HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT C D COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING PROJECT MANUAL 1994 LEGALCOVERED BRIDGE BUILDING EXTERIOR COLOR SCHEME FASCIA STUCCO. DOORSIWINDGWS bUILUIN(, I.,EKMI I A}'I'LILAII(JN !',0q'.;of 'I{-lhlli Of VAILJ u risd ictio n Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. pt o FJ :r5 P -i PE RM IT FEE Divislon Max. Occ. Load Fire Sprinklers Requlred n\',es U n cover ecl ! OF FsTREET PARKING Cover ed ', ./ '':P,<' '"/),:.* ,:".: .;,. f:/r,. ,.-'.:._ .r:", , (i rsEE Ai racF aD srrEETl ) ,."- ' --- )""" !u'/':'j ";i 5 }-':':' 1'/i ,t; ':4t' ., ;4 L- i. t.r'"; f.,,, Describe work: 10 Change o{ use from Change ot use to 1l Valuation ol work: $ -.';/'- .J .? "t, t,t.t PLAN CHECK FEE Occu Pa ncy Group SPECIAL CONDITIONS. No, ol Stor ies Size ol Bldg. { Total) sq. Ft L CAT ON ACCEPIED BY APPFQVEO F(JF SSL-]A^.]CE BY No. of Dwclling U nits NOT IC E SEPARATE PERMITS AFE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENlILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NU LL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TlON AUTHOFIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WOI]K IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIN/E AFTER WORK IS COM. I\4 E NCE D. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAi I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED TI]ISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE AND CORRECT,AL-L PROVISIONS OF LAV'/S AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING TulSTYPE OF WORK WlLr BE CON,IPLlED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED ZONING HEALTH DEPT. FIRE DEPT. SO IL REPORT OTHER (Specify) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED {IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PEHMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.o. CASB PERI\4|T VALIDATION cK. M.o. .{;', t 1s!11 /i/- - C, { JI/LL t'{ l:'f/iu ..")//': rJ /Vl/ \ r/' 1 ' '- / ! /.-L,<t"ri/ i- I :.: JLo , 5:... , .-.au.. j t^, TEI,4P F I LE FOTrn 10O.1 9.69 RLORD:F FFOV; ]NTERNATIONAI CONFERENCE OF BI,]ILDING OFFJCiAL-S ' gO SO, L'5 ROSLES ' PASAOENA CASH 1- i /!r,/l \- CALIFORNIA 91IC! o, T r-rr' .J:r -l l' I t I I I I I f' I I I I lr, l'o o PROJECT MAIIUAL FOR COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING 227 BRTDGE STREET VAIL, C0L0RAD0 PROJECT NO. 9303 ARCHITECTS GI{ATHI.IEY PRATT SCHULTZ ARCHITECTS, 1OOO SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD I.IEST vAIL, C0L0RAD0 81657 0 I'IARCH 28, 1994 PROJECT ]',IANUAL FOR COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING 227 BRIDGE STREET VAIL, COLORADO PROJECT NO. 9303 ARCH ITECTS GWATHMEY PRATT SCHULTZ ARCHITECTS, 1OOO SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST vAIL, C0L0RAD0 81657 MARCH 28, 1994 I t I PROJECT DIRECTORY Covered Bridge Building 227 Bridge StreetVail. Colorado I I I I I I I I I t t t I I I I Gwathmey Pratt Schu1tz Architects, PC 1000 South Frontage Rd. l.l.Vail, C0 81657 (303) 476- 1147 Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. Post 0ffice Box 1597 Avon, C0 81620 (303949-77 68/800 466- 1660 Grand Valley Consulting Engineers 827 Rood Avenue Grand Junction, C0 81501 (303)245-3t77 Slifer Designs Post Office Box 1617 Avon, C0 91620 (303 )94e- 1621 Specifications Consultants, Inc. 2345 N. Academy Place; Suite 100 Colorado Springs, C0 80909 (719) 574-0037 Eagle Valley Surveying, Inc. Post 0ffice Box 1230 Edwards, C0 81632 (303 ) 94e- 1406 Fi el dscane Post Office Box 1871 Avon, C0 81620 (303 ) 845- 904s J.L. Viele Construction 1000 south Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81567 (303 ) 476-3082 Archi tects Structura'l Engineers Mechanical and Electrjcal Engineers Interior Design Soeci fi cati ons Surveyors Landscaoe Arch'i tect Genera'l Contractor GPS 9303 t I I I I T g3/25/94'UrT tr 7195740S37 TABLE OF CONTEI.ITS FOR PROJTCT I.IAIIUAL COVERII] BRII}GE BUITDING 227 BRIDOE STREET l/AIL, COLORADO PROJECT NO. 9303 MARCH 28, 1994 SPecConsr.i -:o I I 00100 00200 00700 00800 l-2 '|I II r-10 Instructlons to Bidders lnfonnation Available to Eidders ceneral Condltions Suppl ementary Condi tions I I I I I I I t I I I 0lvISl0ll 0r010 01020 01030 0104s 01050 01060 01091 01092 01200 01300 01400 01500 01533 0I600 01700 01710 I - CE]{ERAI REqUIREMENTS Surmary of }lork Al I o*ances Al ternrtes cuttlng and Patching Field Engineering Regul atorY Requl rement Reference Standards Abbrevi atl ons Project l{eetings Subml ttal s Quality Control ioniir-uciion Facilitles and Temporary Controls Tree and Plant Protection llaterial and EqulPment Contract Closeout Flnal Cleaning l-2 r-2 I l-3 t-? I I L.? L-2 t-5 1-3 l-6 r-2 l-5 1-5 l-2 l-3 t-? l-6 L-2 l-2 t-2 r-3 l-6 t-3 l-6 OIVISIOI{ 2 . SITEIIORK02050 Denol iti on02160 Excavation Support SYsten 02200 EarthworkO22lL Boulder Placementorii} liope nrotection and Erosi.on Contro'l OZsre Conbrete Pavers - Sand Bed 02519 Stone Paving 0252L Concrete Sldewalks 02710 Subdrainage SYstem 02810 lrr'lgatlon SYstem GPS 9303 04t50 04200 04270 04400 04f55 DMSl0ll 05120 05213 05310 05400 05500 05510 DTVISION 06100 06116 06200 06275 06f10 46422 DIYISION 07113 07r60 07195 07210 07240 07270 07317 07532 07600 07900 079t2 ilasonry Acccssorles unit llaionry 0lass Unlt l|asonry Stone Stone Countertops 5 - IETAIS Stnuctural Steel 0pen l{eb Steel Joists Steel Deck Cold Formcd l,letal Framinglhtal Fabrications iletal StalrE 6 - t{0(D AltD PLASTICS Rough Carpentry cypsun Sheathlng Flnlsh Carpentry l{ood Door Frames Gustom Casaork Stlle and Rall Hall Panellng 7 THERI4AI. AIID I,IOISTURE PROTECTIOI{ t{odlfied Bltumi nous sheet l,lembrane },aterproofing Bl tumlnous Dampproof i ng Alr Infiltration Barrier Butldlng Insulatlon Exterior lnsulation and Flnlsh System Fi r€stoppl ng lhod Shake Rooflng Ellstmeric Single Ply Roofing Flrshing and Sheet l,letal iloint Sealers Prccompressed Foan Compresslon Seals t-J l-2 l-8 l-3 1,5 l-3 l- 11 1-4 l-4 1-3 1-3 t-3 l-3 t-2 l-4 L-2 l-3 l-3 1-5 t-2 t-2 t-2 l-3 1-4 l-3 l-5 l-4 t-6 I I t I t T t I I I t T T I I I t I I GPS 9303 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I g3/25/94 t 7 t9=7 45437 sElCo. suI le Dtvlstor{ I - D00Rs AND [til001{s08110 Steel Doors and Frames08210 l'lood Ooons08213 l,tetal Clad l.Iood Doors and Frames08305 Access Doors08314 llirrored Closet Ooors08410 Aluninun tntrance$ and Storefronts08520 Aluninun ldindous08611 iletal clad Hood ulndofis08710 0oor Hardware08800 Glazing0E815 ill rrors DIVISIOI{ 9 - FI]IISHES09261 Gypsum Board Partltlons and Halls09262 Gypsum Board Cellings and Sofflts09300 Ti le09450 Stone veneer llall Finish09550 l{ood Flooring09680 Carpet09900 Pa'l nil ng09950 t{all Coverlng DIVISIOI{ IO . SPECIALTIESi0305 l,lanufactured Fi repl aces10522 Flre Extlngulshers, Cabinets and Accessories10800 Bath Accessories10826 All Glass Shower Enclosures orvrsroil 11 - EqUIPI|ENT11180 Laundry Chute11452 Resldentlal Appliances11460 Steam Shower Equipnent DIYISIOII 12 - FURI{ISHINGS r{01rE RTQUIRED DIVISIO]I 13 . SPECIAL CONSTRUCTIOI{l3l/4 Hot Tub DIyIStolt 14 - CoilVtyIilG SySTEilS14240 Hydraulic Elevator14420 Handicapped Lift DIvlsIOtl l5 - I,IECHAIIICAL15010 General Pmvlslons15020 t{ork Included15023 codes, Fees, Perilits, & Standards15030 Electrical Reguirements for l,lechanicai Equipment15042 Tests150/t3 Balancing of l'lechanical Systems15045 Results Expected l-5 l-4 1-3 t-2 1 t-4 L-2l-2 t-4 l-4 L-2 I-5 1-4 l-4 1-4 l-3 1-3 t-6 t-2 t-2 L-2 1 I t-? L-2 I t-2 1-5 t-4 L-2l-2t-2 l-5 It-2 I GPS 9303 6s/25/e4 tt'C Irrlgatlon System Furnl shl ngs 3 - C0I|CRETE Concrete Formwork Concrete Rei nforcement Fibnous Reinforclng Gast- ln-Place Concrete Grout 4 - il :ioltRY ilortdr llasonry Accessories Unlt l,lasonry 0lass Unlt ilasonry stone stone countertops 5 - l,tETAUi Structural Steel 0pen Ueb Steel iloists Steel Decl Cold Formed l,letal Framtngiletal Fabrlcations liletal staifs 6 - I{OOD AIID PLASTICS Rough Carpentry Qypsun Sherthlng Flnlsh Carpentry l{ood Door Frames Custom CaseuorkStlle and Rail t{all Paneling 7 TtlERl,lA[ AND II0ISTURE PROTECTI0]{ l,lotllfled Bltuninous Sheet ttlerbrane l{aterprooflng Eltuninous DampproofingAir lnfiltration Barrler Eulldlng Insulatlon Exterior Insulation and Flnlsh System Fi restoppl ng llood Shake Rooflng Elastarcric Slngle Ply Rooflng Flashlng and Sheet l'letal .lolnt Sealers Precunpressed toam Cmpression Seals 8, 71957 4AA37 sSons'rl tr t-rl r-3 t-2 l-15t 1-3 L-2 1-8 t-3 1-5 1-3 1-ll t-4 1-4 l-3 t-3 r-3 1-3t-2 1-4l-z l-3 1-3 l-5 L-2t-2l-2 l-3 l-4 1-3 l-5l-4 1-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l-8 I 02811 Drlp02870 sfte DIYISTOI{ 03100 03200 03240 03300 03600 DMSl0ll 04100 04150 04200 04270 04f00 04455 D I VIS IOII 05120 05213 05310 05400 05500 05510 Dtvtslotl 06100 05116 06200 06275 06410 06422 D lv ts I01l 071t3 07160 07L95 072t0 07240 07270 07317 07532 07600 07900 079t2 I t I t I 6Ps 9303 1--:"ntu(}-'1"43,/2 B 71937 49937 t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I 15047 t 5048 15050 15200 15250 r5400 15500 15600 I5700 15800 1s850 15900 DIVISION 16010 160l l 16111 16120 16130 16140 r614t 16164 16165 16170 16400 16430 16450 16500 16502 76723 16140 16750 16851 r6859 Identl fi catlon Halntenance Contract Basic ilaterlals & Methods Technical SPeclfications Insul ati ott Plumbi ng Fire Protection Sprinkler Systeill Power or Heat Generation ilatural Gas PiPing Air Dlstribution Snow Melting System Controls & Instrumentation 16 - ELECTRICAL Electrlcal SPecial Provislons Submtttal Requl rements Condrti t Systeflts Hlre and Cable Outl ets l{l ri ng Devi ces Exterior Lighting Control Brtnch circuit Panelboards Branch Clrcuit Load Centers Firsioie anrl t{on-Fusible Safetv switches Electrical Servlce Entrance tlulti -Ueterl ng Equi Pment Groundi ng Lighttng SYstem Bal I rtts Fire Alarm Systen Ielephone Slbnal Distribution Svstem TY Siqnal Distribution SYsten l{echaii cal /Electrical Coordi natl on Electric eirtter Snovt ilelt Systeil L-2 t-2 l-6 t-2 L-t2 l-9 1-8 I-3 t 1-5 1-3 l-10 l-3 l-5 r-3 1-3 1-4 L-2 I t I It-2 I 1-3 I-2 1-6 t-? r-2 I t-2 GPS 9303 I 2. 3. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D0cuMEilT 00100 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS CONTRACTS The General Contractor for this project is: J.L. Viele Construction 1000 South Frontage Road tlest Vai I , Col orado 81657 (303) 476-3082 Except as indicated othenrise, all work under this contract will be under the direction of the General Contractor The successful bidder(s)will execute a subcontract or purchase order with the Genera'l Contractor on the General Contractor's standard forms. Wherever the words Contractor or General Contractor are used in the Project Manual, they shall mean J.L. Viele Construction Co. STATE AND LOCAL LAI{S Bidders are expected to familiarize themselves with the laws and acts of the State of Colorado and the ordinances and regulations of The Town ofVail and Eagle County. INTERPRETATION OF DOCUMENTS No interpretatjon of the mean'i ng of the pians, specifications or other pre-bid documents will be made to any bidder orally. 0nly interpretations nade in conformity with the following procedurewill be valid. Interpretations e'ither written or oral by any of one Architect's consultants wi I I not be va'l 'i d. Every request for such interpretation should be in writing addressed to the Architect and to be given consideration must be received by the Architect before: 12:00 Noon, Seven Calendar Days Before Date Set by the Contractor for Receipt of Eids Any and all such interpretations and any supplemental instructions will be in one form of written addenda which, if issued, will be majled to the respective addresses furnished for such purposes. Failure of, any bidder to rece'ive any such addenda or interpretation shal'l not rel'ieve such bidder from any obligation under his bid as submjtted. All addenda so issued shall become a part of the Contract Documents. GPS 9303 00100- 1 7. changes or substitutions will not be considered after the award of thesubcontract or purchase order except those which wjll result ln a oei[erjob, a savings to the ownei, oi-'lJir,.-' PROPOSALS Proposals shall be subnitted by subcontractors and suppliers on formsdesignated by the General Contiactor. Reference this_Project Manual and accompanying drawings and submit bidproposal as follows:a. Per.drawings and specifications, itenize costs by each specificationsection. Show total costs (tax6s, freight, etc.) ---'- l. .fi:! 9T{ specification item'excluiion s6paiateiyic. Note aIl addenda included in bid.d. Indicate the number of working days required to complete bid work.If work-is phased, provide tite slhedure foi euctr pfiiii of work.('r.e- erectrical - electrical rough-in and electrital trim workwould be different phases of workl) R9luJn.drawings.and proiect ilanual with bid to the General contractornor tar,er tnan date requested. Any bid returned to the General contractor incomplete including any andall infomation herein requested, wiil be rejeciLo-rpon'iucrrdetennination by the project li,taniger. ll_!!9 party bidding is an.incorporated body, the proposal shall besrgneo Dy lhg president and.secretary oI a duly auihoiized agent and beaccompanied.by the corporation seal.- If not a-coipoiaiiJn. irrinterested bldders musi sign the proposal. The proposal form ang lll attached documents together with any requiredptopgtg'! guaranty, shail be praced in a seared inriiope'mirreo torroenIrrlcatron ancl delivered to the place indicated by the contractorprior to the date and hour stipulateh. SALES AND USE TAXES All Bids shall include a]l applicable state or local sales and usetaxes. PLANS FOR REFERENCE lg1pl:E ::!: gf.plans.and specifications for all portionsmay De_exarnined by contractors, subcontractors and' materialrne oTtlces of the General Contractor. T I I I T t I I I I I I I I 8. 9. of the work suppl iers at EI'ID OF INSTRUCTIOI{S TO BIDDERS GPS 9303 00100-2 t I I DOCUMENT OO2OO INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO BIDDERS I r.01 srTE suRvEY r Each Bidder shall be fuliy familiar with the following iccr,,rient which - has been prepared for the Owner by h'i s separate consultants. Ir A. Site Survey: I l3['fl:'Bll:o'!il" Vail Village, First Filing I Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado I Eagle Valley Surveying, Inc. Edwards, Colorado February 20, 1990II B. The above document will be avaiiable for examination at the offices of the General Contractor and Architect. In preparing his bid, each I affected Eidder shall consider and evaiuate data contained in the above I document as well as the drawings and Project Manual prepared by the Arch i tect. I C. Such data is offered solely for reference and is not to be considered ar part of the Contract Documents. The data contained in the above listed documents is believed to be reliable; however, the Architect does not I guarantee its accuracy or completeness. I END OF INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO BIDDERS t I t t I I cPS e3o3 T 00200- I I I I DOCUMENT OOTOO GENERAL CONDITIONS I FoRM 0F GENERAL CoNDTTToNS r 1. The "General Conditions of the Contractu AIA Document A201 1987 edition, t issued by the American Institute of Architects, is hereby made a part ofr these specifications to the same extent as if written herejn in full. I 2. Copies of the Generai Conditjons of the Contract are on.file and may beI referred to at the office of the Architect or General Contractor or may be purchased at a nominal charge from any dealer in architect supplies. END OF DOCUMENT I I I I I I I I I I t I GPs e3o3 t 00700- I I I t I I I I I I I I I II I II I I I I DOCUMENT OOSOO SUPPLEMEI{TARY CONDITIONS SC.1 SUPPLET'IENTARY C0NDITIONS The following supplements nodify, change, delete from or add to the "General Conditions of the Contract for Construction", AIA Document A201, Fourteenth Edition, August 1987. tlhere any artic'le of the General Conditions is modified or any paragraph, subparagraph or clause thereofis modified or deleted by these supplements, the unaltered provisions of that article, paragraph, subparagraph or clause shall remain in effect. All divisions of the specifications shall be subject to the General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions. To the extent, if at all, that any provision of the General or Supplementary Conditions shall conflict with the agreement between the Owner and General Contractor, the terms of the 0wner/Contractor Agreement shall govern. SC.z MODIFICATIONS TO ARTICLES OF THE GENERAL CONDITIONS 2.1 ARTICLE 1 . CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, 1.2 EXECUTION, CORRELATION AND INTENT Add the following to 1.2.3: Where a conflict occurs between or within standards, specifications, and drawings, the more stringent or higher quality requirements shall apply. The precedence of the Construction Documents is in the following sequence:1. Addenda and modifications to the drawings and specifications take precedence over the original construction documents.2. Should there be a conflict within the specificat'ions or on the drawings, the Archjtect shall decide which stipulation will provide the best installation and his decision shall be final.3. Should a conflict arise between the drawings and the specifications, the specifications shall have precedence over the drawings.4. In the drawings, the precedence shall be drawings of a larger Scale over those of a smaller scale. figured dimensions over scaled dimensions, and noted materials over graphic indications. ARTICLE 3 - CONTMCTOR, 3.4 LABOR AND MATERIALS Add the following: 3.4.3 Bidders shall base their bid upon the use of any of the items specifically named in the specifications or on the drawings. or as approved in an Addendum 'issued by the Architect. No changes or substitutions will be considered after the execution of the contract except those whjch will result in a better iob, a 2.2 GPS 9303 00800-1 savings to the owner, or both. 2,3 ARTICLE 3 - CONTRACTOR, 3.7 PERI,IITS, FEES AND NOTICES 3.7.1 Add the following: Building permits shall be obtained by the General Contractor.Electrical and mechanical permits shall be obtained by the mechanical and electrical subcontractors. The ilechanical subcontractor shall pay for any required sewer, water and gas tap fees. The Owner will pay for plant investment fees and connection charges based on the cost of nains serving the site. The Contractor shall call for all inspections required by the localbuilding inspection authority. Assessments against the property are the obligation of the 0wner andwill be paid by the 0wner as necessary to assure issuance of permits specified above. This includes sewer and water charges for capital inprovements and line extensions. 2.4 ARTICLE 3 - COI{TRACTOR, 3.10 CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES 3.10.1 Add the following: The schedule shall indicate the start and completion of each of the elements on the Schedule of Values. The schedule shall indicate the major dependencies among elements on the schedule. The completion time shall be as specified in the Agreenent. The schedule ihall be revised when the completion time is revised by change order. See Specifications, Division 1, for detailed procedures. 2.5 ARTICLE 3 - COI{TRACTOR, 3.11 DOCUI'IENTS AND SA}IPLES AT SITE See Speciflcations, Division 1, for record documents requirements. 2.6 ARTICLE 3 - CONTRACTOR, 3.12 SHOP DRAi{INGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SA},IPLES See Specifications, Division 1. for detailed procedures. 2.7 ARTICLE 3 - CONTRACTOR, 3.14 CUTTING AND PATCHING See Specifications, Division 1, for additional requirements. 2.8 ARTICLE 3 - COIITRACTOR, 3.15 CLEA}III,IG UP See Specifications, Division I for additional requirements. I I I I III I I I I I I III It I I I I I I GPS 9303 00800-2 I I I I I t I I I I I I 2.9 ARTICLE 4 - ADI,IINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT, 4.3 CLAIMS AND DISPUTES 4.3.3 Time Limits on Claims Change '21 days" to read "ten days". z.LO ARTICLE 4 - AD]4INISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT, 4.3 CLAII'IS AND OISPUTES 4.3.8 Claims for additional time. Delete and substitute the following: Extension of the contract completion time will be nade for delays due to weather conditions only when such conditions are more severe and extended then those reflected by the ten year average for the month as evidenced by the Clinatological Data, U.S. Departnent of Commerce, for the project area and only if a request for such an extension of time is received within ten(10) days of the first date of delay. It is understood that delays due to weather conditions will be allowed on a tentative basis only and that a final decision by the Architect wil'l be reserved until the project is substan-tially completed. In allowing delays for weather, the Architectwill be entitled to consider weather conditions prevailing throughout the entire contract period. Extensions of time due to weather or other allowable reasonswill be granted on the basis of 1.4 calendar days for every working day lost with each separate extension figured to the nearest whole calendar day. No more than 30 calendar days extension for weather will be allowed during the total construc-tion period. Extensjons for other reasons allowed by the General Conditions shall not be limited. z.LL ARTICLE 4 - ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT, 4.4 RESOLUTION OF CLAIMS ANDI DTsPUTEsI t I I I t I Add the 4.4.5 2.I2 ARTICLE 7.2.2 fol l owi ng: To the extent, if at all, that any provisions of the General or Supplementary Conditions shall conflict rlith the Agreement between the 0wner and Architect, the terms of the 0wner/ Architect Agreement shall prevai l. 7 - CHANGES IN THE t.lORK, 7.2 CHAI{GE OROERS Change the work "may" to "shall". GPS 9303 00800-3 I I T 2.13 ARTICLE 7.3.3 7 .3.3 2.14 ARTICLE Add the 8.2.4 8.2. s 8.2.6 GPS 9303 7 - CHA}IGES II{ THE t,lORK, 7.3 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVES Delete and substitute the following: The cost or credit to the Owner resulting from a construction change directive shall be deternined in one of the following ways:1. By.unit.prices named in the bid or subsequently agreed upon.Unit prices-shall include all Contractors, costs,-including materials, labor, supervision, taxes, insurance, bond overhead and profit, and shall be applied direcily to thequantities or the differences in quantities for which unitprices are requested.2. By reasonable estimated cost of:a. Labor, including foremen (labor costs shall be direct costs)b. Social Security and old age and unemployment contri- buti onsc. Materials entering permanently into the work (including taxes)d. The ownership or rental cost of construction plant and equipment during the time of use on the extra'work.3. The Contractor may include a sum up to 15% of the total ofthe foregoing items as conpensation to cover the cost of supervision, overhead, bond, insurance, profit and any othergeneral expenses; Subcontractor and second level sub-' contractors may include a sum up to 15% for such expenses. When both additions and credits are involved in any'one change, the allowance for mark-up shall be figured-on thebasis of net increase, if any.4. The Contractor's proposal shall include an itemized break- down showing quantities, unit costs, hours and rates oflabor, and.any other costs in such detail as may be requiredto allow the reasonableness of costs to be established.' Similar cost information covering Subcontractor,s work shall be include as part of the Contractor's proposal. Minimum charges for "handling', will not be acceitable. Request forguotations shall be returned to the Architect within fifteen(15) calendar days of receipt by the Contractor 8 - TIME, 8.2 PROGRESS Al'10 C0l.tPLETI0l{ fol lowing subparagraphs : The Contractor must agree to cofimence work within seven (7) daysfollowing receipt of a trritten ,'Notice to proceed,' The Contractor agrees to substantially complete all work withinthe time stated in the 0wner/Contractor Agi.eement. It is agreed that time is of the essence and that the 0wner willsuffer substantial damages if the work is not completed within I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I 00800-4 I I I I t I I I I I l I I I I t I I I 2.75 ARTICLE 8.3.1 2.16 ARTICLE 9.2.1 2.17 ARTICLE 9.3. 1 9.3.2 Add the 9.3.4 2.18 ARTICLE FICATION 9.5.1 GPS 9303 the time stated in the Agreement. 8 - TIME, 8.3 DELAYS AND EXTENSIONS OF TIME Delete the words "or other causes beyond the Contractor's control ". 9 - PAYMEIITS AND COMPLETION, 9.2 SCHEDULE OF VALUES Add the following: The Schedule of Values shall be prepared in such a manner that each major item of subcontract work is shown as a single lineitem. As a guide, each section of the Project Manual should be shown as a sing'l e line item. 9 - PAYI'IE}ITS AND COMPLETION, 9 3 APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT. Change to read as follows: 0n or before the fifth day of each month, the Contractor shall submit to the Architect an itemized Application for Payment forall work completed through the'last day of the previous month. Application for Payment shall be supported by such data substantiating the Contractor's right to payment as the Owner or Architect may require and reflecting retainage as provided elsewhere in the Contract Documents. Add the following: In order to facilitate and better assure prompt deliveries of materia'l s, the Owner will advance payment to the Contractor forthe ful'l value of all materials, less the contract retained percentage safely stored for delivery as needed to the site of the work. Such stored materials must be properly tagged as to material and job identification, must be availab'le for inspec-tion by the Architect, and such requests for payment must be accompanied by documentary evidence as to quantity and value of materi al s. fol lowing subparagraph: l.lith each application for payment, the Contractor shall submit monthly Progress Charts comparing the "work in place" progress to the Progress Schedule. 9 - PAYI.,IENTS AND COMPLETION. 9.5 DECISIONS TO WITHHOLD CERTI- Add the following:8. Failure of the Contractor to submit Proqress Charts in 00800-5 2.19 ARTICLE 9.6 9.6.1 2.20 ARTICLT 9.8.1 2.21 ARTICLE 9.9.1 9.9.1 cqnparison to Progress Schedule vlith application for payment.9. Fai.lure to comply with any laws, ordinances, regulations ororders of any public authority governing the peiformance ofthe work. The 0wner shall make monthly progress payments as described in9.6 until the scheduled (inclirding time extensions made by change order) time for substantial completion. If the prbjectis not substantially complete at this time. the Owner iriti notmake_furthef progress payments until the project is substan-tially conplete. 9 - PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION, 9.6 PROGRESS PAYMENTS Progress Payments Change to Read: Provided the Architect has issued a certificate on or before the !fth_!ay of the month, the Owner shall make payment on or beforethe 25th day of the month. Untll final payment, the Owner will pay 90rr of the amount duethe Contractor on account of each line item of each progresspayment. If the manner of completion of the work and itsprogress are and remain satisfactory to the Architect, and inthe absence of other good and sufficient reasons, for any workcategory shown to be 50% or nore complete in the applicaiion forpayment, the 0wner, nay, rlithout redirction of previbus re-tainage,.certify any remaining progress payments for each lineitem to bq pqid. in full. The flll contrlct retainage may bereinstated if the manner of completion of the work ind iisprogress do not renain satisfactory to the Architect or forother good and sufficient reasons.' 9 - PAYI{ENTS AND COMPLETIOI{, 9.8 SUBSTANTIAL COI,IPLETIOT{ Add the following: ....all major systems are operational and all safety featuresare completed. 9 - PAYMENTS AND COI.,IPLETION, 9.9 PARTIAL OCCUPANCY OR USE Change to read as follows: The.Contractor agrees to the use and occupancy of a portion orunit_of_the project before fonnal acceptaice by the bwner underthe following conditions:1. A Certificate of Substantial Completion shall be prepared and executed as provided in paralraph 9.1 of the hccbm- I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I GPS 9303 00800-6 I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I t 2.22 ARTICLE PAYI'IENT 9.10.1 pany'ing General Conditions of the Contract fcr Construction, except that when, in the opinion of the 0wner, the Contractor is chargeable with unwamanted de.;; in completing work or other contract requiremenr:, the signa- ture of the Contractor will not be required. The Cert'i-ficate of Substantial Completion shall be acc:ipanied by awritten endorsement of the Contractor's insui.r:ce carrier and surety permitting occupancy by the Owner c'rring the remaining period of project work.2. Occupancy by the Owner shall not Contractor as being acceptance ofto be occupied. be construed by the that part of the project 3. The Contractor shall not be held responsible for any damageto the occupied part of the project resulting from the Owner's occupancy.4. Occupancy by the 0wner shall not be deemed to constitute a waiver of existing claims in behalf of the Owner or Contractor against each other. Uith the exception of Paragraph 8.2.3(4) use and occupancy by the Owner prior to project acceptance does not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to maintain all insurance and bonds required of the Contractor under the Contract until theproiect is completed and accepted by the 0wner. 9 - PAYMENTS AND C0],|PLETI0N, 9.10 FINAL C0I.|PLETI0N AND FINAL Delete the last sentence. Add the following: If the work shall be completed, but final completion thereofshall be prevented through delay or correction of minor defectsor unavailability of materials, other causes beyond the controlof the Contractor, the Owner at his discretion may release to the Contractor such amounts as may be excess of three times the cost of completing the unfinished work or the cost of correcting the defective work. To the extent that any of the work is determined to be incom-plete or unacceptable, final payment shall be reduced by an amount equal to three hundred percent (300%) of the 0wner's and Architect's evaluation of the cost to complete or correct any such incomplete or unacceptable work. Final payrnent shall be made w'ithin thirty (30) days of the correction of the unacceptable work. Add the following: 6) all guarantees, wamanties and certificates, 7) operating and maintenance manuals, 8) identification lists of materials and equipment, 9) Inspection Certificates and 10) record documents; and the Contractor has demonstrated to the GPS 9303 00800-7 9.10.3 2.23 ARTICLE 11. 1.2 11 . 1.4 2.24 ARTICLE 11.3.1 rt.3.2 0wner the proper operation and maintenance of all equipment. Delete. See revised subparagraph 9.10.1. 11 - INSUMNCE AND BONDS, 11.1 CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY INSURANCE Delete and substitute the following: The Contractor shall obtain and maintain throughout the life ofthe project, the following insurance:1) lJorkmen's Compensation: Amounts and coverage as required by I aw.2) Comprehensive General Liability (to include complete opera-tion):a) Bodily Injury: $2 million single limit.. b) Property Damage; $2 million single limit.3) Comprehensive Automobile Liability (including owned, non- owned and hired vehicles):a) Bodily Injury: $1 million single limit.. b) Property Damage: $1 million single limit.4) Excess Liability: $10 million. Add the following: Certificates of Insurance shall include the statement that thehold harmless clause as required under General ConditionsArticle 3.18 is included in the policy 11 - II.ISURAI,ICE AND BOI{DS, 11.3 PROPERTY INSURANCE Delete subparagraphs 11.3.1 through 11.3.11 and substjtute the fol I owi ng: The Owner shall procure and maintain at his ortn expense, until completion of all work and acceptance thereof, a blilder's risk i.nsurance policy insuring against ,'all risks of physical 'loss or damagerr as the term is comnonly construed in the insurancelndustry, insuring the entire project against such physical lossor damage. If other special insurance not provided for herein is desired bythe Contractor, the Contractor shall purchase such insurance athis expense. Such insurance shall be written on a ,,Completed Value,, form in an amount not less than the final completed value of theproject; 'less cost of site preparation (including fences necessary to secure work area) and excavation, foundations belowthe lowest basement floor, underground pipes and wiring, sidewalks, curbs and gutters; and shall ndme as insured the Owner and Contractor. It shal I be understood that subcon-tractors and second level subcontractors are insured as to their I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GPS 9303 00800-8 I I I I I I t I t I I I t I t I I I I 11.3.7 2.25 ARTICLE 11.4.1 11.4.1 interests jn the partially completed project. 11.3.3 Any insured loss is to be adjusted with the 0wner'-ud made payable to the 0wner as trustee for the insured, as their interest may appear. 11.3.4 The insurance policy shal1 provide for necessary ,ti:ess to theproject by Owner as follows; "Permission is hereby granted for the Owner to occupy such portion of the premises completed or suitable for occupancy prior to final acceptance cf the entireproiect, any provision of the policy to the contrary notwi thstand'i ng. " The 0wner and Contractor waive all rights against each other for danages caused by fire or other perils to the extent covered by insurance provided under this Paragraph 11.3 except such rights as they may have to the proceeds of such insurance held by the Owner as Trustee. The Contractor shall require similar waivers by subcontractors and sub-subcontractors. The following are specific exclusions: This insurance does not cover glass breakage, any tools owned by mechanics, any tools, equipment, scaffolding, staging, towers and forms owned or rented by the Contractor, the capital value of which is not included in the cost of the work, or any temporary structures ortrailers used by the Contractor or any subcontractor or material suppl i er. The General Contractor shall pay the deduct'ible amount when making a claim against the property insurance policy. The deduct'ible shall not exceed $5,000. 11 - INSUMNCE AND BONDS, 11.4 PERFORMANCE BOND AND PAYMENT BOND Delete and subst'itute the following: If requjred by the 0wner/Contractor agreement General Contractor shall furnish prior to beginning work, a performance bond in the amount egual to one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount as security for the faithful performance of this contract and also a labor and material payment bond in an amount not less than one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount as security for the payment to all persons performing labor on the proiect under this contract and furnishing a'l I materials in connection with this contract. The bonds shall be issued by a surety licensed to contract bus'iness in the State of Colorado and approved by the 0wner. 11.3.5 11.3.6 GPS 9303 00800-9 o 2.26 ARTICLE 13 - MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS, 13.1 GOVERNING LAt.l 13.1.1 Delete and substitute the following: The contract shal l be governed by the I aws of the State of Col orado. 2.27 ARTICLE 13 - MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS, 13.5 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS 13.5.1 Add the following: The Contractor shall not use any material or equipment repre- sented by samples found to be unacceptable. See Specifications, Division 1 for detailed procedures and cost of testing. SC.3 ADDITIOI{ TO ARTICLES OF GENEML COI{DITIONS 3.1 ARTICLE 15 - I.IEASUREI'IENTS Before ordering any material or doing any work, the Contractor shalIverify all measurements at the project and shall be responsible for the correctness of same. No extra charge or compensation shall be allowed on account of difference between actual dimensions and the measurements indicated on the drawings 3.2 ARTICLE 16 - LEGAL ACTIONS As a condition precedent to and as additional consideration for the award of any contract or subcontract pursuant to these specifications, the Contractor and all Subcontractors, supp'l iers, engineers, and otherparties to the performance of the work required by these specifications, do agree that in the event any party institute a suit against any party because of any alleged failure to perform properly hereunder, or any alleged emor, omission, breach of warranty, negligence or mere malpractice hereunder; and if such suit is not successfully prosecuted to a judgement in favor of the party plaintiff, or if it is dismissed,or if a judgement js rendered for any defendant or defendants, the party instituting the suit hereby agrees to pay in full all actual costs of defense, including but not Iimited to attorney fees, expert witnessfees, costs of investigations in preparation for trial , professional time expended by principals and employees of the prevailing party andthat the same shall be taxed as cost in said action and judgement entered thereon. I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I END OF SUPPLEi,IEI{TARY CONDITIONS GPS 9303 00800-10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.01 A. 1.02 A. B. c. 1.03 A. 1.04 A. 1.0s 1.06 A. DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS sEcTI0N 010i0 SUI,IMARY OF l^lORK CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS Division 1- General Requirenents govern work under all divisions of specificat'ions. SCHEDULE OF DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ADDENDA Drawings: See index on drawings. Project Manual: Covered Bridge Bui1ding,227 Bridge Street, Vail, Colorado dated March 28, 1994. Addenda: All Addenda issued prior to bidding. EXATIINATION OF SITE Failure to Visit Site: tJill not relieve Contractor from necessity of furnishing materials or performing work that may be required to complete work in accordance with drawings and specifications without additional cost to 0wner. CONTMCTS Single Contract: All work under th'is contract will be executed under one prime contract between 0wner and General Contractor. CONTRACTOR USE OF PREMISES 0perations of Contractor: Limited to areas where work is indicated. COORDINATION General: Coordinate work of'various sect'ions of specif.ications to assure efficient and orderly sequence of installation of construction elements, with provisions for acconmodating items installed later. Equipment: Verify characteristics of elements of interrelated operating eguipment are compatible; coordinate work of various sections having interdependent responsibilities for instal 1ing, connecting to, and placing in service, such equipment.1. Electrical Requirements:a. Comply with NEC.b. Provide UL listed and labeled products where applicable. B. GPS 9303 01010-1 I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I t I c. D. spaces: coordinate space reguirements and installation of mechanical and electrical work which ari indicated diagrarmatically. Followrouti!9 indicated for pipes, ducts, and conduits as cloiely as prac-ticable: make runs parallel with lines of building. Utilize spacesefficiently to maximize accessibility for other iistallations,'for malntenance, and for repairs. Finished Areas: In finished areas conceal pipes, ducts and wiring inthe construction. coordinate locations of iiitures and outlets withfinish elements. END OF SECTION GPS 9303 0I010-2 I I I I I I t I t I I I I t I t IIt I I sEcTI0r{ 01020 ALLOWANCES 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Allowances: Include in contract sum all allowances state Contract Documents or agreed upon in writing. Designate in construction progress schedule, delivery dates for products specified under each ailowince. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. General Conditions, Articl e 4.8 Al'l owances. 1.03 ALL0I'AI{CES A. Costs Included 'in Allowances:1. Cost of the product to the Contractor or subcontractor, less any appl icable trade discounts.2. Delivery to site.3. Applicable taxes.4, Labor to install only when allowance includes installation. B. Contractors Costs Included in Contract Sum:1. Labor for installation and finishing, unless allowance includes i nstal I ati on.2. Handling at site including unloading, uncrating and storage.3. Protection from elements and from damage.4. 0ther expenses required to complete installation.5. Contractors and subcontractors overhead and profit. 1.04 SELECTION OF PRODUCTS UNDER ALLOWAI,ICES A. Architect's Duties:1. Consult with Contractor in considerat.ion of products and suppiiers or installers.2. lilake selection in consultation with 0wner.3. Transmit 0wner's decision to Contractor.4. Prepare change orders. B. Contractor's Duties:1. Assist Architect and Owner in determining qualified suppliers or i nstal I ers.2. 0btain proposals from suppliers and installers when requested by Archi tect.3. Make appropriate recommendations for consideration of Architect.4. Notify Architect promptly of any:a. Reasonable objections Contractor may have against any supplier,or party under consideration for installation.b. Effect on the construction schedule antic'ipated by selections under consideration. GPS 9303 01020- 1 1.05 CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY FOR PURCHASE, DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION A. Purchase: 0n notification of selection, execute purchase agreement with designated supplier. Arrange for and process shop drawings, product data and sanp'les as required. B. Delivery: l,lake arrangements for delivery. Upon delivery, pronptly inspect products for damage or defects. Submit claims for transpor- tation damage. I t I I I I I t I I I I I I t 1.07 SCHEDULE OF ALLOWANCES A. Section 09681: Allow sum of $25.00/SY for purchase and installation of carpet and pad in units. c. 1.06 A. Installation: Install and finish products 'in compliance with requirements of referenced specification sections. ADJUSTI,IEI{T 0F COSTS Adjustment: Should net cost be more or less than specified amount of al'lowance, contract sum will be adjusted accordingly by change order. END OF SECTIOI{ I I I I GPS 9303 01020-2 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I sEcrI0N 01030 ALTERNATES 1.01 DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREI4ENTS A. Definitions and Explanations: "Alternates,, are defined as alternateproducts, materials, equipment, systems, methods, units of work for major e1 ements of construction, which may, at Owner's option be selectedfor work in lieu of corresponding requirements of Contract Documents.1. Selection may occur prior to contract date or may be deferred forpossible selection at subsequent date.2. Alternates may or may not change scope and general character of work substantially.3. Requirements of this section may be related to, but must not be confused with, requirements of Contract Documents related to ,,unit prices", "change orders", "substitutionst, and similar terms. 8. Accepted Alternates: Refer to 0wner-Contractor Agreement and subsequentmodifications thereof (if any) for determination of which alternatejlisted have been accepted, and are, therefore, in full force and effectas though originally included in Contract Documents for base bid. C. Notification: Inunediately following award of contract, prepare anddistribute to each entity or person to be involved in peifoimance of work, notification of status of each alternate scheduled and including those subsequently added by notification during bidding. Indicate whiih alternates have been: 1) accepted, 2) rejected, and 3) deferred for consideration at later date as indicated. Include full description of negotiated modifications to alternates, if any. 1.02 GENERAL ALTERNATE REQUIREMENTS A. General: Description for each alternate is recognized to be incomplete and abbreviated but implies that each change must be complete for scopeof work affected. Refer to applicable sections (Divisions 2 through 16) and to applicable drawings for specific requirements of each alternate. Modify surrounding work as required to integrate with work of each al ternate. 1.03 DESCRIPTIONS A. Alternate No. l: Deduct for substitution of steel franing and two hour gypsum shaftwall for masonry at e'l evator hoistway. END OF SECTION GPS 9303 01030- I I I t I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01045 CUTTING AND PATCHING PART 1 - GEI'IERAL 1.01 SUM!4ARY A. Section Includes: Al1 cutt'ing, fitting and patching including reiated excavation and backfill, required to complete work and to: l. Make its parts fit together properly.2. Uncover portions of work to provide for installation of ill-timed work.3. Remove and replace defective work.4. Remove and replace work not conforming to requirements of Contract Documents.5. Remove samples of installed work as specified for testing.6. Provide rout'ine penetrations of non-structural surfaces forinstallation of piping and electrical conduit, B. Related Requirements:1. Excavation and Backfill: Section 02200 Earthwork. L.O2 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Notification of Architect: Notify Architect well in advance of exe- cuting any cutting or alteration which affects:1. l,lork of Owner or any separate contractor.2. Structural value or integrity of any element of project.3. Integrity of effectiveness of weather-exposed or moisture- resistant elements or systens.4. Efficiency, operational life, maintenance or safety of operational el ements.5. Visual qualities of sight-exposed elements. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS I A. General: Comply with specifications and standards for each specificI product involved. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMII{ATION A. Existing Conditions: Examine existing conditions of project, including elements subject to damage or to movement during cutting andpatching. After uncovering work, examine conditions affectinginstallation of products or perfonnance of work. I t I I I GPS 9303 01045- I B. Notification: Report unsatisfactory or questionable conditions toArchitect. Do not proceed with work until Architect has providedfurther instructions. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Protection: Provide adequate temporary support as necessary to assurestructural value and integrity of affected'iortion of work.-providedevices and methods.to protect other portioirs of project fron damage.1. Provide protection from elements ior that portion of project wfrich may be exposed by cutting and patching work.2. Maintain bxcavations fre6 from water. 3.03 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. General: Provide openings in construction which are required for laterwork.1. Various Contractors: Be responsible to supply in advance, proper and sufficiently detailed iniormation for bieirings.2. In event of-failure to sgpply this advance inforiation, requiredcutting shall be done only after concurrence of Architdct dnd at expense of negligent party. B. Cutting:1. Execute cutting and demolition by methods which will prevent damageto other work, and will provide iroper surfaces to reteive'instal lation or repairs.'2- Execute excavating'and backfilling by methods which will preventsettlement or damage to other work. - comply with section 02200.3. Emplgy the original installer or fabricatoi to perfonn cutting andpatching for:a. t{eather-exposed or moisture-resistant elements.b. Sight-exposed finished surfaces.4. cut-asphalt, concrete or masonry using masonry saw or core dril'l as lpplicable. Pneumatic tools wiil not-be alloied unless accepted by Archi tect. C. Fitting: .Execute fitting and adjustment of products to provide finishedinstallation to comply with specified products, functions, tolerancesand finishes. Fit work airtibht to pliles, sleeves, ducts, conduit andother penetrations through suifaces. D. Patching: lJherever any pipg, conduit, duct, steel member, bracket,equipment, -or other material penetrates or passes through fire-resistantwall' ceiling or floor, complbtely seal voits in construction withcenent 9r9u!: plaster, or fire-resistant material, embedding sealingmaterial full thickness of wall, ceiling or floor. E. Finishing: where surfaces are exposed, finish with same materialsspecifled in finish schedule or mlterial that is on constructed sur-faces.1. l{ork: Accomplish with mechanics skilled in finish trade. I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I GPS 9303 01045-2 I I - 2. Refinish entire surfaces as necessary to provide even fin'ish to I ft"P"lolffillrfllt:F?i""r, rerinish to nearest intersection.t b. For assembly, refinish entire unit. EI{D OF SECTIONt I I I I t I t I t GPS 9303 I I I I I I 01045-3 B. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t.02 A. sEcTI0N 01050 FIELD ENGINEERING PART 1 - GENERAL I .01 SUMI'|ARY A. Section Includes: Field engineering services required for proper execution and completion of work under this contract. Related Sections:1. Site Survey: Document 00200 Information Available to Bidders.2. Record Documents: Section 01700 Contract Closeout. SITE SURVEY Survey: Prepared for Owner by his separate consultant. jee Document 00200.1. Such data is offered solely for reference and is not part of Contract Documents.2. Data conta'ined in survey is believed to be reliable; however, Architect does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.3. Three sets of site survey will be provided to Contractor for his use on this project. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Quality Control Submittals:1. Surveyor or Engineer: Submit name and address of surveyor or professional engineer to be employed by Contractor to Architect for acceptance before beg'inn'ing work at site.2. Documentation and Records: Surveyor or engineer shall maintain complete and accurate 1og of contro'l and survey work as itprogresses. 0n request of Arch'itect, submit documentat'i on to verify accuracy of field engineering work.3. Completion Certificate: Upon completion of work, submit certificate t0 Architect signed by surveyor or engineer certifying that elevations and locations are in conformance with Contract Documents. Note any items of non-conformance. 1.04 QUALITY ASSUMNCE A. Qualifications: Employ land surveyor or professional engineer regis- tered in State of Colorado and acceptable to Owner and Architect. B. Surveyor or Engineer: Responsible for location of building and majorsite elements; establishment of building hori zonta'l and vertical controls; installation of control stakes as required; and final cer-tification that finish grading has been completed within tolerances speci fi ed. GPS 9303 01050- 1 PART 2 - PRODUCTS Not Applicable. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PROJECT SURVEY REQUIREI.,IENTS A. Reference Points: Architect will identify existing control points andproperty line stakes indicated on drawings and site survey. Imnediately upon entering project, locate and maintain bench marks and all othergrades, lines, levels and dimensions. Report any errors or inconsistencies to Architect before comrencing work. EI{D OF SECTION 01050-2 I I I I I IB. Pernanent Bench ilarks: Surveyor or engineer shall establish minimum of two permanent bench marks on site, referenced to data established by Isurvey control points. I C. Batter Boards and Levels: Surveyor or engineer shall stake out building and provide and rigidly set batter boards.1. Contractor: Remain responsible for their maintenance and accuracy.2. From permanent bench marks surveyor or engineer shall ascertain grades and levels to building as needed. D. Preservation of Monuments and Stakes: Careful'ly preserve monuments, bench marks, property markers, reference points, and stakes.1. In case of his destruction of these, the Contractor shall be chargedwith expense of replacement and shall be responsible for any mistakeof loss of time that may be caused.2. Protect pemanent monuments or bench marks which must be removed or disturbed until properly referenced for relocation.3. Furnish materials and assistance for proper replacement of such monuments or bench marks. F. Layout and Control by Surveyor or Engineer:1. Building: Establish building horizontal and vertical controls by i nstrumentati on.2. Site: Establish lines, levels and locations by instrumentation. Set control stakes for finish grading. Reset stakes as required during progress of work. G. Completion: Upon completion of work, surveyor or engineer shal 1 surveysite to verify that locations and elevations required by Contract Documents have been achieved within specified tolerances. H. Each Subcontractor: Provide complete engineering layout for work to beperformed under his subcontract, including grades, elevations, and al'lother engineering required to perform his scope of work.1. General Contractor: Provide building horizontal controls and elevation controls. I I I I I I I I t I t I GPS 9303 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I sEcrr0N 01060 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS 1.01 PERI{ITS AND FEES A. See General and Suppiementary Conditions. I.02 CODES AND ORDINANCES A. Compliance: All contractors shall comply with al1 app'licable codes, ordinances and regulations in effect at time of bid opening including but not necessarily limited to following: Applicable local codes and ordinances Uniform Building Code, 1991 Edition Uniform Mechanical Code, 1991 Edition Uniform Plumbing Code, 1991 .EditionGoverning fire department requirements Util ity company requirements State Department of Labor Requi rements State Department of Health Requirements National Fire Protection Association Standards State and Federal Safety and Health Laws NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code Americans with Disabilities Act B. Discrepancies: If discrepancies occur between Contract Documents, local codes, local utility requirements, etc., most stringent requirements shall apply. END OF SECTION GPS 9303 01060- 1 I I t I I I I I sEcTIoN 01091 REFERENCE STANDARDS 1 .01 qUALITY ASSUMNCE A. Reference Standards: For products or workmanship specified by asso-ciation, trade or federal standards, comply with requirements of standard, except when more rigid requirements are specified or are required by applicable codes.1. No provision of any referenced standard specification, manual or code (whether or not specifically incorporated by reference in the Contract Documents) shall be effective to change duties and responsibilities of Owner, Contractor or Architect or any of their consultants, agents or employees from those set forth in Contract Documents, nor shall it be effective to assign to Architect or anyof Architect's consultants, agents or ernployees any duty or authori ty to supervise or direct furnishing or performance of workor any duty or authority to undertake responsibilities contrary to provisions of General and Supplementary Conditions. I B. Effective Date: Date of standard is that in effect as of documents dateI except when specific date is specified or when standard is part of applicable code which includes edition date. I C. Copies: When required by individual sections, obtain copy of standard. Maintain copy at job site during work. END OF SECTIONI t I t I I I I t GPS 9303 01091-1 2. ? 4. 5. I I I I t I I t I I I t I I I I I t I sEcrroN 01092 ABBREVIATIONS I . 01 RELATED REQU I REI-'IENTS A. Drawing or Schedule Abbreviations:1. Drawings or schedules. L.O2 SPECIFICATION LANGUAGE EXPLANATION A. These Specifications are of abbreviated, simplified or streamlined type and include incomplete sentences.1. 0missions of words or phrases such as "the contractor shallo, "lnconformity therewith", "shall be", "as noted on the drawings", "iI", "the", are intentional . Supply omitted words or phrases by inference in same manner as they are when " N0TE occurs on drawings. Supply words "shal'l be" or "shall" by inference when colon is used within sentences or phrases. Supply words "on the drawings" by inference when "as indicated" is used with sentences or phrases. "Provide" shall mean furnish and install. 1.03 ABBREVIATIONS A. Reference in Contract Documents to trade associatjons, techn'ical societies, recognized authorities and other institutions include following organizations which are sometimes referred to on'ly by correspondi ng abbrevi ati ons : M MMA ACI AISC AISI AITC ANSI APA ASHRAE ASTM At.,I At.,PA Ahrs BIA CDA CM CRSI CS DFPA GPS 9303 Aluninum Association American Architecturai ltlanufacturer's Association American Concrete Institute American Institute of Steel Construction American Iron and Steel Institute Anerican Institute of Timber Construction American National Standards Institute American Plywood Association American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers American Society for Testing and Materials Architectural Woodwork Institute American l,lood Preservers Association American I'lelding Society Brick Institute of America Copper Development Association, Inc. California Redwood Association Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute Cormercial Standard (U.5. Department of Commerce) Douglas Fir Plywood Association 01092-1 T FGl.lA F1'l FS GA MIA MIL MLI4A t{M}{1-l NBS NCMA NEC NEMA NFPA NOI,IA NPVLUA NTI'lA NI.It.lDA OSHA PCA PCI PEI PS SDI SJI SMACNA SPA SPI SPR SSPC sl,lI TCA TII,IA UL I.'CLA t,,RI l.lt.,PA Flat Glass Marketing Association Factory l{utual Engineering Division Federal Specification Gypsum Association l'larble Institute of Anerica Mi I itary Speci fication Metal Lath Manufacturer's Association The ilational Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers National Bureau of Standards National Concrete fllasonry Association National Electric Code (of NFpA) ilational Electrical Manufacturer's Association National Fire Protection Association National Oak Flooring l.lanufacturer's Association National Paint, Varnish and Lacquer Manufacturer's Associ ati on The t{ational Terrazzo and lilosaic Association National Wood Window and Door Association Occupational Safety and Health Administration Portland Cenent Association Prestressed Concrete Institute Porcelain Enamel Institute Product Standard (U.S. Department of Commerce) Steel Deck Institute Steel Joist Institute Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors Natjonal Associ ati on Southern Pine Association The Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc.Simplified Practice Recomnendation (U.S. Department of Cormerce) Steel Structures Painting Council Steel tlindow InstituteTile Council of Anerica Thermal Insulation l*lanufacturers AssociationUndenriters' Laboratories, Inc. West Coast Lumbemen's Association [,Iire Reinforcement Institute Western lJood Products Association I T t I I I I I t I I t I I t I I t END OF SECTION GPS 9303 01092-2 I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I sEcTr0N 01200 PROJECT MEETINGS 1.01 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCES A. Site l'lobilization Conference: Meeting will be scheduled by Architect atsite immediately prior to Contractor move-in. Representatjves of Contractor, Mechanical and Electrical Subcontractors, Geotechnjcal Engineer, 0wner, Architect and Architect's Consultants will be present. Job site procedures to include following items will be discussed:1. Procedures for maintaining project record documents.2. Owner's requirements.3. Construction facilities and controls.4. Temporary utiljties.5. Security and housekeeping procedures.6. Materials testing.7. Services of the Geotechnical Engineer.8. Requirements of start-up trades.9. Bui lding layout. 10. Cormunications with Architect's consultants. 1.1. Access to and use of site in relation to continued use of existingfacilities. L.O2 PROGRESS MEETINGS A. Meetings: Contractor will schedule regular periodic meetings at Contractor's job site field office. Representatives of owner and Architect will be invited to attend. Also invited as appropriate to items under discussion, wil'l be selected subcontractors and suppliers and Architect's consultants. Following items will be discussed:1. Review of work progress since previous meetings.2. Field observations, problems, conflicts.3. Problems which impede construction schedule.4. Review of off-site fabrication, delivery schedules.5. Comective measures and procedures to regain projected schedule.6. Revisions to construction schedule.7. Plan progress, schedule during succeeding work period.8. Coordination of schedules.9. Maintenance of quality standards. 10. Review submittal schedules; expedite as required. 11. Review proposed changes for effect on other trades, construction schedule and completion date. 12. Coordination of separate contracts. 13. Other business as required. B. Agenda and l,ljnutes: Contractor shall establish agenda, subject to Owner and Architect review, and keep and distribute minutes of progress meetings and lists of those present and others as directed. GPS 9303 01200- 1 I I I I I I I T I I I t I I I I I I I c. D. Persons Representing Contractor at l.leetings: Have authority to commit Contractor to solutions agreed upon in meetings. To maximum extentpossible, assign same person or persons to represent Contractor at meetings throughout progress of work. Coordination t'leetings: Progress meetings shall in no way be consideredsubstitute for Contractor/subcontractor coordination meetings. END OF SECTION GPS 9303 01200-2 I I I sEcTI0N 01300 SUBMITTALS I 1.01 RELATED REQUIREMENTS I A. List of Subcontractors: - 1. Instructions to Bidders. I 2. General Conditions. B. Products List:I 1. Section 01600 Materials and Equipment.I C. Progress Schedule: I 1. General and Supplementary Conditions. r D. Schedule of Values:t General and Supplementary Conditions.Ir E. Performance Bond/Labor and Material Payment Bond:1. Instructions to Bidders.I 2. General and Supplementary Conditions. I F. Insurance Certificates:r 1. General and Supplementary Conditions. Ir G. Applications for payment: 1. General Conditions. I H. Project Record Documents:1. Section 01100 Contract Closeout. I I. |Jarranti es:1. Section 01700 Contract CIoseout. I J. Final Paperwork:r 1. Section 01700 Contract Closeout. I K. Contractor's Quality Control System:t 1. Section 01400 Quality Control. t 1.02 GEI{ERAL I A. Submittals: Made early enough to account for processing described below and reasonable period for review by Architect and Eng'ineers. II 1.03 PROGRESS ScHEDULE I A. Schedule: In form of chart and indicate start and completion of each of I elements on Schedule of Values. I cPs e3o3 I 01300- 1 1. completion Time: As specified in Agreement. Revise schedule whencompletion time is revjsed by change order. B. Schedule Submittal: l.lithin ten days after receipt of Notjce to proceed, submit.one reproducible copy and firur prints of ilreliminary construiii6nschedul e.1. within 10 days.after receipt of review comments on preliminary schedule, submit one reproilucible and four prints ot conitiuciion schedul e.2- with each nonthly.application for payment, submit four prints ofupdated construction schedule inditaiing ictual wort prbgrei- incomparison to scheduled progress. c. Estimated Payments:. prepare and submit estimate of partial payments asreflected by estimated wbrk progress with submittal bf consti.uition- -- schedul e. D. Monthly Reports:1. With each monthly application for payment, submit item'ized report ofdel.ivery status of major and critibai tterirs of purchaseo-eoi,i[rint-' and material, including shop drawings and statu! of shop a'ia ?i"tofabricated work.2. If completion of any part of work or delivery of materials is behindconstruction. schedule, submit plan for bringing work up to schedule.3. Owner shall have right to withhold progress paiments fbr work ifContractor fails to update and submit Irogrels-schedule anO reportsas specified. E. contractor's Responsibility: Nothing in these requirements shall bedeemed to be usurpation of-Contractoi's authority'ind responsibiliiy toplan and schedule work as he sees fit, subject t; ili othbr requirehentsof Contract Documents. 1.04 SUBI{ITTALS LIST, SCHEDULE AND PROCEDURES A. submittal: within 30.days after award of contract, and before any itemsare submitted for review, submit to Architect two iopies of submiitallist and schedule. B. Schedu'le: Compiie complete. scheduie of all submittals anticipated to bemade during progress oi work.l. Include list of each type of item for which contractor,s drawings,shop drawings, product ilata, Certificates of Comp.liance, ;a;pi;;;'warranties or other types of submittals are required.2. 0n acceptance by Architect, contractor shalt aiitrere to schedu'leexcept when specifically otherlise permitted. c. code.Designation: 0n schedule, designate each item with number codeutilizing_specification section five-digit numbers.1. Each Submittal: Marked with same c6de desiqnation. I T I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I GPS 9303 01300-2 I I t I t I T I I I I I T I I I I I I D. Coordination: Coordinate schedule with subcontractors and materials suppl i ers. E. Revisions: Revise and update schedule on monthly basis as necessary to reflect conditions and sequences. Promptly submit any revised schedules to Architect for review. F. Transmittals: Include transmittal letter with each submittal, identify item by above code designation and reference to specification section. Use separate transmittal for each submittal.1. Each Submittal: Have chronological submittal number.2. Resubmittals: Have original submittal number and letter in alphabetical order for each resubmittal.3. Mechanical and Electrical Subnittals: Broken down into parts sothat individual parts can be resubmitted without confusion. G. Deviations: C'l early mark and note any deviations from Contract Docunents in submittals. 1.05 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Shop Drawings: Make particular note of field-measured dimensions, as-built conditions, and conditions requiring special coordination with other contractors and requirements of act'i vities of 0wner. B. Subcontractor: Submit one sepia tracing and two prints per shop drawing sheet and specified number of samples to Contractor. C. Contractor:1. Review shop drawings for accuracy, completeness, and conformity with Contract Docunents. lilake notes and corrections on sepia tracings and prints.2. Stamp with Contractor's stanp/date. Signature of individual who reviewed shop drawings is required below Contractor's stamp.3. Print as required for Contractor's record.4. Send sepia tracings and three prints to Architect.5. Shop drawings not stamped and signed by Contractor will be returned. D. Architect:1. Check drawings by making notes and corrections on sepia tracings andprints, stamp "No Exceptions Taken", "Revise and Resubnit", "Rejected", etc. as required.2. In event that shop drawings require consultantrs check, route sepia and print through consultant and back to Architect as necessary. Consultant will retain one set of prints.3. Retain one set of prints for record and transmit one set to 0wner if requi red.4. Return marked sepias to Contractor. E. Contractor:1. Send sepia tracings to subcontractor. GPS 9303 01300-3 F. Subcontractor:1. Print necessary copies for record, distribution, etc. G. Resubmittal: In event shop drawings have to be resubmitted toArchitect, original sepia tracings and pri nts shall be returned directlyt0 Contractor. Subcontractor shall make his corrections and re-route new sepia tracings and prints as outlined above. H. References: Reference shop drawings to applicable drawings andspecification sections to facilitate ease and accuracy of checking. I. 06 PRODUCT DATA A. subcontractor: submit six copies of brochure material and any required sampl es. B. Routing: Routing will be as indicated above for shop drawings withArchitect and Engineer retaining three copies for fije and returning three copies to Contractor for his file and distribution to subcon-tractor as applicable. C. Reference: Reference product data to applicable drawings andspecification sections to facilitate ease and accuracy of checking. D. Vlhen contents of submitted literature from manufacturers includes data not pertinent to submittal, clearly ind'icate which portion of contentsis being submitted for review. T.O7 JOB SITE DOCUMENTS A. Documents: Keep complete set of accepted shop drawings or product dataat jobsite. 1.08 FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. Field Measurements: Responsibility of Contractor. 1.09 SAMPLES A. Checklist: Architect will provide Contractor with checklist indicating materials where color, texture or finish is subject to selection byArchitect. Certain other samples nay also be requested for use by-Architect in preparation of color and material sample presentations for Owner. B. submittal: Promptly after receipt of checklist, assemble and deliver toArchitect complete collection of required samples. unless otherwisespecified, submit samples in quantity which i3 required to be returnedplus one which will be retained by Architect. C. Samples: Bear tag or label providing following infonnation:1. Project name and location. I I I t I t I T I I I I I I I I t I I GPS 9303 01300-4 I I t I I T I I t I I I I I t I I I I 2. Manufacturer, suppl ier.3. Name, finish, and composition of material .4. Location of where material is to be used.5. Specification section number. Labels: Large enough for acceptance stamp. D. Selection: Upon receipt of complete collection of samples, Architectwill, with reasonable promptnes!, make selections and prepare anddeliver to Contractor schedule covering items subject to selection.Architect reserves right not to make individual determination or selections unti'l all sanples of all materials are submitted. 1.10 CERTIFICATES OF CO}IPLIANCE A. Certificates:l. Where Certifjcates of Compliance are specified, show on each cer-tification name and location of work, name and address of Contractor, quantity and date or dates of shipment or delivery to which certificate applies, and name of manufacturer.2. Certification: In form of letter or company standard forms.3. Certificates: Signed by officer of nanufacturer.4. Laboratory Test Reports: Show date of testing, specified requirements for which testing was performed, and results of tests. END OF SECTION GPS 9303 01300-5 I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I T I I sEcTI0l{ 01400 QUALITY CONTROL 1.01 RELATED REQUTREMENTS A. Cost of Testing: General and Supplementary Conditions. L.O2 TESTING - GENERAL A. Contractor: Provide equipment and facilities as required, subject toArchitect's revierv, for conducting field tests and for collecting and foruarding samples.1. D0 not use materials or equipment represented by samples untiltests, if required, have been made and materials or equipment foundto be acceptable.2. Do not incorporate any product into work which becomes unfit for useafter acceptance thereof. B. Testing: Materials or equipment proposed to be used may be tested at any time during their preparation or use. Furnish required samples without charge and give sufficient notice of placing of orders to permittesting. Products may be sampled either prior to shipment or after being received at site of work. C. Tests: lilade by accredited testing laboratory selected by 0wner. Except as othenilise provided, sampling and testing of materials and laboratory methods and testing equipment shal'l be in accordance wjth latest standards and tentative methods of ASTM.1. Specific informat'ion concerning testing methods, sample sizes, etc.,is included under applicable sections of specifications.2. Any modification of, or elaboration on, these test procedures included for specific materials under their respective sections in specifications shall take precedence over these procedures. 1.03 TESTS PAID FOR BY Ot,lNER A. Control Tests of Fill and Backfill: At such times and in such numbers as specified in Section 02200 Earthwork. B. Control Tests of Concrete Work: At such times and in such numbers as specified in Section 03300 Cast-In-Place Concrete and 0252I Concrete Curbs and Sidewalks. C. Control Tests of Masonry Mortar and Grout: At such times and in such numbers as specified in Section 04100 l-lortar and Masonry Grout. D. Control Tests of Weldlng: At such tines and in such nunbers as spec-ified in Section 05120 Structural Steel: also the following sections:1. 05213 Open }'|eb Steel Joists2. 05310 Steel Deck GPS 9303 01400- I 3. 05400 Cold Fomed t'tetal Franing 1.04 OTHER TESTING A. Following Testing: performed at1. other Tests: Any other testslisted in article above.2. Any-additional tests requiredto fol lowing conditions j expense of installing contractor: requi red by Contract Documents not because of any tests that fail subject a. Quantity and Nature of Tests: Determined bv Architect.b. Tests: Taken in presence of Architect.c. Proof of Noncomplfance: Contractor liable for corrective action which Architect feels is required including complete removal and replacement of defective maderial3. l4aterial substitution: Any tests of materia'l or equipment offeredas substitute for specified item on which test may'be'required inorder to prove its compliance with specifications. B. contractor: May have tests performed on material and equipment for hisown infonnation and job control so long as 0wner does not assumeresponsibility-for costs or for giving-them consideration whenappraising quality of materials. 1.05 TEST REPORTS A. Reports of.tests nade by_testing laboratories shall be distributed bytestlng laboratory as follows: - 1 Copy - Contractor I 9opy - Applicable Supplier or SubcontractorI Copy - 0wnerI Copy - Applicable Engineer1 Copy - Architect 0ther Copies - As Directed 1.07 CoNTRACToR'S qUALITY CoNTR0L SYSTEM A. Quality-Control: Establish system to perform sufficient inspection andtests of all items of work, including ihat of subcontractors, to ensureconformance to contract Documents foi materials, workmanship,construction, finish, functional perfonnance ani identification.1. control system: Establish foi all construction except wherecontract Documents provide for specific compliance tLsts by testinglaboratories and enlineers employed by 0wnei^.2. control system: Specifically'inilude-all testing required byvarious sections of specificitions. B. Quality Control System: Means by which Contractor assures hinself thatconstruction conplies with requiiements of contract Documents. controls: Adequate to cover all construction operations and keyed toproposed construction schedule. I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I GPS 9303 01400-2 c. D. I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I Records: Maintain comect records on appropriate fonn for all inspections and tests performed, instructions received from Architect and actions taken as result of those instructions.1. Records: Include evidence that requ'i red inspections or tests have been performed (including type and number of inspections or tests, nature of defects, causes for rejection, etc.) proposed or directed remedial action, and conective action taken.2. Document inspections and tests as required by each section of speci fi cati ons. Quality Control Plan: Submit with proposed Schedule of Values and Construction Progress Schedule. Plan shall include:1. Personnel , procedures, instructions, and records to be used.2. List of control tests which Contractor understands he and his subcontractors are to perform.3. Procedures for rev'iewing and approving shop drawings, product data, samples and other submittals before subnission to Architect. Include procedures for obtaining field measurements.4. Method of documenting quality control operation, inspection andtesting including samples of proposed forms. END OF SECTION GPS 9303 01400-3 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I 1.01 TEI,,IPORARY ELECTRICITY AND LIGHTING A. General:1. General Contractor:a. Provide temporary electrical service to site including installation of meter.b. Remove temporary service to site upon completion of work.c. Pay for electricity used through temporary and permanent systems up to date of Notice of Acceptance of entire project by 0wner.2. Division 16 Contractorta. Provide temporary wiring, outlets, lights, etc. from load side of meter as required for construction power and lighting during construction period.b. Remove temporary service and distribution system from load sideof meter and distribution upon completion of work.3; Service and Distribution System:a. Properly ground in accordance with NEC.b. Provide ground fault interrupters as required by code. B. Tenporary Power Distribution:l. Division 16 Contractor:a. Prov'ide, install, and maintain tenporary overhead wiring to building and temporary loop on each floor providing temporary power and lighting service as specified.b. Provide ninimum of one double duplex 120V outlet for every 100lineal feet of temporary 1oop.2, Each Contractor:a. Provide extension cords necessary to convey electricity from temporary loop outlets to locations of work.b. Provide special power required for welders or other special equipment.3. Distribution equipment and wiring devices for temporary power and lighting need not be new, however, installation shall conform to safe general pract'ice as required by 0SHA. C. Temporary Lighting:l Dlvision 16 Contractor: Provide one light for every2. Each Contractor: Provide plug-in portable lights as task I ighting. D. Use of Permanent Systemss1, After work is completed to extent that pennanent electric serviceinto building is installed and peymanent outlets are available, pennanent system may be used as necessary for power and light.2. Pennanent branch circuit wiring nay be used to supply pigtail lightsif protected by properly sized circuit breaker or fuse. Do not use pennanent receptacles for construction power. sEcTIoN 01500 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS 750 sq. ft. required for GPS 9303 01500-1 Each Contractor:a. Be responsible for damage to pernanent wiring or fixtures asresult of temporary use. !, Replace receptacles and device p'lates showing wear or abuse. Division 16 Contractor:a. Provide lamps necessary to tenporarily light work in permanently installed fixtures.b. Clean pennanently installed light fixtures which are used for temporary lighting during construction using methods andnaterials recormended by manufacturer. I.O2 TE]4PORARY HEAT AND ENCLOSURES A. Temporary Heat: Provide temporary heat necessary for execution of work.Install, maintain and operate temporary heating apparatus in manner tofacilitate work, so work can continue ind so finilhed work will not be damaged. B. Enclosures: Provide tenporary enclosures necessary for holding tem- porary heat for nasonry and concrete work and for thawing frozen ground. C. Use of Permanent System:1. After building is entirely permanently enclosed, glazing of exterior openings completed, peymanent or temporary doors on exterior openings and pennanent heating system installed and capable of being adequately controlled, permanent heating system may be-used toprovide heat for building.2. Division 15 Contractor:a. In using permanent heating system, assume complete respon-sibility for its proper operation and for any damage which may occur to heating apparatus or any phase of work except such wear and tear which would ordinarily result from nonnal usage.b. At complet'ion and before work is accepted by 0wner, clian air vents and coils, clean cleanable filters and replace neplacementair filters.3. General Contractor: Pay for gas and electricity used in connectionwith operation of pennanent system up to date of Notice of Substantial Completion.4. General Contractor and Division 15 Contractor: If pernanent heating system is_used during construction, remain responsible for ful'l mechanical warranty from date of Notice of Substantial Completion. 1.03 TEI{PORARY WATER A. Temporary Uater: Provide as required for execution of work.1. Provide service, temporary ionnections, plumbing, piping, etc. necessary to convey same to places needed.2. Pay for water used through tbmporary and permanent systens up to date of ilotice of Substantial Completion. T I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I 3. 4. GPS 9303 01500-2 I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I 1.04 TEI.IPORARY SAI{ITARY FACILITIES A. Toilet Facilities: Provide and maintain, in neat and sanitary con-dition, adequate chemical toilet facilities for use of employees engaged on work, in compliance with requirements of applicable codes, regulations, laws and ordinances. 1.05 FITLD OFFICE AND OTHER TEIiIPORARY STRUCTURES A. Field Office: Provide and maintain suitable temporary field office.1. Telephone Service: Install telephone in field office. Pay forinstallation, maintenance, removal and other charges for use of tel ephone.2. ilake office and telephone available for use by 0wner and Architect. B. Temporary Structures: Provide temporary structures and storage areas as requi red.1. Remove offices and other temporary structures from site upon completion of work.2. Locate on site in orderly manner as determined by Contractor. 1.06 TE}/IPORARY PROTECTIVE FACILITIES A. Provide and naintain protective devices and facilities for protection ofpublic and general protection of workmen on project.1. Provide warning signs against hazards created by such items as protruding nails, hoists, well holes, window openings, stainrrays andfalling materials.a. Danger lights: Keep lighted each night from sundown to sunrise.2. Provide and naintain fire extinguishers and active fire hydrants where required. lilaintain fire lanes to hydrants and other equipment as necessary for proper fire protection during construction.3. Provide temporary walks, roadways, trench covers, barricades, bulkheads, railings, danger lights and signals, etc. required for work by applicable safety laws and building codes.4. Maintain temporary protective facilities in good condition throughout term of work. Remove at completion of work. Repair and replace work damaged by temporary protective facilities. B. Each Subcontractor:1. If in performance of his subcontract, it becomes necessaryr con- venient or advisable to renove, replace or interfere with any safety devices or controls installed by Contractor or another subcontractor; subcontractor shalI replace or restore such devices at his expense.2. In event such safety devices or controls are not so replaced or restored, subcontractor shall reimburse Contractor for doing so for subcontractor's account, or by deduct change order to his subcontract. GPS 9303 01500-3 I.O7 ELEVATORS A. Elevator Use During Construction: Not to be used by trades other than elevator installer without written perilission of Architect.1. In event permission is given, trade using elevator shall assume full responsibility for protection of equipment, cars, doors and frames, including refinishing as may be requiied, and shall pay elevatorinstaller his standard rates for servicing elevator during period of such temporary use.2. In addition, user agrees to sign elevator installer temporary acceptance fonn and be bound by terms and conditions thereof.3. Usage of any elevator shall not effect any conditions of warranty or warranty period for elevators as specified. 1.08 SCAFFOLDING AND RUNI.IAYS A. Scaffolding: Provide as necessary for work. B. Runways, Guard Rails, Platforms and Similar Temporary Construction: Provide and maintain for safe perfornance of cohtract.1. Provide facilities of type and arrangement as required for theirspecific use, substantial 1y constructed, strongly supported, andwell secured.2. Comply with applicable safety laws and codes. 1.09 CLoSURES A. Temporary Closures: Erect over openings when weather conditions render Isuch action necessary for proper installation of work. 1.10 PROTECTION FOR I.,ORK IN PLACE A. tlork in Place: When subject to injury because of operations being camied on adjacent, cover, board up, or substantiaily enclose wiih adequate protection.1. Block and board heads, jambs and sills of perflanent openings used as thoroughfares for introduction of work and'materials.-2. Construct fonns of protection in manner that, upon completion,entire work will be delivered to 0wner in undamaged condition. 1.11 C0I{STRUCTIo]'I FE}ICE/BARRICADE A. Construction Fence/Earricade: Provide as required for protection of thepublic and per town of Vail regulations.1. Fence: 6'-0" high chain link fencing with steel posts 8'-0" o.c.2. Gates: Provide where required. Keep gates closeil after working hours.3. At completion of exterior work (except site development work), remove fences fron the site. patch asphalt damaged by fence postsafter removal . I I T I I I I t I t I I I I I t I I GPS 9303 01s00-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L.T2 PROJECT IDEl{TIFICATIOII SIGN A. Sign: Furnish and jnstall painted project identification sign con- sistlng of 4'x 8' x3f4" plywood with exterior glue on 2x and 4x supporting structure.1. Exact Design, Text and Colors: Provided by Architect, including name of building and Owner, any emblem selected by 0wner, Architect's name, names of Architect's princ'i pal consultants, Contractor's name, and names of firms executing principal parts of the work.2. Place in location directed by Arch'itect and maintain for duration of proj ect . 1.13 ACCESS A. Limit access to necessary routes to perforn the work. 1. 14 TEIiIPORARY CONTROLS A. General: Comply with local codes, ordinances and regulations. B. Noise: Minimize noise near residential areas. Properly muffle equipment. Do not operate noisy equipment after hours. C. Dust: Control when construction procedures result in dust which becomes nuisance to 0wner, private property or traffic. D. l,later: Control flow of water at site to prevent damage toprivate and public facilities. do not allow surface water 0wner' s to flow into adjacent stream. E. Debris: Continually police work to prevent collection and scattering of debris uncovered, loosened, or caused by prosecution of work. F. Pollution: Take precautions to prevent spilling and littering of water polluting substances. Do not dump any foreign materials into sewer and stoYm sewer collection systems.1. Burning of debris or any other air polluting methods or equipment not allowed. G. Erosion: Provide facilities necessary to prevent erosive damage to Owner's property and to adjacent properties. 1.15 CLEAN UP A. General: Maintain project and site in clean and orderly condition. Periodically clean interior areas. Regularly remove waste materials, debris and rubbish from site. - B. Each Subcontractor: Cleanup work on daily basis. Failure to clean up I will result in cleanup by others with such costs being backcharged tor Subcontractor by deduct change order to his subcontract. I I GPS 9303 01500-5 c. Interior Areas: clean prior to start of finish work and continuecleaning as required. Lontrol cleaning operations so that dust andother particles will not adhere to newiy Loated surfaces. D. Final Cleaning: See Section 01710. I T I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I END OF SECTION GPS 9303 01500-6 I I I sEcTroN 01533 TREE AND PLANT PROTECTION PART 1 - GEI{ERAL I 1.01 sultltARy I A. Section Includes: t 1. Protection of existing trees indicated to remain.2. Protection of other existing plants to remain. I B. xeiareo Sectrons:r 1. Site Grading and Excavation: Section 02200 Earthwork I PARTz-PRoDUcrsI 2.OT MATERIALS I A. Barricades: Contractor's option as appropriate to serve required purpose and accepted by Architect. I PART3-ExEcuTroNI 3.01 TREE AND PLANT PROTECTION I A. General: Preserve and protect existing trees and plants at site which are designated to remain, and those adjacent to site. t B. Barriers: Provide temporary barriers to height of six feet, aroundr each, or around each group, of trees and plants at drip 1ine. I C. Trirmning: Consult with Architect, and trim agreed on roots and branchesI which interfere with construction.1. Employ qualified tree surgeon to remove, and to treat cuts. I 2. Trim under Architect,s direction.I 3. i: ll:nil:.roots greater than 1" in diameter without advance notice I 4. Cut close to boles in manner that tree will present balanced t 5. illlltliii; resultins from removat of branches over 1" in diameter with heavy coat of approved tree paint. I D. Root Systems: Maintain natural cover of turf around root systems. Replace turf if necessary. I E. Stockpiles: Place stockpiles of topsoil and other excavated material so that they will not slough off onto root systems of existing trees. I F. Contaminates: Dispose of solvents, oils and other rnaterials whicn mayr be harmful to plant life in containers and remove from site. Remove and I GPS 9303 01s33-1 T t replace contaminated soil with good soil at completion of work. G. Areas Under Trees: within drip line of existing trees to remain:1. Do not allow vehicular traific or parking. - 2. Do not store materials or products.3. Prevent dumping of refuse br chemically inJurious materials or I i qui ds. t. Prevent_puddlr'ng o1 continuous running water.5. Do not leave diesel or gasoline equiptent running. H. Protection: carefully supervise excavating, grading and filling and subsequent construction operations, to prei6ni Oamale to plant - materials. Protect. against breaking ant skinning oi rootb and skinningand bruising of bark. 3.02 WATERING A. Trees: water at least every 14 days during construction period byforming suitable dikes and/br soaking deviies at drip linb and apitvingapproximately 6" of water bach time.- water frequency during wintbr-rainseason may be reduced upon acceptance of Architect. - 3.03 TREE REMOVAL A. General: Remove trees indicated to be removed. Architect will tagtrees to be removed. B. Removal: Include new and old stunps of trees and their roots. Felltrees in manner.not to injure standing trees, plants and other impro-vements to renain. If impossible to iemove iobts, grind stumps tb 6ubelow finish grade. 3.04 REPLACE}IENT A. General: Be responsible for care and preservation of existing trees andother plant material that are indicateb to remain. B. Replace, or suitably repair, trees and plants designed to remain whichare damaged or destroyed due to construbtion operalions.1. Architect will determine repair and replacbment requirenents.2- For trees impossible to repiace, Architect will oldce value on units based on latest edition of',,Guide for Establishiig Values of Treesand Other Plants" prepared by council of Tree and"Landscape Apprai sers. I T I T T I I I I I t t I t I I I I I END OF SECTION GPS 9303 01533-2 t I I t I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I sEcrloil 01600 MATERIAL AND EQUIPI4ENT 1.01 RELATED REqUIREMENTS A. General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.02 PRODUCTS A. Products: Include material , equipment and systems.1. Comply with specifications and referenced standards as ninimum requi rements.2. Components Supplied in Quantity within a Specification Section: Same and interchangeable.3. Do not use materials and equipment removed from existing structure, except as specifically required, or allowed, by Contract Documents. 1.03 TRANSPORTATION AND HANDLING A. Transportat'ion: Transport products by methods to avoid product damage; deliver in undamaged condition in nanufacturer's unopened containers or packaging, dry. B. Handling: Provide equipment and personnel to handle products by methodsto prevent soiling or damage. C. Inspection: Inspect shipments to assure products comply with requirements, quantities are correct, and products are undamaged.1. Reject danaged and defective .items. D. Each Subcontractor: 8e responsible for hoisting and stocking of his materials and equipment on site.1. Material Stocked on Floors: Pa'lletized or packaged in appropriate containers on floor by floor basis.2. Material Stocking: Coordinated with Contractor's superintendent. 1.04 STORAGE AND PROTECTION A. Storage: Store products in accordance with manufacturer's recommen- dations, with seals and labels intact and legible. Store sensitive products in weathertight enclosures; maintain within temperature and humidity ranges required by manufacturer,s recommendations.1. Store loose granular materials on solid surfaces in well drained area; prevent mixing with foreign matter. B. Exterior Storage Protection:1. Fabricated Products: Place on sloped supports above ground.2. Cover products subject to deterioration with impervious sheet covering; provide ventilation to avoid condensation. GPS 9303 01600-1 C. Inspection: Amange stonage to provide access for inspection.Periodical.ly inspect to assure pi.oducts are undamaged,'and are main-tained under recomended conditions. 1.05 INSTALLATION A. Pre-Installation conferences: Hold pre-installation meeting at sitebefore installation of each unit of irork which requires cooidinationwith other units of work. Installer and manufactdrer's representativesof particular work and affected work shall attend.1. Notify Architect of meetinq tinre.2. Discuss coordination of woik rlith other work including shop drawings, - product data, possibl e confl icts, compatibi I i ty concerns,_ acceptability of substrates, protection, etc.3. Record significant discussionb at each meeting, agreenents, disagreements and final plan of action. Distiibuie record'to thosein attendance and to Architect.4- Do not proceed with unit of work until pre-installation meeting issuccessfully concluded with agreed upon'p1an of action. I T I T I I I I T I I I I I I I I I 8. Inspection of substrates: Require installer of each major unit of workto inspect substrate to receive work and conditions under which work i, I t0 be perfomed.1. Installer: Report unsatisfactory conditions to General Contractor- in writing with copy to Architect.2. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have beencorrected to satisfaction of installer. C. llanufacturer's Instructions: Where instal'lations include manufacturedproducts, cgmply with manufacturer's applicable instructions andrecomendations for installation, to eitent that these instructions and recomtendations are more explicit or more stringent than requirementsspecified or indicated.1. l{otify Architect of any conflicts between manufacturer,s instruc-tions or reconrnendations and requirements specified or indicated. D. Attachment: Provide attachment and connection devices and methods forsecuring work.1. secure work true to line and level , and within specified tolerances, - 9I-if not specified, industry recognized tolerantes.2. Allow for expansion and buililing movernent.3. Exposed Joints:a. Provide unifoym joint width.b. Arrange joints to obtain best visual effect.c. Refer questionable visual-effect choices to Architect for final deci si on. E. Measurements and Dimensions: Recheck as integral step of starting each i nstal I ati on. GPS 9303 01600-2 I I t I I I t I I I I I I I II I t I I F. Climatic Conditions and Project Status: Install each unit of work under conditions to ensure best possib]e results in coordination with entireproject.1. Iso'late each unit of work from incompatible work as necessary to prevent deterioration.2. Coordinate enclosure of work with required inspections and tests to ninimize necessity of uncovering work for those purposes. G. Mounting Heights: Where not indicated, mount individual units of workat industry recognized standard mounting heights for particular appl ication indicated.l. Refer questionable mounting heights choices to Architect for final deci si on. 1.06 PRODUCTS LIST A. Submittal: t.lithin 30 days after Notice of Award, transmit three copiesof list of najor products which are proposed for installation, inclirding name of manufacturer.1. Tabulate products by specifications section number, title, andarticle number.2. For products specified only by reference standards, give manufac-turer, trade name, model or catalog designation, and reference standards. B. Architect: Will promptly reply in writing whether there is reasonable obJection to listed itens. Failure to obJect to listed item shall not constitute waiver of requirements of Contract Documents. 1.07 PRODUCTS OPTIONS A. Products Specified by Reference Standards or by Description 0nly: Any product meeting those standards. B. Products Specified by Naming 0ne or More Manufacturers with Substitution Paragraph: Products of named manufacturers meeting specifications. Submit request for substitution for any manufacturer not specifically named.1. Products of acceptable manufacturers are subject to requirements of specifications for specified product. C. Products Specified by Naming One or lilore lilanufacturers: Products of naned manufacturers meeting specifications; no options, no substitu- tions.1. Products of acceptable manufacturers are subject to requirements of specifications for specified product. D. Products Specified by Naming Only One Manufacturer: No option, no substitution al lowed. GPS 9303 01600-3 1.08 LII'IITATION 01{ SUBSTITUTIONS A. During.Bidding Period: Instructions to Bidders specifies times forsubmitting.requests for substitutions. Submit reiluests to Architectailowlng adequate.time for review prior to bid and in compliance withrequirements of this section. B. After Bidding Period: Requests for substitutions of products after dateof Owner-Contractor Agreement will be considered only'in case of productunavailability or other conditions beyond control ofcontractor. C. Substitutions:1. l,lill not be considered when indicated on shop drawings or productdata submittals without separate formal requlst, whei requbsteddirectly by subcontractor br supplier, or rihen icceptancd willrequire substantial revision of' Lontract Documents.2. Do not order or install substitute products without written acceptance. I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3. 0nly one request for substitutionsidered. When substitution is not for each product will be con- accepted provide specified 1.09 REqUESTS FoR SUBSTTTUTIoNS A. submittal : submit two copies of each request. submit separate requestfor each substitution. l. Identify products by specifications section and article numbers.2. Provide manufacturer's nane and address, trade name of products, andmodel or catalog number.3. List fabricators and suppliers as appropriate. B. Documentation: Document each request with complete data substantiatingcompliance of proposed substitutfon with requii^ements of contract Documents:1. Attach Product Data as specified in Section 01300.2. Give itemized.comparison' of proposed substitution with specifiedproduct, listing variation, lnd'reference to specificatibn sectionand article numbers.3. Give quali.ty and^performance comparison between proposed substi-tution and specified product.4. List availability of itaintenance services and replacement materials.5. state effect of substitution on construction schbdule, and changesrequired in other work or products. 1.IO COI{TRACTOR REPRESENTATION A. Request for substitution: Representation that contractor hasinvestigated proposed product'and has determined that it ii equal to orsuperior in all f_elpects to specified product:1. contractor will provide slne warrahty for substitution as forspecified product. product.4. Architect wil'l determine acceptabil ity of substitutions. GPs 9303 01600-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. Contractor will coordinate installation of accepted substitute, making such changes as may be required for work'to be complete in al I respects.3. Contractor waives claims for additional costs related to substi-tution which may later become apparent. B. Replacement: If substituted products do not meet or exceed above requirements, whether before, during, or after incorporated into work, Contractor shall, at no additional cost to Owner, replace substituted products with products originally specified. 1.11 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES A. Architect: l.lill review Contractor's requests for substitutions with reasonabl e promptness.1. If accepted by Architect, products proposed for substitution will be accepted subject to modifications by nanufacturer, if necessary, to meet detailed requirements of drawings and specificatjons.2. Architect vlill not make exhaustive attempt to determine that pro- ducts proposed for substitution are equal to, or can be modified in order to be equal to specified products. B. Architect's Acceptance:1. During Bidding Period: Architect will record acceptable substi- tutions in Addenda. Acceptances of substitutions during bid period are conditional upon further investigation after award of contract.2. After Award of Contract: Architect will notify Contractor, inwriting, of decision to accept or reject requested substitution. C. For Accepted Products: Submit shop drawings, product data, and samples'in accordance with Section 01300. EI{D OF SECTION GPS 9303 01600-s t I T I t I sEcTIol{ 01700 CONTRACT CLOSEOUT 1.01 PROJECT RECORD DOCUI.IENTS A. Proiect Site Record Documents: Maintain at project site one record copyof following:1. Drawi ngs2. Specifications3. Addenda4. Accepted Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples5. Change 0rders6. Other Modifications to Contract7. Field Test Records B. Record Documents: Do not use record documents for construction pur-poses. Maintain documents in clean, dry legible condition, apart fron documents used for construction. C. Record Information: Labe] each document .Record Document,'.1. Mark information with contrasting color using ink.2. Keep each record current. Do not pennanently conceal any work until required information is recorded. D. Drawings: Record following information on drawings:1. Depth of foundation elements.2. Horizontal and vertical location of underground utilities.3. Location of internal utilities and appurtenances concealed in constructi on.4. Field changes of dimension and detail.5. Changes by change order or field order.6. Details not on original contract drawings. E. Specifications: Record following information on specifjcations:1. Manufacturer, trade name, catalog number and suppljer of products and items of equipment actual'ly installed.2. Changes by change order or field order.3. 0ther matters not originally specified. F. Shop Drawings: Maintain shop drawings as record documents recording changes made after review as specified for drawings above. G. Submittal: At completion of project, deliver record documents to Architect with transmittal letter containing date, project title and number, Contractorrs name and address, title and number of each record document, and certification that each document is complete and accurate. Submittal shall be signed by Contractor. I I I I I I I I t I I I I GPS 9303 01700-1 I.O2 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES A. Procedures: Following proJect closeout procedure defines respon-sibilities of Contractor. 0wner and Architect in closing project: Step 1 Contractor advises Architect in writing that he has reached "Substantial Completion" and provides list of items to be completed or corrected. Closeout may be conducted by areas or portions of work if requested by Owner. Step 2 Architect inspects work to determine if it is substantially complete, and issues Certificate of Substantial Completion plus "Punch List" of items to be completed or corrected. Step 3 Contractor completes and/or corrects all punch list items and notifies Architect in writing that his work is ready for final inspection. At this time, final application for payment is submi tted. Step 4 Architect makes final inspection. When work is found to be acceptable under Contract Documents, and contract fu1 1y per- fonned, Architect will issue final Certificate for Payment. 1.03 FINAL PAPERWORK A. Final Papenrork: Prior to release of final payment, Contractor shall deliver following items to Architect: Inspection Certificates, as applicable. Contractor's llamanty of Materials and l,lorkmanship. Maintenance I'lanuals and Parts Lists, as specified.All Guaranties, llarranties and Submittals, as specified. Receipts for Extra Materials Delivered to the owner. Miscellaneous Keys, Switches, Etc. Final Application for Paynent. Consent of Surety to Final Payment. Contractor's Affidavit of Release of Liens (AIA Form G-70GA). Project Record Documents The above items are described in following articles or applicable sections of the specifications. 1.04 IIISPECTION CERTIFICATES A. Each subcontractor shall, upon completion of the work, secure intriplicate, cert'ificates from any state or local governing bodies havingjurisdiction in dictating that the work is in strict accordance with the applicable codes and deliver sane to the Contractor for transmittal to the owner. 1.05 WARRAI{TIES A. One Year Correction Period: Rernedy any defects due to faulty materials or workmanship and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom, which shall appear in work within a period of one year from the date of Notice of Substantial Completion and in accordance with the tems of any special warranties provided in the Contract Documents. I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t t GPS 9303 01700-2 t I I I I t I t I t I I I I t I I T I The Owner shall give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. B. Warranty: Upon completion of work, the Contractor shall deliver to theArchitect, in duplicate, a turitten warranty based on the provisions ofthe Contract Documents properly signed and notarized.1. Warranty shall be addressed to the Owner.2. Provide separate written warranties from mechanicai and electrical subcontractors. C. Subcontractor Warranties: Include labor and materials signed by nanufacturer or subcontractor as case nay be and countersigned by subcontractor.1. Address wamanty to 0wner.2. Deliver to Architect upon completion of project and before or with submission of request for finhl payment.' D. Extended Wamanties: Deliver in duplicate extended warranties asspecified and dated from the date of Notice of Substantial Completion and signed by subcontractors and manufacturers. E. Manufacturer Warranties: Deliver in duplicate manufacturer's warranties as specified and dated fron date of Notice of Substantial Compietion signed by manufacturer.1. Manufacturer's Warranties: Supplement and not replace implied and express warranties provided for by Uniform Commercial Code. Any statements in manufacturer,s warranties denying or limiting responsibility for such implied and express warranties shall be voi d. 1.07 1llISCELLANEOUS KEYS, SWITCHES AND I,IRENCHES A. Submittal: At completion of project, account for all loose keys for hose bibs, adjustment keys and wrenches for door closers and panic hardware. keys for electric switches, electrical panels, etc. and turn over to Contractor for transmittal to Owner. 1.08 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. Equipment Manuals: Upon conpletion of work, submit three typed and bound copies of operating.and maintenance manual or manuals. gN. x lluin size, to Architect for his acceptance.f. ilanual: Have index with tab dividers for each major equipment section t0 facilitate locating information on specific piece of egui pment.2. Identify data within each section with identification numbers as they appear on drawings and by specification section and artjcle number. B. Data: Inc'lude as minimum following data:1. Alphabetical list of all system components, 24 hour phone number of company responsible with name. address and for servicing each item GPS 9303 01700-3 during first year of operation.2. 0perating instructions for complete system including:a. Emergency procedures for fire or failure of major equipment.b. Major start, operation and shutdown procedure.3. l,lal ntenance i nstructi ons i ncl udi ng:a. Proper lubricants and lubricating instructions for each piece of equi pment.b. t{ecessary cleaning, replacement and adjustment schedule.4. Manufacturer's product data on each piece of equipment including:a. Installation instructions.b. Drawings and specifications.c. Parts lists.d. Complete wiring diagrams (as-built).e. Marked or changed prints locating all concealed parts and al1 variation from original system design.5. Schematic diagram showing component parts of system.6. Simplified system description and preventative maintenance program. C. 0perating and Maintenance Data: See following sections for equipment requiring operating and maintenance data manuals:1. Finish Hardware: Section 087102. Carpet: Section 096803. Steam Baths: Section 114604. Elevator: Section 142405. Handicapped Lift: Section 144206. l'lechanical: Division 157. Electrical: Division 16 See above sections for specific requirements of operating and main- tenance data for each group of equipment. 1.09 DEMONSTRATIONS A. Equipment Demonstrations: Upon completion of work, schedule time with Architect, and instruct Owner's representative(s) once. in presence of Architect and Engineers, on proper operation and maintenance of equi pment.l. Participants: As minimum presenting participants shall include Contractor, appropriate subcontractor, equipment manufacturer's representatives, and appropriate sub-subcontractors.2. Contractor's Representativesr Thorough knowledge of particular i nstal I ati on .3. ilanufacturer's Representative: Thorough understanding of particular equi pment. B. Dsnonstrations: See following sections for equipment requiring demonstrati ons:1. Elevators: Sections 142402, Handicapped Lift: Section 144203. ltlechani cal : Di vi si on 154. Electrical: Division 16 I I I I T I I I I I t I I I I I I I I GPS 9303 01700-4 t f See above sections for specific requirements of demonstrations for eachgroup of equipment. I 1.10 EQUIPMENT SERVICE Al{D MATNTENANCE - A. General: Include complete service and maintenance calls spaced atI maximum of three month intervals plus emergency calls throughout oneI year correcti0n period. During each service and maintenance call as mlnimum check: I l. Safety devices on each piece of equipment.I 2. Lubrication of all movihg parts; lubiicate where required. I B. Service and Maintenance: See following sections for equipment requiringf maintenance:- 1. Elevators: Section 142402. Handicapped Lift: Section 14420 I 3. Mechanical: Division 15 I I I T I I I I I t END OF SECTION I cPs e303 I 01700-5 I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t sEcTIor{ 01710 FINAL CLEAI'IING 1.01 RELATED REQUIREME}ITS A. Clean-up during construction: Section 01500 Construction Faciiities and Temporary Controls. I.02 CLEANERS A. Cleaners: Professional cleaners with exception of clean-up of site and cleaning specifically assigned to installers and applicatois under various sect'ions of Specifications. 1.03 Final Cleaning A. Exterior: In addition to items specified below, carefuily and thoroughly clean al'l surfaces on exterior: concrete, metal , etc. 8. Glass: Carefully and thoroughly clean both sides of glass and ieave absolutely clean and free from paint, labels, grease, dirt, etc.1. Cleaners: Professional window cleaners. C. Hardware: Clean and polish hardware and leave clean and free frompaint, grease, dirt, etc. D. Plumbing: Clean and polish plumbing fixtures, fittings and exposed plated piping. Leave clean and free from paint, grease, dirt, etc. Remove 'label s. E. Electrical: Clean and polish electric fixtures, including glassware, switchplates, etc. and leave clean and free from paint, grease, dirt, etc. F. Equipment: Carefully and thoroughly clean items of equipment, mechanical , electrical , cabinets, ductwork, etc. G. Floors:1. Resilient F'loor Coverings: Mop with wann water and mild detergent as recommended by manufacturer of flooring, then thoroughly machine buff.2. Carpeting: Vacuum and clean. Remove al 1 spots as recommended by manufacturer.3. Concrete Floors: Damp mop or scrub concrete floors as required.4. Floors: Leave them thoroughly clean when building is turned over to Owner. H. Ceramic Tile and Stone F'l oor and l.,all Finish: Remove grout haze, observing tile manufacturer's recormendations. Rinse tile work thoroughly with clean water. GPS 9303 01710- 1 1 . 04 COI,IPLET ION A. Entire tlork Inside and Out: First-class clean condition upon completion before being accepted by Owner. END OF SECTION I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I GPS 9303 0t7t0-2 t I I I I t I t I T I I I I I I I I I DIVISION 2 SITE WORK sEcTIoN 02050 DEIi.IOLIT ION PART 1 - GENEML 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:l. Remove existing structures within the property lines as indicated.a. Include removal of foundations.2. Remove and dispose of existing site elements as indicated,3. Cap and ident'ify exposed utilities.4. Provide necessary shoring and bracing.5. Dispose of debris off site.6. Clean up and leave site prepared for new construction. 8. Related Sections:1. Construction fence, barricades, warning i ights and signs: Section 015002. Use of Premises: Section 01010 Sunrmary of Work.3. Backfill and Compact'ion of Holes Left Under Demolition: Section 02200 Earthwork.4. Tree and Plant Protection: Section 01533 1.02 qUALITY ASSUMNCE A. Contractor Qualifications: ti,linimum of five years experience in demo-'l i tl on of simi I ar structures. B. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with local codes and ordinances.1. Asbestos-Containing Materials: Existing building to be demolished may have asbestos-containing materials.a. Demolition Subcontractor: Assumes responsibility fornotification to all workmen of existing asbestos conditions. Make notification on approved EPA Forms and include posting of notices in accordance with EPA and 0SHA Guidelines.b. Demolition Subcontractor: Assumes aIl responsibi'l ity for compliance with applicable codes and regulations regarding inspection, handling and removal of asbestos-containing materi al s. 1.03 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements: Execute demolition in manner to lirnit unnecessary dust and noise. Burning of materials on site not allowed. B. Existing Utility Services:t. Capping: Arrange and pay for disconnecting, removing and cappingutility services within areas of demolition. Disconnect and stub GPS 9303 02050- 1 I I t 9ff. Notify affected utility company in advance and obtain approval before starting this work.2, Identification: Place markers to indicate location of disconnectedservices. Identify service lines and capping locations on proiect record documents. C. Existing Utilities Not Indicated on Drawings: Protect any sewer, water, Igas, electric or other pipe lines or conduits uncovered during work Iuntil they have been examined.1. If such lines are found to be abandoned and not in use, remove.2. If such lines are found to be in use, carefully protect and carry on work around then. If 0wner deems it advisable to move such lines, Owner will pay cost of moving.3. Coordinate any temporary interruption of service with Owner. D. Protection: Provide necessary temporary shoring and bracing to support and protect portions of existing building during demolition operations. Leave such shoring in place until permanent supports have beeninstalled. Be solely responsible ior design, safety and adequacy of temporary shoring and bracing and its ability to carry load for which i ntended. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Not Used. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Utility Services: Arrange for and verify termination of utility services for existing structures to include removing meters and cappinglines. Relocate utilities as indicated on drawings. 3.02 BUILDING DEMOLITION A. Genenal: Demolish in orderly and careful manner.1. Sprinkle debris as necessary to limit dust to lowest practicable level . Do not use water to extent of causing flooding, contaminated runoff or icing.2. Begin demolition at top of structures and proceed to lowest level. Do not use explosives. Break concrete and masonry into sections less than three feet in any dimension.3. Rernove walls, foundations and slabs leaving clean hole.4. Asbestos Removal: Remove in accordance with applicable codes, rules and regulations. 3.03 SITE DEI,IOLITION A. Site Improvements: Remove existing site improvements as indicated. I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I GPS 9303 02050-2 I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3 . 04 CLEAN II.IG A. Cleaning: During demolition operations, keep premises free from accumulations of waste material or rubbish caused by employees or work, and at completion of work remove rubbish, tools and surplus material and leave premises clean and ready for subsequent work. Promptly remove waste, rubbish or debris from site. EI{D OF SECTION GPS 9303 020s0-3 I I T I I I I I I I I I sEcTr0N 02160 EXCAVATION SUPPORT SYSTEM PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMIIIARY A. Section Includes:1. Design and installation of permanent or temporary shoring system toprotect excavation perimeter from movement or collapse.2. Protection of adjacent improvements from movement, settlement or col I apse. B. Related Sections:1. Excavation: Section 02200 Earthwork.2. Concrete Formwork: Section 03100. T.O2 sYsTEM DESCRIPTION A. Design Criteria: Contractor shal'l be solely responsible for design of shoring system as required to resist lateral earth pressures and surcharges due to traffic, storage of materials, adjacent structures andall other loads imposed on adjacent soil during the construction period. Comply with requirements of soil and foundation investigation. Type of system used must be compatible with construction procedures and structural details and acceptable to the Structural Engineer and General Contractor. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with al1 applicable requirements of Local Building Code. 0btain pennits and permission of adjacent property owners as required. 1.04 PROJECT CONDITIONS t A. Existing Conditions: Investigate to determine the location of adiacent- existing underground or surface improvements. I B. Subsurface Investigation: A subsurface investigation report has been! prepared for the Owner. See Section 00200 Information Available for Bi dders. I C. Survey: A site survey has been prepared for the 0wner. See Sect'ion 00200 Infomation Available for Bidders. r I I I GPS 9303 02160- I PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Excavation Support System: Provide piles, piers, walers, lagging, sheeting, anchors and structures as required. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAI'|INATlot{ A. Existing Conditions: Examine existing conditions to determine shoring requirements. Examine existing adjacent improvements to determine their condition before starting work. Record their condition by writtenreport, survey and photographs as required. 3.02 PROTECTION A. Take all necessary precautions and make provisions to protect adjacentexisting improvements from damage from shoring, and excavation operati ons. INSTALLATION Design and install systems as required. Make proper al'lowances for building structure and improvements including waterproofing, dampproofing and foundation drainage systems. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Make periodic inspections and surveys of existing adjacent improvements. Keep accurate records of movenents or changes in their condition. REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT A. Repair any damage or replace damaged existing adjacent improvements. 3.06 REil0VAL A. Remove temporary shoring. Leave permanent shoring in place. Do not remove. El{D OF SECTIOI{ 3.03 A. B. 3.04 A. 3.05 I I I I I I I T I I I I t I I I I I I GPS 9303 02160-2 I I SECTIo]{ 02200 EARTHt.,ORK . PARTl-GEI{ERAL I 1. ol sur'$,rARYI A. Section Includes:I 1. Site Clearing I 2. Building and Retaining t.tall Excavation and Backfill3. Site Gradingr 4. Granular Fill Behind Retaining Wallsr- B. Related Sections: - 1. Soi'l Testing: Section 01400 Quality Control I 2. Layout: Seition 01050 Field ingin"!"ingI 3. l{echanical Excavation: Division 15 Mechanical4. Electrical Excavation: Division 16 Electrical I 5. Foundation Drainage: Section 02710 I 6. Excavation Support System: Section 021607. Slope Protection and Erosion Control: Section 02270 r 8. Tree and Plant Protection: Section 01533 I 9. Building Demolition: Section 02060 1.02 REFERENCES I A. Reference Standard: Conply with:1. Excavation: Colorado Division of Labor Rules and Regulations. I 2. Conpaction Standard: Standard Proctor Density ASTM D698. I 1. 03 suBl,rITTALs I A. Test reports of soils testing during construction specified under FieldI Quality Control w'ill be distributed by the testing laboratory in accordance with Section 01400 Quality Control. I 1.04 QUALITY ASSURAiTCE I A. Geotechnical Engineer: The 0wner will employ a Geotechnical EngineerI who will place qualified personnel on the site as necessary during ther earthwork operations to evaluate compliance with the specifications. I 1.05 PROJEcT cONDITIONS I A. Existing Utilities: Protect from damage any sewer, t{ater, gas, I electric, phone or other pipe lines or conduits uncovered during the I work until they have been examined by the Owner. If such lines are found to be abandoned and not in use, remove without extra cost. If r such l'ines are found to be in use, careful 1y protect and camy on workI around them. If Owner deems it advisable to move such lines, Owner willr pay cost of moving. I GPS 9303 02200-L I I I 1.06 WARRANTY A. Fill and Backfi'll: Settlement in backfill, fill, or in structures built over backfill or fill, which may occur within the one year warranty period shall be corrected at no cost to the 0wner. Restore any structures danaged by settlement to their original condition at no costto the Owner. PART 2 - PRODUCTS z,OL FILL AND BACKFILL MATERIAL A. Material: 0n-site excavated or imported granular material free of organic material , rubble or debris and approved by the GeotechnicalEngineer. Foundation and retaining wall backfill shall be relativelyfree draining material consisting of minus 6 inch material containing atleast 50& material retained on the No. 4 sieve and less than 15% pasiing the 1{o. 200 si eve. B. Backfill Cap in Unpaved Areas: 0n site excavated or imported relativelyfine graded material approved by the Geotechnical Enginder. 2.0? GRANULAR FILL BEHIND RETAINII'IG WALLS Imported free draining gravel. l,laterial shall consist of minus 2 inch aggregate with less than 508 passing the No. 4 sieve and less than 2% passing the No. 200 sieve. PART 3 . EXECUTION 3.01 ExAtrtIl{ATIoN A. Verification of Conditions: Visit and inspect the site and take into consideration known or reasonably inferable conditions affecting thework. Failure to visit the site wi'l'l not relieve the Contractor of furnishing materials or perfonning the work required. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Field Engineering: See Section 01050 Field Engineering for bench marks, monuments, batter boards, reference points and Iayout and checking of the work. 3.03 SITE CLEARING A. Remove all remaining vegetation and topsoil. B. Remove existing trees where indicated C. Protect trees to remain as specified in Section 01533 t T I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I t GPS 9303 02200-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I 3.04 EXCAVATION A. General: All footings shall bear on natural undisturbed granular soils. Remove all existing nanmade fill under the building area. Excavate thesite as required for walls, foundations, crawl spaces, piers, area pits, and retain'ing walls to depths indicated on the di"awings. Trenches shall have bottoms of full width required. If through error, trenches are carried deeper than required, fill excess depth with concrete as directed at the Contractor's expense. Removb loose or disturbed material from bottom of excavation by hand. Bottom compaction of loose material will be allowed only if approved by Geotechnical Engineer. Ifdebris, soft spots, or excessive'ly inoist areas are found at the bottomof any excavation, irmediately report the condition to the Soils Engineer who will determine if corrective work is necessary. B. Excavation Adjacent to Existing Building: Do not excavate below levelof adjacent building footings i'itnout siecific on-site directions fromthe Geotechnical Engineer. C. Coordination: Coordinate excavation with Section 02160 Excavation Support System. D. Unclassified Excavation: All excavation is considered as unclassified and is defined as removal of al 1 naterial encountered, regardless ofsoil type. Unclassified excavation is considered normal excavation and no extra will be allowed. E. Cobbles and Boulders: llhere cobbles or boulders are uncovered atfooting elevation they shall be irrnediately reported to the Geotechnical Engineer to direct their removal . Cobbles or boulders shall becarefully removed to prevent disturbance of adjacent soils and theresultilg depressions shall be filled with compacted earth fill. Stockpile boulders 12', in diameter and larger for future landscape usein on-site Iocation as directed. F. Store suitable backfill material as space is available. Remove all other excavated material from the site. 3.05 PREPARATION OF NATURAL GROUND A. General: Remove topsoil and vegetation before beginning preparation of natural ground. Renove from site frozen or muddy ground in fill areas. B. Fills l'lade on Hillsides or Slopes: P'low scarify slope of the original ground upon which the fill is to be place to a m.inimum depth of 6inches. l,lhere the slope ratio of the original ground is steeper than 20% (5 horizontal to 1'vertical,) the bank shall be stepped ol.benched. C. Preparation: Mix and blend the plowed or scarified surface with a discor grader blade so the surface will be free of large clods or rocks.ruts. humrocks or other uneven features which would tend to prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to be used. GPS 9303 02200-3 D. Scarification and Compaction:1. l{atural Ground Under Fill Areas: Scarify to a minimum depth of six inches and compact at a moisture content near optimum to at least 958 of its Standard Proctor Density, ASTM D698.2. Natural Ground Under Fill Areas Below Exterior Slabs, Sidewalks and Paving: Scarify to a minimum depth of six inches and compact near optimum moisture content to at least 95% of its Standard Proctor Density, ASTM D698. 3.06 DRAINAGE AND PU}IPING A. ilaintain soil under foundations and slabs at natural moisture content. B. Provide and maintain slopes, crowns and ditches in excavation to insure satisfactory surface drainage at all times. Provide temporary drainagefacilities to prevent water from draining into excavations. tlhen workis completed, restore temporary ditches or cuts to original grade or finish grade as indicated. C. Bailing or Pumping: Immediately pump or bail out water found in excavations, whether rain or seepage. Excavations shall be kept free from water at all times. Take neasures and furnish equipment and labor necessary to control the f1ow, drainage and accumulation of water as required to pennit completion of the work under this section to avoid danage to the work. 3.07 FILLING AND COI.IPACTION A. General: Fil'l and compact to levels required to complete the workindicated. Filling nay require soil material in excess of quantity of suitable on-site material available. Import new material as required. B. Placing Fill: Distribute material to avoid formation of lenses or layers of material differing substantial 1y from surrounding material . Deliver material at uniform rate to permit satisfactory procedure to result in uniformly compacted fil1. Avoid unnecessary concentration of travel causing ruts and uneven compaction. Regrade and compact ruts and hollows more than 6 inches deep before compacting Spread fill material in horizontal layers no greater than 8 inches thick. C. Backfilling: Fill and compact temporary holes and excavation aroundinterior walls, grade beams, piers, trenches, on inside of building and excavation around exterior foundation wal'ls. Backfill in even lifts on both sides of foundation walls to prevent excess'ive pressure on oneside. Brace unsupported foundation walls, grade beans, and piers thoroughly before backfilling and leave bracing in place until supporting floors are in place. 0btain pennission from Architect beforebackfilling. Backfill and mechanically compact as indicated below. Puddling not allowed. Coordinate backfill behind precast concrete retaining walls with retaining trall contractor. I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I GPS 9303 02200-4 E. It I I I I II T I t I I I I I I I I I I D. Compaction of Granular i{aterials: l.lhen compacting material, such as sands and gravels, deposit materials in laybrs and compact by treads of crawler type tractors, surface or internal vibrators, lmooth orpneunatic rollers, hand or power tampers, or by other means approved bythe Geotechnical Engineer. 'Thicknes! of horizbntal layers aftbr deposition shall be not more than six inches if compaciion is performed by tractor treads, surface vibrators or sinilar equipment. If' compaction is performed by internal vibrators, thi:ckness of horizontal lgyer_s after conpaction shall be not more than the penetrating length ofthe vibrator head. Ponding or water flooding not ailowed. Conpaction Requi rements : the Geotechnical Engineer Densities as determined by Compact each layer by methods to a minimum of the following ASTlil 0698: acceptable to Standard Proctor 100% 95% 954 95% 904 902' 1. Fill under footings2. Fil against sides of footings3. Fil'l under exterior slabs and sidewalks4. Exterior utility trench backfill under slabs, sidewalks and paving5. Other exterior utility trench backfill6. Fill or backfill in landscaped areas 3.08 EXCESS OR UNUSABLE I.IATERIAL A. Excess or Unusable l-laterial: Remove from the site. 3.09 BACKFILL CAP Top two feet of exterior foundation backfill not covered by slabs ongrade shall_consist of find graded lay material conpacted as requiredfor backfill. 3.10 FINISH GRADING A. General: Cut and fill areas as indicated or required to permitfinishing to.the fjnish grades indicated. Slope away troin building a minimun of IfZ" per foot in all directions. B. Subgrade under Sidewalk, Paving and Slabs on Grade: Finish grade to bearing surface as required. iolerance: (d 0.0A ft. (L/z,r. C. Subgrade Under All Other Areas: Finish grade to elevations indicated.Tolerance: (d 0.2 tt. (Z-t/Z,). 3.12 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Placement Method: Obtain the Geotechnical Engineer,s approval of the method of placing and compacting before starting compacted fill orbackfill placenent. GPS 9303 02200-s B. Compaction: Obtain written approval of the completed compacted fill and backfill from the Geotechnical Engineer who will have sufficient tests made to assure compliance with these specifications. If because of unsatisfactory test results it is necessary to retest after corrective work, the cost of tests other than the initial tests shall be paid by this Contractor. C. Density Tests: In accordance with ASTl'l D1556-82, ASTM 02922-8L or ASTII DZI67-66 (1977). See Section 01400 Quality Control. D. Field Engineering: See Section 01050 Field Engineering. I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I END OF SECTIOI.I GPS 9303 02200-6 I I tI llil ',;,lili-^' I t I sECTI0N 02211 BOULDER PLACEI-|ENT 5' di aneter 3043.5' diameter 4M2' diameter 15%1.5' di ameter 15% I A. Section Includes: I 1. Placement of cobbles and boulders stockpiled during earthwork operati ons. I B. Reiateo sectrons:rt 1. Excavation and Stockpiling of Cobbles and Boulders: Section 02200 Earthwork. T 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE I A. All boulders and cobbles shall confonn and blend with the natural color I and texture of existing rock fonnations in the immediate project area. r B. Field Direction: Landscape Architect shall approve boulders to be I located, placement and details of placement. 1.03 DELIVER, STORAGE AND HANDLING I A. Handle boulders with non-marring slings such as ny1 on straps. I PART2-PRODUCTS II 2.OT MATERIALS I A. Boulders and cobbles will consist of on-sjte stockpiled materialsI removed during building excavation and other earthi.rork operations. I B. Landscape Architect to give final approval of boulder selection by t contractor prior to installation. I C. Diameter range is quantified as a percent of the total number installed. I Total number to be determined at time of installation, and is a functionr of availability. Approximate desired size: I cPs e303 ozzrL-L I PART 3.01 A. 3.02 A. 3 - EXECUTION LAYOUT Exact placement and arrangement of the field and coordinated urith the EXCAVATION AND PLACEI.IENT END 0F SECTIOi'| boulder groupings to be determined in Landscape Architect. Over-excavate a small depression to accormodate approximately 20& surface area to be buried. Place boulders individually. Where boulders occur in groups, fill voids with native soil and compact so as to give a natural looking bed. I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I GPS 9303 022tt-2 I I I sEcTIoN 02270 SLOPE PROTECTION AND EROSION CONTROL PART 1 - GENEML r 1.01 sut'tMARY I A. Section Includes: I 1. Silt fence erosion control dur.ing construction. r B. Related Sections: t 1. Rough Grading: Section 02200 1.02 SUBI.IITTALS I A. Product Data: Submit to Architect for approval before proceeding:1. Catalog data for silt fence filter fabric and proposed supports I 1.03 qUALTTY ASSURANCE r A. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with the following: I 1. Town of Vail requirements for erosion control during construction. PART 2 - PRODUCTS I 2.01 MATERTAL' I A. Silt Fence: Silt fence shall be constructed of synthetic filter fabric, I ?31.3;oiilr(dependins upon the srensth of the fabric used) wire fence I B. Stakes: Stakes for anchoring silt fence shall be 2" x 2,, x 4' woodI stakes. I PART3-EXECUTION r 3.ol ExAl,tINATIol{ I A. Verification of Existing Conditions: Verify rough grading is acceptabler and ready for erosion control work. I 3.02 SILT FENCErA. Install silt fence as required. I B. Within 24 hours after rough grading has been completed, silt fence shall be placed in graded areas as required. I I GPS 9303 02270-L I I 3.03 },IAINTENANCE A. Inspect silt fence every four to six weeks for integrity of fence and pl acement. B. Repair or replace silt fence as needed after each inspection. C. Inspect silt fence and inlet sediment filters for sediment buildup every four to six weeks with sediment removed as needed after each inspection. D. Inspect all erosion control facilities following heavy precipitation for damaged silt fence and sediment buildup. Perform naintenance as necessary. E. Renove erosion control facilities when directed by the Architect. ENO OF SECTION I I I I I T t I I I I I I I I I I I II GPS 9303 02270-2 I I I I t It I I T T I I I I I I t I I PART 1 - GENEML 1.01 SUIi|MARY A. Section Includes:1. Exterior concrete pavers and sand setting bed.2. Paver edge restraint. B. Related Sections:1. Concrete Subslab: Section 02521 Concrete Curbs and Sidewalks2. Hydronic Heating System: Division l5 Mechanicaj T.O2 SUBMITTALS A. Samples: Submit total of six (6) individual pavers of each specified type or color showing extreme variations in color and texture. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Mock-Up: _Install minimum 6 ft. x 6 ft. area of each specified type andcolor including base concrete slab sand bed and brick ilaving at lbcation as directed by Architect.1. Use construction methods and materjals specified. Use fulI range paver color and texture.2. Accepted Mock-Up: Standard for rest of work. Remove upon com-pletion of project. I.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 016001. Pavers:a. Handle carefully to avoid chipping and breakage.b. Store on pallets or concrete slab until ready for use.c. Cover and protect against wetting prior to use, a1 Iowing aircirculation under stacked units. B. Acceptance at Site: Inspect pavers upon delivery to jnsure color matchwith the approved samples. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI CONCRETE PAVERS A. Distributors: LPS Pavement Co., 33W480 Fabyan Parkway, Suite 101 , I'lest Chicago, Illinois 60185. Tel: t08lZ3Z-1710.1. Type: Pavestone Uni-Decor2. Color: Vail blend, LpS L-11-ZB. SECTION 02518 CONCRETE PAVERS - SAND BED GPS 9303 02518- I 2.02 PAVER EDGE RESTRAINT A. Pave Tech, Inc. Pave Edge Industrial. 2.03 FILTER FABRIC A. l'lirafi 500 X or approved substitute. 2.04 SETTII{G BED A. Clean washed sand. PART 3 . EXECUTION 3.01 EXAI-IINATION A. Verification of Conditions: Before beginning work, concrete paving brick installer shall inspect bearing surfaces. Report unsatisfactory conditions immediately to the General Contractor. 3,02 PREPARATION A. Filter Fabric: Where pavers occur over earth, install filter fabric over compacted earth subgrade according to manufacturer's instructions. B. Edge Restraint: Install continuously at all exposed paver edges. C. Setting Bed: Spread sand bed to correct elevation to receive pavers. Do not compact. Coordinate with installation of hydronic heating system. 3.03 PAVIIIG INSTALLATION A. Place pavers, individually working from already placed pavers not from the sand bed. Pattern shall match approved sample panel. Do not walk or work on sand base once it has been leveled. Lay all units snuglytogether. After units are in place, compact with mechanical vibrator to set units into sand base at proper elevation. After compaction, brushfine sand into joints to conpletely fill joints. END OF SECTIOI'I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I t I GPS 9303 02518-2 I t I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I g3/ ?5,,94 PART I - GEIIERAT I .01 sui$tARY A. Sectlon Includes:1. txterlor stone pavlng2. Cut stone stalr'treais B, Related Sections: 8,7t9374OA37 sEcTroN 02519 STOIIE PAVING on living deck. on exterior steps. lBt99o SPecCon5ultg l. Sealants: Sectlon 07900.2. Interior Stone Flooringl Sectiort 09300 Tlle, 1.02 REFEREI{CIS A. unless othemise. indicated, cornply with all applicable requirements ofLailcrete Data sheet 230.6. I.03 SUBI{ITTALS A. Product Data: subrit for setting, grouting and cleaning materials in accordance with Secilon 01300. B. Samples: Submit total of six lndlvidual pieces of stone showing extremevariations in color and texture ln accordince uith Section 01300. 1,04 qUALITY ASSURAilCE A. Contractor Qualiflcatlons; Paylnq subcontractor must have at least flve(5) years experience in the instailation of stone paving projects. 8. lilock-up! Install ninimum 4' by 4' panel including base concrete slab and stone paving at location as dlrected by Architect.1. Use constructlon methods and materlals-specifled, Use full rangepaver color and texture.2, Accepted lilock-upr Standard for rest of work.3. Refiove mock-up at completion of project.4. Accepted t{ock-up: itay renain part of completed project. I.05 DEIIVERY, STORAGE AND HAI{DLIN6 A. General: Canply with Section 01600.l. Stone:a. Handle carefully to avold chipping and breakage.b. Store on pallets on concrete siab until ready for use.c, Cover and protect agalnst uetililg prior to uset alloying alr circulation under stacked units. cPs 9303 02519-t B. 1.06 A. r43/25/91 tA. tB 8, 7 1957 4963?SP.qgoncultg 2. otfter ilatert al s :a. Store cementitious materials off the ground and under cover.b. Store admlxtures ln original unopened containers. Protect llquid admixtures fron freezlng. Acceptance at siter lnspect stone upon delivery to insure color match wlth accepted sarnples. PRO'ECT COT{DITIOI{S Environnental Requirements: Follort procedures for cold and hot weather protecti0n speclfled in Section 04200 Unit Masonry. t I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I t PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 sToNt PAvEns A. Pavers: l-l/2 thlck sandstone pavers in color selected Architect. 2.02 I{()RTAR AI{D GROUT A. Adnirture Manufacturers:1. Laticrete lnternatlonal2. Approyed substltute in accordance with Sectlon 01600. B. fhick Bed ilortar: 1:3 Portland cerent/rand gauged with Latlcrete #370t admix as speclfled under Latlcrete Data Sheet 230,6. C, Slurry Bond Coat: Portland cment/sand gauged with Laticrete 14237 adnlt as spectfled under Laticrete Data Sheet 230.6. 0, Grout: Latlcrete Dry Bond Grout and Joint Filler or approved equal gauged wlth Latlcrete #3701 grout and mortar admit. Color as selected by Architect. E. ]'lixing proportions and procedures shall be in strlct accordance |1'ith recqmendat'lons to Latlcrete Data sheet 230.6. PART 3 - TXECUTIOI{ 3.01 txAlill{ATrofi A. Verificatlon of Conditlons: Comply with Section 01600;1. Layouts Verify layout of nork before beginning installatlon.2, Exlstlng Conditlonsl Examlne substrate before beginning lnstal I oti on.3. l{otlflcatlon: Notlfy General Contractor of unsatisfactory condl- tlons ln urltlng wlth copy to Architect. B. Acceptance: Eeglnning of work means acceptance of existlng conditions bv instal ler. 6PS 9303 02519-2 I t I I I I I I I T I 3.02 PREPARATIOiI A. Clean concrete base slabs requlred, to remove curlng concrete surfaces shal I be Just prior to applicatlon 3.03 THICK BED IilSTALLATION A. Expansion Jolnts: In$tn'll requlred by Laticrete Data g3/2=/94 3.04 GROUTI]IG A]ID C?EAI{ING A. Groutlng: Grout ioints achleved. Cure grout by B. Cleaning: Remove grout cl etner. 3.05 EXPAI{SION,lOIt{T SEALAI{T t0 remove all contaminants. Acid etch' if comoound$ and rinse clean. Dry or dusty wet'down or via$hed and excess water removed of settlng bed. 3/8n po]ystryene at locations indicated and sheet'230.6, full depth of settlng bed. 19r 19o 8,7195746837 B. Setting: Install pavers oven base slab according to thick bed setting naterl;ls and methbds specified in paragraphs 6.0 and.l0.0 of Latlcrete Data sheet 230.6. Back'butter each'pavir before setting. Install in patterns lndlcated h,ith 3/E" Jolnts between pavers.i. Settlng pattern: Set'pavers w1th ioints'and in pattern indicated. C. Replacement; Replace any paver work showing damage or di.sfiguratlon dui.lng progress bf work in'its entirety. eitching or hid'ing of defects not Pennltted. r A. Expanslon joints shall be sealed by the sealant contractor irnedlately I after completlon of paving. 3.06 PROIECTIOil I A. Prot€ctlon! Protect pavers after setting by suitable covering. as soon as initial set or setting bed is maintalning in damp condition for seven days. haze wlth stone paver manufacturer approved EIID OF SECTIONI I I I I II cps 9303 02519-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I sEcTIoN 02521 CONCRETE SIDE}IALKS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUlltltARY A. Section Includes:1. Concrete Base Slab Under Concrete pavers B. Products Installed but not furnished Under this Section:1. Railing Sleeves: Furnished under Section 05500 Metal Fabrjcat'ions2. Concrete Pavers: Section 02518 C. Related Sections:1. Layout: Section 01050 Field Engineering2. Quality Control: Section 014003. Formwork: Section 03100 Concrete FoyTnwork4. Reinforcement: Section 03200 Concrete Reinforcement5. Concrete: Section 03300 Cast-In-Place Concrete6. Concrete Testing: Section 03300 Cast-In-place Concrete I.O2 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards:1. Concrete Work: Follow reconrnendations of ACI 301. I. 03 SUBI|IITTALS A. Quality Control Submittals;1. Mix Designs: Prior to pouring any concrete, submit concrete mixesfor approval in accordance with Sectjon 01300. Separate mix designs shal'l be submitted for each type of concrete to be used in theproiect. Submittals shall include all infonnation used in designing the mixes. See Section 03300 for design procedures.2. Test Reports: Reports of control tests, special tests or core tests specified under Section 03300 Fie'ld Quality Control shall be distributed by the testing 'laboratory in accordance with Section 01400 Quality Control.3. Record of Work: A record shall be kept by the Contractor listing the time and date of placement of all concrete. Such record shall be kept until the completion of the project and shall be availableto the Architect for examination at any time. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Hauling Time: Discharge all concrete transmitted in a truck mixer, agitator or other transportation device within 1-1/2 hours after the mixing water has been added. GPS 9303 0252t-l B. Extra Water:1. Deliver concrete to the job in exact quantities required by the des'ign mix.2. If extra water is required before depositing concrete, the General Contractor's superintendent shall have sole authority to authorize the addition of water.3. Additional water added to the mix after leaving the batch plant shall be indicated on the truck ticket and signed by the person responsi bl e.4. lJhen extra water is added to the concrete, mix thoroughly for 40 Irevolutions of the drun or 3-1/2 minutes at mixing speed, whichever Iis greater. 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements:1. Cold bleather Placement: When depositing concrete after the firstfrost or when the mean daily temperatures are below 40' F follow recormendations of ACI 306. Maintain concrete temperature at a minimum of 50o F for not less than 72 hours after depositing. The concrete may not contain calcium chloride. Maintain fonns in place for a minimum of 72 hours after depositing concrete, subject to approval of the Architect. Place no concrete without approval of the Architect on days when the temperature at 9:00 AM is below 30"Funtil, in the opinion of the Architect, the Contractor has taken all necessary precautions and supplied all the necessary equipment to prevent the concrete from freezing.2. Hot tleather Placement: When depos'iting concrete in hot weather, follow recommendations of ACI 605. The opt'imum temperature of concrete at time of placement shall not exceed 85'F. Protect to prevent rapid drying. Start finishing and curing as soon aspossible. }lhen the air temperatures are expected to exceed 90oF the Contractor shal'l obtain approval from the Architect on the procedures to be used in proteLting, depositing, finishing and curing of concrete. Pozzolith Retarder, as manufactured by Master Builders Company, C'leveland,0hio or approved equal may be used upon approval of the Architect. The use of'continuous fog sprays may be required by the Architect for 24 hours especially in times of low humi di ty. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.0I C0I,ICRETE I-IATERIALS A. General: Use ready nixed concrete conforming with ASTI'I C94-84. No onjob mixed concrete will be allowed. See Section 03300 for materials. 2.02 MISCELLAI{EOUS MATERIALS A. Curing Compound - Vertical Surfaces: Conform to ASTl,l C309-81. T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GPS 9303 0252t-2 I I I I I I I I t I I I I B. Curing Compound - Horizontal Surfaces; Conform to ASTM C309-81. C. Reinforcing: See Section 03200 Concrete Reinforcement. 2.03 CollcRETE A. Design: See Section 03300 for mix design. 2.04 MIXII{G A. l,li xi ng:1. Add aggregate and approximately two-thirds of the required water to the mixer first and mix a minimum of 70 revolutions at nixing speed to insured wetting of all the aggregate particles. Add cement, air entraining agent and remaining water and mix a minimum of 30 revolutions at mixing speed. When the mean ambient temperatures are below 40o F all concrete shall have a minimum temDerature of 70' F at time of depositing. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verification of Conditions: Forms and Reinforcement: Provide ample notice t0 the Architect to allow him to examine all forms and rein- forcement iust before concrete is deposited and to observe the placing of all concrete. Do not begin placement until approval of Architect is obtai ned. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Subgrade: Perform minor cut and fill required to bring the grade to the correct Ievel to receive concrete work. B. Concrete Work Preparation: Comply with Section 03300. C. Protection: Comply with Section 03300. 3.03 SUBGMDE I A. IJork by Earthwork Contractor: Earthwork contractor will perform all cutI and fill necessary to bring the subgrade to within + 0.04' (Il2',) of bottofli surface of sidewalks, and other concrete work under this section. B. tJork by Concrete Sidewalk Contractor: Cut or fi'l'l and finish grade as reguired to bottom of sidewa'lk within a tolerance of 0.02' (1/4"). Iffill is required use on-site material or Class 6 road base material compacted to at least 95% of Standard Proctor Density, ASTM 0698. I I I I I GPS 9303 02521-3 3.04 PLACE},IEI{T A. Placement:1. Piling up of the concrete in the forms or chuting in a manner that separates the aggregates will not be permitted.2. Follow the recormendations of ACI 614 for depositing concrete into forms. No concrete shall be dropped over 5'-0n.3. Prevent accumulations of water on the surface of the concrete due to water gain, segregation, or other causes, during placement of compacting as far as possible by adiusting the mixture. Make provision for removal of such water as may accumulate so that under no circumstances will concrete be placed in such accunulation. during and innediately after depositing. corners and angles of the forms, around difficult areas. I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I B. Compaction: Compact concrete Supplement by hand spading at embedded fixtures and in other 3.05 SIDEWALKS B. Finish: Broom finish. Archi tect. C. Control Joints: Locate8' maximum on center. A. General: Construct sidewalks, in accordance with details on the drawi ngs. Final surface finish as directed by the control joints where shown on the drawings, or D. Expansion Joints: Extend through the vide bituminous fiber expansion joint 3.06 CURING entire slab (Cold joints). Pro-filler where indicated. A. General: Do not remove forns until such time as specified and remove carefully so as not to injure the concrete surface. 8. Vertlcal Surfaces: Clean all surfaces of loose sand, mortar, debris and grout; spray lightly with water and coat with a clear or translucent curing compound as soon as possible after removing forms. Apply curing compound in all cases the same working day that the fonns are removed. C. Horizontal Surfaces: As soon as possible after placing concrete, coatall exposed horizontal surfaces with curing compound as specified. Give special attention to obtaining adequate curing of slab edges. 3.07 MISCELLANEOUS COI{CRETE REQUIREMENTS A. Provide all other site concrete flatwork indicated on the drawings even though not specifically mentioned herein to cornplete the work, including the following:l. Anchors and Sleeves: Install anchors and sleeves furnished under other sections in accordance with shop drawings. GPS 9303 0252t-4 I t I I 3.08 BACKFILLING A. Backfillingi Backfill against all work level with surrounding area and compact Final grade tolerance (t .t'). 3.09 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. General: All testing, with the exception of slump tests, shall be 1| performed by an approved testing laboratory. The following tests and I procedures. are subject to change during construction at the discretion of the Architect. I B. Testing Laboratory; The selection of a testing laboratory for any ofr the following tests shall be subject to the approval of the Architect. following removal of forms. Fill as directed by the Architect. I I I I I I I I I I I I I C. Test Priority: Control tests shall be used to determine the concretequality throughout the project, however, special tests shal'l have precedence over control tests, and core tests shall have precedence overall previous tests. D. Slump Tests: Provide all necessary equipment and make tests in con- fonnity with C143, as frequently as directed by the Architect. Providefor tests to be made by a person thoroughly farniliar with the requirements specified. Reject batch if slump exceeds the limitsspecified. Keep accurate record of t'ime, location in the work, and the results of all slump tests. llake available for inspection by the Architect. E. Control Tests: Control tests of concrete work shall be made at such times and in such manner as directed by the Architect at the expense of the 0wner. Each test shall consist of 6 standard 6" test cylinders cast and cured in accordance with C31 and C172. Two cylinders shall be broken at the end of 7 days after placing, ttvo cylinders shall be broken at the end of 28 days after placing and the remaining tlvo cylinders shall be stored until their disposition is determined by the Architect. The two remaining cylinders will be broken only when the previous test reports indicate unsatisfactory results. The Architect reserves the right t0 stop all future concrete work when the 7 or 28 day tests indicate unsatisfactory results; until, in his opinion, proper corrective measures have been taken to assure quality concrete in future work. Tests shall be made at the time test cylinders are taken, and recorded on the reports to determine the slump, air content, unit weight, and temperature of the concrete. All tests shall be made in accordance with C39, C138 or C231. GPS 9303 0252t-5 3.10 PROTECTION A. General: Protect all exposed surfaces of concrete fron premature drying and frost. Protect freshly placed concrete against rain danage. Protect all concrete surfaceb from staining, cracking, chipping and other damage during progress of work, and leave in good condition upon compl eti on. EIID OF SECTION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GPS 9303 0252t-6 It r sEcTI0N 02710 I SUBDRAINAGE SYSTEM I PARTl-GENERAL I r.o1 suMMARYr A. Section Includes: I 1. Drainage pipe and fitting at foundations and retaining wai'ls.I 2. Curtain type drainage at foundation walls.3. Free draining gravel at drain. I 4. Drainage pipe. I 5. Protective covering.6. Drainage pipe to sump. I B. Related Requirements: Comply with:I 1. Concrete Nork: Division 3 Concrete. I C. Related Sections: I 1. Trenching and Earth Backfilling: Section 02200 Earthwork.2. Backfill 0ver Drain System: Section 02200 Earthwork. I r.oz DELIvERv, sroRAGE AND HANDLINcI A. Deliver and store materials in accordance with Section 01600. StockpileI and store materials so not to bury or damage.I PART 2 - PRODUCTS I 2.01 DRAINAGE PrPE - A. Types: Perforated adjacent to building foundations, unperforatedI elsewhere.I B. Unperforated Pipe: Rigid polyvinyl chloride sewer pipe and soiventI welded fittings complying with ASTM D?779. I C. Perforated Pipe: Perforated rigid polyvinyl chloride teaching system I piping and solvent welded fittings complying with ASTM D2729. Provide I solid end caps at terninations. D. Fittings: Provide all standard fittings required as well as transit'ionsI from different pipe diameters.I 2.02 CLEANOUTS I A. Cleanout Pipe and Fittingsr Cast iron soil pipe. Provide each cleanout with a brass ferrule and cast brass screw jointed plug with socket for - wrench. Provide grade cleanouts at changes in direction. I I cPs e3o3 I 027t0-l 2.03 ACCESSORY MATERIALS A. Prefabricated Drainage Board:1. Products:a. Dow Themadry Insulating Drainage Board, 2-L/4" th'ickness.b. Accepted Substitute in accordance with Section 01600. B. Pervious Backfill l-laterial: Free draining gravel consisting of minus two inch aggregate having less than 40% passing No. 4 sieve and less than 5% passing No. 200 sieve. C. Protective Covering for Pervious Backfill: Mirafi 140N or accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. Submit sample for accep- tance. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. General:1. Keep trenches dry during installation of drainage system.2. Use fittings at intersections and right angle intersections.3. Make changes in direction of drain lines with l/8 bends. B. Bedding:1. Place graded bedding prior to laying of foundation drain pipe ortlle.2. Rest each section firmly upon the bedding, through entire length.3. Foundation Drain: Lay on minimum depth of 3 inches. C. Pipe Laying:1. Lay drain lines to uniform grades and alignment, with continuousfall ln direction of flow.2. Clean interior of pipe or tile thoroughly before being laid.3. Lay perforated pipe with perforations facing down. D. Changes in Direction: Make with 90" ell fittings. Use x fittings at i ntersecti ons. E. Jointing: Solvent weld F. Cleanout: Provide cleanouts at locations indicated.1. Unpaved Areas: Set in 12 inch x 12 inch concrete blocks. Conply with Division 3. G. Connection to Sunp: Connect to sump as indicated. Sump, sump pump and outlet pipe by l,,lechan'ical Contractor. H. Backfilling:1. After pipe installation has been accepted, place pervious backfill material on each side and top of tile to dinensions indicated. I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GPS 9303 027t0-2 I t 2. l{hen placing crushed rock backfill, prevent displacement of or injury to pipe or tile.3. Place protective covering full width of trench, over perviousbackfill before other baikfl'll ts placed. I I I I I I I END OF SECTION I I I I I I GPs e303 02710-3 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I stcTroN 02810 IRRIGATION SYSTEM PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 SUMI,IARY A. Section Includes:1. Design and installation of Underground Sprinkler System for Pocket Park Area. Include all areas to be landscaped. B. Related Sections:1. Trench Excavation and Backfill: Section 02200 Earthwork 1.02 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Design Requirements: Contractor shall design system allowing [1-1/2"]of water per week delivered to each zone based upon available service size and water pnessure. Number of zones shall be optional with the contractor except that shrubbery heads shall be zoned separately. Nopiping or spray head may be located within 5' of the building. Provide shrubbery heads at all shrubbery areas. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Quality Control Submittals:1. Design: Submit three (3) copies of layout and design for approval by Architect before commencing any work. Sleeving to accommodatesprinkler pipes shall be installed under sidewalks and other paved areas. Lateral piping shall be sized in accordance with recognized standards based on f'low demands (gpm's) with velocities designed notto exceed 5.5 feet per second. Lateral piping shall not be used less than 1" I.D. Pipe shall be reduced no less than 6" beyond thelast tee of a larger pipe size. B. Contract Closeout Submittals:1. operation and Maintenance Data; Submit written operating instructions including trinterization procedures. Submit acontroller progranming schedule indicating length of tjme each zoneis to.be operated. Coordinate controller/watering operations wjth Olyner's maintenance personnel.2. lilaintenance Materials: In addition to installed systems, provide Owner wi th:a. Two sprinkler heads of each size and type.b. Two valve keys for operating manual valves (two drain valve keys and two gate valve keys).c. Two keys for each type of valve cover.d. Two wrenches for removing and installing each type of head.3. Record Drawings: Maintain project record documents in accordance with Section 01700. Submit complete set of record drawings for sprinkler system at contract closeout. GPS 9303 02810- I 1.04 quALrTY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: Installer shall have satisfactorily installed acceptable underground sprinkler systen on at least three other conparable projects. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Prevent damage to system components during loading, transporting, and illlfiltffi; ,3:llyilr:tl conpbnents in orilinal containers and store in. I 1.06 I,IARRANTY A. Warrant irrigation system for a period of one (1) year after completion and acceptance of all work against material defects and craftsmanship. The warranty shall be for 100% of the installed price. This warranty does not cover any defects resulting from neglect by 0wner, abuse on damage by others, or unusual phenomena or incidents which are beyond the irrjgation system installer's control . PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI PIPE AND PIPE FITTINGS A. Pressure Pipe: PVC Class 200. Use continuous (no-fitting interrup- tions) 160 lb. polyethylene l{SF approved ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene water service pipe manufactured by Yardley Company for approved equal, CS-255-63) for all pressure pipe installed beneath paved surfaces. B. Circuit Pipe (Downstream From Circuit Valves): Conform to Commercial Standards CS-256-63, PE 2306-100 NSF polyethylene pipe. Use 125 lb. NSF continuous polyethylene pipe for all lateral pipe installed beneath paved surfaces. C. Pipe Fittings: For PVC plastic pipe, ASTl,l D 2466 socket fittings with I ASTltl A 2564 solvent cement. I D. Sleeving: Class 160 PVC with ioints. 2.02 VALVES AI{D VALVE BOXES primed and solvent (gray blue) welded A. Valves: Electric automatic valves. B. Backflow Preventer: Provide anti-siphon device to meet local code. Box: PIastic. Cover and Frame: Plastic with provision for locking. C. Valve D. Valve GPS 9303 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I 02810-2 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t T 2.03 SPRINKLER HEADS A. Manufacturerrs standard unit designed to provide uniform coverage overentire area of spray shown on drawings at available water pressure, as fol I ows:1. Pop-Up Spray: Fixed pattern, with screw-type flow adjustnent and stainless steel retraction spring.2. Flush Surface: Fixed patterh wiltr screw-type flow adjustment.3. Shrubbery: Fixed pattern with screw-type flow adjustnent. 2.04 DRAINAGE BACKFILL A. Cleaned gravel or crushed stone, graded from 3,' maximum to 3f4', minimum. 2.05 AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM A. General: Furnish a low voltage systen manufactured expressly forcontrol of automatic circuit valves of landscape irrigation systems. Provide unit of capacity to suit nunber of circuits as indicated. lJall- mount station controller. B. Transformer: To convert building service voitage to control voltage of 24 volts. C. Circuit Control: Each circuit variable from approximately 5 to 60minutes. Include switch for manual or automatic operation of each ci rcui t. D. Timing Device: Adjustable,24 hour and 7 to 14 day, clocks to operate any time of day and skip any day in a Z day or 14 day period. Allow for manual or semi-automatic operation without disturbing present automatic operati on. E. Wire: Size must meet local codes and be in accordance with manufac- turer' s reconmendations. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI WATER SUPPLY AND POINT OF COI{NECTION A. Connect to supply provided under nechanical contract at location shown on Drawings. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Excavation: The width of the trench in which the pipe will be placed shall be sufficient to allow thorough tanping or pudilling of suitable backfill material under and over the pipe. Boring will not be permitted. All trenches shall be dug to depths outlined under pipe and wire depth.1. Soil Investigation: Sprinkler contractor shall be responsible for investigating the type of soil in which his lines are to be GPS 9303 02810-3 installed and allow for same in his proposal. No extra will be allowed due to difficulty in trenching.2. Trenching Locations: All trenches shall be located as per plan. The Contractor shall be responsible for contacting the respectiveutility companies 5 days in advance and verifying the exact locations of all utilities. The indication of the utilities on the Drawings does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility forutility location.3. Trenches shall be routed to avoid existing utilities. Verify with the Architect any required relocation prior to installation. B. Backfilling:1. Puddling or ponding and/or ietting will not be allowed within 10' of the building or foundation walls.2. l,laterials: Excavated material will generally be considered satisfactory for backfill purposes. All backfill material shall be free from rubbish, vegetable matter, frozen materia'l s, or stones. Do not mix subsoi'l with topsoil. Any material not suitable for backfill shall be hauled away.3. Conditions: Backfill shall not be done in freezing weather except with written approval from the Architect. All trenches shall be left slightly mounded to allow for settlement after the backfilling is completed.4. Trenches shall be compacted by tamping to a minimum of 95% of standard Proctor density in landscaped areas so that no settling wi I I occur.5. Re-sodded grass must become flush with existing turf upon re- establishment or will be reinstal 1ed prior to acceptance or under warranty depending on when over-settlement occurs. Re-sod with 6' long strips of sod. Hand watering may be required on re-sodded trenches if the sprinkler system has been drained. C. Sleeving:1. Control tlire Sleeve: A galvanized metal conduit will be provided in controller location shown on plan, stubbed out through wail 5'-0", 24n below grade. See electrical for coordination. Contractor is to extend this conduit from point that it is stubbed above ground to final controller location(s).2. Sleeves Under Paved Surfaces: If required, provide all sleeves prior to paving operations. Settlement of trenches under pavements and proper conpaction shall be the responsibility of this contractor. Compaction should yield density equal to that which was required for original paving/backfill operation. D. Pipe and t.liring Depth:1. Pressure l,lainline:24u from finish grade to top of pipe. (Installed sleeves are at 30" from finish grade to bottom of trench.)2. Lateral Lines: 10" (sleeves at 12") for lawn spray zones. 16u (sleeves at 18") for large area turf head zones.3. Control Wiring: 24o from finish grade.4. Poly Laterals: 9" or more when not in shrub areas and at surface when in shrub beds. I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GPS 9303 02810-4 I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I t I I I E. PVC and Pressure Piping: Pressure piping is that piping from point of connection to the various electric zone control valves. Pressure oioinq(nainline) shall be buried to a depth of not less than 24' (top ofmainline). This piping shall be giaded to drain (3" in 100'minimum) manually into sumps containing not less than three (3) cubic feet of 3/4" crushed rock. All lateril PVC pipe shal'l be sdlvent welded. Connections shall be primed prior to g'lue welding. All mainline pipe shall be ring-tite type with stabilizing blocks installed at all 90' and 45o angles and tees. Pipe shall be snaked in trench as much aspossible to alIow for expansion and contraction. F. Sprinkl er el ectri c I ateral s. Piping: Sprinkler pip'ing is that piping from the various valves out to the sprinkler heads. Do not drain polyethylene G.Sprinkler Headsr Set heads plumb and l-l/2, above fin'ish grade in sod areas.1. fop-rtp-heads shall be installed on PVC Schedule 80 PVC nipples with Schedule 40 tees of elbows as required. Part circle heads shall be adiusted for proper coverage. Adjust heads to correct height after sod is installed. No plant placement shall interfere with intended sprinkler head coverage, piping or other equipment. The Architect may request nozzle changes or adjustments without additional coststo the 0wner,2. Rgtqfy Impact Heads and Quick-Coupling Valve Sumps: A drain sumpshall be installed immediately surrounding every impact sprinkler head and quick-coupler valve. Each drain sump shall contain a minimum of one cubic foot of washed 3/4. gravel . Triple-Swing Joints: PVC swing joints shall be assembled by using three(3) Schedule 40 elbows and four (4) Schedule 80 nipples, three 3" nipples_and one 12" nipple. Angled nipple shall be no more than 45o and no less than 10o. Top shall be fldsh with finish grade. Male threaded nipple ends shall be wrapped with Teflon tape. All swing-jointpipe fitt'ings shall have IPS thread size of sprinkler head. tlanual drain valves shalI be placed at alI 'low points in mainline to insure proper drainage. A drainage sump shall be provided for each drain valve and shall contain a ninimum of three cubic feet of 3/4, gravel . Drains shall have 2u PVC sleeves for key operation with a locking cap. Drains shall be installed in a collapsible sleeve with locking cover (see detail). Electric Control Valves:1, Shall be installed in such a way that they are accessible for repairs - set at a depth of lateral off an elbowed PVC riser.Install each control valve in a valve box, flush with the ground. Place one (f) cubic foot of 3,/4" gravel in the bottom of each box below the valve.2. Contractor to verify pressure on each zone. large area turf heads are to be at 70 psi at the farthest head on each zone. Throttle down H. I. J. GPS 9303 02810-5 flow control on large area turf zones to meet required pressure and subnit a chart that shows the pressure when measured and after adjustments were made. K. Controller: Install controllers 5'-0', above ground at location approved by Architect. t. Quick Coupling Valves: All quick couplers shall be instal1ed on PVCtriple swing joints. Valved cover shall set flush with finished grade. M. Control Wiring: Instal'l a single wire to each solenoid from thecontroller, and a cofimon neutral wire connecting all solenoids from the controller, to serve as the power supply. l{eutral shall be white #14, hot wires shall be red #14 on runs not to exceed 1,000 feet and #12 above 1,000 feet. tlires shall be taped together at 10 foot intervals. The control wires shall be strung as close as possible to the mainline pipe with such wires to be consistently located below and to one side of the pipe. Additionally, the Contractor is to drop one extra wire in each nainline trench and submit a wiring schedule which indicates the zone number, length of the wire run and the wire size for each zone.1. Underground electrical connections shall be soldered and waterproofed or underground connectors may be used as approved. Leave a minimum loop of 24,' of wire at each valve, each control ler, each splice, each change in direction and at every 500 feet of straight run for expansion and/or servicing. N. Precise Equipment Location: All sprinkler equipment exposed at grade level shall be placed 3" + away from adjacent pivements-and walls. All other equipment shall-be located as near as possible to the locations designated in plans. Deviations must be approved by the Arch'itect priorto instal lation. 3.03 TESTING AND FLUSHING A. After all piping, risers and valves are in place and connected, butpri0r to installation of sprinkler heads, quick coupler assemblies, and hose valves, thoroughly flush piping system under a'full head of water. li|aintain flushing for three minutes through furthermost valve. After flushlng, cap all risers. I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I EI{D OF SECTION GPS 9303 02810-6 I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I t I I I sEcTr0N 02811 DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTE]l,| PART 1 - GENEML 1.01 SUI4MARY A. Section Includes: Design and installation of drip irrigation system inplanters as followsl1. Drip irrigation system consisting of strainers, pressure reducing valves, control boxes, control valves, distribution and emitter - piping, emitters, automatic controller and drain valves as detailedin the drawings and all work necessary to complete the dripirrigation system.2. Plumbing and electrical control wiring which forms a part of theinstallation, as well as supervision, testing in place and adj ustment. I .02 SYSTEI'I DESCRI PTI0N A. Drip Irrigation System: Construct using all new emitters, vaives,piping, fittings, etc. of sizes and types as required and as called forin these specificat'ions. Construct the system to grades and conform to areas and locations as shown on the drawings. B. Furnish, install and test all laterals, fittings, emitters, pressure reducing valves, control valves, filters, control boxes, and all necessary specialties and accessories, excavation and backfill, and all other work in accordance with the plans and specifications as reguiredfor a complete system. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Quality Control Submjttals:1. Design: Submit three (3) copies of layout and design for approval by Architect before commencing any work. Sleeving to accommodate sprinkler pipes shall be installed under sidewalks and other paved areas. Lateral piping shall be sized in accordance with recognized standards based on flow demands. B. Contract Closeout Subnittals:1. Operation and l'laintenance Data: Submit written operating instructions including winterization procedures. Submit a controller progranming schedule indicating length of time each zoneis to be operated. Coordinate controller/watering operations with 0wner's maintenance personnel .2. Record Drawings: l{aintain project record documents with Section 01700. Submit complete set of record sprinkler system at contract closeout. in accordance drawings for GPS 9303 02811- 1 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qual'ifications: Installer acceptable drip imigation system onprojects. 1.05 DELIVERY, STOMGE AND HANDLING A. Prevent damage to system components during loading, transporting, and unloading. Deliver all components in original containers and store in a clean, dry locations. 1.06 WARRANTY A. llarrant irrigation system for a period of one (1) year after completion and acceptance of all work against material defects and craftsmanship. The warranty shall be for 100& of the installed price. This warranty does not cover any defects resulting from neglect by 0wner, abuse or damage by others, or unusual phenomena or incidents which are beyond theirrigation system installer,s control . PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS A. lilai n Li nes : Cl ass 200 PVC. B. Branch Lines: Provide all lines under continuous pressure PVC as indicated on drawings.1. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe: In accordance with requirements of Comercial Standard CS 256, Type 1or ASTl,l D224I, normal impact Schedule 40 as applicable.2. Polyethylene Pipe (PE): In accordance with requirements of ASTM D2104 when size, type and schedule or series are designated or ASTM D2239 when size and pressure ratings are designated.3. Joints: Provide plastic pipe joints molded as the p'ipe and suitablefor solvent weld.4. Fittings: Plastic pipe fittings 'in accordance with requirements of ASTM D2241 for Type I, Grade PVC. Provide pressure rating and typesof pipes compatible with the pipe being used. shall have satisfactorily installed at least three other comparable I I T I t I I I I t I I I I t I I I I C. Sleeving Pipe: PVC pipe, Class 160. Provide ethylene pipe and 4" sleeves for all mainline drawi ngs. 2-L/2" for all poly- pipe as indicated on the ?.02 STRATNERS/FTLTERS A. Strainers: Provide 3/4" Amaid 39-0 strainer or approved substitute at each valve box location and point of connection. (Perforations forfilter screen, 200 mesh.) GPS 9303 0281t-2 I . 2.03 PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE I A. Pressure Reducing Valve: Bermad PRV .075 at point of every valve box f location and point of connection. ?.04 AUTOMATIC REMOTE CONTROL VALUES Ir A. Control Valves: Rainbird EFA-PRS Series electric remote control valve. I 2.05 MANUAL DRAIN VALVE I A. Valve: Prov'ide 1" manual drain valve with valve box and wrench for f closing and opening valve. Provide valve of connercial quality. Install I valve at the lowest point of mainline between all drip zone valves that are 150 ft. or more apart and/or every lS0 ft. of mainline. I 2,06 DRIP IRRIGATION EMITTERsIA. Emitters: GIobal flapper or dual flapper or approved substitute. I 2.07 DISTRIBUTION PIPING AND TUBING I A. Tubing: Pepco poly-tubing or approved substitute. Provide tubing I honogeneous throughout and free of cracks, holes, foreign materials,r blisters, deleterious wrinkles or dents. I B. Potyethylene.Pipe: Provide NSF approved psi, virgin polyethy'lene ofI ddnestic production. I C. Flexible Plastic Pipe: In accordance with all requirements of the I lll*fj:..es Dept. of Commerce cormercial standard cs-255-63 of latest t D. Provide pipe all continuously and permanently marked with the followingI information:1. l'lanufacturer's name or trademark, size, schedule and type of pipe. | 2. Working pressure at 73"F (23"C). I 3. National Sanitation Foundation approval. I 2.08 DRAII,I VALVES Ir A. Manual: Bronze body, angle type, 200 lb, class, union and connections, FS }J}'l-V-51 3/4, with cross typb operating handle designed to receive aI valve operatini t<ey.I B. Drain Valve Boxes and Covers: Provide all manual drain valves with I collapsible drain valve sleeve covers. Provide all valve sleeves 2" ID I Class.200 PVC pipg.equipped wi.th lock caps and lock cap keys. Set tops 0T at I covers a[ Trnlsned grade. r I GPs e303 02811-3 I 2.09 GATE VALVES A. Gate valves: Provide gate valves designed for a working pressure of 150psl or greater and shall be cast iron and bronze construction. Provide where noted on drawings. 2.10 CoNTRoL VALVES (AUToMATTC) A. Remote' Electrically Operated: Globe valve, normally closed, with allcast brass body_and bonnet, integrally molded single seat, diaphragm-operated, 24v electric solenoid ictuated; and with manually opbratedbleed plug and flow adjustment stem. B- control valve lliring: provide irrigation control wire #14 uF (white)direct burial wire. I I T I t I I t I t I t I I I I I I I 2.TL A. B. c. 2.r2 A. PART 3.01 A. B. c. D. VALVE BOXES Boxes: 10" or 12" as required by polyiron box with extensions to adjustcover and box to finish grade. Covers: Green twist lock cover with flush fit. Marking: Valve box covers shall be marked ,,Control Valve,,. QUICK CoUPLING ASSEi,tBLIES Quick Coupling Valves: provide 2 piece all brass construction withrubber covers. Provide quick coupiing assemblies mounted on double swing joints. 3 - EXECUTIoI{ INSTALLATION Location of Emitters: Locate alI emitters, valves, piping, etc. asindicated on the contractor's design drawings. spacb iisiiibutiontubing around all trees and shrubs-as follows:l. Trees and Shrubs: Equally spaced around the outside perimeter ofthe rootball. For trees, loLate all emitters within the treewatering basin. For shrubs, locate emitters to drip into therootball of the shrub. carefully.place.all.pipe and fittings in trenches. Keep interior pipesfree of dirt and debris. Keep open ends of pipe closed'by approvei ' means when pipe laying is not'in'progress. Deplls of.Emitters: Expose in relation to ground level. The Architectshall verify and approve installer's placement. lilarkers: Provide markers for all emitters, so that emitters may belocated for future maintenance. GPS 9303 02811-4 I I I I E. Control Valve Assemblies: Install all electrical control valves, pressure regulators, and uYtr strainers inside the control boxes as shown on the drawings. F. Cutting Pipe: Cut plastic pipe with a tubing cutter or a hand say{ or hack saw with the assistance of a square-in saw vice or miter box, or in a manner to ensure a square cut. Remove butts at cut ends prior to installation so that a smooth, unobstructed flow of water will result. 1| G. Make all plastic to netal ioints with plastic male adapters or PVC I Schedule 80 nipples. Make threaded connections to mains with bronze or nylon adapters. H. Compact trenches to 90% Standard Proctor density to prevent after- settling to trenches. 3.02 DTPTH OF COVER A. Unless othervise indicated on the drawings or directed by the 0wner's representative, install a)l polydrip irrigation distribution lines with a minimun cover of three jnches, based on finished grades. B. Sleeving: Install sleeving under al1 asphalt driveways and concrete walks to accomnodate piping and wiring. Lay sleeves a mininum of 18" below bottom of paving. C. Piping and Wiring Depth:1. Pressure Mainline: 24" from top of pipe.2. Lateral Lines: 4o from top of pipe.3. Control l,liring: 16u from top of wires. D. Be responsible for investigating the type of soil in which lines are to be installed and allow for conditions in proposal. No extra will be allowed due to difficulty in trenching. Soil investigations are available from the 0wner. 3.03 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL A. General:I. Puddling or "ponding" and/or jetting wjll not be allowed within 10ft. of any building or foundation walls.2. Excavated material will generally be considered satisfactory for backfill purposes. Provide all backfill material free of rubbish, vegetable natter, frozen materials, or stones larger than two inches in maximum dimension. Do not mix subsoil with topsoil. Dispose of any naterial not suited for backfill.3. Place no backfill in freezing weather except with from the Architect. lrlound all trenches slightly settlenent after the backfilling is complete. I I I I I t I I I t I I I I written approval to allow for GPS 9303 02811-s B. Excavation and Backfill:1. Excavate trenches for polyethylene distribution lines to a minimum depth and width of 3" to permit proper handling and installation of the pipe and fittings.2, Thoroughly compact and grade backfill. Grade even with adjacentsoil levels.3. Use selected dirt fill or sand if existing soil conditions arerocky. In rocky areas provide the trenching depth 2" below the normal trench depth to allow for adequate bedding.4. Provide select dirt fill or sand for filling 4" above the pipe. The remainder of the backfill shall contain no lumps or rocks larger than 3".5. Provide the top 6" of backfill free of all trash and rock over 1".6. Close and backfill all trenches the same day. l'lo open trenches orpartially backfilled trenches shall be left overnight. 3.04 PIPE ANO FITTINGS A. Provide pipe sizes as shown on the contractor's drawings. No substitutions of smaller pipe sizes will be permitted. Renove al1 pipe damaged or rejected because of defects from the site at the time of said rej ecti on. 3.05 FITTINGS AND CONNECTION5 A. Install all plastic pipe fittings in accordance with manufacturer's i nstructi ons. B. Polyethylene Pipe: Form all jo'ints in polyethylene pipe with moldedfittings manufactured of the same materials as the pipe. Providefittings and pipe suitable for connection using insert fittings and hose c'lamps, unless othertise specified. 3.06 SPECIALTY II{STALLATION A. Insta'l I pressure reducing valves and "Y" strainers in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, specifications and testing procedures. B. Install and test automatic drain valves and control valves in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and testing procedures. Locate automatic drain valves at all low points on the drip irrigation system. C. Quick Couplers: Install quick couplers on double swing joint risers of Schedule 80 PVC. Provide angles of nipples no more than 45o and no less than 10". Place top flush with finish grade. Install one quick coupler in each planter. D. Manual Drain Valves: Place drain valves at all low points in nainlineto insure proper drainage. Provide drainage sump for each drain valve containing a minimum of two cubic feet of gravel. I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GPS 9303 02811-6 I I I I 1 T I I I I t I I I I I I I E. Drains: Provide drains with 2', PVC sleeves for key operation, with a 2" rubber locking cap. F. Control t'liring; InstalI a single wire to reach solenoid from the control , and a co{Tmon neutral wire to all solenoids from the controlshall serve as the power supply.1. Provide neutral white #12.2. Provide hot wires #14 on runs not to exceed 1000 ft. and #12 above 1000 ft.3. Provide wires taped together at 10 foot intervals.4. String the control wires of the instatlation as close as possible to the main pipe lines with such wires to be consistently located below one side of the pipe. G. Underground Electrical Connectors: Provide soldered and waterproofed or underground connectors as approved. Leave a minimum loop of 24,,of wireat each valve, each controller, each splice, each change in direction and at every 500 ft. of straight run for expansion and/or servicing. I H. Provide extra control wiring for each capped ',T" shown aiong theI mainline and two extra wires to rim the entire length of mainline. 3.07 FLUSHING AND TESTING A. Flushing: After all piping and accessories are in place and connected,for a given section, and all necessary division work has been completed and prior to the installation of emitters, open each control valve and flush out the system using a full head of water. B. Testing:1. Test the system after completion of each section or completion of the entire installation. At Contractor,s expense, make all repairs necessary t0 put the system in good working order before final payment by the 0wner.2. After installation of emitters, test the lines again to assure that emitters are operating. 3.08 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS A. l'lhen the installation is complete, the Contractor tvill notify the Architect and demonstrate the systen's performance and give operatinginstructions. The Contractor shall provide a reproducible ',as-built',drawing to scale showing the location of aIl valves, drains, main pressure lines, lateral lines, control wires, pump wires and controller power supply wires. Add reference dimensions as needed to accuratelytie down the location of all valves, drains, wires, etc. B. The as-built wi'l I show all valve zones and color code them for quick, easy identification. AII sleeving will also be identified on the as-built drawings. GPS 9303 02811-7 C. It shall be the 0wner's responsibllity to malntaln the system in working order during the guarantee period, perfonning necessary minor maintenance, keeping debris fron obstructing the drip emitters, pro- tectlng against vandalism and preventing danage to the system during the landscape maintenance period. I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I END OF SECTION GPS 9303 02811-8 I I I t PART 1 - GENERAL I 1.01 SUl,ltlARY I A. Section Includes: I 1. Benches I 1.02 SUEMTTTALS I A. Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. I PART2-PRODUCTS 2.OI SITE BENCHES I A. Manufacturer and Type: Smith & Hawken Berkshire Range. Tel: 415-389- 8900.1. Sizes and Quantities: Three (3) 6ft. length; Model 5432. One (1) 4ft.2, Length; Model 54303. Approved Substitute: Four (4) 6ft. length; Rothesay Seat; by Barlow I Tyrie, Inc. Tel t 609-273-7878. PART 3 - EXECUTION I 3.01 rr{srALLATroNr A. General: Install items in accordance with manufacturer's recommen-I dations. I I I I I I I GPs e303 t END OF SECTION sEcTI0N 02870 SITE FURI{ISHINGS 02870-1 I I Drvrsror{ 3 coNcRETE sEcTIoN 03100 r coNcRETE FoRMwoRK I PARTl-GENERAL I 1.01 SUililARYrA. Section Incl udes: I 1. Formwork for Cast-In-place ConcreteI 2. Fonnwork Accessories' 3. Dovetail Slots for Stone Anchors I B. Products Installed but Not Furnished Under This Section:r r' Slil,l',illT' ilil'3i.l'fllEl; !lllii;,'18il3'llo'l3E;3:' on'no' I c. Retated Sections:1. Exterior Concrete: Sect'ion 02521 Concrete Curbs and Sidewalks.f- 2. Reinforcement and Accessories: Section 03200 Concrete Rein-f forcement.r 3. 