HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT A GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER BUILDING PERMITS PART 2 LEGALrNsiPEcr}ru rtEGruEsr TOWN OF VAIL/ / r, ) ,.oary 6/ / L t ': JoB NAME @. '* r{,:r i- i ,, i I ,\ ,--l'-.1 F;( rnue nec'elveD- AM pM CALLER- 1--' 1 , - d /\ \ l'J C- I ornen n pnRrrnl. LocATroN FEADY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED I '-\< \ I ,-\\- THUR t\j :' ! nerNsPEcrpereFovEDE orsnppRovED E upolu rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS iDATE <--.J tNsFECforu FIE(lIJEEiT DATE TIME RECEIVED :Z 7'JOB NAME TOWN OF VAIL .!,t,,r,4 /i.?.,' r" r,-..-'CALLER E orxen /'t i,r:r . ,' ii t. {: ,F\,ARIAL. READY FOR INSPECTION :TUE,WED THUR LOCATION MON CSIIMENTS: AM PM APP ROV E D n upon rse E orsnppRovED FOLLOWI NG CORBECTIONS: DnerNSPEcr CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE tNsPECrlN TOWN OF FIEGIUESiT VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME BECEIVED . AM PM CALLER flornen ,Ti*'^t "o E panrrel LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR aV#-7'- MON COMMENTS: PMFR i ..:',.1 ,/ -, -'., '"' ,, B-a,renove o D upou rne CORRECTIONS D orsnppRovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTlONS: E nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR o Town of Vail FX,NCTRICAL PERMIT .rrPPuw4$r-..--.- slSnsture APPROVALS THIS FORilI IS TO BE FOSTED 01{ JOB SITE DURII{G COI{STRUGTIOI{ 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE NEQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $......:5.-T-00 $ :49-,.Q9 116 Dare Paid-...... \\== J-( tNsiPEc?N TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM JOB NAME E ornen MON LJ PARTIAL. READY FOR INSPECTION THUR LOCATION TUE FR PM , .!' !- ri ;' 'lt " '' F3ttRovED norseppRovED !nrrNspEcr I-:I UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS . - "o " t)l :.,..:' . ;i , J. i:n. I DATE . INSPECTOF INSPEC|CTN TOWN OF FIEOIJESiT VAIL DATE ::I JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orxen MON COMMENTS: n penrrll LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM iI .1 APP ROV E D ! orsappRovED E nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR PLUMEIINGi/MECHANIGAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAI L OF BUILDING: RCSTAUTANT oF woRK: fl r,rew E eoorlor't [l nemooel ! neprtn RtpnoNoFWoRK: Furnish and instal'l ventilation work in the first floor dining room area. Zh/ry #2ff5 ,h("*ou'o ! orslrenoveo NAME PEPE GRAMSHAMMER DINING ROOM VENTILATION (JOb #5004 ER Mr. Pepe Gramsharrner ADDRESs Vail, Colorado rRAcroR CIPRA. INC. - 2065 South Cherokee-Denver, C0 PHoNE 744'3521 PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER- VALUATION $VALUATTON$ 1^450 00 REMARKS:REMARKS: ?' PERMIT FEE ,.r",, ,( rro.ro /"1-l /.41 -r A t/ t \J-TOTALFEES: $ /l /, PLUMBTNG'/MECHANTGAL PEF|MIT TOWN OF VAI L NAME PEPE GRAMSHAMMER BASEMENT REM0DEL (Job #5000) Mr. Pepe Gramshanmer ADDREsS Vail, Colorado CIPRA, INC. - 2065 S. Cherokee - Denver, C0. pnorue 744-3521 oFBUILDTNG: Restaurant and Niqht Club oF woRK: fl rrrew E aoorrron El neruooel ! netrrn oNoFWoRK: InstalI ventilation system for night c'lub in basement of restaurant. PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION $VALUATTON $ 14.945-00 REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE PERMrr r./$t,t.tu l, o. \-/1\16qf,rxxv I orserenov *@ r^tr,/rtrq? 7 rr\ TOTAL FEES: $7{ t PLUMEilNG/MECHANTCAL PEF|MIT TOWN OF VAIL DATE ::A,/ r" l r :., NAME ;,, i.'" ::. j1 ;[''lii,,ii i.!i,,L:,]oi ::''!"1 CIFii\, I;l'. -'. Ch,,,rci ,..' - .6r6v1 ;'. li ., t"gpg ;:l -:.'i . fl eennoveD n TOTAL FEES: $ DISAPPROVED ! OF BUILDING::.nJ l,iirrl:t i: ;lr oF woRK: E nrew n aootnom E neruooel E nepnrn PLUMBING: NUMBER VALUATION $VALUATION $'l | ": 1' .'i.l REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE pERMtTFEE ,lll.1; DATE PLUMBING'./MECHANICAL FEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL USE OF EUILDING: oF woRK: D ruew ! noornon B nennooru E nepnrn PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER /4 - I4I _ VALUATION $VALUATTON$ !-4::1 REMARK$:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE .: I ri'i [.6eenoveo TOTAL FEES: $ DATE PLUMEil|VG./ MECHANICAL FEF|M|T TOWN OF VAIL n JOB NAME i ., 8i OWNER CONTRACTOR i ,'ee - P PLUMB]NG: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION $VALUATION$ , ,' REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE ,! II (-, / .t t- "lJ .- .- ', /'a-L ..1 .:.t. Fl, nppRoveo TOTAL FEES: $ l:; 7./yt a-, ,r., I/t .,t"., ..t. (:. t'.- / -'/5" ,.,/ ,:' - ',; -'i 1 t.., ,.''i i 't ,1 '-. ; ' /'., ,'/ , DATE rNsFEcftru HEGruEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME ,i {= TIME HECEIVED ' '- '"' AM PM CALLER I orxen MON COMMENTS: E pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED THUR i FRI APPROVED CORRECTIONS t' --. r' D orsnppRovED REINSPECT LIJ.UpOU THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: ayi/.fu / t 7f.zl fu_-: ,l +,lL = .s|x z = 3.{+ PLUMEITNG/MECHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL ( ^{/{, OF BUILDING: oF woRK: fl ruew E noorrron .El nemooel f] nepetn PTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALUArloN {f 4 SS {,*vALUArloN E f 3;60.4 REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMTT FEE | 37, r?PERMTTFEE f 3og APPROVED TOTAL FEES: $Pd r-zr-7sF -7r 37 l(e- ! orsneRnov BUILtr'ING t,AIL PEFIMIT Z€rtl t,t.,-- TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR ABEA RATIO VAR IANCE UNCOVERED APPBOVAL READ TIiIS APPLICATION AND STATE TTIAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY :r^*r, it //7a];ii;Hrr OWLEDGE THAT I HAVE TOWN ORDI}TAVCES A ND ST 4'I E tu, 'I -. i-* , o o Atta {,tfd'toy a^t DtiSIGN ltEVlJriY IIOARI) DArE oF nr'.xr mc -CryJ-J4J9AT SUtsJECT; ACTION TAKEN l{oTIoN: \toiE: APPROV1ID: D I SAI}PNOV]ID : alraY/- dr -'-n&ea _sucoliDuD BY I AGAINST DESIGN REVIEitI BIARD DATE OI' MIJBTING: MEI'1BtrRS PRESENT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARDy' f .4 " k1I|OTION' i' .t/' ,'t-, VOTE: FOR: {tf Q,':i t't:rti-' : ABSTENTION: ft SECONDED BY: AGAINST: -/-' APPROVED; t '-/ DISAPPBOVED: o ib- Pepl €rrnrhrmr ,$rthof erurhlmrYrll. Golorrdo 8155t ' REr 0arlgm Xrvlu Apprrvel offltlo Coy*rlng Drar Pepl: Enclorrd you rlll ftnd r copy of the ihrtgn Ravlcw Eortdrl apprvrl of lnur pqorrd prtlo covcrlng rc ruhlttd tprtln' 1976. Approvrl fc subJGt to thr'folloillng codltlms: l TIEI tlte c.FPy rnd rctal flrnamrk for tlrc canopy bs rwrsd by tha nrintcn iolSonni : rnd ?,. TlRt the Prtlo mlllng/rldlng bs ctrlnrd oxfot{, brlm ag approvod lert rrFlr; ' If yur hrvc rru Scatlodr, plcr fcrl freo to contaet rlthcrBlll Plerce or nysel'f. Thnk tor for your coopcrttlon. Slnccr€ly, o.Eslcfl REItEll 804R0 ilo lrrmer o t) MEI'IORANDUI4 OF AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this Jt}. 66'/1 t)of (ryW/ , l9U, by and between the TOUN 0F VAIL, a Co.lorado municipa'l corporation, referred to herein as ,,Town,, una ?flV/r-/ Q fil ,r/a , referred to herein u, ,,ooorr.uTl-f l.lI TNESSETH: lrlHEREAS, the Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Vai.l imposed requirenrents pertaining to the parking of vehicres within the Town of Vail; and . HHEREAS, the said Zoning 0rdinance for the Town of Vail, as the provisions of same apply to the property of the Applicant, for which certain building or deveropment work is contenplated requires the Applicant to provide q . parking spaces; and HHEREAS, the Applicant has agreed to comply with the requirement of providing parking spaces by purchasing 7 ,pur", ln a parking structure, constructed by the Town, and to pay the amount of $3,000 for each such parking space; itoW, tHfRffoRE, it is mutually agreed between the Town and the Applicant as fol lowsl 1. The Applicant agrees to pay to the Town the actual cost for constructing q parking spaces within the parking structure deveioped by the Town. In any event, the cost per parking space shall not exceed $3,000.00. 