HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT A GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER STORM WATER SYSTEM AGREEMENT LEGAL, ,--Q+o TOWN OF VAIL Ofice of the Town Attorney 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-47 9 -2 I 07/ Fax 970-479-2 I 5 7 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Thanks. RTM/aw Attachments Robert W. McLaurin George Ruther ,7 R. Thomas Moorhead March 27, 1998 Storm Water System lhn" MEMOMNDUM 4 €.F.g,H?T, Btdlsc,v.v. /rr Attached you will find a letter from David Tanzer as well as my response. I'm available to discuss at your pleasure. George, in the first easement that was provided by Steve Weinstein, did not that document provide for nominal consideration such asgne dollar or ten dollars. {; *"rr"uo r.,r", TOWN OFVAIL Ofice of the TbwnAttorney 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 07/F ax 970479-2 I 5 7 David A. Tanzer, Esquire 953 S. Frontage Road W., Suite 203 Vail, CO 81657 Dear David: vrA TELECOPIER 476-6109 I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your letter of March26,1998. I agree with you that it is in the interest of both the Town of Vail and Pepi Gramshammer to resolve the issue conceming the storm water system amicably. In our conversation I explained that the Town's position has been and continues to be that there is an easement aoross the property in the Town's favor for the storm water system that is not capable of termination as you have expressed to the Town. It is also the Town's position that in conversations with Pepi during the approval process, there has never been any question that he was going to take on the responsibility for the costs of removing and reinstalling the pipe. I do believe you have raised issues which may take a considerable time to resolve. As you are aware, whether or not there is an easement by prescription or a license by permission becomes a factual question which will relate back many yeius to the establishment of this storm water system. Additionally, the Town of Vail's consideration of moving the storm water system is one that must be coordinated with our capital projects and has not been considered to date. However, We remain available to discuss these issues at pepi's convenience. Very truly yorus, TOWN OF VAIL R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attorney RWIWaw xc: Robert W. Mclaurin (wiencl.) George Ruther (w/encl.) MNch27,1998 {g *ot"r"o r^r"* LAw OFFrcEs OF Cmceco: 33 W. JrcKsoN Bou.Ev^ttD sTfl FIooR CHrcAco, lluNors 60604 312-236-698r F^x-236-6998 Vrrrl PnorrssroNlt- B urtprNc 953 SourH Fnowmce Roeo Wesr SunE 219 VnrL, Colon^cDo 81657 97o,-476-6100 Fex-475-6109 March 26. 1998 Fax 476-2157 R. Thomas Moorhead, Esq. Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 Dear Tom. As a result of your telephone call to me Wednesday morning, March 25, 1998, it has become apparent that there is a misunderstanding about the cost associated with moving the storm water drainage on Mr. Gramshammer's property. I hope that we can resolve matters amicably without further ado. First, it is important to understand that the storm water drainage located on Mr. Gramshammer's property was placed on the property and existed over the years by virtue of Mr. Gramshammer's permission. There was never an expressed easement granted to the Town of Vail. And, as you attempted to argue in favor of the Town of vail, never has a prescriptive easement arisen since the existence has been by permissive use, As I am certain you are aware, it has long been established by the Colorado Supreme Court (in 1922)., that a right of way by adverse use or prescription cannot be based upon a permissive use, Horne v. Hopper, 2l I P 665,72 Colo 434 (l9zz), and numerous other cases that follow Horne. Second, while Mr. Gramshammer agreed to remeve and replace the existing storm water system with another, and further to grant an