33ffi[l:..rd Flatwork Screeds: Section 03300 Cast-rn-ptace I 4. Steel Deck Forming: Section 05310 Steel Deck.f 5. llechanical and Electrical Blockouts: Divisions 15 and 16.6. Fibrous Reinforcing: Section 03240 t r.02 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: See Section 01091. Comply with following:I 1. ACI 301-89 Specifications for Structural boncrete for Build'ings.I B. Comply with listed reference standards except as modified by I supplemental requirements on the drawings or by these specifications. - I.o3 QUALITY AssuRANcE I A. Desrgn crrrena:r 1. Safety: Assune responsibility for safety of fonnwork and provide necessary design. construction, materials and maintenance to produce required concrete work safely. I PART 2 - PRODUCTS I 2.0r FoRt{woRK MATERTALS A. Footings: Dressed lumber or plywood. It B. Exposed Walls: New B-B plyform, 4, x B, sheets. I GPS 9303 03100-1r I C. Non-exposed Concrete: PIywood, steel or dressed lumber. 2.02 F0RI"|W0RK ACCESS0RIES A. Form Ties: Adiustable in length to permit tightening of forms and of type to leave no metal closer than one inch of surface nor holes or depressions larger than 7/8" in diameter. B. Clamps, Brackets, Braces, l'fashers, Wedges, l.lalers. Etc.: Contractor's optl on. C. Chamfer Strips: 3f4" 45" job cut wood or 3f4* 45" PVC for unexposed surfaces. Use PVC for exposed surfaces. D. Shoring System: Contractor's option. 2.03 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Form 0il: Non-staining. Contractor's option. B. Expansion Joint Filler: Bituminous fiber type complying with ASTM D1751-83. sizes as indicated. C. Polyvinyl Chloride Waterstops: Corps of Engineers CRD-C 572.1. Avai'lable Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with reguirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated in the work include, but are not limited to, the following:a. The Burke Conpanyb. Greenstreak Plastic Products Companyc. l.|.R. ltleadows, Inc.d. Progress Unlimitede. Schlegel Corporationf. Vinylex Corporationg. Approved substitute in accordance with Section 01600. 2.04 EMBEDS A. Dovetail Slots: Provide continuous dovetail slots cast into concrete where masonry walls abut concrete. Dovetail slots shall accommodate masonry anchors to be provided under Section 04150. B. Adjustable li,letal Inserts:1. li,lanufacturers:a. Gateway Erectorsb. Heckman Building Productsc. l*leadow Steel Productsd. Approved Substitute in accordance with Section 01600.?. Description: Gateway Safe-T-Load Type SL-R. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GPS 9303 03100-2 I I I I I I I I t I I I t I t I I I I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Foundation Bearing Surfaces: Inspected and approved by Geotechnical Engineer prior to start of formwork. B. Formwork : Provide ample notice to Architect to a1 low for review of formwork surfaces that will provide finish surface of exposed concrete. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Underslab Surfaces: Fine grade to smooth, level surface prior toinstallation of slab forms. 3.03 ERECTION A. General: Maintain fonnwork tolerances complying with ACI 301. B. Footings:1. Use of earth as form not allowed.?. Lap forming with dressed lumber or plywood not allowed.3. Butt form material end to end conforming to shape, iines and dimensions indicated on drawings.4. Properly brace or tie to maintain position. Install forms suffi-ciently tight to prevent excess leikage of mortar. C. lJalls and Grade Beams:1. Use of earth as form not allowed. ?. Lap forming with dressed lumber or plywood not allowed.3. Provide forms conforming to shape, iines and dimensions of members indicated on drawings, substantial and sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of mortar. Properly brace or tie to maintain position, shape and lateral stabi I i ty. Provide sufficient strength to carry construction operations and material dead loads without deflection or vibration. Design fonns to be capable of needed adjustments. Watch carefully as work proceeds and promptly correct faults. tlhere finished concrete will remain exposed, space joints regularly and hold to ninimum both horizontally and vertically. Provide access panels in formwork for cleanout or placing as requi red. D. Construction Joints:1. Use construction joints at tsnporary stopping of concrete placement or as indicated on drawings.2. Submit locations of joints desired for construction to Architect for acceptance.3. Leave ioints in reinforced structural members rough and provide'longitudinal or vertical keys at least 1-1/2', deep. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. GPS 9303 03100-3 Archi tect. E. Embeds:1. Anchors, Inserts, Blockouts and Euilt-in Items: Securely fasten anchor bolts, inserts, form blockouts and other items built into concrete to fomwork or hold in place with templates. Insertion into concrete after pouring not allowed. F. Chamfer strips: Install I/2 PVc 45 degree corners. G. Topping Slabs: Locate construction joints 3.04 FORlll C0ATING A. Coating:1. Coat surface of fonnwork prior to each pour.2. Apply in accordance with nanufacturer's recommendations.3. Apply coating prior to placing of reinforcement.4. Pronptly remove excess coating material.5. Remove coatings of dust from contact surfaces of forms prior to depositing concrete. 3.05 REli,toVAL A. Removal: Remove forrns only in nanner to insure safety of structure. B. Timing:1. Generally, forms may be removed from:a. Vertical Surfaces: After 24 hours from time of placing.b. Horizontal Surfaces: After 72 hours from time of placing. Unless otheruise specified under Cold Weather in Section 03300. 3.06 REUSE A. Forms: Clean form material suitable for reuse before erection. FoYm material will not be acceptable for reuse, if in opinion of the Archltect, it will not produce finished surface required by these specifications or called for on drawings. EI{D OF SECTION 4. Install continuous waterstopis above interior crawl space5. Slabs on metal deck: Locate between pours wherever exterior grade level. construction joints where accepted by strips at exposed outside where accepted by Architect. I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I GPS 9303 03100-4 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I sEcTIoN 03200 CONCRETE REINFORCEI{ENT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Reinforcing Ears for Cast-In-place Concrete2. l.lelded Wire Fabric for Cast-In-place Concrete B. Products Furnished but Not Installed Under This Section:1. Reinforcing steel for I'lasonry for Section 04200 Unit l{asonry. C. Related Section:1. Exterior Concrete: Section 02521 Concrete Curbs and Sidewalks2. Formwork: Section 03100 Concrete Formwork3. Concrete: Section 03300 Cast-In-Place Concrete4. Fibrous Reinforcing: Section 03240 1.02 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: See Section 01091. Comply with following:1. ACI 301-89 - Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings.2. ACI 315-88 (SP-66) - ACI Detailing Manua'I.3. ACI 318-89 - Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete B. Comply with listed reference standards except as modified by supplemental requirements on the drawings or by these specifications. 1.03 SUBI.IITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300.1. Indicate size, configuration, pertinent dimensions, number, exact position, and spacing of reinforcement and exact location of open- ings, framing, and special conditions affecting work.2. All shop drawings shall be original drawings produced by the subcontractor or supplier and shall not be reproductions of the contract documents. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 016001. Unload and store reinforcing bars to keep clean. Store on timber skids while awaiting use. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OT MATERIALS A. Reinforcing Bars: GPS 9303 ASTM A615-87, Grade 60 unless otherwise indicated. 03200- I B. Bar Supports and Spacers: Steel clearances required in footings, chairs in exposed ceilings shall chairs to provide rigid support and walls, columns and flatwork. Steel be galvanized. C. Tie Wire: No. 14 or No. 16 gauge, black, soft iron wire. D. Welded Wire Fabric: ASTM A82-85 and ASTM A185-90a. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXMII{ATION A. Reinforcement: Provide ample notice to Architect to allow for review of completed concrete reinforcement before placing concrete. 3.02 PLACEI,IENT A. General: Comply with general notes on structural drawings. B. Bending:1. Bend reinforcement cold.?. Provide full length bars, accurately bent to details.3. Do not field bend bars partially embedded in concrete except as indicated on the drawings or specifically permitted by the Archi tect. C. Placing:1. Place reinforcement accurately and hold firmly in place before and during the placing of concrete.2, Provide minimum concrete protective cover for reinforcement from the exterior face of nembers in accordance with ACI 318 and notes on drawi ngs,3. Provide bar supports and spacers to place bars in the proper location and wire adequately at intersections to hold bars firmly in position while concrete is placed.4. Proiect dowels adequately to provide Class B splice unless otherwise indicated. Wire bent dowels in place before pouring. D. Spl icing:1. lJherever it is necessary to splice reinforcement other than as indicated on drawings, character of splice shall be accepted by Architect on basis of stress in reinforcement at splice.2. Do not splice at points of maximum stress nor splice adjacent bars at same polnt.3. Where spliced, lap continuous bars 36 diameters, but not less than 12r or length indicated on the drawings. E. Supports and Spacers:1. Provide supports properly spaced and with sufficient strength to carry loads of reinforcing steel and deposited concrete without collapsing or allowing bars to sag. I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I t I GPS 9303 03200-2 I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I ?. Provide galvanized or plastic coated bar supports and spacers where_ lhey will be in contact, with concrete surfalbs exposed to weather.3. Do not use bar supports to support runways for concrete buggies orsimilar loads.4. Brickbats or precast blocks used to support mats of bars only with acceptance of Architect. 3.03 WELDED b'IRE FABRIC A. Instal I ation:1. Lay welded wire fabric continuously, with edges and ends overlappingadioinilg sheets minimum of one full mesh plus 2',, tied and plaLbd - over all piping and conduit.2. Lift fabric by approved methods to position indicated on drawings _ during placing of concrete or propeily support in this position.3. Where required, construct bulkheads at construction joints and screeds to place fabric in proper position. 3.04 CLEANING A. Reinforcement: Clean prior to placing concrete to remove scale, oil,ice or other coatings that will destroy or reduce bond, including mortarfron previous concrete pours. EIID OF SECTION GPS 9303 03200-3 I I I sEcTr0l{ 03240 FIBROUS REII{FORCING PART 1 - GEI{ERAL r t.ol SUMMARY I A. Section Includes:I 1. Incorporation of synthetic fibrous concrete reinforcement in concrete flatwork, fibrous reinforcing to be used only 'in conjunction with welded wire fabric. - B. Related Sections:1. l'letal Reinforcing and Accessories; Section 03200 ConcreteI Reinforcement.I 2. Cast-In-Place Concrete: Section 03300. I t.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE I A. Record of Work: Comply with requirements of Section 03300. Batch tripr tlgkets shall show, in addition to the information specified in Section I Silthlll amount of fibrous concete reinforcement inaterial added to I B. Comply with requirements of Section 03300 Cast-In-Place Concrete ast supplemented herein. I C. The fibrous concrete reinforcement supplier shall provide the services f of a,qualified technical representativb to instruci the concrete- supplier and Contractor in proper batching, mixing, testing, placing andfinishing of materials to be piovided under this iection.II D. Work provided under this section shall produce concrete conforming to the requirements for each type and class of concrete specified whenI tested in accordance with specified methods.I 1.03 DELIVERY, STOMGE AND HANDLING I A. Comply with applicable requirements of Section 03300. PART 2 - PRODUCTS I 2.OT FIBROUS CONCRETE REINFORCEMEIIT I A. Acceptable Products: I 1. Fibermesh; Fibernesh, Inc.2. Forta-CFP; Forta Corp.3. Approved Substitute I I GPS 9303 03240-1 I I B. Material: Virgin polypropylene collated. fibrillated fibers containing no reprocessed olefin materials and have tensile strength of not less than 70 ksi. I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c. PART 3.01 A. 3.02 A. B. 3.03 A. Fiber length: Per manufacturer's recomnendations for the applicable concrete mix. 3 - EXECUTION GENERAL Comply with applicable provisions of Section 03300 for which fibrous concrete reinforcement will be supplied. BATCHII{G AND I.IIXING Add fibrous concrete reinforcement materials at the time concrete is batched. Add minimum of 1.5 lb. of fiber per cubic yard of concrete. Mix batched concrete in strict accordance with fibrous concrete reinforcement manufacturer's instructions. PLACING AND FINISHING Place and finish concrete in accordance with the fibrous concrete reinforcement nanufacturer's instructions. B. Quality and tolerance of finish for fiber reinforced concrete shall comply with the requirenents of Section 03300. END OF SECTION GPS 9303 03240-2 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I tI t I I sEcTI0l{ 03300 CAST- IN-PLACE CONCRETE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUl"ll{ARY A. Section Includes:1. Formed Cast-In-Place Concrete2. Concrete Flatwork3. Topping for Steel Deck4. Concrete for Steel pan Stairs5. Miscel laneous Concrete B. Products Installed but Not Furnished Under This Section:1. Floor l{at Frame from Section 12690 Floor Mats and Frames. C. Related Requirements:1. Testing: Section 01400 Quality Control.2. Quality Control: Section 01400. D. Related Sections:1. Exterior Concrete: Section 02521 Concrete Curbs and Sidewalks.2. Formwork: Section 03100 Concrete Formwork.3. Reinforcement: Section 03200 Concrete Reinforcement.4. Grouting: Section 03600 Grout.5. Fibrous Reinforcing: Section 03240. T.02 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: Comply with following except as modified by supplementary requirenents of this project-speci?ication.1. ACI 117-90 - Standard Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and ilaterials.2. ACI 301-89 - Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings.3. ACI 305R-89 - Hot lleather Concreting.4. ACI 306.1.90 - Standard Specifications for Cold Weather Concreting.5. ACI 309R-87 - Guide for Consolidation of Concrete.6. ACI 308-92 Standard Practice for Curing Concrete7. ACI 318-89 - Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete, Parts 2 and 3.8. ACI 503.2-79 (Revised 1986) - Standard Plastic Concrete to Hardened Concrete Adhesi ve.9. ASTl,l C94-90b - Standard Specification 10. ASTl,l C494-86 - Standard Specification Concrete. B. Fie'ld References: Keep at least one (1) copy of ACI 301 on site at alltimes. other reference standards listed above shall be kept on site when directed by Architect or Engineer. Specification for Bonding with a Multi-Component Epoxy for Ready-l,lixed Concrete. for Chemical Admixtures for GPS 9303 03300-1 1.03 SUB}IITTALS: A. Mix Designs: Not less than two (2) weeks prior to placing any concrete. submit concrete mixes for acceptance in accordance with Product Data provlsions of Section 01300.1. Submit manufacturerrs data and/or certifications verifying con- fonnance of mix materials including adnixtures t'tith specified requi rements.2. Submit separate mix design for each concrete mix type to be used inproject. Include following:a. l'lix identification designation.b. Statement of intended use for mix.c. Mix proportions, including admixtures.d. t{et and dry unit weight.e. Entrained air content.f. Design slump.g. Design conpressive strengthh. Strength qualification data.3. Strength Qualification Data:a. Submit required average strength qualification data and docu- mentat'ion per ACI 301 3.9.I,3,9.2 and 3.9.3.b. If trial batches are used to qualify average strength, mix design shall be prepared by an independent testing laboratory and shall achieve average compression strength a minimum of 1200psi greater than specified strength with slump within one inchof maximum permitted and air content within 0.5% of maximum al I owabl e.c. If field test data is used to qualify average strength, submit separate qualification data for each production facility whichwill supply concrete to project, including copies of concrete testing agency's reports from which data was compiled. B. Test Reports: Reports of control tests, special tests and core tests specified under Field Quality Control in part 3 shall be distributed by independent testing laboratory in accordance with Section 01400. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Testing Agency: All testing will be conducted by approved testinglaboratory. See Field Quality Control - Part 3 and Section 01400. B. Source Quality Control: Architect shall be offered uninterrupted accessto ready-mix batching plant while work is in progress. C. Record of Work: Keep record listing tine, location and date of placement of concrete for structure. Keep such record until completionof project and make available to Architect for examination at any time. I.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: I'laterials handling and batching shall conform to applicable provlsions of ASTM C94. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I GPS 9303 03300-2 I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I t B. Hauling Time: Discharge concrete transmitted in truck mixer, agitatoror other transportation device within 1-1/2 hours after mixing water has been added. C. Extra llater:1. Deliver concrete to site in exact quantities required by design mix.2. Should extra water be required for-workability before depositing concrete and water/cement ratio of accepted mix design has not been exceeded, General Contractor's superintendent shall have sole authority to authorize addition of water. Any additional water added to mix after leaving batch plant shall be indicated on truckticket and signed by person responsible.3. l{here extra water is added to concrete it shall be mixed thoroughlyfor 50 revolutions of drum before depositing.4. Water may be added at the site only once for each batch. D. Redosage with High Range Water Reducing Admixture (Superplasticizer): May be done with prior acceptance of Architect regarding dosage and time peri ods. 1.06 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmenta'l Requirements:1. Cold Weather Placement:a. When for three successive days prior to concrete placement the average daily outdoor temperature drops below 40oF or when the average outdoor temperature is expected to drop below 40oF on the day of concrete placement, preparation, protection and curing of concrete shall comply with ACI 306.1.b. l'linimum temperature of concrete upon delivery shall confonn to ACI 301 Table Concrete temperature at placement shall confonn to mininum values of ACI 306.1 Table 3.2.1, and shall not exceed minimum values by more than 20o F.c. Subject to acceptance of Architect, an accelerating admixture may be used. Admixtures shall meet requirements of Part 2. Calciun Chloride and other chloride-type accelerating admixtureswill not be allowed.d. SubJect to acceptance of Architect, Contractor may substitute cement for equal weight of fly ash in design mix.e. Comply with concrete protection temperature requirements of ACI 306.1. Record concrete temperatures during specified protection period at intervals not to exceed 16 hours and no less than twice during any 24 hour period.f. Submittal of detailed procedures, means, and methods for pro- duction, transportation, placement, protection, curing, and temperature monitoring of concrete during cold weather is not requi red.2. Hot Weather Placement:a. When depositing concrete in hot weather, follow recomrendationsof ACI 305R. GPS 9303 03300-3 b. Temperature of concrete at time of placement shall not exceed 85" F.c. l'lhen air temperatures on day of placement are expected to exceed 90"F, mix ingredients shall be cooled before mixing. Flake ice or well-crushed ice of a size that trill melt completely during mixing may be substituted for all or part of mix water.d. Retarding Admixture may be used subject to acceptance of Architects Admixtures shall meet requirements of Part 2.e. Protect to prevent rapid drying. Start finishing and curing as soon as possible.3. Unless adequate protection is provided, concrete shall not be placed during rain, sleet, or snow. Rainwater shall not be allowed to increase the mixing water nor to damage the surface finish. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OL I,IATERIALS A. ACI 301: Provide materials in accordance with ACI 301, paragraphs aslisted, unless amended or superseded by requirements of this-sect'ion or Igeneral notes on structural drawings. I B. Concrete Materials (ACI 301 Chapter 2):l. General: Ready-mixed Concrete: ASTM c94-90b. 0n-site mixed con- crete not allowed.2, Cement: ASTM C150-90.3. Fly ash not allowed.4. Aggregate: AST}I C33-86, obta'ined from same source throughout proj ect:a. Fine Aggregate: Natural sand.b. Coarse Aggregate: Gravel or crushed stone containing no deleterious iubstances which cause surface spalling. Detennine maximum coarse aggregate size by thickness of members, finish required, and spacing of reinforcement. Size: Accepted by Architect prior to placing concrete or as indicated under mix types.c. Sandblasted or Bush Hammered Concrete: Buff or gray aggregateonly. Pink not allowed. One source for all concrete.d. Lightweight Coarse Aggregate: In accordance with ASTl.l C330.5. Water: Potable.6. Air Entraining Agent: ASTM C260-86.7. Water Reducing Admixture: ASTM C494-86, Type A:a. Eagle Admixtures Conad N.b. Cormix PSI-Nc. Euclid Eucon WR-75d. l-laster Bui lders Pozzol ith 200e. Prokrete Industries Prokrete-Nf. Sika Plastocrete 161g. Approved substitute in accordance with Section 01600.8. High Range Water Reducing Admixture (Superplasticizer): ASTM C494- 86, Type F or G: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t GPS 9303 03300-4 I I I I I I I I I T I I I t I I I I I o a. Euclid Eucon 37b. Si ka Si karnent 300c. l'laster Bui I ders Rheobui I d 1000d. Cormix pSI Supere. Approved substitute in accordance with Section 01600.9. Non-Corros'ive. Non-Chloride Accelerator: ASTl'l C494-86. Type C or E, containing not more chloride ions than present in municipal drink'ing water and with long term test data from independent testing laboratory providing non-corrosive effect on reinforcing steel:a. Euclid Accelguard 80b. l,l.R. Grace Darasetc. Sika Plastocrete 161 FLd. Gilco Acceleratore. Approved substitute in accordance with Section 01600. Calcium chloride and admixtures containing more than 0.10 percent chloride ions or sodium thiocyanates not allowed. 10. Water-Reducing, Retarding Admixture: ASTM C494, Type D:a. Cormix PSI-R Plusb. Euclid Eucon Retarder 75c. t.I.R. Grace Daratard-17d. Sika Plastocrete 161Re. Approved substitute in accordance with Sect'ion 01600. C. Miscellaneous Materials:1. Curing Compound - Vertical Surfaces: ASTI4 C309-81.2. Curing and Sealing Compound - Interior Slabs to Remain Exposed,Interior Slabs to Receive Resilient Flooring and Carpet, and Exterior Concrete: Minimum 30gr solids content, maximum moisture loss of 0.030 grams per square centimeter (300 square feet per gal lon coverage) :a. Euclid Super Rex Seal or Super Pliocureb. l,laster Builders l,lastersealc. Approved substitute in accordance with Sectjon 01600. Comply with requirements of floor finish manufacturers.3. Floor Sealer: Second coat of Curing and Sealing Compound - Interior Slabs to Remain Exposed as specified above. 2.02 ADHESIVES AND BONDING COMPOUNDS A. Epoxy Adhesives for Use in All Structural Repairs: Two component. 100%solids, 100& reactive compound suitable for use on dry or damp surfaces and comply with ASTM C881.1. Euclid Euco Epoxy 452 or 620,2. Sika Sikadur 52 Hi-ilod or Armatec ll0.3. Approved substitute in accordance with Section 01600. llhere epoxy injection procedures are used, use low viscosity epoxy made by one of above manufacturers. B. Bonding Compound (Interior only):1. Euclid Euco weld2, Larsen Products Weldcrete GPS 9303 03300-s Sika Sikabond Approved substitute in accordance with Section 01600. Use only at areas not subject to moisture. C. Epoxy Joint Filler: Three component. 100% solids compound with minimum shore D hardness of 50:1. Euclid Euco Epoxy 600 or 7002. Sika Sikadur 513. Approved substitute in accordance with Section 01600. 2.03 PROPORTIONING AND DESIGN OF MIXES A. Reference Standard: ACI 301 Chapter 3. B. Design: Conform to general notes on structural drawings. Proportion ingredients for mixes in accordance with ACI 301 3.9.1. Should Contractor require special mix due to structural requirements, weather or materials, submit samples of cement and aggregate to be used to approved testing laboratory. Testing laboratory wil'l make analysis of materials and design proper mix to be used. C. Durability: Conform to ACI 301 3.4 as modified herein.1. Concrete Exposed to Weather or Freeze-Thaw Including Paving, Site lJork and Exterior Slabs: Meet requirements of ACI 301 3.4.1 except that concrete shall have a water-cement ratio not exceeding 0.45.2. Concrete Exposed to Deicers or Aggressive Chemicals: Meet require- ments of ACI 301 3.4.3 except that concrete shall have a water cement ratio not exceeding 0.40. D. Slump: Design water-cementitious indicated under mix type. material ratio to provide slumPs 3. 4. I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t Admixture (Super- site, maximum slump of 8'3 after addition of superplasticizer. Other Concrete: Maximum 4". Design slump of fiber reinforced concrete shall be the slump prior to addition of fibers. E. Water/Cementitious liilaterial Ratio: Provide concrete with following water/cementitious material ratios :1. Concrete Subiect to Freezing/Thawing: Maximum 0.50.2. Fiber Reinforced Concrete: l4aximum 0.55 l'later includes free surface moisture on aggregates and liquid admixture. F. Concrete for Floors: Conform to ACI 301 3.14 as modified herein.1. All Floor Slabs: Class 2. G. Admixtures:1. General: No admixtures will be allowed except as specified herein unless authorized by the Architect. All requests for approval or substitution must be made by the General Contractor and be 1. Concrete Containing High Range Water Reducingplasticizen): Slump of 2-3" upon arrival at 2. 3. GPS 9303 03300-6 I t I accompanied by sufficient inforilation and test data for evaluation.All admixtures shall be chemically compatible with cementitious materials and all other admixtures used in the mix. All admixturesshall be chloride free. No calcium chloride shall be added to concrete. I H. Chloride Ions: Maximum water soluble chloride ion concentration inr concrete mix shall not exceed following percentages by weight of cementitious material s.a. Concrete 0ver lrletal Decks: 0.062b. Other Concrete: 0.15% I. ltlixing: Add aggregate and approximately two-thirds of required water tomixer first and mix minimum oi 70 revolutions at mixing sfeed to insurewetting of all aggregate particles, then add cement. air entraining agent and remaining water and mix minimum of 30 revolutions of mixing speed. 2.04 CONCRETE I'IIX TYPES A. Concrete Mixes: Mix A - For Interior Slabs-0n-Grade 3000 psi Type II Cement, ninimum of 540 pounds cementitious materials per cubic yard. 3/4 Inch ltlaximum Aggregate Size.3t lrlaximum Air. 4 Inches (8 Inches with Superplasticizer) Maximun Slump. Water Reducing Agent: Use in accordance with manufacturer's recommendati ons. l-lix B - For Footings, Stair Pans, Stair Slabs and Landings, Columns, t{al I s 3000 psi. Type II Cenent minimum of 470 pounds cementitious material per cubic yard. 3/4 Inch ilaximum Aggregate Size. 6% ! l-l/2e6 Entrained Air. 4 Inch (8 Inches with Superplasticizer) Maximum Slump. lillx C - For Topping for Metal Decking 3500 Type II Cement, minimum of 540 pounds per cubic yard. 3/4 Inch lilaximum Lightweight Aglregate' Size. ilo entrained air or fly ash allowed. 4 Inches l'laximum Slump. ilix D - For Sidewalks, and 0ther Exterior Concrete: 3500 psi Type II Cement, mininum of 540 pounds per cubic yard. 3/4 Inch I'laximum Aggregate Size. t I I I T T I I I I I I I I I GPS 9303 03300-7 64 ! l-L/2% Entrained Air. 4 Inches llaximum Slump. Uater Reducing Agent: Use in accordance with manufacturer's reconmendati ons. B. Admixtures:1. l,lon-Corrosive. Non-Chloride Accelerator: Use at all concrete slabs placed at air temperature below 50'F.2. Air Entraining Agent: Use at all concrete required to be air entrai ned.3. Superplasticizer: Contractorrs option at:a. All pumped concrete.b. Concrete with water/cement ratio below 0.50. C. l.lix Designs: Identified by mix identification letter. Submit new mix designs indicating slump, air content and admixtures for all mixes designated to receive fibrous reinforcing. PART 3 - EXECUTIOI{ 3.01 EXAI.IINATION A. Architect's Review: Provide minimum of 24 hour notice to Architect to allow him to review forms and reinforcement just before concrete is placed and to observe placing of concrete. B. Contractor's Review: Contractor shall inspect forms and reinforcingprior to concrete placement to assure accurate placement of embedded i tems. 3.02 GENERAL A. Install concrete work in accordance with ACI 301, paragraphs as listed unless amended or superseded by th'i s section or notes on structural drawi ngs. 3.03 PREPARATION A. Do not begin concrete work until operations are complete enough to allow placement to be carried on as continuous operation for entire section that is to be placed. Clean equipment for mixing and transporting concrete.1. Fonns: Cleaned of debris and ice, wetted (except in freezing weather). and coated as specified under Section 03100.2. If water accumulates in forms, pump out before concrete is depo- sited.3. Clearly mark finish top surface of vertical menbers on form walls. B. Protection: Cover masonry walls, glazing, and other finish materials with polyethylene or othemise protect fron damage due to placjng of slabs, sidewalks or floors above. I I I I I I I I I I I t I I T I I t I GPS 9303 03300-8 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I 3.04 PLACEI'|EI{T A. General: Comply with ACI 301, Chapter 8. B. Placement: Place concrete in approximately unifonn horizontal layers not over twelve inches in height. piling up of concrete in forms or chuting in manner to separate aggregates wiil not be permitted. Do not drop concrete in free fall over 5 feet. C. Water: Prevent accumulations of water on surface of concrete due to water gain, segregation, or other causes, during placement or com-pacting. l'lake provision for removal of water as may accumulate so that concrete not be placed in such accumulation. D. Consolidation: consolidate concrete during and immediately after depositing by means of mechanical vibratora. Supplenent by hand spadingat corners and angles of forms, around embedded fixtures and in otherdifficult areas.1. Mechanical Vibrator: Comply with ACI 309, min'imum frequency of 10,000 vibrations per minute.2. Do not use vibrators to transport concrete inside forms. Insert and withdraw vibrators vertically at uniformly spaced locations not farther than visible effectiveness of machine. Place vibrators to rapidly penetrate placed layer and at least 6,, into preceding layer. Do not insert vibrators into lower'l ayers of concrete that have begun to set. At each insertion, linit duration of vibration to time necessary to consolidate concrete and complete embedment of reinforcement and other embedded items without causing segregationof mix. E. Finishing: Where tops of cast-in-p'lace concrete walls will form fin- ished surface, immediately finish concrete in form by skilled cementfinisher. I'lalls or surfaces not finished to level subject to removal and replacement. 3.05 FLAT I.,ORK A. Screeds: Establish finish plane of horizontal surfaces by screeds,carefully aligned and securely set, spaced not over eight feet apart andinstalled at proper level or slope, prior to placing concrete. B. Floor Slab Tolerances: Level within maximum tolerance of 1/4', in 10feet except slope to drains as indicated. C. Selection of Finishes: In accordance with Section 11.8 of ACI 301 unless othenrise indicated. Finish surfaces sparingly with specialtools, such as roller bugs, to force coarse aggregate slightly be'lowsurface. Jitterbug tampers not al'l owed without acceptance of Architect. Dusting of wearing surfaces with dry materials not allowed. Steel or magnesium trorels and floats shall be used for finishing interior slabs containing fibrous reinforc'ing. GPS 9303 03300-9 D. Requirements for Slab Finish: Comply with requirements of various Sections for slab tolerances, finiihes, curing, etc. Be responsible to repair or replace slabs as required and specified in those sections t0 meet requirenents. 3.06 COI{STRUCTION JOINTS OF STRUCTURAL ME]4BERS A. Construction joints of structural menbers (ACI 301 6.1.4): Use polyvinyl acetate bonding conpound, applied as recormended by manu- facturer. Omit and Joints Subject to Moisture: Do not use bonding compound, use epoxy adhesi ve. 3.07 REPAIR OF SURFACE DEFECTS A. Reference Standard: ACI 301 9.1. B. Inspection: Allow Architect to inspect concrete surfaces imnediately upon removal of forms. C. Repair:1. ltlodify or replace concrete not conforming to required lines, details, and elevations.2. Repair or replace concrete not properly placed resulting in excessive honeycombing and other defects. Do not patch, repair or replace exposed architectural fjnished concrete except upon express direction of Architect.3. Patch holes and defects. D. Repair defects in structural concrete walls as follows:1. Deep Defects Exposing Reinforcing: Chip to sound concrete and clean thoroughly to remove loose concrete and dust. Apply thin coat of epoxy adhesive. Form and pour full with non-shrink grout prior to development of tack-free condition of epoxy adhesive. Strip forms after grout has hardened and provide specified finish. Moist cure and apply clear curing and sealing compound immediately after fi ni shi ng.2. Defects Greater Than 1/2 Inch Depth Not Exposing Reinforcing: Chip, clean and apply epoxy adhesive. Place or dry pack using non-shrink grout prior to development of tack-free condition of epoxy adhesive.If dry pack consistency is required, use non-shrink grout damp pack formula. Provide specified finish and cure.3. Defects Less Than L/2 lnch Depth and All tie Holes:a. For concrete having a specified compressive strength of 5,000 psi or less: Chip and clean per 1. above. Dry pack, finish and cure per I, above.4. Other equivalent repair procedures may be used subject to review of Architeit. renl. r-ePdrr Proceuures udy De useu suuJesL Lu rEvrrrr ur I E. Unforned Surfaces:1. Test unforned surfaces, such as monolithic slabs, for smoothness and Iverify surface plane to tolerances specified for each surface and I I I I I I I t I I I I T I I I I t GPS 9303 03300-10 I I I t I I I t I T I t I I I I I I I finish. Correct low and high areas as herein specified. Test unformed surfaces sloped to drain for trueness of slope in additionto smoothness using a template having required slope.2. Correct high areas in unformed surfaces by grinding or other methods acceptable to the Architect after concrete has cured a minimum of 14 days.3. Correct low areas in unformed surfaces during or immediately after canpletion of surface finishing operations by cutting out low areas and replacing with fresh concrete. Finish repaired areas to blend with adjacent concrete. Where acceptable to the Architect, the specified underlaynent compound, applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, may be used.4. Repair defective areas, except random cracks and single holes not exceeding 1" diameter, by cutting out and replacing with freshconcrete. Remove defective areas to sound concrete with clean. square cuts and expose reinforcing steel with at least 3/4" patching concrete and apply specified bonding compound. l',lix patching concreteof same materials to provide concrete of same type or class asoriginal concrete. Place, compact and finish to blend with adjacent finished concrete. Cure in safue manner as adjacent concrete.5. Repair isolated random cracks and single holes not over 1,'in diameter by dry pack method. Groove top of cracks and cut out holest0 sound concrete and clean of dust, dirt and loose particles. Dampen cleaned surfaces and apply specified bonding compound. Mix dry pack, consisting of one pait eortland cement to 2-l/2 parts fine aggregate passing a No. 16 mesh sieve. using only enough water as required for handling and placing. Place dry pack after bonding compound has dried. Compact dry pack mixture in place and finish to match adiacent concrete. Keep patched area continuously moist for not less than 72 hours. 3.08 TREATT'IENT 0F FORMED SURFACES A. Reference Standard: ACI 301 Chapter 10. B. Form Removal: Finish and cure concrete surfaces covered by formwork irmediately after forms have been removed. Do not expose more surface area than can be finished and cured in one working day. C. Patching:l. Patch voids, honeycombs or damaged areas in accordance with repairof surface defects above. Add white cement to patching grout as required to match color of existing_concrete where patches are exposed to view. Patch all tie holes. Use specified bonding compound and epoxy adhesive. D. Laitance: Remove deposits of laitance occurring on top of concrete surfaces as soon as concrete has hardened sufficiently to prevent injuryto concrete. Repair areas where laitance is removed as specified for patch i ng . 2. 3. 4. GPS 9303 03300- 11 E. Unexposed Concrete Surfaces: Treat surfaces of concrete wall, slabs, beams, and columns, which are to be covered by subsequent work, as specifled under Patching. F. Unpainted Exposed Concrete Surfaces:1. Carefully protect from damage and soiling concrete surfaces, both interior and exterior, to remain exposed but unpainted.2. Patch where required as specified under Patching. Upon completion of work, reclean damaged or soiled surface as required to make clean, smooth and finished in every respect. 3.09 CURING AI{D PROTECTION A. Reference Standard: ACI 301, Chapter 12; ACI 308 B. Protection: Protect exposed surfaces of concrete from premature drying and frost. Protect freshly placed concrete from rain damage. Protect finished slabs fron mortar leakage from pouring of slabs above. C. Form Removal: Do not remove forms until times as specified. Remove carefully to not injure concrete surface. Protect edges and corners t0 prevent cracking, chipping or other damage and premature drying.1. Use wooden wedges only for removing forns from exposed concrete with architectural finish. D. Vertical Surfaces: Clean surfaces of loose sand, mortar, debris and grout; spray lightly with water and coat with clear or translucent curing compound as soon as possible after removing forms. Apply curing compound same working day that forms are removed. E. Horizontal Surfaces:1. As soon as possible after placing concrete, coat exposed horizontal surfaces with curing compound in accordance with nanufacturer's reco,nmendations and cover with white polyethylene sheeting of minimum of six mil nominal thickness. Give specia'l attention t0 providing adequate curing of slab edges.2. Provide polyethylene sheeting as wide as practical, edges lapped minimum of six inches, weighted to prevent blowing, and sealed to prevent loss of moisture. Keep sheeting in place a minimum of seven days.3. Slabs to Receive Thin Set Ceramic Tile: tlet cure with tret burlap for at least seven days. Do not use curing compounds. F. Protection: Protect concrete surfaces from staining, cracking, chipping, and other damage during progress of the work, and leave in good condition upon completion. 3.IO FLOOR SEALING A. Floor Sealer: Cure concrete floor slabs as specified above.1. Prior to completion of project, apply second coat of curing and sealing compound to concrete floors not receiving other finishes in I I t I I I I t I T I I t I I I I I I GPS 9303 03300- 12 I t I I t t I I I t t I I t I I I I I accordance with manufacturerrs recomendations.2. Upon completion, provide surface clean without discoloration or traces of excess material . 3.11 IIISCELLANE0US CoNCRETE REQUIREI,|ENTS A. other Concrete Work: Furnish and install other concrete work indicated on drawings, even though not specifically nentioned herein to complete work, including fol lowing:1. Anchors: Install anchors furnished under Section accordance with accepted shop drawings for structural and miscellaneous steel.2. Equipment Bases: Furnish and install concrete bases for pumps, boilers, tanks, fans, transfoymers, floor mounted electrical egulpment, etc. as indicated. Furnish and install concrete fill ininertia base frames provided under 0ivision 15. Install anchor bolts and inserts in accordance with setting diagrams furnished by contractor responsible for installing the equipment. Finish bases in workmanlike manner with troweled finish. Locate and size bases as detennined by contractor furnishing equipment.3. Floor lilat Frames: Install frames furnished under Section 12690. 3.12 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Reference Standard: ACI 301 Chapters. 16 and 17. B. General: Testing wil'l be conducted by an approved testing laboratory. See Section 01400. C. Test Priority: Control tests shall be used to detennine concretequality throughout project; however, special tests shall have precedence over control tests, and core tests shall have precedence over all previous tests. D. Tests: Cooperate fully with those making tests. Following tests and procedures are subject to change during construction at discretjon of Archi tect:1. Test Reports: In accordance with Section 01400.2. Slump Tests: The General Contractor shall provide necessary equipment and shall make tests in conformity with ASTM Cl43-90a. The Contractor shall make slump tests on the first truck of each pour and as often as deemed necessary by the Contractor to maintain the required slump and adequate records. In addition, the Contractor shall make slunp tests when directed by the Architect or Engineer.a. Tests shall be nade by person thoroughly familiar with requi rements spec'i fi ed.b. Sample concrete at point of placementc. Should slump exceed l'imits stated Concrete ltlix Types in Part 2, batch shall be rejected.d. Keep accurate record of tine, location in work and results of slump tests which shall be available for inspection by 0wner and Archi tect. GPS 9303 03300- 13 I I T I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I 3. 4. 5. 6. Control Tests:a. Control tests of concrete work shall be made on every 50 cubic yards or fraction thereof of concrete placed and, in any case, minimum of once during each day's pour.b. Each test shall consist of six standard 6" test cylinders cast and cured in accordance with ASTM C31-84 and ASTM Cl72-82.c. Sample concrete at point of placement.d. Two cylinders shall be broken at end of seven days after placing, two cylinders shall be broken at end of 28 days after placing, and remaining cylinders shall be stored until their disposit'ion is determined by Architect.e. In general, remaining cylinders will be broken only when pre- vious test reports indicated unsatisfactory results.f. Tests on remaining cylinders shall be at expense of the Contractor.g. Architect reserves right to stop future concrete work when seven or 28 day tests indicate unsatisfactory results until. in his opinion, proper corrective measures have been taken to insurequality concrete in future work and corrections deened necessary have been made.h. Tests shall be made at time controi tests are taken and so stated in reports to determine slump, air content, unit weight and temperature of concrete.i. All tests shall be made in accordance with ASTM C138-81 or ASTM c231-91. Special Tests:a. Should Contractor desire control tests to facilitate early removal of forms. they shall be made in addition to those specified for control tests and shall be completely site-cured.b. Expense for naking additional test cylinders, testing, curing and protection shall be Contractor's. Strength Level: Considered satisfactory if average of all three sets of consecutive strength test results equal or exceed specified strength and no individual strength test result falls below specified strength by more than 500 psi. Core Tests:a. If, at any time, concrete control test specimens show compressive strength of 28 days below required level, or if concrete has been frozen before it has taken final set, so severely that, in opinion of Architect, its strength has been adversely affected, Contractor shall, at his otrn expense, have sufficient core tests taken, number and location to be accepted by Architect on such portions of work as may have been affectedto deteymine actual conditions of concrete.b. Securing, Preparing and Testing: ASTl,l C42-84a. Should tests reveal that concrete does not meet requirements of this specification, Contractor shall, at his own expense, replace entire section involved or make corrections deemed necessary by Archi tect. GPS 9303 03300-14 Protect newly finished slabs from weather damage. END OF SECTIOI{ 3.13 PROTECTION A. Installed lfork; I I I t t I T I I I t I I I I I I t I 03300-15GPS 9303 I I t I I I I t I I I I I I t t t t I sEcTIoN 03600 GROUT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMI'/IARY A. Section Includes:1. Grout under steel beam and colunn bearing plates. B. Related Sections:1. Concrete Foundations: Section 03300 Cast-In-place Concrete.2. Steel Framing and Base Plates: Section 05120 Structural Steel. 1.02 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Sect'ion 01600. Deliver in original unopened containers and store under cover. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI NON-SHRINK GROUT A. Grout: Non-metallic type conforming to Corps of Engineers CRD-C-621-80 B. Products:1. Euclid Euco N-S Grout.2. Master Builders Set Grout.3. U.S: Grout Corporation Five Star Grout.4. LEI{ Crystex.5. Approved Substitute in accordance with Section 01600. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Grouting:1. l,lix and install grout in accordance with manufacturer's recommen- dati ons.2. Completely fill with grout under beam and column bearing plates.3. Cure grout for seven days by application of Curing and Sealing Compound as specified in Section 03300. END OF SECTION GPS 9303 03600- r I t DrvrsloN 4 MASoNRY r sEcTIoN 04100 I MoRTAR AND MAsoNRy GRour II PARTl-GENERAL t 1.01 SUI'iIMARY I A. Products Furnished But Not Installed Under This Section: r 1. Mortar for Section 04200 Unit Masonry I 2. lilortar for Section 04400 StoneI 2. Grout for Section 04200 Unit Masonry I B. Related Requirements: I l. Testing: Section 01400 Quality Control2. Quality Control: Section 01400 I c. Reiareo sectlons:- 1. Reinforcement and Accessories: Section 04150 Masonrv Accessories2. Block: Section 04200 Unit MasonryI 3. Stone: Section 04400I 1.02 REFERENCES I A. Reference Standards: See Section 01091. Comply with following:f. ilixes: BIA Designation Ml-72 (Technical Note No. gA, Oct.-Nov. re72) . I 1.03 SUBI'IITTALS I A. Test Reports: Reports of tests will be distributed in accordance withI Section 01400. I B. Grout Mix Design: Prior to any masonry work, submit grout mix design in I accordance with Section 01400. 1.04 qUALITY ASSURANCE I A. Testing Agency: Testing will be conducted by accepted testing labora-tory. See Section 01400. - I PART2-PRoDUCTS 2.OT I,IATERIALS II A. Portland Cement for Unit Masonry: ASTM C150-85, Type I, except Type III may be used for cold weather construction. I 1. Masonry cement not allowed.I I GPS 9303 04100-1 t II B. c. 2. Stone Work Mortar: Provide non-staining complying with the non- staining requirements of ASTl,l C91-83a. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C207-79(1984), Type 5. Aggregates:1. ilortar: ASTM C144-84.2. Grout: ASTM C404-85. l,later: Clean and free from deleterious amounts of acids, alkalies or organic materials. I I I T I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I D. E. 0ther Admixtures: Not allowed.1. Antifreeze Compounds: Calcium chloride or other antifreeze agents not allowed.2. Use of accelerators not allowed. 2.02 l''IIXES A. Mortar Materials and Proportions: Comply with ASTl.l C270-86. B. Unit Masonry Setting ltlortar:1. Type: Type S, 1800 psi average compressive strength in 28 days. C. l{on-Staining Stone Setting ilortar:1. Type S: Containjng non-staining Type I Portland cement, hydrated lime and aggregate. 1800 psi average compressive strength in 28 days. D. Pointing Mortar: One part Portland cement, 1/8 part hydrated lime or lime putty and two parts aggregate passing the No.80 sieve.1. Stone Work: Provide non-staining Portland cement. E. Grout for Reinforced Masonry:l. Fine and Coarse Grout: ASTM C476-83, containing a minimum of six sacks of Portland cement per cubic yard. Add sufficient water to provide proper consistency without segregation for pouring or trowel i ng.a. Mlnimum Compressive Strength: 3000 psi at 28 days.2. Fine Grout: Proportion by volume. One part Portland cement, with not more than 1/10 part hydrated lime or lime putty added, and 2-Lf4 to three parts sand.3. Coarse Grout: Proportioned by volume. One part Portland cement with not more than l/10 part hydrated lime or lime putty added, and trro to three parts sand, and not more than two parts gravel . PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Clean equipment for mixing, transportation and placing mortar before starting work. GPS 9303 04100-2 I I 3.02 MEASUREMEI{T AND l,,tIXINc I A. Measurement l{ethod: By either volume or weight so that specified I 3il3"il;r3il:":?..!;:i1il:l:" and accuratelv maintained. Measurement of I B. Mortar Mixing: l'lix cementitious materials and aggregate for at leastt three minutes and not more than five minutes in mechanjcal batch mixer, with maximum amount of water to product workable consistency. -I C. Grout Mixing: Mix and deliver in transit mix trucks. site nixed groutI' not al lowed. I D. Retempering: Retemper mortars that have stiffened because of evapo-r ration of water from mortar by adding water as frequently as needed to restore requi red consi stency.I 1. Use mortar within 2-l/2 hours after initial mixing. I 3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL I A. Mortar Cube Tests: Itlortar cubes will be prepared, cured and tested by- accepted testing laboratory. See Section 01400.1. Testing: In accordance with ASTM C9l-83a and CMI Z0I.I-17. I B. Grout Tests: Control tests will be conducted by accepted testinglaboratory. See Section 01400 and Section 03300 for requirements. END OF SECTION t I I GPs e303 I I I I I t I 04100-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I sEcTIot{ 041s0 I',IASONRY ACCESSORIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SU].|I'IARY A. Section Includes:1. Anchors and Joint Reinforcement.?, Control Joints. B. Products Installed but not Furnished Under This Section:1. Reinforcing Steel: Furnished under Section 03200. C. Related Sections:1. Dovetail Slots: Section 03100 Concrete Formwork.2. l.lortar and Grout: Section 04100 I'lortar.3. Block: Section 04200 Unit Masonry.4. Stone: Section 04400.5. Calking Control Joints: Section 07900 Joint Sealers. PART 2 - PRODUCTS z.OL ANCHORS, JOINT REINFORCEMENT ANO CONTROL JOINTS A, Manufacturers;1. Dur-0-Wal.2. AA }lire Products.3. Heckman Building Products.4. ltlasonry Reinforcing Corporation of America.5. Accepted substitute B. Horizonta'l Reinforcement:1. General: Welded wire units of ASTM A82-85 cold drawn wire, No. 9 gage deformed side rods and No. 9 gage plain cross rods.a. Width: Approximately 2" less than rlidth of wall.b. Provide prefabricated corners and tees.2. Finish at Interior t.talls: Brite finish.3. Finish at Exterior tlalIs: Galvanized,4. Typg: Truss design except provide ladder type at reinforced masonry wal 'l s. C. Dovetail Stone Anchors: Dur-0-l{a1 D/A 720-723, galvanized. Size for 2,' minimum embedment in horizontal mortar joint. D. Block Control Joints: ASTI'I D2000-80, 2M-905 rubber with durometer hardness of approximately 80. cPs 9303 04150-1 2.02 REINFORCING STEEL A. Rebar: Furnished under Section 03200. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 JOINT REINFORCEMENT A. Masonry t.|alls:1. tnitall Joint reinforcement continuously in every second horizontal block course (16" o.c.) of masonry walls.2. Install continuously at 8" o.c. at parapet walls.3. Lap 6" at splices.4. Prbvide one-additional piece above and below openings extending 2' mininum beyond opening.5. Use prefabricated pieces at corners and tees. B. Control Joints: Do not extend ioint reinforcement through control joints. ANCHORS Stone tilasonry Over Concrete: Anchor masonry occurring against concrete by use of dovetail anchors inserted in slots built into the concrete.1. Space anchors 16" vertically and 24n horizontally.2. Extend anchors at least 2" into horizontal mortar joints. REINFORCING STEEL General: Install as specifjed in Section 04200 Unit Masonry. CONTROL JOINTS Install control ioints in block masonry walls as indicated on the drawings. Joints shall be installed completely through and full height of masonry.1. Both Sides of Joints: Calked under Section 07900. 3.02 A. I I t t I I I I I 3 .03 A. 3.04 A. I I I I I I I I I I END OF SECTION GPS 9303 04150-2 I I I I I sEcTIot{ 04200 U]{IT MASONRY PART 1 - GEI{ERAL 1.01 sulfittARY A. Section Includes:1. Bl ock lilasonry l,lal I s B. Products Installed But Not Furnished under This section:1. lilasonry Reinforcing Bars: Section 03200 Concrete Reinforcement.2. lilortar: Section 04100 Mortar.3. Items to be Built-In From 0ther Sections:a. Bolts and Anchors.b. Nailing Blocks.c. Inserts.d. Flashing Reglets and 0ther Sheet Metal.e. Steel Lintels. f . Expansion Joints - Sheet lrletal or I'lanufactured.g. Mechan'ical or Electrical Sleeves or Blockouts.h. Access Panels.i. All 0ther Built-In Members. C. Related Requirements:l. Reinforcement and Accessories: Section 04150 l4asonrv Accessories.2. Testing: Section 01400 Quality Control.3. Quality Control: Section 01400 Quality Control. D. Related Sections:1. Dovetail Slots: Section 03100 Concrete Fonnwork.2. Stone: Section 04400.3. Calking Control Joints: Section 07900 Joint Sealers. I.02 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: See Section 01091. Comply with followingr1. American ilational Standards Institute, ANSITNBS Zil (A4t.ti, "Building Code Requirements for lrlasonry,,.2. ilational Concrete Masonry Association, NCf,lA, ,,A lilanual of Facts on Concrete ilasonry. (collection of TEK Bulletins).3. Portland Cement Association, pCA, "Concrete ilasonry Handbook ,,. 4. Unifonn Building Code. UBC. Chapter 24 - Masonry, 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regulatory Requirements: tJhere a fire-resistant classification is indicated, comply with the applicable building code requirements for materials and installation to achieve the indicated rating. I I I I I I I I I I t I I I GPS 9303 04200-1 B. Certificates: If requested by the Architect, furnish manufacturer's certification and test results indicating that concrete masonry units meet specified ASTI'I requirements. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HAI'IDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600.1. l-lasonry Units: Handle carefully to avoid chipping and protect against wetting prior to use allowing air circulation under stacked uni ts. 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environnental Requirements:1. Cold Weather Protection during Installation:a. Preparation: Before beginning work, remove ice or snow formed on masonry bed by carefully applying heat until top surface is dry to touch. Remove frozen or damaged masonry.b. Air Temperature 40o F to 32" F: Heat sand or mixing water to minimum of 55'F and maximum of 120" F.c. Air Temperature 32oF to 25oF: Heat sand and mixing water to minimum of 65'F and maximum of 120" F.d. Air Temperature 25o F to 20" F: Heat sand and mixing water to minimum of 75o F and maximum of 120'F. Use salamander or other sources of heat on both sides of walls under construction. Use windbreaks when wind is in excess of 15 mph.e. Air Temperature 20o F and Below: Heat sand and mixing water to minimum of 75"F and maximum of 120oF. Provide enclosure and auxiliary heat to maintain air temperature above 32"F. Temperature of units when laid shall be not less than 20"F.f. Grout: Pl ace grout in masonry at minimum temperature of 70'F and maximum temperature of 120'F. Maintain grouted masonry above 32oF for 24 hours following placement of grout.g. Admixtures: Mortar admixtures will not be permitted without tvritten acceptance of Arch'itect.h. Frozen Work: Above paragraphs are designed to permit masonry work to continue during periods of cold temperature. Any frozen masonry work will be prima facie evidence that above requirenents have not been complied with. Remove and replace frozen materials as directed by Architect.2. Cold Weather Protection after Installation:a. Mean Daily Air Temperature 40o F to 32"F: Protect masonry from rain or snow for 24 hours.b. Mean Daily Air Temperature 32oF to 25"F: Cover masonry completely for 24 hours; 48 hours for grouted masonry.c. Mean Daily Air Temperature 25oF to 20"F: Cover masonry completely with insulating blankets for 24 hours; 48 hours for grouted masonry.d. Clean Daily Air Temperature 20o F and Below: Maintain l.lasonry temperature above 32o F for 24 hours by enclosure and I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t GPS 9303 04200-2 I I I I I I I I I I II I I I t t t I I supplementary heat, by electric heating blankets, infrared heat - lamps or other method proven to be satisfactory.3. Hot Weather Protection During Installation: l'lhen air temperature exceeds 99"F in shade, protect freshly laid masonry from direct exposure to vJind and sun.4. Moisture Protection During Instal'l ation: Where exposed to weather, Cover top of masonry wal'l s at end of each day,s work using waterproof naterial weighted down to insure its remaining in place. Maintain such protection until final capping of wall. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MASONRY UNITS A. Lightweight Concrete Block (Less than 105 pounds per cubic foot oven-dry weight of concrete):1. Aggregate: ASTI{ C331-83 (Lightweight).2. Hollow Loadbearing Units: ASTM C90-85.3. Solid Loadbearing Units: ASTM C145-85.4. Classification: Grade N, Type l.a. Curing: In moisture controlled atmosphere at normal pressure and temperature, or in an autoclave, to cornply with requirementsfor Type I units.5. Nominal Size: Eight inch x 16 inch, thickness as indicated.6. ltlinimum Net Compressive Strength: 1350 psi.7. Provide lintel blocks, corner blocks, janrb blocks, header blocks and required special shapes as detailed or required to complete the job. B. Concrete Building Brick:1. Solid Load-Bearing Units: ASTM C55-85.2. Classification: Grade N, Type 1.3. Nominal Size: As indicated on drawings. 2.02 MORTAR AND ACCESSORIES A. li,lortar and Grout: See Section 04100. B. Joint Reinforcement and Accessories: See Section 04150. 2.03 REINFORCING STEEL A. Rebar: Furnished under Section 03200 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAI'IINATION A. Verification of Conditions:1. Bearing Surfaces: Inspect foundations and other bearing surfacesfor proper grades and elevations, freedom from dirt and other foreign material. Report unsatisfactory conditions to General GPS 9303 04200-3 Contractor in writing with copy to Architect. 3.02 PREPARATIOI{ A. Cleaning: Remove dirt, ice, loose rust and scale from walls, ties and reinforcing prior to installation. B. Cooperation: Check relationship of masonry to work under other sec- tions, cooperate with others and proceed as desirable for general progress and best interest of proiect. 3.03 |'IAS0NRY II{STALLATI0N A. General:1. Lay masonry plumb, level and true to lines to tolerances indicated. Bond as indicated on elevations and details.2. AdJust masonry dimensions and install starter units as required to eliminate small cuts and to maintain bond. Cut neatly around contacting work.3. Construct slots, chases, cavit'ies and similar spaces as required for other work.4. l.'lasonry dimensions for exterior openings are nominal . Lay out masonry openings to provide 1/4 inch maximum sealant ioint at metal frames. B. Solid Units:1. Use solid units for top course of exterior piers, walls, windowsills, etc. as indicated and required.2. Use solid units for soldier courses in bearing walls and wherever cores of hollow units would be exposed to view or weather. C. l-lortar Joi nts :l. Lay masonry work in shoved manner in full beds of unfurrowed mortar. Completely fill vertical and horizontal joints and voids with mortar.2. Joints: Plumb or level.3. Joint Treatment:a. Tool exposed ioints to slightly concave surface well bonded to unl ts.b. Cut unexposed joints flush.4. Avoid overplumbing and pounding of corners and iambs to fit stretcher units after being set in position. Where adiustment must be made after mortar has started to harden, remove mortar and replace with fresh mortar. D. Built-In Items:1. Cooperate to build-in items of others into masonry as work progresses.2. Steel Door Janbs: Grout steel door jambs set in masonry full of mortar as wall is built.3. Lintels: Install lintels furnished under Section 05500 for openings over 16 inches in width. Install in beds of mortar and do necessary I t I I I I a I I I I I I I I I t I I GPS 9303 04200-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I pointing. Fill hollow masonry units full with grout for three courses at lintel bearings.4. Chases and Recesses: Provide chases in masonry walls as indicated and required for mechanical and electrical work for pipes andconduits. Build recesses as required for accomnodation of cases and cabinets, radiators, and unit heaters. Install lintels for recesses over 16 inches in width.5. Built-in Items: Install sleeves of proper size provided by others, where directed, to permit passage of pipes through walls. Build-inwall sleeves, anchors, plates, and other members provided by others. Properly set built-in items as walls progress and under direction ofparty providing same.6. Access Panels: Install access panels occurring in masonry walls.a. Access Panels: Furnished under other sections. See Section 0830s.b. Accurately locate as directed.7. Embedded Sheet Metal: Install embedded sheet metal flashing,reglets, etc,, provided by others. Clean surfaces of masonry smooth and free from projections which might puncture or other.wise damage embedded materials. Place embedded items on bed of fresh mortar. Cover with fresh mortar before laying succeeding courses. E. Starting and Stopping: l.lhere fresh masonry joins partially or totally set masonry, clean exposed surfaces of set masonry and wet lightly to obtain good bond with new work. Remove loose masonry and mortar. If itis necessary to stop off horizontal run of masonry, step back 1/2 masonry unit length in each course. Do not tooth. F. Cutting: Where cutting of units is necessary, make cuts with motor- driven masonry saw. G. Accessories: Install joint reinforcement, control joints and other accessories in accordance with Section 04150. H. Bracing: Adequately brace masonry until cured and permanently supported. 3.04 CONCRETE BLOCK INSTALLATION A. General: Unless otherwise indicated, lay concrete block in running bond. B. Instal lati on:1. Joints: Uniform approximately 3/8 inch wide.2. l,letting: Do not wet units. Lay dry.3. Partition Heights: Extend interior nasonry walls to structure above unless otheruise indicated. 3.05 F0R],,|S AND SHoRES A. Construct forms as required to shape, ljnes, and dimension indicated substantially and sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of mortar or GPS 9303 04200-5 grout. Brace or tie to maintain position and shape...Do not remove intil maionry cured sufficiently to support own wbight and other applied I oads. 3.06 REINFORCED I'IASONRY A. General: Where indicated on structural drawings, reinforce nasonry unit cores or cavities with deformed steel reinforcing bars and grout as i ndi cated. B. Layout: Build reinforced hollow unit masonry to preserve unobstructed vertical continuity of cells to be filled. C. Reinforcement: Hold vertjcal reinforcement in position at top and bottom and at intervals not exceeding 192 bar diameters. D. Grouting:1. Groit spaces less than two inches in width with fine grout using low lift grbuting techniques. In spaces greater than two inches use coarse grout using high or lor.r lift grouting techniques.Z. Hold moitar in bed ioints back 1/4 inch from edges of masonry unit adjacent to grout spaces, bevel back and upward from grout lPace' Keep mortar droppings out of grout spaces. Head and bed joints shall be shoved at least l/2 inch into place. 3. When the grouting is stoppbO for one hoirr or longer, stop pouring of grout, one inch below top of uppermost unit. E. Low Lift Grouting: Grout in lifts not.exceeding 16 inches. Immediately puddle grout spaaes with stick or rod (not trowel) sufficiently to cause grout to flow into spaces between nasonry units. 3.07 ALLOWABLE TOLERANCES A. Maximum Variation from Plumb:1. In lines and surfaces of columns, walls and arises:a. 1/4 inch in 10 feet.b. 3/8 inch in any story or 20 feet maximum.c. l/2 inch in 40 feet.2. For elternal corners, expansion ioints and other conspicuous lines: a. 1/4 inch in any story 20 feet maximum.b. L/2 inch in 40 feet. B. Maximum variation from level or grades for exposed lintels, sills, stripes, parapets, horizontal grooves and other conspicuous 'l ines: 1. 1/4 inch in any bay or 20 feet.2. I/2 inch in 40 feet. C. Maximum variation of linear building line from an established position in plan and related portions of columns, walls and partitions: 1. L/2 inch in any bay or 20 feet maximum.2. 3/4 inch in 40 feet. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GPS 9303 04200-6 t I I I I I I t I I II I t I I I I t I 3.08 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. Cutting and Patching: Cut and patch masonry wherever necessary for other trades. Do such work with experienced mechanics in workiranlike manner. Do not cut and patch work which will tend to insure strength gppgarance of finished work. Cutting of finished masonry for purposebuilding-in members will not be alloied. 3.09 POINTING AND CLEANING A. Cut out any defective joints and holes in exposed masonry and repoint with mortar. Take care to match color of exposed joints in masonry which will not be painted or othelise covered. 0r of 8. Daily Cleaning: lilake every practical effort to keep block masonry work as clean as possible during construction. At a minimum, dry brush masonry surfaces after mortar has set at end of each day's work andafter final pointing. C. Upon completion of pointing and cleaning leave the work and surounding surfaces clean and free of mortar spots, droppings and broken masonry. 3.10 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. l,lasonry: Submit following tests for each c1 ass of unit and type of masonry assemblage two weeks prior to start of construction. prepare specimens and test in accordance with Uniforn Building Code and stan- dards cited therein.1. Tests nade on individual masonry units within last four months.2. Current mortar test including mortar proportions.3. Current grout test including grout proportions.4. Current prism test.a. Include mortar and grout proportions used in test specimens,b. Substantiate that each type of masonry assemblage meets or exceeds required 28 day compress'ive strength (f,m). B. Structural Masonry:1. Prepare test specimens in accordance with requirements of Uniform Building Code.2. Tests, consisting of three prisms each, made in field fron materialscurrently in use, will be conducted for each 5000 square feet, orfraction thereof, of structural masonry throughout course ofconstruction. Not less than three such tests will be conducted for proj ect.3. llortar and grout tests will be conducted on materials used to construct first set of three prisms in 2 or 3 above. In event suchtests fail to achieve required strength, additional testing may be required at discretion of Architect.4. Special Inspection: Testing agency will provide special inspection complying with requirements of governing building code during construction of work designated on drawings as ,,special inspection requi redu. GPs 9303 04200-7 a. Special inspection will be perfonned by personnel experienced in masonry conitruction and acceptable to building official.b. Special inspector will observe preparation of masonry prisms' and grout and mortar specimens.c. For masonry constructed by low-lift grouting techniques, special inspector will observe placement of masonry units,. reinforcing and'grout on schedule of at least twice each day that masonry construction is in progress.d. For masonry constructed by high-lift grouting techniques. special inspector will observe placement of masonry units' grout space and rbinforcing immediateiy prior to closing-of cleanouts fbr each section of masonry to be grouted. He will continuously observe grouting operation of first 1,000 square feet of masonry installed and on schedule of once for each three days that grouting operations are in progress thereafter. 3.11 PROTECTION A. Protection of Completed Work from Physical Damage: Protect projecting masonry liable to damage after setting by suitable planking well supported. Securely box jambs and sills of openings used for passage. B. Replacement; Replace masonry work showing damage or disfiguration- duhing progress bf work in its entirety. Patching or hiding of defects not permitted. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I END OF SECTION GPS 9303 04200-8 I I t SECTI0l{ 04270 GLASS UI{IT I'IASONRY PART 1 - GEI{ERAL I 1.01 SUMMARY I A. Section Includes: I 1. Mortar for glass unit masonry.2. Accessories for glass unit masonry.r Glass unit masonry.II B. Products Installed but not Furnished Under This Section:1. Items to be Built-In From Other Sections:I a. Bolts and Anchors. t b. All other Built-In Members. r C. Related Requirements: I 1. Testing: Section 01400 Quality Control.t 2. Quality Control: Section 01400.3. Mortar: Section 04100.I 4. Masonry General: Section 04200 Unit Masonry.I 1.02 REFERENCES I A. Reference Standards: See Section 01091. Comply with Sections 04100 and- 04200. I 1.03 SUBI',TITTALSI A. Test Reports: Reports of tests shall be distributed in accordance withI Section 01400. I B. Samples: Submit fu1'l size samples of each type of glass block for I acceptance in accordance with Section 01300. I 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE I A. Testing Agency: Testing will be conducted by approved testingI laboratory. See Section 01400. I 1.05 DELMRY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING t A. General: Comply with Section 01600. Inspect glass nasonry units uponr delivery and handle carefully to avoid chipping. II 1.06 PROJECT CONDITIONS I A. Environmental Requirements: Comply with Section 04200.I I GPS 9303 04270-l I I 2.02 A. B. PART 2 - PROOUCTS 2.01 litoRTAR A. Mortar l'laterials: Comply with Section 04100.1. Integral i'letallic Stearate Additive: Sonneborn Contech, Master Euilders Omicron Mortarproofing or accepted substitute. Use at exterior glass block masonry. B. lilortar ilix:1. Mortar l,'laterials and Proportions: Conform to requirements of property specifications of ASTl,l C270-86 and Secti0n 04100.2. Glass Block Setting ltlortar: Type S as for masonry except add integral metallic stearate additive. Add mortar color if required by Architect. GLASS BLOCK ACCESSORIES Expansion Strips: Pittsburgh Corning 3/8" expansion strips. Panel Reinforcing: Galvanized steel double wire mesh formed of two parallel wires with electrically welded cross wires at regular intervals. Panel Anchors: Pittsburgh Corning No. 20 gage perforated steel strips 24* long by 1-3/4" wide, galvanized after perforating. Packing: Sealant backing approved by sealant manufacturer. GLASS BLOCK Glass Block: Pittsburgh Corning Decora.1. Size: 8ux 8ux 4u. 3 - EXECUTION EXAIIINATION, PREPARATION, AND INSTALLATION General: Comply with Section 04200. l,loRTAR I-'IEASUREMENT AND MIXIT'lG General: Comply with Section 04100. GLASS BLOCK II{STALLATION General: Install as indicated in accordance with manufacturer's recomnendati ons. I t I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c. D. 2.03 A. PART 3.01 A. 3.02 A. 3.03 A. 1. Bond: Unless othenrise indicated, lay glass block in stack bond. B. Joints: Uniform approximately 1/4" wide. 1/8" inside and 5/8" outside at vertical joints in radlus walls. GPS 9303 04270-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I t C. Expansion Strips: Install at jambs and heads as recommended by manu-facturer with water based asphalt emulsion. D. Glass Block:1. Sills and Supports: Cover with heavy coat of water based emulsion and let dry. Place full bed of mortar, do not furrow.2. Panel Reinforcing: Install in horizontal mortar joints on 24" o.c. g1d in ioints irmediately above and below openings within glass block panels.a. Place lower half of mortar in bed joint. Do not furrow.b. Place panel reinforcing in place. Cover panel reinforcing with upper half of mortar and trowel smooth. Do not furrow.c. Run panel reinforcing from end to end of glass b'lock panel. Where required, lap 6".3. Joints: Strike joints srnoothly while mortar is sti11 plastic. Remove mortar from glass faces as block is laid.4, Packing: Pack filler tightly between glass block panel and jamb and head construction. Leave space for joint sealant. 3.04 ALLOI^IABLE TOLERANCES A. ceneral: Comp'ly }',ith Section 04200. 3.05 POINTING AI{D CLEANING A. General: Comply with Section 04200. B. Glass Block: Clean as recomnended by glass block manufacturer as jo'ints are tooled. Do not damage glass surfaces. Replace all danaged or scratched block irmediately. 3.06 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. General: Comply with Section 04200. END OF SECTION GPS 9303 04270-s I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I sEcTIoN 04400 STONE PART 1 - GENEML 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Stone l-lasonry Veneer B. Products Installed But Not Furnished Under This Section:1. Mortar: Section 04100 Mortar2. Itens to be Built-In From 0ther Sections:a. Bolts and Anchorsb. Insertsc. l.lechanical or Electrical Sleeves or Blockoutsd. All 0ther Euilt-In Members C. Related Requirements:1. Reinforcement and Accessories: Section 04150 Masonry Accessories2. Testing: Section 01400 Quality Control3. Quality Control: Section 04100 Quality Control4. Masonry In General: Section 04200 Unit Masonry D. Related Sections:l. Dovetail Slots: Section 03100 Concrete Formwork2. Unit Masonry: Section 04200 L.02 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: See Section 01091. Comply with following:1. Anerican National Standards Institute, ANSI/NBS 211 (A41.1). "Building Code Requirements for f,lasonry,,2. Unifonn Building Code, UBC, Chapter 24 - Masonry. 1.03 SUBi,IITTALS A. Samples: Submit full size sanples of stone illustrating the full rangeof color and texture for acceptance in accordance with Section 01300. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURAI{CE A. l,lock-Up: Construct 4'x 6'wall panel with stone, block, backup ties and mortar in location as directed by Architect.l. Accepted Sample Wall: Standard for rest of work.2. Remove at completion of project. GPS 9303 04400-1 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600.1. Stone: Handle carefully to avoid chipping and protect against wetting prior to use allowing air circulation under stacked units. 1.06 PROJECT CONOITIONS A. Environmental Requirements:1. Cold Weather Protection during Installation:a. Preparation: Before beginning work, remove ice or snow fonned on masonry bed by carefully applying heat until top surface is dry to touch. Remove frozen or damaged masonry.b. Air Temperature 40"F to 32"F: Heat sand or mixing water to minimum of 55o F and maximum of 120" F.c. Air Temperature 32'F to 25'F: Heat sand and mixing water to ninimum of 65o F and maximum of 120'F.d. Alr Temperature 25o F to 20o F: Heat sand and mixing water to minimum of 75oF and maximum of 120"F. Use salamander or other sources of heat on both sides of walls under construction. Use windbreaks when wind is in excess of 15 mph.e. Air Temperature 20" F and Below: Heat sand and mixing water to mininum of 75oF and maximum of 120oF. Provide enclosure and auxiliary heat to maintain air temperature above 32"F. Temperature of units when laid shal'l be not less than 20"F.f. Grout: Place grout in masonry at minimum temperature of 70"F and maximum temperature of 120" F. Maintain grouted masonry above 32oF for 24 hours following placement of grout.g. Adnixtures: lilortar admixtures will not be permitted without tvritten acceptance of Architect.h. Frozen Work: Above paragraphs are designed to permit masonry work to continue during periods of cold temperature. Any frozen masonry work wilI be prina facie evidence that above requirements have not been complied with. Remove and replace frozen materials as directed by Architect.2. Cold l,leather Protection after Installation:a. l,lean Daily Air Temperature 40oF to 32oF: Protect masonry from rain or snow for 24 hours.b. !'lean Daily Air Temperature 32"F to 25"F: Cover masonry completely for 24 hours; 48 hours for grouted masonry.c. Mean Daily Air Temperature 25'F to 20oF: Cover masonry completely with insulating blankets for 24 hours 48 hours for grouted masonry.d. Mean Daily Air Temperature 20"F and Below: l4aintain masonry temperature above 32"F for 24 hours by enclosure and supplementary heat, by electric heating blankets, infrared heat lamps or other method proven to be satisfactory.3. Hot Weather Protection During Installation: When air temperature exceeds 99" F in shade, protect freshly laid masonry from direct exposure to wind and sun. I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I GPS 9303 04400-2 I I I 4. Moisture Protection During Installation: Where exposed to weather, cover top of masonry walls at end of each day's work using waterproof material weighted down to insure its remaining in place. Flaintain such protection until final capping of wall. PART 2 - PRODUCTS I A. Stone: Rainbow mix with naximun of 40% red and no orange or rust. t 1. Size: Nominal four inch thickness with sizes to match accepted sanpl e. I z.oz l'roRTAR AND AccEssoRIEsIA. Mortar and Grout: Furn'ished under Section 04100. I PART3-EXECUTI0N r 3.01 ExAI.TINATIoN I A. Verification of Conditions:I 1. Bearing Surfaces: Verify foundations and other bearing surfaces are at proper grades and elevations, free of dirt and other foreign I material . Report unsatisfactory conditions to the General I Contractor in writing with copy to Architect.- 2. Anchors: Verify dovetail anchor slots cast into concrete are properly installed. Report unsatisfactory conditions to the General Contractor in writing }{ith copy to Architect.I 3.02 PREPARATION I A. Anchors: Coordinate installation of dovetail slots cast into concrete. r B. Cleaning: Remove dirt, ice, loose rust and scale from walls, ties and I reinforcing prior to installation. C. Cooperation: Check relationship of masonry to work under other sec- I tiohs, cooperate with others anb proceed ai desirable for generalI progress and best interest of project. r 3.03 I{ATM STONE INSTALLATI0N r A. General: r 1. Start at ledge on concrete walls as detailed. t 2. ifi{r?llf sood faces of stone that natch face of work toward the 3. Carry up all walls at same time.f| 4. Completed stone work shall match accepted sample panel. I I 2.01 sroNE I B. Ties and Other Accessories: See Section 04150. I GPs e303 t 04400-3 B. Joints:1. Fill all joints solidly with mortar throughout entire thickness of wall.2. Avoid splashing exposed faces of stone with mortar.3. Remove droppings and splashings irnmediately with c'lean sponge and water.4. Joints: Full bedded, glove raked and back grouted. C. Stone Veneer Over Concrete Backing:1. Fill solidly against concrete backing with mortar.2. Anchor to concrete with dovetail anchors set 24" o.c. vertically. Thoroughly embed anchors in mortar joints. D. Wires: Cut off wires beneath surface that are used for tying stone in place during mortaring. Exercise care that such ends are properly covered to prevent rust. E. Built-In Items:1. Cooperate to build-in items of others into masonry as work pro9resses.2. Built-in Items: Install sleeves of proper size provided by others, where directed, to permit passage of pipes through wal'ls. Build-in wall sleeves, anchors, plates, and other members provided by others. Properly set built-in items as walls progress and under direct'ion of party providing same. F. Starting and Stopping: llhere fresh masonry joins partially or total'ly set masonry, clean exposed surfaces of set masonry and wet lightly to obtain good bond with new work. Remove loose masonry and mortar. 3.04 CUTTII{G AND PATCHING A. Cutting and Patching: Cut and patch masonry other trades. Do such work with experienced manner. Do not cut and patch work which will appearance of any finished work. Cutting of purpose of building-in members not allowed. 3.05 POINTING AND CLEANING A. Pointing:_-Point stone work as work progresses using rounding-pointing rtool. Fill joints to match work in accepted sample wall panel. B. Cleaning: Upon completion of pointing and cleaning, leave work area and surrounding surfaces clean and free of mortar spots, droppings, and broken masonry.1. Clean soiled and stained exposed stone by scrubbing with soap powder boiled in clean water. Apply with stiff brush, adding clean, sharp, fine white sand to the soap and water mixture when necessary.2. After scrubbing, drench surfaces thoroughly with clean water.3. Leave entire work clean and perfect upon completion.4. Conmercial cleaners and diluted acids not allowed. wherever necessary for mechanics in workmanlike tend to injure strength or finished masonry for I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I GPS 9303 04400-4 I I 3.06 PRoTECTToN A. Protection of Completed |.lork from Physical Damage: Protect projecting I masonry liable to'uamige afier idtiiirg rv-wert iupported suiiabiet planking. Securely box jambs and sills of openinli used for passage. I B. Replacement: Replace masonry work showing damage or disfiguration I during progress of work in its entirety. Patching or hiding of defectsnot peyilitted. I I I I I I t t I I I I I EI{D OF SECTION I GPs e303 I 04400-5 g3/ 25/94 L or 16 o I 719574SS37 5P!cDonsu I Ls oI I I t I I I I I I I II I I I t I I I I .03 A. sEcrr0l{ 04455 STOI{E COUI{TERTOPS PART 1 - GEIIERAT I .0r sui$rARY A. Sectlon Includesrl. Stone countertops.2. Related stone she'lves and splashbacks. B. Related sectlons:l. Casework under Countertops: Sectlon 06410 Custotn Casework' t.o? suBl,lITTAts A. Shop orawings: Submlt in accordance wlth Section 01300. Include iiybut, ancflorlng, jointing and slnk and trim openings, Joint layout stritt 6e approvei-n! the giner's Representative before fabrication. B. Samplesl Submit l!"x 12" sanple of each type of stone illustrating full- ranfe of color for acceptance in accordance with Sectign 01300. quALrrY AssuRAl{cE Applicator Qualiflcations: Cunpany specializing ifl cut stone and tile i nsta] I atl on.i.---*piiiencer Continuously installed cut stone and tlle in state of Colorado for five years. DELIVERY, STORAGE AI{D HAI{DLTNG General: Cornply wlth Sectlon 01600't;-'-iliiveii -ani ttanottng, Carefully packed and loaded for deliverv. Do not use-Daclins mateiial rh'lch may stain or dlscolor stone' ?. iiiiliing'ini iioiigii carefully handle and store verticalrI !9- -.l"iiia ifitpptng and'dtscolorrtidl. Protect from weather by neans ot non-staining waterproof covering. PROJECT CO]IDITIONS Envifonmental Requlrements: t'laintain materials and surrounding- alr.to ;i;iilm-4d;i prii,i to,-i-"itng,--ir'niiqa hours after completion of work' PART 2 . PROOUCTS 2.OI SLAB SIO]II COUNTERTOPS A. Locatioils; Kitchen and wet bar 1.04 A. r.05 A. GPS 9303 04455- I g3/25/94 10311o 8, ? r95? 4O537 sConrultr I 1ald on diagonal with 12" I laid on diagonal with 12x SPeo I I I I B. Granlte: Grand Vloletta C. Descriptlon! one plece full length of counter wherever possible'. locate Jolnts'only wheri if,orn on approierl shop drawings and as approved by the Archltect.1. Thlcknessr As lndicated.2. Flnlsh: Pollshed faces and full l-1/Z 'inch bullnose edges. 2.02 SIOI{E TILE COUNTERTOPS A. Bath$ 3 and 4rl. 0escriptiont 72" x 12" Juperalla Granite x L-ll?o flat granite edge.2. Flnish: All exposed faces pollshed. B. Eath 2:1. Description: lZn x 12" Hulien Jade t4arble x 1-l/?' flat marble edge.2. Finish: All exposed faces polished. 2.03 sETTII{G AI{D GROUTING HAIERIALS A. Latex-Portland cement ilortar (Thln set)r Al{St 118.4, l:1 Portland cement/sand gauged wlth Laticrete 4237 tile setting llquid. 8. Grout: Latlcrete drybond grout and Jolnt filler gauged |tlth Laticrete 3701 admlx. l,lix as i'ecomm6nded by minufacturer. -Color as selected by Archi tect. C. Cleaner: Latlcrete TC-50o. PARI 3 . EXECUTIOI'| 3.01 E|(lllIilATIoN A. Verlfication of Condltlons: Comply rrith Section 01600: l. Layout: Yeflfy layout of uoi'k-before beginning. installation. 2. Existtng Condiiioni: Examine substrate before beglnning lnstal I atlon.3. *6iiiicationi ilotlfy 6enerai Contractor of unsatisfactory condi' tlons in wrltlng. B. Acceptance: Beglnnlng of work means accePtance of existing conditlons by inctaller. 3.02 PREPARATIOI{ A. Coordinate installatlon of slnks and slnk trln. B. CooDeratton! Check relatlonship of stone to work under other sections'ffiffi;il;i g,-iirr|ri-ini' piit,i[a-as-ieiiraot e for seneral prosress and best Interest of proiect. GFs 9303 04455-2 I I I t I I t I I I t I I zJ./z>/r4 1tJ. Lt oI A i,-1957488Ji 5PecContulLt I 3.03 IIISTATLATION I A. Stone CountertoDs - Thln Set tnstallatlonr Install, grout, clean,I protect and curb in conformance tlth TCA Handbook Method Fl13 .and AIISI A1OA.S uslng latex Portland cement nortar. Joints shall be 1/8" wlde. t B, Grouting! Fil] ioints with a grout gun and strike flush with surface. C. Sinks rnd Trinr Coordlnate instal'lation of sinks and trin by p'lumbing I subcontractor.r 3.04 CLEAT{lilG I A. Stone: Keep face of stone free of mortar at all tlnres.r 1. After Jblnt pointing. carefully clean with Laticrete TC-500 appliedI z. i::1+'ll.:iTil;ll':l':i':.ll'l;i'llil':;.T 3.05 PROTECTIOI{ I A. Protectlon of Completed Work frofl Physical Damage: Protect counter tops - after setting by suitable boxlng. Do not use lumber which may staln or def ace stone. I B. Replacement; Replace countertops shorirrg damage or disflguration durlng prbgress of work'in its entirety. Patching or hiding of defects not I Penn{tted. T El{D OF SECTIO]II I I I I I I I I cPs 9303 04455-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I T I t I I I I DIVISION 5 I4ETALS sEcTI0l{ 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUti{rtARY A. Section Includes:1. Structural steel framing and support members, purlins, pipe or tube columns and struts, complete with required braces, hangers, connecti0n plates, welds, washers, bolts, nuts, shims, anchor bolts and templates.2. Base and cap plates.3. Headed anchor studs.4. Erecting, connecting, field welding, and adjusting for plumb and I evel .5. 0ther structural steel components indicated on drawings. B. Products Furnished but Not Installed Under This Section:1. Anchors, Anchor Bolts, Bearing Plates, Angles etc. for Sect.ion 03100 Concrete Formwork and Section 04200 Masonry. C. Related Requirements:1. Testing; Section 01400 Quality Control.2. Quality Control System: Section 01400 Quality Control. D. Related Sections:1. Bearing Plate Grouting: Section 03600 Grout2. Steel Joists: Sect'ion 05213 Open lleb Steel Joists3. Stee'l Deck: Section 05310 Steel Deck4. Structural Steel Studs and C Joists: Section 05400 Cold Foymedliletal Framing Miscellaneous Metals and Loose Steel Lintels: Section 05500 Metal Fabri cati ons Supports for Mechanical or Electrical Equipment: Division 15 and0ivision 16. Steel Stairs: Section 05510 lletal Stairs. 5. 6. 7. 1.02 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: See Section 01091. Comply with following:1. Design, Detailing, Fabrication and Erection: AISC ',specificationfor the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings", or "Load and Resistance Factor Design Specifications for Structural Steel Buildings,', latest editions.2. Fabrication, Delivery and Erection: AISC "Code of Standard Practicefor Steel Buildings and Bridges", Sections 5 through 10, latest edi ti ons. GPS 9303 05120-1 3. AISC "Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Boltsu, Iatest edition.4. Al,fS Dl.1 Structural Welding Code - Steel. B. Comply with listed reference standards except as modified by Supplementary Requirements on the drawings or by these specifications. 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Structural Steel: For the purposes of this Section, structural steel is defined as loadbearing structural metal framing excluding structural steel studs, steel joists, metal decking, metal stairs, and loose steel angle lintels built into masonry. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings:1. Submit shop and erection drawings for all items under this Section. See Section 01300 Submittals.2, Shop drawings shall be original drawings produced by the subcontractor or supplier and shall not be reproductions of the Contract Documents.3. Shop drawings shall clearly indicate the following:a. Profiles, sizes, spacing, and locations of structural steel members.b. Connections, attachments, and anchorages.c. Framed openings.d. Size and type of fastenerse. Cambers and clearances.f. Shop painting.4. Checking: Shop drawings shal'l be checked for accuracy by fabricator and initialed by individual responsible for checking prior to submittal.5. Connections:a. Detail, fabricate and erect structural steel connections as indicated on Drawings.b. If Contractor elects to propose alternate connection details, substitution request shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01600. Shop drawings indicating alternate connection details without Architect's prior approval of substitution request will be rejected.c. Shop drawing submittal of alternate connect'ion details shall be accompanied by calculations for each proposed alternate connection. Calculations shall bear the seal and signature of a professional engineer registered in the 5tate of Colorado. B. Certificates:1. Mill Test Reports: Furnish for all structural steel supplied. Furnish mill test reports and load test results of each lot of high strength bolts if requested by Architect.2. Welder Certificates: Furnish for all welding operators used for fabrication and erection. I T I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I GPS 9303 05120-2 t I t I I I I I I I I I T I t I I I t C. Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300 for the fol I owi ng :1. Load indicator bolts. D. Fabricator and Erector Qualifications: Subnit in accordance with Section 01300 prior to the submission of shop drawings. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. tlelder Qualifications: t.lelding shall be done by At.{S certified welding operators only. B. Testing Agency: If directed by the Architect, weld tests will be made by an approved testing laboratory selected and paid for by the Owner. Testing agency must be experienced in X-ray or ultrasonic testing of weld joints. C. Source Quality Control: A representative of the coatings manufacturerwill be present at the steel fabricator's to assure proper surfacepreparation and application of prine coat paint on steel to receive high perfonnance coatings. Prime coat shall not be applied until surface preparation is inspected and approved by the representative of the coati ngs manufacturer. D. Fabricator and Erector Qualifications:1. All structural steel fabricated and erected under this Section, andall l.letal Fabrications (Section 05500), 0pen t,Ieb Steel Joists(Section 05213), Steel Deck (Section ilSStb), and titetal Stairs(Section 05510) furnished and installed undir related Sections shal'l be furnished and 'installed under the single subcontract responsibility of an approved structural steel fabricator. If the structural fabricator subcontracts the erection, the erection subcontractor must also meet the minimum qualifications prior to bi ddi ng.2. All fabricators and/or erectors for this proiect must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Owner the following qualifications in addition to any other requirements of the Project Manual.a. Business longevity under current business names of five years or more immediately prior to bidding this project.b, Previous experience showing successfully completed projects of similar size and complexity as this project involving fabrication and erection of structural steel. Fabricators must show fabrication experience and erectors must show erection experience to be considered.3. Any_change of steel fabricator/erector required as a result of fai I ure to meet the above requi rements shal I be made at no additional cost to the Owner. 