2, The Applicant shall have the as computed in accordance with the prov.isions as fol I ovrs : option to pay the amount or Paragraph I a bove , a. The entire amount in cash at the time of obtaining a building permit for any construction or addition in accordance with the Vail Zoning Ordinance; or b. Balirnce payable over a period of fb yeirs in equal annual installments with g% per annum interest accruing on the unpaid balance, with a minimum annual . palment of $1 ,000.00. Hithin such an installment arrange_ ment, the Applicant viould have the right at any time to pay the entire unpaid balance without penalty, by merely payi ng the accrued interest on the unpaid balance. . 3. It is understood between the Town and the Appiicant that by paying for a parking space within the parking structure, the Applicant shall not acquire any right to use any particular parking space within the parking structure. 4. Any funds derived by the Town in accordance with this ' agreement shall be applied to the reduction of debt for the parking structure referred to herei n.. . 5. This agreenent shall be binding upon the parties herero, their heirs, successors and assigns. ATTEST: ATTEST; I llv,^^*-.'-., e.i,,,l/:j";,1,1 C:.,-.;i:S ll:l,f;:l;f 30, 197/ LoNco'n;;r:iliilt'ff, Enlers DENVER, COLORADO 8021I LETTI|B @F TRANSnflIT'TAL "^" +/z/ /z.r l'"j"<r,oeArrENlroN- t "'';4a.,( c.dn Phone 433-8393 TO GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU L Shop drawings tr Copy of letter F(ettacna E Prints E Change order I Under separate cover via E Plans the following items: ! Samples D Specifications ! coPrEs DATE NO-DESCRIPTION --a<azc uas oF J/E-./L-7. )'L'*< E a-*o rC-o= 5 trs :&ru*r*,f)ztat^to,c, THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked D For approval O For your use-,rFAs requestedf 0 For review and comment tr FOR BIDS DUE below: E Approved as E Approved as I Returned for submitted noted corrections D fl D Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies for distribution Return-corrected prints n 19- D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO t-Lt-blF.bhi{t-....b. SIGNED: ,t cncrosu..t .ac not ar Dot d, kiadttt noliry ut .t ooc.. :E\(rsfr:tzJ 3e 24'o, ( L Loaq716*oF -TEh4paR&Ry 5u PFoe, r # o o Atta {,tfd'toy a^t DtiSIGN ltEVlJriY IIOARI) DArE oF nr'.xr mc -CryJ-J4J9AT SUtsJECT; ACTION TAKEN l{oTIoN: \toiE: APPROV1ID: D I SAI}PNOV]ID : alraY/- dr -'-n&ea _sucoliDuD BY I AGAINST DESIGN REVIEitI BIARD DATE OI' MIJBTING: MEI'1BtrRS PRESENT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARDy' f .4 " k1I|OTION' i' .t/' ,'t-, VOTE: FOR: {tf Q,':i t't:rti-' : ABSTENTION: ft SECONDED BY: AGAINST: -/-' APPROVED; t '-/ DISAPPBOVED: o ib- Pepl €rrnrhrmr ,$rthof erurhlmrYrll. Golorrdo 8155t ' REr 0arlgm Xrvlu Apprrvel offltlo Coy*rlng Drar Pepl: Enclorrd you rlll ftnd r copy of the ihrtgn Ravlcw Eortdrl apprvrl of lnur pqorrd prtlo covcrlng rc ruhlttd tprtln' 1976. Approvrl fc subJGt to thr'folloillng codltlms: l TIEI tlte c.FPy rnd rctal flrnamrk for tlrc canopy bs rwrsd by tha nrintcn iolSonni : rnd ?,. TlRt the Prtlo mlllng/rldlng bs ctrlnrd oxfot{, brlm ag approvod lert rrFlr; ' If yur hrvc rru Scatlodr, plcr fcrl freo to contaet rlthcrBlll Plerce or nysel'f. Thnk tor for your coopcrttlon. Slnccr€ly, o.Eslcfl REItEll 804R0 ilo lrrmer o t) MEI'IORANDUI4 OF AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this Jt}. 66'/1 t)of (ryW/ , l9U, by and between the TOUN 0F VAIL, a Co.lorado municipa'l corporation, referred to herein as ,,Town,, una ?flV/r-/ Q fil ,r/a , referred to herein u, ,,ooorr.uTl-f l.lI TNESSETH: lrlHEREAS, the Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Vai.l imposed requirenrents pertaining to the parking of vehicres within the Town of Vail; and . HHEREAS, the said Zoning 0rdinance for the Town of Vail, as the provisions of same apply to the property of the Applicant, for which certain building or deveropment work is contenplated requires the Applicant to provide q . parking spaces; and HHEREAS, the Applicant has agreed to comply with the requirement of providing parking spaces by purchasing 7 ,pur", ln a parking structure, constructed by the Town, and to pay the amount of $3,000 for each such parking space; itoW, tHfRffoRE, it is mutually agreed between the Town and the Applicant as fol lowsl 1. The Applicant agrees to pay to the Town the actual cost for constructing q parking spaces within the parking structure deveioped by the Town. In any event, the cost per parking space shall not exceed $3,000.00. 2, The Applicant shall have the as computed in accordance with the prov.isions as fol I ovrs : option to pay the amount or Paragraph I a bove , a. The entire amount in cash at the time of obtaining a building permit for any construction or addition in accordance with the Vail Zoning Ordinance; or b. Balirnce payable over a period of fb yeirs in equal annual installments with g% per annum interest accruing on the unpaid balance, with a minimum annual . palment of $1 ,000.00. Hithin such an installment arrange_ ment, the Applicant viould have the right at any time to pay the entire unpaid balance without penalty, by merely payi ng the accrued interest on the unpaid balance. . 3. It is understood between the Town and the Appiicant that by paying for a parking space within the parking structure, the Applicant shall not acquire any right to use any particular parking space within the parking structure. 4. Any funds derived by the Town in accordance with this ' agreement shall be applied to the reduction of debt for the parking structure referred to herei n.. . 5. This agreenent shall be binding upon the parties herero, their heirs, successors and assigns. ATTEST: ATTEST; I llv,^^*-.'-., e.i,,,l/:j";,1,1 C:.,-.;i:S ll:l,f;:l;f 30, 197/ LoNco'n;;r:iliilt'ff, Enlers DENVER, COLORADO 8021I LETTI|B @F TRANSnflIT'TAL "^" +/z/ /z.r l'"j"<r,oeArrENlroN- t "'';4a.,( c.dn Phone 433-8393 TO GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU L Shop drawings tr Copy of letter F(ettacna E Prints E Change order I Under separate cover via E Plans the following items: ! Samples D Specifications ! coPrEs DATE NO-DESCRIPTION --a<azc uas oF J/E-./L-7. )'L'*< E a-*o rC-o= 5 trs :&ru*r*,f)ztat^to,c, THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked D For approval O For your use-,rFAs requestedf 0 For review and comment tr FOR BIDS DUE below: E Approved as E Approved as I Returned for submitted noted corrections D fl D Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies for distribution Return-corrected prints n 19- D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO t-Lt-blF.bhi{t-....b. SIGNED: ,t cncrosu..t .ac not ar Dot d, kiadttt noliry ut .t ooc.. :E\(rsfr:tzJ 3e 24'o, ( L Loaq716*oF -TEh4paR&Ry 5u PFoe, r # N\s rt) I \*qj SY { \s \q\ \ \t a\\ I i:l "i J't I €' \ I,__l I .! :r ,.. i- ' I-{_ ]l ql Y' \\8 s") J Y tN ,') i-,j 3t,:i _roi f-{..---r;J.-l ,,rt;g '1'? ': t € l"'l':X2) 'l !?\Jl1-r t,ilr'S f IrVq xl/arl\ \.1 =$, \\l yl'\ N- lq .,:' :! ;! u,{ In 4.to/ l- o ) $ J { t tbI u N JJi J,. \ x : .\ B N : \ (f R \t rt 1'I \ *lq PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING PARKING VARIANCE FOR GASTHOFF GRAMSHAI{MER PLEASE TAKE N0TICE that Mr. Pepi Gramshammer of Gasthoff Gramsharrner has applied for a parking variance jn accord with Section]4.60] of Ordinance No. 8 (Series of .|973) in order to convert seven dormitory rooms into a night c1ub. Gasthoff Gramshanrner .is located on Lots d, e, f, 9, h, dnd i, Block 58, Vail Village First Filing. The proposed change of use will require an additional nine parking spaces. A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with Section 2.|.500 of Ordinance tlo, 8 (series of ]973) on January 30, .|975 at 3r00 p.m. in the Vaii Municipal Building. said variance will be heard before the Town of vail Planning Commission and findings wi'l I be transmitted to the Town Council for the Town of Vail for final decis'ion. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPI,IENT January 10, .