HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT C D COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING 1994 HYDRAULICS REPORT 1 OF 2 LEGALTO BE FTLLED OUT COMpLETELY pRtOR TO tS$pANCE OF pERMtT rypEoFpERMrr U" Ui(,?gi &E eurlorlc E pluMerNb E( etecrRtcnl D FoUNDATIoN CONSTRUCTION PERMIT dopartment of community development n raecuaurcal -_fl NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 9rq1g JUNE 15. 1994 6775 ST LEGAL 1OESC. LOT BLK- BRIDGE BLDGFILINGCOVERED l.toeNffrE, covERED BRTDGE ELE6TRT6AL OWNER NAME FAqT UF'qT PAPTNFPq MATLADDRESS DMWER 2770 cfrY AVON 81620 PH. 476-LL4 ARCHITECT FIRM GWATITMEY' PMTTY' SCHUI MA|LADDRESS 1000 s FRONTAGE clrY vArL 81657 pu.476-L147 GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOW}I OF VAIL REG. NO *,1"-'^tlll FIRM WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC t4)-HrowN oF vArL EEG- l!o. - TELE. 949-L403 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF]IAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWNOF]VA!! E!EG. NO TELE. l. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I I t rV V 2. OCCUPAI{CY GROUP ABE H IR M DIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : TNSTAT,I, ET,F,CTRTCAI, SERVTCE PERMIT NO. z. tr BUILDING ELECTRICAL r04 .000.00 PLUMBING MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R-F.A. VALUATIOI{PERMIT FEES EUILDING PERMIT PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL r825.00 NEW( ) ATTERATTON (XI AODTTTONAL( ) REpAtR( )PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT- - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAI- RECREATION FEE R-VALLUETHICKNESS OESIGN REVIEW EOARO CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT exr wauus I [ I USE TAX ROOF WILL CALL 3.00 GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES 1828 . 00 ERNST GLATZLE 6-L4-94 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEOED: Y N INITIAL sr cur I I I UILDING-FFICIA. - - DATE ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING :ONING & BUILDING NOTES:'^r-'." I I I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled oul in full the inlormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the intormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build lhis structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and ^6) coNsrRucnoN PERMtrrs4t - nnhffi/ [,,,,o, depertment of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUTLDTNG fI eluusrNc ELECTRICAL L-.I FOUNDATION MECH ANICAL LEGAL lrsc. LOT BL K FILING COVEREN RRTNGF RT,NG ZoaNlue, covERED BRTDGE BLDG Mp&pp OWNER NAME EAST !{EST HOSPITALITY MAIL AODRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT EIRM MAIL AOORESS ctw PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VA|L BEG. NO. tr^'^Hl; FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FTRM VAT,I,EY I^ITDE MECHANT CAT rowNoF vArL REG. No. 103-P rELE.949-1747 MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM VAI.T,EY W TDE -MECHAIITCAL rowN oE vAtL REG. NO. 103_P rELE. 949-1747 OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VA|L 8EG. NO. TELE. NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 9119 JULY 7. 1994 ' 6808 nn ET T.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I tVV 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB EH IR M DfVfSION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OFWORK : MF'UANTTNAT DFDMTT DT TTMPTr\IN DFDMTT T. PERMIT NO, z9F f BUILOING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING 141.000.00.. FIREJOTECTION PEfuYIT.MECHANICAL 230 .000.00 TVPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEESII 1I{R B-2, R BUILDING PERMIT It4r334 ll4133 6 F+ HF PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL NEv!r.o( ) ALTERAION ( ) AOOTTTONAL ( ) REPATR( )PLUMBING 1115.00/PC 529.00 DwELLTNG uNrrs o AccoMMooatroH ururrs 0 HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL i600.00/Pc 1150.0( RECREATION FEE R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT Exr wALLs | |USE TAX L,lT T.T. nAT.T.6-OO TYPE OF HEAT SOLAR GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES l/, nn nn DAN_STANEK '/ -7 -94runorxcoFncr,ll-- - - trrTEADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL ST. CUT ONING AOMINISTRATOR OATE BLASTING :ONING & BUILOING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and slale that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build lhis structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. ANO THE OWNER. FOR HIMSELF CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE DATE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE NOVEI'tsER B, L994 71 08 department of community darelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT trn!!BUILDING ELECTRICAL f MECHANICAL g ELEVATOR LEGAL PE9c. LOT BLK-- FILING COVERFD BRIDGF BI.NG JOB NAME: COVERED BRIDGE ELEVAToR OWNER 111M5EAST WEST HOSPITALITY CITY PH, ARCHITECT FIRM MAILAOORESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnu SCHIMLER ELEVATOR TOWN OFVAIL REG. NO. 3J5-S rELE. 303-777-5020 f r..r*,.o. TOWN OE]UAILBEG.!{O-UUI\IKAUIUK PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM T!!YN OfflALL REG, No.. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM To\/VN OF VAIL BEG.]!O. TELE. T.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION lll lll lV V 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IRM DIVISfON 122a34 GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK : ELEVATOR INSTA],LATION PERMIT NO. z tr J EUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL ET,F,VATOR 47-500-OO TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATIOI{PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERM IT I-f, ll+g CTdr=#-f1_ PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL NEW6b ALTERATION ADDITIONAL( ) REPAIR(PLUMBING DWELLINGUNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO,FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS F-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT )N€€ftPI( WILL CALL 3 .00 ELEVATOR SCHEDT]I,E 63.00TYPE ELEC. IoFlSOLAR IHEAT I GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES 66.00 GARY MURMIN 1I-8-94 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL ST CUT tutLDlNG OFF|C|AL DATE ONING ADMINISTRATOR OATE BLASTING :ONING & BUILOING NOTES: IPARKING I I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and stale that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the intormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other grdinances of theJoryn gBPlicable thereto. AND THE OWNEB. dopaltmont of communaty development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION TnB D BUILDING ELECTRICAL N MECHANICAL I-227 BRIDGE STRE LEGAL \esc. LOT iJ gL,BL K 5B FILING vvl noeHeire' covERED BRTDGE DEMo & coNsr OWNER NAME EAST WEST PARTNERS urrr_rooRessl5 HIGHLANDS LN crw BEAVER CREEK pH. 949-507 ARCHITECT plpir GWATHMEY, PMTT, SCHULT MAIL ADDRESS l OOO S F,RONTAGLR] crrY VAIL 81657 PH. 476-114 GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnu JL VIELE CONSTRUCTION TOWN OFVAIL REG. NO. I8&-L TELE. l!7 6-7,o.9,) J.r.rr,.o. CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN !E]YAII- FEG. NO PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANICAL FIRM IOIUILOF VAIL REG. NOUUN I KAU IUK OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OEfIAIL REG. NO TELE. Et(oZO 665? I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in lull the information required, compleled an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the informalion and plot plan, to coryly with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build lhis structure according to the T owfs)zon ing grfd .subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Builcting Code and olher or$rryIncesy'l fp Town applicable lhereto. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TO: V 4ffi 4 (}**TffiWNF-ffitnrS ^ T.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON |[ rVV 2. OCCUPAI{CY GROUP ABEH IR M DIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : NEMOT,TTTON & RFCONSTRIICTTON GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUA PERMIT FEES L2703 BUILDING PERMIT lb1 . ol () ALTERATION AODITIONAL ( ACCOMMODATION U'U'" O NO. FIREPLACES NOT ISSUED RECREATION FEE 12,703.00 220.00 PP TOTAL PERMIT FEES 4-19-94 4-rs-94 NING AOMINISTRATOR AND THE OWNER. NOTE: Job Address? 227 BRIDGE ST Location,.. : COVERED BRIDGE Parcel No.. : 2101-082-10-001 Project No.: o THIS DESERT }IAWK BUILDERS 5201 PONDEROSA NE, ALBUQUERQUE, DESERT HAI{K BUILDERS 52Ol_ PONDEROSA NE, ALBUQUERQUE, COVERED BRIDGE BUILDTNG LTD t EAST WEST PARTNERST ATTN:, DRAWER 2770, AVON CO 81620 Item: O5IOO BUILDING DEP.ARIITI,IENT Dept: BUILDING05/04,/l-995 GARY Action: APPRIt'em:'Os4OO PI,ANNTNG DEPARTT.IENT DCPt: PIJINNING 05./04./1995 GARY Action: APPR N,/Art,em:, 05600 FIRE DEPART}IENT DEPt: FIRE 05,/04,/1995 GARY Action: APPR SENT COPYIt'ero:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept: PUB WORK05/04/L995 GARY Action: APPR N,/AIt,eln:, O57OO ENVIRONMENTAI, HEALTH DEPt: HEALTHo5/o4/L995 GARY Action: APPR N/AIt'ern:' 05900 LIQUOR DePt: CLERKo5/o4/L995 GARY Action: APPR N/A a PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TTMES ADD/ALT COl,$.t BUrLD PERMI Permit 895-0103 TOWNOFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I i8 / 479-21 39 FAX 303-479-2452 D e p a r t m e ng$ d4ggt y ry i Ey Dggfupgg nt BUILDING Applied. . z 05/02/L995 rssued. ..2 o5/o5/1995Expires..: LL/OL/I995 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER N N Phone: 505-889-9644 87110 Phone: 505-889-9644 871r.0 Description: COSMETIC II'TPROVEMENTS occupancy: 82 92 Type Construction: V l-HR Type V l-Hour Ilpe Occupancy: Valuatlon: Fireplacc lnformation! Restrictcd: 60 r 0oo Add Sg Ftl #of cas Logs:#0f G.s Appt i ances: rEE SUrlllARY at*ti*****tt****l}l*tttlt+*t||ltt*ll*t*t**i*lttt*trt*t'l*t***t' Building-----> 540.00 Restuarlnt Plan RevieH--> .00 Totat Calculated tees"-> 1,114.00 Ptan Chick---> 35'1.00 DRB Fee----'."lnvestigation> .00 iecreation Fee--------.-> .00 Totat Pemlt Fee""-"'> 1,111'99 '9itlcait....>3.oocl.an.UpDePosit........>250.0oPgy1rEnt3.....-..........> TOTAL FEES.....***iat*t*ti*t*t1!t*rrtr*ratt*t*t**ttittrttttllt*ttittattttttiaraaltittitttittatttlaltttt*tlalt*tltllitttaat+alatt*ttt*tttt*ttttat*llttt* #Of tlood/Pat Let: Division: Division; Division: Division: Division: Division: See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that rnay apply to this permit. DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknoHl edge that t have read this applicltion, fitted out in futl the information reqri red, cdPteted-ah accurate plot ptan, eird state thlt atl the infofnation provided as riquired is correct. t agree to corpty Hith the inforrution and Ptot-ptsn, io "iryty Hith att roun ordinances and stlte tars, and do bultd this structure according to the Torrn's zmlng and sr-bdivision codes,-di*ign revier approved, Untforfl Buitding Code ard other ordinarres of the Torn apptlcabte th€reto. REOI.,ESTS IOR I}ISPECTIOilS SIIALI. BE NADE TI'EXIY. F(r.'R ICI'RS III ADVAXCE BY send ctean-tp Deposit To: DESERT HAlfi t-5'1{ tt tt,tl . 00- FROI4 CIIECK REQUEST PREPAREDBY: V /2-j,-,DNE za-/s/r.;-- -VENDORNAME, nauu*-,7.--z- W,./JL4L VENDORNUMBERTTA7 Z*{ DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFIIND FORBP #$tr- aAs A\JACCOUNTNUMBER: 01 0000 22002 AMOUNT OF REFUND: ,{ Efr.dD DATEAPPROVED:A t_!__ tl tt IAPPROVALSIGNATURE: Il trzf-{.,f &rcx*ngaEsr I*tto*to"v' o6-.otttq:gn=f** <. p iL/ NtuME OF toB" C'4' h-_notnot oIlREFul{P' PNTEA}PROVED:il**l+er# l- , e"*t.*;; Xig,Etiliffi"t $rr z oamz 4-zo- 9{ f UAI . , APPLTCATToN MUST BE TILLED S******************** **** ** * * !rr![],1-Buildtng 6 l-plunbing t Architecr:. MnurnOt hestius Address: Job \q95 PERI'IIT 'I I OUT COMPLETELY OR IT }TAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERI{Ir TNFORMATTON * **** * * * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * l-Electricat [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-other Job Address: r(7Block;p Fiting ,-, &Puu."=.,Pn..4aza -1O,11 pn9*8tselrl Nane:9o*t#+fu ceneral Descrl.ption: Work Class: [ ]-New X;-atteration [ ]_Additional [ ]_Repair [ ]_other Nuober of Dwelll-ng Units: I Number of Acconnodation Units; Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: MECHANICAI-,: I-rOTAL: TNFORMATTON *** * * *********** * * ******* Town of Vail Req" NO.Phone Number: q6t - Y)3 - 47Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nurnber: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Town of Vail_ Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. BUILDING PI.AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEES I.IECHANTCAL PIAN cHEcK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOjrAL PERMIT Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address3 Reg. NO. **** ****** * ** ***************** **FoR oFFrcE usE ** ******* * ********** *** * *******BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBTNG PERUTT FEE: UECHANICAL PERMIT FEE! ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER ?YPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATIJRE: Pop 65t4526l ftt-,8 CLEAN T'P DEFOSIT IEFI'I|D TO:DAm+ il*"tL AJr fl B1il D ^"8 ai TO: FFOM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMI'r'IS REOUIRED o ev( 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ts demolition work being pertormed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public propety? 3) ls any utitity work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ts different acress needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a'Revocable Right CI Way permit" required? 8) A. ls th€ right of way, easements orpublic property to be used for staoino, parking oi ten-cingz - ---v-"v' B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? !t-v9u-a19wer9d yes to any of these questions, a "Public way permit" must be obtained.?ublic way- Permit" application! riy be obtained at the'pubtic work,s office or atc.o.TT{ti v Development. .lf you nlve _any questions ptease calt chartie Davis, the Townof Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-215g. I have read and answered allthe above questions. P|easeanswerthetoito@ardingthene€d|ora"Pub|icWayPermit.: YES 5r Job Name -?4 -€. tl I lnun 75 routh f?ontrgc roed Ell, colorado 8t65z (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 oftlcc of communlty dcuclopmr||t BUILDING PER}|IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI'IE If this permi.t requi,res a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval,Ensineer''s (pubr ic lr*ti ""ni.n .no'ipp"ouui,'i iiiliiir!'bepartmentreview or Heal th Deoartmint. reviewl-.n5'.-".uiJ ;y-ffi"Eritcinglirtil*!'j;"ll: ...ir.ted time to"'"-totrr """ii* i"v"Lil.as rons fl]-"9ry:"sial ("rarge or smalr) and at mu'rti-famirv permits wi.'have t0 follow the above menti6niJ-maiimum requirements. Residentia.land sma1l projects shourd tate-J-ieis""'.rornt of time. However, ifresi dential or smar r er,projeiir-ii,pili' the various above mentioneddepartments with reqard' to-n"i.riil!-ieview, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attenpt wil] be made by this department to expedite thispemit as soon as possible. ' l-il. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timetrame - Date WoiT S hdet wai-TuFn€d-Ft6-Eh'E Conmuni ty Devel opment Departrnent. tl 75 soulh lrontrg" rold uail, colorado 81657 {303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBTECT: Read an_d acknowledged offlc. ot communly devclopmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WTTH THETOI{N OF VArL TO!{N OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMITNITY DEVELOPIT{ENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRU TTON PARKING & II{ATERIAt STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states trrat it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or aeposia ;t-r;irl-"J"i, sand, debris;:"ffi*'i:ii.i::t"dins trisr, -t,-p=t"51, l"ii"ri""ioir"a! ;;e- -, _qr?ee ;, ;;;;;iil:d;I":::""h"=li;ilil:i_*li"I"":rl*:*-",vail street! inct-:g"g= i= "firoiinatery s ft. lff pavernent.This ordinance wirr be "ttiE[rv"enforced by the Town of VairPubric r{orks oeoartnEnt. --p"i3inl touna ,riirr.ri'i this orrrinancewirr be siven a 24 hour "=i*;;';"ii""-ti-;;;;;"="id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified.does not conply with thenotice within tr131 rroui-tii.-=iecif5.ed, the puLlic worksDepartment wilr re'ove said urateii.i-ii-irrJ'I"i;i=e of personnotif'ed' The provisrons-ot-til! o"air,ance shirr not beapplicabre to cinstruction, -riiit.n"nce or repair projects ofany street or attey or any'"aiiiai;;-'i; ;;"';i;;i_"_*.y. lo review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Torrn of::li.::ii3i"3"o:f,i**:*.::""it*ii" a copv. rirani< you ror your Project CLc) () lJ.l C.) Eo 3 o E ii., iiFr iilr, ll ,l '/r-.. | (lt l,/ \\';'t 't'' , ll#* Ittit54 1\/ il ti{ $$iu rLt i$l, 1.1 I T ,J. r!r" tl Y IJIrF s T ,.'h0t-!te{ :S* gE E $flx i .{ o '-9 *. ,Hili ti' .l rtr .i '\'di[{* ii r il$+ _{ ?. q$i *tt+ _idc! B$ B:t E$ ?r Jlt c $n ri J.T +{i T, q T $ $iu crfi ;x3 A sq ;$ r' &rl +I 'l -ia f,J ! u-l 1if *$i ilr. i $r?s tfirilrd hr tx Fi $ri *9L{ 1.3 ifi ?9Fil l+rI i:i$!f+tI . . .[ "i.-,.!{ ._.i. f r r'. / I .tl tl +. 9r F'! t- Il D 'i! r rJ {43{ l-h.tll .\t IEF I n -{.t ti3{:+J€r.I +"tE:rl{i!,*i :l: sr sr "t; i .'t j. r.+ tsl ti 1,|-Jv g$ *,[: ;t:t..rh! { iii E F rl-B ;'i 'trlt 4, gl'$f;-ni{ -tLstitrir Uqri'f 3'ln ,r' !f ;i 1.il HF f,i *-a 3sqiii lt It i,I :t f,i i''$l $.t *11T rl $li$itu liii+t iilS* l FrEss i ii$iii !o i !'i, 1. r' l, 'l !! \. '.1 $t to:qt ectt /to /co Fl $!tt+ Ri ?s al t 1* \J. ! 1 $snj l{ 4T {6l isrle/ | llirl*t| 'laL*. s't J' ii:..5ifI {r T F/En I rl ?'.' F [$i,J.'' li*+=!!+ ./ F-11r---------f Jl E5/t;t/198b IE! g9 585-981-0 083o MAURADA DESIGI.IS PAGE E3 DESEBT HAWK BUILDERS 5201 Ponderosa. N. E' Albuquerque' NM 87110 505.889.96i44 NM Llcenre *027?71 Data: ProJect: Addrtsa: 10 April. 1995 $anra Fs Gold & leathel 227 Bridge St. Veif. Co A7667 50b, 243.0008 Frank Bogert 1) Slatc Floor | 3OO sq- ft" 2) Tin Acoustic ceiling 3) Custom Faiirl vvalls & columns 4) Lighting - lay'in & track 5) Built-in wall tlisplavs/shelves 6) Display caser; 7) DressinO Ror:'msistorage construction 8) Derlolition 9l Electrical Materials Labor Frcight Matelials Labor allowance* Allowance* Allowance' Allowanoet 5,577.00 't2,675.00 1.170.00 3,500,00 1.200.00 3,OO0.00 4,600.o0 6,000,00 8.000.00 1.300.00 700,00 2,O0o.oo Estlmrtsd I otal c 4s.7e2,00 dh\ef.gold\gormit.Pto r!^flst tTTAr HE^DEF SHEEr AUTT€flZED hETCATSEHIS 6lot{.runE 0 I)0 *,tl*rr** /,f-6pffi /*Ec sctr prei.r. ft((.cx<ttxs 3 Y N€/1/ -/t /tf,n*.fr fi+6fr. 10:ul N0,uub r.u1 (4fr rclilt wL, . \rul.-Ll ! t\t-v i r u . r l J - J ,{ J - 2 4 ( J flFT Ul --DEPAHTMENT OF THE ARMY U,S' ArmV Ccrgi ot Engincalt WASHlNcTON. D,C. 20314.t(xro L4 -_t o ro ' u,l t\o.uuo r,ul REFTY TOATIENTI9H gFr cECle-OR r.c tAR 1992 IiEUONANDTI}I FOR SEE DTBTSIETIITOTT $Ugircqls Clarlficatl.en and InterpratatLon of the 1907 Manual 1. lltre purposc of thLs lsnorandum Le to provlde adldlltlonalclarifioatlon and guldance eonctrnlng ttre application of thr Y-87-1r dlanuary 1987, F , Trchnlaal RcportIl . la dlrcusscdY-87-1r ilanuary 1987, Flnal Rcport (19S7 tianual). la dlrcusscd ln ty,?O lebruary 1992 ncuorrndus, procadurer for theldentlflcatl.en rnfl drtlneatlon ot vEtlang* rurt bc fullyconeLgtant wlth both ttre 198? lta$ual and the gucrtl.one -nd Anawrre lcaurd 7 ootobcr 1991. Ehr technlaal and proccdurnl gruidaacr contaLned ln paragraphr 2 thru 6 belos haa bern prepared by the Tateroay: Experincnt Statlon (I|ES] rnd ls provldlsd ssf,urther guldanae. Elre folloulng guldance ls consl.dered to beconalgtent lflth the 1987 Ltanual anA the 7 october euretLonr andlttlrcrs. hrrtlrrr, thla guldance wLll br prerentad ln theupconlng Regrulatory IV sctlande dellneatl6n tralning eereiona in FY 92. llhr alternatLve teehnlcal uetlrodc of datr getlrcrlng dlcpursed below arc rooeptabtre aB long aa th6 baelc-deslrionrules (L.e., crlterLa and lndlcators) satabllrhrd ln tlre r9B?llanual rr: applled. Also enolomd ls q revl:.d data foril $hlchlry b6 ured in lieu of ttrc routlne data Ehcet provLdrd ulth tho 1087 l{anual, lf deelred. Aa dlrcurrod ln !y ZO r3bnraty ttgtnaborandun to thr lteldr rcglonal eBproacha- and/or altrrnatlvedita rh.rtg nuct bc ravlesed rnd apptovea by H{QUSACE (cgcTt-onlprloT to ragLonal lnpl.enentrtlon. -itotwlttreianahg ttrirrcqulreuent, rs enoouriEr lntcragency sosrdLnatlon andcooporatlon on l,4rlcnentatlon ol th.- 198? Uanuel. guclr cooperitLon ctn f,acilltltc Urc contl,nuCd ruccrrr of, our usa ofttre 1987 l{anual. 2. VrEatatl.onr i. BagLc rul.s: Uorc tlran 50 Farcant of donlnant apeolesfrou all gtrata tre oBL, lAglf, or FIC (cxcludlng pAC-) on theeppro-prLate Fl.sh and fllldlifr garvlcr rcArlonal llrt of plrntrpcclca that occur Ln setland!. b. Th. 198? l{enuel provldet thet tha 3 noFt danlnantsprehe be trlrct*d frou leetr rtrrtuu (relcct S fron eaoh rtratuutf only 1-2 rtrata are pnscnt). Horevar, altornatLv€cagloglctl1y based netlrodo for aelcctlng doulnant apecLeg lrm cach ttratuD are aleo acseptable. lttre donlnance netlrod deecrlbedln tbr 19E9 lntrragensy lairual Lr an approprLate eltcrnative UI Y} o -J.+ J - Y+ i;)ovu I rr Lr t_ rJ I t- rIH T IO:UJ NO,UUb T,IJC cEct{-oR SUBJECID! cruificatLon end rntcr?retatlon of the 1987 l{onual :lTI?y" (usualry ln Eable 2 or 3 of modern eoll eurveya).gsgwfng 66aEon otarting and endlng dates viII goncraliy'bcdstei''l.ned bared on thi r2g dcaraEa F or lowerf, tenperiturrtlrrcehord at a fregucncy of -r's-ycrs6 in ro.n rn tiil aouttr, atthe dlrcretlon of the dlrtrlctr-lt uay bi aore apfroprtate'to-usetho 32 degrce I| thrrrhol.d . -. G-. In groundwater-drl,vsn syEtcor, wlrlglr lack eurfaselnarcagorE of uetland bydrolcEy, it 1r acccptabrB to uea rocalEoll Conscrvatl,on servlEe tccii'colt - ruivet-fii;rritlon toevaluate.the hydrotory perinetir (p. l? tn-thr lianual) lnconluncGlon ultlr oLlrer rnfornation, suctr E; the tAc neutral teBt.Use cautLon ln areas that nay have'been r6c6nt1y arainja. d. Oxldiged rhlzoepherer Furroundlng living rootE afoacceptabh-hydrologry lndlcatorE on a caee-Dy-cace basls and rayba uJ€ful In groundwatcr syateue. uea oaution that rhizosphererare not rellctE of past hyilrology, nhizospherer -hould arEo Dercasonably abundant and cithin if,e upper ta lnenes of the sotlp^rofllc. oxtdlzeat rhizoaph;r:g luet-De supportsd by othEr :lqlggtors of_ hydrology sirar ee the rAc nrirfrat opiion irnyorolo{fy evialcnc€ ls $ea)c. 4. Soll: cr Elre !s5t recant verston of Natlonar Technl.cal couDltte€for Hydrl.c soile hydrio roll orlterli vtfi ue uria. tt thlswrltlng, crltsrla pubrlehcdl ln tbr ilune 1991 Fvdrto $olls of tlraunltcd statee Bre currsht. Thesr criterla speclty at reaet 15ggylcutlvc days of saturatton or ? daye of lnundition durlng ttregrowlng searon l'n uoBt yearB. . b. Ipca1 Llgte of ttydlrlc goti uipptng Unite reeentlydcv.rop.d_by scs and avaliebrr fron couiti-oi-stit. siC oittces ^g-lve local i.lfonration about p_r.rrnge of, f,ycrlc ao{le on a el.te.wlrcn lvrllible, thecc local ll:tr take preb€denc€ ovcr thenational llrt for hydrlc roll detrnLnallonr, - _c. ECS 1r currently ilevaloplnq reglonal lndlortorr ofalEnlflcant :oLl saturat-ton. ttntrr-tr#iitrd fi--i6optfdl]-tt."" ; indlcatsrr-llay not be ueed f,or hydroloqnr or nyarlc soif ' detrmLnatlong. d. llhe gtatenent (p. 3t cf ttte 199? ltanual) that gleyed andlou-cbrona colore tugt ba obscryed nLnnedlatety Letov tf,e - A-horlson or 10 lnehcg (whichever la shallorerin ir intendedat 9.n ral gul-danoe. Certeln Drobl.B tolle lai dltter. t U ONLE. OU, LULU. F.trI.J.rrY-]4J-Y4rfa DATA FORM BOUTNE WETLAND DETEFTTIIMTIOT{ ll9g7 COE Weilentte Dellnmtion Mrnurtl ro; u4 Ng . uuo r .u4Yf, o !lJ.NHT UI P|oFcUsttBl Appllcrnr/Owner: Invg3tlgator: - Dttg: Countfr $ute: Do Nomrl Rncumrttrcas sxlrt on tti $tr?lrtb dtc rlgnlflorndy dl$ufted lAfi4rimt Ehurrionf?Irth..r€t I potrndll Frobf|m Al?tl llf nrcdd, erghln on ruwil.| Ysr No Ycr No Yor No Gommunlty lD: Tnnmct lD! Plot lD: vEGETATIO'T Q {tur,rt ltrnl E idLi Su|rum hilhftof a, s. t. 7. Ecdngrl Fhn Eorql .gt||tu,i$- hdlortor- f, to. tL t2. t3 ta. r6. t6 t r.. of Domlnrnt Spri|' thrt rl. OBL, FACli, or FAC lcxoludlrt FAC-!.+-. .+--,-. hrmr*r: HYDROLOEY FlrH Oftmnliirnrr Wa{.nd Hydf olcgv Inrllcrrerri trlmrry haicdon! -fturrd.rrd -8.u|r.|Cd hr UFP| II Inohcr _ lvrtrr Mrd(t - Prlft UDft - Drdim.nl Drlod$ _ Ot ha'| Prttorm In Wr{rndr Srocndrry lndcrlsrr (2 or $o.| i|quhrdl: _ Orddlrad Root €hrnnrb ln Umrr li Inoh.. ._ Wrtrr{tdnd hnrr - tocd 8nfl Survry Drta _ lAg'N ru.l Trlt - 00rl (En|.ln hAfm*., Acdrl Phoioofapht othrr 0n') thJ o I tYo!u.vv r!t_ !rL,, 1jILLJ. r\LU.FIH T Ib:U5 NO.UUb.I',U5 ta1r cbcw-on SuBiIEcTr clarlfication and rnterprctatlon of the 198? Manual tethod- ttt8g ldanual, p. 9, Frtr. 3.3) c,, trhe 4 veget:tion gtrrtr (trm, sepllngr/ehnrb, herb, andvootly vlne) deecribed tn the rgEZ'lranuit aic aiiropirir;:--' _- - lfouever, a s-etr*tu,n a5rproaeh (trcr, se;rllng, if,-!, fr-rt, anauoody vlne) Le an acce!-tahle aitrrnittvE;- - d, Ehc 1987 [anua1 statu on paEc Z9 th*t hydlophytlcv:getetLon lr preecnt if t or lor. iofrlnrnt eprotle ei*ritrtlorphologlcal adaptatlong or have ttnorn ptryriarogtear adaptatlongfor wetlande . Tlrlr rnrle ehourd be ueed onrv attor ttre Do'rio nrte1r appriedi ule crutton wttu i-aptaiione-isigll -gl"rror-iooftj--- I*:t :*.drveloP-for reltone otblr thnn ritnici. Furthcrnorc,the Dorphologlcal adaptat,lons ruat be oD6crtted on Eortlndividuale of tlre douinant apeol,er. Gr In a,reas uhcRe t$a avaLlabl.c cvtdcnce of, rctlandshyrlrol.ogy or hydrlc sotl ir sci[-ic.g.. no prilarv lncical"re ortrycEologEf), Ch€ Faaultativc N.utral (FAC neutral)-optLonnay bc uEed to help crarify a rettand detlneatlon. u!. sl the {e.-neu!11} optlon ir cxptlinrdt !.n paragraph 35(a), 1l.se 33,o! the 1987 uanuir. use-ot ths Flqneu€rai optioir"ii it ttr6dlsc*tion of trrq otrtr{ot. Frrrt66s, ttrr rrine'trii dtid"crnnot be us.d to crclude rreag tlrat uset the ibcala ve-getatlonilltil r5g thr hldrctcgy and hydrlc eol.I rtqulreiCnic. 