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TOWN OF VAIL l.r{A ,,.1 'il *,.' 'l / " i. l\r'i ,(\'" l) r f \J"\ I 75 sosth frontagc road vsil, colo'tdo 8l6tl7 FAX PIIONE TRANSMITTAI SHEET TO:EoSo=;= 4*--*rntrirrJ COMPANY NAIiE : J-.;,e o,-zs' (--> :< zn0 4 t fs5 o- FAX PHONE NI,'},lBER:(.roz ) 7//f"/'/ to 2,.'..42 Z .,'-:i.,A-t-,q/zZS,/<ZFROM: DATE:F'z{'7/TIME: ,/o'3 C # oF PAGES rN DOCUMENTS (NOT INCLUDING COI/ER SHEET): RESPONSE REQUIRED? / SENT By3 4e- 62""f- TOWN OF VAIL TAX PHONE NUMBER:( 303 | 479-2157 TOWN OF VAIL REGULAR PHONE NUMBER:(303) 479-2100 Exr. # *zr zt3's- 'a -"--, -i HYDRfi'IJIC DBSIGN INFOR}''ATION SHEET NAne:IOVERED BRIDGE BUIIJDING Date:11.15-94 Locatioq:22? BRIDGE sT. COr,oRADo RBG.fl9,t-044 Buitding; tl sy6tem No-#Pcfl FLooR Contractof : VTEIJE CONSITRUC'IION ConrracC No. *1291 Cafculated Ay: RUSIY CLINE Drawinq No. F.p.-s Construction: ( l -Cohbusrible [Xl -Non-CombusEi.bte Ceiling HeighE.8 Fr. occupancy: LIGHT BZA.RD - 1tR --- sYsTBu DESTCN -------- [X} -XFPA 13: IXI -I,T. H,AZ. I I -ORDINARY HAZARD GROUP: T I I -XFPA 231 [ I -xFpA 231c: FTGTJRE: I I -O"HER (Specify) ! IX} -SPECIPIC RI'LING: NPPA. 13 R * SPRINKLBR OR NOZZIJE * CURVE: MADE BY: . t | -BX.I{AZIRD. DATB: Area of Sprlnkter Olteratior: BNIIRE PLOOR i Sy6ren T).tr,e * Deaaityr.ls [x]-wEa I I -DRy [ ] -DELucB I l -pRE-AetIoN Area Per sprinkle!:1,20 Sq. Ft. Hose Al loirance GPllI tnsLde:0 llose Alloeance GPU: Outai.de:250 nack Spritrkler Al.Iowance : Makc: Star Slze | ). /2 Uodel : O.R.SSP&SSU k-Factor:5.8 & 4.3 Tefiperature Rating: 155-F - __ - - _ __ _ - _ : _ _ _ - - CA&CITLATION St tCtARy - - _ - -- - GPt{ Requlred:592.88 PSI Regui.red: ?9.20 iC'PaccorUaed:Overh€aal;l2o Unal€rsround:14o --.-^ }IATER SUPPIJY r HATER FLOW TEST T Date & Tine:6 -2 - 94 Static PSI:130 Residual PSI:9r1.32 GPM Flol'lng:681.15 Elevation:0 + PTJMP DATA * 11A-M. Rated Capaciry. At PSI: Rlevation: r TANK OR RESERVOIR f Capaci ty: El evaE i.olr: r tlBtl r Proof Flord: Locatlon:core Ck- Dr. & Bridge St. Source InfoEnation: Flow Te6E ""o*^oor" suxt{ARY rATER SUPFLY IIOD'IATIOI| Staticr 130,00 t9t. Re6ialual: 94,32 psi, (l Gg1.15 gpm, Ilo5e: 25O - 0O gpn. Syateb requires: ?9.20 psl. a S92.S8 gpo. lineluditrE t{ose Al.lovance) sutlrly EvallabLe: r.02.{o pst. Saaety ltargin: 23.20 psi. llarit[un veloqity in the ayErern i€ 24.17 fr-lsec. Contlnul.ty at all nodeB aatigfied ro 0.01 gpft- FTTfItrc LEGBTD PIPE TYPE T.BGBID F . 45 DgGl.BB ELBon l0 - SCHBDOIB {o E . 90 DBCREB ELBoI 10 - SCEEnn B to L - 90 DBGIEa t ollc TURI{ BLBOr lll, - THIN |lAttl, T - TBB OR CnOSS AD . ACTUAL DIAI,IBTBR B - EUTBRFI,? vN'vE CR . COPPER typB t( G - GATB VllvB CL . COPPBR r"{l8 L C . CHECE IIIGVE il : ff::I** - : cP - cPvc WOTES: a File: BaIDCBat.mE .TtfEr Sprinkler progran by pp! softearc. fnc.Page: PIESSUn! Fr/Ot TPSI' (GP$' EI,EVATIOIT K-FAETOR (FBBAI Ul u2 BB1 BR2 cs1 cs2 ca3 u01 xo2 HO3 x0a sol s02 s03 go{ so5 s06 s0? s08 s0t s10 s10T 412 s1l 615 sl6 s17 s18A st8 s1t 920 s20B s21 s22 625 s25A s2sB s26 s27 s28 x1 t2 x3 I{ I'A x{B x04R 79.20 72.77 69.94 6?,29 s5.96 5? .65 56.30 55.39 51.29 {5.63 tL.97 3?.31 15.91 16.52 a6. Et t6.27 u.25 17.'{0 1?.8{ 18 .3{ 2t.65 10.63 11,79 16.57 16.59 10.82 11.62 11.31 10.45 11.56 14,ta 15.23 19 .27 13.19 ro.60 13.{9 11. 39 15.t5 29.50 29.37 32.53 a6,a? 2E.3{ 28.3a 22 .7a 2t.e" 22-70 3?.!r s92 .88 o.oo o, oo 0,00 0,00 0. o0 0,00 0.00 o.o0 0.00 0.00 o.o0 1?.15 r7.48 0.00 17.3a 0.00 0.o0 o.00 o.00 0. 00 1{.02 o,o0 17.50 1? -51 14.1{ o.00 I.il.45 13.90 14.62 16.r? 0.00 18,88 15.62 la .00 0.00 I{.51 t7.L7 23.35 22.90 o.00 22 .L2 0. o0 0-00 o.oo 20. 02 0.00 o.00 0 12.5 1?.5 12.5 12.5 21-5 31 .5 41-5 5r.5 51.5 51.5 51 .5 51.5 51.S 51.5 51 .5 51,5 51 .5 sl.5 51.5 s1.5 51.5 sl.5 5r .5 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 5r.s 5r.5 5r..5 51.5 51.5 51.5 51 .5 SOURCB 4.3 4.3 t.3 1.3 4.3 {.3 4,3 {.3 {.3 i.3 4.3 {.3 4.3 4.3 {.3 {.3 4.3 4.3 {.3 Fllc ! BRIDGB4T,THE iTHB' Sprinkle! Program by PPE Softrrare. Inc. BEGIN NODE END NODE FLOW DIAMETER TYPE FITTINGS IJENGTH (GPT.{} (INCHES) ( FEET) EOV LENGTH T0r LENGTH FRTCTION C.VAIUE (FEET) (FBET) ( PSI/TT. } PE (PSI } page: Pf VELOCITY (PSI) (FT/SEC) CCt > Ul 342.98 4.540 40 GTE ?"5 42.57 61 -57 0.015 140 5.42 1.o] G.ao ul > u2 3{2,88 3.935 CM C .74.11 33.26 10?.41 0.026 15C O.OO 2.A4 9.05 \12 > BRl 342.88 4.540 40 EE 5.15 26.61 32.35 0.015 140 2-a1 0.4a 5.ao BRI > BR2 342.88 4.250 r0 i,L 6 12-00 18-00 a.a27 r?c 0.00 r 11,32 -1 .72* NdfE: The Flor Dependent Pressure toss Device in the preceeding pipe accounts for 10-83 psl o! the total friction los6 rpf. BR2 > cs1 342-sa 4.260 10 rrl 5.?5 12.00 !1.is o.o27 r2o -2.!1 o-48 7,72 cs1 > cs2 342.88 4.26D 10 LT 23.15 25.OO 49.75 0.O2? r2o 0.oo 1,35 7.72 cs2 > cs3 342.A8 4.260 10 L 20 5.00 25.00 o.o21 120 O.0o 0.71 7-72 cs3 > uor 342.80 4,260 10 15 0.oO 15.00 O.O21 120 3,90 0.41 1.72 M01 > !r02 342-88 4.260 rO L2 0.00 12.00 0.027 120 4,33 0.13 1..t2 M02 > t03 342.88 4.260 r0 t2 o.0o 12.00 o.a21 r2o 4.33 0.33 7.72 M03 > lr0{ t42.88 4.260 10 L2 o.0o a2,oo 0,021 120 4,33 0.33 7.72 M04 < M04R 0.00 4.260 10 TL 3-5 26.00 29.s0 o.oo0 120 o.oo o.o0 0.0o M04 > S28 3{2,83 2.6t5 10 Tc 4 l,3.OO 17.00 0.281 120 O.OO 4.-ts 20.L7 s28 > 526 46,25 r..104 10 E 4.33 2.OO 6-33 0-4?9 L20 0,00 3.03 15.50 s26 > S27 22.90 1.10{ 10 a.61 0.00 8.67 0.130 120 0.00 1.13 ?.68 s28 > S09 296.63 2.535 10 T 6 12.00 18.00 0.215 r2o O.OO r.88 !1 ,45s09 > N4 274.50 2.L54 10 T 1.8?5 rO.O1 11-88 0.{98 120 o.oo s-91 24.17 X{ > S20B 25{.49 2,754 10 I o.OO B.OO 0.,t33 120 o-00 3.46 22.41 s09 > x2 22.12 1.{52 l0 T 3.S 5.00 9.50 0.032 r2o O.OO 0.31 1.2g x2 < x3 0,00 1.104 10 T .83 5.OO 5-83 o.OO0 r2o O.OO O.OO O.O0 x2 > x1 22.12 1,104 10 E 13.33 2,00 15.3.1 0.L22 120 0.OO 1.8? 7.41 s20B > a08 235.51 2.1s4 10 2.5 o.0o 2.50 0.3?5 Lzo 0.oo o.94 20.74 s08 > s07 L29.53 2.15{ 10 4 o.o0 4.o0 0.12{ L20 o,oo 0.50 11.40 s07 > so6 86-99 2.1s{ 10 .7,33 0.00 ?.33 0.059 720 o,o0 0-44 7.66 s06 > s05 s1.97 2.L54 10 6..t5 0.00 6.75 0.023 120 O.O0 o.1s 4-58 s05 > s03 5I-9? 2.!54 10 TE 1.5 15.00 16.50 0.023 120 0.00 0.38 4.58 S03 > S02 3,1.63 1.1O{ 10 a.zs O.OO t.zs 0.280 L2O o,OO 0.3S 11.6r s02 > s01 1?.15 1,104 10 8 o.oo Loo 0.0?6 120 0.oo 0.51 5.?5 s03 > s0{ 1?.34 1.104 10 .1 .75 o.0o 7.15 0.0?g t20 o.oo 0,60 5.81 s12 < 506 17.50 1.104 10 E 8.5 2.OO 10.50 A.O'tg L20 o.OO 0.83 5.81 s14 < S05 t7-51 1.104 10 T 5.25 5.00 10.25 0.07t ).2O O.OO O.8t 5-A.l s0? ' slor 42.54 1.104 10 r4.'ts 0.00 L4.7s 0-410 1,2o o.0o G.o5 L4.28 s10T > s10 14-02 1.10{ 10 EET 13.08 9.OO 22.0A 0_053 120 0.00 1.15 4.10 s10T > sr8 2a-s2 1-10{ 10 1.r? 0.oo 1.1? 0-196 l2o o,o0 0.23 9.56 sl€ > s18A 13.90 1.10{ 10 EEE ts.s 5.oo 21,s0 0.052 120 0.00 1.11 4-66 s21 < S19 15.62 1.104 10 E L2-15 2.00 14.?5 0.064 120 o.OO 0_95 5.23 sl9 < s20 31,79 1.104 10 E 2.s5 2,OO {.55 0.239 120 0.OO 1.09 10.6s s20 < s08 31.79 1.104 10 T I 5.00 13-00 0-239 120 o.Oo 3.1r 10.65 s22 < S25A 1{.00 1.104 10 EEEE ? 8.00 15,00 O-O52 r20 o.O0 0-79 4.69 s25A < S25 28.51 1.104 10 TE 3-15 ?.00 10.15 0.195 \20 o.OO 2.10 9.56 s25 < S25B 57,L2 1.58? 10 TEE 11.5 15.00 2.t -so 0.090 ).20 o.o0 2.47 8.20 s25B < S0g 74.29 1.687 10 T 8.33 8.00 15.33 0.145 120 o.O0 2.ja 10-65 S25 > S15 28.61 1.104 10 T ,t.5 5.00 9.S0 0.19? r2O o.O0 t-gz 9-59 316 > S17 r.4.46 r.104 r0 T .5 S.OO 5.50 0.05G 120 O.Oo O.3t /t.8s s16 > S15 14.r.4 l-104 10 EEBB ? 8.OO 15.00 0.053 r2o O.O0 0.80 4.14 x4A < I4B 20-02 1.104 10 B 8.1? 2.00 10.17 0.102 120 O.O0 1.03 5.71 x4g < xa 20.02 1-10{ 10 .13 o_00 0.33 0,102 r2o o.o0 o.o3 6,7L u!t_f,f aE (J() o>z.JGOEOtd3oo F IJF-1 lrl oz J (3 I o L fU Lf U E tr f[E_ (lJ E ul T o E.f- UI L U J') m = Coor<r2 fi<r)tic Minimum Permitted Distances Between Sprinklers and Heat Sources LJ',-u. r'-6' (TO FLUES) 10/93 Pagr- 2 coating of Star-Seal sealant. Star- Seal eliminates the need for field applied compounds or tapes. Star recommends that no addi- lional pipe compounds or tapes be applied.. Always store unused and spare sprinklers in a cool and dry loca- tion.. Never attach anything to sprinklers.. Star Gaiaxy Sprinklers must be installed using one of the special- ly designed sprinkler wrenches.. Sorinklers must never be painted. ORDERING INFORMATION Please specily: 1) Sprinkler type 2) K{actor 3) Finish 0' CENT 4) Quantity 5) Wrench type and quantrty NOTE NFPA Standards require that every laciiity where sprinklers are installed must be provided with spare sprinklers and an aP- propriate sprinkler wrench. AVAILABILITY AND SERVICE Star Sp rinkler Co rPo ratio n Products are available world- wide through a network of dis- tributors. For information please contact Star Sprinkler Corp., PO. Box 511, Milwaukee, wl 53201, (800) 558-5236, (414) 769-5500 or FAX (414) 769- 8535 ior the name and address of lhe dislributor nearest you. GvEgD 1,r,4616 .r/ ,4 si(rr,.rx,/ f -+ SHIPPING IN FORM ATION Sprinklers Box Ouantity - 100 Box Size- 17-5,/8" x 9'3/8" x 5-1/2" (44 8 cm x 23 8 cm x 14.0 cm) Weight 18 lbs. (8.2 kgs.) Escutcheons Box Quantity - 50 Box Size - 19" x 13" x 5" (48.2 cm x 33 cm x 12.7 cm\ Weight - 8 lbs. (3.6 kgs ) WARRANTY Seller warrants for a period of one year from the dale of shipment (warranty period) that the products furnished hereunder will be free from detects in material and workmanship. For further details on warranly, see current pice list. i - Mar,Olr. otI F.ducor - t 1s/16' r lr (45 0 nn) i i]l;-n/ llll\tll \ I T-' F.o€ Ol F|nlng tra' Mn.(3-2 dm) 5/S urr (?2.2 mml Figure 1 - Installation Clearances /'t' TYPICAL WALL WETTING PATTERN 2 2' Room Size 14'x14'(3.6 13.6 M) Sinole Sprinkler 16 qpir (60.6 dni3) Two or-morej Sprinklersa4 gpm (53.0 dm3) SPflNKLEBS!A8!!q ]AELq- BEAEqSEpEE9IOINIAL.IIOBIZ9NTALSOCWALL!49qEL-qA ruq HSW Sprinkrer Spacing , Soft?fHt '-9."t'on Max L- .- Sprinkler Dei&n qEchage - . - - K Faclor | - -:" *'"1--j Sinsle S-P!$lgl- I Two or More 9p4!lers ., .- ft. I m. I tr. m. spm @ psi I om3 6l bar I gpqr lQisl lom'@ua,-.-us j Melric I-le__j_!org.s lo0q_@_S!!l 14@10.6 l5-3-gqryli 4.3 I 62 4.2x4.2 t I 2.1 I to@ts.e 60.6@0.951 14@ 10.6 s3.0@0.73i 4! -' -- -q? '12 x 12 14 x '14 grAn 5PN'N'<LENCONPONAflON 307 West Layton Avenuc - Box 511 Milwaukee, W 53201-051 1 (414) 769-55@ . (8oo) 55e-5236 PRINTED IN U S.A '' .\' ' HYDRIII'IJIC DESIGN II'IFOR.T{ATION SIIEET NIE:COVBRED BRIDGE BUII,DI}TG D.IC:11-15.94 IJoeatiod:22? BRllrCS .sT. cot oRtlI|Or'tBC. f 9,[ - O{4 BuildiDg: $1 syBten,,tfo:. FIFTH FtooR contractor: vIEt E. CONSrrROC"I'ION contract No. *1291 Caleulaeed Ey:RUs?y CLINE Draring Ho. F,p_-s Cotrttruciion: I l -CorhbuEtible [Xl -Non-CombusEible Cei]ing Height:a pt. Occupancy: ITIGHI HAZAB.D - 13R ------- svsTEt{ DBSTGN -------- IXI -IIPPA 13: JXI-I'. EAZ. [ }.oRDINANY HAZARD GRoUP: T I I -llFPA 23r I ] -NPPA 231c: PIGI'RB: clrRvB: Ixl -OnrBn (Speeify) :ANTI-FRBEZB LooP IDDED lxl -SPECIFIC Rt[rtXG: ttFPA- 13 R MADE By:. r sPRrltxLEn oR NozStiE . t ] .EX. EAZARD. DATE: trroa of Spritrklel OperalLon: E}fIIRE FLOOR r Syatem 154re . De!€iry:.ls [x] -r.ET I l -DRy ( I -DBI;UGB I l -pnB-ACTrOr Area Per Sprinkl€!:12o Sq. Fl. Hoee llloeance cPl|: Iosid€:o Hoee .411o$ance GDM! Outeide:250 Rack Sprlnkl,er Allosaas€: l,take : Star si,zerL/2 Irlodol:0. R. aaE&ssu tr-Pactor:5. g & 4,3 Temperature Rrti.ng ! 155-P cALClrr.ATr Oll SUID|IRY ------- GPU nequlred:.97.09 PSI Requiaad:95.95 rcr Facgor Oa!d: Ovcrh€ad.:l2o Undelground.1ilo WATER SUPPLY r }'ATtsR FIPII IEf,T T DaEe & Tioa!6-2-9!t Stacls FSI:130 Re6idual PSI:9{.32 GPl, Flovlng:681.15 BlevatLon:0 r PUIIP DATA * 114.!.1. Rated Capacity: At PSI: Elsvation: r TAXK OR RBSERVOIR * Capacity: qlevatLon: * I'BLIJ T Proo! Plor: Irocatlonrcqre Ck. Dr. & BrldEe Sl. Sourc! fnforoatLon: Floe ?ea! u ftt la{ ' tttoRAot rc svu!rART rlA[BR SOPPTJY IIIFORUAITOII Stltic! 130.o0 psi. Resldual ! 9,1.32 psi. o 681.15 g!n. llose: 250.00 g?u. Syator roquir€B 3 95.95 pgi, 6 497.09 gpm. (lncludlng Hoee Allo{ance) SuDpIy avNilable: 110. oE p€i. gatety lArgdn: 14.12 psi. raxinnD velocity in th€ syerer is 25.23 tt/6ec. coqttDulty cE all Doder satiefLed to 0.01 gprtr. FIfTI*E ITSGBND PTPE TYPE IJBCIEIID P . .15 DEGRBB BIrBow {0 - SCEaDULB {0 B . 90 DEGRE ELBO{ 10 = scEBDUIia 10 L = 90 DAGREA Iltf,G TURN BLBoll XIl = THtlf IIALL T - rBB OR CROSS AD - ACIUA'. DIII.IETER B - BUIIERILY vA&vB CK - gqppga TYtt * G - GAS VA&nE cL - COPPER frPE IJ C = CHBCTVIIVB ff:::;:::"**' = CP - CPVC NOIES r Flt€! Bn!DOB5T. IlE rTsBr Sprlnkler Progran by FPB goltsare, lac'Prge I PBBSSURE FIJOII (Pst) (cPl{) BI,BVTTIOT X-FACTOR (FEET) ccl 95.95 ul e9'99 lJZ 88 '44 BRl t6'01 BR2 7+.85 cs1 76.11 cs2 16.03 cs3 ?5.65 !ro1 71.53 tl02 57.01 !r03 62 ,50 ltof 57.99 u05 53.e8 r01 24.69 n02 2?,62 ffo3 zl.zL ro5 25.82 ff06 26.29 tfo? 2a.L4 tf08 22.06 r09 2L.59 rto zz.ao rn1 2? .81 n12 22-41 r13 1S.51 Itl{ l?.81 r15 ?1.59 ltxS 20.15 rr7 19,13 r18 21.35 9t66 15.75 16? 50.5S 0 gorncE L2 ,5 ,2 .3 L7 .5 1?.5 t2.5 12.5 L2.5 41.5 51.5 51.5 56 4.3 61.5 4.3 61. 5 59 s.a 59 59 4.3 59 4.3 59 s,8 59 59 51.5 4.3 6r.5 5.4 60 4.3 61.s 4.3 59 5.8 58.5 49?. 0t 0.00 0.00 0.o0 0.o0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2r .36 20.a5 0,00 29.17 0.00 0,00 20.19 20.02 27 .59 0.00 0.00 18.50 24.49 0,00 19.30 18. 8l 26. 81 0. 00 0.00 " ?n6v, LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL VAI,LFY WIDE MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL, rNC. 431 METCALF ROADP. O. BOX sO8@ AVON, CO AL62@ (303) -949-I'747, (3@3 ) -845-7144 (FAX) TO: ADDFIESS: PLEASE BE ADVISED: L] ATTACITED I pLANS L-.j Fl-lLtLiiJ LCUlaT/o ^J 5 UNDER SEFARATE COVEB VIA tr sropoRnwrruGs I snvplrs [] pHorocnapss n coPY oF LETTER NO.COPIES OESCBIPTION 1 z 4. 5 tfi/f i G*{eo 6r.,oZ€ er,;;i l,Feu Syetu,rL€& furvs THESE ARE BEING TFANSMITTED AS INDICATED BELOW: I SUBMIT coPIEs FoR DISTRIBUTI0N r/i eASe kvre'n t Prrare.r,J ,/ kcom€,+soaT/ot / ORIGINAT roorp ro"" ,ro, G.rznul, s LITHO IN U.S.A Og/L?/s4 16:17 8303e451410 EU oo1 \ .s" JEHOME GAMBA & ASSOCIATE$. INC. COiH'IJING ENGINEEBS & LA}ID SI'FVFYORS ll3 cm sIFEEr, $r,rrE ?td PO.80I .1450 0rc$v00D8FfirNG$,c010FA00 8t!024{d8 ffio{e {ilt3t 94$e550 FtX (X}3) S.t9t4t0 ro Vn.'l Fire{Thrtlnt .-- P.O.Aot4ffiflco8 EPRII'rF. CQtolt^DO 01157 PtfiE! (3@ Rt-trg FAr {gEl7ir'r778 $Herewith - Documents Including Cover Sheet _ Under Separate Cover - Mylars - Shop Drawings ATTL rax€o=) !f-79 -DtS-7 We are sending the foilowing: _ Photocop'res _ Prints Ottier No. of Gopies It€m Latest It6m Dated Remarl(s lf you have any questions, pleass do not hesitate to call (3031 346-2580. lf matorhl receivsd is not liited above, kindly notify us at once. Tretrmittod b!f, - Flrrt chs| m6il _ U.P.s. Ndr(t Aay Alt - Fodord Exprua - tl.S. Eqrars lflail _ U.P.6. 6td. Sorviso _ lro$.nglr - Plclqip ;dr*x 08/17/54 18:10 8s0s01su10 @ooe (. JEROME GAI'BA & ASffiCIATES, INC. COI{8I'LTIIIG ENOTNEFB & I.A}ID BURVEYORB flir gtlr glBE , SuJG zt{ Atffil$n*s'q"q^-.q{er,,s ffi#$*,* ,n'$o E: (lfil0lE{660 Fln 6[3]!.lirr0 ffq,€.Ooq ?3t.t'r$-- nr-COqarZo August 17, 1994 Mr. Fusty Cline Valley Wide Mechanical & Etectric, Inc. P.O. Box 5O8O Avon, CO 81620 Be: Covered Bridge Building, Vail, Cololado Dear Rusty: Based upon the concsrns of the Vail Fire Marshal, I haw recvaluated my orlgtnal anatysis {Lstter dated July 22, 1994t by corsldering the following eddirional inforrflrtion: 1. Letter dated May 26, 1994from Ruety Clirn to Vall Fhe Departmsmi 2. Hydraufis Evaluation of Bridga Strset Water Main dated April 18, 1994 by Kevln McBrien, P.E., Merrick & Company; 3. Vail Flre Department Convsreion Fsctors for Computadon of Avrilable Fire Flqws frqm Fire Hydrants, Vail Fire ll/tarshal; and 4. Telephone conversations with Ksvin tVtcErien. P.E. and Mark Hoeser. Merrlck & Company, regafding the watsr system mod€t for the Town of Vall_ It appears thet tha flow test performed by you on Juile z, 1gg4 and the nodal pressure rsported bY the water syetem rnodel {madmum day demand+ NODE J41 3} are consi$ent whh one enother and result in a static ptessure of 13O psi end a Hydraullc Grada Line elevatipn of 8473 w 133 psl. respectlvely- Additional calculations were performedto determinethe losecoefficient necessarytocorelate my orfttrinal findings with ths hydraulic anolysir p;rformed by Merrick & csmpany. tn the analysis, the maximum flqw and residual pressure for the +inch llne (PIFE lf353l was reponed to be 1150 gprn and 26 psl, respectively. In order to duplicate the modEl results repofted by Merrick & Cornpany, a Hazen-Wiltiams Coefficient of C**= 5$ is required to achlnre a residual pressure of ?6 pSi at the snd Of ths 4-:inch line. This is inconsistent with ths Town of Vail model oarametBrs giv€n to me and ttre aource calculations discussed fevlously. l$ll4ta3lcu||q?,wF "{ 08/Ll/94 18:18 830rs4t1410 t' Covered Bridge Building, Vail, CO August 17,1954 ?age 2ol 2 Ths oilculations perlqrmed by rna and submitted Jutv ZZ,lgg4indiegtg a required maxtmum flow rate of 1 107 gpm (PIFE 3) and a rgsitual pressture of 94.60 psl for the 4.inch pifle st your polnt of connection {NoDE 71. An equtualBnt s8nd grain siz€ "e- of -Ol O2 Inehr$ was usBd for the loss calculatlons within a Darcy-Weisbach anal),sis. This coefficient corresponds to cost itort pipe {1'O to ZO-years oldl and/or a Hazen-Williams coefficient of C*-m lQQ. In llght of the additional research and eveluatiqn performed. it ls my opinion that the 4{nch main appealE to provide ad6quate pfEssure and flow pffantial for your fire suppression syst€m. n is ag.€ed thet the exisung rHnch main is not an ldBal dtuetion end that if ths main vuere upsized and replaeed, the hydraulic ptoperties would be greatly improved, Enclosed is a schematic map that was omitted from the previsus sr.rbmittal, Should you luve any further questions or commants, please call me dlrsctly. Slncerely, Et oos #r+I ,i ..! 1 i ,t/ .., a,JEROME GAMBA & AS€OCIATE$. INC. ASSOCTATES, tNC, l*lt 3!$cl!llz-r,vF COI.fiII.TI{G ENSINEENS & LAND SURYEYONS JEROME GAMBA & ASSOCIATES. INC. CONST'LTINC ENGINEEBS & LAND SURVEYOR8 113 gIH STREFT, SUITE 214 P.O. 8OX lil58 Gt_Et{wooo sPBftGs, coLoRADo 81@2-14s8 PHoNE (303) 94$25s0 FAX ($3) 94t1410 Julv 22,1994 Mr. Rusty Cline Valley Wide Mechanical & Electric, Inc. P-O. Box 508O Avon, CO 81620 Re: Covered Bridge BuildinS Dear Rusty: Attached are the calculations addressing the water supply for the above project. Using the fixture counts, flow testing and site data provided by you, the 4-inch main appears to prJvide adequate pressure and flow potential for your fire suppression systenr. Demands for the adjacent businesses were calculated using the methodologies within the American Water Works Association (AWWAI Manual of Water Supply Practices, Sizing Water service Lines and Meters, AWWA Mzz, 197s, chapter 4. These flows are incorporateo within the hydraulic model, together with your maximum sprinkler circuit needs as described within the plans dated June 23, 'l 994 signed and sealed by Robert Graber, p.E. 131 1o. The two computer runs describe the conditions at the connecfion point (NODE 7) on the 4- inch main using required flow and pressure of 675.55 gpm and'94.32 psi, respectively. This information describes the second floor sprinkler system requirements as specified on the above plans. Friction losses are calculated using the Darcy-Weisbach formula in which an equivalent sand grain size "e' of .01O2 inchss is used. This coefficient corresponds to Cast lron pipe and a Hazen-Wiltiams Coefficient of C"*= lee. f't, should you have any further questions or comments, please call me directly. Sincerely, JEROME GAMBA & ASSOCIATES,INC. P0.80x {808 PAGoSA SPRlr,lGS, COLoBADO 81157 PHONe (c}S) 731-tr3 Fr0(; (Gl) 73l {r/8 il.ll9l$ o t- Fixture Value Summary Covered Bridg€ Buildhg, Vail CO Valley Wide Mechanical & Electrical, lnc. Building & FixtureType Quantity Value (3s psi) F ixnlre Value Ore House Restaurant 3/4 Bdl Full Bafr Comm Disfiwdrer Kitchen Service Sink c 1 1 1 3 7 19 10 7 7 35 19 10 7 21 Subtotal: Pepi's Full Bdt . 3/4 Bafl Kitchen Comm Dislrwasher Service Sink Comm Clothes Washer Residential D ishwastpr 30 12 7 1 6 3 7 19 7 7 10 7 12 4 570 84 49 10 42 36n 8't9Suhotd: Slifbr/Design Kitchen L.aatory WderCloset Sfpwer 1 2 2 1 7 4 3 4 7 B 6 4 %Subtotal: Reilly Building/Nicks Kitchen Comm Dishwasher ServicgSlnk ta/dory WaterCloset 3i4Bdr Full Bdt Rsicbntial Dishwasfpr Residential Clothes Wasfier 2 1 3I 10 1 1 1 1 7 10 7 4 3 7 19 4 5 14 10 21 32 30 7 19 4 5 142gtbtotal: JEHOME GAMBA & ASSOCIATES, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYOBS Demand Estimate Cov€red Bridg€ Buttdlng, Valt CO Valloy Wlde Mechantcal & Et€clrlcal. Inc. Desiqn Pr€ssrre: 94.32 osl Bulldlng FlxlurB Value water-Flow Oemand Pr€ssua€ Adiustm€nt Flnal Flow Ore House Beslaurant Popl's g2 819 25 142 4g 114 !0 55 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 80.64 191.52 67.N 92.44 sign Roilly Bullding^licks JEHOME GAMBA & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSU$ING ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS Path: E: \NET9{K File: NBTFS .OUr Onr*o" crvEN To NETWoRK 3,480 .a.7-22-94 2229224 pm Page 1 RESERVOIRS EQUALS 1107.31 DIFFERENCES= ;2328+00 DIFFERENCES= .615E-02 COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING, VAIL, CO. Water System & Fire Flow Analysis, Static Pressure=l30 psi Calibrated Model, Flow test information provided by Val1ey llide MechanicalFire Flow Analysis with highest flow demand (second floor) (Fi1e:NB.DAT) Maximum Day demands per fixture count & esti-uration proceedures (AWWA M22) ALL DEMAND FLOWS ARE MUITIPLIED BY PIPES 7NODES 8 SOURCE PUMPS O BOOS.TER PUI{PS O RESERVOIRS 2 MINOR LOSSES OPRVS O NOZZLES 0 CEECK VAIVES O BACK PRSS V. O DIF. EEAD DEV O SPECIFTED Q O SPECIFIED P O RESERVOIRS PI,US NOZZLESSNO. PIPE NODE ELEVATION1 1 1 400.302 2 3 400.30 1.0000 FIrOW FROM PUMPS AI'ID ITER.ATION= 1 SUM OF ITERATfON= 2 SUM OF I,OSSES DI'E TO FL. FRIC. TN AI,L PIPES PO!|ER LOSS= 23.L02 H.P.= 17.234 KWATTS.ENERGY LOSS=413.614 KWERS/Dl JEHOME GAMBA & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS a . -. PaTh: E:\NETWKFiIe: NBTFS .oUT 3,480 .a.. 7-22-94 2229:24 pm page 2 - I'NITS OF SOI-,UTION ARE: DIAI{ETERS - inch LENGTE - feet EEADS - feet ELEVAIIONS - feet PRESSURES - psi SLOWRATES- gprn DARCY-WEISSACH FORMIJI,A USED FOR COMPUTTNG EEAD LOSSES 1PTPE DATA: PTPE NODES EEAD HI.,OSSNO. FROM TO LENGTE DfAU COEF FI-,OW RATE VELOCITy LOSS /1000 1 L 2 84. 6.0 .010200 655. 7.43 3.34 39.8{'2 3 2 L74. 6.0 .010200 452. 5.13 3.34 ).9.23 2 4 33. 4.0 .010200 11.0?. 28.27 30.69 930.14 4 s 33. 4.0 .010200 L027. 26.2L 26.39 799.5-s 5 5 33. 4.0 .010200 83s. 2L.32 t7 .46 529 .O'6 6 7 3s. 4.0 .010200 768. 19.61 15.66 447.37 7 I 10. 