expressed easement to the Town of Vail, all for its convenience for the new storm water system, never was it contemplated that this would occur at Mr. Gramshammer's expense. This is clearlv reflected in the two (2) drafts ofthe expressed easement that have been provided and aiproved by the Town of Vail where the dollar amount is left blank until sudh time as the cost could be determined Finally, Mr. Gramshammer indicated this morning that the plat @xhibit ,.A,' to the grant of easement) is now in his possession, and that he should have the total costs available within the next day or two to provide to your office. In the interim, we would very much like to clear up the misunderstanding of the Town of Vail's obligation to pay the costs for the new storm water svstem. DENven: 950 Solrm CHERRY STREET Sum 710 DENVER, CoLoRADo t0222 9?H76{tm FAx476-61@ lrcetvegHAR: : tgs Davro A. TaNzER & AssocrarEs, p.c. VAr. . CHtca<;o . Dpxvsn R. Thomas Moorhead, Esq. March 26, 1998 Page two oftwo If, in the alternative, that the Town of Vail no longer desires to have a storm water system within Mr. Gramshammer's property, this can simply be removed during construction, and would be consistent with his now termination of the permissive use of his property for same. Please advise as soon as possible today so that this matter can be resolved. DAT\tad c.c. Mr. Gramshammer #98-4127 gramshammer\hr-Tfu( FRMi :LNU:FFICES Cnrclco; ll w JAcri(}Y 0( rt.Dv^r.r, sr|l Ftrrra Gt(^.n lr.llrors 6l)604 t t?-23G6988 F^r-1164998 LAw Ol'r,Kn$ of PtENE tfl. i 97A 476 67e9 Mar. 321 1998 A9: AlFI'l Pl From: Phone: Fax: Re: Dnvrp A. TnwznR & AssocrATEs, P.c. Varr, . Cntc,rr:o . Dnxvnn Vn,tt. Prtorr:,ssr<lN,r,r., lltrtl.urn<i 953 .Srxtrrr l.'R()Nllcri Rrrarr Wtst' sunr 2 |9 Vnrr, (lot.(>tlt)o I | 657 970-4?6-61fl) Fax-476.61O9 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL FORM ^ ,/ r,, Ehe-..r/,f;# / ;:;*.- b??/.d 'fugzz {!r-str/ lzfrre / rrJ'*f] Importanft This facslmilc tnnsmission is irrendcd only for rhc use of the individrral or entity to which it is addrcsscd and rmy conrain information rlnr is privilegcd. confidenrial or exctnpt form disclosurc undcr applicablc law. lt rhc rra<lcr of dris mc:sagc ir not tlr: intcDdcd rccipicllt. or tlrc crlployeu ot dgcrlt of tht inr.crrdctt rcrcip-cnr. you Bre hcrcby nntilicd tlnt any dissernirrrtion. distributiorr or copyirrg of lhis c0|r|lt|ll||ici|tir|lli:rstrir..tly1rr.rrhibittt|'l[yrttt|uvcn.civt't|||ri-xcorttrttttttitil|irlttiltcrnrr.p||;ir:lu[l|!lllls oflice hnrncdiltcly by tcl(Thortc {rtd rclufrl rln origlnal ,nc$slt[s ttl us by m?il. 'l'hanl you. Dare: t/ftg Pages in addition to this page:g3 If you do not receive all of the pages, plcasc call Comments: (9?0)4?6-61m as soou as possiblc. f,,'*;,T* Dgrtvrrr{: tl{t Srrtmr Clrfit Y Stltt,.T Srur:710 l)rixvrn . (ln (tr^lro d0::X 970-47&.6 | 00 f, r-476-6|00 FROr'r :LRU:OFFICES Cflterco: 33 W J^cKst'f BodLEv^Ro 5nr Floor Clu('rvro. ft .rfirxr {{lftx ll2'z:Jtr-rd)Al F^x.216-6rrrE Pl-{oNE r'tr. : 976 476 6rg9 LAw O}}|{:FS ori A. Taxznn & AssocrATns, P-c. Vrrr- . Cxrclco' J)r-nvsn Mar.3A 1998 Ag.ALsFt P2 Davru vAlL Pf.oFPJsroN4r. B ull-Dtruri 953 Sorrrrr FR()Mn(;F: Rtlltt Wr:st' St, t1.rt 2|9 Vrttt,. Ctlt.t)tteuo ll | (r57 9'lrr476-(o1(r1) Fax-476-61O9 March 27. 1998 Farc 479-2157 R Thomrs Moorhead' Esq. Toum ofVail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Grqmshammcr nddition DearTom: consistont with earlier undorstrndings and my lctter m you of March 24 1998' I am now pmviding to ],ou thc contlactof'S coC fOr pnoviding-a stonn wat€f,.systom <ri thc Gtamshammer's -proplrty. The propoul fiom th€ oontrador is approxitnetely $38,fi)0.00, kecpi"g in nin<t tftat tfre"e aie other minor co$s for thc preparatiou of tbc unitteo or"-it and the plat. Co6sist€nt with Mr. Crrem$ammcr's iat'errriong he wpuld undertake to install a new stonrr water sySem and provide an expressed urinen qas€$Cnt for