HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT C D COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING 1994 HYDRAULICS REPORT 2 OF 2 LEGAL1 .\IYDRAI,IIC DBSIE{ ilTU[ATItr SXTBI IIarc:COMND BruIEE BIIIDII{G L,ocationr 227 BRIDGE SI. hdldingrlt Contlactor;Yl&E Sils{mUCTIoll Calculated ByrRUSfl CIIilE Constnction: I l-Corbustible [)t]-ilon-Co$ustible occupancy:0lDlilARY SlZmD I tlate:8-25-94 mmRlm RnE.r9{-0{{ Syste Xo. IIRST SImR Cmtract Io. ,1291 hacing ilo. f.P.-1A ceiliry feighhs n. SYS?H DESIGII lxl-rrPA 13r [ ]-rT. [Ar. [xl-0nDrilAru lAnru Roup:r I l-u.[AzARD, l-ilruA 231 [ ]-n[?A 23icr flcuRl: fllRvr: l-flun (specrfylr l-SPEInc nUIJ[G:ffFFA-13 R Area of Sprinller Sration:1500 Area Pir Sprintlenl20 Sq. Ft. lose Aliorarce GPlh Inside:0 lose Allorame 0?ll: 0utside:250 Rack $Einkla Allcance: CA]Xt'IAlIfl $ilNRT T,I,DE B1!. IIATE: t Systm ?yts t Ixl-lBI [ ]-DRI [ ]-Dnnc8 [ ]-PR!-Ac{I0ll I SPRI[nm 0R [ouz],x r llale:stu hdei:0,R,pHDBflS Sizell/2 l-tactoris,B telpentue Rati4:155-t @r @ffi5{6.n rCr factor 0sed: 0verLud;120 PSI lequired:62.98 Undergoud:140 mm suPPu r mln flff [ffT r * flilP Dtlt I Date I th€:64-91 llA.f. Rated Capacitl: Static PSI /3o At PSI: Residual PSIr 94_lZEiemtion: urn rrwrrll. Gal ./ 5 Blervatron l0 Iocation$ore &. &. t kiqe Si. Somce Infonation:tlc test r $fi 0R RHmvoIR * &pacity: tlevation: r IK,L I hof nslr w179t2 ri x.st$ ITI}XAULIC SIITTAII MTR SI'PruI IMORIIIIOII static: 130.00 psi. ReEidua}: 91.32 pi. 0 681.15 g-pi. losel 250.00 gF, ryst€r re$iresr 62.98 pi. I 516.77 g-tr. (includiry fice AIInarEel SWI! availabler 106.2{ pi. Saf{ Iugir: O.25 Fi. tariu velaity in tle systeu is 20.58 ft/sec. Sntinui4 { aU n0de6 satisfid t 0.0r -q-a, NMre I.EEID PIPB TN8 IMEN t = t5 DER3ts E80ll {0 = S&DlltE l0 E = 90 DtrRts Elfi 10 = SSDtltI I0 l=90Dts&Slmf,mEJfi I,=IEIXIilt ! = tl8 0R OSS rD = ACIIBL DIllBlR I = EllllBlLI tlltB c( = @PB TIPB I G = G&T nilE C[, = @PPE Tl?E Lc=ffirYrrYB ff:ff:h*rt = CP = CPIC sls: File: BRIDGIIS.fiB rllF Spinller Prograr by IPB Sofhue, Ira. Page: 1 PRTSURB flfi NJVITIOI K-TAflOR [m8 (]$) (@l|) {rffir) u u B[ BRz csl 62 cs3 ml t02 [03 m{ m5 t21 t26 t22 n6 n0 r01 m2 t03a I03 m{ t05 t06 t0? t08 t09 nl n3 n2 Pll n5 n5r n? n9 n8 n0 nl t2u t23 125 t2l t0l fit2 l{3 ?01 t05 m6 fi7 M n0 0 12.5 12.5 1? q 17.5 1t E 12.5 u't 21.5 31.5 ti.5 51.5 61.5 alF tl R 21,5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 ?1.5 n.5 tL,x lL,7 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21,5 ?1.5 21.5 ?l.5 21,5 21,5 2L,5 21.5 4.5 ?1.5 21.5 2t.5 31.5 11.5 31.5 1t 6 Jl. f, 11 6 JI, ] 31.5 31.5 62.98 5t6.71 55.79 0.00 51,62 0.00 52.08 0.00 o.06 0.00 r?.78 0.00 {1.75 0.00 {1.21 0.00 37.00 0.00 32.66 0.00 28.33 0.00 2{.00 0,m 19.66 0.00 28.15 0.00 27.51 0,00 ?5.58 0.00 21,tX 0.00 22.t1 0.00 1?.50 2t,1i 18.09 0.00 22,26 0.00 13,61 21.{0 rz,xg 0.00 12,2t 20,29 u.89 20.00 20.13 26.02 n.72 16.t0 20.81 0.00n37 0.00 20.8 25,t2 19.?3 t5.75 20.99 25.57 2r.69 0,00 n.60 26.95 2r.2t 0.00 21.15 25,61 20.59 X,32 2s.58 0.00 2s.58 0.00 2s.58 0.00 25.58 0.00 25.58 0.00 25.58 0.00 12.6 0.00 12.55 0.00 32.65 0.00 rr.65 0.00 3U.56 0.00 12.66 0.00 32.66 0.00 32.66 0.00 32.66 0.00 Ft 5.8 tt 5.8 t! 5.8 5.8 5.8 5,8 Filer BIIDGEIS.frB rfiEr Sprinkler Eograr by PB Sofbrue, Inc. Page: 2 PRSSSIIRX FIfiI HJTATiOll K-FACIOR roDE (Pfi) (Cil) {fEET) 203 12.55 0.00 20{ 32.56 0.00205 12.66 0.00?06 32.66 0.00207 32.66 0.00208 32.56 0.00 2084 32.56 0.00209 12.66 0.00 ?10 32.66 0,002l0r 32.56 0.00 ?11 32,66 0.002ltA 32.66 0.00 zr2 32,66 0,00 213 32.66 0.00 2l3A 32,66 0.00 2138 32.66 0.00 21f 12.66 0.00 nsa 32.66 0.00215 32.66 0.00216 32.66 0.00 21?A 32.6 0.00 zt78 32.66 0,00 2r1C 32.65 0.00 n?D 32.66 0.00 x17 32,65 0.00 218 32,66 0.00 a9 n,66 0.00220 32.56 0.00 ml 32.66 0.00 mu 32.66 0.00 [0lB 12.66 0.00 ma 28.3 0.00 ma 28.31 0.00 [02 28.33 0.00 ffi 28.33 0.00 $t 28.33 0,00t05 28.33 0,00[06 28:33 0.00[07 zt.lt 0.00 [08 28.33 0.00809 ?t.33 0.00n0 28.33 0.00ill 28.33 0.00ll2 28.33 0.00nt 2|.il 0,00a{ 28.33 0.00 n5 28,31 0.00t16 28.33 0.00n7 28.33 0.00[18 28.33 0.00[19 2E.33 0.00H0 28.33 0.00[21 28.33 0.00fl22 28.33 0.00 3I.5 J_t,1 31.5 31.5 lt t 31.5 31.5 11 t 31.5 31,5 31.5 31.5 11.5 31.5 11,5 31.5 11 R 31,5 11 6 31.5 ti.5 31,5 ?1 t 31.5 31,5 11 I 1tt 31.5 tl.5 {1.5 {1.5 o,5 |l.5 o.5 il.5 tl.5 {1.5 o,5 lt I tl.5 {1.5 tl.5 o.5 ll.5 {1.5 {1.5 {1.5 tl.5 11.5 ll.5 {1.5 {1.5 liler BRIffiS.fiB trl[8r.Spri*ler hograr by PE Sofbrue, hc. Page: 3 PnlsWE rur E8nnfl x-IrCtSR rfoo8 tP$) (Gpr{l (FBH') m 28.33 0.00 E2{l 28.33 0.00 [25 28.33 0.00 x26 28.33 0.00 827 ?8.33 0.00[28 28.33 0.fi][29 28.33 0.00 [30 28.33 0.00 soi 2{.00 0.00 s02 z{.00 0.00s03 2{.00 0.00 so{r 2t.00 0.00s01 ?{.00 0.00 s05 2{.00 0.00 s06 2{,00 0.00 s07 2{.00 0,00 s08 2{,m 0.00sr)9 2{.00 0.00s10 2r.m 0,msll 2t.00 0.00sl2 2t.00 0.00s13 2t.00 0.00st4 2{.00 0.00s15 2t.00 0.00sr6 2{.00 0.00si? 2t.00 0.00 s18t 2r.00 0.00sl8 2{.00 0.00s19 2t.00 0.00sm 2{.00 0.00sila 1r.00 0.00s/0t ?1.00 0.00s21 2t.00 0.00s22 2t.m 0.00sn 2r.00 0.00s25 et.00 0.ms26 il.m 0.00s27 21.00 0.00sa 2t.00 0.00ml D.66 0.mm2 $.66 0.00mr D.6 0.00no D.66 0.00m{ u.66 0.00m5 u.66 0.00t)6 19.66 0.00m8 D.66 0.00r09 19.66 0.00n0 u.65 0.00nl u.66 0.00n2 $.56 0.00ru u.66 0.00n{ 19.66 0.00n5 19.66 .0.00 {1.5 {1.5 {1.5 {1.5 {1.5 tl.5 It.5 {1.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 stt 51.5 5i.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 5r.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 5t.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 6t.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 6I.5 61.5 ,ddaJt9€i.8FEtffi-( tiler mmB$.l$ rm Spiilhr Pngn Uy l!8 Softnr€, Inc. PaS: I .ms$nE Hff &EYU!6 X-nCIUroDr (P$) {ffiI (mr} fl7 19.66 0.00 61.5n8 19.65 0.00 61.5ru9 $.66 0.00 5r,5ra $.65 0.00 61.5122 19.66 0.00 61.5n$ D.66 0.00 61.5 r05A 19.55 0.00 61.5f55 19.56 0.m 51.5t56 t9.65 0.00 61.5t05l 19.66 0.00 61.5I 41.75 0.00 12.52 u.'5 0.00 12.5 41.75 0.00 12.5 {1.75 0,m u.5 r1.?5 0.00 11.56 0.?5 0.00 l?.57 $.75 0.00 ll.5I t1.75 0.00 1t.59 11.75 0.00 12.5l0 t1.75 0.00 t2,51l 11.?5 0.00 11.5t2 |l.75 0,00 12.5lt [.75 0.00 12,5l{ |l.75 0.00 12.515 {1.75 0.00 12,516 t1.75 0.00 12.5L7 11.75 0.00 12.5lN 11.75 0.00 12.5tu {1.75 0.00 t2.519 t1.75 0;00 l?.5 Fiie: BRIDGEIS.IXE Pf {PsI} BffiI}I H[I) lfoD[ l{008 l[Xr Sprinkler Progran 4 tPE sofhare, ]nc. ntr DIUmn m[ rlmms mtflg w tilctu lu Lxxcm ruflI0lt c-villrB Pe {GH) (rXcflXS)(FEET) (r8BT) (rrE[] tPsr/ir,](Psr ) Page: 5 vtmcln (n^m) sl >t[ul >u2u2 > BRl BRi > BR2 3R2 > Slsl >62 cs2 ) 6ls3 > t{0t t{01 < [02 It02 < It03 lf01 > r27t27 > n6 't26 > !22t22 > n6 Pl6 ) 110 r02 > t03ml <m2 m3 >m{ 80{ > r05lot ) m6m7 <m9 m9 ) F08r09 < n0n0 >nllu >n3ru >n2 tll < t15 t15 < I15 F16 ) n7nt >n9n7 )n8 t20 < t2l tzt < n2 122 < ntt23 < F25m <n{ ffi2 < ll)1 illl < m9{!9 < u0t10 < fr)2fl2 < t1)3M <fll{ Tot < T05m5 ( 206 206 < 205 296,77 1.260 10 1., x96,77 4,260 l0 tT 296,77 {.260 10 [ x95,77 4,250 t0 0.00 {.260 10 0,00 4.250 10 296.17 4,540 {0 GTE 25 296.11 3.9t5 Clt C 11.17 295.71 4.5{0 40 m s,75 295,77 1.260 i0 1,1, 6 12,51 61,51 0.011 140 5,12 0,71 5,88 33.26 107.{3 0.020 150 0.00 2.11 ?.83 26.51 32.36 0.011 1{0 2.r1 0.37 5.88 12.00 18.00 0.021 120 0,00 r u.23 6.68 r I0IEI fte tlor DEendmt Pressue Loss Oevice in the preeeding pip accounts f$ 10.85 pi of the total friction loss rPfr r$ < [01. 0.00 {.260 10 tru <[05. 0.00 4.260 i0 6.00 11.?5 0.021 120 -2.11 0.2{ 6.58 26.00 19.75 0.021 120 0.00 1.03 5.68 5.00 26.00 0.021 120 0.00 0,5{ 6,58 0.00 15,00 0.02i 120 1.90 0,31 6.68 0.00 12.00 0,000 120 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 12.00 0,000 120 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1r.00 0.000 120 0.00 0,00 0.00 19.00 t1.00 0.215 120 0.00 8.8{ 1i.{6 0.00 3.00 0.215 120 0.00 0.65 17.45 0.00 9.00 0.215 120 0.00 i.9{ 17.{5 0.00 10.00 0.215 120 0.00 2.15 17.{6 0.00 10.00 0.095 120 0,00 0.95 11.i9 0.00 10.00 0.022 120 0,00 0,22 5.06 5.00 5.50 0.815 120 0.00 {.{8 20.68 3.00 15.50 0.038 120 0.00 0.59 {.70 6.00 10.50 0.396 1?0 0.00 {.16 15,65 6,00 13,50 0.098 120 0.00 1,32 7.81 0.00 0.50 0.101 120 0.00 0.05 5,80 3,00 15,00 0.027. i20 0.00 0,{0 3.88 3.00 15.50 0.0{3 120 0.00 0.67 5.0{ 0.00 0.50 0.170 120 0.00 0.08 8,85 6.00 10.50 0.159 120 0,00 1.61 10.15 6.00 13.50 0,155 t?0 0.00 2.10 10.05 0.00 0.50 0.166 120 0.00 0.08 8.?6 1.00 15.00 0.0{3 120 0.00 0.6{ {.99 3.00 15.50 0.0{5 120 0.00 0.70 5.15 0.00 0.50 0.176 120 0,00 0.09 9.01 6.00 10.50 0.155 120 0.00 1.73 10.37 6.00 13.50 0.162 120 0.00 2.19 10.27 0.00 0.50 0.1?3 120 0.00 0.09 8,91 3.00 1t.50 0.0il 120 0.00 0,6{ 5.10 3,00 15.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.000 120 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 10.50 0.000 120 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 13.50 0.000 120 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.000 120 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 l{.50 0,000 120 0.00 0.00 0.00 31.00 {3.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 il.25 0.000 120 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 t,75 0.000 i20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 {.75 0.000 120 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.50 0.000 r20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 0.000 120 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 1.50 0.000 120 0.00 0.00 0,00 15.00 11,6t 0.000 120 0.00 0.00 0,00 6.00 15.67 0.000 l?0 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 10.25 0.000 120 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.75 21.75 20 l5 L2 12 12 l,) 295,77 2.515 l0 lW 22 296,77 2.635 10 296,77 2,635 10 296,77 2.635 l0 190.26 2.635 10 1 10 10 10 q l? [ IC I.) t1 12.5 5 If, t1 't't I t.5 ?[ 'tl ( l2 {.5 11.5 t10 > F03A 85.95 2,635 l0 t15 > Ft5t 26.95 l.io{ Xt F02 < mil 85,95 1,152 n T 51.59 1.10t n t 2t,25 1.t52 tt X {0.29 1,{52 If, I 20,29 1,10{ )0 20.00 1.452 n B 26,02 1.{52 [, E 26,{0 l.l0{ l{t 52,12 1.{52 l[, T 5r.88 r.{52 )(t T 26,12 i.10{ It 25,76 l.{52 It B 26,57 t.t52 n B 53.52 t.t52 r, I 52.99 1.t52 XL ? 26,61 1.10t Xr 26,32 t.t52 It X0.00 r,152 It I 0.00 l.{52 It r 0,00 l.{52 It T 0.00 1.t52 xr 0.00 1,452 It I 0.00 3.260 10 tGT L2 0.00 3.260 10 0.00 3.260 10 0.00 2.635 l0 0.00 2.535 100.00 2.635 l0 0.00 2.635 10 0.00 2.15t 10 TE 0.00 1,152 n n t2t ( l21l 0.00 1.10t & m5 < 2111 0.00 1.{52 n T 21U < 2ll 0.00 1.10{ xL 14.25 t.75 4.75 1 r.3 6.67 9.57 4.25 2 rilc BRffiIS.UB fi8r Sprinkla Progra! bI nE Sofhare' Inc. IIfi I)IIXBIER TYPB nIUlloS LXKTI ry LHSfi IvI r,8rc1[ ruCTI0[ C-VlfilB Pe (m{) (ilms)(mm) [ruEr) trEET) (Psvn.) (PsI) Page: 7 TXINCITY tnism) Pf (Psi) BSGII{ HD l{oDE [08 M < 1It6 0.00 1.687 It Im6 ( T07 0.00 1.{52 ){t20t < t1l8 0.00 1.152 It Bm7 < lt)8 0.00 1.{52 nm8 <202 0.00 l.t0{ & 207 < 208t 0.00 1.t52 II m7 ,. < 203 0.00 1.10t It E 208A , < 208 0.00 1.10{ I[ I 208A < 209 0.00 1.{52 Xt E 209 < 2i0 0.00 1.687 It B 210 < 2i0l 0.00 1,10{ It r 210 < t02- 0.00 1.68? xt Im3 < ?15. 0.00 l.{52 r. 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Prryt 8 BXGII nD FLfi DIUm TW rrmrcS r,HOE m'rlBrum $r r,H0m mimr$ C-YAUI8 Pe Pf ruimroB r0D8 (ffi) (rxffi) (nE0 (nEr) (m8rl (PsI/n.) 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H0 fifi DIlilBIm TnB FImIGS L,Xil0E 4v Lfl6m lul i,Hgm ruCnffi C-VltllE Pe Pf VHICITI[oB (Gm) (rrffi) (rEET] tnrT] (rBBT] (psvn.) 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F.P.-3 ceilirg [ei$t8 n. SISfEI DtsI6 lxl-xrPr il: Fl-B. nt. ul@IuRr sum RoIP;I I FlPr 2il [ l{t?A 2]lC: FI0IR[: 0llYE: t l+un (Sesifyl: ll-H.ruND. IIDB BI:. DITTI rsFtoryFr [r]{sl[ ]{W I l-ons8 [ ]'nt'rcxlfi I sltiln& 0R fofltrE t lale:stu bdel:o.Lmf'$ 5ir€:l/2 [-factor:5.[I1.3 teeraEt fati4ll55-l Ul-SPEcmc ilmF:mA-l3l trea of strhll€r Qeration:I500 I}ensity:.tt.15 lrea P€r sFi!n€$120 Sq. ft. tose tllnance @!l Imider0 bse Nlonre El: 0rtside:250 hck SEidler lllmncer oiltnilil $mru rcr lacbr tbd: 0veciead:120 16I Muiredr?2.S3 Udergo$d|U0 nTn suptr rumnff$$r rfiloDIIAr hte t liD:64-91 1U.1. fatsl &paci{: Static ISI: I A0 At PtlI: tesi&al PSI: 14-W nqattffl: e! flcri4: 'b9h l$ Bl€mtion:0 localion:Gore fi. h. t hiqe $. suce ldom[im:Fin lst r $il ffi [EW0n I bpacity: Elemtion: r BI,, T PIof Flfl: f4wq, ,' \79t2 , i '*q;-,*fit .i ltDtlutlc suIItnI mTn $PPIY ilmnnflfi static: 130.00 Fi.lesidml: 9{.32 pi, t 681.15 gp. flose: 250,00 gF. systn rryires: ??.53 pi. e 571.10 9tr. (includiry [ce lllfiarce) $pply anilabl* 103.99 tsi. safety rargh: 31.{6 tsi. lluiru velaity in the systen is 19.07 ft/sec. en$nity at all rnd€s mtisfid t! 0.01 9F. rUUXG ItsEID PIPB T1$ [M8D I ' 15 Dffi Efff l0 = SCflDIIB l0 E = 90 Dffits EdI 10 = SOMIII l0[=9lllE8Bl[F!1mrufl E =fiIXtrE f = lB @ Offii lD = MllB[ DIIIEIIR D = f,lllBltJ YILVI ff = SPIIR llPt tr G = GIS TAIVE C[, = 00FR llPB Ic:mnw' $affi,$,*' [s: o tile: RlffilS.ill SF Spfurkler Pro$sl by t?E Softrue, Irc. Fagel I ?Rlffim flfi nBruI$ [-ra$onr0r)8 (P6Il {6pll trEET} ccl 72,51 5?