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uEllcsD ID:3034764089 HffiMEHfl# RPR 19 '94 11 :06 No .010 P .02 ftr*lr I bnFU Mtl: m otr eg(Pg /F!rpr.90/8@ee /LEA lbluq;.8150 8.lLqig Ct./Ar!fl, 00 /ffnt4 $ ttt-otr fu 0cgr5r.a3Et April lE, 1994 Mr. Dennis Gelvi4 Acdng Guwd lUaruger Upper Eeglo Valloy Consolidatod Sanitatior Dietdct 846 Forssrt Road VEil, Colorado 81667 | subject Hydrautic Evaluation "f B,ilBl ,n""* nt *r,*n Merrick Pmject No. 454-1025 l Doar Mr. Cslvin: , ,j Thir letter preeento lhe rasulls of *re hydrsglio waluation of various waler main impluvement rlGrnrtivee in the vicinity of Bridgs $treet in the Vsil Village coro arsi. This vork nras prcmpted by the poporcd rsrovction of the aovcred bridge over Gore Croel md the desiro to coordinate potentid water mdn improvemen$ with the proposcd bridge construction. hydraulic *ndyeis preeonted hsriin wss ruthorizcd by * lotter propo$I md ngroomenr, 4t13194. DROMCTSOOPE Tho scope of tho hydraulic wrlwtion ir reprintei betow fiom the proposal letrer of 4llltg4, Itern + has beon slightly rwigad f more preoiscly locate the arm anelyzed for fite flow. l) Determine the maximu* wstor flow to tho f,orth ond of the existing dead-end 4 inch msin uiltidt extends from the intersestion of Bridge $trect and Gorc Crack Drivs to the covsed bridge over Gore Creel,. The anatyrie will be conducted assuming maximum day demand conditions, with the R-1, R-2, snd R-4 ryellu opereting, Mnximum flow will bo the largest flow possible while maintainine'f, 2o pd rtidual syitcrn prossure. $ Dclcnniue lhe mrximum flow et this locstion whioh uould reeult if the existing 4 inch main were to be replacod with on I inalr mah- 3) Delermine iho msimum ftow nt'this loqstion rmdcr tho rssumption that th*.dead-end 4 inch main were replrced with an E inch mcin crorsing Gore Creel md connecting to the 12" mgin bencath Easl Metdow Drive, t ,, ', 4) Dctewninc lhe increase ln fire flow to thd srea cenl,sred elourd the intercection of Cmre Creek Drive and Bridgo Stroot which would be expected with the I inch mrin improvomont describcd in item 3 above. Ropeat tho flire flow analysis usiug, scparatcly. a l0 inch main snd s l2 inch main in plaoe pf the 8 insh nain. The dfltod M Frytq!5.tlr $J lffnrrrnl UEUCSD ID :5034764089 HPR 19'94 11:07 No.010 P.03 I Donnir Grlvin UBVCSD April lt, 1993 p.2 TROCEDURE \,,g ,1 The anntysis was porformed using rhe CYBERNETO hydraulic model developcd by Morrick for the angoing Vail Hydraulic $tudy. A portion of tho model, sentered around Bridge Strsst and the Vilhge cor€ area, is shown in Figure l. Thc originnl hydreulic rnodel was modificd to include soveral linss and nodss not in the original lnodel. Line 351 ig an existing 10" main connccting the west errd of Mill Creek Circle to ths distribution systom al the intersection of Bridge Slrst and Harson Ranch Rogd. Line 353 is tbc existing 4' rnain rurder Eridge Strcct north of Gore Crook Drivo, urd is the focus of the ahernalives ovoluated in this study- Line 354 reprs$ents a possible extensior of Linc 353; irJunuld sroF$ Gofe Creek attachod to thc covcred bridgo and connest to ilro 12" main bencph E[t Meadow Dri{e. Iunction nodes 4O4, 1O7, and 4o9 h.lve been addad to the model tp a*om-gftetc l!r.9. ncw lifoe segment* Scopc iterno l, 2 and 3 wcra perflonn.O iy varying the demand atjunction node 40? (I40?) until thc mucimum flow was found at which adequate $f;toltl pressurs was maintoined. The firc flow analysis in scope itern 4 used tree nodes to represent hydranB supplying fire water. Thoso nodcsa,rcJ409, I4l3,and1416,andarelocatdinFigurel. Again,thefireflowfrornlhethrce nodes was dtowed to increase to a marimum{lovcl, beyond urhich inadequsle systcm prcr$ur€ resulted. Adequatc minirnurn system pressurelvas set to be 20 psi; however, several nodcs east of the village core area whprc clovatiqns aru filadvoly high (Jl I I and J320 on Fairway Drive) were allou'ed to fall below the 20 psi tevet, brit wcrc not allowed to fall below l0 psi. RESULTS r i ,\'t Tlre ma,ximuln floum and residuat pre,fsures whiah reeult fram the nrrslysit of each scopet item atc summarized in Table l. In all model runs, it was assumed that the water level in thb storage tanks is at tho maximum effe.ctive level, ila. drc shuoff lerrel controlling pump and well operation. It is also usumed that the R-I, R'2! and R-4 groundwatet welle ere oporatin!. Except for those cases notcd in rlre Tablg the Inlino boosler pump $tailon was not in opcration. It should be noled that for many cases, th6 nra*imum flow is not limited by residual Frsssures al the flowing nod{s), but by the residuEl prc$auro at nodes elserrfiere iu thc oystom. i i The results shonm in Tablc I for die existing rystom are brscd on the assumption that the 4" Bridge Street main (IJ53) is in fairly good hydraulic condition. Basod upon visual obscwations of dre main mndo during rccetrt ercavation worh tre pipe appeared to hnte a thick coating of scale ype deposits wbich rvould ncgativcly impnot pipe hydraulics (Mike McGhee, personal mmmunicstion). Therefore, the flow urd pressure valuqs shown in Tablc I *rould bc taken as a "bpgt Gas6" esti mste. and may ovsr$tate the actu*l msximum flow wttich could be realized ftom the end of tho oxieting 4r main- At I150 gpm, the flow velocity in a 4" pipe ie 29 fps (feet per accond) rnd tho pre$ute loss through just this 195 foot m*in scgment amounts to 95 psi- Replrcement of the small 4" main with an 8r' mdn oubslantially rpducee dre pressure loss in ihis pipo segment snd alto$/s for a consider*ty higher 5500 pm flow ralc. If two way flow were I UEUCSD ID :3034754089 APR 19'94 11:08 N0.010 P.04 Dcnnis Gctvh trEvc$t) AFil 18, l99l pl Table l: Maximum Model Flowu Notos: il. Assumes full tanlr, R-I,R.2'R.-7 wells operating, but no booster pump stntions unless otherwise noted I 2, Lt53 is the existing 4" dead-end main bqrosth Bridge Slreet norlh of Gord Creel IDrive 3. L354 ir the proposed eadensiofl of L353 aoross Gorc Creek to E. Mesdow privo 4. Includes flow ftqrn Trnk #5 vip Inlino booster pump station I permitted by @d$rding the 8" main acro'ss Gorc Creek nad coilnecting it to ths 12" main along East Moadow Drivo, then the mgxidunr flow rstumod by the hydrarlic modsl increasss to 4500 gpm. The benefit to ffrc flow capability rcsulting fram increasing the pipe size and looping the Bridge $trpet main is examined in items 4a to 4d in Tablo l. fie rwo valuos shovvn under each spcciffc case oorrespond to models run both wilh, and without, tho Inlinc booster pump station oontributinB flow ftom the Vail #5 rtorage tank. / Dcscription Junction Nodc Maximum Flow (prn) npcidual Pressure @ Flowing Node (psi) l) Iixisting; L353 - 4"; no L354 2) L353 * 8"; no L354 3) 1353 & L354 - 8" 4) Fire Flow Aaalysis:I a, Existing L353 - 4"; no L354 L353&L354aBtl L353&L354=10" L353&L354=l2r b. d. N7 407 407 .J. I 150 3500 4500 4200 5100{ 4600 65004 4800 67004 4800 6800{ zo zo 4(t tt I32 t6 37 23 to 35 43 !o 50 24 to 33 40 to 50 27b41 43 to 55 29 to 47 t 409,413,416 4093t3,4t6 409,413,4t6 409,4131416 UEUCSD ID :3034754089 HPR 1.9' 94 11 I 08 No .010 P . 05 , If tho odsting dead-srd 4r ilain is rcplaced with s looped 8" inch main, a fire flow increase of 400 gpn (4200 epm to 4600 gpm) is projegtEd (Inline pump strlion not operating). The benefrt of a lerger, looped line is more evidcnt whbn the Inline pump station is operating; an increffio on ihc order of 1400 gptt rusults (5100 gpm 10 5J00 Bpm). lTho data also suggesls thflt increasing the diametff of IJ53 and L354 to none than I inohes linu only marginal beneftt. An incr€ase of only 200 to 300 gpm (less thur 57o) is indicrted when the sie.e of each line is incroascd from 8t'to l2r'. CI}NCUISION The rssults of the hydraulic waluation drould provide a reasonablp basis for dosiding upon the optimum lovel of improvemcnt for t!re_[r!{g9_!!Iq1,'u3ter main- | ' Increa$rng the size of the Bridge Streer main ro I inc*res (rcope itenr ?) would increase estinnted maxinum flow through that main b5r a minimum 2350 glm. . Exrending the 8i maiu beneath the cdvsrsdbridge and comecting ir to the 12" main along Easr Mendow Drivc (scopo item 4b) nould boost frre flow capacity to the village center by approximately 1400 gprn, bringing it to dre range of 6500 gprn' r Tho incremental bernsflrt of increasing thc Bridge Street mein fmm 8r' to lZi is not serlr I to be significanl enough to jucriff the added expense. I The ffnat decision will depemd upon the cstual lwel of sernicc ivhich will be requircd alon! Fddgb Strest oonsidering the needs of the reuuodef ed Covered Dridgc Building and the desired lovel bf {ire flow to the village coro rtrea. Yours truly, Doodir Gclrlir TIEVCSD April 18, 1993 p,4 MERRrcr( eqtANYA,/)'ln/ IWa",,**L\ Kevin McBrien. P.E. Project lUnnagor KWM/MR/mo file: \4 548593\04 I E-g4.ltr Kovin Mc.Drien file R- (r;n ffiE*^ l{ uEt/csD ID:3034754089 *xte"idibn{?a RPR 19'94 11:09 N0.010 P.06'Proposed connection to E. Meodow Dr. l/ moin te7 , -."__42e.,..8 Existing 4' deodend mOtn ) i! Junctionfor fire .j -r .. -i"-----*-- - " I I Il I t node$ used flow onolysis I F-o ,50 t00 200 ft I t.it rrs I I t'.'. : ! I t; WCWD HYDRAULIC MODEL IN THE VAIL VILLAGE CENTRAL AREA FIGUFE 1 II { Proposed msin RI"o"' ""--:"1 il*iloi+i I <./,*'J i .' , ''\ \ \ i" !..'.- - -"il--ir--- I ii Ni --\-" UEVCSD ID;3034764089 i HPR 19 '94 11 :06 No .010 P .01 /4F i Uenep Efials Vnl*v Cor{golrDATFo | $nxtralor DrsrRrcr [616 rorrtrraoro. vl'- colonAoo 0rBbzt q0$ {t.'t.b ' f^t( (loil) ltl-.oor iitr'll{o"ulflli/3L -- TO: FROTI: FE; Numb€f ot prywlranwilt&{t rrnlut ing oilvdi' pggc:_ For wrillrmatlon @/or proilems wfth thla |fana'['/lol*r l4ere calf tl MaraAO!i tot t6c FoLl'owrr|o WatlE Otalrlctr! AfifiOWHaao MEIFO W^TCR . EEAVI| EFEEK M6'riO w tEF . BEnBY CnElf ll€lno W TFI lM||.l.vArl, uErBo wATEh , tow RD6 MllRo wAtEn r LAKF FirrK uEADowE wAtEA UFFEF EAlgtG tllOl9LaLYJ I! AU?H(rFFY. va!! Yrla-L€Y OONSOLIPT cI YsritiF i V,,; i F,'* D=rrl,.---F_if F e.J r f .", N May 25, 1994 Vall Flre Department 42 West Meadow Drlvevall CO 81657 Gent Lemen, Elease flnd enclosecl the water flow test results taken at the endof Brldge Street yesterday mornlng, li[ay 25, near 12:30pm. The malndraln at Nlcks Bar was flowed wlth the 2" maln draln wlde open. The Statlc pressure was 150 P.S.f. The Resldual Pressure drop was 75 P.S.I. The Pltot Tube readlng showed 275 c.P.M. Due to the low pltot tube readlng, bre would reconmend to flow the hydrants ln Meado$r Drlve, as the maln ln Brldge street 1s a dead end 4" matn. The water also had to go through several 4" gos, a 4"backflol,preventer as weLl as the 15' of 2" plpe and 5-2" nlnetles. Many thanks, Rusty C11ne, Valley Wlde Flre Prot ilechanlcal on DlvlslonElectrlcal , Inc. 4il1 METCALF ROAD. p. O. BOX 5080. AVON, COLORADO 81620. (O0g) 949-1747. FAX (O0g) US-7144 I!' i P.O. BOX 5080 AVON. COLORADO 81620 (303) 949-1747 FAX (303) 845-7l4/. CorcrzEa Ba,oqc 6uruotNgz2-7 &<roge JI y't tt G.o EnDo ,lL 7".e""br:)oi' 24 FJ % /r', * {-''', ';i^.o /rh^"'f 74' *nt/c"-'-)' \ i rmil flFfl! ilt0fltTi0fl $trilcr ill.ll DNl. SeelCt0h 1f3.tf.ps1. t 1126.fl gpl. Soler ?5l,it 95. Spto r:gulrerr {l.ll p81. | 61C.88 gpr. Srppll rerllsllsr 1N6,39 pll. 8atet1 lrrglar t0.61 pat. hrtmreloctty ln the ryrter ls 2t.23 ft/see. Contlilttl tt all nfil|r sltlsfted t0 f,0l gpt. llncludlng [ore lllorancel EIDnAUIIC $U[iltnr RIIIffi ITffiNO l'15llffilt BLISl.9f 0ffffi llJfl[. tf DS[l nre fl8l t1,00f I . ll! 0l CM8 B.lStlFH r[[tl G'0lll ELll c " fitctr nilt ll0IlSr PIPB II?T LIGIID ll = SCffiDUtl {l l0 . ffIIDUIE lt |il, : l[Ill til,l, ID = lCTUll, DItmUn Ct = C0PPEI fIPB I C1, = C0PPBI tIPl Ifl . COPll8 ItPl lt P[ = Pot-toc cP = cPvc lllel DnItGrl8.?E[ P8t8$UEEil0DB (P8rl 'l[E" Sprlntler Progral by FpE 8oftrare, Inc. FLot{ 8il[Ul0lt I-PACIoR(cml {FBBrl Pager I cc2 cc3 nl tlz 081 BR2 c$l c82 c83 ml t{t2 I0l ilf{ ilr5 ?21 t26 t22 n5 nl nt il2 nt n{ tt5 Ft5 n? n8 ru9 tu n3 ill 11{ il5 n5[ rtr n9 ?10 rul r2t 12lt t2t t2! t2+ ill fl2 fl3 tfl il5 It6 fl? il9 110 fl8 2,r {9,16 t7.lz {?.?1 {2. {9 $.28 3r .93 26.51 28.38 26 ,9e 25.91 ?3.01 18.66 l{.33 llI|l 5.65 23. tl 21. te 2t,tl 23.|l 23.t| 23.t| 23. fl 23.0C 23, tf 23. e0 2t. tl 23. tl z3.tf 23.t| 23.fC 23.tC 23.f| 23.tl 23. tl 23.t| 23.|l 23.t| 23.tt 23.|l 23.t1 23.ff 23. tl 23.10 23.$ 18.65 1t.55 18.66 18.56 18.66 18.55 18.66 18.66 18.65 18.56 18,56 80uKl 0.ee es.fi r2 61C.88 12l,ec r?.5 l. cc 12.5l,l0 r1.50.00 11.5t.lt r2.50.00 12.5 f. cl 12.5f.ct 2l.5 f, tc 31 .5f.lf f1.5l.lf 51.5l.tc 61.5l.ff 21,5l.l, 2r.5t.fl 2l.tf.lN 21.5l.ll 21.5l.lt 21.5t,tc 21.5Lm 21.5l.ll 2r ,5 e .e0 n.5t.0l 21 .5r.ec 21 ,5t.m 21.5r.m 21.5 r. ft 2t .5t.ct 21.5r.|| 2t.5t.ct 21.5 r. rf 2l .5t.m 21.5t.il 2r,5t.ll 21.5l.ll zr.5l.ll 21.5 l. lf 21 .5r.|| 21.5t.m 2t.5l.ff 21.5l.ll 2r,5l.0l 31.5 f.ll 31.5t.m 31,5l.m 3t.5f.ct 31.5 r, tc 31.5 t. tc 3l .5t.tt t1.5l.0l 31.5t,ft 31,5 e. ec 31 .5 llle, lRImnS.$8 w88Um[oDr tPsrl 'Iff' Sprlntler Progret bJ ipl goftrare, Inc. rmr $ttlNlil l-rlcToatoPll lrrnl ztl 2t3 2t{ 2t5 2t5 zt1 2t8 2t8t 2t9 2lc 2ll 2lt t 2t2 2t3 zIt 2t5 215 2t1 2t8 219 224ill m28 Et2[ il2 il3 il{ sc5 815 ml 8t0 lt9 ill 8n fl2 El3 ll{ n5 816 ilr [18 [19 821 [2r 822 [23 gzl F25 fl26 EZ1 fl28 829 8|l $c2 8t3 31.5 3l .5 3l .5 3l.t 3t.5 31.5 rl ,5 31.5 3l.t 31.5 31. ! 3t .5 3t,t 3l .5 31.5 31.5 3t.5 31.5 3t .5 11.5 3t.t {1.5 {1.t {1.5 {l,5 {1 .5 It .5 {1.5 {1.5 fl.5 {l .5 {1.5 fl.5 4l .5 {l,t fl.5 {l .5 tl.5 {1.5 {1.5 {l,5 {r .5 tl .5 {l .5 {t .5 {1 .5 {l .5 {l .5 il.5 11.5 {1.5 {l .5 sl .5 51.5 51 .5 18,55 18.56 18.56 18.66 1t.66 18.66 18.56 t8.56 l8,66 18.65 t. cl l.cl t. tl 0.cl Ltf t.0c r.tl r. t0 t.cf t.0r 10,66 r.tlt8.66 t.0f 18.55 r.tl 18.66 l.ll 18.65 t.ll 18.66 r.tl1t,66 t.tt 18.66 |,tf1t.65 t.tl 18.56 t.tl 10,66 t.|l1{,33 t.tl1t.33 t.tll{.33 t.0f1r.33 t.tl 11.33 t.tlr{.t3 t.tfl{.33 t.tlIt.33 t,fl1t.33 t,tl 11.33 t.tl1t.33 t.all{.33 t.tl1t.33 l.tlt{.33 l,tlt{.33 t.tlt{.3t t,flu.33 f.fll{.33 t.|ll{.33 t.rlIt.33 t.tll{.33 t.tlr{.33 t.tl1r.33 t.f!1f.33 f. tlr.33 t.|rl{.33 r.ll 1r.33 t.tf I {.33 f. tfl{.33 O.tlIt.33 t.tl1{.33 t.rflt.tt t.|lr.|| t.fllt.il t.tl Flle: B8IDeil8.IBt '?[X' Sprlnkler Progran by FPI Softrare, Inc.Page: P[[88U[E Fl,0troDB lPsrl lePxl 8ilYltlolt [-FACloB {rurl1 8e{[ 8l{ $t5 $t6 80? $t8 6f9 $tl 8ll slz 613 8t{ 8t5 $r5 81i sr8 819 $2t 82tl $2t8 8Zl 822 $t3 8?{ 8?5 040 $2? $28 l{n ft2 m3 m{ m5 ft6 ft8 ft9 nf ilr n2 tl3 Hl{ ft5 It6 ft? flI8 n9 tzl t0.10 c.celt.tf 0.rr1f.|| r.tlil,rc 0.ttlr.tc c.ftil.|| 0.ciil.c0 0.ctlt.[ t.tllt.|l c.cc lt.il t.0ln.m t.fl1t.|| t.tltf.[ r.mlf.[ |,tll0.tc t.e0lt.[ |,tfll.lf r.00ll,ff r.Nttf.lt r.rllt.tf r.rllt.|| t.frlt.[ t.tlil.|l 0.0cl|.il l.tllt.|| t.tllC,Ct e.Ctlt.$ c.ll1t.|| |,tl5,66 r.rC5.55 r. tl5.66 |, rl5.65 t.tl5.56 f.ff5.66 t.tt5.55 C.l0t,65 t.tl5.65 0.fC5.65 r.fr5.66 t.llt,[6 t.$5.66 t.ll5.65 |, tl5.66 r.ff5.66 r.lr5.66 N.f05.56 l.ll5.56 l.rl5,55 f.ft5.55 f.rr5.66 t.tl5.55 0.0e5.55 l.llt.66 l.ll t|.17 18.50ll.t5 19.28 51 .5 tr.l 5l .5 )Ll 51. t 5t.5 5l ,5 5l .5 5t .5 51.5 5l ,5 51.5 51.5 51.5 5l .5 51 .5 51 .5 !l .5 5l ,5 5t .5 51,5 5l .5 5l .5 51.5 I 51.5 51 .5 51.5 6l .5 61 .5 6t .5 6t.5 51 ,5 6l .5 61.5 51,5 51.5 61.5 61.5 6r .5 6l .5 51.5 61,5 61.5 51.5 61 .5 61,5 61.5 61 .5 0l, J 6l .5 6l .5 r2.5 12.5 l.u 5.8 f2l 122 il9t r06r tf55 ff5t I tller llltrll$.l{l 'llt' Blrliller Progru bl llt Boftrare, Inc, prge: I t MOflffi FIfi TI,ITI?Ifi I-TrcIU , llL'......-Jlgt-.,..].Tt...... Jt::u_... ..... 3 1{,3{ 2t.9?, l?,5 5.8I ll.l8 t.ct 12. t5 lt,f9 23.8t 12,5 5.86 16.53 23.58 12.5 5.8? t|.02 19.18 12.5 5.8I lt.?3 lg.m 12.5 5.89 lt;?l 22,61 12.5 5.8ll l8,u f.ft 1t.5rr lr.lt il.t? t2.5 t.Ilt t?.tt ?3.96 12.5 5.813 22.5t zt,5t 12.5 t.8l{ t9.t5 25,12 t2.5 5.815 l9.tr t5.59 12.5 5.815 t|.68 t.|| 12.51r lr.it 2t,t2 t2,5 5.018 l3.l? Zl.2l t?.5 5.0r8[ 12.3t 21.36 t2.! 5.819 21.6t t.r| 12.5 i+ll-.sA@rrr' llle! BnIIlGllS.l[E '1[E' Sprlnller Prograr bI lpl SoftHsr€, Inc. lmr DliltBlt0 lnl rIUIllG$ [8[018 80t [E[0ffi I0l Hteffi InIcIIffi C-rtltUE Pe lcpnl (il{clB$t (ntrl (F[Etl (r[ff] lp8ilFr.] lpsrl Pager 5 Pf ltt0cllv lP6rl (nrsEcl 8t8lil rlDiloDl [oDB cc2 ccl 360.88 4,260 lC 0cc3 ccz 36t,88 6.351 lr Tecl ul 36r.88 4,269 re Gtul u2 35t,88 {.25[ t0u2 BH 360.88 r,25[ t0 sB2 CSI 36t,08 {,26e t0 [csl c82 36t.08 1,251 1r tIc$3 es? i.te {,260 l8 Ll{ll c83 t.tt {.260 lllll2 101 t,tc {.26t lclf3 m2 |.il r.261 1l[f{ [f3 l.lt {,25r le 2.66 136.56 e.022 39.91 213.91 r,t03 22.C9 12,et 0.03e0.t0 11.11 c.t3t 5.t0 12.t0 r,l3[ 26.0t {9.75 C.C30 6. tc 26 , t0 0, tecf.lt 15.Ne t. cel 0, tl 12.CC C,lC012.m t.elltz.il l,lll12.ef t.et0 t{0 -5.2e 3,05 8.12l{0 r,t0 e.68 3.65 120 5.42 1.25 8.12 120 LCt 2.2t 8.1t Lzl -2.11 t.36 8.12tzr e.tc t.{8 8.12 120 t.c0 t,tll2l r.rf 0.01 0.tt t.tt 120 r,il 0,ft t.cl 120 r.tc t.tt t.00.lzc t.rt c.0t f.fltzc t.3c c.Nr c.0llzt t.|| t.il t.fltze r.|t f.$ r.||12t t.ft t.il t.tltlc c.0t t.m c,c0lzt l.l| t.il r.tltzc c.rc c.m t.cllzt t.|| t.|l t.tl 12s t.0f t.0t c.0ltzt t,tf c.il r.tltzt N,0c c.cl c.0ct20 Lto 0.ft 0.tl 120 t.tf l.cl c.00 120 0.5C 0.lt t.ll 120 f.tcne t.00l?c t.t0Lzt t.te 121 0.lf 120 t, tl 0.cc r.tlt.t0 c,te0.0t t.far,rc Lill.t| t.rl t . tr t.lllzc t.r e.la f.ll 12t t,fc f.t| l.ll 12t t.ff l.al l.lll2l t.|| l.ll |,lltzl t.ct l.fl l.ll 12t r.il l.lf l.lltzt r.0t l.ll 0.tlrzt f.lt l.ll l.lltza t.0e l,0t l.lllzc Lm f .ll l.cltzc Lil c.ll c.ll 12t i,0l l.0l l.ll 12t t.m l.ll l.l0 r?0 t,il l.ff l.tl 12C 0,t0 l.ll t.flt|N C.fl t,fl l,t0 120 f.|| l.af e.$tzc 0.cc N,cc l.[0 12C C.eC C.l0 0.00t28 t,lc 0.ll 0.cllzg e.00t2c c,tt t.et c.ec0.m 0,cc 5 0.t0 6.ee 0.030 120 2.t1 0.18 8.12 13{ t1{ 2g 7{.1? 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CtC l2l $.000 Izl 0.e0e 125g.e0e 121 r.000 l2l e,eee w $,000 Lzi e, e00 l2c 0, c00 t2c 0.e00 t20 c.0c0 120 0 .000 l2e 0 . 0c0 126 e.e00 120 0 , 0e0 120 0.$0e 120 0 . 0t0 lzc e.00e lzc 0. cco I 20 0.000 120 0 .000 120 0.0c0 lzcc,0t0 12r c.0e0 120 0,00e l?l 0.0e0 12e0.[0c lzt 0.0c0 121 e , coc l2l e,0e0 12| t.005 l2l 0.9e0 ln [, coc 12c e.0e0 12e t. cee tZr 0.0e0 lzl c,000 120 e. 000 128 0. 000 lze $.000 rzs 0.00 0.eg0,cc 0.0ee,00 e.000,00 i.000.0e e.0e0.0! c.000.ee c.se0,0e 0,000,0e 0.0e 0, 00 0 ,00g.e0 c.0ec.0r 0.000.00 0.0e0.0c c.c00.0e c.00t.00 t. tce.0e c.0e 0. ce e ,00c.ee e.0e0.ct l.c00.0e t.0ec.c0 c.0c0.ce 0.00[.tc 0.c00.00 t.ce 0. 80 t.00 0. 00 e. 00!.0c !.0te.00 0. e0 0. c0 0, t00.00 e, e0 c, N0 0, c0e.ee t.0c$,0c Leo 0. ee e.000,t0 t.l0t.0e e.e0t.tc t.lfe.0c l.tl0.c0 c.cl0.ee 0.05c.ct f,cc0.00 0.e00.$c 0,00e.00 0.e08.0t c. cl0.0c l.g00,0i 0.lc0.0e c.eer.0c 0,000.0e e.l0 0 ,0c c,000.0e 0.000,0c 0,000.ee e,0e '- . t51*r:-, /r',. t./1a,',:/*'l'tsjt]it*4rtra,ti1<!i9r,-, ; Fller BRIDGBIS,IIE EIGII $tD lt0D8 lt0Dr 'IIB' Sprlnhler Prograa by FPB Softrare, Inc, ?t0l{ DIiltETBR TvB rIIlIilcS tBl{cm [0r il]lcT[ 10I tEflctfl rnlcTr0lt c-raru8 pe l0pr{l (iilcsEsl llsBtl lrB8rl tFEBrl lpsr/rl.I {psr Page r I Pf YEI,OCITT lPsIl lrt/s8cl sc5 80{ st{[ 8e2 st3 s0l $lt sl2 st3 815 TI D 806 514 817 st? 82{ 822 s25 st0 620t $2rB 82f DZJ. 819 s18 s28 $26 Dtt flzt ffi5 m5[ tl9 m5 il9t t2l n8 flt{ rc2 il3 ft9 rtl 111 il2 Hl6 fll{ 115 n5 HI? f06t TN6[ H2l r22 mt c82 13 8C5 805 $0{ 8t{ 8t2 $e2 8ll 8lt 8ll 816 817 613 $13 815 sl6. 823 $23 $23 825 8t8 82Nl 82tr s2l 82e $19 809 s28 828 il5 rt6 f55 m5[ ru5[ n9 flI9 il9 flf6 fr{ ft2 tt8 rf9 fllnl flr nl n{ fll5 115 fl6 rc6 flt6t f2l 112 13ll 7 ,25 I 11.25 I 1e.75 tlLL 1.5 11.25 IL.J 1,5 5,33 1,5 12.5 1,5 t 11.25 I ? ,83 5,t2 10. 25 Lt2 2 1{ 2.25 1.83 1 t3,75 t. tJ 5.17 5.75 l 1.33 1<1 8. 5lI n? {,33 It l0 2 a 9 te I .31 u,17 t,33 6,25 z,J 5.17 1{ 3,5 t.0c 2,15{t.c0 1,10{ r, c0 i .10t0.c0 l.i04t.0f I ,1040.00 l.lc4c,ct t.l!4c.0t l il4t,lt Ll01i.eN Llt{t,Et l,1t{ t. c0 I .104t.m 1,1c{ 0. c0 I .10{c.m 1.10{l.ct 1.194Lt0 1.1c{c.00 1.1C4t.0f t,li{r.r0 1.{52f.tc l.lt{0.0r t.1t{c.0t l.ltlt.00 1.104t.c0 1.10{ t. cc I .152l.c0 l.l0{t.c0 1.10{l,lt 2.1540.te 1.{52l.l0 t.{520.0c 1.1c4l.lc Lt04c.ct l.le4t.il r,lr{l.ft t.lt{l.ct l.{52t.fc l.{52 t. tc l. {52t.tc I.tclt.m I.m{r.rc 1.1c10.tc t,il{c.fl t.{52t.m l,lt{l.Oe l.lr{0,00 t,lf{r.0t l.le1r.m 1,68?t.00 L58?f,tc 2.15{t.e0 1.10{c.00 l ,45 2 350.88 2.535 215.73 2,t51 l|.00 l?.25e.50 5 .335.0t 5.00 5. te 16. 255,0t 5.002.00 12.152,Al l{,rc5.m 6.5e0,i0 11.252,0s 1{.505.m 6.5C 5. [0 10.33 5 .0c 6 ,502.r0 t{.5e 5. r0 5,5ts.tc ?.cc2.