1.06 DELIVERY, STOMGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply t.tith Section 01600 GPS 9303 0s120-3 B. Materials to be Installed by 0thers:1. Deliver anchor bolts and other anchorage devices which are embedded in cast-in-place concrete or masonry construction to project site in time to be installed before start of cast-in-place concrete operations or masonry work.2. Provide setting drawings, tenplates and directions for installation of anchor bolts and other devices. C. Delivery and Storage1. Steel: Store members above ground on platforms, skids or other supports and stored upright to prevent twisting. Protect steel from corrosi on .2. 0ther l.laterials: Store in weathertight and dry p1ace, until ready for use. Store packaged materials in their orig'inal unbroken package or container. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS A. Steel Shapes, Bars and Plates: ASTl"l A36-91 B. High Strength Structural Steel: ASTM A572-84. B. Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe: ASTlll A53-90b, Type E or S, Grade B or ASTM A501. C. Steel Tube: ASTM A500-84, Grade B D. Bolts:1. Standard Bolts and l{uts: ASTl.l A307-912. Anchor Bolts: ASTM A307-913. High Strength Bolts & Nuts: ASTl.l A-325-84 E. Filler Metals for Welding: Meet requirements of ADS Dl.1, 70 series. F. Shop Paint: Steel Structures Painting Council Specification SSPC1S red oxi de. G. Headed Anchor Stud Connectors: Conform to ASTM A-108. Studs shall be manufactured by Nelson Division of TRI{, or approved substitute. H. Self-Lubricating Bearing Plates:1. Fluorogold Sliding Plates by Furon Co.2. Dura-Slide by T0BI Engineering, Inc.3. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. I. Welding Electrodes: At{S 5.1 or A 5.5 E70 XX. I I I I I I I t I I I t t I I I T t I GPS 9303 05120-4 I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I t t D. ilarking: l"lark members in protected plainly visib'le locations inI accordance with reference numbers on setting diagrams. 2.02 FABRICATION A. General: Fabricate structural steel in accordance with AISC speci fl cati ons. B. Connections: Provide connections as shown or noted on the drawings. Connections not shown or noted shall be standard framed beam connections as shown in AISC Manual of Steel Construction, 9th edition, pp 4-9 thru 4-31 inclusive, except that bearing-type bolts in slotted holes may not be used to transmit any component of stress in the direction of the -slot. All high strength bolts in slip critical connections shall be load indicator bolts. Other high strength bolts may be installed snugtight. No combination of welds and bolts, or of tensioned and snugtight bolts, may be used to transmit stress in the same faying surfaceof any connection. C. Shop Painting:1. Surface Preparation: After fabrication and shop assembly, clean offall loose rust, loose mill scale and weld spatter, slag or f1 ux deposits in accordance with SSPC procedures as follows:a. Surfaces to be Concealed in the Conpleted Structure: SP-3 powertool cleaning.2. Painting: Shop coat fabricated items with shop paint.a. 0mit shop paint on surfaces to be enclosed in concrete, surfacesto be field welded, surfaces to receive welded studs, or surfaces in contact with self-lubricating bearing plates.b. Omit shop paint on contact surfaces in high strength bolted connecti ons.c. 0nit shop paint on surfaces to receive spray-on fire protection. E. Finished lJork: Finish work in accordance with accepted shop drawings.1. Work: True and free fron twists, kinks, buck'l es, open joints and other defects. F. Cutting and Fitting: Perform necessary cutting, fitting and drillingfor accormodation of other trades and do whatever is necessary to secure correct information for same, both before and after steel 'is delivered. Cutting or drilling not allowed on project without acceptance of Archi tect. G. t{elding: Comply with AISC Specifications and Al,lS specified shall be 1/4" continuous fillet but not based on thickness of parts joined. Dl.1. l.lelds not less than AISC minimum H. Splices: Splicing of members to obtain required lengths not allowed without prior acceptance of Architect unless indicated on drawings. I. Cambering: Camber beams and girders as indicated on drawings. GPS 9303 05120-5 J. Substitutions: Where exact sizes and weights called for are not readily available, secure Architect's acceptance of suitable sizes in time to obviate any delay due to such substitutions. 2.03 ANCHoRS A. Provide anchors for columns, beans, channels, plates, etc., as indicated on drawings and required. Locate as indicated on accepted shop drawi ngs. B. Anchor Bolts: ASTM A307 with suitable nuts and plain washers unless othewise indJcated. Size and length as shown on drawings, hooked unless otheruise indicated. C. Expansion Anchors: Wedge type with current ICBO approval and published ICBO Research Report. Complete with required nuts, washers and manufacturer's installation instructions. Size and manufacturer as i ndi cated on draw'ings.1. Interior Use: For use in conditioned environments free from potential moisture provide carbon steel anchors conforming to ASTM A307 with zinc plating in accordance with FS 22-Z-235.2. Exterior or Exposed Use: In exposed or potentially wet environments and for attachment of exterior cladd'ing materials, provide galvanized or stainless steel anchors. Galvanized anchors shall conform to ASTM A133. Stainless steel anchors shall be Series 300 stainless steel bolts with Series 300 or Type 18-8 stainless steel nuts and washers.3. Where anchor manufactureris not indicated, subject to conpliance with requirements and acceptance by the Architect and provide one of the following:a. Kwik-Bolt or Super Kwik-Bolt: Hilti Fastening Systemsb. Parabolt: l.lol ly Fastener Groupc. Red Head Wedge Anchor: Phillips D. Adhesive Anchors: Threaded carbon steel rod confonning to ASTM A307 complete with required nuts, washers, adhesive system and manufacturer's installation instructions. Cument ICBO approval and published ICB0 Research Report required. Size and manufacturer as 'indicated on drawi ngs.1. Exterior or Exposed Use: In exposed or potentially wet environments and for attachment of exterior cladding materials, provide galvanized or stainless steel anchors. Galvanized anchors shall conform to ASTIll A133. Stainless steel anchors shall be Series 300 stainless steel threaded rods with Series 300 or Type 18-8 stainless steel nuts and washers2. l,lhere anchor manufacturer is not indicated, subJect to compliance with requirements and acceptance by the Architect provide one of the fol I owi ng:a. HVA Adhesive Anchors: Hilti Fastening Systemsb. Parabond Capsule Anchors: Molly Fastener Group t T I I I I I I T I T I I I I I I T I GPS 9303 05120-6 I I I I I I I I t t t I I t I I I I I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAI'IINAT ION A. Embeds: Prior to start of erection of steel, check location of embedded anchor bolts and report deviations from anchor bolt setting plan to General Contractor in writing with copy to Architect. Do not proceeduntil all unacceptable conditions are corrected. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Protection: Protect adjacent materials or areas below from damage dueto weld splatter or sparks during field welding. B. Shoring and Bracing: Provide temporary shoring and bracing as requiredto maintain work in safe and stable condition during erection. Provide temporary guy lines as required to properly align members before bolting or welding. C. Field Measurements: Take measurements on site as required for correct fabrication and installation. Be responsible for errors in fabrication and for correct fit of structural steel . 3.03 ERECTION A. Erection:1. General: Erect structural steel in accordance with AISC specifications with additjonal requirements of this section.2. Bearing Plates: Set base and bearing plates level and levelingplates level (g l/32,) and at correct elevations (t 1/16,). Temporarily support on steel wedges or shins until supported members are plumbed and grouting is completed.3. Field Assembly: Assemble structural steel frames to lines and elevations indicated within specified erection tolerances.a. Align various members forning parts of complete frame or structure after being assembled and adjust accurately before fasteni ng.b. Splice only where indicated on drawings.c. Field correction of fabricated items by gas cutting not allowed4. Field Connections: Make field connections with bolts, high strength bolts or field welding unless otherwise indicated.a. Clean existing surfaces before welding to existing steel.b. Tighten al1 high strength bolts to provide the minimum tension shown in Table 1.29.5 of AISC Manual of Steel Construction un'l ess otherlise shown on design or erection drawings.c. Drifting or cuttlng to enlarge unfair holes not allowed.d. Make minor corrections by reaming.e. Do not correct serious defects in field but call to attention of Architect for decision as to nethod or procedure. He may order new holes drilled or the member rejected and replaced.5. Temporary Bracing: Consider structural steel as non-self supportingsteel frames. Provide suitable temporary bracing as necessary to GPS 9303 05t20-7 maintain structural steel in proper position unti'l peymanently secured- .Leave temporary brabing in'place as requiied for safety.6. Field Modification:' Using cuttiig toi^ch for fieid modification 6rrefabrication of structural steel-not allowed without writtenacceptance of Architect. Be responsible for errors in fabricationand for correct fit in field.7. self-lubricating Bearing plates: Install where indicated. seedrawings for type, size-and installation requirements. B. Allowable Tolerances: Comply with requirements of AISC Code of StandardPractice except maximum aciumulative iolerance from all sources shallnot exceed l', on columns.l. Bases of Columns: Located on established column lines within +1/g,'2. l.lembers Connecting to Columns:a. Horizontal deviation of member working point from position withrespect t0 supporting column working line shall not exceed. l-l/t0" from thb locaiion shown on diawings.b. Elevation deviation of member working point with respect toupper splice. line of supporting column'shall not excbed +l/g', or. -11-4,.from the elevatioir' shown-on drawings.3. Other Members: Deviation of member working-point horizonta'llocation and elevation with respect to the iuilpoitlng member shallnot exceed +r/16'from the rocation and elevation sh6wn on the drawi ngs. !. Leveling and plgqlr-ngt Based on mean temperature of 70"F.5. compensate for diffeience in temperature it time of erection. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing: See Section 01400. B. Testing Agency's Inspector: perform duties in such way that neitherfabrication nor erection is unnecessarily delayed or lmpeaeU. lnspectorwill not recomnend or prescribe method oi repair of defbct c. Field Inspection: Include examination of erected steel for welding,proper fitting and tensioning of bolts and alignment. D. llelding and Materials:1. Inspection.of welding will assure that work conforms to specifiedrequirements and will include:a. Ascertainment that electrodes used for manual shielded metal arcwelding and electrodes and flux used for submerged arc wetuingconfonn to requirements of this section.b. Ascertainment-that specified welding procedure and specified wel ding sequence. are' fol I owed withoit' dev'iation, unlLss speii ficacceptance for change is obtained from Architect.c. Ascertainment that welding is performed only by weldingoperators and welders who are irroperly certifiLd. tesling Agency will witness such quali?icatioir testing of welding"operators and welders, if -required. I T I I I I I I I t I t I I I t I I GPS 9303 05120-8 I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I T I t I 2. 3. d. Ascertainment that fit up, joint preparation, size, contour,extent of reinforcement, and length and location of welds conform to specified requirements ind Contract Documents, and that no specified welds are omitted or unspecified welds added without acceptance of Architect. Embedded plates and assemblies will have all welded reinforcing tested by magnetic particle in following quantities:a. Assemblies Supporting Structural Elements: 100%b. Assemblies Supporting l'lasonry Elements: 60%c. Assemblies Supporting Curtain l.lall Elementsz Z0% The testing agency shall perform the following tests in thefabricator's shop:a. AlI lJelds: 1008 visualb. AII Full or Partial Penetration hJelds: 100% ultrasonic c. The requirements for independent inspection by the testing qgency in the fabricatorrs shop may be waived, provided thefabricator is an "approved fabricator" and satisfies all of the requirements of the 1991 Uniform Building Code, Section 306(f). Testing Agency will test all field welds, including wall and roof deck connections: 100% visual and l0% magnetic pariicle Additional testing will be required if more thait 10% of tested welds are rejected, then additional L0% of we]ds will be tested using same method. This 10% additional testing process wil'l be repeated untjlrejection rate drops below one in 10.In addition, if defective welds are discovered, remaining uninspected welds will receive such ultrasonic or magnet'ic particle inspection as may be required by Architect. Testing Agency will have authority to reject weldments. Such reJection may be based on visual inspection where in his opinion weldment would not pass more detailed investigation.All reiected welds ltratt Ue replaced and reteited at the expense of the Contractor. Reports by Testing Agency will contain, as minimum, adequate description of each weld tested, identifying mark of wel'der responsible for weld, critique of defects noted by visual inspectionor testing, and statement regarding acceptability of weld tested, asjudged by current AI'JS standards.a. Reports shall be distributed as early as possible but not later than two work weeks after tests have been perfonned.b. Architect shall be notified by phone if, in judgment of inspector, test results require immediate comment. Radiographic testing may be substituted for ultrasonic. Bolted Connections: Visually inspect all bolted connections to ascertain that all bolts, nuts and required washers have beeninstalled and are of proper type, that all faying surfaces have been brought into snug contact and that all load indicator bolts have been tightened until the spline has twisted off. Tensioned High Strength Bolts! Inspect the bolt tightness of 10% of the bolts (minimum of 2L, selected at random in each high strength bolted connection. If rejectable bolts are found in any connectionall the remaining bolts in that connection shall be inspected for 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.ll. t2. GPS 9303 05120-9 tightness. Inspection procedure shall be in accordance with Sp6cification fbr Structural Joints Using ASTM-A325 or A490 Bolts aiproved by Research Council on Riveted and Bolted Structural Joints ot'ttre Engineering Foundation (Research Council on Structural Connections). 13. Stud Connectors:a. The testing agency shall inspect stud connectors as follows: (1) All stlds-shall be acoustically inspected- Studs which do not ring when struck with a hairmer bnall Ue bent 15 degrees' If no fiacture occurs, stud is considered acceptable and left bent.(2) In addition to the above, not less than one of each 100 studs shall be tested by bending 15 degrees. If no fracture occurs' stud is considered acceptable and left bent. (3) If at iny time the number of reiectable studs.on any level- of structural steel framing exceeds 3k, additional testing .in accordance with b above-shal 1 be perforned on one of each 25 studs at this level and this increased frequency of testing shall be continued on all succeeding levels until the number of reiectable studs at a level is 3% or less' All cost of additional testing required by this paragraph shall be borne by the Contractor. (4) The testing agenty shall verify that the number of studs provided sitiifies the minimum number indicated on the Drawi ngs. 14. Drilled-ln Inserts:- ;. seif-Expinding tnserts, The testing agency shall inspect self- I expandihg, OrilleC-in inserts shown on the structural drawings I as follows:(1) Prior to installation, the testing agency shall determine' ' that the installing c6ntractor hai the proper materials-and equipment for drilling holes in the receiving surtace or required diameter and length. (2) Ali inserts shall be visuilly inspected after installation to ensure that they have beeir installed perpendicular to the receiving surface and to proper depth. (S) (a) Inspect 10& of all inierts at each level for a tension' - loah of 150% of the manufacturer's recommended allowable working loads in tension. If at any time the number of rejectib'le inserts exceeds 10% of the number of inserts teited at that level, all inserts at that level shall be tested by the same method and this 100& testinS ta!9shall be-continued on all succeeding levels unti'l l0% or less of the inserts tested at a level are found to be rejectable. Cost of additional testing required by this paragraph shall be borne by the installing contractor. (b) inspect al'l remaining inserts for a snug tight- conilition. Snug tight is defined as the tightness. attained by a f6w ifrpacts of an impact wrench or the full effori of a man'using an ordihary spud wrench.. If at any time the number of-reiectable inserts exceeds 10% of th-e number of inserts tested at that level, all I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I GPS 9303 05120-10 t t I I I I I t I I t I I t I T I t I inserts at that level shall be tested by the same method and this 100& testing rate shall be continued on all succeeding levels until 10% or less of the inserts tested at a level are found to be rejectable. Cost of additional testing required by this paragraph shall be borne by the installing contractor.b. Epoxy-Bonded Inserts: The testing agency shall inspect epoxy- bonded, drilled-in inserts as follows:(l) The testing agency shall be present at the site to observe the installation of the first 5 inserts placed and for additional observation as directed by the Architect. Such observation shall be to ensure that drilled holes are of required dianeter and depth, holes are properly cleanedprior to installation of the insert and that holes are coNnpletely filled with properly mixed epoxy afterinstallation. All inserts shall be visually inspected afterinstallation to ensure that the insert has been'installed perpendicular to the receiving surface and to proper depth. Inspect 20ro of all inserts for a snug tight condition as defined for self-expanding inserts above If at any t'ime the number of rejectable inserts exceeds 10& of the number of inserts tested, all inserts shal'l be tested by the same method and this 1008 testing rate shall be continued until 104 or less of the inserts tested are found to be rejectabl e. Cost of additional testing required by this paragraph shall be borne by the installing contractor. END OF SECTION GPS 9303 05120- t 1 I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I o sEcTroil 05213 OPEN t.lEB STEEL JOISTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUUMARY A. Section Includes:1. 0pen Ueb Steel Joists2. Bridging, Anchors and Accessories B. Related Requirements:1. Testing: Section 01400 Quality Control2. Quality Control System: Section 01400 Quality Control C. Related Sections:1. Structural Steel: Section 05120 Structural Steel2. Bearing Plates: Section 05120 Structural Steel3. Roof and F]oor Deck: Section 05310 Steel Deck4. Steel Studs: Section 05400 Cold Formed Metal Framing5. Miscellaneous Metals: Section 05500 Metal Fabrications I.O2 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: See Section 01091. Comply with following:1. Standard Specifications of Steel Joist Institute (SJI) and-AISC Speci fi cati ons.2. AtfS 01.1 Structural Welding Code - Steel. 1.03 SUBIi,IITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300 Submittals. All shop drawings shall be original drawings prepared by the subcontractoror supplier and shall not be reproductions of the contract documents.1. Include sizes, spacing and location of joists and joist girders, connections, locations of bearing and bearing details, bridgingreinforcing anchorages, cambers, loads and accessories.2. Indicate welded connections using standard AliS welding symbols. Indicate net weld lengths. B. Calculations:1. Submit design calculations for joists carrying non-uniform loads indicated on the drawings.2. Submit calculations showing compliance with ninimum stiffness requirements indicated on the drawings. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. l.lelder Qualifications: Currently qualified according to Al.|S DI.1. B. l,lanufacturer Qualifications: lilember of Steel Joist Institute. GPS 9303 05213-l I c. Testing Agency: Testing and .inspection wil.| be made by accepted testing laboralory. See Sections 01400 and 05120' 1.05 DELMRY, STORAGE AND HAi'IDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600. l. Store metai":oiits-inO ioist girAers at proiect.site on platfovms' skids or oth6r supports and upright to prevent twisting' Z. inspect :oi'Cti in['joist gir6irs-Ouring' delivery. . Bgpair or replace OarnhgeO ioists or i6ist girders as directed by Architect. 3. feep-ioiiti-inO-ioist giiders free from dirt and mud duping storage and erection. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 J0ISTS A. Manufacturers;1. Vulcraft,. Rcceptea substitute in accordance with section 01600. B. construction: construct joists to conform to sJI Standard.specifica- iions. provide teiies, siies, and lengths as indicated on drawings' Slope bearing plates where indicated on drawings' C. Yield Strength: 36,000 Psi. D. Shop Pa'inting: Dip, spray or paint ioists-with.one..coat red oxide paint mCiiing minifrum ielulifimiirts o? SSpC-Specification No. 15-68T' Tvpe I' E. Brldging: Prov'ide standard-specification bridging unless otherwise indicated. piiviOe-Ailgonit-i'X" blidging at discontinuous ends of bri dgi ng. F. Accessories: Provide accessories as required and as indicated. G.ExtendedEnds:Designforloadcarryingcapacityequaltojoistsoras indicated on drawings, whichever is greater' PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verification of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600: 1. Layout: V;ri;i-i;i;ui ot wJfu including-height and location of- feiring surfacLs bLfore beginning installation' Z. notittiationt--Hotiii eeniiat Coitractor of unsatisfactory condi- tions in writing with copy to Architect' B. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existjng conditions by installer. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IGPS 9303 05213-2 t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C. Verification: Verify that joists are undamaged and ready for erection. Repair or replace damaged or twisted joists. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Protection: Protect any adjacent materials or areas below from damage due to weld splatter or sparks during field welding. 3.03 ERECTION A. General: Handle and erect joists in conformance with SJI StandardSpecifications and in the exact locations indicated on drawings. Do not drop or rack to cause pennanent twist in joists dropped or damaged during erection are subject to replacements B. t,lelding: Unless noted othenvise, weld joists to steel bearing. Field weld in compliance with SJI and AISC specifications. No welding tojoist web members in the field will be allowed. C. Minimum Bearing:1. H and K Series Joists: Four inches on concrete or masonry and2-l/2 on steel. D. Securing Joists at Bearing:1. Steel: Unless noted otherwise, weld joists to steel bearing. E. Bridging: F. 1. Adjustment of bridging location will be permitted for clearance ofducts, mechanical equipment, recessed lighting fixtures, etc. subject to acceptance of Architect.2. Complete bridging and sidewall anchors before any loads are app'l'ied. 3. Install lateral bracing sequentially after each individual joist is pl aced. Suspended Loads; General Contractor shall coordinate hanging of equipment from joists. All suspended equipment loads shall be hung fronr ioists at panel points or properly stiffened points on joist chord. TOUCH-UP Touch-up damaged areas of prime coat. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Testing: See Sections 01400 and 05120. Testing Agency: Will visually inspect to verify that joists have been properly installed. 3.04 A. 3 .05 A. B. GPS 9303 05213-3 1. Inspection: Testing qgency will test all fie'ld welds; 1008 visual I and 10t magnetic Particle. I END OF SECTION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GPs e3o3 05213-4 | I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I sEcTI0N 05310 STEEL DECK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Roof Deck2. Corrugated Metal Forming3. Floor Deck B. Related Sections:1. Structural Steel: Section 05210 Structural Steel2. Steel Joists: Section 05213 Open Web Steel Joists3. lttiscellaneous Metals: Section 05500 Metal Fabrications T.02 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: See Section 01091. Comply with1. Steel Deck Institute Design Manual for Composite and Roof Decks.2. AISI Specification for the Design of Cold-Fonned Members, latest edition.3. AtlS 01.3 Structural lJe'lding Code - Sheet Steel. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. llanufacturer's Data: Submit two copies of manufacturer's specifications and installation instructions for each product specified. Include manufacturer's cert'ification as may be required to show compliance withthese_specifications. Furnish a copy of each instruction to the i nstal I er. B. Shop Drawings:1. Submit shop drawings as specified under Section 01300. Indicate decking plan, deck profile, dimensions, gage, anchorage. supportsproiections, openings and reinforcement finishes, applicable details and accessories, type locations and size of welds.2. All shop drawings shall be original drawings prepared by the subcontractor or supplier and shall not be reproductions of the contract documents. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE I A. Welder Qualifications: Welding shall be done only be welding operatorsr currently qualified according to A}'lS 01.1. I B. ilanufacturer Qualifications: Regular'ly engaged in product'ion of metalI decking. fol I owi ng: 0ecks, Form Decks Steel Structural I I GPS 9303 05310- 1 C. Erector Qualifications: Minimum of five (5) years experience in erection'of metal decking for projects of-similar size and difficulty. Subiect to approval of 0wner. D. Code Approvalr All metal decking shall have ICBO Approval. E. Testing Agency: Testing and inspection will be made by an approved. testing laboratory selected and paid by the Owner. Contractor shall furnis[ testing alency access to'work,-faci]ities and incidental labor required for testing and inspection. Retention by the 0wner of an independent testing agency shall in no way relieve the Contractor of respbnsibility for-peiforming all work in accordance with the contract requi rements. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLII{G A. General: Comply with Section 01600.1. Inspectioir:- Inspect metal deck upon delivery to site. Reiect and replace any damaged deck.2, Stbrage: Store metal deck at site above ground on platforms, .skidsor otier supports with one end elevated for drainage. Cover deck until needed with waterproof covering, vented t0 prevent condensati on. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI I.IATERIALS A. Sheet Steel: Minimum yield strength of 33,000 psi, ASTM A611-84' Grade c. B. Galvanized Sheet Steel: Minimum yield strength of 33,000 psi' ASTM A446-83, Grade A. C. Non-Composite Roof Deck;1. Gage and Depth: As indicated on drawings.2. fiiish: ilahufacturer's standard, baked-on, rust inhibitive applied to chenically cleaned, phosphate coated surface. D. Corrugated l.letal Forming. Gage and depth as shown on drawings:1. lrlaximum Flexural l,lorking Stress: 36,000 psi. 2. tlaximum Floor Deflectioi: 1/360 span lenlth, center to center of supports under liveload. ilalimum Deflection Under l.leight of lJet concrete: L/240 center of supports, not to exceed 3/4". Finish: Galvinized. ASTI'I A525-83, L.25 oz. Comercial 3. 4. center to coati ng. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I E. Span Conditions - Deck Units: Continuous over three or more adiacent support spacings if possible. GPS 9303 05310-2 I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I 2.02 FABRICATION A. Form deck units in length to spanflush, telescoped or nested 2'r end 2.0s AccEssoRIEs three or more support spacings with laps and nested side laps. A. Metal Closure Strips: Fabricate of galvanized sheet steel of samequality as deck units.1. ltllnimum thickness for roofs, 20 gauge,2. ltlinimum thickness for floors, 16 gage.3. Bend to provide tight fitting closures at open ends and sides of decki ng. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3. OI EXAI,IINAT ION A. Verification of Conditions: Comply rrith Sect'ion 01600:1. Existing Conditions: Before beginning installation, examine sup-porting members for correct layout.2. Notification: Notify General Contractor of unsatisfactory condi-tions in writing with copy to Architect. B. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing cond'itjons by installer. 3.02 ERECTION A. General: Install deck units and accessories in accordance with manu- facturer's recomnendations and accepted shop drawings. B. Placing Deck Units: Position deck units on supporting members and adjust to final position with ends bearing on support and accurately aligned end to end before being permanently fastened.1. Provide roof deck end laps of not less than 2',.2. Do not stretch or contract side lap interlocks.3. Place deck units flat and square, and secure to adjacent framing without warp or deflection. C. Fastening Deck Units: Secure to supporting members as indicated on drawi ngs. D. Cutting and Fitting: Cut and fit deck units and accessories around openings and projections through decking. Make cuts neat, square andtrim. Cut openings true to dinensions using metal saws, drills or shears. Do not torch cut. E. Reinforcement at 0penings:1. Provide reinforcing for openings through metal deck as indicated on drawi ngs. GPs 9303 05310-3 2. ltliscel] aneous openings not sholrn on drawings, such as those required for vents, risers, conduits, etc. shall be cut and reinforced, if necessary, by trade requiring opening. F. Closure Strips: Install at open uncovered ends and edges of roof decking, and in voids between decking and other construction. G. Roof Insulation Support: Provide metal closure strips for support of roof insulation adjacent to edges and openings. H. Welding: By shielded arc process. Confonn to AIJS Dl.1.1. Employ only skilled welding operators.2. Weld Slzes Indicated on Drawings: Effective fusion diameter. Gross weld size shall be approximately lf4" greater. I. Touch-up Painting: Touch-up galvanized finishes. 3.03 PROTECTION OF COI'IPLETED I,JORK A. Deck Units:1. Do not use for storage or as working platform until permanently secured in position.2. Do not damage by use as runr{ay, storage of materials or subsequent work. Do not al'low construction loads which exceed safe carrying capacity of deck. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing: See Sections 01400 and 05120. B. Testing Agency: l,lill visually inspect deck to verify that material is in acceptable condition and has been properly installed.1. Inspection: Include deck welds and side lap connections. END OF SECTION I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I GPS 9303 05310-4 I I t I I I I I I I I I T t I I I I I PART 1 - GEI{ERAL 1.01 SU|'iMARY A. Section Includes:1. Exterior wall steel studs and other locations where "structuralstuds" are indicated.2. Channel tracks and bracing.3. titetal joist framing. B. Related Sections:1. Structural Steel: Section 05120 Structural Steel2. Mi scel I aneous llletal s : Secti on 05500 Metal Fabri cati ons3. Drywall Partition Studs: Section 09261 Gypsum Board Partitions and l{al I s 1.02 REFEREIICES A. Reference Standards: See Section 01091. Comply with following:1. AISI Specifications for the Design of Light Gauge Cold Formed Steel structural lrlembers, latest edition.2. Al{S 01.3 Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel. 1.03 sUB}IITTALS A. Shop Drawings and Erection Drawings: Submit erection drawings as required by Section 01300 Submittals for all metal stud systens defined on the structural drawings. Indicate all member sizes includ'ing special framing at openings. Detail all connections and attachment to supporting structure including connectors, fasteners and accessories. Indicate all welds using standard A}JS symbols. B. Product Data: Prior to starting erection of studs, submit copies of nanufacturer's specifications covering all materials to be used with all materials and accessories plainly identified. See Section 01300 Submi ttal s. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Erector Qualifications: Minimum three years experience in erection of cold formed metal framing for projects of similar size and difficulty. B. l,lelder Qualifications: Currently qualified in accordance with A|,{S 01.1. C. Testing Agency: Testing and inspection will be made by accepted testing'laboratory. See Sections 01400 and 05120. sEcTIoN 05400 COLD FOR]I|ED i,lETAL FRAI{ING GPS 9303 05400-1 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OL I4ATERIALS A. Manufacturers:1. Alabama iletal Industries (AllICO)2. Dale/Incor3. Dietrich Industries, Inc.4. lilarino Industries Corp.5. Steel Benders6. l'restern l.letal Lath Co.7. American Studco8. Unimast, Inc.9. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600 B. Steel Studs, Joists and Related liletal:1. Provide type and size of structural stud or joist framing members, track, bridging. Fasteners and studs as indicated on drawings and specified in this section.2. Studs and Joists: As indicated on drawings.a. Provide 18 gage "C'r shape if not otheruise indicated.b. Head and Sill Track and Header Members: Unpunched track, same gage as studs or one gage heavier.3. Stud Bridging: 16 gage channel bridging.4. Joist l,leb Stiffeners: 16 gage or heavier angle or channe] sti ffeners - C. Painted Steel:1. 12, 14 and 16 Gage Formed Steel Structural Members: ASTII A570-84a, Grade 50, with minimum yield point of 50 ksi.2. 18 and 20 Gage Fonned Steel Structural ilembers. Tracks. Bridging and Accessories: ASTltl A611-84, Grade C with ninimum yield point of 33 ksi . 14 and 16 Gage Formed Steel Track: ASTltl A570-84a, Grade 33 w'ith nininum yield point of 33 ksi.Finish: FS TT-P-636C rust inhibit'ive primer. 2.02 FASTENERS A. Self-Drilling, Self-Tapping Screws, Bolts, Nuts and Washers: ASTM A90, hot-dip galvanized. B. Anchorage Devices: Power driven or powder actuated; drilled expansion bolts; screws with sleeves. 2.03 l..lELDIl{G A. l.lelding: Comply with AIJS Dl.3. B. Welding Electrodes: Conform to SIIAW AhlS A5.1 or A5.5, E60XX or E70XX. I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I 3. 4. GPS 9303 05400-2 I I t I I I I I I l I I I I t I I I I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI ERECTION A. General: Install framing in accordance withdations. Framing nay be prefabricated 'into opti on. manufacturer's recommen- pane'l s at Contractorrs B. Connections: l,lelded or screwed C. t.lall Framing:1. Track: Anchor stud track to concrete as shown on drawings but not less than 3/16" x l-I/8' powder-driven fasteners spaced not more than 24" o.c.2. Studs: Place studs at spacings indicated on Drawings and not more than 2" from abutting walls and at each side of openings. Connect studs to tracks with welding screws or welding in accordance with drawings and manufacturer's recommendations. Construct corners using minimum of three studs. Double studs at door, window andsidelite jambs. Install intermediate studs above and below openings to match wall stud spac'ing. Provide deflection allowance below supported horizontal building framing in ceiling or head track for non-loading-bearing framing. Erect load-bearing studs one piecefull length. Splicing or wire tying of framing components is notpennitted. Refer to drawings for location of partitions extended toceiling only and partitions extending through ceiling to structure above. D. Joists: Set floor or ceiling joists parallel and level with end bearing, 'lateral bracing and bridging in accordance with drawings and manufacturer's recormendations. Weld all joints and connections in accordance with drawings and manufacturerrs recommendations. E. Bridging and Diagonal Bracing: Install bridging and bracing of types and in locations indicated on the drawings. Unless othenrrise indicated, attach all bridging and diagonal bracing by welding capable of resisting a force of 500 lbs. minimum. F. Mlscellaneous Framing and Fuming: Provide for special framing at recesses, specialty items and as required. 3.02 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing: See Sections 01400 and 05120. B. Testing Agency: l.|ill visually inspect cold formed netal framing to verify that material has been properly installed.1. Inspection: Visually inspect 100% of welded connections of metal studs supporting masonry. EI{D OF SECTION 05400-3GPS 9303 I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION O55OO I4ETAL FABRICATIONS PART 1 - GEI{ERAL 1.01 SUI'II'IARY A. Section Includes:1. Steel railings and guardrails.2. Handrail brackets and handrails.3. Elevator pit ladder.4. Elevator sill support angles.5. All other miscellaneous angles, channels, tubes and plates as indicated and required. B. Products Furnished but not Installed Under This Section:1. Anchor bolts and weld plates for anchoring metal fabrications for Section 03100 Concrete Formwork and Section 04200 Unit Masonry.2. Angle steel lintels for Section 04200 Unjt Masonry. C. Related Sections:1. Structural Steel: Section 05120 Structural Steel2. Steel Stairs: Section 05510. I.O2 REFEREI{CE5 A. Reference Standards: See Section 01091. Comply with following:1. AISC Code of Standard Practice for Steet iluildings and Bridges,Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel.2. Al{S DI.1 Structural }Jelding Code - Steel. 1.03 SUBT,IITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Sectjon 01300. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. t,|elder Qualifications: Currently qualified according to AWS 01.1. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600.l. Store metals above ground on platforms, skids, or other supports. Protect steel from corrosion.2. Store other materials in weathertight and dry place, until ready for use. B. ilaterials to be Installed by Others:l. Deliver anchor bolts and other anchorage devices which are embeddedin cast-in-place concrete or masonry construction to project site in time to be installed before start of cast-in-place concrete GPS 9303 05500-1 operations and masonry work.?. Provide setting drawings, templates, and directions for installation of anchor bolts and other devices. I I IPART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Steel Shapes, Bars and B. Steel Pipe and Tubing: thickness 11 gage. C. Shop Paint:Finish: Steel Structures Painting Councit I I Pl ates: ASTl.l A36-84a. AsTlll A53-84a, A501-84, or A500-84, minimum wal'l I 1. Items to Receive Painted Specification SSPC 13. 2.02 FABRICATION A. General:1. Fabricate in accordance with details and accepted shop drawings.2. Provide miscellaneous items of metal work indicated or as necessary to complete work.3. llaterials: Stock of types and sizes indicated.4. llake cuts clean and sharp with wire edges ground smooth. Provide straight, rigid, and tight work, free from defects.5. Close exposed ends of steel pipe or tubing with welded caps. B. llelding: At.|S Dl.1. lrliter and cope intersections and weld all around. Remove splatter, grind exposed welds to blend and contour surfaces to match those adjacent. C. Shop Painting: After fabrication, clean off Ioose scale, rust, weld slag or flux deposit, oil grease, dirt or other foreign material and shop coat fabricated items with shop paint. D. Substitutions: Where exact sizes and weights called for are not available, secure Architect's acceptance of suitable sizes prior to proceedi ng. 2.03 FABRICATIONS A. General: Fabricate other metal listed in ArtJcle 1.01. fabrications as indicated, scheduled or B. Steel Rail ings:f. ilaterialz L-IfZ" i.d. round pipe unless otherwise indicated.2. Fabricate to lines, levels and patterns as ind'icated.3. Joints: Cut. niter and weld all joints. Fill and grind smooth.4. Insert lnto steel sleeves or epoxy mortar at Contractor's option. I I I I I I I I I I t I I GPS 9303 05500-2 I I I I II I I I I t I I I I I I I I I 3. Support ladder at top and bottonr and at intennediate points not over5' o.c. with welded steel brackets with ninimum of 7"'clearance fromwall to centerline of rungs. Extend rails 42tr above top rung or maximum surrounding structure allows and return rails to wall. Provide fasteners appropriate to substrate. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. General: t,leld or bolt items securely in place or other-wise fasten asindicated on the drawings or accepted shop drawings. Include itemsindicated, scheduled or listed in Article 1.01.l. Field Welds: Grind smooth and touch up with red primer. C. Steel Ladders:1. Comply with ANSI 14.3.2. Provide 1f2,, x 2-l/2, continuousrails with eased edges spaced l8nsolid structural steel bar rungso.c. Fit rungs in centerline of smooth on outer rail faces. END OF SECTION structural steel flat bar sideapart. Provide 3/4" diameter with non-slip finish, spaced 12" side rails, plug weld and grind GPS 9303 0s500-3 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I sEcTI0N 05510 METAL STAIRS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Interior and exterior pan tread channel stringer stairs. B. Related Sections:1. Concrete Pan Fill: Section 03300 Cast-In-place Concrete.2. l'liscellaneous Metals: Section 05500 Metal Fabrications. L.02 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards. See Section 01091. Comply with following:1. Steel: AISC Code of Standard Practice for Steei Buildinqs-and Bridges, Architectural1y Exposed Structural Steel .2. lielding: At^lS Dl.1 Structural Welding Code - Steel.3. Stairways: Standard construction details of "Metal Stairs Manual"of the National Association of Architectural Metal ManufaCturers, January, 1982. I . 03 SYSTElll DESCRI PT I0N A. Design Criteria:1. Steel Stairs: Capable of carrying indicated liveloads.2. Stair Fabricator: Responsible for structural design of members as required to carry live and dead loads.3. Structural Calculations: Available to Architect on request. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 0i300. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. hfelder Qualifications: Currently qualified according to AI,JS 01.1. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600. B. Materials to be Installed by others:1. Deliver anchor bolts and other anchoraqe devices which are embeddedin cast-in-place concrete or masonry c6nstruction to project site in time to be installed before start of cast-in-place concrete operations and masonry work.2. Provide setting drawings, templates, and directions for installationof anchor bolts and other devices. GPs 9303 05510-1 C. Delivery and Storage:1. Store metals above ground on platforms, skids, or other supports. Protect steel from corrosion.2. Store other materials in weathertight and dry place, until ready for use. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OL MATERIALS A. General: Comply with Section 05500. 2.02 STEEL STAIRS AND SHIPS LADDERS A. Pan Tread Channel Stringer Stairs: Shop fabricated.1. Design Criteria: Engineered by the fabricator to carry 100 psf I i vel oad.2. Reference Standard: Construct in conformity with standard con- struction details of Metal Stairs Manual , National Association of Architectural ltletal Manufacturers, January 1982 edition.3. Stair Components: Stair runs and platfoms as indicated.4. Tread and Platfonn Pans: 10 gage steel . 2.5 lb. minimum self furring lath tack welded to pans irmediately before concrete fill is pl aced.5. Risers: 10 ga steel closed type.6. Concrete Fill: See Section 03300.7, Handrails: As indicated and in compliance with Section 05500. 2.03 PAINTING A. Materials: Tnemec 10-99. No substitutes B. Preparation: Steel Structures Painting Council SSPC-SP3 Power Tool Cleaning. C. Shop Painting: Spray apply to unifom dry film thickness of 2.0-3.0 mils, free of runs, sags or other defects. 0mit shop primer within 2" of field welded connections, compression joint surfaces, steel embeddedin concrete and steel to be covered by spray on fireproofing. D. Field Painting: Following grinding of field welded connections to exposed steel work, field apply primer of same type and thickness as shop prlmer. Touch up a1l primer removed or damaged during erection. PART 3 . EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. General: held or bolt items securely in place or otherwise fasten as indicated on the drawings or accepted Shop Drawings.1. Field Weldsr Grind smooth and touch up with red primer. I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I GPS 9303 05510-2 I I t I I t I I I I I I I t I t I I t DIVISION 6 t.lOOD AI{D PLASTICS sEcTIoN 06100 ROUGH CARPENTRY PART 1 - GENEML 1.01 SUI'II'IARY A. Section Includes:1. Roofing and flashing blocking.2. Parti ti on b'l ocki ng.3. F'liscellaneous blocking and supports.4. Plywood Roof Sheathing5. Rough hardware. B. Products Furnished but not Installed Under Th'is Section:1. Anchor Bolts Built into Concrete or I'lasonry for Support of Wood:Install under Sect'ion 03100 Formwork or Section 04200 Un'it Masonry. C. Related Sections:1. Finish Carpentry; Section 06200.2. Mechanical and Electrical Elockouts: Division 15 Mechanical and Division 16 Electrical.3. Gypsum Roof Sheathing: Section 06116 Gypsum Sheathing L.O2 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: See Section 01091. Comply with following:1. Wood Framing: Uniform Building Code and ',National Design Specification for Wood Construction,', 1986 edition, as published by National Forest Products Association.2. Lumber: Standard Grading Rules for Western Lumber, latest edition, published by Western l.lood Products Association.a. Each Piece of Lumber: Grade stamped.3. Plywood: U.S. Product Standard PS 1-83 for Softwood Construction and Industria]. Plywood/ a. Each Panel: Identjfied with grade trademark of Arnerican Plywood Association (APA). 1.03 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600. Store material off ground and cover with waterproof ing covering. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS A. Rough Hardware: Provide necessary bolts, screws, nails, clips, plates, straps, hangers, etc. (with the exception of items embedded in concrete) GPS 9303 06100- I necessary for completion of rough carpentry. Provide correct material of proper size and strength for purpose intended conforming to specifications, drawings and applicable building codes. B. Anchor Bolts: Furnish Anchors to be built into concrete and masonry for anchorage of wood. C. Blocking: Douglas Fir-Larch Standard Grade or Better.1. Blocking in Contact with Roofing lrlembrane: Pressure treated with wood salt preservative. Use Koppers Wolmanized pressure-treated wood or other sim'ilar material. Pentachlorophenol or creosote is not acceptable.2. Seasonlng (Up to Two Inches) z I94 or less moisture content.3. Interior Blocking: Fire retardant treated with chloride salts. D. Plywood: APA C-D standard with exterior glue.1. Thickness and Span Rating: As indicated on drawings.2. Roof Sheathing: Fire retardant treatment as required by code. 2.02 i,IETAL FRAMING ANCHORS A. Manufacturers:1. Timber Engineering Co.2. Slmpson Co.3. Accepted substjtute in accordance with Section 01600. B. Genera'l: Provide with nails and bolts according to manufacturer's requi rements.1. Types: As indicated on drawings. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAl,lIl{ATION A. Verification of Conditions: Verify that surfaces to receive rough carpentry are prepared to required grades and dimensions. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. General:1. Perform in substantial manner consistent with accepted standards of carpentry trade.2. Framing: Erect plumb, level and true and rigidly anchor in place. Cut framing square on bearings, closely fit, accurately set to required lines and levels.3. Nail or screw members in accordance with UBC and General Structural Notes on drawings.4. Shins: Do not use shims for leveling on wood or metal bearings. Use steel shims with full bearing on masonry or concrete.5. lletal Framing Anchors: Install where required for proper connec- tions in accordance with nanufacturer's recomnendations. I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I GPS 9303 06100-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Anchor Bolts: Deliver anchor bolts and other anchorage devices which are embedded in cast-in-place concrete or masonry conitruction to pro- Ject site in time to be installed before start oi cast-in-place cohcrete operations and nasonry work. C. Anchors: Unless othervise indicated, bolt plates firmly to concrete or masonry with 3/8" x lzu (3" horizontal leg) anchor bolts, 2,-0,'o.c. or use ramset or equal , powder-actuated fastening system.1. Size and Spacing: Accepted by Architect. D. Roof Sheathing: Install plywood panels over gypsum roof sheathing with face grain perpendicular to suppoits with end-jbints supported. Stagger ends of adjacent sheets four feet where possible.I. Secure to steel framing per structural general notes on drawings, UBC and APA reconmendations. 3.03 BLOCKING A. Blocking:1. Install blocking of size required for support of toilet and bath accessories, hardware, cabinets, shelving, counters and other wall- mounted items.2. Set true to line, level or plumb well secured in stud wall and flush with back of drywall or other wall finish. B. Roof Blocking: Anchor at 3 feet o.c. to resist force of 75 lbs. perllneal foot. END OF SECTION GPS 9303 06100-3 I I t I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I sEcTI0l{ 06116 GYPSUM SHEATHING PART 1 - GENERAL T. 01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Gypsum sheathing on exterior walls.Z. Gypsum sheathing over steel roof deck where indicated. B. Related Sections:1. Exteri or }lal I Steel studs: Secti on 05400 Col d Formed llletal Frami ng.2. Interior Gypsum Board: Section 09261 Gypsum Board Partitions t.lalls.3. Plywood Roof Sheathing: Section 06100 Rough Carpentry. L.O2 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OL GYPSUM SHEATHING A. Manufacturers:1. Georgia-Pacific2. Accepted Substitute in accordance with Section 01600 Wa'l'l Sheathing Panels: 5/8" Thick Georgia-Pacific Dens-Glass Gold Firestop, Type X Gypsum sheathing, 4' wide length. Roof Sheathing Panels: 5/8', thick Georgia-Pacific Dens-Deck Firestop Type X gypsum sheathing 4' wide x 8, length. l,|all Sheathing Fasteners: USG Type "S,' drywall screws or equal . Roof Sheathing Fasteners: FM approved comosion resjstant screw type fasteners. 3 - EXECUTION EXAMINATION Verification of Condit'ions: Comply with Section 01600:1. Existing Conditions: Examine framing to receive sheathing before begi nni ng i nstal I ati on.2. Notification: l{otify General Contractor of unsatisfactory conditions in writing with copy to Architect. B. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of exist'ing conditions by instal ler. GPS 9303 06116-1 B. c. D. E. PART 3.01 A. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Gypsum ttall Sheathing: Apply gypsum sheathing practical length with long dimensions parallel1. Secure with drywall screws spaced 12" o.c. 8" o.c. along abutting edges.2. Edge and End Joints: All ioints to occur panels of maximum to studs. in the field of board and over studs or other I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I supports.3. Properly support panels around cutouts and openings.4. Joint finishing is not required. B. Gypsum Roof Sheathing: Apply sheets parallel to steel roof deck with eird joints staggered. Faiteir to steei deck with FM approved fasteners spaced according to Fl,l I-90 spacing reguirements. END OF SECTION GPS 9303 06116-2 t I t 'ARTr-.ENERAL sEcrroN 06200 FINISH CARPENTRY I 1.01 SUMMARY I A. Section Includes:r 1. Interi or:r f,: il33$ ;liT'ranelins.c. llood beans.d. llood stai r.I e. Shelf and rod.f. Plywood shelving.l 2. Exterior:r i. ilSS$ lllT;.c. Wood siding. r d. Handrails and ballusters B. Related Sections: I 1. Blocking: Section 06100 Rough Carpentry.I 2. Cabinets and Casework: Section 06410 Custom Casework.3. Wood Doors: Section 08210 l,lood Doors. I 4. Finish: Sect'ion 09900 painting. I 5. hlood Door Franes: Section 06275. T.02 REFERENCES I A. Reference Standards: See Section 01091. Comply with following:1. "Architectural lloodwork Quality Standards and Guide Specifications", I 1985 edition, as published by the Architectural Woodwork Institute. I a. Comply with Custom Grade if not otherwise specified. 1.03 DEFINITIONS Ir A. Finish Carpentry: Woodwork requiring smooth finish and exposed to view but not considered as cabinets or casework I 1.04 SUBMITTALS I A. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Sectjon 01300 Submittals. I 1. Include conformance to required reference standard. r B. Certificates: Subnit siding fire rating certificates in accordance with I Section 01300. Include certificates from each bundle of siding. I I GPs e303 I 06200- 1 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with:1. Exterior Siding: Fire retardant treated as required by Local Code authori ty. I T t I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600.1. Do not deliver material until building or storage area and sufficiently dry to prevent damage from excessive moisture content. PART 2 - PRODUCTS i s encl osed changes in 2.OI INTERIOR MATERIALS A. Natural Finiah Trim Material: Silver t,lhite Maple select kiln-dried cl ear.1. Grade: AUI Premium Grade. Finger jointing not acceptable.2. Moisture Content: 15% or less.3. Shape: li'li I I ed to custom shapes as indicated. B. l,lood Beams: Solid stock Engelman Spruce, sawn and draw knifed to hand hewn look.1. l.loi sture Content: 15% or I ess. C. l,lood Stairs:1. Grade: Al{I Premium Grade.2. Stringers: Non-combustible. Provide three per stair including center stringer.3. Treads: 5r laminated Silver lihite lrlaple. D. Wood Shelving in pantry:l. Plywood Shelving: At,lI Custom Grade plywood with wood edges.a. Finish: Painted under Section 09900.2. Adjustable Hardware:a. Acceptable Manufacturers: Knape & Vogt (KV), Stanley or accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600.b. Clip System: KV No. 255 standards and No. 256 supports.c. Finish: As selected by Architect. E. Closet Shelf and Rod:1. Support: K&V #1195.2. Rod: K&V #770-1.3. Shelf: llelamine surfaced plywood with wood edge, AllI Custom Grade4, Finish: Painted finish under Section 09900. F. Wall Paneling in Ski Room: T&G Snooth Cedar:1. Slze: 1 x 6 by random lengths, 6-16 feet.2. Style: As indicated, finished smooth.3. liloi sture Content: 15t of I ess. cPs 9303 06200-2 I t c. I I I I I I 2. 3. 6. 7. B. I T t t I I t I I I t 2.02 EXTERIOR MATERIALS A. Trim and Facia Material: No knots allowed in bottom B. Siding: 1 x 8 western redtight knot, resawn. D. PART 3.01 A. 1. Moisture Content! 15& Overlay Plywood: APA l4D0 as indicated.1. Trim: Provide "H,'and Handrails and Ballusters Western red cedar, Select tight knot, resawn. edge. cedar bevel siding, 6" exposure, sSelect or less. B-C medium density overlay plywood, thickness "J" galvanized metal trim as indicated. 3 - EXECUTION EXAMINATION Verification of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600:1. Layout: Verify layout of work before beginning installation.2. Blocking: Ensure proper blocking provided under Section 06100.3. Existing Conditions: Examine substrate before beginning instal lat'ion.4. Notification: Notify General Contractor of unsatisfactory con-ditions in writing with copy to Architect. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing conditions by installer. necessary, bevel joints. General; Install interior finish level , plumb and true.Securing: Tightly secure to bracing with nails, screws, glue, etc. Blind nail wherever possible. Where surface nailing is necessary, use finish nails carefully set with nail punch. Trim Fi ni shi ng Agai nst tJal I s or Cei I i ng: ttti I I wi th extra wi dth and scribe to wall or ceiling at job. Edges: Except where molded, mill trim with perfectly square edges.After erection. slightly round exposed edges by sanding as di rected. Interior Finish: Hand smooth ready for finish under Section 09900 free from machine or tool marks or any roughness. Replacement: Replace any interior finish bearing harmer marKs,splits, cracks, mars or defects of any nature. 3.02 II'ITERIOR I',IATERIALS INSTALLATION A. General: All installations Al.lI Custom Grade unless otherwise specified. B. Interior Finish: AI.JI Custom Grade:l. Lengths: tlherever possible, provide single piece for each length offinish. Butt joints not allowed except for long pieces or room molds which may be in two or more sections. When butt joints are 4. 5. GPS 9303 06200-3 C. Wood Stairs: AWI premium Grade:1. General; Install wood stairs and completeas detailed.2. Trim: Secure nail trim to prevent cupping corrosive box or casing nails driven fiush landings, handrails, etc. or warping. Use non- with face or trim. Do I t II I II T T I I I I t t I T I I -II I not set nails or mar surface. D. l.|ood Shelving: AttI Custom Grade: Install as indicated.1. Provide adJustable shelving. Install as reconnended by manufac-turer. Install supports at maximum of 32n o.c. E. Shelf and Rod; AWI custom Grade. Install as indicated and in accor- dance with manufacturer,s recomnendations. F. Wood_Paneling: Install as indicated on the drawings:1. Comply with applicable requirements for interi6r finish.2. Blind nail through gypsum'board into wood blocking. 3.03 EXTERIOR MATERIALS INSTALLATION A. General: AWI Custom Grade unless otherwise specified. B. Exterior Facia and Trim: l,Jherever possible, provide each length offinish in-single piece. Face nail into framihg using aluminui casingnails. Drive flush but do not set. END OF SECTIOil GPS 9303 06200-4 t t sEcTlol,l 06275 t,lOOD DOOR FRAMES I PARTl-GENERAL r 1.01 SUMMARYIA. Section Includes: I 1. Interior wood door frames t B. Related sections: r 1. Wood Doors: Section 08210I 2. Door Hardware: Section 08710I 3. Finish: Section 09900 Painting4. }Jood Trim: Section 06200 Finish Carpentry I 1.02 REFERENCES I A. Reference Standards: See Section 01091. Comply with following: t t. "Architectural Woodwork qqa.lity. Standards and Guide.Specifications", 1985 edition, as published by the Architectural Woodwork Institute. I t.o3 SUBMITTALSIA. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300 Submittals. t 1. Include conformance to required reference standard. r B. S-amples: Submit 1'-0,, long sample of each type and species of wood frame for approval before fabrication.IT 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING I A. General: Comply with Section 01600.I l. Do not deliver material until building or storage area is enclosed and sufficiently dry to prevent danage from excessive changes in I moisture content. I PART2-PRODUCTS I 2.or INTERIoR t.tooD DooR FRAI-IEsIA. Species:I 1. Transparent Fjnish: Silver White Maple I B. Construction: AI.JI Premium Grade. Plant assembled with corners dadoed r and glued. Provide plinth blocks as indicated. Finger jointing is not I acceptable. Provide temporary shipping braces. I I GPs e303 T 06275-t PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAI'IINATION A. All openings for wood frames shall be prepared by others to the propersire, plumb, square and level before ihstltlation of frames is slarted. B. Verification of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600:l. Layout: Verify layout of work before beginning instaltation.2. Existi!g Conditions: Examine openings before 6eginning i nstal I ati on.3. Notification: Notify General Contractor of unsatisfactory con-ditions in writing with a copy to Architect.4. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing con-dlilons by i nstal l er. 3,02 FRAI.,IE I],ISTALLATION A. General: Comply with Al.tI Premium Grade. B. Installation:1. Frames: Install square and plumb in the opening, wedge and nailwith finish nails.2. Trim: See Section 06200 for trim installation. I I I I I II t I I I t T t I I I I I I END OF SECTION GPS 9303 06275-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I sEcTIot{ 06410 CUSTOM CASEI,JORK PART 1 - GENEML 1.01 SUMI4ARY A. Section Includes:1. Natural Finish Wood Faced Casework and Related ltems:a. Base and l,lall Cabinets2. Cabinet light fixtures and interior wiring.3. Shop finishing. B. Related Sections:1. Job Finish: Section 099002. Finish Carpentry: Section 062003. Plumbing Fixtures and Trim: Division 15 Mechanical4. Electrical Service to Cabinet Fixtures: Division 16 Electrical5. Tile Countertops: Section 093006. Stone Countertops: Section 04455 L.02 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: See Section 01060. Comply with following:1. Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards, Guide Specifications and Quality Certification Program, Fourth Edition, as-published by theArchitectural ltoodwork Institute. 1.03 SUBI'IITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300 Submittals.1. Include conformance to required reference standard. B. Samples: Submit sample of each type and finish of cabinet and shelf hardware_for approval before ordering hardware. Submit samples ofplastic laninate and Corian for color selection or verification in accordance with Section 01300. Submit samples of shop finish to match sample furnished by Architect. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 016001. Do not deliver material until building or storage area and sufficiently dry to prevent damage from excessive moisture content. is enclosed changes in GPS 9303 06410-1 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI CABINET HARDI,IARE A. Cabinet Hardware: Furnished and installed by the cabinet supplier: I I T TvDe H i nges Pulls Catches BI um Bouvet Stanl ey 15202.35 sP46 Manufacturer Cataloq No. Finish I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t Modu'l 90-176" Nickel Plated Brackets for Shelves Knape & Vogt 256 Standards for Shel ves Knape & Vogt 255 European Pewter 28 Zi nc Zi nc 2.02 l,lOOD FACED COUNTERS AND CASEWORK A. Grades: Comply with Section 1600 of At,lI Standards1. Grade: Premi um2. Door and Drawer Style: Flat panel as indicated on Drawings. B. Wood Trim:1. Natural Finish: At,lI Premium Grade solid stock Alder (distressed) as indicated milled to patterns indicated. C. Light Fixtures: As indicated on the drawings. Interior pre-wired according to National Electrical Code for single connection to Electrical service. D. Counter Tops: See Sections 04455 and 09300 E. Finish:1. l{atural Finish Casekork: At.|I System #5 premium grade catalyzed polyurethane. Fru'itwood stain to match sample furnished by Archi tect. 3 - EXECUTION EXAI.,IINATION Verification of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600:1. Blocking: Ensure proper blocking provided under Section 06100.2. Existing Conditions: Exanine spaces and substrate before beginning i nstal I ati on.3. l{otification: Notify General Contractor of unsatisfactory con- ditions in writing with copy to Architect.4. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing con- ditions by installer. PART 3.01 A. GPS 9303 06410-2 t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Counters: Construct supports for counters as jndicated. 1. Securely attach counters to walls plumb and level.2. Sinks and Trim: Provided and instilled under Division 15.3. Tops: Provided and installed under Sections 04455 and 09200. B. Cabinets:1. Bases: Construct cabinet bases for cabinets as indicated and securely anchor to floor. 2.Cabinets: Securely attach cabinets to bases and walls with cabinets plumb and 'level and hardware operating properly, ready for job finish under Section 09900. Sinks and Trim: Provided and installed under Division 15.Tops: Secure to base cabinets as required. Coordinate with instal'lation of stone and tile tops. Touch-Up: Touch-up shop finish follow'ing installation. END OF SECTION 3. 4. 5. GPS 9303 06410-3 I r sEcTI0N 06422 STILE AND RAIL t,lALL PANELING T PARTl-GENERAL I 1.01 SU]I|]IIARY I A. Section Includes: r 1. Shop fabricated stile and rail WALL paneling and related trim inI z. 8ffi"?Y;i,f;1fi;u'o"'o' I B. Related Section:I 1. Finish Carpentry: Section 06200 I 1.02 REFERENCES I B. Reference Standards: See Section 01060. Comply wjth fol lowing: r 1. Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards, Guide Specificatjons andt li:l,lll.i;*l'il::il:l*'il3[?t;rSlurth Edition, as published bv the a. Comply with Prenium Grade Requirenents of Section 500 C. I 1.03 SUEMITTALS I A. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300 Submittals. I 1. Include conformance to required reference standard. r B. Samples: Submit finish samples for Architect's approval . I 1.04 QuALTTY AssuMNcE I A. Regulatory Requirements: All completed wall paneling must have NFPA I class A Flame Spread Index 0-25. r 1.05 DELIVERY, SToRAGE AND HANDLING Ir A. General: Comply with Section 01600.l. Do not deliver material until building or storage area is enclosed I and sufficiently dry to prevent damage from excEssive changes inI moisture content. r PART2-PRODUCTS I 2.OI I,JALL PANELING AND RELATED TRII,I I A. Stiles, Rails and Wood Trirn:I 1. Al{I Premium Grade silver White l{aple milled to patterns indicated.B. Panels: AtfI Premium Grade book matched Silver White Maple over plywoodI core. I r GPS 9303 06422-l I r C. Fabrication: Stile and rail paneling shall be shop assembled greatest possible extent. D. Shop Finish: All wall paneling and trim shall be shop finished per Al,lI System #1 standard lacquer to match sample furnished by Architect. Furnish Contractor with touch-up materials. Back prime all materials in the shop. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMIIIATION A. Verification of Conditions: Comply with Section 01900.1. Layout: Verify layout of work before beginning installation.2. Blocking: Ensure proper blocking provided under Section 06100).3. Existing Conditions: Examine substrate before beginning i nstal 'l ati on .4. Notification: Notify General Contractor of unsatisfactory cond'itions in writing with a copy to Architect.5. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing con- ditions by installer. 3.02 INTERIOR MATERIALS INSTALLATION A. General: All installations Al.tI Premium Grade unless othenvise speci fi ed. B. Wall Paneling and Related Trim: Install as indicated on the drawings.1. Cgmply with applicable requirements for interior finish.2. Bllnd nail through gypsum board into wood blocking. Use panel adhesive where required to keep exposed nails to a minimum.3. Use finish nails for all exposed nails. Set and fill to match fi ni sh.4. Touch-up finish following installatjon C. Interior Finish:1. Lengths: Wherever possible, provide single piece for each length offinish. Butt joints not allowed except for long pieces or room molds which may be in two or more sections. When butt joints are necessary, bevel joints.2. General: Install interior finish level, plumb and true3. Securing: Tightly secure to bracing with nails, screws, glue etc. Blind nail wherever possible. Where surface nailing is necessary, use finish nails carefully set with nail punch.4. Trim Finishing Against llalls or Ceiling: Mill with extra width and scribe to wall or ceiling at job.5. Edges: Except where molded, mill trim with Perfectly square edges. After erection, slightly round exposed edges by sanding as directed.6. Replacement: Replace any interior finish bearing hamner marks,splits, cracks, mars or defects of any nature. I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I GPS 9303 06422-2 I t I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I PART 1.01 A. DMSI0N 7 - THERI'IAL Al{D IiIOISTURE PR0TECTI0I{ sEcTI0l{ 07113 1''l0D I F I ED B ITUIIINOUS SHEET l.tEtitBRAN E WATERPROOF ING 1 - GENERAL SUI-ll-lARY Section Includes: Membrane waterproofing at the following locations:1. Horizontal waterproofing under all exterior finishes at decks and balconies. Extend 2'-6u up on all adjacent vertical surfaces of wall - sheathing behind wal'l finishes and as indicated on the Drawings.2. Under al1 shingle roofing. Cover all surfaces including ridgis andvalleys. Extend 2'-6" up adjacent vertical surfaces behind wal'lfi ni shes3. Elsewhere as indicated on the drawings. Do not deliver materials to the site until ready for use. lilanufacturer's Recommendations: Comply trith the following:1. Store nerbrane no more than two pallets high off the ground. Provide cover on top and sides, allowing for adequate ventilation. B. Related Sections:1. Danpproofing: Section 07160 T.O2 SUBI'IITTALS A. Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. B. Quality Control Submittals:1. Certificates: Submit manufacturer,s written certificat.ion that applicator is approved by manufacturer.2. l,lanufacturer's Instructions: Submit in accordance with Section 01600. C. Contract Closeout Submittals:1. Guarantee: Submit written guarantee as specified in Article 1.06. 1.03 qUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator: Company specializing in waterproofing.1. Appl icator: Manufacturer approved.2. Experiencer Continuously applied waterproofing in State of Coloradofor three years and completed at least twenty (20) previous installations of membrane similar to the type required. I.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. B. GPS 9303 07113- 1 2. Store primer, mastic, protection board adhesive and liquid membrane in a dry area abray from high heat, flames or spark.3. Store protection board flat and off the ground, preferably on a woodplatform. Provide tarpaulin cover on top and sides.4. Store only as much material at point of use as required for each day's work. 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements: Do not install membrane waterproofing whenair and surface temperature is below 40o F unless manufacturer's recommended special materials and methods are used. B. Existing Conditions:1. Concrete! Cured minimum of seven days and dry. 1.06 GUARANTEE A. Guarantee: Submit written 2-year guarantee against leaks resulting from defects of materials or workmanship. Upon notification of such defects, within the guarantee period, make the necessary repairs and replacements including removal and replacement of work interfering with access to the waterproofing, at the convenience of the Owner. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 ACCEPTAELE MANUFACTURERS A. Self-Adhered l,,lodified Bitumen Membrane:1. l'f .R. Grace & Co. , Bituthene System.2. U.R. ileadows Sealtight, Melnar.3. Polyken 640/6604. Protecto-Wrap, Jiffy-Seal 140/55.5. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Membrane Type 1: For Decks and Balconies:1. Membrane:a. l,l.R. Grace Bituthene 3000 waterproofing membrane or accepted substitute by acceptable manufacturer.b. Material: Conposite laminated sheet of polyethylene film coated on one side with a factory applied rubberized asphalt and on other side with a removable protective release paper.c. Thickness: 60 mils mininum.2. Primer and Mastic: Manufacturer recommended.3. Horizontal Protection Board: 1/4. asphaltic hardboard B. Membrane Type 2: For Roofing Underlayment:1. l.lembrane:a. l.l.R. Grace lce and llater Shield or accepted substitute by I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I t I I I GPS 9303 07113-2 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I acceptabl e manufacturer.b. ilaterial: Composite larninated sheet of polyethylene film coated 0n one side with a factory applied rubberized asphalt and on other side with a removable protective release paper.c. Thickness: 40 mils mininum,2. Primer: l,lanufacturer recommended. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAI'IINAT ION A. Verification of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600:1. Existing Conditions: Examine substrate before beginning i nstal I ati on .2. Surfaces: Verify substrate is snooth, free of major defects, cured and dry.3. PIaza Slab and Balcony Floors: Cured with clear resin based curing compounds not containing oil, wax or pigment.4. Insure compatibility of horizontal and vertical waterproofing with waterproofing on adjacent existing building.5. Notification: Notify General Contractor of unsatisfactory con-ditions in writing with copy to Architect. B. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing conditions by installer. See 1.02 C.4 for required certificate. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Surface Preparation: Remove projections, concrete splatter, general surface dirt and other foreign materials to leave surfaces in clean condition suitable for applicatjon of membrane.1. Cleaning: Clean surfaces with high pressure air to remove dust, loose stones and debris.2. Patching: Patch holes and grossly irregular surfaces with Portland cenent grout, concrete or epoxy grout. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. General: Apply in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. B. Priming:l. Prime surface with Bituthene Primer at coverage of 250 to 350 sq.ft. per gallon. Apply with lambswool roller.2. Prime only area to be covered with membrane in one working day.3. Allow primer to dry one hour or until tack fnee.4. Reprime areas not covered with membrane within 24 hours. C. Corners:1. Outside Corners: Double cover outside corners with initial strip of sheet membrane lln minimum width centered on axis of corner.a. completely cover this strip by regular application of sheet membrane. GPS 9303 07113-3 b. 0utside Corners: Free of sharp edges. Inspect surfaces adiacent to corners and repair if necessary to provide smooth dense surface.2. Inside Corners: Provide 3/4, fillet formed with epoxy mortar or latex modified cenent mortar and double coverage of membrane. Do not use fiber or wood cant strips.a. Alternate Method: Form fillet with Iiquid membrane Bituthene LM-3000 and apply layer of sheet membrane.3. Apply Elastomeric Mastic-Bituthene EM-3000 over membrane seams within t2 of corners. D. Horizontal Application and Roofs:1. Apply membrane from low points to high points across fall line sothat laps shed water. Stagger end laps.2. Roll entire membrane firmly and completely as soon as possible with linoleum roller or standard water-filled garden roller less than 30"wide. Protect face of roller with resilient material such as If2',plastic foam or ttro wraps of indoor-outdoor carpet.3. Seal end laps and T-joints at end of each work day.4. Apply double thickness of membrane over properly sealed expansion, construction and control joints. E. Drains and Protrusions:1. Proiections: Apply double layer of membrane around projections at least 6" in al I directions and seal tenninations with EM-3000.2. Drains: Apply double layer of membrane around drains and place beadof Ell-3000 between top layer and clamping rings and at tenninations. F. Terminations: Teminate by pressing very firmly to wall and finish with trowelled bead of Elastomeric Mastic Bituthene EM-3000. G. Sealing Seams:1. 0ve1!ap seams at least 2-1/2". Apply succeeding sheet with minimum2-l/2n overlap and roll entire membrane firmly and completely as soon as possible to minimize bubbles caused by outgassing of air or v/ater vapor from concrete.2. Fishmouths: Slit and overlap flaps, repair with patch, press orroll to make seal, and seal edges of patch with trowelled bead of Elastomeric Mastic Bituthene El.,l-3000.3. Misaligned or Inadequately Lapped Seams: Patch with sheet membrane.4. Seal laps within 12n of corner details with troweling of El'l-3000.5. For vertical applications, use heavy hand pressure and seam roller on laps. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Water Test: Flood test horizontal membrane with minimum two inch headof water for 24 hours. Repair leaks when membrane is dry. Repeat testuntil membrane is leak free. I I I I I t t I I I I T T I I I I I t GPS 9303 07113-4 I 3.os PRoTEcTror{ r A. Protection Board: Completely cover waterproofing at balconies and I decks. Apply with manufacturer recomrcnded adhesive. I END 0F SEcTrot{ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GPs e303 07113-5 I sEcTlolt 07160 B ITUM I 1'l0US DAIi'|PPR0OF I NG PART 1 - GEI{ERAL 1.OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Dampproofing on backfill side of exterior concrete retaining walls and interior walls of planters. Extend dampproofing from botton of wall to 6" below finish grade.2. Danpproofing on outside of concrete elevator pit walls. Extend dampproofing from bottom of walls to bottom of main floor slab.3. 0utside face of all exterior foundation walls. Extend from bottom of wall to 6u below finish grade. B. Related Sections:1. Backfilling; Section 02200 Earthwork.2. Waterproofing: Section 07113 Modified Bituminous Sheet Membrane l'laterproof i ng . I,O2 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLINGI t A. General: Comply with Section 01600. Deliver in manufacturer's original unopened containers and store at a temperature of 50o F. t t t I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I 1.03 PROJECT COIIDITIONS A. Environmental Conditions: Do temperature is below 40" F. PART 2 - PRODUCTS not apply if air temperature or surface 2.OI DAI,IPPROOFING A. Products:1. Karnak No. 1002, Sonneborn-Contech Hydrocide 6003. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. B. Primer: ASTM D4l-78 C. Mastic: Heavy bodied bituminous compound. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAI'IINAT ION A. Verification of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600.1. Existing Conditions: Examine substrate before beginning GPS 9303 07160-1 i nstal I ati on.2. Surfaces: Verify substrate is smooth, free of major defects, cured and dry.3. Notification: Notify General Contractor of unsatisfactory con- ditions by applicator. B. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing conditions by applicator. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Surfaces to be Dampproofed: Clean and smooth. Brush down surfaces to remove loose scale, fins, dust, etc.1. Prime surface and fill holes with mastic.2. Penetrations Such as Pipes: Waterproof as follows:a. Pack space between pipe and pipe s'leeve with mineral wool to within 1" of face of wall.b. Fill lu space with mastic.c. Place fiberglass membrane over opening and embed in suitable coating. Carefully cut to fit around pipe and extend at least 6" onto solid material.d. Trowel coat over membrane patch with dampproofing.3. Construction and Expansion Joints:a. Apply heavy coating of dampproofing.b. Follow with two plies of waterproof fiberglass membrane extended 6" each side of ioint with pronounced buckle or wrinkle in membrane over joint to pernit movement without breaking membrane.c. Follow with two heavy coats of dampproofing. 3.03 APPLICATION A. Brush or spray two coats of dampproofing at rates and by methods as recomended by manufacturer to provide uninterrupted and impervioussea'|. Allow first coat to dry before applying second coat. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Review: Provide ample notice for Architect to review completed instal lation before covering. END OF SECTION I I t I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I GPS 9303 07t60-2 I I I sEcTI0N 0719s AIR INFILTRATIOI'I BARRIER PARTl-PARTGEI{ERAL I 1.01 SU|{MARY I A. Section Includes:I 1- :il:l'i:Hirlt;lltll:lfifion oamier over svpsum sheathins at arr I r.oz suBr.rrTTALSIA. Product Data: Submit to the Architect copies of manufacturer'sI specifications covering all materials and accessories. I 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE I A. Contractor Qualification: Applicator shall have a mininum of tow yearsr experience on equivalent projects. I 1.04 PR0DUCT DELIVERY, ST0RAGE AND HANDLINGIA. General: Comply with Section 01600. Deliver in original unopened I manufacturer's containers with labels intact. Store in way piotect from I damage and keep dry. 1.05 SEQUENCTNG/SCHEDULTNGII A. Install air infiltration barrier prior to installation of stone veneer wal I ties. I PART2-PR0DUCTS r A. Acceptable Manufacturer: I 1. DuPont Construction products - 2. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. I B. Description: DuPont Tyvek Housewrap Polyethylene reinforced 0lefinI Fabric. I C. Joint Tape: As reconnended by the manufacturer. I D. Fasteners: r l. At Steel Studs: Screws with washers. I 2. At Wood Door and Window Frames: Staples. I I GPS 9303 07195-1 I I PART 3 - EXECUTIOI{ 3.01 EXAMIl{ATION A. Verification of Conditions: Examine substrate prior to beginning application to assure that previous work is freb from conditions-thatwill adversely affect the eiecution and quality of work. Do not start work until unsatisfactory conditions are'corrected. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Install sheets horizontally in shingle fashion. Staple to wood framing. Screw througlr gypsum sheathing into steel framing. Lap all joints as recoornended by manufacturer and cut tight around-all pbnetrations. B. Tape all joints and edges and around all penetrations to fonn a leakfree barrier. t I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I END OF SECTION t t I GPS 9303 0719s-2 B. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I sEcTI0l{ 07210 BUILDING INSULATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Blanket Insulation as indicated. B. Related Sections:1. Exterior Insulation and Finish System: Section 01240,3. Roof Insulation: Section 07532 Elastomeric Single ply Roofing4. Sound Insulation in Partitions: Section 09261 Gypsum BoardPartitions and l.lalIs.5. Combination Foundation Insulation and Drainage Board: Section 02710 Subdrainage System. L.O2 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600. Store insulation under cover to prevent weather damage. 2 - PRODUCTS BLANKET INSULATION Manufacturers:1. 0wens-Corning2. l'lanville Corporation3. CertainTeed Corp.4. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. Insulation: Fiberglass blankets.1. R-Val ue:a. l.lal I s: R-19b. Roof: R-30c. Plumbing t'Jalls: R-11 each sided. Level One Floors and Cantilevers: R-19e. Radiant Floors at Bathrooms: R-192. llidth: As required to fit framing.3. Facing: Unfaced; FS-25 foil facing is required below radiant floorsat bathrooms. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAI'IINATION A. Verjfication of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600:1. Existing Conditions: Examine before beginning installation. GPS 9303 07210-1 PART 2.0r A. 2. Notification: t{otify General Contractor of unsatisfactory condi- tlons in writing with copy to Architect. B. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing conditions by installer. 3.02 INSTALLATIOI{ A. Blanket or Batt Insulation: Install insulation according to manufac- turer's recormendations. Fit tight to adjoining work and adioining insulatlon so that completely tight enclosure free from open ioints, holes, cracks and voids 'is achieved. Attach insulation in place in manner insuring stability and to eliminate sagging. Install foil faced insulation below radiant floors at bathrooms with foil face up. END OF SECTION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T T I I I GPS 9303 07210-2 I I t I I II t I I I T t I I I I I t I sEcTroil 07240 EXTERIOR INSULATION AI{D FINISH SYSTEM PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUltltARY A. Section Includes:1. Insulation and finish system as indicated.2. Finish system only at concrete masonry and concrete where indicated. 8. Related Sections:1. Gypsum Sheathing: Section 06116.2. Calking: Section 07900 Joint Sealers. I.02 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. Include manufacturer's specifications and application instructions. B. Samples: Submit 2'x 2' samples of each type of color and texture for acceptance in accordance with Section 01300. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator Qualifications: Factory approved and trained. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600.1. Delivery: Deliver materials in original unopened containers and store off ground and under cover.2. Storage: Store at temperatures not less than 40" F.3. Storage: Protect metal accessories from rusting during storage.4, Rusted and water damaged materials subject to rejection. 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements:1. Cold Weather Protection:a. Do not apply materials to surfaces frozen or containing frost. Do not use frozen materials.b. If artifjcial heat is used, locate heater to prevent concen-tration of heat or fumes on finish surface.c. Do not apply if ambient temperature is less than 40"F. Maintain this temperature 48 hours prior to application, duringapplication, and for 24 hours after applicat.ion.d. Provide temporary heat and enclosure if necessary. GPS 9303 07240-t PART 2.01 A. B. 2.02 A. B. F. G. H. I. PART 3.01 A. 2. Hot Weather Protection: Protect against uneven or excessive evaporation during dry hot weather and from strong blasts of dryair, either natural or artificial . 2 - PRODUCTS SYNTHETIC STUCCO SYSTEM Acceptabl e Manufacturers :1. Sto Industries, Inc.2. Accepted Substitute Systen: Sto Toughwall System or equal of other acceptable manufacturer. MATERIALS Mechanical Fasteners: Sto Fastener Disk. Insulation Board:1. Type: Extruded polystyrene E.P.S. is not acceptable.2. Flame Spread: Less than 25.3. Thickness: 1in.4. Insulation Manufacturer: Approved by system manufacturer. C. Reinforcing l,lesh: Sto Reinforcing Fibermesh-C D. Ground Coat: Sto Toughwall Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer-t'lodified Cement. E. Finish: Sto Finish. Two colors required. Colors as selected by Archi tect. Water: Clear and potable. Parging Coat: I part Portland cement to 2 parts clean sand. Primer: Sto Primer Metal Accessories: Galvanized, expanded mesh flanges.1. Ground/Screed2. Corner Bead3. Drip/Screed4. Casing Eead5. Reveal Trim 3 - EXECUTION EXAMII{ATION Verification of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600:1. Existing Conditions: Examine substrate before beginning i nstal I ati on. I I I I I I I I I I I T t I I I I I I GPS 9303 07240-2 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I 2. Notification: Notifytions in writing with B. Acceptance: Eeginning of by applicator. 3.02 PREPARATION General Contractor of unsatisfactory condi- copy to Architect. work means acceptance of existing conditions END OF SECTION A. Protection; Provide drapes, drop cloths and other protection requiredt0 protect adjacent surfaces from damage during finish operations. B. Concrete Substrate: All concrete surfaces to receive finish systemshall be sacked to provide an even, uniform surface prior to appli-catlon. where uneven surfaces occur, apply bonding hgent and Skim coatof parging material prior to finishing. 'Apply primer-as recommended. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. General: Install insulation, reinforcing mesh, trim ground coat andfinish coat in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. B. Insulation: Install insu'lation in running bond with joints staggered and interlocked at corners. Attach with mechanical fasteners. -Align edges to produce flat surfaces. Sand high areas to produce flatsurfaces. Apply mesh over insulation and rnechanically attach as recomended. C. Ground Coat: Apply 3/8" ground coat according to manufacturer,s i nstructi ons. D. Finish Coat: Apply 1/8,, finish coat with clean stainless trowel in contlnuous operation without cold joints in color and texture to match accepted sanple.1. Fonn to special shapes and lines as indicated.2. Do not apply finish until ground coat is thorough'ly dry. E. Concrete Substrate: Apply finish coat over primed substrate accordingto manufacturer's instructions. F. Expansion Joints: Install expansion joints nechanically so that no area exceeds 150 sq. ft. Comply with manufacturer,s details and seal asrequired. Locate as directed by Architect. 3.04 CLEANING A. Cleaning: Clean adjacent surfaces splattered with synthetic plaster. GPS 9303 07240-3 I I t I I t I I t I I t I t t t t I I PART 1.01 A. sEcTloil 07270 FIRESTOPPING 1 - GENERAL SUMMARY Section Includes:l. Firestopping and Smokeseals as indicated on the Drawings as well as the following areas:a. All openings in fire-rated floors and walls both empty and those accormodating penetrating items such as cables, cable trays, conduits, pipes, ducts, etc.b. Openings at each floor level in shafts or stainvells.B. Related Sections:1. Gypsum Drywall Partitjons and Ceilings: Sections 09261 and 09262.?. Joint Sealers: Section 07900.3. Mechanical and Electrical Work: Division 15 and 16. L.O2 SYSTEI4 DESCRIPTION A. Types of firestop to be used for each condition shall be the responsibility of the installer and shall comply with all specified regulatory requirements. Firestop materials in exposed areas shall be compatible with specified finishes. I.03 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit lrlanufacturer's printed product data indicating product characteristics, performance and limiting criteria for each product proposed for use. B. Installation Instructions: Submit Manufacturer's installation instructions for each type of firestop required by the project. 1.04 QUALTTY ASSUMNCE A. Installer Qualifications: Firestopping shall be performed by a contractor trained or approved by firestop manufacturer. Equipment used shall be in accordance with firestop manufacturer's written installation i nstructi ons . B. Regulatory Requirements: Firestopping materials proposed for use onthis project shall conform to both Flame (F) and Temperature (T) ratings as tested by nationally accepted test agencies per ASTM E-814 or UL 1479firetests. The F rating and T rating must be a minimum of one (1) hour but not less than the fire resistance rating of the assembly beingpenetrated. The fire test shal l be conducted with a minimum positive pressure differential of 0.03 inches of water column. GPS 9303 07270-l use in the be left in the standard 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver all materials in original unopened packages fully identified with Manufacturer's name, trade name and UL label . B. l4aterials shall be stored off the ground and protected from environmental conditions as required by Manufacturer. 1.06 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Conform to Manufacturer's printed instructions for installation and when applicable, curing in accordance with temperature and humidity. Conformto ventilation and safety requirements. 1.07 WARRANTY A. Firestop Contractor shall warrant that firestopping systems used meet firestopping requirenents as herein specified. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI FIRE STOP SYSTE]4S A. Acceptable Manufacturers:1. Blo Fireshield, Inc.2. The Rector Seal Corp. (Metacaulk)3. 3ltl Fire Protection Products4. Trenco Tremstop5. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. B. Material s:1. l'lateri al s shal I be free of asbestos.2. ilaterials shall provide a Flame (F) and Temperature (T) rating of at least one (l) hour but not less than the fire resistance rating of assembly being penetrated, as tested per ASTM E-814.3. lilaterials shall conform to all applicable governing codes.4. All materials shall be compatible with the materia'l penetrating thefire assembly. C. Accessories: Furnish all accessory materials such as fire safing batts, sleeves, sheet metal , sealants, etc. necessary to complete fire stopping systems unless furnished by others. C. Mockup: Prepare job mock-up of each system proposed forproiect as directed by Architect. Approved mock-ups may place as part of the finished project and will constitutefor remaining work. T t I I I T I I I I I I t I I I I I I GPS 9303 07270-2 I I t I I I I T I I t I I t PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verification of Existing Conditions:1. Contractor shall inspect and verify that the surface and conditionof the substrates and all sleeves or blockouts furnished by others have no defects or errors that would interfere with the installationof the firestopping materials.2. Notify Architect in writing of any defects or errors in workmanship. D0 not proceed l{ith vrork until all unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. B. Acceptance! Start of installation of firestopping shal'l constitute the Contractor's acceptance of surfaces and conditions of substrates, sleeves and blockouts. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Clean surfaces and substrates of dirt, oil, loose materials and other foreign naterials which may affect the proper bond or installation of the firestops in strict accordance with Manufacturer's written i nstructi ons. B. Provide primers as require which conform to llanufacturer's recormendations for various substrates and conditions. C. Do not app'ly firestops to surfaces previously painted or treated with asealer, curing compound, water repeilant or other coating unless tests have been performed to ensure comiratibility of materials. Remove coatings as required in conpliance with Manufacturer's instructions. D. Mask where necessary to protect adjoining surfaces. Remove excess material and stains on surfaces as required. 3.03 II{STALLATION A. Install in strict accordance with i'lanufacturer's printed instructions to provide a Flame (F) and Temperature (T) rating of at least one (1) hour but not less than the fire resistance rating of the assembly being penetrated. I B. Ensure that all accessories such as anchoring devices, I materials, clips, sleeves, supports and other materialsr actual fire test are installed. I C. Install firestops with sufficient pressure to properlyI openings to ensure an effective smokeseal . back-up used 'in the fill and seal t D. Tool or trowel exposed surfaces. Remove excess firestop material I promptly as work progresses and upon completion. I I GPS 9303 07270-3 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CoNTRoL A. Firestop Contractor shall imediately notify the Architect if the firestopping systems herein specified cannot meet the requirements of the specification. Firestop Contractor shall examine firestops to ensure proper installation and full compliance with this specification. All areas of work must be accessible until inspection by the applicable Code authorities. D. Correct unacceptable firestops and provide additional inspection toverify compliance with this specification at no additional cost. 3.05 CLEANING A. l,lhen finished work will be visible, clean adjacent surfaces in accordance with Manufacturerrs printed instructions. B. If visible in the finished work, remove temporary dams after initial cure of firestops. C. Correct staining and discoloring on adjacent surfaces. D. Rernove al'l debris and excess materials entirely from site and leave workin a neat and clean condition. I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I t I B. c. END OF SECTION GPS 9303 07270-4 I T I I PARTl-GENERAL 1.01 SUl,ll'lARY I A. Section Includes:r 1. Wood shake roofing2. Related accessory materialsI 3. Field staining oi shakes before installationtB. Related Sections: I 1. Flashing and Sheet Metat: Section 07600 t 2. l'lodified Bitumen Sheet Membrane t^laterproofing: Section 07113 I.O2 SUBI,IITTALS Ir A. Product Data: Submit catalog date for each type of shake and accessory item proposed for use. Submit installation instructions for sid'ing. I B. Samples: submit samples of stained shingles for Architect's approvalprior to beginning field staining. I 1.03 QUALTTY ASSURANCE A. Regulatory Requirements: I 1. Fire: tlood roofing shakes shall be fire retardant pressure treated.I Each bund.le of shakes shall have UL label attached. I 1.04 DELMRY, ST0RAGE AND HANDLII|G I A. General; Comply with Section 01600. r L Transport and deliver shakes on pallets and in a manner to avoid I !lr;::il"ft.n". Store off the sround and cover to prevent exposure I 1.05 I.IARRANTY I A. lJarranty: Provide two (2) year written warranty covering materials and I installation in accordance with Section 01700. I 1.06 MATNTENAN.E t A. Extra Materials: At completion of the work, deliver to the 0wnerI replacement shakes in the amount of L% of the total of each type of shake 'installed. shakes shal'l be field stained before delivery toI 0wner.r SECTION 07317 h,OOD SHAKE ROOFING I GPs e3o3 I 07317 -r PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI ROOFING MATERIALS A. Cedar Shakes: All roofing shakes shall be No. l medium hand split and resawn Red Cedar. Shakes shall be 18" lengths, L/2', butt thickness. Each bundle shall bear the label of the Red Cedar Shingle and Handsplit Shake Bureau. Provide special 15r starters at eave line. All roofing shakes shal I be pressure treated to meet UL 790 and shal I have the equivalent of Class C fire rating. B. Roofing Felt: No. 30 felt acceptable for required fire rating. C. Field Staining: All shakes shall be individually dipped in 0lympic semi-transparent stain, color as selected by Architect, and turned buttside up to dry, allowing stain to run length of shake. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verification of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600.1. Ygrlly that work of other tridls wh.ich penetrates roof deck and flashings have been completed. Verify that application of waterproof membrane has been completed .in area to be covered by shakes.2. Examine surfaces for inadequate anchorage, drainage, foreign material , moisture and unevenness which-would prevent execution and ^ quality of application of roofing and siding systems.1. !aygq!, Verify layout of work before beginning installation.4. Notification: Notify General Contractoi of unsatisfactory con-ditions in writing with copy to Architect. B. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing conditionsby instal ler. 3.02 PREPARATION A. General: Install roofing shakes in accordance with manufacturer's recormendati ons. B. Layout: Layout roofing in accordance with manufacturer's recormendati ons. C. Waterproof Membrane: See Section 07113 3.03 ROOF SHAKE APPLICATION A. Install shakes with approxinate 7-L/2,' weather as indicated on thedrawings. Inter.weave roofing felt i{ith each layer. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T t I GPS 9303 073t7-2 At by I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Begin with double starter course at eave line us'ing special starter shakes. Apply shakes with butts to the straight line starting at the eave line. Nail shakes into wood sheathing with two (2) only hot dipped zinc coated nails per shingle. Drive nails flush but do not crush wood. Nailing guns or staples are not acceptable. C. Form hips and ridges as required using same weather as the field of the roof. 3.04 COMPLETION completion of project, replace warped or danaged shakes as directed the Architect. END OF SECTION GPS 9303 07317-3 T I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I sEcTIoN 07s32 ELASTOMERIC SINGLE PLY ROOFING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUM|',|ARY A. Section Includes:1. Roof Insulation.2. Fully Adhered EPDM Single Membrane Roofing and Base Flash'ings.3. Bonding Adhesives. Lap Sealants, Fasteners and other Accessories. B. Rel ated Sect'i ons :1. Perimeter Na'iler: Section 06100 Rough Carpentry.2. Roof Deck: Metal Deck as specified in Section 05310.3. Metal Flashing: Section 07600 Flashing and Sheet Metal. T.O2 SUBI4ITTALS A. Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300 Submittals. Include manufacturer's specifications covering roofing system materials and methods proposed. Submit proof of total R value of proposed system. B. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. Include roof insulation thickness and locations and details of penetrations andperimeter. Indicate layout of insulation boards, individual membrane sheets and fastener spacings. Indicate flashing detai'ls. C. Samples: Submit 1'-0" x 1'-0" mininum size sample of menbrane. Submit in accordance with Section 01300. D. Quality Control Submittals:1. Credentials: Prior to starting the roofing, submit credentials from roofing manufacturer of applicator approvai.2. l.lanufacturerrs Field Reports: Submit written report from manu- facturer's representative after inspection of roof deck to verify deck is satisfactory for installation of system. Submit additional report indicating roof has been installed in accordance with manufacturer I s requi rements.2. Design and Specification Approval: Prior to starting roofing, submit a signed statement by nembrane manufacturer that the roofing design and specifications are proper for this particular project.3. Record of l.lork: Submit written records indicating temperature and moisture conditions and the type and location of work being done during each day of roofing operations.4. tlind Uplift Report: Submit copies of documentation and certifi- cation that systen meets wind uplift requirements. E. Contract Closeout Submittals:1. l.larranty: Submit in accordance with Section 01700. GPS 9303 07532-r 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator Qualifications: Roof manufacturer licensed applicator. B. Design Criteria:1. External Fire Resistance: UL Class A2. Internal Fire Resistance: Factory Mutual Class I3. l{ind Resistance: ICBO High hJind Approved. C. Record of Work: Keep a record indicating temperature and moisture conditions and the type and location of work being done during each day of roofing operatjons. Submit in accordance with Submittals art'icle. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600. B. Storage and Handling: Handle insulation and rolled goods to prevent damage to edges or ends. Store off the ground and keep covered w'ith waterproof covering. Materials that become wet will be subject torejection. Store a'l I materials in a dry area and at a temperature between 60" F and 80o F. Replace damaged materials. Do not leave insulation exposed to weather. 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIONS I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I A. Environnental Requ'i rements:1. Do not expose membrane and accessories to a excess of 180" F.2. Follow manufacturerrs recoflmendations during constant temperature in cold weather. B. Adjacent Materials; Do not use oil based or plastic roof cement. Do not allow waste products (petroleum, grease, oil, solvents, vegetable or mineral oil, animal fat) or direct steam venting to come in contact with membrane roofing system. C. Protection: Protect interior of building from detrimental effects dueto roof removal activities. Take precaution to prevent sifting of dust and debris through decking. Take special precaution to protect occupied spaces. Expose only enough cement and adhesive to be used within a 4 hour period. 1.06 WARRANTY A. Provide a manufacturer's written warranty against defects in materials and worknanship in roofing system for a period of ten (10) years in accordance with Section 01700. GPS 9303 07532-2 t I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I PART 2- PRODUCTS 2.01 ROOFING MEMBRANE A. Acceptable Flanufacturers:1. Carlisle Syn-Tec Systerns2. Firestone Rubbergard3. Approved Substitute B. Acceptable System: Carlisle SynTec Systems, Inc., fully adhered EPDM system or approved substitute by acceptable manufacturer. C. Material s:1. ltlembrane: Carlisle unreinforced .060" minimum thickness EPDM rubber sheet, 9r-0" wide x 100,-0,' maximum length.2. Flashing: Carlisle EPDM Elastoform flashing sheet.3. Bonding Adhesive: Carlisle Bonding Adhesive.4. Splicing Cenent: Carlisle Splicing Cement.5. Splice cleaner, lap sealant, water cut-offs and miscellaneous accessory materials: Manufacturer's standard products. 2.02 ROOF INSULATION A. System Description: Roofing insulation system is isocyanurate over metal deck. Prov'ide insulation board approved by roofing manufacturerfor use with fully adhered single ply membrane systen.1. Metal Deck: Two layers of isocyanurate rigid insulation with glass reinforced scrim facers. Total thickness, 4 inches. Thennal resistance value R=6 per inch minimum.2. Crickets: Provide factory-tapered rigid expanded polystyrene crickets with cover board as required. B. Tapered Insulation:1. l*laterials Description: FS HH-I-5248, Type 1, Class A, factory tapered polystyrene, 1.5 pcf minimum density. Tapered insulation system shall be thickness as indicated on the drawings and shall develop consistent surface slope as indicated. Tapered Insulation Adhesive: Approved by insulation manufacturer. C. Acceptable Products, Fiberboard Insulation:1. Celotex Corp., Fiberboard Roof Insulation2. Manville Corp., Fesco Board3. Owens Corning Corp., Recover Board D. Insulation Fasteners: Carlisle SureSeal HP fasteners or approved substitute, subject to acceptance by roofing manufacturer. Provide fasteners fully coated with manufacturer's standard fluoropolymer paint, of length required to penetrate deck 1/2" minimum. Pull-out resistance, 360 lbs. minimum. GPS 9303 07s32-3 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verification of Conditions: Verify that work of other trades which penetrates roof deck has been completed. Examine surfaces for inade- quate anchorage, drainage, foreign material , moisture and unevenness which would prevent the execution and quality of application of roofing system as specified. Report unsatisfactory conditions to the General Contractor. B. Acceptance: Do not proceed until the surface to be covered is accep-tab'le. Beginning of work means acceptance of substrate. 3.02 PREPAMTION A. Surfaces: Dry and broom clean before beginning work. Clean roof drains and collection boxes as indicated and reset if drains and boxes are notat the proper level to drain the finished roof. B. Protection. Protect paving and build'ing walls adjacent to hoist prior t0 starting work. Lap suitable protective materials at least 6,'. Secure protective coverings against wind. Leave protective covering in place for duration of roofing work. 3.03 APPLICATION A. General: Install roofing system fully adhered in accordance with manufacturer' s recormendati ons. B. Insulation: Install rigid boards in two layers. Mechanical'ly fasteninsulation to metal deck. Space fasteners as required to meet 1-90 winduplift requirements.1. Tapered Insulation: Install tapered system in accordance with reviewed shop drawings. Attach to insulation layer with adhesive as required to prevent shifting or blow-off prior to placement of membrane.2. Fiberboard: Install over tapered insulation if required.3. Joints in insulation boards shal'l be lf4" or less in width. Install no more insulation at one time than will be protected from rain or snow by installation of roofing membrane on the same day or prior tostonn. Install temporary water cutoffs at completion of each day's work and remove upon resumption of work. 3.04 ELASTOI{ERIC MEIiIBRANE A. Installation: Install membrane fully adhered over insulat'ion Apply, lap and splice using methods and materials recommended by the manufacturer. B. li'lembrane Bonding: Install membrane in manner which allows temporary sealing on down-slope surface at end of each work day.1. Unroll menbrane and remove backing sheet in accordance with I I I I I I I I I t I t t I I I I I I GPS 9303 07s32-4 manufacturer's instructions.2. Position membrane with clean side down at location where it will be adhered.3. Fold sheet back past factory seam to expose half of sheet.4. Apply membrane bonding cement to insulation board only at rate and using methods recormended by the manufacturer5. Allow adhesive to dry to tacky stage and roll folded half of membrane evenly into adhesive.6. Brush or roll bonded half of sheet to fully bond sheet to substrate.7. Repeat bonding procedure with other half of sheet. C. Spl ici ng:1. Clean and dry surfaces to be spliced with cleaning agents and wipes reconmended by manufacturer2. Form splices in strict accordance with manufacturer's instructions.3. Roll splices to fully bond laps. Install lap sealant in accordance with manufacturer's'instructions. r D. Perimeter Attachment: Secure with manufacturer's recommended mechanical f fasteners and rubber nailing strips at roof perimeter and roof- penetration curbs and nailers. E. Flashing: Apply, 1ap and splice using methods, materials and details recomnended by the manufacturer. Flash around penetrat'ions using factory prefabricated pipe seals where possible. Field fabricated seals may be used where necessary using manufacturer's standard details. F. Tevminations: l4ake terminations according to manufacturer's standard details and as indicated. 3.05 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspection: A representative of the manufacturer shall make an inspection upon completion to ascertain that the entire system has been installed according to manufacturer's specifications and details. 3.06 CLEANING A. Upon completion, remove surplus ballast, materials and debris from the si te. I I I I t I I t I t I t I I I I I I END OF SECTION GPS 9303 07532-s I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I t I I sEcTIoN 07600 FLASHING AND SHEET METAL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUl,'llrlARY A. Sections Includes:1. Flashing and Counterflashing2. Parapet Flashing Cap3. 0verflow Scupper Flashing4. Gravel Stop5. Pourable Sealer pockets 6. other sheet metal flashing related to the above, indicated on the drawings and not specified elsewhere. B. Related Sections;1. Wood Elocking and Nailers: Section 06100 Rough Carpentry.2. Roofing and Filling Pourab'le Sealer Pockets: Section 07532 Elastomeric Single Ply Roofing. C. Related Requirements:1. Sealants: Section 07900 Joint Sealers I.O2 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: See Section 01091. Comply with fol lowing:1. r'Architectural Sheet Metal Manual ,u 1987 edition, as published by Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Assoc'iation (St,tACNA)2. National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) Roofing and l,laterproof i ng Manual , 1985 Edi t j on. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. Include:1. 0verall layout of sheet metal work.2. Type, thickness, and details of sheet metal components.3. Joints, expansion joints, attachrnent and anchoring of sheet netal components. B. Quality Control Submittals:1. vJarranty: Submit in accordance with Section 01700. 1.04 QUALITY ASSUMNCE A. Design Criteria: Comply with:1. l{ind Resistance: Factory Mutual Class I-90. GPS 9303 07600-1 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Field Measurenents: Before fabricating sheet metal, verify shapes and dimensions of surfaces to be covered. 1.06 I,IARMNTY A. Warranty: Provide ttvo year written warranty covering materials andinstallation for sheet metal in accordance with Section 01700.1. Include that system shall be watertight and weatherproof. PART 2 - PROOUCTS 2.OL SHEET METAL A. Galvanized Iron: ASTM A526-80 commercial quality sheet steel, ASTM A525-83, G90 commercial hot-dip galvanizing. Provide gages as indicated and specified, 24 gage minimum.1. Finish: Mill phosphatized for painted finish under Section 09900. ?.02 ACCESSORY MATERIAL A. Clips or Cleats: Same material and gage as sheet metal being installed. B. Nails and Fasteners: Same metal as metal being installed or other non- corrosive metal as reconmended by sheet manufacturer. Match finish of exposed heads with naterial being fastened. c. Roofing Felt: ASTM D226-92, #I5 asphalt saturated felt. D. Solder: ASTlrl 832-83, tf? lead, I/2 tin. Use rosin for flux. E. Sealant: Approved type of polyurethane; see Section 07900. Roofers mastic is not acceptable. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verification of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600:l. Layout: Verify layout of work before beginning installation.2. Examine surfaces to receive flashing or iheet metal . Surfaces shall be smooth, sound, clean and dry and-fabric flashing in place before work is started.3. Notification: Notify General Contractor of unsatisfactory condi-tions in writlng with copy to Architect. B. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing conditions by installer. I I I I I I I T I I t T t I I I I t I GPs 9303 07600-2 I I I 3.02 PREPARATION A. Coordination: Coordinate work of this sectionsections. Verify placement of wood blockings, cants, etc. Coordinate with Section 07817 Wood t B. Protective Coating: Coat contacting dissimi lar with work of other inserts,. nailing strips, Shake Roofing. metals with asphaltic I I I I I I t I I I t t I I t compound. I.IORKI{ANSH I P3.03 A.Reference Standards: See Section 01060. Conrply with following:1. Unless indicated othertrise on drawings, workmanship and detailsshall comply with NRCA Manual and SI'IACNA Architectural Sheet Metal lilanual . B. Edges: 1. Edges: Hem all exposed edges, 1/2. unless otherwise indicated.2. Drips: Angle bottom edges of vertical surfaces to form drips. C. Joints: Make joints watertight and allow for expansion.1. Reinforce sheet metal corners as required.2. Reinforcement: Conceal within finished assembly. D. Fastenings: Use concealed hook strips and fasteners. Exposed hookstrips and fasteners not acceptable. E. Expansion and Contraction:1. Provide for thermal expansion and contraction and building movementin conpleted work.2. l'lake watertight and weathertight throughout.3. Unless other'wise indjcated, piovide expansion joints at maximum of 20 feet and not more than 4 feet from corners. Seal joints with sealant in accordance with Section 07900. 3.04 SHEET METAL A. Flashing and Counterflashing: As detailed of 24 gage galvanized iron. Lock and solder joints and hem exposed edges. B. Parapet Flashing Cap: As detailed of 24 gage galvanized iron similar to SI.IACNA Plate 68. Cover blocking with roofing felt. Miter, seam and seal corners. Use Alternate No. 4 seams, sealed. C. Overflow Scupper: As detailed of 24 gage galvanized iron similar to SI'IACNA Plate 26. Hem edges. Solder joints. Calk around flanges with seal ant. D. Gravel Stop: As detailed of 24 gage galvanized iron. Cover blocking with roofing felt. illiter, seam and seal corners. GPS 9303 07600-3 E. Pourable Sealer Pockets: Provide where several or irregular shaped items penetrate roofing nembrane as requ'ired. Fabricate of 24 gage galvanized iron as indicated, approved by roofing manufacturer and simllar to SIiIACNA Plate 61, Figure E. Seam and seal joints. Hem edges. Pocket filled under Section 07532. EI,ID OF SECTION t I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I t GPS 9303 07600-4 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I sEcTIoN 07900 JOINT SEALERS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUl,ll.lARY A. Section Includes: Providing all calking and sealant indicated on drawings, specified herein, and not spec'i fied under other sections. Ingeneral. seal all openings indicated on drawings and at other locations requiring sealant to seal visually and against infiltration from air and water, including but not Iimited to fol'lowing:1. Flashing reglet and retainers.2. Joints at penetrations of non-rated walls, decks and f1 oors by piping and other service and equipment.3. Joints between items of equipment and other construction where i ndi cated.4. Joints between door and window frames and adjacent materials exterior and interior5. Bedding for door thresholds.6. 0pen joints between dissimilar naterials as required to close and conceal jointing of the work.7. Construction and expansion joints, joints between dissimilar materials; joints around windows, door frames, louvers, and other penetrations and openings in the exterior wall; interior walls as detailed or specified.8. All joints between exterior door and window frames and surrounding wal I framing.9. Between finished wood trim, panels or cabinets and adjacent dissimilar materials. 10. Expansion joints in exterior brick paving or concrete sidewalks as i ndi cated. 11. Other joints as indicated. B. Related Sections:1. Sealants Related to Flashing: Section 07600 Flashing and Sheet lletal .2. Acoustical Sealants: Section 09261 and 09262,3. Glazing Sealants: Section 08800.4. Firestop and Smokeseal Sealants: Section 07270, T.O2 SUBI{ITTALS A. Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300 for each material and location of application, B. Samples: Submit in accordance with Section 01300 for each type of sealant for color selection. GPS 9303 07900- I C. Quality Control Submittals:1. Warranty: Submit in accordance with Section 01700. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer: Company specializing in sealant application.1. Experience:' Continuously installed sealants in State of Colorado for five years. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600. Deliver in original unopened containers and store in area not subiect to extreme heat or cold. 1.05 PROJECT COI,IDITIONS A. Environmental Conditions: Do not apply exterior sea'l ant during wet weather or when outside temperature is below 40o F or apply interior sealants when inside temperature is below 60'F. 1.06 WARRANTY A. Warranty: Provide three year written wamanty covering materials and installation for sealants in accordance with Section 01700.l. l'lamanty: Require installer, at no cost to 0wner, to repair or replace sealants which fail to perform as airtight and watertightjoints; or fail in joint adhesion, cohesion, abrasion resistance, weather resistance, extrusion resistance, migration resistance' stain resistance, color retention, or general durability; or appear to deteriorate in any manner not clearly specified as inherent quality of material by submitted manufacturer's data. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 JOIIIT EACKING },IATERIAL A. General: Size joint backing material for minimum 30% compression when I inserted in Joint. Material: Round rod or semi-circular type. B. l'lanufacturers:1. Dow Chenical Company, Ethafoam.2. Sonneborn, Sonofoam.3. Schlegel l-'lanufacturing Company, Schlegelfoam.4. Denver Foam.5. Accepted Substitute in accordance with Section 01600. 2.02 SEALAI{T MATERIAL A. l,lanufacturers:1. DAP Incorporated. I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I GPS 9303 07900-2 I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. Pecora Corporation.3. Products Research and Chemical Corporation.4. Sonneborn Building Products.5. Tremco ilanufacturing Company.6. lilameco International .7. Research Products Corp. (RpC)8. Accepted Substitute in accordance l{ith Section 01600. B. Acceptable Materials:1. Interior and Under Thresholds: Latex acrylic,2. Exterior Calking: Two component polyurethane,II, Class A, non-sag. ASTl'r C834-76 (1986). FS TT-S-00227E, Type 5. 6. 3. Primer: As recommended by sealant manufacturer4. Sealant at Exterior Balconies and Decks: Two-component self- leveling polyurethane, FS TT-S-00227E, Type I, Class A. Pourable type. Foam Sealant Around Exterior Door and Window Frames: G.E. Poly-Cel One or approved substitute. Sealant at Lavatories, Sinks, tubs and showers: Mildew resistant silicone sealant.7. Colors: As selected by Architect fron standard colors 2.03 BOND BREAKER TAPE A. Tape: Polyethylene tape or other plastic tape as recommended by sealant manufacturer to be applied to sealant-contact surfaces where bond to substrate or joint filler must be avoided for proper perfonnance of sealant. Provide self-adhesive tape wherever applicable. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMIIIATION A. Verification of Conditions: Comply ruith Section 01600:1. Inspect joints to be sealed to application of any work under this Secti on.2. Notification: Notify General Contractor of any joints which cannot be put into proper condition to receive sealants.3. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing con- ditions by installer. 3.02 PREPARATIOI{ A. Preparation of Surfaces:1. Clean surfaces in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.2. ilask edges, if required, to protect adjoining surfaces and produce a straight finish line.3. Clean ioint surfaces immediately before installation of sealant. Remove dirt, insecure coatings, moisture and other substances which would interfere with bond of sealant. GPS 9303 07900-3 4. Do not proceed with installation of sealant over joint surfaces whlch have been painted, lacquered, waterproofed or treated with water repel lent or other treatment of coating. Remove coating or treatment joint surfaces before installing sealant. Priming: If required, prime surfaces which are to be sealed with manufacturer's recomended or standard primer. after surfaces have been prepared as specified. Before use, check primers for discoloration anddirt pick-up on adjacent surfaces. If staining occurs, after exposure, take adequate measures to prevent primer fron being applied over face of adjacent porous materials by masking or other suitable measures. Joint Backing:1. Joints: Depth necessary to provide for specified allowable thickness of sealant and also required backing where and as spe-cified. Provide backing of extent and type as specified and required to provide for allowable depth of sealant.2. Back-up Materials for Sealants: Non-staining, compatible with sealant and primer, resilient nature, and as recommended by manu- facturer of sealant.a. Size and Shape: As required by width of joint and specified.b. Do not use materials impregnated with oil, solvents or bitu- mlnous materials.3. Compress backing material minimum of 303 when inserted in joint. Backing material for upper portion of joints shall be round rod or semi-circularin cross-section with are in contact with sealant. D. Bond Breaker Tape: Instal'l where indicated and as required by manufacturer's recommendat'ions to ensure that sealants will perform properly. 3.03 APPLICATION A. Exterior Metal Sills: Set in full bed of polyurethane sealant. B. Thresholds: Set in full bed of latex acrylic sealant. C. Seal Joints:1. Apply sealants in continuous beads without open joints, voids or air pockets, using ratchet hand gun or mechanical powered gun.2. Confine sealants to joint areas with masking tapes or other pre- cautions. Apply compounds in concealed compression joints accu- rately so that excess compound will not extrude from joints.3. Renove excess compound or sealant promptly as work progresses, and clean adJoining surfaces.4. In rough surfaces or joints of uneven widths, insta'l I sealant well back into joint. Recess equal to width of joint, or 3/8 inch minimun at masonry.5. Use anti-tack agent where necessary to protect freshly applied sealant from public traffic and dirt.6. Slightly recess joints to facilitate painter's line. Handtool and finish joints throughout construction. I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I B. c. GPS 9303 07900-4 t I t I I I I t I I I I I I III I I I I 7. Comply with manufacturer's specifications and reconmendations. D. Foam Sealant Around Exterior Door and Window Franes in Exterior Walls: Conpletely fill area between frames and surrounding framing beforeinstallation of interior trim. E. Balcony and Deck Expansion and Control Joints: Blow clean with compressed air. Pour full but do not over-fil'1. F. Sinks, Tubs, Lavatories and Showers: Fill joints between dissimilar materials with silicone sealant. G. Workmanship: Employ only proven installation techniques, which wil'l ensure that sealants will be deposited in uniform. continuous ribbonswithout gaps or air pockets, with complete "wetting', of joint bond surfaces equally on opposite sides.1. Except as othenrise indicated, fill sealant rabbet to slightly concave surface, slightly below adjoining surfaces.2. Where horizontal joints are between horizontal surface and vertical surface, fill joint to form slight cove, so that joint will not trap moisture and dirt. H. Joint Sizes: Install sealants to depths as indicated or, as recommended by sealant manufacturer but within fbllowing general limitations:1. For normal moving joints sealed with elastomeric sealants but not subject to traffic, fill joints to depth equal to 50% of joint width, but not more than L/2 inch deep or iess than 1/4 inch deep.2. For joints sealed with non-elastomeric sealants and calking corn- pounds, fill joints to depth in range of 75s6 to L25% of joint width. I . Spi 'l l age:1. Do not allow sealants or compounds to overflow or spill onto adjoining surfaces, or to migrate into voids of adjoining surfaces. Use masking tape or other precautionary devices to prevent stainingof adjoining surfaces, by either primer/sealer or sealant.2. Remove excess and spillage of compounds promptly as work progresses. Clean adjoining surfaces by whatever means miy be necessary to elininate evidence of spillage. Do not damage adjoining surfaces or fi ni shes. 3.04 CURING, PROTECTION AI{D CLEANING A. Curing: Cure seal ants and calking compounds in compliance with manu- facturer's instructions and recommendations, to obtain high early bond strength, internal cohesive strength and surface durability. B. Protection:1. Advise General Contractor of procedures required for protection of sealants during construction period, so that they wil'l be without deterioration or damage (other than normal weathering) at time of acceptance. GPS 9303 07900-5 2. Protect surfaces fron danage. Clean soiled surfaces irmediately. Replace any damaged naterial whlch cannot be cleaned with new material. END OF SECTION GPS 9303 07900-6 I I I PART 1 - GENERAL I 1.01 SUI.IMARY I A. Section Includes: I t. :ff;filgT:iiro.to"t sealant at ioints between new and existins I r. oz suBr{rrrALsI Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. IncludeI manufacturerrs instructions for installation. I PART 2 - PRODUCTS t 2.01 EXPANST0N C0MPRESST0N SEALS A. Acceptable Manufacturers: I f. i,titl-Seal Constructjon Foamst 2. Emseal Corporation3. Approved Subst.itute I B. ilanufacturer and Type: Emseal Preformed Expanding Foam Sea'lant or equalof other acceptable manufacturer. Size and type as recommended for I soecific aool ication I pART3-ExEcuTIoN I 3.01 INSTALLATION I I I I I I A. Compression Seals: Install in accordance with manufacturer,s printed i nstructi ons. END OF SECTION I GPs e3o3 I SECTION 07912 PRECOIi'IPRESS ED FOAI,I CO]I,IPRESS ION S EALS 079t2-r PART 1.01 A. B. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o DIVISIOI'I 8 DOORS AI,IO t,|INDOl^lS SECTION O8lIO STEEL D00RS AND FRA]'|ES 1 - GENERAL SUMI4ARY Section Includes:1. Hollow Metal Doors2. Hollow door Metal Frames3. Hollow Metal Window Frames for Fire Rated l,tindows. Related Sections:1. Wood Doors: Section 082102. Access Panels: Section 08305 Access Doors3. Hardware including Thresholds and Weatherstripping: Section 08710 Door Hardware4. Field Finish: Section 09900 Painting5. Glazing: Section 08800 L.O2 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: See Section 01060.1. NMlilM Standard HMMA 861.2, ANSI A115 Specifications for Door and Hardware. 1.03 SUB!,IITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Comply with following: Frame Preparation for Section 01300. B. Templates: Hardware templates for hardware mounted on hollow metal work sha'll be submitted under Section 08710 directly to hol'low metal manufacturer irmediately after acceptance of hardware schedule. Report failure to receive templates with reasonable promptness to General Contractor. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regulatory Requirements:1. Fire Rating: Provide fire rating label acceptable to local building code authority on doors and frames indicated on the door schedule.If any door or frame scheduled to be fire-rated cannot qualify for appropriate labeling because of its design, hardware or any other reason, advise Architect prior to submission of bids.2. NFPA Standard No. 80. GPS 9303 08110-1 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600. Store frames in manner to preventtwisting. Doors with dimples or dents will be rejected. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI DOOR AND FRAI{E MANUFACTURERS A. llanufacturers:1. l{. Ray Crabb, Inc.2. Southwestern Hollow Metals3. Gateway Metal products 4. Hol-0-Met Corp.5. North Central Supply6. Cuffies lr,lanufacturi ng7. Elco I'letal Products8. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. 2.02 HOLLOI.I METAL FRAMES A. General: Frames for hollow metal and wood doors, windows, etc. indicated to be hollow metal shal'l be of design sections as detailed and assembled as indicated. B. Gages:1. Frames on Exterior tlalls: 14 gage steel.2. Frames on Interior Walls: 16 gage steel.3. Loose Glazing Eeads: Not less than 20 gage steel , corners butted. C. Construction: Construct frames encompassing one or more doors withsidelights or transoms, in rigid units of as large size as practical to reduce to minimum number of job fabricated joints.1. Joints and Connections Including Job-Fabricated Joints: |.lelded and ground and entire assembly reinforced and braced as required to insure absolute rigidity. ?. Provide expansion joints as indicated or required.3. Where so indicated or as required, provide channel stiffening within and securely trelded to frame member.4. Do not used exposed screws except where specifical 1y accepted. D. Accessories:1. Reinforcement for Hardware: Machine frames for attachment of hardware, including nortising, reinforcing, drilling and tapping for hi nges.a. Butt Hinges: Seven gage, 12,, long, full width of frame profile less width of one backbend.b. Closers: l0 gage, 12" long, full width of frame.c. Strikes, Flush Bolts and 0ther Surface Mounted Hardware: 12 gage.2. Anchors: Furnish anchors of type and number required for anchoring frames to structure, partitions, etc. as follows': I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I GPS 9303 08110-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I a. Three jamb anchors on seven foot high jamb.b. Four jarnb anchors on jambs over seven feet.c. Special strap masonry anchors at existing walIs conta'ining fire- rated assemblies. }Jire anchors will not be allowed. Provide such installation instructions as are necessary to insure proper installation of anchors.3. Silencers: Drill stop of lock jamb of each interior frane forinstallation of pneumatic rubber door silencers. Silencers shall be furnished under Section 08710, numbers as indicated on schedule.4. Joints: Conceal welded joints in two-sided mullions or similar sections behind glazing stops. Continuous we'ld and grind smooth exposed joints.5. Glazing Stops: Provide removable metal stops, screwed to frame, at borrowed lights and window walls. See Section 08800 for glazing cl earance requi rements.a. Unless indicated other-wise, glazing stops shalI be 5/8" x 3f4"or 3/4" x 3f4" cold-rolled channel. shaped as required or detailed and hand fitted to each opening.b. Butt Joints: Square and true and tightly fitted.c. Fasten to frane with metal screws 18', o.c., flathead, countersunk. Do not over-tighten to cause indentations or puckering at screws. Use vandalproof screws at exterior stops. E. Hinges: Install mortar protection box behind each hinge cut. 2.03 HOLLOW }IETAL DOORS A. General: Doors indicated to be hollow metal shall be hollow metal,flush, swing type doors of types indicated. B. Construct'ion: Construct hollow metal doors from 16 gage steel, fully welded, ground smooth and completely sound and fire insulated. Provide thermal insulation in exterioi doors. Manufacturer hollow metal doors and panels with flush tops, sides and bottoms. Plastic inserts are not acceptable. All vertica1 seams shall be fully welded. Lock seams or epoxy filled seams are not acceptable. C. Labels: Provide fire rated construction and UL labels where listed in door schedule. D. Hardware: Mortise and reinforce doors to receive hardware.1. Hinges: Seven gage steel plate, 9',, welded to continuous 16 gage interior edge channels. Drill and tap. Use of coined or extruded holes not acceptable.2. Locks, Latches, Push/Pulls and Panic Devices: 12 gage steel spot welded to 16 gage interior edge channels and designed to provide adequate support and reinforcement for required hardware.3. C'losers: Not less than l2 gage internal reinforcement. Provide special attention to reinforcing doors where closers are to be bolted through door. GPS 9303 08110-3 E. Insulation: Foam or batt type. Honeycomb core is 2.04 MISCELLANEOUS ITEI.IS A. Provide closures, sub-sills, panels, fillers, etc.,metal, gages and insulation ab .indiiated. not acceptable. indicated as hollow I I I I I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATIOI{ A. Frames:1. Set steel frames accurately in accordance with details, straight andfree of twist with head level and jambs plumb. Rigidli anchoi towalls and partitions and securely 6race irntil surr6unding work iscompleted. Provide deflection clearances at frame heads-where i ndi cated.2. Flre-Rated Openings: place frames and provide clearances inaccordance with NFpA Standard No. g0.3. Field welds: Make welds full length of joints. Remove splatter andgrind exposed welds to match adjaient suifaces. provide Architect. $th ample notice to review welds before finish operations begin.4. wherever possible leave spreader bars in place uniil frames aiesecurely anchored.5. Jambs shall be filled with grout under Section 04200 where framesoccur in masonry walls. B. Doors: Apply hardware in confonnance with hardware manufacturer,stemplates-and instructions. Hang doors to be free of binding withhardware functioninq orooerlv.1. Clearance tolerintes!a. Head: l/B', maximum.b. Jamb: l/8,'maximum.c. Between Doors (pair): l/9,' maximum.d. Sill without threshbld:- ' l/Zn maximum. c. Miscellaneous Items: Install closures, panels, fillers, etc. as i ndi cated. 2.05 FINISH A. Cleaning and primer:1. Thoroughly clean surfaces ofadherence. Apply filler to surface.2. Doors and Frames grease, rust and scale to insure paint doors where required to produce a smooth to be Painted: Apply one coat of factory primer. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I GPS 9303 08110-4 I 3.oz AoJUsr*rG I A. Adiustment: At cmpletion of job, adjust doors and hardware as requiredI and leave in proper operating condition. I END oF sEcTroN I t I t I I I I I I I I I I cPs e3o3 oono-s I t I I I I t I I I I t t t I t I I I t sEcTroN 08210 hr00D D00Rs PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUI.||,|ARY A. Section Includes:1. Paneled l,lood Doors2. Glazed Wood Doors3. Flush Wood Doors B. Related Sections:1. Glazing: Section 088002. Hardware: Section 08710 finish Hardware.3. field finish: Section 09900 Painting.4. Wood frames: Section 06275 Wood Door frames. L.02 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: See Section 01060 for custom wood doors. Complyrtith the following:1. Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards, Guide Specifications Quality Certification Program, fourth Edition, as published by Architectural Woodwork Institute.a. Conply with premium grade requirenents.2. Nl.ll,lDA industry standard I.S.1-A7 Series - Wood flush Doors. and the 1.03 SUBI'IITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. Indicate location, size, elevation, details of construct'ion, hardware blocking,fire rating, factory preparation requirements for each door type. B. Templates: Hardware templates for hardware mounted on wood doors will be submitted under Section 08710 directly to wood door manufacturer irunediately after acceptance of hardware schedule. Report failure to receive templates with reasonable promptness to General Contractor. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regulatory Requirements: Provide UL or Warnock Hersey label on doors requiring fire label.1. If any door or frame scheduled to be fire-rated cannot qualify for appropriate labeling because of its design, hardware of any other reason, advise Architect prior to submission of bids. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600.1. Delivery: Do not deliver doors to building until it is entirely GPS 9303 08210-1 enclosed'.drywall and concrete work is completed and humidity in the ^ llilding has reached average relative humiility of locality.2. Storage:. stack doors flat-and off floor. Do not drag do6rs across one another.3. Protection: Protect doors during transit, storage and handling toprevent damage,. soiling and deterioration. Comply with "0n-SiieCare" reconmendations of Nl,llJDA and with manufaciuier's reconmendati ons. T I T I t I 1.06 WARRANTY A. t',lamanty: Provide written two year 01700 for exterior flush solid core warranty in accordance with Section doors. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 PANELED DOORS A. Acceptable Manufacturers:1. Eggers Industries2. l{inton Co.3. Morgan Door Co.4. l,leyerhaeuser5. Approved Subst'itute B. Descri.ption: Custom manufactured solid stock stile and rail with panelsas r'ndicated, Al,|I premium grade construction. pre-machined forhardware. Thlckness as scheduled.l. Fire Rating: 20 minute where indicated. C. Species: Solid stock.1. Interior Doors with Transparent Finish: Plain Sliced Select WhiteSllver Maple. 2,02 FLUSH DOORS A. Manufacturers:1. Weyerhaeuser2. Algoma Hardwoods, Inc.3. Eggers Industries4. Fenestra Wood Doors5. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. B. Interior Solid Core Flush Doors:l. Thickness: L-51+* unless othenrise indicated.2. Faces: Plain sliced Select white Silver l,laple with matching edgesfor transparent finish.3. Al.lI Quality Grade: premium4. Finish: Field finish under Section 09900.5. Under Cutting: preserve full bottom rail.6. Solid core Door AUI construction Type: pc-5 or pc-7 particleboard core. I t I I I I I I I I I I I GPS 9303 082t0-2 II I t I I I I I I I I I I t t I T I I 7. Fire Rated Door At.lI Construction Type: As indicated.a. Fire Rated Mineral Core Doors: Provide lock blocks. Provide panic blocks for panic hardware.b. Provide factory prefitting and premachining as required for fire rated labels. 2.02 FACTORY PREFITTING AND PREMACHINING A. Doors: Prefit and premachine doors at factory.1. Take accurate field measurements of hardware mortised in metal franes to verify dimensions and alignment before proceeding with nachining in factory.2. l.lachine doors for hardware requiring cutting of doors.3. Comply with accepted hardware schedules and door frame shop drawings with hardware templates to ensure proper fit of doors and hardware. B. Tolerances: Comply with NWIIDA tolerance requirements for prefitting. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATIOI{ A. Verification of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600:1. Before installation, verify that frames are proper size and type for door and are installed as required for proper installation of door"s.2. l,lotification: Notify General Contractor of unsatisfactory condi- tions in writing with copy to Architect. B. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing conditions by installer. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Conditioning: Condition doors to average humidity in installation areaprior to hanging. B. Prefitting: Prefit doors to frames and machine for hardware to extent not previously work at factory as required for proper fit unifonn clearance at each edge. C. Sealing: Before installation of hardware. brush apply exterior coat to all job site cut or planed surfaces.1. Sealer: Type recomended by manufacturer. whatever and seal 3.03 INSTALLATION A. General: Install doors in accordance with manufacturer's recommen- dati ons.1. In no case shall doors be cut down to opening sizes smaller than those for which they were manufactured.2. Installation: By skilled finish carpenters or factory authorized i nstal I ers . GPS 9303 08210-3 3. Installer: Thoroughly familiar with the requirements of themanufacturer's door warranty as currently iri effect and assurecompliance with all provisiirns. B. Clearance:l. Non-Fire Rated Doors:a. Jamb: l/8,,, I/gu bevel in 2',.b. Head: L/go.c. Between bouble Doors: l/gu.d. Botton at Decorative Flooi Finish or Covering; lf|,'.e. Bottom at Threshold: 1/4, between bottom of-door hnd top ofthreshol d.2. Fire Rated Doors: Comply with applicable building code. C. Hanging:1. After sizing doors, fit for hardware as scheduled. Before in-stallation of hardware, brush apply an exterior seal coat to jobsite cut surfaces. use sealer i.bcbnmended by door manufacturer.2. Hang doors to be free of binding with hardwaie functioning properly. 3.04 ADJUSTING AND PROTECTION A. Adjustment: At completion_of job, adjust doors and hardware as requiredand leave in proper-operating loniition. B. Protection: Advise General contractor of proper procedures required toprotect installed wood doors from damages br hetei.ioration untfl Iacceptance of entire project. I c. Replacement: Refinish or replace doors damaged during installation.1.' causes for nejeciioni ifiiluie-itrips, iiiiicrres oi gouges of veneer. I END OF SECTION t I I I I I I t I I T t t I I I I GPS 9303 08210-4 I Ir sEcTIoN 08213 METAL CLAD [.|OOD OOORS AND FRAI',IES I PART 1 - GENERAL | 1.01 suMl',tARY .. A. Section Includes: I 1. Exterior metal clad wood doors and frames. B. Related Sections: I 1. Wood Windows: Section 08611 Metal Clad Wood WindowsI 2. Glazing: Section 088003. Final Cleaning of Glass: Section 01710 Final Cleaning I 4. Finish Hardware: Section 08710 Finish HardwareI r.oz suB'rrrALs I A. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Sect'ion 01300.I B. Samples: Submit samples to verify color match with color sampleI furnished by Architect. I I.03 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING I A. General: Comply with Section 01600.t B. Delivery: Schedule delivery to coincide with glazing schedules so that I minimumhandling of crates is requiied. Do noi open crates except asI required for inspection for shipping damage. I C. Storage: Store cases according to printed instruction on case, 'i n areas I least subiect to traffic or falling obiects. Keep storage area clean and dry. I D. Handling: Unpack cases following printed instructions on case. StackI individual windows on edge leaned slightly against upright supports with separators between each.I I 1.04 WARRANTY I A. Provide one year written warranty for naterial and installation in I accordance with Section 01700. I PART2-PRoDUCTS I z.oL ''TANUFA.T,RED lrooD DooRs I A. Acceptable l{anufacturers:I l. Eagle tlindow and Door, Inc.2. Pel la Products I GPs e3o3 08213-1t Ir 3. ilarvin t,Jindows4. lleathershield li,tfg., Inc.5. Approved Substitute B. Manufacturer and Type: In-swinging Door units complete with pre-hung doors, frames and trim. Custom sites where requirbd. C. Finish:1. Exterior: Aluminun Clad. Color: Custom color as selected by Archi tect.2. Interior; Unfinished pine. Hardware: Manufacturer's standard Architect ball bearing hinges,threshold and weatherstripping. Locksets by hardware suipliei. lieatherstrip: Weatherstripped. Exterior Trim: Aluminum clad wood. Glazing:_ Doors pre-glazed with 5/8" clear tempered insulating glassunits, altitude adjusted if requiied. Accessories: Provide necessary hardware, anchors and related items. Screens: None required. 3 - EXECUTION EXAI'IINATI0N verification of conditions; Before installation, verify that openingsare plumb and square and of proper dimension Rep6rt fraine defects or-unsuitable conditions to the Geireral Contractor' before proceeding. B. Acceptance: Beginning of installation means acceptance of existing condi ti ons . 3.02 INSTALLATION AND ADJUSTMENT A. General: Install according to manufacturer's instructions and reviewed shop drawings. Adjust to-work freely with all hardware functioningproperly. Re-adjust at completion oi the job if directed by the Archi tect. 3.03 PRoTECTI0I'l A. cover windows duri.ng spray painting or other construction operationsthat night cause damage. 8. Protect threshold during construction. E. F. G. I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I t I T I D. H. I. PART 3.01 A. GPS 9303 08213-2 !' 3.04 CLEANING I A. Leave in a job clean condition Final cleaning of glass will be donet under Sections 01710. t I I t I t I t I I I I I I t Gps e3o3 t E}ID OF SECTION 08213-3 I I t I I I I I I t t I I t I I sEcrroN 0830s ACCESS D00RS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Access doors into pipe and utility spaces.2. Floor access doors for installation under Section 03300 B. Related Sections:l. Roof Hatches: Section 07720 Roof Accessories,2. Furnishing Access Doors as Specified in This Sect'ion Equipment: Division 15 Mechanical.3. Furnishing Access Doors as Specified in This Section Equipment: Division 16 Electrical.4. Installation of Access Doors: Appropriate sections. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.0t AccEsS D00Rs A. Located in Plaster:1. Milcor Style K2. l'll.l Systems Boico Style A3. Karp lllodel DSC-214 pL 4. JL Industries lllodel pW 5. Uilliams Brothers t'lB-PL6. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. B. Located in l',lasonry, Ti1e, Concrete, Gypsum Drywal l:1. Milcor Style M2. Mlrl Systems Boico Style C3. Karp Model DSC-2114. JL Industries Model TM5. Williams Brothers WB-GP6. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. C. Fire-Rated Access:1. Milcor Fire-Rated Access Door2. lill.l Systems Boico Fire Rated Access Door Series F3. Karp Model KRP-150 FR4. JL Industries l'lode'l FD5. }Jilliams Brothers ilB-FR6. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. for Mechanical for Electrical I D. Description: I 1. Sizes: As indicated on drawings or as required to properly service mechanical or electrical equipment. t I GPS 9303 08305- 1 2.02 A. I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I B. PART 3.01 2. Locking Devices: Key operated cam locks.3. Finish:a. Baths Rooms and Kitchen: Stainless steel .b. All 0thers: Prime for painted finish under Section 09900. FLOOR HATCH FOR CRAI{L SPACE ACCESS Itlanufacturers:1. Bi lco2. Babcock Davis3. Dur-Red4. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. Descript'ion: Bilco Type K single leaf aluminum floor access door K-4 36r x 36r. 3 - EXECUTIOI{ INSTALLATION A. Mechanical or Electrica] Access: Access mechanical or electrical equipment shall or Division 16 and installed by the tradein which door is located. B. General Access: Furnish access access to be installed by tradeis located. doors requi red for access to be provided under Division 15 responsible for the naterial door indicated on drawings for general responsible for material in which door C. Floor Access Hatch: Coordinate installation so that hatch is level with adjacent finish floor. END OF SECTION GPS 9303 08305-2 I II! t sEcTIoN 08314 MIRRORED CLOSET DOORS t PARTl-GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY I A. Section Includes:I 1. Mirrored Sliding Closet Doors I 1.oz SUBMTTTALStA. Shop Drawings and Produce Data: Submit shop drawings and manufacturer's I catalog data as specified in Section 01300. PART 2 - PRODUCTS I z.or sLrDrNG cLosET DooRsIA. Acceptable Manufacturers:I 1. Cox t 2. Approved Substitute r B. Manufacturer and Type: Cox Series 21 two panel sliding mimored doors I or equal of other acceptable manufacturer:- l. Frame, Track and Channel: Baked enamel - 2. Rollers: Bottom rolled on l-1f2" nylon ball bearing and adiustable wheel s.I 3. Mirror: Safety glass plate mirror with shatter resistant backing.4. Trim Finish: Bright chrome. I PART3-EXECUTI0N I 3.01 INSTALLATToN I A. Install according to manufacturer's instructions and approved shop drawings. Adjust to work freely with all hardware functioning proper'ly. I Re-adjust at completion of job if directed. T END OF SECTION GPS 9303 I I I I I 08314- I PART 1.01 A. B. t I t I I t I I I I t I I t t I I I I SECTI0N 08410 ALUMINUI{ ENTRAIICES AND STOREFRONTS 1 - GENERAL SUMMARY Section Includes:1. Aluminum Entrance Framing2. Aluminum Doors3. Aluminum Door Hardware4. Aluminum t,lindow Frames Products Installed but not Furnished Under This Section:1. Cylinders: Section 08710 Finish Hardware C. Related Sections:1. Final C'leaning of Glass: Section 01710 Final Cleaning2. Sealing Joints: Section 07900 Joint Sealers3. Operating ttindows: Section 08520 Aluminum hlindows4. Glazing: Section 08800 T.O2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Design Requirements:1. I'lindload: Fabricate and install framing systems to withstand windload of 25 psf with maximum deflection ot L/L75 of span. Reinforce framing systems as required to meet criteria.2. Air Infiltration: Not exceed 0.06 CFM/sq. ft. of fixed area in accordance with ASTl,l E283-84. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. B. Shop Drawings: Subnit in accordance with Section 01300. C. Samplesr Submit three samples of aluminum finish for acceptance in accordance with Section 01300.1. tlake samples on 12" long extrusions or 6" square sheets of alloy to be used for system.2. Architect's Review: For color and texture only. D. Quality Control Submittals:1. Uarranty: Submit in accordance wjth Section 01700. E. Templates: Hardware templates for hardware mounted in aluminum doors and frames shall be submitted under Section 08710 directly to aluminum door and frane supplier immediately after acceptance of hardware schedule. Report failure to receive tenplates with reasonable GPS 9303 08410-1 1.04 A. 1.05 A. promptness to General Contractor. QUALITY ASSURANCE Installer: Company specializing in aluminum entrance and storefront fabrication and instal lations.1. Experience: Continuously fabricated and installed entrances and storefront for five years. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING General: Comply with Section 01600. Store frames and doors in.posi- tions necessaiy-to prevent twisting. Do not install frames or doors with dimples or dents. I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I 1.06 WARRANTY A. Warranty: Provide five year written warranty covering materials and installation for entrances and storefront in accordance with Section 01700.1. Warranty to include watertight condition. PART 2 - PRODUCTS z.OL DOOR AI{D FRAI.IES A. l.tanufacturers:1. Kawneer2. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. B. System: Kawneer NuCore with Classic Cover1. Provide aluminum frame sections in sizes and shapes indicated.2. Minimum t,lall Thickness: 0.093"3. Reinforcement: If required as determined by manufacturer, add concealed steel reinforcement to meet design requirements.4. Hardware Reinforcement: Provide 3,/16" concealed steel reinforcement for hardware where requried.5. Accessories: Provide necessary fittings and accessories for a complete, functional and watertight frame installation. Provide matbhing aluminum break metal , closures, etc. where deta'iled or requi red.6. Parie'ls: Provide panels of 0.040 aluminum unless othemise indi- cated. C. Glazed Doors: Kawneer 190 Narrow Stile. Provide Muntin inserts where i ndi cated. D. Finish: Kawneer Redwood GPS 9303 08410-2 I I l I I I I I I I I t t I I I t I I 2.02 HARDI.IARE A. Cylinders: Furnished under Section 08710 and jnstalled under this secti on. B. 0ther Hardware: Provide hardware including pivots, locks, push, pull, threshold and weatherstripping as follows:1. Single Doors:l-l/2 Pr. Butt Hinges LCN 4040 Surface Closer Adams-Rite MS 1850 A Deadlockl/2 x 4" Threshold Sealai r Weatherstripping Style C09 pulls Both Sides 69-154 Applied Stop 38-580 Bottom Rail Weathering2. Double doors Same as s'ingle doors with Kawneer controller at inactive leaf. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAI{INATION A. Verification of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600:1. Layout: Verify layout of work before beginning installation.2. Existing Conditions: Examine openings for aluninum framing to determine that they are proper size, p1umb, square and level beforeinstallation of frames is started.3. l{otification: Notify General Contractor of unsatisfactory condi-tions in writing with copy to Architect. B. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing cond'itions by installer. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Frames: Securely install frames according to manufacturer's recom- mendations and accepted shop drawings. Coat metals in direct contact with aluminum with zinc chromate primer as electrical insulator. B. Doors: Apply hardware in conformance with hardware manufacturer's templates and recommendations. C. Adjustnent: Hang and adjust doors to work freely with hardware func- tioning properly. Re-adjust at completion of project if directed by Archl tect. 3.03 PROTECTION A. Protection: Cover aluminum doors and framing during spray painting, drywalling or other construction operations that might cause damage. Complete cleandown of masonry prioi to installation. GPS 9303 08410-3 3.04 CLEAilIilG A. Cleaning:1. Final B. Touch Up: Leave aluminum doors and framing in clean Cleaning of Glass: Under Section 01710- Touch up damaged finished surfaces. condi ti on. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t END OF SECTION GPS 9303 08410-4 I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I sEcTlol't 08520 ALUMI]{ul.l |'JIl{D0t,ls PART 1 - GEI{ERAL 1.01 SU]-|]'IARY A. Section Includes:1. Fixed and operating casement windows B. Rel ated lJork:1. Final Cleaning of Glass: Section 01710 Final Cleaning2. Sealing Joints: Section 07920 Joint Sealants and Calking3. Aluminum Entrances and Storefronts: Section 084104, Glazing: Section 08800 I.02 SUB[,IITTALS A. Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. Include data on hardware. B. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. 1.03 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Conply with Section 01600.1. Delivery: Schedule delivery to coincide with glazing schedules so that minimum handling of crates is required. Do not open crates except as required for inspection for shipping damage.2. Storage: Store cases according to printed instruction on case, in areas least subject to traffic or falling objects. Keep storage area clean and dry.3. Handling: Unpack cases following printed instructions on case. Stack individual windows on edge leaned slightly against upright supports with separator; between each. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 HIt{Dows A. Fixed and 0perating tJindowsf. ilanufacturers:a. Kawneerb. Accepted Substitute in accordance with Section 01600.2. ilanufacturer and Type: Kawneer 6200 Seriesa. Finish: Kawneer Redwood B. Glazing: All operating sash shall be factory pre-g1azed. See Section 08800 for type. Provide glazing accessories. GPS 9303 08520-r C. Accessories: Provide necessary hardware, anchors and related items. D. Screens: None required. PART 3 - EXECUTIOI{ 3.01 EXAI.IINATION A. Verification of Conditions: Conrply with Section 01600:1. Layout: Verify layout of woik before beginning. installation' 2. Existing Conditions: Examine substrate before beginning i nstal I ati on.3. Verify that open.ings for aluminum windows are proper size, plumb' square and level bifore installation of frames is started. 4. ttdtification: Notify General Contractor of unsatisfactory condi- tions in writing with copy to Architect. B. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing conditions by instal ler. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. l.lindows: Securely install windows according to manufacturer's recommendations aird accepted shop drawings. Coat ferrous metals in direct contact with aluminum with zinc chromate primer as electrical i nsul ator. B. Adjustment: Adiust operable sash to work freely with hardware func- ti6ning properli. Reladiust at completion of project if directed by Archi tect. 3.03 FIELD qUALITY CONTROL A. Water Tests: Water test windows upon completion in presence of Architect. Conduct test using hosb withoirt nozzle and thoroughly wet entire glass surface. Retest until watertight. 3.04 PROTECTION A. Protection: Cover windows during spray painting, drywalling or other construction operations that might cause damage. 3.05 CLEANING A. Cleaning: Leave windows in clean condition.1. Final Cleaning of Glass: Under Section 01710. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I END OF SECTION GPS 9303 08520-2 I II sEcrlol og6ll METAL CLAD hlOOD }IINDObISI I PARTl-GENERAL I 1.01 SUMMARY I A. section Includes:r 1. Metal Clad llood tlindows I B. Related Sections: I 1. Final Cleaning of Glass: Section 01710 Final Cleaning2. li,letal Clad Wood Doors and Frames: Section 08213 I 1.02 SUBMTTTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. I B. Samples: Submit samples to verify color natch with color sample furnished by Architect. I 1.03 DELMRY, SToRAGE AilD HANDLING I A. General: Comply with Section 01600. I B. Delivery: Schedule delivery to coincide with installation schedules so that minimum handling of crates is required. Do not open crates except I as required for inspection for shipping damage.r C. Storage: Store cases according to printed instruction on case, in areasI 'least subJect to traffic or falling objects, Keep storage area clean I and dry. PART 2 - PRODUCTS I 2.OT MAI{UFACTURED b,OOO }IINDOI,IS I A. Acceptable l,lanufacturers; I 1. Eagle hlindow and Door, Inc.2. Pella Products r 3. l.larvin Windows I 4. Weathershield litfg,, Inc.r 5. Approved Substitute I B. Manufacturer and Type: Aluminum Clad fixed, and casement units. CustomI sizes where required. Provide jamb extensions as required. r C. Finish: f f. i*;il::i. Aluminum clad. color: custom color as selected by I cPs e3o3 086lr-lI II F. 2. Interior: Unfinished pine. Exterior Trim: Metal sub sill to match rindows. Hardware:1. Casements: Roto operator and sash fastener. Finish as selected byArchitect. Egress hardware at all living units as required by code. Uindow not opening onto balconies or decks shall be restricted to 4 inch maximum clear opening. Screens: Fiberglass screens with aluminum frames on all operable windows. Frame color to match windows. Weatherstrip; Manufacturer's standard. Glazing: Factory pre-glazed with clear insulating glass, altitude adjusted, tempered where required. I. Accessorjes; Provide necessary hardware, anchors and reiated items. J. Trim Flash'ings: Provide alI related aluminum trim flashings, color to match windows. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verification of Conditions: Before installation.verify that openings acceptance of existing EI{D OF SECTION 08611-2 D. E. G. H. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I are plumb and square and of proper dinension. B. Acceptance: Beginning of installation means conditions by installer. 3..02 II{STALLATIOI{ AND ADJUSTMENT A. General: Install windows accordinq to manufacturer's instructions and reviewed shop drawings. Adjust o[erable sash to work freely with all hardware functioning properly. Re-adjust at completion of the job as directed by the Architect. 3.03 PROTECTION A. Cover windows during spray painting or other construction operationsthat might cause damage. 3.04 CLEAI{ ING A. Leave windows in a job clean condition. Final cleaning of glass will be done under Sections 01710. GPS 9303 I I I I -I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I sEcTIoN 08710 DOOR HARDWARE PART 1 - GEI'IERAL 1.01 SU|'IMARY A. Section Includes:1. Door Hardware2. Key Box B. Products Furnished but not Installed Under This Section:1. Cylinders for all glass entrance door and aluminun entrance doors: Section 08410 and 08450. C. Related Sections:1. Hollow Metal Doors and Frames: Section 08110 Steel Doors and Frames2. lJood Doors: Section 08210 and 082133. Cabinet Hardware: Section 06410 Custom Casework4. Threshold Sealant: Section 07900 Joint Sealers 1.02 SUBI'IITTALS A. Hardware Schedule:1. lJithin 20 days after receipt of order for finish hardware, prepare complete schedule and submit in accordance with Section 01300.2. Do not order hardware until accepted copy of schedu'l e is returned to supplier bearing stamps of Contractor and Architect.3. Include catalog cut of each different hardware item on hardware schedu'le.4. Schedule: Indicate following details: Door Numbers Locati on Frame Materials Hand of Door Size and Thickness of Door Degree of Opening Door lilaterial Type of Attachment As well as any other pertinent information'regarding door and quality and type of hardware to be furnished. B. Templates: Within 10 days after receipt of accepted hardware schedule, submit four sets of templates and schedules to:1. Hollow metal door and frame supplier.2. Wood door supplier.3. l'letal cl ad wood door suppl ier. C. Quality Control Submittals:1. t{arranty: Subnit in accordance with Section 01700. D. Contract Closeout Subnittals:1. 0peration and lilaintenance Data: Subnit in accordance with Section 01730. Include printed sheets from manufacturer covering hardware GPS 9303 08710-1 furnished. Include following information:a. l{ame, address and telephone number of hardware suppliers.b. ltlaintenance instructions and parts list for each type of operating hardware including:(1) Locks(2) Exit Devices(3) Closers 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Supplier Qualifications: Hardware supplier shall have in his employ regular member, in good stand'ing, of American Society of Architectural Hardware Consultants, who shall be responsible for detailing, scheduling and ordering of finish hardware. B. Regulatory Requirements: Provide Underuriters Laboratory listed hardware for fire or accident hazard where scheduled or required to maintain rating of opening. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600.1. Delivery: Deliver hardware to job site only after proper provision for storage have been made.2. Labels: Properly package and label each item to indicate exact location for which intended.3. Check-In: Hardware supplier shall authorize his representat!ye to be present when finish hardware is delivered to site and shall check in each item and turn over to Contractor for storage in secure place under lock and key. 1.05 WARRANTY A. llarranty: Provide following written warranties covering hardware accordance with Section 01700.1. Warranty against nechanical failure of door closers for five year Period.2, l,larranty against failure of parts for hardware except door closers for two year period. htarranty shall include cylinder locks. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 KEYING, KEYS AND MASTER KEYS A. Keying Schedule: Key all cylinders Orner. Be responsible to schedule keying requirements. alike or different as directed bY meeting with Owner to obtain 0wner's B. Construction Keys: All exterior cylinders shall be constructi0n master keyed. At time of 0wner occupancy, make construction keys inoperative. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GPS 9303 08710-2 c. D. I I III I I I I I I I I I lilaster Key: Cylinders shall be master keyed. Provide total of six building master keys. Keys: Provide two keys for each interior cylinder keyed. Stamp keys and cylinders with door number. E. Key Delivery:1. ltlaster Keys and Subnaster Keys and Identified Change Keys: Delivery direct from factory by registered mail in safety envelopes directlyto 0wner2. Other Keys: Mail other keys to General Contractor at his office. 2.02 KEY BOX A. Key Box: Provide one Knox Company, Model 3200 Knox Box, recessed nount.1. Fi ni sh: Bl ack2. Provide location stickers as required. 2.03 GENERAL MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS A. Fasteners: Furnish necessary screws and bolts for proper installation. Provide suitable sizes, type and finish to harmonize with hardware.1. Hardware Attached to Metal: Templated and fastened with machine screws long enough to penetrate lf2" thick reinforcing. B. Silencers: Provide rubber silencers for doors installed in interior metal frames. Provide three silencers for each door and two for eachpair of doors. C, Cylinders: Furnish cylinders of same keyway unless otherwise specified. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION r A. General: Provide factory hardware technician to be present to assist I and instruct those applying finish hardware. B. Fastening: Furnish itens of hardware lrith attachment screws, bolts, t nuts, etc. as required to attach hardware to type of material involvedI and with finish to match adjacent hardware.1. ilake attachments to metal by template machine screws.2. Through-bolt hardware such as door closers, forearm shoes of closers, holding devices and panic hardware mounted on doors or panel s.3. Attach hardware to masonry or concrete with expansion bolts or similar drilled anchors to develop full strength of attached device. Set expansion anchors in solid masonry not mortar joints. C. l,leatherstripping and Thresholds:1. Weatherstripping and Soundstripping: Run full height of both iambs and full width of head. I I I I I GPS 9303 08710-3 2. Thresholds and Door Bottoms: Run full width of opening. Install thresholds trith continuous threshold anchors cast into slab and setin sealant under Section 07900. D. Mounting Heights (Unless 0thenvise Indicated): Dimensions given are from floor to center line of hardware item.1. Door Knobs:2. Pushplates:3. Pul I pl ates:4. Exit Devices Cross Bar: l'lote: Standard - Standard - Standard - Standard - 38 Inches 46 Inches 46 Inches 36 Inches I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I a. Mount pull on opposite side of panic device to coincide withexit device template.b. Install pushplate to conceal through bolts of pull. 3.02 KEY BOX A. Install in location directed by Architect. 3.03 PROTECTION A. Painting: Do not instal'l door silencers, kickplates, pushplates, door bottoms and wall stops until after painting is comp'l ete. Loosen locksets and panic hardware prior to painting and retighten after painting is complete. Mask hardware or othervise protect during painting operation. 3.04 ADJUSTI.IENT A. Adjusting by Hardware l'lanufacturer's Representative: Prior to final inspection, inspect and adjust door closers, locks and items requiring close adjustment and regulation and check keying. GPS 9303 08710-4 I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I sEcTIoN 08800 GLAZ ING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Glass and Gl azi ng For:a. Hollow Metal Frames and Doors: Section 08110b. Aluminum }Jindows: Section 08520 B. Related Sections:1. Pl ate G]ass t',li rrors: Secti on 08815.2. Factory Glazed Metal Clad Wood Doors and bJindows: Sections 08213 and 08611. 1.02 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards - See Section 01060. Comply with:1. FGl.lA Gl azi ng Manual , 1986 edi ti on.2. FGIIA Gl azi ng Seal i ng Systems l,lanual , 1983 edi ti on.3. Insulating Glass: IGCC certified.4. Fire Rated Glass: U.L. Rated for fire resistance. 1.03 SUB},IITTALS A. Samples: Submit samples of each type of glass in accordance with Section 01300. Cut glass sizes as requested by Architect. 1.04 A. QUALTTY ASSURANCE Regul atory Requirements :1. }Jire Glass: UL approved.2. Safety Glass and Glazing: Comply with State Statues, UBC and ANSI 297.t. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600.1. Delivery: Schedule delivery to coincide v{ith glazing schedules so minimum handling of crates is required. Do not open crates except as required for inspection for shipping damage.?. Storage: Store cases according to printed instructions on case, in areas least subject to traffic or falling objects. Keep storage area clean and dry.3. Handling: Unpack cases following printed instructions on case. Stack individual windows on edge leaned slightly against upright supports with separators between each. GPS 9303 08800-1 1.06 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Field Measurements: Fleld measure openings before glass products. Be nesponsible for proper fit of products. L.O7 WARRANTY ordering temperedfield measured A. All insulated glass in the vertical positions shall be warranted against seal failure for a period of ten years. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OT GLASS A. Manufacturers:1. PPG Industries, Inc.2. ASG Industries, Inc.3. Ford Glass.4. Libby-0wens-Ford Co.5. General Glass Corporation.6. Guardian Industries.7, Accepted substitute in accordance with section 01600. B. Labe'ls: Each Individual Piece of Glass: Bear 1abe1 designating type, thickness and quality. Do not remove labels until reviewed by Archi tect. C. Glass Types: Provide glass of following types as indicated: TYPE DESCRIPTION A One inch nominal th'ickness double sealed insulating glass. L/2 inch air space. Inside face L/4 inch clear. 0utside face 1/4 inch clear. B One inch nominal thickness double sealed insulating glass. I/2 inch ai,r space. Inside face I/4 inch tempered clear. 0utside face I/4 inch tempered clear. Use at safety locations and as i ndi cated . C I/4 inch thickness Pittsburgh clear float. D l/4 inch thickness Pittsburgh clear Herculite Tempered Safety Glass. Use at safety locations and as indicated. E Fire Rated Glass for Fire Windows: 3/16 inch thickness firelite by Technical Glass Products. 60'minute rated. F Factory Glazed Metal Clad Windows: 3/a inch or 5/8 inch double sealed insulating glass, clear. Provide tempered'glass where required by Code. Provide inside glazing panel to achieve I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GPS 9303 08800-2 I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I t t triple galzing at all residential windows facing east and north. G Factory Glazed l'letal Clad Wood doors 3/4 inch or 5/8 inch double sea'led clear tempered insulating 91ass. 2.02 GLAZING I.,IATERIALS A. Glazing Gaskets: Aluminum framing system manufacturer's standard EPDM or neoprene extrusions. B, Setting Blocks, Shims and Glazing Clips: Size and type as recommended by glass nanufacturer. C. Preshimned clazing Tape:1. Acceptable Products:a. Bostik Chem-Tape 60.b. Pecora Shim-Seal Tape.c. Tremco Preshimned 440 Tape.d. Approved substitute.2. Description: Preformed, adhesive, elastomeric butyl/polyisobutylene glazing tape with continuous built-in EPDM shim, designed for pressure sealing of glazing units in framing system.3. Sealant Compatibility: Provide tape compatible with silicone glazing sealant. D. Cleaners, Primers and Sealers: Type reconnended by sealant gasket manufacturer. E. Silicone Glazing Compound: GE Silglaze N or accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. F. Fire rated glazing compound. As recormended by glazing manufacturer. PART 3 . EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Verification of Conditions! Cornply with Section 01600:1. Layout: Verify layout of work before beginning installation.2. Existing Conditions: Before glazing, verify that frames are plumb and square with metals stops set for proper glass-to-stop face cl earance. B. 3.02 A. GPS 3. Notification: Notify General Contractor of unsatisfactory condi- tions in writing with copy to Architect. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing conditions by installer. PREPARATION Protection: Completely cover glass during spray painting, texturing or other construction operations that might cause damage to glass. 9303 08800-3 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Stops:1. Hold glass with wood or metal stops as detailed.a. Stops: Furnished under other sections.2. Carefully remove any stop already in place as necessary to pennit gl azi ng.3. Handle stops carefully and install to avoid damage. B. Glazing in lrlood or Meta'l Frames:1. Tape entire opening to prevent g'lass from touching frame in any di recti on. I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I 2. 3. Center glass in glazing rabbet to maintain recormended clearances atall four, inside and out. Rest glass on setting blocks as recommended by the glass n|anufacturer. EI{D OF SECTION 4. Install shims or use shim tape as recommended to maintain clearance between stops and face of glass.5. Install glazing tape and stop in with specified stops.6. Cover top of tape with silicone sealant on both sides of frame.7. Cut all glass with smooth, straight edges of full size required by the openings. Edge clearances shall comply with flat Glass Marketing Association Standards.8. Leave sealant smooth and clean. Remove sealant from adjoining surfaces without damaging the finish. C. Glazing in Aluminum |.lindows and Doors: Install glass on setting blocks as recofimended by the window or door manufacturer. Dry glaze usingglass retainers providing resilient clamping grip on glass or glaze withelastic glazing compound as required. D. Glazing of Fire Rated Glass: As recommended by glazing manufacturer. E. Allowable Tolerances: Maintain glazing tolerances between glass and frame.or stops as recormended by the FGMA.1. 1/4 Inch Thickness Glass: Maintain 1/8 inch clearance between glass face and metal stops. 3.04 CLEANING A. Cleaning: Leave glass in job clean condition with glazing compound andputty carefully removed from glass and adjoining surfaces.1. Final Cleaning of Glass: Under Section 01710. B. Breakage: Unless responsibility can be assessed to another contractor, be responsible for glass broken during shipment, storage and i nstal I ati on. GPS 9303 08800-4 I I I I I II I t I II I I I I I I I I I o SECTION 08815 MIRRORS 2. l'lirrors over wood wainscot in passenger elevator cab3. ilirrored cover plates for electrical outlets. B. Related Sections:1. I'Jood Trim Around Mirrors: Section 06200 Finish Carpentry. I.02 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: See Section 01060. Comply with following:1. FG].|A Glazing lilanual. Latest edition. PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMITIARY A. Section Includes:1. l'fal I mounted mi rrors over medicine cabinets. 1.03 SUBI.IITTALS A. Product Data: Submit catalog data B. Samples: Submit samples of mirror 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING lavatory counters and on face of built-in for adhesive. in accordance with Section 01300. A. General: Comply with Section 01600.1. Delivery: Schedule delivery to coincide with glazing schedules so minimum handling of crates is required. do not open crates except as required for inspection for shipping damage.2. Storage: Store cases according to printed instructions on case, in areas least subject to traffic or falling objects. Keep storage area clean and dry.3. Handling: Unpack cases following printed instructions on case. Stack individual windows on edge leaned slightly against upright supports with separators between each. 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Field Measurements: Field measure surfaces to be covered before ordering mirrors. Be responsible for proper fit of field measured products. GPS 9303 08815-1 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 t{IRRoRS A. Mirrors: 1/4 inch thickness polished plate, nirror glazing quality with polished edges.1. Sizes: As indicated on drawings. B. Adhesive: Palmer Qwik-Set Mirro-Mastic or approved substitute. C. l,lood Trim: See Section 06200 Finish Carpentry. D. Cover Plates for Electrical Outlets: Provide 1/4' mirror cover plates with polished edges for all electrical outlets occurring in mirrors. Coordinate with electrical contractor for accurate fit to outlets being I I I I I I I T t T I I I t I t I I I PART 3.01 A. B. 3.02 A. I'lirrors: Install mirrors with adhesive applied according to manufacturer's instructions. Supports bottom of mirror until adhesiveis set. Coordinate with installation of wood trim. B. Medicine Cabinets: Install mirrors on face of built-in nedicinecabinets. Provide a tight, flush fit with surrounding mirrors. 3.03 CLEAI{ ING A. Cleaning: Leave glass in job clean condition with adhesive carefully removed from glass and adjoining surfaces.1. Final Cleaning of G]ass: Under Section 01710. B. Breakage: Unless responsibility can be assessed to another contractor, be responsible for glass broken during shipment, storage and installation. furni shed. 3 - EXECUTION INSPECTION Verification of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600:1. Layout: Verify layout of work before beginning installation.2. Exlsting Conditions: Before g'l azing, verify condition of substrate.3. Notification: Notify General Contractor of unsatisfactory conditions in writing with copy to Architect. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing conditions by installer. INSTALLATIOI{ END OF SECTION 0881s-2GPS 9303 I I I I t I t t I t I I I I t I t t t A3/25/94 8 7r95740937 DrvIslot{ 9 F11{ISHts sEcTl0lr 09261 GYPSUI.I EOARD PARTIIIOIIS ANO I{AILS PART T . GEI{ERAL I.OI SUI'II{ARY A. Section Includes:1. lletal Stud and Gypsun Board Partitiorrs2. l'lttal Furrlng and Gypsum Board3. Structural ilital Stuils and Gypsum Board as Indicated4. Shaftwall System5. Sound Insulatlon and Sealants6. Accessorles and Flnlshing7. Eacker Board for Stone }{al'l Finish B. Products Installed but not Furnlshed Under This Section:1. Access Panels: Section 08305 C. Relrted Sections:l. Gypsum Sheathing: Section 061162. Blanket lnsulatlon: Section 07210 Buildlng Insulation3. Drywall Ceilings: Sectlon 09262 Gypsum Board Ceilings4. Palntlng: Section 09900 Painting5. Stnrctuial lletal Studs; Sectlon-05400 Cold Formed tletal Framing6. Alternatr Bidr Section 01030 Alternates7. Stone Veneer llall Flnish: Sectlon 09450 I.02 REFEREIICES A. Reference Standardsr See Sectlon 01060. Cornply wlth followingll. ASIl,l C754-8S Insta'llatlon of Steel Frrming ilembers to Receive Screw- Attached Gypsun.2, 0A 216-89 Rbconmended Specifications for the Application and Flnishtng of Gypsum Board. I.03 SYSTEiI DESCRIPTIOII A. Design Requlrements:1. Gypsum Board Partitlons! prutectlve ratings where I.04 SUBIIITTALS Partiti olts 'll sted and I abel ed for f i re I ndlcated. A. Product Datat Submlt copies of manufacturer's specifications covering all materials wtth all miterials and accessories'plalnly identified. See Sectlon 01300 Submltttls. 8. Sanples: Subrnlt 2.x 2' sample of texture for Architect's aPproval. GPS 9303 09261-r 13t t I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I SPao Er 1o B. g3/25/94 |8,7r9=746937 cConsul U! PART 2.0r A. 2.02 A. 1.05 PRoJECT ColloITIot{S A. tnvironmentar Requfements:. Durrng,fl{H'lllll;} iitli;":l;1"'3$ 55o tofinishing, maintain teilperatur€s -rl 7Oo F. proviOJiC'eqirii'Jventitatlon to carry olf excess moisture. 2 - PRODUCTS 1'IAIIUFACTURERS Drynall. Dryrall Studs and Acces$ories:t.- Unlied -States 0YPsum (uSG) 2. Genstar GYPsun Products co. 3. oeorgla-Paclflc4. llatl6nal Gypsum Co. (Gold Bond)5. The Celotex ComPanY;: nljieitea-iiib;iii;t; in accordance with sectlon 01600' DRYI{ALL SIUDS AI{O RELATED IIETALS Interior steel studs: usG sT 25 gage t{o. 3585T (3-5/S inch). use other slzes where speclflca'lly called for- i.'--irovia" uia cws'20 gage siuds both sides of door frames. Steel Stud Runners: UsG CR 25 gage Runner i{o. 358cR (s:5/9 lnch) to. n tch studs. Provide-iong 1eg iutners i;i tiip joint'at btructure above where fndicated. C. Furrlng Channels: USG l4eta'l Furrlng Channels' 2.03 DRYI{ALL AIID RETATED }IAIERIALS A. Faceboatdsti;*3i;;;-'5/E rnch thick unless-specifically lndicated othewlse' 48 inch wide x-iingiai-i6 iitow toi vertlcal installation tlithout cross Jol nts '2. iiil; uSG tapered edge Frecode (Tvpe x) 5/8 inch or 3/4 inch thf ckness as indlcatetl.3. iiter nestiia;i;'-uic-i/n rype x tapered edge gypsum panels. 4, Backer Board for Stone l{all Flnlsh:8. rn steui irr*Iii -glio rnctr'lorroertoaro ov.l/2 inch usc 9qro9!b. nrr olr'Jr"illiiionli'-ril-inijrr"eiiieii:eicific Dens-shield tlle uacker"6oaio.--uii-sia-tnctr iipe x it fire rated partitlons. B. Fastenersr orle .inch usG lype s drywall screws. use proper type for gage of stud. C. Acc*sories:i.- Corner Bead: USG No. 103 Dur-A'8ead, l-t/4n x 1-1/4"' 2. lletal Trlnl USG llo. 2008. 3. control Jolnt: USG t{o. 093' cPs e303 09261-2 I I I o3l25/e4 rU ETconsult3 4. Adheslver USG Durabond multl-purpose adhesive' D, Flnlshing ilaterlals;l, Jolni Treatnent: USG Perf-A-Tape System' ?, Texturet USG Texture. t. Sound Isol ati on tlaterl a'ls t i.-'SounC ltteirltioir.dianketsr USG Thermafiber Sound Attenuati0n Blankets. itriee lnctris thtck unless otheruise indicated. Z. Acoustical Sealantr USG Acoustical Sealant'. 5: bucirork Peneirations Packlngt Low densltv flberglass' 2.A4 SHAFTh'ALL SYSTEI,I A. 3-3/4' total thickness, 2 hour label with comportents as follows: l.'Studs: ?-ll2r C-H studs or equal.i. Faceboards:' t layer 3/4n flre rated drywall' 3. Llner Board: l' Gypsuin shaftwall liner' PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI ERECTION OF ORYTIALL STUD PARTITIOI{S A. Reference Standard: Erect steel framing in accordance with ASTl'l C754 and USG Gypsum Construction Handbook. B. Layouts: Align partition studs accurately according to partltion layout' c- Anchoring! Anchor runner channe'ls to concrete slabs.with concP€te stub nalls or porerliiirii'inir,oii !i i+-ini[iii'o.c. Anchor runner channels ii'iiiiini-iiiia-irriii ippfiiilie witt' stove bolts' Install headers i["ili'iiiiiiil to reeeivb runners where studs extend above ceiling system. D. Studs: Position studs vertically in runners' Anchor studs located iijiient to opiningi-or partitioir.intersections and-corners t0 runners utth usc tretal lock fastener or litii L/2 inch fyqe.l pan head screrts' i.-"Space siilis iO-initrii o.c. unless btherwise indicated. 2. Corners and Intersectionsl Locate studs no more than two inches from abutting partitiotls, cor-ners, etc' 3. Opiningsr t6chte studs not more ihan two inches from opening ii,ames. nnctror ituOs to fralne anchor cllps by bolt 0r scre11 ettachnent. lnstall heEders ovei-op"ningi as-recomtended by the nrnufacturer.a. uooo oiiris and Hollor lletal Doors: provide two studs at jambs. 4. t{ood Blocklng: See Section 06100' 5. suDport ctipsr provide suppori-iir-ps to substrate as required where i-579 tn"n 'studs are used ii wall furrlng' E.Bncing:Providediagonalbracllgatheadofstudsthatteminateaboveii.|I-iiiirng'i;v;i.--Biiiing-i[iii-"iisiii-oi nital studs bent to v'shape 8, 71957 4A937 I I I t I I I I I I GPS e303 0926r-3 ta3/ 25 / 9+ |u31o 8, 7 1957 4Ag3?cC oniu l, lr5Pe v lnd extending at 45o from partition head to structure above. Locate braclng 48 inches maxiilum o.c. 3.02 l'IISCELLAIIEoUS FMfiII{G AllD FURRIIIG A. General; Provide necessary franing. and furring for specia'l ftaming at recessesi specialty itertts; |{all nsunted casework, shelving and eouiOment: btc. Frame around cOlUmns as indicated. Provide necessary frarning and suspenSlon for offsets, verticals, recessed and all Other gypsum'dryuall iurfaces not provld6d under Section 09262 Gypsum Eoard Cei 1 'lngs. 8. Furrirtg: Install furring channels over brck-up material. Positlon channels vertlcally at 2i inches o.c. unless lndlcated othenrise. Use powder-activeted f;steners or stub nails at 24 inches o.c' along ilternating flanges. Shim channels level as required. 3.03 IIISULATION A. Sound Attenuatlon Elankets; Place in partitiotls tight within spaces' around cut openings, behind and around'electrical and mechanical items within partitions and tight to items passing through partltions.l, oucttork PenetrationS: Provide oire lnch wide cleerance around ductwork and pack with fiberglass ready for calking. 3.04 IIISTALIATIOI{ OF GYPSUI,I DRYI{ALL A. Referencc Standard: Apply and f'lnlsh gyPsum board In accordance vith GA 216. B. Layout: Apply gypsun wallboard panels Yertica'lly with abuttlng ends and edges occurring over stud flanges or furrlng. --l.- Joints on 0pposite sides oi Partltionsr Shall not occurring ovef sare stud.2. Tilo Layer Construction; Stagger jolnts between layers. C. Fasteners: Apply board to studs or furring with drywall screws spaced l2 lnches o.c.'iir itelC ot board and eight-'lnches o.c. staggered along vertlcal abuttlng edges.1. Use Type S-t2 sciews for attachirtg to structura'l studs. D. Layers! Instatl multiple layer drywall as indlcated. E. l'later Reslstant:l. Use where lndicated. F. Backer Board for stone },all Finish: Apply Over steel studs and tape Jolnts as recomtended by Sacker Board manufacturer.i. Install as back-up for all stone wall facing. I I I I t I I I t I t I I I I cPs 9303 09261-4 t I I I I t t I t I t T T t I I I I I G. Corner Bead: Apply as reconnended by manufacturer at exposed out corners. H. Trlm: Apply as recomnended by manufacturer where gypsum board abuts other mrtlrials and as indicated. I. Tolerances! GyPsum board surface plane within +/' ll8" in 10" J, Finlshing: Finish ioints trim and.fastener dimples as recomlended by uS6 perfln-Tape .toint System. sand smooth' l(. Texture: Apply 'rhock and trorel' texture (0) to match.aPProved sample iiiiowing airirt"icatton of prime coat-by ry!riting subcontractor. omtt iixiuii 6n itrii-iir,iiauie[ to recetve will coverins (Gs). l-. Acoustical Sealant: Apply at perimeter and at all penetrations of gypsum board ln single bead. .. .I. Locations:' ffiii-at-piit'ttions with sound attenuatjort blankets' 2, Caulk ductwork Penetrat'lons.5: ciuiri noilr'iii.l-or pirtitions edges with continuous bead. 3. 05 SHAFT}IALL SYSTEI,I A. Erect shaftwall system as recoiltnended-by.nanulactllgl^lnd as required to iliei-spliiiiio'ri"ri-iiting. use rniirtiiturer's standard details for corners ano wrli'i;iliiil;: Finiitr itiiboards as ,specified under Arttcle 3.04. 