4.0 .010200 92. 2.36 .07 7.r AV. \lEL= 15.76 AV. ELlL000= 396.038 tr[AiK VEL= 29.27 MIN VEL= 2.36 1NOD8 DATA: NODE DEI,IAND EGLNO. (cfs) (gpur) ELEV HEAD PRESSURE ELEV 2 .000 .00 100. 296.96 128.68 396.964 . 180 80.64 97 . 269.26 116.68 366.265 .427 191.s2 94. 245.88 106.55 339.886 .1s0 67.20 91. 23L.42 100.28 322.42** 7 1.s05 . 6?5.s5. 88. zLg.76 94.80 306.26' I .206 92.40. 8?. 2:-9.69 95.20 306.691 -1.460 -555.19 100. 300.30 130.13 400.303 -1.007 -4s2.12 100. 300.30 130.13 400.30 -.-..------AV. EEAD= 260.32 AV. EGL= 354.95 IIIAX HE,N)= 3OO.3O !!IN EEAD= 218.76 !. \.,,..'-'| | ./ !.'. It,'t'. JEROME GAMBA & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEEBS & LAND SURVEYORS Path: File:3,891 .a..7 -22-94 2:25r,34 pur Page 1 TLE GT\rEN TO NET!{ORK covERED BRTDGE BUU.,DTNG, vArL, co.Water System & Fire Flow Analvsiscalibrated l{oder, Frow test iirformation provided by varrey wide 5:::_:l"X_P:1f:i:_with liehesr pressure demand lsicond fioor;fiaxrmum uay cremands per fixture count & esti-rnation proceedures AI,L DEMAND FLOWS ARE MULTTPLTED BY I.OOOO PIPES 7NODES 8 SOURCE PUMPS O BOOSTER PUMPS ORESERTOIRS 2 MINOR LOSSES OPRVS ONOZZLES 0 CHECK VAI,VES O BACK PRES V. ODIF. EEAD DEV O SPECIFTED Q O SPECIEIED P 1 SERVOIRS PIJUS NOZZLES:O. PIPE NODE EI.EVATIONI 1 I 400.302 2 3 400.30 ErJow FROM pUMpS AND RBSERVOTRS EQUATS 1107.31 No. oF REAL LooPs 0 No. oF psEuDo Loops 2 NL= z NDEEAI= ITERATION= 1 sUM OF DIFFERENCES= .4798+00 ITERATTON= 2 SUM OF DIFFERENCES= .429E+00 fTERAEfON= 3 SUM OF DIFFERENCES= .3168_01 fTERATION= 4 SUM OF DIFFERENCES= .1728-03 E: \NETWK NBTFSP .OUT I.,OSSES DUE TO F"I,. FRrC. IN Af,L PrPESPOI{ER LOSS= 23.5O2 B.p.= L7.532 KI{ATTS. ENERGY LOSS= sPEcrFrED EGIJ ELEV- AND DEMANDS NEcEssARy To AcErEvE TErs HGL HEAD NODE Mechanical (File:NB.DAT) (AVrwA M22) 420.77L KWERS/DAY DEMAND 1.5t 8 JEROME GAMBA & ASSOCIATES, INC. No. NODE 305.66 2L7 .66 CONSULTING ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS th: E:\NETWK ile: NBTFSP 'OUT 3,891 .a.. 7-22-94 2225234 Pn S OF SOLUTION Page 2 DIAMETERS - I,ENGTH - inchfeet HEADS - feet ELEVATIONS - feet PRESSURES - psi FLOWRATES- gpm DARCY-WEISBACH FORMULA USED FOR COMPUTING SEAD LOSSES 1PTPE DATA: PIPB NO. NODES FROM TO LENGTE DTAM COEF ELOW RATE VELOCITY HEAD IILOSSross /1000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 2 2 4 5 6 7I 84. L7 4. 33. 33. 33. 35. 10. 658. 454. l-t-13. 1032. 841. 774. 92. 7 .47 s. t_6 28.41 26.36 2L.47 19.75 2.36 6.0 .0102006.0 .0102004.0 .0102004.0 .0102004.0 .0102004.0 .0102004.0 .010200 3.38 40. 19 3 . 38 19.4031.01 939.5526.67 808.33t7.69 536.2L15.89 453.92.07 7.Ll AV. VEL= 1.5.85 AV. HL,/1000= 1NODE DATA: 400.675 MA.K VEr.,,=28.4I MIN VEI.,=2.36 o il3:" DEMAND(cfs) (Spm)EEAD PRESSURE HGL ELEV *- .000 .180 .427 . r50 1.518 .206 -t.467 -1.012 .00 80.64 191. s2 67.20 681 . 1s 92.40 -658.50 -454.42 100. 97. 94. 91. 88. 87. 100. 100. 296.92 268.92 245.24 230. s5 2L7.66 218. s9 300.30 300.30 t28.67 116. s3 L06.27 99.90 94.32 94.72 130.13 1.30. L3 396.92 36s.92 339.24 321 . 55 30s.66 30s . s9 400.30 400.30 2 4 5 6 7 II 3 AV. EEAD= 259.81 AV. EGL= 354.44 MAX EEAD=300.30 MIN HEAD= 217.66 ,) JEROME GAMBA & ASSOCIATES, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS ESTIMATING THE CUSTOMER'S PEAK DEMAND TABLE4.2 Multiplication Fa.ctors to Adiust Demand Lead as Obtained from the Curves in Figs" 4.4 or 4.5 to 29 Design Pressure psi 20 5t, 35 Base 40 50 60 tu 80 90 Factor 0.74 0.92 1.00 1.07 r.22 r.34 t.46 1.57 1.68 at the outlet of the meter; therefore, this location was selected. All calculations aremade on thr base preslur-e of 35 psi at the meter outlet, and pressure correctionfactors are included in Table 4.2 to asist the estimator in a_djusiing data from thegaphs to the standard minimum delivery pressure of his utility. Fixture Values . A.fixture value is a quantity in terms of which the demand producing effects on theplumbing system of different kinds of plumbing fixtures are exprlssed on somearbitrarily chosen scale. A table of these values iJ inctuded that represents the flowdemand of each fixture when it is operated without the interferen". of oth., units. Asan example, a bathtub was filled normally with no other fixture in use at 35 psidownstream of the meter to obtain a flow iate of g gpm, ro " uarue oi s *., asigredthis item. These values are shown in Table 4.3, and tlie estimator can easilv obtain the 26 EI I! 5 E o 24 22 20 l8 t6 l4 r2 lo 6 6 4 5 6 1 I I lo ll 12 13 r{ t5 t6 l? 18 19 20 2l FixturC Unit Vdoe Fig.42. Flow Demand of Household Fixtures E .!g ?4;.i 9: + = o + + Fi.ld Rrco.dings ' Corw. Ch.i5ti, Tcr + F I E '. E ' 5 e ;-9 =.9q'a I 6 I .gG i zt E - -o '-:) 3 .. ' + a -/-t 30 SIZING WATER SERVICE LINES AND METERS TABLE 4.3 Plumbing Fixture Value lxture Value Fixture Type Based on 35 psi at Meter Outlet Bathtub ...... 8 Bedpan washers ... '...10 Combination sink and tray ... .........3 Dental unit ....-.....1 Dental lavatory ..-....2 Drinking fountain (cooler) . ...........1 Drinking fountain (public) . ....-.....-2 Kitchen sink: l/2-in. connection .........3 3/4-in. connection ... .-...-'1 Lavatory: 3/8-in. connection ... .-...-.2 I /2-in. connection . .. .. - - .. 4 laundry tny: I l2-in. connection ....... 3 3/4-in. connection ... ......1 Shower head (showeronly).. ..........4 Service sink: I /2-in. connection .... .......,... 3 3/4-in. connection.. .. . ... . 7 Urinal: Pedestal flush valve .....35 Wall or stall ...-...12 Trough(2-ftunit)... .......2 Wash sink (each set of faucets) .........4 Water closet: Flush valve .......35 Tanktype .........3 Dishwasher: l/2-in. connection.. .. . . ... 4 3/4-in. connection ... .. .. . .10 Washing machine: tl21n. connection ........... 5 3/4-in. connection ... ., .. . .12 l-in. connection ..... ......25 Hose connections (wash down): 1/2-in. .........6 314-in. . ..........10 Hose (5$ft length-wash down): I /2-in. ......... 6 5/8in.. ..........9 3l4in. . ..........12 value of a number of units by simply multiplying the single value times the number of fixtures in the customerb use to get a total value. The list of plumbing items in Table 4.3 represents those most commonly used; however, the estimator will eventually encounter sp€cial equipment that will need to be evaluated. Since the fixture flow requirements in gallons per minute and the fixture values are the same in Table 4.3, the engineer can list the demand in gallons per minute for the special equipment, dong with the other hxtures, to obtain one total. Demand After the fixture values have been determined, the results can be applied to a graph to obtain the customer demand in gallons per minute at 35 psi at the meter outlet. The maximum water flow of any one fixture is above the average of any one of a number of fixtures when operated in a customer's service. This is because the probability of all SIZING WATER SER\/ICE LINES AND METERS 120 Ito 100 -90 ?80! E70 o r0 o 150 140 130 .100 Fig.4.4. Water-Flow Demand per Fixture Value-Low Range 600 700 Co.nbined f ixture Vals. l ooo I loo 1200 l3m ll E 250 I 5zmo ! i '"- Combiocd Firtur! Valuc-10r unirr Fig.4-5. Water-Flow Oemand per Fixture Value-High Range detailed lists of fixtures before estimates can be prepared. If the structure is in the planning stage, the -".L.ioi ".gin"", ot architeci is the best source of information' and, if construction is underway, the plumbing contractor or the building permits section of the city will have thi information. field trips by the estimatof are often necessary to assist the customer as well as to properly assess the project when Based on 35 P5i ar M?taa Di.char$ lor Higher P.arsure APPIY Facto. F.orn T.ble 4-2 Dometic u* OnlY No lrrigtion Domestic Us€ Rcsidenrirl Subr.rrb}*-- Hocl3 | Shopgiog Centefs IRcttlu.antr N Public Schooli-Bt ildinS IHorpil.l! J A!6nm.nr 1 Condorniniumr LMotcl3 l\ Tr.ilrr Pa.t6 J \\ \ (tr6s> Trt'.,xE A/anl futo4r 5t' 8ur"orNr, -rt r/jLr t:EE/ to2efiq nJ' b..dr.s- i{D hlvl d'$? lu 0az I rA\_./ $ '(-s' IU 0- tr I{x} t- $ Ldt7 fJ 6(s ^- f Dz.Qoae L.azez to HornI g srmrs iooo strobe Hornst,.!lffr35:;,itx?:H:1tr:f;iilifitrj:;x"r, F ':i]lllilli'"::o'"**o*pencatriifv @ II*ffiffit;; A su8flcf (tlpor.d Co 'r0h) sERt69 700?, 7Q{, 31.34, 36 B SllBFlGt {9olcmlcd smml i00e.7q04.3t.34,3i F FtUsH (stob! Homl fuffi G ttUS[ ($lrobr ionl horn models have single input to save time z-wite, tandem operalion ol horn and . dual models also availablo ranSe mounting option$ ol t/Dc : All models have,80oo peak candlepower te lens, Hom an{ strobre operate sihular 4), Sprinkler Head Gabinet Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Corporation 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 Eil [llll,'o',,,, F;eU',"' Central Sprinkler Head Cabinets are constructed ol a metal enclosure with a triple-hinged cover designed to provide on-site storage ol an emer- gency supply of sprinkler heads and a sprinkler head wrench. NFPA 13 requires a representative number ol each type o{ sprinkler head used in a sprinkler system to be stored in a cabinet on-site to allow for immediale removal and replacement of sprinklers which may have oper- ated or become damaged. Central Sprinkler Head Cabinets are manufactured ol heavy gauge Steel with knock-outs to accommo- date either 1/2" or 3/4" N.P.T. threaded sprinkler heads and are painted an attractive red enamel. They are available in 6- or 12-head capacity. o o Model: Sprinkler Head Cabinet Style: 6 head or 12 head Standard Finish: Red enamel Mfgr. source: Non-domestic Capacily: 6 sprinkler heads /12 sprinkler heads pimensions:V 6 head - 5" high x 14" long x3 114" oeep 12 head - 5" high x 14" long x 4" deep Weight: 6 head - 2.3 lbs. 12 head - 3.5 lbs oo |fl,lnstallation ]',{U Central's Sprinkler Head Cabinet is designed with two 3/16" diameter holes for wall mounting or direct attachment to the system riser with a strap-type hanger. The Cabinet should be installed at or near the system c€ntrol valve and must be stocked with an adequate supply of spare sprinkler heads and a sprinkler wrench. The stock ol spare sprinklers should include sprinklers of each type and temperature rating as are installed in lhe sprinkler system, in the following quantilies: Sprinklers SpareSprinklers In System Required 300-1000 over 1000 The Cabinets are designed to ]cceOt both 1/2'and 3/4" N.P.T. -threaded sDrinklers. For 1/2" N.P.T. sprinklers, leave the removable knockout in the hole. For 3/4" N.P.T. sprinklers, insert a screwdriver blade from the front top of the shelf and under the near bottom part of the knockout annular ring. Press the screwdriver handle down to remove the knockout ring. The hole, with the knockout ring removed, will accept a 3/4" N.P.T. sprinkler. @1988 Cenlral Sprinkler Corporalion Printed in u.s.A. Gare Main & ten ance The Cabinet, wrench, and stock of spare sprinklers should be inspected at least quarterly. The following items should be checked: 1. The Cabinet should be readily accessible, and not exposed to a corrosive atmosphere or tem- peralures in excess of | 00oF/ 3goc. 2. The stock of spare sprinklers should include an adeouate number of each lype and temperature raling. 3. The stock of sprinklers musl be an good condition. 4. A sprinkler wrench ol the appro- priate type must be included in the Cabinet. trENTRAL Central Sprinkler Corporation 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, PA 19446 Phone (215) 362-0700 Ordering Information When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please specify the quantity, model,.style, capacity, and size. Sprinklers, wrenches, and hard- ware for hanging are not supplied with the Cabinet. They must be ordered separately. Availabllity and Servlce: Central sprinklers, accessories, and other proclucts are available throughout the U.S. and Canada, and internationally through a network of Central Sprinkler distribution centers. You may write directly to Central Sprinkler Corporalion, or call (215) 362-0700 for the distributor nearest you. Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Corporalion will repair and/or replace any products found to be defective in malerial or workmanship within a period of one year from date of shipmenl. Please refer to the current Price List for further details of lhe warranty. Conversion Table: 1 inch = 25.400 mm 1 foot = 0.3048 M 1 pound = 0.4536 kg Conversions are approximate. ( I ^-.^.-,:, 6.- 12 First Pdnting +=- AMERTcANF.. STARVALVE CORPORATION MlAMl, FLORTDA 33t47 CHECK VALVE SPECIFICATIONS RETAINING PIN TORSION SPR ING CLAPPER SUPPORT ARM CL APPER E SEAL SEAT RINC SEAT RING AOAPTER tzq'ptpE pLus /v- INTERMOUNI'AIN SUPPLY, INC. 6045E76thAvE. #4 CoMMERCEC|TY, CO 80022 PH - 303/2876992 FA)( - 303/?88{552 PART NO.stzE A B c 3020 2-l/2n to-7/8\5-l/9"?-l/2'3025 ?r 9-3/4"5 -l/an 3-l/?"3030 4"lo -l/2.6-5/8.4-l/2" u.L., F.M. A N.y.C. M.E.A. APPROVED I 8em Sfrandard Wevfaes Distributor Price Book Page 20 Oo Waterflow Detector, Model VS-SP l",l-1/4",1-l/2"Pip Size... ..... ru22-f406 Class 125 Bronze Tee l'xl"xl'... .....14401-1406 7-l/{'xl-7/4'x1o..... ...14{02-l{48 l-l/7'xl-1/t'x1u ... . ,. . .14402-1473 Optional Cover Tamper Switch . , . 54621-l-001 For detail see Section 2, TD200A $102.00 $19.50 $2950 $37.00 $33.00 Etectric Alarm Bell, Model F7O6 d' Bell Weatherproof l15V with Back Box . 52{1&l{15 $55.00 l0'Bell Weatherproof ll5V with Back Box . 5241&1417 $63.00 Specialty ltems SolderType Fusible Links 30 Lb.o C Temperature Ratings:, 212o, 2860, 3500 Fahrenheit 1 00o, 141o, 177o Centigrade 1650 740, Add degree (F) in place of XXX. Fig. 1247 (165"-286). . ...5&12+.9XXXFis.r247(350).. ......5G12+s350 For detail see Section 4. TD130 $3.80 s4.30 Bulb Type Fusible Links Temperature Ratings: 135", 175o, 250o, 2350, 400o, 500" Fahrenheit 57o,79o, 1 21 o, 1 630, 204" , 2600 Centigrade Add degree (F) in place of XXX. Fig. 1241 Uncoated 250 Lb.. .... .5G241-l-)Ofi Fig. l24lC Corroproof 250 Lb.* . . .5S,241+XXX *13S175" only For detail see Section 4, TD435 $33.30 $41.60 Ball Drip Valves l/Z"FT89AutomaticDrainBallDrip... ...52-78S1404 l,z?'Fl93 Plunger Tlpe .. . .. . . 52-79C1404 Ihip CheckValve 1a...,... .. 52407-1406 For detail see Section 4,TV25 .5246C1406 ... ..52{6$r-009 fr?.00 138.00 sl5r.00 o0 Flow Connection Fl321 For detail see Scction 4, TDt00 FACE TO P. qL LYEil JPLwnrll'1i1,,..ll .l APPNOVED l: GENERAL DESCRIPTION A quasaris a bright new star. The Star"Quicit Response Quasaf is our bright new strar. The Quasar Model QRQ is the world's first sell-adiusting Quick Response concealed sprinkler. The Quick Response Quasar's special fea- tures make it the best choice for architecturally sensitive projects where aesthetics are extremely impoftant. The Quasar's unique patented cover assembly not only provides a full 112" of adjustment, it is the only concealed sprinkler cover assembly which automat- ically moves with normal ceiling fluctuations. The Quasads cover assembly design virtually guar- antees that the cover will not only stay on but will remain tight to the ceiling, eliminating unsightly gaps and shadows atthe ceiling. Quasarcover plates are available in a vadety of tinishes. There are Custom De@rator finishes. fac- tory applied, to match cuslomer supplied color samples for every decorating need. Standard fin- ishes include White Painted and Chrome Plated. Deluxe finishes include Black, Polished Brass, Anlique Brass and Brushed Zinc. Anolher Quasar time and monev saving fealure is factory appliei QUICK RESPONSE QUASAR MODEL QR-O Star-Seal thread sealant, which eliminates the need to aPPIY pipe compounds or tapes in the fiefd. This, with the 112' ot ad- iustment allowing lor pre-cut drops, makes Quasar installation a snap. lt is also a snaP to re- move Quasar covers. This allows easy removal of ceiling tiles without shutting down the sprinkler system. Quick Re- sponse Quasar sPrinklers react to a fire's heat up to five times faster than standard response sprinklers. Quasar sptinklers are also provided with a Temporary Protective Cover. This cover protects the sprinkler dudng con- struction, helps with installation and can be used for temporary proteclion. lalls away. After the cover plate has fallen, the detlector drops and the sprinkler is exposed to the {ire's heat. The Quick Re- sponse glass bulb in the sprinkler reaches its operating tempera- ture and the fluid inside expands forcing it to shatter, ac- tivating the sprinkler. Upon activation of the sprinkler, water is discharged in a predesigned pattern to conlrol or extinguish the lire. TECHNICAL DATA Approval UL listed. Temperatute Rating 135'F Orange 155"F 175"F Bulb Color Pr tJutr'rrr'r r' 1 Maximum Working Pressure OPERATION | 175 PSI(12o6kPa) rhe simpre two step ooer3191{ P'iilllnjrffl'.3ifi,*rol the Quasar makes il one oT -i::ts - the mosl dependable fire sprin- Cover Assemblbs klersavailable.TheQuasarcover 135"F (57'C) Gover Assemblies plate is factory attached to the must be used with 135"F (57"C) cover assembiy with a eutectic &155"F(68'C)sprinklers. 165"F alloy. When a fire occurs, the al- (74"C) Cover Assemblies must loy melts at a predetermined be used with 175"F (79"C) & temperature and the cover plate 200"F {93"C) sprinklers. Physical Characteristics 1/2" (15mm) Orifice wilh 1/2" (15mm) Threads. Cover Plate 3-1/2'(89mm) Dia. x.150'(3.8mm) high. tr Page 2 Sprinkler Finish Sprinkler f rame is Natural Bronze. Cover Plate Finishes Standard Finishes -.S/hi!e Painted and Chrome Plated. Deluxe Finishes Black, Polished Brass, Antique Brass and Brushed Zinc. Custom Decorator Finishes Cover Plates can be lactory painted lo match a customer provided color sample. INSTALLATION Star Quick Response Quasar Sprinklers are designed for instal- lation on wet pipe sprinkler systems. Design and installation of sprinkler systems using Star sprinklers must be done by quali- fied individuals knowledgeable about fire sprinkler systems. All inslallations using Star sprinklers must be done in accordance with the latest published Standards of NFPA or eouivalent standards in the country of installation. The Quasar Sprinkler is installed either before or afler the ceiling is installed, using one of lhe spe- cially designed Quasar Sprinkler Wrenches. There are two Star Sprinkler Wrenches which could be used. The Standard LD2, SG and Q Sprinkler Wrench (Part Number 1849) can be used when the ceiling has not been installed or the ceiling tiles can be litted out of the way. The easy lo use Star Socket Wrench (Part Num- ber 21 1 1 ) can be used either wilh or without the ceiling installed. The sprinkler must be installed in relation lo the finished ceiling as shown in Fig. 1. Temporary pro- tective @vers are available for painting and plastering prolec- tion. Temporary protection is accomplished by removing the cap on the protective cover (see Fig. 3). After the ceiling is in place, first remove the temporary protective cover il provided. Then the Quasar cover assemblv is simply slid up over the sprinkler frame until it snaps into place. lt is then rotated clockwise and al- lowed to rise, self-adiusting to the finished ceilrng. The cover plate will be held tight to the ceiling by the spring inside the cover as- sembly. The Quasar patented spring teature allows the cover plate to move with vibrations and normal ceiling movement. To remove lhe cover assembly, simply pull down on lhe cover assembly flange until the cover assembly snaps free from lhe MAINTENANCE Sprinkler inspections must be done on a regular basis to detect possible sprinkler damage or al- teratioh- Maintenance must comply with NFPA Standard #25. After 20 years, all quick response sprinklers should be replaced. Replacement is also required il sprinklers have been painted, corroded ordamaged. A sprinkler that has been actuated cannot be reassembled or reused. Sprin- klers musl be replaced with a sprinkler of the same orifice, K- factor, type and temperature rating. Quick Response sprin- klers should only be replaced with quick response sprinklers. Quick Response Quasar sprinklers can be identilied by the QR-Q located on the sprinkler deflector (see Fis.2). CAUTIONS Star Quasar Sp rin klers are shipped with factory applied Star- Seal thread sealant. Star-Seal eliminates the need for field ap- plied pipe compounds or tapes.. Star recommends that no addi- tional pipe compounds or tapes be applied.. Always store unused sprin- klers in a cool, dry location.. Never attach anything to sprin- klers.. Never install Quasar Sprin- klcrs on dry systems without lirst consulting lhe authority having ju- risdiction. s2002-03 . Star Quasar Sorinklers must be installed using one of Slar's special ly desi gned Q.rasarSprinkler Wrerches.. Open cap on pretective @ver for tenporary protection. ORDERING INFORMATION Please Specify: 1) Sprinkler temperature rating 2) Cover plate finish 3) Cover Assembly temperature rating 4) Quantities 5) Wrench type and quantity NOTE 135'F (57"C) Cover Assemblies must be used with 135'F (57'C) & 155'F (68'C) sprinklers. |65'F (74"C) Cover Assemblies must be used with 175oF (79"C) & 200"F (93'C) sprinklers. NFPA Standards require that every facility, where sprinklers are installed, must be provided with spare sprinklers and an ap- propriale sprinkler wrench. AVAILABILITY AND SERVICE Star Sprinkler Corporation Prod- ucls are available worldwide through a network of Distributors. For information, please contact Star Sprinkler Corp., P.O. Box 51 1, Milwaukee Wl 53201,(800) 558-5236, (414) 769-5500 or FAX (414) 769-8535 forthe name and address of the Distributor nearest you. SHIPPING INFORMATION Sprinklers Box Quantity - 50 Box Size - 16" x'16" x7-114- (40.6 cm x 40.6 cm x 18.4 cm) Weight - 13 lbs. 4 oz. (6.0 kgs) Cover Assemblies Box Quantity - 50 Box Size -'15-314" x 13-1 14" x 14" (40.0 cm x 33.7 cm x 35.6 cm) Weight - 13 lbs. 6 oz. (6.1kgs) -f\lr s2002{3 WARRANTY Seller warrants for a period ol one year lrom the date of shipment (warranty period) that the prod- ucts furnished hereunder will be free from defects in material and workmanship. For further details on waranty, see cunent price list. l- v l/2- REDUCER SPRINKLER FACE OF F I TT'I NG Page 3 I.|AX. DIA. OF REDUCE R TO THIS LINE I5 l -7 /.8' 147 .6 nal covER AssEtlELY /8- (15.9 rr, J- l-I/t6- lllN. (42.6 rlrol 2- 1/ 16' HAX. (71.4 an) F^CE FINISHED OF CEILING o i FIGURE 2 DEFLECTOR Quick Response Quasar sprin- klers are easily idenlified by the QH-Q located on the sprinkler deflector (see Figure 2 above). FEATURES . Quick Response design. . Has specially designed clips to attach the Cover Assembly to the sprinkler. o The special patented Cover Assembly contains a spdng loaded selFadjusting mechanism. . Low profile Cover Plate fits close to ceiling. o Quasar Sprinklers come with factory applied Star-Seal thread sealant. o The Cover Assembly can be removed without removing sprinklers. 