3. ltldrol.ogys rr Arcae which arc Eeaaonarty lnundat*l and./gr gaturaElC iothe rurtacr for a congecutlve nunbir of days for iorc thrn tz.sptrsast.sf ttre growlng 'rEEon aro wotlanttal provtcerl tlrc toll anrlYagetatlon paraDetffs trc !8t. lreas ret bctucen $ percent andl2'! pcreent of ths grorylng leason ln loft ycrft (rei rabh a, Fag€ 39 of the 1987 I'tanual) nay ot lay npt bc votianda. rmaisaturatrd, to thc rurlacs tor rlrt thtn 5 per€3nt ot tlre groylng acason are nob-vatlands. Wrtland hydrotrogy cxlttr Ll ftaldtndLcatore sre pEefcnt ar discrruc'ncritn-rnc-tn-tlr. sncrosialdata ebeet b. To evaluate hydrotoglc data (r.g., tro[ atrraE qagEB orgrounc$ttBr wrllr) giro*inE reason afrtdr are re6rtrcit. S6fitolprrature roglle (1.e,, Bcrtolt of thr ytar dm rollEltrI'3raEuta at e0 thcheB DEIotr th3 Eurtaca lE tbov6 E c) ls lft,ptlp"rU defl.nltlon of Errowlng s€aEon, biut drtr are iarclyayrLlabre for lndividluar att6c. -Broad riglont baged on aolr-tglprrature.reEhe (e.g:, laqic, themlcl f,rc not rufficlentlyflt -rpscr,tlc. tror uatrond atrtisDtnrtlom, grcvrns r$Bon cah De.Btr.lated fro'n cllnatologlcal data glven lir uoat gEs corurty rotl v!rn!L \,L, t LTJLU r t\L\l r u . i r. Y-J 4J-:4 i f cEcw-oR EUBgEqIr Clarlflaatlon and, 5. Uethods: Interpretatlon of the 1987 Uanual PIHT UI'Y) a ID:U) NO.UUb i'.Ub a .,' E. Ag atnted ln tne 1987 uanual (footnot*, g, 76),attrrnatlvc plot sla6g and doulnlrrce naaEuror are accefi,able. b. - Pot comprehenrlve detBtrinatlone involvlng a patchy ordlvarre herb layer, a slnglr, centtrally locatcd S.lg x l.z8-looE guadrat Dty nog glvc a repreEentatlve Eau[rl€. As analterrratlv!, the nulttple-quadrat procedure prceenr-ed in the1989 l,tanual (p. {21 le reconnended-. 6. Itroblen tr€ag . ._a. Page 93, paragr4aph ZB of the I9B? l{anual etater that:lTilg probleF-situatlons my ocsur in ottrrr retland tytpcci,!,nererore, probl€e areal are not llulttd to tlrie liet. b. Probteh eotl eLtuatlone Eentlonoat ctradnhere ln theilanual lnclude solls dcrJ.veC fro[ red Darent uaterl.ale, sotcEntJ.sols, Iitolllsols, and gpodoBols. 7, Questiona aoncernl.ng thls lnforoatlon should be dlrectcd toUF. KarGn A. Kochonbactr, HOUgtcE (CEfif-Onl , rt (202) 272-r7$tt o?t{r. l'aDea 8. lfakel€y, tfEs, at (6oi} 63{-3?02. *Wltr-t-Ji,enfBUR E. WfLLfAI{A UaJor Eencral, UsADireatoratt of Clvil lforlce Enal DISEP,IBUEIoN' (sEE PtcE 2 S 3) IJNNLL iU. UULU. I\E.5, ' 80rLE II t!.-f4J-:4 r f,ro;uQ t\o.uup t-.ur ll I"! H Y tt ?/ v-\ a Mrp Udr Hrln lSrrh rrd lhatc): Hydilo tofr lhdiortorr: - l{rtorcl'' * llirrlc EplFderr _ Ssltldlo Odot - Aqdo l/lolrrur le4mr * RrduCq Condldonr - Hryrd or low.Cf*oma Colon _ Ccm|rllohr - lllCr gredo coni|'lt lo hrrtmr byrr l|t 8rfidy S0f.* Org|r ! Su.|tlno lh Sr|dy Sollr - U .d c{r L.od Hfdde 3e|r Urr _ ult d oh it|ticnit Hyd,lc tolb u.r _ Odu llrCildn ia ioon*rl ffi fl "AlrlD DETERM| ilAttotl l.hdto$ttdo V+Frtrtlnn Prorntt Wdnd f {fdroloey Fr..rhtt llydds lotlr lnrrnrf Yft l'lo lcl.r{.}Yrr lloYrr llo b rllr lrmtllm ?Cnr lufir . W.d.ndt lEldrl Vrr l{o lrrrJ*.r IUU'N UF VHIL LUIVI-ULV Iu:5U5-4 (9-2452 uul La'94 t1:u4 N0.uu/.0bY #tl"* oF vArr, coNsrRucrroN 3't;: . i '4. PERlrrr Rtc'D ocT 2 61994 PERMIII APPI.ICAITION FORMl'E!<I'flIU ArIilerL;Ar'lLrN t v5r'r rqP '-,(/DNIEr 1.0/1.8/?.4 - 7rt--. ".t-Y rv/ r- APPI,ICAIION !.'UST BE TILLED OUT COMPI,ETELY OR XT I{AY NOID BE ACCEPTEE ? ** **r i i * **t* * ** ** * * * ** | i * r* t * PERI.iIT INFORMATION *t * t * * * r I i** ** **** ** * | * * ** I l-Bulldihg [ ]-Plu0btng [ ]-Electrlcal [ ]-Mechanlcal [x]-otherEfggiga\ Job Nane: covEREb BRT6GE Job Addres6: L,egal DeecriBtlon: Lot Archlteot: VaserT, P'catt & Echult466ggs63 Vail General Deecrlptlon: work cla6a! [X]-New I J-Alteratlon [ ]-Aaldltlonal I J-Repalr [ ]-other- Nunber of Dwelllng Unl.ter Number of Acoomnodatlon Units: CoI o'rado ELEVATOR I.NST. - Urnber and fyp6 of Flreplaces: Gae AppllanceE- Gas Logs Vlood/Pellet- [**** * ******* ** ** ** * *r * ******* **** VAITUATIONS * **** * ** * ** ** *********** *** t***** tl- rlurr,oruu: rr'@o nr,scrnrcu: $ orHER3 tJL{o-Q-- Eeneral Contractott ACHINDLER ELEa/'IQR COltPt Tonn of ValI Reg, .tlo_..=€!!-ld6r""=fOo w""t Ut" o223Phone Nunber: f zos.)-ZZf:SOZO-. Eleotrlcal Contractor : Addrese; Plunblng Contractor: AddresE: Mechanlcal Contractor; Addrese: ***********r********rr**t** ***** BUITDTNC PERMIT FEE: PI;UUBINC PERMIT FEE: I.IECIIANICAIJ PERUIT FEE: ELECTRTCTL TEEs OTHER IYPE OF FEE: DRB EEE;htlLL CI4LL FEF a Tonn of vall Reg, No.- Phone Nunberl Town of Vail ReE. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of vall Reg. No. Phone Nunb6r: PIT'IiIBING PIAN CHECK FEE: MECIIAI{ICAL PLAN CIIECK FEE! RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: _ ?-9"TOTAL PERMIT q BUTLDINC: STGNATURE! zoNrNcs SIONATTIRE: FOR a {l I I ocT 18 ',94 1,L:A3 3A3 4?9 2452 PAGE.A6 T0UN 0F URIL COI'|-DEV ID:303-429-2452 t Foil{- bnnd ls llanEmittal m€'nto Eleotrlget contractort u)ltc &E(f,,cl€,oAddrcsgr Plunblng Cpntractor: AddrcsEr EUIIjDXNC PERI{IT FEEi Tostn of Vall Reg. ilO. Phone NunbErl Torm of vall Rcg. NO. Fhono Nurnbrr: lDown sf VaLl RPg. NO. Fhone llunberr MRR 28'94o CONSTRUC.|FION tt|1.4Ll Ut't4 l'|AR28 No.008 P.01 eIIr,roN FOBI{ REO'D V"'t'!br€gal Drrcrl.ptl.ont r.ot-jlt2:- iteonA 6* rt1tnS t' sugDrvrslor, -ailt onnsra ttBher Eatr:h#glcvl;flwr^ Addrcrst rS4urenl.ros /nperdr:avgaCrr< Ph.7Vq'toht eln onnsra ltBhet htr:h#n!*ltws Addrcrst tS4ururuos /nperldeavBaC{rr Ph..?11a{'ln* I Arohttscts @ Addruar locn s'Pon'..aes4o't*t. rttt.!k!!!J- | Genaral rxeorJ.ptlont Danourr,'J 4|P!<a>-st*'c'no) - . ,.., Iwofrc1atE,ffi-ue*tl-Attgatlong1-g66ltlona1[l-R€pal.gtl.other-. lfunbgr ol Drlclllng Unl,tas I NuhbGr of Asgoilrodatlon trnltar df*tt and l[14le of rlreplasesr eat Appllancce=l sas logs-J- $ood,/Pdlct- fi**tt****l*t*******************r*** vhwaTxoNs **************it**t******r******* |irrht.r - ! | 4/-t< ^.1?r$vl*tu- ? /, f J\-1(./r,v PElrlllT 1991 lr**ttti***r*f *****.******rt GoNIRAclloR INFOAI{AIIIO}f *****t***i***r****f********Eenerrl Contractorz J,L.Vteta Ca-*rrt'ct'toJ li<- Town of, Val-l Reg, llO.JZt-{-AddriEFi lorc >,F Fhon. NrflrbBrs d743o*: Nt;Y | 4.ter^ ^t)r r c-c,zf IISCIIAIIICAL, Flrelf CdEglt FEEs nEeREATION tE8: $l.oo yl27o7- CIIEAN-UP DEPOSII! a48@'BOfLUINGS AIGNAITTIRE! EONINC!. r'teohanlcal tlontraetort l.lru,G St./rctvo 8v gltfq'l Addr€Bsr _ ***t*****t**t * *** t*i****** |JLqqrfr FORBUIIDxNtr PERI{IT FEET U9?O ^PI|'IIEINC PENUtrI'FEEI ttEclltlf ItrlIr gEttltI.EB s EIEGIRICA! lEEr -Irtu t eFlitrT"$i"'Yffi'," Ni .2g6atI ID;L PERITIIE FEEa : oFrrcE u$8 ******r****r*.**********r*t**** EurI,DIlrc FLAN {*IEGK FEE8 4384- PL[rl{EIlfG PIAtf CHECK FEE! ^/.rE!il: f 50s5s.o-7 TO[IH OF URIL COI'I-DEV lunn ID:303-479-2452 Frrlh frs rer rltd||l. Gdo|lrb !ltE?(r0s) 4t9-2t38 or 479-2139 MRR 2 8'94o 11:15 N0.008 P.02 offt otsiltrst||tdrdofmril BUILOIIIG PERIIIT TSSUAIEE TIIIE FRA}IS If pr.ts pcnllt ygqulrcs a Town of Vaf l Flre mFrtmcnt Apprrval, Englnecf ts .[Ppf] tp l,forks) reyiew and apprcval,- a Plannlni' oeFartrent Fvl€ir or Hcolt[ Dopnrt|lrnt reyf'err and a rovlor by the OuftifingDepartncnt, tt{F qrtiluted tlne for a total revien rmy take ar ldngrt ttlf€a reaR*, AII comnarclul flarge or snrll) and all m,r]ti-fanlly penntts rillhaya ta follor the aboye rnentioncd mximm requlreninls. RcsldentJaland-small proJects hould talte a lesser amunt of tlme. ttorrever, lireslUenttcl or rmsller pruJects lmptct tfie varlous abovs msntlonid lSryrppntl. wtth regard- to- ngcessaiy revtevr, thesc prcJects ntfyalso talte th.s thrce nealc pariod. Every..attempt wl;ll be {ra4o by this dcparfircnt to oxpedlte thlspsrmlt ag sgon rs posstblo. l. ilte underslgned, understand the plan check prccedure and tlnefrlne. mte hhrl( Shtsi ms tiJrnerfTE conrunlqy Dsvelopnsnt D€pirtfi E Dsvelopnent D€ptrtneht. TTTJN T]F VHIL COM-DEV t luun lDOr FROlilt DATBr 8U&}EC|T: ID :303-479-2452 76 roulh frenlrlo rord Y|f,. colorrdo 81t57 (S03' 479-2lJ8 or 179-21,39 28',9oMRR 11 : 15 No .008 P .03 fn eumnaryr -orq,lnance No. E etates that, Lt Lr unlawf,ul. f,or anyparBor.r to lLttef, lraek or d€poalt any eoil, rock, oend, dcbrieor rat€rlal' lncludlnE trash eunpeterr, portartc tolreti andworkmen vchLclea upon. any etreetl eiaewait, afiey oi pOffo Pl?g" or any portion theieof. Tf,e rigtrt-oi-way in ifi loun ofvatr BtreetB andt Tgage ir approxinatcly f rt. bgt pil€nent.lnhLe ordlnanca wtll ue etri-ofry iniorcia by tbe ioirn oi viif -1|P1r." rorJEe Departnsnt. persinE fouad, vialai1lrt-chte orathancevrJr- De gtv6n a a4 hour wrLtten notics to ycBova crid naterlal.IT,.!t" eyglr+ rhe person so norifled aoee noi compiv-wftlr-til---noEJ.ce wltbrn tha 24 hour ttne apeeified, trre puntio ltortrs }g?:!1r1"t wLtt rensve said mare-rial ir {rre- uspensa-ot-fiLreonlffi1Tte9: ttre provieLons of thiE orcH$aneo ehiU not b-eapp]leable to cotrstruetslon, T+l4tgnshqe or repalr projecrts of,Iny atreet or alley of any utlllttee ln tho rlgtri-i_way. To-revl.es grdlnanca^No..6, ln irtl, please stop by tho Tewn of, Illl^3:-rllJ.ns-Departnent to ottaiir L co1'y. rhantc you i"i- ylfiroooperat,lon on ttrls [atter- ollloc of conmunlly rloEloililr* AIrL CONIIRAGI9RS CItnR'EtfltIJYL REGISTERED IIIITI llltB IOIIN OF VAID !!OI9IT OF VAIT, PUBLIC WORKS,/COIIMIINITT DEVEI.|OPIIEI{T I(BRCII 15, 1988 CONSITM'CNION PARKIT{G E UAITERIIL STONACE by! un eontrnctof, ownar) TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Dan Stanek and Gary Murrain Mike Mollica April 15, 1994 The Covered Bridge Building The following are the conditions of the approval for the issuance of a building permit for the Covered Bridge Building: ''| . Prior to the Town conducting a framing inspection on the.project'-an tmprovement Location certiiicate 0r-ci shall be submitted to the Town of Vail Departmento|CommunityDeve|opmenlaminimumof|orty-eighthourspriorto the requested inspection.' The lli shall certify the lootprint of the bui6ing as well as identify all roof ridge elevations' 2. Prior to lhe Town's issuance of a Temporary certificate of occupancy (TCO) for theCoveredBridgeBuilding,thedeve|opersha||postabond,cashescrow'or letter of cred1, in?n amoun]t necessary to insure the completion ol any outstandingimprovements,notcomp|etedatthetimeo|therequestedTCo' said guarJntee for completion of any outstanding improvements shall be in accordance witn SJioi 18.54.070 (eerformance Bond) of the Town ol Vail MuniciPalCode. 3. Prior to the Town's issuance of a TCO lor the covered Bridge Building' the developer shall grint " pedestrian and landscape maintenance easement to the Town, ior the puiposes of pedestrian access to the pocket park and maintenance of the planters and pocket park landscaping' 4. Prior to lhe issuance of a TCO lor the proiect, the exposed northeast elevation of the Gasthof Gramshammer, adjacent to arioge street, shall be finished with stucco and Painted to match. 5. Per the Design Review Board (DRB) approval, and according to Sidney Schultz, project architect, the five reiaiidoors (doors 1, 2,11,12, and 13) will have divided lights. 6. According to the March 16, 1994 DRB approval, the develTer shall paint a small sariple of the raiting color for further review by the DRB and for linal approval. T.NosignsarecurrentlyapprovedlortheCoveredBridgeBui|ding.TheDRBhas recommended that the developer make an application for the review of a sign program {or the entire building. 8.Prior lo the issuance of a TCo for the project, the Town's Landscape Architect shall complete a site inspection to ensure that the existing large evergreen lrees, in the adjacent pocket park, have not been damaged during the construction process. lf the Town's Landscape Architect determines that any trees are damaged, then the value of the trees shall be collateralized. at full replacement cost, for two growing seasons. lf, after two growing seasons, the damaged trees do not return to full health, then the developer shall replace said trees with a similiar tree(s) of like species and size. 2 Town of Vail 25 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 8165?(303) 479-2138 Plan review based on l the 1991- Uniform Buildinq Code Project Nunber: 040594 Name: COVERED BRIDGE Addressz 22'l BRIDGE STPEET Date: April 1'4, L994Contractor: VIELE CONST. Occupancy: B2rR1Architect: GWATHMEYTPRATTTSCHULTZ Type of Const: II-lhrEngineer: MONROE Plans Examiner: Dan Stanek Sprinkler System throughout building : # SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED Provide drains and overflow drains or scuppers. --Section 3207. Crawl spaces are required to be ventilated by mechanical means or by openings..., Such openings shal-I have a net area of not less than 1sq.ft. for each 150 sq.ft. of under-floor area. UeC 251"6(c)6 A smoke detector is required in this location. NOTE:ALl detectors are to soupd an alarm in bedroom area. -- Sec- 1210. (a)4 Approved gas logs may be installed in soLid fuel burning fireplaces provided the installation is per listing, htith any damper removed, a safety shuLoffvalve provided, and combustion air supplied as per uMc ch 6. uMc. uMc 803 Gas appliances shall be installed as per listing,with a wB. vent only, combustion air supplied from outside for aII new construction and as per UMC Ch 6for remodefs. It is recEmmended that a gas appliance not be installed in a bedroom. The wa1ls of Lhis corridor are required to complywith thr assembly construction., -- Sec. 3305. (g) The waLls of thj-s corridor are .required to complywith thr assembly constructiori. -- Sec. 3305. (g) A 42 inch high guardrail with a maximum opening of 4 inches is reguied where step is .greater than 30 inches to floor or qrade below. -- Sec. L712. , r_0 L1- The enclosed usable space under the stairs isrequired to be protected by thr fire-resistive consLruction. -- 3306. (1) The maximum size of an opening in the railing at thestairway is 4 inches. ** Sec. 3305. (i) e 7"112. The design, construction, and install"at.ion ofelevat.ors, dumbwaiters, escalators and their hoistways shal1 be as per the requirements of UBCCh.51-. This includes fire resistance of enclosure & openings and hoistway ven$.ilation. iq i. One drinking fountain is'.required to have a spoutwithin 36 inches of the floor and up-front hand operated controls. -- ANSI Al-L?.L Sec. 4.L5.2 & 4.1,5.4 At least one toj-let for .each sex is required Lo comply with the handicap requirements. -- ANSI All? - r- The required clear area in front of the water closetis not provided in this toileq room. -- ANSI A117.1 Sec. 4.l.6.2 c Fig. 28 Provide a 48 inch clear acceas width to the handicap compartment. -- ANSI ALL7.1 Sec. 4.L'1 .3 c Fig- 30 Provide the required 30 x 48 lnch clear space i.nfront of one urinal , -- 4ISI A1l-7.L Sec. 4.18.3 Provide the requi red. 29 inch height, 30 inch cl-earwidth, & 17 inch clear depth under at least onelavatory. -- ANSI A117.1 Sec. 4.19.2 & Fig. 31- Provid.e at l"east one mirror with the botLom wiLhin 40 inches of the floor. -- ANSrI A1-1?.1- Sec. 4-19-6 Grab bars need Lo be shown on the plans that complywith ANSI A'117.1 Sec. 4.1;5.41 4.1,7.6, & 4.24 For heating or hot-water suppJ,y boiler applicationsa floor drain shall be supplied for suitable disposing of accumulated flui&. uMc 2119 Supply a floor drain in the. laundry room to adequately dispose of water due to overflow or line breakage. L2 I5 15 L6 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 In bathrooms with a tub or shovrer and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation syst,em directly connected to the outside shall be provided, UBC 1205 (c) In rooms without natural ventiiation a mechanically operated ventilation system shal1 be provided capable of supplying at min. 5 cu.ft.per minute ofoutside air per occupant in all occupied portions ofthe building. UBC ?05 OR UBC 605 Domesti.c clothes dryer exhaust ducts shal1 beinstalled as per UMC 1104 & 'L903. Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 6' length and sha11 not be concealed within conslruction.. Ducts sha11terminate outside the buifding and not exceed L4' length. ' Furnaces noL listed for alcove or closetinstallation shall be installed in a room having a volume at least L2 tines the total volume of thefurnace. Boilers require a room at leasC 1.5 timeslarger than the volume of the boiler. UMC 504(b) Provide a mechanical dra\fng showing basic design orhydronic system or duct systen, .size of equipment (BTU & actual volume size), size of mechanical room, and size of combustion air to be supplied to equipnent. Include a copy of the soils reE:ort for the site to be built on. -- Sec. 2905. This bearn is not supported to the foundation. This bearing wall is not supported to the foundation. A separate building permi-t is required for eachtenent finish. Third floor corridor to be one hour rated with 20 minute doorsrautomatic closingrsmoke and draftcontrol assenblies. 25 zo 2"1 28 29 30 3L t Planthe 1991 ProjecL Number: 040594 Address:, 22'l BRIDGE STREETContractor: VIELE CONST.Architect : GWATHMEY, PRATT, SCHULTZEngineer: MONROE analysis based on Uniform Building Code DIRECTION BOUNDARY NORTH Public wayEAST Public way SOUTH Building WEST Building Area increased 43.759 FL NAME Town of Vail 25 South Frontage RoadVaiI, Colorado 8L657(303) 479-2138 Name: COVERED BRIDGE Date: April 14, l-994 Occupancy: 82, R3- Type of Const: Il-lhr Plans Examj.ner: DAAI STANEK NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a completelisting of all possible code requirements in the 199L UBC. It is a guide to selected sections of the code. Sprinkler system used for story increase SEPARATION AREA INCREASE 67.0 Feet 55.0 Feet.0.0 Feet0.0 Feetfor open area on OCC MAX FLR FIRE PROTECTION 47.0 Feet 35.0 Feet 0.0 Feet 0-0 Feet ? 2 sides AREA ALLOWED RATIO STATUS 5 Condo TOTAL FOR FLOOR4 Condo TOTAL FOR FLOOR 3 Condo3 Retail Sa]-es TOTAL FOR FLOOR2 Retail Sales TOTAL FOR FLOOR1 Retail Sales Room1 Mechanical Room1 Trash roorn TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL The actual height of this building The maximum height of the building Room Room 6't9 679 1918 1918 1033 2341- 337 4 3383 3383 3L7 4 98 77 3349 L2703 okRl_ R1 R1 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok is 49.0 feet 19405 0.03 okl-9406 0-03 ok 19406 0. L0 ok 19406 0.'10 ok 19406 0.05 ok 258'75 0.09 ok23479 0.14 ok 258'15 0.13 ok25875 0. L3 ok 258'15 . 0.L2 ok 25875 0.00 ok 25875 0.00 ok 258'?5 0. r: ok 4'1249 0.27 ok Tabte 5-Dfeet':'lq 65-0 EX?ERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON_BRG @NG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WAIL WAI,L PROT WALL WALL PROT82 thr Ohr None thr thr None thr thr NOP thr thr NOPR1 thr Ohr None thr thr None thr thr NOP l-hr thr NOP The exterior walls are required to be of NONCOMBUSTIBLE material . Sec.l-901. None -- No fire protection requirements for openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50t of the area of the wall- maximum. Sec. 504.(b) & Sec.1903.(b) & Table 5-A Maxi-mum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimensiongreater than 12 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- Openings are not permitted in this waII. OTHER BUILDING ETEMENTS Table 17-AELEMENT MATERIAL RATING NOTESInterior Bearing wall Noncombustible t hrInterior nonbrg wa1l Noncombustible 1- hr See Footnot.e #5Structural Frame Noncombustible t hrExterior Struct Frame Noncombustible t hr See footnote #1Shaft Encl-osure Noncornbust.ible t hrFloor,/Ceiling Assembly Noncombustible L hrRoof/Ceiling Assembly Noncombust.ibte t hr See Footnote #8Stairs Noncombustible None NOTE: See Sec. L706. (a) for Shaft Enclosure exceptions. FOOTNOTES:1) ELements in an exterior wall located where openings are not. permitted or where protection of openings is reguired, shall be protected againstexternal fire exposure as required for exterior bearing wa1ls or thestructural frame, whichever is greater. -- Table 17-A, footnote 1 4) Fire-retardant treated wood may be used within interior non-bearingthr wal-l assemblies. -- Tabl-e L7-A, footnote #25) Nonload-bearing walls within a t.enant space that are not part of athr corridor may be of:a) Noncombustible (nonrated) materials :b) Fire retaxdant-treated wood .:. c) One-hour construction (any material) -- Sec. 1705. (b)1. 8) If roof is greater than 25 feet. above floor, see Sec. 1906., 1806. ADDI TIONAI SEPARATIONS FOR 82 OCCUPANCY:A thr occupancy separation is required around rooms containing a boiler or central heating unit greater than 4001000 BTU input. -- sec. 708. o FOR R1 OCCUPANCY: A thr occupancy separation is required around rooms containing a boiler orcentral heating unj-t serving more than one unit. -- Sec . L2L3.A thr occupancy separation is required around conmon storaqe and faundry rooms. -- Sec . 1202. (b') A thr fire separation is required between dwelling units. -- Sec. 1202.(b) EXIT REQUIREMENTS:FL NAME OCCUPANT NUMBER EXIT PANIC R,LTED DOOR NOTES LOAD PCQUIRED WIDTH HDUR CORRIDOR SWING 5 Condo TOTAI4 Condo TOTAL 3 Condo 1 Mechanical Room1 Trash room TOTAL 3 Retail Sales Room 78 2 1,.3 NA Yes Out TOTAL 83 2 2.I Nb Yes Out2 Retail Sales Room 113 2 t.9 No Yes OutTOTAL L13 2 2.8 No. Yes Out1 Retail Sales Room 106 2 L.8 No Yes Out 3 1 0.1 No No N/R 3 2 0.L No No N/R 210 2 0.2 No Yes N/R10 2 0.3 No. Yes N/R 5 l- 0.i. No No N/R 0 1 0.0 No No N/R 0 l- 0.0 No No N/RL06 2 2.8 No Yes Out Rated corridors are to have Lhr fire protection on both sides of wa1ls andceiling. -- Sec. 3305. (gl Door openings are required to be protected.with 20 minute assemblies and window openings are required .t.o be protected r^rith labeled 3/4 hour assemblies. -- Sec. 3305. (h) )In areas where 2 exits are required, the minimum separation Ls L/2 of the maximum diagonal of the area or floor. -- Sec. 3303. (c) Exit signs are required from all areas serving an occupant load of 50 or more. -- Sec. 3314 . (a) Door swing is based on Sec. 3304. (b) except as noted. Occupant load is based on Ta51e 33-A.NunberofexitsisbasedonTab1e33-Aexceptasnoted.Exit width is in feet. and based on Sec. 3303. (b). i Exit width is to be divided approximately equaLly .*tng exits.Width shown for all areas is based on other exits. (0..2) Width shown for 1st floor is based on other exits. (0.2) Widt.h shown for other fl-oors & basements is based on stairways. (0.3) For the mi-nimum width of doors, see Sec. 3304. (f) .: For the minimum wj-dth of corridors, see Sec. 3305. (b) For the minimum width of sLairways, see Sec. 3306. (b) FOOTNOTES:2) Basements and floors above the 2nd floor are required to have 2 exits. - Sec. 3303. (a) See Exceptions .a HANDICAPPED ACCESS: 1-) Handicapped access is required to at least one primary entranceto t.his building. -- Sec. 3l-03. (a) & (b)3. 2) If a ramp is used for handicapped access, the max slope isl:L2. -- Sec 3307. (c) Handicapped access may not be reguired to levels other than the primary entry level . -- Sec. 3l-03(a) exc #2 STAIR NOTES: Within a dwelling unit:A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide.'-- Sec. 3306.(b) The maxinum rise of a step is I inches and the mj.nimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc.#1Provide a trandrail on one side of stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ifthere is more than 3 risers. -- Sec. 3306. (j) ExceptionsProvide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inghes. Minimum height = 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. 17J.2.(a) exc l-For common stairways: The maximum rise of a step is 7 inches and the rninimum run is 1l- inches. -- Sec. 3305. (c) The nininum width of a stairway is 36 inches, 44 inches if the occupant loadis greater Lhan 49. -- Sec. 3306. (b) Also see exit table above to see if minimum width is greater than 44 inches.Provide handrails on both sides of a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing. (May be on one side if less than 44 inches wide) -- Sec. 3306.(j)Provide a guard rail where drop off is great.er than 30 inches. Minimum height = 42 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. 1712.(a) The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(o)Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protecLed as requiredfor thr fire-resistive const.ruction. -- Sec. 3306. fI) FStairways are reguired to be in exit enclosures. -- Sec.:3309. (a) The wall-s of the enclosure are required to be 2 hr firq. assemblies. The openings int.o the exlt enclosure are required to be L I/2 hr assemblies. -- Sec. 3309. (c) Note: Openings into enclosure are limited to those necessary for exiting nornally occupied spaces.A connection to the exterior is required with the same fire prot.ect.ion as theexit enclosure. -- Sec. 3309. (d) The space under Lhe stairs (enclosed or not) may not be used for any purpose. -- Sec. 3309 . (f) At least one stairway is required to extend to the roof unless roof slope isgreater than 4:12. -- Sec. 3306. (n) Provide a landing within 1 inch (1 /2 inch at doors used for handicapped access) of the threshoLd. -- Sec. 3304.(i) ,. The minimum width is same as door width and the minimum lringth is 44 inches. -- sec. 3304. (j) The maximum travel distance in this building is 200 feet:l -- Sec. 3303. (d) ROOFING REQUIREMENTS:L) The roofing on this building is requj-red to be Class B or better. -- Table 32-A2) See section 3204. and ICBO research reports for requirements. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS:If there are 100 or more sprinklers, the automatic sprinkler system shall be supervised by an approved central, proprietary, or remote station serviceor a local alarm which will give an audible signal at p constantly at.Lended location. -- Sec. 3803 STANDPIPE REOUIREMENTS : A class I standpipe is required. -- Table 38-aA hose is not required. -- Table 38-A FOOTNOTES:l-) The l-ocation i-s to be per Sec. 3805. (c), (d),and,/or(e) WALL AND CEILING FINISH:1) Wal} and ceiling finlsh materials are required to comply with Sec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-8.2) Carpeting on the ceiling is required to have a Class I flame spread rating. -- Sec. 4204.