the.bqnefit oftho Town of Vail. In thst l\ii. Cnanshammcr is lewing to go out of tbc corurtry this week for pwposes of moctiags rotsted !o future ski activities bcnefiting thc commutity, we would vcry muoh like to rcsolvc this mettSr withoril furtber deley. I look forwrrd to talking wilh you later in thc finalized. Ttenk you again for your asslstancc,, dry ou Monday DAT\Iad o.c- Mr. PcPi Gramshamrncr Mr. George Rdher Mr. Robert Mcl.aunn EnoL 9&,4127 G.arvhfr,.,.taltr-lM Denvr:t: 150 sou CIHB||Y slrcf,r Sumi 710 | \iNvrf, . C(||,.rr^rr.r tlE:: 970-476.0t{X' F^x-4'ra'-6 l|lJ Crnclco: 33 W. JAcxsoN BouLEvARD sTH FLooR CHrcAco, ILuNors 606(X 3I2-23f'-69EE F^x-23ff998 LAw OFFrcEs D.rvrn A. Tl,NzER & AssocnrEs, r.C. Vlrr-.Csrceco.Drxvpn VAIL PRoFEssIopn r- BurlorNc 953 SourH Fnoxtace Roro Wpsr SunE 219 VrtL, Cor-omDo 81657 970-476-6tW Fex-476-61O9 March 19. 1998 DENVER! 950 SourH CHERRY SrrEEr SurrE 710 DENVER, C-oLoRADo 80222 970476-6100 FAx-4?6-6 | 09 Mr. George Ruther Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 bts 6\f\6, H i RE: Non-Exclusive Easement Dear George: In addition, Pepi Gramshammer is out return I will obtain his signature on the easement Please find enclosed revised Non-Exclusive Easement following revisions as discussed with Tom Moorehead. The Exhibit "A" showing the location of the easement on the plat is presently being prepared and will be forwarded to you. rf BWI-$, rl*il vittqp U:r of town for and forward the DAT\tad 98-4127 Encl. c.c. Mr, Gramshammer Gramshanmer\ltr-GR ";,'n*n"" * / t/4 I In the interim, should you have any further questions, call. r{AR U S 1$ f0\.t0t\llhfi,ilE! 0ffi and upon his you. OO TOWN OFVAIL Ofice of the TownAfiorney 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2 I 07/Fax 970-479-2 I Sz March 19, 1998 David A. T anzer, Esquire 953 S. Frontage Road W., Suite 203 Vail, CO 81657 Dear David: VIA TELECOPIER 476-6109 AND U.S. MAIL I've had an opportunity to review the Non-Exclusive Easement which you have provided to meand would request several minor changes. !-is rn1 understanding tft fepi will be relocating and installing the storm water drainage system.Therefore, I request that in the second line ofthe second paragraph after ,oGrantee,s,, "installation" be removed. Also, please remove the words "or better" from the tenth line of that same second paragraph. As to paragraph three, line three, please change the paragraph to read ..for the purpose ofinstalling and relocating the same...." As to the fourth and final paragraph on the frst page of the agreement, please include thefollowing language "The Grantee shall, to the extent permitted by law, and without waiving anyof its rights under the colorad.o Govemmental Immunity Act, inaemnify...', In that sameparagraph in the sixth line, please remove "installation, construction," With those changes the Non-Exclusive Easement agreement is acceptable to the Town. Thankyou for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, TOWN OF VAIL ..,6,Y1 R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attomey RWM/aw xc: George Ruther OO {S ^"n""rr r^r"* FROI'I : LRI^I:OFFICES - Cncrcor 3l W. ,srqr Sqttt^tD tr|tR.m Crlc'Eqtrru60doatnqlc{ r Fer.4ttr99l Pr-flNE fn. ? g?a 476 6a LAU Ot?lcal OF Drvrp A. Thr.IzBR & AssocrATEst 1'1ar- 19 1998 1B:4?RM P1 Ilnvrrl 950 So0rtr OanrY Slrrrr srmt ?10 DrsE (brE^Do l@lil tot{?G5lm Fs476{ll09 d' 'hqs Hj /,ii:'/;;- lnportant TtiE frc$imite rruamiissior is iarcoded only for thp ure of thc idividrul or cilig to which it i6 eddrcsscd and mey cortein information thrr is privilegcd, confidcotid or 6xcopt form diecberrc urdcr rpplicrblc lew. If tbe rcrdcr of ft|. ncsrage ir not rte idend ruiFlcnt, r thc eqloyce or rgent of tbp ifiandcd recipient, you arc hcroby notificd tlut auy di*euination, distribution or copyittg of this communication is rrictty prohibited, If you hevc received this communicalioo in crror. plc*c rnci$ this otifice imrncdierely by telcphora rnd rcntro tbp oriSind mcssay usty mail. Thanlc you. Date: tr'r'll Pages in addition to this page: '. -,---_--- If yor do not rcccive all of ttp pages, pl€as€ call (90)4766100 as soon as poscible. Comments: F*"f,rrfu* /*'- r-y' /d"r/ -r t I n-nuri, tf -l-t - -U "fuq FRof'l :Lru:OEFICES.Pt-[r{E t-I]. : 978 4?5 5{l l'lar. 19 1998 18:4mM P2 FORAND IN CoNSTDEMi[OFofthe sum of-.