2-5lE: MlN. 2-7 t6' nA(66.7 nr 73.O nol HOLE IN CEILING 3-t/2- COVER DrA.(66.9nn1 COVER ASSE}1BLY FL ANGE FIGURE 1 . QUASAR INSTALLATION DETAILS QUASAR CONCEALED SPHINKLER BENERTS Will respond lo a fire's heat faster than standard sprinklers, lo help reduce fire damage. This virtually guarantees that the Cover Assembly will stay on, yet can be removed easily when desired- Moves with normal ceiling flucfuations eliminating unsightly gaps and shadows at the ceiling. Allows for a full 112" variation in ceiling height. Drops can be pre-cut, saving installation time. It is excellent where aesthetics are important; becomes almost invisible. This eliminates lield applied pipe dope or tape' which speeds up installation. Ceiling tiles can be removed without shutting down and draining the sprinkler system. O @ltsreo 722^ O s20q2-10 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Quasar Model Q is the world's only self-adjusting residential concealed sprinkler. The Quasar's unique patented cover assembly not only provides a full 1/2' of adjustmenl, but it is also the onlyconcealed sprinkler cover assembly which automatically moves with nor- mal ceiling fluctuations. The Quasar's cover assembly design virtually guaranlees that the cover will not only stay on but will also remain tight to the ceiling, elimi- nating unsightly gaps and shadows. Quasar cover plates are available in a variety of finishes. Custom decorator linishes are factory applied to match customer supplied color samples for every decoraling need. Standard finishes are white painted or chrome plated. Deluxe finishes include black, pol- ished brass, and brushed zinc. Another Quasar time and money saving feature is the lactory applied Star-Seal thread sealant, which eliminates the need to apply pipe compound or tapes in the field. This feature, plus the 1/2" of adjustment which alloWs for pre+ut drops, makes Quasar instal- Iation a snap. It is quick and simple to remove Quasar covers, which allows lor easy removal of ceiling tiles without shutting down the sprinkler system. Quasar sprinklers also come with a temporary protective cover. This cover protects the sprinkler during construction, helps with installation, and can be used for temporary fire protection. OPERATION The simple two-step operation of the Quasar makes it one of the most dependable fire sprinklers available. The Residential Quasar sprinkler responds to fire much faster than standard sprinklers to help reduce fire damage. The Quasar cover plate is factory at- tached to lhe cover assembly with a eutectic alloy. INTERMOUNTAIN SUPPLY, I 6045 E.76th AVE. COMMERCE CITY, CO PH - 303/287-6992 FAX - 303/ RESINENTIAL QUA'AR MTANEL Q Corao f Bres Page 1 s2002-10 When a fire occurs, the alloy melts at a predetermined temperature and the cover plate falls away. After the cover plate has fallen, the dellector drops and the sprinkler is exposed to the fire's heat. The Quick Re- sponse glass bulb in the sprinkler reaches its operating temperature and the fluid inside expands, forcing the bulb to shatter, which activates the sprinkler. Upon activation, water is discharged in a predesigned pat- tem to control or extinguish the fire. TECHNICAL DATA / Approval: UL and ULC listed lor residential use. / Maximum Working Ptessure: 175 psi ('11.9 bar). /DischargeCoeffaci@ Temperature Rating: 155'F (68"C), red bulb color. Threads: 112" (15 mm) NPT. Sprinkler Finish: Natural Bronze. Cover Assemblies: 135"F (57'C) cover assemblies musl be used with 155"F (68"C) sprinklers. Gover Plate: 3-112" (Bg mm) diameterx.15" (3.8 mm) high. Cover Plate Finishes: Standard Finishes: V[h$1$!$pnd Chrome Plated- Detuxe Finishes: Blac*RE;lGhed Brass, and Brushed Zinc. Custom Decontot Finishes: Cover plates can be factory painted to match a cuslomer provided color sample. WARNING DO NOT PAINT COVEB PLATES. ONLY FACTORY APPLIED FINISHES ARE LISTED AND APPROVED. '| o/93 PNP Rev. 09/93 STAR SPRINKLER CORPORATION (414) 769-5500 o1-800-558-5236 o FAX (414) 769-8535 :: : !, r,',i ,:,!1,rt.tx)*u,.tY,l*ncF!Iffir: SPRINKLER SPACING TABLE Sprinlder Spacing Maximum Spdnkler. Localion from bnv Wall Minimum Spdnkler OischaIgq Sinole Sorinkler Two or rnore sorinklers 12 fl. x 12 tl. (3.66 m x 3-66 m)6 ft. (1 .83 m) ,"13 gpm @ 9.1 psi (49.2 Umin. @ .63 bar) 11 gpm @ 6.5 psi (41.6 Umin. @ 0.45 bar) 14ti. x 14fL (4.27 mx4.27 m,7 tl. (2.13._ID ' 17 oom @ 15.6 Dsi'.(81.3 Umin @ .1.08 bar) 13 gpm @ 9.t psi (49.2 Umin @ 0.63 bar) 16 ft. x 16 ft. (4.88 m x 4.88 m)I tt. (2.aa m) ' '2O gpm @ 2'1 .6 psi (75.7 Ufiin @ 1.49 bar) 15 gtrn @ 12.17 psi (56.8 t-hin @ 0.84 bar) Page 4 s2002-10 Room Slzo 12lt x 12 tt (3.66m x 3.66m) - Slngl€ Sprlnkler 13 gpm (49.2 Umln) Two or moro sprlnklers 11 gpm (41.6 Umln) 0' 2' 4' Room Sizo 14 ft x 14tL (427m x 4.2h) - Slngle Sprinkler 17 gpm (64.3 Umln) Two or more Sprinklsftr 13 gpm (49.2 Umin) 0' 2', 1' 6' Room Slze 16 tL r 16 tt (4.88m r 4.88m) - Single Sprlnkler 20 gpm (75.7 Umln) Two o? more Sprlnklers 15 gpm (56.8 Umln) WARRANTY Seller wanants for a period of one year from the date of shipment (warranty pedod) that the products lumished hereunder wifl be free from defects in material and workmanship. For turther details on waffanty, please see cunent price list. STAR SPRINKLER CONPORATION 307 West Layton Avenue . gox 51 1 Milwaukee. Wl 53201-O51 1 (414) 769-5500. 1 -800-558-5236 l3 0pm6, flt gpm CENTERLINE 1',i=*r'rr3 opm 17:19 CEiITERLINE .' 20 gpm 6' f'|5 gpm CENTERLI'{E Page 4 Quasar Sprinklers Must Be Installed Using Of These Wrenches s2002-03 One ( Model Q Socket Wrench Part No.2111 For use with Model QR-Q Sprinklea in either fxed ceilings or removable lile ceilings before or after ceiling tiles are in place. Stardard Wrench Part No. 1849 For use with Qtrick Response Qrasar Sprinklers prior lo ceiling installation, or after if tiles can be lifted out for sprinkler installation. FIGURE 3 TEMPORARY PROTECTIVE COVER NOTE: Capmustbeopentor temporary ft re Protection. t 1/2" Quasar Model QR-Q Discharge Tables 5r9 r92 536 194 5Jtlt 195 550 r95 557 lg7 i64 rgttfit 20o 5;78 201 53.1 2@ 531 209 5tE ax 6.05 m6 6.12 &7 6.'t9 208 626 48 6,gt 210 63e 2tr 6.45 213 653 2lir 630 215 6.67 216 a:a 2176Ai 2t8 646 2't9 r'86 fl4 t30 fiE 1gtt rrt 2.06 r20 2.13 12. 28 121 227 1A 231 tn 2,{r t30 2# 73225. r33 2.6r t35 2.68 r37 a75 t39 2N2 14 2.8!1 r,|il 2J6 l,|r 3.@ r4tt 3E 117 3.t6 t49 323 t50 330 r5a 337 r$l 3./a,a 155 7, 50.69 7a 51,2 79 5r-56 60 5ll8 81 52.20 82 54.528:l 52.4t 84 53.16&t 53-,a7 86 53.8 67 5,1.10 88 5,a.41 89 9.72go 56.@sr 55.3e ss.dt s 55gl 9,t 5Et3 95 565t 95 56.83g7 57.12 98 '1.es 57.71loo 58.(x' 27 28 29 g2 33g 37 38 394 4t 1Z i(l 41 i.5 4E 17 ,t€ 49 50 STARSPN'NXLENrNNPT'NAT'T'N 3O7 West Leyton Avenue . 8ox 5t l Milwaukee. W 53m1.0511 (4t4) 769-5500 . t.W0-558-5236 o ) *Qo TNCOAPOaaT€o conottA cA ' {tr', tlt_'ttt FIG- 124 SPFING TOGGLE HEADS O r-1/4 FIG.725 DRIVE SCREW Nor LE TO (J56D Malefiol - Carbod Function - Used with hollow walls. Finish - Electro-Gabanized Order By - Figure number and size- Materiol - Carbon Steelo.Function - Equivalent to a nail, but has greater holding power. Finish - Plain, Steel. Order By -, size, and finish. Funcfion - Designed to fasten metal to wood. [-ag screws are made with hex heads in lengths of 6 inches or shorter and square heads in lengths longer than 6 inches. Both types have coarse lag threads and gimlet points and are available in diameters of 1/4 inch to 5/8 inch, inclusive- Sqtnre- head lag screws are also availablein3/ , 78, and I inch diameters. finish - Plain, Eectro-Galvanized, and Stainless Steel. Order By - Figure number, bolt size, length, and finish. Mr SIZE \4'tlbll I - NUMBER LENGTH PER TM r* 162 2.2 ,zr.,r+; #,i4$ #f** '"m"".*TAG BOLT APPROXIMATE WEIGHT PER IOO LENGTHsEnEwstzEtt'tlzzz-t/zrq t/4 r.s 2.r 2-7 3.2 3.8 4.9 8tr7ry.1:!'4bl6.:"Fr3,. tr$fiijg;iffi er14ft$lfd-{r 1/2 11.0 13.3 15.5 17.8 22.3 :.'5/8'' 23.2 26.a 304 31.6 v2 s/8 7/16 r/2 ri'/ikt,4..?;{.t4..lii/32, 11/64 i..I/q t'.i,:t, rr/32 27/e 3/4 15/16 7/8 15/64 LAG BOLTS GIMLET o. uL /F\It ffi* A 2t)i:i 7rl r.1(rir,jrjj ;i. Ji,i{ tli,:si.1,i r1,1q,1, ,1,:11 Arr,pssirjrr\ ilirl)ljer '.;,rShtt: r.r irvll irijtlrj I l'|lL^r|8 llafdwhecl A-201321 Sanre as A.20i 3 20 trul wrth l_ear1 Irppcrt Gaskets. A'?073'22 Same as A-20i3-20 but wrth Bondrng Set Screws in Prpe Glanrls. A-2013-23 Sane as A-2073 20 trut less Accessories. A-2073 30 Sane as A'2013 21 bul with BoniJing Sel Screws rn Pipe Gland.Sizes 3" 4" 6", 8", i0' 12", 14" 3"-12" li5 psr florking Pressure. 350 psi Tesl Pressure14" 150 psi Workrng Pressrrre . 300 psi Tesl Pressure PARTS LIST Jt L c o llti'li ii i)1, \' . uRONlt [i0iJN tLI) . NON RISING STEI\,1 O PARAL I TI, SLATS . u0u BLE u rsc o3'THROUGII 14 Description ASTM M2 AlSl Cl0lB or CI020 ASTM Al26 Class I None ASTM B5B4 Allov 905 ASTful A126 Class B ASTM BI6 ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12 ASTM 862 ASTM A307 Grade B ASTM A307 Grade B ASTM 862 ASTM Bl38 Allov 675 ASTM A126 Clasi B ASTM A126 Class B ASTl,,l Dll70 Grade Pll6lA ASTL A307 Grade B ASTf,il 862 ASTIV A126 Class 3 AST|I 821 Ailoy 461 ASTM 852 ASTM A126 CIaSs B Federal HH-P-I06C N0ne ASTM Al26 Class B ASTM Al26 Class B. AIVWA Clll Para.6.5 ASTM Al26 Class B ASTM D2OOO 3AA715 ASTfil D2000 3AA7i5 ASTt\4 862 ASTI\,,1 862 b-J tt- O G"7G-l I nl G- l2 G-9 55,5i8 l8 l9-t/2 l4 I 1 8 1.16 l.i Zil I Ii2 E i/8, 15 L/i 1- 3 ',4 1.1 G.I G.I |\ Ni I S;ze ol Hcles \ih( .L BolI .,2 0rrcle Dia. ' /ii[,] No &/ a-l 6 G-24 G-r 3 G- l8 G.19 G-21 G-20 22 -41 * Used $,ith A-2013-22 a ** U sed wrth A-2073-21 a 1 See Page C'1-20 tor ordering rnstructrons DIMENSIOI{S SizeDimensions ttA I 1s.3i8P IL9L lbD lrsr{I lj IF 14 |G |i |,11H li80J l/fJK I 4l'8L I i,3'16l,t i,] .t 4 --i lr URNS rO OPLNI ;' I ',2 dfrlll2ql: 2q l,1 T 20 21 3',4 t5 l{l 5 !t'3 1S0 II /ti i t'7 ,1 )t ltt'r l r1l 24-l 3/.3 48 l'2 l6 i8.5 'B I3 8 31 .1 /4 13 16,:l .'8 11 I/2 65-3 /8 l8 20 3 ',rl t5 8 29.5/16 l5 30 I -5,/8 l0- 1/tl 18 3',4 5 31 t2 t5t6 90 .l ,,8 r5.13 46 1il0 I 318c .)'o l4 ,i .i 4 t) 47tl .6--l'8 Iti r ': tr il Srzc oi Bolts AiL u I)l]llS 0|S rlt rr:CltCS,llt(j :l lrYClShlS lll l){}lr fitll l Slrirrllrtl l,4ccllir,)rLai Jorrrl Illtis cotttply 'r' A\'tliA Ul'! ,r (l irf,tS !1,'l lll0) 2_ ?'. ti Catalog Parl No.Materia I llhteria I Standatd G, G. n, G. G. G, G- G G. c" G. l4 G-l 5 G-r6 G- l8 G,l9 G.20 G-21 G-.2? G,23 G-24 G-47t ti t f G-l I c-22 net Bushing n nel Gaskel n ncl Bclts and NLrls Sea i R lng Drsc llisc P rrr rde S!reader BotlorN YledEe Sten Pa ck ing Tes I P ILrp Body P rpe Gland Pipe Glard Bolts & N,rlslpe blat0 u0llS & l\,tlS ipe Cla ad w Bono'rng Scl Screws askel Plaln Rubtrei Gaskel - Lead T rpoed Disc ior 3 sizt on'r Botlon l{eoge ftrl for 3'srze onl uf0nze Cast lron Bronz e Malleable lron Bronze st lron st lr0tl ornposllron tee i si u0n 5r0nze Cast lron ubricated Flax st lron st lron 40,1 /4 l4 11 | i4 il-1,? 6,1 .12 l3 5.3 905 I l/4 6 7/Ellir4 {i- 3 4 )2 )1 1? I Grinnell schedule 40 sdEdrlc l0 dpc arailrblc in lrade sizes l'Ur! 2'in lerg0E ol 21'-21?5'lootage seighutundle f.& sita itr oo ur nomiml mll ffch|ess itL og|iral v.-qhl It bundla sires tsr paf Mh II lolel lool4e 21', htal loota0c 25', hhl bot 0c tdle. reigtt ?a' Mr. niglr 25', bdle- wlJtt I 1.315 1.049 .I JJ 1.68 70 1470 1680 t7(n 2470 2822 2940 1Yt 1.660 |.380 .140 51 1071 1224 1275 2431 2778 2894 1U1 1.900 r.610 .145 2.12 44 924 r056 r 100 2513 2872 2992 2.375 2.067 .154 J.OJ 30 630 720 750 2300 tot6 2738 weight ol pipe wilh water 1' pipe $,Eight ol pipdfoot weight of waler/lool weighl ol pipe with w?ter/loot xt 1.221 0.414 1.635 sn0 1.404 0.409 1.8r3 s/10 1.68 0.37tn( 1%' 0ipe weighl ot pipe/loot weioht ot Y{ater/foot weight ol pipe with v,ater/loot 't.57 0.72 2.29 1.81 0.71 2.52 2.27 0.65 2.92 lth'0i0e weight ot pipe/foot r'rcight ol water/fool weight of pipe wilh water/foot r.88 0.97 2.85 2.08 0.96 3.04 212 0.88 360 2'pipe rveight ol pipefioot weight ol water/loot weight of pipe with water/foot 2.52 1.58 4.10 2.64 1.58 4.22 3.65 t-46 5.1r zYt'qiq weight ol pipe/toot weight ol weter/loot weight of pipe with water/foot 4.08 2.26 6.34 3.53 {.JO 5.89 5.i9 2.08 7.87 3'pipe weight of pipe/loot weight ol water/foot weight ol pipe with water/toot 5.01 3.48 849 4.33 J.O I i.94 /.5d 3.20 10.78 3Y?' pipe wei0ht of pipe/toot w€ight ot water/foot weight of pipe with waler/loot 4.97 4.81 f.i8 9.11 4.28 13.39 1'pipe weighl of pipe/foot weight ot $,ater/foot weight of pipe with water/loot 5.61 6.17 1t.78 10-79 5.51 16.30 q' plpe wdght ol pipe/foot weighl of ,,later/foot weighl of pipe wilh rYatet/foot 777 '17.30 14.62 0.oo 23.28 6'pipe weight ol pipeffool weight ol wate loot weight ol gipe with water oot 9.29 13.74 23,03 18.97 12.51 31.48 I'Dipe v{eight ol pipe/loot weighl ol rYat€ri lool weight ol pipe with water/foot 13.40 23.59 36 99 28.55 21.69 50.24 10'pipe webht o, pipe/loot weight of water/loot :igl!'r !!,' ylll *!/!9' 12" pipe weight of pipe/loot weighl of wale./fool weight ot pipe vJith water/loot 18.70 36.90 !5.91 40.48 34.r0 7_4ty 49,56 49.00 98.56 --! xLt allicd I[ fircrdabl! lilhl wall pipc 1'- 3' in lrBlh3 ol21'-24'-25' '/ loolage reighubundle lnd. ir? i[.0.o 1.0. noninal xlighl tl buodle sires pcs. p bdle- 21', tolal lootage 21', total toolage 25' tolal lootrge 21' Ddle. wcighl 21', bdlG. r?igl 7qr tdlr. rei$t t 1.290 1.104 1.2210 s1 1911 2184 2275 Z.'J.J 2667 2777 w,1.638 1.452 1.5763 61 '1281 1464 1525 2019 2301 2403 -tur 1.883 1.687 1.8807 DI 1281 '1464 1525 2409 2753 2868 2.360 2.154 2.5214 37 t77 888 otq 1959 2239 2332 2k 2.857 2.581 4.0813 30 630 720 750 2571 2939 3060 3.476 3,200 5.0109 19 399 456 475 1999 2285 2380 schedule 10 S[ 10 allied schcdulc 10 \-_l' -{' in lrnolhs ol21'-24'.25'loolage weighubundle lndt sirr i|r 0.0.r.0. nominrl rall tickIesi itr. nomimltt'f* !lndle sitcs pcr. pat tdle. total loolaq? 21', lolal lootage 25'. total loolaor 21' bdh. w!ic[t 2a' tdlc. reiobt 2v bdlc. r?ioht 1 1.315 1.097 .109 1.40 91 1911 2184 2275 2675 3053 3185 1Yl t.oou 1-442 -109 1.81 61 1281 1464 1525 2319 2650 2760 th 1.900 1.682 .109 2.08 61 1281 1464 1525 2664 3045 3172 z-2.375 2.157 .109 2.64 'lt 717 888 925 2051 2344 2442 4.k L875 2.635 .r20 3.53 30 OJU 720 750 2224 2542 2648 3.500 3.260 .120 4.33 19 399 456 475 1721 19i4 2057 4v,4.000 3.760 .120 4.97 19 399 456 415 1983 2266 lto I 4 4.500 4.260 .120 5.61 19 399 456 475 2238 2ss8 t2665 e l4 VALVES LESS TAMPER SWITCH BB-SC100 (Threaded Ends) VALVES WITH BBVSC100 (Grooved Ends) BUILT.IN TAMPER SWITCH /i\ o THREADED EN GROOVED ENOS BBVSCS01 (Single Circuit Switch) BBVSCSO2 (Two Circuit Switch) 'Req6retct, I t flPofl raarcnarr expressed |n equrvalenl lenglh ol schedule 40 prpe BB-SCSOI (Single Circuit Switch) BB-SCSo2 (fwo Circuit Switch) DTMENSTONS - rNCr€S-{ /v srzE 1 1%1Y2 2% A 2 'ta 2 sla 2 tle 1v \ 4 r/o B c 'tt6 5 t3lzz 4 ztl^-6vs b{a c | -r16 1rs/ro 2 3l.r,'2 3la I s/ro D 1231^^2'le 2 3la J'/t6 ? r/- E ,", t6 t 5/ro F "18 G 4 tlz 4 rlz H 2 3la 2 7la w r3/ro 1 t/a 1 t/zl l rlre 2 tio Lro 2.25'250'3.25',\4.5' /10.o', / W -- rs lhe wrench make.up tength L.\,f MATERIAL LIST NO.PART MATERIAL SPECIFICATION lndicator Sintered lron FOOOBP 2 Housing Bronze ASTM 584 J Body Bronze ASTM 584 4 Handle Mall. lron or Brass 5 Disc.Srain. Stl.Type 304 b Disc Seal Vilon' Elastorner 7 Switch Housrng Die Cast Aluminum M I LWAU KEE VALVE COM PANY 2375 South Burrell Slreet Milwaukee. Wrsconsin 532O7 valves buill lo take al since l90l . . {-i.iri*,.., . .. r. o o wApproved @(u,}.-*". For use wilh lire p.otection sprinkler slstems 175 psi SUPERVISORY TAMPER SWITCH KITS AND BUILT-IN ASSEMBLIES PATENTED 1. Arnailable factory assembled or as a separate kit for field assembly. 2. When mounted on lhe BB-SC100 Slow Close valves and wired up. lhe s\Mtch signals any move- ment ol lhe valve disc from the full open position. It also signals any tampering with lhe switch. 3 Supervisory control is available with either one or two S.PDf. prewired micro switch(es). 4 Switch Rating: 10 Amps/ 115 VAC - 60 H, 0.5 Amos/ 28 VDC 5 Wire leads arc 24" long. Consult factory for spe- cial lengths 6 See back page ol this spec sheet for installation rnstruclrons. SPEGIFIGATIONS FOR SLOW GLOSE T SLOW CLOSE BUTTERBALL VALVE ASSEMBLIES PATENTED 1. Provides slow opening and closing properties in a quarter-turn valve. The purpose is to eliminate hydraulic shock and water harnmer in tire protec- tion and other liquid s:ystems. 2. Economically replaces cumbersome O.S.& Y. gate valves. 3. Gompact, lightv,leight manual operator has sccilch yoke design & visual position indicator. Close cou. p'led lor positive direct drive 4. Available with or wilhout a buill-in supervisory lam- per siwilch. 5. UL/FM raled at 175 psi. Also available at 350 psi with NY.C. B.S.A. approval. Appro\€d by the New York Crly goard of Stds. & Appeals under C€lendar No 996-81.SM. for bdh 175 and 35O osi MODEL DESCRIPTION SIZES BB-SC100 BB.SCSOl BB.SCS02 Valve Less Switch w/single circuit switch w/lwo circuit switch UL/FM 175 psi - Threaded Ends NYC BSA Approved W BBVSCIOO BBVSCSO1 BBVSCSO2 Valve Less Switch w/single cilcuit s,vitch dtwo circuit switch UUFM 175 psi - Grooved Ends NYC BSA Approved 2" 2 th,' BBHSClOO BBHSCSOl BBHSCSO2 Valve Less Switch w/single circuit *ritch w/two circuit switch 350 psi - Threaded Ends NYc BSA Approved 1', 1 /<" , 1t/z' 2". 2 th" BVHSClOO BVHSCSOl BVHSCS02 Valve Less Switch dsingle circuil switch dtwo crrcuit s,vitch 35o psi - Groored Ends NYc BSA Approveo z',. 2 '/r" BB-SCKO1 BB.SCKO2 Supervisory Tamper Swrtch " Single Crrcurt Supervisory Tamper Switch - Two Circuits Fits All Valves Fits All Valves MI LWAU KEE VALVE COM PANY 2375 South Burrell Street Milwaukee. Wisconsin 532O7 Valvcs built to lake it since l901 INTERMOUNTAIN SUPPLY, INC- 6045 E.76th AVE. 44 COMMERCE CITY, CO 80022 PH - 303/287-6992 . FAX -.303/288.C552 I Application Ihe Ames 4ffOss prorides protection to the potable water supply trom con- tamlnalion caused by a cross connec- tlon ln a htgh haad aPPlication' I Installation The 4ffiss should be insftllled wlth a mlnlmum cleannce of 12" betweenthe lowest poinl ot the assembly and the floor or qrade. The 4tl00ss maY b inshlled iorizontally or vedically (llow ud. Reler Io local codes lor specilic inibtfation rquiremenh. The assern- bly should be installd so the discharye can b puitivelY dninedavaY' AMES \Aw[S E 8AtKR0lil AssiM8tts The Ames Company loundod ln 1g1O has long been an industry teadar ln p.oduclng llftings and talyos !o. plpetine systems. Atl Ames producb arc -^-..t^^L,^/ -t ,hai. Ah rvrtt -^ e t--it;r., t- rtf^^]|-^A r'-Dt^^t, ,^-ttl^n ^tatllv ^^n,.^t t ^ah^t aaffI.a Ames Backflow Assemblies: The Right Choice for Today, Tomorrow, and the 21st Century I Feafures . ilon-Conosive 300 series slarhless stul (lead tr*) hody. Superior strength.. 40% shoder end to end dinensions lor compacl lnexpensive installation. . Excetlent lor retrotit Inshllatlons. t 5()% Wter ln weight, reduca instalhtion and handllng cosls. . Compacl sfahless steel relief vatve with a bhnced rotling diaphngm and no sliding seals lor relhblelong term pilormance. . FulU senicable inling no special lools. Pretxted nr,terlited cam+hcr* axembly lor long tem reliabilig,Iow head loss, ease ol seniceabili$. . Single fwo-boll grcrcvd style cover lor quick and €sy access. . OnIyASSE 1013 approvedassembly lor vedial and horlzonbl apfliatiotts.. Oplional air gap dnin.. Hol and coU water appliations. I Nalional Approvals* ut uscFcccH& AssE F,r,r, AWINA, CSA, ULC I J -Wt & Dimensions sEf A B c D E F Net WL wllh Gllcs Net Wt w/o G!le6 2"t' 'r0'10"'t8"E-lrtStl 60s 36'10"10%"xtw 8'4"zan 5?t T {0'1r 1o,it-AE r M 65t 6"]?r---44',7t I5.11'A- 'l"38tB 1t0trz€vr'52li'"17th'15'3r r3|A'620f an* 10-23%"55|A"171tt"15''08'16"Strl w e; 12 3 /0 6.