'Adi-iOiiiion"f faceboirds where inditated 0n drawings' Frovide horizontal installatlon where indicated' a i r?Ja tt,tl.), ENO OF SECTIOII cPs 9303 09261- 5 A. I I I I I t I I T T I I I I I I I t I sEcTroN 09262 GYPSUM BOARD CEILIT{GS AND SOFFITS PART 1 - GEI.IERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Metal Framing and Gypsum Board Ceilings and Soffits2. Sound insulation and sealants3. Accessories and Finishing B. Products Installed but not Furnished Under This Section.1. Access Panels: Section 08305 C. Related Sections:1. Drywail Partitions: Section 09261 Gypsum Board Partitions and l,lalls2. Painting: Section 09900 painting I.O2 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards - See Section 01060. Comply with following:1. ASTM C754-88 Installation of Steel Framing Members to Receive Screw- Attached Gypsum t'Jal lboard.2. GA 216-89 Recommended Specifications for the Application and Finishing of Gypsum Board. 1.03 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Design Requirements:l. Fire Rating: All gypsum board ceilings listed and labeled for one hour fjre protect'ive rating. 1.04 SUBI.IITTALS B. 1.05 A. Product Data: Subnit copies of manufacturer's specifications coveringall naterials to be used with all materials and accessories plainlyidentified. See Section 01300 Submittals. Samples: Submit 2'x 2' sample of texture for Architect's approval . DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING Deliver all material in original , unopened containers and store in a clean, dry area until ready to use. GPS 9303 09262-L I .06 A. 2.02 A. B. c. D. E. 2.03 I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t PART 2.0t A. PROJECT CONOITIONS Environnental Requirements: During gypsum panel application andfinishing, maintain temperatures within building within range of 55o to70"F. Provide adequate ventilation to cary off excess moisture. 2 - PRODUCTS MAI,IUFACTURERS Drywall, Metal Framing, and Accessories:1. United States Gypsum (USG)2. Genstar Gypsum Co.3. Georgia-Pacific4. National Gypsum Co. (Gold Bond)5. The Celotex Company6. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. METALS Runner Channels: L-l/z, and 3/4,', 16 gage cold rolled channels, black asphaltum painted. Furring Channels: USG metal furring channels. Steel Studs: USG ST 25 gage. size as indicated. Hanger Wire: No. 9 gage galvanized wire. Tie l,lire: No. 16 gage galvanized wire. DRYWALL Al{D RELATED MATERIALS A. Faceboards:1. Size: 5/8" thick Type X unless specifically indicated otherwise 48,, wide x length to minimize cross joints.2. Type: USG Firecode tapered edge gypsum panels. B. Fasteners: One inch USG Type S drywall screws. Use proper type for gage of metal framing. C. Accessories:1. Corner Bead: USG No. 103 Dur-A-Bead, 1-1/4" x l-1f4"2. lletal Trim: USG No. 2008.3. Control Joint: USc No. 093.4. Adhesive: USG Durabond multi-purpose adhesive. D. Finishing Materials:1. Joint Treatnent! USG perf-A-Tape System.2. Texture: USG texture GPS 9303 09262-? c. D. I I I E t t I I I T I I I I T T I I I 2.04 A. B. c. PART 3.01 A. B. E. Sound Isolation ilaterials31. Sound Attenuation Blankets: USG Thermafiber Sound Attenuation Blankets. Three inches thick unless othenvise indicated.2. Acoustical Sealant: USG Acoustical Sealant3. Ductwork Penetrations Packing: Low density fiberglass. EXTERIOR SOFFIT MATERIAL Faceboards: USG I Hour Fire Rated Exterior Gypsum Ceiling 8oard, 5/8" thi ckness. Fasteners: USG Type S drywall screws or equal. Metal Trim: USG No. 200C or equa'l of acceptable manufacturers. 3 - EXECUTION GRILLAGE ERECTION Reference Standard: Erect steel framing in accordance with ASTM C574. Hangers: Install wire hangers spaced not over 48,,o.c. in direction ofL-I/z'main runner channels and within 6,,of ends of main runners or intemuptions of ceiling continuity. Hang from structure above.Install hangers 24" o.c. at gypsum drywall ceilings supporting wood ceilings. At_1ight troffers or other openings, reinforce grillage with 3/4" cold rolled channels wired atop and parallel to main runner channels. Erect grillage as recommended by the manufacturer. Provide all necessary framing and suspension for offsets, verticals and decorative recesses, etc. Use drywall studs where indicated or required. See Section 09261 for type. Install L- l/2, main runner channels 24,' o.c.at ceilings supporting wood ceilings.' 3.02 INSTALLATION OF GYPSUM DRYWALL A. Apply gypsum board of maximum practical length with long dimensions at right angles to furring channels and fasten with drywall screws spaced 12* o.c. in the field of the board and 8" o.c. along abutting edges.All end and edge joints shall occur over furring channels with endjoints staggered. Properly support gypsum board around cutouts and openi ngs. B. Apply metal trim as recormended by the manufacturer and wherever gypsun drywall abuts other materials. C. Finish all exposed joints, trim and fastener dimples as recomnended by manufacturer of tape Joint system. Sand smooth. GPS 9303 09262-3 D. Apply 'hock and trowel" texture as directed following application ofprimer. Application of primer by painting subcontraitoi. 3.03 INSULATION A. Sound Attenuation Blankets: place units, tight within spaces, aroundelectrical and mechanical items and cei I i ngs.1. Ductwork Penetrations: ductwork and pack with END OF SECTION above all gypsum board in living cut openings, behind and aroundtight to items passing through Provide one inch wide clearance around fiberglass ready for calking. I I t ,| I I I I I I t I I I I t- I t I 3.04 INSTALLATION OF EXTERIOR SOFFITS Apply soffit boards using methods specified for interior ceilings andwith minimum of joints. -Finish joiirts, trim, fasteners as recoilmendedby usG using Durabond perf-A-Tapi systim, Finish smooth with notexture. GPS 9303 09262-4 I I I I I t T I I I I t t t t I I sEcTl0ll 09s00 TILE PART 1 - GEIIERAL l.0l sut{rARY A. Sectlon lncludes:l. Porcelain Pavers on Balconies and Decks2 Stone Floor Tlle3 llaterprooflng llenbrane4 Underlayrnent Eoard 1.02 REFERET{CES A. Reference Standmds: Conply ulth the followlng standards:l. Installatlon Speclflcatlonsr AIISI AIOE.1A-1992: Installatlon of Ceramic Tlle in the liet-Set Method wlth Portland Ceflent llortar AIISI A108.5-1992 Ceramic Tlle Installed with Dry'Set Portland Cilent llortar 0r Latex-Portland Cement Hortar AI{SI A108.10-1992 Installation of Grout in Tilework2, illterlal SPeclflcatlons: AI{SI Al18.I-1992 0ry-Set Portland Cement lilortar NSI All8.4-1992 Latex-Portland Canent Mortar AIISI 4118.6-1992 Ceramic Tile Grouts AI{SI A137,1-1988 Ceramic Tlle3. Tfle Council of Amerlcr, Inc. (TCA); 1993 Handbook for Ceramic Tile lnslallation. I.03 SUBilTTTALS A. Product Data: Submit catalog data for all miscellaneous materlals ln accordance with 8. Sanples: Submit cmplete samples of tile color selection in accordance with Section settlng, grouting and Section 01300. and grout to Architect for 01300. 1.04 DELMRY, ST0RAGE At{o HANDLI}|G A. General: Conply with Sectlon 01600. Deliver ttle in unopened, grade sealed packagbs, Deliver nortar nlxes and grouts ln unopened contalnbrs. Store materlals in e clean, dry area. 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIOII5 A. Fnvirnnnental Condltlons: Do not lnstall tile set ln Portland cement mortar rhen the ambient temperature is belou 50oF, Comply wlth minioun temperature requlrenents of bondlng and grouting materials mrnufacturers. I t GPS 9303 09300-l 63/ 25/Y+ Lo I ? LY57 4bt37 SPeqConsq I t9 B, Protectlon: Protect adjoJnlng vrork surfaces before tlle I .06 itAIt{TEl{At{CE A. ilalntenance l,laterials: provide the Owner at compleilon each slze and color used. work begtns. of the job 3t of I I I t I t I I I I I I t I I I l t ! PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI TILE A. Porcelaln Floor tile on Balconies and Decks:t. Acceptable f,lanufacturers - Porcelain tile:a. Anerlcan ]{arazzl Tlle, Inc.b. Crossvllle Ceramicsc. Approved Substitute.2. Porcelaln Floor Tile:a. llanufacturer: American lilarazzi Tlle. Inc.b. Slze: 8r x 8trc. Type and Color: As selected by Archltect B. Stone Floor Tile; Honed finishl. Entry: lf?' x 8,, x I' antlque tumbled marble set on dlagonal with 4r x 8x tile border.2. Baths 3 and 4: l/2. x 12( x lZ" opal Green slate3. Porder Room: lf2. x 12, x lZ. opai Green slate4, Bath 2: lf?t y.' 12, x 12,, flulien Jade marble5. ilaster Bath: U2' x l2r, x 12. Perlato ilarble6. Skl Roornr ll?t' x l2), x 12. Opal Green slate6. Llundry: L/2, x 12,' x 12. Opal Green slate 2.02 SETTII{G AI{D GROUTII{6 I'IATERIAIS A. Acceptable l{anufacturers!l. Bosttk/Hydroment.2. C-Cure Chffiical co., Inc. c. D. B. 3. Cu$tfli Bulldlng Products4, Latlcrete International, Inc.5. Approved Substitute Portland Cemnt ilortar: 1:3 Portland cement/$and gauged with Laticrete 3701 admlx or approved substitute, llix as reconrnended by nanufacturer. Bond Coat: l{eat Portland cement gauged with Laticrete 4237 tlle settlng llquld or approved substltute. Latex-Portland Cement llortar (tnin-Set;: AI|SI 116.4, l:1 Portland cament/srnd gruged wlth Laticrete 4237 tl'le setting liquld. Grout: l-aticrete drybond grout and joint fi'ller gauged wlth Latlcrete 3701 adnix. llix as recommended by manufacturer. Color as selected by Archl tect. GPS 9303 00300-2 vJ0/ lJ/ v+l4i rloI I I I t I I I I I I I I t t t I I I 2.03 A. B. ?.o4 A. B. PART 3 - EIECUTIOI{ 3.OI EXN{INATION A. Verlflcation of Condltionsr Before proceeding, examine surfaces to receive tile. settlng beds or accessorles for defects or cond1tlons adversely affecttng quallty and executlon of the installation. Report unsatlsfactory condltions to the General Contractor in writlng t{lth copy to Archltect. Verify locations of all expanslon and control Jolnts in substrate for compliance with Artlcle 3,04. B. Acceptance: Beginning of installation means acceptance of substrates. 3.02 PREPARATIOI{ A. Cleaningl Clean concrete base slab to recelve thln set tile to remove dust' dirt and loose materlal. Acid etch if requlred to remove curing conpound. B. Underlryment Eoard: Install dlrectly oyer concrete floors at all areas schedu'led to receive thin set stone floor ille. Install with latex- portland cment mortar as specified for thtn set floor tile. Use double iayer rhere required to matbh adJacent vood floor level. C. llaterproofing! hstall water?rooflng membrane under.all thin set Stone floor tlle. Install directly'over underlayment board according to manufacturer's Instructlons. Turn up wa'l ls behlnd wall finish at shorers. 3.03 I}ISTALLAT IOTI A. Ceranic and Stone Tlle Floors - Thln Set Installationr Install, grout' clean, Dretect rnd cure in confonnance uith TCA Handbook l.lethod F113 and Al{SI Al08,5 using latex-Portland cefient nortar. coordinate rllth installation of heatlng elenent ln bond coat. d r Itil{uci,' EXPAI{S IOI{ JOIIIT SEALANT Floors: Tt{o cofiponent self-leve'llng sealant conplying with FS IT-S- OOZ?7E, Color to match floor grout. l{alls: Silicone to natch gnout. MISCELLAI{EOUS I-IATER I ALS tlaterprooflng Underlayment: Nobleseal TS Membrane. Underlayment Board: Laticrete Latapane'l or approved substitute. 7/Lo Inch thlckness mlneralized fiber and Portland Cement. 6PS 9303 09300-3 03/ 25 / 94 reI t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t 5Pa o l6! 16 o 8,7t9571AAs7 EI'ID OF SECTIOII cConsul Ls 8. Extefior Tlle Floors - Portland cenent llortar Bed Installatlon: Installgrout' clean, pnotect and cure ln confonnance with TCA Hrndbook tilethodFlll or Fllz and AilsI Alos.r. Install ille relnforclng mesh in nortar bed. 3,04 EXPAT{SI0]{ AltD cof{TRoL ,lotNTs A. General: ComplV all with requirement of TCA Handbook l,lethod EJl7t. 3.05 CLEAI|MG AltD SEArrl{c A. Clean all other floor and wall tile according to tile manufacturer,s reconrendati ons. GPS 9303 09300-4 t t I I I I I I t T I I GPS I I t I I I I O3/2r/94 lar 16o t ?195744s3?cCon!ultr5"4o sEcrloll 09450 STONE VEI{EER I{ATL FII{ISH PARI 1 . GENERAL l.0l suifitARY A. Section Includes:1. Stone veneer wall flnlsh on walls ln kltchen, wet bar and baths. 2. Cut stone on face of flreplaces, mantels and hearths' E. Relrted Sectlons:1. Counter: Section 06410 Custom Casework 1.02 SYSTEI{ DTSCRIPTION A. Design Crlter'la: Ihe requirements shovJn on the drawings are lntended to estailtsh basic dimensiolis. lJithln the wall panel areas lndicated, the stone veneer subiotrtractor is responsible for-the design of the entire systcn and to nake whatever modlfications of, ^and additions to, the oitaits a5 nay be required to fulflll the performance requir€flents. l{alntain ttre itsual design concept shown ihcluding proflles and allgnment of cooponents. I .03 SUBfi'IITIALS A. Shop Drarrlngs and Product Data!il 'Stroi oiiwings: Subrnit cutting and setting drarings showing sizes' dlnenslons,"iections and profTles of unit;, the arrangement.and provislons-for iointing aho other necessarv details.fgl liflllP ..-.,.bevlces and rec6otion 6f other rvork. Indicate location 0f each unlt on the setiing dl.awings with number designation-corresponding to nunber narked-on each-unlt. Indicate details of all mechanical anchors.2. Pfoduct Data! subnlt catalog data for all settlng and groutlng. mot€rials in6 meiftinical ancfiors, Submit specifiiations and other diia inciuiing'ciiiiiilition itrit work compiies rrlth the specifted requifements,-lnclude lnstructlons for handl'in9, storage, install atlon and protectlon. B. samleS: submlt three sets of samples not less than 12nx 12- in slze of Eii[ UiiteiCni'ioi6i-ino-iinistr oi'tacing required. Include in each set i[i-'tuii iangi of exposCa co]or and textire io be erpected in the idmpteteO woit.--niviiw-ny eichiteCt will be for colbn and texture only. iliii;-ildiii-ouiini-ionitr.rciton is a standard for iudslng co1rpleted Hotk. 9303 09450-l 03 to I.04 QUALIIY ASSURAI{CE A. Fabrlcator Qualifications: Fabnlcate stone veneer by a firm which has successfully fabricated materlal slmllar to the quality speclfled and in the quantity shown for a period of not less than 5 year$. Installer Qualiflcatlons: Provlde supervision of insta'llatlon by wortmen skllled in this type of rork with at least 5 years experlence in the lnstallatlon of sinllar systems. DELIVERY, STORAGE AIID HANDLIIIG Store and handle naterlals to prevent chlpplng, breakage, soillng or other danage. Lift wlth wlde belt type siingi wherever posslble and use rood rollers and provlde cushion at end of wood slides rhere required. B. Store on wood sklds or pallets. Place and stack components and completed panels to distrlbute weight evenly and to prevent breakage or cracki ng, O3/2J/94 t E ? t937 49537 cContultr5P. o B. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.05 A. c. 1.06 A. Pfotect panel lnstallatlon naterials from weather, mo'i sture and con- trmlnatlon rlth earth and other forelgn materials. PRO"ECI COIIDITTONS Environmental Requirements:l. Do not install stone wall flnish when an$ient 50" F.Z. COlply wlth ninimun temperature requirernents materials martufacturers. B. Protection! Protect adJolning work surfaces before work bcgins. PART 2 - PROI}UCTS 2.01 SToI{E IiIATERIAIS A. Baths 3 and 4: Full helght tub surround.l. Descriptionz lf?tt x 12" x 12" opal green slate.2, Flnlsh: Pollshed3. Shampoo Nlche: L2" x 12" x 3" deep. B. Bath 2: Full height tub surroundt. DescrlPtlont -1f2" x 12" !2" checkerboard Hullen iade narble/Thassos (white) rnarble.'2. tinish: Pol ished.3. Sharlpoo tllchet 12' x 12" r 3' deep. c. fhster Bath: Full heloht tub and shorer surround.1. Descrlptlon; L/2'-x 12" x lla checkerboard Perlato marble/Thassos (whtte) nartle.' temperature is belor of bondlng and grouting cPs 9303 09450-2 t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I g3/25/91 10r l7o 8, 7 t9J7 45937 cConsulLs5Peo ?, Flnlshr Pollshed3. Shampoo ]{lche: 12u x 12u x 3" deep. D. Kltchen and l'let 8ar: Full height backsplashl. Descrlptiont ll2* x 12' x l2r Grand Violetta granite- 2. Flnlsh: Polished. E. Flreplace Surrounds, lilantels and Hearths.l. Descrlptlon: Cut sandstone as selected by Architect. 2,02 SETTIlT6 AI{O GROUTIIIG }IATERIALS A. Additive Manufacturens:l, Laticrete lnternatlonal2, C-Kure3. Approved equal B. Latex-Portland Cement Mortar (Thln Set): A|{SI 118.4, 1;1 Portland cement/sand gruged wlth Laticiete 4237 tile setting liquid. C. Gnout: Latlcrete drybond grout and joint filler gauged with Laticrete 1776 adrnix. llix as iecomrninded by manufacturer. Color as selected by Archltect. 2.03 }IARBLE A]ID GRAIIITE CLEAI{IIIG IiIATERIALS A. Laticrete TC*500 ?.Oq FABRICATIOI{ A. Generats Fabricate ns detailed on final shop drawings. B. Fabrlcation: cut accurately to shtpe and dimensions shown on flnal shop oiiwtngs. Gomply yith the fabrlcation tolerances for the specifled fl ni shes,i. Oiess Jolnts (bed rnd vertical) straight and at 90o angle to face unless othenilse shfinn.2, Provide cofiiers as detai'led.t. Joint l'ltdth: cut for 1/8' Jolnt width' saw cut or roughly dress bick surfaces rhtch wlli be-corrcealed ln the finish nork to ippioxilnaiiiy tnre pianes. Fabricate work t0.profiles shown' with ahises shrrp-and trire, and match at joints between units' C. Fabnlcation Tolerances:l. Squarenessr I'lall panels shall have a maxlnum out of squalgr (dlfference in lenbth of the two dl.agonal lgge neasurenents) differentlal of not greater than l/8" per l0'. Z, larpage: iicei ii'piiriii-irriii-noi le'out of plane more than 1/8" for'eich l0' of either height or Hidth. t I cPs 9303 09450-3 I PART 3 - EXECUTIOI{ 3.01 ExAilIilAT l0ll A. Veriflcatlon of Condltlonsr Conply wlth Sectlon 01600: l. Layout: Veriiy-iiyorit ot noii-Uefore beginning.installation. Z, ixisiing Cindiiionir Before beginning installation, examlne iurtrcei t6'iiiiive stone for d[fects-or conditlons adverselv affecting quallty and execution of installation'3. ttotittcaltdni fr"otrfy general Contractor of unsatisfactory condltions in writlng.4. Acceptance: aegtnniiS of work means acceptance of existing condltlons by installer. 3.02 PRTPARATIOI.I A. Clean parre'ls before setting by thoroughly scrubbing Ii!h fiber brushes iiiiowfO Uy " Itroiougfi-Areictring with-cl6ar water.- Use-only mild cleanlng c'ompounds tfiat contain no caustlc or harsh fillers or abrasl ves. 3.03 illsTALLATI0l{ A. Install ustng thln set method. lnstall, grout. ,9!e{r^plot99!-lT-^-- ionfomance iitn fCn Handbook l,lethods t'124f and A1{SI AISE.5 using latex. Portland ceileni moiiai. Set wtth il8" ioints between marble and granite units and 1/4' for srndstone. 8. Erect Panels plumh and true srith ioints unjform in wldth and accuratel)' iiigneC. Use'miihantcal supports-and anchors for all stone panels not adhered directly to substrate. c. Job cutilng: Employ skll'led fitters for necessary cutting as the work prognesses. D. Grouting: Install, clean and cufe grout il confonnance l|lth ANSI ll8'10 using iitex-poiiiind cement grout. "initatl with grout gurl and strike fl ush. 3.04 cltAllIllG A. Clean stone panels not less than 6 days after placsnent' Follow nanufacturer' s i tlstftlctl ons. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t ENo 0F SECTl0ll ADS Ol{I1 09450-{ I t I I I I I I I t I I t SECTION 09550 I.IOOD FLOORING PART 1 - GENEML 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. l,lood Flooring2. Sanding and Finishing B. Related Sections:1. l,lood Base: Section 06200 Finish Carpentry 1.02 suBl'tITTALS A. Product Data: Subm'it manufacturer's installat'ion instructions requested by Architect. B. Finish Samples: Match sample furnished by Architect. Prepare of selected finishes and submit for approval. Re-make samples satisfactory fin'ish is obtained. if sampl es unti I a I I I t I I 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: t,lood flooring to be installed and finished by a contractor with at least five years experience in the installation and finishing of wood floors. Evidence of experience shall be available on request. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Handling and Storage:1. Handle and store flooring materials as packaged by manufacturer, with seals and labels intact. Protect materials against damage or water penetration during delivery, handling and storage.2. Do not store finish flooring in the building until all drywall and concrete work is completed and thoroughly dry.3. Store flooring in the room in which it is to be laid for a minimum of three days prior to installation under proper and protected venti I ati on. The tenperature of the room shall not be more than 70" F nor less than 50' F- PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 SUBFLOOR A. Single layers of 3/4 in. thickness C-D Standard Plywood with exterior or intermediate glue. GPS 9303 09550-1 2.02 A. 2.03 A. B. c. 2.04 A. PART 3.01 A. 3.02 A. FLOORING Oak: 3f4" x 5" T&G end matched silver shite maple. Lengths of 2' and up with average length 4-l/4'. FINISH MATERIALS Filler: Pratt & Lambert paste filler. Stain: Pratt & Lambert tonetic wood stain. Finish: Two coats Pacific Strong floor finish. VAPOR BARRIER Material: 6 mil polyethylene. 3 - EXECUTION EXAMINATION Verification of Conditions: Examine concrete surfaces to receive flooring for unevenness, dampness or unsatisfactory conditions that affect iork. Work shall not be started until such conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION Vapor Barrier: Cover concrete floor to receive wood flooring with polyethylene vapor barrier. Lap all edges at least 6". I I t t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I 3.03 INSTALLATION OF SUBFLOOR A. Sub floor: Install plywood subf'loor with adhesive and power actuated fasteners. Plywood sheets shall be gapped 1/8" to allow for expansion. 3.04 INSTALLATIOII OF FLOORING A. Flooring: 0ver entire surface of subfloor, apply one layer of rosin sized building paper. Lay finish flooring in direction shown on Drawings and blind nail as required. If desired by the flooring contractor, based upon his judgment, metal spacers may be used between strips at intervals'to eliminate the possibiiity of cupping. Provide 1/2" slots at wal'ls to be covered by wood base. 3.05 SAIIDING A. Sanding:1. Afier flooring is laid, allow to sit for a minimum of two weeks before sanding or finishing.2. Sand floors only after all other finish trades in the area except carpeting are completed. Sand all floors with a heavy power-driven GPS 9303 09550-2 I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I sander. Hand scrape in corners and against wall as required. Use coarse, medium and fine sandpaper to produce a unifonn, even and smooth surface. Finish sanding across the strip will not bepennitted. After sanding, sweep all wood surfaces, completely removing all dust and grit.3. 0n completion of sanding, floor shall be free from machine marks, chatter, grooves, dents and other imperfections and shall be readyfor finishing. 3.06 FINISHING A. General:1. All floor finishing shall be done by the flooring subcontractor.2. Prior to applications of finish, sweep floor thoroughly with bristle brush to remove all dust from cracks. Wipe floor clean with cloth that is tacky (by immersing in penetrating seal, wringing out and leaving to dry until tacky). B. Maple Flooring. Apply finish as follows:First Coat P&L Paste Filler Second Coat P&L Tonetic Wood Stain Third Coat Pacific Strong Finjsh Fourth Coat Pacific Strong Fin'ish Burnish with steel wool between coats. 3.07 CLEANING AND PROTECTION Following finishing, vacuum all wood floor areas and cover with heavy Kraft paper for protection. Protective cover shall rema'in in place until punch list observation. END OF SECTION GPS 9303 095s0-3 I II sEcrlot{ 09680 I CARPET wITH PADt . PARTl-GENERAL r 1.01 sul4t'tARy I A. Section IncludesI f. il$i.:l:o.tins and Pad in Living Units and Floor or Passenser I 2. Vapor Barrier and Plywood Underlayment. !t.02 QUALTTY ASSURANCE I A. Contractor Qualifications: Carpet installer must have a minimum of fiveF years experience on installations of similar size and complexity Theinstallation crew must be fully qualified to install the type of carpetI to be furnished.I 1.04 SUBMITTALS I A. Samples: Subn'it full range of 12'x 12" minimum size samples of each carpet type for Architect's selection. Submit samples of pad and I accessories- I B. Seaming Diagram: Before starting installation, submit a layout indicating all seams in accordance with Section 01300. -I C. Installation Instructions; Before beginning instal'lation, submit nanufacturer's written recormended installation procedures for I particular carpet and pad and installation cond'itions. t 1.05 DELIvERy, sroRAGE AND HANDLING I A. General: Comply with Section 01600. Store under cover in wellt ventilated spaces as soon as delivered. Protect from damage, dirt, stains and moisture. Protect adhesives from freezing. t 1.06 PRoJECT CoNDTTI0NS I A. Existing Conditions: Carefully check dimensions and other conditions I fil$rii.ffilonsible for proper fittins of carpet and pad in areas I 1.07 MATNTENAT{cEtA. Extra l'laterials: Provide 0wner with 5% extra of gross area of each I carpet type and color for maintenance purposes. ! t GPs e3o3 I 09680-1 1 .08 I,IARRANTY A. Provide written one year warranty for material and installation in accordance with section 01700. upon demand, correct any condit'ion dueto faulty material or installatioh during the waffanty ieriod. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS A. carpet and Pad Allowance: Each Bidder shall include in his proposal an allowance as specified in Section 01020. The allowance will'not includeextra carpet fgqqired for waste, vapor barrier or plywood underlayment. Such costs will be included in contiactor costs lnlluOeC in the cbntract Sun. B. Tackless Strip: Kintrim standard tackless strip or equal. C. Edging:1. Approved Manufacturers:a. Mercer plast'ics Company Inc.b. Johnson Rubber Company (Johnsonite).c. Roppe Rubber Corporation.d. Approved Substitute.2. Exposed Carpet Edge: Mercer Imperial sized for carpet and pad thi ckness.3. Colors: Selected by Architect. 2.02 PLYI,,OOD UNDERLAYMENT A. Single l.ayer of 3/4 in. thickness C-D Standard Plywood with exterior orintermediate glue. VAPOR BARRIER Material: 6 mil polyethylene. 3 - EXECUTION EXAI4IIIATION verification of conditions: Examine substrate for excessive moisturecontent and unevenness which would prevent execution and quality ofcarpeting as specified. Report unshtisfactory conditlons'to tha GeneralContractor with copy to Architect. Acceptance: _Do not proceed with installation of underlayment, carpeting and.pad until defects have been corrected except where cbrreciion isindicated under Preparation. Beginning of instillation means acceptanceof existing substrate. 2.03 A. PART 3.01 A. I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I B. GPS 9303 09680-2 I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I 3.02 PREPARATION A. Leveling: Leveling of major uneven concrete floor joints or otherirregularities by bush harmering or grinding and filling with latex type underlayment shall be accomplished under Section 03300. Leveled areasshall be sanded to provide I surface level +1/4,, in 10 feet. Leveled areas shal'l be inspected by the Architect before carpeting work may proceed. B. Vapor Barrier: Cover concrete floor to recieve underlayment with polyethylene vapor barrier. Lap all edges at least 6". 3.03 INSTALLATION OF UIIDERLAYMENT A. Install p'lywood underlayment with adhesive and power actuated fasteners. Plywood sheets shall be gapped 1/8, to allow for expansion. 3.04 INSTALLATION A. Layout: Lay out sheet goods so that wherever possible, seams are eliminated or held to a ninimum in high traffic areas. B. General: Insta'l I carpet and pad in accordance with manufacturer's recomrendations, Unsatisfactory installation resulting from work performed which is not in accordance with the manufacturer's recom- mendations shal'l be the responsibility of the carpet installer and nayresult in the removal and re-laying of carpet and pad at the expense of the installer. Particular attention should be paid to recomendationsfor application of floor pad, carpet and seaming. C. Seams: Butt carpet material tightly together for seams without gaps. D. Edging: Install carpet edging at all exposed carpet edges. Locate under doors where carpet stops in door openings. 3 .05 CLEAI{ ING A. After installation is complete, clean up dirt and debris and clean carpet of spots with cleaning agents recommended by the manufacturer. Remove Ioose threads with sharp scissors then clean with vacuum cleaner. B. Remove rubbish, wrapping paper, salvages, etc. from the job site. 3.06 COMPLETION SERVICES A. ilalntenance Manual: Submit in accordance with Section 01700. Include manufacturer's recommended maintenance program for this project. END OF SECTION GPS 9303 09680-3 l I l I I I I t I I I I t I I I t I I B. Paint and Stain Samples: If requested by Architect, prepare and submit I paint and stain samples. Remake samples until accepted. Stain samplesto match sample furnished by Architect. C. Material List: Immediately after award of the contract submit a letterlisting the brand and quality of each different material for use on theproiect. Materials Iist shall be accepted by the Architect before ordering materials. 1.03 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLII'IG A. General: Conply with Section 01600. B. Delivery: Deliver materials required for painting in unbroken packages bearing the brand and name of nanufacturer. 0rder materials suf-ficiently in advance to be on the job when needed and deliver at the building in sufficient quantities so the work will not be delayed. No claim by the Contractor concerning unsuitability of any material specified or his inability to produce first-class work with the same,will be entertained unless such claim is made, in writing, with the materi al 'li st submi ttal . sEcTIoN 09900 PAII'ITING PART 1 - GEIIERAL 1.01 SUI'll,lARY A. Section Includes:1. Paint or stain aII exterior surfaces not specifically excluded.2. Paint or natural finish all interior surfaces not specifically excl uded. B. Exclusions: In addition to naterial obviously not requiring paint such as glass, floor, tile, etc. do not paint or finish:1. Surfaces indicated by the finish schedule to remain unfinished.2. Factory finished surfaces.3. Exterior insulation and finish system. C. Related Sections:i. Project Sign: Section 01500 Construction Facilities and Temporary Control s,2. Piping Identification: Division 15 Mechanical. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Color Schedule: The Architect will provide a color schedule in four copies to the Contractor listing paint colors selected. Color selec- tions will be made by the Architect from color systems of recognizedpaint company. If materials of other manufacturers are used, colors must match those selected. GPS 9303 09900-1 C. Storage and Mix'ing: Painter will be assigned a room or space in.which to mii or store material. Provide galvanized mixing pans for this paint room or space in which paints shall-be mixed. No nixing of paint shall be done except in these pans. Empty containers bearing the name or brand of any'manufacturei shal I nbt- be brought upon the premi ses for mixing of piint unless labels are canceled and containers are closely marked as to contents. I I t I D. Inspection: The paint storage area shall be open for periodic.inspec- tioir ly the Architect to insire only approved inaterials are being used. I1.04 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Existing Conditions: Spaces must be clean before finishing is started. Do not finish rooms or bpaces where rubbish has accumulated or while rubbish is being removed. Finishing will not be allowed in dusty rooms. Do not remove rubbish while finish is fresh. Surfaces to which finish is to be applied shall be dry and clean. B. Environmental Requirements: Do not finish outside surfaces in extreme cold, frosty, fodgy, or damp weather. In winter weather, finish only when the temperature is 50o'F or over and surfaces are absolutely dry. Exterior painting shal'l not be allowed while dust is blowing. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 IIIATERIALS A. Acceptable l'lanufacturers: The best quality materials as manufactured by any of the following manufacturers will be acceptable:1. For Brush, Roller or Spray work:a. Pittsburghb. Shenri n-Wi I I 'i amsc. DeVoed. Benjamin Mooree. Gl iddenf. Pratt & Lambertg. Kel ley-Mooreh. Wel lborni. Approved Substitute2. Stain and Varnish: Pratt & Lambert, Inc., or approved substitute. B. Quality: All products not specified by name shall be "best grade" 0r- 'ifirst line" products or acceptable manufacturers. See Part 3 Execution for materials-required for this proiect. Where possible. materials shall be of a single manufacturer. I I I I I I I I I I I I t t GPS 9303 09900-2 I I I I I I I l I I T I I t I t I I t PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAI4INATION A. Verification of Conditions: Examine surfaces scheduled to receive paint and finishes for conditions that will adversely affect execution, pennanence or quality of work and which cannot be put into an acceptable condition through preparatory work as included under Preparation. Report unsatisfactory conditions to the General Contractor in writingwith copy to the Architect. B. Acceptance: Beginning of application neans acceptance of existing surfaces. 3.02 PREPARATION A. General:1. Sand finishes on wood and metal surfaces between coats to assure smoothness and adhesion of subsequent coats. Use extra fine sandpaper to avoid cutting the edges when sanding. Apply putty or spackling compound after surfaces are primed and primer is dry. Bring material flush with adjoining surfaces.2. Surfaces shall be perfectly dry, clean and smooth before startingwork. Fill cracks, holes or checks full and make smooth beforefinish is applied to surfaces. Fill any cracks, etc., which occurafter walls are sized. B. Interior l.lood Surfaces to be Painted: Touch-up sap and knots with an approved sealer. Fill voids with lead putty aiter'primer is dry. C. Ferrous liletal: Remove foreign material from unprimed metal with wire brush and dust clean. D. Shop Primed llletals: Touch-up shop primed metals with a primer similarto the existing. Sand shop primer on hollow metal work immediately before painting to remove grease and dirt film from surfaces. E. Zinc Coated Metal (Galvanized Surfaces): Wash with nineral spirits and prime as specified. F. Interior Wood to be Clear Finished: Sand as required. Fill voids andnail holes after first coat'is dry using a filler compatible with the finish system and matching color. G. Protection: Furnish and lay drop cloths or mask off areas wherefinishing is being done to protect floors and other work from damage during the execution of work. Where it becomes necessary to remove temporary coverings place by others, replace same in proper manner. Remove oily rags and waste from the building every night. Do not allowto accumulate. GPS 9303 09900-3 H. Damage-to t'lork of 0thers: Be responsible for any damage done to the work of other trades, repairing sime to the satiifacti6n of theArchitect. Replace any materials damaged to such an extent that they cannot be restored to their original condition. 3 . 03 l.loRKtlANSH I P A. Existing Surfaces: If the surfaces are not in proper shape forpainting, repair, rebuild or refinish before prbcebding with the work. Be responsible for any poor work caused by imiroper suifaces. Theapplication of the first coat does not relievb the responsibility forthe base. Do not apply any coats on either damp or wet surfaces- and in no case until the preceding coat is dry and hard. B. Application:. Spread materials evenly without runs or sagging ofmaterials and thoroughly brush out. Sand work between coats. c. wood Doors: Finish the upper and lower edges of wood doors the same asthe face. Do this work after doors have b6en fitted and are ready forfinal hanging. D. colors: Finish coat shall be color as selected by Architect. Tintprimers to match finish coat. 3.04 C0ATING SYSTEM - II,ITERIOR l'linimum of the Following: A. Woodwork and Wood Doors - Stained:First Coat p&L Tonetic Wood Stain Second Coat p&L pale Trim Varnish, GlossThird Coat p&L pale Trim Varnish, Dull Sand with No. 00 sandpaper between coats. B. l,loodwork - Painted:First Coat Suitable primer Second Coat Enamel Undercoat Third Coat Seni-Gloss Enanel C. Ferrous, Zinc Coated or Factory-primed l,letals - painted: First Coat Suitable primer or Factory-prime Coat Second Coat Enamel Undercoat Third Coat Semi-Gloss Enamel D. Hollow liletal Frames and Doors - painted: First Coat Factory-prime Coat (Sanded) Second Coat Enanel UndercoatThird Coat Semi-Gloss Enamel I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t GPS 9303 09900-4 B. c. l I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I E. Drywall - Painted First Coat Suitable primer Second Coat Texture application by drywall subcontractor Third Coat Latex, Eggshell Fourth Coat Latex, Eggshell 3.05 COATING SYSTEM - EXTERIOR l,li nimum of the Fol I owi ng: A. Metal Doors, Frames and Ferrous liletals - Painted:First Coat Factory Prime Coat or Suitable Primer Second Coat Alkyd Semi-Gloss Enamel, Exterior Third Coat Alkyd Semi-Gloss Enamel, Exterior Zinc Coated Metal (Galvanized) - Painted:First Coat Galvanized Iron Priner Second Coat Alkyd Serni-Gloss Ename'l , Exterior Third Coat Alkyd Semi-Gloss Enamel, Exterior Wood Trim - Painted: First Coat Latex Semi-Gloss Enamel , Exterior Secont Coat Latex Semi-Gloss Enamel , Exterior - Stained: 0lympic 0il down 0lympic 0il up 3.06 MISCTLLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS A. Mechanical Piping and Ductwork: Wherever insulated pipe or ductwork occurs in rooms where walls are finished, cover canvas jacket with one coat sealer and two coats flat wall paint. llherever uninsulated piping or ductwork occurs in rooms where walls are finished or elsewhere as called for, finish pipes as called for under ferrous zinc coated, or factory primed metals. See Division 15 for identification markings. B. Grilles, Registers and Louvers: Prime coated grilles, registers and louvers, except those built pemanently into waiks, will be delivered tothis contractor by the party furnishing same. They shall be spray painted in colors as directed thoroughly covering all surfaces visibleafte|installation and returned to the supplier for installation. After installation, do such touch up of screws and scuffed spots or repainting as required to achieve a uniform paint job. C. Boiler Stacks: Paint steel stacks with heat resistance stack paint. D. Objects on Roof: Paint all metal objects on the roof including, but not limited to, rooftop mechanical units, flashings, roof drains, vents, exhaust fans, air intake hoods, roof hatches, etc. as specified under D. Facia and Siding First Coat Second Coat Base Semi-transparent Stain sprayed Base Seni-transparent Stain brushed GPS 9303 09900-s ferrous, zinc coated metals. E. Prime Coated Hardware: Paint all door closers, removable mullions and prime coated hardware as specified under ferrous, zinc coated or factory primed metal - painted. 3.07 CLEAN UP A. Final Clean-Up: At the completion of work, remove all surplus materials, staging, rubbish; clean off all paint, varnish, stains fromfloors, glass, walls, hardware; and leave the premises in clean condi ti on. 3.08 EXTM ST0CK A. Extra Paint: At the completion of painting, deliver to the 0wner onefull gallon of each paint and stain'color and type used along with the color number or formula for each type. I t I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I t I I Et{D OF SECTION GPS 9303 09900-6 PART 3.01 A. I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I PART 1.01 A. B. 1.02 A. 1.03 A. PART 2.01 A. 2.02 sEcTtoil 09950 hlALL COVERING 1 - GENERAL SUI'IMARY Section includes installation of wall covering furnished by others on powder room walls not receiving wall tile (GS on Drawings). Related Sections:1. Gypsum Drywall: Section 09261 Gypsum Board Partitions and Wal'ls2. Drywall Primer: Section 09900 Painting DELIVERY, STOMGE AND HAI'IDLING All materials shall be delivered in unopened containers and stored in a dry area. PROJECT CONDITIONS Environmental Conditions: Maintain minimum room temperature of 60" F during application of wall covering. 2 - PRODUCTS [.|ALL COVERING l,lal'l Covering: Furnished by others. ADHES IVE Ilildew and vermin resistant as recotrmended by the wall covering manufacturer. Starch or wheat paste shall not be used. 3 - EXECUTION PREPAMTION OF SURFACES Gypsun drywall shall be taped and sanded smooth by the drywall sub- contractor as in preparation for painting and primed by the painting Subcontractor. Prior to hanging, surfaces shall be smooth and all dust,dirt, oil, tar, crayon narks, etc. shall be completely removed. Markingof surface shall be with lead pencil only. 3.02 APPLICATION Apply wall cover using regular paper hanging methods and in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. 6PS 9303 099s0-1 Cut wall covering on the |fithout gaps. Excessive paste shall be cloth dampened with warn The finished instal lation bubbles eliminated and n overl aps. table using a straight edge and butt all seams imediately cleaned from surface with clean water as each butted joint is completed. shall be secure, smooth, clean, all air good contact with under surface without gaps or I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t t El{D OF SECTIOI{ GPS 9303 09950-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I DIVISION 10 - SPECIALTIES SECTION 10305 MANUFACTURED FI REPLACES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: Prefabricated fireplace inserts, and accessories. B. Related Sections:1. Wood Trim: Section 06200 Finish Carpentry L.O2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings and Product Data: Submit shop drawings and product data on fireplaces and all accessories as specified under Sect'ion 01300 Submi ttal s. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Requirements of Regulatory Agencies: Fireplaces and accessories must belisted and approved by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. and the International Conference of Building Officials. Units, flues andinstallation shall meet building code requirements referenced in Division 1. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING Deliver and store in original crates and under cover until ready for i nstal I ati on. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 FIREPLACE SPECIALTIES AND ACCESSORIES-DEN AND MASTER BEDROOM A. Acceptable Manufacturers:1. Superior Fireplace Co.2. Approved substitute. B. Fireplace Insert: Superior GRDE-8000 Series zero clearance direct vent gas appliance, flat black finish with refractory brick hearth and'lining. Paint interior with flat black stove paint. Sizes: As i ndi cated. C. Accessories:1. Flue: Furnish vent pipe with 90' elbows and wall grille to fit instal lation required.2. Glass Doors: Remove brass trin for all black appearance. GPS 9303 10305- I 3. Gas Log: Ceramic gas log as manufactured by Superior. Size to fit fireplace. Furnish hot iurface ignitor and remote ignition wall swi tch.4. Combustion Air: Furnish combustion air kits and vents as required. 2.02 FIREPLACE SPECIALTIES AND ACCESSORIES-LIVING ROOM A. Acceptable Manufacturers:1. l,laJesti c2. Approved substitute B. Fireplace Insert: Majestic SH-42 wood burning fireplace with gas 1og inserti flat black finish with refractory brick hearth and lining. Paint interior with flat black stove paint. C. Accessories:1. Flue: Manufacturer's standard flue with windproof chimney termi nati on.2. Glass doors: Bi-fold glass doors. Remove brass trim for all black appearance.3. Gas Log: Ceranic aas log as nanufactured by Hargrove or Heat'i lator. Size to fit fireplace. furnish automatic ignition and wall switch.4. Combustion Air: Furnish combustion air intake, fan and duct. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install fireplace, flue and accessories according to approved shop drawings and product data manufacturer's installation instructions. Maintain al1 required clearances to combustible materials. B. Gas Service and Connection to Gas Log: By Mechanical Contractor. C. Vent: Install gas vent to locations indicated. D. Combustion Air: Install combustion air kit as indicated. END OF SECTION I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GPS 9303 10305-2 PART 3.01 A. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I sEcTIoN 10522 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS, CABINETS AI'ID ACCESSORIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Fire Extinguisher Cabinets2. Fire Extinguishers B. Related Sections:1. Wood Blocking: Section 06100 Rough Carpentry2. Drywall 0penings: Section 09261 Gypsum Board Partitions and l,Ialls I.02 SUBl'IITTALS A. Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300 Submittals. Indicate types and locations. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AND CABINETS A. Acceptable l.lanufacturers:1. Larsens' Manufacturing Conpany2. J.L. Industries3. llorris Industries4. Seco Manufacturing, Inc.5. Standard fire Hose Company6. Elkhart Brass l'lanufacturing Company7. General Fire Extinguisher Corporation8. Alenco9. Potter-Roemer 10. Accepted Substitute B. Cablnets: Larsen Model C2409 Bubble Type with 18 gage steel box. Full recessed or surface mounted as indicated.1. Color: l.lhite C. Extinguishers: 10# multi-purpose A-B-C type rvith pressure gage. Furnish wall bracket for wall hung extinguishers. 3 - EXECUTION INSTALLATION Cablnets: Install cabinets according to manufacturer's instructions. Provide necessary wood blocking. GPS 9303 t0522-L I I sEcrIoN togoo BATH ACCESSORIESI . PARTl-GENERAL r t.ot suMMARy I A. Section Includes:I 1. Bath accessories as indicated and specified I B. Related Sections: I 1. Mirrors: Section 08815 Mirrors I 1.02 SUBMITTALS I A. Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. I PART2-PRODUCTS I 2.OT ACCESSORIES SCHEDULE I A. All accessories to be Franklin Brass, chrome finish. Provide quantitiesr shown at each location.1. Powder Room: Towel Bar #10245pC; paper Holder #l008CpCI 2. Baths 3 and 4: io*er gar-#ioiqiic ili; Faper ttoioer #1008CPC (l);I robe Hook #1402 (Z).3. Bath 2: Towel Bar #1024SPC (2); paper Holder #I008CPC (l); Robe Hook #t402 (2)I 4. Hffi:.ilr:itlioolor"t Bar #l024sPc (a); Paper Holder #1008cPC (1); I PART3-EXEcurroN 3.01 INSTALLATION I A. General: Fasten accessories rigidly and securely to walls using methods and materi als recommended by manufacturer. Secure to wood blocking in I walls, furnished under Section 06100. r 3.02 ADJUSTMEI{T I A. AdJustment: Before final inspection, inspect each accessory instal-r lation for rigid and secure installation. Take action necessary forrigid and secure installations. r EilD oF sEcrIoN I I GPs 9303 logoo-lI I PART 2.01 A. B. PART 3.01 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t SECTION 10826 ALL GLASS SHOI{ER ENCLOSURE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Swinging Shower Door and Enclosure at Steam/Shower in Master Bath B. Related Sections:l. Toilet and Bath Accessories: Section 10g00. I.02 SUEl-tITTAtS A. Shop Draw'ings and Product Data: Submit shop drawings and product datafor all door and enclosure. 2 - PRODUCTS SHOhIER DOOR AND ENCLOSURES Acceptabl e Manufacturers:1. ltlr. Shower Door Inc./Luxus2. G.1rl. Ketcham, Inc.3. Approved Substitute Swinging Steam/Shower Door Enclosures: Luxus Bent Glass custom shower door and enclosure or approved substitute. Full floor to ceiling construction with sizes as indicated. provide operable transons. Chrome pl?te! trim with 3/8 inch clear tempered llass.1. Door Pulls: As selected by Architect. 3 - EXECUTION INSTALLATION Install according to manufacturer's instructions and approved shop drawings. Adjust to work free'ly |{ith all hardware functioning properly. Readjust at completion of job if directed by General Contractor. El'lD 0F SECTI0N GPs 9303 10826-1 PART 2.01 A. B. c. D. I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I t I I PART 1.01 A. 1.02 A. DM5r0N 11 - EQUIPT.TENT SECTION 11180 LAUNDRY CHUTE I - GENERAL 5UI'IMARY Section Includes:1. Laundry chute with all required accessories. QUALITY ASSURANCE Requirements of Regulatory Agencies: Provide UL label on intake and discharge doors. Sprinkler heads are not required. 1.03 SUBI4ITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings as specified under Section 0130(1. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING Deliver and store in original crates and under cover unt'il ready for i nstal I ati on. 2 - PRODUCTS TRASH CHUTE Acceptable chute: 1 . Cutl er lilanufacturi ng Corp.2. Val iant Products3. or Approved Substitute Chute: 20" diameter, 16 gauge aluminized steel with grid type floor frames. All ioints welded or lock seamed tight. Intake doors to be bolted in place on throats fonned into the chute tube. All chute sec- tions shall flash inside the sections below and there shall be no bolts, clips or other projections jnside the chute. Discharge hopper shall be reinforced and separately supported at the impact area. Intake: 15'r x 18" stainless steel full opening, self-closing, sided hinged, hand-operated doors bearing 1-1/2 hour 650'F UL B label. Discharge: Stainless steel 1-1/2 hp UL B labeled hopper as required for discharge into linen cart. Discharge door to have hold open with 165" fusib1e 'link. Hopper Supported on pipe pedestal. GPS 9303 11180- 1 E. Vent: Cap 4'-0" PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 ERECTI0II Assemble chute in manufacturer and above roof level. place, align and anchor as recommended by the according to approved shop drawings. I I II I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t EI{D OF SECTIOII GPS 9303 11180-2 I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I sEcTlot{ 11452 RESIDENTIAL APPLIANCES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Kitchen and Laundry Appliances B. Related Sections:1. Cabinets: Section 06410 Custom Casework. B. Plumbing: Division 15 lrlechanical. C. Electrical Hook-Up: Division l6 Electrical. L.O2 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. 1.03 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comp)y with Section 01600. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI KITCHEN APPLIANCES A. Appl i ances:1. Cooktop: Thermador #SGS36G2. 0ven: Thermador #CT130S3. Microwave: Sharp R5X844. Refrigerator: Kitchen Aid #KSSS42MAX5. Dishwasher: Kitchen Aid #KUDAZ3SV6. Trash Compactor: Kitchen Aid #KUCS18IT7. Hood: Thermador Thrustpower Hood - 36" wide stainless steel8. Washer: Kitchen Aid KAWE850V9. Dryer: Kitchen Aid electric KEYE850V 10. 8ar Refrigerator: Sub-Zero #245 B. Colors: As selected by Architect. GPS 9303 11452- 1 PART 3 - EXECUTIOI{ 3.01 INSTALLATIOl{ A. Appliances: Install in casework accordingtions. Plumbing connection and electrical Divisions 15 and 16. to manufacturer's instruc- hookup will be provided under I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I t I T El{D OF SECTION GPS 9303 LL4s2-2 I t I I I I I I I t I I I I t t I t I sECTI0N 11460 STEAM BATH EQUIPI',IENT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUl,ll.lARY A. Section IncludesA. Steam bath equipment for steam/shower enclosure as indicated. B. Related Sections:1. Electrical Hook-Up: Division 16 Electrical2. Plumbing Hook-Up: division 15 Mechanica'l 1.02 SUBI'IITTALS A. Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. Include rough-in diagrams and manufacturer's installation instructions. I.03 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 STEAM GENERATOR AND RELATED EQUIPMENT A. Generator: Nasscor Amerec residential steamer. Verify voltage. B. Controls: Nasscor Anerec AS 60 timer and AS 150 air switch. C. Accessories: Provide brass steam outlet head, water feed, pressurerelief valve, condensate drip pan and drain. PART 3.01 A. 3 - EXECUTION EQUIPMEI{T INSTALLATION Install according to manufacturer's instructions. Contractor shal'l be responsible for design and installation of complete and functioning steam system including plumbing, electrical and control systems. Mount steam generator as high as possible in location indicated. Provide 3/4" copper water supply L/2" copper air gap to drain and copper steam pipe. No galvanized pipe or fittings. No dips or traps in steam line. Final plumbing and electrical connections by mechanical and electrical contractors. B. IND OF SECTION 11460-1GPS 9303 I I I I I I t It I I I I I t II I t I I DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL COI,ISTRUCTION sEcTIoN 13174 HOT TUB PART 1 - GEI{ERAL 1.01 SUl,ll''IARY A. Section Includes1. Hot Tub and all related equipment specified under this section. B. Related Sections:1. Water Supply and Drain Connections: Division 152. Electrical Service and Connections: Division 16 L.O2 SUB},IITTALS A. Produce Data: Submit product data for al1 components Section 01300 Submittals. Mechani cal El ectri ca I as provided under B.0peration and l4aintenance Data: Submit three (3) sets of operation and maintenance data including complete parts list and recommendations forproper operation and maintenance. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING Deliver in original crates and store under during delivery, storage, installation and operati ons. 2 - PRODUCTS 1.03 A. PART 2.01 A. B. HOT TUBS AND EQUIPMENT Acceptab'le Manufacturers - Hot Tub:1. Approved Substitute Acceptable Manufacturer - Support Equipment:1. Hot Spring Portable Spas2. Approved substitute. cover. Protect from damage subsequent bui'lding C. Level four Hot Tub - Total of One (l) Required: Seating for 6.1. ilanufcturer and Type: Hot Spring Highlife2. Size: 8'-4rr x 7'-2', x 2'-I0" high.3. Support Equipment:a. Effective Filter Area: 120 sq. ft., top loading.b. Hydnojet Pump: Sta-Rite Max-E-Glas Jet'pump, 2hpc. Heater: 230 volt, 5 kw stainless steel, G.F.C.I.aIl circuits, with subpanel.4. Accessories: Tip-top thermal cover. GPS 9303 13174-1 protected on PART 3 . EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Installer shall set Hot Tub Mechanical Contractor shallElectrical Contractor shall 3.02 DEI.,IONSTRATION run a'll piping and make all connections. provide water supply and drain connection. make final electrical connections. A. Hot Tub installer shall demonstrate proper use and maintenance of eguipment for 0wner. I I I I I I I t I I I I t T I I I I I END OF SECTION GPS 9303 13174-2 I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I DIVISION 14 CONVEYING SYSTEI{S sEcTI0t{ 14240 HYDRAULIC ELEVATOR PART 1 - GEI{ERAL 1 .01 SUl',ll,tARY A. Section Includes:1. Hydraulic Elevator2. Jack Hole B. Related Sections:1. Division 16 - Electrical:a. Electrical connections.b. Suitable connections from the power mains to each controller signal equipment feeders as required, including necessarycircuit breakers and fused mainline disconnect switches.c. outlets at the machine room for lighting in the car. Electric power for construction, testing and adjusting, of the same characteristics as the permanent supply.2. 0ther Sections:a. Door Si I I Support Angl es: Secti on 05500 llletal Fabri cati ons.b. Floor Finishr By othersc. l.lall Finish: sections 06422 and 08815 1.02 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: Comply with:1. ANSI A17.1 Safety Code for Elevators.2. NEII Minimum Passenger Elevator Requirements for Handicapped.3. Americans l,lith Disabilities Act/Accessibi'ljty Guidelines 1.03 SYSTEI4 OESCRIPTION A. Description of System: llumber and Type Type Floors Served Travel Nunber Landings Nunber 0penings Power Supply Capaci ty l'linimum Up Speed Car Size Operation Cab Design GPS 9303 Dover Fleetwood 21H or equal of other acceptabl e manufacturer. One (1) pre-engineered oil hydraulic Passenger Levels 1 through 4. 28t -to-3/4' 4 4 in line Verify available voltage 2,000 lbs. 125 feet per minute full load up 5'-8" wide x 4'-3n clear inside. lSimplex selective collectivel lever 4 accessible by key only. See car in Part 2 14240-L l{o. 4 finish stainless steel 3'-6" wide by 7'-0u, single speed side openi ng DC power Illuninated car and hall buttons, carpositi0n indicators, car riding lantern, NEII handicapped provisions. Two-way Top-of-car inspection Automatic emergency light and alann system Telephone with armored cord in car cabinet by elevator installer. Exhaust fan, dual beam photo eyes Protective pads for cab walls Oil viscosity control, low oil control. Under this section by elevator contractor As required by Code B. Complete Installation: Provide a complete installation of electric oil-hydraulic (electrically operated hydriulic elevator using oil as thefluid medium) elevator. Include the accessory items lisied performed ina first-class and workmanlike manner. Includi: materials and'work asindicated on drawings and specified. l,lhere a device or part of the equipment is referred to in the singular number, such reierence sha'l I gPPly-to as many such devices as ari required to complete the i nstal I ati on. 1.04 SUBI'IITTALS A. shop Drawings and Product Data: submit in accordance with section01300. Include:1. Hoistway drawings.2. Equipment room drawings.3. Elevator cab drawings and descriptive brochure.4. Hoistway entrance drawings.5. Control button locations. B. color Selection charts: submit in accordance with section 01300. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regulatory Requirements: comply with National Electrical code, andapplicable state and local codei. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comp'ly tvith Section 01600. 1.07 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Existing Conditions: The following work shall be performed under other secti ons: Hoistway Entrances 0pening 5ize and Type Door Operation Signal s Level i ng Inspection 0peration Emergency Lighting Conmuni cati ons Special Features Required Jack Hole and Casing Floor Recal I I I t I I T t I II I I I t I I I t I I GPS 9303 t4240-2 I I I I t I I T I t I I II I T I I I I 1. A legal hoistway, properly framed and enclosed, and including a pitof proper depth, provided with ladder, drains, lights, and waterproofing, as required. Suitable machine room, adequate for the elevator equipnent, including floors, Iighting, ventilation and heatt0 malntain the room at a tenperature of 50' F minimum to 100' F maximum.2. Adeguate supports and foundations to carry the loads of equipmentincluding supports for guide rail brackets.3. Setting of anchors and sleeves. Pockets or blockouts for signal fi xtures .4. Sill recesses and the grouting of door sills and hoistway framesafter instal lation. 1.08 I.|ARMI{TY A. Provide one year written warranty for naterial and installation in accordance with Section 01700. Make good any defects, not due to ordinary wear and tear or improper use, which may develop within the warranty period. 1.09 TEI,IPORARY USE DURING CONSTRUCTION A. Temporary Use: Should the General Contractor desire to use the serviceof the elevator during the period when work on the elevator is'in progress or before final acceptance of the building, the General Contractor agrees to sign the tenporary acceptance form and be bound by the tenns and conditions thereof. Also, the General Contractor agreesto provide, if required, temporary enclosures, guards or otherprotection of hoistway openings, necessary power signaling devices,lights in the car, elevator operators and other work required to permitthis temporary usage. B. Repairs: The General Contractor agrees to pay costs of maintenance of the equipment during temporary use and further agrees that the complete elevator equipment wil'l be returned to the same conditjon of repair and maintenance as existed when the elevator was placed on temporaryservice. If repairs or replacements are necessary to restore the apparatus to its condition at the time the Genera'l Contractor placed itin temporary service, the General Contractor agrees to permit this contractor to make such repairs or replacements and to pay the elevator contractor for this added expense at regular billing rates. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 HYDRAULIC ELEVATOR A. Acceptabl e ltlanufacturers:1. Dover Corporation2. Otis Elevator Company3. Schindler Elevator Corporation4. Montgomery Elevator GPS 9303 14240-3 5. Approved substitute in accordance tvith Section 01600. B. Car: Standard finish with stainless steel front returns; stainlesssteel doors; custom stile and rail wall paneling with mirror above; 4', stainless steel handrails on 3 sides; downlight ceiling; exhaust fan; telephone compartment; floor finish by others. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXA},IINATION A. Verification of Conditions: prior to beginning the installation of elevator equipment, examine the following to verify that no irregu-larlties exist that would affect the quality of execution or work as speci fi ed:1. Hoistway size and plumbness.2. Sill pockets and entry supports.3. Stability of hoistway walls.4. Condition of elevator pit. B. Acceptance: Beginning of installation means acceptance of existing condi ti ons. 3,02 PREPARATION A. The entire front wall of the hoistway shall be left open until entrances are installed. After elevator guide rails are set and lined, the entrance frames shall be installed in perfect alignment with the guiderails. Finished walls shall then be cixnpleted. 3.03 II{STALLATIOI.I A. General: Install accord'ing to manufacturer,s instructions, reference standards and approved shop drawings. B. Wiring Piping and Oil: Furnish and install necessary wiring in the hoi.stway in accordance with the NEC, to connect the operating buttons and switches to the control board in the power unit.'All wiiing shall be done in rigid conduit or electrical metallic tubing except to moving qpparatus which shall be connected by short lengths of flexible conduit. Provide necessary pipe and fittings to connect the power to the jack unit and oil of the proper grade. protect undergroirnd conduit andpiping against corrosion. C. Palnting: Properly paint exposed metal work furnished under this section except as otherwise specified after installation. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Running Test:, In addition to the other requirements, inspections, tests and remedies herein provided upon completidn of the elevatorinstallation and before final inspection make, in the presence of the I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I t I I I GPS 9303 14240-4 I I t I I I T I I T t I I I I I I l I Architect, a running speed test with full maximum load on the elevator car to detennine whether the elevator equipment as installed meets the speed, capacity and other requirements of the specifications. B. Replacement: In the event the equipment does not neet requirements of the specifications, promptly remove from the premises work condemned by the Architect as failing to conform to the specifications, and promptly replace and re-execute work in accordance with the specifications, without expense to the 0wner. Bear expense of making good work of other contractors destroyed or damaged by such removal or replacement. 3.05 COMPLETION SERVICES A. operating Test Report: Submit written report of required operationstest at completion of the project. B. 0perating and Maintenance Data: Provide in accordance with Section 01730. C. l'1aintenance Agreement: Submit the required maintenance agreement at conpletion of the project. 3.06 MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE A. Service: Prov'i de maintenance and call-back service of elevator equipment for a period of 12 months after Date of Acceptance of totalproject by Owner. Include regular examination of installation by competent and trained employees; and include necessary adjustments, greasing, oiling, cleaning, supplies and parts to keep the equipment in good operation, except such parts made necessary by nisuse, accidents or negl'igence not caused by this contractor. Provide 24 hour emergencycalI basic service. Use only original manufacturer's parts for repl acements. END OF SECTION GPS 9303 14240-5 D. E. I I I I I I I I t I t I I sEcTIol{ 14420 HANDICAPPED LIFT PART 1 - GEI{ERAL 1.01 SUIi,|MARY A. Section Includes:1. Handicap Lift B. Related Sections:1. Concrete Pit: Section 03300 Cast-In-place Concrete2. Electrical Connections: Division 16 Electrical T.O2 SUBIIITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit all drawings necessary to show the general arrangement of the equipment. See Section 01300 Submittals. B. Product Data: Subnit the following product data. See Section 01300 Submi ttal s:1. Descriptive Brochures: Wheelchair lift, controls, fixtures, etc.2. Power Confinnation Sheet: Include Hp, starting current, full load running current and denand factor for applicable motors. Number, location and fuse requirement of disconirdct switches. C. li'laintenance Agreement: Submit the required maintenance agreement at completion of the project. I I I t Warranty: Submit the required warranty at completion of project. Maintenance Manuals: Provide written information necessary for proper maintenance and adjustment of the equipment as specified in Section 01730. 1.03 quALrTY ASSURAI{CE A. Requirements of Regulatory Agencies: Comply with most stringent requirements of the followingr1. Building Codes and Standards:a. State and 'l ocal codes, ordinances and laws.b. ANSI A17.1.c. NFPA 70, National Electrical Code.d. Anericans l.lith Disabilities Act/Accessibility Guidelines2. Permits: 0btain and pay for all permits. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver materials in manufacturer,s original unopened protective packagi ng. GPS 9303I t 14420- 1 Store naterials in original protective packaging. Prevent soiling orphysical damage. Protect equipment and exposed finishes during transportation, erection and construction period against damage and stains. 1.05 WARRAI{TY A. Handicapped lift must be warranted for exterior operation. B. warrant that the materials and workmanship of the apparatus installed, under these specifications, are first class in every respect; make good any defects, not due to ordinary wear and tear or improper use, which may develop within one year from Date of Substantial'Coirpletion. C. At.least 30 days prior to warranty expiration, schedule final inspection and retest with 0wner's representativb. Requirement shall includb close examination of all equipment. D. Replace, repair or adjust any equipment warranty prior to expiration of warranty 1.06 MAINTENANCE A. Include with New Equipment Contract: The wheelchair lift subcontractorshall furnish maintenance on all equipment described here'in for a periodof 3 months commencing on date of itait of warranty. The maintenanceshall include systematic examination, adjustment aird lubrication of allelectrical and mechanical parts produced-by the manufacturer of the equipment installed. All mainteirance work shal'l be performed by competent personnel under the supervision and in direct employ of theplatform I ift subcontractor. B. Contract: Bidders shall also quote the monthly cost for a 5 year maintenance agreement to comnence on complet'ion of the 3 month period above. This quotation shall be submitted on the bidder,s own elecuted standard maintenance form. Under this agreement, Contractor shall, atall times, maintain the performance requirements as specified. If thiscontract is accepted, the contract price may be adjusted as of the dateof acceptance and thereafter as provided in the contract. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OT WHEELCHAIR LIFT A. Description:1. Manufacturer: Inclinator Company of American. Local rep: AccessElevator Co., Inc.,725 S. Brbadiay, Suite 5, Denver, C0' 80209 Tel: 303/7s0-18182. Model: Inclinator Lift=ette platfonn Lift.3. Lifting Height: Verify4, Capacity: 750 lbs I I I I I I t I I I I t t I I I I I I B. c. found defective and covered by peri od. GPS 9303 14420-2 I t I I I I I t I I I I I I t t I I I 5. Safety Devices:a. Upper and Lower Linit Switchesb. Final Limit Switchc. Electromechanical Braked. 24 VAC Controlse. Grounded Systemf. Ball Screw Safety Deviceg. Non-slip Surface on platfoym and Ramph. Safety Pan Under platform6. Finish: l,lanufacturer's standard baked ename'l .7. Required 0ptional Equipment:a. Call-Send Controls for Top and Bottom Landingsb. Call-Send Controls with Emergency Stop Buttonsc. Top and Bottom Landing Gated. Platforn Gatee. Vertical Fascia8. Entries: Front and rear B. Electrical: 3/4 HP, 120 V, 1 Phase PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verification of Conditions: Prior to beginning the installation of equipment. examine the hoistway area and verify that no irregularitiesexist that would affect quality or execution of work as specified.Particularly note:1. Pit size and plunbness.2. Support areas for brackets, etc. B. Do not proceed with installation until previous work confonns to project requi renents. 3.02 INSTALLATION Installed in accordance with accepted manufacturer's direction, ref- erence codes and specifications. 3.03 ADJUSTi,IENTS Lubricate all equipment in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Adjust motors, controllers, limit switches, stopping switches and safety devices to achieve required perfonnance levels. Fabricate and assenble the various parts in the shop insofar as prac-tical to minimize field assernbly. Parts which cannot be shop assembled which require close field fit shall be trial assembled in the shop and marked for field erection. GPS 9303 14420-3 3.04 CLEAN UP Keep work areas orderly and free from debris during progress of project. Remove all loose materials and filings resulting from this work from surfaces. Clean equipment and floor of dirt. oil and grease. 3.05 ACCEPTAI{CE INSPECTION AND TESTS A. General: Final acceptance of the installation shall be made only afterall field quality control inspections and tests are complete, allsubmittals and certificates hhve been received and the bwneris representative satisfied that the following have been satisfactorily compl eted: 1. Workmanship and equipment comp'ly with specifications.2. Perfonnance of following are batisfactoi^y:a. Starting, running, stopping. B. Performance Guarantee: should these tests develop any defects or poor workmanship,.any variance or noncompliance with the requirements o? theSpecified codes and/or ordinances oi any variance or ndncompliance withthe requirenents of these specificationi, the following work and/orrepairs_shall-be completed ht no expense to the 0wner.1. Replace all equipment that does'not meet code or specification requi rements.2. Perfonn all work and furnish all materials and equipment necessaryto complete the specified operation and/or perfoimance.3. Perforn all retesting requiied by the gbveriring code authority andthe 0wner to verify the ipec.ified operation anC/or performance. I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I EI{O OF SECTION GPS 9303 14420-4 I I rNDEX TO MECHANTCAL SPECTFTCATTONS I COVERED BRTDGE BUILDING r 1501.0 GENERAL PROVISIONS I 15020 WORK INCLUDED lI 15023 CODES, FEES, PERMTTS & STANDARDS I l-5030 ELECTRICAL,, REQUIREIvIENTS FOR MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT I $042 rEsrsI 15043 BALANCING OF MECHANICAL SYSTEMS,a I ]-5045 RESULTS EXPECTED I 15047 IDENTIFICATION t r.5048 MATNTENAN.E coNTRAcr I 15050 BAsrc r{ATERTALS & METHoDsI 15200 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS I l-5250 TNSULATTON r 1-5400 PLIIMBING r 15450 srrE urrlrrrEs I 15500 FIRE pRorEcrroN spRTNKLER sysrEMI15600 POWER OR HEAT GENERATIONI I 1_5700 NATURAL GAS PTPTNG I 15800 ArR DTSTRTBUTTON I 15850 sNow MELTTNG sYsrEM I 15900 cot\rrRols & TNSTRUMENTATToNt I t r I t DIVISION ]-5 -- MECHANICAL PROVISION A - GENERAL SPECIFICATION SECTION 15010 - GENERAL PROVISIONS PART 1.OO - GENERAL 1.01 PROVISIONS: I I I I T I I I t I I I I I t I I I I A. Work performed under this Division of tshe specifications shalf conform to Lhe requirements of Division I' the mechanical drawings, and all other items hereinaft.er specified: 1. Details: Minor detaits noE usually shown or specified, but necessary fot the proper i-nstal- tition and operaEion, and/or conformance wilh codes or standards listed herein, shal1 be incLuded in the work. 2. Drawings: Drawings are diagrammaEic ald indicate the general arangements of sysEems and work' Do noE Jcate drawings. Exami-ne all drawings to verify and coordinate space conditions and reguiremenEs, clearances, finishes, ecc. a. Drawings and specifications are intended Eo be complementary and what is called for by 9neshalt be cittea for bv both. Bring dis- crepancies, confLicts, or differences in job conditions and drawings to Ehe attention of E'he architect for clarificaEion before proceeding' Discrepancies affecEing project cost shal-1 be broughl to the ArchiEecE's attention prior Eo time of bidding. 3. EquipmenE and Material: Equipment and maEerials specifiea by manufacturers' name and catalog number is to establish a quality standard. Equivalency of substiLutions wilf be deEermined during review of submittals by the Architect, whose decision is final . 4. ModificaEions: Make reasonabLe modifications in layout, arranqemenEs, etc. to: a. Maint.ain maximum clearance for headroom Eo exposed work. 15010-1 t I I I I I I I I I T I I I I t t I I b. Establish adequate clearances for the instal- lat.ion of suspended ceilings and similar work. c. Verify shaft, chase and double partit,ion clearances. Space to be adequate forinstallation, but minimal . d. PrevenE conflict.s wiEh work of ot.her trades. e. Conform to code or sEandard requirements. Submitt.als: Submit to the Architect. for approvalin accordance with Division 1 and/or SecLion 15200of the specifications. Manufacturers' installaEion, finish and Lestingspecifications for all operating equipment orplumbing fixtures: Where manufact,urers' speci-fications or instructions conflict with speci-fication requiremenEs or lob conditions, this sha.ll- be noted on submittals. Complet.e controL diagrams and sequences of operat.ion plus substantiating engineering data forall temperature control systems. 1s010-2 t I I I I SECTION ]-5020 - WORK INCLUDED PART 1.OO - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work fncluded: The mechanical systems required for this work are to be as indicated on the drawings and include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Building ut,ili-ties services complete, to a poi-nt, of connection with the serving utility companies as noted on drawinqs. 2 - Main domestic water distribution svsEem and all necessary metering compfete. 3. CompleEe waE.er distribuEron sysE.ems to and in- cluding all plumbing fixEures, meter, headers, eEc. 4. IIVAC sysE,ems compleEe, with al-1 connecting piping, ducL work, and controls. Hydronic waEer heatinq sysEems complete, ineludingpiping, hangers, boiler, pumps, etc. InsuLation of all piping, valves, fittings, ducEwork, etc., as required by drawings and specificaEions. '7. Exhaust systems compleEe, with connecEing ductwork, conErols, etc. 8. Mechanical equipment cont.rols as specif i-ed on drawings and herewiEhin. I,Q2 QUAL]TY ASSURANCE I. Qualifications of Installers: 1. For the actual fabrication, installat.ion, andtesting of the work of this SecEion, the contractorshall use only t.horoughly trai-ned and experiencedpersonnel who are completeJ-y familiar wiEh therequirements for this work and with theinstaLlation reconnendations of the manufacturersof the sneei.f ied iEems.v!,vv - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I )-)vzv - L I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I t I I 4. J. ConEractors shall have in charge of the work aE all Eimes during construction, a thoroughly comtrretentsuperintendent with experience in the Elpe of workto be installed under Ehese specifications. Changes in job superintendent,s shall be made only upon written consent of Ehe ArchiEecE. In acceptance or rejection of inst,alled sysEems, no a]Lowance will be made for lack of skill on Ehepart of the installers. 15020-2 I I SECTION 1.5Q23 - CODES, FEES, PERMITS AND STANDARDS I PART ]-.OO GENERAL- 1-. O]- CODES, STANDARDS I A. Compliance: I A11 work shall comply wit,h the following codes and I sEandards, latest ediEions, as applicable, where no conflicE develops beEween laws, ordinances, sEandards or . this specification. Wtrere differences occur, the most I demanding and the highest levef of maEerial or workmanship sha11 apply as determined by t.he ArchiEecE. I 1. state or l-ocal laws, ordinances, or regulations. I 2. Regulations of utifiEy companies. I 3. X:::l3ir:ii: ..o", NFPA (National Fire ProbecLion r 4. ASA (American Standards Association) .I 5. NEMA (National Electsric Manufacturing Assn) . I 5. UL (Underwriter's Laboratories, rnc.)' 7 - ASTM (American SocieEy of TesEing and Mat,erials) . I 8. ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers). I 9. UBC (Uniform Buildingr Code, rnternatj.onaf Con- ference of Buildinq Officials). a 10. SMACNA (Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Con- trractrors National Association) . r 1-1. UPC (Uniform Plumbing Code, I.C.B.O.). L2. UMC (Uniform Mechanical Code, 1.C.8.O. ) . I I.02 NOTICES I Give all necessary notices; file all necessary plans; obtain and coordinate required inspections; obtsain a1I approvals, r etc. of all governmental authorities having iurisdiction and I control over t.his project.I 15023-1 ! I 1.03 FEES ExcepE as specifically EracE.or, include withinall: coordinat.ed wiEhthe base proposal Ehe General Con- Sum, the cosg of I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I 1. z, A c Fees, permits and taxes. Lj-censes and royalt.ies. Connection and/or tap charges. UEility installation and,/or extension or serviceaha rrrac Tests required as specified. Temporary and permanent service until substanEialcompletion; met,ers and control- devices. Compliance labels, certificates, occupancy or usenorrni t- c A,vrA|l:9v. Bonds, warranties, guarant,ees, service andmainEenance contracts, eEc., as specified. ]-.04 INSPECTIONS Notsify proper authorities when work is ready for inspectionsrequired by applicable codes, rules and regulations, allowingsufficient t.ime for inspections. Receive, record and submiiwritten approvals of authoriLi-es to ArchiE,ect within t,en daysof each inspection. I5023-2 I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 15030 - ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR MECHAN]CAL EQUIPMEI'III PART ]-.OO - GENERAL 1, 01 RELATED DOCiTMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, includingceneral and Supplementary Conditions and Division-1SpecificaEion sections, apply to the work of this secEion. B. Relat,ed Sections: Separate electrical components and material-s required for field installation and el-ectricaL connect.ions are specified in Division 15. 1.02 SUMMARY: A. This section describes the basic requirements forelectrical components which are to be supplied loose orare to be supplied as an inteqral part of packaged mechanical equipment. These components include, but arenot limited to motors, sEarters, disconnect switches, and oEher controls. B. Specific electrical requirements (i.e. horsepower andelectrical characterist.ics ) for mechanical equipmenE areor scheduled on the drawinqs. 1.03 REFERENCES: A. NEMA Standards MG 1: Motors and Generators B. NE}4A Standards lCS 2: Industrial ConErolControllers, and Assemblies. C. NBr{A Standard 250: Enclosures for Electsrical Devices, Equipment D. NEMA Standard KS 1:Encl-osed Swi.tches E. Comply with National Electrical Code (NFPA 70). 1.04 SUBMITTALS: A. Submit product daEa for mot,ors and otlrer electrical componenEs as required by Section 15200. 1_503 0 -1 1. 05 QUALITY ASSURANCE: E1ect,rical components and materials shall be UL 1abeled. PART 2. OO - PRODUCTS 2. O]- ELECTRICAL CONNECTTONS : A11 wiring shall be per Ehe requirements of Division LG.Molor sEarters, disconnecEs, t.emperature controls, equipmentcont.rols and interlock wiring required for mechanical andcontroL equipment specified herein or indicated on thedrawi-ngs necessary for Ehe complete operation and cont.rol ofall systems sha1l be provided as outlined in the schedulebelow. Provide motors and eguipment for only t.hose currenE,characteristics indicaEed on the drawings. rt is Ehe int,entof this Division to reguire complete systems per the contractdocuments. coordinate all equipment. requiring electricalpower, regardless of voltage, with ot,her Erades, so that allsystems are complete and operable. A. Schedule of Wiring: 1-. Unless otherwise noted, alI motors and conlrol_sshal1 be furnished, set in place and wired i.naccordance wiEh Ehe following schedule. (NoEe: M = Mechanical Division and E = Electrical Division). SET TN FI'RNISHED PLACE CONTROL POWERUNDER UNDER WIRING lflRE\E I I T I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t ]TEM MagneEic Motor SE,arters Cont.actors Disconnect Switches Time Clocks ThermosEats Smoke Detectors Fuses ConErol PanelsInt.erlocks -Relays E EDampers E EControl Power Transformers E ECont,rol Va1ves M MFreeze Sensor M E E E E E E E E E M E E E M E .t1 M (1) E(L) E :-E E E jl E E E E t1 -trE--E-- E--E--E--E-- (1 ) If furnished as parE of f act,ory-wired equipmenE,responsibility is under Mechanical Division. 1503 0 -2 I I t I t I I I I t t I t t I I t t I 2.02 MOTORS: Comnlr-r wil-h NEM;\ and conform to ASA C-50 for insul;E;";-";avv.rt/*-I'dielecEric strength. Provide each motor with conduiE Lerminal box, and embedded thermal running overcurrent protecEion ifavailable. Capacity to be sufficient to operace associateddriven equipment. and devices, under al1 conditions of operaEion, al-tit,ude and Loads wiEhout overload. Minimum accepEable horsepower (HP) is thaE indicated in the equipment schedule. select motors for minimum sound generation. A. MoEors sha11 have manufacturer's written guarantee Eooperate continuously at fu1l load, be dynamically balanced and facEory tesEed before shipment. B. Provide moEors of v-bel-t dri-ves wiEh casL iron or steel- bases, slide rail and adjustable screv/ device. Pulleys shall be adjustable. C. When requested by the Architect, Eake power readinqs across moEor terminals to prove thaE operation is within limits specified. D. V-belt drives shal1 be canvas and rubber, designed for 1508 of motor nameplate rating, maLched and adjusted to drive apparatus properly and Eo prevent slippage or undue wear when starting. A11 v-belt drives shal-1 be such Ehat when a desired speed and belt tension have been established, the variable speed puIley and belt Eension adjusEment are at approximately midpoint range. E. Unless indicated otherwise on the equipment schedule, motors greaLer than L/2 HP are to be three (3) phase, and motors L/2 HP and less are to be single (1) phase. Powerfactor shall be .85 or better. 2.0 STARTERS, ELECTRICAL DEVICES, A}ID WIRTNG: A. Enclosures: NEIIA I, general purpose enclosures withpadlock ears, except in wet locat.ions shall be NE!4A 3R wiEh conduit hubs. B. Magnet.lc StarEers : l-. Magnetic motor sEarEers shall be across-the-line type rated in accordance with NEMA standards, sizes and horsepower raEings. Starters shal1 be mountedin general purpose enclosures unless otherwiseindicated on the plans, o! required for the 15030-3 location insEalled. Starters shal1 contain mounted on the covers pushbuttons, piloc lighEs, and/or selector swibctres as indicated j"n the equipment schedule. At a mi-nimum, each starter shalf be provided with a cover mounted HAND-OFF-AUTO switch. 2. starters controlling loads raEed in excess of 240 volts shall contain a fused control power transformer which shal1 provide 1'20 volL control power to all coils and associated power consuming eclulpmentr. 3. Across-the-line magneEic starters through NEI4A Size seven shall be equipped with double break silver altoy conEacEs - A1l- contacts shall be replaceable without removing power wiring or removing starter from t.he panel . The sEarLer sha1l have straighE r'1.'*arral-r t.ri riua* vsYrr ,,-- -ng. 4. Coils sha11 be of molded construction through NEMA Size seven. A11 coils shal-l be replaceabfe from Ehe front without, removi-ng the starter from the panel . 5. Overload relays shall be the melting alloy type with a replaceable control circuit module. overload reset buEton shall protrude througth Ehe sEartrer enclosure. Thermal units shall be of one-piece construction and interchangeable. The starter sha1l be inoperative if the thermal unit is removed. 6. Starcers shall be suitable for the addition of aE least four exEernaf elecErical interlocks of any arrangemenE normally open or normally cfosed. External i-nterlocks shal-l be field convertible. 7. AII motor sEarEers sha1l include phase loss,/phase reversal- relays Eo de-energize equi-pment j-n failurenf rrf i I ifr.r source. Products: a. Magnetic moEor starters sha1l be Square D Class 8536 or equal by Allen Bradley or G.E. A11 starters sha11 be insEal-Ied as indicaEed on Ehep1ans, labeled per Lhe specificacions, and wireoper the conErol schematic. StarEers for 3 phase motors 2 HP and above sha11 conEain a 3 phase power monit.or. The power monitor I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I 8. 9. 1n 1s03 0 -4 D. I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I III shall proEect the motor from phase loss, phase reversal, 1ow volE.age and phase unbalance.Monitors shall have adjuscable trip and resCart.delay. Monitors sha1l be field connectable ineither automatic reseE or manual reset. Monitorsshafl be mounted in starEer enclosure. MoEor connect.ions; 1. FLexible conduit, except where plug-in electrical cords are specifically indicated. Disconnect, Switches: 1. Fusible switches: fused, each phase; heavlz duty; horsepower rated; non-teasible quick-make, quick- break mechanism; dead front line side shield;solderless lugs suitabl-e for copper or aluminum conductors; spring reinforced fuse clips; electrosilver plated currenE carrying parts; hinged doors;operating lever arranged for locking j-n the "OPEN"position;a1.al rrrranr.horc.\4sv..v.rv ! s ,capacity andcharacEeristics as indicated. 2. Non-fusible switches: for equipment 2 horsepower and smaller other than hermetically sealed compressors. Switches shaLl be horsepower rated; toggle swiEch Eype; quantity of poles and voltage raEinq as indicaEed in Lhe equipment schedule. 1_5030-5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION L5042 - TESTS PART ]-.OO - GENERAI.,I 1.0]. TESTS REQUIRED: A. Notificat.ion: Notify engineering firm of record 48 hoursprior t,o performinq tesEs. B. Piping Tests: TesE systems in the presence of EheEngineer (or, with his approval, provide written, signedstatement that. E.est was performed, dated, time and testresulls) as follows: l-. Soil and wasUe piping: HydrosEaEically test, by: a. Plugging aI1 openings. b. Filling system (or portions thereof) to rooflevel or a minimum of 10 feet in height above lowest. point of system. c. A1low water to stand 3 hours. Check all of thejoints for visible leaks or moisture. d. A11 joints to be 1eft. exposed during testing. 2. Domestic water and heat transfer piping: Inst,a.l-L isolation valves on all equipment in systemnot rated for 1,25 psi and isolate durj-ng test. Hydraulically test Eo t25 psi for 4 hours, in- cluding outside service 1ines. Pressure drop shallnot exceed 5 psi in one hour. Air testing shal1 bepermitted , wiEh the permission of the Architect, when possibiliEy of freezing exist,s. Hold pressure within 3 psi variat,ion at, same temperature for 24 hours minimum. Record pressures and Cemperatures aE maximun of eight hour intervals. 3. DefecEs: If inspection or tests show defects, such work sha11 be replaced or corrected and the EesEs re-peaEed. A11 repairs to piping to be made with new maLerial . No caulking or screwed joints or holeswill- be accepted. Piping to be protecEed at all times from intrusion of dirE or foreign materials.During storage or construction, keep pipe ends plugged or capped. L2U.1Z- L I t I I I I t I I t I t I I t I I I I SECTION 15043 - BALANCING OF MECHANICAL SYSTEMS PART 1.OO - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: A. The balancj-ng of the mechanical systems shal1 be part ofthis contract,. The Mechanical ConEractor is to includein his bid t,he cost of balancj.ng and adjusting. B. At the completion of the inst,allat.j-on, the mechanical systems shal1 be adjust,ed and bal-anced by an independent, balancing firm specializing in this work. The firm must. have experience and qualifications satisfactory to the Consulting Mechanical Engineer. The firm sha11 submit abooklet showing procedure and data forms Eo be used prior to starting the balancing required for t.he Project. C. edjust and bal-ance all, air and water systems. Check, adjusE and balance all- systems to meeL the desrqn con-ditions and tabulate all information on approved forms.All sysEems shall be checked for proper performance during design conditions, both heating and cooling. D. The Mechanical ContracE,or shal1 make any changes of fanbelEs and sheaves to obtain Ehe required CFM and makeother corrections to the syst,ems for proper performance as required by t,he Consult.inq Mechanical Engineer at no addiLional cost to E,he Owner. E. The Mechani-ca1 Contractor is to furnish and install such items as thermomeEer wel1s, pressure Eest cocks, accessdoors, etc., as required to aLLow tesEs and adjustments to be made as described in this Section. F. Adjust all fan systems to deliver design air quantities wichin a tolerance of -5? to +5t. Measure air volumes atall grilles, regisEers, diffusers, intake and exhaustlouvers, filEers and coils. Adjust and balance to meet design conditions. G. Verify proper operation of heating system and,/or cooling system when outside conditions are near design conditions and make necessary adjustments and correcEions. Measure temperaLures at. one hour intervals for eight consecuLive hours in all major areas served by each unit. and make necessary adjustments and corrections to obtain uniform TAYYINATAj TTTAq H. Adjust all valves and/or fittings on each piece of radiation or water coil to provide specified air tem- l-f u45 -l- I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I. ,J. K. perat,ure rj-se or drop, heat,ing or cooling capacity, and GPM flow, all with control vafves open. After a1l bal-ancing is compleE.ed, EabulaEe the fpllowingin a writEen reporE. Eo Ehe ConsulEing Mechanical Engineer: 1. Nameplate data of all components. 2. AdjusEed performance data to include operat.ing amps, voltage, and thermal heater capacity of each moEor; RPM and drive; pressure differentiaf acrosseach coil-, filter bank, fan, punp and heatexchanger; temperat.ure differential across eachcoil and heat, exchanger; and toEa1 system staticpressure. 3. Adjustment of each fan to +/-52 of design. 4. Adjustment of each air supply and return outlet CFM and coil/heat exchanger CFM to +/- 10? of design. 5. Verification of control sequence and operaEion for each control zone. 5. Refrigeration system informaEion as follows: a. Suct.ion pressure. b. Discharge pressure. c. Anperage. d. Return air temperaEure. e. Supply air temperature. f. Outside air temperature. Make special note of any discrepancy between Eabulat,edcondiEions and specified conditions and call Eo Ehe ConsulEing Mechanical Engineer's aEEenEion. Rebal-ance and reEabuLate informaEion as required by the Engineer t.omeet design condit.ions. Incorporate 1n the report, reduced size copies of Ehemechanical drawings. Submit fj-ve (5) copies of written report to the Architectsfor approval, listing all measurements and adjustments made. L. L5043-2 I I I I t t I I I I I I I t t I I I t SECTfON 15045 - RESULTS EXPECTED PART 1. OO - GENERAL1.01 DESCRIPTION: A. Protect all i-nstaLLed work. Seal all conduits, duct.s andpiping until permanently enclosed. B. ProEecE all finished surfaces, such as aluminum, chrome,st.aj-nless sbeel , et.c. , f rom damage. A11 damaged maEerials, regardless of cause, shafl be replaced by thetime of substantial completion. C. A11 work sha11 present a neat, mechanical appearance when completed. D. Only craftsmen skilled in their trades shalf be used f'or any work . E. Coordinate installaEion and openi-ng arrangements with oEher Erades to minimize cutt.ing and patching, and toinsure adequaEe provisions for attachment, support andmounting. Changes to completed work made necessary because of a lack of coordination are the responsibility of the Contractor. F, CutEing of any structural members, regardless of size, isprohibited without the prior approval of t.he ArchiEecE. L.O2 QUIET OPERATION AND VTBRATION: Afl installed equipment sha11 operate under all conditions of load without any objectionable sound or vibrat,ion not.iceable outside of the room in which it is installed. Moving equipment, machinery trousing, enclosures, ducts, piping.grilles, etc., that vibrate or emiE objectionable sounds due f a\ ciari- 1rla----J up, operati-on, or thermal movements, which are noEiceable within the room or space where equipment. isinstalled, sha1l be dampened, balanced, and have vibration eliminators or isolation pads installed or otherwise corrected per manufacturer's specificaEion, including shock absorbers on piping. 1.03 LUBRICATION: Provide all oil- for operation of all eguipmene unEil final accepEance. ProEect. alL equipment with covers as required and alf shafts and bearings during j-nstallation. The Con-tractor is responsible for operation and maintenance of aLl eguipmenE until final acceptance. 