{.18 0n 56.20 0.00 12.5u 53.6t 0.00 12.5H[ 61.03 0.00 17.5m2 r9.?t 0.00 t?.5csl 51.63 0.m n.5s2 50,t? 0.00 12.5st {9.7t 0.00 12.5ml {5.51 0,00 21.5g2 {0.t9 0.00 31.5m3 ff.t6 0.m t1.5m{ 31.93 0.00 51.5m5 n,59 0.00 61.5tn t5,51 0.00 21.5tlt {5.51 0.00 21,5n2 15,51 0.m fl.sn6 $.51 0.00 21.5n0 r5.5r 0.00 21.5ru $.51 0.00 21.5t02 {5.51 0.00 2t,5mil t5.51 0.00 21.5It3 {5.5r 0.00 21.5m{ t5.51 0.00 21.5fit5 t5.51 0.00 21.5m6 {5.5i 0.m ?1.5m7 t5.51 0.m a.5n8 $.51 0.00 21.5lo 15.51 0.00 21.5ru $.51 0,m a.5ru {5.5I 0.00 n.5n2 $.51 0.m a.5ru {5.51 0.m a.5tr5 t5.51 0.00 21.5ns $.51 0.00 21,5u 15.51 0.00 u.5n9 {5.51 0.00 21.5ru t5.51 0.m 21.5n0 {5.51 0.00 xt.5m $.$ 0.00 21.5ral 15.51 0.m 21.3r8 $.5r 0.00 21.5t25 15.51 0.00 21.5t?t 15.51 0.m n.5lll 10.89 0.00 31.5llt 10.89 0,00 31.5fl13 10.89 0.00 31.5lot 10.89 0.m 31.5t05 t0.89 0.00 31.5nr {0.89 0.00 31.5rll? 10,89 0.00 31.sfl19 t0,89 0,00 31.5n0 $.89 0.00 31.5 sunct Iile: ilItf,flll.ilB r@.Sgiatler Pngil by nE Softrare, Inc. PEge: 2 B$SnB nfl EnMI0X [-FrCmRilmE (P$) (c?!t) (mT) O 203 201 205 M 247 2tl8 2081 209 t0.89 0.00 31.5 {0.89 0.00 31.5 f0.89 0.00 31.5 t0.89 0.00 31.5 10.09 0.00 31.5 t0.89 0.00 31.5 t0.t9 0.00 31.5 {0.89 0.00 31.5 t0.89 0.00 31.5 {0.89 0.00 31.5 t0.89 0.m 31.5 10.89 0.00 31.5 t0.89 0.00 31.5 {0.89 0.00 31.5 t0.[9 0.00 31.5 {0.89 0.00 31.5 {0.89 0,00 31.5 {0.89 0.00 31.5 10.89 0.00 tl.5 o.89 0.00 31.5 10.89 0.m 31.5 t0.89 0.m 31.5 {0.89 0,00 31.5 t0.89 0.00 31.5 10.89 0.00 31.5 {0.89 0,@ 31.5 {0.89 0.00 il.5 t0.89 0,00 31.5 15.81 17.10 31.5 {.3 15.05 17.23 31.5 t.3 17.70 0.00 t1.5n.n $.36 {1.5 r.3 12.89 0.00 |l.5 1t.13 0.00 |l.5 9.69 0.00 0.59.4 U.O 0.5 5.8 9.3? 17,t5 |l.5 5.8l{.6t 0.00 |l.5 16.25 0.00 |l.5 2t.15 0.m o.5 26.33 0.00 t1.5 30.7? 0.00 0.5 n.23 16.22 |l.5 {.3 11.20 15.62 |l.5 {.3 t?.16 0.00 {1.5 11.?9 19.91 t1.5 5.8 It.63 19.?8 41.5 5.8 11.9t 1r.85 fl.5 t.3 12.0? 0.00 {1.5 u.68 l{.69 t1.5 {.tn.n $.02 |l.5 4.3 12.55 0.00 11.5 13.67 0,00 lt.5 12.03 0.00 {1.5 210 21m zll 21lt 213 213t 2138 zrl 2l5l 2t5 a6 2t7t 2l7S 2t7C 217t) xtl a8 219 2n ml mlt mu ma ma m2 [03 m m5 m6 m7 m8 [09 810 nl 812 [13 nl n5 ll6 n7 n8 n9 420 ul [2? lo lile: DlIIlGEtS.llS rfrBr Sprhller Prcqu by I?l Sftrare, Irc. 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HD tIfi Drilm nu rulm tEFn w r,uem $r lilou rumol c'vMn PerffflE (sH) (rilffis)truT) (rBT) (mr) {PsIiFr.) 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Building:fl Contractor : VIEI,E CS{SnnUCTI0I Calculatd ByTRUST{ C{,I[B Constructionr I l-Cobustible lXl-Xon-Coilustible ftcupancy:oR0illRl UfiR0 Date:8-25-9{ mt0RAD0 ruc.tg{-o{{ Systa to, fWR$nfiR Contract [0. ,1291 hafing lio. t.P.-{ ceiling [ei$t:8 ft. slsm D$I0t [X]-XIPA I3r [ ]-t1. W. [Xl-olDI}|ARI [AZlrRD R0[PrI [ ]-[rPA 231 [ l-trfPA 2]1Cr FIqJRE: 0,RVB: t l{Inm (specify): t l-u.[AnnD. UDI BII. DilT: I sFt€r {Ype t lrl{lET [ ]-DRI I l-0$,rer I l-PlE-AOI0l r sPRi[nm 0R il0xil,,B r lale:star bdel:0,R,P$lDtr1s Size:l/2 l-lactor: 1,3 tuperatue lati4:155-l cAIXmmIffi $ililrRv l](l-SPFIIFIC R0IJXG:IIPA-I3 R lrea of Sprinller 0tsrationi1500 knsity:.1 ka Pu Sprintler:106 Sq. ft. [ose Allurance trfit lmide:0 lose Alloflalce Gltl: Ontside:250 Rac[ Slrintlet Allorancel PSI REuiredr?5.g5 tlndagroMrl{0 UM SUPPLT r I|ATM flffi TTSI I I PUIP DATA I Date I tircr6-2-9{ m,f, Rated Capacity; Static PSIr /3O tt PSI: lesidual PSI: ?4 -ZZ Elevationr CDI Plminn!::..-r:::t' 6at-/t EVdLIUII: U location:Gore Ck, I]r. I Bri{e St. Source Inf onation: Flor lest r TA[( 0R l$mvon I capacity: Eleralion; I tfl,], r Proof llon: ,ffiw {,?o::t""r,t, l l Il3 a 0 l, I c s U [ il A R t nm sunL! il?omoflolt Static: U0.m Fi. lesitual: 9{.32 Fi. 0 681.15 qp.[me: ?50,00 gp, slstq rsir€sr 75.96 psi. | 551.31 gp. (including sose lllonnce) Supply avail$le: 105.87 pl. Safety Egin: 28.92 psi. hxh'L vetsiil il tle slsta is 22.50 ft/sc. ftDtiruity at all mde satisfid to 0.01qF. PIMreISEN f = {5 DHBI Elfi E = 90 lllflE Effl L = 90 DHE Iffi!m ESr T=tBfiOffiS B = BllllBlLl WVE c = cEl TILVI ':**n I0lS! um ml LtrE0 {0 = SCXDIIIJ {0 10 = SCflEIILE 10 L=ffilNL O = ICMI DIIIHR C[ = 00!R llPB I C[ = @PB llPB L Cl = $P?R IIPE ll PL = P0E-I0C O=OW tiler mm$.m $F Sprfuller hoqrar U PPB Sofhare, Inc. Page: I n8s[nB nfi I,EIATI0I K-FrSRm8 (Psr) (@r) (n8rl ffl 76,95 551.33 0 SfltsrEu 10,71 0.m u.5v2 68.51 0.00 12.5 Bn 65.96 0.00 17.5 DRz 54.73 0.00 17.5 sl 56.6t 0.00 12.5 62 55,58 0.00 12,5 cs3 55,02 0.00 12.5mt 50.80 0.00 21,5r02 16.A 0.00 31.5m3 {l.ft 0.00 {1,5r0{ 37.03 0.00 51.5m5 u.70 0.00 61.5 t21 50.80 0.00 21,5t26 50.80 0.00 21.5 n2 50.c0 0.00 21.5 n6 5{t.80 0.00 21.5Plo fl1.80 0.00 21,5mr 50.00 0.00 21.5P02 50.80 0.00 n.5 I03A 50.80 0.00 21.5 r03 50.80 0.00 21.5r01 50.80 0.00 ?1.5m5 50.80 0.00 21.5F06 5t1.80 0,m 21.5m? 50.80 0.00 21.5n8 50.80 0.00 a.5r09 50.80 0.00 21.5ru 50.&t 0.00 21.5 nl 50.00 0.00 21.5n2 50.t0 0.00 21.5 n{ 5{t.80 0.00 21.5n5 50.80 0.00 21.5n$ 50.811 0.00 21,5n7 50.80 0.00 21.5Fl9 50.00 0.00 21.5n8 50.80 0,00 21.5 n0 50.80 0.m 21.5P2l 50.t0 0.00 tt.5 nll 50.80 0,00 21.5nr 50.00 0.00 ?1.5t25 50.S 0.00 n.512{ 50.80 0.m 21.511ll {6.21 0.m il.5 1112 t6.21 0.00 31.5s3 {6.21 0.m 31.5llt{ {6.21 0.00 31.5 flt5 {6.21 0.00 31.5 1r)6 {6.4 0.00 31.5 m7 {6.21 0.00 3t.5 fig {6.21 0.m 11.5?10 {5.21 0.00 31.s tile: RItrB$.IIB ifiEr $pintic PnSil by PPI Sfbnrer Inc. PaS: 2 nB$m8 nn H8nnfl l-rrcmr0B (p$) t@r) (m?) 203 20{ 205 206 m 208 108t 209 210 a0l 211 au 2t2 213 2i3t 2138 tI{ 21il 215 216 2t7t 2l7t 2l7C 2t7tlu 218 219 2n m1 mu x0lB ma m2t n2 m3 ml m5 nm m7 il}8 [09 n0 xu xl2 ut nl u5 xl5 il? xl8 xl9 [20 [21 n2 {6.21 0.00 t6.21 0.00 t6.21 .0.m t6.2t 0.00 t6.21 0.00 t6.r1 0.m {6.21 0.00 t6.21 0,00{6.4 0.00 {6.21 0.m {6.21 0.00l6.a 0.00{6.4 0.00 {6.21 0.00 16.tl 0.00 16.t1 0.00t6.xl 0.00$.n 0.00 {6.21 0.00 t6.21 0.m t6.2t 0.00 |6.21 0.00 {6.X1 0.m {6.21 0.00t6.[ 0.00 {6.21 0.00 {6.21 0,00 t6.21 0.m t5.96 0.00 t5.96 0.00 t5.96 0.00 0.62 o,oo[.62 0.00 0.62 0.m il.6? 0.m{.62 0.00It.o 0.m |l.62 0.00|l.o 0.00 11.62 0.00 |l,6? 0.00 {1.52 0.00 {1.62 0.00 {1,52 0.00 t1.62 0.m t1.62 0.00 {1.62 0.00 11.62 0.00 tr,62 0.00 11.62 0.00 {1.62 0.00 t1.62 0.00 1l I 31.5 31.5 31.5 JI.] 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 JI.3 31.5 31.5 3i.5 31.5 31.5 tl.5 31.5 tl.5 31.5 1tI lt c 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 !1.5 |l.5 tl.5 It.5 {1.5 tl.5 |l.5 tl.5 {1.5 {1.5 tl.5 {1.5 {1.5 n.5 |l.5 |l.5 {r.5 tl.5 tl.5 ll.5 al r {1.5[.62 0.m '{1.5 |l.52 0.00 {1.5 31.5 31.5 Fils ilIDGtlS.ilt SF Spintler Progar ry nts S0fbare, Inc. PaSt I ntssmB nn EEYUIfi [-nemxqE (Psr) (oHt) (FErrl wt t1.62 0.00 11.5 E2{A 11.62 0.00 11.5[25 il.6t 0.00 11.5[26 |l,62 0,m {1,5xxt {1.6} 0.00 {1.5[28 n.62 0.00 {1.5[29 {1,6e 0.00 41.5[30 {1.52 0.00 t1.5sol 13.55 15.83 51.5 t.3s02 11.?8 0.00 51.5s03 1r.8? 15.0, 51,5 {.3 so{A 17.r{ l?.80 51.5 {.3sor 1?.6t 0.00 51.5s05 20.5{ 0.00 51.5s06 20,91 0.00 51.5s0, 21,t9 0.00 51.5s08 22.61 0.00 51.5s09 30.t6 0.00 51.5 slo 12.39 15.13 51.5 t.3sll 13.25 0.00 51,5s12 12.8{ 15.{t 51.5 {.3s13 15.7{ 0.00 51.5sl{ 15.2? 16.80 51.5 {,3s15 18.31 18.10 51.5 t.3s15 19.{2 0.00 51.5s17 18.8{ 10.66 51.5 {.3slSt 11.37 l{.50 51.5 {.1sr8 t2,63 15.28 51.5 t.3st9 17.0[ n,n 51,5 t.3s?0 17.35 0.00 51,5s20t 19.16 0.00 51.5 s20E 18.57 18.53 51.5 1,3sn 16.08 n.zt 51.5 t.3322 1t.72 18.60 51.5 t.3s23 19.25 0.00 51.5r25 10.CI 19.52 51.5 {.3sr6 il.5{ 22,n il.5 t.3s27 e,n fl.86 51.5 t.ls28 ?9.fi 0,00 51.5u t2.70 0.m 61.5il2 12.70 0,00 61.5n3 12.?0 0.00 61.5n$ 1t.70 0.00 61.5ru u.70 0.00 61.5n5 32.70 0.00 61.5fl15 3?.70 0.00 61.5ru 32.?0 0.m 61.5m9 32.70 0.00 61.5n0 32.70 0.00 61.5ru n.70 0.00 61,5n2 n.10 0.c0 5i.5m 32.70 0.00 61.5tlf 32.70 0.00 61.5n5 32.70 0.00 61.5 a File: BIIX&$.EI rMspinllu tmgar ry nE Sofbare, hc. lap3 | nfiflm rilr EBnnfl K-ncfinmB {Psl (s) (llnl w n8 ti9 nl n2 ns m6a t55 tr6 n5a I 2 J { E 6 1 8 9 l0 u l2 l3 ll 15 15 LI 1E l8t 19 32.?0 0.00 61.5 3t.?0 0.00 61.5 t2.?0 0.00 6r.5 t1.?0 0.00 61.5 32.70 0.00 5r.5 3t.?0 0.00 6r.5 32.m .0.00 61,5 32.70 0.00 61.5 32.70 0.00 6r.5 32.?e 0.s 61.5 55.58 0.m U.5tt.s 0.00 12.5 55.50 0.00 12.5 55.58 0.00 12.5 55.58 0.00 12.5 55.S 0.00 12.5 55,5E 0.00 t?.5 s.58 0.00 l?.5 t5.58 0.00 12.5$.5t 0.m u.5 55.tN 0.00 12.5 55.$ 0.00 12.5 55.58 0.00 12.5 5t.50 0.m u.5 55,58 0.m n,5 50,5t 0.o 1?.5s.s 0.00 11.5s.s 0.s u.5tt.5t 0.00 12.5s.5l oJn n.5 [ile: ilIIE&S.$t rT[Br Sginkler hogru b nE Sfhare,.I$.Pager 5 rifl DnBtn mB uullGs iJltGTB nv L8ffim Iu LnFfi FRIClIfl C-lauB h Pf vEtrIlI (m) (ilcrBs) (r8ET) (nrT) (rEEf) (psvn.l (psr) (p$) (n/sE) Bmn HS) trfl)B [sB ffl > u 301,33 4.5{0 40 GlE 25 lli . ) L2 301.33 3,935 0t c 71.17U2 ) BXt 301.33 t.5{0 t0 B 5.75 BRI ) Bn2 301.31 {.260 10 l,t 6 t2.57 67.57 0.012 I4{l 5.42 '0.80 5.97 33.25 10?.13 0.021 150 0.00 2,zl 1,95 26,6t 12.35 0.012 140 2,ll 0.38 5.97 12.00 18.00 0.021 120 0.00 | 11.23 6.78 r [0m Se flc Depodet Pressre loss llervice in tbe preeeding pipe accourb fc 10,85 pi of tle totrl frislior lcs rlfl BR2 > Sl 301.33 t,260 t0 t 5.75sl )s2' cs2 >s363 > I0lml >m2 lt02 ) 103 ml <w t27 ( 126t26 < n2 122 ( n6 816 ( n0 102 ( m3ml ( F02 I03 ) I0t. 301.33 {.260 10lto{ < [05. 0,00 {,260 l0 301.33 {.260 l0 tT 2X,75 301.33 t.260 l0 t 20 30r.3r {.260 l0 15 301.33 {.?60 l0 t2 30r.33 {.260 10 12 0.00 2.635 l0 tIE 220.00 2.635 10 30.00 2.635 10 90.00 2,6t5 l0 l0 0.00 2.635 10 t0 0.00 l.l0{ nr ,5 0.00 t.{52 n8 u.5 0.00 l.{52 F., T 7.50.00 l.l0l n 0.00 l.{52 tt I 0.00 1.{52 xt I0.00 1,10{ &0.00 1.{52 nI {.50.00 t.tst IL f 7.50.00 1.10r lt .5 0,00 t,{52 trE L2 0.00 1.152 Ix, B 12.5 0.00 1.t52 lI,, I t.5 0,00 1.{52 IL I 1,50.m 1.10{ lt .5 0.00 1.{5? 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tt B 218 < t19 0,00 l.r0{ & 219 < 220 0.00 1.10{ n I 219 < ll0 0,00 t.{52 tt T 215 ( 2134 0.00 1.t52 tI, T 213A < 2138 0.00 1.10{ Xt ,13t < 213 0.00 1.10{ tt t 0.00 1.101 xt E 0.00 1.10{ nT .83 0.00 1.452 [, I 10 LZ 1( {.?5 { 10.5 ?( I ?q 2.5 9.67 2,5 9.75 10.5 {.25 10.5 { 3.5m < n0 0.00 3.260 10 tfGt 21xto < [09 0.00 2.635 10 I[09 < x08 0.00 2.535 10 L], x08 (m0 0.00 1.{52 n I[08 ( [0? 0.00 2.535 l0 n x07 (m6 0.00 2.15{ 10 x06 ( x02 0.00 2.15{ t0rul ( mu 0.00 l.{52 t0 Imu ( mu 0.00 1.10{ tt f [0lB < [0] 0.00 1.t52 n I[02 ( [024 0.00 1.{5? & Imil ( mE 0,00 1.t52 tt Ima < [03 0,00 1.10{ nm3 < [0{ 0.00 1.101 & Ixot < m5 0.00 l.{5? 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BRtrE SI. Buildinqrfl Ctntnctor: VI[tr X OXSnRUCfl 0X Calqlatrd $J:lUSTt Ct.,ilE Construstiou: [ ].Cestible [Ip{ontDutible ()copaml|0Rlllllnl [AlllD I hh:8-2H{ c$umDo tE,r9{-0{{ SFte! [0. nru SPACB Snblact Io. f1?91 Ilradry [0. l.P.-5 ceiliq leishs Ft. SIs'TEI DtsId [x$m 13: Ul-tT, n . ll(l-om]xnRl milR] effip:r I I-IPPA 231 [ ]{ruA 231C: UdlRXr flnwi I Itrm (spcifil: il-n.BaaD. illDE BI:, DllT: r sTstfl TyF r [xl-r8r [ ]-DRy I f0EsE I l-PnB-AcTI0lt t SPRIIIKI,M OR il08'I,E T lkke:Star lhdel:0.n.S$PiS$tt SIzetLlZ tr-tactor:5.8 t 1.3 ftWratue natirg:l55-l c.atxx[lfloil $ilraB! [x]-sPMnc RuLil0:[FH-l3 I Area of Sprinller Fration:1500 Oensity:.15 kea Per Sprinller:Iz0 Sq. Ft. Hose Ali*ance GP[: Inside:0 [ose Nlmrce 6Pll: htside:Z50 Rack Sprhklc Aliorancel l$I Requird:72.{8 Itnderqround:140 rilER SIIPPTT r ruTm nffi Ttsl r r !u[P DAIA r lhte & lire:6-2-9{ llA.I. Rated ftDacity: Static PSI:130 At PSII Residual PSI:9{.32 Blevation: 0t{ Iloring:681.15 llevation:0 locatiouGore q. IE. t Bridge St. Source lnfonation:tlon ftst , UIK 0t ttrRroa r &pcity: Eievation I r lm,[ r Prmf flm: 'whry . i.i ttgtz ; ff4fu,,*,:i+4ar:t'o* ltD.RAIIrc s0[ilARy wm $uprr rxFutafl0[ Static; 130.00 !6i. Residurl: ilJ2 pi. 0 681.15 gF. [ce: 250.00 er. $ysien requires: 72.10 psi. I 450,18 gpr. (including Eoee Alluance) Sqly availsle: ll3.t2 psi. Safety ergin: {0.93 pi. t{axim velocif in tk systn is 1?.62 ft/sec. hditdty at all @ mtisfid to 0.01gp. NMIC IfiffiD PIPB TfPE MNO f = 15 DffiE EIfi {0 = SCIDIILB {0 I = 90 llME Elfi i0 = Sffi0UIJ 10 I = 90 DffiS tflE l0U n8fi XL = TIlIll llAl,tt=Sfr{ffi$ lD=AqllllDililfrnB=Blll$ll,lYl[Vl CI=$IPRMEK G = Oll ![I.YE CL = C0lPffi I'ttE t':**o $:ffi:ft-" rots: File; 8RIffiBlS.frB tlfiBr $prhhla Prograt by FPE Sofbue, Inc. Page: I MB$M fI,T F,ITATIOII K.TACIIR roDE (P8r) {e0 (nm) ct 72.18 450.18 0m 66.69 0.00 12.512 65.65 0,00 12,5BRl 61.t0 0.00 1?,5snz 52,22 0,00 17.5sl 51.21 0.00 t?,5s2 53,11 0.00 12,5s3 53.5t 0.00 12,5tol {9.{6 0.00 11.5t02 15.00 0.00 31.5t01 10.55 0.00 {1.5m{ 36.10 0.00 51.5il05 31.6{ 0.00 61.5t21 19,t6 0,00 21,5t26 49,46 0,00 ?1.5t22 {9,16 0.00 ll.5n5 19,t6 0.00 21.5r10 19.{6 0,00 ?1.5r0r 49.{6 0.00 21.5mt $,16 0.00 21.5ruA {9.{6 0.00 21.5t03 {9.{6 0.00 21.5r01 49.{6 0.00 21.5r05 {9.{6 0.m n.5t06 {9.{6 0.00 ll.5t07 {9.{6 0.00 21.5m8 {9.{6 0.00 21.5t09 t9.t6 0.00 n.5ru 19.15 0.00 21.5ru {9.{6 0.00 n.5 n2 t9.t6 0.00 21.5nt 19.16 0.00 21.5n5 {9.{6 0.00 21.5n$ {9.