-J 8o 6o trq I Arnes 4000ss | 2k' & 3" Documented Flow Chancterisfics pacruonssr,r,ro,rrlr,yos,l I SpecrTicafions The reduood ptessure 0c/.Jlow praventa slrafl cordsl ol two lndapedenily oper- ahg,sping Md an+herlt raifus wlh a hydnulialy o4crated dillewilhl prwure rellel ralve icraled !r./;wecn aN below lhe camcfi ec*r, ruguirodtestcockrand opllonal lnlet and oudet rdienl seaf shuf olf nhras. Wheri nomal tlow exisls, bolh cfieck ralres are open and flro pressurs ln he arw be tween the checkt, alled lie zone, is afleasl 2 PSI lower than tte lnlet prcswe. The dll- f erenlial prasurc rctlet nlve is closd rlurlng normal flow. It cessalion ol normal tlow occuts,the dil{er ential pressura rdiel nlve will automatially open and discharge to main|r,ln the zone at Ieasl2 PSI lowerttnn the lnlel prexure.This action will prevenl a McKIow or hcksi- phonage condilion. Afterthe requked dillen enlial is esbblished, the dilterenlial prwsurc reliet nlve aEaln doses The spdryad cznt'alrn, rubberf*ed dl*and a replacatle seoL The body shall be nanu- lactured hon 300 serio$ sfain eos sleel, M lree, vtlh a slryle twebdt grooYad dyh access cover. lto special lools shall 6e requlred tor senHng. Tlp ',rl/lel tz,lw slnll be compad wilh a rolllng diaphngn aN rc sliding sah lhe rclbt uatw slall dtsdape lna3tr radlius' I Physical Chanctedstics Siza - 2h', 3", 1', 6", 8", 10" Rald wottlng pressure - 175 Pi Hydrostalh prassue - 3fl1 psi Tenpntun Range - 3X F - 14C F Flange dimension in accodance vith AWWA C/ass D Bdy ratahl - 3N seties sbin ess sfee, 150 How Rate (GPM) Flow Chancteristics Shui4tl Valver) ]c ot2 0 i;;:i{,,#,:rf,:':i;'^:Aii$"'*a 'Conlact lhe lactory lor specilic approvals 1200 1500 Haw FI2l. t(:DMr 10" D0cumentd How Chancteristics (t,rdtat4q shli.oil vaho) A UTI}Q ottl 6ctors The iVlodel 10/40 System Sensor vane-type waterflow detector, with a computer designed paddle, now fiG Schedule 10 through Schedule 40 steel pipe sizes 2" through 8'l The design of this unit makes it easy to install and simple to maintain. lt can be mounted in a vertical or horizontal position and is suitable for indoor and outdoor installation. Switch assembly and delay mechanism assembly are field replaceable. UL listed and FM approved. Other advanced features include: SEALED RETARD Assures that the retard is not contaminated by dust and dirt when the cover is removed. VISUAL SWITCH ACTIVATION Permits installer to accurately set the retard even under extremely noisy conditions. RUGGED SWITCH ASSEMBLY Switches are enclosed in a durable terminal block for added strength. Accommodates up to 12 AWG wire. l00o/o SYNCHRO N I ZATIO N Fires both alarm panel and local bell at the same time. DURABLE METAL ENCLOSURE Long lasting cast zinc cover completely encloses the electrical components to keep out dust and dirt. TAMPER RESISTANT lmproved self-guiding security screws and removal tools make detector resistant to tampering and simplifies field maintenance. ITIII\ -rllt^I- MAOE IN THE U.S.A. SCHEDULE 10 OR SCHEDULE 4(), ONE SYSTEM SENSOR WATERFLOW DETECTOR NOW FITS BOTH! 8SA -sYsTElw^SElusoR=A D/V/s/ON OF PlTTWAY 3825 Ohio Avenue . St. Chartes, lllinois 60174 .708-377-6363 'FAX: 708'377'6495 In Ca.Bda: 416-675-1695 . FAX: 416-675-7078 --^\{ ru ) (uLc)\z- Xa,p.ov€o (Ur ) Gengral Specifications -tne-type waterflow detectors shall be installed on system piping as designated on the drawings and/or as spec.ified herein Detectors Inr mounr on "ny.,."r p,pe rpan of the appropriate no-i.riisizd, either-a vertical or horizontairun, at least 6-Jrofi any fittings.whi-ch Vy change watei dir.ction, {low rate, or pipe biameter or no closer than 24" from a valve or drain. Detectors shall havea sensitivity in'rangelf 4 to 10 gallons per minute and a stati( pressure rating of 250 psi for.Z"-8" pipes. The detector shall respond to waterflow -he sfecif ied directlon after a preset time delay which is field adjustable. The delay mechanism shall be a sealed mechanical pneumatic rnit wiih visual indi(ation of actuation. The actuation mechanism shall include a polyethylene vane inserted through a_ hole in the pipe .rnd connected by a mechanical linkage to the delay mechanism. Outputs shall consiit of''lO Amp (dual SPDT swit(heVform C contacts). A conduit entranie for standard {iftinjs o{ common ly used electricalconduit shall be provided on thedetectors. All detectors shall be listed ro nohllbaFttbl. Inlliatlng :onc of llrlad FACP E ngineering Specif ications :)v Underwriters Laboratories for indoor or outdoor use. Approved: UL, CSFM, ULC, BSA, FM Contact Ratings: rriggering Threshold Bandwidth (Flow Rate): itatic Pressure Rating: Overall Dimensions, Installed: Operating Temperature Ranges: Compatible Pipe: Shipping Weight: ri jrj.;r:,;rii&i.:1, -,:friila$sirin lr:affi'lEFc.: 10A@125/250VAC 2.5 A@ 24VDC 4-10 GPM 250 PSI (Max) 2' - 8' 3.5"Hx3.0'Wx6.7-D 32"F - 120"F (ooc - 49oc) Steel water pipe, schedule 10 through 40. Varies, 4 lbs. - 7 lbs., according to size. l:ff P4{ Al6a4O} (n thc.ri.rr t ra A7t{ra2} G.a.d r..d o.o!id.d CONTACT RATINGS t25r250 VAC 10 AMPS 21 VOC 25 AUPS Typical FACP Connaation @-u -n n, I Typical Loc.l 8.ll Conncction gra.t wife es shown for supervision ol co.|oeclion. Do NoT rllow ltripped wire leeds lo erlend beyond switch holsing, oo NoT llrttnV wFo 2'- 8' WFD | 0rdering Information Waterflow Switches WFD Detector.10t40,3-1n' Detector.WFO60 Waterflow Detector, S<hedule 10/40. 6'WFO80 Waterflow Detector. Schedule t0/40, 8-WFDT Waterflow Detector fiB 1'. 'l-1/4'. 1-l/2' steel and brass threaded tees Master Packed: 6 uniB Supervisory SwitchesOsYZ OuBide Screw and Yoke Supervisory Switch -Two 5PDT SwitchesPIBV2 Post Indicator/Butterfly Valve Supervisory Switch -Two SPOT Switches Pr€ssure Switches WPSIO-I Alarm Waterflow Pre$ure switch, One sPDT. 10 PslwP5l0-2 Alarm Waterflow Pressure Switch, Two sPDT. l0 Psl WP540- | Supervisory Presrure Low Switch, One sPDT. l0-100 PSt wP540-2 supervisory Pressure High/Low Switch, Two SPDT, 1S.100 Psl Alarm Bells KMS-6-24 Bell,6',24 VDC, Polarized. 97 dBA KM5-8-24 Bell,8" 24 VDC, Polarized, l0z dBA KMs-10-24 Bell, l0', 24 VDC. Polarized. 104 dBA KB96-120 Bell,6'. 120 VAC. Polarized,95 dBA KBs-8-120 8€ll, 8', 120 VAC, Polarized. 98 dBA K85-1G120 Bell, l0'. 120 VAC, Polarized, 102 dBA Accessories 546-7000 Tamper Switch Kit for WFD Oetectors, PIBV2 and O5Y2 A3olo-oo A<ce:sorv Kit fot PlBvz (wrenches. Screw Pack) A3011-Oo Accessori Kit for OSY2 (Wrenches. s{rew Pa(k, J-hooks) AIOOS-OO Timer Asiembly for waterflow Detectors, 2-€' sizes (black) A77-01-02 Terminal Block Replacement A4027-OO Paddle Kit for WFDT only - 3 Paddles 507-6641 Tamoer krews for wFD Metal CoverwFOw Tamber proof wrench for Metal Cover (wFO Detectors. WFDT, O5Y2, PIBV2)HEXW Hex wrench for Supervisory Switcher All sprinkler items other than waterf low switches are single packed- ',r,?i,,rrr //l'trlr trr lvlrr.n ldi\rr A l)M\(!,,'l r!{\}.rv ^4.cfr_ IllI,GU T'lCOAPORATEO CORONACA.(71.1737'5599 Size Range - l" through 2" PiPe Marer;ot - drbon Steel Function - Designed to be used in conjunction with Tolco Band Hangers to reshict the upward movement of piping as it occurs during sprinkler head activation or earthquake type activity' The surge restrainer is easily and efficiently installed by snapping into a locking position on the band hanger. This product is intended to satis{y the requirement as indicated in the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) #13 (199I' Edition), + and 4-4- Can be used to reskain either steel pipe or CPVC plastic pipe. Approoals - Underwriters' Laboratories Listed when used with Tolco Band Hangers, Figs. 2, 2 NFPA& 2OO. Finish - MIL Galvanized Order By - Frgure number and tYPe. Type 1 For use with 1" & 1-1,/4" Type 2 For use with 7-7/2" &.2 FIG.25 SURGE BESTRAINER- 32C Surge Restrainer Fis. 25 Tolco Band Hanger .a\ I:Tll-attlllLlrs ll.|coRPoRlTEO coRoitAcA. (7rrt737-5599 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS FOR FIG. 25 SUBGE RESTBAINER Shor,rm here used with Fig. 20b and Steel Pipe Shown here used with Fig. 200 and CPVC Plastic Pipe or tt-tl -.\c/-IOLGUrxconroaaT€o COAOXA C: .. {tta) 7!t.59!t FIG.2OO "TRIMLINE' ADJUSTABLE BING HANGER Size Range - U2 thru 8 inch PiPe. lylaterial - Steel, Mil. Galvanized to G-90 speci- fication. Function - For fire sprinkler and other general piping purposes. Knurled swivel nut design permits hanger adjustment after installation. Spring tension on swivel nut holds it securely in hanger before installation. Swivel nut is easily temoved. Approuals - Underwriters' laboratories listed and Factory Mutual Engineering approved. Conforms to Federal Specification WW-H-171E, type 10, and Manufacturers Standardization Society SP69, type 10. Martmum Temperature' 650"F Finish - Mil. Galvanized, HDG, and Stainless Steel. Order By - Figure number and pipe size.oo ,/l\ I-t-'- L-3/8 2.s/8 l-il8 2.7/8 I 5.4-V8 r-3/4 7-3/8 s-v4 2. 9.r/8 6-V4 2 3/8 3/82-U2 3/8 W v2 xl xl 14ga x l-3/16 2.s/8 oo -r/2 -t/8 8.3/4 3-1/4 l2ga x L-l/4 40 rn rttr0 IXCO FIOR ATEO coAox/\ clt. oral r:tt-5sit FIG.42 ANGLE BRACKET Material - Carbon Steel Funcfion - Designed for supporting pipe at distances from wall or column. Finish - Plain, Electo-Galvanized, and HDG. Order By - Figure number, size, and finish. 32 B*l FIG.50, FIG.57, AND FIG.52 SIDE BEAM BRACKETS Size Ronge - (Fig.50) 3/8 inch rod. Size Ranse - (Fig. 51) 3/8 & l/2 i Size Ronge - (Fig- 52) 3/8 & I/2 inch rod. Material - Carbon Steel Funcfion - Practical and economical bracket used to support hangers from steel and wood beams. Approudls - FiS. 51: Underwriters' Laboratories listed and Factory Mutual Engineering approved. Note - Fig 51 is used toaccommodate current rod schedule per National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Pamphlet #13- It is necessary that whenever the NFPA rod schedule is used that this be indicated so that specific weight load requirements are satisfied. Specify rod size and Fig.51 NFPA. Finish - Plain, Electro-Galvanized, HDG. and Stainless Steel. Order By - Figure number, rod size*, and finish. 'Certified safety factor ofS - per3:15.1.2 NFPA #f3. FIG.50 FIG.50 utlItTT- illlr\,-..----r--'-.-l-------r--{4| !Bl-tlt--- A ---l ROD HOLEslzEABCSIZE sTocl( srzE APPROX. WEIGHT PER TOO 3/8 2 3/4 2 7/16 3/16v2 plor ro bE Osa MAX. REC. LAS. APPROX. WEGHT 7/8 2.r/2 3/4 2.1/2 rs/16 3/8x2-1/2 35 oJ . rii:. t :1,,,.4;d4iii**e;W)!#"4ffil' FEATIJRES.-.... SPRINK-LINE Ductite lron Screwed Fittings are 100%o aiFtested in a watet soluble oil solution. SPECIFICAT\ONS......Dinensions conform to ANSI 816.3; Material is to ASTM A536: Threading isto ANS] 82.1 NPT. UL and ULC Listed and FM Approved at 300 pounds wor4ng pressure- Ductile lron Elbow-9Oo Flgure 81 1 Size A wt. Lbs. 8ox otv 1'lt .24 240/w 151,..40 120 /1(1'/,4 70 1rl,r5 40 1r '/'.1.24 30 1.74 20 2'lz 2"t,,3.28 10 Ductile lron Elbow-9O' Flgure 812 Slze A B wt. Lbs. Bor Qtv 'Lx 'lz lt1,,11rr .33 160 1 x'/1tl,4 10 1xr/.lr/.1rl't .c5 90 1'1, x 'lz 1s/,r 1'lt .64 75 OU'l'l. x 1 1r/'.1"/'r .7i 1'1, x tl 1r/,".95 45 l'lt x 1 40 1'1, x 1'l 'lllt 1.14 35 2xtl,1.39 3 2x1 2t t,.1 .58 2x 1 ?1.67 20 2' lz x 2 21t,3 3.01 15 Central Sprink Inc. @ Ductile lron Tee-Reducing Figure 815 I Size A c Wl Lbs Box Qtv 1tl 't .46 95 ,| I 1t lt 1.h 1'lt .70 9l 'I 13lt 15t,.1rl,t 1tL .68 .77 65 55 I .|,1, lrlt 1rl. ltlr 11 1,, .66 .73 65 60 1't, 1 1 ltlt 1'l't 1r/'r 1.1, 1r/. ltlz lttl lthe ltlt l r r/'r 1rl. .81 .90 1.03 1.10 50 EA 45 40 1 1 1e/" 1tl. 1t l'. ltht 1.h 1 ' '/'r .87 .90 1 .10 45 45 40 1'tz 1 1'lz 1',h 1131'r 'l ,'/rr 131, lrV'r 1 r5/'r .97 1.14 1 .14 1 .52 40 40 30 JU 3l I 1!/. 1e1,. 1"/,r 11t, 1 .03 1 .10 1.31 40 40 30 1'lz I 1',h '1 'lAr 1'v," 1 "/,r 111, lrV,r 1 .14 1 .23 1.38 1.50 .tu 30 2 2tl,2 2tL 2.14 IR ?'1.2'L 2.31 15 1 1'lz 'ltlz 1tl' 1'1, 2'l't 2,|, 1 '5l'. 1tl, 2 2 ?t,t 2,1, 1.50 1.61 r.65 2.03 2.3V 30 25 20 20 15 '| 1th 1th 131,- 1tl, 1'V. ltlt 1tl. 1 | 5/'. 11lt 2 2 2rht 1.50- 1.67 1.91 2.05 2.11 20 20 20 15 1tl,1tl,2tht 2.2.15 Bullhead Tee 1 1tl't 13h .68 65 l rAr .97 45 1th 1 ! 3/'r 1'Y'r 1.14 35 1th 1'V,r 1 .43 1't,1tt,1rY'r 1.52 30 2 2't,2't.2 2.00 24 1th 1't 2rl,2't.1 .94 20 1'lt 2 21t,.2t l,c 2 2.00 20 23h 2rh 3.67 'tc 1340 So. Manhattan Avenue Fullerton. CA 92631 Telephone: (714) 999-0323 ^:t€f,L FAX: (714) 999-0631 Ductile lron @ m*l Screwed Fittings KmisTEpl ffiSPRINK- LINE FIRE PBOTECTION PRODUCTS Ductile lron Elbow{S' Flgure 813 Slze A wl. Lbs. Box oty .22 250 ae 150 1 .48 90// 1'l 15/'..73 50 ,5J 35 1.55 18 2t lz 1'3/'.?.70 12 Ductile lron Tee Flgure 814 Slze A wt. Lbs. 8ox oty /'b 1tt-.33 150 l!.1tl. -.50 90//t 't't.-.'t 60./ I'l 1rl.1_30 35 IA?24 2't.2.63 1? ?'t,2"t,,4.55 I Spcciticatioos suticct to ch:nqe wnhoar .orlce. O Oece6be,. 1993 Centr;tt Sprinr r.c Printed i.| U S a GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Slar Galaxy line of sprinklers are Super Stars. Galaxy sprinklers feature extremelY small f rame designs which are both stream- lined and aesthetically pleasing. Galaxy sprinklers, Model SG (OR), are perfect for lhe most architec- turally sensitive prolects and built tough to last. The glass bulb ele- ment does not project beyond the width of the sprinkler base, reduc- ing the risk of damage during instal- lalion and when in use. The Quick Response Horizontal Sidewall, Model SG (QR), reacts to heat as much as ftve times faster than a standard sprinkler. lt is designed for hodzontal rnounting and is ideally suited for hotels, motels, and hospitals - This sprinkler allows piping to be con- fined to conitlors, dosets or service areas, thereby limiting exposed piping. All Star Galaxy sprinklers are shipped wilh pre-applied Star- Seal sealant. This eliminates the need to apply pipe dope or tape in the field, saving time and money. 'OPERATION The glass bulb contains a measured amount ol fluid. When heat is apPlied, the fluid within the bulb expands- When the '. GalaxY 112" Horizontal Sidewall Quick Response Model SG (OR) rated temperature is reached, lhe bulb shatters and oPens the sprinkler. The sprinkler then dis- charges wder in a p+designed spray pattem to control orextinguish lhe fire. TECHNICAL DATA For use on wet pipe, drY PiPe, deluge, preaction or Preaction deluge fire protection systems. Approvals UL listed for light hazard onlY. Maximum Working Pressure 175 psi, 1206 kPa INSTALLATION Horizontal sprinklers should be installed according to the latest published standards of the National F ire Protection Association. Horizontal sorinklers must be installed at a minimum of 4" (10.2 cm) to a maximum of 6" (15.2 cm) below iinished ceiling. A specially designed Model SG (QR) sprinkler wrench must be used to install Model SG (OR) sprinklers to prevent damage and ensure warranly. MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Sprinkler insPections should bs made on a regular basis to detect possible damage or alteration. Automatic sorinklers should be replaced after 50 Years of service or if they are Painted, conoded or damaged. A sPrinkler that has been actuated can not be reas- sembled or reused. RePlace- menl must be made with a sprinkler of the same size, tYPe and temperature ratng- CAUTIONS Star Model SG (OR) SPrinklers are shipped with a lactorY aPPlied coating of Star-Seal lhread sealant, eliminating the need for 1t2" 1tzi Characteristics mm) orilice with mm) NPT threads. Coefticient Finishes Faclory Bronze, Chrome Plaled, White, Black and Almond. STAR SPRINKLER CORPORATION 112' orilice: K= 5.8, (8.36 metric) 15 (4 14) /69 5500 . (800)'558-5236 ' FAX (414)'769-8535 s200! 96 o fieb aPPlied PiPe dope or tape' Star Sprinkler recommends that no addilional coatings such as tape or piPe doPe be used. Al- ways store unused sPrinklers in a cool, dry Place. Never hang objects from sPrinklers. ORDERING TNFORMATION Please sPecifY: 1. SprinklerTYPe 2. Orifrce Size 3. Thread Size 4- Finish 5. Temperature Rating 6. Quantity 7. Wrench QuantitY AVAILABILITY AND SERVICE Star Sprinkler Corporation p roducts and devices are available worldwide through a nelwork of distributors. For information please write to Star Sprinkler Corporation or call 1-800-558-5236 for the name and address of the distributor nearest you. SHIPPING INFORMATION QuantitY 100 Box Size 17 -5lB' x 9-3/8" x 5-1/2" 44-B cm x 23.8 cm x 14.0 cm Weight 18lbs., B-2 kgs. 2.440 lN Horizontal Sidewall Model SG (QR) Shown Approximalely Actual Size WARRANTY Seller warrants {or a period ol one year from the date ol shipment (wananty period) that the products fumished hereunder will be free from defects in material and workrnanship. Fo r fu fther detai I s on warranty, see Price List. n 9.9 78 5l: 79 51.6& 5l-9 81 5a2e 525a 5a6 8a $2 85 53-56 53.8 87 54,1 68 54.,1 8S 54-7 90 56.0 91 553a 55.6qi 559I 562 95 565 96 55.8 97 t.l$ t.4 99 5/.7rm 58-0 z, I-rI {-74 312$ 31J3t 323p p.a s333 34 3.8 35 343t 34.8 97 At.3 36 35.6 39 52 10 $.7 41 37.1 a2 37.6 ,13 38.0 ,14 38.5 45 38.9 46 33 47 3S.84a!o2 49 {}.6 50 41 0 528 te$s r$ 5a2 r95 5,39 l$ 556 t97 56e rs5S rSt6 20rsat 2@sCt 26sgt 204 601 2056't0 20l 617 26 621 2q' 631 2tO 638 2r1 645 2t? 652 213 658 215 665 216 672 217 579 218 685 219 t85 r14ra 116r99 tlErc1?o 213 12, 219 12,1l6a7a2€ t3l ?,|7 r31 25{ 13 261 135 268 r37n1 18 241 1{ON 142 295 1.04 3@ 1{5 3Ut ra7 316 1a9 3?2. 193a 154 336 r5333 155 !! E/t F U> (a) =-t<J) xT ---lAr<\e/ =UJOo-_O <./) l-_ STAR 9PRINKLER UTNPORAIION Box 5 t | . 3OZ West L.Yron Avenue Milwauk.E. W 53ml (1t11 769-55A0 . I 4@553-5235 PRTNTEDINUSA' @g @R (L(ffiDffi Syst'em Sensort OSY2 fits to the open position of an OS&Y (outside screw and yoke) type gate valve. The OSY2 contains two sets of SPDT (Form C) contacts. lt is designed to mount easily to most OS&Y valves ranging in size from 1' to 12'. SINGLE SIDE ENTRANCE FOR CONDUIT Straight conduit entry above the OSY2 bracket and away from the J-hook adjustments makes the installation faster, easier, and helps eliminate unwanted call backs. Requires less expensive fittings. Durable metal enclosure gives the switch orotection from adverse environmental conditions. SYNCHRONIZED DURABLE SWITCH ASSEMBLY Two l0 Amp 125/250 VAC, 2.5 Amp 24 VAC switches provided as standard are locked in a synchronized position and enclosed in a rugged terminal block for added strength and durability. Accommodates up to 12 AWG wire. NEW BRACKET DESIGN Makes installation faster and easier. Suitable lor 1" to 12" valves. ADDITIONAL APPLICATIONS The O5Y2 supervisory switch, without its gate valve bracket, can be used to monitor side-bracket style pressure reducing valves. lts three-position switch gives vandal and valve close signals. The adjustable shaft makes installation easier. OPTIONAL TAMPER SWITCH KIT Mechanically activated by cover removal. SEMS CLAMPING PLATE BRACKET Enables wiring to conform with UL 753 Paragraph 17A.2. _ .'A D/V/S/ON OF PlTTWAY 3825 Ohio Avenue . St. Charles, lllinois 60174 . 708-377.6363 . FAX: 708-377.6495 In Canada; 416-675-1695 . FAX: 416,675.7078 An ITO Q00O Cpriilipd Cnmnenv MEA approveo GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Agency Listings: UL. FM. ULC' CSFM. MEA : I \l Contact Ratings. Enclosure, Cover and Base: Eracket Span/Heightwidth: Operating Temperature Ranges: overall Switch Dimensron5: shipping Weight: 5ervrce Use: Warranty: 't0A@125/250vAC 2.5A@24VDC Die-cast zinc 5-1t4't2" I1-31a" (14-6cm / 5-'l(m / 3.5cm) l2"F - r2o"F (0"c 49'c) 5-112"H x 3-112'\r{ x 3'1/4"O (14cm H x 8.9cm Wx 8-2cm D) 2.8 lbs. Centralstation NFPA 71 Local NFPA 72A Auxiliary NFPA 728 Remote station NFPA 72C Proprietary NFPA 72D 3 years t-F J,^,G MADE tN THE U S A .. . :..r;Ji:-".ca,.".r,:-:-r4&;riij. arefit \ ll-F#ffi"""' ll rP/N rYFow) T€rmhd blo<r( l€v6r rolLt R6t lnlng Nut lttTE: co.t|t|rdr r|d g codtactlon rtIs.'r"r'r{::,1 li:l-\ do.. ir" v.'e. trlolB rE or | .1 :l I i. \ l ,q l"i .d l fr:oNr^-ffi;cr E mrcs -l "/ i:- '-',-\" Frt25ov^cT io^nPs -1 lAllA .rt g l-.-s.na,z i-xtE--1--^ues-lU UI LI U U SblP G.0. J ro ^o{|.lLnc..bL htLllnc zoti. ot o.i.d tAcP Itplcl F C?Con Ectloa cllp Ara.k i|[ .a rhown fo. .rr.widoo ol clr'rtr.alo|r llo llOT rbr.trlp!.d rtst l-!, ro .r!a.xl b.tdd lxnch hou*rg.0O XOr bop rircr. o. trngineerArchitect Specificationsr 0SY2 Supervisory Switch Outside Screw-and-Yoke Supervisory Switch (OSY2) shall be installed on each valve as designated on the drawings and/or asspecified herein. switches shall be mounted so a5 not to interfere with the normal operation of the valve and shall be adjusted to operate within two revolutions of the valve control or when the stem has moved no more than one-fifth of the distance from its normal position. The mechanism shall be contained in a weatherproof die cast metal housing, which shall provide a side entrance for 1./2" conduit and incorporate the necessary facilities for attachment tothe valve- A grounding provision is provided. The switch assembly shall include two switches each with a rated capacityof 1o Amp @ 125/250VAC and 2.5 Amp @ 24 VDC. The cover shall contain tamper-resistant screws for which a security wrench will be provid;d with each swit€h. O5Y2 shall be Underwriters Laboratories listed for indoor or outdoor use. The O5Y2 shall be Factory Mutual approved- THE FoLLowING ARE EXAMPLES OF THE FOLLoWING MoUNTING ACCEPTABLE MOUNIING POSITIONS: POSITION IS NoT ACCEFIABLE: ru- ":+-Fw ACTUATOR ACTUATOR ACIUATOR VEFTICAL VERTICAL (OOWN) HORTZONTAL (potNTtNG up) hvar Odering Information Waterflow SwitchesWFD20 wate.flow Detector, Schedule t0/40,2.WFD25 WaterflowDetector,S(heduletW4O.2-tt/WFD30 Watertlow Detector, Schedule 10/40.3-WFD35 Waterllow Detedor, Schedule 10/40. 3-1/2-WFD40 WaterflowDetecto., watertlow DetEtfor. Schedule 10/40, 5" waterflow Detector, Schedule 10/40, 6" Wat€rt,ow Detecto., Schedule 10/40, 8- Waterffow Detedor, Fits 1', 1-114", 1-tD- ferrour and bra5t threaded teer; 1', l-114-, 1-112",2' <opper rweat tees; 1- CPVC tees: and l-1l2'polybutylene tees Waterflow Detedor, non-retard, fits same teer a5 Model WFDT Master Pa(ked: 6 unit! Supervisory SwitchesOSY2 Outside Screw and Yoke Valve Supervisory Switch -Two SPOT Swit(he'PIAV2 PoJt lndicator/Butterfly Valve Super.virory Switch -Two SPDf Swit€hes Pressure SwitchesEPSI0-f Alarm Waterflow Prelsure Switch, One SPDT, 4-20 p5l EP5l0-2 Alaam Waterflow P.e'sure Switch. Two SPDT,4-20 psl EPS40-1 Supervijory Low Prerru.e Swit(h, One SPOT. l0-lOO pst EP540-2 Supervirory High^ow Prerrure Switch, Two spDT, r 0-t00 Psr Alarm Eells KMS-5-24 8ell,5'.24 VDC. Polarized.9T dBA KMS-8-24 Bell.8", 24 VDC. Polarized, 102 dBA KMs-10-24 Bell, l0-. 24 VDC, Polarized, 104 dgA KBS-6'120 Bell, 61, 120 VAC. Polarized, 95 dBA KBS-8-120 8ell, 8', 120 VAC, Pola.ized, 98 dBA KB5-10-120 Bell, l0', 120 VAC, Polarized, 102dgA Sprinkler Product Replacements A.30t0-00 Replacement Assembly Kit for Pl8V2 (Wrenches. S(rew pack) 41011-00 Replacement Asrembly Kit for OSY2 (Wrenches, s(rew Pack. J hookt) 43008-00 Repla(emeot Delay Mechanirm {or WFD 2'-8- 5izes (Bla(k) 477-01-02 Repla(ement Terminal glo(k tor wFD and WFDT A77-01-08 Replacement Terminal glock for WFOTNRPRK9 Repl.cemeot Paddle Kit - 9 paddles fo. WFDT and WFDTNR (se€ WFOT for rizes in(luded) 546-7000 T.mper Switch Kit ior WFD, WFDT, Pl8V2, and OSY2 507-56-02 Repla(ement Tamper s(rewi for Cove.r of WFO, WFDT. wfDTNR, O5Y2. P|BV2. and EPSwBB weathergroof Back 8ox fo. KMs and KBswFDw Repla(ement Tampe. Proof Wrench {or Cover oI wFo, WFDT. WFDTNR. OSY2, Pl8V2, and EP' HEXW Reolacement Hex Wr€o<h for O5Y2. Pl8V2 WFD60 wtD80 WFDT WFDTNR P- Ar lif EPDM R.U Atst,{20 TEST MAXIMUMW : 350 psi TEMP : 250F FIeo oI \: omp.,/ | | 5 yolls. Proy 'swifclt monufqctured by others. t.t'o APPBOVEO FACE TO FACE a Pontn-Hffin, Hc. ofrftlb A Subsidi.ry ol JayR Sntlh Mlg. Co. 67 1A TWG'.WAY WITH SINGLE CLAPPEFI S6t Scr€w -----.---.-..