15045-1 B. A. I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I SECTION T5047 - IDENTIFICATION PART ]..00 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION: WiEh the except.ion of plumbing fixtures, gri11es, registers, di.f fusers and equipment. which is concealed in walls--.or. above.inaccessible ceilings, each piece of mechanical equipmenEincluded in these Specifications or on drawings shall beidentified bv permanent labe1s. Stick-on labe1s are not accepEable. I.02 PIPE A. 1.03 PAINTTNG: AND FTTTING IDENTIFICATION: Vafves: Provid.e a Seton brand vinyl tag chained to eachval-ve, except at fixtures or equipmenc. Clearly stampidentif ication nunicer in tag, and provr-de typed valve tagindex showing number and service in owner's maintenance manuals. Piping: Identify all piping with single color bands per ASA A13.1-, aE maximum 40 foot i-nLervals on straight pipe runs, aE Eees, and wherever pipinq enters concealed spaces or passes through walls or floors. Group labe1s on parallel piping runs and place so as to be readable from the nearesE accessible vision DoinE. Bands sha1l beBradlr, or approved equal . Piping: Where so noted on drawings, is to be painted, whether area requires finish or not. 1. Color Coding: Standard col-or code for pipe and equipment. marking per ASA standards Eo be utilizedover enEire lengEh of exposed piping and applied inbands of ten inches near valves in unoccupiedspaces, in addicion to pipe identificat.ionspecified in paragraph 5.1-2. The following colors sha11 be used. unless otherwise noted: a. Red: Fire protection and sprinkler system,post lndication valves, fire hydrants andcabinets, fire sprinkler (do not paint heads orfusible li-nks), fire sirens and pumps, bLankeEcontainers, stop bars or hazardous equipmenc, atsr. 1s047-1 b. Yellow: Gas, compressed air, high temperature water (above 1-70 degrees F. ) , zorre marking a l aara hi ah rrroecrtra <ia^mL IIJ(J! D , lI.L\rll P! e- D Lr! s D l-9(Irr. c . Green: Cold water, hoE waLer (bel-ow 17 0 degrees F.), and 1ow pressure sEeam. d. Aluminum: F1ues, higrh temperature equipment and surfaces. e. Black, White or Other Color: As schedul-ed for I safe macerrats when irsceq on cirawrngs. I I I I I B. Ducts: A11 ductwork in exposed areas to be painted a standard color flat enamel sefected by the owner. C. Equipment: AII equipment instal-led on the job site shaI1 be painted at the fact.ory or primed at the factory for painLing on Lhe job site. All equj-pment primed by equipment supplier and delivered co che job srte shall be painted by the mechanical contractor prior to instatlation uni-ess specifically catled out to be painted by others. A11 painE shall- be a standard color flat enamel as selecEed bv the owner. 1.04 LAMINATED PLAS?IC NAMEPLATES: Label each motor starEer, individual moEor eguipment housing, and control panel with black laminated plastic narneplaLes, engraved wiEh1-/4" while let.t.ers, wiEh equipment designations as indicaEed on t,he plans. Labels on equipment to be located to provide high visibility, but noE obscure nameplate data. I I I I I I I I I I I t I I r5047 -2 I t T I I tI I I II I I I t I I I I I t SECTION 15048 - MATNTENANCE COMTRACTS, OPERATTNG INSTRUCTIONS, PROJECT RECORD DRAWINGS PART 1.OO - GENERAI-J 1. O]- OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS: Operate all mechanical systems i-ncluding valves, dampers, Lhermostat,s, etc., for one eight hour day prior to sub-stantial completion, during whlch all of the following arepresent to supervise the sEarE-up of the equipment they areresponsible for: all mechanical, electrical, and controlcontractors, representatives of major items of mechanical equipment, the general conEractor and the j-nspect,or or Owner's representative. Adjust and calibraEe t.he control sysEems. During chis period, instruct the Owner fuily in theoperations, adjustments and maintenance of Ehe mechanical sysEems. Gj-ve t,he Owner 72 hours advance not.ice of such inst.ruction - I.O2 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE MANUAI.,,: Provide Eo Ehe Owner bound operat.ing and mainEenance inst,ructions and schedules, covering alf operaLing equipment. Submit proposed drafc of such instructions to the Architect for approval prior to issue. Manuals shall include approvedsubmittals per SecEion 15200, valve tag index per SecEion 15047, manufacturer's caEalog sheets, list of equipment and suppLier, and maintenance literature published and deEailed by the manufacturer. The operating and maintenance manual- will not be waived under anv circumstances. 1..03 PROJECT RECORD DRAWINGS: The contractor sha11 maintain a current set of drawings withall changes and deviations from contract, document.s marked in red. Prior to substantiaL compleEion date, he shall transferall dat.a from t.he job site prinEs Eo a set provided by theArchitect for inclusion with the operations and maint.enance manuaLs. 1.04 GUARANTEET A, Required: Provide manufacturer's writEen guarantee on all operating equipment covering replacement, of parLs. Guarantee Eerms shal1 be for one year or as specifiedherein. operat,ion of equipment durinq constructionperiod is not, advised and will noE be considered as anyportion of the guaranE.ee period. 15 048- 1 B. Service Guarantee: The following guarantee is a con-dition of this agreement and shall be signed by eheconEract.or and furnished Eo the Architect upon finalaccept.ance, in addition to other warranEies andguarangees required in t,hese Specifications: "The undersigned guarantees thaE. Ehis installation isfree from mechanical defects. The cont.racEor agrees toreplace or repair, to the saE,isfacEion of the Architect,at no additional cost to Che Owner, any part of themechanical installat,ion which may fail within a period ofone year afEer final acceptance provided that suchfailure is due to defect.s in Ehe maEerials or workmanshipor failure to fo11ow t.he requirements of theSpecifications and the drawings.,' t I I I IFirm Name: Address:I By:I DaCe: Telephone:I I I t t I I I t I 75048-2 B. c. I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I SECTION ].5050 - BASIC MATERTALS AI\ID METHODS 1.OO - GENERAI-,, 1.01 MATERIAL: A. Alf mechanical material shall be new and of the quality and type specified. Manufacturer and caEalog number shown j-n these Speci-fications or on drawings are inEended as a guide toquality. Review of alternate iterns of equipment, prior tobidding will noE be performed. Equal materials or equipment of other manufacturers will be acceptableproviding such subsEiEuEions are approved during review of submittals by the Architect. Facsimile (FAx) copies will not be accepted. Requests for subsEiLuticjn approval sha1l be submitted in accordance with these SpecificaLions. No exEension of completi-on date shal1 be allowed for timelosE in considerat,ion or installation of approved subsEitution. Approval of substitutions signifiesgeneral quality of mat,erials and equipment onl-y and does not relieve t.he contractor of responsibiliEy for proper operation of Ehe system, compliance with Specifications and necessary changies due t.o dimensional differences or space requirements, PART 2. OO - PRODUCTS AND EXECUTTON z.u]- ACCESS]BfLITY: Provide adequate clearances for proper installation, keepingt clearances and installation spaces to a minimum. Locate all eguipment, including, but. noE limit,ed Eo, valves, traps, clean-outs, motors, filters, controllers, swiuch-gear, drainpoints, strainers, et,c., thaE must be serviced, operated or maintained, in fu1ly accessible posit.ions. Provide access doors wherever reguired for accessibility (type, size and location t.o be provided by the Architect if not specifically shown) . Provide minimum of 5" x 6" hinged access doors Eo motors and fan shafts. Provide access to all fire dampers. 2.02 ALTITT'DE RATINGS : Except as oEherwise noued, al-1 equipment capacities, airquantilj-es, eEc., are adjusted rat,ings for the eLevaEion of this project as noted on drawings. Manufacturer's ratings r_5050 -1 T shall be adjusted to provide net. ratings shown. EXCAVATION, BACKFILLING: Excavation, trenching, bedding of pipe, placement, and cover,backfilling, etc. , in conjunction with work under EhisDivision, shall be per requirements of Division 2, and theaddit.ional requirements specified herein: A. Trenches: Slope bottoms uniformly to drain. Trenchbottoms shal1 be firm, free from large rocks or boulders,or sha11 have concrete cradles placed to support piping.Cradles Eo bear on undisturbed soil. B. Plastic, Transite Pipe: Bed pipe and backfill permanufacturer, s pri-nted specificaEions. C. CasE lron, Concrete eipe: place on firm trench bottom shaped to accept hubs. Both hubs and pipe shal_l- haveuniform firm bearing. place a minimum of 12 inches ofloose rock-free mat.erial over pipe, afE,er testing, andbackfill per Division 2. D. Other Piping, Conduits, Culverts: place on firm Erenchbottom and backfill per Division 2. E. Expansion: Place pipe and E.hrusE blocks per manu-facturer's and project SpecificaEions. 2.04 PIPE DEPTHS: Int,erior pipe below slabs shall be a minimum of 4 inchesbelow slab and shall not be in contacE wiEh concrete at anypoint. Minimum exterior cover over piping, unless otherwise sholrrn or required by code, sha11 be 5 feet above the Lop ofFha ni nov^.v^,-!,v. 2.05 GUARDS AND RAILINGS: T I I I I t T I t I t I I I I I I I Provide be1t, drives for roEaEing machinery with readilyremovabl"e guards and railings, securely fastened to floor orapparatus. Guards to be steel_ angle frames, hinged andlacched with galvanized i-ron wire crimped mesh (minimum No.9 gauge), securely fast.ened to frames. Railings, unlessoEherwi-se noEed, sha1l be L-L/2n O.D. i_ron pipe wiCfr flushrail fittings. FabricaEion to be per iequirements ofDivision 5. Guards sha1l not obstruct. fan ouE]ets - r-5050-2 I T 2.06 PIPE AND PIPE FITTINGS: I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I T I Fu11 length pipe in longesE lengths possible shal-f be used. All- threads sha1l be right hand, pipe standard, clean cut,fu1l depEh and tapering. Install piping so as to permit complet.e drainj-ng. Provide drains in all l-ow points. A11interior soil, waste and conductor lines sha11 have uniformpitch in the direction of flow of not less Lhan 1/4 inch per foot unl-ess noted otherwise on the p1ans. Ream out. all pipe ends; turn pipe on end and ratEle before installing. 2.07 SLEEVES AND PI..,ATES: Provide sleeves and/or inserEs in sufficient time Lo incor-porace into consEruction without cutting. Provide sleevesfor all pipes passing through or within concreEe, masonry orhard tile. Sleeves j-n exterior wa11s exposed to moisture (above or below grade) to be packed with oakum anC lead, or oEherwise made completely water Eight. A. Sleeve Size: 1-. Large enough Eo permit f ree rnovemenE of pj-pes where expansion or contracE,ion may occur. 2. Large enough to pass pipe only where pipe isinsulated, with insulaEion to butE consEruction. Where insulation is required to have a vapor barrier, insulat,ion shaIl be continuous through sleeve. 3. Long enough to be flush with finished surfaces where piping is to be exposed. 4. Long enough to projecE 1,/4 inch above floor surfaces where pipinq is concealed in chases. 5. L,,ong enough to projecE L/4 inch above finishedfloor where pipes are exposed, except in roomshaving floor drains where t,hey sha11 project, 3/4 inch. B. Pj.pe Sleeve Materials: 1. Concrete floor, sl-eeves set f lush: 24 qauqle, galvanized iron sheet. wiLh lock seans or Schedule 80 PVC. 2. A11 other Pipe: Galvani-zed steel- pipe typicat Ehrough all wal-l-s. r.5050-3 2.08 VEMI FLASHING: FLash a1l vent, pipes exEending through roof surfaces wit,h 4pound lead flashing ext.end.ing 12 inches away from all wa1lsof pipe. Flange to lead sleeve, extending uf around. Ehe venE,pipe and turned down inside the venc pipE. vents to extend1,4 inches above finished roof, unless otherwise noted.Rubber gromet type flashing not permitted. T T I I I I I I I I I t t I I t I t c. D. E. 3. Anchors for sleeves sha11 be suitable for thematerials sleeved and t.he construction encountered. 4. Wtrere copper wat.er piping passes wit.hin concret,e ornasonry, ]-E shaj.l be insulaEed wiEh L/2 j_nch Armaflex or equivalent. Duct Sleeves: l-. For dr1narall type const.ruction, trim wa11 openingsfor ducts with flush sheet metal_ trim (22 qaugegalvanized iron) . 2. Where ducts connect Eo or pass through masonryopenings and along edges of all plenums ae flooriand walls, provide continuous 2 x 2 x t/8,, steelangle bol-ted Eo construction and made airtight bycaulking and/or gasketing. Bolt sheet metaJ- to :nnl o f rarna 3. Provide four (41 inch high curb around flooropenings in exposed areas. Curbs to matchsurrounding floor construction and finish. EscuEcheons: Provide for all exposed uninsulated pipesand conduiEs passing t.hrough fini.sh surfaces. plates coha. 1. Nickel-plaEed, split-ring type, unless otherwisenoted. Size t,o mat,ch pipe. 2. Deep recessed type where sLeeves ext.end bevondfloor or wall surface. Cover Plates: Provide cover plat.es of nickeL-chrome(USl-4 or US25 f inish) f or all elect.rical outleEs,switches or eguipment' cont,rollers or indicators, that, areinsEalled in finished surfaces, unless otherwise not,ed.Screws to match plat.es. J-f,U5U-17 t I T I t I I I I t I t 2.09 SUPPORTS, PADS, HANGERS: Provide all equipmen! supports, pads, bases, anchoring and attachment.s, hangers, braces, etc., required for equipmenE. Coordinate equipment mounting and attachmenE requiremenEs andfurnish anchor bolts and inserts, mounEing templates,sleeves, etc., to other trades requiring same. A. Rotating Machinery (Boiler, Pumps, Compressors, MoEors, eEc. ) : Where concreee pads are j-ndicated or required,provide the following unless specifically det,ailed otherwise: l-. 3-l/2 inch thick concrete pad (in addition to floor slab) . Pads may be monol-ithic with floor slab if arrr.rrnrrarl hrr I ha Ar..h i l- a/^l-vs !J 2. Pads to extend six inches beyond machine base inall directions. Chamfer exposed edges 7/2 :-nch. 3. ConstrucL pads per requirements of Division 03000.Finish vert.ical and horizontal surfaces safire as surrounding surfaces, excepE as oEherwise noted. B. Pipe Hangers: Provide pipe hangers compaEible with pipe material and consEruction, for all mains and branches, consisEing of: 1. Single Runs (Horizontal): Clevis type of rods and clamps (Grinnell- or Carpenter & Peterson) . 2. Parallel Runs (Horizont.al): Trapeze type of rods and st,eel angles or channels, of sufficienE. size to support operat,ing loads. 3 . VerEical Runs: Support aE, each story hei-ght and atthe base of each stack. Supports not to exceed 10feet O.C. Support with pipe clamps only. 4. Pipe Support Spacing (Maximum) : a. Cast Iron (except "no-hub")qrnn n r- Copper 6'0" O.C. Steel 10 '0 u O. C . Glass, PVC, etc. Per manufacturer' s recormnendat ions . I I I I 15050-5 e. No-Hub SupporE each side ofeach joint horizontally; verticaLly, supporEfrom pipe only (never from joint). Supports: Perforated sErap or wire is not per- mit.ted for pipe support,. Provide inserts where thepipe is to be supported from concrete. Use togglebolts in concreEe bl-ock. Insulated Pipe: 18 gauge galvanized steel pro-tective bands, 12 inches long around insul-at.ionwith support ateached around bands. Supports naybe on pipe, under insulation, with Architect,s approval . Duct Support.s: Per ASHRAE Guide and SMACNA LowVelocity Duct Manual , Iatest ediEions. The moststringent requirements qovern in conflicts. Nopipe or duct. shalt puE a load on t.he equipment€1---^t. r ctrltl e . Anchors: Provide Phillips ,,Red Head,, expansionbolts (se1f-drilling) , or powder-acEuated anchors.fnstal-I per manufacturer, s specifications qoverningmaterials and conditions encount,ered. power- actuated fasLeners shall not be used in precast concrete wiEhout approval. Plastic anchors are noEapproved. Use Eogrgle bolts in concrete blocks. Pipe Through Roof Joists: Piping may be laid ontop of roof joist chord only with prior approval ofArchitect. 10. Use dielect.ric unions and insulati-ng tape to avoidcont.acL beEween dissimilar metaLs. 2 .1-O DUCTS: ConsErucE straight and smooLh wiLh neaEly finished joinEs, airtight and free from vibrat.ion. Internal ends of slipjoint.s shall- be made in the direct.ion of flow. Changes induct dimensions and shape shall be gradual and uniform.Curved elbows, unLess otherwise noted, to have centerlineradius of aE least 1,-L/2 Eimes the duct width. Air turns tobe instal-led in a1I abrupt elbows and sha11 be air-foit typearranged to permiE air to make Eurns withouE appreciableturbulence and to remain quiet when the system is inoperaEion. Configuration of ducEs and duct hangers shall beas shown in the ASHRAE Guide and the SMACNA Low Velocitv DuctManual, lat.est. ediE,i-ons. I I I I I I 5. 6. 7. I I I I I I I I I15050 -5 I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t 2 .LT FTRE DA}'IPERS: Install fire dampers where indicated on the drawings, asrequired by NFPA Pamphlet No. 90A, or required by- loca1codes. Provide an access door Eo each fire damper, whenarehitecture restricts reasonable access. Furnish UL labeleddampers. Refer to Archit,ecLural Drawings for l"ocation offire resisEive rat,ings of wa11s, floors, ceiling, etc. 2 ,1-2 FLEXIBI.E CONNECTIONS: A. Where ducEwork is connected to fans, air handl-ing units,or oEher equipment Ehat may cause vibraE.ion in t.heducEwork, connect, by means of a flexible connection consErucEed of fire resistant flexi-b1e canvas or otherapproved maEerial. ConnecLion shal1 be suitable forpressures developed at the point of instaLlation.Flexible materi.al shal1 be waEerproof for weather-exposedductwork, and shaLl show no visible st,rain durinq operaE,ing condit,ions . B. Where piping is connected to pumps or other rotating equipment Lhat may cause vibration, connect by means ofa flexible connector. Refer to val-ves and pipingr specialties in Sect,ion 15400 for approved flexible connecfors. 2.1,3 HAND AND SPLITTER DAI\,TPERS Install hand operat.ed volume and splitEer dampers per drawings. Volume dampers sha11 be controlled by heavy dutylocking quadranEs mounted ouEside of the duct and shaLL be opposed blade type or single blade Eype as noted on drawings. Volume dampers in duct, over 12 inch deep sha11 be made in twosecEions, each independent.ly operated. Splitter dampersshall be at Least L-t/z Eimes as long as the narrowest. adjacent split and conErolled by rods extendi-ng through duct end and swayed or bent to prevent rods from dropping intoduct. Quadrant operators to be Ventlock No. 535 or 637. Dampers must be rat,tle-free during systen operation. 2.L4 CLEANING: I.InEenE: It is the intent of this SpecificaEion Eothat all work, including the inside of equipmenE, bea clean condition wiEh all dust and qrease removed. 1. Piping and connecEing equipment to be left sediments, core sands, grease, etc. -l-gl- L llt free oft I t 15050 -7 I I I t T I I I I I I I I t 2. 4. Clean all exposed surfaces of piping, ducts andhangers, etc., sufficient to receive paint. Vacuumducts if required Eo remove dusE. Air systern shall not be operated without fil_tersexcept, for a maximum of 15 minutes to blow outconstruction dusE. Replace filters or cleanpermanent type filters just, prior to substantialcompletion. Filt.ers shal-L be replaced at time ofbuildi-ng accepEance. Do not operate systems forconstruction heaE, ,Just prior to substantial completion, clean andwipe dry all plumbing fixtures, exposed valves,fauceEs, piping, etc., which are exposed. Cleanall equipment and fixt,ures per manufacturer,sspecifications to avoid scratching finishedsurfaces. Leave all plumbingr fixtures ready to llqe I I I I 1s0s0-8 A B. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t PROVISION B - TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 15200 - REQUIREMENTS FOR TECHNICAL WORK PART ]..00 - GENERAL 1.01_ DESCRTPTTON A. A11 of the work described in t,hese Specifications shal1 be Requirements of this Section. L.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE the following SecEions of governed by the Technical Qualifications of Workmen: Use sufficient journeymen and competent supervisors in the execution of these portions of the work to ensure proper and adequate installation F l-i r^! r ^!r ^' ' +'u rrr- \JLrvrrrJu L- ' CompJ-iance Wit,h Specif ications : L.Whenever reguired during progress of the work andafter completion of construct.ion, furnish proof acceptable to the Owner t,hat all items inst.alled equal or exceed all requirements specj-fied for Ehis work. In the evenE such proof is not. available, or is notacceptable to the Owner. The Owner may requi-re thecontract.or to remove the it.em or items and replacewit.h material meeting the specified requirement.s and to repair all darnage caused in the removal andreplacemenE, all at no additional cosE to the Owner. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Within EwenEy (20) days after award ofconErac! and before any maEerials are deli-vered to thejob site, submit Eo the Architect complete shop drawingsin accordance with t.he provisions of the Specificat,ions,showing all maE,erials proposed Lo be furnished andinst.alled. Technical data sheet,s shal1 show full rangeof performance, dimensions, quality level and conformanceto these specifications. Where clearances are crit,ical, complete installation drawings may be required prior toapproval of eguipment. Failure to provide shop drawingsshal1 be grounds for withholding requisitioned palzment.s. Payment withholding sha11 occur regardless of cat.egory L)ZUU- I for which money is being requisitioned. euantities ofshop drawings sha1l be in accordance wiEh Division 1 ofthese specifications. B. Project, Record Drawings: During progress of work,maint,ain an accurat.e record of all chanqes made in theinstallat.ion from Ehe layout and materials shown on Ehedrawings. Upon completion of the mechanical inst.a1la-tion, transfer all record data to b1ueline prints of Eheoriginal drawings per Section 15048. 1-.04 PRODUCT HANDLTNG A. Protection: Use all means necessary to prot.ect materialsbefore, during and after installation and t.o protect Eheinstalled work and material-s of ot.her lrades. B. Replacements: In the event of damage, immediately makeal1 repairs and replacemenEs necessary Eo the approval_ of t.he Archit.ect and at. no addit.ional cost to the Owner. PART 2.OO - EXECUTION 2.01 SURFACE CONDTTIONS: A. Inspection: 1-. Prior to all work of these sections, carefullyinspecE the installed work of all other Erades andverify all such work is complete to the point wherethis insEallat.ion may properly conrnence. 2. Verify that all materials may be insEalled inst.ricu accordance with att pert.inent codes andregulat.ions and the drawings. B. Discrepancies: 1. fn the event of discrepancy, inunediately notify theArchiEect. 2. Do noE proceed with j_nsEa1lat.ion in areas of dis-crepancy until_ all such discrepancies have beenfu1ly resolved. I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I t I I I 1520 0 -2 I I sEcrroN 15250 - MEcHANTcAL TNSULATToN I PART 1. oo - cENERAL I 1. O]- RELATED DOCIJMENTS: r A' 8:i:::i" #f ?iffi111.o"[:I+"'3ff.i5&"J'1X?'":or']:]]*:?Specification sections, apply to work of ghi-s sect,ion. I B. Division l-5800 Air Dist.ribution for DucEwork Constructrr-on(work not included as part of this section) . I C. Division 15400 Plumbinq for Piping Instaflation (work notincluded as part. of t.his section) . f D. Division 15050, PART 2.00, paragraph 2.08 Supports andr Hangars (work not included as part -of this seition) . I ]-.02 DESCRIPTTON OF WORK: I A. ExEent of mechanical insulaEion required by this sectionr ::""ii#:;;su", ?xr"ui::ii:"" schedures' and bv f B. Work included: The insulation system required for thisI work incLudes, but. is not, necessirity tinited tor 1. Insulating all domesEic hot and co1d. water lines I above grade. I 2. fnsuLating roof drainage piping above grade. I 3. fnsulatingr all supply and ret.urn air ducts abovegrade. I 4. Insulating all hydronic heat piping. I 5. rnsulatingr all chilled wauer piping. I 6. Insulating equipment. I I 7, Insulating heaLing equipmenE breeching. I I 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE: I A. Manufact,urer's Qualifications: Firms regularly engaged I in manufacture of mechanical insulat.ion producls, of If,Z5U-J- t I I El4)es and sizes required, whose products have been insat,isfactory use in similar services for not less than 3years. Installer's Qualifications: For all systems excepEinternally lined ducEwork, a firm wiiir successfulinst.allation experience on projects wiEh mechanicalinsulations similar to that reguired for t.his project.The inst.aller must, submiE a list of jobs equal in sizet.en days prior Eo bi.dding. The list. shall include dategf installat.ion, owner,s narne, architect, engineeringfirm, with celephone number and individual to coirtact foieach. InsEallers t,hat have submiEt.ed and are approvedinclude At.las Mechanical Insulat.ors, Inc. Flame/Smoke Ratings: provide composiE,e mechanicalinsulat.ion (insulation, jackets, coverings, sealers,mastics and adhesives) wiEh flame-spread inaex of 25 orless, and smoke-developed index of 50 or 1ess, as tesEedby ASTM E 84 (NFPA 255) method. l-. Exception: Outdoor mechanical_ insul_aEion may haveflame spread index of 75 and smoke developed indexof 150. 1.04 SUBMITTALS: A. Product DaLa: Submit, manufacturer,s technical productdata and installation instruct,ions for each type ofrnechanical insu.l_ation. Submit schedule Jhowinqmanufacturer,s product number, k-value, thickness, andfurnished accessories for each mechanical sysEemrequiring i_nsulation. B. Maintenance Data: Subrnit maintenance data andreplacement. materiaL lisEs for each type of mechanicalinsulat.ion. fnclude Ehis dat,a and product daEa inmaintenance manual . C. Samples: as required by erchitect or Engineer, submitmanufacEurer,s samlrle of each piping insulat.ion typerequired, and of each ducE and equipment, insulat.ion tffierequired. Affix label to sample Completely describii-rgproducL. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HAI,IDLTNG: I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. c. A. Deliver insulat.ion, coatings to site inor label, affixedproducts. coverings, cements, adhesives, andcontainers with manufacturer, s sEampshowing fire hazard indexes of 1-5250-2 and weE B. I I I I I t I I I I I I t t I I I I I ProE.ect insulation mechanical damage.insulation; remove against dirt., waEer,Do noE install from project site. and chemicaL damaged or PART 2, OO - EXECUTTON 2.01 INSPECTION: A. Examine areas and conditions under which mechanica]-insulat.ion is to be installed. Do not proceed wit.h workuntil unsatisfactory conditions have been correct.ed in manner acceptable Eo fnstaller. 2.02 PLUMBING PIPTNG SYSTEM INSULATTON: A. fnsul-ation Omitted: Ornit insulation on chrome-plated exposed piping (except for handicapped fixtures), ai-r chambers, unions, sErainers, check valves, balance cocks,flow regulators, drain lines fromwater coolers, drainagepiping located in crawl spaces or tunnels, buried piping, fire protection piping, and pre-insulated equipment. El 4,,\lA Dinir,^.4y4 rrY ! 1. Application Requirement.s: InsuLate Ehe followingcold plumbi-ng piping systems with Certainteed 500 "Snap-On" molded one piece fiberglass pipe insulation with a uKu value of 0.23 at 75"F mean t.emperature, or Imcolock Polyolefin Foam pre-slit and pre-glued on both sides of the longitudinal CAAln a. Potable cold water piping. b. Int.erior above-ground storm waEer piping. 2. Water piping 3/4tt and smaller shal1 have insulat.ion minimum of L/2" thick. Water piping 1" and largerand storm water piping 4" and smaller sha11 haveinsulation minimum of 1" Ehick. Storm water pipingr larger than 4" shall have insulat,ion minimum of 1- l-l2 ,, thick. C. Hot. Piping: l-. Applicat,ion Requirements: Insulate Ehe followinghot plumbing piping systems with Certainteed 500 "Snap-on" mofded one piece fiberglass insulation wit,h a "K't val-ue of 0.23 at 75" mean Eemperature, or J-5Z5U-J 2.03 HVAC I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I B. Imcolock Polyolefin Foam pre-slit and pre-glued on both sides of the longitudinal seam. a. Pot.able hoE water piping. b. Pot.able hot water recirculating pipj-ng. c. Hot drain piping (where indicaLed) . Piping 3/4' and smaller sha11 have insulation minimum of t/2" thick. Piping 1" through 2" shall have insulation minimum of 1" thick. Piping larger than 2" shall have insulation mi-nimum of I-t/2' thick. PTPING SYSTEM TNSULATION: rnsulation omitted: omit insulation on hot pipinq withi-n radiation enclosures or unit cabineEs; on coJ-d prping within uniL cabinets provided piping is located over drain pan; on heaEing pipingr beyond control va1ve, locateo within heated space; and on unions, flanges, sErainers, flexible connections, and expansion joint.s. Chilled waLer, refrigerant or brine (below 40 degrees F) : 1. Application Requirement,s: rnsulat.e Ehe following sub-zero HVAC piping systems with Certaint,eed 500 "Snap-on" molded one piece fiberglass pipe insulation wit.h a uKu value of 0.23 aE 75"F mean l- alnr16r^ |- 1r16.Le.!.!r'e!euu!v. a. Low temperat,ure refrigerant piping. b. Refrigerant suction lines between evaporators and compressors, c. Brine refrigerant piping. 2. Piping 3/4'and smaller shal1 have insufaEion minimum of 1' thick. Piping 1" and larger sha1l have insulation minimum of l-L/2" Lhick. Cold Piping (40 degrees F) to Arnbient: Applicat.ion Requirement,s: Insulate the followingcold HVAC piping systems with Certainteed 500 "Snap-On" molded one piece fiberglass pipe insulat.ion with a "Ku value of 0.23 at 75oF mean r amtlara l- r l rd L5250 -4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 IIVAC chilled water supply and return piping. ITVAC make-up water piping. Air conditioner condensate drain piping. 2- Piping 3/4' and smaller shal1 have insulation minimum of t/2" thick. Piping l-" and larger sha11 have insulation minimum of 1" Ehick. Hot Low Pressure Piping (to 250 degrees F) : L. Application Requirements: Insul-ate the following hot. low pressure IIVAC piping systems (water piping up to 250 degrees F) wiEh Certainteed 500 "Snap-On.molded one piece fiberglass pipe insulatj.on with a..'K" value of .023 at 75"F mean temperature. a. I{VAC hot water supply and return piping. 2. Piping 2 " and smal-ler shall have insulation minimumof 1' thick. Piping larger l:han 2n shall havei.nsulation minimum of l-t/2" Ehick. InsulaE.ion of Piping Exposed to Weat.her: ProtecL outdoorinsulat,ion from weather by installing outdoor protect,ive finish or jacket.ing as recommended by Ehe manufacturer. cl . D. E. 2.04 DUCTWORK SYSTEI4 INSIILATION: A. Cold Ductwork (Below Afiibient Temperature) : Application Requirements: fnsulate the followingcold ductwork: a. Outdoor air intake ducLwork beLween air enLrance and fan inleE or IIVAC unit inlet. b. HVAC supply ductwork between fan dischargie, or HVAC unit discharge, and room terminal out1eE,. (1) Insulate neckdiffusers.and bells of supply c. HVAC reEurn ductswork beEween room t,ermina]inlet and return fan in1eE, or HVAC uniEinlet. d. IIVAC plenums and unit. housinqs not pre- insul-ated at fact,ory or lined. 15250-s F. Tr/-r l- 1 2. C. Dual l_. 2.05 EQUTPME\]II A. Cold 1. z. lnsulate each ductwork system specified above with1" duct liner or l-t/2,, duct wrap. Ductwork (Above Arnbient TemperaEure) : Application Requirements: Insulate t.he foll_owinohot ductwork: a. HoE supply and return ducEwork between fandischarge, or heating uniE discharge, and roomt.erminal outlet. b. Heating plenums and unit housings not pre- insulaE,ed at fact.ory or lined. fnsulat,e each duct.work system specified above wit.hl-" duct liner or t-t/2,, duct wrap. Temperature Ductwork: Application Requirements: Insulate the followingdual temperalure duct,work: a. Hot./cold supply and reEurn ductwork betweenfan discharge or HVAC unit. discharge, and room t.erminal- outlets. Insulat.e each ductwork sysEem specified above with1" duct liner or I-!/2,, duct wrap. TNSULATION: Equipment (Be1ow Arnbient. Temperature) : Application RequiremenEs: Insulate the followingcold equipment: a. Refrigeration equipment, including chi11ers,t,anks and pumps. b. Cold and chilled water pumps. c. Roof drain bodies. Insulat,e each item of equipmenE specified abovewit.h one of t.he following tybes and thicknesses ofinsulation: a. Fiberglass: 2,, thick for cold surfaces above35 degrees F. I I T I I I I I I I T I t I I I I I I z. J-)t5U-b I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I b. Cellular Glass: ? E darrraaq F 3' thick for surfaces above c. Flexible Unicellular: 1" thick. B. Hot Equipment. (Above AmbienE Temperature) : l-. epplication RequiremenEs: lnsulate the followinghot eouipment: a. Boilers (not. pre-insulated aE facEory) . b. Water heaters. c. Heat. exchangers. 2. Insulate each item of equipmenE specified abovewith one of the following types and t,hicknesses ofinsulat,ion: a. Fiberglass: 2n thick, except 3o thick for low-pressure boilers. b, Calcium Silicater 3" thick except 4-1"/2,thick for 1ow-pressure boilers. c. Flexible Unicel-lu1ar: 1n thick. Do not. usefor equipmenE operat.ing above 180 degrees F. PART 3.OO - APPLICATION 3.01 INSTALLATION OF PIPING INSULATION: A. General: Install insulation producEs in accordance withmanufacturer's written inst.ructions, and in accordancewith recognized industry practices to ensure thaEinsulat.ion serves its intended purpose. B. fnstall insulation on pipe systems subsequent toinstallation of heat tracing, painting, tesEing, and acceptance of Lests. C. Install insulaEion mat,erials with smooEh and evensurfaces. Insulate each conEinuous run of piping withfu11-length units of insulaEion, with a single cut piece Eo complete run. Do noE use cut pieces or scrapsabutting eaeh other. D. Clean and dry pipe surfaces prior to insulating. But,tinsulation joints firmly together to ensure a complete and tight fit over surfaces to be covered. L5250-7 Maintain int.egrity of vapor-barrier jackets on pipeinsulation, and protect to prevent, punct,ure or oEher damage. Cover valves, fittings and similar items in each pipingfsysten wit,h equivalent thickness and composition ofinsulat,ion as applied to adjoiningr pipe run. fnsEal-lfact,ory molded, precut or job fabricat,ed units (acInstaller's option) except where specific form or Eype isindicated. Extend piping insulation wit.hout interrupEion throughwalls, floors and similar piping penetrations, exceptwhere otherwise indicated and where piping extendsthrough fire resist.ive assembly reguirj-ng installation of f j.re stop mat.erial . Butt pipe insulation against pipe hanger insulationinserts. For hot pipes, apply 3" wide vapor barrier tapeor band over the buEt joints. For cold piping apply weEcoat of vapor barrier 1ap cement. on butt joints and sealjoint.s wiEh 3" wide vapor barrier tape or band. 3. O]- INSTAI-,I-,ATTON OF DUCTWORK INSULATTON: A. General: Install insulation products in accordance withmanufacturer's writt.en instructions, and in accordancewiEh recognized industry pract.ices to ensure thatinsulation serves its' intended purpose. B. Install insulation maE,erials with smooth and evensurfaces. C. Clean and drff ducEwork prior to insulating. BuEtinsulation joinEs firmly together Eo ensure compleEe andtight fit over surfaces Eo be covered. D. Maintain integriEy of vapor-barrier on ductworkinsulation, and prot.ect it to preven! punct,ure and other damage. E. Extend externally applied ductwork insulat.ion wit.houtint.errupEion through wa1ls, floors and similar ducEworkpenet.rat,ions, excepE where oEherwise indicaEed and whereductwork extends through fire resisEive assemblyrequiring inst.allation of fire stop maEerial . F. Ductwork Exposed to Weather: proEect ouEdoor insulationfrom weather by installing outsdoor protective finish orjacketing as reconmended by manufacEurer. I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I E. F. rfzSu-6 \.'. H. I. t I I I l I I I I t I I I I I I I I I Adhere wrap insulation to duct with fire-ret.ardantadhesive in sufficient quantit,ies to prevent. sagging. Duct.s over 30" wide shall have insulation on bottom sidesecured with mechanical fasteners on maximum--of 18' cenEers. Internally lined ductwork sha1l have liner adhered. to thesheetmetal with l-00? coverage of fire-retardant, adhesrve and pin spotEed as outlined in t.he lat.est issue of SMACNA Guide. Round ductwork sha11 be insulaEed with material equal tofnsul Sleeve. Ductwrap with longitudaL seams is not .a r. r. arr i- a h'l o 3.02 TNSTALLATTON OF EQUIPMENT INSUIJATION: A. General-: fnsLall equipment. thermaf insulation product.sin accordance with manufacturer's written instruct.ions, and in complj-ance wif.h recognized industry practj-ces toensure t.hat insulat.ion serves intended purpose. B. Install insulation materials with smooEh and evensurfaces and on clean and dry surfaces. Redo poorlyfitted joints. Do not use mastic or joinL sealer asfiller for gaping joints and excessive voids resulting from poor workmanship. C. MainEain int,egrity of vapor-barrier on equipmentinsulation and proEecE iE to prevent puncture and other rl a rn.a rra D. Do noE apply insulation Eo eguipment, breechings, orstacks while hot. E. Apply insulation using the staggered joint method forboEh single and double layer construction, wherefeasible. Apply each layer of insulation separately. F. Coat insulaEed surfaces with layer of insulaEing cement,Eroweled in workmanlike manner, leaving a smooEh continuous surface. Fill in scored block, seams, chipped edqes and depressions, and cover over wire netting andjoints with cemenE of sufficient thickness Eo removesurface irregularieies . G. Cover insulated surfaces with all-service jacketing neatly fitted and firmly secured. Lap seams aE least 2".Apply over vapor barrier where applicable. L)Z)U-Y I. Do not, insulate boiler manholes, handholes, cleanouEs, ASME stamp, and manufacturer's nameplaEe. Provide neatly beveled edge at interruptions of insulaEion. Provide removable insulation sections Eo cover parts of equipment which must be opened periodically for maintenance; include metal vessef covers, fasLeners, flanges, frames and accessories. Eguipment Exposed Eo Weather: ProEect ouEdoor insulation from weaEher by installation of weaEher-barrier mastic protective finish, or jacketing, as recofiunended by the manufacturer. As an alEernate, external duct insulation exposed to weather may be protected as detailed on drawinqs. 3.03 EXISTTNG INSULATION REPAIR: A. Repair damaged sections of exisEing mechanica] insulation damaged during Ehi-s construcEion period. Use insulation of same thickness as exisEing insulation, install new jacket lapping and sealed over existing. 3,04 PROTECTION AND REPLACEMENT: A. Replace damaged insulation which cannoc be repaired saEisfactorily, including unit,s wiE,h vapor barrier damage and moisture saturated units. B. ProEection: Insulat.ion Installer shall advise Conlractor of required protecEion for insulaE,ion work during remainder of construction period, to avoid damaqe and deterioration. t t I I t I I I I I I I I I t I 1 I I H. J. l_5250 -10 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 15400 - PLWBING PART 1..00 - GENERAL 1. 01 DESCRTPTION 5. 6. PART 2.OO - PRODUCTS z.v ]. PIPING A. Work Included: The plumbing system required for thiswork includes, buE is not necessarily l"imited to: l-. AII cold water distri-bution and service from 5'-0,,outside building. 2. Domestic water heating including water heat,ers anddist.ribution. A11 plurnbing wastes and vents including service to5'-0' outside building Floor and area drainaqe. lfrrrlrnrr i r. ha^F ni ni -- rr'^F^6rry \rJ- \.,,rr -r- \- rrseL !.,r l.P J_rrv -yDLgrtr. All other plumbing iEems indicated on the drawings,specified herein, or needed for a compl-et.e andproper plunbinq installaEion in accordance wich allperEinent codes and regulations. A. Soil, WasEe, Vent and Roof Drainage Piping: 1. MaE.erials: a. Below Grade: T\wo inch size minimum, "spun"standard weighE cast iron mechanical slip joint pipe and f it.t.ings. Backf i11 with soil Lo 12inch depth. "No-hub" not permitted below slabor grade. b. Above Grade: "No-hub" service cast iron pipe and cast iron drainage pattern fitt,ings.Alternate, copper drainage tube type DWV withcas! brass solder joint, drai-nage fittings. Useadaptors at grade connections to casE iron f\r l\4 15400-1 T I I I1-, 'Joints: a. Mechanical: compression L-f 04. Slip fit with l-ubricant and tool, flex ring to conform to ASTM Solder: Canfield 100* watersafe over fluxedpipe and fittings. No-Hub: Corrosion resistant clamp assembly Iover flex sealing sleeve conforming to ASTI{ tc-554. C. I I I I I I I I I t I I ) I B.Cold WaE,er - Underground: l-. T\llo inch size and smal-l-er: a. MaLerj-al-: fipe "K" soft drawn copper. b. Joints: Minimum number of brazed 800'F (1ead free) joint,s; ream to fu11 diameter, apply flux to pipe end on pipe smaller t.han L-l/2 lnches and to pipe and fittings on sizes over 1--L/2 i-nches.Al '|- arn:l- a 'ini n inrr mal-hnd.J v!f rf r a::,Com-pression, flare pipe to inside diameter of compression nut with proper flaring too1s. 2. Over two inches: Class 52 ductile iron, Class 22 casE iron mechanical joint, or CPVC as approved on the drawings. A11 types to be insEalled in strict compliance wiuh manufacEurer's recommendations. Note thrust block bedding and backfill requirements in particular. (Field condition "8" for backfilL unless noted otherwise) . Hot and Cold Water - Above Ground: l-. Material: TVpe "L" hard-drawn copper tubing. 2. .loints: Ream t.o fu11 diameLer, apply flux to pipe snaller Lhan L-t/2 inches and to pipe and fittings on sizes over l-l/2 inches. Use Canfield 1008 watersafe solder and orqaacetylene torch. 3. Fittings: L25 PSI solder joint copper or brassfitcinqs or adapt.ors. Use insulaEing unions at a]l connections bet,ween sEeel , brass, bronze, iron and ^/.\n71ar 111 naI'-I'e. Hydronic Heating - Above Ground: 1. Materiaf : T\pe "L', hard-drawn copper tubing. D. 15400-2 t\ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. ,foint,s: Ream to fulf diameter, apply flux to pipe smaller Lhan I-L/2 inches and Eo pipe and fittings on sizes over L/I/2 inches. Use Canfield 1008 watersafe solder and oxyacetsylene eorch. 3. rittings; L25 PSI solder joint copper or brass fittings or adaptors. Use insulating unions at all connections between sEeel or iron and copper pipe. E. Equipment Drains: T\pe "L" hard-drawn copper with tee and removable plug at every change in direction. 2.02 VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES A. Valves: Shall be Apo1lo, SEockham, Milwaukee, Nibco, or Harmnond, in accordance with the following schedule, exceDU as otherwise noEed: 1.i'- nr.rr.r o r Di rro .vvPPvr 5 4!/e . Gate Valve: Bronze, wedge disc, tapered seat, rising sEem, screwed bonnet, t25 lb. S.w.P., 200 fb. W.O.c., Milwaukee 148 or t49. Globe Valve: Bronze, W.O.G. disc, risi-ng scem, screwed bonnet, 1,25 1b. S.W.P., 200 lb. w.O.G., Milwaukee 502 or L502. c. Check Valve: Teflon 125 lb. S.P.W., 200 lb. W.O.G. horizonEal swing check, Milwaukee 5097 or 1509T. d. Ball Valve: Bronze, 150 lb. S.w. P. , 500 Ib. W.O.G., reinforced t.eflon seat, chrome plaEed full flow ball, Milwaukee BA-100 or BA-150. e. Silent Check Valve: Wafer sEy1e, L25 1b., spring loaded, cenLer guided, bronze Erim, iron body, Milwaukee l-400 Series. Ferrous Pipe: a. Gate Valve Two rnch and Larger: Iron body bronze mounted, solid wedge, rising sEem, screwed, 125 1b. S.w.P., 200 lb. w.o.G., Milwaukee F-2885-M. b. Globe Valve Two Inches and Larger: Iron body bronze mounted, rising sEem, bolted bonneE, L25 1b. S.W.P., 200 1b- W.O.c., Milwaukee F-2981-M. r-540 0 -3 c. Check Valve Two Inches and Larger: fron body, bronze trim swing check, 200 1b. W.O.G., Milwaukee F-2974-M. 3. Refer to Slmbol Legends on Drawings for Type. B. Piping Specialties And Accessories: l-. Manual Air Vent: Crane No. 702 cock. 2. Drain Valves: Crane No. 45t (one inch for lines five inches, two inches for lines six inches and up) ' 3. SErainer: CasE bronze, sD/e paEtern, Walworth #3699 L/2 or iron body wye paEEern, Crane No. 989 l/2. Provide blow-off for each sErainer piped to nearest floor drain. 4. Test Well-: Temperature and pressure test plug with Nordel valve core and 1/2 inch N.P.T. brass body with gasketed cap, as manufacEured by Universal , 0 Eo 220 degree range and one l/4 inch N.P.T., #45A.304 pressure gauge adaptor for each 12 Eest plugs. (Davis & Davis of Denver, manufacturer's represenEat.ive) 5. Pressure Gauge: Marshalltown "Permagage" or Trerice No. 500x, 4-L/2 inch dial, wj-th crane No. 88 needle valve for each gauge, plus syphon for each steam gauge. Dial range as noEed on drawings. Provide one gauqe per 12 test plugs. PermanenE mount gauge when so noEed. 5. ThermomeEers: Nine inch sca1e, red mercury-fi1Ied column, expansj-on heads Eo protect against extreme heat, separable sockeE well, sEems as required for ease in reading from floor. Marshalluown, Trerice, o.A. E. 7. Unions. 2-L/2 inch and three inch and larger,smaller, ground joint type; flange unions. H "Flexonicsu O.A.E. with as shown on drawings. Expansion Joint,s: C & slip guides and anchors 2.03 PI.,,UMBING FIXTURES AND TRIM I I I I I I t I I T I I t I t I t I I A. General: Each fixture shallfixture adjusted Eo prevent have a shut-off vaLve aE Ehe excessive flows. Supplies 15400-4 I I I t t I I I t I t I I I I I I I I sha1l be brought from Ehe wal1 wherever possible.Install all fixtures complete with all required water,waste and vent connections, fit.tings, trim, supporefaucecs, valves and t.raps. A11 faucets, fittings, pipetrim, escutcheons, etc., noE concealed in wall spaceshal1 be chrome-plated brass, unless ot,herwise noted orspecified. All faucets shall have renewable units, seat and barrel . B. Fixture LisE: Plumbing fixtures are specifj-ed on Ehedrawings. See SecEion 15010 for substiLutions andeguipment l-ist submit.Eal_s . C. Pipe Sizes: fnstall mains of the sizes shown on thedrawings. Piping connections to fixtures (branches) shall be as follows, unless noted ot,herwise: Fixture SVC. Sink Soil- OrWaste Vent Trap 3u 2n 3' Hot Col-dWater Water L/2, Water CloseE,F.V. 4n 2u WaEer closet,F.T. 3 n 2n Lav. & Sinks L-L/2"t-t/2" L-L/2" L/2" Urinals, F.V. 2" !-t/2" 2'' D. Plumbing Accessories I 1. Cleanouts: 1 /) tl 1rl t/2" 1/)n 3/4' a. Provide screwed brass cleanouEs in allhorizont,al piping below floors aE intervals nott.o exceed 50 feeE. Where cleanouE access is Ehrough floor, install nickel bronze Eop equalto 'Jonespec Series 61-000. b, Provide wall cleanout at base of each verticalsoil, waste, vent or rainwat,er stack. Cleanout,and stainless sEeel cover ecrual to JonesDecSeries 63050. 2. Shock Absorbers: ,Jonespec Series 55000, size andlocation as indicated on the pllunlcing plans. 3. Floor Drain: Zurn Series Z-4L5 coaEed cast ironfloor drain, two piece body, bottom outlet inside 15400-5 caulk connecEing adjustable bronze round sE,rainer excepE Eile floors use square strainer. Area Drain: As noEed on drawings. 2.04 OTTIER MATERIALS A11 oEher maEerials, not specifically described, buE required for a compleEe and proper instal-lation, shall- be new, firsE quality for Eheir respective kinds and subject to Ehe approval of the ArchitecE. PART 3. OO - EXECUTION t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I .+. ,l 1 PLI]MBING SYSTEM LAYOUT A. Layout Ehe plunbing sysEem the drawinqs, deEermining components of the sysEemnumber of fittings to functsioning sysEem. B. Encfosure of Pipes: Except, by Ehe Architect, layoutpartiEion, ceiling, or roof that shown on Ehe drawings ArchitecE's approval. in careful coordinat.ion withproper elevations f or al-l- and using only the minimumproduce a satisfactorily where specifical-ly permiEted aI I nines frr fall wiUhin!,4Pvecavities. Furring other Ehanis not oermitted withouc Ehe 3.02 TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING Perform al1 trenching and backfilling associated with Lhe plurnbinq installacion in stricE accordance with all perti-nent, provisions of Division 2 of these Specifications. 3.03 INSTALLATION OF PIPING AND EQUIPMENT A. General: Install all piping properly capping or plugging all open ends and making pipe generally IeveL and plumb, free from traps and in a manner Eo conserve space for ot.her work. 2. Provide uniform pitch of at leasE, 1/4 tnc}l^ per footfor aIl horizontaL waste and soil piping within thebuilding; pitch all ven!s for proper drainage;install- vent piping wiEh each bend 45 degrees 1540 0 -6 A. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I minimum from horizontal wherever structuralconditions will permiE. 3. Cushion all t.raps and bearinqs Eo minimize transferof sound; provide complete isolat.ion of dissimilarmetals with dielectric unions, anchor piping andinstall expansion guides to provide for uniformthermal movement, of pipe without excessive stressor nor-se. 4. fnspect each piece of pipe, tubing, fittings andequipment for defects and obstruct.ions; promptly remove all defective material from the job sit.e. 5. fnsEaLl pj-pes Eo clear all beams and obslrucEions; do not cut inEo or reduce the size of load carrying members without t.he approval of the Archit.ect..After obtaining approval, coordinaEe penet.rat.ions through sEructure wit.h General ConEractor andArchitect. to have penetrations in sEeel made aEstructure fabricator's manufacturing faciliCy. 6. Heating sysEem piping shal1 rise uniformly in thedirection of flow and aE every high point inpiping, provide an accessible manual air venE. Joints and Connections: 1-. Smoothly rean all cutsEraight and true; applyto male pi-pe threads i useprugs. pipe; cut all threadsbest quality t,eflon tapegraphite on aLl cleanout 2. Packed joi.nt,s in casE iron soil and waste pipe andfj-t.tings, using oakum and/or lead caulkj_ng, shal1have prior approval before installation. Compression-t]4)e neoprene joints are preferred asspecified herein. 3. Make all joints in copper tube with 100* watersafesolder applied in stricE accordance wit,h Ehe manu f act.urer,s recomrnendat ions . 3.04 STERILIZATION OF PIPES General 1-. After preliminarar purging of ehe sysEem, chlorinaEethe entire poEable waEer sysEem in accordance wit.hthe current reconEnendat.ions of Ehe American WaEer Works Associat.ion and as specified herein. 15400-7 2. Chlorinate only when the buildings are unoccupied. R E'] rrqh i nrr lnd Ciari I i z i nrr . 1. Before fj-nal connecEions are made, all poEable waEer pipinq shall be flushed out to remove allforeign material unEil no dirEy water appears atthe points of ouE1et.. 2. After flushing, all poeable waEer pipinq sha1l best.erilized with an approved water-chlorine solut.ioncont,aining at least 50 PPM of chlorine and the system al-l-owed to stand for 24 hours, or the systemshall be fj-11ed with an approved water-chlorinesolution containing at least 200 PPM and allowed to sEand for three hours. Following t,he allowedstanding time, the system sha11 be flushed withclean potable water until no chlorine remains inthe water coming frorn the sysLem. 3.05 CLOSING IN UNINSPECTED WORK A. General: Do not cover up or enclose work until it has Ibeen properly and compleEely inspected and approved. I B. Noncompliance: Should any of t.he work be covered or enclosed pri-or to all required inspect.ions and approvals,uncover the work as required and, after iE has beencompletely inspect.ed and approved, make all repairs and replacement.s wiEh such mat.erial-s as are necessary for the approval of the Archit.ect. and at no additj-onal cost tothe Owner. 3.06 TESTING Furnish all required personneL and equipmenE and make Lestsrequired to receive the approval of the Architect and allagencies having jurisdiction. 3.07 CLEANING UP Prior E,o final accepEance, thorougrhly clean exposed portionsof the plumbing installation, removing aJ_1 labels and alltraces of foreign subsEance, using a cleaning soluEion approved by Che manufact,urer of the plumbing it.em and beingcareful to avoid all damage to finished surfaces. I I I I I I t t I I I I I t I I I I 1540 0 -8 t - SECTTON ].5450 _ SITE UTTLITIES I PART 1. OO - GENERAL I,I 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS: I A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, includingI ff::i?l".?i:" '":11t'.1'"i'1?".,i"J,""j#,1"., Tfr""l::;i:l. t I B. Refer to Division-2 section "Earthwork for Site" for ' excavation and backfill requi-red for water and drain systrems. I 1-.02 DESCRIPTTON OF WORK: A. Extent of site utilities required by this section isindicated on drawings and schedules, and by requirementsof this section. B. Work includes: The ut,ilities required for this workincludes, buL is not necessarily limi-ted co: 1. Potable waEer service piping. 2. Fire service mains. 3 . Sanit.ary sewerage. C. Refer to Division-15 section 15400 for int,erior buildingsystems including interior piping, fixtures, andequipment; not work of this section. 1. 03 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. Manufacturer's Qualificat.ions: Firms regularly engagedin manufact,urer of potable water sysEems maEerials andproducts, of types and sizes required, whose products have been in sat.isfactory use in similar service for not.less than 5 years. B. Install-er's Qualificat.ions: Firm with aE least 3 yearsof successful inst,allaEion experience on projecEs withwork similar to thaE required for project. C. Codes and Standards: 1. Plumbing Code Compliance: Comply with applicableportions of Nat.ionaL standard plumbinq Codepertaining to selection and instal_lation of potable 15450 -1 I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I T I I I I I I D. E. F. A. B. waEer system materials and product,s. reguj-rement.s of ut.ility supplying zrrn_i onl- 2. Water Purveyor Compliance: t^nrnrrl rr r^ri rhevrrt,4_l waEer to the '.:,uompry wl.Enrequirements of Purveyor supplying water toproject, obtain required permits and inspections. Comply with 1ocal fire department,/marshal standardsperEaining co mat.erials, hose Ehreads, and installation. Comply with requirements of NFPA 24 for matserials andinstallaEion. Environmental Compliance: Comply wiEh applicableportions of local environmental agency regulat.ionsperEaining to saniEary sewerage systems. Ubility Compliance: Comply wit.h 1ocal ut,ility regulations and standards pertaining to sanitary sewerage sysEem. 1.04 SUBMITTALS: General: SubmiE the followi-ng in accordance with Conditions of ConEracE and oivision 1 Specifications Sections. Product daEa for valves, water meEer, and idenEificaEions devices. C. Shop drawings for precast concret,e valve pits and meterpit, including frames and covers. D. Shop drawings for cast.-in-place concrete valve pits and met,er pit., including frames and covers. E. Wiring diagrams for alarm devi-ces. F. Coordination drawings showing pipe sizes, valves, and meEer locations and elevaEions. Include details of underground sE.ruct.ures, connecEions, anchors, and thrustblocks. Show oEher piping in Ehe same t.rench and clearances from fire service mai-n. lndicate inEerface and spatial relationship beEween piping and proximate st,ruct,ures. G. Coordination profi-1e drawings showing waEer servicepipinq in elevation. Draw profiles at a horizontal scaleof not less than 1" equals 50' and a verticaf scale ofnot less than 1n eguals 5'. IndicaEe pipe, valves,structures, met.er, anchors, and reaction backi-ng. Show t5450-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T{ I. K. of other ,J. ]-.05 SEQUENCING AND A. Coordinate company. B. Coordinate C. CoordinaEe PART 2. OO - PRODUCTS z.u 1 PIPES A\ID PIPE FITTINGS: A. General-: Provide piping material-s and factory-fabricat.edpiping products of sizes, types, pressure ratings, andcapacities as indicated. Wtrere not indicaEed, provideproper selection Eo comply with installationrequirements. Provide sizes and types matching pipingr and equi-pment connections; provide fittings of materials which mat,ch pipe materials. B. Piping: Provide pi-pes of one of the followi-ng materials,of weight,/class indicated. Provide pipe fiEtings and accessories of same material and weight/class as pipes, with joining method as indicated. 1. Water: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe:for sizes 4" through 1-2"; Class 100. o tl4)es, sizes, mat.erials, and eLevationsutilities crossing wat.er service pipingr . Record drawings at project closeout of instalLed waterservice piping and producEs in accordance withreguirements of Division l-. Maintenance data for valves, indicator posts, watermeter, and alarm devices for inclusion j-n Operating andMaintenance Manuals specified in Division 1- Section "Project Closeout". Product data for drainage piping specialEies. CoordinaEion profile drawings showing sanitary seweragesystem piping in elevat.ion. Draw profiles at ahorizontal scale of not, Less that, l-u equals 50'and avertical scale of not less than 1-" equals 5'. fndicatepipe and underground structures. Show types, sizes,materj-al-s, and elevations of other uCilities crossing seweragie system piping. SCHEDULING connection to public ut.ility with ut.iliEy with interior building piping. with other utility work. 15450-3 AWWA C9OO a. Flt.tinqs: Duct,iLe-iron complying wit.h AWWAC110, cement 1ined, with rubber gaskets conforming to AWWA Cl-11. b. PVC Firrings: AWWA C900. (L) Bel1s: ASTM D 3139. (2) Gaskets: ASTM F 477 . 2. wat.er: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe: ASTM Dt785, Schedule 40 for sizes 1/2" Lhrough 3". a. Fittings: PVC, Schedule 40 socket.-type,solvent cement joinEs; or elastomeric gaskeEed j oints . Fire Service Mains: 1qn PVC pipe - AWWA C900, Cl-ass a. Ductile-fron and Cast-fron Fittings: AWWA C110, ductiLe-iron or cast-iron, or AWWA C153,ducEile-iron compact fittings, of dimension to match pipe outside diameEer. (1) Liningr AWWA C104, cemenE mortar, sealcoaEed. (21 Gasket,s : AWWA C1-11-, rubber. b. PVC Fit,tings: AWWA C900. (1) Bel1s : ASTTvI D 313 9 . (2) Gaskets: ASTM F 477 , Sanitary Sewer: PVC Sewer pipe and Fittinqs - ASTMD 3034, SDR 35, for solvenE cement or elastomericgasket joints. a. Solvent. Cement : ASTIvI D 2554 - b. Gasket.s: ASTM F 477, elastomeric seal . Sanitary Sewer: PVC Sewer Pi_pe nittings - ASTMF679, T-1 wal1 t.hickness, bell and spigoE, for elasEomeric gaskeE joints. a . Gaskets : ASTIVI F 477, elast.omeric seal . t t I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I 4. 5. r-5450 -4 t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.02 VALVES: A. Gate Valves: Provide as indicat,ed, gate valves, AWWAC500, L75 psi working pressure. Provide threaded,flanged, hub, or other end configurations to suit size ofvalve and piping connecEion. Provide inside screw typefor use with curb valve box, iron body, bronze-mounted, double disc, para1le1 seaE, non-rising stem. B. Nonrising Stem Gat,e Valves 3 Inches and Larger: AWWA C500, cast-iron double disc, bronze disc and seatrings, or AWWA C509, resilienE seated; bronze sEem, cast-iron or ductile-iron body and bonnet, stem nut., 200-psi working pressure, mechanical joint ends. C. Rising SEem cat.e Valves, 3 Inches and Larger: AWWA C500,casE-iron doubLe disc, bronze disc and seat rings, or AWWA C509, resilient seaEed; cast-iron or ductile'ironbody and bonnet, OS&Y, bronze stem, 200-psi workingpressure, flanged ends. D. Nonrising Stem Gat.e Valves, 2 Inches and Small-er: MSS SP-80; body and screw bonnet of ASTI{ B 52 cast bronze;with Class 125 Ehreaded ends, solid wedge, nonrisingcopper-silicon alloy sEem, brass packing g1and, Tefl-on- impregnated packing, and ma1leab1e iron handwheel . E. Valve Boxes: Cast-iron box having Eop section and coverwith leLtering 'WATER, " boEEom section with base of size Eo fiE over valve and barrel approximately 5 inches in diameEer, and adjusEable cast-iron extension of lengthrequired for depth of buq/ of valve. l-. Provide a steel tee-handle operating wrench with each valve box. Wrench shall have Eee handle wiEh one pointed end, stem of length Eo operaEe valve, and socket. fitEing valve operating nut. F. Curb Stops: Bronze body, ground key plug or ba11, andwide Eee head, wiEh inleE and outlet to malch servicepipinq mat.erial-. G. Service Boxes for Curb Stops: Cast-iron box having Eelescoping top section of length reguired for depth ofbury of valve and cover having lettering "WATER,,' andbottom section wi-th base of size Lo fit over curb stop and barrel approximately 3 inches in diameter. 1. Provide steel tee-handle shut-off rod with eachservlce box. Shut-off rod sha1l have tee handlewiEh one point.ed end, stem of length to operatecurb stop, and s1ot,t,ed end fitting curb stop head. 15450-5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I H. r. J. K. L. M. Tapping Sl-eeve and Tapping Valve: Provide a compfeEe assembly, including Eapping sleeve, Eapping va1ve, andbolts and nuts. The sleeve and Ehe valve shal1 be compatible with the tapping machine Eo be used. 1. Tapping Sleeve: Cast-iron or ductile-iron 2-piecebolted sleeve wj-th flanqed ouElet for new branchconnection. Sleeve may have mechanical joint endswith rubber gaskets or have sealing rings in the sleeve body. Sleeve sha1l mate wit,h the size and Eype pipe material being tapped. Out,let flange shaLL be size requj-red for branch connect,i.on. Service Clamps and Corporation Stops: Provide a complete assembly, including service c1amp, corporaEion stop, and bo1t,s and nut,s. The clamp and stop sha11 be compatiblewith the drilling machine to be used. 1. Service Clamp: Cast iron or ductile iron wiEhgasket and AVfVfA C800 Ehreaded outleE for corporation sEop, and threaded end straps. 2. Corporation SEops: Bronze body and qround keyplug, wiEh AWWA C800 threaded inlet and out.leE Eo maEch service piping material . 3. Manifold: Copper with Ewo Eo four inlets, as required, with ends maEching corporation stops. and ouElet matching service piping. Nonrising Stem Gate Valves 4 Inches and Larger: UL 252/WI approved, iron body and bonneE with flange forindicator post, bronze seating material, inside screw, 175-psi working pressure, mechanical joint ends. Provide wiEh flanged ends for pi-t installation. Rising Stem Gate Valves, 2-1/2 Inches and Larger: UL 252/FyI approved, iron body and bonnet, bronze seatingmaterial, OS&Y, 175-psi working pressure, flanged ends. Detector Check Valve: UL 3L2/FM approved, detecEorcheck, iron body, corrosion-resistants clapper ring andseat ring material, 175-psi working pressure, flanged ends, with connections for (but not including) a bypass and installation of a waEer meEer. Double Check Valve Assembly: UL 3L2/FM approved. Assembly shal1 consise of 2 UL 312/FU approved, iron body, 175-psi working pressure, flanged-end check valves, wiEh 2 VL 262/FVt approved, iron body, OS&Y, flanged, 175-psi working pressure gate valves. 15450 -5 N. o. I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I Indicator PosEs: UL 789/FV approved, vertical type,cast-iron body wit.h operaEing wrench, extension rod, andadjustable cast-iron barrel of length required for depthof bury of valve. lndicator PosCs: UL 789/FM approved, wall t1pe, cast-iron body with wheel handl-e and extension rod of lengthrequired for operat,ion of valve. 2.03 ACCESSORIES: A. Anchorages: Provide anchorag'es for tees, wyes, crosses,plugs, caps, bends, valves, and hydrants. Aft.erinstallation, apply ful1 coat of asphalL or other accepEable corrosion-retarding maEerial to surfaces of!errous ancnorages. 1. Clamps, Straps, and Washers: Stee1,ASTM A 506. 2. Rods: Steel , ASTM A 575. 3. Rod Couplings: Malleable-iron, ASTM A 197. 4. BolEs: SLeel, ASTM A 307. 5. Cast-Iron Washers: Gray-iron, ASTM A 1-26. 5. Thrust Bl-ocks: Concrete, 2,500 psi. B. Valve Pits: Provide valve pits as indicated, constructedof poured-in-place or precasL concrete. Construct ofdimensions indicated wit.h manhole access, ladder, anddrain. Provide sleeves for pipe entry and exit, provide waterproof sleeve sea1s. 2.04 ALARM DEVICES A. General:. UL 753/FM approved, of types and sizes to mate and mat.ch pipingr and equipment. B. Watser Flow fndicator: Vane-tl4)e waterflow detector,rated to 250 psi; designed for horizonEal or verEicalinstalJ-ation; have 2 SPDT circuit switches Eo provide isolatsed alarm and auxiliary contacts, 7 ampere 125 volEs AC and 0.25 ampere 24 volts DC; complete with factory-seE, field-adjustable retard element to prevent falsesignals and tamper-proof cover t.hat sends a signal whencover is removed. C. Supervisory Switches: SPDT, designed to signal valve inot,her than full open position. 1545 0 -7 o D.Pressure Switches: SPDT, designed Dressure. 2. 05 IDENTIFICATION Plasbic Underground Warning Tapes: Polyethylene plastic tape, 5" wide by 4 mils thick. solid blue in color withcontinuously printed caption in black let.ters'CAUTION - WATER LINE BURIED BELOW". MeLallic-Lined Plast.ic Underground Warning Tapes: Polyethylene plasEic Eape wiEh meEallic core, 6" wide by4 mils Ehick, solid blue in color wj.th continuouslyprint.ed caption in bl-ack letters "CAUTION - WATER LINE BURTED BELOW". Nonmetallic Piping Label: Enqraved plastic laminate l-abel-, for j-nstallation on the main waEer entrance; notless than 1" by 3", with capti-on "CAUTION - THIS STRUCTURE HAS A NONMETALLIC WATER SERVICE". 2.06 IDE}i:IIFICATION Plastic Underground Warning Tapes : Polyethylene plast.ic tape, 5u wide by 4 mi-Is thick, solid green in color with continuously printed capt,ion in black letters 'CAUTION - SEViIER LINE BURTED BELOW". MeEallic-Lined Plast.ic Underground Warning Tapes: Polyethylene plasEi-c t.ape with metallic core, 5" wide by4 mils thi-ck, solid green in color with continuouslyprinted capt.ion in black letters "CAUTION - SEWER I-,INE BIIRTED BELOW. " PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 TNSPECTTON: A. General: Examine areas and conditions under whichpotable mat.erials and products are to be installed. Do noE proceed with work untsj-l unsatisfactory conditionshave been corrected in manner acceptable Eo LheArchitect. 3.02 PREPARATION OF BURIED PIPE FOIJNDATION: A. Grade trench bottom to provide a smooEh, firm, stable,and rock-free foundation througrhout the length of thepiping. t t sisnal increase in I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. c. A. I I 154s0-8 B. c. I I I I I I t t I I I I t I I I I I I Remove unstable, soft, and unsuitable maEerials at. thesurface upon which pipes are to be laid and backfill withclean sand or pea gravel to indicated level. Shape bottom of trench to fit bottom of piping. Fil1 unevenness with E,amper sand backfil1. Dig bell holes aE, each pipe joinE to reli-eve the befls of all loads and to ensufe COntinuou5 lraari nrr nf f ha rri na l'r:rral thefoundation. 3. 03 INSTALLATION OF IDENTIF]CATION: A. General: During back-filling/top-soiling of undergroundpiping, install- continuous underground-t1pe pLastic linemarkers, located directly over buried lines at 6', to 8,,below finished grade. 3.04 INSTALLATION OF PIPE AND PIPE FI?TTNGS: A. General Locati-ons and Arrangements: Drawings (pl-ans anddetails) indj-cat.e the general- locat.ion and arrangement ofthe underground system piping. Location and arrangement.of piping layout Eake into account many designconsiderations. Install the piping as indicated, to t.heextent practical . B. For sanitary seweraqe, install piping beginning at 1owpoint of systems, true Eo grades and alignment indicated wiEh unbroken conEinuity of invert. Place bell ends ofpipinq facing upstream. Install gaskeEs, seals, sl-eeves,and couplings in accordance with manufaccurer ' s recomrnendations for use of lubricants, cemenEs, and otherinsE,allation requirement.s. Maintain swab or drag in line and pul-I past each joinc as iE is completed. C. Use proper size increasers, reducers, and couplings, where different size or matserial of pipes and fitEingsare connected. Reduction of the size of piping in thedirection of flow is prohibited. D. For sewer piping, direction of f1ow, atindicated otherwise. inst,al1 piping pitched down in minimum slope of L7, except where E. ExEend saniEary sewerage sysEem piping to connecE tobuilding sanitary drains, of sizes and in locations indicaEed. F. Tunneling: Install pipe under sEreets or otherobstrucEions Ehat. cannot be disturbed, by tunneling,jacking, or a combinat,ion of both. l_5450 - 9 DepEh of Cover: Provide minimum cover over piping of 1.2" below average local frost depth or 48" below finished grade, whichever is greatser. H. Water Main ConnecEion: Arange and pay for tap in water main, of size and in location as indicated, from water Purveyor. WaEer Main Connection: Tap water main wiEh size and in locaEion as indicaE,ed, in accordance with requiremenEs of waEer Purveyor. Provide curb valve and curb box as indicaEed. Water Service Termination: Terminate potable waEer pipinq inside building where indicated. Provide line size gate valve, 3/4" valved Eesc tee, and pressure gage. Provide sLeeve cast into building wa1l, and waEer-tiqht sleeve seal . PVC Pipe: rnstall with cement-mortar-lined, ductile-iron or casE-iron, mechanical joint or push-on joinc fittings and rubber gaskets in accordance with AWWA M23. PVC Pipe: InsEall with PVC, Schedule 40 sockeE-type, solvenE cemenE or elasEomeric qasketed fittings in accordance with manufacturer' s installation instrucEions. 3. 05 AI{CHORAGE INSTALLATTON: A. Anchorages: Provide anchorages for tees, plugs and caps, bends, crosses, valves, and hydrant branches. 3.06 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL: Piping Tests: Conduct piping EesEs before joinLs are covered, and after thrust blocks have sufficientJ.y hardened. FilI pipeline 24 hours prior Eo EesEing, and apply test pressure to st.abilize sysEem. Use only poEable waEer. HydrosE,atic Tests: Test aE not, less Ehan L-I/z Eimes working pressure for 2 hours. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r. .f. K. L. B. 1. Test fails if leakage exceeds 2 quarts per hour per I100 gaskets or joints, irrespective of pipe I diameEer. 2. Increase pressure in 50 psi incremenEs and inspect each joint between incremenEs. Hold at test pressure for one hour, decrease to 0 psi. Slowly increase again tso tesE pressure and hold for one more hour . t I I I 1s450-r_0 I I 3.07 pRorEcrrvE coATrNc AppLrcATroN: I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I A. Appfy full coat, of asphalE or other acceptable corrosion-retarding material to surfaces of installed ferrous anchorage devices. 3.08 CLEANING: A. Cl-ean and disinfect waEer-disEribut,ion piping as follows: 1-. Purge aLl new waEer-disLribution piping systems andparts of exist.ing systems that have been altered, extended, or repaired, prJ-or to use. 2. Use the purging and disinfecting procedureproscribed by the authority having jurisdiction or,in case a method is not prescribed by thatauthorit.y, use che procedure described in AWWA C55l-, or as described below: a. Comply wit,h NFPA 24 for flushing of piping. Flush the piping system wiEh cLean, potable water unEil dirty water does not appear aL EhepoinEs of outlet. b. FilI Ehe system or part thereof wit.h a waEer,/chlorine solution containing at. least 50part.s per million of chlorine. IsolaEe (va1ve off) the syst.em or part thereof and allow Eo stand for 24 hours. c. Drain the sysEem or part thereof of Eheprevious solutsion and refil-L with awater/chlori-ne solution containing at LeasE 200 parts per million of chlorine and isolate and al1ow Eo stand for 3 hours. d. Following the allowed standing time, flush E,he sysEem with slean, poEable water unEil-chlorine does not, remain in the waler coming from the system. e. Submit wat,er samples in sterile botEles to Eheauthority having jurisdiction. RepeaE Eheprocedure if the biological examinaE.ion madeby Ehe authority shows evidence of contaminaEion. Drana ra raY\/1rF e5 v!,vr e sactivities . for all purging and disinfecEion 1_5450-L1_ c.Cleaning of Sewer Lines: Clear interior of piping and strucEures of dirt and ot,her superfluous material as workprogresses. Maintain swab or drag in piping and pu]] past each joint as it is compleE.ed. 1. Place plugs in ends of uncompleted pipe aE end of dav or whenever work sEoos. I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t5450-t2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 15500 - FIRE PROTECTION SPRINK]-,,ER SYSTEM SCOPE: The general provisions of the contract., includinggeneral and supplemenEary conditions and general- require- ments, apply to the work specified in this section. PART 1.OO - GENERAL 1.01 PROVISIONS A. The sprinkler cont,ract will be a part, of t.he mechanical- contracE bid amount. The general- contractor shal1 cooperate with the sprinkler conEractor so that both phases of the work may progress smooEhly and efficiently Al-1 work shall meet Lhe requiremenEs of Factory Mutual ,ISO and all other city, counEy, and sEat.e authorities having jurisdiction. See drawings for limits of sprinkler contract,. t.02 coDEs A. Comply witsh all codes and agencies governing the work,including the followi-ng: 1-. Owner's Insurance Underwriters. 2 . NFPA No. 1-3, L'l and 24 - 3. Local codes and,/or authority. 4. OSHA requirements. 1-.03 DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK A. Provide all necessary maEerial, labor and equipment,;appfy for and pay all necessary fees and permits forinstallation of compleEe, single supply, wet pipe, automaEic sprinkler fire protection in accordance wiEhthe sEandards set fort,h in this section. Installation sha11 include necessary underground supply mains, de-tector checks or ot,her devices as required to make a compleEe and approved system. A reduced pressure backflow prevenEer with an OS&Y on each side j-s required aE the building entrance. B. c. D, 1550 0 -1 B. Install automatic fire sprinkler sysEem complete in all respects with requirements of the insurance underwriter and local fire marshal and/or oEher designated auEhorities. T.O4 QUALIFICAT]ONS The subconEract.or for Ehe fire protecLion j-nsta.l-Iation shaLl be a fire proEecEion contractor, licensed by the staEe of CoLorado and the 1oca1 auEhority, regularly engaged in the insEallation of auEomatic fire sprinkler syst,ems and other fire proEecLion equipmenE, and fully familiar with all 1ocal condiEions, codes and requirements. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Within cwenEy (20) days after award of contract and prior to fabrj-cation, prepare complete shop drawings of the sprinkler system and submit. for approval as follows: 1. For insurance underwricing approval , the conEractor sha1I provide six copies of shop drawings. Plans shall be complete with the following basic informaEion: a. Plot plan indicaEinq a1l underground pi.ping from connect.ion Eo city main, control val-ves, hydrants in general area of building, meters, detector checks, eEc. Plan shall show locaEion of all strucEures. b. LayouE drawing of compleEe overhead sprinkler syslem wieh complete details and sections as necessary to clearly define and clarify the design. Include complete hydraufic calcula- Eions and graph sheeE showing supply and demand. 2. Five copies of approved drawings will be returned to sprinkler contractor and Ehese will in turn be submitted to any necessary sEaEe or local officials for approval . 3. Contractor shall then submit four approved drawings Eo Ehe Architect for approval . The ArchitsecE shall reEain one drawing for his records and return Ehe remaining three approved sets to the sprinkler contracEor. One set of approved drawings shal1 be I I I I I I I T I I I I I I T I I I I 15500-2 I I attached to General ContracEor's job site working drawings for fabrication and instal-lations. I 1.06 sYsrEru LAYour AND DEsrcN z.v 1_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T A. Design and installat,ion of the system shall conformbasically Eo Ehe latest issues of NaEional Fire Pro-tection Association Pamphlet 13 (fnstallation ofSprinkler Systems) and 24 (Outside Protection) . B. All plping shall be hydraulically calculated per NFPA No.13. CalculaEions shaLl be based on the supply available aE Ehe connection to the city main. C. The sprinkl-er contractor sha1l refer to ehe archit.ec-Euraf, sEructural, mechanicaL and electrical drawings andcoordi.nate the system layout to not interfere withlighting fixtures and air ouElets. No cutting ofstrucEural- members shal1 be allowed without prior approval of ArchiE.ect.. Escutcheons sha1l not be per- mi-tted closer Ehan six inches Lo T-bar ceiling members if the economies of system design do noE permit centering inthe ti-1es. D. Sprinkler piping shalL be concealed above the ceiling infinished areas. PART 2.OO PRODUCTS SPRTNKLER HEADS A. Heads shal1 be concealed tlpe in finished areas and brassin equipment rooms and trash room. B. Quick response residential type heads are requj-red in aLlliving units. 2.02 ESCUTCHEON PLATES A. Chrome-plated escutcheon plaEes shall be provided where sprinkler piping passes Ehrough walls, floors or r.oi'l i nrrcvv-**r^:js. B. Sha11ow, baked enamel on metal sprinkler head escutcheonssha11 be used except where deeper escutcheons are necessary for heads to clear liqhE fixEures. In any casethe escutcheons sha11 be the same size lhroughout the buildi-ng and shal-l- match ceiling decor. 1550 0 -3 2.03 VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH A. Provide and install two pol-e valve supervisory devices (tamper alarm switch) aE main sprinkler control valve and every valve conErolling part or all of sprinkler system, similar to Notifier Company Service NGV or approved equal. Switch shafl be UL and FM approved. B. Va1ve supervisorv devices shall be wired under Division l-6. 2.04 ELECTRIC ALARM GONG A. Provide two approved eLectric alarm gongs - one inside and one outside with flashing 1ight. Provide a wall-plate with the words "Sprinkler Valve Alarm". B. congs and wa11-p1ate sha1l be installed and wi-red under Division 15. 2.05 FLOW SWITCH A- Provide and install a two pole sprinkler system flow switch in the main sprinkler line. c. FIow switch shall be wired under Division 16. Not.ifier Model WFD. 2.06 Fire hose cabinets sha1l be UL rat,ed with glass i-nset locking doors. Provide 2 " angle valve wiEh 150 feet of UL rated hose with adjustable spray nozzle. PART 3. OO - INSTALLATION 3.01 SPRINKLER RISER DETAIL A. ArrangemenE of maln sprinkler riser shal1 be as follows unless oEherwise required by local jurisdiction: Reduced pressure backflow preventer with OS&Y valves withsupervisor switch, electric vane-type water flow switch wiEh built-in retard device and relat,ed trim such asgauges, drains and fire department. connection to make a completed and standard riser system. The water flowswitch sha11 be connected Lo an el-ect.ric bel1 andflashj-ng ligrht located at, t,he riser on the exteri-or wall t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. 15500 -4 and Ehe not I I I t I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I and t.o an elect.ric bel1 locat.ed aE the riser inside thebuilding. B. The electrically operated alarm equipment shall beinstalled in accordance with NFPA pamphlet 72A (Standardfor Local Protective Signaling SysEems) or provide alarmcheck valve with retard chamber and all st.andard trim and OS & Y gate valve wiEh supervisory switch. 3.02 INSPECTOR'S TEST VALVE LocaEe, if possible, on the same wall as the sprinkler riserto faci.litate t.esting of waEer-f1ow alarm devices. J. UJ OVERHEAD PIPING Overhead piping shal-l be black sEeel, threaded, shop weldedor grooved in sizes permitted by NFpA pamphlet 13. GATE AND CHECK VALVES Underwriters approved gear operated buEEerfly concrol check valves, of the cype indicaEed and/or required byunderwriter. Inst,al1 where shown on the drawings, or, if shown. as required for a complete installation. 3.05 ABOVE-GROIJND FITTINGS A. Fittj-ngs for Black St,eel Pipe: Screwed black, castironfiEEings, designed for at, least 175 pounds standard walerworking pressure (grooved fittings approved) . B. W?rere flanged fittings are used, companion flanges are to match the fittings. ? nA T'NDERGROI'ND PTPTNG Underground piping sha11 be Underwrit.ers, Laboratorieslabeled for underground fire service use and approved by Ehewater department providing service. HAAIGERS AND CLAI'{PS A. Furnish and inst.all all required hangers and supports.Furnish hanger rings or the adjusEable, swivel, solidrr-ng ELpe. 3.04 3 .07 IfJUU-5 B. Clamp and,/or thrust block all underground fiEEings as required to comply with underwriters' requiremenEs. 3.08 EQUIPMENT A11 fire protect,ion devices, maEerials and equipmenE used in the installation shall be Underwriters' LaboraEories labeled or Factory Mutual approved for its intended use. PART 4.OO - FTRE SYSTEM SPECIAL REQUTREMENTS I I I I I I I t I I I I I I T I I I I of of 4.0 1- FIRE A. DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONS One Grinnefl, or equivalent, (Ewo-way) fire department connection, complete with check va1ve, piping, fittings and automatic ball drip; connect to the sprinkler system supply where shown on the drawings. One Grinnnel, or equival-ent, (two-way) fi-re deparEment connection, compLete with piping, fittings, and automatic ball drip; connect to Class 1 dry st.and-pipe system where shown on drawings. 4.02 STAND-PIPE SYSTEM A. Locate Class 1 dry stand-pipe system where shown on drawings and in accordance with the requirements of Ehe local- authory having juri-sdiction. fnclude valves with hose connecti-ons at each landino. 4.03 FLUSHING CONNECTIONS Cap nipples, not less t.han four inches 1ong, aE Ehe endsmains and other locat,ions are required for flushing system. 4.04 DRATN AND TEST CONNECTIONS Provide necessary drains and test connecEions Eo properly draw off the EesE systems, run to an accessible place fordischarge. Run discharge four inches maximum above finish out,side grade or paving. When discharge is located where a concrece walk is adjacent Eo Ehe building wal-l, extend thedischarge under the concrete walk and discharge through thevert,ical- face of the concrete curb or thickened edge. 15500-6 I I It III t I 4.05 EXTRA SPRINKLER HEAD CABINET For emergency use, provide a sprinkler cabi.net with extrasprinkler heads and a sprinkler wrench. Install adjacent toEhe sprinkler riser location unless otherwise directed. Sprinkler cabineE shal1 conEain not less than two sprinkler heads of each t.eflperature and type. 4. 06 IDENTIFICATION SIGNS Provide identification sigrns for all control , drain, test and alarm valves. Signs shall be minimum 20 gauge sheet metal,pickled and treated, with baked enamel whiEe lettering and border on red background, unless otherwise required by code. I 4.07 EXCESS PRESSURE PUMP I I I I I I I I t I I I When reguired by code, provide an approved excess pressure pump complete with piping, fittings, etc. for each sprinkler riser. 4.08 INSTALLATION A. fnsEall in accordance with approved shop drawings, applicable code and insurance underwrj-ter' s requirements. B. Inform Archi.t,ect and fire necessary deviations from 4.09 TESTS insurance underwriter of anv Ehe drawings. A. Make and pay for all test.s required by che authorities having jurisdiction during and after completion of the work and correct any defects in the systems indicated bythe tests to the satisfaction of the authoriEies. B. Test all syst,ems at 200 1bs. pressure for a period of notless than two hours. C. Contractor shall thoroughly flush the underground mainprior to connection to overhead pipinq. All underground and overhead piping sha1l be properly pressure tesEed according to NFPA 13. All tests shafl be witnessed by arepresentative of the ArchitecE or General ContracEor andlocal approving auEhoriEy as necessary. Upon complet,ionof installat,ion, ConEract.or sha1l thoroughly check allequipment using a "Contractors Material and Test 155 00 -7 Certificate" form and maj-1 form, properly signed, Eo firelnsurance underwriter and a copy Eo Ehe Architect.. Thisform will serve as notice that the system has beenproperly installed, t.ested and placed in service. PART 5.OO - ACCEPTANCE A\ID INSTRUCTION 5.01 ACCEPTANCE Upon final complet.ion of the work, furnish satisfactorywritten evidence to Architect of compliance with all re-qui-rements and thaE the work is acceptable to lnsuranceunderwrit.er having jurisdiction. 5.02 INSTRUCTION TO OWNER Contract,or shall provide instruct.ion Eo the Owner, through t,he Architect, on the operation of the system. t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 15500-8 I I sEcrroN 15600 - powER oR HEAT GENERATToNI I PART 1. OO - GENERAL I 1.01- DESCRIPTION I A. Work IncLuded: The heat generation sysEem required forr this work includ.es, buE iI not necessirily lirnited Eo: 1. Hot water generation by boiler and its dist,ri-I buEion. I 2. All other plumbing items indicated on the drawings,I ;:ff::';3".1"";"rk.lir"t?11"1" ?"'".?u"""H',1'.? :linarr i nanf ggdgs and regulaEions. r B. Related Work Described Elsewhere: 1. Plumbing Section 15400 I 2. InsuLation Section 15250 r PART 2.oo - PRoDucrs I 2.0I ]- BOILER I A. Furnish and inst,all a boiler as specified and shown on I the mechanical drawings. I B. Boiler shall be furnished wiEh conErols and P & T relieft :ilfi St"""l',Ln"*JJ:t"u";;'*;'"rt:?i:.3'i"'l "" ::ffiil::by sLate Boiler Inspect.or. t PART 3.OO - EXECUTION I 3.01. PLI]MBING SYSTEM LAYOUT I A. General:I l-. Layout the piping system in careful coordinatsion I with the approved drawings, deEermining proper t elevations for all components of Ehe sysiem andusing only bhe minimum number of bends to produce asatisfaclorily functioning sysEem. I I I 156 0 0-1 I Fo11ow the general layout shown on t,he drawings in Iall cases excepE where other work may inberfere. B. Enclosure of Pipes: Except where specifically permitted by Ehe Architecc, layout all pipes to fa1l wiEhinpartitions, ceiling or roof cavities so as not to requirefurring other than that shown on Ehe drawings. 3.02 TRENCHING AI,.ID BACKFILLING Perform aLl trenching and backfillinq associaEed wit.h t.he plumbing and heat generation equipmenE installaEion in st.rict accordance with aLL perEinenE provisions of Section 02200 of these specif icat,ions . 3.03 INSTALLATTON OF EQUIPMENT AND ASSOCTATED PIPTNG A. General-: l-.Boiler shal1 be installed as shown on p1ans, level and plumb with adjacent walls. All connecEing piping to boiler shal1 be insEal-led in mechanical room Eo provide adequaEe head clearance under piping and room around equipmencfor servj-ce. Piping at ceiling space shall beinstalled to provide adequate clearance. InspecL each piece of pipe, Eubing, fittings and equipment for defects and obstructions; promptly remove all defective material from the job siEe. AlL connecEing pipinq to boiJ-er shall be insEalledto rise uniformly in the direction of flow and, aEevery change in elevation, provide accessible manual air vents aE the high points. Install pipes to clear all beams and obstructions; do not. cut inEo or reduce the size of load carrying mernbers without the aDDroval of the Architect. ,JoinLs and Connections: 1. Smoothly ream all cuE pipe; cut all threadsst.raight and t,rue; apply best. guality Eeflon tape Eo all male pipe t.hreads buE not' Eo inside of 6.i tsF.l ---l--rLL-!rrvD ' I I I t I t I I I I I I I t I I I a 5. 15600-2 al1 and I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.04 FLUSHING OF A. General: vrr'i zrr l_n Make all joints in copper Eube wiLh Canfield l-008 watersafe solder applied in sErict accordance withthe manufacturer's recommendations. HEATING SYSTEM Flush entire sysCem and test per Section 15042instalLation of any covering mat.erial . B. Final FilI: Final fill shal1 be 258 propylene glycol . 3.05 CLOSING IN I'NINSPECTED WORK A. General: Do not, cover up or enclose work unt,il it has been properly and compLetel-y inspected and approved. B. Noncompliance: ShouLd any of the work be covered up orenclosed prior to a1l the required inspections andapprovals, uncover the work as required and after it has been completely inspected and approved, make all repairs and replacements with such materials as are necessary forthe approval of Ehe Architect at no addiCional cost to Ehe Owner. 3.06 TESTING Furnish all required personnel and equipment. and maketests reguired to receive the approval of the ArchiEectall agencies having jurisdiction. 3.07 CLEANING UP Prior E,o acceptance of the building, thoroughly clean all exposed port,ions of the plumbing installaLion, using only acleaning soLutj-on approved by the manufacturer of t.he item and being careful- to avoid all damage to finished surfaces. -r)ouu-J I I sEcrroN 15200 - NA$rRAL GAs ptprNc I r PART 1.00 - GENERAL - 1.oi- woRK TNCLUDED I Compl.ete installation of gas piping from gas met,er tor equipment inside building I PART 2.00 - PRODUCTS r 2.0 I 1- PIPE A\ID FTTTINGSI A11 gas piping shal1 be Schedule 40-A-120 black steel pipe I with blaCk banbed ma11eable iron fittings. Welded joints andI fitCings are required for above two inch. I 2.02 prpE .IOTNTS AND CONNECTIONS I A. Screwed Piping: Make up with approved pipe dope; Tyte-I 3ty:;' .3'ffiT.'Tflk"E'xl?o:'::"::?l; !il.'3itril.ifu"33. ASTMC 425-501 rings also acceptable. t B. copper, brass pipe, and chrome (polished or painted)connections from fi.xtures sha11 not show tool marks. I Make up with approved wrenches. C. We1ded Pipe: All welding sha11 conform to the following I Effii#5:" *"u"'r#i1it"1"""5# ":'"ii'"1X""otor"to?J rlili;I Code and paragraph tL2 of ASME Boil-er Construction Code:All offset.s or bends sha1l be made with Schedule 40 I welding fiEtings where t,he branch size is equal to the I size of the main or one size smaller. Use Bonney "Weldo-Let" fittj-ngs when the branch is two or more sizes r smaller than the main, excepE for branches two j-nches andI ;T311;;"T,'"lr-??:tt*lf"rHt?.3::n Bonnev "rhreadorer" I I I 15700-1 I I I I rNDEX TO ELECTRICAL SPECTFTCATTONS COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING 15010 EIJECTRICAL SPECIAL PROVISIONS I 1601r. suBMrrrAL REeurREr{ENTst16LLl_ cot[DUrT sYsrEMs I t6L20 wrRE :,l.rD CABLE r L5130 OUTLETS r rcLlo wrRrNG DEVrcEs I 16r.41 ExrERroR LTcHTTNG coNTRoLT L6L64 BRANCH CTRCUIT PANELBOARDS I l-6L65 BRANCH CTRCUTT LOAD CENTERS I L6L70 FUSIBLE AND NON-FUSTBLE SAFETY SWTTCHES r 10400 ELEcTRTcAL sERVrcE ENTRANCE I 1G430 MuLTr-METERTNG EeurpMENTI 1-5450 GROUNDTNG I 16500 LTGHTTNG SYSTEI4 16502 BALLASTS T. 76723 FIRE ALARM SYSTEI4 I t6740 TELEeHoNE srcNAL DrsrRrBurroN sysrE[{I 15750 r\/ SIGNAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM I 16851 I{ECHANTCAL/ELECTRTCAj_, COORDTNATTON _ 16859 ELECTRIC GUTTER SNOW MELT SYSTEM I I T I I I t t I I I I I t I I I I t t I I I I IJJ-V]SION 16 - ELECTRICAL PROVTSION A - GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS SECT]ON 1601.0 - ELECTRICAL SPECIAL PROVISIONS PART 1. OO - GE\IERAL 1. 01 RELATED DOCUMENTS : A. Comply wit.h all requirement,s conEained in the ', f n-st,ructions Eo Bidders,', "General Conditions of E.he Con-Eractu, "Supplementary General CondiEions',, DfVISION f,and COnt.ract, DocumenES whi.h narr-.a i n Fn rhe project andatl special condirio;; i;;-;;5;i;;;;;"i wori. rncludedherein. 1..02 WORK INCLUDED: A. Furnish all maEerials, equipment, tooLs, and labor andinstalL electrical work as indicaEed on the drawings andspecified herein. It is the int.ent and purpose of thesedrawings and specificauions that upon completion of t.heproj ecE, the el_ect,rical_ insE.allaE,ion including allsyst,ems shall be complete and operable in a1l respect,s.Complet.ely connect al1 systems, eguipment, moEors,heaEers, light,ing fixtures, ouELeEs, dev:-ces, eEc., shown, noted, or required, from source of power to finatconneciions and leave ready for saE.isfacEory operation.Furnish and insEall any minor iEems omit.ted from designbut, obviously necessary to accomplish the above inEent. B. Work to be included is as follows: 1,. Wiring for teilt1>orary electric service and con-sErucEion power and lighting. 2. Secondary service and distribution sysEem. 3. Branch circuiE wiring systems. 4. LighEingr sysEems. 5. Convenience and power outlets. 6. Telephone signal distribution system. 7. TV signal distribution system. 16010-t 8. Wiringr for buildj.ng mechanical equipmenE Eems. 9. Roof and guEter snowmelt sysEem. 10. Fire alarm sysE,em. L1. Trenching and backfilling. 1. 03 GENERAL REQUTREMENTS : and sys- A. fnsEruct,ions in specj-ficaEions or on drawings such as "provide shall mean thaE Electrical- Contractor sha1l furnish and install Ehe iEem, eguipment, wiring, etc., compleEe wit.h all deEails. N.E.C. is NaEional Electricai. Code; N.E.S.C. is NaEional- ElecErical Safety Code; tI .F.P.A. is NationaL Fire Pr.otection Association, Inc . ; O. S . H. A. r-s Occupational Saf ety and HeaIt.h Admi-nistrati-on.Eleccrical Contractor means the Sub-Contractor responsible for work under Lhis DIVISION .l- o - B. Drawings and Specificat.ions: 1. Refer t.o DMSION 1 for addiEional requirements. 2. Drawings and specificat,ions are complemenEary Eo each other and what, is called for bv one sha1l be as if called for by both. 3. Eleccrical drawings are diagrammatic and indicaEegeneral design, layouE, and arrangemene of eguip- ment and various systems. However, being diaqram-matic, the drawings do noE necessarily show all deEaifs such as junction boxes, pull boxes, con-duit runs or sizes, wiring, eEc., necessary for a compleEe and operable sysEem. 4. Do noe scale drawings for dimensions. 