HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT C D COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING COVERED BRIDGE COFFEE SIGNS LEGALa Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Covered Bridge Coffee Sign DRB Number: DR8000035 Project Description: Menu box replacement Participants: OhINER COVERED BRIDGE INC LO/20/2OOO Phone: 701 SE 6TH AvE 204 DEL RAY BEACH FL 33483 APPLICANT Don & Donna List IO/2O/2000 Phone: 4'77 -2955 Po Box 3926 vai1, Co 8L558 Project Address: 227 BRIDGE ST VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: C - Block: Subdivision: COVERED BRIDGE CONDOS Parcel Number: 210108267003 Comments: no greater than 5 sq. ft. BOARD/STAFF ACTTON Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date ofApproval: ll/08/2000 Conditions: Cond: 8 No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board. Cond: CON0004473 Must sign revokabte r-of-w permit No greater than 5 sq. ft. Entry: I l/08/2000 By: ao Action: AP Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: 525.00 'L ' L L tr Fosr'l.lJ'2? b L h -L3 'r do 4 'f <F rQ 'C ') MVz+tw t.lmq ' ,rdJ"'^'l r+r'l q^t4w,,,rrd "fi/ft{ H (fu 7rt),7ry,, **f W l*r'r^{4 n v,41* * ?l t,, hl l{tl !?!3 "12 x ,,t ttao-oa f I "3rt I #1 r'vt+pwy -td t1 .i;t* EB4il@D ffiqd ",$t'.gitkffi&T,1t$fl ( 'H 0 z 0 F trl t ,r-m Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Covered Bridge Coffee Sign DRB Number: DRB0O0035 Project Description: Menu box replacement Participants: OWNER covERED BRIDGE INc IO/20/2OOO Phone: 701 SE 6TH AVE 204 DEL RAY BEACH FL 33483 APPLICANT Don & Donna List. ]-0/2O/2OOO Phone: 4'77 -2955 Po Box 3926 Vail, Co 81658 Project Address: 227 BRIDGE ST VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: C - Block: Subdivision: COVERED BRIDGE CONDOS Parcel Number: 210108267 003 Comments: no sreater than 5 so. ft. BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: Date ofApproval: 11108/2000 Conditions: Cond:8 No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail stalf and/or the Design Review Board Cond: CON00M473 Must sign revokable r-of-w permit No geater than 5 sq. ft. Entry: l1/08i2000 By: ao Action: AP Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $25.00 \ ocr- r s-ao 14 , @2 FRoM. Tov-cJDEv-DEPT .,o==rrorfa"PAGE 2,/ 3 B. n F. \:. lEGAt ADDRESS: Lot PnRCEi*i/o I oYd. _ Block:_ Fiiing:_--_ t1za2b / v -e t/ (Ccnract iagle Cc. Assessors ffice at 970-328-86<0 rcr parcel #) ZONING: ft\lWh#p NAME OF EUSNE$: BUILOII\{G NAME 6nd ADDRE55;Cot)(4-uD bqr Dtrt EUr t-Dr N h PHYSICAL ADDRESS:L'| gzt >ot- gB*.er SIGN/AWNING APPLICATION l)rs aoplicetion E :ci- eny sign Aat is iccEtei witnin ihe Tcwrr of .raii. lle:tflc requirerlen6 at-s available frorn the Deparbnent of Ccmrnunity Deveiopment. Dc€ e.?p?eE NAlvlE OF OWNER(S):Nr ON ^J I--LST MAIUNG ADDRESS: H.I{AME OF APPLICANT: I"IAIUIIG ADDRESS: PFIONE: TYPE OF SIGN {see ne}t page for cieriniticns):I Free standing - lvali Signf Hanoino Sion f-{Sign Awning Oiher, sp+:iry: ,vri z/4 ;'6i'4/4b//'*"'{^4t L. NUMBER CF SIG;VS PRCPOSE): I IIUMBER OF SiG'\,I5 ECST]NG: SIGN MEiSAGE: M. N. o r. a. R. Slcll AND LETTERING DIME\SIONS rcR EACH PROpOSaD SIGN (Attach a schernadc on 8.5" x 11" pagl: 2-'/ x3l" (tzu70c/t',^^-'-6\ b' LENGTH OF zuSlNESS FRONTAGE: N IE HFiGii-i OF SIGN(S) ABCVE GRADE: 'l 0 " SIGN LCCA,T-ION (Attaor a sii€ gian and an elevation drawing cr e chcrogrcoh riearly indicating the lt1 proposeC lccanon of sign(s)): f I L\( I MATEIIALS AND C.cLc.Rs cF SIGN (a.ttacjr samples): -llL--Wl4- tr ; ' ,'t * ,r't"A- DESCRiBE SicN ucl-iix{G' - 8/.n- -- - . FEE: s20.C0, plus 5i.00 per square foct 0f totai sign are: n , I DRE fees are to be poio at $e rirne of submitiat, ts'e PLEASE SUBMIT TI{1S APPLICATTON, AI-L SUBMITTAL R.EQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TA THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY OEVELOFMENT, 7s souTH FRoNTAGE ROAD, VAIL COLORADO 816s7. F T q'7?- /zo3 4'7? - Lgsi-* 4one RDcETvEDoCT 2 $ 2N0 rI Hil 'i[ rla o 5E-c-T\t:-) il' 5/'' /c'*'/ ca*tt*'t- "f ,l- s ' N lPA ,r," e?'^ {-?7*"C 't ^-Q..1/1 ,'L- "f'*tr | L \ 'LO " ltuct- t^"'du'J " *"n"- .t4 dr*rd *'l *!'J- o"JZ*-' a1a't*<-t- fu.-tJ aa.urq- t c"F:T cort?tEl #R#{TIfiF{IST. LANCH I Application Date APPLICATTON FOR A SIGN V'\NIANCE a aII esting d until r.This procedure is required Va{ance. The applicatl_on info\ination l-s subnitted. A.OF T\PPLICANT for any proJcct will not be acce s17 F APPLICANTIS REPRESENTA ADDRES C. NN.IB OF (print or t SIGNATURE ADDRESS D. IOCATION .OII PRO ADDRESS Such nay the Sign III. Tine Requirernents llhe Design Review Board neetsWednesdays of the month. Anacconpanying rnaterial rnust bedate of the rneeting to allow and proposed featurese? i€ necessary,€d, including site [ldinq ]ocations and adninistratorit pertinent to B. e t$o\ 0" jv\' e o I DESCRI roo.60 ies of enentted, tulty oisten!resulf ernenU I,EGAL DE E. FEE. gto II. rwo (2) copie A. Ir staten reguestedifficul inconsis would re enforcern PTfoN /trot /\ /\ /\tF folrol'\ ofl the precishf regulation F Unnecessary t with the objfrom strict,of the specif {,/ ,'\ o v' nl'leroprc,iL1\it+rtf^ffiI //'l'it\r, ,*J..flil zt {d''3w A',{)' ,j, informationt 1), \17v li tp- , nature of the .ruriln.. o \nvolved, and the practicalp\ysical hardshipct\ves of this title thatr \iteral interpretation anded tequlation. B. c. D. on the lst antl 3rdapplication with the necessarysubnitted 4 weeks prior to the'for publishing requirements. :,^ ,) If _thl_s appllcatlo-n, flgutres a separate review by any local, State orFederar ig.ency_9gh9r thin the Town-of vail,-trre "piri.itron fee sharr berncreased by 9200.0.0-_ Exanplcs of such revie;;-;Tr;;i"de, but are notellrnlted