(b)3) Textile wall coverings sha1l have Class I flame spread rating. and sha1l be protecEed by automatic sprj-nklers or meet the acceptance criteria of U.B.C. Standard No. 42-Z -- Seb. 4205. INSULATION NOTES:1) A11 insulation material including facings are required Lo have a flame- spread rating of 25 or less and a maximum smoke density of 450. -- Sec. 1714. (c) 2) Foam plastic insulations are required to be protected. -- Sec. 1?13. GLAZING REQUIREMENTS:AIl glazing in hazardous locations is reguired t.o be of safetyglazing material. -- Sec. 5406. (d) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS :For 82 occupancyIn all areas customarily occupied by humans, provid'e natural orartificial light and ventilation. -- Sec. 705. (a)&(b) For RL occupancyAII chimney enclosures for wood burning fireplace factory-built chimneys shall be protected by a I hr. fire resistive const.ruction. A11 projects larger than four dwelling units shall be supplied with stamped drawings from a quilified architect and/or structura] engineer A11 building within the Town Of Vail with 20 units or more, or overthree stories, and containing any dwelling unit.s shall be supplied with engineer fire aLarm and fire sprinkler syatemsfor approval- be the Town Of VaiI Fire Department. ORD.3 of 83. AII R-1 occupancies wit.hin the Town Of Vail will be reQuired to haveall landscaping and parking facilities complete to obtainfinal inspection approval . Address numbers shaLl be posted plainly visible and legible from the street. A fire alarm system is required in this building. -- Sec- l2l1- . Below the 4th story. Provide a window or door to the exterior from every ropm used forsleeping. -- Sec. 1204. A window must provide a cLear open area of 5.7 sq.f,t., a clear heightof 24 inches, and a clear width of 20 inches (minimum) . --sec. I204.AII habitable rooms require exterior glazed openings equal Lo 10? or more of the floor area. (min 10 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1205.(b) A11 habitable rooms require an operable exterior openings equal to 5*or more of the floor area. (min 5 sq.ft.) -- Sec. f205.(c) Provide a smoke detector in all sleeping rooms and areas having access to sleeping rooms, -- Sec. L2L0. (a)4. The minimum ceiling in a habitabLe space is 7 feet 6 inches exceptkitchens, ha1ls, and baths may have a ceiling height of 7feet. -- Sec. -- 120?. (a) f. HA}IDICAPPED REQUIREMENTS: . NOTE: Section numbers listed below are from ANSI A1 17.1 - 1985 9{ATER FOUNTAINS:1) One must have a spout within 36 inches of the.floor. -- Sec. 4.15.22l Spout must be at the front of the unit. -- Sec. 4. L5.33) Controls must be at or near the front of the uni-t. -- Sec. 4.15.4 & 4.25.44) A cantilevered unit is required to provide a clear area under the unit of 27 inches high, 30 inches wj.de, and 1? inchesi..p. -- Sec. 4.1-5.5 (1) 5) A clear area of 30 X 48 inches is requined alr the fountain. The clear area is required to provide for a forward apptoach with a cantileveredunit and for a side approach otherwise. -- Sec. 4.15.5 & Fig.2'l b,c,d TOILET FACILITIES:1) A 5' diameter unobstructed turning space is required in the toileL room. -- Sec. 4.2.3 & Fig. 3(a)2) When water closet is not in a compartment, the clear area required is:a) 48 inches wide by 55 inches deep with a side approach. -- Sec. 4.15.2 & Fig. 28b) 48 inches wide by 66 inches deep with a fronL approach. -- Sec. 4.L5.2 t ELg. 28c) 60 inches wide by 56 inches deep with both approaches. -- Sec. 4.16.2 & Eig. 28d) Side bar is required to start within l-2 irlches o_f, the back wall and extend to 54 inches from the back wal1. -; Sec. t.fe.4 & Fig. 29 The rear bar is required to be 36 inches long. -- Fig. 29 a o 3) When water closet is in a compartment, the area reguired is:a) 56 inches deep by 60 inches wide with a grab bar at t.he back and oneat the side. Door is at front or side. -- tiS. 30(a) orb) 66 inches deep by 35 or 48 inches wide with grab bars on both sides and door at front. -- Fig. 30(b)d) If a floor mount.ed water closet is used, the depth dimension shown above must. be increased 3 inches. -- Fig. 30(a) & (b) e) Side bars are required to start. within 12 inche,s of the back wall- and extend to 54 inches from the back waLl. -- Fig..?.56a & 7.56b The rear bar is reguired to start within 6 inches of the side wall and be 36 inches 1ong. -- Fig. 30 (a) 4) The bars are to be 33 to 36 inches above the floor. -- Fig. 29(a), (b't &rig. 30 (c) , (d) 5) The top of the seaL on the water cl-oset is required'to be 17 to L9 inches above the floor. -- Fig. 29(b) & Fig. 30(d)6) Urinals are requi-red to be stall type or have an elongated rim and bewithin l-? inches of the floor. -- Sec. 4.18.2 c Fiq. 29(c')7) A clear area of 30 X 48 inches is required in front of the urinal . -- Sec. 4 ,18 .38) Accessible lavatories shal1 provide a cfear area under the lavatory of 29 inches. -- Sec. 4.L9.2.I & Fiq. 319) A clear area of 30 X 48 inches is required in front of the lavatory. -- Sec.4.L9.3 & Fig.32L0) The bottom of mirror is required to be within 40 inches of the floor. -- Sec. 4.19.6 c Fig. 31 t 14 Aprll 1994 Mr. Den Stanek Town of Vail Building Oepartment Of f ioe of Corrrrnunity Duvelopnturrt 11 1 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: COVEBED BBIDGE BUIIDING Dcat Ddn; This letter is to confirm that, per my discuesion with you and Gary Murrain last Thursday, a// wood siding used on the exterior of the new Covered Bridge Euilding will be fire-retardent lreated. Thank you for your assistance with this projcct, lf you have any further queslions, pieaso don'r hBslrare ro csll, Sincerely, SCHULTZ AHCI.IITECTS, P.C. Sidney $chultz, AIA S$/ad Craig Bruntz, Viele Construction P6t€r Denn, East West Hospitality lr'ln -h T# PERMf T f NFORMATIoN *. * * * r * * * * * * * I *-*l ii * * * * * * * * * *-[ ]-Bullding t l-plunbing pd-nleetrical [ ]-Mechanicar I J-other Job Narne: Uu!\^ be-tbGe Dt+Lr.tV|; Address: 'tua Berv+e *r tegal Descript i"r',;ET3;9:Lrf::P;,_.ltg:Il!- rilins : ==suBpivrsroN3 VAre V,u-a<,'e 9fn?e> F.a x*7Vtu..+, az>T ewners n^ "r{o-6i{ frZ?-r7ffi'd"oddress! YXW :E;b€Ave-a- <>PE€4z-,c:: ?: lbzs20 Ph. Architect: GurarHnr,gy l-241 !-*u-r:..ddress: tffi;'fr"Tffi ^ *1 Ph.4w - vt$1 ttr(q-i"General Description: fi./sv*r-u €tEzrtLrc,oc- *4r,c-8, bPbt:c4- dl'ii- utrz.r work class: ;p{-uew [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional t l-Repalr [ ]-other Nunber of DwelLing Units:NunUter of Acconmodation Units: \Irmber and gpe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances_ Gas rogs_ l{ood/pelret_vrr********************************* VALUATTONS *********************************'t BUTLDTNG: S _ ELEcrRrcAtz lJoe.ws_a. orHER: $_pLrrMBrNG: - MEcHANrcAr,:s] ;dfi; I /"ffi--{It*************************** coNTRAcloR TNFoRMATToN ***************************Eeneral Contractorl .51.,V,eEc.tJss ,-il__--- Town of Vail Reg. NO.Address: rco 3. eeo phone Nurnber: ,trle-:'g Electrical Contractor: Address: Plurnbing Address: Contractor: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAI, PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAIJ FEE ! OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: l8e€ Town of Vail Reg. No. l+-5ePhone Number: 4+9-'i'GE- Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: orFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDING PIAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PI.AN CHECK F8E: RECREATTON F'EE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: CLEAT IIP DEPOSIT REFIIND TIO: TO: Fhou: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMTT'tS REOUIRED r_obNane; L,iDfud Wa( Hfu, OnlVDate: - --'' - (/ ',/ ar^-^ / I Please*"Y";)'frw'""t'Ws*;{ffi1yi[iw L'^' -+,- Hlo. fu,'-*-4D re 1) ls this a new r'esidence? U ' p/ 2l ls demolition work being performed .... that requires the use ol the right / of way, easements or public prope(y? 3) ls any utility work needed? --" 4) ls the driveway being repaved? '-" 5) ls ditferent a@ess needed to site /-other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done -,.atlecting the right of way, easements, \-/ or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit" ._/. required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan requirei uV C6'mm'lniri -/Development? !t19tL a19wered yes to any of these questions, a'Public Way permit. musl be obtained.?ublic Way_ Permit' applications may be obtained at tne'puUtic Workl ottice or itC9.ry1u1iU Deve.lopment. tl you have any questions ptease caf Cnarrie Davis, the Townof VailConstruction Inspector, at 479-21Sg.' I have read and answered allthe above queslions. Datea ry Permit": Job Name Contractor's Signature |1UEUc wAY PERMTT PRoCESI How it relates to Building permit: 1)Fill out the our check list provided wi t 2) 3) 4',1 s) 6) 7) ll yes was answered lg 3n)/ of the above questions then a "pubric way permit" isrequired. You can pick up an apprication at eithe, community Deveropment,located at 75 S. Frontage Road or puolic Works, located at tgog VaitValley Drive. Notice sign offs for utitity. companies. All utitities must field verify (rocare)respeclive utitities priorto signing application. sore utiiity coriflni"s require upto a 48 hour notice to schedule t tddate). A construction traffic Tllpt ptan must _be prepaled on a separate sheet of paper,This plan will show rocations of ail trafric dontrotdevices (signs, conss, etc.) andlhe work zone, (area ol construction, staging, etc.) sl19lc[olw91b_eing performed musr be submitted indicating dimensions (rengrh,width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traric Eontror pran or a sitsplan for the job. publit completed application to the public work,s otfice for review. rf required,locates witt be schedured forthe Town of Vail ErecriJiiri ".0 lrrifiion crew. Thelocates are take prace in the morning, out may require up to 49 hours to perform. The Public work's construstion Inspeclor will review the apptication and approveor disapprove the permit. you wiil be contaaed as to the siitrs iiio any changesthat may be needed. Most permirs are reteiseo within 4g r,ouis J oling received,but pleass allow up to one week to process As soon as p-ermit is processed, a copy wiil be faxed to community Deveropmentallowing the_'Building permir" to ue riteas"d. plr""" do not conluse the ,public way Permit'with a'Buirding permit'ro oo wo* on u proira iit, itr.rr. Note: 'The above process is for work In a rfght_of.way onty. *Pubric way permit's are varid ontv untir November 15th. *A new Public Way permit is required each year. luwn 75 rculh ,rontage .o!d u.ll, colorudo 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 olllcc ol communlty devrlopmort BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAIIE If this peryrlt lequires a Town of Vai.l Fire Departnent Approval,Engineer''s (pubrt. lgllt) review anJ .pp"ouai,'i iliriirni'bipa"t .ntreview or Health Departm6nt.review, ani'a_review by the BuildingDepartment, the estimated time for-a iot"r ie"ii*-i.y"iu["'as longas tnree weeks. A'll cormerciat (large or sma'll) and all mu'lti-family permits wil.lhave to follow the ibove menti6nid-miximrm requirements. Residentialand.small projects should take a 'r esser anount of time. However, ifresidential or smal'r er.projects impaci the various auove mentioneodepartments with reqard to-necessii.y "evrew, ilrii. iroji.ii'ruyalso take the three-weet perioa. Every attempt wil'l be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as soon as possibie. - I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. u c-'5vee-e.r\ bruvag BllG-.F '1f-.-r..ra- 13, 111+ Cormuni ty Devel opment Department. 75 louth |ronlage rold Y.ll, color.do 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 ottlc. of communlty developmcnl TO: FROM: DATE: su&fEcT: Read and acknovrl rn surnmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit ani-=oifr-"".i, sand, debrisor nateriar, incruding trash iunpsteri, poriaui" toi]ets andworknen vehlcles-upon-any streetl sidet"ralk, altey or publicP]?gr or any portibn theleof. ii:e riglrt-of-way on arr Town ofVail streets and.Tgugr is allroiirnatety 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance w1l] be.;ari;ily"enrorced by the Tov.rn of vailPubric works Department. pers'ons found viiraling this ordinancewirL. be given a 24 hour w"iii."'-n"ii."-t"-;;;;:t=.id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified aoes not--colnpry with thenotice within the- 24 noui-tirne-rp""iii.a, "ii.-iii[tic'worxs Department wirr remove said nate;i;i-;i-inJ'!*ili"e or personnotified. The provisions-of-tiril "ror.nance shaJ.I not beapplicable to c-onstruction, ,iirri.rrurrce or repair projects ofany street or attey or any urilirieJ i; il"-;i!ii_o_r"y. To review ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Tor.rn ofvail Buitding Departnent to obtiin a copy. tirani< you for yourcooperation on this natter. ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII THETOWN OF VArL TOWN OF VArt PUBLIC WORKS/CO!,IMUNrTY DEVEIppttENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE (i.e. contractor, owner) X"g;*-^*>- ./Jc^-nra Date l3 t?1+ tl \ TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION TTON FORM b808DATE: t APPLfCATION l'IUSf BE FILLED OUT COMPL,ETELY OR IT l'tAy NOT BE ACSESTED [****** ***** * * *************** * pERMrr TNFoRMATJoN *****************************rl [ ]-Building t]L-E',tnritrg [ ]-Etectrical fi1-uectranicar I l-other Job Address: I€gaI Description: Lot Block_ Filin9 susprvrsroN, VA,L V Ph. Architect:Address:Ph. ceneral Description: Work Class: X-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair t l Number of Druelling Units:Nu:nber of Acconnodatlon Units: Ctr ^ {pnber and Tlpe of Firepraces: Gas Apprlan{ea;fl cas rogsl wood/perret_v 4************* ************ ******** vALUATIOrng. t******************************** tiutl,Drre: ELEqTRTqAL: l_ WPLTIMBTNG: WEffiF Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: /J7€.3o' 2,. Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Reo- lro-Address: p;;;"-;"rnIJi,'-' l1:3!il9 c8lt"l::grz JIALL4 tpro6 m6.c}!ft*trc*t-r&.rown or vail Res. No.Address: P*t, SoE 16ao Phone Number: qq9, l)c(? It TPLITMBTNGz q++ffi lrEcHANrcA:-r@/-- rorAi:- f*******---!!!-ffi;7-,*******cqNTRAefo"m***********]***********:r***I Eeneral Contractof : J. tj,c, c Cr,l.t<->a, tt-.t,<,. r .Fnt rt ^€ rr5ii t^- a,n OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: tffilil-lM-l 4lftI-It'l l-t-r-r_r_r_ Conments: ltCTown of VaiI Reg. NO._ Phone Nu:nber: 94?- l>4J CI.,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PER}IIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATT'RE: ZONING: SIGNATT'RE: l,ilechanical Contractor^:. yAUE1. ctt t OE lvricarv.t rcn<_,Address: P.o. -gogo AUnr{ ccJ tt c:o ** * * * * * * * **** ** ** * ** ** * ** * * * * * * * FOR BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLIII.{BING PERI'{IT FEE: _--Ti: UECHANICAL PERI'|IT Er;r.l. --ZZhF ELECTRTCAL FEE: 4:Entua-/4 oFFrcE usE ************** *********** ****** BUTLDING PI,AN CI{ECK FEE: PLWBING pIAN cHEcK FEE: ---6W- IT1ECHANICAIJ PI.,AN cHEcK FEE: -,M-RICREATION FEE: CLEAN I'P I}EPOSIT NENINI) VALUATION \ Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: COVERED BRIDGE MECH ADDRESS: 227 BRIDGE ST VAIL, COLORADO OCCUPANCY: B-2,R TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: il-lHR DATE: 7-7-94 CONIRACTOR: J. VIF'I.F C0NST ARCHITECT: GWATHMEY.PRATT, ENGIMER: RALSTON PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CoRRECTTONS REQUTRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible coderequirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes.The following is not to be construed to be an approvar of any vioration of any ofthe provisions ofthe adopted cndes or any ordinance ofthe Town ofvail. I. COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF TI{E 1991 UMC. 2. ACCESS TO IIEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WTTTI SEC. 505 AND 703OF THE 199I UMC. 3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TOAPPENDD( CHAPTER 21 OF TIIE 1991 UMC. 4. GAS LINE TEST AND INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE CONNECTIONoF Al.Iy EQUIPMENT pER SEC. 1206 OF TnE 1991 UMC. 6. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 OF THE1991 I]MC AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC. qO6 ON TITEl99l uMc. DRAINAGE OF MECHAMCAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATERSUPPLY BON-FRS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PERsEc.2119 0F TIIE l99l uMc. BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLECONSTRUCTION UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLEFLOORING. FIELD INSPECTION IS REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE PER SEC. 305OF TIIE 199I UIrc. 7. 9. \a, pRopERTy 227 BRIDGE STREET, CoVERED BRIDGE PROJECT COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING DArE APRrL 20, 1994 VaiL, Colorado TOTAI. PARKING I'EE $ 50,535.07 fn installments after date, for value received, I promise to pay to the order of the Town of VaiL aL the Office of the FinanceDirector, Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado, $50,535.07 Dollars Down Payment S 10,107.01 with interest of ten percent per annum on the unpaid balance, payable in yearly instal.lments as follows: First instaflment of Second installment of Third installment of Fourth installment of It is agreed that, if this note is not paid when due or decLared due hereunder, the principal and accrued interest thereon shall draw int.erest at the raLe of 18 percent per annum, and thatfailure to make any payment of principal or interest when due or any default under any encurnbrance or agreement securing this noteshall cause Lhe whole note to beconie due at once, or the interestto be counted as principlal, at the option of the holder of thenote. The makers and endorsers hereof severally waive presentment for payment, protest, notice on nonpayment and ofprotest, and agree to any extension of time of paymenL andpartial paynents before, at, or after maturity, and if this not.eor interest thereon is not paid when due, or suit is brought, agree to pay all-sonable costs of collection, including reasonab By: Date: Total Parki-ng Down Payment $ Fee 10,107 .01 $ 12,753.87 due $ 12,753.87 due S 12,753.87 due $ 12,753.88 due and payable and payable and payable and payable 4 / 201e5 4120196 . 4/ 20197 4120198 . on "^/ F.rr .-r . TOIdN OF h' UAIL C0t't-DEV Flrst l_nstallnsnt of soeond ingtallment of third inetallment of Fourth installment of ffPR 20'94 13:18 , g-13, l,Y' FBdu" "na payabte 4lntttr ID :503-479 -2452 Ot '1 i 004No P.01 INOEffiffT 227 ERIDCE ST.I COVERED ERIDGE PROitEe[ govERED BRTDGE EUIt,trlNc DNEI AIBrL 20. lgg4 VaiI, Colorado 1l08fil PtAfiIilC l'I8E g 50.535.07 I' inetallmenta aft,or date, gor varue_ recer.ved, r prciniee Lo payLo the orde! of t,he town oi vail at the off,lcE'oe Lrre- ninanceDlrector, Munlclpal Bullding, viti, CotoraAo, " Dollare ?:T-la1rylT-s-lgl-D't,a.J_ -wtth rntsresr sf reh percenr per annumon the unpaid balaneer'Fayabrs J'r..yearly lnstarlilents ae' iorrJr.rJ: iir'l ib. offie u,ra payable 9 lLfl$- ap&e ana payabl€vI t?)1i3.gbitue sna payable on on !t ts aqreed that if thls'i;ote Lsrnot paid when due cr decrareddue heseunderl the prlnolpal and accruLo-inie";e[-tli--.---.^hrr ldraw lnterest at ttre rate- irf 19 percent per anrru., 'i falrure to nat e any paynent of prlnclpal or intesee. Ct44\/rr"*eny default. undBr a1y encurnUrante or agreenent aecu,shalJ cause tho whor6 note to becosG an"-"t-iin"e, -r h)au,eJ -.!9-b* counted.ae prlnclplal, at the optlon of tri[ U '1"^* fr*note. Ihe nakers and endorserE hereof severatly w4' L4_4d L *Apreasntnent -for paymentl ppot,est, notl.ce on noniavr' I |l:li:t'r:;*.i$.;"11,:l'":I:1"*1.:'-:t[:,:i,;:*i :' 17* 4/,,c. /-*or rnrerest theEeott is not pald when due, or iilit ;, rli *agree to pay all reasonable-cosbs or coliegt.i6n, til- rr*- fr.(,vfreaeonable aLtorneyre fees. ', lf t*t- ? ; $-4DatB:l'', , /S f-*"e_, -: (a.Zl 4g,a'^*f<.r t *f*+.^ H.^.V*- A.-r,*-n^d ! I'll ll \ 4l]')lf6- lr' d ' X- ZrSy L..r* - Loan Palment ScheduLe 4/27/94 faootori.ate Palment Schedule t Pmt Principal Interes t Bal ance Page 1 1 J 8, 711 .05 9,582.17 t-0, 540 .39 TL ,594 .44 10.00? 4 , O42 .81_ 3,L71,.70 2,2r3 .48 L , L59 .44 40 , 428 .06 31-,7]-7.00 22,134.83 tt . 594 .44 0.00 gE/L5194 A9:'4ts 13439494654 MI]I'IROE/NEWELL ENG.o Gentlenen: Ehe contract documents Sl, datect ilune;rune 9, 1994, supercede pllor si ina Monrce & Nemrell Rgineers, Inc. ,fune L5, l_994 Town of Vail Communlty Deve].opment?5 South Fronteqe RoadValL, CO 9165? At,tn: Itr. Gary Mrrrain Re: Covered Bridge Building (ltfN t23{1) 1, 1994 and, $10, dated $X.0 drawlngs. any guestions or conmrnta, please call . PAGE A1 1,rlll, Cfrhrrertct tlcnr1:f. Colotadh hil.ll' bitErl bx tln*rhti! tremo Fl fi)4$ B' Ileuvcr (;rcuk ttlvd- . suitc 501 r P, o. llt'x rt97 . Avon, colorado 81620 + (101) itg-7768 c FAX (.10$) g49-40t,t Jl..hl--B!F1994 E9: 3EAt'l FRO'1o KOEC1ILEI N CONSI.JLT ING GEOTECIINICAL RBCO,IIIENDATIONS COVRED BR]DGE BUILDING VAIL, COLORADO Prepared for: Peter Dann Eaet West Partners Draver 277O Beaver Creek, Colorado '12354 WEST ALAMEDA pARt(WAy, IAKEWOOO, C! so22s (3o319s9,1223 TOo L7A@47616L2 P,A? Jv IELE3,-' .l KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS -",t ,', .$ tggJ G' T}V.f;}trllti,t,iJN,, {d,fn Prerntr # 6657 June 8, 1994Job l{o.94-24 i.. ,t I JU.I-8F199 @9:31Rr1 FRfi K[ECI-{_ErN CS€r.r-Til.6I Ttlo TABI.E OE'COMM{TS L?ew?6t6L2 P.es 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 I Fig. I F1g. 2 Ftg. 3. Frg. 4 Flg. 5 ECOPB IROF0SED 0ot{SltUCTrOil SITB CONDITTOIIS GMIOGT SUBSINFACB CONDITIONS TOUNDATISI GRflII$D WAIER COI{TROL CRATL SPACE BEI,C'I{ CMDE EtrCAVATION I,AMAI WALI LOADS STItr'ACE DRAINAGE IJU TATIOIIS VICTI{ITY MAP DEVEIOIUANT PLAN DEh'ATE8ING DRAIN SISIEI PIJII TT?[C,AL WAI,L DBAIN DETAIT TYPICAT EARTTI RETAINITG WAIJ. DETAIL FRO.lt,'t , : : : ! ' J[N-49-1994 E9:31At4 KOECI-ILEIN CONSULTING L7W4?6L6L2 P.M SCOPE This report presents geotechnical recomnendations for the propoeed covered Bridge Building to be located at the southnest corner of Bridge street aad Gore creek in vai1, colorado. The report presents a.descrlp tion of subsurface conditions, recorulendations for foundation consuruc- tlon' criteria for design of foundations and reconraendatione for a per- nanent derraEering systen. The report was prepared based on condi.tiong found ln the excavation and our experience rri th similar subsurface con- dltions in the Yail area. The recoomended. foundation sy6ten and dewatering system is influenced by the proposed type of buiLding and anticipated foundation l-oads. Irle shouLd review our recolmendatlons, if the plans for the building are changed. PROPOSED CONS]RUCTION A five-story structure \.ith a crarl space is planned for the Loca- tion indicated on Fig. 2. Ttre structure will be of steel, concrete and masonry construction. Planters are to be constructed on the east side of the proposed bui.l,ding (adjacent to Bridge street). The foundations for the planters may be at the crawl space elevation rhich would result in r,ralls of about L2 feet in height. lIechanical equipment ,.il1 be installed in the cravl space area. some of this equipment rri11 be hung from the underside of the first floor antl others r..i11 be instaLled below TOo FROlotr,t' J1N-69-1994 693324M KOECHLE I N CT]NSI.JLT I I'E LWts4?6I6L2 P.As -2- the cravl 6pace ground gurface.Itre equlpnent constnrcted below the cranl space surface rr:ill be a waste vater sunp atrd a dewatering sunp pit. rhe depth of the naate uater sump ri11 be about 5 feet and the deriatering sunp 1111 be about 4 feet. rbe ground surface i.n the crav1 space is planned for elevation 8147. Roof drainage 'ri11 be directed i.nto a piping systen which ni1l connect into a sand trap before floring into the adjacent Gore creek. The naxr.n'n coLu' Loarr is about 250 kips and the ninimun colunn load is about 25 kips. SITE CONDITIONS fire approxinate location of the site is indicated on Fig. r. lhe slte is at the southvest corner of Bridge street and Gore creek. A building nas on this site prior to beginntng construction of the new building. The buiLding was rerDoved aad the solle were then excavated to a Lover elevation (8L. BL47) for the crawl space. Bridge street ls located on the east side, an existiog building on the south eiire, open paved area on the west eide, and Gore Creek on the north side about 50 feet from the proposed building. Bridge street is at about elevatlon 8159 which would be 12 feet above the bottou of the excavation at eleva- tion 8147. The renainder of the site is at about elevatipn gI52. Vege_ tation is only on the north side betrrem the building site and Gore creek and it consists of large pine treee, naturaL grasses and weeds. The existing building on the south siile ie supported by spread footing foundations. A portion of uhe nal1 footlng on the north side of TOo JtN-trt-1994 A9:32Rt'1 KOECI{-EIN CT]NSULTING the erieting building rns expoeed as soiLs excavation. A sna11 sunp pit and pump for the basesrent of this buildtng. The mter the north side of the building and nater occasional Ly. LW416I6L2 P.A6 r+ere being removed fron the renoving ground water is ln fron the sunp discharges on was observed being punped FRO4o TOo GE,OIOGY The soil-s in the area are outwash and grouad noraine deposits frou glacial action. As a resuLt the soils are generally very dense, course sand and graveL wlth cobbles and boulders. The bedrock is believed. to be at least 60 to 100 feet below the surface and it is a sedfunentary bedrock fornation. The site is rirhin the Gore creek yalley an<l ther+ fore the ground water level is infl-uenced by the Gore Creeh. SIESIJRFACE CONDITIONS The subsurface conditions at this site were iovestigated by exca- vatlng a test pit along the north side of the excavation. rn addltion to the test pit, the surface soils exposed in the excavat,ion vere also observed. The test pit vas excavated to a depth of about 12 feet bel.ov the original ground surface. The soils exposed in the test pit and on the surface of the excavation consisted of silty sand and gravel rlth cobbLes and snal-1 boulders. Based on the geology, the soils are typical of soils found ln the area. Punps, in the excavation, were renoving ground water, therefore the ground nater leve1 r,ras 6t the surfaee of the JU.re9-1994 E9:334M KT]ECI-{-EI N CBI.|SI..{-TI IG L7W?6L6I2 P.W -.4_ bottom of the excavation. The nater surface in Gore Creek was about 2 to 3 feet higher in elevation. FOINDATION The subsurface soiLs beneath the slte consisted of sllty sand and gravel rith cobbles and snal1 boulders. rhese soils are very dense and r'i11 support relatively high loade. rn our opinion, these solLs yirl safely support a spread footing foundatj.on systen. The foundation sys- tem should be designed and constructed in accordance rith the foJ.Loring criteria: FR&Io 1.The spread footing foundation systern should be constructerl onundisturbed naturaL soils. So11s loosened by the excavationprocess should be cleaned fron the botton of the excavationprior to pl-acing concrete. the footing foundations ehould be designed for a oaxinun a11orrable bearing pressure of 4,0fi) psf. I?re ground water 1eve1 ie close to or above the bottou of theexcavation. Ttris water Level should be lowered beLon the foot-ing foundati.on elevatlon duriag constructioa. Footings should be conetructed at a depth of at least, 4 feetbelow the eristing ground eurface to protect the footings frondetrimental frost action. The excavations for the footing foundations should be observedby a representative of our office during construetion. Construetlon of a contlnuous rall footlng adjacent to tbeexisting structure can iocrease the load on the subsurfacesoils and Eay cause addltional defLection of the soi1s. Ttrtscould resuLt in sone settlenent of the adJacent building foun-dations. The eettlenent rrould occur aa the Loads are belng appJ.ied and therefore upoo conpletion of conEtruction no addi-tional settLenent should take place. We recomend that theexistlng building be inspected and docunented for exietlng 4. 