{6 0.m a.5w {9.16 0.00 2t,5n9 {9.t6 0.00 n.5n8 19.{6 0.00 t1.5 I?0 t9.t6 0.00 21.5 t?l t9.t5 0.00 il.5t?la {9.{6 0.00 21.5nx $.t6 0.00 xt.sr25 t9.16 0.00 21.5w t9.t6 0.00 2r.5i)l f5.00 0.00 3r.5ll12 15.00 0.00 3r.5?03 {5.00 0.00 31.5t0r 15.00 0.00 31,5m5 t5.00 0.00 31.5m6 15.00 0.00 31,51r? i5.00 0.00 31.5t09 t5.00 0.00 lt.5n0 {5.00 0:00 31.5 tiler ElItBl$.SB SF.Sprinilu kogrm B tPE Sofhare, Inc. pagt z PRS$IIE rilfi n8valloil K-rmmRrfrrE (P$) (ffi} (rEEr) 203 20{ 205 205 201 208 2084 209 210 2104 211 zllA LLt 213 213A 2l38 214 tlEl 2t5 2t6 2l7I 2l78 2r7C 2t7D 2r7 218 LLt 220 ml mu mu ma [024 [02 [03 m{ 805 [06 [07 [08 [09 n0 nt nu [13 n{ il5 xl6 il7 il8 n9 820 [21 itt {5.00 0.00 t1.5 {5.00 0.00 11.5 45.00 0.00 31.5 45.00 0.00 31.5 45.00 0.00 31.5 45.00 0.00 31.5 {5.00 0.00 31.5 {5,00 0,00 31.5 {5.00 0.00 31.5 {5.00 0.00 31.5 45.00 0.00 31.5 {5,00 0.00 31.5 {5,0{ 0.00 31.5 {5.00 0.00 31.5 {5,00 0,00 31,5 {5,00 0.00 31.5 {5.00 0.00 31.5 {5.00 0.00 31.5 t5.00 0.00 31.5 {5.00 0.00 31.5 45,00 0,00 31.5 {5,00 0.00 31.5 {5.00 0.00 11.5 15.00 0.00 31.5 {5.00 0.00 31.5 {5.00 0.00 3I.5 45.00 0.00 31.5 {5.00 0.00 31.5 t{.88 0.00 ll.5 {t,EE 0.00 31.5 44.88 0.00 31,5 {0,55 0.00 |l.5 10.55 0.00 il.5 t0.55 0.00 {1.5 {0.55 0.00 {1.5 10.55 0.00 11.5 {0.55 0,00 {1.5 {0.55 0.00 u.5 t0,55 0.00 |l.5 {0.55 0.00 il.5 {0.55 0.00 {1.5 {0,55 0,00 11.5 t0,55 0.00 {1.5 {0.55 0.00 {1.5 t0.55 0.00 il.5 10.55 0.00 t1.5 t{t.55 0.00 {1.5s.55 0.00 {1.5 10,55 0.00 {1.5 {t}.55 0.00 11.5 40.55 0.00 t1.5 {c.55 0.00 {1.5 {0.55 0.00 41.5 10.55 0.00 11.5 File: BRIItElS.ltE rmt.sprinkler Progran bt FPE Sofhare, Inc. pagei l mH$mB nfr ELEft?I0r (-rAcfoR roD[ {Psr) (ffi) (rEm} r2l [2{t [25 t0.55 0,00 10.55 0.00 10.55 0.00 {0.55 0,00 {0.55 0,00 10.55 0.00 {0.55 0.00 {0.55 0.00 36.10 0.00 36.10 0.00 16.10 0.00 36.10 0.00 36.t{ 0.00 35.10 0.00 35,10 0.00 16.10 0.00 36.10 0.00 36.10 0.00 36.10 0.00 35.10 0.00 16.10 0.00 36.10 0.00 36.10 0.00 36.10 0.00 36.10 0.00 36.10 0.00 36.10 0,00 36.10 0.00 36.t0 0.00 36,10 0.00 36.10 0.00 36.10 0.00 36.10 0.00 36.10 0.00 t6.10 0.00 36.10 0.00 35.10 0.00 36.10 0.00 t6.10 0,00 23.00 20.62 ?3,15 0.00 23.03 e0.51 2X.86 '0.5523,59 0.00 21.f6 19.9t 23.98 0.00 21,11 0.00 2t.7t 0.00 21.11 0,00 2t.11 0.00 2t,7t 0.00 18.51 18.50 19.39 18.93 21.65 0.00 41.5 {I.5 {1,5 {1.5 {1.5 fl.5 lt E t1.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 {t( 51.5 f,l ( ql ( [1 [ str st6 51.5 51.5 6t( 51,5 51,5 Flt 51.5 51.5 R1 E rtE [1 ( Rt( 51.5 51,5 51.5 51.5 (1 6 61.5 {.3(rI 61.5 1.3 61.5 4.3 61.5 61.5 {.3 61.5 61.5 6l.s 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 4.3 61.5 4.3 61.5 [26 t27 lr28 [29 fl30 s01 s02 900 s04 s05 s06 s07 sl)8 s09 sl0 sll gr2 st3 su $15 tr0 s17 $I8A s18 st9 s20 s20t s20B s21 s22 s2l s25 s26 s21 !4d t01 n02 t03 m{A f0{ m5 m6 m8 r09 n0 tl1 nu n3 flt4 fl5 lile; ltlffi8.frE Urjphiler ProEu hg ltE Sofhnre, Irc. pap: I m$nr nff n8vtfi0x r-ncm nol)B {P$) {ffi) (m) j {.3 {.3 {.3 ,t7 n8 n9 m 122 il94 m6A 155 ffi6 r05A 20.{0 19.{2 61.5 ?1.(b 19.73 61.5nil 0.00 6t.5 25.5t 0.00 61.5 21.68 rl.S 61,5 22.31 0.00 61.5 2{.13 0.00 61.5zl,n 0.00 61.5 22.12 20.5{t 61.5 22.t6 0.00 61.5 51.?? 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n Bl t2t.96 2.15{ XL 178.82 2.15{ l0 21.36 1.104 )0 T 20,52 1.152 n 0.00 2.635 10 0.00 2.151 tf, T 0.00 2.154 )f, 0.00 2.15{ xL T0.00 2,t5t I 0.00 1,101 )f, 0,00 1.104 n 0.00 1.{52 )tt T 0,00 i,104 xt 0.00 1.101 It0,00 1.{52 n t0.m l.$l I|t 0,00 1.10{ II,0.00 l.{52 lil, t0.00 1,t52 n0.00 l.{52 n0.00 1.t52 n I0.00 1.{52 n 0.00 1.t52 It I0.00 1.{52 n 6.00 15.00 0.00 10.005.00 7.000,00 0.33 5.00 11.00 16.00 21.17 0.00 1.33 0.00 6,255.00 7.500.00 5.17 0,00 1{.00 10.00 13.50 0.00 12.00 10.00 18.50 0.00 12.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 10.00 6.00 1{.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 10.006.00 14.000.00 10.000,00 10.00 6.00 1{.000,00 2,000.00 10.00 6,00 8.00 0.00 2.006,00 8.00 0,00 10.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.088 120 0.00 0.32{ 120 0.00 0.185 120 0.00 0.096 120 0.00 0.089 120 0.00 0.111 120 0.00 0,225 120 0.00 0.115 LZl 0.00 0.028 120 0.00 0.000 120 0,00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 r20 0,00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 r20 0,00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0,00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0,00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 r20 0.00 0,000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0,000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88 5.20 2.26 12.55 0.06 11.02t.25 6.51 2,t2 8.15 0.15 10.74 1.11 15.7{ 0.86 7.16 0.15 {.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.000,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9 10 2 11 I 11.17 1. JJ 6.25 2,5 5.17 14 l1L' OE L' i0 10 I IO 10 8 10 IO I , 10 10 tlu - :)fg,t u(J o>ZJtIEIIulo0t s Lfu 13 c o E o ;,E UI l A E- o-l m L 0, o3 "t i o o o {,a h..\ Str,- +V- CONTRAF'LAM ONLY (NO SPECIAL FRAMINC SYSTEM) SUFFIX DETAILS FOR EXTERIOR APPLICAT]ON GLASSPROTEX'" PRODUCT TYPE: GONIRAFLAM 1 HOUR WALL TNSTALLATTON . METHOD WTHOUT SPECIAL FRAME DATE: 06 /2E /1se1 )LALL: N. T.S. FILE NAME: GPXONLY.DWG rf&o'renrpn's rNc.TEL: (41 5) 822-4222 CHK'D: D MA]ERIALS AND CONSIRU (NOT BY O'KEEFFE'S) MINIMUM 16 GAUCE STEEL sruD (NOT BY 0 KEEFFE S) MINERIAL WOOL BATT #12 X 3' FLAT HEAo SELF-TAPPING STEEL SCREW AT 12. ON CENTER 1 3/A" X 1" CoNTTNUOUS CALCIUM SILICA1E BOARDS 20 GAUCE X 1.57" X 1.18- CONNNUOUS SIEEL ANCLE (45 DEGREE MIIER AT CoRNERS) AITACHEo rO STEEL STUO WITH #I2 X I- FLAT HEAD SEtf-TAPPING SIEEL SCREW AI 12' ON CENTER r/8- coNrNuous =uJ>u= fa I II I I Ii II Covz6= =E CERAMIC FIEER TAPE WIIH S€LF-AOHERING BACKING 1/4'CONIINUOUS SIUCONE RUBBER SEALANT 20 GAUGE X 1.57" X r.1A' CONTINUOUS STEEL ANGLE (45 DECREE M ER AT CORNERS) GLASSPROTEX'" - C.?o'Knsrrn's rNC.rtL: (41 5) 822-4222 06 /17 / 1991 FILE NAME: GPXP2T.DWG .60 MINUIE RATED CONIRAFLAM TRANSPARENT PAN€L 20 GAUGE X 1.57- X 1.18" CONTINUOUs S'TEEL ANGLE (45 DEGREE MITER AT CORNERS) 1,/4" COTT1NUoUS SIUCONE RUBBER SEALANI 1/8" CoNTINUOUS *i>6z rrJ >ii I CERAMIC RBER TAPE WTH SELF-ADHERING BACKING hz;x'E620 GAUGE X 1.57' X 1.18" CONIINUOUS SIEEL ANGLE(45 DEGREE MTIER AT CORN€RS) ATTACHED IO STEEL SIUD rVrTH #r2 X 1' FLAT HEAD SELF-TAPPING STEEL SCREW AT ]2" ON CENTER | 5/E' X l' CONTNUOUS CALCIUM SILICAIE BOARDS in2 x 3' FLAT HEAD SELF-TAPPING STEEL SCREW AT 12" ON CENTER 3/16"x15/E"x11/2" LONG NEOPRENE SETNNG BLOCK (TWO PER UTE MINIMUM) MTNERAL WOOL BATT (NOT sHowlr FoR CLARTTY) BETWEEN SETTING BLOCKS MINIMUM 16 GAUGE sIE€L STUD (NOT BY O'KEEFFE'S) MATERIALS AND CONSIRUC (NOT BY O,KEEFFE'S) oa9yz a? =d II II Eiffil cLASSpRoTEX'" PRODUCT TYPE: 93o'xnrrRn's rNC.TEL: (a15) 822- 4222 06/t7 /1991 60 MINU]E RAIEO CONTRAFLAM lRANSPARENT PANEL I I I + I I I ui>!t !r> =? 20 GAUCE x r.57- X 1.18" CONTINUOUS STEEL ANGLE (45 DEGREE MI1ER AT coRNERs) r /4" coNllNuoJs SILICONE RUBBER SEALANT r/8'coNTlNUous CERAMIC FIBER TAPE WlH SELF-ADHERING BACKING oot!_z h2 =xtro20 GAUCE X 1.57- X 1.1E" CONTINUOUS STEEL ANGLE(45 OEGREE MI]ER AT CORNERS) ATTACHED TO STEEL SrUo WTH #12 X 1" FLAT HEAD SELF-TAPPING STEEL SCREW AT 12- ON CENTER r 5/8" x r" coNnNuous CALCIUM SILICATE BOARDS 'I2 X 3" FLAT HEAD SELF-IAPPING STEEL SCREW AT 12" ON CENTER MINERIAL WOOL BATT MINIMUM 16 GAUGE S1EEL STUD (NOT 8Y O'KEEFFE'S) MATERIALS ANO (NOT 8Y O'KEEFFE'S) GLASSPROTEX* PRODUCT TYPE: rlPo'rneFrn's rNc.IEL: (al5) 822-4222 06/\7 /1991 o o o 1 5/8" X 1" CONIINUOUS CALCIUM SILICATE BOARDS -_--------l 20 GAUGE X r.57" x 1.i8" \ CONT]NUOUS STEEL ANGLE \ T-(45 oEGREE Ml'rER AT CORNERS) \ \ | MINER|AL WOOL BATI _________--.. \ \ I MINIMUM 16 GAUGE STEEL \\\ IT-sruD(NoTBYo'KEEFFE's)-_l \ \\ | | MAIIRIALS AND CONSTRUCNON \ \ \I IIr-(NOT BY O'KEEFFE'S) I \ \ \\ III\ \ \r\ ttl rr ttt t -\Ril-i-rrn/r I '*'trWtrH4l II tl @ I rt-f -F#l/| ilruI ll lffi-I mufumttr= -JI n il rT--_lir-| ----l 4- | /A" F-z_Bj.uir1.uru.t' l-__#l'^jif8_ L \ JAMB DETAIL \_/ 1/2 FULL scALE _ r/8' CoNTINUOUS CERAMTC FTBER TAPE WIIH SELF-AOHERING BACKING 20 GAUGE X 1.57" X t.t8' CONIINUOUS STEEL ANGLE _ (45 DEGREE MIIER AT CORNERS) ATTACHED TO STEEL SruD W'Th #I2 X 1" FLAT HEAD SELF-TAPPING STEEL SCREIV AT 12" ON CENTER _ ll12 x 3" FLAT HEAo SELF TAPPINC STEEL SCREW AI 12' ON CENTER _ 1/4' CONnNUOUS S|L|CONE RUBBER SEALANT _ 60 MINUTE RA]ED CONTRAFLAM TRANSPARENT PANEL : I ? I EHT GLASSPRoTEX'' PRODUCT TYPE: DATE: 06/17 /'t9s1 qaAr tr. AS SHOWN FILE NAME: CPXPSO.DWG C/3o'xnerrr's rNC.TEL:(415) 822-4222 CHK'D: xff,ares 2 obs| February 20, 1992 Mr. Gary Murrain, Chief BuiJ-ding Offj.cial Town of Vaj.L Community Development 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, CO 81657 Re: Covered Bridge Building 227 Bridge StreetVaiI, Colorado Dear Gary: The following is a memorandum of the phone conversation we had February 19 regarding the 199'l UBC and ADA issues for the above proj ect. 1. A11 the retail ceiling mechanical grills in the one-hour floor/ceiling assembly wiJ,l be fire dampered (suppLy and return ) . The prlmary exit stair and elevatornot be mechanically pressurized due above grade (3310.6). The elevator lobby on al-l levels isto the stair (3305.h). 2. 3. shaft (two-hour) needto sufficient height allowed for exit through In addition, the following design is being made with the intentof complying with UBC and ADA guidelines. 4. The area for evacuation assistance (Levels Two and Three )wilL be the elevator lobby (3104.b.G) constructed of two-hour assembly. These are adjacent to the exit enclosure (3104.b.D, ). We would ask that the size be adeguate for one 30 x 48 area as the occupant load is less than 200 (3104.2't. Mr. Gary Murrain February 20, 1992 Page 2 Further, lt is our interpretation and intent to satisfy ADA 4.3.11 .7 to provide 1.S-hour smoke-proof doors on the stair and efevator to the lobby rather than pressurj.ze these shafts. We feel this provides a smoke-proof enclosure. 5. The Level Four Group R3 occupancy will have accessibility through the elevator accessed at the polnt of vehicular debarkation in Pepi rs lot ( 3103 .b.2') . This is provided even though this single unit is not required to be accessible (3103.9.8 exception). Thereforet an area of rescue assislance and the reguired stairway width of 48" between rails is not provided at this time. The foregoing represents my understanding of matters discussed and decisions reached. If the interpretation of others variest please inform us j-n writing. Sincerely, ARNOLD/GWATHMEY/PRATT ARCHITECTS, P.C. Eric EJ/ad Johnson,Architect Fvu Le'orc.z FLQ,". Plt,,ro= ,l-ZZ' - O') h'- +tr HW7e2 ?A'/?Y- Htvs h'- ht'6'- erll ?w*e cwesf ltt'z.rl ezHof 1 4'-o " 1'-atl -tl ,r. I ?,, tg $i 24' h Ae? 1. 6h o aa. v9\/e v a {A ET tt _l ^t =t + _l F /\ \fpr- --/ DATE: 1.aa.n2 SI{EET NO. 4ox77g7? ??teOe UUILA li ELEV o\"|'t ro,- tr tl S}IEET NO. 4 0x/ er-w ?ctw, 9utuelh-l(a 4T"'{7 + B]rry PLA,\I t/+F ah' g'- +tt lrc'- 2.t' uevev a4a- If- 4'- -? l'4t-at'll qT 4r4a f + 'L1 oec, $ ? $ retl t- _l ;o -l + -lF *2HA? ? ' L7l aca. r t i,f -l tr _l tc L?' - a't' 4'*u 4 tLtl t (rll J il =..{-:t-:l -'cl t b" t -t ...t alAaP z, 16 eae. LN?L IAF:E;F- EI izl bLa"| '- tl' DATE: 7.,ZO.tZ- sI{EET NO. 6aVE?Et> O?tOUe ?'Jr-OtNC? hTrtg* eAEv Ft,AFl - t/+" r l1- rzit I '1,4t - att b'' *tl r*tllll r.-. -.--.j FeF uoe tl-lr q'- +'l b'- tll 1.4" b'-rytl 4'- ltr uev?v ?aue I { I ts i{ii P€stAauqe DATE: z,zo.alu SI{EET NO. 4oV ??eO ?A DOg ?.-JILQI LI(z hTFf Ba ELEV Pu*t{ . V4" L7:15 13439494454 Fa: gru f'cotlf?wt&b. :?Wtfu+lWfi * w:!'I a'. .: . I j.T''{oat1 il : *6 @ Qflt.;;..: . -l,t cqt?w* nr1 .. lbFl8.." , b#l+T htrU-t* 3 M[I.|R0E/NE[,ELL EMi.\ffi1 . -'.A?:@,t+'r Ir:otltt Prl Srlt|0 R el|ls D f ff ttiW/sij#x=;+, --'-.5b:l'nuFdflarr-'w o*w: . .'-'. +.ffi\?.#:-r+ffi ='--": --" i' -.l - Il r^,o, &ll \rrlrt &rgtt " . '; i tfl#-frffiI:H*ffin,;' ,i i i -{ tI' !cE:E:itEhPt-rf+ o YTT_l? HI I It ng$iaf,aflHgg{**flHg${Ff,HF eEtr ll iiaFiH Ht &o Hc E I IatIE o bf6 a I I o o o o o * Eq EF o o t I o I o o o o IaEtT I H I E g EIE+l- + T I Er fllul fll o T !tt T. ! EHtt_ I I t I I I I o e 8 :I H{ 2? Eg g I EexEEsH*EerErl Tt T I g ia !tI 1 E l.z e FI T tt E EI d $t- E8 E 1 eI tH qgEEEiE,*HsHEEEi**f,EEE,EEaE I I T HB t E B 1 !o o --t \--J \-J \-r- \- .-.---- [Yto.son1 ', 4*t*o:o sl>s f+J nAki"a An r-- ROPOSED AMSTIAMMER"\l fEA fortx Pl r;:[!::::"i, D I \ \ --* \ ", ,.,,......, - ... . --.. ...,:- - ,. -B-RID GJgo LOT C, LOT D & BLOCK vAtf VILLAGE Iti l!I :-. t......... -......._._.._......-- | -- '^-- - :"- ' l'r.i- -- l-*'"- -'t{-"'-- ' r Pl-Afl.\l----------J \ t- I I I I I I I ST.REET PART OF LOT5-B FIRST FILING 0 os Fl o $ FIIt{\\ F. il \ rI f \ \ -.-= \ ., . \ -..\LOT 8 REF. !$IDSCAPE PU\}I FOR MATERIALS & OUAiII.TIES .,///,/"^"^ "-t---'*- '/,/- -+6-stt COVERED BRIDGE /1 Jl\o tc( fr 9:'-.1- r Lft**r?d;a rl FALN6 BEI-4OVABLE SITE PLAN lt' = 10'- 0" *P VI-{tdj jo €;l-o ,Q:,Yp J-k 6 ""- I &l= I ?