to: cororado Depart-ment of BJ.ghway a"i"ii'pui*ri",-'ei.i ;;;p;-;;Engineers {04, etc. The apprlcant sharr^be responslbre fo:. paying any publrshing fees whlchare rn excess of 50-t of the apprtcati6n-re6. idr-at the appricant,'slequest' 8ny matter.ls postpone_a rgr hearing, c"using-tt" ,r.iiei to-uure-published, then, the -entlie fee for such f6-puUfGJrfon "Gfii"-i"Iiby the appltcant ;Ap.pricat'J.ons deemed_ by, the conununlty Development Departnent to havesignJ.ficant design, rand use or other issues "tr1cn mav -h..r. . signif ieantlnPlqt on t'he cormunLty may requlre revlew uy consui[inis other itran io"nstaff . shourd a deterrninalton be made by ilie to"n-s-Gir that an o"tsiaeconsultant ls needed to rev_iew any applicitJ.on, the con*uniiv-b;;"i;il;;imay hire an outside consultantr-iC-sharr estimate the amount gf monevnecessary-to pay him or her and this amount sharl be forwardea to-itl,Town by tle applicant at the tine he file! rrjJ-apprication wirh thecommunity Deveropment Department. upon completion 6i ttre revier of irreapplication by the . conlult,ant, lni of tie funds forwaroed bt iil;appricant fo: palanenL of the consul.tint which have noL ueen plid-do iii"consul.tant sha]l be returned to the appricant. Expenses incu-rred uy ir,eTown in excess of the amount forwarded by the appricanl shalr be piio-lothe Town by the applicant wl.thin 30 dayi ot noiittcatjon uy trre ho"n.-- f""ign Review Action flrt TOWN OF VAIL ,,6{{ lruredr a/Category Numberl Proiect Name: Building Name: Project De-scription: d,,tJ Owner, Address and Phone: Architecvcontact. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot -- Block_ Subdivision Zone District Proiect Street Ad aress: 221 Comments: Board / Staff Action ----\.JMotionby: Ea'vu^a Vote:(o Seconded oyt Vo.-^^on r'/' gf opp,ouurlPp zlrlq f ! Disapproval t t { stuttepp,o *r^zf t lcl Town Date:s'n,%ll - ..ll DRB Fee pre-paiaff 3i F :a ft ,A *.-t€;? ::r re \ +- iE Fis F\l S{, !* +-:: It ru tg: J:.€: t' x*Et: 5R€ F t+ s€<lP; t{ \ --'t*ssil b* \w5r\: i \\ u'\ irrs g-=J e i^\s"l ,r't=l )Al=+\\l \sl\)\ \\,\ '.\\\A € hg tr UJzz 5o- o.CIr'4 --; o .?Co:> '., lll !ll'i; . :::,,." .i : t']J i-xl L.-i -€r \ {\ i ,nn't"ltt)*H *' I tt"ri! :/{Jo- t .:. Lil t"1. :l; t- .-: ir'! >- f:; ^': --- q-.Iu-filla--ifuv>> z4)qBlf,E-ra7|.\ :J ;iF F IJ.'26 TIJc} tJd.I {c_9 s fF ?a E \-+Lf t { b $ ,4r+sFdjlS l;q\e(tIt ',i ?t:S$ & $'sH ;s-< *, aq \ \ \ .-.& r S,l't-PS \.c,trl\u'$ \=,x=*F€\ F.g, Gramshammer $tr-eet. . a/1 )>; Covored. Bridgo'Building Pockst '-,ff,f ^r'"fs lrqurl 7tr.ut,': ilt o 66.- ffiw:fr."* n.,..., Covgrod.+ biioge i.rrr,! -.. ?LD t't.o Buiidins . ie@ E F-l !> + 61.o fropbsp 94.o ext?TttJ@ 'i r:1@'F:- s Eel h.(t-r =F' "' r' l )I4J3 U A2 /tr:7*4 TILE COPT 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 De paronent of Community Deve lopnrcnt February 2, 1995 Julie lverson and Kiendra lloover Covered Bridge Coffee Shop P.O. Box 1954 Vail, CO 81658 Dear Julie and Kiendra: This letter is afollow-up to the Design Review Board (DRB) meeting of February 1, 1995. The DRB approved a temporary location for the proposed menu box and requested that you submit revised drawings of the menu box to staff fcr review and approval. The revised drawings should indicate the nlaterials and style discussed at the DRB meeting' The DRB expressed their unanimous cpinion that the permanent location for the menu box was acceptable and stated that they would support a variance for the off-site location. Since the DRB expressed this opinion in public session, staff carr review the variance without taking lhe requesl back to the DRB. Since the permanent location of the menu box is on Town property, the request must be reviewed and approved by the Town Council. A fifteen day public notice requirement must occur prior to Council action on the variance. Thus, I suggest you submit an application ior a sign variance as soon as possible. I have scheduled an afternoon worksession with the Town Council for Tuesday, February 14, 1995. The purpose o{ this worksession is to request permission from the Council to proceed through the review process. This step is necessary since the proposed permanent location for the menu box is on Town property. Please plan on attending the Council meeting (call me for the approximate time). The final step in approving the permanent location for the menu box would be to go before the Town Council at an evening session for a final vote on the variance application. This could occur as early as February 28th il I receive your variance application no later than Tuesday, February 7, 1995. I have enclosed a sign variance application. Please complete the application and enclose the necessary supporting information as requested on the application form. lf you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to call me at any time. Sincerely, Bandy Stodder Town Planner The Covered Bridge Building Comprehensive Sign Program The purpose of the Covered Bridge Buibing Sign Program is to create a comprehensive approach to a group of signs for the entire Covered Bridge Building. The creation of a sign program will ensure that compatible, harmonious design of all the signs to be constructed on the Covered Bridge Building now and in the future. The Covered Bridge Building Sign Program shall conlorm with the Town of Vail Sign Code (Title 16 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code) as it relatss to the purpose, size, height, location, design, etc. of the individual types ol signs. The Covered Bridge Building Sign Program packet has been completed to graphically illustrate the location, lighting design, and construction materials to be