|975 Di ana . Toughill Admi n i stra ted January 7, blished in the 1975 Vail Trail on Friday, PROOF STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE OF PUBLICATION t, Aa^*", +i"oa do soremnry swear trat r am the B,J1' M6Rr of THE VAIL TRAIL; that the same is a weekly newspaper printed, in whole or in part and published in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, and has a general circulation therein; that said newspaper has been published continuously and uninterruptedly in said County of Eagle for a period of more than fifty-two consecutive weeks next prior to the fint publication of the annexed legal notice or advertisement; that said newspaper has been admilted to the United States mails as second-class matter under the provisions of the Act of March 3, 1879, or any amendments thereof, and that said newspaper is a weekly newspaper duly qualified for publishing legal notices and advertisements within the meaning of the laws of the State of Colorado. That the annexed legal entire issue of everv consecutive insertions; and that the first pubication of said notice was in the issue of said newspaper 6u6"6 JN'tUntgY I O a.O. 19'XE and that the last publication of said notice was in the issue of said newspaper dated JArJdr€y to A.D.IeJ5- In witness whereof I have hereunto set O g*.r,'o, Subscribed and swom to before me, a notary public State of Calomdo, ttris rllal aay of gal notiee or advertisement was published in the regular and numb€r of said weekly newspaper for the period of I Fubllc tcrle PUBLIC NOTICE puELrc'HEARING AEeARDING P.ARKING VARIANCE FOR GASTHOFF G RAMSHAMMER!r-.-*- PLEASE TAKE NOTICE thAt MT. anc6 Wilf be h6btd b€toro tnt Yown of . Vatl -Plrnnlng CommlsSlqfi and. lindlng3 wlll b. transrnlitttd to th6 Town Councll for tha Towh ol vtll FaDl Gftmrhrmmar . ct G.5th-fl cirmrhammer :hal rlitll.d lot a garkln9 . varl!n@'.' lO,..!gcotd wirh sacrlon 14.60l ot Q(dlnance No. 8(s.rl.5 ol 1973) ln otdct to €onv€rt$wn derrnltory,lroomt lnto l..tlght ciub. Grsthotl Grumshammfi ls locatad.on Lttls iUi + lr 9; h, Jnd I, Elock 58, Vafi y$.i!D. Flrsg Flling. The gropos€O qtagga ol usa will reoulrg.in addltldfral ntti. parking 5pact6. I r',1:.:q , ;r .1 I sr4unr -.rr qws'rrvlg.l 5pact6. I r{:l:.:q , ;r .1A publlc Herrlng wlll b. hrld in i accord.nc€ wlih slctlqn 2l.5oo otl ordlnlncG No. I (3rtl3r 6f 19731 on Janu y .3O, l976.tl3ioo P'ln' l$ th€' V.ll Munlclo.l Eulldln: Sald vari- ancc Vrill be h6dtd b€toro tfit Town Town Councll for tha fow for flfil itclrlon. mv hand this &r:I day of , - OEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ' Ohtla S. Toughlll zonlng Admlnlttratot Publlsh€d ln The vail Trall on January 10, 1975. A.D. rs_z{' My0ommission expire" Y)4aa.rJu /6 lg ?r- ofI APPLICATION TOR Ano/or coN0lT lolll'.. usE 0rdi nance llo. I (Ser VAR IANCE PERH o ies of 1973) Appf fcation 0ate -JanuarY 7., 1975 Pub I icafion Heagins .oare January 30; l9Z5-',- _'f-l+f C.-< /U,ttttz. xz.ffrra1--: cl i'si cn c a'./e for TOxn Counc i r__ _Eellqary 4, 1975 Hearing Fee Da t e . Jaquqry 10, 1975 -. r--_ ${ 00. 00 I (r.,e ) Gasthoff Gramshanmer Bridge and Gore Creek Dr. Col orado (Appl i ci:nr ) Vai 1 (Add res s ) Prrone 476-5626 (C i ty) do hereby request pe.nission to appear belore the Vai t planninc Commission to request the fol loning:. and ( x I Variance from Arf icle 14-'.,, Sectlon ! ! lont ng Change f rom_--_t( ) ParP. lng Variancet ) Conditlonal Use Perrnit to al toy In ccl zone. Foi the fol lowi 'Ft I lng Number Glea rly state In order to ng descrlbed Vail Village properf y: 'Lot/tracf'-glg;lrg,fiD tocr- 5B --. : . -...flrst fl nng p urpose and intent..-convert / 00rm rooms this app I icaiion approx. 160 sq. ft. each to of of lub of I'876 net s ft.requ I r't n arki n var I ance Uhot do you {eel ls the basls for hardship ln thls caie? October 1.6, 197{ Gene l; gmith, Esq. Town Attorney Town of Vall ,. ' ' , Box 100 VaLl, Colorado 81657 et our meetl-ng oO aUgust 2rl we reached, substantlil agreemenon the wordtng of ihe egi6emeni berween the.iown "I vitr-i;d:.-.-:Gasthof Gransharcc'rer, Inc. Iou were As I lndlcated to-you_at that, tLsre, re-Sr9 airxto-ue to fittl1ithls.nattcr consurrnated. rn thE Lntereet of 'tlme, r have piepared-la draft of ttre Agreement in accordancs-wltb ny tinierstaniti;g 6t ,'+.q \rralL et LrtEr flg I t:tiulellE J-n accofqancg- WIEO lly Unctef€;Eqnof-ng OI ,-{r._;fr.:j*our conversatlon; This draft ehould be coarplete excep€ as to ttre it' ' legal description whlch can be attached ae Exhtltt A.: ,--_ -i , ' .we vrould lppreciat" ""# J;oLari,rrig urrr''naitdr.-' ic'yoi ' .. . t;*have any que6tt6ns, pteasi gtve te a'-cail. i':.:;'''e:!,-..... i, ""r=;t*ffhave ""v q"."trfi;;-;i;;"4-;i{^ffI; S!1l'li:-.T,''-..r"'i;:,,- :--, r i : "..,1.r,:r',,,i. - r"i' ":{air*{S;ffiP'"':' ' 't':i:i- '1-.;t:i . -;.,-, .-'."i. 't' ,',,,,;i rr ;ii "r','=', -,' - .i'ti*iltgl**,jlt:,::I"'^,Hl*&u$iIi. -,.;l.rr.r,..i-,- tii:' . ,.',,,: .;"'{aii'{4F#f'-':' : t;ll r17- *-lti,''-.,' :&'tl, ";t,,1+'l;.'; ", .l -., , -, ,.--, .;;'liiiili$o,,.;.? trulv vours' ;;1i;:rrffi'lf*{ - l:,.'" ",*', ' ". :l;i'.:r *tGRovE4';,:, ",ii.::=.i,t:lit,, Byr CCr o , THIS AGREEMENT made.and.entered into this .: day Eunicipal coxporation .and GASTHOF GRAMSHA!flI{ER; INC..1,-4 rCelof,ado COfpofatiOn; -; : l:., : . -iiir,r;. .. ;. .'. -...,. i- s , r...r ::.... ' :: ,1. WHEREAS, .-ttre Tolrn, of Vail has constructed a fountain and improvements on a Bortion of Lot t1* El"ook5-Br.,Vail Village, First Filing, County of.Eagle, State of Colorado, and WHEREAS, a portion of said improvements ar.e located on the property owned by Gasthof Gramshammer, Incr, fermerly useQ by said corporation for parkl4g;'dnd. I .,,::. ri( : .:s.F. _: WHEREAS, the'.Town rof ,:_Vail is. .congtructing a parking - ..j... i: NOW, THEREFORET in consideration of . the premises it is agreed and stated as follolrss . r . 1. Gasthof Granshamrner VaiI the right to construct.stone the following deseribed property! , SEE ETEIBIT.A ATTACHED Tttle to said parcel shall remain_in Gasthof Granshamnrer and nothing herein shall be construgd-as a'conveyance of any interest in said property to the Torrn of Vail. The Town of V-alf will re- move said improvements from Gasthof Gramshammerrs property at the .- - : ,l . 'i . r i . : Townrs expense, upon termination of this Agreement. .-:-2- As consideration for the Town's.use of said space, the Town of Vail agrees to provide seven parking spaces for the use of Gasthof Gramshammer, Inc.;in the parking structure currently under construction as a part of the Vail- Transportation Center. r-::. fl:j" ' '''"-'- -ra.-' j, l:'r.Such spaces shall be provided to Gasthof Gramshammer, without charget o J for a period of five (5) years comrnencing with the first day of 1974 or wtr"r, tt" spaces are first made available to the Gasthof, whichever date shall be latei, ana the Gasthof' shall have -the right at its option to exteni tri. rr" of such spaces f6r an additional five (5) years. This Agreement shall continue as long as Gasthof Gramshammer has the use of such spaces and shall terminate upon the termination of such use. 3. Gasthof Gramshammer, fnc. is currently utilizing four parking spaces which are on its property facing Gore ireek Drive and irnmediatery adjacent to the porch of the Gasthof Gramshammer buirding. Gasthof Gramshamm"r .9r"3i'triat at such time as the seven parking spaces pro.ria"a ?or nereirr'.i" made "'' availabLe for its use, tha€ it wilr terminate its use of the said four spaces on Gore ireek Drive. so rong as $is Agreement re- rnains in effect, the parties agree that that space shalr be designated as a "no parking,' zone. ir 4'. The Town agrees that it herein provided for and see that said of trash and litter. 5. Gasthof Gramshamm6r has a right of way twelve (I2) feet in width ad.jacent to the said plantirs and between the said planters and the fountaih. The Town of vair ugi..i" tii6i ""iaright of way shall remain open and that nothing'sharl be constructed which will impede the access over and across saia right bf way.' IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, the parties have hereunto through affixed their signatures the day and year first above written. THE ToI'IN oF VAIL By: GASTHOF. GRAMSHAMMER, Elt r oPI . C ..r, --., :' . i-., :: Cl- rfg.: -2- ?nrim nitii b$ fit tii o of{ice crf the town attorneY l"fay 24 , 3'974 i*r l:{iIri l.: 3 box 100 vail, color;:do 81657 ,rOr1 476-r;fi13 John L. Fergusorr, Esq. AttorneY et L+vt Se;cr.rrity Life BuiJ.ding Dcrrver, Coloradc 80'/'02 Ile: Gastho j Gransharnrner, Vai 1 , Col-orailo Dear l.'fr. Fe-r1.1usou : Thi.g rr,i1i srrl.rirLetr.eitt our: discussions cnrice::ning*the aborte i;at" anri thb- prope'I't)' r'ight s of its or','ner l'ir' . Pepi Glaursllanlner ' The Tow:: iias tlecidecl to Telocate the fourrtain rvhich is cur- ilr,tf >' be;ing consiructed 1* ihe Gore Creek P'Laza, rnoviiig.it to tlri li.