5. Take all dimensions and measurements from Archi- Cectural drawings and actual equipment to be fur-nished. A11 dimensions and measurements musE beverified in the field since acEual locations, dis- Eances, and elevations will be governed by acEualfield conditions. The Electrical Contraccor shall- be responsible for all measurements taken in chefield- I I I I T I t I I I I I I t t t I I t r50r0-2 c. D. E. I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I 5. Study and review aI1 ContracE Docunents includingdrawings and specificaE,ions for Archicectural,SEructuraL, Mechanical, and other porEions of thework to averE possible installaE.ion confliccs.Adjust electrical work to conform to all condi-Eions indicat.ed E,hereon. Should conflicts arisewhich require chanqes in Ehe ConEract Document.s,inunediately notify the Architect. and Representa-Eive of Owner. Secure writ,t,en approval and agree- menL on necessary adjustmenEs before the installa-tion is sEarted. 7. Discrepancies shown on differenE drawings, otbetween drawings and acEual field condi-Eions, orerrors shown on eiEher cirawings or in specrfica-tions shal1 '--a promptly brought Eo the aEt.entionof Lhe Archj-. jcE and RepresentaEive of Owner for adecision before the specific inst.allation r_sst.arted. The Electri_ca] ContracEor sha11 beresponsible for any anci ai1 acideci cosEs result.ingfrom hi-s failure to so acE. ExisE,ing Conduits, pipes, Equipment, Et,c . : l-. Refer t.o DIVISION I for additionaL requirements.Existing conduiEs , pipes, utiliLy 1j-nes , t,anks,equipment or oEher obstructions whether under-ground, conceal-ed, or exposed are not in generalindicated on drawings. Locate such obsEruct,ionsprior to start. of work and plan work so as toroute and locat.e all new work Eo avoid these ob-sEructions. Repair or replace, at no cosl roOwner, existing installations where damaged duringthe course of construction. Examinat.ion of project, Site: 1. Prior to biddj.ng, examine the site carefully andbe ful1y familiar wich exist,ing condit.ions and befully informed of all utility, staUe, and localrequj-rements and regulations that will affecE theelectrical work. Permits, Fees, fnspection Servi.ces, Taxes and Royalties: l-. Arrange and pay for all necessary permits, fees,inspect.ion services, taxes, and royalEies in con-nection with the eLectrical work. Refer Co DIVf- SfON I for additional requirement.s. 15010-3 L.04 CODES AI{D REGULATIONS: A. Comply with the laLesE applicable requiremenEs of Ehe NaEional Electrical Code, National Elect,rical Safeey Code, OSHA, t.he Nat.ional Fire ProEection AssociaEion, Americans with DisabiliEies AcE (ADA) , and the local Electrical Inspection Authoriey who shaIl have finaljurisdiction. Comply aLso wiEh all requiremenLs of local utility and telephone companies. Report to che ArchiE,ect immediately any part or portion of t.he elecErical design which does noE conform co t.he requirements of the applicable loca1 or sEate codes or requiremenLs of locaL utiliEy or Eelephone companies, otsherwise be held responsible to provide inst.allaEion which will comply with these codes and regulaEions. applicable codes and ordinances and local int.erpret.aEions chereEo Eake precedence when they conflict wit,h or are more stringent Ehan the efecErical design. Drawj-nqs and specifications take precsoence where desigrn is more sEringent than codes and ordinances. 1.05 STANDARDS: A. MaEerials and inst,allaEion shall also confonn to the laEesE st.andards and pracEices of the Inst,ituEe of ElecErical and Elect,ronic Enqineers (fEEE), t.he National ElecErical Manufact,urer' s AssociaEion (NEI'IA), InsulaEed Power Cable Engineer's Associat.ion (IPCEA) , American National standards rnscieuE.e (AlISr), American socieEy of Testing Materials (ASTI'4) , and National Bureau of Standards (NBS). 'Ihe foregoing rules, standards, regulations, specificat.ions, recomnendations, and requiremenEs shall not. relieve the El-ectrical ConEractorfrom furnishing and installinq higher qrades of mauerials and workmanship which are specified herein or indicaEed on t.he drawinqs. 1.05 PROGRESS OF WORK: A. Furnish and install elecErical materials as designed andin accordance with contract drawings and specificaEions.Minor deviat,ions necessitated by field conditions or equipment, being supplied may be made upon approval of Ehe Architect or Engineer. Changes in the design andinstallat,ion shal-I be done in a manner as provided for J.n 'ICONTRACT DOCIJMENTS.. or DIVISION I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 16010-4 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I L .07 PART ) a1 CONSTRUCTION POWER AND LIGHTTNG: A. The existing building power service entrance shall bereEained through the building demolicion and reworkedfor temporary power. The Electrical Contractor shaj.Lprovide temporarT panelboards, switches, wiring,outl-ecs, lights, et,c., from thrs service as required forconsEruct.]-on power and lighEing ouring consrrucEronperioo. All 120V l-5 and 20 amp recepEacle out.lets shatlhave GFI protection. provide a minimum 5 fooL candleIight.ing levei in all areas for general iiqhE,ing, and aminimum 25 foot candie lighting leveL for painting,finishing operaE.ions, tile laying, eEc-. aE the rimereguireo for these operations. This iightinq may beeicher by means of t,he permanent, insta"lfation or fronEhe temporary sysLem. provide liqhting for general consEruct.ion as required by OSHA. Remove all temporarywiring upon compl-et.ion of the work. ? ,1 n - Dp^nrTarFe MATERTALS: A. Refer to relat.ed requiremenEs in Oivision I. Furnishand inst.a11 atl material , equipmen!, and devices whichare new, firsE, qualiEy, of an approved tl4pe as list.ed bythe Underwriters Laborat.ories, fnc., which bear theirIabel and which are accepted by the Architect forinstallation in this project. Replace, in a manner accepEed by the Engineer, and pay for aLl equipment ormaterial-s damaged in the course of installaEion or trestr. Where several manufacturers are indicated for maEerial_,equipment, or devices, the ContracEor shal1 have choiceof manufacturers listed. Where single manufacturers and cat.a]-og numbers are shown in these specificaEions or onthe drawings, our inEent. is Eo establ_ish a leve] ofquality. SubsEitut,e equipment. of oEher manufacturerswhich is equivalent or superior to that, specified may beused as the basis for bid, however, such substit.uEions must, be accepEed by the Engineer during Ehe shop drawingphase of the project. Submission for prior approval ofsubsLitut,e lighting fixt,ures is necessary only ifspecifically requested on the plans or in Lhesespecificat.ions. If a contractor or supplier is unsureas to Ehe equivalency of his product, he may submiE cutsheets and request approval prior to bid. Do not FAXrequesEs for prior approval . ft shall be t.he ElecEricalContractor's responsibility under this Division of EheSpecifications to noLify afl related Erades of Eheaccepted substiEutions and to assume fu11 responsibilityfor all cost caused as a result of Ehe subsLitution.I t I r_ 6010 - 5 2.02 DELIVERY A},ID STORAGE OF MATERIALS: A. Refer co reLaEed requirements in DMSION 1. Make ownprovisions for the delj-very and safe sEorage of mat.er- ials and equipment. Make arrangements for the inEro- duction into Lhe buildinq of equipment too large Eo pass Ehrougth finished openings. Arrange to have materials delivered to Ehe job at such stages of the work as wilL ereedite the work as a whole- Mark maEerials and sto:re in such a manner as E.o be easily checked or inspecEed. SEore all materials and equipment out of Ehe weaEher and mechanically protecE from damage, thefE, and vandal-ism. Where materials are indicaEed to be furnished by othersfor insEallat.ion in Ehe electrical conEract, make a complet,e and careful check of all maEeriafs delivered and furnish a receipE acknowledging accepEance of the delivery and condj-tion of the materials delivered.After such acceptance, assume full responsibiliEy for Ehe safe-keeping of same until- such ::-me as the complete instal-l"atron has been accepEed. PART 3. OO - EXECUTION 3.01 WORK}4ANSHIP: A- Good workmanship and appearance shaLl be considered of equal importance with elect.rical and mechanical opera- Eion. Carefully lay ouE all work in advance and inst,all in a neaE, and workmanlike manner and in accordance with recognized good pracEices and sEandards. Provide competenE workmen who are skilled in E,heir craft and a competenE foreman, or superincendent where necessary, who shal1 be on Ehe iob at all times. 3.02 CUTTING AND REPAIRING: A. Refer to DMSION l- for addit,ional requirements. Pro-vide aII cuEEing, paEching, channel-ing, core drilling,etc., necessary for elect.rical work in building sEruc-Eure. LocaEe holes t.o be drilled, outlets, eEc., coor-dinate work with all ot,her trades on the job, and make arrangemenEs for necessary openings and chases. Sealall holes cut for wiring runs. No cutting, channeling, core drilling, eEc. t.hrougrh seruct.ural members, shall be done without, prior approval of ArchiEecE. Make repairs Eo finished building where patching or refinishing isnecessary due Eo eLecE,rical work. Make necessaryrepairs t.o exist,ing building where elecEricaf work is done in this portion and refinish wieh same material andfinish as was exisE,ing before work was begun. AcEuaf I t t t I t I I I T I I I I I I I I I 16010 -6 I I work involved i-n these repairs sha11 be done by skilledcrafEsmen in the Erades involved, but paid for undert.his Division of t.he Specif icaLions. I 3.03 EeurpMENr LocArroN: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A. Cooperate and coordinate work with other crafts andtrades in locaEion of equipmenE so EhaE. ej_ectricalequipment will noh be blocked or made inoperat.ive orinaccessible. Maintain required clearances for elec-trical equipment,. Any cost resultinq from defective ori-lI-timed work performed under this DIVISION of theSpecj-fications shall be borne by the Electrical Con-tractor under this DIVISION 15. 3.04 CLEANING AND PAINTTNG: A. :n generai, excepc where specifieci herein, finishpaintlng of conciuics, coxes. poles, anci equipmenc., wherespecrfied co be cione in field, shafl be done by othertrades under anot.her DIVISION of these Specificat.ions. Prot,ect. electrical apparat,us, cabinet.s, boxes, and allother equipment normally furnished on job with factoryapplied finishes. either painEed or gfal_vanized, duringstorage and installat,ion.Clean all elecEricalequlpmenc, such as lighting fixtures, 1amps, swiEchboard, panelboards, etc., of construcLion dirE,dusE, paint smears, et,c., before compleEion of work. Clean or touch-up and repainE al-I scars, blemishes, ruscspot,s, eEc., to original s€ate of finish. 3.05 TRENCHING AND BACKFILL: A. Provi-de al-1 E.renching and backf i11ing required f orelectrical- work. Before layinq conduit, provide a layerof fine excavated material or sand 2', deep, place conduiE and cover wigh minimtrm of 2" fine excavatedmaterial or sand, then backfill with earth in 5, layers, E,horoughly tamp each layer and compacts to 958 density in accordance with Architect.ural Specifications. Wtrereadditional conduit is to be insEalled aE anoEher level ,provide layers as above around the conduit beforereplacing removed Erench maEerial . Remove all rocks,sEones. eEc., from bottom of Lrench and from backfillmaEerials and exercise necessary precautions so as toavoid damage to conduiE runs. ResEore subsurface andsurface to original condiEion where trenching is done inspeciaj-ly treaE,ed areas, such as paving, concreEe,asphalt, etc. Repair trenches and resEore surface where 1601_0 -7 seEElement occurs for a period of one year from date of accepeance of work by Owner. Provide safeLy barriers around excavated areas during all times Ehats trench is open and whenever it will cause a hazard to drivers orpedes!rians. 3.05 IDENTTFTCATTON OF EQUIPMENT AIJD WIRING: A. DisEribuEion Equipment: 1. Provide main swiEches and branch feeder swit,chesin meterstack, each branch circuiE panelboard, remote indicat,or lights, and oEher similar icemsof elecErical dist,ribution equipmenE wich black laminated plast.ic nameplaEes, engraved wiEh 1/4"white letters, wiEh designaEions as indicated onp1ans. MounE all nameplaEes wit.h sheeE metal screws; adhesive backed plates are noE acceptable. ts. Mocor SLarters, EEc.: 1. Label each mocor st,arter, safety swiEch, and oEhersimilar iE.ems of equipment provided by theElectrical contractor wiuh black laminaE,ed plastic nameplaE.es similar Eo those installed ondist,ribution eguipment. fnscription Lo correspondwith designations on the equipmenE schedule andplans. C. Feeders: 1. Permanent.ly identify feeder cables in pul1 boxes and junction boxes wiEh Brady wire markers. D. Panelboards and Loadcenters: 1-. Provide neatly typed direcE,ory card in direcEoryframe for all branch circuiE panelboards andloadcent.ers. Furnish and install laminaEedplasEic nameplate, wit,h L/4" engraved leEters, onexterior of each panel and Loadcent,er trim.Inscriptions shall correspond to designations on drawings. E. Wires for Special Systems: 1. Permanent,ly identify all wires for special sysEemsand cont,rol . Mark both ends with Brady wiremarkers. fnscription to correspond wiEh desig-nations on drawings or room number of opposite end. t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 16010 -8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.07 TESTING: A. When the j-nsE.atlation is complete, and before FfNAL ACCEPTAI{CE AND WORK CLOSE OUT, conducE the followingEesEs of the elecErical sysEems. prepare a wriEtenreport of vaLues of alI Eest readings and procedurestogether wit.h all additional pert.inenE. informat,ion andsubmrt these to t.he Engineer for acceptance. Furnishall eguipmenE, instrume-nts, and personnel requrred for Ehese tests. Inform the engj_neer of int,ention 49 hoursprlor t.o running any tesEs. B. Low Volt.age Service and Distribut.ion: 1. With all liqhEing and equipmenr rurned on (insofaras is pract,ical), take load measurements at themain service and for aII feeders leaving themeterstack. Take readings phase by phase. 2, Make an insulacion res j_stance EesE on al_1 phase bussi-ng within the meterstack wich all fuses inplace and swicches or circui! breakers open. 3. Make insulation resisEance Eest,s on all feedersleaving the meEersEack. 4. Make insulation resisEance test with a megger of minimum 500 voLt poEent,ial . 5. Test. the service ground: Resistance to groundshould noE exceed 25 ohms. Test met,hod shall be Ehe fal-.I-of-potent.ial method as ouE.l_ined in rink &Carrol-l 's Standard Handbook for ElectricafEngj-neers. Test sha1l not be conducE.ed wit.hin 24hours of any precipitation. The area of the c.esEshall- not have been contaminat.ed with anv liouidswhich miqrht affect the results. 3 . 08 " PRO,JECT RECORD" DOCUMENTS : A. Hold one set of electrical drawings and specificaEionson job site and keep up Eo date oN A wEEKLy BAsIs. Donot use for construct.ion. LocaEe all underground runsincluding service entrances and feeders and circuiEsexEerior to building. fnclude addendum it.ems, changeorders, and any minor changes made in the field, bothint,erior and exEerior to the building. Upon completionof work, furnish Architect with two seEs of marked-upprints or a set of sepias of electrical" drawings showing ' PRO,JECT RECORD" insE,allat,ion. r.5010 -9 3 . O9 GUARA}iITEE: A. Refer to DIVfSION 1 for additional reguirements. Fur-nish.t,o Owner a writt,en guarantee covering entire elec-Erical system insEalled, except lamps for light,ing fi-x-tures, to be free from defective materials and workman-ship for a period of one year after daE.e of accept,anceof j-nst,a11at.ion by Owner. Durinq this period provideal} labor and new materials where required to repair orreplace all defecEs to the saEisfacEion of the Owner atno additional cost to the Owner. GuaranEee shall notcover replacement of lamps for lighting fixtures aft,er daEe of accept,ance of inst,allation by Owner. 3.10 FTNAL ACCEPTANCE AND WORK CLOSE-OUT: A. Refer to DfVISION l- for additional requiremenLs and workc.l-ose-ouE. Electrical Cont.racEor shall_ :_nspecE theelectrical i-nstai-lation Eo assure Ehat al_1 rvork iscompleted and all sysEems are complecely operaEional_before callinq for a Final Acceptance of the work. B. Walk Ehrough the project with the owner, archiEecE, andengineer describing each system, all operating controls,and any routine maintenance necessary. C. Prior t.o formal accepEance of the work by tlre arctritect,, Ehe electrical- subcont,racE,or sha.Ll : 1. Deliver as built.s to t,he owner wiEh a 1etter from IEhe engineer indicating their acceptabiliEy. 2. Deliver maintenance manuals to the owner with a Ilet,ter from the engineer indicating Eheir Iacceptability. 3. Delj-ver ground, feeder insulation and feeder loadEest result.s to the owner wiEh a lect,er from Eheengineer indicating their accept,ability. 4. Deliver f ire alarm spare parts Eo t,he or^,nertoget,her with a let.ter f rom the systemmanufact,urer certifyingr that every device has beenchecked and the system is opeiational without defecE, . 5. Deliver spare lamps, ba1lasEs, and fuses Eo Ehe Iowner. 5. Deliver warranEies and guaranEees on al-I equipmenE Icovered to the owner. r I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I 1_ 6010 - 10 I I I I I I t I I T I I t I I I I I I SECTION 15011 SUBMITTAT REQUIREI4ENTS PART 1.OO - GENERAL 1. 01 GENERAL REQUIREbIENTS : A. ?his sect,ion of Ehe specif icat.ions def ines theresponsibilit,i.es of the elecErical subcontractor withregard t,o shop drawings and mainE.enance manuals. B. Quantities and Elpes of submittals, if defined inDMSfON I of t.hese specificaE,ions sha11 override anyrequirements of this secc,ion. I.O2 SHOP DRAWTNGS A. A11 shop drawings shall be subrnitted to the ElectricalEngineer through Ehe General Contractor within t.wenEy(20) days of award of contract.. No mat.eriais malr beordered for or installed rn Ehe project prior to reviewof shop drawi-ngs by the Engineer. payment shall- not, be made to the electrical subconEractor for anv reason prior to submittal of shop drawinqs. B. The decision by t.he contracEor Eo use specified maEerialsha1l not relieve the elect,rical conEractor of hisobligat.ion t.o submit prior to comencement of work. C. Provide six (5) copies of shop drawings for the followingitems. Do noE submiE shop drawings via FAX. Theex6llanation of the numerical legend used to identify t.hereguired material is locaEed at Ehe end of Ehe t.abulaEion. EOUIPMENT/MATERIAL Conduic fit,t.ings Groundinq materialsLighting fixt,ures Lamps Ballasts Multi-metersEack Panelboards and loadcentersSafety swiEchesWiring devices and cover plates Aluminum cable Eermination tugs,/pigtailsContactorsRelays, t.5-mers, and t,ime switchesFire alarm system Roof and gut,t,er snowmelt system SHOP DRAWINGS t_ I L,5 l_ 1 1 1 1I L,2,3 L,2 ,3L,2,3,4,5,6 L,2,3 ,6 r.6011--1 LEGEND 1 I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I t I I e. f. 2. Tab cl . EXPLAIVATION Materials list which shall include Ehe followingdata: ManufacEurer, supplier, Eype, catalog num-ber, components IisE, and manufaclurer,s standardspecifications or descriptive bulletins. fnEernal wiring diagrams. Field Eerminal wiring diagrams. A written descri-ption of ehe functioning of the syst.em. Schedule of internal devices include breakers, swiEches, CT's, meEers, etrc. Prolect,ed delivery dat,e. 2 A l 1.03 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING MANUALS A. All manuals shall be submicted by the ELectrical I Contractor t.o Ehe ELecE,rical Enqineer for review prior tofinal paymenE. B. Three (3) copies of t.he manuals shalt be provided. They shal-l be hard-backed, blue cloth covered, 3-ring binders. InformaE,ion and index tabs shall be as follows. l-. Tab #1 - Name, address and t.elephone number of eachof rhe followinq: a.ElecErical Cont,ract,or . General ConEractor. ArchiEect.. ElecErical Engineer. Fire A.l-arm Systsem Warrancy Service AgenE. Supplier of Lamps and Fuses. #2 - Warranties and CerEifications. Atl eguipmen! warranEies. A leEter of cerEification that the fire alarmsystem has been properly installed,conqrletely tested, and meets curren! coderequirements. 15011-2 I I I I I t I I I I I I t I t I I I t o 3 . Tab #3 - Test Result.s. a. Service and feeder Load tests. b. Ground test result,s. c. fnsulation resisEance tesE results. 4. Tab #4 - Shop Drawings. a. Approved shop drawings. b. A separate list.ing of lamps used wit,h each f ixt.ure Eype. L5011-3 T I SECTION 15111 - CONDUIT SYSTEMS I :T: '.::,::**" t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A. Provide a complet,e overall conduit raceway sysEem for allwiring and conducEors. Do noE, run sig.na-I.. and. power conducLors in Ehe same raceway systems. provide types ofraceways as indicat.ed or as required by rhe lliiionalElect.rical Code for conductors to be conEained. L.02 Couplings and Connectors: A. Provide st.andard tllpe couplings and connectors in allconduit runs; make all joint.s tiqht. provide plast.icj-nsulaEed steel bushings for al1 conduits enclosing f4and larger conductors. provide all steel couplj-ngs andconnect.ors for EMT conduiE runs of ert.her compressj_ongland or set-screw type. Set-screws musE be mount.ed sothey cannot be easiiy backed off ; "pot- met,al ,' couplings and connectors are not accepEable. provide standard type expansLon couplings and bondinq conductors for aj_l runs E,hrough structural ocpansion joints. provide waterprooffittings for all runs in wet locat,ions such as whereexposed Lo the weaEher, buried in concrete slabs, etc.Provide grounding type connectors and bushings whereconduit terminations are made in the meterst.ack,cabinets, and pull boxes. 1-.03 Conduit Fittings: A. ltlhere required in conduit. runs f or t.urns , ent,rances ,weatherproof boxes, eEc., furnish and install cast sEeelconduit. fit.tingrs of Elpe and size to suit the conduit runinstalled- Fit,tings shall be i.n accordance with Ehelatest. requirements of the National Electrical Code forconduct.ors enclosed and their use. provide covers andgaskets for all fittings inst.alled. PART 2. OO - PRODUCTS 2.0L Conduits: A. Galvanized rigrid steel conduj-Es and elecErical metallicLubing: As manufact,ured by General Elect,rj_c, Republic Steel , Youngstown Steel and ?ube, or equal . 1_5111-1 B. PVC Conduj-E: Hearn/ wall, Schedule 40, rated and Iabelledfor use wieh 90 C raE,ed conductors (EpC), rigi_d, U.L.lisced, meeEing NEMA Standard TC-2, FederalSpecifications WC-1094A, U.L.-651, as manufacEured bvBaldwin, CarLon, EEhyI, Triangle, or equal. C. PVC Fittings and Cemenrr pVC fit.tings and cement sha11all be the product of Ehe same manufactrurer as t.he pVC conduit. 2.02 Couplings and ConnecEors: A. FitEinqs shall be as manufactured by O.2,, Tomic, Raco,Applet.on, Steel Ciby, T&8, or equal . 2.03 Conduit Fitr.inqs: A. Fittings shail be as manuiactured by Applecon, Crouseninds, KilIark, or equal . PART 3.OO - EXECUTTON 3 .0L Conduits: A. fnsEallaEion of conduit racelvavs shall conform Lo thefollowing requirernents : l-. ConceaL all conduit runs except, at surface eguj_p- menE or cabineEs, in mechanical equipment rooms, orwhere specifically indicaEed or auEhorized by the Arr.h i | 6,.. t- RouEe conduits either parallel or perpendicular t.ostrucEural members, wa1]s, floors, or ceilingexcepE where buried in floor slab or undergroundwhere conduit,s may be run directly from ouEfeE Eoout.leE. Keep conduits aE leasE 6n away fromsources of heat, such as flues, hot water lines, sEeam 1ines, etc. Locat,e all conduiEs so as noE Eoendanger ehe strength of any building structuralmembers; consult t,he Architect and verify actualLocacion of all conduit runs pertinent Eo thebuilding sEructural syst,em. Coordinate conduiE runs with other trades. Ingeneral, locaEe conduit above all steam, water or I I I t I T I I I I I I I I I I t I I 3. condensaEe lines. 4. Actual conduit, runs are noe generally indicated;insEall in the most. feasible manner cornoatible with r67tt-2 I I I I I I I I I T I I T I I I I I I the construct.ion of t,he building and Ehe work ofother crafts. 5. Secure conduit raceways, outleLs, and equipment tothe building st.ructure in a rigid and secure In rnnerusing accepEable Eype fasteners. Secure cond.uit,runs to Lhe building structural syst.em where runsare concealed over removable qrid ceiling; do noEsupport conduit runs from ceiling grid framrnssysEem. Do not, use galvanized t.ie wire to secureconduiE.s to the structure. fnstall conduiEs aE aheight. over all ceiling pane.Is to al_low for easvinstallacion and removal of ceil_j.ng panels. 5. Make alL bends symet.rical using a sE,and.ard hickey,conduit. bender, or bending machine. Cut aL1conduits square and ream ends to remove burrs.Exerci-se alI necessary precautions Eo prevent.accumuiation of cjirt, water, concretre, and allforeig:r materj_aJ.s during conscruccion. Clean anddry aIJ- raceways thoroughly before conduccors arepu11ed in. 7. Do noE einbed conduiE runs in concrete slab l-ocated di ranF'l-.' ^e^,,-J T-ar.v!\.,urr\r. .',_rr.,>,_€.1_I condui_ts directlvbelow bot.tom of concreEe and above membrane. 8. Provide standard roof jacks, or picch pockets whereallowed by local code, for conduiEs which peneEraEethe roof; insure thaE penet,ration is completelywaterproof. 9. Provi-de one spare 3/4,, cond.uit for each four unusedpoles in all flush-mounted panelboard.s. Extendconduits from panelboard to an accessible point,beyond the area of finished wall or cellinqconscrucE:-0n. 10. Provide seal-off fiEEings where conduit runs enteror leave hazardous areas or areas of dissimilarconditions such as temperature, humidity, et,c. L1. Provide sEand-off spacers or conduit. clamps Eomaintain minimum !/2,, cLearance bet.ween conduiE andwal1, cej-ling, or ot.her surface where mounE.ed in darnp or weE locaE,ion. 12. Provi.de sEand-off bracket,s and supports for con-duics on roof; seE supports in pitch pockecs mount.ed on roof , maintain minimum 3 1/2,' clearancefrom roof to conduit.s. 13. Provide sleeves for conduiEs passing through anyslabs ot,her than ground floor slab. Extend conduiE s.Leeves with maeerial as accepEed by the Archit.ecEto maintain fire rating of floor peneE,raeion. t4. Minimum size of conduiE inst,alled below grade, erin or below the floor slab sha1l be 3/4,'. L5. Where multiple runs of conduit. are shown to beinstalleq exposed at, the ceiling, group conduiEstogeEher as much as possible, and install on t,he bOE.t.Om ChOfri nf Fho hali,r'i si-s. ar .rn rrni ggg11g l-r.arra?ac 16. Provide the followi-ng types of conduits in accor-dance wi-t,h the specif ic applicat.ion or locacionindicated. a. Gal-vanized Rigrd Steel (GRS): Where exposedto Ehe weaE.her and where required rormechanicai procection; where specificallyindicated. b. Galvanized rigid st.eel wit.h pVC coat,ing: For bends in power service ent.rance raceway. c. ELectrical Met.allic Tubing (EMT): In abovegrade floor s1abs, wal1s, ceiLings, and whereexposed in dr1r areas; do noL install in afloor slab which is in contact with theground. d. Flexible Met,al Conduir (FMC) : Final con-nect,:-ons Lo motors, recessed f ixt.ures , and equipment, of this tlpe in dry locations only.Provide sLeel or aluminum conduit wit.happroved connectors aE E.erminacions. FMCshal1 not be used indiscriminat.ely for branchcircuit.s. e. Liquid-Tight Flexible Conduit: For finalconnections Eo motors and other similar equipmenE, in damp or wet locations and whereexposed E.o the weaEher or to moisEure.Provide approved cype connecEors aEt,erminations. f. Schedule 40 pVC Conduits: All conduiE runsin or under ground floor slab which is incontact, wiE,h the ground; all wiring runsburied underground unless conducEors arespecifically indicated for direct burial orunless otherwise indicated. provide a seal I I I I I t I I I I I I t t I I T I I-I 16111-4 I t I I I I II I I I I I I I I I II I I membrane around underfloor conduit run wherepenet,raE,ion occurs through membrane beueathfLoor slab in contact with ground. provide ocpansion couplings to prevent damage due Eoexpansion. Provide grounding conduct,or throughouE enEire length of PVC conduiC runs. Do not instaLl PVC conduiEs where exposed, ont-ho r,-',-'€ .r in sEud wal_ls or parEiEions,a vL L.. Schedule 80 PVC Conduit.s: For enclosinq maingrounding conductor. S. Intermediate Met.al Conduit: May be installedin all areas where rj-qid galvanized steel,electricaL met,allic tubing, or aluminumconduit,s are permit,ted under thisSpecificaE.ion. NoE permitted for conduitruns underground, or under ground floor slabs. 161_11-5 A. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART ]-. OO 1.01_ 500 SECTION 16120 - WTRE AND CABLE - GENERAL VOLT WIRE A}ID CABLE: Provide individual conduct.ors in conduit raceway for al_Lpower feeders and branch circuits. provide conductors ofsizes and types as indicat,ed on drawings, specifiedherein, and as reguired by National Electsrical Code forspecifj-c uses. Where quantities of conductors in araceway system are not specifically indicat.ed, providesufficient number of conducEors, in size of tonduitnecessary, as are required to mainEain funct.ion, control ,and/or nurnber of circuits as j_ndicaEed. A11 conductors,wirj"ng, and installation shal] further conform to the f ol" lowing : 1. Unless ocherwise specified, all conductors andconduit sizes indj.caE,ed on drawings and specifiedherein are for copper conductors; these shall befurnished and insE,a]led. 2. Provide Ehe following Lypes of insulation, wires,and cables for the indicated areas of wiring: a. T\pe TTIW (75 degrees C) or THHN (90 degrees C)or XHHW (90 degrees): Install in all con-ductors #6 and larger unl-ess ot.herwise indi-cated or specified herein. b. Tlpe THHN (90 degrees C) or XHI{W (90 degreesC): Install in supply connections to H.I.D.,fluorescenE, and incandescent. fixtures and forall wiring runs through fixture wirj-ng channeLsas permitted in Section 410-31 of N.E.C.fnsEall in wiring runs in, oo, or near roofinsulaEion, roof deck, or where conduit racewayis exposed to the sun. c. THHN (90 degrees C): InsE.a11 in all branchcircuits #8 and smaller and qeneral purposewiring runs unless oEherwise indicated orspecified herein. d. T\pes AVA and AVL (110 degrees C) : InsE,alL inal-l wj-ring runs in high terq)eraEure areas.Install Tlpe AVA in dry Locations only and B4peA\rL 1n r^ret or moisE locations. e. Nylon Cords: Install in all empty conduiEs. LOLZV-I PART 2. OO 2.0L 600 t t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I A. - PRODUCTS VOLT WrRE AND CABLE: ' All wires, cables, and conductors sha1l be listed byUnderwrit,ers Laborat.ories, fnc. , shall be standardbuilding wire, rat.ed 500 vol-ts, copper unless otherwiseindicat,ed or specified herein, and shall be asmanufactured by Anaconda, General Cable, General EIec-E.ri-c, Okonite, Phelps-Dodge, Rome, Triangle, SouEhwire,or equal-. PART 3. OO - EXECUTTON 3.01 600 VOLT WIRE AI\TD CABLE: -1 . Inst.ai-1at,icn cf wirirg shali conforn :o the fcll_ovring: 1.Unless otherwise indicated on drawings, :nstall noconductors smaller E.han #12 AWG excepE for srgnaland conErol ci.rcuits which mav be #14 AWG or asindicated on d.rawings. If disEance from panel Eo firsE. device in circuiEis over 75 feet for L20 volt circuit. Ehen minimum #10 AWG conductors sha11 be used for the home runportion of the circuit,. 3. Provide solid conduct.ors in sizes #10 AWc andsrnalLer; provide stranded conductors and #8 AWG andlarger. 4. Color code all conductors installed for serviceenlrance feeder, and distribution feeders asfollows: 720 /208v Black Red Blue White Green Phase B c N \t Connect aL1 feeder conductors of the same color tothe same ungrounded phase throughout EheinsCallation _ 5. Install conducEors in the raceway syslem only after t,he conduit runs have been comDleted and after such L6L20-2 1. I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I time as they have thoroughly been cleaned anddried. 6, Provide nylon pu1l cords in all Eelephone feederconduits and in all empty conduits install_ed forfuture electrical distribution. provide t.ags onpull cords to indicaEe terminaEions of conduits. B. Where aluminum feeders are indicated on the plans, theirterminations sha1l conform with ehe followinq: Take care noE to cut or nick strands when sErippinginsulat,ion away. Thoroughly clean bare conducEor surface using a sEi-f f wi-re brush. 3 . frnrnediat.eLy coat the bare conductor surface with a]iberaf amount. of anti-oxidi=ing joint compound. 4. DO NOT direccly connect cables to equipmenE, .l_ugs orterminals. RaE.her, hydraulically connect analuminum lug or piqt.aiL to Ehe end of the cable. See WIRE SPLICES AND CONNECTIONS SecTion 1.6L21,. L5t20-3 B. c. D. t I t I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I PART 1. OO 1 nl nr. vJ- -1. SECTION 16130 - OTJITLETS - \rllNLl(A! SEudy general- building plans in relation t.o space andconsEruction surrounding electrical equipment and out.letsin order t.hat electrical work may fit in wich work ofoEher t.rades. Install pu11 boxes where required byNational Electrical Code for the nurnber and size ofconduct,ors contained; l-ocaEe in accessible places. Set, a1l- boxes plumb with wal_l_s or ceiling. If not p1umb,resec and pay a1l cost.s for additional work and finishingnecessary. fn finished spaces and on the buildingexEerior, set all boxes flush wich wal1s and ceilings.In remodel areas, where flush boxes cannol be inst,alled,Wrremold or cast boxes may be installed if approved byt.he ArchitecE or Engineer. pressed sLeel knock-out boxesshalI noE be inscalled on the surface rn finisheci spaces. rn unfinished spaces, such as mechanical rooms, pressed sEeel- knock-out. boxes may be surface mounted. Coordj-nate locat.ion of alL lighting fixtures, out.leE.s,Switches, start.ers, conErollers, panelboards, and oEherelectrical eguipmenE wich other crafts Eo avoidinterferences and obsE.rucEions and so that equiprnent tobe insEalled by oE,hers will noE block electricalequlpment. or make inaccessible or inoperable. provide weatherproof Elpe outlets where inst,alled on Ehe exEerioror on the interior where subject to moisture or extreme dampness. 1.,02 OUTLET BOXES - CONDUIT SYSTEMS: A. Furnish and install flush galvanized pressed steel boxes,except where cast metal_ boxes and fit,cings are speci_f iedor required by National Electrical Code. provide outletboxes of proper size to meet requirements of NationalElectrical Code for device and number of conductorscontained. Provide minimum I-!/2', deep boxes for 1"conduits. Provide ouel_et boxes of proper design forpart.icular device or fixt,ure to be installed; sizebf troxEo be determined on basis of single gang module for eachdevice inst.alled. InsE,all_ minimum a incfr boxes in al1locations. Tile boxes or st.andard outleE boxes with tilerings may be used for flush outlets in unplasteredmasonry walls. InsE.all all outlets in a rigid and securemanner. Sectional boxes are noE accepEable. 1513 0 -1_ PART 2. OO _ PRODUCTS 2.OL OUTLET BOXES AND FITTINGS: I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I A.SEeel ouELeE boxes as manufactured by Applet,on, Raco, Steel- City, or equal . B. PVC plast.ic ouEleE boxes as Kra I nr,r nr arrggl . C. Cast meEai- boxes and f it.cings Eon, Crouse-Hinds, Killark, or manufactured by Carlon, as manufactured by Apple- equal . 2,02 FLOOR OUTLETS A. OuEl-eE boxes for power only shall be casE tlpe Hubbell No. 82537. ouEleE covers shall be brass Hubbell No. S-3925 lift-up cover. Equivalent devices as manufactured by Lew ani SE.eel CiEy are accepEable subsEiEuEes. OutIeE shal1 be per specification SecEion l-6140 - PART 3.OO - EXECUTTON 3.01 A. Provide ouElets for devices as follows: 3 .02 3 .03 LIGHTING OUTLETS: A. Provide minimum 4" out,let box, install to accommodatetlpe of fixture being inst,alled. Provide a 3/8 bo1E" fixt,ure st,ud in all lighuing out,lets for surface or pendanE mounted incandescent, fixE,ures. Install juncEion box ouEleE,s over grid ceiling for connection of flexible conduiEs to recessed grid tlrpe fluorescent fixtures. B. Use Caddy #766 or B-Line #BF1 -56 far side box supportsfor all boxes inst.alled on 3-I/2" meEal suuds, and B-Line #BF1-95 for all boxes installed on 6" meEa1 studs. SWITCH OUTTETS: A. Verify door swi-ngs and install swit.ch outlet,s on laE,chside of door. Provide multi-gang boxes for mulciple device instal-Lation where sysEem is 240 volts or less. RECEPTACLE OUTLETS: A. Provide 3-wire grounding type recepeacles for all con-venience ouE.let,s. Provide switched outlecs where indi- f I I 3 .04 1513 0 -2 I I I I I I I I I t t I I I II I I I I J. Uf, 3.06 cated. Provide ground fault. circuit prot,ecEion for allouEdoor receptacles and where required by NEC. ConcealouElets for eLecEric wat,er coolers behind units. Use Caddy !1755 or B-Line #BF1-55 far side box supporcsfor all boxes inst,alled on 3-!/2" metal_ studs, and B-Line #BF1-96 for all boxes inst.alled on 6,, metal studs. FLOOR OUTLETS: A. TnsEall where indicated, flush floor ouefets mounE,ed sothat. cover plaEes and/or access doors are flush with topof finished f1oor. provide carpet flanges where outlet,sare inst,alled in carpeted areas; inst,al_I flanges and topof outlet flush wich top of carpeE. Coordinat.e depEh oiout,let box with floor const.ruction. Verify t.hat depEh ofconcreLe topp]-ng of floor aE l-ocation of outlet willaccept specified outLeE. box. Confirm location of alliloor outlets wic:: Archit.ect prior tro concret.e pours. orbe responsible for relocati_on after pour. BACK-TO-BACK OUTLETS: A. fnsEall back-t.o-back ouElets shown on drawings wit.h aminimurn of one sLud and 5,, of l-aEeral separation beEweenouEleEs for minimum sound transmission. Do not. insE.all"through-the-wall" type boxes unless specifical1yauthorized by ArchitecE. 3. 07 MULTT-GAI{G OUTLETS : A. Where multiple swit.ches, or swiEches and convenienceoutlets are shown on the plans in t.he same location andat. the same height., the contracEor is Eo install mulEi-gang boxes and covers. Example: SEorage Rooms. 1513 0 -3 I I SECTTON 15140 - WIRING DEVTCES I :T: ''OO - GENERAL I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I A. Provide outlet devices of t.ylpe, ampacity, voltage, numberof conduct.ors, and color as indicated on drawings orspecified herein. provide cover ptaEes for all ouEteEs. 1 At QlrlriritrE'c. A. Provide switches, as indicated on the plans and specifiedhere, for load cont.rol, motor proEecEion, and indicaE.ionof operation. B. Provide :vory col-ored nylon cover piates :n finishedareas. Frovide galvanized indust.rial covers with beveled edges for surface mounEed switches in unfin:_shed spaces. 1.. 03 RECEPTACLES: A. Provide decora style receptacles of types, ampaciEy,poles and configurat.ion as j_ndicated on Ehe plans andspecified here. Verify color with ArchiEecE beforereleasing order. provide duptex receptacles raEed eiEher15 amperes or 20 anperes as required by NEC. provide approved ground fault, protection for all 120 volE, singlephase, 15- and 20-amp recept,acle out,Lets installedoutdoors, or in indoor wet, areas, or in aI1 areas wherereguired by NEC. B. Provide ivory colored nylon cover plaE.es in finishedareas. Provide galvanized industrial covers with bevelededges for surface mounted ouElet.s in unfinished spaces. 1.04 SIGNAL OUILETS: A. Provide decora styleindicated on Ehe planswith Architect. before single or duplex outleEs as and specifieci here. Verify colorreleasinq order. E Provide ivory colored nylon cover plates. 16140-1 PART 2. OO - PRODUCTS 2.OI SWTTCHES A. Cont,rol Switches: provide swit.ches rated I20/277 vol_Es,4.C., quiet operat.ing, ivory, specification grade, and of ampere rating as reguired by NationaL ElectricaL Code forload cont.ro11ed. Verify color wiCh ArchiEecE beforeordering. Catalog numbers are for pass & Selmourdevices. 1 . SingJ_e pole : 15AC1-I 2 . Doub.Le pole: 15AC2 -f 3. Three Way: 15AC3-I 4. Four Way: l_5AC4-f 5. Manual :'!ot,or SEarters:(Square D) Class 25L0 TVpe FG-l- MMS - ?wo Pole:Class 2510 Type FG-2 (Square D) B. EquivalenE. devices by Arrow-HarE, BryanE, HubbeLl, G.8.,or Leviton will be considered if shop drawings includerrEnufact.urer,s cross ref erence sheet. which clearlyindicates equivalency between the specified device andthe proposed subst.itute. 2,02 DWELLING TJNIT SWITCHES: A. Light swi-t.ches shatl be quieE operaEinq rocker type, 15 amp at, 125 vo1ts, residentia] decoraEor grade, color perArchj_tect., wiEh matching plast,ic cover p.l_at,es. catalognumbers are for pass & Selmour devices. t_. sinqle Pole: 260tt* 2. Ttrree-Way: 2G013* 3. Diruner: 510 4. ,Jam Swit,ch: 1200 * Add suffix per Architect's color choice. B. Equivalent, devices by Arrow-Hart, Bryant, Hubbe1l, G.8.,or LeviEon wil-l be considered if shop drawings includemanufacEurer,s cross reference sheet which clearlv t I t I I I I I I I I T I I I I t I I 16140-2 I t I I I I t I I I I I I indicates equivalency beEween t.he specified device and Ehe proposed substiEute. 2,03 RECEPTACLES: A. Grounded Convenience OuElet,s: provide duplex, 3-wirespecification grade, decora sEyle, groundinq type, t25volt, ivory outleEs. Verify color wiEh Architecc priort,o ordering. CaE,alog numbers are for pass & Sey'mourdevices. 1. 15 Amp z 25252-I 2. 20 Amp: 25352-I 3 . GFr: 1591-S-I 4. 15 Amp Surge Suppression/Isolated Ground: IG6252-fSp 5. Isolated Grounci: Ic5200 5. 15 A Surge Suppression: 6262-ISp 7. 20 A Surge Suppression: 63G2-ISP B. Equivalent devices by Arrow-HarE, Bl]ranE, Hubbell, G.E.,or Levilon will be considered if shop drawings includemanufact,urer's cross reference sheeE which clearlyindicaEes equivalency between E.he specified device andthe proposed substitute. 2.04 DWELLING UNIT OUTLETS: A. Convenience outlet.s shal1 be three wlre grounding cype,l-5 Amp at 125 volEs, resj-denE,i.aL decorator grade, coforper Architect,, wiEh mat,ching plast.ic cover p1aE,es. CaEalog numbers are for pass & Seymour devices. 1. Duplex Outlet: 25242* 2 , GFr: 1591-F* 3. Range: 3855 4. Dryer: 3853 5. Telephone: TE-I_-I 6. Television: 40581 (L,,eviton) I I I I I I 161.40 -3 7, GFf Relay for Jacuzzi: 2081-SI * Add suffix per ArchitecE's color choice. B. Equivalent. devices by Arrow-HarE,, Bryant, Hubbell, G.8.,or LeviEon will be considered if shop drawings i-ncludemanufacturer's cross reference sheeE which clearlyindicates equivalency beEween Ehe specrfied device andthe proposed substitut,e. 2.05 SIGNAL OUTLETS A. Signal outlets sha1l be as indicated bel-ow. CaE.alog nurnbers are those of E.he Harvey Hubbell Corporat.ion. 1. Duplex 4-Wire Telephone ,Jack: C244I 2. 4-Wire Telephone /Coax Jack: C242I 3. Single Coax Jack: CI2T 4. Single 4-Wire Telephone Jack: C14I B. EquivalenE devices by Arrow-Har!, Bq/anE, Hubbell, G.E.,or Levi.t,on will- be considered if shop drawings includemanufacturer's cross reference sheeE which clearlyindicates equivalency beEween the specified device andthe proposed subsEiEuce. PART 3.OO - EXECUTION 3.01 MULTT-GANG DEVICES: A. Where light. swiEches and convenience oucfets are shown inclose proximicy on the p]ans, such as mechanical rooms,install both devices in a two gang box with a sinqfe cover. B. Where power outlets and signal devices such as telephoneor television out,leCs are shown in close proximiEy on theplans, insEall both devices in a two gang barriered boxwith a single cover. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I 15140-4 I I sEcrroN I61,4L - EXTERTOR LrcHTrNc CONTROLI I I I I t I I I I I III It I I I I I PART 1.OO _ GENERAL 1.01- A. Provide contact.or wit,h integral HAND-OFF-AUTO switch, 2 -wire cont,rol auxiliary module, t j_me clock, andphoto-cell for use in control of exterior lighE.ing andsigns. See plans for wiring diagram and location ofequipment.. I.O2 LTGHTING CONTROLS : A. ConEact,ors shal1 be full_ volEaqe, across the l_ine.electricaiiy operated, mechanically held, rateci forcontlnuous operat,ion aE ampaciE.ies indicat.ed andfurnished wich coils and coil clearinq contacts tooperate with control system irdicaced. See pj-ans :cr number of poles reguired. provide a HAND-OFF-_\UTO switchin the cover of each contaccor. B. The 2-wire control- auxiliary module shal-l_ be UL 1iscedfor voltage range of 80? Eo 1258 of nominal and sha.LlfuncEion properly aE temperatures between 0 and 45degrees C. Where mult,iple conEact.ors are used, provj_de one conErol modul_e per Ewo contact.ors. C. The time clock sha1l be electro mechanical, seven-day,battery backed, and shall have an integral ON/OFF/AUTOswitch. D. The phoEocell shall operaEe properly from -60" to 150degrees F, shai.l be weat.herproof, and shaLf have aslidinq shade Eo adjust. Curn-on t.ime from two foot- candl-es to 50 foot,-candles. PART 2. OO - PRODUCTS 2.0L A. Cont,actor shall be Asco #gt7 with #47 2-wire conErolauxiliary module, or equal by Sguare D, General El-ect.ricor Sylvanla. B. Photocell shall be precision #ST-15, or equal by Tork orFisher-Pierce. c. Time swiE,ch shall be Tork wtzo-L, 7-d.ay, with l_ N.o. 1N.C. contact, and reserve power, or equal by fntermat.ic. 16141-1 PART 3.OO - EXECUTTON 3.01 A. Mount photocell facing north and on an area of Ehebuilding which affords maximum proEecEion from directsunlight. Meet, with owner to obtain schedule of ON/OFF times, andprogram j-nt.o time clock. DemonstraEe programning of clock, and manual operation feaEures to the owner. B. I I I I I t I I I I I t t I I I I I I t6L4L-2 I I SECTTON 76L64 - BRANCH CTRCUTT PANELBOARDS (HOUSE PAI{ELBOARD) I I I I I I I I I I It I I I I I I PART 1.OO r. vr at. - GENERAL Provide circuit breaker tlpe panelboards wit,h main lugsonly, or with main breakers where ind.icaced and ofvoLtage and phase, with ampacity of bus, and with t.henurnber and size of full widEh thermal magnetic-bolt,edbranch circuit breakers as indicated on the drawings.Provide panelboards of dead-fronE const,rucEion. provide neatly Eyped directory cards in directory frames.Provide panelboard designaEion nameplat,e and door lockskeyed alike f or all panelboards. Provide ,, lock-on,,devices for seLected circuiEs as directed by theArchit.ect and/or E,he Engineer; device to a11ow circuitbreaker to operaE.e ,'trip-free, even Ehough t.he handlecannot be moved. "Wafer-thin,, or nT\n/inu circuit breakersare not accepEabj-e for new work. panelboards shal_l bemounted surface or flush as indicated on the drawings.Circurt breakers shall be rated for switching and shallbe rat,ed minimum 10,000 amperes symmet,rj-caL short. circurEcurrent aE the panelboard for up to 250 volt.s. All busbars shal1 be copper. provi-de two and t.hree polebreakers with conunon trip and single operat.ing handle.Provide separate qrounding terminal_ strip in allpanelboards. Where spaces on panels are indicated,panelboard int,eriors shall include provisions so thatcircuiE, breakers may be added in Ehe fut.ure. _ PRODUCTS Panelboards for 120/208 volt, 3 phase distribution sys-tems shall be Square D Type NQOD with bolt,-on circuitbreakers. Equivalent panelboards by Cutl_er-Hanimer,General Electrj-c, Siemens, or West,inghouse are acceptableas subsEiEutes. PART 2.00 A. roro4-J- I I sEcrroN 16165 - BRANcH crRcurr LoAD cElI:rERs (TENANT pANELs) I T t I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I PART 1. OO l. vJ- 11. PART 2. OO 2 .01_ A. - GENERAL Provide circuiE breaker type load cenlers for dwellingunit and ret,ail space t,enants with mai.n lugs on1y, orwith main breakers where indicated, and of voltage andphase, wiEh ampacity of bus, and with the nurnjcer._and sizeof full- width thermal magnetic plug-on branch ci_rcuit,breakers as indicaE,ed on the drawings. provide load.centers of dead front construction. provide neat,ly typeddirectory cards in directory f rames. ,,Waf er-thj_n', orT\arin" circuit breakers are noE accepEable for new work.Load centers shal"l be mounted surface or flush asindicated on Ehe drawings. Circuit breakers shall berat.ed for switching and sha11 be rated minimum 10,000anperes symmet.ricaL shorE circuit current at the loadcenter for up Eo 250 volts. A11 bus bars shajl becopper. Provide t.wo and three pole breakers with coflunonLrr-p and single operating handle. provide separaLegrounding terminaL sErip in aj-l load cenEers. Wherespaces on panels are rndicaEed, load center int.eriorsshall include provisions so thaE circuit breakers mav beadded in Ehe fuEure. - PRODUCTS Load cenEers for 120/208 vo1!, 3 phase distribuE,ionsystems shall be Sguare D TVpe eO. Equivalent, loadcenters by Cutler-Harmer, General ElecCric, Siemens, orWestinghouse are acceptable as substitutes. I a I sEcrroN 15800--ArR DrsrRrBUTroNI r PART 1-.00 - GENERAL r 1. ol- DEscRrprroN I A. Work Includ.ed: The air discribucion system required forI this work includes, but, is noE necessirily limlted to: 1. Air moving equipment. I 2, Duct. work. t 3. Flexible duct work. 4. Duct accessories: Dampers, gravity back draft.dampers, fire dampers, turning vanes, eLc.I 5. Grilles, regisEers and diffusers. I 6. All other air Cist.ributron it,ems indicat,ed on t.hedrawings, specified herein, or needeci for a com- t plet.e and proper mechanical installation in accor- I dance wich at1 pert,inent codes and regulaEions. B. Related Work Described Elsewhere: I 1. SE,arEers and Disconnects: Section l-5030 2. Balancing of Mechanical Systems: Section l_5043 I 3. InsulaE,ion: Secti-on l-5250 I 4. Controls: Section l-5900 I PART 2. oo - PRoDUcrs I A'.\z.v I 1 EQUIPMENT t Furnish and install eguipment as shown and specified on Ehe r drawings. Each it.em of equipment containing movingi parts I sha11 be furnished with facEory inst.alled vibrationr isolators- VibraEion isolaeors sha11 be insEalled on eachcomponent (compressor, fan assembly, etc.) uhat might causeI vibrat,ion within the equipment. I I I I r,58 00 - 1 )n) 2.04 PART MATERIAL A. Low VelociEy Duct Work: 1. Riqid Duct Materialr Zinc-coated sheet sE,eeL oft,hicknesses listed in ASHRAE Guide and Dat.a Book, Equrpment, lat.esE ediEion. 2. Flex DucE Material: C1evaflex UL Cl_ass f air ducErated fl-ex, O.A.E. insulated wiE,h vapor barrier. DUCT ACCESSORIES A. Furnish and install t.he following accessories where shownon the drawings; also provide cut sheeEs: L. Manual dampers shall be Louvers and Dampers Type CD400 or contracE.or fabri:ateci Eo Architrect,sapproval . 2. Mot,orized dampers shal1 be type TSD-400-UD. 3. Fire dampers sha1l be prefco Model LpC curtain typeint.erlocking blade, UL labe1ed. 4. Turning vanes shall be airfoil Eype, conEracEorfabricated in accordance wieh SMACNA Manua1standards and to ArchitecE.,s approval . HEp orapproved equal . 5. Flexible ducE spin-ins shall be Clevaflex cype DSCwiEh volume damper. GRILLES, R.EG]STERS AI{D DIFFUSERS Furnish and install gri11es, registers and diffusers asspecified and shown on drawings. 3.OO - EXECIJ:TION DUCT SYSTEUI LAYOUT A. LayouE the air distribution syst.em in careful coor-dinaE,ion wit.h t,he drawings, deEermining proper elevationsfor. all componenEs of t.he system and u-j.ng only theminimum nurnber of bends Eo produce a sat,isfactorily €r rn r-l- i nr .i n*.Y syscem. I I T I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I 1 !)6VU-Z B. I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I FolLow the general layouE shown on the drawings in all_cases except where oEher work may interfere. Workmanship for Low VelociEy DucEwork: In-'additrithe requiremenE,s specif ied in Sect j_on 15010: 1. Joi-nt.s: Metal- to metal_ slip joints shall not beused on reclangular ductwork without. prior approvalof the Engineer. When approved, joints shall have minimum of one meE,al screw per 10,, of circumferenceand shall be taped. AII oEher meE.al joint,s shallbe per SI{ACNA standards. JoinEs on exposed ductwork shall not have sharp corners or edges. 2. Seams on all ductwork exposed Eo weaEher shaIl havecransverse and longitudal joints and seams sealedwith a G.E. type silicone sealant.. 3. Duct Layout.: Metal duct. sha11 be used fcr allfittings and ducE work. 4. St,andards: ASHRAE and SMACNA. Manual-s andassociat.ed literature available for reference at.Engineer,s office. 3.02 INSTALLATTON OF EQUTPME}IT A. General: 1. Inst.a1l fans as shown on drawings and in sEricE,accordance wiEh manufacE,urer,s recormnendaEions. 2. fnstall duct work as shown on the drawings, Fro-vidinq adequat.e support and not allowing any sags,droops, etc. 3. Inst,all ducE work accessories as shown on thedrawings. 3.03 CLOSING IN I'NINSPECTED WORK should any of the work be covered up or enclosed prior Lo a.l-1reguired inspections and approvalsf uncover Cne work asreguired and after iE has been completely inspected andapproved, make all repairs and replacemLnt,s with suchmat,erials as are necessary to Ehe appioval of the ArchitecE,and at no additional cosE to Ehe Owner. 15800-3 3 .04 CI,EANING UP Prior Eo acceptance of the building, thoroughly clean all exposed porE,ions of Ehe mechanical insEallation, removing al1shipping 1abels and all traces of foreign substance and beingcareful t,o avoid any damage to unfinished surfaces. I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t 158 00 -4 I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I SECTION 15850--SNOW MELT SYSTEM PART ]-.OO - GENERAL 1.0]. DESCRIPTION A. The snowmeltinq system shall be furnished. and installedunder this conEract. The work consists of inst,aLling acompletely new snowmeLt, syst,em for the new const,ruct.ion.This system shal1 consist of the type of piping describedbelow (1.02-A) : B. Refer to the drawings for work Eo be included in thiscont,ract. A11 venEs, seals, fiE,tings, equj_pment, et.c. incont,act w:-Eh the glycol heat. exchanqe f luid musE becompatible with 508 by volume propylene glycol andi-nhibitor solution with water. 1-.02 PIPE AND FITTTNGS A. Glycol pipingr in slab: Cross-Linked polyet,hylene tubing.Splices, fit.t.ings, and connections Eo pj_pe headers shal.l_be per manufacturer,s reconrnendaLions. pipe shall besupported 1-l/2', above structural slab by means of steelsupports and provisions shaLl be made to hotd piperigidly in place during concret,e pour such tfrat cne pipeis uniformly 2', below finished surface of concrete. B. Glycol piping above and bel_ow grade: Schedule 40 bj-ackiron with sEandard weights black steel bueE- weldingfittings or epe ,'K,' copper with lead free wroughE copperjoints. A11 elbows lonq radius tlpe. C. Provide dielect.ric unions between all metal_l_ic pipingconnections of dissimiLar met,als. ]..03 VAI.,VES AND UNIONS Refer to sect.ion 15400 of these specifications for varve andunion requirement,s. 1.04 HANGERS A}ID SUPPORTS For piping above grade refer to Section 15050 of thesespecifications. 158 5 0-1 1.05 CLEANING, TESTTNG, AD.JUSTI{ENT AND BALANCE A. In GeneraL: After insta1laE,ion is complete, clean allequlpment and leave in first. crass condi-tion. check oilin all moEors. provide owner with necessary insErucEionsfor operaeing, oiling and adjusting which he must have tomaintain the system. MounE where directed. Ad.justmentand bal-ance of mechanical equipment for a period of oneyear from finaL accept.ance sha1l be parE of base bid.Give Architect/Engineer prior notice when Eests wil-r bemade. - Thg entire glycol syst.em shal1 be thoroughlyflushed prior to fillinq with g1ycol solution B. Glycol system: upon compretion or rough-in and beforecovering, the entire pipingr syst.em shall be test.ed aE. ahydrost.at,ic pressure of noL less ehan 100 psrc (prior t.oEesting, isolat.e any equipmenE not designed fbr. thispressure) , and proven ti-ghE againsE leakage when joint.sare being struck wi-th a ma1ler. where a portion of ttrepioing system is to be concealed before completion, EeseEhis portion separately. Tesr. pressuie shall bemarntained for a period of twent,y-four (24) hours. Dueallowance shal1 be given co variJcions in pressure whichmay result from changes 1n c,emperatrure. TesE pressureshal1 be maint,ained at. arr times during Ehe pouri.ng ofconcret,e, and during Ehe laying of asphalt.. Flow t,obranch circuiE.s sharr be baranced according to Ehedrawings and the Balancing and Adjusting sectioi of thesespecificaE,ions before final inspect.ion by Engineer. 1.06 WATER TO WATER HEAT EXCHANGER See Equipment Schedule on the drawinqs. 1,.07 SPECTAI-,TIES A. fnsEall manua.l. air vents ac high points of alL pipingrconsist,ing of: a ful1 size nippl; 6, long for in-aiicollection chamber, pipe cap on Lop of nipple witin I/4'lEap, 7/4" copper Lubing with gauge cock. piovide vandaLproof valve or yard boxes, exict, locat.ion of which is tobe deEermined in t.he field and approved by Architect. B. Expansion tan.kl pre-pressurized diaphragrm type of sizeand Elpe specified on the drawinq. workinb prlisure must,equal or exceed syst,em pressurL relief vjfve setEing.Tank must, be compat,ible ;iEh propylene glycol . I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I)U5U-2 I I I I I I t I I I I I I t t I t t I C. Air Elirnination Equipment(Snowme]t):- AS-1 Air Separator 2" Flanged Air Separat,or less st.rainer; 1', t,op conneccj_onand 1" bottom blowdown connecEion. Valve and pipe blowdown ful-l size E.o floor drain. Support. from ffobrwith angle iron legs or hang from sEruetuie wich threadedrods and angle iron clips welded to tank. B & G Rol-airtroL J. ll\-\,/' Amt.rol No. RL-2 No. AC2 No. 490 1.08 PUMPS See EquipmenE, Schedule on the drawings. 1.9 PROPYLENE GLYCOL SOLUTION The Mechanical ContracEor shall furnish and install t.heinitial charge of propylene glycol. Glyco1 soj_uE,j_on shaLl be508 by Volume DowfrosE 1. provide rust inhibiLor asrecormnended by Ehe g1yco1 manuf acE,urer. 1.10 INSULATTON Refer to sect.ion 15250 of t,hese specifications for rnsul-aEionrequirements. l-.11 coMrRol,s Refer to section 15900 of these specifications for cont,rolrequirements. 1.I2 BALAT{CING VALVES The Mechanical conEracEor shal1 furnish and install eit,her amanufactured header systsem with flow measuring and balancingapparatus as an inEegral part of each circuit (on eachcontinuous loop of tubing) or shall furnish and install afabricat.ed header assembly with flow measuring and balancingapparaEus on each circuit, (on each cont,inuous loop ofEubins) . l-ldtru-l I I sncrroN 15900 - coNTRoLS AND TNsTRUMENTATToNI r PART 1.00 - GH\TERAL - 1.0i. t4ANUFAcruRERs oF EeurpMENT I As specified on drawrngs.r I L,Oz ADJUST!{ENT t A. Adjust tenperature control syst,em in accordance withmanufacturer, s published insLructions. r B. Complet,e adjustmenus, d.emonsEraEe operation t,o Architect, 3**{::^]n"t::.t and obtain approval f rom Archj-tect. and,/or!r.r13rrrsE! r\r! sysEem operaEion, bef ore applying f orI certificate of completion. I C. Check calibrat.ion, acijust set point and sensj.tivity of I alL conErollers and safety devj.ces. t D. Simulate complete cont,roL cycles and check for proper I operaEi.on, include the followj_ng: 1. AuE,omatic-Occupied-Unoccupied I 2. Heat.ing Operat.ion 3. Cooling Operat,ion I _ 1.03 RELATED WORK SPECIFTED ELSEWHERE I A11 work specified under this Section of the specrficationssha11 be subject, Eo requirements of SecEion 15050 - BasicI Materials and Met,hods. I r 1.04 ACCEPTAME TESTTNG I Provide services of personnel familiar with installat,ions for r a minimum of one day E,o demonstrate compleEe operation of I system on simulat.ed basis to ArchitecE and/or Engineer andI Owner after being requested to do so by Ehe projecCEngineer. I I l qqnn-1 I ,III 1.05 INSTALLATION Preparation of working diagrams shall be performed by t.heMechanicaL cont.ractor. rnst,allation of cont,rols shall beperformed by che ElecErical Contractor. PART 2. OO - PRODUCTS )n 1 GENERAL Furnish all auE.omat,ic control" valves to Ehe piping cont.ract.orfor inst,allat.ion. Furnish all aut.omacic coniroi dampers t.oEhe sheet met.al contractor for i.nsE,a1laE,ion, unlesi notedotherwise. 2.02 WIRING A. A11 l-ine and low volt.aqe wiring shall comply wich EheNat,ional Electrical Code, Iocal codes and ELecEricalDivision of these Specificat,ions. B. L:-ne volE.age wiring shall be inst.alled per NEC Class 1reqlut-rements wiE,h Buj-lding Code Class 1 mat,erials. C. Low voltage NEC CLass 2 circuiEs may be run in cab.Le,using approved supports, where accessible and conceal_edby building construction (above suspended ceilings, inmoveable parEiEions, eEc. ) . D. When installed in permanent partitions, wal1s, floors orinaccessible ceilinqs, 1o* volE,age wiring shall beinstalled in approved raceway. E. A11 1ow voltage conductors shall be 19 gauge minimum,except L9 gauge may be used for home rulns'to cenEral IcgnErol panels and 22 gauge minimum for resisEance or It.hermistor sensing element connections. F. AlL control interlocks and control panels shal1 be wiredbf the ElecE,rical Contract.or. 2.03 COIIIIROL SETTINGS A1l control serrings are tentaEive and shalL be adjustabte. I I I II I II T t t I I I I I I I I I 1590 0 -2 I I sEcrroN 1'6170 - FUsTBLE AND NoN-FUsTBLE sArE?y swrrcHEs t I I t I T I I I I I I I I I t I PART 1-.OO - GENERAL 1-.01 A- Provide fusible, or non-fusib1e, safety switches of raEedvoltage for service, circuit. or feeder where installed,of sizes, ampacity, and with nunber of poles indicated.SwiEches shal-L be approved for rnain line service,horsepower raEed, quick-make, quick-break, heavy duty anddesigned for use with rejection Lype current limicingfuses of 200,000 anpere fault current interrupcingcapacity. Identify switches for feeder or motor beingsupplied. All switches shaj_j_ be of the type with ;handle interlock to prevent opening when t.he swit.ch is in "ON" posit.ion. Provide fusible tlpe safety swiEches wiE,hfuses where installed as disconnecE devices for eguip-ment, and package heat.ing, vent.ilating, and air condj_-tioning unit.s . PART 2. OO - PRODUCTS 2.01 A. Square D TVpe HD, General Electric Type TH, Bulldog ',VacuBreak,, TVpe HD, West,inghouse Type H, or equal. PART 3. OO 3.01_ A. - EXECUTION Prior to ordering disconnect swiEches for mechanicalequipment., confirm either via shop drawing review or byreading eguipment nameplaEe ChaE Che disconnect switchsize specified is proper. If not, inform Ehe engineer ofdiscrepancy and, wiEh his approval , purchase proper srze. DisconnecL enclosures sha-i_1 be of a NEMA construcE.iontype consistent with the area where they are to beinstalled. Disconnect, enclosures insEalled out of doorsshall- be NEMA 3R. DisconnecE enclosures installedindoors in wet or washdown areas shal1 be NEMA 4. r.617 0 -1 t t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t t SECTION 15400 _ ELECTRTCAL SERVICE ENTRANCE PART ]..00 _ GENERAL ]-.01 SECONDARY LOW VOLTAGE SERVICE: A. Provide trench, secondary conduie anci wire, backfilling,and compacEion from t.he existing Holy Cross Elect.ricAssociaEion's transformer Eo the met,ersEack. Inaddition, provide all other basic materials, equipment,,and devices in accordance wit.h oLher sections of E.hisspecification which are applicable to this insEallat.ion. Secondary terminat.ions at, t.he transformer sha11 be bv thepower company. 1,.02 METERING: A. CoordinaEe metering requiremencs wit.h the ut.ility company ^*i^- F^ -^l^v.r\./! ur.; rsrcds€ of meterstack shop drawinqs. PART 2. OO - PRODUCTS 2.OL T'ItrDERGROT]ND SECONDARY SERVICE EIiITRANCE: A. Provide the following Cypes of conduit systems: 1. Schedule 40 PVC conduit, for undergroundthe service. 2. Rigid galvanized stseel conduit, coatedfor al1 ei-l-s where the racewavs enter orground cover. portion of r^ri th D\74 l-eave Ehe 3. Rigid galvanized sEeel- conduit for further exlen-sions above grade. B. Provide conduct.ors or cables per SECTION 16120 and thel-line diagram on the plans. C. Provide main dist,ribuEion eguipment, per SECTION 15150 and Ehe 1-Iine diagram on Ehe plans. 15400 -1 I I sEcrroN 16430 - MULIr-METERTNG EeurpMENT PART 1. OO - GE}IERAL 1.01 A. Provide a mult.i-met,er stack for building complete wiEhmain fused switch, meter sockeEs and feeder breakers.Stacks shal1 be rated 3 phase, 4 wire v/iE,h 3 phase 4 wirebranches. Bus ampaciE,ies and short circuit ratings shaI1be as indicat.ed on the One-Line Diagram. B. A11 components sha.Ll have been tested and UL listed foruse as a int.egral part. of the rnult.i_- metering system. PART 2.OO - PRODUCTS 2. 01 GENERAI.,, CONSTRUCTION A. Enclosures sha11 be const,ructed of formed and welded codegauge steel. No devrce disassembly is Eo be requiredbefore mounting. Mounting shall be accomplished by usinga separate mounEing channel in conjunction with encl_osed embossmen:s for verlical support. Final mounting shaLlbe by t.he use of external mounting feeE for att,aching towa1ls. All devices must. be bonded together with bolEedconnect.ions. Meter uniEs shall be provided withindividual, removable ringless covers for each meterposiEj-on. A11 compart.ments conE.aining unmet.ered circuitssha1l be provi-ded wich a sealing means. B. All components shall be fact.ory assembled and allcurrent-carrylng parEs shall be plated bus bars. In-dividual units sha11 be construct,ed with an inEegralsliding one bolt joint assembly for a completely bussed meEer center. This single bolE is t,o be a VfSI-TITE bolEfor ti.ghtening without, a torque wrench. C. Met,er sockets sha1l be 5 jaw (manual circuit closing) . SockeE.s shal1 be rat,ed 200 ampere conEinuous duEy. Metersocket jaws musE be spring reinforced and front removable. D. Circuit. breakers for up Eo 200 ampere devices shal1 be t.hree pole, plug-on type. E. EguipmenE sha11 be labeled ,,Rainproof ,, or ,,suitable for damp locations,,. I I T I t I I I I I I I I t t I I L643 0 -1 2.02 EQUTPMENT A. Multi-meeer sEack shal1 be Square D catalog #EZ Meter-pakor approved egual . L6430-2 I I I I I T I t I I t I I I I I I I I PART 1.OO 1. 01_ A. SECTTON 16450 - GROUNDTNG PART 2. OO 2,OL A. - I.'EI\Il!(A! Ground all electrical syst.ems in accordance with LherequiremenEs of the National Eleccrj_ca1 Code, tocalcodes, and as specified herein. Ground neutral conductorand conduit, systems at. t.he main service enLrance. Makeground connection to t.he main meEaLlic cold wat.er pipeand bui-1ding struct.ural st,eeI with copper grounding conducLor and r:-grd conduiE sized as required by theNational Elect.rical Code and 1ocal codes. - EXECUTTON Make al-l joinEs and connections of the cond.uit systemtight to maintain continuiEy of mechanical and electricalground throughout the entj-re sysEem. provide a bondingstrap around the water meEer of the same size as thegrounding conductor. Effectrvely ground all el-ectrical and mechanical eguipmenL including building mechanical sysEems and E.he Oramer,s equipment. provide bonding sErapfrom Ehe grounded terminal of 3-wire grounded recepEaclesEo outlet. boxes unless posit,ive grounding EyperecepEacles are provided. provide a separate grounding conductor for all flexible metallic conduiE runs, for alLsurface meE,al raceways and wiring gutters, and for aLlexlerior poles, posts, lighting fixt,ures, etc., and where PVC or other nonconduct,ive material is used for conduiEraceways. Sizes of these grounding conductors sha11 bein accordance with applicable Tabfes in the NationalElectrical Code. Provide separat.e grounding conducuorfor all non- met.al-1ic dist.ribut,ion f eeders. provide separat.e grounding conductor in flexible conduit Lo al1singJ-e and three phase motors. Ground meEerstack andenEering conduits Eo a ground bus installed in t,he meEer-sEack. Do not use the neutral conductor as a groundingconduct.or. Ground all panelboard cabinets to groundingconductor. Test. the service ground j-n accordance wiEh Ehe TESTINGparagraph of Division 160L0 of these SpecificaEj_ons.Submic test. results Eo the engineer in aicordance with Ehe FTNAL ACCEPTAITCE paragraph of Division l_6010 of theseSpecifications. r_5450-1 I I I I I t t t I T I I I I I I I I I SECTION 16500 - LIGHTING SYSTEM PART 1.OO - GENERAL ]-.01- GENERAL LTGH?TNG SYSTEMS: A. Provide a complete lighting system, including altlighEing fixtures and lamps as indicated on drawings andspecifi-ed herein. Submit list of fixtures, includingcaEalog cut,s and dimensional data int,ended for actualinst,all-ation, for review by ArchitecE prior to purchaseof fixE.ures. Submit samples of fixtures to Architect orOwner upon request, A11 fixtures installed, whereexposed to weaEher and/or cold temperature, sha1l beweatherproof, of the low temperature type, and suitablefor efficient operaE,ion aE the Cemperat.ures andconditions encount.ered. AII fixtures installed ShalIhave Underwrit.ers Laborat.ories, Inc. Iabel of approval;inst.allation of f ixt,ures musE be in conf ormanCe with1j_mj_tations of approval . B. Provide i.ncandescenE, fluorescent., slimline and H.I.D.lamps of the type, size, and color indicated in thespecif icat,ions, on Ehe drawings, and on the Fixt.ureSchedule for all fixtures. Verifv that the lampspecified will fit and properly 6perate with theindicated f ixt,ure. C. At the time of acceptance of the building by the owner,provide a supply of spare lamps of each type bf lamp usedon the project,. The quantity of spare lamps sha11 not, beless than 108 of the quant.iEy installed on Ehe projecE,. PART 2. OO - PRODUCTS 2.07 LIGHTING FIXTLIRES AND LUMINAIRES: A. Provide fixtures and luminaires of type, kind, and withnumber of lamps as indicated in FIXfURE SCHEDULE, ondrawings, and specified herein. FixLures and luminairesshal1 be as specif ied unless a subst.iE.ute has beenaccept,ed by Architect or Owner. Refer Lo relatedrequj-rements in DMSION 1 and t.o SECTION 16010 of Ehesespecifications. B. Lamp catalog nurnbers used on the Fixture Schedul_e areGeneral El_ecEric; WesEinghouse or Sylvania are accept,ablealEernates. provide incandescenC lamps rated it !25volt,s. 16500 -1 C. Submit shop drawings in accord with Seccion L5011 ofthese specificat,ions. Where fixEure lengths exceed 8' or Ehe nurnber of l_amps exceeds 4, submiE shop drawings whichshow specific lamp quanEit.ies and locations, andcoordinate fixture dimensi-ons wiEh actual fieldconditions. 2.02 .\DDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: A. AIt lighE fixt,ures and luminaires shall be free of lighEleaks, warps, dents, or ot.her irregularities. Lensesshall be free of cracks, chips, or discolorat.i-ons. B. all met.al surfaces of fixtures and luminaires sha11 bebonderized, galvanized, or sheradized after fabricationand t.reat.ed to provide rust inhj.bitinq and finish coat adherence properties. PART 3.JO - EXECUTION 3.01- :NSTALLATION OF LIGHTING FTXTURES AND LAT,IPS: A. Inst,ai.IaEion of general liqhting fixtures shalI conformt,o the following: 1. Completely connect and securely mount all fixEures.Provide all additional supporcs and hangers as maybe necessaq/ Eo securely fast,en and support allfixtures to ceiling or st,ructure. 2. Provide for aiming and adjusting of exEerior lights at. night. Aiming of light.s to be done at directionof ArchieecE. 3. Clean fixtures and lamps, remove consrruccion dj-rt, dusE, paint,, etc., and ]eave fixt,ure... and lamps infirst class condiE,ion upon compleEic-:. of work. 4. fn mechanj-cal rooms and spaces with exposedmechanical equipment, and/or ductwork, locatefixtures Co best suit, equipment.. LigrhEing ofcontrol panels and eguipment which requires regularservicing should be opEimized. Fixtures should noEbe installed above ducts or in locaEions whichrender them useless or unserviceable. B. fnsEallation of recessed lighEing fixt,ures shall conformto Ehe following: 1. Provide separat.e junct,ion box above ceiling near Ifi-xture and wire to fixture in flexible conduit, I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I IO5UU-Z I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I except where prewired fixtures which carry EheUnderwrj-ters LaboraEories, Inc. label of approvalare inst,alled. 2. Furnish and inst,aI1 plasEer frames for recessedfixt.ures insEalled in a plasEer ceiling. 3. Openings cut, in ceiling for recessed fixtures shallbe compleEely concealed when fixture trim is:-nstal1ed. There shal-l be no light leaks betweenfixture Erim and ceilingr after fixture rsrnstalled. 4. Review ceiling const.rucEion as designed and provideall additional supports and hanging devicesnecessary to properly install fixtures in tlpe ofceiling installed. 5. Provide bar hangers support.ed from and secured totee grids in ceiling to supporc recessed incandes-cent dovrnliqht,s; fixtures sha11 noE, be supDortedfrom grid panels. 6. Overal-1 dimensions of fluorescent or H.I.D. fix-t.ures recessed in suspended grid ceiling shal1 besuch that. t.hey will fit into grid ceilinq wiEh nodist.ortion of ej.t,her fixt.ures or ceiling grids. Provi-de addit,ional ceilinq hangers as are necessaryso that there is a hanger, secured Eo buil_dinglsEruct,ure, support,ing t.he connecLj_on of adjacenEEee gri-ds aE each corner of the recessed fixE.ure.Coordinate installat.ion of the f ixt,ures withinst.allers of ceiling so that ceiling will beabsolutely level after compleEion. 7, Provide clampdown clips for al1 fluorescenE trof-fers recessed in grid ceilings. C. Provide the foll-owing types of wire insulation: 1. t\rpe THHN--To indoor fixtures. 2. Ifpe THI,{N--To outdoor f ixcures. 3. Provide a green grounding wire in flexible conduiLconnection to all recessed fluorescent fixEures. 16500 -3 I I I I I I I t I I II I I I I t I I I SECTION 1 6502 -BALLASTS PART 1.OO - GENERAL 1.01 H.T.D. BALLASTS: A. A11 ballasEs for H.I.D. lighEinq fixtures shall_ be singleIamps, high pov/er fact.or, 958 or greater, for use on E0HerE.z, 480 or 240 volt A.C. circuit. as i-ndicated andshall be designed t.o operaEe efficient,Iy with indj.caEed1amps. Bal1asE.s shaLL be constanE wauEage type providingfor a +/- 4.5? larnp wat,Eage requlat.ion wiEh a +/- 109lnpuE voltage regulation or shall be high power facE,orregulat,or tt4)e providing for +/- 13t volEage. regulation above and below rated volt.age input. to ba11ast. BallasLsshal1 be designed for sat.isfacEory starcingr and operation.of lamps in ambient. temperature down Eo -20 degrees F.Starting current shall be equal Eo or less than operat.ingcurrent. Ballast enclosure and luminaire sha11 bear theUnderwriEer's Laboratorj_es, fnc. 1abel of approval as auniE. Bai-iast.s shal-l be designed for mouncing int.egraiwith Ehe lumi.naire. Ballasts shall have the besLpossible sound raE.ing Eo produce a minimum sound level . I.O2 FLUORESCENT AND SLIMLINE BALLASTS: A. Unl-ess indicat.ed otherwise on Ehe liqhtingr f ixE,ureschedule, all baLlasEs for fluorescent and slimlinefixE,ures shall be solid sEate electronic high powerfacEor, ETL/CBM approved, Class p, with auEomaEic reset-ting tlpe t.hermal protective devices and energ:y savingdesign. Ballasts shal1 provide ful1 light ourpur wiEh sEandard F40 rapid sEart fluorescent 1amps. Ballastsshall have Class P approval on the labet and sha11 havean 'A'r sound rating. Ballasts shall contain no pCB,s, shal1 have a power factor of 988 or better, shall operaeeat a freguency of 20 KHz or greater, and shall not, exceeda 35"C temperature rise in a 45oC ambienE. Ballast input,current Ehlrd harmonic conEent shall noL exceed 202,bal-last factor shall be .87 or bet,ter. BallasEs causingobjectionable noise shall be subject Eo replacement, aEthe discret.ion of the Engineer. B. Provide 3 or 4 1anrp ballasEs in fixtures where dual levelswitching is not required. l.5502-t PART 2.OO - PRODUCTS z.OL FLUORESCENT AND SI.,,IMLINE BALLASTS: A. BaIIast. provided shaLl be manufactured by Maqnecek, EBT, Advance, or Mot,orola- Selection of manufacEurer sha1l beat t.he discret,ion of the fixture manufacEurer. PART 3. OO - EXECUTTON 3 .01 SPARE BALLASTS: A. At the time of acceptance of the building by Ehe owner,provide a supply of spare ba1lasE,s of each Eype used onthe project.. The quanEicy provided shaLl be not less Ehan 2.5? of the quantity insEalled on the projecE, or Ewo - whichever i-s qreater. I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ro)v t- z I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I sEcrroN t6723 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM PART ]-.OO - GENERAL 1. 01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Furnish and inst,all a battery backed fire alarm anddet.ection syst.erns as indicaE,ed on t,he drawings and hereinspecified. Furnish and install a1I eguipmenE, devices,components and wiring necessary for a complet,elyoperating and funct,ioning system Lo conform EorequlremenEs of National Fire protection AssociationStandards 72C, Americans WiEh Disabilities Act. (ADA) ,local fire codes and local fire and building departmentaut.hori f i oe !r.a"i nr. -.i,,-.i sdiction. A11 components of therire atJfr-u"J'a-.i=.Jt1:n sysrem shall be lisred, labeledand approved by Underwriters, Laborat.ories, fnc. forapplicat.ion as fire alarm equipmenE. Wiringr shaLl beclass A for sprinkler flow switches and class B for cheremainder of devices. I.O2 DESCRIPTION OF SYSTBI A. This fire alarm and detect,ion system shall_ be zoned,non-coded, continuous al_arm sounding, closed circuit andelect,rically supervised. The sysEem shall be designed t.ooperaEe whenever an acEuaEing signal is received from amanually operat,ed fire alarm pul1 station or when t,hesignal is auEomaEically received. from a smoke,temperat.ure, mechanical or elect,rical sensing device.The syst.em shaLl be electrically supervised and designedto provide signals and alarm indicat,i_ons for troubles ont,he system. ?he syst.em sha11 have separaEe a.l-arm silenceand system reset, swit.ches. The system sha11 be designed E,o automaEically transmiE boEh alarm and troubLe signalsto a Local watch service_ 1.03 OPERATIONS OF SYSTEM A. Fire Alarm Sigmal Actuation: 1. Fire alarm signals shall_ be actuated by any of thefollowing means or devices: a. Smoke or heaE deEectors_ b. ManuaL fire alarm pull stations. c. Sprinkler system flow switch. LO I Z5- L 2. System trouble signal sha11 be activaEed by any ofthe following: a. Open circuit. b. Short. circuiE. c. Ground fault,. d. Closure of t.he sprinkler val-ve. B. Operation Upon Fire Al_arm Signal: l- - Upon receipt of a fire alarm acEuating signal , thefollowing operation and funcEions shall occur. a. A fire alarm signaL shall- be transmiEEed Eo Ehelocal wat.ch service via a .leased Eelephoneline. b. AlL aiarm horns/st,robes shal-L accuaced. (A sw:-Ech shal1 be provided to disable che alarm horns/sErobes for one signal, buE Eo aLl-ow re- acEuaEion for subsequent signals. ) c. Zone indicating lamps on Ehe congrol panel and remote annunciaEor shalI be ligfhEed. Operat,ion Upon SysEem Trouble: 1. Trouble on Ehe system shal1 lighE a lamp on t.he remoEe annunciat,or, sound a Crouble bel1 at themain controi- panel and transmiE a signal to theLocal wat.ch service via a leased telephone l-ine. Dwelling Unit DetecE,or: 1. The dwelli.ng unit, deEecEor shall operaEe aE t20V AC(wicn inEegral 9V baE.t.ery back-up) , and shallconsist of a photo-electric detector, a LL7 degreeF heat, detector, and a horn. The horn shal1 be connecEed to E,he photo-elecuric deEecEor only. Theheat detector shalI be connecEed Eo Ehe system.A11 dwelling unit det.ectors within a singleapartmenc or condo unie sha11 be connected in tandem. 1.04 SHOP DRAWING SUBMITTALS A. Provide shop drawings in accordance wieh SECTION 16011. Shop drawings sha11 include riser diagrams which show aI1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l D. LO I Z5- Z I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I PART 2. OO PRODUCTS 2.OT GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The sysEem and equipment furnished shal1 incl_ude, but. not beIj-mit.ed Eo, all iniCiating, signaLling and cont.roi circuicry;vrsual displays; rel.ays; power supplies; batteries; chargera; tririarina mani -nri,".' c. i6r{inal- inr.r rlarri na<. m.a.rrrat- i a rin."rr+..4v+$e4.aV, L..vrrf 'r\r,/t rrr:| Oa J_ltL+eqs!-rv , rLtc,rlJrrgt.,J\, \_t\J!J !hoLders & all components, devices and accessories necessaryEo comprlse a complet.e system operable and funcEional asspecif ied herein. provide the sysrem with comp.l-eteeLectrical supervision. 2.02 PRODUCTS conduit, and box sizes, and the quant.iEy, size, and typeof a}l conducEors and cables. The conE.ractor snl1lcoordinate with the eguipment vendor so that conduitrout,ing shown on the shop drawings closeLy matches theevenEual installaEion. MagneEic media plans shall be made available to the conEracEor by the enqineer. B. Provide batEery capaciEy calculat,ions demonsErating Ehat,the battery provi.des sufficienE power to operate thesyst,em for the code required time after a utility oueage. A. A11 equipmenE, devices and components of the syst.em to befurnished under this specification shatl be as furnishedand/or manufactured by Simplex Company or approved equal .Catalog numbers shown below are SimDLex unless otherwiseindicated. B. ComponenEs: L. Components shall include, but noE be limited to thefollowinq: a. An 8-zone #4002 micro-processor based conErolpanel . The conurol panel shall include thefollowing indicators and controls: 1-Green LED power on indicator.1-Red LED alarm indicator 1-Yel1ow LED trouble indicator. 1-Ye11ow ground fault indicat,or. 2-Red LED zone alarm indicators. 2-Ye11ow LED zone EroubLe indicacors. 1-Ye11ow LED audible signal circuiE troubleindicator. 1-ReseE/lamp EesE momentary conLac! switch. L6723-3 1-A1arm silence switch.l-Trouble silence switch. 1--City connect.ion disconnect . 1-Manual evacuaEion swiEch. b. Battery. c. Munici.pal Tie Provisions. d. Manual Double Action Pu11 St,at,ion - #2099-9225. e. Smoke Det.ectors, PhoEoeLectric Type - +2098-9201with auxiliary conEacCs for elevator capEure where indicat.ed on Ehe p1ans. f . Heat. Det.ect.or, Fixed TemperaEure and RaEe-of -Rise - #2098-9454 and #2098-9442. s. Duct. Det,ector PhoEo Type - #2098-9649 wrth ap-propriace sample tube and remoEe rndicat.inglight. h. Alarm Horn/Strobe - #4903-9501- (75 candela) sErobe, #9404-9105 Bezel , #290L-9840 Horn. i. Annunci-aE,or - #4602-9101SCU. j. Dwelling Unit SysEem Horns - #2907-9837 . k. Dwelling Unit Detector (heaE/smoke/auxiliary contacts,/horn) - Gent,ex #920H. t. Alarm Strobe - #4903-9501 (75 candela) strobe and #9404-91-05 Bezel . Replacement Devices L. Provide replacemenE devices in the raEio of one srnoke deEector for every 25 insEalled (minimum oftwo) for each type. Al1 ot,her devices shafl beprovided at a ratio of one device for every 50 devices installed (minimum one each) . Also, provide one replacement. rod or glass for each pull st,at,ion inst,al1ed. Also, provide one set offor opening deEectors,sLations, et.c . any special Eools required t,amper swiEches, Pull t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t L6723-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I SUBSTITUTIONS A. SubstiEuEions will be considered on Ehe basis of a t,otalsystem and noL individual it,ems of equipmenE. A11 componenEs shalL be guaranteed and serviced by the sup-plier of t.he syst.em. Substit,uEe syst,ems shall meet af:.requirements for performance, function, and operatrt_on asspeeified herein. PART 3. OO - EXECUTION 3.01 ]NSTALLATION A. The fire alarm and deE.ection system shall be installed inaccordance wit,h the manufact.urer,s directions andinst,ruct,ions, under the supervision of Ehe manufacLurer,srepresentative and in accordance with the requirement.s ofthe locaL building department. which has jurrsdictional aut.horrty. B. All wiring and mat.erials shall be in accordance with the1at.est. requiremenEs of the Nat,ional Electrical Code andthe reguirements of the Local Fire DepartmenE which sha11supersede the N.E.C. when Lhese requirements are moreresErictive than t.he N.E.C. AII wiring shall be inconduits separate and distincE from alI other sysEems. Use #18 copper conductors for alarm initiating circuits, #16for aLarm circuits and #i.2 for power. Use 1/2,' conduitfor !2 or fewer conductors, use 3/4,, conduiE for 13 to 20conductors, and use L', conduit. if conductors exceed 20.Paint ouElet box covers red and identifv "F/An. Cont.roluniE shal1 provide circuiEry listed. foi timited energy.Provj-de 3/4 inch conduit, from Control panel to Telephone Termi-nal for connection to the focal waEch service leasedline. Final terminat.ions in t,he main fire alarm panelshall be made by the manufacturer,s field representaEive. C. PainE Ehe exterior of all junct,ion boxes associaEed with Ehe fire alarm system red. provide red on white engravedlaminated plastic label for each remote indicator 1ig.ht.Inscription shall identify the eguipment or room whichcontains the associat,ed remote device. LeEtering shall beupper case L/4,, high. Label sha1l be permanently attachedto Ehe remote indicator Iight cover plate, above t.heindicator light. TESTING AND ACCEPTANCE A. The system sha11 be checked out. and EesEed by a factorytrained represenEaEive of the manufacturer pribr t.o final 3 .02 L6723-5 3.04 tesEing of the system for accepEance by Lhe owner. Final E,esEing of the system sha1l be under the supervision of E,he manufact,urer's representative and shall be conducted in the presence of the local- Fire DeparLmenE, Local Building Authority and representaEives of the Owner, Architect and Enqineer. After the saEisfacEorY completion of the tests, the manufacturer's represenEative shal1 submit a letter Eo the Owner, ArchiEecE and Engineer, cert,ifying thaE the ent.ire system is operational and has haon n l rnoA i rr carrri ,..avvvrr ^/4ev I,IAINTENANCE MANUAL A. Prior co acceptance of Ehe sysEem, furnish to the Owner, three seEs cf operating insErucEions and manuaLs in accordance wlth "SECTfON 1501-0 - ELECTRfCAL SPECIAL PROVISIONS". Dat.a Lo be furnished shall inci.ude. but is not limited tc, "PRoJEcr DATA Al,,rD suBMrrTALs" as specifieci in SECTION l-501-l-, plus all other daEa and information as requested by Owner and necessary for :he proper operatlon and maj-ntenance of the system. GUARANTEE A. The enEire fire alarm and detection system shal1 be guaranEeed and maintained by the sysEem supplier for a period of one year from the date of acceptance of the syst,em b1z t.he Owner aE no addit.ional cose Co the Owner. I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t LO I Z5-O t I I I I t I sEcrroN 16740 TELEeHoNE srcNAL DrsrRrBurroN sysrru I PART ]-. OO GENERAL I 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Provj-de and inst,a11 a complet.e wiring system fortelephone equiprnent as indicated on Ehe plans and asdescribed below. B. Confirm locat.ion of poinE. of service and in general ,coordinate the service Lo Ehe building wiEh the 1ocalt,elephone company prior Eo comencement of work. C. Confirm jacks and cable specified will work wiEhOwner's eguipment prior to reLease of materials order. D. Confirm outlet locaEions with ArchitecE or Owner prior to rouqh-in- L.02 woRK REQUTRED I A. ?3ir*"r*.sha11 include, but noE be limited to the t 1. ::;::;:, . conduiE from buildins to telephone t Z. Branch cables. 3. OuElet,s and coverplat.es- I 4. Cable termination at out,.l_et.s. 5. Terminal sErip mounEing board. I 6. conduiE st,ubs f rom the MT to each ret.ail renanr space. 1.03 RELATED WORK NOT rNCtt]DED I A' :H,:::l'tTnJ.t;igJ.l""i?:? ..';3;il"i"1"r1r"".f.L'"1: these specifications. I 1. Telephone inst.ruments and switch. Z. Service entrance cable, I I 16740_t I Cable terminati-on aE main termina] board. I I PART 2. OO PART 3. OO t^^ 1^^JJE A. PRODUCTS Telephone cable sha11solid) . Outlet,s shall Speci-f ications. IBelden #9552 (2 pair #24per SecEion l-5140 of these I EXECUTION Wiring may be run wit,hin Ehe dweLlinq unit, oEherwise install all wiring for phone syst,em in conduit separate from all other power and siqnaling circuiEs. Where wiring is run open, do not lay on grid ceiling. SupporE from sErucEure at 6' intervals. B. Provide and install a cornpleEe svstem as indicaEed on Ehe p1ans. c. Provide and instal.l nylon pull cord in main service raceway, and empty raceways to each regail Lenant. space. Submie shop drawings for sysEem equipment. in accordancewith Section 16011 of these specificat,ions. Where a telephone out.let is shown in close proximiEy to a power ouEl-et, install boEh devices in a barriered Ewo gang box with a single cover. t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I A. D. L67 40-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I SECTION L6750 TELEVTSION SIGNAI, DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM PART 1. OO GENERAL 1. 01 GENERAL REQUTREMENTS A. Provide and insEall a complete wiring system for cabletelevision as indicat.ed on the plans and as describedbelow. B. Confirm l-ocation poinE of service and in general,coordinate t,he service Eo the building wit,h the j.ocal cable company prior to commencement of work. C. Confirm jacks and cable specified will work with cable company's equi-pmenc prior Lo release of maEerials order. D. Confirm outlet. locations with architect or Owner prior torough-in. 1.02 WORK REQUTRED A. The work shall inc]ude. but not be limiEed to t.hefollowing: L. Service conduit from building Eo fV pedestal locat.ion. 2. Branch cables. 3. Outlets and coverpLaEes. 4. Cable terminaEions at ouElets. ]-.03 RELATED WORK NOT INCLI'DED A. The following work shal1 be done eiEher under separatecontract or as indicated under anot.her division of these specif icat.ions. L. Television insErumenus. 2. TeLevision service enErance cable. 3. Cable t.erminations aE main Eerminal board. 15750 - 1 PART 2.OO PRODUCTS A. Television cabl-e shal"l COAX) . Outl-ec,s shallSpecifications. PART 3. OO Wesc Penn #815 (RG 59/u #20per SecEion 161-40 of these I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I be be R D. EXECUTION Provide and insE.all a compleEe syslem as indicat,ed on E,he plans. Provide and install nylon pull cords in service raceway. SubniE shop drawings for sysE,em eguipmenL in accordancewith Sect.ion 15011 of these specificat,ions. Wiring shal1 be run in conduit Eo Ehe dwelling unit. WiEhin che dwelling uniE, wiring may be run open. Where wiring is run open, do noE lay on grid ceilj.ng. Support f rom sE.rucE.ure aE 5' int,ervals. Where a television outlet is shown in close proximiEy toa power outlee, install both devices in a single barriered two gang box with a single cover. L6750-2 I I sEcrroN 1685i_ - MEcHANTcAL/ELEcrRrcAt cooRDrNATroN M E E !; M E .D M I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART 1. OO - GENERAL 1..0]. WIRING FOR EQUIPMENT: A. Furnish and insEall_ circuits, ouEleEs, feeders and thermaloverload switches in all phases. Make all connections tomotors and controls for building mechanical equipment suchas plumbing, heat.ing, vent,ilating, and air condit.ioning eguipment as indicaEed on drawings and herein specified andin accordance with the f ollowing ,,Schedule of Wiring,, .Refer also Eo drawings and specifications included inDIVISION 15. Provide 120 volt weatherproof recepE,acleoutlet wit.hin 25 feeE of aLl_ heacing and air condit.ioningunits located ouEdoors. provide connections to controlionly to extent as herein specified. ]-.02 SCHEDULE OF WTRTNG: A. Unless ot.herwise indicated, all motors and controls shallbe furnished, set in place and wired in accordance wit.h thefollowing schedule. (M is Mechanical Division; E isElectrical pivision. ) Set. in Furnished Place Control PowerUnder Under Wiring WiringrTES{ Magnet.ic Motor Starters Cont.act,ors Disconnect, Swit,ches Time Clocks Thermost.aE,s Smoke Detectors Fuses Control PaneLs E E E E E E E E (1) E (1-) E :-E E E E E Er E Interlocks -Relays E EDampers M MControl Power Transformers E EControl Valves M MFreeze Sensor M E (1) If furnished as part, of factory wired equipmenc,is under Mechanical Division. EEE-- E E-- E-- E E responsibiliEy 16851-1 n I T I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I o ELEC o SYSTEM PART ]-. OO 1.01_ A. sEcTroN 16859 -TRTC GUTTER SNOW MELTING - GEI{ERAL Provide a system of heaEinq cables, controls and con-Eactors for snow and ice melt,ing on Ehe roof and indrains and gutters as described herein and shown on t.hedrawings. Cables sha11 be self-regulating and shall consist of aflat flexibLe ei-ectric heaEing sErip of parallel circuigconsEruction havinq a continuous inner core ofself-regulating conductive polymer material_. This coreshal1 be insulated with a fluoropolymer inner jacket. t.hat,is highly corrosion resistant. The inner jacket. shall becovered with inner copper shield and acorrosion-resist,ant. modified polyolefin ouEer :acket. The sei-f -regulat.ing heat,er shall_ increase its heat output wj-E.h a decrease in temperature and decrease its heatouEput wiCh an increase in !emperature. A constantwautage heat,er is not acceptable. The self -regulating heater in combinaEion wit.h t.he r-nE,erconnecE componenE,s shall have a UL System list.ing. The conE.actor sha11 have the nurnber of poles as indicaE.edon t,he plans, or required, and shall_ be fuLl volcage,across Ehe elect.rically operated, mechanically held,rated for conEinuous operaEing at 30 amps, and furnishedwith a l-20 v fused control power EranJformer coils andcoil clearing cont,act.s t.o operale wit.h Ehe control sysEemindicat,ed. Provide a NEIVIA 1 encLosure- PART 2.OO - PRODUCTS 2.OT - EQUIPMENT: A. Snow melt. heating system equipment. shallapproved equal as follows: 1. Roof & cuEt,er Heating Cable: 2. Roof & GuEt.er 3. Roof & Gutter 4. Roof & Gutter 5. Roof & Gutter 6. Thermostat: Power Connect.ion KiE,: End SeaI Kits: rnsEallatsion Clip: Downspout Hanger: be Raychem, or #GM-2X #GMK-P #GMK-E #GMK_C #GMK_H #Al'!C-LA. I 15859-1 B. Contac shall be Square D #8903 o or approveo equal . o PART 3. OO - EXECUTTON 3.01 - ROOF & GUTTER SNOW MELT: A. fnsEall all juncEion boxes and thermostats in accessiblebut not. unsightly locations. B. Exercise care when installing cables to avoid mechanicaldamage. Overexposure Co Ear, asphalE, solvents oroil-based paints can reduce perfonnancer Eherefore,coordinaEe this work with other trades to avoid this exposure. C. Test for cont,inuiEy immediat.ely after insEal-lation. I I I t I I I I I I I I T T I I T I I 16859-2