used when constructing signs for the Covered Bridge Building. The approved location for each of the signs is identified on Exhibits A, B, and C in the Covered Bridge Building Sign Program packet. Any changes to the sign locations would require an amendment to the Sign Program subject to Design Review Board (DRB) approval. Each sign will be constructed of sand-blasted wood, brass and wrought iron as illustrated in the Sign Program packet on Exhibits E and F. Any change to this design would require an amendment to the Sign Program approved by the Town of Vail DBB. The sand-blasted wood colors will be determined by the Covered Bridge Building Tenant Association and shall receive final review and approval from the Town of Vail DRB before any of the signs are put in place. Bridge Street shall serve as the vehicle street or major pedestrian way as it relates to the Covered Bridge Building Sign Program. The following list identifies the type ol sign and the size of the sign for each particular space within the Covered Bridge Building: I. BUILDING IDENTIFICATION AND DIRECTORY SIGN. 1. Maximum size shall be 10 square feet. The 10 square feet shall be proportioned as follows: .1 square foot of sign area per building tenant and 5 square feet for the building identification sign. 2. The total number of building identification and joint directory signs shall be one each. II. PROJECTING AND HANGING SIGNS. INDIVIDUAL BUSINESS IN A MULTI. TEI{ANT BUILDING. 1. Retail spaces G-1 and C-2 shall have a maximum sign area of 5 square feet. Retail spaces B-1, B-2 and B-3 shall have a maximum sign area of 3 square feet. The sign area for the Covered Bridge Building Sign Program is based upon the lineal feet of building frontage apportioned to each retail space (at 1 square loot per each 5 lineal feet of building frontage). 2. The location of individual business signs within a multi-tenant building shall be placed perpendicular to, or hung from a projecting structural element of the individual business or organization, adjacent to the street or major pedestrian way which the building abuts. 3. All lighting associated with each proposed sign shall be lrom an indirect light source. The light source for each retail sign shall be downlit while the building identification and joint directory sign shall be uplit. 4. The height of each retail sign shall have a minimum clearance of 8 feet to the bottom of the sign above pedestrian ways and a minimum clearance of 15 feet to the bottom of the sign above vehicular ways. No part of the sign shall extend above 25 teet from existing grade. 5. One sign shall be allowed per vehicle street or major pedestrian way which the business abuts. On November 16, 1994, the DRB granted unanimous approval ol the proposed Govered Bridge Building Sign Program. Since the tenants of the Covered Bridge Building wish to have a joint directory sign available to them prior to the date in which the wood, brass and wrought iron signs can be completed by the manufacturer, the DRB granted the Covered Bridge Building a temporary joint directory sign. This sign shall conform with Section 16.20.040 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. The sign shall be allowed from December 5, 1994 to January 5, 1995. The temporary sign shall be no larger than 5 square feet and must receive staff or DRB approval prior to putting the sign in place. lt is not to be construed that in any instance beyond the time period identified, lhat the Covered Bridge Building may have more than one building identification or ioint directory sign. On February 1, 1995, the DRB granted approval of a menu box for the Covered Bridge Coffee Shop (RetailC-1 space). The menu box conforms to Section 16.20.020 of the Sign Code, and will be constructed using the same materials and style as the projecting signs that identify each business. The Coffee Shop will be allowed to hang a daily special board beneath the menu box in accordance with Section 16.20.025 of the Sign Code. A sketch of the approved menu box and a site plan showing its approved location is attached. The location shown is temporary and the owners of the Coffee Shop will apply to the DRB for a variance since the proposed permanent location is on Town right-of-way. The proposed permanent location is also shown on the attached site plan. I oo ryne)f 6Vr PERSON SUBMITTING JU . ---:.?to rcrisFd l2l9l93 ( PLease NAI{E OF NAME OF ADDRESS NAME OF ADDRESS 1ltQ1:L.- 44 r:t -'j D.,a "' EILIN:--J-J-J---&L OWNER SIGNATT]RE OF OWNER LOCATION OF PROJECT it,e 4 ('tef L,,ot Block Filinq DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT THE FOLLOWTNG INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THE APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDUI.,,ED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIE!'I BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION pHoNE 1"1(t -2,jdt Print or PROJECT PROJECTING, ttll oF THE SrGN/AWNTNG ETC), TNCLUDE SIGN APPLICATION DATE Ca#ez, (FREE S DING, MESSAGE.'.??- 44t.L w"f7 B. dk '1 SIGN OR AWNING MATERIAL p,u(,egn |nAktt'llDoVr* Dtlkidt- SIZE OF OVERALL SIGN,SIZE OF LETTER rNG AND toeo 5 glrr*l '- lmo , (.tsl t>f fooct- T\ 4 HEIGHT OF DESCRIBE ,lz t srcN ABovn enaon 5 LIGHTING (EXISTING OR PROPOSED) I elte.r, at'l,ah* Er H. LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGB (FT) CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAL (ATTACH ) FEE: S2O.OQ PLUS 51.OO PER SQUARE FOOT OF SIGNpen ],57/ cHEcK No. .'