€st ? f.err' {'eet so as to leai.re a riglit'of-ryaly, iiavittg u-*iatir of al:'pro-ti.rnately tlicivs feet bctr';eetl the folrr'tain and a srnc i 1 ri:ck ruali urhich i.s near th,3 sout:1i1,''est co.rilo:r of Pepi's pJ:ol)i"; ,rly. This right-of-rr'ir)'tr'lLjch rr'i'11' run;r1 olti; ;';i;;'; i;:;i ruii. j. .'o: L-t per:iiit ilgreis aL::<1 egrerss lo lh9 parliing area to tiie rear of thb Gasthof Gramshalnnei in which Pepi -irasall iliteres i:. It will also facili.tate se r\"ice vehl.cles and fi.re trricl-s for Pepi's convcriierrcc and protettion' Pepi or.'ns a strip of land approx j netel1' four fcet in t'idth on ;i;-t,';;;"rial-ol'nii **.tt irair rrhich is not rdccir-rate to. perririt rhe n:r r"1:inr of n,oint vehicies. \rai1 Assclr':iates, Inc' , has ;;;"';;t lo"i*ai.oto thr: Gore Crerck Fiaz;-r prope rty, to the Tovirr tnltilin. a short. tinr.c . AL that ti i:re \iAf apparerrtly a1!9 plaiis lo-"oii.'"y the aforcsaiC pa'k1ng area to Pepi et a1 . Tire d.edicati on <locrrrne nt tr,i11 inclucle ar1 easetient across Gore Creek P1.aza fran Gore cr:eek DriYe to the pa-rking a}'ea-. As soon as lh; G"i; Creel< pi.Z.z.a property is debjcated to the Tonn, Pepi must ceesc havi-ng his'patron-c park ad.jaccnt to his r,;est ttal-1 ui-"rrn1.f es parkccl theie r!.ou1d- encroacli gtt tlis 'lor''n 1and. **-'"*'' ^o o Page Two Nh'. Ferguson Ilay 24 , 1974 Gore Creelt P1u.:ra wr11 be surfaced rvith bricJ< pavers and concrete aggreg.i'i:e ir'hj.ch wil l. lial'e an attractive appearance. Thc f,otr'n r,ri 'l 1 nrrt ;'l-ro lnrrr-,...:Tci-e FggrcE.ate on Pcpi's strip, providcrl it receives; his perrnission for said surfacing. Since the llrojectis in prr)tfe ss. the Toiin nee d-c that perrnission rr'i.thin a short tine, .perhaps ii;.' the early palt of June " If Pepi does ttot del irrer said per::riss j,on to thc: Toi"n by the tirne the p1a.za will be surfaced, Pei:r:i.'s strip u'ill. not be sr-rrfaced. So that Pepi tt'i11 not be unart'ale of the mat'cer, please convey to hirn tJiat tl:e Torqn :ls plarrning to enact a rna1l. act, hope- fu11"y th j.s srrnriner, ''r'hlch i.ii-l t harre a.ti irrll;rc-1-- on veiliclar*-*1..i-^.i.. 1..,r-i. +]rr front ancl rea.r of the Gasthof GransharnncrPOr A rllE -LlI r./,r L.t ( as lJell as or1 other private parking areas in Conmer:c j a1 Core 1. Sincerel;., Gei'e A. S:li'ii: , Torvn Attorncry GAS/ j k ' 'T-'';i'g" '- .roHti .r. 6oaau6H OF.CgtJNgEL *Eogn,. t ",r.,"LTOIr*FD H. 'IAIfP9EIL&acoE ldall(ER JR, CIIAFLES !r GFCVeR L'LAND A l'foBEstr" JOIIiI L FEiCUSOX JTMES r|. TURHER t l+ c. L.oflrEE CTIAibIi I. FHYNE C| L ECaEIXAI{ .,OHIT I} PFEIFFER RICHAFA !. HARVEY E||{ATT 3. AI9EXEER6 IIFFY ,r{ot|.a nsKE JOIIN J. Multlf\l$ Jg, KErlrErH o,.crJRlslta ssENq^vro r, GoRSucfl FOBEF? €. WARREII JR. Gene A. Snnith Bown Attorney Town of Vail o &.;1. i 1?:74 KtRGts, Caupaelu WeUER AND GRovER ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1900 sEcuRtTV UFE 6ullo||.tc DENVER, COT.ORADO SOaOe TELEPHONE A93- IOOO AREA CODE 3O3 August 9, L974 .{l GoRsucu, , ,..eci PePd Gragshamner Wrr,-p,'. [4M]& tlEPl{EN A. WEll'lgTElfl IOISET J. IIAPELIIS FAEI'ERICX O. JOLLEY PHILIP E. FIIDEAEL JOH|! J. l(t{C, JR, STEPHEN X. OUITCAN JOHN F. HEAD I(EBFI R.IRITTAIII OAVID X. PIOWELL PAMEIA II, NARTIN RO9ERI F. WILGOiI WILLIAI H. MGEIYAR 3A|Ar{ T, CA||PlELL F^iaotl p, co|-vEer gPECIA|- COUNgEL .r ,," &ox 100 . Vail, CO 81657 Dear Gene: Sometime ago we talked about the agreement between Pepi andthe Tovtn of Vail concerning parking spaces. I know you have been extremely busy, but I wonder if it rnight be possible to get to work on this agreement. I would like to get it wound up before, we all forget about it. Very truly yours, GORSUCH, KIRGIS CAMPBELT,, AIKER AIiID JLE/)rr Uuhyr--rersffn tl t.i {oHn a GoF€ucH oF cotrNgcl FRCDEFIC L.I(IRgIS LEOiARD M. CAXPBEIL lqscoE gratxER, JR. CHARIES E: OROVEF LEIAND E. I'ODEgITT JOIIN L FERSUSON JAl,lES Ht lutl'lER lf f4. c. xc(|ENEE CI{AFLEs E. iHYNE c, t. EcrcFxat{ JOHN S. FFEIF?EI RICHARO B. HARVEY lElrlll|Elt 3. Alt€llIERG IEFFY NO!LE FISKE JOHN J. MULIIIIS JF, KEN ETH G. CHttSTlAfiS9€t{ oavtD F- 30R5uct{ ROIEFY E. WAAREX. JR. ATEFHEN A. WEIN9T:IN ROIEBT J. I(APELI(E FFEDEFICK o. JOLLEY PHrlrF E. itSDesEL JOH|{ J, KlN(l, Ja, IITEPHEN f,l. OUNCAN JOHl.l a, HEAD XERRY F. ERI'TAIN OAVID II, POWEIL PAYELA M. IIARAIN ioaERT F. WtLgOt{ wlLL|AH H. rlc€lvAN IEIAN l' SAT,IPAELL RAIION F. COIVERT SPECtAt COUI{3EL Gonsuclr, Krncrs, CnMpeeLL WALKER AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW I9OO SECURITY LIFE BUILOING DENVER,CotoReoo 8O2O2 TELEPHCNE 693.IOOO AREA CODE 3O3 October L6, 1974 GRovgR Gene A. Smith, Esq. Torvn Attorney Town of Vail Box 100Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Ge. ne-i At our meeting on August 24 we reached substantial agreement on the wording of the Agreement between the Town of Vail and Gasthof Gramshanruner, Inc. You were going to prePare a draft of the Agreement as soon as we obtai.ned the legal description of the property that is occupied by the planter boxes. As I indicated to you at that time, we are anxi-ous to get this matter consunmated. In the interest of time' T have prepared a draft of the Agreement in accordance with my understanding of our conversation. This draft should be complete except as to the legal description which can be attached as Exhibit a. We would appreciate your expediting this matter. If you have. any questions, l]T"_"__give me-a call Very truly yours, GORSUCH, KIRGIS, CAI4PBELL, TiIAIKER AND GRO\ZER Encl. JLr',/c1P /n ! truan's"---- U CC:Pepi Gramshammer NOTE TO: IjltOlr{: DATII: SUBJEC I': Terry l'linger, Torvn l{anager' Jirn Lanont. Adninistra!ive -. ':::ist:rrt Gene A. Snith, Town Attorne;, llay L7, 1974 Gore Cr,:,:Ji Plaza Ga s tlto :' ' ii'anslrarmre r At 9:15 A.I{. John Fcrguson, lisr.1 . , of Derrucr (Ph. 8gJ- 1000) ,who represeilts 1.1r. Pepi Grarnshanuner, oll,ne r of Gastho f ' Granshar,-rner, telephoned 'Ierry, and since he is in Chicagotoday,he then cl iscussed with ine the effecls of our plaiaproject on the Gasthof Gransharnmer. 1"1r. Ferguson said hehad lreen j-nf olnecl that the plaza pro j ect rui11 (a) iinpedethe locige's. park'ing areas and ingies! and egress therefroinand (b) perhaps also produce a fire hazard 6y restrictingaccess to the lodge by thc Fire Department, I-le sa.id thaiPepi orr'ns 3 feet of land on the we.st side of his lodge andhad an oral agreenent ryith Vail Associates, Inc., to use anadjaccnt strjp of land so that the lodge his about 4 parkingspaccs on that side of the building. Apparently the lodge - patrons rvlio park on the rvest side of the lorlae and behind iton the north side use the present plaza for iccess. r inforrnedI'{r..Ferguson that I am genet-a11y familiar irrith the plazaproject but I do not have suffj.cient knotvledse of itispecific aspects to know to what extent it rvitl effect th.eGasthof Grailsharnmel. I did teLl him that the Town is awareof Pepi'q property rights, parking situation, and fire pro-tection for hjs lodge and that the plaza project will nbtimproperly affect Pepirs rights. I tol.d I{r.-Ferguson thatI rvili inforrn Terry arrd Jirn-of his inquiry and that probahlyJ,irn, who is the pro j ect rnana.qer, will -telbphone him bnrYonday, l'Lay 20, L974, to discuss the mattei with hir,r. Inrespol.rse to his question I also infor:ned ].