-? Bearlng-J ^'-t--- "' -------- Neoprene caEket __-_+ TWG!.WAY WITH SINGiLE CLAPPEFI FLJNCTION: Used as an auxiliary inlet connection providing 500 G.P.M. minimum (Ref . NFpA No. 14) to supplement the fire protection water supply. Swing clapper provides unobslructed waterway. Exposed design is an economical method of satisfying fke dept. inlet requirements. FIEGULAFILY FUFINISIHEEI: Cast brass two-way inlet body, swing clapper and pin lug s,wivel_ Back or angfe outlet as selected by tigure number. Lettering as selected. Size 4' x 2y2" x 2i/i. OPTIONAL FINISHES: - B Polished Brass - C Rough Chrome Plated - D Polished Chrome Plated LETTERING AVAILABLE; AUTO. SPKR. STANDPIPE SPECIFY thread and lettering Flg. 5710 .Fig. 5715 . . . Angle Outlet TWO.WAY vl,ITH E OUBLE CLAPPEFIS FUNGTION: Used as an auxiliary inlet connection providing 500 G.P.M. minimum (Ref. NFPA No. 1a) to supplement the fire protection water supply. Drop clappers provide unobstructed wateMay. Exposed design is an economical method of satisfying fire dept. inlet requirements. FIEGiIJLAFILY FIJFINI€IHEEt: Cast brass two-way inlet body, drop clappers and pin lug swivels. Size and outlet as selected by figure number. Lettering as selected. all,@4 Mr-+ Flg. 5735 45' Angle Outlet OPTTONAL FINISHES: - I Polished Brass - C Rough Chrome Plated - D Polished Chrome Plated LETTERING AVAIMBLE: AUTO. SPKR. STANDPIPE SPECIFY thread and letlering FIg. 5720 Serles Back Oqtlet Flg. 5730 S€rles 9(r Angle Outlet oollsl LocationsBacl Algle:ll,.ilo Flg. llo. Slzr r . .:A.,'c /stzt 5731 4Y2x2kx2Y2 7%11W 8V2 11Y! 22 5732 6x21/zxZVz 91/2 10w I 10v 6723 5733 4x3x3 9Y2 11v?91h 11/ 5721 5734 6x3x3 10 11 't0%11 5735 45" Anole 4x2Y2x21/2 8 11 ALL OIMENSIONS IN INCHES e Hnnn-Hm, ilc. A Ssbsidir.y olJayR.Snfth r/fig. Co. FEATUFIESI c'F BALL SHUT.G|FF VALVESi . Large ports to minimize pressure drop and turbulence. . Low torque operalion. . Speed ol operation. . Positive closure. . Flow in either direction. . Straight through flow. . Forged strength up to 600 lb. pressure rating. . Eade of installation. . Collssrvss space. FUNGTIEIN: Used in the trim assembly ot alam check, dry pipe and automatic water con- trol valves. Used to control manually the flow ol waler to smallopen head extinguishing systems and as zone control valve. . Visual indication of operaling condition - open or closed. . Tested hydrosilatically in the open and closed position. . Simplicity of mainlenance. o Durability. o Reliability. . Listed by Undenivriters Laboratories. Inc. e 4pproved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation. FIEGiUIAFILY FUFINITHEEI: Forged brass body. Cadmium plated vinyl insu- lated handle. Chrome plated brass ballwith nylon seat. Female N.P.T. inlet and outlet. Size as selected by figure number.I chrome Plated Brass Ball AI.I OIM€NSIONS IN NCAIES CAPSi ANEI CHAINS FUNETION: Use to cover and protect male threads on valves and hydrants. Oiscourages entry of loreign matt€r. ARIAIIONS: wilh rocker lugs (sutfix -RL) 2y2" a d 3' size available in plastic (suffix -P) FLANGiEsi FUNCTICIN! Used to trim pipe entry. BFASST wlTH SET SCFIEW FIE€UI.A3ILY FUFINIBHEEI: Cast brass flange with set screw. STAMP €ITEEL SFLIT RINGi FIEG||JI.AFLY FUFINIEIHEEI: Chromo platod stamped steel split ring flange. Avo Hnn-flt6tr8, tilc o^fl,ft-,'m ANG;LE FEMALE X MALE FUNCTION: Used with a fire hose rack assembly or as a fire dept. outlel connection. FIEGULAFILY FUFIN ISHED: Cast brass valve with red hand n heel. Female N.P.T. inlet X male hose thread ou et. 300 lb. rated Flg. lW Size SPECIFY thread OPTIONAL FINISHES: -B Polished Brass -C Rough Chrome Plated -D Polished Chrome Plated VARIAT]ONS: Extended stem up to 24,, SpEClFy length /s" pelcock SpEClFy location DGIUE|LE FEMALE FUNGTIG,N: Used with a iire hose rack assembly. FIEGiULAFILY FUFTNT€|HED! Cast brass valve with red hand wheel. Female N.PJ. inlet and outlet. 300 lb. rated Fto. 4o?0... 1y2,,size 4075 .. . ....... Zyz, Size Famale X Male shown Ik-A ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES AEIJUSTABLE PFIESSiUFIE F|ESiTFIICTING! ANGLE VALVE FEMALE X MALE FUNCTIC,NT Used with a fire hose rack assembly or as a fire dept. ou et connection. Water pressure is controlled by adiustable flow restriction. lf full flow is required the restriction may be overridden. FIEGULAFILY FUFTN ISHEET: Cast brass valve with red hand wheel withpressure reslricting feature. Female N.p.T. inlet X male hose thread ou et. 300 lb. rated. Furnished with field setting chart. Flg. 4080 ... 4085 ... .....:.. SPECIFY thread OPTIONAL FINISHES: -8 Polish€d Brass -C Rough Chrome Plated -D Polished Chrome plated E OUEILE FEMALE FUNCTIG,N: Used with a fire hose rack assembly. Water pressure is controlled by adiustable flow restriction. lf tutl flow is re- quired the restriction may be overriden. FIEGULAFILY FUFINISiHEEt: Cast brass valve with red hand wheel with pressure restricting teature. Female N.P.T. inlet and outlet. 300 lb. rated. Furnished with lield setting chart. lW Size 2Ve" Size F-8 Ei'r 4090 ... 4095...1W Size 2Y2'Size Double F€male shown 1v, | 2%6v,sVz c E IY2 2Y, 2 -T E ftia^ t '7 2V, | 3V2 o1/-'111/2 31h 2Y1 I c0ntrsct0r : vllu collsllRucTI0ll cslculated Bt:[uElY cllllE Constructlonr I l-Corbust ible [[]-Xon-Corbustlble odrupsrcy'oilllnAll [MlaD lXl-XtPi 13r t l-n. trt. lXl'0BDIx[w il?IEI] GE0UP,I I l-tl(.[il[AD. I l-mFA 231 | l-XtPA 231C, TIGUH: Clr[l't: Ll-orlm (SPeclfllr ll!-mtC$IC nil,n0: ' l{tlll BI:. Dlt[r Iter 0f trprlntler 0peratl0n:15i0 Syrter T$e t DdnltJ'.ts lll-ffi t l-DBt I l-Dttuet I l-P$-AcIIqll EoEe Allfionce GPlr llslde:l t SPIImIER 0[ ll0[t[8 | Eose llifisnce oPtt' 0utslde:251 I{akerstar ltodel:Perdent llcl Sprliller Allorance: Slze'lt2 [-lactorrs.8 Terpersture Batlng:ls5 - c$cwur0[ 6utfft8l -------- GPI lequlred:583.8?P$I Requlred:{?.50 'C' factor Usedr 0verhead:120 Underground:1{0 ------- [[IER SUPPIY --------- lon:22? Bulldllg:ll ' ml88 n0l{ I[sT . r PUI{F DIIA ' Dste t Ilrc!6-2-9{ 11t.[. lated capactty: Statie P$Ir10{ [t P$I: Resldual PSi:93 Elevatlon: oPil Floring!575,55 BIevat ion: C Locstion!0ore Ct. Dr. & Brldge 8t. Source Inforratlonrlloc Test t c0l,,0Rll)0 REG. t94- c14 Systen ilo. CIIXIEPACE Contract llo, 11291 Draring llo. l.P.-i Celling Belght:8 ft. ' TAIIK OR RB$ER{OIR Capaclty: Eievation r r HBI,I, ' Proof llorr BEST COPY AVATLTAALE J,t I t rd,:.'* ITDRIUIIC sIII{HIAT .:1i1;t0 psl. 93.00 psl. [ 5i5,55 gp!. ,;:25c.cl gpr. 'resi., 4?.5t psl. | 583.31 gpr. [nctudtng loee Allorenceller 95.51 psl. t[e ayeter ts 19.61 ft/sec. PIPS ITPE Trc8M 4C = SC$Dlll,B {lll = SCEIDUL! lC ru = fiIlt tul [D = ACTUll, Dlil{ntn CK = COPPER TIPE I $ = COPPBR TYPB I, Cl{ = C0PFBR TYll l{l[ = P0x-[0c CP . CPItC t BEST : '' CO'V j,rr, AVAU-ABLE j sft,., I J.r.l LI.J tz,5 tz.5 2r .5 JI.] {1.5 51.5 61.5 21,5 zt.5 21 .5 lt.J 2l .5 21 .5 21 ,5 2l .5 21 .5 2t .5 It .l 21.5 zt.5 21.5 : iFl l:r,.' 22.{l r,- 0.CCl'ti,t, 22.{l i l.0C 21.5 IT,J tt.7 21 .5 21 .5. 21.5 2r.5 ?1 .5 21.5 21.5 ,2r .5 2l .5 Jl,t .. 3l .5 :,;31.! :. ':31.5 3t .5- 31.5 BEST COPY 215 . l8.C? r.00215 18.t? ,, C.to.211[ l8.t? t.0c.liilr ls.ci g.oe{rlc r8;0? 0.0c 21?D 18.0? 0.00211 18.0? 0.t0 Sprlntlei Prograi bf ipl Eoftrare, Ini, 31.5, 31.5. 3l.t 31. !. 3r.5 31.5 31.5 31.5':, 31.5'.,, 31.5. 31.5 Jl.J t, 31 .5 :i 31.5, JI.] 31 .5 s l8.c? i.00 ll .l 31 .5 :.. r 3l .5':' . lt B :-'... . :t,Jt:., , . 31.5.;" {1.'t,ri {1,5 {1.5 ' 41 .5 BEST COFY AVAILABLE 'i 'l[Er 8prlft]er Prograr U tpB $oftnare, Inc.Pager 3 rLr|'AIIoil [-rlcT0n lffiA DEil$ItytrtETl lsg.n.l lePil/t0.Fl.I 41.5 4l .5 41 .5 41 .5 4i.5 {1.5 {1.5 4l .5 5l .5 5l.5 51.5 slt , 9.{t t.tl [t t 51.5 5l .5 51 .5 51.5 51.5 51 .5 tl t 8ll :' 9.{t 0,m 51.5612. 9.{1,. t.CC s1.5El3 9.{l , l.m: 51.56t{ 9.{l f.ct 51.5 ^ 815 9.{1 l10c;,1 51.5I\ $16 9.ll t,tC 51.5 -) ELt g.{1 o.co 51,5 tt.) ll.l II.J 51.5 lt q 51;5 51 .5 .. ll.l ,51.5 51.5 3r1J BEST i$lL"t . 'I[E' Sprlntler Progral by tpB Softrsre, Inc. : . ELBVMI0I [-llCT0B [Bti1. {rutTl ls0.n.l r f:C0 t .09 t.el . :. 0.0C t{ , :19..f6 : 25.32 l5 '- :. l9.l? . 25.59 0t.l 6l .5 0r .l 01.) DI.] 61.5 5l .5' 61.5 51.5 61.5 12. 5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 t? ( 12.5 t2.5 12 .5'It t 1t I 12.5 12.5 1? I 12,5 12.5 12.5 r.l5{ t.l6t t.t83 0.199 t. t97 1.159 1.155 t.189 r. 20c c.2c0 c.211 c.213 0.2t1 c.1?? c.l?l 5.8 5.8 5.8 5,8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.0 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 l2c l2c l2c r21 120 lzt 120 t2l 120 t2c tza 12$ l2c 120 121 15 .. 2t.68. 0.00 : rti .+jl:., '":1r',!gr,:.2{.lZ . l0i: ;,'.' :.rf3:3Jrj'" . Zt.Zt'titl-'', tZ.iii,';'il.ts ,,li,.1iij : .41,1'l ;f I : rr ,,r._r.__ _,.:.j:- 'f ]&i, +-h\! -?l_.r.. 3 I ci':}pyi I AI/Aff.Agt E' trIOII DIAI{8IBB TNE IIIlilI, [cPr{l lilc[t8l !&16I[ ; llll l'!ltUl[ ffi HIGTI fRICTI0il lrE[Tl '' lFrxTl lrxErl [P8i/rr.l 1t.tl Pf -, ''ti I : tPgll 1:1:r' I'1,.51 .57.51 0.C14 14t .5.42 t.96 : 6.61-i 29.21 ti3.14 t.r14 1{e 0.0t t.dl 6,611 c$L:": > ul 333.3? 4.54C 40 GtE i:: i012, . 333.3i {,25C ll L[ 5 l2,CC l8.t[ t.026 lt0 0.00 . I.3t ?.St,. [Er ltrq Flor DePendent Pressure loss Devlce h the preceedlry plpe accouts for 1C.8{ ' psl of the totel frlction loss 'Pf''.'.; t g!1 , " 333.3? 4.260 l0 t 5.?5,: !,e62 333.3? {.260 1l lI 23.1t,e62 333.3? {.260 lt tI 23,?5 25.t0 {9.15 0.026 lzt t.CS 1.28 ?.5$,,<.C83, t.0t 1.26i ll L zl 6.Cf ?6.1t t.tCC lzt t;it t.il t.t!:: < [cl: . t.fc {.26c il 15 '. t.0t t5.ff t.t00 l2t t.tt tjfi, l.tf < If?' r 'l.lC {.260 ll tZ t.tg 12.il N.et0 l2t o.il l.ll',' l.lt plpe accouts for 1C.8{ ' psl of the t0tet frlction logs 'Pf''.'5.0t 11.?5 0.C25 tl| -2.t1 t.3i ?.5# '';;1!.|f5,:' ,' !.!! i < ilt ' f .0c {.250 lt :. 3 il|=: ' C.gC {.26C ll^* [e.!i . t.oe t,z6c rl?::<l2i- N.le 2.635 lo t.!t r.260 lr t2 t.tc lz.f0 i.e0c 12t 0.0c t.ft t.tf,,-' c;0c 4.25c lt lz t.ll 12.|| c.tg0 120 t.m l.!l, l.l!i,:'.. f.0e t.26c il t2 c.ft 12.il c.tcc 12t t.ct ,t:it,. r.il! t2 t.m 12.f0 i.e00 12t s.0c t.ft t.tf ..- r.c.li, tb t.ts ra.tt y.fcv tLt C.ll tiCt : l|.ltr... -< [e.l; l.0e t,z6c il t2 c.ft 12.il c.tcc lzt t.ct l:it, t,ilfi .*<?2i- N.re 2.63s . lg TtG zz tg.ct {1.0t c.tcc l2t c.it ' t.ii'"-, t.til''< 126 l.0l 2.635 lt 3 f.i0 3.ll I.CCC lzC t.0f l.Ct t;ft r tl;tzzi:.: .'. l.l0 2.635 ll 9 t.|| 9.|l I.CCC tlt t.il f:fl f,iti'i:.<,116', C.00 2,535 l0 tl l.ll ll.ll l.l0C 120 l.tl l.ll ' l.lL+r '_ ltt a an rt a,tc i?2t- c.tc < l2i' ' t.ol c.fc 2.635 t0 rr r.00 tr.0t c,c00 12t 0.0t f,ci c.fc'' ll.tp. , < tl3l l.ll 2.535 10 It t.cl li.lc 0,f00 12i c.0l l.cl l.cc l"F[4L-- < l0l 0.c0 1.104 t([ T .5 5.t0 5.5! i.0c0 12N 0.c0 t.0t t.m.. i!.0l,i..i,r <;rtz c.00 1.452 xr, E 12.5 1.0' 15.50 0.c00 120 D.t0 f.ct !.i!',, I-q3i:: . !!1r !,1! 1.{52 rr r {.5 5.c0 10.50 0.cgc 120 0.00 Li0 0.0c'''Ifl:.=; ' < le{ 0.0c 1.452 [t T ].5 E.i0 13.5c 0.000 rzc 0.0c r.0t !.ft, F-0.t", , < t0! lc{.t' < te5 0.00 1.104 )(r .5 t.0t t.50 t.000 tzt c.0t 0.gr t.tc0.90 r.452 l(t E t2 3.00 15.C0 9.000 rz0 c.00 0.0r i:04e,00 1,{52 Xt I 1?.5 3.0C 15.50 N.00c 120 0.00 c.00 0.ee" 0.c0 1.1c4 til, .5 t.0t 0.50 0.c00 12t 0.t! t.m !.it. t: 0.0C 1.452 l([ T {.5 E.tf tf.tC 0.00C lzc t.Ct t.it 1.0},:l;;_t.ll 1.452 )0, T ?.5 f.CC 13.5C t.000 lzc c.0t c.st t.rGir.;it.lf 1.104 n .s t.ft t.5t r,Cgc lzs 0.CC l.tt t.it3*':t.til' r.452 xt I tz 3.m ts.tt t.tst 't2t t.m t.m f.!t*. t,0l' l.{52 _ r(t B t2.5 3.tC t5.5C LC[0 12C _ C.Cl f.it f.ti+-l.ll 1.1t{ xt .5 i.0c 0.5i 0.000 12c !.rc f.c0 c.cc:i:l.ll 1.1t{ xt .5 i.0c 0.5i 0.000 12c !.0c f.t0 c.cc:x "-;':. t.fl" 1.{52 [l t {.5 5.ll 11.51 t.il0 120 l.ll l.il ,:.l.tf.:!:::i't.q0 t.{52 n I r.5 6.ft 1t.50 N.rgt tzl t.m t.m ii.rr'*. t.00 1.1c{ n .5 t.00 t.5a 0.cc0 tzt 0.0t t.fl n"i,..|.!1.., l.{52 n t. I 3.fl;,':yl{.51 .,, .l.llf I2l l.ll f.ff1'- '1. 3l.fl:.: ,Jjrl3.fl '''. l.tfc lza c.ll l.ll,,.' l,:l: t{.25 l.tf l{.zt I f.l0l 12t c,il l.ll.'lii,., l.ll0 lzt C.tt l.ll . , . ' l.ff ., ,,, ;;f. l'li'ri:':.1-r t {.?5 , , : l.ll . t.?5 l.lll l2l f.tl' ;, l.ff . ,' ,0 {.t5 l.tf {,;?5 f.t0t 12t c,il l.ll''rii,i.t:|r u.635 1l {.15 l.tf {,;?55.5 . t.|| 5.5trlJl 2:515 - 10 l0 IE 6,qt_"il;...,lt.lt.;..-21,61 . t.tct lzf !.m t. l.{52 r, I 11.5 3,t0 1t.5t c.000 120 e.tc t.lt11.5 3,t0 1t.5t c.000 120 e.rc r.fr12 3.fl _ ts.tt r.mr tzt t.l| l.ll ., rrf.ll::j ltlt{ [I, .5 . ".,l.fl' ':.f.51 l.lm 12| l.ll 'l.ll ' .1.il;fl l.{52 IL T 1.5 5.|| r.5t t.icc 12i t.et : t.|| 1..:c.|l t.152 n I ?.5 6.|| !3.5t f.trf lzt t.t| t.t| .f.{t.t} t.llz xr .s t.tt 't.5t t.mr lzt f .n 'f .mr, t. .:- 1r{52 ._n t ll.5 Fffi,':' ti'zor ''.'lf ftt ;?l ' 3;25c l0 .tc " 1,268 lt l.ll0 l2l l.ll . f.fl ' ,ti] l.lll l2l f.tl' , l.ff,- ,,, ;.f.1tl.!C,,. 3!268 ltl;ll ' 2.635 l0 t{.25 l.tf l{.zt{.?5 . l.|l r.?5 5.5 . t.|| 5.5t t.il0 tzr c.rt9 , l.lr g.tf t.tft rzr c.!lf.cc 2.535 lC 1.5 .. -. ., '1':f.ll .1.51 t.fll ' 12r f.il trIIE: BRIDGB1$.TEI 'I[E' Sprlnlrler progran by FpE Softlare, Inc. -C.qey pase: TrpE prTrrrcs r'ilGrs E'., rrlrcT' T0T rElrGrE rnrflr'r ,-,,*urAilAlltFlEuuorru BEST, ''' r:1*q'; {18811 lt881l {r8ETl lP$/rT.l {P6rl lP$rl IFT/$8Cl BECIII EIID IIODE IIODE rMH DIAI{BIER lcPr{l (ilrc[E$loD 922 < [2{[2{ < [24A 821 < [01[c? < [26g26 < 825[26 < [28828 < V21lz8 < [29l{t{ < 809 809 < 8N8$t8 < 8Nt.$c? < 895$i6 < 8t5si5 < 6c{ 8C4 - < 80{ASi{ ( $e28t2 < 8e3802 < $01sto < $11sll < Sizsll < $11s15 < 815s16 < 8U .\ $13 < s05ll $13 < s14 !7 516 < $0?s23 < 522s23 < 825825 < 8e8 618. < 82tA $21[ ,- < 82lB g2c[ ' < 820] _ 82C < 621' 821 ( 819 , ,"$18 < 8181$19 < 818 .6C9 <,928 - 0.0c 1.1C4 n i.452 )(t 1.452 Xt 1,687 n 1.452 )Gt.t0{ )([ 1.452 nt.10{ t(L 1.452 l(t 2.635 10 2.154 l C 2.15{ rC 2.154 10 2.154 l0 i.104 xt 1.104 t(t 1.104 tG 1.104 nf.i0{ n 1.104 )(t 1.104 )(t 1.104 )il, 1.104 xL 1.104 )(tf.i04 xi 1.104 [t 1 . 104 )fi, 1.104 )(l 1,r04 tG 1.58i )0, 1.104 l(L 1.452 l(t 1 . 104 )0, 1.{52 t(L 1.104 )(t 1.104 )G i.452 l(t 1.104 lfi,f.i04 t[, 1.452 t(t I , {52 )0', 1.452 Xt 1.1e{ n 1, r0{ )(ll.le{ xt t.104 Iil, 1.452 l(l 1.1c4 - tG 1.00 2.635 10 9. 08 12.00 8.00 0.00 5 .00 0 .0e 5 .00 9. g0 9.00 rN.00 0.00 0.0t rc.c0 0.t0 5 .00 5 .01 5.C0 2.00 2.00 5 .0s 0,00 2.00 5 .00 5.C0 5.0$ 5 .00 2.00 {.00 5 .0s 8.C0 ? .0c 0.00 ? .00 0.00 6 .0c .l.00 6.00 5. 00 ?,.c0 19.t0 0.00 6.i0 c.Nt 5.0t 5, t0 5 .0c 4.0c 0. 00 5 ,00 0.0e 0.0c c.cc ' 5;00 ' 5.e0 0.c0 0.0c0.50 0.000.00 0 . c0c.00 i.clf.0l 0.00c.0f c .00 c. g0 t.0ct.0c 0.00t.0t t,00r.c0 0.00c.ii c.0c0.0r c.00 | , N0 t.0cc.00 0.0c0.tc c,c0 i , c0 t.00 c. fr 0.000.cc c,c00,00 c,0e 0, e0 0.000.00 0 . 00t.00 0.00$.00 0.000.00 0 . 000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0 , 000,00 0.00 0 .00 0. s00.00 t.00 [. t0 0 ,00 0 .00 c.000.00 0 . 00 0. c0 c,00 c ,0g 0. 00 0.00 . 0 .000.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .000.0t 0.000.0c 0 . t0[.00 c .000.00 0.0ec.0l 0.0c . 0. 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Ct 8.5t 8.C0 L'.IJ 5 .31 5.00 l{. c0 5.00 1t .09 14, 17 6.50 11,25 12.83 5.5e i0.33 5.s0 5.50 5 ,00 15.25 5, 0c 15,83 13.42 1t.25 16.42 2.09 22.5t 21 ,00 8,25 5. 83 9. t0 25 .00 2.25 11 .1? 5 ,15 7 .50 1c .00 5,33 12.67 I .83 5 .83 4.33 { ,00 10. c0 ? .00 6.33 13.00 8T EXBS I 0.$00 120 0.0c0.000 129 0.c0 0.000 12t 0.00c.cgt i20 0.000.0tt lzc t.c0t.000 12s 0.c0 LC0C rZ8 0.08 0.0c0 120 c.cc 0.000 120 0.c0 LCe C tzl 0.010.0ct 120 0.c0 c,000 i20 t.t0||t0c t20 c.0N 0.0eN n0 0.ifr.c00 120 t.0c0.t00 120 e.0lr.000 120 0.i, 0,000 120 0,ti 0.000 120 0.00 g , 000 120 0.00 0,000 120 0,00 0,000 i20 9.000.t00 r20 0,00 0.0e0 120 0.0c 0.000 120 0.0c 0.000 129 0.00 0.000 120 c,00 0,000 ue 0.0i 0.000 tle 0.0e0.[00 120 0.c0 e,c00 120 0.ct 0.900 120 0.0r 0.000 120 0.0e 0.00c 120 0,00 0.000 tzt 0.00 0.000 1 20 0. 08 0.000 120 0.0c 0 .00c l2e 0.08 e.000 t20 0.c0 0. 000 120 0 , cc 0.00c Izc 0.00 0.000 120 e.cc 0.cc0 120 c,00 0 .00e lzc 0. tt 0.0e0 120 0.cc c.ee0 12a e.c0 0.00c 120 0,00 0.000 126 0.00 0,000 120 e.00 0,000 120 0.0t 0.000 120 0.0c 0.080 120 t.tl0.00f LzC C.ll,i. 0.00c: 120 0.c[ 0.00fr.;, 1.2C, . C.tl : .,l.r - :. * .:i;tli.J;',o 1,, .' ,l.,.ljt.r; ,'. ,,;,.--,,i;r,' , T ET 0tt T I t T T E E T E T I T T t [[ T T 8T BT e .00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 c .0c c.00 c. 0c 0. c0 0.eN c.09 0.qc 0. 00 , !.c0 t.0i t.00 0.0f 0 .0c c .0! 0 .00 888 B1 I T E c8t T I T EB ,8 '188' EQtt ilICTS I0T tEllcT[ lRIcTI0ll C-IALU8 Pe Pf IBI0CITT(rBBrl {rEnl lp$r/rr.l tpsil tpsrl [Fl/sEcl t.452 ru T 1.10{ \x[ ,33 I 1i,l? 6.2! 5.1? 1{ t2 8.5 t2 1C 10 I l0 le I 10 l0 I 2 10 6.0e 0.00 5.CE c.t0 5.00 15.6t 0.tl t.fl 5.m c. cl t.tl ri.$ l.fl il.$ c.0c c. r0 c.tl 6.01 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.0c g. [l 6.09 8.00 0.e0 6.0c 0.cl 5.01 0.01 9 i0 2 2 2 2 10 15.00 0.000 t28 0.0010.00 0.001 120 0.001.0c 0.000 tzt 0:0c0.33 0.000 lze 0.00i3.00 0.0c0 Izt t.cc21.11 s.00t tzc 0.gc1.33 0.gtc lzt g.0t 6.25 0.0t0 tzt t.0l1.5C 0.0tc tzt t.0N 5.1? , 0.000 12t ,0.0t 14.C0 0.26? 12r C.eC 13.5C 0.322 lzt c.0llz.lt 0.08? 121 ' :,0.1t 18.50 C.1t2 lzt t.0t12.00 e.ci0 tzt t.0c1t.N0 0.c88 12C !.0C1i.t0 0.329 12i '.t.ci1{.00 a.nz nn c.tc1c.00 0.093 12c 0.0010.00 0.348 120 0.0c14,c0 0.214 tza 0.0e10,00 0,105 12c 8.0010.00 0.393 lzt 0.091{.00 0.2{1 12t e.00z.6i 0.132 12C i.00 10.00 0,036 128 0.088.00 0.135 12C 0.0s2.50 0.03? 12i 0.0t8.90 8.150 tzt 0.001t.00 9.s{1 120 t.$c 0 . 00 0.0c c. 00 c.000.t0 c.00 t. t0 0"00c.00 l.0t0.cs 0.00t.l0 t.t[1.il t.t!,t.tc t.cet.m. t.0f3.1{ 19.511.3{ 19.t8 I.15 ' 9.{11.89 lr.2lt.t0 t.c8f.88 6.2N3.29 12.652.83 11.58i.93 5.393.{8 13.e53,00 11.93 1 ,0s 5.823,93 13,933,38 12,130.25 9.19 0. 35 {. 5l1.08 9.1e 0. ci 4.5{ 1 . 20 9,86 0. {t {.91 11{ r'r:< fl5, : .0,00 . l';10{ n i{15 .,,t 116., 0;00 1,.r{52 . l(L "115.,.;1 ,": ltii ,r-.rs,00' ,'t.tc.l )0 f16 '', r< flN51,,,' ' , C.00 .;1i68? ' II tt6,-':,;,< lC6[. ,,,' -0:te ZJs{ n ICSF:A< f!t.:: : ,.;i.!t ' '2.635 llr2l .' <r22, '., c.ic 1.10{ n ICZ r'( rui: i'' t.lt 1.452 tG C82 . '>.13'.':"]'. i 333.31 2.635 1l 13 ., >.l!lt:':;:g216.16- U '154 nll .',r,.,>'l:':;'...]i;t:ll?"19' . 2.15{ , n13 >t5:':..,'i16.51 , 2.t5t n16 '< l9 0.0c 2.15{ nI t z i,,lt, 18.5t. 1,.lll II,z '' < I'r: n '3i.lg l.lo{ n3 < { 59.?5 1:452 n? <8 . 19.08 t.lt4 nI < 9 '. 38.95 1.104 il,9 < le 61.59 t,452 Xt18[ < 18 20.36 1.104 lil,18 < 17 4i.5? 1.10{ [l .T 8ET I {lr L:l L} E tr E {Uf:l m^-. - : t---i _t L tit .|-r lllj \ E {D E(r!o$ I /-.\ l-l'a : !! CFI{ Regulred:52l .{4 PSI - 'C" lactor Used: Overhead:120 ' . ; EVnD lrTa n2:I IYDRIUUC DBSIGII IllF0Rl{ATI0ll SllEEI islf Iaie:CQIBRRD BRIDCE BUILoIIIG Dste:i-29-9{ [0csildn:227 BRIDCE SL ] c0t0nAD0 R8c.t94-e{4Bulldlrgrll Systen llo. ll[$I FL00R cortract0rr[It],8 c0]l$TIRUClI0]l contract N0, il291 Colculated ByT8USIY C[IltE Draning }l0. F,p.-l[ Comtructlon: I l-Co$ustlble IXl-flon-Conbustlb]e Celllng fielghtrS tt. 0ccrpsncy! oruIllARy EAU ARD 1.: -'-i--"-'-'-------'---i-=-"-'---- SISTEI( DSSIG}| -----:--- i '.t 'i Uli[FP[ 13: I l-u. Uz. [Xl-0mImBI [[tl8D GBoUP:I t l-sx.uxl[D. I I:ilFPI 231 t l-ilrPA 23lCr llG1l88r CURIIE: t l:0T8EB (SPeclfl!: i iisprcrriinur,ric, : ;- Area -of $prlntler 0perstl0n'15e0 | Systen Type , DenBltI'.Is lrl-lEl il-Dnl il-DBtuos il-pR8-tctl0ll lree Per Sprlnkler:l2e 8S. lt, lose lllorance GPI{; insldere t Spnlilnm 0R Rotz[E . Sose nlorance GPU: outslde:zse ilale:star l{odel:pendent Ractr$prldler Allorrance: $lze:1/2 fi-tr&ctor;5.9,., lenperature Aattng:l55 _- - : - ----- - _ _- _ - - - - - _ _ _ _ - - - - _ -:- - qltfl,till0lt sultxARl __ - - -- - - legul red: 55 . { 3 Underground:140 IITEN SUPPTI i IAil[ 0H RX$XWoIR Capacity: Xlevat lon: I rB[[ r Proof FIor: EgST Gspy AvArilAR,_E ".,*,? ru'is ;:rr II r[$[ slJPPrr I]Irm[[Tl0ll f\ $rtlcr i04.e0 psl. --l Reslduair 93.e0psl, 0Eose; 250.e$ gpn. 6?5.55 gpn, $yater reElres: 55.43 psl. [ 5?1,{4 gp!. uncludhg [ore llloHancel $qplt ovallabler 9i.19 psl. gafetl llargln! 4t,?5 psl, lMlrur yel0cltl h tie Itster l8 18.8? ft/8ec. C0illNltf at all nodes satlsfled to 0.01 gp|, TIllNG I,ECEIID I - {3 DEGBBE Bl8ofl I - 9f DlOXlX t[B0l L = 9l Dt88Bl [0[01|J8fl s[80t I = tlB 0l CR0$$ B : SUlftBltf lltff G . GllE [ltt8 C : C[tC[ 9[[YE Pnt rnl tEGRltl) {l - SCIBDUffi 4e It = S[Iilfir le l(t = 18I[ rML lD = tcluM DIil{8?Bn c[ = c0P$8 ryPs ( CI = COPPSR TTPE t CII = COPPTB ITPE H P[ = P0U-t0c cP = cPyc !L,. BEST CCIPY AVAIl.ABLE ll0l88r llle! ![IDC[18.T[B 'T[g' Sprinner ProgrsB by PPI softn8re, i[c. Poger PBESSURE FtOI'xoD[ {P6Il . (cpr{l 8t8tr[Tr0il fi-trficT0a AREI 08ilstly llBEIl {$0.rT.} (gPUsg.tT.l 882 3{,69 csl cs2 c8l Itgl |il2 [c3 36.65 35.r8 35.32 31.15 25.82 22,19llt{ 18. 16lt05 13.82121 23.65126 21.11 c22 ' 21,{?Fl6 19.65nt t8.8{tel lt .51ff2 r5.t{rg3t 18.56rcl u.35tc{ l|.2{8e5 1c.20 ^r. 105 9.90Ig0? 16.86 -- r$g l?.3bftg t?.{ltll lt.e6n3 15.99 Ft 2 16.5UFif 17.58n5 18.17t15[ l8, tenr t7.?9n9 11,12r18 n,zlt2t zt.lltzl 21.{1tzll 21.t7tlt 21.11rtl zt,l1tzt 2t.,1$r 26,82?t2 25.82n3 26,82il{ 26.82fl5. 25.82il6 26,82$, t6.82 521.4{ 0 c . 0$ 12,5 0,c0 12,5e.00 l?.5e.00 1? ,5 0.00 12.5 e .00 12. tc,N0 r2.5c.ee 21.5 t. c0 31.50.e0 {1.5 f.0t 51.5 0.08 61 .5c.c| 2t.5t.c0 21.50.c0 21,5 t. c0 2l .5t.m 2r,522,19 21.50.00 21.50.00 21,5t9.54 2r ,5e.co 21,s18,52 2i,518.25 21,5 t1,dr LL,) tg.t D t-t .l c .80 ?t .5e.00 21,5 23 .9C 2t ,523,51 21,524.32 Zt.5e.t6 21 .524.61 21.5 e. t0 2l .5?4,t1 2l,52{.08 21 ,5c.00 21.50.0c 2l ,5r.r0 21.5r.cc 2l.lc,m 21.5t.m 21.5t.l0 il.5t.il 31.5t.m 31.5l.es 31.5r.il 3r.5t.l| 3l.5c.t0 31,5 - l.$ 31.5l.m 31.5 . t.cc 31.5t.tf' 31.5e.t0 31.5 F0r UI VL 8Bl s5.{3 {9.36 {8.36 {5 ,81 souRcl BEST COFV AVAILABLE -. It5 l.u LD 5.8 t.u 5.8 5,8 5,8 t.! 5.8 irl 115 lll i15 115 ll5 115 115 n5 t1) 115 f.193 l.t?c 0 ,151 0. r59 9,261 c, 21e I .2f8 e.205 t.2ll c. 215 ,.2r2 r.209 i ..-- r - , r! -!!.- ' r L.rr!-__- Ftorl lcPl{l EtsVlTI0lr [-Ftcloa [R8r DBltSIlItF8rrl t$0.F1.1 l0PU$0.r1.1 213 25.8? C.t0 3t.52Q4 25,82 0.0e 31.52f5 U6.8? t,00 31,52t5 ?6.8? 0.0e 3r.5201 26.82 o.il 31.5?t8 26.82 C.Ct 3l.t2f8t ?5.82 f.il 3r.52t9 X6.82 0.CC 31.5zlt 26. $? t. cc 31 . 5l!|[ 26.81 t.|| 3r.5llt 25.82' t.|| 3r.52lll 25.82 r.|| 3r.5212 25.01 t.il 31.5n3 25.82 l.tt 31.5?n[ 26,82 t.n il.5 2l3r . 26,8? t.NC 3l.52U 26.82 t.il ll,5zlll 25.81 r.r 31.52t5 ?5.82 t.ff 31.52t6 26,82 C.Ce 31.521il 26,02 r.rt il.5 21?8 15.82 | , e0 3l .5zllc 26,9? t.r0 31.5?l?D 25.82 r.r0 31.5211 26,82 0.CC 31.5210 25.82 0.0C 31.5119 ?5.82 0.tC 31.5zta 26.8? c.ee 31.5il ?6.8? 0,0t 31.5sllt 26.02 c.0c 31.5mlB 26.8t f .0l 31.5Efzl 22.19 l.|| {1.5il?l 22.t9 r.il {t.5[fz 22.19 C.il {1.5813 22.t9 f.00 {1.5Bf{ 22,t9 e.0c {1.5815 12.t9 C.0t $.tm5 22,t9 t.ti {1.5ilr 12.t9 0.il {r.5[f8 t2.t9 t.tO fl.5mt 22.19 f .l| {1.5lil 22,,9 t.et fi.5ill zz,t t.m il.5u2 22.ts 0.|l {l.t$l , zz,rr t.n {1.5[H 22.t9 t.Ot {1.5$5 22.t9 t.|| {t.5n6 22.{9 f .Nt fl,scrr. t2,t9 e.il fl.5Er8 22,t9 t.ft fl.s __ 819 22.+9 t.0t {1.5ftn zz.ts t.n tt.sVE8.,i,ir. 12.f9 f,ll {t.i [221'l"diri lz.le l.fl tl.5 EE:_.::. 12,{9. l.l0 tt.5 BEST COPY AVAILAbLE .t'l lroD8 PR8$SU8S Ft0il(Psrl {oPt{l EIBIIITIOI K.FICIOR AREI O8}ISITY(rBBIl ($0.tI.l {GPl{/so.tT.l ,-. -rts2{- [24[ 825 [?6 [?]. [28 [29 fllc s0l $t2 se3 Et{[ s9{ $c5 8t5 8t? 8C8 $09 stc Di I sr2 Dl J $14 Dt0 .---gl?rts18[ sl8 bt, s2c $204 $2e8 s21 922 s25 825 s?? s28 rut I02 tl3 flf{l fl{ ll5 fl16 tl8 llc9 nr'' llt [12 ^lilltl7lll Itt fl6: 22.49 22.49 12.t9 22.49 22.49 22.49 2?..49 22.19 r8.15 18. r5 18.16 r8. t5 18 ,16 18.15 18, t5 18.t5 18.15 18.16 18.15 r8,15 18.16 18,i6 -tu.tD 18.t5 18.t5 18, i5 t8. i6 r8.16 18.16 18,15 18.16 r0.t6 t8.15 18,16 18.16 18. 16 18.16 18. l5 18.16 t3.82 13.82 r 3.82 13.82 r3,82 13.82 r3.82 13.82 11,02 13.82 13. 82 11 ,82 13 ,82 13.82 13.0t 13.82 e,$0 $.00 $.09 0.00 0.00 N,e0 0.00 c,00 0.00 r. t0 e .00 t, c0 0,0c , ,0t c.ee f .00 0.00 c.0[ 9.ec t.00 0.00 0,00 s,s0 0.00 0 .00 0.00 8. 