOTE: The applications and information abovt proposals are avarlable for public inspoc during regular ollice hours at the Towl Vail Community Developmenl D€partml 75 South Frontage Road. The publi' invited to att€nd lhe proiecl o.rentation t the site visits that prec€de the put hearing in the TJwn of Vail Commur Dev€looment Dgoarlment. Pl€as€ ( (970) 479.2138 for additional information Sign language interpr€tation is availa upon request wilh 24-hour notiticati Pl€ase call (970) 479-2356, Telephon€ the Hearing lmpaired, for inlormalion. Community Development D€partment Published Februarv 9.2007. in th9 \ Dait. (lt {oO) Planner:Bill Gibson ACTfON:Tabfed to Fabruary 26,2007 MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: o.Approvd of Jrurry 22, 2007 mixrb8KrTEfl: SEOOiEVOTE: THE VAIL DAILY 970.949. WOLOOTT Enioy spectacular views overloo gorgeous Vail Valley. Quiet and s 1.19 acre lot is located uo Bellvi from any highway noisb. s{01t 000 ,udd B$codr 971F9:IG577I . Gateway Land and Deyelopment www.vailpropertysearch.com Fabulous 5l+ acles. Beeutiful hand-hewr limber lrame house, 2 car oaraqe, post & beam barn Vcement floor. Biinq the horses & all your toys. Enjoy BIM access & incrcdlble views" All theaccess & ancrcdtble vierys. Al I the recreation you can imagine! 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