3. 4. ). 6, ttl !., : JLhre9-1994 A9:34nrl FRtr'I KOECHLEIN COI.{SULTING -5- cracks and nonitored for any additional cracking alue to con-structl.on. If cracking does occur, we antlclpate it wiLl beminor. In addltion, ve recorunend excavation next Eo the exlEt-ing foundation be clone careful-ly eo that the exLsting footLngsar€ not undernined. L?W?61,6T2 P,EB GROIfiD WATER COI{IROL The elevation of the cranl space is at elevation g147, which is below the surface of the rdater tabLe. Equipnent rriLl be installed Ln the crawl space, therefore it Bust be kept dry. Based on the elevation of high water narks, the water level io Gore creek couLd rise to at least elevation 8152 at the east. end aad about 8150 at the west end of the buiLding. This is 3 to 5 feet ebove the elevation of the crawl apace- To addition, the lo0 year flood leve1- is about 4 feet above the cravL space. The water Level has been lovered in the excavation by operating three pumps at this tine. about 150 GpM ie being reuoved fron the excavation to naintain a $ater leveL at about eleyation gl47 wlth the uater Level at 8149 in Gore creek. Based on this infornation the arount of watet that would need to be punped fron beneath the crawl space' when the Gore creek water leve1 :is at elevation gr52, would be about 300 GP!|. To naintain a dry cravl epace a dewatering systen needs to be installed. Based on the available infornation the dewatering system should consist of a sunp pit aad tateral dralns whlch yould direct the $ater to the sunp,.lte recomend the sunp plt and lateral dralos be lnstalLed at the approxinate locatlons indicated on the Dewatering Drain JLN-69-1994 A9:34AN KOECHLEIN CONSULTING r?@4?61.6L2 P. E9 -& systen P1an, Fig. 3. The systen should be cteslgned to punp at least 300 GPM and a backup p"'p shour.d be provlrerr. the backup punp shourd be capable of punping water vhen the water 1evel rises above eLevation g145 in the 5rrnp pit. In additioo, an alarn systen shouLd be instalLed. To oaintain the water level- belon the crawl space continuous pu'ping nay occur. Riprap should be provided at the discharge to reduce erosion. The adjacent building to the south presentJ.y has a punp whlch oper_ ates periodlcally. when the system for the proposed buildlng is installed, we believe that bhe ground water beneath the existing build- ing vill also be lowered, that their surnp punp will operate onry occa- sionally and possibly not at all. CRAWL SPACE Due to the high ground warer table beneaeh the buiLdi.nB, the humid- 1ty in the cravl space could be high. To reduce danpness and hunidity in the cravl space we recoErnend a plastic sheetiog vapor barrler be instalLed and ventilation be provided. The plastic sheeting should be covered rrith sand to reduce the rlsk of being punctured.. A waste irater sunp pit ir:ilL be installed to a depth of about 5 feet below the proposed crawl space ground surface. The ground ryater could rise above the top of the surop, therefore, the sunp should be designed to resl-st bouyancy when it is enrpty. FRO"I o J[N-A9-1994 A9:35AN KOECHLEiN COI'ISI.JLTINGFRCI4c TO L?W4?6L61? P.t@o -7- BEI.PII GRADE EXCAVATTON Ae indicated the subsurface soils consisted of a stlty sand and 8ravel rith cobbles and boulders, rn addiiton, the grounil water leveL ie aornal-ly above the botton of the excavation. Based on these condi- tions the soils cl.assify as a Type c soil in accordance vlth the 0sHA regulstlons. lle recomnend the ercavations be laid back or shored i.n accordance lr-ith the 0SllA regulatlone. LATEMT lrALL TOADS A basenent and retaining mL1 vill be coristructed wrrich rril1 reguire lateral design preasures!. Iateral earth pressures depend on the type of backfill and the height and type of wall. lihere la11s are free to rotate sufficientl"y to mobilize rhe strength of the backfi1l, the ual-ls. should be designed to reslst the tractivert earth pressure condi- tion. llhere wa11s are restrained, rshich normally occurs in a basenent wall, the nalls shoukl be designed to reslst the earth pressure ,,at restrt condition. For design an equivaLent fluid weight of 35 pcf should be used for the ttactivett earth pressure anil an equlval.ent fluid veight of 50 pcf ehoul.d be used for the "at resttt earth preseure. The equlva- lent fruid weights do not include allouances for surchaige loads due to hydrostatic presgures or Live loads. Backflll behind or adjacent to waLLe should be conpacted to at least 9o percenr of the raodlfied proctor uaxiuum dry density (AsT{ r 1557) or 95 percent of the standard proctor maximun dry dmslty (AgIl{ D- JLN-69-1994 A9:36AN KOEC-IILEIN COI.FULTING L?M476t6t2 P. 11 -8- 698). The backfill should be placed in rhin loose lifts at or above the optinun moisture content. Placenent and coopaction of the fill should be observed and tested by a representative of our office. To reduce Ehe possibiltry of developlng hydrostattc pressures behind belor grade wa11s, a drain should be constructed adjacent to the wa11s. The drain nay consist of a nanufactured drarn systen or gravel. If gravel is used, it should have a rnarinun size of 1.5 inches and have a naxinum of 3 percent paasing the No. 200 sieve. Hashed concrete aggregate rtll be satisfactory for the drainage layer. The gravel drain or manufaetured draln shouLd extend from the botton of the wall to 'rithln 2 feet of subgrade elevaEion. The rrater can be drained by use of a perforated pipe rith collection of the nater at the botton of the na11 FRO4o TOo Leading Eo a positive gravity outlet or pumped suup. for walL drains are presented on Figs. 4 and 5. Typical detalls SIIRFACE DRATNACE Drainage around the srructure should be designed to provide for rapid rernoval of surface runoff. Roof drains anrl domspout.s shouLd discharge aray fron the srructure and beyoncl the backf1l1 area. The design of the surface drainage should be such that poniling is avoided on all paved areas. Backfill around the structures should be ooistened and compacted to avoid penetration of surface noisture. l{e recomend that the backfilL be compacted to at least 95 percent of the standard proctor naxlnun dry FRO'1o JLN--49-1994 A9;36AM KOECHLEI N CT}ISIJLTING L?884'.?6t6t2 P. t2 -9- density (Asru D-698) or 90 percent of the nodlfted proctor maxinun drv density (ASIltl D-f557). LIHITATIONS The infornation and conclqsions presented 1n this report are based on observations and experience in the area, variations 1n the subsur- face conditions could be exposed as the structure is constructed. $e should observe the excavation during construction for soil and ground water conditlons. Placearent and conpacE,ion of fiLl should be observed and tested. KOEGITEIN CONSI]LTTNG ET,IGINEERS t{HK/ek (3 copies sent) cci Gwathney Pratt & Schultz Architectscc: Honroe & Net'elLcc: Viele Construction flJ{-ag-1994 CO&ll0-.1t:1.1. KOECHLEIN CONSI..{-TINGFR04o TOo D) \$ \)/4, ,.. .-. , -+f.lBrl.. L7@4?EL6L2 P.t4 I \ : I I \ t t ( : \ \,| \\\f \\ \\ t I \ \t l-\ Ttro JLhH9-1994 89:39Af4 .-trurno -.:llil3Dfo FRO'l o o et* .rt/ ooYar|! .Frt .t_*_ JOI,|OJha{_ IN-49-1994 E9:3SM FRtI'1o L?W47616L2 P. 15 rfla. I I I I BEWA "sar rtert|J JOt-'|o-,cf-2a Ju.{-a9-1994 Agt4AAn KOECHLEIN CONSI.LTINGFRO"Io L?U8476t5t2 P. 16 CLAYEY BACKFIL! (8EE REPORT FOR EACKFItL REOommExDATtOHSt Etow ORADE WALL ilAilUFACTUBEO DFAIfl z_ =; IPROYIDE PLASTIC E.HEETTI*6 OLUED?o F-oqlrDATlorr WALL ro iEDucE4 ITCH DIAMETEB PERFORATED PIPE.llorttuBE PElr€rn ATtOlt. }IOTES: I. I]ISTALL EITHER: A. APPROYED NANUFAGIUB€O DBAIX 8VSTEII AiID oRAVEL OOVERED PIPE ORB. OFAYEL WITH PIPE 2. DFAII| SHOULD !E A? LEAET C U{CHE8 BELOW TOP OF FOOTII'O AT THEHtoHES? polfir Al{o Srop€ DottilwtRD to A poarTtvE cRAytTv OUTLE' OR TO A TUTP WHEBE. WATER CA}I EE RETOYED 8Y PUHFIiIC. 8. THE DFAIX A}IOULD 3E LA.IO O'I A SLOPE BANqIilE BETYVEE'I 1'I I]ICH AT{O I'.I ITICH DBOP PEF FOOT OF DfiAIIt. 1. ORIVEL SPEClFlClttOlfB: WASFED I t12 trfGH TO lf0. 4 eitvEL rYtTH LESA THAil At pA88fil€ rHg r|o. 2oo 8tEvE. TYPICAL WAI-L DRA]I.N AVEL I ,€-- t-- --iffi COXPACTED AA C K FILL -^-!l €BAYEL JOB ilO. ea.-ea DETAIL Fro. a JtN-49-1994 AgtALAtr' CLAY BACKFILL COilPAOTED WASHED I T'2 INSH TO ilo. a oRAY€L rvrTlt Llge THA1I ,3 PEBCEHI PA38II{G THE lto. 200 gtEvE. NOTE: KOECHLEIN CONSI-T-T INGFRO4o L7W4?6|6L2 P.I? TATIUFAOTURED DBAIII EY€TEil .3 llfC]l:DIAHETEH PEBFOBATED PYG THE DNAIf LII}E SHOULO BE LAID OI{ RArOtro BETUUEEIT l/r rilclr AlrD tra PEB F]OOT O.F OFAilI AT.O LGAD TO A GNAYITY OUTLET. Tuo l,4f' PIFE. A SIOPE DtcH DBOp POSITIYE 3YT?ET =:--41 BETAllf ll,lG eill?fff'ftllf,tTl'fntr r 2084 VASEEN COURT coNrFER, COLORADO 00{t3 . 13031 67a-7580 Page -J--of 6 : OBSERYATIOII REPORT Clfent: Viele Construction ITIS Job No.: 070894A Date: 7-8-94 ProJect: Covered Bridge Building Loca6on: Vail. Co] orado lnspector: Georqe Schwandt This report package contains information concerning specific tests, and inspections of structural steel nelding, structurai bolting, structural sprayed.fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate io the types of inspections and tests conducted have beenprepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for - each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form.a Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of OutstandingDlscrepancies,', 0.D. List. The 0.D. List wlll be consecutively numbered ' for each page issued, as will be the deficient ltems contained in the llst.Specific usage of the 0.D. List is contained ln each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, pleasefeel free to contqct ITIS at lour c6nvenience.,i",W Davld L. Sturgeon ,//President W ^ INDEPENDENT TESTING E^lrrspEeroN SERVTcES lnril 12081 VASEEN COURT coNlFER. COLORADO 80433 (3031 674-7560 Page 2 ot-0- YISUAL II{SPECTIO]TS OF STNUCTURAL BOTTED COIIIIECTIOI{S Inspector: Georqe Schwandt ITIS Job No.: 070894A nate 7-9-94 Type of Bolted Connections: Friction_Bearing X Type and Size of Bolts Inspected: n-feS__ n-AgOA-307...---- 0ther- Criteria - AREAS OF INSPECTIOI,IS [ist the leve]s and areas of inspections separately with aconditions. If 0.0. List is utilized, designate tie itemassigned each nonconforming condition. cri tique of nonconfonning number and 0.D. page Areas of Inspection: 0n 1.5 line at B and C lines Discrepancies: At 1.5 and c lines the anchor bolts have been field cut away resulting in no anchored connection between the beam and the footing. This has been entered on the attached0.D. List as item F-2. Level: Foundation Level Column base anchor bolts Areas of Inspection: B to D and 1.5 - 6 lines Discrepancies: 0n B line eleven inches east of 6lines and on C line4'-02" west of 5line, the column base plates have not been anchored down nor grouted under the base plate. This has been entereO on ttre attached 0.D. Lisi as item F- 1. Level: First Level Beams to embed anchor bol ts Additional Page Attached qy;E?fl8"'Til$,'#i'f,'".! T2084 VASEEN COUFT coNrFER. COTORADO 80433 (303) 57'f'7560 STRUCTURAL BOLIED COIII{ECTIOI{S "AREAS OF IIISPECTIOIIS Level or tlgy6ljsn; First Leve'l Beams to beams and beams to co] umns Grid llne location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: From B - C and 1.5 to 6 lines Llst those connection(s) which were found the nonconfonnance. Please give assigned None noted PageJ--or 6 ITIS Job t{o. OZOggaRDate: 7-8-94 in nonconformance 0.D. iten number with a critlque of and page number. Level or Elevation: Second Level Beams to beams and beams to iolumns Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: From A-Dand3to6lines Llst those connection(s) which were foundthe nonconformance. Please give assigned in nonconformance 0.D. item number with a critique of and page number. Level or Grld line El evati on: location(s) encompasslng the area(s) of inspections or tests:- List those connection(s) which were found the nonconfonnance. Please give assigned in nonconformance with a critique of 0.D. ltem number and page number. The remaining connections inspected, as were found to be in conformance to the described in the aforementioned format, stated crlteria. Addltlonal Inspection Information: o,l[?E?fl3fiT1ffi'.Ti?-b I2084 VASEEN COUFT coNtFER. COLOBADO 80433 (3031 07lt.7560 Page 4 of--CI- FIELD II{SPECTIOI{ REPORT FORIiI II{ITIAI YTSUAL IITSPECTIOilS OF TELDIIIG Inspector: Georqe Schwandt ITIS Job t'lo,:-.Q@94A-Date:-Z:9:93- Fleld Hade llelds:Shop Made I'Jelds: Type of t{el ds Inspected : Fi I I ets X Groove-Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected l.|eld: (ie: column, beam, vreld. embed, cold formed. metal studs. etc.): As recordedweld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc.): girder, moment Appllcable Code or Standard:AtlS Dl.1.92 anLProiect Standards AREAS OF'INSPECTIOIIS Level or Elevation: First Level ' Bar joists to beam flanqes and embed olates Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: A - D Provide a crit'ique of appropriate, assigned attach the referenced noted conditions "F" prefixed 0.D. of nonconformance. A'l so 'item number and 0.D. page None noted include the number. Please 0.D. llst. Leve'l or Grid 'line Elevation: First Level Decking puddle welds location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: A - D Provlde a critique of appropriate, assigned attach the referenced noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, Jnclude the "F" pref'l xed 0.0. item number and 0.D. page number. Please 0.D. Lis1. None noted As described in the aforementioned format, thelisted as 0.D. items were found conformino to remaining connections inspected not the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESflNG t'1 NSPECTION SERVICES INT I2084 VASEEN COURT coNrFEF. COLOFADO 80433 (3031 6r{.7560 Page 5 of-6- FIELD II{SPECTIOil REPORT FOR}I IITITIAL VISUAL II{SPECTIOIIS OF }'ELDIIIG Inspector: Georqe Schwandt ITIS Job No.:---02.Q994A Date:-Z:&.9.4- Field l'lade Welds: X Shop l|ade Welds: Type Type wel d, of Ields Inspected: Fillets X Groove-0ther of Gomponent'Containlng the Inspected l{eld: (ie: co1 umn, beam' girder' moment embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc.): As recorded Appllcable code or standard: AtlS 01.1-92 and Pro,iect standards AREAS OF IIISPECTIOIIS Level or Grid line El evati on :c location(s) enconpassing the area(s)inspe.tiont sr 1sst5; C'4 to C'8 Provide a critique of appropriate, assigned attach the referenced noted conditions of nonconfonnance. Also' include the nF" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.0. page number. Please 0.D. 1i51. None noted - l uttt Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: A - D noted conditions of nonconformance. A'l so, include the "F" pheflxed 0.0. item number and 0.0. page number. Please 0.D. Ljst. None noted - Provide a crftique of appropriate, assigned attach the referenced As described in the aforementioned format, the listed as 0.D. items were found conforminq to remaining connections inspected not the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING E INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COUBT coNtFER. COLORADO 80433 (303) 674.7560 Page 6 of 6 LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Location: Covered Bridge Bulldinq Job#: 070g94A Date: 7-g-94 Inspector: George Schwandt Page: 1 of 0n-qoing rted I ten #Dat e STRUCTURAL. MECHANICAL AND MATERIAUI TESTING Jt.[_-29-1994 88:41* vronroe &Nteil #+ EttlFG'ttt. { \ *"*^HffiffiH P. AL*"rlzglC l^'"" ,fiItsr_ i ,,,,'fr a_ructrLrDvswbTsE__ \F?|on /-f ut\tL\ !o-'Std lHk ll,rtsr ffirlrc tlsQrpx h anvrat@Qo l^{flkrn$ %nv-$J0C.,srsN E9 fi]TfiL P.61 t1 .Jul-r8-gd l{oN 15:44 r. ul FAX TR-4}TSMITTAL fRO,1,/: J, L. vIELE CO,\'*(TRUCT/O,\; l,\'C. 1600 sQtJrFl F,?o.\TAcE Ro,AD \,"'EST., sulTE 202 v'AIL, COIOR{DO 81557 1303) 476i0A2 F,{.Y; 476-3423 D-{?T: fOr 6611.o.{W"r F.{Yft'O; .FfiO,,1/: SLtsJECT; P.4OpC?;\O.r TOTT|J r\?l'EER OF"P.{.CE$ trli.CLUDDG THIS C OJHl,fE\?Sll'fr S.9'L GE' ?- .FiE.iJE C..lJ{. +:i.i.i.rl /.v yot'^i..j!5 r\cificEj-yEo lz /, ,fl.iG{! COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING 22T BHIDGE STBEET VAIL, COLORADO ,-.;1, o /| WE ARE SENDING YOU V n Shop Orawi#gs n CoPY ol letter Attached ! Via D Prints/sepias ! Change order LETTil OF TRANSMflTTAL DATE O [n [q+ | Loa'o ro: -T.O V. 4.,,u" ba/, O>t4 Hu",r:,..,,r--= FE: AdbA gr,f"* Btd(J l^*.J lol,ni.-.the lollowing items: I Specilications! Plans I Originals ! ! Samples coPrEs OATE NO,DESCRIPTION t c lu.lqt A X .z-t 'P.e c;^;" /1:,1t*la^o \ THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: For approval For your use As requested Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections For your records Revise and resubmit For review and commenl PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US tr Kn ! D n n n ! T n D FOR BIDS DUE 19 REMARKS ll enclosues arc not as noted, kindly now us at once. o if,rp.td hJ64 al^>la/o .ryb Felt +,-,t f-l vY E/g" 1ra$eJ h n>'ill^r {.t, f t bl+.,{aa,d, vo-&,),-, 5 lgn qF€- t x' 8.1fl:.n-, Gt"a s/au *vz:tzJ f1 (+z/ta\ &c.r tO K Ltlo x lb 8>B€'af-z\ s*'"d C lb c.a. i.+*"d €.Yal*++ Lttf tiag,fatJja ICNYt@1,. fa6trF /aEilLtilcz Aryeer1 fuY t%' Tg*'n *: \'ail CFFl0b t0PY,U//{ f'z z't7 ,r/+'X 7q 6>tge- h.l 6t.>r.rae-l - >tt>?'l'-\ $/ *l+*.[ *-*u A <'t1 ' . +*"L aat4*)+., { ztI* -lu*1 @' lt t' o '4 ' (z) 'lr" ,{.1f * rx' ffi(' J't'-"[l ' tflso{^ ,3=L 1=-'1.,-'- ^t / ttl'+-*' +- 'L d vt1*vV\ :>q/4\) L-ltr,';. ;. Afl>:4^ f.=.- t*t* *t / l€/g" hyo ?-t= 6aia ,^r./1 =,aeuet'+ @ l> " o'c p") 6A Fita t! ?czsao -tr-rrvL- W @*-y COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING 227'BRIDGE STREET VAIL, COLORADO NK2-l a lv lq+ - - GRilD VALLEY CONSULTING ENGINGS, lNC. LEZL'EBRowN E 827 ROOD AVENUE - JEANNTNECARY ,iJ GFAND JUNCT|ON, COLORADO 81s01 """""ff',JT:::X - (303) 245-3177 FAX: (303) 245-4450 "^_"jg#.il_..iKAFEN THEOBOLD Ausust 31, 1ee4 llli,;, :.3,r ,:W'Dan Staneck SIf Town of Vail Building Department 75 South Frontage Road I Uy . LU',',,n ,, U[V, DEP[,Vail, Colorado 81657 Subject Covered Bridge Building Our Job #4022 Dear Mr. Staneck: As requested by the architect, we have reviewed a change in the slope of storm drainage piping for the subject project. This change applies only to the fifth level master dec'k lf the 3" storm drainage piping on the masier deck is sloped 114" per foot, the pipe will penetrate the boftom flange of a beam at the north end the deck. To miss the flange, it has been proposed to run the 3" storm drain leader seruing the deck at 1/8' per foot slope. The 3" storm drain leader in question serves the 130 square foot master deck at level five. lt also serves 121 square feet of rool above via a downspout running onto the deck. This is a total of 251 square feet. Appendix D ol the Uniform Plumbing Code states that a 3" horizontal rainwater pipe sloped at 1/8" per foot can handle hree inches of rainfall per hour from 1096 sguare leet Of area. The 3" pipe at 1/8" slope per foot is adequate for the opected runoff from the master deck and the roof. We give our approval to the proposed change. Sincerely, Grand Valley Consulting Engineers, lnc. 1Jt"^l"t CV4lt^,1 Donald Clinton Ralston, Jr., P.E. DCR/lb CR40831.wpf cc: Eric Johnson, Gwathmey Pratt SchulE Architects tI.rRoE &l€lr,trl | ,/ DENVER 343 643 . ry P.g1 i,Monroe Bc lVenrell o^," *i+/a& Project ll - )Pages f ' (including transmittal) F A CS I M ILE TRAN SPtt ITTA L L ETTEE fuircers, Ir:c. f080 lTth St., Suite 3l-O Detver, Co lorlrlo {10202' (soo) sar-4u27 rAJ( (300) {r23.€r}o? '(e -(of z FHOM SUBJECT MESSAGE t.i lf transntitial! is nct ar indicaiecj please nol.ify sender -.:....-._--{-':if'AT -:--:.j i -j---* l:r:iili i i*Il*- l :i:i :i, :.*--i----* -:* - :i:::l:i::i,.i!::ii! i "'i---i-*-'i-* *i-"' iril i i'* -i-'--i*-"-:- -," ita\ :b\xslz]).*Lane E,E,l-dSrllit' *En;;"-"-*-i"**- -. t ,Ea\/8 ridltl d..t dtt gi..!lr6j {tW @.y..ttu tr'.qtsl. ro 06 pqr* nr ri$ tt&l6.G$,) fl..r31-1994 @.L6 I€NROE &I.EI,JB-L / DEl.lt,ER sa3 68 6@. P.a3 ' fr Monroe&Fewetl ff\ Engneets" Inc. f/\;'ilt .JOE SllEE *.*, r*.*--.5EE- * ti!q.Er!..1 5!o.etltDtprc{lErn Ce..v* otrl $6d.!F<l€tuEEEr{(D?38!t AUr31-1994 Eg:16 I'ITI'IRTE & NEI,JELL / DE}WER c6r.cutAtED 3A3 623 66@? P.A4 Monroe e?ewett &€tnccr:. Inc.3TF cHto(Eo Bl TOTAI- P.A4 \ LETTETOF TRAN]SMITTAL DArE n/b/,1,+ lrcaruo. ro: .T. ".V. RE: &vt...-A Br.\e, Bt*-- wE ARE SENDTNG YoU E euacneo f, Shop drawirigs X frCooYof letter ! I vr hr.-J d.4rwl- the forowins items: Samples ! Specif icationsPrints/sepias Change order Plans Originals n n ! D coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION I obt h +f-\-q/v\ Lt$,e--- - de-l* d".;^ -Ll.*-- I s {rp/4 4-a,*+c*c -Frg4 G) ^ bz>,." ?arcb^g I t/t /tl Five Fa+A wall /wir,'a*) k*.'uu^ P,"op"sd Uu,ul + ofi;{ Ft*a+ t/rl;*d*^l +a-+,1..,.^)J Bviavb THESE ARE TRANSMITTED P ror approval/\! For your use ! As requested as checked below: n D ! ! I ! n I Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections For your records Revise and resubmit For review and comment PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US ! FOR BIDS DUE 19 l-.REMARKS L> n^' - lf enclosur€s arc not as noted, kindly rPW uc at once. ftT$7-LW 1A:39 & I'IELIELL ,/ DEI'IUER 343 623 E€,Az P.Az It{onroe & Newell Eqf,iocc'rs, lnc. October 7,7994 Cnathrney Pran Schulrz Archirects 1000 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 ATTN: Mr. Eric lobnson RE: Covercd Bridgc Building (M & N #2341) Gcoclsmcn: sy'e have made briaf eitc observarions and reviewed tbe steel inspection repocs by Indcpendent Testing and Insgnction Services Inc. Based on what was observed and information provided us, to the best of ow knowledge and belief the steel framing was constnrct€d according to the conetn:ction documents. Pleagc contact us if you havc any questions or commcnts. Dddl/€r, Colorido v'ril, colod"do Sittcc'rely, Monroe & Ncwell Fngrneers, ftp.l/ftit;' JcffFeldaman. P.E. Rojcct Engineer (::io3) 62:) 4127 | r,^x (:lo:l) 623.6602 TOTAL P.@2 l66O Sevente€nrJ) Sr, . Suire 350 + fp611y1,r, C<,l(,r;rclo g0?0! r TOWN AF VAIL 75 Sotth Frontagc Road Vail, Colorado 8i,657 t03 -47 9 -2 r t 8/ FAX 3 0t -47 9 -2r 66 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Dcpartment of Public Worhs/Transportation MEMORANDUM PETER DANN, TONY FAULHABER, TODD OPPENHEIMER, GREG HALL AND MIKE MOLLICA CHARLIE DAVIS DECEMBER 2, 1994 TCO FOR COVERED BRTDGE BUILDING 2) The following items need to be completed before a TCO will be released by the Town ol Vail Public Works Department: 1) Verity thal slaging on Town of Vail pocket park area is allowed through the winter verify this with Todd Oppenheimer. Construction trailer is to be removed {rom GramShammer property. Tony conveyed that the trailer will be removed on 12/3194. The traffic controldevice in Gore Creek must be removed. All easements and survey work relaling to this must be complete. Please wod< with the Town attorney, Tom Moorehead, on this. 5) Bonding for all incomplete landscaping including an amount for a tree that has been d-amaged during excavation. This same tree must be stabilized (guyed down). 6) All materials, tenting and debris must be removed from the Bridge Street side ol the Covered Bridge Building. 7l All brick paver work must be complete. lf it isnt complete, it must be bonded' I will not be available during the week of 1215194. lf there are any queslions, please contact Todd Oppenheimer at 479-2161. Thank you, Charlie Davis, Town of Vail Construction Inspector 3) 4) 75 south trontage rlad uall, colorrdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTTON REQUEST Applicant Company: Applicant Phone: Company Representative : Specific Request and Rationale: Requested Date (s) /Times : Applicant Signature: *Please return completed form to the B ng Department. Iou-sffi[[,sla0H[*, fut*f .f,?"1 a* over\ooLr^ Drrfo*S*. +o "^looJ.n tl r, _ O | | !) .. --'K pa,ttets oS s*one cnd. ge* +\€-"^ o"\ yf,- ./rhglzur d."'L "$ +hr- dar€cad Brdqets*lU*< c.,",U . ie*:"#'^^^ u.ntoad..ry1 o$ ,na-*erv.l t cdorne-mo{eXr{ ,"\\\ +4!€- I'V4 lrrsur"nloadrg o$ ^oi*-r,il cF;;;" j*+ ;[l \ V.l hns. F44x. tl I l2u |={ Date: / - 2r€5 ,TM4r-t-- l_-2u5 Town of Vail Approvals: I' CommunityDevelopment 1 .,Yi?[o", i.".,' ?glice DePartment :DrClf,. I )'. -)': Fire DePartment: CLqrlrr Public Works: Name/Position !a,,r,o.;, l-2q-r 1tJ 4 so\ H/I >,(€l J"*t )'* l"q? 1ro2 ' 'n,-u--n"' lf -9as\.&i \ I {\ }\T$ti , \\.rs* S v'"\ \ t$ (,. t\ .! \\\{\s \\ \'r I\I,\\\ r.i .\ r'\$y rN \l ., \t ?.\\hu 3| r?\xiilorl\M q \\\A\tx 1g$ .fr':l\7A s FA +lid J _b{ -16 6[\- qL- J tu o <- 2 Ha oil v,8g8 li10'fg01t{t103 ' [0I o o T1V .0}filtyi, JEV, IJ E?T, OBSERVATIOI{ REPORT Client: Viele Construc,tion Project: Covered Bridqe Buildinq Inspector: Al sg incl uded Di ienepancies" for ehch page Specific usage ITIS Job Location: Page 1 of ? No.: 0708944 Date: 9-23-94 Vail, Colorado I l This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel we'lding, structural bolting, structura'l splayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate !o the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The. specific criteria uti'lized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of ipspection is contained on eqch individua'l inspection form. If there are any questions,regarding the content of this report, pleasefeel free to contact ITiS at "iouf"c6nvenience. iq this inspection package maf.Ue ITIS' "List of 0utstanding ,"0.D. List. The 0.0. List will be consecutively numbered issued, as will be the deficient itens contained in the list.of.the 0.D. List is contained in each section. Viele Construction Town of Vail - Attn:lilr. Dan Stanet '! Attachment DISTRIBUTIONS: David L. Presi dent - INSPEcnoN SERVICES INIL It r2004v^sE coNrFER.co.6'nni-o"iro.rJ -(3sJ) 67..7s60 Page 2 of 2 REIIISPECTiOI{S Type of Reinspection: Visual X Torque Testing NDT Inspector: Georqe Schwandt . ._ ITIS Job No.: 070894A 0ate: 9-23-94 List those items reinspected. Refer to the 0.0. item, 0.0. page number and original date for reporting of the 0.0. item. Also indicate if reinspected item conformi to origlnal project standards, modified standards or accepted in the as.bui'ltcondition. Conditions found inltially in nonconformance to original project standards but subsequently reviewed and accepted by the responsible authoiity shall have such acceptance in written form and written confirmation sha'l'l be attached to this report. 