00 0,00 [.00 8 ,00 e.0e t. t0 c.0e t.0E 8.00 t.0c c .00 0,00 c.e0 t. Et g. ge 0.0c c. c0 |.t0 e,ce |.N0 0.ee t. 0c r.c0 t, c{ 0.e0 e .0t t. el t.m c.0e 4l .5 41 .5 41 .5 {i.5 tt It] .J {t .5 {1 .5 {t ,5 51 .5 51.5 tl I 5l ,5 5l .5 51 ,5qt ( 5l .5 51.5 5r .5 51 .5 tr t )1,1 5l ,5 5l .5 51,5 51 .5 51,5 5l .5 51,5 51 ,5ql t 51.5 5l ,5 5t .5 5t.5 51 .5 5t .5 51.5 61.5 6l .5 61.5 0l.l 6t .5 5l .5 0t .1 61 .5 0l .l 6t ,5 61.5- 61.5 5t.5 61,5 61.5 AVAILABLE Ioc, ErntlI0t tt8ml 61,5 6l .5 51.5 DI.] 61.5 bl ,l 61.5 5l .5 6l .5 t? ( 12.5 r2.5 12.5 12 ,5 12.5 r2.5 lt, t 12. t 12. ! t2,5 12.5rt t 12.5 t? I r 2.5 t2, 5 12. 5 12.5 12.5 rltt$I11 l8P[/$0.8t,1t80.$.1 BEST coPy AVAILABLEr3,0? 13.82 13,8t 13.82 13.82 11.82 - 13.8? 13.82 13.8r' , 13.92 .,:,35,t8 , . 35.?8 3t.ru ' : '. 35.18: 3t.tN 35.18' 35.?8 . t5.t8: 35.?8 35.?8. '35,?S 35.?8 35. r8 35.18 35.?E 35.?0 35.?[ 35.?8 l.tt 0. e0 0.0t t.ae c,fe t.tl c,tt t.t0 t.|l t.tl t.tl t.tl r.ct t.tl LNI t.fll,tl t.tf r. tl c.0c t.ct c.0l t.00 0.c0 t,!c t.0c t. !0 t.0f 0.80 t.fc 3t,?8 35.?8 ttl'e:'BRIDGIIS,l[B 'IIB' Sprlnt]er Prograr by IpB gtiftrari, S8CIil BIID iloDE ll0D8 rLO[ DIAI{8IER 1YPB TI$IIGS t8il01fl lcPr{l (Illc[Esl 0B8T] roy [B[sI[ Tot [8ltGI[ FRICfIolt C-|'fituB(PrErl (N88T] {PSritT.l lP$rl (P$l {rr/6Ecl Gi'tl}u2 > B[1BBl > BN2 BR? ) Cgl c$l > c82 c$2 > c63 c83 > Holilcl < lt02 H02 < [03 [03 < lt04[et < [e5 l{01 > ?21121 > l?6r25 > 122llt '> n6itri > fl0n0 > t03[Fl2 > 103rcl < lg2Ftz < FeSi Fe3 > P0{ lt4 > f05tro{ > t66 ^\107 < FegLP$g >108 -'F89 < Frorle > trlIilt > t13tll > ll2il{ < t15rt5 > F15[n5 <n6 n5 > ll7Nl? > Flg11? > P18 NzC < l2lNzt < l21At?L < N22t22 < 123121 < tr25t23 < 12{iltz < Ieitcl < legfcg < Tl0110 < 1e2Itz < lll' Te3. < T0{ft4 < Tl5tes < 205 ,:96 < ?e5ttlt5 < zlnzltl < zlt2t1t < ztzzgt < T05 271.44 4,5{0 40 ?n,44 4,540 40 2?r.44 4.540 40 21t.44 {.260 l0 eT8 25c ?4.1?8E 5.?5 LL D 42.51 6?.5? 0.01$ 29 .21 103 ,44 0.010 25.51 32.36 0.010 12,00 18.00 0,01s ' ll0Tl, The Flor Dependent Fressure loss Devlce in the preceedlng plpe accourts for 10.85 i{e 5.42 0.55 5.38 140 0.00 t,00 5,38i40 2.11 0,31 5.38 1?g 0.00 ,11,18 5,11 psl of the total frlction loss 'Pf' r20 -2,1? 0,?t 6.il27t.41 4,250 t0 r 21t.44 4,26fi 10 r,T 211.44 4,26b 10 t 21t.44 {.25$ lCc.t0 +.1.6t l00.ce 4.26s tc c. tt {.26c l0s.00 { ,25e 10 2,l1,{4 2.535 10 211.14 2.635 le 21r.+4 2,635 l0 21t.+1 2.635 10ril.95 2,615 "i0?8,5e 2.535 J0 56,31 1,re4 )(t22.t9 l.{52 $ 78,50 1,452 lG ,15.'17 1,{52 XL, 18,52 r.t0{ n 18.25 1.452 Xt 23 ,8r I . {5? )(t:i.i6 ].10.1 )ii 11.91 1,452 XL 41.41 1.{52 I[ 23,90 1,10{ xt 23.57 1.452 )(t 24,32 1,t51 l(t24.61 1.10{ )(t{8,99 1.{52 )([{8,49 r.452 rt14,il l,l0{ lG 24.08 1,{52 )([0,00 t.t5z l(te.e0 1.194 )il,l,0l 1,452 l(tc.00 t.{52 XL,0,00 1.45t )(L0.0e 1.{52 n0.80 3.26N Iee.e[ 3.26e 10t,0c t,25t 100.e0 2.515 leN,e0 2.635 lC0.00 2.635 100,c0 2.535 ]Ce.00 2.15{ - l03,3$ i.45? I[0.ce t.452 Xtt.0t t.lt4 r[0.e0 l.{sz )(tt.t0 l.l0{ l(t 6,C0 t1.15 0,0t8 26.00 49,15 0.0185.0c 26,00 0,018c.00 15,e0 0.e180.cc 12,00 t,000c.00 12.0e c.eeoN.00 12,0e 0,00cc.0e r2,c0 e,0cg 19,10 4l,cc c,t83 q l( ,: l( 20 15 IL T2 t2 12 .l 1t.) 4.5 1q tzt 0.0e c.88 1?0 0 ,00 0. t5 120 3.90 0,26 128 0.t0 t.0t 5.ll 0,1-t 5.ll 0. t0l2e 0.0e e.cc 0.00rzt 0,cc !,t0 t.00 120 0.00 0.9c c.ce 1?0 c,l0 1.49 15.91i,e0 3.c0 e,183 t20 0.0e 0.55 15.9? T8G 22 3 10 1C - l0 t,tc 9,ce 0.183e.0N rc,ec 0.183r,00 1t.0e 0,080e,00 le.e0 0, c18 5 ,00 5,50 0 , 589 3 .0e 15 .50 0 . 0326.00 10,50 0,3356.00 13 .50 L4820,00 0,50 0,0883.00 15.00 0.0233.90 15,50 0.$370.00 0.50 0.14,i 6.00 10.50 0.135 5. e0 13.50 s.i32 0.00 0,50 0,141 3.00 15,0e 0,0363.00 15.50 0,0380.e0 0.50 e.150 6.C0 10.5C 0,1406.ic 13.59 0.138 e,il 0,5c 0,141 3,te l{.50 e,0383,t0 t5,t0 c,c00 6,0t 1t.5r 0.0105.Cr 13.5e 0.ee00,il c,5r c.0r03.e0 1{.50 e,ece3t.t0 f3,0t r.tfcc.t0 l{.25 o.fegt,ta {,15 0.mc0.c0 {.?5 e,c0c0,rf 5,50 [.ct00.ct 9.0e g.oeec.0t Lt0 0,0t0 15.00 21.6.1 0,0ee 6. tc 5. tl 15,67 t ,00e10,25 e. cee izt 0,00 L6{ l!,9?:Pe e .00 1.83 15.9? 120 0.0e 0.80 1N.21t20 e.00 0.18 t.52r20 0,00 3,?9 10.81tze 0.ge 0.50 {,30 120 0.e0 3.52 15.21 T T T E I T E 1?E i2.5 ,5 Iq .lE i2E lz.5 r20 0.e0 129 3, 00 1.11 1.n0.0{ 5.21 0.c0 e.000,r0 0.f0e,tf e.et 120 0,00 0.34 3.54r2g 0,00 0,5? 4.51i:0 0,00 $,0? 8.10 120 0,80 1.42 9.30tzg 0.00 1.79 9.20 t20 0,00 c,0? 8.$rils g.0e 0.5{ {.51 120 0.00 0.59 t.?ttzt e.e0 0.er 0.2?l2c 0,ce t,{r 9.{9 12e 0.e0 1.85 9.{e 12C C,0r C,Cr 8.18 "129 0.ee 0.55 1.67t20 c,c0 0,0i . 0.t0 f T B I I T I tsl T8 8E T E I 4.5 5 l1 .5 t2 {.5 ?( l1 .5 t?. 14.25 4.15 {,r5 5.5 9 1.5 6.5? 9. 6? { ,25 10.83 ? rt c.ec e.50 0.cge 12c 0.0e e.e0 l.cetzt 0.0r t,m l.tl 12e T.e0 c.0c t,N0lzc r.Nc c.ct l.tct2$ 0.00 c.lc i.llr2r 0.0e 0.00 0.ll 12C e .et c.il Lll 120 LCC o.il e.l0 12$ 0.00 0,00 0.elt2c 0.00 c.cc r.fl 12s 0.00 0.0e e.0c 120 C,C0 t;C0 l,l0 t,0r 2 . t0 c. tcf3,CC t3,83 0.0$05,0t l.?5 c.ct0 120 0. 0r N . c0 l,lf 120 e,00' e.ce 0.c0 129 0.e0r2c 0,00 129 0,e0 r20 r,roegdfo COFIY c.cl -. ,' -" -',/* T : AVAlt 4 r"j_r! trlle! BIIDCBl$.lm FI,O[ DIAI{8TEN fTPE FiTIII|GS I,,IIIOIE l0Pr{l tlilcsEs} lFBEf} 'T88' $prlntler Progran'by 80'l tB[Gt[ Iof [E]tG18 FRICtIoll c-fAtu8 tF8ETl (tEtrl (P8i/rT. ) Pe Pf V8[0CITI {PSrl (PSrl (slrs8c} 88GIII ENO I'loDt IIoDE 2$1 l0l f08 201 10? u 08t 2e8t 2!9 219 210 Te3 2r5 215 215 2r6 It9 21?C 2I1C 2l ?t 2l ?t 218 219 219 -\215UJlt:l 2l lt ne3 fl10 809 [08 Ie8 ECI 8e5 mt 8t1i su8 ls2 If2t [021 m3 103 [ll Ie5 dtr [13 [13 [16 . ll7 911 l';flI9 -z trLl gzl 822 < 1e6 < Te'l < 108 < 108 < ?82 < 208[ < 203 < 208 < 209 < ?Lt < 21fl < t0l < ?15 < 21tl < ?l3l < 2l{ < 2l? < 2lrc < 2l?D < 2l?l < 2l?B < 211 < 219 < 2?0 < T10 < 21ll < 2l3B < 213 < [10 < Btg < [c8 < [31 < [c? < [06 < [02 < [Nll < gnB < fltz < m2[ ( ICZB < Ef3 < gl{ <m5 < [05 < [12 <ml <il5 < [11 < g1? < [18 < [20 < [?0 < [21 < 127 < E?3 0.00 t . 58?0,00 t.452e.go 1,{520,90 t.4520.00 I . l0{ 0,0c t.452e.oc 1.104t,00 1 .1040,0c 1.452 t.0c I , 68?c.3e 1.10{0,tt 1.58?c.ee 1.452c,l0 l.rc{0.cc t,1520.00 l.l0{0.00 l,{52t.c0 l,{52t.0e 1.104t,0t 1,4520,90 1,1040,0c 1,{520,e0 1.1040,08 1,1040.00 1,4520.00 |,4520,00 1,1040,80 1.104e.00 3,2600.00 2,635e.00 2,635 0. t0 I .452 t. ee 2.635C.Cl 2.15,{e.c0 2.154l.0r 1,{52c.0c 1.104 t. ct I .4520.0e 1.{52LCt l.{52e.il l.t0{l.lc l.l0{c.ee l.{520.0t t,452t.ec 1.452 |, t0 1.{52f.0e l.1e{c.0t t,452c.r| l,{520.if t,l0{e.0e 1 . {520,00 1,i04e.0t 1.{52N.m t,{52e.0e I . te{ Qll T I -t T t T T T T TI I-L l(t n t0, xI l([ ](L t(I, [I xI l([ IG l(t rt )il, tfi )(l 10, XI )(t )(t t(t l0 t0 1e n 10 l0 10 It II, tf, Ifi, Iff. l([ Ifl, l(t l(! )fi, l(t IL ltt I{t -[t,t! {t t([ t0, XI t T ETGT I LI E ET l ,'| 10 r0,33 5.31 2 .33 8.83 t.tJ .83 l0 t? 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CSo 0.0r0 f. e00 t.t8e e.eoe l. coc c.eec 8.0c0 0.009 l.mt 0.0tt 0. ctl t.0cl t. t0l r.ce0 t.ctf e.eoe Lttt l. teo f.00c 0.0c0 0 .0t0 c. rce r.ftl 0.00c 124 0.00 0.00 9.00 120 $.00 9.00 0,09rza 0,00 $.00 0.00 120 0,00 0.08 0.0cna 9.00 o.eo 0j00 120 0.00 0.e0 0,00rze 0.00 0.00 0.00t2e 0.0c 0.00 0.0Etla 0,00 e.ce c.00lz0 0,N0 r.ct [.tct20 0.00 c.ec e.0gtza 0.0e c.00 0.00 120 e.00 c.0e e.N0lze r.00 r,rc c.r0 120 0.00 0. e0 c.0cI20 0.00 c. cc c.0t 120 0.00 0.ee e.s0 120 t,0r Lcr l,tlrlt e.00 e.cc 0.e0t20 0,00 c.00 0.tctza 0.00 0.0e e,0e 120 0,e8 0.08 0.t0 120 0.00 0,e0 0.e0 120 0.00 0.00 9.00 129 0.gs 0.s8 0,00 120 8.$0 0,00 0.$0 1Zs 0,00 0.e0 o.es 120 0.00 c.0t 0.e0r20 0.0! 0.e0 s.00I?t 0.00 c,00 0,c0 120 e.0e 0.ee e.$s 120 t,0e N.0e i.t0 120 e,00 e.8c 0.cl 12e 8,0N 0,e8 E.CCtla 0.00 0.0e t.t0tlc 0.0r 0,0t Ltctzs e,0e 0.tc e.0el?0 $.00 c.l0 - 0,00tzt 0.e0 0.ce f.0c 120 l,0l 0.ll l,lf 12C r.00 e.ec t.ec 120 t,tc l.0E e,ltne 8.00 c.ec 0.eer2c 0.0c t.il t.fctza e.00 e.0e f.c0 120 t.c0 c,0l l,tctzt 0.e0 0,e0 0.ccrzt 0,00 0,m 0.0ctz| 0.09 0.0e 0,e0 12C e,0c 0.ce i.tct?g e,00 e.t0 e.celze 0,ec 0,c0 $.00tzs 0,00 e.00 e,eeLlt 0,0t N,cl c.gt 12C e.0c ' s.lc 0.ce E I E t T I I B T I f l 18 T I I T T i I TI I EtrST ,.cCIrY 1 AVAILEEI E : -|-' 81ler 88lD0ll$.I88 'I[8'Sprl BBCIN EIID lt00B t1008 F],0[ DIAilSIEN TIPX I1ITING6 LE}IGTS toPr{l (ilrcEts} {r88fl Bov 18ilG18 I01 TEICTS FRICIToI C-vmux lr8Ell lNEEfl lPsr/Fl,1 Pe Pf tBtoCItY tPsrl lP$Il lPr/s8cl qrii [21 EO? uz0 826 [20 828 l{N { $e9 s08 se? sc5 se5 s0{ st4 st2 st2 Dl ! sll Dt 1 s15 rI0 JIJ sillsrrvis23 s25 s08 $20[ 82CA s2t s2c 818 819 se9 s28 828 l{l5 m5 155 flt5[ H55 flf5[ Iil9 tl9 m5 ft{[ r0{ - r02 -.Fe8Urrs tl0 Hlf 1.452 1,t52 I ,681 1,45? l.le{ 1.{52 1, t0{ 1 .452 2 .635 2.15{ 2 ,15{ 2.15{ 2 .15{ l.1t{ 1 .10{ 1.101 1.101 l.lt{ Llc{ 1.104 l.lc{ 1,104 1,10{ 1,10{ 1,104 1.1C4 i,t0{ i.101 1,104 r.68? l.ll{ 1.{52 Llt{ r,{52 I ,10{ 1.1e4 l.{52 l;10{ l.r0{ 2 ,635 I,r52 1.{52 t,{52 I .10{ l'lt4 I .lt{ t,lc{ 1.t52 r.il{ l.{52 _ t.{52 I .l${ 1.1t4 1.452 r .10{ < 924 < [2{A < [N? < [25 < !25 < [28 < 921 < [29 < $09 < 8C8 ( 807 < 8e5 < 805 < 80{ < s0{[ .< s02 < 803 < 8el < bil < slz < sll < sl6 < sl? < s06 < s14 < s0? < s22 < s25 < $e8 < $20[ < szlB < s20 < $21 < slg < $1gl < 819 < $28 < s26 < g2? < l2l < 155 < [c5t <ng < H56 < lc5'<ngl < ll8 <m{ < rc{ < lc2 < [0] ( l{09 .< llt . <fllI <n2 0, c0 0 .00 0,08 0. 00 0. g0 t.e0 0 ,00 0.00 c, c0 0.0e 0.00 c.ce e .00 e.ec t. t0 i. e0 [. t0 c.00 0.0e 0.00 0 .00 s .00 0 ,00 s .00 0, 08 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.0c 0.00 0.0 8 e.00 0 .00 e,e0 t,rc 0.0e LCe 0.00 0 .00 t.e0 c, if e.00 0.il 0.0e r.0t 0.e0 r. !0 t.0e c.00 s.0c e ,0c 0 .00 l.tc 0. tc 0. !e EI IEEE T I t ET GI,I T I I T I E I T I T T I T B 8E T T 8? 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C0 6.3 35.0t l3,0c BE$T . c#isY, lltir{t -rtr{l t 0.0ec r?0 0.000 12a 0.000 t20 0,000- 120 0 . e00 l2e s.960 120 0 .0[0 120 0,000 120 0. eco 120 0.000 lzec,tcc lze e.000 lze 0. 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(cpr{l (ilcsBsl (FlBrl (lBll} FBBII (psr/Fr.} {Pfll tpsrl' lFt/sBc} ^- ---------- l]\rr < uG e.eo r.4s2 rfi, T 9 c.ee r5.0r e.ogc 12e l.ee c.00 0.e0.../r{lt < lfl4 0.00 t,t04 lfl, l0 0.00 10.00 0,00e Iz' 0.c0 0,ct t.tcu4 <l{15 0.00 1.10{ xt T 2 5.00 ?.00 e.000 120 e.0e 0.0e g.ee fl5 < sl5 t.c0 l,{5? n ,31 Lto 0.33 C.000- 120 0.t0 0.08 0.00cl5 < nl 0.00 t.t0{ xt I I 5.0e 13.0e 0.ee0 n0 0.e0 0.ee NJeilf < m5l 0,0t 1.68? [t BBI ll.l? 16,!0 21,t1 9,8c0 120 t.00 t.0t t,t0f06 < 106[ c.ee 2.15{ I(r 1.33 t.t0 1.33 e.esc lzc 0.0t t.0c c.c0I[6[ < ll2l 0.0c 2.6]5 lc 6.25 !.C0 6.25 0.t0t 120 r.ct t.tt t.mI2l ( t22 e.0C t.ll{ XL T 2.5 5.0e ?.50 0.CCC 120 0.lC i.Cl l.lCilz < ml c.ct l.{52 I[ 5.1r. 0.fe 5.1? t.ctc lzt t.$ t.el t.ttc82 < 13 C.C0 2.535 lr 1{ t.CC 1t.00 C.C00 t20 f.cr c.cc t.ec1.3 ( lf l.l0 2.t51 n I 3.5 ll,fl 13.51 i,l0t lZC 0,91 l.l0 f.tllf < { 0.0e 2.154 xI t2 t.e0 lt.fc c.ce0 12c e.m t.il t.tln < 16 C.Ct 2.15{ $, I Lt n.m 18,50 f .CrC lzt t.$ t.fl !.!t,16 < 19 e.eo 2.15+ n n c.e0 iz.m 0.c0e l2t c.c0 e.r f.t0'l .< 2 t,cc l.lc{ n lc Lm t0.0t c.t8t tzt 0.at t.|| t.tl2 < 3 t.m Llc4 n 10 c.ee 1t.c0 0.ee0 l2t c.ec c.tc t.t03 < { t,cl l,{52 til, I I 6,|| l|,te t,t00 t20 Ltc N.il f,u".1 < 8 0.00 1.10{ n l0 t.tf tc.ce c.N0e t2t 0.cc 1.il . 0.|l'I . < 9 r.CC Llt{ n l0 t,ct 1t.0t 0.0t0 12t s.tc t.et t.tl9 ( t0 0,00 1.{52 lfi, I I 6,00 l{.e0 e.0C0 120 0.00 t.lC C.fll8A < r8 C.00 1.1C{ n lC t.00 10.00 0,000 120 e.00 t.te c.tcl8 <1? e,e0 l.le4 )(L l0 g.e0 10,00 0,000 120 0.00 0.e0 0.e0l? ( 16 0,00 l.{52 fl, I B 5,0C i{.Cl 0.000 lzt 0,0e 0.CC l,C04 < 5 0.00 1.152 Xt 2 C,0t 2.0e 0.000 lze 0.ee e.e0 c.Nc5 < 5 0,00 r.{52 l(t 10 t,cc tc.c0 0,ee0 lzc c.0t c,te r.ct10 < 11 0.00 1.{52 )(L I 2 5.0e 8,e0 0.000 ne 9.00 e.08 0,e0ll < L2 0,00 t,{52 l(t 2 r.0t 2.00 0.000 lzt t.!8 c.0t t.tfl5 < 15 C.0e 1.452 )G I 2 6.ee 8.00 e.e00 Lze e.0e $.ee t.e015 < l{ l.0c t.{52 )([ lc e.l0 l0,cc 0.000 120 0.0c [.0N t.cl BE$T cslsv pf utr0clfy v:t ,i4t]' r:"j. i.j , . -.a ' AVAILABLE il aoo {tt'1 l'l --.J n i- :1I ill :.j I ;F l --t il_. tl- -J '},. E1!' {Isdi 3HnSSfUd L_rfl.{f, EYI}RIULIC I|BSICN ITFOII$TION 8[ffiT RAIE :COIERND ERIDGB BUITDIIiG locatlon-:221 BEIDGE S1. Bulldlngtll c0disct0rr IIBI8 CollsuillctloH calculsted ByrluSII cllnl Constructlonr l l:Corbuttlble occtlalcJ:ordlnary I Ddte r 1- 29-9{ comnrD0 R8G.l9{-e{4 SYrter llo. 8BC0nD F[mR Coltract Xo. ll29l Drarlng [0. l.l.'2 lXl-non-Corbustlble Cetllng[elgbtcS Ft. lrl-xlPl 13r t l-tt. liM. lxl-08DInMI lalllD GK]llPrI I l'ffPl 231 [ l'mP[ 23lCr FIGUISI CUBI& I l-EX.[MUD. t l-0lBtl t8leclfllr l'l-sPlcnl0 ruUre' lrea of $rlnller operattor!l5tlDerBltI'.I5 lrl-l8l lrer Per Sprlntlerrlll 89. lt. Eose lllorsrce GP[r Inslderl t Eose lllorsnce CPlft outslde'250 lrct Sprlnller illonncer c$cumlrfi 8u0$ff -------- Eegulred:55.2,1 Underground r l{l H[$N SUPPII 6Pt [egulredr656.e7 PgI 'C' tactor llae<l: Overteadrl2C . rmn nfi IlSl | ' gllo Dll[ r Drte & Ilret6-2-9{ ll[.n. nated capaclti' Statlc PELlll At P$I: lesldual PB&91 Blevatlonr .CPI llorlryrS?5.55 lleYatlonrl?.5 Locstlorrcore Cl. ltr. t Erldge 8t. 80[rce Inforuttonlllor test llllE Bk. IlllBr r Syrter lype I I l-DRr t l-DH,UGr I l-Pm-Acllox 8P8mm 0B not&l I l{rlerstar todel'Pendent8!zei.t2 tr-fador's.8 Terperature Eathg:155 r ll$ 0t nB$xYon t Capacltyr nevotlolt I IBI,L ' Proof llorr AvAlt-FFl || {i!, ngtz : ffii'.w . nlDIlul, Ic IIIIIR 6UPPTT NruRTIIION $Latic: 10{.00 psl. leslduair 93.0t psi. | 5.l5.55 gpn. [ose: 251.00 gpr. SUHilANY 556.0? gpr. {lncludlng [ose ll]orancel$?rien requlres: 56.2{ psl. 0 Euppu aviilrbler 93.58 prl. Safety luglnr 3t.3{ Fsl, llErlnr yelocltl in the sy5tet ls l?.1? ft/rec. Co0tlnulty Et all n0des sailsfled to 0.el gpr. o IIT?TIG TXOSD I - 15 DXGIIB llB0lf I " 9l Dl6ltl ll,B0f L = 9f DlGltt mile fllBN [t[0I T = l$ 0l Cfi)$S E = lllllffiFll [tLvB 0 " 6l!l IIIIE C = $l0t Wtl [OlSr PIPB TTPB LSG8II} {0 - SCBlDlll,S {l 10 - SCEIDUil lf $'$illfl[[ lD ' [CTUli, DIiltltB fi " C0PPIR TYPI I Ct - COPP8B TIPE t Cl{ ' COlPBl il?B ll Pt = Pos-w CP ' CPtiC Flie: BnIDGE16.l[B '1[8' Sprlntler Progran by trPE Softvare, Inc.Fage: PI8$SUR3 t1,0$ El8lnllolt [-FACI0R tPsil tcPul IFEBTII{ODE fa1 lllUI tl2 8R1 Bn2 c$1 c$2 LDJ l{01 l{i 2 t(c 3 t{01 Hr5 tr11 126 N7,2 tr15 ri0 F01 Nn2 tf3[ tc3lrrr -F05t06 tr0? rs8 Fe9 tr11 tr11 112 tr1{ 115 n5A trl? r19 ll8 t2t r2t tr2ll r23 t2i t24 Til 102 T03 104 ^ 1t5ITISrtot 109 Ti0 T08 261 202 56. 24 +9.{5 4? .33 {4.5C 33.C{ 3{.?1 12.92 31 ,96 27 .50 22,11 18.39 11. i6. 9.t2- 2?.5C 2r .50 21 .50 2? .50 2?.50 2?.5t 27.50 2.l .5C 2r.50 2?.5C 2? .5C 2'? .50 2r .50 2?.50 2?.50 2? .50 n.5a ?? .5[ 2?.5C 21 .5t 21.5C 2? .5i ??.50 2r .5C 21 .5t z? .5i 2? .51 2? .5C 2? .5C 2?.5t 15.85 13. {? 12.80 12.26 12,21 ll.1? 9.24 l{.91 i4. {5 8.85 tq0 s.68 656.$? 0 .00 e .00 0.00 0.00 c.ic | .0c 0 .00 [. 0l t, $0 0 .0c 0.00 t.00 0 .00 0.0e 0.0[ 0. 0c c.00 0.00 s. t0 e ,00 0. c0 0. 00 0. 00 0 ,00 0.09 0. 00 c.c0 0 .00 c.e0 c.0t c.et 0.ec c.00 t.00 r.c0 t.ct c.00 t.c0 t.tt c. ic r.0i c. c0 0. c0 0.0c t.0t c. 0c 0.tf 0.00 c. cc c.0c 0.t0 0. cc t?.00 :? .09 0 I? q t2,s 1? .5 t1 I 12.5 12 .5 2l .5 31.5 41 .5 5l .5 51 .5 21.5 2t .5 2l .5 ?1 q lI.) tt,7 21 .5 2r ,5 21,5 21 .5 21 ,5 2r .5 ?t q 21 .5 ?l ( 21 .5 21.5 ll.l 2l .5 tl t ?t t 21.5 21.5 2l .5 zL,5 21 .5 3t .5 Jt .l 3l .5 31.s 31.5 il .5 3l .5 tl .5 ?1 q 31.5 s0uRc8 5.8 5.8 *J tr1}E: BNIDGEiS.!EE S!r!ntler liogia[ by FPE S0ftrare, 1nc. tiElJlTI0il [-tlcrcn I PPTT I lage ' C'*PRES8UR8 . Ftoll {PSIt {cPl{l 2&3 20{ 205 ?s5 201 208 208t 209 210 2itl 211 21tt 212 2:3t IL JE 2t4 2:5r 215 2i6 2114 t.l tLlzrro -21?' ::8 219 22N 80iItiI g0il EI2B gE2[ gt2 Ei3 EC{ sf5 905 sc? EC8 g[9 $a gtl 312 u3 9:{ !r ( tlI r 5il Itiis ?2e tL- l!t 8.8? i0.09 1:.52 !i.93 9.35 9. C8 9.5{ 1c,53 tt.E.1 11,i6 1t.i2 11.31 lc.9l n01 9, 6{ 9.32 9 .3r I .26 9.98 9.r6 t0.53 9 ,88 t2.t? ii,39 12.:: 13 ,42 it,0r 22.13 22.12 7.2.13 1r 10 18 .39 18.39 18.39 i8.39 18.39 18.39 18.39 :8.39 18.39 18.39 :8.39 18. 39 18. !9 i8.39 i 8. 3.,0 i 0. 3,0 i8.39 18.39 !8.:9 :8.39 18,39 t8,:9 18.39 li .21 i8,42 :9,59 20 .03 l?,48 c.0e 18.82 0. 0$ 19.3? i9.3{ t. t0 'r9.2! ii.3? 0 .00 ii.?0 l?.59 i/.Dl 0 .00 ii.55 8.60 i8.23 0.00 : "0.5? 11 .1: ?0. t6 0. 00 28.?7 0. 00 0. 00 0.e0 c.00 0.00 8.00 [ .00 0.c0 t.ce t.t0 0.0$ r.c0 $.00 0.0t 0.c0 6.0i 0.00 0 .00 0.0c 0. tc i.00 r. cl 0.0e 0. 00 0. 00 0,re r.0c 11 q J.l .) JI.J ?i q 31 .5 31 .5 3l .5 3! .5 .,l .l 3l .5 31 .5 3! .5 31.5 l1 q lt \ 31.5 31.5 I! 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PRBSSURts .II,OII EI,E"AIION I(-tr'ACMN /t{olr tgsll lcPr{t tlsBi:( v---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - - - - 9.?2 0.009.72 0,$09.?? 0,00 9.r2 0,00 L12 t.00 9 .12 0.00 9.12 0.Ct9.12 t.Ci9.12 e, C!9.12 C.e! 12,92 C.00t?.92 0.c0 32.92 0.00. 32.92 0.0f. l?.92 t.ci 12.92 t. ic32.9t 0.t0 32,92 0.00 32.92 C . 00 3?,.92 0,e0 32.92 0.00 32.92 0, $0 32.92 C.00 32.92 0.0e 12.92 0.00t2.92 $.00 37,.92 0.00 12.92 0.00 32.92 0.0C 32.92 t.0e f,.i r n$ lli.(t lt? l r2i ti$ t06t t55 r56 105[ I L I( T I I t l0ll !t !3 l+ :b l! !T r8t !9 6t .5 6i.) 6i .5 0r,,. 61,5 6i.5 61.5 51 .5 b.l .l bi.l i2.5 tl.]._ t1 q 12. 5 t, ( 1' ( 1? ( !?,t "2,51? i 1-r q 1l ( 1? ( 1l q FJJE: BRIDCEl$,lliE B8C:!r "T[8" DiA}IBTEI 1YPE Ti?TIIIC$ L8}IGTE I I|ICIES I irBBi I Elr0 . nol{NoI|B i0Pt{l $prinkier ?rograr by F?B So!tirare, Inc. 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Ft0s DiAilSiERli0DE lGPfl liilcBlsl i nI TYPB FITTIIIGS I,BI|GTU I FRRT I Spr:lkler PloEran by FIB Softirare, 1nc, 80ll LEltcII| T0T tBNcI[ Fnicil0]t c-llAtljB {rE8T I iPBET I lPsi /Fr . l Pe ipsT I Page: Pf V81,OCITY lPsll lrT/s[cle- B2Z 824 [?1 H0l $26 926 428 828 l{04 s09 s08 scl s06 s05 se4 s04 s02 s02 sl0 $1! $11 s15 s15 sl3 ^r.'$13tltsi6 D {.1 s25 s08 s2cA s20A s20 s20 sl8 sl9 s09 $28 s28 l{05 I{06 [55 flo54 t{5 5 ti05t lti9 t{19 l{06 fl044 ^*0{I'02fuor lt09 ti10 li10 < [?4 < !1214 < ll07 < 1126 < Il2 5 < ll28 < Il2 ? < I|29 < sog < s08 < s0? < s06 < s05 < s0.it S04A < s02 < s03 < s01 < si i < $12 < sl3 < s16 < sl? < s06 < s11 < sol < $22 < s25 < $08 < s20A < s20B < 620 < szl < s1g < si 8[ < sl8 < s28 < s25 < Ezl < ll2l < l|55 < li05A < t{19 < n55 < I{05 < l{191 < I{19 < r04 < l-04 < [0? < lloi < li0g < t{l9 < T1i < l{i 2 i.452 1.452 i.681 1.452 1.104 i.452 1 ,104 1,152 2,635 2,15{ 2,154 ? l qd 2 .154 1.104 1.r01 1 .104 i.104 i.i04 f. i04 1 .194 f.i04 1,10{ 1.104 1 .92 i5.33 5 z,z5 .1? 11 1 1t 20.61 8.5 I |,t) 5.33 I 9 I 9 12,11 11.25 i0.83 1.5 5,33 1,5 i.5 4 j .],83 6.42 10.?5 9,42 2 15.5 I: 1 .83 1 6 't 1\ 5.1? 5.?5 2.5 5 ,i.JJ 8.6? 1,81 i.83 4.33 ,i i0 2 .:i I 9.00 12.00 8.00 0,00 5.00 0.00 5 .00 9. 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DiAllETBB IYPE FiITIIIG$ iEliOIH E0', ttsNGIl| I0T LENcTi PRlcii0ll C-'lAiUi Peirllct8sj lsRETi tFEETl trBE:t {psiiF:.: tisri Page ' Pf rfBtoclil lPsr ! {rT/sBc: - 1?l4 lr. vl0 1i i6 1) 5 .0$ 0. $0 0.$0 6.09 0. 0& 5 .00 9.00 .1.09 2 ,00 :t.00 8 ,0t i. e0 8.00 10,9t 0.t$0 9. 0c0 e.0t8 0.$0t $.t00 0 .0$$ 0 .000 9 ,000 0 ,800 0 .00$ 0 .0c0 0,000 0.0s0 t.000 0,000 0.00$ 0.000 0. 9eE 0.09e 0 .060 0. $ee 0 .0i;0 0.0et 0 ,009 e.cet 0 ,000 0.t$0 0.0c8 0 .000 lr11 ;i: : tri:4 ri5 Ii:l Ii6 r06 flo64 ll2l r0? cs2 1.1 i0 l3 < 'i:6( .,: i < 1.5 < lil6 < t: ? < Iioti < lto 6l < l{ 2l < tf?2 < tfo ! < ll < :c <4 < :i < 19 <Z <3 <i t'i <.0 < 10 <i8 < r? < 15<i <i < Li < 12 < 15 < 1{ 0,00 c,0l s .00 0,t0 0 .00 0 .90 0 .00 0.e0 0. 00 0 ,00 0. 00 0,00 0.00 0.0c 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 ,00 0.00 0,90 0.00 0 ,00 t.aa $.00 0,00 0,00 $.e0 0.$0 0 .00 1.152 Ii ,.-[i :r. : . .: ij'! rti, 1.452 X"l 1 .68r t.L 2.151 l(! 2.635 i0 1,10{ )(i :.{52 !:i 2.63i i0 2.15{ Xi 2. i54 lii 2.15{ ifi,i.10{ )6 1,10{ )(i 1 .4 51 i:,r : .101 ::t i ,104 )(t :.101 i: !.101 xi f.i52 x: 1.152 l:it,{5: i_: !.{52 ii ' l(i ii 1,452 X! 1,15? tL 6.09 i5.09r.00 i0.00 :.s0 ?.08 0 .00 0. :": 5 .00 1: .00 16.00 21 .il0.00 i.33 0.00 6.2:5.00 ?.50 0.00 r.1i0.00 1i.00i0.00 i3.i00.00 12,00i0.00 :8.500.00 i i. 0B0.00 i 0 .00 0, 00 :0 .00 6.00 i 1.00 0.00 :0.[00.00 10. 005.00 :1,0$0.00 it.tc 0.00 10. 00 1?0 g,g0 120 0.00!20 0.001i0 0,001:0 0.001t0 0.$0i20 0,00i:0 e,0gi20 0.00izg 0.00 i 2$ 0.00i20 0.00 128 0. 00i:0 c.001:0 0.00i20 0.00i20 0.00 120 0.00 i20 0.0$i20 0,00i?s 0.00 120 0 .00 1:0 0 .00 i?0 0,00i?0 0.00::0 0.00 120 0.00iza 0.c0i20 0.00';20 0.00 0, 00 0. 000,00 0,00 0. 00 0, 000.00 0.000.00 6.00 0 .00 0, 000.00 e.0e0,00 i.000.00 0 ,000.00 0.000,0e 0.00 0 .00 t ,00 0 .00 0 .00 c .0c t .00c.00 0.0c0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0 .00 c. 000.0$ 0.000.00 0.000.e0 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0. 0$ 0. 000.00 0.900.00 0.00 e . 00 9,00a,00 0,00 0 .00 0.00 $.00 e ,00 0.00 0 .00 I _[ 2 : 88I I I :84 18 :8 z :c 10 BEST copY AVA;!..,4*+, q tr_ =tfj Ll r:z {EElrlE E .-1.(g LJF =a4E (I ld EL tdtz.|fJJiE f:-r i aj l: IN\-'1, ttt F t-frJ -u f tT E IUE lJt > 3 r---{ tl_ il_f t_t -l L il ftl = HYDRAULIC DESIGN INFORMATION SHEET NAMEICOVERRD BRIDGE BUILDING DAtE:7-29-94LocatLon.z21 BRIDGE ST. COTORADO REG.*94-044 frf fOfng'*f Systen No. THIRD FLOORVontractor:vlElE CONSTTRUCTION contract No. *1291Calculated By:RUSTY CLINE Drawtng No. F.p.-3Constructlon; I j-Combustlble IX]-Non-Conbustlble Cellrng Helght:8 Ft.occupancy : oRDTNARY HAZARD --- SYSTEM DESIGN [x]-NFPA 13: [X]-LT. HAZ. tXl-ORDTNARY HAZARD GROUp:r t l-EX.HAZARD.[ ]-NFPA 231 [ ]-NFPA 231C: FIGURE: CURVE, [ ]-OTHER (Speclfy): [X]-SPECIFfC RULING:NFPA-13 R MADE BY:. DATE: Area of Sprlnkler OperatLon:1s@O * gystem Type * Denslty:11o [X]-WET I I-DRV [ ]-DELUGE [ ]-PRE-ACTIONArea Per Sprlnkler:12@ Sq. Ft. Hose Arlowance GPM: Ins1de30 * SPRTNKLER OR NOZZLE * Hose Allowance GPM: Outslde'250 Make;star Model:Q.R.PENDENTS Rack Sprlnkler Allowancer SLzetL/z K-Factor:S.8 & 4.3 Temperature Rat 1ng : 155-F - CALCULATTON SUMMARY ------- GPM Requlred:574.18 PSI Requlred:71.36"C" Factor Used: Overhead:120 Underground:140 ------- WATER SUPPLY -" WATER FLOW TEST * * PUMP DATA * * TANK OR RESERVOIR * Date & Tlme:5-2-94 1_1A.M. Rated Capaclty: Capaclty3Statlc PSIr104 At PSII Elevatlon:Resldual PSI:93 Elevatlon: GPM Flowlns:675.55 * WELL * Elevatlonr@ proof Flow: Locatlon:Gore Ck. Dr. & Brldge St. Source fnformatlon:Flow Test EIDRIUIrC 8Ut{t{ARf flltE[ SUPPI,I ilto8ilIloll ^lBtailc' lel,CC nsl. Eesldualr 93.t1 iel. € 6?5.t5 gpr. [oser 250.C0 gpl, SysteD regulresr ?1.15 psi. t 5?{.18 gpr. (lncludlng lore ilIorance) 6wpiy avallabler 95.85 psl, $fell flarglnr 24.5C psl. lhrlrln velocltl ln the sy8ten ls 19.0? ft/sec. Conttnulty at all mde8 sotlsfted t0 l.gl gpr. t . 9l Dt08lt t0nG ru8il tl,g0f l([ = $Iil r[[[ IITIIIG ITGBHD | . {5 Dl00ll IL80t E " 9C DIGB8B E[80I I . TIB 0B C8088 I . BUltERtl,I tltl'l C'Glll |[ttl C. CEICI W,llt PIPE TIPI TBGEIID {0 = 8C[EOU[8 {l le = 8C$DU[B lC tD = ACIUM DIillBltB ffi = C0PPER TIP8 [ $ = C0PPBR IIPI t ct{ " coFPtR IIPE tl PL = P0Z-L0C cP = cPtrcO: [0185: 1110, 8mDcil8.t8B 'lflt' Sprtnkler Prograr by IPE Softrare, Inc, Ir0l tlffulon l-rtcloR tcPr{l lr8ffl Page r e iirir ccl u1 U2 BBl 802 c8I cs2 cE3 lilI ilt2 il3 r{t1 ff5 121 t25 122 n6 tle Iil w2 n3t I03 rt{ rlf U t0? F08 r09 nI 113 Fl2 t1{ n5 t15t 117 n9 lt0 t2, F2r F21t F23 t25 t24 Tu IN2 If3 If{ TC5 IC6 -. Tl0 Tt8 2Cl 202 ,l, tb 5t.c3 63 .5{ 61.t3 {9.?5 51 .63 5t.