{r. Ferguson tliatI understand that vAI has agreed to dedicate the plaza propertyto the Tor+n. :"aln o' office of the town attorneY l,lay 24,1974 lnwtl s HfrI box 100 vail, color:'jc 81657 (303) 476-5613 Jqhn L. Feiguson, Esq. Attorney at Lav" Security Life i3uilding Denver, Colorailo 8A202 Re: Gasthof Gramsharnmer,Vail, Colorado Dear l'.'lr. Fergt:son : This t,ri.11 supplenent our dj.scussions coilcel:ning_the above i;a;" u,ia tt,'*'property ri.ghts of its orvrier l,1r" Pepi Granshammcr. The Tor+n has clecicled to relocate the fountai.rr vrhich is cur- i"trtfy bei.ng ciinstructed i' the Gorc Creek Plazt,, rnorring.it tO the rqest a feiv feet so as to learre a right-of -tiai', ha'rririg a v:t clth of approxim;lteIy tr*elve fe et be ?l,Ieeryl-he fountain ""a u sl.rlrl.l. r^ick rqal.1 rnitich is nea:: the south',{est col:ncr of Pepi's propeity. This right-of-way v;iri'ch wil1 run along loir:.'s iuurt uail rr'i11 p"t*it- ingre.ss and eg:.ess 19 -1-h9 parking arba to the r:ear oi t1! Gasthof"Grarnshanntei in whjch Pep,i -hasan interest. It 'r;il.l" aj.so facilitate service vehicles and fire trucks for Pepi's convenience and protection' peoi owns a strip of land approxinately four feet in width on ;;5-*;;;-tia"-oi"r'i; ;*;:;; wlii r,rhich ii not adcquate to- perrnit iii" pi"i,lng of motor vehicles ' Va j-1 Associates , Inc ' -, has "gr"ia to Eedicate the Gore Creek Plaza propel'ty_ to the Town within a shr:rt time. At that tine VAI apparently a1l9 plans io-io"""y-the aforesaid parking area to Pepi et al. The dedicati'or, docrrn,ent wif f^ inclute an easement across Gore Creek Plaza fron Gore Creek Drive to the parking area-' As soon as the Gore Creek piiza propetty is de'dicateil to the Tor,rn' PuPi must cease having his^patroni park adjace;rt to his nest na1l ui-*"f,i.ies partEa theie would^ encroach on the Tor+n land. i:.lq'o' Page Two.Mr. Ferguson May 24, 7974 Gore Creek P1aza r,,'i11 be surfaced with bricll pavers and concrete aggregate which will have an attractive appearance. The fownwill put the concrete aggregate on Pepi's strip, provided it receives his pernission for said surfacing. Since the project is in progress, the Town needs that pcrnission within a short timer perhaps iry the earl-y part of June. If Pepi does not deliver said pernission to the Town by the time the pl-a.za will be surfaced, Pepi's strip will not be surfaced. So that Pepi will not be unaware of the matter, please conveyto hirn that the Tonn is planning to enact a nall act, hope- fully this surn:ler, rvhich will have an inpact on vehiclarparking in botlr the front and rear of the Gasthof Grarnshamner as well as on other private parking areas in Corunercial Core 1. Sincere 11', Gene A. Sniith, Town Attorney J GAS/jk TO ltI|N OF l/A IL BUILtrIING trEFTv|IT TOTAL FLOOR AR EA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED APPLICATION ACCEPTED PLAN CHECKo APPROVAL PERMIT # I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ TI-IIS APPLICATION AND STATE THA'I' TT{E ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY 1VITH AI,L TOWN ORDTNANCES AND STATE LAWS REGARDING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. SIGNAl'URE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR INSPECTION RECORD (For Department Use Only) Phone 476-2310 advanc€ notic€ requir6d lor inspectioni SITE AND ACCESSIBLE TO INSPECTOR o hours REO. INSP. SPECIAL INSPECTOR APPROVAL DATE COMMENTS / LOCATION SIGNATURE 0z 6J fo SETBACK FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING STE EL STE EL STEEL FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL FFAME Y FOOFI NG ROOM VENTILATION FIREPLACES WALL COVERING (INT} FINAL X z F ItlI APPLIANCE SYSTEM FINAL c,z 6:fJc WATER SUPPLY & DIST. DRAIN & WASTE VENTING STANDPIPES AUTO. SPRINKLER SYSTEM FINAL J () E FoulJ u,l SERVICE ENTRANCE ROUGH ROUGH ROUGH FINAL CORRECTION ORDER LEFT STOP ORDER ISSUED:RELEASED: CERTI FICATE OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED REMARKS: NOTE: rHrs cARD rs ro HAVE BEEN BE REAUFNED TO THE BLOG, DEPT. MADE TO.qUTHORIZE ISSUANCE OF AFTE R ALL BEOUIRED INSPECTIONS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CLEANUP DEPOS IT RE FUND ,Date .Pa i d ProJ ect Cont ract Depos i t Address Arno unt or Pa id bY oO Date Refunded ,r4*/ norized tor Re To}Tr{ 0F l'Att EIUILDINGi PEFIMIT TOTAL FLOOR AREA IOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AFEA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE \i UNCOVERED o I HEREBY A READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE TIIAT THE ABOVE !S CORRECT AND AGN,EE TO COMPLY DATE OF APPLICATION 5 NEW( } ALTERATION ADDITION( I REPAIR{ I TJSE OF BUILDING SO. FT. OF BLDG.HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING NO. OF STOBIES NO. OF LIVING UNITS MAIL ADDRESS WATER I } FORCED AIR | ) uNrr( | LOT BLK FILING 1. TypE OF CoNSTRUCT|ON I t N @|HR 2- OCCUPANCY GROUP ABCDEFGHIJ DtvtstoN 12 3 4 BUILDING PERMIT SPECIFI ED PLAN CHECK FEES FIR E SPRINKLERS WET STANDPIPE SMO|(EPROOF ENCLOSURE OCCUPANCY SEPARATION APPLICATION Hol z! 713 lvtil o Aprl I 25, l972 Aspon Constructlon 0ompanyP. 0. Box ZZ Aspen, Co I orado ' Re; Gent I emen: }ltth respoct to your petlo addltlon, bar rernodel and f ire stalr fot'Grgmshotnfier, I have *he follawlng commentsl t. Patlo Addiflon - Asphalt shall be cut with saw approxl- nrately 6rf back from wall so uhen asphalt ls replaced, a swEle can be Instal led. Any questlons rsgardlng thls comment should be dlrected to Pete Burnett. Gramshammer A I teration L.Bar Remodel - Al I walls and cet llng shsl I be a mlnimurn of one hour fl re reslstt ve consfruction. Exhaust system r6quires & one hour label flre demper af exterlor wal l. Addltlonal supply al r Door In new hall shal I nd I cated on p I ans. Barnuood shal I have a 3. Flre stalr : Submi? p . f hey wl | | be rsvloxednltl be forwarded to Yours tru I v. TO}JN OF VA I L Ed Strub I e tlulldlng 0ff,lclal dw requlr€d, ofls*f tffh from fhe <rutslde. t srvlng opposlfe direeflsn of that mexfmum flame spreed of 25.'a. lans a5 soon as possible af which time and a I I st of noncon forml tl es ( i f any) you. /ilr, BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction ol-J Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. t1 I ls \^ rn FfZ- (LltEE AITACxEO sHEEt) MAIL AODIEAg /n €-n- EA &9 Pe' LTcENSE r{O.3 As Pc;t'., arcHrrEci oi DErtcNEi IICaN6E |{O. Ac Psv EIIGIIIEEi MA|L AOOiEIIS - I FHONa LICENsE NO. U3E O' BUILOING 8 CIAS OI WOrK: f] NEW E ADOITIOiI [rNTTTRINOI D REPAIR tr MOVE tr REMOVE Describe work: 10 Change ol ure trom Irb ue 11 Valuation of work: $ f= CCO ,PLAN cHEcK FE . /4, do pERMfr FEE 27, oo SPECIAL CONDITIONS:occuprncya F- tGroup E 'lt Size of 8lde. (Totar) sq. Ft. Flra SDrlnklff5 Requlred E\l,es ENot4f,OFFSTREET PARKING SPACEST NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN @ OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENQED dR AEANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. NOT, THE GGIVE AUTH( OF ANY :&z I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE INED THIS COR RECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWSTYPE OF WORK WILL BE C NING THIS FI EO NOTTH WHEN PROPEAIY VALIDATED THIS IS YOUR PEBMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - I NSPECTOR PERMIT VALIDATION cK. $tr'a 'ea PINK _ APPLICANTCANABY - AUDIT GOLDEN BOD _ TEMP. FILE J. ""i' BUILDING PERAAIT APPLICATION n 4-Dr, - f*-o, *,,' a.r./JF-l Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. $?rli's I oE3Ci.(L_llEE arracxED sHEEt) MAIL ADOIE36 v /?tL FltotiE Z7o1 LrcENgE t{O.3 H'c Be v tq"6 AiCH I TEq-T Oi DE9I LtcEilSE t{ o. PHOXE LIC EI{ 9 E NO. USE O' EUILOIN6 I Crasofwork: !qut* nAoDrTroN DALTERATToN trREpAtR trMovE DREMoVE 10 Change of use lrom 11 Valuation of work: $ a'l O . - SPECIAL CONOITIONS: Slze ot Bldg. (Total, 5q. Ft. Flre SDrlnktcrs Requlred !ys5 [1qANCE AYi OFFSTREET PARKI NG SPACES: NOTICE SEPAFATE PEBMITS ABE REOUIRED FOR ELECTEICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT EECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WTTHIN 60 OAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENOE D OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIM€ AFTER WOBK IS COM. MENCED. FV THAT I *11- I HEREBYAPPLICATIALL PROVTYPE OF \HEREIN O THIS RECT. i THISIFIED, NOT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - I NSPECTO F WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IiI THIS THIS IS YOUR PE cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION CANAHY - AUDIT PINK - APPLICANT GOLOEN ROD - TEMP. FI LE I I L1 ttarch 9, I97l 4spgn ConstnuctLon Conp.P. 0. Box ZZ Aepen, Colonado 8161l SubJect: PerrnLta {97067 and 1t?0103 GnanehaEunen Addltlonr o Gentlemen! on thie dete r raet with pepL Gnanghnnner and rnade a pre-flnalinspection of the above euLjeet Jobe. rn" io[owr"g-ii.