0:0. ITTM dnrcnnt TEPORT DATE ACC. 8Y EX_G. 8E-11 LEt., CONFORl4I NG.T0 STANOAROS S I GNED OFF c0l4MEilTSAS.BUILT IIOOIFIED F-20 07 -?9-94 X 9-23-94 F-12 08-09-94 x 9-23-94 Per M & N, dated 8-2 F- 14 09-09-94 x 9-23-94 F- 15 09-09-94 X 913-94 :;: "a.. l I -94 rc-. .22-t99t r6'!ne rctf(I: t, .E.t iL ;t . r I I M64roe tv.*etl .. i ' E,$rrees. Inc, --i)t:*lri r.:--,ai , .e 0ast \o -* @' -.-.-.-.-,----r,rcu,f,ru!v---fE- ---- ,h.r - ah 'ltl. cFrc|(,.otY I Iil f!5tl'rErlt.tI.{ !n q ril :l I I I I .t I I I I 1.. -i. . . I 1.. .,. - I, t i .\*%i n nshtt Nm $ Pol,J-i'&L t' iilod s ,i,lr , 'rtr a '.t" il I .; Ph^ =. C ,O"-rW David L. .Sturgeon //Pre:'i dent | .t INDEPENDENT TESTING E NSPECION SERVTCES tNo 1208J VASEEN COURT coNrFErl coLoFAOo 80433 (303) 674'7560 p-auaivei- 1 / roit-* Inspector: Georqe Schwandt This report package contafns information concerning specific tests andinspections of structural steel welding, structurai bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. 0n1y the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have beenprepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utjlized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each indjvidual inspection form. Also jncJuded in this jnspection package may be ITIS' "List of 0utstanding Discrepancies", 0.D. List. The 0.0. List wil l be consecutively numbered - for each page issued, as tvil'l be the deficient items contained in the l.i st.Specific usage of the 0.D. List is contajned in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, pleasefeel free to contact iTIS at your convenience. INDEPENDENT TESTINC & Connections: Friction_Bearinq X of Bolts Inspected; 4-325 X - A-490 AREAS OF INSPECTiONS List the Ievels and areas of inspections separately with a critigue of nonconformingconditions. If 0.0. List is utiiized, designate the item number'and 0.D. page assigned each nonconforminq condition. atr+ a ttac hed lxsnecnoN sERVrcEs rNql I2084 VASEEN COUFIT COtttrEn. COLORAUO 80433 (3031 674.7560 Page 2 of VISUAL INSPECTIOHS OF STRUCTUML BOLTED CONNECTIONS Inspec tor:Georoe Schwandt ITIS Job No.: 0708944 Da te I -6-9q Type of Bol ted Type and Size A- 307 0ther Cri teri a Level: Foundation Leve'l Column base anchor bolts Areas of Inspection: B to D and 1.5 - E lines Discrepancies: 0n B line eleven inches east of 6 tines and on C line 4'-02" west of 5line, the column base plates have not been anchored down nor grouted under the base piate. This has been entered oi ttre attached 0.D. List as item Level: First Level Beams to embed anchor bolts Areas of Inspection: 0n 1.5 line at B and C lines Discrepancies: At 1.5 and C lines the anchor bolts have been field away resulting in no anchored connection between the beam and the footing. This has been entered on the0.0. List as item F-2. Additional Page Attached INDEPENDENT TESTING E SrsnrcnoN sERvtcrs rxcf ! 2084 VASEEN COUFT coNlFEFr, COLORAOO 80433 (303) 674-7560 STRUCTURAL BOLTEO COilNECTIOIIS.AREAS OF IIISPECTIOIIS Level or E'levation3 . First Level Beams to beams and beams to columnsGridline]ocation(s)encompassingtt'..ffisortests.From List those connection(s) which were foundthe nonconformance. please give-aisiinlo Page 3 o1 6 _iTIS Job ilo. OZOASqRDate: 7-8-94 in nonconformance with a critioue of0-0. item number and page number. Level or Grid line Elevation: location(s ) encompassing ttle area(s)of inspections or 1se15; From List those connection(s) rvhich were foundthe nonconfomance. please gi""-uirign;o in nonconformance with a critique of0.0. item number and page number, Level or Grid line El evati on !location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests:_ List those connection(s) which were foundthe nonconfonnance, p'lease give aisiineO in nonconformance with a0.0. item number and page critique of n umbe r. The remaining connections inspected, aswere found to be in confonnance to itre described in the stated cri teria. aforement'i oned format, Additional Inspection Information : II.IIJE PENDEN f TESTING A o TNSPECTTON SERVICES rNl - 1208.r VASEEI^I COURT cor',ltFER. coLoRADo 80433 (30J1 674.7560 Pa ge 4 of-E- FIELD IIISPECTIOII REPORT FORI.I INITIAL VISUAL IIISPECTIOI{S OF IIELDING Inspector: Georqe Schwandt ITIS Job No.: 0708944 Date: 7-8-94 Fie]d Made lrleldsr- X 5lep llade l,lel ds: Type of }Jelds Inspected: Fillets X Groove-0ther andl.5-6lines Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconfonnance. Also, inciude the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.0. item number and 0.0. page number. Please, attach the referenced 0.D. List. None noted Type of Component Containing the Inspected l,le'l d: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld' embed, cold formed, mctal studs, etc.): As,recorded Applicable Code or Standard: At.lS 01.1-92 and Project Standards Provide a critique of noted condjtions of nonconformance. A'l so, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.0. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.0, 'l ist. None noted Level or Elevation: First Level Deckino ouddle weids Grid line locatjon(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tesis:-&!- AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Leve'l or Elevation: First Level Bar joists to beam f] anoes and embed olates Grid Iine locatjon(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: A - D and 1-5 to 5 lines As described in the aforementjoned format, the remaining connections inspec.ted notlisted as 0.0. items were found confonnino to the stat6d criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTINC E -NSPECTION SERVICES INC I2084 VASEEN COURT coHrFER. COLORAOO !04JJ (3031 67.1.7560 Pa 9e 5 of -6- FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORH INITIAL YiSUAL INSPECTIOI{5 OF IIELDII{G Inspector:Oeorce Schwandt ITIS Job No.: 0708944 Date: 7-8-94 Field Made I'le'l ds: -Shop Made llelds: Type of ttel ds Inspected: Fi I I ets X Groove-0ther- Tybe of Component Containing the Inspected tl|e'l d: (ie: column, beam, girder' moment weld, embed, co'ld formed, metal studs, etc. ): Appljcab'l e Code or Standard: AREAS OF INSPECTIOIIS X braceLeve'l or Grid'line E'l evation:'locatjon(s)encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests:C.4 to C.8 Provide a critjque of appropriate, assigned attach the referenced noted conditions of nonconfonnance. Also, include the "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number' Please 0.0. ljst. None noted Level or Elevation. ffiloists to beam f langes aqd ePbed oiates griO fine-fociiion(s) .n*rprssins tne area(s) of inspections or tests: A - D Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconfonnance. Also, include the- appropriate, asiigned "F" Frefixed O.D. jtem number and 0.0. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.0. List. None noted As described in the aforementioned format, the 'l isted as 0.0. items were found conforming to remaining connections jnspected noi the stated criteria. Additiona'l page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTINC S INSPECTION SERVICES INC. I 208,' VASEEN 'CURIccNlFER. COLOPTDC 80d33 tJUJ)O/g'l):U Page 6 of 5 LIST OF OUTSTANDiNG DISCREPANCIES Location:Job# : 070894A Date r_7-g-94 Inspector: George Schwandt page: I of 0n-qoinq ate I ten # Date 5 lines - anchor bolts STFUCIUEAL. MECHANICAL AND MATEFIALS TESTING INDEPENDEHT TESTING E JNS PEC II3 il-'=: iTS ES 'nNcoNrFEF. COLORAOO 80{t3 (30s1 67.1.7560 Page I of 8 OESERVATIOI{ REPORT tlignl; Viele Construction ITIS Job No.: 0708944 Date: 7-15-94 Location: Vail. Co'loradoProject: Covered Bridqe Buildinq lnspector: George SChwandt This report package contains information concerning specific tests andinspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed-fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the foms appropriate lo the types of inspections and tests conducted have beenprepared and are enclosed. The. specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on iach jndividual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package nray be ITIS' uList of 0utstandingDlscrepancies", 0.0. List. The 0.D. tist wi'l 'l be consecutively numbered - for each page issuedr is will be the deficient itemi contained in the list.Specific usage of the 0.0. List is contained in each section. If there 4 f l>,1^*. feFfree od*o are any questions regarding the content of this report, p'leaseto contact ITIS at your convenience. David L. Presi dent AREAS OF INSPECTIONS List the leve'ls and areas of inspectidns separately with a critique of nonconforming conditions. If 0.D. List is uti'lized, designate the item number and 0.0' page assigned each nonconforming condition. INDEPENDENT TESTING E $eecno*.:S:y:Es INC.O coNlFEB, COLOFAIJo 80413 (3031 674'7560 Page 2 of I YISUAL INSPECTIOIIS OF STRUCTURAL BOLTED COIII{ECTIOI{S Inspector: Georoe Schwandt ITIS Job No.:--0708944--Date 7-1q-q4 Tlpe of Bo1ted Connections: Friction-Bearing x - Tybe and Size of Eolts Inspected: A-325 X - .. A-490 A-307- other- Criteria Location: Second Leve'l Beams to columns Areas of Inspection: A - E and 1.5 to 5 lines Discrepancies: 0n I.5 line at 2'-02rr" south of B and at 5'-03Lu south of C the column base plate to beam flange bo] ted connections have not been tensJoned. This has been entered on the attached 0.0. List as item F-4 a and b. Location: Second Level Beams to co:l umns Areas of Inspection: 0n D line at 14'05u east of 3line Discrepancies: The beam at this location has been fillet we'lded to the column cap Dlate with a total of 1'-04n of 3/16" fillet weld in lieu of bolting. This has been entered on the attached 0.0. List as item F-5. Location: Second Level Areas of Inspection: 0n 1.5 line at 8'-01rr'north of C line Discrepancies: The beam at this location has been fillet welded to the column cap plite with a total of one inch to one and one half inches of 3/t6" fillet weid'in lieu of bolting. This has been entered on the attached 0.0. List as item F-6. Additional Page Attached INDtrPENDEN T TESTINq & $sPecno*f5:ysEs rNc. coNrFEF. COLOFAOO 80433 (gt3l 674-7560 Page-J-og 8 srRUcruRAL BoLTED cotnEcrlorfs II]1. o"b ilo' 0708e4A .AREAS OF II{SPECTIOI{S UAEE: 7-15-94 Level or Elevation; Second Level Bo] ted moment connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: 0n f'l line frnn 2 throrrgh E linps List those connection(s) which were found in nonconfonnance with a critioue ofthe nonconformance. Please give assigned 0.0. item number and page number. 0n D'line at 13'-0-3/4" and 2'-04-314" east of 3line and at 10'-01" east of 5 l'ine the bqlts utilized on the bottom flange are too short and do not allow full thread enqasement. This has been entered on the attached 0.0. List as item F-7 a, b, and c. Level or Elevation: Seeorrd Level Beams to beams Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: A - E and 1.5 to 6 lines List those connection(s) which were foundthe nonconformance. PIease glve assigned in nonconformance 0.D. item number with a critique of and page number. Level or Elevation; Third Level Beams to beams Grld line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests:--ALo-c ?ndIE-6linoq List those connectlon(s) which were foundthe nonconfonnance. Please give assigned in nonconformance with a critique of 0.0. item number and page number. The renaJning connections inspected, as were found to be ln confonnance to the described in the aforementioned fonnat, stated criteria. Additional lnspection Information: INDEPENDEI.iI IESlInU t' osPEcng*f.::ysEs rNct coNtFEF. COLOFAOO 80433 (3031 67.-7560 Page 4 of-g- FIELD IIISPECTIOII REPORT FORI{ INITIAL VISUAL IIISPECTIOIIS OF IIELDINC Inspector: George Schwandt ITIS Job No.: 070894A Date:l:L5:94- Fleld l'lade [elds:&Shop Hade flelds:- Type of I'lelds Inspected: F j I iets X Groove-Other- fyie of Component'Coniitnlng the InspecteO Weta; (ie: colurnn,, beam, girder, moment niid, embed, colo fonned, mital studs, etc.): As recorded Appilcable Code or Standard: AREAS OF INSPECTIOIIS tevel or E'levation: Second Level Kicker angles ' ' -- - Grid Iine'location(s) encompass'ing the area(s) of inspections or tests: un u Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconfornance. Also, include the- approp.iite, as;igneU t;i;-prefixea 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please atiacir the refereiced 0.D. 'list. None noted Level or E'levati on :cond Leve oor c channels Siid'fin.-iiiiiiorttl etcotfr*itg ttre aiea(s) of inspections or tests:-lsn- I 6 tn ? 2 linaq ind A - R ind C - D linp< Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconfonnance. Also, include the- appropriate, asjigned 'ii"-p""tixed 0.0. item number and 0.D. page number. P'l ease aitach the ieferenced 0.0. li5!.- None noted As described in the aforementioned format' the listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to Additiona'l page attached. remaining connections inspected not the stated criteria. llruEPE.l'IuEIr I I trD I lll\r ct INSPECTION SERVICES INC- u lzos4 vAsEEN couRT J coNtFEH. COLORAOO 80433 (30J1 67/t-756O Pagel-of-g- FIELD IITSPECTIOII REPORT FOR}I II{ITIAL VISUAL TI{SPECTIOHS OF IIELDIIIG Inspector: Georoe Schwandt ITIS Job No. :-92.9,9914- Date:-Ll5-9L Fleld Type Type lrel d , Hade llel ds:-Shop Hade l'lelds: of I'lelds Insoected: Fillets X Groove-0ther- of Component Containing the Inspected tleld: (ie: column., beam' girder' moment embed, cold fonned, m6tal studi, etc.): As recorded Applicable Code or Standard: AREAS OF INSPECTIOI{S Provide a critique of appropriate, assigned attach the referenced Level or E'levation: Third Level Bar joist and edoe ang'les - -e"ii rin"-io.iiio;i ions or tests: A - D noted conditions of nonconfonnance. Also, include the "F" Drefjxed 0.0. iten nunber and 0.0. page number. Please 0.0.']ist. None noted Leve'l or E'levation: Third Level Kicker anoles Grid ljne'location(s) errcompassing the area(sl of inspections or tests: 0n D line from 1.5 to 5'lines and on 1.5 and A - D'l ines Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconfonnance. A'lso, include the- appropriate, asiigned "F" pieflxed 0.0, item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the refereiced 0.0.'List. None noted As describedin the aforementioned format, the listed as 0.0. ltems were found conforming to remain'ing connections inspec.ted not the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTINC A Nseecro*f.i:S5Es rNce coNlFEB. aoaopa96 80a33 (30:tl 67r'75@ Page 6 of-8- FIELD INSPECTIOII REPORT FORTI II{ITIAL YISUAL IIISPECTIOI{S OF I'ELDII{G Inspector: George Schwandt ITIS Job No.: 070894A 0ate:--45:-94- Field llade I'lelds: X Shop Hade ilelds: Type of l{elds Inspected: Fjllets X Groove ' Other Type of Component Coniiining the InspecteO W.ta: (ie: column' beam, girder' moment Gia, emueo, cold formed, metal studs, eic.): As recorded Applicable Code or Standard: Level or Grid'line AREAS OF IIISPECTIOIIS E'levation: Third Level Deckino oluq welds ' ' location(r) .nrotprr i or tests: A - D Provlde a critique of appropriate, assigned attach the referenced noted conditions "F" prefixed 0.D. of nonconfonnance. AJso' 0.D. list.item number and 0.0. Page None noted incl ude the number. Please Leve'l or Grid line El evati on: 'l ocati on ( s )et.ompassinl ttre area(s) of inspections or tests i-.- Provide a critique of appropriate, assigned attach the referenced of nonconfonnance. A] so, include the--item number and 0.0. page number' P'leasenoted conditions "F" prefixed 0.0. 0.0, List. As described in the aforenentioned format' the'listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to -Addit'ional Page attached. remaining connections the stated criteria. insoected not INDEPENDENT TESNNG 8. INSPECTION SERVICES INC. I2084 VASEEN COURT coNrFER, COLOBADO 80433 (303r 674-7560 Page 7 of 8 LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Location! Cnverert Rr.irtge Brrilrting Job#:_-gzggg4A_Date: z-tq-e4 Inspector: Geroqe Schwandt Pa1ei Z of 0n-qoina o orted I ten It Date of B 'l ine - column base olate bo] ts not ne - beam fillet late with a total of 1'-04" of 3/16" fillet 7- 15-94 Second Level on 1.5 line at 8'-01.!" no - beam fillet weld caD plate with a total of 1!-0Ur" of 3/16" Second Level on D line of 3 line - bolts too short in bottom bolted connection not al'lowinq full thread STRUCTURAL. MECHANICAL AND MATEFIALS 'ESTING INDEPENDENT TESTNG A INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 1208J VASEEN COURT coNr FER. COLORADO 80433 {303} 674 -756C Page 8 of 8 LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Location: Covered Bridoe Buildino Job#: OZOggqR Date: 7-15-94 Inspector: GeorgrSChwandt Page: 3 of On-goinq orted I ten # Date STFIJQ]I.,P41. MECHANICAL ANO MATEFIALS TESTING ^ INDEPENDENT TESTTNG & frvsnecrroN sERvrcEs rNO t 2084 VASEEN COUFT coNtFEll. coLoRADO 80rt33 (303) 674-7560 Page 1 of 7 OBSERVATIOTI REPORT Client: Viele ConstructjQq ITIS Job No.:0708944 961s;7-29-94 q, / tz.i.,, * ProJect: Covered Bridqe Bui'ldinq Location; Vail, Colorado lnspector: This report package contains information concerning specific tests andinspections of structural steel welding, structurai bblting, structuralsprayed.fireproofing and/or nondestrucluve testing. Only ihe formsappropriate !o the types of inspectlons and tests-conducied have beenprepared and are enclosed. The. specific criteria utilized in Judging the degree of conformance foreach area of inspection is containiu 6n 6ach individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may beDlscrepancies", 0.0. List. The 0.0. List wittfor each page issued, as will be the deficientSpecific usage of the 0.0. List is contained in If there are any.questions regarding the content of this report, pleaseteet free to contact ITIS at your convenience. D* Oavid L. Sturqesf-/Presidertt - l-/ ITIS' "List of Outstandina be consecutively numbered - items contained in the]ist. each section. Schwandt qi:?E?fl B,tTtffiU[i'f.,'.r 1208,1 VASEEN COUFT coNlFER. coLonAoo 80433 (3031 671'7s60 Page 2 ot 7 VTSUAL II{SPECTIOI{S OF STRUCTURAL BOLTED CO}INECTIOIIS Inspector: Georqe Schwandt ITIS Job No.: 070894A Date 7-29-94 Type of Bol ted Connecti ons : Fri ct j on-Bea-ri ng X Tyie and Size of Bolts Inspected: 4-325 X A-490 AREAS OF INSPECTIONS List the leve'ls and areas of inspections separately with a critique of nonconfonning conditions. If 0.D. List is utilized, designate the item number and 0.0. page assigned each nonconforming condition. A-307- Other- Criteria Location: Third Level Beams and columns Areas of Inspection: C - E and 1 - 5'llnes Discrepancies: 0n D line at 2'-03u and 10'09" west of 2'line the bolts at the girder to column cap plate are too short to allow full thiead engagement. This has been entered on the attached 0.D. List as item F-8. Location: Third Level Beams and columns Area of Inspection: 0n 6line at 5' and 10'-10u south of D line Discrepancies; Only two of the three required bolts are installed. This' has-been entered on the dttached 0-D. List as item F-9' Location: Fourth Level Beams and co'l umns Areas of Inspection: A - D and 1.4 to 6 lines Discrepancies: 0n A line from 1.4 - 5'lines and at the elevator shaft' the beams have been fillet welded to the embed plates with a total of 6" of L/4" fillet weld in lieu of masonry anchor bo]ts. This has been entered on the attach€d 0'D' List as item F-10. Additional Page Attached qi:?Etfl 3,tTH$,?95f"?l 12084 VASEEN COUFT CONIFEB, COLOFADO 80433 (303) 674-7560 STRUC1URAL BOLIED COI{IIECTIOIIS.AREAS OF IT{SPECTIOIIS Level or Elevation: Second Level Column to masonrv angles . Grld line location(i) "rrcotpassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: 0n List those connection(s) which were found the nonconformance. Please give assigned PageJ-o1 7 ITiS Job llo. OZOggqA Datez _1:29:9.!_ in nonconfonnance 0.D. item number with a critique of and page number. Level or Elevation: Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: 0n A line at 1-5 and 6lines List those connection(s) which were found in nonconformance with a critique of the nonconforrance. Please give assigned 0.D. item number and page number. At A and S lines only one of the two evPansion anchorq has hccn installed. This has been entered on the attachpd 0-n- liqf eq i+Fm F-'l'| , Level or Elevation; Fourth Level Column to masonrv angles - Grid line location(il encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests:-9!!- Llst those connection(s) which were found the nonconformance. P'lease give assigned None noted in nonconfonnance with a critique of 0.D. item number and page number. The remaining connections inspected, as were found to be ln conformance to the described in the aforementioned fomtat' stated critdria. Addltiona'l Inspection Information: ^ INDEPENDENT TESTING C, ^GrspncroN sERvrcrs rncO I2084 VASEEN COUFT coNlFER. COLORAOO 80{33 (3031 67..7560 Page 4 ofJ- FIELD II{SPECTIOI{ REPORT FORTI IITITIAL YTSUAL II{SPECTIOI{S OF TEU'III6 lnspector:Georoe Schwandt Field Type Type nel d, l,lade l,telds: x ,. Shop Made Welds: Applicable Code or Standard: of l{elds Inspected: Fi l'lets X Groove-0ther- of Component'Containing the Inspected !{eld: (ie:- column., beam' girder' moment embed, cold formed, mital studs, etc.): As recorded Level or Grid llne AREAS OF INSPECTIOITS E'l evation: Third Level Channel X braces-io.iiiont@i) of inspections or tests: 8.5 to Provlde a critique of appropriate, assigned attach the referenced noted conditions of nonconfonnance. Also' Include the "F" Drefixed 0.D. item number and 0.0. page number. Please 0.D.'list. None noted Level or Grid I ine Elevation: Fourth Level Channel X braces locatlon(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: B'5 to C'5 Provlde a critique of appropriate, assigned attach the referenced noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the "F" Drefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page nurnber. Please 0.0.'List. None noted As described ln the aforement'loned format' the listed as 0.0. items were found conforminq to remaining connectJons inspected not the stated criterla. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTINC E tlrsprcnoN sERvtcrs ncf I2081 VASEEN COURT coNtFER, COLORADO 00133 (co3) 6ii.7580 Page 5 of FIELD IIISPECTIOII REPORT FORII TIIITTAT VISUAL TITSPECTIOIIS OF IIELDII{G Georqe Schwandt -ITIS Job No. : 070894A Date:-L&9! Shoo t'lade l'lelds: Type of t{elds Inspected: Fillets X Groove , 0ther- fype of Component'Coniaining the lnspected t{eld: (ie:- column., beam' girder' moment wiio, emuea, co]d formed, m6tat stuoi, etc.): As recorded Inspector: Fleld l,lade llelds: Applicable Code or Standard: AREAS OF IIISPECTIOIIS Level or Grid iine E]evati on :n wel d location(s)enconpassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Provlde a critique of appropriate, assigned attach the referenced noted conditions "F" prefixed 0.0. of nonconformance. Al so' item number and 0.0. Page None noted include the number. Please 0.0. list. Level GrJ d or Elevation: line location(s) encompasslng the area(s) of lnspections or tests:-J:-!- Provlde a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the- approprlate, asiigned "F" pieflxed 0.D. it.em number.and 0.0. page number. Please ailach the refereiced 0.0.'List. None noted As descrJbed in the aforementioned fornat, the listed as 0.0. items were found conforming to -Additional page attached. remaining connections inspected not the stated criteria. o INSPE.llSil"r,iRVrcES r5 coNlFcn. coLoRADo 801J3 (JOJI 67..75@ Page 6 of 7 REII{SPECTIOIIS Typc of Reinspection: Visua'l X lhspector: Georoe Schwandt List those items reinspected. Refer to the 0.0. itern,0.D. page number and origina] date for reporting of the 0.0. item. Also indicate if reinspeited item conformito origina'l proiect standards, modified standards or acaepted in the as-builtcondition. Condit,ions found initially in nonconformance to original proj€ct stanclards but. subsequently reviewed and acceptei by the responsible authoiity sirali' have such acceptance ln written fonn ani writien confiimation shall be ittached to thisreport. Torque Testing NDT-- ITIS Job f,lo.: 070894A Date:-_Z-2F.94-_ ACC. 8Y EI-q. R.E-V_l_E_t{ 4S.BUILT IilODIFIED COIIFORHING TO STANDAROS oo INDEPENDENT TESTING A - INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 1208d VASEEN COURT coNlFER. COLORAOO 80433 1303) 674-7s60 LIST OF OUTSTANDING Location: Covergd Bridqe guildino Page 7 of 7 DISCREPANCIES Job#: o7Ogg+R Date: 7-29-9a, Inspector: Georqe Schwa4dt Page : 4 of On-qoinq orted I t,en # Date 1/4" weld i nd6lines-onl uired exoansion anchor installed at the STRUCTUFAL, MECHANICAL ANO MATEHIALS TESTING O TNDEPENDENT rEsrNG s O q /ru/q* INSPECTION SERVICES INC. I2O8d VASEEN COURT coNrFER COLORAOO 80433 {303) 674-7560 Page 7 of 7 LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Location: Covered Bridqe Buildino Job#: OZoggqR Datei 7-Zg-94 Inspector: Georoe Schwandt Page : 4 of On-qoinq orted I ten T Dat e th d in lieu of anchor bolts ird Level at A and 5 lines - on'ly one of nsion anchor installed at the masonry to column anole anc STFUCTUFAL. MECHANICAL AND MATERIALS TESTING To I 1000 SoutlrFrontage RotuL _ r - Vai I . Colorado 81657 .