{2 {9.?8 {5 ,51 {i.89 35.?5 3l.93 2? .59 {5 .51 {3.s1 {5.51 t5 ,51 {5.51 t5.5t {5 .51 {5 .51 {5 .51 {5.51 15 .51 t5.5t 45 ,51 {5.5t {5.51 {5.51 15,51 {5.51 15 .51 t5 ,51 {t .51 {5 .51 {5.51 {5 ,51 t5,51 {5.51 {5.5r {5 .51 {5,51lt.!l {t.89 {t.89 {t ,89 {t.89 1C.89 il,09 {r .09 fi.89 {c.89 t0 .89 tc.89 {t. 89 5?{,18 c.tg l. t0 0. ct 0. cl c.tc t. tl f.cl f.tl LCI r. tt |.cl c.tl 0.tc r.tl 0, cl f.tl f.tl t.tl c. t0 t.fl t.0l t. tt t, cl 0.0t c.0e t.g0 c. c0 0.0c a.al t,r0 N, C0 t. tl 0.0t Ltf f,fl t. tf f.0t N,Ct t, ic t. tt t.cl r. tt t.0l f,tl 0. cc f.il c.tc t, t0 t.et t.3t t,ce f.rt c.et 0,tl c l2 .5 1't E It.l It t l2 .5 12.5 2t.5 lt ( {l,t 5l,5 61.5 2l .5 21,5 2l .5 ?t I 2l .5 21 ,5 2l .5 tr q 21 .5 Lt,7 21 .5 2t,5 l1 .l 21 ,5 2l ,5 2l .5 21 .5 ?l 6 21 ,5 2l .5 LI,J zr.5 tl ( ?t I IL.J 21 ,5 21.5 2r .5 21 .5 21 ,5 3r .5 3l .5 31 .5 3r,5 31 .5 il.5 JI.J Jl.) 31 .5 3t.5 JI.] 31.5 s0|lBc8 j tuer BaIDGHS.IIE 'T[[' SprlnHer prograt bJ tpl Scftrare, Inc.Pager psr$$uRt Ftof 8tElrllrofi [-FlcT0R_!Qm tPsrl lcPrt (nBTl l----,---,--t3 {0.89 0.0e 31.s204 {t.89 0.00 3t,5205 {e.89 0.e0 31.52e6 {t.89 t.f0 31,5207 {e.89 0.0c 31.52e0 4t.89 C,Cr 11.5208t {f.89 f.00 31.5209 {t.89 t,CC 31.5?lt {0.89 e,c0 31.5zttl {f,89 t,tc 31,5211 {f,89 C.Ce 31.52u[ 4f .t9 t,0t 31.5212 {0.89 0.00 31.52t3 {t.89 LCC il.5213[ {t.89 t.C0 31.52l3t 4t.89 t.0t 3t.52t4 4r.89 t.e0 31.52r5[ {t,89 t.Nt 31.5215 {N.89 t.0C 31.5215 {0,09 t.t0 31.5217[ {0.89 t.Ct 31.52178 {t,89 f.Cr 31.52t1C {C.89 t.00 31,5zr?D {0,89 C,S0 31.52t {c,89 C.00 31.5tt {c,89 0.0r 31,5219 {0.89 e.00 31.57.20 {0,89 0,00 31.5[01 15.81 1?.lg 31.5 4,3E0t[ 15,c5 l?.23 31.5 4.3EelB t?.?0 0.90 31.58028 n.11 15.36 41.5 {,3Be2[ 12.89 t.0C {1.5m2 r{,13 t.c0 . {1,5EC3 9.69 t.00 {l.s8C{ 9.21 t?,6t {t.s 5,8m5 9.3? l?.?5 4l.s 5.8m6 l{.66 |,CC 4r.5tr? 15.25 C.tC {1.58[8 2l , {5 C.0t {l .5Beg 25.33 C.of {1,58ll tc.?? t,tc 41.5nl 1{.23 16.22 {1.5 {.3Elz 13,20 15.52 {1.5 {,3813 12.16 C.m {1.5il{ 11.?9 t9.9t {1.5 5,8n5 11.63 19.?8 {1.5 5,8il6 11.93 t{.s5 {1.5 {,3El? t2.N2 t.C0 {1.5sr8 11.68 t{.69 {1.5 {.3I t2,.2N 15.C2 {1.5 4.3f 12.5! t,Ct {1.5[2] 13,6? 0.C8 {1.5922 12.t3 0.0t {1.5s23 11.68 t{.lt {1.5 {,3 Fller bnll}eill:tffi .tB[' Sprlnner progc0! by tp8 $0ftr8re, Inc. Pil88UAT TLOI BLEYTTIOII I.TACTORtPsll lepill tfsBrl Page r il008e B2{A [25 [25 927 r28 s29 t3l 8il 8C2 s03 8e{t 6rl 8C5 $t5 807 8r8 8t9 $il 811 812 813 8t{ 815 ---U 1Uf, 8t8 sl9 s20 s20A 8208 s2l Dtt s23 825 826 821 s28 ff1 1t2 ft3 il{[ Ha{ It5 f06 r!8 t09 frl il1 -il{ 115 fl5 lt.t6 1{.36lt.?1 l{.1115.{l 15.88 15.19 0. C0l3,85 21,59 11.55 0.00 13.95 21.66zl.lt 19.75 31 .93 0, t0 3l .93 0. 0c 3l .93 0. 0l 3l .93 0. 0eI.93 0,Ct 31.93 C. CC31,9t 0.c0 31.93 e. tC3t.93 0.t0 31.93 0.e0 31.93 0,C0 3l .93 0. 0l 31 .93 t ,0c 31.93 0.e0 3t .93 0 .0c 31 .93 e. ee 31 ,93 r. Ct3t,93 0.ec 31,93 0,00 31.93 s.00 31.93 0,00 31.93 e,00 31.93 0,00 31.93 e.00 31.93 r,0l 31.93 C. ee 31 .93 0 .0i3l,93 C.eC3t.93 C.CC 31.93 C.tC 3l .93 t. tt 2?.59 0.et2r.59 0,t0 27.59 0.ee 27.59 Ltl 27.59 t. CC 21.59 t.!l 27.59 0.0e 21.59 0,0t 2?,59 C.eC 21.19 o,tt2r.s9 0.00 21,59 t,t02t.59 0.Cft?.59 C,!0 2?.59 e. ee21.r9 c,cl 4l .5 {.3 41 .5 4.3{1.5 4.3 {l .541,5 5,8 {1 .541.5 5.841.5 4.3 5l ,5 ll.l 51 .5 Jl .1 tt R 51 .5 5r.5 51 .5 qr I [t t 5r.5 51.5qt q lt .lql { 5i .5 5l ,5 51 .5 51.5 51 .5 5i ,5 51 .5qt I 5t .5 (l t 5r.5 51 .5 5r .5ql q 6t .5 61 .5 6l ,5 6r.5 6l .5 5l .5 6r ,5 6l .5 51 .5 6t ,5 61.5 q 5l .5 5t ,5 llle: BlIllGllS.Tff PSISSUtr (r8rl 'I8[' sprliller Prograr by IPE Softrare, Iac. l[0t il,Evltlm [-ttcf0R(cPu lrEu Pager I lt0Dt V n8 119 121 122 tfl9[ Ic6t t55 fl56 m5[ I T 3 { D ? 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FL0f DIil{ETER ltpE FITIItic$ im0r[ Eol| tEl|cIS I0I LEil0T[ pnicll0il c-[Atut pe (GP[] tilrc[Bsl lr88rl (rx8Tl (r[ETl (p8r/FT.l (psri : Pager 5 Pf I'TI,OCITT {P8r | {IT/8EC Ie ut tJT > ul 324.18 4.5{0 {0 etE 25 42.51 5?.5? 0.e13 l{e 5.42 0.91 6.42 > tJz 321,18 4.540 {0 C 74,17 29.21 103,{{ 0,013 140 0.0t l,{0 6.42 > BRl 32{,18 {.510 {0 BB s.l5 25.51 32.36 0.013 1{0 2.11 a,44 6.42 > B[2 32{,10 +.260 10 LL 5 12,0e 18.00 0.024 t20 0.00 . ,11,28 ?,30 : The llott Dependent Pressure l0ss Devlce 1n the preceedlng plpe accounts for 10.84 psl of the total frlctlon loss 'pf' > c81 32{,18 4,250 l0 t 5,i5 6,0e 11,?5 0,024 tzt -2,11 0,29 ?,30 > c82 32{,18 4.260 10 LT 23.15 26,00 49.15 0.A24 12A 0.00 1.22 i.30 > cs3 32{,18 4.261 lC t ZC 5.f0 26,0e 9,524 120 0.0C C,64 ?.30 > trci 32{.18 {.26C 10 15 0.e0 15.00 6.AU 120 3.90 e.3t ?.30 > ncz 32{,18 t.26C te 1z c,0c 12,0c 9,924 t20 4.33 c.29 r.30 > li03 32{.18 4.7.60 le 12 0.00 n.as e ,l-24 120 4,33 0.29 i.3e < ile4 0.00 4.250 t0 t2 c.00 12.00 t.000 120 0.00 0.00 t.00 < t{05 e.go {,260 l0 12 0.0c 12.00 0.0e0 120 e,e0 0.00 0.00 < trz? 0,00 2.535 l0 IEc 22 19,00 41.0c 0,000 120 0,00 0.0e C,C0 < t26 e.00 2,535 10 3 0.e0 3,N0 0.ee0 12e 0,00 0.0e 0.e0 < N22 0,0t 2,615 l0 9 0,0t 9,0$ 0.00t t20 0,00 0.0c c.t0 < ll5 c.ee 2.535 le le 0,00 1e.0e c.0e0 120 e.ec 0.0c c.e0 < Flt 0.00 2.5t5 tN le c,0c n.t0 t,t00 t20 8.0t 0.0c [,tt < F03l e.e0 2.635 10 1t 0,e0 10.00 0.000 rzt 0.e0 e,e0 c.e0 < 103 0.0c l.t0{ l(t I .5 5,0C 5.50 0,000 12e 0,0c 0.00 0,c0 < trez 0.e0 1.452 )(t t 12.5 3,e0 15.50 e.000 120 0.e0 e,0e e.00 < r$3[ 0,00 1,452 )(t I 4.5 5,00 18.50 0,c00 t20 0.00 0.00 $,[0 < t${ e.00 1.{52 )(t, T ?.5 5.e0 13.50 0.000 120 0.e0 e,00 c,00 < ru5 C.oC r.r!4 l(t ,5 0,00 0.5t 0.0c0 120 0,0t e,0t c,00 < le5 e.00 1,452 )0 E 12 3.00 15.0e 0.0e0 na o.ce e.ee e.00 < tr09 c,00 t.452 rn I 12,5 3,0c 15.5c !.90c 120 0,m 0.00 0.00 < Fe8 e,00 1.104 ){t .5 0.00 0.50 0,000 t?a 0.00 0,00 0.00<Fi0 t,00 1.452 [t I 4.5 6,00 10.50 0,0e0 120 0,00 0,00 0.00 < Fll 0.00 1.452 )il, T 1.5 6.00 13.50 0.000 120 0.00 0,00 0.00 < F13 C.00 Ll04 t(t ,5 0,00 0.50 0,000 120 0,00 0,00 0,00 < P12 0,00 1.452 It E 12 3.00 15.00 0.000 126 0.s0 0,00 0.00 < F15 0,0e 1,451 l(t E 12,5 3.00 15.50 0,000 12n 0.00 c,00 0,00 < ll5A 0.00 1.1e4 I[ .5 e,00 0.50 0.000 120 0.00 0,00 0.0$ < F15 0,CC r,452 l(t I {,5 6,00 10,50 0,000 120 t.t0 0,00 0.00 < lli c,00 1.{52 )fi T 7.5 6.e0 13,50 e,eoe ne 0.ee 0.0e 0.0e < I19 0,00 1.t0{ [t ,s t.00 c,5c 0,000 1?0 0,c0 0,00 0,00 < F18 e.0g r.452 It I 11.5 3.ee 14.5e 0.00e rza e.e0 0.00 8.00 < NzL 0.C0 1,{52 t(t t 12 3.Ce 15,00 0,eC0 120 0,t0 0,e0 N,t0 < l2l[ 0.e0 |.le{ l([ .5 e.t0 c.50 e.gcc 12c 0.0c 0.00 0.0e < 122 C.CC 1.452 n I f.5 5.00 10.5t t.0ct L|g t,0f c,00 t.C0 < 123 f.eo 1.452 xL I ?.5 5.C0 13.5C e.0eC 120 C.e0 e.e0 0.le < F25 l,Ce 1.{52 l(t ,5 t.0e c,50 c.88t tzo 0.00 0,00 l.t0 < 124 e.eo 1.452 rI E 11.5 3.NC 1{.50 e.000 120 e,eo 0.00 0.0c < f01 l.0e 3,26c 10 T0I 12 3t,0C {3,C[ 0,0c0 l2t 0,00 0,00 0,10 < I09 e.0e 3.250 le U.25 0,e0 14,25 0.000 129 0.e0 e.00 0.00 < Tl0 0,cc 3,26c 10 +.15 e.C0 {,i5 C,000 l2e 0.00 0.0e 0.0t < T02 e.0c 2,635 l0 {.i5 0.cc 4.?5 0.0c0 126 $.C0 g.cc e.00 < Tg3 C,0l 2.635 lt 5,5 c,ct 5,50 c,00t tzt 0.00 0,0t 0.00 < tc{ e,ee 2.535 le 9 C.l0 g.et e.0ee l2e e.00 t.c0 0.e0 < Tg5 0,0c 2,635 lt 1,5 0.0c 1,50 C,tC0 120 0.0c c.cc c.0c < 206 0,e0 2,154 10 I8 5,57 15,00 21.5? 0.eee tle 0.e0 e.ee 0.08 < 205 0,0c 1.457. )([ EE 9,6? 5,0C 15,6? 0.000 r20 0.00 0,00 e.oc < 2114 e,ee 1.452 XI T 4.25 5.0e 10.25 0.000 120 0.00 0.00 e.oe < 211 0,00 f.ia4 )([ 2 $,gc 2.00 0,c00 l2c c,e0 0,c0 0,e0 < 212 e,0e 1.{52 )fl, I 10.83 3.C0 13.83 0.eC0 ns e.00 e.c0 0.00 < 106 0,cc 1.104 l(I, I 2.15 5,cc 1.15 0,0c0 rlc c,e0 0,e0 c,fc BRI * TOTB BR2 c$1 LDI cs3 HII t{0 2 t{03 t{0 { lt0l N21 ftD t12 Fl5 tl0 N62 re1 NC7, te3 r04 -J4r f09 F09 F10 81t F1i r1{ 815 Fl5 n5 FI ? I17 F25 F2l P21 t22 F23 t23 t{02 I01 It9 uc M $3 fc{ -T05 211[ 211I 2t4 tr11e! BRIDoH8.I8B 'IEl' $prlnller Progral by fpB goftffire, Inc. ., ?.)rgrj5rj4l$r j ;i -: Pager 1 B8ctll EllD tt0t DIll{8I8R tyPS FIIfIllcg l,sllcm 80ll i,Bllcls I0l IB||OI[ FSIcTI0tt c-r/[[|J8 Pe pf irgtocltylroDB !r0DE (cpl{l {illcss$l {rEETl ltnrl {il811 tpsr/tr,} lp$rl (psrl {tr/stcl ^------------T < Te6 0'00 1.687 XL l 3,5 8.00 11.50 0.000 120 0.00 0.g0 0.0eT06 ( 107 0.00 r.r5z lo l0 0,00 1c.00 0,090 rl,b 0,00 $,c0 0,0c201 < 108 0.00 r.452 l(t E 10.33 3.00 13.33 0.000 " 120 0.00 0.00 0.cef07 < IoN $.00 1.{52 rG 5,33 0.00 5.33 9,000 r20 c,ea 0.00 0,0cT08 < 202 0.0e 1.104 )(t 2.33 0.00 2.33 0,000 r20 0,g0 0.e0 0.e0251 < 2001 0,00 r,452 l(t 8.83 0,00 s,83 0,0e0 120 0.00 0.00 0,00T0l < 2e3 0.00 r.104 It E 2.15 2.0e 4,15 0.00e ne 0.00 0.0$ 0.e0208r < 208 r.c0 1,10{ tL t .83 5.C0 5,83 0.t00 120 0.00 0.80 0.0,208[ < 2e9 0.0e 1,452 IL E i0 3.0e 13,e0 0,0e0 L\t 0.00 0.$0 0,e0209 < 210 0.00 i,58? r(! 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I.104 )(L Ll04 {t 1.452 )([ 1.10{ )(t 1.452 n L452 t(L 1.10{ Xl 1,1e{ X[ |.452 XL 1.104 t([ EI 8El8 I I IT trLL T I I T 88 f T I t t I I E I T E T 1 I T I E8 I T 8T ET ? q? 15,33 5 2.25 .i? 1l I 11 20.5? I 8.5 I 1 .25 5.33 I I l2.t? tq n,25 1e ,83 1.5 1i .25 I ? ,83 6,47, 10 ,25 9,+2 I i5.5 1L l.dl 1 5 .11 5.75 tt 5 1 ,33 8. 6? i .83 I ,83 4,33 I.l 10 2 ,33 I 9,00 12.00 8.00 0.00 5 ,00 e.e0 5. t0 9.00 9.00 tc.0$ 5 ,00 c.e0 10,00 e.e0 5 .00 5.e0 5 ,00 2.Al 2.CN 5 ,00 c,0c 2.e0 5 .00 5 .00 5.00 5,Cl ?..el {.e0 5.00 8 .00 1 ,00 0 .00 ?,00 0.00 6. C0 'l .00 5, te 5.e0 2. CC r9.00 c .0e 5 .00 c, [0 5 .00 5, rc 5.C0 {, tc c. c0 5,0c e,t0 0, t0 0.ce 5,C0 6.e0 5. tc 16.92 13.C0 2.25 5,t? ll.0e 6,00 20,e0 29, 6? 18.00 8,!0 8.ee l?.25 ].JJ 5.C0 1{. e0 5 .01 11 .00 t{,17 6 .5e 11,25 12.83 6 ,50 10.t3 5,50 5. 5e 5.00 15.25 6 .00 15 ,83 13.{2 10.25 L6.42 2.gl 22.50 21.0C 8,25 6.83 9. 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BdI0eBl8.l[E Page: Ff tr8t0cny {PSII {w8tcl SllD [008 F1,0$ DIil{[T8R rypt FITInGS mltsrfl t0PHl tINcsE$l (FEErl 'l[8' $prlnkler Progran by IPB Softnare, inc. Bgl' ffi[0f[ 101 r,8lrc18 FRrcTI0[ c-l'lru8 pe (rElTl lruETl lPsr/rT.l (P$rI SEGIII ll0Dt -"-*T n3 il14 tll lrl 5 t{t 5 tfo 6 rf06t rtL *02 eat t3 i0 I5 I 2 J l8t t8 l? L ^r IU l1 15 < l{15 < t{l{ < l|15 < Hl6 <nl < flc6a < t|06[ < l2l < ttt < fl0i < 13 < le <4 <16 < 19 <2' <3 <{ <8 (9 < le (18 < 11 < 15 <5 <5 < 11 <12 < 15 < 14 e ,00 0.00 0. 00 0, 00 e.e0 c,0e 0.0e 0,0c 0.ee LCI e.00 0. c0 e,e0 0.0c e.ee 0.00 c,00 I .0c e ,00 0. t0 N. e0 t.0t c.0e I .00 e .00 0,f0 0.0e e ,00 0.00 0,0e .33 ll !7 T. JJ 0,ll 5. t? i4 IL 8.5 t0 10 l$ l0 E it le I 1 10 5.e0 0.e0 5,0e 0 ,00 5.00 15,00 0,00 c ,00 5 ,00 0. cc 0 ,00 t0, rc e.0e 10.00 0.0e 0.0f c. 00 6. CC c.c0 t .0e 6.00 0, cc t ,0e 5.t0 e.c0 0,00 5 ,00 0.00 5,00 0 .00 15 .00 r0,00 ? .00 0,33 13.00 21 ,11 1.33 5,25 1 .50 5,1? 1{.0c 13.5C i2. cc 18.5 5 12 .0e tc.tc 1e.0e 1{. 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BR]DGE' ST. $ui lding, i l ccniract6r rir]E!E c0llSTIRUCT:c1,1 csiculated By:RUSTy CllllB Ccnstruci:0n: : l-Connusi:!:e :ij-I0n-Cofibu$'":lle occupancl: iicq! t[!AFo-R[s:tEliilni S,1STEI{ DESIGII ll(!-MPl 13, ixl-tI. llAl. : l-0RDilllRY ll[?lRD GR0UP,i i j-tx.flt?ARr. I l-lllPl 231 i l-niPl 231C: FIGURE: CURTiE: I l-oTEER {Specifyl: i I-SPECIIIC lUiIllG: H[08 BYr' llfB: Areo of $pi!nkler 0peration:i50e Densltyr.l Ares F€r Sprir.l':ler:196 Sq. ?i. fose lliouance GPli: lnslde:3 Sose iilcsance ePH: ouis1de1:59 lacl Spr.ltler il lotance: '-:'------------ l:r.'q,1c!l':p,'l,ii! l-' lS: "i" lic",li i:ed: 3,:erheadrii3 Date:l-29-9{ c0i0RtD0 R8e.t9{-c{{ S,vsten llo. i0'dRlg ?t0CF Corilaci llc, li23l Orar:ilE llc. F.P,-4 Ceiirog lielghtr8 fl. ' $!stei! Ttpe I lrl-l{ET I l-DRy i !-DBtucE i l-PRE-AcII01i ' gix:IilER 0B iisl:lE 'liale:siar tode!:Pender:i3:ze!ii2 fi-laciorrl.l "a:r r: raf:lr a Qri i r-d.'ii :tic:.'-ti.:ii sut{:{AftY ----- --- lecit led :l i , 91 ; ilei E:C'lrrd ! l(0 , iJ418R lioH T3S1 * , I'ili,8 IAIA ' Da:e I iise:6-]-?i 111.1{. laied cepaciry: $iatic PSi:i04 li lSl: Retiduai FSI:93 Eie'taiionr CPil tloBir!-cr5.l5.55 !levatlorr:3 i,ocatlol:Gcre Ck. Dr. I Brldge St, Source InfornaticnrFlo'd leri * IiiRi Cl i!S!i[C-n ' idldL r L.r: gie'lai icr' r 'l{Eii' iioci flcur ; I 7912 -:" ht}&"^..ro"S 0Iiiiritic s'iiH.4t?Y, rA$n 6uPPU llltroRt{Alioll stailc: :9,1,09 psl . flesldua!: ?3,00 psi. ! 5,'5,55 gpn. $ese: ?50.00 gpn. Syster regulresr ?5.9,1 psl. 0 551.33 gpr. i:ncliid:r_o lose l!loHarcel supplJ available' ._-ll:11 nrt. Safety ltargirir 20.51 lsi, ilerlrur velocliy in i[e systen ls 22.58 ft/sec, Contlnultl rt all nodes satlsfied to 0.91 gpn. TIilIIIG 1BGSIID PIPB TYPE TEGSIID r = {i DEGRtt 3tB0H {0 = $CBEDUiE aC I = 9e 0B0Rt8 BLB0H r0 = SCEtDUtt is 'r = 90 DBGRBB t0il0 IURN ErmU ill = ifiill lfAtl i = IEE C[ CFCSS A0 = IiCTUAI 0:i'iEl[F E = BU:?lRgiI 'riALltB C[ = CCPFiF :'iiu t e . ctTt [[ti'i ci, = ccPFEF :Y?: i, c=csEir r*rt ii ::il:ll,'*"' lr0!ES: : .: i::e' gl:il$l:s.Tat ':lE' spi::ll:ei Frog:ii'u b1 IPB sciii:ar:, irrc.!^at. FitsssRE . Fror iPS:t tGPHi EilTlT:Oli (-F,tCiCR I PEBI lo::i: t!') Bni 5tlr ri!.: liNi ltI t !?? i:6 t!: l1: it. i0: i :l: :;-: ,i. l:,^ i ii: I r.i f 1 ? I 1.! i.J iite ftl ll Q t?0 f2! l? 1[ !?q ! !.9 !!l ?e2 1e3 ie4 105 40( ii' !08 -itt lat t;.3i (.1 -r ': 58,5i l:,rJ 5i.ii i( iQ 55 .0: :0,90 4i ,i:\ !;,01 i?.0,? -11 1e 5{,30 :5,:e ::,it i. 12 i? l? 5 3 .l"q 5?.36 )t. tE !0. 30 50,8S i? a'r 5e. E$ 50.8$ tg.89 5S.80 50 ,89 5! ,8C 50.80 5C. S8 {6,21 qE.2i {5 ,2i {6.?1 45.2! {6 ,2i .-r , al {6.:l {0.t1 {6 .21 {6,21 45.21 a fl, 0.00 0.0r! 0 .0c 0 .00 s ,33 9.0c n. td n ta 0. 00 e 0a 0,00 c.0c adl 4.$1 0.e0 lt t0 ?,88 it, Ji 7 tt?, 't '!4 I rt 'j a4 i,0i LCz 0 t? A?,7 $.st n 4a 0,00 0,e0 0,e0 s,0c 00, 8. 03 4 nn 0. g0 G 0n t .00 ! .00 0.00 3 .00 g,$g $.9$ rJ . Iti g. Jt !,tr 0,e$ e .0s s,0u 4 n: S.]I;F:E -r.l .i,l :1 q :? q ..1 .1 -.,) ": _ :: : ::.r t: : __,1 -: ,l ?1.5 ll,l 2!.5 Ll .: J.:.1 ii.5 ::. -l ll .5 -11.1 3i.i BEST : ":.-"lt!.'i COPY AVAII.ABLE Ftfii.' 2t6 lef Pr0gmr bf rlp[;89$.qre, I,nq; - t-ag* z [rr0[ [-tACI0B ryFrr .(cPilt (rtHl ir::;:;: r - -; r. - -thl' t.fr 3r.5 --:ri--'- {6.21 0.0e 31,5 {6 , 21 0.00 3t ,5 {6 .21 0.0e 11 .5{6.2t 0.00 3l .545,21 C. t0 31.5{6.21 e. c0 3t .516.21 t.r 31.5{6.21 t.to 31.5{5.21 o.ct 31.5{6.21 e.f0 31.5{6.21 C.tc 31,516.21 0.et 31.5{6.21 0.00 3l .5{6.21 0.N0 31.5 J5.21 C.0e 31.5{6.21 C.0c 31.5t6.21 t.cc 31.5{6.21 e.cc 31.546.21 c,00 31.5{6.21 c.e0 il.5{5.21 e.c0 31.5{6.2l e.0e 3t .5{6.21 t,e0 31.516.2t 0.00 31.5t6.2r 0.c0 31.5,6.21 0.00 31.516.2r e.so 31,5{5.96 0.00 31.5 {5. 96 " 0.00 31 , 545.96 0.00 31.541,62 C.0s 41.5 {r .62 C.00 {1 . 5 4l .62 e.00 {1 . 5 {l .52 e. et {1 .5{1.62 N.00 41.5{1.62 c,00 {i.s+1.62 Lec {1.511.62 t.c0 41.5,t,52 t.tf {1.5ti,62 o.ft tl.5{1.62 t.tc {1.5tr.62 c.ff {1.5{1.62 t.0f {1,511.62 f.ft {1.5{1.52 C.Ct {1.5{1.62 f.fr 41.5{1.52 t.m {t.t{i.6i t.|| {r.5$.62 t.fi {1.5$,62 t.r0 11.51t,62 t.t0 {1.54t.62 C,Ci {1.5{t.62 t.t0 {1.54t.62 C.00 {1.5 BE$T copY i - ",. <!r{a - IIAVAILAtsLE frie;BiiDGgls.i$i'l[E' PA8$SURE FI,OIIt0c8 lP$rl tcPril Spr:ril!er Progran by FPI $cftHare, lnc. ilEyA!Ioil K-Ftc10R irBEll Page r [24 s?{A dll fl?5 [2] E?3 829 [30 5Cl s02 s01 se4t $e4 se5 s06 se? c4! .qe 9 s10 :i i sii :: l ;li si 1 si3$ 3i9 s20 st0A s20B s?1 $25 il0 Jt, $28 t{0t H0? "{03n0{t ?r0{ Ie5 HC6 H08 He9 {t0 r{1i rli ;i; Hr5 Hl5 {1.6? {i.5: {l.f: 1i ,62 '11 .52 {1,52 {1. $Z {1.52 13 .55 l{.28 13. 8? l?,1{ ll ,61 2A.51 ZU. JI . li,:: 22.6i le . -r5 12,39 '.J.ti \t,5r :5.1i 15.2 j 18.ii !1.!. r3.8_{ it.!; r 7 (1 .tJ.r0 18.5? t6,$8 19,r2 19.25 20 ,60 28.5{ 28.2i 29.43 32.?e 12.?8 32 .70 3?.?t 32.1e 3?. ?0 ?t 10 32.'t 0 32.10 3?. ?e 3? ,'t 0 J{.JU,l? r* l2.lt 32.?e 32. ?e 0 .90 0,90 g ,00 0 .00 0,e0 0 ,00 0,00 0.00 15,83 0,00 16.02 i7.88 0 .00 0. 00 0,00 0,0e 0.e0 0.00 i).1J s,ag 15 ,41 I .00 1D.dg 18.{0 n 34 i8,55 i4.50 15.23 i1 .11 0.00 0.00 i8.53 rl 1l 1g ,60 0,e0 19,52 LL,' I lt.di 0 .00 0. 0g 0.e0 0.ga s.00 g,e0 0.00 0. ge 0.09 0 .0e 0,00 0.00 0 .00 c.00 0.00 0.00 0,e0 41.5 t't E {1,5 {i,5 41 ,5 tr E 4r.5 51 .5 51.5 5i.5 51.5 ll.l 5!.5 51.5 li.l 5i .5 :i.5 il.: 5t.5 ::'.i.i . ) i:.5 il.: 5r.5 51,5 5i.s 51,5 5l .5 51.5 51,5 51 .5 51,5 5l .5 61 .5 6t .5 6l .5 51 .5 61 .5 6t ,5 6i .5 01, ) 01. ) 5i.5 - :r.l rti.l Dl,l 6l .5 0.t.l t.J {.J t.J :,-1 {.1 BEST copY tAVAILABLE llle: BlIDGBlf.lm 'mB' Sprlntler Progral by FPI goftnare, lnc. PRBSSUAE NOT ETBTAlIfi [.8ACIOBlroDr {F$rl . (cPH} lrH?l Pagei { i0 il tz 13 1{ 15 ^16uli I6 l8[ l9 tfl i ul8 flI9 12l 422 n9t ft5[ 155 [56 m5t 32. te 12 .1e 32.10 32,10 31. ?c 12.?e 32.?f 32.1C 32.1C 12.1C 55 .58 55 .58 55 .58 55.58 . 55.58 t5.58 55.58 55.58 55.58 55 ,58 55 ,58 55 .58 5q qI 55 .58 55 .58 lJ.ld 55.J8 55 .58 0. ef 0.0e e.e0 e.c0 t. tc 0,cc t ,l0 c.fl N.ee c.0e 0.ll f. ce c.t0 e.0c c,c0 0.cc t.tc c.ce e .00 0 ,00 0 ,00 0 ,00 0.e0 0. 0e 0.e0 0.09 0 ,00 0 .00 0,gc 0.00 6l .5 6l .5 6l .5 6r .5 6l .5 0I .l 6r.5 6l .5 Dt.l 5l .5 12.5 1?.5 L t,7 12.5 12. 5rt q 12.5 12. t 12.5 12.5 Lt.7 12 .5 12,5 i2.5 t2.5 ;i.l lt.l 12 .5 1?. 5 FilC: BTIOGEiE,IIB 88GIll EllD lt0D8 ltoDB 'llE"'spriil:ler Progran by FPB softsaie, Inc. FLo[ D]Al{BT8l TYPE IITT]IiGS i,EilcTfl E0'i i{llcTfl T0T tE]r0il rurcilo]r C-vAiUA IGPHI (IlCsESl trEETi IFBEI) {r8E?l {psr/rT,l ;. Pe Pf l'EiociiY 'DqTl IDCTI l?!rqtalItv{ l,ell Ui lj2 cc; > tJl 30t.33 {,5,10 101.33 4,\49 30i .33 4 ,5{0 301 ,33 {,260 4:,57 51 .5?0,012 1{0 5,42 4,012 i1g a ,09 0.0i? 140 2.11 0,e21- !20 0,09 >u2 > BRi 40 OTE 40 c 40 38 l0 il lq q r( c 19.21 ID.DI l0l,{{ i2,36 s .80 i.22 0.3E i .91 t.91 5.91Bnl > AR2 t2,00 18.00 'N0IB: ihe trlo$ Deperdent Pressiire loss Device in the preceeding pipe accounts for 1$,85 psi of the total 'i1.:-l 5,]t iilction las: ".Pf " 8R2 > CElcsl > csz LI.: > LDJCSI ) l{01 I01 > ileZ 301.33 4,250 i0 L 301 .33 4 .250 10 tI 301 .33 {,250 !0 t 101.33 1.260 l0 3e1.33 {,260 10 6 .00 11.15 0.02i 120 -2.11 0.e21 rza 0.00 0,021 120 g.g0 e,e21 120 3.90 e,$21 120 {,330.e2i 120 4.33 0, e21 120 4. 33 0.0$0 lzs 0.40 0.000 120 0.00 0.ce0 120 0.90 $.0ec I2g s.$g e.000 tls 0,00 0.000 lzg 0.00 0.000 i20 0.00 $.000 120 0,0$ 0.009 izT t,e3 0.98U i-i ;, ri! 0,$00 130 3.90 0,900 11"1 t.00 ?.$$0 ::c 3,10 i1.0eu i.'t v, (,t +.d.it -ii' ;,r" 0 .000 ,,zt x .ag 9.0e0 rza 0.0$ 9.000 120 0,00 8,000 r?g 0.00 ?,0es i20 0.00 $.000 1:0 0.00 0.009 i?3 0.00 0.e00 t20 6.00 0.009 i2| 0.00 0.e0s 120 0,00 0.000 'i20 0.00 0,09e 12e 0.00 0.000 r2g 0.00 0 . e00 120 0 .00 s.ee0 r20 0.00 0.000 rle 0.00 0.0e0 120 0.00 0.900 129 0.00 0,0ee 120 0.00 0.900 lzg s.00 s.009 120 0,00 0.090 l2g $.00 0,000 12fr 0.00 0 .00$ i l-4 c .09 0,000 1.24 0.00 0,000 i28 0,00 0.00e 12s 0.00 0.090 120 0,00 0.000 110 0.00 l.t) 1X 1) t? 11 : I 1,4 !.1 l.r :: :l i : 1i q ll \ .l t\ i1,l !? .J,( .)rl ( tl 14.25 4,?5 | 'r a, ,0 '( a a1 t.ll 1 10.83 ? ?( 9.0$ 0.e0 0.09 0.00 12 ,00 12.09 i2.00 12.69 n.t) i ,06 s.56 0.32 e ,26 0.25 9.26 0.gg u.0u 0 ,00 $. $0 0.u0 0.00 0 .00 ".. iru 3 .09 {,Uv lAi i. Ji 3.00 0 ,09 l td 0.,t 5,?8 5.?8 ,(.tg 5.?3 r.,b c.00 u.0u "4.004^2 0.00 0.00 0 ,00 1.40 3 .03 26.00 49.?56.00 26.890.00. 15,00 l{02 > l{03 3e1.33 4.250 10 3er.33 1.260 10H03 > l,i8{ t{0{ < l{05 l{oi < N21 F?I < F?5 P25 .< P22 FZl < Fi6 F15 < 319 Fia < P03A le: < li,l :t! ( Iiri lt? < i:il i3l < i01 iii < li) it! < i"l.i tlr < f i,: i,xi <:13 i09 < Pi0 Fio < Fli Pit < fl3 Fi1 < Fl2 Fi4 < F15 ri5 < F15A t15 < i'11 Fi5 < li? Fl'l < Fi9 Fii < F18 t20 < 121 F21 < F21Ay21 < t22 N22 < F23 r23 < t25FZl < !24 K02 < T01 TCl < I09 Te9 < T10 tlg < 102 ICz < T03Iel < I04 T04 < T05 135 < 238 ?e6 < 105i05 < 211[ 211[ < 2t1 zllt < 2r22e4 < T05 e ,00 e.00 c. $0 0.e0 0. 00 0 .09 0. 00 0. ?u g.e0 0, ?0 x t].4 a^A 's.00? cli t.ag 0.00 0.00 s.00 0.e0 g.0s 0.00 0.00 0 ,00 e .00 c.00 8.00 e .00 e .00 e.ge 0.0e 0.00 e,e0 0 ,00 s.0e e .0e $.0$ 0.00 $ ,00 e .0e e .00 0.00 0.00 4.250 l02,i5{ n TEG 2. 154 Xt 2.15{ Xt 2,15{ ]{L 2.154 Xl 2 ,154 ,L !.10{ xl. T i.452 )(i E 1.4:? ):: i 1.152 :il : 1.,t!t2 i'. i i,{i? ,t: ! :,i3{ i,, 1.452 )(i, i 1,{52 Xt T i. {52 Xt E 1. {52 Ir E i ,104 xi, r.452 [t t 1.452 Xi i 1.10,t xt 1.452 n E r.452 Xr E l .1e{ xt 1.452 tt ! 1.{52 )(t I i,452 )(t 1.452 & E 3.260 10 lcl 3.250 10 3.250 t0 2,635 t0 2.635 10 2,635 1g 2.535 - l0 2.':54 i0 ii1..4\2 )(i 8S 1.452 XL T I .104 xt r.{52 Xi B 1 .104 Xt I 15,00 33,00 0 ,00 0, g0 ?,aa 0. g0 0. 00 : .33 i,t0 : .0? :4\ :,, ii ,i. Jd L3,1 :..l' i, .AX xBn i ,0"? I .0$ ii.!g t ,00 5 ,00 9.00 J' ,00 :.e9 s.00 6 .00 5 .0s 0. g0 3 .39 31 ,00 0 ,00 0.00 n n0 0.00 0. uB s.00 r. u'J 6.90 0 .00 I .00 iJio 3 ,00 9.00 .r u .0s 19,00 r0,09 :.50 i_!.50 tll .i3 11.50 1,50 ,i.?0 15,5t 13.50 i3.50 0.50 ' c n0 15.50 0.50 i3,50 13,50 0. 50 i{.)0 0.50 10,50 13,50 0.59 14.50 4-1 .00 t4 .25 4.i5 {.15 9.00 !.50 2i.51 .11,0/ 16.25 z.sg 13.83 1 ,15 BEST s$trY a ?e 'I I,x 0.00 9.0e 2 ltfr 1;? 0.00 ,ro,90 rln na' 0,00 s ,300.09 0.00 0 .00 0 .000.09 Lta0.s0 0.00 c.00 - 0,000.00 e.000.e0 e.to0,e0 8.000,00 0.900,00 0 , e0e.00 3.00 e .0$ g,oe 0. 00 0. 0s 0. g0 0.000.90 0,000.e0 0.s00,00 0,s0 I .te ! .04 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 ,0$ 0 ,00 c .009.00 0.000.00 0.00 8!i€r IRIDGBi$.188 "I$8" Sprlirkler Progran by FPE E0ft$ire, Irc. D:AHETXR TYPB FitT]lics tBil0l8 801l iEltGTS T0T tEilGTn tRlcii0l,l c-ll.{r,uE pe iilrcfi8s] {FEErl trEEIt iFEEr) {psri Fi.I {psr} Page: ? Pf vRt0cltI lPsIt {FT/SBC) BBGill 8}lD FtoR N008 lroDB (cPtt) !t T04 < I05 0.00 i.68? xt T 3,5 8.00 11.50 0.000 1t0 0.00 3,99 0.00- I05 < I0? 0.0$ i,45: xi i0 0.00 i0.90 a.sgg 120 0,00 g.0g 0.$0?01 < T08 0,00 1,i52 .\t I 10.33 ],00 13,33 0.009 't20 0.e0 0,00 0.00T0? < IgB 0,00 1.45: Xl 5.31 LA\ 5.33 9.00tr lz0 0,90 0.00 0.00Tt8 < 292 0,0e 1,104 )(i 2.33' 0.90 2.33 0.009 129 0.00 0,00 0.00201 < 208A e,00 ".452 ):l 8,81 0.00 8.83 0.000 i2g 0.00 0.00 9,00le? < 203 0,00 1,10{ IL E 2.15 Z.A0 4,?5 0.000 .,2X 0.06 t.00 0.90 2081 < ?08 0.00 i.i94 xi T ,81 5.00 5,83 0.000 12$ a,gg 0.00 0.00 2e8A < 209 0.00 i,452 it I l0 3,00 !3.00 0.000 :i0 0,90 0.00 0.s02t9 < 210 0.00 :,58? it I i2 .1,00 15,00 0,000 iza 0.09 0.00 g.a0 210 < 210[ 0.0e f,i0,t x: I 2 5,0s i,$g 0.003 128 0,00 $.00 s.00210 < I02 0.00 1.6t? iii I 3.5 8,00 11.50 0,000 iZs 9.00 0.00 0.00iol < ?15 e.00 i,45? $ 1 4,25 5,&0 10.25 0.000 120 0,00 3.00 0.00215 < 215[ 0.90 1,10.i xl, ! 4 5.90 9,00 0,009 i20 0,00 0.00 0.00215 < 2l3A 0.C0 l.{iz :ii T 10.5 6.00 16,50 0,000 i20 0.00 0.90 0.00zlt .< 21{ 0,0s :,igi xi T 1.5 5,0$ 8.50 0.000 120 0.00 0,00 0,002:6 < 21? 0,00 1.{52 i:: I 0.00 8.00 0.000 120 0,00 9,00 0,00T09 < ?1?C 0.0e 1,452 x: i 3.5 5,0e 9.50 0.000 !20 0,00 0.00 0.00 211C < 2110 0.00 1,10,i ii. T 2.j i.00 ?.50 0.000 izg 0,00 0.00 0,00?i?c < ?1?A 0,00 :,{:: i., ,a.5] i,gg 9.6? 9.000 i:e 0.03 0.30 0,t32i?[ < 2i]ts 0,00 1.:3.i !.1 T 2.i t.00 ?.50 3,000 ii8 0.00 0.00 0,0."?2i?[ < 2L'1 0.00 :.4ji ]i: iE ?.rr i,00 15,t5 t,"30 1.2i c.ffi 9.00 0.032!l < zig 0.00 ..iit 1" :3,5 '.go t0.50 t.300 1i0 $.00 x.t$ 0.002:9 < 229 0.0$ :,'-14 .i: 1:5 t,0$ 5.50 0.000 1?0 ,,".09 0.'0 3,0.2i9 < T10 X.