\lP{\-\- { \ \-<lai.l - Jij, l- ()i-d9'/ . ].2€ |l\.ts Il-, /li t lr--(h a-- P\h 1ot-t<-\>\))L.E.6-)Pdo: ii J7\'c,''D \_t-\a.'? l-3 \*. {Ns\o or- +- -=C\. f 5(vEo-q UJI:ur,/JX8_{rd -rvl- <----''rr I i;-4 | \r,d HB Jo dd, t>* ffAE H2rl?Ei =eNHPP*nUH #+u' Flloo Px$ CJP rgo fn c.( S I r\T €t- Ft.) l.-ulg €(gg9 5,.t k1#q:+)5 r,.l(^Ht=) <-lu\ o=c. J aA..J-.9sL .--'t P v', -.P'q!nq<yU< IC. Fe--yG +15-:\)+ J\ E5E o tL- Ia- ie l$,Ir,la l\5 I l { c _g tr_ I <1(l d1 vl 9,1+islpt Lrl I+lfi1lol\ni I I \ I \ -tg \J d6\t <to' ttr3- il3i Bt:, Tq rqqi{J1I i$i{ 33i{ d'5d3 \ \ I I I I i I tO5ad..C U/) AJaj 3 ct -rt\),J' )- o €\Ja SJ ,? ,o H -P a-sl oc + rotlj -{ l-. E+ $q5 ^trn(J L-u\,n,tT s.( J Joal o) .5lvt d t Xllj )dr J,d Jtt a t dJyt 9$9n I g( v.+r\:\iyn Xjil'ipp by-. n'.'r cD -d l) t, s {or -0 '8+vl s) p o (L .5 )d .J\ t irl d \1(fr-) \.:p o. ./)(. A v) (t J., ( ,3(r ,;.lilY --e I t\ -\) - -s) )' ,oY J 9'c ) tY trI -,t <.r'1..tJ ,c )J ,oY { g H a H ) A0 UJ E Hd AA A Jrlv \rJ E -lv ql. ul<o *-t:tr? LEv ?lol- lr \-' g Y ? L] tt-r tt-)-tfi J,+l J€ / +rs -g-f6\^ O CONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of communaty development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPEoFPERMITI/ ll'//^^' t / "'u///42 EBUILDING IX+ PLUMBIN6E4gg BUILDING ELECTRICAL f rouruonrtoruIME LEGAL )esc. I^T BLK-- FILING SOVERED BRIDGE BLI JOBNAME: COLORADO COFFEE CO TF OWNER NAMF COLORADO COFFEE CO MAIL ADDRESS crrY Pp.49-7 r79 ARCHITECT plpi,t G' P' s MA|L ADDRESS 1000 s FRONTAGE clry VArL 81657 pH.476-LL47 GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM JL VIELE TowN oF vAtL REG. No. 188-A rFl F 476-3082 lrr.r*,.o,- CONTRACTOR FIRM I^IHfTE RMR ELECTRIC TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 145-F. rELE. 949-1403 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM \7AtrLEY UIDE MEEII TowN oF vArL REq. Ne. 103-P rFl F 949-L747 MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR slpM VALLEY WIDE MECH rowN qE vArL HEG. No. 103-P 949-r7 47 OTHER CoNTRAcTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE, NOTE _ COPY OF PEBMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE NOVEMBER 2, 1994 7099PERMIT NO. DATE 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AEEH IRM DfVfSfON L22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : TENANT FIN]SI{ PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP G.R F A VALUATION BUILOING PERMIT 255.00 PLUMBINGNEW( ) ALTERATION 4(r\) ADDITIONAL( ) REPAIRO DWELLING UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. ACCOMMOOATION UNITS - NO. FIREPLACES INSULATION: ADDITIONAL PERIVIITS NEEDED TOTAL PERMIT FEES AN STANEK TT-2-94 11-1-94 NING ADMINISTRATOR ING & BUILOING NOTES: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TO: AND THE OWNER, I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inlormation required, compleled an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and slate laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other orditances of tE Tow.p gpplicable thereto. SIGNATURE OF CONSTRUCTION oommunity development PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATENoVEMBER 2' 1994PERMIT 3&ui,00 TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT Elr eutrolructr elecrRrcRl fl MECHANICAL D!tr 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IR M OIVISfON 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK ; qrEtt i l\Itr TrTanT artt tTTmlrtrtlat PERMITNO.-......g z F- f EUILDING 6000 - oo ELECTRICAL PLUMBING CABINETS. TILE. PAINT. TRIM & BASE MECHANICAL ONLY. TYPE GROUP G.R.F,A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES II lHn B-2 BUILOING PERMIT r05 .00 +q ,a.. QM=F_Is\v PLAN CHECK 68 .00 ELECTRICAL NEW( ) ALTERATION (v* ADDITIONAL( ) REPAIR( )PLUMBING DWELLING UNIIS - MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT. - NO.FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE OESIGN REVIEW EOARD CLEAN-UP OEPOSIT 100.00 Exr. wALLS | |USE TAX 3.00ROOFT{ILL CAIL TYPE OF SOLABHEAT GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES r76 .00 DAN STANEK LL-2-94 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIALsrcur I 1 I rutLDtNG oFFtctAL DATE MIKE I,IOLLICA 11-1-94 ONING ADMINISTRATOR OATE BLASTING :ONING & BUILDING NOTES:;;-; I I I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the intormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Torvn ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, designlaws, and to build thrs slruclure accororng to tne lown's zonrng ano suDorvrsron cooes, oes review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordjnances of the Toyn applicable thereto. CLEAN UP DEPoSIT T0:4-</=,e487414 4 - - 71 { =-f4/e-eE/atz ANO THE OWNER. OR FOR HIMSELF FILING COVEREN RRTDCE RT.NC JOBNAME: CO COFFEE Co. COSMETICS rvrueIVERS0N,/H0VER PH.949-717 MAIL ADDRESS ctw PH. ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR F|RM REDO ETC. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. AAO-R 827-9166 LECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. CONTRACTOR OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. PER}lIT t/ &."r"n'\ # ry/00 PERMTT APPLTCATION DATE: FORItf ocT 2 I 1ss4 ll AppLrcArroN MUsr BE FTLLED our coMpl-,ErEry nrFcCIfi}rl\,4Tffi\FB[f+,"""r"o ^-:;---.********************** PEII!{IT INFORMAIION ****************r************ f -Build+F.$\ t, $iiffi* , J;"l,"ctricar [ ] -]rechanicar r l -other l€ao Job Name: ffi="'--Job Address: z?7 Apt/vnF < Legal Description: IJotrn: loE_ Block..!! Filing.JzlzJ€ Z/&Vz Block Or,rners Nane: Architect: '-,A Address: Address: ceneral Description: Work Class: p(3-Wew J/ P}:.7/7-7ry Ph. Number of Accornmodation Units: ,/ I{ood/Pellet ********************* OTHER: $TOTAL!@ TNToRMAUoN ******* * *************** **** I."ron "{ Vail Reg. NO. ?7O-6Phone Number: p- g T Tolrn of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: lown of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. oFrIcE usg ****** * * ****** * * * * * ************ BUTLDTNG PI,AN cHEcK FEE: h?. PLUUBTNG PI.AN dffi;il i;;: - MECIIANICAL PIJAN CHECK FEB: TION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAI, PER!,IIT FEES: ZONING: ;;;ffTJRE , Number of Dwelllng Units: / f*"r and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances/Wcas Logs {* * * * * * * t * * * T;tI;t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * vALUATToNs * * * * !r * * * * * * * ELECTRTCAL: }TECEANICAL: CONTRACTOR Address: Electrical Address: Contractor: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: *************** ********* ****-frJ * FORBUTLDING PERUTT FEE: PLUMBTNG PERMIT FEE: IifECHANTCAI-I PERMIT FEE : ELECTRTCAII FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: /o5- - J -Alterati tsurLDrNG: S tr- ILUMBTNG: I lvv * fi* ****.************* !r ********z Eeneral Contractor: t?54, CLSAT I'P DEPOSIT NEFT'ND TO: TO; FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTBACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A'PUBUC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED @ the need fora .PublicWay permit": NOYES ,Xls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public [roperty? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent asess needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done afieAing the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit" required? A. ls the right of way, easements orpublic property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. It no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Communit! Development? It-v9u- algyered yes to any of these questions, a "Public way permit" must bs obtained."Public way_ Permit' appricationg riy be obtained a the'pubric work,s office or atc.o.9ry1u1titv Developmenl Jf vou. h-1v_e aQr questions ptease cail chartis Davis, the Ton nof Vail Construction Inspector, at 429-21Sg.' 1) 2) 3) 4',) 5) 6) 7) 8) X X x X X, abo_ye questions.I have r-ead and s Signaure luwn 75 soulh trontagG rord urll, coloEdo 8165? (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 otflcc of co|r|m||nlty dcrolopma|il BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TII-IE FMME If this peynit reoui.res a Town of Vair Fire Departnent Approval ,Ensineer''s (.publi" fi|:l ";;i"; .;l'approval, a planninf. Deparunentreview or Hear th Departrn6nt. review, "n['"-i"ui"; ;i-il;;'.i"it aing Siri[H5'l;"ll: ."i'.ted time ror'a-totar ".uiin-fov"Li!."s rons A'l'l cornmercial (large or sma'r'r) and alr murti-fani]y permits wilrhave to foJrow ihe ibove ilii6.il-dx.imum requirements. Residentialand smal'l projects shourd ui"-J-i"ise"'amornd or timi. However, ifresidentiar or sma|r-er,projiiis-impiii' *,. various above mentioneddepartments with regard, to necessai.y review, these prcjects mayalso take the three-weet< perioJ. Every attempt will be made by this deparunent to expedite thispermi't as soon as possibie. - ---'- --r-' I:-Il. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeTrame. -€EQz. Corunun'i ty Devel opment Department. lnttn 75 soulh hont ga rold rell, colorsdo 81657 (3031 479-2L.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FR,OM: DATE: su&fEet: rn sunmarT, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlavful for anyperson to ritter, track or aep-sii.;t-=;irl-ro?i, sand, debrisor material , including_gq"=|,-trrnsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles. upon any street, s:.ae*air, -;tl;y or public$:ii"=::":lg #f'.;" rh;;";;:--;+. iigrii:;i_;;;-;" au rown or rhr : ;;e i;;;;;iii:!: - $,i:iil.:#ff :L'"f 1;: *"il-':fl:i, -' Public works oeoariurentl--p"i=3nl rouna .ri'.,rrti'g this ordinancewitr be siven a-z+ houi "=i;;;";"ii""-to-;;;""""id nateriar.rn the event the person so notified.does not conpty with thenotice nittrj.n .o:_:l- l":i-tlr"-liecified, trre pultic worksDepartment wirl remove said nateii"r-.i-it.-'!*pJi=e of personnotified- The provi=ions-or-[ii] orainance srrirr no. beapplicable to c-onstruction, -riiii"rr.nge 9_r repair projects ofany street or atley o" iny'u[iriii"= in the ,igtt_u_*"y. To review Ordinance No. 5 in full, please stop by the Town of:::i.:L'1:i"g"Tf;i**:*"::"d;i" a copv. rirani you ror your oftlc. ol communlly developmcnt ALL COTIRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED IfITH THETOWN OF VAIL TO?{N OF VArL PUBLIC LoRKS/CO!{!,II'NITY DEVEIOPUENT ItlARcH 16, 1988 CONSTRU TION PARKING & MATERIAI STORAGE r i.e. contractor, ohrner) Plan Review Based on the l99L Uniform Codes NAME: COVERED BRIDGE COFFEE DATE: ll-l-94 ADDRESS:2Z7 BRIDGE ST CONTRACTOR: REDOETC VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE CCUPANCY: B.2 ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: ll-lHR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUTRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vait. 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR AN INTERIOR TENENT FINISH ONLY. 3. FrELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQT.TTRED TO CrmCK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 4. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAYBE REQIIIRED TO APPROVE ANY STRUCTUAL CHANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED BY TOV. 5. VENTILATION IS REQUTRED AS pER SEC 705 OF TI{E 1991 UBC. 6. ALL PENTETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 7. HEALTH DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Tc'.vn cf Ysil flHrli;i: ilffipY Mr'{*l //'z-// I, PERMIT APPLICATION FOR}TDAIE. to(Jtfqq 0fi z 0 I APPLrcArroN Musr BE FTLLED olrt collPr.ErEtv oR1ilI ,lE,,L.!ruP$, ffiletro f,***********.****************** -gpRilrr rilFoRllA31g11 i**************************** - -tr<l-ruuiling ffi-plu:nbing ffi-Etectrlcal &l-uechanicat [ ]-other _ 4 eD2tt'*^ t, 10ff \ ,, Job Address: Legal Description: Iot Block ordners Nan":Qgag-e_lrFf;Ec C,o Address: Architect: Gqlargre Pl|..?{7-vt71 1t3{ Job Naroe: (btotaq Wp lF*"= and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances- Gas Logs wood/pellet_ {**************************** ***** va,wfuirirrs ********************************* tg_lr_pl{gr ! :^goo.ob,-, Er.EqrRrcr,i rt-M orrleR: I li"*:t*": lltmfm MEcEANrcAr,tWdo rord; W e Giliii!:#::$;:_i:i=",.,,f e:g*p*'o*,lll.l;";:ii.;:;:.il:.......Address: Kn S,F,,tott pfrone-Nunf""r--g[;;r- E1ectricalContracy"=,,Q,;n@Townofvai1Reg.No.- Address: _&)e ltE A.v,,J ?leo- , ptrone-llunl;;;-_gt:r/u* Plunbing Contract€rz UXtat Npt t1ecA. Town of Vail Reg. NO.Address: F,.'.