^i"a-fra[b€ oonleoted: l. steer beaur and eteel colurnn in basenent boLletr noon ehalr.. be covered with one houn fir.e nated nater:lal . 2. Seal anound duct leadlng fnon dlshwabher noom lnto banwith one houn fir:e neeiitant matenl.al . 3. seal anound ductwonk from kLtchen at floon and coilingwith one hou:' fLne nosLetant natenlaL (in sepanate roonoff of eornLdor naan the centnar etairla on elcond fl,oon). l{. rngtalr one hour doon wlth doon cloeen in archway betueenmain lobby and cantsr etaln (on apply- f; il;i-;6"i; 5. rnetall fine aeeenbly doore and eprlnklor Byst€m ln laundnychute 6. Extend northuEat stains to ground rever. .b 7, rnstalr handle on floon access panel in enployees guarters. 8. subnit Lettens of appnoval on epninkler system in basen€ntand fine axtinguiohing equipneni in kltchln exhaust hoodefrom Hountaln States inefectlon Buneau on -qual. rn diecussLng tha above nonoonfonnl.tiee witn pepl , rtem 6would not be cgnpleted until eonetLme in Auguat'oi iepiernben wLthray appnoval. rtsn T r havc diecuesed wittr fhe Fine cirier anaalthough he wae not in-favon of sFitttng the nequirea doon, haagrecd to-allorr it eg long aa ho_had "'!"y to ttie exLetlng'rolruggate providing ranc ts approvcc l.f tnr goirna oi:ipiilra;-- ;-,--- .t; GRAMSHAMMER t_ 17 010 3 Building Penmit subject to the following 1. Install illuminated exit sign so as to direct tr:af f ic to kitchen extenio:: door. 2. Any coolers or ::efrigenatons that have wate::lines to their systems must have trback-flow nFe\ttrnf pr.,t .za1Ve . ImG. TRANSMITTAL Charles Bvnrn. B1ds. Inspector P0 Box 631 Vai1. CoLo.81657 Regarding: Structure iiot WE6T 4t7ll AVEiIUE . DltlVEt. COLORADO 40217 . PHOIIE 433.31ti DESIGN, PLANNING & CONTRACT DEPARTMENT Date: October L4- L97O Sent by: Messenger Blueprinter )O( Mail Express Picked Up. Job No. J25 Location Gentlemen: (herewlth Colorado the above iob. These are: 1. iv 3. (As checked APFROVED below). FOR YOUR APPROVAI, PRETIUINARY 4. 5. 6. FOR USE ON JOB FOR YOUR FILES FOR ESTIITIATE DUE.L:9 Remarks: After revLew, please indicate nDt attention. Thank you. your approval on one complete set and return to c;c. By $ur 200 6".'uor\ ocT 191970 O, .-\%o, col{TRAcr L6 2/70 Rlch Corso. Desien DraftsmaneoafLL 8r.""/r.", t4 tL qd 8e'**. t.d.af.+:. g .l I r0r wE3t .ltH lvEluE RECEIVEO OlXYlr, COL0I OO t02rt . AU0 2 7 1970 PH Oll I 4t l-al r r0nG" August 4, 19lrt I{r. Pepl G r:.i rrs h anr-ae r Vail , Colo radr.r Dear Yr. Grarrr: hanne r: I^le are pleascc Eo s'bmiE our lroposal for your present remodeling proi.:,'t. ITE}I ];O,O!{irr:rY MFG/MOI:: #DES CRIPTION K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K11 K12 K13 K13A v1 Lj:. f Kl5 By O'urne r c. E. "cF-021 Raetone ,,.js._Zz -s Custom By orme r By Ot^rner Cus tom By Owner By ftuner Custom By O,runer Ilmber G1o .'jl5F By Onner Keatlng "TS-14 By O*rer Sorr t ltbenc 'i302 1 1 Lot Ice Cream Cabinet RoLl Warmer, b uilt-in Salad & <iessert case, self contained, four(4) extra shelves Formica cabinet & double overhead shelves. Accornodate items K2 & K3. Provided with dipperwell. Ice nachine, under counter type. Reach-in refrigerato Toaster stand, s/s top, painted base with two (2) bread drawers. Toasters Sandwich table S /S pass-over shel,f r,,'i th overhea,i cablnet with food warmer, mount ed . S/S slrelves, bodl- cei Hot Food rab le Broiler mounted on stand Frve r Fr,ver on cabinct base Range, griddle & open top combinatlon Griddle top r;rrr11e with oven below. Gray K8 K9 K10 I 1 L z 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 painEed finish. -conC inued- Lcgs & highshelf. Use Zonc t uEiCing TYPe ---..-.-.-CccuponcY-..- {trtvtl 0c1 191910 %or) rs' eoa"Lt .8&t lo tl. qul g.r-,,- l-.u4tlqries..tEdr------.,-.. '+ui:il,';:T:l:H"' 3 KI rr Kl/ K18 K19. V zti'1: ll2 Aui,,lr:jL 4, 197O Door K20 I\Z I K22 K23 v1 t, K25 K26 R27 K28 R29 K30 1 1 1 I Lot I I I I Crts I , ,rn Ctts t otrr Cus t ()m CusEon Southbend ;,'30! By Orne r Custom By Owner Cus t om By Owne r Seco Custom Therm-O-Koo 1 S eco Cus tom ABCO i Clt-12 HobarE +AMgCI: In-Sink-Erator #ss-150-188 Ily Owner l{orktable, r.'ood tol.r r,/ith L,.r,r (2) drawers belr:,.,gaIv. iegs & u/sirclf , Overiiead cab iuc'c. Calv. shr.,Lvcs, paintedbody. Sliding doors. ','egeEable pr:cp. table, s/s top with two (2)sirk & V edge. Ga1v. legs & u/she1f, Exiiaus! hood, br.rx t1'pe r,rith g vapor proo l:lights, filcers & grease cans. Ceiling h,lng.Fire protaction systen includecl. Does noEinclu<ie any duct work. gpen top range r^rith oven below. cray paintedfinlsn, legs & high she1f. Slicer ltood top raork table with two (2) drawers, ga1v,legs & ':/shelf. One (l-) s/s overhead shetf. i'Li xe r Portable nixer stand. Hand si-nk Dry storage shelves, two (2) units. I{ork table, s/s top with galv. legs and u/she1f. Ifalk-in cooLer, aluninum interior & exterior, self-conEai.ned raith two (2) glass reach-indoors. ,\1I Urethame. vin]-l ccated sheh'ing, two (2) 42" units, two(2) 48" 'r.nirs & one (1) 36" unit. Soiled & clean dislrtables w/uterrs i I sinks. S/S tops S sinks, s/s overshL,lves. galv. legs I Lot 1 Lot K31 K32 K33 K34 1 1 & undersuelves. Booster heater wirh trim pkg. D isl*vashe r , regulated elec. lrr..r L .safety switch. Disi'osrl i'irlr spray rinse & rn,;rl I bracket )fi1k Di s p enscr -conc inued- f:l;f'r;,::::;n""'f I';rge i/ 3 AugusL !;, L9 l tt ri35 1 r-ustom Be-;erage ( .rrriltcr, s/rj tol) witir bui lL irr ice li::, r+attr ',!aEiorI, drip !roLr;1h & not,:lr for g'.i-ss rat:1,. r, , 8 scL:: <tf e,f s r:tck sliclr::;, For- rica base ,: ab int, t . K36 c: ai nunrbr, r KJI 1 B'l olvner Coi:ee Urn K3B By Or.rner Ta:les K39 3v Or"ner ts 3 o:.ls K4U By ftt'ner Tar les K4l Bv Orvner Chai rs K42 By Ovner Ta':les K43 Bv Ovrner Seriee K44 By O\,/ner Ta1:es K45 Taermo-Kool l,lal-l:-in freezer, self-contained, aluminum in!:rior & exterior wlth shelvins. Delivery & set-in-place, remove o1d equipaent as directed, ready for electrical and mechanical connections bv others. NOTES & QUALTFICATIONS: 1. Nobel, Inc. will make evetl' effort to co-ordinate and expedite an efficient and smooth flowing job to tne benefit of al-I concerned. However, Nobe1, Inc. cannot be responsible for delays caused by building progress, verification of required information, strikes, acts .''i Cod, inability of our suppliers to make shipment as required, delal's in pul.lie transportation, etc, 2. This propossL is in effect upJn the sig:ring of li,--rbe 1r Inc. t s "standard Equiprnent & Supply Jgreement ", rvhich sets fcrth :he various terms and conditions for !L^ ^--^^--t: ^- ^.c !1-.3 s ''1.J. ' a .1b i i ':; i !,--I rr,-r l\uD[,] , r,rv - 1101 West 48th Avcr:t'rt' Denver , Col orado ll022l CILANGE CFI'-':' Page *2 ol 2 Ii.r r- c 3E!.(xla:6[:csIrcE/JOB NO. J-25 cl'-A]lcE uF.lE2 "i0._ t Serai-er,c lo s e,,i s/s irasr- ;rlth undersirelvcs as shoHn. uDlll- !^rru 'J.fdcr .loE f oud vrei I ; .-4 {a" - {d -^t?o 6 ^6,"7 &. 1:a: ( fil a- ra b 1 e S/S iuall nouaied sirei!. ^iiood top iable, chana3 to s/3 toP wltli oqe splaeir 8:'rd one dra:ver. -111k dispeaser st€uri' S/S top vrith lear splash, s/s setd-enclosed 'base on legs. .ieac block, 3C x 3C "t1th wood legs. S/S raL1 flashlng secEiorrs. From iiood do(nr io fioor and ircr ';otton of itelD ;'il:10 do'vrn to i t eli l, ii1 1 . Uu,, t l,, r f ,-l!alsitaorrcr Brldg,r lit. Vail, Colorado .;6ii . Grarrrrrirauler iki Lodgr.: Tilis cll,Al;0E oi.-DE-?' C0vEirS (1E 1 YJzosE L K36 d,u,fl K46 1 t'47 c:utL Cr,r-; ton Cus Eolu Cus t oar i3oo. r1t,ld Cus tom .f" I rl l:()lill, I:i(-. 1I01 1. ,;t 4Et ir .'lven';t Denre r , C<':7 Qr sr.lo 6()221 C:LU{GE (iP.:,' ,: Gustirr,f ,,ralrr,.il.Jr r.rI: dr [.],.. ,'., t . Va!I. ,o !o r.i!.v rrfJiU-'.{1,.;.;' .' .-, .i -O(i..e PUECHASE O&DEE/JOB ::0. (:|,J\:;CE ORDER :iO. J'Jd.-.,, -lii , (i,. llcu of t, ai originall:/ s?ecificd) .j.rial 'i 'l : j j .'r: t.: !r.L ;ur'lt- rf . Ia:- , .('ot 'aif ccoiet , C rr:':r-'fcst.t l'f , 4 (.\"-t t g ,e l'rog . :..,, ,-l i':, I t:,:'l- l. (ia r,j<iitio.r to t'r.t, or!gi:.a-Ly speclfied) rDfltilca Cl -!:1'!g rit.r i:i" u/ , r ''11"Jj], .'; t:rr datllib , t ucouGa fof t ierg r.? ' .'l , r-5 .t". J r.'j :a{s t:!ru ifcr:zaf , rcftlIerated a{tt C..,:.1_eJ Ct-'--.r.:.: jJ!, ..,- ., .i..-..iJ ('.OL'r.i. i r$iie i!'. a I io'- a:rc': on Joria,. (r:: ac.lLro: t'J ! rtL .rri.:.i-.,r.. i t/J!crl'lni) :i /.3 pal.; ov,r! or,al! sitir lila!€d pt:'a- !r!nr c.,ing ci,i,.:L sirovc .lL'" l' :3ar IJ.+ j J:.lii '. 14 r'.a. r/c ,,ass ov€r 6oelf , - rt'i{-6.} ;:erco 'ir:EC la:it ''ou.rt€J l,iJ9. c.!-:d c<1.riir{ t. Ii ia :/s ,,aas t;aru c;rlna cl)llrct rith C.,i. ilas s/5 t^!dlnt; -oC!:, -raE.r i,1..,iao. -irL;Oii. l,r.l a.:Jii'ri- ebla oErforate.:: l.:lterEcitero;:rclvrc. i- li i 11'! *Ett ;:r.:8tr: (s ;1L r coutrol or, rtrnl. f :-.lf 's a.nrlut csntcr. 14 r:r. r,/l CoP Flc:r 4 iirY r.oj,uE 61ec. ,,ot fco; r'.'ll.l aiid i - - Il:r rSS- !-l.t !io!ri] rRri'.erc. 14 !:o. r/e Lray ler!r'c. d: ffi.-:1. ' c. .lir.,:. rOr?f.r i:i ir:iif. .i cotr ij-i.u\:(1 +r l-r Ltl t l/tp. TiiIS i,.i ctttu':cI 'lL.t"'. L r,. j):_P cor,;IRS '-'/,,.'.-' "''-LL(lf-l .';... L.- ;.1 ili - i ^ .iJ )i I - u ,' lr::.- TOTAL 0F Cru!*i:J CRDER' - Ai)l)/DI..)-CT Tile above an:::.: i-'es irot t-nci'.1.:c .:i:piic;:'1e ' I i;'; 1a\' I.IJ i.ll The conditic:'.s :i'! tir.' -.riqi.na1 c--i:rac!: Change Order. ACCEPTED: Bv :1 t re lJri'i Lr ,- rdc r apply to t,-o3il, I\C. Ti t I L: ila t r) REC!iV;il j,. i i l)rtl 4 '5.' ', t o r', t/' "# D& lr. Li ' i FQ 1il;0 BUIL o DIN rcirloN rr\ref ro llrta 103 Jurisdiction of icant to comptete numbered spaces onty. 6) FJp Em 5 Fd o a H.o I oEs c R,1[see rtucl eo sr e et) zrP $ ., PHONE L ICENS E NO. 7"e . 9z(zz r-lcENsE llo,'z( - 7vt- MA II- AOORESS J PITONE LICENSE NO. MA IL AOOR EsS BiANCH USE OF BUILDIN G lt I ctas o{ work: ttr *r* tr ADD|T|0N E{Grnnrton tr REPATR tr MoVE tr REM0VE I Describe work: 10 Change of use from I 1 Valuation of work: $PLAN CHECK FEE PERMIT FEE Type of const. flf f 6P (Total) Sq. Ft. ruax. IJaDIIIE U 9 Fire Sprlnklerg Required n\/es ENoPLANS CH€CKEO AY: No. o{ Dwelllng units -0- OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: N OTIC E SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING. VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF .I2O DAYS AT ANY TIIVIE AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCE D.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRE5UME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. HEALTH DEPT. FI RE DEPT. SOIL REPORT /ro"r,o( WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (tN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FHAMING INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING USE SPACE EELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLAW.UP, ETC. TOWN OF VAIL Building Penmit Supplement rAr Proj ec B. D. n+'t.a''11 Date Ve--, /r. l";ry -t do hereby eentify that f have nead and following excenpts fnom the Unifonm Appnoved plans and specifications shallnot be changed, nodified, on altered with-out authonization fnom the Building0fficial. No penmit pnesurning to give authonity toviol-ate on cancel pnovisions of this Codeshal-l be va1id. The issuance of a permit shall not pr:event the Building Official fnom theneafter nequi:ring the connectionof ennors on fr"om preventing buildingoperations being carried on when in vio-l-ation of this Code on of any other or"- dinance of the Town. fnspection ca:rd shall be read and fil1edout in full where nequi::ed. No wonk shall- be done beyond the point indicated, and signed by fnspecton. Inspection car:d sha11 be maintained until Centificate of 0ccupancy has been issued and then retur"nedto Building Inspection Office. Building 0fficial shall be notified, inwniting, of any pontion of the stnuctureor building to be p:re-fabnicated off-site. Such p:re-fabnication facilitiesshal] have a certificate of appnoval from TCBO or be inspected by the BuildingOfficial prion to the stanting of work. t, f*/ar,, /toro4|orfr*r', /'7 , /t ;,,T7,oJf*, or the above mentioned pnoject understand in fu1I the Building Code (UBC): A. Sec.302(a) Sec.302(c) :-\ Sec.304 Sec.305 CERTIFIED BY: Sacenbcr. 1, 13?S Parmlt !{o.' 8?$s?A Gentlamen: ' : ,t , ErrElo*qd harexlth pr.aaee flnd three *atsl of prr:lrtte ioo*GuIf Autonatl.c Spninklen Cornpany, shceta 2 and 3. f amaleo enelosing a copy of thcln letter to mG which statesthat th€v Bent mG shcats 1 and 2. Howevar:, f have ncverraeeived gheat 1" Subjeet dnawings ar€ approved *lth the followLngnotationa: a) Section 360S(f):ETTffiarla ffi'rl be uniforrn with the 1ocal States fnapaetion-Bunaag or othen appnoved aEeney pnlon to final inspection. (Thoee plane ahould heve bean eubrnittcd to Hountain. States ;sy sppnov*l prion to ny &cc€ptancc, ) Reepectfully, ?0|.{fi 0r VAIL A*pen Conetrqetlon Conpanv Aspen., Colonado .:'a . : SUBJECT: Gramchamcn Addltlon oFlno Syatan Ed Stnuble,Buildlng OfflclaX ES/ah__._-- ENCI. L7 Atlrouat:rc Senmrnr,nn Co CONTRACTORS AND Clty of Vatl Blrtldtng Inelncto Va1L, Cole'ad,o Bf6fl Re: Gra,ncba@er Shop ArlilltlonVall, Colorailo Crentlenen; lle are attacbtng four lrtnts cacb of Sheets F. P. l- and F. P. 2 0f 2, alatcd ilovenber l, gJO, rblch tuiltcatee tbe Bropoeeal ftre protectLon ayeteu to be tnstaUeal at tbc above lroJect. lle soulil apprectete your revten aod. approval and. r€fir:lntag tbree coptca to us at your earllest coDven- Lcnce. Yourc tnrly, CT'IJ. ATNOE{AIIC SPRI}TKLER COMPASY ESM:eg Eucla. ENGTNEER. or u*or**J,TERs AppRovEDffizd ,g€f "d oet cie ?taap llovember 11, 19?O 36 ]6 CIi:]STNUT PLACE P rlC il; /J:3.?2 t 7 Dii\vtiR, JoLoilADo 80216 "rr% ANY , -3 f\ir| l;1 ;l;7gJ - -,j ,JtV ?5 PRoTEcrroN V-^ -\Y(o.9 Dlstrlct }bnger o STRUCTION CORFORATION . P.O.BOX ZZ . ASPEN Sonfomlror', ?( 1q7n Mr. Ed Struble Building Inspector Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re: Gramshammer Job coLoRADO . 81611 . AC 303 .925-7224 8zo 67 A Dear Ed: The welded exteriors connection on the beams and the column on the above job are acceptable. c t J&;* Robert W. Cline General llanager RWC: jm BUILDING PERMIT Vaitr, Colorado Permission is hereby granted 4 \*, Pbrrnit i ,r,/oa frae f c,!o € cntlLrn ct J story c- E-t/i.#Era.*-ciastt*>cn. Address In accordance with the provisions set forth by the Vail Architectural Control Cbrnmittee, subject to the rules and regulations as set forth in the Vail Village Protective Covenants, and in compliance with the 1964 Uniform Building Code. Iype of Ccnstruction .E-,/ t?r.Group F. -A pproved VaiI Building Inspect -::'-:_-::-INSPECTION RECORD (f or Departmental use only) I}.ISPECTION APPROVAL COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE u0ti'rr f'l o t4 OUNDATIONS RAMING FINAL ROUGH FINAL ROUGH FINA.L ROUGH o0F A bo (fr r{ \ 6 FINA L APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT THE TOWN OF VAIL (Applicant fill in tjhis section oaly) ko EI 6o EIl{ d boorl' E-UILDIWG DINIBNSTCNS Total floor area ( "o-fil]$.OBL-No of stories * Ht.- No, of toomalfl/-No. .bathe!/ No. of water iloeet's f 6 Amount of Permit T"" $ Ll3 ,lo L/4 tf Paid: Caeh $_Chect $!!nzs, Anrount of Clean up Fee $ jroTr- Paid: Caetr $_Check No, of F amriliealfuS/a a['o EgL. ESTIMATED COST Lot E o F co NsT Rv cT toN r|!!t& eL Block (Materiels & Labor) Subdiviaion {Circle correct claseification)( , H., l. Typc of conatruction I. II M. Occupancy group A. B, C. D. E. F. G,H. I. J.sts'G (P rmittee) Approval pertnit. by planning and architectural building BUILDING INSPECTICN Reeelpt ot etat" 4-,rf-751-l--*-nFproval of Plar,a_&:_&_ (2 sets required) Date Pl. Ct?. Ddte ?4t-?67Vf,/ lefl.zf Date permit iasued Final inepection Tap fee paid Amorurt Building Daie of addre gs Application Addreee )' 5-O Gity V ft t'+ Tel. No.1 t;26 Address AddressCity rtst,,.' ('",/^ -iel. No. control committee to obtain Certificate of occupancy & eompliance Conetructioa clean-up * ;i " .,:: a TIl..!, a3q ;..r 4I,:!JI$A I Ot'HOITA :;. Iqq A .:'AV ?D HTTCT THT '1. {'r.;,lr.J S eI, jr$lrMl ri$I r,: . r) *.*,," -.sit-'-J. -'rillrljeioo;4 ll;^ ;-...:{,,!*;-..r'Il-i .IeT-* ,- rr..-Yii-'! :.v ry I.Iil .n. I nullc.onf,enoa to .'rrr'4f "1, ,I .tl .O .'-r ;{I.o .;. grriblird'oi;.ldo ot ' (noiteril;,. 6le r)9't'toa olrrilll " lt quorg rlrlrag.trr :: 3 f :{rrr: } :Lr, ,"(J --d*- -. - lcbornA blec ri:i'i ir.tiT' C *rsd3 . l9 rlr''r, .a :[rr r'!l - , -clrt -il6lc noiJ ',, - rrc-.:) *rr,pi{ ..tr -n ,t V ^ |. f\ {( a-I -.\ 4 l, t- ,- v-'7A g The Town of VAIL, Colorado P 3,-/ -'\ iittr r-it't.lrt,-._-f, - n(.-{:-'fcicphonc ( lolotaclo . 