{/l I DATE /* REOU]RED MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION t. ,./ sire plan 2. -.1 Elevations showing exact Location of sign awning on the building3. - Photographs showing proPosed focation 4. _ Colored scale drawing 5. Sample of proposed material's 6. ; ^la< ,p lt,!l', il t/f,['' ) or Sign Administrator Photograph of sign if available 'l 1 to TO: SIGN APPLICANTS When applications for signs are submj_tted, the followinginformation is required: .1 . A completed sign/awning application (attached). 2. A site plan showing the exact location where the signis to be located. 3. A- photograph if possible and building elevat,ion showingthe location of the proposed sign. 4. A scaled drawing which detaits the design of the sign,as f oll-ows: (a) Colored exactly as eign will be.(b) A list of materials to be ueed in sign (metal, . wood, canvas, paint, etc. )(c) Photograph of sigrn if availabLe.(d) Specifi_c lettering style and size. 5. If an awning is proposed, submit drawings showingexactly how and where the awning is attached to thebuifding and how the awning is io be constructed. 6. Description of lighting that wilt be used inconjunction with the sign or awning. If proposing anawning, lighting is not alLowed to shine Lnrougn ineentire awning which calls undue attention to thebusiness. Lighting may spotlight only the actual signlettering on the awning. RECOMMENDATIONS OR POINTERS 1. Check sign code - verify site, height etc.2. Be specific. Vagueness on design, size, construction maydelay the approval of your sign.3. Measure frontage of business. APPLICATTON FEE WTLL BE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION SUBMITTAL, If this application requires a separate review by any local,State or Federal agency other than the Town of VaiI, theapplication fee shall be increased by 9200.00. Examples of suchreview, nay include, but are not limited to: Colorado Departmentof Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shaLL be responsible for paying any publishing feeswhich are in excess of 50t of the application fee. If, at iheapplicant's request, dny matter is postponed for hearing, causingthe matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for-Euch re--publication shaLl be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department tohave significant design, l-and use or other issues whicn may havea significant impact on the commrinity may require review byconsultantE other that town staff. ShouLd a deternination benade by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to FerTisl^v any applieation, cornmunity Derre.Lopment $a]r hire an outsideconeultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necesgary topay him or her and this amount shali. be forwarded to the Town bythe applicant at the time he files his application with theCorununity Development Department. Upon Conpletion of the revierlrof the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwardedby the applicant for payrnent of the consul-tant which have notbeen paid to the consultant shaLl be returned to the applicant. Expenses j-ncurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwardedby the applicant shall- be paid to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notification by the Town. tI 75 South Fronmge Road Yail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 3e FAX 303-479-2452 January 9' 1995 Depart nent of Communiry Development Julie lverson and Kiendra Hoover Govered Bridge Coffee ShoP P.O. Box 1954 Vail, CO 81658 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED Dear Julie and Kiendra: ln the last couple oI weeks, I have noted several Zoning and. sign code violations at the coffee shop. My oftice has also received a series of complaintsregarding both the outdoor Olning t"Ufbt and me daily special boards out on Bridge Street' Outdoor dining decks require the approval ol a conditional use permit by the Planning and Environmental Commissiln (PEC).. Until you have received such approval, all tables and chairs must be taken insiJe.' Bemoval of ihe tables should occur immediately' I have. . attached a conditional use permit application and a PEG submittal schedule, and would be glad to meet with you to help you complete the application' Today, I noticed two daily special boards along the stairway and another board in the window' The covered Bridge cotfee Shop is allowed one daily special board (a. rnaximum of 3 square feet in size) tocated no nigh.i than 6 feet of tn6grounO and. attac.hed to the facade of the restaurant at entry level. ]t you wish to have a diily special board in a"more prominent location, I suggest tnat you *"f." u DRB application t6r a menu box. A menu box is a permanent, free-slanding sign. The menu box Cin naue half a square foot for the name of the business plus a menu. Vou'at" allowed one menu box no taller than 6 teet and no larger lhan 5 square feet in size. The location ol the menu box is subject to DRB review and approval. Please take a look at what other restaurants have done throughout the Village t0 get an idea of what "outo n" allowed at the covered Bridge coffee..shop' There is a side benefit of obtaining approval for a menu box. You can atiach a daily special board to the menu box (hanging underneath). lf properly located, lhis would provide better visibility for the coffee shop. A DRB sign application is attached' The "Yes, We Are Open" signs must come down immediately and all but one of the daily special boards. The one ;il; Oalty speciat board must be placed adlacent to your entry door and must meet the criteria noted above' rto Ms. lverson and Ms. Hoover January 9, 1995 Page Two You are allowed two window signs, covering a total ol 15/o or less of your window area. You may also display the name of the business, hours ol operation, credit card acceptance, and similar general