|l 6.tC{.rc 15.255.il 5.0C6.ee 13.83?.m t3.t2c.0e le .25?,10 15.{2 c. c0 2. ee7.t0 21.01 5. e0 8.255,t0 5,832.e0 9.c0 c, fl 13, ?50.tf 2.255.Ct 11,17e.c0 5.755.fl il.tc5.t0 5.33l,f0 2.61 4. t0 12.5?l,lt l .83l.lc {.33 l. tt 4. t0t.m lc.oe5,m ?,tt5.|r 5.335,il l3,Cl5.|| 15.eec,|| 1t,00s.il ?.C0 l, tt t,335.tc 13.0c 16.01 21,tle.0c 1.33l,tt 6.255.C0 ?.5e0,fc 5.1?r.0e 1t.00lt.cc 13.5c 10 t ){[nl )(LT alr t l[, B Iil,, I Iil. )il, g l(1, In1 tGt)(tl l([T IO, Tnr nEt |(t1 TtTnu l([ Iil,91 )0 t(t 81 rI, Tnt )GX lil. 10,l(tt l(t rGt 10, T 10, l([ Bt ril, )(t lfl. t0, &1 l(t?rut l(LT l{[)([I l([ )(l, T IG I8T Xt IG )(tI IG 10 lf, f 0,ccc t20 0,t0 0.cc 0,00e.eee 120 0.e0 0.0e e.ec0,000 120 0,0c c,0t 0.0,0.000 120 e.0e 0.0e 0.000,000 lz0 0.0t c,00 0.cc0.0c0 120 0.0e c.0e 0.c0 0. cto l2e e.0t t. tc c. 00 e .0e0 n0 0.fc 0.ee e .09c,0t0 Izc 0.00 t.tc t.c00,000 12c 0.00 c.ec t.e0c,cc0 tzc t.t0 0,tc t,co e .ee0 ne e .e0 c.00 t.og t . lc0 120 r . t0 0.0c 0. tr 0.000 .120 e.e0 e.ec e.t0t,tcc 120 t,t8 c,ca 0.00e.00c 120 0.ce 0.ee t.gcc,0cc lzc t,tc 0.0c 0,00e,e00 lze 0.e0 0.ee e.00 0, 0rc t 2c 0, cc c , c0 c.0te.cc0 t20 e.cc c.0c c.e0c,0m 12t e.ft 0.c0 0.0cr.00c 120 0.c0 0.0t c.f0c,0t0 12c 0.t0 0.00 c.t00.0e0 ne 0.00 e.e0 e.eet.t0t l2c c.l8 Lt0 e.N00.0ee r20 0.e0 e.ee 0.e0c.[0e l2f c,t0 0,00 0,c00.e00 120 e.e0 e,00 0.00r,t0| t20 t,00 c.cc 0.00 9.e0c 120 e,c0 0.0e e.0c c . coe 120 0 . ct 0.0r 0. cc0.ee0 120 t.00 c.ce t.ecc,0tc lzt c. ct c , ct c. ccc.ee0 l2c c,ct 0.00 0.0c 0 , clc lzt 0, ct r , c0 0.000.c00 120 f.c0 0.ce c.cel,t0t 12t t.tc t.tc t.tce.cll 120 c.fc e.tc t.ecl.lct l2t t.tc t,m t.t0 0. coc tzt e. tc 0 . t0 0. e0l.lct r2r t,t0 0.t0 t,t00.0ce 120 e.00 0.00 0.e0t.tcc 120 0,tc 0.0t t,00 e.0ee r20 0.te 0.00 t.ec 0,c00 128 0,0c 0,c0 t.tl c.0c0 12c e.c0 e.0e 0.eet.0lc lzc 0.c0 0.cc 0,00 0.0e0 nc c.0t e.00 0.ee c,ccc l2r c.c0 0.e0 t.c0 e,c00 I?t e.ce e.00 0.c0 0.000 tzt t.tc 0,00 t.00 0.e00 12e e.e0 0.ee e.e0 0,0cc r20 0, c0 0,00 c, c0 0,309 12t e.e0 4.33 21.23 c,322 120 '.8e {.3{ t9,08 FlIE' BRIDOT1$.TflE Bt0ill F[ofl Diil{8!88 IIP8 tlTtlilo$ LEllolfl (Gnl lilc[B6l (rrml "T[8" $prlnkler lrogral by IPE S0ftHsre, Inc. t0$ tEilcIs lot t$tcT8 lRlclIoil c-Inl,uB trBEIl (ltB?l (P$I/u.l Pager Pf IIEI,OSTIT lP6rl (rr/8Ecl B[D [0DxlloDr Pe lPsr I le 413 1619 16 ior.16 2.ls{ll6.6t 2.15{0.e0 2.15{ 18,5C t.lt4 3?.78 1.104 59.?5 i.{52 23.38 l.{52t9,[8 l.lC{ 38. 95 I .10{ 61,59 r,{52 2e.15 1.lt{ 41.5? r.lt{ 65.69 1.4s224,U t,lt{ 23,58 1.{52 4'r,90 1,{52 23.96 l.{52 51.91 t.{52 25.12 l.{52 0.08? 120 3 . 1c2 120 e.00e 120 c, e88 120 0.329 12et.2t2 120 e.036 lzc r, c93 12C 0.348 128 0,21{ 120e.lc5 12s 0,393 r 2f e,241 120 c, r{3 . l2l e.036 rze 0,135 120 0.037 r2e c,15C lzt 0.e{1 12C 1.05 9.{{1.89 lf,2?e.00 0.0e0,88 5,2A3.29 i2.562,83 11.58e.29 {.53 c .93 6. 393.18 13.05 3 ,0e 11 ,93 1 .05 6 .82 3.93 il,933,38 12.?30.29 I . C6N.l6 {.57 I .08 9,3Ce.fl {.54 1.2r 9,85 0. {l {.91 l(I, til, vt |([ )G IG II l(t It 10, ){T t0, xt l(t )([ vl t(t l([ Ifi, IL 8,5 t2 lc 10 I L 10 10 U lc lt I L 10 I 2 1e T T e.0e 10.00 0 .00 0 ,0N t, tc 6 ,00 6 .00 0, cl 0.00 6, [! 0.0c c.t0 5.m 0. c! 0.e0 5,t0 0. c0 5,t0 e.e6 12.0$ 18.5e r2.e0 !0,!0 1e .0c r4,0c Lec il.00 1e,0$ l{, ct 10.0c ll, rr il.ce 2,tl 1t.e$ 8, C5 2,N9 8. Ct 10. ec e.e0 | .01 0,ee 0.00 e.0c c.tc 0.cc t. al 0.0e c. 00 0, ce c.tt r.0f c.0l c.00 t.tt e,c0 0. cl e.00 le l8 i? IO lf 1l t5 I] 1 I 9 10t t0 l't 56. t1 t2 l5 1{ trl ld:) :> CE fI ==L} L' If>z.J€arE&lrl =.rr-; tf g] rlrltlrlrl:l {U>Lf L} E trfll , E {1,trl Eo.G' LJF3z E gt lrla- trtff7.gCfEJ {E GT I =c'J |! tJl o-_**. E1f| (ISd) 3HnSSSUd -. ,| 3 ELat:ltn L {U ru = frBsr f<r* e.- STDRAUIIC SUIIIIIRT ITIIB SUPPLT ilrcilITIOII 8tatlc: l18.lC pe1. Resldualr l13.ll psl. I U26.0C gpr. Eoge: 25f.Ni gpl. Syster regulrea: 85.93 ptt. t 60{.36 gpr. Suppll avaliable: 1e5,42 ps1, {lncludlng [ose []lorancel $afety largtnr 21,{9 psl, [arlrur veloclty ln the rytter is 31.20 ft/sec. eonthultl at 8ll node8 sattgfled t0 l.0l gpr. TITTIilE ffiEffD t " {5 Dt08[t ll,B0t I . 9t moffit tlDot L . 9l Dt08lt l0ll0 TIJBII tl,B0f I . It!08 C1088 I . BUllt8ll,t tltt3 G " GlIl tlI,E C.. CffiC[ 9[t[l [0ft8 r PrPB lnt [808XD 4l = $CEE0ULE {l 10 = SCffiDUtt ll r(l, - Tfflr tul tD = lCTlltl, Dltlfifinfi = C0PPII ftPt I C[ = C0PPEI lIPt t fi = COPP!0 fIPt ll B = POt-IoC cP = cPtc 4./5; - : bt6-$ Fller BRI088!$,198 'I[8'. Sprlftler pr0grsr by trPt $oftfl8re, Irc, [008 p$$8uBl rloflp$rl toR{t EtEIAlI0lt [-tlcT0B lrrBrl ccl ccz cc3 ul t2 E8t Bn2 c6l cs2 c6l mt il2 ilt3 tf{ It5 121 t26 122 il6 nt nl t02 nl rtl Ft5 il6 lft t08 ft9 ilt il3 n2 il{ n5 t15t nl tt9 tr8 F2t t2r t2ll t23 ?25 tzt lcr taz lt3 I0{ It5 il5 It7 It9 lll T08 ?ll 8?.51 85.2? 85 .93 8e.88 18. ?{ 16.fl 65,t6 65.88 65.{r 6+.69 il.36 55.t3 5r .59 u.16 t3.t3 3t.t2 21.62 za.tl 16.{2 lt.5t il.?l 13. t9 l{,ll t7,,11 r ?.56 1t.26 ll.tr 11.35 ll.{l 13.21 13. r5 lt.0{ ll,lt 12.8r t2.82 l{.9f t{,t3 13.31 il.15 12.82 12.11 18.5? 10,51 l6.rl t6.$ 55.t3 56.t3 56.t3 55,et 56.f3 56. t3 56.t3 56, r3 56.t3 56. t3 t.tl r.0e 5t{.35 c.l0 r.0tr.r t. tt r. et f.tl t.tl t,ff f.tl t.ft f.tf t.fl t. t0 t. ff f .ll t,tl t.ff r9.03 f.tf il.?3 t.tl ti.55 19.t5 18.51 19.51 l;ll t.tl ?l.ll 19.96 l9 ,6? t. tl 21,11 t.0l 22.11 21.21 19.53 24.11 21.71 0.el 2t.9{ 23. r0 0.tl t.fl t.tf l. cl f.il t.,f t.cl t. tll.tl t,00 t.lf t l2t2 souRc8 12.5 t? t 17.5 17,5 t2.5 l2 ,5 12.5 21.5 31.5 {1.5 51.5 5l .5 2l .5 21.5 21.5 2t,5 21.5 2t .5 5.8 21.521.5 5.8 2l .521,5 5.821.5 5.82t.5 5,821.5 s.8 21 ,5 21 ,52t.5 5.82l.s 5.821.5 5.8 2l .5zl.t 5.8 2l .521,5 5.821.5 5.821,5 5.8 2r .5 5.82t,5 5.8 21 .521,5 5.821.5 5.8 3r.5 31.5 3t .5 JI,T I.5 31 ,5 3t .5 3l .5 lt I il.5 31.5 ille' Bilnffil$.IEl '!ffi' $prlntler Progran by lPl 8oftflare, Inc. n0ffi p8t$8u8t ltof tP$It tgPill Etwtrlil R-tflctoR trBml 252 203 2C{ 2C5 2t6 211 2f8 ?t8[ 2C9 ?tt 211 2t tt 2rz 213 2rl 2t5 215 2t1 218 219 xzl lu 8C2t 8f2[ m2 flr3 xr{ [t5 It6 m? m8 If9 8re 8ll [12 il3 n{ il5 n5 ilt il8 ll9 820 821 N22 El3 E2+ [25 t26 811 [28 [?9 stl st2 6t3 56. g3 55.f] 56.03 56.03 56.C3 55. e3 56.t3 56, i3 55.e3 56.t3 55.f3 t6.$ 55, N3 55. t3 :6.C3 5[. 13 56.f3 56.t3 56.03 55.13 56.03 5l .69 5t .s9 51.59 51.59 51.[9 51.69 5l ,69 51.69 51,69 !t.69 il.69 5t.69 11.59 5l,69 5l .59 51.59 il,69 il.69 !l,59 51.69 5t.69 51.69 5t .69 51.69 51.69 51.69 5t,t9 51.69 51.69 5l .69 5t,69 t?.36 {r.35 {?.36 e,ee r. cf 0.0t t,ct 9.00 f,t0 l. cl l.ct 0.0c t.cl e.c0 t. tc c.ec|,il l.cl t. ct r.m t.ff t. tl t,tl r.tt r. tf 0.00 t.tt r.tc t. Nt t. tl t.cc 0, fc t. rc f.0t r. tf r.ee |,fc l.0lt.il f.tf t.ft t.tc r. ft r.tt l. tt c.c0 f.tl t. ee t.tl 0. c0 t. tl t.rl t, 0t 0.0c t.ic c.ce c.It e. ce 31.5 31.5 3l .5 3l .5 31 ,5 31 .5 il,5 31 .5 3t .5 3l .5 31.5 31.5 3t,5 31.5 3l .5 3t .5 3r.5 3l .5 3r .5 31 .5 {1 .5 {r.5 lL5 fl.5 {1.5 {l .5 {t .5 {l .5 {l .5 11.5 {l .5 {1.5 il.5 fi.5 {1.5 fl.5 {l .5 {1.5 {l .5 {1.5 {l .5 {1.5 fl.5 {1,5 4t ,5 {l .5 {1.5 fl .5 {l ,5 {l .5 4t ,5 t1 q 5l .5 PB8flm r[0rlP$Il loPll $ffffiI0r [-t[cIoR trffilR00r 6t{t 6f4 st5 6C6 $0? 808 $f9 sll gtt 8il El3 81{ $15 815 8t1 $18 819 82s 52il 82lB 821 822 s23 62{ 825 625 s?? 828 fltr t|2 [f3 rul tf5 n5 ru8 ft9 fll nl n2 il3 flt{ fl5 il5 n? n0 il9 rzl t2t 122 il9[ flt[[ 155 ff5[ I {r,35 t.ct {?.36 C.CO {? ,35 t. Ct{r.36 t.ee 4?.35 t. ti {?.35 0.0efl,35 t.tl {?.36 r.ta {?,36 t.ltfi.35 0.NC t?.36 l. tl{?.t6 e.0et?,35 |,flt?.36 l.fl 1?.35 N.Cf {7.35 l.lf 17.35 l.tl{?.36 t.0cfl.35 f .tlt?.35 t.llf?.36 t.t0fl.36. l.llt?.35 t.llIr.36 t.Ct{r.36 t.tr {?.35 l.ttIr,36 r.tt t?.35 f.tlt3.t3 t.tl {3,13 f.${t.$ r.rft3.t3 r.rlt3,t3 t.ttt3.f3 t.rlt3.t3 t.fl{3.f3 t.ltl3.ft r.tlt3.t3 f.f0t3,r3 t.fl13.t3 l.tl+t.fi t.tlt3.t3 r.0a13.f3 t.rft3.f3 f.N0$.13 f .flr3.t3 t.flfi,f3 Ltl {3.13 t.rl 13.f3 t.tl{3.r3 t.tf{3.$ t.tlt3.t3 c.tt lt. t3 0. rf65.{1 t.fl 65,{t t.tl 51 ,5 51.5 ll,l 5r .5 5l .5 51 ,5 5l .5 5l .5 5l .5 5t.5 5t .5 51 .5 51.5 5r.t 51.5 5l .5 51.5 5l .5 5r .5 3r .5 51.5 51,5 51 .5 51.5 )I.) 5r .5 51.5 5r,! 5r.5 6t,5 5l .5 51 .5 61.5 5l .l 61.5 5l .5 61.5 5t .5 5t.5 5l .5 51.5 5l .5 6t .5 6t .5 61,5 6r.t 61.5 5t.5 5t .5 5t.5 6l .5 6r ,5 r 2.5 12 ,5 tller BIID€tt8.llt 'T8l' Sprlnller Progrsr bI trPx s0ftflEre, Im.Page: { PEISr[8 IPflI ?l,olf lcnl tHntloil [-tlcT0B (rrnl { 5 5 ? U Ill II 1Z l3 l{ l5 l6 t1 l8 t8t t9 55.{{ 65.t{ 65.{{ Ettf{ r5.{{ 65.{4 55.{{ 6i.{{ 65.tt 5t.{{ 65.il " 6l.t{ 63.$ 6t.{* t5.{r 65,r1 65;14 5i,{{ t.00t.il t.ee r.ft t.c0 0,00 t. ee t.m t.0c t. tl t.tc r.tl r.t0 r. tl t. tt t, tl t.tl l.lc l2 .5rt ( 12. 5 12,5 12,5 12,5 ll.r t2.5 12 .5 l2 .5 12.5 12.5 12.5 t2.5 t2,5 12,5 l2 .5 t2,5 Flle: BRIDCEIS.TBE FI,OI{ DIII{ETIR .TPE TIT1I1IOS TEIIOTE tcPnl {rilcsBsl trEETl "TIE' $prlnkler Progral by trPB $0ttHare, Inc. EQv tB[CtS T0T tBllCI[ fRICIi0li c-lIltUE Pe(r8il1 FE8TI tP$r/rT.l lPsr) Pager 5 Pf l,il,oclly {P$r} (rT/6[Cl BEOIII EIIOll0Dt ltoDt ccz ccicc3 tc\ccl ullJl u2U2 8fl1 882 CStcsl c62csz c$3c83 ileitt02 t{cl[e3 xezilo{ t{c3t{05 t04ilcl F21t21 t25F?6 ?22rz2 Fl5il5 ll0tle n3 F02 Filrot F02t03 F04I04 105 F05 F05 F09 r0? F09 Ft8 r10 109ilc llt Fll r13 8r 1 Fr2 211 2114 354.36 4,260 l0 35{,36 5,35? l0 354.35 4.264 le 35{,35 4.260 l0 35{.35 4.269 l0 354,36 4,260 r0 [ 354.35 t.250 10 [I 354.36 4,260 lC t 354.36 4.260 100,00 4,250 l0e.0e 4.26e 10 2.55 i36.66 0.022 39.91 213.91 0.003 22,98 42.40 0.429 0 , c0 14 .11 0 .029 140 -5.20 2.951{0 0,00 0.65 12e 5.n L2112, 0,00 2,1{ 129 2.11 0.115 0.00 5.00 0.029 5 5,0t 12,00 0,029 26,A0 49.75 Q.0295.00 26,00 0,029e.ee 15.00 a,0290,00 12,00 0,0000,ee 12.e0 0,9000.10 12,01 0,000'0,00 12.00 0.000 15,C0 38.00 0,7983 0, ee 3.ee e.1989 0,ct 9,rt c,?900,00 10.00 a.+020,tc ll.lc 0,185c.00 1e.0e 0,0532,tc l{,00 0.1085.e0 9.50 e.100 5 ,0, 13 .50 0 , 0950.00 e.50 0,3562,00 13,50 e,0962,0a 1{.00 0,0880.cc c,50 c,09?5.$0 9.50 0.3336.00 13,5t e.l0le.00 e.50 0,1112,t0 13.5t e.1012.00 r4.e0 0.0980.tt c,5t 0,1195,ee 9.5e 0.3136.t0 13,5i l,n30,0e 0.50 0,t24z.Ct t3,5C 0.il3z.Ae l{.e0 0.9980,00 0,50 0,108 5 .00 5,r0 9.5e 0.801t3.50 0,138 i.98 3.58 ?.98 ?.98 ? .98 124 -2,n 0.l5 120 0.e0 1,43 120 0.00 0.r5tze 3.90 a,41t20 0,00 t,00 120 e,ee e.0c12t r,ic r.c0tza 0.00 e.0e 120 t,00 3[.34 3t,2C r.0! 4.26t l00.e0 4.260 19 35{,35 2.151 ltt 354.16 2.r5{ Iil, 35{.35 2.154 t(t 244.60 2.154 ){r 15C.52 2.154 r(r, 81 . 58 2,154 )il, 19,83 1,10{ [L 19,83 1.104 )(t40,il 1.452 )(r 4e.01 1.191 xt 19.45 t,t04 )(t 18.50 I .1C4 Xt 19.54 LIC{ l(t 38,e{ 1.10{ t0, 4i, t0 r.4i2 ltl 21.9t 1.10{ l(L 19.95 t.lt4 l(L 19.61 L104 XL 2C.11 l.l0{ l(t 40.41 1.104 l[,43.5{ 1,452 l0 22.34 t.le{ It 2r .21 t.lil lru 19.51 l.lf{ lfi, 20.13 1.10{ tG61.i3 l.le4 xL{8,5{ r.{52 tG 24.94 1.1C4 )(t 23,1C L t04 t(t0.0e 2.635 r0 l.t0 2,535 t00.00 2.154 )(t0,0t 2,154 t(t0.0e 2.15{ n0.cc 2.t5{ rG 0,00 2.15{ xr, 0,00 l.{52 ){t0.09 1. {52 )(t0.00 l,le4 xt0.00 1.10{ xr 0.0t l .10{ l(t c I 134 174 2t 74,1? BAl BRz 35{,16 4,26t t0 tt 5 12,0t 18.00 0.029 120 0.00 | 11.35 ?.98 'll0TB: Ihe llon Dep€ndent Pressure loss Devlce in the preceeding plpe accounts for 10.83 pul 0f the total frlctlon lose'Pf' I80 23.?5 20 l5 !,t 'L11 t2 22 5.5? 9.51 4.25 .5 11,5 1 ,98 ?.98 ? .98 7 .98 0. tc 0. tc c, ti 0.0e il5 t14F15 FI SAF15 F15F15 n.lFll r19 Fl? n8tlt 72Ctzr t21AF22 Fzlt22 t23tzl F25r23 F24r0i [e2I09 tilIle t09102 flcT03 tg?f8{ TC3T05 t04ire Te5zs5 296 2t 1A T05 E I T I I E 10 t0 l0 'Liq 7,5 11.5 LL ,5 4,5'rt I.l .) 11 .5 {.5 t,l li.5 12 .5 4.5 r.5 .5 11.5 11 t{,25 4,?5 {,?5 e.00 c.50 e,1532,0i t3.50 0,139 25.Ce 3?.00 e.0e0r,0c 14,25 0,r0c0.e0 4.r5 0.000 i ,0t {.7 5 0 ,000c.e0 5.50 e.0009 e,0t 9,e0 0,080 0.00 1.50 0.000 9.Ce 15.6? 0.0045,e0 15,6? 0.0005.00 9,25 0,0000.00 0,50 0.0e02,0c 13.5e 0.0e0 124 O.Ce 2,41t2c t,t0 ?.19 tz0' 0.00 . 4,e2tlc t.c[ .1,8! 12A 0.Ce 9.53t20 0.0[ l.{0 12A 0.Ce e.95 120 x.cl 1.30 120 0.e0 e.18 t20 e,00 r.30 120 e.00 1.23llt t.00 0.05 r20 0.e0 3.11t?e 0,00 1,35 120 e.00 e.05 120 t,t0 r.35 120 c,00 1,38t20 0,t0 r.c5t20 c,0e 3.5{ t20 t,or L,52tza 0.00 0.c6lzc t.m 1.53 120 0.c0 r.3? 120 c.00 0 ,05 120 0.ee 1.61tle t.ti l.8? 125 e.0e e.e8tz| 0,00 l,8t 120 0.00 e.eer20 t,re c.0l 12A 0.e0 0.00tlt c,0c 0.c0 12C 0.C0 e.gotzi 0,$0 0,00 120 e.00 0.00 120 0. e0 0.00Ize 0.e0 0.e0 120 0.00 e.c0ne 0.00 0,00tlt 0.00 c.00 31.2C 31 ,21 21 ,54 t{.1{ 1 .18 b. bl 6.55 1.15 13.41 5.52 5.20 5.55 1? ?l 1 ,94 7.C5 5. 59 6,59 5,95 13.55 8,44 7.{9 t.1l 6.58 6,95 20,+9 9.t2 8.35 ? ,9{ e.ee 0. te 0.0e 0 ,0c 0.0e 0. ci 0. 00 0.0t 0.0e c ,00 0.00 | ,00 T I ! TGT fE EE T 2t2 zill tri1e: BRIDGBl8.lfl8 EEGIll BIID }IODE IIODB DIAI.IBTIR TYPE FITTIIi6S TEICIN(ilrcflfi$J {FE8T} lt0f {cPr{ | "THl' $prlnkler Progran by FFE Softusre, I[c. 801J t8ilclB T0I ttllctE FRICfI0[ C-t,ArU8 {FBETl (FEETI {PSr/rT. ) Pe tPsI I Page: Pf v[toctly {Psrl {!U6ECl I06 T05 T07 Tt8 r08 202 2084 2e3 208 209 2lc 102 215 214 2t1 rc9 219 229 Tle 213 El0 809 s08 [07 [05 802 fie2 fl024 fl028 s0l 80{ flr5 t05 il2 [13 il5 ll4 EI? il8 8?l s2e [21 822 823 fl24 HO? [26 825 H28 821 fl29 s09 s08 sct s05 204 I04 106 2t1 TE? T08 n1 TO? 2 084 2 08t 299 210 103 215 ?t6 211 218 219 zI9 215 Ie3 8lf 8e9 se8 [01 s05 Iel [02 Ie2A 8C2A E$3 8t3 [11 806 [12 813 ll3 8t6 [1? il? il9 E2C 821 822 822 [2r [07 nlD t25 [28 [28 t{0 { s09 s!8 80i 0 .00 0 .00 0.e0 0.00 e.00 0. 00 4.08 t.0c 4,fi$ 0 ,00 a.a0 t ,00 0.e0 0. t0 a.as 0 .00 0.07 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.0e c.00 0.0e t, t0 0.00 0 .00 0, 00 c.00 0.00 e .00 a.aa 0.et 0.00 r. tt 0 .0$ [. E0 0.00 0.80 0 .00 ,.91 0.00 0,te a.aa ,. t0 9 ,00 0,0t 0 .00 0,c0 0 .00 0.e0 a.0g 0.00 0.e0 I T I I I T T BEI 2.]5 3.5 10 10.33 5.33 2.tl t. t\ ,83 l0 tt 3.5 4.25 I 8 21.11 10 .5 ,5 4.25 11,5 23 5,5 11.25 tl 9 9.13 t2 2,13 1 .42 II I 12 l{.83 2.33 .JJ 11 5 I i.Dt I 3.5 5,83 I 1q7 5 2.25 t? l1 1 t2 10.6? I 8.5 I 5.00 5,00 0 .00 2,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,00 5, 00 2,00 2,04 5.t0 5.00 5 .00 0, 00 9,00 0.00 5, C0 5,00 z,e0 38 .0e 0,c0 0. c0 12,00 0. 00 0,00 2.00 5. t0 5.00 0.00 5 .00 2.00 5 .0e 5. C0 0.00 5 ,00 2 .0e c,00 5 .00 5,00 5 .0e 5 ,00 2.40 5.t0 ? ,00 5.te 0,00 5 ,00 0,00 5 .00 r ,00 1,C0 10.00 0.00 0.0e 7.i5 8.50 10.00 12,33 5.33 2.31 8 ,00 4.?5 5 .83 12,00 13.00 8.50 9.25 5.00 I .09 32.r1 i0.50 5.5! q ?q 13,50 61,00 5.50 It.25 z3 ,00 9,00 9 ,33 14.00 ? ,33 5,42 11 ,00 6.00 l{.00 19.83 11.00 5 .33 13.00 6.00 5.00 i.bi 5.00 U.5U r .83 6 .00 14.92 1l,00 2.25 5,1? 11.00 5. 00 19.00 I/.0, 18. 00 8.5[ 8.00 0.00 0,e0 0.00 !.00 0. 00 0, 0c 0.00 0,09 0 .00 0. 00 0 .00 s.00 0 .00 0. 0c e.e0 0, 0c e,00 0 ,0e 0,00 0.00 e .00 0.00 e.00 c ,0e 0.00 c,0! e,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0 .00 I .08 0.00 t.00 e.ee r.00 0.00 N .00 0. 00 0.00 0.0s 0.00 0.0e t.00 0. 0s e.00 0.00 0. 00 0 ,00 0.0e a.b0 0.00 0.00 0 .0c e .00 1,104 xtl,le{ l(t 1.104 xtl.l04 l(t 1 .104 xt 1.104 )(t 1.104 XL Lle 4 [t 1 . 104 Xt,r,lt,{ t(r 1,104 Xt',Ll84 l(L 1,10{ )(t r . 104 l(t l .le{ It I . 104 t(t 1.101 lfl, I.t04 l(t I , 10{ )fi,l.li4 xL 3,26e t0 2,535 i0 2.535 t 0 2,535 10 2.154 l0 2 .t54 le I ,104 )(LLl04 xt 1.10{ It r. t0{ t(t l le{ )(L 1.1e4 tt Lte4 H, I .104 t(tl.lt{ )([ t.101 t([ I .le4 [t 1, r0{ l(tl.l0{ Ifi, 1.104 rt I .le4 )(t 1,104 lfi,l,1e{ xt I .1C4 ttt I .104 t0, 1,{52 l(t1,le{ )(t r ,1c{ l(t 1.104 xt 1,10{ [t r.104 xt 2.15{ n 2.154 10 2.154 l0 2,15{ 10 0.400 rz0 0.010 tzl 0.000 t10 0.e00 t20 9.000 120 0, 000 r 20 0.000 120 8. 000 120 0 ,000 120 0.000 Iz0 4,900 tzf 0.00t r20 0.000 tls 0. ctc l2t $.gag 120 0.c90 tze 0.000 tze 0 , c[0 120 0 ,000 120 0,000 t20 0.e00 120 0.000 r20 0 .000 t 2c 0 , 00c l2c 0.000 120 0,0c0 t20 0.e00 120 0,0e0 t26 0,000 lza 0 , 000 120 a.ess t20 e,00c 124 0.000 tze 0.0ce tzt 0.000 12e0.ft0 lz| 0.0ee 12e 0, fct lzt 0.000 124 0,000 llt 0.000 120 0.000 tlt 0.000 lze 0.00c r2e 0.0e0 t20 t , 000 120 e .0e0 120 0,000 t20 0.000 tzc. 0.000 120 0.000 txt c.000 120 0.000 120 c.c00 120 0.000 120 0 . 00 0.00 0 ,00 0,00 0, 00 0, 000.00 0,00 0. 00 0.00 0, 00 0, 00 0 .00 0.00c.00 0,0e0.00 0,000.00 0, 000.00 0.0e0,00 0. c0 e .00 0. e00.cc 0,00 e .0e 0.000,0e c.000.e0 e,000,00 c,0E$.00 0.000.00 0.00 g. g0 e. e00.ee 0.ec0,00 e.e00,e0 0.0c0.40 0,ee0,00 0,00a.a$ 0.000,00 c,e00.00 0.00 0 , 00 0,000.00 0.00Leo c,t0e.00 0.00t,t0 0.c00.00 0. ce c, t0 c, c00.00 0.ee c, cc 0, c00.0e e.0e c, 00 0.000.00 0.00 t, 00 e. !80.00 g.ge c.0c t.tc 0 ,00 e. eee.00 c.lc 0 .00 0 .0ee.00 c, c00.00 0.000,00 0,0e0.00 0.000.00 e, cc 0 .00 0 .000.00 0 ,00 6. 00 e. e0 I t E ETGI t8 E I T T I T f T I I T I I E T ET T T E1 uLlr T Flle' BRIDCEIS.t[E 'fflt' $prlnkler Prograr by Fpg Softnare, Inc.Pager BEGI}I TIID fI,OIi DIAI{ITER TYPE FITTIiIGS TEIIGIB EOII tT}IgT[ TOT TEIIGTH FRICTION C.IIAIUE PC Pf IIEI,OCITII9ll l9ll ___-_]g:l]- {t*tttl rFBBrt rrrlrl iieiil-'- tpsr/Fr,t {p$rt tpsrl rrr/sgclsg5 s0E 0,00 ;,;;; ;; ; "-"-;,;; ' "-";;.;; ';;.;;""';.;;;"'-';;;' ';.;;'-"';,;;""';,;;-,- s04 s05 0'00 1'104 ,.t 5.33 0.9a 5,33 0.000 120 0.00 g.00 0.00sN'A gr4 0,60 1.104 Xt r l 5.g0 6.00 r,000 t20 0.00 c.ge 0.00s02 80{ g,0a 1.104 )(t I 1r.25 5.00 15.25 a.{,s| 120 0.00 0.00 g,0es03 s02 t.00 1.104 l(L I I 5,00 5,00 0.000 t20 g,00 0.r0 c.0c$01 s02 0.00 l.104 )(t B 10.i5 2.00 12,?5 o.,,','o n0 0.00 0.0g 0.egslr slr 0.00 1,104 [t B 12 2.00 14.00 0,0g0 120 0,0, 0,00 0,0esr2 su e.00 1.104 )(L I 1.5 5,00 5.50 A.000 120 0.00 0.s0 0.e0sl3 sil 0.00 l.l0{ xt 11,25 C.00 1t.25 g.000 t20 0.00 0.00 0.0cs15 sl6 0,00 1.104 )f, ts 12.5 2.g0 l{.50 0.009 t20 o.ge 0.00 0.g0sl5 sr? 8.00 1,10{ xt I 1.5 5,C0 5.50 0.e0c r20 0,00 0,c0 c,c0$06 813 0.00 1.104 )fi, I 5.33 5.g0 1e.33 0.',',A n0 a.00 e.00 0.g0sl4 sn 0,t0 1'104 ,il, I 1,5 5,eg 6,50 0,00e n0 0.0c 0,0r 0.cr8l'r 815 0.00 1.1e4 )it B 12.5 2,e0 1{,50 0.900. na 0.00 e.00 0.e0se' $r5 0,00 r.104 It I 1.5 5.C0 6.5e 0.000 r20 0.00 0,00 0.00$2{ 823 0'e0 1.104 ,.[ r 2 5.50 1,00 0.000 12a A.gA g.00 0.00s22 $23 t.'e l,le4 ,.[ I 4 2.50 5.00 0,000 tza 0.00 !,t0 0,t0825 8?3 0.00 l '104 Nt 8[ 11,25 4.00 15.25 9.090 120 0.0e 0.00 g.g0s08 s25 r.00 1,104 r(t r r 5.g0 6.0c 0.000 r20 0,c0 0.0, 0.00s20t se8 0'09 l.{52 r(t T ?.83 6.00 13.83 e.e00 ng 0.0g e.sg e.008208 82rA 0.00 l,r0{ xt BT 6,12 ?,00 13.42 0,0c0 l2t 0.0e 0,00 0,0t$2e 820r e.e, 1.10{ n re.25 e.05 10.25 s.e00 12s 0.00 9.e0 e,e0szl szt 0,ct Lt04 l([ I f 9,42 ?.tc 15,{2 t.er0 120 0.i0 t,0c c.igsl9 820 g.sa 1.104 n 2 s.a, 2,00 0.900 120 0,g0 0.90 0.00sl8 819 e.e0 l.l0{ I[ tt 14 7.50 21.t0 ,.c0c t20 c,r0 e,00 c,c0828 809 a.00 1.t52 )(l, I 2.25 5.g0 8,25 0.0e0 rza 0.0a a.s, 0,0as26 $28 e.r, 1.104 16 I 1,83 5,t0 6,83 e.000 120 0.gc 0.t0 0,00s27 828 a.00 1.1e4 )([ B 1 z.ge 9.e0 0.000 r20 e.eg 0.00 e.e0xzl ltcS 0.00 2.t54 l(| 13,?5 0.00 13.?5 0,090 l2e 0,0c 0.0t 0.ter55 106 0.00 1,452 )il, 2.25 e.eg 2.25 a,000 12g e, e0 0.g0 0.00lrcsl r55 0.c0 1.452 N[ ? 5,r? 5.CC lr,t? 0.100 12C 0,0c r.t0 r.r0f19 r05r 0.00 l.lg4 ),r, 5,?5 e,0e 5.?5 0.000 r20 g.00 0.0e 0.geflt5 m5A C.0e 1.104 l(L I 5 5,er 10.09 e,t00 rze e,c0 t,r0 0,00rflgr flg 0.0e 1.104 l(r T 1.33 5.00 5.33 0.000 ne 0.00 0.00 0.00xzr ,9 0.00 1.104 [L 2.61 C,0c 2,61 0,000 r20 0,00 0.0g s.0!f{18 r19 e.eo 1.104 )(r, [E 8.5? {.e0 n.il 0.009 I2g e.00 0.00 0.g0101 rt6 ,.gt r.452 X[ 1.83 0,m 1.83 6,0cc t20 0,0c 0,0r t.'lr02 rc{ e.g, i.152 r{r, 4,33 e.r0 4,33 0.000 r2g e.00 0.s0 0.gc*3 It2 ,,0t t.t52 Il, 4 c,t, 4.f0 !.00! 12C t.r' e.,c t.00w09 *r8 0.00 1.104 n l0 g.g0 10.00 0.',50 na g.g0 0.0g 0,00*c r09 0,00 1.10{ It I 2 5,r0 1.g0 0.$0c r20 0.N0 0,c0 0,00fllI r{10 0.00 1.104 ,.L T .33 5.00 5.33 0.000 12g 0,00 0,s0 0.00 ^2 flr 0,00 r,lc{ *' T I 5,00 13.00 0,000 lz0 0,00 ,.00 0.0el{16 r11 e.00 1.{52 )0 T 9 6.e0 15.00 e.e'g I.,e 0.g0 0.00 e.,cfl4 fl3 0.00 t,104 xt l0 c,00 le .0, 0,000 r20 0,00 0,00 c,,cn5 Hl1 e.e0 1.104 )0 I 2 5.00 ?.00 0,009 t20 0.00 g,00 0.g0,5 *5 r.00 1.t0{ ,.t, ,33 g.50 0.33 0.t00 t20 t.00 0.00 0.t0lfi? tfls 0.00 t.t04 xt T 8 5,g0 13.00 0.000 12a 0,g0 0,00 0.00fl054 n6 0.00 1,58? )(t t8I ll.l? 15.00 21,11 0.000 t2t 0.f0 0,00 x.N0lf06' rftS 0.00 1.68? ,.L 1.33 0.00 r.i3 e.0s0 120 0.00 0,00 0.a0fzl fl6[ 0.e0 2,t5+ |(t 5.25 0.c0 6.25 0.000 120 0,0e 0,00 0,0!*22 r2l 0.0s Li04 n I 2.5 5.C0 ?.50 0,e0e na 0,00 0.06 0.00f{cl I02 0.t0 1.452 l(t 5,1? c,00 5.1? 0.0c0 120 e.00 5.00 0,0013 cs2 a.sa 2.635 r0 14 0.00 l{,00 0.000 r20 0.0e g,00 s.00le lr 0.00 2.15{ n I 3.5 lC.Ct 13.50 0.000 t20 0.00 e.g, 0.00 FIlEI BRIDGII$.TIT DIAI{TTER TYPE FiTTIIIOS TBIIGTI(rllc[B8l {Ft8T I 888Iil [0Dt l[D F!0r[0DB (oPil] '1[[' Sprlnller Prograr by IPB $oftrEre, Inc. Bot, [8llGT[ T0I LIIIGII TRICII0}I C-t,ltUE Pe trErll lF8rtl (P8r/rT,) {Pff} Page: Pf IELOCITT {P8rl {rr/sEcl l5 i9 2 3 4 0 a 10 1l t3 l6 0,00 i,0l 0 ,0e i ,0t 0.e0 0, 0e 0.00 c,0c 0.00 0, c0 0,00 0,c0 c. ce 0.0; 0.00 c.i0 e .00 0.0t c.e0 8,5 12 l0 10 I 2 l0 10 I 10 l0 d 2 l0 2.15+ )(l, 2.i5{ l([ 2,151 )([ 1.t04 xL l,104 )(t 1,452 It 1 . {52 J{tl,rc{ rr 1,10{ )il, L{52 )(r,l.le4 [LLtt4 t(L 1,{s2 )il', 1.104 1fi, 1.{52 Xt 1,452 t(tl,{52 n t.{52 l(L t.{52 :fi, 0 ,00 10.00 0 .00 e,00 0,00 6.9e 6, 00 0,00 0 .00 6, 00 0.0s 0 ,00 6 .00 0.c0 c.ee 5 ,00 0.eg 5 .01 c.0t 12.00 18,50 r2,00 10,00 10,00 14,0e 8. 00 10,0e 10.e0 14,00 1e,00 10.00 14.e0 2,C0 10. g0 I .00 2.AS 8.e0 le.m 0 .000 0,0c0 0,000 0.00e 0. 000 0.000 0. e0c 0,000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 e .00t 0.000 0 .0e0 0.ece c. cc0 0.oee 0 ,00 e .00 0.00 0 .00 0,00 e.0c 0,00 0, t0 0.00 0, 00 0.00 e ,00 e.ee 0,0c 0.00 c.tc 0.00 0.0t 0.e0 0 .00 8,00 0.0e 0.e0 e .06 0.00 0.c0 e.0t 0. e0 0. 00 0.0e 0.0t e. e0 0, ct e.ce t.tt 0. t0 c.tl 0.tl 124 0.00 120 0,0012i 0.00 120 0.0t 120 0,00t20 0,00rze 0.e0rla 0,00t?s 0.00 L?N 0,00r20 0.00 124 0.00lzc e.oet25 0.0f i 20 r.0c t 20 |.00t20 c.0e Lza 0,00t20 r.eo T T t8 t? 1D 5 5 ll L2 15 l{ I 9 l8A t8 l7 .{ 5 1t 11 t0 t5 1! Eu.tE lrlF ==Ertdtr- tl}E= {]t=OJ J{fi5 I aJtL trj =t3 L} 7Jtr{l- =li] I I I I b.l EC:fLr E {EELI -E TU > t-f t-l -a tr fll E {U = tjl F :I -ltr- E.:l iJ-] L {lJ fl = 7Nofz@i< IlDRAtltlC SUt{t{[[t flAfll SUPPI,Y IflFOilATIOII statlcr l18.ll p8t. Resldual: 103.0e psl. € 1126.0e gpn, [ose: 25t,tc gpr. $yaten regulres: 94.32 p81. 0 6?5.55 gpn. {lnciudllg $0se l]losarcel guppll avellobler 105.05 ps1, $afety llarglnr ll,?3 psl, Haxlru veloclty ln the Bysten is 32.99 ft/gec. Contlttutty et all nodes satlsfled t0 g.0l gpD. TITTING ITGE}ID r ' {5 DlGRtt tlsot I - 9e Dffiill ELBOI L . 9i Dl08lt t0[0 lll8t lt80tt'IlE 0[ CR08$ I . EUfICRftI Uil.ft 0 - OIIX tltltt C = CltCf, Vll,t8 [0Il8r PIPB TYPI I,TGBIID {0' ScfltDutr {0 le = SCllDUtl l0 t0 = t8lil mtl lD = [CTUll, DlllfitBl C[ = COPP8B IfPE I ct = coPPn TIPE t Cl{ = C0PPBI TIPE l{ P[ = P0Z-[0C cP = cFvc lllel 0BI00El6.f[E '?tl' $prlntler Prograr bl FP8 $oftrare, Inc.Page: I PESUBI tu)ll[oDt lPsrl l6Prl BHYITlolt t(-ttcmn Irunl ccl cc2 cct UI u2 DBl $02 c8l cs2 c83ilt m2 tf3 It0{ ilt5 t2l t26 ?22 t15 nl ilr n2 il3 l& tt! n6 It? n8 n9 Fu ilt Fl2 il{ tt5 ItSl n? n9 n8 ?za t2r t2il t23 t?5 tzrill TCt f03 T0{ fl5 106 fl? t09 ill Tr8 9{.{{ 93. te 9t.3? 8r.33 8t.32 8l .92 il.ll r?.t9 il.l0 69. t3 ff.52 t9.?f 5t.3? 5t.t{ {0.7f 51.52 6{.52 6t.52 5t.52 6t.52 5t.52 5{.52 . 5{.52 5{.52 6{.52 6{.5t 6[.r2 61.52 51.52 5t.52 f{.5t 5t.5? 6f.5t 5{.52 t{.51 6{.5? 6r,52 61.52 [{.52 5{.52 5t.52 6t.52 6t,52 6t.52 lf.lr il.92 ?8.81 26. ?l ?6.5? 16.65 11.59 38.19 33 .99 9.15 r.m tc.lo t2 6?5.55 t2t.t0 12,5[.m 12.5l.le l1 ,5t.0t t'I . 5t.t| 12.5t.ft 12.5t.tc t2.5LCt 2t.5l.r 3l.5t.il fl,5 t. N0 51 .5f.ti 5r,5t.0g 21.!r.ri 2t.5t.ft 21.5t.ft 21.5t.m 21.5f.lt zL.5t.m 21.5t.it 2t,5t.ff 21.5t.il 2t,5t.m 21.5t.rt 21,5t.H 21.5t.tt 21.5t.H 21.5t.il 2l.5t.fi 21.5|,|| 21.5t.$ 21.5f,fi 21.5f.ft 21.5Ltt 21,5r.0t 2r.5t.il 21.5t.ft 21.5 t. tt 2l .5t.tt 21.5l,|| ?1.5t.ft 2l .5l.lf 31.5t.$t 31,50.[t ]1.50.05 il,st.tt 3l .5e.$ 31.5t.m 3t.5t.tc 31.5t.il 3t.5|-to 31.5 80uRc8 lller Bn$GIls.T[! 'nx' $prtnner Progran by fpl Softrare, Inc.Pager 2 $0Dt Plt$$ull tlu sltntrofl fi-tlclon lP8t1 {GPu (tErll 2t2 zt3 20+ n5 2t5 267 208 2t8t 2t9 2ll 2lt 2rlI ztz 2ll 2tl ttR 216 2t1 218 il9 22C Efl Br28 It2t se2 m3 m{ $5 8t6 Ic? Bt8 ti9 Blf sll [12 813 m+ n5 fl6 fl? il8 il9 Etc fl2t EZt [23 tzl [25 [26 [?? [28 929 $cl st2 601 8.96 1?.35ll.l? 18.50 15.63 22.932t,98 2? .8i 21.?5 28.21Ll6 15.518.31 16.128.7t t,t0 11.86 r9.9? t 9.93 2! .89 21.02 26.59 u.ll f.fl 18,99 25.212l.r r[.tl2t.9t tr.n 2t, t? t. tc,t8.51 2r.12tt.8l t5,812t.)2 29.|lrr.n f.llt5,t8 29.5655.t1 l.ll 55.3r Lm 55.3? t. rlt5.3? t.rl51,t1 t.$ 55.3? l.tl 55.31 i.tc 55.3? t.ll!5.3r t.rl 55.3r t.fl 55.37 r.ll55"t! t.0t 55. t? t,tlt5.3r f.flt5,3r t.llt5.31 l.tl15.3I t.tl 55.37 l.flr5.3f t.tf55.3r t.il 55.3? l.tl 55.31 0.tl5t.37 f.r|$.31 l.rlIt,l? t.|l 55.3? l.rets.l? f.il 55.3? t.ll!5,3? t.flt5.3? f.er 55.31 t.il5l.r{ 0.tlst.l{ t.|r5l.N{ C.er 31.5 5.831,5 5.831.5 5.83r,5 5.831.5 5.831,5 5.83l.t 5.8 3t,53r.5 5.831.5 5.831.5 5,8 31 .531.5 s.831.5 5.831.5 5.8 3l .531,5 5.8tr q t n 11.5 5.8 31.5 lt.5 5.8 fl.5 {1 ,5 il.5 {1.5 il,5 {1.5 {t ,5 {l .5 {t,5 {1.5 fi.5 {r ,5 fl.5 {1.5 {1 .5 ll.5 {t ,5 ll.5 fl.5 {l .5 {r.5 {l .5 {1 .5 {1.5 {t .5 {t .5 {l ,5 {1 .5 fl,5 {1.5 {l .5 51 .5 5l .5 51 .5 ?1le' BRIDCilg.fm 'l[E' SprtnHer Progran by lpt softrsre, Ine,Page r 3 PR[$8URI FTOII EIBTITIOT I(.trACTORtPsrl {ePil) {trrflil008 s0{A se+ s05 s05 str $e8 s09 $10 $11 sl2 sr 3 $14 sl5 816 s11 818 sl9 s20 s20[ $2eB s2t s22 nt 5 s24 s26 821 828 flcl rc2 [r3 rc{ il5 [06 tt8 m9 nl n1 tL2 rfl3 fll{ xl5 fl6 fll? n8 Ir19 121 lt21 122 119[ flo6n 155 r05t I 2 51.0{ r.il 5t.55r.e4 0.00 51.551.0{ !. !0 51.5 5l . e4 0.00 5l .55t,l{ r.0t 5t.55l.c{ 0.0e 51.5ll,f{ e.cc 5l,5 51.e{ 0.0e 5r.5 51.0{ 0.0t 51.55l.e{ e.e0 51.5 51.0{ 0.0c 5t.55l.o{ 0.e0 51.55t.9{ t.tc 51.5 51 .9f 0. et 5l .55l.i{ 0,it 51,551.0{ 0.ee 51.55r.l{ c.0t 51.551.0{ e.t| 51.55l,c{ t,ti il,s 51.04 0.0e 51.55r.r{ f.|| 51,55r.0{ e.$c 51.5il.04 c.00 5t.5 51.e4 0.0e 51.5 51.04 0,t0 51.5 51.04 0.00 51.s 5t. t{ |,ft 51,5 51.04 9.0e 51.s{6,7t !.il 61.5{6.re 0.00 51.5{5.?l t,rc 61.516.?f 0.tc 61.5{6.1c c. ft 61 .5{5.7e 0.e0 61.5{6.7r C.il 6t.5 {6.?C C.et 61.5{5.?t 0.t! 61.5t6.7e 0.te 61.5{6,7t LCt 5r.5{6.1t 0.0c 61.5{6.7t t.la 6r.5{6.?0 c.Ec 61.5{6,?t t.tt 61,515.i0 0.el 61.5 {5,?C l.0l 61,5{6.re e.te 61,5t5.?t c.N0 61,5 46.?5 9.Ce 61.5 r6,?N C,0t 51,5{6.70 0.0c 61.5 {5.?C t,0t 51,5 {6.?C t.0c 51.5{6.?e e,e0 5i,5 1e.e8 0.00 12.5ii.t8 0,0t 12,5 lllos BliltcH8.nl Pltss,RllCIt {PBrl 'TEt' Sprlnhler Prograu by lPl Softuare, Inc.Fager 4 tIErlil0r [-Flcfol (rffil It0tf (GPr{l 9 It n t2 ll 1{ l! l5 l? t8 10[ t9 12.5 12,5 12.5 t2,5 12.5 t2.5 12.5 l2 .5 12.5 l2 .5 12.5 t2,5 12,5 t2,5 12 ,5 t? t 12 ,5 r 2.5 ?f.f8 t.etrt,,t8 f.ft ?N.08 0.e0ri.f$_ e.m?t.t0 t.0e?1.f8 t. tc7f.e0 c.eclt.t8 t.lc 70.08 c.et ?1.18 t.li70.t8 t.tllf.$ r.rt?t.t8 0.0e ?l;10 l.ti1t.c8 l.ft?t.t| t,tiil.a8 t.tl7t.r8 t.ft ,.4Cltc*\isfJgn&agalll;4€leiikar::"l:t,d, q)i.i Ei!*;:;y/a!: :,r,:is,6r! r! : tr11e! BnIDCltS.T[["IBl" Sprtnkler Progran by FFE goftuare, inc. FL0ti DIAf{tftH fyPE FITIIlll0S tB[cI[ 80I t8ilCl8 TOt t8lrclfl trRi0rr0il c-llil,tl8 pe (cFr{} {ilrc8Bsl {Fx8T} (t[8f) {FEET] (psrftT.l {psr} Pager 5 Pf IELOCIIY(Psr) (n/sBCl sEcII,l 8il0 IIODB IIODB ccT ccl {25.55 4,260 l0 G t34 2,56 135.66 0.030 140 -5,20 {.15 9.58cc3 cc1. 425.55 6,35? t0 T l?4 39,91 213.91 0.m4 l{0 C,00 0,93 4.30ccl ul {25.55 4,260 i0 CT 20 22.0A 42.00 0.c40 120 5.42 1.10 9.58ul a2 +25,55 4,26C l[ 74.1? e.te ?4.1? 0,04e t2t 0,00 3,00 9,58tJz Bil 425,t5 4.260 10 5 e.0$ 5.00 e,040 120 2,11 e.24 9.58BRl 882 425,55 {.26C t0 [t 5 12.CC 18.0C 0.e40 tle 0,08 | 11.50 9.58 ' l,l0IE: The FloH Dependent Pressure loes Device in the preceeding plpe accouflts for 10.?? psl of the totsl frlctiol 10ss 'Pf" BR2 nGt c$2 l{it t{0 3 l{0{ t(05 121 N26 t2? 115 flt F03 ?0?, F03 tc{ re5 fc6 Fe9 t00 ile Fll Fl3 Fl2 Fl5 n5t Fl6 fl? Fl9 Ft8 F21 F2tI N22 tzt t25 ?zl [02 fcr T09 Tr0 102 I03 Te4 It5 215 f05 2lll n? F20 12r h 2t t) LI 1Z T2 12 22 3 10 l0 10 t2 4.5 1.5 .l ll.5 12 .5 lt .rl .5 11.5 1) 1.5 ?,5 Il,5 t2 .5 4.5 ?,5 { r1.5 12 14,25 {.?5 4,15 5.5 I 1.5 6 .6? 9 .6? 4.25 .5 Lil c82 cs3nel {25.s5 4.26A l0[02 {25,55 t.260 Itilez e.eo 4,26e 10ll03 0.c0 {.250 tcilel e.e0 {.25e lelfil 0,e$ 2,t51 )([ rsc 121 e,00 2.154 XL126 C, C0 2.n1 l(',122 e,e0 2.154 t(lFt6 C,C0 2.154 )(tn0 0.00 2.t51 )(ttcr e, tc l . r0{ l(t?a?. 0,e0 1.104 Nrt03 0,00 r.452 t0t04 0.0e 1.101 nlc5 c,cc 1.104 rtl0l e.00 l.l04 ){l,li9 0.N0 1,1t1 tGFeg e,e0 r,104 xtFlc f,e0 l,{52 [tnl e .00 1.104 t(t Fl r c, [e I . t04 t(tll{ 0.00 l.l0{ )(Ill5 c,t0 1.104 l$lt5 0.r0 r.104 11,ft6 c,!0 1,452 lft11? e.0e 1.104 l(t0.c0 t,rtl t([0.0e 1.184 It0.t0 r,rN4 t(tl2l e.e0 1,1s4 )(tt22 0,00 t,152 t(t123 e,00 1.104 )(tt23 0,ct 1,10{ )(t,T01 {25,55 2.535 10t09 425,55 2 ,635 ltT1e 3?4,69 2,154 [I1f2 315.12 2,154 l(t103 235.91 2,154 l(tI0{ 183.39 2,t54 lil.1e5 1e?.91 2.154 Xt206 55 , e7 1 ,452 Xt2C5 2?.81 i.452 XLzllt 51.85 t.lt4 xL211 26.59 1 . 104 Ir {25,55 4,25t 10 t {25 . 55 4, 26e l0 tl {25,55 4,260 10 r, E T T E B I T 0,040 t?a -2,t1 c.49 9,58 e,040 129 0,e0 2.01 9.58 0,040 t20 0,00 r,05 9,58 0.0fi . 120 3.90 e.51 9.58o,c{c t20 {.33 0,{9 9.58 0.000 126 0,00 0.00 e.cc c,ccc t2e 0.00 0,00 t,c00.0et rze 0.0e 0.0e c.te 0,000 tz' 0,00 0,0c 0,te 0.090 12x 0,00 0.ee 0.90r,r08 120 0,c0 N,tc r,tr 0.0e$ rze c.00 c.t0 c.co 0.e00 tli 0,0c 0.00 0.0c 0.e0e tzs e.00 t.e0 0.00 0,000 120 c,r0 0,00 c,tc 0.000 120 0.00 g.0i 0,00 0.000 r2e 0. e0 0,0e c.00 e.000 12a c.00 e,et 0.00 0,00r rzt i,c0 c,t0 c,cc 0.000 124 0.00 o,ee c.0e0.t0t 120 t.t0 c.cc t.tt 9.0e0 12e 0.00 0.00 0.e0 0 ,000 t20 t,00 c, cc 0 ,00 0.000 120 0.0e e.0e c.ce c,c00 tzf e,cc c.oc 0,e0 0,00e rze a.00 e,00 0.ee c.000 120 e.c0 0,lt e.ct 0. ese lze 0.00 e,0e c, ee 0.0c0 t?c e,00 0.c0 c,tc e.00e t20 0.00 0.ee e.oe 0. cco r 2[ 0.0t 0.0c | , cl e,0e0 tza e. e0 0,e0 o.eg,,c0e tl| c,00 c.c0 0,li e,e00 120 0.0e c.ee e.ec E fi T T B I T ? t ll.rl T8 E8 I 6,00 12.0e 25 .90 49. ? 55,00 26,00e.0e r 5 .00c.0t 12.i0e.ee 12,0e0,0t r2,e0e.e0 12,0e 15,c0 38,000.0e 3 ,00t.t0 g,ce 0,00 tc,ee0,cc r0.0c0.00 10. e02,tc 14,Ct5.e5 9,506.e0 r3,5e0.c0 0.502.0t r3,5cz.ee l{,eec.ct c,50s.et 9,506.0t 13.500.0e c . 50z.tc n,50z,gt 1{.00 c. e0 c.5c5.Ct 9,5e6,00 13,src,gt e,scz.Ct 13.5tz,ex l{,e00,cc t,505.0c 9,50 5. rt 13 .5t0.0c 0.50 2. Ct 13.5C 25 . 0g 37 .0e r.0l l{,25e.ee 4,75t.0c {.15 0, ee 5 .50f.00 9,000,c0 1,509,0t 15,5?5.00 t5.5i 5 ,00 9. 250.00 0.50 c ,000 0,090 r20 t.c0 c,0t i,ic 12e 0, 0e 0 ,00 0, ee t,ct0 120 c,t0 l.N0 l,lc 0.420 lze 0.00 15.53 25.e4 0.420 t20 0. N0 5,98 25,04 0.885 120 0.00 4.2e 32,99 c,545 120 0,c0 3,!? 21,83 0.3i9 129 0.00 2.99 20.85 0.235 12f- 0,00 2,11 15,15 0.089 tzt 0.00 e.13 9.50 0.180 t|s 0.00 2,82 10.86 e.e49 120 0.00 0.i? 5.39 0.591 t:"C 0,00 5.{? 11.38 9.t12 lzg 0.00 0, e9 8,91 Flle: BUDGll8.lfi t[()fl DllltEtt[ IrFt fITtI[es lillcffl {GPHI (ilC8rsl (f8r1l 'TEE" Sprlntler Prograr by IPE Softrare, Inc. 80v tilrcf8 TOt r,illGfB rnrcft0il c-ltlt|lt pe (rffil {FB[rl (P8r/Fr.] {P$r} Page: 1 Pf tEtoctfl tPsrl {Fl/$Ecl 88clll $tD[oDr ltoDt Te6 I0{ Te5 108 1e7 108 2e8t I0l 2e8t 209 2t0 I02 Te3 2t5 211 I09 2t9 219ill 215 [1e st9 [e8 EN? Ie6 sc2 Ic2 [c2t It2B Bi3 Ic{ sc5 [06 sr2 [13 il5 il4 il? [18 [20 [2C 82t 822 [23 924 It? [26 925 [28 821 [29 $09 s08 sc? se6 2e{ 105 TE? 2Ct Tt8 2t2 2r1 2C3 2e8 2r0A 2e9 4r 2r5 2ta 216 211 210 221 2t9 ?t3 l||3ill m9 lt8 If? 8t5 ln m2 m2l [02[ il3 st3 [11 st6 [12 El3 [13 fl5 n,' gl? n9 E2l [21 122 822 821 m? fl26 [26 [28 [28 It1 $e9 8C8 $0.l 22.93 r5,46 52. 53 15,56 34.03 l7 .36 16. 57 18.50 16.?2 33 ,28 53. 25 l9,t{ 53.58 71 l1 25.C2 5t.06 29. el 29.56 58.57 26,il t.ct t. tl e.ee t, tc 0.0e t. rl t.00 t. t0 e.tt t. rl t.0e 1.00 t.fc t. cf c. ct l.t0 c.ec t, tl t.e9 0.0t e.ce t.00 t.ee t.fi t.m t.0t e.e0 | .0[ e.e0 0 .0t e.e0 0.0c 0.00 0,t0 0,00 2,15 3,5 IU 1e,33 I 1 '11 .83 1t il 3,5 4.25 I ! le .5 .5 1.25 ll.5 23 5,5 rt,t) ll 9 9,33 T2 2.11 1,42 II I tz 1{,83 J17 ll ll 5 I 3 ,5r I 3,5 5. 83 I 1.92 5 , ?( l.t l1 I t2 1C.5? 8 !t I 5.te 5,It 0.00 2.ta 0.ce [. ct e.0e z,ct 5.0e 2.t5 2,9X 5.Ct 5.e0 5. tc c.00 9. tt 0.ec 5,t0 5.Ce 2.tt 38. t0 t. t0 0.0e 12.0e 0.e0 t, tf 2,90 5,t0 5.Ne t, tc 5.0e 2,ta 5.te 5,tf t.e0 5.il 2.tl 0. cc 5 ,00 5,tl 5,t0 5.tl 2.ts 5.Cl ?.e0 5 ,0t l.e0 5 ,0t e,c0 5,Ct ?.e0 ? .0e 1e.eg 0. cc 0.00 ,.,1 8,50 1e,e0 12.31 5.33 2 ,33 8,e0 {,?5 5.83 12,00 13, e0 8,5t 9.25 6, tt 8.01 12.tl I t.5l 5 .5t 9.25 13.5 | 6l.tl 5 .5t ll.25 23 .01 9. Cl 9, 33 11.l0 't ?? 6.42 ll.0l 5.Ce 1{,CC 19.83 t ?? ll.ec 5.33 13. ce 6,tc 6.el 8.5? 6.tl 8.51 ? .83 5. 'ln.92 l t.ll 11q 5 .1? ll.ce 5.et 19.0e l?.5? 18.c0 I.5t I .0e e.131 1,183 0. 605 e ,c12 e,271 t.07 8 e,072 c.c88 0.0?3 0,250 e.521 I .293 c, 628 c.l?9 e .154 c.5ic c.2t2 0 ,2t9 0.'r41 0,1?0 c. t00 0.Ocf 0.000 0.tcN 0.090 c,c00 c.0e0 0, tct t.eto I ,0c0 e. eeo t, r00 e.ee0 0, tcl c.eee 0.cil 0.eee 0, 0ec g.e0s c,til 9.e00 c.mt e.e00 0. ts0 c.eco 0,ilc e .5c0 c.tec 0.eee 0 .00t e. e0s 0 .080 0.000 c.0N0 e.000 1 .1t1 l(l 1.10{ Xt, 1.104 I[,I,r0{ l{t 1,10{ t([ l ,10{ l(t 1,104 t[,1.!0{ l(t 1,10{ l(tr.t0{ l(t 1,104 l[, I ,10{ I([ 1 ,104 xrt,t0{ )0 I ,10{ xtLItl l(t I .lt{ )(tl.ltt l(tt.lt4 ltt Llf{ lG 3.26C r0 2.635 | | 2.635 10 2.635 I C 2.154 )(L 2,t5{ til 1.1e4 [i l.104 )(L r .1e4 ItLil4 l(t r .lc4 xt r.rc4 l(t I .101 XtLt04 l(t L10{ XLI.tf{ l([t.te{ xtLl0{ Ifi, l. n{ )(t1.il4 l(t r .10{ )(tl.ll{ xt 1.10{ )(l I .lt{ xt 1.10{ xt|.lt4 xt 1.101 )G|.ltl x[ 1.1$1 )il, I .104 [t I.104 )(t 2.15{ 10 2.15t le 2.15{ lC 2.154 10 T T rzg 0.00t20 0.00lz0 s.60tza t.tt 128 0.0et28 0.0[ 120 0.00t20 N,00 120 0.60 120 g.c[ 120 g.se t2t 0,0t 12C 0.9e 120 c.t0 120 0.00 120 t,t0 12e 0. c0 120 t.mlzt c. t0lzt 0.00 120 0. cer20 c.c0 120 0.00lz| t.t[ 12e 0. c0I2l Lr012t C.0el?c r.rtl?0 t.cc12, t.t0tz| e.eet?0 e,c0r20 e.0erzt t,t0 120 0.0etlt c,tctlg 0.0012t 0.t0L?t $.eerzt t.tl 123 S.t0l2t 0. 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(t*rrrl tF8srl tf8rT) tFErrt tpsr/rr,t riirt tpsrl tFl/sscls05 $f5 0.,0 ";.;;;"-;; i "'';,;;"-""';;.;; "'.'; ;;"-'-';.;;; '-l;"';.;;""";;"---;.;;--- $0{ s05 0, 00 1 .104 )(r, 5. 33 0.90 5 , 33 0. 000 r20 a.g$ 0 , e0 g. e0s04A s0{ ,.00 1,r0{ r(t T l 5,C0 5.00 0.000 lze e,00 0,80 0,00802 S04 0.00 1.104 n I i1,25 5,e0 i5.25 0.e00 I2e 0.00 0.eg g.ge$03 $02 0.00 l,l0{ l(r, I l 5.C0 5,0t t,0r0 r\t 0.00 0.0c r,t,801 S02 0.00 r.104 )(L E 10.?5 2.50 12.15 0.000 tzg 0.00 0.00 e.gesll sro e,cc 1,104 r0 I 12 2,C0 14.10 0.c0f I:,f- 0.00 0,00 !.c0s12 Sll e.e0 1.10{ n f 1.5 5.00 6,50 0.0e0 ng 0.e0 0.0e e.gesl3 sil ,.cr r,r04 r(t 1r,25 0.00 il,25 0.c0c tzc 0,00 r.r0 e,00815 916 e.e0 1.10{ l(r, t 12.5 2.gg 14.50 0.0e0 n0 g.00 0.cg 0.e0sl6 817 r.r| 1.1c4 l(t r 1,5 5.00 6.50 i.0t0 . t20 t.0i 0,rc e,0!s06 8r3 0.0e 1.104 r(l r 5.33 s.oe 1e.33 0,e00 n0 0.00 0.00 e.00$i4 sl3 0.r0 r.l0{ l(, I 1.5 5.NC 6,5t 0.cr0 120 r,0t 0,0e e.00g1? 815 0.ce r.re{ n r 12.5 z.es 14.5e 0.e0r Lzs g.00 e.e$ 0.0e$c? 815 r.er r,rt4 r(t r 1,5 5.0t 5.5r c,0gr t?.0 c,00 r,00 c.r0821 S23 C.e0 1.104 It T 2 5.5e ?,00 e.ee0 ns e.e0 0.0r e.0es22 S?3 r.cc r,rt{ rG r t z,tc 6.te 0.00r rza c,0c r.ir r.r,825 623 e.e0 1.104 )il, BE 11.25 4.0e 15.25 0.ge0 na 0.e0 o.sc e.0es08 $25 r.r0 1,1f{ l([ f r 5.!c 6.CC 0,r0e na 0,re r.00 ,.0c820[ 6e8 e.00 l.{52 )0, I ?.83 5.g0 13.83 0.000 ne 0.0e 0.ec 0.egs2eB $2Ct C.t0 1.10{ l(t rf 6,t2 ?.C0 13,42 0.Cr0 tzt t.00 N,r[ 0,00$2C 820A 0.0e 1.1e4 l{t 10.25 e.0e re.25 0.e0e r2g e.00 0.e0 e.eos2r $2c t'r0 l,l0{ xr, I I 9,4? 1,00 15,42 0.010 ne e,f0 c,00 0.te819 82e a.0s Lte{ n 2 0,e0 2.eg 0.00e l:,e 0.00 e.0s e.00sl8 sr9 c.0, t,ro{ [t 8f l4 ?,00 21.te 0.010 l2c 0.0c 0,0s 0.ee828 509 0.es i,{52 )(t T 2.25 6,e0 8.25 g.g0g lze e.00 0.e0 0,0e$25 828 C.0C r,m{ r([ f 1,83 5.0c 6,83 C.0CC 120 C.0e c.r0 r.tc621 828 9.00 1.10{ til, I 1 2,0e 9.e0 0.900 na e.g0 0.se 0.0er2r [05 e,tt 2.151 rG 13.?5 i,t0 13,?5 e,t0f 128 0.00 t.r0 r,r0r55 flr5 0.ee r.452 r0, 2.25 e.0e 2.25 0.000 120 0.0e 0.c0 0.00fl05[ fl55 r.!0 r.t52 rfi, T 5,1? 5.r0 ll.l? c,itc 12, t.tc c.r0 0,crr{19 fe5r e.ee 1.104 lG 5.75 t.0e 5.15 0.e00 na g.co 0.0g e.e0fr5 tt5[ f,0t r,r0{ rfl, I 5 5.m rc,cc 0,0cc lzt t.r0 0,c! 0,ccilgA n9 0.e0 1.10{ )([ T r,33 5.re 6.33 e.e0r ne 0.0e e.00 0.rcIze ilg r.0r l.lr4 r(t 2.67 t.cr 2,51 t,0rt 12t 0.rt 0,cr c.c0xl8 il9 c.00 l.l0{ ril, Br 8.5? {.ec n,il e,ee0 r20 0.ee 0,r0 e.0er01 n6 t,il r,152 rG 1.83 0,0r 1.83 r.r0r 12t ,.fc t.rr r.r0f02 rc{ e,rc 1.452 XL {.33 r.gc 4.33 0.g0c t20 0.00 e.Ne c.0sI03 raz r.0t 1.452 r(t 4 0,t0 4,0f r.ilr 12c 0.f, c,rc !.r0r09 He8 e.ee 1.104 )(r, le c.g0 lr.e0 c.0e0 ne 0.ee g.0e o.egrlr ftg r,r0 r,r0{ )(r, I 2 5,r0 ?,t0 0,010 rzt 0,c0 f,il c.crill n0 0.0e l.le{ n t .33 5.00 5.33 0.0c0 r2r 0.0e r.eg e.0g112 flc r,ct r,104 r(t t I 5.01 13.t0 0,cee r2r 0,00 c,0r 0,tlfl15 nl e.ee 1.452 IL l 9 6.90 15.00 0.000 r2g e.0e 0.e0 t,r0il{ Il3 e.r0 l.tt{ |(t le c.rc 1c.r0 r.c0i 12c c.00 c.[0 0,rclr15 tfl4 0.e0 1,10{ n T 2 5,e0 7,0g 5.sg0 r20 e,ee 0.0e 0.een6 Ir5 r.e0 l,rc{ l(t .3] r.ce c,33 0.00c 120 0,tc c.r0 0.r0r11 n5 0.e0 1.104 1il, T I 5.g0 13,e0 0.090 120 0,00 g,00 0.eefl061 il6 r.cc 1.58? )(t 8tt il.l? 15.0c 21.t1 0,000 r2c c.t0 g,00 0,t0re6[ fe6 e.00 r.68? XI 1.33 c.eg 1.33 0.000 na g.00 $,$g 0,00rf2r fl05r 0,00 z.l5{ [t 5.2t 0,r0 5.25 0,090 r2c 0.c0 c,r0 c,00x12 r2l a,ag 1.1e4 ru 1 2.5 5.00 'r.50 0.009 na 0.0e 0.00 0.00r0l le2 C,00 t.452 l(L 5,1? 0,0e s.ti 0.000 lzt c.c0 c,00 0.0013 C82 e.e0 2.635 10 14 0.09 14,00 0.000 rze 0.00 0,0g 0.00l0 13 0,00 2,t54 )(L I l.l ln rr t? qn c aoa trt r a4 r 0q 0 ro nle! BuDcll8.fffi "Iff' Sprinl(ler Progror by FPB Eoftrare, inc. 80$ LBIGIE T0I t8l|Cr8 tRICrI0ll C-t,il,U8(rrHl (rmrl {Pfi/tl.} Page: 9 Pf t[ltrIf!(F8Il tlT/$rcl Btom [ilD IIODB IIODE t[0[ {cPil} DIAilEfE[ IIPE lIlT$rCS tEllctfi(mc[E8l trBtrl Pe tPsIl I t 1 n 9 l8t l8 l? { 5 lc ll l6 l5 4 ll l9 J { { I 9ll l8 l1 16 5 5 ll 12 ll lf ll l3 IO I J 5 t.te 0.00 r.e0 t.t0 l.fe t. tl |.00 r.tc N. te t. tc 0.00 t.tc t.00 t. tt c.el r.0i l.ce f.tl c. te 2.154 I(L 2.154 lil, 2.154 l[, 1.10{ tfl'. 1.1e+ n t.{52 r[ t.452 nl.tc4 til, 1,lC{ l([t,t52 lil,l.1c{ rl 1,104 tfl, 1.452 )0 I .10{ l(t 1.452 t(t |.452 [r, r.152 )(t, 1,t52 tfi. 1.4t2 n 12.00 18 .5C 12,00 1t .00 10.00 t{,0c 8.ee lc.t0 1C.00 i{.01 10. te l|.t0 1{. C0 2, it il.00 8.fi 2. Cg 8. tt lc.ee 0.e00 1200,0il t20 0.0e0 l?ec.0t0 r 2t e.e00 tza i , tot lzt 0.e00 r20!,000 lza e.000 120 0 .008 lzc 0.00$ tza c. cl0 ' lzt 0.00c 12ct.tm. 120c,0er tlli.t00 lzi e,0c0 lzf,,ecc 120 e.000 L?g e.m e.lli.tf i,t00.ce 0,ccc.il c,cle.et 0.ltl.lt l.lc0.tt c.0ec.ct 0,010.lr 0.00 l.lt l.llf.f0 c.mi,il 0.clO.ft e.0tt.lN |,tff.tc c.ctt.ct c.ctc.ct e.eet.m c,rr0.et e.ee 12 8.5 t1 It 10 0 L lc l0 Ill tl U , ll I 2 tl c. ee 11 .00 c.0r t,t0 t. ce 6.m 5.0e t.r0 0. ee 6.[C 0.ce r.tc 6.tc f.t0 c. cl 5.ti e,cl 6.m e.ee t.tc i,if 0.0e f.tf r.el N,tf t. c0 t. tl f.c0 l;lt t.m t, tl r.0c r. tt r,0e t. t0 0.0e |.tl r. t0 lJ bl ==rEr_l -r.J Ll E}Z,J{raEAtd= - lf,io Etr-rll tJF ==t{ g lrja Irlif,zi:r E r{J { TD I =aJL nt >Ll L} Er ilI E IUE ul > 3 -ln- tr-:lu] L ttt ilt = U1S r:I5d] f;ln553ud ) f Loor<- a IIDRtUirC $Ut{ilAnI IAlrn $pPty lliloililTr0n Statlcr 1e8.00 pst, Seslduelr 103.00 pst, 0 ll25.Cl gp!. floger 25e,e0 gpr. Systu requlrear ?9.22 p8t, t 505.44 gPl. {lncludlng [oee Allorancel Supply avatlabler le5.{i psl. $afety lnrgln: 2?.19 p8t. l0rlrur rel0clty h the Byster ls 24.13 ft/sec. Conthulty it atl rodel tstlsfted t0 e.el gpr. ilnIxG ttcmD t = {5 DEGBIB BLBOI t = 9l DtGlll lLB0[ L - 9C DlGBtl t0llG Tunll BLB0ll I = lBl0B C[08S B . BUTIE$I,I 9ll,I[ 0 ' G[1] llil,W C = C[K[ tlWt [0Tt8: PIPI TYPE I,IEMD {e = 8c[EDUlt 40 le = 6C[8DU1,! 10 r{t' mil ilttl lD = ACIU$ DllllnBn C[ . C0PPBB lYPl I CL = C0PPm ilPB L CI{ = COPPtsR IIPB II $ = Poz-toc CP' CPTC "'t#e*r;$S a liler BBIIffil8.l[E 'lll' Sprinller Prograx by FPt Softrare, inc.Pager 1 Pffi88uru rr0fn0Dr lPsrl lcPill IHYI?I0ll [-ttclon ITEBTI ccl 80.?5cc2 ?0.t5cc3 19,?2,ul ?{.12u2 11.95BBI 69.61t[2 18.16Cgl 6l;08c$2 i8.63c83 t7.8?ll9l 53,53ilx f8.85nr3 1t,t7m{ 39,e3m5 35.50NX1 53.53126 !3,t3t22 53.t3P16 53,53Flc 53,t3rf1 53.13nz t3.t3n3 53.53F04 53.t3tr05 53.53ru6 53.53t07 5r.53t08 51.f3m9 $.53Fri 53.53Fr3 51,53Flz 53.t3n4 53,33n5 53,t3il5t 51.5311? 5t.13t19 53.53il8 53.53tzc 53.53r2l 53.53t2n 51.t3r23 51.53r?5 53.13ru t3,53101 {8,85Itz {8.85T03 {8,$5Te4 {8.05 T05 I {8.85T06 18,t5Te? f8.85r09 +8,95nc {8.85t08 18.85zar {8.85 e.ee r.fl 615.{1 |,fl t.tl |,fl t.|l t.tt t.tl f.fl t.tl |.fl t.tc t.ft N.f0 t.ec N.tc c.0l N.t0 r. tl t.|l t.tl f.tl c.tl t.tl t.tl t.ll f.tl r.t{ t. tl c.m f, fl f. tl f. tl t.tl t.ll f.fl t.ll f.tl 0.tl t.ll t.lf t. fl r. tt 0. ce c.m 0.ce c.te c.te t. tl c.0l t. tl N.fl f.f0 t.fl 0 tt t2 12.5 12.5 ll.5 lr .5 l2 ,5 r 2.5 12.5 2r.5 3l .5 4t .5 5l,5 6l,5 2r .5 21.5 ?1.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 2l .5 2l.5 2t .5 2l.5 2l .5 2l .5 21.5 ?t .5 2l ,5 21 .5 21 .5 21.5 2l .5 2r .5 zl .5 21.5 21.5 2l .5 21 .5 21.5 21 .5 21 .5 31.5 il.5 3l .5 3t .5 31.5 3t.s 3l .5 31.5 3l .5 3l .5 3l ,5 60uRcB llter lfiD0El6.1E3 '1[8', $prlntler Prograr by lPl $oft*are, Inc.Pager 2 Pmf;$ult tmflroDB lP8rl tGPill BIETIIIOT [-IACTOA lrEBrl 2t2 2C3 2ll 2N5 296 2fl 2t8 2f8A 2f9 2r0 211 2ln 212 213 2l{ 2t5 216 2lr 218 219 224 mt If2D se2t If2 8C3 8C{ {8.85 t.ee {8.85 l.le l8i8! e.il t8.s5 l.cc 18.85 0,C0 '40.8! 0.ec {8.85 f.C0r8.8t e.tl {8.85 C.ft {8.85 t.eC {8.85 e.Ct {8.85 f.art0.8t f.ff{8.8t t.|l {0.85 f.fl {8.85 e.fl 48.85 t.rl 48.83 e.ee {8,85 0.0e {8.85 e.e0 {8.85 e.Ce2t.6t 26.12t5.?9 23.t5 16.64 0.t0 t2.96 C.lC 12.51 2N.52 1r.91 il.u 12.51 9.tC 1r.t5 . t.tlr5.il t.tlu.56 N.il 35.96 0.e03r.5? e.002r.25 26.INtl.it ?3.98l3.lr t.t0lt.?l lg.g5rz.t5 2t.t6lt.l? 18.5e11.?t l.tOlt.l? 18.5e 12. ?9 2e . ?513.{5 C.tC 19,58 f.C0l6.t? t.t0 15.31 22,69l{.28 2t.92 17.12 21,28 23.05 LCe 15.89 23.83l?.13 t.te 15.30 22,6839.83 f.tl 39.83 C.Ol 39.81 r.t0 3l .5 3l .5 3r .5 3t .5 3r.5 31.5 31.5 Jl .l 3l .5 31.5 ?I T 3l .5 31.5 3t. t 31.5 31 ,5 JI,) Jt. t 31 .5 Jl.! {1.5 5.8{l.5 5.8 {1 .5 tl .5 {1.5 5.84r.5 5.8 {1.5 {l .5 {r .5 {1,5 {1,5 {1,5 4t, ! s.841.5 s.8 {l ,5ft.s 5.8{1,5 5.8 {t .5 5.8 {1 .5{1.5 5.8{1.5 5.8 {l .5 {1.5 {l.5{1.5 5.8{1.5 5.8{1.5 5.8 {1 .5{1.5 5.8 {l .5 11.5 5.8 5l .5 5l.5 5l .5 m5 t06 m1 m8 [09 nl ilt fl2 lt3 nl ltt El6 8lr El8 n9 szr 821 822 [2] [24 s?5 828 827 928 [?9 8u 8u 8f3 .lrte, mDCrrs.t$ PB$8UNEil0Dt (P8Il '?88' Sprlntler Prograr by Fp[ 80ftrare, Inc. rmf EmYAfIolt fi-ncmateill tlllTl Page: 3 se{t $ft 8t5 8f6 8lr 818 819 610 8u 812 813 8tf 815 816 8l? 8r8 819 62C s2ft 82tB 821 822 823 82+ 825 826 8?? 828 lu rf2 m3 Ht{ r05 fc6 m8 m9 mflll fl2 fl3 tfl4 n5 Hl6 [1? fl8 ln9 120 ilz1 fl22 il9t fe6t 155 m5A I L 5l .5 5l .5 5l .5 5l .5 51 .5 51.5 5l .5 51.5 5l .5 51.5 5t .5 5l .5 5r .5 il.5 51.5 5t .5 51.5 5l .5 5r .5 51.5 51 .5 51.5 51.5 5l .5 51 .5 q sl .5 51.5 6l .5 61.5 61 .5 5l .5 6r.j Dl.) 6l .5 61.5 61.5 61.5 6l .5 61.5 5r.5 6l .5 61 .5 61.5 DI.] 51 .5 61.5 5l .5 61.5 5l .5 51.5 0t,) 61 .5 12. 5 l2 .5 39.83 f.0l 39.83 f.Cl 39.83 t.Cl 39.03 t.0l 39.83 t.fC 39.83 t.fl 39.83 t.ff 39.83 f.tl 39.83 r.rf 39.83 t.tl 39.83 a.tl 39,83 t.ll 39.83 l.tl 39.83 f.ff 39.83 t.tf 39.83 0.tf 39.83 t.tl 39.83 e.|| 39.83 C.fl 39.83 t.tf 39.83 t.fl 39.83 l.fl 39.83 f.tf 39.83 t.tf 19.83 t,ft 39.83 t.tl 39.83 f.fl 39.83 t.fl35.5t f.fl35.5t f.ff35.5t f.tl35.5t t.tl35.5t t.fl35.5f t.0f35.5t f.tl35.5f t.tl35.5f t.tN35.tf c.tl35.5f 0.tl 35.50 C.fl35.5t t.tf35.50 t,0l:5.5e f.|| 35.51 r.Cl35.5f C.tc 35.51 0.tl35.5t e.tc35.5t e.ec 35.50 0.C0 35.5e 0.tc35,5t 0.0e35.5t C.tC35.5t 0,m 58.63 e.CC 5S.53 s.tl .fllei! 0m$m18,T[t 'T$' Sprlnt]er Prograr by lP! 0oftrare, Inc. Pager I i ffism Efr illvtllot r-ncmR T:1.....-.1T11....ii1 .lT:1.... .. 5[.63 r.tt 5C.r3 t.|r" ia.53 l.lf.t8.63 f.ll's.ft l.tl 50,.63 f .ll 58.53 l.lf 5t.63 trrr.53 t.tf 10.63 ,l.fltf.63 f.fl,10;Ut l.llt[.t3 t.tlt8.fl l.A t8.63 l.tlt8.fi 1.tr ,$8;53' l"n $8![3 l.lf 6 t I I 1l 1l t2 l3 l{ l5 t6 17 t8 18t l9 1? q I ?.5 l?,5 l?.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 r2.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12. 5 12.5 12. 5 t2.5 12,5 l2 ,5 . F11e ! BnIDGEIS.ItE "T8r" FTOI{ DIAI{ETER TYPB FiTTI}IO$ IBItGl[ lcnl {rNc8E$} (FBEll EEGIII NODB BIID lr0D8 Sprinkler Progran hy FPI $oftyare, Inc, EQll t8[CI[ T0T 1,8[CT[ FRiCTlon C-'jtllJB trEBTl {r[[Tl (Fsr/FT. I page: Pe Pf VETOCITT {P$I) tPSrl (rT/SEC) cc2 ccl 355.4{ 4,259 10 G 134 2,55 136.65 9.022cc3 ccz 356.{{ 5,351 10 T 114 39,91 213,91 0.003ccl ut 356.4{ 4.269 10 0T 20 22,90 42,00 0,,.29ul u2 355.4{ 4.260 10 74.1? 0.0e 14,11 e,e29u2 Btl 356.44 4.260 l0 6 0.00 5.00 0.029lRl B[t 356.44 [.26A l0 n 6 12,0a 18,00 a.a29t N0TB: lhe Flor Dependent Preseure Los$ Devlee ln the pr€ceedlng pipe accounts for i0.g3BR2 CSt 355.4{ 4,25A l0 t 6 5.0A 12.0A g.szs csl csz 356.4{ 4.250 10 !I 23.?s 26.0A {9.75 0.029c82 CS3 356.{{ 4,260 10 I 2s 5,00 26.0e 0.029cs3 l{gl 355.4{ 4,260 i0 15 e,00 15.00 s.029rfol [c2 355.{4 t.26| l0 n e.0e 12.00 e.e29t{02 t{03 356.{4 4.26A le 12 0,00 n.ao 0.929t{04 n03 0, e0 4.26A te 12 e , e 0 n.$g 9.009H05 I0r 0.00 4,26e le r2 0.0e 12. e0 s.900N21 il01 0,0e 2,15{ )il, TEG 22 16.e0 38.00 9.000F25 F27 0,e0 2,15{ n 3 0,00 3.00 0.090F22 F?5 0.00 2,154 )(t 9 0.00 9.00 0.9e0Fl5 FzZ 0.$0 2.15{ xt l0 0,00 10.00 0.000F10 F16 0.00 2.154 XL l0 0,00 10,00 0.000F03 Fl5 0.00 2.t54 XL t0 0,a0 10.00 0.000F02 tel s.0a 1.t0{ )(t E 12 2.A0 14.9$ 0.000F03 n1 e.eo 1.104 )(l I 4.5 5.00 9.59 e.e$eF04 Fe3 0.00 1.452 XL t 7.5 5.0e 11.50 0.e00F05 Fe4 0.0e 1.104 xt, .5 o.ee 0.50 e.000F05 fe5 0.00 1.104 xt E 11.5 2.09 13.5s 0.009Fe9 ru? c.00 1.104 xt E t2 2.09 14.e0 g.ege F08 teg 0.00 1.104 n .5 0.0e 0.59 0,000Fle te9 0.00 i.104 xt I 4,5 5,00 9.50 6.000ill trle 0.0s 1.452 t(t I ?.5 6,e0 13.50 0,000Fl3 Fll 0.00 1,104 )il, .5 0,00 0,50 0,000N12 !11 0.00 1.10{ ](L E 11.5 2.00 13.50 0.000Fl5 Fl{ 0.00 1.104 It I 12 2.00 14.00 0.000F15[ F15 0.e0 1.10{ )(t .5 0.00 0,50 0.600F16 r15 0.e0 1.10{ ](t T 4.5 5,0e 9.50 0.00eF17 F15 0.e0 1.{52 )(t T ?.5 5,0e l3.sg 0.0e0F19 Fi? 0.eg 1.10{ n .5 0.00 0,5e 9.0e0F18 F1? e.e0 1.10{ )(L E 11.5 z,Se 13.50 9.009F2l P20 0.00 1.10{ )(I, E 12 2.A0 l4.eg 8.000Fzl[ rzt 0.e0 1,104 )(r ,5 0,00 0.s0 0.0e0F22 F?l 0.00 1.104 )(L T 4,5 5,00 9.59 0.909F23 FZz 0,00 1.452 )(t T 7,5 5.00 13.50 0.050F25 F23 0,00 1.104 )(t .5 0,00 0.50 a.as|F24 F23 e,eg 1,10{ )(i B 11,5 2,00 13.50 A.A00T01 n02 0.e0 2,535 10 TcI I1 25.00 37.0A 0.A80T09 I01 0.00 2,535 10 1t.25 0.00 14.25 0.000T10 T09 e.ea 2.154 n 4.?5 0.00 4.?5 0,0$0102 Tto 0.00 2,154 lil, 4.?5 0.A0 {.15 A.0f,0103 T02 0.00 2.154 n, 5.5 0,00 5.50 0.000Te4 T03 0.ga 2.154 Xt 9 0.00 9.00 0.00010s Tot 0.0e 2.$4 XI 1.5 0,0a 1,50 0,000196 tc5 0.00 1.452 Nr rE 6.6? 9.00 15.5? 0.000205 296 0.00 1.+52 Xt EE 9.6? 6.00 15.5? 0,0902l1A T05 0.00 1.104 Xt T 4.25 5,00 s.zs 0.000211 2l1A 0.00 1.104 xL .s 0.00 0,50 0.009212 2llA 0.00 l.l0{ xt E 11.5 2.s0 13,50 0,060 140 -5,24 140 0,00t2| 5.42tze 0.00tzg 2.11 120 0.00 psl of the totslr20 -2,11 tze 0.eerze 0.0e 129 3.90 120 {.33 124 4,33 120 0.00 129 0.00 129 0.00 125 0.e0 120 0. e0tla 0.00 124 0.00 124 e.00 120 0.00I2A 0.00t?0 0.00 128 0.00 120 0.00tzi 0.00 120 0.00 120 0,00t20 0.00t20 0.00t20 0.00 t?.4 0. 00 120 0. 00 124 0,00 120 0.0s 120 0.00 124 0,00 120 0.00 1ZA 0.AS 124 0,00120 0,00 120 0,00 120 0,00 120 0.00r20 0. e0rza 0,00 I2A 0.04r2g o.aar2g 0.00 120 0.04 129 0.00 120 0,00 129 0,00 120 0.00 120 0.00 2,99 8.$20.6? 3.60I.2Z 8,02 2. 16 8,02 0. 1? 8,02,11.35 8.02 frlctlon lose "Pf'e.3s 8.a21.45 8.e2 e. ?6 8. 020,4{ 8.e20,35 Lez0.35 8.020,00 0.000.00 0 ,0c0.0e 0.000.0s 0,00 0. 00 0.00 0. 00 0. 00 0. e0 0.000,00 0.00e,e0 0,00e,eo 0.e0 0 ,00 0. e0 e ,00 0. 000,00 0.000.00 0 .00 0 .00 0.900.00 0.000.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 , 00e.00 0.0e 0.0e 0. 000.00 s.se0.00 0.000,00 9"000.00 0.000,09 0,00 0 , 00 0.00a.a$ 0.000.00 0.000,00 0,000.00 0.000.00 0.00e.00 a.ba 0,00 0.000.00 0.090.00 0.0ga.40 0.00g,04 0.00 0 .00 0 .000.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .000.00 0.040.00 a.oa ,File' BnID0BIS.TIE BTCIII BIID HoDE il0DB ruoil DlAr,rETER toPr,rl (rilcfi8s) "1[8" Sprinller Progran lry FPE Software, Inc. TIPI FITI]il0S LEIeTt EQV LtNGTt T0T tEilGT[ r[ICTI0]t C-r/ALUE pe {FEETI (FB8T) {8EET} {psr/FT.l tpsrl Fage: Pf I/ILOCITY { PSr I {FTr$EC I T05 t06 TO? I08 rg8 202 2084 203 298 209 214 t02 215 214 211 I09 219 229 T10 ?l? il03 810 ss9 s08 HO? E$5 aa2 ue2 [02t [02[ 803 s05 [05 H05 [12 [13 il3 il? il? 820 820 I|2l s2r 922 EZz [0i H01 H26 [26 [28 H28 $09 s08 80? 805 281 T04 T05 ?gt Tel t08 201 T07 2C8t 2e8t 2t9 210 1C3 215 216 Ltl 218 2t9 219 215 il0 Be9 [08 Ie? 806 102 801 [82t [029 [03 [0f [0] Ell 112 [i3 [15 il{ m5 n8 dl, 919 820 822 s23 [?{ 821 [25 [25 828 821 829 [04 s09 8e8 80.l T T E A I E E I T T BEl I T E ETGT E8 E T T T I T T T I T I T T I T IT T T T ET ctI T 2.15 3,5 l0 10.33 5 ,33 2.33 I 2.15 ,83 l0 1l 3.5 4. 25 I U 23. i1 10,5 {. 25 ll.5 23 5,5 11.25 l1 9 9.33 I2 2.33 l.42 l1 I 12 1{ .83 2 .33 ll ,33 l1 5 I l.bJ I 3,5 5 .83 I 1 ,92 l 2.25 .ll l1 I t2 10.51 I 8.5 8 5 .00 5 .00 0.00 2,00 0. 00 0.00 e .90 2.04 5 .0e 2.Ae 2. 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DIAI{BTIn TIPB IITIiNCS LEllGt[ t0tt tENGlS T0T [E]lGIfl trRICTI0N C-IIALUE {rNcsBsl (FBrtl (rrBll {FB8TI (PsI/n.} Page: Pf VETOCI1T {Psr) (n/$BCl BEGIll EilD HODE IIODE rt0fl lGPll rE s05 s04 sgfA s02 s03 sg1 sll sl2 sl3 $15 iilh s06 sl{ sll s0'l s24 s22 5l) s08 s20[ s20B s2e s21 8r9 sl8 s28 s26 s2? 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Xt 2.154 )0 1 .104 XL T l . {s2 )(t, 2.635 10 2.154 )fi, I 10.e0 1?.25e.00 5,335.ge 6,e05.00 i5.255.e0 5.00z.ee 12.152.00 l{.005,e0 5,500.00 1r,252.00 14,50 5 .0e 5 ,505.0e 10 .33 5 .00 6 .50z,Cg 14.50 5. ee 5.5e 5 .00 .l ,002,e0 6.0e{.0c 15,255.00 5.005.0e 13,837.0e 13,42e,0e 10.25r,00 16.{20.00 2 , 00r,e0 21.006.00 8.255.e0 5.83z.$e 9,00e,e0 13.15s.ec 2,155.e0 11.110,00 5.?55.ec 10,e05.0e 6,33e.0e 2.514.e0 12.510.0e 1,830.00 {.330.0e 4.000.00 10.005.0e ?.gs 5 .00 5 .335.00 13,006,00 15.00e,00 1e.005.00 i.00 0 ,00 0.335,00 13.00 16.00 21 .r10,00 1 .330.00 6.255.00 ?,500.0e 5,170.00 i4, 00 10.00 13.50 0,000 t20 0,000 tzl 0.0e0 120 0.000 120 0.000 12e e.000 120 0. 000 120 0.00e 12e 0.e00 120 0 . e00 1?0 0 . eoe 12e e.000 120 0.00e l2g 0.010 120 0.ee0 120 s.000 120 0.e00 120 e. 000 120 0.00e r20 e,000 lze 0,000 120 0.000 120 $.e00 120 0.00$ 120 0.0e0 t20 0,000 120 0.0e0 120 0,000 124 0.e00 120 0.000 120 0.0e0 lzs 0,000 tzs e.e00 120 e.eee I20 0, eee 120 0.000 r2g 0.000 120 0.009 120 0.0se 120 0.000 124 0,0e0 124 0.000 120 0,000 129 0,000 120 0.000 120 0,000 120 0,000 lzg 0.000 l2g 0.000 rz0 0.000 120 0,000 120 0.000 120 0,000 120 0.000 120 0,000 124 0.00 e.000,00 0.000,e0 $.ee0.e0 0.ee 0 ,00 c.0e0,00 0.ee 0. g0 0.el0.00 0.00 0 ,00 0.000,00 0.ee0.00 e.ec 0. e0 e. c0 e, e0 0.ee e .00 l.0c0,00 0.el0.00 e.e00,00 e.00 0. ee c. c00.0e c.ee0.00 0. e00,00 0.e00.00 e , e00.e0 e.t0 0, e0 0.00 0 .09 0.000,e0 0.ee 0 .00 0.000,0e 0.00 0 ,00 0.0e0,0e c,000.0e 0.000.00 0.0e 0 .00 0. e0o.as e,e0 0. e0 e. ee 0. e0 0,0c0.ee e,ec 0,00 0.00 0 . g0 0.0e 0 ,00 0.00 0 , 0g 0.00 0 , 00 0.0e 0 .00 0 .00 0, 00 0.00 s , g0 0.0e 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0 , 00 e.00 0 .00 0. 00 0.00 0 . 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.0e 0 , 00 0.00 .,Flier BRIDGBIS.lffi FIOII DIAIITTIR ?YPB TINIilGs I,BIIGIE (cPru lilcE[$] IIBBT) 'TB8' Sprinhler Progran by trPE $0ftrare, Irc. B0I tNGtE T01 tBllGT[ FnIctI0]l C-yituE Pe (tBBrl (FBrTl lPsr/tT. ) {PSr} Page: Pf UEI,OCIfl {P6rl (fT/8ECl Blclx ltD [0DE XoDl i 16 19 I 3 + { I 9 10 l8 l7 l6 0 ll l3 t5 I 1 5 I I 9 184 l8 tt + ) lf 1l l6 l5 e,00 0.00 0.0e ,.50 0.00 f.0t 0.0c c, t9 0,c0 0.00 0. ce e.ee e.ec c.0e c. cl c.00 e.m c.0e 0. ce 12 12 10 1C I 7 t0 1e I 1e te I 2 10 2 7 I 10 c,ec lc.c0 c. e0 e.e0 e .0e 5.0e 6 .00 e,ee e.ee 5.00 t. te t.ee 6.0e 0.0e e,00 6.ec e ,0e 6.00 e .00 12. e0 18.50 12.e0 It. c0 le,ee 1{.ee I .0e I e.0e 10.ee 14.0e lc.0e 1c.00 l{.00 ?,t0 10.0c 8.0e 2.00 8. $0 10.0e t.0e0 e.oee 0. 00e c.e00 0.c0e 0. e00 L00e t.fte e.cee c. eee e.0tl t.eeo f.tm f. ctt e, ece e.oee 0.00e 0.00e L000 0. ee 0. ce 0,e0 0,e0 e.0e 0.ce c.tc c.ec c. ct e.tc 0. cf c. ce t.tc c.ee 0.e, ,. ce c.0e e.e0 c. ee 0, cc e. cc e,e0 0.00 0.00 0. ee e.et c.el 0.00 c. Nc 0.ti c. c0 0. tc e.ec e.ce e.0e e.ec e.0e e .0e 2.15{ l(t 2.15{ )il, 2.15{ Itl,le{ fi,r.tct n, r,452 l(l 1.{52 It 1,10{ )([1.lc{ l(t t,452 |il,l.lc{ ffi 1.1C1 )G t.{52 )0l.le{ n 1.rs? &l,{52 )(L r.{52 n 1.452 ItL 1.+52 It t20 0.cetzt e,c0 120 e.tctls 0.eelze 0.00 129 0.cci2e 0.eetze 0.ct 12e 0.c0 12e 0.ecl2e 0. eelzc c. cl 12C t.Netzl c.tclze 0.0e 120 e. cc 120 0 .00tzg e.ectzt e.0c t T il t2 15 1{ IJ IJ E1I ==LT f-} . a> =J{E 0. =o-rJ= - r:ul rlrlrl:lrlrlrl E6.{!} IJF ==F' aIJB. (j! !f, t3 {f,J€J {ErIt I =EJL IU L :lIJ E tr rn E tljE trl ts :I tr_ n_ftn L CI # f[ =ft,_ E.E {ISd} f'Yn553ild EIDRIUtIC SUt{[[Ry ,. TUIR SUPPIT IIITOMUIOil 8tailcr ll8,li p8l. Beeldualr 103.C0 psl, t 1125,e! gpn. loger 25l,lt gpr, Sy8tel requlres' 81.31 lsl. 0 587.63 gU. {lncludlng fiose nlonrncel Supply avollr!1er ll5.5l prt, $afety targlnr 25.19 pal. llaxlllL veloclty h the sllter le 29,73 ft/sec. Contlnutty at all nodet Bstltfled t0 0.0l' gpr, f Tu F'o" PITTIIG TTGIXD r 't5 Dton$ [180s I = 9C DlGllt lLE0l !'9t Dl0[3t t(lilc TUill ll,B0f I 'lll 0l CR0F8 B " lUTTlRll,I tllffi c = CI[18 tltt'r C " CffiC[ Vil.tE ll0lt8 r PIPE TTPB I,IGEIID {0 " $CEBDULE 40 l0 " SCSBDULB l9 l(t . tflIl| mil, AD = ICTUAI DIill[?[R ffi = C0PPER TIPE I cr - cogPBn flPE t Cl{ . C0PPEfi TIPE ll P[ " P0Z-mC CP = CPTC t1l ' F'. Flle' *l!<,tBl 'tm' 6prlnhler Progral by xPB Softrare, Inc. Pager I ' Pllffimr ntr ffilrr?Ifi fi-rucToR[0DB lFSrl lcHtl lnffl cct t t3.3t t,ti ceT i$.rl f.tl cc3 i ll,3t 58t.53ur i re.er t.llUZ : 1*,12 f;lf Dm I 12,t9 t.ff tBz r 51,t0 t.t0c8l ' 61.93 f.fl cs? i rt.nt r. crc8t I il.$t t.flmt i !6.[{ l.tlIilz 51.99 t.lfllt3 t?.tt l.ttlr{ | |l.69 t.ftl||5 3$.16 f ,ttt21 i' 56.il t,tiF26 5[.6{ t.ll 122 , 55.5t l.fln6 t6,rt : l.lflll 55.6t t.ifItt , 55.61 t.tl taz t 56,0t 0.mlr3 : 56.6{ t,tlle{ 56.6{ 0,ecil5 t6.6t f ,tlFt6 56.6{ t.ttFtl 55,6{ t,fltrr8 56.6{ t.rfltg 56-f{ t.|lnl 55.6f N.tlrr3 55.6t t.lltrz J6;6t t.tlil{ t6,6t t"tlF15 56.6{ t.0fFt5[ t6,E{ t,ttll7 ' s.5f l.llilg tfrfil Ltln8 56.6t t,Cf f?c r t6,6t t,titzr t6.5t l.tlt?lt t6.6{ t,ctn3 56.6f t.flF?5 55,[{ t.$t24 5f.6r f.flt0l 51.99 8.0trr2 51.9t l,rl n3 I 51.99 t.tlfil 51.99 f.tlIt5 il,$g t.il116 it,lg i.ttt|l 51.99 t.fl IC9 r 51.99 l;ltut i 51,99 f.tlf08 , 51.99 t.tfzil 1r.99 t.tl c t212 80URC8 12,5 l2.t l'l .5 l?.5 12.5 t? ( l2.5 21.5 31.5 41 ,5 5l .5 21.5 2l ,5 2l .5 21 ,5 II.T 2t .5 t1 ( 21.5 21.5 2l .5 2t.5 21 .5 2l .5 21.5 21.5 ?1.5 2t ,5 2t .5 2l.I 21.5 21 .5 21.5 2l .5 21.5 ,l,l 2t .5 21 ,5 21 .5 31 .5 3l .5 3l ,5 JI,) 31.5 Jt.l 31 .5 3l .5 31.5 3l .5 t1 tlld; BllEll0.fil 1 FCrsSmIt0Dl (P8Il 'I[B' Sprlnkler Progru by FPE 8oftffire, Inc. ttil $,Ev[1I0[ K-PICIoB {GPr} trr8Tt Page r 2r2 51.992r3 il,tg2ll ' 'trI,t92t5 5l,tg206 51.992t1 il,gt2r8 51.992t8[ 5t.992E9 51.99zfi 51.91211 51.9t2ll[ 5l,t92t1 51.992t3 il.912l+ 51.99215 51,99215 51.092t1 fl,tg2r8 51.992t9 il.9922r 51.99ilr t?.31BtzB tr.3lSttt {t,31Eaz lt.3{gt3 'tr.3{ [f{ {?.il$5 {1,t{116 tt.3l811 {?.3{Et8 {?.3{8t9 t].t{ne l?.3t ll I l?.3fn2 t?.tlsr3 lt,tlu{ f1.31lrt tr.3{[16 {?.3r gl? r {?.3{u8'. {1.3{819 {?.3{[20 fi.3{[?t tl,xlt22 {?.3+ul ll.tlEll l?;0f[25 +r':;1+[16 11,1t921 {1,31[28 41.3{[29 r?,3t80r 8.15812 1,.,!38r3 ret f,lf r.llt.ll N, fl f.tfl.il t. tl c.tN I rlt t, tf f.ll" l.ff t.ff,t.tl c.0l |,tf r.Nl l,tl l, cf t.tl t.tl t. tl t, cll.ll t.tc f.c, t.tl f.ll , t.tl l.fll.tl l .ll f. tl |,tl f.tlf,il t,fll.tl t.tt r.ft c.ec t. te t.rll.ll t.tl t.ft t.ll t,$ r.ll t.ct l.ll t. cl Ir.t6 f,t0 l? .6r 31 .5 3t,5 31 ,5 JI.' 31.5 3l .5 31.5 31 ,5 3t .5 il.5 3l.t 31 .5 31.5 3l .5 JI.J 3l ,5 31 .5 il.5 3t.5 3l ,5 31.5 4l .5 {1 .5 fl.5 {1,5 {t .5 {1 .5 {1.5 {1.5 {t .5 {l .5 41 .5 {1.5 {l ,5 {t.t {l .5 {l,5 fl,5 {1.5 It .5 {1.5 4l .5 {l .5 {l,5 {l .5 {1.5 il.5 {r .5 {t .5 {1 ,5 fi.5 lt ,5 5l .5 51 .5 51.5 5.8 5.0 l.u8f{[ 8t{8ll i lller lsl0Bllg.lffi 't8E' Sprlnller Prograr by llB Softrare, Inc. pager I r IAdU-At nof nilrilil [-t[cT0R LY:..---"r.'.'.'1....1.Y1......1y11........-. $.63 21.{r t*,1t2 f .lll?.98 l, tl 18:14 l.tlt9.16 f.tl1f.6? t.tl 29,19 t,tt8.tt 16.51 ' 9.f9 l.ll8.6t t?.u 12.t5 t,nll.{2 19.61H.gt 22.15lfill l,Net5.lr 22.52ll.fz 19.25It.ft 2t,9r13.?l LSIr,52 t.tl15.?! ?t,tx13,?{ f,fcll;13 l[.t{il,t? f .fl 1t; t5 18.66u.9t 23.1326.6t 19.95 u 6.?t 29.?r,8.13 t.t038.$ i,llt0.36 f.tl 18,36 t.0t 30.36 r.|| 30,36 t,fr 3S,36 f.tl 38.36 t.tl3t.36 t.il', $8.35 r,tl 3s.36 r.rc t0.35 t. tl 38.35 f.ll 38,35 f. rl 38.36 t.tl 30,35 f.rlt8.36 t.tc38.3f t.Ct 38.36 t.tf 38,36 t.fl 3$.36 t.tt 38,36 r.rl 38,36 t.0ft8.35 C, tl 38.36 C.fl' 18.36 t,tl 51.62 0.ll 61.61 l,tl 5l .5 51.5 51,5 51 .5 51,5 51 ,5 5l .5 5r ,5 lt .l 51.s 51,5 il.5 5l .5 51.5 51 .5 51 .5 51 .5 51 ,5 5t .5 51.5 51. ! 51.5 51 .5 51 .5 5l .5 6l .5 5l .5 6t .5 6l .5 6l .5 01,l 5r.5 51 .5 61,5 51.5 6t .5 51 .5 6l ,5 51.5 51.5 61 ,5 61.5 5l .5 DI. '51 .5 51.5 51.5 !Lt 5t .5 5t,5 t 2.5 12 .5 ).u 5.8 t.d t.8 5.8 5.0 5.8 TN 5,0 5,8 t! 8t6 8t? st8 8Ng i 8lesll , 8t2 $13 i8r{ l 515 i 8t6 $lr 618 819 ; 82e 82tl 820t !tl 822 823 824 825 826 82? 628fil Ht2 m3 m{ n5 rm ft8 ru9 nl T11 n2 u3 fll{ tl5 flr6 tl? il18 fl9 t2t 121 122 n9l [06[ $5 t05[ t 2 ftte,rntuetts.ist "TIE' FRSStURS (Fsrl Sprlnkler Frogran by FFE Softflare, Inc. EtEt,|[II0il [-F[CI0R (nil) Page: FI.,Of {cPUiloDt: 3 I b. 1 I I t0 il t2 .tJ I{ tl IO 1t l8 18[ l9 0r.01 6l ,62 61.62 61 ,52 61 .5? 0t,D{ 61 ,62 51,52 61 .62 51 ,52 01 ,01 61 .52 6l .62 5l,52 0.t . bl 6t .52 51 .52 51 ,52 0 .60 !.50 e.$9 0.00 0 .00 c,c0 $, c0 0,00 c .00 0,08 c .09 0,0c 0.0$ 6 .00 0. t0 0,00 0.00 0,80 It,) rt.) Lt,7 IL,1 !1,) 1t R tl t 11 E 1t t rttt, lnnetts.Isg gEGII IIODE "TRE' DIAI{E1EI lypl rltlilrcs rBlr0r[(ilrcEBsl IFEIT) EilD Ftotffl00[ (0Pil $prinller Progran by FPE $oftHsre, Inc, SOV tBil0TH I01 LENCIE FRICtl0ll C-t/[tuB Pe lrtBTl (F[[r) lPsr/rT.l iP$l Page: Pf IiELOCIIY {PSr} {rTisEc} ec\ ccl 331.63 4.260 l0 c 134 2.55 115.55 0.020 1{0 -5,20 2.11 ?.60cc3 cc\ 33?,61 5,35? l0 I 1?4 39.91 213.91 0,003 t40 0,00 0,6e 3,41ccl ul 33?.53 +.260 le cI Z0 22.A0 42.08 0.026 126 5.42 1,11 ?,60ul v2 33?,63 {,250 l0 14.t1 0,00 14,t1 0,826 120 0,00 1,96 ?,50u2 lRl 331.63 4.260 le 6 0.00 5.00 0.025 120 2.11 0,16 7.60BEl BRz 317,63 4.260 l0 il', 6 12,0C 18,00 0,026 tll 0,00 r 11,31 ?,5c 'N01h T[e ll0r Dependent Pressrre loss Device ln the preceedlng plpe accounts for 10.83 psi of the total frlction IoBs "Pf' c$1 c82 BR2 c81 LDZ L0l [01 ue2 Itol l{0 5 821 r26 F22 Pl6 n0 F03 F02 t03 F04 t05 t06 t09 N08 F10 tr11 n3 Ft2 tl5 Fl5t t16 Ntl t19 Ft0 F21 F2l I t22 F23 F25 F24 I01 109 T10 t02 I03 T${ t05 205 2e5 21lA tlr zt2 c53 il0t [e2 lt$3 t{0{ lli4 ilo1 t21 rlb t22 Fl6 11$ l0l FX2 Fe3 Fe4 Ft5 F0l F09 r09 fl0 Fll Fll 114 t15 Fl5 il5 FI? ilt F26 F?1 F?I F22 I23 ?21 lt02 101 ?e9 Ilc 102 IC3 TC4 te5 2C6 f05,ttrl4lln 2t tA 23.15 29 ll 11 1,' 11 7 10 t0 10 't1 tl lt t IL .l tl q lt.l l, 4.5 ?q 1) q 4.5 q 11,5 11 t4,25 4,75 4,?5 1( 0,D, 9.bl 4,25 q 1l.l 3 .00 9,00 1e,00 I C,00 10,e0 14.00 9.50 ti.:u 0.5 0 13.50 1{.$$ 0.50 9.5$ 13,50 0.50 r3,50 14,00 0,5c 9,50 13,5e 0 ,50 13,5C 1{.0c 0, !0 9. 5C 13,51 0.50 13,58 U,25 4.75 {,?5 5 ,5C 9,00 I .50 i5 ,51 15.5? 9,25 0.50 13,5C l.Jl 0.59 0.40 0,32 0 ,32 0,12 0,c0 0 ,05 0.ei 0 .00 0.ec 0,0e 0.e0 0,00 0 ,0e 0.00 0.e0 0 ,00 0. 00 0,00 0.00 0,09 0.00 0 ,00 0,0e 0,00 0,00 0,0e 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,e0 c.00 t,t0 0.e0 0, c0 $ .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 ,00 0 ,00 0,00 0 ,00 c,e0 $, c0 0, c0 0 ,00 0,e0 7 ,5C ?.5t 7,50 7.60 r,50 1.60 ? .60 0.00 0.00 0.00 c,e5 0. 00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,t0 c, cc 0. 00 c, cc 0.00 0.00 e,e0 0,00 e.00 0,00 0, 00 0,00 0,e0 0 ,00 $ ,00 0 ,00 $ ,00 0 ,00 0 ,00 0 ,90 0, 00 0,00 0,e0 0, c0 0,00 c,00 0 ,00 0 .00 0, 00 e ,0c 0,00 0,00 0, 00 0,00 33?,53 4.26e l0 ! 33?.63 4.26e 10 tI 33i,53 4,760 l0 33?,63 4,260 10 33? .61 {, 260 t 0 33?.63 {,26C 10 33?.53 4,250 l0 e . e0 4.250 10l.0c 2,15{ l(te.00 2.15{ r[ l , ce 2,154 l(t0.c0 2.154 [i0,e0 2,154 r0 0 .00 2 .15{ xt0,00 1,104 [Lc.00 l.re4 xt0,80 1,452 l(L0.00 I .lc4 I{tl,c0 1,104 )(t0.00 i.104 l[,e,0c l.104 t([0.0[ 1.104 l(t0,00 I.{52 u0,00 1,104 n 0 ,00 r , r0{ l([0,c0 r.1s4 t(t0.tc LI04 tGc.0e 1.104 xt0,00 1,452 l{t0,0e ].10{ }tt0,0c 1.10{ ]{t [ .00 I .10{ It 0 ,0e r , 10{ r{re,c0 1.104 tG0.00 1.452 Xtc.e0 1.104 tG0,00 1,10{ I(t0,00 2.635 l00,e0 2,615 l0 0. 00 2. 15{ )([ e . c0 2,154 t0.,0.e0 2.154 )il',c.09 2,154 l(t e. 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Et 1.10{ e ,ce Lt0{LC0 1.1040.cc Llr4 0. c0 1 .1e4t,0t Llc40.0e I .1040.0t I , 10{0.0e r.1e4!,[0 1,10{ c, tc 1 ,10{t.c0 1.10{0.c0 r.1c40,0c L1040.tc 1.1e4 3t?.53 2,t54 2?? .98 2 .l 5{ r5{.28 ?,t5{ 1c9.32 2,15{ n1 t(t I )(t )(I, E )(I n xt rI, El{tI ){t, I lil, E )it Irut t(LT xL ru ESl IG l(tT )(tT ](t, t 120 e, c0 120 0,0012t C.C0 120 0,0c 120 0.00 t20 0,08 120 c .00 120 C,CC 120 0,00 120 !.t0 12e 0.00 12C 0,0t 120 0,00 128 0,00 t 20 0.00 lzc 0,00 120 C.00 120 0. 80 111 $.00 t20 0,00 129 0.$0tzr 0,0012t 0.0ctzg 0,0e 129 0.0et20 0,e012i 0.60t20 0,cc 126 0,00tle N,cc12t $.00 120 c.or 120 0.00 120 0.00tlt 0.s0tzc 0,0t 120 C.t0 12C 0,00 12C 0.sC 120 0,00 120 0.0e 120 0.00 125 e.eolzc 0.00 120 0,c0lze 0,00rza 0.00 120 0.0c 120 0,00 120 0,00 12,0 0,0$tza e,00t20 c,c0 120 C,00 126 e.00 r,00 0,00 0 ,00 0,00e,00 0.00 c, e0 0,0c 0. 0c 0,000,0t 0.000.e0 0,00e,00 0 ,000,e0 0,0e c , 0c r.00 0 ,00 0 .000,0c r,00e.00 0.000,et 0,0c0,00 c.e0 0,00 0.00 0,00 c.00 0,00 0 , $0 g. r0 c.os0,00 0.000.00 0.000,et 0,000.00 0.00 0 ,00 fi.cg$.00 0, 00 0 , [0 0,000.00 t,000.00 c.00$.$0 0,00 0, e0 e,005.00 0,000,00 c.t00.00 0 , c00,00 0. c0 $ .00 0. 00c,00 0,e00.0, e.000,00 0,00 0, cc 0,0e0,00 0,000.00 0. 00 0, c0 0, c00.e0 $,e00.!0 c.co0.00 0,$0 0 , c0 0.800,0c 0.00 0 , c0 0.00 0, 00 0.000,00 0,00 0 .0e 0.0$ 12,99 29.719.1? 24.+1r,45 13.500.?3 9.62 Fll?! 8RID081$,l[E .IIE' DIATETIR TYPE FITTIIIGS LIIISTI{$rc[8sl lFsETl BICIIF [[D TMH[008- il00t lcPt{l Sprlnkler Progren by FPt $oftuare, Inc, Eou tEl{oTB I0r r,Ellcl[ TRICTI0}| c-l'lruE IFEETI tFEETI {PSr/n,) Fage r Pe Pf IIETOCITY {PSII {PSII {n/SBCI $05 $05 s0{ 80{ $e2 802 slr 811 nt J DI D Dl0 805 gli $07 823 nzJ 825 s08 608 s20[ 820t s2t $20 819 se9 s28 828 t{21 $5 t{!5[ T19 f05 tl9[ v20 t{18 [e{ ilo 2 ft3 f09 ilt0 lft 1 112 [15 fl{ m5 fl5 Hl7 t{05[ ilo64 r2I t22 l|el 13 l0 $05 $c{ $t{[ $02 st3 601 sl0 0.t I 815 $17 DlJ sl{ 815 !.t 0 824 822 823 $25 $2et s208 828 s20 $19 818 828 825 821 ilo5 l{c5 fl55 [c5A [054 tl9 Il9 u9 llc6 He4 tf! 2 fe8 r09 [1$ 110 Hl1 n3 11{ 115 u5 l|t6 f05 rfcSI H2l ffiz c62 IJ 55,21 56,21 tr /iat,lt 34.8C t? ,54 l?.15 l5 .50 l7 .01 1s. 11 26,85 53 .11 19,6t 4.34 4+,91 18,55 18,?{ 37.39 50,52 63.18 ?3.C2 {c.16 r.tc {c. 16 t9,25 59 .55 29,95 29.75 0 ,00 0.00 0 ,00 t.00 0. r0 0 .00 0 .00 t. 00 0, t0 c.i0 c. tl t.0c t,00 c ,00 e ,0, 0.0c c.0r 0.c0 0,tt c.00 0 .00 c .0t 0,e0 r.00 t.00 c,00 c,c0 11q 1 IL t1 I lc.?5 IL t? t lq 'B rt,7 I q 1t ,25 I 7,83 5,42 10,25 9.42 J l4 17\ i ,81 1 lJ.tl 't 1a t t1 I,JJ ?,61 8, 6? 1,83 { .33 t t0 7 0 10 1 .JJ I lt.rl D.ll 5.17 i+ 10, 0e 0 .00 5 ,00 5 ,00 5,C0 2.ni 2 ,00 5.ec 0,00 2,00 5,00 5,C0 5,C0 2. 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I .1C{ )il, 1 ,10{ l(L 1 .104 l(tLlc4 r(t I .452 )(r,t,t0{ x[ 1,10{ Iil, f.i04 l(L 1.t04 )0. 1,68i l(t I .581 )(r, 2.154 t0 r.104 n 1,452 l([ 2.515 lC 2. r54 l(t E T T I B I T E EE I I BT ET It I I B T I T I l I f I T I I t 120 0,00tzs 0.00t20 c,00 12fl 0,00r?6 0,00r20 0.00 t 20 0,00rlc 0.00 126 0,0C 125 0,00 120 0,00 120 0,$0l?t 0,00 1?.t 0.00tzc 0, c0 1?.5 0.0cr20 0,00 110 e,00 120 0,e0 120 0.00lzc 0,0e 120 0.0$ 124 0,00 128 A.A0 120 0,00 120 $.e0 IZA 0,00 12e 0,e0 120 0,0t 120 0.00 124 t. gC 120 0,00 12C 0,C0 120 0,0e 120 e,00 120 0.e0Ile 0,00 120 0,00tzl c,[0 120 0,00 IZ0 0, e0 120 0.00t20 0,00tzl 0.00lZA 0,00 120 0,00t20 0.00 r20 0.00 l z0 0.00 120 6,e0t20 0,00 120 0.00 120 0.00 120 0.00I2g 0,00 c ,46 4, 953.65 18.819.69 7.184,59 r 1 .660,48 5,9l0.97 5.15 1,0c 5,53e.49 5.?02.91 11.23|.22 6.011,14 9,006.38 1?.800,6{ 6,510,09 l 452,95 15,01c,52 5 .250.5{ 5,28{,92 12.53 4,12 2i.283,10 12.241,?? 7,113.i8 13.450,00 0,800.1t 13,{5r,99 6.{51.66 11.561,45 10,041,9C 9,96 0, 00 0 ,000.00 0 , 000,00 0 , e0 0 .00 0 ,000,0! 0,000.00 0.00c,et Lto0.0e 0 . e00,e0 0,000.00 0.0ec.00 0,0e0.00 0,00c,oc c,080.00 0.0e0,00 0,e00.00 0.00 0 ,00 0,00 0 ,00 0 .000,0e c,000.00 0, 000.00 e.000.00 0.000,00 0,000.00 0.000,c0 0,00$,e0 0.0e 0, c0 0, e0 EI T I I E8T frh, rmwrs.fsr rot* [oDE' 8n0 TODE FI,OI DIATEIBB fTPI FITTIIIO$ LBIIOII lGPil (ilrcrB8l {r[8rt 'T[[' $prlntler Progran by FPE Softrere, Inc. E0'J L8[0T8 f0M[ClS rRlCilOil C-I/IL|JE Pe {F$11 (m811 {P8r/Fl,} {Pill Page r Pf r8locnv(P6rl {rT/$rcl 1D 10 .t J { 4 I 9 t0 18 1't ID 0 II t? tt 1{ 1l l3 l6 I I 3 1 I 9 t8t 10 l? I 5 1l ll l6 l5 f,fr f. fr LCC 0.t0 0. fl r,i0 |.c5 c.0t t. i0 Ltl t.0l t.fl | .00 r. ct t. tl t.tt r.ft r. t! 0. cN '1, 8.5 T2 t0 l$ I il l0 u lc 10 I 7 10 T J 1e c.00 10,c0 0.0e c,i0 0 .0c 5,C0 5.00 c,cc 0.001 6 .00 e,ce 0,r0 5. C9 0.t0 t.0f 5,!l 0.00 6 .0c 0.00 12.0i r0.5c l2.ec lt, ct 10.0e l{.00 8. CC 10, rt 10. 00 l{,r0 10.00 10,00 l{.00 z.t 10.00 8,0t 2. 00 8,t0 te,ec e.0e0 0,00c e.occ 0. t[0 0.000 c. !00 0. c00 c,0!c e. eoe l, rce c.0c0 0.0e0 0.00e t ,0t0 0.00e 0 ,0t0 e,ee0 0, 0tc c,ceo 2,t51 l(t 2,r5{ Iil, 2.154 rfi, l .le4 It 1.1C{ l(t I,{52 l([ 1.452 t(tl,ll4 t([ 1.10{ XL 1,{52 [!l.l0{ r(t r .10{ rt 1,{52 [ll.tc{ tG 1,{52 )G I . {52 l(L 1.{52 n,l,{52 l(t 1.{52 )0 T I 120 0.00 12C t,t0 120 0.0c 120 0,0e 128 0.eerzt c,0ct2g 0.00 120 0 ,00 12e 0.00rzt 0, cl 120 0.c0 128 0,00 120 0.8et20 0.cl 120 0.e0 120 0,0[t20 0.00lzc c .0c 120 0.00 0.ee e.ec0,t0 0,0c0.0c g.oe 0,00 !,cc0.00 c.e00.c0 0.ct0.c0 0.$e0,t0 0,00e.0e 0.00c,m t,000.00 e.000.e0 c,e0e.eO 0.eec,r0 c,c00.ec e.00 0 ,00 0.0c0.0e e. e0 c , 00 0,00 0. e0 0. e0 ' Llld_ :3=gr ==LI L} cIf-T,J(EB Fal l'J 3 - [fgDrlrltlrlrl:l r tr tgt lrlF3 =FIE Etlla lrtB=EOOJ.Fr J {E{I} I =eJ l! {u Lf LJ Tc f[ E {I, !: ui F 3 n_ tr_:l cfi L tu fit = 5il f/*< IIDIrUrIC SUt{l{ARI HiIXI SUPPIY rMoffilTl0tl $tatlcr 108.00 pll. lesldualr 103.C| psl. t 1125.90 gpn, [o[e: 25C.eC apn. Syster regulre8! 89.23 psi. [ 569,55 gpn. (lnc]udlng [ose lllorancel Supply avallabler 106,58 ps1. Safety llargln!11.35 ps1. l{arlrur veloclty in the systen ls 28.14 ft/sec. Continultl at all nodes setlsfted to 0.01 gpr, iFltlil0 lreilD I = {5 DlGBtl ltBol t = 90 Dt0[El ll,B0[ l, '9f Dl0ltl t0[C TURII ttD0ll T - Tll 0X C8088 B 'BUllFBtl,I IIUE c = cffi rltvt C = CEICI Ytltl ll0TISr PIPE TTPS iEEilD 40 = $CEBDlll,l 1e le = SCIIDULB 10 ru = T[I[ fil,l lD = [CTUll, DIAI{IIBRil = C0PP$ lIPt I c[ = c0PPm ilPr L Cll = COPP!8 TIPB l{ Pl, = P0z-[0c cP = cpvc ,ll!l rr I It El.Di.'i tYi;-. {1"', i ',q;{;-ffis Itler Hlll€lts.T$ 'l$' $prlniler Prograr by lP[ $oftrare, inc.Pager I Pt[88UBt trol , lPSIl (omlrorii [HrlTron r-rlcmn trffrl ccl ccz ccl ul u2 Bnr BU c51 c82 c83 ilft m2 tf3 iltf [05 121 t26 t22 il6 nlill r2 It3 t|t, r05 tc6 TO? rf8 n9 nl n3 n2 n{ n! n5t nl il9 Fl8 r2f t2t t2ll t23 t25 t24 Tn It2 1r3 ilr TC5 $6 10? il9 lll, ?e8 2il El. {1 0.ee 8S.69 e.ee 89.23 569,5685.t2 Lee 83.25 t.f0 8r.95 0.rc69.[? 0.fe ?1.55 C.tfil.3? C.CC 69.15 e.e6 65.+9 t.tf Er.8? f.0c 55.U5 t.tl 51.63 t.|l +1.42 t.rl65.t9 t.|l6t.{9 t.cr 65.{9 f.CC6r.{9 t.Nr 55,19 l.fO5t.{9 f.ll5l.t9 t.llt1.{9 t.00 15.{9 t.tl65.ft t.t0[5.{9 l.tt65.$ C.0l[5.t9 l.tl65.$ t.rl5!.f9 t.tl65.t9 t.tl55.t9 t.tl55.t9 t.tl65.t9 Lm65.t9 t.rN65.t9 l.t06t.f9 l.|l 65.+9 l.tl65.{9 N.ff65.{9 t.|l65.{9 t.tl55.t9 t.t065.t9 t.tl 65.{9 t.9l6f.8? f.tlil.8r t.|l[f.8? t.tl 51.8? t.tafl.8? t.c06f.8? i,ce6f.87 C.006f.8r c.ll5t.81 t.t0 61.81 0.tl6f.8r t.tl $ 1212 soURCE 12.5 r1.5 l?.5 It.5 l?.5 12. 5 21.5 31.5 {1 .5 5l .5 6l .5 2t .5 21 .5 ll I 21 .5 2r.5 21.5 21.5 2l .5 2l .5 2t.5 n.5 2t.5 ?1.5 21.5 21.5 2l .5 2t .5 7r.5 21 .5 2t .5 ?1.5 2t .5 2l .5 21 .5 21 .5 ?l q 21 .5 ?1 .5 21.5 3l .5 31.5 ]l.5 31.5 3l .5 ll.5 3l .5 31.5 31.5 3t .5 31 ,5 tlle; ilImltf,fil 'mt' 6pr1ntter Pr0gril by !P! 80ftrare, Inc. Pll$8uR8 nol tt8yATl0il [-ncToR[oDt {P8rl {oPtl (rffil Pager 2t2 6f.872C3 6C.8?20+ f0"87205 60.872C6 60.07 2t1 6t.8? 2t8 6t.012N0t 60.uzl:9 6c.812r0 6c,812n 6f.8r2llt 64.0?2t2 6t.t?213 6t.81214 6t.t?2r5 6f.8?216 6f,8?2r1 6r.fi2r8 61.8?219 6t.8?22, 5t.8?8fl t6.t5[f2[ 56.?tm?t 36.t58t2 56.25EC3 55.258er t6.2t$5 55.25m6 56.258f7 56.25il8 55.t3fl09 56.?5fllt 55.15nl 56.25m2 56.25nl 55.25n{ 56.25clt t6.15116 16.258lr t6.zt[18 56.258r9 t6.2t[2t t6.25[21 56,t5EzZ 56.25823 56.25s2+ t6.25825 55.25[?6 s6.25[2? 56.25128 56.25929 56.tl801 51.538e2 5t.53803 51.61 0.ll t.0N c, e0 0. ec 0. c$ t.cl r. tl f.ft 0.0e t.0c 0.00 f.ac 0.tr l.ct 0.ct t.tl r.ff t.tf f,tf |,tl e.m f,tal.tl l.fr e. t0 t.tf 0.m t. tl t.tl t.t0 f.m L0e 0,tc t.0cl.|lf.il t.tl l.cl c. c9 t. tl t.tl r.f0 |,tl e.te t.cl f.tl l. tc l.tc t. tl c.9$ l.ts t.0r c.0r l.0r t. ts 3l .5 2t q 31 .5 31.5 31.5 3l .5 3r.5 31.5 31.5 3l .5 3l .5 3l .5 31 .5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 3l .5 lt I 4l .5 {t .5 {l .5 {1 .5 {l .5 {1,5 {t .5 {t .5 {1 .5 $.5 {.5 {l .5 {t .5 {l .5 fl.5 {l .5 il.5 {1.5 {t .5 fl.5 fl.5 {l.s {l .5 41 .5 {l .5 {l .5 {1.5 {l .5 ll.5 {l .5 {l .5 5r.5 51.5 51.5 TIIC: BBIIIGEIS.IIE PBBSSUntlroD[ lP6rl 'l[t' Sprlntler Progran by IPB 80ftrare, Irc. Ir0H Br8[ATIot{ [-ruC1on {GFr{l (rrBrJ Pager 80{[ 6C{ 8C5 s06 80? 8C8 809 61e 811 812 sl3 81{ 815 816 81? 618 819 620 82et 82fB 821 822 823 82{ s25 825 82? 628 ile1 ft2 tft3 ru4 ft5 fr6 tc8 rf9 ill nl fl2 fl3 fl{ [15 Hl6 n? n8 rfl9 r2l f2l r22 [191 [e6t H55 lt5t I I 51.63 5l .53 5l .63 5l .63 :.t . bi 51 .63 5r .63 51.53 5l .63 51.53 51 .5t 51.63 5l .53 5J .53 5l .53 5t .53 5t .63 5l .53 5l .63 5l ,53 51 ,53 51.63 5l .53 51,53 51 .63 5t .53 5l .63 51 ,63 32,25 32.{9 32.33 33. t9 21.21 33,61 l1 .11 12.3t lt.9l t9.t8 ! 3.t2 16.89 t0.29 21.9r 22.13 19.85 22.45 23. ?8 23.{9 3?.9+ 36.7C 23,1C 34,t2 32.78 28.51 1t.3? 10.31 e.e0 t.ec e.e0 e.e0 0.e0 c. ee c, e0 t.e0 t.tcl.tl t.tt c. tc t. cr t. cc t.t! t.tl t.tl t.tl t.fc t.et e.tl t.af t.t0 r.ff l.tl f.ft c. cc 0. ce 2+.43 c. cc 21.r5 2t.71 22.11 l.cc l9.56 ?t.38 f.tf t.0l 21.25 23.83 2{.80 t.ec t.ta 25.8{ 2t.38 t.cl 2t.8{ c, cl 25.05 2C,61 0. ct t.00 N.00 e .00 e.ec 5i .5 51 .5 51.5 51 ,5 51 .5 51 .5 51 .5 51.5 JI. ] lI .l t 5r .5 5i .5 5t .5 5t .5 51 .5 51.5 51.5 51 .5 51 .5 5l .5 5t,5 51.5 5r.5 5l .5 51 .5 5l .5 6l .5 6l .5 51.5 61.5 5t.5 51.5 61.5 61.5 5l .5 61.5 51 ,5 51 .5 61 .5 61 .5 61 .5 61 .5 5t .5 51.5 6l .5 5l ,5 61 .5 6l .5 5l .5 5i .5 51 .5 tt.) 12.5 4.3 {.3 4.3 4,3 5,8qt qt 5,8 4.3 {.3 {,3 {.3 B8Il0$8.18!,ll le: IIODE $!8.TBI, '!ffi' $prlntler Progral by lP[ Softrare, Irc. PBlE$Uffi FL0f EHnlI0X [-F[CT0Rlr$rl lc?ill (ruEf l Pager 4 3 { 5 6 1 I 9 lc l1 t2 l3 l{ l5 l5 It 18 l8[ l9 r0.3? Lee ?c.3'? c,e0?t.t? t.0l ?1.3? l.lfil.3r t.ee?t.3? f.f0 ?1.3? f.0t?f.3? f.tr?t.31 C.0r?t.t? t.00n.3? t.0c?e,lr c.0cil.31 l.fl1t.31 l.tlil.3? l.ff 11.31 0.t0ri.3? f.tlrf.3? .t.m 12.5 LI.J 1t c 12.5 12. 5 12.5 12.5 I ?.5 I ?.5 12.5 12.5 12 .5 12.5 t 2.5 l ?.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 File: BRIDGEIE.IBE "fgB" gprlnkler Progran hy IPB $oftnare, Inc. Blcl[ EIID Ii,0H DIAIETER lyPE FIIIIIIGS tEtrGTn EOll LBiletfi rOt IElllGTB FRICII0I| C-tlAr,U[ pe l|oDt lroDr topill {iilcsEs) trEET} (F8tIl {F8[1] (p6r/n,) tpsrl Pf lPsr I Pager 5 TrtocIlY (rr/8Ec I cc2 ccl 319,56 4.250 10 c 13{ 2.66 136.65 0.0t8 140 -5,20 2.45 1.2scc3 ccz 319,65 5,351 10 T 1'l{ 39.91 213.91 0.003 140 0.00 0.55 3.23ccl ul 319,55 {,260 10 01 20 22.eA 42.8A 0,624. lls 5.42 1.00 1.Zeul u2 319.56 +,260 10 74.11 0,00 r{.1? 0.02+ 120 0.00 l.l? 1.201J2 BRl 319.55 4.26A 10 6 A,AA 6.00 0,c24 120 2.11 0.1{ 1.28BRl BRz 319.65 {,26e 10 !t 5 12.00 18.e0 8.024 120 0.00 t n.z't 1.20 ' ll0lB: lhe flor Dependent Preosure loss Devlce 1n the pceceedlng pipe accoults for ie.84 psl 0f the tota] frlctlon loss 'Pf'BR2 C$lc$1 c$2c$2 c83c$3 l{01 319.66 4,260 10 ! 319.56 +,26e t0 LI 319.66 +,25e 10 r, 119.66 t.260 r0 0.024 120 0.00 4,924 r2g 0.00 4,924 I2g 3.90 4,924 120 4.33 e,s24 120 {.33 0,424 120 4.33 0.t24 128 4.33 0.000 12c 0.e0 0.e00 r20 0.00 0.000 r20 .0,0e 0,e00 Lzc 0.0e 0.000 n0 0.00 0.00e 1x9 0.00 0.00e ng 0.9e 0.00e 12a 0.00 c.000 120 0.0e e.000 120 0.00 0,e00 n0 0.0e 0,000 120 0.0e 0.0e0 120 0.0e e.ce0 12a 0,00 e.0e0 12e 0.0e 0.0e0 tza 0.N0 c.0ee tzg 8.00 0.0ee 129 e.ec 0.0ee 120 e.e0 0.ee0 tze 0.00 0,e00 t20 0.e0 e.e0e lze 0,00 c.e0e r20 0,00 e.00e 120 0.00 e,e00 t26 0.00 e , e00 120 0.0e 0,e0e 120 0,00 e , e00 1 20 0.00 c,00e 12s 0,0e 0.000 124 0.00 e,0e0 tzg 0.00 0.900 l2e 0,50 0.e00 120 0,00 0.000 120 0,00 0.000 120 e.00 0,000 120 0,00 0.0e0 t28 0.00 0.000 120 a.gg 0.000 tze 0.00 0.000 120 0.0s e,e00 120 0.00 5 23 .15 2e 15 11 lz 12 6 .00 0 ,00 0.e0 0 .00 0,00 0,0e 26.44 15.00 t2.40 r2.40 12. 00 t2,68 l.19 0.52 0 .36 0,29 9.29 g.29 0.29 e.ec 0.e0 e,e0 e ,0e 0,ee e.00 0,e0 0. g0 0.00 e.00 e.e0 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 c. ee 0.0c 0 .00 0.00 0 .90 e.ge 0,e0 e.e0 e.e0 e.e0 e.00 0. 00 0,e0 e .00 0.00 0.0e 0.0c 0.ee 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.e0 0. 00 1,20 1.2e 1.24 1.2e 1.24 1.20 1.24 1.20 c.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 e.e0 e.ee e,e0 e.eg e.es 0.e0 0.e0 0. 00 0.00 a.0e 0.0e 0.0e 0.00 e.e0 0 .00 0 ,00 0 .00 0.c0 e.ee c.e0 0.es 0. ee 0. c0 e.e0 a.00 6.00 0.e0 t .00 0.00 0 .00 0,00 0 ,00 0.09 0 .00 0. 00 0. 00 0.00 5,e0 12.00 4.924 120 -2.1? A.29 26,00 49.?5 l{01 l{02 19.66 4.25A l0t{02 l{03 319.65 4.260 l0l{03 ret 319.55 4.260 10l{g{ l{95 319.55 4.260 l0t21 lt01 e.ee 2.154 n126 lz1 c.0t ?.154 )(rt22 F26 e.C0 2.154 l(tt16 122 e.ee 2.154 XLile Fl6 e .ce ?..15+ )(tF03 Fl0 e.ce 2.154 xLF02 Fel t.0e 1.1e4 Irt03 nI f .te 1. te4 [Lte4 re3 c.cc 1.452 l(LF05 Fe4 C.0f |.104 Xtr05 re5 c.0e t.104 xr,F09 Foi e.00 1.104 l(tr08 Fe9 0.0e r.104 I(ttle te9 0.e0 1.104 xl,Fll Fle 0.0C r,452 XrFl3 ill t.fc 1.104 )fl,ilz r11 e ,t0 1.104 :tr.n5 n4 t,ec 1.10{ )(t t218C 22 3 16. ee 38.0e e.ee e,e0 e,e0 e,e0 0,e0 2.AA 5.00 5.00 0.00 2,40 2,Ai 0.00 5.0e 5.ee 0.ee 2 .0e 2.ga e,g0 5,ee 6. C0 e.00 2.04 2.e0 e.e0 5,0e 6,e0 0. 00 2.40 25.04 0.0e e .0e 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,90 9.00 5 .00 5.00 0, g0 2.40 n5n n5 e .ce 1.104n5 115 e .0e 1.104lll f16 c.0e 1.{52 XI, )([ ! T T E D T I t I T T l E T T E le tu l0 IL 4.5 ?.5 11.5 11 q 4,5 1q ll,5 t2 .5 ta .5 tz .5 4,5 ?q .5 l1 .5 1l 14. 25 1. ?5 4,?5 5,5 9 1.5 b.b/ 9.6 ? 4.25 11.5 3 .00 9. e0 10.0e 10.00 10.0e 14.0s 9.50 13.50 e .50 13 .50 i{.$0 0. 50 9.50 13.50 0.50 l3 .50 14.0$ 0, 50 9,5e 13. 5e e .50 r 3.50 i4.00 e.50 9. 50 13.50 0,50 13,50 3? .00 1{.2s | .rat.rJ | 1t.t. tJ 5 .50 9.00 I .50 l5 .61 11.0/ 9.25 0.50 13.5e Plg lll t.0e t.l$4 nFl8 Fll 0.te 1.1e4 )il,t21 tzt t.ce 1.1e4 I(tr21[ t21 O.Ce 1.104 xtr22 Fzl C.Ct l.te4 Nr,F23 F22 C.0e 1,452 l(tF25 F23 t.Ce 1.1e4 ){rF24 t23 0.e$ t.104 xiI0l [s2 0.00 2.535 10T09 Tfl e.te 2,535 10Tle T09 e.0c 2.154 ntil fl0 e.ce 2.154 )6103 'tgz 0.0c 2.15{ )0t0{ T03 0.0e 2.154 )0105 t04 0,00 2,15{ )(t206 105 0. e0 1.t52 ](r245 206 0. e0 1.4s2 )tt2l1t ?e5 e.e0 1.104 xL211 2l1r 0.e0 1.104 Xt2r2 211[ e.00 1,104 )(L TE EE T I t@Ll&gEaeEedDsr*so:.*ij+j{i i.$.*;} Flle: BnmoE1S.TIB "THt' $prinkler Prograu by FPE Softrare, Inc, FL0t{ DIiltETER TYPE tItTiNGS t8}rclt BQlt tiltGTB I0I tEltcT[ FRICTl0il C-I'ILUB pe lcPr{l {rilc[[s] (FErTl {F8ET} (FE8r) tpSr/FT,l {psrl lage: Pf VIIOCITT tP6rl IrT/8tcl BTGI}I EIIDiloDt lroDt T06 I06 TO? 108 I08 2e2 208t 293 208 209 210 TA2 215 211 Te9 219 229 T10 LIJ 010 [09 808 80? 805 t02 [02 E02t [028 s03 [04 x05 [06 U2 il3 sl5 814 Ell El8 Ezb [2C [21 822 [23 824 [07 825 s25 [28 827 929 $09 608 g0? 805 t.t7 3.5 10 1e.33 5. 33 2.33 I .83 10 1l 3,5 4.25 I 23.t1 i0.5 +.25 11 .5 23 5.5 11.25 tt_lr 9 9. 33 t7 2 .33 r.42 11 I 't1 14. 83 2. 33 l1 ,33 l1 5 I 3.5? I 3.5 I 1.92 5 2.25 .1? 1_t 1 T2 10.6,l I 8.5 8 5 .00 5.00 0.00 2.40 0 .00 0.00 e .00 2.00 5 .0e 2,00 2,40 5,00 5 ,00 5 ,00 0 ,00 9 ,00 0 ,00 5 ,00 5 ,00 2,ae 38.00 e .00 0 .00 12.00 0.e0 0.e0 2.0e 5.e0 5.t0 e.N0 5.e0 2.ea 5.0e 5.00 0, 00 5,00 2,04 e. e0 5 ,00 5.e0 5,e0 5.e0 2.0s 5. ee 7.cc 5. 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D0 l.0ul 15?.9{ 1.581 293,51 2.154 26.05 1.104 24.43 1.452 0 .00 2 .635 0.00 2.i5{ 0.000 tza 0 . 000 120 0.000 tza 0,000 12so,\fifi tzg 4,040 rla e,000 tze 0.0ec 120 e.s00 t20 0.000 120 0.00a 120 0.000 120 0. e00 12c o.eaa tza 0.000 i20 0.00$ lz0 e.00e 124 e.000 124 e.e0e 120 0,e00 12e 0.000 124 0 , e00 120 0.e0e 120 0.000 na 0.00e l2l 0,000 t?a 0.000 tza 0.00e 12e 0.560 tze 0,393 Ize 0.383 Lze 0,820 120q.125 LZI 0.108 Lze 0.109 r?e 0.105 12e e.298 Ile e .i40 ne 0.039 12e 0.09? 120 0.355 1200.803 120 0.113 120 0.211 120 0.140 I2g 0. 525 12e l,155 tze 0.163 tze $.444 t2e 0,589 t20 9.564 tzs 0,165 120 0.039 Lzg 0.000 120 0.000 l2g 0.00 0 .000.00 0.00 0 .0e 0. 00 0 .00 0 .000.00 0,000.0e 0.0e0.00 0.000.00 0.0c 0 ,00 0 .000.00 0.0e0,00 0.000.00 0.000.0e 0.0e 0. c0 0.0e 0. 00 e. ee0.00 e. ee0.00 e. eee.0e e.0e0.00 0.0e 0. e0 0.00 0, 00 0. 0e0.00 e. e00.00 e. ee0.0e e , ce0.00 0.eg0,e0 0.e00,00 e,00e.e0 e.ee 9,e? 28.1{0.85 16.3{ {,28 16.34 1,12 20 ,14 1.26 1,52 e,68 5.93 0.29 6,99 ].JJ ll.dJ e. 54 l{. 26 e.6e 9.47e.15 1.14 0.9? 5.55 2.55 13.394.28 20.51 1.48 1,r2 3.1? 11.86 1.{g ?.99 3.68 16.3s e,38 24.95 2.12 8.66 12.$1 19.41e.?8 22.613.52 25.85|.24 8. ?3e,zb 4.r30.00 0.00 e .00 0 .00 l$ )(t )(t vt VT VT )(I )fl, 9l t(I xt n xI t(t l(t l([ l(t IG )G l(t 10, til, til, ){[ tI xt )(t n )il, )(l Iil, xt, )(t TI )il,, ){t xt til, l(t n l(t )(t )(l xt l(t ){[ ){r xI xt l0 )0,, T T T I E T T E I 1 I E T T E EE T I Ef BT ET T T E T T EB T FI T T T T IBT T T ? ,25 5.33 1 11,25 I 10,75 l, 1.5 11,25 12,5 5 .33 1.5 1? q z 11 .25 1 ? .83 6,42 10.25 9.42 2 I{ ? ?i 1 ,83 1 13.?5 2.25 5 .1? 5.?5 5 I ,33 2,61 d.D, I .83 4.33 10 7 .33 8 q l0 2 I l1 .17 I .31 5.25 2.5 5,17 l{ 3.5 r0,00 0.00 5,00 5 ,00 5 ,00 2,ge 2.e0 5 ,00 0,e0 2,ge 5,0e 5,ee 5.ee 2,Ae 5 .0e 5 .00 2,90 {.0e 5 .0e 6.e0 ?,ee 0,0c ?.ce 0. 0c 1,00 5,00 5 ,00 2.Ag 0 ,0e 6.Cg 5,ee 0.e0 5.ee 5,C0 e,c0 4. e0 0. 0e 0.0e 0.00 0.N0 5.ee 5.e0 5,ee 6.t0 0. 00 5.ee 0. 00 5.e0 16 .0e 0.ee e.00 l.uu 0.e0 0,e0 10 .0e 11.25 5,33 5.00 16.25 6 .00 12.15 14. e0 6 .5e 11.25 14. 50 6.5e 1e.33 6.5e 14.50 5.5e ? .00 5.00 l5 .25 5.0e 13 .83 13 .42 10.25 15.42 2.AS 2t,00 8. 25 5.83 9.e0 13,75 11,1.l 5.15 10.0e 5.33 2.61 12 .6? 1 .83 4.33 1.es lg.0e 1 .00 5 .33 13.00 15. 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Ce c.0e 6.CC c.00 l?.00 18.5e tz.gg 10.00 10. 00 14. e0 I ,00 1e.00 1e.00 14.00 10. e0 le. ec t4. cc 2.Ae 1e,00 8.00 2.04 8.00 le.ee 0. 000 a.as0 0. 000 0,[el 0. e00 0. 000 0.000 0, 000 0 .000 c.000 0.000 e. eoe e. cec e. e0e e,eoe e, coe 0,00e 0,000 e,eoe 8.00 c.0e 0.09 0. 0e e .00 0.0s 0. ee 0. ee e.0e 0. ec 0. c0 c. t0 r.0l 0.00 0.0e e.0l e.0c ,.00 e.0e 0. e0 0.0e 0. c0 0.0e 0.ee 0.e0 c.00 0. 0e e .00 e.e0 0. e0 e.e0 e.tc e.e0 c, c0 e,c0 e ,00 e.c0 e,e0 2.15{ X[ 2.154 l(L 2.154 l(lLle4 xt 1,104 Xr t,+52 Xt t.+52 ](tl.l0{ xL 1.10{ xr 1.{52 Xt 1.1e4 n].lt4 10, 1.{52 l(L 1.104 lil, I .452 )il, i.452 il 1.452 ](L 1..t52 It 1.{52 )il, 120 0.0e 120 0.0e 120 0.0c 120 0.00 120 e.0e 120 0.ee 120 0.0e 120 0.00 120 0.te 120 e.0eLzi 0,0e 120 0.cl 12e e.00rze 0.00 Lzg 0.00tzg 0.0e 120 0.00 120 0,00 120 0,e0 T T 10 i0 I 2 10 10 I 10 10 x 2 i0 1 0 9 l8[ l8 It{ 5 t0 1t tb l5 10 bJ td =:]c T =={J L] E> =Jdo-EItd=tfM g..t lrtF z E clrlg- uta={fEOJ -fJ {E {!} I =EJL {U F t-:lL] Ef fil E {Ucf Ui l n- tr-f LN t- {U f0 = ' 0-- fiBs, ffus','" ['I D I t U r r C I U [ [ [ B I nnfl $FLl m(mnl0[ [tattcr ll0.tt p8t, Beilduah llt,',ll,Srl. t 1126,C0 gpr.lomr 25l.ll gpr. Byeter rcgulresr 85.93 pst. I 6C{.35 gpr. Supply avallrbler 1$5.{2 ptt, Stfdl targln'21.19 pel, lhdtrr vel0clty ln tte syeter ls ll.2e flilllilltl at all nodes 8ailsfled r0 N.ll tmile HGm | . l5 0fffil ll8ltf | " 9l Dlffifl lllffi l, . tr DffRll ltrXC T|J[f il001 I . lS 0B C[068l. flIlffit lll,tl t . €filtlJ,lt C.0ffi Il[F I : {lncludl[g [o8e lllorelcel ft/sec. gpr. PIPI lffi I,TGBTD ll ' lC$l}Ul,t {l ll'$C8tllUil l0 lG'lllfl m[[ t0 : lCllffi LIilml Ci " COPP!8 ilPt I Ci, " C0PPil lnt I Cl = C0PPIB IIPB I Pt . POI-III cP = cPrc SflSr trt ltt I !- .r Flle' l$Dell8,f8E 'lg8' Sprtnller Prograt bJ lPt softflece, Irc. Pru8$UBr tt0rflmr lPsrl toPu Bl,EVlTIoil [-t[Ct0B lrffiTl ccl ccu cc3 ul u2 Bnl 882 c8t c$2 c83ill HI t$ I0{ ilt5 121 12l t22 n5 . tllill rfl mt r$ il5 ttf nt Itl nl tu ilt il2 IE tt5 Ft5l ll? t19ilifil tzl t2tt tz2 ?21 t2l fll Tu Tt3il{ fltilf il, $t Itl fll ?ll nr tl 85.2? 0t.93 8t.88 r0.1{ 16.{t 65,e6 56.08 61.{r 6{.69 5t.36 t5.13 5r ,69 1?.36 ll,t3 tf.t2 27,52 It.{l 15,{2 lt.5? il.?l 13.t9 It.lt t?..11 12.s6 ll .25 ll.l t It.35 ll.ll l3.zr t3.t5 ll.8l u.tl 12.8? r2.82 l{.9f t{.03 13.3? il.t! 12.82 12,71 18.5? l0. tl 16.1f 55.fr 56. t3 t5.$ 56.t3 16.t3 56. t3 56.t3 56. t3 t6.t3 55.f3 56.t3 i. tt c. c0 5i{.35 t.0c |,tt e. cc c.tc e. el f.tt c. tli.il t.tfi.il, t.t0 l. rl t. tl t. tl t.0l t. tl t. ct 19.83 r.fl 21.?3 r. tc 2t ,53 19.{5 18.50 19.5{ t.il e.il 21.tl 19.96 t 9.61t.il 24,11 t.tt 22.ll 21,2t t 9.63 2t.11 2t.13 f.il 2t.91 ?3.10 t. fl c.0l t.tl t.tl l.ll t.0t E, 0t i.f0 N, tt f.0c t. l0 0 t2 l2 l2 .5 IZ.s 1? .5 t?.5 l2 .5 12,5 12.5 21,5 31.5 {t ,5 51.5 6l .5 21.5 21.5 2t.5 2t ,5 21.5 zl ,5 21.5 2l .5 2r.5 21 ,5 21.5 2r .5 2r.5 2r,5 21.5 21.5 tl ( 2t.5 tt t 21 .5 21.5 2r.5 2l .5 21 ,5 2t .5 2r .5 21.5 21.5 21.5 3l .5 31.5 3t.5 31 .5 3l .5 31 .5 3l .5 3l .5 3l .5 31.5 3l .5 s0uRct 5.8 5.0 qn 5.8 5.8 5.8 5,8 5.8 5,8 5.8 5.S 5.8 5.8 5.8 5,0 t.8 5.8 '. i ',' 'i:l fipe, sncte.rrr 'ilt' sprlnner Pr0grsr by tP! 80ftc8re, Inc. page: z P8t$8UBr tmr fl,8lltl0[ K-FlCroR ' ' .'loR {p6rl lGPill (rBE?l 242 2t3 2t4 215 2t6 lal. 218 2fil 2t9 ill ztl 2lll 2r2 ?13 2ll 215 ?16 2t? ?18 ?t9 224 In m?E 8t2t m2 m3 ml It5 m6 BT? li8 Ef9 nf Elt n2 n3 Ell il5 n5 nt EIE [19 [2f [21 921 [?3 izl [25 s26 8?r [2t [?9 8ll 8t2 $t3 56.t3 0,ee55.t3 r.tl 56. ft 0, e0 55,C3 t.tt56.f3 C,0tr5.t3 c.fl56.f3 t.tl56.fi t.tl 55.13. e.0l56.|] t.tf56.t3 f.rr 55. t3 t. ti 56.03 f.Clt6.t3 f,tt 56.e3 e.0f55.t3 t.Cr 56,C3 C.0C56.t3 |,tl 56,t3 t.tl 55.13 t.fl55.t3 t.ll5r.69 t. tl 5r.69 t.tl 5l .69 t. tf 51.69 f.fl 5t ,69 t, tf 51.69 f.f0 51.69 f.tt 51.59 t.fl5t,69 f.ff 51.69 f.0l51,[9 t.ii 51.69 t.0e 5l ,69 t,tlil.69 t.tl5l,69 i.tl!1.59 t.tc 51.69 l.rftt.69 t,t05t.69 l.rl 51.69 r.rl!1.59 t. tl 51.69 r.rl 51.69 t. tl 51.69 t.tlil.69 t,rl 5t .69 0.CC 51.69 t,Ctfl.69 e .ft 51,69 t,Cl 51.69 0.0r ll ,69 t. ttl?.36 C.Ct{r.36 t,ttl?.35 C.00 3l .5 3r,5 31.5 3l ,5 31.5 3l ,5 3l .5 3l .5 3r .5 31 ,5 3l .5 3l.5 3l .5 3l.s 3l .5 3t.5 3l .5 3t.5 3l .5 31.5 3l .5 {1.5 {1.5 1l .5 {l .5 {l ,5 41 .5 {l .5 +1 .5 {t .5 {1.5 {r.t {1.5 {l .5 {1.5 {t .5 {r.5 {t.t 11.5 {1 .5 fl.5 {1 ,5 {1.5 {1.5 {1.5 {l .5 {1 .5 {l .5 {l .5 {l ,5 fi.5 {1.5 5t .5 5l .5 5r.5 m0t .: n888UB[ lt0r{ {P8rl toPill tl.36 C,S0 {?.36 f.C0 1?,36 t.0r {1.36 0.00l?.36 t.t0l?.36 e.e0 {?.36 f,tifi.36 t.0el?.36 t.ttt?.36 t.0e 11.35 t.t0t?.35 t.tl|l.35 t.ft {?.36 f. ecu.36 r.tll?.36 f.tlt?,36 f,;rlt?.35 f.ff{?,t6 t.ll{r,35 t.rcft.36 l.$f?,35 r.tl {?.35 t, tl {1.36 t.teIr.36 |,tl {?.36 e.e0{r,36 t.il {?.36 l.t0 {1, f3 f.tc 13.c3 t.${t.|l t.tlt3.|] t.tt{3.t3 f.tl{3.r3 t.0tt3.t1 Ltlr3.t3 f.t0t3.lt f,tfIt.t3 t.ll{3.$ t.tlt3.t3 f.fl{3.|l t.tt 13. t3 l.tlfi.13 t.tlt3.t3 r.af{l,t3 t. tl{3.t3 r.mt3.t3 t.tl{3.f3 t.Nl{r.13 l. tc{t.$ t.tlt3.$ t.t0t3.f3 0.40t3.fi |.tc65.{l t.ce65.{{ |,t0 ETEVIIIOI| [-IICTOR lrfffl 8t{t 8tl st5 s06 6t? 8t8 $t9 6lf 8lt 812 813 811 8lt 816 81? 818 819 820 s2$ s2t0 821 812 $23 821 s25 6?5 s2? 828 rul flt? il3 flt+ $5 ff6 n0 ft9 ill tlr il2 n3 ft{ flt5 ft5 fl? rflS n9 r2l f2t 122 n9t mIt {55 f$t I 51 .5 51 .5 5r.5 51 .5 5l .5 5r.5 51 .5 51 .5 51 .5 5l .5 5l .5 51.5 51 ,5 51.5 51 .5 5l .5 51 .5 51 .5 51.5 51 .5 5t.5 5t .5 5t.5 5l .5 5l .5 51.5tr t 51.5 6l ,5 61.5 6t.5 6t .5 il.5 61.5 5r ,5 5r .5 6r .5 5l .5 5r .5 61.5 6t .l 61.5 61 .5 6l.5 51 ,5 61 .5 61.5 61 .5 il.5 6t .5 5I.5 6t .5 6r.5 r 2.5 t2.5 t { 5 I t r ll t2 l3 l{ l5 t6$i l?i l8i l8l i 19 t l Sprlnller Prograr bJ FPI 8oftr8rer Inc. EHrftTtol| r-tM?0i lllBll Pqe' { ll,0[ [8prt 55.t| ft.{l 85t+l 65.{l 6r.{l 65.{{ 6t.ff 6t,t{ -SJr{f 8lr{l 65.{{ t["]{ [5.r{ 6t,tftiltl 6t,{{ f5.{1 [t,{{ 0. tl t.tl l.0l r. tl t.m t.tt t.ll 1.il t. fl t.|l 0. tl t.rlt.ll t.Nt t,tl l.lr t.tf t. tr It t t?.5 12.5 I ?.5 l2 .5 12.5 12.5 tL5 12.5 12.5 11.5 12.5 It.5 12.5 It d t ?.5 12.5 It.5 trile! BRIDG8I8.Tffi Bt0Ill IIODB 'I[8' Spr1nL]er Progrsn by FFB 80ftHare, Inc. ---E iF\: -- Page: Pf [8LOCIfl {Psrl (F1/8ECl BQtl ttilGlE IOf t8llcTs FRIClt0ll c-[AtUE Pe(fiEr) IFBETI {P6r/n.l (P$r} cc2 ccl 354.35 +.250 10 G 134 2.65 135.66 0.822 140 -s.20 2.96 7.98cc3 ccz 35{,36 6,15? r0 I 174 39,91 213.91 0,003 140 i,C0 0.56 3.58ccl ul 354.36 4,26A 10 CT 2A 22.eA 42.04 0.029 tzt 5.42 t.21 ?.98ul u2 354.35 E,260 r0 14.t1 0,00 74,11 0,029 120 0,c0 2.n ?.98lJ2 BRI 354.35 4.26A 10 6 0,00 6.00 0.029 120 2,11 0,1i ?.98BRl BRz 354,15 4.25t 10 L! 6 12.00 18,00 0,029 120 0,00 ,11,35 ?.98t N0t8: The Flon D€perdent Pre8sure loss Device ln the preceeding plpe accounts for 10.83 pri of the totsl frlctlol 10Es 'Pf"8fl2 C$l 35{,36 4,26t 10 [ 5 6,Ct 12.89 0,929 tzi -2.11 0,35 ?,98c81 CSz 354.36 4,25e 10 tI 23.15 26,0e 49.?5 0.029 120 0.00 1.13 ?.98cs2 cs3 35{,35 4.26e le t 20 6.0e 26.t5 0,029 120 0,00 t,?5 ?,98c83 l{01 35{.35 4,260 10 15 0,00 15.00 0.029 120 3.90 0.43 ?.98ll02 [0r 0,00 4,260 l0 t? t.00 12.00 0,000 120 c,e0 i,0c c,t0lf03 l{02 0,00 4.26i 10 t2 0,00 12.00 0.0ee 12i s.$a 0.ee 0.00lfc{ llc3 c,er 4.260 te t2 0.r0 12.01 0,c00 t2t 0,e0 t,ic c,c0ile5 ile4 0.00 4.26e 10 t2 e.e0 12,00 0,00e 124 0.00 e.oc e.e0l{ll F27 354,35 2.154 )(t TBG 22 15.t0 38.ee 0.798 t20 0,CC 30.3{ 31,2t121 F25 354,35 2.154 )fl, 3 e.ee 3.e0 e.798 12e S.e0 2.$ 31.20N26 t22 35{,35 1.154 r(! 9 0,CC 9.0C C,798 r2g C,0C 7.r9 31.2C122 Fl6 241.,59 2,15{ til, l0 0,e0 10.6s 0.4e2 t20 0,0e 4.02 21.5{F15 t10 150,62 2,154 l(t l0 e,0t r0.!0 0.185 t20 0,00 i.85 1{,1{F10 Fe3 81,58 2,154 )(l, l0 C.e0 10.00 0,053 tzg 0.00 0.53 7,18ilz Ffl 19,83 Ltc{ l(t I 12 2.0c 14.00 0.100 r20 0,00 r,10 5,65te3 tlz 19.83 1.104 )(t I {.5 5.e0 9.50 0.lee rz0 e.00 c.95 6,65Fl3 F0{ {C,il 1.452 l(t I ?.5 6,0i 13,50 0,095 r20 0.cl 1.30 ?,?5t0{ Fe5 {0.er 1.1e4 x[ .5 0.ce e.50 0.365 ne 0.00 e.18 13.41805 F06 19.46 Ll04 n I r1,5 2,06 r3.5r 0,096 120 0,00 1.30 6,52F09 tre? 18.50 1.1t4 It E 12 2.00 14.00 e,e88 rze a,$0 1.23 6.25109 F08 i9,5{ l,104 Nr ,5 0,00 0,50 e.09? 120 0,00 0,05 6,55lle reg 38.0{ 1.104 )(t I 4.5 s,Ce 9.50 e.333 120 0,0e 3.17 12.75Flc ilr 4t.0c r,{52 t(t I 1.5 5,00 13,50 0,tcl t20 0,00 1,35 7.9tlll r13 21.04 1.1e4 I(L .5 0.0e 0.5e 0.111 120 0.00 0.e5 1.c5Ftl Ftz 19,96 1.1t4 l(t r li.5 2.lC 13.50 0,tCt t20 r.0t 1,35 5.69115 t14 19.51 1.1e1 n I 12 2.gg l{.oe 0.098 120 0.0e 1.38 6.59ll5 FlSt 20.11 1.104 l(t .5 t.t0 0.5e e,leg 120 t,t0 t,05 5.95n6 ll5 40.43 t.104 10, T 1.5 5.0e 9.50 0.3?3 120 0.00 3,54 11.55Fl6 Fl? 43,54 1.452 )(L T 1,5 6,eC 13,50 t,lt3 120 e,ot 1,52 0,4{ll7 ll9 22.34 l.lo{ XL .5 0,0C C.50 0,t24 120 0,00 0.06 7.{9Fl? il8 21.2t 1.1t1 l(t t il,5 z.Ca 13.5t r,n3 lzC 0,t0 r,53 1.1rlzl 12, 19.53 Lt|{ n I 12 2.gA 14.08 0.C98 12e e.e0 1.3] 6.58l2l F2lt 2c.13 r.ill n ,5 0.C! E.5r C.1C8 12r C,CC t.C5 5.95122 121 61.13 1.101 )0, I {.5 5.ee 9.50 9,8C1 120 C.e0 ?,61 20.t9122 Fzl {8.54 t.452 lG I ?.5 5,00 13.50 e,138 rle e.0t 1.87 9,42F23 r25 2{.9{ 1,10{ )(t .5 e.e0 0.50 0,153 Izi e.00 e,e8 8.35l2l Fzt 23,1C t,l0{ lG E il.5 z,ffi 13.50 0,139 120 C,t0 !,87 ?.9{lel n02 0.00 2.635 le TGT r2 25.0e 3?.00 e.e0e 126 s.00 e,e0 0.e0109 llr t.l0 2.535 ic 14,25 t,0t 14.25 0,00c 128 t.r0 e,0t 0.8[110 leg 0.0e 2.154 Xt 4.75 0.Ce 4J5 e.eee n0 0.8e e.e0 e.0e102 fll i.cc 2.t54 l0 4,?5 c.c, {,15 0,c00 lzt $.90 c.ct 0.1[103 Te2 0,00 2.15+ )(t 5.5 0.ee 5.50 e.ee0 12a 0.ee 0,e0 e.c0I01 I0l 0,0e 2,154 t(t I 0.0N 9,[0 0,0c0 tzi e.00 e.0N 0.ltT05 T0{ 0,09 2,154 )(t 1,5 0.00 1.50 0.000 120 0.00 0.00 0.00206 rcs e.00 r,452 t([ t8 6.5? 9,t0 15,57 C,oee t20 0.00 0,00 l.e0205 206 0.00 1.+52 Xt E8 9.5? 5,00 15.5? 0.000 120 e.00 0.00 0.002lt[ I05 0,0e 1,104 [t I 4,25 5,0e 9.25 0,000 120 0,00 0,0c e.0c 211 2114 C,ee 1.104 n .5 e.e0 0,50 0.0e0 12$ 0.e0 e.00 e.00 212 ?ll[ C.C' f.ig{ n I lr,5 z.Qt 13,5e 0.0c0 r25 0.00 e.00 0.ce EIID [0D[ Flofl DIAI{8TER TYPE FITTTIIOS I,EIETE (Gpr{l {ilcmsl tFEErl rile! BRIDGEl6.TBE BEGIII EIIOltoDt ltoDB "Tfl8" DI&I{8T8R TYPE FITTIilES IEI,ICTI(rlrcflEsl tFBErl Ft0r (GPill Sprlnhler Progran by FPB 60ftuare, Inc. Eol/ t8llcf8 Tot LilrGlE SRICTI0|I C-I|ATUB(rBErl {rEErl {P$i/rr, } Pe tPsr I Page: 1 Pf ',BIOCITT{PSll {nisrcl 105 I06 T0l I08 T08 2t2 208[ 203 208 209 210 102 215 ?l{ 211 tc9 zLg 220 Tl0 LI.J sl0 [09 [08 m? [06 802 ga2 [02[ 8028 fl03 t04 805 s06 il2 [13 Bl5 814 8t? 818 [20 !2C [21 822 dt5 824 f,0? [25 x25 828 82,l t29 s09 808 s0,l s06 204 104 106 2Cl TO? T08 2e1 TO? 208[ 208n ?e9 2lt T03 2r 5 ?t6 211 218 2t9 tLt 215 [03 [10 8e9 8t8 [07 u05 Ie1 [02 Ie2A [c2[ fle3 803 ilI 8!5 [12 8t3 il3 Bl5 tl? 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I E ETGl EE E I T T T I T I T I T I l T 8T T T ET Gtt 1 ritr, sntoeng,tss BEGIN EilDN00l il008 '188' rM[ DIAI{ETER TIPE FIITINGS iEIIGTfi {0Pil1 (r|lc88sl (r8B?l Sprlnller Progran by FPB Softrare, inc. Eov mficrH T0T tEilGIE TnICTIoN C-lJAtUt lFrtIl lFIBTl lP$r/Fr.l page: Pe Pf IIB],0CIIY {PSrl lPsrl {FI/sEcl s05 s0{ s0 4[ s02 s03 s01 ol l sl2 s13 ttt: $15 $05 $l{ $17 s0r s24 s22 s25 s08 s2eA $20s E2e s2r 919 st8 s28 Dl0 s2? ttl H55 [c5t rf19 t05 Hl9n r'zc lt18 r0{ flc2 m3 l{09 lfi0 Hl1 I{12 n6 fll4 ||15 t{l 6 lfli fl05[ r{06t rf2l H22 t01 l3 10 s05 $05 s04 s04 $t2 s02 sl0 sll sl I $15 nl / $13 nlJ $15 .$ l5 s23 s23 s23 s25 s08 s20A $2$A s20 82e sl9 sg9 $28 s2B r{05 flo6 t55 HE5A [05[ lt19 til9 [19 $5 lf04 flt? 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Xt 2,154 }(L f. i0{ )(t t.452 l(t 2.635 l0 2 , r54 l(t T t T T E 6 I 0.0e0 120 0.000 120 0,000 r29 a,aaT t20 0,000 128 0.004 tza0.0t0 120 0,000 r2g 0.000 125 0.000 r20 0,000 120 0,000 120 0 ,000 120 0.000 12s 0,000 120 0.000 120 0,000 tza 0.0e0 12e 0,0ce t7,0 0.s00 120 0 ,000 r20 0.000 126 0, e00 tzl 0.009 tzg 0 , 000 128 0,000 128 0.000 120 0,000 126 e,000 120 0,000 120 c.08e 120 0.000 L2g 0, t00 llt 0,000 120 c, 000 120 0.000 120 0,000 tzn 0.0ee 120c.tc0 t2x 0.0e0 124 0.000 r20 0.000 128 0,000 t26 0,000 120 e,0e0 120 0.000 120 0. t00 i20 0,000 tzs 0,000 124 0.000 t200.0t0 120 e.000 tzs 0.000 124 0.090 r20 0,060 tzt 0,0$ 0,00 0 .00 e. eee,oc 0.8c0.00 0.000.00 0,004.00 a,aa0,00 0,000.00 e.000.00 e, c0a.aa 0.000,0c e, c0 0 .00 0.000,00 c,0c0.00 0.000.00 c. ce0.09 0.0e 0 .00 c. cc0.ee 0.00 c, cc t.0c 0 .90 0 ,00 0. 80 c, [0 0.00 0,e0c.oc 0.000.00 e.e00,00 r,0re.e0 e.00c,co 0,000.00 a,ao 0 ,00 c, c0 0 .00 0. e0c,00 l,oc0.0t 0.c0 0. c0 c,lc0.00 0.0e 0 ,00 c. c0 0 ,00 e. 0e0,00 c.!00.90 e.et c. 0t 0.0t g .00 0 .00t.00 0,0c0.0a 0,000,00 8,00s.00 0.00e,00 e, el0.0s 0. cg0.0r 0 ,00e.e0 0.ee0.00 0.!c 0 . 00 e.000.00 0 ,00 0 . 00 0.000.0r 0. ce 0. 00 0.00t,00 0,0e 0.0e 0 .00 0. 00 0.e0 0,00 0.40 0.00 0.e0 0.e0 0,09 c,N0 0.40 0 .00 0.00 0 ,00 e.00 0 .00 s.0e r, c0 0 ,00 0. c0 0.00 0. !0 0.e0 0 .00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0 .0c e.00 0.et 0.ag 0 .0e 0 ,00 0 ,0t 0,00 c,00 0.0e t. t0 0.00 t, 0c 0.00 0,00 0 .00 0, c0 e .00 c.0c e.e0 0.8e 0. 00 e,0e 0.e0 0 .0c 0.00 e.ec B I T t E I T I EE t T tl 8T 8t T I t EI I T T E8T T I T T T :. - ;:;:rdi...;.j_:r-. .:... ! flie! BRIDCE1S.T[[ BIOIll EIID ilODE IIODE Fi0r{ {GPr{l 'T[8" Sprlnhler Progrs[ by FPB Softnare, Inc. DIAI$!8R IIPE IITII|IGS tBl.l0f8 80tt t8ll0l[ I0I tEflGT[ FRICII0Ii C-llAIUE Pe {rilcflBsl (NEET] (IEETI (FEET] [PSi/FI.] {?Sr} Fage: Pf TB[OEIff tPsrl tn/$rcl l5 19 2 t0 tl l6 0.00 t.00 0. 00 0.0t 0. 00 0,00 e.es 0 .00 0.00 i.00 9. C0 [.t0 t.ce 0,tl LCe Ltt 0.90 t ,0c 0.00 2.154 Xt2.t5t xt 2.154 )(tt.l0{ xt 1.10{ Xt t.452 t(t 1t45Z )([ 1,t04 t(t 1.104 )(t 1.452 Xt I .10{ It |.104 l([ 1.{52 nl.l04 [t 1.452 )([ |,452 l(L 1.452 ILl,{52 [t 1.452 I! 17. 8.5 1l i0 I 2 10 l0 h 0.c0 10,r0 0 .00 0.00 0.00 5 .00 6,e0 0.00 0. 00 5,00 0.e0 e ,00 6.ee 0,c0 0,00 6,0c 0.e0 5, C0 0,e0 12.00 18.5i 12.00 l0 .0c i0.0$ 14,00 8. 00 10.08 10 .00 I {.00 10 .00 li.l0 14.eC 2.Ct 1e.00 8, CC 2 .0e 8 ,00 1e, e0 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 c, 0c0 0.000 c.000 0.$0e 0 .000 0.00e 0.000 0. e00 0 .000 e. eee 0,000 0, 00e c, ee0 0, 00e 0 .0e0 0, 000 120 0.e0 120 0.00 120 0.00i20 c,00 I 20 0.00 120 0,0e 120 0.00 120 0 ,00I?0 0.00tzl 0,00t?e e.00tz' t,00 12e 0.0ellt t.e0 120 0.00 120 0,00t2i e.0e t 20 e,00 I2A 0.00 0 . e0 e.000,80 0.ie0.00 e.got.0e 0,ic 0 .00 e ,000,00 t,c0e,eo 0.ec0,00 c, cc0.e0 0,000.00 0.0t0.00 e , e0 0 .0t 0.00 e. e0 0. eci.cc c,cf0,00 e. t00.0t 0. c0e.00 c,eet,c0 0,000.00 e.e0 3 { 8 9 le 18 l? 15 6 ti 12 l5 l4 I T x I 181 l8 1? I 5ll ll l6 tl 10 10 U 7 1e 2 z 2 i0 lrJ LJ =]cr ==(J L} g)-ZJ{EgECLtd=€t,] Erf. t:J LIF H g Lrt ra trt{fEr:l cltr]JJ {E {.5 I EJL TIJ F Lf r-j| -n f f$ E 0JD rla :I -{tr- fi-f r_n L tU .t-, ru = 7ND Fzqc. sy0RAUttc suilil[nI TATER $UPPIY ilIOilIflIION $teilc: lc8,cl p81. Sesldual: 103.0e psl. 0 1125.0e gpn, [ose:. 250,Ci gpt. $yster requlresr 94.32 pst. € 6i5.55 gpn. (lncludhg Hose Altorancel $upply avallable: lC5.l5 ps1. $afety llargllrr 11,13 ps1, Harlrul velocltl ln the syster ls 32.99 ft/Eec. Contlnultl st all nodes sallsfled t0 e.01 gpN. trnt$c [rcHD F = {l Dl0[8] ELBOtl I - 9l DEGRIE B[B0l [ " 9l DlGilt [0110 tllRll tl,80t I = Ttl 08 CR08$ B " Stlfftllll lllltE G . GAtl t[LW C . CE8CI ntl|r [0ll8r PIPE TTPT I,IGIIID 4r - SClSDUrr 10 te = 8c[[Duu le ru, = fxllr Htil, lD = AClUll DlllllTm c( = c0PFtR frPs K ct = coFPm Tnt L Cl{ = C0FPER TIPI ll Pt = Poz-mc cP . cPt'c t i', ' Fllr' sllD0tt$.?il 'T[8' $prtnkler Prograr by tp8 goftrare, Inc. ) Pffi8uffi ffSt ttBllTlolr fi-ncmBmoi [P$l leml lr8ffl Page: ccr l{.{{ t,rtccz 93.te e.0ecc3 9{.32 515.55ul 8?.33 t.t0l,? 0t,32 t.rlEBr 01.92 r.008[2 '1.{l l.rlc8t ?1.t9 e,ltc$2 il.f8 t,t0c83 69.t3 t.0emr [{.52 t.fiiltz 59.?t t.fllti3 55.31 |,ilt0{ 5l.l{ t.ttilt5 {s.?t t.iitzt 6t,52 l.f0r?6 6{.52 t.tllz2 61.!2 f.rlfl6 6t.it t.crn0 6{.52 t.tlill 61.52 t.tlr02 6t.52 t.cell3 5{.52 f.ttrel fi.s? t.ftrl 6t.5t t.lf105 6{.5t t.tcll? 6{.52 l,ttl|8 61.5? f.tttt9 tl.t? t.tinl 5f .tt t.lln3 6f ,!? r.rrlr2 6f.52 t.rrlr{ ft.52 r.llr15 Ef.5? r.rrlr5r 5f.12 t.rlnr 6t.t? l.lfn9 6{.5? r.|lFt8 ft.5? t,totza 6{.t2 l.flI2l 6{.5? N.0er2l[ 6t.5t t.ttr23 5{,5? t.tlF?5 5r.52 t.tt121 fr.5? t.ceflt {{,lr t,ilL2 3r.9t 0.etIt3 28.03 t, ttfir 26.il C.CCTt5 ?6.!? t.0c?06 16.65 t.e0Il? lt ,59 ,. cltf9 38.19 t.e0ilt 33.99 t.l0TCo S.l5 o.ee I t2L2 S0URCE t2.5 It I l7 .5 l?.5 1t q 12 .5 12. 5 2l .5 Jl.l {l.t 51.5 5r.5 2t .5 2t .5 tr t ,t t 2l .5 2l ,5 tl q 2l .5 tr I 2r.5 el.5 2l .5 2l .5 2r.5 2l .5 zl .5 2r.5 lLl 2t .5 ?1.5 2t.t 2t .5 2r .5 2t.5,t ( 2t.5 21.5 2l .5 lt.t 31.5 il.5 3t,5 31 .5 ( 3l .5 31.5 3l .5 3r,5 11 [ llle! BUDCllS.lm 'Tffi" $prlntler Progril by lp[ goftrare, inc.Page: PISSSUIE t[0t[0Dt (P6r] (GPil 8tE[[tlo]t [-tm10[ {ruml 2r2 2u 2e4 205 206 zQl 258 u t9t 2t9 2lt 2tl 2t 1t 2t2 2lt 2t4 215' 215 2tl 210 219 221 ff1 sc2B fl02[ Ic2 Ii3 lc{ [85 [86 It? 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EQII t8ilGf[ T01 Lm0lfl PRr0rr0lt c-lntut pe (runl tFtETl (P8I/m.l (Pstl Page: 1 Pf TEI,()CTil tPsrl {ff/6xcl BSCIrl il00[ Blr0 Fl,otflroDB (ePill 106 f0{ Ie6 t00 TE? 1t8 208t ft? 2e8t 2t9 2le It2 103 lll zt1 It9 219 219 TlC ttq il0 Ic9 [08 807 [06 st2 m2 If2[ m2t fl[3 Iel 8t5 896 812 il3 It5 fll{ il? il8 [21 [2e E2l 122 [23 s2l [il u26 s25 [28 02? [29 sc9 Et8 $0? st6 2t{. f05 IE? 201 Tt8 2t2 291 293 2e8 2r8t 2C9 all 215 214 216 211 218 22t ?t9 213 [t3 8tl gN9 8t8 BT? 8f6 8ft 8t2 Ic2A Ic2[ [03 il3 ill 8t6 st2 813 sl3 n6 EI?ilt 819 [?t [2t gz2 t22 [21 ge7 [26 s25 828 [28 l{0{ se9 $08 60? 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I.JJ 5,25 Ltr I4 3,5 10 ,00 0 .00 5,00 5,00 5,r0 2,e0 2,t0 5.e0 r.00 2,90 5,t0 5,00 5 .0e 2.ea 5.CC 5.ee 2,re {. 00 5 ,00 5.e0 7,C0 0. ce ?,c0 a.40 ?,0c 5 ,00 5,Ce 2.tg Lt0 0.00 6. t0 0.00 5 .00 5.e0 t, 00 4.00 r, 0l e,ee 0,c0 e .00 5,00 5 .00 5,00 5,e0 0, cc 5.e0 c .00 5 ,00 15,00 0,00 0.t0 5,0$ 0, 0c e,00 r0,00 11 .25 5 .33 5,00 16.25 6.05 rt.t7 l{.!0 6.50 11.25 14.5 0 5,50 10.3 3 5.5t 14.50 5.5t 1.ts 6.0e 15.25 5. te 13.83 t3.42 1e.25 t5.{2 2.09 2t,00 8.25 5,83 9.90 lJ.,l 2.25 1l.l? 5.?5 10,00 5 .33 2.61 12.57 r .83 4.33 4.At 10.00 i,00 ). JJ 13,Ct 15.00 10.00 1 ,04 0 .33 13.00 21 .11 1 .33 6 .25 7.59 5,1? 1{.00 13,50 c,000 0,000 0.000 0,094 0 ,000 0 .000 t. t0l 0.0e0 0. 00e 0.000 t,000 0, 000 e.00t 0. eee c. c0t 0.000 t.00, 0.0ee 0, 000 e.0e0 0 .0ec 0.00e i ,0e0 g,0$e 0,000 0 .00e 0, c00 0.0e0 c .00c 0 .00e t, 0c0 0,000 0, 000 e,0ee e,00, e. c00 0. t00 0.0e0 0 ,000 e, e00 0 ,0t0 e. 000 t,0[0 0.0ec 0,e0! e. eeo 0 ,000 0, 000 0 ,000 0. 000 c.0ee 0 .000 0,000 0 .000 0,000 t.ee 0 .0e 0,0e 0.0e 0. t0 e .00 0. cl 0.00 0.0e e.c0 0.0t 0.ee c.0c e .00 0 ,0c 0. ec 0.0r e.$0 0 .00 0.e0 0 .0c c.00 | .00 0.00 0 .00 e.00 c,e0 c.0e f.c0 e.0e t, tr 0.0c c, 00 0.00 t, t0 t.fc l. tt e .0t 0.0i e .0e c, [0 e,ce c. tl 0.t0 0.ff e ,00 r ,00 e .00 0 ,00 e,e0 0.ee c.ee |.C0 0.00 0 ,0c 0. 00 0.0e e.00 0.00 c,00 0 .00 0,c0 e .00 0. i0 e .00 e,c0 e .00 LCe e.m c.0l 0.ee 0.00 e.e0 0.0e e.0e 0,$0 e.e0 0 .0e e.e0 0,ec 0. 00 t,ee 0.00 t.e0 0. ee t,c0 0.0e LC0 e.0e c,t0 e.0e t. tl t.et 0,c0 0.e0 t.00 0.00 c. N0 e.e0 0, i0 0.e0 e.00 0 .00 0.00 0.e0 0,0$ e.0e i .0c a.a0 0 ,00 2,151 lC 1.10{ nl.t8{ XL 1.i04 )il, l.lt4 )(t i .104 ){[l.tc4 rt 1 .104 )(Ll,lt4 l(t 1.104 n r.104 t(l 1.104 XLr.t04 lff 1.101 ]{[l.tt4 t([ I .101 ){[Llt{ tfi, I . 104 )il,l,lt{ ttt 1.t52 ){[ t, t04 r[ 1 . 104 10, r,r04 t0 1.1e4 IL L104 l(t t.+52 )G l.1C4 )(t 1.1e4 )G 2.151 l0 1.t52 )([ l.[SZ )(t 1.1$4 t6 L 104 til,l.t0{ )fi, r, rt4 l{tl.l0{ nl.{52 l{t L4s2 l(I, 1 .452 r(t 1.104 l(tl,rt4 )(],l.le4 xt, 1.104 til, 1.452 10', 1,104 lGr.l0{ n 1 ,104 l(tLt04 n 1,58? Il I .587 )(t 2 . 154 t(L L10{ )([ L{52 l(t 2.635 t0 2,15{ |(t 1 I T t E E I t20 0.00lZA 0.00 120 0.00 124 0.00lzt I .00 120 0. e0lze 0, 0! 120 0.00tz, 0.00 120 0.00 t2$ 0.01 120 0.e0tzt 0.0crza e.eerzc 0.ct 120 0.e0t?,t 0 .0t 1?0 0.0st20 0.00 120 e.cer20 c,c0tza e.oetla t.ttt20 0.0e 120 t,00 120 0.e0 12A 0,00r2g 0.ee r20 t.tct20 0.00 120 C.t0 120 0.0c12t C.t0r20 0.00tzg t. t0rz0 e.00tzt t.tf 120 e,ttt20 0,tNtzg g,$a r20 e.c0 12e 0.0elz0 c.t0 120 e.e0tzc 0.t0 124 0,e0 120 0,00 12A 0.04 120 0.00 12A 0,00 120 0.00tzt 0.e0 r20 t.00 120 0. e$ 120 $,00 E I t I l I T E EI I T It TT 8I n I E EB T t T 8tI T I T I T flle, B[IllcEt$.TtB 'lXB' Sprlntler Progrsr by FPE $oftrare, Inc. tot ffitGIs I01 [Elr0T[ FRrcIIolr c-ntuE trtsTl lllETl (PsI/FT.l Peger 9 Pf TIIOCIff (P8rl lrT/5[c] Blolil ffO lr0Dx ltoDt no|l DlilfiT[a TIpS FIITiltCS rBtot[ (cPu tncEBsl tFxBl) Pe {P8i I 1Z 8.5 12 1Cll I ll 1e I 1l t0 8 I ll 2 2,L 1l I T f ? 0 9 l8l u 1? I( It ll t6 t5 tt l6 10 aL 1 { 4 I 9 lf 18 It t5 5 b 1l tz l5 1{ le l3 l5 I a 3 5 c.c0 t.t0 e,00 0.tl e.te t,tl c.00 t.tc c.0c t.lc c.0r t.cl e,el l.il t.e0 t. tt l.te l. tl e.ct 2.154 ltt 2,154 t(L 2.t54 tGl.lt{ t(t 1.10t )fl, 1.{52 tl 1,{52 )(tl.lt4 tG I .le 4 }(t',l.{52 tfl, 1.1e4 ff,Lt0r lfi, 1.452 tttr.lf{ Iil, 1.{52 ru t,+52 t([ l.{52 )ttl.{52 t(I,l.{52 llt 0.00 11.00 0,00 t. t0 0.e0 6.lN 6, e0 t. tc c.0e 5,Ct c.0e t.lc 6. te t.tt e.m 5.|l t. ie 5,t0 e.Ne 12,00 t 8,5C 12,00 ll,NC 10.00 14. cl 8.0e 10. cc le.ee i4,ct 1$. ee 1t.m i4. ce 2,Ct le.ee 8.il 2.0c 8. tl 1C.00 e.e0 0.ft 4,00 t.t0 e.e0 t. t0 e .00 r. tl e.ce 0.ft c.m t.tc e.ec t. tN e.0e t.tl 0. c0 f.fl 9.C0 c.000 Izg 0,c00 lzt e.00e 120t.tm l2c 9.0c0 12ef.t0t Lzl 0.e0e n0t,t0t l2r 0.e00 Lzs |, ctc r 2l e.eoe . l2et.tii tzt,.mt 12st.til. r20 c.0e0 n0f.mt r2r e,cce rzei.il0 lzc e .0e0 ne 0, e0 e. c0c.0l l.cte.0e 0. e0 t, tt |.lce.cc c.eet.il l.tle.e0 0.0ct.m l.flc.cc e.c0t.fl l.lt 0,ee . e.ce l.lf f.llt.ct t.t0t.ff t.tft.cc t.fll.ll l.fle.il c,t0f.|| t.lft.0r t.te Ll lJ rIg ==f-} Ll E} =J{E0taLr=tf rr) IU LfL] E tr f{t E IU t3 ul > ] -ltr- E-f ff) L 0l +ri rB = Ff'l a.{I} lrJF ==ErLIa fftgzcloOJJ{rt9 I 3 JL 3* Ft-'otzIIDnAUi,IC $Ulil{[nI IAIBN SUPPLT IXIOffiITIOII Statle: leB.0f psl. Rerldurl: lc3.ct p8l. t ll25.0l gpr. lo!e: 250.00 w. Syrter regutrear 79.22 pst, | 6e6.{4 gpl. Supply avarlable: lC6,ll psl. ( lncludlng fiose A]lorsncel Safety larglnc 2?,19 psl. lailnur vel0clty h the syster 18 2{.?3 ft/Bec. Cortlmlty at all mdes satlsfled t0 0.el gpl. IINITG I.rcIM l.15 DEGtll l[HlI I - 9l DEGBII B[B0f [ . 9C DEGBIB L0X0 $m il,ml T - TXE 0[ CROES B . BUllElllY 9l[V[ 0 : Glll BWI C - CBBCI 9ll,IE ll0ll8r PIPX TYPE TXGTXD {e = $CIEDULE {l ie = 8C[EDU],B le n, = rmfl flllt lD = lCfltt Dlllfitm Cf, = C0PPER IIPI I Ct = C0PPH IIPI t Cll = C0PPEB IIPB lt Pt = P0z-tm cP = cPl'c ,.#e"? &-#-s..= : Filsr BBiDCBtS.$t 'TBr', Sprlnller Progril by FP8 Softrare, Inc,Page: 1 lr0Dt PHTSUru trcrlrHl (0Ht EtBVIII0t [-rlcT0R lFrBll ccl 8f.?6 t.0lccz ?8.55 t.Ctcc3 19.22 6f6.t{ul 11.t2 t.tfu? 11.95 t.flBBI 69.61 f.flsB2 58.16 r.0lcsl 6t.t8 f.tlct2 58.63 t.toc83 51.8? t.tlilfi 53.53 r.i0mz f0.85 t,flm3 t{.ll t,llr{t4 39.83 t.ilru5 35.5r f.tlt27 53.53 g.tl 126 53.53 r.llF22 53.53 N,mt16 53.53 t.mll| 53.53 t,fltel t3.53 f.ttFe? t3.53 l.ffra3 53.53 f.fltc{ 53.53 f,t0105 , 53.53 t.lC116 53.t3 t.llt0? 93.t3 l.mn8 53"53 t.rm9 53.53 t.CCnr t3.53 t.|ln3 53.51 r.ttn2 53.53 f .fln{ 53.$3 t.tlt15 53.53 r.tln5[ t3.t3 f .lltl? 53.53 t.lln9 53.53 r.tlFro 53,13 l.mruc 53.53 l.tCr2l 53.13 r,cft2ll t3.53 r.rlr23 53.53 r.tlt?5 13.53 r.Netzt 53.53 e.mt01 {8.85 e.0eTfz t8.85 r.flT03 t8,S5 C.0iTt{ '18.85 r.ClTe5 {8.05 0,00tf6 18.85 l.rfTtl {8.85 C.l0109 18.85 l.l0nc {8.83 l.lt ra8 i lg.s5 CI.ee2t1 t8.81 f.tl I l2 1,|TL 12.5 r2.5 l?.5 l?.5 12.5 12.5 12. t 21 .5 31.5 fl.5 5r.5 51 .5 21 .5 2l .5 It.l 2l .5 21.5 ?l .5 21.5 2l .5 Jl t 21 .5 ?1.5 ?l .5 ?t .5 21.5 21.5 21.5 2r.5 21.5 21.5 2t .5 2l .5tr t 21.5 ?i,5 2r.5 21.5 ?l ( 2l.5 31 .5 3l .5 31 .5 3r .5 3r .5 JI.5 31 ,5 3l .5 3l.5 31.5 3r.5 80uncE i FllB! BuI}Cfls.?El PXtstUBt[|0DB tP6Il 2r2 {8.852r3 48.85zv {8.852r5 {0.852t6 {0.852e1 {8,85248 {8.85208t {8.852r9 {8.8t2te {8.852lt {8.85?l1t {8.852t2 {8.t5?13 {0,852l{ ft,85215 48,85216 {8.052r1 {8.052r8 t0.0!2r9 +0.85tzl {8,858n 21.61sezB lt.rgm2[ 16.6{lez 22.96[03 t 2 .51s0{ 11.91st5 t2.51[e5 $.55ll? 25.6tte8 3?.56[t9 3!.96Ele 31.62sll 2t.25u2 ll.Nglt3 lt.llm{ t1.?1H5 I2.t5116 lt.trm? ll.7l[18 tf.t?n9 12.?9[20 13.{5E2i 19.58922 t5.tlt23 15.31[2{ l{.28[25 22.t2126 23.05u? 16.89[28 l?.?3ltg I $,u$u 39.838t? 39,83 8f3 , - ?$;03 31.5 J-t .l 3l .5 3l .5 3l .5 31 .5 31 .5 lt { 31 .5 31.5 31.5 3l .5tr t 31.5 3l .5 31.5 3l ,5 JI.] {1.5 5.8{1.5 5.8 4t .5 {l.s41.5 5,841.5 s.8 {l .5 {l .5 {l .5 {1 ,5 {r.t 4l ,5 {t .5 5.8 {1.5 5,8 {1.541.5 5.841.5 5.8{1,5 5,8 {1 .5{1.5 5.8 4l .5 5.8 {r .5 {1.5 11 .5 41 .5 '5,8 41,5 5,8{1.5 5,8 {l.s{t.s 5,8 fl.5{l.s 5.8 51.5 t1, j 51.5 'flt' Sprlntier Progran by IPB softrare, Inc. tl(ll B[8lllTloll fi-Flcmn tcPtrt liEBTl Page: f.fl 0. tc f.0f f.fc f.ll c.8t l.rl 0.0r l. fl 0.tl t. rt c, rt l.lr |.tl c.rl l.ec l.rl t.rt l.ll r.tl t.ll x6.3t 23.f5 |.tc N.al ?t.52 2r.fl t. tl f.$ f.tf l.ral.lt l.lc 25.11 ?3,98 l.fl 19.05 zl.{6 18.58 f.fl 18.5e 2e. 15 t. tl f.tl l.rl 22.69 zt.92 21.28 0.l0 23.83 e.il 22.68 t. fl 0. e0 l.cl i File: BRIDGEI$.IIE 'UB' Sprlntler Progru by lP[ Softrsre, Inc.Pager 3 P[E88UR[ FIOIIiloDE (P8rl IGPrU BIETATIOII [.FACTOR IrErTl s0{A s0{ 8e5 se5 s01 st8 st9 81e $11 812 $13 $1{ $r5 $16 81? 810 $19 s2f s2cl $2eE s21 81? $23 $24 s25 825 s27 $28 rer fle2 He3 flet Ie5 r06 rt8 fs9 ltl0 fllI 112 ltl3 t{l{ il5 Il5 HI? n8 n9 Y20 t?l YlZ i{l9A flo64 x55 le5[ 1 z 39,83 r. CC 39.83 t.t0 39.t3 t.tt 39.03 t.t0 39.83 r.rl 39.83 l.rr 39.83 r.rl 39.83 f.rl 39,83 l.ll 39,83 f.0t 39.83 r,OC 39.83 t.le 39.83 l.ff 39.83 l.ll 39.83 r.0l 39.03 l.0l 39.83 t.fl 39,83 Lel 39.t3 f,rr 39.83 r,fC 39.83 t,Oe 39.83 r.m 39.83 l.rl 39.83 t.t0 19.83 t.tc 39.83 t.m 39.83 t.rr 39.83 t.tl35.5t r.rc 35.5e t.m 35.50 t.fl 35.50 t.rr 35:5r f.tl35.5t t.Ce 35.5f f.tl35.5t t.tl 35.50 t.fl35.5t f.tl 35.5C t.tl 35.5e 0.0e 35.5e e.oc 35.5e C.oe 35.5e e.0e 35.5e t.il 35.50 r.m 35,5r t.0e 35.50 0.0c 35.50 0.e0 35,5e 0.00 35,50 e.e0 35.50 e.e0 35.5q r.eo 35.50 1,00 58.63 l.0e 58,53 l.l0 51 .5 5l .5 tl.l 5r .5 51 ,5 5t .5 51 .5 It .l 51 .5 5r.5 5l .5 51 .5 5r .5 5l .5 5l .5 51 .5 51,5 51 .5 5l .5 51.5 tl ( 51 .5 5l .5 t1 ( 5t .5 51 .5 61.5 61.5 61.5 51.5 61.5 5l .5[r q 61.5 61.5 6l .5 6l.5 61.5 61 .5 6l .5 61.5 51 .5 5l .5 61 .5 51 .5 0t.l 61 ,5 br .l bI. ) 12.5 12.5 Iilr !ffDcft8.tflX n0D! tilYtll0n K-tlcT0R (n311 'Tffi' $prinller Prograr by FPI 80ftrare, Inc.Pagr { tmt lcnl 5 0 ? I 19 I 0,tl t.tt t.rl t.fl t.fft.ll t.tr t. tl l, il t.|l t.tl t.ti t.ttl.st.ll |.tl t.t0 t.$ 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 I t.5 I1.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 I ?.5 I t.5 12.5 l ?.5 12.5 12.5 11 T2 l3 l{ l5 t6 17lgr l8t i:ii: ",:: I .. (. trI]E: BRIDCB1$.TIE BECIII SIID NODB IIODE "TBI" Sprlnkier Progran hy trPB Softrare, Inc. F[or DIAI{ETER TyPE FITTII.IG$ LEI{GTE Eo'J tilGTE I0T lmcTfl tRICTroll C-ttALU8 pe lsPl{l {rilcnr$) lFsBr} {FEErl (FEBTI lpsr/rT.I lp$rl Page: Pf ltEl.,0clTy {PSr | (rr/$Ec ) ccz cc1 356.44 {.260 10 c 134 2,65 136.55 9,022 i40 -5.2i 2.99 8.92cc3 cc2 356.t4 5.357 t0 T 114 39,91 213.91 0.903 140 A,Ag 0.5? 3,69cci ui 355.{4 4.260 l0 cI 20 22,00 42.00 0.029 120 5.42 1.22 8.e2u1 u2 355.44 4,26e l0 14.11 e.e0 ?4.1? 0.029 t'.g 0.00 2,16 8.e2u2 BRI 356.44 4.260 lc 5 e.e0 6.00 0.029 ne 2.11 0.1i LgzBRI Bnz 356.44 4.261 te It 5 12,09 18.90 0.029 120 0.00 , i1.35 8.92 ' ll0Tl: The Flor Dependent Pressure L08s D€vice 1n the preceedlng pipe sccounts ior 10,83 pst of the total trlctton loss 'pf' BR2csl cs2c$2 cs3c$3 ilelilel ile2[e2 ile3il04 ile3ue5 ilt{N21 ilelF26 t21F22 F26Fl6 t22Fle il6Nor FloF02 toiF03 W2F04 F03P05 r04F05 r05F09 r07F08 r09F10 F09Flt Fler13 FllFl2 FllPl5 Fl{il5l n5Fl6 n5FI? FI5 Fl9 Fllr18 nlF21 tzgF21A F21N22 F21F23 F22F25 N23124 t23Te1 il02Te9 t01 Tl e T09rsz Tl0T03 T02r04 T03T05 T04206 T05205 Ze6211[ 105 356.44 t.26A le r 356.44 4.260 l0 tT 356.4t 4,260 l0 t 355.44 +,250 i0 355.4{ {,25e l0 355.4{ 1. 250 10 0. ce {. 26e 100.0e {.260 100.00 2.154 XL l[G 0, 00 2 .154 xt0,00 2.154 l([0,ee 2.154 xt0,00 2.t5+ )(t0.00 1..154 til,9.00 1.104 ){t, t0.00 1 104 xt T0.00 1.452 )(t t0.e0 1.104 ne.00 1,10{ )00.00 1.104 )(te.ee 1,10{ )(t0.0e 1,10{ no.ee 1.{52 )(l',0.00 1,10{ )(I0.e0 I,104 xL6.00 1.104 xt0.00 Ll04 )(te.0g 1.104 tfi,e.00 1.452 [t0,00 1.104 x! 5.00 tz.gg 26.e9 49.?s5,0e 26.900.00 15 . 000.c0 12.a00.0e 12.a00.0e r 2 .000.0e 12 .00 15 . e0 38 .000.00 3.00e.00 9,00 0. 00 10,00 e. g0 10.00e.00 10.002.04 14.005.00 9.505.00 13,500.00 0,5e2,40 13.502.90 14,000.00 0 . 505,00 9, 505,0e 13 ,50e,00 0.5e2,40 13,50z.Ae 14.000.00 0 . 50 5 .00 9. 505.9e 13.50a.aa 0,502,AA 13.502.00 14,000.00 0,50 5. 00 9. 506,00 13.500,00 e.50z.oa 13.50 25.00 3i.000.00 t4.250.00 +.150,00 4.i50,00 5 . s00.00 9,000,00 1,509.00 15.5i5.00 15.6?5.00 9.250,00 0.502.40 13.50 2Il 2r2 211[ 2ll I 6 23 .15 2A I] LL t2 IL t2 z2 3 I 10 10 10 12 1,5 1.5 .5 1i .5 t2 4.5 ?,5 .5 11 .5 I2 { tt \ 11,5 1Z 4,5 ?.5 { li.5 ll 14. 25 4.?5 {.?5 5,5 9 t5 0.0, ).0/ 4. 25 .l 11 .5 Lfi40 0 .000 0. 000 0. 000 1 .45 0.?5 0. {{ 0.35 0. 35 e.ec 0.e0 0 .0c 0.09 0. gc 0.0e 0.0e 0 ,0e 0.0e 0.09 0. c0 0. 0c 0 .00 0.00 0.0s 0,00 0.e0 0.00 0 ,0e 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.04 0. 00 0.00 0. 0g 0.09 0. 00 0 ,00 0.0e 0.0e 0.0e 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 9.00 0.00 0.04 e.00 0.00 g.g0 g.06 8.02 8.02 8.02 8 A2 8,52 8.02 a,0s 0, 0e 0.00 e,e0 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 e .0e 0 .00 0.0e 0,0e a,a0 0.00 0,00 0. 00 e,00 0. 00 0.e0 0.ee 0.e0 0 .00 0" 00 e .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0,00 0 ,00 e,0e e ,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,ag 0. 00 0, 0g 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 i.029 120 -2,11 0.35 0.929 t20 a.a$g.$29 120 0.00 0.029 120 3.90 0.029 12A 4.t3 0 .029 120 { , 33 0.0e0 120 0.e0 0,0e0 ln 0.00 9.000 lza 0.00 0,$e0 t20 0.00 4.004 t20 0.00 0.e00 120 0.00 0.000 120 0,a0 9.000 120 0.00 0.000 tz0 0.00 0.000 t2a 0.00 0.000 t20 e.e0 0,000 t20 0.00 0,e00 120 0.00 0.e00 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 129 0.05 0,000 12a 0.00 0,000 120 0,00 0.000 124 0.04 0.000 124 0.64 0.000 rza 0.00 0.000 12s 0,00 0.0e0 rls 0,00 0,000 120 9.00 0,000 t20 0,0e 0.000 120 0.00a,a|a tza 0.00 0,000 t20 0.000,000 120 0.00 0.00e 120 0.00a.e|g 120 0,00 0.000 |za 0.00 0. eoe 120 0.00 0,000 l2g a.aa 0.000 120 0,04 0.000 120 0.08 0.000 120 0.00 0 ,000 tzfi 0 .00 g ,648 120 0 ,00 0,00 Ll04 l(t E0,00 Ll04 l(I, E0.00 l.le4 xt E B T T T T T T B tul IE BE T 0, 00 I .104 tt0,00 1.452 )(t0,00 1.104 xL0,00 1.104 n e . e0 2.635 l0e.00 2.635 t00.00 2.154 )(t0.00 2.154 Xt0.00 2,154 Xt0.00 2.154 Xt0.00 2.154 It0.00 i.{52 tfi,0.00 1.452 Xt0.ee 1.10{ n0.ee 1.104 )G0.0e 1.10{ )G 120 0.90tz0 0,00 120 0 .00 120 0.00 FiIEI DRIDGEI$.IgB "lEE" Sprinller Program by IPB Softt{are, Inc. DIAI{BIER IIPE lllTIllCS llllGTE EQt/ I[ilCTl l0T [Ell0l[ F[lCTI0ll C-llAtUB Pe {INC[8S] lFErTl (FEBT] lrB8f] (pSr/FT.l (psrl BEGIIT mD rmfl lroDB iloDt (GPH) Page : Pf v8l,0ctTy (PSi) (FT/SECI t05 Ie6 T0'l I08 108 202 2084 253 208 2e9 218 t02 215 214. 211 t09 219 220 T10 213 tt03 s10 ES9 [08 H0.i fi06 fll2 802 fi02t fle2[ [03 805 [06 fl06 m2 813 t13 NI? il? t2e E2g nLl fr21 822 t22 [07 n0? [25 [25 H28 828 s09 s08 60? 806 204 Te{ 106 201 m'l T08 211 TE? 2t8t 2e8l 2t9 zrg t03 215 216 211 218 219 219 ?15 81$ 8C9 Ee8 8e? [85 802 [0r s02[ BE2B s03 8e{ s03 sil [12 [13 n5 il{ tl6 ll8 n? il9 azs EzI [23 824 [21 [25 [25 [28 [2? [29 ile{ 809 s08 601 T ? E I T E E I T I BIT T I E TTGT EE E T T T E T T T ! T T T T t T ET T T T DI Glt T 2.15 3,5 l0 10,33 5,33 2 .13 d 2.15 .81 10 l1 4.25 I I 23.r? 10. 5 {,25 11 .5 ii 11,25 11 9 9. 33 12 2.33 1.+2 i1 1 IL i4.83 2 .33 1l .33 i1 6 I 3 ,6? I 3.5 5.83 1 1.92 5 2.25 .1? l1 I tt 10.6 t 8 8.5 d 5,e0 5 .00 0,09 2.Ag 0. 00 e .00 e .00 2.t0 5.ee 2.Ag 2.Ag 5 .00 5 .00 5.00 0 .00 9. 00 0.00 5 .0e 5 ,00 2,00 38.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.00 0 .00 2,04 5 ,00 5 ,00 0 ,00 5.e0 2.50 5.00 5 ,00 0.00 5 .00 2.90 0.00 5 ,00 5,00 5.00 5,00 2.00 5.00 ? ,00 6.00 0.10 5 ,00 0.00 5.00 1.90 ? .00 10.00 0.00 0,00 ?,?5 8.50 10.00 .tl,.JJ 5 .33 2.33 8.00 4.?5 5 .83 12.90 i3.e0 8.50 9. ?5 6 .0e 8.00 32.11 1C.5C 5 .50 9, 25 13,50 51 ,00 5,50 1i.25 23,e0 9.ee 9.33 14,00 6.42 11.00 5 .0e 11.00 19.83 I.JJ 11.00 5 .33 13.00 5 .00 6 .00 I .5'r 5.00 I .50 l .83 6.e9 14 .92 11 ,00 2.25 5.1? 11 .00 5.00 19.80 t1 .61 18 .00 8.50 8. 00 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0 .090 0.000 0 .0e0 0.0t0 0.0e0 0 .0e0 0, 000 0,000 0.000 0.0e0 0 .0e0 0.0e0 e .000 e.000 e ,000 0,10? 0.302 0.302 0.302 0.229 0.063 e .169 0,862 0.132 0,315 g.142 0.000 0,166 0 ,880 0,3?l 0,106 0.100 e.088 e, e88 0.317 0.109 9.121 0.448 0,128 0,120 0. 548 1.135 0.i80 0,484 0. i40 0. 128 0. 000 0.ggg 0.000 0, 000 e.0e 1.r040,00 1.104 0 ,00 I .1040,04 l.1040,00 1.1040.0c 1,104e.00 l. i0{e.ec 1.104e,e0 1.1040,00 1 ,10{e,00 1 .10{ e, ee 1 ,10{e,00 1,10{e,00 1.10{0,00 1.104e.0c 1.10{0.ee 1.10{e.ee 1.10{ e. e0 1.10{0.00 i . 104 356,44 3 . 260 356,{4 2.635 356.14 2.535 356.{4 2.635 r8e. 29 2. 154 89.9e 2.154 26.32 1.104 63,58 1.10{ 23.e5 1.10{{0.53 1 . 104 2e,01 1.104 c. c0 1.104 26,10 1.1e4 54, 29 1 .1e4 {e,31 1 .1$4 2e,{5 1.104 19,85 1.104 18,50 1.104 18,50 l.104 3?.e0 1.1e4 20,15 1.1045?.?5 1.1044{.51 i . 104 22.69 1.10{ 21,92 r.1s4 10?.35 1.452 73,'t9 1.104 21 .28 l.l04{6.52 1.104 23,83 1.104 22.68 1.104e.eo 2.154 0 .00 2 .15{0.00 2.1540.00 2.154 120 0.00 126 0.00 120 0.00 120 0,00 tz1 0,00 120 0.00 120 0.00 124 0.00 120 0.00 129 0.00 120 0.00 120 0.e0 120 0.04 120 0.00 12c 0.00 120 0.09 120 0.s0 124 0.00 120 0.00lZA 0,00 120 0.00 120 0.00 124 0.00 129 0.00 129 0.00 I2g 0.00 t20 0.00 120 0.00t20 4,00 t20 0.00 120 0,00 tz[ 0,00 120 0,0e tn 0,00 r20 0.09Llg 0.00r20 0.00tzg 0.00tzg 0,00r2g 0.00rzt 0.00120 0.00t20 0.00 120 0.00 120 0.0e t20 0.00 120 0,00 120 0.00 120 0.00t20 0.40 120 0.00 120 0.00i20 0,00 120 0.00 120 0.00 0.04 e.000.00 e,000,10 0,00 0 , e0 0.000,00 0.00e,00 0.000,00 0,000.00 e. 00 0. 00 e.00 0 .00 0. 000.00 0.000,00 0,000.00 0, e0 e. e0 0.000,00 e,090,e0 e.00e.00 0. 000.80 e.c0 0. 00 0. 00 0, 00 $. 006.54 13.701.65 29.913.{0 24.916.95 20,972.05 15.8?0.59 1.922,35 8.826.32 2r,310.85 1 .12t.12 13.58 0,51 6.?t 0. 00 0. 003.29 8.?5 6.{5 21,55{.08 13.51 0. 55 5.85i,30 6'.650,53 6,200,53 6,202.15 t2.400.65 6.956.13 19.35 3 .50 l{.954.11 1.641.79 r.35 6.03 19.83 2 ,56 24.1 _10.93 9,145.32 15.590.8{ ?.992.43 1.60 0 .0e 0. $00.00 fi.aga.$a 0.00 0.00 0.i0 )0 )([ )(I, )(I., )(I )(I XT )(T XT vl ){! XI XI )tt )il', )(I )(t )(I, )(t )([ l0 l0 l0 r0 t0 l0 AIJ Tt J(t )tt ){t vl l(i )il, vt v? l(1, )t1, vt )(1, l{t )(t )(], )0, YT n !ri )(t VT xl i0 10 l0 l0 rlle, BRIDoBI$.l[E "t[E' $prlnkler Progran hy FPB $oftrare, Inc. DIAI{EIBI TyPE FITIII{CS LBI0TI Bo'i tB]lGIl Tot r,BllGI[ FFICTIoll C-llltUE(ilrc[E$) (r8rT] lrBEf] trrBT] (PsI/lT.] Page: Pf ]jEl0cilv (PSr l lFl/SECI BEGII,I E}ID I],OI{ NODB IIODB (GPI{) Pe tPsll se5 se4 s0llt $e2 $03 se1 slt si2 813 sl5 sl6 sc5 sl{ sl? s0? s2{ s22 s25 se8 s2cl s2eB s2e s2l sr9 sl8 s28 s26 nrt [21 rfs5 r05t n9 re5 n9t rf2l H18 m{ ltc2 H03 He9 Hi0 Htl 812 tl5 fl14 lf15 H16 ll.l il051 l|e6A rf21 922 ilel 13 1e $e5 $e5 s04 $e4 8C2 8e2 610 8lt Ell 515 $11 $13 sl3 815 816 823 A?? s23 625 gc8 s2el 82ll 821 820 $19 5C9 828 628 m5 ilc5 il55 m5t r05[ n9 fl9 Ir9 fe5 m{ f02 fle8 HC9 ille [1e fllI n3 ilI4 Hl5 tf15 rfl6 H06 HE6A tf2l lr02 13 0.e0 0.00 0.0e 0.0e 0.00 0.0e c.c0 0.0e t.00 e.5e e,00 e.ee e.e0 0.00 e,ee e.e0 0 ,0e |.ec 0 ,00 e.ec 0 .00 0.00 0.ee 0.00 0.0e 0.ee 0.0e 0.0e 0.00 e.0e 0.00 0.0e 0.ec e.0e 0.e0 c.ee 0.0e c.ee 0.0e 0. ee 0.00 c.0e c.ee 0. ce 0.00 0.e0 0, ce 0.00 0.ce 0.00 a.40 0,e0 0.00 0.00 0. 00 2.t54 I .104 t,1g{ 1 .104 1.1e4 1.10{ i .101 1.1e{ i .10{ 1 .104 1 ,10{ f.i04 1 ,104 Ll04 1 ,104 f.i0{ L104 I ,104 L104 L452 I ,104 I .10{ Lt0{ 1.le{ l.ig4 I .452 I .10{ 1 .104 2.154 1.+51 1 .452 l.re4 1.10{ Li0{ 1.1e1 1,101 1.452 1 ,452 I .452 1.10{ 1.10{ 1,10{ 1 .1e{ I ,452 1.10{ 1,10{ 1 ,10{ i. i04 1 .68'l 1 .681 2.154 1 .10{ 1 lElI.'JL 2 .535 2.15{ 1C )(t )([ )(t )(T )([ XT )0 xt l(T ^un l(t tfi, )(T il, iu XL )tt XL )(t )(L n )il, )([ XT )il, )(t )G )(t tt TT t([ xI ){L )$ )(I XL IL XI )(T )([ xt )0 )(l xt )(t Xt XI )(I )it xt n 10 )G T T I T B I 4rI t T t t E I T ! EI T T XT ET IT t T E T T T EB T T T T T IET T T 1 1q 5.33 I 11.25 I 10.r5 T2 1.5 t 1 tt 12 .5 1.5 5 .33 1.5 12.5 1.5 2 Tt' 11.25 I 'i .83 6.+Z 10.25 9. {2 2 1{ 2,25 1.83 1 13,75 t. t7 5.1? 5.?5 l 1.33 t.0 I 8.5? 1 .83 {, 33 { i0 2 8 I 10 z I 1t.l? 1.33 5.25 2.5 1,1, Lt 3.5 0.0e 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0.e0 0. ee 0 .0e 9.00 e,e0 e .00 0 ,00 0.e0 0 .00 e .00 0,0e e .0e 0 .00 0.0e 0 .00 0 ,00 0 .00 0 .09 0.00 0.00 e.0e 0.00 0,0e 0.0e 0. ee 0.0e 0.00 0.tl 0.00 0.e0 0.e0 0.00 0, 00 0. 00 0.e0 0. 00 0.e0 0,00 0.00 0, 00 0.00 0,00 s .0e 0,00 0 .00 0 .00 0.e0 10,09 l?.250,00 5.335,e0 5.005.0e 16.255.e0 6. e0z.ge 12.75z.et 14. e e5,ee 6.500,0c 11,252.90 14.5e 5 .0e 5, 5e5.ee 10.33 5 .00 6.502.0e 14,50 5 .0e 6. 50 5 .0e ? .0ez.ee 5.004.0e 15.25 5 .0e 6 .0s 6, ee 13.83i.ce 13.42e.00 le, 25 ?, ee 16,42e.co 2.00Leo 21.005.ec 8.255,00 5.832.ec 9.e0e.00 i3.?50.0c 2.256.e0 11,110.el 5.?55.0c l0.ee 5 .0c 5 .330.0c 2,614.ec 12.67 0 .00 I .830.e0 4.330.ee 4.000.00 10.00s.ee 1.005.00 5.335,0e 13.0e6,00 15.000.ge 10,e0 5 .00 7 .000,00 0.335.00 13.e0 15,e0 n.n0.00 1.33$.00 6 . 25 5 ,00 ? .500.0e 5,1?0.00 14.00 Ie.00 13.50 0.0e0 124 0.000 120 0.e00 120 0.000 120 a.000 rza 0.000 129 0,000 120 0,000 120 e, eeo 12e e.e00 120 0,000 I?.0 0,80e 12e 0.00e tzs 0,900 lze 0,0e0 lz| 0.000 tzg e.00e rza 0.000 tz| 0.000 120 e ,000 l 2e 0,0e0 124 0.0e0 lla 0,0e0 120 0, 0e0 120 0. 000 12e e.000 120 0.000 128 0 .0e0 120 0.000 120 0.cec 12e 0.000 120 c.0ee 12e 0.000 12e e.00e r20 0,0e0 120 e.eee t?e 0.000 r20 0,000 L?s e.eoe tze 0.000 12i e.e0e rze 0.00e lzg e .00e ng 0,000 t20 0.e00 120 0,000 120 0.e00 Iza 0.000 |zs 0.000 120 0.000 r20 0.0e0 128 0,000 lls 0.000 r20 0,000 120 0 .000 120 0 .00 g. s00.00 0.e0 0 , 0e 0.000.00 0.e00.0e e,0e0.00 0.0e0.00 0.e00.00 0 . ee 0. 0e 0 .0e 0. 00 0. ae0.00 0.0te.00 e. ee0.e0 0.c0 e .00 0. ec0.0e c. e00.00 0.eg0.00 e,e00,00 e.e0 0 .00 0 .000.00 0. ec0.00 0,000.00 e ,00 0 .00 0 .000.00 0.00 0 .00 0.000.$0 0.0e 0 . 00 0.000.00 e,00 0 . 00 0.000.0e 0 ,0e0.0e 0.00 0, 00 e.oe0.00 0.000.00 0.000.0e e.00 e .00 0.0e0.00 0.ee 0 . 00 0.0e0.00 0.c0e.00 0,00 0 . 00 0.000.00 0.00 0 . 00 0.000,00 0,00 0 . 00 0.000.00 0.00 0 . 00 0.00 0 . 00 0.00 e . 00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 g .00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0,e0 0 .00 0, 00 0. s0 e,00 rlte! BRImilS.IEB '18[" $prinller Prograr by IPE Softflare, Irc. ll,0H DllllBtm TyPt FIITII|GE tBltcl8 t0" LEIGIS T0T tiltcll FRICTI0N c-trA[UE pe lcPnl {ilrcrB8} {r8Bt} tfEBTl (FBEI} lpsr/pT.l {psrl Page, Pf TITOCI1T(Psil (n/6Bcl BEGIII IIIDlloDl lroDr t l6 tv 2 3 t I v le l3 I 0.0e 0.e0 0.00 c,e0 0.00 c.ee 0. ee c.0l 0,00 c.00 f,06 e.00 t.ce t. e0 t, e0 t.e0 0.0s 0.ce c. ee 2,154 lG 2.r5{ 1([ 2,15{ Xl 1.10{ il, 1.10{ n 1.452 lfl, r.{52 ){[ 1,10t )(l L104 )(tl.{52 nl,le{ rt 1.104 til, 1.452 )(L 1.10{ )(t 1,{52 n 1.452 [! 1.452 ltt 1,{52 t([ 1.152 )(t 1l 8.5 t2 le le I 2 t0 1e 8 le 10 8 2 l0 2 2 l0 0. ec 10.00 r.e0 e,0e t. c0 6.e0 6 ,00 0.el 0.00 5.00 t.e0 0.e0 5.e, 0.ee 0.0t 6.0e 0,ee 6.el 0. c0 12.00 18.50 l2, eg 1e.e0 1e ,00 1t,09 8.Ce le.et 1e.00 i4.00 lt. ce 10.e0 l{, ee 2.C0 te.e0 8.00 2.0c 8.0e lc,e0 0. e00 0, 000 e,e00 0.0e0 0, eee e. ece e ,000 c.0c0 0.000 0. 00e 0, e0e 0. eoe 0.ece 0, cec 0.000 0, e0e e. eoe 0.ee0 0.0e0 r20 0.eetze e.eetzs e.Nctzx 0.0e 128 0,0e 12e C.0Cr2g 0.0e 120 e.ertza 0.cf 12e 0.ee 12e C.0ene e .ccrzs e.ectzt f.tc 120 0,0c 120 C.tll2e e. e0 129 $,00t?c r.lt 0.0t 0.0e0.00 c.g0 0. e0 0,90c.00 c, t80.e0 0.00$.ct 0.0ee,ee 0.e0e.0c 0, e0e.00 e. t00,00 e.000.e0 s.ce 0. e0 c. cl 0, c0 0.00l.e0 e.0c0.00 0.c0t.c0 e.eec.e0 e.0e 0. e0 e,00f.tc t.00 10 l8 l? l6 6 1l l? tlIJ l{ t Tl 1 I 9 l8t t8 l.l { 5 1l 1l l5 l5 LI =,E =Lr EE {E t-IJ, -1:I I I I I I I H > :F -la. n-3 CN L {u qt = {U t- :l LJ EL r.s LJF = E r UJ E. w!fEEgEJ '.r J{ t!} ,l =EJl& -tr f f0 E IUr:l t3'r$ (ISd) SHnSS3Hd f.M f rl, f2oo IITII SUPFI,I ilTOil[TIOil Stattcr ll8.fl. psl. leslfielr ll3.ll lsl. I u26.ll gpl. Eoser zlN.fl sr. Systfr requlres! 81.31 !st. t 58?163 gpr. ltncludtng [08€ lllorance] $up?lJ rnllrbler l16.5l prt. $sf€ll krght Zl.t9 p8l. trrlm ?clocltt lB the sFter ls Zg.?3 ft/sec. eoftlrultt *t elt mder ratlsfled to l.ll gp. IIMM I,&HD , r!, I . ll Dt0lB tl,$0f I " tl Dl0[S ll${fr l, " Nl DtBiil IJ*t fll8| ll,80f t . ltl 08'(US8 I . lUtlffitt lltrt! c. gil ruil C . C$ffi fllft .a ! lrDnIuIIc $lJiltARy PIE TNE HffiND {l . SCIiOUH fl 1l " S$DUII le lG . IEII ll[L ill . tCflll DIlruiln C[ . C0PPII llPl I Ct . C0PFll ilfl t fl . C(tPPll ll?l ll Pt . P0X-[0C CP 'CPIC [{]ll8r rH,,F.t.F.ftt llle: 8RIDGll8.T8t PlrSSUntlroDr {PSI I 'l[E' Sprlnkler Progrol by IPE $0ftmre, I[c. tmt H,tytTlot [-ttcto8lGpill lFErl l Pager I ecr ccl ul u2 BRI BS2 LDI ct2 LbJ fft m2 ml ill{ l|l5 121 t26 t22 Ft6 nl tft t02 Ft3 n{ tf5 It6lil ff8 Ff9 Pl1 113 n2 ftl ll5 fl5[ H? t19 It8 Itl 121 F21t F2t t25 F2l T'I ltz tf3 tfl ft5 Tt6 ff? It9 fll il8 2il 83. ?t 8f.11 8t .31 . t 0.0, 11,12 12.39 61,f8 62.93 51.52 5t.9{ 55.51 5t.99 {l .3{ 12.[e 30,16 55.6r 56.5{ 55.5r t5.5f 56.61 !5.6t 56.51 55.6{ 55,61 56,5{ 55.61 55 .51 56.6{ 55.5{ 56.61 !5.51 56.6{ 56.61 56.51 55.5{ 56.6{ 55.5f t5.5{ 55.61 56.6{ t5.51 56.61 56,6{ 56.6t 5l ,99 51.99 51,99 51.99 51.99 51.99 51.99 5r .99 5r ,99 51.99 5r ,99 c.t0 0t.t0 t2 58?,63 I? c. r0 12.5 t. rt 12.5t.m 1,l.5f,|| t?,50.tt 12.5c.|| 12,tt.fi 12.5l.r 21.5t.lt 31.5l.tf {1.5t.il 51.5t.|| 6l.5t.|| 21.5t.tf zt.5t.|| 21.5l.|| 2r,5t.tf 21.5t,il 21.5l.|| 21.5t,lt 21.5t.tf 21.5|,ll 21.5|.il 21.5f.tt 21,5f.ft 21.5l.lt 21,5f.ll 21.5l.fl 21.5t.|| 2l.5t.lt 2l.5t.t| 21.5t.|l 2t.5f.|r 21.5f.fr 21.5t.tt 21.5t.|| 21,5 f. ft 21 .5l.n 2l.5l.ll 2r.5t.|| 21,5t.il 21.5|.il 31.5l.|| 3t,5f.|| 3l,5l.fl 31.5l.ll 31.5l.ll 31 .5 l. ft 3t .5t.lr 3l ,5t.tt il,5t.tt 31.5t,ft 31,5 iffi.&4tJ44ea1+t4+l\4.t&tr*f*&@ 4 llle: BRIIIGIIS.TIE 'I[[' Sprllltler Progru by FpE $oftnare, Inc.Pager 2 lr0D8 PRSSSUR! tr0[ lPsll IGP[] EtEtrAIlolt [-tlcI0R IFE$l 1i2 20t 264 2C5 2e6 zi1 2tB 2t8A 209 ztl 2u 2llt 2t2 ttJ 2t4 2r 5 215 217 218 219 220 Ifr [028 il2[ tc2 8t1 Et4 8t5 [06 sc? Ee8 8t9 lre 911 El2 il3 nt ils [.] D EI? il8 [19 [20 [{r EZz [23 s21 fl25 826 [21 El8 s29 6e1 sc2 8C3 51.99 0,e0 31.5 51.99 0.tr 31.5 51.99 0.e0 31.55r,99 t.00 31.5 51.99 0.CC 31.5 51.99 t, ei 31 ,5 51.99 e.il 31.55r,99 t,t0 3t.5 51.99 t.0c 3l.t5r,99 t,tc 3l.t 51.99 o.fC 31.5 51,99 C.ti t1.5 51.99 t.eC 31.5 51.99 t.Ct 31,5 51.99 t.Cr 31.t 51.99 t,CC 31,5 51.99 t.CC 31.55r.99 t.t0 31,5 5r .99 l.CC 3l.t 5r .99 r.0l 31 . 5 51.99 e.tc 31.5 1? .3{ t, ti {1 .5t7.31 t.lc 4r.5{?.3{ t.r {t.51r.3{ f.tf 4t,5{?.3{ i.0c {1,5{?.34 0.0c 41,5 {r ,3{ f. ct {1 .511,3' $.tC {1.5 {? .3t l.ll {r .5 41,34 t.tf 4t.s {1 ,3{ C.ll {1 .5{7.3r f.lc 11.5 41.11 l.C0 {1.5{1.3r |.il {1.5tl.lt t.lt fl.5{1.3{ 0.Cl {1.5{1.31 t,ff {1,5{r.31 e.m 41.5t1.7t f.fi {t,5{?.t{ t.tt {1.5r?.3{ t.m {t,5{r.3t t.0r {1.5{1.3{ C.to {1.5{1.3{ t.tf 41.5{7.3{ t.il {1.5 41 .lt t.CC {1.5 +1.11 LCt {1.541.$ t.Ct {1.5t1.1t t,m 1l,54r.3{ t.0e {l.s{?.3{ t,t0 {1.58.75 t?.16 51.59.r3 C.il 51.59.Zl 1?,6{ 51,5 5.8 5.8 llle! BRIDCnS.IgB , r IRESSUAIfl0Dr lPSIl 'l[8' $prlnkler Progral by IPB $oftrare, Inc, tt0lt lttvlTlolt N-Flc10[lcPill ttEsTl Page: sc{il se4 $t5 8e6 $t? 608 sN9 slc $ll sl2 DIJ 811 sl6 $l? 6t8 $r9 820 sz0t 82tB 82r 822 s23 s2{ s25 D 1,0 $27 $28 mt tc2 fn tc4 ru5 ft6 m8 ft9 fic nl It2 It3 fi4 n5 fll6 n? 118 Tl9 12t r2l 122 ft9[ tt6t $5 t05[ I 2 13.53 1{.32 1? ,98 18.14 19,16 21.52 29.79 8. f9 9. C9 B.6l 12, c5 rr,+z l{,90 16.21 15.t7 n.t2 t3,tl l3,t{ lr.!2 15.15 t3,?{ lf.t3 il.9r 1t.35 15,91 25, 56 t6,21 28,t3 38.36 38.36 38 .36 38.36 38,36 38,36 38.35 30.36 30, r6 38.36 30, 36 38.36 38.16 t8.35 38,36 38.35 38 ,35 38.35 31. 36 38.36 38,35 38.36 38.36 38.35 30.t6 5l.52 51.62 21.41 c.00 t.l0 0.e0 0.8c e .0a 0, cl 16, 50 c.tt l?.il LN0 19.5e 22.45 r.tl ?2.52 19.25 2t. 9l t.tc t,ct 23.42 t. tl I0.7{ f.cl 18.66 2t .13 29.95 29.1, t.$e t.0l t. ci c.tt t.ft |.tf c.t0 t.fl f. tl t. ct t.cl t.tl t.tl t,t0 e.|| t. c0 t.tc t,m f.t0 c. t0 r,cc t. tc 0. c0 t,ft c.ee c ,0c 0.8c 0 .0c (t q ( ! 5r.5 51 .5 5l .5 5t.5(1 ( flI 51.5 5.8 tl I 5r.5 5.8 51.551.5 5.851.5 5,8 51 .5 5r,5 5.8 5l .5 5.851.5 5.8 51.5 5l ,551.5 5.8 51,551.5 5.8 tr I 51 .5 5.851.5 5.8 51.5 5,8 6r .5 61 .5 61 .5 6r .5 5l .5 6l .5 5l .5 61,5 51 .5 51 .5 61 .5 61 .5 6l ,5 6t .5 6r,5 51 .5 51 .5 51.5 6t,5 bl.5 5r .5 51 .5 6l ,5 61 q 6r .5 12.5 t? q flle! mIn$lLlU 'ltl' Sprlnhler Prograr by lll $oftcsre, Inc.Pege: + " , mlffil|il 'lufr0Dc {r8rl l{Htl -- -. --;- -- -..- -- -- ---- ---- --.- --3 5t.62 t.|| 12.5I ft.6? Llt 12,55 6t.62 t.Ct r2.56 6t.62 t.|| 12.5r 61.62 r.il 12.50 5r,[2 t.|l 12.59 61.[! irfl 12.5ll 51.62 l.lt 12.5lt 61.62 l.ll 1r.5It 6t,62 f.ft rr.513 61.{2 l.tt 12.5l| 6t,62 l.|| r2.515 6t.62 t.$ 12.515 6t.62 t.n r?.5Ir n.tt t.tr r2,5l0 61.5? l.|| 12.5l8[ 61,6t l.|| 12.5l9 61.62 t.lt l?.5 StByttt0lt [-rAcmr trE$t liler BnIDeBlS.TEl 'THB' tiprinller Progran by FPB Sottuore, Inc. l0r tBilCfl 101LSllcf[ FnlCTI0ll C-tlum Pe {FEHI tr$rl {P6r/FT.} {P$rl Page: Pf IIEI,OCIIT {PSrl Fl/$BCl sfl0tl SllD rmfllroD[ nom {cPtrl DIII{ETBR TTPE FITTIilCS iBilCTS(r}|cBE$l trEETl ccT LLJ ccl tIl u2 sRl BR2 L01 c$2 r{01 r{0 2 [e3 ilo5 121 F26 F2? F16 nc re3 Ft2 t03 Ft4 te5 Ft5 F09 tc8 ft0 Ft I tl3 Fl2 Fl5 Ft 5t 815 Fl7 n9 Fl8 rn t2t I 122 F?3 t25 N2l Itl 1t9 il0 Tt2 Tt3 fl1 tt5 2t6 2C5 211[ 211 nz csl c82 c$3 l.JI 0,59 0 ,40 0,32 0,32 0.32 c. 00 0,0e c.00 0,00 e.cs 0.0c 0.0c 0,01 0.c0 0. cl 0.00 c, ce 0.0c 0, cc 0.00 0.cr 0. $t c ,00 e .0c c, t$ 0 .6c 0,tl e ,00 c ,0c c ,0c e,e0 e,c0 e,tc 0 ,00 c, tN e,00 c. t0 9. el 0,c0 e.00 e,cl 0.cl c ,0t f ,00 0,ct 0.0e 0,ct ,l ,6[.i.50 7 ,6C 7.6C ? ,50 7 .50 ? ,50 0 .00 0,00 0.e0 c, tc 0,c0 c;00 t. t0 t, tl c. r0 i, cl 0. t0 0, cc 0.00 0,0e 0 ,0c c.0t 0.0t c.0e 0 ,0t 0, cc 0,0[ 0 ,0[ $.$l c. cc g ,0e c ,0c 0 .0c 0 .0e 0 ,0[ 5. C0 0 ,00 0,t0 c, t0 t,00 c.c0 c.tf 0.00 c .80 0 .00 0 ,00 0, 0e c.c0 ccl 33r.63 4.25e 10cc\ 337,51 5.35? 10ul 33?.53 4.268 10 u2 337,53 4.26C 1$nil 33?.63 4.25e 100R2 l3r,5t {.25e t0 2.56 135,65 39.91 211,9r 22.09 42.000,00 14,110,c0 5.90 12,e0 18,00 6, CC 12,t0 25 ,00 49,1 55,00 26,C00,c0 15.000,0c 12,000,00 12.0ec.cc 12,00 0. r0 12. 0c 15.tC 38,00c.cc 3.c00,00 9,0ct.cc 10.00O.il lt,cc0.0c 1c.c02.0t 14.Ce5.C0 9.5C5,0t 13,500.00 0. 5cz,te r3,5e2,et 11.0e0,ec 0,50 5 .0e 9. 505,0c 13,500.0c 0,502,0t 13,5N2,00 i4,0e c, c0 t,5c5,0c 9,505,0c 13,5C0.00 0,5c2,00 t3,5t2.0e 1{.0c N, CC C, 505,t0 9,5C6,et 13,5tc.00 c , 5cz.ef 13,5025.0t 3?.0tt,m 14.250.00 4. i5t,0t {,?50.0c 5 , 5t0,il g,cr 0,ct 1.50g.Ct 15,575.0c 15 . 5? 5 ,0t 9. 250.00 e.5c 2. C[ 13 ,5C 0,czt 0.0t3 0 .026 0 ,025 0 ,025 0,025 0.025 r20 0.00 e,e26 120 c,oe 0.025 lzc 3.90 0,025 120 4,33 c.025 120 4,33 0 ,026 I20 4,33 0,000 r25 0.0c 0,00t r20 0,e0t.00e r2$ 0.t$ t, tct lzc c, cc 0.e00 nt 0.0cc,tcc Llt e.0c c.cc0 t?t 0.lic,cci 12t 0.8tt.cft 12t e.0ct,t0i r?t t.tc0.00[ ]20 0.0c0.0t0 rzi 0,c0 0.000 124 0.00 c . c00 120 0 ,000.59i i2s 0.00 0.00t 120 $.0c e.teO 12c 0.00 0.000 128 0.t0 0.0e0 120 0.00 0 ,00c 120 0 . r0 e.ee0 120 $.$s c.00c tzl l,ec 0.cc0 120 0.$t0,c0t tze 0,0e 0.0c0 I 20 e, 00 c , ccc 120 0. [0 0.0c0 I 20 e. t0 e.cc0 lzc 0,c0 0.000 120 [.[0f,0c$ lze 0.r0 c.cc0 tzt 0,00r.t0e r20 0.t0 c.c0c l2t c.m c.cec 12, t.c!t.r00 lzc c.$c.ct0 lzc 0.$0 c.00c 121 0.tc 0,c00 12i 0,0e 0.000 r20 0.t0 0 ,0cc 120 t ,00 0.000 12s c.00 0,cc0 lzl e,c0 13?.63 {,26C l0 t 33r.63 4.260 r0 LT 33?,63 t,250 l0 L T I E E I I 134 174 2n ?{,1? 5 6 5 tJ, tx 20 ll TZ T2 tz I2 TBG 27 3 9 l0 lc ic t2 {.5 7,5 E l1.l It 1t tl tt ll t, ( {.5 Ll .5 t,t!L l{,25 , tl {.?5 tq t 0.0.t 9.51 4,25 I ll.5 G I 1{0 -5.2C 2.1t ?.601{0 0.00 0,5t 3.{1 120 5.42 1.11 i,60 120 0.t0 1,95 '?,6e rza 2.n 0.15 ?.60t20 0.e0 ,11.31 7.5t e.e26 120 -2.t1 0,32 LII ll0TB: The llor Dependent Pressure loes Devlce ln the preceeding plpe accounts for lC,83 psl 0f the total frlctlon logs 'Pf' lt01 331.53 4.260 tCftg2 331.53 +.260 t0lfl3 33,.53 +.260 lC[0{ 33?.53 +.26N l0ile4. 0.te +.260 rc[01 t.0c 2,15{ r(1,121 C.lC 2.154 )(i126 0,cc 2.15{ l(tF22 0.C0 2.154 ril,, Pt5 c,c0 2,t51 rGnt t.ct 2.154 )il,fll l,ct l.ltl t0, te2 c.$ 1.1t4 nil3 0.tc 1,452 l(tFOr 0.tc 1.101 l(tFt5 t.t! l.lt4 l(tF0? 0.0t l.l04 nr09 N, t0 t . t0{ t(tFrg 0.00 1.104 r(l t10 0,t0 l.{52 t(tril c.t0 t.lc{ l(i Ft l t,t0 1.101 )0F14 t,C0 1.104 )tlFls t,c0 1.104 l(tFrs C,00 l,le{ xrF15 0,ee t,{52 [tn7 c.ce 1,1c{ 10,,117 LCo l.i8{ Iil,Nzt t.e0 1.104 )fi,F2l Ll0 1.1c4 l(tr2l a,ce 1.10{ n t22 t,t0 1.152 )(Lr23 t.ce l.lc4 rfl,?2t t.c0 1.104 )(L Ht2 c.c0 2.535 lCill t.m 2.615 lcTtg t.tc 2.154 )il, Tl0 l.ct 2.15{ t(tTCz 0.01 2.15{ X[103 f.ct 2.151 10,IC1 Lte 2.154 il,Tt5 t,00 t,452 1il,2r5 C.C0 1.152 l(tTts LCt l.lc4 r0,211[ i.ce r.lc4 rfi,2ll[ c.tc l.rc{ [t I T I I I I T I TCT T8 ET T llle: ERIDGIIE.IIB 'TBl' Sprintler Progrst bY FPX $oftHsre, Inc. FL0r DIA[8I8[ TIPS FIIlIll0S tilr0rE EQV tEilGlS T01 t8ll0!fl FRICTI0II C-VALUE Pe {cPr{l {ilrcEBsl trBml (r[EIl lrBEIl lP$I/lT.l (P$Il c.cc 1.104 n I0,00 Lte{ ft Ie.e0 1.1e4 l(tt,tc r,lc{ l(t I0.tc 1.1e{ ruc,0l Lt04 lG0.ee 1.10{ l(L0.cl 1.1t{ tff, I0.lt 1.10{ I(t I0,0t 1,10{ nr I0.ce 1.10{ [t E0.il l,1r{ m rc.l0 1.10{ 10, It.ft l,lc{ n Ie.ee 1.10{ t([t.tc 1.t0{ rG 881f.lt 1.10r n0.0t 1,1c{ l(t Ic.0l 1.10{ lG It.cl 1.1t{ lG Bf.ll 3.26r lr rTGf l.fl 2,635 l0c.cc 2.635 10c,il 2.515 r0 Etc.0t 2.15{ 10,c.cc 2,15r xL0.cc 1.104 n I0,0t 1 .10{ llt Ir.il 1.1e1 n Ic.il 1.10{ lf,r.cc 1.104 t(t Ir.|| r.r0{ ru rt.m 1.1c{ n It.|| t,le4 [[ Ic.cN 1.10{ lil,f.ll l. r0{ l(t tt.lt 1.10{ tn Ef.ft 1,10{ l([c.$ 1,1f{ )il, Il.fl r.rf{ & rt.lf l.lt{ n Il,lf l,m{ l(t Tc,c0 1.10{ 10, Bt.|| i,lc{ til, Ir.tc l.lt{ )G llf.|| t.m{ fl, Tc.tO 1,1c{ )il,Lm 1.10{ $ 1t.tc 1.104 )(l,t.t0 l,ll4 l(t Ie.m ]'l0{ )il, ET 331.53 2,151 lt GLL 2??.98 2.154 1l T l5{.28 2,154 l0 109.32 2.15{ le 2.15 5.003,5 5.0C10 c.0c lC .33 2 .0C 5 , 33 0.0C 2,33 C. Ct I C.l0 2.,l5 2,00 .8i 5.il10 z,tl1l 2. CC3.5 5,Cl1.25 5.flr 5.tcI C.CC 23.t1 9,ll1C.5 t.ll.5 5.tlt.25 5.!C1l.5 2.ll 2t 38.tf5,5 t.tl 11.25 0.ff1l 12.tf9 t.il9.33 C,CCr2 z.tc2.33 5, C0t.42 5.C0 lt f, tl I 5.C0 12 z.tl 1{.83 5. tC 2, r3 5, t011 0. C0 .33 5 .lC11 2.tC6 t,tlI 5.CC1,6? 5,lCI 5.00 3.5 5,lC5.83 2.00I 5,tl7.92 r.CC 5 5.t0 2,25 C. C0.t? s,lcll t.ctr 5,c012 7.00t[,57 7 ,00I lC.Ct0,5 0,t0I t.00 0.0!c 120 0.0i0.0er t?c e,0c 0.000 12e 0.c0 c.000 Lzc 0.ct 0.000 r?t 0.tt t, ccc 120 0,00c,[0c 12c 0.0[i.0tc Ln c.0t 0.00c r2r c.it c,0cc tzt c.cc 0.000 120 0.0t0.0tc 12t c,ttc.00t 120 0.lc[,ctf . r2c c.0l [. ecc 120 0, 000.60i t2[ 0,ll 0.0t0 121 c.lt 0,0tc lzt 0, cc[.c0c 1?l 0.00 0.0t0 120 t.ll c.0t0 120 i.ll c.mc lzc N,cc 0.00c 12i 0.c0 t,00c t?s l,cl 0.c00 rza c.lc 0 ,0cc 120 0 ,00 0, 00c 120 0.0e c,0c0 Lzt c,c0 c.000 rz0 0.ccc,cci 12c 0.cc 0.c0c 120 0.0ct.cic lzt c.0lt.ilt 12c c.llt,[ct l?t 0.cc5.0tc lzl 0.00 f .il0 12, f .0l t.mt 120 C.ll t.til r2l c.0lt.ccc rzr 0.lc r. lcl r2l c , ct t. tct l2l c.lcf.ilt 120 c.cl e,0Nc 120 e, t0r.tcc r2r c.f0t.ecc 120 c.cc r, tct 120 l,ll 0.0rc rlt 0.0cc,tct tzf 0.01 t. cct 12t 0.cl 0, tcc 12$ c, c0 0. coc 120 C.00 0.r3t i20 0,ll c,sl D 1?0 c.cc e,111 12t C,tC t.091 120 0.00 Pager 1 Pf vli0cllr {P8r} lFr/8[Cl e.0c e.0c 0. ce c .000.0c t.000.0c c.0l0.00 c.c08.00 c. tc0.00 [. c00.0t t. llc.c0 l.t00.cc t.tco.ec t.c0c.ll t . tlc.c0 t.|l0.$ c,tl0.00 0.tc0,0t Ltlt.0t c.tl0.il 0.tlc.cc t.500.!t t.llr.cc l.t0t,Nt t.cl0.0c t.c00.ct t.Nlc,0c 0.ic0,ec c.0c 0. cc 6, c0 0 ,0c c.0te.0c t.cc0,cc l.0c c, c0 0. c0c,cf l.clc.cc l.l0 c ,0t 0. lt0.cc l.0gc.ct l.ll c.fl t.flt.m l,lt 8. C0 g, c0t.|| t.llt.m l.tlLr0 N.i0 c. ct 0, c0 r .lc c .lci.t0 l.rct.m l,ilf.00 0. c0 c. c0 c. l0c.00 t. ect,il i.cl 0 , 0e 8.00 12,9C 29.139.17 21.+11,{5 13,58c.r3 9.62 g80I[ BilDiloDt t0DB IC5 fl5 TE? il8 il8 2t2 2e8t 2t3 2t8 219 zts 1t2 215 2II 211 It9 219 220 ilc 2r3 Elf $9 EC8 ff1 805 [t2 8e2 8t2[ If28 Et3 Ic{ ff5 st5 El2 n3 il5 8l{ 8t? u8 [21 [20 82r 8?l [21 m? 826 825 828 EZl [29 t{0{ st9 st8 80't 2t1 It{ It6 2ll Tt7 Tt8 211 TI? 2t8t 2t0[ 2t9 2tc Tt3 2r5 215. 211 218 219 219 215 t{t3 [1t xr9 il8 m? It6 Bu m2 m2t st2t [N3 Bt3 8ll BC5 ll2 il3 lt3 il6 [17 ilr il9 82t [21 822 822 [2t El7 [26 926 [20 [28 s09 8f8 8t? 8t6 ?.?5 U.)U 10.0e tt,rt 5 .33 2 ,31 I .00 t,15 5.83 12.0t 13.0c 8,50 9.25 5.t0 8.00 12.t1 It.5C 5.5C 9.25 I3 ,51 51.Ct 5 ,5C 11 .25 23 ,0C 9.CC 9,33 1{.00 LJ5 6.tz It ,0t 6. CC I {.01 19.83 I.JJ 11.0c 5 ,33 l3.tl 5,t0 5. t0 L6.l 6.ll 8.5t r.83 6.00 11.92 lt,0l 2.25 5,t? t1. cl 5 .0c 19. ce 1i,5.l 18.c0 8,5C 8.0c fllei B[ID081S,I[8 'I88' $prlnkler Progran by FPE Softrare, Inc, Blelf ilD rmfl DItffiTtB TIPB rrTTilrGs r,rlrcTfl [0[ lffcr[ T0I tBilcTE FRIcIIolr c-vltuE pe lroDE lloDE l0Pil tilcfiE$] lFr8ll ltEBrl lFEETl {psr/Fr.l lpsrl Pager I Pf IIBI,OCITY {PSr) lFl/$8Cl s05 st58e5 ff{80{ st{[80{ 802sc2 $r3s02 srlsll 510811 812$13 811816 815st6 8l?806 813$t3 $lf8lr 8t 5s0? slfi823 824s23 822825 8216i8 $25608 62$$zer 82m82Ct 620szt 82ts28 $19619 $18$e9 828s28 826s28 821t21 [N5[55 tCoreSr r55r19 It5[rc5 ft5[fl19[ Htgtlt n9tf18 ilgft{ n6fle2 rc{il3 n2r09 m8fllf ft9lll ntil12 flIil6 Hl It{ sli fl5 n{ fl16 f15l1r fl5 HlSt tflSfe5[ fl06r2l m6trz2 [21[0] flcz13 CS2rc t3 55,21 t.l5{ r0 56,21 l.tC{ rfi 2L,41 Llr4 l(t 3{.8C 1.1C1 )([1?,6{ 1.10{ t0 1?.16 1.184 )fi. r6,5C 1.u{ l(tlr.t1 l.li4 n 33.51 l,lt{ lGl0.ll 1.104 l(t 26,85 L1t4 l{L 53.11 l.lil Nr,19.5t l.lt{ fi,{.3{ t.l0{ Iil,{{.9r l.lt{ Ifi, 18.66 1,104 t0 18.?{ Llt{ l(t 31.3S 1.1t4 l([ 61,52 l.tt{ rG 53.18 1.+52 til,23,t2 l.n{ til,{f.t6 r.t0r tfl,l,lc l.lf{ lG {r.16 1.114 lG 19.25 l,tfl t(! 59.65 1.45? 1il, 29.95 r.n4 lfi, 29.79 l.1r{ til,t.rr 2,15{ l(tt.m 1.{52 )il,t,t0 1,{52 fir.$ i,lf{ nl.lc t,lc4 tGt.tt l.lil nl.ft Lil{ rLt.tf r.rc{ x[t.lt I, r52 xt f .cc 1.t52 t0t.|| r.{52 l(Ll.ll 1.${ nf,tt l,lt{ rtf.fl l.1t{ lil,Lll l,lt{ l{r,t.lc 1.152 t(tc,lt 1,1e4 [tr.m l.lc{ nl.lt I.ill l(I,0.il l.lc4 il,t.m 1,68't )Gt.m 1.581 lil,t.tc 2.154 Itt.c0 1.101 l([c,t0 l.{52 |([f.ft 2.635 lCO,il 2,t5{ t([ TT I I E f T T I E E I I T T x T T E BB I T EI BT I T t t T 10 ,0c r. t0 5. t0 5 ,00 5,C0 2.31 2,0c 5. Cl 0, c0 2. tt 5.t0 5,t0 5 ,00 2 .01 5.ti 5.00 ? ,0i 4.tl 5,tc 5. rf ?,0t c.t0 ?.tl 0.0c ?.t0 5.00 5.t0 2 .00 0 ,00 t ,00 6,0t c.0l 5.00 5. tl c. cc {, i0 t.tl 0.0t r.fl 0.cl 5 .01 5.rl 5,CC 5.el t.cl 5 .01 t.0l 5. C0 t5.fi c.0c c,tt 5.00 c, ct 0,T0 tc,c0 t1 .25 5.33 6,il 16.25 6,CC tt, tJ t{,cc 6 .50 11,25 14.5C 5.50 10.33 6.5C 14.50 5.50 7,SC 6. r0 15.25 6.0c I3.83 t3.42 I C.25 I5. {2 z,0t 21,c0 8.25 6,03 9.00 I3.,l5 Ii.i? 5.?5 1t,00 0. Jl 2.61 tt,n, I.UJ {. 33 {,t, lc.c0 i .00 5 ,31 13 .0C 15.Cl tc.ct ?.c0 0.33 13.00 21 .11 1 .33 6.25 i .50 l.t, 14.0e 13.50 4. 95 18.84 ?,18 .t .l . D0 5 .91( ?( 5.53 5.?0 i1.23 6,C? 9,t0 11.80 6.5? 1.45 15 ,01 5.25 5, 28 12.53 24,28 t2,21 t.It 13.{6 c. cl 13,{6 6. {5 11.55 10.01 9.95 t ,0t e.e0 t,tc t.ec t.tl c.tc l. tl e,e0 t,t0 e.ce f.il c,cc t, cl c.fl 1,00 0,t0 t.t0 c.ec c. rl 0.ee 0. c0 e.e0 0,tg N.00 0 ,0c f.c0 0, 0c t,t7 5.33 I 11 ,25 I te,?5 t2 l.l 11,25 ll.) 1.5 t, t IE ? + I1,25 i ? .83 6, {2 10.2 5 9,t2 2 t{ 2.25 r.83 1 13,?5 2.25 5.1? q I. JJ 2.61 U.DI r .83 4.33 { It 2 .33 I 9 IE .33 I 1l.l? .t.lJ 6,25 5.lt t+ 3.5 0.e26 tzc 0.0t 0,45 0.686 120 0.00 3.66t.115 t20 0,00 c,69 0.283 tli C.00 1.59 c,080 lzc c,ce 0,{8 0.015 12t 0.00 0.91 e,0?1 120 0,00 1.00r.t75 12C t.0C e.49c,26{ lz0 0,0r 2,91 c.c84 120 C.00 1.22 e,1.l5 tzt 0.00 l,r{ 0.610 lzc r.[$ 5,38c,i98 lzc r,ce t.6{ 0.ec6 120 0,t0 e,09 0.45{ 120 t.0e 2,95 0.089 12C 0.00 0.52 c,c90 12c l,Ne 0,5{ e .ut 12f 0.00 4.92 c,787 LzN C,CC 4.12 5.2?,4 Lzl C.eC 3.10 0.132 r2l l,c0 1.?? 0.369 t}t C,CC 3,?8c.ctc 120 t.r0 t,l0 $.369 12e 0.$t 0.14 c.095 lzf 0.f[ 1.99 0.262 120 0.00 1.66t.zl{ tza 0.00 i,45 t,211 12$ 0.0$ i.90t,0c0 l2l l,cc 0,ce 0.0t0 tzt f.0t e.e0 c,0c0 lzf c,c0 0,00c.cct tzt 0.00 e.0cc.[c[ llt l.0t c,5$c,tcc lzf 0.00 0.eec.tct Lzt t.fi 0.00 e.ce0 120 C.00 e,e0c.mt tzt t,cl 0,lt 0.eee ln 0.ec l.csc.t|t lzl l,0c l.l0r.r0t 12a c.t0 e.lc N.00N tzc c,r0 c,i0 c.0cc 12a c.m e.00 0 ,0c0 lzt f.0t c , c00.fi0 125 c.00 0.09c.0ll tzt r.r0 0,00 0.0cc 12t e,e0 c,e0 0. t0c I 2t | , t0 l.0c e.00e 120 0,e0 0.90t,tct l2l 0,0t 0.0t Le00 r25 0.00 0.0ec.cle 120 0,ce 0,00 0.0ee m c.00 0.00 0,cc0 rz0 0,e0 e,00c.cle r20 0.N0 e.e0 0, c01 120 0 ,00 0 .00 E! I I I Ett lller BRIIlGllS.T[["Tm' 8prlft]er Progran by IPE Softrare, Inc. llpg FIIIIIGS LBITGII Eo'r tBt{glg T0l tsilols rRlcll0il c-vAtuB tFEETl ltBltl tFlBll (P$I/Fl.1 Page: Pf TEI,OCTTT(P6rl (rTrsECl ffiotl tltD FrofllroDr ll0DE (cPt(l DI[I{8TER lr[cBr8] Pe IPfiI t2 8,5 It tc lc a 2 IE l0 I 10 10 I T ic 1 2 L lc T I I 9 l8t l8 1? +5. lf ll ID l5 + ID .lJ I 3 { { I It l8 ll l6 0 1l t2 15 l{ lc t3 16 t.0c 0. t0 0. 00 e.c0 t, c0 c,00 c.c0 c.tc t. ce t,00 t.0l f.c0 l.cE c,0c 0.0r t.m l.m t, rc c, tl 2.15t )([ 2,t5{ n 2.154 )(r, 1.1t{ n I .10{ Xl, t.{52 !0 1.452 tG 1,10{ l([ 1.10{ l(i. 1.{52 XL 1,10{ l(L Lt0{ l([ 1.452 l(tl,lt4 lil,l.{52 l(tl,{52 lil, 1.452 )(L 1.452 lfl, 1.152 )0, 0.000 tze 0 . 00c lzt 0,000 tzg0.t0c r20 0,000 t20 0 ,000 120 0. eot 120 0,c0c 120 0 .006 120c,t00 lzc e,0e0 120 0.000 l2r 0.e0e ln c,0c$ .tz[ 0.000 tzg c, c00 tzt e, e00 12et.t0! 128 0, ees 120 e. ee 0 .0c0,t0 0,$r e, c0 0.000,tc c.ct0,ee 0.ee0.0c 0.0c0.ee c.ce c, ct c.0te.00 c.ee 0. cl t,0c0.0c 0.cc0.00 c. tl0.cc r.mc.tc t,00e.tc 0.0cc.m c.tco.ce c.eet.tc t.t00.tc t.tl 0. cc lc, c0 0. t0 t.!c e.e0 6 .00 6.t0 0.It 0.0$! 6.rl e .00 0.0t 5.fc 0.f0 0. cf 5.CC c. c0 5.t0 t. tc i2.e0 18.50 12.95 10.0c 10.00 t{.00 8.ee r$.01 1e.00 t{, c0 1c.00 li, ct l{.09 2,00 le.e0 8,CC 2,ee 0,c0 10.ec c.00 r.Nc 0. e0 c. t0 e.e0 Ltt e .00 t.cc c,e0 LCI e.ce | ,0N t.f0 c. c0 0.0e l. t0 e.te t. lc c. tc E tr-{!} t-dF ==F'E trLItr- {r}g= E|fAJ J {E{!} I =0JL lrl =r3t3 J CLo.3{o ld =r3Lr clz{EElrl -0 I 1 I I I I I {U ?Llil E tr rE E IU !: lJl .-:- 3 t:l_ tr_ftn L {1,+, f0 = -- EYDRAUI,IC SUHIIIRT l{tTlR SuPPIY fitoBlttr0]l Statlcr 1f8.ec pt. Sesldual: l03.eC psl, | 1126,00 gpr.Bose: 25e,Cg gpr, $ysten reguires: 89,23 ps1. 0 569.56 gpr, (lnctuding fiose $upply avrllabler 105.58 ps1. Safety llargln:11.35 psl. llsrlrur vel0clty in tte systen 1e 28.14 ftisec. Contlnulty at 8ll nodes satlsfled t0 e.el gpi. Al loflsnce I lIllIlG tBCrnD I '{5 DBOffiX ltB0lf I . 9f Dlclff ttD0f['9f lllGltx t0tG flSX lt80l T . ?tl 08 Cl0S8 I . BUlflBFtf Wttl G - GITE YIWE C . CfiC[ Tlt{X : [0Tt$: PIPE 1TP8 I,IOIIID {e = 5C[8DI]LE 40lf = SCIBDULB 10 ru=ruilm[[ lD = tCTUll, DItlfiTm $ = COPPIR IYPB I c[ = coPPt[ IyPB t ffi = C0PPEI |YPE l{ P[ = P0t-[0c CP = CPYC :. :: trlls' SXItGllS.flt , PIE$BUilIltoDx {Psrl EtEltAlIo[ [-lAC10R {rurTl 'nt' Sprtntler Prograr by fPt $oftrsre, I[c.Page: I r[0[ {GP[l 80uRtI cct tfil cc3 ul vz tBt 8n2 c8t c82 c83 ilu ilt2 ile3 l0l m5 t2t t26 122 n6ill il1 Ftz Ft3 F0{ rut n6 m? te8 ru9 lll n3 lt2 t1{ n5 il5t nr Fl9 il8 t2c r21 t2lt r2l t25 t21 tfr tc2 tt3 lll Tr5 ?05 TI? il9lll 1e8 2u 91.{{ 80.69 89.21 85.t2 83.26 [t.95 69.6? ?l .56 re,3? 69.?5 65.{9 qc.8r 56.25 51.63 +1.,2 65.{9 65.{9 65.t9 65.19 65. {9 65. {9 55.t9 55. {9 6t,{9 55.{9 65.{9 55.{9 65.t9 65.t9 65.t9 65.f9 55.{9 65.t9 65. {9 65. {9 6t.{9 65.{9 65,t9 6!,{9 65.{9 65.t9 55.19 65.19 55.t9 60.81 6e.8? 6f.8? 6t.8? 6f.8? 6t.8? 6t.8? 5t.8? 61.0? 5t.87 6t.8? 0, 00 e,ee 559,66 t.tl t. tt t.m e.fe t.00 e.0e 0.ie f.cl t.cl t. t0 t.tf t. tl i.t0 r.tt t.il t.tl 0.al a.tl c.tl c. t0 r. tl t. tl t. tl c. tl e .00 r.00 t.t0 c.tl f.fl t.ff f.tf 0.0t r.lt t.tl r.l| c. t0 r.tl f.ll t. f0 l. tl r. tc 0.tl t. tl t.fl t.tl r.tt N.0e r.cl 0.lt t.$ e.t0 c.0l c L2 t2 12.5 t2.5 1? .5 t7.5 12.5 r2.5 12 ,5 tt t 31 ,5 41 .5 51.5 61.5 2t .5 2l .5 2t .5 2l .5 21,5 21.5 rt., 21.5 I 2l .5 lt,t ll,l 2l .5 21.5 2l.5 2t .5 2l .5 2t .5 2t .5 21,5 2l .5 2l .5 2l ,5 tL,1 21.5 2l.5 2t.5 2l .5 21.5 31.5 3l .5 31 .5 3r.5 3l .5 3l .5 31.5 31 ,5 31,5 .'*-'!J3i,v;:r4s^'ral4ebi: Filer ERIDCII$.lm 'TlE" Sprintler Progran by FPE S0ftr0re, Inc.Page: 2 P8I68UnE tiolf tP$l (cPtrl Et8l/lTIoil [-rlcIoR (rEEll 2e2 203 244 205 206 201 208 2084 2i9 ne 211 211[ 2t2 ?l l 211 215 216 111 2ts 2r9 220 Icl s02B [e2t 802 [03 804 [05 m6 le? IN8 Ee9 El0 il1 m2 ll3 ll{ 815 815 817 n18 il9 820 [21 EIL [2] [2{ t25 s25 [28 [29 stl se2 8e3 31 .5 3i .5 31 ,5 31 ,5 31.5 3i .5 31 .5 3l .5 3l .5 3i ,5 31 ,5 Jt .5 31.5 3l .5 3l .5 3r .5 ?1 ( {1.5 {1 .5 41.5 41,5 {l .5 {l .5 41 .5 t1 ( t1 I 41 ,5 {1.5 41.5 41,5 {1.5 4l .5 {l .5 4r .5 41.5 11 q 41.5 41 .5 41 .5 1l .5 4l .5 {l .5 {l .5 41.5 11 I 41.5 41,5 ,tt BII. J l.t .l 51 .5 51 .5 60.87 0.0e 50.8? 0.e0 5e. 87 0.00 6C.81 0.e0 50.8? 0.00 6t.81 e. e0 6e.8r e,e06t.87 t.00 60.8? t.e0 5C.8? t.00 6e.B? e.00 6e.8? t.0e5t.8? C.C0 5e.8? S. 0e6t.8? t.ee 6e.41 e.ce 60.8r t.rr 6e.8? r.at 6f.8? t.at 61.8r c.0g 60.8? e.fo 56.25 t.tl 55.25 t.0C 56.25 t.Cl 55.25 e, Ce 56.25 t.tl 55.25 e.ee 56.25 C.0C 55.?5 r.00 56.25 r. C0 56,25 i. Cl 56.25 0.ee 56.25 r.0l 56.25 C . e0 56.25 r.rr 56.25 C.er 55.25 t.C' 55.25 0.e0 55.25 C.00 56.25 t. t0 55.25 t.te56.25 t. tC 55.25 t. ee 56.25 f.tC 55.25 o.et 56.25 C.ee 56.25 g.eC 56. 25 f. e0 56,25 r.t0 55.25 C.ee 55.25 0.ee 55 ,25 e. 00 5l .63 t.0c 51.53 0.00 51.63 $.t0 lller BruDG[18.T[E 'l$' Sprinner Prograt by tPB tuftrare, Inc. PR[86Um tmr ruilUrofl r-nctoax0D8 {F8rl lePil [rBErl Page: 3 8e{[ 80{ 8C5 8t6 t0? 808 8t9 6le $ll 812 813 8t4 815 616 81? 8ls 619 82C 8?Ct 62tB 821 822 823 82{ s25 $26 82? 828 t01 ltz ilt3 fc{ te5 n5 n8 f09 nl flt fl2 nl fl{ n5 lfl6 ft7 n8 n9 f2l flzt 12? r19l rft6[ tf55 He5[ I 51 .53 51.53 5l .61 51.63 51.53 51 .63 5l .53 5l .63 51 .63 5t .63 51 ,63 5t .63 5r.63 5J.63 51.63 51.63 51.63 51.53 51.53 51.53 51.63 5l .63 5r .63 51.63 5t ,63 It.bJ 51 .63 51.53 31.,29 ?2.t9 32.33 33.t9 21.21 33.61 ll.3? 12.3{ lf.9l t9.10 t3. {2 15,89 18.29 2l .9? 22.35 19.85 22.t5 23, r8 23. t9 3r .9{ 36,?0 2t .10 3t.12 32.?8 28 .5S ? 1.3? ?e.3? e,N0 e.e0 N.ec e.e0 0 .00 t.f0 t.ft c.ge c.ce 0.fl 0. cN c.00 t. tl c. tl f.t0 t.00 t. t0 t.c0 t.$ t.tl t.ct c.0c t.0r t.tl 0. c0 f. tl f. fl r. tl 2t.11 r. tl 2t.45 24.11 22.44 r.fl 19.56 2t.38 t.fl t.tl 21.25 23.83 2t.80 t.0t t.ft 25.8t 2t.38 t.5N 2t.81 f.,l 26. 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FI0H DIAIIETER IIPE F]TTIITCS tBlrGl[ EQll LBncT[ T0T tBilCTB FRICIIOI| C-lrAtuE pe (GPr{l (r}rcBB6) tru8Tl (rBErl (F8E1l (psr/FT.l {psr} Peger 5 Pf VEI,OCIff(P8rl (rr/8tcl BEGIII IIIDlroDt IoDt cc2 cc3 ffl U1 U2 BRI cci cc2 U1 u2 BRl BR2 13{ 1?4 20 ?4,1? 6 6 319.56 4,2.69 le 319,65 6,157 10 319,65 4,260 10 319.56 4,260 10 319.65 4,260 10 319,55 4,260 10 2.56 135.55 0.018 39,91 213,91 0.003 22.0A 42.40 0.424 0,00 l4,i? 4,024 0,00 6,00 4,424 r 2. e0 t 8.00 0,424 140 -5.20 2.{5 1.20 140 0.00 0.55 3.2312t 5.42 1.00 1.20 129 0.00 1.?? 1.29 120 2 ,11 0.1{ 1 .29 120 0.00 r li.zi 1.20 ps1 of the totsl frlctlon lose 'Pf' 120 -2,11 t.29 1.29 129 0.00 Ltg 1.20 120 0.0e 0,62 1.29 120 3 ,90 0. 36 1 .2Q 120 4,33 0.29 1.25 120 {.33 4.29 1.29 110 4.33 0.29 1.29 120 4.33 0.29 1.29ne 0.00 0.0c 0.8e 120 0.0e 0.ce t.c0 120 .0.00 0.ee 0.0e 12e 0.00 0.0e ,.0e 120 0.04 e.0e ,.0e lZA 0.e0 0.0e 0.c0 lZA 0.00 0.00 0.0c 126 0.e0 0.0e 0.cc 12s 0.00 0.ee 0.ce 120 0.00 0.0e 0.0e 120 0.e0 0.00 e.ee 125 0.s0 0.00 0.0e 120 0,e0 0.08 0.00tza e,00 0.00 8.00tzt e,0e 0.e0 0.00 120 e,00 e.00 0.0ctza 0.00 e,cc 0.e0tzg 0.00 0,00 g.ee rzg 0.00 0.00 e.80 I2S 0.00 0.00 e,00 Lzg 0.$0 0.00 e.00t20 0.0s 0.e0 e.Oe T GT tt t tT L 'll0fB: the llott Dependent Pressure L,osB Devlce ln the preceedlng plpe accoufttl for i0,84 tn2 LDl c82 cs3 H0l l{0 2 RC3 ilc4 121 N26 122 t15 nl ru3 t02 rcl rc{ tt5 F06 F09 F0s ne n1 Fl3 Fl2 Fl5 Fl5[ n5 n1 r19 r18 Fzl 121[ N22 F23 t25 F24 Tel Ie9 T10 't52 T03 T01 105 246 205 2t 1[ 2u Ltt c81 c82 cs3 l{01 t{02 HC3 FX{ ile5 l{g 1 121 F26 NZz n6 tl0 r0l It2 t0l t01 FC5 F01 Ft9 t09 Fle Fll 111 Fl4 Fl5 Ft5 115 F1? t1? 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DIAI{ETER TYPE rrTIiilGS tE}lGIg Eqll tEltcTE T0T IEIGIS FRrCII0lt C-'IALU8 pe lilrcHE$l {r[8r] (F8ET] (rBBrl {psr/rr.) {p$rl Page: Pf ri8lfcltY (Psrl {tl/sEcl BSGIII IIID trIOI{il00[ lr0D8 (cPK) $05 $04 $04[ s02 803 8el 811 s]2 613 sl5 D.I O 805 814 g1? s0? 824 822 825 808 s2er s2cB s2e $21 $r9 $18 s28 826 s2? t{g 5 t{0 5 rf5 5 tft5[ lfo5[ t{l9 tfl9 tf t9 f05 re4 le2 l{0 9 [10tll t{l0 fi6 tf14 lil5 til5 115 r06A r{06t r2t ti2 i (e2 13 le $06 $05 $e{ $04 $02 802 810 811 811 815 sl? $13 s1l 815 bll 823 $23 825 608 62tl 82m $20 $20 $19 $t9 628 628 r21 H55 re5t lfl9 ru5 il9t f20 t{i I rf0{ rt2 r03 tf08 [e9 11e m2 mt Hl3 flI4 fl5 fl7 n5 tfO5 xeSt fl22 t{01 cs2 IJ ?,25 s.33 i 11,25 I 10.?5 ]L I.5 11 .25 5,33 12,5 1.5 2 I II.I5 I 7 .83 6,42 ta.25 9.42 ?, 1{ 2.25 r.83 1 tJ. t) 2.25 5.?5 5 1.33 t.0 I d.D, 1 .83 {.33 I 10 2 .33 8 9 10 2 ,33 I 11.11 I. 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