- Srayo Auo^r--?86- phone Nurober: jftjif General Description: work Class: D4-Nen [ ]-A1teratJ.on [ ]-Adctitional [ ]ln"p"i" I J-other {Ugper of Dwelllng Units:Nunber of Accommodation Units: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************rt FOR OFFfCA USE ************ ******** ***********BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLI'MBINE PERIiIIT FEE: MECHANTCAIJ PERMIT F8E: Town of Vall Reg. NO. Phone Number: qv,nv- BUII,DTNG PI.AN C}IECK FEE:/46 -PLUUBING PI,AII CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAI.I-UP DEPoSTT: r/IJUIIII'ING PI.iAI{ CHECK FEE: 14 -T.IEcHANIcA& pLAN CHECK FEE: -F VAIJUATTON TOTAL BUTI.DING: STGNATURE ZONTNG: STGNATURE /aa -W- EI;ECTRTCAI.I FEE: OTHER IYPE OF FEE DRB FEE: u2i u elr'^lil lP ITEPoSIT BEntf,D J.c- Vte<r C*:wa,uc;nrrJ . TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDiJM ALL CONTRACTOBS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED 1) ls this a new residence? 2l ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public propedy? 3) ls any'utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? ' ,..:r:::-. ,,i.ii.. , .5) ls ditlerent aooess neEded to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfec{lng the right of way, easements, or public properfy? 7'l ls a'Flevocable Right of Way Permit' YES NO-- -_ \/,\ required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property'to be us'eO tor staging, K parking or fencing? " B. ll no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan requirei Oy C6hmrinity Y Development? lf you_ answered yes lo any olthese questions, a "Pubtic Way Permit' rnust be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at C9-r-nmu1'tV Development. lf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis, the Town of Vaif Construction Inspecior, at.47g-2158. I have read and answered allthe above questlons. X { K Job Name (nred Qa sig l/,F,gv t 75 routh frontrga rord v!ll, coloredo 81657 (3et) 479-21.38 ot 479-2t39 TO: ERO}I: DATE: SU&TEET: olltcc ol conmunlty dcvelopmcnt AI,L CO!flTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WT$T THETOWN OF VAIIJ TOVnI oF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COU]IITNITY DEVEIpP]IENT !,IARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUETION PARKTNG & UATERIAI STOR.AGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states trrat it is unrarfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit.a"i-""ir,-"oli, sand, debrisor material , including trash hunpster3, por-i"uie-'toilets andworkmen vebicles. Tpon--any street-, sidewaik, ariev or publicplace or anv nor*iin trreieoi. --ri"-;i;;;;i;;;=in au rown orvail streetl ina-rga$s is-ipi"ri'ir"tely 5 rt. oft pavenent.This ordinance sill be ;t"#ii;"lnforcea by the Town of vailPubric works DeDartment. perslns found ,rr6rilini this ordinanceyill- be siven a 24 hour rritten-ndi; t;-;;;;:"="id nateriar.rn the event the person so notified-aoes noi ioipry with thenotice within rhe- 24 hour.riil-;;;;i;r;,"ii"-iltric worksDepaft'nent wiu remove said nateliar at ih;-;6;;=e of personnotiried- The provisronJ-or-trri"-""aii"ff ;f,5ii not beapplicable to cinstructi.on, o."ir,t.rr"rrce or repair projects ofany street or att_ey or any utilities i" tt.-ri]fri_"_r.y. To review Ordinance No. E in ful1, please stop by the Town ofIlil_l:-ilgine Dgp1rtment to oliain a copy. rirani< you for yourcooperation on this natter. lnwn 75 .outh lrontrg€ rold vrll, colorrdo 81852(303) 479-2138 ot.479-2L39 offlcc of communlly douclopmrnt BUILDING PER}|IT ISSUANCE TII4E FMI.IE If this ?ery_lt. ryqui,re; a Town of Vail fire Departnent Approval,Engineerh. (-pgbl ic ttl:l review ana approvail'i piiriin6"b"p."un"nt review or Health Departm6nt review, ana'a-"erien Ly-iii""EuiiaingDepartnent, the estimted time for'a totat "euie,,-;"i";i;'as rongas three weeks. All conrnerciat ('large or smal'l) and all mutti-famlly permits willhave t0 fol'low dtre Soov-e ffiiionee maxinu,rm.requiretnents. Residentiarand-sna'tt projects shou]d tatie a leslei'amound or timJ- nirii"i"","ii'residentfal oi smailer_prcjebts irpaii the various-"uove mlntioneodepartnents wi th resard' to- necessii,i- "evie*, -iil;; ;;; j;.ii' ruyalso take the three-weet perioJ.- Every attempt wfll be made by this department to expedite thispermit as sgon as possible. - -- -'rr-Yrrs v' I, the frame.. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time @Coreec Conmuni ty Devel opment Department. Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: COI,ORADO COFFffi CO DATE: 1G'31-94 ADDRESS: 227 BRIDGE ST CONTRACTOR: JL VIELE VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: GPS CCTJPANCY: B-2 ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CICNSTRUCTION: 11-1HR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTTONS REQIITRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vait. 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. TI{IS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR AN INTERIOR TENENT FIMSH ONLY. 3. FIELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. 4. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAYBE REQUIRED TO APPROVE A}.IY STRUCTUAL CHANCES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED BY TOV. 5. VENTILATION IS REQUIRED AS pER SEC 705 OF TrrE 1991 UBC. 6. ALL PENNSTRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINCS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITI{ AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 7. IIEALTH DEPARTMBNT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Town r:f Vnil 715* l""i;^, j'-* f"i,Ftrfl t Ljf f" lu L- i-,' .'' it "{ -l , I I { d^. +v\il TI rl I \l ! CHECK REQUEST DATE: -2 DESCRIPTION OF EX?ENSE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND FOR BP # NAMEOFJOB: ACCOUNTNUMBEK OI OOOO22 AI\4OUI{T OFREFUND: DATE APPRoVED: 24 Ll - ?b APPROVAL SIGNATURE: CONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of community development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUTLDTNG ! ptUrilArNC ELECTRTCAL ! rOUruoerton M ECHAN lcAbt#*ge* srREEr NorE - copy oF pERMrr ro BE KEpr oN JoBSrrE 5r*42? o*e iv'l4- , "r*u,#911-]-l E ri;r L-6,1 --t 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I ll lll lV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IR M OIVfSfON 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : TFNANT I'TNT SH PERM z tr J BUILDING 2 ,000 ELECTRICAL 2 ,000 PLUMEING N/A MECHANICAL 2,000 TOTAL I 6.000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES B-2 H 1IIR BUILDING PERMIT 105.00 a 4133i _s F>s+\s:>= PLAN CHECK 68.00 ELECTRICAL 50.00 new tX$ ALTERATION () ADDITIONAL() REPAIR(PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS _- HEIGHT IN FT. - NO.FIREPLACES MECHANICAL 40.00/Pc=$ 10,00 RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO cLEAN_uP oEPOSrr( 1oo )100.00 USE TAX WILL CALL 9.00t#t ELEC. I HEAr soLAR I GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES 382.00 DAN STANEK IL/9/94 ADDITIONAL PEBMITS NEEDED. Y N INITIAL sr cur I | | UILDING OFFICIAL UTKEMOLLTCA ____ CNING ADMINISTRATOR DATE - rulqle4-l BLASTING ONING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state review apploved, Uniform Building Code an ordinances of the applicable thereto. CLEAN UP ?,1, DEPOSIT TO: tJi.r.la [or*16;ffu,-TURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF THE OWNER. LEGAL DESC. JOB NAME: C6VERED BRID6E OFFICE FtL;NG coEED Hnue COVERED BRIDGE LTD. 227 BRIDGE ST. MAIL AODRESS crrY vArL, co P349-5071 OWNER ARCHITECT FIRM GWATHMEY PMTT SCHULTZ MA|LAppRESSlooo s FR0NTAGE RD lt /| Tr /tn cf TYVAIL ' UU PH.4 t O- L L4 t rrnu J.L. VrELE CoNSTRUCTT TowN oFVATL REG. No. 188-A 47 6-3082 GENERAL CONTRACTOR rlnu WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC ,o*"'o, uo,a Rrc. Ho- 145-E 949-r403 ELECTRICAL FIRM rr, r TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO.PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM VALLEY WIDE rowu or vrt Rec. ruo. 103-P 949-17 47 TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE, OTHFR CONTRACT Icgal oescription: Ipt o,rners Name: &veaep' 6ot o t e . Lro. Architectt@ Address: Add.ress: )*&1 (rl,tec;a Sz Ph.999-50? | lOcF fui$t^c,E lzo l0gy Ph.?7L-ll4-l General Description: work class: \-uew [ ]-Atreration t l-Aatditionat [ ]ln"p.i" I l-other {Ugper of Dnelling UnLts: AiA Number of Acconmodation Units: M A Electrical Contra-ctorz lVxn= flrau Eur.o,*oAddress: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical -ContracEot: !!'u.ey Nln 46c+rA,ore.auAddress: fSafSoto bffi BUILDING PERMIT FEE: .t6<- PLI'MBTNG PERMTT FEE: town of Vail Phone Nunber: lown of VaiI Phone Nunber: Res. No. / Y{- {iv?_rq"F- Reg. NO._ Town of Vail Req. No. lo3 -P Phone Nunber: 7tZ-t# *********** *************** ****** FOR OFFTCE utsE ******************************* BUILDTNG PLAI| CHECK FEE: b6-PU'I.TBING PIAN CHECK FEE:MEcIANfCAIJ PERltfT SnZ: TELEcTRtcAL FEE: -- --- OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: MEcInNrcs,rJ pr.AN cItEcK FEE: -=RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT:T BUILDTNG: STGNATI'RE: ZONING: SIGNATIIRE: -e- TO: EROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBUC WAY PERMIr' IS REOUTRED t Job Name: Dale: PleasE answer lhe following questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way permit : 1) ls this a new residence? 2') ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use ot the right of way, easements or public prope(y? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4, ls the driveway being repaved? . .;,;,- r. .._ ,r : .l 5) ls difierent a6€ss needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ts any drainage work being done \ affeaing the right of way, easements, V or public property? n ls a'Flevocable Right CI Way Permit' \ required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or \ public property to be used for staging, v parking or lencing B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging \, or fencing ptan requirei uy c6mmrlnirv \) Development? !f1ou_ answered yes to any of these questions, a'Public Way Permit' must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Cgmmunrty Development. It you have any questions ptease catl Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-21*. I have read and answered allthe above ou YES re \ \ \ \ \ Y Job Name hntree. *p Contractor's 75 louth Irontegr rold U|al, color.do 8165t (303) 479-2138 ot 479-?L39 BO: EROM: DATEs su&rEqt: rn suarnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawf,ur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit. ""y-"oir,-"J"i, sand, debrisor naterial, incruding trasS !"4sters, portabre toilets andnorroen vehicles.upon any srreet" "ia"i"ix];i;y or public Bl?:"_::_any portii," tueieJi.--rrr" right_of_way on arl Town ofvarl srreets and.Ig"gs is approxinateiy s-it.-iti pavenent.This ordinance wirl be ;i"$iit;nforced by the Town of vairPublic lforks Department. --p"i=ins eouna viaratin; this ordiDaDcewill be siven a 24 hour writien-n"ti;1;-;;;;:r="id naterial.In the event the person so notified does not conpfy with thenotice within the 24 rrour tine-.p""iir#,";;""ffiric worksDepartment wirr renove said nate-riar it it. -"r.i"i=e of, personnotiried. rhe provisi""=-"r tr,i!-r"al;;; ;f,5ii not beapplicable to cinstruction, -r"iti"t"nce or repair projects ofany street or attey or any utiliries il 6"-;i!ii_"_r.y. To review ordinance No. 6 in full , please stop by the Town ofvail Building Department to ouiiin a copy. tirani< you for yourcooperation on this natter. gftlcr of cgmmunlty dcvclopncnt lI+_ coNTRAetORS CURREIITLYr., REGISSERED Wrttr TEtTOWN OF VAIL TO!{N OF VArL pUBtIC WORKS/COIrt}rIrNrTy DEVEIpP}IENT uARCll 16, 1988 CONSTRUCIION PARKING & UASERIAL STORAGB onlRelationshTp F*ltlstu (i.e. contractor, owner) Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes DATE: ll-9-94 CONTRACTOR: JL VIELE ARCTIIIECT: GPS ENGINEER: NONE PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK or NAME: COVERED BRIDGE OFFICE ADDRESS:227 BRIDGE ST VAIL, OOLORADO CCLJPANCY: B-2 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: 1l-lHR CORRECTTONS REQUTREn The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. I. FIPG DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR AN INTERIOR TENENT FINISH ONLY. 3. FrELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CITECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 4. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAYBE REQIIIRED TO APPROVE ANY STRUCTUAL CHANCES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED BY TOV. 5. VENTILATION rS REQUTRED AS pER SEC 705 OF TlrE 1991 UBC. 6. ALL PENTETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WTII{ AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. of Vail fi+pY Tourn //'ryv ?b Ta Ts'.e'n ef Vnif Htu-e ?t?elffi€elLl lta -'r>.+ LAY lg ?46 FIF - - - - --'---*-41) LevEL:rFtFEE .evlwt3 Pra;g " l/+tl COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING 227 BRIDGE STHEET VAIL, COLORADO -I4en Sx*---4 l^lt^l 1l-oth" ?b ta fuTtau#, . =fl*Ll; - -Ie a*.ta ;;L A LFg/ qYt'+ 2.'r Vr I lH ?Ftrz FF : - uVirjtii/j fir,,4q+#1ryd+te}{. .