-- aDd no/l00ths Dollars ($--00) pard to ito Cr13nt by the Grurtce, ard for o$er egod and valuablc Lirm*"U"q tfrd io"ipt --A *ft*i*oy 9f thich arc hereby ackno-wledged' the *o""rigr"a brmrnor - cnlrvrsmnmrlrR, n{c. ('crramslrammo" l, " colorado ;;;i* wnose aaoress i, z1 n rt Gore Crcek Drive, vail, colorado 81657 (thc ;itrltn"rf ierrbv seuls)-afi **.y(s) to the TOWN OF VAtr{ COII)RADO' a Cotorado home rule rnrmicipd cotpootioq whose address is ?5 South Frottage Road W-rt,-Vrf, Colora.do 8165i (the 'Lfantcc';) a non-orclusivo perpeUal public easement Iocated in the Couuty of Eagli, State of Coiorado, the location and thc below and above ;i;*d ;;;;;r; tulry aEr"rrUea on the plat markcd Exhibit "A' attachod hereto ald Incorporarca nereln, shali be forthat usc alone and for none other' +q Thc aqn-exclusive eascyyrt hq+Y,erant{ is for the solc and [qnt'-qY3::t -{proviaine for tbe Grantoc's ffiSfig$.pcratiotr, mainteuance, Td try" :1,11 indergri"nd and above go*#pbYo Xoit'i"ro drarnage systetn not more tban 24' in air-J". to be owned itO op"i"t"O by the Grantee, and for no other purpose. The ooeration, maintenancc, repair, and replaccment of facilitii:i owned, oPefatid' 9r / ,6"l"ii"i ui ,r," G*y -yi* lo: *":*1T1":X"Wh1yfr'50,.1:r7*l\*.h_-lt: '. Crantee sha[ k€cp zuch easemcnt -d -y damage system within srsh eag€flrent in good ropair and tully funotional and all recponribility, liabilitn obligatioq and dgty for inst"ttation, operaion, marntcnanoe" ana rcpair of any stormwater-drairyge system within s'ch easem;r shall be sotely born by the Grantoe, i$ rucocssor(s) and assigo(s) When Crrut€e undcrtaks "ny t"p"it pr maintenance of the systenl Grufor's.pmperty shall be left or ncctored to the samJ il{#g condition found by Grantee immediarcly prior to thc t"prii "f maintenance ttretUJfllle non-orclusive easement hereby granted dull not ii"ret" with or preclude the Grantor's full use and enjoyment of the Grantor's properry^ ol d including but not limited to, the Grantor's Ownership, operatiott, and maintenance ?f ,^,/,,y'f Iparkinggarageabovetienon-exclusiveeas€ment. , /il51' .l, , The acceptance of this non-orclusive perpetual public easeme* bV /trutee - W" ,.1 further aclorowledges its authorizstion rnd directiofl to Gfantor to remove V:* .tg A 1M stormwatcr drainFgc sy$em located on Glsntor's propcrty for tbe-purpoee.ot'lelocat{g , r,tlF samc within this non-ixchsive perpeturl public eawment conveyed herein by Cvrantorto Y ,/Grantee , +":* Tli: rrti3,!i*9[-' ii,!*iil*:;!, t:^:4"", Thc Grantcc shall^ indemnify the Grurtor, its officcrs, agents' contri|ctors, attomeys, and ernployeet "i! rtt"tl hid each rnd all ofthern harrrless against any and all clairns,'actioru, aenranas or liebilitiee, iacluding attorney fees and co.yrt gstsi for injury' aeatfr'Aatnae'e or loss to pcrson(s) or ptoperty arising out of^or- a5eci,1 or iadirectly **fii"g to]m tm Grantee's aptions or omissions. and of tleir officers, sgolr6',i contrEctors, ana suUcontractors, io connection wiil ttre'ffi olezt' -t.* fV+ |.Yelqe ,**, , ,-*rrorrtao Ff{ohE M]. , Sn azs a) Mar. 19 1998 1a:4gnm p3 This non-exclusive Easoment shall be governed by and enforced in accordanoc with the laws of thc State of Colorado, utd jurisdiction sball bc limitcd to Eagle County, Colorado. In witness whcreof this docuncst has bcct e)tecutcd this-day of ' 1998' GRAIffOR GASTHOF GRAMSITAIVTIVIE& INC. Pepi Crramshammer STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) s.s.couNTYoFEAGr-E ) The bregoing instrument was acknowlcdgcd beforo me tbig. dsy o4-'199t By- . Witness my band end official scal' My comrnission expires:-- NotaryPublic (sEAL) Gzrlfrg'rltJi".