$A l,{5i l'.-r 1 1,21 [,00 10.?5 0,000 l;0 0.$0 0.30 t.0"r -. 215 < 2134 0.00 1 i); i:" 1 l0.i 5.00 i5,50 ?,300 120 0.00 0,09 x..&fi U :,ii < 2il3 9.00 :.:0{ ;.. i i.0t 1.00 0,i00 't2i; i,00 0,0S E.gt2l3l < 213 0.00 1.104 ),.1 : :.5 t.og 8.50 0.000 1?$ 0.08 ,q.00 0.00l{03 < ll10 0.00 Li60 10 !:cT 2} t3,00 61.00 0,000 120 0,00 fi,09 $.08Eio < [09 0,09 2.635 i$ T 5,5 i2.90 l?.50 0,000 ]2$ 0,00 1.19 0.00s$9 < [08 0.00 ?.5]5 li it 11,25 8,00 i9.25 x.c00 i?0 9.00 n3& 0,00ut8 < fi30 0.00 1.452 Ir ! t0,i? 3,90 i3,i1 0,900 tzg 0,00 0,00 0,0$fl08 < l0i 0.00 2.535 l0 E8 i1 12,90 23.00 0.900 120 0,00 0,0s 0,0030? < li05 0.00 i.i54 10 9 t,00 9,00 a.9|0 i20 0,00 0.00 ?,sQ805 < R02 0.00 2,154 l0 9.i3 0,90 9,33 e.090 120 0,0$ 0,00 0.90E0l < ll01[ 0.00 1.{52 i0 I 9 3.0$ 12.90 0,e00 i20 0,00 g.so 0.00Eel[ < ll01B e,00 i.i04 x: T i 5,00 6,00 0,{09 r2.1 0.00 0,00 0.00 s018 < fl02 0.00 1,152 i:_l ! 1.5 3.00 10.50 0.0$0 120 0,$0 0,00 0.00s02 < l|02l c,00 1.452 Xi T 2.33 6,9S 8,33 0,00e 120 0.00 0,0e 0.00fleil < [029 0.00 1.152 XI I 1.42 6.00 i.+? T.000 120 e,e0* 0.09 0,00[czA < [03 e.00 - 1.te4 ]:i 11 e,00 11.00 0,000 129 0.e0 0,00 0.00s03 < fl04 e,00 l.i0{ it i 1 5.0e 5,00 0.000 120 9,00 0,00 0.00[03 < [05 0.00 1.{52 )tt E ]2 l.oe 15.00 0,0$0 120 0.00 0,00 0.00[1] < [06 0.60 1.452 )(t T8 l{.83 g,eg 23,83 0,090 120 9,0s 0,e0 0.00806 < filz e.00 1.452 Xr T 2.31 6.00 8,]3 9,009 12$ 0.0s 0.00 0,00$lz < fl13 0.90 l.{52 ){t il e.00 11.00 e.osg 120 0.00 a,e0 0,90813 < [15 0.09 i.104 X'L ! ,3] 5.00 5.33 0.000 120 0.00 S.00 0.00s13 < fl14 e.00 1.{52 Ii [ li 3.e0 t{,0e 0.009 120 0,00 ?,00 a.00sl6 < [lj 0.00 i.452 Xt rj 0.00 5.09 0.000 i?a $.00 ?,00 0,00E!? < Il18 0.00 1.101 _ :{i I i 5.09 6,gg s.000 '123 g.!0 $,00 0.00 ^-:l: < ti20 3,00 :.,t5? li: I i.ii 5.00 -q.e? 0.0e6 :ie 'i.31 t,0t l,ai ltte < li20 0,0g Ll04 I-r. i 1 5.0g .l.os 0,000 iz-? "1 ,?"? 0.,a$ ?.00 - E2e < fi2i 0.00 1.{52 xi, T :.5 6.90 9.50 0.090 tlg 0.00 0,00 0.00fl21 < H22 0,90 1.452 XL Bi 5,83 9.00 14.83 0,000 12q 0,00 $,90 0.0ei?2 < H23 0.00 1.104 Xt T I 5.00 6.00 0.00e 125 0.e0 0.00 0.00 BEST COFY AVAILABI.E fiie: BiiDG8lS.lEE .TEE' )III{ETBN TYPE TITTI}IG$ IB}IGII {illcHBsl {t881) Sprinkler ?rogran by F?E Sbfiuare, lnc. BQ'l rEnGTf; :0! LEilGTI FRICiiCll C-tlAIU8 {FEBT) lrEEll lPsiirl.) BECitl liODE 8il0 u,orc1r0D8 IGPII Pe Pf iPsi | (Psi I Page: g vEL0citI {Fri s8cl -,<i5-s?ls2i s25 s08 s20A s20[ s20 5lu si8 sl9 s09 s28 s28 r05 r05 H55 n05[ r55 fle5A t{l9 sl9 ge5 l{0{[ r0{ '-trl-. rli08 -[89ue h'i e 9.00 16.92 12.00 2?.33 8 ,00 13 .00 0.00 2.255.09 5.1? 0.00 1l . 00 5.00 5 . 009,s0 20.90 9,00 29.61 10.00 18.00fr.00 8.50 0 .00 8 .00 it.uu i.t,t)0.gg 5,33 5 .00 5 ,005.00 i{.00 5 .00 5.00 2.e0 11.00 2.00 14.115.00 6,5$ 0.00 iI.25 2,09 12,81 5.$3 5.50 l.gC i$,jj 5.30 5,50 5,00 6.5$2.t3 i . '0 4.00 15.:1 5.00 5.00 8.00 i 5 .8i ?.00 13.42 0. $0 ! 0.25?,tso 15.42 0.00 2.$0 5.00 1.2.fi 'l ,00 21 .00 6.00 8.255.00 5,13 2 .0e 9 .90 19.00 25.09 0.80 2.256.$0 il,110.00 5,?55.90 ?.50 5.00 10,00 5,00 6.33{.00 12.5'l s .se I ,835.0e 6.830.90 {,l39.00 {.0$0.00 i0,005.00 L00 6,ee 5.335,00 13.00 ' ' ' .,,\' 0.000 i20 0.000 izt, 0.000 i20 0 .000- r 20 0.0$0 i20 9.000 \20 0,900 t20 0.e0e 129 a,222 120 0.436 124 0.132 120 0.0?3 120 0,021 r210.5{6 t20 0.082 t\g 0,2{0 120 0. e6r 120 0 ,065 i 200,$6i It00,05t '.21 c.222 r:0g.0!? 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E,{.i l.rn 2,50 lt ,24':.i7 5.110.58 t, .26 5,i6 l:.8j 2.06 "2.i2s.5i 5.:l i,35 5.232.0i 12.?32,85 1i.951,t8 6.212,{l 12,55 I tl ( ]Qg.11 9.21 1 ,25 4 ,85{.45 9.98 1.02 8.88 0,90 ' 7.70 Lll 1,66e.e0 e,0$ 0.00 0.000.00 0,e00.00 0.00e.00 e.e00.e0 0.00 0 , e0 0.000,e0 0.09e,e0 0.c0 0 .00 0.000.e0 0.00fr,43 0. g0 9.00 !.000,00 0.000.0e 0.00 0 .0e e, s0 dLL g?{ 821 EO? 8?5 [?5 H28 [28 t{g { s09 s08 IU' s05 $e5 se4 se{ s02 s02 s!0 s!i si ! :n]5 Ji,: sl: < 824 < fl14[ < flo? < [25 < [2 5 < fi28 < l{zl < 829 > $09 > sog > s0? > s66 > s05 > se4 > s04A .> sgz > $03 > sol < sll > si? < sii < si5 > Di I < 5$6 ' 5i1 < 53j > si2 < s35 < s08 > s?01 > $208 > 52e > 62i > s19 > stSA > s18 > s28 > s25 > ttl < Hzl < ll55 < H05l < t{! g < it56 < t{0 5 < lil9A < w18 < [0{ < td04 < I{e 2 < ltoi < t{gg < Hlo < lfl l < ll12 0.00 0 ,0$ 0,00 0 ,00 g.40 0.e0 9.00 0 .00 30r .33 255.50 i 34 ,05 96 ,99 49.65 {9.55 17 ,80 ti .85 i6,0? i5.83 15,13 -1.!: 10.51 i8.4e 1$,56 :t,Jl 16.80 l.r , $5 r3.60 i1,60 i8,12 83.33 i8,5i 6{ ,80 |,ttt {r.55 14.50 ?9.18 45 ,33 ir,7l 22.86 0.00 0,00 0.e0 0.09 e.c0 0,e0 0 .00 0.0e 0 .00 0,00 0.ee v. r/u 9.00 0.00 0.00 0.s0 i.452 i.{52 1.58? 1.452 Lr04 1.452 l.l04 '| tt1 2. 154 2.154 2,t54 i ,10{ 1 .10{ 1.104 1.10{ r..it'f f .i0-r i.isl !,lt,i i,t0i ! . _i. {/i ET IEBB T r .92 15.33 5 2.25 ,l? l1 I ll 20.61 I 8.5 I Lt) 5,33 I 9 I 12 .1? 11.25 10.E3 1.5 5.13 1.5 !.5 4 11.25 I ? Ql 5 .42 10.25 L42 2 15.5 14 2.25 1 .83 1 D 2.25q t1 )./l 2.5 5 1.33 8. 5? 1,83 L83 {,33 E It 2 .33 I 0.00 e,00 0 ,00 e .9s 0 .00 0.09 0 ,00 0.09 4,00 g.e0 0 .00 0 ,00 e .0s 0.00 0.09 0. $c 0,00 0 .00 0.$0 9.30 0.00 Ltfi 0,00 9.,10 0,t$ $ ,0t 0.3it 0. 0g 0.00 0.00 0,00 0 ,00 0 ,00 0. 00 0. 0g 0,00 0,09 0.00 9,00 0,00 0.e0 0 ,00 0 .0e 0. 00 0.06 0,e0 0.00 0 ,00 0 ,00 U,OJ c, c iiJ 0 ,00 0 .00 0 .0c ,i0{ . i0,i . 1${ I B1 I T T 1 1 I I T B T T ! !E I T ET BT E8E IT T \rll I T T T 8B T T t 1.681 i. i04 1.{52 1.104 l,t-52 1.104 l.l0{ 1.45? i.10{ I .104 2 .535 i.452 !,{52 i,452 1.104 J' lttlt 1.104 f. i04 l.452 |.i04 f.it2 i.9ti 1.i04 i.{52 f . is4 XI :(I, )(L )(L 10 10 10 l0 i0 XL xt t{L :{i )ii )..t )(i '{i !.1 TL XL xt )iL l(t )fl, 10 n )(t xI )(t -xtit t{t xI )0, Ef;$T c#pY 4\Lfa{4 &a$ {: -.;.: gile' EtlDcBlS.TEE 'T58' Sprinkler Progran by FPB Softsare, Inc. BECIlr tslrD It$ DIAKEIER TYPB PITIIIGS LEllctE BQll L8N0TS T0T mlrcTfl lRIClIoll C-'IALUE Pe n0DE iloDB lcPl(l (Ilic[Es] {F8BTI (rsBr} lrBETl (PSI/ft,l iPSI) Page r 9 Pf '/BIOCIIY lPsl I lrT/sEc ] \rrr t{13 t{l4 H15 t{15 fl5 tio6 w06A H21 He2 L!l 13 t0 13 l5 I 2 3 1 I 9 r8[ l0 1j 4 < l{16 < l{1{ < l{15 < r15 < 11? < H06t < f06l < li2l < vzz < lel < 13 < 10 <{ <16 < 19 .<2 <3 <4 <8 <9 < l0 < 18 < l7 < 16 <5 <6 < 11 <12 < 15 < 14 0, 00 0.00 0, 00 0,00 0, 00 0. ce 0. c0 0.0e 0 ,00 e .08 e.0e 0.00 0.e0 0 .0e 0 .0c e.e0 0.e0 e,ee 0.0e 0.00 0.00 0.ee 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 ,0e 0,00 0 .00 0,00 0 .00 1.{52 1.104 1.104 1.{52 1 .10{ 1 .68? 2.151 2, 635 I .10{ 1.{52 2.535 2,r54 2.1r4 z,t54 2.154 l,lc{ 1.le{ 1.452 ]'le4 1.i04 i.452 I .10{ 1.10{ 1.452 1.452 1.452 i,'152 1.452 1.452 1.{52 .33 lr.l, I .33 5.25 t4 3.5 11 l') 10 10 I l0 10 I 1e l0 3 ? l0 6 .00 g .00 5.00 0 .00 5 ,00 16.00 e .00 0 .00 5 .00 0.e0 0.e0 10 .0$ 0. 00 10 .00 e .00 0,00 0 ,00 5 .00 0.utt $ .04 6.ge 0, 09 0 ,00 6 .00 0.09 t.0g :.gii 0,00 5 ,00 0 .00 15,e0 10 ,00 ? .00 0.33 t3,00 21 ,r1 1.33 5 ,25 ? ,50 l.l, 14.e0 13,50 i2.e0 I8,50 12.00 10.00 10 .00 t4 .00 10 ,00 10.00 14 .0e 10.00 10,00 14.00 2 .00 i 0.00 3,00 2 .0t) 8 ,00 10.00 e ,8e0 e ,00e 0, e0e 0. e00 0.e00 0. 00e 0. 000 0. 0e0 0.000 0 .0e0 0 .00e 0 .000 0 .000 0.$99 9. s00 0.000 0 .000 0,090 a .900 e .000 0 .000 0 ,000 0 ,000 s .000 $.e0 e,0e 0,ee e .t0 0, 00 e ,0e e .0e 0 .0e 0.ee $.e0 0.e0 0. 00 e .0e 0.0e 0.ee e.e0 e .00 0 .00 e .00 0 .00 0. g0 0,e0 0 ,00 a 0a 0 ,00 0.00 t.40 0. 00 0, 00 0.00 e.e0 0,00 0,00 0. g0 e. eg e .00 8.00 0 ,00 0.e0 0.0e 0.0e 0.08 0.ee 0.e0 0.ee 0,e0 e ,00 0,e0 0,00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 e.00 0. 00 0. ge t.g0 0 .00 fi.09 0.00 0 .90 0.00 0 .00 0 ,90 0 "00 0 ,00 c ,00 0 .00 0.00 0.e0 0.e0 e.c0 0. 00 0 .90 0. 00 0.00 a.0g 0 ,00 0 ,00 u. $u g.0B 9.00 fi.8s !.cc 0 .00 0 ,00 t. ijg 0 .00 g .00 l(tT )([ )(TT )(L )(tT xt i8I )(T 10){tI )G 10 xI, t ^lJ)(TT ru )(t l(]. T xt )(T NT Xt XI XtT i;t Xtxti XL X[T 9 l0 2 0.0e0 120 0 .0e0 r 20 0,000 129 0,000' 12$ 0.0e0 120 e ,0e0 120 .-.. a -i- J".l il r0 tl IO 120 l2e tzs lZe tzl t2g 1,20 120 I?i IZ0 120 r20 t20 120 120 1?4 !lV 120 126 i20 ilij 128 1zft 1zfr E F'RESSUF:L TPSI} +rE E tu tTl I l- -l--] i!_ .i" L,i t_: : l-t* -ri -rjrt3t I r ,:n T;; =zE tr! 6jEr = {"o i:rE ttlTJ3 al 3ri-= r? t-]/-r ==fr rq rq BUILDIIC 8t. IIDBIU],IC DEEIG]I lilrofl{lTl0]l 8[lt1 Dete: ?-29- c0L0anD0 Sy8ter Io Contract .f9{-0{1 tltl$ tt00R svlltl co]t8finuctloll Itz9i ,,8I![USil CLilu Drsulng [ ]-C0rbustlble IXl -Ion-c0rbu8llble Celllng [elght: IAU IHI}.IE8IDN1Iil, $t. I l-0RDr[[nr 8AZA8D 23lCr llGllll: l{[Dt Bh. Il-xx.IAzARD. D[lt: ' lAlrfi 0R R8$BnV0IR ' Capacity r E Ievat 1on: ! flxl,l r Prooi F lor: 0R0UP r I cunwi I Syster Type t trl-ml I l-DBy I l-DB[Uol I l-PBB-[cIIon t 6PNIil[I,88 OR NO,,I[ I l{alerstar l{odelrPendent 81zer1/2 [-lactorr{.3 Terperature Ratlngrl55 ---- CALCULITIoII $Ul{t{[RI -------- GPll Eegulredr{54.?4 'C' lactor Uged: Overhead:120 PEI ReE1redr59,00 Undergroundr l40 HIIEN $UPPIT BFST "' ''-'q c$pY AVAILASLE o I lfA$B nfi il61 r ' PUI{P DtT[ r Date & Tlier6-2-94 1l[.lt. Rated capaclty: $tatlc t8lrll{ [t P$l:lestdual.PbiigS Elevatton: cPl{ llorldgr6?5.55 nevstlo[tI;a. :;, r ::,at!* tdcatton:oore Ct. Dr. t Brldge 6t, Sdurce Infonrt lonr llon Test t..,.. .ITDRIllI,IC $UTIIRT flltE.8nPP[v ill0Rlllrr0[ ' .. .i ,-.'Statlcr tc4,ee psl. Bedlduolr 93.0C pg1, t 5?5,55 gpn, 8o8er 250.c0 gpr. ryster requlresr 59.00 prl. t {5{.1{ gp!, ltnsludlry loee lllorancel ::,sqplt antlalle: -_-11:]l rtt. 'Ssfetf l{rgh'39,11psl. Itarlru relocltl ln the 8y8ter ts 12.ei ft/eec. Contl0ultJ at all uodeg satlsfled t0 0.ll gpr, :. ..:" 'nrum LScEm l - timonm nmr E " 9l llB0l[8 BLB0| t = 9t IlE0Btl tOffi ltfRll El,00I t = lll 0B C[08S B = BUlll8tl,t Btlt8 G = GllE [[tYE C = C88C[ lttl,t8 PIPI IIPE I,3C!TD {l = $C[80U[t {f 10 = SCBBDlttB 1lil = ilIlln[[ [D = lcfl'lt DIARTTER c[ = c0PP88 TIPS I & = COPPER TIPS I CII = COPPTR TYPS I Pt = Pou-mc cP = cPtrc I ttler BBI0etlS,lBE 'T[8' sprlntler Progril by tp8 goftrare, Inc, p$$8u$ . ttof $lvlTr0n l-rlcrottrsrl lcPr{l lrlErl Page r ccl u1 u2 D8l Bt2 c8l c8t c83. [fr It|1 ml nl m5 127 t?5 t22 n6 nl Fft tf2 ntI n3 nl il5 Olll 59, CC 53,2C 52.61 5t.25 39.15 ll.2l {1,68 il.{l 36, t6 31.91 2t.ll 22.98 18.52 35.36 36, 36 36.36 36,t5 36.35 36.36 36.36 36.36 36.36 35 .36 35.35 35,15 36.35 t 12.5 11.5 17 .5 12.5 12.5 12.5 21.5 It .5 fl.5 51.5 51.5 2t.1 2l .5 2t.5 zl.5 2t .5 2l .5 2r.5 2t.5 2r.5 2l .5 21.5 2l .5 21 .5 21 .5 ?l q ,l q 21 .5 21 ,5 11,5 tL.7 2t .5 ?1 ,5 21.5 21.5 ?1.5 ?1.5 21 .5 21.5 21.5 31.5 tr .5 JI.' 31 .5 31.5 11.5 - 31 .5 ll.5 31 ,5 il.5 Jl .ltt r s0uRcEl5{.1{ c.0c t,t0 0.t0 l,tc e.0c t.t0 e.00 0.0t f.fe c .0c c.0c t.0t c.0e 0. c0 c. e0 c.00 e .0c 0 ,0t t,cc 0,0c e.e0 0 .0c | .00 0. ct 0.e0 0. 0c 0.e0 r.0t 0,e0 c .0t 0.e0 t.Et f.c0 t. tl c.ec t. tl t. tl Ltl e.tt t.tl t.ta t.tlg.ti r. tl t.tl t. tl c. t0 r. ci e.cc t. cc ;90;r . 1.36 .g!rii: ;,iilt, .90-.: ....-C.lL ru8 36,15n9 36.36nl 36.36n3 36.35n2 3[.36 n{ ' 36.36n5 35.36 il5! ' 36.36ll? : 36.36il9 36.36n8 36.36t2t;.. 35.35 rz[s;. ; 35.35Itl[. ']5.35 tzl 36.3[t25 36.36 .Ftl::,'. . 35.35 hlF,;''" lt.srrti*' rr.srttffi rr.lllfl{"r: 31.91tl5:1. 31.90il6;' lt.9f il?. r9l,i: t.ll '.';4 .;l .. nle' BnIDcBlS.IBl '?[B' 6prliller progrol by tpB softrsre; Inc. Pager t paEssu8t ttofl EtStrlfl0lt [-ftcr0Rr0DB tFsll . (cPr{t (ruB?} DC3 31.9C l.t0 31.5-'zt+ 31,9t c,to 31.5205 31.90 0.ce 3r.52C6 3t.91 l.ll 31.5197 31.9e l.le 31.52C8 31.90 t,|l 3r,!2f8t 31,9e |.il 3r.52r9 3l,9t r,u il.52l| 31.91 l.ll 31.5zltl' ]t.gt l.fl 31.52lr 31.9f f.t| 31.52ll[ 31.9t r.$ 31,5212 31.90 r.il 31.5213 31.9C l,$ 31,5213[ 31,9e C.$ 31.5 znB . 3t,9t r.ft 31.!2v 31.9e t.|| 31.52l5l 31.9f r.tf 3r.5215 31.9C t.Ct 31.5216 31.90 r.ct lr.521r[ 31.90 r.te 31.5 2178 31,9C LtC il,52t1C 31,90 0.Ce 31.5zlrD 31.9e 0.ct 31,5211 3l .99 C. tC 31 . 5 -?18 1r,90 c.t0 3r.5vzlg 31.90 g.ee 31.5zZt 31.90 0,00 31,58er 31,?1 0,e0 31,5[Nl[ 31.?? 0.t0 31,5[0tB 31.?? 0.c0 3l.s[028 27.4t t.0r {r,58eil n,4+ t.00 {1.58[2 21.14 f.CC {1.5lc3 21,+4 e.$ {1.5nl 21,1+ 0.tf {1.5[f5 21.1t f.fc {1.5816 71,4r t.|| {r.5[0? 27,$ t.tf {1.5m8 27,$ 1.il tr.5[f9 21,$ f.0t {1.5ilt 21.+r t.ft {1.5nr - 21 ,t4 t.ct {1.5812 21,u t.m {1,5 [13,'.. 21,{{ l.ll {1.5il{ 21,tt c.0t {l,58r5 21.41 t.m rl.5El6, Z7,r+ l.tf {1.5 m? ' 21.44 0.tf {1.5ll8 ?1.r8 LCd {1,5 -819 21,4t e,ec 41.5,{{ c,t0 {1,5,14 i.ll 11.5:f{ t.il at.5 [t!] r i:''t1.41 l.le il'-: "','If,* :;. r. +i. r'. _' i i 41.5 .: rue' 0BIDG8I8.l8['I[8' gprlnkler Prograr bI FFE softrare, Inc.Pager 3 PU88Um ruffi B[BVltIil [-nCT0R[oDr lpsll . t0Ptl lr8ul rx21 --E2ll [?5 [26 927 828 [29 []0 $fl 812 8t3 8t{[ 8t{ 8e5 $t6 27,44 21,14 21,41 21,44 2t,l+ 21.14 11,t+ 27,11 22,90 22.95 22.95 22.98 zz,rl 22r98 a:es 22.98 22,90 22,98 21.98 22,98 22.99 22.98 22,98 22.98 22.98 22.98 22.98 22.98 22 ,98 22,98 22.98 22.98 u2.98 22.98 22.98 ?2.98 ?2,98 22.98 22,98 u.*1 It.56 il.{9 11.38 1t.85 12,61 l5.lr ?.79 8.18 9,20 0 ?1 I .54 4t .5 {1 .5 41,5 {l .5 {l .5 {l .5 {1.5 {l .5 5l .5 51.5 5t,5 51.5 5t,t 51.5 51 .5 5l .5 5t .5 5l .5qt ( ll .l lt I 5t.5 5l .5 51.5 5l .5 51,5 51 .5 )l .l 51.5 51.5 51 .5 5t.5 q1 q 5l .5 51.5 51 ,5 51.5 5t,5 51.5 6t.t 51 ,5 5l ,5 5l .5 61.5 6l .5 61.5 5l .5 51.5 0I .5 - 61.5 6l .5 $t? $t8 8t9 stl sll slz $r3 sIf sl5 sl6lstt -rsl8t$18 st9 620 $2lt $208 s2l szl s23 825 $25 $21 $28 mt n2 ft3 rm fltl flt5 tf6 ft8 ra9 tlt' tfl I_iluqi ,, {.3 {.3 t.l {,3 {.3 {.3 {,3 {.3 {.3 - n5 .i.' flI6. :!ir' - ..i:.-r. 9.28 Fllet BBIDGBI$.IIB 'TlB' Sprtnner Prograr by ll8 $oftrrre, Inc. P0[86U$ ttof 8tlvul0il [-r[cmRxoDt lPsrl tcsil ltEETl Pagei I Iflr? rc.28 t3.?9 6l.t t.3 - n8 lt.t? l5,lf 6t.i {,Jt19 12.93 e,CC 51.5r2l 15.81 l.tt 61.5:22 1s.25 16.80 51.t 4.3frgl 12.il 15,23 5r.5 {,3m6t 15.23 l.lC 51,5f55 rf.53 l.ll 5t.5156 lt.lt 16.15 51,5 {.3n5t - 13.25 r.|| 6r.5I {t.68 l.ll 12.12 [.[8 C.ll t2.53 ||.58 l.lt 12.5{ {f.68 f.t| t2.55 il.68 t.0l 12.56 . {t.68 t.il 12.57 ||.68 r.tf 12.5I {1.68 l.Cl 12.59 fl.58 r,|| r2.5l0 {t.58 t.t| 12.5rr {r,68 t.t| r2.5L2 {t.68 0.Ct r2,5t3 {0.68 0,ec 12.514 {i.58 C.0t r2,5t5 {e.68 r.ef 12,5 -16 {0.60 0.ct 12,5v 1? {e.58 t.0c 12.5ls rc,68 l.0t 12,5l8t {t.68 t.m t?.519 {t.60 c.il I2,5 Prge r lml DIAllBlE[ IIPE FUllil0S LBISil 80f [B[0il T0l LBIIGII FBIClIOll C-9[tUl Pe Pf n[00lfyiloDr .[oDl .{eHl [rRc[E$] {tBtl} (il$} lHrTl {p8r/n.l (psrl tpsr} {n,$Bcl -,-'--'-------lccl > ul 2e4,14 +.54e 40 GIE 25 t2.51 6?.5? 0.0e5 1{0 5,12 0,39 {.C6ul >uz 2t{, 7{ 4.5{e 40 C 14 .t1 29.21 1il.{4 e.0C6 l{C 0,0N t.60 {.t5 26.51 32.36 e.0C5- l{0 Z.t1 e,lg {,e5u2 > ml 241.14 {.54e {e ffi 5.?5gBt > Bn2 nl,1t {.?6$ t0 [t 6 t2.fl 18,0t 9.010 Lzt c.lt . 11.09 4.61| [0ll: the ll0r Dependent Pressure loss Devlce ln the preceedlng plpe &cc0unt8 for I0.9e psl of the totsl frlctlon lo8s 'tf'0[2 >]c6l 21 .1+ {.260 IC L 5..l5 6.tC I1.?5 0,0tC 12t -2.11 C.tz {.61c8t > e82 244.11 {.250 le tT 23.75 26.tf {9. ?5 t.el0 l2c e,co c.52 t.61 llle' 8BIDGll8.l8[ B8ollt ltD c82 > C83 Z,l,It 1.26C tC tc83 > lfl 2c{.?{ t.26a le t{0t - > Htz 2N4.14 {,25C t0[e2 > [03 201.14 4,26C leii0i > Hl4 'l,l.r . ti {. ?b^0 l0tt0{ > t05 2lr.1t 4.260 le 'TgE' Sprlntter Prograr by FPE Eoftuare, Inc. 2, 15 l2 t2 t2 22 J 10 It 10 12 .5 {,5 tq l2 12,5 ,5 {,5 12 r2,5 q {,5 r.5 1l .5 l2 ,5 {,5 ?.5 q ll.5 l2 l{,25 |.15 {.?5 5.5 9 l.) 5.5? 9, 6? 4.23 1 10.83 2.?5 6.fl t.tlt.tc tz.cct.tc 12.eee.t0 12,00 25.il C,Clt 12t t,t0 t.21 {.51l5.ee e.clc 12c 3.9e t.l6 t.61 lllt -' <,!2?, 0.c0 121 -<126 LCO 2.t54 til, fto ?.r5{ l(r 126 '< tzl C.m 2,154 [t 9122 < n6 t.lc 2.15{ l(tn6 i nt c.il 2,i54 xt,nc < lc3[ e .te 2J54 ilt0? . < n3 0.cc 1.10{ t(! Ttcl < n2 c.et t.452 lG Ef02 < m3t 0.00 1.{52 I(t IPe3 < re4 e.00 1.452 l(L T l.ll 3.e0 0.00c 12e c.e0 e.e0 t.0a 0, ele c, tltf.fN lz.ct e.clr rzt {.33t5.lt 38.fc c.cto lzc c,cc t.$ g,tc 0.ccf tzt t.r0f.m te.ce c.0fe m c.ceLil 10,t0 Lc!0 r20 r,rce.m 10.0e e.e0e lzs e,ee5,tc 5,5e 0,rcr 120 c.ec3.e0 15.5e 0.0ec 12e 0,t06,Ce 1C,50 C,Co! 120 C.r0 6,CC 13.50 e.0ee 128 0,000,0c 0,50 9,000 t20 0.003.te 15.00 e.0e0 120 e.e03,0t 15.50 0.000 129 0.0ec,ee 0.50 0.000 12b 0,005,00 m,50 0.00e 120 0,006.00 13,50 0.900 12c e.00t,tc c,5c c,cr0 rze 0,ce3.C0 15,ee 0.000 r?t 0.003.0c 15.5e t.c0c r20 0,00c,0i 0.5e 0.ec0 12e 0,ee6.$ rc,5t c,0c0 12c l.l[6.01 13.50 e.ece l2c 0.cll.rc t,5c c,0|c r20 0,r03.tf 11.50 e,cec 120 c.ee3.ft l5.rr t.ll0 l2g t.l0t.il 0.5c c.c0t lzf l.ll5.lt ll.st Lilc lzt 0.ll5.ei 13.5e t.me ne e .e0t.ft t,5t t,|lt 120 l.le3.00 1t.5e c.cc0 120 e.ec3r,n t3,lc |,lll l2r c,ll0.ec l{.?5 e.ccc 12c c.lcc.m {.15 e,ctt 120 !,clt.ce t.?5 c.f00 12e e.0c0.il 5.5C r.lm 120 0.clf.5c 9.0e 0.0c0 120 o,ee0,c[ t.5e c,ccc lzt 0.00 15.c0 2t.61 0.t0e l2e e.el6,m 15.57 t.Cm 120 0.il5.Ct tc.25 t.tce 12t 0.Nc|,m 2.r0 r.rcc 120 0.0c3.Ct 13.83 t.ee0 12e e.$05,m 7,?5 t.c0t l2l 0.01 0,c10 12N {,r3 0.13 {.61lzc {.33 C.t3 t.5112t {,33 f.t3 {.611.13 t.flf.0N t. tl f.ff |, fef.ff 0.ilt.cl t.0tc.ee 0.cec,ft e.t0c.cc e.0ec,N0 f,ec0.0c 0.00r,c0 0,800.c0 t.0e 0. r0 t, cc 0.ee 0, c0 0.00 0, c0 c,e0 0,e0 0. c0 0.cl 0.cc c,tl c. $0 t.il t.t0 t.il c. cl l ,ll t.tl t,f0 e.cl t,t0 c.cl l.f0 0.ce 0, tc 0.0e c, t8 c.m L'C e.ct 0. tt rf? < tcg c,t[ 1,452 xt 1,10{ l(I 1,t52. l(t i. {52 l[, I .10{ l([ 1.{52 Xt r,452 )G 1,1e4 [t l.{52 l([ r.452 nl.lt{ lG r.{52 )(tL{52 rt F09 < FC8 0.0e FC9 < llC C,00nc < lll 0.0enl < 113 t.lonl <Il2,; e.een{ < nt 0.00t15 < ll5[ e.cell5 < 115 0.m116 < n? t.ten? <Flg f.c0ll? < n8 c,tel2l < r2l l.lll2l ' s.tZltl2l ' < 122.. F0{ < tc5 0. t0r0{ <.tc6 s.00 I .10{ Xtl.{52 )(t 0.lf 1.1e{ :(t |,tl t,{52 tfi,t.{52 t(t 1.{52 t(t I t B I T 1 e .00 0, c0 c.e0 e ,0l e.e0 e.c0 c.00 0.01 f.tc r,cN . t.cc t.tl r.tl t,tt 0, ce t,lc r.tl l.ll c.0c t. Nc r.cc t, tc e .0e 0, c0 e.t0 l.el e.m c, ct 0.ec - f.ct lZ2 (123" 0.fg12? < lZ5, l.Nlt23 a tzii, t.tlll2 ',,i:l|t*',,,. l,lllll - .i.rll$i''/ t.l0 lC9 -:, ,< tlli: l.lllll .' .,J, 102,., l.lt ll2.l" < lli' l,ll 1.452 10, I3.25t lt lGI 3.260 l0 3.26C t0 2.6t5 10 2.635 lC 2.635 t0 2,635 - l0 ?.154 10 T8l.{52 l(L E8l.{tz Nr.Tl.t0{ lGt.{52 XL B|-lt{ n I 193 ,.< ll{fl{ , ,< fa5 t.fl c,il oflil ,,,:-il: N.tl llle' BuDctl$.IIB 'Ig8' $prlnller Prograr by lP[ Softrare, Inc. l[0t DIlllBlBR ilPS Flftlilos [8[G1[ l0r lilcu T01 tBtcm tnlcfl0l c-rntui Pe. (GPr{} liltcffi$l (rBTl (nBrt tnBrl (p$r/f1.1 (P8rl Psge r Pf r[r.ociit(PsIl lrr/8rcl Btclx t[Dlot xoDB IC{ < IC6T16 < TCt2n < 1t8It? < lc8lf8 < 212 ?l? < 298[ T0? < 2t32t8[ < 2t82t8t < 2t9 219. < 2112ll ( Zll['21f < INzll3 ( 2152l! ( 2t5l2t5 < ?13[ ?15 '< 211116 < 2l?t09 < zttc zl?c < zl?D zt?c ' < zltl21il < 2l?8 211[ < 211218 < 219219 < 220219 < Tlt215 < 2l3t 213t < ?ltB zltl < 213 il03 < ml[il < Btg [t9 < m8sl0 < [31[c8 <il? . il? < [06 Et5 "< m28llr, < ffil '' mlt < illt EltE < m2 [f]-' r' <,ff21 [lZf,::: < [028mzt < $3m3.',<il| , B$ :ii.? m5 ..' I .68i l,{52 1.{52 l.{52 1 ,10{ 1.{52 I ,le{ l.1t{ l.{52 I .68? l.lc{ 1,68? l.{52 Lltf 1.t52 Lll{ l.{52 l.{52 1 .104 l.{52 I.t0{ t,{52 1,10{ 1,104 l.{52 t.{52 I .10{ 1,104 3.250 2.535 2.635 I .452 2.635 2.15{ 2 ,15{ r.t52 l.tc{ l.{52 l.{52 t,{52 l.1f{l'lt{ l.{52 l.{52 l.{52 |.t52 I .le4 1.t52 l.{52 l,le{ - 1.452 . r.1c{ r".4r2 I.{52 1.1e4 i e .0e 8,t0 f.sg Ll0 t.ge t.0t e.e0 N,0r t.00 f .0c e.c0 0.0e t.0e l.t0 9.0t t, tc 0.ce LCC c.00 t. te 0. ee 0. c0 0,e0 0, c0 0.c0 c ,00 e.e0 c. c0 e.00 Ltc c.ce Ltc c.00 l ,0l c. cc t.0l t. fl LCI N.tc t.cl r.t0 l.tl t.tl, t,tt t.rN l,t0 t.0l t.|l 0.I 0,0c 3.5 l0 10.33 5,33 8,83 Lh .83 ll LL {.25 { 10.5 1[ I 2,5 ,.0' 2,5 9,75 t0.5 {,25 10.5 3.5 23 5.5 11.25 1t,17 l1 7 9.33 , I 2,33 L,4Zll I L2 l{.81 2 .13 tl .33 . il 5 I 3,67 I 3.5 5.83 I e.0c t,rc c. cl t. t0 l. cl )(T IG n l(I, n l(t l|t & n n xt fi. n |il. n I(t n il, xt xt )(L U, xt ](t YI )(T 10 t0 1g l([ 10 I t t I T T I I T T I T T EE T T I 8.00 u.50 t,0e 3. Ce l.ll f.cl t. tc z.tl 5.tl 3.|l {,tl 5.t$ 8.ll 6.Cl l. tc 5.01 5, tc c.t0 5,tc 5. CC t. il 5,e9 5. !0 e,es 5,00 5,t0 6,C0 0 ,0e l0.ec r3.33 5,33 2. 33 8,81 {,?5 5 .83 l3.ll 16.01 ?.f0 u.5e 1e.25 9,tt 16.5C 8 ,5t 8.ee 9.5 t 1.5C 9.5? 7 .50 15.?5 10.50 5.5t 10.25 15.5 t 4.0e 5. N0 8 ,50 38 . C0 61 ,00 12,Ct t?.508.0e 19.253,tc l3,t?r2.0e 23.ee | .0t 9. ccf.fc 9.33t.il 12,m5.tc 5.0c3,Ct tt,5t 6.CC 8.336.lt 1,t?t.t| lt.0c5.lt 6.tl3.tt 15.il 9, tc 23. 835.0t 8.33 ll. rc 5.33 14, t0 6.e0 6. 00 9 ,5? 5.00 9.50 r{.83 e.e0e t2e e.0e0.$0t Lle c.0e e.eet- t20 0.e00.et0 tza t.ie e.e$c 120 0.ce 0.c0[ 120 0.r$ 0.ee0 120 0.0ct.t8t l?f t.0c0.t0c l2t t.ll t , cot lzc t. t0 0. ceo 120 0.00 0 , t0t 120 0,0t 0.000 lzt 0.cct,|lf lzt t.fl e.e0c t20 0.t00.ctc rze 0.ct 0,eee 120 e.ee E;0C0 12e e.l00.rse 12c e.ee0.00r t20 t.c0 0.900 120 0.0e 0.00e t20 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0,000 lla 0,t0 0.000 12e 0.e0 0.$0e lzc 0,00 0,000 r20 0.00 0 , 000 120 0,00 0.00e Lze 0,e0 0.010 12c 0.00 c.coe 120 g.e0 e.000 t20 t.0l 0.000 120 0.0$ 0.000 t20 t,00 e.000 12e 0.t0t.t0c lzt r,rc e. teO 12i 0. cl 0,ccc 120 t,0c 0.eN0 lzN e.te0,c0t tzl 0.00t.il0 tzt t.tct.ill tzt c,fl 0.e0c lzc e.el0.ct0 lzt c,cc c,c0e tzi 0.ecc,0t0 120 0.c0 f. tel lzc 0.0ct.0m 120 t,c0 0.eee 120 e.0e e,0ce 120 0,00 0.e0c l2e 0.e0c,!0r 120 l.cc c.tec 'l2e e.0lc.cm l2l 0.01 e,eee rn e.00 e.e0 c, cl t.cc t, tl i.lcc.ct t.tt0.e0 t.ctt.0r l. tt0.00 t.clc.m t,t0 t. c9 0.00e.c0 t,tct.ct Lmt.|| t.tlf.er f.m.c,cf c.tle.ce e.ccLt0 0,rlc.0e 0.cct,0c 0.000.0c c.c00,00 0,t00,00 0.0e 0 ,0c t. 0c0,e0 0.0c0,0c 0.0c0.00 0.000,00 0,0c0.00 0.0e t . e0 c,0te.ee c.c0t,t0 t.el0.0e 0. ee 0 ,00 c. cc0.0c e.tcf.00 t.tl 0.ee . t.|lc.0c t.tf c, e0 c.c0c.0t Ltlr.r N.flt,m r.rlc.00 t.cl N, CC t.tt 0. ee t. tct,r0 t.0lc.0t i.e0 t, t0 c.0lc.00 e, e0 0 ,0c 0.00e.ee c,e00.0t c. c0e.te f.tf0,0t' t"tc 0. ec 0-ee ' 'tt' t E10t I l,t D ts8 r.ee l.0t t.tll;ll 0,e0 t,tl 5.Cl LIt f.cc 5 ,0t 5 ,00 5,01 .6.t0 9.ll lc i0ltBNI IU, E}(tt tGt )0[tf xtE t(t 1B ruT l(t 10, I l(LB l0 )(LTn1 rGfrut&[I tGl 5'lC '5.Ce TIIE; BRIDOIIS,Tffi '1Si' DIil{tItB 1W8 rIIlIltGS tB}teT[(ilc88$l trBsrl Sprlnkler ProgrE0 bI trPl Softrare, Inc. Bov tEllGTfl 101 [E]lGl[ FnICTIoil C-lAtus lr8ml lrffirl IPsr/Fl,l page r Pe Pt I8I,,0CI1I {PSrl tP$rl lrr/$8cl $BCIil BltD H,oH[008 fl008 IoP[]q'i s13 Dlo s23 n/l s25 s08 s?0[ 820[ sz0 s20 st8 819 $t9 < 824 < B2{l < [0? < 825 < [25 < [28 < 911 < 129 < slg < 808 < 8e7 < 816 < $c5 < 80{ < 804[ .< 8C2 < gl3 < $el < sll .(812 < $11 < 615 < sll < $05 < $14 < s0'l < s22 < s25 < $08 < 82el ( 8200 < 82$ < 8?l < $19 < 910[ < 818 < 828 < 825 < $27 > 121 > 155 > t05l > flg > I55 > 103 > ll9[ > r18 > lgl < re{ > fez > re3 < r0g <nl < ltll >nl 8I BEBB T f I BT cil, T T t I I E I I B I T t I B 8t I T It 8T TBE t1 I T E G8t T T I 1 ,92 15 .33 5 2,25 .t? II t 11 24,61 I I I,LJ I 9 I 9 t2.l? 1,5 1l .25 10,83 5,33 1,5 l.l q l1 ,25 I ? ,83 6.42 10,25 9.42 2 16,5 1{ 2.25 I.6J 1 6 Ltl I lt 5,?5 2.5 r.3l u.Dl r ,83 {.33 ll le .31 I 9,CC 12.0e I ,0c 0.e0 5 .00 0.0e 5.C0 9 .0e 9. 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