8l(r,57 iOl .{-ti - -5o l3 July 1, 1970 Tlrnsf D. Perrcr'- Af chitect 1420 Keith Bui.lding Cleveland 15, 0hio Re: Gramshammer. J)ens ion Addition uear brn: b,*rl il"^ ''ofutt U/0 f Plans as receivedare incomplete I however, a check on \ihaf :. 1-i been submitted show the following discnepancies: 1. Perccntag.e of addition rccuires that exi:=ting buj lding be brouqht up to code rccuiremenls, I'rescnt buidting not onehour construction, .t)*1 V=n'i n^^pirements do not complv with Section 1306 (b).'.\ L' ' .:';::;l ;;:i' :i " X 3, Eave overhang does not comply with Sectron 1306 (d). 1*"..",-'- 4. Existing boil-e-n room needs f ir"e r:esist i ve seoar.aticn and second means of egness - ->,<-.-1 -.o/.7.* ,.-{' t -*)4'-'- - ,hd 2*,r'V-t,.- \l 5. Basement needs sprinklers. '- - 6 . No standoioes- ane oroviCed. Sections 3B 0 3 an<1 3B 04' - -LiJ :O;"T-::I''-t; "o;l-*- ur-ttr;-;:*i- - 7. Number" of stories requines Type JII-one hour construction, see Tables 5-D, 17-A and Section 2003 (a). 8. Buidling must be one hour fi::e nesistjve constructic;+r-e^rr-L^,.-r- (.^-',:(.)r I "12 (h). S/R inch drvwall necui|ed.Lrr( L/LrErr\Ju L t Jcur LL/-r r!v4 \u/ ) 9. Kitchens also nequire light and ventilation. These ,r1?'t4:y5 +n l-r o i-t-pi61" l<itchens r,;ith no 1lght .qr ventiLation. iJo.r'\4' ' 10. Kj-tchens are too sma1l. Thirty two (31) s(luf,re feet of supenf icial floor ar,ea is the minirnum allor^zabLe. tlc,,.-,^,:,- Section sAOz V,"-./ { -f.*!.12*l**, 1l _ 6t- jb 11. Water closets need a space 30 rnches w'de, drawings',^,t- scal-e fess than this. Hearths shal1 be lB" wide measuned from the fire rl,ce and one foot on either side. Bedroom winclows shal l cornplv with Sec t i on .l 3 2 0 . A stainwav 1o -he nnor mrrsl he nnovided. Scction 3??(l ,oy'x - 12. .pf ,""')6peningg$h" ovr3. ,,J" P\'r': \v i 14 'p> ",,',hl A"\ / o l-n. Need stnuctural , mechanical- and elect:rical i p1ans. o t"'v I a;{/(N aa$ l JOHN E, GORSUCH FREDERIC L, KIRGISLEONARD M. CAMPBELL ROSCOE WALKER, JR, C HARLES E. GROVER H. J. ZIMMERMAN JOHN L. FERoUSON JAMES H. TURNER WM. C. MCG EHEE CHARLES E. RHYN E C. E. ECKERMAN RAMON P- COLVERT FICHARD B. HARVEY EEN N EIT S. AISENBERG TERRY NOBLE FISKE JOH N J, MULLINS, JR. KENNETH G. CHRISTIANSSEN JOHN S. PFEI FFER DAVIO R. GORSUCH OONALD MACY ROBERT E. WARREN, JFI. STEPH EN A. WE IN STEIN W'LLIAM I.I. FOSTE R PHILIP E. RIEOESEL GoRsucH, KlRGrs, Caupee[, WALKER lr.to GnoveR ATTORNEYS AT LAW I9OO SECURITY LIFE BUILO ING DENVE& Coloneoo AO2Oa TELEPHONE 22?.A631 AREA CODE 3O3 JuIy 10, L97O 0o JLF:f c c.c. : Pepi Gramshammer 0$rfrnrCharles c. Bynum P.E. The Secretary, Board of Appeal Town of VaiI P. O. Box 631 Vail , Colorado 81657 Re: Gasthof Gramshammer, Inc. Dear Sir: On behalf of Gasthof Gramshammer, Inc., we would like to request a varianee from the Building Code requirementS withrespect to the following provisions of the Building Code asthey apply to the proposed construction of an addition to the Gasthof: l. Yard or set-back requirements under Section 1306(b)- 2. Eave overhang pursuant to requirements of Section 1306 (d ) . 3. Requirements relating to size, Iight and ventilationof kitchens. J*)t /Ja! f r_rep It is our understanding that the Building Inspector has re- viewed the plans with tlr. Gramshammer and that he is famitiar wj-th the specific details. If you have any questions, please contact Mr" Gramshammer . Very truly yours, KIRGIS, CAMPBELL, WAI,KER ANDGORSUCH" I STATE OF COLORADO CCUNTY CT'EAGLE DEC LARA.tr'TON Ar. UAND. ALI"C CATION ll ss. ) acco$Cing to my beet knowledge,infcirmation and belief' to wit: l. That thia atatement ie made ln conjunction witb the filing of an apptieation for a buitding pernit to the Town of .Vail and to comply with the requirements of Article VII, Section 3, Ordinance Nurnber ? (Seriee of 1969) Z'oning Ordinance for the Town of llail. Z. The deacri on of the building eite for thc Pro eed as follows: (Deecription rrny be attached cription, ) or surveyorr a map rnay be uaed 3. The propoaed building eite containe aquare feet, and the propoeed building contalne square feet of area ag defined in the aforeeaid Zoning Ordinance, 3g*r0$!tg first duly swoln uPoa oath, statbmentc are true and cortect 4. The propoeed building, ae it relateE to the building eite area, cor:rplies to the Floor Area Rgtio for the zoning which appliee to the building eite, ae defined in the aforeaaid Zoning Ordinance. The foregoing affidavit and declaratiggwpq ?.Y:: *-!,^*Q-.^ *..--, ourNER | | uly aubacribed and aworn to before me, a-;ptary public, bv/2* a;v ot@. 1969: ,u , this r."}PPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT THE TOffN OF VAIL licant f,ill in this section onl Building address Date of .Application arne .A ddress BUILDING INFORM4 TIO A ddition A lteration Repairs Type of occupancyfi .0, EI,o City Tel. No. P rea of Lot Narne Ert-L\sT Qx-(n,,BUILDING DIMENSIONS A ddres s citytrIgCgarc-a Tel. No. Narne U Address b-n:r- \ t- :- City i t\ e. ,t ;^rrLt Ot E'Tel. No. (tS9-Lq?,c Subdivision Circle correct cla ss ification l. Type of construction I, l[, III, IV, V Z. Occupancy grouD C, D, E, F, G, J Total floo!area (sq ftl 5L4'l-' (, ,ln t.. E No. of storiee -/ Ht:-Tr=" -/--N.l. of rooms 5 No, baths No. of water G-"t" / No. of Families ESTIMATED COST 1.$- o' oF coNsrRvcTroNjz!@' (Materials & Labor) (6 uo o "1 d vbt xI F! rdr! (, oo o ad (J tt d) O Id fil {U U tro q h.Po Eou o |J(,g o E .dc lq +t'trI ,E d (u iu o,dt{ a), D (,) l.i tU a)+r(!a o o q Eodu t ltl 0r r+ (u t<L {u o tr E r! 0., p, (, U q) g1 +, a) (J c u .6 g l-l r! |-(l o ru t{ .] {q)g$ Fr *tugnf f;E;8 :fitxcFOz&zu 36pp INSPECTION (for Departrnental RECORD use only) INSPECTION F.OUNDA.TIONS o (d $ r+{o (rt ${p,(\ Iu.i().=#d (Ji Lvdo d+' do .P bo +l n, d O+r =.U.F>.o hpi H-1 E-'tEod?a{Ja(J .Farrn€r'r aE ..aat'i<5.c, z tr U T4 P"v)z zt{a Fl p Q ru h fil ci v) o fita aa d s nl tt{ t< Fd k d5 t. (,, |'o to .x lD Q) F dc o€dh .fs E3ur(sro>g0)q?l o c q) c) (r, d ($ l.l C' k o cd tr o+r o ROUGH APPROVA L COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE FRAMING FIN^ L ROUGH FIN} L {.,: /. t,tttLutu \(+lV / 19 / tl '/ fl / In a-ccordance with the C ornrnitte e, subject to Pr ote ctive C ovenants, BUILDING PERMIT Vail- Color:ado Pe rrnit Pe rrnis s ion is hereby granted as A(J)V\(S to--C/ry\,r,+rtz-s-L 6f sf,oTy contractor ULuDf l pproved f\"^ /-- Vail Building Inspector n/ /UlUa o Type of C onstruction provisions set forth by the Vail the rules and regulations as set and in cornplj.ance with the 1964 Group 1, r chite ctural Control forth in the Vail Village Unif o rrn B uildins C ode . INSPI.CTION RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) INSPECTION .\ PPROV-A L COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE FOUNDATIONS FRAMINGE I g.i FINAL ROUGH';o i4 FIN.T L ROUGH bn; a1 p.!'Ii\Ti L t(\J U LJI.1 bondq) E FIN,^ L o ltl /ti ,//,! /'ifr tr ;{' :t' o l': -' ot APPLICATION FOR ERECTION OF SIGNS PERIi0T NAME OF APPLICAITI ADDRESS OF APPLICTINI Bor sOG Vo^2 TELEPHONE NO. OF APPLICANT +.7 6 96 26 LOC.U\TION OF BI'ILDN{G S"RUCTURE OR LOT TO .]..]HICH OR UPON \'',,IIICH THE SIGN XS TO BB ATTACNqN 3; {+* %+.4^^. ----(f-- NAME OF PERSON ERECTING THE SIGN CONSENT OF THE O\,!NER OF THE BUILDING, STRUCT'IJRE, OR LAND TO WfIICH OR OIJ WHiCH THE SIGN IS TO BE trRECTED DATE APPLICATION APPROVED - DATtr RECEIVED Q--g,J -Lg a 24-.-(g IIEE PAID c. THE FOLLOT'fING MUST BE ATTACHED TO THIS FORM: T\''ro sets of fuav,rings of the plans and specifications including size and color of the siqp aud its various parts, the st;'16 of lettering anci the iirethod of attachiiient to the buildings or in iire ground. A color sketch of tire sign and building as they r',rould appear in relation to each other. If required by the Buildlng Official, a copy of stress sheets and calculations shoi,vinE that the structure is clesignccl for dead load anci vrind pressure in a;ry direction in the amount required by ihis ancl all other laws arrd ordinances of the Towir. ProoJ that there is being maintained and carrie:i-ior each sign liabilitlz insurance in the sr-ii.n of $25r000.00 to be maintailcr"l by the contractor, a certified copy oI r,vliich is to be filed wiUr tire Tor,vir Clerk. A