@E'/'$ By: FORAND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of and no/100ths Dollars ($_.OO) paid to the Grantor by the Grantee, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and suffrciency of which are hereby acknowledged, the undersigned GASTHOF GRAMSIIAMMER, INC. ("Gramshammer"), a Colorado corporation, whose address is 231 East Gore Creek Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657 (the "Grantor") hereby sell(s) and convey(s) to the TOWN Of' VAIL, COLORADO, a Colorado home rule municipal corporation, whose address is 75 South Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado 81657 (the "Grantee") a non-exclusive perpetual public easement located in the County ofEagle, State ofColorado, the location and the below and above ground use, as more fully described on the plat marked Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, shall be forthat use alone and for none other. The non-exclusive easement hereby granted is for the sole and limited purpose of providing for the Grantee's operation, maintenance, and repair of an underground and above ground public stormwater drainage system not more thar 24" in diameter to be owned and operated by the Grantee, and for no other purpose. The Grantee shall keep such easement and any damage system within such easement in good repair and fully functional and all responsibility, liability, obligation, and duty for installation, operatiorq maintenance, and repair of any stormwater drainage system within such easement shall be solely born by the Grantee, its successor(s) and assign(s). When Grantee undertakes any repair or maintenance of tle system, Grantor's property shall be left or restored to the same condition found by Grantee immediately prior to the repair of maintenance thereof The non-exclusive easement hereby granted shall not interfere with or preclude the Grantor's full use and enjoyment of the Grantor's property including, but not limited to, the Grantor's ownership, operation, and maintenance of parking garage above the non- exclusive ea$ement. The acceptance of this non-exclusive perpetual public easement by Grantee further acknowledges its authorization and direction to Grantor to remove the existing stormwater drainage system located on Grantor's property for the purpose of installing and relocating the same within this non-exclusive perpetual public easement conveyed herein by Grantor to Grantee. The Grantee shall, to the extent permitted by law, and without waiving any of its rights under the Colorado Government Immunity Act, indemnify the Grantor, its officers, agents, contractors, attomeys, and employees and shall hold each and all of them harmless against any and all claims, actions, demands or liabilities, including attorney fees and court costs, for injury, death, damage or loss to person(s) or property arising out of or directly or indirectly resulting from the Grantee's actions or omissions, and of their officers, agents, contractors, and subcontractors, in connection with the operation, maintenance, repair, and replacement of facilities owned, operated, or controlled by the Grantee within the non-exclusive easement described in Exhibit A, t' -t This non-exclusive Easement shall be governed by and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado, and jurisdiction shall be limited to Eagle County, Colorado. In witness whereof, this document has been executed this day of , 1998. GRAITTOR: GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER INC. Pepi Gramshammer STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) S.S. CoUNTYOFEAGLE ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this_day of ,1998 Bv.- Witness mv hand and official seal. My commission expires: Notary Public (sEAL) Grmshmrwn-Excl-Esmt By: