HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT A GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER SIGNAGE LEGALI 7> FtLt coPy 75 Soltb Frontage Road Vail, Coloratlo 81657 t 0t-479-21 1 I / 47 9-21 3 9 Department of C ommunitl Deoelopment May 8, 1992 Pepi and Sheika Gramshammer 231 East Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Dear Pepi and Sheika: Thank you for your letter dated May 4, 1992, regarding the Town's proposal to erect banner poles at the intersection of Bridge Street and Gore Creek Drive. We have considered your comments and at this time have withdrawn tre application lrom the Design Review Board agenda. Consideration is cunently being given to locating the display banners on the lower end of Bridge Street. Again, thank you for your letter and if you should have any further comments or questions please do not hesitate to contact me at 479-2199. Sincerely, /14J. LW/,< Mike Mollica Assistant Directcjr of Planning cc: Kristan Pritz Pam Brandmeyer m'[MAY0Opge o ilrof mshammer, nnc. $as $ra FAX: 303i476-8816 Telephone: 3031476-5626 Pepi Gramshammer Sheika Gramshammer 231 East Gore Creek Drive Vail. Colofado 81657 May 4, L992 Desj-gn Review Board Town of Vail 75 South Froniage R.oadVail, co eL657 To Members of Design Review Board, We are writing this letter to forrnally protest the action toerect poles adjacent to Gasthof Gramshammer and Gorsuch Ltd. for the purpose of hanging banners. We do not agree with this proposal and urge you to reconsider your need to add this permanent structure next to our property line. fn the past we have generously agreed to give permission to groups who have asked us to display banners off our balcony even though this has disrupted the view frorn windows facing Bridge Street. We cannot agree to the potential of banners strung by our hotel 365 days a year that we have no control of. If you feel you must have a perrnanent spot to display your banners we strongly urge you to look at other locations. The entrance to the covered Bridge or right up the street on the south side of Gore Creek Drive are two of many locations that should be considered. Sincerely, sc/is a 2/ 4/92 Signs at Pepi Sports, Gasthof Gramshammer, Pepi's Restaurant,Sheikats, and Pepi's Bar The paper sign on the east waII advertizing lockers was not therethis morning. This building has three frontages, if one includes the Children' sFountain. I feel the Children's Fountain frontage should be counted, as it is a major pedestrian way. Sally shoirs separate registrations for each of Lhe businesses,the bar, restaurant, sport shop, Sheika's and hoteI. The number and size of signs for each business would depend onthe frontage'for that particular business. The restaurant has three frontages, the ski shop has twofrontages, Sheika's is below grade, the bar has one frontage, andthe lodging has one entry, but Lwo other frontages above or below grade. The following signs were not rneasured. East Side: I'Pepi Sports Ski Shop Rentals/Demos ClothingSki Repair" "Pepi's Bar and Restauranttt ttGasthof Gramshammer Lodgett Soutb Side: (over door) "L9 Restaurant 64" (Ieft of door) "Pepits BarI (Toward east corner) I'Gasthof Gramshammer" 9lest Side: (over entry to hotel)"Gasthof Gramshammer Lodqe" /- lo.lcu* d'-<. -'u''tf "- t-"//':4'Z /'"n'n*" ( ft' '' '?'*t) 'L''J '4/'* (a tttT(lr -f ;, n ;2,7 / , l' ,:=/.r7( flr -^ e'-z- //'/,./ /tz,-o a' oo Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Gasthof Gramshammer Project Description: New sign and graphics Owner, Address and Phone: Pepi Gramshammer, 231 Gore Creek I)rive, Vail, Co. 81657 Architect/Contact. Address and Phone: Project Street Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: 231 Gore Creek Drive Lots Eo n', G H & I, Block 58, Vail Village X'irst Filing Buildinc Name: Gasthof Gramshammer Motion by: Pierce Seconded by: Woldrich Vote: 5-0 Conditions: Town Planner: George Ruther Date: 9/219t Board / Staff Action Action: Approved F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL'g8\PEPIStGN.902 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: S20.00 o o i[.,#"ijs- \B \13 TAI {tz6rlr<g.'ne . Tau.lru oF FA{,) q,lo _ A-zq FRot n ', fiae$r E6sL Cthprae 7oz_Bbt- €E^{;t- Fto,{A: 1.Xbt\}4geg,, Q +q _ / + *{ae+ tvcl.r.lDrrq€l .T}r15 O}+e -rr*..Ql *frtu:epJ( AAI,D u:elTtr.la ffiP.AFf.rTa AQEul+g M>rt lDo? js r^)tN \rtz€ (etarz_\, B.re;r t:rvtg,Ea F*x 8Z L91 + - /+{ Y€fl e vu_- tss 6c*trELtArlTEfl rlccr+u.r, r,{.r+*r,re Ilft ut?-ntr,lq v)tt--t*- f#+ ll,u BoF,n+w r) ac,$Ae . T*e SfiAb1 *La -necx' A^rD c"obt A A4qDW PArr.fr€D TWtaco) -r #E soepa)}.rD,ulr[ be pcr*"wr d/vt$Et, Oc${€,- AA}D I l.l Ner){aa- @LOg_a TP .r. U o^," 4'6-rl ti*tl Project Applicatlon Proiect Nam€: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone Architecf Address and Phone: L€gal D€scription: Lot Block Filing Zonel Zoning Approved: Design Review Board APPROVAL-----------:-DISAPPROVAL Summary:NT ,?(S ,t1f bz lhIt Chief Building Otticial box lfi) vail, colorado 81657 13031 47ffi613 Gordon Pierce 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 department of clmmunity development April 20, 1981 Dear Gordie, At the April 15, neeting of the Design Review Board, the above project received approval . This approval does not include signs and awnings. Awnings and signs nust be subnitted for approval at a later date. Ihe awnings nust be up by the completion of the project and be pernanent . ""ry;kJ,* PETER JAT'IAR: Town Pl anner PJ:bpr .l ' t'r.nrl +*:rH t Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board I ,^," blll I DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL Summary: -SIBSTT 7t Staff Approval box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-s6r3 June 19, 1981 Pepi Gramshammer 231 E. Gore Creek Dr. Vail, Colorado 81657 department of community development RE: DRB Submittal of 6/17/81 Sign & Awning Approval Dear Pepi: At the June 17 meeting of the Design Review Board, your submittal for an awning and sign was approved with the following stipu'lations: that letters must be substituted with a non-descriptive graphic and and the awning not to extend past f'lat roof overhang be'l ow. "^'fur-,* Peter Jamar Town Planner PJ:df 3225 S. SANTA FE DRIVE . ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO BOIIO . PHONE (3o3)83ts11 c^.vco Beq ut@Q 5f6112 Zz )i 2//z -/ 2/4/Vn{y 2/ 4/ 92 Signs at Pepi Sports, Gasthof Gramshammer, Pepi's ResLaurant,Sheika's, and Pepi's Bar The paper sign on the east wall advertizing lockers was not there r- l-' .i - -^*-.i ^^Lrl-LD !Lt\J!tlarlY. This building has three frontages, if one includes the Children'sFountain. f feeL the Children's Fountain frontage should be narrnl-crl , ac ii ie r m:'iar nadacf ri\?\., \,.f r!.g'-r/ .r9 -!u rE 5 .!.6Jv- -an way. Sal1y shows separate registrations for each of the businesses,the bar, restaurant., sport shop, Sheika's and hotel . The nunber and size of signs for each business woufd depend on thc f rrrnf :rre fnr 1-haf nlrl- i nrr'l rr hrrci nacc The restaurant has three frontages, the ski shop has twofrontages, Sheika's is below grade, the bar has one frontage, andthe lodging has one entry, but two other frontages above or below The following signs were not measured. East Side: "Pepi Sports Ski- Shop Rentals/Demos Clothing SLi Rorr:i rrl "Pepits Bar and Restaurantrr "Gasthof Gramshammer Lodge " South Side: (over door) "19 Restaurant 64" (left of door) "Pepi's Bar" (Toward east corner) 'rcasthof Gramshammer" West Side: (over entry to hotel) "Gasthof Gramshammer Lodqe" -a Project Application Proiect Name: .l Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Filing Zone Design Review Board Date: E Statt Approval ,,I nl /,a. "- l,/ | l/ |4/22/BB lWlY I lvtfid-tr^',li iT;r lrt/rXtt,*HUuTo Whom ft f,[ay Concern: '1" I - Re: Signage at Pepi Gramsharnmerrs Lodge The Planning staff for the record would like to make it clearthat the three lodge signs for the Gasthof Granshammer areconsidered to be grandfathered signs. one sign on the westelevation is L0 square feet, one sign on the Gore Creek Driveelevation is 8 sguare feet and there is a hanging sign that isL2.5 square feet at the intersection of Gore Creek Drive andBridge Street. The signa€te on the core Creek elevation aroundthe entry to the restaurant that states rrpepirs Barr and abovethe door it states, trRestaurantrr has been counted as one signhaving a total square footage of 13 square feet. A new signfor the restaurant was approved for the east elevation wherethe vestibule entry was added. This sign was allowed to be Z fguare feet. The Design Review Board reviewed our signageinterpretation at the April 20, 1998 meeting and supporteastaff's decision on the Gasthof Gramshammer lodge andrestaurant signage. ,.' f '!r ';-'!);j ''i I-' ;'l i SIGiI APPLICATION Appl ication Date /€ /nril 4 $ns Phone itnber Fee Paid Name of Project Description of_.project The follorving infornation is required forto the Design Revierv Board before a finalSign subrnitta'l fee is 520.00. submitta'l by the apPlicant approval can be given. A. Sign I'laterial Descri pt'i on C. Size of Sign Length of nta Comments ,1,c t f 21 fk{ ,,4 *l.-!,Vl t,' J, twu h,ru ,.,1,iltv^' 7;+, tD' +, , .. _ i,..l. ,i.t 4. Actuai si gr{ 5. Colored scale dratvtnq 6. PhotograPh of sign Approved for ORB Subnittal Disapproved for ORB Subnittal - MATERIALS SUBTiITTED I,|ITH AppLICATT0N 1. Site P'lan2. Drauings sfi6iiTi$-Eact location3. Photographs sho'ring proposed Iocari on I -1 + 1- 1r+ -{-Isl NI{-* I lL,5 F --L aol -T 'r'--"= 40/60 t 2/4/92 Sigrns at Pepi Sports, Gasthof cramshammer, Pepi's Restaurant,Sheika's, and Pepi's Bar The paper sign on the east wa1l advertizing lockers was not there l-hi q marninrr This building has three frontages, if one i-ncludes the Children,sFountain. I feel the Childrents Fountain frontage should be counted, as it is a major pedestrj-an way. SalJ.y shows separate registrat.ions for each of the businesses/ the bar, restaurant., sport shop, Sheika's and hotel . The number and size of signs for each business would depend onthe frontage for that particular business. The restaurant has three frontag'es, the. ski shop has twofrontages/ Sheika's is below grade, the bar has one frontage, andthe lodging has one entry, but two other frontages above or below grade. The following signs were not measured. East Side: 'rPepi Sports Ski Shop Rentals,/Demos ClothingSki Repair" "Pepit s Bar and Restaurant" "Gasthof Gramshammer Lodge" South Side: (over door) u19 Restauranl 64" (left of door) "Pepi's Bar" (Toward east corner) 'rGasthof Gramshammer" West Side: (over entry to hotel) "Gasthof Gramshammer Lodge"