information items on your door, as long as the total door sign area is not more than 3 square feet. No more than half the allowed size of the door sign can be used for the name of the business. This sign would not be counted toward the allowed number of window signs, which is lwo, for your property. Compliance with the Zoning and Sign Codes must occur immediately. The illegal signs and outdoor lables must be removed immediately. lf the signs are not removed as requested, we will have no olher recourse than to contact a Code Enforcement Officer and have him cite you for violations of the Zoning and Sign Codes. lf you have any questions regarding this matter, please give me a call at 479-2138. l Town Planner fr14 Peter Dann Covered Bridge Building file XC: Sincerely, UII]TE TTATES POSTAL SENUCC - ofHctat tu3tftE8s t iltl PENALTY FOR PiIVATE usE. t300 Pd Sondor'a nrne, rddr.!r, ond aP Codo in tlr6 3p!co balow, oflnf,.irYffivEOmF{rFT' Prh to|, |n|., ddaaa and aP Codrhth. rDnbab .. m.nf,n| 1.2.3.rrdaondr . Artrdt to ffi ol lrh It rDrc. Danr*r, oth. ba dtu to b.ot ofrdd... E doi|. Illob "B.tum Faoald naq0at d' dl.o.ni ro n|| .r. vAlL@ 816'l ts, 2 wh€n Sttv|ces ata dssirod.and iteme Failure to do this will this foafoes srxt-hocF5otGs) tor additionsl ssrvicalsl rsoueatad.1. El Show to whom dolivarEd. dato. and addressee'i address.2,D R€strlctod Dolivorv 3.Article Addr€$ed to; JUL]E IVERSON AND K]ENDRA COVERED BRTDGfiSTOCf P.O. BOX 1954 vArt, co 81658 HOOVER 4. Article Numbor P 883 802 592 Type of Servic€: f,l aeeirtered ! tnrurcd 13 Cortltlod LJ CODI Express Mail tr F."lHl,lfSiS:" Always obtlln slgneturc ol addroaaoc or 6g€nt and oATE D€LIVERED. i x'lfT'i])ffiM 8.Addrasso€'s Addrcse (ONLY tf rcwcstcd ad fec ynd) 7.-Oste of Dslivory PS Fom 381 1, Mar. l9t8 r ttS.G.P.O, 1988-212-865 DOMESTTG FETUSltl RECEIPT ar SIGN CA1EGORIES hrrpose. To illuminate display windows and/or merchandise;'" Location. Subject to the approval of the design review board Rrrpose, to display current menus, current rcal estate listings or currcnt entertainment't $29, no greater ttran Eyq squnre feet;' llrnenS 16,r fi1 x a l,!aw( I!plgb!, no part of the display box shall exrcnd above six feet fromexisting grade; Number shall be as follows: * filPat4,' 1f(e' A. B. c. D. Mb]fl,'*-f -vl /vl€r'-r.. Ia"v yrlV lwt1, n,,,t'r { lu,.nq olWt. ry b"Vn furiC ea,d L*nui{q!*(-. u l. Permitted, gnedi 2. Conditional, ifE consumer entrances on distinct, separate ped$an-ways, a proposal for a second display box may be at the discretion of the d.esign review board..ffie pro conform to the other provisions of'this section; \ \ds ( f. lnition, subject to approval of the design review board; '[,t I F. Design, glass-enclosed display box, subject to the approval ofL'v\ t- .,the,{,eSisn reviey.board; 23V1 (vail ll-1693) ar ao *---_-.------ .---rc.io.ozs_@He-ily special boards shall be following: \ (SIGN CATEGORIES Lighting, indirect; Landscaping shall be as follows:l. A-landscaped area ot'rivo square fecr foieach squarc foor of each side of a permanenr ireesranding displai box mav be required ar rhe base of rhe box. G. H. 2. lf landscaping is required b1,rhc design rcview board, aplan shou,ing rhe landscaping musr bi submirred ro rhcdesign revierv board by rhc applicant ar rhc nexr design rer.ierv boa rd mccring. . 3. All landscaped areas shallbc maintained ro town standards:t. An arca no Iarger than .5 squarc feet may bc used wirhin thedisplal, bo.r ro idcnrifv the business.(ord l4(l9E:) g td. g(pair;:ord. a(19?5)$2(txJ): ord. 9(t973) $ l4(t2).) pcrmirrcd under the (A. Purpose-to display the daily specials for a given reslaurant. B. Sile-no greater than thrcc square feet,C l board shall exrendabove$+@ from exisring grade. D, Numb6r shaDbe as follows] - l. b_!4tf_5pg.SEl board p_er resrauranr permitted. Feqever, ifJ.4fusiness has two entrances on dilt$qf scpararc pcdcstrian second daily sy,et'al bdhd.shall be allowed. E. Location, affixcd to apdrovcd di or,-dnech#ot@t.' shall bc consu mi r ways, 3 )rt €*ie alr F. Dcsign-gccn-crrbtaclchal*$ea.4ryith wsoffio+der. 6.,Liqhting. none. H. Landscap.ing-no additional landscaping sha[ be requiredIn adctlrton lo landscaping prcviously rcquired for display boxes. (ord.3e(teBE) g t.) 15.20.030 Flags, pcnnrnts, banners rnd bunring. f"ll;;"r:t. pennanrs. banners and bunring sball bc rcgutarcd as 239 (Veil l-!-t9) rof Gramsharflmer Covered. &idgrs'&ilding Pocket Park ue'fs o 6l.L Osvered6.,!..b+Bridge t=e = F{ P +q7.a ftDee>p E4,o e*t2a,r&a FJ o tzTH Io ri i /-c.NTRACt r"r, a,t ,/d, / ctfe4q H4r-r- rH*1 loweeD? Da4tg -l|*-.:.fr+af SITE PLAN 4 1^il,un.n#i,1t liqVf lflg 7nd\E luroA b tntrerf QeAt - urw4urvY-A nr^PA ti*a tn tllacs t erynSnt t.wnu effi&l14 InJ $er{!*r*/il6i, JAtf 20 rugs 'l,l{ Oj ro COVERED BRIDGE COFFEE CaII inyour coffee or lunch order! 479-2883 Espresso Drinlis - X'eaturing Torrefrzione Italia Cefe Latte - espresso with steamed milk Cappuccino - espresso with foamed milk Mocha - exlpresso with stcamed rnilk and Hershey's Chocolnte Short / Tall 2.75 3.00 2.75 3.00 3.00 3.25 1.50 1.75 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.75 2.25 Americano - espne$lo with hot water and cream Cafe Au Lait - coffee with steamed milk Macchiato - espresso shot with a dollop of foam Doppio - double espnesso shot with a dollop of foam Choffee!! - half hot chocolate, half coffee Veil Blend - our rcgular house blend ($1.00/$1.2s) Sumatre - our decafhouse blend ($1.10/$1.3s) Special - rotating single origin coffees ($1.2s1$r.so) Pastries Bagel ($1.25) Mufiins (1.50) Croissants ($1.75) Filled Croissants ($2.25) Cinnemon Rolls ($2.00) Cookies ($r.50) Brownie ($2.00) Hot Chocolate ($1.?5/$2.25) Hot Cider ($r.75 $2.25) Frcsh Juices ($200) Fmit Smoothies ($1.75) Bottled Water ($1.25) Itelian Sodas ($2.00) Snapple (Sr.75) Soda ($r.00) Pastry Menu/Lunch Menu - Featuring The Dencing Beer Bakery Brcaldest Sandwich (egg,ham,checse on a bagel or cqoi*rqnt) Si.50 '.. \ )-,?- EnsrWnsr Hosprterrry /'-a{ft Beaver C reek@ Resort {t -J ,,.-) C- \ January 25, 1995 Randy Stouder Community Developer 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Dear Randy, The Covered Bridge Building Ltd., accepts the idea of a menu board for the Covered Bridge Coffee Shop. However, final decision i.e. color, type of material, location, will need to be approved by Covered Bridge Building Ltd. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you should have any concerns or request my presence at the Design Review Board meeting. Peter Dann PD/pf P.O. Box 5480 . Avon, CO 81620 (303) 949-5071 . Facsimile: (303)949"5526 @ Pritrted on recycled paper l-rto tb \< Pd - c.:,-1 t ds:]$ <- t JT{ x R F1I -3 b-:; {. 't - ,<'-6\e(d{\^r '{= f*.f { \n b d ?\tt?T-id i,+Ss oo*-< .-, q. q -l 4c{ I c9 l 1a "f & ..9 I /"'- IllI t/ YT-1 t/\ -_)!-.l> I i-\i\ rt o COVERED BRIDGE COFFEE Call inyour coffie or lunch oiler! 479-2883 Espresso Drinks - Featuring Torrefazione Italia Cafe Latte - espresso with steamed milk Cappuccino - espresso with foamed milk Mocha - espresso with steamed milk and Hershey's Chocolete Americano - espresso with hot water and cream Cafe Arr Lait - coffee with steamed milk Macchiato - espresso shot with a dollop of foam Doppio - dorrble espresso shot with a dollop of foam Cholfee!! - halfhot chocolate, halfcoffee Vail Blend - our regular house blend ($1.00/$1.2s) Sumatra - our decafhouse blend ($1.101$r.3-5) Special - rotating single origin coffees ($1.2sl$1.s0) Eot Chocolate ($1.75/$2.25) Hot Cider ($1.?5/$2.25) Fresh Juices ($2.00) Fnr it Smoothies ($1.75) Bottled Water ($1.25) Itelian Sodas ($2.00) Snapple (Sf.75) Soda ($1.00) Build Yorrr Own Sandwich (55:50) Turkey Cheddar Eam Swiss \ Roast Beef Provolone ; Lettuce, Tomato, Onion, Sprouts ,/ Eoney Whole Wheat Bread or Bagil .-.--..--*__..--.?-?......- Veggie Sandwich ($4.25) OR Brealdast Sandwich (egg,hamrcheese on a ) $3.s0 Stockpot So Shoft /Tall 2.75 3.00 2.75 3.00 3.00 3.25 r.50 1.75 1.75 r.50 1.75 1.75 2.25 Pastry Menu/Lunch Menrr - Featuring The Dancing Bear Bakera Pastries Bagel ($1.25) Mufiins (1.50) Croissants ($1.75) Filled Croissants ($2.25) Cinnamon Rolls ($2.00) Cookies ($1.50) Brownie ($2.00) i.rii JA hI i i i,:1.L'. ? .q 'CAC .. \..__----- ' ""Specially Desserts Alsol Ask as... , : ',' daily choices rf Gramshammer Covered. Bridge'Building rtl )afit 1'L.a 6,t.b+ + €,7,a froftE5? E4,o e*teTtrJ@ I Covered Bridge '-ae E F-.1 p { -ft,-1v.r,|. Hrt',,et,'tqb.t ,s.' I tt'.rB,! eL0 A1.c '&L ib.e F F.B H F!t4tr=n'. ..' r' 1-.t .e rz tF{ ,-{ -t t F //-coNTRACT LIMT'LtN ,// qa4g F{A'-L r''t1 G6let zaP >?4l<-eai'te4tT SITE PLAN f tt r-lg: 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 May 3, 1995 Julie Iverson and Kiendra Hoover c/o Covered Bridge Coffee Shop 227 Bridge Street Vail. CO 81657 Deparnnent of Community Developtnent CERTIFIED MAIL #P884 272 7s7 RE: Covered Bridge Coffee Shop Sign Violation Dear Julie and Kiendra: The purpose of this letter is to inform you that the projecting sign and third window sign at the Covered Bridge Coffee Shop are in violation of the approved Covered Bridge Building comprehensive sign program and thc Town of Vail sign code (Title 16 of the Municipal Code). The Covered Bridge Building comprehensive sigu program was approved by the Town of Vail Design Review Board on November 11, 1994. The purpose of thc signage program is to create a comprehensive approach to the group of signage for the entire Covercd Bridge Building. The sign cunently in place for thc Covered Bridge Coffee Shop is not in keeping with the approvcd sign program. According to exhibit "F" (enclosed) of the approved comprehensive sign program, the projecting sign is to bc 5 sq. ft. in size with an oval shape. The sign you currently have in place is a rectangular-shaped sign which does not fit into the oval frame provided by the owners of the Covered Bridge Building. It is the Town's understanding that when you reccived approval for the off-site menu box and daily special board, you agreed to remove the existing rectangular- shaped sigrr (and reptace it) with the approved oval-shaped sign. Furthermore, it is the Town's understanding that you had agreed to have the appropriate oval-shaped sign placed in the oval sign frame providcd by no later than April I, 1995. Additionally, a site visit to the Covered Bridge Building on Tuesday, May 2, 1995 confrmed there are currently three window signs displayed at the Covered Bridge Coffee Shop (coffee, espresso, pastries). Pursuant to Section 16.22.160 (window signs), the maximum number of window signs shall be two per frontage. Therefore, one of the existing window signs must be removed. We would appreciate your cooperation in rcsolving this matter. We ask that the nonconforrning rcctangular projecting sign be removed within 24 hours of rcceipt of this lctter. Thc Town would further ask that the window signs be brought into compliance with the Town of Vail Municipal Covered Bridge Coffee Shop'Julie Iverson and Kiendra Hoovcr May 3, 1995 Page2 Code by no later Monday, May 8, 1995. Should the illegal signs remain or be reinstalled at a later date, the Town will have no other choice than to cite you for violating the Town of Vail Sign Code. Should you have any questions or concems with regards to the information addressed in this letter, as always, please do not hesitate in giving me a call. I would be more than willing to work wittt you in resolving this matter as quickly as possible. Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter. Sincerely, fhn*Q'*A*'t Ceorge Ruther Towu Planner xc: Town Council R. Thomas Moorhead, Town Attomey Susan Connelly, Community Development Director f:\cvcryonc\eorge\i:ttertbcs.503 TILE COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorada 81657 303-479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 May 3, 1995 TomBoselli Boselli of Vail,Inc. Box 250 Va4 CO 81658 Department of Communiry Development RE: Covered Bridge Store signViolations Dear Tom: On Tuesday, May 2,1995 I spoke with your store manager Jeff, regarding the Town of Vail sip code violations at the Covered Bridge Store. I indicated to Jeffthat a site visit to the Covered Bridge Store on Thursday, Apil27 , 1995 confirmed that the following types and numbers of signs were on display at the store: r . two 'lies we are open" signs. two display rack signs - "sale 50Vo off' ' ten window sips - "Covered Bridge Store, Sale, Clearance, etc." Pursuant to Title 16 of the Municipal Code, the Covered Bridge Store is permitted the following types and numbers ofsigns: ' one projecting, hanging or wall sign - 5 sq. ft. maximum (existing)I one "open" sign - I sq. ft. maximumI otre display rack sign - 1 sq. ft. maximum. one joint director sign - 1 sq. ft" mtu'dmum (existing). two window signs - 15% of the total square footage of the window space in which they are displayed In our telephone conversatio'n, Jeffindicated the illegal signs would be reuroved and that the Covered Bridge Store signs would be brorght into compliance with the Town of Vail Sip Code. The information listed above accurately identifies the number and types of signs pennitted oa the premises. This inforrration should be of help to you as you proceed towards bringing the sips at the Covered Bridge Store into compliance. Boselli of Vail,Ino. May 3, 1995 Page2 We would appreciate your cooperation in resolving this matter and ask that the illegat sigrrs be rernoved by no lals ttan Monday, May 8, 1995. Should the illegal sips renrain or be reinstalled at a later date, the Town will have no other choice than to cite you for violafing the Toum of Vail Sign Code. Should you have any questions or concerns with regards to tbe information addressed within this lefrer, as always, please do not hesitate in giving me a call. I would be more than willing to help you resolve this matter in any way I can. Thank you for your immediate afiention to this matter. Sincerely, fJ^t-Q-u^-a George Ruther- Town Planner xc: Town Council R. Thomas Moorhead, Town Attorney Susan Connelly, Community Development Director F.\wcryorloolgc\lctcdboselti503 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORAI{DIT}I Covered Bridge Sign File Randy Stouder 3/23/e5 DRB requirenents for Covered Bridge Coffee ghoB The DRB approved a menu box and daily special board (double sided- same content) for the covered Bridge Coffee Shop wiEh Ehe condition LhaE the box be mounted d.irectLy ont.o the village light pole aU thetop of the stairs with the same mounting brackets that are used onpermanent shop siqns at building. The box is currently mounted ona wood pole adjacent ot the light pole. The daily special board had to be mounted in a hardwood frame and hung below the menu box. The owners of the coffee shop have untiL 4/L/95 to comply with these conditions. ilsign Review Action Flm TOWN OF VAIL 4 Category Number_______jl=_oate it/tt/t4 Proiect Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: ArchitecVOontact, Address and Phone: .al Legaf Description: tot L'/D Bloct< 5-13 SuMivision Zone District Cef Project Street Address: Comments: i--v 'tiJ-r-tE , ,eaiD€taff Action Motionbyi &-.,&J€ Vote: 5-O Seconded by: 6. , -.- ,- . , ,.. ,. , . . ,.' ,W Aontovat ! Disapproval ;l StatfApproval Conditions: DRB Fee Pre-paid 1 rJtr I LV aa APPI.ICATIOII ,@ I||rr{llltfl (Phcre NTUE OF ltAl{D 9v Erln! or lYprlpRoJsct ISBSON EUBMITTIHE }DDSSss IIA!dE OF ADDREB gIcNAlf,fiE or ouhtm IOCATIOH OT TNOJECf IEVIEil EglBDr I, DESCRIDTION FAOJECTIUC, OF lHE l8C) ' (FBES BIAIIDISC, btAL!' EAO8. vtlv D, E. HEICHT OT DESCRTFE IrtrgltllN0 (EXI8'IIHC 0& PnglOrlD) Sr 0. llr tENcrH Ol EugIl{E8s rnoTEiG! (!E) CONDOI{II{IUH AEEOCIAE89II APPEOI|AI/ . '/-JAETAq4) ' " $ili U'4'Srilio$ol'*'24'21'to'f"\'lYb' r @- Ettr ?lmiilirll6ii. rhcwins rilrct roertlen ot qvnlng on. !h.. bulldlne Fhotograprr - rno'rrrng gioporeC locltton cotrorcc Eesll clrwlng lilEll'li'Tiolili T!'iiliiio" .isn o,lr- l t -.--- 3r- {.-5.-5,- Lotdl.f4 qrgqk S'14 tr-l t l'ra,., thF*r -,,,. ,,, , ,-,, r ., - DESCRIDEION OF EROJECT TtrE FOTLOWINC INFORI{A{IO}I 18 EEgglBEl FoR EUD|IITIAIj EY THE eFsliCANr inion, ro-fnr REoUEEFffitr SCHEDUIpD sEFoRu ?llg DEstcN sIGN/AilNlrc INC&UDT-EIEW E.8r0}r 0B Atrllllfo !{rrEn$L Cr FrsE 0p ovEnAt! slollr SIIE 0t EloN AB9VE On}D5 slgn tdnrinlsErrter The Covered Bridge Building Comprehensive Sign Program The purpose of the Covered Bridge Building Sign Program is to create a comprehensive approach to a group of signs for the entire Covered Bridge Building. The creation of a sign program will ensure that compatible, harmonious design of all the signs to be constructed on the Covered Bridge Building now and in the future. The Covered Bridge Building Sign Program shall conform with the Town ol Vail Sign Gode (Title 16 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code) as it relates to the purpose, size, height, location, design, etc. of the individual types of signs. The Covered Bridge Building Sign Program packst has been completed to graphically illustrate the location, lighting design, and construction materials to be used when constructing signs for the Covered Bridge Building. The approved location lor each of the signs is identified on Exhibits A, B, and C in the Covered Bridge Building Sign Program packet. Any changes to the sign locations would require an amendment to the Sign Program subject to Design Review Board (DRB) approval. Each sign will be constructed of sand-blasted wood, brass and wrought iron as illustrated in the Sign Program packet on Exhibits E and F. Any change to this design would require an amendment to the Sign Program approved by the Town of Vail DRB. The sand-blasted wood colors will be determined by the Covered Bridge Building Tenant Association and shall receive linal review and approval from the Town of Vail DRB before any of he signs are put in place. Bridge Street shall serve as the vehicle street or major pedestrian way as it relates to the Covered Bridge Building Sign Program. The following list identifies the type of sign and the size ol the sign for each particular space within the Covered Bridge Building: I. BUILDING IDENTIFICATION AND DIRECTORY SIGN. 1. Maximum size shall be 10 square feet. The 10 square feet shall be proportioned as follows: .1 square foot of sign area per buiHing tenant and 5 square feet for the building identification sign. 2. The total number of building identification and joint directory signs shall be one each. II. PROJECTING AND HANGING SIGNS. INDIVIDUAL BUSINESS IN A MULTI- TENANT BUILDING. 1. Retail spaces C-1 and C-2 shall have a maximum sign area of 5 square feet. Retail spaces B-'1 , B-2 and B-3 shall have amaximum sign area of 3 square teet. The sign area for the Govered Bridge Building Sign Program is based upon the lineal feet of building frontage apportioned to each retail space (at 1 square foot per each 5 lineal feet of building frontage). 2. The location of individual business signs within a multi-tenant building shall be placed perpendicular to, or hung from a projecting structural element ot the individual business or organization, adjacent to the street or major pedestrian way which the building abuts, 3. All lighting associated with each proposed sign shall be from an indirect light source. The light source for each retail sign shall be downlit while the building identification and joint directory sign shall be uplit. 4. The height of each retail sign shall have a minimum clearance ol 8 feet to the bottom of the sign above pedestrian ways and a minimum clearance ol 15 feet to the bottom of the sign above vehicular ways. No part of the sign shall extend above 25 feet from existing grade. 5. One sign shall be allowed per vehicle street or major pedestrian way which the business abuts. On November 16, '1994, the DRB granted unanimous approval of the proposed Covered Bridge Building Sign Program. Since the tenants of the Covered Bridge Building wish to have a joint directory sign available to them prior to the date in which the wood, brass and wrought iron signs can be completed by the manufacturer, the DRB granted the Covered Bridge Building a temporary joint directory sign. This sign shall conform with Section 16.20.040 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. The sign shall be allowed from December 5, 1994 to January 5, 1995. The temporary sign shall be no larger than 5 square feel and must receive staff or DRB approval prior to putting the sign in place. lt is no! to be construed that in any instance beyond the time period identified, that the Covered Bridge Building may have more than one building identification or joint directory sign. -T6, Oaiaonnl , Wq-o4st i fto*' SooU. 6otn^n, [Y\DP""rA C**,lc*B\ b^dqe 6"{}49ru - lqnt 0 U= 0"u*""d &idXn hS0** Si?ntu I _ ,t r3r. ,l t\\Ilf{\D = ,uJ[ o^.4. p\a,r^inq h \r^6'a $" eo,,{,'-a k,*"* S ,b}a P\ou,r'"q olop**H. t'g s) ' b*$ ur1 wqutA', \rYr +.., rJX " 6ruoL+as\ '!u^Lt" . -'l'- \oo\b,^$ bV(Ka)., l tl i at6b9L''aL6 I l.f d I s: zl zaaz-l r -s3l33JJO339{r r Ugcf :{3AOC .tA!a- 1!-ar I I r lE Plgll r TgV-COII-DEV-9EF1 .lD r l70{7!2aEr Irnde(t Nams: Porect D€crlptlonr PanicipanEt ProrectAdrurll l,.egcl Dcplptlonl Flrcd Numbcfi Smm.nts: Deslg n Revlewi Actlon Form TOWN OF VAIL CowrcdBriltgo Cotror Sip Mcru bor rrplrscnrnt ot{uSn ggvtnlD ErrDcE lt{c ?01 gt sfit Avt 201 DEr, rAY !8,[Cil t! t3183tpPllclllB Don t DoBttr ti.t to Eol( 3926 Vrll. ;o Slas Lott c . Bock AJbdlvblonr covERED 8ru008 col,lDolt I 210r08257003 ag[hf 0u5,q.n " ' l DRE Nurnber: D8tm003t l0/20/2000 9106.; t012012000 Pborer 17?-I95E I ls4lon: FA(iE t{ofion 6y: S.cond By: vote: CondEonc:' Cond:8 I EOAFD/fr FFACTrOil | I i raon: elurmn I DeF of APP,uhl:I l/00/2000 I No clrng* to Sc plrrl rnry bc rardc l|futt 6o vri*n conrcnt of Towq of Yail rtcffrnd/orthaDcipRtvi$YBoad, | | 'cod: CONm044?t ! lftrrt riga rwotablc r.of.r P.Indt No grcrrrthlotiq,tr Euryr ll/1f,2000 By;ro Plmner: Allircn Ochr AcLo:lF DRB Fcc PddI sr5.00 I z6'd a!€!9_L}bL6 g3JJO339(I r ns(I3:r3AOC l.f d I9: Zr Z06Z-2I -S3J FEA-L3-2A92 12232 Pn COVEREDAR I DGECOFFEE 976+76494e P. g3 \ ti.--,rrr=rui.,.d{!.iff\ iti { .tih,...i t ,'j'',ff;, t- *Ltl:. t'""*tt,.' r&, qi. -t!.i,!rr..*1 .:.,,i. .i.i;.n!-,, ' ;,i, .:i':j.ili.. : j:' :ti:.i li.iii,i:i.iil .i'i:.i i +;: ,rij;' ' .::il' ,/2 d tt t c F F F't h JZ t.tt- att rtG FJ \t pAcE F rD r €?la ?!t{E,- l!-oz l l r lE Flotrl. 8ov - COlt-O!v- 9gFT ' d$$'f ? f-s.s ist|l-E'r. +tr -.-=J,,==- JAt{ I i F y lr St{'t lt{ $l I{ $q r$ I I Tt t! I I - I I t, I a a tt rtE - rtt-r I{oxtril,it tiirt -+ t,rl I o F * \\D Irfl \ I(F ,C-.-v $J iiil '.r8gg lrltDrg T lv*l 33lloc33c r uag3u3Ao3 l,.l d zE: zl zggz-2 r-€I3let699LbAL6 I tr.3 t'9 'd