- "',.ut!|,'nfpf i - Tciwn oTVrzil ' " LEYE'L:IFIFEE . frr,e,E ? Fll r io) ,fr\ 1i COVERED BRIDGE BUILDING 227 BNIDGE STHEET VAIL, COLORADO B-7490w t8 oo CHECK REQUEST r*sPa*P sv, .Z 4" DESCRIPTIoNoFE)(PENSE:CLEAI{t]PDEPoSITREFUNDBo]\B}!_.2 NAME OF JOB: ACCOUNTNUMBER 01 OOOO 22002 AMOUNTOFREFUND. 6 ZA.d DATEAPPROVED: APPROVAL SIGNATTIRE: CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE oCT0BER 24 ' 1994 7068 department of community development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT Dnn a rtl:lE EUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL FILING COVERFN RRTDCF', RI,I}C JOBNAME: COVERED BRIDGE SPACE D rrraue COVERED BRIDGE LTD MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH, MArLAppREss 1000 s FRONTAGE crrY vArL 81657 PH. 476-rr JL VIELE CONST. TOWN OFVAIL REG. NO. I88-A 476-3082 GENERAL CONTRACTOR F|RM wltrTE RrvER ELECTRIC rown or vlru Ree. no. 145-E 949-r403 FIRM NXNTEX)OUEEXTTEEITXtrCIEf,X TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.PLUMBING VALLEY W]DE MECHANICAL rowru or vlr nec. uo. 103-P 949-L7 47 MECHANI CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. TELE. r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I ll lll lV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IRM DlvfSfON 122a34 GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF IVORK : TENANT FINISH PERMIT NO. J:.- z tr 5 BUILDING I5-OOO-OO ELECTRICAL 4 .000 . 00 PLUMBING MECHANICAL 5^OOO^OO 25 ,000 . 00 TYPE GROUP G.R,F.A- VALUATION PERMTT FEES q II lHR B-2 BUILDING PERMIT 295.00 s e\ PLAN CHECK I q? . oo ELECTRICAL 72.00 NEW() ALTERATION (XTXAODITIONAL REPAIR PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT, - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL 100.00/Pc 25 ,00 ll N "\\ RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100,00 EXT. WALLS I I USE TAX 9.00WILL CALL TYPE ELEC. IoF ;;;----__-lHEAT I GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES 793 . OO DAN STANEK 10-21-94 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr cur I | | rutLotNG oFFtctAL DATE MIKE MOLLICA 10-21-94 ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING :ONING & BUILOING NOTES:'*"^" I I I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in lull the information required, completed an accurale plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and olher ordinances of the Town applicrable thereto. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TO: SIGNATURE OF O AND THE OWNER.JLU L{ ,*ffi6bgTOW![ OF VAIL CONSTRUqITON PERMTT APPLTqATION FOR}T omez , t o/at l?e RtC'0 oCI t 0 lggt ,Iob Name:Job Address: Iegal Description: Lot owners Na'ne: Cagr.aQgtoe LZg:,Address:Ph.tv.l-So?/ Architect : Qr/*.r!Wer Fp.atr Scscrutz Address: /aOa S.fz*tro.,". f" ,vesf ph.W_ , APFLICAIToN MUST BE FILLED oIIr COIIPL,ETEIJY OR IT ltAy NOT BE AcCEpTEIi x***************************** PERflIT IIIFOR!{ATrOI{ *****************************t'G, ' Y\^,. \,/ | /n -Buil d'ff"uLr, -d.',,8t4""". PQ-E 1 ectrlcal X -ueetran i ca I [ ] -other General Description: 7gr'rirn"rr fi I{ork class: p(j-new [ ]-Alteration t l-Additlonat [ ;lnepatr [ ]-other rygpFer of Dt'relling Units:Nunber of Accournodation Uni.ts: O nf*"" and Tlpe of Firepraces: Gas Appliances- cas Logs - I{oodlpellet_ l********************************* viiriirior,rs ********* ***:. ********************'t. ,. OTTIER: S Electrical contractor:. UJAt.e KtvEz t,<Ec-wtt wAddress: t3"v t tlP A,voFCTc-zo Town of Vail Reg. l{O. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nuaber: Plunbing Contractor: AJ Address: ********************************FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* llechani Address Contractor: BUUJDTNG PERT{IT FE8: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: I.IECHANICAI PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTEEI. F8E: OTITER TYPE OF TEE: DRB FEE: BUTIDTNG PI.AII CHECK 8EE:PII'}IBING PI,AII CEECK FEE: !,IECITANTCAL PI.AN CHECK 8EE! RECREATTON AE8: CLEAI{-UP DEPOSTT: /9a - BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATIIRE: >totttdt? CLEAX I'P IIEPOSIT REFI'I{D TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM a ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED ls this a new residence? ts demolition work being perfoimed lhat requires the use ol the right of way, easements or public propefy? ls any'utility work needed? ls difierent access needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done afiecting the right of way, easements, or public property? 7'l ls a "Revocable Right CI Way Permit, required? 8) A. ls th€ right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, . parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? NOt \ \ \ V \- AcR6Aol ,il Zar^nt)v 6toe kttiv $'6GSa YES 1) 2l 3) 4) s) lf_V9u_ a19wet"d y.s to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applicalions may be obtained at the Public Work's ofiice or at C9-n11u1ttf Developmenl lf you have any questions ptease catl Charlie Davis, the Town ol Vail Construction lnspector, at 429-Z1SB. I have read and answered allthe above questions. .tee, KetdtL t-/ Job Name lzsnt ContraAor's Signature 75 roulh trDnlrg. mrd I!ll, colo|rrlo 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 AIJL CONTRACIORS TOITN OF VAIL offlce of conmunlty devclopmGnl CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WTTE TEETO: FRO}T: DATE: SURTEET: TOtw oF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COI,IMITNITy DEVEIOPMENT IIARCH 15, 1988 CONSIRUqIION PARKING & UATERIAL STORAGE rn au'nary, ordinance No- 6 states tbat it is unlawfur for anyPerson to litter, track or deposit ""i1oirr-"i"i, sand, debrisor materiar, including trasn hu:niste=3, p"rt"iiJ''toil"ts andworkmen vehicles. gpon--any, street] siaewair, "ii"v-"i-p,iiriii*ptace or anv norti-on tueieoil--,ri"-;G;;:;i#y=;n arl rown ofvail streetl ind.Iga-d= is-ipproi'inatety 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance wilr be. "Li-Eirv lnforced by the Town of vairpublic lforks Deoartment. pers'ons found vieratin; this ord,inancewirl be siven a 24 hour writien-n";i; t;^;;;;;"="id nateri.ar.rn the event the person so notified aoes noi coipry with thenotice within the 24 hour.tir"-rp""i;i;,"ii"-tf,ric r{orksDepartment uirl remove said mateli.r "t-it"-"*p!i=e of personnotified- The provisions or trris-oiai""iii! ;ilfii not beapplicable to c6nstruction, ,.irrt"rr.rrce or repair projects ofany street or arrey or any utiijiies- G G"-;ilii_"_".y. To-review ordinance, No. e 'n ful1, prease stop by the Town of:lil-3lllding Dgpartnent to oltiin a copy. rrrani< you for yourcooperation on this natter. (i.e. contractor, owner) tt loun 75 roulh front.gc ro.d nll, colorado El65ll (303) 479-2138 or.479-2139 olllcc of Gommmlty devctopncnt BUILDING PERHIT ISSUANCE TIr'tE FMME If this ?enlit. ryeuilep a Town of Vail Fire Department Appr.oval,Ensineel's..(p!bl i" fltFl review "na ipb"ou"i,'i iiiriiini'bepartmentreview or Hea'lth Deoartrn6nt revier, ani'a_review by the BuirdingDepartment, the estimatei iime-to"'.-tit t revieu may take as longas thfee weeks. All comnercial frarge or smail) and ailr rurtr-fami]y permits willhave tq follow itre Suove ffiiiffiJ-iliimum-.requirements. Residentialand.sma]l projects shoutd tarre a teiiei amdunt-of -iiri",- Hii""";;-i;'residential oi smailer.projebts inpait the various above mentioneddepartments with resard' to-necessai"i revier,-;il; ;ilj;.ii' *valso talte the three-week peri:od.- Every.attempt will be made by this departnent to expedite thispermi't as soon as possible. - -- -'!r-vrr' e' I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. DCovEaeo SsecE lGrpc Sre.,si Project NElne Corunun'i ty Development Department. 'a. Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: COVERED BRIDGE SPACE D DATE: LU2l-94 CONTRACTOR: JL VIELE ARCHITECT: GPS ENGINEER: NONE ADDRESS: 227 BRIDCE ST I VAIL, COLORADO CCUPANCY: B-2 TYPE OF CIf,NSTRUCTION: 11-1HR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK coRRE CTTONS REQT.TTRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinancc of the Town of Vail. 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQI.'IRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR AN INTERIOR TENENT FIMSH ONLY. 3. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO Cr{ECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCB. 4. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAYBE REQUIRED TO APPROVE A}.IY STRUCTUAL CHANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED BY TOV. 5. VENTILATION rS REQUIRED AS pER SEC 705 OF TrrE 1991 UBC. 6. ALL PENTETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WTIII AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Town *f Vnil OFEiilii i,:itY'''' &&-rps/ry PREPAREDBY: 'VENDORNAME: U. *. VENDORNUMBER/ l'Aa Z r'4- DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND FOR BP # NAME OF JOB: ACCOUNTNUMBER OI OOOO 22OO2 QATEAPPROVED: APPROVAL SIGNATURE: CONSTRUCTION PERMIT L] PLUMBING D rounoarrom NOTE DATE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 0cToBER 24, 1994 7069 dopsrtment of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT Tq L_i.t E L4 BUILDING ELECTRICAL LOT- BL FILINGCO@ ioaruRue, covERED BRTDGE p1y6 COVERED BRIDGE LTD. ARCHITECT MA|LAopREss 1000 s FRoNTAGE clrY vArL 81657 PH.476-1147 GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM .T I. VTET.F CONST rowN oF vArL REG. No. 188-4 476-3082 FrRM 1,\rrHITE RIVER ELECTRIC ,o** o, uo,a aan. "o. 145-E 949-r403 LECTRICAL TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.PLUMBING CONTRACTOR rrnrrl VALLEY WIDE MEC1IANICAL TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 949-17 47 MECHAN CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. OTHER NTRACTO 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY G ROUP AEEH IRM DfVfSfON 122a34 GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK : PERMIT NO. z F_ J BUILOING 16 nnn nn ELECTRICAL a nnn nn PLUMBING MECHANICAT 5 ,000 . 00 25 .000 . 00 TYPE GROUP G,R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II lHR B-2 BUILDING PERMIT 295 .00 a N It4L3: c\ QQ N $ PLAN CHECK 192.00 ELECTRICAL 72-OO NEW () ALTERATION (^} ADOITIONAL O REPAIR (PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS -- ACCOMMOOATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO.FIREPLACES MECHANTCAL \-r xxx{oxxExntxsex RECREATION FEE D \ ruu. uu/ rv z).vv INSULATION: TYPE THTCKNESS R-VALLUE O€SIGN REVIEW BOARO FLooR | | |CtEAN.UP DEPOSIT tnn nn EXr. wALLs | |tl USE TAX WILL CALL 9.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES 793.00 DAN STANEK IO-2T-94 ADDITIONAL PEHMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIALryl' lll UtLDtNGoFFtctAa - - DAfE MIKE MOLLICA 10-21-94 )NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ONING & BUILDING NOTES: PARKING FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTES: PROVIDE SPRINKLER & ALARM SIIOP DMWINGS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TO: SIGNATUBE OF OVLU ^a-. I'rlfu^TOI{N OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT II'lObY PERMTT APPLTqATTON FORI| eaYet ta/eo/Q</ REc'DocT zo lgg4 t APPLTCATIoN l{USr BE FIr'r.ED OUr COUpT,ETELY OR IT t{Ay NoT BE AccEpTEDUX***************************** ItEIllitrT nffOnUattOff *****************************/tR. - !t\-4" . t t I i[d]-Building I '/ \/, \ enu*Lr)-dl,Ht;y""r(.-Electrical X-uecrranical [ ]-other Job Nane: Iegal DescrLption: Lot Owners Name: (-at4ro'6ctor.e Lro, Job Address: Block Address: Address: Ph.?vrr-so?/ tCPo 3. (2***- Ko *U, pln.&<- uy7 General Description: work clas=t p(-x"n t l-Alteration I l-Additl.onat [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Illpper of Dwelling Units: O Nnnber of Acconroodatl.on UnLts: O l)*.r and ?1pe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ cas Logs . woodr/pellet_ 4*-:******************************* viuttribNs ****************:.**************** iurrornc, t lb.cor.6 Er,EerRrcAL? tJ,oq!_ orrrER: !_ _ Ern-MiirrG: FEd- lccrrAlEcei; s=eee___ rorAL: r =ffi?,E-- rrJ\rr-r.E r.r!r' - . ,.g_ I!!;t:ttANJ,giAL: +lgl_ TOTAL: I JflaOa,".vl*************************'r* CONIRAqIOR .INFORUAAION ************!r**************tEenerar contractor: J,c, l//ege co*lsr,e,ucnoJ --- Town of vaiL Reg. No._Address: phone NuDber: '9Yea f-c. 'IQZO Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: t tF. Plunbing Contractor: Address: ********************************oFFrcE usE ************************t****** Mechani Address Contractor: BUTI,DING PERMIT FEE: PLI'}'BING PERUIT FEE: I.