- __ -}pueu tytes$age 5=y66 Indepgndent Testing & Insoection . Services Inc - r 12084 Vaseen CtJConifer. C0 80433 Subject Date Auoust l9 1s 94 item numbers originally submitted not correct.This revised list contains WilsonJones Gn,/\YlrNL FOtiM 44 arn 2 F II c l9A3 r FlllNlEt) lN U S ^ INDEPENDENT TESTINC A^ lnspecrroN sERvrcEs rnrcl 12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFEF, COLORADO 8fi39 (so3l 874.7560 glip113 VieleConstruction ProJect: Covered Bridqe Buildinq Page I of I OBSERVATIOII REPORT ITIS ,lob No.: 070894A Date: 7-15-94 Locati on :Vai I . Colorado This report package contains information concerning speciflc tests andinspections of structural steel weldlng, structurai bblting, structuralsprayed-fireproofing and/or nondestruciuve testfng. Only ihe formsapproprlate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have beenprepared and are enclosed. The. specific criteria utilized in Judging the degree of conformance foreach area of lnspection is contain6a 6n iach indivldual inspection form. Also lncluded in this inspection package may beD{screpancies", 0.0. List. The O.D. tist wittfor each page issued, as will be the deficientSpecific usage of the 0.D. List is contained in ITIS' "List of 0utstandlng be consecutively numbered items contained in the list. each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, pleasefeg{ree to contact ITIS at your c6nvenience. Presi dent *?E?fl3''T!ffi,'Jlf"t r 12084 VASEEN COURT coN|FER, COLOFAI)o 8{t433 (30s) 874.75€0 Page 2 of-3- YTSUAL I]{SPECTIOI{S OF STRIICIURAL BOLTED CfiI{ECTIOIIS Inspector: George Schwandt ITIS Job t{o.: 0708q4A Date 7-16-q4 Type of Bolted Connections: Friction-Bearing -J- -fybe and Size of Bolts Inspected: A-325 x . A-490 . A-307- Other- Criteria Location: Second Level Beams to columns Areas of Inspection: A - E and 1.5 to 6 lines Discrepancies: 0n 1.5 line at 2'-0U" south of B and at 5'-03%" south of C the column base plate to beam flange bolted connections have not been tensioned. This has been entered on the attached 0.D. List as item F-4 a and b. Location: Second Leve'l Beams to columns Areas.of Inspection: 0n D line at 14'05u east of 3 line Discrepancies: The beam at this location has been fillet welded to the column cap D'late with a total of 1'-04u of 3/16" fillet weld in lieu of bolting. This has been entered on the attached 0.0. List as item F-5. Location: Second Level Areas of Inspection: 0n 1.5 line at 8'-01Lu north of C line Discrepancies: The beam at this location has been fillet welded to the column cap plate with a total of one inch to one and one ha'lf inches of 3/16u fillet weld in lieu of bolting. This has been entered on the attached 0.D. List as ftem F-6. AREAS OF II{SPECTIONS List the levels and areas of inspections separately with a critique of nonconfonning conditlons. If 0.D. List is utilized, designate the item number and 0.0. page asslgned each nonconforming condition. Additiona'l Page Attached allY,Elflts$Tttr'#5f""p r 2084 VASEEN COURT coNrFEF, COTORADO 80433 (3031 574.7560 Page 3 o1 8 sTRUcTURAt BotrED cot{NEcrlot{s ITIS ilob ilo' ozoeg+A 'AREAS 0F ItfSPECTIotfS uate: 7-15-94 Level or Grld line El evati on:Bolted moment connections I ocation(s ) encompassing t area(s) of inspections or tests: 0n n line frnm 2 t-hrou$h 5 lines Llst those connection(s) which were found in nonconformance with a critique ofthe nonconformance. Please give assigned 0.D. item number and page numbir. 0n D line at 13'-0-3/4" and 2'-04-3l4'l east of 3line and at 10'-01" east of 5line the bolts utilized on the bottom flanqe are too short and do not al]ow full thread€ngagement. This has been entered on the attached 0.D. List as item F-7 a, b, and c. ll he Level or Elevation: Second Leve'l Beams to beams Grid llne location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests:--A:E- and 1.5 to 6 lines llst those connection(s) whlch were foundthe nonconformance. Please give assigned in nonconformance with a critique of 0.D. item number and page number. Level or Grid llne Elevation: Third Level Beams to beams location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests:_,,AILC anrl I 6 - 6 linoc List those connection(s) which were foundthe nonconformance. Please glve assigned None noted in nonconformance 0.D. item number with a critique of and page number. The remalning connectlons inspect€d, 6s were found to be in conformance to the aforementioned format,described in the stated criterla. Addltional Inspectlon Infonnation: o,t[?ElfltsfiTtffitEg?.'b I2084 VASEEN COUFT coNtFER. COLORAOO 00433 (303) 67.-7560 Page 4 of---8- FIELD I}ISPECTIOII REPORT FORII INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIOIIS OF TIELDING Inspector: ITIS ,lob No.:-0711&i4ll-Date:-L.lL94- Ff e'ld Type Type r'rcId t llade l,lel ds:-Shop l,lade l'lelds: of Uel ds Inspected : Fi I I ets X Groove-0ther- of Component'Containing the Inspected }|eld: (ie: column., beam' girder, moment embed, cold fonned, m6tal studi, etc'): As recorded Appllcable Code or Standard: AREAS OF ITISPECTIOI{S Level or Elevation: Second Level Kicker anqles ---'-' --=--e'iJrin"-io.iiio'tinspectionsortests30nD of nonconformance. Also, include the item number and 0.D. page nunber. Please None noted Provide a critique of appropriate, assigned attach the referenced noted conditions "F" prefixed 0.0. 0.D. I i st. tevel or Elevation:cnanne ls Grld llne'location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests:-lJ0n- X.5 tn 2 ? linpq and A - B and C - [l linPq Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the, appropriate, asiigned "F" p"efixed 0.D. item nunber and 0.0. page number. Please attach the refereiced 0.D.'List. None noted As described in the aforementioned format, the listed as 0.D. items were found conforminq to remaining connections inspected not the stated criteria. Additional page attached. ^ INDEPENDENT TESTING E^ lnrspecfloN sERvrcES nrC 1200,1 VASEEN COURT coNrFER, COLORADO 80133 (J031 674-7560 Page 5 of-g- FIELD IIISPECTIOII REPORT FORII IIIITIAT VISUAL IIISPECITOTIS OF IIELDIIIc Inspector:Georqe Schwandt -ITIS Job No. : -9299944- Date :-Z:.!!:94- Fle]d Hade llel ds: X Shop l4ade |lle lds : Type Type wel d, of Uelds Inspected: Filtets X Groove-0ther of Conponent'Containing the Inspected I'leld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc.): As recorded Appllcable code or standard: AllS Dl.1-a2 and Proiect Standards AREAS OF IITSPECTIOIIS Level or Elevatfon: Third Level Bariolst and edge a[sles , -=eriJline]ocation(@ea(s)orinspectionsortests:A-D of nonconfonnance. Also' include the item number and 0.D. page number. Please None noted Provlde a critique of appropriate, asslgned attach the referenced noted conditions "F" prefixed 0.0. 0.0. list. Level or E'levation: Third Level Kicker anqles Grid line'location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests:---0!--Q-- Iine from l-5 to 6lines and on 1.5 and A - D lines Provide a cri tique of noted conditions of nonconfonnance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" piefixed 0.0. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.0. Llst. None noted As described in the aforementioned format, the llsted as 0.0. ltems were found conforninq to remainlng connections lnspected not the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTINC E- INSPECTION SERVICES INI 12084 VASEEN COURT coNrFEB. COLORAOO 80133 (3031 674.7560 Page 6 of J- FIELD IIISPECTIOII REPORT FOR}I IITITIAL VISUAL IIISPECTIOI{S OF I'ELDI!{6 lnspector: George Schwandt ITIS Job No.:--07!99llA-Date:l:LL94- Field Hade I'lelds: X Shop t{ade }lelds: AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or E'levation: Third Level Decking pluo welds Grid'line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: A - D and l^5 to 6 lJnes Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also' include the Type of I'telds Inspected : Fi I I ets X Groove-Other- Type of Component Contain'ing the Inspected t{eld: (ie: column' team' glrder, moment weld, embedr Cold formed, metal studs, etc.): As recorded Applicable code or standard: AHS Dl.1-92 and Pro.ject standards appropr'late, assigned "Fn prefixed 0.0. item numbel and 0.D. page number. Please attach the refereiced o.D."list. None noted Level or Elevation: Grid llne location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Provlde a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the approprlate, assigned "F" piefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please.. attach the referenced 0.D. List As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additiona'l page attached. O INDEPENDENT TE'TING " O INSPECTION SERVICES INC. I2084 VASEEN COURT coNtFER, COLORADO 80433 {303) 674-7560 Page 7 of 8 LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Location: Covered Br:idge Rui ldlng Jobrt : ozoRqaA Date : 7-t F-q4 Inspector: Geroqe Schwandt Pagei Z of On-qoinq rted I temt Date ten s i oned I on D line at 14'-05u 3line - beam fi'llet Iate w'ith a total of 1'-04" of 3/16" fil weld in I Second Level on 1.5 'line at 8'-01!s" no cap plate with a total of I'-9lru of 3./16" fillet we 7-t5-94 Second Level on D line at of 3 line - bolts too short bolted connectlon not a'llowinq fu]l thread STRUCTURAL. MECHANICAL ANO MATEFIALS TESTING INDEPENDENT TESTING 6 INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT coNrFER, COLORADO 80433 r303) 674-7560 Page 8 of I IIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Location: Covered Bridge Building Job#: OZ0ggCA Date: 7-15-94 Inspector: George SChwandt Page: 3 of on-going STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL AND MATERIALS TESTING - INDEPENDENT TESTINC A ^ OnspecrroN sERVtcEs rnrcl 12084 VASEEN COURT CONlFErl. COLORADO 80.139 (3031 874.756{) Page I of 6 OESERYATIOII REPORT Cllent: Viele Construction ITIS Job No.: 070894A !3!s; 7-8-94 ProJect3 Covered Bridge Building Location: Vai'l . Colorado Inspector: Georqe Schwandt Pe.mil * 6A5? This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bo'l ting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. 0n1y the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection fornr. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of 0utstanding Discrepancies", 0.0. List. The 0.D. List will be consecutively numberedfor each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the'l ist.Specific usage of the 0.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, p'lease feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. tJ"r-W David L. Sturgeon //PresJdent l-/ ^ INDEPENDENT TESTING €,^ lnspecnoN sERVTcES rnil I2084 VASEEN COUFT coNtFER. COTORADO 80433 (3031 674-7560 Page 2 of---! VISUAL II{SPECTIOIIS OF STRUCIURAL BOLTED COI{IIECTIOI{S Inspector: George Schwandt ITIS Job No.: 070894A t16!s 7-8-94 Type of Bolted Connections: Friction-'-Bearinq X Type and Size of Eolts Inspected: A-325 X - A-490 A-307 0ther Cri teri a AREAS OF INSPECTIONS List the levels and areas of inspections separately with a critique of nonconformingconditions. If 0.D. List is utilized, designate the item number and 0.0. page assigned each nonconforming condjtion. Level: Foundation Level Column base anchor bolts Areas of Inspection: B to D and l.S - O tin.t Discrepancies: 0n B line eleven inches east of 6lines and on C ljne 4'-02'west of 5line, the column base plates have not been anchored down nor grouted under the base plate. This has been entered on the attached 0.0. List as item F_ 1. Level: First Leve'l Beams to embed anchor bolts Areas of Inspection: 0n 1.5 line at B and C 'l ines Discrepancies: At 1.5 and C lines the anchor bolts have been field cut away resulting in no anchored connection between the beam and the footing. This has been entered on the attached 0.D. List as item F-2. Additional Page Attached QilPoE[fl BnuHffi'#$f-""o '2084 VASEEN COURT coNrFEF, COLORAOO 00433 (3031 674.7560 STRUCIUML BOLTED CO{NECTIOITS AREAS OF II{SPECTIOIIS Level or Elevation: First Level Beams to beams and beams to columns Grld line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of lnspections or tests: Fron B - C and 1.5 to 6 lines Llst those connection(s) which were found in nonconformance with a critique of the nonconfotmance. Please give assigned 0.D. item number and page number. None noted Level or Elevation: Second Level Beams to beams and beams to golumnl Grld line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests; From A-Dand3to6lines List those connection(s) which were found in nonconformance with a critique of the nonconfoymance. Please give assigned 0.0. item number and page number. None noted Page 3 o; 6 ITIS ilob llo. OZOS9CRDate: 7-B-94 Level or Grid line El evati on : location(s) encompasslng the area(s) of inspections or tests:- tist those connection(s) which were foundthe nonconformance. Please glve asslgned in nonconformance 0.0. ltem number with a critique of and page number. The remaining connections inspected, as nere found to be in conformance to the described in the aforementioned format, stated critdrla. Additional Inspection Information: INDEPENDENT TESTINC fT INSPECTION SERVICES IN? r208.r VASEEN COURT coNrFER, COLORADO 00433 (303) 671.75E0 Page 4 of--6- FIELD IIISPECTIOII REPORT FORII Tt{ITIAI VISUAT IITSPECTTOTIS OF TIELDIIIG Inspector: Georqe schwandt ITIS Job No.:-0299944.-Date:-l:9:93- Field Hade Helds:Shop l4ade l.Jelds: Type of l{elds Inspected: Fi I lets X Groove-Other TVbe of Component Containing the lnspected lleld: (ie-: co'l umn,.beam' girder' moment wlld, embed, cold formed, mital studs, etc.): As recorded Appllcable code or standard: AIJS D1.l-9e-and Proiect standards AREAS OF ITISPECTIOIIS Level or 61Ey31.9s6; First Level Bar .ioists to beam flanqes an9 em9ed olates Grid line location(s) enconrpassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: A - D Provide a critique of appropriate, assigned attach the referenced noted conditions "F" prefixed 0.D. of nonconformance. Also, include the item number and 0.D. page number. Please None noted0.0. list. Level or Elevat'ion: First Level Decking puddle welds , =Grid line'location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: A - D andl-5-5lines Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconfonnance. Also' include the appropriate, assigned "F" p"efixed 0.D. _item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D.'List. None noted As descrlbed in the aforementioned fornat, the llsted as 0.D. items were found confonninq to remaining connections inspected not the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING L INSPECTION SERVICES INg 12084 VASEEN COURT coNrFER. COLORAOO 80133 (303) 674.7560 Page 5 of-6- FIETD IIISPECTIOTI REPORT FORI.I IIIITIAL YISUAL IIISPECTIOIIS OF TIELDIIIG Inspector: ITIS Job No.:----02!!.944--Date:-Z:&.94.- Itlade lfe] ds:Shop Hade lJelds:Fleld Type Type wel d, Appllcable Code or Standard: of Uel ds lnspected : Fi l l ets X Groove-0ther- of Component Containing the Inspected I'leld: (ie: column,.beam, girder' moment embed, cold fonned, m6tal studs, etc.): As recorded AREAS OF IIISPECTIOIIS Level or Grid line E'levati on:1I location(s) encompassing the area(s)of inspections or tests:C.4 to C.8 Provide a critique of appropriate, assigned attach the referenced noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the "F" prefixed 0.0. item number and 0.0. page number. Please 0.D.'list. None noted Level or g1.ur1ion' oists to beam flanges and embed plates e"iuri.e-ioiiii''isl.wfinspectionsortests:A.D noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the "F" Drefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number' Please 0.D.'List. None noted Provide a critique of appropriate, assigned attach the referenced As described in the aforementloned format, the listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to remaining connections inspected not the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTINC T. INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 1 2084 VASE E N COU Rr CONIFER, COLORADO 80433 (303) 674 -7560 Page 6 of 5 LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Location: Covered Brjdqe Buildinq Job#: 070g94A Date: 7-g-94 Inspector: George Schwqndt Page: 1 of On-qoing orted I ten ll Dat e d 1.5 lines - anchor bolt STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL AND MATERIALS TESTING ellY,E'Sts$t',ffi ,?[Sf'.ft t I2084 VASEEN COURT coNlFErl. coloRADO 80433 (303) 674.7560 OBSERYATIOII REPORT Cllent:- Viele Construction ITIS Job Page I of 6 No.: 070894A Date: 8-9-94 Vail. Coloradot bcrgT Project; Covered Bridge Buildino Location: Inspector: Georoe Schwandt (ern,f This report package contains information concerning specific tests andinspections of structural steel welding, structurai bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have beenprepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria uti'lized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individua'l inspectjon form. Also included in this inspection package rnay be ITIS' ulist of Outstanding Discrepancies", 0.0. List. The 0.0. List will be consecutively numbered - for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the list.Specific usage of the 0.D. List is contained jn each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, pleasefeel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. ,L David L. Sturge Presi dent tty,E?flB$Tllfi'Jlf"? o 12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFER. COLORATJO 80433 (303) 674-7s60 Page 2 of 6 VISUAL IIISPECTIOI{S OF STRUCTURAL BOTIED COTIIIECTIOIIS Inspector: Georqe Schwandt ITIS Job No.: 070894A Date 8-9-94 Type of Bolted Type and Size 0ther- CriteriaA- 307 Connecti ons: Fri cti on-_-Beari ng X of Bolts Inspected: A-325 3/4" . . A-490 AREAS OF INSPECTIONS List the leve'ls and areas of inspections separately with a critique of nonconforming ionditions. If 0.D. List is utiiized, desibnate the item number and 0.D. page assigned each nonconforming condition. Level: Fourth Level Girder to girder bolted splices Areas of Inspection: 0n B line approxirnately two feet east of 4line Discrepancies: The double angle clip bolted connections of the..girder to girder splice-have bben offset vertically by lL" to obtain the correct elevation at the top of the steel ' This was then fi'llet welded to the angle clips at the toe w.ith 3L" of 3/16" vertical fillet we'ld and across the-top between the holes with a total of l\" of 1/8" fillet weld in lieu ofbolting.Thisconditionisunderreviewbythe.Engineer. This has 6een listed on the attached 0.D. List as item F-12. Leve'l : Fifth Level Beams and girders Areas of Inspection: From A to C and 2 - 5lines Discrepancies: None noted Addi tional Page Attached ^ INDEPENDENT TESTINC A lnspecfloN sERVTcES rnC l20u,l VASEEN COURT coNtFER, COLORADO 80433 1303) 674.7560 Page-J-of---E- FIELD IIISPECTIOI REPORT FORII IIIITIAL VISUAL IITSPECTIOI{S OF I'ELDII{G Inspector: ITI5 Job No. : ----0@944- Date :- 8-9-94 Shop Made Welds:lilade I'lel ds:Field Type Type weld, of llel ds Inspected : Fi 1 l ets X Groove-0ther - Of Component Containing the Inspected lleld: (ie: - column,.beam, girder, moment embed, cold formed, mital studi, etc.): As recorded Applicable Code or Standard: AREAS OF IIISPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: B to C and 1.5 - 2 lines Provlde a critique of appropriate, assigned attach the referenced noted conditions "F" prefixed 0.D. of nonconfonnance. Also' item number and 0.0. Page None noted include the number. Please 'li st. Level or Elevation: Fourth Level Deckinq OiiO tine locatlon(ii encompisiing the area(s) of inspections or tests: From Provide a crltique of approprlate, assigned attach the referenced noted conditions of nonconformance. Also' include the "F" preflxed 0.0. ltem number and 0.0. page number' Please 0.D. List. None noted - As described in the aforementioned format, the listed as 0.0. items were found conform'ing to remaining connections inspected not the stated criteria. Additional page attached. ^ INDEPENDENT TESTINC G lnspecnoN sERvrces rncO 1?084 VASEEN COURT coNtFER. COLORADO 80133 (3031 671.7560 Page 4 of-6- FIELD II{SPECTIOII REPORT FORII TIIITIAL VISUAL INSPECIIOIIS OF YELD1116 Inspector: ITIS Job No.:-07O894A--Date:-8=9=94- Field Type Type wel d, llade l{el ds:X Shop l'lade llelds: of t{el ds Inspected: Fi 1 'l ets X Groove-0ther . of Component'Containing the lnspected l{e'ld: (ie: - column,. beam, girder' noment embed, cold formed, m6tal studs, etc.): As recorded Code or Standard: AIJS Dl.1-92 and Project StandardsAppl I cabl e AREAS OF IIISPECTIOIIS Provide a crltique of approprlate, assigned attach the referenced Level or Elevation: Jifth Level Edge angles and decking -otii'rin.-i;;;ii;;(s) er.orprssi.g ttte .*i(i) or inspections er rssrs; Fron noted conditions of nonconfonnance. A'lso' include the "F" prefixed 0.0. item number and 0.0. page number. Please 0.0. llst. None noted Level or Elevation: Fourth and fifth levels Plate X braces Grid line'locatjon(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: 0n 4 line from B to 8.5 lines . Provlde a crltique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the- apprOpriate, asiigned "F" prefixed 0.0. item number and 0.0. page number. P1ease attach the referenced 0.D. List.- None noted - As described in the aforementioned format' the listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to remaining connectjons inspected not the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESflNG A INSPECTION SERVICES INC. I2084 VASEEN COURI CONIFER. COLORADO 80433 (303) 674 -7560 Page 5 of 6 LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Location: Covered Bridqe Building/Vail Job#: 070ggqA Date: g-9-94 Inspector: George Schwandt Page: 4 of 0n-qoinq rted I ten ll Date STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL ANO MATERIALS TESTING O I NSPECIL?}f5TY,':ES I Nb coNrFcn, coLoH^oo 80133 lSoJl 674.7560 Page 6 of 6 REIIISPECTIOIIS Type of Reinspection: Visual X Torque Testing- NDT I nspector:Georqe Schwandt ITIS Job l{0.: ozoag+R Date: 8-10-94 List those items reinspected. Refer to the 0.D. item,0.D. page number and origina'l date for reporting of the 0.0. iten. Also indicate if reinspeited item conforms to original project standards, modified standards or accepted in the as-builtcondition. Conditions found initially in nonconfornance to original project stanrlards but. subsequently reviewed and accepted by the responsible authoiity shall have such acceptance in rrritten form and written confirmation shall be attached to this report, NOOIFIED INDEPENDENT TESTING & JrseecnoN sERvrces rncf I2084 VASEEN COUFT coNrFErl. coLoHADo 80433 (303) 674-7560 OBSERVATIOT{ REPORT Client: Viele Construction ITIS,lob ProJect: Covered Bridqe Buildinq Location: Inspector: George schwandt Pernil Page I of 7 16.; 070894A g61E; Vail, Colorado* absrl ITIS' "List of Outstanding be consecutively numbered items contained in the list. each section. 7 -29-94 This report package contains information concerning specific tests and lnspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. 0nly the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be Discrepancies", 0.D. List. The 0.0. List willfor each page issued, as will be the deficient Specific usage of the 0.D. List is contained in If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. (- ,{)a-' David L. Pre s i den dilP,8tfl3fiHffi,'#gf-? r 12084 VASEEN COURT coNrFER. COLORA0o 80€3 (303) 67il-7560 Page 2 ot-J- VISUAL IiISPECTIOI{S OF STRUCTURAL BOLTED COTINECTIOIIS lnspector: Georqe Schwandt ITIS Job No.: 070894A Date 7-29-94 Type of Bol ted Connecti ons: Fri cti on-Bea.ri ng X .Ttie and Size of Bolts Inspected: R-3ZS X A-490 . A-307- 0ther- Criteria AREAS OF INSPECTIOIIS List the levels and areas of inspections separately with a critique,of nonconforming conditions. If 0.D. List is utiiized, designate the item number and 0.0. page assigned each nonconforming condition. Location: Third Level Beams and columns Areas of Inspection: C - E and I - 6 lines Discrepancies: 0n D line at 2'-03" and 10'09" west of 2line the bolts at the girder to column cap p'late are too.short to allow full thiead engagement. This has been entered on the attached 0.D. List as item F-8. Location: Third Level Beams and columns Area of Inspection: 0n 6line at 5'and 10'-10" south of D'l ine Discrepancies: Only two of the three required bolts are installed. This' has been entered on the dttached 0.D. List as item F-9' Location: Fourth Level Beams and co] umns Areas of Inspection: A - D and 1.4 to 6 lines [iscrepancies: 0n A line from 1.4 - 6lines and at the elevator shaft.thebeamshavebeenfiltetwe]dedtotheembedplateswith a total of 6" of l/4" fillet weld in]ieu of masonry anchor bolts. This has been entered on the attached 0'D' List as item F-10' Additional Page Attached qli:?E['il8fi HIfr?TSf-".r 12084 VASEEN COUBT coNrFEB. COLORADO 00433 (3O3) 674.7560 Page 3 og 7 sTRucruRAt B0ITED conNEcrlor{s ITIS 'tob 1{o' .q70894A AREAS Or tfuSprCit-OttS - -- Dater 7_29_94 Level or Elevation: Second Level Column to masonry angles Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: 0n A line at 1.5 and 6 lines List those connection(s) whfch were found in nonconfonnance with a critique of the nonconformance. Please give assigned 0.D. item number and page number. None noted Level or Elevation: , Third Level- Columtr-tq:maqnnry anglps.---.-'--.* Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests:-0n--- A line at 1-5 and 6lines List those connect,ion(s) which were found in nonconfonnance with a critlque of the nonconformance. Please glve assigned 0.0. item number and page number. At A and 6llnes only one of the two errFansion anchors has heen installed. This has been entered on the attached 0.D- lict ac itpm F-ll Level or flgy61ien; Fourth Leve'l Column to masonry angles or tests: 0nGrld line location(s) A line at 1.5 and encompassing the area(s) of inspections 5 I ines List those connection(s) which were found the nonconforTnance. Please give assigned None noted in nonconformance 0.D. item number with a critique of and page number. The remaining connections inspected, as were found to be in confonnance to the described in the aforementioned format, stated criteria. Additional Inspection Infonnation: #l?r.ffifiT1ffi,'#!f-?r I2084 VASEEN COUFT coNrFER, COLORAOO 80d33 (303) 671.7560 Page 4 of J- ,*,r'l'r"r?ri,llTit-lltJ[*T',T[Jo#[o'* Inspector: Georqe Schwandt ITIS Job No.:--QZ,Q994A--Date:-l:Z-9:.91- Fleld Type Type wel d, l.lade }Jel ds: r u-lla lrax-alal . Eillalc X Shop Made }lelds: oi-uetit tnspecteo: Fi I lets x Itg.oYg--9!f9l;i ;il;"ili"Eiii'i"iil i;;-I.tp..t"J weiJ' tie' i9]-ug'^,b"m' eirder' monent emueoi ioro fonned, m6tat stuoi, etc.): As recorded Appllcable Code or Standard: Provlde a critique of approprlate' assigned attach the referenced AREAS OF II{SPECTIOIIS Leve'l or El evati on : Th'i rd Level - Channel X 'braces = 'iiii'rii,.-j.iiii..iil encompassing il,. .mJof insp.ctions or tests:--E-C!L- noted conditions of nonconformance. A'l so, inc'l ude the- i;F'i-;r;iiied 0.0. item number and 0.D. page number' Please 0.0.'list. None noted teve'l Grld or ftevation: -Fourth LeveJ Channel X braces f i.e-tiiiiii.t ipections or tests:--B,.LLqCJ noted conditions of nonconfonnance. Also, Jnclude the- ';i;-prefixed 0.D. item nurnber and 0.D' page number' Please 0.0.'List. None ngted Provide a critique of approprlate' assigned attach the referenced As descrlbed in the aforementioned format' the listed as 0.0. items were found conforming to connections insPected not cri teri a . remai ni ng the stated Additional page attached. -INDEPENDENT TESTING E IrsprcloN sERvtces Incf I2084 VASEEN COUBT CONIFER. COLORADO 80433 (3031 671-7560 FIELD IITSPECTIOII REPORT FORII TIIITIAT VISUAT II{SPECTIOI{S OF }IETDII{6 Page 5 of Fleld llade l'lelds:4Shop Made welds:' Type of llel ds lnspected : Fi I I ets x Groove-uth€f Type of Component Containing the Inspect;; i;i;;lie-column, beam, girder' noment wiiJ,-emueai cold formed, meta'l studs, etc.): As recorded Inspector: Applfcable Code or Standard: ITIS Job No.: 070894A oatez-L4'!.3- Leve'l or Grid line E'levati on:'location(s) AREAS ()F INSPECTIOIIS k d encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Level or Grid llne Provlde a critique of noted conditions of nonconfoflnance. Also, include the- appropriate, assigned ;;;-preiixed 0.D. iter n*Upt.and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. None noted Elevation: Fourrn Level location(s) encompasslng the area(s) e Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconfonnance. A1 so, include the- app"op"rite, asiigned ;;;;'oreiiied 0.D. item number.and 0'D' page number' Please attach the referenced 0.D. List. None noted - As describedin the aforementioned format' the llsted as 0.D. items were found conforming to -Additional Page attached. of {nspectlons or tests: A - D remaining the stated connections insPected not cri teri a. O I N 5 PECTL? },:*:X,.:ES I N b coNlFc,R. coLoRAoo 80{33 (3oJ) 671-7500 Page 5 of 7 REII{SPECTIONS Type of Reinspection: Visual X Torque Testing- NDT Inspector: Geor:qe SchwanOt ITIS Job No.: 070894A h[g; 7-29-94 List those items reinspected. Refer to the 0.0. item,0.D, page number and-original date for reporting of the 0.0. item. Also indicate if reinspected item conforms to original projeit standards, modified standards or accepted in the as-built condition. tonditions found initially ln nonconformance to original proiect standards but subsequently reviewed and accepted by the responsible authority shall have, such acceptance in wrltten form and written confirmation shall be attached to this report. ACC. 8Y EN-c. R.E-VLE-I.I AS.BUILT INOI)IFIED INDEPENDENT TESTING €' INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFEH, COLORADO 80433 1303) 674.7560 Page 7 of 7 LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Location: CoveJed Bridqe Building Job#: 070894R Date: 7-29-94 Inspector: -Georqe Schwandt Page : 4 of 0n-qoinq orted I ten # Date 1/4" weld in lieu of anchor bolts Third Level at A and 6 lines - on'ly one of the two required expansion anchor-bol!: installed at the masonrv to column angle anq STRUGTUBAL, MECHANICAL ANO MATEFIALS TESTING q,t:?Et'J8'tTLlhzggf"?r I2084 VASEEN COUFT CONIF€R, COLOFADO 80433 (303) 874.7560 Page I of 7 OBSERVATIOII REPORT Client: Viele Construction ITIS Job No.: 0708944 Date: 9-9-94 ProJect: Covered Bridqe Buildinq Location: Vail' Colorado Inspector: George Schwandt Permit #6657 This report package contains information concerning specific tests and lnspections of structural stee'l welding, structural boltlng, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. 0nly the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utllized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individua] inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of 0utstanding Discrepanciss", Q.D. List. The 0.D. List will be consecutively numberedfor each page issued, as wil'l be the deficient items contained ln the list. Specffic usage of the 0.0. List is contained in each section. lf there are any questions regarding the content of thfs report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. A*ffi-*,r.",@ Davld L. SturgeoV /President L/ DISTRIBUTIONS: Viele Construction Town of Vail - Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek INDEPENDENT TESTINC & fnseecfloN SERVTcES NC I2084 VASEEN COURT coNtFEB, COLORATJO 80433 (3031 674-7560 Page 2 ot--l- YISUAL TIISPECTIOIIS OF STRUCTURAL BOTIED COIINECTIOIIS Inspector: George Schwandt ITIS Job No.: 0708q4A Date .9-q-q4 Type of Bolted Connections: Friction_Bearing X Type and Slze of Bolts Inspected: A-325 3/4r' A-490 A-307 0ther Cri teri a AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Llst the levels and areas of inspections separately with a crit'ique of nonconforning condltions. If 0.D. List is utilized, designate the item number and 0.D. page assigned each nonconforming condition. Location: Fourth Level Beam to column cap plate Areas of Inspection: 0n 6line at 5'-00u south of D line Discrepancies: Beam to column cap plate has not been bolted or welded. This has been listed on the attached 0.D. List as item F-13. Location: Fifth Level Steel to stee] Areas of Inspection: From A - C and 2 to 6lines Discrepancies: None noted Location: Roof Level Steel to steel Areas of Inspectfon: From A - C and Z to 6'l ines Discrpeancies: None noted Additional Page Attached di$ffi8frTtl5''#if-".e 12OI'4 VASEEN COURT coNlFEE, COLORADO 80433 (303) 67r.7560 Page 3 oJJ- FIELD IIISPECTIOII REPORT FORiI IIIITIAL YISUAL IIISPECTIOI{S OF IIELDII{G Inspector: George Schwandt '" ITIS Job No': 070894A Date:-9*'94- Fleld Hade Welds: X = Shop l'lade Xuldl:r ::: Type of llel ds Inspected ; Fi I I ets tr Groove-ulr€r Type of Component Containing the Inspectil X;i;t (i* column, beam, girder' moment *iii,-.r6iJ, cora formed, mdtat stuoi, etc'): As recorded Appllcable Code or Standard: AREAS OF IIISPECTIOIIS Level or Elevation:cond Level Dia I bracesbiil'',?1.'iilliillli ions o' tests: 0n 6 'linp 5' south of D line Provlde a critique of noted conditions of nonconfoymance. -Also' include the liii:il1*;i.l*ilUl ii;-n"eiiiei oln.-i\e,{L tu.mter ,ana o,0,., prage,Tmue"o. etease 1 has been entered on the attached 0'D' List as item F-14' Level or Elevation: -Third Level Di 'l braces sild tine location(s) encompassing the area(s) of itop".tiont or tests: 0n 5 linp 5' south of D line Provide a critique of approprlate' assigned attach the referenced noted conditions of nonconfonnance' Also' include the-ni;"n"'iTi.i o]o. -iT[.iiL\T fj'f. ot.,o.,..,Jf g'*"io"lur"i'n. etea" As described in llsted as 0.0. "r-{ .i -. , the aforementioned format': the items were found conforming to connections insPected not cri teri a . remaining the stated has been ehteredon the attached 0'D'.List as item F-15' Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTINC T,^ I-ISPECTION SERVICES INO 12084 VASEEN COURT coNrFER. COLORAOO 90.33 (3Gl) 67'1.7560 Page 4 ofJ- FIELD IIISPECTIOII REPORT FORIII IIIITIAL VISUAI IIISPECTTOIIS OF TIELDIIIG Inspector: ITIS Job No.:-929391A-Date:-9:9:94-- Fleld llade lfelds:Shop l.lade l'lelds: Type of llelds Inspected: Fillets X Groove ' Other- tybe ot Component'Coniiining the Inspected l{eld: (ie:^ c9lyryr-qeam, glrder, moment Gid, embedi co'ld formed, mital studs, etc.): As recordeo Appl{cable Code or Standard: AREAS OF IIISPECTIOI{S Level or E'levation: Roof Level ,, Roof hanqer gtiC fin. location(sl encompissing the aiea(s) of inspections or tests: From Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the- appropriate, assigned lrF'r prefixed'0.D. item numberi and 0.0. page number. PleaSe aitach the iefereiced 0.D.'ljst. - None noted Level or Grld'line Elevation: location(s) encompassing the area(s) of lnspections or tests: Provlde a critique of approprlate, assigned attach the referenced noted conditions "F" piefixed 0.D. of nonconfonnance. Also' item nunber and 0.D. Page lnclude the number. Please 0. D. Li st. As described in the aforementioned format' the listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to -Additional page attached. remaining connections inspected not the stated criteria. INSPECTION SERVICES t200.1 VASEEN Counr coNlFER. coloAADo 801J3 {3oJ) 674-?50O Page 5 of 7 REIIISPECTIONS Typc of Reinspection: Visual X Torque Testing t'lDT Inspector: Georoe Schwandt ITIS .lob No.: OZOggqR Date: 9-9-94 List those items reinspected. Refer to the 0.0. iten,0.0. page number and original date for reporting of the 0.0. item. Also indicate if reinspected item conforms to origlnal project standards, modified standards or acCepted in the as-built condition. Conditions found initia'l1y in nonconformance to original project standards but subsequently reviewed and accepted by the responsible authority shall have such acceptance in written form and writtan confirmation shall be attached to this rep0rt. 0.0. I TETI ORIGINAL REPORT DATE ACC. 8Y EX_G. tEV-r Et.l CONFORMING TO STAIIDAROS S I GNED OFF COI4MENTSAS- BU I LT IIOOIFIEt) F-7a 07- 15-qt 9-9-94 F-7 r 07-15-9t x 9-9-94 F-9 07 -29-9t x 9- 9- 94 'b INDEPENDENT TESTING TI INSPECTION SERVICES INT 12084 VASEEN COUBT coNrFEH, COLORADO 80433 (303) 674-7560 Page 6 of 7 ADDITIOI{AL II{FORMTION Inspector: George Schwandt ITIS ,lob No. OZOSSCR Date: 9_9_94 This forn contains additional inspection information not specifically covered inthe prepared formats of testing and inspections. Additional inspections Additional tests Addi tional i nformation INDEPENDENT TESTINC 6I' INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT CON IFER, COLORADO 80433 (303) 674-7560 Page 7 of 7 tIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Location: Covered Bridqe Bui ldinq Job# : 020g9+A Date : 9_9_94 Inspector: Geroqe Schwandt Page : 5 of on-qoino \ STRUCTUFAL. MECHANICAL AND MATERIALS TESTING orted I ten *Date the beam to c fillet welded diaqonal brace t fillet weld unders Third Level , on 6line 5, south of D line - .i P.-. ? :-T.o.V. (303) e89-1223 Fax: (303) 989-0204 Mr. Peter Dann East West Partners Draner 2770 Beaver Creek, Co 81620 94-24 SUMMARY OF Project: Covered glidqe Buitdlnq Koechlein Consulting Eng Consulting Geotechnical En 12354 W. Alameda Pkwy., Suite 130 .Lakewoo Project No.: CONCRETE TEST RESULTS ' Y'\ W Location: 3rd Floor SIab Beuween Llne Z & 3, Line c & D Total Cubic Yards:29+ Supolier: WesEern MobileTicket No. 01-4338 Mix Design No.: S1ump:3.25 inches 1.6%Air Content: o 64FConcrete Temperature : Test Date: O8/O2/94 Design Strength: Remarks: Aee (Days) 7 7 28 28 cc: Gltathney Pratt & l'let unit lireighE: 143.0 pcf o Air Temoerature; 67 F Time of Test: 9:16 AM 3000 psi O 28 days Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3650 3180 Schultz, Viele Constructio , Tovn of Vail ShceL I of 1 f.'T'% :j JUt lgg4 Koechlein Consulting En 12354 W. Alameda Pkwy., Suite 130 . Lakewood, C Consulting Geotechnical En Project No.:94-24 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project:Covered Bridge Building D".^ + - T.A.W. (303) 98s-1223 Fax: (303) 989-0204 Peter Dantr East West Partners Drarrcr 2770 Beaver Creek, eO 81620 LOcation: Footer D-4 and elevator pad Total Cubic Yards:42+ Supolier: weatern Mobil.e Ticket lio. 12699 lh.x Design No.: Mix-2', 3.5% l.Jet Unit Weight: 143.3 pcf o Air Temoerature: 80 F Slump: 4.0 inches Concrete Temperature: Air Content: o 68F Test, DaEe z 06/t6/94 Time of Test: 1:3O PM. Design Strength: 3ooo psi @ 2g aays P-emark s : Ase (Davs) 7 1 28 28 Gvathmey Pratt & Cvlinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3080 2970 3830 3970 SchuLtz, Viele Construction Slrt'ct I ol 1_ To peter Dann East West Partners Drarer 2?70 Beaver Creekr CO 81620 Koechlein Consulting Englneers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Job No. 94-24 Date Daily Report No. s Sheet Subject: Construction Observati Site Inspection Covered Bridge Bullding vail, co 06/09/94 r Ol 1 J\ ,i\ Field Engineer net requiremenf,s. vi th superin tendent ' TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS thrs ro9o.l ,,osenls @inbn3 lo.nFd a5 a rguslt d o|,a ob3oryations. Wo havo roliod m thg cor radot lo codrnue rho nork in acco.danca wnh our to@tff€ndalbna dulhg litlga v,hen our obsorvot k not obsgfling ogordions' Tony, reviewed job specificabions and drawings for upconing bestin o trr% JUt lgg4 -L Uffin;) Ruor,.,g9 wEATHER E sun ECloudy E Rain Esnow Temp: EJONTRACTOR ADI/ISED tr FULI TIME OBSERVATTON F PARTTIME OBSERVATION D. Davalt williarn H. Koechlein P. E. APPROVED BY- net-D EructrueeR To Peter Dann Easb WesE .Partners Draver 2770 Beaver Creek, Co B 1620 Job No. 94-24 Koechleln Consultlng Englneers Daily Report No. 6 Consulllng Geotechnlcal Englneers Date 06/24/94 Sheel r O r arrived on placed acc- on grout. nade for lab PROPOSED BUILDING Subject: UASoNRY rNsPEcrroN Covereal Bridge Building vai1, Co wall Height observed 0 to 10'-40 Grout Cells Cleaned Yes X No *6@9"&16"Rebar Installed in cell croub Ce1ls vibrated Yes x No Bond Beam fnstalled Yes x No 2 #5 bop & lotr,c'ur Rebar f nsbalLed in Bond Bean REMARKS: As reguested field englneer site. Ce1ls uere clean and rebar nas ording to drawing. Yibration was used Masonry test prisns 4" X 4'X 8" vere sbrength test. BUTLDING PLAN x Indicates Areas of Observauion Ths r@.t p.tSenl! opiobn! tqrr€d a5 a rcusl d our ob€s|.ations, wo havg rglied on the codladot to coolhug tho mrk in ac@danaa wnh g{r t€coBnrbndatlons dudng tinlgs whon ou. obssv€a ls not gb6ervlng Aelatktns" coPlES cwaEhney pratt & schurtz, viere construction WEATHER El sun Elcbuoy E Rain tlsnow Temp: sso E CONTRACTOR ADVISEO TFULLT|MEOBSERVATION qPARTTIMEOBSERVATION D. Davalt Willianr H. Koechlein p.E. ffi rI---i7---.->- NOT TO SCALE fT'%\/# ' -d.\ ii iul l9e4 :H -.'.*i"- Ecl PRA'ITS&iUUZ 6(9- rffisJEfrrP.c,^.?/ k,0r,.,99 To Pet,er Dann East West Parbners Draver 2770 Beaver Creek, CO 81620 Job No. 94-24 Koechleln Consultlng Englneers Daily Report No. Consultin g Geotechnlcal Englneers Date 06/29/94 Sheet of Subject: MASoNRY rNSPEcrroN Covered Bridge Building ValL, CO Wal1 Heighb Observed 1gr-4' to 20, croub Ce1J.6 Cleaned Yes X No *6@9'&16'Rebar InsLalled in cell crout Cells Vibrated Yes 1 No Bond Beam Instalred Yes x No 2 +5 top & bottom Rebar Installed in Bond Beam REMARKS: As requested field engineer arrived on site. Ce11s were clean and rebar was placed according to dr- aving. vibration vas used on grout. Masonry test pr- i6ms 4" X 4rr X 8" were nade for 1ab strengEh test. PROPOSEO BUILDING BUILDING PLAN X fndicates Areas of observabion Tfir r$orl 9aBs€nrs Qiniaos lqmd a5 a roush d our ot6owatbn6. wo have lgllod on |he conttactot lo coaltinue *o.t h acaordancs vrlth oqt r€{glrvtEndatlons dudng tirDss whoo ou, ob6swl It not obEorvlng op€rdions. COPIES Gvathney praet & Schultz, Viele Construction ----tr> NOT TO SCALE f'T"%\ *.' JUL lee i:.R --Uir:j:"-/- ;I dftilm.tu -d(er_ rrcrrecrs,nc'..7q;. WEATHER Esun [3cbudy E Rain Esnow Temp: z60 EI CONTBACTOR ADVISED trFULLTIMEOBSERVATION )E PARTTIMEOBSEBVATION D. Davalb FIELD ENGINEER Willian H. Koechleirr P. E. APPROVED BY a?? V 7f.tz]3*o-);/F;' 's ''nts\';''0160 Koechtein consu ltins rys$*:l-$#Gonsu lting Geotechn ical en g''li6i$..:t 12354 W. Alameda Pkwy., Suite 130 . Lakewood, (303) s8e-r223 Fax: (303) 989-0204 Mr. Peter Dann East Wesb Partners Draner 2770 Beaver Creek, CO 816 Project No.:94-24 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project:Covered Brid e Bui ld in Slab' Betueen Line A & B, Line 3 & 4Location:lst Floor Total Cubic Yards:?5+ Supplier: western Mobite Ti.cket No. tgg+S Mix Design No.: to Slump: 8.0 ilglg!Air Content: 5.5% llet Unit hteight: 137.8 pcf Concrete Temperature : Test Date t O7/L2/94 o 65F Design Strength: 3soo Psi e 28 days Remarks: Aee (Days) 7 28 cc: Gwathney Pratt Air Temperature:78F Time of Test: 1o:15 AM Cvlinder Compressive Strength (psi') 2700 27rO 5296 1-lr ()l & Schultz, Viele COnstruction Slrce l: To Peter Dann Easf West ParCners DraYer 2770 Beaver Creekr cO 81620 Job No. 94-24 Daily Repoft No. Subjecl: MAsoNRy Covered Bridge Vailr CO Dale 07/or/94 Sheet ofKoechleln Consulllng Englneers Consultlng Geotechnlcal Eng lneers INSPECTION Bu l lcllng Wall Height Observeal Groue Ce1ls Cleanecl 10 to 20 f,t. Yes X No #8 0 12'Rebar Insbal.led in ceII Grout Ce1ls Vibrateal Yes X No Bond Beam Installed Yes x No 2 #5 toD & bottonRebar Installed in Bond Bean REMARKS: As requested field engiaeer arrlved on slte ab 12:45 PM for 1:00 PM inspectlon. Contracbor was not ready and field engineer returnedl to slte at 2:30 pM. Cells were clean and rebar nas placedl accordllng to draning. vi- brauor was used bon grout. Masonry test prlsns 4,tX 4"X 8', nere made for lab strength tesb. BUILDING PLAN X Indicates Areas of observabion lf$ ropo,l pro6€nts cpinions tqn|€d as a rouslt d our Sgsrvatlons. Wo havo rglod on lho co,rtraclof lo cootlnuo lhg work h $rordaics with our rgcqrr|.|rnd€tlons dudn0 lirng3 tyhgn gur obsqret l! nol o53€rvlng $elalbm. COPJES cvathmey Pratt & Schultz, Vlele Constructlonr Tosn of Vai t WEATHER El sun Ecbudy E Rain Esnow Temp: E CONTRACTOR ADVISED tr FULL TIME OBSERVATION EI PARTTIME OBSEBVATION D. Davalt Wllllan H. Koechlein p.E. ffiffi ----zz--lE- NOT TO SCALE df.to'oo* 6* *ltl-"?kffiP El eva tor shaft PROPOSED BUILDING To Peter Dann East West Partners DraYer 2770 Beaver Creek, cO 81620 Job No. e4-24 Koechleln Consult|ng Englneers Daily Repod No. 9 Consulth g Geotechnlcal Englneers Grout Cells Cleaneal Yes x No +8 12' to 18" !L Rebar Insbalted Date o7 /13/94 Subjecl: MASoNRv rNspEcrroN Covered Bridge Butlding Vail, CO WaIl Heighb Observed 20 to 30 fb. in cellcrout Cells Vibrated Yes X No Bond Beam rnsballed Yes x No 2 +5 top & bottomRebar Instatted in Bond Bean REMARKS: Field Englneer arrlverl on site, bond beam and rebar vere in place anal grout $aB placed afber tnspect- lon. Grout test prlsms for lab strength test,s yere cast. BUILDING PLAN X Indicates Areas of Observati on rFo.l p,odor ! einbn. ldrnd I a rguslt d our ob6ffvaliona Wo have rellod on thg corlrador lo cs lnuo wo.t h aco.rtst(t rvih orr r@rflrandatbr dudrE tlis whgr| orJ. ob6{wl lE nol oo|€.vlng op.rdions. COPIES . Viele Constructlon, ToYn of VaII WEATHEB E Sun Ecbudy E Rain Esnow Temp: EI CONTRACTOR ADVISED trFULLTIMEOBSERVATION E PARTTIMEOBSERVATION D. Davalt Wllllam H. Koechelin p.E. FIELD ENGINEEB APPBOVED 8Y -----.-+ NOT TO SCALE 4i:h \ffitqtq '' g.Y;.:'[r[Y 3 x€z.egz8 Elevato Shaft PROPOSED EUILDING To Peter Dann Easb Wesb partners Drarer 27?0 Beaver Creek, CO 81620 Koechleln Consulling Englneers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Job No. 94-24 Date Daily Report No. to Sheel I Subiecl: Construction Observations eovered Bridge Bultdlng Vall, C0 .As requested field engtneer arrivedl on Jescheduled inspection f or Juty 20, 1994.o TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS trJt. rmst graroolg apinioot lqn€d a9 a .ou{l d out ol3e,valo.r3. Wg hav€ r.li.d on tic cot{taclot lo conllnue rhl nlqrl |/t accordan€a wilh our rocoml'bndaliqrc duthg tlt83 Yrl'9n our ob5{vgr lr nol obs€.ving ogotalio[3. COPIES Gl.athmey Pratt & Schultz, Viele Constructionr site to tnspect nasonry construetion.Conlractor sas not ready WEATHEB E Sun Ecloudy D Rain Esnow Temp: BCONTRACTOH ADVISED trFULLTIMEOBSEBVATION E PARTTIMEOBSERVATION D. Davalt Wlttian H. Koechlein p.E. ffiffi 07 /rs/94 d*i3$ AUGlsi' f,:, 'Silifr'* .$iw--^'p To Peter Dann East ltfest Partners Drater 2770 Beaver Creek, CO 81620 Job No. 94-24 Date 07/20/94 11 SheetKoechleln Consultlng Englneers Daily Heport No. Consultlng Geotechnlcal Englneers Wall Height Grout Cells #509n&12" Subject: MASoNRy rNspEcrroN eovered Brldge Buitd{ngVail, CO Observed 20 to 30 ft.Cleaned Yes X No PROPOSED BUILDING Rebar InstaJ.led tn cell Grout Cell6 Vibraged yes X No Bond Beam Insballed Yes x No Z__tf_!gp_g__!g!!gn Rebar Installed in Bonat Beam REMARKS: Field Englneer arrlved on site as requested,slx lap splices on bond beam rere goo shorb and dld not meet specification ot 24,'. Corrections nere nade during i nspect i on . BUILDTNG PLAN X Indicates Areas of Observatlon tlir reo.t g.Gsnls qlnlons tqrnd rs a nusl d our (tqlD?tlons. W9 havg rclod on tho conireclot to contlnue lh€|vo h acoo.dancE wilh ou tEcorndEnd€llonE dudne ilrEs wh.o out obgqvrt b oot &Eorylog Cardlons. COPIES Grathney Prabt & Schrr1tz, Viele Constructionr Torn of Va il WEATHER E sun Elobudy E Rain Esnow Temp: ?Bo E CONTRACTOR AOVISED tr FULLTIME OBSEBVATION DN PARTTIME OBSERVATION D. Davalt Wllllanr H. Koechleln p.E. FIELD ENGINEER APPROVED BY -.-tz->- NOT TO SCALE p"r' #Hp X AUGlee4 t"v:'_-t'rriY' PRAir rchtljLllz f H Ill ff Koechleln Consutr|ng EngtneersWrrqy ConsulUngGeotechntcatEngineers PROPOSED BUILDINO DaleToPeter Dann East West Parbnera Draver 2770 Beaver Creek, CO 81620 Job No. 94-24 Daily Report No. rz o7 /22/94 Sheet CI Subjecl: MAsoNRy rNspEcrroN covered Brldge Buildingvail, co Wall Height Observed 30 to 40 ft. Grout Cells Cleaned Yes X No Rebar fnstalled ln cell Grout Cells Vibrated Yes X No Bond Bean Installed Yes X No 2 #5 top & botton Rebar Installed in Bond Beam REMARKST Field Engineer everything observed net arrived on slte as requested, the speclflcatlons. BUILDING PLAN X Indicates Areas of Observation T16 re9o,t prdonb cplnbns bnod as a rcudt 0a ou, obe.rvatlons, Wg havg r.trad on lho cor|frdor to cq[inuo tho nst h a€€otdams viith ouf f€{o.fvnondEtbns dudro th|q! wh.n our obs€r!€r k not obaorvlng opgratlohs. COptES Gsathmey Pratt & schultz' vlele Construction, " Torn of Vail WEATHER E Sun [Jctouoy E Rain Esnow Temp: E CONTRACTOR ADVISEO trFULLTIMEOBSERVATION E PARTTIMEOBSEHVATION D. Davalt Wlltian H. Koechlein p.E. FIELD ENGINEER APPROVED BY --=--lD> NOT TO SCALE ', (303) e8s-1223 Fax: (303) 989-0204 Peter Dann Project No.:94-24 East Weat Partners Orarrer 2770 Beaver CreeL, eo 81620 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS PfOjectl Covered gridoe nui r dlna LOCatiOn: znd tevel, Floor Srat ,- Total Cubic Yards: Supplier: wesbern MobiteTlcket No. 01-3826 Mix Design No.: ro Slump:4-?5 inr.hes Air Content;- 2.0%llet Unit Weight: rq3.O ess oo Concrete Temperature: 65 F Air Temperature: 78 F Test Date: 0?,/18,/94 Time of T"st:_Lg.:-!$[_ @ 28 ilaysDesign Strength: 3000 esi Remarks: Aee (Davs) 7 7 2A 28 cc: Gua thney Prabb & 3250 3440 1 of t ffi-il1 Koechlein Consulting Engin Gonsulting Geotechnical Engin 12354 W. Alameda Phtuy., Suite 130 . Lakewood, CO 80228 Cvlinder Compressive Strength (psi) Construction, Torn of Vail Shcet: Schultz, Viele iluc1994 {2 Koechlein Consulting Engin Consulting Geotechnical Engin 12354 W. Alameda Pkwy., Suite 130 . Lakewood, CO Project No.:q4-? 4 STJ}O,IARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: Covered BrlqSe euiralns Location: Grout Cubes 20' - 3O', Elevator Shaft .- Total Cubic Yards: 2.5 Supplier: Western MobileTicket No. 1341 Mix Design No.:2I Sl-ump:_---Air Content: ----l.let Unit Weight: ---- Concrete TemDerature :Air Temoerature: ---- Test Date: Oz,/13,/94 Time of Test:l0:14 AM Design Strength: 30o0 pst @ 28 days Remarks : Aee (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) ISDITETqP.E (303) 98e-1223 Fax: (303) 989-0204 Peter Dann East West Parbners Drawer 2770 Beaver Creek, CO 816 20 7 7 2A 28 cc: Grrathney Pratt & 2 310 2375 Consgruction, Town of Va 11 Shee l- Schultz, Viele I of I (303) 989-1223 Fax: (303) 989-0204 Mr. Peter Dann East West Partners Drawer 2770 Beaver Creek, CO 81620 Koechlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12354 W. Alameda Pkwy., Suite 130 . Lakewood, CO 80228 Project No.:94-24 SU}S{ARY OF CO}ICRETE TEST RESULTS Project: covered Bridge Buildin LoCation: lst Floor Slab, Bet!,een Line A & B, Line 3 & 4 #fr?s.5?r"r-*;r il ,r::::1 " :lE--tffilr; ii'l Zr iilj Total Cubic Yards: 3s+ SuppJ-ier: Wesbern Mobite Ticket No. f3gaS Mi.x Design No.: 10 Slump: 8. o irrches Concret.e Temperature : Test Date z o7/t2/94 o Air Temperature: 78 F Air Content: 5.5% l{et Unit l{eight: 137.8 pcr o 65F Design Strength: 3500 Psi @ 28 days Remarks: Aee (Days) 1 I 28 28 cC: cnathney Pratt & Time of Test: 10:15 AM Cylinder Compressive StrengLh (psi) 2700 27LO ' ol. Schultz, Viele COnstruct ion ShccL Gonsulting Geotechnical Engi (303) 98s-1223 Fax: (303) 989-0204 l{r . Peter Dann Easg lfest Partners Drarer 2770 Beaver Creek, co 81620 Koechlein Consulting 12354 W. Alameda Pkwy., Suite 130 . Lake Project No.:94-24 STJMMARY OF CONCREf,E TEST RESULTS Covered Bridge Butlding f'T"\ Project: Location: crout l0r to 20' Test Date: O7/oL/94 Time of Test: 2:15 pM Design Strengt,h: 3000 psi € 28 days TotaL Cubic Yards: Supplier:B&B Slump: o Concret,e Temperature:_ 68 F Rernarks: Revisecl 07 /25/g4 Ase (Davs) 7 7 28 cc: Grathney Pratt & schultz, Viele Ticket No.911962 Mix Deslgn No.:59 31 Air ConLent: ----hret Unit. Weight: ---- oAir Temperature: T5 F Cvlinder Compressive Strength (psi) AIAA 22Ls l,W 2750 3125 Construction, hovn of Vail Slrce t t of t (303) 98s-1223 Fax; (303) 989-0204 Peber Dann East West Partners Drawer 2770 Beaver Creek, cO 81620 Koechlein Consulting Engin Consulting Geotechnical Engin 12354 W. Alameda Pkwy., Suite 130 . Lakewood, CO Project No.:94-?4 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: lcyere Bridge Buildin Location: Grout, South wa 1l Total Cubic Yards: Supplier, B I B Ticker ]\1s.911358 Mix Design No.: Slump:Air Content: ---ilet Unit Weipht: Concrete Temperature:Air Temoerature: Test Date: 06/29/94 Time Design Strength: 3OOO psi O Zq Remarks: Aee (Days) 28 28 Gua thney Pratt & 5l sK of Test: 12:30 pM days Cvlinder Compressi.ve Strength (psi) 343I 3s63 Construction, Torn of vail Slrce t I of I Shcultz, Vlele Koechlein Consulting Engi Consulting Geotechnical Engi 12354 W. Alameda Pkwy., Suite 130 . Lakewoo Project No.:94-24 SIJ}triARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Pro ject:_Covered Brldge Bui 1d ing (303) 989-1223 Fax: (303) 989-0204 Peter Dann East West Partners Drawer 2770 Beaver Creek, C0 81620 Location: Foundation Wa1l Line 1.5 betreeo Line B & C Total Cubic Yards: Supplier: western MobireTicket No.ol-3211 ilix lesign No.: alix-2 Slumo: 4.50 inches Concrete TemDerature: Air Content: o 68F Aee (Davs) 7 28 28 4;8% Air Temperacure:80F Cvlinder Compressive StrenFth (psi) 2850 2760 4t40 3900 Test Date: o6/2a1et4 Time of Test: 5:05 PM Design Strength ' 3000 Psi @ 28 daYs Remarks: l{er l,nir h'eight: 141.4 pcf o Construction, Tor{n of Vail Sltt,e t cc: Guabhnev Pratt &Schultz, Veile 1 ol 1 Koechlein Consulting Engi Gonsulting Geotechnical Engi 12354 W. Alameda Pkwy., Suite 130 . Lakewood Project No. : qa-ra SIJMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: Covered Bridge guilding (303) 98s-1223 Fax: (303) 989-0204 Peber Dann East West Partn€rs Draver 2770 Beaver Creek, CO 81620 Location: Grout - Sog!h_Xa-!l first 10 ft. Total Cubic Yards: Supplier: Western llobireTicket No. Or-grg3 Mix Design No,: :e Slump:l,Jet Unit lleight: --- Temperature: ---Concrete Temperature : Test Date: 06/24/94 Air Content:-__::- o 68 F Air Tirne of Test.: 2:10 pM Design Strength: 3000 psi @ 28 days Renarks: Aee (Days) 28 28 cc: Gra thney Pratt & Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 4750 6157 Schultz, Vlele, Construction, Tonn of Vail Shce L _! \,r .L f':'"\I8rstggl -9,.: (303) 989-1223 Fax: (303) 989-0204 Peter Dann EaEt West Partners Dtaser 2770 Beaver CreEk, CO 81620 Koechlein Consulting Engin Consulting Geotechnical Engin 12354 W. Alameda Pkwy., Suite 130 . Lakewood, Project No.:94-24 STJMMARI OF COI,ICREf,E TEST RESULTS Project: covered Brid e Buildin Location: statrr.ay pad Total Cubic Yards: Supplier: Western l4obile Ticket No. Slump: 2.0 inches Mix Design No.: 21 l{et Unit Weight: --- Air Temperature:Concret,e Temperature: Air Content: Test Date: 06/18/94 Time of Test: Design Strength: 3o00 Psi @ 28 daYs Remarks: cylinders were Aee (Days) 2A 2a cast by contracuor t 4" X 8,' Bolds. Cvlinder Compressive Strength (psi\ 2L25 2969 Vail Shce t 1 of I cc: Grrabhney Pratt &SchuLtz. Viele Consbruction, Tosn of (303) 98s-1223 Fax: (303) 989-0204 Peter Diinn East West Partners Drarer 2?70 Beaver cfeek, CO 81620 Koechlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12354 W. Alameda Pkwy., Suite 130 . Lakewood, CO 80228 Project No.:94-24 SIJMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project; Covered Bridge Blrild ing Location: footer D-4 anrl elevabion pad i.'% S",t'],::l ?affi""q {i'r',otn!} Total Cubic Yards:42+ Supplier: wesbern Mobile Ticket No. 12699 Slump:4.0 inches Air Content: 3.5% o 68 F AirConcrete Tenperature : Test. Date z O6/L6/94 Time of Test: 1:30 PM. Design Strength: 3O0O psi tr 2g davs Remarks: i'tix Design No.: anix-2: I{et Unir hreight:143.3 pcf o 80F Aee (Davs) 7 7 za 28 Temperature: Cr'linder Compressive St.rength (psi) 3080 2970 3830 3970 Conatruct ioncc: Gwathuey pratt &Schultz, vlele Slrcct 1__ of 1_ o (303) 989,1223 Fax: (303) 989-0204 Peter Dann East West Partners Drauer 2770 Beaver Creelc, CO 816 20 Koechlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engin 12354 W. Alameda Pkwy., Suite 130 . Project SIJMMARY OF CO}iCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: Covered Bridqe Bui tdinq (DGj c:.ii,.ij,i,I r\)F. pRnrs€in$z^ ii F^'ir$itrtscrs' Pr' -': i Location: F6ober c-2 Tota1 Cubic l-ards: Supplier: weseern MobileTicket No. 1255 Ilix Design No. : Mix-2 Slump: 3.25 inches Air Content: 5.0% hlet Unit lrreight: rat.z pg5 oo ConcreEe Temperature: 62 F Air Temperature: zo F Test Datet O6/IL/94 Time of Test, l 8:48 AM Design Strength: 3000 psi @ 28 days R enarks : Ase (Davs)Ct-1i.nder Compressive Strength (psi) 9 9 2A 2A cc: Gvathmey PraBt & Schult,z vl.ele Construction 3270 3360 Sht'ct 1 ol' I dr% P' Auerse4 t Koechlein Consulting Consulting Geotechnical 12354 W. Alameda Pkwy., Suite 130 . Lakewo Project No.:94-24 SUI.OIARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Pfoj€Ct: Covered Brialge Ruitrri ng LoCatiOn: 2nd Level , Floor Slab 80228 (303) 989-1223 Fax: (303) 989-0204 Peter Dann East West Partners Drar.er 27?0 Beaver Creekr Co 81620 Total Cubic Yards: Suppl-ier: western ltobileTicket. No. o1-ge26 Mix Design No.: 10 Slump:4 - 75 i nr.hes Air Content | _L_!&._Wet Unit hreight: tq3.o pcr o Concrete Temperature: 65 F Air Temperature: zB F Test Date: 0?,/18/94 Time of T""t t___:!;_!!__An_ @ 28 daysDesign Strength: 3000 psi Remarks : Ase (Days)Cvlinder Compressive Strength (psi) T 7 2A 28 cc: Gnathnrey Pratt & 3250 3440 4750 4380 Schultz, Viele Consbruction, Tovn of Vail ' Shcct 1 of 1 + luc 1994 ($'iAiii$tY (303) 98e-1223 Fax: (303) 989-0204 Peter Dann East West Partners Drawer 2770 Beaver Creek, CO 81620 Koechlein Gonsulting Effi Consulting Geotechnical En 12354 W. Alameda Pkwy., Suite 130 . Lakewood, CO 80228 ProjecL No.: qa-za STJMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: Covered Bridoe Buildinq Location: crout Cubes 20, - 30', Elevator Shaft Total Cubic Yards:2.5 Supplier:I{estern Mobile Ticket No. 1341 Mix Design No.:ZL Test Date: 07,/13,/94 Time of Test: 1o;14 AM Design Strength: 3000 psi O 28 aays Slump: ---- Concrete Temperature : Remarks : Ase (Days) 7 2A cc: G$athney Pratt & Air Content: ----ilet Unit Weight: ---- Air Temperature: --_ Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 2 310 2315 2960 Tonn of vail ' " Shcet_ Schultz. Viele Construction, 1 of I o Koechlein Consulting Engin Consulting Geotechnical Engin 12354 W. Alameda Pkwy., Suite 130 . Lakewood, C Project No.:94-24 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: Location: 4th Ft? - Total Cubic Yards:14+ Supplier! Western Mobile Ticket No,O1-4698 Mix Design No.: Wet Unit Weight:Slunip:3.75 inches Air 145. I pcf o d"T% $rSU:t ?F..sI-H"qr e (303) s89-1223 Fax: (303) 989-0204 Peter Dann East West Partners Draver 27'70 Beaver Creekr CO 81620 Content: o 65F 1 .9% Design Strength: 3500 psi O 28 davs Remarks: ConcreEe Temperature: Test Dare: 08/L2/94 Aee (Davs) 1 7 2A 2B Gvathmey Praue & Air TemDerature: 69 E Time of Test: 10:15 AU Cvlinder Compressive SLrength (psi) 4000 4240 Construction, Torn of VaiI 'ShceL r o1: t Schu1tz, Viele Koechlein Gonsulting Engi Consulting Geotechnical Engi 12354 W. Alameda Pkwy., Suite 130 . Lakewood, Project No.:94-24 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: Covered Brldqe Build inq (303) s89-1223 Fax: (303) 989-0204Peter Dann East West Partners Drawer 2770 Beaver CEeek, CO 81620 Locat,ion: 5th Floor Slab Betueen Line B-B.S, Line 3-3.5 Tota1 Cubic Yards:14+ Supplier: western MobiteTicket No. gz Slump: 4.50 inches Mix Design No.: 5 Wet Unit Weight:Air Content: 1.5% o 65FConcrete Temoerature : __li€ pcf o F Test Date: o8/It/94 Tirne of Test: 9:O0 AM Design Strength: eqoo f,.i @ 28 days Remarks: Ase (Davs) 7 28 2A Guathney Pratt & Schultz, Viele Air Ternperature: 67 Cvlinder Compressive Strength (psi) 4400 4380 Vail 'Shcet 1 ol. 1 Consbruction, Town of ff'T'b") fl" vil,.'tffS., .qKoechlein Gonsulting Engi Consulting Geotechnical Engin 12354 W. Alameda Pkwy., Suite 130 . Lakewood, CO 80228 Project No.:94-24 SMOIARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: Covered Bridge Building (303) 989,1223 Fax: (303) 989-0204 Peter Darrn East Wesb Partners Dravet 2770 Beaver Creek, CO 81620. Location: 3rd to 4th floor level, large wall Total Cubic Yards: Supplier : on-stlle !,Ii{Ticket No.IIix Design No.: Slump:Air Content:llet Unit Weight: ---- Concrete Temperature : Test Date z o7/28/9a Air Temoerature: Time of Test: Design Strength: 3OOO psi e 28 63yg Remarks: patching of hottord cetls Ase (Davs)Cvlinder Compressive Strength (psi) I 1 28 2A cc: cva thmey pratt & 3650 3180 of vail 'Slrcet r ,.f Schultz, Viele Construction, Tovn Pg.1.1, TECHI{ICAIJ TIIFONUATION Geacral DetcrLgtLour collrRAFr'Ar.trg baslc con8Eruct,ion ls of Ewo rltes .of fully tempered safety graBg separated by a etalnreae steel epacer. The cavity between the two lites ie filled wlth a special 'gEI. which is eesenttally comqlrlsed of dist,llred waeer, Lnorganic salt e polymer. Ttte gel layer Le clear, colorLees, odorlees, U.V. Etable e non-yel.lowlng. fn the evenE of flre, the gel acCs eo absorb heat through an evaporat,ive cooling effect,, whlle a Lngulating crust ie formed by ehe Sodtum. tlue to this unique feature all Contraflam products offer unparalleled heat transfer and tenperature rlge characterl,st,ics compared t,o oEher f lre rated glazing mat.erials. In addiEj.on, due tothe use of fully tempered glass, all Contraflam producEs are also 'Ilunan InqracEr aafety glazlng mat,erials, making them ideally euitedfor .EIZ,^RDOV' InattIqlgr deflned by the model buildlng codes. :qrpical hazardoue locat,ione are fire door & stdellte applicacJ.ons. ContrafLam meets both Ehe ePgC 16 Clt, 1201 aad llfgl 297.L archLtectural safetyglazing standards as requlred by Ehe model buildlng codes for use infire rated aesenbliee. The unique naeure of CONrRAFIJAI' al,Iows its Ehtctgtcgs eo be varl-ed Ln order to achieve any degree of fLre reeieEance. FoMTRAFT.AM has been tested sorld-wide to lnternat,ional standards. Sere Ln the U.S. and Canada, eeveral suandard make-ups have been tested & LisEed. fn addlt,ion, large appllcatione can often Juecify speclal CesLlng in order to optimize the product, cosg, malce-up, eize, lnetallat,ion method, eLc. to better suite the intended use. Current products range Ln ehicknese from abouE 5/8, tor 20 minutes up Eo 4i for 120 minutes. A detailed deacription of COMIRAFLAITI, ae well as general technlcal lnformatLon, may be found in the Saint Gobaln brochure enEiEledrcolrrRAFrJAlrt Flre Prot,ection class', availabre Ehrough orKeeffe' a Incoryorated. PE.L.2 TEEH}TIEAI. IIIFORMATION Bechgrouadr Itist,orLcally, teet Btandards a model building codes trave only referenced what NFPA 80 defines as nfire proEcctloa ratedn glazing materials, principally rwired glassi. UnderwriEers Laboratorieg, Inc. has claeeified ehe8e products as (fCE, O!.ilEIltO ttlTEnfleg for use in lLgted fire windows, fire doors and fire door franes and eide lights. Beginnlng in 1983, U.L. establlshed the aer classificatlon (CCE:[) ltre Raalatast Gtazlag uat€rlal . ThLs classificatlon recognizes COIITRAFLAM'e unigue abiliEy Eo LnsuLaEe agaLneE Ehe hazards associaCed with unexposed eurface temperature rise and heat Eransfer. Pending revisl.ong to NFPA 80, would similarly establieh Ewo distinct claseificalions of fire rated glazing materials, t,o be known aa 'FI8,B PnOgEeEIW. tad 'EfnE nEgfgttMft. ADlrlleatlon! OriginalLy, applicatione of coliilIltAFLAM centered around the use of special framing systems that woul-d al1ow it Eo be used as a 50 to 90 minute rated nvigion paneli within a fire reeisLiwe waIl. Prior to COI{TRAFLAIrI, vision area8 would not be permitted using convenEionalcnon-ineulatlng; fLre nggEeellaLrated glazing maEerials. Thua, a growlng demand was identified for these specialty type applicaEions where heat transfer & EemperaEure rlee wae of primary concern. nbttrE l[ett More recently, Ewo .U:Ett @N'7xAEI'Afrmake ups have been inEroduced which break from this original. concepL and will change how Contraflam is perceived. 'Itrese products do ',ot require repeclal framestr buE, rather are lntended as safer, higher performing and more aestheticall-y pJ.eaelng altsernates to wired & ceramlc glaes products: CQfTBftLllt Cf-20 - 20 minut,e fire proEecEive raEed glazing maEerial for use in standard frames and doors. Confnlffanf gG-45 - 45 minute fire/actack resl8Eance raEed glazing materlal for use in sEandard detention frames. pg.1.3 TECHNTCAL TNFORUATION Bes,eft tgr ,,77 &ElnAnLAX prcducta continue to seE a new performance, eafeCy e aeetheELc sEandards for Fire RaEed GlazJ.ng ti[aterlals. negardless of rating period or classLficat,Lon, CONTRAFLAI,I offers geveral advanEages over wired, ceramic or other glazing products including: - Hlgh resistance to heat traaglcr and Eerperature riee hazarde- Conformance to code required galcty glazlng standards- I'isted & pernanently labeled lndlvlduat ll.tes in largeet avallable sizes up Lo 29 sq.ft.- sccellent optical, u.v. stabiliey and sound aEEenuaelon qualltles- ttLreless & colorless appearance wtth high llght transmlssion- AvallabLe ln elnclal ua|ra-ugaz (ttnted, pattezned, tnsufated, refLectLve & Lov-e, atEack reeisEant,, butglar regigtant, etc.)- Cotlpetitively priced Uo other nNes Technologyn glazing producEs Brclcgrou!d COtfTilFElli is dlstribuEed in North Asrerica by SafeLy lnd tire Technology, Inc. (StrEIl), a divLeion of O'Keeffets Inc of San FrancLsco. CONTRAFLAM ig manufactured in Aachen, cet:Inany by v.gla verslalgts Glaersrlra (bbE, a subsidiary of Satat-Gobala. Represented througb 160 coltE)anles e 100,000 employees sorld wJ.de, and with sales topping $14 billion; the Saint-ciobaLn company'E long gtaes hletory began j,.n the year 1665 when eonunissloned to manufacture glaee for thenHall of l.liroran at the Palaee of vereaiUes in France. Today ln North Anerica, Saint-Gobain may be recognized by company names such as CertalrrTccd Corlroratlo!, f,ortoa Coqtasy, e hEoglaaa glaBarslt eorlroraCioa. pg.1.9 TECIINICAL TUTONURTTON l2/O5l9t , CPXT4. Doc comRAFLAtr & pyRostfrgs: nATIt[Og ,/ APPLICATIONS / StZgiEz Prcfacer Current maximrm 'Listedn sizes for various ratings and applications are shown below; bowever, larger non-listed sizes are available furnished wiEh a nlfanufacturers tabel' on1y. Non-LisEed sizes require Ehe approval of the local AuthoriEy llaving ilurisdlction (AII,I) or, special Eestsing. Refer to manufacturerB specifications, details & Eestreports, or consult t,he faetory for more informatlon. a. CtlffR^tlrnil eF-20-9: Newly developed for uae as an altefltaE,e t,o wired gJ-ass or ceramic gJ.azlng. CF-20 is lLsted by both !VI|I & trJ as a (KC[!E) 'GlazJ-ng Materialr. It is deeigned to be glazed int.o standardnlLstedtr 20 minute fire door & frane assemblieg- Lristed gizes are availabLe up to 29-3/4i x 7'I-t/2n (2906 sq.in.) i and, 42-3/4n x 77- L/2n (2490 sg-in.) clear area for side, borrowed and transom lites. Refer to the TechaLcal Data Sbeet for detailed additional informat,ion. CF-20 was t,esEed in conjuction wj-th Steel-craft of Cincinnat,i, Ohio; therefore, your. local Steelcraft distributor is a good source for compatible atandard hoLlow tnetal door e framing. (NOTE: Reference steeLcratE technicaL buTLetin #TD-107-22) . b. 5m PYnOSl{fgS: Deslgned to be glazed into st,4ndard rlist,ed' 20 minut,e fire door & frarne assemblies. Individual lite slzes up to 35- L3/L6a x 8]'--t/4n (2910 sq.in.) for doors; and, 50'r * 9z-3/4" (4638 sq.in.) or 50n x57-3/8n (3442 eq.in.) for side, borrowed, and transomlites; without hose sEream test. (ConsuJ.t the factozy for further infozmation) c. SPEqIAL DOOR vfSIOlt FnnrG fITSr Available Ehough O'Keeffers fnc. for both CONrRAFLAIT{ CF-20 and PY-ROSWISS for use in standard listed hollow metsal and solid core wood fire doors. Clear vision areas are available up Eo: CONTRAFI,AM CF.2O 6mn PYROSWISS 24 x 54-L/4r (1302 sq.in.) 30tr x 54' (L520 sq.in.) Psotection Ratl,n pg. 1.10 TECHNICAL INFORMATION 30 minuteg: lFLre Protection Ratinql a. COIfTRAFLIil CF-30-18.5: Listed in sizes up to 48r x 84't overall for use in GPX door a sideliEe combinauions. This raEing period hae been almost entirely repJ.aced by 20 minute fire doors. b. 6m PYROSTIISST (available nlisted & labeled approximaCely January Lggzl Designed Eo be glazed into st.andard nlisEed' 30 minute fire door & frame assembl-ies. rndividual lite sizes up Lo 35-L3/L6n x 8t-t/4n (2910 sg.in.) for doors; and, 50'x 92-3/4" (4638 sg.ln-) or 50n x 57- 3/8" (3442 sq.in.) for side borrowed and Eransom lites; wiEhout hose gtream Ee6E. 45 ninute: lFlre Protection Ratinql a. CONTRAFLIil CF-50-28: Single lisued fixed lite sizes up to 36'3/4n x 2g-L/8" (rOZO sg.in.) clear area. Due Eo the 1-518' thickness of Ehis make-up, detenEion type hollow metal or other special fames should to be used which have the necessary minimrm sLop heighE (L-L/4u ) and rabbet depth (3") required. For added irnpact. reelstance in security applications, up Eo a L/4" G.E. Lexan lvtargard polycarbonaee may be air-gapped Eo one or boEh sides for added lmpact resigtance. b. COIITRAFLAil SG-45: Single listed fixed lite sizes up Eo 28-L/4" x 28-!/4', (798 sq.in.) clear area. l4ay be insEalled in sEandard 14 ga. hollow metal detention frames with a 1" minirnrm sLop height & glazlng bead. The product consist,s of a combination eostraflan fire raEed glazing mat.erial lrith eontracrime glass-c1ad polycarbonaEe laminaEe as folLows: a. fiEn terqrered glase b. 1.2mn urethane interlayer c. 4mm polycarbonate d. 1.2ffi[ urethane interlayer €. 4mn tempered glaee f. 19.5mn Ge1 layer of proprietary corqtoEltion g. smn tenpered glass - 37.9@ (1.5') tbtch TeBtsed in accordance with the StaLe of California DepartmenE of Corrections (cDc) SecuriEy Glazing Testing Program and Recomendat,ions: a. Attack ReaisEance Rating: 17.55 minuteE. 12lb sledge Harrner at 19oft.1bs. attack force: 2oo/2oo impacta r Flre Ar<e ats 100ft..1b8. Etriking force: 9l/2oo irnpacts. Ball-Peen Ha ner aE 62fE.1bs. fOrce w/ Propane TOrch: 53/2OO inpactB b. Options: Uay be furnished nitb breakage activated integral alarm wires for hook- up Eo security ay6tema blt others. pg-1.11 TECHNICAL INFORMATION c. 6n PYnO$fISg z (Consul.t the tactozy for turther infozntatlon) PYROSWISS has been succeesfully fire Lested up to 90 mlnutes to varioue InEernatsiona1 (and U.S.) fire standards rJt&out a hose BErean Eest. Only U.S. and Canadian standards reguire a hose Etrean test. However, due Eo the unique eafety glazing charactertstlcs cif PIROSWISS, iE rernains a viable alternative to ceramic atazing or wired glasE rhere hurnan impacu and optical clariuy are primary concerns. PYROSWISS for such appticationE will be furnished with ail{anufacturerg lJabelr only. Special approval should be obEained from Ehe Authority Havlng dlurisdiction. o individual These sysEerns are explained elsewhere ln this rnanual . For security applications, up to a 1/4" G.E. L,er(an Margard polycarbonate may be air-gapped Eo one or bouh sides for added lqlact resisEance. ll new lleting is pending with l{EI Eo a1low CONTRAFLAIT{ CF-60-28 to be installed directly within a one hour rated meEal stud/g:psum board wall . This would allow an installation meEhod that doeE aot require any special frames. ldaldmm l-ite size 48n x 84; (28 sq.ft.) overall . (Coasuit the factozy tor turther intoxnation) 90 ll.nute [fi.re Regl.gtant Rrtinal COUTITFIAII CE-90-2x28r l-,isted in individual lite Eizeg up Eo 48tr x 84n (28 sq.ft.) overall when installed in either Ehe GPx door c walI framing system or U.IJ. Design No. U439. These systems are explained elsewhere in thls manual . 120 lthute tFtr€ Beslstaat natipql Indivldual liEe gizes up to 36' x 35tr for mounting directly into drywall. consEmction. L,arger non-labeld litee available for use with ePx franing sygeem. frCfEf,t DeveTogtments are always ongolng into nev ratLngs and applications of &IfTRAFI'AM and PYROs'nzSs gJazing rwteriaLs. ConEuLC the facEoz'tl tor deslgn lngrut on speelaT project requirurents. Listed ln PrelonniAr{rl l&E o /*psrgnn c f,oiiFr,rl*i 0i i''ul- i*:r: -'.-,'. .':: " '::i- . PIB0gwl{tft"FIBELITE-WIRDDGTAIIS Safe8 Glasingt Yes Yes No No2 No No No Yoes Yes Yes Yes Yee No No No Ies Yeo No No 36nx06o (3,326 sq. in.) 24"x640 (1,296 sq. in.) Sourd llanffdssion Batings ($lt)48r|bo 28db 26db 28db Visible Appearance Oear/Colorleeo Glea,ry'Colorlesc YeUowish-Tinge Vtsible Wire Excellent Fait'Poor DryIight Trursmission 8SX 77tr,88li I Sdoty 0lazing is rsquired of fire ratsd assemblies in all Haadous LocaliorE 4 0r modmum arsa bstsd, may wry wift rating porlod, clrcck lisiino. 2 Basod on indepondent tGting 0t wired glass fmm the tour loading manufac. 5 BasEd on 60 mln. rating. tur06. Wr6d glass hilod to meet th6 minimum sately standards 0f ANSI 297.1. 6 Appliss t0 "Pr6mium" grade. optical quality tor non-p0lish8d is poor. 8 For 2U45 min. applications only, 60190 min. require GPX lraming systam. For additional information please use reader service #9?. (a,896 sq. in.) Scnooils Prnoswtss Tnsr SuccnSSFUt cmtinued, Irdtn pose r... From 6,8, 12, 10, l5 and l9mm avail- able make-ups of PYR0SWISS, 6 and 8mm were selected for the test. PfEffWIflS rtrnds up to the test Afkr two months representatives from 0'Keeffe's and the District met to review the results. None of the PYROSWISS panes were broken! Not oniy is the School District delight- ed but now they can see their way clear to repair other areas that they previ- ously could not have afforded due to budget constraints. As injuries from wired glass continue to escalate, the San Francisco School District is ensur- ing a higher level of safety for its stu- dents. The School District is planning on using PYROSWISS as a replacement glazing for wired glass in 20 and 80 minute applications as well as in new construction projects which require 20 and 30 ninute draft and smoke control assemblies. Irt 0tKeefre's reprtsent&dves ghow you how to reduce your costs a[d provide a higlr level of safety to your students, Call or wite us today, We will be happy to have our representatives show you the test reports and samples of PY- R0SWSS. Perhaps you too can make an adjustment to your budget next year. 0r use reader service #95 for more information. lMilred, glos yrim to remoml fuglming wilh ixnpont rasistant PYRoSWISSffl a I ions lcisxl GTASSPRIIIEX" Performance Specificat BACKGROUND C0NTRAFLAM*, manufactured by The SAINT-GOBAIN group of companies, is a patented glass for lire protection developed through extensive research to stop not only the penetration 0f smoke and flames, but also t0 prevent the passage of heat radiation. C0NTRAFLAM combines maximum lire and human impact safety protection with all the visual advantages of ordinary glass. lt is highly transparent to light and provides excellent optical clarity. GEI{ERAL DESGRIPITOI' C0NTRAFLAM is constructed 0f two or more lites 0f fully tempered safety glass separated by a stainless steel spacer. The cavity between the lites is filled with a special "gel". The gel is a polymer containing a high degree of water and inorganic salts. The gel layer is clear, colorless, odorless, U.V. stable, non-yellowing, and non-toxic. FIRE PERFORTANCE In the event of fire, the gel acts to absorb heat through an evaporative cooling etfect, while an insulating crust is formed by the sodium. Due to this unique feature all CONTRAFLAM oroducts offer unoaralleled heat transJer and temoer- ature rise characteristics compared to othei fire rated glazing materials. lt ian be expected that temperature rise on the unexposed side will be well below the 250 degree Fahrenheit requirement. SAFETY CHARAGTERISTICS Through the use of fully tempered glass, all C0NTRAFLAM products are also "Human lmpact" safety glazing materials making them ideally suited for 'HAZARD0US L0CATI0NS" defined bythe Model Building Codes. Typical hazardous locations are fire door and sidelite applications. CONTRAFLAM meets both the CPSC 16 CFR1201 and ANSI 297.1 architectural safety glazing standards as required by the Model Building Codes for use in fire rated assemblies. RAT|NOS FROil 20-120 ftl{UTES The unique nature of CONTRAFLAM allows its thickness to be varied in order to achieve a wide range ol fire resistance. Current thicknesses are shown below. l Tested to Warnock H€rsey International pilot scale test only. 2 See listing for framing requirem6nts GLASSPROTEX a division ot O'Keeffe's Inc. 75 Williams Avenue. San Francisco, California 94124-2693 (4151822-4222. FAX (415) 822-5222. Toll Free (800) 227-3305 ct C\gFtG C\g =JtI* €EF =CD CS liftwells, conidors, and elevator lobby separations. c,c\F TctN =JIL EF =C' CD APPLICATIONS The Model Building Codes require certain areas in a building t0 be fire protected to retard the spread ol fire lor a lixed minimum of time. This is for evacuation routes or fire fighters' access routes. doors, walls,rwells, BENEFITS All C0NTRAFLAM products continue to sel new performance, safety and aesthetic standards for Fire Rated Glazing Materials. Regardless of rating period or classification, CONTRAFI-AM offers several advantages over wired, cenmic and other glazing products including:. Competitively priced "Wireless" Fire Resistive Glazing. High resistance to heat transfer and temperature rise hazards . Listed and permanently labeled individual lites - sizes over 28 sq. ft.. Excellent optical quality with n0 wires or yellowish tinge. Available in dual glazed, tinted, high performance, patterned, insulated, reflective and low-e, attack resistant and burglar resistant make-ups for interior or exterior applications. Security/Correctional with built-in burglar alarm wiring make-ups available. Excellent UV stability and sound atlenuation qualities LISTINGS AND LABELING Listed and permanently labeled fire resistant glazing materials by Underwriters tffi Laboratories and/or Warnock Hersey International. Certified and labeled Human ffio lmpact Safety Glazing Material in accordance with the requirements of the Model rrsrED Building Codes. All tests were perlormed in accordance with ASTM E119, E'152, NFPA 251, 252, UL 263, 108, ULC 5101, UBC 43-1,43-2, CAN4-Sl04, CSFM 43.7, ANS|Z97.t, and CPSC 16 CFR 120'1. OUALITY ASSUBAI{CE 0ver 10 years experience in Fire Resistive Rated Glazing materials. STORAGE AND HANDLING Maintain CONTRAFLAM at lemperatures between 5 and 140 degrees F, store in dry place. WARBANTY Warranted against delects in materials and factory workmanship for 5 years. MATERIALS CoNTRAFLAM Fire Resistive Bated Gluing material supplied by 0'Keetle's Inc. Fire resistant glazing tape, setting blocks and neutral cure silicone may be furnished by 0'Keeffe's or by others. Typical 60 Minuter GPX Wall Detail Typical 60 Minuter GPX Sidelite/Ooor Dctail ' Thickness ol glazing and gel varies with ratlno GLASSPROTEX a division or O'KeeJJeE Inc' 75 Williams Ave. . San Francisco CA 94124-2693. (415) 822-4222. FAX (415) 822-5222.To11Free (800) 227-3305 CONTRAFLAM ls a regbtered tademark of Sslt{-Gdsin GLASSPROTEX b a hadermrk ol OK€effe's Inc. 5/9:} ..q&, 17 '!r#!k. IIDRAI]IJC D85I6II IIITORXATIOI{ $EM llare:OVBX0 BRIDGB BUII0Illc locationl22T BRIDCI S1. Building:ll Contractor:VlnE Ctllst1tllfl IOn Calculated By:RUS1Y CUilE Construction: I l-Colbustible [Xl-tlon-Coabusti!1e 0ccupawyronDilARY nZIRD I Date:8-25-94 comnNo Rm.t9{-0{1 Syster l{0. fiAru SPACB Contract l{0. 11291 Drarinq llo. t.P.-I ceiliry [eigt:8 ft. SISTIX{ DBSIGII l)(l-[fPA 13t [ ]-t1. HAZ. [l(]-0RDIilARy riMARo GR0rrp:I l-l{lPA 231 [ ]-I{FPA 23lC: rIcURXr CIIRVS: l-ffim (slecifi): I-sPltIfIC RULIIIG:I|FPI-I3 R [,qD[ BYi, lrea of Sprinkier 0peration:1500 mNitl:.i5 Area Per Sprinkler;l20 Sq. tt. [ose A]lmance GPI{I Insider0 A6e Allmnce G?ll tutsider250 Rad Sprinller Allaance: CilT{IiATIfi flffiART cil r4td:583.37 Psi ReEired:{8.?2 rCr lactor 0sed: Overheadll20 0nderqound:I40 flATN SUPPII r mTa rur lK,I r r HilP DATA r Date I Tjml6-2'94 1lA.ll. Rated Capacity: Static PSI:ltO At PSII Rssidual PSI:g+.32 Elevatronl e[ flning:6 et , t5 Elevation:0 IncatimlGore Ck. Dr. t Bridge St. Source Infonation:flou lest t l-il,BAann. 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