{ECHANfCAL PERI.IIT FEE: ELECTRTET't FEEs OTHER TYPE OF TEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUUBING PIAN CEECK FEE3 I,IECIIAI{TCAL PIAN CIIECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CIJEJA}I-UP DEPOSTT: !b1 .c, 81c't o BUTLDTNG: SIGNATT'RE: ZONING: STGNAI'T'RE: TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBUC WAY PERMIT'tS REQUIRED t JobNarntez bve*o 5t,eae E+;cr.tv'Slolrt B plea arding the need lor a "public Way permit': 1) ls this a new residence? 2l ls demolition work being perfo'rmed that requires the use of the n:gtrt of way, easements or public properlty? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4l ls the driveway being repaved? ',r,,:,",-;1;,.,.:::,;n,',".:?,f Fdll-r*"*'..'5) ts different access needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done afiecting the right ol way, easements, or public property? 7') ls a "Revocable Bight CI Way Permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, paking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? YES NO \\Iv \ \ \ \ \ AurafAoY rrJ "*t-J' b"os PE4'Atr s 6Gsa !f_V9u_ algwered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' musl be obtained.?ublic Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's ofiice or aiCggmulity Developmenl lf you have any questions please calt Chartie Davis, the Town of Vaif Construction lnspec,tor, at.479-21*. I have read and answered allthe above questions. ee (,et^,,t Job Name Contractor's Sig nalure ,daoh,t hwn TO: FROI{: DAIE: SU&TECT: 75 aoulh frontage road rell, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 AT,L COIflIRAqIORS TOWN OF VAIL orlcc of communlty dcvclopmcnl CURRENNLYL REGISTERED W:ITts $TE rn sunnat'rr, ordinance No. 6 Etates that it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit. any-s-ir,-"J"i., sand, debrisor material, inclu_ding trash b.'r'rpsteri, p"rt"urI- tottets anaworloen vehictes. rpon. gny streetl sidewa'Ik, ;il;y or public B}?i"-::_any porriin tnei"oi:--ri.-;iilHi;ii=i" arr rown orvau streets and.Ig"g= is approxinateiy 5 ft.-6ti pavenent.rhis ordinance wilr bE ;ti;iiftnforced by rhe Town of vailpublic l{orks Deoartment. peri6ns found vriri[ing this ordinancegill.be siven a 24 hour "=iit;;-;;i;1;-;;;;;r="id narerial.rn the event the person so notified aoes-not liipry with thenotLce within the- 24 rrour tine-=p".rri"I,"ii"-tf,ric worksDepartnent will remove said nateiiai it-irr;-;"G;=" of personnotiried. rhe provisions-or-trri=-"iaiiJ;; ,fi5ii not beapplicable to c-onstruction, ,"irri"n.rr9e or repair proJects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right_a_way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full , pLease stop by the Town ofvail Buirding Department to obtiin a copy. tiani you for yourcooperation on this natter. TOVIN OF VAIL 'UBLIC WORKS/CO!{M.,NITY DEX'lELOp[rENt l,taRCH 16, 1988 CONSTRU TION PARKING & II{ATERTAL STORAGE (i.e. contractor, owner) t l'ttt lown 75 routh tronLga rDrd nll, colorrdo 8t652 (3o3) 479-2138 ot .479-2L39 otfbc of omnunlly rlrualoprtrnt BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIIIE FRAI.IE If this pery!.t 1equi1e9 g Towl of Vait Fire Departnent Approval,Engineerrs. (public ptf.t reyiew ano ipb*var,' i iiiiriini'b"p.run.ntreview or Health Deoartmint revfew, ani'a_review by the auiiiinf"-"-Departnent, the estirnat;J iim;-fo;'.-litot review may take as longas three weelts. All commercial flarge or smail) and ail murti-famiry permits wiilhaye tq fotlow itre irove,ndi_i.gn;e-nrdimumggquirenents. Residentiarand.snall proJects should prii"C.i6-iFd" ;ffi;r-or-tirne.' However, itrcsidsn1i.1 oi smailer.projeLts' impaii- trre iirious iirove mEntioneodepartmmts wi th resard' to- necessii.y-ieuie*,-iiil ;;;$. ti' *yalso talre the three-week perfod. Every.attempt will be made by this department to expedite thrspermri't as sgon as possrlble. - -- --rrrY'|'b -' L-!!" undersigned' understand the pran check procedure and timeTrame. Coranuni ty Development Departnent. 'a Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: COVERED BRIDCE SPACE B ADDRESS;227 BRIDGE ST VAIL, COLORADO CCUPANCY: B-2 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: ll-lHR DATE: lO-21-94 CONTRACTOR: JL VIELE ARCHIIECT: GPS ENGINEER: NONE PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CoRRECTTONS REQUTRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. THIS PERMT IS GOOD FOR AN INTERIOR 1ENENT FINISH ONLY. 3. FrELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CITECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. 4. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAYBE REQUIRED TO APPROVE AI-IY STRUCTUAL CIIANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED BY TOV. 5. VENTILATTON IS FJQUTRED AS pER SEC 705 OF TrrE 1991 UBC. 6. ALL PENTETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEAIED WTilI AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Town of Vail CIFF$#il fiCIPY oO CHECKREQWST PREPAREDBY: TTENDORNUMBERO 7-ap DESCRIPTION oF EXPENSE: CLEAN Up DEposrr REFT ND FoR Bp # 7a6. I4lGoFJoB: g-zj, abcouNrlqutvree* oroooo2zoo2 AMOUNT OF REFUND: "/f,y.d) DATEAPPRO\IED: APPROVAL SIGNATIJRE: : CONSTRUCTION PERMIT dopertmont of communaty development NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE p6g OCTOBER 11 , L994 7024 TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT rypEoFpERMrr ! "1/i//,fVe f E[ aurlor]'rc L-l PLUMBTNG E} elecrRrcru ! FouNDAnoN r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB€H IR M OIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - TENANT T'TNT qH PERMIT NO. ' ,- - - zIF = BUILDING 34 .000 . 00 ELECTRICAL 7 .000 . 00 PLUITBING MECHAI{ICAL 6 .000 . 00 47,000.00 TYPE GROUP G.R.F,A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II R B-2 BUILOING PERMIT 469.00 \ N tt4r335 \ PLAN CHECX 305.00 ETECTRICAL 126.00 NEW() ALTERATION ( X)(AOOITIONAL ( ) REPAIR(PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - MECHANICAL 120.00/Pc 30.00 HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT 250.00 USE TAX BOOF WILL CAI,L 9 .00 TYPE OF SOLARHEAT GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES r309.00 wooo DAN STANEK 10-10-94 ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr. cur I I BUTLDTNG oFFrerAa - - - - DATE MrKE MoLLrcA 9-28-94 I zoNrNc ADMrNrsrRAroR DATE - BLASTING ZONTNG & BUILO1NG N6169. FTRF DEPT- NOTES: PARKING SHOP DRAWTNGS ON AT.ARN{ & SPRINKT.ER SYSTEM NEED TO BE ADDRESSED WITH FIRE DEPT. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state thal all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordi CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TO: ANO THE OWNEB. CONTRACTOR FOF HIMSELF LEGAL -.DESC. LOT BLK- FILING C[IE&.E&] Qoe NnruE' LEAPrNcorrs cALLERY OWNER r.rluE LEAPINGOTIS GALLERIES MAIL ADDRESS 1330 MEDTCAL PARK crw Fr wAyNE2l9-+fl2-3551 ARCHITECT FIRM G. P S MATLAoDRESS 1000 s FRONTAGE crw vArL 81657 PH.476-1147 GENERAL CONTRACTOR ,,*u JL VIELE CONST TOWN OF VA|L REG. NO. 188-A -.'.476-3082 tl'-'^ulr plpy WIIITE RIVER ELECTRIC L45-E TOWN OF !L{IL REG. NO. 949-r403 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM VALLEY WIDE MECHANICALro3:- TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO 040-17 47 OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. t luun ?5 routh fronltgc rold urll, colondo E163? (303, 479-2138 or 479-l\39 offlcr ol communlty drvaloPmtlll BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If thl.s permi.t requires a Town of Vail Flre Departnent Approval, Englneeprs (.Publlc Works) review and approval, a Planning Department revlew or Health Department review, and a review by the Bul'ldlng Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weel(s. A'll commercla] ('large or small) and a]l mu]ti-family permlts will have tq follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small proJects shou'ld take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or sma'l 'l er projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these proJects may also take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permi.t as. soon as possib'le. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. zle"4v Date tlork Sheet was turned lnto me Conmuni ty 0evel opment Department. L. AENttvcotts C?buEa"l ; 75 3oulh |ronl.Ea rord Y.ll. colo.rdo 8'1657 (303) 479-21,38 or 479-2139 olllce ol communllY devrloPmant ALL CONTRACTORS C'T'RREMTLYL REGISTERED !{IIII IHE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS,/COMMT'NITY DEIIELOP}IENT ILARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUEIION PARKING & MATERTAL STOR,,AGE TO: EROM: DATE: SUBJEqI: In sunnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sahd, debrisor naterial , inctuding trash dumpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehLcles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on a1l Town ofVail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft. off pavernent. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of vail Public Works Departnent. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to tremove said naterial .In the event the person so notified does not conply with thenotiee within the 24 hour tiroe specified, the Public Works Department wLll renove said uraterial at the expense of personnotified. The provlsions of tlris ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utillties in the right-a-way. lo review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail BuLldlng Departnent to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperatlon on this natter. qlhh,l6;E-- L {t.e. contractor, owner) o Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: LEAPINGOTIS GALLERY DATE: 10-10-94 ADDRESS: 227 BRIDGE ST VAIL, COLORADO CONTRACTOR: JL VIELE ARCHIIECT: GPS ENGINEER: NONE PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CCU?ANCY: B-2 I TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: 11-1HR t CORRECTIONS REQUIREI) The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of aII possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of YaiI. 1. FIFG DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANy WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR AN INTERIOR ]IENENT FIMSH ONLY. 3. FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQLJIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. 4. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAYBE REQUIRED TO APPROVE A}'IY STRUCTUAL CTIANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED BY TOV. 5. VENTILATTON rS REQUTRED AS pER SEC 705 OF Tr{E 1991 r.tBC. 6. ALL PENTETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WT['H AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Town of Vail OFFIflffi OOPY oo CHECK REQUEST PREPAREDBY: hZ.- /4-*, ol.t*: t/tz ,reonoo**Ao,e' /+{ /.-"2,t \TSNDORNUMBER u7-aa7 /4 N,cl',m oF JoB /a.pr-"<rA .L-.-/ ta-,;"- t ,,,/ ACCOUNTNUMBER 0l 00'00 22002 AMOUNT OF REFUND:oa-rtD DArE APPRovED ' l;J7 - qG a) 1O) CONSTRUCTION PERM ITF+,/. I - nn\tffi/ [,",.o, department of community development TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT rYPE oF PERMTT V, V "//fl.ge f! eurLorlc E pluMerNd ffixelecrRrclr D FoUNDATToN! LEGAL ]esc. LOT Bt FTLING Ei$INE JOB NAME: COVERED BRIDCE TENANT EP OWNER lllue TOM BOSELLL MATLADDRF.' Box 250 ctrY vArL 81658 PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDNESS crw PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. l,-..r*,.o. CONTRACTOR FIRM hIHITE RIVER ELECTRIC TowN oF vArL REG. No. 145-E rELE. 949-I4O3 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TO]ryN OEIUAIL 8EG. NO, . OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TCIIVN OFJAIT BEO.NO. TELE. NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 91Tg OCTOBER 12, L994 ' 7027 r. ryPE OF CONSTRUCTTON | [m rVV 2. OCCUPANCYGROUP AB E H I RM OIVISION 122a34 GENERAI OESCRIPTION OF WORK : - TNSTAT,1. F,T,F,NTNTEAT. WTRTNC T'NR PERMIT NO. zo F BUILOING ETECTRICAL 9000 .00 PLUMBING RETAIL STORE MECHANICAL WPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VAIUATION PERMIT FEES BUILOING PERMIT R I $ \ ,.J .J\\u$\\iN PtAN CHECK ELECTRICAL 161 n6 NEW ALTERATION ( XN AODITIONALO REPAIR(PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMOOATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT, - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE R-VALLUETHICKNESS DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT Exr wALLs I I I USE TAX ROOF WILL CALL 3.00 TYPE OF ELEC. SOLARHEAT GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES r65.00 ERNST GLATZLE IO.L2-94 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIALsr.cur I I I utLoTttcoFacnl- - - - trATE )NING AOMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ONING & BUILDING NOTES: oenro | | | I hereby acknowledge that I have read lhis application, lilled out in full the intormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plol plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this slruclure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review aooroved. Uniform Buildino Code and otherzrdinances of-the f own -aDnlc€5le-thereto.review approved, Uniform Building Code and HIMSELF CONSTRUCTION PERMTT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO DATE oeroBFR 17, 1994 BE KEPT ON JOBSITE departmont of community tlevelopment TO AE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOA TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL n fJ hrn EEn MECHANIC/\LU :]E STREE' LEGAL DESC, LOT BLK- FILING EOVERED BRIDGE BLD( JOB NAME: BOSSELI'S OWNER MA|LAppREss BoX 250 clrY VAIL 81658 w827-5742 TOM BOSSELI ARCHITECT FInM GWATII},IEY PRATT MAIL^OORESS IOOO S FRONTAGE clIY VATL 81657 p{.h76-tI47 { GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM JL VIELE ' OB-Atowr.r or vlrL Re G. ruo. '" reuE.949-1403 ELECTRICAL ,oNrRAcroR FITT M TOWN OF VAIL NEG, NO. TELE. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. TELE. MECHANICAL CONIRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION t II III tV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB E H IR M DIVIS|ON LZ?a34 GENERAL DESCRTPTION OF WORK : TENNANT EINISH PERMIT NO. zo F BUILDING r 6-oo0 00 ELECTRICAL 7 ,000 . 00 PLUMBING MECIIANICAL 23 .000.00 TYPE GROI,|P G.R.F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEESI1 I HT, B_2 BUILDING PERMIT t7E nn as \ $, PLAN CHECK 179.00 ELECTRICAL NFw( ) ArrERAroN rffi PLUMEING DWELLING UNITS HEIGHT IN FT. ACCOMMODATION UNITS .- NO. FIREPLACES TIIICKNESS R.VALLUE TYPE OF EAT ADOITIONAL PENMITS NEEDED: N tru tr tnl INSULATION: FLOON EXT. WALLS MECIIANICAL RECREATION FEE DESICN REVIEW BOARD CL€AN.UP OEPOSIT 100.00 USE TAX WILL CALL 3.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES 157.00 DAN STANEK 10-10-94uTr-5-rr'rc-oFrrdinr-- daTE - MIKE MOLLICA 1O_13-94 }NING ADMINISTRATOR _ OIfE ONING & BUILOING NOTES: NO F.XTERIOR SIGNS APPROVED AS A PART OF THIS BUILDING PERMIT. I hereby acknowlcdge that l.have read this application, filled out in lull the intormation required,completed an accurate plot plan, and stale that all the iniormation prouio"o "" iuqrir"c is correct. Iagree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and slale 9yf.:::^,"1.P^"jr1,S,l:_1'::l.rj9_1c;91dino ro.the rown'*s zonins ana Jooiiision codes, c,esisn thcreto.review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordi ap OR FOB HIMSELF ../ ---^t | -/- ^v t-./:^ \ ^ONSTRUCTION P/ \"1' y' /f'(' )'n v | '/ b'eSrLl tltl ll falll/ doprttn nt of commrnitY dldopn ot TO B€ FILLEO OU' COUPLETELY PRIOR TOISSUANCEOF PERilII tr EII] tr D WPE OF PERi'II BUILDING ELECTRICAL PTUMBING FOUNDATION MECHANICAL ^LJ L, '. J:::LOT ELI( FITING JEl Sttoae Sra6 I II rceNAMet &veaso &to*- Swxs'fr's*z'1 OWNER nrwie foq 6oteu-, tm runrrres &P Jso crw Vsru €o m.8a?S?Yt ARCHITECT rnu G*.rsr.rrXev y'Zm Scd<rr* e net rooness iroo S. Faqnstt f?. cfw l/^" a.%6-lJW GENERAT CONIRACTOR rnn J,L, Uerr CoPln. rom{ or vAtL RCO-llO- r.r B Uak-k ? Q..r",.0. CONTRACTOR nnt NAfie lhrct E,az*.tt-, TOWH OF YAIL REO. I'IO. c <tQ - t<La2. PLUMBING CONTRACIOR lowtrt oF YAIL REO- NO. IIECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EtEh-__ ,"* IOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. OTHER col{rRAc.ToR FIRII TOWN OF VAIL R€O. NO. IELE. 4. tb?/44 ERMIT NOTE _ COPY OF D,i;E tofsl?,| tg94 PERUIT r. tvPE oF COt{SlRUCllol{ E. OCCUPANCY GROUP l;::I0! c0 cENERAL OESCRf piOt or wonx' fudL fiPtsHes O(/ O, Or ALIERAIIOT AODITIONAL I ) DWEILINGUNIIS - ACCOr/ OD rl()t{ t'|rs -HEI(|HTI FT. - NO. FINEPIACES €IY. WALI.S INSULATION: TYPE IHICKIESS ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEOEO: INIIIAL /0,/3!t4 I hereby Ecknowledso that I hava t€sd thl!.8ppl.lc..tlon, llllod out]!-!91t-tlt9l{^"j.T-"^tlt1111ll3d:;ffi;=;ffi;';;;ffi;;i;i ;ffi:;"d;"b irrai'at rne krformaton provtdod ss requrred rs corect. I 6^6a r^ n^'nlw rerirh rtra l.riar-a on end olot Dlan. to comoly wlth ell Town ordinances and 3l8leift-e to comply with tlie lniormallon and plot pLan,jo co.qqly i"U:;nd*il''bJiri'irtil']i.ltr'u;;;;;;i6io-the'rwn's z6nhs and cubblvlsion codes. desisn rrifer ippto""d. Unttorm AutlOlng Code aid olhor ofdJryNncer ol the Tgym glOllcabls th€relo' Alro TXE OtfllER. ! :fi'llll \\ $ryry qr vArL coNsr*u"rro* O ryFrr * tt'z tV\JS pERMrr AppLrpATToN FoRM !.F. 4 { r-1,. ".!: \$' DATE: loltt l4t-l- uir: I I r:'r{ , APPLTCATTON IITUST BE FILLED OUT COI.IPI,ETEIJY OR H'V"$TJMS4 ffi.dJffirrOUI* * * ************ ***** * ** ******* PERI{IT INFORI|ATfON ******* * ***************** *** *rl -/-[ ]-Building t ^l-plunbing gvf-rtectricat I J-Mechanicar [ ]-other _Js>t, $O5or4Job Nane: bfud_ bth - *u- _ T^r^ ri:-^- - - o,L1 A,-,Ao. 9l- _..E1__- r,egal Description: r.,otffi arocr-..!lQ Filing susprvrsroN, /v,.ri^- owners Name: 1r-^ Basoll"'Address: ?-o' 6* 7/2r /^L Architect:Address:Ph. General Description:f4 t+^JJ-€*fur'e,at U)ir /'^Js',' fu*^'L SJ,r.L -/- q work class: 1rf-wew [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additionat t l-Repair I J-other Number of Dwelting Units. 'tr Nunber of Aceornmodation Unlts: 6 {pmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances € Gas Logs €- Wood/pellet_g_.UIt**** ********* ***** * *********** ** * VALUATIONS ********* ** *********** * * *** * *****'tBUILDING: EtECTRIcAt zl 6,5AD.CO OTHER: S BLUMBTNc: I MEcHANTcAL: $l-- ToTAi: f----t, f,**************************.* CoNTRACTOR INFORMATION ***************************teneral Contractor: J-L. V,el<- C.eailrr....-+'a\ Town of VaiI Reg..NO._Address: phone Nunber: Jfu.- *W_ Electrical Conlractor: rdx'i<- R''v.-- eG.Av,'Address: lfr.ltc lltgm Town of vail Req. yg. l'458 Phone Number: -1+1-iiJF- {o7^ fia!ot-t-+' Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PI.JUUBTNG PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMII F8E: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of VaiI Phone Numbers Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. FOR OFFTCE UsE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PLAN CHECK FEE: PLT'MBTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAI, PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATUREs ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: CLEAIV I'P I'EPOSIT REtrI'ITD TO! a 75 routh tronlrge rold u.ll, colondo 8165? (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 olflc. of comnunlty drv.lopnrtrl BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If this peryit requ{res a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval,Ensineel''s (.pybric w91!s) review and "pp"ouai,'i iiiriiini'bipa"t entreview or Health Departm6nt.review, ani-a-review by the BuirdingDepartment, the estirnated time tor-a iotat .iuii*-il.y"ia[!'is rongas three weeks. A]'l commercia'l f'laroe or sma'll ) and all mult.i-family permits willhave to follow ttre ibove meniioneJ maiimum requrrements. Residentialand.smal'l projects,shourd take a resser amound or iimJ. Hoiever, ifresidenti'a'l or smaller.projects impaci the vJrious-iuove mintioneadepartments with reoard' to-necessily-reviJ",-ih;; ;;;j;.ii"ruya'lso take the three-weet< peri:oJ. Every.attempt wr'll be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as soon as possible. - I' the frame. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time covo-'.n* b& Frojemj't-ame - Corununi ty Devel opment Depa rtment. 75 louth tront.g. rold vrll, colorrdo 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 otllcs of communlly dcvclopmcnt TO: FROM: DATE: SU&'ECT: Read and acknowledged by: ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRE}flTLYL REGISTERED ?NITII TH8TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITY DE\IELOP}IENT l.laRCH 15, 1989 CONSTRUCIION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunrnary, ordinance No. 6 Etates that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit.any "oifr-"""i, sand, debrisor naterial , incruding trash dunpsters, portable toirets andworknen vehictes. upon. any streetl ;ie;;"ii;;i;y or publicp1?g" or any porti6n tneieoil--iir" right-of-way on arr. Town ofvail streets and,Igu.d, is aliroxinatety 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance wirr ue ;t.i;ii;-enforced by the Town or vairPubric works DeDartment. perilns found vi;raain; this ordinancewilL be siven a 24 hour "riii;";rii."-ti';;;i:'r"id rnareriar.rn the event the person so notified.aoes noi"-olnpry with thenotice rvithin the- 24 rrour tirne-=p""iiiil,"il"-;ijttic.wor:<sDepartnent will renove said uateii;i-;;-inJ"!"i!i.e of personnotified' The provisions-or-lrri] orainance sharr not beapplicable to c6nstruction, -riirt"rr"rrce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any uiifiii", in the right_a_way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofvail Building Departnent to ouiain a copy. rirani you for yourcooperation on this natter. (i.e. contractor, owner)r t3 roulh ftEntrg. no.d uall, oolorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-!\39 offlo of communllY drvcloPmctil BUILDING PERI'IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If this perml.t requires a Town of Vall Flre Department Approval, Engineelis (.Publlc tlot"ks) review and approval, a Planning Department review'or Health Department review, and a revlew by the Building 0epartment, the estlmated time for a total review may take as long as three weeks. A]l commercial ('large or small) and all multi-family permits will have tq follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentia'l and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residentia'l or smal'ler projects lmpact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by thls department to expedjte this perml.t as seon as possible I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. t Comnuni ty Development Departnent. luttn u IflI ?5 soulh ttonlagc tord U|il. colo?.do 81657 (303) 479-2!38 or 479-2139 oltlce ol communlly devcloPm;nt ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYI.. REGISTERED I{ITH TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMITNITY DEVELOPMENT I'IARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUgIION PARKING & MATERIAI, STORAGE THETo3 FROMs DATEI su&rEql: rn suEnary, ordinance No. 5 states that lt is unlawful for any plrson to'ittter,-1i".1g'or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debris 6irii"iiai, tnciudinE trash iurnpster-, portable toilets and worknen vehicles uPon any street, sidewalk, alley or Publicplace or any portiin theleof- The right-of-way-on aII Town ot iail streetl lnd roads is approximately 5 ft. off paven"lt:- This ordinance will be strtEtly enforced by th9 Town of vail p"uric works Department. Persons found violatlng this ordinance wtff Ue given a.ie f,our written notice to rernove said naterial' In the eient the peison so notlfied does not conply with- the noti"e rittrtn the 24 hour tlne specified, the Public works O"p-rtnent erlll remove said rnateiiat at the expense of person nottiiea. The provlsions of this ordinance shall not be ipplicalfe to c'onstruction, maintenange or repair projects of air| street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way' to revLew ordLnancs No. 5 I'n full, please stop by the vail aulldlng Departrnent to obtaln a coPy. Thank you cooperatJ.on on this natter. Tor'n offor your Read and acknowledg (i.e. contractor, owner) .t Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: COVERED BRIDGE STORE DATE: 10-1G94 ADDRESS: 227 BRIDGE ST CONTRACTOR: JL VIELE VAIL, COLORADO ARCIIITECT: GPS CCI.JPANCY: B-2 ENGINEER; NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: 11-1HR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be cnnstrued to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQINRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BB STARTED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR AN INTERIOR TENENT FINISH ONLY. 3. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CTTECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 4. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAYBE REQUIRED TO APPRO\iE ANY STRUCTUAL GIANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED BY TOV. 5. VENTTLATTON rS REQUTRED AS pER SEC 705 OF TrrE 1991 UBC. 6. ALL PENTETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WTrtt AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 7. N.T- RECESSED LIGIITS TO BE PROTECTED (TENTED) AS PER SCE. 4305 OF TIIE 1991 I]BC. 8. THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR A RETAIL SPACE ONLY. "ibvan *f Vail {JFTIffi *ffiPY 'Pit I tt Nll II \l IxI| \| ! pere, ,/ty'fe- VENDORNAI{Ei "U. vENDoR\rLrMBEk u Ta 7 tr av'NI/Lr^r\.,1*r"'-'" / a-1 " - -----:;;;;;{DFORB'# 74/st DESCRIPTION OF "O NA},'IE OF JOB: ACCOTTNTNU\',fBER 01 0000 22002 AI'IOUNT OF REFLND' -/2' a) DATEAPPROVED: t'- lk-9 APPROVAI SIGNATURE: